Obama Expresses Shock that Controversial School Lunch Program Was Unpopular. Former
First Lady Michelle Obama is surprised that her school lunch program proved to be so
controversial. Obama made the remarks during an appearance this week on the Not Gonna
Lie podcast with Kylie Kelce, asserting that her decision to make a difference with school
lunches — and her overall "Let's Move" initiative — was "strategic" in
nature. "I was trying to be strategic about aligning my agenda with something that was
important to the West Wing. And I thought, 'There's no way that anyone is going to take issue
with trying to make school lunches healthier, getting kids more active,'" she said.
new look? Straight out of a Nairobi used car lot — and there's a reason for
it. Have you seen Michelle Obama's new look? Well, if you haven't, take a
seat... because it's a doozy. She is basically unrecognizable these days. [...] Her latest
transformation includes a massive, boxy suit coat and a wrinkled men's dress shirt —
both oversized to the point of absolute absurdity. She's paired the rumpled manly look with
three towering braided buns stacked on her head like a wacky faux hawk crown. She looks less
like a former First Lady and more like a Nairobi used car salesman — and, no, that's not
an accident. [Photo] What Michelle is doing isn't just some horrid fashion
statement — it's part of a bigger shift that we've seen before. This is a typical
shift toward upper-class Africanism, a trend where elite black celebrities get tired of conforming
to so-called "white" standards of beauty and dress and suddenly swing to the complete opposite extreme.
Obamas' podcast bombs. "Big Mike" has a big brother named Craig Robinson, they both
went to Princeton, and then "Big Mike" met Barack Obama and got married. One suspects they
did not have Sasha and Malia in the customary way. Barack does have at least two brain cells
functioning. As a Chicago Machine operative, he learned from Rod Blagojevich that the easiest
way to political office is marrying the not-quite-beautiful daughter of a Chicago Machine ward
boss, even if that daughter isn't really a daughter. Now that the Obama name, and his
Democratic Party Deep State (DPDS), are poison in the mouths of most Democrats — having
produced Trump in 2016, four years of abysmal failures and enormous, poorly-concealed graft in
2021-24, and then Trump again with a vengeance — "Big Mike" and Brother Craig decided to
rehab the Obama brand with this podcast idea. They were hoping to put "Big Mike" and Barack
back in the White House in 2028. But the podcast has been another abysmal failure —
proving once again that the media can lead us to swamp water, but they can't make us drink.
Mike Launches A Podcast With His Creepy Looking Bro And It's Not Doing Very Well.
Michelle Obama has racked up a whopping 25,000 views on YouTube following the launch of her new
podcast. Obama has released her first two episodes & a trailer with her brother Craig
Robinson. In the second episode, the group talked about friendships & divorce. Obama
didn't address divorce rumors with Barack Obama. [...] The pair says they started the podcast to
share all the advice they have. [Video clip]
Swirl Obamas Headed For Divorce As Michelle Obama Vanishes from Public. Are the
Obamas headed for a divorce? The tabloids are abuzz after Michelle Obama skipped Jimmy
Carter's funeral and announced she won't be attending Trump's inauguration. Barack Obama
attended Jimmy Carter's funeral alone after his wife had a so-called scheduling conflict. [...] Two
years ago Michelle Obama told Revolt that there was a solid 10-year period where she could not
stand being married to Barack Obama. The former First Lady also said her daughters were
'terrorists' when they were younger.
Obama will not attend Donald Trump's inauguration after skipping Jimmy Carter's
funeral. Former first lady Michelle Obama is set to snub President-elect Donald
Trump's inauguration next Monday after skipping former President Jimmy Carter's funeral last
week — where she would have sat next to the one and future commander-in-chief.
"Former President Barack Obama is confirmed to attend the 60th Inaugural Ceremonies. Former
first lady Michelle Obama will not attend the upcoming inauguration," the Office of Barack and
Michelle Obama said in a statement to the Associated Press. The former first lady's team did
not provide a reason for skipping the inauguration, but Michelle Obama, 60, has been an impassioned
critic of Trump, 78, over the past eight years.
Michelle Obama Be More Insulting and Out of Touch? Michelle Obama recently shared a
holiday message on Instagram, lamenting how "difficult" the last few months have been, and how
Americans are feeling "anxious" as we head into the New Year. [...] The fact is, Michelle Obama's
message of anxiety and uncertainty feels wildly out of touch with the reality many Americans are
experiencing. In fact, a recent CBS News/YouGov poll found that 57% of Americans are hopeful
about 2025, largely due to the incoming Trump administration. Among those feeling optimistic,
Trump's presidency is the top reason for their positive outlook, even surpassing personal
relationships and finances. This sentiment highlights growing confidence that Trump's
leadership could steer the nation in a better direction. Despite challenges including
inflation and economic uncertainty, 85% of Republicans, 49% of Independents, and 38% of Democrats
are hopeful for the future. While only 40% rate the economy as "good," a majority remain
optimistic about the year ahead.
Obama Dunked on After Touting Self-Help Workbook with 'Techniques,' 'Exercises' to Deal with
Anxious Times. Michelle Obama did not receive a warm welcome on social media after
touting her self-help workbook Overcoming, which the former first lady hopes will help
people "get through the challenging periods life throws our way." Obama shared a video holding
the workbook for the first time, describing it as a "timely" gift or purchase. It remains
unclear if she is suggesting it is timely as it comes just weeks after President-elect Donald Trump
won the presidential election and will take office again on January 20.
Politics, for the Win! [Scroll down] The [New York] Times cued up
another two stories this week to focus voters on identity politics. Both were drawn from the
same source: Michelle Obama's revolting speech on Saturday October 26 in Kalamazoo,
Michigan. [...] The former First Lady proffered the hilarious thesis that females are discouraged
from talking about their bodies and their "reproductive health." One could have sworn that that
is almost all we have been talking about this election season. According to Obama, we need
more discussions of menstruation and menopause — presumably, discussions emanating from
the White House. Naturally, she sounded the maudlin note that females were prematurely dying
because of male indifference. In fact, females live nearly six years longer than males; males
die of diabetes at a 60 percent higher rate than females; the male cancer death rate is 189.5
deaths per 100,000, compared with 135.7 cancer deaths per 100,000 women. The federal
government showers billions of taxpayer dollars on women's health initiatives; men get virtually
nothing coded to their sex.
Obama scolds and hectors voters to support Kamala Harris. Michelle Obama is in for
the final stretch for Kamala Harris and her floundering, shriveling, presidential campaign.
Lots of Democrats are panicking, of course. But Michelle had a different tack, speaking to
potential voters in Michigan: She decided the best way to persuade voters to vote for Harris
is to hector them: [Several tweets with video clips]
Welcome, Mr. Kennedy. On August 20, 2024, Michelle Obama gave one of the
most dishonest speeches in American history. Speaking at the Democrat party's convention in
Chicago, she claimed the following: "We don't get to change the rules so we always win. If we
see a mountain in front of us, we don't expect there to be an escalator waiting to take us to the
top. No. We put our heads down. We get to work. In America, we do
something." She said this while standing onstage at a convention that had held no
primary. In fact, Kamala Harris, the Democrat nominee, never earned one vote from a Democrat
party member. [...] In other words, everything that Michelle Obama commemorated on August 20
was the exact opposite of what she was saying. The party had changed the rules so that her
small clique of extremely wealthy bigwigs could avoid accountability to the little people who make
the Democrat party's power possible.
and Trembling in the Deep State. Michelle Obama, gussied up in about three grand
worth of designer clothes and shoes and stepping away from her four mansions and almost
200 million dollars in assets, also played the race and class card, wagging her finger at the
rich and saying her parents were "suspicious of folks who took more than they needed." Ignoring
the multi-millions the Obamas set aside for her own children, she talked about the fact that most
"will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth." Translated, this means
she's still for reparations and redistribution of wealth — though surely not from her.
One Is Buying It. Barack and Michelle tried to gin up artificial enthusiasm for
Harris by recapturing the good ol' days 2008-era magic of "hope" and "yes we can!" No sentient
human being could plausibly nod along to a comparison between Barack Obama and Harris. Shared
far-left politics and general swarthiness aside, the talented orator Obama does not in any
way resemble the dimwitted California cackler-in-chief, who is less popular than venereal disease
and was only installed as Democrats' presidential nominee following Uncle Joe's bloodless coup due
to a forced hand and lack of any other viable option. In his speech, Obama also referenced
how tapping his "friend" Biden as his 2008 running mate was one of his "best" decisions.
Really, how stupid do they think we are? Obama, although he didn't have the courage to
publicly call for it, was — along with Nancy Pelosi — a leading plotter of
Biden's fateful July coup.
and Michelle Are Greedy Grifters Who Hate America. Barack and Michelle Obama pretend
to be evangelists preaching the political gospel of hope and change in a post-racial America.
But in reality, they are nothing but race-baiting con artists who loathe our way of
life — using the race card to line their pockets with tens of millions of dollars.
And last night — they exposed their ugly underbellies — Americans who hate
America. [...] Michelle told the DNC that her father was always suspicious of folks who took more
than they needed. The lack of self-awareness was something to behold. They also own an
$8 million mansion in Washington, D.C., a million-dollar apartment in New York City, and a
house in Chicago. And their real estate empire also includes an estate in Hawaii. Just
last year Mrs. Obama was invited to deliver a speech on diversity, equity and inclusion.
She was paid nearly $750,000 for the one-hour
speech. How much of that money did she spread around Chicago's South Side? Before the
Obamas moved into the White House, they had a combined income of about $1.6 million.
Today, the Obamas are worth about $70 million. Anybody want to explain how that happened?
to decide what's needed? We often use the word "need" a little more than we probably
should. [...] The truth is that our needs are much more basic than that. We need clothing,
food, shelter, etc. And that worries me because Michelle Obama thinks that taking more than
we absolutely need is a problem. To be accurate, she said, "suspicious of people who took
more than they need." I find this fascinating because, well, the Obamas own three homes.
The least amount they paid for a home was $1.65 million, and that was in 2005. I'm always
amazed at how people who spend their lives working in the public sector and for non-profits can
amass so much wealth, but apparently, that's just what they need. Let's understand that most
of us are living with far more than we absolutely need to survive. We also have a lot of
things that simply provide comfort, such as smartphones, televisions, computers, and so on. [...]
Who decides what one needs? To what level are we ascribing the term "need" anyway? Does
anyone need $750,000 for an hour-long speech?
Obama wore nearly $3K pantsuit to DNC while touting her parents were 'suspicious' of the
wealthy. Michelle Obama wore a nearly $3,000 pantsuit to the Democratic National
Convention (DNC) in Chicago while touting to attendees that her parents were "suspicious" of the
wealthy. The former first lady began her DNC speech on Tuesday by saying the last time she
was in her hometown of Chicago was to memorialize her mother, the woman "who showed me the meaning
of hard work and humility and decency" and "who set my moral compass high and showed me the power
of my own voice." "She and my father didn't aspire to be wealthy. In fact, they were
suspicious of folks who took more than they needed," Obama said. "They understood that it
wasn't enough for their kids to thrive if everyone else around us was drowning. So my mother
volunteered at the local school."
The Editor says...
The Editor says...
As I understand it, the Obamas have a mansion in Chicago, 29 acres at Martha's Vineyard,
a mansion in Hawaii, and a residence in Washington DC which is probably quite nice, too.
Companies (like Netflix) give them money for apparently doing next to nothing, unless the Obamas
are providing some service that is hidden from the public, and what legitimate service would
that be? (Nobody gives a politician millions of dollars without expecting something in
return.) If ever there were "folks who took more than they needed," they are the
Obamas themselves.
Mike, Who Is Worth 70 Million Dollars, Says His Parents Were Always Suspicious Of People Who
Took More Than They Needed. Michelle Obama, who has a net worth of about
$70 million, says her parents were always suspicious of people who took more than they needed.
"[My mom] and my father didn't aspire to be wealthy. In fact, they were suspicious of
folks who took more than they needed." "They understood that it wasn't enough for their kids
to thrive if everyone else around us was drowning. So my mother volunteered at the local
school." [Video clip]
Fate of Kamala Harris. The preferred narrative that the true power brokers will serve
up to the ever dutiful mainstream media will come in the form of "internal polling numbers" that
will show the bloodbath the Democrats face if Kamala is the only choice. They will turn up
the heat on Kamala's feeble candidacy through media while they float another name, someone being
recruited by the likes of Pelosi and Shumer, and this pre-determined outcome will finally be
revealed. The process will play out as designed, and the country will be stunned by the
outcome. The winning ticket that will rise up through the nomination process will be
Obama/Whitmer — yes, the other Obama. Representing the reluctant politician,
Michelle Obama will step up for her country and will generate a seismic reaction that will prove to
be a formidable contender possibly capable of fending off the solid Trump/Vance candidacy. As
far-fetched as this might seem, don't lose sight of what is at stake: not just the White House, but
control of Congress. Winning at all costs is the only option remaining.
The one-half. [Scroll down] I've continued to keep an eye on Michelle,
who, we are assured, hates politics and absolutely does not want to be president and will not
run. Now we are told a Reuters/Ipsos poll predicts Michelle would beat Donald Trump 50 to
39. Perhaps, to save "our democracy," Michelle would nobly sacrifice herself to ensure a fourth
Obama term? Why 50 to 39? Because she's more than Kamala-sort-of-black? Because
reporters have long drooled over her arms? Because some of the messianic shine might rub off
from Barack? Instead of being "the one," she might be becoming — the title of one
of her books — "the one-half?" But what are Michelle's qualifications for the
office, other than being the first lady to the most malignant, America and American-hating
narcissist ever to occupy the Oval Office?
Biden Replacement? Obama Involved? In this context, it's instructive to
consider an article in Axios that appeared some hours before last Thursday's debate, purporting to
explain why Michelle Obama was not campaigning for President Biden: her distaste for politics
and her dislike of the way the Biden Family had treated her friend Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden's
ex-wife. Both of these reasons were less than sturdy. [...] But, viewed politically, this
information and the date of its release make sense. If Michelle Obama is seen by her husband
or the party as a plausible replacement for President Biden, then there's real incentive to make
her lack of participation in the Biden re-election effort seem like something other than a
potential candidate avoiding sullying-by-association. Viewed from this angle, well placed
Democrats' response to the Thursday debate disaster supports the view that the Biden implosion was
part of a planned obsolescence. There was something ritualized about the self-described
Democratic "freakout" after the debate: these spontaneous eruptions all used the same
language. Biden, it was said, had one job — to "reassure" his "neurotic"
party — and he failed. These Democrats were "heartbroken," and their "voice[s]
cracked" as they critiqued the President.
Obama and the Stupidity of the American Voter. This is so simple, so elementary, that
I really hate to state it. Joe Biden will soon be kicked to the curb for Michelle
Obama. She's the perfect Democrat nominee. She's got dark skin and
female genitalia, and she absolutely hates America as founded! And her bicurious hubby is the
man behind the curtain giving the orders. Unless Donald Trump wins in a landslide, thereby
overcoming all the Deep State machinations, coordinated media lies, and ballot mischief sure to
come, Michelle Obama will be our next president. And Barry O. will have another four, or
possibly eight, years to continue wrecking... er transforming our formerly great
country. Will the stupidity of the U.S. electorate lead to the election of Michelle Obama and
the death of the American dream?
Non-Profit Is Reportedly Sending Out Voter Registration Mailings With Image of Michelle
Obama. A Michigan non-profit is reportedly sending voter registration mailings
containing a picture of Michelle Obama on the front. In a post on X, Leading Report wrote,
"BREAKING: A non-profit organization in Michigan is reportedly sending out voter registration
mailings with Michelle Obama on the cover." The Voter Participation Center sent the forms
according to the return address listed on the mailings. The About section of The Voter
Participation Center's site describes the organization as "a non-profit, non-partisan organization
founded in 2003 to help members of the New American Majority register and vote. Since then,
the organization has helped more than 6 million people register and cast ballots."
O breaks cover, and her timing is spot on. All over the media in the past two days
was Michelle Obama's "exclusive" interview, in which she dished on the Biden family dysfunction.
[...] To any of us who attended the First and Second ladies' horror shows during Barack's first and
second terms, we saw, repeatedly, strain, and certainly no love lost between Michelle and
Jill. Both are ambitious, to put it mildly, vain, and love money. Both serve as
expensive props for their spouse. Neither accept rivalry from any quarter. Michelle's
abrupt garrulousness this week was not a coincidence. It is a clear sign that the faux
indifference of Ms. Obama to "be" president of the United States may be about to
evaporate. We can anticipate, although most hopefully not, a putative fourth Obama
administration, as Michelle and her expensive, fascistic PR network further obliterates any sign of
her consistent, overarching love of power and cash, "for the good of the country."
The Editor says...
The network of evil people who stole the 2020
election (in part, by simultaneously stopping the ballot counting in four critical states in the middle of the night)
in order to install Joe Biden as their hapless puppet are probably eager to steal another election and install Michelle
Obama, and give Barack H. Obama another two terms as virtual president. With the amount of power and
money at stake, they will find a way to pull it off, and they don't care whether they get caught or not!
Surprise: The Looming Biden Replacement. [Scroll down] It's still
hard to imagine that Biden won't drop out of the race just before the convention in late
August. I expect that he'll cite a need to focus on family, particularly given his son's
criminal trials, and will bow out. He can then pardon Hunter before leaving office. To
capitalize on the ruse, however, Democrats have very few "elite mounted troops" to deploy.
But arguably, there are two. Michelle Obama might qualify, but the going wisdom suggests that
she's not interested. I've never truly counted her out, though. Replacing Joe and
passing over Kamala as a black woman will carry a bit of outrage that Michelle Obama's nomination
would easily overcome. However, Michelle Obama has never governed or served in any political
office, and besides being put in high-paying make-work jobs (her job earning $317,000 as a
diversity consultant before becoming first lady doesn't count), she has no previous experience
suggesting executive leadership.
Obama's Big Day Out. Michelle Obama wrote a book. [...] I get the idea of a new
author feeling giddy that she has a book on the shelves and maybe even going out to the stores to
bask in the moment. But Obama is hardly a stranger to the spotlight. She is not an
"unknown." This is her fourth book, not her first. [...] The Obamas are just like us!
They shop at Target! They are celebrities in their own right, but they still empathize with
the masses who are paying way too much for gas and groceries and who have maxed out their credit
cards just trying to stay alive. [...] The problem is that none of that is true. Among their
many properties, the Obamas have an opulent home in Martha's Vineyard and continue to rub elbows
with the elite. They haven't the slightest clue or concern about the things that are giving
ulcers to the people who shop at Target every day. They are beyond those things but still
expect Americans to back the president and party that have made it impossible to gauge if one's
paycheck will outlast the month. Some critics on X were of the mind that this was a stealth
campaign ad. Others saw it as a blatant attempt to peddle books.
Doesn't Matter Who the Democrat Nominee Is. While Biden's poor record makes him
vulnerable, we shouldn't expect any other Democrat to be viewed very differently. In fact,
all of the most rumored replacements, Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, and Kamala Harris, have their
own unique way of attaining unpopularity. While Michelle Obama would be their ideal choice,
so Barack would no longer have to lurk in the shadows, since 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue would once
again become his residence, the Obama popularity has been on a steady downtrend since 2008. Barack
became the only president to ever win re-election by a smaller popular and Electoral College vote
margin than he did previously. His coattails were also not long enough to propel Hillary
Clinton to victory on his way out of office in 2016, due in large part to the estimated
13 percent of Obama voters who switched to Trump. And 2020 was, well, 2020. With a
staggering 78 percent of Americans believing we are heading in the wrong direction, there is
no reason to believe that the spouse of the person widely believed to be responsible for this
destruction would perform well in a general election, not to mention that most of the children
whose school lunches were ruined because of Michelle are of voting age now.
the Democrats Can't Replace Biden. Privately, Democrats may be pining badly for
Michelle Obama to leap-frog ahead of the vice president without splintering the party
faithful. The former first lady would presumably campaign arm-in-arm with her husband on the
old party platform of "two presidents for the price of one." But on more than one occasion,
Ms. Obama has essentially announced through her and her husband's political associates that
she has no intention of running for the Oval Office. Who can blame her? She has always
been repelled by the tawdriness of retail American politics, and she is well satisfied with her and
her husband's place in American history. Whoever becomes president next year will encounter a
continuing steam of foreign and domestic calamities, as well as well-nigh insurmountable financial
challenges. Michelle Obama is justifiably prudent in her unwillingness to subject herself and
her family to lower approval ratings this time next year than either Joe Biden or Donald Trump are
scoring this year.
Obama: September Savior or 'Suicide Mission'? Joe Biden is, as a candidate, a
dead man walking. Forget about doctors; anyone who has cared for an aging parent with
cognitive decline can see all the signs and knows what is coming next. Joe can't remember
words, names, or dates, and walks stiffly with his arms locked. He falls often. He gets
angry and cusses. It is all there. [...] Problem is, bound by tradition, Joe Biden is
"entitled" to run for a second term — which he is in theory doing. No primaries,
no public discussion, just an assumption that Joe is allowed two cracks at the ball. Is
tradition powerful enough to hand the White House over to a senile old man for four more years?
Or is Joe Biden's legacy among Democrats to be the guy who put Trump back into power?
Dems Swap Michelle Obama for Joe Biden? No Way. For the last couple of days,
the news world has been abuzz with the Hur Report, its condemnation of President Biden's mental
state, and its implications for the 2024 Presidential race. Day by day, more and more
Democrats are showing some willingness to yank the rug out from under old Joe and sub in someone
else. There is a lot of noise about someone either belling the cat and convincing Joe (or,
more likely, Jill) to step down for "reasons of health" or "family matters" or to outright 25th
Amendment the old man into the next time zone, which would put Kamala Harris at the Resolute Desk
and, oh, by the way, would make her the incumbent heading into the election. The question is
this: Who will replace Joe Biden on the ticket, should this come to pass? Will it be
Kamala Harris, whose approval ratings are somewhere between divorce lawyers and dysentery?
Maybe, but recent GOP candidate Vivek Ramaswamy thinks it will be former First Lady Michelle Obama.
The Editor says...
It doesn't matter that Michelle Obama is incompetent, and would merely serve at the puppet of Barack H.
Obama. That just means she and Biden are functionally equivalent. With Michelle Obama
in place as President, we still won't know who's really running the country.
'the Obama woman' would offer as president. The Obama woman is a grotesquely unattractive, boorish harridan who suffers more
humiliation than Hillary Clinton whose husband molested and battered women into submission.
The Obama woman endures the ignominy of being married to someone that publicly boasts that his days
are consumed with fantasies of sodomizing and being sodomized by men. Add the fact that she
has an insatiable hatred for America and the American people, specifically those Americans with the
absence of melanin she exhibits. She epitomizes a person with a massive inferiority complex
who suffers from the realization that no matter what she does in the futile attempt to exhibit the
more desirable qualities of womanhood, her husband will always find men more alluring than he finds
her. [...] Imagine the baggage she would bring to presidential race. If she was a runaway
train fueled by usufruct when she was the "first woman" (I cannot in good conscious call her a
lady), just imagine her if the Democrats were able to steal her the election.
Ma Belle. For starters, how pathetically weak is the party that such a walking fiasco
as "Joe Biden" is allowed to even pretend that he can run this race? His campaign is an
obvious sham, a place-holder in hopes that one or another of the [specious] lawfare court cases
against Mr. Trump might knock him off the game-board — and that's not looking so
great now since Fulton County DA Fani Willis [erred] in her giant RICO action and Special Counsel
Jack Smith is getting smacked around week after week on esoteric points of procedure. [...] A late
August kick off for Michelle Obama would minimize her public exposure until, really, the last two
months of the race. (She reportedly hates being on display.) [...] Except for one thing:
none of the people chattering about this (James Rickards, Dan Bongino...) have mentioned that the
Michelle plan actually represents a fourth term for Barack Obama. I mean... really... do you
suppose that Barack will spend the next four years upstairs in the White House "residence" with an
apron on, baking red velvet cakes and sweet potato pies while Michelle presides in the Situation
Room, directing drone strikes against various people of the Koran?
Michelle Obama's Running, Two Sentences from Her College Thesis Should Be Read by
Everyone. Since Michelle Obama is now being discussed as an alternative if the powers
that be within the Democratic Party decide to dump Joe Biden at the Democratic nominating
convention, it's time we start telling the truth about this woman. I have collected much
research on her over the years but for now, let's discuss her college thesis. In her thesis,
she makes the wild claim that America was founded on "crime and hatred" and that whites in America
are "ineradicably racist." Of course, history is a lot more complex than that. Most
Americans opposed slavery, which is why we had a civil war to end this evil institution. And
after the Civil War, racist laws would have been abolished a lot sooner, but the party Michelle
belongs to — the Democratic Party — blocked civil rights legislation for
decades. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and segregation. The Republican Party
was specifically founded to oppose slavery and racist laws, but Michelle seems to be unaware of
this. What's disturbing is that she constantly uses the terms "separationist" and
"integrationist" in her thesis when describing the views of black people, and her thesis clearly
identifies her as a separationist. So, if you are a minority who wants to get ahead in
broader society, Michelle thinks you're a sellout. Talk about divisive.
of the Michelle Obama Prophecy. [Scroll down] Biden is failing, especially
in the key swing states. "We had a poll come out in Michigan the other day and he's down like
eight points," said Bevan. "And these are scary, scary numbers for Democrats, and the longer
they continue the more I think you will hear about Michelle Obama. And the reason you'll
continue to hear about her because she's the only answer to the question of 'Who else?'"
Biden can drool all over his ties and look vaguely into space but they couldn't dare replace him
because that would mean the ascension of Kamala Harris to the presidency, and that would mean the
end of the world. But a Michelle Obama could obliterate Kamala's idiotic ambition as an
identity politics totem, because Michelle could take her off the board and the Democrat political
logic still holds.
Michelle Obama's Secret Plan to Replace Joe Biden for President Emerges. The Gateway
Pundit's Kristinn Taylor shared an explosive story last week that Barack and Michelle Obama are
angling to replace decrepit, unpopular Joe Biden with the younger and more popular Michelle as the
Democrats' presidential nominee. Michelle has reportedly already surveyed major Democrat
donors about her potential candidacy and in 2022 allegedly told a gathering of CEOs in New York
City she was running. Now, the New York Post's Cindy Adams reveals that a secret plan has
emerged to throw Old Joe under the bus. She claims it comes from "credible sources few have
access to and usually not meant for the noses of the media." Barack has reportedly polled
donors and put together a plan for Michelle, which is still being tweaked, according to Adams.
Michelle Obama Angling to Replace Joe Biden for President. An article by New York
Post legendary gossip columnist Cindy Adams reports Barack and Michelle Obama are angling to
replace Joe Biden with former First Lady Michelle as the Democrats' 2024 presidential
nominee. Obama world was rocked when Donald Trump short-circuited the Obama revolution to
remake America when he defeated would-be Obama successor Hillary Clinton in 2016 and has taken
merciless revenge on President Trump ever since. Barack Obama is thought by many to be the
behind the scenes power of the Biden presidency. But with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris having
some of the worst polling numbers for incumbents seeking a second White House term and Trump
leading Biden in most polls, it appears the Obamas are quietly laying the groundwork for Michelle
to step in and save the Obama revolution.
is Trump's real opponent? Not Biden. Biden is a symptom, not a cause of
America's illness. The cause lies in the embrace by the Democrat party of a Marxist/fascist
hybrid collectivism, to be elevated by any means necessary. Biden will almost certainly be
replaced before the general election, and not with Kamala Harris. This will likely be timed
to happen very deep into the election cycle to ensure that Republicans have as little time as
possible to expose the new nominee as the Marxist puppet he surely will be. Given the
puppeteer role Barack Obama has played in the present administration, the theory that Biden will be
supplanted by Michelle Obama at the eleventh hour is emerging as the most credible. The
Democrat party will forcefully focus voters on the celebrity of their nominee to forestall
meaningful scrutiny of her lackluster qualifications and the disturbing anti-white American animus
evidenced throughout her life.
be shocked if Michelle Obama sneaks her way into 2024 race. Coming back now —
Obama. Not him. HER! We've heard this drumbeat for a while. Now it's louder.
Plans are to grab Michelle for the Democratic presidency choice. Making the music is Barack the
orchestra leader. Michelle says she's "terrified" Trump will win. No casual burp. Was
programmed. She's sent a survey to Dem biggies asking their feelings about her candidacy.
Obama's quietly angling for Joe to go. He's weaseled up to this for a few weeks. Mouths
aren't talking. But mouths are knowing. Over one year ago, summer of 2022, she was in NYC
meeting several big hedge CEOs, and said, "I am running, and I am asking for your support."
Michelle Obama Running a Shadow Campaign for President? Michelle Obama is very
popular with Americans and was even proud to be an American once. She's out making speeches
and giving interviews, explaining how terrified she'd be if Donald Trump won. Barack Obama
needs his fourth term to complete the US transformation. He'd have it with Michelle as
president. [...] Michelle Obama has been copying Obama's path to the White House, but Benny wrote
on X that most people haven't been paying attention.
Racial Grievance Girls: Michelle and Meghan. How much do Meghan Markle, duchess
of Sussex, and Michelle Obama, ex-first lady, have in common? [...] The two women share
middle-class backgrounds and higher education (Michelle Ivy League, Meghan top-tier) degrees.
Both women have been (Michelle) and are (Meghan) using their own mothers to "help" raise their
children, in a sort of familial au pair capacity. Both have high-fashion tastes and use
private jets for travel. Both are frequent commentators on their own racial
victimization. The serious press doesn't run much on Meghan, yet just enough to legitimize
the tabloids; [...] Michelle Obama, by contrast, is heavily reported, always, in the MSM. Michelle
does revolving books (or someone does for her). Apparently, she has a heavy hand in the Obama
Netflix MAGA attack theatre. She routinely fills up the Obama unearned privilege tank with
loads of cash, to spend or invest, from wildly overpaid speeches and "cameo" appearances.
Never has grifting been so easy. At last count, Michelle has four mansions to "live in"
and enjoys her subsidized, international celebrity vacation tours annually.
Obama White House 'coup' likely underway, Peter Navarro says. Former Trump
administration adviser Peter Navarro claims a "coup" is underway to put former First Lady Michelle
Obama in the White House, replacing President Joe Biden on the November ballot. Navarro warns
that all signs point to Biden being replaced as the Democrats' 2024 candidate. The media is
quick to write off Navarro's warning as a "conspiracy theory," but it's obvious Biden is not the
best choice Democrats have for 2024 — and they know it. "President Biden will not
be on the November ballot. With each new Biden family revelation and new poll finding Donald
Trump will beat Mr. Biden like a drum, the inevitability of Mr. Biden stepping aside
grows," Navarro wrote in The Washington Times. "Yet Mr. Biden will not step aside before
the end of the Democratic primary season. Instead, without real opposition, Mr. Biden
will be poised to accept his coronation at the Democratic National Convention in August in
Chicago," he continued in his op-ed.
Obama Absolutely Is Political. Upon hearing the notion that Michelle Obama may be the
presidential candidate for Democrats in 2024, many Republicans reflexively recite the mantra that
she is enjoying her life and is not political. Let me make one thing clear: Michelle
Obama is a political animal. Republicans must quickly begin to prepare for her candidacy.
[...] At Princeton University, Michelle was elected to the board of the Third World Center, a
radical black activist fraternity. Michelle and Barack had a mutual professor at Harvard,
though in different years, named Charles Ogletree. When Barack was elected president,
Ogletree told TMZ that between Barack and Michelle, he would have thought Michelle more likely to
run for president. In Chicago, Michelle befriended another political animal, the former head
of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist group and accused cop-killer Bernardine Dohrn.
Michelle worked with her for two years at the Sidley Austin law firm and had dinners at her home
with Bill Ayers for years, right up until the time Barack ran for U.S. Senate in 2004. Dohrn was
Michelle's first guest speaker at Public Allies, the community organizing group she ran. Yes,
like Barack, Michelle was also a community organizer for three years.
about Michelle Obama Replacing Biden in 2024 Gets a Shot in the Arm. I'm not sure
we've said this often enough for long enough, but Joe Biden will not be the Democrats' candidate
come November 2024. Even the Democrat-Press is warming its' bony hands over that fire, so the
conversation naturally turns to who the DNC will pick to displace Uncle Joe. Inevitable isn't
too strong of a word for his departure, but does he even realize? Herr Biden wasn't fit in
2020, and it's been downhill since then (for him and us), but the list of potential replacements
reads like a horror story you tell hard-working Americans if there are any left after what
Democrats have done to the Economy. Hillary Clinton! She doesn't want to campaign or
even do the work. It's just a check box on her bucket list. But rumor has it she'd take
the bit in her cackling mouth and run the nation further into the ground. Michelle Obama is
another name I hear a lot. It has been reported that she hated the Clintons, the Bidens, the
White House, and Washington, DC. But she loved the prestige, the money, the access, the vacations,
the entourage, and the fandom. Michelle-O wants to be queen, not President. The latter
is way too much work.
Obama: The Black Face of White Flight. Last weekend, former Obama campaign
adviser David Axelrod kicked the Democrat barn doors open, suggesting on X that it may be time "to
change horses." [...] On Monday's Megyn Kelly show, Sen. Ted Cruz suggested a likely strategy
for the Democrats going forward. "The chances are rising dramatically that the Democrats at their
convention next summer will dump Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama as the nominee," said
Cruz. He added, "I don't want to see that happen, but... I think Axelrod has just increased
the chances of that significantly." No one on the right wants to see Michelle run —
too much potential for even more racial madness — but Los Angeles filmmaker Joel Gilbert
may be an exception. In the summer of 2022, Gilbert released a prescient film and book, each
titled Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power. Having secured a
copy of this doggedly researched book in manuscript form, I was able to incorporate relevant facts
unearthed by Gilbert into the book on which I was then working. Of Michelle's many
hypocrisies — Gilbert documents them all — none struck me as viscerally as
her self-appointed role as the Torquemada of so-called "white flight."
It to Believer. Based on recent polls, Democrat strategist David Axelrod believes Joe
Biden would be "wise" to drop out of the 2024 presidential race. [...] The true believer now wants
Joe Biden to pack it in, which invites consideration of the alternatives. Back in 2008,
Christopher Hitchens said of Michelle Obama's college thesis that "to describe it as hard to read
would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be 'read' at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This
is because it wasn't written in any known language." Ten years later, after two terms of her
husband, Michelle's Becoming duly arrives. Readers meet David Axelrod, who would "lead
the messaging and media for Barack." Last November, Michelle came out with The Light We
Carry, and as Joel Gilbert explains in Michelle Obama 2024, the narrative departs from
her reality in substantial ways. In the style of her husband, with Dreams from My
Father and The Audacity of Hope, Michelle now has two books in her corner. In all
likelihood, David Axelrod is still "Obama's narrator," and the believer's suggestion that Joe Biden
step down makes perfect sense.
Obama is neither interested in nor capable of running. There's a mounting symphony of
prediction that to my sensitive ears sounds as enjoyable, i.e., tolerable, as fingernails being
scraped on a chalkboard. That sonic unpleasantness is the growing number of prognosticators
predicting the Democratic Party is preparing to parachute the Obama woman into the presidential
race to replace Biden. [...] The Obama woman is enormously unlikeable. She's a humiliatingly
uncouth harridan; she's lazy, contumelious, and if persons with firsthand knowledge are to be
believed, a lush who imbibes more vodka than water; she's at best boorish. Additionally, she
is without accomplishment. Her cheering section will claim otherwise, but apart from the
perks associated with her husband, she in fact has accomplished nothing of merit on her own.
Seriously, let's be honest: What has she done in her life? Exactly what was her
professional career before cashing in on Barry's political ambitions? She was little more
than a beard for her sexual-deviant pervert of a husband. Do we forget the alleged reasons
for her mother moving into the White House, what amounted to a bribe to keep her from divorcing her
perverted husband immediately after his first election?
can't drain a swamp from a raft in the middle. All indications are the lady
affectionately known as Big Mike will, at some point, open her $10,000 handbag and let the
presidency of the United States drop into it. (Michelle Obama has never had to compete fairly or
strive vigorously for anything.) Why would the Obamas stay in Washington, D.C. if not to claim her
ultimate black privilege? Why would Michelle Obama condescend to the style-and-smile coaches, the
image revisionists who have turned her into the new Betsy Ross, if not to collect her great expectations?
Trump Beats Michelle Obama in 2024. For all the talk of a potential Michelle Obama
2024 presidential run, almost no one mentions Michelle's greatest political vulnerability: the
terrible way she has treated the black community in Chicago. For Michelle, it began with her
running away from all-black schools as a child, and it continued with her abuse of the black
community in her professional career. Not surprisingly, Michelle Obama does not mention any
of her outrageous behavior toward the Chicago black community in her two recent autobiographies,
Becoming and The Light We Carry. But Donald Trump most definitely should.
If Michelle Obama becomes the 2024 Democrat party nominee, here are four questions with which Trump
should hammer Michelle: [...]
was a great president, but a looming Michelle Obama candidacy means we need a new
plan. The saying goes that you prepare to fight the last war (or political
campaign), not the next one, and now there is the real possibility that Joe Biden will drop out to
be replaced by Michelle Obama. This would change the entire landscape of the election and
serve as a convenient excuse to absolve the rest of the party for what Biden did, when we all know
they are equally at fault. It's easy to see how this could have been the plan all
along. Biden's installation meant four more Obama years of "fundamental transformation" with
an unwitting scapegoat, the disposable bumbling puppet. Knowing the proclivities of the far
left's identity politics, you can easily see how this kind of development could have been
pre-planned for maximum effect.
Menendez, And Michelle: Birds Of A Bribery Feather. [Scroll down]
Think about Michelle's speech for a minute. According to the Daily Mail, she was paid
$741,000, which means that by the time she was six minutes into her speech, she'd made more money
than 50% of households in the United States make in a year. This reported fee is also
more than three times the already criminally large amount she normally gets paid to read words
someone else wrote for her. So, what makes Michelle suddenly three times more valuable?
Did she discover a cure for cancer? A limitless, free, source of clean energy? An end
to world hunger? Did she unlock the secrets of faster-than-light space travel? Or
announce a plan to bring world peace? Hardly. She is a talentless woman who happens to
be married to a former president. The organizers of the event and 5,000 people in attendance
most likely have already forgotten whatever it was she said. The one and only reason she
commanded that price is because of the current buzz that she might run for president next year,
given that Biden seems unlikely to last until November 2024, let alone January 2029. The
organizers of the event were buying political influence, not insights. How is this different
from what Biden was doing when he was selling access through his drug-addled son?
Obama got $750,000 for a single speech in Munich. Debate is raging about whether
Michelle Obama will step in to save the day for Democrats if both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are
yanked from the top of the ticket. Meanwhile, though, Michelle isn't letting any grass grow
under her feet. Instead, she jetted off to Munich to give a single speech, in exchange for
which she collected 700,000 euros, which is equivalent to over $740,000. Given how rich the Obamas
are, one has to wonder about her price tag... although I have some guesses. I'm not a
Michelle Obama fan. She came from an affluent black Chicago family; got into the Ivy Leagues
(probably through affirmative action, given the childishly poor quality of her bachelor's thesis);
obtained jobs for which she was not qualified and that required no work but nevertheless paid her
very, very well; and ended up as America's First Lady for eight years. Along the way, she and
her husband amassed at least $70 million, a wealth package that includes three mansions, one in
D.C., one in Martha's Vineyard, and one in Hawaii.
The Editor says...
I do think at a certain point you've made enough money.
Obama to Rake in More Than $700,000 for One-Hour Lecture on "Diversity and Inclusion" in
Munich. Former First Lady Michelle Obama will be paid more than $700,000 for a
one-hour lecture on "diversity and inclusion" in Munich. Nothing to see here. Move
along. According to reports, Michelle Obama traveled from Mallorca to Munich to deliver a
one-hour speech on "diversity and inclusion" at the "Britz & Pretzels" conference. Michelle
Obama will be paid 700,000 euros for her appearance. Sounds legit.
makes a call on Michelle Obama pregnancy photos. For years now, conspiracy theorists
have insisted that Michelle is a biological man. Internet sleuths pointed to a clip of
comedian Joan Rivers taken shortly before her death, who dryly declared that "Michelle is a
tranny." She's "a transgender," Rivers said. "We all know it." [Tweet with
video clip] Rivers' comments took on a new life in June, when Tucker Carlson, in
his second episode of what was then known as "Tucker on Twitter" stated, "By 2008, it was obvious
to anybody who was paying attention that Barack Obama had a strange and highly creepy personal
life, yet nobody ever asked him about it." "By that point, a leader's behavior within his
own marriage, the core relationship of his life, had been declared irrelevant," Carlson said. "It
was Barack Obama's business, not yours." [Tweet with video clip]
a Shift Afoot. [Joe] Biden was installed by the Obama network for a single four-year
term with multiple intentions — the rapid escalation of far-left progressive objectives
and policies, in combination with a need to control the outcomes of DC systems to protect the Obama
network from scrutiny. This is the reason why the Lightbringer maintained an operational
residence in DC that was more akin to a policy and control command center. The entire Biden
administration is seeded with like-minded travelers from the tribe of Teh One. However,
in/around the time Susan Rice was withdrawn from the Biden team in the White House, a shift was
visible. Team Obama began a slow withdrawal of influence, and the shallower, less strategic, team
of Biden became more autonomous. The shift was subtle, but people — even media —
began to notice increased blunders and Biden contradictions. If my suspicions are correct, we are likely
to see a gradual Obama team exit from DC, culminating in a sale of his Kalorama neighborhood "residence."
Cruz Has a Very Interesting Theory on Who Will Replace Joe Biden in 2024.
[Scroll down] The former first lady would be able to enter the arena as the "adult in
the room," offering a break from the current political ranks, or at least that's what the narrative
would be. After all, why put in an almost-sure loser when you've got an almost-sure winner
sitting on the sidelines? Is it that simple for Democrats, though? I'd suggest it's
not. Rather, you can't talk about political scenarios without taking into account the
arrogance of your average politician. Would Harris simply step aside because the Obamas told
her to? Would Pete Buttigieg sit on the sidelines while possibly losing another eight years
toward his sky-high aspirations? Would Gavin Newsom, who desperately wants to be the
president, put a smile on his face and remain in California? I just don't see any of that
happening. In a vacuum, voters would like to think their party will do the smartest, most
effective thing, but that's not how it works in practice. Instead, you usually have a bunch
of self-aggrandizing figures who all believe only they can save the nation, and they will take
everyone down with them rather than ensure victory.
Obama 2024 Details Released — 'Replacement' plan underway! As President
Joe Biden continues to slide in the polls, Democrat insiders are allegedly working to convince a
former first lady to throw her hat in the ring. Sources reportedly told RadarOnline that the
desperation is building up behind the scenes, with some "begging" Michelle Obama to consider
running for the Oval Office. Their efforts are bolstered by a recent poll that shows an
announcement by the wife of former President Barack Obama would immediately put her in a hefty lead
above the incumbent president. The Center Square Voters' Voice Poll results indicate that
Democrat voters favor Biden when paired up against long-shot candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and
Marianne Williamson, but an insider says a matchup with Mrs. Obama would be a blowout.
2024 Michelle Obama Factor. The Biden presidency began with a slew of Obama-esque
executive orders reversing many of Donald Trump's accomplishments, and exists with about 70% of
staffers who are veterans of Obama's eight years in the White House. All evidence points to
none other than Biden's old boss, Barack Obama. Recall that after leaving office, Obama
strangely continued to live in Washington, D.C. [...] The Democrats have meanwhile set it up for
Michelle to be their 2024 nominee by moving the first primary out of Iowa, where Michelle would
have had to campaign in 99 counties, to South Carolina, where half of the Democrat party primary
electorate are African-American. South Carolina is also the state Michelle claimed as her
"adopted home state" back in 2008, when campaigning for Barack, because her grandparents are from
there. And, if that weren't enough, the Democrats have placed their 2024 convention in, of
all places, Chicago, Michelle's hometown, to set up what they believe will be a "homegirl convention."
Here comes Obama's fourth term: Michelle
Obama Is A Top Contender For 2024 Democratic Presidential Nominee, Historian Says.
For the better part of the entire year, people have made the case for why Biden could pull out of
the race. Often cited reasons are his declining health and scandals related to alleged
illicit business dealings with his family — activities that are now drawing increased
congressional scrutiny. California Gov. Gavin Newsom is widely suspected to be planning
a presidential run for 2024. However, Stanley writes that "to replace Biden with the next Obama
available, far from being revolutionary, would reinforce the line of political continuity that
stretches from 2008-2024, with only [former President Donald] Trump's election as a temporary
aberration." Former President Barack Obama has been suspected of having an outsized role in
influencing the current government serving under the Biden administration, due to sheer
proximity — Obama still lives in Washington D.C., breaking with long-held precedent
whereby past presidents leave from inside the Beltway.
discount a Michelle Obama run for the presidency. Speaking at Turning Point USA's
ACTCON convention this past weekend, Roger Stone predicted that Michelle Obama will be the Democrat
party's nominee for president. He may be right. I certainly wouldn't discount her being
on the ballot or actually winning. Here's Stone's tweet with the video showing him making
that prediction: [Tweet with video clip] [...] The only way to save the Democrat party
from RFK Jr. and Kamala is to put up someone black, female, and hugely popular. Beyonce and
Oprah seem like unlikely candidates. That leaves only Michelle.
Obama's Affirmative Action Adventure at Princeton. In the years prior to applying to
Princeton University, Michelle and her brother Craig avoided the all-Black South Shore High School
only a one block walk from their home. The Robinson family wanted their children to study
with Whites. This was no surprise given that Michelle had been beaten up by the neighborhood
kids for "acting White" and "talking White" during her childhood. Michelle writes in her
memoir, Becoming, about getting into a fist fight with a girl who repeatedly called Michelle an
"oreo" — a major insult meaning you are Black on the outside but really White on the
inside. Michelle had no desire to study with "those people" for high school. Michelle's
brother Craig was sent to an expensive private Catholic school, Mount Carmel (the Robinsons were
not Catholic), while Michelle took two buses 90 minutes to attend Whitney Young magnet
school. At Whitney Young, Michelle was able to keep up with her school work and get decent
grades by spending twice as much time on homework as her peers. However, Michelle's
shortcomings were exposed during testing. She admits to having done did poorly on
standardized tests, including the SATs.
Obama Takes Time From Opulent Greek Isles Vacation to Tweet About Oppression.
Everyone in life faces disadvantages of one form or another. Almost all children get called an
unpleasant name or two in grade school. Some are oppressed by a drunk, abusive, or absent parent.
Others may be trapped in horrific schools or extreme poverty. Still others are simply not gifted with
high IQs or the ambition to work hard and succeed. The list of reasons why most people don't go to
Ivy League schools and then on to lucrative careers is long, and "oppression" comes in many forms.
If you are the first black White House family, oppression takes the shape of having only two exclusive
island waterfront mansions in which to spend your days. Sometimes, you simply must jet to the Greek
isles to vacation with your Hollywood besties at their Aegean private island manse. People
covered the former first family's sad exile these past few weeks: [...]
Obama Releases Statement Following SCOTUS Ruling Against Affirmative Action. In a
historic ruling, The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that the Harvard and UNC race-based
affirmative action programs are unconstitutional. Schools nationwide will no longer be able
to discriminate against students on the basis of race. How outlandish were Harvard's
affirmative action policies? An African American student placed within the 40th percentile of
their academic index is more likely to gain admission than an Asian student who ranks in the
topmost, 100th percentile. Similarly, Black students who fall within the 50th percentile have
greater chances of acceptance than White students who are at the pinnacle of their academic performance.
Obama's Exploitation of the Black Community. [Scroll down] Michelle's two
most significant jobs in Chicago involved working on behalf of white liberal elites to deal with
the problems that Black people were causing them. Chicago liberals couldn't hire a White
person to make 20,000 Blacks homeless. Their answer was to hire Michelle Obama. She
became Mayor Richard Daley's assistant planning commissioner. Her job was to facilitate the
destruction of the low-income all-Black Cabrini Green housing project and cede the choice downtown
real estate to Democrat party donors developers like Tony Rezko. Nor could the White liberal
elites at the University of Chicago Medical Center hire a White person to deny access to health
care to Blacks. Only a Black person could fill that job. For a cool $300,000 a year,
Michelle was prepared to do all the denying that was needed.
Michelle Obama going to replace Senator Feinstein to jump-start a presidential run?
What are the odds Gavin Newsom will replace Dianne Feinstein with Michelle Obama to start Obama's
real return to the White House? Barack Hussein Obama wants to finish off the country with a
fraudulent fourth term with Michelle as the "president," starting her run by being appointed to
replace Dianne Feinstein. [...] We're presenting this case simply because it's better to be
forewarned of danger and to pre-puncture this little party balloon they have planned. After
all, they would love to spring this on everyone as a "wonderful" surprise. If we've already
predicted and discussed this little trick, it'll take some wind out of their sails.
Obama is peddling sugary drinks that don't meet the nutrition standards she advocated as first
lady. According to this Bloomberg article, Michelle Obama is "a co-founder and
strategic partner at Plezi Nutrition, a maker of sweetened beverages for kids ages 6 and up," which
I take to mean that she is profiting directly from the sale of these beverages. Her
rationale: ["]Obama says she's offering a lower-sugar alternative to steer them away
from sugary drinks.["] So, are they healthy for kids? ["]Plezi's first
product is a flavored juice drink blend that, under the very standards Obama championed, could not
be served in US schools.["] [...] Plezi (and Michelle) stand to make a lot of money
from catering to children's sugar addiction: ["]On Target.com, on a per-ounce basis,
Plezi is 2-3 times more expensive than other non-soda drinks targeted at children, including
Coca-Cola's Honest Kids and Kraft Heinz's Capri Sun drinks. It's also more expensive than
Brace yourself for Barack H. Obama's FOURTH term. It
sure looks like Michelle Obama is being pressured to run for president, forcing Biden out of the
2024 race. It's obvious to anyone in the Democrat camp not totally delusional that
Joe Biden's declining mental faculties make him almost impossible to re-elect in 2024. Douglas
Schoen and Andrew Stein are two Democrats that have a good grasp of reality, and so they are
putting out a signal in the Wall Street Journal — which is read by virtually
every media editor in the country — that it is time to push Michelle Obama into
running. That is, if she has not already been convinced by her husband. [...] Unless Michelle
claims an absolute lack of interest, then she is OK with it. Biden would withdraw before
South Carolina if she challenged him since he would be humbled there, as Hillary was by Obama in
2008. Blacks may love the white candidate who kisses up to them, but only until there is a black
challenger around. Our country is much more tribal than it has been since the Civil War.
Obama Expected To Challenge Joe Biden For President. Following the resignation of
Susan Rice from the Biden White House, reports indicate that Michelle Obama is running for
president in 2024, according to Newt Gingrich who said that the former First Lady has already
kicked off the soft launch of her presidential campaign and Roger Stone, advisor to President
Donald J. Trump. [...] Michelle Obama was last seen on stage with Bruce Springsteen, playing the
tambourine in front of thousands of adoring liberals. Days earlier she drew thousands of
people to an event in Los Angeles with left-wing icon Oprah Winfrey. Gingrich explained that
these appearances are out of character for Michelle Obama, explaining that she, "recently had 9,000
people at an event with Oprah in Los Angeles," Gingrich added. "I think Republicans had better pay
significant attention to Michelle Obama." "I hadn't believed that until I saw her on stage
with Bruce Springsteen, and I thought, you know, 'this is not a person who's hiding.'"
Obama 2024? The first question that came to my mind was whether Michelle Obama would
even give a thought to such a plan. She's already spent eight years in the White House and
she and her husband became fabulously wealthy as a result (somehow). She's living in a mansion by
the ocean and is pretty much a rock star in the media who can get an invitation to go on television
any time she's feeling bored or in need of attention. Why put up with all of the hassle and
scrutiny that comes with being the president? Particularly at a time when the wheels seem to
be coming off of the national cart. I suppose it's possible that she's so addicted to power
that she might consider it, though. And if she does, would she automatically be a winner by
default? We can set aside the fact that she's never held any elected office and has no
experience that would qualify her for the position whatsoever.
Gingrich warns GOP that Michelle Obama may run for president to avoid 'kamikaze' Biden re-election
effort. Joe Biden's announcement that he is running for re-election has put the
Democrats in a pickle. Not only is Biden visibly declining into senescence at an accelerating
pace, he has re-upped his commitment to Kamal Harris as his running mate and likely replacement if
elected to a second term, and obviously unable to complete it in all likelihood. But getting
rid of an incumbent president is difficult, and replacing a black and female running mate is
difficult, to say the east. Even worse, the only serious challenger within the party, Robert F.
Kennedy, Jr., is unacceptably hostile to the pharma and corporate interests that supply the endless
money that buys victory for the Democrats. The need a deus ex machina: an outside
actor with the kind of force that changes everything; and Newt Gingrich thinks they may have one in
Michelle Obama.
Michelle Obama Nightmare Scenario. [Scroll down] But the other barrier to
entry is the fact that Michelle doesn't seem to want to do this. She's not a particularly
driven woman. She's lazy and frivolous, and she enjoys floating around the Mediterranean off
Nice with adoring zillionaires on huge, environmentally unsound yachts mocking the saps who buy
into the climate change hoax. Being president is a lot of work, and she doesn't seem like
somebody who really cares a lot about working. She just wants stuff, and right now she's got
stuff. Nor does Barack Obama particularly seem interested in getting back into
politics. He was the one president who never seemed to like the job, and he gave the
impression that he felt being president was a painful duty, proving that there's something to like
about everyone.
Obama is not a fan of the Second Amendment and says Obama administration was scandal-free.
Michelle Obama has a short memory. Or, at the least, a selective memory. She was interviewed
by her real-life friend CBS morning show host Gayle King (Oprah's BFF) Thursday. The soft interview
was to promote Michelle's latest projects which include a Netflix special based on her most recent book,
"The Light We Carry." She told Gayle King that "unfettered" access to guns is a bad thing.
And she said that there were no scandals in the Obama administration. That level of gaslighting
is what we've come to expect from Obama fans and King is in that camp. How nice that she allows
her friend to re-write history and doesn't bother to challenge her narrative.
Obama Looks Disheveled in Baggy Clothes in Australia. The Obamas took a private jet
to Australia for Barack's two-week speaking tour. Apparently climate change mandates are only
for the peasants. Barack Obama trashed Trump during his speaking tour Down Under. Michelle
Obama spent most of her trip to Australia make-up free and looking disheveled in baggy clothes.
Obama would be Democrats' best chance to win in 2024. There has been some recent
media buzz, as well as hope, about the possibility that former First Lady Michelle Obama might be
persuaded to enter the 2024 presidential race. While that prospect is very
unlikely — she has always rebuffed any notion that she might run for office —
the enthusiasm is understandable. As the Democratic presidential nominee, or even the
vice-presidential nominee, she would give Democrats their best chance at retaining the White
House. As it stands, President Biden's chances of winning reelection against a credible
Republican presidential candidate (which excludes former President Trump) aren't great. The
majority of voters don't want the 80-year-old Biden to run again, including a solid majority
(57 percent) of Democratic voters. And that majority is likely to grow if voters become
even more concerned about the president's health and ability to perform his duties as president.
Obama Is Not Coming to Save the Democrats. My favorite new conspiracy theory goes
like this: the Democrats know they are in big trouble for 2024. They have this addled,
dementia-riddled, diaper-wearing octogenarian and his dreadful wife occupying the White House, and
he's become an embarrassment. These days he makes three to four hair-curling, cringey gaffes
per week, falls up the stairs to Air Force One every time he tries to trot up them to project
American strength and vigor, and has been credibly accused of passing gas in front of the Queen
Consort of England. But Democrats can't abandon him before the primaries because, well,
Kamala. So Biden will announce he is running again but will withdraw sometime around the
Democratic National Convention so as to clear the presidential field for ... Michelle
Obama. The stench of desperation is hilarious, isn't it? That's how bad the field of
Democratic presidential prospects is.
First Ladies and Their Academic Degrees. Given the acclaim Michelle Obama has enjoyed
for her influential public voice, it behooves us to consider where and how her career acquired its
impetus — her vaunted thesis. True, the thesis was written many years ago, but let
us not forget that it served as Obama's ticket into the "new elite," despite its being a
gallimaufry of platitudes and pseudo-academic fustian. Indeed, there are so many verbal and
grammatical gaffes peppering the study that one scarcely knows where to begin. [...] The only
proper response to her thesis is embarrassment or, if one is feeling generous, a discreet
indifference to so mawkish an undertaking. The document is marred by a complaining and
self-justifying tone throughout and treatments of a subject nobody can object to in a social
climate infected with white guilt, is filled with politically correct patois, is grammatically
challenged, and is, in a word, superficial beyond belief. The jargon is either pleonastic or
impenetrable, a veritable spaghetti code of applied language. Dinesh D'Souza was
understandably unsparing when he wrote: "Anyone who has read Michelle's college thesis —
a document so illiterate and incoherent that it was written, as Christopher Hitchens put it, in 'no
known language' — will chuckle heartily at this one."
News: Are you ready for ... Obama 2024? No, not the term-limited former
president. The other Obama. More accurately: Are you ready for another few
months of [wild] speculation about the improbable? Fox News gives a hearty aye to the
latter question, positing that former First Lady Michelle Obama could become a Democrat Deus ex
machina in 2024. If Joe Biden stumbles or opts out — the latter highly
unlikely, of course — Democrats will need someone spectacular to pull their chestnuts
out of the general-election fire. And that someone ain't Kamala Harris.
Michelle Obama run for president? In 2016, Hillary Clinton tried to become the first
former First Lady — and in fact, first woman overall — to be elected
President of the United States. Clinton, herself a former U.S. Senator, lost that
Presidential race to Donald Trump, but could another former First Lady mount her own historic
campaign in 2024 and win? [Video clip] Over the course of the past two
Presidential elections, essentially ever since her husband was finishing up his own eight years in
the Oval Office, Michelle Obama has been on the shortlist of dream candidates for the Democratic party.
Admits She 'Couldn't Stand' Barry. Much to everyone's surprise, soft and embraceable Michelle admitted
that for more than a decade, she "couldn't stand" her spouse. From 1992 until 2002, while Barry was strategizing
his passage from a community activist to ruler of the world, Michelle was silently aiming her death stare at someone
other than Trump. One must admit that it is impressive how Michelle manages to paint herself as the victim of
whatever circumstance she happens to find herself in. Furthermore — not that this is a competition —
it's been many years since Barack Obama graced the world stage with his awesomeness. Yet, unlike Michelle,
there are hundreds of millions of Americans who still "can't stand" him.
Obamas Despise Free Speech, and Show It. Michelle Obama warned America that a certain unnamed former
president, who is questioning the results of the 2020 election, threatens her definition of democracy. Michelle
and Barack pretend they support a peaceful transfer of power and the democratic tradition of "moving on," when in fact
it's the opposite. Barack has never "moved on" and is likely a "third-term" puppeteer, pulling Joe "Marionette"
Biden's strings from the bunker of his $8.1-million Kalorama mansion. That's why, at the portrait début,
Michelle exploited the occasion to vilify Trump while pretending she believes that "our democracy is so much stronger
than our differences." Does Michelle need to be reminded that both she and her husband have spent their entire
political careers discrediting views different from their own and punishing rather than celebrating opposing points of
view? Michelle and Barack Obama have never respected the differing views of the American people. The couple
showed no respect for difference during Obama's presidency, and since Trump's election, they show even less.
Michelle Obama was behind Twitter's ban of Trump all along. Michelle Obama, wife of President Obama, was
one of the Democrat outsiders who pressed Twitter to make the unprecedented move to ban President Trump, then a sitting
United States president, from that company's platform. That's the latest revelation from the latest installment of
the Twitter files, done by independent journalist Michael Shellenberger.
Files reveal Trump ban came after Michelle Obama, others pressured the company. Former President Donald
Trump was banned from Twitter the day after former first lady Michelle Obama and others demanded the company
"permanently" remove him, according to the newest "Twitter Files" installment. On Saturday, CEO Elon Musk and
journalist Michael Shellenberger released the fourth batch of Twitter documents that show internal communications by the
company's executives between Jan. 6-8, 2021, including and shortly after the riot at the Capitol Building.
Among the files, Shellenberger reported "internal and external pressure," including from the former first lady, fell
onto the company calling for Trump to be banned from using Twitter.
Plans are being made for Barack Obama's fourth term: Michelle
Obama's Book Launch of her 2024 Campaign. Don't be fooled. In the promotional interviews for her new
book, The Light We Carry, Michelle Obama insists that the book is simply her personal "toolkit" about how she
deals with the challenges of "uncertain times." No, The Light We Carry is not a self-help book. It is
Michelle's crafty attempt to position herself to be the Democrat nominee for president in 2024. In fact, it is
Michelle's second autobiography, a follow up to her wildly successful 2018 memoir, Becoming. As it would
have been awkward for Michelle to write a second self-promotional autobiography entitled "Becoming Part II," the new
book is released under the ruse of a self-help guide. So why would Michelle release a second autobiography
disguised as a self-help book? Michelle told an audience at the Obama Foundation in 2018, "Barack and I don't do
things incidentally, there's a strategy." I am convinced The Light We Carry is part of Michelle's strategy
to become president in 2024.
NY Times' 'Review' of Michelle Obama's New Book Is an Embarrassment. Ben Shapiro was blunt on
Twitter. He had discovered "the most sycophantic book review ever written." The book was the second tome
from multimillionaire author and advice guru Michelle Obama. The review appeared in The New York Times, from the
paper's "Help Desk" columnist, Judith Newman. She's "the help," all right. Ed Morrissey tweeted back to
Shapiro: "The secret to success in life: Find someone who loves you as unconditionally and fiercely as the
mainstream media loves the Obamas." Except they're not "mainstream" at all. These "objective
newspapers" are blatantly leftist partisan rags, as they demonstrate on a daily basis.
Obama, please stop pretending we're all racists. [Scroll down] To be honest, I struggle to take her
seriously and always have. I have no knowledge of her personal relationships, her heart, her example in the home,
or any submission she may or may not render to Christ. That means I can only make judgments based on the fruits
that evince themselves in her public character — fruits like her vocal lamentation over the Supreme Court's
decision to allow the people to decide abortion law for themselves. Expressing her "heartbreak" that some states
might forbid the practice of dismembering infants whose parents deem them inconvenient, Michelle fretted how the Court's
ruling that ended judicially mandated abortion rights was a "horrifying decision" that would lead to "devastating
consequences." The hundreds of thousands of infants that will be given a chance at life might dispute that
characterization. And now, peddling her newest book, Michelle is hitting the circuit to offer a less important,
but equally bizarre take: how the racist American public wasn't ready for her hair when she was First Lady.
Shines the 'The Light She Carries'. Six years out of office, and the Obamas still esteem themselves
oracles of racial justice and authorities of truth concerning America's flaws. As witnessed at the recent
unveiling of the Obamas' official White House portraits, in a photo taken in the Oval Office, both Barack and Michelle
are positioned shamelessly front and center. Still smarting from the reproof of 2016, the Obamas take any
opportunity to publicly defame the character of the political outsider who upset the collective vision Barack hoped
Hillary Clinton would set in stone — as well as the people who voted for him. Quelling the pain of
being rejected has spurred new and creative ways to tear down those who insulted the couple's ego.
'The First Lady,' Starring Viola Davis as Michelle Obama, Is a One-Term Flop. There will be no second term for
Showtime's The First Lady, which starred Viola Davis as Michelle Obama. The dramatic anthology series has been
canceled after just one season following ridicule from viewers and widespread negative reviews. The series also failed
to pick up any major Emmy Award nominations, though it did receive a few nods in technical categories.
Obama's Changing Sexual Identity. [Scroll down] Two years ago, I decided to take a serious approach to
learning about Michelle Obama's background. I started by reading her best-selling 2018 autobiography, Becoming.
I could smell the calculation in Becoming from a mile away. This was a political document, meant to set Michelle up
for a presidential run, and not an autobiography. Even before I had gotten in deep, I had seen enough of Michelle to distrust
the poor little girl from the South Side who was held back in life because of her race shtick that Michelle had
been spieling since she first emerged on the national scene. The real identity issue for Michelle Obama, I discovered, is
not her gender — trust me, readers — it is that she is more White than she is Black. In fact, Michelle's
upbringing and lifelong aspiration to whiteness is her greatest vulnerability. [...] So while Michelle is female, it is her Black
authenticity, or lack thereof, that has been her major struggle throughout her life, one surprisingly similar to that of her husband Barack.
I pray that Michelle Obama runs in 2024. We all know that Barack Obama is having his third presidential term in
the form of the senile presidency of Joe Biden. Just ask Valerie Jarrett. The transformation of America and its
circling-the-bowl-descent to Venezuela is proceeding apace. But what is the Left to do when its sock puppet president
can no longer walk or talk or when his family's criminal dealings become too large for even the corrupt media to
conceal? How do you continue a shadow presidency then? Enter Michelle Obama. It is true that her hatred for
the America of the Founding Fathers or even the "Greatest Generation" is almost embarrassingly palpable.
Remember: "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country," all because her husband was
nominated to run for president? But I have every confidence that a servile, corrupt mainstream media will be able to
airbrush that blemish away.
