As you may be able to tell, this page was created just recently, and is still under construction. So far,
this page is about only one incident: the flight of a Chinese weather surveillance
balloon across the continental U.S. in late January and early February, 2023. This introductory analysis and
commentary will be expanded in the next few days as time permits.
There is now an additional section at the bottom of the page about China's influence in general.
For that, click here.)
The 2020 Coronavirus is on a series of pages, with the most recent news
and commentary here.)
Recap: Under
Biden, Fake News Soars to Whole New Level. [Scroll down] Xi Jinping is the
man of the hour, and the notion he "didn't know" about the balloon is ludicrous. China's
high-altitude surveillance device was capable of navigation. It overflew the Aleutian
Islands, passed over Canadian territory and reentered U.S. airspace with no official
acknowledgement from China or Biden. The surveillance device only became public knowledge
when a private citizen in Montana spotted the craft and took photos. China's foreign ministry
said the balloon was "mainly meteorological," and the craft had been "affected by the Westerlies,"
and "deviated far from its planned course." And China "regrets the unintended entry" into U.S.
airspace. Biden's proclamation that "it was blown off course up through Alaska and then down
through the United States," echoed the Chinese position. While in U.S. airspace, China's
balloon overflew missile installations such as Malmstrom Air Force Base. Brig. Gen. Patrick
Ryder told CNN the balloon passed over "a number of sensitive sites," but did not present a "significant
intelligence gathering risk." Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin advised against shooting down China's
balloon while it was over land.
Recap and overview: Concerns
About Drones Have Not Been Allayed. On February 13, 2023, John Kirby appeared
with Karine Jean-Pierre at a press conference to "explain" in diplo-speak the reasons for our
shooting down the Chinese spy balloon. At best, his remarks could be seen as attempts to
mollify the PRC leadership that our shooting down of their balloon was not a hostile act, and in no
way an accusation that they were engaged in wrongdoing. Rather, it was just a cautious step
on our part, and a minimal response to concerns raised by various parties within our country.
In shooting down their "balloon" (keeping in mind that balloons are not intrinsically bad or
threatening) we have merely engaged in a minimal response, but we do not intend to feed into
hysteria or accusations about the existence of "spying." After all, we already know the Chinese
have space satellites capable of spying, and we are not taking them down. It is not clear
that the balloons transversing the USA are adding to the information provided by the pre-existent
spy satellites, so we cannot and are not getting our noses out of joint about the balloons even
though we shot the balloon down. However, at the same time, for security reasons Kirby said
they are not going to go into details about what the balloon managed to discern and transmit.
In short, there is nothing so terrible about what the spy balloons actually observed; yet that
information is still too dangerous to reveal to the public. This type of speech is usually
referred to as speaking out of both sides of one's mouth.
Spy Balloon Was Packed With American Tech. A Chinese spy balloon that crossed over
the United States in 2023 was packed with American technology that could have enabled it to spy on
Americans, according to two sources with direct knowledge of a technical analysis conducted by the
U.S. military. The discovery of a satellite communication module, sensors and other tech from
at least five American firms underlines the failure of U.S. efforts to restrict exports of
technology that could have military uses to main adversary China as well as to countries such as
Russia and Iran. It also raises questions over the role of private companies that sell their
equipment globally in keeping control over the ultimate users of dual-use technology that can have
defense applications as well as civilian uses.
Have a Chinese Spying Problem. Yesterday, Chen Jinping admitted in federal court that
he ran a secret Chinese police station in New York City on behalf of the People's Republic of
China. "I knowingly agreed to act as a foreign agent, for a foreign government," he told Judge
Nina Morrison, speaking through an interpreter. But he acted cagey when the judge asked him
which government he was working for. Chen briefly tried in vain to sidestep the question by
repeating "the government" — and only admitted that he'd been representing China after
he was pressed again by the judge. Chen will be sentenced next May and is facing up to five
years in prison. His partner in crime "Harry" Lu Jianwang has his own trial coming up soon.
running list of 'intelligence community' screwups. A Chinese spy balloon was allowed
to fly over the U.S. gathering information. Large drones have been flying around the
Northeast for weeks, and the intelligence community and FBI allege to have no knowledge of who owns
them. Yet the public is told they are not foreign owned, and the public is in no
danger — how can they know that if they don't know what they are, or who is behind
them? The borders are wide open with known terrorists and other violent criminals flowing in,
yet the intelligence community is extremely quiet on the risks. Tens of thousands of young
Chinese men have come across the border, and the intelligence community seems to have little (if
any) interest. Hamas planned the October 7 attacks against Israel for years, yet somehow
our intelligence community had no idea. The intelligence community seemed to have no idea
rebels were going to take over Syria until it happened. The intelligence community seemed to
have no idea that the Taliban would overrun Afghanistan in such a short time.
says [a] Chinese balloon [was] detected near [the] island. Taiwan said Monday it had
detected a Chinese balloon over waters northwest of the island, the first reported since April, as
Beijing maintains pressure on Taipei to accept its claims of sovereignty. Communist China
claims democratic Taiwan as part of its territory and has refused to renounce the use of force to
bring it under its control. Beijing regularly deploys fighter jets, drones and warships
around Taiwan, and occasionally balloons, as it keeps up military pressure. The latest
balloon was spotted at 6:21 p.m. on Sunday about 111 kilometers northwest of Keelung City
at an altitude of 10,058 meters, said the defense ministry, which releases daily data on
China's military presence around Taiwan.
VP Front-Runner Started a Spy Technology Company Partially Funded by China. Arizona
Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly faced increased scrutiny following news that he may become the Vice
President nominee on the 2024 presidential election Democratic ticket. Kelly found himself on
the top of a shortlist of Vice President Kamala Harris's potential running mates, above names such
as Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Kentucky
Gov. Andy Beshear, The Hill reported. The increased scrutiny has raised questions about
Kelly's dealings with China. As reported by Fox News, Kelly co-founded World View, a company
that originally aimed to provide customers with space tourism using balloons.
Mark Kelly Owns a CCP-Funded Spy Balloon Company. Last year, the administration
allowed a Chinese Communist Party spy balloon to fly over our secure installations throughout the
nation. As it happens, Sen. Mark Kelly owns a CCP-funded spy balloon company.
Axios reported last year that Tucson-based World View, cofounded by now-U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly
in 2012 and a vice presidential prospect, received venture capital from Tencent. It is among
the largest tech companies in Communist China. He received funding from them in 2013 and
2016. Tencent, like most Chinese tech giants, is integrally tied to the Chinese Communist
Party. Yes, but World View president and CEO Ryan Hartman told The Arizona Republic in 2020
that Tencent had "zero access, zero input, and zero control" over the company. They still
took money from communist China to create a lucrative business.
Theories' Aren't Theoretical Anymore. A Chinese spy balloon was allowed to cross our
continent and collect information from our most sensitive facilities — apparently with
the blessing of the Biden administration. But we're told that the millions of dollars flowing
from China to the Biden family had nothing to do with the President's decision to leave the
reconnaissance craft unmolested.
The 2024 version: Another
'spy balloon' discovered off US — CNN. A group of fishermen have
discovered the wreckage of a possible "spy balloon" off the coast of Alaska and it has become the
subject of an FBI investigation, CNN reported on Friday. The shooting down last year of an
alleged Chinese spy balloon by the US triggered a major diplomatic incident between Washington and
Beijing. The fishermen brought the suspicious debris onto their boat and will hand it over to
FBI agents when they return to port this weekend, the network reported, citing anonymous "sources
familiar with the matter." Based on photographs shared with them by the crew, FBI agents
determined that it was "similar enough in appearance to a foreign-government owned surveillance
balloon that it warranted further investigation," CNN stated.
says new high altitude balloon intercepted over US 'likely hobby' craft year after China
controversy. The Pentagon said the latest high altitude balloon detected over the
United States is a "likely hobby" craft, about a year after a Chinese spy balloon traversed the
continental U.S., sparking controversy. "After yesterday's fighter intercepts, and in
coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration, the North American Aerospace Defense Command
monitored the likely hobby balloon via ground radars until it left US airspace overnight," the
North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said Saturday [2/24/2024] in a statement, reported
by ABC News and other outlets. No further information was immediately available.
balloon of unknown origin flying over Western US: report. The US government is
tracking a high-altitude balloon of unknown origin — and officials insist that it is not
a security threat. The balloon, flying at an altitude between 43,000 and 45,000 feet,
was determined to be "not maneuverable" and poses no threat to national security, the North
American Aerospace Defense Command told The Post on Friday. The nation's airspace watchdog
described it as "small" and said its fighter jets intercepted the balloon over Utah. "NORAD
will continue to track and monitor the balloon," the military agency said in a statement. "The FAA
also determined the balloon posed no hazard to flight safety." The purpose of the balloon is unclear.
The Editor says...
The latest balloon was apparently a much smaller device, not likely to be a Chinese spy balloon.
Earlier reports were a little too confident that this week's balloon was another Chinese device.
That's the hazard in depending on social media for news reports.
Chinese spy balloon: what's a little national security breach between enemies?
Remember the Chinese spy balloon? The one that flew the length of America while somehow
mysteriously hovering over many sensitive military installations? The one that could not be
shot down over Alaska, Montana or Wyoming, because it might land on a protected toad or
snail? There's not much else out there in large parts of the West. That Chinese spy
balloon, the one as big as two buses, the one that was finally shot down over the Atlantic after it
had gathered and transmitted to the Chinese all the data the Chinese Communist Party wanted?
The one that insulted and humiliated America? That one? Oh yes, there were earlier
balloons the government hid from us. Now we discover we only know about that particular spy
balloon because a few Americans, on commercial airliners, and on the ground, saw it and decided it
was something about which Americans ought to know.
China Spy
Balloon Used an American Internet Service Provider. US intelligence officials have
said that the Chinese spy balloon that flew across the entire country collecting data earlier this
year had used an American internet service provider. NBC News reported this Thursday, citing
two current and one former official familiar with the assessment. The spy balloon connected
to a US-based company to send and receive communications from China, primarily related to the
balloon's navigation. [...] The internet service provider's name has not been disclosed, and the
company denied that the Chinese spy balloon had used its network.
intelligence officials determined the Chinese spy balloon used a U.S. internet provider to
communicate. U.S. intelligence officials have determined that the Chinese spy balloon
that flew across the U.S. this year used an American internet service provider to communicate,
according to two current and one former U.S. official familiar with the assessment. The
balloon connected to a U.S.-based company, according to the assessment, to send and receive
communications from China, primarily related to its navigation. Officials familiar with the
assessment said it found that the connection allowed the balloon to send burst transmissions, or
high-bandwidth collections of data over short periods of time. The Biden administration
sought a highly secretive court order from the federal Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to
collect intelligence about it while it was over the U.S., according to multiple current and former
U.S. officials. How the court ruled has not been disclosed.
For Biden Admin Delay On Destroying Chinese Spy Balloon Revealed. The head of North
American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), Gen. Glen VanHerck, and the top U.S. general at
the time spoke over the phone on January 27, which set off an eight-day crisis as the Biden
administration frantically tried to respond to a new threat from China, according to NBC
News. According to NBC, Biden administration officials privately regretted that the public
uproar and fallout for Beijing's reputation that followed the spy balloon's revelation that shocked
the world in early 2023 strained ties with China and exaggerated the real threat to national
security that the balloon posed. According to NBC, which cited a number of current and former
administration and congressional officials, the administration originally intended to hide the
balloon's existence from Congress and the general public. "Before it was spotted publicly,
there was the intention to study it and let it pass over and not ever tell anyone about it," one
former senior U.S. official briefed on the situation told NBC.
Chinese Spy Balloon News Reveals Cover-Up Attempt, Biden Doing China's Bidding.
[Scroll down] If the goal was to collect intelligence, why would the existence of the
balloon need to be kept secret from Congress? Typically, national security issues are
disclosed to the "gang of eight," a select group of lawmakers who offer a bridge between the
administration and the broader group of representatives and senators. There would be no
practical reason to hide the matter from Congress, which leaves only a political reason:
Biden and company wanted to avoid the embarrassment of the public finding out that they let a
Chinese spy balloon complete its mission without reacting. Further, the balloon was set to
self-destruct anyway. [...] In other words, Biden's supposedly heroic shoot-down was simply doing
the bidding of China. They wanted it to be destroyed after it passed over the United States,
likely to conceal whatever technology was being used.
Energy Removes Chinese Batteries From Marine Base Amid Lawmakers' Security Concerns.
Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and more than two dozen other Republican lawmakers sent a letter
to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin earlier this month, demanding the removal of a Duke
Energy-supplied Chinese battery installation at the Marine Corps base at Camp Lejeune, North
Carolina, and demanding an investigation into whether similar installations have been placed on
other bases. The batteries, which were removed, were manufactured by a Chinese Communist
Party-supported company, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd., the world's largest
battery manufacturer. Duke Energy won the $22 million contract to construct Camp
Lejeune's microgrid, complete with five megawatts of natural gas and an 11-megawatt battery storage
system. The installation integrated the base's existing solar array with the abilities to
start up without an external power source, to receive prompt updates on the power needs of the
base, and to remove itself from the region's power grid if necessary.
Firm Slated To Build Massive Facility Near Sensitive US Military Sites. The Chinese
parent of a firm slated to develop a manufacturing facility near several Midwest military bases has
extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), according to a Daily Caller News Foundation
investigation based on research conducted by The Heritage Foundation Oversight Project and Heritage
Action. Cnano Technology USA Inc. (Cnano USA) plans to invest in a 333,000-square-foot
facility in Johnson County, Kansas, that will manufacture liquid conductive paste for electric
vehicle batteries and other devices, according to an August announcement from the Kansas City Area
Development Council, which partnered with the state and other parties to attract the firm to
Kansas. Cnano USA's $95 million facility will be built approximately 35 miles from
Fort Leavenworth, and 70 miles from the "only operational base for the B-2," Whiteman Air
Force Base.
to the United States now at a Whole New Level. The recent surge of Chinese males
crossing the border into the U.S. border suggests disciplined land-based military operations may be
in the offing. Recently Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) reported that "10,000-plus" Chinese
nationals have been apprehended in fiscal 2023, a massive 300% increase from the year
earlier. It is well-known that the U.S. electric grid can be shut down for years by an
EMP attack or by destroying just nine critical nodes. Just fifteen years ago spies from China
and Russia were found on a mission to map the U.S. power grid — its infrastructure and
nodes. So, it's essential to deploy the American military to protect the American electric
grid — now.
The Editor says...
I have doubts about the effectiveness of an EMP
attack — which has never been tried, as far as we know, yet everyone's absolutely
sure it will be devastating. Sabotage is another matter, but it should only take weeks,
not years, to make electricity great again.
Armageddon. [Scroll down] Given we now have 1.5 million illegal got aways,
plus thousands of Chinese nationals — across our country — we must
acknowledge we could have an army of over 30,000 such insurgents in each of our fifty states.
Even if we imagine only 1% (300) of these illegal got aways and Chinese nationals are insurgents,
if they decided to undertake either a coordinated or uncoordinated actions to sabotage and subvert
our country, they could cause extreme harm, disruption, and destruction. A mere 300
insurgents would suck up most of the any state's law enforcement and emergency response resources
to handle, address, and stem complete chaos, panic, and anarchy. We could split the
difference, and imagine 10% or 3000, of the fuller 30,000 being insurgents. Why?
Because these individuals were aided by the cartels, who are working with China, and therefore have
a mission, a purpose, to their entry. What is it? And let's not forget, they're still
coming over the border!
who previously vowed to warn Chinese communists ahead of American attack, claims Chinese spy
balloon collected no evidence. Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, claimed in an interview over the weekend that the infamous 200-foot Chinese spy balloon,
which flew across the continental United States before ultimately being shot down over the Atlantic
Ocean on Feb. 4, 2023, hadn't actually done any spying. Milley, who has previously
attempted to put Chinese communists' nerves at ease — even at the potential expense of
an American advantage — told "CBS News Sunday Morning" that the spy balloon likely
hadn't fulfilled its singular purpose while darting across the very superpower China seeks to
replace. "The intelligence community, their assessment — and it's a
high-confidence assessment — [is] that there was no intelligence collection by that
balloon," said Milley, invoking the confidence of the same community that continues to cast doubt
on the Wuhan lab origins of COVID-19 and whose top alumni suggested the Hunter Biden laptop was
Russian disinformation.
Chinese 'spy
balloon' wasn't spying — US military chief. A so-called Chinese "spy
balloon" shot down off the east coast of the US in February did not actually collect any
intelligence, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told CBS News on
Sunday. Beijing insisted from the outset that the balloon was not a surveillance craft.
"The intelligence community, their assessment — and it's a high-confidence
assessment — [is] that there was no intelligence collection by that balloon," Milley
told the American broadcaster. The balloon in question appeared in the sky over Alaska in
January, before drifting south and crossing the US. Its high-altitude flight ultimately ended when
it was shot down off the coast of South Carolina in early February. Throughout its journey
and for months afterwards, US officials claimed that the balloon was sent across the US to gather
intelligence for Beijing.
[want] to find out if [the] Secretary of State 'obstructed' sanctioning China after [the] spy
balloon incident. After the State Department repeatedly failed to comply with
documents requests, House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul is subpoenaing the materials
related to the Chinese spy balloon incident. McCaul is alleging that Secretary of State
Antony Blinken did not use sanctions and export controls to properly counter 'growing aggression'
by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The Foreign Affairs chairman is demanding the Department
hand over documents related to 'reported obstruction' for using these national security tools.
Ri-i-i-ight. Chinese
spy balloon used American-made parts, did not transmit data: Officials. The Chinese
spy balloon that was shot down over the Atlantic Ocean in early February was built — at
least partly — using American off-the-shelf parts, a U.S. official has confirmed to ABC
News. A second U.S. official was also able to confirm that the balloon did not appear to have
transmitted any of the data it collected on its journey above North America, as was initially
reported by the Wall Street Journal.
The Editor says...
It is far more believable that the Chinese spy balloon was shot down after it had finished its mission,
that all the government cover stories are lies, and that Joe Biden exchanged the balloon's safety
(while it was over the continental U.S.) for substantial bribes.
"Balloon" [is] Flying Over Montana. Another "balloon", probably another Chinese spy
balloon is flying over Montana and once again the China owned Biden regime is refusing to shoot it
down. The Democrats are America's version of the CCP. [Tweets]
Joe Biden Spills 'Sensitive' Intelligence about Chinese Spy Balloon to Campaign Donors.
President Joe Biden spilled "sensitive" United States intelligence about China to campaign donors
at a recent event in California, according to a report. At the fundraiser in California,
Biden revealed to attendees what the U.S. intelligence agencies had learned about the Chinese spy
balloon incident earlier this year, reportedly surprising U.S. officials. The New York
Times reported that at the fundraiser, Biden "set off into what appeared to be an unplanned
riff" about the spy balloon incident, "revealing what United States intelligence agencies had
learned about the internal confusion in Beijing during the incident."
Claims Chinese Spy Balloon Was "Unintentional". I certainly hope Joe Biden is on
Communist China's payroll. It would be embarrassing if he were spouting Chinese Communist
propaganda this shamelessly blatant free of charge. [...] China has claimed that its spy balloon
just accidentally ended up in Montana. Biden appears to be echoing its dishonest lies.
It's also the opposite message of the one that Secretary of State Blinken claimed to be sending on
his visit to China.
Biden: Our First Chinese President. Recall that earlier this year, Beijing flew a spy
balloon right over US territory, including sensitive military installations. It crossed the
entire continent, during which time it was gathering sensitive intelligence and presumably phoning
all of it home to its communist masters in China. Biden waited til it had flown from coast to
coast before allowing it to be shot down. Then this past weekend while on a trip to visit our
closest allies, who are threatened by Xi Jinping's ambitions, he downplayed the whole thing as
"silly," practically apologizing to China. China's reply was curt as usual, asking the whole
world if Biden's words mean anything at all. The media, for its part, won't make all of this
what it is — which is the weakest performance on the world stage by an American
president in decades if not ever. Even Jimmy Carter probably would've shot that balloon down
before it beamed its intel back.
Biden Priorities in the Dept of Defense. Consider these actions, all of which have
made America much weaker: [...] [#3] The Chinese balloon caper. The Chinese balloon story
first broke on 2 February when the Billings Gazette exposed the Biden administration's political
gamble to ignore the balloon's intrusion into US airspace (a direct violation of US sovereignty).
Speculation is rampant about the balloon's mission payload: surveillance (PHOTINT, multi-INT,
etc.), a simple test-run for other types of balloon missions, collecting data on US surveillance
and communications systems, and a psychological warfare mission. The latter involves testing
our resolve, showing the world that China "owns" Washington, exposing the weakness of the current
administration in the face of foreign pressure, psychologically conditioning Americans to "eventual
Chinese hegemony," etc. The most likely mission was surveillance, and giving that Chinese
balloon free access to traverse the continental US to collect data on US bases is just the latest
indication that Biden et al could care less about US national security.
Dismisses Chinese Spying as "Silly Balloon". The Biden administration tried to cover
up China's espionage. It was only discovered because of a viral video out of Montana.
Once the scandal broke, the Biden administration put on a show of "taking it seriously." Since
then it's been confirmed that it was staged for the benefit of the American public. [...] The
diplomatic relationship with China is managed by Bejing saying, "Jump" and Biden sending emissaries
to carefully negotiate how high he will be expected to leap. After several weeks, China
finally agrees to state the exact height of the jump as a non-negotiable set of statements.
But contrast this moment of relative honesty from Biden with his previous butch address and
posturing about the spy balloon. It was all lie. Like everything else.
Capitulates to China. Bizarrely, the flight of the Chinese military spy balloon over
the U.S. may be the occasion for U.S. concessions to Beijing, rather than the other way
around. According to a new report from Reuters, the State Department's "China House" team was
ordered to stand down on some long-planned measures targeting the Chinese Communist Party's
malfeasance, so that Secretary of State Antony Blinken can secure the trip to China that he had to
cancel after the balloon incident. Citing four State Department sources and internal emails,
Reuters reveals that Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman ordered this shift to a policy that
favors "engagement" with China. The head of China House, the department's new China-policy
coordination cell, told State Department staff members in March that Sherman said the department
would "move on" from the balloon incident.
Show Biden State Department Sought to Protect China During Spy-Balloon Fiasco. With
so much domestic rancor going on as the next election season heats up, it's worth remembering that
there are serious foreign policy issues to deal with. It's also worth remembering that the
Biden administration is doing its level best to screw every single one of them up. A new
report backed by leaked emails and inside sources is shedding light on a shocking policy Joe Biden
is pursuing in regard to China. According to Reuters, during the Chinese spy balloon fiasco
that captivated the nation in early 2023, embattled Secretary of State Antony Blinken was actually
seeking to protect the communists.
apparently out of the balloon-shooting business. It's been a while since we had a
good mystery balloon passing through US airspace story, so we might as well touch on this one while
we have the chance. Something has once again passed over the Hawaiian Islands at an altitude
of roughly 36,000 feet. It reportedly looked like a balloon, but the Defense Department once
again can't say what it was with any certainty. But even without knowing, they felt confident
in saying that it was not being controlled by any "foreign or adversarial actor." In fact, it
didn't appear to be demonstrating any controlled movement. They sent some fighters up to
check it out, but we're not even being told how big it was. Since it reportedly didn't pass
over any sensitive military installations, and it's currently heading toward Mexico, it was
determined that it wouldn't be shot down.
U.S. intelligence reveals military was aware of FOUR more Chinese spy balloons.
Top-secret intelligence documents allegedly leaked by Massachusetts Air National Guardsman Jack
Teixeira reveal that U.S. intelligence agencies were aware of up to four more Chinese spy balloons
in addition to the one that flew over the country earlier this year. One balloon flew over a
U.S. carrier strike group, another, code named Bulger-21 by U.S. officials, circumnavigated the
Earth from Dec 2021 until May 2022, a third named Accardo-21 is also mentioned in the documents and
a fourth is said to have crashed in the South China sea. The documents also identify the
balloon that crossed the continental U.S. in January and February before being shot down off the
coast of South Carolina was code-named Killeen-23.
This is why the balloon should have been shot down over Alaska. Chinese spy balloon gathered intelligence
from sensitive U.S. military sites, despite U.S. efforts to block it. The Chinese spy
balloon that flew across the U.S. was able to gather intelligence from several sensitive American
military sites, despite the Biden administration's efforts to block it from doing so, according to
two current senior U.S. officials and one former senior administration official. China was
able to control the balloon so it could make multiple passes over some of the sites (at times
flying figure-eight formations) and transmit the information it collected back to Beijing in real
time, the three officials said. The intelligence China collected was mostly from electronic
signals, which can be picked up from weapons systems or include communications from base personnel,
rather than images, the officials said.
Regime Now Releasing Hordes of Chinese Illegal Aliens Into US. The Biden Regime is
now releasing hordes of Chinese illegal aliens into the United States with NTAs (notice to appear).
Fox News captured the Chinese illegals being released to an NGO in Brownsville, Texas on Tuesday.
The illegals were given NTAs because there are so many crossing into the US and no more space to house
them, according to Fox News. Border Patrol says the number of Chinese nationals illegally crossing
the border has recently spiked. Border Patrol has encountered over 4,300 Chinese illegals in
2023 — up from 2,176 in 2022 and 450 in 2021.
is being investigated by Justice Dep't for spying on journalists. The United States
Department of Justice is investigating ByteDance, the Chinese company that owns TikTok, for spying
on American citizens, including several journalists. ByteDance is based in Beijing,
headquartered in the Cayman Islands and said to be close with Communist Chinese government.
The company admitted in December it had inappropriately acquired the data of American TikTok users,
including at least two reporters, according to the New York Times.
reasons things are not going well in America. [#7] In 2018, there were estimated
2.5 million Chinese people in the US. There is a Chinese statute called the National Intelligence
law mandating that all Chinese nationals anywhere in the world must obey any orders from Chinese
intelligence. This means that all Chinese nationals, whether tourists or students, anywhere
in the world, are statutory spies awaiting orders from home.
Force chief says Beijing is developing anti-satellite missiles, electronic jammers and
lasers. China has launched dozens of satellites in the past six months and the
People's Liberation Army now has 347 orbiting craft that can gather intelligence on American armed
forces, according to the head of the U.S. Space Force. Gen. Chance Saltzman told
senators that Beijing was the 'most immediate threat' to U.S. operations as it develops lasers to
disrupt satellite sensors, electronic warfare jammers and even builds craft that could grab and
move rival orbiting platforms out of position. It is all part of its plan for a fully
modernized, world-class military designed to achieve China's 'Space Dream' of being the most
powerful nation in space by 2045, he said.
satellite gathering intel for Pearl Harbor-style hypersonic missile attack by using green lasers,
claim experts. China used green lasers fired from satellites to gather intelligence
for a surprise hypersonic missile attack on Hawaii, it has been warned. The satellite was
recorded flashing lasers for a fraction of a second by a livestream camera attached to a telescope
on top of a mountain on one of the islands. Initially the lights were thought to come from a
NASA satellite before it was finally established it was a Chinese pollution monitoring satellite
the Daqi-1. But questions immediately began to be raised about why the Chinese would feel it
necessary to monitor pollution in Hawaii, given the large US military presence there. And it
comes just weeks after China flew a giant balloon over the US — which was widely understood to be a
spy tool even as Beijing claimed it was a civilian weather airship.
Biden Official Who Lied to Press About Trump-Era Spy Balloons Is Exposed. Remember
the Chinese spy balloon fiasco? President Joe Biden allowed his nation's top geopolitical foe
to fly a massive spy-craft over the entire continental United States. In the end, the only
retribution exacted was to shoot it down after it had completed its mission and transmitted its
data. It was an embarrassing scene, with the president's indecisiveness on full display, and
that meant the White House had to do something to change the subject. That came by way of a
Pentagon official speaking on background to a group of reporters, claiming that three Chinese spy
balloons traversed the United States during the Trump administration. The suggestion was
clearly that Trump was a coward who had let the Chinese run over him. It was only later that
it was revealed that the balloons in question were only over US territory for a matter of minutes
(one of them off the coast of Hawaii) and that their presence wasn't even discovered until years
after Trump left office. The Pentagon refused to identify the official who gave the
misleading commentary to the press, but two Republican senators have discovered who he is.
Official Leaked Classified Info About Trump-Era Chinese Spy Balloons To Deflect Criticism of Admin,
Senators Say. Pentagon official Colin Kahl leaked classified information about the
Chinese spy balloon to deflect blame about the Biden administration's mishandling of the situation,
according to two Republican senators. Kahl, whom President Joe Biden appointed his under
secretary of defense for policy, provided reporters with classified information —
disclosing that CCP spy balloons may have infiltrated the United States during the Trump
administration — Sens. Roger Wicker (R., Miss.) and Marco Rubio (R., Fla.)
allege. This is the first time that Kahl has been named as the source of these
leaks, which were provided to reporters and appeared in news stories at CNN, Bloomberg, and the
Washington Post, in an apparent attempt to shift blame away from Biden after the administration
allowed the Chinese spy balloon to traverse the entire United States before shooting it down.
While doing so, he omitted the fact that the prior Chinese balloons were only discovered much later
and the Trump administration did not have an opportunity to respond at the time.
how unjust is our system of justice? China is our most dangerous adversary, not
Russia. Biden is a controlled asset of the CCP. That should be obvious to everyone by
now. The American president is doing China's bidding but he owes those Ukrainian oligarchs a
great deal for all the millions they funneled to the Biden family. We American citizens are
toast unless the squishy Republicans develop a spine.
Discovers 'Chinese Buoys' In The Arctic That Could Be Tracking US Nuclear Submarines In The
Region. The Canadian military discovered and retrieved Chinese monitoring buoys from
the Arctic as part of 'Operation Limpid,' which is a continuous effort to provide early
identification of threats to Canada's security by its military forces, The Globe and Mail reported.
The revelation would likely put Beijing's surveillance activities under the scanner again, as it
comes weeks after the US Air Force shot down an alleged Chinese spy balloon with the support of
the Royal Canadian Air Force. The balloon had flown over Alaska and Canada before entering US
airspace. The Canadian military or government has not admitted that the retrieved buoys were
being used for surveillance. However, as soon as the announcement was made, it triggered a
wave of speculations that the dual-use monitoring buoys could have been planted for spying.
agencies have 30 days to remove TikTok from government-issued devices, White House
says. The White House announced on Monday that it was giving federal agencies
30 days to remove TikTok from all government-issued devices. Monday's move arrives as
the popular Chinese-owned social media app faces increased scrutiny in Washington and in states
across the country over security concerns — with critics claiming that the Chinese
government could use TikTok to gain access to private user data or spread misinformation.
TikTok is already not allowed on White House devices — and some other federal agencies,
including the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security, also have similar
restrictions in place. Now, remaining federal agencies will follow.
secret police actively hunting people on US soil. The revelations read like an
overwrought spy thriller: secret foreign police stations in Manhattan, shady foreign security thugs
hunting American residents in American neighborhoods. But they weren't fiction: Following
stories in The [New York] Post, last month The New York Times reported that the FBI raided a
non-descript building in Chinatown where the innocent-looking community association on the third
floor hid a nefarious surprise — an unauthorized "police service center" linked to the
Chinese Communist Party. That secret police station is a terrifying threat to
Chinese-Americans, other CCP targets — and American sovereignty itself.
Covert Chinese Police Station in
NYC Closed Following FBI Raid. A covert police station located in New York City that was being run by the
Chinese government has closed after the FBI raided the location in recent months, a report noted on Friday
[2/3/2023]. The Epoch Times quoted a U.S. State Department official as having confirmed the operation and the
station's closure. "The FBI has confirmed that the 'overseas police station' in New York linked to Fuzhou has
closed," a State Dept. official confirmed in an email. "We continue to be concerned about PRC [People's Republic
of China] transnational repression efforts around the world and are also coordinating with allies and partners on this issue."
Invasion! Two More Secret Chinese Police Stations Discovered, This Time in L.A.. The non-profit group
Safeguard Defenders just located 43 more secret commie Chinese police stations across the world, and two are in Los
Angeles. We already knew about the one located in New York City. There are now more than 100 secret Chinese
commie police stations operating in 53 countries. There are five in Canada, which means there are now eight
in North America that we know of. [Tweet] The Chinese claim the police stations are for Chinese
nationals to renew their driver's licenses and stop "online fraud." Yet, as per the Spain-based Safeguard
Defenders, the police stations have used nefarious means to "convince" roughly 230,000 people to "voluntarily" return to
China. The police stations are also keeping tabs on Chinese nationals who speak out against the commie regime.
Experts, GOP
Reps Call On The Biden Admin To Shut Down A Secret Chinese Police Station In NYC. The U.S. government must
immediately investigate and shutter the recently discovered overseas Chinese government police station in New York City
for potential violation of U.S. laws, several experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation. In 2022, the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) established secret police stations in over 100 cities around the world to conduct
intimidation and harassment operations against overseas Chinese, human rights organization Safeguard Defenders revealed
in a September report. While other countries have announced probes into the alleged police stations, the location
within American Changle Association — a Chinatown community organization in New York City —
continues to operate outside legal boundaries and should be shut down, experts told the DCNF. "This is a
disgrace. How [...] could they openly have these communist police stations in our country?" Beau Dietl, a retired
NYPD detective and current head of Beau Dietl & Associates private investigation firm, told the DCNF.
Police Overseas NY Outpost Can Be Tool for Sabotage in US: Expert. A report emerged in September that said
Chinese authorities have opened 110 police service centers outside of mainland China — including one in New
York City — that repatriate Chinese people using coercion, according to a security policy expert, but which
also may be used for sabotage or espionage. Frank Gaffney, the executive chairman at the Washington-based Center
for Security Policy, said that as part of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) global transnational repression those
service centers can be tools to conduct espionage and sabotage work. "The Chinese are not simply forcing people to go
back to China and stand trial, but they may be giving them directions to do other things," such as espionage,
recruitment, influence operations, sabotage, or subversion, Gaffney told the "China in Focus" program on NTD news.
He said those are the sorts of things we need to "ensure do not continue."
Spying Goes Far Beyond Balloons. There is something intrusive about a foreign object the width of several
school buses entering my personal space that demands a decisive response. Given the sparse population of Montana,
it seemed the appropriate time to dispatch it while above remote territory with the least risk to bystanders
below. The concern wasn't so much that China was gathering intelligence from above as some other potential for a
weaponized payload like explosives, bioweapons, or an electromagnetic pulse device. The Chinese have no shortage
of satellites or technology required to spy on Americans. Most Americans have willingly adopted Chinese
manufactured and even branded surveillance technology into their homes, myself included. [...] At some point, my wife
found a Shark Robotic vacuum on clearance at the store. Excitedly, she set it up on our home network, and it went
to work mapping out its cleaning path. Unfortunately, the Firewalla began to set off alarms at odd times, suggesting
that the Shark Vacuum was uploading a data feed to Shenzen, China. Regardless of how innocuous this could be, I find
no reason why any home appliance needs to send data it collects in my home to servers in China. I took the Shark
vacuum off our network, and we got rid of it. We exchanged it for a different model with no data connection [...]
High Resolution Photos Of Chinese Spy Balloon In Flight Released By US Military. The U.S. military has
released a close-up photograph of a Chinese spy balloon captured mid-air by a U-2 spy plane. The images were taken
on Feb. 3 as the balloon was flying at 60,000 feet over the American Midwest, with the U-2 plane trailing it
across the continental United States. The balloon's white fabric shows a silhouette of the U-2 aircraft, and
underneath it is the payload containing reconnaissance sensors, antennae, and solar power panels.
The Editor says...
There is only one such picture in the article above, regardless of what the headline says. But the photo
clearly shows the U-2 was flying well above the balloon. That alone is impressive. But what's really
surprising is that the U.S. military released hi-resolution pictures of anything. As I've said a few times
before, we have clearer footage of the bombing runs in World War Two than the bombing in the Persian Gulf area in 2002.
the 'Chinese Spy Balloon' Have Been a US Spy Balloon? Still, unanswered questions remain since Montanans
first gazed up at the sky above in Billings, Montana and saw a giant balloon floating overhead on February 1. The
answers provided by the Biden administration have been entirely unsatisfactory; ranging from absurd and illogical to
even contradictory at times. The administration immediately claimed the balloon was a Chinese Spy Balloon, and yet
when asked the obvious question — why was it not shot down — the administration responded that the
debris could harm civilians on the ground. The same administration just sat idly by as deadly vinyl chloride was
recently lit on fire in Palestine, Ohio — spewing poisonous gases into the air. That harm to nearby
residents seems to be of little concern to the Biden administration.
We Go Again: Another 'Large White Balloon' Spotted. There are now new reports of a large white balloon
spotted about 594 miles northeast of Honolulu, Hawaii. The Oakland Oceanic Air Traffic Control was reporting
sightings of the balloon, with multiple commercial pilots saying they'd seen it. Reports were that it was flying
at an altitude of 40,000 to 50,000 feet. Pilots were advised to report if they saw the object. [Tweets]
More Kill and Biden Is an Ace. Joe Biden (call sign: Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier) will sweep the skies of
America and Canada and he'll shoot down whatever is floating. Joe admitted that NORAD didn't know what they shot
down over Alaska. It could have been Carl, Doug, and Russell. It could have been a 5-cent Ralph's Grocery
Bag, a Hefty garbage bag, a guy tied to a chair under party balloons, a used car dealership balloon man, or a $12 hobby
military ends search for balloons shot down over Alaska and Lake Huron. The search for small balloons shot
down recently by US and Canadian fighter jets over Alaska and Lake Huron has been called off, military commanders have
said, days after balloon hobbyists in northern Illinois indicated that one of the stray unidentified flying objects
could belong to their group. In a joint statement released at 10 pm on Friday, the North American aerospace
defense command (Norand) and the US northern command said they had recommended calling off the search because the
objects were believed to have landed in difficult terrain. The US secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin, had approved
the defense agencies' recommendation. The agencies' statement said: "Search operations conclude today near
Deadhorse, Alaska, and on Lake Huron, as search activities have discovered no debris from airborne objects shot down on"
10 and 12 February after "a variety of capabilities, including airborne imagery and sensors, surface sensors and
inspections, and subsurface scans" had failed to locate debris.
Chinese spy
balloon recovery mission completed, military mum on investigation. The U.S. military has finished
recovering parts of the Chinese spy balloon shot down off the South Carolina coast. The joint Navy, Coast Guard
and FBI operation concluded Thursday, the Defense Department's U.S. Northern Command said Friday in a statement.
The final pieces were transported from the crash site to FBI headquarters in Virginia. Though China maintains the
balloon was a weather monitoring device that blew off course, U.S. leaders said recovery operations confirmed it was
designed for surveillance. Northern Command said the FBI was conducting "counterintelligence exploitation."
The payload included "electronics and optics," according to White House national security spokesman John Kirby. He
did not go into specifics.
Week in Pictures: Balloon Payment Edition. There is something fitting that an administration that emits
mostly hot air would become obsessed with balloons. And if we're not running low on munitions having shipped off
so much of our inventory to Ukraine, shooting down weather balloons with $500,000 air-to-air missiles will surely finish
the job of depleting our stocks.
shot down by $400K US missile may have been a $12 hobby balloon: report. One of the UFOs shot down last
weekend by the US Air Force with a $400,000 missile may have simply been a $12 balloon belonging to an Illinois
enthusiast club, a report said. The Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade told Aviation Week on Thursday
that it fears one of its diligently-tracked gasbags that recently went missing was mistaken as the mystery object taken
out by the military over Canada on Saturday [2/11/2023]. The Pico Balloon — a silver-coated,
cylindrically shaped object — reported its last position at 38,910 ft. off the west coast of Alaska on
Friday. By Saturday, based on the balloon's projected path, it would have been over the central part of the Yukon
Territory around the same time a military Lockheed Martin F-22 shot down an unidentified object of a similar description
and altitude in the same Canadian vicinity, the outlet reported.
Biden Appears to Have Shot Down Over Lake Huron Is Clown-Show Stuff. Do we finally have an explanation for
why the Biden administration has been so tight-lipped about the unidentified flying objects shot down more
recently? It wasn't until Thursday that the president finally addressed the matter, providing essentially no
details as to what was intercepted and downed in the weeks prior. That was in stark contrast to the incessant
bragging about the downing of a Chinese spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina. So why all the secrecy?
The answer seems to be that the truth is incredibly embarrassing. [Tweet]
Government Lies Spark Resistance Movements. In the digital public square of social media, I have seen a
noticeable uptick in biting memes and political cartoons calling out the U.S. government for its constant lies. In
one example, a cyber-billboard screams, "I don't know if I'm being distracted by vaccine deaths so I don't notice
inflation, or if inflation is the distraction to Ukraine money laundering, or if Ukraine is a distraction for rampant
pedophilia, or if pedos are distracting me from election fraud." Clearly, that was produced before the great
balloon scare gripped the nation. [...] What I see today is a bubbling movement of frustration and anger that is as
acidic as anything I've come across. [...] Whether it is White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claiming that
Slow Joe is the "best communicator" around; Treasury secretary Janet Yellen insisting for over a year that skyrocketing
inflation would be "transitory"; government economists redefining words to avoid admitting that we're in a recession;
Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas flat-out lying about the southern border being "secure"; or former chief
of staff Ron Klain preposterously labeling the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, in which thirteen U.S. servicemembers
lost their lives for no reason, a "tremendous humanitarian achievement," the people occupying the highest positions of
power and authority in the U.S. government do not bat an eye while telling the American people the most outrageous
falsehoods drenched in risibly nauseating sanctimony.
hope it's space aliens, but I doubt it. Suddenly our skies are filled with threatening UFOs —
that absolutely must be shot down. [...] Let's apply [Occam's] razor to our current debate about what's going on in the
battle raging over North America. Could China have sent the UFOs? Has the country that steals its technology
from us come up with a super-secret aircraft — with leap-ahead technology? If so, would the Chinese
use such an aircraft to do what they've already successfully done with a balloon? Did Russia send the UFOs?
Have the Russians developed a highly advanced aerospace technology that we are unaware of? Would the country that
started a three-week war with Ukraine — which is approaching the one-year mark — use that
technology on us rather than on the country they're currently losing to? [...] Or is the Biden administration feeding us
a line? Is Joe Biden shooting down weather balloons with half-a-million-dollar missiles to pose as alert, on the
job, and in control — between trips to Baskin-Robbins? What seems more likely: •
a sudden advancement in Chinese or Russian aerospace technology that doesn't use propellers, jets, rockets, or
lighter-than-air gases; • space aliens who can travel across the galaxy, but can't avoid crashing
once they arrive; or • a government hoax to cover up incompetence?
Balloon follies.
Literally all aspects of the recent "Balloon Gate Saga" are utterly preposterous. First, the U.S. lets a suspected
Chinese spy balloon slowly traverse the length and breadth of the country before finally shooting it down over the
Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South Carolina. After it had several days to leisurely transmit the intelligence
it gathered back home to the Chinese Communist Party. Yet now the Biden administration, perhaps chagrined, is
blasting anything and everything out of the sky, even while acknowledging that these "unidentified flying objects" could
be our own weather service — or corporate — balloons. What [...]?!
Wouldn't/shouldn't we know if they were? Weather Service balloons are launched by another branch of
government, one closely related to the Department of Defense... that shot them down. The U.S. government was,
apparently, unable to detect the giant Chinese spy balloon. That was left to citizens of Montana, who happened to
look up into the clear blue sky. The official explanation for why the government was picking up so many
unidentified objects is that, prior to this event, it was only looking for larger objects, and has since tweaked its
radar so as to detect smaller objects. You've got to be kidding me.
They came in peace.
Forgive me for repeating myself — the Biden administration intended to let the Chinese spy balloon traverse
the United States and surveil some of our most secure war-fighting facilities without obstruction or notice. It
was only exposed to the public by the efforts of Chase Doak and the Billings Gazette as it crossed Montana. As we
reacted with incredulity, the administration woke the president and shot the balloon down off the coast of South
Carolina. Secretary of State Antony Blinken intended to meet with his Chinese counterpart that weekend, but was
embarrassed into postponing the jamboree in Beijing. Since then NORAD has shot down three balloons of apparently
unknown origin over Canada and the United States. The Pentagon did not rule out the possibility that they were
piloted by aliens. All the while, President Biden has remained dormant and/or mute. Orson Welles could not
be reached for comment.
Finally Speaks on Shootdown of Three 'Objects,' but Snaps at Reporters' Questions. Joe Biden has finally
been forced into making comments on the three "objects" that the U.S. shot down over the past weekend. What's been
glaring has been Biden's failure to respond or speak to the shootdowns and the many questions that the American people
have had about the actions. We heard from the Secretary of Defense. We heard from the NORAD Commander.
We heard from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre who had trouble describing what NORAD was and called
Canada, "Canadia." But we didn't hear from Biden. So on Thursday, he finally said he would be delivering
remarks on the subject. But when he did finally speak on it, Biden didn't say much more than we already
knew — and he was, typically, a little late for his remarks. Biden said that they still don't have any
further information on the objects. He said there wasn't anything to indicate that they were surveillance craft or
from China as yet. [Tweet]
Spy Balloon Had Maneuvering Ability and Similarities to Google AI Balloon Project: Ex-DoD Official. The
Chinese spy balloon had maneuvering capability and had similarities to the Google balloon project Loon, which utilized
AI analytics in its operations, according to Col. (Ret.) John Mills, an author and former director of cybersecurity
policy, strategy, and international affairs at the Department of Defense. "What's very interesting is in 2012, I
was at Google and Google briefed me on Project Loon, their balloon project. And they use their advanced AI and
analytics to raise and lower the balloon and they could maintain the position of a balloon by raising and lowering
it. And they could also maneuver it," Mills said in an interview recorded on Feb. 9 on China in Focus, a show
on NTD TV, The Epoch Times' sister media. He said throughout the "spy balloon" episode that the Department of
Defense has very clearly said that the Chinese balloon had maneuvering capability. The Chinese regime maintained
that it was a runaway weather balloon, but the U.S. administration has refuted such claims.
Objects Shot Down Were 'Most Likely Balloons' Not Tied to Chinese Surveillance. President Joe Biden said
Thursday that the three most recent objects he ordered to be shot down were "most likely balloons" not tied to Chinese
surveillance. "We don't yet know exactly what these three objects were. But nothing, nothing right now
suggests they were related to Chinese spy balloon programs or they were surveillance vehicles from other any other
country. The intelligence community's current assessment is that these three objects were most likely balloons
tied to private companies, recreation or research institutions studying weather or conducting other scientific
research," he said.
House Demands Media 'Comply,' Hauls Specific Reporters Out Of Biden's UFO Brief. The White House heavily
controlled which reporters had access to President Joe Biden's remarks on "aerial objects" Thursday, telling the media
to "comply," and asking reporters — including the Daily Caller's correspondent — to leave the
room. Biden's remarks were scheduled for 2:00 p.m., and reporters were notified less than an hour before that
they would need a "pre-credentialed" pass to attend the press conference. Biden's team walked the press over to
the South Court Auditorium, where the remarks were to be delivered, at approximately 1:50 p.m. When reporters
entered the auditorium, White House staff approached every correspondent and pressed each of them to show an email
containing a "pre-credential," as there was not enough space in the room.
A brief recap: Destroying
Meritocracy Is Deadly. This month, the Defense Department officials apparently allowed a series of
surveillance balloons to enter U.S. airspace. President Joe Biden claims he was advised by the military not to
shoot down a Chinese survival balloon craft as it crossed with impunity much of the United States. In the
aftermath, Pentagon spokespeople gave incomplete, mutually contradictory, and absurd explanations for these serial
violations of U.S. airspace, most likely perpetrated by the Chinese communist government.
press secretary torched for fumbling her way through explanation on airborne object over Canada: 'Brutal.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was called out over the weekend after struggling to explain why the U.S.
military shot down an unidentified airborne object over Canada. A "high-altitude airborne object" over Northern
Canada was shot down by an F-22 fighter jet at the directive of President Biden, a North American Aerospace Defense
Command [NORAD] official confirmed in a statement to Fox News Digital. The incident came one day after the United
States shot down an unidentified object over northern Alaska on Friday that entered U.S. airspace before it was detected
and a week after the U.S. shot down a Chinese surveillance balloon spotted off the coast of South Carolina. The
White House confirmed President Biden authorized for the object to be shot down, but did not elaborate further.'
says 3 UFOs [were] shot down after spy balloon not related to China program. President Biden told Americans
Thursday there was no evidence a trio of unidentified flying objects shot down following the downing of a Chinese spy
balloon were nefarious — in his first comments on the unprecedented military action in North American
airspace after five full days of silence. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre promised Biden would
explain his "decisive response to China's high-altitude surveillance balloon" — but the president hewed
closely to a familiar script based on details already provided to the press. "We don't yet know exactly what these
three objects were," Biden said of the devices shot down off the Alaskan coast, over Canada's Yukon territory, and over
Lake Huron Feb. 10, 11 and 12 — echoing remarks by other administration officials.
Spy Balloon May Not have Been Intended to Fly Over Continental U.S., Report Says. U.S. military and
intelligence agencies tracked the Chinese spy balloon for nearly a week before it violated American airspace last month,
according to a new report. As the U.S. monitored the balloon, it appeared headed for the U.S. territory of
Guam. But the balloon was seemingly blown off course and instead ended up over Alaska's Aleutian Islands before
ultimately floating over the continental United States, the Washington Post reported. U.S. officials are
considering the possibility that China did not intend to send the spy balloon over the continental United States, but
instead took advantage of the balloon being blown off course to surveil sensitive locations in Montana. The
balloon was launched from Hainan Island as part of a program run in part by the People's Liberation Army air force.
'Brazenly Pushing Limits to See How Far They Can Go,' Homeland Security Panel Chairman Says. High-ranking
House Republicans and a defense expert are continuing to sound the alarm after the U.S. military shot down a Chinese spy
balloon about what's at stake for the United States' relationship with the communist nation. "China is brazenly
pushing the limits, to see how far they can go. President [Joe] Biden's administration has consistently
demonstrated weakness, showing a willingness to act against adversaries like the Chinese Communist Party only after the
public outcry was so deafening that they could not ignore it," Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., chairman of the House
Homeland Security Committee, told The Daily Signal in an emailed statement. "This situation is still developing,
and the House Committee on Homeland Security will continue monitoring this incident as more information comes out and
demand full transparency for the American people," said Green, also a member of the House Foreign Relations Committee.
Intel Watched Suspected Spy Balloon Take Off From China: Reports. Biden administration intelligence
officials observed the suspected Chinese spy balloon that was shot down off the coast of South Carolina ever since it
took off, according to multiple reports. U.S. monitors watched as the aircraft took off from Hainan Island near
China's south coast in late January nearly a week before it entered U.S. airspace, The New York Times reported, earlier
than previously known. Follow-up reports by The Washington Post and CBS News indicate U.S. intelligence tracked
the balloon moving east toward Guam, but it suddenly veered north toward Alaska's Aleutian Islands.
Report Shows Biden Team Has Been Lying From Beginning About Chinese Spy Balloon. CBS News reported on
Tuesday that U.S. intelligence had been tracking the Chinese spy balloon that was shot down over the Atlantic near the
Carolinas since it took off from China and that the U.S. military had been tracking it for more than a week before it
entered U.S. airspace, much longer than the Biden administration had said. [Tweet] The Biden team has claimed
that they first learned about it on Jan. 28, when it was near Alaska. Then, as I've noted before, their story
evolved, first saying they didn't have time to take a shot over Alaskan waters. Then NORAD Commander Glen VanHerck
said he couldn't take the shot because it wasn't demonstrating "hostile intent." So if this report from CBS is
correct, add one more lie to what they told us about this whole story and they had plenty of time to plan a takedown
over water, contrary to what they said. If they had wanted to.
Biden Use $400,000 Missiles to Shoot Down Weather Balloons? It's been days since President Joe Biden
directed the Pentagon to shootdown a number of "objects" he claims were a threat to U.S. airspace and commercial
aircraft. There are no photos of the "objects," which White House officials say cannot be classified as balloons,
and still no recovered debris after they were reportedly taken out by F-16 pilots using $400,000 missiles. As
officials drag their feet on providing details about what exactly the objects were, White House Press Secretary Karine
Jean-Pierre won't say whether Biden scrambled fighter jets to shoot down benign and routine weather balloons.
tracked spy balloon after it lifted off from China, officials say. U.S. intelligence officials were
tracking the spy balloon that was shot down earlier this month since it lifted off from the south coast of China, U.S.
officials said Tuesday. According to U.S. officials, after takeoff, the spy balloon drifted east in the direction
of Guam and Hawaii and then went north to Alaska and entered U.S. airspace on Jan. 28. Given the path, it's possible
that the balloon was blown off course by weather, but U.S. officials said that once it came south over the continental
United States, it was being controlled by China. The tracking of the balloon was first reported by The Washington Post.
Kennedy Dishes on Info They Got in Briefing on Those 'Objects'. Senators were given a closed-door briefing
on Tuesday [2/14/2023] on the three "objects" that were shot down over the U.S. and Canada over the weekend. While
many of the Senators were limited in what they could say because the meeting was classified, senators on both sides of
the aisle said that the Biden team should make the information known to the American people. Both sides called for
more transparency from the Biden team.
