Introduction added 3/8/2020:
Sensationalism sells newspapers and keeps the teeming masses tuned to the most exciting cable TV news channels, whether or not
the news contains any useful or factual information. Hysteria sells even more newspapers; so at every opportunity, the
cable TV news channels go with hysteria. Especially if the so-called news coverage can be used for political leverage
or weaponry. As we have seen over and over, the claims of impending doom are false alarms, yet the public falls for it
every time. How many contagious diseases were supposed to have killed us all, or at least resulted in massive upheaval?
The bird flu was going to affect everybody, they said, as was AIDS, Ebola, Zika, West Nile virus, SARS, MERS, swine flu, acid rain,
mad cow disease, stratospheric ozone depletion, second-hand smoke, fire ants, and so on. Heres' how to eliminate
TV news hysteria completely: Take all of the television sets out of your house and leave them at the curb for the
scavengers. You will be surprised how much spare time you have, and very soon you'll quit worrying about contagious
diseases in Africa and China.
Appended 3/12/2020:
In a way this coronavirus scare is a lot like the Y2K scare at the end of 1999. At that time, the news media was
full of baseless speculation about the worst-case possibilities, as if those were the most likely possibilities.
The endless sensationalism was somewhat tiresome, and, as it turned out, entirely unfounded. But it served a purpose, and
that was to keep the viewers agitated and glued to the TV. The same thing is going on now. The news media
is having a field day with this virus outbreak, because it keeps the TV viewers hooked, and it might be a useful weapon
to use against the President of the United States, whom the so-called journalists detest.
Appended 3/20/2020:
In my opinion, the government's response to the coronavirus is far more dangerous than the virus itself. If the virus spreads
all over town, it might affect everybody. Shutting down restaurants and small businesses does affect everybody.
The severity of the government's response varies by state, as many things should, but state-wide curfews, shelter-in-place orders,
and restrictions on worship services and peaceful assembly are ingredients for tyranny. (And this won't be the last
previously-unknown virus to emerge.) The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the freedom of peaceful
assembly. The word emergency is not in the Constitution. If the government is asking churches to
close for a few weeks, that's one thing; but if it's a demand, that's something else. In addition to all that,
the crisis of the decade occupies the news media's full attention. If there is anything else happening —
that is, if the federal government is up to something else — you might not hear about it for weeks.
Appended 3/21/2020:
About 75 percent of the panic buying and sudden shortages is due to sensationalism in the news media; in particular, the
cable TV news channels. The other 25 percent is due to social media, and the fact that nearly every adult in America has a
cell phone at hand 24 hours a day. As I've said before, hysteria keeps you tuned in, hour after hour, and the
cable TV news people are spreading fear in order to retain viewers and make money from advertising. The poorly-educated and
narcissistic hoarders (triggered by the news coverage) are a problem even worse than the government's heavy-handed control of the masses.
There are ways to deter selfish customers and small-time speculators from buying up all the toilet paper and hand cleaner. Here's
what I mean: At Costco and Sam's, there are no anonymous purchases. Every customer's purchases are in a database, along with
that customer's address, phone number, and photograph. In my opinion, anyone who has bought more than a few cases of bathroom
tissue (or paper towels, or hand sanitizer) in the last 90 days is a hoarder, and that person's card should be permanently revoked.
Today. Yes, even the speculators and resellers. This action should be taken immediately, and the wholesalers should make a big
publicity splash about it, because the rest of their customers want to see something done about the hoarders. This technique could be
used world-wide. Moreover, hoarding could be detected and thwarted as soon as it develops. The big-box wholesale stores have
computerized inventory, and they should be able to see immediately when there is an unusual spike in the consumption of specific disaster-related
supplies, and apply strict limits at once. Ordinary grocery stores could do this, too. There is a bar code on
everything. The computers know when there's a sudden demand for canned vegetables, or bottled water, or what have you, and with
a little extra software, the stores could apply limits within a few minutes.
Remember, the higher an "Alert Level" goes, the more power the issuing agency gets; and once a tyrant tastes power, he is
reluctant to give it back. The longer this virus panic persists, the more likely the police state is to become a permanent fixture.
Appended 3/26/2020:
In this nation-wide madness, there are some silver linings and some (much larger) dark clouds:
Silver linings: [#1] No school zones, much lighter freeway traffic, much cleaner air.
[#1A] Much lower gasoline prices, partly because of reduced demand.
[#2] Playboy magazine is dead.
[#3] There is now a much greater awareness of the importance of hand-washing and cleanliness.
[#4] There is now a much greater awareness of just how low the power-hungry, baby-killing Democrats
will stoop, in an effort to overthrow President Donald Trump.
[#5] After this, the mother of all news media false alarms, the general public will finally share my
skepticism of the news media, the U.S. government, and the Chinese Communists.
Dark Clouds: [#1] Ben Franklin was right:
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." The
poorly-educated public has shown itself to be much too willing to quickly forfeit the Bill of Rights in order to obtain a little temporary
protection from a virus that nobody would have ever noticed without the alarmist news media screaming about it 24/7. If you're sick, the
virus is definitely more than nothing, but if you're not, and you don't generally congregate with those who visit China or Italy, then it is almost
nothing. Certainly nothing worth killing the United States' economy and political system to fix. [#2] H.L. Mencken was
also right: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the
populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." The
general public has lost its mind over the latest hobgoblin, thanks to
the Trump-hatingsensationalistnews media, which is fully staffed with Democratic Party activists instead of journalists.
Appended 3/29/2020:
Mrs. Editor was quick to point out that H. L. Mencken was no hero, and is hardly worth quoting.
Mencken was very hostile to Christianity.
Appended 3/31/2020:
I think there will be a number of beneficial after-effects of this world-wide virus panic.
[#1] A lot of people who live from one paycheck to the next are learning the value of thrift and savings.
[#2] A lot of people who never turn off their TV will finally learn that the television is a liar.
[#3] The New York Stock Exchange has "circuit breakers" that kick in whenever investors and speculators go nuts.
The state legislatures should have such protections, too, so that the state government can't suspend the Bill of Rights,
just because CNN told them to, without holding public hearings. [#4] Nobody is snickering and scoffing at the doomsday preppers
any more. [#4A] Perhaps this experience will revive an interest in fallout shelters, because such a thing is ridiculous until it
is needed, and by then it's too late to prepare. [#5] Many tree-hugging hippies will now understand that there are more important
issues than global warming or the mean sea level rising two millimeters per year. [#6] Many people may adopt irrational mysophobia,
but many more will finally realize the importance of keeping their hands [#1] clean and [#2] away from their faces. This
is the sort of thing that was once taught in elementary school (during the cold war), but is no longer mentioned in school.
Appended 4/20/2020:
It is now clear that we have been lied to about projections of mass death and impossible numbers of hospitalizations.
The computer models proved to be worthless, the hospital numbers have been cooked, and the truth has been hard to find.
The Trump-hating news media has been peddling anxiety and fear for six weeks or more, apparently hoping for an economic collapse, if that's what it takes to elect a Democrat president.
It is also clear that many governors, county commissioners, and mayors have demonstrated an eagerness to assume, just by decree, the vast powers they've always wanted.
Moreover, it is clear that the next Election Day could easily be the last Election Day if these tyrants aren't booted out.
The virus panic has turned out to be the most costly over-reaction in the history of the world, both in money and in liberty.
The surest way to perpetuate the "temporary" loss of our liberties is to elect or re-elect Democrats in November.
The Republicans are not exactly clamoring for the end of the coronavirus lockdown, but bad is better than worse.
Appended 5/19/2020:
This country is in serious trouble. Nearly all of the state governments put their entire populations under a stay-at-home, shelter-in-place,
lockdown/quarantine, based on irrational fear, and the vast majority of those who live in nominally "free countries" instantly complied
with the spontaneous tyranny that resulted.
The whole episode had a network of causes and another network of effects. The malevolent Chinese communists, intentionally
or not, lost their grip on a virus. The virus spread to several remote (to them) parts of the world via airline travel and
basically open borders. Then the alarm was sounded, and someone ran a deeply flawed computer model that predicted widespread
death. Right away, the sensationalist tabloid news media picked up the ball and ran with it. Day and night, the
word pandemic was perniciously employed, even though the people affected by the virus were only in specific places, not everywhere,
and the victims of this new disease were primarily those who were already in poor health.
Before long, the lockdown and quarantine, announced and supported by television, made normal life impossible, and a great
number of people found themselves unemployed. Oh, but it's only temporary, and it's for the benefit of everyone! Then
week after week elapsed while the television stoked the fear and spread the notion that wearing a mask would keep everyone
safe. Panic shopping and hoarding, which would have been easily preventable had it not been a surprise, made routine
shopping even more unpleasant.
Very gradually, after months of this insanity, and after the petty tyrants at the state and county level became more
insufferable with their demands, voices finally emerged to say this treatment is worse than the disease. An embarrassingly
small number of people began to rise up and denounce the tyranny at hand. All others sheepishly complied. THAT is
why this country is in trouble. Nobody seems to mind if, for the first time, the government tells healthy people to stay in
their houses. Nobody seems to care that the government is printing trillions of dollars' worth of hot checks to appease
the masses. Criminals are being released from jails and prisons because of concern for their safety, but then what happens
to our safety? Churches are being told whether they may operate or not, and if so, at some arbitrarily prescribed fraction
of their capacity, and the pastors comply! The American people are far more timid and malleable than I had imagined.
Especially the Republicans. We have now known for weeks that the computer models are seriously flawed, the body counts are
fraudulently high, and the disease is so hit-and-miss that half the people who get it exhibit no symptoms at all. Yet almost
nobody will stand up to their elected officials, or the cops, and resist this nonsense.
The heat was turned up very rapidly, and yet the proverbial frog is still sitting in the hot water, patiently waiting for it
to cool down, somehow.
Please note that the people at the CDC and WHO are unelected, pencil-pushing bureaucrats whose lives have not been interrupted by all this
hysteria. Indeed, their jobs are now more secure than ever. Whether you follow CDC guidelines or not is entirely up to you;
however, if you run a business and you are fastidiously adhering to arbitrary rules and regulations, your business may suffer (even more
than it was already). I said goodbye to my barber this morning, when I saw a sign posted on his door listing a bunch of CDC-recommended
actions that would be required of me upon entering the shop. Sadly, he is now my former barber. (What a shame. I was
a good tipper, too!)
(Incidentally, if you aren't sick already, and your immune system hasn't been weakened, you aren't accomplishing anything by wearing
a mask. Why are so many people driving around town, alone in their cars, wearing masks? Trying to filter out a virus by
wearing a paper mask — or a bandana over your nose — is like building a mosquito net out of chicken wire. The mask just tells
everyone how fearful, weak, and compliant you are.)
And now we see censorship on social media, to squelch the dissenters, and the exploitation of the so-called pandemic as a political
weapon against President Trump. The story was already bad enough without those ingredients. It may already be too late
to rectify this mess, and if the socialist Democrats prevail in any upcoming election, this country is finished.
Appended 7/1/2020:
If you're still wearing a mask at this late date, you must be a Democrat, or a serf who lives under the thumb of a Democrat.
If you wear a mask while you drive around in your car or ride a bicycle, by yourself, you look like a muzzled bear at the circus.
(You may not know what a circus is, because they were all cancelled years ago.) If you wear a mask while you walk around the block
for some fresh air, your ignorance is on display.
The petty tyrants are trying to get the virus and its associated shutdowns into a sequel, since they enjoyed their power so much,
but not everyone is buying it this time. Fool me twice, shame on me. Except I wasn't fooled the first time.
Bureaucrats need to sit down and let the rest of us take our chances with whatever germs are in the air, as we have for
Appended 8/1/2020:
The links and excerpts on this page are in reverse chronological order: The newest material is at the top.
There are links on this page to over a thousand articles on other web sites, offering abundant evidence that...
[#1] The coronavirus crisis, if it was ever really a crisis, is over now.
[#2] The coronavirus crisis was the product of news media sensationalism, designed to keep everyone alarmed and tuned to the TV.
[#3] The petty tyrants among us at the state and county levels have used this so-called crisis to grab power that they normally wouldn't have; and
even when there is abundant evidence that the worst of the disease is over, and was over several weeks ago, they cling to their edicts and mandates that nobody has had a
chance to vote on. Lockdowns and restrictions that were originally supposed to have been in place for a few weeks have been repeatedly extended.
[#4] The entire crisis originated in China, either accidentally or maliciously.
[#5] The entire crisis is political: It's all about crushing capitalism, impeding the growth and progress seen under President Trump, and ruining
the United States as we have known it, in order to bring about a new Socialist government.
[#6] There are cheap and effective cures for the symptoms that accompany Covid-19, but any discussion of these remedies is being suppressed on social media
and censored on mainstream media. This is most likely because Big Government does not like cheap and easy solutions to nationwide problems, and neither do the
[#7] If you are still wearing a face mask voluntarily in August 2020, you're either a Democrat, a person who watches too much television, or
a spineless serf who will do whatever you're told, no matter how obviously unnecessary it is.
[#8] Entirely too many people in this country are unaware of their rights under the Constitution, and are gladly willing to forfeit those rights, just to avoid
any criticism in the news media or on social media platforms. Almost every pastor of every church has given up any claim to the First Amendment's guarantees of the
free exercise of religion, and the freedom to engage in peaceful assembly. Once those rights are lost, they cannot be recovered.
[#9] Even in places where masks or face coverings are mandatory, there are no standards: Your face can be covered with gauze, cloth, window screen, or
the flimsiest veil, and you will be welcomed just as if you were wearing a fresh hospital-quality mask.
[#10] The Covid-19 disease is so terrible that half the people who have the virus exhibit no symptoms.
[#11A] As long as there is money to be made from this disease, the fearmongering will persist.
[#11B] As long as the sensationalized news coverage of this disease keeps you glued to the television, the sensationalism will persist.
[#11C] As long as there is a political incentive to amplify this disease, the hysteria will persist.
Appended 5/8/2021:
To save bandwidth, the coronavirus news and commentary from the year 2020 has been moved to another page,
located here.
Appended 1/6/2022:
To save bandwidth, the coronavirus news and commentary from the year 2021 has been moved to another page,
located here.
Appended 6/9/2023:
To save bandwidth, the coronavirus news and commentary from the year 2022 has been moved to another page,
located here.
Appended 3/16/2024:
To save bandwidth, the coronavirus news and commentary from the year 2023 has been moved to another page,
located here.
Editor's note:
The purpose of this page is not to offer medical advice, but to analyze the news. While we
have used reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information found here, we bear no
responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.