Here comes Barack Obama's fourth term: Michelle
Obama Is Running for President in 2024. [Scroll down] The CPAC crowd, and conservatives in general, have
failed to realize that the ever present Michelle Obama was a potential Democrat presidential candidate. This is largely
because Michelle Obama launched a cover story for her intense political activity back in 2008 that goes like this:
"Michelle hates politics." The media have faithfully sustained the ruse — when they discuss likely Democrat
contenders in 2024, they typically leave Michelle off the list. The Obamas needed this cover story to undo the damage
that the increasingly shrill Michelle was doing to her husband's campaign in 2008. In February of that year, when she told a
crowd in Madison, Wisconsin, "For the first time in my adult lifetime I'm really proud of my country," Barack's advisers knew they
had to reel her in. In the days following, the angry Chicago culture warrior mellowed into the amiable "Mom in Chief."
Obama leads furious criticism of SCOTUS overturning of Roe v. Wade. Michelle Obama and Amy Schumer are
leading the furious public criticism of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade today — with the former
First Lady slamming the move as 'horrifying' while warning that it will have 'devastating consequences' for women across the US.
Obama's Get Out the Vote Event in L.A. 'Sparsely Attended' Despite Selena Gomez Appearance. Actress, producer,
and pop singer Selena Gomez touted Michelle Obama at the first-ever, but sparsely attended, When We All Vote Culture of
Democracy Summit, in L.A. on Monday. "This work is incredibly important to me, especially when I think about the people
who sacrificed so we can all exercise our right to vote," Gomez said as she introduced the former first lady, according to PopSugar.
Obama's brother and his wife sue $24,000-a-year Milwaukee school for kicking their nine and 11-year-old 'model student' children
out. The brother of former first lady Michelle Obama and his wife are suing their children's private school
alleging that administrators expelled their two sons after they complained of racist bias during virtual lessons. Craig
and Kelly Robinson filed a lawsuit against the $24,000-a-year University School of Milwaukee Pre-K-12 school this week after
alleging that the private institution used words like 'plantation' inappropriately during lessons. They also claim that
teachers were inconsiderate to a wide variety of socio-economic backgrounds. The complaint alleges that the school retaliated
against their family — whose kids are aged nine and 11 — after they submitted reports in January and March 2021
about concerns they had over racial and socio-economic bias they reportedly overheard during virtual learning last year.
chatter reveals Democratic nervousness. Speculation has begun about the 2024 Democratic presidential ticket,
almost three years before the election. Some of the suggestions are blasted as risible. But the early chatter
itself reveals the nervousness that permeates the party. [...] Straddling the line between reality and fantasy is a
long-cherished notion for many Democrats: a Michelle Obama candidacy. The former first lady would be a formidable
contender. But she has been crystal clear in statements stretching back years that she has no interest in elected office.
Aims To Send Thousands Of Lawyers To "Protect American Voters". If there was a ranking of White House first
ladies (and historians were honest about it), Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama would most likely be ranked one and two in
terms of least liked. Neither woman understood the role of first lady and it showed — and still shows.
Instead of retiring on a beach house while counting all the millions she and Barack "earned" after leaving the White House, Michelle
remains intent on staying in the public eye. But why? Who is begging for her to come back?
Would Be Foolish to Not Take Michelle Obama Seriously. Former First Lady Michelle Obama recently indicated she
would be getting her hands dirty in the 2022 midterm elections. On Monday, she announced her foundation, When We All
Vote, in conjunction with 30 other organizations, plans to recruit and train at least 100,000 volunteers to register new
voters. She also vowed to register one million new voters this year in the lead-up to the elections in November.
Rogan Predicts Michelle Obama Would Beat Trump In 2024: 'If She Runs She Wins'. Podcaster Joe Rogan believes
that if Former First Lady Michelle Obama decides to run for President in 2024, she will win. "Michelle Obama and
they're going to bring in Harris," Rogan said on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast about who he thinks the Democrats
will run in 2024. "Harris comes back as the Vice President and Michelle Obama is the President. We get a double
dose of diversity." Rogan continued that the Obama and Harris ticket will be going against former President Donald Trump
and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL.) "Trump and DeSantis together," Rogan said. "They have to make a super
team. That's the only way they win."
in waiting': Michelle Obama could be eyeing rumored arch-enemy's job. Former first lady Michelle Obama's recent
behavior has some speculating that she's either eye a job as a TV talk show host, eyeing an Emmy or eyeing trying to replace
the one and only Oprah Winfrey. This week she made an appearance on "The Rachael Ray Show," a syndicated cooking show
starring celebrity cook Rachael Ray.
The Editor says...
I had heard of Rachael Ray, but until this moment I didn't know why she's famous or why she has a TV show.
Harris, Michelle Obama lead for 2024 if Biden doesn't run. Vice President Kamala Harris and former First Lady
Michelle Obama are in the lead for a 2024 presidential run if President Biden decides not to try for a second term, a new
Hill-HarrisX poll found. The poll found Harris in the lead among likely candidates, with 13 percent of respondents
supporting her. Michelle Obama came in second at 10 percent.
is really behind the attacks on Kamala Harris? Likely the other woman who would be queen. [Scroll
down] They are not going to let Kamala Harris hold the title of "first Black female President." That honor is to
be bestowed upon another very high-profile woman whose family name and political values are more in keeping with those of Joe
Biden. That woman is none other than Michelle Obama and I believe it is the Obama political machine, using Ron Klain as
an anonymous director, who is behind the most recent attacks on our Vice President. Obama v. Harris; a female
cage match for whom there is nobody to cheer.
Disturbing And Shocking Plan To Replace Kamala Harris. [Scroll down] It begins with the premise that
Harris must go before Biden does. Two names were mulled over. They see Pete Buttigieg as a malleable young
figurehead, figurehead being the operative word. [...] The other name that is a constant is Hillary Clinton. [...] The answer
is clear, the problem is solved, according to my source, by selecting Michelle Obama. Money, the machinery of power,
the media will be behind her. The reason she could not be persuaded to run for President in 2020 was that she was
afraid of being defeated. That problem is solved if she is eased into power in stages. First, she will be called
upon to fill the vice-presidential vacancy a departing Kamala Harris would leave. And then, probably before the 2022
mid-term elections, Biden will be asked to step down gracefully by those pulling the strings, and by Jill Biden as well, to
allow Michelle Obama to become the caretaker president leading up to 2024. This will, they hope, swing the polling in
their favor for the Primaries. Race and gender will be an even louder drumbeat leading up to 2024 with Michelle Obama
in the White House. By 2024, the propaganda will be so loud that it will be considered treasonous for the people to
vote against a Black, female president in 2024.
gives $100 million to Obama Foundation, nonprofit's largest single gift. Former Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos donated
$100 million to former President Barack Obama's private foundation, the nonprofit's biggest single gift to date, the
Chicago-based foundation announced Monday [11/22/2021]. Mr. Bezos, who owns The Washington Post, made the donation
in honor of the late Rep. John Lewis. The plaza where the Obama Presidential Center is located will be renamed for
the civil rights activist. "Freedom fighters deserve a special place in the pantheon of heroes, and I can't think of a
more fitting person to honor with this gift than John Lewis, a great American leader and a man of extraordinary decency and
courage," Mr. Bezos said in a statement released by the Obama Foundation. "I'm thrilled to support President and
Mrs. Obama and their foundation in its mission to train and inspire tomorrow's leaders." Mr. Bezos' fortune
has been estimated at $210 billion.
The Editor says...
As I see it, this is a down payment on the influence Mr. Bezos hopes to buy in the upcoming Michelle Obama administration.
At this point, it just looks like a charitable donation. Clever. Mr. Bezos must know something, because
$100 million is a lot of money, even for him.
Owens dismantles Michelle Obama for acting like she's 'Oppressed'. Former first lady Michelle Obama was acting
like she was oppressed in a recent video. Candace Owens just absolutely unloads on the rich and wealthy Obama family
who is clearly doing better than many others. Owens points out several hilarious points and even Tucker started
laughing, such as the Obama's having Secret Service around them and not even turning their own doorknobs. Owens slams
Michelle Obama for using her skin color to act like she's oppressed and for her to send some of that rich and wealthy
oppression to the rest of us. [Video clip]
Obama: 'You wanna hang out with us? Get your vaccine'. Michelle Obama said Monday [5/10/2021] that her new rule for
people visiting with her family is they have to be vaccinated against COVID-19. "You wanna hang out with us? Get your
vaccine," the former first lady told Gayle King during a wide-ranging interview on "CBS This Morning." "Get all of it.
Finish it up. And then we can talk," she said. "So I urge everybody out there, within the sound of our voices,
please, please get the vaccine. It's time."
The Editor says...
[#1] How many people are eagerly waiting to visit Michelle Obama? Is immunization the only reason we can't all
come by and "visit?" [#2] Why is this a top priority? The vaccine isn't that good, and the disease isn't that bad.
The more cheerleading I see for this vaccine — which I've never seen for any other vaccine — the more I consider
my inference reasonable: There's something sinister about this vaccine (if that's what it is), and nobody really knows
what the long-term side-effects are.
Claims to 'Live in Fear,' Barack Actually Does. On Friday's [5/7/2021] broadcast of "CBS This Morning,"
Michelle Obama made the delusional claim, one among several, that "many of us still live in fear as we go to the grocery
store, or walking our dogs, or allowing our children to get a license." Had Michelle attributed that fear to a wariness
of black drive-by gang bangers or street muggers, it might have made some sense. But her fear, she implied, was of
racist police. Barack Obama knows better, but he has lived in fear as well. [...] Not surprisingly, as I learned in
researching my forthcoming book, Barack Obama's Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, there is no one
Barack fears more than wife Michelle, his personal emissary from the world of authentic African-Americans.
Obama says she fears for her daughters when they drive amid police shootings. Former first lady Michelle Obama
fears for her daughters when they get behind the wheel of a car amid police use-of-force incidents, she said. Obama is
"breathing a sigh of relief" after former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of unintentional
second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd, though she said
there's "still work to be done." "Many of us [black people] still live in fear as we go to the grocery store or walking
our dogs or allowing our children to get a license. I mean, just imagine — [my daughters] are driving, but
every time they get in a car by themselves, I worry about what assumption is being made by somebody who doesn't know
everything about them," she said of her daughters, Malia and Sasha, in an interview with CBS News released Friday [5/7/2021].
The Editor says...
I find that difficult to believe. Doesn't the entire Obama family have 24/7 Secret Service protection? Do
the Obama daughters actually drive by themselves? Isn't that a liability issue?
Obama: Black Lives Matter 'taking to the streets because they have to'. Michelle Obama said in a new
interview that Black people live with a constant fear of discrimination and injustice and that Black Lives Matter activists
are "taking to the streets" not because they want to, but "because they have to." In an interview with "CBS This
Morning" that will air Monday [5/10/2021], the former first lady said there's still a long road ahead after former
Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted last month in the murder of George Floyd. "We know that while
we're all breathing a sigh of relief over the verdict, there's still work to be done," Mrs. Obama said.
Obama's on Coronavirus Quarantine: 'I'm Tired of My Husband' — Need Some 'Other Energy'. Former
first lady Michelle Obama joked Monday [3/22/2021] on NBC's "The Kelly Clarkson Show" that she was "tired" of her husband,
former President Barack Obama, during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown. Clarkson said, "When I went to the White
House, I asked Dr. Biden what is the first thing she would do post-pandemic. So we know you are knitting
now. She said, 'get a martini and fries.' So what are you going to do after knitting?" Obama said, "I need
to just remind Jill that they actually do have plenty of fries and martinis at the White House. You don't need to
wait. They got it all there. But I think maybe what she meant is that she wanted to have fries and a martini with
some makeup on out in a restaurant somewhere. I'm in that same place, too."
Obama Launching Netflix Kids Show 'Waffles And Mochi' About Healthy Eating. Former first lady Michelle Obama is
launching a new Netflix kids show titled Waffles and Mochi that will promote healthy eating and diverse foods from
different cultures. Michelle Obama announced that the show will debut on Netflix on March 16. "I'm excited for
families and children everywhere to join us on our adventures as we discover, cook, and eat delicious food from all over the world,"
she tweeted.
The Editor says...
Programs of this sort could be hosted by any completely-unknown actor or actress, and the target audience wouldn't know the
difference. The only purpose of having Michelle Obama narrate this production is to keep her face in public view, and
soften up her image in preparation for a future presidential run. Since Biden's presidency is turning out to be
Barack Obama's third term, Michelle's would be Obama's fourth term.
2020 Is Dead! Long Live Crazier 2021!. [Scroll down] Multimillionaire Michelle Obama, who seems
seldom to allow a serious crisis to go to waste, was calling for the complete weaponization of social media and the permanent
banning of Trump. A scared Mark Zuckerberg seemed to agree. The multibillionaire had infused $350 million of his
own money into key preselected precincts to boost voting turnout in a way the Left in the old days would have called the dark
money that undermines democracy. A day after Michelle Obama's call, Trump coincidentally was indeed banned from Twitter
"for life," along with a number of conservatives, and "indefinitely" canceled from Facebook.
Obama Gave The Order for Big Tech to Delete President Trump From Social Media Platforms. It really is a thing
to behold the Left's active effort to send all the riots, unrest, and fires of the past several years down the memory
hole. When Ferguson, Missouri, was set on fire by Black Lives Matter and Lisa Fithian-trained shock troops, no one
called for Barack Obama to be taken off Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media. However, his wife, Michelle
Obama, this week called for the permanent removal of President Trump from all social media platforms because of Wednesday's
siege at the Capitol Building. The next day he was.
Obama calls on tech giants to permanently ban Trump. Former first lady Michelle Obama condemned what she said
was President Trump's role in kindling dangerous and violent protests in D.C. on Wednesday, calling on the country's major
technology companies to permanently ban the president from their respective platforms. Obama characterized the
pro-Trump protesters as a "gang" who "laid siege to the United States Capitol," adding that social media giants needed to
take action to prevent this type of "monstrous behavior." "Now is the time for Silicon Valley companies to stop enabling
this monstrous behavior — and go even further than they already have by permanently banning this man from their
platforms and putting in place policies to prevent their technology from being used by the nation's leaders to fuel
insurrection," Obama wrote in a statement.
Obama Urges Social Media Companies To Permanently Ban Trump. Now that Congress has cleared the way for Joe
Biden's return to the White House, it is payback time for the resistance and President Trump is at the top of the list.
The final obstacle to the former vice president's media-assisted drive to retake power for the Democrats was removed when his
successor Mike Pence turned on Trump and let the fraud that swung the election stand. Then following a march on the
U.S. Capitol culminating in a brief occupation by a diverse mixture of Trump supporters and Antifa provocateurs that provided
all the material that was needed to label the POTUS as a terrorist leader, Facebook and Twitter moved early and banned Trump
from his accounts.
Obama chastises 'infantile and unpatriotic' Trump over Capitol riots. Michelle Obama chastised President Donald
Trump over Wednesday's riots at the Capitol, calling him "infantile and unpatriotic" before delivering an emotional critique
of how police responded to the mob as compared to this summer's Black Lives Matter protests. In a statement posted to
social media on Thursday, the former first lady said the riots were a "fulfillment of the wishes of an infantile and
unpatriotic president who can't handle the truth of his own failures." Trump supporters descended on the Capitol on
Wednesday after the president delivered a speech at a rally against the election results, falsely claiming the election was
stolen from him and encouraging the crowd to fight back.
Obama calls for Trump to be 'permanently' banned as pressure mounts on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Pressure
is mounting on the nation's leading social media companies to permanently ban Donald Trump from their platforms as former
first lady Michelle Obama on Thursday joined the growing number of powerful voices calling for the president's ouster to
prevent him from using Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to incite another wave of violence. Trump has been blocked from
posting to Facebook and Instagram "indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is
complete," Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Thursday [1/7/2021].
Obama Suggests GOP Should Accept Biden Victory Claim: 'This Isn't a Game'. Former first lady Michelle Obama on
Monday [11/16/2020] appeared to urge Trump administration officials and Republican lawmakers to accept corporate media's
declaration that former Vice President Joe Biden has won the 2020 presidential election. In an Instagram post, Obama
blasted what she described as "groundless conspiracy theories" regarding the election and called for a "smooth transition of
power" from President Donald Trump to Biden.
Obama slams White House for refusing to start transition to Joe Biden. Former first lady Michelle Obama shamed
President Donald Trump and his administration for refusing to start the transition to the Biden-Harris administration because
some things are 'bigger than anybody's ego.' 'Donald Trump had spread racist lies about my husband that had put my
family in danger. That wasn't something I was ready to forgive,' the former first lady wrote in an Instagram post
Monday. 'But I knew that, for the sake of our country, I had to find the strength and maturity to put my anger aside.'
The Editor says...
[#1] The election isn't over until the Electoral College votes. [#2] President Trump has hardly mentioned Barack H.
Obama at all, as far as I know, and if he had "spread [any] reacist lies" about Mr. Obama, they would have made front-page news
for weeks afterward. [#3] The Obama family has round-the-clock armed bodyguards, who have little or nothing to do, because
none of them are in any danger.
Obama comes out of the woodwork, feeling vindictive: 'Tens of millions' voted for 'lies, hate and chaos'. Joe
Biden hasn't even been ratified as president and former first lady Michelle Obama had this to say about all that vaunted
national unity he called for: [Tweet] She must have been boiling with hate for years, because last night she
simply couldn't contain it. [...] The only thing the Obamas ever stood for was racial division and socialism. Whatever
it is they want to connect with, it's not what unites us. It sounds like she wants to bludgeon us with socialist
re-education camp force, so that beaten into submission, we will unite, pledging fealty to the permanently ruling
party. Had enough? This is one bitter woman, seething for all four years of Trump's presidency, waiting for her
moment of vindictive revenge. There's not a compassionate word in there in her explanation of what Joe Biden claims to
be 'healing' and 'unity.'
Obama Demonizes 70 Million Americans Who Voted For Trump. Former first lady Michelle Obama demonized tens of
millions of Americans on Saturday after news organizations declared Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden the winner of the
2020 election — despite the fact that ballots are still being counted and the Trump campaign has filed lawsuits in
several states — claiming without evidence that those who voted for President Donald Trump voted to support "lies,
hate, chaos, and division."
Obama Unleashes on the 70 Million Americans Who Voted For Trump. On Saturday [11/7/2020], former First Lady
Michelle unleashed on the 70 million Americans who voted for President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Obama stated
that those who voted for President Trump support "lies, hate, chaos, and division."
Liberals' 'Tiny Fraction' Lie. In a recent podcast, Michelle Obama, as she continues to shed her "no red state
nor blue state America but just United States of America" skin to reveal a ruthless, myopic partisan looking to settle scores
from fights unknown while making clear to those paying attention how America became so much more divided after the Obama
presidency, complains that the opposition to the protesters is "once again patently false, morally wrong, and racist." After
all, she insists, the violence is committed by just a "tiny fraction" of the protesters. [...] First of all, the assertion of
a tiny fraction is an absurdity. An estimated 570 riots were violent during the George Floyd protests, 19 people died
during 14 days of those protests, and approximately 2 billion dollars of damage has accrued from all this peace. The
magnitude of damage from a tiny fraction strains credulity, especially given the opportunity for live viewing of so many of
these riots, in which looters and harassers are clearly more than small fractions, while the other participants, if any,
cheerlead with venomous gusto.
Are Americans Tired of Being
Called 'Racist' Yet? What is "racism," and why do Democrats so relentlessly accuse Americans of it? It is
necessary to put scare-quotes around "racism" nowadays, because the word has been quite nearly stripped of meaning by its
constant overuse as a political epithet. Depending on the context, sometimes "racist" is merely a synonym for white
person (which seems to be the message of Robin DiAngelo and other proponents of Critical Race Theory), but during
election season in the United States, it seems that "racist" is synonymous with Republican. It is this purely
partisan definition of "racist" that former First Lady Michelle Obama demonstrated this week in a remarkable 26-minute video
campaign ad for Joe Biden. Mrs. Obama heaped praise on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement as "an overwhelmingly
peaceful movement for racial solidarity." In fact, BLM is an avowedly Marxist revolutionary organization that has inspired
the murder of police officers and incited violent riots nationwide. Of course, anyone who points out this fact is
immediately subject to denunciation as a "racist," and the purpose of Mrs. Obama's video was to point the finger at
President Trump.
Trump retweets Michelle Obama's 'world on fire' video. In case America didn't get the message during the Obamas
eight years in the White House, former first lady Michelle Obama is above reproach. The mainstream media fawned over
Mrs. Obama and went out of their way to ensure the country only saw her... ahem, best side. And when President
Donald Trump dared to retweet a post mocking her, the reaction was swift. It all began with an over-the-top video
Mrs. Obama released trying to spur her low information followers to vote. She called Trump a "racist" for talking
about the rampant rioting that swept the country after the death of George Floyd. At best, the former first lady misled
the country when she claimed that "only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all." At worst,
Obama blatantly lied.
Obama Sidelines Rioting Facts To Play The Race Card Against Trump Again. In a misleading video Tuesday
[10/6/2020] urging Americans to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden, Michelle Obama continued the left's false narrative
about Black Lives Matter, saying the movement is based on "racial solidarity" and has been "mostly peaceful." Concerning
the riots that overtook many of America's cities beginning at the end of May, Obama said President Donald Trump has pinned
the violence "on what's been an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity. It's true," the former first
lady said in the video, fraught with divisive language and hyperbole. "Research backs it up. Only a tiny fraction
of demonstrations have had any violence at all." While most of the protests remained peaceful during the day, many
evolved into lawlessness after the sun went down, despite the mainstream media sticking with the "mostly peaceful" protest
line while buildings burned behind their on-the-ground reporters. Obama failed to mention, however, that when it came
to the violence, of which there was no shortage, most of it was linked to Black Lives Matter, a movement spurred by a Marxist
organization. Biden has failed to specifically denounce Black Lives Matter activists for their leading role in the violence.
Obama says Trump's condemnation of violent protests is 'racist'. Former First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a
video message to her Twitter followers on Tuesday [10/6/2020] encouraging them to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden
for President. While she presented Biden as the best candidate for the job, she took aim at President Donald Trump for
creating division in the country and suggested he lied about riots in the country. "They're stoking fears about Black
and Brown Americans, lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs, whipping up violence and intimidation, and they're
pinning it all on what's been an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity," Michelle Obama said.
The Editor says...
[#1] If racial solidarity is what you want, can't you achieve it without rioting?
[#2] If a white politician said his goal was "racial solidarity," he would be called a racist.
Obama: Trump and Allies Are 'Stoking Fears about Black and Brown Americans'. Former first lady Michelle
Obama offered a closing argument on behalf of Joe Biden (D) on Tuesday, telling viewers in a 24-minute speech that "our
country is in chaos because of a president who isn't up to the job" and whose administration and allies are "stoking fears
about Black and Brown Americans." Obama delivered an impassioned 24-minute speech to the American people, pleading with
them to support the former vice president, who she described as an experienced leader who "understands the struggles of
everyday folks" and has the ability to end the "chaos" across the country.
Obama calls Donald Trump 'racist' as she pleads with undecided voters. Joe Biden's campaign released a slashing
video endorsement by Michelle Obama Tuesday where the former first lady denounces President Trump as 'racist' and says he
'isn't up to the job.' 'Racism, fear, division — these are powerful weapons and they can destroy this nation
if we don't deal with them head on,' she says in the 24-minute video, called a 'closing argument,' where she speaks directly
to the camera. 'Let's be honest, right now our country is in chaos because of a president who isn't up to the job,' says
the popular former first lady, who also delivered an emotional pitch for Biden by video at the Democratic National Convention.
The Editor says...
[#1] She "speaks directly to the camera" because that's where the teleprompter is.
[#2] Here's an example of "a president who isn't up to the job."
American Narrative is Being Re-Written. [Scroll down] Michelle Obama is one of the most powerful, lucky,
and admired women in the world. She presents herself as a perpetual victim. This is because she is black, and a
white woman cut in front of her in line for ice cream. Obama broke this news in August, 2020. Ironically enough, a
black woman cut in front of me in line for ice cream that same month, specifically at Montclair, NJ's, famous Applegate
Farm. I don't think there was any malice involved. I think the queue, given COVID-19 restrictions, was loose and
disorganized. But, again, being white, I'm not even allowed to exculpate the black woman who cut in front of me,
because, as a poor white, I have no authority, and I am not allowed to participate in this national narrative.
Obama: 'We could've never gotten away with' what the Trump White House does. Michelle Obama says as Black
Americans, she and former President Obama "never could've gotten away with some of the stuff that's going on now" in the
White House because their "community wouldn't have accepted that." The former first lady opened up about race
in an episode of her eponymous Spotify podcast released this week.
The Editor says...
Does Michelle ever "open up" about anything other than race and self-pity?
Deserves Pity, but the Rest of Us Deserve More. [Scroll down] Both as FLOTUS and after settling into an
11-plus-million-dollar Martha's Vineyard mansion, Michelle found neither final escape nor permanent relief from racism and
the pain it inflicts. How could she? She still resides in permanently and systemically racist America. But
she did find strategies to help her cope. "It has been so important for me to have black women in my crew, throughout
my life, because there is such a relief when you don't have to walk into your group and explain yourself." Michelle is a
product of the "infantilization" of black Americans John McWhorter so incisively warns of. The upshot of McWhorter's
contention is that a victimhood culture flourishes among blacks that inhibits the maturity of blacks or people of any color
who internalize a debilitating "blame others" and "depend upon others" ethos. "White people don't even see us!" What
power over herself Michelle cedes to whites. And what bitterness and blame she harbors and feeds within her soul.
Obama on marriage: 'I wanted to push Barack out of the window'. Michelle Obama explained that at times she
wanted to "push Barack out of the window" during the most recent episode of "The Michelle Obama Podcast." The former first
lady, who will celebrate her 28th wedding anniversary with husband Barack Obama next month, spoke candidly about the up and
downs of her marriage with guest Conan O'Brien.
Haagen-Dazs Incident Is Not The First Time Michelle Obama Called A Random Shopper Racist. Former first lady
Michelle Obama has a history of calling random shoppers racist. Michelle most recently detailed an alleged experience
at a Haagen-Dazs where she was cut in line by a white woman during "The Michelle Obama Podcast" uploaded on Aug. 26. [...]
It's not the first time Michelle has accused anonymous shoppers of racism. There was the evolution of the infamous
target story a few years ago, which evolved from a heart warming moment of shared humanity into yet another example of deep
racism, all in just three years.
From DNC Irony to Parody.
In her post-first lady career, one would imagine Michelle Obama would avoid two or three of her once-signature topics in the
olden days of "never been proud" and "downright mean country": one, disdain for the "rich," and, two, race-baiting in the
context of her own misfortunes. [...] According to many polls, Michelle Obama is the most esteemed woman in America, and the
majority of poll respondents belong to the so-called white majority. In terms of her admission to Princeton and Harvard
Law school, her employment in law firms and University of Chicago billets, and her White House persona, it is difficult to
envision how being a "black woman," frequently self-referenced, has proved disadvantageous.
Stench of Mendacity at the Democratic Convention. The opening two nights of the Democratic national convention
this week produced the greatest deluge of monstrous political falsehoods in any two evenings of American television history.
[...] Yet the pièce de résistance of Tuesday evening was from former First Lady Michelle Obama. The fact
that it was taped more than a week before in Martha's Vineyard prevented her from inflicting the merits of the vice
presidential nominee on us. But what we got was a lengthy avalanche of sanctimonious claptrap. "A never-ending
list of innocent people of color continue to be murdered; stating the simple fact that a black life matters is still met with
derision from the nation's highest office," she said.
Obama, America's Most Pampered Princess. Michelle Obama's prerecorded speech for the first night of the
Democratic convention was praised effusively and automatically by the "news" media. Because the media see it as their
job to praise everything Michelle Obama does with overwhelming enthusiasm. Please try this imaginative exercise:
When has a "news" professional ever asked Michelle Obama a challenging question? When has she ever been portrayed as
anything less than Barack Obama's "not-so-secret weapon"? If you want to smell a whiff of authoritarianism in America, it
feels almost illegal to speak one discouraging word about the first black first lady. Michelle Obama is America's most
pampered princess, the most spoiled figure in our modern political history. Her every move is carefully prepared and
managed, and no one ever disturbs her peace when she's on display. Praising her poise and her cool is mandatory, and
it's easier to show poise when no one ever, ever challenges you as less than perfect.
shreds Michelle O over 'calculated lie' about black murders: 'shut up and accept her dominion over you'. Fox
News host Tucker Carlson mocked the Left's sycophantic fawning over Michelle Obama, saying Democrats never criticize her
because they're terrified of being called racist or being bullied by left-wing mobs. The Left often howl that Fox News
is partisan, even though FNC and Tucker have repeatedly criticized President Trump when they disagree with him. You'd
never see a CNN host criticize Barack or Michelle Obama the same way. Carlson said Michelle's iron-fisted grip over the
Democrat Party is eerily similar to the cult following that Scientology leader L. Ron Hubbard has over his flock.
During her DNC speech, the former First Lady laughably painted herself as a victim because she's black — even as
she addressed her obedient sect from her $11 million Martha's Vineyard estate.
Disarmed: Barack Obama's
Wife Conceals Signature Feature During Convention Address. Michelle Obama, a prominent spouse who summers on
Martha's Vineyard, addressed the Democratic Party's virtual convention on Monday, but neglected to show off her signature
assets. When the Obama patriarch, Barack H., left office in disgrace in 2017, the U.S. media mourned the loss of
Michelle's "guns," a popular slang term for arms. Vogue magazine captured the despair many journalists felt in its
cleverly titled piece, "A Farewell to Michelle Obama's Flawless Arms," which allowed readers to relive the former First
Lady's "7 Best Arm Moments." Michelle's arms were an immediate hit after her husband was elected in 2008. A
few months after the inauguration, for example, People magazine published a stunning report about the time celebrity actress
Kirstie Alley told Oprah Winfrey that she wanted Michelle Obama's arms. But they were nowhere to be seen on Monday
night [8/17/2020] when Michelle delivered the primetime address at the Democratic convention, [...]
fact check: Michelle Obama and the 'kids in cages'. Michelle Obama assailed President Donald Trump on
Monday for ripping migrant children from their parents and throwing them into cages, picking up on a frequent and distorted
point made widely by Democrats. She's right that Trump's now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated
thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before. But what she did not say is that the
very same "cages" were built and used in her husband's administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids temporarily.
hits back at Michelle Obama over scathing Democratic National Convention speech. President Trump blasted former
first lady Michelle Obama after she delivered a scathing criticism of him at the Democratic National Convention. On
Monday night [8/17/2020], Obama warned that the United States "can" and "will" get worse if Trump is reelected. But the
president fired back on Tuesday, saying he wouldn't have been elected if her husband, former President Barack Obama, did his
job correctly. "Somebody please explain to @MichelleObama that Donald J. Trump would not be here, in the beautiful
White House, if it weren't for the job done by your husband, Barack Obama. Biden was merely an afterthought, a good
reason for that very late & unenthusiastic endorsement," Trump tweeted.
Day One of the Democrat Con-vention:
Pros and Cons — Watching PR Pros Combine to Con America. [Scroll down] It is time for Michelle
Obama. And she reminds us that, four years ago, the American people had a chance to extend the Obama vision with
Hillary — and instead threw her out and dumped the Obama agenda. Soon she is telling us about George
Floyd. She tells us that "we don't stand in judgment," but she does not remind us that her husband, when the cameras
were off, judgmentally mocked Americans who "cling to their guns or religion": ["]And it's not surprising then
that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment
or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.["] She tells us that she "must be as honest
and clear as she possibly can." She — the wife of Obama — tells us that Donald
Trump is "in over his head."
Obama's Gaslighting Speech Took Some Nerve, Attacking Trump With a Hot Mess of 'Going Low'. [Scroll down]
She started off insulting the American voters who elected Donald Trump, implying that he only [won] because some people
didn't think their votes mattered. She then tried to diminish his win claiming he lost the national popular vote.
There is no "national popular vote. We operate under a Constitution where the people run and win or not based on the
Electoral Vote. Only under the Democrats have we seen this constant undermining of the Constitutional process.
Obama then falsely accused Trump of downplaying the virus, while indeed the man and the party she supports were downplaying
the virus until at least March, Biden didn't even support cutting travel from China or Europe until April, months after Trump
did it. While Trump was organizing the task force, declaring a public health emergency and cutting travel, Biden and
the Democrats were talking about how cutting such travel was "xenophobia" and doing things like encouraging people to go out
into crowds and go on the subway. Obama then got into the heart of her speech where she took off the gloves and just
was flat out deceitful.
why Michelle Obama appeared to snub Kamala Harris in DNC speech. There was one glaring omission from Michelle
Obama's 20-minute Democratic National Convention speech Monday night — Kamala Harris. That's because the
former first lady recorded her rousing speech before Joe Biden selected Sen. Harris of California as his running
mate. The speech was delivered remotely like all others at the DNC because of the coronavirus pandemic, and the
Associated Press reports it was filmed before Harris was named last week as Biden's VP candidate, indicating the choice was
so close to the vest and down to the wire that even the Obamas were not in the loop.
The Editor says...
The Party Bosses had almost a week to "film" the speech again, didn't they?
Michelle Obama Trashes Trump in Dem Convention Speech. Classless Michelle Obama trashed President Trump in her
pre-recorded speech for Monday night's keynote slot at the Democrat convention. Without naming the President, the
former First Lady trashed Trump and asserted that he "cannot meet this moment."
A Funny Kind
of Privilege. Black female billionaire Oprah Winfrey recently "encouraged her white viewers to acknowledge that
they will always have a "leg up" in culture because of the color of their skin." White people, she says, "no matter where
they are on the rung or ladder of success, they still have their whiteness." To be white, she argues, is to enjoy peculiar
social advantage in America today. You have to give credit where it's due. A famous black female billionaire
convincing her suburban hovel-dwelling white female audience that they should self-pillory for enjoying a culture of "white
privilege" that is actively oppressing people like her? That is nothing short of brilliantly manipulative persuasion.
[...] But it's worth asking — would the words "black female billionaire" even sequentially exist in the America
that Oprah imagines? What about the words "black female First Lady?" Former First Lady Michelle Obama is another
rich and powerful black female who claims that the system is rigged against people like her.
On Michelle
Obama's "Low-Grade Depression". Generally, most people tend to keep their health problems between themselves,
their doctors, and perhaps, their friends and family. So, it is puzzling to see how the media is falling all over
themselves to report that Michelle Obama is suffering depression issues. A cynic would say she is trying to garner
attention for herself and her cause, [...]
Anything for publicity: Michelle
Obama Says She's Suffering From "Low-Grade Depression" — Blames President Trump. Former First Lady
Michelle Obama whined about being holed up in her mansion during Covid quarantine during Wednesday's episode of "The Michelle
Obama Podcast." Obama said she is suffering "low-grade depression" because of quarantine, 'racial strife' and of course
the "hypocrisy" of the Trump Admin.
Biden's mental ability is a campaign issue that can't be ignored. [Scroll down] It is the great mystery
of the 2020 campaign why, with such a field of vibrant young talent to choose from, the Democratic establishment fell in
behind a frail 77-year-old to pit against Trump, who despite the pandemic and crippled economy remains a formidable
campaigner. Make no mistake, Biden wasn't chosen by popular acclaim. He was anointed by the Democratic Party's
new kingmaker, Barack Obama. With the Clintons consigned to history, Biden is Obama's candidate, not because Biden was
the best candidate, but because he can deliver Obama's third term by proxy and pave the way for Michelle Obama to run in
2024. It's a win-win for the Obamas, says Florida political consultant Albert Marko, a former pollster who advises
hedge funds and predicted Trump's 2016 victory.
Self-aggrandizement: Michelle
Obama describes Barack as 'former president who reads and knows history', in apparent swipe at Trump. Michelle
and Barack Obama appeared to take aim at Donald Trump in a new podcast launched by the former first lady this week. The
couple were discussing America's current political discontent amid protests and the coronavirus crisis when they appeared to
deride the White House incumbent's apparent inability to "read and know history". Ms Obama, who launched her podcast
on Wednesday [7/29/2020] with an interview with her husband Barack, introduced the former US president as someone "who reads
and knows history[.]"
The Editor says...
If you're interested, I could offer a rebuttal.
Michelle Obama Podcast to Discuss Topics Like Our 'National Reckoning With Race'. The Obama media empire
continues to gain new ground. In addition to carving out a piece of the Netflix pie, acquiring a hosting gig on PBS
Kids, and selling millions and millions of books about her life, Michelle Obama is now getting her very own podcast via the
music streaming platform Spotify. Someday we'll be telling our grandchildren how lucky we were to be living in the same
time as Michelle Obama, we're sure of it. Hollywood outlet Deadline broke the yuge news that the former First Lady to
former President Barack Obama will be the star of a brand new podcast called "The Michelle Obama Podcast."
Is Michelle Obama Biden's
trump card? In April, author and political commentator Michael Walsh predicted that Joe Biden would choose Michelle
Obama as his running mate within a month or so: "[It] would be an unstoppable ticket, and potentially give the Obamas eight
more years in the White House." Walsh quotes Dick Harpootlian, South Carolina's former Democratic Party Chair: "If she
engages, God help Donald Trump, because she's tough as nails and enormously popular." [...] Independents uncomfortable with Slow Joe
at the top of the ticket might be reassured by her steady presence and the implicit, pivotal role her experienced husband would play
in the new administration. The likely spin: she'd rather remain a private citizen but accepts Biden's offer as a way to
give back to her country. How noble. Some other consequences/advantages of a Michelle VP candidacy:
• Attention will swing away from Dementia Joe and focus on her. Biden can stay in his basement
until election day.
• The black vote is hers, period, as well as a healthy chunk of independents and Latinos.
• Anticipating a win, rich backers will now go all in with Michelle on the ticket.
• Everyone knows Michelle doesn't like campaigning, so she will get little criticism for doing
so little in the brief period between the big unveil in August and November 3.
• Debate Pence? Won't happen. See, he's a professional politician and she isn't.
The left will accept this excuse, as will many independents. And Biden will stand in solidarity with her by refusing
to debate the charlatan Trump.
Affirmative Action Screwed Up Michelle Obama. In 1985, Michelle Obama presented her senior thesis in the
sociology department of Princeton University. Although Michelle drew no such conclusion, the thesis is a stunning
indictment of affirmative action. Those who benefited from it, Michelle most notably, may never recover from its
sting. Her thesis reads like a cry for help. "I have found that at Princeton no matter how matter how liberal and
open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me," she writes, "I sometimes feel like a visitor on
campus; as I really don't belong." She didn't. Michelle should never have been admitted to Princeton.
Thanks to the "numerous opportunities" presented by affirmative action, however, Princeton is where she found herself.
"Told by counselors that her SAT scores and her grades weren't good enough for an Ivy League school," writes biographer
Christopher Andersen, "Michelle applied to Princeton and Harvard anyway." Sympathetic biographer Liza Mundy writes,
"Michelle frequently deplores the modern reliance on test scores, describing herself as a person who did not test
well." She did not write well, either. She even typed badly.
Is there a Monopoly of Suffering?
Let's start with Mrs. Obama's claim [that she was in "a house built by slaves"], the easiest to dismiss. The White
House she lived in for eight years was first rebuilt in 1902 and achieved its present shape in the 1950s, long after the US
abolished slavery in 1865 and granted former slaves citizenship in 1869. There may have been some blacks, later to be dubbed
African-Americans, among the builders; but they were no longer slaves. Slaves, most of whom in history were white and
not black, were not the only victims. Even people who were neither slaves nor slave-owners paid a heavy price in slow
economic development and poverty. When it comes to slavery, no one has a monopoly of suffering.
Is there a Monopoly of Suffering?
In 2016, then US First Lady Michelle Obama told TV audiences how she woke up every morning in the White House thinking that
it was "a house built by slaves." [...] The White House she lived in for eight years was first rebuilt in 1902 and achieved
its present shape in the 1950s, long after the US abolished slavery in 1865 and granted former slaves citizenship in 1869.
There may have been some blacks, later to be dubbed African-Americans, among the builders; but they were no longer slaves.
Obama Celebrates Alma Mater Princeton Removing Woodrow Wilson's Name from School. Former first lady Michelle
Obama on Monday praised her alma mater, Princeton University, for dropping 28th President Woodrow Wilson's name from its
public policy school. "Heartened to see my alma mater make this change, and even prouder of the students who've been
advocating for this kind of change on campus for years," Obama wrote on social media. "Let's keep finding ways to be
more inclusive to all students — at Princeton and at every school across the country."
Obama Encourages 2020 Graduates to Increase Their Activism Beyond Hashtags. Former First Lady Michelle Obama
took a break from lounging around in her $15 million Martha's Vineyard estate to encourage angry left-wing graduates to go
protest in the streets. Michelle Obama on Sunday delivered remarks in a virtual commencement speech to 2020 high school
and college graduates. She encouraged the young graduates to mobilize and become community organizers to bring radical
change following the death of George Floyd.
1/3 of Democrats Don't Want Michelle Obama on Biden Ticket, Even if She Wanted to Run. A recently-released poll
shows over a third of Democrat voters are against Joe Biden picking former first lady Michelle Obama as his running mate,
even if she wanted to run on the ticket. The CBS/YouGov found 65 percent of Democrats support Obama's selection, given
her consent, while a surprising 35 percent say they oppose it. With respect to black respondents, 70 percent approve
a Biden-Obama ticket, while 30 percent do not. When it comes to independent voters, Obama's support falls five points to
60 percent, with 40 percent saying they are against her being selected for the VP slot.
Does Michelle Obama Have to Complain About? There's a curious joy deficit in Michelle Obama's video memoir
Becoming, the Netflix documentary produced by her and her husband. As she glides from one beautiful space to another,
surrounded by beautiful and famous people, with beautiful daughters and a beautiful bank account and much else to be grateful
for, the viewer keeps waiting for her Flounder moment: Oh, boy, is this great! Instead, the tone is mostly
dour, pained, even somber. [...] She walks us through her press coverage, which she finds indescribably unfair and hurtful.
[...] This section of the movie (which, I remind you, was produced by the Obamas themselves) lies by omission, leaving out
the ocean of favorable press coverage received by Michelle Obama and focusing exclusively at the puddle of negative
attention. Michelle Obama may have received the most glowing press coverage of all time among figures who achieved her
level of fame.
Obama's Tall Tales. The cult of Michelle Obama is a puzzler. Thousands of strong, smart, independent
women flock to every public appearance of, and hang on every platitude of, a woman whose sole notable accomplishment is her
marriage. Lucking into marrying a celebrity is not usually posited to be the aim of feminism. No one can name a
single other exceptional, or even unusual, achievement.
Punished with a baby: Michelle
Obama reveals in new Netflix documentary that having children was a 'concession' she had to make. Michelle
Obama admits in the new Netflix documentary Becoming that having children was a 'concession' that cost her her 'aspirations
and dreams' after she rose to become Barack's equal. The documentary was released on Netflix on Wednesday [5/6/2020]
and sees the former first lady narrate parts of her life from when she was a child to meeting Barack, their time in the White
House and what she now hopes to do with her time.
The Editor says...
In case you're too young to remember Barack H. Obama's "punished with a baby" remark, read
here: [1]
Operatives Launch 'Committee to Draft Michelle Obama' for VP. A newly-launched committee called "Draft Michelle
Obama" is pushing for Joe Biden, the apparent Democrat presidential nominee, to select the former first lady as his running
mate. "Joe Biden has said he would choose Michelle Obama as his running mate 'in a heartbeat.' The aim of this campaign
is to build on the substantial grassroots support for a potential Michelle Obama candidacy and help garner media attention
for a vice-presidential nominee who has the power to beat Donald Trump," the group said in a statement released Monday
committee seeks to draft Michelle Obama as VP nominee. Could we see an Obama back in the White House in 2020?
Former Vice President Joe Biden says it's not likely to happen, but the "Committee to Draft Michelle Obama for VP" is working to build
"substantial grassroots support for a potential Michelle Obama candidacy and help garner media attention for a vice-presidential
nominee who has the power to beat Donald Trump," according to the group's press release. "Ms. Obama, the most admired woman
in America, will be a vital asset this November, when Vice President Biden will face an uphill battle to combat the lies and deceit
emanating from the White House," said the statement released Monday [5/4/2020].
The Editor says...
Anyone who thinks Michelle Obama is "the most admired woman in America," probably doesn't care about "the lies and deceit
emanating from the White House" when Barack H. Obama was president.
Obama calls black voters 'our folks' and rebukes them for their 'slap in the face'. In the latest example
clarifying that Michelle Obama sees the world through the lens of color was seen in the former first lady's new Netflix
documentary, "Becoming." Revisiting a sore subject, Mrs. Obama talks about the pain she feels over black voters not
turning out to vote for Hillary Clinton in the same numbers they did for husband Barack Obama, according to The Daily
Beast. Touting all the hard work "we" put in to build a winning coalition, Obama called it a "slap in the face."
The new word for what the left will call anyone who opposes Michelle Obama. Filed under going so far out on a
limb that squirrels are taking notice. Sometimes it's easier to cut to the chase instead of writing a bunch of
intermediate stories that end up at the same point anyway. The Biden blow-up is a sure sign that the pandemic is
over. Even the AP is having to recycle stories on the crisis. Just consider what's going to happen politically
since it's been obvious that he's just a stand-in for what's behind door number 1. Knowing the nation's socialist left
as we do, they will most certainly come up with some new malady to denigrate anyone who opposes his replacement. We
have a few suggestions, but first, let's present the case for how this will happen. [...]
Obama Asks DC Residents to 'Stay Home' While Barack Goes Golfing. Former First Lady Michelle Obama and former
President Barack Obama do not appear to be on the same page regarding Washington, DC's stay-at-home orders. Michelle
Obama recorded a message for Washington, DC, residents, urging Americans to stay home, even though her husband went golfing
in Virginia two days earlier.
Bet Joe Biden Picks Michelle to Be His Running Mate. [Scroll down] A public figure's personal wishes can
easily be sublimated to the needs and of her political party, especially in times of crisis. It is worthless for
anyone — Republican or Democrat — to decide on what Michelle Obama "wants" to do at this point, without
also factoring in what the party faithful may "need" her to do for them in order to recapture the White House. I
speculate that Michelle, being a good soldier, would comply, even more so were she flatteringly cast as the person best able
to save the ticket from impending doom. Scoff if you will at such a scenario. But too many smug partisans are
simply unable — or unwilling — to look at things from an opponent's viewpoint.
Carlson asks why Obama was out golfing while wife Michelle lectures Americans about lockdowns. Former President
Barack Obama has apparently concluded that playing golf is an essential activity during the coronavirus pandemic that has
most the country quarantined. Last Saturday [4/25/2020], according to Politico, he was spotted on the links at
the Robert Trent Jones Country Club in Virginia, which is located approximately 40 minutes from his residence in an upscale
Washington, D.C., neighborhood. This outing occurred despite the fact that both D.C. and Virginia are under a strict
lockdown and have been for about a month.
Biden flailing, is Michelle Obama going to take his place? The news is suddenly awash in reports that, on May 6,
Netflix and the Barack and Michelle Obama production company will premiere a documentary about the book tour Michelle Obama did in
connection with her memoir. Both the memoir and the documentary are entitled Becoming. What's interesting is that this
premiere is a surprise: [...] Am I the only one who finds this "surprise" an amazing coincidence when taken in conjunction with
Joe Biden's declining candidacy?
Biden: I'd Pick Michelle Obama as Running Mate 'in a Heartbeat'. Former Vice President Joe Biden, the
presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, said he would undoubtedly select former first lady Michelle Obama to be his
running mate, though he admitted she likely does not want to jump back into politics anytime soon. "I'd take her in a
heartbeat," Biden said in a Monday interview with CBS Pittsburgh when asked if he would add Obama to the ticket. "She's
brilliant. She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman. The Obamas are great friends."
the Obamas could easily win eight more years in the White House. [Scroll down] So the choice is
clear: Michelle Obama. Never mind that she has even less political experience than Hillary Clinton did when she
ran for the White House, and has long said she disdains public office. Currently, Michelle is in talks to possibly
endorse Biden via a video and is said to be lending her name to a campaign fundraiser as early as next week, according to The
Hill. "If she engages, God help Donald Trump, because she's tough as nails and enormously popular," former Democratic
Party chairman of South Carolina Dick Harpootlian told the outlet. With her husband finally having endorsed Biden last
week, the stage is now set.
how that Michelle Obama 'endorsement' for Joe Biden requires 'talks'. If Joe Biden were a good candidate,
doesn't it seem as though it would be a breeze for any Democrat to endorse him? He's not a normal candidate, at least
when it comes to the Obamas. Michelle Obama is in "talks" with the Biden team on all the conditions necessary to obtain
her endorsement. [...] What might Joe be promising Michelle in exchange for her coveted endorsement? He's got to be
promising something, and we all know she has extravagant tastes. Wonder what he's offering her, and what she's willing
to accept. This being Joe, one thing we can look to is his taste in lucrative overseas board seats, maybe for Obama,
maybe for the Obama White House cronies, maybe for the Obama kids, same as he did to get his own boy, Hunter, all set for
The Editor says...
If I were to guess, I would say Valerie Jarrett is doing Michelle Obama's talking for her. What exactly
does Michelle Obama have to offer, in exchange for her endorsement?
Obama's odds to be Biden's vice president surge as Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar fade. Former first lady
Michelle Obama is back in play big time as a favorite to be Joe Biden's running mate. As Sen. Bernie Sanders on
Monday made a surprise endorsement of Biden in a warm and humorous video chat, the focus turned to Biden's pick for vice
president and gambling markets charted by Oddschecker.com saw a surge of support for Obama. "Michelle Obama has been
the most backed person in the market, accounting for almost 32% of all bets," the firm said.
Because voting on Election Day is such a shhhhtruggle... Michelle
Obama backs expansion of absentee voting. Michelle Obama is championing an expansion of vote-by-mail options with her
voting rights group, When We All Vote, which is endorsing federal legislation for the first time. The former first lady and the
celebrity-backed organization will announce Monday [4/13/2020] their support for legislation introduced by a handful of Democratic
lawmakers during the COVID-19 crisis, according to Axios. The legislation gives all registered voters the ability to vote by
absentee ballot and makes it easier for voters to obtain mail-in ballots.
Is Trump Ready
For Biden-Obama 2020? With former Vice President Joe Biden boasting victories on Tuesday in Michigan, Missouri,
Mississippi, and Idaho, the impatience among Democrats is growing about when the man who put Biden on his ticket in 2008 will
endorse the now-certain party nominee. But far more valuable than the support of former President Barack Obama would be
former first lady Michelle Obama on the ticket with Biden — a momentous maneuver that would electrify the country.
Obama petitioned to run as vice president to stop Bernie Sanders, report says. Fearing the selection of Bernie
Sanders as the Democrats' 2020 presidential nominee, a growing number of establishment party officials are reportedly
considering Sherrod Brown as a late entry "white knight" with Michelle Obama as a running mate. Other potential
candidates floated by the party include Kamala Harris, who dropped out of the race in December, as well as house speaker
Nancy Pelosi, according to the New York Times' interview with 93 party officials, all of whom are super-delegates who
could determine the party's nominee should a candidate emerge without a clear majority of delegate votes.
school changes its name from Woodrow Wilson to Michelle Obama. The Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Northern
California will close for extensive renovations and open next year as Michelle Obama Elementary. "We have the
opportunity to have a beautiful new school named after a person who really represents our diversity and values," Claudia
Velez, the school's principal, told CNN on Thursday [2/13/2020]. The proposal — which was approved in a
unanimous vote by the West Contra Costa Unified School District Board — is not the first time President Wilson's
name has come under scrutiny.
Obama will have a Northern California elementary school named after her. Former first lady Michelle Obama will
soon have a second California school as her namesake. In a unanimous vote, the West Contra Costa Unified School
District Board decided to change the name of Wilson Elementary School to Michelle Obama Elementary School. The idea was
first proposed when the PTA sent a letter to the school board, the school board said. Two ad hoc meetings received
unanimous support from parents, students and community leaders.
Two more reasons not to vote for Biden: Joe
Biden Suggests Making Michelle Obama Running Mate, Appointing Barack to Supreme Court. Joe Biden suggested on
Tuesday that the Obamas would be appointed to high office if he were elected in 2020, telling voters the former first lady
could be his running mate, while her husband was destined for the Supreme Court, provided he wanted the appointment.
The former vice president made the promise during a campaign town hall in Iowa, where he was asked by a voter if he would
consider appointing Obama to the Supreme Court.
Biden says he'd want Michelle Obama to be his running mate. Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden this
week reaffirmed his desire to have former first lady Michelle Obama be his running mate. "I sure would like Michelle
[Obama] to be the vice president," Biden said Tuesday at a campaign stop in Muscatine, Iowa. The comment came after the
former vice president was asked if he would consider nominating former President Barack Obama to the Supreme Court.
"Yeah, I would, but I don't think he'd do it. He'd be a great Supreme Court justice," Biden responded.
Obviously prepping us for Michelle's run for the White House: Barack
Obama: Women 'Indisputably Better' Leaders Than Men. Former President Barack Obama declared Monday that
women are better leaders than men, musing that the world's living standards would increase if the fairer sex ran the
world. Speaking in Singapore at a private event on leadership, Obama conceded that while women have their flaws, he
argued that they are "indisputably better" than men, the BBC reports.
dangerous myth about women and leadership. Democratic reliance on dangerous myths and falsehoods is no longer a
bug but a feature of their narrative and philosophy. Case in point are comments made this week by former President
Barack Obama. At an Obama Foundation Leaders event in Singapore, Mr. Obama, relying on gender stereotypes,
perpetuated an undeniable, and dangerous, myth that women are not just better than men, but inherently better leaders.
Obama opens up about Trump's 'surreal' impeachment hearing. Michelle Obama opened up on the presidential
impeachment hearings calling the moves to oust President Donald Trump from office 'surreal', while assuring the public 'we'll
come out stronger'. The former First Lady spoke with host Jenna Bush Hager on the Today show on Monday [12/9/2019] as
she visited Vietnam for her first public overseas trip since leaving the White House to promote girls' education.
'Michelle for President'. Our betters in the MSM, and related ruling-class mouthpieces, have set the narrative:
the lackluster, too-crazy pack of Democrat presidential candidates, even with a few token billionaires, will ultimately give way
to the entry of Michelle Obama into the race. The former First Lady, author of an apparently best-selling memoir, will inject
palpable blue energy throughout the nation, return black America to a 95+% Democrat voting bloc, consolidate the Obama voting
coalitions that won two presidential elections, and the evil interloper Trump will be sent packing. Don't buy this narrative.
[...] Here's why: 'Obama' is how we got Trump. For all the gigabytes devoted to explaining how Donald Trump was
elected President of the United States, the simplest two-word explanation has always been: Barack Obama.
Michelle Obama may jump into the race. Although it's far from a lead-pipe cinch, a plausible case is to be made
that the former first lady Michelle Obama may enter the Democratic primary race. [...] [T]he only Democrat of national
stature is former president Barack Obama. Bill Clinton has been so discredited that he's radioactive to his party.
His wife, Crooked Hillary, is not far behind hubby in that regard. So, Obama's the man. And what has Obama said
about the current field of contenders? He said he couldn't support Crazy Bernie, openly opined that Biden can't connect
with voters, and has shown no enthusiasm for any of the other candidates. This leaves the Democrats essentially leaderless.
Obama's new book is just another craven cash grab. Not content with more than 10 million books sold, a Netflix
deal in the high eight figures, a joint publishing advance with husband Barack worth $65 million, a highly profitable world
tour, speaking fees that by now surely average around $500,000 per, and a recently acquired waterfront Martha's Vineyard mansion
purchased for $15 million, Michelle Obama is back with another craven money grab. "Becoming: A Guided Journal for
Discovering Your Voice" is her new publishing venture. Billed as a sequel of sorts to Obama's best-selling memoir, this squat,
slim volume, priced at $19.99, is Michelle "now provid[ing] you with the encouragement to find value in your own personal journey,"
the publisher says.
Michelle Obama Leaves Out About 'White Flight'. [Scroll down] Isn't Michelle Obama conceding that some
neighborhoods are more dangerous than others? Chicago is about one-third black, one-third white and one-third
Hispanic. Yet, in the last 365 days in Chicago, blacks have been 55% of all homicide victims. And what about
violent black-white interracial crime? According to the FBI's Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2018, there were about
600,000 such instances. In 90% of them, the perpetrator was black, the victim white.
Black conservative
dismantles Michelle Obama's 'white flight' theory. Black conservative Chicago native Gianno Caldwell picked
apart recent controversial comments from former First Lady Michelle Obama, who claimed that "white folks" fled Chicago
neighborhoods in the 1970s because black families were moving into them. "Families like ours, upstanding families like
ours... who were doing everything they were supposed to do or better," said Obama at an Obama Foundation Summit at the
Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago last week, "As we moved in, white folks moved out because they were afraid of
what our families represented. "I want to remind white folks that y'all were running from us," she continued.
"And you're still running." Caldwell expressed doubt that the former first lady had facts to back up her comments,
which he described as divisive.
is a symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Envy is a pure evil. It is not an exaggeration to say it
afflicts the NeverTrumps, the entire Left, and a large segment of the Democratic Party. Trump's opponents hate him not
for his mistakes, tweets, or manners, but for his achievements — achievements they themselves could never
produce. They are even highly envious of Trump's wife, Melania, a most gracious and beautiful first lady, especially
when contrasted with the oafish Michelle Obama. The media are loath to report anything good about Melania and take
gratuitous shots at her at every opportunity. Why? They want to damage Melania only because she's the wife of
Donald Trump. That is hate inspired by envy.
Obama: Barack could build presidential library anywhere because 'so many people' feel 'like he is their president'.
Former first lady Michelle Obama suggested that former President Barack Obama could build his presidential library anywhere around the
world because people in foreign countries feel like he is their president. Michelle Obama explained at Tuesday's [10/29/2019]
Obama Foundation Summit at the Illinois Institute of Technology that Chicago's Jackson Park was selected as the location for the Obama
Presidential Center because it is close to the couple's old home and near her childhood home.
Obama castigates whites for 'running from us'. Speaking at an event in Chicago called the "Obama Foundation
Summit" (were any heads of state present?), Michelle Obama let slip her resentment of white people. The grudge goes
back to her childhood, and she does not seem to see much progress in the behavior she attributes to Caucasian-Americans.
[...] This is remarkably un-self-aware, considering that the Obamas currently reside in Kalorama and Martha's Vineyard.
How many blacks live near their two mansions? [...] It would be wonderful if black crime rates were similar to those of
whites and Asians, but they aren't. That is why many minorities flee from ghettos as soon as they are financially
able — a group that includes Barack and Michelle Obama. Mrs. Obama is stoking racial resentment with
her remarks, an emotion that the Democrats use as part of their electoral strategy to drive black turnout.
were running from us': Michelle Obama claims 'white folks' are 'afraid' of living in black neighborhoods.
Michelle Obama spoke out against "white flight" in a recent interview, saying she experienced it as a kid and that it remains
a problem. "As families like ours — upstanding families like ours who were doing everything we were supposed
to do and better. As we moved in, white folks moved out because they were afraid of what our families represented," the
former first lady said Tuesday at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago.
The Editor says...
What goes on at an "Obama Foundation Summit" — aside from the price of admission going into Michelle's pocket?
Shows Michelle Obama Would Be Front-Runner If She Entered 2020 Race. As an uninspiring field of Democrat
candidates gets set to take the stage for a debate in New Hampshire, a new poll from the same state suggests Michelle Obama
would lead the field if she were to enter the 2020 presidential election. A Boston Herald-Franklin Pierce University
survey released on Monday shows that the Democrat field is currently boiling down to a three-person race — with
Senator Elizabeth Warren at 25 percent, former Vice President Joe Biden at 24 percent, and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont
at 22 percent. However, should Obama jump into the race — a dream come true for liberal voters who see the
current field as just more of the same — she'd immediately vault to the front in the New Hampshire Democratic primary.
Michelle Obama —
Cashing in On Marrying Well. Certainly more of a sidekick than an equal, she had two beautiful children and put
her own life on the back burner. Sounds more like a stereotypical conservative wife than a woman Democrats would hold
in the highest esteem. Her goals and achievements at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue include, but are not limited to,
cultivating a vegetable garden, destroying the American school lunch program to combat child obesity, and promoting causes
that had no downside risk — eradicating child poverty, making education great again, and soft-peddling equal
rights for all. Hard to argue with her safe choices. Post-White House, our former first lady is a name on a few
charitable boards and scheming with her hubby to produce radical-left programming for Netflix.
Obama shoots off her mouth in embarrassing tirade. After becoming the national food and exercise scold, provoking vast waste
and mass starvation as public school students discard the unappetizing and skimpy lunches she has forced on school cafeterias, she has now
turned toward outright slander of those who oppose the greenies. [...] Michelle Obama has been handed a golden pass to easy street ever since
she got into Princeton University and wrote a senior thesis demonstrating her difficulty writing and spelling the English Language at a
10th grade level. She got a made-up job at over $300,000 a year when her husband became a US Senator, and when she moved to the
White House nobody was needed or appointed to replace her. Now, with her husband's post presidency looming, she stands at the brink of
fabulous wealth, as is the post-Clinton practice of Democrats leaving the presidency. And she will still be angry, resentful, and libelous
toward those who disagree with her.
You Pay $4,200 to Listen to Michelle Obama Scold You? "At a certain point, you've made enough money." Back in
2010, President Barack Hussein Obama said that out loud into a microphone. But now, once again, Past Obama and Present
Obama find themselves at odds. I cannot imagine Barry is saying the same thing today to his wife. [...] At a certain
point, you've made enough money. But you don't get to decide when that "certain point" arrives. The
Obamas get to decide that. And obviously, they've decided that their own "certain point" isn't anywhere close yet.
Obama charging up to $4,200 for tickets to new tour. Former First Lady Michelle Obama is coming to Newark Nov. 3
and fans are shelling out big bucks to hear what she has to say. The cheap seats for the "Moderated Conversation" at the
Prudential Center were going for $144 on Ticketmaster. Want facetime? Prime seats and a "meet and greet" will cost
you $2,500. Floor seats are priced as high as $1,300 and the most expensive ticket currently available is $4,200 for a
suite-level ducat.
Obama Lavish Expenses Cost Taxpayers Big. We all know the rules are a little different for the political
class. But Michelle Obama's recent trips overseas hardly qualify as official business. They are lavish,
extravagant, and excessive by any reasonable metric. Moreover, these latest revelations are hardly isolated. They
are part of continuum reaching back across to the earliest days of the Obama administration. Recently, Judicial Watch
obtained flight expense records from the U.S. Department of the Air Force revealing that Michelle Obama's June 2015 trip to
the United Kingdom and Italy, accompanied by her daughters and mother, cost the taxpayers $240,495.67 in flight expenses alone.
Obama for president. The only one who can beat Trump? There is, however, one problem Michelle Obama fans
are going to have to deal with, and it's a big one. She ain't interested. "There's zero chance," she told the
National, an Amtrak magazine. And in an interview with Conan O'Brien, she said being in the White House and under the
spotlight for eight years was enough, and "I'm not interested in politics."
The Editor says...
Michelle Obama would love to wield the power she once saw in the hands of her incompetent husband. It's not that
she isn't interested in politics. She doesn't want to be soundly defeated and publicly humiliated by Donald Trump.
Even the loyal protection of the press and the novelty of a black female in the White House would not be enough to get
Michelle Obama elected.
Why Michelle Obama Won't
Run in 2020. The Democrats are clearly losing confidence that their declared presidential candidates can beat
President Trump in 2020. They tout polls showing that any of their top four candidates would win the general election
were it held now, but only the most naïve take such hypothetical matchups seriously. Moreover, they can see that
their leading candidate is so fuddled that he frequently forgets his talking points and even where he is on a given day, while
his competitors are so far left of the mainstream that Trump would trounce them. This is why so many on the left have
turned their desperate eyes to Michelle Obama.
have 24 candidates in the race, but they're all zeros. If anything can be gleaned from watching the Democrats
debate, it's this: President Donald Trump doesn't have much to worry about when it comes to his reelection.
Democrats, after all these months, even with all these candidates, still have nobody for president. There's no
break-away; there's no front-runner. There's no clear leader — certainly, no clear winner. Bluntly,
you know you've got a candidate problem when, in a field of 24, the perceived best chance of beating Trump is —
Michelle Obama. The one who's not running.
Obama says there's 'zero chance' she'll run for president. The former first lady told Amtrak magazine the
National there is "zero chance" she will challenge President Trump for the White House, saying there are plenty of
other ways she can improve the country without being president. [...] Obama has long been adamant that she has no desire to
run for public office, but that has not silenced the calls for her to jump in the race. Just this week, director and
liberal activist Michael Moore said Obama is the only person who could "crush" Trump.
Moore urges Michelle Obama to run against Trump. Filmmaker Michael Moore said in a new interview that there is
only one candidate up to the challenge to "crush" President Trump in 2020, "and her last name rhymes with Obama." "In
fact, it is Obama — Michelle Obama," Moore said on MSNBC. "Everybody watching this right now knows she is a
beloved American and she would go in there and she would beat him."
Editor: Why Discuss Melania Trump In An Interview When Michelle Obama Is So 'Incredible?'. Vogue Editor
Anna Wintour couldn't be bothered talking about First Lady Melania Trump, not when her predecessor Michelle Obama "was so
incredible." Wintour spoke to The Economist last week but apparently only wanted to speak about the fashion accomplishments
of Obama — even when the question was about Trump.