Hume: Seems Like Biden Admin Shooting Down Everything They Can See. Fox News chief political analyst Brit
Hume said Monday [2/13/2023] on FNC's "Special Report" that the Biden administration is shooting down everything after
letting a Chinese spy balloon cross America before shooting it down. Discussing the three objects shot down over
the weekend, Hume said, "Certainly, there has been a change in the administration's policy or practice here after
letting that first balloon as it turned out to drift all the way across the continental United States. They shot
that one down. Now it seems they're shooting everything down that they can see. And the interest interesting
question what are we shooting down? We shot these things down. We don't know what they are. We don't
know what they are when we shot them down. Jennifer Griffin quoted someone as telling her it might be sky
trash. Oh great, we now have F-16s in the air over the continental United States, and we are shooting down
possibly sky trash. I could kind of understand why the president doesn't want to come out and talk about this yet
because he doesn't know what he has done."
about the balloons is the latest "misinformation". The real issue for journalists, however, is the almost
total lack of information coming from the White House, with much of what has been released consisting of vague
suggestions. Now, however, officials seem to be growing increasingly bothered by analysts who have been filling in
the information gap with speculation. The administration has labeled all of this conjecture as the latest example
of "misinformation" that needs to be swatted down. [...] You people need to stop "speculating" and "stirring the pot"
about all of these objects that are being shot down. You'll just have to wait until the Biden administration
settles on whatever story they eventually plan to tell us about these "objects." I'll grant you that some of the
suggestions being made in the usual internet rabbit holes are definitely "out there" and at least bordering on
conspiracy theory territory. These include claims that Washington is putting the objects up and shooting them down
to distract attention away from the toxic railroad spill in Ohio, the war in Ukraine, or the investigation into Hunter
Biden's laptop.
Attempt to Take Down UFO Over Lake Huron Failed as $439k Sidewinder Missile Missed the Target. When the
Chinese spy balloon story first broke, President Biden was heavily criticized for waiting days to take it down as it
passed over the continental United States and our sensitive nuclear bases, possibly vacuuming up gigabytes of
intel. Now, however, it seems that not a day goes by without the administration shooting down yet another
unidentified object. The Pentagon issued a memo to lawmakers Monday with more information concerning the shooting
down of a "cylindrical object" flying over Canada: ["]The American military shot down a "small, metallic
balloon" over Canada on Saturday, the Pentagon wrote in a memo to lawmakers Monday — offering one of the
first descriptions of one of the three mystery objects downed over consecutive days. [... "] So
take aliens off the list — at least for that particular UFO. It was one of three takedowns over the weekend,
with US forces also shooting down an unidentified object over Alaska on Friday and another over Lake Huron, Michigan on
Sunday. But the initial shot at Lake Huron failed, as the AIM-9x missile shot from an F-16 missed the
mark: "The first Sidewinder heat-seeking missile missed the target," a US official told Fox News. Each
Sidewinder, made by Raytheon Technologies Corp., costs more than $439,000.
The Editor says...
The Sidewinder is apparently good at intercepting airplanes that are propelled by jet engines.
It is probably not very effective against Mylar party balloons.
memo says object shot down over Canada was a 'small, metallic balloon'. The unidentified flying object
shot down in Canadian airspace on Saturday appeared to be a "small, metallic balloon with a tethered payload below it,"
according to what sources described as a Pentagon memo sent to lawmakers on Monday and obtained by CNN. The memo
offers the first official details of one of the three objects shot down in recent days that was previously described as
a "cylindrical object." The object crossed near "US sensitive sites" before it was shot down, the document
said. Defense officials also told lawmakers that the object shot down over Lake Huron, in Michigan on Sunday,
"subsequently slowly descended" into the water after impact.
An update
on the balloon saga. [Scroll down] Maybe we'll get an idea what the Feb. 11 balloon was about if
they can find the debris. Canada is taking the lead on that investigation but the FBI is working with them.
The object shot down over Lake Huron yesterday is also mentioned in the same memo. It descended slowly into the
lake and may be recoverable as well. However, both balloons were much smaller than the Chinese spy balloon so
there's a lot less material to find. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said today at the White House
that, for the moment, we don't know what the other three objects/balloons were or where they came from.
Balloongate —
China's Long Game. China's use of balloons to overfly U.S. territory is not an accident — it's
part of China's Long Game for capturing Taiwan and becoming the world's leading superpower. [...] When planning for the
long term, everything happening in the here and now are inevitably linked to their long game. Which is why the
South Carolina balloon was shot down less than a week before U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's long-planned trip
to Beijing. In the face of this "intrusion" into American airspace, Blinken was forced to cancel his plan to conduct
"peaceful" discussions with Chinese leaders, including Supreme Leader Xi Jinping. This timing was no coincidence.
alien invasion psyop being tested on suggestible Americans. U.S. and Canadian Air Force jets are using
high-cost missiles to shoot down metallic birthday balloons while claiming they are "defeating" the objects. It's
all part of a massive psyop to try to imply that aliens are invading Earth's atmosphere and that alien craft are being
shot down by modern jet fighters. Every effort is being made to paint these birthday balloons as mysterious,
possibly alien craft. And it's all ridiculous. For example, the WSJ reports that a "flying object" was shot
down over Canada. This object was described as a "small metallic balloon" (i.e. some little boy's birthday balloon
filled with helium) that drifted to 20,000 feet altitude. Canadian officials were breathless over their amazing
military effort to "defeat" a helium-filled birthday balloon.
House Says No Evidence of 'Alien or Extraterrestrial' Activity in Shot Down Objects. The White House says
that there is "no" evidence of any "alien or extraterrestrial activity" around the recent "takedowns" of unidentified
flying objects in the recent days since the Chinese spy balloon. Following the United States military shooting
down multiple objects over the U.S. and Canadian airspace, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said during a
Monday [2/13/2023] press briefing that there was no evidence of "alien or extraterrestrial activity."
Don't 'Need to Worry about Aliens,' White House Says After Shooting Down Three Unidentified Objects.
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby on Monday [2/13/2023] dismissed concerns that a string of unidentified
airborne objects shot down by the U.S. in recent days are related to aliens or extraterrestrial activity. "I don't
think the American people need to worry about aliens with respect to these craft," Kirby said during a press briefing on
Monday. "I don't think there's any more that needs to be said there." Kirby's comments come one day after a
top U.S. general said he hadn't ruled anything out when asked specifically about the possibility of aliens as it relates
to three objects shot down over the weekend.
Confirms Shot-Down Objects Aren't Balloons, Makes an Even Weirder Admission. Alright, maybe I was too
quick to dismiss the possibility of aliens. The Pentagon gave a briefing on Sunday evening after yet another
unidentified flying object was shot down, this time in US airspace over Lake Huron. Reports began to circulate
that the object was an "octagon" and that it didn't appear to be a balloon. That set off some speculation that the
recent rash of UFOs were balloons, likely from China, but that they were simply shaped differently than one would
expect. In a pretty shocking statement, though, Gen. Glen VanHerck made it clear that's not the view of the
US military. [Tweet] The UFOs not being balloons would be crazy enough, but things get even weirder when you hear
a top US general admit that we don't even know what is keeping these objects in the air.
Bombshells, Landmines,
and Nemesis. [Scroll down] Finally, we are witnessing the strangest provocations to U.S.
sovereign airspace in history. China apparently has been sending with impunity surveillance balloons throughout
American skies. Our woke military either did not know of all of them, or could not or would not stop them, or did
not disclose these apparent serial violations to their own civilian overseers. Biden mysteriously allowed an
enormous Chinese spy balloon to traverse nearly the entirety of the continental United States. When pressed, his
administration issued a series of untrue statements or at least mutually contradictory excuses for its own paralysis:
the device may have been just a weather balloon; it was a harmless, anemic primitive spy device; it may have been more
sophisticated than we thought but we took measures to ensure our sensitive locales were protected; we could not shoot it
down because it had caused no harm; we could not shoot it down because the debris might have hurt people on the ground;
we could not shoot it down over Alaskan waters because they are too deep and too cold; Trump was to blame for not
stopping them earlier; and on and on.
Info on 'Object' Just Shot Down Reveals Glaring Problem for Biden Team. The confusion of the Biden
administration seems to continue. While NORAD issued a statement last night saying there was an "anomaly" and they
said they didn't see anything when they went to look, now we're hearing on Sunday that they are saying that the object
shot down over Lake Huron is likely the same object as that spotted over Montana. [...] So how did they have radar, tell
Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) there was an object and then they found nothing? That's something they need to
figure out, otherwise we're sitting there with our borders exposed.
Shot Down Over Lake Huron Was "Shaped Like an Octagon": Wall St. Journal and Rep. Bergman
Report. The Wall Street Journal reported the object shot down over by U.S. planes Lake Huron Sunday
afternoon was "shaped like an octagon." Rep. Jack Bergman (R-MI) said in an interview with Fox News a few minutes
ago the object shot down by an F-16 that fired an AIM-9 Sidewinder missile was an "octagonal structure" over Lake Huron
at about 20,000 feet. Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) implied in a statement the object was the same one tracked
over Montana Saturday night. [...] Military jets searched for but could not find an object detected by radar over
Montana Saturday evening. Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) appeared to imply the object shot down over Lake Huron was
the same object tracked over Montana, [...]
Chinese balloongate? Recently, Biden's spokespersons announced the shoot-down of an "object" over far
Northeastern Alaska, shot down where it would land on an ice floe in Prudhoe Bay. The Pentagon was quick to "not
call it" a balloon, just as they were careful not to call where it crashed down "ice." Instead, they called the
balloon an "object" and called it "frozen water." Why did Biden permit a massive balloon, with an equipment pod as
large as a commercial airliner, to overfly the entire United States — including our nuclear missile silos in
Montana — while popping a relatively tiny balloon, with an equipment pod smaller than a small car? More
to the point, since China tested lofting deadly EMP generators on large balloons, why was the large balloon allowed to
threaten all Americans while the tinker-toy mini-balloon was destroyed as a "viable threat"? A balloon known to be
capable of carrying devastating weapons, spotted flying over the entire U.S., is apparently no threat, but a
micro-balloon over the most remote portion of the U.S. is a threat? Really? Pentagon spokespersons were
quick to deny that they knew that the balloon shot down was Chinese. But if it wasn't Chinese, why did they
destroy it? They denied knowing that it was a balloon. They also "confirmed" that this object wasn't a
manned aircraft, but an object. If they could determine that it wasn't manned, surely they could see that
it was a balloon.
Sidebar discussion: Why does everything have to be a secret or a lie?
The federal government and the news media won't tell the whole truth about anything, even
when it's obvious that the official explanation is full of holes. Plausible conjecture, reasonable
assumptions and educated guesses are called conspiracy theories. If the public somehow
finds out the truth, or most of the truth, the story falls into the news media memory hole.
Here are a few examples, in roughly chronological order:
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
Bay of Pigs
Kennedy assassination / Lee Harvey Oswald was rubbed out two days later
UFOs / Roswell UFO crash / Area 51
Peak Oil
Global warming / cooling
Carbon dioxide
Polar Bear Extinction
Polar Ice disappearing
Unsustainable population explosion
The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing
World Trade Center Building 7
Pentagon bomb / missile / whatever it was on 9/11/2001
American 587
FISA court arguments and decisions
Vince Foster suicide
TWA Flight 800
Patriot Act
Obama's birth certificate / Social Security number / College transcripts / dual citizenship
Obama secretly airlifted $400 million in cash to Iran in January, 2016
Benghazi -- and dozens of other Islamic terrorist attacks
Who killed Seth Rich, Vince Foster, Philip Haney, George DeMohrenschildt, Dorothy Kilgallen, Karen Silkwood, Catherine Cesnik?
AIDS / Ebola / Zika / bird flu / swine flu / monkeypox
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Anchor babies
Islam is touted as a Religion of Peace
How many useless government agencies exist?
Obamacare / Pass the bill to find out what's in it
Social Security insolvent
National debt / insurmountable but nobody cares
Hillary Clinton's secret email servers and other un-punished scandals
Domestic surveillance
Unexplained mass shooting in Las Vegas 10/4/2017
Black crime in black cities
The politicized FBI
Border patrol whipping migrants
Covid-19 : masks / alternative treatments / mandates / shutdowns
Theft of the 2020 election
Theft of the 2022 election
Biden's dementia / Who's really in charge?
Hunter Biden laptop
Hunter Biden paintings
The shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas
January 6, 2021, disturbance at the US Capitol
Epstein suicide
5G cell phone health hazards
Ukraine war
Nord Stream pipeline sabotage
Paul Pelosi DWI
Paul Pelosi hammer attack
Vaccine mandates / Healthy people dying suddenly
Natural gas appliances are suddenly bad
Joe Biden's classified documents
Chinese spy balloons or whatever they are
I looked for a list like this on the internet, but couldn't find one, so I had to compile it myself.
Military Unable To Find Alleged Object That Caused FAA To Close Airspace In Montana. The North American
Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and the U.S. Northern Command released a statement late on Saturday night [2/11/2023]
about a supposed unidentified object that they identified over Montana, saying that fighter jets were not able to locate
the object. "NORAD detected a radar anomaly and sent fighter aircraft to investigate," that statement said. "Those
aircraft did not identify any object to correlate to the radar hits. NORAD will continue to monitor the
situation." The statement came after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sent a notice to airmen (NOTAM)
late Saturday night warning that it had designated an area in the northern part of Montana as a "national defense
airspace" and that anyone who entered the airspace would be intercepted.
many UFOs will we (globally) shoot down this month? All of you who had "UFO invasion" on your 2023 bingo
card may now collect your prizes. After the United States shot down an "unidentified object" on Friday over
Alaska, yesterday and today produced a cascading series of reports about strange objects being seen (and in some cases
attacked) in the skies around the world. First, on Saturday, joint forces from the United States and Canada shot
down another one over a remote region of Yukon in the northwestern part of the country. But just like the one over
Alaska, this didn't look like a balloon at first, and Canadian officials were not ready to blame it on China. (It
came in from over the North Pole, not from the west.) [...] Pentagon officials later said that the object was a "small
metallic ballon with a tethered payload." That conflicts with earlier reports from the Canadian Defense Minister
who described it as a "small, cylindrical object" the size of a car. This latest description is still rather
vague, so who knows what we're being told and how forthright they are being?
vast scale of Beijing's high-tech balloon programme. There will no doubt be some tense moments in the
boardrooms of western technology companies over the coming days after the revelation that the Chinese spy balloon shot
down after traversing the United States had western-made components with English-language writing on them. [...]
Investigators are continuing their efforts to recover the wreckage of the balloon and its payload of surveillance kit
from shallow waters off the South Carolina coast but have already concluded that the craft was part of a fleet operated
by the Chinese military with sensors capable of sniffing for electronic communications. The targets likely
included data transmitted in and around US bases as well as between those bases and US satellites. Officials said
the balloon's surveillance equipment alone was the size of a regional jet, with solar panels capable of powering
'multiple active intelligence collecting sensors', with the data sent in real time to Chinese satellites orbiting above.
[...] On Friday Joe Biden ordered the military to shoot down another 'high altitude object' near Alaska, although the
White House did not confirm whether this was another Chinese spy balloon. National Security Council spokesperson
John Kirby said the object 'posed a reasonable threat to the safety of the civilian flight.'
'let's try it again' leftist balloon PR blitz. Suddenly, U.S. president Joe Biden and Canada's prime
minister, Justin Trudeau, are decisively shooting down new "UFOs" that purportedly wandered into their national
airspace. They are doing so with personal verve and command, displaying their sudden prowess as defenders of their
nation's respective airspace borders. Don't believe it. The manner in which the press releases were written
indicates that the writers went out of their way to make the story about the president and prime minister, and about
their newfound leadership, as well as positioning NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) as suddenly now on
top of its game. [...] Modern electoral government is a highly scripted activity; it is not an institutional culture
that is inherently poised for spontaneous action. This is the great risk that the public faces with elected
leaders who are otherwise merely legacy political ideologues like Trudeau or proxies like Biden: when actual
national security requires actual civilian leadership, they are unprepared or unqualified, or both. They are not
trained in leadership or military operations or strategy. They are completely dependent, especially in Biden's
case, given his obvious mental dysfunction, on an unorganized cabal of various advisers and handlers. And those
political appointees are not directing their attention to national leadership or national security or national defense,
but to private interests that can be affected through government institutional manipulation. For them, national
security is merely national theater.
airborne object remains over Montana, says congressman. A Montana congressman said on Saturday night that
he had been told an unidentified object was spotted over his district, forcing the temporary closure of airspace — and
the search for it would resume at daylight. Matt Rosendale, a Republican elected in 2020, said he had been briefed
by the Department of Defense, while he was at a Lincoln Reagan dinner. Fighter jets were scrambled and airspace
above Havre, a town of 10,000 people, 30 miles south of the Canadian border, was shut at 7:50 pm before being
reopened about 50 minutes later.
Rep. Says a 3rd 'Object' Near Northern Border. [Scroll down] "I am in direct contact with
NORCOM and monitoring the latest issue over Havre and the northern border," Rosendale divulged. "Airspace is closed due
to an object that could interfere with commercial air traffic — the DOD will resume efforts to observe and
ground the object in the morning." It's not clear why they're not taking the shot now, but they also delayed on
the prior two shoot-downs, so they may be having trouble picking it up for some reason. This followed two objects
being shot down, one over Alaska on Friday and another that was shot down over Canada Saturday evening. Both of
those objects penetrated U.S. airspace before they were detected and shot down. Their descriptions were
similar — "small" and "cylindrical."
new probes may burst baloony Joe Biden's bubble. With China's spy balloon crossing the American heartland
unmolested and GOP leaders simultaneously starting probes of his family's corruption, Joe Biden is entering a new phase
of his presidency. The worst case scenario is that all his chickens are coming home to roost. The spy
balloon's appearance and that of two additional objects shot down by the military oddly highlight the importance of the
House probes. The possibility that Biden has been compromised by profiting from son Hunter's lucrative foreign
entanglements, especially with China, is drawing extra attention to how the president reacts to the Communist regime's
aggressive surveillance. So far, his weak-tea response is raising even more suspicions. In fact, it's
fair to say he has done or said nothing that would allay concerns and everything to aggravate them. It started
with his administration's bizarre radio silence as the balloon crossed over Alaska and entered mainland airspace.
Only after a civilian spotted it over Montana did the White House acknowledge what it knew all along.
object' shot down by Pentagon over Alaska, just days after Chinese spy balloon incident. The Biden
administration confirmed it shot down a "high-altitude object" over Alaska on Friday afternoon. Officials did not
say what the object was, and they would not confirm if it was a second Chinese spy balloon nearly one week after
shooting down a craft over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of the Carolinas. National Security Council spokesman
John Kirby additionally briefed reporters Friday [2/10/2023] on the operation, which took less than an hour prior to his
appearance in the White House press briefing room. "I can confirm that the Department of Defense was tracking a
high-altitude object over Alaska airspace in the last 24 hours," Kirby told reporters. "The object was flying at an
altitude of 40,000 feet and posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight. Out of an abundance of
caution at the recommendation of the Pentagon, President Biden ordered the military to down the object, and they did it
when it came in inside our territorial waters."
Info on That Unusual 'Object' Shot Down Over Alaska. There's now more information on that object that the
military shot down over Alaskan waters, which we reported on earlier. It was a "high-altitude object," flying at
about 40,000 feet that was about the size of a "small car," according to National Security Council Coordinator for
Strategic Communications John Kirby. The description of the object was unusual. [...] Sounds more UFO-ish, if they
can't even identify what it is. But at least this time they were able to detect it. They first detected it
on Thursday evening. It was picked up by ground radar, and they flew planes up to check it out. But they
didn't shoot it down until Friday afternoon around 1:45 — after they had more planes check it out and after
they got the order from Joe Biden. They shot it down over frozen water, so they believe they will be able to
recover it. They said they shot it down because it could pose a danger to civilian air traffic.
The Editor says...
Really? How much "civilian air traffic" flies at 40,000 feet over frozen Alaska territorial waters? And what kind
of an object "about the size of a 'small car'" can fly at 40,000 feet? If it was a balloon, why don't they just
say so? Why is it impossible to get the whole story out of any government spokesman?
High-altitude object shot down
over Alaska, US says. US President Joe Biden ordered a fighter jet to shoot down an unidentified
"high-altitude object" off Alaska on Friday [2/10/2023], the White House says. Spokesman John Kirby said the
unmanned object was "the size of a small car" and posed a "reasonable threat" to civilian aviation. The object's
purpose and origin was unclear, Mr Kirby said. It comes a week after the American military destroyed a
Chinese balloon over US territorial waters.
Ri-i-i-i-ight Austin:
Spy Balloon Forced Us to Limit Movement, Communications Across Country So 'We Didn't Expose' Nuclear
Capabilities. During a portion of an interview with CBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin
released on Wednesday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stated that in response to the Chinese spy balloon that flew
over the country last week, the United States ensured that its nuclear bases "were buttoned down" and that "movement was
limited and communications were limited so that we didn't expose any capability unnecessarily." Austin also stated
that the buttoning down applied to nuclear bases all across the United States. Martin asked, "You don't know what
it was looking for, but you certainly know what you were concerned about it looking for. What were you concerned
about it looking for?" Austin answered, "Well, I — certainly, all of our strategic assets, we made sure
that we were buttoned down and movement was limited and communications were limited so that we didn't expose any
capability unnecessarily."
CNN boldly reports that which is obvious, but only because the government said it first: Chinese spy
balloon contained technology to monitor communication signals, US says. The Biden administration has
determined that the suspected Chinese surveillance balloon that traversed the United States last week was operating with
electronic surveillance technology capable of monitoring US communications, according to a senior State Department
official. The balloon "was capable of conducting signals intelligence collection operations" and was part of a
fleet that had flown over "more than 40 countries across five continents." "We know the PRC used these balloons
for surveillance," the official said. "High resolution imagery from U-2 flybys revealed that the high-altitude balloon
was capable of conducting signals intelligence collection operations." Signals intelligence refers to information
that is gathered by electronic means — things like communications and radars.
Spy Balloon Carried Technology to Monitor Communication Signals: Official. The Chinese spy balloon that
flew over the United States for days before being shot down could monitor communications signals, a U.S. official
says. "High resolution imagery from U-2 flybys revealed that the high-altitude balloon was capable of conducting
signals intelligence collection operations," an official with the State Department, speaking on condition of anonymity,
told The Epoch Times. "The high altitude balloon's equipment was clearly for intelligence surveillance and
inconsistent with the equipment onboard weather balloons. It had multiple antennas to include an array likely
capable of collecting and geo-locating communications. It was equipped with solar panels large enough to produce
the requisite power to operate multiple active intelligence collection sensors," the official added. Frank
Gaffney, executive chairman at the Center for Security Policy, told NTD that China would likely have an interest in
monitoring communications between intercontinental ballistic missile silos.
Disarray Is A Stark Contrast To China's Unity. Listening carefully during the State of the Union, you
could hear roaring laughter in Beijing when President Biden again said that J6 was the greatest threat to America since
the Civil War. Biden is China's perfect stooge. China has a long-term mission to retaliate against the West,
with a bullseye on America, for a Century of Humiliation (1839-1949). To succeed, China must have political and racial
unity and opportunities to strike, like an American president driving political, racial, and military disunity and
invested in the mythical J6 monster. [...] But what if none of this is ironic to Xi? What if the white spy balloon
was a successful diversionary tactic while the CCP clandestinely works to facilitate divisions in America through the
indoctrination of CRT and wokism? This would be an espionage masterstroke to advance the CCP's long-term mission
to humiliate America and achieve global supremacy. This could be a bigger threat to America than the mythical J6
domestic-extremist monster, right?
Hunter Biden, victim.
DNC fabricators are good. They spun a spy balloon from Red China as being nothing unusual. Their boy at the
Pentagon said, "The balloon is currently traveling at an altitude well above commercial air traffic and does not present
a military or physical threat to people on the ground. Instances of this kind of balloon activity have been
observed previously over the past several years. Once the balloon was detected, the U.S. government acted
immediately to protect against the collection of sensitive information." Nothing to see here. Move
along. Once the Red Chinese accomplished their mission, the military blew it up — and Democrats
congratulated the president. [...] Finally, the DNC blatantly lied and said Red China sent balloons over the USA when
Donald Trump was president. The press went with that story. Only a few conservative outlets, such as the
Boston Herald, carried his denial: "It never happened with us under the Trump administration and if it did, we
would have shot it down immediately."
MTG Bursts Biden's Balloon: 'He's Owned by China!' [Scroll down] The balloon, which first
captured the public's attention last week after a photographer caught sight of it floating over Billings, Montana,
entered U.S. airspace days prior, on January 28, near the Aleutian Islands, a senior Pentagon official said during
a press briefing Saturday after the military had taken the balloon down. "It's really interesting," Greene
said. "I think everyone should know that the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, the president of the United
States knew China was bringing a spy balloon towards our country on January 28. Then they allowed it to enter
our airspace. They allowed it to traverse the entire United States, spy on multiple, multiple military bases with
critical infrastructure, gather as much intel as they needed until it left the country, and then they shot down the spy balloon."
Pleads Incompetence Over Failure To Spot Trump-Era Chinese Spy Balloons. As the Biden administration came
under fire last week for allowing a Chinese spy balloon to cross the entire United States before shooting it down off
the coast of South Carolina, an anonymous US Defense Department official said over the weekend that spy balloons
transited over US territory during the Trump administration. Trump, and his former administration officials,
collectively [disputed] the report — saying it 'never happened.' "Now they are putting out that a
Balloon was put up by China during the Trump Administration, in order to take the 'heat' off" the Biden administration,
Trump wrote Sunday. "China had too much respect for 'TRUMP' for this to have happened, and it NEVER did." In
response to the entire Trump administration's lack of knowledge of these alleged incursions, Rep. Marjorie Taylor
Greene (R-GA) on Monday called for a congressional investigation into why the US intelligence community failed to inform
the sitting administration of foreign spycraft transiting over US airspace.
possibilities to explain the Chinese balloon. How could a Chinese (or any other) foreign object enter U.S.
national airspace (the "NAS" or national airspace system, controlled by the DOD and the civilian FAA) without its
presence known far beforehand, and its flight path not tracked and projected? And if a very slow-moving balloon,
let alone a supersonic aircraft, or a hypersonic missile, is not announced over a public communication system until it
is already over U.S. airspace, loitering over the Midwest, what does this say about our entire national defense system
and about NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command), or about general civil defense and public notification
systems? It is of interest that the September 11, 2001 tragedy was defined in part by a still unexplained
failure of the entire NORAD system, declared in the final 911 Report to be systematically preoccupied with joint
simulations and drills. In the case of the Chinese balloon incident, what then is offered as an explanation for
its apparently unknown presence over the U.S., and its casual trajectory over military installations, nuclear
facilities, industrial operations, dense population centers, and civil infrastructure? Moreover, why was it
supposedly shot down over the Atlantic Ocean, and its recovery made problematic, when it could have been captured
through routine in-flight procedures, and towed effectively to a defense installation for examination? It could
also have been easily compromised in its ability to maintain altitude, without destroying it, and recovered intact.
the Aftermath of Balloongate, Now What? This article had already been accepted for print in American
Thinker when President Joe Biden "courageously" ordered the destruction of China's spy balloon after it had soared out
to sea, where there was nothing more to spy on. That balloon crossed the entire country, passing over
strategic U.S. assets, such as the field of silos at Malmstrom Air Force Base, which houses a major proportion of
America's intercontinental nuclear-equipped missiles. When Joe announced this "victory" over an unarmed
eye-in-the-sky spy balloon with all the swagger of John Wayne at his peak, he tried to make it seem as though he he were
bold, decisive, and in charge. The facts, however, suggest something else.
Biden And His Media Allies Turned A Threatening Chinese Spy Balloon Into A Political Feud. If there was
any doubt that we are engaged in some sort of cold war or contest for global superiority with China, the emergence of
the CCP surveillance balloon over the United States should eliminate that. There's no question China is being
intentionally provocative. And why wouldn't it? The CCP is paying close attention. Chinese leaders
have correctly assessed America is so politically and culturally dysfunctional that blatant acts of provocation can be
done with impunity because blatant acts of hostility will just become more fodder for our domestic political
disputes. Our lack of national unity has been a national security problem for a long time, but as far as China's
concerned, it became abundantly clear just how bad a problem it was in 2020. The media and those otherwise
responsible for "fortifying" our elections decided we weren't allowed to say Covid came from Wuhan and started banning
people from social media for saying the virus leaked from a Chinese lab. Regardless of the fact that China's
irresponsible behavior was to blame for the deaths of millions of Americans, it became an important domestic political
priority to convert a global plague into baseless accusations of racism so it could be used as a cudgel in a
presidential election.
Spy Balloon Was Part of Widespread Aerial-Surveillance Program by People's Liberation Army: Report. A
suspected Chinese spy balloon that the U.S. military shot down off the Carolina coast last week was part of a larger
surveillance program run by the People's Liberation Army, according to a new report. The program has collected
information on military assets in a number of countries, including Japan, India, Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippines,
U.S. officials reportedly told the Washington Post. One official called the scheme a "massive effort" by
China using an "unbelievably old technology" that it joined with "modern communications and observation capabilities" in
an effort to gather intelligence on other countries' militaries.
Military NOW Says There Were SIX China Spy Balloons Spotted During Trump Years — But No One Was
Notified. The Pentagon NOW says there were SIX Chinese spy balloons spotted over US territory during the
Trump years. But no one was notified in leadership in the Trump administration or the US intelligence
department. The story is literally changing by the hour. And General Keith Kellogg, who was the Executive
Secretary and Chief of Staff of the United States National Security Council in the Trump administration, says he was
never notified!
Zeppelin recovered: Pentagon releases pictures of Navy pulling wreckage of Chinese spy balloon from Atlantic
Ocean. The Pentagon has released sensational photographs showing the Navy's retrieval of a suspected
Chinese spy balloon shot down over the Atlantic Ocean. The mission off the coast of South Carolina has taken days,
and comes as relations between Beijing and Washington rapidly deteriorate after the high-altitude aircraft was shot down
on Saturday. Defense officials confirmed earlier this week that an amphibious warship, as well as several divers
and underwater robots, had been deployed to survey a specific 'square mile' of ocean where the remains of the balloon
were thought to be located.
Did Biden Admin Retroactively 'Discover' Chinese Balloons in the U.S During the Trump Years? The Biden
administration has been trying to plug a gigantic hole in their story about Chinese spy balloons flying over U.S.
territory during the Trump administration with no one in the government aware of it. Initially, the Biden
administration sought to deflect attention from their failure to shoot down the balloon by noting that Chinese spy
balloons transited U.S. territory three times during the Trump years. But when several Trump administration
officials hotly denied that charge, Biden administration officials changed their story. They claimed that the
balloons were only over U.S. territory briefly — skirting Hawaii and flying over part of Florida —
unlike this latest spy balloon, which traversed the entire width of the country. They also claimed that the
balloons weren't detected. But how do we know this if the balloons weren't detected and national leaders weren't
informed of their presence?
and contradictory claims about the Chinese spy balloon. The Chinese high-altitude balloon said to be about
the size of three buses being allowed to hover over the United States for almost a week before it was shot down is
another example of how matters have deteriorated under Joe Biden. [...] Beyond its functionality, there were other
issues. A easily visible surveillance balloon is a symbolic act of domination by the Chicoms. The balloon
was also meant to demonstrate sophisticated Chinese technological capability to penetrate U.S. airspace. It is
also an ominous sight for citizens, unable to do anything about it. In all scenarios, Biden's dithering over the
course of action has already done the damage and may have brought the U.S. very close to a serious catastrophe. It
also made the U.S. look weak and incompetent. Yet some sections of the U.S. media are still defending Biden.
Carlson Rips Biden Admin For Claiming Chinese Spy Balloon 'Posed No Threat'. Fox News host Tucker Carlson
blasted the Biden administration Monday for saying that a Chinese balloon "posed no threat" to national security.
"On January 28th, the balloon entered U.S. airspace over Alaska. From there, it traveled over the northwest
territories of Canada and then it dropped back into the United States over Idaho. By last Wednesday,
February 1st, it was spotted by civilians in the skies over southern Montana," Carlson [...] said. [...] "Debris
was still fluttering toward the ocean when the administration began telling lies, many of them about what had
happened. That balloon posed no threat to American national security, the Biden Administration claimed," Carlson
said." "Why? Because the balloon never transmitted data back to China. Now, how could officials know
that? They never explained, nor did they say whether the Chinese military would send one of its aircraft all the
way to the U.S. without a satellite uplink." Carlson noted other media outlets pushed claims from DOD officials
that Chinese balloons had flown over the U.S. during the Trump administration, a claim disputed by senior officials in
the Trump administration.
Admits They Didn't Detect the Spy Balloons Until Post-Trump. The government suggested Donald Trump ignored
three balloon incursions into our air space by the Chinese communists during his presidency. Forced to explain,
they now say NORAD learned of them later by other means and never detected them while Donald Trump was president.
When is someone going to get fired? Air Force General VanHerck said that they didn't detect the balloons and "we
have to figure that out." Maybe the news reporter who spotted the balloon in Montana should work for NORAD. [...]
Breaking reports US Northern Command does not have the correct mix of sensor capabilities, according to the
commanding general responsible for homeland defense. The White House had said there were three incursions under
Donald Trump. After Donald Trump and his former staff said they were never told, Gen. VanHerck and NSC
spokesperson John Kirby had to clarify or alter their statement. They said US intelligence agencies had used
"forensics" to identify the Chinese spycraft incursions only after President Biden took office in January 2021.
besides spying, can a balloon do? We all assumed that the Chinese Spy Balloon was, in fact, a spy
balloon. But what if it weren't? What could it have been, or what could a similar balloon do should it be
equipped with a different kind of payload? The most obvious answer, speculated about by many people, is an EMP
delivery device. It would be easy enough to do, with the miniaturization of nuclear weapons, but also incredibly
risky for obvious reasons: sending a nuclear weapon into US airspace is a bit more of a provocation than a spy platform
traversing the country. If it was shot down, the fact that it carried a nuke would be blindingly obvious.
whole "Trump ignored China spy balloons" story is a transparent lie. Karen expressed appropriate
skepticism about the story that Biden defenders were pushing that Trump ignored 3 incidents of Chinese spy balloons
crossing the United States. Biden partisans pushed the story hard, claiming that Slow Joe was Maverick from
Top Gun, while Trump meekly took it when China did the same thing during his administration. [...] Of course, we
all knew the story would turn out to be a fabrication, and indeed it is. The goal was to implant the idea in
people's heads that Biden was a strong leader, even stronger than Trump. More importantly, it muddied the
waters. Now that the idea is out there, the story is starting to change. Not a little, but a lot.
Won't Name Official Who Divulged Misleading Info About Chinese Spy Balloons During Trump Admin. The
Washington Free Beacon's Chuck Ross revealed that the Pentagon wouldn't name the official who provided misleading
information about three supposed Chinese spy balloons during President Donald Trump's administration. The senior
official said on Saturday: ["]PRC [People's Republic of China] government surveillance balloons transited
the continental United States briefly at least three times during the prior administration and once that we know of at
the beginning of this administration, but never for this duration of time. We spoke directly with Chinese
officials through multiple channels, but rather than address their intrusion into our airspace, the PRC put out an
explanation that lacked any credibility.["] The media and Democrats ate it up. During his
administration, Trump and his former officials, including John Bolton, denied knowledge of Chinese spy balloons.
Officials in the Pentagon changed their story on Sunday, but honestly, they made it worse. They told the media the
balloons were discovered after Trump left office.
Probably just the parts that float. U.S.
Navy collects debris from Chinese surveillance balloon. The U.S. Navy has started to collect what remains
of a Chinese high-altitude surveillance balloon after an Air Force fighter jet shot it down over the weekend. The
Department of Defense announced the recovery effort Monday, stating it was taking place about 6 miles off the coast
of South Carolina in about 50 feet of water, after rough seas prevented the safe retrieval Sunday.
more sites in Virginia and California were previously spied on, but the Pentagon dismissed it as UFOs. The
first photos of the F-22 Raptor which shot down the spy balloon have been published - as it emerged the U.S. used U2 spy
planes, first deployed during the Cold War, to monitor the Chinese balloon. This comes as reports suggested that
similar balloons were spotted previously in two more highly-sensitive military sites in Virginia and California, but the
intelligence community classified them as UFOs. The U-2S Dragon Lady spy planes were enlisted as part of last
week's scramble to assess the balloon because they are able to fly at extremely high altitude.
Mattis Claims He Had No Knowledge of Chinese Spy Balloons. On Monday during an interview with Fox Business
Network, Republican Rep. Mike Waltz suggested that the Pentagon and General James Mattis refused to tell
then-President Donald Trump about Chinese spy balloons because they were worried his reaction would be too strong.
"My office has been briefed by the office of the Secretary of Defense of the current Pentagon that it happened over
Florida, it happened over Texas, and that it's happened before," he said during the interview.
Narrative on Supposed Previous Chinese Spy Balloons Gets Even More Confusing. The narrative on the Chinese
spy balloon has gotten even more bizarre, given that the Biden administration's response includes claiming that the same
thing happened under the Trump administration, three times. Not only does former and potentially future President
Donald Trump deny it, but so do members of his administration, including Mike Pompeo, who served as CIA director and
then secretary of state, and may be a potential 2024 primary rival, as well as former Director of National Intelligence
John Ratcliffe. Gen. Glen VanHerck, the head of U.S. Northern Command, is in the news for his Monday remarks
on this narrative, which don't exactly shine much light when it comes to clarifying the situation. A reporter had
asked "was NORTHCOM involved in tracking the balloon that was at the early stage of the Biden Administration and also
the three that transited during the Trump administration," as well as "what can you tell us about those that were
different?" After acknowledging that it is his "responsibility to detect threats to North America," General
VanHerck then went on to share "I will tell you that we did not detect those threats. And that's a domain
awareness gap that we have to figure out," though he then demurred, adding "I don't want to go in further detail."
Info on Chinese Spy Balloon From NORAD Commander Is Jaw-Dropping. At this point, everything the Biden team
says about the Chinese spy balloon just seems to make the problem worse. One of the big questions that people have
had is why the balloon wasn't shot down earlier, for example, over the Aleutian Islands, near Alaska. Or over any
of the less populated areas of Alaska, Canada, or Montana that it went over? Now, they're out with more comments
and they're not helping themselves. They had earlier claimed they didn't have a "water shot." That answer has now
"evolved" further. According to the Department of Defense, the U.S. did not have time to shoot down the Chinese
spy balloon right after it crossed into Alaskan waters.
Says NORAD Missed Previous Chinese Spy Balloon Incursions During the Trump Administration. Gen. Glen
VanHerck, commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and Northern Command (NORTHCOM), admitted Monday
that the joint U.S.-Canada organization missed previous incursions of Chinese spy balloons, including during the Trump
administration. When asked during a press briefing whether NORTHCOM was involved in tracking previous Chinese spy
balloon that flew into the U.S. airspace during the Biden and Trump administrations, VanHerck responded:
["]So those balloons, so every day as a NORAD commander it's my responsibility to detect threats to North
America. I will tell you that we did not detect those threats. And that's a domain awareness gap that we
have to figure out. But I don't want to go in further detail.["] He indicated that the intelligence
community tracked those previous balloons after the incursions through "additional means."
That's What Our Military Brass Is Blaming for the Chinese Spy Balloon Incursion? The Chinese spy balloon
circus is over, but now it's question time for the Biden administration who let this espionage device from Beijing float
around for days. We finally downed the balloon over the Atlantic Ocean near the Carolinas over the weekend.
But how could this have happened? It wasn't traveling at supersonic speeds, and our tracking devices could have
stopped it when it was hovering near Alaska. There was time to shoot down this balloon before it breached US
airspace. We know about the Pentagon's concerns about falling debris killing American citizens. The floating
spy circus had enough equipment to span three bus lengths — we get the security concerns, but the delay in
action is another matter. Spencer wrote on Monday about the latest twist in this episode: there was a possibility
that it could have been carrying explosives. Sounds like something you shoot down when it's near Alaska,
right? Well, maybe not. All is not well at the Pentagon regarding detection capabilities, it would
seem. The brass is blaming an "awareness gap" for the spy balloon incursion.
Community Says They Discovered Prior Chinese Spy Balloon Operations, Only After President Trump Left
Office. This is so stunningly incredulous, and transparently politically orchestrated, it's
laughable. The U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) defended the actions of the Biden administration last Saturday by
saying three Chinese spy balloons had previously been deployed during the Trump administration. However, President
Trump and all national security heads including Mike Pompeo (CIA), Richard Grenell and John Ratcliffe (DNI) denied ever
hearing about these balloons. To reconcile the claim of historic Chinese spy balloon operations, against the
denials and absence of briefings for the Trump IC officials, the current Intel Community (and Biden Administration) are
now claiming they only discovered the prior balloon flights *AFTER* President Trump left office. Oh, and due to
national security issues, the IC cannot explain how they found out after the fact. Yes Alice, that's their story,
and they're sticking to it.
Waltz Says DOD Told Him China Spy Balloons Crossed US During Trump Years But Gen. Mattis Did Not Tell
Trump. Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) joined Stuart Varney on Monday morning on FOX Business Network.
Rep Waltz says current Pentagon officials briefed him over the weekend and said Chinese spy balloons crossed over Texas
and Florida during the Trump years. Waltz then dropped this bomb. Rep. Waltz said that General Mattis
was Secretary of Defense at the time and decided not to inform President Trump because the Pentagon thought Trump was
"too provocative and aggressive!" This is a treason if true. Mattis put the US in danger, offered comfort to
the enemy, allowed Chinese spying on US installations, and then hid this from his superiors, including the President of
the United States.
Months Ago, A Chinese Spy Balloon Crashed Off The Coast Of Hawaii. According to more mainstream media
reports, a mere four months ago, a Chinese spy balloon crashed off the coast of Hawaii. U.S. officials reportedly
confirmed that a Chinese spy balloon crashed near Hawaii four months ago, Fox News reported on Sunday, however, this
wasn't mainstream news until now. Does that mean the war rhetoric is ramping up? Most likely.
The Long List Of Military Bases The Chinese Balloon Passed While Biden Did Nothing.
[Scroll down] The recent occurrence of a China spy balloon tracking model over the continental US is a cause
for concern, and highlights the inadequate and negligent actions of the current administration. The Biden
administration has been accused of attempting to conceal this information from the public, possibly due to an impending
visit to China by the Secretary of State. These developments raise questions about the loyalty and commitment of
the Biden administration to the safety and security of the American people. Some individuals have labeled the
Bidens as a potential danger to the nation, and believe that their actions suggest a level of compromise within the
administration. The situation requires a careful and impartial examination to determine the true extent of the
impact on US national security and to ensure the protection of American citizens.
Biden's Ballooning
Foreign-Policy Blunders. ast Friday, just before President Joe Biden left for another of his many long
weekends away from the White House, reporters vainly asked him about the Chinese surveillance balloon that had been
meandering around in U.S. airspace since Jan. 28. Our commander-in-chief offered no response beyond a smirk
and a vacant stare. The "spy balloon," as it has been dubbed by the media, is a good metaphor for the Biden
administration's foreign policy — lighter than air and potentially dangerous. Unlike Biden's foreign
policy, however, the spy balloon had a discernible objective. This became clear when it spent an unnerving amount
of time last week hovering over Montana's Malmstrom Air Force Base, "which houses a large portion of the US's Minuteman
intercontinental ballistic missiles," according to a Bloomberg report. In other words, the balloon was being used
by the Chinese to gather military intelligence in order to assess our national-defense capacity.
balloon is a Chinese middle finger to the US. Military fighter jets have just shot down the Chinese
Communist Party's gigantic spy balloon that had been hovering about 60,000 feet over the United States. The
balloon was "taken care of," to quote President Biden, over the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of South Carolina.
Prior to the maneuver, the balloon drifted, unharmed, over our sensitive military sites and fellow citizens. It
lingered there, doing what Chinese President Xi Jinping pleased, while rightfully indignant members of Congress
representing those violated states took to press releases and cable TV to demand the federal government secure our
sovereign airspace. All of this was no doubt churned back through the CCP's propaganda outlets, smearing
America as divided, weak, and foolish. [...] Even the CCP's official explanation about the balloon is a troll.
They claimed it was a "civilian airship" merely conducting innocuous meteorological research that "deviated far from its
planned course" due to strong winds. Of course, due to the PRC's national strategy of Civil-Military Fusion in
service of the Party's military, there is no real civilian research program. And for the world's most
sophisticated techno-authoritarian state that boasts of its control and lack of errors, accidentally losing a valuable
surveillance blimp the size of three school buses over the territory of your number one rival is quite the accident.
Ukrainian Paradoxes.
[W]hile we discount the nuclear dangers of a paranoid Putin reacting to the arming of our proxy Ukraine, the brazen
Chinese, in violation of American airspace and international law, sent their recent "weather" surveillance balloon
across the continental United States with impunity. Only after public pressure, media coverage, and the Republican
opposition did the Biden Administration, in the 11th hour, finally drop its increasingly incoherent and
disingenuous excuses, and agree to shoot the balloon down as it reached the Atlantic shore — its mission
completed. Given the balloon may have more, not less, surveillance capability than satellites, may have itself
been designed eventually to adopt offensive capability, and may have been intended to gauge the American reaction to
incursions, the Biden hesitation and fear to defend U.S. airspace and confront China makes no sense.
Story About the Spy Balloon Doesn't Add Up; Here's What Most Likely Happened. As Joe Biden faces the
fallout of his poor handling of the Chinese spy balloon, the effort to rewrite history is already underway. Soon
after the balloon was shot down on Saturday, Biden claimed the order to shoot it down was given on Wednesday. [...] But
is this true? Did Biden really authorize the balloon to be shot down on Wednesday? I have my doubts.
The Biden administration has long pointed to the size of the balloon's payload and the potential debris field shooting
it down over land might cause. But, when Pentagon spokesperson Air Force Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder was
asked on Friday if there were plans to shoot it down once it was over water again, and he didn't rule it out, but it
sure sounded like no decision had been made at that point. [...] The other problem with this story is that we know the
Pentagon had been monitoring the balloon since it left China, and it had previous opportunities to shoot it down while
it was over U.S. territorial waters when it crossed over the Aleutian Islands. The Biden administration most
certainly knew what it was and where it might go, and the opportunity to shoot it down safely over the water was not taken.
says Chinese spy balloons 'NEVER' flew on his watch; former DNI chief Richard Grenell agrees. On Saturday,
Biden, the same guy who was reportedly opposed to the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, strutted his stuff on the tarmac
outside Air Force One over the successful takedown of the surveillance aircraft after it had already traversed the
United States. At the same time, the Defense Department claimed that "Chinese balloons briefly transited the
continental United States at least three times during the prior administration." In response, Trump fired back on
Truth Social Sunday morning and wrote, "The Chinese Balloon situation is a disgrace, just like the Afghanistan horror
show, and everything else surrounding the grossly incompetent Biden Administration. They are only good at cheating
in elections, and disinformation — and now they are putting out that a Balloon was put up by China during the
Trump Administration, in order to take the 'heat' off the slow moving Biden fools. China had too much respect for
'TRUMP' for this to have happened, and it NEVER did. JUST FAKE DISINFORMATION!"
Biden's Weakness on Spy Balloon Assures Chinese Aggression. President Joe Biden's weakness with China is
once again on display. Earlier this week, U.S. officials tracked a Chinese reconnaissance balloon over the
American mainland. A Chinese Communist Party spokesperson claimed this was nothing more than a "weather research"
balloon that had simply blown off course. Sure, the CCP's harmless weather balloon just happened to pass
over multiple sensitive military sites vital to America's national security — nobody should believe that
nonsense, especially not the Biden administration. Even if it were true, the CCP's policy of civil-military
fusion — which requires all available research and technology, from China's private sector or otherwise, to
be shared with the Chinese military — makes such an excuse an impossibility. Thus, this appears to be
an intentional act of espionage, and it signals that the CCP is feeling ever more emboldened with Biden in charge.
If the Biden administration does not act to change this paradigm quickly, the threat of conflict will only continue to
grow. Weakness breeds aggression. America must demonstrate clear strength and resolve.
Finally Shoots Down Chinese Spy Balloon After Biden Let It Float Across Entire Country. U.S. military
fighter aircraft shot down a suspected Chinese spy balloon as it floated off the coast of South Carolina on Saturday,
drawing to a close a dramatic saga that shone a spotlight on worsening Sino-U.S. relations. "We successfully took
it down, and I want to compliment our aviators who did it," President Joe Biden said. Biden said he had issued an
order on Wednesday to take down the balloon, but the Pentagon had recommended waiting until it could be done over open
water to safeguard civilians from debris crashing down to Earth from thousands of feet above commercial air traffic.
claim about three Chinese spy balloons on Trump's watch is deflating fast. The Milley boys at the Pentagon
have come up with a new public relations "save" for Joe Biden and his pathetic indecisiveness about a China spy balloon
brazenly traversing the continental United States until it was shot down over the Atlantic yesterday. According to
the Pentagon's website, ["]The balloon did not pose a military or physical threat. Still
its intrusion into American airspace over several days was an unacceptable violation of U.S. sovereignty. The
official said Chinese balloons briefly transited the continental United States at least three times during the prior
administration.["] Predictably, the left has seized on that last line and had a field day: [...] There's
just one problem, though — the claim that Trump saw three Chinese balloons traverse through the U.S. on his
watch and did nothing is ... deflating fast. First, we have an explicit denial from someone who would have known.
Military Fears China May Reach Balloon Wreckage Before They Can Get There. You just can't make this
up! After allowing a China spy balloon to float across Alaska and the continental United States for the last 10
days, the US military finally shot the balloon down after its work was accomplished. Now the US military is
concerned they may not reach the balloon wreckage before China can. The balloon was shot down 6 miles off the
coast of Carolina. They can't be serious, except that they are. The US military will not have a proper
salvage vessel at the scene for several days.
Biden Gushes Over Joe's Handling of Chinese Spy Balloon. We saw in Joe Biden's reaction to the Chinese spy
balloon what a problematic leader Joe Biden is, if we didn't already know it. The balloon wasn't taken out when it
first entered American airspace on Jan. 28, off the waters of Alaska. That was when you would think Biden
would take the "water shot," but the military said they didn't have it. Then it went over Alaska, where there are
huge expanses of unoccupied land. Again, no shot. It went over Canada and then entered the U.S. again on
Tuesday, January 31. According to White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, that's when Biden was
apprised of what was going on, supposedly. Why wasn't he told until then? Biden wants us to believe that he
told the military on Wednesday to shoot it down as soon as possible. But even if I were to believe he told them
that on Wednesday, why did he wait a day when he was told on Tuesday? Why wasn't he told before Jan. 31, when
the balloon entered our airspace on Jan. 28? And why wasn't it taken down before then, over the vast expanses
of unoccupied area, where you would have had a better opportunity of recovering material than in the ocean? Sorry,
but I'm not buying it, I think the problem here was Joe would have just let it go, except for the backlash.
As we wrote earlier, their first thought was to be quiet about it. Indeed, we likely wouldn't even have heard
about it, had Americans not spotted it over Billings, Montana, and it likely never would have been shot down. It's
only shot down after it traverses the country, gathering whatever information it came to gather.
others deny Chinese spy balloons flew across the U.S. during Trump administration. Democrats and their
cohorts in the media are quickly coming to Joe Biden's aid as critics say Biden didn't handle the Chinese spy balloon
incident well. The spy balloon flying across America can easily be thought of as a test of Biden's inclination to
use force against Chinese intrusion. At first, the Biden administration and the Pentagon remained silent about the
appearance of the balloon. Then a local news organization in Montana reported on it as it hovered over
Billings. The word quickly spread to news outlets across the country. When would Americans have known about
the story of a Montana news organization that had not reported on it? The most transparent
administration — evah — sure doesn't conduct itself as such. The administration was aware of
the spy balloon approaching U.S. airspace when it was heading toward the Aleutian Islands. Allegedly they
monitored it until the story broke.
Reporter Confirms That Biden Admin. Has Been Aware Of Chinese Spy Balloons For At Least A Year. As
concerns continue to mount over the presence of Chinese spy balloons in the United States, reports are emerging that the
balloons have been a persistent problem both in the United States and across the world. This week, it was revealed
that spy balloons released by China are also flying over Latin America, just as it has been revealed that the United
States government has been aware of similar issues for at least a year, if not longer. The fact that the problem
has existed for years begs the question of why the Biden administration was not prepared with a response when it was
revealed that spy balloons were flying over the northern United States.
Spy Balloons: Potential Purposes For The High Altitude Invasion. My home state of Montana was recently
featured in news feeds this week as the first to observe and identify what the US Air Force says is a Chinese spy
balloon. The Chinese claim it is a civilian weather apparatus that was blown off course and they expressed
"regret" for the event, but the equipment visible in photographs suggests that this is a lie. Beyond that, another
similar balloon has been spotted over Latin America — One wayward high tech Chinese balloon might be
believable, but two is not a coincidence. There are numerous theories as to why such a surveillance platform would
be used by the CCP and what it is designed to look for, and I thought I would offer a couple theories based on my years
of study into similar projects pursued by the US Department of Defense and DARPA. First, the immediate question is
why the Biden Administration has not destroyed the balloon? Why not shoot first and ask questions later?
Well, Biden's silence on this issue suggests he either has no answers or that the truth will make the American public
very angry. The most likely reason it has not been shot down is because it is very difficult to shoot down.
Brandon' Returns in Desperate Attempt to Gloss Over Joe Biden's Weakness. The long journey of a Chinese
spy balloon finally ended on Saturday after it was downed off the coast of South Carolina. According to reports,
President Joe Biden gave the order to shoot it down on Wednesday, but Gen. Mark Milley, infamous for overriding
presidents and supporting China, chose to not carry out the order until four days later. Ostensibly, the reason
was to prevent damage to civilian property, but as we'll get to, that makes no sense whatsoever. Still, in a
laughable show of arrogance, Democrats rushed to praise Biden as courageous for downing the balloon after it had already
completed its mission of transitioning the continental United States. [...] The balloon was first detected entering US
airspace over Alaska. It passed through hundreds of miles of uninhabited areas where it could have been blown out
of the sky safely. After leaving Canada, it ended up in Montana, again traversing hundreds of miles of completely
uninhabited country.
and His Team Shoot Down Report About Chinese Balloons During His Term. Joe Biden has been getting a lot of
backlash for taking so long to react to the Chinese spy balloon floating over our military installations and letting it
traverse our country for a week. As I noted there are some questions about the timeline that they have
given. The balloon entered our airspace over Alaskan waters on Jan. 28 but White House Press Secretary Karine
Jean-Pierre claimed that Biden was "briefed on Tuesday" [Jan. 31]. So they didn't react until it was already
over the continental United States, re-entering from Canada around Idaho on Jan. 31. That certainly needs to
be answered more fully as to why it even took that long to seemingly have any reaction at all. But now, seemingly
in reaction to the criticism of Biden from those on the right, there's a report from an unnamed Pentagon official who
claims that three balloons made it into U.S. airspace during the Trump years.