Taught Americans To Stop Trusting A Government That Puts Them Last. Coronavirus
lockdowns alerted Americans to an uncomfortable reality: the institutions to which they'd entrusted
their liberties were no longer trustworthy. If the 2024 election is any indication, they got
the message. In the Covid times, hardworking people were deemed "nonessential" and lost their
jobs while watching Tony Fauci's net worth climb. They were banished from church while
thousands gathered in the street to worship George Floyd. They watched their kids fall behind
in school while Nancy Pelosi and Lori Lightfoot broke the rules to get their split ends
trimmed. Their dying loved ones left this world alone, while Obama danced with Hollywood
stars at his 60th birthday bash. To add further insult, those loved ones were denied proper
funerals, while 10,000 people gathered to eulogize a drug-addicted criminal in a gold casket
on television. Only some Americans were authorized to print their opinions online, while
others were punished and censored. The delusion that we were "all in this together" didn't
survive for long. A certain set of rules applied to the BLM protesters, the Democrat
politicians, and the Hollywood elites, and another set of rules applied to everyone else.
Americans started to realize they were being had. When Covid vaccine mandates rolled out, the
dichotomy was even clearer. For the vaccinated class, there were jobs, service academy
appointments, college acceptances, and social acceptance. For the unvaccinated, there was
talk of denying them entry to airplanes, restaurants, and stores, or even putting them into camps.
COVID Nearly Start a Revolution? Let's revisit the tumultuous second half of 2021.
Dementia-addled President Joe Biden executed a disastrous retreat from Afghanistan in August that
resulted in the killing of thirteen servicemembers. Having spectacularly failed America's
warfighters, he transitioned quickly to the ongoing "fight against COVID." No cost was too
great or burden too onerous in the federal government's war against microscopic organisms.
Billions were funneled to pharmaceutical companies (aka Democrat Party donors) to pay for witch
doctors' experimental elixirs. Billions more were funneled to "news" platforms and
"non-governmental" organizations (all on the USAID dole) to push the White House's preferred COVID
narratives and censor dissent. In-class learning remained strictly limited. School
desks were transformed into walled enclosures discouraging human contact. Masking
requirements became only more elaborate and superstitious with time. Any restaurants or small
businesses that wished to avoid bankruptcy were forced to comply with ever-changing COVID
edicts. Members of the military were sacrificed as gene-therapy guinea pigs for Big
Pharma. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration threatened to prevent
un-"vaccinated" workers from making a living. Crazy Joe Biden promised a "winter of severe
illness and death" for any American refusing to be a biochemical test subject.
Seminal Event in the First Quarter of the 21st Century. Recently, I was asked what I
thought was the seminal event in the first quarter of the 21st Century. The past twenty-five
years, beginning in January of 2000, have been fraught with wars, terrorism, religious persecution,
natural disasters, political intrigue, and financial instability. Yet nothing compares to the
impact, both short and long-term, of the global elites' malevolent exploitation of the COVID-19
pandemic to permanently embed an authoritarian international world order. The politically
motivated and unprecedented overreaction to a virus with a 99.5% survival rate was launched in
March 2020, unleashing what can best be described as a once-in-a-century fiasco. Nearly
five years later, it is impossible to look at the United States and the world and not conclude that
this country and many nations throughout the globe were in the grip, not of a virus, but of
delusional madness and malevolence. The governing elites throughout the West, the vast
majority of whom worship at the altar of globalism, were so successful in propagandizing and
fearmongering the populace in America and virtually all Western nations that fear of the virus made
far too many people open to choreographed exploitation as the citizenries wallowed in anxiety,
depression, and hopelessness.
matter what the media and others regurgitate about 'science,' it's always about money and
control. No matter what the media and others regurgitate, it's always about money and
control. Anthony Fauci said he was the ultimate arbiter of science, and anyone who disagreed
with him did not believe in science. The truth is that he simply fabricated most of the
"science" upon which he suggested the dictatorial government edicts. He intentionally
lied. Governors used Fauci's pronouncements to justify keeping schools, businesses, and
churches closed. They falsely said their rules were based on science. There was no
science that said that a six-foot separation or a three-foot separation would stop the spread of
COVID; Plexiglass would stop the spread; anyone who got the vaccine would be completely protected
from getting COVID again or spreading the virus; or masks would protect you from getting or
spreading the virus. There was no scientific reason to change the way deaths were classified
to goose the numbers. It was a bald-faced lie when Fauci and most of the media called it a
disproven conspiracy to suggest the virus originated in a lab. The media and others set out
to destroy anyone who disagreed with Fauci's decrees; politicians and others said we wanted people
to die, denigrating us as "grandma killers." How many children, families, and small businesses
were destroyed because of these made-up pronouncements?
Lockdowns and Mandates Emboldened the Ruling Class. The entire panoply of the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic
countermeasures, from lockdowns to vaccine mandates, has been a once in a century fiasco and among the biggest blunders in
American history. [...] Over the centuries, in virtually all societies, people known to be infected by various diseases were
confined and isolated to mitigate the spread and protect the rest of society. Never has a nation essentially shut down
its economy, closed schools and confined the entire populace. Nor has the United States ever enforced de facto national
mandates for unproven and potentially dangerous vaccines. And, never in the nation's history has a pandemic been politicized
in order to defeat a certain candidate and benefit one political party. Centuries of best practices and ethical standards
were discarded by many in the medical profession and scientific institutions. The federal medical bureaucracies abandoned
virtually all oversight of the pharmaceutical companies and became in effect their marketing departments, promoting and mandating
covid vaccines without adequate safety standards and long-term testing. What was obvious blatant propaganda was presented and
accepted by the American citizenry as unquestioned truth. The entirety of the corporate and social media willingly morphed
into mouthpieces and censors for the government.
Monkeypox Replace COVID as the Next Great Democrat Scam? The evidence on the COVID scam is
incontrovertible. Biden Fauci, Birx, Walensky, the CDC, AMA, and NIH all lied to us. They perpetrated a Big Con
using fabricated life-or-death medical threats to justify a massive power grab, when in fact, coronavirus was no more
dangerous to most Americans than the seasonal flu. Democrats usurped authority by nullifying the Bill of Rights.
Using their COVID scam as cover, Democrats abrogated freedom of speech, censoring disputatious writings or speech and
canceling the nay-sayers, often costing them their jobs. Democrat lockdowns suppressed the right to assemble, whether
for work, play, prayer, or even school. As Washington mandated ubiquitous masking, studies showed the measure didn't
work. Furthermore, evidence showed that masking can harm wearers by promoting infection, by generating anger and
conflict, and hampering communication, especially in the classroom, between teacher and student. And Biden's promises
that experimental mRNA gene therapy — the COVID 'vaccination' — would not be compulsory ended up being
illusory. Unvaccinated people stayed healthy and developed natural immunity. Vaccinated (and boosted) individuals
got sick and spread the disease. Democrats took away freedom, medical autonomy, and economic security, leaving
Americans in more debt.
and other Democrats are thoroughly confused about who spreads misinformation about COVID. Here is some of the
misinformation which has been spread intentionally or unintentionally and no one censors these "experts" who pretend that
every one of their pronouncements is based on science. [...]
W H O in January 2020: COVID will not spread human to human
Dr Fauci: February 2020: The virus will cause miniscule problems in the U.S.
CDC: March 2020 — The disease will easily spread off surfaces. That lie was corrected in May.
CDC: March 2020: Children must be separated by 6 feet in schools. Later they said 3 feet was OK which means there was never any science justifying the six feet.
CDC: Spring of 2020: Plexiglass needs to go up to stop the virus. Later it was determined Plexiglas could cause more harm than good.
That means there was never any science to justify the original pronouncement. How much money was wasted?
How much physical, mental, and financial damage has been caused to children for all the misinformation that kept schools closed at the behest of teachers' unions.
Most of the media, Fauci and others: spring of 2020. It is an unproven conspiracy that the lab was the cause of the virus.
How much damage has been caused because Fauci and others lied to bury the story? How many deaths may have been caused because the U.S funded the Wuhan lab?
COVID-19 in
10 sentences. As we approach the end of annus horribilis 2 (also known as 2021 A.D.), it seems worthwhile
to to look back and summarize the events that have brought us where we are in the COVID-19 saga. [...] What conclusions can we draw
from this series of events? Here are a few: First, the "health care industry" is largely a syndicate run by government
bureaucrats like Tony Fauci and Francis Collins, Big Pharma, and ultra-rich investor-influencers like Bill Gates. Second,
the mainstream media and major social media platforms like Google, Facebook, and Twitter are diametrically opposed to freedom of
speech and the free exchange of ideas. In fact, their goal is the opposite: an Orwellian thought control of the
population and the suppression of all dissenting voices.
Orchestrated Fake "Covid Pandemic" Was Used to Destroy Health, Civil Liberty and the Doctor/Patient
Relationship. Dear Readers, give the extraordinary coercive Covid vaccination program a moment of
thought. What explains the emphasis, even the use of tyrannical methods in free societies, to force vaccination on
populations when even Big Pharma and the corrupt medical establishment only claim a short-run and steeply declining
protection from the vaccine? According to the medical establishment itself, double-vaxxed is no longer
protection. Booster shots are needed every six months for the rest of your life. This is especially puzzling when
we consider the known facts that (1) The mortality of Covid is very low. It kills mainly those with co-morbidities and
those who are untreated or wrongly treated. (2) The vaccine reduces our natural immunity. (3) The vaccine
causes a large number of adverse reactions including deaths and lifelong disabilities. The CDC and WHO admit that the adverse
reactions reporting system vastly underreports deaths and adverse reactions from the vaccine. No vaccine or medicine ever
before in history has been kept in use that produced even a tiny fraction of the reported deaths and injuries. (4) The
vaccine causes variants that are immune to the vaccine and to the weakened immune system of the vaccinated. New vaccines are
needed to deal with the new variants, producing still more new variants. (5) The medical establishment has blocked to
the extent of its ability the treatment of Covid with two known, safe, effective, and inexpensive medicines — Ivermectin
and HCQ. Doctors who have saved lives with these medicines have been fired for using them. (6) Distinguished and
renowned scientific and medical experts, including Nobel laureates, have been censored and deplatformed for warning about the
dangerous vaccine and advocating effective treatment instead. (7) The media speaks with one lying voice that vaccination
is our only hope. (8) Evidence from a number of countries (I have reported it) demonstrates that Covid cases and deaths
rise with vaccination and that the majority of cases and deaths for most age groups are the vaccinated. (9) The science
is clear that the vaccinated spread the virus as easily, or more so, than the unvaccinated. (10) Indeed, the evidence
is clear that the unvaccinated relying on natural immunity are better protected than the vaccinated.
COVID-19: Science-Based Information. Before explaining why they
happened, let's briefly look at some of the horrific — and entirely preventable — US consequences of the mishandling of COVID-19:
- Hundreds of thousands of Americans are needlessly dying,
- Our economy is being undermined, with Trillions of dollars being wasted, and
- We are lurching towards Communism, as dozens of hard fought for liberties and civil rights are being extracted.
But haven't we been dealing with a disease of unprecedented historical proportions? NO! See this visual comparison of prior pandemics — and
be aware that this shows an inflated death toll for COVID-19. (For example, the majority of COVID-19 deaths were preventable!) The question now is:
have we learned our lesson here, or does it have to get even worse before we wake up?
cell biologist believes COVID-19 was man-made in Wuhan. There are nine irrefutable facts that strongly suggest that the biggest story of your lifetime
is right in front of you — namely, that a pandemic that has killed over five million people and eviscerated economies (and liberties) worldwide (and is
still spreading and evolving) was man-made and then either deliberately or inadvertently released. That is something that neither the Black Death nor the Spanish Flu can claim!
[#1] SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the global pandemic we know as COVID-19, is specifically a coronavirus, a class of viruses against which it is notoriously difficult to generate vaccines.
[#2] SARS-CoV-2 emerged only after virus laboratories around the world began to implement gain-of-function research.
[#3] The technology for DNA/RNA cutting and splicing, which is at the heart of gain-of-function research, has existed in unrestricted worldwide use for decades.
[#4] The SARS-CoV-2 virus (i.e., COVID-19) has exhibited dramatically increased infectivity/contagiousness and longevity in the population compared to the two previous, short-lived coronavirus epidemics, "SARS" (SARS-CoV-1) in 2003 and "MERS" in 2012.
[#5] Quite curiously, the world has faced three significant coronavirus outbreaks in less than 20 years.
[#6] A pandemic of a coronavirus with the virulence of SARS-CoV-1 (SARS) and the contagiousness of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) would kill hundreds of millions.
[#7] The epicenter of the pandemic, Wuhan, China, is the same site as China's BSL-4 biological containment facility (the highest of all biological containment risk classifications), the Wuhan Virological Institute.
[#8] The Wuhan Virological Institute has specialized in research on coronaviruses, a fact publicly available by doing online research in biomedical publication databases.
[#9] The Wuhan Virological Institute has been the recipient of NIH research funding for "gain of function research," an area of study that focuses on increasing the virulence and/or infectivity of corona and other viruses. The CCP has never revealed whether it's doing gain of function funding.
deadly word games that brought us 'Gain of Function'. In Washington, D.C., Dr. Fauci is a hometown hero,
because he is the slickest liar of them all, ever since he rocketed to fame on the tail of the AIDS disaster. Take the
biggest headline lie today about the origins of COVID in an enormous U.S.-funded virology lab in Wuhan, China. Your
National Institutes of Health paid for the molecular trickery that made the virus more and more deadly to human beings, until
the armed-up virus somehow exploded out of Wuhan and spread around the world in a matter of days and weeks. Except that
the bug didn't spread to Chinese government centers like Beijing, which simply blocked travelers from Wuhan. Even
Nature magazine, the oldest science magazine in the world, has called attention to the tricky terminology of "Gain of
Function." But Nature's article is still shrouded in jargon. In the real world, the bug's Gain of Function is a
horror story. The biggest single bug vector at the start of the pandemic went from Wuhan to Milan, where tens of
thousands of Chinese workers carried the virus to overwhelm Italy's medical system overnight.
On The
Origins of Covid-19. One of the first papers to publish on the origin of Sars-CoV-2 was The proximal origin
of Sars-Cov-2, published in Nature Medicine in March of 2020. The paper's authors asserted that the virus's
genome pointed to a natural and not a lab manipulated origin. Following its publication, the press and government
bodies quickly moved to promote its thesis and squelch any contentions to the contrary. For the most part, no
dissenting voices were heard within the US media complex. Any allusions to alternative theories were chalked up to
conspiracy. Considering we were in the throes of preparing for the virus to proliferate in America, there was very
little time to debate the issue. Given the general public's inexperience in virology, they couldn't be expected to
decipher the paper's assertions anyway.