The Return of
An Obama Presidency? Is the "Most Admired Woman in the world", the author of the "World's Best-Selling Book of
2018" running for for 2020 election, gung-ho to return an Obama presidency to America? If so, Michelle Obama is all
you don't want in a president wrapped into one covert candidate. If the Democrats can't have Barack back then wouldn't
his wife Michelle be the next best thing? Michelle is out there stumping on the campaign trail. She's not
stumping for any one of the 20-plus Democrat primary contenders in the carload of crazies [...], she's stumping —
LOUDLY — for herself.
Be Surprised If Michelle Obama Gets Into the Democrat Presidential Race. ["]I think the Obamas are
looking at this as, 'The primaries? That's beneath us. We're not gonna enter the primaries.' They'll let
these people fight it out, spend all their money, and then when it looks like none of them has a chance of beating Trump,
here comes Michelle (My Belle) Obama at the latter moments of the campaign to jump into the fray and save the day for the
Democrat Party.["]
gay piece shows where Democrats are. If the election were held today, the Democrat ticket would be Kamala
Harris and the gay mayor. Michelle Obama's support of Harris, whom she views as a surrogate, clears the field for her
topping the ticket.
Obama jokes she's 'surprised' daughters have friends after White House childhood. Former first lady Michelle
Obama said her daughters Malia and Sasha played a lot of pretend when they were growing up in the White House. Not
make-believe. More like, pretend-those-armed-Secret-Service-agents-aren't-there pretend, Obama told Gayle King during a
CBS interview at the Essence Festival in New Orleans this weekend.
Obama Shares Her Deep Thoughts. Ripley's Mom linked this yesterday [7/7/2019]: Michelle Obama's July 4th
Weekend Message to Americans. I think it's part of the Obamas' Netflix deal — they plan to turn it into a series titled
"Michelle Obama Shares Her Deep Thoughts." [...] I admit, my initial reaction was "what kind of moron lets her kids have a
sleepover the night before they are to vacate the premises, the day before they are to participate in the (supposedly)
peaceful transfer of power to the new president? But then I remembered it was most likely a lie.
Obama Claims People Dismiss Presidency After Barack: 'If a Black Guy Can Do It, Anybody Can'. In a Saturday
[7/6/2019] interview, former first lady Michelle Obama insisted that Americans now dismiss the U.S. presidency because a
black man was recently in the office. Speaking to TV host Gayle King during the 2019 Essence Festival at the
Mercedes-Benz Superdome, Obama exclaimed that husband Barack made the presidency "look too easy," Fox News reported.
before Trump's inauguration was 'very emotional': Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama in an interview Saturday evening [7/6/2019]
said the night before President Trump's inauguration in January 2017 was "very emotional." "The truth is, on that day I was moving
my children out of the only house they had really grown up in," the former first lady told Gayle King of CBS News at the Essence
Festival in New Orleans. "I think that gets lost on people."
The Editor says...
[#1] Mrs. Obama had a team of servants to help her move. [#2] She didn't have to wait until the last day to move
out. [#3] She and her kids are some of the wealthiest and most over-privileged people in the world.
Obama leads celeb dodgeball team 'gangsta style.' And libs call Trump tacky? Former first lady Michele Obama is
participating in activity deemed to be a tool of "oppression" that teaches young Americans "to dehumanize and harm their
peers." Better known as dodgeball. Mrs. Obama will lead a celebrity U.S. dodgeball team traveling to the
U.K. to take on an all male team lead by CBS's "The Late Late Show" host James Corden, who's from England.
Obama surprises students to talk about memoir. A group of students from Spelman and Morehouse colleges who've
been studying Michelle Obama's memoir, "Becoming," had a surprise visitor to discuss the work — the former first
lady herself.
and Clinton's Coup d'état Enters the 2020 Election Campaign. The coup in which Barack Obama and Hillary
Clinton used the FBI to try to overturn the 2016 election of Donald Trump lives on, and has moved full-bore into the 2020
presidential election campaign. Making it a big deal that he is "not Obama endorsed", ex-vice president Joe Biden
launched his presidential bid as the front runner who will fight off Trump for the "soul of America". Behind all the
hullabaloo, aside from spreading the Big Lie that Trump's a "racist", Biden is really only in the presidential race to
keep a seat warm for Obama, who will install whomever he wants as the Democrat nominee, unfortunately perhaps including his
overbearing wife, Michelle. Having lost his last shot at a third term in office through the 2016 humiliating defeat of
Hillary Clinton, the Big O's back in the presidential game, and this time he's playing for keeps.
Michelle Obama the Democratic stealth nominee? [Scroll down] With the feeding frenzy expected to drive
down all the Democrat hopefuls' positives by February, Michelle Obama will be perfectly positioned to sweep the nomination as
the most popular and most famous Democrat, second only to her husband. Michelle Obama enjoys an almost identical 56
percent positive to just 31 percent negative public opinion as her husband. But in what could be transformative by
uniting the traditional and social activist Democrat Party, Michelle Obama is the Millennials' 1st ranked public figure.
Obama Takes Swipe At Single Fathers: America Under Trump Is Like 'Living With Divorced Dad'. "Believe me,
as a busy single mother — or, I shouldn't say single, as a busy mother," she said in an April 2013 TV
interview. "Sometimes, you know, when you've got a husband who is president, it can feel a little single. But
he's there." She went on to praise busy mothers — single or not — listing out the woes of
"working, driving kids to practice, not having enough time to shop or cook, not having the energy, you know, the resources
weren't the issue but time and energy is key." But the former first lady doesn't seem to be too keen on single fathers.
Michelle Obama trying to run for president with her knock on divorced dads, US cities? Rush Limbaugh thinks
Team Obama may be strategizing a Michelle Obama run for president in 2020. The radio host said Barack and Michelle are so
ticked off that Trump won that they "want back in." Limbaugh cited Michelle's extensive, never-ending book tour as a sign
that the Obamas' lust for power could result in the ever vicious and vengeful former first lady announcing her candidacy.
This past Sunday, during another promotional interview for her book at London's O2 arena, Mrs. Obama sounded an awful lot
like what she sounded like in 2008. Who can forget Mrs. Obama's inflated and anti-America rhetoric while campaigning
for her husband?
Is Michelle
Waiting in the Wings? I think that it is entirely possible that the Obamas are sitting out there lurking in the
weeds. Her book is still out there. They are waiting for these people to eat themselves alive, these other
Democrat nominees, and chew themselves up with this radicalism.
Michelle Obama's Chief of Staff Help Prop Up the Jussie Smollett Hate Hoax? Last week, the president of the
Chicago police union asked the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate whether Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx
interfered in the police investigation of Empire star Jussie Smollett. Further reporting suggested Foxx may have
interfered after receiving a text from Tina Tchen, former chief of staff for former first lady Michelle Obama. [...] Smollett
was eventually charged with 16 felony counts after reporting a hate crime hoax. Foxx had recused herself from the case,
but Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) President Kevin Graham demanded an investigation last week.
Michelle, Barack and the College Admissions Scandal. [Scroll down] Michelle was the next to attend
Harvard, in her case Harvard Law School. "Told by counselors that her SAT scores and her grades weren't good enough for
an Ivy League school," writes Christopher Andersen in Barack and Michelle, "Michelle applied to Princeton and Harvard
anyway." Sympathetic biographer Liza Mundy writes, "Michelle frequently deplores the modern reliance on test scores,
describing herself as a person who did not test well." She did not write well either. Mundy charitably describes her
senior thesis, "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community," as "dense and turgid." The less charitable Christopher
Hitchens observed, "To describe [the thesis] as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be 'read' at all, in the
strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn't written in any known language." Hitchens exaggerated only a
little. [...] Michelle even typed badly. Still, she was admitted to and graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law.
I have been told by those on the inside that there are ways of recognizing affirmative-action admissions. Still, one
almost feels sorry for Michelle. She was in so far over her head it is no wonder she projected her angst onto the white
people around her.
a miasma of corruption around the Obamas, even now. Michelle Obama's got a heckuva political apparatus surrounding her
even in President Obama's post-presidency, and it all comes with a strong odor of corruption. [...] One can only hope that more facts
come out on this one. The pattern with the Obama flunkies still operating as if there were no end to the Obama presidency
is starting to get pretty clear.
Obama would be tied with Biden as frontrunner if she ran in 2020, poll shows. Former first lady Michelle Obama
tied with former Vice President Joe Biden as the top choice among Democratic voters when asked who should be the party's
nominee in 2020. A Hill-HarrisX poll released Tuesday [2/19/2019] found that 25 percent of Democrats said they
would back Obama in the party primary over nine other declared or potential candidates, including Sens. Bernie Sanders
(I-Vt.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas). Obama
has said she is not running, and Biden has not announced whether he will launch another White House bid.
Michelle Obama Plotting to Take the White House in 2020? Recently, the mainstream media gleefully reported
something that many at first dismissed, quickly passing it off as nothing more than a transient morsel of cultural trivia, if
not fake news. Allegedly, a recent Gallup Poll not only bestowed upon Michelle Obama the honor of being The Most
Admired Woman in 2018, but also thereby declared her to be more popular than Hillary and Oprah! I would suggest this
news might represent an ominous bellwether of measurable import to all of us who are hoping to see President Trump elected to
a second term.
And the World's
New Most-Admired Woman Is.... It appears that the traditional excessive New Years drinking has begun already.
Gallup just announced a dramatic change, and after 17 years on top Hillary Clinton is no longer the most-admired woman
in American eyes. [...] It's Michelle Obama. Two years after losing her White House lease, Mrs. Obama surged past
Mrs. Clinton and Oprah Winfrey into the top spot. OK, Mrs. Obama is on a book tour that puts her out there and
reminds folks of her face. And, to be truthful here, Obama's meaningless win was not an overwhelming victory. She
was mentioned by only 15 percent of respondents in the open-ended question. That's three times the percentage of those
mentioning another perennial choice, Oprah Winfrey. First Lady Melania Trump came in third this year at four percent,
the same number as earned by the fallen Hillary Clinton.
The Editor says...
That's an eye-opener. I thought Hillary Clinton was the least-admired woman in the country. Those who admire
her at all obviously don't know anything about the baggage she
carries from one decade to the next. If she's really the most-admired woman in the country, why can't she win an
election? This sounds like another effort by the "news" media to set up Michelle Obama as a presidential candidate.
Obama dresses to impress in $4,000 glittery thigh-high Balenciaga boots. Michelle Obama made a fashionable
appearance on the final stop of her book tour where she was interviewed by Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker.
Obama, wearing $4,000 glittery thigh-high Balenciaga boots, packed out the Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Wednesday night,
where Parker interviewed her about her new book, Becoming.
Obama's horrifying $4,000 Balenciaga boots. Recently, former first lady Michelle Obama closed out her
money-grabbing "Becoming" a gazillionaire book tour of America at the Barclay Center in Fort Green, Brooklyn, where
Michelle's welcome was on a level comparable to Beyoncé's. After being introduced by an anorexic Sarah Jessica
"Sex in the City" Parker, Michelle emerged from candy-pink curtains donned with what had to be 100 yards of blinding
yellow tie-waist satin. Then, before sitting down, the towering former FLOTUS applauded herself Hillary-style and
feigned humility by crossing her arms across her chest, appearing shocked that so many dupes were willing to pay $3,000
for a ticket.
Obama tells crowd how much smarter she is than everyone else. Former First Lady Michelle Obama wants people to
know how much smarter she is than everyone else. While speaking to an audience during talk with Nigerian author
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in London, Obama said she's been at "powerful tables" and that they are not that smart. "I
have been at probably every powerful table that you can think of, I have worked at nonprofits, I have been at foundations, I
have worked in corporations, served on corporate boards, I have been at G-summits, I have sat in at the U.N.: They are
not that smart," she arrogantly said.
D'Souza Says Michelle Obama's College Thesis Was 'Illiterate and Incoherent'. Dinesh D'Souza described Michelle
Obama's college thesis as "illiterate and incoherent." The far-right author and filmmaker launched a scathing attack on
the former first lady after she claimed that people at the most powerful organizations in the world were "not as smart" as
some portrayed them to be. "Anyone who has read Michelle's college thesis — a document so illiterate and
incoherent that it was written, as Christopher Hitchens put it, in 'no known language' — will chuckle heartily at
this one," D'Souza wrote on his Facebook page, sharing a link to a Newsweek article that reported Obama's remark.
Dreams From
His Wife. [Scroll down] [In her new book Becoming,] Michelle [Obama] writes that "he'd spent the
first 20 years of his life going by the nickname Barry," but "somewhere along the way, though, he'd stepped into the
fullness of his birth name — Barack Hussein Obama." Michelle does not note that, in all his writings
from 1958 to 1964, the Kenyan Barack Obama mentions nothing about an American wife and Hawaiian-born son. Dreams
from My Father devoted more than 2,000 words to the beloved "Frank," whom the author identified as Frank Marshall
Davis. Becoming does not mention Frank, so Michelle missed an opportunity to explain the devotion of a black American
to all-white Communist dictatorships. [...] On page 148 readers meet Valerie Jarrett, deputy chief of staff to Chicago
mayor Harold Washington. Valerie spent her childhood in her Iran, "where her father had been a doctor at a hospital."
Michelle does not divulge that Valerie's father, James Bowman, and her father-in-law Vernon Jarrett were both Communists and
associates of Frank Marshall Davis.
Michelle Cashes in, Big Time. Michelle Obama has a new memoir out called "Becoming." Add two words:
"Very Wealthy." The Obamas struck a $65 million book deal for his-and-hers memoirs, and next to it is their $50 million
production deal with Netflix. They are set to cash in to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. One outlet has
called them a "billion-dollar brand." None of their media sycophants find this the tiniest bit controversial. They
are the royal family. They cannot possibly be compensated enough. (President Trump's wealth? Wealth generated
by a lifetime of work in the private sector? Unacceptable.) Mrs. Obama's interviews — entirely with
women, and mostly black women — are servile in every "objective news" venue and even worse during TV promotional
pit stops. Ellen DeGeneres aired a sappy tribute video stuffed with adoration and proclaimed that Obama is "a human
being that we all look up to." She said, "you inspire all of us. So, we put together a little something for you
to just show you how amazing you are."
Is Michelle Obama? Read Her Princeton Thesis and She'll Tell You. Michelle Obama raged against the risk of her
"integration and/or assimilation into a White cultural and social structure" in her Princeton University thesis. I reviewed
this document, remarkable for its rancor as well as for its orthographical dysfunction, during her husband's first presidential
campaign ten years ago. Now that Mrs. Obama has emerged as a prospective candidate for the 2020 presidential election,
her radical rant is worth another look.
Obama's money-making hypocrisy is laughable. To read the worshipful press coverage you'd never know that, for
Democrats, the unthinkable has happened: Michelle Obama has revealed herself as just another guru for sale. On
Tuesday night, the former first lady kicked off her 10-city North American book tour, which more closely resembled a
cult-of-personality-propaganda-rally, at the United Center in Chicago. [...] The cheapest ticket I could find, five days
after the on-sale date, was for $920.81, and that came with no extras: No meet-and-greet, no signed book, no free book,
no T-shirt or tote bag or even a food court coupon. Just the privilege of sitting on an uncomfortable folding chair for
three hours as Michelle Obama engaged in the kind of sleazy cash grab/ego stroke normally the province of Hillary Clinton.
Obama, still hating, after all these years. Michelle Obama has a new book out where she vows she will "never
forgive" President Donald Trump for spreading the birther talk about former President Barack Obama because — her
words — it was "dangerous" and "deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks." [...] First off, unstable
minds are character traits of Democrats and the left, not Republicans. Everybody knows this. From Occupy Wall
Street to Black Lives Matter to burn, baby, burn types on any college campus around the nation that dares to host a
conservative speaker, fact is, angry violence and cringe-worthy vitriol — both abhorrent, even criminal, behaviors
to the ideological right — are nonetheless considered proper First Amendment expressions to the left.
Obama says she stopped 'trying to smile' during 'misogynist' Trump's inauguration. Michele Obama, the former
first lady, said in an interview that aired Sunday that she "stopped even trying to smile" during President Trump inauguration
and wondered in her new book why so many women rejected "an exceptionally qualified female candidate and instead choose a
misogynist as their president." Obama spoke with ABC News in a wide-ranging interview.
Obama gives Robin Roberts a Chicago tour ahead of memoir release. Former first lady Michelle Obama and "Good
Morning America" co-anchor Robin Roberts visited Obama's childhood home on the South Side and her Near West Side high school
last week for an ABC network special tied to Obama's forthcoming memoir.
Obama is Dem rock star many wish would run for president. The most popular Democrat in the country is about to
go on a highly anticipated book tour that is likely to remind the country of her political muscle. Michelle Obama will
talk to large crowds in arenas that hold rock concerts and NBA games. She'll appear all over the media and could sell
more books than prospective 2020 candidates Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. But the former first lady
is decidedly not running for president.
The Editor says...
She's not running for president at this moment. But that doesn't say anything about next year.
Excited by Michelle Obama's Get Out the Vote Push for Democrats. On Thursday [10/11/2018], before conducting an
exclusive live interview with former First Lady Michelle Obama, Today show host Savannah Guthrie enthusiastically
reported on Mrs. Obama's "work inspiring others" being "far from over" as she launched a get out the vote effort to help
Democrats ahead of the midterm elections. After touting Obama as "a champion for the American people" during her time
in the White House, Guthrie gushed that the former First Lady was "still having viral moments outside of it." As examples,
the anchor highlighted Mrs. Obama "officiating a wedding in Chicago" as well as her and the former president "taking on
the title of producers, signing a deal with Netflix."
Obama urges young voters to 'take their power back'. At a voter registration rally Friday [9/28/2018], fired-up
former first lady Michelle Obama urged a predominantly youthful crowd at the University of Miami to "take their power back"
and bridge the gap between frustration over the political climate and "actually doing something about it."
The Editor says...
If they are supposed to "take their power back," who has their power now? And what kind of power is it?
Obama to embark on arena tour. Just for the scale of its venues, there has never been a rollout quite like the
one for Obama's memoir "Becoming," with stops including the Pepsi Center in Denver and American Airlines Center in Dallas.
Obama says she's 'sick of all the nastiness in politics'. Former first lady Michelle Obama admitted she is
tired of mean politics but has encouraged people to make their mark and vote in the upcoming midterms. The 54-year-old
spoke at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, Sunday and urged attendees to have their say in elections this November. 'I'm sick
of all the chaos and nastiness of our politics,' she revealed.
Obama charging $3,000 for VIP tickets during book tour for her memoir. The tickets for Michelle Obama's
upcoming book tour are selling fast, and at a price that is unheard of in the publishing world. Mrs. Obama will be
making 12 stops in 10 cities to promote her memoir Becoming, and given the hype around the book will be appearing in arenas
such as the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn and TD Garden in Boston. Tickets for these events are going for as low as $29.95, but
for a VIP package fans will have to shell out $3,000 to meet and greet Michelle Obama while also getting a front row seat, their very
own photo with the former first lady and a autographed copy of her book. Those fans will have to hurry however, because despite
the jaw-dropping price the VIP package tickets are sold out at almost every venue just hours after going on sale.
'Becoming' a Gazillionaire Book Tour. For those who forgot — or would like to forget —
despite waking up every morning for eight years "in a house built by slaves," America's former first lady, Michelle Obama,
indulged in 100 million dollars' worth of vacations at taxpayers' expense; wore haute couture; and, while attempting to limit
every morsel Americans put in their mouths, ate epicurean fare fit for a queen. Recently, Penguin Random House and an
advance in excess of $65 million for two memoirs ensured that Mrs. Obama can continue to live the lifestyle she'd grown
accustomed to, which now includes things like an $8.1-million Kalorama mansion and back-to-back vacations in Martha's Vineyard
and Mallorca, Spain. For those of us who "at this point have made enough money," if a $65-million tome reiterating the
minutiae Michelle and Barack have subjected America to for a decade weren't enough, like U2 on steroids, Mrs. Obama has
now decided to embark on a hard-knock-life stadium-sized expedition.
Obama, back with a racially charged vengeance. First came Barack Obama, with a speech from the University of
Illinois, reminding conservatives everywhere why America is so, so, so lucky to have survived eight years of his administration.
Now comes his wife, Michelle — reminding of more of the same. Hooray, the gang's all here. The former first lady
tossed down both race and gender cards as a means of imploring her fellow lefties to get out and vote.
Obama comes to the stadiums. Former first lady Michelle Obama is coming to the stadiums. Lots of
stadiums, the kind of stadiums leftist NFL football players could take a knee in. Supposedly, it's to sell her new
book, the product of her glitzy multi-million-dollar post-White House book deal, dreamily titled Becoming: An
Intimate Conversation with Michelle Obama. Get a load of that glamorous photo with the one-shoulder look, carefully
styled to show a white T-shirt sexily and insouciantly sliding off one of Michelle's shoulders. Intimate, you know?
And pure Hollywood.
Obama urges non-white women to vote. Why does she assume they'll go Dem? Former first lady Michelle Obama
is partnering with Black Entertainment Television to prompt women of color to vote during the 2018 midterm elections in
November. Obama "has a special message" for women of color, in a one-minute advertisement released Sunday. "Help
your sisters, children, and congregations get registered and ready to vote!" BET tweeted.
Obama hides behind her security detail as she tries (and fails) to remain incognito. Michelle Obama went out
for lunch in Mallorca on Thursday [8/30/2018], as she continued enjoying her vacation on the Spanish island. The former
first lady, 54, was seen heading out of a restaurant after eating with former Ambassador James Costos, 55, and his partner
Michael Smith, 54. Michelle, who is currently in Mallorca as the couple's guest, received the same invitation last year
and on that occasion too spent a few days in Balearic Islands.
Know anyone
who relies on menu nutrition info to order? Remember all that debating in Washington over requiring every
single eating establishment in these United States to post nutrition information by every single food item you might
conceivably order? The rules, which took effect in May, required rewriting every menu anywhere. But it was being
implemented long before. These rules were biggies for Michelle Obama, who liked to order french fries anyway.
This was another of those possibly well-meaning federal edicts designed to force Americans to eat healthier than they want
because many of us don't. The former first lady and others thought the federal government has a major role to play in
forcing the population to eat what experts think they should eat, right down to reformulating school lunches that didn't go
over so well. Mrs. Obama even wanted restaurants to scrap the most popular menu items if their health formula did
not pass her muster. Look around on the sidewalk at lunch hour, see how well that's working.
Michelle Obama Trashes Trump as "Mediocre" — Says "Last Election Does Not Give Me Hope". President
Trump has now been in office a year and a quarter. President Trump's results when compared to those of President Obama
at the same time are stunning. In every economic measurement, President Trump far out-performs President Obama. [...]
President Trump's economy is just plain on fire! Barack Obama was the worst economic president since the Great
Depression. Only Barack Obama's foreign policy performed worse than his economic policies. Despite the facts
former First Lady Michelle Obama took a swipe at President Trump this week during a speaking engagement in Scotland.
She No Longer Feels Pride In America (Surprised?).
A 45-year low in black unemployment does not give her hope in her country? Apparently not. This time around, she
is unable to feel pride not only because Donald Trump is mediocre in her view but because the candidate she wanted to
win — Hillary Clinton, who more importantly is a woman — didn't.
Michelle Obama successfully lobby ABC TV's president to fire Roseanne? There are many angles to this week's Roseanne Barr
controversy. This one caught my attention: on Tuesday afternoon [5/29/2018], about twelve hours after Roseanne tweeted and quickly
deleted her comments about Valerie Jarrett that almost instantly eviscerated her TV career, a Twitter user named Josh Cornett tweeted this: [...]
As one might imagine, close to 100% of the reporting on Roseanne Barr and her toxic tweet reflected the "me too" school of journalism that
currently dominates almost all reporting. Think pack journalism and endlessly repeated words like "racist," "conspiracy theory,"
"unsourced," and so on.
Obama Laments 2016 Election At Women's Conference. Michelle Obama and other liberal women seem to think they
are the only women who vote. They still have no idea why they lost the 2016 election. Michelle made some
revealing comments about this recently.
Obama, take your snottiness and go. Michelle Obama, the former first lady who seems to have appointed herself the
spokesperson for the fairer gender, has taken to criticizing her fellow women for voting for Donald Trump for president in 2016.
She's "concerned" about women. She's wondering "what is going on in our heads." Well, she needn't be. In fact, better
yet, she ought to just go away. And take that trail of condescension, too. Obama's snottiness, while typical of the
left's ever-present contempt toward the right, adds nothing to the current political climate but fire.
Obama comments on 2016 election. Michelle Obama on Saturday [5/5/2018] discussed the 2016 presidential election at the
United State of Women summit, during which she said she is still reflecting on the outcome and asking how "we let that happen."
"In light of this last election, I'm concerned about us as women and how we think," she said at the event. "What is going on
in our heads where we let that happen, you know?"
SEEMS like forever already. Michelle
Obama Declares Herself America's 'Forever First Lady'. Former First Lady Michelle Obama described herself as America's "forever
First Lady" on Wednesday [5/2/2018] as she addressed a crowd of high school students at a College Signing Day in Philadelphia. Obama, 54,
told a crowd of over 8,000 high school seniors at Temple University in Philadelphia that she, as the "forever first lady," and the nation is
counting on them to succeed.
Trump Hasn't Been on a Single Magazine Cover Since Trump Took Office. "If the Trumps were Democrats," conservative actor
James Woods tweeted earlier this month, "Melania would be on every cover of every chic women's magazine in the world every month."
Woods may be exaggerating a little bit — only Oprah can put herself on the cover of a magazine every month, and it's
her own magazine — but he does make an interesting point.
the Lowlights of Michelle Obama's Trump-Bashing Tour. Judging from their vocal criticism of President Trump,
it's clear that neither Mr. nor Mrs. Obama shares G.W. Bush's viewpoint that it's terrible for the country and the
presidency to undermine a current president. Barack does it by praising anything and anyone who opposes the president's
policies and, by doing so, manages to disparage the man who took his place. Michelle, on the other hand, is much less
diplomatic. Instead of using discretion, Mrs. Obama vomits out anti-Trump venom wherever she goes.
Michelle's Trump-Bashing Tour started right after the 2016 election, when Mrs. Hope and Change told Oprah Winfrey that
because Trump was elected, "now we're feeling what not having hope feels like."
Obama admits her vegetable garden schtick was all a ruse. In the midst of a flap about Washington Post pop
fashion writer Robin Givhan getting kicked out of a Black Entertainment Television conference for violating confidentiality,
we learn something new about the Real Michelle Obama from Givhan's reporting, first spotted in a buried lede in a New York
Post story: [...] Reporting this was what got Givhan kicked out of the conference. Apparently, the conference-organizers
thought she would ignore her journalist's nose for news and continue to carry water for the Obamas as she always has.
boots journalist from Michelle Obama conference. The BET Network booted a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
from its conference for publishing a Q&A with Michelle Obama, sparking a social media storm. The network had invited
the Washington Post's Robin Givhan to its syntactically questionable "Leading Women Defined" conference in Bal Harbour, Fla.,
but then demanded she leave after she published her article, claiming that Obama's talk had been conducted in a "sacred
space." [...] When BET brass saw the story, they kicked Givhan out and canceled a panel she was due to moderate. But
while claiming Michelle's talk was private, BET didn't play by its own rules: The network posted sections of the
interview on its website, while Valerie Jarrett, who conducted the chat, teased on social media that fans should "tune in
to BET" to hear all that Obama really said.
in India: A Sari Spectacle. Were another female to occupy the White House during Hillary's lifetime, the effect
on her could be more personally devastating than anything she has yet suffered. Especially if it were Barack Obama's wife.
Narcissism: Michelle
Obama: Running For President Out, Creating "Thousands Of Mes" In. Rest easy, America. Former First
Lady Michelle Obama has no dreams of running for president. Or, so she says. She claims she is enjoying her work
through the Obama Foundation, meeting and encouraging young leaders to step up and take over the world. Then she sends
a shiver up my spine as she says it is more important to create "thousands of mes".
Michelle Obama. [Scroll down] Forgetting that America has heard all that bootstrap-racial oppression
malarkey before, of late, Michelle has given glimpses into the biographical vistas Becoming will explore. Last
year, for instance, for the 50,000th time, Michelle reiterated to the Hartford Courant that her "[p]arents weren't wealthy."
That was true until Mama Marian Robinson moved into the White House and received reparations in the form of four or more
$4-million vacations a year — compliments of the U.S. taxpayer. Comparing her former home to the $8.1-million
mansion she currently occupies in the posh Kalorama section of Washington, D.C., Michelle poured it on when she told the
Connecticut news site, "They weren't fancy folks. But we had a good childhood, living in a little, bitty apartment."
Obama's upcoming memoir replicates Obama's road to power. So Michelle Obama's got a coming-of-age memoir,
titled Becoming, coming out? To be released just a few days after November's midterms? The ones in which
Democrats expect to launch their Blue Wave and retake the House and the Senate? Thomas Lifson, writing in today's
American Thinker, couldn't be more on target in writing that the book signals that she's running for president. What we
are seeing here is not just a memoir for a million-dollar payday, as the Obamas have been so adept at gaining. (Michelle,
after all, did make a heap from her book on vegetables as she tried to micromanage what Americans eat). This one is more
than a memoir: it's a marketing of herself, her persona, as a "narrative" for something bigger, which in her case is a
crack at the presidency.
Obama faces backlash for racial 'Black Panther' comment that ignores film history. Moviegoers were quick to
correct former first lady Michelle Obama this week after she framed the blockbuster movie "Black Panther" as a racial
milestone. The left-wing magazine Salon was mocked by superhero fans earlier this month for calling "Black Panther" the
"first blockbuster-format release featuring a black hero front and center." Mrs. Obama, however, made the same error on
Monday [2/19/2018] after the Marvel Studios hit tallied the highest-grossing February debut — $201.8 million for its
Friday-Sunday weekend.
Obama is Back on the Job. Surely Barack Obama recognizes how distressing it is for liberals to have to deal
with a commander-in-chief who, instead of saying "I" 96 times in a 72-minute speech, in an 80-minute speech, chooses instead
to say "We" 129 times. That's why, every chance he gets to set the record straight, albeit, with finesse, Barack makes
sure to disparage the sitting president. Now Mrs. Obama is back, assisting her husband in eloquently casting all things
Trump in a less-than-becoming light. In her highly anticipated first television appearance since moving into her new
$8.1-million mansion, Michelle spent time with "Ellen" celebrating the host's 60th birthday.
Obama slams women who voted for Trump. Former first lady Michelle Obama leveled harsh criticism Wednesday at
women who voted for President Trump, suggesting they voted against their own interests. "Any woman who voted against
Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice," Obama told the audience during a talk at a marketing conference in Boston,
according to Boston.com. She went on to suggest female voters for Trump were just going with the pack.
Trump Dumps Michelle O's Lunch Rule and Brings Chocolate Milk Back to Lunchrooms. The Trump administration is ending
yet another of Michelle Obama's hated, overly strict school lunch rules by bringing chocolate milk back to school lunch menus.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Thursday [11/30/2017] announced a new rule set to take effect on July 1 after the period
of public comment. The new rule relaxes sodium limits and Obama's whole-grain requirements. The rule will also allow
milk with one percent fat back on the menu, ABC News reported.
Obama: We raise men to feel 'entitled'. Michelle Obama is questioning whether men may feel "entitled" and
"self-righteous" because of mothers' inclination to protect them. "It's like the problem in the world today is we love
our boys and we raise our girls," the former first lady told poet Elizabeth Alexander Wednesday at the Obama Foundation
Summit in Chicago. "We raise them to be strong, and sometimes we take care not to hurt men. And I think we pay
for that a little bit," Obama, 53, said. The mom to daughters Malia, 19, and Sasha, 16, continued, "And that's a 'we'
thing because we're raising them."
poll: Run Michelle Obama Run! Get out of the way Bernie, Joe, Elizabeth and Kamala. Democrats want
former first lady Michelle Obama as their 2020 nominee. According to a new Zogby Analytics survey provided to Secrets,
Obama is at the top of the list of Democratic choices with 22 percent support, a huge sign of support for somebody who
has never run for office.
The Editor says...
There's a reason Michelle has never run for office: She would find out how unpopular she really is!
Obama's condescending and disgracefully out of touch advice to job-seeking women. Isn't Michelle Obama
adorable? She actually thinks she is a typical woman in the United States, and that she can speak for all of us.
Michelle says she has no interest in running for president, trying to shatter what Hillary Clinton called the "highest and
hardest glass ceiling," but she might consider bursting out of that elitist, condescending Beltway Bubble. Speaking
recently at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, Obama pushed women to speak up for themselves in the workplace.
"Don't waste your seat at the table," she said. "If you are scared to use your voice, then you've got to get up and
give it to someone who isn't afraid to use the spot." Such good advice, coming from someone whose idea of hardship was
graduating from Princeton University and Harvard Law School, and whose husband has always been there to provide for her.
women have minds of their own — and Michelle Obama isn't happy about it. Michelle Obama left the
White House with a favorability rating of 68 percent, which was 10 points higher than her husband. Americans
appreciated the first lady, who they saw as a good wife and mother, an advocate for worthy causes such as children's health
and as a positive role model, particularly for girls and young women. Such a popular figure could do a tremendous
amount of good today if she directed her attention to bringing people together by finding common ground and advancing
important causes. That's why it's such a shame that she is instead pushing people farther apart and fomenting
partisanship at its worst.
Obama: 'People Don't Trust Politics' Because GOP Is 'All Men, All White'. Tuesday [10/3/2017] at the Pennsylvania
Conference for Women, former first lady Michelle Obama said when she attended the State of the Union address she would notice the
Republican side was "all men, all white," and that was why she argued many people of color "don't trust politics."
Just A Few Days, Michelle Obama Has Already Disparaged 'White' Men Twice! If former Presidents should fade
into irrelevancy after their term is over, so should First Ladies. I'm getting really sick of having to write about the
Obamas months after they left the White House. Adding to my frustration is the reason I have to write about them.
Former First Lady Michelle Obama is yet again knocking the Republican Party, this time while at the Pennsylvania Conference
for Women. Of course, she claimed the party (of which she is no part) is made up of old white guys, which has been the
liberal mantra for quite some time, and despite ample evidence to the contrary.
Obama Says Conservative Women Don't Have Their Own Voices. Michelle Obama believes the 42 percent of women and
53 percent of white women who voted against Hillary Clinton only did so because someone — presumably our
patriarchs — told us to. "Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their [sic] own voice,"
the former first lady declared, speaking at a conference in Boston. Believe it or not, the pomposity only got worse
from there.
Hillary and Michelle — I'll vote for who I want to, thanks, not who YOU say I should. Former first
lady Michelle Obama is breaking her silence about a gang of people who did something awful because they're empty-headed
zombies and under some sort of mind-control by evil-doers. [...] "Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against
their own voice," Obama told the audience recently at a marketing conference in Boston. And what exactly does that
mean? After all, the feminist movement was about women becoming free to be able to make choices that best suited
us. I don't remember any discussion that our independence really meant we should do whatever Hillary Clinton and her
minions told us to do.
Delays New Nutrition Facts Label Unveiled by Michelle Obama. The Trump administration is delaying a regulation
championed by former first lady Michelle Obama to redesign the Nutrition Facts label. The Food and Drug Administration
on Friday issued a rule delaying until 2020 the compliance date for regulations that will make listed calories on food larger
in an attempt to fight obesity. Mrs. Obama unveiled the new label in May 2016 as part of her anti-obesity "Let's Move"
campaign. Aside from increasing the font size of calories and the addition of "added sugars" on the label, the regulations
even dealt with how to label dinner mints. The regulations will cost food manufacturers an estimated $640 million.
Michelle's 'true voice' Telling Her to Run for President? During her terms as First Lady, Michelle chose
popular causes to champion, like serving nutritional school lunches and cultivating home vegetable gardens, though there is
no present evidence to suggest she is spading the earth around her new digs. Instead, her most recent involvement with
"dirt" goes no further than throwing it at women whose politics are different from her own. Even if my inner voice were
to tell me to plant rows of beans and broccoli and put them in lunch pails, I'm sure I would not meet with Michelle's
approval. It would seem, in fact, that Mrs. Obama is moving on from a past of counting calories to a future of
counting votes. And she is well aware that support from the usual constituencies will not be enough for the Democrats
to regain the White House. It certainly wasn't for Hillary last time. So it behooves Michelle to get errant women
who voted for Trump to next time vote for a woman. And it might be her.
Obama Lectures Women Who Dared to Vote Against Hillary Clinton. First of all, lets do a rewind. Did women
who voted for Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democrat primary "vote against their voice" because they voted
against the female candidate? Did Michelle Obama vote against her voice for voting for a man, her husband, instead of
Hillary? Feminism is supposed to be about women acting as individuals, thinking for themselves, making decisions that
best benefit them and intellectual diversity. Voting for a candidate based on gender doesn't fit. Michelle Obama
should know better. Second, it wasn't until Hillary Clinton became the last and best hope to preserve President Obama's
legacy that Michelle Obama actually started praising her. In fact, in 2008 Michelle Obama argued Clinton was unqualified
to sit in the Oval Office.
and Hillary can shove it. In the past few days, Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama have decided to tell me, as
a grown woman, that I disrespect myself and have voted against my "voice" because I didn't vote for President Canker Sore's
wife and voted for Trump instead. Hillary said that women who continued to support Trump after his sexist comments
"publicly disrespected themselves." [Hillary quote omitted for brevity, among other things.] Obviously, from a woman
who set the standard for publicly disrespecting herself by defending her possible rapist and certainly repeated adulterer
husband, the comment is laughable on its face. [...] I'm not on this planet to look out for every woman. It's
not my job to stand in solidarity with other women, no matter what. It's my job to protect my family and my country, and
Hillary has proven she can't do either. I protected my family from her corruption and mental disease by voting for Trump.
Obama outshines all Democratic prospects for 2020. As I've said before, the Democrats need an alternative plan
to rebuild and unite the party if they have any hope in winning back seats in Congress in the 2018 midterms, nonetheless the
White House in 2020. This alternative plan requires a new, united opposition, led by a political leader with widespread
popularity. The only person I can see accomplishing this would be none other than the party's most popular political
figure: Michelle Obama.
Obama and the desperate Dems in search of a new Evita. Who would ever dream of handing political leadership to
someone whose crowning career achievement was a high-paying no-show job? As its next presidential candidate, is
Michelle Obama the best the Democrats can come up with? That's the view of pollster Douglas Schoen, who thinks they
don't stand a chance otherwise.
was a historic first lady, but Michelle Obama says some never saw past 'my skin color'. The moderator lauded Michelle
Obama for her achievements over the past eight years and touched on the former first lady's plans, but Tuesday's conversation also
veered into uncomfortable territory. It was Obama's largest public appearance since the 2016 election — speaking in
front of more than 8,000 people at the Women's Foundation of Colorado's 30th anniversary celebration — and she touched on
personal attacks that she faced again and again. Many had the same theme. "The shards that cut me the deepest were the
ones that intended to cut," Obama said, according to the Denver Post. "Knowing that after eight years of working really hard
for this country, there are still people who won't see me for what I am because of my skin color."
The Editor says...
The Obamas got into the White House because of the perceived novelty of their skin color and the vigorous support of the news media for that reason
alone. Michelle Obama has no extraordinary qualifications for public office, as far as I can tell, and her husband has even less. There
are few things more insufferable than listening to one of the wealthiest people in the world grousing about how tough her life is, and about what a
victim she will always be. Michelle Obama never has to go to work, lock her doors, or drive a car ever again, yet she apparently never misses
an opportunity to tell the press what a victim she is.
Obama and family go high, higher, highest. At last year's Democratic National Convention, Michelle Obama uttered what would be
one of the Democratic campaign themes: "No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high." And now some examples of the Obamas and
friends "going high" in the past month — bashing their successor, who was not their chosen one.
show Hillary Clinton didn't want to share a plane with Michelle Obama to Betty Ford's funeral in 2011. Michelle
Obama may have been Hillary Clinton's biggest cheerleader during the 2016 presidential election, but it looks like Hillary
wasn't the biggest fan of her fellow first lady. According to an email exchanged obtained through a Freedom of
Information Act Request by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, then-Secretary of State Clinton didn't want to
share a plane with Obama when the two attended Betty Ford's funeral in 2011.
The Editor says...
Michelle may be even more self-centered than her husband. She certainly likes to talk about herself, and this thesis of hers
sounds like the work a very bitter individual: a person who slogs through life as the perpetual victim of her
skin color.
Biden Calls
Michelle Obama 'Finest First Lady in History,' Doesn't Mention Hillary. Vice President Joe Biden told MSNBC's
Andrea Mitchell on Thursday that Michelle Obama is the "finest first lady in history," leaving out any mention of Hillary
Clinton. Mitchell conducted a wide-ranging interview with the outgoing vice president on her show, and the conversation
at one point turned to the current first lady. "And Michelle — I think Michelle is the finest first lady in
history," Biden said. "I mean in history," Biden repeated. "There has been wonderful first ladies. But, she
is so smart. She is so, so decent, and she is so inclusive." He said that Obama encompasses all that is good in
the United States.
The Editor says...
What does "she is so inclusive" mean? What could it possibly mean other than "she is so black?"
Michelle Obama 'invisible' because she's black. She is among the most famous and easily recognized women in the
world, but first lady Michelle Obama feels "invisible" when she steps off her official stage, according to her best friend
and ally in the White House. And the reason is a remarkable one considering that she and her husband, President Obama,
are America's first African-American presidential couple. According to top adviser Valerie Jarrett, Obama is invisible
because she is black.
Obama partners with left-wing food activists. First lady Michelle Obama is once again under fire for politicizing food and nutrition
in the dying days of her husband's administration, partnering with an activist group with a hyper-partisan agenda. Obama was featured in a
commercial Wednesday [1/4/2017] as part of a new, national anti-hunger campaign launched by Food Policy Action Education Fund, the sister organization
of Food Policy Action.
Obama, We Are Not Your Kids. Like many parents who are suddenly shocked at their child's teenage rebellion,
Michelle Obama appears surprised to learn that her kids (the American public) have interests and ideas very different from
her own. For instance, some of her "kids" genuinely disliked being told how to eat and live. Some bristled at
having their choices limited and being forcefully nudged to eat this way or that. Many balked when government
bureaucrats told them how to parent their own kids; they slammed the door on all the unsolicited advice about their personal
choices. In fact, most Americans don't like the federal government treating them like children at all.
Michelle Obama, 'Hope' Doesn't Start and End with Your Husband. First Lady Michelle Obama has done it again.
With days left in the White House, she's managed to make partisan comments that once again paint a woefully pessimistic view of
our nation's future. In a parting interview with Oprah, she threw major shade at President-Elect Donald Trump and the
supporters who elected him by comparing the incoming president unfavorably to her husband. She claims that Americans
will now feel what it means to be hopeless compared to the hope that her husband ushered in.
Michelle, but I Won't Be Riding Your Hopeless Train Into the Future. Thanks for the reminder, Michelle.
Your dramatic woe-fest with Oprah the other day is a very timely lesson on the value and necessity of hope. More
importantly, it should make us stop and reconsider the source from whence comes our hope. You seem convinced that hope
flew into town on your husband's wings in 2008, and has spent the last eight years floating gracefully around the country,
spreading its glow and relief on all the loyal souls below. Now that Barack Obama's reign is at an end and the
appointed replacement has failed to ascend to the throne, you are equally convinced that all hope is gone, since it will
have to depart with your husband when he takes his leave of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Your crestfallen face and the
earnestness in your voice clearly communicate your sense of despair and fear for the future. What do we have now,
after all, if we no longer have hope?
The Audacity Of Hope.
Michelle Obama last week admitted that after eight years of her husband's leadership, she no longer has hope for her
country. The incoming President, Donald Trump, has already responded with a message that 'We have tremendous hope'.
This warring hope shaming is mostly simple partisanship. But there is an implied real question under all of this:
Who is that hope in? In what do we trust? In what do we believe?
Obama's 'Hopelessness' Shows [what it's like] to Be a Liberal. It's a shame that Michelle Obama says she's
feeling hopeless this Christmas, especially after all the wonderful opportunities she's had as America's first lady. It
goes to show you that liberalism is like a disease that won't be satisfied until it devours all of you. Undoubtedly,
all the designer gown-wearing, Hollywood hobnobbing, $100-per-serving wagyu steak indulging and taxpayer-funded globetrotting
won't fix the hopelessness which ails her. It's hard to be hope-filled when you tangle yourself in a web of bitterness
and resentment over America's past.
Obama's Christmas Lump of Coal. Just what we all need to ring in the Christmas season: Un-merry
millionaire Michelle Obama belly-aching about the burdens and sacrifices of public life with billionaire Oprah Winfrey.
"There's nowhere in the world I can go and sit and have a cup of coffee," Obama lamented. It's a frequent
grievance. In September, she told InStyle magazine: "My hopes are to recapture some of the everydayness, some
anonymity. ... (I)t will be nice to open up the paper, look at the front page, and know that you're not responsible for every
headline." And back in June, again with Oprah, the first lady griped that living in the spotlight was like "living in a
cave." Complain, complain, complain. What a way to make the most of your last six months in the grand and glorious
White House.
Trump and the end of hope? "See, now, we are feeling what not having hope feels like," Obama told Oprah Winfrey
in a recent interview lamenting the way the political thing turned out. This was the same Oprah Winfrey who visited
Michelle Obama in the White House during the president's first term. Michelle talked on and on about the wonderful pies
made by White House bakers, yet reportedly, she did not offer Oprah even a single thin slice of delicious White House
pie. But that was long ago. And now, hope seems to have fled altogether.
Obama ready for anonymity after 'painful' election. Michelle Obama is looking forward to getting her
"anonymity" back. The first lady complained in an interview that aired Monday night with Oprah Winfrey on CBS that her
biggest sacrifice while Barack Obama served as president was giving up her ability to be anonymous. But soon, she
believes, that'll change. "You know, there's nowhere I can go in the world and just sit at a table and have a cup of
coffee and watch the world," Obama said in what is expected to be her final sit-down interview.
Obama Feels Hopeless. During his time in office, Barack Obama doubled the national debt, made economic
conditions far worse for black Americans, and has allowed race relations to deteriorate to the point where the nation is more
divided than at any point since the eve of the Civil War. Suddenly, Ms. Obama is not feeling so hopeful, but it
has nothing to do with the financial and cultural wreckage her floppy-eared mate has bequeathed unto America. She
recently sat down with billionaire Oprah Winfrey, whose cousin says she lied about growing up impoverished and who has
blossomed into a hideously spoiled diva who never stops [grousing] about the nation that made her a billionaire. Miss
Obama, upset that she and her family can no longer milk America's racist white taxpayers to the tune of $85 million to
go on lavish vacations that fairly pulsate with bling, this whiny recipient of affirmative action programs that discriminate
against white students with higher grades is suddenly kvetching from yet another Hawaii vacation that "we are feeling what
not having hope feels like."
Jeanine Slams Michelle Obama Over No Hope Comments: Hope Looks Like the Carrier Deal. Saturday
[12/17/2016], Jeanine Pirro slammed first lady Michelle Obama on Fox News Channel's "Justice" for telling Oprah Winfrey that
Americans are no longer feeling hopeful since Donald Trump's election. "You lived a life few can even imagine at the
citadel of power and prestige in the world," Pirro directed at Obama. "You and your husband, blessed by God, and the
American people, with the unique and historic opportunity to not only lead America from that shining place on the hill but
impact Americans and give them hope virtually no others can. Now that you're leaving, hope is gone?"
the homestretch, the Michelle Obama PR machine goes into overdrive. Every Christmas season, first ladies have
visited sick children at Children's National Medical Center. It's a White House tradition dating back to Bess Truman,
who was photographed more than 60 years ago sitting primly beside a young boy, her gloved hands clasped on her lap. For
the past eight years, Michelle Obama has gamely read "The Night Before Christmas" to the children there. But this year, like
nearly everything Obama has done recently, she made it into an event.
Obama: This is 'what not having hope feels like'. In a new interview with Oprah Winfrey, first lady
Michelle Obama says her husband achieved the "hope" his campaign promised, contrasting President Obama's administration with
the incoming Donald Trump administration. "Everything — the [2008] election was all about hope," Winfrey
asks the first lady. "Do you think this administration achieved that?" "I do," Obama says. "Because we feel
the difference now. See, now, we're feeling what not having hope feels like." The interview is part of a special on the
first lady set to air Monday on CBS and Winfrey's OWN channel.
Injecting politics into everything: It's a way of life. Michelle
Obama Halts 'The Night Before Christmas' To Tell Kids Santa Quit Smoking. First lady Michelle Obama stopped in the middle of a
public reading of "The Night Before Christmas" on Monday night [12/12/2016] to advise a group of schoolchildren that Santa Claus has
given up smoking his trademark pipe for health reasons.
This could only mean one thing: Michelle Obama is going to run. Obama:
'Michelle will never run for office'. People pining for a Michelle Obama presidential run will not get their
wish, President Obama said in an interview published Tuesday [11/29/2016]. "Michelle will never run for office," Obama
told Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner in a conversation the day after Election Day. "She is as talented a person as
I know," the president said of his wife. "You can see the incredible resonance she has with the American people.
But I joke that she's too sensible to want to be in politics."
sainthood of Michelle Obama begins, from mind to 'booty'. First lady Michelle Obama hasn't decided to write a
White House memoir yet, but that hasn't stopped her admirers from readying their own appreciations. According to
publishing insiders, several biographers are looking to cash in on the popularity of the first black first lady, and one
written by Obama herself could fetch close to the $8 million Hillary Clinton received for Living History.
the Office of the First Lady. Yes, defund the ridiculously large staff that currently earns upward of $1.5 million
a year serving Michelle Obama; abolish the federally funded bully pulpit from which the presidential spouses have historically advocated
for healthy eating, literacy, child welfare, anti-drug programs, mental health issues and beautification of highways. The
president's spouse isn't a specimen of American royalty. By giving her a federal budget and nonstop press coverage, we
endorse a pernicious kind of neo-nepotism that says, pay special attention to the person not because she's earned it or is
inherently worthy of our notice but because of who she's related to by marriage.
Obama is Democrats' best bet for 2020, oddsmakers say. Michelle Obama says she wants nothing to do with
politics now, but oddsmakers still say she's got the best chance of any Democrat of winning the White House in four
years. Bovada, an online gambling site, says the odds of Mrs. Obama winning are 12-to-1. The next-best Democrats,
Sen. Tim Kaine and Elizabeth Warren, get odds of 14-to-1. By contrast three Republicans have higher odds:
President-elect Donald Trump is a 2-to-1 bet to repeat, while Vice President-elect Mike Pence and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan
are each given 10-to-1 odds. President Obama has been asked whether his wife would consider running and he's shot the
idea down, saying she's eager to get back to a life outside the White House.
Pushing How Great Michelle Obama Is. They want Hillary, followed by Michelle, figuring if they can get Hillary
in with all her baggage, they should have no problem with Michelle.
Obama [is being] recruited to run for Senate, Chicago mayor. First lady Michelle Obama's star status on the
2016 campaign trail is prompting top Democrats back home in Illinois to ready an effort to recruit her to run for the Senate
or mayor of Chicago. Should she run and win, Obama would join only Hillary Clinton in the rare class of former first
ladies to swap out the "volunteer" public service job for an elected position.
Radical Racist Background of Obama & We're Not Talking About Barack. [Scroll down] The First lady got her college education due
to her brother and her ethnicity, not her excellence in academics. [...] We must now wonder, why did the people elect a man with a wife that has
such a marked background, mixed with Marxism and communism by association with such types of people? Michelle Robinson's racial animosity
of Caucasian people is exposed through her articles and statements from the time she was at Princeton. One can see this in her ideas that
the white population at Princeton were a bunch of "racist" individuals.
How Barack and Michelle Obama Really Lost Their Law Licenses. The mainstream media will never report much on
the fact that both Barack and Michelle Obama lost their law licenses for criminal behavior. How would they have gotten
the president elected by covering this story? Do you think his followers would have still voted for him knowing he lost
his law license? According to BeforeItsNews, in 2008, Obama surrendered his law license on charges that he lied
on his bar application. What? Saint Obama lied? Say it ain't so! In 1993, Michelle surrendered her
law license when a federal judge told her she could either surrender her license or be charged with insurance fraud.
So, both of them engaged in "voluntary surrender."
House Warns Trump Not to Attack First Lady After She Savages Him. Michelle Obama said during an emotionally
charged speech at a rally in New Hampshire that Donald Trump's lewd comments about women "have shaken me to my core." She
went on to harshly criticize the GOP candidate for his "demeaning" attitude toward women. [...] Within hours, the White House
issued a statement warning Trump not to attack the first lady.
talk and the White House. The first lady, who for eight years has transformed the White House into the last
surviving vaudeville venue (who needs Mozart when you might get Kanye West), revealed herself to be almost terminally offended by
Donald Trump in a stump speech for Hillary Thursday [10/13/2016] in New Hampshire. [...] Some of the rappers who perform in the
house once occupied by Lincoln and Adams, Jefferson, Jackson and FDR, spin rhymes about their bitches and their ho's, the thrill
of killing cops and bringing down all manner of bad things on America. Trashy behavior is not only invited into the White
House, but the first lady's husband has bestowed honors on some of those who have tracked trash into the house.
Obama Builds a Permanent Monument to Herself. First Lady Michelle Obama Wednesday unveiled her own personal
monument, to be situated in perpetuity on the White House grounds. Mrs. Obama showcased the latest version of her
White House vegetable garden, which has now nearly tripled in size since it's first iteration in 2009 and has been sealed
with cement to make sure nobody tears it up. "I take great pride in knowing that this little garden will live on as a
symbol of the hopes and dreams we all hold of growing a healthier nation for our children," Mrs. Obama said, calling the
garden, "my baby." The baby has grown from 1,100 square feet to 2,800 and now features wider walkways covered by bluestone
instead of sawdust, a large stone-paved seating area, and a grand archway that has been cemented into the ground.
O: They're 'making us' move out of White House. If Barack and Michelle Obama had their way, they'd likely never
leave the White House. While campaigning for Hillary Clinton in Charlotte, North Carolina today, the first lady
lamented having to leave the executive mansion.
Obama: 'We Need Someone Who's Honest and Plays by the Rules' as President. At a Hillary Clinton campaign rally
Tuesday [10/4/2016] in Charlotte, North Carolina, First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a fiery speech, taking direct aim at
Clinton's opponent, Donald Trump. "We need someone who's honest and plays by the rules," Obama said, referring to the former
Secretary of State as a good replacement for her husband, President Barack Obama.
The Editor says...
It is amusing, in a way, to hear Mrs. Obama, whose husband appears to be using someone
else's Social Security number (and
hasanumberofotherhonestyissues) say, "We need
someone who's honest and plays by the rules." And she says this in support of Hillary
Clinton, ofallpeople.
Awwww... she's a victim! Michelle
Obama Says She Can't Wait Until She's 'Not Responsible For Every Headline'. In an interview with In Style
magazine, the 52-year-old first lady talked about what life is going to be like after she leaves the White House in January,
and she made it clear she is looking forward to it. [...] "My hopes are to recapture some of the everydayness, some
anonymity," Obama said. "And we know that will take some time. But I always joke that I dream of opening up
my front door and walking out without any notification, without any security."
O for Senate? DNC prints first bumper sticker. The Democratic National Committee is feeding excited
speculation that first lady Michelle Obama will follow Hillary Rodham Clinton from the East Wing to the Senate.
Following on the heels of her well-received Democratic convention speech, the DNC has just printed up Obama bumper stickers
and is offering them to supporters of Clinton for a $10 donation.
One Big Happy Riot.
[Scroll down] Consider Michelle Obama, who wowed convention-goers with her primetime speech and earned predictable rave
reviews. Eight years ago, she was a 44-year-old hospital executive earning a six-figure salary, a graduate of Princeton
University and Harvard Law School, a resident of one of Chicago's toniest neighborhoods, and the wife of a United States
senator. Yet she felt justified in peddling the notion that America is a kind of prison for those unlucky enough to be
born female and black. In February 2008, she told a rally in Madison, Wisconsin, that seeing the support for her
husband's presidential campaign made her feel proud of her country "for the first time in my adult life."
Obama and the Content of Her Character. [Scroll down] She and her husband cannot shed the belief that "being an authentic black person
involves in some elemental way seeing oneself as an object of mistreatment by white people, while participating in a collective consciousness of that
mistreatment with other black people." Thus, America is reminded that Michelle "wakes up every morning in a house that was built by
slaves." Does she explain that Hillary Clinton — the woman she supports — received enormous sums of money from countries where
slavery still exists? Does Michelle proudly assert the enormous strides America has made in ending slavery whereas the African nation
of Mauritania is now the number one slave capital of the world? Does Michelle acknowledge the blood spilled by black and white people
who despised slavery and gave the last true measure of their devotion? Does the First Lady acknowledge that the Democratic Party voted
against the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments? Does she remind her audience that the Republican Party was the party of ending slavery and
that the KKK was actually the military arm of the Democratic Party? Hardly.
Obama: "I Wake Up Each Day in a House Built by Slaves". At a commencement address at City College of New
York on Friday, First Lady Michelle Obama once again brought race to the forefront, proclaiming that she wakes up every day
in a house built by slaves. Interesting that she's lived there for what, eight years now? And it hasn't really
seemed to bother her much. Then again, how ironic a comment coming from someone who has earned the nickname "Mooch" as
we the American people are now the slaves paying for her rent, utilities, and lavish quarter-of-a-million-dollar vacations.
What is Obama Talking
About? [Recently a] little girl asked him why he decided to run for president and he gave this
response. "America is , uh, is no longer, uh what it could be, what it once was. And
I say to myself, I don't want that future for my children." This matches up with some of the things
his wife has said. His wife thinks that we are a "downright mean" country. She says it's gotten
worse over her lifetime and she's 44. I'm still trying to figure out when in the past 44 years
she thinks that it was better.
Ayers Isn't The
HALF Of It! Mrs. Obama seems to hold radical separatist views consistent with a 20-year
attendance and tutelage under Rev. Wright. Her college thesis was on assimilation vs. "the black culture,"
and she was openly dismayed that so many blacks were choosing to assimilate into the American melting-pot culture.
Michelle Obama: Hillary 2.0?
The next Hillary in the White House won't be the second coming of the old one: the next Hillary may be
Michelle Obama. She isn't sharing the ticket, but neither did Hillary (at least formally). And so
far, there hasn't been any of the Clinton's old "two for one" rhetoric. But no one should underestimate
the influence Michelle has on her husband.
Leftism: [Barack Obama] called himself "progressive," a term of art favored by veterans of the
hard New Left, like Tom Hayden, as well as by old-time Communists. Early this year his wife Michelle,
lacking his tact, would kindle controversy by saying that his success in the presidential primaries made her
feel proud of her country for the first time. The comment, a faux pas that she was soon at pains
to explain away, flowed logically from her view, expressed in her standard stump speech, that our country is
a "downright mean" place, "guided by fear," where the "life ... that most people are living has gotten
progressively worse."
Hands off Michelle Obama you
GOP Meanies! I was wondering when this was going to happen. It appears a major effort is underway to
smear as "racist" or "sexist" (or perhaps both) anyone who criticizes Michaell Obama. This is probably a prelude to
innoculating the candidate himself eventually. We are about to enter a new age in American politics, one where
everything that even hints of criticism will be seen as an unfair attack.
Spikes Michelle Obama's Gaffe, Then Declares It Unimportant. ABC's World News, which on Tuesday
[2/19/2008] skipped Michelle Obama's comment that "for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my
country," on Wednesday finally got to it, but only minimally as George Stephanopoulos praised her "good damage
control" and declared: "I don't think it's going to be a huge deal." Hard for it to become "a huge
deal" when a broadcast network's most-watched news program doesn't bother to report it.
Michelle Obama thesis was on racial
divide. Michelle Obama's senior year thesis at Princeton University, obtained exclusively
from the campaign by Politico, shows a document written by a young woman grappling with a society in
which a black Princeton alumnus might only be allowed to remain "on the periphery." "My experiences
at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'blackness' than ever before," the future Mrs. Obama wrote
in her thesis introduction.
First Lady Of Gaffes.
After revealing she had never been "really proud of my country," Michelle Obama damns business as "the
money-making industry." By contrast, she says, the Obamas are in "the helping industry." Bad
omen. Visiting a day-care center in Zanesville, Ohio, America's would-be first lady advised the
assembled women not to "go into corporate America."
She's No Jackie O. Is Barack Obama's
wife as charismatic as he? Though the mainstream media would have us believe so, anyone who's read her
remarks over the past few months couldn't help be convinced that Michelle Obama may be as much of a help to
her husband as Bill Clinton has been to his wife.
America's Unhappiest
Millionaire: Michelle Obama's gospel of misery. By her husband's logic, Michelle Obama must be a heavily
armed xenophobic religious zealot, because boy is she bitter. [A] C-SPAN video of a speech delivered by Mrs.
Obama in North Carolina last Friday [5/2/2008] is characteristic of her peculiar recent performances on the stump. It
is an hour-long talk to supporters who just want something to cheer about, and who get some opportunities at the outset, but
then find themselves treated to a profoundly and relentlessly negative vision of American life.
The GOP's Secret Weapon:
She is the biggest loose cannon in either campaign. She's got a chip on her shoulder the size of a redwood and
an overweening sense of entitlement that makes her one of the more unattractive advocates for Barack Obama —
despite the fact that she's his wife. Michelle Obama is a disaster waiting to happen.
Michelle Obama's tales of
woe: [Mrs. Obama is] irritated at those people who have suggested that she and Sen. Obama are
elitists. And she appears to be still outraged — at this late date — by the fact
that she had to take out loans to attend Princeton and Harvard Law School. It took her years to pay them
back, something she has kvetched about in numerous public appearances. Imagine that! First she had to
borrow money to go to some of the world's most selective and expensive schools — schools whose graduates
usually do pretty well in the world — and then they made her pay it back. There "they" go again.
Does Michelle Obama Think About America? Michelle Obama isn't running for the presidency, but she is at center
stage of her husband's campaign, and her vision of America will obviously inform Barack Obama's vision of America if he
becomes president. And her vision isn't one that most Americans share.
Barack's Bitter Half:
In one of her few (unintentionally) funny moments during a recent sit-down with comedian Stephen Colbert, Mrs.
Obama claimed, "Barack and I tend to look at the positives." That's a side-splitter. As National
Review's Yuval Levin put it, Michelle Obama is "America's unhappiest millionaire." And she has the audacity
to extrapolate her misery and her husband's alleged victimization to the "vast majority of Americans." In
South Carolina, she called America "just downright mean" and bemoaned "a nation of struggling folks who are
barely making it every day."
Found Obama Rule: 'Whatever Michelle Says Is The Message'. In all the fuss over Barack
Obama going on ABC and telling his opponents to "lay off my wife," some might have assumed that Obama was
implying that Michelle Obama wasn't a major player in the Obama campaign. Read the transcript again,
and you'll notice he never says that.
Obama is fair game. [Scroll down] If Republicans "think that they're going to try to make Michelle an issue
in this campaign," he [Barack Obama] added ominously, "they should be careful." Ooh, very fierce. [But] as long
as he keeps sending her around the country to campaign on his behalf, everything she says is — and should
be — fair game.
Little Lady: In [the liberals'] lexicon, anybody who has had a single misfortune — or who
endures what liberated women see as the terrible ordeal of motherhood or housewifery — is a victim,
and since Mrs. Obama must suffer the inconveniences of being a wife and a mother, she's qualified for
victimhood and must be immune from criticism. Having gained that immunity she, is free to make
outrageous statements without having them reflect on her spouse.
Michelle Obama
encourages political activism. "The way this campaign has been run is the way we need to
be forever," Obama said. "Don't trust bloggers or someone else's opinion, because people lie."
No First Lady, That's My Wife! I must confess I got a chuckle out of Barack Obama's warning us
all to lay off his wife. Sorry, pal, but it's too late in the game for that. If you didn't want her
to be a legitimate target, you should have told her to stay home with the kids and to keep her yap shut.
Modern Liberals,
Whine Connoisseurs. Michelle Obama whines about the burdens of paying for piano lessons and summer
camp for the kids, and the paying off the student loans for her two Ivy League degrees. "The salaries don't
keep up with the cost of paying off the debt," she complained when the Obamas cleared half a million a
year Barack Obama understands the language of victimhood and uses it effectively. And
victimhood has become a central tenant of modern liberalism.
Obama's Gospel of Envy:
Anger, or envy, about trust funds seems to be a big thing with the Trinity crowd. Michelle Obama, for
instance, bellyached regularly during her stump speech in the primaries: "You're looking at a young
couple that's just a few years out of debt. See, because we went to those good schools and we didn't have
trust funds. I'm still waiting for Barack's trust fund. Especially after I heard that Dick Cheney
was s'posed to be a relative or something. Give us something here!"
Obama speaks to gay Democrats. Michelle Obama won a standing ovation on Thursday [6/26/2008]
when she paid a campaign visit to gay and lesbian Democratic activists to promote her husband Barack Obama's
presidential quest. Obama, appearing at a dinner meeting of the Gay & Lesbian Leadership Council of
the Democratic National Committee, cited her husband's efforts to fight discrimination and promote equal
rights for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people.