Are Big Problems With Biden Team's Evolving Story About Prior Chinese Balloons. The report began spreading
on Saturday that supposedly Chinese balloons had incurred into American airspace three times during the Trump
Administration. Now, this report came right as Joe Biden was getting a lot of backlash for being slow to react and
it came without any real details, allegedly from an unnamed Biden defense official. But there were no details
apart from that none of the incursions were on the order of magnitude of the one this week in terms of length of time
over U.S. territory. As we reported, the Trump team including President Donald Trump quickly shot the report down.
Spy Balloon Is About Much More Than the Pentagon or Biden Admit. Never underestimate the willingness of
American mass media and their audiences to be fascinated for a few days by a balloon from China. The fact that the
Pentagon said it was an immense surveillance balloon carrying a load of instruments the size of three school buses made
the story even more irresistible. You should also never underestimate their willingness to miss the real intent of
this ancient diplomatic ploy by Xi Jinping. Combine that with the mental clarity of our president — who
boasts that half of the women in his administration are women — and you've got a narrative guaranteed to
endure a bunch of news cycles. The only possible better enticement would be if the Washington Post somehow tied
the balloon caper to Donald Trump colluding with China. Like Russiagate, it need not be true, just briefly
credible in that troubled newsroom. Maybe it would earn another Pulitzer. Now, Commander in Chief Joe Biden
says he commanded the military to shoot down the Chinese balloon on Wednesday. Donald Trump, who is no longer
commander in chief, was more emphatic. He ordered the balloon's doom in all-caps: "SHOOT DOWN THE BALLOON."
But the U.S. military feared that wasn't safe somehow. So, it didn't obey immediately. It allowed
the communist balloon to complete its alleged intelligence mission, transmit its data up to Chicom satellites, and exit
U.S. airspace before perishing off North Carolina. There, an F-22 dutifully launched a Sidewinder missile that
destroyed, not the balloon, but the huge equipment capsule that might have revealed [what] the Chinese were
looking for.
The Editor says...
This balloon story gets fishier every day. The balloon should have been detected and intercepted before it reached the
Aleutian Islands. When it arrived in rural Idaho, it should have been shot down with a single round from the very good
cannons on an F-16 or an A-10, and the instrument package recovered quickly. But no, it was allowed to run its course
across the continental U.S., and was then blown to bits, after its work was done, over the Atlantic Ocean, where the chances
of recovering it (before a Chinese "fighing boat" picks it up) are poor. Every possible coincidence is coming together
to benefit the Communist Chinese. Now the guessing begins: What was the mission? Just humiliation of Joe
Biden, who is also owned and operated by the Chinese? A dry run for a future attack? Were they trying to see
something that Google Earth doesn't already show plainly enough? If the Chinese government had been in complete control
of the U.S. military for the last two weeks, what would have happened differently?
Joe Biden
vs. Party Balloon. The most powerful military ever assembled by humans was thwarted this week.
By a balloon. Specifically, a large spy balloon dispatched by the Chinese Communist Party. A Chinese
Communist Party balloon — hereafter known as the "Party balloon." It will forever be remembered as the
Party balloon that defeated President Joe Biden. And the greatest military in the history of human
civilization. The country that stood steel-spined through D-Day, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cold War folded
like a cheap suit under the threat of a Party balloon made in China. No wonder Mr. Biden's military leaders
would rather fight battles over pronouns, "white rage," and gender studies.
Secretary Lloyd Austin's Statement on Downing of Chinese Balloon Is Ironic Comedy at Its Best. After a U.S
Air Force F-22 Raptor shot down the Chinese surveillance balloon with a sidewinder missile on Saturday, Defense
Secretary Lloyd Austin issued an alternative-universe statement in which he lauded Joe Biden's commitment to "always put
the safety and security of the American people first." [...] Austin began by suggesting the "commander in
chief" — I put that in quotes because Biden is pretty much not the commander of anything —
was in charge from the outset. [...] However, as we reported earlier today, Biden told reporters he ordered the Pentagon
to down the balloon on Wednesday but was — in effect — overruled by U.S. military commanders.
[...] And monitoring the surveillance balloon's intelligence activities? So what? The balloon
was undoubtedly transmitting data to Chinese satellites in real-time, so to paraphrase Hillary Clinton, what difference
did it make if the U.S. was monitoring its intelligence collection activities? They think you're stupid, America.
There's a Much
Bigger Problem Here. This video explains what's going on with the balloon and the larger power struggle
around the world. [Video clip]
Secret War Against America. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has for decades waged a quiet war against
the United States, mobilizing all elements of its society, and targeting all institutions and foundations of the
American system. In this war, it is using a series of unconventional warfare tactics designed to achieve the goals
of war, without engaging in troop-on-troop combat. Many of these tactics were detailed in the 1999 Chinese
military book, "Unrestricted Warfare," but pull from older deception tactics and from programs that were set in motion
by the Soviet Union. The key goal is to win a war without fighting openly, to seize control of a society
gradually, to steal an economy, and to use methods to intentionally keep the public distracted and unaware. Among
the overarching strategies is the process of subversion. The Soviet Union used subversion to spread its "communist
revolution," and the CCP has adopted many of the same strategies to export its "China model." Subversion is a
process to seize control of a country by destroying religion, morals, traditions, and everything that makes the country
function; with the end-goal of bringing the country into a state of chaos, so that the public will support outside
intervention to install a new form of government.
mistake US owned research balloon for Chinese spy balloon. FlightRadar 24 changed the classification of a
standard United States based high altitude research balloon on Saturday morning, after thousands of Americans mistook it
for the suspected Chinese spy balloon. The flight tracking website clarified in a tweet that the balloon was
operated by the U.S. instead of China, writing, "no, this is not a Chinese balloon," and specified it did not believe
the spy balloon would be picked up by its sensors. "To provide additional clarity about what balloons are and are
not visible on Flightradar24, we've updated our database entry for N257TH," FlightRadar 24 tweeted. "N257TH
is a standard high altitude research balloon, often released over the US and is not the Chinese balloon."
Tries To Take Victory Lap For Shooting Down Chinese Spy Balloon, Gets Slammed By Top Officials. President
Joe Biden tried to take a victory lap Saturday afternoon after the U.S. military shot down a Chinese spy balloon that
Biden allowed to travel across the entire country before destroying. Biden claimed in remarks to reporters that he
"ordered the Pentagon to shoot it down on Wednesday as soon as possible," but that the decision was made to not shoot it
down over land because debris could cause damage when falling to the ground. U.S. officials were reportedly "well
aware" that the balloon had crossed into American airspace on January 28 and that it was over Idaho on Tuesday, but
decided not to inform the public to not upend Secretary of State Antony Blinken's diplomatic trip to China.
says it's tracking a second 'surveillance balloon' in its airspace. Canada on Thursday said it was
tracking another potential "surveillance balloon" at the same time that a confirmed Chinese craft was spotted over the
United States. A Thursday statement from the Canadian defense ministry said that "a high-altitude surveillance
balloon was detected and its movements are being actively tracked by NORAD." "Canadians are safe and Canada is
taking steps to ensure the security of its airspace, including the monitoring of a potential second incident," the
ministry said, adding that "NORAD, the Canadian Armed Forces, the Department of National Defence, and other partners
have been assessing the situation and working in close coordination."
Did Joe Biden Know About China Spy Balloon-gate and When Did He Know It? "What did the president know, and
when did he know it?" That was the question asked of Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal of the
1970s. The presumption, of course, was that the 37th president knew more about the scandalous activities than he
was letting on. And, of course, Nixon was ultimately forced out of office because of Watergate. Today, I'd
like to ask the same question of Joe Biden about the China Spy Balloon-gate scandal. Of course, the matter of the
Chinese spy balloon is [a] lot more serious than the Watergate break-in because it potentially affects the safety
and well-being of 335 million Americans. Yes, President Biden finally oversaw the shoot-down of the spy
balloon on Saturday, but only after it had spent days floating over the United States' landmass from Alaska to South
Carolina. Is that the right way to handle an intrusion from a rival — even adversarial —
superpower? Should we allow their surveillance machines to traverse our country and only deal with them
after they've finished their American tour?
and Hot Air. Was our intelligence lacking and permitted the overflight? The NY Post says it wasn't,
that we knew about it for a week before it was spotted by civilians and tried to hide it so the overflight would not
interfere with Secretary Antony Blinken's' planned trip to China. If that was the intention, it failed, and the
trip, after all, was cancelled once the administration's plan to keep it secret failed. [...] I certainly have no idea
whether or not this is a dangerous move by China or how we should respond, though my friends Stephen and Shoshanna
Bryen, with a lifetime of experience in such matters, think it exposes a massive vulnerability. First, they expose
as unpersuasive the military defense for doing nothing: To the claim that the balloon was operating far above
commercial airspace they remind us that we learned about it only because it was spotted and photographed by a passenger
on a commercial plane. To the claim that shooting it down would create debris that might injure civilians on the
ground, the Bryens note it was spotted over very sparsely populated Montana. No purchase in their thinking for the
assertion that the balloon provides China with no more than it would get from surveillance satellites either: such
balloons could easily be carrying EMPs. (Electromagnetic Pulse which would destroy the electronics and digital
circuitry over an area of hundreds of miles, thereby denying electric power to our homes, businesses, and
military.) The surveillance operation, they argue, could as well have been a test of our air defense system.
The Editor says...
The Editor is an EMP skeptic. EMP is extremely unlikely to do the amount of damage that everyone seems so
sure it will do. An EMP attack has never been tried, and it if has, it went completely unnoticed. In any
case, nobody in the world is as worried about EMP as the American news media, which thrives on sensationalism.
U.S. Uses $400K Missile to Shoot Down
Chinese 'Spy Balloon,' Destroys All Its Electronics. The alleged Chinese "spy balloon" which flew over the
US this week and captured the nation's attention was shot down on Saturday by an F-22 fighter pilot using a $400,000
AIM-9 Sidewinder missile. "NEW: senior defense official tells me an F22 fighter jet fired a single shot at the
Chinese spy balloon in U.S. air space over Atlantic Ocean," Pentagon stenographer Jennifer Griffin reported. "The
F22s flew from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. Senior US military official says 1 air to air missile fired by
F22 at 58,000 feet (an A9X missile) brought down China spy balloon. The balloon was at 60-65,000 feet
when shot."
Biden Administration Tried to Hide Chinese Spy Balloon from American Public. The Biden administration was
aware of the Chinese spy balloon entering United States airspace on January 28 but tried to hide its existence from
the American people until being forced to go public, according to a report on Saturday. Bloomberg News reported
that the Biden administration was "well aware" that the balloon had entered U.S. airspace on Saturday, January 28,
but decided to keep quiet about it so as not to ruin a planned trip by Secretary of State Antony Blinken to China.
Reveals Why It Waited Days To Shoot Down Chinese Surveillance Balloon. The U.S. was able to collect
valuable information on China's surveillance capabilities while observing the spy balloon as it traversed the
continental U.S. for several days, a senior military official and senior defense official claimed Saturday
[2/4/2023]. President Joe Biden asked for possible military options for removing the threat of the suspected
Chinese spy balloon Tuesday, but the Department of Defense (DOD) opted against doing so Wednesday over concerns falling
debris could endanger civilians, officials said at a briefing Saturday. However, they did not clarify whether a
military option was considered when the craft transgressed U.S. airspace over Alaska's Aleutian Islands on Jan. 28,
before crossing into Canada and reentering U.S. territory on Jan. 31 in northern Idaho. Waiting to down the
balloon "actually provided us a number of days to analyze this balloon, and through a number of means," the defense
official said. "We don't know exactly all the benefits that will derive, but we have learned technical things
about this balloon and its surveillance capabilities."
Mary Miller on Chinese Spy Balloon: 'National Security Must Not Be Compromised by Biden Family Payoffs'.
Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) said that China is "exploiting" President Joe Biden's "weakness" with the spy balloon
hovering over America and declared that the United States's "national security must not be compromised by Biden family
payoffs." Miller's comments came in a tweet Friday morning as the Pentagon says the espionage device is expected
to linger in United States airspace for a "few days," as Breitbart News reported. The Congresswoman also called
for the House of Representatives to "investigate why China is confident Biden will not respond to their hostile actions."
Can Launch Bombs, Drone Swarms and Even EMP Attacks. Upon hearing that there's at least one Chinese
surveillance balloon drifting over the continental United States (as of this writing), and another reportedly over South
America, you might picture a payload of advanced electronics snapping high-resolution photos and videos of strategic
targets, and communication interception devices snooping on American government, military, and high-tech secrets. [...]
The first and most obvious danger is that a balloon could be carrying munitions — which it could drop any
time its operators so chose. Note that if a Chinese bomber had flown over the U.S. mainland, it surely would have
been shot down by now, but this CCP balloon has been floating around unmolested for days.
spy balloon roaming American skies unimpeded. We have a Chinese spy balloon roaming American skies
unimpeded, and the Biden White House thinks that's fine. They were snippy with the press when they asked for more
details about the high-altitude spy balloon reportedly launched from central China. Beijing has apologized for
breaching our air space, though the reasoning is ridiculous: they claim it blew off course. The incident has
caused Secretary of State Antony Blinken to cancel his scheduled visit to the country. It was spotted by
passengers on a commercial airliner yesterday. Montana is where this device was first tracked. It's now
somewhere hovering above Kansas. [...] Biden refused to answer further questions about the balloon today, though he
wanted to shoot it down. The Pentagon advised against it due to falling debris potentially killing
civilians. Even on national security issues, this administration is slower than molasses.
says another Chinese spy balloon is traveling over Latin America. The U.S. government says another Chinese
spy balloon is traveling over Latin America. "We are seeing reports of a balloon transiting Latin America,"
Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, a Pentagon spokesperson, told Fox News Friday night. "We now assess it is another
Chinese surveillance balloon." Ryder said during a briefing Thursday the U.S. government detected a high-altitude
surveillance balloon over the continental U.S. A senior defense official said during the briefing the U.S.
government is "confident" the surveillance balloon is from the People's Republic of China.
China Has Multiple
Spy Balloons Overhead. It's like a twisted version of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, except the
balloons out there are floating over our heads and spying on the Americas for the Chinese. As was revealed
earlier, a Chinese spy balloon was spotted floating over Montana on Thursday. The Biden administration's response
was essentially a shoulder shrug, because apparently popping a balloon would be a problem on the ground. Just how
much stuff is attached to this balloon that popping that sucker would be a problem for people on the ground?
Presumably, our fighter jets got a look at the balloon and what it was carrying. And we're just going to let it
float away and keep doing whatever it's doing?
House KNEW About the Chinese Spy Balloon and Covered It up. How cowardly and compromised is the Biden
regime? We have fresh evidence of just how bad it is, courtesy of the Chinese spy balloon. The world found
out about the now-infamous balloon on Thursday, when a Montana resident named Chase Doak spotted it and posted a
video. But that was not the first that Old Joe Biden's handlers heard of the balloon. Now it has come to
light that they knew about it all along but kept the knowledge secret so as to avoid a confrontation with the Chinese
Communist Party and keep Secretary of State Antony Blinken's now-canceled trip to Beijing on track. Patriots can
thank Chase Doak for the small show of spine from the Biden State Department that the cancellation represented.
The Editor says...
If Mr. Doak or somebody else hadn't spotted the Chinese balloon and publicized it on Facebook, would NORAD have
told us eventually? Surely NORAD knew all about it, right? What would be China's motivation for this?
A distraction? A taunt? A dry run for an attack? Is this Chinese Spy Balloon #1, or have there been
others already?
Homeland Security Chair Green: I Never Got Alerted About Spy Balloon by Biden Administration. On Friday's
broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "Fox News @ Night," House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Rep. Mark Green
(R-TN) stated that he was never alerted by the Biden administration about the Chinese spy balloon. Host Trace
Gallagher asked, "Are you getting any information, sir, from the Pentagon about the specifics or anything else about
this balloon?" Green responded, "No. We're getting very little and we never got a phone call. We never
got alerted to this. It's a crying shame when the Chairman of Homeland Security finds out about a Chinese spy
balloon flying over the United States, it's just — it's really unconscionable."
it's illegals or balloons, Joe Biden fails to protect the U.S.. Joe Biden has been hit by crisis after
crisis as a result of his own bad decisions, and oddly enough, they are starting to look alike. Take the latest
China balloon incursion, where some kind of spying device has been sent over military installations throughout the U.S.
interior, with Biden doing nothing about it. That's a sovereignty violation that ought to be drawing a major
response to an arrogant, expanding wannabe superpower desperate to flex its military muscles, yet Joe's response, that
shooting the invading device down might create debris or hit a populated area (America is loaded with unpopulated ones
the balloon is traversing) is simply pathetic. Is it all that different from his open borders policies, where
millions of unvetted foreign migrants are flooding into this country without authorization, bringing crime, drugs, and
costs, yet there too nothing is done about it? [...] His entire orientation is about protecting himself politically
through public relations moves, not about protecting the country for real, which is his job as president.
jet shoots down China spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina. Joe Biden praised the Top Gun fighter
jet pilot who shot down the Chinese spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina today after he vowed to 'take care of
it.' An F-22 Raptor out of Langley Air Force base took the balloon down with a single AIM-9X sidewinder missile at
2.38pm, separating its surveillance payload and sending it plummeting towards the ocean off Myrtle Beach. Footage
showed the jet screaming towards the spy aircraft before firing the missile as stunned locals watched from the coast.
military shoots down Chinese spy balloon over Atlantic Ocean. The U.S. military has shot down the Chinese
spy balloon over the Atlantic Ocean. While the balloon was off the coast of South Carolina, it was shot down by
U.S. military fighter jets on Saturday afternoon, according to Fox News sources. A senior U.S. military official
said that an F-22 was used to bring down the balloon at 58,000 feet, adding that a single A9X missile was fired. A
senior defense official said during a Thursday afternoon briefing that the U.S. government is "confident" the
surveillance balloon is from the People's Republic of China. When asked about the balloon on Saturday by a
reporter, Biden said, "We're going to take care of it."
the Chinese spy balloon hovering in U.S. airspace. Early yesterday [2/3/2023] it was reported a suspected
Chinese high-altitude surveillance balloon is hovering over the United States. [...] Experts say that balloons of this
kind could be fitted with advanced technology spy cameras and radar sensors. There are advantages to using
balloons for surveillance - the primary reason being that they are relatively inexpensive and easier to deploy than
drones or satellites. The fact that balloons linger around make it easy to monitor the target locations for
prolonged periods of time. In contrast, the movement of a spy satellite is restricted to its orbital pass.
Few have considered the possibility that toxic chemical or biological substances could be sprayed which may cause long-
or short-term harm to the population or crops or property or military installations. If this truly was an accident
or a malfunction, the Chinese officials should have warned U.S. officials in advance and worked with them to either
redirect or bring down the balloon and then issued a groveling apology. But instead, the Chinese officials issued
terse statements about the balloon's function without proof. There was regret but no apology. Worse, despite
being at fault, they issued warnings against "speculation."
Balloon with a
view. [Scroll down] This is a devastating blow to President Biden. I wonder if it was a
message that China has embarrassing information on Joe and Hunter. Or maybe they were showing the world that our
military has spent too much time on pronouns rather than defense. Wonder what Taiwan is thinking this
morning? There may be a silver lining to this cloud. Maybe Senator Jon Tester of Montana will finally wake
up to the fact that he is voting too much with the Biden administration. He is up for reelection in 2024 and a
balloon over Montana plus the rancher's wife paying too much for food is not helping him.
Chinese balloon(s) story is another pile of hot garbage. Much like too many stories that have cropped up
lately, with Tyre Nichols being only one example, everything we're being told thus far makes no sense whatsoever. [...]
And then there's the response from the Pentagon. We're being told they "considered shooting it down but opted not
to out of fear the debris could cause injuries." Really? It's a balloon. And it was over
Montana. How much damage was it going to cause aside from maybe hitting a couple of elk? Yes, the first
balloon was reportedly the size of three buses and had some sort of technology suite attached to it, but there's only so
much of an impact it could make. If we don't know how to conduct a controlled deflation and descent of a balloon
by now, we probably shouldn't be trusted with jet planes. Reports this morning are saying that Joe Biden himself
made the decision not to bring it down. Why? Was he afraid of provoking Beijing?
Other news about China's influence — none of it good — in the U.S. and elsewhere:
38K Chinese Illegal Aliens Living in U.S. Despite Being Ordered Deported. Close to
40,000 illegal aliens from China are now living in the United States despite having been ordered
deported by a federal immigration judge, a new report suggests. "Roughly 390,000 undocumented
Chinese immigrants live in the US, according to the Migration Policy Institute, with more than a
quarter residing in California," The Guardian reports. "Nearly 38,000 of them are thought to have
final removal orders, according to ICE data from November."
Influence at Voice of America. When I joined Voice of America (VOA) in 2011, I
was stunned by the extent of Chinese government influence within the organization. This
wasn't just about self-censorship; it was an active effort to serve Beijing's interests. VOA
management provided free labor to Chinese state-controlled TV stations and imposed strict bans on
reporting topics deemed "sensitive" by Beijing — including Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong,
Taiwan, and the Falun Gong movement. VOA's senior executives frequently traveled to China,
attending state-sponsored events and meeting with Chinese embassy officials in Washington, D.C.
These meetings weren't casual diplomatic exchanges; they involved soliciting feedback on VOA's
programming. When I became director of the China Branch, I resisted these practices. I
canceled programs that prioritized Chinese government interests over American public service.
My supervisors bypassed me, communicating directly with Chinese officials in Beijing and at the
embassy. This only emboldened the Chinese government.
Republicans Roll Out Legislation to Crack Down on Chinese Police Stations in the US.
As we learned on Tuesday, Congressional Republicans are targeting "secret" Chinese police stations
operating in the U.S. with a new bill designed to counter the Chinese Communist Party's foreign
influence operations. Not to nitpick right off the bat, but why on [...] earth did the U.S.
allow these facilities to function at all in the first place? And, as the Chinese threat
continues to grow, why are they still in operation?
Joni Ernst Urges DOD To Kill Contracts With Chinese Intel-Tied Defense Contractor.
Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst asked the Department of Defense (DOD) on Tuesday to
investigate a U.S. defense contractor owned by an individual with extensive ties to Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) intelligence and influence agencies, according to a letter exclusively
obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. Ernst's letter urges DOD to audit "and, if
necessary, suspend or cancel all contracts" with New York-based S&L Aerospace Metals LLC, which has
received approximately $60 million in defense contracts and subcontracts to produce fighter
jet, attack helicopter and guided missile launcher parts. The letter cites a February 2025
DCNF investigation finding that Chinese government and state media reports had identified S&L's CEO,
Jerry Wang, as an official for multiple CCP influence and intelligence organizations.
Mexico Became China's Trojan Horse in U.S. Trade. China and Mexico aren't just
separate trade problems. They are one and the same. It's a sleight of hand worthy of a
seasoned con artist — and too much of Washington is still staring at the wrong set of
cards. What's worse, this is more than massive trade manipulation. It's a staggering
wealth transfer — from American consumers to Mexico and the People's Republic of
China. It's important to remember that Mexico's trade surplus is America's trade
deficit. When Mexico runs a surplus, American consumers and businesses send more money abroad
than they bring in. For decades, the imbalance was manageable. Before NAFTA, in 1990,
Mexico ran a $1.9 billion trade surplus with the U.S. By the time NAFTA was in full effect in
2000, that number had ballooned to $24.6 billion.
Republicans Move To Block Chinese Nationals From Obtaining U.S. Student Visas. A
coalition of House GOP lawmakers is gearing up to introduce legislation preventing Chinese
nationals from obtaining U.S. student visas, according to a new report. On Wednesday, Fox
News revealed that Rep. Riley Moore, R-W.Va., is preparing to file the Stop Chinese Communist
Prying by Vindicating Intellectual Safeguards in Academia Act, or the "Stop CCP VISAs Act," later
this week. The legislation, according to the outlet, is intended to block what the
congressman contended is Beijing's "exploitation" of America's student visa program to undermine
U.S. interests. A copy of the measure obtained by Fox stipulates that, "An alien who is a
national of the People's Republic of China may not be issued a visa or otherwise provided status as
a non-immigrant ... for the purpose of conducting research or pursuing a course of study." GOP
Reps. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Andy Ogles of Tennessee, and Brandon Gill of Texas are
among those expected to co-sponsor the bill.
Disease Control. Way back in 1858, Nongqause, a prophetess of the Xhosa Tribe in
South Africa, had a vision telling her that all cattle of the tribe would have to be slaughtered,
having been reared by contaminated hands. She said she had met the spirits of three of her
ancestors, who had told her that the Xhosa people should destroy their crops and kill their cattle.
[...] The spirit of Nongqause was rediscovered by China's Deng Xiaoping, who introduced that
country's one-child policy. It was strictly enforced, with fines for violators and often
forced abortions. People risked losing their jobs if they were found to have had more than
one child. But, as always, there were unintended consequences: Chinese parents made
sure that their one child was a boy to look after them in their old age. Suddenly, China had
a generation of angry, lonely young men unable to find a wife. So that policy was scrapped.
4-Stage Strategy to Surpass the USA. As China stands on the threshold of competing
with the United States in critical technology fields, such as A.I., biotechnology, and computing,
it's important to understand the four-stage strategy that has propelled the nation to this
point. This approach has allowed China to bypass stages of development, catching up and in
some areas achieving technological dominance. The first stage began in 1978 under Deng
Xiaoping, when the country opened its doors to multinational corporations. These firms
brought unsophisticated technology to China marking the beginning of China's integration into the
global economy. This laid down the foundation and the infrastructure needed for industrial
growth. The second stage was supplemented by a technology acquisition policy. Since the
1990s, China compelled foreign companies to establish joint ventures with local companies to sell
their products and services in the world's second-largest market.
Chinese wind turbines purchased by the West may become weapons of political coercion.
The German progressives, who have already been famously scolded by President Trump for their
short-sighted and suicidal reliance on Russian energy — which led to a historical energy
crisis — are reminding us how slow on the uptake they really are as news emerges that
their dependence on hostile foreign nations for crucial infrastructure needs is once again biting
them in the rear. Credit to Jo Nova, who came across the story first, but according to an
article at Politico, a new report commissioned by the German government concluded that buying wind
turbines for their "green" energy schemes from China wasn't such a great idea — the
threat of political coercion and sabotage is so high, that the recommendation is to restrict
Chinese turbine use, and halt a new project currently underway. Nova perfectly summarizes
Germany's late-to-the-party epiphany: ["]After six separate incidents of underwater
cables being sabotaged in the Baltic Sea, the German Defense Ministry is wondering if it is wise to
buy Chinese wind turbines with all their electronic parts.["] (Of course, this isn't
to suggest that wind turbines are necessary components in an energy grid, but they are when you've
essentially banished reliable and affordable energy like gas, oil, and coal.)
One Should Kneel: Exposing the Illusions of Censorship and Control. Writing well is
both difficult and time-consuming. I write to learn and for my own understanding. In
doing so, I have gained deeper insight into my own country — its corruption and its
attempts to censor its own citizens. One of the most eye-opening sources I've encountered is
the work of Ruby Kamm, a former citizen of communist China. Ruby is a CPA who writes on
Substack via her publication, TaxesTech News. She is an exceptional analyst whose work is
invaluable in helping others see through the illusion of censorship and grasp the reality of what's
truly happening. One of the most important insights I've taken from Ruby is her assertion
that we live in a deepfake world. My own work — and hers — has
consistently proven this unsettling truth. Too many people hold opinions that are not truly
their own; they are political constructs, shaped by years of propaganda, fake news, and AI
algorithms programmed to keep them in the dark. This is not a passive phenomenon but a
deliberate and calculated effort — an engineered darkness designed to obscure corruption
and consolidate power.
Director Kash Patel Charges Three Traitors With Treason. The FBI arrested three
people on charges of treason this week, and believe it or not, none of them are senators or
congressmen. In a stunning blow to Chinese espionage efforts, FBI Director Kash Patel
announced the arrest of three Army personnel who thought they could sell out America's national
security for Chinese cash. Two active-duty soldiers and one veteran are learning the hard way
that treason doesn't pay. The traitors — Jian Zhao, Li Tian, and former soldier
Ruoyu Duan — were stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord when they decided to betray the
United States. These Benedict Arnolds apparently thought they could get away with stealing
classified information about critical U.S. military capabilities, including details about our
Bradley and Stryker fighting vehicles and High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) systems.
lobbied Rayner for Chinese super-embassy. David Lammy personally intervened to
support a controversial new Chinese embassy in London because it would be "in the interest" of
Beijing, The Telegraph can reveal. The Foreign Secretary wrote to Angela Rayner in September
asking her to "call in" the decision, overruling a local council and paving the way for the embassy
to be approved. Campaigners and American politicians have expressed security concerns about
the plan, which would lead to China taking over a former Royal Mint building near the Tower of
London for its UK headquarters. The application has raised concerns that the building, dubbed
a "mega embassy", would effectively become a nest of spies in the heart of London.
cyber espionage [is] growing across all industry sectors. Security researchers are
warning of a significant global rise in Chinese cyberespionage activity against organizations in
every industry. Over the course of 2024, researchers from security firm CrowdStrike observed
a 150% average increase in intrusions by Chinese threat actors worldwide, with some sectors
experiencing two- to three-fold surges. Researchers at the firm also identified seven new
Chinese-origin cyberespionage groups in 2024, many of which exhibited specialized targeting and
toolsets. "Throughout 2024, China-nexus adversaries demonstrated increasingly bold targeting,
stealthier tactics, and more specialized operations," CrowdStrike stated in its 2025 Global Threat
Report. "Their underlying motivation is likely China's desire for regional influence, particularly
its goal of eventual reunification with Taiwan, which could ultimately bring China into conflict
with the United States."
discovers 'limitless' energy source that could 'power the country for 60,000 years'.
China has discovered an 'endless' energy source that could supply enough fuel to power the country
for 60,000 years, geologists in Beijing have claimed. The Bayan Obo mining complex in
Inner Mongolia, an autonomous region of northern China, could contain enough thorium to supply
China's household energy demands 'almost forever', a national survey reportedly found. This
slightly radioactive element can be used to create a type of nuclear power station called a
molten-salt reactor which could provide enormous quantities of energy. Scientists estimate
the mining complex could yield 1 million tonnes of thorium if fully exploited, according to
The South China Post, which obtained a declassified report of the survey.
Plots Massive Crackdown On China As Fears Grow Over U.S. Land Grab. On Wednesday,
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders unveiled a series of bills, collectively referred to as
the "Communist China Defense Legislative Package," designed to curb China's ability to conduct
business within the state. The six proposed bills — some introduced and others
still pending — target what the governor describes as "Communist China influence" in
Arkansas. Among the measures included are provisions to strengthen existing laws by reducing
the timeframe for selling prohibited land holdings, banning CCP lobbying, and preventing any
Arkansas municipality from having a sister city in China. Additionally, any college or
university hosting a Confucius Institute would be stripped of state funding, as the governor
asserted China often uses such institutes for intelligence purposes.
communists terrified of dancers! As our team was setting up for the first of 12
shows at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. recently, fire alarms blared that morning. It
was yet another bomb threat. We immediately rushed outside to meet freezing
temperatures. There we stayed for most of three hours until given the "all clear" after
authorities swept the entire complex. This sounds inconvenient, stressful, maybe harrowing,
but it's also something else: expected. The day after the threat, we held a press conference
at the National Press Club in an attempt to provide much-needed context. On just this tour
alone, we have received 20 death threats in the form of shootings or bombs in theaters where Shen
Yun was scheduled to perform. [...] There are two reasons why the CCP is harassing and terrorizing
Shen Yun. The first is that the mission of Shen Yun, which is based in New York, is to revive
the ancient Chinese culture that the CCP set out to wipe out of existence. The second is that
we are exposing human rights atrocities the CCP commits even while insisting that no such
atrocities exist.
spotted posing for photo with CCP official as warnings swirl about China influence.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has been repeatedly photographed this month sharing a stage
with a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official who has publicly denied China's alleged genocide
against the Uyghur population. Chinese Consul General in New York Chen Li has posted multiple
photos of him posing with Schumer on his X profile this month, including attending at least two
Chinese parades. "Thrilled to join thousands at the [Brooklyn] Lantern Festival Parade!" Chen
recently posted on X along with a photo standing with Schumer at the annual Lantern Festival parade
in New York City.
There Chinese Sensors On US Nuke Bases? Is Anybody Looking For Them? During the
Vietnam War, the U.S. dropped sensors from the air along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The sensors
embedded themselves in the ground and then "phoned home". Their antennas were made to resemble tree
branches and other vegetation. The sensors detected seismic disturbances created by passing
North Vietnamese supply trucks and picked up voices or sometimes both. The data allowed
American forces to detect movement and vector in strikes on North Vietnamese forces.
[Video clip] That was over fifty years ago. Technology has come a long
way. Sensors dropped from the air today can relay much more data and send it directly home
via satellite communications rather than an orbiting relay aircraft. They can sense movement,
detect temperature variations, and even tiny amounts of radiation.
Match: China's CCP vs. America's Democracy. President Trump, according to
reports, wants to go to Beijing in his first hundred days and reach a bargain with China.
Unfortunately, an enduring accommodation with the Chinese regime is not possible. Why
not? For one thing, the Communist Party of China (CCP) appears determined to kill every
person in the United States. A quarter-century ago, General Chi Haotian, China's defense
minister and vice chairman of the CCP's Central Military Commission, reportedly gave a secret
speech advocating the extermination of Americans. "It is indeed brutal to kill one or two
hundred million Americans," he said. "But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century,
a century in which the Communist Party leads the world." Chi's plan was to use disease to clear
out the vast spaces of North America so that the Chinese people could settle in the areas left
uninhabited. "The problem with the report of the Chi Haotian speech is that it cannot be
verified," Richard Fisher of the International Assessment and Strategy Center told me. "When it was
revealed in 2005, it seemed fantastical that China would unleash biological warfare against the
United States to massacre its population and pave the way for a Communist Party invasion,
occupation, and exploitation."
warns Chinese-made internet cameras pose espionage threat to US critical infrastructure.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has reportedly issued a bulletin warning that
internet-connected cameras manufactured in China could potentially be exploited for espionage
targeting the nation's critical infrastructure installations. According to the bulletin,
these cameras usually lack data encryption and secure configuration settings, leaving them
vulnerable to cyber threats. Additionally, the cameras are designed to communicate with
their manufacturers by default, raising concerns about unauthorized data access and surveillance.
The bulletin highlighted that tens of thousands of such Chinese-made cameras are currently deployed
across networks within critical U.S. infrastructure sectors, including energy and chemical
industries. This widespread use underscores the potential risks to national security, as
these devices could serve as entry points for malicious actors seeking to compromise sensitive
systems or gather intelligence.
Rep. Dan Goldman Accused Of Helping Chinese Illegals Avoid ICE. Democratic New
York Rep. Dan Goldman is defending himself after sending out a series of tweets in Spanish and
Chinese on Wednesday guiding migrants on how to handle an encounter with Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE). "Every New Yorker has rights when they interact with immigration
enforcement," Rep. Goldman tweeted. "No matter what the next four years bring, stay informed,
stay safe, and stay together." [Tweet] Goldman was accused by numerous X users of trying to
shield criminal illegal aliens from deportations, which is a violation of federal law.
Trump's border czar Tom Homan told the Daily Caller News Foundation in December, "There are federal
statutes on the books for knowingly concealing and harboring an illegal alien away from ICE
officers. There are statutes on the books about impeding federal law enforcement
officers — they're all felonies." Goldman's tweet included a video where the
congressman lamented the Trump administration's immigration enforcement policies, citing "raids" in
New York City. He's previously claimed ICE raids are about "intimidating migrant communities."
Spies Move to Cuba. Forget Europe or the hotspots of East Asia and the Middle East,
Marco Rubio's first foreign trip as secretary of state took him to one Caribbean and four Central
American states. The tour tells us that the Trump foreign policy is focusing on the region
closest to the American homeland. That is bad news for the leftists and hardline regimes in
the Western Hemisphere, especially the Republic of Cuba and its new patron, the People's Republic
of China. The Chinese military is firmly embedded in a country not far from Key West,
Florida. In June 2023, the Wall Street Journal reported that China and Cuba had
agreed in principle to establish a new eavesdropping site on Cuban soil. The Biden
administration termed the story inaccurate, but two days later the White House declassified
intelligence showing that Chinese signals intelligence collection facilities had been operating in
Cuba since at least 2019.
firm gets E-ZPass contract in New Jersey, former senator calls it 'worse' than TikTok.
The major U.S. tolling company that was sold to a Singapore-based firm under the Biden administration
is reigniting national security concerns over its links to China, after it won the E-ZPass contract
for the New Jersey Turnpike for $250 million more than the American company that has operated
it for 22 years. In September, the New Jersey Turnpike Authority awarded TransCore —
owned by Singapore Technologies Engineering, known as ST Engineering — the full
authority to run the operation for $1.73 billion, beating out Newark's Conduent, Inc., whose
final offer was $1.479 billion. Now, Conduent is crying foul, questioning the reasoning
behind TransCore winning the contract it held for over two decades — and the risks the
decision could carry. Conduent filed an appeal over Nashville-based TransCore's award, voicing
concerns that owner ST Engineering's parent company, Temasek Holdings, is wholly owned by the
government of Singapore, with substantial ties to China.
Capitulates - Will Not Renew 2017 Deal With China. Secretary of State Marco Rubio went to
Panama to explain to Panama's President José Raúl Mulino about President Trump's concern with
China's Road and Belt Initiative moving in on the Panama Canal. No sooner did we get to read about
that before word came out: Panama folded and promised to not only not renew their 2017 deal with
China, but to try to find a way to skate out of it early.
Federal Reserve Adviser Indicted on Espionage Charges. Acting U.S. Attorney for the
District of Columbia Ed Martin announced Friday that the Department of Justice has indicted a
former senior adviser for the Federal Reserve on espionage charges. Sixty-three-year-old John
Harold Rogers of Virginia was arrested Friday and charged with conspiracy to commit economic
espionage and with making false statements. Rogers allegedly conspired to steal FRB trade
secrets in order to aid China.
China's 'Sputnik Moment': Do Not Let Communist China Dominate Nuclear Fusion's Clean
Energy. US tech markets suffered a severe shock this week, when Communist China
unveiled DeepSeek, an AI program founded in 2023 by Chinese hedge fund manager Liang Wenfeng that
can sort through masses of some material effectively as well as comparable US programs, but for
less money and with less-sophisticated computer chips. DeepSeek professes ignorance about
Tiananmen Square — "Let's talk about something else," it emits — but is skilled at
extrapolating whatever it has been fed. [...] The newest frontier appears to be a country's
ability — through government or through government-private partnerships — to
produce unlimited amounts of totally clean energy by nuclear fusion in donut-shaped reactors called
tokamaks. China's "artificial sun" is already well on its way to developing unimaginable
amounts of nuclear fusion energy that is clean, cheap and endless: [...]
Woman Sent to Prison Over Chinese Birth Tourism Scheme. A California woman has been
sentenced to more than three years in prison for organizing a Chinese birth tourism scheme.
Phoebe Dong, 47, was sentenced to 41 months in prison and immediately taken into custody in
Los Angeles on Monday. Dong and her husband's "USA Happy Baby" business helped pregnant
Chinese women travel to the United States to give birth so that their children would have automatic
United States citizenship. Dong and her husband, Michael Wei Yueh Liu, 59, were both
convicted of conspiracy and money laundering in September. The couple helped at least
100 women travel to the U.S. to give birth. Liu was also sentenced to 41 months in
prison in December.
than 2 dozen Chinese migrants in custody after alleged smuggling operation in Coral
Gables. A 911 call led Coral Gables police to intercept two vans transporting 26
migrants Tuesday morning in what authorities believe is the second human smuggling operation within
city limits in less than two weeks. Two alleged smugglers, along with 26 Chinese
migrants — nine women and 17 men — were taken into custody, Coral Gables
Police Chief Edward James Hudak Jr. said in a press conference. "We believe they came by
boat, they came through a secluded area in the southern end of Coral Gables," Hudak Jr. said.
"They're coming up through a canal area that leads to a private marina." The alleged
smugglers were of Cuban and Puerto Rican descent and were carrying a firearm, police said.
Court unanimously upholds forced sale of TikTok from Chinese parent company. The US
Supreme Court unanimously upheld a law Friday that would force TikTok's sale from a Chinese
state-owned firm, even as President Biden and President-elect Donald Trump have sought to block the
divestment. The nine justices ordered the qualified divestment by Jan. 19 of the
California-based social media platform from Beijing-based ByteDance. "There is no doubt that,
for more than 170 million Americans, TikTok offers a distinctive and expansive outlet for
expression, means of engagement, and source of community," read the key portion of the unsigned opinion.
Carlson reveals shocking 'source of mysterious drones in New Jersey'. Tucker Carlson
has made a shocking claim about the mysterious drones that plagued New Jersey for over a month,
saying they were controlled by Chinese mothership satellite. The first sightings appeared
over the Picatinny Arsenal in Rockaway and President-elect Donald Trump's golf course in Bedminster
in November, followed by thousands more in the skies. While the US government was quick to
dismiss claims they were foreign adversaries, Carlson claimed he was told otherwise.
hacked thousands of computers to make malware uninstall itself. The FBI hacked about
4,200 computers across the US as part of an operation to find and delete PlugX, a malware used by
state-backed hackers in China to steal information from victims, the Department of Justice
announced on Tuesday. In an unsealed affidavit, the FBI says the China-based hacking group
known by the monikers "Mustang Panda" and "Twill Typhoon" used PlugX to infect thousands of Windows
computers in the US, Asia, and Europe since at least 2012. The malware, which infects computers
through their USB ports, operates in the background while allowing hackers to "remotely access and
execute commands" on victims' computers. To do this, infected computers contact a
command-and-control server run by the hackers, which has its IP address hard-coded into the
malware. From there, hackers can remotely access users' files and obtain information about
infected computers, such as their IP addresses. At least 45,000 IP addresses in the US have
contacted the command-and-control server since September 2023, according to the FBI.
will no longer stop drones from flying over airports, wildfires, and the White House.
For over a decade, you couldn't easily fly a DJI drone over restricted areas in the United
States. DJI's software would automatically stop you from flying over runways, power plants,
public emergencies like wildfires, and the White House. But confusingly, amidst the greatest
US outpouring of drone distrust in years, and an incident of a DJI drone operator hindering LA
wildfire fighting efforts, DJI is getting rid of its strong geofence. DJI will no longer
enforce "No-Fly Zones," instead only offering a dismissible warning — meaning only
common sense, empathy, and the fear of getting caught by authorities will prevent people from
flying where they shouldn't. In a blog post, DJI characterizes this as "placing control back
in the hands of the drone operators." DJI suggests that technologies like Remote ID, which publicly
broadcasts the location of a drone and their operator during flight, are "providing authorities with the
tools needed to enforce existing rules," DJI global policy head Adam Welsh tells The Verge.
The Editor says...
The writers of the article above presume that everyone knows what DJI is. I've never heard of it, but a
quick check with my favorite non-Google search engine shows that DJI is a Chinese company (of course!) that
makes drones.
Korea is China's Proxy. In a world of so many threats, what's one more? If one
were to create a hierarchy of threats, China would be at the top. North Korea is to China as
Hamas, and the rest of the Islamist proxies are to Iran. They are deadly dangerous and force
us to react and modify our behavior in small and large ways that commutatively unravel our way of
life and self-confidence. Free people can only be free if they retain their ability to live a
normal life free of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD). North Korea, through its subjugation by
China, is a geopolitical threat that uses North Korea to distract us and forces us to allocate
resources that should be focused on China directly.
Pentagon Says Tech Giant Tencent Is a Chinese Military Company. The founder of
Chinese tech conglomerate Tencent — which the Pentagon blacklisted this week over its
links to the Chinese military — serves on a prestigious Yale University advisory board
and has quietly donated millions of dollars to other Ivy League schools. Ma Huateng, the
second-richest person in China, has served since 2015 on the Yale Center Beijing advisory board,
which the Connecticut-based university uses to "form new partnerships with organizations in China."
Ma and Tencent have donated millions of dollars to Yale, MIT, Cornell, Columbia, and Princeton, the
Washington Free Beacon has reported. Those relationships could face new scrutiny after the
Pentagon designated Tencent one of several "Chinese military companies" operating in the United
States. Tencent, which owns the popular social media app WeChat, has faced scrutiny for years
for helping the Chinese Communist Party censor China's internet and for its central involvement in
China's ambitious plan to dominate the AI industry by 2030.
Americans Don't Know (But Need To Know) About China. The reality is that China is
plagued by problems that America can exploit rather than having China exploit America's
problems. China's one-child policy (1979-2015) will likely be remembered as the greatest
strategic blunder by a single country ever. It aimed to control population growth but has had
significant negative consequences. While it successfully reduced the birth rate, it also led
to a rapidly aging population, a skewed gender ratio (48.6% females in China vs. 50.41 here), and a
shrinking workforce. Chinese doctors have performed more than 330 million abortions
since the one-child policy commenced. According to official data from the health ministry, a
significant majority were females.
Hacks the U.S. Treasury. Weren't we promised that with the advent of the Biden
administration, the adults would be back in charge? Yeah, about that, time is getting short
for them to show up. [Advertisement] On Monday, a report was relased that a Chinese hacker
gained access to the U.S. Treasury Department. According to the report, this was a state-sponsored
attack, and the hacker was affiliated with the Chinese government. Although the announcement was
made on Monday, Fox News said officials learned about the breach on December 8.
Turley Punctures CNN's Latest Defense About Biden and Those China Connections. As we
reported the other day, Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) dropped some big truth bombs on CNN host Abby
Phillip over Joe Biden and money from Chinese nationals. [Advertisement] The biggest
problem was her confessed cluelessness when it came to the question. "I'm still waiting to see the
proof of Joe Biden enriching himself. I take his brother and his son, perhaps," CNN host Abby Phillip
said. Then as I noted, Lawler did lay out a direct line. [Tweet with video clip]
Hid the incriminating Biden Family China Photos from the American Public — And Why Have
They Not Been Arrested? Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the Chairman of the House
Oversight Committee, joined Jason Chaffetz on Sunday Morning Futures this morning to discuss the
incriminating photos released by America First Legal that were published last week of Joe and
Hunter Biden meeting with their Chinese business associates while Joe Biden was in China
representing the United States government. Government Officials with the National Archives
and partisan Records Administration hid and concealed these photos from the American public the
last four years to shield and protect Joe Biden from any legal [sic] Last
week, America First Legal obtained new photos of Joe Biden meeting with Hunter's Chinese business
associates and introducing Hunter to China's Xi Jinping.
Big Year for Big Lies. Consider this far-from-complete list. There were the
Democrats' repeated claims that Joe Biden was "sharp" as a tack and at "the top of his
game" — in fact, he was clearheaded enough to run the country for another four
years! Or remember when Kamala Harris was the "border czar" — until she wasn't,
and, really, had never been the "border czar?" Or the Ohio "cat eaters" who were nothing of the
sort? [...] But nothing could top Biden's vehement denials that he had any knowledge of Hunter
Biden's foreign business dealings. Indeed, he consistently said he never even met with any of
Hunter's business partners, or spoke to his son about his business ventures. And yet, here we
are, weeks before Biden leaves office, and one last incriminating piece of evidence has
emerged. The official photos of the 2013 visit to China by then-Vice President Joe Biden and
his son Hunter were just released by the National Archives. They show Biden shaking the hand
of future BHR Partners CEO Jonathan Li, and Hunter speaking with Chinese president Xi
Jinping. Meanwhile, the House Oversight Committee has documented 16 separate times that Biden
lied about his knowledge or involvement with his family's business.
End the Legacy Media Together. The National Archives recently released [embarrassing]
photographs showing Joe Biden meeting with Hunter Biden's Chinese business associates. This
directly contradicts Biden's long-standing claim that he had no involvement in his son's foreign
business dealings. And yet, the mainstream media largely ignored the story. Even after
the release of the [embarrassing] photos, the media scoffed. CNN's Abby Phillip claimed she
is "still waiting to see the proof" that Joe Biden enriched himself. The problem with that
claim is that the evidence of Biden enriching himself has been out there for the media to see and
scrutinize. Records show Hunter and his partners pocketed millions, with payments coinciding
with official trips where Joe Biden played a key role.
of Team Joe aided in the Big Lie — now the world knows the truth of the Biden crime
family. Ever since The [New York] Post broke the story of Hunter Biden's laptop in
October of 2020, it's been obvious that Joe Biden was involved in his son's influence peddling
schemes. The president's serial denials were as credible as Bill Clinton's claim that "I did
not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." Biden's most ridiculous lie was
that he never even discussed Hunter's foreign business with him. Laptop messages and photos
showing Joe meeting with some of Hunter's skeezy clients proved otherwise. Revelations that
the son got millions from Ukraine energy company Burisma, despite knowing nothing about energy or
Ukraine, destroyed the fiction that this was a merit-based business. So did crucial public
statements by Tony Bobulinski, a former Hunter Biden partner who bravely authenticated many of the
emails and identified Joe as the "big guy" slated for a 10% cut in a Chinese deal.
finally release photos showing then-VP Biden meeting son Hunter's China biz partners —
days before he leaves office. The National Archives has finally released photos
showing then-Vice President Biden meeting with two of first son Hunter Biden's Chinese
government-linked business partners — again proving that the president lied about not
interacting with his family's foreign patrons. The cache of photos, released long after their
potential political salience and days before Biden retires on Jan. 20, also show Chinese
President Xi Jinping grinning as then-Vice President Biden introduced his son during the same
December 2013 trip to Beijing.
Joe Biden Met Hunter Biden's Chinese Partners in 2013. Then-Vice President Joe Biden
introduced his son, Hunter Biden, to Chinese premier Xi Jinping, on an official visit in 2013, new
photos show. Vice President Biden also met Hunter's business associates in China, despite
later denials. The photos — only a partial archive — were released in
response to a lawsuit filed by Stephen Miller's America First Legal foundation against the National
Archives and Records Administration in 2022. They shed new light on the Biden family's history
of influence-peddling, which dates back to the Obama administration, and which Democrats denied as
they impeached President Donald Trump and claimed Hunter's laptop was Russian "disinformation."
In 2013, Hunter Biden accompanied his father to China on Air Force Two. When he returned, he
brought with him a multi-billion dollar deal with a subsidiary of the Bank of China, which is owned
by the Communist Party government.
whole floor of a NYC building was a secret, 'illegal police station' for China:
DOJ. A whole floor of a building in New York City was once functioning as an "illegal
police station" for the government of the People's Republic of China, according to the U.S.
Department of Justice. New York City resident Chen Jinping, 60, on Wednesday pleaded guilty
in connection with the secret police station in Lower Manhattan's Chinatown, according to a release
from the DOJ. "Today's guilty plea holds the defendant accountable for his brazen efforts to
operate an undeclared overseas police station on behalf of the PRC's national police force
— a clear affront to American sovereignty and danger to our community that will not be
tolerated," the release quotes Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Department
of Justice's National Security Division.
government planted agent in SoCal with mission to influence local government, feds
allege. The Chinese government allegedly used a Chino Hills man in an effort to
advance policies favorable to the People's Republic of China in Southern California local
government, according to a criminal complaint released Thursday. Yaoning "Mike" Sun, 64, was
charged with acting as an illegal agent of a foreign power and conspiring with another
man — John Chen — who had been plotting to target U.S.-based practitioners of
Falun Gong, a spiritual practice banned in China. Chen was sentenced last month to
20 months in prison for acting as an unregistered agent of the People's Republic of China and
bribing an Internal Revenue Service agent. Sun, a Chinese national, served as the campaign
manager and business partner for a Southern California politician, described in court records only
as Individual 1. The politician was running for local elected office in 2022.
drones' from China are likely cause of unexplained aircraft wreaking havoc over US, House foreign
affairs chair says in bombshell claim. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman
Michael McCaul said Tuesday he believes that some of the unidentified drones spotted above New
Jersey and New York are "spy drones" from China — after Biden administration officials
insisted many of the sightings are innocent commercial aircraft. "We want answers but the
response I'm getting is 'We don't know whose drones these are,'" McCaul (R-Texas) told reporters
before executive branch officials offered a classified briefing to members of the House
Intelligence Committee. "I was with the NASA administrator, Bill Nelson, he said that these
drones have been reported over military sites, military bases. I would not think those are
friendly. I would think those are adversarial," McCaul said.
The Editor says...
If they are military drones, they would naturally be over military bases.
But are they American drones or Chinese drones? Since they aren't being shot down, they
must be American.
So We Might Have Chinese Drones Buzzing Overhead. The drones above American airspace
that's set social media ablaze continue, but it's not a conservative media fascination. We
have Democrats now witnessing this phenomenon. Sen. Andy Kim (D-NJ) caught some spooky
images. Journalist Michael Shellenberger obtained an audio recording of a Biden White House
conference call with mayors, who were infuriated at the administration's lackadaisical
response. It's disinterested, to say the least, with one mayor claiming a drone the size of a
car hovered over their house. Now, we might have Chinese spy drones humming overhead.