Are in This Conflict Whether We Like It or Not. [Scroll down] With COVID-1984, however, official
propaganda has changed too fast for governments to hide glaring logical inconsistencies. People remember that "two
weeks to flatten the curve" turned into two months and then into two years and counting. People remember that they were
first told that cloth masks were entirely useless before being told that they were helpful before finally being told that
they were mandatory. People remember that the idea of government-issued "vaccine passports" was mocked as a conspiracy
theory only months before governments began issuing them. People can see that the same authorities who once promised
that nobody would be forced to receive an experimental "vaccine" are now threatening unemployment and economic devastation
upon those who refuse. People have noticed that ordinary seasonal flu cases and deaths have strangely disappeared
altogether, and when health authorities try to explain flu's disappearance as the result of universal masking, people wonder
why masks would work on regular flu but not the COVID variety. People have noticed that the same people pushing
"vaccines" in order to "save lives" are the same ones who have called for denying life-saving treatment to those
unvaccinated. And while corporate media push fear by hyping the death toll from the China Virus, people do not see
bodies piling up in the streets or neighbors collapsing all around them. What they have noticed after being pushed into
various forms of house arrest and economic lockdown is the absolute destruction of small businesses; exponential increases in
suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol-related deaths; an explosion of cancer and other life-threatening illnesses caused by
delays in routine medical checkups; and the loss of entire life savings. They have noticed that hospitals and
government agencies have fraudulently magnified the impact of COVID by lumping in unrelated deaths caused by everything from
car wrecks to heart attacks to even homicides.
The Traits of the
Authoritarians Among Us: [Scroll down] Perhaps nothing better defines this mindset of infallibility and pathological lying than the deliberate
mismanagement of the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic. Since March of 2020, the governing/professional class and its accomplices in the medical establishment
have regurgitated innumerable falsehoods and have been responsible for a variety of catastrophic mistakes. Not only has there been no acknowledgment
that errors were made but they were compounded by abject refusals to change course. Among the myriad overt lies and exaggerations, the American people
were subjected to are the following.
[#1] Covid-19 is ten times deadlier for the entirety of the American population than seasonal influenza and millions could die.
The reality is for 90+% of the population Covid-19 is only marginally more dangerous than seasonal flu. To further panic the public, the fatalities
attributed to Covid-19 were deliberately exaggerated by a factor of 10 to 1.
[#2] In order to get the American people to acquiesce to an unprecedented and unnecessary quarantining of the healthy, the citizenry
was assured that a two-week shutdown would slow down the virus and defeat it. In numerous places in the country, they are in week 78.
[#3] Joe Biden declared that if a person is vaccinated, he or she will not be infected or die with the virus. Currently,
the majority of those being infected and dying of Covid-19 are vaccinated.
[#4] Immunity generated by the vaccine is far better than natural immunity from having previously contracted the virus. In fact,
natural immunity provides 13x more immunity to Covid-19 than the vaccines.
The American people were first told that wearing masks for Covid-19 was unnecessary as they were ineffective. Then the political/medical establishment
mandated masks despite the fact that they knew they were ineffective. Mask mandates still proliferate throughout the country even after nearly two-thirds
of Americans have been vaccinated and untold millions have immunity emanating from prior Covid-19 infections.
Some Scientific
Observations about the Medical Establishment's Handling of COVID-19 to Date. [#1] Although our primary
defense against almost any disease is our immune system, there has been almost no public education or emphasis about this by
the Medical Establishment. [...] [#2] The general COVID-19 rules and recommendations from the Medical Establishment have
been illogical, inconsistent and/or harmful. [...] [#3] COVID-19 data from (or supported by) the Medical Establishment, have
been incomplete to purposefully deceptive. [This includes data about COVID-19 injections.] [...] [#4] Inexplicably, to
date the Medical Establishment has yet to support some well-documented effective COVID-19 therapies. [...] [#5] The overuse
of antibiotics in the US could well be a reason why we are having difficulty in tamping down the COVID-19 virus — yet
the Medical Establishment is mum on this. [...] [#6] The exposure of individuals to PFAs (toxic chemicals) can result in
adverse COVID-19 outcomes — yet the Medical Establishment is (again) not publicizing this. [...] [#7] The Medical
Establishment has allowed the PCR test to be used to determine whether or not an individual (e.g., a deceased person) has
COVID-19 — while the inventor said that this was a "useless" application of his test.
Lockdown lessons.
[#1] Be wary of experts. Most of their advice during the pandemic has been wrong and harmful. Experts' knowledge
is typically compartmentalized. They are not "big picture" thinkers which is why they fail to consider collateral
damage. The lockdown may have reduced the number of COVID deaths, but it has increased the amount of depression and
number of suicides, especially among age 18 and younger. The postponement and cancellation of medical appointments have
resulted in thousands of premature deaths. [#2] Respect your own common sense as well as your instincts. Thinking
has been on vacation since the lockdowns were imposed. Keep in mind that your leaders' objectives are often the opposite
of yours. [#3] Never take radical action without overwhelming evidence that it will work. The authorities took
all manner of drastic actions and weren't the least bit interested in offering evidence and they still aren't. Unelected
bureaucrats, who know nothing about us, dictated how we live our lives down to the tiniest details. The authorities coerced
hundreds of millions of people to wear masks. They assumed that would reduce transmission. There is now at evidence
that masks are worse than useless. [#4] Be extremely reluctant to commit sweeping violations of the Constitution. [...]
The Panic Pandemic. The United
States suffered through two lethal waves of contagion in the past year and a half. The first was a viral pandemic that
killed about one in 500 Americans — typically, a person over 75 suffering from other serious conditions. The
second, and far more catastrophic, was a moral panic that swept the nation's guiding institutions. Instead of keeping
calm and carrying on, the American elite flouted the norms of governance, journalism, academic freedom — and,
worst of all, science. They misled the public about the origins of the virus and the true risk that it posed.
Ignoring their own carefully prepared plans for a pandemic, they claimed unprecedented powers to impose untested strategies,
with terrible collateral damage. As evidence of their mistakes mounted, they stifled debate by vilifying dissenters,
censoring criticism, and suppressing scientific research. If, as seems increasingly plausible, the coronavirus that
causes Covid-19 leaked out of a laboratory in Wuhan, it is the costliest blunder ever committed by scientists. Whatever
the pandemic's origin, the response to it is the worst mistake in the history of the public-health profession.
This Was
a Test, and We Failed. What has occurred in the last year has befuddled me, as the level of treachery,
deception, disinformation, and false narratives has reached excessive elevations, indicating a sense of urgency and
desperation by those wielding power over society. It has been depressing and frustrating to witness the level of
obedient compliance by the majority of frightened sheep in this country, with complete subservience to authoritarian dictates
of their overlords. The extremeness of the response to a bad annual flu virus leads me to believe the truth behind what
has happened and is happening is far worse than most can conceive or comprehend. The level of pure malevolence and
disregard for humanity exhibited by the despots wielding power over our political, economic, medical, and social structures
has pushed the country to the edge of civil chaos, calculated political pandemonium, global conflict, and unavoidable debt
manufactured financial collapse. Sometimes I find myself wondering whether I'm the crazy one for not believing a piece
of cloth will protect me from catching a flu virus with a 99.8% survival rate, or not voluntarily allowing a Big Pharma
corporation, with no liability for the consequences of its experimental gene therapy, to treat me as their animal test
subject to increase my survival chances to 99.85%, or questioning why I need to wear a face diaper because I can catch the
virus while walking to my restaurant table but not once I sit down, or why six foot distancing is safe but 5 foot
distancing is dangerous. Why are the predictions of doom by "experts", which never come true, overlooked and
disregarded by the corporate fake news media?
COVID-19 Anniversary Provides An Insight Into Progressive Governance. This is a retrospective as we near the
first anniversary of our progressive experience with SARS-CoV-2. Liberty-loving Americans looking ahead to the Biden
administration should consider the past year to have been a previewing of coming attractions for progressive
governance. Imagine Dr. Anthony Fauci gaining an audience with President Ronald Reagan. After Dr. Fauci
parroted statistics from Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London that 2.2 million Americans would die from
Wuhan coronavirus infections unless a progressive fascist agenda were enacted shutting down non-essential businesses and
placing all Americans under house arrest, President Reagan would have laughed and politely told Dr. Fauci to leave and
close the door behind him. Mr. Reagan was educated in economics and loved our Constitution and Bill of
Rights. He knew over-reaching government actions would cause harm and wouldn't impact viral transmission.
Mr. Reagan trusted customers to determine which businesses were and weren't essential. It was inconceivable to
place healthy, law-abiding citizens under virtual house arrest. President Reagan would urge the vulnerable to maintain
appropriate isolation and those with infected symptoms to self-quarantine. God bless him, but President Donald Trump
isn't ideological. He came into office to implement certain ideas. Paramount was undoing damage done to our
country by Barack Obama over eight years. Unfortunately, when Drs. Fauci and Birx told President Trump the sky
was falling, he was confounded by this curveball from left field. In March and through May, we discovered there are two
Libertarians from Kentucky, but no conservatives in Washington, DC.
to a Dreadful Year. When the coronavirus first appeared, the neo-Thought Police in the media took pains to
refrain from referring to the virus by its place of origin (the "Wuhan virus" or the "China flu") for fear of being
politically incorrect. Notwithstanding the fact that West Nile Virus, Ebola, and Lyme Disease, among other maladies,
are named after the geographic origins of the disease, there was an exception made for this one. Using the term Wuhan
flu was simply not permitted. Starting with the contretemps over the name, the virus became entirely a creature of
politics: a useful crisis that could serve as the springboard for the progressive agenda. [...] In the early spring, the
Imperial College of London model predicted 2.2 million deaths in the United States and 500,000 in Great Britain. This
became the scientific basis for a large-scale abrogation of personal and economic liberty. The models were later adjusted
and by May it had become obvious that the death totals would be far short of that forecast, but by that point it was too late.
Essential Facts About Covid-19.
On one hand, these facts show that: • the average death rate for people who contract Covid-19 is well below 1% and is
much closer to that of the seasonal flu than figures that were commonly reported by the press.
• the average years of life lost from each Covid-19 death are significantly fewer than from common causes of untimely death like accidents and suicides.
• the virus that causes Covid-19 is "very vulnerable to antibody neutralization" and has very limited ability to mutate, which makes it unlikely
to take masses of lives year after year like the flu and other recurring scourges.
On the other hand, elderly people and those with chronic ailments are extremely vulnerable to Covid-19, and the disease is highly transmissible,
which means it could spread like wildfire and overwhelm hospitals without extraordinary measures to contain it. This would greatly increase its death toll.
However, measures to limit the spread of C-19 sometimes involve fatal tradeoffs, and thus, overreactions can destroy more years of life than they save.
Revolution 2020. [Scroll
down] In January 2020, when COVID hit and Trump cut off travel from China and Europe, the ruling class predictably
indicted him for racist excess. Fauci and the CDC claimed that the virus was not particularly contagious to humans, and
Democrat officials urged people to attend big gatherings. After contagion became obvious the media, following Fauci,
did not apologize for their errors. Instead, they spread estimates that the virus would kill some two million
Americans, that U.S. hospitals would be overwhelmed, and insisted that Trump urge Americans to avoid contact with one another
"to slow the spread and flatten the curve" of infections. No one suggested that any measures available might stop the
virus. Trump took that step — unnecessary, but possibly politically analgesic. As of this point in
mid-March, nothing extraordinary had yet changed the balance of power in America. But then Trump let himself be
persuaded to extend the suggestion of "lockdown" indefinitely, subject to such conditions as the CDC might make for
"reopening." Thus, having made "lockdowns" his own, did Trump largely disempower himself, enabling and legitimizing the
ruling class's seizure of powers that are reminiscent of Orwell's 1984. Subsequently, the entire ruling
class — the media (especially the social media giants), every officeholder, politician, and publicist associated
with the Democratic party, and corporate America — took upon itself powers over the American people such as not
even Woodrow Wilson had wielded in World War I. Foremost of these is exclusion of criticism of itself from public
circulation. Banning church services and other voluntary organizations, interactions among neighbors, as well as
closing small businesses reduced communications of whatever the ruling class might decide largely to one-way, top-down
conveyance. Thus did the oligarchy manage to convince the public to let it treat a virus the infection/fatality rate of
which (circa 0.01%) is either equal to or lower than that of the average of seasonal influenzas, as if it were the
plague. Worse that, for the sake of public health, the public should acquiesce in restrictions — such as
quarantining uninfected persons and staying indoors — that reverse the logic of quarantine. The ruling class
use of COVID-19 is medical nonsense. But the "lockdowns" made perfect political sense because they disadvantaged
primarily the sort of people who vote conservative. The lockdowns also made ordinary people more economically dependent
on government, while enriching those best connected with it.
Attempted COVID Coup of 2020. What history will record as the great COVID coup of 2020 is based on lies and
fear manufactured by America's ruling class — led by the Democratic Party and aided by the complaisance of most
Republican politicians. In March, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
presented the coronavirus to the Western world as a danger equivalent to the plague. But China's experience, which its
government obfuscated, had already shown that COVID-19 was much less like the plague and more like the flu. All that
has happened since followed from falsifying this basic truth. Americans were led to believe that the virus was unusually
contagious, and that it would kill up to one in 20 persons it infected — a 5 percent infection/fatality
rate (IFR). Today, we still lack definitive, direct knowledge of COVID-19's true lethality. The absence of that
knowledge allows bureaucrats to continue fearmongering. [...] An honest reckoning, if we can get one, will reveal that the
COVID-19 experience in America has only tangentially been about health. It has been, predominantly, a political
campaign based on the pretense of health but dedicated to the maintenance of elite control — and it has done far
more damage and caused more misery than the coronavirus itself.
The Rise of the Insurgent
Right. This is tyranny. A free country does not strip its citizens of the right to work by edict. A
free country does not dehumanize its citizens with mask-wearing mandates. A free country does not suspend the right of
citizens to travel freely within its borders. In "The COVID Coup," Angelo Codevilla cuts through the lies on which the
authoritarian coronavirus response was built. He makes clear that the initial predictions of death and destruction were
wildly incorrect and that the policy solutions proposed in response were totally inconsistent with our way of life. Our
experts failed us. Codevilla states the truth: the "pandemic" was never a crisis of such magnitude that it required
suspending basic civil liberties for months on end. The clearest evidence is Sweden, which never locked down, refused
to mandate masks, and kept schools open. That nation saw .057% of its population die from the Coronavirus. The
United States, on the other hand, despite numerous "interventions" and the implementation of de facto medico-martial law, saw
.058% of its population perish. Sweden's death rate peaked in April and has been in steady decline since. Today
they have deaths in the single digits. In the United States, a nation where 3 million people (0.9% of the total
population) die from all causes every year, we upended our entire way of life in the vain hope we could save 0.01% of the
population from COVID death. It isn't working.