Wedding Belle. For
reasons of raw politics, Democratic presidential nominees can't say they support gay marriage, though they
obviously do. So they send their wives out to say it for them.
Remaking Michelle: The
problem with the Obama campaign's effort to remake Michelle Obama goes beyond her gaffes and attacks on America.
Another problem for the campaign is that Michelle Obama's life story runs counter to Barack Obama's effort to
defuse race as an issue. She does not see America as one nation or Americans as one people. Race
is the centerpiece of her self-identification.
Michelle Obama,
a target-rich environment. If Mrs Michelle Obama, known to her detractors as the candidate's
"bitter half", had only a routine image problem, the artful cosmeticians at Obama HQ would quickly be able to
tidy it up. The difficulty is that Michelle's gaffes appear not to be gaffes at all, but one long,
sincere, consistent and rarely less than gale force blast of grievance.
Obama's Inferiority Complex: Now that Barack Obama has pretty much wrapped up the nomination,
it's time to raise a question that lots of people have been talking about privately but not publicly.
Is it possible that Michelle Obama is the force behind Barack Obama's refusal to embrace traditional patriotic
symbols? Could Obama's wife be largely responsible for the candidate's damaging associations with
crackpot race-baiters like the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and the Reverend Michael Pfleger? In sum,
could Obama's wife be a large part of his political problem?
Michelle Obama says $600 is the price
of a pair of earrings. Michelle Obama said in Pontiac, Mich., on Wednesday [7/9/2008] that if her husband is
elected he will offer more than a "quick fix" on the economy. "You're getting $600 — what can you do with
that? Not to be ungrateful or anything, but maybe it pays down a bill, but it doesn't pay down every bill every
month," she said. "The short-term quick fix kinda stuff sounds good, and it may even feel good that first month
when you get that check, and then you go out and you buy a pair of earrings."
BO Stinks. Now it turns out the campaign
trail is a bit too much for him and his not-so-blushing bride. Now he wants us to believe that by
holding his wife accountable for her outrageous statements, we've crossed a line. ... Notice how Obama was
thrilled to have his wife front and center as long as we liked what she was saying. Now that she has
shown her true colors and said some pretty offensive things, she's taken a back seat and we're supposed
to "lay off".
Obama: Is First Ladies' club ready? [Scroll down] Some of Michelle's faux pas have been more
serious. Most notably, she told a rally that her husband's electoral success had "for the first time in my adult
life" made her feel "really proud of my country". This phrase struck a disquieting note: what would she not have
to be proud about? She and her husband are living proof of the extraordinary opportunities that can be available to
minorities in America: it's almost impossible to imagine their careers working out quite so well anywhere else.
That's why that comment rankled.
Call Me a Proud,
Scared Conservative. Michelle Obama did sit with her husband in Jeremiah Wright's church for
many years, listening unperturbed to racist diatribes aimed at every white-skin person in America. If
I had sat listening to the rants of a David Duke for years on end and then gave my husband some form of the
Nazi salute in public, I doubt seriously if it would be at all comforting to any decent American who
witnessed it. There may be only a tiny grain of truth to the black militant image of Michelle Obama
on the New Yorker cover, but even a tiny grain may be too much for some.
Obama called
hypocrite for wife's Wal-Mart link. [Michelle Obama] has just been re-elected to the board of an
Illinois food-processing company, a position she took up two years ago to gain experience of the private
sector. And the biggest customer for the pickles and peppers produced by Treehouse Foods is the retail
giant Wal-Mart, the world's largest corporation and the bête noire of American liberals,
including Sen Obama, for its employment practices, most notably its refusal to recognise trade unions.
Update: Mrs Obama quits
controversial job. Michelle Obama, the wife of the American Democrat presidential candidate
Barack Obama, has resigned from the board of a food company whose biggest customer is Wal-Mart, the retail
giant under fire from her husband. The Sunday Telegraph reported two weeks ago that her position at
Treehouse Foods could raise claims of hypocrisy as Senator Obama attacked Wal-Mart for its anti-union
employment policies.
Try a
Little Tenderness. So many Americans right now fear they are losing their country, that the
old America is slipping away and being replaced by something worse, something formless and hollowed
out. And if you feel you're losing America, you really don't want a couple in the White House
whose rope of affection to the country seems lightly held, casual, provisional.
Wife Rips His Foes. Michelle Obama has lashed out at her husband's 2008 rivals for peddling
"baseless claims" against him — including charges that "he is not black enough, he is not white
enough," according to a transcript of her surprising remarks to supporters. Michelle, a Harvard-schooled
lawyer, took on the role of campaign hatchet woman against Sen. Barack Obama's political opponents when she
introduced her husband to 1,000 donors at a $1.5 million fund-raiser Sunday night [2/11/2007] in Chicago.
Brangelina-fication of the Obamas: The spread in People, which earlier this year fawned over a
photo of the bare-chested Obama in his swimsuit, was supposed to be an "exclusive" first and last look at
life at home with the Obamas. Knowing what we know about the Obama we know now, it probably won't be
the last. They've hawked the kids to TV gossip show "Access Hollywood," blabbed about their romance to
Us Weekly magazine, and plopped Michelle O — the purported "civilian" whom the Obamessiah declares
immune from public criticism — in front of the cameras to schmooze effortlessly for "The Colbert
Report" and "The View" demographics.
This is precisely why Michelle Obama is
fair game for criticism: Hillary Clinton trumped
by Michelle Obama. The wives of Democratic nominees have traditionally addressed the convention
but Ms Obama is the first to be given headline and prime-time status. Her opening night address and
Senator Obama's acceptance speech will bookend addresses by Senator Hillary Clinton and former president
Bill Clinton.
Anti-American Radicals, and U of C. The Hyde Park Herald first reported that Michelle Obama
would be hired for a newly created community relations position at the University of Chicago on June 5
of 1996. Obama was to be Associate Dean of Student Services and Director of the University of Chicago
Community Service Center, effective September 1, 1996. So Michelle Obama was appointed to a job
that had never existed before, shortly after Barack Obama had won the Democratic nomination in his first
race for Illinois State Senate.
Michelle Obama: Perpetual
Victim. Her husband has been lauded as the Messiah; benefited from the most fawning coverage
bestowed on a presidential candidate, at least since JFK; is running in the most Democrat-favorable electoral
environment, at least since Watergate; has raised more funds than any presidential candidate ever; has become
a worldwide celebrity; and is spending an unprecedented amount of money running negative ads about his
opponent. ... Yet in her world, they're still "underdogs."
Throw the flag against: Michelle Obama.
[Scroll down] She omitted the fact that she later went on to a high paying job at the University of Chicago Medical
Center, where she worked in community and external affairs. In March 2005, she was promoted to vice
president for community and external affairs, and her salary jumped from $121,910 to $316,962, which included
a one-time bonus. In 2006, her salary was $273,618, according to the Chicago Tribune. Her promotion
came two months after her husband became a senator, but campaign aides said that she'd been offered the
promotion and turned it down before that.
The Editor says...
Yeah, right. I'd turn down a $316,962 do-nothing job, too. Make 'em beg!
Michelle's Boot Camps For
Radicals. Barack Obama was a founding member of the board of Public Allies in 1992, resigning
before his wife became executive director of the Chicago chapter of Public Allies in 1993. Obama plans
to use the nonprofit group, which he features on his campaign Web site, as the model for a national service
corps. He calls his Orwellian program, "Universal Voluntary Public Service." Big Brother had nothing
on the Obamas. They plan to herd American youth into government-funded reeducation camps where they'll
be brainwashed into thinking America is a racist, oppressive place in need of "social change."
Five reasons to vote against
Obama: [#4.] Michelle Obama. Another pampered semi-literate Ivy Leaguer who still
considers herself a victim, even with her $360,000-a-year job as diversity coordinator at a Chicago hospital.
Can you stand four years of this harridan lecturing you on your greed?
Welcome To ACORN
General Hospital. Try to imagine health care in the world of Obama. All of us will be
enlisted in the Community Service army, where patient care is merely ancillary to your job. Now we will
leave work to go staff the after school program at the new community center. Next weekend it's over to
the mall where we will work the voter registration table. It's all part of "enhancing the hospital
service to the community." Because in Barack and Michelle's world, there's no individual patient.
Only a vast, nebulous "community." Welcome to ACORN General.
Michelle Obama's
Patient-Dumping Scheme: The First Lady helped create a notorious program that dumped poor
patients on community hospitals, yet the national media ignore the story. Imagine if her husband
were a Republican. The University of Chicago Medical Center has received a good deal of justly
opprobrious press over its policy of "redirecting" low-income patients to community hospitals while
reserving its own beds for well-heeled patients requiring highly profitable procedures.
General in a sleeveless dress.
Since July of 2008, the chattering classes of America have been uneasy about Barack Obama's proposal for
a civilian national security force "as well-funded as the U.S. military". The civilian national security
force was already in place long before last July's public proposal. Its general doesn't wear army fatigues
but sleeveless dresses.
Responding to
My Critics. [Scroll down] This woman sat in Rev. Wright's church for 20 years,
soaking up his racist rants, and then had him marry her and Barack, as well as baptize their children.
Furthermore, she had gotten into an Ivy League school, thanks to Affirmative Action, and then showed her
gratitude by writing a racist screed for her college thesis. For good measure, she used that degree to
get a $125,000-a-year job in Chicago, which coincidentally jumped to over $300,000 once her husband went to
the Illinois state senate. And, finally, after all that, she announced to the world that America is a
mean country and that the first time she was proud of this nation was when her husband deigned to run for
Michelle Thinks She Was Elected Empress.
The Washington Post had an interesting article on June 25 headlined, "A First Lady Who Demands
Substance." I think it was meant to highlight that fact that Michelle Obama is more than a mere first
lady but is a strong, substantive person — which is, by the way, without question. Unfortunately,
though, it ended up revealing a Michelle Obama that is an angry, arrogant, martinet that isn't aware
that "first lady" is an honorary title that has no proper, Constitutional role and is not an elected
position with legal, legitimate powers of its own.
Queen Michelle the First?
Michelle Obama wants a bigger role in her husband's administration, according to The Washington Post.
Unlike Laura Bush, who focused on a few peripheral issues, Obama wants a seat at the table when key policies
are made. Obama's new chief of staff, Susan Sher, is part of the crucial 8:15 a.m. White House
staff meeting. The first lady's team of more than 20 has been told to think "strategically" about
how to make her a player on policies she cares about. This could be a very bad idea.
Obama named in illegal "patient dumping" scheme. Just minutes after President Obama's disastrous prime-time
press conference touting his "health care" plan, FOX News host Sean Hannity aired a special segment about a so-called
"patient-dumping" scandal in Obama's hometown, Chicago. And the scandal may very well involve First Lady Michelle
Obama herself.
A Health Care Offer We Can't
Refuse. When Michelle Obama was promoted to Vice President of the University of Chicago Medical Center
she ran something called Community and External Relations. So a Senator's wife, with no medical background or
health administration experience becomes a vice-president of a major American hospital. Why does a hospital
do this? Obviously, the hospital needed Senator Obama's help, maybe with legislation, maybe with reimbursements,
maybe with the unions. So Mrs. Obama becomes a Vice President, her salary is tripled to over $300,000, and suddenly
the hospital is sponsoring ridiculous community enterprises like Principal for a Day and Real Men Cook celebrations.
Even Wide
Awake, I'm Having Nightmares. [President Obama] is appointing so many czars, you'd think his last name
was Romanov. In the meantime, Michelle has gathered a larger staff of courtiers and ladies-in-waiting than
Madame Pompadour and Madonna put together. There were, at last count, 22 people answering directing to
the First Lady, costing the taxpayer roughly $1.6 million a year.
No sacrifice too
great for Michelle Obama. The First Lady has once again uttered words that reveal her
self-absorbed interior life. Speaking in Copenhagen, she referred to her trip as a "sacrifice." ... There
is a victim mentality at work here. Life is unfair. This is a woman who sees herself put-upon by
life, the victim of forces beyond her control. And she lives in the White House!
Michelle Obama: It's a 'sacrifice' to travel to Europe to pitch
for the Olympics. In her speech in Copenhagen today [9/30/2009], First Lady Michelle Obama said
her trip to Denmark, along with the travel of her "dear friend" and "chit-chat buddy" Oprah Winfrey, as well
as tomorrow's visit by President Obama, is a "sacrifice" on behalf of the children of Chicago and the United
Noble "Sacrifice" of Michelle Obama. It's hard out there for a first lady of the United States.
Take it from travel-weary Michelle Obama. On Tuesday night [9/29/2009], she boarded a luxury 757 for Copenhagen.
Think of the stairs she had to climb. Oh, the agony of the feet! Upon arrival, Mrs. O, her "chit-chat
buddy," Chicago-based talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey, and Chicago powerbroker/interest-conflicted real estate
mogul/senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett immediately embarked on a grueling, grip-and-grin campaign
to secure the Olympics for their hometown. Our smile muscles ache in sympathy.
Michelle Obama is not immune to criticism because she does stuff like this: Michelle Obama turns Breast Cancer Awareness Month into attack on
insurance companies. First Lady Michelle Obama took part in a White House event this afternoon
[10/23/2009] to mark National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. While such events have been mostly
noncontroversial in the past, Mrs. Obama used the occasion to launch an extended attack on the insurance
industry, the Obama administration's current target in the ongoing battle over national health care legislation.
Obama Politicizes the Food Network. I have a confession to make. I hate politics. That's
why I write about it, because I enjoy making fun of it. And one of the reasons I write for Big Hollywood
is I am sick of other people's politics being jammed down my throat through alleged "entertainment."
What's wrong
with this picture? The First Lady, a woman widely acclaimed for her fashion sense in the
courtier media, has no common sense at all when it comes to respecting a solemn occasion. Apparently,
nobody among her score of personal aides in the White House had the gumption to tell her she was about to
make a fool of herself at the Veterans Day memorial.
Another reason Michelle Obama is fair game for criticism: Did
AmeriCorps official lie about possible First Lady link to IG firing? Congressional investigators
looking into the abrupt firing of AmeriCorps inspector general Gerald Walpin have discovered that the head of
AmeriCorps met with a top aide to First Lady Michelle Obama the day before Walpin was removed.
may snag Mrs. Obama. In the past 10 days, two major developments have occurred. ... Most
explosively of all, dirty deeds may have been employed to hide extensive involvement in the affair by
the office of first lady Michelle Obama, whom the White House months earlier had announced would
play "a central role in the national service agenda."
Fat Cats Behind First Lady's Anti-Obesity Campaign. Behind every seemingly good deed in the
Obama White House, there's a deep-pocketed, left-wing special interest. Take first lady Michelle Obama's
crusade against childhood obesity. Who really benefits from the ostensible push for improved nutrition
in the schools? Think purple — as in the purple-shirted army of the Service Employees
International Union.
Obama, Liberal Government and Obesity: First Lady, Michelle Obama, has decided to take a whack at
solving the American obesity epidemic. Splendid. She should start by looking at one of the biggest
roots of the problem: liberal government and its most favorite project of the past 40 years, the
welfare state.
Strikes Deep in Obama's America. In Obama's brain, his father's womanizing and boozing wasn't
due to low moral standards; white supremacy was to blame. His grandmother was "a typical white person,"
not someone who had personal failings. Obama married Michelle, a woman who sees everything through the
lens of race. Rather than feeling honored to attend Princeton, she regarded the place as a hotbed of
racism. Some of her pre-First Lady speeches reek of loathing for America.
Michelle Obama
Nourishes Hillary's 'Village'. Two years after appearing on Larry King Live Michelle Obama
returned as First Lady to discuss inspiring FLOTUS initiatives. ... Michelle's King interview, lacked
consistent sincerity, but had one ray of candor amidst prevarications and partial truths. The
First Lady readily agreed with Larry King's evaluation of her superior intelligence perking up
saying, "I'm very smart but I like to limit my intake to things I can control."
Lawfare, Voluntary Surrender, and Right-wing
"Extremists". [Scroll down slowly] Michelle Obama "voluntarily surrendered" her license
to practice law, three years after passing the bar. Which is akin to a doctor going through years of
education, and racking up huge student loans, and then, just as it all finally starts to pay off, saying "I think
I'll just give up my license for no particular reason." There's a darn good reason, we just don't
know it.
Michelle Obama's True Agenda:
Make no mistake, America; Michelle Obama is every bit as interested in following in her husband's footsteps
as Hillary Clinton was of hers — even more. Michelle Obama is making her first solo trip
abroad to Mexico where she plans to begin organizing world support for her future political ambitions.
Obama: Food Profiteer Turned Food Cop. Let me summarize first lady Michelle Obama's
anti-obesity agenda: Shed as I say, not as I gain. While she crusades for organic foods and puts
government pressure on corporations to stop marketing fast food and junk food to children, Mrs. Obama herself
profited from the very same processed food industry she now demonizes.
Obama to women planning a pregnancy: 'No fatties'. You might think you were doing a pretty
good job of running your own life before you'd ever even heard of Michelle Obama, but she knows better than
that. Your kids are big fat pigs and so are you, says the First Lady of the United States.
Ready for Feds in Your Kitchen? On
the one hand, I want genuinely to commend first lady Michelle Obama for her passion to launch her campaign
against childhood obesity, "Let's Move." ... My concern, however, is that the first lady's nutritional quests,
like Washington's health care crusade, ultimately will lead to more big-government and union-based solutions,
as well as enact more faulty legislation like the 1966 Child Nutrition Act, which the Obama administration
is seeking to update, or "overhaul." (Of course, update and overhaul in government translates into
upgrade and expand; you can bet your last tax dollar on it.)
Michelle Obama's Global
Graduates. Rather than tossing a graduation cap into the air, Michelle Obama's commencement
address at George Washington University was enough to make a graduate fall on the ground weeping in a heap
of despair. After accomplishing the goal of completing a college education, the last thing a collegian
should be subjected to on graduation day is a keynote speaker who does anything but uplift, motivate, and
Commencement Address
Hell. Michelle Obama recently gave a speech to graduates at George Washington University.
The underlying message? Do as I say, not as I do. Also ... There's war and famine and an overcooked
planet. Become global citizens and fix the mess! Clean the feet of lepers in Calcutta, eradicate
malaria in the Sudan, and live like a monk with no personal needs. Of course, Michelle's own personal
journey has been a tad different. After she graduated from racist-infested Princeton University, Michelle
made big bucks as a corporate lawyer. Working as a vice president of the University of Chicago Medical
Center, she saved the hospital a bundle through patient-dumping — sending those unable to pay to
other hospitals.
Lady to Waste Millions 'Visiting' The Gulf Oil Spill. When times were flush, I guess it didn't
seem so outrageous for the First Lady of the White House to fly about the country "visiting" places as if she
were an important part of our national government. ... And now? Why, now Michelle-My-Bell is making
plans to "visit the Gulf Coast oil spill region" as if she is some sort of potentate touring her outlying
tracts of land. Yes, the angriest First Lady of them all is going to pack her royal bags, wing off to
the coast, and wave to the masses from the royal coach as she inspects her subjects woes due to her husband's
continuing impotency there.
Obama Rouses NAACP Before Vote Condemning 'Racist' Elements of Tea Party. First Lady Michelle
Obama brought renewed energy to the NAACP today, delivering the keynote speech at the annual convention one
day before the nation's largest civil rights group is expected to condemn what it calls racist elements in
the Tea Party movement. The nation's largest and oldest civil rights organization will vote on the
resolution Tuesday [7/13/2010] during its annual convention in Kansas City, Mo.
Ignorance, Hate, and Intolerance: Michelle Obama Addresses the NAALCP. Does Mrs. Obama
ever have anything positive to contribute to the national discourse? Like her husband, she's always
agitating, always rabble-rousing, always bringing the worst out of people. She may blame the other
side of the aisle for stoking hate, fear, division, and racism. But, perfectly illustrating the
psychological defense mechanism of Projection, it is she and her ideological ilk who do it, and they
do it as frequently and effortlessly as breathing.
The Obama family will be in Maine, but you go ahead and enjoy the Gulf. Michelle Obama: 'There
are still 1000s of miles of beaches not touched by the spill'. First Lady Michelle Obama
arrived at Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport at 2:34 today [7/12/2010] to begin meeting with
local officials and residents about the ongoing oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
While the Obamas Head to Maine... First
Lady Encourages Americans to Vacation on Gulf. On her first trip to the Gulf Coast since the
BP oil spill, First Lady Michelle Obama encouraged Americans to consider vacationing on the region's beaches
that have not been directly impacted by oil. ... The Obama family will be taking a mini-vacation of their own
this weekend, but instead of going to the Gulf Coast they are traveling to Maine's Mount Desert Island,
home of Acadia National Park.
abound as to exactly how Mrs. Obama obtains her wardrobe. Rumors abound as to exactly
how the first family obtains all the pomp and frills associated with Mrs. Obama's wardrobe. Do
the Obamas pay for it all themselves or are the first lady's outfits given to her gratis? As
with most things, it appears the answer lies somewhere in the middle. Ikram Goldman, owner
of the Chicago boutique Ikram, manages the majority of the first lady's sartorial needs. Any
designer wishing to dress Mrs. Obama must first go through Goldman, who remains exceedingly
tight-lipped as to her dealings with the first lady.
Fat Black Kids
Showcase America's Racism. The most recent statement by Michelle Obama baffles me, as she
compared black children's health to the age old Democrat policies of slavery and Jim Crow laws:
... Imagine my surprise to learn that one can recognize racist policies caused fat black kids.
Here I thought racism was when black men intimidating white voters are not prosecuted for obvious voter
intimidation, by a black Attorney General, simply because the perpetrators were black. I
erroneously believed that racism had occurred when a black president speaks out (without any
facts) on behalf of a black professor behaving badly, and who is given preference over a
white cop doing his job.
House looks to leverage Michelle Obama's popularity. Playing it safe can sometimes pay off,
as first lady Michelle Obama is finding with some of the highest favorable ratings in official Washington.
And she could be taking those numbers out for a test drive, as the White House looks for ways to leverage her
popularity without diminishing her value as an asset.
girl Michelle Obama is a modern-day Marie Antoinette on a glitzy Spanish vacation. While most of
the country is pinching pennies and downsizing summer sojourns — or forgoing them altogether —
the Obamas don't seem to be heeding their own advice. While many of us are struggling, the First Lady is
spending the next few days in a five-star hotel on the chic Costa del Sol in southern Spain with 40 of her
"closest friends." According to CNN, the group is expected to occupy 60 to 70 rooms, more
than a third of the lodgings at the 160-room resort. Not exactly what one would call cutting back
in troubled times.
Let them eat tapas.
The Obama family has been working hard to show their indifference to the plight of middle America. Whether
it's the president's golfing fetish, private air transportation for family dog Bo to a Maine vacation, or Michelle
Obama's taxpayer subsidized trip to the Spanish Riviera, the gulf between the White House leisure class and
the American middle class has grown to unprecedented proportions. Everyone is entitled to some R & R,
though Mrs. Obama's jaunt is her eighth holiday this summer.
police close public beach for Michelle Obama's £250,000 Spanish holiday. Michelle Obama
today faced a fresh wave of attacks over her lavish break in Spain with 40 friends, which could easily
cost U.S. taxpayers a staggering £50,000 a day. The First Lady has been lambasted for her
extravagance at a time when the economy is still struggling. One blogger went so far as to brand her a
modern-day Marie Antoinette.
Obama's Lavish Spain Vacation Sparking Criticism. While First Lady Michelle Obama continues sightseeing
and shopping in southern Spain with daughter Sasha and friends as "private" tourists, questions are being
raised about the cost to taxpayers and whether a lavish vacation sends the right message during tough
economic times in the U.S.
The Pain in Spain Falls Mainly on US Taxpayers.
While millions of Americans cut back on what they can spend on their vacation, Michelle Obama is concluding her last
vacation with a new vacation trip along with 40 guests to Spain billed at a cost of 300,000 dollars a day.
If Michelle Obama wants to go for a swim, an entire beach in Spain must be closed. Considering her busy
working schedule of appearing on talk shows and then appearing on magazine covers, I think we can all agree that
nine vacations is very modest. And the real tab gets much higher when you consider how many of the other
unstated expenses are being picked up by "friends", which is usually a fancy way of saying people who
expect favors in return, again, at taxpayer expense.
Was Michelle Obama Thinking? When we're in the middle of the worst recession in living memory,
it's not a good idea to take a luxury vacation that most of your countrymen could never possibly afford in
the best of times, at considerable taxpayer expense for the security, in a foreign country.
Lady claims working class roots, but her lifestyle is luxury. When images of Jean Paul Gaultier-clad
First Lady Michelle Obama on a $75,000-a-day Spanish holiday hit the wires, controversy was bound to erupt
back home. Her carefully crafted image as "everywoman" was blown. In addition to the high cost,
the evolving justifications for the trip offered by the White House's flack were just as dizzying.
Hypocrisy, Thy
Name is Michelle. Michelle Obama is a woman of her word. In July, she made a drive-by through
the Gulf coast region and urged people to "do a few things [to] help this community." Emphasis on the word
"few." She even recorded an ad inviting Americans to "come on down" to the Gulf as she herself then headed
back to Washington to collect her family to head to a holiday in a national park in Maine. At least Maine
is in America. With her recent holiday junket to Spain, she has now officially spit in the eye of Gulf
coast residents.
Public Service:
Nice Work If You Can Get It. In 1991, Michelle Obama left the world of corporate law to serve
the public in Chicago Mayor Daley's office. She then served the public at the Chicago Department of
Planning and Development and by founding the Chicago chapter of Public Allies, a non-profit organization.
In 1996, Mrs. Obama continued her public service at the University of Chicago and the University of Chicago
Hospitals. By 2005, Mrs. Obama's salary had "responded" to her public service work to the tune of
$317,000. Nice work if you can get it.
Where's the Michelle Obama Who Said This?
Earlier this year, Michelle Obama ... rolled out this nationwide initiative, Let's Move, earlier in 2010.
She said she learned when she and Barack were working that her children's nutrition was suffering from not
being able to cook meals for them. She said she started making changes and wanted to bring those
lessons to the White House. Apparently, they were all lessons she forgot when trying to win over
Iowa voters on the campaign trail with her husband.
Funding Michelle Obama's Priorities.
In a special session that epitomized everything people hate about Congress, a bill to help states was passed
with $26 billion in money that was offset with strange accounting measures. That is something we've
come to expect from this Congress — worry about paying for it later, by our children and grandchildren.
Many Democrats were uncomfortable with the vote on August 10, but they may come back to Congress for another
vote that will be billed as an $8 billion child nutrition bill. This bill is at the center of
Michelle "Marie Antoinette" Obama's "Let's Move" initiative to fight childhood obesity.
The Editor says...
Michelle Obama's childhood obesity crusade was harmless enough until it developed a price tag of
eight billion dollars. Now it's not so cute. It's just another way for the Obamas to
spend other people's money on their pet projects.
Michelle Obama's Spending Spree. After blowing nearly a half-million dollars on a Spanish
shopping spree, Michelle Obama has plans to spend a whopping $2 million in the coming year —
while the nation struggles with its worst recession ever.
War On Fat. American first ladies often go to bat for good causes. Nothing wrong with that.
But Michelle Obama's push for intrusive regulations, pressure tactics and one-size-fits-all solutions to end
obesity goes too far. The first lady had no difficulty telling members of the National Restaurant Association
on Monday [9/13/2010] how to run their businesses to help reduce childhood obesity, her pet cause.
Michelle the Menu Maven.
The woman who's taste-tested every flavor of ice cream from Maine to Spain is out dictating gastronomical edicts
to the National Restaurant Association. ... The same woman who ordered hot fudge sundaes while eating her way
across the North and Southeast of America is now "plead[ing] with restaurants to take a little butter or cream
out of their dishes, use low fat milk and provide apple slices or carrots as a default side dish on the kids'
menu." One can't help but wonder whether Sasha would have agreed to being prodded toward carrot-flavored
frozen skim milk in lieu of the "melon and raspberry" ice cream concoction Mom purchased for her on the
notorious Spanish "private mother-daughter" trip.
First Lady Pushes for Healthy Produce in Liquor Stores.
First Lady Michelle Obama told those gathered for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Legislative Conference
on Wednesday [9/15/2010] that her "Let's Move!" campaign to end childhood obesity required grassroots efforts
in communities across the nation, such as planting community gardens and making fresh produce more readily
available, including in liquor stores.
Obama Keeps Her Promise. "Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved,
uninformed." Michelle Obama told us that on the campaign trail in 2008, and it is fair to say that her
campaign promise has been kept.
The Two
Faces of Michelle Obama. Mrs. Obama kicked off her electioneering with an online "grassroots"
appeal to individual donors coordinated by the White House political arm Organizing for America (OFA).
With humble heart, the president's wife asked followers ("the folks who voted to make change real") to
scrounge up "$3 or more to help grow this movement." The first lady announced an eyebrow-raising
pledge program by anonymous donors (so much for transparency) who will "match" every contribution made
before November 2. She identified the "Michelle Match" participants as "teachers and firefighters,
truckers and nurses" — which may be Obama code for Big Labor and its $88 million
midterm-campaign war chest.
Michelle Obama Panhandles
Poor for Rich Democrat Pols. Apparently, Michelle Obama knows no shame. Just coming back
from a whirlwind summer of elegant soirées, a sumptuous vacation abroad, and a jet-setting Martha's
Vineyard junket on a multimillion-dollar estate, first lady Michelle Obama has sent a mass mailing panhandling
America's poor to stuff the campaign coffers of the rich Democrat pols, the same pols whose legislation has
impoverished the people and left them jobless. ... Americans need to start asking whether Michelle Obama has
ever done a single thing that's made us proud of her.
list of 100 powerful women seems to confuse marriage with achievement. [Scroll down] But
Michelle Obama as number one — sorry? Apparently, she beats every chairwoman of the board,
political leader and high-rolling one-woman entertainment conglomerate on the planet for her role of being
"within pillow-talk range of her husband the president".
Lady may have violated Illinois election laws. First Lady Michelle Obama reportedly violated
Illinois election laws by encouraging voters to support President Obama at a polling place in Chicago
Thursday morning [10/14/2010]. Election laws in Illinois prohibit anyone from engaging in "any
political discussion within any polling place," or "within 100 feet of any polling place." The
first lady was reportedly speaking with other voters in a polling place and urged them to keep President
Obama's agenda going.
Michelle Obama
and Illinois Election Law. Did Michelle Obama violate Illinois election law? The question
arose after the first lady, who voted early at her Chicago precinct Thursday [10/14/2010], responded to
voters who voiced support for her husband. It's unlawful in the state to have a "political discussion"
or engage in "electioneering" within 100 feet of a polling place.
A Soulless White House.
I think Barack and Michelle Obama are secret totalitarians — in spirit, if not yet in fact — who
believe mostly in their own superior intentions. Michelle really does think the country needs an all-powerful
Food Mom who will make the kids eat right so they never get fat... even though Michelle can't control her own
appetite any more than the rest of us can.
Marie Antoinette
has nothing on the Obamas. Clearly this administration learned nothing from the public outcry
over Michelle Obama's turn as Marie Antoinette re-incarnate on her last little junket to Spain. If you
thought the flaunting FLOTUS dropping a cool half million on a vacation trip for 40 of her pals and 70 secret
service agents was over-the-top, wait to you get a load of the Obama itinerary for the Mumbai junket.
Freedom Fries. Of course
people should eat healthier. American adults are overweight; so are their offspring. But Mrs. Obama's
health initiatives are perturbing on more levels than the food pyramid. Not only does this seem rather
invasive, as privately owned restaurants have always possessed the right to sell raw foods, obscene amounts of
alcohol, and food laden with butter as long as that's what their customers are willing to pay for. It
also ignores the personal responsibility of those who choose to partake. None of this is of any concern
to Mrs. Obama, who proceeds directly from the fact that obesity is unhealthy to the notion that government
officials — and their hectoring wives — should regulate our diets accordingly.
The First
Lady & the Cheeseburger. After a recent Milwaukee campaign event for Sen. Russ Feingold,
Michelle Obama tucked into a juicy cheeseburger and fries at a local favorite, Miss Katie's Diner.
While having photos taken and signing autographs on paper napkins, the first lady was unaware that her
brief stop at Miss Katie's would create an Internet stir, with the blogosphere erupting in criticism
of her hypocritical lunch choice.
Obama's $400 Million 'Food Desert' Scam. First Lady Michelle Obama has called on
Congress to create a $400 million-per-year program to encourage the establishment of supermarkets
in places she calls "food deserts." The situation in these "food deserts," as Mrs. Obama describes
it, is quite dire indeed. American children are growing fat because their parents cannot get to a
supermarket — to buy fruits and vegetables — without undergoing the hardship of boarding a bus
or riding a taxi. As a consequence, food-desert-dwelling children are forced to eat fast food and
junk procured at chain restaurants and convenience stores.
The further adventures of
Michelle and Barack in India. Michelle said, "I didn't grow up with a lot of money." Reminding
exploited youngsters that rough childhoods are not exclusive to India, Mrs. Obama exhorted those that sleep curled
up on railroad platforms to follow her lead and make sure to get an education. After presenting waifs with bags
of stationery and "White House M&M sweets," the First Lady put her very expensive Cynthia Vincent ballet flats back
on and headed toward New Delhi on a one-woman mission to stimulate India's economy. Behaving like royalty in a
dearth-plagued country filled with street urchins who oftentimes go without food, Mrs. Obama descended on the National
Handicrafts and Handloom Museum in the Pragati Maidan complex. While there, the well-heeled First Lady disregarded
the abject poverty beyond the walls of the museum and, for two hours, furthered diplomacy by procuring frivolous curios
and trinkets.
It takes a vittle: First lady
engineers government takeover of children's food. In the case of obesity, the so-called problem
is very much an illusion. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Protection, the average height
of Americans has increased by an inch since the 1960s. That's a sign of proper nourishment. While
average weight increased by 24 pounds over the same period, we're all living an average of eight years
longer. That's a sign of good health. The bottom line is that Americans can take care of
themselves just fine without help from Mrs. Obama. It doesn't take a village to solve a public
health crisis that doesn't exist.
the broccoli: Liberalism's war on liberty. What this country needs is a crop of healthy, hunger-free
kids — and now, thanks to the hectoring of Michelle Obama and the terrible swift presidential pen of
her husband, it has one: the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. ... ObamaCare and the Healthy, Hunger-Free
Kids Act of 2010 are the things that expose modern liberalism for the iron fist in the velvet glove. Can't
feed yourself? Dinner's on us. Out of work? We'll pay you to stay unemployed. After all,
you're too stupid to make your own best decisions in what used to be personal matters. All we ask in
exchange for your freedom is your vote.
Americans oppose Michelle Obama's Healthy Hunger-free Kids Act. A significant percentage
Americans oppose the Healthy Hunger-free Kids Act pushed by First Lady Michelle Obama and signed into law by
President Barack Obama signed on Monday. Among other things, the $4.6 billion law allows the USDA
to set nutritional standards for foods made and sold in schools; increases the number of children who qualify
for school meal programs, and "sets basic standards for school wellness policies including goals for nutrition
promotion and education and physical activity."
FLOTUS chows
at the taxpayers' trough. First lady Michelle Obama didn't feel like waiting around cold, boring old Washington,
D.C., for her husband and Congress to wrap up their work for the year. So she simply stuck the taxpayers with the
$63,000 tab to start her Hawaiian vacation a bit early — just a few short months after the Spain vacation with
her gal-pals that set us all back a pretty penny. With her husband announcing a two-year pay freeze for federal
employees as a way to save taxpayers a few precious dollars, it's jaw-dropping that Michelle Obama could be so relentlessly
politically tone-deaf.
The Obamas Police Food and
Football. [Scroll down] On the food front, Michelle Obama likewise said something that,
given the context, conjures up a lot of history. Speaking at a public school to commemorate the signing
of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act, the First Lady said flat out that the federal government must act
because we can't just leave [child nutrition] up to the parents." She means it: The law she was
on hand to praise gives the federal government the power to regulate the food sold in public school cafeterias
nationwide. We are a very long way from 1994, when Republicans were threatening to end the Department of
Education in order to turn more power over to local and state control. The federal food police are
acting in the name of fighting childhood obesity, a real problem for which there is scant evidence that
school lunches play any role whatsoever. School lunches, for the kids who eat them, constitute one meal
a day, five days a week, about nine months of the year. They are not the dominant food source for the
vast majority, if any, of America's kids.
Fattening Government
to Fight Obesity. The child nutrition bill signed into law by President Obama on Dec. 13 has
been touted as essential to combating the "epidemic" of childhood obesity. It is also a welfare expansion,
adding $4.5 billion to the cost of school lunches. Despite the additional six cents per meal which
will be paid to the schools, critics say it amounts to an unfunded mandate which could bankrupt schools.
Sarah Palin be right about Michelle Obama? If Michelle Obama were just a Chicago-based
community activist who was organizing a nation-wide propaganda campaign to urge people to eat healthily I would
have no objection. Although Ms. Obama does not hold any official office she is a spokesperson for the
White House and her husband, the president. Nothing she does or says happens without political vetting,
approval, strategizing and so forth. In this sense she is an arm of the executive branch.
Michelle Obama's Barbecue
Hypocrisy. The first rule of political pandering: Know what you're talking about. ... In an
e-mail congratulating Charlotte, N.C., on being named host city for the 2012 Democratic National Convention,
Obama mentioned that Charlotte has "great barbecue." As someone who grew up an hour from Charlotte, I can
tell you that few natives would say that. Nobody travels to Charlotte for the barbecue.
First Lady Of Junk Science. While her husband may have paid lip service to ending the abuse of
science for "politics or ideology," first lady Michelle Obama gave herself a super-sized waiver. ... Just as
the White House costumed Obamacare activists in white lab coats, the fashionable Mrs. O has cloaked her
meddling anti-obesity crusade in medical fakery.
Keeping Abreast of Michelle Obama's Nanny
Attacks. First lady Michelle Obama apparently has far too much time on her unspoiled hands,
inevitable when one has 30 or more servants to help meet the demands of a family of four.
Mrs. Obama's blunders expose the
folly of First Lady activism. While the First Lady wields no formally-mandated power, the
institutionalization of her office confers upon her a degree of influence that no unelected or unappointed
citizen ought to have. A candidate's spouse does not "run" for First Lady. In fact, we are
frequently urged to keep a presidential candidate's family off limits and collectively tut whenever anyone
is so boorish as to violate this unwritten compact. But ... if the First Lady is to play a formal
role in the governing of this country — even a comparatively frivolous one — then it
is more than a little disingenuous of her to cower under any kind of apolitical aegis.
Michelle's Healthy,
Hunger-Free Menus. The growing sixth grader who eats his 1.5 ounces of turkey and throws his
cup and a half of broccoli, cauliflower and green beans in the compost will probably not be hunger-free.
A Devil Dog at the convenience store on the way home will easily remedy that problem.
Michelle Obama's school lunch.
Looks like the meal you'd get in a vegetarian prison.
Obama accused of hypocrisy (again). Michelle Obama's campaign for better nutrition has come
under fire yet again, just days after Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie defended her anti-obesity
initiative. And what is the complaint against the first lady this time? She is now being accused
of stuffing a staggering 2200 calorie meal into the mouths of state governors at a White House gala last night.
Mrs. Obama
Serves Governors a 2,200 Calorie Meal. First Lady Michelle Obama Sunday night stuffed about
2,200 calories worth of dinner into the nation's governors, hosting a White House bash that pulled few
punches on the fattening front despite her profile as the leader of a national crusade to trim the
waistlines of the country's youth.
Feasts on Fast Food While First Lady Values Veggies. While the main message coming from the
White House Friday focused on the resurgent U.S. auto industry, the Obamas sent mixed messages on the food
front as the first lady planted vegetables while the president dined on less healthy fare. "Mustard,
onion, chili sauce sounds just right... a little cheese on it, nothing wrong with that," the president said
as he placed his order at Rudy's, one of the locals' favorite hot dog joints in Toledo, Ohio.
Michelle Obama to
Hold Another 'Listen Only' Press Briefing. First Lady Michelle Obama will hold another "listen-only"
conference call with reporters this afternoon, continuing a pattern of holding events for the media where access
is sharply limited. ... The First Lady appears to be establishing a new routine, where she speaks and —
from beginning to end — reporters mutely listen.
Michelle Obama carries $1,000 tote. Michelle
Obama put another label name on the map this week, when she was spotted carrying a bold new handbag
to her daughter's parent-teacher conference. The teal blue leather tote by U.S. designer
Reed Krakoff has already sold out around the world — despite the fact that it costs
nearly $1,000.
Distraction — Number One Strategy of Obama
Act. If there has ever been a moment for the old adage, "Don't get mad, get even", Barack and
Michelle are IT. Michelle is into childhood obesity because that's what's most likely to get
parents looking to resurrect the MYOB (Mind Your Own Business) clause. It goes without saying that it
should be up to Mama what the little ones eat, not the self-centered, unelected wife of an anti-American
Michelle Obama's
high staff turnover. [Scroll down] In fact, Michelle's job as a community organizer at the
hospital [the University of Chicago Medical Center] appears to be one created purely as an act of political
patronage. Her starting salary of $121,910 suddenly leaped to $316,962 once her husband was elected as
U.S. senator from Illinois. One of Barack's first acts in the Senate was to provide a million-plus
dollar earmark to Michelle's employer. There is no evidence to support the idea that Mrs. Obama
actually supervised any staff in this position, which was so vital to the hospital that it was eliminated
once Michelle no longer needed the income.
A new Michelle emerges in Africa.
As First Lady, Obama sets herself up as a nutrition expert, an all-out effort to end Childhood Obesity her main
legacy. In Cape Town, a more playful Obama got off a laugh line in a reluctant admission how she can't
pass on the French fries. In response to a soft question Obama mentioned she included among her favourite
food, Indian food and then Mexican food, and then said: "No, if I picked one favorite, favorite food, it's
French fries." The audience began to laugh. "Okay? It's French fries," Obama continued.
"I can't stop eating them."
Obama Tells Tales to South Africans. Now that most of the dupes who voted for their love-object
in 2008 have been betrayed in the worst way, Michelle Obama is trying to sell the same pre-election snake oil
8,000 miles away.
Obama tucks in to fat cakes and French fries on trip to Botswana. She has been widely
outspoken about the perils of children eating too much fatty food with her campaign for better nutrition.
So perhaps Michelle Obama should have thought twice before posing enthusiastically for her latest photo
opportunity in Botswana.
Obama's 'goodwill tour' of Africa cost U.S. taxpayers up to $800,000. According to
Whitehousedossier.com the First Lady's trip to South Africa and Botswana last week will certainly cost well
over half a million dollars and could be as much as $800,000. The cost of local transportation, Secret
Service protection, food for her family and staff members, the cost of firing up 'Air Force 2' not
to mention the pre-trip preparations would all have contributed to the final amount.
Top 10 Obama Attacks on Capitalism:
[#10] Leave corporate America: Michelle Obama, during the 2008 presidential race, described her and
her husband's philosophy on the superiority of public service over the business world: "We left
corporate America, which is a lot of what we're asking young people to do. Don't go into corporate
America. You know, become teachers. Work for the community. Be social workers. Be a
nurse." Because, you know, community activists are so much more valuable than corporate leaders.
Lady spotted consuming '1,700 calorie' Shake Shack meal. Her 'Let's Move' healthy diet campaign
seemingly forgotten, Michelle Obama was spotted chowing down a 1,700-calorie strong meal from Shake Shack.
Mrs Obama reportedly ordered a ShackBurger, fries, chocolate shake AND Diet Coke at the newly opened branch of
the fast food chain in Washington, the Washington Post reported.
Obama orders 1,700-calorie meal at Shake Shack. First lady Michelle Obama ordered a whopper of a
meal at the newly opened Washington diner Shake Shack during lunch on Monday [7/11/2011]. A Washington
Post journalist on the scene confirmed the first lady, who's made a cause out of child nutrition, ordered a
ShackBurger, fries, chocolate shake and a Diet Coke while the street and sidewalk in front of the usually-packed
Shake Shack were closed by security during her visit.
Obama deserved a grilling on her burger choice. A health-conscious Michelle Obama scarfing
down a "burger, fries, a chocolate shake and a Diet Coke," at a greasy hamburger joint? The irony was
as thick as mayo. And for critics, it should have been faster to heat up than Easy Mac.
First Lady smashes
another barrier. For the first time ever, a First Lady has been photographed barefoot in the White
House, as an official White House photographer captured the First Family watching the World Cup Women's
Championship match.
Barack Hussein Obama is a
Fraud. Neither Barack Obama, nor his wife Michelle Obama, love this country. Michelle Obama disclosed her
disrespect for America, even though she has had all of the work and educational benefits a person
could ask. After she saw the success her husband was having in the presidential campaign, she said
on 2-18-2008, that for the first time in her adult life she was proud of America. I suppose she
hated America like many of her other associates, until then. I think she still does.
Michelle Obama
spotted at We The Pizza. The first lady and daughter Sasha swung by the Capitol Hill pizza joint
owned by Spike Mendelsohn on Monday night. No word on what FLOTUS ate, but the restaurant's menu doesn't
offer too many healthy options.
Obama Vacay: In Your
Facemanship. If the Obamas insist on spending two weeks in an enclave noted for the rich and
famous, especially while the nation's unemployment rate hovers at just over 9%, then the least they could do
is exhibit a modicum of restraint, and try to be as modest and discreet as possible. Instead, Michelle
Obama, renowned for her impatience when it comes to reaching her desired destination, put thousands of
additional dollars on the taxpayers' tab, "so she could have just a bit of extra vacation" — all
of four hours' worth.
Michelle Obama's out-of-control spending. There does appear to
be an unhealthy sense of entitlement on the part of the First Lady, which seems in poor taste at a time when
14 million Americans are out of work, the housing market is collapsing, and the United States is facing
the strong possibility of a double-dip recession.
Watch sues for Michelle travel documents. Judicial Watch is filing a Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) against the United States Air Force to obtain records related to the June 21-27, 2011,
trip taken by First Lady Michelle Obama, her family, and her staff to South Africa and Botswana.
Earlier reports suggested that the cost for air travel cost taxpayers $430,000, but Judicial Watch
believes that additional Secret Service officers and White House staff security tallied further expenses.
U.S. sued over Michelle's
secretive 'family outing'. Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit over the federal
government's refusal to disclose how much taxpayers spent to send Michelle Obama on a "family
outing" that included a safari in Africa.
Obama Spent 42 Days on Vacation this Past Year. First Lady Michelle Obama over the
last year has spent a total of 42 days on vacation, or a little more than one out of every nine
days, according to a White House Dossier analysis of her travel. Her vacations, the cost of
which are mostly borne by taxpayers, include trips to Panama City, Fla., Martha's Vineyard, Hawaii,
South Africa, Latin America, Vail, Colo., and her visit this week to her brother in Corvallis, Ore.
Why so glum, Michelle?
On Aug. 9, the first lady sneaked out of Washington and flew aboard a government plane to Corvallis, Ore.
On board, dozens of staffers, Secret Service agents, Mrs. Obama's mother and one of the Obamas' daughters (we
never did find out who). No husband. Her office never announced the trip; the news was broken by
Oregon's Register-Guard newspaper. ... No, there's something going on there. How else to explain all
those vacations away from President Obama — to Florida, California, South Africa, Latin America,
Colorado, Spain?
Michelle the Menu
Micromanager. Even though Michelle tends to unabashedly frequent establishments that serve
high-end, calorie-rich cuisine, she has nonetheless anointed herself the maven and monitor of healthful
eating. ... Thanks to Mrs. Obama, who allows her two girls to eat fried shrimp baskets and hot fudge sundaes on
vacation, America's children will find that when it's treat time for them, "French fries and sugar-sweetened
beverages will become the exception and not the rule."
My Appetite for Olive Garden. Looks like I won't be eating at Olive Garden
anymore. In addition I won't be eating at Red Lobster, LongHorn Steakhouse, The Capital
Grille, Bahama Breeze or Seasons 52, all Darden Restaurants. ... On September 15, 2011
Darden Restaurants decided to collaborate with Michelle Obama's childhood anti-obesity campaign.
Michelle the Menu
Micromanager. Even though Michelle tends to unabashedly frequent establishments that serve
high-end, calorie-rich cuisine, she has nonetheless anointed herself the maven and monitor of healthful
eating. Thus, the first lady's obvious double standard has delivered yet another initiative whose
success is measured by the level of Obama hypocrisy it manages to expose. When Michelle goes on
vacation — which, by the way, is quite frequently — she justifies indulging in whatever
she happens to crave.
Obama: "All This Just For a Flag". The internet was buzzing Tuesday night with video
of First Lady Michelle Obama apparently showing extreme disrespect to the American flag at a ceremony
in honor of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. As police and firefighters
fold the flag to the sound of marching bagpipers, a skeptical looking Mrs. Obama leans to her husband
and appears to say, "all this just for a flag." She then purses her lips and shakes her head
slightly as Mr. Obama nods.
is Michelle Obama saying during the 9/11 flag ceremony? There is a growing internet buzz over the
First Lady's comment to her husband during the 9/11 commemoration Sunday, as the flag ceremony is taking place.
Watch the video clip below, and lip readers are invited to comment on what she is saying. To my unskilled eyes,
it looks as though she is saying, "All that for a flag!"
liberals shop at Target now? Photos of First Lady Michelle Obama were featured on all major network
newscasts yesterday [9/29/2011] as she was spotted shopping at a local Target retail store wearing a hat and
sunglasses. Target notoriously sparked the outrage of liberals and LGTB activists after donating money
to Republicans in Minnesota.
staged moment in the lives of Barack and Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama just had to get out to
Target to do a little shopping last week. But, before the shopping run the White House tipped off AP
photographer Charles Dharapak so that he would be at the store to memorialize the moment.
Michelle Obama
is right on Target. Finally, the White House has decided to be transparent — and
embarrassingly so. The first lady officially announced her husband's kickoff of the 2012 election with a
thinly veiled photo-op trip to a local Target discount store. It's not clear if Mrs. Obama took her own
taxpayer-funded private jet to the store or perhaps three jets to accommodate her entourage, as she did for
her European vacation. Sources are unclear how often she frequents the Target stores at her usual getaways
to places such as Vail, Hawaii or Martha's Vineyard or whether she wears her $42,000 diamond bracelets while
clipping coupons.
Says Bank Discriminated Against Barack's Grandmother. First Lady Michelle Obama said at a
fundraiser in Providence, Rhode Island, on Friday night [9/30/2011] that a bank where Barack Obama's
grandmother had worked discriminated against her for nearly two decades "because she was a woman."
However, the Washington Post reported earlier this year that Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, had been the
first female vice president of the Bank of Hawaii.
Now Wonders If Michelle's Target Photos Were Just Orchestrated PR with AP. Washington Post media
reporter Paul Farhi is finding a lot of unusual circumstances — and unusual no-comments —
around Michelle Obama's razzle-dazzle distraction outing to Target after her latest controversy over wearing
$42,000 diamond bracelets. He found "there might have been something to the notion of White House
$500K to send Michelle, family to Africa. How much does it cost taxpayers to fly First Lady
Michelle Obama, her two daughters and her mother, a niece and a nephew, a hairstylist and makeup artists to
South Africa and Botswana to give a few speeches, meet Nelson Mandela, and enjoy a safari on a private game
preserve? Nearly half a million dollars, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch via the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) concerning Obama's June 21-27 journey.
Obama's Africa Vacation Cost More Than $432,142. First lady Michelle Obama's family trip to
South Africa and Botswana in June cost taxpayers well over $424,000, according to new accounting based on
Air Force manifests obtained by Judicial Watch, a taxpayer watchdog group. The use of Air Force
aircraft alone for the June 21-27 trip cost $424,142, said the group, and that doesn't include the food,
lodging, and ground transportation for the 21 family and staff members.
Obama's taxpayer-funded spending is an embarrassment for the White House. Although ignored by
most of America's liberal-dominated media, several online US news sites are reporting that Michelle Obama's
grand tour of southern Africa earlier this year cost American taxpayers nearly half a million dollars —
and that's just for the flights. This follows in the wake of claims this August from sources inside the
White House itself that the First Lady may have spent "$10 million of taxpayers' money on vacations alone
in the past year."
Michelle Obama's warning
to gun owners. Nearly three years into President Obama's first term in office, Michelle Obama
finally said something with which I can agree. At a recent fundraiser for President Obama's re-election
campaign in Providence, Rhode Island, the first lady told her audience: "We stand at a fundamental
crossroads for our country. You're here because you know that in just 13 months, we're going to make
a choice that will impact our lives for decades to come ... let's not forget what it meant when my husband appointed
those two brilliant Supreme Court justices ... let's not forget the impact that their decisions will have on our
lives for decades to come."
Michelle 'loves french fries, pizza'. President Obama said his wife loves pizza and french
fries during his appearance Tuesday night on Jay Leno's show. Though the first
lady has used her office to campaign against obesity and to tout healthy eating habits, she's OK with
fattier foods in moderation, Obama said.
Obama and 'the Few at the Top'. When Ms. Obama charges, "Will we be a country where opportunity
is limited to just the few at the top? Who are we?" one wonders, why, then, in the past three years of
hard times, did she insist on vacationing, in iconic fashion, at Vail, Martha's Vineyard, and Costa del Sol,
the tony haunts of "the few at the top"? In these rough times, surely a smaller staff, less travel, and
budgetary economies would have enhanced her populist message of some at the top enjoying perks at the expense
of others.
The very angry first
lady. Michelle [Obama] is going to break with a hundred years of tradition and play the role of attack
dog, heaping derision on her husband's political opponents like no other first lady before her. And it's
already begun. Mad Michelle this week popped down to Davis Island, Fla., to hobnob with the very people her
husband despises — the 1 percent. At a massive mansion on the bay, filled with the wealthiest of the
wealthy, America's first lady launched into a tirade about "them" — the Republicans.
Obama Preaches Against Childhood Obesity, Then Gives Kids M&Ms. First Lady Michelle Obama brought
her "Let's Move!" campaign to the 2011 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit meeting in Hawaii. ... Following
her discussion on ending childhood obesity, the Obamafoodorama Blog reported that the young farmers were presented
boxes of President M&Ms.
At Let's Move!
Event, Michelle Obama Presents Gifts Of White House M&Ms. On Saturday [11/12/2011] in Hawaii,
during a visit to MA'O Organic Farms, First Lady Michelle Obama held a roundtable discussion on the importance
of healthy eating and organic farming for her Let's Move! campaign to end childhood obesity. After, Mrs.
Obama presented the student interns who run the farm with a special gift: Presidential M&Ms.
Mrs. Obama: Let Them
Eat Steak — And Arugula. Visiting an organic farm in Hawaii on Saturday [11/12/2011],
First Lady Michelle Obama said that "arugula and steak" was her "favorite" meal and expressed her view that
American children need to "get their palates adjusted" so they will begin eating properly. Mrs. Obama
also said that children in "underserved communities" become obese because they "aren't growing up with vegetables
because there are no grocery stores."
The very angry first
lady Michelle Obama. Michelle's back, and she's madder than ever. She was already pretty angry,
seemingly unhappy with just about everything. ... She even seems to be mad at her silver-tongued husband.
When the two were to set off on a luxurious 10-day vacation to Martha's Vineyard, she left early — four
hours early — and flew up alone. And those private vacations. She's traveled to some of the
world's most plush resorts, taking 42 days off in the past year — that'd be eight weeks of vacay
time if she held down a normal job. Now, she is ready to spew her bilious disgust with America on the campaign
trail. ... So, America's first lady will travel the country this election season to tell her fellow Americans
just how bad it is out there (between lavish vacations, of course).
FLOTUS dines at
Co Co. Sala. First lady Michelle Obama enjoyed a lovely evening at Co Co. Sala on F Street
on Monday night [11/28/2011]. ... We're told Obama's favorite savory was Chef Tiptur's Moroccan Swordfish Sliders
with chermoula marinade, fennel salad, aged pecorino and hazelnut coffee dressing.
Antoinette's Hawaii hat trick. Obviously unwilling to submit to hubby Barack's executive order
for "federal agencies to curtail travel expenses and save," this year First Lady Michelle Obama decided to
leave early again for Christmas vacation, and commence with the holiday festivities in Oahu. Last year
Michelle went on ahead of her husband, who was delayed by Congress, which is the excuse that has become a
Christmas tradition every year since Obama took office.
Michelle Obama a vacation junkie? In a story published late last week in The Daily Mail which
followed another by the National Enquirer, First Lady Michelle Obama's vacation habbits including expensive
massages, top shelf vodka and five-star hotels are under attack. Critics have discovered over $10 million
tax dollars has been spent on her personal recreation — in the last year.
What Is More Racist?
Michelle Obama has received intense criticism for the flagrant way in which she spends taxpayer money and
the tone-deafness she demonstrates. Two-thousand dollar dresses, wearing sneakers that cost the equivalent
of three months mortgage payments while at a homeless shelter, insisting on million-dollar Hawaiian vacations
while your husband simultaneously lectures Americans about scaling back, yes, the comparison to [Marie] Antoinette
is apropos. Those who call it racist demonstrate the failings of public education.
Angry Black Woman Angry at Her Angry Black Woman Image. Michelle Obama is in the news loyally
defending her husband's dubious record of political accomplishments while denying her own record as an angry,
difficult first lady who has disrupted White House operations. In an interview with CBS the feisty first
lady, formally trained in the fine legal art of denial of blatant, obvious truths, rather defiantly and
sarcastically stated she is not the angry black woman being depicted in the media.
Portrait of the First Lady as an Angry Young Woman. One does not have to take a leap of faith to
believe Mrs. Obama to be an "angry black woman." It is nothing more than a logical conclusion given the
evidence she has provided. "For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of my country."
These are the words of Michelle Obama in 2008, said in response America's energetic reception of Barack Obama.
And clearly, they are the words of an angry person.
Obama and Stokely Carmichael on Collective White Guilt: [Scroll down] The First Lady's 1985
thesis on being black at Princeton gave the tormented, race-obsessed young woman the chance to articulate long-repressed
feelings of abjection, separateness, and anger. When she purposely chose the Black Supremacist, radical,
separationist, and anti-Semitic ideas of Stokely Carmichael to shore up a study of "Princeton-Educated Blacks
and the Black Community," the writing was on the wall. From there, she would go on to Harvard Law school
and eventually end up at Reverend Jeremiah Wright's Afrocentric Trinity United Church of Christ with her husband
and children. Coincidently, Wright also happened to be a fan of the rabidly anti-white Carmichael.
Obama unveils tougher nutrition standards for school meals. The new regulations, according to the
Department of Agriculture, will:
• Ensure that students are offered both fruits and vegetables every day of the week;
• Substantially increase offerings of whole grain-rich foods;
• Offer only fat-free or low-fat milk varieties;
• Limit calories based on the age of children being served to ensure proper portion size; and
• Increase the focus on reducing the amounts of saturated fat, trans fats and sodium.
The Editor offers this reminder:
Michelle Obama is neither an elected official nor an authority of any kind, and is in no position
to tell you to do anything. Nor can she enforce any "regulations" to change your pesonal dietary selections.
Any time you see Michelle Obama in the media spotlight (intentionally), what you see is merely a façade for
big intrusive government.
Let Mrs. Obama Eat Red Velvet Cake.
[Scroll down] Earlier in the interview, when the First Lady said that her mother and daughters had baked a red
velvet cake for her birthday, Leno asked, "What is the calorie count?" To which Mrs. Obama replied rather
defensively, "It's fine." Well, at 513 calories per serving, I'm sure it's quite fine. Whatever
the caloric content, the red velvet cake was apparently special ordered rather than homemade.
Coming out of the shadows: Four more years of
Obama. Michelle Obama's multi-million dollar solo flights to lavish vacation locales and eye-blinding
bling notwithstanding, President Obama told mainstream media that one of the toughest parts about being president is
that his wife has been dragged into the "political realm". No one would know better than her husband that
Michelle Obama is not "dragged" into anything.
Obama Now Trying to Control What the Military Eats. First Lady Michelle Obama is still on her food
crusade and this time, she's going after the military, saying poor nutrition in our armed forces is a "national
security" issue.
The Editor says...
The military does not answer to Michelle Obama. Poor nutrition in the military could be, potentially,
a matter of national security, but from what I've heard, the food isn't that bad.
Obama Reveals She Would Eat 'Burgers, Fries, Pie, Cake And Ice Cream Every Single Day' If She Could.
Over the weekend, First Lady Michelle Obama answered several questions from CNN iReporters, who peppered her with
queries on various subjects, including her 'Let's Move' initiative fighting obesity in America. CNN iReporter
Shari Atukorala, from Sri Lanka, asked the First Lady whether she would allow her daughters to eat fast food, specifically
"a huge burger... french fries (and) fried chicken" or if they were only allowed to have healthy food.
Any Mother Knows Better Than Michelle.
Children are governed not by agents of the USDA but in the trusting knowledge of their mothers' abiding love in
words that show up unexpressed in a mother's lovingly packed school lunch. Until the debut of Mrs. Barack
Obama trying to make her mark in the world, the love of mothers for their children, school lunches packed with
things they know their children will eat, were things assumed not government legislated.
Michelle Obama's Media Blitz Erase Her 'Angry Black Woman' Image? While she is hoping that a series of television
appearances will cement the unmarried mom and single women's vote for her husband, she is also obviously trying to re-sculpt her
image into that of a pro-America, pro-military and patriotic mom who is fun-loving and pleasant to be around. This
last week, she has consistently been smiling and showing a positively treacly can-do spirit, appearing everywhere on
daytime television and late night television talk shows.
Obama's pitch: Share the wealth. First lady Michelle Obama has joined her husband's bandwagon to
hit the rich and spread the wealth, questioning how well-off families can feel good if others are struggling.
To about 300 supporters wealthy enough to pay $300-$10,000 to attend the mid-day event, the first lady said,
"If a family in this country is struggling, we cannot be satisfied with our own families' good fortune."
Obama wears $2400 outfit, asks rich people to share their wealth. The punchlines are all written for
you when you meet someone who claims to believe so deeply in something, yet they can't even be bothered to fake
interest in it in public. Because Michelle Obama clearly enjoys the spoils of wealth. I mean, why
else would you walk out of that speech just to change into a $2,500+ outfit for an evening event?
Michelle Lets
Governors Gorge on 2,000 Calorie Dinner. The White House Sunday [2/26/2012] epically failed to
practice what its first lady preaches, serving the nation's governors a more than 2,000 calorie dinner even
as Michelle Obama traverses the country promoting health eating.
Obama's Well-Marbled Manipulation. If you listen to what she says, the woman certainly sounds
committed. But commitment involves more than words, and when Michelle Obama's food directives are compared
to the food choices and menu selections she makes for herself and her dinner guests, there's oftentimes a
super-sized portion of deceit. A perfect example of that is the Obama-hosted White House Governor's
Dinner, where healthy eating submitted to caloric obscenity.
Barack Obama is a henpecked ninny. Obama:
The "One Thing" That Michelle Allows Me To Do Is Watch ESPN. In an interview with ESPN's Bill Simmons, President Obama talks
about how he is able to sneak in watching sports during the day. "Well, first of all, I don't watch network news or cable news.
So in the morning, when I'm working out with Michelle, it's on SportsCenter. This is the one thing that she allows me," Obama told
Simmons. Obama says he is also able to "sneak in" a game while he is reading his briefings.
Was it a joke, or a desperate cry for help? Obama
on hot mike: I quit smoking 'because I'm scared of my wife'. President Obama said on an open microphone at the U.N. General Assembly
Monday [9/23/2013] that he quit smoking six years ago "because I'm afraid of my wife."
Parenting Advice: 'I Just Do What Michelle Tells Me To Do'. President Obama shared some parenting advice in a recent town
hall event with members of the military, reminding them to listen to their wives. "The best advice that I probably can offer is
for me, at least, I just do what Michelle tells me to do and it seems to work out," Obama explained in response to a question from a
military mom, a C-17 instructor pilot who asked him how he raises his children in spite of his busy life as president.
spends shutdown day making sandwiches with processed meat, white bread and peanut butter and jelly. Somebody might be in a little
trouble on the home-front. President Barack Obama took a break from sorting out the shutdown of the federal government on Monday to make
sandwiches for low-income and homeless families. Nobody would argue that feeding the homeless is a noble cause. However, the president's
wife might not be too thrilled with what was on the menu.
Obama lauds White House
'powerhouse': Wife Michelle. "My job is very simple," President Obama said in welcoming his guests. "It is to
introduce the powerhouse of the White House — the one truly in charge, as Malia, Sasha and Bo all know — the
first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama.
Barry can't eat what he wants while the old ball-and-chain is nearby. Away from
Michelle in Boston, Barack gobbles burger, fries. [Scroll down] The pool report noted: "Before leaving
the restaurant, the president purchased a cheeseburger and fries for lunch. He emerged holding lunch in a white paper bag."
Obama has a history of breaking from his healthy White House diet when he campaigns.
Obama on marriage: 'Do whatever she tells
you'. The president stopped at the Kozy Corners diner in Oak Harbor, Ohio, on Thursday [7/5/2012] for what political
campaigns dub an "OTR" — an "off the record" event that isn't on the formal schedule — and doled out a bit of
marriage advice. "Just do whatever she tells you to," Obama told a man sitting with his wife at a table during a brief chat
about what makes a good marriage. The president's words were collected by The New York Times reporter Mark Landler, the print
"pool reporter."