IRGC races to offload unsold oil in China before Trump takes office. Iran's Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is seeking to sell oil stored in China before US president-elect
Donald Trump can block sales with tougher sanctions, an informed source told Iran
International. Iranian authorities have instructed the IRGC to sell the sanctioned oil stored
at Dalian Port in northeast China through intermediary firms, the source speaking on condition of
anonymity said. "The directive stems from concerns that a return of Donald Trump to power and
the reimposition of his 'maximum pressure' policy might freeze access to these reserves, estimated
to be worth around $1 billion," the source said. "The sale of these reserves is
reportedly being facilitated through financial guarantees provided by Iranian companies operating
in China."
Quietly Commuted Sentences Of Chinese Spies. President Joe Biden announced on
Thursday that he was granting 39 pardons and 1,499 commutations in what his administation called
the "largest single-day grant of clemency in modern history." But it's not Thursday's set of
commutations that have caught the attention of concerned Americans — it's those that
were quietly given weeks ago to Chinese spies. X user Nick Sortor posted that "Joe Biden just
pardoned multiple Chinese spies and an individual convicted of possessing child p[o]rnography.
WHY?" But the thing is, Biden didn't "just" commute the sentences for these criminals —
he did it quietly only days before Thanksgiving. While most Americans were finalizing their menus
and getting into the holiday spirit, Biden commuted the sentence of Yanjun Xu on November 22.
Xu was convicted in 2022 for "conspiracy to commit economic espionage; conspiracy to commit trade secret
theft; attempted economic espionage by theft or fraud; attempted theft of trade secrets by taking or
deception." But according to Biden's pardon, "it is in the national interest that the term of
imprisonment related to the aforesaid conviction not be served in its entirety." Xu was ordered
to leave the United States and never return or commit any other crimes against the United States,
according to the pardon.
Many of Those Thousands of Illegal Chinese Young Men Biden Let into America Are Drone
Operators? At least 36,000 individuals from China, many of whom are young men of
military age, have entered America illegally since President Joe Biden repealed the secure border
left to him by his predecessor and successor in the Oval Office, Donald Trump. Let's not
forget that hundreds of individuals known to be terrorists have also entered the country illegally
as a result of Biden's throwing the border doors wide open to all comers. And those numbers
only account for the individuals known to have crossed into the U.S. illegally. There's also
this fact: nobody knows with any certainty how many more — hundreds, thousands, tens of
thousands? — individuals associated with terrorist groups and/or nations in addition to
China that seek to destroy the United States of America are among the legions of "got-aways."
Quietly Commuted Sentences Of Chinese Spies. President Joe Biden announced on
Thursday that he was granting 39 pardons and 1,499 commutations in what his administation called
the "largest single-day grant of clemency in modern history." But it's not Thursday's set of
commutations that have caught the attention of concerned Americans — it's those that
were quietly given weeks ago to Chinese spies. X user Nick Sortor posted that "Joe Biden just
pardoned multiple Chinese spies and an individual convicted of possessing child p*rnography.
WHY?" But the thing is, Biden didn't "just" commute the sentences for these
criminals — he did it quietly only days before Thanksgiving.
Most Corrupt Administration In American History Just Got Even Worse. You might think
that the Biden administration had already hit rock bottom. Pardoning Hunter seemed like it
set the bar in terms of sleaze. Surely, even Beijing Biden could not go any lower. But,
of course, he has. [Video clip] Yanjun Xu is a Chinese intelligence officer.
He was sent to the United States to target American companies and steal defense secrets. His
job was to acquire intelligence that would allow the Chinese to win a war against us and kill our
servicemen and women. He set up a network of sources in the United States in pursuit of this
objective. Xu was caught, prosecuted, and imprisoned. [...] Joe Biden just pardoned Xu and
ordered him released from custody.
national arrested after 'drone flown over US air base'. A Chinese national has been
arrested on suspicion of flying a drone to take photographs over a US Space Force base.
Federal police arrested Yinpiao Zhou on Monday after he was allegedly caught flying a drone over
the Vandenberg Space Force Base, in California. In a criminal complaint, the US Attorney's
Office said Mr Zhou flew a drone over the base and took photographs on Nov 30 — the
same day it launched a rocket on behalf of the National Reconnaissance Office. He has been
accused of violating national defence aerospace, and of failing to register an aircraft as required
under US law. Police arrested Mr Zhou in San Francisco as he waited to board a flight back to China.
Court Upholds Law to Force TikTok's Chinese Parent Company to Sell Platform or Face Ban.
A federal appeals court on Friday upheld a law that would ban TikTok in the U.S. unless the app's
Chinese parent company sells the platform. [Two advertisements] A panel of three judges
from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit unanimously declined to review
the petition for relief from TikTok. "We conclude the portions of the Act the petitioners
have standing to challenge, that is the provisions concerning TikTok and its related entities,
survive constitutional scrutiny," judge Douglas Ginsburg wrote in the majority opinion. "We
therefore deny the petitions." "The First Amendment exists to protect free speech in the
United States," Ginsburg said. "Here the Government acted solely to protect that freedom
from a foreign adversary nation and to limit that adversary's ability to gather data on people
in the United States."
Chinese Are Illegally Shipping Weapons to North Korea — From California.
The Department of Justice announced the arrest of Chinese national Shenghua Wen Tuesday on a series
of weapons trafficking and illegal possession charges. Wen is in the U.S. illegally after
overstaying a student visa. "According to an affidavit filed on Nov. 26 with the
complaint, Wen obtained firearms, ammunition, and export-controlled technology with the intention
of shipping them to North Korea — a violation of federal law and United States sanctions
against that nation. Wen and his co-conspirators allegedly exported shipments of firearms and
ammunition to North Korea by concealing the items inside shipping containers that were shipped from
Long Beach through Hong Kong to North Korea," DOJ released in a statement. "On Aug. 14, law
enforcement seized at Wen's home two devices that he intended to send to North Korea for military
use: a chemical threat identification device and a hand-held broadband receiver that detects
eavesdropping devices. On Sept. 6, law enforcement seized approximately 50,000 rounds of
9mm ammunition that Wen allegedly obtained to send to North Korea."
Chinese ship is suspected of sabotaging undersea cables. A Chinese commercial ship is
suspected of deliberately dragging its anchor to cut undersea cables that connect countries over
the internet, The Wall Street Journal reports. International investigators reportedly
believe the crew aboard Yi Peng 3, a bulk carrier full of Russian fertilizer, dragged its
anchor for more than 100 miles across the Baltic seabed, damaging the cables that run across
it. Two different internet links — one between Sweden's Gotland Island and
Lithuania, and another between Finland and Germany — stopped working earlier this month,
prompting the investigation by authorities from all four countries and other nations, according to
the Journal.
Verizon employee gets four-year sentence for sharing cyber secrets with Chinese government.
A 59-year-old IT worker living in Florida was sentenced to four years in prison on Monday for
sharing sensitive information with the Chinese government's intelligence agency. Ping Li, a
U.S. citizen living in Wesley Chapel, pleaded guilty to the charge of conspiring to act as an agent
of the People's Republic of China and will have to pay a $250,000 fine. Dating back to at
least 2012, Li shared troves of data with the Ministry of State Security (MSS), the country's
civilian intelligence agency.
The Editor says...
How many I.T. workers are named Ping?
'Salt Tycoon' Telecom Hack is Worst Breach of Communications Networks in History. The
Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner, says that the Chinese espionage
campaign that penetrated more than a dozen U.S. telecommunications companies is the "worst telecom
hack in our nation's history — by far." The Chinese hackers called "Salt Tycoon"
have been able to real-time phone conversations and demonstrated the ability to move from one
network to another "exploiting relationships of trust," Warner told the Washington Post. The
breaches were discovered in September and the scope of the intrusions is just now being revealed.
"Specifically, we have identified that [Chinese government]-affiliated actors have compromised
networks at multiple telecommunications companies to enable the theft of customer call records
data, the compromise of private communications of a limited number of individuals who are primarily
involved in government or political activity, and the copying of certain information that was
subject to U.S. law enforcement requests pursuant to court orders," the FBI said in a statement on
the hack earlier this month.
Chinese Telecom Hack Was Much Worse Than We've Been Told. About a month ago we
learned that Chinese hackers had targeted the phones of Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. The
hackers, dubbed "Salt Typhoon" were known to have targeted their phones, along with the phones of
other government figures, however it wasn't known exactly how far they got. Yesterday,
Sen. Mark R. Warner, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said this was the
worst telecom hack in US history. [...] One thing which we've apparently learned only recently is
that the hackers were able to listen to calls and read text messages, at least between some phones.
[...] As for the hackers themselves, they have gone dark, though Sen. Warner believes they are
still in parts of our telecom system and hoping to avoid drawing attention to that fact while the
heat is on.
citizen arrested again, accused of trespassing at Trump's Mar-a-Lago. A Chinese
citizen who tried to enter Mar-a-Lago, the Florida residence of President-elect Trump, multiple
times over the past few months was arrested Thursday, authorities said. It was one of
multiple attempts by Zijie Li, 39, to enter the Palm Beach club in an effort to speak with Trump,
according to an arrest affidavit. He faces a second trespass charge after being issued a
warning, in addition to a pending charge he received in July. He is being held in the Palm
Beach County Main Detention Center on $100,000 bail, according to jail records.
Inflation, and the Donkey that Cried Wolf. Over the past four decades, Red China has
gradually taken over the manufacturing of a shocking percentage of the world's products, from
consumer items to commercial machinery, from small components to finished goods. The first
Trump administration did the research to prove — for the benefit of anyone who didn't
already realize it — that much of this Chinese takeover of the world's factory work has
been unfairly obtained at best, malevolently intentioned at worst. [...] The entire world has
suffered as Red China has turned the idea of an interdependent global economy on its head.
Far from the free-traders' expected dream scenario of raw materials coming from some countries,
components coming from others, and everything being processed and assembled by industrial machinery
from still others, China has focused on doing everything itself. The Chinese import as little
as possible and export finished goods that depend on other nations for nothing but the customers
and the technology that they learn, copy, or steal.
shares tumble after reports China unit is linked to insurance fraud. AstraZeneca
shares tumbled on Tuesday wiping £14bn off the value of Britain's biggest drug maker, after a
report that dozens of senior executives at its China unit could be implicated in an insurance fraud
case in the country's pharmaceutical sector. Also putting pressure on the share price, early
data on AstraZeneca's experimental weight loss pill published on Monday was described as "somewhat
underwhelming" by analysts at Deutsche Bank, who reiterated their "sell" rating on the stock.
Shares in the FTSE 100 company fell by more than 8%, taking the market value down to about
£156bn. Last Wednesday, AstraZeneca announced that its China president, Leon Wang, was
standing back because he is under investigation by Chinese authorities. Wang, who was also
the company's executive vice-president for international markets, "is cooperating with an ongoing
investigation by Chinese authorities", the company said. Its China business is now being run
by Michael Lai, the general manager.
officially 'doesn't care' about Trump win; unofficially, experts say Beijing is
rattled. The official response from Xi Jinping's communist China to President-elect
Trump's victory was formulaic. "Our policy towards the U.S. is consistent," foreign ministry
spokesperson Mao Ning told reporters Wednesday afternoon. "We will continue to view and handle
China-U.S. relations in accordance with the principles of mutual respect, peaceful co-existence and
win-win cooperation." National Taiwan University Department of Philosophy professor Yuan
Juzheng returned to Taiwan from a trip to China on Monday, where, he noted, nearly everyone he met
with wanted to talk about the U.S. election. He told Fox News Digital a Trump win is a
"worst-case scenario" for Beijing. China experts, as well as Chinese citizens online, believe
the next four years under President-elect Trump will almost certainly worsen already strained ties.
Security Staff Is Concerned Tim Walz Is Under Chinese Control and DHS Is Stonewalling
Congress. Tuesday, the House Committee on Government Oversight and Accountability
sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas demanding a response
to a House subpoena. The subject of the subpoena was Chinese "elite capture" operations in
the United States and specifically "documents, communications, and intelligence reports in DHS's
possession related to Minnesota Governor Timothy Walz's connections to the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP)." [Advertisement] The Oversight Committee is in possession of internal communications
showing that DHS staffers have sounded the alarm about the unknown nature of Walz's ties to the
Chinese Communist Party. It has subpoenaed the information, and DHS has refused to comply
with the subpoena. [Tweet] If you are a Republican in DC, failing to comply with a
congressional subpoena can result in jail time. Different rules apply to Democrats.
Walz had secret fling with daughter of top Chinese Communist official. Tim Walz had a
secret fling with the daughter of a high-ranking Communist official during his 1989 teaching stint
in China, can exclusively reveal. Jenna Wang, 59, claims the VP hopeful
showered her with gifts and seduced her at his poky staff accommodation at No. 1 High School in
Foshan, Guangdong Province. The lovers could not risk holding hands or showing affection in
public because Wang's dad was a high-ranking figure in the Chinese Communist Party who would disown
her for fraternizing with a westerner.
Exposes China's Infiltration and Plot to Hijack U.S. Elections. The revelation from
whistleblower Gary Berntsen paints a very disturbing picture of foreign interference in U.S.
elections, with Huawei (China's largest telecommunications company) playing a central
role — just as voters cast their votes in the 2024 elections. This Chinese tech
giant, far from being just another corporation, is an extension of the Chinese government and
military, posing significant national security risks to the United States. Huawei's roots
trace back to 1987 when Ren Zhengfei, a former officer in the People's Liberation Army (PLA),
founded the company. From its inception, Huawei has maintained close ties with the Chinese
government and military, receiving substantial support and resources.
Sues DHS Over Chinese Illegal With Deadly Infectious Disease. Tuberculosis used to be
a global plague. Many contracted TB, and many died from it, from Britain's Henry VII to
America's John Henry "Doc" Holliday. It's also a fairly simple disease, caused by an agile
little bug, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which has the unfortunate propensity to develop into
antibiotic-resistant strains. And what's more, it's a bug that's contagious, can be spread by
aerosol, and is a prime subject for use as a biological agent. On Wednesday, a report
surfaced that Lousiana's Governor, Jeff Landry, and the state's attorney general, are suing
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the case of an illegal immigrant, from China,
who was discovered to be carrying a rare, drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis[.]
Border Policies Create Human Smuggling Industry. Under the Biden-Harris
administration, one of the largest groups of new arrivals has been from China. As of May of
this year, the number of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the border was up 7,000 percent
from 2021 levels, a staggering increase that has led to serious national security concerns given
mounting tensions between Beijing and Washington. Like migrants from other parts of the
world, most Chinese migrants have primarily economic motivations for coming to the United States
and are simply hoping to take advantage of lax border security. But as the alarming surge in
apprehensions of individuals on the FBI's terrorist watch list at the border shows, an overwhelming
surge of migrants is perfect cover for bad actors and potential agents of the Chinese Communist Party.
keep swarming U.S. Air Force bases and no one knows whose they are. For a heated
17 days in December of 2023, a swarm of unidentified drones harassed the Langley Air Force
Base in Virginia. They did not attack or interfere with personnel, but the incursion into
controlled air space raised a lot of alarms. [Video clip] Considering China has
exploding kamikaze drone swarms now, similar to the ones used by Ukraine in their war with Russia,
you can imagine why the military is so concerned. [Advertisement] But now, here we are
over 10 months later, and the Department of Defense still has no lead on where the drones came
from or who they belong too [sic].
The Editor says...
Horse hockey. The drones are most likely Chinese, and just like the Chinese spy balloon(s) in
February of 2023, the drones will be allowed to collect whatever photographs and intel they are
supposed to collect, and send it back to China, before eventually being "identified" and shot down.
There is no mystery. The military doesn't just gawk at intrusive aircraft without taking action
unless they are told to stand down. I suspect this is all taking place because Joe Biden
is (ahem) doing favors for the Chinese Communists.
charges five Chinese nationals after the group was caught spying on a military base, but waits
until they're out of custody. We seem to be at war with China, but the Asian nation
is the only one acting like it, and I surmise this can be for only one of two reasons —
either, a) a complete lack of awareness and ability, or b) intentionality. Joe Biden and
Kamala Harris have a severely soiled reputation (having brought the U.S. to the brink of collapse),
but arguably, their biggest failure is that of diplomacy, or foreign affairs. They wouldn't
recognize impending disaster if it hit them in the face: the Afghanistan withdrawal, the de
facto invitation to all the world's impoverished foreigners, Israel and Hamas, Iran, Russia-Ukraine
conflict, etc. If you didn't know any better, and you were to judge them solely based on
results, you'd think they were trying to cause World War III[,] which brings me to the
alternative. Option B: They're deliberately facilitating China's aggression, and
acting as saboteurs and orchestrating a situation in which the U.S. is at a major disadvantage.
Nationals Charged With Lying to Authorities After Being Caught Near Michigan Military
Base. Camp Grayling, Michigan, is the largest National Guard training base in the
United States. It encompasses 148,000 acres of training grounds and is used for combined arms
field training exercises. If you were an intelligence agent for a nation unfriendly to the
United States, it's a place that you would want to observe, the better to observe United States
forces in the field. In August 2023, five University of Michigan students — all of them
Chinese nationals — were confronted by a non-commissioned officer (NCO) in the woods near the base,
and at the time, were questioned and let go.
Walz Helped Secure Millions in Funding for Minnesota Researchers With Ties to Wuhan, China
Lab. If you've been wondering about Democratic vice presidential candidate and
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz's many voyages to the Middle Kingdom, you're not alone. It's a
bit of a curiosity, an American politician who is so cozy with China, a Communist country under the
single-handed control of Chairman Xi, and a nation that's not exactly friendly to the United States.
It's a bit like the daffy old Bolshevik from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, honeymooning in the Soviet
Union — only Tim Walz went back to China, again and again. It's enough to provoke questions.
Government Is Metastasizing Right Before Our Eyes! As the illegitimate winner of the
2020 election, Joe Biden was inaugurated on January 20. In January, a totalitarian-style
regime with many of its political appointees with past or ongoing connections to the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP), complete with a figurehead — Joe Biden — was installed
in office. He is also compromised with his history of family associations with the CCP. The
new regime moved quickly ahead at an accelerated pace, utilizing multiple executive orders and
sending a series of radical proposals for approval by a Democrat-controlled Congress. Their
objectives are to subvert the American way of life, impose upon America a Marxist agenda, and move
our country rapidly from COVID to communism.
Great Walz of China. If you blinked, you might have missed it — which is
just what the collusion media and the left wanted. [Advertisement] Earlier this month, the
Empire State had a spy scandal. The alleged perpetrator Linda Sun is a now-former aide to
both New York Governors Andrew Cuomo and his successor Kathy Hochul. She was arrested and
indicted for being an unregistered agent for the People's Republic of China (PRC). Also arrested
was her husband, Christopher Hu. [Advertisement] Ms. Sun is alleged to have used her
government position to advance the interests of communist China by deepening ties between the
regime and the New York state government; and revising official statements to portray the PRC in a
more favorable light. On his part, Mr. Hu is alleged to have used his PRC-based to abet
the "transfer of millions of dollars in kickbacks for personal gain." [...] Why would the collusion
media desperately want to shove the New York-PRC spy scandal down the memory hole?
Is China Taking Such a Keen Interest in the Bahamas? More than 8.5 million
American tourists visited the Bahamas in 2023. The Caribbean nation offers pristine beaches,
rich history, incredible water sports, delectable cuisine... and some very serious interest from
the People's Republic of China. Chinese interest in the Bahamas recently made headlines after
a hearing in which the commanders of U.S. Southern Command and U.S. Northern Command testified on
the "aggressive" expansion of Chinese influence in the Caribbean.
Report: Biden-Harris Electric School Bus Program is 'Enriching' China. A new
congressional report claims that the Biden-Harris Administration's attempts to mandate electric
school buses in the United States is only benefiting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as the the
materials required for such vehicles come from China. According to Fox News, the 51-page
report by the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations takes a closer
look at the White House's Clean School Bus Program (CSBP), first enacted in 2021. The program
appropriated $5 billion from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to force schools across
the country to replace conventional, gas-powered buses with "clean" electric school buses (ESBs).
"Costly subsidies for ESBs are a poor use of federal taxpayer money at a time when school budgets are
increasingly strained," the report states. "Currently, it is only the existence of massive
taxpayer-funded subsidies that enables ESBs to compete with diesel buses and low emission
buses in the market."
Zoo Admits Their Pandas Are Obviously Just Painted Dogs. Zoogoers in China have been
left outraged after discovering that the so-called "pandas" they were cooing over were just painted
dogs. The duped visitors claimed they only realized the scam at the Shanwei zoo when one of
the apparent pandas started panting and barking, according to local media. Just moments
later, a second pooch can be seen strolling along — with a long, curly tail. The
zoo initially tried to wash its hands of the sham by bizarrely claiming the animals were a breed of
"panda dogs." [Video clip]
FDNY chief's ties to China emerge amid federal probe into foreign influence on New York
officials. The New York Fire Department's new chief's ties to China are coming to
light against the backdrop of a federal investigation into foreign influence on the city's
officials. FDNY Commissioner Robert Tucker was previously head of a private security firm
where one of the clients was a billionaire who once admitted to feds he worked for Chinese
intelligence, according to reports. While in that role, Tucker also approved an email putting
forward ex-golf club hospitality worker Lin Gui'an for a top position in the New York Police
Department, which he eventually got. Lin's links to the Chinese Communist Party were exposed
by The [New York] Post last week. Before joining the FDNY, Tucker was boss of T&M USA LLC, a
Manhattan-based global private investigations firm that once counted controversial Chinese
billionaire Miles Guo as a client.
Ready for World War Three? Americans broadly remain blissfully oblivious regarding
how close to World War Three we are and have been since early 2022. Repeated warnings from U.S.
military and intelligence leaders about this dire state of affairs, which this newsletter reported
in detail, with looming war against Russia, or China, or Iran — or worst of all, Russia,
China and Iran — have fallen on deaf ears. Not to mention that, given the
parlous state of America's military, amid recruiting and retention problems, shortages of weapons
and munitions, plus the anemic condition of our defense industrial base, the Pentagon would be
hard-pressed to prevail in even one major theater war, while it would almost certainly lose,
probably fast, when confronted by three of them at once. This alarming strategic situation
keeps failing to register with the public, even in an election year. Americans seem not to
care that World War Three looms, while the Biden-Harris administration, whoever is actually running
it, is eager to distract the public from the geopolitical catastrophe they've sleepwalked America
into, while allowing our military to further degrade.
[is] Able to Spy on US With Intelligence-Gathering Devices on Seaport Cranes, House Report
Finds. A Chinese company installed intelligence gathering equipment on cranes used at
seaports across the US that could allow Beijing to spy on Americans and cripple key infrastructure,
according to a new congressional report. The Republican majorities on the House Select
Committee on the Chinese Communist Party and House Homeland Security Committee found that the
Shanghai-based, state-owned ZPMC engineering company had pressured American port authorities to
allow remote access to its cranes, "with a particular focus on those located on the West Coast."
"If granted, this access could potentially be extended to other [People's Republican of China]
government entities, posing a significant risk due to the PRC's national security laws that mandate
cooperation with state intelligence agencies," adds the report, the outcome of a year-long
Have a Serious Chinese Espionage Problem. Last week, I delivered some bad news to a
group of bright, rising American intelligence officers, followed by some good news. The bad
news is that we've missed the golden age of Kremlin espionage. In truth, we missed it by a
couple generations. Since the mid-1950s, when the hideous nature of Stalinism was revealed,
shattering the illusions of legions of Western fellow travelers, few Americans have spied for
Moscow for ideological reasons (the handful who do so are customarily nutcases). It's mostly
about cold, hard cash. However, we're now experiencing the golden age of Chinese espionage.
Indeed, we may just be at the opening stage of this rising SpyWar. What can be stated on the
record is that we're not winning it.
aide to embattled NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban linked to Chinese Communist Party. A
top aide to embattled New York Police Department Commissioner Edward Caban is associated with
shadowy groups that do the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party, The [New York] Post has
learned. Lin Gui'an, 49, the assistant director of the Police Commissioner Liaison Unit, was
previously vice chairman of a nonprofit linked to a web of CCP-controlled community groups and
school associations, known as United Front, for 12 years, according to records viewed by The
Post. He has also been pictured attending events alongside prominent members of United Front
groups or sponsored by them.
Rep Serves As 'Honorary Chairwoman' Of Org Reportedly Linked To Chinese Intel Agency.
New York Democratic Rep. Grace Meng has longstanding ties to an organization reportedly linked
to a Chinese intelligence agency and alleged Communist Party operatives, the Daily Caller News
Foundation found. The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Tuesday indicted Linda Sun, who served
in two New York governors' offices as well as Meng's chief of staff while she served in the state
assembly, for allegedly acting as an unregistered foreign agent of China and money
laundering. The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that Sun met the "heads of key
groups identifiable in the indictment as being United Front-linked, including the U.S. Federation
of Chinese-American Entrepreneurs and the Henan Association of Eastern America." China's
so-called "United Front" strategy of influence and intelligence collection is overseen by a Chinese
intelligence service called the United Front Work Department. The heads of these groups were
"supervised, directed, and controlled by [Chinese] government officials," DOJ alleges.
push Defense Department to blacklist communist-linked battery company. Republican
lawmakers are urging the Department of Defense (DOD) to bar a Chinese electric vehicle (EV) battery
manufacturer from receiving U.S. military contracts and deter the company's U.S. clients from using
its services. Republican Rep. John Moolenaar of Michigan and Republican Florida
Sen. Marco Rubio sent a letter to the Pentagon Wednesday requesting EV battery-maker CATL be
added to its 1260H list that identifies company's "involved in bolstering Beijing's military
ambitions" and prohibits them from being awarded defense contracts. The lawmakers accused
CATL of being controlled by China due to "subsidies, tax incentives [and] favorable procurement
deals" from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and of furthering the interests of China's People's
Liberation Army (PLA) by supporting its battery infrastructure.
Aid To New York's Governor Is Arrested For Acting As An Agent Of The Chinese Government.
Former aide to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul charged with acting as an agent of the Chinese
government. Former deputy chief of staff to Hochul Linda Sun was charged with alien smuggling
and money laundering conspiracy. She was also charged with conspiring to violate the Foreign
Agents Registrations Act. Her husband Chris Hu was also charged. [Video clip]
Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul for Acting as an Agent of the
Chinese Communist Government. Linda Sun, a former high-ranking aide to New York
Governor Kathy Hochul, was arrested alongside her husband, Christopher Hu, on Tuesday morning
following a federal raid on their Long Island home earlier this year. The couple is scheduled
to appear in a Brooklyn court on Tuesday afternoon, per the Daily Mail. The arrests,
confirmed by the FBI, came after a raid on their Long Island home earlier this year. The FBI
conducted a pre-dawn raid on the $3.5 million Long Island home. The lavish five-bedroom
home, located in a gated community called Stone Hill in Long Island, was searched thoroughly by
agents, though it remains undisclosed whether any items were seized during the operation.
how many Democrats are getting arrested for Chinese spying. For all their pious
claims to being the standard-bearers and guardians of national security since President Trump was
elected in 2016, Democrats sure do have a lot of operatives getting picked up as spies for
China. The latest came out of the woodwork from New York Gov. Kathy Hochul's office.
[...] It's a shocking case of cash for influence, and the Chicoms must have been snickering up
their sleeves that New York would have such a willing apparent partner. Yet it's not the
first Democrat who's been caught in bed with the Chinese. In the case of Rep. Eric
Swalwell, he was literally in bed with a Chinese honeypot on campaign fundraising matters.
Meanwhile, over on the other side of the Bay, Senate Judiciary Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, had a
driver in hock with the Chinese for nearly 20 years, listening in on her every conversation
and reporting back to his masters in Beijing.
Walz Has A History Of Rubbing Elbows With Nonprofit Linked To Chinese Intel And Influence
Agency. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, has a
long history of attending events organized by members of a nonprofit with connections to a Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) influence and intelligence agency, a Daily Caller News Foundation
investigation found. Since 2018, Walz has attended multiple events hosted by members of the
Chinese American Association of Minnesota (CAAM) and related organizations, including one 2022
fundraiser for his gubernatorial campaign, according to a DCNF review of dozens of Chinese
government announcements, Chinese-language news reports and social media posts. Other media
have detailed self-declared progressive Walz's long-standing relationships with entities connected
to Islamic extremism as well. Since 2016, CAAM and another local nonprofit have been hosting
the St. Paul branch of the "Overseas Chinese Service Center" (OCSC) program, which is a
global network of institutions overseen by the Chinese government's United Front Work Department
(UFWD), the DCNF previously reported.
China's manufacturers
are going broke. Most news on China's manufacturers is bad news for rivals around the
world. Foreign governments fear their domestic champions will be pummelled by low-cost
Chinese rivals. But on August 5th the world got a small reminder that China's producers
face big problems of their own. Hengchi, an electric-vehicle (EV) maker owned by Evergrande,
a failed property developer, told investors that two of its subsidiaries had been forced into
bankruptcy. The group originally aimed to sell 1m EVs a year by 2025; amid feverish
competition it sold just 1,389 last year. The glut in industrial production is not limited to
EVs. About 30% of industrial firms were loss-making at the end of June, rising above the
previous recorded peak during the Asian financial crisis in 1998, according to the National Bureau
of Statistics.
Schweizer: Tim Walz [is] Tied to Chinese 'Secret Police Stations' That Kidnap CCP Critics.
Ties between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) are becoming more alarming,
with Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer revealing that the VP hopeful is connected to "secret
police stations that the Chinese have here in the United States." During Schweizer's latest appearance
on Breitbart News Daily, Walz was accused of being connected to a group called Minnesota Global that is
allegedly tied to a secret Chinese police station in the Twin Cities.
just built the biggest ever offshore oil platform. There is no green energy 'transition'.
Two major announcements from a pair of the world's largest oil and gas companies have exposed the
folly of the idea that some kind of energy "transition" is underway. In an interesting twist,
the two companies seem likely to become partners in one of the world's biggest and fastest-growing
deepwater projects. In China, the Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC)
announced the launch of its enormous Marjan oil and gas offshore collection and transportation
platform, one of the world's largest offshore facilities — quite likely, as CNOOC
claims, the largest ever built. CNOOC says that, once installed, the Marjan facility will be
capable of gathering and transporting 24 million tonnes (over 171 million barrels) of oil
and 7.4 billion cubic meters (2.61 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas annually.
Has Some Hilarious Nickname Options For Tim Walz. [For example,] Tiananmen Tim:
Walz has a "long track record" in China. The media spins him as an expert China hawk who
wants to spread human rights. But while most Americans fled after the Tiananmen Square
Massacre, Walz went to teach high school there. He went back multiple times for education
trips. Five years later, he went back again for his honeymoon. Sure, there's an
innocent explanation — but like Walz says, "One person's 'socialism' is another person's
'neighborliness.'" Who funded all of this on a teacher's salary?
Harris Chooses VP with Deep Ties to Communist China: Tim Walz Visited China Over
30 Times. Kamala Harris has selected Tim Walz as her running mate for the
upcoming election. This decision raises serious concerns about national security and the
integrity of American values, given Walz's radical policies and extensive ties to Communist
China. Senior reporter Paul Sperry from RealClear Investigations recently uncovered a
disturbing pattern in Walz's relationship with China. According to investigative journalist
Paul Sperry on X, Walz traveled to China annually from 1996 until at least 2003. His travels were
not merely for tourism; he was granted a special work visa by the Chinese government, which raises
questions about his loyalties and motivations. During his time in China, he reportedly
expressed a deep admiration for the country.
The Editor says...
If he likes China so much, why doesn't he live there? The answer is obvious:
He is of no use to the Chi-Coms while he is in China.
Walz's 30-Year Relationship With China. With the United States and China engaged in a
heated trade war, the US-China Peoples Friendship Association (USCPFA) scheduled its national
convention in Minneapolis. Minnesota's soybean trade made it China's best leverage against
President Trump's tariffs and the regime was fortunate to have one of its own in the governor's
residency. Gov. Tim Walz was the highest ranking elected official with the broadest ties
to China. And so it surprised no one when the US-China Peoples Friendship Association listed
him as one of its speakers at the convention alongside notable Communist influence operation
figures. Earlier that year, Walz had gone on a foreign trip to Asia along with his Lt. Gov:
leaving no one in charge of Minnesota. While the trip was ostensibly undertaken to find
alternative trading partners to China, it was actually a propaganda move to stir up opposition
to Trump's trade war.
The Editor says...
In other words, he went to China to undermine the U.S. President.
Police Catch Chinese Nationals Hauling Gold. Two Chinese nationals were caught in
Texas hauling what appears to be cartel gold. Alejandro Mayorkas was impeached but not
convicted for his failure to secure the border. The senators who voted to let him off the
hook aren't talking about this one. Both bullion smugglers illegally jumped the border and
were released by DHS on "parole." It looks like they were paying off their coyote fees
by acting as mules. They're both charged with money laundering the cartel's profits.
Joe and Kamala's handlers are relieved they aren't Iranian terrorists.
nationals arrested in East Texas, $250k in gold bars seized after traffic stop. Two
Chinese nationals were arrested with $250,000 worth of gold bars after a traffic stop on I-20 on
Thursday. According to an affidavit, Sgt. Charlie Hughes, with the Wills Point Police
Department, was working traffic enforcement along I-20. Hughes was near the 533 mile marker
of westbound I-20 when he observed a White Chevy Malibu with a Michigan registration committing a
traffic violation. Hughes proceeded to conduct a traffic stop on the Chevy. The driver
was identified as 25-year-old Chen, Weijian. Due to a language barrier, Hughes asked Chen to
go to his patrol vehicle and speak to him using a translator app. During the interview, Hughes
reportedly "observed multiple factors that lead [him] to believe there was criminal activity afoot."
Sea Dragon Commandos Show Off Drones That Look Just Like Birds. Members of China's
Jiaolong Commandos, a maritime special operations units, are seen using multiple types of bird-like
drones in newly emerged videos. The scenes may look ripped straight from a Hollywood action
thriller or a new Call of Duty installment, but the idea of drones that mimic birds is
not new in China or elsewhere around the world. Coupled with advances in miniaturized sensors and
other new developments, biomimetic uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) could have real operational
benefits, including being able to surveil enemy forces or execute kamikaze attacks, and do so with
less of a chance of being detected. The video clips showing the Jiaolong Commandos employing
the bird drones first began to circulate widely on social media in the past day or so. One
clip shows a member of the unit in the water in what looks to be a municipal park launching a bird
drone that is somewhere between the size of a pigeon and a sparrow. In another clip, one of
the commandos is seen employing a larger type closer in size to something like a raven or a
hawk. [Tweet with video clip]
Will Be Deleted From All Phones Managed by the House of Representatives. In two
weeks, social media platform TikTok, which has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), will be
banned from all devices managed by the U.S. House of Representatives. According to several
reports, a memo was sent out to staffers on Tuesday. It applies to all products owned by
ByteDance, including Capcut, Hypic, among others. "Starting August 15, 2024, the CAO
Office of Cybersecurity will initiate the block and removal of all ByteDance products from all
House-managed devices and app stores," Chief Administrative Officer Catherine Szpindor wrote in a
memo to House staffers that was obtained by The Hill. "ByteDance products will be blocked and
removed on House-managed devices, starting with mobile devices. If you have a ByteDance
application on your House-managed mobile device, you will be contacted to remove it," the notice to
staff explained.
Melugin-Over 120 Chinese Illegal Aliens Caught at Southern Border's San Diego Sector in Just One
Day. With the focus on the Presidential election, Americans must remember that the
border is still wide open. The San Diego Sector has seen a massive increase in illegal
immigration, especially since Texas has taken action under Operation Lone Star to protect their
State from the invasion. In one day alone this past week, 127 Chinese illegal aliens were
apprehended at the southern border in the San Diego sector in California, per CBP.
Mark Kelly Owns a CCP-Funded Spy Balloon Company. Last year, the administration
allowed a Chinese Communist Party spy balloon to fly over our secure installations throughout the
nation. As it happens, Sen. Mark Kelly owns a CCP-funded spy balloon company.
Axios reported last year that Tucson-based World View, cofounded by now-U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly
in 2012 and a vice presidential prospect, received venture capital from Tencent. It is among
the largest tech companies in Communist China. He received funding from them in 2013 and
2016. Tencent, like most Chinese tech giants, is integrally tied to the Chinese Communist
Party. Yes, but World View president and CEO Ryan Hartman told The Arizona Republic in 2020
that Tencent had "zero access, zero input, and zero control" over the company. They still
took money from communist China to create a lucrative business.
the Chinese Three Gorges Dam in Danger of Imminent Collapse? Mainstream media is
strangely quiet about an unfolding flood catastrophe in China. [...] Why do concerns about the
collapse of the Three Gorges Dam emerge every time a severe rainfall event strikes the headwaters
of the dam? The answer is there is evidence the Dam is badly sited and badly constructed,
like a lot of other questionable construction projects in China. In 2020 operators admitted a
large flooding event had deformed the dam wall, but claimed that the dam was still safe.
Spying Facilities In Cuba Signal America's New Cold War. China has likely upgraded
and expanded its spying facilities in Cuba, according to a new report by an American think
tank. The report not only confirms that a Cold War between China and the U.S. has already
started, but also raises new concerns that China may be aiming to bring it to America's doorstep,
posing potentially severe and grave implications for the U.S. The Center for Strategic and
International Studies (CSIS), a Washington, D.C.-based think tank, produced the study as a
follow-up to The Wall Street Journal's reporting last year that revealed China had secretly agreed
to pay cash-strapped Cuba several billion dollars to establish a Chinese electronic eavesdropping
facility on the island. This facility is likely to be used for intercepting communications
and gathering intelligence on the United States and its allies, according to CSIS.
County Commissioner Calls For Transparency, Demands Explanation For Using "Chinese Spy
Cameras". Cameras are everywhere, and privacy is not expected when you are outside
and in a public area. However, when the government uses 'spy cameras' to track your every
move, people say it violates their right to privacy. That's exactly what Hernando County
Commissioner Steve Champion said during a recent Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting
regarding the use of surveillance cameras by the Hernando County Sheriff's Office. [...] Flock
Safety cameras are a type of automated license plate recognition (ALPR) system designed to capture
vehicle license plates and associated data as they pass by. [...] The use of Flock cameras raises
privacy concerns, as they collect data on individuals' movements without their knowledge or
consent. Critics argue that such extensive surveillance can have a chilling effect on freedom
and anonymity in public spaces.
is the coal furnace of the world, and everyone is fine with that. Even though India
now consumes more than Europe and the US combined, there is really only one coal consumer. [...]
China burns four times as much coal as the second largest coal burner in the world. Everyone
else is an also-ran in the coal stakes. For every ton the US consumes, China fries
12 times as much. And poor patsy Australia, for every ton we apologetically ignite,
China burns 50. More coal was burned on Earth in 2023 than ever before in human history, and more
than half of it was burned in China. Moreover, despite all the Sino nodding to sacred targets
China shows no intention of putting the brakes on the coal train. Around the world, 95% of
all new coal power plants built in 2023 were built in China.
Turbine Blade Slices Through Entire Car, Kills 2 in Grisly Accident. A wind turbine
blade being transported through a Chinese city was involved in a fatal accident. The
circumstances of the accident were not clear, but the outcome was — the massive blade
poked through a van that was following the truck on which the blade was being transported.
The blade entered the front of the vehicle and was seen poking out the back.
The Editor says...
It appears that the giant blade was being taken through a big city (Why?) without the benefit of an escort car or two.
Blacklists 4 Companies for Training Chinese Military Pilots. The United States is
blacklisting four companies for assisting in the training and development of the Chinese
military. Two of the companies are located in China and two are located in the UK, according
to a notice issued by the Commerce Department. China's Global Training Solutions and Smartech
Future, as well as the UK's Grace Air and Livingston Aerospace, will be added to the department's
trade restriction list due to their relationship with the Test Flying Academy of South Africa,
which the posting says trained Chinese military forces using North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) sources.
Signs in Chinese Direct Illegal Crossers from China Where To Go In CA. Greetings,
everyone. This will be quick, as I'm about to head out to film again. I found signs in
Chinese in a remote, difficult-to-traverse area on the border in the mountains near Jacumba, CA.
The signs direct Chinese illegal aliens where to go for "asylum." An NGO is using
Chinese-Americans on the border to assist those crossing illegally. Chinese illegals are
given flyers in Chinese that tell them where to go to get picked up for "asylum." Border agents
told me Chinese illegals try to avoid being picked up by them and arrange transportation from the
border to the U.S. interior so they are undetected.
U.S. Must Stop Playing Sanctions Whack-A-Mole with the CCP. The larger Chinese banks,
in response to stern U.S. warnings, have this year been exiting transactions involving
Russia. Are America's sanctions efforts finally working? No. Beijing is merely
shifting transactions to smaller banks and non-banking channels. China, to help Russia's war
effort in Ukraine, is employing a decades-old stratagem: the shell game. At best,
America's sanctions are crimping the fast-growing China-Russia trade, not ending it. Beijing,
Moscow's "no-limits" partner, has provided across-the-board support for the Russian war effort
since the start of the conflict. In recent months, China has been supplying machine tools,
semiconductors, and other dual-use items. It has also helped out with weapons technology and
satellite imagery. Reporting from last year shows that Chinese parties were selling
ammunition in large quantities. Moreover, China has lent bank support. Now, however,
Chinese banking institutions have become wary of working with Russia, especially since March.
is the New Fentanyl in China's Silent War on America. War and conflict can take many
forms. It's not necessarily dive bombers, torpedo bombers, and fighters pummeling Battleship
Row in Pearl Harbor. That's visual, tangible, and an undeniable manifestation of intent, but
the struggle for dominance between nations can take many forms. The Wuhan virus was not the
Pearl Harbor moment for America. The Pearl Harbor moment for America in China's unrestricted
warfare to erase the U.S. was one word: Fentanyl. [...] The bloodbath in America from
Fentanyl is staggering, but because there are no bombs or missiles landing on American territory,
many just step over the bodies in Kensington or Mission Street and go on with their lives not
making the connection. But now there is a new and more powerful insecticide: Nitazene
Questions That The Moderators Should (But Won't) Ask Biden. [Scroll down]
Second, Mr. President, in the 2020 debate, you said that your son had "not made any money from
China." We now know through just some of the records that the House Oversight Committee obtained
that Hunter, his associates, and other Biden family members received more than $24 million
between 2014 and 2019, much of it from China. Two questions: Firstly, why were so many
Biden family members receiving money from these foreign entities? And secondly, do you
concede that, to most voters, this has the appearance of impropriety?
organized crime becomes an issue in the US. Chinese organized crime is becoming an
increasing problem in the United States, with gangs involved in sectors ranging from illicit drugs
to fraud. [...] The Justice Department this week announced that 24 people were charged in
connection to a scheme involving Los Angeles-based associates of the Sinaloa drug cartel allegedly
conspiring with Chinese underground bankers to launder drug trafficking money in the U.S.
Since 2021, more than $50 million in drug proceeds have passed between the Sinaloa Cartel, one
of the most powerful and violent drug trafficking groups in the world, and Chinese underground
money laundering, according to the indictment. The Sinaloa Cartel is the primary gang
responsible for the recent influx of fentanyl into the U.S., and for the accompanying increase in
violence at the U.S.-Mexico border. Wealthy Chinese nationals who live in China drove the
scheme, as they looked to evade their country's law that bars them from transferring more than
$50,000 a year out of China.
the Chinese military a Potemkin village? [Scroll down] Here are my three
reasons for believing Xi isn't just posturing but is actually worried: [#1] China's former
one-child policy, which resulted in a huge surplus of males, also resulted in a surplus of weak men
coddled by their families. These children, who came to be known as "little emperors," are
risk-averse and non-competitive, and the young men are neurotic. [...] [#2] Communism breeds
corruption. As we see in America's institutions — everything from the government
to our own military to academia — merit is no longer a factor in advancement.
Instead, ideological correctness is the primary consideration in leftist systems. However, a
system dominated by the ideologically pure rather than the competent inevitably collapses under its
own weight. [...] [#3] Communism breeds substandard quality. When merit has no reward,
people do substandard work. We see that in every product that comes out of China. The
artisans, craftsmen, and small farmers who once labored to produce the best for their own pleasure
and economic benefit have been wiped out in a country that's one giant factory assembly line.
You do enough to get by and not one iota more. Chinese equipment looks great, but it's still
built in Chinese factories.
China Wired Money to Joe's House. When Hunter Biden got wire transfers from China,
they went to Joe Biden's address. In the summer of 2019, while Joe Biden was running for
president, the money was rolling into Delaware from Communist China. This was the same
Wilmington house where classified documents were lying around while Hunter Biden was living while
allegedly spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on prostitutes: some of them apparently
foreign nationals. On paperwork, Hunter appeared to claim ownership of the
house and in 2010, he had begun paying for the upkeep of the house and his veep dad's bills.
By the time Jonathan Li, the CEO of BHR, was sending a $250,000 wire payment to Joe Biden's
address, the former vice president and future president had already met with the Chinese investment
exec doing business with his family and had written recommendation letters for his kids. The
$250,000 Chinese wire was described as a "loan". But how was Hunter, by then approaching rock
bottom, going to pay it off? Where was the money coming from?
secret police [are] organizing illegal immigrant border surges, too. It's no secret
that with the open border, criminals are incentivized to enter the U.S. illegally. So are
terrorists, as the recent Tajikistan pickups have indicated, in numbers that have soared. So
have spies and saboteurs as various cases have demonstrated, and now our military bases are taking
in two foreign intruders per week, according to an admiral's statement. Anyone else?
But of course: The security organs of the Chinese communist state, same people who were last
seen opening illegal police stations here in the U.S., some of which apparently are still running,
given the lack of news about them. [...] The Chicom security forces provided maps of travel routes,
maps of the holes in the border wall, and coached answers for every illegal border crosser to claim
to be an asylum seeker, which will get them waved right through. What they are up to after
that is not known, but anyone who thinks it's benign is a boob. It would square with some of
the activity of Chinese migrants illegally crossing into the U.S., more than 30,000 of whom have
entered illegally since October 2023 in San Diego County alone.
Titanium, zinc, tin... what's the difference? Boeing
and Airbus Planes Unwittingly Used Fake Titanium. The FAA is deeply concerned that
Boeing and Airbus planes were constructed with "fake" Chinese titanium. It could cause their
jets to break apart in mid-air. On Friday, the Financial Times reported that Boeing
acknowledged some parts of their jets contain counterfeit titanium from China. The Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) reported that Boeing told officials they received titanium parts
containing counterfeit documentation. Boeing bought the counterfeit components from Spirit
AeroSystems, a Kansas-based aerostructure manufacturer. The New York Times reported Spirit
AeroSystems received the titanium from China, where its documentation was reportedly falsified.
170 Million Spy Balloons and other Venus Fly Traps. The Chinese Communist Party
seems to have been buying up America. On July 23, 2023, US Rep. Mile Collins (R-GA)
said on the floor of the House of Representatives: "China owns $870 billion in U.S.
Treasuries that finance our debt. And they either own or have a huge portion of the Chicago
Stock Exchange, AMC movie theaters, General Electric's appliance division, General Motors, and
Smithfield Foods just to name a few. On another alarming note, folks. China owns
384,000 acres of American agricultural land. That's a 30% increase just since 2019. And on
top of that, they own land near an air force base in North Dakota. That's a clear threat to
our national security and that's what the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug
Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill is going to address." In 2023, Texas
State Senator Lois Kolkhorst filed a bill, SB 147 that would ban "citizens, governments and
entities from China, Iran, North Korea and Russia from purchasing land in the state, part of what
she and other Republicans have said will help stem foreign influence in Texas."
May Be 'Probing' American Military Readiness Through Base Breaches, Lawmaker Says.
Fears of attacks on the homeland and foreign espionage stemming from the border crisis are growing
in light of illegal immigrants breaching military bases as well as those with suspected terrorist
ties. On June 11, news broke that eight Tajikistan nationals with possible connections
to the terrorist group ISIS had been arrested in New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles in recent
days. Tajikistan nationals were responsible for the March 22 attack on the Crocus City
Hall concert near Moscow that left more than 140 people dead and hundreds injured. The
individuals in the United States were being tracked by the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force.
They were taken into custody by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on immigration violation
charges, according to wire agency reports.
Sheriff Raids 20th Chinese Mafia Drug House of 2024. The Somerset County Sheriff's
Office Criminal Division executed a drug search warrant at a residence in Anson Friday morning,
Sheriff Dale Lancaster said in a press release. No individuals were present during the
execution of the warrant. According to Somerset real estate records, the 264 Horseback Road
property was purchased most recently by Baker Li, of Brooklyn, in Sept. 2021. Records show
the seller as Yuling Mei, of Brooklyn, NY, who purchased the property in March 2020 before
selling to Li. Mei, 63, was arrested in January at a separate illegal marijuana cultivation
facility in Cornville, along with Huansheng Mai, 75, and Yiming Hu, 68. After her arrest, Mei
was given $1,000 bail, which she posted in cash four days after her arrest. Under the terms
of her bail, Mei was ordered not to leave the state of Maine while her case is pending.
However, on her booking documents, Mei provided 273 Madison Ave in Skowhegan as her mailing
address, which is the location of the Belmont Motel.
Beijing Biden. [Scroll down] Regarding
COVID, Greenfield writes, ["]China has come out of the plague year stronger than ever by
spreading the virus and then selling America and Europe, battered by the pandemic, lockdowns, and
turmoil, the masks and base compounds to protect itself. The biological attack allowed China
to not only test us, but to test its own society, using the pandemic to centralize and solidify
control over its population. The real weapon wasn't the virus. It was chaos.["]
a US State Outsources Mental Health to China. Many are voicing concerns about the
State of Montana outsourcing its behavioral health to a private consulting firm, Alvarez & Marsal
(A&M), which also happens to do business with China. Montana's decision to hire A&M to revamp
the state's behavioral health system has sparked concerns mostly relating to the $300-million price
tag associated with the account, but oddly has avoided mention of the firm's ties to China.
Why? The Montana move to outsource these important high-dollar accounts highlights the
Behavioral Health Commission's unchecked power and lack of public oversight.
Weaponizing 90%-Fatal Ebola. China's regime is trying to weaponize Ebola. The
disease can have a 90% mortality rate. Code Enforcement Officer Jesalyn Harper in
December 2022 noticed a garden hose connected to a supposedly abandoned building in Reedley,
California, near Fresno in the Central Valley. She entered the structure and found what
appears to have been a secret biological weapons laboratory. The facility was run by Jiabei
Zhu, a Chinese citizen who was a fugitive from Canadian justice. He was also a top official
at one of China's state-controlled companies that had links to the Chinese military. Inside,
Harper found Chinese nationals working in white coats. The lab stored nearly a thousand
transgenic mice, "genetically engineered to catch and carry the COVID-19 virus." The lab also
contained thousands of samples of labeled, unlabeled, and encoded potential pathogens and a freezer
labeled "Ebola." The freezer held unlabeled sealed bags used to store high-risk biological
materials. The Communist Party of China appears to have great interest in Ebola.
Nationals Pour Into San Diego; No One Stops Them. According to Bill Melugin, 118
Chinese nationals crossed illegally into the San Diego sector yesterday. Fox reporter Melugin
gets his information from CBP. He said over 30,000 Chinese have come in since October 1st.
I'm sure they are all coming for a better life, even though most are single military-age men, and China
is our frenemy. This is unprecedented. There is no sign that anyone cares or has done a
thing to limit the influx.
Do Chinese Spies Keep Getting Sweetheart Deals? Lately, there has been a rash of
cases in which people in the military and intelligence community were caught spying for Communist
China and handing over significant information to the enemy. And then got slaps on the wrist.
by Any Other Name Still Stinks. How many times have we heard U.S. State Department
officials, Canadian politicians, U.K. prime ministers, NATO strategists, or European Union talking
heads lecture citizens about the need for Western "democracies" to fight "authoritarian"
regimes? Yet Western governments were every bit as authoritarian during the "Reign of COVID
Terror" as the authoritarian States that they denounce. Communist China implemented the most
draconian COVID lockdowns in the world — incarcerating entire cities with scarce
supplies of food and "disappearing" those who dared to resist — and Western governments
not only applauded China's brutal despotism but also attempted to replicate its evil machinery
throughout the West. Even more perplexing, the same Western "democracies" that routinely
demonize Russia as an authoritarian boogeyman that must be destroyed nevertheless enrich communist
China with lucrative trade deals and shower Chinese tyrants with obsequious displays of respect.
Voting Machines Are Made & Tested In China. Citizen investigator Peter Bernegger
broke an exclusive on my TV show "The Absolute Truth" that his team has traced the shipping of
Chinese-manufactured motherboard chips for electronic voting machines to Taiwan, where they are
being repackaged & shipped to the U.S. Bernegger also alleged that one particular American
computer company plays an important role in this operation. [Post] As Patrick Byrne has been
insisting since 2020: the motherboard of a computer is like the frontal lobe of your brain.
"If the motherboard is made in China, the entire system is compromised," according to him.
[Post] Sheriff Dar Leaf has discovered that Dominion Voting has failed to disclose to Congress
that parts of their machines are sourced from China, and tested in China. In addition, it's
alleged that one of Dominion's employees, Andy Huang, was able to access the servers remotely from
Canada. Huang once worked for a Chinese telecom known to be a CCP affiliate as well.
Land Grab. At both the federal and state levels, elected leaders are paying more
attention to national security threats stemming from Chinese-owned real estate in the United
States. The totality of Chinese-owned real estate in the United States remains unknown and,
under current law, is unknowable. For agricultural land, Chinese-owned acreage reportedly
only constitutes a small share of the United States' total, but has increased rapidly in recent
years, suggesting a growing threat that would best be managed now before it turns into a
significant problem. To date, media coverage and government scrutiny have focused on certain
forms and instances of Chinese real estate purchases, due to the national security implications of
specific transactions and properties. At the federal level, numerous proposals have been
introduced in the U.S. Congress to enhance the government's ability to address national security
threats stemming from Chinese real estate acquisitions.