The Editor says...
That was the good part of the article immediately above. After that, the writer proposes some soak the rich
schemes that no freedom-loving American would ever endorse, after considering them for even a moment.
Note: Most of the information about Monkeypox is (temporarily?) located on the Ebola page.
Timely news and commentary:
for an investigation of COVID-19 crimes. [Scroll down] On March 18,
California Governor Gavin Newsom issued the country's first unconstitutional statewide stay-at-home
order, to be followed in two days by Illinois and New York. This is the background on
March 19, 2020, when President Trump announced that Hydroxychloroquine-based treatment was a
game changer in the fight against COVID-19. This rendered this entire Democrat election strategy
dead on arrival. They had to kill Hydroxychloroquine despite its outstanding efficacy, as
reported by doctors. Later, they went on to discredit or render all other effective COVID-19
treatments inaccessible, from Ivermectin to convalescent plasma. They even forced or tricked
big pharmacy chains pharmacies into stopping the sale of Quercetin. Scientists whose research
contradicted the Democrat narrative have been discredited and were receiving death threats.
Empirical evidence called for maintaining a healthy lifestyle with social activities, physical
exercise, sunlight exposure, regular health care, and targeted protection of vulnerable
populations. Instead, Democratic governors, mayors, and deep state officials forced the
country into endless testing, masking, and lockdowns. In places like California, lockdowns
were akin to statewide house arrest. Exceptions were made for rioting.
Feeding the Kids to Fleecing the Government: Inside the Country's Largest COVID Fraud.
What happens when you cross a Third-World tribal culture with an urban Democratic
establishment? You can probably guess the outcome, but in Minnesota we don't have to
guess. We have seen it on display in the sprawling Feeding Our Future case that represents
the largest COVID fraud discovered so far in the United States. A cast of almost entirely
Somali immigrants is charged with siphoning some $250 million from the federal child nutrition
program administered by the Minnesota Department of Education into their own pockets between
March 2020 and January 2022, when federal agents assembled from around the United States
to raid the many scenes of the crime around the Twin Cities. Since then 70 defendants have
been charged, 37 have pleaded guilty, and 7 have been convicted in the two trials conducted in the
case so far. The others have yet to be tried.
scientists misled the world about Covid's origins. Five years ago today, based on a
highly misleading 'model' forecast from one academic, Neil Ferguson, the British government ditched
its pandemic plan and locked the entire country down. This decision had disastrous
and — as Sweden proves — unnecessary consequences. It was the first of
many dreadful mistakes made by the government during the Covid pandemic: shutting schools at the
behest of unions, assuming the virus was not airborne, vaccinating children, overclaiming for
vaccines and masks. The government thought it knew best and it let us down. But all
those errors pale beside the biggest one of the lot, and the one that has done most to undermine
trust in scientists — that is, the initial insistence that the virus did not originate
in a laboratory accident. We now know that it almost certainly did. The evidence is
overwhelming, as I have rehearsed many times. And it now includes a huge stack of
documents — inadvertently made public and spotted by two open-source investigators,
'Billy Bostickson' and Gilles Demaneuf — that shows just how systematically we were
deceived about this mother of all scandals.
truth about Covid jabs and cancer. Billions of doses of ground-breaking Covid
vaccines have been dished out globally since the early days of the pandemic. They have,
without doubt, saved many millions of lives. But a highly controversial claim has been thrust
into the spotlight: some of the jabs cause cancer. President Donald Trump's health
secretary, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, has raised safety concerns and Florida's surgeon general, Dr
Joseph Lapado, said they are 'not appropriate for use in human beings'. The state of Iowa has
already moved to enforce an outright ban. In the UK last month, broadcaster Piers Morgan
declared on his YouTube show that he'd had lunch with 'one of the top cancer experts in Britain'
who warned hospitals were 'reaping a whirlwind in the world of cancer as a result of the vaccines'.
Pentagon Created Lyme Disease 60 Years Ago in the same Lab as COVID. Mike Benz
is shedding light on an alarming and often overlooked history: the Pentagon's involvement in
experimenting with tick-borne viruses, right alongside the research that led to COVID-19. It's not
just a coincidence; it's the same playbook, using the same methods of weaponizing biological agents
under the guise of research. If the military was funding these experiments decades ago, it
raises some serious questions about the true nature of our government's role in global health
crises. [Video clip]
can't anyone at The New York Times ever tell the whole truth about Covid? Beware the
passive voice. We Were Badly Misled About the Event That Changed Our Lives, The New
York Times headline read yesterday. The event was Covid. The misleading... well, that's
another story. The article came from Zeynep Tufekci. Covid was very, very good to
Tufekci, a sociologist who got famous in 2020 for telling Americans they needed to wear
masks. At the time, she was an associate professor at the University of North Carolina's
School of Information and Library Science. Now she's the "Henry G. Bryant Professor of
Sociology and Public Affairs" at Princeton University and a Times columnist. Certain Times
writers specialize in fake hard truths, poking at the Times liberal/progressive/woke reader base
without ever actually challenging it. Tufekci falls in that camp. Naturally, she
supported the mRNAs and Covid-mitigation ventilation projects, the sort beloved by teachers unions
because they were a pleasant-sounding way to keep schools closed forever.
Left Knew They Were Lying to Us All Along. For years, the left has advanced utter
untruths for cheap partisan purposes that it knew at the time were all false. And now when
caught, they just shrug and say they were lying all along. Once it was known that the first
COVID-19 case originated in or near a Chinese communist virology lab engineering gain-in-function
deadly viruses — with help from Western agencies — the left went into full
persecution mode. They [castigated] as incompetent, racist, and conspiratorial any who dared
follow logic and evidence to point out that the Chinese government and its military were both
culpable for the virus and lying. A million Americans died of COVID. Millions more
suffered long-term injuries. Still, the left-wing media and Biden administration demonized
any who dared speak the truth about a lab origin of the deadly virus. The lies were designed
to protect the guilty who had helped fund the virus's origins, such as Doctors Anthony Fauci and
Francis Collins. The Biden government also tried to use the lab theory to ridicule a
supposedly pro-Trump "conspiracy."
blew the whistle on the Covid lab leak five years ago and were written off as cranks.
If they're supposed to be members of a band of truculent conspiracy theorists intent on disrupting
the machine of the state, Prof Gwythian Prins and John Constable don't exactly seem like it.
"In some sense we're all classic establishment figures... but slightly to one side of it,"
Constable says, an observation at which Prins nods vigorously. Turning up at a pub just off
Trafalgar Square (where Whitehall meets Clubland and visitors to the country mingle with the people
who run it) the two men are immaculately turned out and mildly uneasy. Leather-backed
armchairs are found; a pot of tea ordered. Prins, 74, is, among a catalogue of other things,
the emeritus research professor at the London School of Economics. Constable, 61, is an
academic, analyst and the founder of the Renewable Energy Foundation. They are not naturally
keen on the spotlight, they insist, yet have come because, Prins says, "this is a very important
story which must be heard".
Industry Looks To Get More And More People On Lifelong Medication. "Safe and 95%
effective," news headlines told us in November 2020, regarding Covid vaccines using the new
mRNA technology. Two of the big pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer and Moderna, that focus on
mRNA technology, both claimed after their trials that the efficacy was nearly perfect. The
expected miracle cure was reported as the best there had ever been, not only by the mainstream
media but also by reputable medical journals such as The BMJ, which thus gave the drug
companies' publicity push a flair of authority. We now know, of course, that everything the
drug companies told us about their mRNA vaccines by pointing to their factually flawed drug trials
was nothing but a bald-faced lie. UK pathologist Dr. Clare Craig, who has analysed these
trials in detail, is sure that no such claims that were made could have been deduced from the
trials. "Figures were from press releases from the pharma companies claiming 100% efficacy
against death," she says. "The situation actually was that one person had died in the placebo
group with a Covid label death. One person! That's not good statistics. You don't
need to be a statistician to know that you don't call one person's death and claim something's 100%
effective," Craig explains.
jury convicts alleged ringleader of massive pandemic food fraud scheme on all counts.
After just about five hours of deliberation, the jury found the two defendants guilty and they were
taken into custody immediately. A federal jury found Feeding Our Future leader Aimee Bock and
her alleged accomplice, Minneapolis restaurant owner Salim Said, guilty on all counts Wednesday
after only about five hours of deliberation. Jurors had a mountain of evidence to sift
through after listening to more than 30 witnesses testify over five weeks in the high-profile
case — part of a sprawling $250 million federal investigation that's charged
70 people, the largest pandemic-related fraud in the country.
Bush's Husband Just Got Indicted by the DOJ for COVID Fraud. We haven't heard a whole
lot from former Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO) since she left office at the end of the 118th
Congress (having been defeated in the Democratic primary last August by former St. Louis
County Prosecutor Wesley Bell). But that doesn't mean all's been quiet in her world.
[Advertisement] In fact, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Thursday that her
husband, Cortney Merritts, has been indicted for allegedly committing COVID fraud. [Tweet]
Malone tackles the flu shot. If you were paying attention during the pandemic, you
will recognize Robert Malone from his frequent appearances in conservative and non-traditional
media, sounding the alarm that the mRNA vaccines were neither effective nor safe. His
warnings at that time were acknowledged to be true only after the damage was done. This time,
he dared to widen his focus and question the efficacy of the seasonal influenza and other vaccines
in common use today. You may recall that RFK Jr. was browbeaten in his U.S. Senate
confirmation hearings for even hinting that the efficacy and safety of the current routine vaccines
may not have been tested enough. Most people don't want to believe that this omission could
possibly be true. Malcolm Muggeridge wrote some words of wisdom about lies. "People do not
believe lies because they have to, but because they want to." And of course when people are
terrified of getting sick or dying, they desperately want to believe that the powerful health care
industry will not hide the truth about any vaccines the way they did during COVID. Yet I still see
public service ads recommending that people get the COVID boosters, even for infants.
Scientific Fallacy That Spawned COVID Absolutism. We are approaching the five-year
anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, a period that saw governments around the world shut down
economies and embrace authoritarian policies in the name of public health and The Science. It
was Hayek's fatal conceit played out before our eyes. Economic hubris, bad science, and raw
state power unleashed a period of madness. It wasn't just that the state's non-pharmaceutical
interventions didn't work. They often didn't even make sense. "Non-essential" businesses
were closed, but liquor stores were left open. Politicians ignored their own orders.
Masks were required in restaurants when you walked to your table, but could be removed once you
were seated. Wrestlers were allowed to wrestle, but were prohibited from shaking hands.
Children, who were all but impervious to the virus, were banned from playgrounds, even though there
was no evidence of outdoor transmission. The list goes on.
Amount Of Crocodile Tears Can Erase Corporate Media's Complicity In Covid Scandal.
The New York Times turned to a popular strategy from the propaganda press playbook this week when
it published what it wanted Americans to believe was a mea culpa declaring, "We Were Badly Misled
About the Event That Changed Our Lives." There is no doubt that the chaos and tyranny that
went down in 2020 "changed our lives." People were denied the ability to grieve their dead, told
not to celebrate holidays with family and friends, masked to give birth without the support of a
spouse, ripped out of classrooms to stare at a screen, and segregated from society based on their
jab status. The outlet that fudged data about hospitalizations (one of the primary measures
used by government officials to justify mass social control mechanisms), amplified Twitter's
censorship of The Federalist, encouraged firing babysitters over Covid jab disagreements, and
called for forever lockdowns, however, was not merely "misled" when it flooded its pages with
pandemic panic porn and propaganda. It was a willing accomplice in a corporate media-wide
plot to run cover for bureaucrats' tyrannical takeover of our cities, states, and country.
years later, lefty journalists and health bureaucrats are lying worse than ever about Covid
[Part 1]. The left wants you to forget what happened in 2020. I don't mean
Covid. As today's drumbeat of "Five Years Later" stories proves, woke reporters don't want
you to forget Covid — or how scared you were of the virus back then. In fact,
they're annoyed you've "rewritten history" and forgotten your fear. But of course you've
forgotten that fear. Because you know the truth. [...] By mid-March 2020, even as the
panic was only starting, the scientists with the best access to the data — in particular
from the Diamond Princess cruise ship quarantined in Yokohama, just outside Tokyo — knew
how age-stratified Covid's risks were. Maybe the reports from China could not be trusted, but
the Japanese and Italian figures could. They unequivocally showed that the illness was far
more dangerous to people over 75, even 80, than anyone else. The rest of us needed a few more
days to understand this truth. But by the end of March, it was obvious to anyone paying attention.
years into Covid, why do reporters and health bureaucrats keep lying about the mRNA jabs?
[Part 2] In reality, most of the world did not get mRNA jabs. In wealthy
countries, particularly the United States and Japan, the mRNAs dominated. But globally they
made up only about one-third of all Covid vaccine doses. The most common shots were the
simple, old-style "inactivated-virus" vaccines, mostly from China. What are called DNA/AAV
vaccines made up another 20 percent or so, mostly in India, where AstraZeneca's technology was
licensed to a local manufacturer. But the DNAs fell out of favor quickly in the United States
and Europe, partly because of worries about a fatal clotting side effect and partly because their
clinical trial results did not match the 95 percent protection the mRNAs supposedly
offered. From the start, the mRNAs had great branding, no surprise given that Pfizer, the
company that brought the world Viagra, has always been better at marketing than science.
and void: Autopen misstep means arrests are now on the table.
[Scroll down] Of course, it all hinges on whether the judge is a Republican, or a DPDS
operative. If the latter, the pardons will be declared valid. Judges nominated by
Clinton, Obama and the POC/LGBTQ committee that was operating Joe like a Muppet have displayed a
consistent tendency to rubber stamp everything Democrats have ever done, and invalidate everything
Team Trump has done. So a great deal depends on which federal district court is selected for
these prosecutions. Judge shopping is a fine art, and the DPDS does it all the time.
Turnabout is fair play: Bondi needs to find a district court where the judges are
Republicans, and prosecute Dr. Fauci. That's the test case, since the consequences of
his crimes were felt throughout America. Once it's been established that the pardons aren't
worth the paper they're printed on, Patel and Bondi can go after the rest of them.
New York Times finally comes clean about Covid. Over the weekend, in the New York
Times, Zeynep Tufekci informed us, "We Were Badly Misled About Covid." Who misled us?