Book bombshell: Obama canceled
Bin Laden 'kill' raid three times at Jarrett's urging. At the urging of Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama canceled the
operation to kill Osama bin Laden on three separate occasions before finally approving the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL mission, according to an
explosive new book scheduled for release August 21. The Daily Caller has seen a portion of the chapter in which the stunning
revelation appears.
'Gutsiest call ever' was postponed three times.
It turns out that "one of the... gutsiest calls of any President in recent memory" — the decision to eliminate Osama Bin
Laden — was postponed three times at the urging of... Valerie Jarrett?
Valerie Jarrett reportedly
dating a Muslim. President Obama has time for his 150+ rounds of golf, his extensive television watching, and his expertise
on March Madness bracketology because ValJar, by most accounts, is a tireless and fiercely loyal sycophantic gatekeeper, policy adviser,
and in essence acting president. [...] In other words, in many respects she is running the country while Obama handles the public face.
Michelle's orders: No fried Twinkies.
[T]his week in Iowa, when he goes to the state fair, the president told attendees at a campaign rally in Council Bluffs that the first lady has given him
strict instructions. "Michelle has told me that I cannot have a fried Twinkie," he said.
Without Michelle, Obama gorges like
Clinton. He hasn't made an appearance at McDonald's yet, but President Obama is doing his best Bill Clinton impression on the
campaign trail — at least when it comes to gorging on every plate of chops and Solo Cups of beer put in front of him.
Campaigning without his wife through Iowa this week, Obama diverted his bus several times to restaurants, diners and snack stores in an
uncharacteristic manner for the calorie-conscious president whose diet back home is governed by his low-fat demanding wife and organic
focused personal chef Sam Kass.
sues for Michelle Obama vacation records. Judicial Watch filed suit Tuesday [3/6/2012] in the United States
District Court for the District of Columbia for access to all records pertaining to an August 2010 vacation taken by the
first lady and her daughters — including cost estimates and passenger manifests.
Obama Tapes: Michelle Obama a Race Agitating Occupier? A treasure trove of information is coming
out regarding Barack Obama's time in college. Over at the Breitbart sites, we are learning how Obama
inserted himself into a fight to implement hiring on the basis of race at Harvard Law School. The
Obama tapes also seem to show the other Obama — Michelle — occupying the Harvard Law
School dean's office. The occupiers were agitating for the race-based hiring of Harvard law professors.
'Let's Move;' Sebelius: No, Let's Not. Challenged by Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) regarding
the administration's definition of a "food desert" (being a mile away from a grocery store), HHS Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius told a House hearing last week: "Well, I think it's very difficult for a family
buying groceries ... if they have to walk a mile with bags of groceries, it may be too far to get healthier
food." "You really think that?" Rep. Kingston asked. "I do," Sebelius replied. But,
according to First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign, both kids and adults are supposed to
walk several times that far — every day.
newly surfaced video show Michelle Obama staging sit-in at Harvard Law? Newly surfaced footage shows
a young woman who appears to be Michelle Obama, and several other students, staging a sit-in in the Harvard Law School
dean's office in 1988. According to J. Christian Adams of Pajamas Media, the video depicts the
students — including the woman who appears to be Mrs. Obama — conducting a protest to "solve
the minority faculty problem," as one student puts it, by implementing race-based hiring practices.
Obama Tapes: Michelle Obama a Race Agitating Occupier? A treasure trove of information is coming
out regarding Barack Obama's time in college. Over at the Breitbart sites, we are learning how Obama inserted
himself into a fight to implement hiring on the basis of race at Harvard Law School. The Obama tapes also
seem to show the other Obama — Michelle — occupying the Harvard Law School dean's office.
The occupiers were agitating for the race-based hiring of Harvard law professors. The racialist fight at
Harvard Law from 1988 to 1991 swirls around Professor Derrick Bell.
Michelle Obama
[Upset] Over Birth Certificate Findings. When Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse released its findings and
announced that there is "probable cause" to believe that the "birth certificate" released by Team Obama in April is a
"computer generated forgery," the liberal media yawned, but allegations are now surfacing that at least one person in the
White House, namely First Lady Michelle Obama, is frantic and in a beserk frenzy over the Cold Case Posse's findings.
According to a report released by the supermarket tabloid, The Globe, Michele Obama "went beserk when she learned the
results of the investigation."
Obama Touts Sotomayor, Kagan as Votes for the Right to 'Love Whomever You Choose'. First Lady Michelle Obama told
Democratic Party donors at two New York City fundraisers Monday [3/19/2012] that the two Supreme Court justices her husband
appointed would be important in cases involving "privacy," and the right to "love whomever you choose." The "right to
privacy," as espoused by the Suprmee Court in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, was used to establish abortion on demand
in the United States.
Michelle Obama headlines S.F.
fundraiser. Today's [3/30/2012] fundraiser, which is expected to draw 350 people, will raise at least
$175,000 for the Obama Victory Fund. Since May, Michelle Obama has attended as many fundraisers as Vice President Joe Biden.
Lavish spending double standard.
The several hundred thousand dollars wasted by the GSA is a small fraction of the bill Michelle Obama has slapped on the American taxpayer
for her endless vacations and regal lifestyle. It seems as if every other week, Mrs. Obama is firing up Air Force One, Two or Three,
loading up the kids and heading off to Spain, Africa, New England, Hawaii or, yes, Las Vegas, for yet another party (er, sorry, I mean
"educational exchange," "fact-finding trip," "goodwill tour" or other lame cover story). Mrs. Obama's publicly funded personal travel
would appear to be running into the tens of millions of dollars...
Obama's "Food Deserts," Aren't Actually Food Deserts. As part of her big-brother-knows-best
"Let's Move!" campaign to combat childhood obesity, Michelle Obama has been arguing that certain inner-city
urban neighborhoods and rural communities are "food deserts," where it's difficult for residents to find access
to fresh, healthy, and nutritious food. Mrs. Obama's solution is for the federal government to funnel public
money (or, as her esteemed husband might faultily term it, "make an investment") into bringing healthy food
retailers into these neighborhoods. [...] If there really isn't any fresh, healthy food to be had in these
communities, it's for one reason and one reason only: there's no market for them.
of Michelle Obama's Nashville visit may never be fully known. Metro taxpayers spent more than $7,000 on
first lady Michelle Obama's campaign fundraising trip to Nashville this week. What federal taxpayers spent might
never be publicly known. A White House spokesman said President Barack Obama's re-election campaign and the
Democratic National Committee will pay their share of the cost of the first lady's visit Tuesday [4/17/2012] for a $500-a-head
fundraiser that was expected to raise at least $225,000. A full accounting of the trip isn't likely to be
made available, however, even though Obama himself pledged on his first full day in office to establish "an unprecedented
level of openness in government."
President Obama objects to any criticism of his wife, while using her to build
name recognition on television. The Barack and Michelle Obama Monopoly On Your Privacy. [Scroll
down] While her husband dominates the Internet, and with only the flimsiest of qualifications, Michelle Obama has invaded the boob tube to
become entertainment television's 'Cameo Queen'. [...] If name and face recognition is what wins elections, the overbearing Michelle's already got it
in the bag for her husband. Since President Obama took office in 2009, Michelle Obama has appeared on television about 44 times, and
that number continues to grow.
First Lady Hails
Free-Contraception Mandate. First Lady Michelle Obama boasted at a campaign event in Omaha, Neb. on Tuesday [4/24/2012]
that "we made history" when the president's health care proposal was enacted and the administration issued a regulation mandating
that insurance companies provide women with free contraceptives.
In stump speech, Michelle Obama evicts mother
from White House. The eviction notice came April 30 when the first lady told fellow Democrats at a fundraiser that she shared their
values. "My family, we lived in a little bitty apartment on the South Side of Chicago over my aunt's house [and] my mom still lives in that house to
this day." However, the first lady's mother, Marian Robinson, has lived in the White House since March 2009, when Essence Magazine announced her move
from Chicago to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Michelle O wears $2700 sweater. In March, the
first lady visited her British counterpart Samantha Cameron wearing a L'Wren Scott sweater in a trendy bright yellow hue.
The embellished cardigan costs $2,720. Obama, widely regarded as a fashion icon, likes the brand so much that she wore a
peach cardigan from the same line last week during the Take Your Child to Work Day festivities. The next day, she wore
another sweater from L'Wren Scott, this one white with red trim from the Spring 2011 ready to wear collection, for a visit
to Fort Stewart with the president.
Hey, Big Spender. Even as Ann Romney's wardrobe becomes an issue in the 2012 presidential election,
critics of her sartorial choices have turned a blind eye on first lady Michelle Obama's frequent appearances in pricey designer outfits. When the wife of the
presumptive Republican nominee appeared on television last week wearing a nearly $1,000 blouse, pundits were quick to point out the price tag. MSNBC's Lawrence
O'Donnell called the blouse "a really ugly T-shirt" that is "yet another example of how out of touch the Romney family can be with how 99 percent of Americans
live." The first lady's expensive designer clothes, however, rarely warrant mention.
How Real Is Barack Obama's 'Real World'?
It would probably be rude of me to think about Michelle Obama's work, where her salary jumped from $121,910 to $316,962 per year
after her husband became a U.S. senator, a job that was strangely left unfilled after she stepped down to focus on her husband's
campaign. Such positions are quite challenging to find in the ... real world.
Michelle Obama is a partisan political activist and she is therefore fair game for criticism. Michelle
Obama sponsors Navy's first submarine with all-female crew. The USS Illinois, the first Navy submarine to be staffed by
an all-female crew, received the support of the White House on Memorial Day. On Monday [5/28/2012], First Lady Michelle Obama
officially sponsored the Virginia-class submarine, which will be one of the newest nuclear-powered boats scheduled to enter the
fleet by 2015, according to a White House statement.
Reasons Obama Must Disclose His College Records. [#5] Appearing this week on Jon Stewart's "The Daily
Show," Michelle Obama maintained that the president decided to transfer to Columbia "when he lost his father." "He
really buckled down," she said, "and thought about how to use his life to the fullest." But he transferred in
1981 — a year before his dad died. So here we have another story that doesn't add up.
Michelle Obama's Food
Desert Myth. It may be a peculiar manifestation of American exceptionalism, but the United States has the distinction of
being a nation that actually has fat poor people. This doesn't sit well with those who want to grow government faster than
waistlines, and thus do we have Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign, designed to fight obesity by eliminating "food deserts."
No, that isn't supposed to be "desserts'; although the health Nazis aim to eliminate those, too. It is "food desert," which, we hear,
is a poor area "underserved" by food suppliers, creating a situation wherein its denizens are relegated to a hell of fatty fast food
offerings. And, you guessed it, Michelle wants to use our tax money to remedy this problem. Only, it appears it's a cure
in search of a disease.
Michelle Campaign E-Mail: Barack's Your Husband,
Too. The Obama campaign has sunk to a new low. Today, Michelle Obama sent an email to the entire campaign list, titled "Being
married to Barack." It is precisely what you'd expect: maudlin and ridiculous.
The White House Fast Food Soap Opera.
An odd tale of marital tension may be playing itself out before the nation's eyes, as Michelle Obama devotes herself to cajoling Americans into eating
healthier food and exercising more while her husband eagerly stuffs his face out on the hustings with the junkiest of junk food. He does it so
often that Michelle's allies, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, have publicly called for President Obama to stop "eating unhealthy
foods like hot dogs or pepperoni pizza that contain processed meat, or cheeseburgers or hamburgers that can contribute to obesity," in publicity
Powered by Hate: Racist Content from
Dreams from My Father. The appalling content of Dreams from My Father becomes even worse in the context of the complete picture.
This picture includes Mr. Obama's 20-year membership in Jeremiah Wright's racist church, the same church that gave Michael Pfleger a standing ovation when
he exulted that Hillary Clinton's defeat left "a whole lot of white people crying." This, along with its social achievement award to Louis
Farrakhan, is apparently what Mr. Obama's church calls "Christianity." [...] This ugly portrait of Barack Obama's racial policies would not be complete,
though, without the equally repulsive content of Michelle Obama's senior thesis.
Imagine the media uproar if Laura Bush had said this — in an all-white church. Michelle
Obama: There's 'No Place Better' Than Church to Talk About Political Issues. Rev. Jeremiah Wright claims that
church wasn't Barack and Michelle Obama's "thing," but in a speech the First Lady delivered to African Methodist Episcopal
Church in Nashville, Tennessee, on Thursday, she sang a very different tune. From the pulpit, Mrs. Obama told parishioners
that there's "no place better" to talk about political issues than the church.
Michelle Obama: no better
place for politics than church. First lady Michelle Obama made an impassioned pitch for black churchgoers to embrace
political action on Thursday [7/5/2012] in a speech to the country's oldest black religious denomination. "To anyone who
says that church is no place to talk about these issues, you tell them there is no place better," Obama said at a conference
of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Nashville, Tennessee.
"The trip was the 16th vacation taken by the Obamas." Michelle's Aspen ski trip cost
$83,182. The spring break Aspen, Colorado ski trip first lady Michelle Obama and her daughters took over President's
Day February weekend cost $83,182.99, more than half of which was for Secret Service protection, according to documents from Judicial
Watch. The public interest group told Secrets that they just received documents obtained in a Freedom of Information suit
that details the costs and others included on the trip such as the first lady's assistant and scheduler.
Obama's Family Ski Trip to Aspen Cost Taxpayers at Least $83,000. Judicial Watch obtained the records pursuant to a
May 31, 2012, lawsuit against both government agencies. Among the highlights from the records are:
• The total cost for the Aspen ski vacation was at least $83,182.99.
• The bill for the U.S. Secret Service, including accommodations at the Fasching Haus deluxe
condominium and the Inn at Aspen, was $48,950.38.
• The cost for the flight, per official DOD published hourly rates, was $22,583.70. Food and
miscellaneous on-flight items cost $235.44. The cost for rental cars totaled $6,442.23.
Obama's 'luxury' weekend ski trip cost taxpayers at least $83,000. A February 2012 ski trip enjoyed by first lady
Michelle Obama and her two daughters cost taxpayers at least $83,000, according to records obtained by Judicial Watch. The
total cost of the President's Day weekend getaway was at least $83,182.99. The largest expense was $48,950.38 for Secret
Service protection, which included accommodations at the Fasching Haus deluxe condominium and the Inn at Aspen. The cost of
transportation was also hefty.
Michelle Obama
Sports $6,800 Jacket to London Soiree. The jacket cost more than the average American family makes in a month ($4,284).
And, she does this as Americans continue to suffer through a deep recession and record unemployment.
Obama sparks fury after splashing out on $6,800 designer jacket. Political commentators have expressed their fury over the fact that
Michelle Obama wore a jacket worth $6,800 to the pre-Olympics Opening Ceremony reception at Buckingham Palace on Friday [7/27/2012]. Though the
dazzling J Mendel jacket and skirt won critical acclaim from the style set, some pundits are furious that she elected to spend so much money on a
garment while so many in the U.S. are suffering financially.
Obama: Pay my wife, please. President
Obama thinks his wife should be paid for the privilege of serving as first lady. Speaking at a campaign event in Denver on
Wednesday [8/8/2012], Mr. Obama invoked Mrs. Obama's plight to make a point about equal pay for equal work. "I want to make
sure that when she's working, she is getting paid the same as men," he said. "I've got to say, first ladies right now don't,
even though that's a tough job." Poor Michelle, we feel her pain.
Michelle Obama
Lectures Gold Medal Gymnast About Eating One Egg McMuffin. Gymnast Gabby Douglas, as Jay Leno mentions in the following clip, worked her
entire life to become an Olympic gold medalist, but did that stop Michelle Obama from scolding Douglas on national television for eating an Egg McMuffin
to celebrate? (hint: no)
The Editor says...
Liberals hate McDonald's almost as much as they despise Chick-fil-A, because McDonald's represents successful American capitalism.
McDonald's Fights Back Against Food Police First Lady.
Olympic gold medal gymnast Gabby Douglas appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last week, where she told Leno that after winning her medal, she
"splurged on an Egg McMuffin at McDonald's." Unfortunately for Douglas, she was sitting on the same set as Food Police Commissar Michelle Obama, who
quickly chided her for not eating healthy. [...] President Obama and his wife have already made clear their distaste for the business community.
FLOTUS: Obamacare keeps
women from dying of cancer, but GOP would repeal it. Who knew that cancer would emerge as a leitmotif of the Obama campaign? First Lady
Michelle Obama is the latest to invoke cancer on the campaign trail, but she did so to tout Obamacare rather than attack Mitt Romney directly.
FLOTUS Demeans Office: Guest Edits Site
Featuring Sex Advice From Hookers. This is the First Lady of the United States of America and she's editing a site that not only offers
sleazy sex advice, but sleazy sex advice from hookers. I'm not sure which surprises me most: The fact that it happened in the first
place or that the media is letting her get away with it.
Liberals think you're stupid. Michelle
Obama: If You Disagree with Barack, You're Probably Confused. Michelle Obama spoke with the Tom Joyner Morning Show about
the things people can do to get out the vote for her husband, and actually offered a rather insulting portrait of those who are
undecided — as well as inaccurately portraying the race as between grassroots Democrats and a handful of rich Republicans.
Obama Continues to Increase the Government's Role in Parenting. Sasha and Malia apparently aren't enough for Michelle Obama.
She wants to mother our children, too. That's the only conclusion that can be reached when observing the First Lady's campaign to decrease
parents' role in raising their children. Obama's latest method of gaining more control is through school food nutrition standards.
Noting that home-packed lunches aren't up to the First Lady's standards, the government is making school meals free for all, regardless of income,
as part of a four-state pilot program that begins this fall.
The Differences between Michelle Obama's
Husband and America's President. Despite Michelle's strong and eloquent delivery on how she and President Obama empathize and desire to work
harder for the American people, it is hard to see where they have found the time betwixt their extravagant vacations and frequent tee times. It is
difficult to picture them reading letters from struggling Americans who are having trouble paying their bills in one hand and confirming a reservation for
the Obamas to take two separate planes to Hawaii for vacation (where they will arrive within hours of each other) in the other. But Michelle insists
that America has a president who says to her, "You won't believe what these folks are going through... it's not right. We've got to keep working to
fix this. We've got so much more to do." Many of us would certainly argue that President Obama has done enough already. Moreover,
he is the cause and catalyst to the misery in the letters he is reading.
Michelle's Lie Number Six: ["]Barack's
grandmother started out as a secretary at a community bank ... and she moved quickly up the ranks ... but like so many women, she hit a
glass ceiling.[" ...] His grandmother was vice president of a bank, the second largest in the state. She came from a
middle-class family. She sent him to Hawaii's most prestigious prep school. Barack didn't grow up in a disadvantaged family.
His mother was a professional woman with an advanced degree. His stepfather worked for an American oil company in Indonesia.
Fact Check: First
Lady's False Fairy Tale of Struggle. First Lady Michelle Obama's pitch to voters last night relied on the premise that she
and her husband understand what it is to struggle to make ends meet. She spoke movingly about their early years — about
how a young Barack Obama drove a car that was "rusted out" and found his furniture "in a dumpster," how they both came from families that
had to "scrape by." Her fairy tale — however well-delivered — was one great, big, colorful lie.
Obama's guidelines for feeding your child. More than two years ago Mrs. Obama began her effort to drive Americans to eat
foods she thinks are better for them. In her thinking, the federal government is a force for good in broadly changing the eating
habits of less sophisticated Americans, much as her husband's ObamaCare health plan forces Americans to make healthier insurance choices.
You may recall Mrs. Obama's seminal, if tepidly-received speech to American restaurant operators, urging them to get rid of some of their
tasty, best-selling items in favor of healthier choices, even if they are less popular and less profitable.
Michelle Obama: 'No
One Gets Where They Are on Their Own'. In a campaign speech on Thursday [9/13/2012] in Fredricksburg, Va., first
lady Michelle Obama said that "no one gets where they are on their own" because there is a village of people "lifting
us up," including teachers and janitors.
Michelle Obama: 'I don't consider us
famous'. First lady Michelle Obama told television host Rachael Ray on Monday that she doesn't think life in the White House,
or the fame of becoming the first family, has changed the Obamas. "I don't consider us famous," Obama said.
childhood of privilege, not hardship. First lady Michelle Obama told the Democratic National
Convention that "Barack and I were both raised by families who didn't have much in the way of money or material
possessions." It is a claim the president has repeated in his books, on the speech-making circuit and in countless media
interviews. By his account, he grew up in a broken home with a single mom, struggled for years as a child in an
impoverished Third World country and then was raised by his grandparents in difficult circumstances. The facts
aren't nearly so clear-cut.
Nation's children push back
against Michelle Obama-backed school lunch regs. Children and parents across the country are fed up with the restrictive new school meal
regulations implemented by the Department of Agriculture under the "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010," which has long been touted by first lady
Michelle Obama. The standards — which cap meal calories at 650 for students in kindergarten through fifth grade, at 700 calories
for middle school students and 850 for high school students — also dictate the number of breads, proteins, vegetables and fruits children are
allowed per meal.
Complaints Mount Against Michelle
Obama's New Lunch Menu. In Wisconsin, high school athletes are complaining about not getting enough to eat each day, due to the skimpy new
school lunch menu mandated by the United States Department of Agriculture and First Lady Michelle Obama. The story we published earlier this week
on that subject is unfortunately not unique. Students across the country are complaining about the new school lunch regulations. Perhaps the
real motive is to starve students into slimming down.
Obama Starts Ball Rolling for Michelle to
Run. President Barack Obama is sounding more like Bill Clinton every day. Now he's testing the waters for a possible run for the
presidency by his wife by disingenuously saying she'll never run.
Mr. and
Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor. Let's get this straight. Barack Obama never knew a life of
financial hardship. Ditto for Michelle. But the First Couple keeps bringing up their impoverished childhoods and
student loan debts in stump speeches. [...] Obama went to a fancy private school in Hawaii, his grandmother was Vice-President
of a bank, and his stepfather worked for Exxon in Jakarta. From fifth grade through high school he attended the elite
college-prep Punahou School. Michelle's story of economic misfortune is no more believable than her husband's.
If she went to Princeton and Harvard Law on student loans, she should show us the [...] proof. Or stop perpetrating
this deprived childhood hoax on young people who really are low-income and bogged down in debt. You know, the ones who
aren't hiding their college transcripts?
Levin: 'Michelle
Obama Is The New Eva Peron With Her Lunch Standards'. Last night [9/24/2012], radio host Mark Levin described the Department of
Agriculture and Michelle Obama's new school lunch regulations as "tyranny." [...] "First of all, where does the Constitution empower her or that
department to reach all the way down to every school — public school — in this country and set the menu? "Are
people in the local communities — are you incapable of overseeing this yourself? Is your school board incapable of doing
this? Are your local administrators and principals — are they incapable of doing this? "We need the Department of
Agriculture and Michelle Obama to mandate who eats what, where, how, and when in our public school systems? That's tyranny right
there — it's absurd.
Obama's Struggle. On the campaign trail, Michelle Obama
often employs the word "struggle." It was actually Mrs. Obama's peculiar pronunciation — "shtruggle" — that
first drew my attention to the frequency of her usage. At the 2012 Democratic National Convention, her speech referred to some form of
"struggle" nine times.
Revolt Over School Lunches? Criticism is
mounting over First Lady Michelle Obama's lunch plan, as kids are complaining they aren't getting enough to feel full after eating. "Some
Kansas students and at least one political leader say new school lunch guidelines aimed at limiting calories and encouraging good nutrition are
having an unintended consequence: Hungry kids," McClatchy reports.
Michelle Obama: 'Competitive Foods' in School
Should Be Limited. The website promoting First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" initiative to combat childhood obesity advises parents
to limit "opportunities for children to purchase competitive foods." The website warns parents about "competitive food" — food
available to children on campus that falls outside of the federally regulated cafeteria food. [...] Many schools sell foods outside of the USDA school
meals — in the cafeterias, snack bars and vending machines — that are not subject to federal rules. "These foods are called
'competitive foods' because they compete with healthier school meals.
Snacks: The USDA's Solution To Student's
Healthy Lunch Complaints. School lunch trays are a bit lighter this year after Congress-approved calorie limits on school lunches went into
effect in August. The new regulations, which were championed by First Lady Michelle Obama as part of her "Let's Move" campaign to fight childhood
obesity, have inspired protests and even a video parody from students who claim the reduced lunches are making them go hungry.
Problem Is Federally Subsidized School Lunches, Not Michelle Obama's Healthy Food Initiative. Here's a radical idea for the First Lady.
Parents should be responsible for their own kids. But I think this criticism misses the point. The problem is not overweight kids, as one side
argues, or politically correct micro-managing, as the other side claims. Instead, we should be asking the fundamental question about whether
subsidizing school lunches is an appropriate function of the federal government.
Left Turns Voting Rights Into a Farce.
Last week, First Lady Michelle Obama sounded a battle cry at a Congressional Black Caucus awards dinner when she said protecting the
right to vote is the nation's most important civil rights issue. If that were true, that would mean there no credible civil
rights concerns in the country. What Obama was talking about was the effort by Democrats to prevent the implementation of
laws requiring voters to present a photo ID when casting their ballots. The common sense measure has the support of the
overwhelming majority of Americans.
First Lady: Cost-Free Contraception Is 'Basic
Preventive Care'. First lady Michelle Obama called contraception "basic preventative care" and invoked her daughters before talking about
women's "decisions about our bodies" during a campaign fundraising event Tuesday [10/2/2012].
Mrs. Obama: 'Indian Country'
Fights Obesity by Adding 'Buffalo Meat into School Lunches'. In marking the one year anniversary of Let's Move! in Indian Country, First
Lady Michelle Obama praised the work done by Native American and Alaskan American communities in fighting childhood obestiy by, among other things,
adding "traditional foods like buffalo meat into school lunches." A year ago, Mrs. Obama joined Native American children in the White House
garden to launch Let's Move in Indian Country by planting the "three sisters" — corn, beans and squash.
Michelle Obama: 'We Are in the Midst of a Huge Recovery'.
First Lady Michelle Obama said in a radio interview on Friday [10/12/2012] that the United States is in the "midst of a huge recovery" because of what "this
president has done." [...] According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the real gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 1.3 percent in the
second quarter of 2012, down from 2.0 percent from first quarter 2012. The BEA data also show GDP growth of (negative) - 3.1 percent in
2009; 2.4 percent in 2010; and 1.8 percent in 2011.
FLOTUS: 'Barack doesn't
have a big ego'. "You see this in, you know, how he leads the country," the first lady said, staying on message in
an interview taped weeks ago to air before debate coverage. "I mean, he is very open to other people's opinions. And
he's always willing to compromise and he's always, always listening. [...]"
Really? Plenty of evidence to the contrary can be
found here.
Michelle O: Barack Never Blamed Anyone
for His Problems. Such an assertion might have some credibility except for the fact he's been whining about Bush for four
years. Other than that, he's always accepted responsibility. Oh, and he also blamed war, tsunamis, the weather, ATMs and
various other factors. Outside of that, he's always accepted blame for things.
Clapping seal Michelle disgraces 'Presidential' Debate.
In the surrealistic world the Obamas have made out of American politics, Michelle's clapping underlines how hideous the race to the
American presidency has become. Along with burned out and bummed out czars waiting it out for Revolution and assorted out-of-work
Hollywood stars, this is a regime ruled by Marxist misfits, malcontents and miscreants. You'd have to be a misfit, Michelle, to
hate the country that empowered you and your hubby.
Obama Broke Agreed Upon Rules, Clapped At Debate. Nearly all of the audible applause came from those sitting away from
the actual debate, but when FOX News' camera shot moved to a bird's-eye view it became apparent that the only applause from the
participating debate audience came from first lady Michelle Obama.
Clapgate Scandal Deepens. First Lady Michelle Obama said Friday that
following the rules at the presidential debates was an "important part of the process." "They really caution you to be quiet, and I try to
follow the rules so I don't get in trouble," she said on "Live with Kelly and Michael." She did not, however, adhere to the rules of Tuesday's
townhall debate where applause from audience members was prohibited.
Memo To Michelle: What A
'Huge Recovery' Looks Like. A Washington, D.C., hip-hop station host asked Michelle to "in your words, tell us what you
think the state of the union is in right now?" Her answer: "I mean, we are seeing right now that we are in the midst of a
huge recovery. Right? Because of what this president has done." We wholeheartedly agree with the first lady that the
current state of the economy is the result of "what this president has done."
US Weekly Ignores Michelle Obama's Expensive
Tastes. In a piece published Wednesday [10/17/2012], Us Weekly ran the headline "Ann Romney Wears $1,690 Oscar
de la Renta Dress to Presidential Debate." Fox News points out the magazine chose this headline despite the fact that
First Lady Michelle Obama's outfit cost double that price.
Mag Headlines Cost of Ann Romney's Dress, Buries Higher Cost of Michelle's. Us Magazine had a little tidbit of gossip when it
discovered who made Ann Romney's and Michelle Obama's hot pink dresses worn to the recent presidential debate. In its headline Us blares
that Ann Romney's dress cost "$1,690." But Michelle Obama's ensemble was priced at $3,290 despite the silence of the headline.
Obama, daughters head to church.
President Obama attended church Sunday morning [10/28/2012] with his two daughters, with a visit to a federal disaster relief agency scheduled for later
in the day. According to pool reports, Obama was joined at St. John's Episcopal Church, a short walk from the White House, by his daughters, Malia
and Sasha, and their godmother, Kaye Wilson. The first lady, Michelle Obama, was unable to join her family at church because she was preparing for
campaign travel, according to a White House official.
The Editor says...
I guess that shows what's really important to Mrs. Obama.
Detailed Look at Obama's Radical College Past... And We're Not Talking About Barack. Princeton, 1984. Michelle
Obama attends and promotes a "Black Solidarity" event for guest lecturer Manning Marable, who was, according to Cornel West,
probably "the best known black Marxist in the country." The event is the work of the Third World Center (TWC), a campus
group whose board membership is exclusively reserved for minorities. [...] Michelle herself stated, "My experiences at Princeton
have made me far more aware of my 'Blackness' than ever before."
Michelle Obama Wants to Create 'Let's Move! Towns
and Cities'. First Lady Michelle Obama is encouraging local governments across America to become "Let's Move!" cities and towns because
local leaders are "uniquely positioned to champion healthy communities." First launched in 2010 but expanded this July, the initiative allows
elected officials to sign up their locality as a "Let's Move! City," a "Let's Move! Town" or a "Let's Move! County" and thus commit to various healthy
eating goals.
The Editor asks...
How does a local government "commit" to dietary restrictions except by restricting liberty?
Obama: Living in a Tax Loophole? [Scroll down] In the real world, business leaders who use their company's jets are
obliged to pay for them. Otherwise, the IRS can disallow the deductions the company takes for their crews, maintenance,
repair, etc. Not only that, but the executive who doesn't reimburse must declare the value of those flights as compensation,
and pay tax on them. What makes any First Lady exempt from the law? Now, remember: Even if she's campaigning (and
she's always campaigning), the taxpayers aren't in any way obligated to pay for her trips.
The captain of the Food Police has a 300-pound gingerbread house in her home. 54 Christmas trees a
part of the White House's "Joy to All" holiday theme. First lady Michelle Obama debuted the White House Christmas decorations, which
this year honor members of the military. The "Joy to All" holiday theme also includes 54 Christmas trees and an elaborate, 300-pound
gingerbread house resembling the White House.
of State Criticize Michelle Obama for Voter Suppression Claims. Seven Secretaries of State have released a statement criticizing First Lady Michelle
Obama for her false claim that Republicans engaged in voter suppression in the November election: "Unfortunately the First Lady's comments continue the baseless
attacks that have been made upon those leaders who are simply taking reasonable steps to protect the security and integrity of elections. This past election
speaks for itself. In Arizona, a state that has a photo ID requirement, Hispanic voter turnout was the highest in the state's history. [... "]
Michelle Obama is a left-wing political activist. First
lady re-launches 'Obama for America' as 'Organizing for Action'. The newly restructured group is expected to launch as a
501(c)4 activist organization, which is prohibited by federal law from having politics as its primary purpose.
Michelle Obama
Drops "Let's Move" Campaign. First Lady Michelle Obama has quietly dropped her "Let's Move" campaign, the healthy eating
push she took on for schools all over the country during her husband's first term.
Let's Stop! Michelle Abandons "Let's
Move" Campaign. First Lady Michelle Obama appears to have abandoned, at least for now, her oft-criticized "Let's Move"
initiative to promote exercise and healthy eating among the nation's youth, halting public appearances and statements related to
the program.
Michelle Obama tweets pictures of freshly picked cabbage. Michelle Obama promptly
tweeted pictures of freshly picked vegetables today [1/29/2013], after it was suggested that she had dropped her anti-obesity campaign Let's Move.
The White House Dossier — an unauthorized blog about the U.S. President and his family — posted an article this
morning which highlighted that the First Lady had done little to personally publicize the initiative since last September.
Obamas Hijack the Oscars.
The First Lady appeared via satellite to not only announce the night's biggest prize but gave a speech extolling the virtues of the
films in play. It was an unprecedented cultural power grab by the Obamas, almost daring conservative viewers to adore her as
much as progressives already do.
Why the Obamas
Really lost their law licenses. According to people I know who worked with Michelle Obama when she was employed by
the City of Chicago, Michelle hated being a lawyer. The work was too hard and she was not very good at it. The
reason Michelle went to work for the City is because she was hired via a recommendation from Jesse Jackson which then qualified
her as a "Jesse Hire"; this is slang here in Chicago for an "untouchable hire", meaning this is someone on the City payroll who
can never be fired or even disciplined in any way because their employment was a political favor to someone.
Best Actor in a Drama: Barack
Obama. It was quite appropriate that the first lady joined the festivities for Sunday's Academy Awards.
It's not just because Michelle Obama owes her continued residency in the White House in large part to the contributions and
celebrity backers from the entertainment industry, but also because her husband's administration is producing more dramas
these days than Harvey Weinstein.
Why was Michelle
Obama at the Oscars? It is not enough that President Obama pops up at every sporting event in the nation. Now
the first lady feels entitled, with military personnel as props, to intrude on other forms of entertaining (this time for the
benefit of the Hollywood glitterati who so lavishly paid for her husband's election). [...] It makes both the president and the
first lady seem small and grasping. In this case, it was just downright weird.
The Editor says...
The Obamas simply can't stand to let a day go by without one or both of them being on television. Mrs. Obama is obviously
being groomed to run for President in 2016 2024, much like George Wallace's wife, Lurleen, the
proxy governor of Alabama in the 1960s. Mrs. Obama is no less qualified than her husband to be the president, but that's
not saying much.
The Oscars, the Obamas and
Camelot. The Obamas are the beneficiaries of a media whose liberal bias is beyond doubt. They also have a
skillful staff that is ruthlessly manipulative and takes full advantage of social media and creative tactics. But mere
bias and smart tactics don't fully explain it. No president or presidential family has been treated by the mainstream
media with the sort of deference if not reverential awe the Obamas get since John F. Kennedy and his beautiful wife were
in the White House.
Heroes, Not Props: FLOTUS Ignores
Military Members During Oscar Appearance. Folks on both sides of the ideological aisle will be debating First Lady
Michelle Obama's appearance on the Oscars for some time, but one matter is instantly clear. The First Lady was flanked by
several members of the U.S. military during her satellite appearance from The White House to announce the Best Picture winner, and
she failed to acknowledge their presence or their heroism.
propaganda:' Michelle Obama slammed for using military as 'props' during Oscars appearance. First lady Michelle Obama is
under fire after she appeared as a long-distance award presenter on the Oscars Sunday evening [2/24/2013], flanked by active-duty
American service members. The well-dressed members of the military stood attentively behind the first lady inside the White
House as she presented the award for best picture to the movie "Argo." But the use of those service members has left some of
her critics fuming.
$50,000 for Michelle's
Let's Move! trip . First lady Michelle Obama's three-day, four-city hop scotch to promote the third anniversary of her
"Let's Move!" initiative that cheers healthy eating and exercise will likely cost an estimated $50,000 or more, enough to fund a few
programs for kids that the White House fears the sequester will kill.
Michelle Obama at the Oscars:
Deconstructing America. Having Michelle Obama, first lady of the United States, present an Academy Award was such a brilliant
strategy for advancing the post-structuralist deconstruction of America, even the Obamas themselves probably didn't realize how genius it was.
Obama and the Media: Old Policy Resurfacing. When Amory
Gutierrez from the Pleasanton Weekly wanted to do a puff piece on the Obamas' helicopter, "Marine One," the White House put out the
welcome mat. [...] Gutierrez, however, did not keep to the anticipated script. Her piece gushed over the helicopter flown by a
Marine crew, but then went on to repeat what the Marines had told her. In nearly four years of flying the Obamas, Michelle
Obama had never so much as verbally acknowledged the crew's existence. Intentional or not, the one line in the otherwise
celebratory piece made the first lady look aloof and disdainful of the military — or as some people put it, just plain
snooty. The White House moved decisively into damage-control mode.
Programs Fatten Government. On Feb. 26, first lady Michelle Obama walked into the produce section of a Wal-Mart in
Springfield, Mo., to announce the three-year anniversary of her Healthy Food Financing Initiative, a program to bring stores selling
fresh fruits and vegetables to neighborhoods deemed "food deserts." Making it easier to buy produce will reduce obesity, Mrs.
Obama claimed. Had you been there, you would have come away thinking that there was a scientific basis for this initiative and
that it wasn't costing taxpayers a dime.
starve! Kids forced to go hungry for hours during Michelle Obama media event. A very courageous fifth [grade] teacher in the
Chicago Public Schools has written a scathing critique of the almost comical misery she and her students endured when they participated in
a massive February 28 event kicking off Michelle Obama's Let's Move! Active Schools campaign. The First Lady's campaign is an
effort to improve (and in some cases, bring back) physical education in American schools. White House officials called the event "a
groundbreaking, earth-shattering, awesomely-inspiring day."
Michelle Obama's public school disaster.
First Lady Michelle Obama is running a campaign against childhood obesity called "Let's Move!" In a bit of grim irony, the
implementation of this program has been a teachable moment in Big Government stasis and ruling-class arrogance. A fifth-grade
teacher named Leah Putnam wrote an account of the "Let's Move!" ordeal at a forum for Chicago public school teachers —
posted, I gather, by a different blog author, who professes themselves an admirer of Mrs. Obama but nevertheless agrees that "the
treatment of school children by people who should know better is really appalling."
Obama's Dream: 'Imagine Our Kids Begging and Pleading, Throwing Tantrums' for Health Food. In a speech today [3/8/2013] at
George Washington University, First Lady Michelle Obama laid out her dream for a healthier-eating America. The vision, she said,
requires greater "product placement." "[J]ust think for a minute what this country could look like," said Obama, according to the
official White House transcript. "Imagine walking into any grocery store in America and finding the healthiest options clearly
marked and centrally placed so that you know within seconds what's good for your family when you walk in that store.
Celebrities-in-Chief. The Obamas are
giving celebrity-worshiping America exactly what it wants: a glittering facade of "coolness." What's underneath it doesn't
matter in the least. [...] There's a term for persons who are overly interested in appearing on television and other media but it's too
impolite to use here. But Mrs. Obama seems to be one of those persons. And the sad truth is that America loves it.
Michelle Antoinette's Big B-Day Bash.
This week the Obama administration announced that due to the awful, terrible, nasty, horrible sequestration, they would have to shut down
the White House tours for the public. The same week, a White House source told the Daily Mail that Michelle Obama was planning a
birthday blowout for her 50th. In attendance: Adele and Beyonce. The White House did say that the Obamas would pay for
the party. But that's highly unlikely — it's supposed to take place at the White House, which requires Secret Service
protection, high-class dining, and all the fringe benefits.
First Lady Turns Easter Egg
Roll Into White House 'Fat Camp'. This year's White House Easter Egg Roll has been turned into a "fat camp" to inflict
exercise and the First Lady's "Let's Move!" healthy meal plans on kids who want just want to celebrate the season on the South Lawn.
An e-mail from the "Let's Move!" campaign says the Easter Egg Roll has been turned into a "Let's Move! Social".
Michelle Obama Compares Herself to
Murdered Teenager. In a speech that addressed youth violence in Chicago, First Lady Michelle Obama compared herself to Hadiya
Pendleton, a 15-year-old girl murdered soon after attending President Obama's Second Inauguration. "Hadiya Pendleton was me, and I was her,"
said the first lady.
The Height Of Craven
Narcissism. Neither of the Obamas have any shame. The ghoulishness of using dead children as political props is bad enough, but
it also always has to be about them. Always. After ignoring Chicago for years and the river of blood it has become, they
now show up, I'm guessing because MObama wants something from them and they have to appear concerned.
The use of textbooks as propaganda tools: Michelle O Wants Textbooks to 'Swap
Cupcakes for Apples' in Math Problems. First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move!" initiative is praising textbook publishers for "swapping
out cupcakes for apples in math problems," in a campaign to incorporate health information into the learning resources for kids. "Today at the
White House, we celebrated a group of educational publishers on their development of voluntary guidance to incorporate health information into textbooks
and other learning materials," Let's Move! said in a blog post entitled, "Cookies 2 Carrots," on Wednesday.
Obama in heated confrontation with heckler, incident left out of transcript. First lady Michelle Obama got into a
heated confrontation with a heckler at a fundraiser on Tuesday night [6/4/2013], though the standoff never made its way into the
official transcript put out by the White House. The pool report, which is produced by and for members of the media, detailed
the incident.
After 4
years of Michelle's anti-obesity campaign, America is still getting fatter. Despite first lady Michelle Obama's four-year campaign to wean
the nation off Big Macs and Big Gulps, obesity in America rose last year, continuing an unbroken 15-year streak, according to new figures from the Centers
for Disease Control. In an early release of some data in its 2012 National Health Interview Survey, the CDC said that 28.9 percent of
adults are obese, a small but significant jump from 28.7 percent in 2011. Officials were hoping that 2012 would snap the trend.
San Fernando Valley School Named After
Michelle Obama. School board members have approved a plan to rename a San Fernando Valley elementary school after First Lady Michelle Obama.
Los Angeles Unified board members voted unanimously Tuesday [6/18/2013] to name Valley Region Elementary School No. 13 after Mrs. Obama.
While enjoying a $100 million African vacation... Michelle Obama Likens Her
Upbringing to Senegalese Children's. In Dakar, Senegal, speaking at the Martin Luther King Middle School, First Lady Michelle Obama
likened her upbringing to the upbringing of the Senegalese children at the school. Obama told the children of her "experience," and how it
was similar to theirs.
The Editor has a comment: You can't complain, says the ingrate, as she complains about how tough her life is.
Obama: Being First Lady is like living in a 'really nice prison'. Obama's comment came during her discussion with former
First Lady Laura Bush at the African First Ladies Summit in Tanzania during an interview moderated by journalist Cokie Roberts.
Roberts noted that Martha Washington, the first First Lady, also described living in the role as akin to being a state prisoner.
Michelle Obama Tired of Living in
a 'Prison'. This is a favorite technique of the Obamas: to denounce, demean, and disdain — preening, by praising
with faint damnation — while enjoying privilege and opulence others can only dream of. Mrs. Obama, I'll let you in on a little
secret: your husband has a get-out-of-jail-free card for you. He can resign any time he likes. He can liberate you from the
claustrophobe's nightmare of a life you're living in that close, confining White House, with its endless dinners, parties, receptions, concerts,
parades of dignitaries, command performances, rock stars, and galas. Help you say no for good to the opulent trips, ethereal resorts, and
regal dining constantly foisted upon you.
Top 5 Things Michelle Obama Has Complained
About (So Far). [#5] The White House is like a "really nice prison." That would mean that the First Lady failed to make parole in
November 2012. Ms. Obama made that complaint at the African First Ladies Summit in Tanzania, among fellow inmates, some from countries where the
opposition occupies really nasty prisons.
First lady-backed school lunch
regs cost school district $100,000. A New York school district is giving the boot to the National School Lunch Program (NLSP) [sic]
and its new restrictive regulations mandating the number of calories and nutrients in each meal. The Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake school district
announced this month that after a school year struggling with the new guidelines under the Michelle Obama-backed Healthy and Hunger Free Kids Act,
the school will not be participating in the program this coming school year.
New York school drops Michelle
Obama lunch standards: Kids too hungry. New York's Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake school district has become the latest casualty in first
lady Michelle Obama's preferred lunch plan, dropping the menu after too many students complained of hunger. "[Food service manager Nicky]
Boehm and her staff worked hard to implement the new regulations, but there were just too many problems and too many foods that students did not
like and would not purchase," said Assistant Superintendent Chris Abdoo about the National School Lunch Program in a statement reported by
EAGNews.org. "Students complained of being hungry with these lunches and the district lost money."
Michelle Obama Gives a Nod to 'Walking School
Buses'. First Lady Michelle Obama is promoting walking to school as part of her anti-obesity campaign. In remarks to
mayors gathered at the White House last week, the first lady singled out Knox County, Tenn., which — inspired by Mrs. Obama's "Let's
Move!" campaign — has created a bike-share program and something called a "walking school bus." [...] A "walking school bus" is a
group of children who walk to school with adult chaperones.
First lady Michelle Obama shines new light
on gun control debate. Michelle Obama is speaking out about the toll that gun violence is taking on young people, in a shift that
shows the first lady's willingness to tackle new and polarizing issues as she shapes her second term.
The Editor says...
The position of First Lady is not an elected office. Therefore she does not have a first or second term. This is another example of a
left-wing political position Michelle Obama has undertaken, which is why criticism of her is perfectly fair. She is not just a bystander
and observer of the Obama administration, she is an active participant in it.
First Lady:
Barack's Working to Free Americans from 'Any Form of Public Assistance'. In an e-mail to supporters, First Lady Michelle Obama
says she grew up in a family that didn't need help from the government, and that her husband is working to make Americans free from dependence on
government once again. [... But] The Obama Administration's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has arranged to pay a public relations
firm $8 million to promote dependence on government-run health care — enrollment in ObamaCare's health insurance exchanges.
In Pennsylvania alone, HHS is spending $4 million to promote Obamacare at state health clinics.
Does anyone believe this? Michelle Obama: 'No,' I Will Never Run for
President. In an interview with Parade magazine, First Lady Michelle Obama says "No" when asked whether she'll "ever run" for president
of the United States. But the first lady is confident she'll see a female president in her lifetime.
Kentucky students to first
lady Michelle Obama: Your food 'tastes like vomit'. Students in a rural Kentucky county — and their parents — are the
latest to join a growing national chorus of scorn for the healthy school lunches touted by first lady Michelle Obama. "They say it tastes like vomit,"
said Harlan County Public Schools board member Myra Mosley at a contentious board meeting last week, reports The Harlan Daily Enterprise.
Obama to splash media with new issue: Drink more water. After 4½ years of reminding Americans to eat their vegetables, Michelle Obama is
turning her attention to what's in their glasses. On Thursday [9/12/2013], she and her staff will begin to ask Americans to drink more water.
Michelle Obama turns
her 'Let's Move!' health drive to 'Let's Drink!' (water). Numerous companies like Brita, Dasani, Arrowhead, Deer Park, Ice Mountain,
Zephyrhills, Ozarka and Poland Spring are joining in with logos and promotions to help out the water-drinking campaign for some reason.
Trying to figure out what they have in common.
Michelle Obama's water torture.
Just when you thought the Nanny State couldn't get anymore drunk with patronizing power over people, along comes Michelle Obama with a most urgent
plea: Make sure you drink water! Who knew?! Apparently we now need the government to tell us to do the most basic of things. [...] It
would not surprise me to see the First Lady begin to offer advice on how to dress ourselves.
Is Michelle Obama over-hyping hydration?
While water is inarguably essential to our long-term health (people do tend to die after a few days without it), the first lady may be going too far
in touting the energy-giving properties of H20. "The idea [that] drinking water increases energy, the word I've used to describe it is:
quixotic," kidney specialist Dr Stanley Goldfarb of the University of Pennsylvania told Politico. Beyond hydration, he said, there's little
evidence that water does anything for us at all.
Let's Drink to Phasing Out the First Lady.
The country's leading health-and-nutrition buttinsky has not just one but two Ivy League diplomas and earned over a quarter-of-a-million
dollars back in 2006, before the Great Recession destroyed the hopes and dreams of entire generations, including those not yet born. Now
she makes no salary at all and provides diet-and-exercise information that doesn't even require a GED.
Michelle Obama and Other Hydration-Related Issues.
It used to be when a person felt hungry, they ate, and when their God-given internal water gauge indicated they were running low, they
drank. That's the old way. Now we have Michelle Obama spending her time "nudging" us away from the soda aisle toward the
water fountain.
Michelle Obama to
urge companies to stop marketing unhealthy foods to kids. Michelle Obama on Wednesday will urge companies to stop marketing unhealthy
food choices to children. The first lady will ask food and media executives to promote healthy choices while decreasing the marketing of
unhealthy products to kids, according to a White House notice about the event. The move could prove politically controversial, as Obama
has come under fire from conservatives who charge the first lady is trying to dictate what people eat and drink.
The Editor says...
Michelle Obama couldn't care less about nutrition. Her goal is to decrease "the marketing of unhealthy products to kids." Marketing
and advertising. Her apparent goal, and certainly her husband's goal,
is the destruction of capitalism.
Michelle Obama targets cartoon characters in
junk food ads. Michelle Obama on Wednesday urged businesses not to allow their cartoon characters to be used to market unhealthy food to kids,
saying firms can make money encouraging kids to eat well. "The fact is that marketing nutritious foods to our kids isn't just good for our kids' health,
it can be good for a company's bottom line," she said Wednesday [9/18/2013] at a White House conference on marketing.
The Editor says...
See? It was "a White House conference on marketing." Not a conference on nutrition. Marketing. Capitalism appears to be
Michelle Obama's enemy.
The irony of Michelle Obama's
water campaign. If you're not dehydrated, drinking more water won't give you more energy or cure your headaches, as her office vaguely claims.
But it might take up belly space that otherwise would have gone to grape soda, Red Bull or some other sugary concoction. Team Michelle won't admit this is
the real agenda, insisting this is just a healthy, helpful reminder from the first lady.
First lady dines at Bibiana.
Spotted: Michelle Obama sitting down for a meal at a downtown Washington Italian restaurant on Wednesday [10/16/2013], just hours before
Congress passed legislation to fund the government and avert a default. The first lady was seen dining with two companions at Bibiana,
arriving at 7 p.m. and staying for nearly three hours.
PBS helps to peddle White House propaganda: First lady enlists Sesame Street to promote
healthy eating. Sesame Street's Elmo and Rosita joined Michelle Obama at the White House on Wednesday [10/30/2013] to announce that the
[M]uppets would start promoting fruit and vegetable consumption for kids. And companies will be able to use the beloved characters for free.
"Just imagine what will happen when we take our kids to the grocery store, and they see Elmo and Rosita and the other Sesame Street Muppets they love up
and down the produce aisle," [Mrs.] Obama said. "Imagine what it will be like to have our kids begging us to buy them fruits and vegetables instead
of cookies, candy and chips."
The Editor says...
Popeye used to squeeze open a can of spinach and practically inhale the contents, just before the violent conclusion of each of his cartoons.
So when I was six years old, I really wanted to eat raw spinach and hope for the same results. But after tasting it only once, I went back to
ice cream and candy. The so-called first lady apparently wants us to believe that young people choose snacks based on the packaging rather than
the taste. She fails to understand that we are not idiots.
First Crony Michelle
Obama's Big Business Bonanza. On Wednesday, Mrs. Obama announced an agreement by the Sesame Workshop and the Produce Marketing Association
(PMA) to join her nonprofit Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) in a two-year agreement to help promote fresh fruit and vegetable consumption to
kids. [...] Joining her for the rollout of that initiative: Hollywood actress Eva Longoria, who gets paid to promote sugary soda pop Pepsi when
she's not standing by Michelle Obama telling the rest of us to drink more healthy water. Mrs. Obama's nonprofit reportedly has assets of
$4.5 million. It doesn't have to disclose its donors. So much for the "most transparent administration ever."
firm received 'unauthorized' $100,000 contract for Michelle Obama's anti-obesity effort. The marketing firm that created first
lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" anti-obesity campaign's logo, slogan and web design has close ties to the Obama administration and was
paid $100,000 in an "unauthorized" no-bid contract, according to internal documents. The 44 pages of documents — obtained
through a Freedom of Information Act (FIOA) request by the conservative government accountability group Judicial Watch — reveal that
federal officials are looking into the Let's Move contract with Shepardson, Stern & Kaminsky (SS+K) as an "unauthorized commitment."
According to Judicial Watch, the contract violated federal contracting laws.
Michelle Obama: 'We Want to
Honor and Embrace All... Faith Traditions'. At a White House Diwali celebration on Tuesday afternoon [11/5/2013], First Lady Michelle Obama
said that she and her husband wanted to celebrate all the faith and culture traditions 'that make us who we are as Americans." Even as she was saying
this, there were 200 plaintiffs pursuing 77 lawsuits asking federal courts to protect their First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion
from a regulation issued by the administration under Obamacare that requires health insurance plans to cover sterilizations, contraceptives and abortion
inducing drugs and devices.
Obama using food-stamp cash to fund Michelle's
'Let's Move'. On Nov. 1, sizable cuts were gouged into the federal food-stamp program (or, as it's now called, SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program), which feeds 47.6 million people, or nearly one in six Americans. In the city, 1.9 million folks get the bulk of
their Jell-O and Campbell's Soup from stamps. But news has spread among the poor, like leafy green vegetables, that it wasn't heartless Republicans
who triggered the cuts. Rather, some of the food-stamp cash was snatched to pay for Michelle Obama's pet project, Let's Move.
Obama's American Dream. At some
point before the 2008 election, an angry sounding Michelle Obama snarled, "there are kids who still believe in the American dream.
They think it exists!" For the past five years, her husband has been doing everything in his power to make sure it doesn't.
Under Obama, the American Dream — the idea that anyone can achieve prosperity through hard work — is becoming a
thing of the past.
Obama's 14 Obamacare talking points for Thanksgiving dinner. First lady Michelle Obama not only wants Americans to consider
signing up for Obamacare during their Thanksgiving get-togethers, she's also offering tips on how to talk about it and wants feedback.
In a fundraising note to supporters that also cheered her husband's economic and global warming efforts, the first lady urged supporters
of the president's grassroots group Organizing for Action to share their Obamacare experiences.
Michelle's New Holiday
Tradition — Fundraising on Thanksgiving!. Michelle Obama today sent out an email making clear that nothing's sacred
anymore, using the Thanksgiving holiday to raise money for President Obama's political arm, Organizing for Action.
Michelle Obama's
idea of Thanksgiving table talk: Push the Obamacare. So this is how first lady Michelle Obama imagines Americans should
spend their Thanksgiving dinner: Talking about Obamacare. That's her call to supporters, via an email invitation to Democratic
Party backers, The New York Post reported. "As you spend time with loved ones this holiday season, be sure to talk with them about
what health care reform can mean to them," she said, in the email that contained 14 talking points that could be raised. [...] Mrs.
Obama's tips are posted on an Internet site operated by Organizing for Action, called "Health Care for the Holidays."
New survey: Despite
Michelle Obama, Americans are eating less healthy. According to the Obama White House, the first family consumed a Thanksgiving dinner of
turkey, honey-baked ham, cornbread stuffing, oyster stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, greens, green bean casserole, dinner rolls and macaroni
and cheese. Then, the family washed all that down with nine kinds of pies: huckleberry, pecan, sweet potato, peach, apple, pumpkin, banana
cream, coconut cream and chocolate cream.
Michelle Obama on Barack: 'He Keeps His
Promises'. ABC's Barbara Walters did another in a series of sycophantic gushing and fawning interviews with the Obamas Friday [11/29/2013].
In the wake of the President's fallacious claim that people could keep their health insurance plans if they liked them, the most preposterous part of the
interview was when Michelle Obama said her husband "keeps his promises" without any pushback from Walters.
Obama wears controversial J Mendel jacket again despite backlash over its $6,800 price tag. Michelle Obama has once again stepped out in
her $6,800 J Mendel jacket, despite fielding a backlash last time she wore the pricey garment. The First Lady looked suitably festive as she
joined her family yesterday for the taping of TNT's Christmas in Washington at the National Building Museum. But the last time she wore the
embellished garment, in July 2012 at a Buckingham Palace reception in London, political commentators took issue with the fact that she had spent
so much on fashion while so many in the U.S. are suffering financially.
First lady to go on radio blitz for
ObamaCare. Michelle Obama will sit for a trio of interviews with urban radio stations as part of a coordinated White House blitz intended to
promote ObamaCare coverage among mothers and minorities. The first lady will be interviewed Wednesday evening by Yolanda Adams, Al Sharpton, and Joe
Madison, three of the nation's most popular African American talk radio hosts.
Michelle Keeps it Real with Reverend Al.
After heading up a 'poor me' sob-story session with mothers in the Oval Office, packing for the nine-hour flight to Oahu, and wrapping up a 16-day Obamacare
public relations blitz, 'Mom-to-Mom' Michelle found time to take to the airwaves and dial in to the "Keeping it Real with Reverend Al Sharpton" radio show.
The Editor says...
Mrs. Obama only speaks to black radio hosts. But if you criticize that trait, or even notice it, you're a racist.
Michelle Obama steps into health care spotlight. The
first lady has done little to promote the Affordable Care Act in recent months, marking a shift from her usual role as the president's middle class
messenger — a move that allowed her to sidestep the political battles over the law, and questions about the administration's trustworthiness.
First lady: Signing up for
Obamacare should be New Year's resolution. The administration is scrambling to sign up consumers in insurance exchanges after the glitch-ridden
launch of the healthcare.gov website in October led to lower than expected sign-ups and undercut public support for Obama's signature domestic achievement.
neighbors inconvenienced by Michelle Obama's visit, report says. Michelle Obama may be enjoying a relaxing vacation in Hawaii
at Oprah Winfrey's Maui mansion, but the talk show host's neighbors are reportedly much less Zen ever since the first lady came to town.
TMZ reports that the increased security around Oprah's home has become a nuisance for her neighbors, as road closures and security checkpoints
have been created to protect the first lady.
Michelle Obama's extended
Hawaii stay annoys locals: report. Michelle Obama's birthday visit at Oprah Winfrey's Maui estate has neighbors a little miffed
at the additional security and its impact on business. The owner of nearby Goble's Flower Farm told TMZ that security checkpoints have
been dissuading customers from shopping there. Other business owners complained of dwindling inventories due to road closures blocking
their deliveries.
Michelle Obama Chooses Jane
Fonda As Role Model. In the January 27 issue of People Magazine, First Lady Michelle Obama cites Jane Fonda as a role
model. "[And] there's Jane Fonda, a beautiful, engaged, politically savvy, sharp woman," Michelle Obama responded after being asked by
People who she would someday want to look and live like.
Michelle Obama wants
$10 donations to 'help protect Obamacare'. Just one day before he gives the annual State of the Union address, the first lady sent
out a fundraising email to supporters hoping to use the speech to prompt donations to help Democrats in the midterm elections this fall.
Here's what
Michael Tusk served Michelle Obama at Cotogna. But in middle of the day, Ms. Michelle Obama and a number of her guests dined at
Cotogna. It looks like the Obamas are fans of Lindsay and Michael Tusk's Pacific Avenue restaurants; back in 2012, Michael Tusk cooked
for President Obama (in a private home), serving him dishes like cheese-filled tortelloni and poularde in various preparations. On
Thursday [1/30/2014], this was the menu presented to the First Lady and company: [...]
First Lady, Barbra Streisand Raise
Cash for Dems, Warn of GOP Resurgence. Barbra Streisand, Tim Robbins and other progressive stars helped First Lady Michelle Obama
fill Democrat coffers yesterday [1/29/2014] to keep both the House and Senate out of the GOP's mitts. The L.A. fundraiser, held at the home
of Everybody Loves Raymond creator Phil Rosenthal, also included James Brolin, Paul Reiser, Dolores Roberts and L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti.
The event netted $700,000 for the liberal cause.
Mrs. Obama Takes a Jab at
Us "Wilderness" Folks. First Lady Michelle Obama took a jab at rural Americans during a speech she delivered to Democrats at the
posh Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, according to a White House transcript of her remarks. [...] Mrs. Obama's insulting slap at us "country
folk" echos similar comments her husband made in 2008 — ironically in San Francisco. Then-Senator Obama was bemoaning the church-going,
working class voters of Pennsylvania.
Michelle Obama urges students to
seek taxpayer money. "Don't leave money on the table," Michelle Obama told students at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia
this week, seeking to put as many people as possible on the receiving end of a government check. Nothing builds the Democrats' voter base faster
than the widespread ability to raid other taxpayers for support. How widespread? "Almost everyone is eligible for some form of financial aid,
and all you have to do to access that aid is fill out this one little form. It's so simple." Simple, as in one-stop shopping, all the
better to build that constituency for OPM (other people's money).
Obama's Loafer Nation. Michelle Obama recently urged
high school students to grab as much taxpayer money as they can by applying for federal aid when they go to college. At T.C. Williams High
School in Alexandria, Virginia she told students that applying for federal student aid is easier than they think: [...] Yet student loan defaults
continue to skyrocket. One day the bubble will burst and Republicans will be handed the blame.
The Unheralded Return of Michelle, The Activist. The
unmasking of Michelle Obama the 'returned activist' went down in history at a Virginia high school on Wednesday, February 5, 2014.
Five years into the Obama regime, Michelle came out of the White House as the activist she's always been to instruct high school students
that they are entitled to "free" government handouts. "Don't leave money on the table," she said. In a personal trajectory
that went from telling kids what to eat to teaching them how to game the system, it's no longer encouraging students to be the best
they can be but how to get the most they can get out of government largesse.
Michelle's dogs apparently dine on china and
crystal. Poverty and unemployment are at near-record levels, the economy is stalled, and a record 47 million Americans are on food
stamps, yet aides for first lady Michelle Obama's tweeted out a picture of her two dogs apparently dining at a table laid with crystal and china.
Stunning insensitivity from Michelle
Obama. Michelle Obama's lust for luxury has always been a bit of a problem for her husband and Democrats in general. Jetting
off to five star resorts with a large entourage has too much dissonance with the rhetoric denouncing inequality currently in favor with the left.
But the First Lady has now outdone herself, and because a picture is worth a thousand words, the damage may be a bit more serious than the
occasional grumble over designer shoes and livin' large.
CNN: Michelle Obama's
'Dress Probably Cost Around $12,000'. The dress first lady Michelle Obama wore at last night's state dinner was the topic of
discussion last night on CNN. [...] Another guest on CNN last night thought the cost was about $12,000. "Well, by the way, I think
that dress probably cost around $12,000. But that's just my guess," said Sally Quinn.
Michelle Obama
chooses Carolina Herrera for state dinner dress. The first lady chose a dramatic Carolina Herrera ball gown with a
voluminous skirt and lace-overlay top. The blue and black gown is the first dress with sleeves Obama has worn to a state dinner.
Previously she donned one-shouldered pieces from Peter Soronen and Doo-Ri Chung, and a strapless gown by Naeem Khan for the administration's
first official state dinner in 2009 for India.
Media Sidestep
Five-Figure Price Estimate on Mrs. Obama's State Dinner Dress. Michael W. Chapman of our sister site CNSNews.com reports on cost estimates
for the hand-sewn gown Michelle Obama wore at Tuesday's state dinner for the prime minister of France. Think five figures. If Ann Romney were
First Lady now, would that escape the media's politicized scrutiny?
Michelle Obama's
Childhood-Obesity Myth. A decade-long drumbeat of bad news about childhood obesity is now officially wrong. Michelle
Obama is wrong, too. America is not in the grip of a childhood-obesity epidemic and, consequently, the first lady's much-ballyhooed
anti-obesity strategy is redundant, at best.
Supermarket alert: Michelle Obama on the nutrition label.
Michelle Obama's feigned concern that nutrition labels on food packages make grocery shopping a difficult and trying experience for the moms
of America, is no different than her televised dancing gig with giant anthropomorphic vegetables that kicked off the fourth anniversary of
her 'Let's Move' campaign on Jimmy Fallon's all too accommodating The Tonight Show.
lady Michelle Obama thinks you're too dumb to read a nutrition label. First lady Michelle Obama unveiled a proposed new nutrition
label Thursday, claiming the labels would make it easier for families to tell whether food is healthy. Because math is hard, or something.
If your "nanny-state" radar is going off, it should.
Obama: America's Moms Are 'Confused and Bewildered,' 'Defeated' by Grocery Shopping. Apparently it's not the price of the
groceries, but the nutrition labels on food packages that make grocery shopping such a difficult and trying experience for the moms of America.
In pitching new, improved nutrition labels at the White House on Thursday, first lady Michelle Obama tried to identify with women who do the
grocery shopping for their families.
FLOTUS to Appear on 'Parks
and Recreation,' Show Wants Hillary Clinton, Too. Not content with their news division selectively editing video after video
to favor President Barack Obama, NBC is now shilling for the administration in the dramatic department. First Lady Michelle Obama will
guest-star on NBC's season finale of Parks and Recreation, airing at 8 p.m. April 24.
Michelle Obama plans pricey trip to China. Michelle Obama, her daughters
and her mother plan a week-long solo visit to China this month that includes meetings with China's first lady and high school and
university students — and that will likely cost U.S. taxpayers millions of dollars.