Signs Suicidal 'No Coal' Pact, While Rest of World Builds 1,000 New Plants. The Biden
administration has just signed an economic suicide pact that would require the United States and
six other Western democracies to shut down its coal power plants by 2035, while China, India and
the rest of the world currently have more than 1,000 new coal power plants in the planning or
construction phase. The no-coal pact allows all nations but the Suicidal Seven to continue
using as much affordable coal power as they like. Climate activists often point to China as a
climate role model, noting that China manufactures more wind and solar power equipment than any
other nation. China, however, isn't stupid enough to use much of that equipment.
Realizing that conventional energy — and especially coal power — is more
affordable and reliable than wind and solar power, China manufactures wind and solar equipment,
sells the equipment to America and Western Europe, and then powers its own economy primarily with
coal power.
Converts Mosque into Dance Hall: Fighting to De-Islamize the Country. China is
actively pursuing a robust de-Islamization policy, leading to the demolition of numerous mosques
and the conversion of some into dance halls. A circulating video depicts this transformation
on social media. [Tweet with video clip] Human Rights Watch (HRW) asserts that
China's actions constitute a violation of religious freedom. HRW has analyzed hundreds of
satellite images, videos, and reports to investigate the closure of Muslim places of worship,
estimating that hundreds of mosques have been affected.
Green Energy Policies Help China, Not America. Throughout his term, President Joe
Biden's administration has actively worked to curtail domestic energy production, forcing American
reliance on foreign energy. China, in particular, stands to benefit from a global green
revolution. Under the traditional model of fossil fuel-based energy production, the United
States is one of the largest energy producers in the world. By comparison, China is the
world's largest energy importer. To gain a competitive advantage, China has worked to change
the terms of the industry. For years, the CCP has encouraged a global transition to renewable
energy — a transition that will turn nations into clients of Chinese industry.
Biden's energy regulations require a transition to Chinese-manufactured infrastructure, such as
solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries for electric vehicles. Biden, like Barack Obama
before him, has failed to recognize the dangers of forced reliance on China's "green" energy
materials, even amid growing tensions between the U.S. and the PRC.
Agenda Puts America in 'Chinese Handcuffs,' Expert Says. China is intentionally
advancing a climate agenda for its own gain, and America is allowing it to happen, according to a
senior research fellow for international affairs at The Heritage Foundation's Asian Studies
Center. China has "taken advantage of the United States, because we've had this very driven
climate agenda," Heritage's Erin Walsh says. The development of solar energy, for example,
began in America, and then the Chinese developed it further, and now China controls the "entire
supply chain, so you can't be involved unless you're purchasing some goods from China to make your
solar panels," Walsh explained, adding that the same is true for wind turbines, and for batteries
and electric vehicles. Right now, with respect to EV batteries, "they've got the dominant
control of the supply chain." The more the U.S. and other nations move toward use of wind and
solar energy, and electric vehicles, the further China's economy benefits and the more America's
economy and national security are put at risk, according to Walsh.
Hamsters Dead After Chinese Scientists Engineer Horrific Ebola-Enhanced Virus. A
group of Chinese scientists have engineered a new virus in which they took a common animal disease
(vesicular stomatitis virus, or VSV) and added parts of Ebola in order to mimic Ebola symptoms in a
lab setting using animals. The result? A group of Syrian hamsters that received the
lethal injection "developed severe systemic diseases similar to those observed in human Ebola
patients, including multi-organ failure, the Daily Mail reports, citing the team's study.
The team studied five female and five male hamsters that were three weeks old[,] all but two of
which died between two and three days.
Chinese nationals crossed southern border in two days than in fiscal year 2021: report.
Border Patrol at the San Diego sector apprehended approximately 485 Chinese immigrants in just two days,
surpassing the 323 encountered during the entirety of fiscal year 2021, according to a report by Fox
News' Bill Melugin, based on information from a Customs and Border Patrol source. [Tweet]
Melugin also commented that the "overwhelming majority of the Chinese are mass released as China is not
cooperative with deportation flights from the U.S." The trend of Chinese nationals across the US
southern border has continued to escalate, with over 24,200 apprehensions of Chinese nationals in the
first six months of fiscal year 2024. [Advertisement] This surge marks a staggering increase,
with the number of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the border skyrocketing by 7,000% since 2021,
and projected to rise by 14,000% by the end of the fiscal year, according to Fox News.
Mining Boss In Africa Beats His Black Workers Sparking Allegations Of A New Slave Trade.
Allegations of racial discrimination have again flared up against Chinese nationals working in
African countries after a video showing a Chinese man whipping African workers with a stick went
viral on social media today. The viral video shared on microblogging platform X (formerly
known as Twitter) by Dom Lucre, journalist and founder of BTNNetwk, posted, "Chinese employer in
Africa treating his employees like Trans-Atlantic slaves." [Video clip]
Reasons Chinese Nationals Are Illegally Crossing California's Southern Border.
Chinese nationals are crossing America's southern border at a rapid rate. On Wednesday alone,
the U.S. Border Patrol encountered 206 Chinese nationals crossing into the San Diego sector, Fox
News correspondent Bill Melugin reported. But the illegal entry of Chinese nationals into
America through the Border Patrol's San Diego sector isn't new. Chinese individuals long have
worked with criminal cartels to get into the U.S., former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott says,
but the numbers have shot up. In January, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported over
3,700 encounters with Chinese nationals on the southern border, nearly all in the San Diego
sector. But back up to January 2021, when Joe Biden became president, and CBP
encountered only 17 Chinese nationals at the southern border. So what changed?
LA DA Gascón Illegally Dropped Charges Against CEO of China-Linked Election Software
Firm. A Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles County DA George Gascón's office
has filed a claim alleging that Gascón retaliated against him after he objected to Gascón
dropping criminal charges against the CEO of a China-linked election software company for political
reasons. In his claim, DDA Eric Neff states that criminal charges against Konnech CEO Eugene
Yu were illegally dropped once Gascón realized that the prosecution could help Donald Trump
politically and that it would validate the election security concerns of many on the right.
Neff's claim contains disturbing new information about the investigation and its findings that show
the charges never should have been dropped.
of the Day: China Still Owes Over $1 Trillion to American Bondholders. The
Chinese government refuses to repay over $1 trillion of decades-old bonds held by private
American citizens, even though the U.S. is still making payments on its more than $850 billion
debt to China, according to a recent op-ed in The Hill. The Republic of China financed huge
infrastructure projects in the early 20th century by issuing bonds to investors and governments
around the world. The Chinese government fell behind on its bond payments in 1938 while at
war with Japan. Before they could fix the error, it was overthrown by the current communist
regime and the People's Republic of China was formed. The current Chinese government argues
that it is not responsible for repaying the previous government's debt, leaving over 20,000
Americans with worthless bonds.
begins building underwater data center. Microsoft's Project Natick in 2014 kicked off
the trend of putting data centers in the ocean. Since then, there have been a couple of
underwater data centers (UDCs) around the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. As reported by China
Central Television (CCTV), China started to assemble what seems to be the world's first commercial
underwater data center off the coast of Sanya, a coastal city south of Hainan Island.
According to CCTV, each data storage unit can process more than four million high-definition images
in 30 seconds. The estimated performance claimed to be comparable to approximately 60,000
regular computers operating in unison. The companies involved installed the first data
storage unit back in April. On Friday, a team of engineers added another data storage unit on
the sea floor south of the Hainan province. The units house racks of servers, although the
exact number and specifications remain a mystery.
Francisco Mayor London Breed Dines With, Accepts Stuffed Panda From Chinese Influence Operatives.
San Francisco Mayor London Breed dined with the head of a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influence
group in China on Thursday, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of that
organization's website and social media account. Breed arrived in China on April 13 for
an approximately week-long trip visiting several Chinese cities, which will wrap up on
April 21, according to her office. Breed visited the Beijing headquarters of the Chinese
People's Association For Friendship With Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) on Thursday and met with CPAFFC
Party secretary and chairman Yang Wanming, according to the organization's Chinese-language website
and social media account, which the DCNF translated.
Swimmers Test Positive For Banned Substance, Win Olympic Gold Anyway While WADA Looks Other
Way. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) confirmed on Saturday that 23 Chinese
swimmers had tested positive for a banned substance before the Tokyo Olympics. But WADA let
it slide after China claimed the positive results were a result of accidental contamination.
Multiple reports said the swimmers tested positive for trimetazidine months before the
COVID-delayed Games began in July 2021. Typically found in heart medication, trimetazidine is
listed as a "metabolic modulator," which can help with endurance in physical activity.
dangerous battery monopoly. China is positioned to adversely influence lithium-ion
battery production worldwide. China has monopoly control over processed graphite, an
essential component of almost all lithium-ion batteries. Virtually all processed graphite,
natural and synthetic, is made in China then exported to the battery makers worldwide. These
batteries are used universally in electric and electronic devices, from cell phones and watches to
EVs and huge grid-scale backup batteries; there are numerous essential military uses, as
well. China is just now beginning to implement an export control program for processed
graphite. By controlling exports, China could, to a significant degree, adversely influence
much lithium-ion battery production, such as by raising prices to selected producers or even
blacklisting entire countries. Thus, the potential adverse impact of Chinese monopoly power
is enormous. What they will actually do remains to be seen, but the threat is very real.
Chinese Migrants [were] Apprehended at California Border in One Week. An unofficial
report from U.S. Customs and Border Protection reviewed by Breitbart Texas revealed that nearly 700
migrants from the People's Republic of China (PRC) were apprehended entering the San Diego region
in the third week of April. Since the fiscal year began in October, more than 26,000 migrants
from the PRC have been apprehended. A CBP source, not authorized to speak to the media, told
Breitbart Texas the number of Chinese migrants apprehended represents a more than threefold
increase from the same time last year. The source told Breitbart that China is now within the
top ten nationalities encountered by the Border Patrol along the southern border. The bulk of
the Chinese nationals are released into the United States almost immediately the source says as
China adamantly refuses to take their citizens back.
Warns Chinese Hackers Are Preparing to Attack US Infrastructure. Last May I wrote
about a group of Chinese hackers who'd been identified by Microsoft after malware was discovered in
telecom systems on the island of Guam. Microsoft named the hacking group "Volt Typhoon."
[...] For its part, China has released a report claiming that Microsoft's investigation (the one
that named Volt Typhoon last year) was mistaken. The hackers aren't backed by the state China
claims, but simply criminals looking for ransomware opportunities.
Dispatched to Beg China for Face-Saving Slowdown. The U.S.' growing urgency in
'containing' China's development was thrown in sharp relief this week as Janet Yellen arrived in
Beijing for what turned out to be an execrable beggar's tour. Just days prior to her arrival,
she had buzzed the punditry with her historically memorable exclamation that China was now
operating at "overcapacity"(!!).
China Wired Money to Joe's House. In the summer of 2019, while Joe Biden was running
for president, the money was rolling into Delaware from Communist China. This was the same
Wilmington house where classified documents were lying around while Hunter Biden was living while
allegedly spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on prostitutes: some of them apparently foreign
nationals. On paperwork, Hunter appeared to claim ownership of the house and in 2010, he had
begun paying for the upkeep of the house and his veep dad's bills. By the time Jonathan Li,
the CEO of BHR, was sending a $250,000 wire payment to Joe Biden's address, the former vice
president and future president had already met with the Chinese investment exec doing business with
his family and had written recommendation letters for his kids. The $250,000 Chinese wire was
described as a "loan". But how was Hunter, by then approaching rock bottom, going to pay it
off? Where was the money coming from?
Backs House Legislation Mandating Chinese Parent Company Sell TikTok. Senate Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) is throwing his weight behind bipartisan legislation designed to
facilitate the sale of TikTok, separating the social-media giant from its Chinese parent
company. McConnell spoke on the Senate floor Monday afternoon and expressed support for
legislation passed by the House last month requiring Chinese parent company ByteDance to sell
TikTok to an American buyer or face a ban. "America's greatest strategic rival is threatening
our security right here on U.S. soil in tens of millions of Americans homes," McConnell said. "I'm
speaking, of course, of TikTok." "Today, 170 million Americans are active users of a
social media platform that the People's Republic of China treats as a tool of surveillance and of
propaganda," he continued. "Divesting Beijing-influenced TikTok would land squarely within
established constitutional precedent & would begin to turn back the tide of an enormous threat to
America's children & to our nation's prospects."
scientists say wearing jeans is bad for the environment. They might be an essential
piece of everyday clothing, but scientists now say that even a simple pair of jeans could be bad
for the environment. Wearing a pair of fast fashion jeans just once creates 2.5kg of CO2, the
equivalent of driving a petrol car 6.4 miles. Scientists from the Guangdong University
of Technology analysed the life cycle of a pair of Levi's jeans from growing the cotton to their
eventual disposal.
The Editor says...
[#1] China has an 1,100-gigawatt fleet of coal-fired power
plants [*] with
more under construction, and they're telling you not to wear jeans because there's the
CO2 problem. [#2] Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. CO2 emissions are not something that
needs to be avoided; and even if CO2 were a problem, lack of clothing would be a bigger problem.
Illegals Entering U.S. in Record Numbers. The Joe Biden regime has overseen a surge
of over 140,000 Chinese illegal aliens since fiscal year 2021, most of them military-aged
men. This surge represents a threat to national security, with El Centro Sector Chief Patrol
Agent Gregory Bovino recently disclosing an incident in which a Chinese national infiltrated a
Marine Corps base near the border. Bovino confirmed the "purpose and intent behind his
actions are still being investigated" and that he was in the country illegally. Illegal
entries by Chinese migrants rose from 23,471 in fiscal year 2021 to 27,756 in fiscal year 2022,
then to 53,700 in 2023. With reports of 36,912 apprehensions through February 2024, this year
continues the upward trend. The influx has been partly facilitated by TikTok, controlled by
the Chinese government, with accounts on the platform providing detailed instructions on how to
make the journey to the U.S. border. Despite the obvious security implications, the Biden
regime weakened the vetting process for Chinese illegal aliens in April 2023.
like we Trumped Red China. The news on Monday morning was dominated by stories of an
economic recovery by Red China of a recession that the U.S. press had largely ignored.
Bloomberg reported, "[Red] China's factory activity beat expectations in March, boosting optimism
about the country's ability to achieve its ambitious growth goal of around 5% this year. "The
Caixin manufacturing purchasing managers' index rose to 51.1 on Monday — above the 50
mark that indicates expansion for a fifth month, the longest streak in more than two years. [...]
Trusting Red China numbers is like trusting its statements on covid but the encouraging news is
that Red China has — or at least had — a recession. The admission by
our Maoist press shows that the communists who run the joint no longer can paper reality over.
85 million
Americans get their news from a Chinese Communist controlled platform. In 2020, 3% of
Americans got their news from TikTok. It's now 14% or 1 in 7 people. Among
18-29 year olds, 1 in 3 Americans get their news from TikTok. That's up from less than 1
in 10 in 2020. Some of this is due to the app's growth rate, but it's also a strategy. It's
not just that TikTok is growing quickly, but today half of TikTok users say they get their news
through it. That's up from 1 in 5 in 2020. TikTok isn't just growing, it's growing its
political influence. When the House passed a bill forcing an end to Chinese Communist control
over TikTok, the platform rallied its users, many of them underage, to pressure and even threaten
Congress. With 170 million active users in the United States, TikTok is one of the
largest news platforms in the country and it's under the control of Communist China. By 2021,
most mainstream media organizations had jumped on to a platform that used to be known for short
dance clips.
Illegal Alien Arrested at US Military Base, but That May Just Be the Tip of the Iceberg.
We've been reporting on the huge flood of illegal aliens pouring across the southern border, and for
more than three years now, Joe Biden has done nothing substantive to try to slow the flow. In
addition to all the resulting problems like the overwhelming of the system, the drugs and crime that
has resulted from all this, it puts our nation in great danger because it's a massive national security
threat. The Biden team has no idea who is coming across that border. There have been a lot
of questions about Chinese men of military age coming across the border in ever-increasing numbers.
[Video clip] Now, there's a report that a Chinese illegal alien was arrested by the Border
Patrol after he breached a military base in the El Centro sector of California. He was there
without authorization and refused to leave. His purpose & intent behind his actions are still
being investigated. [Tweet]
Chemical Giant Expanding Into US Heartland. Top executives behind a Chinese chemical
manufacturer planning to build two U.S. factories belong to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and
affiliated influence outfits, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation has found. Capchem
Technology USA, the wholly-owned subsidiary of China-based Shenzhen Capchem Technology (Capchem),
is slated to build a $120 million factory in Ohio and a $350 million plant in
Louisiana. At the same time, Capchem records and social media posts that the DCNF translated
show the company employs dozens of CCP members. Executives at Capchem and Capchem USA have
also held positions at organizations affiliated with CCP influence operations, a DCNF review of
Capchem's website, Chinese social media account and executives' social groups found.
if Totalitarianism Comes to America? Xi Jinping is a megalomaniac. Make
absolutely no mistake about that. He is Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong all
rolled into one. After the total disaster of Mao's rule, China had to open up somewhat (which
it did under Deng Xiaoping) to avert the collapse that happened in the Soviet Union. China
became wealthy borrowing from, stealing from, and deceiving stupid Western capitalists who think
only in terms of money. But to do that, China had to be a little more flexible ("two steps
forward, one step back," Lenin said). Yet, a totalitarian regime can only abide that for a limited
period of time. Freedom is dangerous to totalitarianism. And, in China, a new Mao has
come to power. Governmental laws and policies are becoming increasingly strict under
Xi. He wants total control.
Comes the EV Bloodbath Trump Warned Us About. Donald Trump was right. It's
going to be a bloodbath when China's BYD starts selling its "fun-to-drive" Seagull EV in this
country at a price not even Tesla can match. The five-door hatchback doesn't have the best
range or fanciest amenities. But what it does have is a top price under $14,000, good safety
features, aggressive looks, and plenty of financial backing from Beijing. BYD's specialties
are batteries and high-tech manufacturing, and they're using both to aggressively expand overseas
production and deliveries. An improved version for South American markets, called the Dolphin
Mini, is already on sale, starting at $21,990. "What we've seen over time is automotive
manufacturers eventually enter all the markets that matter... Ultimately the Chinese will come to
the U.S.," Marin Gjaja — chief operating officer for Ford's EV unit — told
CNBC in an interview last week.
real reason Boeing is in the news. In short, China wants Boeing out. China's
new knock-off passenger jet is waiting for approval as a replacement for the Boeing 737, and the
Biden administration is only too willing to help the Chinese by demonizing an American
manufacturer, with national security implications. As major media report, "Boeing's crisis
may open a gap for Chinese jets to fly through." With a Trump presidency, this would not have
happened, and it's another reason why the DNC and its China-first allies want Trump permanently
sidelined. To an unusual extent, the major media are reporting what seem to be a nearly
unending series of mishaps involving U.S. commercial airline aircraft made by the Boeing
company. Whether it's a window blowing out in flight, a tire falling to the ground after
takeoff, or a sudden "nosedive" in cruising flight, it seems the Boeing jet, especially the 737,
can't be trusted anymore, and the public is being conditioned to think so. [...] But statistically,
it is hard to explain the sudden cluster of reported issues with Boeing aircraft, and based on
random occurrence, while China is aggressively lobbying to have its copycat model replace it.
Impact of China-Linked Contractors on U.S. Security. The U.S. House of
Representatives recently passed a bill that would force TikTok's Chinese owner to either sell the
video app or have it banned in the United States. Although there is a debate over the details
and approach of the law itself, the bill represents growing concerns over just how far the
tentacles of Chinese spying reach. Indeed, these tentacles are expanding well beyond TikTok
through the complex and expanding sea of international economic cooperation, advancing technologies
and intelligence gathering methods, intensive military integration with foreign partners, and the
role of independent firms with valuable information. As a result, significant risks to U.S.
intelligence have been identified in foreign bases where U.S. military technologies are used, at
home through critical threats to U.S. infrastructure and technologies, and, most recently, through
U.S. contracting firms with links to the People's Republic of China (PRC).
scientists find laser weapons can strip the coating off hypersonic missiles with unexpected ease.
When using laser weapons to defend against hypersonic missiles, cranking up the power does not
automatically guarantee better outcomes. That is what a team of aerospace defence engineers and
scientists from Beijing found after conducting wind tunnel tests to examine a scenario in which a
missile travelling at Mach 6 is hit by a laser beam. When the beam's power density reached
1kW/sq cm, it caused significant peeling of the coating on the missile's surface. This
special coating is what gives China's hypersonic weapons their edge. Without it, they would
be prone to overheating, destabilising or even falling apart mid-flight. But here's the kicker:
when the scientists doubled the laser's power density, the area of peeling actually decreased.
billionaire admits to making illegal straw donations to several political campaigns.
A Chinese billionaire pleaded guilty on Monday to an illegal straw donation scheme, according to a
press release from the United States Attorney's Office of the Eastern District of New York.
Hui Qin, a Chinese national who operated a Hong Kong-based entertainment company, admitted to
making roughly $11,600 in straw donations to political campaigns in New York and Rhode Island,
according to the Department of Justice.
Biden witness may be self-serving but his China cover-up info is accurate. Fugitive
Gal Luft, the "missing witness" from the Biden corruption investigation, has made fresh allegations
about the president's family's China connections in an exclusive 50-page expose obtained by The
[New York] Post. The former Israel Defense Force lieutenant colonel, who worked with the same
Chinese energy company, CEFC, that paid Hunter and Jim Biden more than $8 million, skipped
bail in Cyprus last year after being charged with attempted gun-running, acting as a foreign agent
for China and lying to the FBI. While his attacks on federal prosecutors clearly are
self-serving, his disclosures so far have proven accurate, and his ongoing conversations with
former employees of CEFC while on the run have produced new information about how influential
Americans on both sides of the aisle in Washington were recruited to serve China's imperialist Belt
and Road Initiative. Hunter Biden, "the true sheikh of Washington," as one of his partners
dubbed him, wasn't the only VIP cultivated by CEFC's enigmatic billionaire chairman Ye Jianming,
who sprinkled expensive diamonds around Washington like candy.
What else could they possibly say? Chinese
crane company at center of espionage probe denies posing threat to US national security.
A Chinese crane manufacturing company at the center of a congressional espionage investigation denied
posing a threat to United States national security, Fox Business reported, citing a recent filing.
The House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the U.S. and the Chinese Communist Party
and the House Homeland Security Committee opened an investigation into Chinese-built ship-to-shore cargo
cranes located at U.S. seaports after the Department of Justice warned last year that the equipment
could be a Trojan horse, the Wall Street Journal reported. The probe found that several seaport
cranes, made by Shanghai-based manufacturing company ZPMC, contained communication devices that
were not requested, including over a dozen cellular modems.
Building US Facility Confirms Parent Company's Chinese Communist Party Ties Following DCNF
Investigation. The president of a firm building a manufacturing facility near several
Midwest military bases confirmed that his firm's China-based parent company employs Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) members and was previously involved in a military program during a state
committee hearing on Monday. The Chinese parent company of Cnano USA Inc. (Cnano
USA) — which intends to build a facility in Kansas approximately 70 miles from
Missouri's Whiteman Air Force Base — employs dozens of CCP members and sold products to
a Chinese university for its use in a Chinese military program, Shawn Montgomery, Cnano USA president,
testified during a Kansas House Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development hearing.
Tightens Grip Over Internet During Key Political Meeting. China has intensified
efforts to block software that enables internet users to access banned websites during a top
political meeting this week, a leading provider of firewall-leaping software told AFP.
Beijing operates some of the world's most extensive censorship over the internet, with web users in
mainland China unable to access everything from Google to news websites without using a virtual
private network (VPN). And as thousands of delegates gather in Beijing this week for the
annual "Two Sessions" meeting, VPN software has increasingly struggled to circumvent the censorship
while outages have become much more frequent, even when compared to during previous sensitive
political events.
bans lecturer from China course to protect its 'commercial interests'. A leading UK
university has banned an academic from teaching a "provocative" course involving China to protect
its commercial interests, The Telegraph can disclose. Michelle Shipworth, an associate
professor at University College London (UCL), told The Telegraph she had "no choice" but to blow
the whistle in order to "expose" how British universities were "conceding to the censorship demands
of some Chinese students". Ms Shipworth, 58, was also accused of being anti-Chinese after she
caught out two students from China who were cheating and they were subsequently expelled. One
had used a body double in an attempt to hoodwink her during a supervision. Her head of
department at UCL told her he was taking action because "in order to be commercially viable", the
university's courses "need to retain a good reputation amongst future Chinese applicants".
UCL has the highest number of Chinese students in the UK, making up almost a quarter of its total
student population. More than 10,000 Chinese students are at the university, typically paying
two to three times the fees of home-grown students — up to £40,000 a year.
GOP-Run Government Working On 11 Land Deals With Chinese Communist Businesses. A bill
to slightly limit foreign adversaries' ownership of Indiana land revealed a state agency is
currently planning 11 business deals with Chinese companies worth an estimated $14.4 billion.
The Indiana Economic Development Corporation, however, wouldn't release to The Federalist the names or
locations of these foreign-owned ventures. In fact, said Republican state Sen. Jean Leising
in an interview with The Federalist Friday morning, state lawmakers tell her the IEDC even uses "code
names" for its foreign business deals to preserve secrecy until they're completed. The IEDC
will not even release basic information about any of these deals to the state lawmakers who give
the IEDC billions in tax dollars.
the thousands of Chinese 'migrants' flooding into the U.S. really a sleeper army?
Topped with razor wire that glints menacingly in the desert sun, a 30ft steel fence runs along part
of the vast U.S.-Mexican border, providing an imposing bulwark in America's war against illegal
immigration. But at a certain point, where the fence runs up against a rocky outcrop, there
is a 4ft gap, loosely blocked with more razor wire. Predictably, it fails to discourage a
steady stream of migrants, who simply step around the wire and enter the promised land.
American Who Allegedly Stole US Missile Detection Tech Was Part Of CCP's Plan.
Chenguang Gong, a Chinese American who has been accused of stealing U.S. infrared missile detection
technology, was listed as one of 558 "young talents" in the 12th Thousand Talents Plan run by the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2016. The list of talents was issued by the Task Force Office
of Overseas High-Level Talent Recruitment Programs under the Organization Department of the Central
Committee of the CCP. A complaint by the U.S. Attorney's Office claimed that Mr. Gong
transferred 3,600 files from his work laptop to three personal storage devices from March 2023
to April 2023. It also claimed that Mr. Gong possessed in his personal storage
devices files marked as "confidential" that appeared to belong to several of Mr. Gong's former
employers. These devices were taken from his temporary residence in Thousand Oaks,
California, following an FBI search on May 8, 2023. Mr. Gong, 57, of San Jose, was
arrested on Feb. 6 and was bailed out on a $2.5 million bond following a hearing in San
Jose the next day. He was indicted on Feb. 27 by the Assistant U.S. Attorney's Office,
making it a formal criminal case. The case has since been transferred to the Central District
Court in Los Angeles, where Mr. Gong made his first appearance on Feb. 20.
'spy cranes' in US shipping ports are equipped with secret modems that could be used for espionage
or sabotage, probe finds. An investigation has revealed suspicious communications
devices inside Chinese-made cargo cranes used widely at US ports, supporting fears that the
equipment could be part of an espionage plot. Cranes made by Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy
Industries (ZPMC), a state-owned Chinese company, in some cases carry cellular modems, according to
a congressional investigation reported by the Wall Street Journal on Thursday. The modems
offer a potential backdoor for remote access, and do not appear to support the normal operations of
the equipment, the investigation found.
Finds Strange Communication Devices On Chinese Cranes In US Ports. A congressional
investigation has discovered strange communication equipment on Chinese-built cargo cranes at U.S
seaports, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday. Rather than building them
domestically at potentially higher costs, the U.S. relies heavily on Chinese-built cargo cranes
that are relatively cheap to produce and equip at seaports across the country. The
congressional probe discovered that several of these cranes, built by Chinese mega-manufacturer
ZMPC, contain communications devices that were not requested or don't appear to support standard
operations, heightening existing espionage concerns, according to the WSJ.
Biden's Chinese legal 'client' threatens to sue unless first son pays back $1 million.
Hunter Biden was paid $1 million by Chinese firm CEFC to act as attorney for its employee,
Dr. Patrick Ho, but now Ho is threatening to sue the first son within seven days unless he gets
the money back — because he claims Hunter did no legal work for him. Ho sent a legal
letter to Hunter last week requesting that their attorney-client agreement be terminated immediately
and threatening legal action unless he receives a detailed list of services provided by Hunter and
reimbursement for the unused funds, as laid out in the 2017 contract. Ho's letter, sent by
Hong Kong law firm Huen & Partners to Hunter's attorney Abbe Lowell in Washington, DC, set a deadline
of seven days for the repayment of any remaining funds. "Patrick says he paid him, and that Hunter
never did anything for him," a friend of Ho's told The [New York] Post, "and that according to the
contract, the money should be reimbursed."
Doctor Who Paid Hunter Biden a Million Dollars for 'Legal Services' Wants Refund.
Remember that guy Hunter Biden referred to [...] on a recording in 2018? That guy was
Dr. Patrick Ho, although it's not clear exactly what his role with China was. According
to Ho, CEFC paid Hunter Biden a million dollars to act as his attorney back in 2017. But now
according to a new report, Ho just sent a legal letter to Hunter threatening to sue him if he
doesn't give the money back, because Ho says he didn't get any legal work for the money.
outnumber Mexican migrants crossing into Calif, mostly military age males. The number
of Chinese migrants who have crossed into California via the San Diego border with Mexico is now
greater than the number of Mexican nationals who swarm into the progressive sanctuary state.
Citing data obtained from Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Fox News reports that "Chinese
nationals are the second-largest nationality encountered at the border in San Diego Sector since
the fiscal year began in October." "There have been 21,000 Chinese nationals encountered,
second only to Colombia (28,000)," the data revealed. "Third is Mexican nationals with 18,700,
followed by Brazil (8,700) and Ecuador (7,700). Other countries of origin include Turkey, Guinea,
India, Guatemala and Peru." Last week, between Saturday and Monday, Border Patrol apprehended
452 Chinese nationals in the San Diego Sector alone, according to Fox. That's "more than the
entirety of FY 2021 across the whole border," the outlet notes. [Tweet]
fishing vessels are going scorched earth and pumping cyanide into contested waters, Philippine
fishing authority says. The Philippines' fishing bureau has accused Chinese fishing
vessels of using cyanide to destroy Scarborough Shoal, a fish-rich atoll in the South China Sea
contested by both Manila and Beijing. "These Chinese fishermen use cyanide," Nazario Briguera,
a spokesperson for the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, said on Saturday, per a
translation from Filipino by The Philippine Star. Cyanide fishing is a controversial fishing
method that typically involves dumping the highly toxic chemical near coral reefs or in fishing
grounds to stun or kill fish so they can be easily captured. It's widely condemned because it
indiscriminately affects most marine species in the area, causes severe damage to aquatic
ecosystems, and can make fish harmful to handle or eat.
of Chinese migrants crossing the border at San Diego now exceeds Mexicans. The number
of Chinese nationals crossing the southern US border near San Diego has eclipsed the number of
Mexicans in recent months, according to a new report. US Customs and Border Protection has
recorded 21,000 encounters with Chinese nationals in the San Diego Sector since the fiscal year
began in October, according to CBP data obtained by Fox News that is not yet public. That's
more than the 18,700 encounters with Mexican nationals during the same period, and second only to
the 28,000 Columbians CBP reported encountering in the sector.
built 47GW of coal power last year and is "way off track" to meet emissions targets.
If coal is a planet wrecking problem, if it really mattered, about 30 countries are beating
themselves up in a grandiose public flagellation, while one country is wrecking the planet and
nobody cares. The truth is that no one is behaving like they think CO2 is causing a
crisis. All over the West everyone wears the hippie-care coat while buying the cheapest
fridges, phones and fashion they can get from the global coal furnace. And China nods the nod
then keeps on adding coal power plants.
of the Same News Outlets Warning About 'Disinformation' Are Taking Millions To Print Chinese
Propaganda. When U.S. news outlets' lucrative peddling of Chinese propaganda was
exposed in 2019 and 2020, it was a scandal. Human rights groups condemned the practice, and
the New York Times and Wall Street Journal swore off Chinese Communist Party
money. In the years since, however, a number of major U.S. newspapers and magazines have kept
at it — accepting hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars from the Chinese
Communist Party in exchange for publishing content by China Daily, a state-owned
English-language paper. China Daily's Foreign Agents Registration Act filings show that
between October 2020 and October 2023, the CCP mouthpiece paid outlets such as
Time, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, and the Chicago Tribune
a total of $8.2 million.
Want China Out of American Farmland. Americans firmly reject the Chinese agenda of
acquiring U.S. assets, especially vital strategic ones like American farmland. Battleground
polling reveals that this issue provides an opportunity for patriotic populist candidates to
protect the heartland, provide a stark contrast vs. the leftist big business globalists, and reap
substantial political benefits in November's elections. Of course, Chinese companies and
nationals buy substantial real estate across the board in America, not just farmland.
According to National Association of Realtors data, China remains by far the largest source of
foreign purchases of U.S. homes. Last year, the Chinese bought $13.6 billion in American
homes, more than double the $6.1 billion they spent the year before.
Francisco Totally Loses Its Mind By Electing A Chinese Woman Who Can't Vote Legally To The
Elections Commission. San Francisco's Board of Supervisors appointed the first
non-citizen to the San Francisco Elections Commission last week. The non-citizen appointee
will now be responsible for helping oversee and develop policies for San Francisco's Department of
Elections despite being currently ineligible to vote herself. According to KQED, Kelly Wong,
who is an outspoken advocate for immigrant rights, was sworn in last Wednesday at San Francisco
City Hall by Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin. Wong is believed to be the city's
first non-citizen to become a member of the San Francisco Elections Commission.
[Video clip]
Sure Are a Lot of Chinese Illegal Immigrants Sneaking Over the Southern Border.
President Joe Biden's border crisis is getting quite diverse. The southern border has
reportedly seen a considerable surge in the percentage of illegal immigrants entering the country
from China. The increase will likely raise eyebrows, questions, and possibly the usage of
Google Translate at the southern border. Border Patrol agents have run into rising numbers of
Chinese illegal immigrants trying to cross into the states. [...] The uptick in Chinese illegals at
the southern border has become so pronounced, journalist Bill Melugin, who frequently reports on
the border crisis, humorously noted that his Spanish-speaking skills were "not doing me a whole lot
of good down here" because a "massive explosion of Chinese nationals" were showing up to try to
cross the border.
Chinese Border Invasion In
Progress? On Joe Rogan's podcast, Bret Weinstein talked about traveling to Panama to
see illegal alien migration problem firsthand, and came away with some disturbing
information. [Video clip] [...] "The international community has arranged separate
encampments. The Chinese are in many cases traveling a separate way across the Darien
Gap. They're skipping some of the worst parts of it traveling by boat." [...] "When asked
where they're from, where they're going, why they're going, they are uninterested in talking.
There's a hostility to it that I found shocking." [...] "[If they] didn't like the way things were
in China, they feared their government, they thought that there was economic opportunity, they
would be curious about Americans. These are soon to be their countrymen. They would
tend to be interested in talking. And even if they, for some reason, because they had lived
under a totalitarian regime, felt that they couldn't talk, they wouldn't be broadcasting hostility,
they would be ambivalent or something." [...] "That is not the impression that they leave when
interacting with them, so I found that utterly alarming." [...] "I wonder if the [larger migration]
is a cloak for this other migration from China, which is nothing if not mysterious. Why are
they letting it happen? Why do you think the government is allowing the border to be so
porous, and why are they resisting when Texas tries to do something about it?"
Nationals Are Surging Over The Border — This Isn't A Crisis, It's An Invasion.
The uptick in Chinese nationals illegally crossing the southern border proves the record-breaking number
of foreigners walking into our nation and being shipped by border agents to American cities with little
to no vetting is no longer a crisis but a full-fledged invasion. The Biden administration's
long-held talking point is that the current border crisis is fueled by a surge of struggling migrants
from unstable Latin American countries. Chinese migrants, however, not natural disaster victims
in Central America, have become the fastest-growing people group to take advantage of the lapsed
southern U.S. border. Border Patrol agents in San Diego alone recorded encounters with 269
Chinese nationals on Monday, Fox News's Bill Melugin reports. Since the 2024 fiscal year began,
Customs and Border Protection clocked more than 20,000 Chinese nationals illegally crossing into the
U.S. via the southern border. Some of them crossed with the help of the Chinese Communist
Party-linked app TikTok.
urges US to 'stop harassing' its students at the border 'for no reason'. China has
asked the United States to end the "unwarranted harassment" of its students, following renewed
reports of interrogation and deportation at a key US airport. The call from Wang Xiaohong,
China's public security minister, came during a meeting with his US counterpart Alejandro Mayorkas
in Vienna on drug control and related law enforcement cooperation. Both sides described
Sunday's talks as "candid" and "constructive". According to state news agency Xinhua, Wang
urged the US "to stop harassing and interrogating Chinese students for no reason, and ensure that
Chinese citizens enjoy fair entry treatment and full dignity". He also said Washington should
"lift visa restrictions on relevant Chinese institutions and personnel", Xinhua reported.
Wang's statement came some three weeks after China lodged a formal protest against the US for
allegedly blocking Chinese students at the border.
Co. to Raze Trees to Build Michigan EV Battery Plant, Claims Locals Spreading 'Misinformation'.
A Chinese company, with the approval of Michigan's government, is cutting down trees to build a plant to
build batteries for electric vehicles. In so doing, they are effectively removing a great carbon
sink — trees — to build batteries that are of questionable quality, to power electric vehicles
that are of questionable effectiveness, all in the name of "green energy."
Infiltrators: 'They Are Coming Here to Kill Us'. Chinese attackers are already in
America, more are arriving by the day, and they are armed. Videos posted to X (Twitter) show
Chinese migrants firing pistols. One video is of a Chinese female with a sniper rifle.
[Tweet] There is no Second Amendment in China, and Chinese citizens are not permitted to possess
firearms. So is it possible that the shooters in the videos are merely taking advantage of a
new-found freedom in their new home country? Unlikely. One of the migrants videoed was
in America for only three weeks and arrived in the country with no money and no identification.
If you had just landed somewhere as a migrant with nothing to your name, you would undoubtedly be
preoccupied with finding your next meal, getting a place to live, making a livelihood. You
would not, within weeks of entering your new homeland, be sharpening your skills to kill.
You would not be thinking of killing unless... that is what you came to do.
Will Help You Illegally Migrate. Is there nothing TikTok can't do? Most of us
are probably familiar with the typical uses of the app. You can watch crazy dances and Tide
Pod challenges. You can learn the locations of conservatives or Jews you'd like to dox.
Or you can just open up your own data to be consumed by the Chinese Communist Party. It's all
in good fun. But did you know that TikTok can also help you illegally migrate into the United
States? A recent 60 Minutes segment reveals that migrants have been using the
information provided by helpful TikTok posters to locate gaps in the border barriers where they can
cross into the United States undetected. How awesome is that?
Diego border agents arrest 269 Chinese migrants in a single day. San Diego Border
Patrol agents have faced an untenable flood of Chinese migrants sneaking over the border each day,
raising fears over the growing influence of the hostile state in the US. Border sources claim
that 269 Chinese migrants were apprehended by CBP officials in a single day this week, according to
Fox News' Bill Melugin[,] with the number not including those who manage to cross undetected.
Chinese nationals now make up the largest growing demographic of migrants crossing the porous
US-Mexico border. And 2024 is already well on-track to easily exceed the staggering 37,000
Chinese migrants who were apprehended by the CBP in the 2023 fiscal year.
Officials: Chinese Hackers Are Planning to Take Down Power Grid. The looming
threat of a major cyber attack against the U.S. is becoming more likely after the FBI admitted that
Chinese hackers are planning an all-out assault on the country's power grid and
infrastructure. A cyber attack against the United States would not just be devastating for
Americans; it would also allow China to take advantage of the ensuing chaos, especially with it
being an election year. According to U.S. officials, they have already foiled a state-backed
Chinese effort to plant malware to damage civilian infrastructure. The head of the FBI is now
warning that China is preparing to disrupt the lives of Americans as much as possible in the run-up
to the 2024 election.
Mayorkas Paid Chinese Communists to Come Illegally. As you read this, keep in mind
that Sen. Dick Durbin wants to allow illegal aliens to serve in the U.S. Military. You
can see the problem, can't you? There is also the case of the Taiwanese helicopter pilot who
was going to steal 50-year-old US technology for a $15 million payoff from China. Former
FBI agent, West Point graduate, and patriot David Baumblatt has an important message for Americans: "Illegal
Chinese migrants are the fastest growing group crossing into the U.S. from Mexico. I am a US Citizen
and Military Veteran, and when I travel to America, I am Detained, Searched, Interrogated, Surveilled,
Humiliated, Deceived, and Assaulted by my government. However, all of these illegal Chinese spies
are allowed to enter FREELY.["]
Border Agents Arrest Three Chinese "Asylum Seekers" with 23 Fake IDs. Five Chinese
nationals were arrested this week in California after border agents discovered thousands of gift
cards, merchandise, and 23 fake Pennsylvania IDs, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said
Thursday. Of the five, three had pending hearings for claims of asylum. CBP did not
release any other details about the individuals.
Arrests as Illicit Chinese Marijuana [Operation] in Norridgewock [is] Busted. Maine
law enforcement busted a massive illegal marijuana growing operation Thursday morning at 9
Riverside Drive in Norridgewock. Although no arrests were made, law enforcement seized more
than 2,000 cannabis plants and 10 lbs of processed marijuana, according to Somerset County Sheriff
Dale Lancaster. A 2016 Ford Transit van was also seized, according to Lancaster.
According to real estate records, the property is owned by Hai Bin Cen, of Brooklyn, N.Y.
Evergrande's liquidation, is China's Potemkin economy nearing its end? Last week, a
court in Hong Kong ordered that Evergrande, China's massive property developer, must be
liquidated. Real estate accounts for about one-quarter of China's GDP, and Evergrande isn't
the only troubled part of the Chinese real estate sector. While I'd always like to see China
constrained, not only is a collapsing China dangerous, but the real estate collapse also reminds us
of what's happening domestically. Business Insider reported on Evergrande's liquidation,
which has long been expected and which will be carried out in an orderly fashion. The assets
are valued at $245 billion (which I suspect is inflated), while the company's debts are
$300 billion. As with an American bankruptcy, secured creditors get first dibs on any
money from the liquidation, with the people carrying out the liquidation then getting their
fees. The dregs will be for unsecured creditors and shareholders. Offshore investors
will be lucky to see pennies on the dollar. What's more interesting about the report by
Huileng Tan is what's going on with the rest of China's real estate market. That's because
Evergrande isn't the only company hurting.
than 150 Chinese nationals [have] entered [the] US illegally EVERY DAY since October.
More than 150 Chinese nationals have snuck into the US illegally every single day since October,
according to startling new CBP statistics. Among the record numbers of migrants flooding the
southern border, Chinese illegal immigrants made up the fastest-growing faction of border crossers
last year. The 2023 fiscal year reportedly saw over 37,000 Chinese migrants encountered at
the border — with a staggering 20,000 more since October, when the 2024 fiscal year began.
Nationals [are the] Fastest Growing Group of Border Crossers. A gap exists on the
Southern California-Mexico border near Jacumba Hot Springs, CA, located 60 miles east of San
Diego. Locals named the gap the San Judas Break. Quite a few of the Chinese nationals
come from the middle class. They arrive with roller bags filled with clothes and other
items. One national took 40 days to arrive at the border: Thailand, Morocco,
Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Many choose to fly to Ecuador since the
country "doesn't require a visa for Chinese nationals" and then to Tijuana. In Tijuana, the
nationals pay smugglers "$400 for the hour-long drive to the gap at the border." The nationals
know about the gap from TikTok, which also has posts with tips about smugglers and directions.
Climate Envoy John Podesta had a close relationship with Chinese Communist Party. The
White House recently appointed John Podesta as Climate Envoy following the exit of John Kerry from
the administration. Yet, Podesta's previous work with a Chinese United Front-linked
organization on climate change raises concerns about his ability to negotiate with China, the
world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. Podesta has long been a household name in
Democratic politics. He is known for his close association with the Clinton family and for
being active in climate policy. Podesta first served as President Bill Clinton's Chief of
Staff and then later as the campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton's unsuccessful bid for president
in 2016. In between his work for the Clintons, he served in the Obama Administration as a
counselor to the president responsible for climate policy and before that as a co-chair of
President Obama's 2008 transition team. Before entering the Obama Administration, Podesta
founded and led the liberal think-tank Center for American Progress (CAP), which seeks to advance
progressive policies on issues spanning from climate change to the economy.
Firm Sent Biden Enterprise $3 Million As 'Thank You' For Work When Joe Biden Held Office,
Comer Says. Hunter Biden's former business associate Rob Walker confirmed Chinese
firm CEFC wired him $3 million as a "thank you" payment for work during Joe Biden's vice
presidency, according to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer. Walker, a key figure
in the Biden family's Chinese and Romanian business dealings, testified before Congress Friday
about the relationship the Bidens had with both CEFC and Romanian oligarch Gabriel Popoviciu, Comer
said Friday night. [Tweet] "Today's interview confirmed Hunter Biden and his associates'
work with the Chinese government-linked energy company began over a year before Joe Biden left the
vice presidency, but the Bidens and their associates held off being paid by the Chinese while Joe
Biden was in office," Comer said in a press release. "The Chinese company paid Hunter Biden
and his associates $3 million shortly after Joe Biden left office as a 'thank you' for the
work they did while Joe Biden was in office. Members of the Biden family received payments
from the Chinese deal even though they did not work on it," Comer added.
The Parallel History. [Scroll down] Chinese bioweapons labs are notorious
for leaking. For example, staff in one lab had sold animals for their meat, after they had
been experimented on. The SARS virus had leaked from Chinese labs four times over a ten year
period. Covid duly leaked from the Wuhan lab in October 2019. It has been said that the
CIA had been monitoring the area around the lab, and knew about the leak before the Chinese
Government did. The leak showed up in mobile phone traffic at the lab that was picked up
by satellites, confirmed by satellite imagery of vehicle traffic. The Chinese Government locked
down Wuhan to stop the spread of the virus but allowed international flights out of China to
continue. This was to make sure the rest of the world became infected, while China stayed
healthy. The lockdowns in China continued for another three years before President Xi flipped
to 'let her rip'. The provincial governments, which had been funding the lockdown efforts, were
being bankrupted and the country was on the verge of riots. About two million elderly Chinese
promptly died when the lockdown lifted.
Chinese Commies
Think They Own British Public Spaces. And sometimes I post something just because it
makes my blood boil. Such is the case with these Communist Chinese tourists traveling in the
UK who think they have a right to tell others what they can and can't do in public spaces.
Pianist and YouTuber Brendan Kavanagh is livestreaming himself playing in the London St. Pancreas
Pancras tube station on a piano specifically given to the station by Elton John to promote live
impromptu performances for the public, when Communist Chinese tourists imperiously demand he
stop filming because they don't want to be on camera. Does any other nation's tourists act with
such entitlement toward the citizens of the country they're traveling through? [Video clip]
Could Be Only One Reason Why the Chinese Messed With the Coronavirus Again. There's a
new COVID variant that China has been tweaking in the lab, and it's unbelievable. It was
tested on mice and had a 100 percent mortality rate. Dubbed the 'brain virus,' Chinese
scientists are paving the way for another global pandemic if this escapes their labs again.
The study involved a "cousin" strain of the coronavirus, which was mutated and then administered to
humanized mice; all died within eight days. The study does not say how this could impact
humans, but the research has been heavily criticized as pointless, dangerous, and veering into
absolute madness.
experimenting with 100% deadly new Covid strain: Report. Undeterred by loss of
countless lives across the world, China is now reportedly experimenting with a new Covid-like virus
that has a "mortality rate of 100 percent." Doctors trained by Chinese People's Liberation
Army (PLA) have made their version of "pangolin coronavirus" which has been found to have 100 percent
mortality in mice. According to a report published in bioRxiv, a group of mice were
administered with SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus GX_P2V to test its effect. The
shocking results indicate potential dangers and a risk of the virus spilling over onto humans.
A lab-made version of the pangolin coronavirus, called GX_P2V, was used in experiments on
mice. The pangolin animal is known to carry a coronavirus variant, making it a subject
of interest for the study.
lab crafts mutant COVID-19 strain with 100% kill rate in 'humanized' mice: 'Surprisingly' rapid
death. In a Wuhan-esque study, Chinese scientists are experimenting with a mutant
COVID-19 strain that is 100% lethal to "humanized" mice. The deadly virus — known
as GX_P2V — attacked the brains of mice that were engineered to reflect genetic makeup
similar to people, according to a study shared last week out of Beijing. "This underscores a
spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans and provides a unique model for understanding the pathogenic
mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-related viruses," the authors wrote. The deadly virus is a mutated
version of GX/2017, a coronavirus cousin that was reportedly discovered in Malaysian pangolins in
2017 — three years before the pandemic. Pangolins, also called scaly anteaters,
are mammals found in warm areas of the planet.
Billionaire Secretly Bought 200,000 Acres Of U.S. Farmland. It was revealed this week
that a member of the Chinese Communist Party secretly purchased 198,000 acres of U.S. farmland,
back in 2015. Chen Tianqiao, a co-founder of Shanda Interactive Entertainment, made the
purchase of Oregon land for $85 million, paying around $430 an acre, according to Land Report
magazine, the New York Post reported Saturday. "In 2015, Tianqiao Chen acquired nearly 200,000
acres of former Crown Pacific timberlands in Oregon from Fidelity National Financial Ventures for
$85 million ($430 per acre)," the magazine said. "Chen did so via the investment vehicle
Whitefish Cascade Forest Resources LLC. In December 2023, Oregon tax records revealed that the
198,000-acre block was currently owned by Shanda Asset Management LLC." According to the Daily
Mail, Chen's purchase does not show up in government records of land ownership by foreign
investors. Back in October, the Department of Agriculture estimated that Chinese entities
owned around 400,000 acres of U.S. farmland, which translates to more than $2 billion
dollars. Though it's a fraction of foreign-owned farmland, the number has alarmed lawmakers
on both sides of the aisle, since it's been dramatically increasing over the past decade as China
becomes more and more adversarial toward the U.S.
Chinese Migrants Headed for U.S. Border, Detained. Border Patrol agents apprehended
tens of thousands of illegal Chinese migrants headed for the U.S. border as President Joe Biden's
immigration crisis continues to threaten the nation's national security risk. Since
October 1, 2023, Border Patrol agents have detained nearly 16,000 Chinese nationals who
illegally crossed the border between ports of entry. According to U.S. Customs and Border
Protection reports, 9,844 migrants were apprehended in October and November, leaving roughly 6,800
to be arrested since December 1, 2023. In addition, Mexican authorities detained 40
Chinese illegal migrants who were traveling by bus in southern Mexico on their way to the United
States. That same day, Mexican authorities apprehended 180 migrants in the state of Oaxaca
coming from Central and South America[,] also heading for the U.S.
does $31 million get the Chinese from Biden? Easy access into the United States,
apparently. Many have wondered why the Chinese would steer in the vicinity of
$31 million to the Biden crime family. Exactly what were they seeking in return?
We may know the answer. Writing in Substack, Sam Faddis asked the same question and believes
he has come upon an answer. Biden, Faddis notes, has gone above and beyond in catering to the
Chinese. Still, the most egregious step the Biden administration has taken is virtually
eliminating any control on Chinese nationals entering the country. The administration has
basically "greased the skids" to increase the flow of military-aged Chinese males entering the US,
most across the southern border.
attacks in America: for what are they waiting? We somehow managed to get through
Christmas and New Year's Eve without terrorist attacks. For what are they waiting? The
FBI has admitted they're watching at least 300 people on the Terrorist Watch List (TWL). Never
mind why people on the TWL were allowed into the country so they could be watched in the first
place. That's "need to know" and Americans don't have a need to know. Our security
apparatus has also admitted thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of military aged males from
countries that would like every American dead have crossed the border. These are countries
like Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and many others. They've also grudgingly admitted it appears
plenty of these military aged males, who happen to be Chinese, just might be members of the Chinese
Navy Sailor Sentenced to 27 Months in Prison For Selling Military Secrets to
China. A US Navy serviceman who admitted to accepting bribes from a Chinese
intelligence officer in exchange for sensitive US military information has been sentenced to more
than two years in federal prison. US District Judge R. Gary Klausner on Monday handed down
the 27-month prison sentence to Petty Officer Wenheng Zhao, 26, of Monterey Park, Calif. The
Justice Department had sought a sentence of 37 months, arguing that Zhao had obstructed the
government's investigation. In October, Zhao pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring with a
Chinese intelligence officer and one count of receiving a bribe, both felonies.
Does a Navy Sailor Spying for China Come Away With Only 2 Years in Prison? I
have no idea why the DOJ is putting out a press release about this. It seems more like the
sort of thing to never mention again. ["]A U.S. Navy service member was sentenced today
to 27 months in prison and ordered to pay a $5,500 fine for transmitting sensitive U.S.
military information to an intelligence officer from the People's Republic of China (PRC) in
exchange for bribery payments. [... "] And for that he gets two years. And
a fine that's about a third of the money he got for his treason. Some people have gotten
more than this for petty crimes.
Energy Policy Aids Communist China. Modern civilization was built upon the supply of
cheap energy. The only source of cheap, abundant, and reliable energy that has been exploited
for the benefit of humankind from the Industrial Age onward is a class of hydrocarbons frequently
referred to as "fossil fuels". The vast improvement in the wealth and high living standards of
Western civilization since the 19th century are due directly to the industrialization made possible
by cheap and reliable energy. It is axiomatic that "countries that industrialized through
increased use of fossil fuels saw not only a surge in economic prosperity, but also benefits such
as increased life expectancy, cleaner air, cleaner water, decreased malnutrition, fewer deaths from
infectious disease, and fewer climate-related deaths," as noted by the Foundation for Economic
Education. Yet, the Biden administration's relentless push to transform the US economy
through over-regulation and suppression of oil and gas exploration while heavily subsidizing
so-called "renewable" — and expensive! — energy sources such as wind and
solar not only ignores the key to economic growth (cheap energy) but also plays into the hands of
the top threat to the American Republic, i.e., the Chinese Communist Party.