Zeynep Tufekci and the New York Times played a key role, as it turned out. [...] Writing in
the Times a year after the pandemic started, Tufekci argued "Maybe We Need Masks Indoors
Just a Bit Longer." Even in her reevaluation of the failures of Covid, driven by the paper she
was writing for, Tufekci still couldn't resist taking a jab at the people who were actually right
the entirety of the last five years. She wrote, "Some of the loudest proponents of the lab
leak theory weren't just earnestly making inquiries; they were acting in terrible faith, using the
debate over pandemic origins to attack legitimate, beneficial science, to inflame public opinion,
to get attention." Got that? We should have deferred to sainted scientists like Anthony
Fauci, who changed his position on masks with no discernible scientific reasoning, after having
previously downplayed their efficacy. Anthony Fauci, the same legitimate scientist who
supported the gain-of-function research at labs like the one in Wuhan, can only be questioned in
what Tufekci determines to be "good faith." You're allowed to be right, but do you have to be so
harsh about it?
vaccine damage consultants paid more than victims. Consultants assessing Covid
vaccine damage claims on behalf of the NHS have been paid millions more than the victims, it has
emerged. Freedom of Information requests made by The Telegraph show that US-based Crawford
and Company has carried out nearly 13,000 medical assessments, but dismissed more than 98 percent
of cases. Just 203 claimants have been notified they are entitled to a one-off payment of
£120,000 through the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) amounting to £24,360,000.
Yet Crawford and Company has received £27,264,896 for its services. The VDPS is run by
the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) but it has been criticised for a lack of transparency
regarding how claims are assessed. Prof Richard Goldberg, chairman in law at Durham
University, with a special interest in vaccine liability and compensation, said: "The idea that
this would be farmed out to a private company to make a determination is very odd. It's
taxpayers money and money is tight at the moment.
Origin Coverup Was Worldwide. Everybody Knew, Everybody Lied. As the COVID
coverup unravels — at least for normies, it is unraveling, I and many others have been
censored since 2020 for stating the obvious — the Pravda Media is looking to cover their
behinds by claiming to have been "misled." [...] Anybody with access to the data, or for that
matter even the smallest quantity of common sense, at least strongly suspected that the virus
escaped from the lab. The evidence was overwhelming, and all the attempts to debunk the lab
leak theory were ridiculous. [Tweet] Raccoon dogs? Bats from a wet market? The
raccoon dog theory was based on finding a fragment of the virus at the wet market near the raccoon
dogs pens, but then again Wuhan was filled with people who HAD COVID while buying products at the
market, so that tells you precisely nothing. The bat theory seems superficially plausible,
until you realize that the only bats carrying a virus remotely similar were from hundreds of miles
away, and those were collected and brought to...the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Were Badly Misled' About COVID Origin, Says [the New York Times]. Were they 'misled'?
Or did they lead the charge against anyone who dared question the consensus? Now that the cat
has come out of the bag, suddenly the New York Times feels the need to get out in front of the
backlash. For years, the NYT ran story after story, scathing column after column, about
anyone who dared to challenge The Science. How dare people suggest that a novel
coronavirus might have emerged from the nearby lab being run under questionable practices doing
exactly the kind of research intended to produce novel coronaviruses! Those dissenters were
all raaaaaacists, remember?
Science Lies. I was a scientist in academia for over 20 years. I earned a Ph.D.
from Rutgers University and worked at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. My dreams of what it was like to be a scientist were shattered early on. I
had envisioned a world with me in the basement with the likes of Marie Curie making exciting
discoveries. Instead, I encountered a world where career advancement trumped a pursuit of the
truth, a world where "publish or perish" ruled the day. No paper, no money for your
lab. Period. And the motherlode for money is the NIH. The system invites bad
science and cheating. I could write endlessly about the cheating I observed. One common
way is to simply toss out mice that didn't "cooperate." Namely, you had a hypothesis, did the
experiment, but didn't get a statistical difference. But, you think, if I toss out the data from
two mice in Group A and one in Group B, I'd have a difference. Yay! Let's publish!
Francisco transit employees fired for refusing COVID shots win over $1 million
each. Six former public transit employees who lost their jobs over a COVID shot
mandate have been awarded over $1 million each following their lawsuit against their
employer. The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) workers, who had requested
religious exemptions to the jab mandate, were among reported "hundreds" of BART employees who "felt
like their vaccine exemption requests weren't taken seriously," according to ABC7 News. A
total of "109 employees' requests for religious exemption were denied," the lawsuit said, according
to the New York Post. The suit stated that the dismissal of BART employees violates the
First Amendment, as well as "federal and state anti-discrimination in employment laws."
of the mask: Bernie, AOC urge base to break out face diapers at town halls.
Barack Obama once famously accused working class white voters of bitterly clinging to their guns
and religion, the same could be said about today's Democrats and their fixation on the face masks
that symbolized their COVID tyranny. Years after the end of the Biden regime's authoritarian
pandemic response that nearly destroyed America, the party's top two marquee progressives,
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) are urging their
supporters to put the face diapers on for their upcoming "Fighting Oligarchy" rally in Denver next
week. On Friday, conservative influencer and podcaster Stephen Miller shared a notice about
the rally that was sent to him by a friend in which the crooked curmudgeon encouraged attendees at
next Friday's outdoor event in the Mile High City to mask up. [Tweet]
Sanders tell supporters to mask up for West Coast town halls. Sen. Bernie
Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., are taking the "Fighting Oligarchy"
rallies out West next week — and advising supporters to mask up to participate.
Five years after the COVID-19 pandemic, Fox News Digital can confirm that the RSVP for the events
in Denver and Las Vegas includes guidance that "masks are advised for all attendees of this event."
A post shared by conservative podcaster Stephen L. Miller on Friday about the Denver event had many
wondering why masks would be advised for an outdoor event in 2025.
Flu Scam: Neither Canada nor Mexico have Killed a Single Chicken Due to Bird Flu.
Beware of the Chicken Flu, also known as "Bird Flu," that only happens in America because the
chickens don't have passports to travel to Canada or Mexico. No worries about the USDA or FDA
visiting your chicken farm in those countries to kill off all your chickens that might have
gain-of-function Fauci Chicken Flu, because it's just an American thing right now. The Biden
Regime somehow still has influence over the poultry industrial complex, and his cronies at the CDC
are still pushing the sheeple to get jacked up with some neuro-destroying dirty jabs for "Bird
Flu." It was all about decimating the food supply and driving egg prices through the roof,
while fearmongering about another pandemic while injecting the masses with toxic chemicals that
cause infertility, blood clots, and turbo cancer.
In 2020, German Government Concluded Lab Leak Odds Were 80 to 95 Percent. For
most of the past five years, a whole lot of otherwise seemingly intelligent people insisted
Covid-19 was just a really unlucky naturally occurring bat virus that just happened to mutate in a
way that made it nearly ideal for infecting human beings, and it coincidentally popped up down the
road from an institution that was doing gain-of-function research on coronaviruses found in
horseshoe bats in a lab that wasn't up to the international standards for doing that kind of
research. [Two advertisements] To quote the late Norm Macdonald, "or so the Germans would
have us believe." Actually, it turns out that the German government's intelligence service
did its own investigation into the likely origins of the pandemic back in 2020 and concluded that
the likelihood of a lab leak was "80 to 95 percent."
Disease Control. Way back in 1858, Nongqause, a prophetess of the Xhosa Tribe in
South Africa, had a vision telling her that all cattle of the tribe would have to be slaughtered,
having been reared by contaminated hands. She said she had met the spirits of three of her
ancestors, who had told her that the Xhosa people should destroy their crops and kill their cattle.
[...] The spirit of Nongqause lives on in today's bureaucracy. The bureaucratic instinct is
to kill every member in any threatened herd to ensure that all the sick ones die. There is
one fatal flaw in the scorched-earth disease control so loved by the bureaucracy: It fails to
encourage the survival and multiplication of resistant individuals. Those individuals who
survive, showing that they are resistant to the disease, are also slaughtered. There is no
survival of the fittest, no evolution of a resistant strain, under the Nongqause remedy. [...] And
in America now, an outbreak of measles is being used to bludgeon Amish people into vaccinations
they normally refuse. One recalcitrant Amish parent was fined $118,000. We need to learn
from wild populations. They get diseases, too. The weakest die, but the herd survives
and becomes stronger.
Covid vaccine victim awarded $2.5 million; 14,000 claimants on hold. An
individual who after receiving the Covid injection developed a syndrome that causes blood clots and
impacts platelet function was awarded $2.5 million by the U.S. government. The historic
$2,556,936.55 payout was made through the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) to an
individual who developed Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) after a Covid shot,
BrokenTruth.TV reported on Tuesday. The award is the single largest payout for a Covid jab
injury to date.
Covid Response Caused Significant Harm, Yet Another Official Report Finds. Five years
on from the declaration of a global pandemic, I'm weary of Covid inquiries. They tend to go
either of two ways. They either run through bureaucratic checkboxes and give everyone a medal
for having locked down the fastest and vaccinated the most. Or, they spend months reviewing
submissions and focus group transcripts to come to very obvious conclusions, like "closing schools
for prolonged periods is damaging for kids" or "people don't trust public health authorities if you
attempt to force everyone to take an over-hyped vaccine". A new report from the Australian
Human Rights Commission examining the effects of the state and federal Covid response fits in the
latter category, offering predictable insights like "human rights impacts were not always
considered or protected", and that many Australians felt they were "collateral damage" to
Government policies.
received a £10k Covid fine — one jokey snowball fight has ruined my life'.
When Xen Watts organised a snowball fight on Facebook he never imagined it would turn his life
upside down. It was January 2021 — the start of the third and longest Covid
lockdown in England, and the 23-year-old Leeds University student created the event out of
boredom. It was meant to be an ironic joke, poking fun at how restricted everyone's lives had
become. Unfortunately for him, more than 100 people gathered on a snow-dusted Woodhouse
Moor the next day. Later that week, the police knocked on Watts's door and summoned him to
the station for an interview. As evidence, they presented a screenshot showing that he had
created the event.
Did Covid begin in America?
The more one thinks about "early spread" evidence, the more one is open to the hypothesis a novel
coronavirus perhaps did not originate in Wuhan, China. That is, it's perhaps more likely the
Pandemic of the Century started in America. Fortunately, for some reason(s), certain
researchers and writers exist who will pursue areas of investigation which are clearly off-limits
to important truth-seeking organizations.
knew it was a lab leak all along. The American media is doing its best to ignore the
biggest news this week. Nope, not Covid's fifth anniversary. You may have noticed that
every legacy media outlet is reminding you it's been exactly five years since the Little Epidemic
That Could started its long chug into your lungs, or at least your upper respiratory tract.
In reality, they're as wrong about the date as everything else Covid. People started getting
sick in Wuhan in December 2019. Or was it November? Maybe even October? Whatever,
the Chinese have made sure we'll never know. But it was March 11, 2020 when the World
Health Organization declared a global pandemic — and the National Basketball Association postponed
its season. You know it's serious when the sportathons get turned off. The Dow Jones
Industrial Average went down 1,200 points that day too.
says $312M in loans were given to children during COVID pandemic. The Department of
Government Efficiency (DOGE) announced a further wave of contract terminations late Saturday,
noting that they also identified thousands of cases where more than $300 million in loans were
granted to children. The announcements come as the Elon Musk-led agency continues to root out
waste, fraud and corruption in the federal government. DOGE said it identified that the Small
Business Administration (SBA) granted nearly 5,600 loans for $312 million to borrowers whose
only listed owner was 11 years old or younger at the time of the loan. The loans were
issued in 2020 and 2021 — while the world struggled with the COVID-19
pandemic — and it is unclear what they were used for.
Got to Be Kidding Me: DOGE Uncovers Hundreds of Millions in SBA Loans — to
Children. The Department of Government Efficiency has been like a force of nature
since Donald Trump took office and Elon Musk set the DOGE loose to uncover waste in the government.
[...] We all knew that there was plenty of funny business going on, but some of what DOGE has found
has been truly jaw-dropping. It doesn't seem like it's going to stop either, as DOGE
announced on Saturday night that the Small Business Administration had loaned hundreds of millions
of dollars to small enterprises during the COVID pandemic. Sounds fine, right? Except
for the fact that the business owners in these cases were all 11 years old or younger.
Jr. must release the truth about Andrew Cuomo's deadly COVID nursing-home order. Now
that Andrew Cuomo is running for mayor, local Republicans in Congress are demanding clarity on
whether the then-gov's deadly COVID-19 nursing-home order violated federal guidelines; Health
Secretary Robert Kennedy should comply. Rep. Mike Lawler & Co. want answers on behalf of
the families whose elderly loved ones died as the result of a "reckless directive" that forced
"ill-prepared nursing-home facilities" to accept COVID-positive patients kicked out of
hospitals. The virus ran wild in the care homes, taking 15,000 lives. It falls on
Kennedy (Cuomo's former brother-in-law; small world, isn't it?) to spell out whether the
March 25, 2020, directive defied the federal policy that the ex-gov still insists he was following.
Joe Biden 'Now They Tell Us' Phenomenon. Francis Collins at the National Institutes
of Health, he's now coming out — and he has for a long time, but especially
recently — in saying, "Maybe that lockdown wasn't such a good idea. That was the
lockdown that destroyed, almost, the middle class." "You attach infinite value to stopping
the disease and saving a life. You attach zero value to whether this actually totally
disrupts people's lives, ruins the economy, and has many kids kept out of school in a way that they
never might quite recover from ... " "Collateral damage." "So there — yeah,
collateral damage." It led to missed cancer screenings, spousal abuse, alcohol abuse, drug
abuse, suicides, all because we shut down, in an unprecedented fashion, our entire society, not
just the economy, but the culture, the social life, the political life. And now we're told by
the architects of that failed policy that "we're kind of sorry."
judge finds Chinese government liable for $24B in damages for 'hoarding' protective equipment
during COVID pandemic. Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey secured a
$24 billion judgment against the Chinese Communist Party on Friday after a federal judge found
the US adversary liable for damages related to the hoarding of personal protective equipment during
the COVID-19 pandemic. "This is a landmark victory for Missouri and the United States in the
fight to hold China accountable for unleashing COVID-19 on the world," the attorney general said in
a statement. Missouri sued the CCP, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and several other Chinese
entities in 2020, alleging that China caused and exacerbated the COVID-19 pandemic by thwarting the
production, purchasing, and import and export of PPE. The lawsuit accused China of
nationalizing American factories producing PPE and hoarding protective equipment manufactured or
available for sale in the US.