Michelle Obama Throwing Food onto Global Warming List.
With most public focus on her husband's stridently anti-American policies, unelected Michelle Obama, has found her way into peoples'
homes by surreptitiously adding the everyday food the masses eat to the Global Warming list. It should go without saying that
who ever controls the food and water supply controls the entire population. Making the food supply subject to Global Warming
through new dietary guidelines to be mandated by Congress is the latest move for control by the Obama regime.
Has Charles Rangel Forgotten
the Real 9/11? [Scroll down] We should have been aware of where this nation was headed when Barack Hussein
Obama was elected president in 2008. As soon as we heard Michelle Obama say after her husband's selection as candidate, "For
the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country...," we knew how little respect both of them had for
America. [...] I hope and pray that in the upcoming elections we band together and elect those who love our country and have
always been proud of it.
A plunge in US
preschool obesity? Not so fast, experts say. If the news last month that the prevalence of obesity among American
preschoolers had plunged 43 percent in a decade sounded too good to be true, that's because it probably was, researchers say.
'Real Treat' for Michelle Obama to Take Her Mom and Daughters to China. First lady Michelle Obama "has been looking
for an opportunity to go to China," a White House official said on Monday. And she considers it a "real treat" to take her
daughters and her mother with her — a trip she's making at considerable expense to taxpayers, although the White House
refused to give a dollar figure. [...] Asked how much the trip will cost, Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes replied, "As a
general matter, we don't disclose the details associated with the security of either the president or the first lady. This
question comes up on many trips. [...]"
The Editor says...
When questions arose about the cost of the trip, the White House immediately changed the subject
to security, about which nobody asked.
Obama and family take another taxpayer-funded trip. The first lady, her mother, her two kids, plus numerous
White House aides and security personnel are going to tour China this month, but White House officials are refusing to say
how much the taxpayers will pay for the trip.
Keywords: Junket, shopping trip, splurge,
squander, carbon footprint, luxury, tone deaf First lady Michelle Obama faces scrutiny
for China trip with daughters, mom. First lady Michelle Obama is getting ready for her third overseas trip without
her husband since arriving in the White House, but her journey to China may be watched more closely. Mrs. Obama will be
traveling with three generations. She'll be joined by Sasha, Malia and her mother, Marian Shields Robinson, a subtle
gesture to traditional Chinese values. White House officials are calling this visit a "people to people" trip.
Obama's China trip looks more like vacation than official business as she shuts out reporters. First lady
Michelle Obama will not take questions from reporters or give interviews during her tour of China that begins today [3/19/2014],
and members of the press corps who usually follows the first family everywhere can't travel with her entourage. And
although she will make a few speeches with reporters in the room, the picture is largely one of an expensive, taxpayer-funded
tourism exercise for Mrs. Obama, her two daughters, and her mother — not the official trip the White House has projected.
No Reporters on Michelle
Obama's Trip to China. First Lady Michelle Obama will be accompanied by her children and her mother on her trip
to China, which begins today. But she won't be accompanied by the press. "Michelle Obama's trip to China starting
on Wednesday will be nonpolitical, the White House says, a 'people-to-people exchange' emphasizing the importance that both
nations place on education. As if to underscore the point, no reporters are traveling with the first lady, and she
does not plan to give interviews while there," reports the New York Times.
ladies touch down in China amid taxpayer uproar. First lady Michelle Obama, her two daughters, Malia and
Sasha, and her mother touched down Thursday in China for what's being touted as a weeklong feel-good tourist event,
amid increasing murmurs back home about U.S. taxpayers having to foot the bill. [...] No reporters accompanied the family
on the trip.
Michelle lands in
China for week-long trip with her daughters and mother. Michelle Obama arrived in China on Thursday for a
weeklong visit that will steer clear of politics and instead focusing on education and community. The First Lady
arrived in Beijing today, accompanied by daughters Sasha and Malia as well as her mother Marian Robinson.
Obama: It's very rare that I have the chance to travel outside of the United States. During
her visit to China, first lady Michelle Obama pointed out that the ability to travel outside of the United
States was "rare" but that she chose China for a reason. "It's very rare that I have the opportunity
to travel outside of the United States, and it's even more rare to have the opportunity to travel with three
generations — with my daughters, and with my mother," she said. "And it is no accident that
one of our first trips as a family is here to China."
The Editor says...
Does Mrs. Obama expect anyone to believe that this is one of her first trips, or that a junket that excludes
her husband is undertaken "as a family?"
Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot,
$8,350-per-night suite. Michelle Obama and three of her family members are staying in a $8,350-per-night
Beijing presidential suite, but despite a 24-hour butler and other perks that come with the lodging, her entourage has
inconvenienced 'pretty much everyone' and made the hotel staff 'fed up,' a well-placed hotel staffer has told
MailOnline. The sumptuous pad at the Westin Beijing Chaoyang hotel — its website calls the room 'an
oasis of comfort — is a 3,400-square-foot masterpiece including a private steam room, 'corner sofas with
silk pillows,' and in-room dining for six. But the Obamas' stay has already affected staff and guests at the
hotel, with the Westin front-desk veteran alleging that Mrs. Obama's mother Marian Robinson has been 'barking at
the staff since she arrived.'
Dealing with
Michelle Obama's press office is no cake walk. Earlier this week, Dylan Byers, the media writer for Politico,
detailed his dealings that day with Michelle Obama's press office and just how difficult it was to get his question answered.
"It's absolutely terrible," he wrote me by email. The information Byers sought involved a NYT report that
no reporters would be accompanying the first lady on her trip to China. NYT's Nick Kristoff said the
call was a bad one. Byers wanted to know why the decision was made in the first place. "A spokesperson
for the First Lady responded to my inquiry but declared the response 'off the record,' meaning I wasn't allowed to
use the information therein," he wrote in a post.
Does Michelle Obama's Mother Live at the White House? Here's a question I'll bet nobody ever asked
Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama's mother live at the White House at
taxpayer expense? [...] Now that Michelle Obama's mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation
for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China.
Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?
Rebuttal To First Lady's Claim That They Welcome Criticism. They sure have a strange way of showing their
"welcome." What was the IRS scandal but a project to "shut up conservative voices" that criticize the president?
The IRS is now in the process of codifying the rules they used to illegally target conservative 501(C)(4) groups.
This president has been at war with Fox News since the early days of his administration, and has called out Rush Limbaugh
and Sean Hannity by name. This is the president of "Fight the Smears," "Attack Watch," "Truth Team," and Linda
Douglass's ghastly "snitch network" which was set up to squelch "misinformation" (aka "the truth") about ObamaCare.
And just last month the FCC had to shelve their plans to have "news police" monitoring newsrooms, only because of the
huge public outcry.
Obama says internet access should be 'universal right'. Michelle Obama has declared that access to the
internet should be a universal right, in a rare and controversial foray into the world of international politics
during a cultural visit to China. The US first lady, who is on a week-long trip to the communist state with
her daughters and mother, risked upsetting her hosts in Beijing by declaring access to information as a birthright.
During a speech at Peking University's Stanford Centre, she called for greater freedoms while refraining from a
direct attack on the controls over information in China.
banned as first lady touts free speech. First lady Michelle Obama told students that freedom of speech
should be a universal right during her extravagant, no-press-allowed tour of China — a hypocritical move
that will surely draw the ire of critics, according to an expert. "That is troublesome. That goes beyond
hypocritical, and I think the American media and the international media has every right to call her and the Obama
administration on that — that they permitted that to happen," said Tom Whalen, a political history professor
at Boston University. [...] The first lady stopped at Peking University in Beijing yesterday [3/22/2014] during a
weeklong trip that was billed as cultural rather than political.
Obama: Barack And I Welcome Criticism From The Media. [Quoting Michelle Obama:] That's why it's so
important for information and ideas to flow freely over the internet and through the media, because that's how we discover
the truth. That's how we learn what's really happening in our communities in our country and our world. And
that's how we decide which values and ideas we think are best — by questioning and debating them
vigorously — by listening to all sides of an argument and by judging for ourselves.
of First Lady's Beijing Hotel Was Deemed 'Prohibitive' for Biden. The White House has been tight-lipped about
the cost of First Lady Michelle Obama's trip to China, but based on the choice for lodging, it could be considerable.
Mrs. Obama and her entourage, which numbers seventy according to the Washington Times (including her two daughters and
her mother), booked the Westin Chaoyang Hotel close to the U.S. embassy in Beijing for their first stop. According to
USA Today, the presidential suite at the hotel is listed as $8,400 per night.
The lies, lies and more lies in Michelle Obama's Coming
Out Party in China. The Coming out Party of Michelle Robinson Obama in China proves she's as big a hypocrite
as her husband the president. "When it comes to expressing yourself freely, and worshipping as you choose, and
having open access to information — we believe those are universal rights that are the birthright of every person
on this planet," Mrs Obama told an audience of around 200 students. [...] In fact were it not for an enterprising
newspaper of another country, The Telegraph, the Free World may never have known about Michelle Obama's Coming Out
Party in the Orient because American reporters were banned from the multi-million dollar trip.
Inside Michelle Obama's hotel's luxurious $8,400-a-night presidential
suite in China. It's billed as an 'oasis of comfort', with a Jacuzzi, rainforest shower, and silk
pillows — step inside the $8,400-a-night (£5,000) suite Michelle Obama currently calls home.
The first lady is staying at the five-star Westin Hotel in Chaoyang, just outside Beijing, during her week-long trip
to China with her two daughters Malia and Sasha, and her mother Marian Robinson. During her trip, described as
a 'person-to-person' soft diplomatic tour, the family will be staying in the Jinmao Presidential Suite at the hotel,
near the US Embassy.
W.H. press aide: Michelle Obama's office is 'the Worst Wing' of W.H.. Reid Cherlin, a former White House
press aide, has written a critical look at the first lady's office in the current issue of the New Republic.
Entitled, "The Worst Wing: How the East Wing Shrunk Michelle Obama," the piece consists primarily of unnamed former
aides complaining about her "leadership style" and their inability to cultivate a good relationship with her.
Michelle Obama, Control
Freak. Writing in the New Republic, former White House West Wing press aide Reid Cherlin goes pretty far
out on a limb for a former in-guy with the Obama towel-whipping society, describing First Lady Michelle Obama as a
controlling yet sometimes fickle East Wing boss who has created an unhappy work environment. Apparently,
all that spontanaiety you see from Michelle takes a lot of planning.
Hard-Knock Life Story Comes to China. Recycling her tried-and-true American dream story,
Michelle Obama gave Chinese schoolchildren the same stump speech she delivers everywhere she goes, from
Ireland to Chicago. The FLOTUS has used her hard-knock life tale to justify more vacations for
herself than her husband has golf balls. The problem is that the story is exaggerated, and
even if it weren't, to complain about struggling as a child in a free country as opposed to a
struggling as a child in a country where the annual average family income is $10,220 today,
which is similar to what it was in 1972 in the U.S. when six-year-old Michelle Obama was
supposedly struggling, proves the woman is oblivious.
Obama's Food Program Is Non-Nutritious Waste Of Money. The $12 billion federal student lunch program, which
serves 30.7 million kids, is losing participants fast — more than a million just last year, according to a
recent Government Accountability Office report. The reason: the first lady's Healthy Hunger-free Kids Act, an
act that has accomplished exactly the opposite of what it claimed it would — leaving hungry, angry, disgusted
kids and dumpsters full of wasted food. Kids have taken to Twitter to post photographs of the wretched results of
the new federal guidelines that any school participating in the National School Lunch Program must follow to comply with
the government-knows-best program for nutrition.
Speech by Michelle Obama Draws Complaints. A furor over what the Topeka school district considers an honor
has erupted after plans were announced for [Michelle] Obama to address a combined graduation ceremony for five area high
schools next month an 8,000-seat arena.
force Holder, Michelle Obama to cancel speeches; What's going on? Politicians like to associate
themselves with happy family times like graduations. They make for smiley photo-ops while the pols deliver
their prescribed talking points to the more important audiences beyond the cameras. But it seems a group of
students and their parents figured out they were about to become breathing props for another day-trip appearance
by Mrs. Obama.
Obama scraps graduation speech. First lady Michelle Obama is scrapping her plans to deliver a
graduation speech for high school seniors in Topeka, Kan., after hundreds signed a petition in protest.
Instead of delivering a graduation speech, Obama will speak before the school district the day before graduation,
and will deliver remarks at a "Senior Recognition Day." More than 1,750 people had signed a petition
protesting the first lady's appearance at the graduation ceremony, angered that security concerns would
limit the number of friends and family who could attend.
Obama's Favorite Food: Pizza and Fries. First lady Michelle Obama told children at the White
House's Annual Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day on Thursday [4/24/2014] that her favorite healthy food
was pizza and her favorite junk food was French fries. "So I'm gonna give you my favorite healthy thing
to eat, which actually is my favorite thing to eat — pizza. Yes, but usually when I have
pizza — alright don't get mad at me — I do veggie pizzas," she said in response to a
question about her favorite food.
Michelle Obama spotted at the Salamander Resort in
Middleburg. First lady Michelle Obama spending a quiet weekend in Middleburg with
daughters Malia and Sasha in tow at the tony Salamander Resort. While the president was being
trailed by flashing cameras and notebook-wielding reporters on a four-country tour through Asia,
Michelle Obama's itinerary was a tad bit more low-key. On Friday she was spotted in the lobby of the
luxury resort owned by multimillionaire Sheila Johnson.
Obama 2-Day Hotel Stay in China Costs $222K. Michelle Obama wrapped up her March visit
to China with a stop in Chengdu, arriving on March 25 and departing for the United States on the
following day. But that one leg of the trip alone required about 900 room nights, ranging from
21 rooms beginning on March 13 for the advance team to a peak of 144 rooms when
the first lady herself was at the hotel.
Motto: 'Sometimes the best time is to do nothing at all'. Much to my astonishment, after chronicling
all the travels and the affluent way of life enjoyed by the spoilt first lady, it turns out that while her husband
was in Asia screwing up and eating $300 endangered blue fin tuna sushi, Michelle actually indulged in a secret spa
weekend in Middleburg, Virginia. If the second leg of her Hawaii vacation is counted as a separate trip, there
would be Hawaii I and Hawaii II, Aspen, Key Largo, and China, with the Middleburg spa weekend being Michelle's
sixth getaway since the first of the year.
First Lady's China
Trip Latest Proof Michelle Lives Like Millionaire, Except at Taxpayers' Expense. A one-night stay for
Michelle Obama and her absurdly gigantic entourage support staff in Chengdu, China cost $222,000 according to
just-released documents. Although she spent only the night of March 25th at the Shangri-La hotel, some
rooms were booked for 12 days earlier. Starting with 21 rooms on the 13th, the stay ballooned
to 144 rooms (the top two floors) on the night of her visit, representing a total of 900 room nights
over the period.
O: Water Made Albert Einstein Smart. First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign
is claiming water made Albert Einstein smart, Muhammad Ali a Heavyweight champion, and Audrey
Hepburn stylish. Mrs. Obama is again using hashtags, this time to promote her drink water
campaign, and is encouraging individuals to post photos of themselves drinking water on social media.
Obama tells students 'by some measures our schools are as segregated' as they were back
then. Segregation by force of law is no longer legally acceptable in America, but de
facto segregation still plagues our schools and neighborhoods, First Lady Michelle Obama told a
group of graduating students Friday night [5/16/2014]. The First Lady was expected to use the speech to
celebrate about diversity in America. Instead, she took racism head on, telling the Topeka, Kansas,
seniors, 'by some measures, our schools are as segregated as they were back when Dr. King gave his
final speech.'
Obama warns of resurgent school segregation. In her prepared remarks, the first lady
praised the legacy of that decision, Brown v. Board of Education, noting the diversity of the crowd
before her. But she also warned that the specter of school segregation is returning as people of
different races cluster in separate communities, urging the graduates to continue striving for
inclusion and mutual understanding.
The Editor says...
People of different races congregate together (for example, on Sunday morning) because they choose to, not
because the government tells them to. Voluntary segregation is also known as "freedom of association," and
only leftist troublemakers like Mr. and Mrs. Obama think it is something to be eliminated.
Obama To High-School Grads: Monitor Your Parents For Thoughtcrime. There can be no
aspect of your daily life that's removed from politics. Now you will be monitored by your own
children for expressing unapproved opinions. You'd better watch what you say at the dinner table,
Mom and Dad.
Obama Says Kids Should Monitor Parents for Racism. Taking a page out of the political
handbook of every fascist society and dystopian Sci Fi novel, Michelle Obama is telling kids to
monitor their parents for crimes against the state. The woman who was never proud of her country
until she and her husband were deposited in the White House spoke to a class in Topeka, Kansas last
Friday where she told students to monitor their parents for racist speech because she and her hubby
can only do so much without good little informants like them back home.
Michelle Obama, world is black and white — but skin deep. For "Decider in Chief"
George W. Bush, the world was black and white. Good and bad, right and wrong, with us or against
us. For Michelle Obama, the world is also black and white. But her black and white is all about
skin color. She talks about it often, incessantly, even, injecting race and racism into speeches
and events in which they have no business. And she did so again on Friday [5/16/2014], when she
traveled to Topeka, Kansas, to deliver a speech to graduating high school seniors.
The First Lady's food-fight
debacle. Progressives blame kid-hating Republicans and greedy businesses for the
revolt against Mrs. Obama's failed policies. But the truth is right around the corner in your
students' cafeterias. Districts are losing money. Discarded food is piling high.
Kids are going off-campus to fill their tummies or just going hungry. According to the School Nutrition
Association, almost half of school-meal programs reported declines in revenue in the 2012-13 school
year, and 90 percent said food costs were up.
Obama Stepping Up Her Solo Political Engagement. White House officials are warning
that First Lady Michelle Obama is launching into a new "sustained level" of political engagement
this year, signaling a shift from her less public profile during the beginning of her husband's
first term in the White House. As Barack's second term has gotten fairly underway, the White
House claims that the President will be using his wife in more ways than ever and we should expect
to see her acting as a solo political act far more than we have in the past.
'Joins Forces' with Dead Veterans. For years now, our very own First Lady has appeared on shows
like Oprah and Nightline and broadcast her undying dedication to getting military families the
multifaceted support they need — none of which she's done, but that's beside the point. One
would think that after all the effort she's invested, at some point the FLOTUS would have caught wind that
military veterans were languishing for months on waiting lists at VA hospitals without proper care.
But she didn't.
Lady Set to Respond to School Meal Critics. The School Nutrition Association, which represents
school nutrition directors and companies that sell food to schools, has lobbied for changes to the standards,
saying some are too restrictive.
Obama Proves She's Just as Political as Her Husband. The First Lady is jumping into
the political arena following the recent announcement that congressional Republicans are taking
another look at her school lunch program. Michelle Obama is taking issue with a GOP bill which
would allow schools to opt out of the program if their food services were operating at a net loss.
Though Obama's lunch program offers food with higher nutritional value, the mandates have proven
too costly for schools across the country, and what's more, students aren't happy with the options.
School Kids Protest 'Let's Move' Lunches As First Daughters Get Meatball Subs, Ice Cream.
With public school students using #ThanksMichelle to tweet photos of their skimpy, stomach-turning school
lunches, I decided to look at what Michelle Obama's daughters are served at Sidwell Friends school, and
it turns out the girls dine on lunches from menus designed by chefs. While the Obama daughters have
enjoyed dishes like chicken coconut soup, local butternut squash soup, crusted tilapia, they also get
their fill of what Mrs. Obama might consider junk food.
Public School Kids Eat 'Healthy Lunches,'Obama Girls Dine On Meatball Subs And Ice Cream. Not
only have disgruntled kids across America voiced their displeasure over First Lady Michelle Obama's school
lunch program from the beginning, many have used #ThanksMichelle to tweet photos of their daily choices. [...] By
contrast, the prestigious Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., where the Obamas send their children to
school, serves school lunches designed by chefs. This week, for example, they might enjoy meatball
subs, BBQ wings and ice cream, in addition to chicken curry, deviled egg salad and the "Chef's Choice."
School lunches are now a 'right,' according to Mrs. Obama. Michelle
O: 'Parents Have Right to Expect Their Kids Will Get Decent Food in Our Schools'. First lady
Michelle Obama says parents "are looking for help" in making sure their children get balanced meals —
and they "don't want their efforts undermined when they send their kids off to school." "Parents
have a right to expect that their kids will get decent food in our schools," Mrs. Obama said at the White House
on Tuesday [5/27/2014]. "And we all have a right to expect that our hard-earned taxpayer dollars won't
be spent on junk food for our kids." The first lady said congressional efforts to ease the new school lunch
rules are "unacceptable."
By now you know the value of Obama's promises. President
Obama Promises That His Wife Will Never Run for Office. In an interview for Live with Michael and
Kelly [sic], President Barack Obama indicated that his wife Michelle never intends to run for public office.
The Editor says...
The correct name of the show is Live with Kelly and Michael.
Gone Wild: First Lady Targets White Potatoes and Republicans. Michelle Obama won't rest until we are all
scrounging for berries and chomping leafy vegetation in the forest. Or until she and her fellow progressives regulate
the entire food industry Soviet-style. Four years and $12 billion later, her campaign to replace French fries
and pizza with green pepper strips and Mexican turnip roots in school cafeterias has tanked. Kids in Kentucky said
the food tasted like "vomit." Students in California were selling chips and candy bars on the black market.
Lunch ladies and food service workers report that the K-12 crowd would rather skip meals than eat kale. Kids dumped
mystery meat into trash cans faster than Michelle dumped patients at the University of Chicago Medical Center.
More than 500 schools have already opted out to get away from federal regulations and Michelle's constant nitpicking.
So why are the little ones trashing the government-sanctioned slop?
Michelle Obama elected president, too? First lady corrects misstep. First lady
Michelle Obama got a little carried away with her title Monday [6/2/2014], correcting herself after
suggesting to supporters that she, too, got elected in 2008. At a Democratic fundraiser in
Boston, Mrs. Obama asked the audience to remember "when we took office." Then she said, "Well,
when Barack took office and I was there."
The Editor says...
This sounds a lot like co-president Hillary Clinton, who was quoted as saying, "I'm not going to have some reporters pawing
through our papers. We are the president."*
Obama Lectures Dems About Separation Of Powers. A day before the White House
apologized to the Senate Intelligence Committee for not alerting Congress before trading five
high-level terrorists for a captured American soldier, first lady Michelle Obama lectured donors
about the separation of powers. "Too often, we forget what we learned in civics class back in
middle school, about how we have a separation of powers between three branches of government," she
said on Monday at a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee fundraiser in Boston.
Michelle running for the Senate? She's wading uncharacteristically deep into the
Washington political mud pit to defend her school lunch program against Republicans, assailing them
last Tuesday for opting to "play politics with our kids' health." She struck a similar tone in a
New York Times op-ed two days later, accusing Republicans of trying to "override science" and
suggesting they join parents and "put our children's interests first." So what's with the bolder
Another New York carpetbagger? Senator
Michelle Obama is a sequel we don't need. Moochelle Obama for the Senate? I think
I've seen this movie before. Let me guess, she's the smartest woman in America. And she's one of
the 100 best lawyers in America — oh, that's right, she doesn't have a license to
practice anymore. So that's one thing the pajama boys of the state-controlled media won't be able
to gush about as the tingles run up their legs. [...] And now Mrs. Mooch is being "urged" to run
for a Senate seat.
Obama: I Couldn't Feed My Kids Right — Even with a Harvard Degree. "I
thought to myself, if a Princeton and Harvard-educated professional woman doesn't know how
to adequately feed her kids, then what are other parents going through who don't have access to the
information I have?" she recalled. Her personal struggle helped her launch her mission to address
childhood obesity, she explains, especially passing a law requiring schools to provide healthier meals
for kids. The First Lady recommended that schools make decisions for children because their
parents struggle to feed their children well.
Rebuttal: Michelle
Obama Neatly Summarizes the Entire Progressive Agenda During a Nutrition Interview.
Is it really that hard? As a parent of five, it didn't take a pediatrician consult for me to
figure out what to put in my kiddo's pie holes. In fact, many parents have successfully fed their
offspring without Princeton and Harvard degrees, in addition to not needing "access to information."
Lastly, as most "working" moms don't earn $316,912 a year, in addition to a husband who was earning
$162,100 as a Senator, perhaps the First Lady protesteth a tad too much.
Mocking derision: Hunger
in America: Kids of Ivy League Parents Starving without Michelle Obama's Intervention. Unfortunately, this highly affluent
woman, who was pulling down in excess of $300,000 for a job in hospital administration before moving into the White House, yet apparently
couldn't devise simple, nutritious menus for her own children without an intervention from the family pediatrician ("Have you considered
arugula, Mrs. Obama?") is now trying to tell an entire nation what to feed the children. Perhaps based on her experience of not having
the foggiest what to feed Malia and Sasha, Mrs. Obama has reformed the school lunch program in public schools.
Obama Tells the Congress 'It's Unacceptable' To End My School Lunch Program. House Republicans are
trying to end Michelle Obama's school lunch initative and the First Lady's not happy about it. She used a
White House event on Tuesday to rally opposition to a bill passed by a House subcommittee that would allow
districts to suspend the program.
Barry Met Shelly: Authoritarian and Totalitarian Psychology of the Obamas. [Scroll
down] Mrs. Obama's "cause" is to tell everybody what to eat for lunch. Sameness and oneness.
The American people are too stupid to feed their own kids. Exhibiting the sine qua non
of the authoritarian, Michelle Obama is famous for becoming outraged if she is publicly challenged or even
questioned. It is no coincidence that SDO [social dominance orientation] chart-topper Michelle
chose to have those special family times in communist China. For an authoritarian personality,
communist China would be the favoritest place in the whole wide world. Much more comfortable than
a speech-dysregulated democracy. Finally, someplace got it right! All those billions of
underlings know how to behave. What a place!
The First Parent
Of The United States. Michelle Obama thinks she knows what your children should eat.
She's adamant about promoting her nutrition policies for kids, even the new and disastrous school meal
standards implementing the "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act." [...] Make no mistake; the underlying
assumption is that federal technocrats and educated individuals such as her need to act on your behalf
to meet the best interests of your children. This arrogance is on display in the current
controversy over the new and restrictive federal school meal standards.
Obama Fights GOP On School Lunch Rules. She's fighting a House Republican effort to soften a
central part of her prized anti-childhood obesity campaign and says she's ready "to fight until the bitter end."
Obama Employs Only 2 Men; Pays Men 46% More Than Women On Staff. At the same time the
Obama administration once again renewed its Equal Pay push, the White House released salary figures
for White House staff. Upon analysis, the Washington Post, among others, concluded that the gender
pay gap (as defined by the White House) that has existed since President Obama was elected is as
wide as it was in 2009, a thirteen percent difference.
Lunches Weren't Enough: Michelle Targets School Bake Sales. In order to comply with
federal regulations, the State Board of Education in Tennessee has announced that schools are only
allowed to host club bake sales, cook-offs, or any other food-based fundraiser on each campus 30 days
per school-year. The board chose this specific number because if a maximum number of days
are not set, schools are not allowed to host any food-related fundraisers at all, according to The Tennessean.
Administrators across the state are lamenting the effect this will have on school club funds.
Obama to Latinos: 'We cannot afford to wait on Congress' for immigration. First lady
Michelle Obama grabbed the political reins during a speech to the League of United Latin American
Citizens in New York City, telling the crowd of admirers not to worry — that her husband
wouldn't wait on Congress to take action on immigration reform. "So make no mistake about
it — we have to keep on fighting as hard as we can on immigration," Mrs. Obama said, to a
cheering crowd, Breitbart reported. "And as my husband has said, he's going to do whatever
administrative action it takes to fix this broken system." Mrs. Obama then vowed that Congress
wouldn't get in the way of her presidential husband's hopes for immigration change.
Obama talks veterans' jobs and homes — but not VA healthcare. This is what it means to be
first lady: you enjoy a 66% popularity rating, almost 20 points higher than your husband's. And you
can give an entire speech about the needs of veterans — for homes and good jobs — without ever
having to refer to the conflagration over their medical care that has enveloped his White House.
Obama's Operation VA Scandal Distraction. Barack and Michelle Obama are quite the
diversionary tag-team. He blames everyone else for his problems. She takes credit for progress on
his behalf that he doesn't deserve and distracts public attention from his avalanche of failures with endless
feel-good photo-ops.
Michelle Obama Wants to Control How You Shop for Groceries. Michelle Obama has been on
a quest to change the way Americans eat, like it or not. Her nutritional guidelines for schools has
resulted in kids throwing away massive amounts of food, a reduction in school lunch program participation,
students, especially athletes, complaining that the food isn't enough to sustain them during the day, and
Special Education programs losing their main fundraising program.
Obama Tells Kids 'Certain Money Interests' Are Trying to Kill Her School Lunch Program. Friday [7/18/2014]
First Lady Michelle Obama hosted the first "Kids State Dinner" in the East Room of the White House, which treated
the 54 children who won a nationwide healthy meal recipe contest sponsored by the food magazine Epicurious
and the Education and Agriculture departments to a state dinner.
Welcome to a government we'll-tell-you-what-to-eat
world. The supermarket 'talking' shopping cart Michelle Obama will use to push her
over-the-top approved food list is a power push over unsuspecting masses, but would serve as the
perfect replacement for her husband's omnipresent rising sun logo. [...] Michelle Obama's
specialized supermarket carts that will notify shoppers when they've selected the right amount of
healthy foods, described in a new 80-page report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Now that they've lured almost 50 percent of Americans onto food stamps, they feel they have
the right to tell them what they can eat.
fundraising spree, first lady asks for 'biggest, fattest' checks. First lady Michelle
Obama jumped into the White House fundraising spree on Thursday [7/24/2014], prodding supporters in
Chicago to hand over the maximum campaign contribution in an attempt to shore up Democrats' chances
in upcoming midterm elections.
Obama expands push to get Americans to drink more water. First lady Michelle Obama
took to the White House lawn on Tuesday [7/22/2014] along with children from a local YMCA and summer camp
to expand the country's "Drink Up" campaign aimed at getting Americans to drink more water.
workers offended by Michelle Obama's claim they serve 'junk food'. School cafeteria
workers, already frustrated that kids don't like menus ordered by Michelle Obama and the Agriculture
Department, slapped as "offensive" the first lady's latest criticism that some school districts have
given up and are just lazily serving junk food.
lady asks leaders to change gender attitudes. Michelle Obama called on young African
leaders to change traditional attitudes and beliefs that harm girls and women, adding that educating
and making women financially literate is not enough. "No country can ever truly flourish if it
stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens,"
Mrs. Obama said. The first lady spoke Wednesday [7/30/2014] to the inaugural class of young African
fellows who are getting six weeks of leadership training in the United States as part of the Mandela
Washington Fellowship.
The Editor says...
Michelle Obama is a radical left-wing political activist. If she were to promote innocuous causes
like literacy, sobriety, freedom, or self-reliance, she would be the typical harmless First Lady, largely immune from
criticism. Instead she advocates issues that advance the nanny state (school lunches), race-based black-only events
and organizations (like the "young African fellows" above) and the leftist destruction of traditional American civil
society through same-sex marriage, affirmative action, and feminism.
Enquirer Keeps Michelle Obama's Name Out of Story on District Ending Federal School Lunches. Fort
Thomas Independent Schools in Northern Kentucky have decided to get out of the federal school lunch program,
specifically because of the requirements imposed in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act championed by First Lady
Michelle Obama. Simply put, the district is tired of being forced to give kids food they won't eat.
Until it ran into problems, HHFA was seen as Mrs. Obama's signature achievement, and the press fawned over its
alleged awesomeness. Now that the program has encountered fierce real-world resistance, her association
with it seems to have vanished from many press reports.
Michelle Obama Has Caused America's 'Best Cafeteria Cookie' To Be Outlawed. An
eruption of aggravation about what American schoolchildren can no longer eat in school cafeterias is
never far away in the Obama era. Now, thanks to federal intervention that first lady Michelle has
made her signature issue, students in all 11 taxpayer-funded public schools in Elyria, Ohio cannot
enjoy the famous Elyria pink cookie anymore. This cookie is no ordinary cookie, according to The
Chronicle-Telegram, the Cleveland suburb's local newspaper. It's a velvety, cake-like,
scrumptious delicacy glazed with a huge dollop of sugary pink icing. Cleveland magazine dubbed the
Elyria pink cookie the "Best Cafeteria Cookie" in 2009. Locals will even call up asking for special
bulk orders of the tasty treat.
Obama's World — We Control Any Space We Occupy And We Occupy Any Space We Choose. While
we were shooting on Beach Road, one of the busiest thoroughfares on the Vineyard, the Secret Service approached
and asked us to switch off our camera for 15 minutes. A moment later, first lady Michelle Obama power
walked by our crew. [...] Our producer and cameraman were surrounded by Secret Service agents and very strongly
advised to stop filming. At one point, Mrs. Obama looked in their direction and said, "Don't do that."
It's unclear if she was telling the agents to leave us alone, or scolding us for filming on public property.
Obama: Americans 'Take for Granted' How Much Barack Has Improved US. First Lady Michelle Obama proudly defended her husband's
record at a Washington, D.C. fundraiser, reminding the attendants how far the country had come since the Obamas entered the White House.
"Just think about how different our country looks to children growing up today," she said. "Think about how our kids take for granted
that a black person or a woman can be President of the United States."
The Editor says...
Excuse me for noticing: Black liberals are quick to inject race into every conversation.
Michelle Kvetches to Children with
Cancer. After admitting that she dislikes "selfies" but agreeing to be part of an "ussie," and after discussing flying
her dogs around on Air Force One, the first lady became painfully honest. So much so that she even complained to youngsters battling
childhood cancers about the misery of living in the White House and being married to a guy who, besides being the president of the United
States, spends an inordinate amount of time on the golf course.
Michelle Obama really campaigning for? All first ladies do some political work, even
if just introducing their spouse or decorating the stage. During her husband's terms, for instance,
Laura Bush did scattered fundraisers for select political friends. But Mrs. Obama has been
politically involved since being hired into the Chicago mayor's office by — wait for it —
the same Valerie Jarrett who now accompanies Barack Obama everywhere but the men's room.
Obama warns Senate control, impeachment, rests on 'few hundred votes'. First lady
Michelle Obama, going to bat for Senate Democrats amid reports she is abandoning them on the
campaign trail, is warning that control of the chamber and the potential Republican impeachment of
her husband rests on just a few votes.
Blames 'This Country' For Female Vet's Unemployment. Michelle Obama says that America
is responsible for a female veteran's unemployment. She's been given the cover in the Oct. 14
issue of Redbook to tout the administration's claimed support for women veterans, just three weeks
before the Nov. 4 election. She returned the favor by blaming Americans for their shared
economic difficulties.
Obama is sincerely supporting what's-his-name. Michelle Obama is inevitably thrilled
to be wherever she is. Of course, she's only the celebrity face brought in to attract media
coverage, mainly television with its larger superficial reach. She's not preaching to anyone in the
crowd. They're mere choir props. She wants to reach the "folks" at home and ensure they remember the
candidate's name. And like crows to roadkill, local broadcast media fall for it every time everywhere.
The event is often their lead-off story with a live-shot from the scene, including interviews of breathless
attendees helpfully steered to the cameras by campaign staff. Regardless of party, these schticks are
as phony as your deadbeat uncle suddenly calling with warm wishes after you win the lottery.
Obama Stumps For Candidate, Calls Him Wrong Name SEVEN Times. First Lady Michelle
Obama attended a campaign event in Iowa today for Democratic Senate candidate Bruce Braley. Only
problem was, Michelle accidentally called the man she was stumping for the wrong name... seven times.
Media Meme: Michelle MEANT To Flub Candidate's Name!. Yes, seriously. Not one, not
two, but three prominent media figures are floating the idea that Michelle Obama (and Bill
Clinton, apparently) intentionally butchered Iowa Senate candidate Bruce Braley's name seven times
last Friday [10/10/2014].
Obesity Increased During First Two Years of First Lady's 'Let's Move' Program. In the
first two years since First Lady Michelle Obama launched her 'Let's Move' campaign to fight
childhood obesity in 2010, teenage obesity rates increased, according to data from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). From 2009-2010, 18.4 percent of children ages 12-19 were
classified as obese, according to the CDC. Since then, from 2011-2012, one in five children ages 12-19
or 20.5 percent, were classified as obese, an increase of 11.4 percent. The CDC has been
tracking these data since 1966-1970, and at that time only 4.6 percent of teens were classified as obese.
The life of the party: Michelle
Obama: Just Eat One or Two Pieces of Candy on Halloween. First Lady Michelle Obama shared some advice for trick-or-treaters this Halloween
advising them to only eat one or two pieces of candy per night. "Trick-or-treating can be a lot of fun, but just remember, don't try to eat all
your candy at once, just have one or two pieces every night for a little while," she explained to a little girl during an online Q-and-A.
Obama insults Democrat voters. You can tell that Democrats are starting to panic. They
are saying stupid things. Add to the list that includes Wendy Davis, Alison Grimes, and Mark Udall
the name of First Lady Michelle Obama. She resorted to mocking Democrats as lazy and ungrammatical
in hopes of motivating her dispirited base to the polls.
DIY! How To
Glare Like Michelle Obama. The first lady is known for her unwavering death stare, and
its icy intensity will surely go down in history. The look could make Tex Watson shudder, and at
times, makes us wonder if the president needs Secret Service from his own wife.
She's already immersed in politics, if you haven't noticed. Will
Michelle Obama go into politics next? Michelle Obama is being urged by her husband's
true believers to move to California when she leaves the White House and to pursue the US Senate
seat expected to be vacated by Dianne Feinstein in 2018. [...] The first couple haven't said where
they'll go when Barack Obama leaves office in 26 months, but Los Angeles is the leading contender.
down the homestretch. From the White House to the Georgia Democratic Party, to the
gutter from which Al Sharpton spins his hateful rhetoric, the Democrats' race-baiting machine is in
full gear in a furious effort to drive blacks to the polls. Because her husband's unpopularity
makes his presence politically toxic for liberal candidates, first lady Michelle Obama is traveling
the country stumping for Democrats. In what is a new low for a first lady, her get-out-the-vote
speeches are laced with race-baiting terms.
Keywords: Carpetbagger, entitlement, dynasty, political payback. Senator
Michelle Obama? Is the first lady eyeing a Senate seat? Is Michelle Obama gunning for
Sen. Dianne Feinstein's California Senate seat in 2018? That's the rumor, according to Orb
Magazine, a new gossip site out of the Bronx. In an article published last Thursday [10/23/2014],
the magazine speculated that the first family has its sights set on California post-White House, and
the first lady on a possible Senate seat.
Michelle, It's Because You're Black. Michelle Obama wants you to feel bad for her, and
for Barack, because they are black. "I think people forget that we've lived in the White House
for six years," Michelle says in People Magazine. "Before that, Barack Obama was a black man that
lived on the South Side of Chicago, who had his share of troubles catching cabs." Oh, the horror.
Why didn't the emperor clean up Chicago neighborhoods with his pen and his phone while he was
there? Cabs likely would have stopped more frequently if the city, especially the South and West
Sides, wasn't infested by crime.
Obama's Story of Racism at Target is a TALL TALE. The conservative twittersphere blew
up when Michelle Obama gave an account of the racism she faced when shopping at Target and a shorter
woman asked her for help reaching something on a top shelf. [...] But, back in 2012 in an interview
with David Letterman, she talked about the incident and didn't ascribe any racism to the interaction[.]
It's Called Obama Privilege.
Word to the wise: The next time someone asks you to help them with an item on a shelf, they're obviously racist.
Obama's Tall Tales of Racialized Victimhood. Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe that
it is part of the "regular course of life" of tall people of all colors (Mrs. Obama is 5-foot-11) to
be prevailed upon to reach high on behalf of those of us who are vertically challenged. These are
not odious "incidents" of racism between slaves and masters. They're matters of common courtesy
between equals. So overcome your ridiculously hypersensitive, privileged self and deal with it, girl!
Hey GQ,
can't find any crazy Democrats? Here are 16. [For example,] First Lady Michelle Obama:
"There's too much money in politics ... Here is something you can do right now today to make a
difference, and that is to write a big, fat check."
Barack and Michelle Obama Victims
of Racism? Let's face the truth, shall we. Michelle Obama does not like white people
and I strongly suspect she's not a big fan of America. Who can forget what she said in 2008 "for the
first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback."
Nothing to be proud of a country like ours unless she and her husband are glorified as saviors? [...] Barack
Hussein Obama and Michelle Obama are the two luckiest people on earth, black or white. They have about as
much in common with the poor blacks in the ghetto on Uncle Sam's plantation as I have with the Queen of England.
Continue Under Michelle O's Lunch Rules. Desperate students are still taking to
Twitter to reveal the horrors of school lunch under First Lady Michelle Obama's rules, including
empty chicken nuggets and complaints that meals taste like "prison food." While the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) raves about "locally sourced chicken sandwiches" that meet
nutrition standards served in a school district in South Carolina, students across the country
complain about what they are eating under the new rules.
Obama Praises Movie-TV Industry for Promoting Same-Sex Marriage. Speaking to a group
of television and screenwriters in Washington, D.C., on Friday [1/30/2015], First Lady Michelle Obama praised
the movie and television industry in the United States for promoting same-sex marriage. "Every
day, through the movies and TV shows and ads you all create, you have the power to shape our understanding
of the world around us," said Mrs. Obama. "You challenge our most strongly held beliefs. You
influence our opinions on current events."
Lady: kids will 'eventually' embrace new school lunches. In an interview with Cooking
Light magazine to mark the fifth anniversary of her Let's Move initiative, the first lady says that
she sees the effort as "generational." Eventually, Obama argues, schools will be filled with
children who never knew meals that did not conform to new nutritional standards. "We're really
thinking about the kids who are kindergartners today," Obama said. "If all they know are whole
grains and vegetables, by the time they're graduating from high school, this will be their norm;
they won't know anything different."
Obama Says Ditch Your Boxed Mac & Cheese. According to the company's website, Kraft
Mac & Cheese is not only "The Cheesiest" mac and cheese type product out there, it's also "part of a
balanced meal," if you add in some veggies and force your child to drink milk. [...] But because the
box meal is enjoyable, practical, low-cost, filling and nutritionally viable, it has clearly come
under fire from the White House, whose matriarch has banned it from the kitchen outright.
Obama's Personal Fight Against Boxed Macaroni And Cheese. Celebrating the fifth
anniversary of "Let's Move!" First Lady Michelle Obama explains to Cooking Light magazine
that she had to get empowered in her own household to eliminate processed food. Part of that
experience was her personal fight against boxed macaroni and cheese, which, she admits, her kids loved.
A Handful
of Cheese Dust. Shunning convenience foods is easy when you've got a taxpayer-subsidized cooking
staff whipping up four-course feasts every night. Those boxed meals you spit upon are affordable and
easy to store, and last a long time. For someone who pretends to be sympathetic to working-class and
middle-class families, Her Royal Highness sure has a funny way of showing it.
Walker-Stupid, Obama-Genius Myth. [Scroll down] Michelle Obama's experience
testifies to the same. "Told by counselors that her SAT scores and her grades weren't good enough
for an Ivy League school," writes Christopher Andersen, "Michelle applied to Princeton and Harvard
anyway." Admitted to Princeton, Michelle struggled. Biographer Liza Mundy charitably describes her
senior thesis as "dense and turgid." The less charitable Christopher Hitchens observed, "To describe
[the thesis] as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be 'read' at all, in the strict sense of
the verb. This is because it wasn't written in any known language." Still, Michelle was admitted
to and graduated from Harvard Law.
Secret Ski Trip Revealed by a Smashup. Now, three days after the fact, we find out
that after sending Dad packing for the weekend, Michelle and the girls quietly boarded an expensive
Air Force jet and headed to the Tiehack home of the owners of the Aspen Skiing Co., Jim and Paula
Crown. As 21 Coptic Christians were being beheaded and 17 Kurds were being paraded around in
cages with threats of being burned alive, and while radical Islamic terrorists shot up cafes and
supermarkets, crucified children, and vowed to conquer Rome, an undeterred Mrs. Obama focused like a
laser beam on Buttermilk Mountain.
King Barry.
Obama is a lawless leader, choosing to rule by memorandum, regulation and executive order — he is
not a president; he is a king. [...] Just look at what our king has done in his first 6 years.
Through Michelle's school lunch program, he has decided what our children eat. Did anyone vote for
Michelle? Was she ever elected to anything? Why does she get to decide school menus? Why
is a celery stalk and one peanut (originally it was 2 peanuts and a celery stalk, but she didn't like
the optic), the new school lunch?
Only Person Who Could Beat Hillary Clinton Is Michelle Obama'. Was he serious? It
certainly wasn't obvious that conservative commentator Ben Domenech was kidding when on today's
[3/8/2015] Up With Steve Kornacki he said that "the only person I think who could beat
Hillary Clinton is Michelle Obama." Domenech's comment came during a segment on the subject of who
might jump into the race should Hillary decide not to run. The mere fact that there was such a
segment suggests that the controversy over Hillary's email might not be the much ado "about nothing"
that some claim.
Says Michelle Obama 'Ruined Taco Tuesday'. It looks like First Lady Michelle Obama has
a new critic over the controversial federal school lunch program that she's championed. A
Louisiana second-grader named Trip Klibert wrote a letter to the first lady when he noticed some
changes to his school lunches that he didn't care for.
Obama Dances with Ellen DeGeneres to Promote 'Let's Move' Campaign. Michelle Obama is
"going Hollywood" with her "Let's Move" health and fitness campaign. While President Obama was
occupied Thursday [3/12/2015] reading "mean tweets" about himself on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live,
the First Lady was busy taping Friday's episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Before the
spot deteriorated into a choreographed dance routine, Obama informed Ellen she was on set to promote
more healthy living and issued a social media challenge.
Obama blocked from releasing video commenting on the 2011 shooting of Gabby Giffords: book. First
Lady Michelle Obama was so disturbed by the tragic 2011 Arizona shooting spree involving then-Rep. Gabrielle
Giffords and other victims that she recorded a video about it — but her husband's office wouldn't
release it publicly. "The West Wing preferred the President to take the lead, and to be seen as taking
it," veteran journalist Peter Slevin wrote in an upcoming biography "Michelle Obama: A Life," due out in April.
The Editor says...
I presume that "her husband's office" is another way of saying, "Valerie Jarrett." And what kind of feminist
leader stands in the shadows because her husband won't let her publish a video or express her opinion?
Obama: I Can't Open The Windows At the White House. During an appearance on the
"Ellen" show, First Lady Michelle Obama explained that she missed "open windows" not only in her
car, but at the White House. "The one thing that people don't realize is that we can't do little
things like open windows," she said. "I look forward to getting in a car and rolling down the window
and just letting the air hit my face." Obama added that she hadn't been in a car with open windows
in about seven years.
The Editor says...
I'll bet the air hit Michelle's face while she was in Hawaii for two weeks at our expense.
Obama's mother was worried about her daughter marrying a biracial man. Long before
Michelle Obama became First Lady, her mother had misgivings about her marrying a young man named
Barack Obama — because he was biracial. In a Chicago TV interview that aired during
Obama's 2004 U.S. Senate campaign — and newly resurrected by Michelle Obama biographer
Peter Slevin in a book due out next month — Marion Robinson confessed to being "a little
bit" wary about her future son-in-law being the product of a white mom and black dad. But it
could've been worse, according to Robinson. "That didn't concern me as much as had he been
completely white," Robinson laughed in the appearance on WTTW's "Chicago Tonight," which was
scarcely noticed at the time.
Obama's mom was wary about her daughter marrying a man of mixed race. A new biography
of Michelle Obama has revealed that her mother was initially suspicious of her future son-in-law
because he was of mixed race. Barack Obama's father was from Kenya and his mother was a white
woman. His parents met in Hawaii although his father abandoned his family when the future president
was aged just two. The claim is contained in a new biography of the First Lady written by
Washington Post correspondent Peter Slevin.
This bigot lives in the White House at our expense. 10
Surprising Discoveries About Michelle Obama from Her New Biography. [#5] Her mother
was wary of Barack's biracial heritage. "That didn't concern me as much as had he been completely
white," Slevin quotes Marian Robinson as saying. "And I guess that I worry about races mixing
because of the difficulty, not so much for prejudice or anything. It's just very hard."
Obama: Americans Should Drink Unsweetened Tea. The First Lady of these United States
is now urging Americans to stop drinking sweet tea. Yes, friends, you heard correctly.
Mrs. Obama has declared war on the House Wine of the South. It's all part of her anti-obesity
campaign, called Let's Move. The website Free Beacon was the first to report on her latest
culinary atrocities, urging us to wash down our lettuce and bean sprouts with unsweetened tea.
Obama in Japan Strikes Again. Stopping in Japan before heading toward Cambodia,
Michelle gleefully ran up exorbitant bills on travel and car service, tripped over her own feet, and
scared [...] a few small-statured Asian people. In addition to revealing her clumsiness on the world
stage, while in Japan Mrs. Obama worked out her biceps on a Taiko drum, counted red gates at the Fushimi
Inari Shrine, had tea at the Kiyomizu-Dera Buddhist Temple, and ate raw fish out of a dainty Bento box. [...]
Michelle broke from lecturing Japanese schoolchildren — who run rings around American students
in cognitive learning skills — to deliver a cheerful video message of personal pain transformed
into future empowerment.
Show' Sasha and Malia Teach America a Valued Lesson. [Scroll down] For lack of
a better explanation, what Sasha's and Malia's absence may indicate is that Barry and Michelle
cannot get their own children to obey, which may be why the FL/POTUS spend most of their time
bossing Americans around and treating grown adults like adolescents. No, I mean really.
From the looks of things, unlike Caroline Kennedy, it appears that Michelle can't get her children to do
what she wants them to do, which may explain why she takes out her frustration on 300 million
strangers by issuing unreasonable decrees ranging from what we should eat to how much our children
should weigh. Sasha and Malia refuse to go to Asia, and the next thing you know, Michelle
endeavors to re-establish a sense of authority by mandating that American children who aren't hers
be weighed like piglets at government-funded daycare centers.
House chief florist resigns — wilted under pressure from first lady? The
official story is that Chief Florist Laura Dowling simply left her position earlier this year.
But a source familiar with the situation confirmed to Fox News that she "resigned." Reportedly, she
was even escorted from the building — and this was preceded by a clash over aesthetics with
first lady Michelle Obama. The Washington Post first reported on the fresh-cut drama earlier this
week, with a source telling the newspaper Dowling was escorted out on Feb. 13 after nearly six years
on the job.
prime minister criticizes Michelle Obama visit. [Scroll down] "Her mission is
very good, but I suggest the United States should help completely and not play like this," the
Cambodian prime minister said. Obama's visit has led to a request from his education minister on
Tuesday for state university scholarships for the 10 students who met with Obama on Saturday
[3/28/2015]. "What if she chose 300 students? It would be death. I don't have that
money to give."
dictator not happy with Michelle Obama. Soon after she returned from her Asian trip,
Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen criticized the first lady's international "Let Girls Learn"
initiative as a public relations ploy. Sen has been in power for 30 years and, according to several
human rights groups, "stifles those who pose a threat to his rule." In a previous post I suggested that
Mrs. Obama be careful not to rile the prickly dictator while she was visiting his country. Now Sen has
accused Michelle of "playing around" and giving false hopes to Cambodian girls who want to go to school.
Sen also implied that the first lady's meaningless talk has left him holding the bag, potentially damaging his
public image.
cost for Michelle Obama's 2-day Cambodia visit included 85 rooms, 5 suites for 14 nights! Mrs.
Obama traveled to Siem Reap, Cambodia on March 21 to promote a girls education initiative. A
contract was awarded on March 3, citing the "unusual and compelling urgency" of the First Lady's trip.
Mrs. Obama and a delegation of senior high-level U.S. government officials stayed at the Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra
Golf and Spa Resort, according to a justification and approval document for the visit. The trip required
85 single rooms, five office suites, five sleeping suites, and one conference room for 14 nights. Mrs.
Obama herself only stayed in Cambodia for two days, leaving on March 22. The Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra
is listed as a luxury five-star hotel.
Obama: 'Our Government... Outlawed Indian Religions'. On Wednesday [4/8/2015], First
Lady Michelle Obama addressed a gathering at the White House that focused on the topic of creating
opportunity for Native American youth. The White House posted her prepared remarks online.
O Can't Remember How Long She's Been Married. At the Take Your Daughters and Sons to
Work Day event at the White House Wednesday [4/22/2015], first lady Michelle Obama had a hard time
remembering how long she and the president of the United States have been married.
the First Lady, America's Museums Aren't Institutionally Racist. The dedication of New
York City's new Whitney Museum — a $420 million, nine-story behemoth, under construction
in Manhattan's meatpacking district for the past five years — was an occasion for
celebration. Leave it to an Obama to employ the occasion for racial scolding.
Michelle Obama: Blacks have been 'frustrated
and invisible' for 'decades'. First Lady Michelle Obama urged students at Tuskegee
University, a historically black university in Alabama, to remain involved in civic life during a
time of tension regarding race relations across the country. At the school's commencement
address, the First Lady listed scenarios in which African-Americans feel they encounter systemic
discrimination, such as "nagging worries that you're going to get stopped or pulled over for
absolutely no reason." She said those feelings are "real," but disengaging is not an option.
"I want to be very clear that those feelings are not an excuse to just throw up our hands and
give up. Not an excuse. They are not an excuse to lose hope. To succumb
to feelings of despair and anger only means that in the end, we lose," Obama said.
The Editor says...
Her husband the President is black, the black Attorney General was just replaced with
another black AG, the head of Homeland Security is black, etc., yet Michelle still looks
forward to the day when the shtruggle will be over and blacks will be free to walk
the shtreets.
The very next day, this article hit the news wires: Guggenheim
accused of racism after high school kids are booted. The Upper East Side museum banned
a Brooklyn high school for life after its students were deemed too rowdy on a recent visit —
a move that some call discipline and others discrimination. A group of about 80 kids from
Downtown Brooklyn's Science Skills Center HS were kicked out after just 20 minutes after a student
allegedly spat off the museum's swirling rotunda lobby and another threw a penny off its winding walkway.
The coin was rumored to have hit a security guard. It was only a handful of troublemakers, but the
whole group of ninth- and 10-graders got the boot, with the museum forcing them to wait outside for an
hour for their bus to arrive.
Life As First Lady Takes Toll On Michelle Obama Because She Is Black, She Complains.
Globetrotting, Ivy League-educated, Marchesa gown-wearing first lady Michelle Obama's commencement
address at Tuskegee University on Saturday described the trials and tribulations she believes she
has faced as the first black first lady in American history. The intense media scrutiny,
occasional critical and disparaging remarks — it's all too much and she said it has led
to sleepless nights either in the White House or in posh, five-star hotels where she and her retinue
stay, according to The Hill.
Obama Lets Loose on Race in Graduation Speech. First lady Michelle Obama isn't holding
back. During a commencement speech at Tuskegee University on Saturday [5/9/2015], Obama spoke
frankly about the role her racial identity played during the 2008 presidential campaign.
Some Black Lives Matter More Than Others. Lady M gave the commencement address
yesterday at Tuskegee University and it included all her usual grace, personal insight, and
patriotism. [...] Odd, given that so many blacks in America have overcome obstacles to emerge
prosperous — Lady M, Big Guy and ValJar among them — that these
same people spend so much time picking at the scab of racism.
Obama Should Have Read the Founder of Tuskegee University Before She Spoke There.
America's race-baiting FLOTUS knows nothing about great American civil rights leader, accomplished
scholar, and founder of Tuskegee University, the late Booker T. Washington. [...] Michelle is
clearly unaware that in 1901 inviting a black man to dine at the White House was socially scandalous.
Yet on behalf of his whole race Booker T. Washington accepted the invitation, which resulted in an
assassin being hired to go to the very school where Michelle complained about her life in the White House
to kill Booker T. for eating where she is now catered to like a queen.
pray for Michelle Obama, who must endure 618 more days as our first lady. While hubby
played golf this Mother's Day weekend, Mrs. Obama went to Alabama's Tuskegee University's
[commencement]. Her 3,700 words began in standard form, but quickly became a detailed
recounting of American racism including the famed Tuskegee airmen who overcame it seven decades
ago. Then, her address took a turn we've become accustomed to expect more from her husband:
The celebration of 500 hard-won graduations became instead a speech more about her. To hear the
first lady tell it, this has been a pretty rough time for her, living in the White House rent-free with
her mother. Many sleepless nights. Taking numerous globe-girdling trips to five-star
suites costing taxpayers in excess of $44 million.
Obama Tells Black Grads That White People Make Life Tough. Michelle Obama has made numerous
racially-charged statements in the past, but none so atrocious as her commencement speech at Alabama's Tuskegee
University on Saturday [5/9/2015]. The historically black school welcomed the First Lady's obscene comments,
cheering as she implied over and over again that they will always judged by the color of their skin by their white
Return of Obama's Hoax-Spreading Bitter Half. At Tuskegee, FLOTUS traded her affable
TV persona for the divisive social justice complainer we all came to know and loathe during her
husband's first presidential campaign. Obama's resurrected bitter half inspired the graduates by
complaining about people complaining about her. She complained about the "sting" of "daily slights"
throughout her life and her poor, beleaguered husband's. And then she complained. And complained.
And complained some more. She clucked at the "folks" (read: white folks) who allegedly "crossed
the street in fear of their safety" at the sight of the Obamas. She called out unnamed "clerks
who kept a close eye on us in all those department stores." She decried the racist "people at
formal events who assumed we were the 'help.'" (Funny, the only time I recall this happening
in the Obama White House was when Valerie Jarrett mistook four-star Army Gen. Peter Chiarelli, who
is white, for her waiter. But I digress.)
Obama Needs To Get Over Herself. [Scroll down] I don't know who was far-fetched enough to
say Mrs. Obama was "uppity." I think it's perfectly normal to travel the world on the super-generous
taxpayer's dime to places like Ireland and Africa, to the tune of approximately $10 million.
A date night in New York for $11,000? Chump change and so truistic. They probably ate at dumb,
cheap places like Per Se or Le Bernardin and just drank water and nibbled on a bread basket, you
know? And it's totally not cronyism to hang out with Gwyneth Paltrow, Jamie Foxx, or George Clooney.
Those people are so pedestrian and dreary. You know what baby mamas cannot do? They cannot afford
to purchase and wear designers like Isabel Toledo and Jason Wu.
first lady and the race card. Michelle Obama can give as good as she gets, and she's
getting a hard time from conservatives over two speeches she gave last week. The first was a
commencement speech at Tuskegee University in Alabama, and the other was at the opening of the new
Whitney Museum of American Art in downtown New York City. She was accused of "playing the race
card" by emphasizing ethnic divisions, taking offense in a place where none was intended, when she
could be elevating the conversation about what unites us. The National Review calls her a "racial
scold" for suggesting that minority children don't feel welcome at a museum like the new Whitney.
Minority children think that "that's not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone
who comes from my neighborhood."
Shorter Obama: You're Stupid and Incompetent, But
Of Course I am Not. The ostensible lack of self-awareness from Obama with this statement
(along with his usual "you didn't build it" "society's lottery winners" "you need to know when you've
made enough") is really something more. IMHO he just doesn't see himself as one of "us."
There are standards for him & his, and another set of standards for everyone else. I don't believe
I've ever experienced a Presidency where the family has lived, traveled and vacationed so lavishly (and
hobnobbed with celebs) — especially while making derisive remarks about people who actually
EARN their wealth.
Racial Rancor from the FLOTUS. [Scroll down] Well, this year racial raconteur
Michelle is ramping up the agitation rhetoric to a whole new level. For instance, after visiting the
New Museum in New York to talk about drinking more water, dropping in on the Terracotta Warriors Museum in
China, frequenting the Metropolitan Museum of Art where, as honorary guest, she cut the ribbon for the opening
of the Anna Wintour Costume Center and, in time, one day being memorialized in the Smithsonian's National Museum
of American History, Michelle — who, by the way, is black — felt it was fitting to plant a
seed in the heads African-American school children about being unwelcome at museums. [...] To rectify rampant
gallery bias, Michelle challenged color-blind curators to grant children from minority communities free access
to America's museums, because nothing screams long-overdue reparations like a free pass to the MOMA.
Michelle says what this country really needs is more community organizers. Michelle
Obama Urges Activism in Oberlin College Commencement Speech. Urging the graduates to
rally on the Supreme Court steps in support of equality for same-sex marriage, and to help elect a
president who will nominate justices "who decide those cases in the first place," the first lady
argued that her husband would leave the country better than when he took office. "We have
made so much change these past six years," she said.
Michelle Obama goes after s'mores. Michelle Obama and her crusade against unhealthy
food appears have a new target in its sights — s'mores. Her officially endorsed MyPlate Twitter
account is proposing a makeover for the classic American summer campfire treat by replacing the indulgent
chocolate and marshmallow with Strawberry and yogurt — low fat of course. Appalled,
social media was up in arms at the very suggestion that s'mores could ever be tampered with and
angry commenters let fly at the health conscious First Lady.
Michelle O Serves
German Turnip to Kids. First Lady Michelle Obama is growing German turnips in the White House
garden, the Washington Free Beacon has learned. Mrs. Obama offered students visiting the White
House this week a "healthy meal," which her anti-obesity group Let's Move claimed was "harvested from the
Kitchen Garden [Wednesday {6/3/2015}] morning." "The students and First Lady prepared their fresh
garden meal together, mixing seasonal veggies, like broccoli, peas, and kohlrabi, into a delicious lunch
along with grilled honey chicken and noodles," according to the Let's Move blog. Kohlrabi is German
for turnip, and "taste a bit like broccoli stems."
Here we go again, with the shhhtruggle: Michelle
Obama Talks About Race and Achievement, and Makes It Personal. She looked around and
saw herself three decades ago, young and uncertain, from a part of town where success is a struggle,
not a birthright. She knew what they had been through, what it was like to take the long way
home to avoid gangs, what it was like when the family strained to make ends meet.
Mocks Michelle O's 'Burden': It's 'A Really Tough Life Inside The White House'. Columnist Charles Krauthammer panned First Lady
Michelle Obama's Tuesday [6/9/2015] remarks in a high school commencement speech in Chicago, mocking her for talking up the "burden" she claims
to carry with her every day. In an interview with conservative radio host Laura Ingraham, the conservative commentator laughed off Obama's
remarks, saying that she must feel full of "self pity" as she continues her "tough life inside the White House."
for a first lady. Michelle Obama, one of the most popular of recent first ladies (her
approval rating regularly bumps 70 percent), traveled to Chicago the other day to tell a high-school
graduating class how tough the life of a president's wife can be. [...] We're awash in tales of
misery and abuse in an era when everybody, even a first lady, yearns to be a victim. Michelle
has been talking in this commencement season about the sticks and stones thrown at her and the
mister, letting it all hang out in speeches to high-school and college ceremonies across the land.
Obama: Men Are 'Useful'. During a conversation with students in the United Kingdom, First Lady
Michelle Obama told them that men were "useful" for promoting the idea of more education for girls.
Obama In Britain. U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama travelled to the United Kingdom
today, choosing to give a speech on female empowerment while surrounded by hijab-clad girls in the
ethnically "diverse" London borough of Tower Hamlets. But the Commercial Road in Tower Hamlets,
from where Mrs. Obama chose to lecture, isn't ethnically diverse, and nor is the Mulberry School for
Girls that she visited. Tower Hamlets, which only days ago managed to shake off its Islamist-linked
Mayor, boasts a Bangladeshi, Indian, and Pakistani, and otherwise Asian population. At the last census, in
2011, 39 percent of the population self-identified as Christian, while 36 percent identified as Muslim.
Obama misses the irony. Of all the schools in all the towns in all the world, why did Michelle Obama visit a girls' school in the
Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets this week? She says it was her own choice to make a speech on education at the Mulberry School for Girls.
But was it? I doubt the First Lady had ever heard of the school before this trip, and probably couldn't point to Tower Hamlets on a map.
My guess is that the venue was chosen deliberately by the Department for Education to showcase our new, rigorously enforced State religion:
'Celebrating Diversity'.
Michelle Obama announces MORE foreign trips to promote education abroad. Michelle
Obama says she'll do more foreign travel to promote education for girls in developing countries.
The first lady announced a new program earlier this year to help adolescent girls improve their lives
by attending and staying in school called, 'Let Girls Learn.' She since has traveled to Japan,
Cambodia and London to promote the initiative and even stopped to have tea with Prince Harry.
The Editor says...
How very generous she is, to give of her time travelling all over the world and promote the heretofore
unknown idea of sending girls to school.
Obama To Tribal Youth: America Embracing 'Wisdom Of Your Ancestors' On Climate Change.
Speaking to a gathering of American tribal youth at the White House today [7/9/2015], First Lady Michelle Obama
praised their heritage, pointing out the cultural significance of Native Americans to the institutions of the
United States. "Long before the United States was even an idea, your ancestors were harvesting the crops
that would feed the world for centuries to come," she said, pointing out their contributions to music, art,
medicine, and even government.
The Editor says...
Mr. and Mrs. Obama detest the idea that British and European caucasians built America into a superpower,
and they seem to relish any opportunity to revise history. For example, when has anyone ever harvested a crop
that fed the world for centuries thereafter? That's not even good poetry, except maybe in a public school.