Underestimate China. No one would argue that one of our most complex trading
relationships — and a totally one-sided one at that — is our relationship
with China. To get a first-person feel for that relationship, I decided to get a reality
check with a pre-Christmas trip to China's principal American retail outlet, Walmart. I knew
I'd find Chinese-made products there, but I wasn't prepared for the sheer number of them. [...]
Nearly the entire assortment of the electronic goods we buy for our homes are manufactured or
assembled overseas — products like computers and peripherals, stereo equipment,
wide-screen televisions, and mobile phones — most from Southeast Asia and China.
It's also astonishing how many Chinese-made products populate the lower value end of the price
spectrum. They range from plastic extruded items to drop-forged tools, all made at factories
employing low- or no-skilled labor. Many of these jobs were once the province of American
workers, but no more. They've been exported to countries paying bargain-basement wages that
offer borderline if not deplorable working conditions.
Small-Town Battle Against a Giant Chinese Battery Plant. Ten miles south of where
Chicago's suburban sprawl finally peters out, Manteno is the latest battleground over Chinese
companies coming to middle America — in this case, the electric vehicle (EV) battery
manufacturer Gotion Inc., a U.S. subsidiary of China's Gotion (or Guoxuan) High-Tech Co.
While a recent Manteno board decision to rezone a manufacturing site favorably to Gotion came as a
setback for opponents, the war for the industrial future of Manteno, and of America, is far from
over. The recently formed group Concerned Citizens of Manteno fired back with a lawsuit
against Gotion and the village on Dec. 22. In Manteno and towns like it, Americans are
steeling themselves for a struggle.
Public Pension Funds Pour over $68 Billion Into China in Just 3 Years.
American public pension funds have sunk over $73.28 billion into Chinese stocks, over
$68 billion of it since 2020 — presenting a potentially serious national and
economic security risk, as relations with the communist dictatorship worsen. The New York
State Common Retirement Fund and the New York State State Teachers' Retirement System are among the
pension funds most exposed to China, with over $8.3 billion and $3.1 billion committed,
respectively. Other major investors include the California Public Employees Retirement
System, with $7.86 billion committed, the California State Teachers System, at
$5.55 billion, the Washington State Investment Board, at $5.02 billion, the San Francisco
Employees Retirement System, at $3.3 billion, and the Pennsylvania Public School Employees
Retirement System, at $3.2 billion.
Of Military-Age Chinese Men Being Brought Into The United States. Over the past
couple of years, vast numbers of illegal immigrants from China have been pouring over our southern
border. Most of them are military-age men. So why has there been such a dramatic
spike? Is some sort of a coordinated effort going on that we don't know about? In this
article, I am going to try to make some connections. Taken on their own, some of the stories
that I am about to share with you may not seem that significant. But when you step back and
take a look at the bigger picture, it becomes clear that something very unusual is happening.
Could it be possible that hordes of military-age Chinese men are being brought into this country in
an attempt to destabilize our nation?
shoppers [are being] warned of [a] disturbing gift card scam likely padding Chinese bank accounts.
The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office is warning the public of a disturbing and "very
sophisticated" gift card scam that has national and international implications. The sheriff's
office told Fox News Digital this week it carried out a massive anti-retail theft operation at big
box stores across the county, netting 285 felony and misdemeanor arrests in seven days. Among
those arrested was a Chinese national who was found to be in possession of thousands of Target and
Apple gift cards. "During our recent retail theft Operation Bad Elf, detectives observed an
individual, later identified as Ningning Sun, acting suspiciously near the gift cards in the
payment aisles in a Sacramento Target store," the sheriff's office said in a press release
Wednesday. The office said investigators witnessed Sun take all the gift cards off a rack in
a Target store and put them inside his jacket. Authorities said the suspect then replaced the
missing cards with "another set of seemingly identical ones."
Confucius Institutes: China's Trojan Horse. As any observer of contemporary
geopolitics will have noticed, the values upheld by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are
diametrically opposed to the values of democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of worship, free
enterprise, and the rule of law, which conservatives in Europe seek to defend. Since 2004,
China has successfully undertaken a large-scale initiative of cultural diplomacy, through which it
seeks to undermine these quintessentially Western values. The primary means by which the CCP
is putting this plan into action are the Confucius Institutes (CIs), which have proliferated
globally within a mere two decades, creating CCP footholds within academic institutions throughout
the West.
That 'Mysterious' Pneumonia Outbreak in China.... [D]espite the media attempts to get
people worked up about a "mysterious" outbreak of pneumonia in Chinese children, there is no
indication that anything mysterious is happening in China or elsewhere in the world. It
appears to be true that children in some regions of China are getting pneumonia and winding up in
hospitals, as far as I can tell in a news environment where trust has been broken, especially
regarding anything related to politics or disease. But Dr. Robert Malone has written a
Substack essay that explains why there is little to no cause for concern. [Tweets] First things
first: bumps in respiratory infections are common in winter months. You don't need an
epidemiology degree to know this, because we all tend to get colds in the winter. The
pathogens involved are well known, although there is a bit of dispute regarding why this happens in
winter. Some say it is due to closer contact during the winter months; others attribute it to
less exposure to sunshine. Whatever the case, it is normal and a pattern that has been known forever.
Shadow Bank Announces Insolvency, Government Announces Investigation. The big concern
about the failure of Chinese real estate titans Evergrande Group and Country Garden was that their
financial collapse would spread into the rest of the economy. Specifically, the concern was
that so-called shadow banks, which were involved in many of these property deals, would be
impacted. And sure enough last week a major shadow bank called Zhongzhi Enterprise Group sent
a letter to investors announcing it was insolvent. [...] Now that the cat is out of the bag, the
Chinese government is leaping into action to investigate.
Biden Ignores Rising Inflow of Chinese Illegal Migrants. More than 100,000 Chinese
nationals have migrated into the United States since 2021, and the federal government is doing
little to block them or to send them home, the New York Times reported on November 24. [...]
In 2015, for example, federal officials tried to deport more than a dozen violent Chinese migrants
back to their home country, Reuters reported. "But, not for the first time, China failed to provide
the necessary documents, and three months later not one of those arrested has been deported, and
many have been released from custody," Reuters said.
National Security? Somewhere around 200,000 Chinese nationals have come through the
border. There are no Chinese nationals who come to America unless they are associated with or
employed by the CCP or the PLA. That's a pretty safe bet, if you know how the CCP works. If
you tune into Monkeywerx on occasion, you'll be informed of how many surveys are taking place in
the U.S. It's constant. Sometimes they're sniffing for biological or radioactive
sources. Sometimes they're just mapping the area. Why? There's no need for that
level of detail, except to surveil the people or identify targets. Could it be that the
millions of containers that are being offloaded at ports around the nation and shipped across the
country might be suspected of holding some sort of weapons systems or biological or nuclear
materials to be unleashed on command by these troops that have entered the unsecure border?
It doesn't matter if it's true, the fact that the federal government is making it exceedingly
likely is the violation of national security. Any government that is less interested in where
foreign nationals are and what they're doing than the average, church-going, tax-paying citizen is
playing for the other team, the enemy team.
Chinese Pot Grows Are Taking Over Rural Blue State And Law Enforcement Isn't Stopping
Them. Illegal marijuana grows run by Chinese nationals have sprung up all across the
state of Maine, and residents say law enforcement isn't doing enough to stop their spread.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) identified 270 suspected Chinese illegal marijuana grow
operations in the state that could be making an estimated $4.37 billion in revenue, which are
often used for more criminal activities or are sent back to China, the DCNF exclusively reported in
August. The DCNF visited dozens of properties identified as suspected Chinese marijuana grows
by the DHS memo, as well as other locations reported to be possible Chinese marijuana grows by The
Maine Wire. Maine offers marijuana legalization, making it the perfect place for such
operations, according to experts and officials who spoke with the DCNF. The lax laws,
combined with record illegal immigration to the U.S. under the Biden administration, which has also
limited deportations, provide cover to the grows.
is spreading literal terrorist propaganda. In June 2020, 25 million people took to
the streets in solidarity with BLM. It was coined the "Largest Movement in U.S. History."
Then, starting on October 7, foot soldiers hit the pavement again, protesting on behalf of
"Palestine" and Hamas terrorists. on October 28, 7,000 pro-Palestinian supporters took hostage
the Brooklyn Bridge, demanding the elimination of Jewish state "By any means." On November 4,
300,000 people swarmed the Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. in support of "Palestine" and against
America. Postsecondary institutions are also humming with Hamas sympathizers. Protest
after protest consists of mainly students with a splattering of faculty. They're armed with
keffiyehs, talking points for the media, and props, such as posters, swastikas, and "Palestinian"
flags. These are held on and off campuses. [...] Whether it's the Democrat / Globalist driven
BLM mobs or the pro-"Palestine'" ones, the level of organization, down to the detail, is
sophisticated and unmatched. There are invite blasts on myriad social media platforms, such
as TikTok, Instagram, X, and Facebook. [...] The masterminds behind the rent-a-crowds for BLM have
improved their tradecraft for making terrorism aspirational to kids. How? TikTok.
hard-left activists dismiss claims they're secretly funded by Chinese Communist Party.
Members of the anti-war feminist group Codepink have firmly rejected claims they secretly take
money from Beijing — but then refused to condemn the detention of Uyghurs and other
human rights abuses in China. House Republicans this week launched a probe into the anti-war
progressive group, which calls for Pentagon spending cuts to tackle climate change, pointing to the
group's ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
raise alarm after Biden strikes agreement with China to shut down fossil fuels. U.S.
energy experts are warning of the economic and national security implications of President Biden's
pact with China this week to move towards shutting down fossil fuel production in favor of green
energy. The State Department announced this week it had struck a deal with its Chinese
counterparts pledging to "accelerate the substitution for coal, oil and gas generation" with green
energy sources like wind and solar power. The nations, which account for nearly half of
global greenhouse gas emissions, also agreed to "deepen policy exchanges" on reducing carbon
emissions in various sectors, like power, industry, buildings and transportation, across their
economies. But the agreement — in which the nations further pledged to
"sufficiently accelerate renewable energy deployment in their respective economies through
2030" — was criticized over its potential impact on U.S. consumers. Experts also
noted that China has rarely followed through on international accords and stands to financially
benefit from such an agreement since it controls much of the world's green energy supply chain.
to ban TikTok, alleges damaging social impact. Nepal said on Monday [11/13/2023] it
would ban Chinese-owned TikTok, adding that social harmony and goodwill were being disturbed by
"misuse" of the popular video app and there was rising demand to control it. TikTok, owned by
Chinese tech company ByteDance, has already been either partially or completely banned by other
countries, with many citing security concerns. More than 1,600 TikTok-related cyber crime
cases have been registered over the last four years in Nepal, according to local media
reports. Nepal's Minister for Communications and Information Technology Rekha Sharma said the
decision to ban TikTok had been made at a cabinet meeting earlier on Monday.
America Does Not Win, Its Enemies Do. In January 2021, Iran was on the verge of
economic asphyxiation, barely able to continue financing Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and
Hamas. [...] Russia had not yet invaded Ukraine. Chinese President Xi Jinping was not
threatening Taiwan. Then came the Biden administration's withdrawal from Afghanistan;
Russia's invasion of Ukraine; China's spy balloon, unstopped until it had finished collecting
information over America's significant military sites for a week; the Biden administration's
cancellation of the China Initiative that had been effectively combating Chinese espionage; failure
to close illegal Chinese police stations throughout the US; no response to roughly 70,000 Americans
each year killed by Chinese fentanyl; a US southern border overrun by seven million migrants, and
reported a known 1.5 million "gotaways" who have presumably evaded announcing themselves for a
reason; around 1,800 young Chinese men, in packs, with simialar clothes, haircuts and tattoos who
pretend not to speak English, some of whom US border guards recognize as members of China's
military; failure to prevent China buying American farmland, possibly either to grow their food or
destroy America's — especially near US military bases; a California laboratory with mice
bio-engineered to carry at least 20 deadly pathogens ready to be released into the US; Confucius
Institutes that had been closed down but were renamed and are now spreading from universities to
high schools; China's subversion of America's children by a "Trojan Horse" named TikTok; financing
Iran's nuclear weapons and terrorism programs by ignoring sanctions on Iran to enable it to profit
by close to $60 billion, funding the Palestinian Authority to the tune of nearly $1 billion,
unconditionally, despite its deadly pay-for-slay "jobs program," and last week, Secretary Janet
Granholm inviting the Chinese and Russian officials to inspect a US nuclear testing facility.
At China's Top Wind Firm Slumps 98%. Lower prices for turbines amid a price war in
China have resulted in a 98% plunge in the net profit of the top Chinese wind turbine maker,
Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co. While investments in renewable energy projects in
China are booming, intensified competition has led to a race to the bottom for wind turbine
prices — a race that has dented profits at the biggest Chinese manufacturer.
Goldwind booked $1.28 million in net income for the third quarter of 2023, down by a massive 98%
compared to the same period of 2022, a company statement quoted by Bloomberg showed on Thursday.
Chinese clean energy technology manufacturers have also come under EU scrutiny as the bloc fears
cheaper products from China would undermine the European Union's goals of having a strong EU clean
energy manufacturing industry. Globally, the wind power industry faces additional
challenges. Offshore projects are being scrapped amid rising costs and interest rates
and supply chain issues.
Michigan Town Ousts Its Entire Government Over Its Support for a Chinese-Owned Electric Battery
Plant. While Tuesday's elections results were an epic catastrophe overall for the
GOP, a little place in rural Michigan showed that there is still hope for We the People. The
Blaze reported Wednesday that Green Charter Township, a town with roughly 3,200 people located in
central Michigan, voted out their entire township board (which governs the city) after they ignored
their concerns and cut a dirty deal with a company named Gotion Inc. Then they put a little
icing on the cake afterward when they changed the townhall locks just hours after the vote.
Gotion is a corporation which makes batteries for electric vehicles. While the company is
headquartered in Silicon Valley, its parent company is based in the People's Republic of China and
has ties to the CCP.
plays groveling tour guide to China and Russia at sensitive US nuclear weapons site.
Joe Biden's regime is perhaps the most dysfunctional of all time. First things first, let's
go over the massive threat to national security that the Biden regime continues to be, and to be
honest, I hold each and every Democrat personally accountable. In September, Bloomberg
reported that under the direction of Jennifer Granholm, the Department of Energy invited
high-ranking Chinese and Russian officials to tour a sensitive U.S. nuclear weapons site, to "prove
its engineers aren't breaking a three-decade moratorium against testing nuclear weapons[.]" The
article also noted that this invitation came a number of months after Vladimir Putin
withdrew his nation from an arms control agreement with the U.S. that restricted the buildup of
"nuclear arsenals" so in other words, supplicant posturing before hostile adversaries. But,
as the Democrats love to say though, "nothing to see here!" A Fox News item yesterday reported
that in response to the news, House Republicans sent a strongly-worded letter to Granholm,
asserting that the DOE's approval of "unprecedented access" to Russian and Chinese operatives was
not okay, and that the level of indiscretion displayed by Biden and his comrades is "deeply
alarming and fundamentally absurd."
of Illegal Marijuana Growing Operations in Maine Are Run by Chinese Immigrants. The
Daily Caller first reported the existence of this problem back in August. Maine has become
home to hundreds of illegal marijuana grow sites owned and operated by Chinese immigrants.
Collectively, the sites are believed to produce more than $4 billion in sales per year. [...]
Authorities suspect there are two reasons so many of these operations are happening in Maine.
First, it's a very rural area where it's relatively cheap to buy property and also easier to keep
the operation out of sight. Second, Maine has very lax laws, having legalized recreational
marijuana in 2016. A news outlet called the Maine Wire reported today that law enforcement
has known about these illegal sites for at least two years though no one from the FBI to the US
Attorney would comment. Locals in the weed business have known about it too.
Long Red Shadow Behind Islamic Terrorism. Try searching for "Israel" on China's
biggest search engine Baidu — the nation's name is no longer on the map. The
discovery, which caught many in China by surprise on Oct. 30, is the latest twist in a calculated
silence by the regime in Beijing, in contrast to other major world powers that have rushed to
Israel's side. Positioning itself as a mediator and advocate for peace, the regime has
criticized Israel for going too far in its counterattack against Hamas. As hostility
proliferates against Israel on China's heavily censored internet and in state media, the terrorist
group responsible for the deadly assault hasn't elicited a single mention in official statements
coming out of Beijing.
Investment in China Turns Negative for the First Time in Decades. Another flashing
warning sign that China's struggling economy may not be bouncing back as quickly as it has in the
past. For the first time in about 25 years, China's measure of foreign investment turned
negative. [...] I've written about the new espionage law before. Basically this was written
so vaguely that almost any foreign firm gathering basic business information in China could be
accused of spying. That law appears to have played a role in the recent decision by Gallup to
pull out of China completely.
Can't Escape His China-Scandal Paper Trail. Would the American people have elected
Joe Biden, despite the widespread disdain for then-president Donald Trump, if it had been widely
understood that Biden was bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist regime? The question
presses because, as it turns out, the incumbent president actually is what the media-Democrat
complex falsely claimed the prior president was: a clandestine agent of a hostile foreign
power — indeed, America's greatest geopolitical foe by whom, it is convincingly argued,
we are already confronted in a second Cold War. Scandalous as this story is, it is just as
infuriating. Joe Biden's collusion with China is back in the news because the House Oversight
Committee has just released its latest report showing "the big guy" actually did get at least one
10 percent payout from the Biden/China scheme, precisely matching his stake in the venture as it
was sketched out in a notorious May 2017 email. But this is "news" only because the paper
trail is now, inevitably, catching up with the outlines of the story.
Hamas to Iran to China: Follow the Money. Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif
and Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi signed a 25-year strategic cooperation agreement in 2021.
China now has its strongest ever economic foothold in Iran. Iranian Foreign Ministry
spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said the agreement provides a "deep, multilayered and fully fledged"
pact to enhance trade, economic and transport cooperation that will be "very effective in
deepening" relations with China. University of Tehran professor Mohammad Marandi, who is
close to the Iranian regime, said, "This strategic partnership is important because it allows Iran
and China to build a roadmap for long-term relations that will be much more fruitful. It's
also a signal being sent to the United States. The more the U.S. tries to isolate Iran and
China, the more it causes countries like Iran and China to move more closely to each other."
China views Iran's economic situation as an opportunity to capitalize on Iran's limited bargaining
power with the West.
Joins Hamas, Erases Israel From Map. No greater proof of John Dalberg-Acton's famous
quote about power tending to corrupt and absolute power tending to corrupt absolutely exists today
than the leadership of the People's Republic of China. Lord Acton added in his letter to
Bishop Mandell Creighton, "Great men are almost always bad men." Well, the "great men" who
rule the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have achieved what Hamas, despite its endless chants of
"From the river to the sea," was unable to do. They have wiped Israel off the
map — literally. The Wall Street Journal reported: "Internet users in China are
expressing bewilderment that the name Israel doesn't appear on leading online digital maps from
Baidu and Alibaba, an ambiguity that matches Beijing's vague diplomacy in the region and contrasts
with its attentiveness to maps generally."
Line Between Chinese Money and Biden's Bank Account Drawn — 'Future Blackmail'. With
a [...] video published Wednesday by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, the potential
impeachment of President Joe Biden just got a lot more plausible. Comer, the Kentucky
Republican who has been the point man for the GOP investigation of the Biden family's dodgy
finances, drew a direct line between money from communist China to Biden's bank account. And
he raised the specter of potential foreign blackmail of the man in the White House.
and Joe Shook Down the Chinese. Then Joe Got a Big Check. The big question was
always how Joe Biden, aka the Big Guy, was getting paid Joe Biden and his media allies have made a
point of this in defending him. They'll concede that Hunter and even James, Joe's brother,
were involved in some shady stuff. They'll concede that Joe Biden lent his influence by
showing up to meetings and joining in on calls, but they'll claim that he never got any
money. Now Rep. James Comer and the House Oversight Committee are find out how Joe
allegedly got paid. And the answer is 'loan repayments.' Earlier in October, House
Oversight turned up a "loan repayment" tied to wrecked hospitals and Islamic terrorists.
influencers are showing migrants how to cross US southern border. The migrant caravan
heading to the U.S. has grown by over by a thousand in just 24 hours, as social media teaches
Chinese citizens how to reach the American dream. Hundreds more have joined the caravan of
migrants in Mexico bound north, one of the organizers said, bringing the total number to about
7,000 as the group traveled through the southern state of Chiapas. Organizer Irineo Mujica
said on Tuesday the caravan had swelled since Monday by about 1,000 to more than 7,000 people,
although a spokesperson for the Chiapas government said state authorities still estimated its size
at around 3,500 participants.
of American Communism. [Scroll down] I can tell them that what they want
always leads to destruction, that communism doesn't work. The failures are scattered across
the globe and the prophecy of failure is always fulfilled. In China, where they will eagerly
point a finger as an example of communism that works, it has already destroyed itself and the only
thing keeping it alive is that it has started to suck the life out of America, draining it's
reserves down to nothing. This war in the Middle East is just another means of achieving the
same result and when the United States is weak enough, China will extend its vampirism to every
nation within its reach. China is almost finished with America after decades of infiltration
and irrational trade policies that Trump temporarily nixed only to be reinstituted after Biden's
inauguration. It goes deeper, though, into the globalist corporate cooperation from the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce. Our government cannot function under the debt load that it currently
holds as a result of those policies and others.
Republican Sounds Alarm About Cuba Helping Smuggle Chinese Nationals Into U.S.. China
and Cuba have reportedly teamed up to transport Chinese nationals across the Atlantic Ocean's
Straits of Florida and smuggle them into the United States, according to a top Florida Republican
lawmaker. U.S. Rep. Carlos Gimenez, who represents the Florida Keys, warned about the
alleged partnership between the two communist nations in an interview with the Daily Mail on
Sunday — after 17 Chinese nationals were apprehended inside the congressman's district
last week. "This is the first time I think we've caught [Chinese nationals] trying to cross
getting into the Keys area ... it's concerning," Gimenez told during an exclusive
interview. "I don't know who they are, why they're here, or what they were doing." U.S. Border
Patrol agents and Florida Highway Patrol troopers responded to a vessel landing in Key Largo on
October 23, which led to authorities capturing three Ecuadorians and another 17 Chinese
immigrants — 11 men and six women, according to local media.
Premier Li Keqiang, Sidelined by Rival Xi, Dies 'Suddenly' at 68. Li Keqiang, the
former premier of China, is reported to have died "suddenly" on Thursday less than a year after
stepping down from his post as the country's second-highest-ranking leader. He was 68.
A heart attack has been blamed for the death of the English-speaking economist who had once been
considered a contender for the country's top job, but was passed over in favour of Xi Jinping and
then sidelined. He was the only incumbent top official who didn't belong to Xi's loyalists
group, the BBC reports.
Mystery of the Disappearing Chinese Officials. One of the most confounding challenges
of interacting with China is how much its system and decision-making are a black box —
those of us on the outside have little sense of what the internal deliberations are and whom Xi
Jinping is really listening to, if he's listening to anyone. Even more bizarrely, in the past
few months, several top Chinese government officials have suddenly disappeared; one day, they
stopped making public appearances and showing up at meetings, and their replacements were announced
months later. It looks like something akin to a purge is occurring within the top level of
the Chinese government, with Xi Jinping removing anyone he's not 100 percent certain is
completely loyal to him.
more statistics to ruin your day. [#4] We can't keep up with the Chinese
military. For instance their navy, "surpassed the US Navy in fleet size sometime around 2020
and now has around 340 warships, according to the Pentagon's 2022 China Military Power Report,
released in November. China's fleet is expected to grow to 400 ships in the next two years,
the report says."
Newsom Pledges California Will Be Xi Jinping's 'Long-Term, Stable, and Strong Partner'.
Chinese state media continued to gush over visiting California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday,
hailing the Democrat's warm meeting with dictator Xi Jinping as a triumph of "mutual respect, peaceful
coexistence, and win-win cooperation." Newsom said that under his leadership, California is ready
to become "China's long-term, stable, and strong partner." [...] A good deal of Newsom's enthusiasm for
doing business with China revolved around climate change, electric vehicles (EV), and green energy technology.
Container Ship Suspected of Deliberately Damaging Estonia-Finland Gas Pipeline.
Finnish investigators are accusing a Chinese ship of disabling an undersea gas pipeline between
Finland and Estonia and damaging two undersea telecommunications cables on October 8. The
Balticconnector pipeline is a 94-mile-long pipeline that connects Finland's national gas grid with
a major underground gas storage facility in Latvia. Pipeline engineers noticed an unexplained
drop in pipeline pressure, causing the operators to shut down the pipeline. Investigators
quickly determined that explosions did not damage the pipeline and undersea cables but were damaged
by human action. The damage to one telecommunications line was discovered at the time of the
damage to the gas line. A second telecommunications cable was later found to be damaged.
is Clearly Winning the Israeli-Hamas War. Early on 7 October, the Palestinian
terrorist group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israeli border communities through the
fortified border fence separating the Gaza strip and Israel, killing over 1,200 people including at
least 29 Americans and committing barbaric atrocities on innocents. Israel subsequently
declared war on Hamas a day later and conducted air strikes on 800 targets in the Gaza strip,
killing at least 400. Israeli Defense Force ground assets are preparing for a massive
counter-strike into Gaza. Hezbollah appears to be conducting sporadic attacks from
Lebanon. Pro-Israeli and pro-Hamas protests have erupted around the world. The UN
Security Council called a closed-door emergency meeting. The US response has been modest to date.
Proxy Wars Are 'Encircling' America. China is setting fires. Chinese President
Xi Jinping green-lighted Russia's invasion of Ukraine and is supporting that war with lethal and
other assistance. In North Africa, Beijing, in conjunction with Moscow, has been fueling
insurgencies that resemble wars. In the Middle East, China is backing Hamas's monstrous
attacks on Israel. Hamas fighters, for instance, appear to have Chinese-made weapons,
presumably supplied through Iran. Moreover, the U.S. Navy in 2021 and this year seized
Chinese weapons in transit to another proxy of the Islamic Republic, the Houthi militia in Yemen.
"Tehran for some time has distributed Chinese weapons to its terrorist proxies throughout the
region," Jonathan Bass of energy consultant InfraGlobal tells Gatestone. "The Middle East,
thanks in no small measure to Beijing, is soaked with blood."
Creates 'Global A.I. Governance Initiative' to Control World's Tech. China on
Wednesday launched its "Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative" at the Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI) forum in Beijing. Although Chinese state media touted the A.I. initiative as
an "open, inclusive, and fair approach" to A.I. development, the presence of international villains
such as Russian leader Vladimir Putin and the Taliban at the BRI forum hinted at the true and much
darker purpose of the Chinese Communist Party's plans.
will have over 1,000 nuclear weapons by 2030, exceeding US predictions. A new
Pentagon report points to the People's Liberation Army's growing nuclear capabilities and more
advanced weapons, which experts believe may be used by Beijing as deterrence and bring greater
pressure to bear on Taipei. According to a US Department of Defence report titled "2023
Report on Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China" released on
Thursday, Beijing is "on track to exceed previous projections" in boosting its nuclear capabilities.
Cancels Jon Stewart's Show over Criticisms of Communist China. Jon Stewart's show on
Apple TV+ has been canceled by the tech giant over the liberal comedian's criticisms of Communist
China and artificial intelligence (AI). Two sources reportedly told the New York Times that
Apple axed the show on its subscription-based streaming service. Stewart informed his team on
Thursday that his show titled, "The Problem with Jon Stewart," was over due to editorial disputes.
Invites Taliban Terrorists to Belt and Road Forum. The Taliban jihadist regime in
Afghanistan sent its Industry and Commerce Minister Nooruddin Azizi to Beijing on Monday to attend
this week's "Belt and Road Forum," a celebration of ten years of China's global predatory lending
scheme. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is nominally a program run by the Chinese
Communist Party that offers poor nations funding to invest in otherwise unaffordable road, port,
and railway projects, allegedly designed to help those countries become more competitive
economically and ship their exports more efficiently. China offers funding in the form of
high-interest loans with a long list of conditions attached, which later erode the sovereignty of
the countries involved.
They wanted a low birth rate, and they got it. China's
economy continues to struggle as birthrate hits a 70 year low. As we've covered many
times already, China's economy is struggling, particularly the construction portion which makes up
about a quarter of the country's GDP. [...] China has a series of "golden weeks" throughout the
year which are full weeks off for everyone. These are usually big times for travel and
shopping and authorities were hoping that the golden week starting at the beginning of October
might help pull the economy out of the doldrums with a rush of "revenge spending" after years of
zero-COVID lockdowns. But golden week is over and the revenge spending didn't happen.
State gives
$175 million to Chinese company. Michigan awarded a $175 million grant to an
energy company — owned and controlled by a China-based battery manufacturer with ties to
the Chinese Communist Party — to build a massive battery manufacturing facility near a
U.S. military base in Michigan, according to the Daily Caller. The Daily Caller found Gotion,
Inc of California, will be given $175 million of Michigan taxpayer funds to build a 550,000 square
foot facility that has been touted by state officials like Gov. Gretchen Whitmer as a "global
hub of mobility and electrification."
Chinese sailors are feared dead after nuclear submarine gets caught in a trap.
Fifty-five Chinese sailors are feared dead after their nuclear submarine apparently got caught in a
trap intended to ensnare British sub-surface vessels in the Yellow Sea. According to a secret
UK report the seamen died following a catastrophic failure of the submarine's oxygen systems which
poisoned the crew. The captain of the Chinese PLA Navy submarine '093-417' is understood to
be among the deceased, as were 21 other officers.
to Tell America's Climate Cult 'Stop!' [Scroll down] But we also need to
maintain an economy to feed, clothe, and house hundreds of millions of people and ensure our
national security. We can't do those things if we overburden the nation's electric
grid. We can't do those things relying on "renewables" such as wind and solar
power — not even with the best of those technologies that we have available today.
And we can't do that with Americans abandoning their gasoline-powered internal combustion engines
in favor of electric vehicles (EVs) that most of them can't afford and that require a charge from
an overburdened electrical grid. We might be able to generate all the required electricity
that the climate cult demands with nuclear energy and a massive investment in the electrical grid,
but progressives abhor the former and have made no provisions at all to pay for the latter.
At an average cost of $64,000, the cost of the EVs that the climate cult would have us all adopt is
now, and will likely continue to be, well beyond the financial means of most Americans.
They're also extraordinarily heavy, going from hundreds to thousands of pounds more than
gasoline-powered cars. That makes EV crashes far less survivable than their gas-powered
counterparts and raises concerns about the structural integrity of roads, bridges, and vertical
parking garages. That's to say nothing of how vulnerable an "all EV" economy would make
us. First, the inputs necessary to make EVs are at risk, as they come largely from a
geopolitical adversary, China. Other EV inputs depend on mining in countries in the Third
World where China is aggressively developing geostrategic advantage, but where we have no other
interest except for EV inputs. The United States simply can't rely on that supply chain.
Goal is World Supremacy, and America is Helping. Inferior nations are also dependent
on others. China uses its economic heft to secure the real and psychological dependence of
foreign nations. When Russia, the Turks, and Europe secured global power through colonial
empires, China did so with a global tributary empire that sees foreigners, including Westerners,
validate Chinese superiority and submit to Chinese demands. In exchange, China allows them to
trade in peace. China knows that economic ties are binding ties that wreak havoc when broken.
"No one weaponizes [economic] interdependence more than China." Today, China's Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI) has, at last count, 147 indebted clients, with positions indistinguishable from
tributes sucked into China's orbit.
reject Chinese-tied battery factory's construction in their Community. Residents of a
small country town in Michigan have rejected the planned construction of a Chinese Communist Party
(CCP)-tied "gigafactory" in their community, The New York Times reported Tuesday. Gotion
Inc., a subsidiary of the Chinese parent company, Gotion High-Tech Power Energy Co., plans to build
a $2.4 billion electric vehicle(EV) battery factory spanning hundreds of acres in Green Charter
Township, Michigan, which is largely made up of rural farmland, according to the NYT. Residents
have opposed elected local leader's decision to allow Gotion into their community, as the parent
company is led by a CCP member and employs hundreds more. "It's the Communist influences that
I'm bothered by, because they have shown repeatedly that they don't care about our rules, our laws
or anything," Lori Brock, a resident living near the planned site of the factory, told the NYT.
"They shouldn't be able to buy here."
Marlow's 'Breaking Biden': China-Linked University of Delaware Biden Partnership Was Hunter's
'Baby'. While media reports have focused University of Pennsylvania's Biden Center,
less attention has been paid to University of Delaware's Biden Institute, even though these two
"institutes" were opened on the same day and meant to serve a shared goal of being incubators of
advancing globalism and leftism. The UPenn Biden Center became a pipeline for longtime Biden
allies into his administration, and, as previously reported by Peter Schweizer, proceeded a
suspicious influx in Chinese donations to the university. Together with a Penn Biden office
in DC, the two entities that would be the public-facing "stage" for the "Biden Brand." The key
players at the University of Delaware's Biden Institute were either Biden family members, people
with deep ties to China, or both.
Hunter Biden Claimed He Didn't Receive 'One Cent' from Chinese Associate Despite Wire
Transfers. Hunter Biden denied receiving "one cent" from his family's deal with BHR
Partners associate Jonathan Li, a video from October 2019 shows. In the summer of 2019,
Hunter Biden received two wires totaling $260,000 originating from BHR Partners associates,
including Li, that listed President Joe Biden's Delaware home as the beneficiary address for the
funds, the House Oversight Committee revealed this week. The fund is bankrolled by the Bank
of China. Months after receiving the bank wires in 2019, Hunter Biden told ABC News he did
not receive one penny from Li.
Mind Those Hordes of Military-Aged Chinese Men With the Same Clothing, Haircuts, and Tattoos
Swarming Our Southern Border. Experts believe that more than seven million illegal
immigrants have crossed the border since *President Biden occupied the White House. The
apparatchiks in the Pravda Press downplay the situation by assuring us the invaders are "families,"
even though most of the videos we see are of single, military-aged men, frequently from
Venezuela. But the most onerous onslaught at our northern and southern borders is the
disturbing number of single, military-aged Chinese men and women finding their way into our country
and disappearing once they get in. Why would Chinese nationals fly into Panama and make a
seemingly arduous voyage to our southern border? According to Anthony Rubin, the founder of
Muckraker, who filmed Chinese people lining up for a seat on a U.S.-bound bus, they aren't able to
simply fly in and wait for their visas to expire like they did in the good old days. "This
would be for people who can't fly into the U.S. directly," Rubin told Fox News.
hackers nab 60,000 emails in State Department breach. Hackers linked to the Chinese
government stole around 60,000 emails from the unclassified inboxes of 10 State Department
employees as part of a high-profile hack earlier this summer, according to a readout from a Senate
staff briefing on Wednesday. The new details of the previously known hacking incident, which
also impacted Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, are likely to only exacerbate concerns on Capitol
Hill about Chinese hacking efforts, which have ramped up this year.
If there's no risk to the investors, or if there ARE NO investors, then something other than capitalism is at work here. Chinese
plant planned for Manteno could receive $8 billion in subsidies, despite costing only $2 billion
to build. Illinois politicians and members of the House Select Committee on the Chinese
Communist Party have raised concerns about the sizeable subsidies being granted to the Chinese
electric vehicle battery maker, Gotion. Gotion is linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
and aims to build a $2 billion plant in Illinois while receiving $7.5 billion in federal tax
credits, asserting that the U.S. government should not support CCP-backed companies expanding into
key sectors like lithium-ion battery manufacturing. This situation raises concerns about U.S.
economic and national security and calls for changes in the legislation that created the 45X tax
credit program, which led to generous handouts for battery factory projects, including Gotion's.
diplomacy no more: China calls back its pandas from U.S. zoos. The pandas are
going home to China. A nine-day "Panda Palooza" to celebrate the bears before they leave is
underway at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. The pandas will be returned to Chinese
conservationists by December 7. The pandas have been on loan from them and the cost of the
agreement with the National Zoo is about $1 million per year since 2000. It's China's global soft
and fuzzy outreach — panda diplomacy. The panda cubs born in Washington go back to
China, too. Perhaps now is when the separation is being called because of the tension in the
relationship between China and the U.S. There are pandas on loan to zoos around the United States
and they will all go back to China.
the game is played: Ford pauses MI EV battery plant construction, UAW in freak-out
mode. While a shamefully pandering POTATUS shambled alongside smirking Shawn Fain,
United Auto Worker president, at a picket line in Michigan this morning, one of the D-3
protagonists in this workers' melodrama was busy assessing ongoing business options and came to the
conclusion one of them needed some reassessing. [...] In spite of what passes for warm fuzzies in
union contract negotiations, Ford upped the ante this morning. In a surprise move, the
corporation announced it was "temporarily" halting construction on the new bazillion dollar EV
battery plant it's building in Michigan with — SURPRISE! — a Chinese company.
Gets Cold Feet, Pulls Plug on Multibillion-Dollar China-Backed EV Battery Plant. The
Ford Motor Company announced Monday that it is pausing construction on a massive electric battery
plant in Michigan that involved a Chinese EV battery company. Notably, the plan had been
originally considered for Virginia, but Gov. Glenn Youngkin opposed it due to China's
potential influence in the plan, arguing that "CATL and the Chinese Communist Party would have full
operational control over the technology." Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer had no such
qualms, however, and welcomed the plant with open arms as her state government pumped $1 billion
into the project. [Tweet] [...] Although Ford has thus far not given an exact reason for the
shutdown, one has to ask why such a plan was considered in the first place. The People's
Republic of China is our number one competitor in the world, and should relations deteriorate
further, it's not wise or strategic to put them in a position of such power in our crucial
automobile industry. Couldn't they find an American company that could do the job?
Blaming 'Chinese CO2' for Global Warming Racist? China is building coal plants faster
than a Democrat can stuff a ballot box, earning it the glorious distinction of being the world's
leader in CO2 and air pollution emissions. But the usual suspects aren't losing their
minds. Greta has never protested there, and extinction rebellion is extinct. China owns
most of the mines, digging up rare earth metals to make the graven green idols of the new energy
left. China is also a leader in ocean pollution and ocean plastic, but bringing any of that
is Asian hate speech. A problem Cult stenographers at Reuters are addressing head-on.
Yeah, China emits a lot of CO2, but it's different. [...] What it is doing is burning coal to shore
up its military-industrial complex and commercial global dominance and using cheap, abundant energy
to advance its global political agenda while selling the rope to the West with which its elites
have chosen to hang us all.
the Race Card to Protect Chinese Spies. Is it racist to think that a Chinese person
is more likely to spy for China than someone with no Chinese ancestry who was born in
America? That was the premise of much of the left-wing opposition to the Justice Department's
so-called China Initiative, its investigation of Chinese technology theft that was launched in 2018
and canceled by the Biden administration in 2022 over claims of ethnic profiling. It is the
premise of many news articles written about Chinese scientists leaving the United States in
increasing numbers, supposedly because they feel targeted by authorities. Yet if you asked
the average man on the street, he would say that taking someone's country of birth into account in
an espionage investigation is just common sense.
New Opium Wars. It has been creditably alleged that China is facilitating, if not
masterminding, the opioid crisis in America. If so, the Maoists probably feel it justified as
a case of historical tit for tat. In the 1800s China suffered through an opioid crisis of
their own, exacerbated by the opium wars with Britain. Simply put, opium addiction was
ravaging Chinese society, and the British Empire fought two wars to keep it that way. For
most of history China was the place to be. Up until the Renaissance, Europe was a stagnant
backwater, fragmented and culturally stunted. The literary and technical heritage of the
Greeks and Romans languished, locked away in scattered monasteries, safe but near-forgotten.
China and the Islamic world were cultural and scientific utopias in comparison. In fact, the
prosperity of the Middle East depended in large part on marketing the luxury goods of China (silk,
tea, fine porcelain) to the West. This situation carried on for so long that it may have
baked a certain degree of arrogance and isolationism into the Chinese character.
Issa Suggests That Biden's Commerce Secretary Was Pawn In China's Plan. Republican
Rep. Darrell Issa of California told Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on Tuesday that she was
"bushwhacked" by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during her recent visit to China. Issa
questioned Raimondo during a hearing of the House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space
and Technology regarding a review of activity under the CHIPS and Science Act, a law that
authorizes subsidies to incentivize domestic production of semiconductor computer chips.
During his questioning, Issa suggested that Raimondo's visit provided the CCP with an opportunity
to embarrass the United States after Chinese firm Huawei announced a new 5G smartphone, the Mate 60
Pro, which the U.S. had tried to thwart using export controls.
Communist Party Infiltrates American K-12 Schools. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
has, or has had, ties to 143 school districts in the United States, including 20 near military
bases, through its "Confucius Classrooms," according to a recent report, "Little Red
Classrooms: China's Infiltration of American K-12 Schools" by Parents Defending Education
(PDE), a grassroots organization. Confucius Classrooms, are, purportedly, "centers that teach
Chinese language and culture." According to the book Hidden Hand: Exposing How the
Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World, by Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg:
"Initiated in 2004 as an innocuous way to spread the Party narrative... ostensibly devoted to
teaching Chinese language and promoting Chinese culture they are, as former propaganda chief Li
Changchun put it, 'an important part of China's overseas propaganda set-up.'" In 2020, the US
Department of State and the US Department of Education warned about the Confucius programs at
American colleges and universities, and designated them as foreign agents: [...]
Out the Red Carpet for the Red Chinese. Last Thursday Illinois Governor Pritzker
signed a deal to give Gotion Incorporated, a Chinese company, $536 million in tax incentives to
open an electrical vehicle battery-assembly plant in Manteno, Illinois. Gov. Pritzker
has been trying to attract electrical vehicle battery manufacturers for a few years to prove his
progressive bona fides on green energy. It's not been easy. To help attract business,
in 2021 Pritzker signed into law new tax credits for EV businesses which Crains Chicago Business
said were "massive incentives" that may be the "largest ever in the state's history." But
10 months later, Illinois was still 0 for 18 in attracting EV battery plants: "Even Rivian,
which assembles electric-powered trucks in downstate Normal, chose Georgia for its first battery plant."
Company In Michigan, Illinois Poised To Receive Over $1 Billion In Taxpayer Money.
Gotion Inc., a company tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is set to gain more than $1 billion
in taxpayer money and incentives for building factories in Michigan and Illinois, according
to public announcements. Gotion Inc. plans to construct two electric battery plants in
Michigan and one in Illinois, securing commitments in funding and benefits totaling over $1.25 billion,
according to announcements by the states' governors.
for CCP-tied EV company funneled cash to Democrats after filing as foreign agents.
Individuals at a law firm registered as foreign agents to lobby on behalf of Gotion, a Chinese
electric vehicle battery company developing a controversial project in Michigan, and wired campaign
contributions to several top Democrats. According to state and federal filings, Monique
Field-Foster, an attorney at the Lansing office of the Warner Norcross + Judd law firm who is
acting as a foreign agent on behalf of Gotion, donated to the campaigns of Democratic
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Whitmer's sister Liz Gereghty and Michigan Democratic Senate hopeful
Rep. Elissa Slotkin. A second attorney at the firm, Madelaine Lane, who works out of the
firm's Grand Rapids office and prepared its foreign filings, also contributed to
Gov. Whitmer's campaign.
to send a clear message on Chinese espionage. Recent news reports regarding what have
to be considered overt and bold efforts on the part of the Chinese government to spy against
America should be treated as a call to action rather than just a series of unfortunate events that
this country has no control over. Yet, from the reports being published by even those in the
media who consistently defend the current administration and its actions, it is clear that our
government is doing little more than watching, documenting, and wagging a proverbial finger at
China and asking that they not do it "any more." If anyone in the administration were allowed
to speak without being required to invoke the tried and true "we have no comment" because "it is
classified" or "it is under active investigation," they would likely tell you that no action is
being taken because it is, in essence, just too difficult to effectively address large-scale
espionage in this country's legal system.
Citizens Entering Through Southern Border Increased 1000%. The invasion has a lot of
moving parts, but here's a component that hasn't been discussed much. Chinese citizens
generally don't enter through the southern border, but the number of CBP encounters with Chinese
citizens not only increased sharply, but southern border encounters are vastly up. At the end
of 2020, there were 1 to 9 such encounters a month. By the end of 2021, it was in the double
digits, in 2022, encounters shot up into the triple digits, and in July 2023, there were over 3,000
encounters. That's a sharp increase from 306 in July 2022.
military bases fend off visits from Chinese citizens: reports. Chinese nationals have
accessed U.S. military bases and other facilities dozens of times, U.S. officials said, according
to a new report from The Wall Street Journal. Government agencies like the Defense Department
and the FBI held a review the past year to limit the events, the Journal reported. Officials
allegedly call the people involved in the incidents "gate-crashers" and have espionage concerns
about their occurrence. The gate-crashers have reportedly shown up in places like a U.S.
missile range in New Mexico and a U.S. government rocket launch site in Florida. A similar
report about gate-crasher incidents in Alaska by USA Today was published in May. According to
that report, one "incident" of attempted breach of Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska, involved
Chinese citizens who "blew past a security checkpoint." A drone was found in the vehicle of
the visitors, who said they were lost tourists, USA Today reported.
owners of planned Michigan EV plant make staff in the Communist state pledge allegiance to the
Party. The Chinese owners of a company developing a taxpayer-subsidized $2.4 billion
electric vehicle battery facility in Michigan make staff pledge allegiance to the Chinese Communist
Party and wear Red Army uniforms, reports suggest. Gotian High-Tech the Chinese parent
company of Gotion Inc took staff on several corporate retreats to CCP revolutionary memorials in
Anhui Province, China in 2021, the Daily Caller reported. During the trips workers wore Red
Army outfits and pledged to 'fight for communism to the end of my life' footage posted on the
Chinese battery manufacturer's website shows.
Reader Asks Why Tailei Qi And Zijie Yan Were At UNC In The First Place?
[Scroll down] There's no scarcity of highly intelligent Americans. Could it be UNC
just wants cheaper labor or is beholden to Chinese money? Personally, I regard the Chinese
academic influx as an espionage influx for which there is already ample proof. Peking, like
the Manchus before them, regards China as the center of the universe to which all barbarians must
do the kowtow. China doesn't even regard the U.S. as a legitimate nation, merely a shopping
emporium. Domestically, on schedule, cries about rescinding the Second Amendment will go up,
ignoring actual facts such as "Where did he get the gun?," "Was he legally allowed to possess a
firearm?" and "What type of firearm was it?" To bring up the question of an alien propensity
for murder will be called racist and xenophobic even when the victim is the same race as the
perpetrator. That certain people should be prevented from entering the country because they
may be dangerous or a threat to national security is bigotry to a Left determined to replace Americans.
Influence Activity in the US Is Unprecedented. "The system is blinking red right
now," an unnamed senior FBI official was quoted as saying in a recent report from the Center for
Strategic and International studies (CSIS). "We have not seen this level of Chinese
intelligence and influence activity in and around the U.S. homeland ever." China is using all
means short of war "to expand the influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and weaken the
United States and its partners," the report continued. "This campaign involves sophisticated
Chinese espionage activities, offensive cyber operations, disinformation on social media platforms,
economic coercion, and influence operations targeting companies, universities, and other
organizations." This unprecedented level of Chinese intelligence and influence activity is
happening under President Joe Biden, who in February 2022 shut down the Justice Department program
known as the China Initiative, which had been focused on countering Chinese espionage. The
alleged reason for the shutdown was that it "unfairly painted Chinese Americans and U.S. residents
of Chinese origin as disloyal." Biden's closing the China Initiative played, of course, right
into the CCP's hands.
'China Century' Is Over. For decades we've heard that China will some day, very soon,
be the world's hegemon, both through its stunning economic growth and its rising military
might. Move over, America, here comes China. Just as the 1900s were the "American
Century," the 2000s would be the "China Century." Not so fast. Google "The China Century"
and you get 1 billion hits. It's that ingrained as an economic truism. But in recent
years, China has entered a kind of doom loop of debt accumulation, population shrinkage and a
productivity slowdown that is eroding its once powerful economic growth and threatens to halt many
of the economic advances it made over the last 50 years.
Spy or Not to Spy. According to Shaomin Li in the American Spectator, the CCP
spy agency has sent out a social media warning: ["]China's State Security Ministry
issued a public social mobilization order on Aug. 1 through the Chinese social media platform
WeChat entitled "Full-Society Mobilization Needed for Counter-Espionage!"["] And they
are offering up to 500,000 yuan for spy tips. So, if you are a foreigner in China, you are a
high-value target for any aspiring Chinese in need of a financial injection. Li himself was
arrested in 2001 in China on spy charges because he was too pro-Taiwan. Don't think the CCP
will change any time soon: "it can emphasize catching spies or deemphasize it depending on its
priority, not on the rule of law." Not exactly. Governments go after spies not from any
objective evaluation of enemies, but from their regime threat perception.
Great China-American Abyss. Imagine if the United States treated China in the same
way it does us. What if American companies simply ignored Chinese copyrights and patents and
stole Chinese ideas, inventions, and intellectual property as they pleased and with impunity?
What if the American government targeted Chinese industries by dumping competing American export
products below the cost of production — to bankrupt Chinese competitors and corner their
markets? What would the communist Chinese government do if a substantial American spy balloon
lazily traversed continental China — sending back to the United States photographic
surveillance of Chinese military bases and installations? How would China react to America
stonewalling any explanation, much less refusing to apologize for such an American attack on
Chinese sovereignty?
Allowed Major Donor to Hand Advanced Military Tech to China. "When I was in another
State they would slip and say 'now I want to introduce the Senator from DuPont — I mean
Delaware'", Joe Biden had joked at a Senate Subcommittee on Crime session. There's a certain
truth to the joke. DuPont is the corporation that defines Biden's career. His first
Senate bid was staffed with DuPont employees, including future chief-of-staff and senator Ted
Kaufman, who was conveniently allowed to take a "leave of absence" from DuPont to help elect
Biden. Biden celebrated his victory at the Hotel DuPont and bought a former DuPont
mansion. DuPont figures in a lot of Biden's stories. He even claims to have gotten on
board with gay marriage when his father showed him a gay couple kissing at DuPont. And Biden
figures in the latest DuPont story which involves handing over advanced military technology to China.
the IRS Allowed China Nonprofits to Buy Code Pink. The 'House Select Committee on the
Chinese Communist Party' was in session when a Code Pink activist disrupted it by holding up a sign
reading, "China Is Not Our Enemy." "The United States needs collaboration, not competition,
with China," she insisted. Collaboration was the correct term. While most people
stopped paying attention to Code Pink in the aftermath of the Iraq War, the leftist anti-war group
never went away, but beyond the backing for Venezuela, Iran and the other usual terror states, it's
become a vocal defender of China. The level of collaboration between Code Pink and China is
unusual even on the anti-war Left. "If the U.S. crushes China," Code Pink co-founder Jodie
Evans claimed, it "would cut off hope for the human race and life on Earth."
Almost Everywhere,' Scholar Says of China's Infiltration of America's K-12 Schools.
China's infiltration of American K-12 schools is "almost everywhere," according to Peter Wood,
president of the National Association of Scholars. "That is, in every state that we've looked
at, we have found instances of it, but I would say it's concentrated in the feeder schools to elite
education, which means mostly West Coast and East Coast, but not exclusively those," Wood says.
"The effort here is, China's not just spreading around its resources promiscuously across the land.
It's looking for places where buying influence will yield results in the long term," he adds.
"So, it's widespread, but much more prevalent here on the East Coast and California." In April,
The Heritage Foundation awarded the National Association of Scholars its Innovation Prize, which "is
intended to spark creative disruption in the conservative movement as we strive to ensure the future
of American self-governance."
China Is Screwed:
Pipe People. First up: Young people's whose job prospects and futures are so
dim that they're actually living in concrete pipes. [Video clip] Takeaways:
• Certainly America has no shortage of transients living rough, but in contrast
to ragged drug addicts, alcoholics and dangerous lunatics, the people living in these pipes look to
be normal, healthy 20-something Chinese.
• Just because you're living in a concrete pipe doesn't mean you can't be a
live-streamer. Like the under-the-bridge streamers seen in previous videos, you wonder how
widespread this behavior is, or whether we're just seeing the edge of the freak show.
• "Despite the female hosts not being beautiful and the male hosts not
handsome, it doesn't affect viewership." I do rather want to check their numbers, here.
The Editor says...
Who owns the pipes? On whose property are the pipes sitting?
Modest Proposal to Defeat the Political Class. On an average day, about 140 people
die in the U.S. from fentanyl, more than from any other drug in history. Not limited to viral
agents, China is also a culprit behind our fentanyl crisis. Precursor chemicals are made in
China and sent to Mexican labs to be manufactured into fentanyl. The penalty for
manufacturing and distributing most illicit drugs in China is death, while here, you get a clean
needle or a shot of Narcan. China exports this killer to America to disrupt and distract our
country. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, engaging in meaningless negotiations with China
and somehow expecting our enemy to change its ways, is another symptom of our weakness. How
many ministerial-level Chinese have ventured here, compared to the wave of high-level officials we
have dispatched, hats in hand? Isn't it obvious our strategy is wrong?
Road Paved with Cash: Court records confirm millions flowed to Biden family from
China. In the end, there really was a silk road of money that flowed from China to
the Biden family's coffers, despite Joe Biden's insistence to the contrary. The U.S.