Issues Emergency Warning as Deaths Surge Among Covid-Vaxxed. An emergency warning has
emerged from India after some of the country's leading scientists identified an alarming surge in
deaths among the Covid-vaccinated population. The discovery was revealed in a landmark study
led by Dr. Abin Kulathunkal Rajan and Dr. Abu Bashar from the All India Institute of
Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Gorakhpur. The findings were published in the journal Therapeutic
Advances in Vaccines and Immunotherapy. The study examines serious adverse events following
immunization (AEFI) linked to Covid vaccines in India. The researchers analyzed official
government data showing mortality rates, injuries, disabilities, and vaccination status among the public.
Vaccines Pfizer Abrysvo and GSK Arexvy Slapped with FDA Warning on Guillain-Barré
syndrome. As an internist, I have little concern about respiratory syncytial virus in
adults and have never ordered a PCR test for this infection. Like other forms of viral upper
respiratory illnesses, RSV is managed with empiric medications including anti-histamines,
decongestants, nebulizers and secondary antimicrobials if needed. The CDC's Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) first recommended the RSV vaccine for adults aged 60 and
older on June 21, 2023. The recommendation was based on shared clinical decision-making.
I am glad I did not adopt this recommendation in my practice. [Illustration] Now the FDA is
warning physicians and consumers about Guillain-Barre syndrome, a form of severe and potentially
life threatening paralysis occurring within 42 days of the ill-advised RSV shot. This
should trigger the ACIP committee to reconsider their broad recommendation for adults before more
cases of paralysis, disability, and death occur from the unnecessary adult RSV vaccines.
Increase In Heart Attacks Following Covid 'Vaccination'. Literally hundreds of papers
support the view that COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis and thromboembolism is linked to a
significant rise in sudden cardiac death[.] The reluctance of authorities to conduct large
scale post-vax autopsies and the lack of transparency in the post-marketing adverse drug reaction
reporting systems make it (purposely) difficult to ascribe the deaths as being due to the
injections in a definitive and uncontroversial way in published papers[,] but the evidence is
compelling. The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration hide behind the official figures
that only ascribe 14 deaths due to the COVID-19 shots out of 1037 reported deaths in the Drug
Adverse Event Notification (DAEN) system — and remember, if the widely accepted under
reporting in this system is 30-40x, this means potentially 30,000 to 40,000 actual deaths.
Issues Emergency Warning as Deaths Surge Among Covid-Vaxxed. An emergency warning has
emerged from India after some of the country's leading scientists identified an alarming surge in
deaths among the Covid-vaccinated population. The discovery was revealed in a landmark study
led by Dr. Abin Kulathunkal Rajan and Dr. Abu Bashar from the All India Institute of
Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Gorakhpur. The findings were published in the journal Therapeutic
Advances in Vaccines and Immunotherapy. The study examines serious adverse events following
immunization (AEFI) linked to Covid vaccines in India. The researchers analyzed official
government data showing mortality rates, injuries, disabilities, and vaccination status among the public.
Lab Leak Truth and Our Collective Apathy. The world was upended by a virus that
emerged in late 2019, killing millions, wrecking economies, and permanently altering
societies. But perhaps the most shocking aspect of the Covid pandemic is not that it
happened — but that, despite overwhelming evidence pointing to a lab origin, most people
simply do not care. If a plane crash caused by human error killed a few hundred people, there
would be lawsuits, congressional hearings, and unrelenting media coverage. Yet here we have a
disaster orders of magnitude larger, with 20 million dead and $30 trillion lost, and the
outrage is limited at best. How did this happen? Maybe the answer lies in how
thoroughly and for how long the truth was buried. In the early days of the pandemic, a
handful of scientists under Antony Fauci's leadership worked overtime to shut down any debate over
a possible lab leak. Now, in a moment so brazen it would be funny if it weren't so enraging,
two of the most prominent figures in that cover-up — Ralph Baric and Ian Lipkin —
are in The New York Times warning about a new, dangerous coronavirus experiment being conducted by
Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists under grossly inadequate biosafety precautions. They
claim it "could have significant risks for people worldwide." Here's the problem: Baric
was the architect of the very experiment that likely caused Covid.
Awarded $28 Million to Mysterious 'Vaccine Company' Run by His COVID Adviser and Based out of
a Maryland PO Box. During the final months of the Biden administration, the National
Institutes of Health awarded $28 million to a mysterious venture-backed company called Vaccine
Company Inc., a biomedical firm founded in 2022 whose chief financial officer happens to be one of
former president Joe Biden's top COVID advisers. To Sen. Joni Ernst (R., Iowa), the
September 2024 grant from the NIH's Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health doesn't pass
the smell test. Vaccine Company has left virtually no public footprint showing what it has
done with the taxpayer funds, which the Biden administration doled out to a seemingly random post
office box in Bethesda, Maryland. Ernst urged Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F.
Kennedy Jr. in a letter late Tuesday to investigate why the Biden administration awarded millions
of taxpayer dollars to the mysterious firm and to consider clawing back any portion of the reward
that remains unspent.
Did the FDA Greenlight the COVID Vaccines? The medical field has always had a problem
holding onto dogmatic traditions and attacking physician dissidents who risk their careers to point
out why those practices are unsafe and ineffective. To address this, in the 1960s, physicians
began pushing for medical practice to be dictated by scientific evidence rather than entrenched
interests, and in 1991, "evidence-based medicine" was born. This mindset quickly caught on
and overturned many disastrous medical dogmas, but unfortunately, gradually succumbed to the same
issues that had created it in the first place, with "evidence-based medicine" becoming its own
dogma and the rest of the medical system (e.g., pharmaceutical dollars) restructuring itself to
provide more and more fraudulent evidence to sustain the current dysfunctional medical dogma while
simultaneously attacking any contrary views as "pseudoscience" "lacking evidence."
Makary's Pro-COVID Vax Stance Means He's Fundamentally Wrong for FDA Commissioner.
Marty Makary is the wrong choice for FDA commissioner. He's very good at communicating at a
popular level, but the fact that he kept pushing the mRNA COVID vaccine long after problems with it
were obvious should be an insurmountable barrier to confirmation. In social media posts and
through widely circulated video and news interviews, Makary repeatedly promoted just about every
Biden White House talking point about the COVID mRNA vaccines. Even as he did this, he never
addressed the thousands of peer-reviewed mRNA vaccine injuries described in the literature and the
thousands of unretracted Covid-era journal publications. Increasing amounts of data indicated
that hundreds of thousands of Americans have been crippled or killed by the mRNA vaccines. On
top of that, even more were given the ineffective drugs Paxlovid and Remdesivir, which the FDA
approved and the CDC heavily promoted.
Covid-19 Ever Exist? 225 Health Agencies, Governments and the CDC Say No. There is no
evidence the SARS-COV-2 virus particle was ever isolated and purified according to responses from
225 governments, health agencies and the CDC. This information came as a result of FOIA requests.
[Link to the article below]
Massie's Evidence from Governments Shows the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Is a Scam. Christine
Massie, a Canadian woman concerned about health, spearheaded the freedom of information (FOI)
requests to hundreds of health agencies, governments and even the CDC asking for
evidence — specifically a SARS-CoV-2 virus particle that would have to be purified in
order to study it. [...] As of September 28, 2024: 225 institutions (mainly health and
science institutions) in 40 countries have all failed to provide or cite even 1 record
describing the alleged "SARS-COV-2" having been found in any sick human and purified, in order to
sequence and characterize "it" and study "it" with controlled experiments. In other words,
none of these institutions can prove that the alleged RNA genome of ~30,000 bases surrounded by a
protein shell and spikey envelope actually exists[,] let alone that "it" causes an allegedly new
respiratory disease that is allegedly spread from host to host via contagion.
Defense of Conspiracy Theorists. A conspiracy is simply two or more people or
organizations working in tandem to perpetrate a nefarious crime or fraud... or conceal or cover up
activities that, if exposed, would harm certain people and organizations. In my recent
article, I attempted to summarize the views of my Brownstone colleague Debbie Lerman, who I believe
is correct when she opines that the main conspiracy of "Covid" was to get most of the world
population inoculated with a new unsafe mRNA non-vaccine. Debbie also argues that
elements of the Department of Defense and the "Military Industrial and Intelligence Complex" took
control of the important elements of the Covid response. In my opinion, Debbie uses credible
and salient evidence to support these views. Writers who've performed copious research should
be commended for trying to "set the record straight." I also tried to highlight another vital
element of this conspiracy — the ramp-up of the Censorship Industrial Complex and the
propaganda programs that created the mass fear that made most citizens eager to comply with the
"guidance," lockdowns, and vaccines promoted by the world's establishment classes. This
"conspiracy," which worked spectacularly, made millions of people afraid to challenge false or
dubious narratives. The example of the "control" or "placebo" nation of Sweden should
have shown the world that the conspiracy to create mass fear was bogus, nonsensical, and irrational.
Court Paves the Way for Quarantine Camps. I'm sure many of you are thinking, But
it's 2025... We are 5 years out from the insanity of Covid-mania. And we have a new
Administration in the White House... How on earth are you talking about "quarantine camps" now?
Well folks, the truth of the matter is that my quarantine camp lawsuit which I first started three
long years ago has just reached its conclusion. The highest court in New York State, the Court
of Appeals, issued its final ruling in the case. This panel of seven appointed judges is
refusing to hear the case! That means the grossly erroneous intermediate appellate court's
ruling will stand, which in turn means that Governor Hochul and her dystopian New York State
Department of Health are free to reissue their heinous quarantine camp regulation at will.
Buckle up, New York!
Study Provides Legal Support For The Vaccine Injured. A study from Yale was published
this week that describes the clinical and immunologic profiles of those that suffer from chronic
post covid vaccination syndrome (PVS), a disease that, before this paper, did not exist despite the
fact I have specialized in diagnosing and treating it for over three years. I cannot
overstate how important the new Yale study is to the legal and medical plight of these
patients. Actually, scratch that, I can overstate it because, let's be clear, the study is on
a pre-print server and until it gets fully peer-reviewed and published in a reputable journal,
opposing lawyers will still be able to gaslight both me and my patients in the courtroom (I say
this because an earlier version of the study is still on a pre-print server 18 months later).
The disability hearings I have participated in so far have been traumatic for my PVS patients (and me).
Opposing lawyers repeatedly deny the association of their illness with the vaccine by aggressively attributing
it to other causes, most often Covid itself.
CEO Flops Attempting to Defend Vax Liability Shield. The very simple — and
unexpected coming from CNBC, which usually runs cover for pharmaceutical corporations as a matter
of course — question posed to Albert Bourla: ["]Vaccine makers like yourself
[are] largely shielded from liability. If the products are safe and effective, what is the
need to continue to shield, to have these liability shields, and what happens if those shields are
changed or go away completely?["] The very simple answer, assuming the vaccines are
actually "safe and effective," would be: "Nothing happens if we lose our liability shield.
We don't need it because our product is safe and effective, and we are willing to prove that in court
if need be." That's not what Bourla said. Instead, he offered a word-salad about how the
trustworthy FDA would never approve a dangerous and ineffective vaccine. Therefore, by virtue
of the fact that the FDA allowed the COVID shots to go to market, they are by definition "safe and
effective." Also, he adds, American juries are too stupid to decide whether an injury was
caused by a vaccine or a car accident.
The Editor says...
With regard to the juries in America, the writer has a point: During the jury selection process,
courtroom lawyers weed out anybody who shows any ability to think for himself, or indicates any
skepticism or distrust of lawyers in general. The jury is then made up of the twelve
most malleable simpletons in the room. Most lawyers only care about one thing: winning.
Federal Police finally drops Covid vaccine mandate but 'devastating' effects live on.
Three years after it became universally acknowledged that Covid vaccines provide negligible
protection against infection and transmission, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) has finally
dropped its Covid vaccine mandate. AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw announced the change in a
letter to staff, which was obtained by Senator Gerard Rennick and reviewed by the Epoch Times.
The decision to drop the mandate as of Monday 24 February comes after an "extensive review
of public health advice," which apparently took place at such a snail's pace as to trail the
rest of the country by several years. The mandates were dropped by most state and territory
police forces by mid-2022. But though the mandates are now over, AFP employees pushed out of
the job are still living with the effects. Former officers describe feeling "shunned" and
"treated like a criminal" by the AFP, with the loss of their careers, livelihoods, and homes taking
a devastating toll.
St Edmunds woman died day after Covid-19 vaccination. On Friday, the inquest of
Sylvia Rawlinson was brought to a close at Suffolk Coroners' Court in Ipswich. The court
heard that Ms Rawlinson, 81, was declared deceased at her home address in the west Suffolk town on
May 12 last year, at just before 8.30 am. Senior coroner for Suffolk Nigel Parsley said
Ms Rawlinson had gone to bed the previous evening appearing "fit and well", but was found unresponsive
the following morning. The inquest heard emergency services were called, but paramedics were
unable to revive Ms Rawlinson. An initial post-mortem examination could not identify a
clear cause of death. Subsequent testing showed that markers for Ms Rawlinson having
suffered an anaphylactic reaction was found. GP records showed that Ms Rawlinson had
been given a Covid-19 vaccination the previous day. The court heard that Ms Rawlinson had no
clinical history of allergic tendencies. However, because she was not known to have been
exposed to any other allergens in the days before her death, Mr Parsley concluded that it was more
likely than not that the vaccine had caused the reaction which led to Ms Rawlinson's death.
do vaccine incentives become coercive? The vaccine programs launched this year appear
to offer a Happy Ending to the Horrible Story of the COVID-19 Pandemic. But I am
cautious. Not because I am 'antivax', but because lasting 'ever afters' are never written in
the language of emotional manipulation and coercive control. Herd immunity, when enough
people have either recovered from COVID or been vaccinated, will end the pandemic. The
pressure to get there has given us a vaccination drive with an unprecedentedly strong behavioral
psychology and emergency response approach. A panoply of persuasions has been deployed to
encourage the hesitant, the slow and the complacent. From dating app bonuses to donuts,
lotteries to laminated vaccination cards — when do incentives become coercive?
Tempting little lagniappes to reward vaccination include free popsicles, milkshakes and hot dogs;
free Budweiser if 70 percent of Americans are vaccinated by the Fourth of July; free Krispy
Kreme donuts every day for a year. But daily donuts seem incongruous when obesity is a
comorbidity for COVID. And was the person who came up with the idea of offering
free 'joints for jabs' actually high?
Health: The New Godless Quasi-Religion that Ranks Humans Below Nature. A new,
Godless, quasi-religion — One Health — is being thrust upon the world.
Its apostles say it will save humanity, or rather, life itself. Allied with Marxism in its
denigration of the "exploitive nature of capitalism" as is demonstrated in the green movement, it
debases humankind by equating us with, even putting us below, all other life forms. Its
principal church is the World Health Organization (WHO), so President Donald Trump's threat to
withdraw from the WHO — or gain American control over it — must be seen in
the light of this globalist agenda. The WHO has been promoting One Health — the
mutualism of humans, animals, plants, and other aspects of the natural environment — and
aims to implement it through a proposed pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health
Regulations (IHR). Once signed, the treaty and IHR amendments will be legally binding on the
WHO's 194 member nations.