Mrs. Obama made this speech to an Indian tribe in an attempt to convert global warming into a matter of state-sponsored
religion, thereby protecting global warming as dogma.
Native Americans *weren't* the original environmentalists. Embracing the wisdom of your ancestors?
Really? Has Mrs. Obama discovered some ancient Indian text that predicted the melting of the glaciers?
Sorry: There's little evidence that Indians had any fundamentally different understanding of the environment
than any other people on Earth. [...] In a 2002 article called "Buffaloed: The Myth and Reality of Bison in America,"
historian Larry Schweikart notes that some Indian tribes cleared large amounts of forest with "controlled burns" for
hunting purposes. They would divert game into small unburned areas in order to make it easier to hunt the animals.
Navy to Ban Fried Food.
Sailors are blaming First Lady Michelle Obama after a report revealed that the Navy is preparing a full ban on fried food.
Blame Michelle Obama For Navy's Fried Food Ban. Sailors outraged over the Navy's plan to phase out
fried foods from its menus have found the perfect vessel for their anger in First Lady Michelle Obama. The
First Lady doesn't set nutrition policy for the nation's fleets. But that hasn't stopped more than two dozen
critics — many of them current and former Navy personnel — from flooding a Navy Times Facebook
thread to blame FLOTUS, who has made combating obesity and promoting healthy eating her signature issues.
Reveal Michelle Obama's 2014 Trip to China Cost Taxpayers More Than $360,000 in Air Transportation Expenses
Alone. Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained records from the U.S. Department of the
Air Force revealing that Michelle Obama's 2014 trip to China cost American taxpayers $362,523.53 in air travel
expenses alone. The First Lady, her daughters, and her mother spent March 19-26 in China, in a trip
highlighted by extended visits to some of the country's most popular tourist sites.
Gets Revenge on School Who Drops Her Lunches. Unfortunately, the Obama regime doesn't
like it when people act against their will, and the school district is going to be paying a hefty
price for doing so. How hefty? Well, they currently receive federal subsidies of $117,000 annually,
which they'll be forfeiting for dropping the Queen Bee's lunch menus. So this school is losing money
that goes to educating American children simply because they don't want to follow the horrid lunch program
that Michelle forces on kids across the country. How is that right?
Barack 'Works All the Time,' 'He Is Never Off'. First Lady Michelle Obama told
college-bound students President Obama "works all the time" and never takes off, adding that young
people have to embrace the reality that success is not easy. [...] "If it's too easy than you are
probably not working hard enough. I am where I am. Barack is where he is because let me tell you
this president works hard. You know, he works hard. He works all the time. He is always reading.
He is always writing. He is never off. Success is not easy so you've got to embrace that reality and then
not think that if you stumble that somehow it's over. Everybody up here knows that failure is a necessary part
of growth and success," she added.
The Editor says...
Really? If Barack H. Obama "works all the time[,] he is always reading[, and] he is always writing," tell us
what he has read, other than the ESPN schedule, and show us what he has written, if anything, in which the grammar wasn't
cleaned up afterward by a White House speech writer. As for the assertion that Barack H. Obama works all the
time, I wonder if that includes the days he spends on the golf course, or flying all over the world in Air Force One.
Because they both care so much about the poor and unfortunate... Michelle
Obama Wears $2300 Dress To Greet Pope. Politico reports that First Lady Michelle Obama, looking lovely and
classy, greeted Pope Francis Tuesday while wearing a $2,290 dress. While the Obamas are not Catholics, this is still a
finger-in-the-eye to a White House guest who frequently speaks out — to wild Democrat applause — about
the evils of excessive capitalism. [...] According to WorldVision, you can feed a child for just $35 a month. Michelle
Obama's dress would feed over 80 children for that month. This choice obviously is contrary to the values of Pope Francis.
But the Obamas' religious values come from elsewhere, a divisive and disturbing place, not a charitable or unifying one.
Obama Wears $2300 Dress To Greet Pope. Both President and Mrs. Obama are disciples of Jeremiah Wright, a racist
Jew-hating Chicago-based preacher. Not long after Obama ascended to the presidency, Wright, Obama's religious mentor
for 20 years, retired to a $1 million, 10,400 square foot mansion located next to a country club and golf course.
Michelle Obama Denounces
Museums and Concert Halls as Racist. Don't ever ask Michelle Antoinette Obama to speak on any topic unless you want to
hear the most privileged woman in the country stridently denounce society for being racist against her kind.
White House In Panic Mode
After Michelle Obama Is Engulfed In Scandal. "As the investigation of Hillary Clinton and her private email scandal is winding
down, it's just been discovered that Michelle Obama may have been involved in an email scandal of her own. The American Medical
Association (AMA) released an obesity study last year that revealed that rates have actually changed less than they did in the previous
decade. Rather than processing that information, Michelle's reps decided to claim that obesity in children between ages
2 and 5 fell from 13.9% to 8.4%. Newly released emails show the White House pressuring the CDC and the Department
of Health and Human Services to focus on this stat and virtually ignored the rest.
Another solo vacation overseas: Michelle
Obama calls for an 'honest conversation' about how women are treated across the world. Michelle Obama called
for an end to 'outdated laws and traditions' preventing millions of girls around the world from completing their education,
in an impassioned speech in Qatar today [11/4/2015]. The US first lady, on a seven-day tour of the Middle East, told an
education conference in Doha that an 'honest conversation' was needed around the globe about how women are treated and how
this prevents millions of girls from finishing school.
Qatar Speech, Michelle Obama Complains About Growing Up as a Girl in America. Michelle Obama went to Qatar to
give a speech on girls education. There, the first lady of the United States complained about growing up as a girl in
America. "[B]ack when I was a girl, even though I was bright and curious and I had plenty of opinions of my own, people
were often more interested in hearing what my brother had to say. And my parents didn't have much money; neither of them
had a university degree. So when I got to school, I sometimes encountered teachers who assumed that a girl like me wouldn't
be a good student. I was even told that I would never be admitted to a prestigious university, so I shouldn't even bother
to apply," Obama said at the Qatar National Convention Center in Doha.
The Editor says...
Boo hoo. I can hardly go on with my day, now that I've heard what a tough life Michelle Obama has had.
ISIS's Dance of Death Michelle Does the Conga. The young people who went to Paris's La Bataclan concert hall
last week went to party and dance. The problem is that 89 of those that jammed into the Eagles of Death Metal concert
ended up dead or missing. A mere 72 hours later, in a stunning display of tactlessness and lack of decorum,
at a White House hosted Broadway workshop Michelle Obama danced. Tearing up the carpet in the East Room, the
FLOTUS danced the Conga with the same enthusiasm she exhibited when boogieing to the "Uptown Funk" and churning out Bollywood
moves on Diwali. Casting 'Paris attack' sackcloth and ashes aside, Michelle invited 40 performing arts high school
students to a festive event entitled "Broadway" at the White House, which will air on TLC on November 26.
Michelle Obama Has Plastic Surgery at Walter Reed on the Taxpayer's Dime. First lady Michelle Obama had plastic surgery,
including a nose reconstruction job which helped alter her African-American facial features. The procedures reportedly were done at
Walter Reed Army Medical Center in complete secrecy during the summer of 2011, according to an exclusive sourced investigation by The
National Enquirer! This block buster news story, complete with before and after pictures of FLOTUS, states, "in a slap in the
face to America's courageous wounded warriors," Madam Obama had work done on her saggy skin, her face, butt, hips, and abdomen.
Allegedly, all or most of this Presidential plastic surgery was done on the taxpayers' dime. Yet this White House, that promised
voters it would be the most transparent in Oval Office history, continues to shroud this saggy skin scandal in secrecy. So much
for Black Pride! So much for Black Female Pulchritude! What makes her reported plastic surgery work doubly offensive is her
over the top hypocrisy in touting Black identity, Black worth themes!
Obamas lament White House Wi-Fi situation.
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama on Sunday [2/7/2016] discussed their traditions for the Super Bowl, as well as the improvement the President wants to make to
the White House for his successor. In an interview with Gayle King on CBS's Super Bowl pregame show [2/7/2016], Obama said that he hopes to have the whole "tech thing" figured
out, adding that there's a lot of Wi-Fi dead spots in the White House.
Obama's Floral Outfits Cost 23 Times Average Annual Salary in Cuba. The two floral dresses that first lady Michelle Obama sported in
Cuba this week would not be affordable for the wide majority of individuals living in the repressive country. US Weekly recently
spotlighted two outfits that Obama wore during appearances in Havana on Sunday and Monday that, according to a [Washington] Free Beacon
analysis, together cost more than 23 times the average annual state salary in Cuba recorded in 2014.
Teaches Argentinian Girls about Catcalls and Chauvinism. Although no one has stopped American girls from learning, the U.S. government
banner Michelle Obama travels the world carrying reads: "Let Girls Learn." In fact, observant American girls like myself have studied how the
FLOTUS cleverly exploits gender-specific initiatives to bilk the American public into covering exorbitant travel expenses. If a girl uses her brain,
it's easy to figure out that every year, after her ski weekend in Aspen, while Sasha and Malia are on Easter break the FLOTUS feigns false concern for
educating girls as an excuse to impose her entourage on world leaders. Annually, in the name of education, Michelle loads up a couple of
Air Force Ones, jets all over the globe, dresses up in expensive clothes, sight sees and mooches a free meal off of whoever is dumb enough to
buy into the ruse. The FLOTUS spends $222K for two nights in China, and in between dancing the tango and eating fried fat cakes in Botswana,
Michelle manages to wangle passing those expenses along to the American taxpayer and does it by preaching to girls, worldwide, on the subject of
racism, victimization, and sexism.
Obama Wreaks Havoc By Repeatedly Rescheduling Graduation Speech. It's commencement season, America, and you know what that
means: Michelle Obama is screwing up a bunch of ordinary people's lives again. This year, the first lady has caused hassle and
hardship for many families of seniors graduating from Jackson State University, reports local ABC affiliate WAPT-TV.
"Surprise," not "gift." Michelle
Obama gives Queen birthday surprise as she decides to accompany US President at his lunch with HM. Michelle
Obama has given the Queen an early birthday surprise by announcing she will accompany the US President when he has lunch with
Her Majesty later this week. Mrs Obama has struck up a firm friendship with the Queen during her previous visits to the
UK, and famously ignored royal protocol to put her arm around the monarch's shoulders in 2009.
Lady Targets Mississippi 'Religious Freedom' Bill in Commencement Speech. In a rare entrance into a politically
charged controversy, first lady Michelle Obama used a commencement speech Saturday [4/23/2016] at Jackson State University in
Mississipppi [sic] to directly target the state's recently-passed "religious freedom" bill. "We see it right here in
Mississippi — just two weeks ago — how swiftly progress can hurtle backward," Obama said.
"How easy it is to single out a small group and marginalize them because of who they are or who they love."
Historically Black Attempt to Malign Mississippi. Last year, the first lady, Michelle Obama, gave a commencement speech at
Alabama's Tuskegee University that sounded more like she was paying homage to black activist W.E.B. DuBois than the school's founder
Booker T. Washington who, as an ex-slave, believed character and hard work were key to improving the plight of the black man.
Then again, Michelle is part of the illiterate gang who ousted evil slave owner Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill without researching
the philosophies escaped slave Harriet Tubman stood for. Wait until Obama, who misquoted MLK on his Oval Office rug, realizes
Underground Railroad conductor Tubman was a devout Christian whose pistol-packing ways mirror Sarah Palin, not Maxine Waters. [...]
Either way, Mrs. Obama is not unlike her Saul Alinsky-trained husband. The FLOTUS also 'sees the world not as it is but
as it should be' and feels it's her duty to set the non-compliant straight.
furious about what Michelle Obama said during commencement speech. [Scroll down] These days, if you're a
Christian, the government has decided to bring its full weight against you. If Christians decline to provide services
to a particular event, i.e. a same-sex marriage, because it violates their faith beliefs and their First Amendment rights,
they should not be prosecuted. But that has occurred in several states in America. So instead of being honest
with people, Mrs. Obama just regurgitated inaccurate talking points. I suppose Mrs. Obama has no problem
with her husband's assault against the Little Sisters of the Poor, who had to go before the Supreme Court of the United
States. Or even the case affecting a private sector company, Hobby Lobby, where again, her husband's administration
legally assaulted that company for its Christian faith.
Shows Michelle O's Anti-Obesity Campaign Is Failing. It's been more than six years since Michelle Obama kicked
off her "Let's Move!" initiative to fight against childhood obesity, and children are as overweight as ever before.
That's according to a new study published Tuesday [4/26/2016] in the journal Obesity. A team led by Duke University scientist
Asheley Skinner studied data from the CDC's National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and found that the
percentage of overweight and obese children between 2 and 19 years old has increased across the board since 1999.
Obama blames scarce playgrounds for high crime, gun violence. First lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday [5/17/2016] linked the
lack of youth sports and playgrounds to higher crime and even gun violence. Appearing with her brother and sportscaster Michael
Wilbon at the Newseum, she said that bored kids are turning to crime.
Scientists: Michelle Obama's
Nutrition Facts Label Not Based on Science. A controversial regulation to update the nutrition facts label that
is part of the first lady's Let's Move push was finalized by the Food and Drug Administration on Friday, and scientists are
warning the new label is not based on sound science. The changes to the nutrition facts label, which first lady Michelle
Obama will announce Friday when she speaks at the Let's Move-aligned Partnership for a Healthier America, requires food
manufacturers to list added sugars, which scientists say lacks "scientific rigor." The label will also cost companies
at least $640 million to update, and a net social cost of $1.4 billion.
Lady Michelle Obama: 'So Many Communities Are Becoming Play Deserts'. At a summit by the Aspen Institute's
Project Play, first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday [5/17/2016] that some U.S. communities are "play deserts," because they
don't have sufficient opportunities for kids to participate in sports and other outdoor activities, compared to wealthy
communities. "So many communities are becoming play deserts, but in wealthy communities, there is a wealth of
resources. You can be in field hockey, or you can learn how to swim. There are aquatic centers and —
I've seen the difference. The disparities are amazing to me," she said.
The Editor says...
That's right, Michelle. Lots of nice things happen in "wealthy communities" that don't happen in the slums.
C'est la vie.
Obama's High-Achieving SOTU Guest Just Flunked Out Of College. One of Michelle Obama's guests at the 2015 State
of the Union address was invited because he overcame major obstacles to attend college, but he actually flunked out of school
after just two semesters. Anthony Mendez was a freshman at the University of Hartford when he received an invitation
from Obama to attend the State of the Union. Mendez was chosen for his inspiring personal story.
Obama Tells Oprah How She Deals With 'The Haters'. First Lady Michelle Obama explains how she deals with "the
haters" as she prepares to leave the White House with her husband in January. During an interview with Oprah Winfrey,
the First Lady explained that she learned how to turn off social media and traditional media criticism of her family.
Obama Celebrates Ramadan, Breaks Fast with Iftkar Dinner. As part of her summer trip overseas to Morocco, First
Lady Michelle Obama celebrated Ramadan by joining the royal family for an Iftar dinner at the palace in Marrakesh. She
was joined by her daughters Sasha and Malia as well as actress Meryl Streep. The Iftar dinner is a traditional Muslim
feast celebrating the end of the Ramadan daily fast.
Obama Pledges $100M of U.S. Tax Dollars to Educate Girls — in Morocco. FLOTUS must be unaware of all
the black kids in DC and Chicago that could really use $100M for their failing public schools, since her daughters attend the
super-fancy Sidwell Friends private school, where tuition is $34,268 a year. But that includes hot lunch! Truly, a bargain.
Obama tells Spanish girls how to raise kids 'if you choose to have them'. First lady Michelle Obama slipped in
a pro-choice message Thursday [6/30/2016] while promoting equality for girls in heavily Catholic Spain, giving advice on how to raise
children "if you choose to have them." Speaking to hundreds of young girls and women in Madrid, Mrs. Obama urged her
audience to change "inequalities in our cultures" that hold back women in their daily lives.
Obama Lectures the World on Girl Power. First lady Michelle Obama has wrapped up her six-day "Let Girls Learn"
tour of Liberia, Morocco and Spain. Together with her mother Marian and two daughters Sasha and Malia, the FLOTUS,
under the guise of promoting access to education for 62 million girls worldwide, embarked on a multimillion-dollar excursion
where she ate great food, wore great clothes, hung out with celebrities, and spent $600,000 for one night in Marrakesh.
police officer fired over racist Facebook post saying Michelle Obama is 'fluent in ghetto'. An Alabama police
officer has been fired after sharing what many consider to be racist memes, including on about Michelle Obama, on his
personal Facebook page. Talladega Police Officer Joel Husk was terminated on Wednesday [11/16/2016] from the police
department in the city, Talladega City Manager Patrick Bryant said. Husk shared a meme on his page showing pictures of
Melania Trump with the words, 'Fluent in Slovenian, English, French,Serbian and German' and another photo of Michelle Obama
with the words 'Fluent in Ghetto.'
To Serve Customers You Don't Agree With Is Suddenly Cool Again. To the many things the Trump administration in
waiting has made cool again, add private businesses refusing service to customers based on moral objections. Friday
[11/18/2016], fashion designer Sophie Theallet, who has dressed the current first lady Michelle Obama, offered a preemptive
refusal to hypothetically dress the next first lady, Melania Trump, should she ask for some of her clothes —
presumably not the ones available at The Gap. In her unsolicited letter, Theallet informed the world that a person who
did not ask for any of her clothes would not be getting them.
Who's Dressed
Better? ... is the way HillBuzz.org lampoons the agenda-driven media's insistence that Michelle Antoinette
Obama is "a global fashion icon". Each installment of Who's Dressed Better? compares an outfit actually worn by the "global
fashion icon" Michelle Antoinette with a similar costume worn by someone or something else. It's up to you to decide
who was, in fact, dressed better in each particular matchup.
"We are going to have to change our conversation;
we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."
Valerie Jarrett
Valerie Jarrett's relationship to Barack H. Obama is much like Shari Lewis's relationship to Lamb Chop.
Valerie Jarrett lives in the Obama residence. That's just weird.
Culmination of Marxist Infiltration, Part 1. The Frankfurt "red-thread" was passed
from Marcuse to Ayers and Dohrn and finally to Valerie Jarrett and onward to Michelle and Barack
Obama. FBI files obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the dad, maternal grandpa and
father-in-law of President Obama's trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore
Communists under investigation by the U.S. government. Her father-in-law had a relationship
with Frank Marshall Davis who decades later would mentor young Obama. According to FBI files,
Jarrett's relatives were heavily involved with a group, Communist Party USA, whose mission was to
"fundamentally transform" the American form of government and way of life. Jarrett and her
commie friends were instrumental in working with other Communist Party radicals to elect Chicago
Mayor Harold Washington and Senator Carol Moseley Braun. The Senator had a penchant for
calling close associates, "comrade." Current and former aides said, "Obama has said he
consults Jarrett on every major decision."
Most Destructive Americans of the Last 70 years. [#5] Valerie Jarrett:
The Rasputin of the Obama administration. A Red Diaper baby, her father, maternal
grandfather, and father-in-law (Vernon Jarrett who was a close friend and ally of Obama mentor
Frank Marshall Davis) were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government.
She has been in Obama's ear for his entire political career pushing a strong anti-American,
Islamist, anti-Israeli, socialist/communist, cling-to-power agenda. At the end of Obama's
second term, Valerie Jarrett moved in with Barack and Michelle Obama in their Washington, D.C. mansion.
Jarrett Asks For Donations To Obama Library Ahead Of His Martha's Vineyard Birthday Bash. Former Obama staffer
Valerie Jarrett is asking Americans to donate money to Obama's presidential library, just days before he is about to hold a
celebrity filled birthday bash at his mansion on Martha's Vineyard. Jarrett has a lot of nerve to make such a
request. Oprah Winfrey is expected to be at the party. Maybe she could cough up the needed cash.
Jarrett Denies Obama in Russia Collusion Investigation. Tuesday, during an appearance on Fox Business Network's
"Mornings with Maria," former Obama White House advisor Valerie Jarrett discussed the previous administration's role in the
counterintelligence investigation into the 2016 elections. Host Maria Bartiromo asked if President Barack Obama was
involved in the affair. Jarrett denied it and said it was handled by the intel community.
just nuts to praise New York's 'success' against coronavirus. If only the rest of the country could handle
COVID as well as New York: That's the lament of progressive commentators as COVID cases spike in the Sun Belt and the
South. Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin hailed New York City the other day after it reported no deaths for the
first time during the pandemic. This is what competent government can accomplish, she gushed. Former Obama aide
Valerie Jarrett tweeted, "Short term sacrifice saves lives!!!" [...] This is all perverse given that New York is only now
emerging from one of the worst COVID debacles on the planet.
Alarm bells! Joe Biden is working closely with Valerie Jarrett, who pulled the strings for the last incompetent Democrat president. Biden
cites quote made famous by Mao Zedong during fundraiser. Joe Biden cited a quote made famous by Chinese
communist dictator Mao Zedong during a digital fundraising speech with former Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.
"We've got to get real economic relief into women's hands now," Biden said on Monday evening to the 14 wealthy donors who
attended the digital fundraising session. According to the pool reporter who watched the event, Biden then cited the
Chinese proverb, "Women hold up half the sky." The phrase comes from a proclamation by Mao in the mid-20th century that
helped grant certain rights to women in China. The phrase became commonplace in China at the time, often appearing on
pieces of propaganda in factories or other industrial areas.
Jarrett Calls for Vote-by-Mail in Every State — 'There Is De Minimis Vote Fraud in Our Country'.
Thursday on MSNBC, former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett said because there is "de minimis vote fraud in our country," we
"should have vote-by-mail in every state." Jarrett said, "This week, we launched Civic Cities, where we are working with
mayors across the country. I started in local government, so I appreciate how mayors really do have a touch on what's
happening in the communities. They are extremely influential. So I asked them to help us engage with the
constituents they have. We have 31 mayors off the bat. Many more joined on since then. We're working
in high schools because people who are first-time voters tend to be lifelong voters. We have colleges and
universities. We have the business community engaged."
Jarrett: 'No chance' Michelle Obama will be Biden's VP. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden
has committed to choosing a woman as his running mate. But an Obama family confidante on Tuesday said there's "no
chance" that woman will be Michelle Obama. Valerie Jarrett, a former Obama White House senior adviser, took a hatchet
to the recent speculation that the former first lady would consider joining the Democratic ticket with Biden, who served as
her husband's vice president. "The reason why I'm being so unequivocal is that there just simply has never been a time
when she's expressed an interest in running for office," Jarrett said in an interview with The Hill. "She's not
demurring here. She's not being hard to get. She doesn't want the job."
The Editor says...
Ri-i-i-ight. She doesn't want the nomination, because the Biden/Obama ticket would certainly lose to the Trump/Cruz,
I mean, Trump/Pence ticket, and Michelle doesn't want to go into the books as a failed candidate. Even so, I suspect she
will still complain that a black woman has never been elected to the White House because of racism.
Obviously referring to Michelle Obama: Jarrett
Calls on Dem Presidential Candidates to 'Break with Conventional Wisdom and Announce a Running Mate That's a Woman of
Color'. Former President Barack Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett on Tuesday urged whichever 2020 Democratic
presidential candidate emerges as the leader after the conclusion of Super Tuesday to "break with conventional wisdom and
announce a running mate that's a woman of color," especially if it is Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), former Vice President
Joe Biden or former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Jarrett explained on CBS's "This Morning" that "these are
not normal times" and argued having a woman of color "would send an important signal" heading into the next round of primaries.
The Editor says...
The "important signal" would be that race and gender matter more than freedom and prosperity.
Jarrett Moves in With Obamas to Help Oppose Trump. Former President Barack Obama's closest confidant Valerie
Jarrett has moved in with the Obamas in their Washington, D.C. home and will reportedly help Obama oppose President Donald
Trump. According to The Daily Mail, Jarrett — who lived with the Obamas in the White House during his
eight-year presidency — moved her belongings to the Obamas' new home in the Kalorama section of Washington after
he left office in January. The pair reportedly wants to help lead a charge to have Trump impeached or force him to resign.
Jarrett Moves Into Obama Mansion: Something Wicked This Way Comes. Barack Obama was groomed to be a
community agitator. He would tell you that he was a community organizer, but don't let him fool you. His bible is
Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and trust me when I tell you that this book is not about organizing. It seems that
Mr. Obama is in no way through with politics. He is enraged at the election of Donald Trump, and at the thought
of his "legacy" being drained with the rest of the swamp.
Obama's close confidante Valerie Jarrett has moved into his new DC home. Barack Obama is turning his new home
in the posh Kalorama section of the nation's capital — just two miles away from the White House — into the nerve
center of the mounting insurgency against his successor, President Donald J. Trump. Obama's goal, according to a close family
friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment. And Obama is being aided
in his political crusade by his longtime consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, who has moved into the 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million Kaloroma
mansion with the former president and Michelle Obama, long time best friends.
The Editor says...
Instead of "mounting insurgency," the writer could just as well have said coup attempt. But still, normal people
collaborating on a political campaign don't move in with each other. Unless they're plotting a coup, of course.
Jarrett Lives In the Obamas' Private Quarters? Jarrett's nickname as "the nightstalker" — which she
acquired for her habit of following the President and first lady back to their private quarters — seemed
innocuous. But this goes to a whole other level of creepy, so much so I have a hard time believing it's true until more
sources back it up. Could Jarrett have really been living with the first couple for Obama's whole presidency and the
story is just now getting out? Or did she not move in until after the second term started?
A Jihad
Basis for the Coup. What were the top professionals in intelligence and Hillary's State Dept so afraid
of — so mortally afraid that they gambled their careers to block Donald J. Trump? How did a dozen top FBI
and intelligence officials blunder into virtual treason in a time of war? That is the biggest question today, and we
still don't know the whole answer. But here is a reasonable guess: Obama executed a huge flip-flop in U.S.
policy, one that continued to cover up the 9/11/01 Saudi attack on the U.S., and which also flipped U.S. policy to favor the
poisonous mullahs in Iran. We know two high-level channels for that big flip: Valerie Jarrett (born in Shiraz,
Iran) and Huma Abedin (from a Muslim Brotherhood front in the U.K.).
Appointees in the Communist Orbit. Valerie Jarrett is Obama's closest personal advisor to the present day. She
lived with the Obama's in the White House, had dinner with them nightly and still lives with them in retirement! [...] [Professor
Paul] Kengor discusses new documents obtained by Judicial Watch that show Valerie Jarrett's father was active on behalf of Stalin
in fomenting racial divisiveness in America, as a member of the American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (ACPFB).
ACPFB "was founded by the Communist Party in order to exploit racial divisions in the United States for its own revolutionary
purposes." Its modus operandi was to polarize Americans along racial lines in order to advance the Soviet agenda."
'Scandal-Free Administration' Is a Myth. You often hear that the Obama administration, whatever its other failings,
has been "scandal-free." Valerie Jarrett, the president's closest adviser, has said he "prides himself on the fact that
his administration hasn't had a scandal and he hasn't done something to embarrass himself."
Requests WH Security Clearance Applications Of Obama Era-Senior Advisers. An attorney representing a White
House civil servant being scrutinized by the House Oversight Committee wants the security clearance applications of senior
Obama White House staff including Valerie Jarrett, Jay Carney and Ben Rhodes. The White House security application of
National Action Network President Al Sharpton was also requested.
Obama Adviser's
Book is Ranked 1,030 on Amazon. How Did It Make NYT's Bestseller List? Valerie Jarrett, a top adviser to
former President Barack Obama, published a book that ranks dismally on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble, but was placed on The
New York Times Best Seller list. Anomalies around the book's sales figures in industry databases have some in the book
business questioning whether Jarrett, who's rumored to have received a million-dollar-plus advance, paid a company to game
the numbers. Her book, which was published April 2, is number 1,030 on Amazon's list of top sellers and has only three
reviews on the site. It similarly ranks 1,244 on Barnes and Noble where signed copies are being sold for less than the
suggested retail for unsigned copies.
says she confronted Obama about 'macho atmosphere' in White House. Valerie Jarrett reportedly writes in her new
book that she confronted former President Obama over a "macho atmosphere" in the White House, where she served as senior
adviser, adding that female staff members initially felt intimidated during his time in office. Axios, which obtained a
copy of "Finding My Voice: My Journey to the West Wing and the Path Forward," reported Tuesday that Jarrett writes that
she told Obama that women "rarely talk" in meetings, adding that "when you aren't there to ask their opinion, they are
becoming increasingly mute." Jarrett also writes that the former president met for several hours with female White House
staffers to listen to concerns and hear suggestions on how to improve the environment at the White House, according to the
news outlet.
The Editor says...
Valerie Jarrett ran the "Obama" White House. If there was anything wrong
with the working conditions in the White House, it's entirely her fault.
Roseanne Barr is throwing
in the towel and leaving the U.S.. Barr appeared on Rabbi Shmuley's podcast and said she's headed for Israel
... first she says for a few months to study, but then she talks about a full-on move — "I have an opportunity to
go to Israel for a few months and study with my favorite teachers over there, and that's where I'm going to go and probably
move somewhere there and study with my favorite teachers." Barr says she made a "fatal mistake" —
apologizing for her racist comment about former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett. She says when the left gets hold of an
apology from someone on the other side of the political spectrum they don't let it go and eventually destroy their adversary.
Jarrett Must Explain Her Clinton Foundation Cover-Ups. Roseanne Barr's racially charged Twitter attack on
Valerie Jarrett should not immunize former President Barack Obama's closest confidante from having to explain why she helped
cover up and therefore enabled the biggest charity fraud ever, the Clinton Foundation. The process begins with asking
why did Jarrett and Obama push former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination?
By July 10, 2015, Hillary Clinton would have been an unelectable candidate had the full truth then been known. On
that day, we have since learned, the FBI opened a full-scale investigation into whether Clinton and her innermost circle of
trusted aides mishandled classified information while and after she served as the chief U.S. diplomat.
10 Most Destructive Americans of My 8 Decades. [#5] Valerie Jarrett: The Rasputin of the Obama
administration. A Red Diaper baby, her father, maternal grandfather and father-in-law (Vernon Jarrett who was a close
friend and ally of Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis) were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S.
government. She has been in Obama's ear for his entire political career pushing a strong anti-American, Islamist,
anti-Israeli, socialist/communist, cling-to-power agenda.
Jarrett Welcomes Socialists Into the Democrat Party. "We have a big tent, and I think there is room for a lot
of voices in our party," Valerie Jarrett said. The former senior advisor and close confidant to the last president
Barack Obama, welcomes Democratic Socialists [they have a more statist platform than Communist Party USA] to the Democratic
Party. She made her comments to the harpies of ABC's 'The View' on Wednesday [7/25/2018]. Co-host Meghan McCain
asked Jarrett if she thinks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the future of the Democratic Party. Cortez defeated the
powerful incumbent Joe Crowley (D-NY) in the primary.
Roseanne Barr 'Apologizes' to
Valerie Jarrett for Racist Tweet. Last night [7/26/2018], the outspoken sitcom star went on Sean Hannity's show
on Fox News and finally addressed the entire controversy that brought down her hit ABC show. And, to the surprise of
nobody, Roseanne wasn't exactly apologetic. In fact, she was her normally caustic self and gave a backhanded apology
to Valerie Jarrett, a former advisor to President Barack Obama. If you remember, Roseanne compared Jarrett to an ape
over Twitter, before deleting the tweet and causing a massive uproar. In the face of the controversy, Roseanne offered
an apology, only to have her show canceled by ABC, then relaunched without her as the lead. This obviously incensed Barr,
as she has dropped a number of comments since expressing her resentment over having her life's work destroyed over a harmless
tweet. In one subsequent remark, Roseanne took back her initial apology, explaining that she mistook Jarrett for being white.
The Editor says...
It is reasonable to infer that if Valerie Jarrett had been white, it would have been safe to make fun of her.
that Dems' unfair race baiting doesn't add up. In the wake of Roseanne's awful, racist tweet comparing former
Barack Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett to an ape, Jarrett took part in a special town hall on race on MSNBC. In it, she
blamed President Donald Trump for the star's racist joke. While sitting next to Al Sharpton, a man who made his name
through racist hoaxes, Jarrett repeated what has become a favorite narrative of the political left — that the United
States, at its core, is fundamentally racist.
comes to grips with Obama's failure. [Scroll down] His ties to terrorists were airbrushed, as were his
drug use, his college transcripts, and even his birth certificate. He was, as they say in Texas, a post turtle, which
is a creature that is on top of the fence post but has no idea how he got there. While Obama filled out his NCAA
brackets, Valerie Jarrett ran the government, turning law enforcement and the intelligence services into spies and plants in
political campaigns. Really, you think that Obama did this only to Trump?
the White House to the Muslim Brotherhood. One of the unfortunate side effects of Roseanne's racist tweet
implosion involving Valerie Jarrett is that it may put off limits the documented influence held by the Muslim Brotherhood in
the Obama administration — influence that was so great that we handed over a loyal ally, Egypt, into its control
for a time. The key player in Obama's administration is the Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. Her role in the Obama
administration has been likened to the mysterious Rasputin in the era of the Russian czars. [...] Then there is Huma Abedin,
wife of disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner and top aide to former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. She is
expected to assume the Jarrett role in a Hillary Clinton White House. Her affiliations and loyalties are also suspect.
Here Are The 5
Worst Valerie Jarrett Scandals. [#2] Ties to the Communist Party and the Muslim Brotherhood:
According to FBI documents released by Judicial Watch in 2015, "the dad, maternal grandpa and father-in-law of
President Obama's trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore Communists under investigation by the
U.S. government." Jarrett's father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, was even listed "on the FBI's Security Index and
was considered a potential Communist saboteur who was to be arrested in the event of a conflict with the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)." As for Valerie herself, she is a well-known "liberal extremist" who
"still has connections to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood."
Jarrett suggests Trump shares blame for Roseanne tweet. Former Obama official Valerie Jarrett attempted Tuesday [5/29/2018]
to make President Trump share the backlash over Roseanne Barr's racist tweet about her, saying on MSNBC that "tone does start at the top."
Valerie Jarrett: What You Won't
Hear on the Evening News. In 2014, [Historian Paul] Kengor summarized the implications of Valerie Jarrett's radical
Communist lineage: "[Barack] Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, worked with the literal relatives of Valerie Jarrett — her
grandfather and future father-in-law — in Chicago's Communist Party circles in the 1940s." In an earlier piece, Kengor put
it this way: "So, imagine where we are today: Barack Obama, Frank Marshall Davis's political godson, and Valerie Jarrett,
daughter-in-law to Vernon Jarrett and granddaughter of Robert Taylor — men with links to pro-Stalinism — are the two dominant figures
in the White House, the power center that battled the USSR throughout the Cold War." In July 2015, Kengor elaborated that James
Bowman (Valerie Jarrett's father), Robert Rochon Taylor (Valerie Jarrett's maternal grandfather), and Vernon Jarrett (Valerie Jarrett's
father-in-law) "were all in Chicago at the exact same time and all operating in the exact same close-knit circles of the city's
Communist Party generally and of a much smaller group of African-American communists specifically." "Even tinier still,"
Kengor added, "they were Chicago-based African-American communist writers, journalists, Party activists, and agitators.
There is simply no way — no way — that James Bowman, Vernon Jarrett, Robert Rochon Taylor, and Frank Marshall
Davis did not know and work together. Unimaginable."
Herman Cain Questions
ABC's Motives For Roseanne Cancellation. Former presidential candidate Herman Cain addressed ABC's cancellation
of Roseanne Tuesday [5/29/2018] following lead actress Roseanne Barr's tasteless tweet about Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett.
Obama and Valerie Jarrett Behind Spying, Trying To Frame Trump. In a Tuesday [5/22/2018] appearance on Fox
News, Newt Gingrich said that he believed former President Barack Obama and some of his top officials — including
Valerie Jarrett — were involved in spying on Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. Gingrich, the former
Republican speaker of the House and 2012 presidential candidate, also said some people — like former Director of
National Intelligence James Clapper — were "in danger of going to jail." Gingrich was appearing on Laura
Ingraham's show after a busy week in terms of revelations regarding the surveillance done on the campaign, which was
apparently carried out in an attempt to find out if there were contacts with Russian officials.
and Obama are Behind Spygate. Unless we assume the FBI went completely rogue, it is inconceivable that the
deployments of personnel to spy on the Trump campaign and make provocative contact with its lesser members could have
occurred without the full knowledge and control of the occupants of the Oval Office. Obama may claim a scandal-free
administration, but after Fast and Furious, the targeting of the Tea Party by the IRS, the Benghazi cover-up, Hillary's
emails, to name a few, Spygate is just the latest. I use the plural "occupants" because while Barack Hussein Obama may
have been nominally the president of the United States, at the heart of every one of these scandals and virtually every
administration move was Valerie Jarrett, who arguably could be considered our first female president.
Rasputin, Valerie Jarrett, Behind Spygate. Unless we assume the FBI went completely rogue, it is inconceivable
that the deployments of personnel to spy on the Trump campaign and make provocative contact with its lesser members could
have occurred without the full knowledge and control of the occupants of the Oval Office. Obama may claim a scandal-free
administration but after Fast and Furious, the targeting of the Tea Party by the IRS, the Benghazi cover-up, Hillary's emails,
to name a few, but spygate is just the latest. I use the plural "occupants" because Barack Hussein Obama many have been
nominally the President of the United States, at the heart of very one of these scandals and virtually every administration
move was one Valerie Jarrett, who arguably could be considered our first female president.
FBI Team That Coordinated Set-Up of Trump Was Pressured by CNN — Guess Who Was CNN DOJ Reporter at the
Time? [Scroll down] Two days later on January 10, 2017, CNN ran the story about the unverified and
salacious allegations made in the anti-Trump dossier with BuzzFeed publishing the dossier within a couple hours of CNN's
report. So how do you suppose James Comey knew that CNN was about to run the salacious anti-Trump dossier back in
January 2017? And who could have been pressuring leaker James Comey with the discredited dossier? Guess who
started working at CNN covering the DOJ around this time? Valerie Jarrett's daughter Laura!
Here are 1,366 well
sourced examples of Barack Obama's lies, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc.. [#414]
On October 28, 2013, Valerie Jarrett, Obama's senior advisor, tweeted: "Nothing in Obamacare forces people out of
their health plans." However, the very next day, CBS News reported: ["]CBS News has learned more than two million
Americans have been told they cannot renew their current insurance policies — more than triple the number of people
said to be buying insurance under the new Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare.["]
Won't Barack Obama Go Away? Why do those who criticize Donald Trump for not being a "traditional" president
fawn over President Obama not being a "traditional" post-presidential citizen? I would say Michelle and Barack Obama
are back in the news, but they've never left the news since the 22nd Amendment mercifully exiled them from the Oval Office
last year. [...] Obama moved into a $5-million D.C. mansion — but only after the wall surrounding the 8,000-square-foot
mansion was completely erected. Oh, and Obama's former senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, moved in with the Obamas,
which is just bizarrely weird.
McCain Takes on Valerie Jarrett for Likening Farrakhan to the Koch Brothers. Friday on ABC's "The View," the
panel took on the controversy over Women's March co-chair Tamika Mallory attending a speech which included anti-Semitic
rhetoric by Louis Farrakhan and her praise of the Nation of Islam leader. Co-host Meghan McCain said, "It's not just
that she attended. She posted a photo to Instagram calling Farrakhan G.O.A.T. which means greatest of all time."
Jarrett Compares Attending Farrakhan Event To Meeting With The Koch Brothers. Today the View discussed
the ongoing controversy over Women's March co-founder Tamika Mallory's fondness for anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. For
the most part, everyone seemed to be in agreement that Farrakhan was a genuine anti-Semite (and anti-white racist) and that
people who claim to be social justice leaders probably shouldn't be hanging out with him. There was one note of
dissent, however. The guest for this segment was former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett who suggested that sometimes, as
a leader, you need to meet with people who you strongly disagree with. "Part of learning to be a leader effectively is
that you have to use your voice and you have to be very clear," Jarrett said. She continued, "Now you work with people
all the time with whom you disagree. Goodness knows I met with the Koch brothers when we were working on criminal
justice or Rupert Murdoch when we were working on immigration reform. But you have to, if you want to lead an
inclusive movement, you have to be clear about hate. And you have to be against it every single time."
Jarrett joins University of Chicago Law School. Add another sweet gig to the Obamas' "first friend" Valerie
Jarrett's burgeoning portfolio of post-White House jobs. Starting in the new year, Jarrett will be a "distinguished
senior fellow" at the University of Chicago Law School, the university announced this week. That's on top of spots on
the boards of Ariel Investments (where she serves alongside fellow Obama family pals John W. Rogers Jr. and Arne Duncan),
Lyft; and 2U, Inc, her roles as senior adviser to Obama Foundation and ATTN:, and her deal with a Hollywood talent agency.
FBI Will Never Recover Its Good Name. [Scroll down] Obama and Valerie Jarrett were involved in obviously
corrupt and highly dangerous communications with the Iranian mullahs, long before Obama got elected. Valerie Jarrett
grew up in a Shi'ite (pro-Iranian) Muslim family, and Jarrett ran a back channel to the mullahs long before the first Obama
election. When the United States "negotiated" a surrender on the nuclear issue with the mullahs, a planeload of Iranian
negotiators landed in Cairo, and a photographer showed them coming off the plane looking drunk and laughing their heads
off. Obama and Jarrett sold out the United States (and therefore also Iran's enemy Saudi Arabia), because both of them
are jihad-symps from way back. This is serious business, and a large number of American voters know about it.
Obama and birthday girl Valerie Jarrett jet off to Las Vegas after Chicago summit. Michelle Obama capped off a
successful two-day summit in Chicago last week by hopping on a jet and flying off to Sin City. The former first lady
headed to Las Vegas alongside her husband Barack's former advisor and current Lyft board director Valerie Jarrett, who was
getting a early start on her upcoming birthday. Jarrett will turn 61 next Wednesday, and to celebrate she enjoyed a
jam-packed weekend surrounded by friends and family that kicked off on Friday with dinner in a private room at TAO Asian
Bistro in The Venetian.
team's 2020 signals spark chatter among Dems. Democrats are expressing concern that advisers and aides to
former President Obama have already begun signaling which candidate they might support for the White House in 2020.
Valerie Jarrett, one of Obama's closest confidantes, and David Simas, the CEO of Obama's foundation, have sent smoke signals
urging former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick to enter the race. Simas, who once served as a top aide to Patrick,
is an ardent supporter of Patrick, sources tell The Hill, while Jarrett has privately told friends that she would do what it
takes to support him. And Politico reported last month that Jarrett believes a President Patrick is "what my heart desires."
Russian Collusion in
Democrat Inner Circle? As I wrote previously, Obama's entire innermost circle were children of communists. [...] Chief among these backers
was Valerie Jarrett, whom Judicial Watch uncovered as another scion of a hardcore multi-generation communist family on the FBI watch list as a possible
security threat to America.
Jarrett: Obamacare Process 'Was All Very Transparent,' 'Open and Honest'. Thursday on a Facebook live event on the Democratic
Party Facebook page, former White House senior advisor to President Barack Obama Valerie Jarrett said the legislative process to pass the Affordable
Care Act in 2010 was "very transparent." Jarrett said, "I mean we had hundreds of meetings. We made hundreds of amendments. It
was all very transparent. The President had a great meeting where we invited in the Republicans for an open press session to answer all of
their questions. It was a collaborative effort. The intent was to make it bipartisan, and the intent was to be open and honest with
the American people. Our scoring was put out for everybody to see because we wanted people to understand before the decision was made what
was at stake and what we were trying to accomplish."
'Not Sure' Why Obamacare 'Ever Became a Political Issue'. Valerie Jarrett, former senior advisor to President
Obama, said the Trump administration is "abdicating" the United States' role as the "world leader" and the "beacon of hope"
by withdrawing from the Paris climate accord. "It is unrefuted science that there are man-made consequences that are
leading to the degradation of our planet. And it was unprecedented to have so many countries, nearly 200 countries from
around the world, who followed the United States' lead on this issue and came to the table and not just the government
leaders but in our country, just hundreds and hundreds of large corporations signed on recognizing that it is not
anti-business to care about our climate — it is not an either/or, it is a both and an imperative," Jarrett said
during a discussion sponsored by the Raben Group in D.C. last week.
Jarrett Wants America to Know She's Not Running for Office, She's More Interested in 'Training' the Next Obama.
Since Hillary Clinton's 2016 loss at the hands of President Trump, the Democrat Party has been struggling to find its new
leader. Even over the course of the campaign season, clashes between Clinton supporters and those of one-time rival
candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) exposed a very real fracture among Democrats — one that party leaders
are still struggling to mend.
Huma Abedin's
Troubling Saudi Upbringing. Allegations concerning Huma Abedin's connections to Islamist groups and actors
devoted to taking down America through a subversive jihad are no secret. But for those in the know about Islam, its
goals and methods — and especially the power of indoctrination — her life story is more than enough for
concern. Born in the U.S., Huma moved to Saudi Arabia (SA) at the age of two. There, she likely spent her
formative years being indoctrinated in the same Islam that ISIS — SA's brainchild — upholds. Just
like ISIS, SA teaches hate and enmity for all non-Muslims; destruction of churches and all non-Muslim places of worship;
fatal consequences for apostates and blasphemers; and, most importantly, the supreme merits of engaging in jihad, which is
not limited to armed warfare, as the apologists often remind us, but literally consists of "striving" — or for our
purposes, subverting — on behalf of Islam.
University Saved From Paying $30K Speaking Fee to Valerie Jarrett. Cash-strapped Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) was
required to pay former President Barack Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett $30,000 to speak at its commencement ceremony until a donor agreed to
cover the cost. NEIU's president declared a "state of emergency" on April 5 amid a budget impasse. Despite the university's
questionable financial situation, its Board of Trustees learned during an April 6 meeting about a contract negotiated with Jarrett to
pay her a $30,000 speaking fee, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.
you pay $30,000 to hear a Valerie Jarrett speech? As public speakers go, Obama aide Valerie Jarrett comes
pretty cheap. She lined up a commencement gig next month at Chicago's Northeastern Illinois University for
30-grand. By all estimates, she's a multi-millionaire anyway, although the Iranian-born American has spent most of her
career in government. And the Obama adviser has few expenses, no apartment rent, for instance. This winter she
joined Barack and Michelle together living in that $5 million mansion they're renting in Washington. As deputy mayor of
Chicago's Democrat machine, Jarrett introduced a young Windy City newcomer named Obama around that city's insular black
community. She also hired a woman named Michelle Robinson. And the rest is first family history.
Jarrett Shamed Into Waiving Commencement Speaking Fee At Cash-Strapped University. Former Obama adviser Valerie
Jarrett is set to give the commencement speech at Northeastern Illinois University, a school which is financially
strapped. The struggling school was somehow going to pay her a $30,000 speaking fee. Then a donor stepped forward
and offered to pay it. At this point, Jarrett finally decided to waive her fee which she probably should have done in
the first place.
Top Adviser Valerie Jarrett's Dad, Maternal Grandpa, and Father-in-Law Were 'Hardcore Communists'. FBI files
obtained by the government watchdog group Judicial Watch reveal that the father, maternal grandfather, and father-in-law of
President Barack Obama's closest adviser, Valerie Jarrett, "were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S.
government." Valerie Jarrett, who served as President Obama's senior adviser and as director of the Office of Public
Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs at the White House (2009-2017), reportedly recently moved in to the Obama home in
Northwest D.C. Jarrett was divorced in 1988 and has not remarried. According to Judicial Watch, Jarrett's father,
Dr. James E. Bowman, a pathologist and geneticist, "had extensive ties to Communist associations and individuals."
The FBI files obtained by Judicial Watch show that "in 1950, Bowman was in communication with a paid Soviet agent Alfred Stern,
who fled to Prague after getting charged with espionage."
Rasputin Moves into the Bunker. Politics, it is said, makes curious bedfellows, and the longstanding
relationship between Barack Obama and presidential adviser and confidante Valerie Jarrett is curious indeed. It had
become curiouser and curiouser with the news that Jarrett is moving into Obama's D.C. home, which is to serve as the nerve
center to the resistance to the presidency of Donald Trump.
weird to check: Valerie Jarrett moves in with the Obamas to plot Trump's downfall. I'm skeptical — of the moving-in part, not
the "plotting against Trump" part. But I'm less skeptical than I'd be if this story were about any other politician and his top advisor. [...] The goal,
allegedly, is to force Trump's impeachment or resignation. Impeachment would be a neat trick given that the House is likely to stay red through the end
of Trump's term. Resignation is negligibly more plausible: There may be enough Obama loyalists in the guts of the federal bureaucracy to dig up
a truly devastating leak about Trump, but even then it's hard to imagine something so bad that Trump would capitulate to his critics rather than try to fight
them off.
Company: Valerie Jarrett Moves Into Obama Mansion to Help Plot "Insurgency". Barack and Michelle Obama
have moved into a beautiful, English-looking mansion just to miles from the White House. In what sounds like the
premise of the least funny sitcom ever, Obama Svengali Valerie Jarrett has moved into the house with the former First
Couple. Their purpose? To mount an "insurgency" against Donald Trump, according to the UK Daily Mail.
Hires Valerie Jarrett's Daughter to "Report" on Trump White House. Who could have possibly predicted that a
third-generation Red Diaper Baby would have been hired by CNN to cover a Republican White House? But, sure, I could
imagine these fair, independent and completely honest journalists hired, say, Mitt Romney's kid to report on the Obama White
House in 2008.
Obama's close confidante Valerie Jarrett has moved into his Kaloroma home. Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh
Kalorama section of the nation's capital — just two miles away from the White House — into the nerve center of the
mounting insurgency against his successor, President Donald J. Trump. Obama's goal, according to a close family friend, is to
oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment. And Obama is being aided in his
political crusade by his longtime consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, who has moved into the 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million Kaloroma mansion
with the former president and Michelle Obama, long time best friends.
CNN Hires Valerie
Jarrett's Daughter. CNN has assigned the daughter of one of President Obama's top advisers to cover the
Department of Justice. The network announced in a press release that Valerie Jarrett's daughter Laura would be one of
four reporters to cover the Justice Department in 2017. The New York Post broke the news that Jarrett had been hired in
September, though a formal announcement about her beat did not come until Thursday [1/19/2017]. Jarrett has long wanted to
work in television news, though being an objective reporter was not her original goal. She told Vanity Fair in a 2009
"Bright Young Things" profile that her chief ambition was to "work as a TV-news legal analyst." Her favorite cause was
"promoting civil rights and social equality for women and minorities."
Daughter of close Obama adviser
will cover DOJ for CNN. CNN has tapped the daughter of President Obama's closest adviser to cover the Department of Justice, The [New
York] Post has learned. Laura Jarrett quietly joined the network in September as a reporter in the network's Washington bureau. She came
to CNN with no experience in journalism. But the Harvard educated lawyer defended companies and individuals against the Justice Department as a
private litigator in Chicago.
Scandals That Valerie Jarrett Overlooked. Over the New Year's weekend, President Barack Obama's chief policy adviser
and closest strategist, Valerie Jarrett, told a talk show host that her boss would have a happy legacy because there was an
absence of scandal in his administration. When first I heard this preposterous claim, I thought I had misheard it.
Yet it is apparently true that President Obama and his team somehow can overlook recent history and behave as if events with
which we are all familiar never happened.
closest adviser says president has been scandal-free. President Obama has been squeaky clean, according to his
closest adviser, Valerie Jarrett. "The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn't had a
scandal and he hasn't done something to embarrass himself," Jarrett said in an interview broadcast on CNN Sunday [1/1/2017].
The Editor says...
Any assertion that the Obama administration has been scandal-free is an outright lie. It is fairly easy to compile a long list
of Obama's scandals. As a public service, I have gone one step further, and have put together
a list of lists of Obama scandals.
Jarrett: Trump's Win Was 'Soul-Crushing'. One of President Obama's top advisers said on Wednesday [12/7/2016]
that Donald Trump's electoral win was "soul-crushing." Valerie Jarrett offered that dramatic assessment during a "Women Rule"
event hosted by Politico. "Obviously we were surprised by the outcome of the election. It kind of was like —
I'm not sure what the right analogy would be — but like a punch in the stomach, let's say. Soul-crushing might be
another description," Jarrett said. "But that's the democracy that we have. The people get to decide and the elections
matter and we have to get about the business of doing our job."
Senior adviser Valerie Jarrett has convinced President Obama to Fire FBI director James Comey after the
election. According to a White House source familiar with Obama's decision, [senior adviser Valerie] Jarrett
and the president held lengthy discussions over the past several days about the political and legal ramifications of firing
the FBI director. The president was furious with Comey for reopening the FBI's investigation of Hillary's emails 11
days before the election, then admitting two days before the election that he couldn't find any cause for taking action
against the Democratic nominee. But the president was reluctant to move against Comey for fear that it would open him
to charges of obstruction of justice.
America on the Brink of Civil War? Valerie Jarrett — Barack Obama's closest consigliere who has lived in the lap
of luxury in and out of the White House — is calling for James Comey's head because the FBI director reopened the
matter of Hillary Clinton's emails only days before the election. As we all know, Comey did this after some 650,000 digital
missives, many from Clinton's server, were discovered on Anthony Weiner's laptop by the NYPD. Obama, however, is a bit
uneasy about Jarrett's hawkishness toward Comey. [...] The bad news is this: As miserable as this endless election season
has been, the aftermath is likely to be far worse.
Jarrett Scolds American For Drinking Beer During A Heat Wave. Don't have fun and drink beer when it's hot
outside, Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said on Friday [7/22/2016]. Jarrett offered the advice during an
organized Twitter chat aimed at advancing a Nanny State initiative called "Beat the Heat." In the chat, Jarrett and
other government officials offered common sense tips on how to avoid suffering heat stroke.
Jarrett: How Much Control Does She Have Over Obama and Clinton? There are a number of things about Valerie Jarrett that are
worrisome. In 1977, while delivering a speech at Stanford University, she was quoted as calling herself an American citizen who seeks "to
help change America to be a more Islamic country." She went on to say, "My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition
of using freedom of religion in America against itself." This is an extremely alarming and even subversive comment, delivered right around
the time that Islamic terrorism was beginning to set its roots in the Middle East. There is more. She is known to have ties to the
terrorist William Ayers. Her father in law, one Vernon Jarrett, is an official member of the Communist party who is also an associate of
Frank Marshall Davis, himself a Communist activist who played mentor to Barack Obama during the future president's childhood. We have here
an Iranian Muslim who has stated her intention to transform America into an Islamic country, her desire to use the nation's freedom of religion
as a weapon against it, and who has highly questionable associates with terrorist and Communist connections. It is bad enough that this woman
has our President's ear; what is even worse is that it seems to go beyond that. Despite being an appointee who was never elected by the
American people, Valerie Jarrett appears to have real influence in the White House.
Jarrett was our First Female President. Hillary Clinton has become the first female nominated for President of the United States
but, should she win the election, she will not be the first female to occupy and control the Oval Office. That honor arguably goes to
Valerie Jarrett, currently Senior Adviser to President Obama. [...] Her power and influence extends to staffing by the White House to a virtual
veto power over foreign policy decisions. Valerie Jarrett undoubtedly had significant input into President Obama's Munich-like deal with
Iran, which kicks the nuclear can down the road to assured detonation over Israel, which Iran continues to threaten to wipe off the map when
it is not wishing "death to America". Her influence over President Obama is legendary: ["]The Iranian-born Jarrett (her parents
were American-born expatriates) is the only staff member who regularly follows the president home from the West Wing to the residence and one of the
few people allowed to call the president by his first name.["]
adviser: 'It is ridiculous to lock people up when there's an alternative'. Sitting onstage at the JW Marriott
ballroom in front of local government leaders from across the country, Senior White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett echoed a
familiar sentiment — one that many in Indiana support. "It is ridiculous to lock people up when there's an
alternative," Jarrett said at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Downtown Indianapolis on Saturday. Jarrett discussed
efforts to move away from mass incarceration, which she said, has resulted in $80 billion in annual spending and an
"unsustainable" criminal justice system. Jarrett said the Obama administration's plan focuses on three "buckets":
early childhood education, reduced sentences for nonviolent offenders and re-entry programs. A day before Jarrett's visit
to Indianapolis, the White House announced a series of programs that officials said would provide job training and education
programs for convicted felons.
First they say they want to have a national "conversation" about guns, and then... Valerie
Jarrett: We Need To 'Drown Out' The NRA. Senior Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett told reporters on a Monday
[6/20/2016] conference call that the way to stop mass shootings is to "drown out" the voice of the NRA.
Jarrett on unique "First Friend" role in Obama's White House. Rarely does one person in the White House have
the influence that Valerie Jarrett has had. She holds the job title of senior advisor, but she's more than that.
The president has said she's his best friend. She told us she's involved in nearly every decision that's made,
including the choice of his chief of staff or who should sit on the U.S. Supreme Court. And that has sometimes caused
friction in a White House that prides itself as being no-drama.
Jarrett's extraordinary family tree. On 60 Minutes this week, correspondent Norah O'Donnell interviews Valerie
Jarrett, President Obama's senior advisor and close personal friend. Jarrett's been at his side for the past seven
years and, unlike some staff members, she plans to stay there.
Jarrett on Obama after office: 'He'll be a citizen just like everybody else'. President Obama will remain in
the nation's capital after he leaves the White House, but he hopes to transition to a normal life when he does it. In a
clip from a "60 Minutes" story aired Friday [5/20/2016] on "CBS This Morning," host Norah O'Donnell asks Obama senior
adviser Valerie Jarrett what it will be like for the current president and his successor to both live in the same city.
"President Obama will be the former president. And he'll be a citizen just like everybody else. And he'll behave
accordingly. Of that I'm sure," Jarrett said.
Jarrett Demands End To 'Gender Biases' In Media And Toys. President Obama's senior adviser Valerie Jarrett is
calling on a group of business leaders and educators to move the world away from "gender biases" in media and toys. "We
know so many of our young children have those biases and it's our collective responsibility to try to change the culture, and
changing culture is not necessarily easy and it doesn't happen overnight," she said.
Iran Scandal and Obama's Consiglieri. This past week, to our astonishment, we learned that the Obama administration
is seriously considering further concessions to Iran, and allowing U.S. dollars to be used to facilitate trade with the
terrorist-supporting regime. Behind this latest concession — behind every action having to do with Iran, and for
that matter most other actions of this so-called "Presidency" — we observe the power of a "consigliere," in name Valerie
Jarrett. Jarrett is the Iranian-born "Senior Advisor" to Barack Hussein Obama, but her true influence is akin to a
"consigliere. [...] Indeed, Valerie Jarrett, who first introduced Barack to Michelle, and whom Obama considers "family"
and "trust[s] completely," has historical parallels.
Jarrett: Cuba's 'Extraordinary' Education System 'Values Every Boy & Girl'. It's difficult to describe just how
brazen the Obama administration is in flaunting its infatuation with Marxist-dictatorships. Take, for instance, the following
Tweet from Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett about Cuba's glorious "education system." [...] Sure. And this is why
desperate Cubans are, at this very moment, flooding our shores seeking asylum. Below is a sampling of the backlash
Jarrett received on Twitter immediately following her heinous comment. [...]
The Election Results Roll In the Chalk Lines Are Being Drawn. [Scroll down] It looks like Lady M isn't the
only White House lady on Barry and Raul's Excellent Vacation Tour who has taken advantage of our skilled cosmetic surgeons on staff
at Walter Reed. [...] [C]heck out Val-Jar! Does she look stunning or what!? It never hurts to get a little touchup, you
know in case you're tapped as a pinch hitter. In the event that something untoward happens to your party's leading presidential
candidate. Unexpectedly. Like an indictment, or something.
Jarrett is the Poster Girl for Chicago's Pension Crisis. The City of Chicago is being fiscally devoured by pension obligations run up
by politicians buying votes. [...] If only there were a way to follow Alinsky's Rule #13: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize
it." Wait a minute — how about Valerie Jarrett, President Obama's supreme consigliere, and, many believe, the de facto president of
the United States, while the nominal POTUS plays golf, watches televised sports, and stays current with the latest TV shows and rap music?
cost of CTA pension express: $2.7M in fees. [Scroll down] The fees are on top of the pensions paid in
2014 to 19 CTA board retirees, including top White House aide Valerie Jarrett, who made $11,132 in payroll deductions into
the board's pension fund and began drawing a $35,660-a-year pension at age 50. Jarrett, now 59, has been paid more than
$306,000 stemming from the nearly eight years she served as the CTA's part-time board chair, records show.
board retirees on pension gravy train. Valerie Jarrett was on the Chicago Transit Authority board for nearly
eight years before becoming a top aide to President Barack Obama. Howard Medley was on the CTA board for a decade before he
was convicted in a scheme involving a CTA fuel contract. Despite their divergent paths, the time Jarrett and Medley spent
there proved lucrative to both of them. They and other retired CTA board members — all of them political
appointees who worked only part time — each came away with five-figure pensions that have cost the public transit
agency a total of more than $3 million over 10 years, a Chicago Sun-Times and Better Government Association
investigation has found.
Inspector General: Powerful Democrat Women Standing in the way of Hillary Indictment. Former Inspector General
Howard J. Krongard says the current FBI investigation should be focused on how material made it from the classified email
system, known as SIPRNet, to Clinton's unclassified private server. "It can't just jump from one system to the other.
Someone had to move it, copy it. The question is who did that?" Krongard tells the New York Post. [...] Even if the FBI
decides Clinton holds the ultimate responsibility for creating the private server, "It will never get to an indictment," Krongard
tells the Post. The decision to act on the FBI's recommendation would have to pass through, "four loyal Democrat
women." Krongard is referring to Loretta Lynch and her deputies Leslie Caldwell and Sally Yates. In addition, Valerie
Jarrett, one of President Obama's top advisers, could weigh in.
Valerie Jarrett is the quarterback and Barack H. Obama is the mascot. Valerie
Jarrett: Obama 'Clearly Within His Authority' on Gun Executive Action. On Tuesday's [1/5/2016] broadcast of CNN's "New Day," Obama
senior adviser Valerie Jarrett insisted President Barack Obama's forthcoming executive action on guns would be well within his authority and that
it is the fault of Congress for the need of Obama to take action. "Let's be specific — the president isn't circumventing Congress,"
Jarrett said.
Valerie Jarrett: "Unleashed &
Unhinged". The term "puppet president" had followed Barack Obama since he came to office seven years ago.
Interestingly, it is also a term Jarrett is well aware of — and has never disputed. If anything, she
appears to take some measure of pleasure out of its connotations. [...] If detractors of the Obama/Jarrett White House were
frustrated before regarding the President's willingness to govern via Executive Order, they apparently will be downright
apoplectic in the coming months of the New Year. Ms. Jarrett is said to have already lined up personally-selected
allies in the Mainstream Media and Congress to aid a "smooth transition" for the coming agenda.
Warn FBI Director Over Anti-Muslim Tone. If true, this is a scenario that appears to pit the Obama White House
against FBI Director James Comey over what reports suggest is an increasingly divisive conflict between Mr. Obama and Mrs.
Jarrett and federal law enforcement officials regarding feared pending ISIS terror threats inside of the United States.
Valerie Obama-Jarrett. Her
control and influence on the President is unprecedented. She commands a staff of nearly three dozen and is referred to as the first
friend of Michelle and Barack Obama. "Thanks to her proximity to the President and first lady, she has become, in the eyes of some
close political observers, the 'De-Facto' President of the United States, a virtual co-president to Chief Executive Obama", writes author
Edward Klein. She is given a 24-hr security detail by the Secret Service, using guards "round the clock" even while shopping, at the
gym, or visiting friends back in Chicago as if she was not only a member of the Obama family, but the President himself.
Valerie Jarrett is the 'De-Facto' President of the United States. ["]We haven't seen anything like this in modern
presidential history. One person who is the best friends of the First Lady and the soul mate of the President, who is the last
person to leave the oval office after a meeting.... goes upstairs to the family quarters, has dinner with the President. Goes on
vacation with them. Has his ear. Is "de facto" President of the United States.["]
Obama Not 'Lame Duck,' 'Really Big Things' Coming. White House senior advisor Valerie Jarrett said criminal justice reform that
reduces the prison population would make America safer. Jarrett also said President Obama is focused on tackling the issue along with
Congress and is not a "lame duck." Obama has directed federal agencies to "ban the box," which prohibits them from asking about an applicant's
criminal history. Jarrett said Obama wants Congress to do the same for federal contractors as well, which requires congressional action.
In addition, the Justice Department has decided to release about 6,000 inmates from federal prison who were convicted of drug-related offenses.
Obama fuels the flames of the anti-cop
movement. Officer Holder was black, as is his alleged killer, but that mattered not a whit to the protesters. One
told Fox News that she hopes Holder's family "realizes that his life is included in the 'Black Lives Matter' slogan." "We're
talking about black bodies being persecuted across the world," she added. This is nonsense on steroids, yet these are the
president's shock troops. Obama and confidante Valerie Jarrett earlier met with the radicals leading the Black Lives Matter
movement and encouraged them to keep going, the group has said.
Jarrett Throws Hillary Under the Bus on the Email Scandal. Obama White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett
threw Hillary Clinton under the bus Wednesday [9/30/2015] at the Washington Ideas Forum, where she told interviewer Andrea
Mitchell that the White House gave Clinton guidance forbidding her from using private email. "Yes, there were. Yeah,
absolutely," Jarrett said when asked if the White House sent guidance to Cabinet secretaries about not using private email.