Attorney's office in Delaware — which charged Hunter Biden with tax and gun crimes last
month — released to a federal court last week a now-scuttled plea deal that affirmed the
presidential son got millions himself from Chinese sources in 2017-18 alone. That included
money from a Chinese energy firm as well as legal payments from a Chinese executive convicted of
bribery. The records confirm reporting from investigative author Peter Schweizer's book "Red
Handed," Just the News stories and investigations by Congress that date to 2020 when Sens. Ron
Johnson, R-Wisc., and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, revealed bank transfers from Beijing to Biden accounts.
numbers of Chinese illegal aliens are showing up in America. Here are just a few
things to consider about China vis-à-vis America: • Its shoddy goods
completely undercut our manufacturing sector, helped for years by greedy American unions that
killed the goose that laid the golden manufacturing egg and by legislatively cheap postage.
• Speaking of China's large economic empire, it controls most of the rare earth
elements on which our modern world relies, whether here or in Africa. • It's
allied itself with Russia, and the two nations are showing increased aggression against
America. • Millions of Chinese-government-connected dollars have ended up in
Biden family accounts. • It blatantly sent a spy balloon floating across
areas of America that are critical for national security, and (coincidentally, I'm sure) Joe Biden
just let it happen. • COVID — and I'm not even talking about that
terrifying, illegal Chinese-connected bio lab in California.
pulling Italy out of Belt and Road pact with China. Since profiling her in February —
and the atrocious way she's been treated by the elitist cabal that runs the EU — Giorgia
Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy has done nothing but move her country forward. Isn't that
delightful? In fact, there are a lot of things looking rosy about Italy that can't be said
for the powerhouses of the E.U. and they still treat Meloni [badly]. [...] Besides negotiating new
oil deals to free her country from EU Green entanglements as far as energy goes, Meloni has also
been considering detangling some of her former office holders' deals. One of which was not
only baffling, but — as she calls it — "atrocious."
Energy Secretary Consulted Top Chinese Energy Official Before Draining Strategic Oil
Reserve. he Biden Administration's Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, held
several talks with her Chinese counterpart prior to the widely-panned decision to drain the U.S.
Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) back in 2021. As reported by the Washington Free
Beacon, the meetings were documented in Department of Energy (DOE) calendars obtained by Fox
News. Granholm met with Zhang Jianhua, chairman of the China National Energy Administration,
on November 19th and November 21st, 2021, meetings which were never publicly revealed. Just
two days after their second meeting, on November 23rd, Joe Biden announced the decision to start
draining the SPR in order to combat rising gas prices in the United States. "Secretary
Granholm's multiple closed-door meetings with a CCP-connected energy official raise serious
questions about the level of Chinese influence on the Biden administration's energy agenda," said
Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of Americans for Public Trust.
orders Catherine Herridge to reveal sources for stories on FBI, Chinese American scientist.
A federal judge ordered CBS News senior correspondent Catherine Herridge to reveal her sources for a
series of stories about the FBI's investigation of a Chinese American scientist back when she worked
for Fox News. The order last week from U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper in Washington D.C.
comes after scientist Yanping Chen filed a lawsuit against the FBI, claiming that the agency violated
the privacy act by improperly leaking information about her. While working at Fox News in 2017,
Herridge used a confidential source or sources to obtain material about the federal counterintelligence
probe of Chen.
Donor Behind Vast Pro-China Propaganda Network: Report. Neville Singham, a tech
millionaire and Democratic donor, reportedly provides significant funding to an expansive
pro-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda network, The New York Times reported Saturday.
Singham's money is financing the Chinese government's propaganda efforts through a complex web of
shell companies and nonprofits that stretch around the globe, according to the Times. Singham
has also donated thousands of dollars to left-wing politicians like Democratic Rep. Pramila
Jayapal of Massachusetts and Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, campaign finance
records show. Singham's millions have found their way to organizations like a think tank in
Massachusetts, a venue space in New York, a South African political party and media organizations
in Brazil and India, according to the Times. Each of these groups essentially blend left-wing
talking points with CCP propaganda narratives, such as those that dismiss Taiwan's claim to
independence and downplay the ongoing genocide of Uyghur Muslims in the Chinese mainland, the
Times' investigation found.
Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered in Fresno, California, Was Subsidized by Gavin Newsom. The
secret and illegal Chinese bio-lab that was recently discovered in Fresno, California, which was
allegedly full of mice that were engineered to carry COVID-19, was subsidized by Governor Gavin
Newsom. Newsom is in the news constantly these days because he is basically the back-up plan
for Democrats in 2024 if Biden can't run. Do you think anyone in media will ask him about
this? Don't count on it. [...] How many more of these secret labs do you suppose there are in
the United States right now?
Sec Had Secret Conversation With CCP Official Before SPR Release. There have been a
lot of questions raised about how Joe Biden and his administration have dealt with China,
particularly in light of the Biden family foreign business dealings scandal. As my colleague
Andrew Malcolm has said, "He's been remarkably passive given the increasing power and
aggressiveness of Beijing's Communist leaders." We've seen how weak Biden has been in response
to all kinds of troubling actions from China, including spying on the U.S. — from the
spy balloon to the most recent hacking of the U.S. Ambassador's email account, as well as the
accessing of accounts of other U.S. government officials. Now there's more troubling news
about something that happened in 2021 — but we're just finding out now.
China Influencing What Your Child Is Learning in School? Parents Defending Education
has released a new report that offers some unsettling information about the reach of the People's
Republic of China in U.S. K-12 schools through so-called Confucius Classrooms. "Confucius
Classrooms are a program that is intended to teach children Chinese language and culture, which on
its face sounds benign, but some of your viewers, listeners might remember Confucius Institutes,
which were the corollary in the university system," says Nicole Neily, founder and president of
Parents Defending Education. Parents Defending Education describes itself on its website as "a
national grass-roots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists imposing harmful agendas."
Fresno Lab:
China's Operation to Exterminate Americans. Prestige BioTech, a Nevada company fronting for parties
in China, was caught operating an "unlicensed laboratory" in Reedley, California in March.
State and Fresno County officers raided the facility, and the FBI and Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention have since been participating in the investigation. The illegal operation
housed white lab mice — 773 live and more than 175 dead — that were
genetically engineered to carry disease. Authorities also found medical waste and chemical,
viral, and biological agents. There were on site at least 20 potentially infectious pathogens
including those causing coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis, and herpes. The lab is "mysterious," as
the California Globe news site proclaimed. We know enough, however, to be alarmed.
U.S. Navy Sailors Arrested On Espionage Charges Involving Alleged Ties To China. Two
U.S. Navy sailors were arrested on national security-related charges related to allegedly sending
sensitive military information to the Chinese Communist Party, federal officials said on Thursday.
"These individuals stand accused of violating the commitments they made to protect the United States and
betraying the public trust, to the benefit of the [People's Republic of China] government," Assistant
Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department's National Security Division, said
in a news release.
Sen. Marshall: Biden's 'Schizophrenic' Policy Pushes EVs While Allowing Chinese
Chargers, Blocking Mining. On Friday's broadcast of the Fox Business Network's
"Kudlow," Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) [...] said, "This is the next chapter of Joe Biden's
schizophrenic policies, which all seem to enrich China. I say schizophrenic, he wants us to
go from 0 to 100 miles an hour in converting all of our cars to EVs, but he won't let us mine the
lithium and copper that we need to make those batteries. He won't let us be able to make
affordable steel in this country that we need to make those cars with. So, all of these
policies basically enrich China. Schizophrenic in the sense that he says, when they develop
policies, when we set laws to spend these trillions of dollars, it's supposed to be made in
America. But guess what? His other policies keep us from making it in America and
enrich China. Sean, sometimes I just throw my hands up and say, I don't know what this
president is thinking."
was there an illegal China-linked bio lab in Fresno? You would think that this would
get a bit more attention than it has. It certainly piqued my interest when I saw it. A
China-linked company ran a grossly unsafe bio lab filled with deadly pathogens in a supposedly
empty warehouse in Fresno, California. A company without much of a backstory, addresses that
don't exist, and a president who can only be reached by email. [Tweet]
Bio Lab Discovered in Fresno County, California. On March 3, an illegal bio lab was
discovered in a believed-to-be vacant building in Reedley, California in Fresno County. City
code enforcement stumbled upon the building in December 2022 when they discovered a garden hose
running up into the building through a hole in the wall. In March, they obtained a warrant to
inspect the property, and in April, the Fresno County Department of Public Health ordered an
inspection of the facility. Investigators inspected the building that contained the lab in
July and found a room used to make COVID-19 tests and pregnancy tests. They also found over
35 freezers and refrigeration units that contained "thousands of bodily fluids, serums, tissues,
and other medical items."
Chinese Bio Lab Discovered in Central California. Reedley is a small city in
California's San Joaquin Valley, just east of Fresno. But a troubling discovery there in
early March has recently come to light — and raises a number of questions. It
began with a garden hose attached illegally to a warehouse near the center of town. The
building was supposed to be vacant. When code enforcement officers from the city went to
investigate, they discovered that it was in use and observed several code violations.
Admin. Senior Officials Visit China and Return Empty-Handed. The Communist
Chinese regime will do whatever President Xi Jinping believes is necessary to surpass the United
States, which President Xi considers to be in decline. President Joe Biden is proving to be
President Xi's perfect patsy to help him achieve his grand ambitions. President Biden remains
under the dangerous delusion that China is merely a vigorous competitor, not the U.S.'s chief
adversary that is determined to replace America as the world's number one military, economic, and
technological superpower. President Biden is on a fool's mission to explore whether there are
areas of mutual interest where the Chinese regime might be willing to genuinely cooperate with the
United States. There are none. Nevertheless, in desperation he has sent so far three of
his administration's cabinet-level officials to China to restore fruitless dialogue with their
high-level Chinese counterparts.
America's Elites are Dedicated to Engagement with Communist China. Last week's visit
to the People's Republic of China (PRC) by the former U.S. Secretary of State and the Biden
administration's Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John F. Kerry, represents the end of the
beginning of a series of high-level Biden administration visits with Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
leaders. The purpose of these visits that started with current Secretary of State Antony
Blinken in June and included the kowtowing visit by U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen can
best be described as the unashamed resumption of the Kissinger School of Engagement with the PRC.
Given the PRC's threat to U.S. national interests and the American homeland, including the death of
100,000 Americans from PRC-supplied fentanyl and other expression of unilateral aggression by the
CCP in its pursuit of its so-called Great Rejuvenation of China, it is hard to fathom why the Biden
administration would reverse course from the Trump era policy of Great Power competition to embrace
unconditional engagement.
retailer Shein faces RICO lawsuit alleging mass infringement of copyrighted clothing
designs. In the latest sign of legal troubles for Chinese clothing retailer Shein,
the company has been hit with a RICO lawsuit that alleges that their theft of clothing designers'
intellectual property is so systemic that it amounts to racketeering. The lawsuit, which was
filed by three clothing designers, accuses Shein of using "truly exact copies of copyrightable
graphic design," and further claims that "Shein has grown rich by committing individual
infringements over and over again, as part of a long and continuous pattern of racketeering, which
shows no sign of abating."
a Green Chimera, Biden Has Put America in the Red Dragon's Grasp. No country would
ever depend on an out-and-out rival for something as vital as energy. Yet the Biden
administration, through its zealous, misguided pursuit of "net-zero emissions," is fast-tracking
America's dependence on Communist China for the minerals and components that back-end green
technology. The administration also is curbing the mining industry, again allowing China to
monopolize America and the world in minerals and ores. This strategic disaster is a complete
reversal of what President Donald Trump had achieved. [...] Biden, on assuming office, pledged to
eliminate the fossil fuel industry and pursue a radical climate agenda to replace carbon energy
with renewables. He has since called for replacing 50% of carbon-fueled automobiles with
electric vehicles (E.V.s) by 2030, creating a carbon-free electric grid by 2035, and having a
carbon-free economy by 2050. This push toward unstable solar and wind power will markedly increase
dependence on China, which dominates the market in materials required for E.V.s, batteries, and
other renewables.
Officials Were Stunned by 'Startling' Spike in Chinese Donations to UPenn After Biden Think Tank
Opened. The former chief investigator for the Department of Education said the agency
noticed a "startling" spike in Chinese donations to the University of Pennsylvania after President
Joe Biden opened his think tank at the school in 2017. "It was extraordinary," said Paul
Moore, who served as the agency's chief investigative counsel during the Trump administration, in
congressional testimony on Thursday. UPenn raked in over $100 million from China-based
contributors between 2017 and 2022, the Washington Free Beacon reported earlier this year.
This was a substantial increase from the four years prior to 2017, when the school received a total
of $19 million. Moore's testimony comes as UPenn and the Penn Biden Center face scrutiny
over the surge in foreign donations, many of them anonymous, that coincided with the think tank's
opening and President Joe Biden's election. Watchdog groups have said the funding raises
concerns about foreign influence-buying.
Neurostrike weapons program designed to control brains, and the world. The Washington
Times recently obtained a copy of a report by three open-source intelligence analysts stating that
China's People's Liberation Army is developing high-technology weapons designed to disrupt brain
functions and influence government leaders or entire populations. Well, that would explain a
lot, particularly the actions of the Biden administration and the Democratic Party in
general. The 12-page report is titled "Enumerating, Targeting and Collapsing the Chinese
Communist Party's Neurostrike Program." It states that the newly designed weapons could be used to
directly attack or control brains using microwave or other directed energy, via handheld guns or
larger weapons firing electromagnetic beams. The intelligence analysts ominously added that
the threat of China's brain warfare weapons being used prior to or during a future conflict is no
longer theoretical.
spies hacked the Commerce Secretary's email. There were reports up this morning that
Chinese hackers have breached a bunch of organizations and government agencies, but the update this
afternoon is that the hack included the email of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. [...] The
[Washington] Post reports that the hackers used a "consumer signing key" to access the
accounts. They gained access on May 15 and were discovered on June 16. The
key they used could only be created using an even more powerful key which is kept secret at Microsoft.
So now Microsoft is looking into how Chinese hackers got hold of it. The fact that they don't
know seems worrisome. [...] This is obviously not the first time we've been hacked by China.
Why does this keep happening? Probably because China puts far more resources into hacking
than the US does.
Hackers Spied on the State and Commerce Departments. The State and Commerce
Departments were among the government agencies targeted by Chinese hackers last month in the weeks
preceding Antony Blinken's trip to Beijing. The hacks were probably affiliated with China's
military and spy services, the New York Times reported, and they began after months of
increasing tensions between Washington and Beijing. Republicans have called on the
administration to halt its pursuit of a thaw, given the spy-balloon incident, China's ongoing
cooperation with Cuba, and the country's treatment of the Uyghurs and Taiwan. The State
Department learned that a number of employees had their accounts compromised on June 16. Blinken's
trip nonetheless went ahead later that day and for the next several days. Other
administration officials either have made or will make visits to China, including Treasury
secretary Janet Yellen and climate envoy John Kerry.
Senators Demand Biden DOJ Provide Answers On CCP Intel-Linked 'Service Centers'. Ten
Republican senators urged the Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday to provide answers about at
least seven "service centers" tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that are operating in U.S.
cities. A CCP "intelligence service" called the United Front Work Department (UFWD) operates
Overseas Chinese Service Centers (OCSCs) out of nonprofits in at least seven U.S. cities, a Daily
Caller News Foundation investigation recently revealed. Established between 2014 and 2017,
the U.S. OCSCs are located in San Francisco, California; Houston, Texas; Omaha, Nebraska; St. Paul,
Minnesota; Salt Lake City, Utah; St. Louis, Missouri and Charlotte, North Carolina,
according to Chinese state-media reports.
Biden, Associates Took Millions From Chinese Company That Paid 'Missing' Biden Witness Now Charged
By DOJ. The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday charged a key witness in the
investigation into alleged Biden family corruption for taking money from the same Chinese firm that
paid Hunter Biden's businesses and associates millions, according to DOJ records. Gal Luft, a
dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, allegedly "willfully" failed to register under the Foreign Agents
Registration Act (FARA) while working to "advance the interests of China" in the U.S. by brokering
the illegal sale of Chinese weapons and Iranian oil to China, according to the DOJ. The DOJ alleges
that Luft's think tank, the Institute for the Analysis for Global Security, accepted at least
$700,000 from CEFC China Energy beginning in 2015, which happens to be the same Chinese firm that
allegedly sent millions to accounts linked to Hunter Biden and his associates, in 2017, according
to a Senate committee report and a Washington Post review of Biden documents.
[is] readying for total war, [while] America [is] laser-focused on pronouns and wood-fired pizza
ovens. The Chinese military is training kindergarteners in the ways of
war. According to scores of social media accounts reviewed by the Daily Caller News
Foundation (DCNF), the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is teaching the kiddies how to handle
firearms and fight like soldiers in boot camps all across China this summer. The boot camps
reportedly feature training for both boys and girls, involving a wide variety of 'toy' weapons,
including knives, grenades, rifles, and shoulder-fired missiles. Moreover, the children are
required to adopt military behavior — such as saluting — according to the schools'
social media posts. Government documents note that the militarization of even extremely young
Chinese is occurring subsequent to a 2019 Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee decision
to push for increased "National Defense Education," which includes a mandate that schools hold
National Defense Education activities starting in 2022.
American Companies
You Didn't Know Were Owned By Chinese Investors. [#1] AMC: Popular cinema
company AMC, short for American Multi-Cinema, has been around for over a century and is
headquartered in Leawood, KS. In 2012, Beijing-based Dalian Wanda Group became the majority
stakeholder, giving them the power to make decisions at the executive level. Wanda invested
$2.8 billion in the historic deal. AMC owned by Chinese investorsAs the largest cinema
company in the world, AMC is owned by several investors. In 2018, Silver Lake Partners of
Menlo Park, CA made an investment of $600 million, giving the company some executive power, but
still much less than Wanda.
Secretary Janet Yellen is slammed for bowing multiple times to China's vice-premier.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was slammed for bowing multiple times when she met with China's
vice premier He Lifeng, as some critics say the protocol error is a sign of American
weakness. Yellen, who served as chair of the Federal Reserve before becoming Joe Biden's top
financial official, wrapped up her first visit to China as treasury secretary on Sunday.
Moments after bowing at least three times, Yellen then stumbled over He's name, calling him 'Vice
Premier Hu.'
China Has Had an Intelligence Base in Cuba for at Least 30 Years. A retired American
intelligence official told the Miami Herald in a report published Wednesday that China has been
conducting espionage activities in Cuba since at least 1992, taking advantage of the fall of the
Soviet Union to forge a closer relationship with the fellow communist nation. The report
follows growing concern within the United States regarding China and Cuba's publicly blossoming
relationship, triggered by a report in the Wall Street Journal last month claiming that Beijing and
Havana were discussing plans to build a spy base on the island. Cuba is about 90 miles away
from America and hosts a pivotal American military base, the Guantánamo Bay facility, making
it an enticing target for such activities by U.S. rivals.
bioweapon that elected Biden. Red China won Cold War II. As Sun Tzu said 2,500
years ago, "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." Chairman Xi did
so by using a bioweapon and bribes to eliminate the leader who opposed him. Xi replaced him
with Biden who he bought off a few years earlier for a lousy few million dollars. The
Jerusalem Post reported, "China deliberately engineered the coronavirus virus as a bioweapon, a
Wuhan Institute of Virology researcher claimed this week in an interview conducted by Chinese-born
human rights activist and author Jennifer Zeng. "Researcher Chao Shao asserts that the virus
was deliberately engineered by China as a bioweapon, and that his colleagues were tasked with
identifying the most effective strain for spreading among various species, including people."
Hmm, by various species does this include bats? If so, it was not bats giving man a
virus — as the media and its deep state masters insisted — but man giving
bats a virus. Which is more logical?
Bidens' Existential Threats to the American Rule of Law. The American people are
bewildered over why the Biden administration is appeasing the Chinese government. It keeps
insisting, contrary to evidence, that bilateral relations are in great shape — after
successful and unapologetic Chinese overt espionage efforts to send a spy balloon across sensitive
areas of the United States. China has defiantly stonewalled any request to explain how and
why a porous Chinese virology lab incompetently let escape a gain-of-function virus, a virtual
bioweapon, that killed over a million Americans and sickened over 300 million. Its jets
now play chicken with our own in the skies above the South China Sea. And its ships do the
same with our vessels in the same environs. It threatens to escalate to nuclear weapons if
the United States should protect its de facto ally Taiwan from envisioned Chinese aggression.
All the above is in addition to years of Chinese copyright infringement, patent violations,
manipulation of Chinese currency, trade dumping, and systematic espionage operations throughout
sensitive areas of the U.S. military and general economy.
Schwab praises Communist China's 'achievements,' wants to learn from premier's 'vision'. Klaus
Schwab, the founder and chairman of the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF), has once again praised the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) for its "achievements." During the opening speech at the WEF's "Summer Davos" taking
place in Tianjin, China, Schwab spoke fondly of the CCP's second-ranking member, Li Qiang, who also took part
in the event.
Biden Asks for $10M from CCP-Linked Associate: Bidens Do What 'Chairman Wants'. Just
days after demanding to be paid by an associate of a Chinese energy company, CEFC, in a 2017
WhatsApp text with President Joe Biden "sitting" next to him, Hunter Biden asked a second CEFC
business associate, Gongwen "Kevin" Dong, for $10 million in another WhatsApp text, noting the
Biden family is best at "doing exactly what the chairman wants." The "chairman," as Hunter
Biden referenced, was CEFC's chairman Ye Jianming, who paid Hunter a $1 million retainer fee for
legal services in 2017. Hunter also received a large diamond from Ye in February 2017 worth an
estimated $80,000.
Ways the Deep State Betrays Americans. [T]he CEO of Raytheon — one of
America's major defense companies — gave an interview in which he stated clearly that
"decoupling" from China is impossible. "Think about the $500 billion of trade that goes from
China to the U.S. every year," Greg Hayes argued. "More than 95% of rare earth materials or
metals come from, or are processed in, China. There is no alternative." Hayes assured
The Financial Times that it would take years to rebuild the necessary infrastructure in the United
States before American dependence on China could logically come to an end. Entrepreneur
Arnaud Bertrand called Raytheon's embarrassing admission "hilarious." In effect, "one of the
U.S. top weapons manufacturers" says, "we need China to fight China."
peddles new gas-stove study, neglects to mention one thing. Media outlets covering a
recently-published study claiming to show the harmful effects of gas stoves this past week failed
to note that the study was primarily funded by a China-linked climate group. The study found
that the burning of methane in gas stoves raised household levels of benzene — a
carcinogenic chemical — to those comparable with secondhand smoke, after setting one
burner to high or an oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes. Outlets such as
The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and NPR covered the study in the past seven days, but did not
mention that the study was conducted with "primary support" from the High Tide Foundation, a climate
activist non-profit committed to reducing methane that was co-founded by Richard Lawrence, an
investment banker with significant economic ties to China.
Economic Program is Made in China. As reported by New York Times Magazine at
the time, Joe Biden's goal was to transform the economy from the get-go: "The Biden Team Wants to
Transform the Economy. Really." Nearly two-and-a-half years later, the damage and chaos of
that transformation process are obvious: continuing high inflation (especially energy, food, and
gasoline prices), rising interest rates, recession predictions, a stagnant economy, depleted
individual savings, sky-high credit card debt, and other indications of stagflation and
recession. Who has benefited from the Biden economy? Green new deal grifters benefit
from the gargantuan tax subsidies and federal spending on transitioning the US economy from
hydrocarbon energy sources to "clean" sources, especially solar and wind energy.
The communist Chinese are happy to benefit from Biden economic policies that ultimately mandate
and subsidize green products from Chinese companies at the expense of the US companies who produce
and use hydrocarbons.
death throes will be a danger to us all. The Bretton Woods deal that America made
with its allies was simple. First, the American market would be open to all its allies.
Second, the United States and its navy, the most powerful fleet the world had ever known, would
guarantee the safety of all ocean supply chains. And third, in exchange for that largesse the
allies would side with us against the Soviet Union. China joined that system in 1980 and
together with cheap labor, industrial espionage, and intellectual property theft rapidly became the
workshop of the world. Not only was China the most populous country in the world, it promised
to overtake the United States economy, become the world's leader in technology, and dominate the
emergent global world order. Those dreams are now being terminated by the impacts of
demographics, geography, and "Xi Jinping thought."
Appears to Have Caved to China, Now Backs China's One China Policy Against Taiwan.
The recent shift in US policy regarding Taiwan has ignited a firestorm of controversy, as new
information linking the Biden family with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) raises serious
questions about potential ulterior motives. Amidst mounting allegations and growing calls for
accountability, even some Democrats are voicing concerns and calling for decisive action.
[Video clip]
Panders to Murderous CCP, Promises No U.S. Support for Taiwan Independence. Joe
Biden's cowardly secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is in China, kowtowing to America's number one
enemy — the genocidal Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Blinken even asserted, contrary to
multiple previous assurances from the Biden administration, that the U.S. does "not support Taiwan
independence" — and he even used a CCP propaganda phrase to justify it. The CCP,
which is an illegitimate, usurping, and mass-murdering dictatorship, continually blathers about the
"One China" principle — by which they mean that they want to own the free, legitimate,
and sovereign republic of Taiwan. The CCP, with its bloody rise to power on the bodies of
500 million victims, has no more right to rule Taiwan than it has to rule mainland China.
self-abasement toward China risks provoking an invasion of Taiwan. In multiple ways,
President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. is signaling to Xi Jinping and the rest of China's leadership
that he is accepting a status as subordinate to them. In the context of China's openly
proclaimed goal of taking over US ally Taiwan, this is an example of what the late Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld called "provocative weakness"
Day After Biden Bent the Knee, the Chinese Thoroughly Embarrass the Biden Administration. On
Saturday, Joe Biden arrived in Philadelphia, PA, to battle it out with Sen. John Fetterman for
who is the least capable of doing their job. Before their trainwreck of a joint presser,
though, the president took a question on US tensions with China while exiting Air Force One.
What he told a reporter in response was astonishing. Namely, Biden claimed that the Chinese
spy balloon that traversed much of the continental United States wasn't intentional and that CCP
leadership wasn't even aware of what the balloon was doing.
energy Democrats took donations from head of China-linked group pushing gas stoves ban.
House Democrats who voted against two GOP proposals to block President Joe Biden from banning gas stoves
accepted campaign donations from the head of a China-linked group pushing to electrify the U.S. economy,
records show. Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Ro Khanna (D-CA), Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), and
Adam Schiff (D-CA), among other Democrats, voted "nay" on Tuesday and Wednesday on the Gas Stove Protection
and Freedom Act and Save Our Gas Stoves Act. The cohort, and other congressional Democrats prioritizing
green programs, have been boosted to the tune of almost $23,000 by Hal Harvey, founder and president of
Climate Imperative, a nonprofit group with ties to China that has doled out large grants to activists behind
expansive electrification policies, according to campaign finance disclosures.
economy is [much worse] than anyone thought. Entering 2023, the relentless drumbeat
of Wall Street consensus was pounding out one consistent rhythm: China is back. After
years of lockdowns and suppressed output, economists and investors cheered the end of Beijing's
zero-COVID policy and the economic boom that was sure to follow. The colossus-in-waiting that
is the Chinese consumer was about to roam freely, analysts said. This was great news for the
whole world — everyone would benefit from the globe's second-largest economy getting
healthy. But six months into the year, Wall Street's dreams for the country are turning into
a nightmare. Far from an economic explosion, China's recovery from COVID has been weak.
Industrial production has disappointed. Trade — both imports and
exports — has slowed markedly. There is debt everywhere, especially in property
development, which makes up 30% of the economy.
likely sending military personnel into US, Homeland chair says. House Homeland
Security Committee Chairman Mark Green, R-Tenn., on Wednesday said China is likely sending military
personnel into the United States across the southern border. At a press conference announcing
an investigation into Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Green said there are "Chinese
Nationals, many of whom are military-aged men" with ties to the Chinese Communist Party who have
crossed the southern border and been released into the United States. "We have no idea who
these people are and it's very likely, using Russia's template of sending military personnel into
Ukraine, China is doing the same in the United States," Green also said. The revelation came
from a Border Patrol sector chief, Green said, adding that he expects a classified briefing on the
matter in the near future.
is putting its soldiers on U.S. soil, thanks to Joe Biden's open border. Is China
positioning its soldiers on U.S. soil in preparation for a conflict with the U.S.? [...] It sounds
fantastical, the figment of a fevered mind seeing Chinese conspiracies all over the place.
But there's reason to think it's not. The information is correlated with a striking rise in
Chinese illegal border crossers into the U.S. through our southern border, some 10,000 from October
2022, the beginning of the federal fiscal year, through April 2023, a sharp rise compared to about
2,000 who arrived from the same period last year. Virtually all of them are military-aged
young men. Might that just be the plan? Green's point, that this was how Russia began
its offensive against Ukraine, is likely important — this is the new style of warfare
for nations that mean to win, at least, and the Chinese are famous for copycatting.
GOP Rep Says There's Evidence The Biden Admin Released Migrants With Chinese Military Ties Into The
US. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green possesses evidence that
some Chinese migrants that crossed the southern border illegally and were released into the U.S.
under the Biden administration are connected to the Chinese Communist Party and China's People's
Liberation Army (PLA), he told the Daily Caller News Foundation during a press conference
Wednesday. The intelligence came directly from a Border Patrol sector chief, Green told the
DCNF. Border Patrol has seen a roughly 393% increase in illegal Chinese migrants at the southern
border, with 9,711 Chinese migrant encounters recorded between October 2022 and April.
Battery Plant In Michigan Gets Biden Admin Approval. The Biden administration is
permitting Gotion, a Chinese electric vehicle battery company, to move forward with the
construction of a new plant in Michigan with $175 million in direct taxpayer funding, according to
Fox News. Gotion — a subsidiary of parent company Gotion High-Tech —
had previously halted development of the Mecosta County battery plant earlier this year and
requested a federal review, after intense criticism about the company's ties to China and concern
from local residents, Fox reported. On Tuesday, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the
United States (CFIUS) decided that the proposed plant was not a covered real estate purchase under
the Defense Prohibition Act, which ultimately deemed the company a non-threat to national security.
Will Happen if China Strikes Taiwan During the Biden Administration? Biden is
compromised regarding China, and the two years' worth of weapons promised to Taiwan has not been
delivered. On Sunday, for the second time since Thursday, Chinese fighters and bombers
entered Taiwan's air defense zone, causing the island to scramble jets. Taiwan detected 24
Chinese aircraft, both fighters, and bombers, on Sunday. Ten of them crossed the "median
line." On Thursday, 37 Chinese aircraft entered Taiwan's air defense zone. The actions of
China are intended to demoralize Taiwan at this point. But if China strikes Taiwan while the
US is weak under the Biden administration, things will go "off the rails" instantly. Biden
has repeatedly said the US will protect Taiwan, and the White House staff has repeatedly walked
back those statements. With the backdrop of the disastrous US pullout from Afghanistan, it is
unlikely we would protect Taiwan.
using secret base in Cuba to spy on U.S., Biden admin official confirms. China has
been spying on the United States from a base in Cuba, a Biden administration official said on
Saturday, claiming that "this is an issue that this administration inherited." The Wall
Street Journal, followed by POLITICO and other outlets, reported on Thursday that China had been in
conversations with Havana to establish a new spy base in the island nation. That same day,
the White House and the Pentagon said the reporting was "inaccurate," without going into details.
has a secret spy base in Cuba from which they've been gathering intel on the US since at least
2019, White House says. News just broke moments ago from the Wall Street Journal that
the White House has divulged that China has had a spy base in Cuba since at least 2019 from which
they gather intel on the United States. Cuba is just 100 miles off the Florida coast.
Washington also said that China's attempts to gather intel via espionage are expanding rapidly.
"Officials familiar with the matter" said that China is paying Cuba "billions of dollars" for the privilege.
To Build Spy Base In Cuba Focused On Intercepting Communications Within U.S.: Report.
Communist China has reached a deal with Cuba to build an electronic eavesdropping base in the
island country — around 100 miles off the American coast, U.S. officials told The Wall
Street Journal. The deal, which is reportedly worth billions and has been agreed upon in
principle, will allow China to construct a facility that can intercept communications in the
southeastern U.S., home to dozens of military bases. The Chinese spy base could also monitor
U.S. ship traffic, WSJ reported. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said he could
not speak specifically to the alarming report, but the planned spy base in Cuba has caused alarm
within the Biden administration, according to the outlet. Officials said that the Chinese
facility would allow Beijing to monitor emails, phone calls, and satellite transmissions through
espionage monitoring known as SIGINT.
This means it must be true. Pentagon
and White House deny reports that China plans to build spy station in Cuba. The
Pentagon and the White House on Thursday denied reports that China is planning to build a listening
post in Cuba that would allow the communist power to eavesdrop on electronic communications across
the southeastern US. Department of Defense spokesman Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder called
reports of an agreement between China and Cuba to build the secret base "inaccurate." "I can
tell you based on the information that we have that that is not accurate, that we are not aware of
China and Cuba developing any type of spy station," Ryder said during a Thursday press briefing at
the Pentagon.
Cuba: An 'unprecedented new threat' from China. With weak, doddering, and likely
compromised Joe Biden at the helm of the U.S., the Chinese are moving fast now, taking their cold
war with the U.S. deep into our hemisphere. It's not just illegal police stations, extensive
spying on Congress members, and brazen balloon surveillance. Now this shocking news came out
yesterday about China's reach into the U.S.-dominated Caribbean. [...] It probably shouldn't come
as a surprise that they're doing this. Their aim is to take Taiwan. They know the
critical importance of sea lanes and sea lines of communication for the projection of power.
The U.S. fought Spain over this very issue in the Caribbean in 1898.
Defense Expert: Chinese Military Intelligence Pouring in Illegally. Dr. Lawrence
Sellin describes himself on his Twitter profile as a "Biological & Chemical Warfare Defense Expert,
IT & pharmaceutical industries, medical research, Colonel U.S. Army Reserve retired, Iraq &
Afghanistan veteran." He has sent out the alarm as to the number of Chinese Communist Party
members pouring into our country illegally. He said they are financed by Chinese people
already living in the country. "No question that Chinese military/intelligence personnel are
crossing into the U.S. with the Chinese illegal alien invaders, whose numbers are increasing.
The U.S. government is helping China do it. Inside the U.S., invaders get support from the
CCP Fifth Column already in place," Sellin tweeted.
States Hit with ACLU Lawsuits to Stop Bans Against CCP Buying Land Near Military Installations.
Multiple Asian American groups are taking legal action against Republican-led states over laws passed to
prohibit affiliates of the Chinese Communist Party from buying property. Currently enacted in Florida
and Alabama, with Texas considering a similar law, these measures restrict foreign nationals from purchasing
land near U.S. military installations or locations affecting national or state security. The plaintiffs
argue that these bans constitute unlawful discrimination.
Sent Billions in Funding to China, Russia for Cat Experiments, Wuhan Lab Research:
Ernst. Hundreds of millions of U.S. tax dollars went to recipients in China and
Russia in recent years without being properly tracked by the federal government, including a grant
that enabled a state-run Russian lab to test cats on treadmills, according to Sen. Joni Ernst
(R-Iowa). Ernst and her staff investigators, working with auditors at the Government
Accountability Office (GAO) and the Congressional Research Service, as well as two nonprofit
Washington watchdogs — Open The Books (OTB) and the White Coat Waste Project
(WCWP) — discovered dozens of other grants that weren't counted on the federal
government's internet database. While the total value of the uncounted grants
found by the Ernst team is $1.3 billion, that amount is just the tip of the iceberg, the GAO reported.
'spies' disguised themselves as tourists and tried to infiltrate multiple US military bases in
Alaska. Suspected Chinese spies disguised as tourists have made multiple attempts to
infiltrate US military bases in Alaska, according to US officials. The attempted breaches may
be probes into US military activities in the state, soldiers familiar with the matter told USA
Today. On one recent occasion, a vehicle carrying Chinese citizens blew past a security
checkpoint at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks.
to America? China is digging the world's deepest hole. In what may look like an
absurdity of communist central planning, China is digging the world's deepest hole. [...] The hole,
which at that depth is very difficult to engineer, will penetrate the superficial layers of the
Earth's crust to reach never before breached levels, and for scientists, that can provide
information that can be used to determine when earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will occur, as
well as identify critical mineral and energy resources, according to the report. The report
doesn't say so, but it's known that the prospect of locating "deep oil" is said to be a stunningly
important one for China, which not only could be lucrative for the Chinese, but also could yield
complete energy independence if it were developed. Meanwhile, the Chinese are also all about
locating rare-earth minerals for the electric cars and other devices they sell to the U.S. They
seem to be sticking to oil themselves, though.
it comes to China, "we have no plan". Inside Washington, there is still significant
consternation over the possibility that China may invade Taiwan and what the U.S. response would
be. That's understandable, given the current circumstances. But there is a larger and
different type of "war" with China that doesn't receive as much attention. China is in the
process of conducting political warfare against the West in general and America in
particular. That may soon be coupled with a form of economic warfare, considering how
dependent we remain on them in key elements of the supply chain. The White House has been
speaking to the leadership in the United Kingdom where they are grappling with the same
issues. But in terms of having a long-term plan, the general consensus seems to be that we
don't have one. And that's worrisome.
is feared to be hiding missiles in shipping containers as part of a Trojan Horse-style
plan. China has been secretly developing Trojan Horse-style missiles hidden in
shipping containers that can be unleashed on enemy ports, experts warn. Military analysts
believe the country's huge fleet of freighters and fishing vessels could be turned into warships
with the use of the secretive container missiles. The Sun reported, Disguised as a regular
shipping containers, they can be sneaked on board a vessel to blend in seamlessly with the hundreds
of others on board.
House Democrats, Eight Republicans Help Biden Shield China's Solar Industry from U.S.
Tariffs. Nearly all House Democrats, along with eight House Republicans, helped tank
an effort to override President Joe Biden's veto of a bipartisan plan that would have restored
United States tariffs on China-made solar panels. In June 2022, Biden announced a 24-month
tariff moratorium on solar panel imports from Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia.
Commerce Department officials suspect that the solar panels are actually made in China but have
been routed through the four southeast Asian nations to avoid U.S. tariffs on China-made solar
panels. The suspension of tariffs came even as Biden's Commerce Department found that BYD
Hong Kong rerouted its production through Cambodia, Canadian Solar and Trina through Thailand, and
Vina Solar through Vietnam for the sole purpose of avoiding the tariffs. This week, after
Biden vetoed a House and Senate-approved plan to reinstate the tariffs on solar panel imports, 197
House Democrats and eight House Republicans voted to help the administration stave off the tariffs.
thumbs its nose at the climate cult. Up until now, China has been considered a
"developing nation" in terms of carbon emissions, so most of the alarmists continue to turn a blind
eye to the way they ignore restrictions being put in place by other nations. They scoff at
the idea of paying into global climate funds. China has a population of 1.4 billion,
as compared to the roughly 330 million in the United States. India has even more now and
they don't do [anything] about climate change either beyond paying lip service to it. Meanwhile,
China is bringing new coal-fired power plants online every week. They're building pipelines and
expanding their oil and natural gas resources. Their energy needs are expanding as they grow and
seek to displace the United States as a global superpower and they're doing what it takes to power
those efforts. Meanwhile, here in the United States, power plants are being taken offline with
no plans to replace the lost energy. We're being pushed into rolling blackouts and the government
is coming to take away your gas stoves. And it's all supposedly being done to prevent an increase
in average global temperatures of one degree in the coming decades.
Cataclysm to Come. China is leading BRICS countries to replace the dollar's standing
as the world's reserve currency. Any success they attain will lessen demand for dollars and
possibly collapse the dollar's exchange rate. Moreover, the Chinese Communist Party
authorities think they have a chance to bolster their power and change the world order in their
favor. Because China's broad geopolitical interests are on the rise, a pressing question is
how to check China's ambitions at a time of division and discord in America. China's current
foreign policy could not happen without its substantial military forces and three-decades-long
economic growth, underwritten by its exports to America. Sensing American weakness, the CCP
may invade Taiwan before Joe Biden leaves office. Are the American people willing to fight
over Taiwan or freedom of navigation issues near Chinese-claimed islands?
Cowed by China's Aggression. The State Department delayed imposing sanctions, export
controls, and other measures on China after the Chinese military brazenly flew its large spy
balloon over Alaska, Canada and the lower 48 states in late January and early February. The
postponement of these measures, reported by Reuters on May 11, will almost certainly strengthen,
legitimize, and embolden the most hostile elements in senior Communist Party circles. These
hostile elements, thanks to the State Department, now have additional incentives to engage in
belligerent conduct, and, in light of Washington's craven behavior, every nation that looks to
America for security has to be extremely concerned.
RESTRICT Act Gives Up Nearly All Notions of Checks and Balances. Just like snake oil
salesmen of the past, these Senators may talk a good game, but their antidote is far worse than any
purported affliction. To address our nation's hysteria over dance videos, more than twenty
Senators, both Republican and Democrat, support the RESTRICT Act. They tell us that this bill
will help rein in the dastardly threat that comes from the Chinese government supposedly spying on
silly videos made by American teenagers. Instead, it bestows an astonishing amount of power
to the Executive branch in a manner that the Chinese Communist Party would approve of. As
Tucker Carlson correctly observed, "this is not an effort to push back against China. It's
part of a strategy to make America much more like China."
Ricketts Warns Of New Weapon Communist China Is Using Against The U.S..
Sen. Pete Ricketts (R-NE) warned during a Foreign Relations subcommittee hearing this week
that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using state-of-the-art AI to create "deep fakes" to
destabilize the U.S. Deep fakes are photos and videos that have been digitally manipulated to
alter voices or images or other aspects of the content to appear authentic in an effort to deceive
whoever is viewing the material. [...] Ricketts mentioned that the Soviet Union during the Cold War
spent billions on disinformation campaigns as part of their statecraft to destabilize the U.S. and
U.S. allies at the time. "And I believe that in 1980, for example, there was a conservative
estimate, the Soviet Union spent $3 billion on disinformation campaigns as part of their overall
strategy," he said, noting that the Soviet Union outspent the U.S. 10-to-1 in disinformation
campaigns at the time.
Bao Fan: Why do Chinese
billionaires keep vanishing? The disappearance last month of technology industry
dealmaker Bao Fan has rekindled interest in a recent Chinese phenomenon — vanishing
billionaires. The founder of China Renaissance Holdings — with a client list that has
included internet giants Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu — is seen as a titan in the country's tech
sector. Mr Bao's case has followed a well-trodden path: he went missing for days before
his company announced that he was "co-operating in an investigation being carried out by certain
authorities in the People's Republic of China". As has also become customary, there has been no
word yet on which government body is carrying out the probe, what it is about or Mr Bao's whereabouts.
First Versus America Last, China Edition. Communist China's number one goal is to
displace the US as the world's only superpower. Thus, the Chinese view anything that
undermines the US as an enabler to achieving that goal. The World Bank acknowledges that
energy production is at heart of economic development for any and all countries. The
corollary is that high energy prices brought about by scarcity is bad for economic growth.
Under President Trump's pro-energy policies, the US became an exporter of oil and gas for the first
time in years, with commensurate low gasoline prices at the pump. Biden's green policies have
led to the exact opposite result, as the US is now a net importer and dependent on potential
adversaries such as Russia, Venezuela, and Iran (in the near future) for oil. And then there
are the historically high gasoline prices. US energy insecurity benefits China.
House Votes to End Tariff Protections for Chinese Solar Manufacturers. Despite
objections from the Biden administration, the House voted 221-202 to strike down tariff protections
given during the Obama administration for solar panels built by Chinese manufacturers. The
Chinese solar panel industry already dwarfs the U.S., and the need for a tariff — if
there ever was a need — is gone. "Joe Biden's decision to protect Communist China's
solar manufacturers from U.S. tariffs is another demonstration of weakness from an already
spineless administration," House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) told Fox News Digital.
House Republicans vote in favor of the Chinese Communist Party. Just yesterday
Breitbart News reported that eight House Republicans joined the Democrats to support Joe Biden's
suspension of United States tariffs on suspected Chinese-manufactured solar panels. [...] Biden
being soft on China should come not to be a surprise to anyone. The president of the watchdog
Government Accountability Institute, Peter Schweizer, revealed that in 2013 Hunter and Joe flew on
Air Force Two to China two weeks before Hunter's firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with the CCP
operated Bank of China. Schweizer exposed numerous lucrative shady deals that benefited the
Biden family and Hunter's businesses, where Joe appeared to have a ten percent stake in a company
formed in partnership with top CCP officials. We must also remember that Joe Biden's
Washington think tank, the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, received more
than $54 million from individuals or entities linked to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) from 2014
to 2019. It would not be beyond the realm of possibility that the attempt to waive tariffs
happened with Biden's knowledge that solar panels were made in China but were re-routed to other
countries to evade tariffs.
suspicious censorship of science about the pandemic. The NY Times published an
interesting story yesterday about China's 3-year-long efforts to censor science about the nature
and origins of COVID. The story opens with an early Chinese paper about COVID which was
suddenly withdrawn without an explanation. [...] According to the Times, there's "no evidence" this
censorship had a specific goal with regard to the origins of the pandemic. Apparently this
was just part of China's routine effort to ensure China's government always looks good and never
appears to have been caught flat-footed. Nevertheless, the cover-up did often involve
scientific information on some of the earliest cases.
many weaknesses of the Chinese economy. The major problem for the Chinese economy is
the authoritarian ruling style of the CCP or the Chinese Communist Party. Since dissent is
not tolerated, this has created a culture of fear and self-censorship, which has made it difficult
for entrepreneurs and investors to operate freely. The CCP has a history of intervening in
the market to protect state-owned enterprises, which has led to inefficiencies and a lack of
innovation. The CCP's control over the economy has created a lack of transparency, which has
made it difficult for foreign investors to trust the Chinese market. The party's opaque
policies and practices have led to concerns about corruption and lack of accountability, which has
further weakened investor confidence. This has made it difficult for China to attract foreign
investment and in fact many companies are starting to leave China, especially the Japanese.
invisible 'fox hunt' taking place in America. Chinese police stations in the USA are
a hot topic in the news these days, with two arrests made in New York and six stations claimed in
Texas. These, we're told, were the "illegal" stations. Simultaneously, it's being
reported that there is a "growing number of Chinese migrants arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border
seeking asylum." But we Deplorables should be sensitive to the scent of weasel words.
These stories are always about "illegal" Chinese police stations in the USA, which are
characterized as "secret" or "unauthorized." This language leaves the impression that there may
be Chinese police stations in the USA that are legal. We should care about this weaseling
because the key point is that none are legal given their goals. There is a statute of the
People's Republic of China (PRC), called the "National Intelligence Law" (NIL), which mandates that
every Chinese national on planet Earth, wherever he may be, is obliged, under penalty of law, to
obey any intelligence-gathering request of the PRC. That is, the NIL makes a statutory spy
out of every Chinese national
Vows to Give $1 Billion to U.N. Climate Fund that Sends Money to China. On Thursday,
Joe Biden vowed to give at least $1 billion of American taxpayers' money to a climate fund at the
United Nations, even though the fund has sent millions of dollars to China in the past. As
reported by the Washington Free Beacon, Biden declared his support for the U.N.'s "Green
Climate Fund" (GCF), claiming that the money his administration sends to the fund will support
"developing countries in taking stronger climate action." However, the U.N. still officially
categorizes China as a "developing country," thus making the Communist nation eligible to be one of
the recipients of funding from the GCF. In 2019, the GCF pledged at least $100 million to a
"Green Development Fund" in Shandong, which is the second most heavily-populated province of
China. In September of 2022, the GCF gave $28 million to China, with tens of millions still
being reserved for China specifically. The GCF is scheduled to last until April of 2042.
Are Thousands of Military-Age Chinese Men Suddenly "Migrating" Across Our Southern Border?
Vast numbers of Chinese citizens are illegally crossing our border with Mexico. The U.S. Border
Patrol is able to apprehend some of them, but thanks to the Biden administration once they are processed
most of them are given "notices to appear" and are then freely released into our communities. That
means that they are running around without any supervision whatsoever. As you will see in the videos
that I have posted in this article, men make up the overwhelming majority of the Chinese citizens that
are "migrating" across our southern border, and almost all of those men are of military age. In some
cases, these men are paying human smugglers as much as $35,000 to get them into Texas. So either
those men are independently wealthy, or someone else is providing that money. Unfortunately, most
Americans don't even realize that this is happening, because Fox News is the only major news network
that is giving much attention to this crisis.
and China and the American ruling class. I agree with this author that America's
ruling elite bears the overwhelming share of responsibility for the Biden catastrophe. It was
they at all levels — finance, corporate, governmental, security agencies, media and
judiciary — that engineered and enabled the Biden coup. And I also agree with the
author that Biden has been an unprecedented domestic disaster. We will probably never recover
from it, certainly never, if Biden gets a second term, which seems highly likely. But the
current assertiveness of China is not for Biden's account. It is the inevitable consequence
of our elites' atrociously selfish, short-sighted and disloyal decision — decades
ago — to fast forward China's accumulation of wealth and power by offshoring America's
industrial base to the Middle Kingdom. [...] I don't agree with the author's implication that
China's behavior is somehow "aggressive" or sinister.
Roasts Swalwell For Sleeping With Chinese Spy During Hearing. In 2020, Democratic
member of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Eric Swalwell, confirmed his past
relationship with a woman named Fang Fang (or Christine Fang), who was suspected of being a Chinese
intelligence operative. On Wednesday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene hilariously roasted
Swalwell after he spoke during a congressional hearing, saying, "That was quite entertaining from
someone that had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy. And everyone knows it!"
Lobbyists Visited White House at Least 40 Times in Past Year. Executives at
high-powered firms hired by TikTok for lobbying and strategic consulting visited the White House at
least 40 times in the past year, according to official White House visitor records. The
Chinese social media platform and its parent company, ByteDance, are mounting a massive public
relations blitz as lawmakers are seeking to ban the app due to national security, espionage, and
data privacy concerns. ByteDance and TikTok have spent $13 million on federal lobbying sincex
2019 and hired heavyweight firms such as influential Democratic public relations shop SKDK.
Those hired guns have had the ear of the White House, the records show.
out There Are at Least 6 More of Those Chinese 'Police Stations' Operating in the U.S..
On Monday, the DOJ announced the arrest of "Harry" Lu Jianwang, 61, of the Bronx, and Chen Jinping,
59, of Manhattan — in connection with the operation of an illegal "police station" in lower
Manhattan. RedState first reported, in October, on the dozens of these secret outposts that have
cropped up throughout the world. Their purpose, ostensibly, is to monitor Chinese citizens
living abroad. At the time, only one such station was identified in the U.S., while three were
noted in Toronto, and others in London, Amsterdam, Prague, Budapest, Paris, Madrid, and Frankfurt.
54 stations (at least) were identified in 30 different countries.
ramps up construction on new Antarctic base. China is increasing its Antarctic
footprint according to new satellite imagery collected by a Washington-based think tank that shows
construction has resumed for the first time since 2018 on the country's fifth station in the
southern polar region. Beijing has sought to develop new shipping routes in the Arctic and
expand its research in Antarctica in recent years. But Western governments worry its
increasing presence in the polar regions could provide the People's Liberation Army (PLA) with
better surveillance capabilities.
may have up to six more 'illegal police stations' in the US. After the FBI arrested
two men in connection with a Chinese 'secret police station' in New York, activists say there may
be as many as six other similar illegal outposts across the US. In addition to the Manhattan
outpost that was shut down on Monday, Chinese police operate another station elsewhere in New York
City, and one in Los Angeles, according to a New York Post report citing the advocacy group
Safeguard Defenders. As well, the Madrid-based group has identified so-called 'Overseas
Chinese Service Centers' that purportedly provide community services in San Francisco, Houston,
Minnesota, and Nebraska.
Charges Dozens Of Chinese Officials For Allegedly Harassing, Persecuting Dissidents In
US. The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York unsealed a pair
of criminal complaints against 44 Chinese agents for allegedly harassing Chinese dissidents based
in the United States, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Monday. The two efforts
allegedly involved over 40 members of China's national police department, the Ministry of Public
Security (MPS), and two members of the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), who used
fraudulent social media accounts on an unnamed U.S. platform to "harass and intimidate" Chinese
citizens who promoted political views that were opposed by the Chinese government, the DOJ said in
a press release. One complaint also alleges that, beyond harassing and attempting to suppress
the free speech rights of Chinese nationals based in the U.S., members of the MPS created articles
and videos to target both Chinese dissidents and the U.S. government.
The Rise and Fall of
the BRI. China's ascent as an international financier (especially in low-income
countries) has been accompanied by claims that it engages in so-called debt-trap diplomacy.
The term originated in 2017 to describe a deal that saw Beijing receive a 99-year lease for the
Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka after the country fell behind on debt payments and has since been more
widely applied to any Chinese project that conflicts with Western interests, especially those under
the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Western media and senior policy officials seem to feel
that China is using the BRI to exert undue influence over the world, especially because the
initiative mostly funds infrastructure rather than the social sector projects, such as health or
education initiatives, that are often favored by large multilateral donors and Western nations.
Arrested for Operating Illegal Overseas Police Station of the Chinese Government. A
complaint was unsealed today in federal court in Brooklyn, New York, charging two defendants in
connection with opening and operating an illegal overseas police station, located in lower
Manhattan, New York, for a provincial branch of the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) of the
People's Republic of China (PRC). "Harry" Lu Jianwang, 61, of the Bronx, and Chen Jinping, 59, of
Manhattan, were arrested earlier this morning at their homes in New York City. Their initial
appearances are scheduled this afternoon in Brooklyn before U.S. Magistrate Judge Ramon E. Reyes
Jr. As alleged in the complaint, Lu and Chen are charged with conspiring to act as agents of
the PRC government as well as obstructing justice by destroying evidence of their communications
with an MPS official.
Stateside 'Rent-A-Womb' Industry Poses Yet Another National Security Nightmare.