Raise Alarm as 'Bone-Rotting Disorder' Spreads Among Covid-Vaxxed. Doctors have
issued a chilling warning after linking a shocking "bone-rotting disorder" to Covid mRNA
"vaccines." Medical professionals have seen a surge in cases of patients suffering from a new
mystery condition that causes their bones to literally "rot away." However, experts are now
sounding the alarm after linking the disorder to Covid mRNA injections. The link was finally
confirmed in a patient from Tennessee, 34-year-old Brittany Burnette. The young mother of two
revealed that she was forced to take a Covid "vaccine" for her job as the director of a nursing home.
Collins Caught Sending False and Misleading Information to Congress. When I was a
Senate investigator 15 years back, researchers were careful to not lie to Congress. But
since both Tony Fauci and Scripps Kristian Andersen have been caught lying to Congress without
facing consequences, this has apparently emboldened Francis Collins to also lie. Collins
remains employed at the NIH so I contacted him at his government email, asking him to explain the
false information filed with Congress. Collins did not respond to explain himself.
Collins sent a letter to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic filled with
ticky-tacky complaints about their final report that concluded the National Institutes of Health,
through Tony Fauci, funded gain-of-function virus research at the Wuhan Institute of
Virology — the same lab the CIA believes likely started the pandemic. Filing
material misrepresentations with Congress is illegal and actionable under the law so I can't
explain why Collins sent this letter filled with falsehoods.
Kelly reveals she's battling Covid vaccine injury. Megyn Kelly has sensationally
claimed she was injured by the Pfizer Covid vaccine. On the latest episode of her podcast,
the conservative commentator said she developed an 'unspecified autoimmune condition' after getting
two shots and a booster. She told Dr Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist with ties to RFK Jr, that
doctors were unable to determine which specific disorder she has, but that they said it could be
linked to the vaccine. The 54-year-old told an audibly shocked Dr Malhotra: 'I asked the
rheumatologist if it could be linked to the Pfizer vaccine and booster, and she said "Yes, and
you're not the only patient I have who's had this sequence of events." 'I wish I hadn't done it
[gotten vaccinated], but I did.' Kelly also revealed that thinking the Covid vaccine was safe
was 'the number one thing I've been wrong about.'
Covid vaccine syndrome signs to look out for: Earlier this week Ivy League scientists revealed key
signs of an alarming new condition they believe is linked to mRNA Covid vaccines. The previously-unknown
condition, dubbed post-vaccination syndrome (PVS), can persist years after receiving the shots —
made by the likes of Pfizer and Moderna. According to the researchers, key signs include persistent
brain fog, exercise intolerance, insomnia and palpitations — a fluttering or pounding heart.
[Advertisement] Numbness, tinnitus or humming in the ears, headaches, dizziness and feeling 'a burning
sensation,' are other common signs reported by patients. Some sufferers also show distinct changes in
their immune cells and can even have a dormant virus, which causes flu-like symptoms, reactivate, the team
from Yale University said.
The Editor says...
This syndrome is not "previously unknown," except perhaps to the Daily Mail. There has
been a lot of discussion in the news media about adverse reactions to the mRNA injections for years now.
Francisco transit employees fired for refusing COVID shots win over $1 million
each. Six former public transit employees who lost their jobs over a COVID shot
mandate have been awarded over $1 million each following their lawsuit against their employer.
The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) workers, who had requested religious exemptions to the
jab mandate, were among reported "hundreds" of BART employees who "felt like their vaccine exemption
requests weren't taken seriously," according to ABC7 News. A total of "109 employees' requests
for religious exemption were denied," the lawsuit said, according to the New York Post. The suit
stated that the dismissal of BART employees violates the First Amendment, as well as "federal and
state anti-discrimination in employment laws."
victims left disabled after taking Covid jab react to bombshell Yale study. When a
new Yale University study identified a debilitating syndrome linked to Covid vaccines, Lindy Ayers
breathed a sigh of relief. The 31-year-old Army veteran, from Arkansas, has been
wheelchair-bound since she took her second Pfizer shot in 2021 as part of the government's military
mandate. For years she was told her extreme fatigue, sickness and heart palpitations were
anxiety. Then doctors said it was long Covid. She was branded an antivaxxer for
suggesting it could have been the vaccine. Thousands of Americans have reported similar
stories. After the study news dropped, spoke to dozens of Americans, including
those in healthcare, law, and the military, who said they felt a sense of validation after years of
being dismissed as crazy. Dr Trevor Keyler, a 39-year-old biology professor from Minnesota
who describes himself as 'pro-vaccine' and 'pro-science', has been forced to cut his work hours
after suffering extreme tremors and fatigue following his Moderna vaccine.
The Grotesque
Bird Flu Scam and How to Actually Treat Colds and Flus. In late 2019, I predicted
that COVID-19 would turn into a disaster. I told many of my colleagues, who all thought I was
crazy and simultaneously were confused by these remarks as I was typically the dissenting voice
against getting worked up over the annual "pandemic." While many things at work by late 2019
suggested this could happen, the primary reason I was willing to put my reputation on the line to
claim this was due to the media coverage surrounding the pandemic. Specifically, it's a
longstanding tradition for both the media and federal health apparatus to massively hype up each
potential "pandemic," but in the case of COVID (called Sars-Cov-2 at the time), the exact opposite
happened. There was a consistent push to downplay it (e.g., "it's just a flu bro" flooded the
internet at that time) to the point many of my colleagues who typically got the most up in arms
about (minor) infectious diseases laughed me off when I suggested COVID was something to be
concerned about.
on COVID Vaccine: 'FDA Should Immediately Revoke Approval of These Shots'.
Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) has called upon the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to revoke
its approval of the COVID-19 vaccines that he says the agency cut corners to approve. After
earlier deposing two witnesses who were in charge of vaccine approval at the FDA, Massie has
maintained that the process for approving the vaccines was corrupted by political pressure to
approve them so they could be mandated. [Tweet with video clip] During a House
Judiciary subcommittee hearing in June of 2024, Massie shared testimony from Dr. Marion
Gruber, the former Director of the FDA's vaccine office, regarding conversations concerning vaccine
efficacy that she had with Dr. Peter Marks, the agency's top vaccine regulator.
Jr. Shakes Up HHS: Vaccine Ads Pulled, Key Panel Delayed In First Week As
Secretary. Newly appointed Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Robert F.
Kennedy Jr. has made waves during his first week in office, pulling promotional vaccine ads and
indefinitely postponing a critical advisory panel meeting. The decisions have sparked debate
among health professionals, lawmakers, and the public, raising questions about the future of U.S.
vaccine policy under Kennedy's leadership. Kennedy directed the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) to remove its "Wild to Mild" flu vaccine campaign, which used a lion and a
kitten as a metaphor to illustrate how the flu shot weakens the virus. The campaign, aimed at
addressing declining flu vaccination rates during a severe flu season, was criticized by Kennedy
for its persuasive advertising tactics.
COVID Shots Cripple Immune System — Possibly Permanently. [Scroll down]
As Alex Berenson pointed out, clinically detrimental reduction in T-cells is otherwise known as
"AIDS" (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). [Advertisement] [Tweet] These people have
AIDS. Pfizer gave it to them, and the U.S. government mandated they take the Pfizer product that
gave it to them.
Harrelson tears apart Anthony Fauci in extraordinary Joe Rogan chat. Woody Harrelson
accused Dr. Anthony Fauci of doing some 'extraordinarily evil s**t' during his time as the
director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The Cheers
actor, 63, joined podcaster Joe Rogan on his show the Joe Rogan Experience on Saturday as the pair
talked about their hopes for the country's future in health. Harrelson described Robert F.
Kennedy Jr. — the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services — as 'heroic,'
and a 'man who cares deeply,' just before comparing his views with Fauci's. [Video clip]
fined for 'luring children into Covid vaccine trials' with teddy bears. Moderna has
been ordered to pay almost £44,000 after 12-year-olds were encouraged to join Covid vaccine
trials with the promise of teddy bears. The US-based biotech firm was found by Britain's
pharmaceutical watchdog to have discredited the industry, as well as failing to maintain high
standards. The complaint related to four X adverts published by Bradford Teaching Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust in June and July 2023, which looked to recruit children aged 12 and over
fo Moderna's updated mRNA vaccine. The adverts, which were aimed at children rather than
their parents, added: "All our junior volunteers get a lovely certificate and a 'be part of the
research' teddy bear." Two separate articles published online also sought to directly recruit
children. Critics warned that the NextCOVE trial was recruiting at a time when children were
deemed at low risk from Covid and were not being prioritised for jabs.
The Editor says...
Twelve seems a little old for a teddy bear, but it's cheaper than a cell phone, which is what they really want.
Fined For bribing children with toys to take Covid jabs. It's deeply worrisome that
Moderna has resorted to bribing children with teddy bears to take experimental gene therapy injections.
This isn't just unethical — it's predatory. In my opinion, they shouldn't just be
fined, they should face criminal penalties for such exploitative behavior against children.
COVID vaccine injury
study published on preprint server because the mainstream medical journals refused to publish
it. The Yale LISTEN study points out that 42 people with post-vaccination
syndrome (PVS) have a large number of differences in common compared to 22 people who got the
COVID shots and who didn't develop problems. There was no single symptom that all 42 PVS
patients had in common, but a variety of symptoms that were significantly higher in PVS patients:
• Excessive fatigue (85%)
• Tingling/numbness (80%)
• Exercise intolerance (80%)
• Brain fog (77.5%)
• Difficulty concentrating (72.5%)
• Sleep disturbances (70%)
• Neuropathy (70%)
• Muscle aches (70%)
• Anxiety (65%)
• Tinnitus (60%)
• Burning sensations (57.5%)
JD Vance admits
perhaps up to 111 million Americans had painful reactions to Covid shots.
[Scroll down] Citizen journalists in the alternative media have tried to focus on the
huge numbers of "adverse events" that have been reported by the tiny percentage of vaccinated
people who spent 40 minutes trying to figure out how to make a report on the VAERS
database. These are often serious diseases and "life-altering" medical conditions such as
death (of a loved one), strokes, clots, heart attacks, cancers or turbo cancers, auto-immune
diseases, shingles, brain fog, paralysis and 200 other reported and possible "side effects" or
"adverse events." But, for the most part, people who could report, "I felt [bad] for two
days" haven't bothered going on the record via VAERS. If we include the cohort of citizens
Vice President Vance is talking about, approximately 111+ million Americans over the age of six
months have experienced unpleasant jab "side effects."
The End of College
Vaccine Mandates. With one stroke of his pen, President Trump accomplished what we
have been fighting for over the last 4 years — an end to college and university
Covid-19 vaccine mandates. He signed an executive order to halt federal funding to all
schools, including colleges and universities, that still impose Covid-19 vaccine mandates on
students. While there are only 15 colleges and universities left mandating these shots, the
magnitude of his message to higher education leaders should not be underestimated. Covid-19
vaccine mandates on healthy young adults were never based on scientific data or sound reasoning,
but they were harshly implemented nonetheless. These policies coerced a captive population of
students to choose between abandonment of their college programs and dreams for the future or
complying with decisions over bodily autonomy made by the "experts."
Birx Admits Young and Healthy People Didn't Need COVID Vaccine. [Scroll down]
People lost their jobs if they refused the vaccine. People called them grandma killers.
Kids couldn't go to school without it. Even if you had the vaccine, society treated you like
a pariah if you even questioned the vaccine or said people have the right to question it.
scientists link Covid vaccines to alarming new syndrome causing 'distinct biological changes' to body.
Experts from Yale University have discovered an alarming syndrome linked to the mRNA Covid vaccines. The
previously-unknown condition — dubbed 'post-vaccination syndrome' — appears to cause
brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus and exercise intolerance. Some sufferers also show distinct biological
changes, including differences in immune cells and the presence of coronavirus proteins in their blood,
years after taking the shot.
Flu Is a Rerun of the Covid Playbook. Bird flu can be very confusing. This is
true because, as is so often the case with our government, those who claim to be trying to solve
the problem — our so-called "public health" and "pandemic preparedness"
"experts" — are actually the ones who created the problem. What is worse, they are
actively seeking to perpetuate it. In this brief article, my goal is to explain what is
happening with H5N1 Bird flu in the clearest, most fundamental terms. I hope to make it so
clear that all our elected officials can understand what is going on, and therefore can take action
to stop it. The key to understanding the current Bird flu panic is this: Bird flu is a
complete rerun of the Covid script.
vaccine faces ban for all Americans in radical U-turn by Trump team. Covid vaccines
could be suspended for all age groups in America under radical new plans backed by key health
figures in the Trump Administration. Several experts poised for top jobs in US health
agencies subscribe to the disputed idea the shots are causing widespread side effects and
deaths. Dr Jay Bhattacharya, who has been nominated to lead the National Institutes of Health
(NIH), has backed a petition calling for the mRNA vaccines to be paused and retested,
can reveal.
researchers have found immune system exhaustion and prolonged spike protein production in some
Covid jab recipients. A Yale University team led by a top immunologist has found that
some people who received the Covid vaccines have damage to their immune systems, as well as high
and rising levels of spike protein in their blood. The researchers released the findings
Wednesday in a "preprint" and hope to publish it soon in a peer-reviewed journal. How often
these problems occur or if the immune system damage might open people to infections is unclear as
yet. But immune system damage the researchers found is similar though not identical to
changes caused by HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, that can eventually lead to AIDS. The
researchers also found Covid spike protein — the protein mRNA Covid jabs from Pfizer and
Moderna cause our cells to make — in the blood of patients up to two years after
vaccination. I first wrote about that finding in December, but it looks even more serious now
that the preprint is out.
signs executive order to cut off funding to schools that mandate COVID shots.
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday barring federal tax dollars from any
public school that continues to mandate COVID-19 shots as a condition of student attendance, in the
interest of "keeping education accessible." "Some school districts and universities continue
to coerce children and young adults into taking the COVID-19 vaccine by conditioning their
education on it, and others may re-implement such mandates," the order says. "Parents and young
adults should be empowered with accurate data regarding the remote risks of serious illness
associated with COVID-19 for children and young adults, as well as how those risks can be mitigated
through various measures, and left free to make their own decisions accordingly."
Star Tony Bedeau Dies Suddenly at 45. Soccer fans are in mourning over the shocking
news that player Tony Bedeau has tragically died suddenly. The former Torquay United star was
just 45 years old when he passed away unexpectedly. [...] No cause of death has been revealed.