The Uni-party's 2016 Election
Strategy. The main objective of the political-media establishment and, in particular, Barack Obama is to prevent
any post-election investigation of the rampant corruption in Washington DC. Both the Democrats and the Republicans want to
maintain their standing as permanent political elites, whereby they may continue to treat ordinary Americans as indentured
servants and broker the tax revenues for the benefit of themselves and their wealthy donors. It is clear that the Obamas
and Valerie "Rasputin" Jarrett hate the Clintons and do not want to risk "payback time" from a vindictive and ruthless President
Hillary. The Obama strategy is stretch out the homebrew server scandal to undermine Hillary's campaign through a death by a
thousand cuts.
Jarrett Meets With Black Lives Matter Leaders At The White House. President Obama's senior adviser Valerie Jarrett met with
Black Lives Matter activists yesterday [9/16/2015] at the White House, the latest sign that the Obama administration is involved with the
controversial protest group. Jarrett met with three organizers for Campaign Zero. DeRay Mckesson, Brittany Packnett, and
Johnetta Elzie as well as Phil Agnew of the Dream Defenders and Jamye Wooten, an organizer for Baltimore United for Change were there,
according to a senior White House official who confirmed the visit to Buzzfeed.
Jarrett, White House Meet With 'Black Lives' Activists During GOP Debate. White House senior advisor Valerie
Jarrett and other Obama administration officials spent Wednesday evening [9/16/2015] meeting with several #BlackLivesMatter
activists, including Brittney Packnett and DeRay McKesson. According to Buzzfeed, the discussion centered on "law
enforcement and community policing with an emphasis on how to increase public safety," with Jarrett emphasizing, "the
implementation of its recommendations from the 21st Century Task Force on Policing as a priority for reducing violence."
faces dangerous enemy in the Obama administration. The news that two inspectors general from the Obama
administration want the Justice Department to investigate her handling of classified material is a potential game changer.
For many Democrats, it will serve as final proof she is fatally flawed. [...] Actually, it's worse. She's almost certainly up
against the White House. Somebody very high in the food chain leaked the memos requesting the probe. The New York Times,
which broke the story, identified its source only as "a senior government official." My money is on Valerie Jarrett, the
Obamas' Rasputin, who is known to despise Clinton. If it was Jarrett, she would not do this against the president's wishes.
Jarrett Made $200K On Land Deal Via Tax Break She Opposes. Valerie Jarrett, a top adviser to President Obama, purportedly
saved $200,000 on a Chicago real estate deal by taking advantage of a tax loophole she openly opposes and actively worked to eliminate,
according to a watchdog investigation. The investigation, conducted by the Chicago-based Better Government Association (BGA),
focused on the 2013 sale of a $160 million luxury high-rise in which Jarrett pocketed more than $1 million in profits.
Agents of Influence? —
Huma Abedin and Valerie Jarrett. Somehow the conclusion by State Department
investigators that Huma Abedin, close associate and friend of former Secretary of State and
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, was overpaid by some $10,000 as she worked at a State
Department job specifically created just for her, does not surprise. Abedin, who is expected to
assume the same Rasputin-like role in a Hillary Clinton administration as Valerie Jarrett does for
President Obama, has done very well for herself.
and Valerie's Great Communist Party Marriage. For seven years now at their home-base at 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue, Obama and Jarrett have been politically and ideologically inseparable. Their White
House wedding has fundamentally transformed the country. Sure, Barack's matrimonial vow might be to
Michelle, but his ideological soulmate has long been Valerie Jarrett. And both Barack and Valerie hail
from a truly remarkable line of mentors and family members with deep fidelity to the American Communist Party.
Those political bloodlines are so stunning, so bizarre, especially when they intersect across the generations,
that people often react dismissively when presented with the information.
Jarrett Organized White House Rainbow Lights. White House Senior Advisor Valerie
Jarrett was one of the mobilizing forces behind the decision to light up the White House with the
colors of the gay pride movement to celebrate the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.
According to the Washington Post, Jarrett worked with gay rights organizations to pay for the
display to avoid using taxpayer money. The idea came from one of Jarrett's aides who was also
the LGBT liaison in the White House.
Files Show Obama's Top Advisor Has Communist Kin. FBI papers obtained by government
watchdog Judicial Watch document hard-core communism in the family of Valerie Jarrett, President
Obama's most trusted and influential White House advisor. Here's what they reveal about her Chicago
kin, who were known as "concealed Communists": Her late father, James E. Bowman, was involved
with Communist front groups and was in contact with a paid Soviet agent in the 1950s — Alfred
Stern — who was wanted for espionage. Jarrett's maternal grandfather, Robert Rochon
Taylor, was investigated by the FBI for his membership in Communist groups and his business relationship
with the same Soviet agent tied to her father. Her late father-in-law, Vernon D. Jarrett, was
assigned by the Communist Party USA to a special cultural arts "cell" that spread "the Communist Party
line" and ran publicity for communist candidates and also raised money for them, the FBI says.
FBI Files Document
Communism in Valerie Jarrett's Family. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) files
obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the dad, maternal grandpa and father-in-law of President
Obama's trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore Communists under investigation by the
U.S. government. Jarrett's dad, pathologist and geneticist Dr. James Bowman, had extensive ties
to Communist associations and individuals, his lengthy FBI file shows. In 1950 Bowman was in
communication with a paid Soviet agent named Alfred Stern, who fled to Prague after getting charged
with espionage. Bowman was also a member of a Communist-sympathizing group called the Association
of Internes and Medical Students. After his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman moved
to Iran to work, the FBI records show.
Did Valerie Jarrett Pass A Background Check? [Valerie] Jarrett's father-in-law, Vernon
Jarrett, was also another big-time Chicago Communist, according to separate FBI files obtained by JW
as part of a probe into the Jarrett family's Communist ties. For a period of time Vernon Jarrett
appeared on the FBI's Security Index and was considered a potential Communist saboteur who was to be
arrested in the event of a conflict with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). His FBI
file reveals that he was assigned to write propaganda for a Communist Party front group in Chicago
that would "disseminate the Communist Party line among... the middle class." It's been well
documented that Valerie Jarrett, a Chicago lawyer and longtime Obama confidant, is a liberal
extremist who wields tremendous power in the White House. Faithful to her roots, she still has
connections to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood. Jarrett and
her family also had strong ties to Frank Marshal Davis, a big Obama mentor and Communist Party member
with an extensive FBI file.
Jarrett profited from tax loophole She and Obama rail against. For Valerie Jarrett,
following President Obama's lead as "point man" for repealing the carried interest loophole (which
allows certain non-cap gain income to be taxed at capital gains rates), made good politics. But
[for the sake of] her personal wealth, it was good thing that the effort didn't succeed. The
venerable Better Government Association of Chicago exposes the rank hypocrisy, if not worse, of
Jarrett's double approach to [this] issue. [...] The BGA estimates the loophole saved Jarrett
$200,00 [sic] or more. As far as anyone knows, she has voluntarily paid the higher income tax rate on
the gain, so as to make her actions follow the course of action she claimed was fair. But, there
is something even worse, the small mater of conflict-of-interest laws.
Jarrett profited from tax loophole She and Obama rail against. For Valerie Jarrett,
following President Obama's lead as "point man" for repealing the carried interest loophole (which
allows certain non-cap gain income to be taxed at capital gains rates), made good politics. But her
personal wealth, it was good thing that the effort didn't succeed. The venerable Better Government
Association of Chicago exposes the rank hypocrisy, if not worse, of Jarrett's double approach to issue.
Campaign Launch Features Staffer That Said 'F U Republicans'. A top Hillary Clinton
campaign official addressed potential volunteers at Clinton's Roosevelt Island campaign launch event
Saturday, despite his verifiable hatred of Republicans and membership in an anti-GOP "mafia."
Marlon Marshall, director of political engagement for the Clinton campaign, spoke at the rally where
he discussed volunteer sign up numbers and pro-Hillary house parties underway in key early states.
Marshall previously served as President Obama's deputy director of the White House Office of Public
Engagement, a baldly political agency overseen by senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett.
Jarrett Secretly Lobbying Big Corporations To Support UN Climate Talks. White House
Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett is quietly working behind the scenes to build a coalition of major
U.S. corporations to back President Barack Obama's goal of hashing out a global agreement to cut
greenhouse gas emissions at the upcoming United Nations summit in Paris. The Daily Caller News
Foundation obtained a letter that outlines how, by the end of June, Obama is looking to build a
coalition of businesses to show support for UN climate talks. After that, the White House will
then try to grow this group of businesses to 250 in the run up to the Paris talks this November.
Long Hot Summer
Coming. What we know so far: • Valerie Jarrett is the coordinator of
"demonstrations" in cities nationwide. She is "on the phone" with mayors, radicals and activists.
NYC is the next big one and has already started. • Every incident of a black person
getting shot by police or roughed up resisting arrest is being examined by a Democrat team to see how
useful it could be. Media allies will be told which to go after and what messaged to include.
• They will occur in Democrat-run cities and the police will be hamstrung (stand down, fall back,
don't look aggressive, etc....) to maximize vivid scenes of violence and destruction and make authorities
look powerless. • This is an IW [information warfare] campaign that will go on all
summer and escalate in cities around the country. The overarching memes will be economic injustice,
judicial prejudice, income inequality, white racism and police brutality. They are throwing the police
and firefighter unions under the bus on this. • The goal? Set up another Dem
messianic candidate and blame Republicans for the violence. Party before country for Democrats, always.
Obama Would Just be 'Enormous Distraction' in Baltimore. Valerie Jarrett said President Obama
isn't planning on driving an hour up the road to Baltimore because he'd just be an "enormous distraction" as
protests continue. Obama was previously criticized for not going to Ferguson, Mo., after rioting broke
out in the wake of Michael Brown's death.
Jarrett in 'Regular Contact' With Baltimore Mayor. Don't worry, Valerie Jarrett is in
"regular contact" with the mayor of Baltimore, the White House announced late Tuesday night
[4/28/2015]. "Jarrett also remained in regular contact with Mayor Rawlings Blake (Baltimore, MD)
and Maryland Governor Larry Hogan," an unnamed White House spokesman told the media. Jarrett,
along with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, held a conference call on the ongoing situation in
Baltimore earlier Tuesday.
Valerie Jarrett Wanted Sony Exec To Invite Obama's Friend To 'Dance Party'. White
House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett begged Sony Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton to invite
President Obama's friend to his fancy "dance party." Jarrett's email, sent on her White House
address, was spotted Friday [4/17/2015] by The Daily Caller in the trove of 30,000 hacked Sony emails
leaked by Wikileaks.
Betrayal Papers Part V: Who Is Barack Hussein Obama? No figure in the administration
holds more sway over Barack Obama than his Senior Advisor, Valerie Jarrett. [...] Valerie June
Bowman Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran in 1956 to James and Barbara Taylor Bowman. [...] A
political appointment, Jarrett was not subjected to confirmation by the U.S. Senate. Yet according
to every published account, it is she who is the true center of gravity in the administration.
Ranging from healthcare "reform" to negotiating with terrorist Iran, the Senior Advisor, not the
President, calls the shots at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The few murmurings which have come out
regarding Jarrett's omnipresence in the White House have not been flattering. [...] Given Jarrett's
political force in the capital, the media's curiosity about Jarrett's background, governing principles,
ideological beliefs, and business dealings has been conspicuously lacking.
Jarrett Kisses Reporters Before Interview. President Barack Obama's top adviser,
Valerie Jarrett, went around the table and kissed reporters before an interview this morning
[4/15/2015] on MNSBC's Morning Joe. The moment was briefly captured on live
television before the network cut away to a commercial break.
is the most dangerous president in history. He lied when promising the world that the
U.S. would never allow Iran's war fanatics to have nuclear weapons. While Obama was demagogically
repeating, "Never! Never!," his alter ego Val Jarrett carried on secret talks with the mullahs, resulting
in today's total surrender.
through the eyes of Valerie Jarrett. To Valerie Jarrett, Persia is a land of wonders,
the kind country that offered hospitality to her parents after race hatred drove them out of
America, the wellspring of a life-changing experience. [...] President Obama went much further than
Ms. Jarrett in praising the culture of Muslim countries at the expense of the United States.
Jarrett Defends Hillary: 'Everybody Has A Gmail'. As part of her nationwide tour, White House
senior advisor Valerie Jarrett appeared on "The View" today to promote mandatory paid time leave for American
workers. During the show, however, she was asked about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's deleted
emails. "Everybody has a private email address, everybody has a Gmail," Jarrett protested after she was
grilled on the issue by co-host Nicolle Wallace, a moderate Republican.
Jarrett to take paid-leave show on the road starting April 1. Labor Secretary Thomas E. Perez and
White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett will travel to several states this spring to promote paid-leave policies,
showing the extent to which the Obama administration is working outside the Beltway to achieve its policy goals.
The "Lead on Leave" road show — which starts April 1 in Seattle and will also feature assistant to the
president Tina Tchen and other senior officials — reprises a strategy the administration has used to galvanize
support for raising the minimum wage and expanding retirement benefits.
Jarrett Must Go. DC political insiders believe that if President Barack Obama truly
seeks compromise with Republicans, he should begin by ditching White House Senior Advisor Valerie
Jarrett. It goes without saying that Jarrett, the president's longtime trusted confidante, political
ally, and family friend, is a divisive figure inside the beltway. Calls for her dismissal have been
rampant since the president began his second term — and even before then. It is a demand
still ignored by the White House.
House says Valerie Jarrett didn't leak Hillary emails. The White House has a rather
unfavorable view of a report suggesting that Valerie Jarrett, President Obama's senior adviser,
leaked news of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server. "It's utter baloney," White House
press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Monday [3/16/2015]. The New York Post late Saturday
published an article saying that Jarrett, Obama's closest confidant, was behind the leak of
Clinton's personal emails. The paper said the White House was intentionally trying to
sabotage the presumptive Democratic frontrunner's campaign.
Course Obama Wants to Take Hillary Down. We can believe Ed Klein's sources claiming Valerie Jarrett
is the White House point woman for the destruction of Hillary Clinton. Evidence: It was the New York
Times which broke the story. The Democratic press does not eat its own, ever. Yet here was the Gray
Lady, setting the headlines for Drudge. People asked how Hillary could have been so stupid. The answer
is that in the normal course of mainstream reporting, there is no Democrat crime too large for the press to
cover up. She knew she was perfectly safe. [...] To make it even clearer that something was going on
behind the scenes: the fact that Secretary of State Clinton was using private email had come out in the news
two years ago. Raking up an old story detrimental to their team is not normally what the New York Times
does. The Times followed the emerging scandal with article after article. They didn't just want to
embarrass Hillary, they were out to destroy her.
adviser behind leak of Hillary Clinton's email scandal. Obama senior adviser Valerie
Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail address during her
time as secretary of state, sources tell me. But she did so through people outside the
administration, so the story couldn't be traced to her or the White House. In addition, at
Jarrett's behest, the State Department was ordered to launch a series of investigations into
Hillary's conduct at Foggy Bottom, including the use of her expense account, the disbursement of
funds, her contact with foreign leaders and her possible collusion with the Clinton Foundation.
Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett reported to have leaked Hillary Clinton email scandal to press.
The New York Post is reporting that Valerie Jarrett, one of President Barack Obama's top advisers, leaked
details of the story to the press through outside sources hoping it would not trace back to the White House.
What's more, the entire thing was timed to become public just as Clinton was planning to announce her candidacy
for president.
is Why Hillary's Email Scandal Captured the Media's Attention. Because President
Jarrett wanted it that way. Writing at The New York Post, Edward Klein reveals that "Valerie
Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail address during her
time as secretary of state." [...] And the media continues to pile on, almost as if they were
taking orders from the White House.
House dismisses Hillary-Jarrett story as untrue, nonsense. White House officials
emphatically denied Monday [3/16/2015] a report that senior White House aide Valerie Jarrett had
ordered the State Department to launch a series of probes into former Secretary of State Hillary
Rodham Clinton. The inquiries were in response to a weekend column in the New York Post by author
Edward Klein that said Ms. Jarrett ignited the issue both by ordering the State investigations and
by leaking the information about Mrs. Clinton's email server to reporters. "These uncorroborated,
third-hand allegations are not only nonsense, they are simply not true," Deputy White House Press
Secretary Jen Friedman told The Washington Times.
Guest: Hillary Email Controversy an 'Inside Job' Ordered by Obama, Valerie Jarrett.
Author and purported Clinton insider Ed Klein has a theory about how the Hillary Clinton email
controversy came about: it was sparked by President Barack Obama and ordered by senior adviser
Valerie Jarrett. Appearing on Fox and Friends Wednesday morning [3/11/2015], Klein said
he's not the only one who buys into that explanation, and that Bill Clinton also believes it.
Baloney': White House Dismisses Report That Valerie Jarrett Leaked Clinton Email Story. Did Valerie
Jarrett secretly leak the details of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email account to the media?
That's "nonsense" and "utter baloney" according to the White House. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was
questioned about the report during the White House Press briefing by Fox News reporter James Rosen. "It's utter
baloney," Earnest replied flatly.
The Ides of
March Are Upon Us. Barry promised Bill and Hill to back Hill's 2016 presidential run
if they helped out during the historic 2008 contest. In politics, though, 8 minutes is a long time
to keep a promise, let alone 8 years. So it seems BO and Val are now actively working to undermine
her — which explains all the long daggers coming from the previously compliant media woodwork
as of late.
the Obama-Sharpton Alliance Began. Near the end of 2007, Obama confidante Valerie
Jarrett met with Al Sharpton in New York City and began to cement a relationship that would
eventually make the inflammatory activist the president's "go-to man" on race, according to multiple
sources. The backdrop to the incipient Obama-Sharpton alliance was the then-senator's 2008
presidential campaign, which still hadn't locked away the black vote, and the political cross-currents
created by two other controversial reverends, Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright. That tentative
relationship has now grown into a full-blown partnership that has vastly increased the once-shunned
Sharpton's influence and prestige and elevated him into a key White House ally at a time of
heightened tension over policing and race.
Most Dangerous Woman In America — Valerie Jarrett. Jarrett's family comes
from communist leanings. Here family intermarried with the Bill Ayers family. Yes, that would be the
Weathermen Underground terrorist leader, Bill Ayers. That would be the same Bill Ayers who told FBI
informant, the late Larry Grathwohl, "that when we take over the United States, we will forcibly detain
50 million Americans in re-education camps in which they will probably have to murder 25 million
American citizens who cannot be re-educated." Grathwohl repeated the Ayers statement on the August 18,
2012 edition of The Common Sense Show. This is the same Valerie Jarrett family which was also involved
with Frank Davis the former head of the Communist Party in the United States. This is the same
Frank Davis who Joel Gilbert exposed as Obama's real father.
Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett Father-In-Law Reveals Start Of Muslim Purchase of
Presidency. Why would Muslim oil billionaires finance and develop controlling
relationships with black college students? Well, like anyone else, they would do it for
self-interest. And what would their self-interest be? We all know the top two answers to that
question: 1. a Palestinian state and 2. the advancement of Islam in America. The
idea then was to advance blacks who would facilitate these two goals to positions of power in the Federal
government, preferably, of course, the Presidency. And why would the Arabs target blacks in particular
for this job? Well, for the same reason the early communists chose them as their vanguard for revolution
(which literally means "change") in America.
Jarrett, Obama's Heinrich Himmler, has her sights on American Patriots and her finger on the
trigger. During a White House briefing in 2012, prior to the elections, Valerie
Jarrett (Iranian.com's "person of the day") and President Obama's most trusted Advisor said:
"After WE win this election, it's our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and
they better be ready because we don't forget.["] [...] Ms. Jarrett is the second most powerful person in the
United States (some would argue she is the most powerful). Heinrich Himmler used the SS, the Waffen SS
and Gestapo as his means to take away people's rights, and Jarrett has followed in her mentors footsteps by
using the IRS, NSA and the mainstream media as her weapons of choice.
Discover the Networks:
Valerie Jarrett. In 2010-11 Jarrett promoted the California-based solar-power company
Solyndra, where one of her wealthiest Chicago connections, billionaire George Kaiser — a
leading Obama bundler — held a 35% share in the company. On Jarrett's advice, President
Obama famously visited and publicly extolled Solyndra in 2010, even though auditors were already warning
about the abysmal state of its finances. In September 2011 the company declared bankruptcy, but not
before it had received a $535 million government-backed loan.
Discover the Networks:
Valerie Jarrett. [Scroll down] A September 2012 New York Times report identifies
Jarrett as the person responsible for a number of controversial Obama Administration policy decisions,
including: (a) the Affordable Care Act's call for an insurance mandate for contraceptives,
abortifacients, and sterilization procedures; (b) President Obama's decision to sue the state of
Arizona for its immigration-enforcement statute (SB-1020); and (c) the president's decision to
allow illegal immigrants to apply for work permits.
Who's Pulling The Strings?
[Scroll down] No one outside Michelle has the access or power over Obama's decision-making
like Jarrett does. Here's an odd little fact that gives some insight into what kind of president
Obama is: Michelle, Michelle's mother, and Valerie, and only a few others in Washington, are allowed
to call Barack by his first name. After work, Jarrett joins Obama at night in the Family Quarters,
where she dines often with the First Family. She goes on vacation with them. She is
Iranian-American, and the Obama campaign has sought to keep her ties to Iran from the press, as it
has also sought to keep her political background and deeply tangled business and personal relationship
to the Obama family from sight. Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran. Every insider in Chicago
says the same thing: Jarrett has absolutely no qualifications to be the principal advisor to the
president of the United States.
in the family: Valerie Jarrett and the Chicago communists. Valerie Jarrett is the most
powerful figure in the White House, rivalling President Obama in the scope of her influence over the
fate of the Republic. Her personal Secret Service detail attests to the importance of her role in
our government — in a position that is unelected and unconfirmed by the Senate. She has
served as the godmother of Barack Obama's political and personal life, from introducing him to his future
wife Michelle Robinson to integrating him into Chicago's political machine and power structure.
Professor Paul Kengor provides fascinating details about her background, and that of other key members
of Obama's Chicago circle, in an interview with Jamie Glazov of Front Page Magazine.
Jarrett, and Axelrod, All Connected to Communist Frank Marshall Davis. It seems that
not only Obama was connected to Frank Marshall Davis, but the president's two most trusted friends
and advisers Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod, can also trace their political heritage back to
Davis and the Chicago Communist Party USA of the 1940s.
Purges a Real Concern, Valerie Jarrett Pulling the Strings. [Scroll down] The goal, Dr. Garrow
said, was to create an officer corps willing to pledge allegiance to Obama rather than to the
Constitution. Gen. Vallely said that while nothing is documented, he believes Dr. Garrow is "on
the right track." According to reports, 197 officers from the rank of Major on up have been purged
from the military in just five years. In 2013 alone, nine flag officers were let go for various
reasons. Worse yet, he said the purges are more far-reaching than that. Not only is the military
purging officers and enlisted personnel, but also training materials, removing references to radical
Islam, he added. The military, he said, is purging Christianity while promoting an understanding
of Islam. As we have reported, Christians in uniform have come under fire for their beliefs and the Army
has been caught using SPLC-related information lumping Evangelical Christians with groups like the KKK.
Meanwhile, Gen. Vallely said, the White House has had many visitors from the Muslim Brotherhood.
Jarrett Says Americans 'Hungry' For Obama to Act Like an Imperial President. On
Tuesday [1/27/2015], White House Senior AdviserValerie Jarrett told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that
Americans are "hungry" for Obama to take unilateral action, bypassing Congress wherever he can to
get things done, CNS News reported. "People around our country are hungry for action," she said.
[...] Although Obama will prod Congress to act on his agenda, Jarrett said Obama "will make clear
tonight that he will take action on his own," bypassing Congress when he sees fit. "We're going
to do what we can, within the president's own executive power, and working throughout the country
with those who want to move our country forward," she added.
Valerie Jarrett: Obama's Real War
Adviser, Says Insider. According to the Examiner's anonymous source, those were not
the words of Kerry, but were the dictates of Valerie Jarrett, who had been born and raised in Iran,
and has always shown sympathy for the fundamentalists in the Islamic religion. While a student at
Stanford University, Jarrett admitted her loyalty to Islam and continues to object to any negative
statements aimed at any part of her "religion of peace." "Farsi-speaking Valerie Jarrett, the
senior advisor to Obama, his right-hand woman was born in Iran. She also has ties with terrorist
William Ayers, and her father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett is a card-carrying communist party member and
associate of Frank Marshall Davis, the controversial Communist Party activist who was Obama's
childhood mentor.
Jarrett's Radical Roots. It was recently revealed that for several months, President
Obama's closest and most trusted advisor, Valerie Jarrett, has been leading secret negotiations with
representatives of Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, in an effort to develop normalized relations
between the U.S. and Iran. Hallmarks of such a relationship would include the commencement of direct
airline flights between American cities and Tehran; the granting of entry permits for citizens of each
country to visit the other; and most significantly, high-level diplomatic dialogue regarding Iran's nuclear
ambitions. Jarrett, however, has no experience whatsoever in international negotiations. Her
major area of expertise has been to help President Obama "fundamentally transform" the United States
into a socialist paradise.
Jarret's Father-in-Law Head of Communist Youth. Obama adviser, Valerie Jarrett, is not only Barack and Michele
Obama's close, close friend, she is known as "the other side of Barack's brain." Jarrett's ex-husband, William Jarrett
died in 1993. Her former father-in-law Vernon Jarrett died in 2004 after helping elect Barack Obama to the U.S. House of
Representatives. Vernon Jarrett had a long history of communist connection. Valerie has described her ex-husband
as someone she has known all her life — the "boy next door," so it obvious Jarrett knew who she was marrying and
who his family was. Jarrett is responsible for the White House hiring of Van Jones, a vigorous communist and Black
Nationalist. Other than Michelle, or maybe in spite of Michelle, Valerie is Barack's closest friend and associate.
No one is closer to BO than Valerie. As Trevor Loudon alludes below, the communist White House "program has been
underway for a very long time, folks."
An Open
Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett. Iranian-born Communist sympathizer Valerie
Jarrett, Barack Obama's Senior Adviser, spoke recently during a forum at the John F. Kennedy School
of Government, in which she implied members of the TEA Party needed simple instructions and outlines
to understand Obama's major government overhaul of healthcare, the stimulus package, bailouts, and
his road to socialism. When asked if she thought a simple booklet would help us conservative
simpletons understand Obama's desire to "fundamentally transform America," she agreed, stating
"Hope and Change were so catchy because it was really very simple and it was something everyone
understood the definition. And so I think part of what our challenge is is to find a very
simple way of communicating."
The Muslim
Agent Who Pulls Obama's Strings. In his book "Leading From Behind," author Richard
Miniter wrote that adviser Valerie Jarrett was the voice who kept urging Obama not to kill bin
Laden. Jarrett is a powerful figure at the White House, an Obama family friend who has an
unexplained hold over the president and first lady. [...] In his book "The Amateur," Edward Klein
points out that Jarrett is the power behind the throne who sits in on every meeting, decides who
gets to see the president and monitors who is loyal to Obama and who needs to be gotten rid of.
The president reportedly doesn't make a move without her, and she was the single roadblock to getting
bin Laden. Her religious leanings are not clear. The media either have not asked or
have not gotten an answer. Many have speculated and others have denied that she, like Obama,
is a closet Muslim. What is clear is that she not only has communist contacts but she is a
point man for the Administration in meetings with Muslim activists.
Jarrett Promises To Hurt Israel, Netanyahu For "Spitting In Obama's Face" Over Iran Nukes. Nobody
on Obama's staff has the power to speak this viciously and forcefully, to make crystal clear threats like this
against a world leader, to the press, other than Valerie Jarrett. Plus, the sense of being so very PERSONALLY
offended, so PERSONALLY invested in the President, is only going to come from Valerie Jarrett, we all know that.
And lastly, the threatening language, the raging, vindictive arrogance are all Valerie's emotional and rhetorical
signatures. Take it to the bank that it was her. And it is beyond outrageous that she attacks Netanyahu
as if he's done some egregious harm to Obama by snubbing him, when she and Obama are working to guarantee that Iran
gets a nuclear arsenal with which it can attack Israel.
WW III Defeat & FEMA Camps are Planned Under Valerie Jarrett & Obama. This article
represents what should have been done well before the moment Valerie Jarrett ever set foot in the
White House. The fundamental question posed by this article is: "Is Valerie Jarrett loyal to the
United States of America, or, is she plotting to compromise the future of this country in her position as
the President's most trusted advisor?" Repeatedly, we have heard the mantra that Valerie Jarrett
controls the Presidency. Therefore, whomsoever controls Jarrett, controls the Presidency to a very
large extent. With Russian troops on our soil and the specter of war with Russia in our immediate
future, it would be very prudent to know much, much more about Valerie Jarrett and whose purposes she
really serves.
Exposed: The Planned Subjugation
of America's Population. Citizens about to be cast into the shadows is only courtesy
of the natural order when the current administration in D.C. operates not on the way its own
unsuspecting citizens presume, but on a long term in place, carefully mounted 'Shadow Government'.
It was the 'Shadow Government' that built its own "civilian national security force that's just as powerful,
just as strong, just as well-funded as the military"; a Shadow Government that gives us a false image as
Barack Obama as president when 'Shadow Woman' Valerie Jarrett, for whom not a single vote was cast, is
running the show.
Gowdy Must Confront Clinton, Valerie Jarrett on Potential Roles in Benghazi. After six
years of a foreign policy strategy that observers have assessed as questionable at best, Americans
and remaining foreign allies finally deserve an honest explanation of President Obama's true aims
across the Middle East. One person who should explain why the Obama Administration continually
asserts the United States is making progress abroad despite so many appalling setbacks is senior
aide Valerie Jarrett, whose influence shaping key policies is suggested in second-hand reports,
but not yet adequately understood.
Badly Will American Foreign Policy Fail Under an Unaccountable Cabal Led by Valerie Jarrett? Tough
decisions are seen to be made by President Obama who was scrutinized in the process of winning two national
elections — yet, it would seem our undoubtedly distracted Commander-in-Chief and cabinet secretaries
are only junior partners to Valerie Jarrett who, to this day, never has been remotely vetted and sees issues
primarily in terms of their domestic political relevance. Previous Presidents certainly had personal
friends serve as senior counselors, but few in American history have had such unbridled and profound influence
over the Executive branch of government as has Valerie Jarrett.
Secure Is Valerie Jarrett's Position in the Obama Administration? Immediately
following crushing defeat in the 2014 referendum over Barack Obama's anti-capitalist policies, calls
mounted in Democrat circles for ouster of senior advisor Valerie Bowman Jarrett. At first,
Jarrett survived stiff challenges — could this year prove different? America's
overleveraged, deficit-wracked economy is buckling, as we fail adequately to identify and then
defeat a growing raft of foes — somebody senior seems certain to pay the price.
Fiorina to Valerie Jarrett: Shouldn't Equal Pay Start at the White House? President
Barack Obama made a point of mentioning pay equity for women in his State of the Union speech last
night, a line that got applause from Democrats but not a lot of love from the GOP. "Republicans
don't stand for equal pay — literally," was the common Twitter line. On Wednesday
morning Republican businesswoman Carly Fiorina asked Jarrett why, if Obama believed so passionately
in equal pay, he didn't start with the White House.
to Jarrett: Why Didn't Obama Mention Al Qaeda, Radical Islam? Elisabeth Hasselbeck took on
White House senior advisor Valerie Jarrett this morning over what President Obama said — and didn't
say — in the State of the Union. Hasselbeck noted that last night marked the first State of the
Union since 9/11 where a president did not say "al Qaeda." She also asked Jarrett, "Why won't
the president say Islamic extremism or radical Islam?" Jarrett said that there is nothing more
important to the president than the safety and security of Americans. She explained that some
attacks are by extremists with no particular faith.
Jarrett, Obama's 'Berlin Wall'. It's high time the news media paid more attention to
Valerie Jarrett. An old Chicago friend of both Barack and Michelle Obama's, she exercises unusual
influence in the White House as a "senior adviser." [...] But Jarrett isn't any ordinary staffer.
There are several things noteworthy about her. 1) Jarrett seems to be the only close Obama aide who
entered the administration and is still there; 2) Jarrett has been highly successful in keeping new
people with fresh ideas she doesn't like from the president; and 3) she appears to suffer more than
most staffers from a severe case of hero worship of her boss.
Expert Rips Obama Admin, Valerie Jarrett For 'Incompetence,' 'Protecting' POTUS. In an
interview with NPR, Steven Brill, author of "America's Bitter Pill," slammed the White House for its
Obamacare launch, saying there has "never been a group of people who more incompetently launched
something." Brill's premiere Obamacare critique, as he tells host Terry Gross, is that the
health care overhaul is "emblematic of what's eating away at our country," pointing directly to the
politics and the "challenge of governance" it presents. Brill also told NPR that President Obama was
largely protected by the likes of Valerie Jarrett, and had no idea of the issues until they ultimately
reared their head.
Vernon Jarrett and Barack
Obama. Vernon Jarrett was a prominent Chicago journalist and was a family friend and
later father-in-law of Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett. In the 1940s Jarrett worked in several
communist influenced organizations in Chicago, including serving on the publicity committee of the
communist controlled Packing House Workers Strike Committee, with Frank Marshall Davis. He also
ran a radio show with Communist Party USA member Oscar Brown, Jr. Vernon Jarrett was also a fan
of Barack Obama. He watched his career from its early stages and became an influential supporter.
Valerie Jarrett Mistakes 4-Star General For Waiter. President Barack Obama isn't the
only powerful man in Washington who was once confused for a waiter when wearing his evening best.
So was a top general in the U.S. Army — by Valerie Jarrett!
Valerie Jarrett Keeping in Touch with Gov. Nixon During Ferguson Fiasco. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon
adamantly denies that the White House pressured him to resist sending in the National Guard in response to violent
protesters unhappy with the Michael Brown shooting decision. It is clear, however, that Nixon has been in
close contact with President Obama's senior advisor Valerie Jarrett as the chaotic situation unfolded.
Jarrett: "Senior Adviser" Reportedly Calling All the Shots, Including Those In Ferguson. For
those who wondering how Barack Obama — a man seemingly engaged full-time campaigning, fundraising,
and rabble-rousing — could also have the bandwidth to weaken America both at home and abroad, the
answer is really quite simple. The leader of the free world is actually a woman named Valerie Jarrett, a
longtime crony of Barack and Michelle Obama, who appears to call all of the shots in the Oval Office. In
the White House, Jarrett has been linked to a wide variety of scandals and other policy debacles.
Jarrett Is a Horrible Boss. [I]t often seems President Obama doesn't really run the
White House; he's off playing golf, partying with celebrities and billionaires. Every once in a
while, they put a suit on him and stand him up in front of a TelePrompter. It is very much the
consensus that the real authority in the White House comes from former Slum Queen Valerie Jarrett,
an "advisor to the President" (think "Wormtongue") who has been granted her own secret service
detail and is the first and last word on White House policy and hiring decisions.
Jarrett: 'When you break glass ceilings, you're going to get scraped'. White House
senior adviser Valerie Jarrett dismissed her critics Wednesday afternoon, suggesting broadsides
directed at her way are a natural byproduct of rising to a powerful perch in Washington as a woman.
"When you break glass ceilings you're going to get scraped — a minor scrape — by a
chard [sic] or two from the glass," Jarrett told MSNBC.
Jarrett's Defenders Have Misunderstood My Profile of Her. One of the reasons I was
keen to write a long profile of Valerie Jarrett is that she inspires so much speculation and
debate — speculation about her role in the White House; debate about whether it's helpful
or harmful to the president. I thought that producing a definitive story on the subject might be a
public service. Alas, my story seems to have only added to the speculation and debate surrounding
Jarrett. That's not necessarily a bad thing for a magazine piece, but it does suggest the mission
wasn't entirely successful. So, herewith, a second attempt to set the record straight.
Six Years Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett Finally Scrutinized by Media. Over the
weekend, two articles in outlets that are usually friendly to the White House singled her out as a
major problem. One piece slams her as the "Obama whisperer," and another flat-out advises Obama to
fire her. Jarrett has been with the Obamas since their political launch in Chicago and has become
the president's spokesperson, closest adviser, and, some say, the real decision-maker in the White
House. This ultimate insider has been criticized by conservatives for years, but now it seems
even liberals have had enough of her.
Jarrett, Obama Consigliere — and Democracy Killer. [Noam] Scheiber inferred
that Jarrett "is the closest we have to a human decoder ring" capable of unveiling "the real Barack
Obama." What is needed, however, is to decode Jarrett's role — and here, identity
politics is useless. Whoever the "real" Valerie Jarrett may be, her role is one in which
Machiavelli's musty old consigliere — and Henry Kissinger's twentieth-century
model — is updated for today's corporatist times.
Jarrett probably isn't the problem. Long a target of suspicion for those on the right,
the left has begun taking notice of the president's close advisor since his Chicago days, Valerie
Jarrett. [...] The most aggressive call for Obama to cut ties with Jarrett was published in
Politico Magazine last week by Carol Felsenthal. The Huffington Post contributor and
Chicago Magazine columnist outright called on Obama to fire his advisor, noting that few know
exactly what it is she does beyond insulating the president from constructive criticism.
The Obama
Whisperer. When I asked a longtime source who left the Obama White House years ago for
his impressions of Jarrett, he confessed that he was too fearful to speak with me, even off the
record. This is not as irrational as it sounds. Obama has said he consults Jarrett on every major
decision, something current and former aides corroborate. "Her role since she has been at the White
House is one of the broadest and most expansive roles that I think has ever existed in the West Wing," says
Anita Dunn, Obama's former communications director. Broader, even, than the role of running the
West Wing.
Valerie Jarrett. Jarrett is more than a mere senior staffer to this president, and of
course she is not going to be fired outright. Not ever. If her role in this administration reflected
reality, Jarrett would be called "First Big Sister" to both Michelle and Barack. [...] But the fact is, on
balance it appears that Jarrett has been more an obstructer than a facilitator over the past six years when it
comes to governing, and it's probably long past time for the president to move her gently into another role.
Valerie Jarrett And Obama
Could Be Implicated In The Fast And Furious Scandal. Today [10/24/2014], Judicial
Watch put out a report saying that Obama used executive privilege to shield Eric Holder's emails to
his family, which obviously held incriminating evidence that Holder lied to Congress about when he
first found out about Operation Fast and Furious. JW had attempted to obtain the information
through the Freedom of Information Act; however, the Department of Justice refused. JW then sued,
and a federal judge ordered DOJ to provide the information.
Jarrett Helped Manage Fallout Over Eric Holder's Changing Fast and Furious Testimony to Congress. For
years the White House has argued it had nothing to do with Operation Fast and Furious while it was active and certainly
wasn't involved the fallout and cover-up that followed after Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed in 2010 by Mexican
bandits carrying guns from the lethal program. Now years later, a Vaughn Index describing Fast and Furious documents
being held from the American people and Congress under President Obama's assertion of executive privilege shows White House
Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett played a key role in Attorney General Eric Holder's changing testimony to Congress.
Fast and Furious:
Enter Valerie Jarrett. The index does not contain the actual text of the documents
themselves, so many Fast and Furious secrets remain safely buried, but there is a brief description
of what the document supposedly contains, and why it was deemed valid for the President to conceal
it with executive privilege. Right out of the gate, Judicial Watch noticed a few oddities, such as
"nearly 20 email communications between Holder and his spouse Sharon Malone." Dr. Sharon Malone
is a gynecologist, so it's not clear what contribution she would make to a massive gun-running scandal
that would warrant secrecy through executive privilege.
Evidence in Fast and Furious Scandal Reveals Why Eric Holder and Valerie Jarrett Should Both be in
Jail. New evidence obtained by government watchdog group, Judicial Watch, reveal that
Obama's most trusted and loyal adviser, Valerie Jarrett, was managing Eric Holder's lies told to
Congress in the Obama-Holder illegal Fast and Furious gun-running scandal, in which the regime was
funneling American-made weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.
Jarrett Key Player in Fast and Furious Cover-up after Holder Lied to Congress.
President Obama's trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, was a key player in the effort to cover
up that Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress about the Fast and Furious scandal, according
to public records obtained by Judicial Watch. [...] Practically lost in the 1,000-plus pages of
records is an index that shows Jarrett was brought in to manage the fact that Holder lied to
Congress after the story about the disastrous gun-running operation broke in the media.
Pat Roberts: Valerie Jarrett Was Involved In IRS Scandal. Republican Kansas Sen. Pat
Roberts said Friday that he thinks the IRS targeting scandal was driven by Valerie Jarrett's office
in the White House, according to information that he saw that Democrats tried to "whitewash."
Roberts told talk radio host Hugh Hewitt that he participated in a Senate Finance Committee investigation
into the IRS scandal but "the effort was made by the majority, by the Democrats in the Congress, to simply
end that investigation," which he called a "whitewash." "I'm convinced that even Valerie Jarrett was
involved," Roberts said.
Obama-Jarrett Tirade That Had Staff Running For Cover. No fewer than three different
sources with similar stories now circulating the halls and offices of the Capitol Building. There
was a recent altercation between the president and Valerie Jarrett that actually lasted several days
and ended up with Jarrett "shredding" the president from behind closed doors for what I'm told was
up to ten minutes of uninterrupted "rage." Staff were scrambling to stay out of the way of
both of them.
Éminence Grise. Everyone expects a presidential spouse to weigh in on issues, but
the reference to Valerie Jarrett, the White House senior adviser who mentored both the president and
the first lady at the start of their careers in Chicago, is telling. Her outsize role in many
presidential decisions is known to insiders, but she remains resolutely behind the scenes. So
when Jarrett does enter the news, it's significant, because it may provide a window into how the Obama
White House really works.
Jane Austen
in the White House. Some people seem to be just discovering the odd position Valerie
Jarrett has held in this administration. They also seem to be struggling to find a metaphor for her
role. I have seen her compared to Rasputin, but that doesn't fit the dynamics of the relationship.
Barack Obama may be as detached from the threats of his day as Tsar Nicholas II was 100 years ago, but
Rasputin was very much his and the Tsarina's social inferior. I suspect Jarrett considers herself
at least the Obamas' equal if not their superior.
the secret to Valerie Jarrett's security detail? [Michael] Sneed is told Jarrett, who
was assigned round-the-clock personal bodyguards presumably through executive order by Obama in
2009, "practically uses her detail as a valet service," said a Sneed source. Is Jarrett, who once
employed first lady Michelle Obama before Michelle married Obama, on some sort of excellent adventure at
the government's expense? Is Jarrett's excellent adventure costing the country millions to protect
the president's best friend? Is this expense justifiable or is it an abuse of power?
Heads Home — Without Family — for Night. President Obama has
arrived in Chicago, where he'll spend the night before two public events in his hometown. The
president did not travel with his family. He's now dining out with top adviser Valerie Jarrett
and various friends, according to the White House pool report. They're at the steak house RPM Steak,
where a nice cut can cost up tp $155, according to the restaurant's website.
Michelle Obama really campaigning for? All first ladies do some political work, even
if just introducing their spouse or decorating the stage. During her husband's terms, for instance,
Laura Bush did scattered fundraisers for select political friends. But Mrs. Obama has been
politically involved since being hired into the Chicago mayor's office by — wait for it —
the same Valerie Jarrett who now accompanies Barack Obama everywhere but the men's room.
makes cameo on CBS hit. Senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett hates politics — or
at least she does in the fictional universe of the CBS drama "The Good Wife." In a cameo appearance on
Sunday evening's [9/28/2014] episode, Jarrett is seen encouraging the series' protagonist — Alicia
Florrick, the wife of an adulterous Illinois governor — to run for public office herself.
Obama's Creepy 3-Way Date Night. You've
heard of "attachment parenting" from moms like Mayim Bialik who breastfeed until the kid is out of high school. Now, thanks to
Valerie Jarrett, we know what "attachment advising" truly means, via the headline: ["]Obama takes Michelle, Valerie Jarrett for
downtown Manhattan date night[."]
The Editor asks...
How "romantic" could it be with the third wheel in attendance the whole time?
Strange Dependence on Valerie Jarrett. President Obama canceled the operation to kill
Osama bin Laden three times before saying yes, because he got cold feet about the possible political
harm to himself if the mission failed. Instead of listening to advisors from the U.S. military,
Defense, or even State, Obama was acting on the advice of White House politico and close friend
Valerie Jarrett. [...] According to Edward Klein, a reporter once asked Obama if he ran every
decision by Jarrett. Obama answered, "Yep. Absolutely."
Sharpton: Obama's Racial Pyromaniac. Politico's Glenn Thrush reports in this week's edition of the
magazine that Al Sharpton has become President Barack Obama's "go-to man on race" in Ferguson and elsewhere. [...] Yet
he leaves out a few crucial details that are important to the Sharpton story. For one, Thrush makes no
mention of Sharpton's role in the Trayvon Martin fiasco. [...] There is a reason Thrush leaves out Martin: it
interferes with his attempt to portray Sharpton as a moderating influence, someone to whom the president and his
arch-henchman Valerie Jarrett could turn to "talk down" the violent demonstrators, someone who represented "hardheaded
pragmatism" rather than extremism. In reality, Sharpton's role is to stoke divisions, acting as Obama's agent,
as well as his eyes and ears on the ground.
Insider Raises Concern About His Isolation Behind Jarrett and Michelle. The complaints
about Nixon's "isolation" revolved around how no one could supposedly get past "Haldeman,
Ehrlichman, Mitchell and Dean," whose power was memorialized as they were on their way down in a
1970s song. As reprehensible as some of these men's actions were, they were at least people who
came in with solid backgrounds and credentials. Imagine how much further the press would have turned
up the heat on Nixon in the 1970s if his gatekeeping inner circle had consisted only of wife Pat and just
one of those four gentlemen. With Obama, it's arguably worse than that theoretical situation would have
been, because Valerie Jarrett has nothing resembling the resume with real-world military, business or legal
experience any of those four men had.
Jon Karl Wonders: Who's In Charge of Obama's White House? So just who is in charge in Barack Obama's White House?
ABC's Jonathan Karl on Tuesday [7/8/2014] asked White House press secretary why the letter from the White House to Gov. Rick Perry
(R-TX) inviting him to a meeting with President Obama regarding the Texas border crisis was from Valerie Jarrett. While
it's routine for staff to draft such letters for elected officials, matters of such magnitude and to other elected officials of
stature are almost always in the name of the principle. The president's spokesman, when asked why the letter was from
Jarrett rather than the President, said "Valerie spends a lot of time maintaining relationships with governors around the
country" on behalf of the President.
Obama's Obeisance to Cult of Vain
Valerie. You don't need to see an image of black-suited male figurines bowing to
Valerie Jarrett's White House picture to know that Valerie Jarrett is a cult in her own mind. The
real life cult is that Jarrett, the power behind the current White House president, cultishly bows
down to Barack Hussein Obama — and that Obama cultishly bows down to Valerie Jarrett.
[...] The Jarrett NBC segment reminded all that 36 White House staffers work for Jarrett, who receives
full-time Secret Service protection, and has 24-7 access to Obama White House living quarters.
Jarrett Won't Rule Out Run for Office. President Obama's closest advisor, Valerie
Jarrett says there's no way, no how Michelle Obama runs for political office. But will Jarrett?
The aide is leaving that possibility open.
The Editor says...
President Valerie Jarrett has already served two terms, thanks to her incompetent sock
puppet Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack H. Obama.
House: Staff salaries total $38M. The White House pays out $37.8 million a year in
salaries to 456 staffers, according to a new report to Congress released by the Obama administration.
That averages to an annual salary of $82,844 per year, although staff salaries are top-heavy: the
median salary is $70,700 per year. [...] Some 22 senior administration officials, including chief of staff
Denis McDonough and senior advisers Valerie Jarrett and John Podesta bring home the maximum $172,200 salary.
Jarrett Interview Shows How Low 'Meet the Press' Has Sunk. Believe me, I didn't go
looking in my Sunday morning TV viewing for more evidence of what a journalistically bankrupt
operation NBC News had become. It's fish in a barrel these days. Turn to NBC News for almost any
given broadcast, and you'll find more proof than you can use of how politicized and lost it has become.
Jarrett Dodges Questions After Closed-Door Meetings With Liberal Donors. One of President Obama's closest
advisers doesn't want to talk about her secret meetings with wealthy liberal donors this week. White House aide
Valerie Jarrett attended this week's meeting in Chicago of the Democracy Alliance of super rich, liberal donors.
But when a reporter for Politico approached Jarrett at the conference and asked her if Democrats were being hypocritical
by raising money from wealthy liberals while slamming conservative donors as part of their 2014 election strategy, the
aide refused to talk.
The Editor says...
It is disingenuous to refer to Valerie Jarrett as "One of President Obama's closest advisers," because she is by far and
without question his closest advisor, and nobody else comes close. Nobody else has access to the President's living
quarters 24 hours a day, and nobody else has Secret Service protection.
Jarrett: Wage 'Transparency' Will Help Employers 'Avoid Lawsuits'. Under new rules issued by
President Obama on Tuesday, federal contractors may not retaliate against employees who tell co-workers how
much money they make; and those federal contractors must now send the Labor Department wage information broken
down by their employees' race and gender. "And so all the president wants to do is make sure we have
transparency," Senior White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Tuesday.
Propaganda in TV Scripts? Top Obama aide Valerie Jarrett recently granted an interview
to a celebrity-gossip website called Popsugar and revealed why she had come to Hollywood. "I'm
meeting with writers of various TV shows and movies to try to get it into the scripts." The "it" is
Obamacare. Conservatives are no match for liberals in this arena. The White House people
know the immense cultural power the Left has in the popular culture. Liberals rightly credit TV
and movies and pop songs for America's growing support for gay "marriage." So why not use that
power for Obamacare?
in the family: Valerie Jarrett and the Chicago communists. Valerie Jarrett is the most powerful
figure in the White House, rivalling President Obama in the scope of her influence over the fate of the Republic.
Her personal Secret Service detail attests to the importance of her role in our government — in a
position that is unelected and unconfirmed by the Senate. She has served as the godmother of Barack
Obama's political and personal life, from introducing him to his future wife Michelle Robinson to integrating
him into Chicago's political machine and power structure.
Valerie Jarrett's
Influence on Obama. [Scroll down] When I first researched her, trying to pin down her politics
was very difficult. The liberal media's job is to first and foremost protect Barack Obama. They are
reporters second and partisan Democrats first. And so, reporters portrayed Valerie Jarrett in soaring,
gushing, hagiographic tones, exalting her as Solomon-like in her almost-unearthly wisdom. Her reasoning
skills and mind were the world's finest ever assembled in a woman (other than, perhaps, in the person of Hillary
Clinton). When she and Obama sit together in the Oval Office, it's like having all the accumulated knowledge
in human history right there at once. Naturally, too, of course, the same media portrayed her as a
centrist, a moderate.
Jarrett to Hollywood to Get Obamacare in Movie, TV Scripts. A top of advisor to President Barack Obama
is in Los Angeles to try to get Obamacare written into scripts of TV shows and movies. [...] "You name it," said
Jarrett. "That's part of why I'm in L.A. I'm meeting with writers of various TV shows and movies to
try to get it into the scripts." When Jarrett says "it into the scripts," she's referring to getting
references to Obamacare, the president's signature legislation, into the scripts of TV shows and movies.
Valerie Jarrett, the CEO
of Obama Inc. Obama is the star of Obama Inc., the grinning figure who goes out on stage and cracks jokes
while selling overpriced health insurance to the country. Valerie Jarrett is his manager, confidante and gatekeeper.
Officially Jarrett is a senior adviser with a defined title and function, but Obama Inc. does few things officially and
unofficially, Jarrett has the last word on everything. Jarrett merges the personal and the political. Obama
may chat with numerous advisers, but it's Valerie who goes back to eat with Michelle and the family. A cabinet
member is lucky to catch Obama's attention once. Valerie Jarrett has it full time, day or night, leading to her
nickname of "Night Stalker." If Obama skips security briefings, it's because they, like so much of the formal
infrastructure of government, are there just for show. The real briefing will come from or through Jarrett
and it will be massaged into the talking points that communicate only what she wants them to.
2014 Acknowledge the Matriarchs Who Really Run America. The President's senior adviser Valerie Jarrett in 2009 describing their
relationship to The New York Times: "We have kind of a mind meld," Jarrett told me about Obama. "And chances are, what he wants to do
is what I'd want to do."
The Editor says...
That sounds to me like a careful way of saying Obama takes orders from Ms. Jarrett.
Valerie Jarrett: 'I'm not the shadow
chief of staff'. For the first time, White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett on Wednesday [12/18/2013] publicly discussed whether she uses
her unique relationship with President Barack Obama to do an end-run around other key staffers to influence decisions because of her extraordinary access.
For the past five years, that has been a narrative about Jarrett finding its way into the articles and books written about the Obama White House.
Jarrett: I'm not the shadow chief of
staff. Valerie Jarrett denied being a "shadow chief of staff" to President Obama on Wednesday, insisting she never talks about work during
her private time with the president and first lady. [...] Jarrett said that "people sometimes presume because I am a friend of the president and first
lady" that she's able to exert influence when the Obamas retire from the office to their residence.
Valerie Jarrett Confirms
Obama Going Rogue. Jarrett not only speaks as one with Obama, but she drives his agenda as many in the press have
stated. In June of 2012, the New York Times reported that Jarrett was at the helm when it came to Obama's "boldest moves"
in the areas of immigration, gay rights, the contraception mandate, Supreme Court appointments, and the war on women.
Jarrett wields a lot of power. She has been called "Mr. Obama's spine," "the gatekeeper," "the night stalker," and "the
other power in the White House" by liberals and the de facto president by the right.
Truth About Valerie Jarrett, Mystery Woman of the White House. In a recent book on the 2012 campaign, Jonathan Alter writes that Rahm
Emanuel, on agreeing to become Obama's chief of staff, recognized that Jarrett would wield such outsized power that he tried unsuccessfully to finesse
her into Obama's senate seat. [...] Others in media and Washington circles portray Jarrett, who held top positions in Chicago government and business, as a
brilliant strategist and thinker who practically runs both wings of the White House and who did as much or more than anyone to put the Obamas there.
Jarrett: America
Hungry For Dictatorship. "People around our country are hungry for action," White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett told
MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Tuesday. "And what you'll hear from the president tonight is going to be all about action — creating
opportunity — and it's going to be a very optimistic speech." Jarrett said the president, in his sixth State of the Union
Address, will "set forth very specific, concrete proposals that he things will move our country forward — create opportunity for
hard-working Americans who want to succeed."
Valerie Jarrett reportedly
dating a Muslim. President Obama has time for his 150+ rounds of golf, his extensive television watching, and his expertise
on March Madness bracketology because ValJar, by most accounts, is a tireless and fiercely loyal sycophantic gatekeeper, policy adviser,
and in essence acting president. [...] In other words, in many respects she is running the country while Obama handles the public face.
Obamas Shut Down R Street for
Valerie Jarrett's Birthday. The Obamas shut down R Street at Florida Avenue NW in D.C. last night [11/15/2013] for a four-and-a-half-hour
celebration of senior adviser Valerie Jarrett's birthday.
America's real president wears a skirt. Barack Obama is not the
Emperor Without Clothes; he's a president in a skirt. Nor is Obama, in effect the real President of the U.S. Without even a single vote
cast her way, Valerie Jarrett is. From a well-hidden lair somewhere in the White House, Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett builds
the figurative bombs that Obama later throws at America. Tied to a Teleprompter and instructed what to say, Obama only ventures out to speak
mainly to captive audiences of high school and university students, easily impressed from having been spoon-fed the indoctrination of anti-American
Marxism in their classrooms. Only those who cheer him on in canned applause for later media sound bites are allowed wherever Obama speaks.
GOP Lawmaker:
Valerie Jarrett Has 'Tentacles' in Everything WH Does. On October 25, Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said White House senior adviser
Valerie Jarrett "seems to have her tentacles into every issue and every topic" at the White House. According to The Hill, Chaffetz was talking with
radio host Laura Ingraham when he said that no matter what the topic, Jarrett's "name ultimately always comes up." Jarrett is a former Chicago
lawyer and businesswoman who has been an adviser to President Obama since his 2008 election. And her role in Obama's inner circle has been a very
influential one.
The President has a 'Valerie' problem.
[President Obama] needs one who lets "bad news" walk into the Oval Office. For example, was Valerie Jarrett aware of that the website was not properly
tested? Or that the problems were a lot deeper than a "glitch" here or there? Even today, does Valerie Jarrett know the full extent of the mess,
as Ezra Klein reported. Why is President Obama always the last one to know? My good guess is Valerie.
The Editor says...
I get the impression that President Obama can't fire Valerie Jarrett because he works for her.
Obama's Valerie Jarrett:
Often Whispered about, But Never Challenged. President Obama's aides went to extraordinary lengths to uncover the identity of a senior official
who was using Twitter to make snarky comments about White House staffers. [...] What apparently intensified the campaign to identify the "snarker" was a comment
about Valerie Jarrett, the senior Obama adviser who has her own Secret Service detail and appears to exercise an inordinate amount of power behind the scenes.
Joseph tweeted "I'm a fan of Obama, but his continuing reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher like Valerie Jarrett concerns me." Jarrett, an old
Chicago friend of both Barack and Michelle Obama, appears to exercise such extraordinary influence she is sometimes quietly referred to as "Rasputin" on Capitol
Hill, [...]
Valerie Jarrett is 'architect' of
Obama's shutdown strategy: author Ed Klein. A new theory from author Ed Klein — who previously penned "The Amateur," about
President Obama's White House leadership — suggests that senior adviser Valerie B. Jarrett orchestrated the chief executive's strategies
in the government shutdown. The New York Post reported that Ms. Jarrett held several late-night sessions with Mr. Obama at his residence and from
there came the strategy of "no negotiation," Mr. Klein believes.
He's Just Not That Clever. Obama's staggering incompetence
on the international stage, careening from one unintended foreign policy consequence to another, is unmistakable because foreign affairs are almost
exclusively the province of the president. He has no congressional human shields overseas. [...] One potential caveat: While Obama is not
clever enough for his apparent imcompetence to be anything but real, some of his advisers/puppet-masters, like David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett, are.
For those enemies of America, Obama is just their front man, their very own Billy Mays, hawking a radical leftist vision in a pleasant container.
Why does Valerie Jarrett
have Secret Service protection? Why does President Barack Obama's senior adviser Valerie Jarrett have Secret Service protection? It
turns out that some of her colleagues inside the White House are skeptical that actual, specific threats resulted in Jarrett's protection.
Why Barack
Obama Chooses To Vacation In Martha's Vineyard — Its Name Is Valerie Jarrett. Given all of the work investigating the murky life and influence
that is de-facto President Valerie Jarrett, I must admit to a bit of surprise at mention that Jarrett is a longtime summer resident of Martha's Vineyard, and it was
that very location that some believe was the true birthplace of Barack Obama's bid to become President of the United States. Lends more than a bit of troubled
waters to that otherwise beautiful playground of the rich and famous.
Jarrett's Father-in-Law Linked to OPEC Funded Islamic Plot to Fund Obama. One can look to how President Obama has cozied up to the Islamic
nations, while shunning the Christian and Jewish faiths. [...] One can look at how President Obama has worked over time to hamper America's ability to
explore our own natural resources, like oil, while actively working with the Saudis to up their production, and our imports from the Kingdom,
significantly. One can step back and look at how President Obama has conducted himself in general, as well as his lifelong associations
with radicals, and the following story won't be hard to believe at all.
Who is Valerie Jarrett? Trying to figure out Valerie Jarrett's mysterious
hold on Barack and Michelle Obama is a favorite guessing game in the parlors and dining rooms of Washington. No other White House official in history has
enjoyed such a unique relationship with both a president and a first lady, and yet the mainstream media have ignored Jarrett's enormous influence over the shape
and direction of the Obama administration.
Jeremiah Wright behind a White House desk.
The key point about the Van Jones affair is what it tells us about Barack Obama. Jones isn't someone who slipped
through the cracks of the vetting process. We know this because, as Scott pointed out earlier today, top Obama aide
Valerie Jarrett has said, "So, Van Jones, we were so delighted to be able to recruit him into the White House; we were
watching him ... for as long as he's been active out in Oakland."
The "True Identity" Of Van Jones.
Some people are wondering who is next after Van Jones. But the Van Jones story is not over. And we
still don't know who hired this "obscure" official, as some on the left are now trying to refer to him.
Some of these controversies are currently being investigated by the new media. Blogger Trevor Loudon,
who broke the story about Jones' communist background, thinks White House official Valerie Jarrett needs to be
seriously scrutinized. She appears to have had a family connection to Barack Obama's childhood mentor,
Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis.
Fox &
Friends Guest On Valerie Jarrett's Influence Over Obama: She's The 'De Facto President'. "We haven't seen anything like
this in modern presidential history," said [Edward] Klein. "One person who is the best friend of the First Lady and the soulmate
of the President, who is the last person to leave the Oval Office after a meeting, goes upstairs to the family quarters, has dinner with
the President. Goes on vacation with them. Has his ear. Is de facto president of the United States."
Driving Ms. Jarrett. A bombshell front-page story in Sunday's New York Times investigates Valerie Jarrett,
senior adviser to President Obama and chair of the "White House council on women and girls," according to her official biography. Among the revelations included in the
Times exposé: Jarrett is protected by a full-time Secret Service detail. [...] The article describes Jarrett, heir to a Chicago real-estate fortune and a longtime
fixer for former Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley as well as for President Obama, as "the other power in the West Wing." For example, when billionaire investor and Obama
supporter Warren Buffett visited the White House for lunch last July, "the table was set for three": Buffett, the president of the United States, and Valerie Jarrett.
Senior Aide Valerie Jarrett's Million Dollar Security Detail. Valerie Jarrett, long known in some circles as the "other half of
Barack's brain," and in other circles as a Chicago slumlord, has her own security detail. Jarrett's official title is "Senior
Advisor to the President."
Valerie Jarrett - Obama's Rasputin. She receives more protection than our Libyan ambassador,
calls the president by his first name, dines and vacations with the First Family and had the power to call off three strikes against Osama bin
Laden. Ambassador Chris Stevens did not have a Marine detail in Benghazi, Libya. But White House senior adviser and Obama confidante
Valerie Jarrett reportedly had a full Secret Service detail on vacation in Martha's Vineyard.
speaks, Obama hides, Swedish Jews firebombed. Barack Obama is hiding under the covers unable to function until Valerie Jarrett pats him on
the head and reminds him how special he is. That gives him the courage to spend time with Joy Behar and the rest of "The View" while Benjamin
Netanyahu tried to prevent a global armageddon. Mr. Obama will not use the words "Radical Islam." This is moral abdication. Bibi is
now the leader of the free world.
Time to Out Sinister Valerie Jarrett. Valerie Jarrett
gave the order for the bin Laden kill. Was it Jarrett who advised Obama to refuse help to Americans under sustained terrorist attack
in Benghazi? The 'Happy Gang' membership of the Two-Obamas-Plus-Valerie is one of the most peculiar relationships to ever make a home
of the White House. Jarrett never lets either Obama out of her sight and reportedly even follows them home to the White House at the
end of each day.
Obama's woman in Tehran. A close friend of Michelle Obama, Valerie
Jarrett is assisting the US government communicate behind the scenes with the representatives of Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei. Jarret, who
was born in the Iranian city of Shiraz, is a senior advisor to US President Barack Obama.
Israeli Paper: Obama Adviser Valerie
Jarrett Holding Secret Talks With Iran. In the final presidential debate, President Obama dismissed reports about an agreement to hold
one-on-one talks with Iranian officials after the election, but now, two weeks later, fresh claims have emerged on the eve of Tuesday's election, this
time tying senior Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett to alleged secret talks with representatives of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Strange Goings-On at the White House.
No one doubts that President Obama has the White House management structure he wants; he has populated it with trusted aides such as [Valerie] Jarrett
whose loyalty he can count on. But it's increasingly clear that this structure — supported by functionaries who are often highly
partisan and careless — hasn't served the country well and hasn't received sufficient scrutiny from the media. That's why many liberals
are openly expressing concern over the "mini-Politburo" at the White House — the small number of people who have centralized White House
Is Obama's puppet master to blame for all
the scandals? In every single statement she made, Lois Lerner, the IRS official who every so casually broke the story, lied.
Just some examples are the fact that the IRS didn't target, maybe, 75 groups. It targeted at least 470 groups. And it wasn't
just wacky Tea Party groups that got caught it the cross hairs, it was any group that appeared even vaguely to oppose Obama's policies.
The targeting wasn't just confined to a rogue Ohio office, it went to the top.
Obama Biographer Slams Valerie Jarrett.
Obama biographer Jonathan Alter ripped senior White House advisor Valerie Jarrett on MSNBC's Hardball Monday [6/3/2013], saying
despite her heavy influence on the president, she would make a poor Chief of Staff and was not a well-liked figure by other White
House staffers.
The 'Magic' of Valerie. Valerie Jarrett, the White House senior
adviser who mentored both the president and first lady at the start of their careers in Chicago, usually stays out of the news. In Washington, that is taken
as a sign she is far more influential than she or the White House lets on. So when Jarrett does briefly become the news it's significant, because it may
provide a window into how the Obama White House really works.