American policymakers need to get serious about countering the threat from communist China.
While the House China Select Committee has announced it will be investigating Chinese investment in
U.S. research and academia, farmland, entertainment, social media, and defense contracts, it should
also examine the Chinese "rent-a-womb" industry in America. Increasingly, Chinese nationals
are using American surrogates to bear their children. Thanks to in vitro fertilization, they
don't even need to leave China. The practice arises from differences in Chinese and American
laws and may be driven by both the desire to become parents and the desire for U.S. citizenship.
But there is a national security risk involved too. Washington has no idea who these children
or their parents are.
arrests two New Yorkers accused of running [a] covert Chinese police station. The FBI
has arrested two men accused of running a covert station for China's police force in New York, and
using it as a base to track Chinese dissidents living in the US. The station, in Manhattan's
Chinatown, was allegedly set up in February 2022 and operated by Beijing's ministry of public
security (MPS) as part of a campaign of transnational repression against Chinese pro-democracy
activists and other political opponents around the world. The justice department also
announced charges on Monday against 40 MPS officers and four others for allegedly running an
internet troll operation against dissidents in the US, creating fake social media accounts to
harass them and recruiting an employee at an unnamed US telecoms company to have a pro-democracy
activist removed from the platform. The officers, thought to be in China, are alleged to be
members of an MPS unit, the "912 special project working group", dedicated to the pursuit of
dissidents abroad.
Rep Listed As 'Co-Chair' Of Yet Another Nonprofit With Ties To Chinese Communist Party.
California Democratic Rep. Judy Chu is listed as the "co-chair" of an organization that includes
several members with ties to alleged Chinese Communist Party (CCP) overseas influence operations, a
Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found. In 2014, Chu, who the DCNF previously
discovered was listed as a member of two other nonprofits with apparent ties to Chinese intelligence,
joined the "International Federation of Chamber of Commerce [sic]" (IFCC), an organization that shares
a website and personnel with the California-based 501(c)(6) nonprofit U.S.-Chinese General Chamber of
Commerce (UCCC), according to UCCC's website and images from IFCC's launch. Chu is currently
listed as "co-chair" on UCCC's website. By its own admission, UCCC and IFCC have cooperated
with Chinese government agencies and CCP bureaus that the U.S. government has identified as influence
operations, and since 2014, at least six of their leaders have variously served as members of the
CCP, the Chinese government and/or alleged Chinese intelligence front groups.
You Ready to Live with Less? Recently, perhaps for the first time, our country's
position as the world's reserve currency has been successfully challenged by China. Why are
countries hostile to the U.S. willing to substitute the Renminbi (Chinese Yuan) as the standard
means of international exchange vs. the American dollar? Such action would end America's
economic dominance, striking at us as the strategic protector, and destroying the American
dollar — it would be catastrophic. The American Dollar became the main reserve
currency solely due to its stability. When enough nations think our country is unstable,
they'll align with countries they believe to be more stable, even ascendant.
China Expert Warns: 'People's Liberation Army' Agents Enter the US Through the Southern
Border. First off, look at the goofy look on Biden's face in the feature image.
What's it tell you — other than he's clueless, but we already know that? It tells
me that Joe Biden honestly believes ChiCom dictator Xi Jinping is one of his pals, and as such,
honors every word he gives our inept president — and then some. For that, and
innumerable other ominous reasons, Joe Biden is a dangerous fool who has no business plopped in the
Oval Office, must less negotiating with communists whose stated goal is world domination.
tech companies are exploiting US green energy goals, former State Department officials warn.
Two former U.S. ambassadors are sounding the alarm on the increasing number of green energy projects
nationwide being developed with the involvement of Chinese companies. Former U.S. Ambassadors
Peter Hoekstra and Joseph Cella said Chinese companies, which are subject to strict Chinese laws, have
made a concerted effort to take advantage of U.S. green energy goals. The companies, they said,
are exploiting American tax incentives to build facilities and projects in the U.S., bolstering Chinese
industry and ensuring continued U.S. reliance on technology from China.
Final Battle Is Upon Us: Sic Semper Tyrannis. The Biden family sold out our
country — not to the highest bidder, but to all of them. Under Trump, we
prospered; we were safe and we were happy. But communism can't spread when We the
People are smiling, so Biden pulled the Bat-chute and brought it all to a screeching
halt. Joe Biden ran up a $52 million tab with China. And when Xi Jinping tells Joe to
jump? Mark my words: Joe Biden doesn't make decisions; he waits for orders from his Chinese
daddy. Not too long ago, China ordered Joe to allow a spy balloon to cruise over our
nation. Biden knows where his eggrolls are buttered and obeyed like the obsequient
lickspittle he is. I have a sneaking suspicion that Beijing told Joe Biden and his band of
bolshies to do what it takes to remove Trump from the 2024 election. Who has more to lose
than China? And today's spectacle in New York City is just the beginning. There are
three more bogus investigations to come.
Warriors. [Scroll down] Even if we give The Chiefs the full benefit of the
doubt and say '"better late than never," it would still be fair to ask if they are sincere when:
a) they do not immediately block and prohibit projects like the planned CCP battery
company in Michigan, which will host up to 300 Chinese nationals who are scheduled to live and work
there to serve as CCP operatives.
b) they allow the CCP to buy up vast tracks of U.S. agriculture land — often in
the proximity of military installations.
c) they know that the invasion at our southern border (and now northern border), utilizing
Mexican drug cartels as proxies for human and drug smuggling, is a tactic right out of the Unrestricted Warfare
playbook, yet they don't lift a finger to put a stop to it.
d) they allow the likes of the United Front Work Department, and Chinese-U.S.. Exchange
Foundation and all their CCP agents to operate freely within our nation, exerting their Marxist influence
across our national institutions — from our children's classrooms to the halls of Congress; into
the White House and perhaps even the Pentagon itself.
These and a string of other infringements on United States' sovereignty by the CCP, on American soil,
would never be tolerated by Red China, if Americans tried these antics on their turf.
turning Chinese — I really think so. Down in Argentina, China is learning
to tango quickly: "Argentina and China formalize currency swap deal." Beyond trade and
currency, this is a slap in the face because other countries will see this as China rising and the
U.S. falling. That's exactly the image that China wants to project to the Third World.
In other words, China is the future and Washington is the past. During the campaign, we were
told that the smart people had to replace the crazy Trump. We needed Biden's experience to
work out all these foreign policy issues. So far, it looks like the only smart people here
are the Chinese.
and the 'Great Reset'. A very real war is being waged to destroy the United States
from within, not from a foreign invasion firing bullets and missiles. In the crosshairs is
the U.S. Constitution and the people's rights and freedoms which it protects. There are also
external actors in this war against the U.S. that include Russia and Iran. But China and its
Communist Party (CCP) is the most formidable, and has a large presence within the United
States. The Chinese People's Liberation Army manual Unrestricted Warfare stresses the
importance of defeating the United States by working through supranational bodies such as the
United Nations, the WTO, WHO, IMF and the World Economic Forum (WEF), to name a few. Through
cultural transformation and elite capture, the CCP has also established beachheads which are
internal fronts of the war to undercut the U.S.
is gutting the US Navy. Biden is speaking loudly but carrying an ever smaller
stick. Over the past couple of years, Xi has been ratcheting up the pressure on Taiwan, and
Biden has matched and raised his bet. I have long been skeptical of the U.S.' strategic
ambiguity regarding Taiwan. Like it or not, Taiwan is now at the heart of global commerce,
punching far above its weight class. About 70% of microprocessors are made by Taiwan
Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), and while not all of them are manufactured on the
island, the world economy would be crippled by its loss. Taiwan is at the heart of the
high-tech economy upon which the world now depends, and that is one of the many reasons China wants
to control it.
charges FTX's Bankman-Fried with paying $40 mln Chinese bribe. U.S. prosecutors on
Tuesday unveiled a new indictment against Sam Bankman-Fried, accusing the founder of the now-bankrupt
FTX cryptocurrency exchange of paying a $40 million bribe to Chinese officials so they would
unfreeze his hedge fund's accounts. The new bribery conspiracy charge adds to the
pressure on the 31-year-old former billionaire, who now faces a 13-count indictment over the
November collapse of FTX.
TikTok Shows
How Easy It Is to Buy Congress. There was a time when Americans used to sneer at
corrupt third worlders whose entire governments had a hand out. There was corruption in
America, but it was mostly internal and foreigners couldn't just walk in and bribe half the
government. Abscam was a shock to the system and then by the time the Clintons began renting
out the Lincoln Bedroom, followed by Harry Reid, the Bushes and then the Bidens getting into bed
with the Chinese, we've become not just corrupt, but laughably easy for the Chinese to buy up like
a dollar store. [...] Some say this explains AOC's newfound enthusiasm for TikTok. Either
way, it's absurdly easy for a foreign company operating under an enemy government to just show up
and start handing out cash to congressional groups with no apparent legal recourse. Remember
when Dems and the media were warning about foreign influence operations? Suddenly they don't
seem as interested in common sense reforms like preventing foreign companies from buying influence
in Congress.
Donations Come To Light After AOC Defends TikTok From Possible Ban. An organization
that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is a member of has accepted sizable donations from
ByteDance, the Chinese parent company of the social media platform TikTok, which the democratic
socialist recently defended from a possible nationwide ban. Jake Denton, a technology policy
expert at the Heritage Foundation, noted that Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the advisory council for
the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, a nonprofit entity that received $150,000 at the end
of last year from ByteDance, according to a lobbying contribution report. "What a
coincidence," Denton said on social media. Ocasio-Cortez recently remarked on TikTok that a
ban of the platform over national security and privacy concerns would be "unprecedented" and said
that such a move does not "really address the core of the issue, which is the fact that major
social media companies are allowed to collect troves of deeply personal data about you that you do
not know about." She added that lawmakers should instead pass a broader data privacy bill for
social media firms.
China War Looms, Navy's Priority is Going 'Green'. The "age of American naval dominance is
over", Jerry Hendix, a former Navy Captain warned in a high-profile article in The Atlantic.
Hendrix's article imagines a scenario in which China or other enemy nations seize control of what are now
international waters and the cargo that moves across them. "The great container ships and tankers
of today would disappear, replaced by smaller, faster cargo vessels capable of moving rare and valuable
goods past pirates and corrupt officials." A handful of nations would end up controlling the
chokepoints of international trade and America would not be one of them. Navy Secretary Carlos
Del Toro has already conceded China's naval supremacy. Last month, the Biden appointee stated
that China has "got a larger fleet now so they're deploying that fleet globally."
Group the Chinese Communists Fear the Most. I have rarely heard it mentioned in the
mainstream media, but, according to reports, during the 1990s in communist China, thirty thousand
members of Falun Gong were rounded up and executed. The founder of Falun Gong, Li Hongzhi,
fled China and now lives in the U.S., while in China members of the order went underground. [...]
The story of the Chinese government crackdown on Falun Gong is a classic example of totalitarian
intolerance of competing ideas, and it involves both propaganda and physical terror. A
careful examination of the record proves that the response of the communist Chinese regime is not
very different from that of ancient regimes toward their own enslaved peoples. Despite their
vast power, totalitarian leaders are fearful and at times even paranoid, as was Stalin, and the
flip-side of fear is repression.
Chinese battery maker will require allegiance to 'Constitution of the Communist Party of China,'
company bylaws say. The insane government of the United States is provoking war with
China, an opposing military and economic power, while at the same time inviting and paying that
opposing country to build a massive factory on its soil, in the state of Michigan, heaping huge
taxpayer-funded incentives on the Chinese in the process. Of course they are also allowing
that opposing country, China, which they clearly want to go to war with, to buy up American
farmland. Utterly insane. Neither Michigan nor any of the other states allowing China
to buy up land and build factories could get away with this if federal law didn't allow it.
We are being sold out to the highest bidder. The frightening fact is that the highest
bidder — China — is the same entity that our government is currently
threatening and telling that it had better not get involved in helping its ally, Russia, in its war
with Ukraine. Insane? It would certainly appear so. The only way to rationalize
such seemingly insane policies is if the U.S. government wanted not only to go to war with
China/Russia but wanted to lose that war. This would truly pave the way for a one-world
dictatorship under a beast system as prophesied in the Bible.
the Biden Admin Helped a Public University Partner With a CCP-Controlled School. The
Biden administration is using taxpayer cash to fund a University of Virginia climate change
partnership with a Chinese Communist Party-controlled school that conducts research for China's
military. President Joe Biden's National Science Foundation last year awarded more than
$130,000 to the University of Virginia to conduct climate change research with Beijing-based
Tsinghua University, federal spending disclosures show. Tsinghua University, which counts
Chinese president Xi Jinping among its alumni, will work with University of Virginia researchers to
chart the global "transition to a low-carbon economy," according to the grant description.
Tsinghua University is funded by China's Ministry of Education and maintains a "CCP Committee" that
keeps the school "in accordance with President Xi's hopes." It also holds "secret-level
security credentials" for classified military research, trains students for China's nuclear weapons
program, and has allegedly carried out cyberattacks for the Chinese government, according to the
Australian Strategic Policy Institute. It is also one of several Chinese universities under
the supervision of the communist nation's State Administration of Science, Technology, and Industry
for National Defense, a CCP agency that works to deepen university involvement in the defense sector.
State Government Websites Are Infested with Trackers from China's TikTok. A recent
report from the Wall Street Journal claims that web-tracking code from TikTok's parent
company ByteDance has been discovered on 30 state government websites across 27 U.S. states.
The Wall Street Journal reports that according to the cybersecurity company Feroot Security,
web-tracking code created by TikTok's parent company ByteDance has been discovered on 30 U.S. state
government websites spread across 27 states. The code, known as tracking pixels, raises
concerns about the app's ties to the Chinese government by indicating that U.S. state governments
are taking part in a data collection effort for a foreign-owned company.
growing worldwide influence has set off alarm bells, but is anyone listening? Over
the past several years, the preponderance of discussions regarding China has focused on its threat
to Taiwan and its increased military capabilities. As China has developed its military power
at an almost exponential pace, it has also quietly established economic, political and military
relationships with many countries around the globe. Virtually no regions have been
overlooked. Qin Gang, China's new foreign minister, recently said that "China's diplomacy has
pressed the accelerator button" as he discussed his country's international efforts. Has the
U.S. watched these relationships develop, or have we slept through the alarms?
demands WH 'correct' Biden's 'dishonest' denial that kin got money tied to China.
House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer on Tuesday demanded the White House "correct" a
"misleading and dishonest" statement by President Biden regarding more than $1 million his
relatives got from a company with ties to China's Communist Party. Comer (R-Ky.) revealed
last week that fewer than two months after Biden left office as Barack Obama's vice president,
State Energy HK Limited, a firm affiliated with Chinese Communist Party-backed energy company CEFC
China Energy, wired $3 million to Biden family associate Rob Walker. The dough was
subsequently distributed to at least three members of the Biden clan and two Biden family
associates, according to bank records obtained by the Oversight Committee.
presidents have made China and Russia much stronger and America intentionally weaker?
President Trump recognized the risk of Tik Tok years ago but Biden reversed his executive orders
that banned them. Now the Biden administration supposedly cares. Trump set up a program
to investigate Chinese spying but the Biden administration stopped it because they apparently
didn't want to hurt Xi's feelings. [...] Trump stopped travel from China early in the COVID
pandemic and Biden and others accused him of being xenophobic. They said it was racist to
call it the Chinese virus even though it came from China. When Trump and others wanted the
Wuhan lab to be investigated as the source of the virus, the media, Dr. Fauci, and others
colluded to call that a disproven conspiracy theory. All the people that called it a debunked
or disproven conspiracy intentionally lied to protect China from investigations and to
intentionally mislead the public.
and Putin: Pawns on China's Chessboard. In the Russo-Ukrainian war, Ukraine is the
victim, and Russia is the aggressor. However, the victim and the aggressor are not acting
alone. Who made Ukraine the victim? Who helped Russia make the blunder of
aggression? While analyzing the current Russo-Ukrainian war, the media tend to overlook one
thing. Namely, President Biden and President Putin are — for the lack of a more
appropriate word — vassals to China's triple-emperor, Xi Jinping. From that
perspective, the notion of "a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine" evaporates. The WWIII scare
disappears, too, if one recalls two main China objectives: Taiwan and South Siberia. The
occupation of Taiwan requires a weak United States, and the annexation of South Siberia demands a
powerless Russia. It looks as though everybody overestimated Biden and Putin, treating them
as independent players and not as order-takers on the Chinese payroll, which they are.
Guilty. Last week another
shoe dropped on the Biden crime family. James Comer, chairman of the committee investigating the most
disturbing scandal in the history of the White House finally received the records from a bank —
one of twelve — that the Bidens have used to stash their payoffs from China's Communist
dictatorship. Comer had previously been stone-walled for two years by the corrupt and incompetent
Biden Treasury head, Janet Yellen. This first Biden bank record to be surrendered showed that three
members of the Biden family including Beau Biden's widow Hallie and one person identified only as "Biden"
received payments amounting to $1 million from a Chinese Communist State energy company. What
were the payments for? Forget asking the Bidens who have a long history of silence and denial on
such material questions.
China Hires the
Biden Administration. Whenever SKDK sends out a press release, it makes sure to
mention that Politico had once called it "the loyal opposition where powerful Democrats plot the
anti-Trump agenda" and that the Holmes Report had described the firm "the hub of the resistance."
The "loyal opposition" now works for Communist China. And the "hub of the resistance" is
being employed on behalf of a company operating out of one of the world's most totalitarian
regimes. Faced with a possible ban on its destructive social media app, TikTok has gone out
and hired the Biden administration and its "resistance" apparatus. And it probably even got a
good deal. SKDK's managing director, Anita Dunn, is Biden's senior advisor and unofficial
campaign manager who took control and steered him through the Democrat primaries.Dunn, an Obama
vet, is now in charge of crafting the response to Biden's classified documents scandal. SKDK
people became Biden's campaign comms and they've continued to fill that role in the administration.
Secretary Jennifer Granholm praises China. What at first would appear to be a
head-scratcher comes sharply into focus only when you understand that China is constantly
increasing its greenhouse gas output without U.S. rebuke. Its output is now greater than all
the other developed nations combined! Nothing the rest of the world (i.e. America and
Europe both committed to net zero) does will achieve Biden's stated goals to "save" the
planet. China greenlights two coal plants a week while the U.S. and Europe shutter their own,
risking brownouts and people dying from the cold! Why are we such zealots for dumping our
traditional sources of energy with nothing on the near horizon to replace our needs? Granholm
knows what's going on, and, like our President, both are in the tank for an ever-ascendant China.
Hires Firm Founded by Biden Senior Adviser, Nets Yawn. On Thursday night,
Politico's Daniel Lippman reported that the Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok
"hired top Biden-connected consulting firm SKDK" founded by current White House senior adviser
Anita Dunn within "the last few months" to likely help it escape scrutiny and a possible ban from
the federal government amid legitimate concerns its stored data can be used by the Chinese
Communist Party. Given the liberal media's penchant for littering their newscasts with puff
pieces on TikTok bringing people together and viral trends, the major broadcast networks of ABC,
CBS, and NBC ignored this story on their flagship morning and evening newscasts.
Looming Reckoning for COVID Tyrants. Though China is likely the primary culprit in
unleashing COVID upon the world, and it might be perhaps more appropriate to have these trials in
Wuhan, it is difficult to imagine ways in which China's ruling Communist Party can be held to
account for their obvious role in all of this, outside of an armed conflict in which we are
victorious. The Chinese clearly do not respect the international authority of the United
States or other Western powers any more than they respect their own innocent and healthy citizens
whom they are willing to incarcerate in their homes en masse by welding the doors to
their homes shut, and they are clearly withdrawing from the international dialogue while signaling
alliances with the West's adversaries.
the dots on Nordstream sabotage and China's sudden emergence as a Middle East peace broker. The
shocking announcement that China had brought together bitter rivals Shiite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia to
resume diplomatic relations in a deal negotiated in Beijing is a stunning defeat for America, threatening
the basis of our Middle Eastern and world diplomatic power. If, as it appears, Saudi Arabia is
no longer a reliable ally that can be counted upon to keep the Armageddon-mongering mullahs in Iran
at bay while warming up to Israel, then the entire power calculus of the Middle East is
shattered. At a minimum, American prestige and perceptions of our power have dramatically crashed,
though our propaganda media are doing their best to prevent the domestic public from understanding this.
US energy
secretary praises China's climate change efforts. United States Department of Energy Secretary
Jennifer Granholm claimed in an interview that America can "learn from what China is doing" regarding
climate change, while defending the nation against claims that it is among the bigger contributors
to the perceived problem. Granholm was interviewed at the South by Southwest (SXSW)
conference in Austin, Texas, and according to Fox News, she told viewers that China is "very
sensitive" on the issue of climate change, even more so than the United States. China "has
been very sensitive, and has actually invested a lot in their solutions, to achieve their goals,"
Granholm said in an interview with Wajahat Ali.
The Editor says...
Yes, I agree that China "has actually invested a lot in their solutions, to achieve their goals," and their goals
include building coal-fired power plants at the rate of a hundred per year.
China vs. USA.
China is pulling out all the stops to lead the world in AI. It is spending money, rapidly
advancing those with the highest test scores; it has one inimitable advantage over the US. It can
collect data on everyone, including Americans on Tik-tok and use it in their machine learning
training sets thereby giving Chinese AI the edge. "China's loose privacy laws, mandatory data
collection, and targeted government funding give the country a key advantage." China's
challenge comes at a time when American scientific societies are emphasizing gender and ethnoracial
diversity priorities into STEM.
Michael J. Gallagher Chairs Vital House Committee on Communist China. Communist China
now has a largest Army and Navy in the world, and they are involved in a massive warship building
program, expanding the number of China's aircraft carriers and their nuclear submarines. Cong
Gallagher's focus as the Chairman of the Select Committee on Communist China is to grapple with the
reality of the severe modification that have occurred in Southeast Asia over the last two years,
where Communist China's growing military power, and America's declining military capabilities have
destabilized the status quo. Those realities have threatened America's allies of South Korea,
Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, Australia, Guam, and Thailand in the region. The military
imbalance in favor of Communist China has also undermined the strategic status quo in Europe and in
Asia. Unless the Select Committee exposes the military imbalance to the American electorate,
and convinces Congress to take action to rectify it, primarily through a major expansion of the US
Armed Forces and a commensurate increase in America's defense industrial capacity, it will only be
a matter of time before an element of the strategic status quo cracks.
suspects Chinese ships cut islands' internet cables. In the past month, bed and
breakfast owner Chen Yu-lin had to tell his guests he couldn't provide them with the
internet. Others living on Matsu, one of Taiwan's outlying islands closer to neighboring
China, had to struggle with paying electricity bills, making a doctor's appointment or receiving a
package. For connecting to the outside world, Matsu's 14,000 residents rely on two submarine
internet cables leading to Taiwan's main island. The National Communications Commission,
citing the island's telecom service, blamed two Chinese ships for cutting the cables. It said
a Chinese fishing vessel is suspected of severing the first cable some 50 kilometers (31 miles)
out at sea. Six days later, on Feb. 8, a Chinese cargo ship cut the second, NCC said.
Convinces Kevin McCarthy To Cancel Visit In Bid To Placate China. House Speaker Kevin
McCarthy will meet Taiwan's premier in California, seemingly backtracking on plans to visit the
self-governed island to avoid provoking China, the Financial Times reported. GOP
Rep. McCarthy of California promised in the summer he would travel to Taiwan if elected
Speaker of the House, according to the FT. However, he and Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen agreed
to meet in California instead to avoid provoking a similar response from China when former speaker
Nancy Pelosi traveled to Taipei in August. "We shared some intelligence about what the Chinese
Communist party is recently up to and the kinds of threats they pose," a senior Taiwanese official
told the FT when asked about the intelligence Taiwan provided to McCarthy's office.
Openly Infiltrates Our Political System, and America's Media Doesn't Seem to Care.
The American media has been liberal for decades, but the utter disregard for the truth that
pervades much of the reporting today is something new. With all the alarm over misinformation
on the Right, little attention has been paid to the much broader form of misinformation that
dominant corporate media perpetrates today. One of the biggest stories of our time is the way
Communist China has co-opted so many leading American institutions and individuals. How is it
that America, a country committed to human rights, is freely trading with China, a country
currently operating slave labor camps? That's a serious and important question, but it's one
the media barely addresses. Many well-intentioned Americans believed that free trade would
liberalize China and provide low-cost goods, ultimately helping American families. In
reality, free trade fueled Communist China's rise, minus the promise of liberalization.
Moreover, these policies left America overly dependent on Chinese-made goods, including key
products needed for America's security, its health care, and even, astoundingly, its military.
is hanging on to foreign investment money. A hallmark of totalitarianism is that it's
never your money; it's always the government's money, although the government can be kind enough to
let you have it. Certainly, Canadian truckers were reminded of that last year when Trudeau
had their bank accounts frozen without any due process. And here in America, leftists
repeatedly confuse taxpayer money with government money. In China, the government makes no
pretenses about its right to all money within its borders, as investor Mark Mobius discovered when
he tried to withdraw his investments from Shanghai. Mobius appeared on Fox Business last week
to explain how the Chinese were putting essentially insuperable barriers in place to block him from
withdrawing his funds: [Tweet] [...] Under Xi Jinping, China is engaged in a massive, "put all
your money on one color" gamble. Currently, the Chinese economy is still struggling both
because of COVID and because Xi has vastly overextended it. However, if Xi can use what money
he has, including foreign investor money. to wipe out the American economy while building up his
own military to a point at which no one has the courage to take him on, he's won.
Ports Full of This 'Trojan Horse' From China. As Americans' awareness of threats from
China increases — thanks to a spy balloon in our skies and a growing understanding of
TikTok's influence — the U.S. officials are ringing the alarm about another potential
avenue for malign interference in the United States from Beijing: cranes. The highly
visible but generally ignored ship-to-shore cranes at American ports are responsible for loading
and unloading tens of millions of shipping containers each year. In addition to being a
critical component of American supply chains, they're also used in some cases by the U.S. military.
Some of these cranes are innocuous, but an estimated 80 percent of ship-to-shore cranes operating
at U.S. ports are made by ZPMC, a China-based manufacturer, leading to rising concern among American
defense and national security personnel that have compared the cranes to a "Trojan horse," according
to an exclusive report in The Wall Street Journal.
China influence the Canadian elections for Trudeau? It's been a sticky couple of
weeks for Canada's natural governing party, as the Liberals like to call themselves.
Anonymous sources from CSIS, Canada's intelligence agency, leaked information to two major Canadian
media outlets, The Globe and Mail and Global News. The reports say China
interfered in Canada's two most recent federal elections, and that CSIS alerted the government, but
that despite warnings the Liberals — who won both elections with a minority
government — did nothing. It's simultaneously a crisis for the Liberals and a bit
of a yawn. Canadians already knew Justin Trudeau was soft on China's 'basic dictatorship'. If
there was to be foreign interference from one of the most aggressive world powers on the map —
and why wouldn't there be? — they wouldn't expect him to stand up to it.
Role in Black-Market Money Laundering. Illicit proceeds are the catalyst driving the
tragedies surrounding the open U.S. border. Yet few realize the quiet ascendency of Chinese
money launderers. They are displacing Colombians and Mexicans. Their preferred
methodology is the Black-Market Peso Exchange (BMPE). It is arguably the largest and most effective
money laundering methodology in the Western Hemisphere. The evolution of the BMPE is an
excellent case study of how international criminal networks adapt and how China is taking
over. Ironically, the BMPE was not created to launder drug money. In 1967, Colombia
enacted regulations that strictly prohibited citizens' access to foreign exchange. Colombian
merchants who wanted to import U.S. trade goods — for example, John Deer tractors, Bell
helicopters, or Marlboro cigarettes — through legitimate banking channels had to pay
stiff surcharges above the official exchange rate. To avoid these steep add-on costs,
importers often turned to Colombian underground peso brokers, from whom they could buy U.S. dollars
on the black market for less than the official exchange rate to finance their legitimate trade.
Is Openly Infiltrating Our Political System and the American Media Doesn't Seem to
Care. The American media has been liberal for decades, but the utter disregard for
the truth that pervades much of the reporting today is something new. With all the alarm over
misinformation on the right, little attention has been paid to the much broader form of
misinformation that dominant corporate media perpetrates today. One of the biggest stories of
our time is the way Communist China has co-opted so many leading American institutions and
individuals. How is it that America, a country committed to human rights, is freely trading
with China, a country currently operating slave labor camps? That's a serious and important
question, but it's one the media barely addresses. Many well-intentioned Americans believed
that free trade would liberalize China and provide low-cost goods, ultimately helping American
families. In reality, free trade fueled Communist China's rise, minus the promise of
liberalization. Moreover, these policies left America overly dependent on Chinese-made goods,
including key products needed for America's security, its health care and even, astoundingly, its military.
China Invades America, Will Leftists Rejoice? God forbid there be a military conflict
with China. Yet as tensions increase over Taiwan, spy balloons, and escalating rhetoric, the
prospect of a skirmish or broader conflict with that massive nation is a daunting cloud over
America. Traditionally, one would expect such a menace to unite Americans, yet today's far
left despises the Constitution and the nation, and indeed tradition itself. More, the left
ignores the human rights abuses of nations such as China in its derisive slanders against
America. Bent on destroying the nation from within, will the left simply roll out the red
carpet for Red China if it attacks America? After all, the grand utopian fantasies of the
America-haters is firmly grounded in Marxism — a power grab to create some new yet
undefined authoritarian nirvana.
Leaks on Beijing's Interference: Warnings Dismissed for Decades, Now Issue Deeply
Entrenched. The latest intelligence leaks about China's influence operations in
Canada are part of a trend that goes back at least three decades, though it has accelerated in
recent years. As early as the 1990s, a joint report by the RCMP and the Canadian Security
Intelligence Service (CSIS) was leaked to the media, warning about Beijing's operatives and
criminal gangs becoming entrenched in various Canadian sectors, but the authorities dismissed those
concerns. Decades later, drug operations and money laundering became the subject of a B.C.
public inquiry. Back in 2010, long before the recent intelligence leaks concerning some
federal and provincial elected officials alleged to be working with China, then CSIS-head Richard
Fadden had warned about such issues. But he was condemned by a House of Commons committee for
saying that some elected representatives were under the control of a foreign government. He
was dragged before committee meetings in an effort to force him to retract his statements and resign.
Clinton Smears DCNF Reports On CCP As 'Racist' After Taking Millions From China.
Former Secretary of State and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton lambasted critics of
Democratic California Rep. Judy Chu's China connections as "racist," but Clinton herself has a
history of taking donations and working with figures linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Chu
came under fire last month after the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) reported on her
alleged connections to the CCP, including that she was appointed as honorary chairwoman of an
alleged CCP front group. That prompted Republican Texas Rep. Lance Gooden to share the
DCNF story on Twitter, accompanied by a comment questioning where her loyalty lies. [Tweet]
barrels ahead on coal plant construction. Joe Biden's greenie czar, John Kerry, has
been looking like a boob lately, jetting around the world in a plume of greenhouse gas emissions,
and talking up China as America's partner in making the climate green. [...] Coal is king in China
and to the Chinese, John Kerry is just another Western green idiot to pat on the head as the real
business of state powers onward. They had a good time playing him with his greenie games,
however. Just this past year, Kerry was touting China as a partner in the quest to go green,
and China played along with the farce to perfection.
Pandemic Treaty: The Back Door to CCP Control Over America. America's enemies never
stop scheming about the ways in which they can bring the United States down. China, our
greatest external strategic enemy, already has a plan to gain control of America through the next
pandemic and United Nations agency channels. The first stage of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) accomplishing this was gaining controlling influence over the U.N.'s World Health
Organization (WHO), which was achieved when the Chinese groomed Tedros Adhanom Ghbreyesus as a
candidate and then got him elected as Director-General of the WHO in 2017. The WHO's misguided
recommendations and harmful policy responses to the Covid-19 China virus included lockdowns and
disruptions of holidays; school, church, synagogue, and business closures; social distancing and
masking that retarded children's social development — all of which led to economic
contraction, bankruptcies, supply chain disruptions and inflation. That record doesn't
enhance the WHO's trust factor, and its ability to deal with future health emergencies and pandemics.
drone flights rise near Japanese airspace in last 1 1/2 yrs. Drones from China have
caused the Air Self-Defense Force to scramble jets 12 times since August 2021. In the
eight years before then, dating to September 2013, the ASDF only had three such scrambles.
China's rapid increase in drone flights in the East China Sea and its vicinity are believed to be
laying the groundwork for a Taiwan contingency. According to the Defense Ministry, the ASDF
scrambles jets when there is a threat of airspace violations based on an analysis of flight
routes. Chinese drones have been confirmed over the East China Sea "almost every day in
recent years," a senior ministry official said. The ASDF made its first scramble against a
Chinese drone in September 2013, then did so again in May 2017 and April 2018. There were no
such scrambles in 2019 or 2020. In May 2017, a drone believed to be from the China Coast
Guard violated Japanese airspace by entering the skies over the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture.
permits two new coal power plants per week in 2022. Coal power plant permitting,
construction starts and new project announcements accelerated dramatically in China in 2022, with
new permits reaching the highest level since 2015. The coal power capacity starting
construction in China was six times as large as that in all of the rest of the world
combined. 50 GW of coal power capacity started construction in China in 2022, a more
than 50% increase from 2021. Many of these projects had their permits fast-tracked and moved
to construction in a matter of months. A total of 106 GW of new coal power projects were
permitted, the equivalent of two large coal power plants per week. The amount of capacity
permitted more than quadrupled from 23 GW in 2021. Of the projects permitted in 2022,
60 GW were not under construction in January 2023, but are likely to start construction soon,
indicating even more construction starts in 2023. In total, 86 GW of new coal power
projects were initiated, more than doubling from 40 GW in 2021.
hard to believe the Chinese birth rate is absolutely cratering, isn't it? You're
probably aware that China is desperately trying to boost its cratering birth rates: [Tweet]
[...] If you don't understand the math here, it means China's population could half in the coming
decades — by the end of the century for sure — and cheap labor by an
exploding number of citizens is the only thing that's kept the communist regime going the last
50 years. So is there any guarantee that China can reverse its plummeting birth rates by
convincing people to resume historically normal romantic and familial relationships?
will target the US homeland in war over Taiwan, Army leader predicts. China will
attack the American homeland if "a major war" erupts over Taiwan or elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific,
the U.S. Army's top civilian expects. "If we got into a major war with China, the
United States homeland would be at risk as well with both kinetic attacks and non-kinetic
attacks — whether it's cyberattacks on the power grid or on pipelines," Army Secretary
Christine Wormuth said Monday [2/27/2023] at the American Enterprise Institute. "They are
going to go after the will of the United States public. They're going to try to erode support
for a conflict."
Trump Unveils Plan for 'Pro-American' Trade Policy Aimed at Independence from China.
Former President Donald J. Trump unveiled his plans for a "sweeping pro-American
overhaul of our tax and trade policy" aimed at bolstering American production and shedding economic
dependence on China. In a campaign video released Monday [2/27/2023], Trump first blasted
President Joe Biden, stating that despite his claims to be pro-American manufacturing, he is
"pushing the same pro-China globalist agenda that ripped the industrial heart out of our country."
Youngkin: Communist China Tries Using 'Trojan Horse' To Get Access To Reap U.S. Taxpayer
Benefits. Virginia Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin said during an interview over
the weekend that communist China was attempting to use a "trojan horse" to gain access to
U.S. taxpayer benefits. Youngkin made the remarks on "Sunday Morning Futures" with Fox
News host Maria Baritromo while discussing his decision to reject a multi-billion dollar electric
car factory from Ford coming to his state because of the company's connections to China.
Youngkin said the plant would have been operated by China-based Contemporary Amperex Technology and
would have been a "trojan horse structure to gain access to taxpayer incentives" legislation that
Democrats passed which gives credits to consumers for purchasing electric vehicles.
DPS sent at
least 3,000 driver's licenses to organized crime group targeting Asian Texans. The
Texas Department of Public Safety was duped into shipping at least 3,000 Texas driver's licenses to
a Chinese organized crime group that targeted Asian Texans, DPS Director Steve McCraw told a Texas
House committee on Monday. The organization was then selling the licenses, obtained using the
personal information of Texas drivers, to people in the country illegally, McCraw said. The
fraudsters worked through the state's government portal, The agency, which
discovered the scheme in December, will begin notifying victims in letters to be sent out this
week, the DPS chief said. More victims are still being identified, he said.
Rep Handed Out Congressional Awards To Members Of Alleged Chinese Influence Operations. California
Democratic Rep. Judy Chu has handed out congressional awards to at least 10 individuals who belonged to alleged
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intelligence front groups, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found. Over
the last decade, Chu has awarded certificates of "Congressional Recognition" to at least 10 individuals for a variety of
reasons, including launching a non-profit, according to multiple sources. However, at the time the awards were
given, the recipients also belonged to a handful of organizations that were previously identified by China experts and
U.S. government agencies as front groups serving a Chinese government "intelligence service," according to DCNF
translations of related membership records. Furthermore, many of the certificate recipients have at one point or
another financially contributed to Chu's political campaigns, finance records reveal.
Could Literally Starve Us': Republicans Push To Ban China From Purchasing US Farmland. House Republicans
are pushing to bar any person or business associated with the Chinese Communist Party from purchasing agricultural land
in the United States, an effort gaining traction on the Hill as lawmakers look to retaliate against China over its
spy-balloon incursion. Reps. Dan Newhouse (R., Wash.) and Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R., Wash.), alongside more
than 40 cosponsors, last week proposed legislation that would prohibit any purchase of public or private agricultural
real estate in the United States and its territories by "nonresident aliens, foreign businesses, or any agent, trustee,
or fiduciary associated with the Government of the People's Republic of China." The legislation, known as the
Prohibition of Agricultural Land for the People's Republic of China Act, would also bar those entities from involvement
in Department of Agriculture programs.
Chinese-built Infrastructure Projects Are Falling Apart. Not only have several developing countries found
themselves burdened with debt they took out to build infrastructure as part of a Chinese project; it turns out the
CCP-funded infrastructure is already falling apart. According to a Wall Street Journal report, a number of
projects financed by the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are beset with flaws such as bad cabling, defective fire
extinguishing systems, cracked walls, moldy ceilings, and overall sloppy construction. At one project, the
$2.7 billion Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric plant in Ecuador, rampant defects have led engineer Fabricio
Yépez to worry that "We could lose everything. And we don't know if it could be tomorrow or in six months."
A Secretive Chinese Billionaire Bought 140,000 Acres Of Land In Texas. On June 7, Texas governor Greg
Abbott sat down at a desk in the state capitol and, flanked by a half-dozen lawmakers, put pen to paper for a ceremonial
signing of the Lone Star Infrastructure Protection Act. "As far as I know this is the first law of its kind by any state
in the United States of America," he boasted. [...] The bill, which became law on June 18, was not just
precautionary — it was a direct response to one Chinese billionaire and his plans to build a wind farm in
southwest Texas, according to its author, state senator Donna Campbell. Since 2016, a company owned by
Xinjiang-based real estate tycoon Sun Guangxin had spent an estimated $110 million buying up land in Texas' Val Verde
County. Located on the Mexico border, Val Verde is home to about 50,000 people, the small town of Del Rio,
family-owned hunting ranches — and Laughlin Air Force Base, a training ground for military pilots. In
less than two years Sun bought up roughly 140,000 acres in the county through subsidiaries he controls.
for China's TikTok Have Repeatedly Visited the Biden White House. Lobbyists for the China-owned app TikTok
and its parent company ByteDance have repeatedly landed visits with President Joe Biden's White House, according to
recently revealed records. TikTok and ByteDance lobbyists have visited the Biden White House at least eight times
between July 2021 and August 2022, according to White House visitor records obtained by the Washington Examiner.
While it remains unclear what the lobbyists discussed at the White House, their visits are "unequivocally" worrisome,
says Heritage Foundation's director of Tech Policy Center, Kara Frederick. "These people are doing the dirty work
of the Chinese party state," Frederick told the Examiner. "I don't think we should mince words when it comes to
that. They know what they're doing."
firms' race to exit Taiwan ahead of Chinese invasion. British firms are in a race against time to exit
Taiwan and China before Beijing launches an invasion of the island nation. Brompton Bicycle — which
manufactures commuter-friendly foldable pedal bikes out of parts sourced from both Taiwan and China — is
among one of the first Western companies to sound the alarm in the face of the impending conflict. Taiwan lives
under constant threat of invasion by China, which claims the self-ruled democracy as part of its territory to be retaken
one day, by force if necessary.
Expert: Communist China [is] Using TikTok To Promote Drug Use [and] Violence In America In [an] Attempt To Ruin [our]
Country. Gordon Chang, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute and author of "The Great U.S. China Tech
War," said during an interview this week that communist China is using TikTok to promote social disruption in the U.S.
in an attempt to weaken America's system of government. Chang initially responded to comments from Fox News host
Jason Chaffetz about China's claims that it has legitimate concerns that it wants the U.S. to take seriously.
"Well, first of all, China doesn't have legitimate concerns. It's not a legitimate state," Chang said. "And we
should stop treating it as such, because as you say, it is committing genocide, crimes against humanity, it deliberately
spread COVID-19 beyond its borders — that 6.7 million people outside of China who have died from a
disease that should have never left the central part of that country. You know, we can go on and on. But
clearly, China is engaging in a series of acts which are destructive not only toward the United States, but the
international community as a whole." A couple of minutes later, Chaffetz responded to a report this week that
ByteDance, the Chinese parent company of TikTok, spied on several U.S. journalists.
Granholm hands out $200 million greenie grant to lithium battery company — controlled by the
Chinese. So what does "American-made" mean to the Biden administration as it hands out huge chunks of
"free" taxpayer cash for its "green" infrastructure schemes? [...] Which not only has the smell of 'Solyndra' all over
it, given that it can't seem to produce records for an audit any more than Sam Bankman-Fried can, it's also a
China-controlled entity. What China wants, the company does. Which rather puts paid to rest the idea that
Joe Biden is out financing "Made in America" green infrastructure, in response to previous reports that solar panels and
wind turbines have largely benefitted Chinese makers. How he touted that to the public, and like a conman, won
votes for his "infrastructure" bill on that very promise. Domestic green energy, domestically produced, and pay no
attention to that oil in the ground that could be produced without subsidies. Turns out he didn't mean it at all
and now that he's got the bill passed with the cash to fling around, his promise was about as good as the one he made to
the student loan debtors.
is accelerating plans to move production out of China as protests and riots intensify in response to zero-Covid
policies, report says. Apple is pushing to expedite a pivot away from manufacturing in China, as protests
swell over the country's strict zero-Covid policies and riots thwart production. The technology giant is ramping
up efforts to shift production to other Asian countries like India and Vietnam in order to distance itself from Foxconn,
one of the company's top suppliers and operator of the world's largest iPhone factory in China, according to the Wall
Street Journal. While the move has been planned for months, after shifting COVID-19 policies enacted by the
Chinese Communist Party first began to threaten production earlier this year, sources told the Journal that recent
uprisings at the Zhengzhou plant are propelling Apple into action.
Apple Crushes
Dissent in America and China. The largest lockdown uprising in China took place at facilities run by
Apple's Foxconn supplier where workers had previously jumped to their deaths. After thousands fled the Apple
gulag, making their way through the woods and rural areas to freedom, other employees battled with Communist authorities
over abusive conditions and treatment in the iGulag. Apple had nothing to say about the rights of those workers
who thought differently enough to break free and fight back. If they were foolish enough to have iPhones, there's
little doubt the company would have eagerly helped authorities track them down to be imprisoned or killed. "Think
Different", Apple's slogan, actually means collaborating with a Communist dictatorship where thinking differently is a
crime. And it also means suppressing free speech in America.
Turned Off Protest Communication Tool Right Before Anti-Lockdown Uprising in China. As it mulls kicking
Elon Musk's Twitter off the app store, it has now been revealed that Apple restricted the use of AirDrop in China, a
move that harmed the organizational efforts of demonstrators protesting against the CCP's lockdowns. Over the past
week, multiple major cities across China have seen massive protests against lockdowns, with the normally compliant
Chinese exploding into rage in response to their government's 'zero COVID' policy. Much of the unrest blew up in
response to an incident in Xinjiang's capital Urumqi, where at least 10 people, some say up to 40, were killed
during an apartment fire because lockdown rules stopped residents from fleeing the burning building. Most of the city's
residents have been prevented from leaving their homes for over 100 days as a result of the draconian rules, which are
still in place nearly three years after the pandemic began. With Beijing now trying to contain what some are
calling the most serious mass uprising since Tiananmen Square, Apple is apparently helping them to crush dissent.
Execs Resign after Being Asked to Take Orders from Chinese Parent Company. Three former senior leaders at
TikTok said they were hired to lead departments at the social-media company but ultimately quit after learning they
would be beholden to decisions made by the app's Chinese parent company, ByteDance, according to a new report. The
three departments heads who spoke to Forbes are part of a group of at least five senior leaders who resigned
after being asked to take orders from Beijing, according to the report. "A lot of our guidance came from HQ, and
we weren't necessarily a part of strategy building," one former leader told the outlet. "I've been in this industry
for a long time. I don't want to be told what to do."
to request $1.1 billion arms package for Taiwan. The Biden administration will
request Congress to authorize roughly $1.1 billion weapons sale for Taiwan amid an increased push
among lawmakers to show support for the self-governing island, Politico reported Monday [8/29/2022].
China has dispatched warships and aircraft across the unofficial "median line" dividing China and Taiwan
every day since U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in early August, followed by two more
congressional delegations. Escalating rhetoric has sparked concern Beijing may attempt to capture
Taiwan by force, prompting efforts from the U.S. and other Western nations to fortify the island against
the Chinese military, according to Politico.
stations, factories shut down in China as drought cripples hydroelectric power. Red
China is red-hot, with a heat wave accompanied by a drought drying up the Yangtze River, crippling
hydroelectric power in Sichuan province and the neighboring municipality of Chongqing. The
water level of the Yangtze has fallen to its lowest levels since record-keeping began in 1865,
according to Bloomberg. "The output of hydropower units has been seriously affected, and the
power load in some provinces has grown rapidly. During the peak period of power consumption,
demand-side management and orderly power consumption measures need to be taken," read a statement
from China's National Energy Administration. Chinese state data also indicates that the
average precipitation in Sichuan has fallen by more than 50%, and that the total water storage
capacity of Sichuan's hydroelectric plants is 4 billion cubic meters less than previous years.
CIA Director Employed Undisclosed Chinese Communist Party Members While Heading Elite DC Think Tank. Central
Intelligence Agency Director William Burns formerly headed an influential D.C. think tank while it employed undisclosed
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members as well as individuals with Chinese government ties, the Daily Caller News Foundation
has found. During Burns' tenure as president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace from February 2015 to
November 2021, the think tank employed at least 20 policy experts whom the DCNF has identified as CCP members. These
CCP members worked at both Carnegie's Washington, D.C., headquarters and Carnegie-Tsinghua — the Beijing center
Burns' predecessor, Jessica Mathews, launched in 2010 in cooperation with Tsinghua University. Yet, expert profiles on
Carnegie's website don't disclose these individuals' ties to the CCP. The DCNF only discovered their communist ties after
analyzing hundreds of Chinese-language, Communist Party branch records and personnel profiles from more than a dozen
CCP-linked organizations.
Security Concerns Mount as Chinese Company Builds Major Plant Near North Dakota Military Base. A China-based
agribusiness with links to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is moving ahead with plans to build a corn mill in Grand Forks,
North Dakota, despite local concerns that the project could pose national security risks. Fufeng Group — the
second largest xanthan gum producer in China — recently purchased 370 acres located north of Grand Forks after the
City Council voted to annex the property. The city then changed the parcel's designation to an industrial zone from
agricultural to allow the project to move forward under federal law. A Hong-Kong listed company, Fufeng Group is based
in Shandong Province and has subsidiaries in 115 countries around the world. The future corn mill plant would operate
through U.S. subsidiary Fufeng USA on prime land about a dozen miles from Grand Forks Air Force base. Minot Air Force
Base sits about 211 miles west of the city.
Urges the World to Disregard Protesters Storming Banks for Cash. China's state-run Global Times claimed
on Tuesday [7/12/2022] that Western media was unnecessarily "hyping" protests by roughly 1,000 people in Zhengzhou, China, on
Sunday in which participants demanded several rural banks release millions of dollars of deposits after unceremoniously
freezing them in April, ignoring the fact that Chinese security personnel physically abused and injured several demonstrators
during the rally. [...] An estimated 1,000 people participated in a rally outside the Zhengzhou branch of China's central
bank on July 10 to demand the bank release millions of dollars in deposits that were frozen without explanation in
April. Several people told various media outlets, including Reuters and the Associated Press (AP), that they were
physically assaulted by security personnel associated with the bank and police officers while demonstrating on Sunday.
Riot In China After Learning Their Bank Accounts [were] Frozen Due To Lack Of Liquidity. In China, bank
customers have been carrying out massive street protests in the city of Zhengzhou in Henan province after a large number of
accounts have been sealed up, seized and funds were frozen. The financial situation has arisen due to liquidity crunch,
which is apparently prevailing for about two months now. Congregating in large numbers, bank depositors in Henan
province staged their largest protest against the "corruption and violence of Henan government." The agitators demanded
their savings back from the bank that has frozen their deposits since mid-April this year. [Video clip]
Chinese Are Buying Up Land And Medical Marijuana Growing Licenses in Oklahoma For Human Trafficking Front
Businesses. The ChiComs are buying up the Sooner State. NATIONAL FILE has discovered that there is a
massive black market business in Oklahoma run by Chinese nationals. The Chinese are buying plots of farmland and
residential properties in cash and setting up front businesses including medical marijuana grow houses that are driving the
illegal immigration crisis and being used as fronts for human trafficking. I discussed this crisis Thursday [5/19/2022]
on The Stew Peters Show. Oklahoma State Senator Warren Hamilton confirmed the Chinese invasion of Oklahoma farmland,
stating in a text message: "I authored sb1469 and sjr 45 because of this," referring to the legislative effort to stop
the ChiComs from scamming the medical marijuana system to achieve black-market economic and political dominance in America's
Business anchor has disturbing theory of why full details on Biden-Xi call haven't been released. There
continue to be questions about the reluctance of the White House to release the full details of the high-stakes telephone
call between President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart last Friday and the answer could be very troubling if a theory
put forth by a Fox Business anchor has any truth to it.
Biden's big tech SOTU guest has deep ties to China, reportedly bent the knee to CCP. First lady Jill Biden had
a close family friend as a guest at the State of the Union address on Tuesday, Intel CEO Patrick Gelsinger, whose company is
one of the largest tech manufacturers in the world with deep ties to communist China and was a proud sponsor of the Beijing
Olympics. Intel has previously cooperated with the Chinese Communist Party, deferring to its diktats rather than
American principles. That did not stop President Joe Biden from introducing Gelsinger during his speech and proclaiming
that Intel will build a monster manufacturing facility in Ohio that will ironically produce computer chips and other
technology to counter China's stranglehold on the market.
media accidentally posts CCP rules on Russia-Ukraine coverage, hint at Taiwan takeover. Chinese news media
posted instructions to social platforms about how to approach coverage on Ukraine, including a note of China's need for
Russian "support" with Taiwan. One outlet appeared to accidentally post guidelines on what should and should not be
published, while an editor from another outlet weighed in with guidance on language and approaches that he believed necessary
in walking a fine line. Ming Jinwei, senior editor at Xinhua News Agency, wrote in his WeChat blog about how his outlet
needed to walk a tight line on its Ukraine coverage, noting that China "has to back Russia up with emotional and moral
support while refraining from treading on the toes of the United States and European Union."
fishing fleets are ruining the oceans. Communist China operates hundreds of thousands of fishing vessels.
Operating as vast superfleets, they feed a voracious domestic market and have no regard for sustainability or the interests
of other nations. It's a big problem. Surging out of port like the invading Mongol hordes that once crushed
China, these fleets travel many thousands of miles from Chinese shores. Rarely concerned with international law or the
exclusive economic zones of other nations, the superfleets scour the oceans. It's not just the fish that are sucked dry
from their habitats — it's sharks, dolphins, and all manner of other marine animals. Whether in the open
oceans or in protected marine reserves such as the Galapagos Islands, Chinese fleets care nothing for the chaos they wreak
on vulnerable habitats.
The out-of-control
rocket about to hit the moon is not a SpaceX Falcon 9, astronomers now say: report. A rocket stage set to hit
the moon March 4 might not be from SpaceX after all. The astronomer credited with discovering the forthcoming impact,
Bill Gray, announced Saturday (Feb. 12) that he made an error in identifying the rocket as an old SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket
stage that helped launch the Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite in 2015. Rather, Gray suggests the stage could
part of a Long March 3C rocket that launched China's moonbound Chang'e 5-T1 mission in October 2014.
The Editor says...
There may be other cases like this, but I am unaware of any other instance in which part of a rocket inadvertently hit the moon.
Fifty or sixty years ago, it was a major accomplishment to launch an object of any size and have it land anywhere on the moon, at any speed.
Says China's Domestic Troubles Could Trigger Leadership Coup. A group of Chinese officials might stage an
internal coup against Chinese leader Xi Jinping, and transition China to a democratic political system, according to Roger
Garside, author of "China Coup." "The body politic of China is terminally ill. Only a transplant can save the body
politic, and the only other system on offer is competitive democracy," Garside, a former diplomat, told Epoch TV's "China
Insider" program on Jan. 31. Garside, who served twice at the British Embassy in Beijing, argues that high-level
officials in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), including Premier Li Keqiang, believe that Xi is taking China in a "very
risky and dangerous" direction, jeopardizing their wealth and power, as well as the future of the CCP. He contends
that this is the reason why they are plotting against the Chinese leader.
Document location
Updated March 21, 2025.