All details surrounding Bedeau's sudden passing have been withheld from the public.
is out of control in the United States. Heard about the 2025 influenza
epidemic? Emergency room visits for flu-like symptoms are the highest in a generation.
Over 50,000 Americans were hospitalized in the week ended Feb. 8, the newest available
data. For the first time since Covid began, flu is killing more people than Sars-Cov-2.
Yet even as the media hypes the risk of a nonexistent bird-flu epidemic in humans, it is largely
ignoring the actual flu crisis. One likely reason: even the dumbest reporters would rather
not remind people of their 2020 panic. They know they'll be tarred and feathered if they call
for school closures or lockdowns. All we can do is ride out the season, so best to say as
little as possible. But maybe there's another reason? [...] What we do know now is that mRNA
shots cause an unexpected shift towards a less effective form of antibodies against Covid in people
who have received at least three. That shift does not mean that a hangover from the unique
way the mRNAs suppress our immune system is giving the flu, or other viruses, a novel advantage as
they attack our bodies. It's entirely possible this is just a bad flu season.
official: We live under the most bought-off Congress in history. Last year,
lobbyists spent more than $4.4 billion on greasing the skids of our ostensible
representatives, which was a "$150 million surge" from the previous year (2023). [...] Let's
look at this data another way: If you were to determine a rough annual average, that means
lobbyists consistently funneled $3.7 billion to Washington's movers and shakers per year; if
you divide that number between the 535 lawmakers, you get almost $700k per individual, per
year. Any guesses on which industry spends the most? Here's a hint: Consider
the absolute windfall one particular industry got over the past four years with a certain virus
coupled with a very friendly Congress, and the viciousness of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s confirmation
hearing. If you guessed the pharmaceutical industry, you'd be correct, which spent roughly
$385 million, and let me tell you, they really overpaid. Elizabeth Warren? Bernie
Sanders? Sure these people vote exactly how Big Pharma wants them to, but they're
embarrassingly stupid.
misinformation about myocarditis and the covid vaccines. Our previous article
described how, in 2022, the British Heart Foundation website stated that people should not be
worried about getting the covid vaccine since: ["]there is no greater risk of developing
heart inflammation after a Covid-19 vaccine than after other common vaccines, including the flu
jab["] It turned out that this advice was based on a flawed study published in the
Lancet. The BHF subsequently removed the above statement and link to the article without
explanation, replacing it with a statement that myocarditis was a 'very rare side effect' of the
covid vaccines. Currently their website states more honestly ["]There's a link
between mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis.["]
After we published the article our colleague Dr Ros Jones told us about an even worse case of
failure by a relevant charity to warn of this increased risk of myocarditis. Incredibly, the
charity was Myocarditis UK whose website in September 2021 was actively promoting covid
vaccination for children.
US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. We have shown how you have
consistently exaggerated the threat from influenza, which you inconsistently labelled "flu" or
"influenza" as your needs changed to suit your aims and confusion was needed. [Chart]
Estimates of the burden were so inflated that even senior officials in the Biden administration
warned you, but you refused to budge. On 23 October 2024, we pointed out that "A Fauci
Senior Advisor admits that the CDC's data is "Shockingly Messed Up" and that leaders have "Serious
issues." The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) published private email correspondence,
which laid bare the extent of the deception, showing that tens of thousands of yearly deaths in the
US were derived from a complicated algorithm based on models.
Records Unprecedented Death Surge Among Covid-Vaccinated. Alarming official
government data has exposed a devastating surge in excess deaths among Australian citizens who
received Covid mRNA "vaccines." The data has revealed that Australia suffered a historic surge
of all-cause excess mortality among the nation's Covid-vaccinated population. Australia has
one of the highest Covid "vaccine" uptake rates in the world. A major new study has found
that Australia recorded skyrocketing excess deaths after the Covid mRNA "vaccines" were rolled out
in early 2021. A team of medical and population health researchers at the University of
Nicosia Medical School in Nicosia, Cyprus conducted the study.
Our Five-Year Nightmare Finally Over? Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s confirmation as the
Secretary of Health and Human Services in the US is the ultimate repudiation of the Covid policy
response. The scheme of lockdown-until-vaccination was the biggest effort of government and
industry on a global scale on historical record. It was all designed to transfer wealth to
winning industries (pharma, online retail, streaming services, online education), divide and
conquer the population, and consolidate power in the administrative state. By 2021, RFK, Jr.,
had emerged as the world's most vocal, erudite, and knowledgeable critic of the scheme. In
two brilliant books — The Real Anthony Fauci and The Wuhan Cover-Up —
he documented the entire enterprise and dated the evolution of the pandemic industry from its postwar
inception to the present. There was simply no way to read these books and think about the
corporatist cabal in the same way.
Needed a Covid Inquiry — but this isn't it. In November 2023, Carl
asked in the Spectator, "What is the point of the Covid Inquiry? It should be to establish
which parts of the government's pandemic response worked, which parts didn't, and what to do next
time. Instead, it is a farce — a spectacle of hysteria, name-calling and
trivialities." The tone of the inquiry has shifted away from a King's Counsel, seemingly
preoccupied with reading inappropriate words in others' private messages. However, the latest
module on vaccines reveals that the King's Counsel remains indifferent to substance, trust, and
uncovering the truth.
to End Mass Vaccine Promotion, Surgeon General Announces. The Louisiana Department of
Health said it will no longer promote mass vaccination, according to a memo released by the state's
surgeon general this week. A spokesperson for the Department of Health (LDH) confirmed that
Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham had ordered his staff to stop engaging in media campaigns
and community health fairs to encourage vaccinations and shared the memo with The Epoch Times on
Friday. "The State of Louisiana and LDH have historically promoted vaccines for vaccine
preventable illnesses through our parish health units, community health fairs, partnerships and media
campaigns," the memo said. "While we encourage each patient to discuss the risks and benefits
of vaccination with their provider, LDH will no longer promote mass vaccination."
Inquiry 'Silenced' Discussion of Regulatory Failings, Witnesses and Experts Say.
Participants and experts involved in the UK Covid-19 Inquiry have claimed that important lines of
inquiry regarding the manufacturing process were not pursued in the module looking at vaccines and
therapeutics. The three weeks of evidence given over to Module 4 of the inquiry concluded on
Jan. 31 after hearing from representatives of the vaccine-injured and bereaved groups as well
as from officials responsible for the jab rollout. Ruth O'Rafferty, who gave evidence on
behalf of the Scottish Vaccine Injury Group, told The Epoch Times she believes this portion of the
inquiry focused on the need to reform the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) and the Yellow Card
reporting system for adverse reactions, rather than looking at why the jabs were approved in the
first place.
NIH official during COVID-19 — who admitted agency funded gain-of-function research in
China — resigns. Dr. Lawrence Tabak, the former acting director of
the National Institutes of Health (NIH) who admitted to Congress last year that his agency funded
risky gain-of-function virus research in China, abruptly resigned Tuesday, according to multiple
reports. Tabak, the No. 2 official at NIH, did not provide a reason for his departure in a
notice to colleagues. "It has been an enormous privilege to work with each of you (and your
predecessors) to support and further the critical NIH mission," Tabak wrote in an email obtained by
the New York Times.
Misled the Judiciary about Pfizer's Vaccine Documents. On December 6, 2024, a
federal judge ordered the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to release documents related to the
emergency use authorisation of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine. These documents had been hidden
from public view. The legal battle traces back to September 2021, when attorney Aaron
Siri filed a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) on behalf of the Public Health and
Medical Professionals for Transparency. The plaintiffs sought access to the vast trove of
documents the FDA relied on to approve Pfizer's vaccine. Initially, the FDA proposed a slow
release schedule. In November 2021, the agency stated it would release just
500 pages per month — a pace that would have stretched the full disclosure process
to 75 years. However, in January 2022, District Judge Mark Pittman of Texas
rejected the FDA's proposal, ordering the agency to expedite its release to 55,000 pages per
month, aiming to complete the disclosure of all 450,000 pages by August 2022. As the
documents trickled out, researchers began uncovering glaring gaps that prevented a systematic
review of the data. These gaps fueled suspicions about what else the FDA might be withholding.
the People's Vaccine Inquiry — Part Three. [Scroll down] Dr
Clare Craig, a consultant diagnostic pathologist, who has carried out significant research into the
covid epidemic as an individual, was the third speaker. She reiterated that the press
conference is not about what was said at the inquiry. It is about what was not said, she
said, not forgotten or overlooked; not missed, but deliberately excluded. She went on:
["]The lead counsel, Hugo Keith, repeatedly interrupted anyone wishing to put forward
narrative-challenging evidence. He made the predetermined position crystal clear before a
word of evidence had been heard. He said: 'The exercise of pronouncing the last word on the
efficacy and safety of specific vaccines may prove to serve little purpose.' Little
purpose? To whom? These questions matter immensely — to the silenced, to the
injured and to the bereaved. But instead of scrutiny, we got slogans. Instead of
evidence, we heard echoes of certainty. Not a debate — it was doctrine. They
worshipped the novel covid vaccines. Shamefully, and without evidence, Hugo Keith talked
about 'entirely effective' vaccines which were 'undoubted successes' with 'lifesaving benefits ...
which ... vastly outweighed the very rare risk of a serious side effect.' Adding 'without any
doubt', he even went as far as saying they offered 'the promised land'. Would he say that about
other novel pharmaceutical products?["]
Caught Luring Children into COVID-19 mRNA Injection Trials with Teddy Bears — Fined for
Exploitation. The Telegraph has just reported that Moderna was fined for 'luring
children into Covid vaccine trials' with teddy bears: ["]Moderna has been ordered to
pay almost £44,000 after 12-year-olds were encouraged to join Covid vaccine trials with the
promise of teddy bears. The US-based biotech firm was found by Britain's pharmaceutical
watchdog to have discredited the industry, as well as failing to maintain high standards. The
complaint related to four X adverts published by Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
in June and July 2023, which looked to recruit children aged 12 and over for Moderna's updated
mRNA vaccine.["]
Vance's 12-year-old relative denied heart transplant because she is unvaccinated. A
12-year-old Indiana girl who is related to Vice President JD Vance has been barred from a spot on a
heart transplant list because she's not been vaccinated against COVID-19 and the flu, according to
her parents. Adaline Deal, a distant relative of the VP by marriage through his
half-siblings, was born with two rare heart conditions that her family knew would one day require a
transplant, her mother Janeen Deal told The Cincinnati Enquirer. Adaline — who was
adopted from China when she was 4 — was treated at Cincinnati Children's Hospital for
nearly 10 years, and her parents hoped she would get the transplant there.
FEMA mismanaged $8.1B in COVID grants. There seems to be ample evidence of massive
fraud and waste associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. FEMA's Public Assistance Program was
no exception to the rule. During fiscal years 2020-2023, insufficient oversight of the
Federal Emergency Management Agency's COVID-19 emergency protective measures grants resulted in
significant financial mismanagement, according to a January 30, 2025 Department of Homeland
Security Office of Inspector General (DHS OIG) report. The DHS OIG investigation found that
FEMA over-obligated $1.5 billion for one state's medical staffing grant and failed to
determine the cost allowability of $8.1 billion in funds drawn by the state. The state
in question is not named in the report. Additionally, a review of six other grants revealed
$32.8 million in improper payments during this period.
There A Problem With Colorado State University And Its Nipah Virus Research?
[Scroll down] To summarize thus far, CSU has a bat facility that is built to BSL-2
biosafety requirements. It's assured the public that it will not be working with Ebola,
Marburg or Nipah viruses, all of which require BSL-4 safety requirements. Finally, the
research into bats from Bangladesh sounds as if it could generate some useful information.
So, what's the issue? It's that language I mentioned above when I described the grant itself:
"we will perform experimental infection studies of Nipah Virus" and "sera from naïve and
infected bats will be archived in a biobank." This leads to an important question: Will
CSU limit that research to activities, animals, and research artifacts that are suitable for its
BSL-2 and BSL-3 rated facilities? The grant language suggests more, so I'm asking for
someone, please, to tell me I've read this grant description wrong.
Most Outrageous, Horrific Things USAID Did With Your Tax Dollars. USAID claims that
all USAID-funded activities carried out at the Wuhan lab were "consistent with the work performed
in other countries that also received related funding." These activities involved testing for
exposure to coronaviruses in animals and humans. The purpose of this research, according to
USAID, was to identify zoonotic viruses among animal populations before they spill over (i.e. are
able to infect humans) and cause potential pandemics in people. USAID insists that they
"never authorized or funded any work that aimed to increase the ability of infectious agents to
cause disease by enhancing its pathogenicity or by increasing its transmissibility," otherwise
known as gain-of-function research. Under the auspices of the PREDICT project, which
identified nearly 950 novel viruses, including SARS-related coronaviruses, USAID says that their
"work in China" ended abruptly in 2019. Since then, no additional USAID Global Health Security
funding went to Wuhan, the agency maintains. According to EcoHealth Alliance, PREDICT
partners base their research in geographic "hotspots" and focus on animals that are most likely to
carry zoonotic diseases, such as bats.
Attorneys General Seek to Bypass Biden Pardon, Investigate Fauci on State Level. A
coalition of Republican attorneys general are seeking to bypass President Joe Biden's last-minute
preemptive pardon of Dr. Anthony Fauci to investigate him on a state level for his role in the
COVID-19 pandemic response. The attorneys general, led by South Carolina Attorney General
Alan Wilson, sent a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Senate Majority Leader John
Thune (R-SD) on Wednesday asking to be kept in the loop about "any further findings or direct
evidence that suggests there may have been any violation of state laws" so that "we may evaluate
state-level courses of action." "Certainly, one potential tool at our disposal is the referral
of any pertinent findings to state officials. As you are aware, a pardon by former President
Biden does not extend to preclude state-level investigations or legal proceedings," they wrote. "As
state Attorneys General, we possess the authority to address violations of state law or breaches of
public trust. [...]"
CDC's Big Mistake. COVID was, for many Americans, their first personal experience of
vast, unregulated power imposed by federal agencies. Without enforcing laws or interpreting
regulations, just publishing claims and data can have unrestrained power. For many Americans,
it was shocking and novel seeing suggestions rapidly morph into mandates, while mainstream and
social media stripped contradictory evidence and contrary opinions from public discourse.
Some citizens were inspired to push others to wear masks. But COVID wasn't the first time
government actions that were neither laws nor regulations imposed dire consequences on ordinary,
law-abiding Americans. One agency muzzled by Trump, the CDC, exemplifies far-reaching federal
influence. One example of the profound impact of CDC publications is the 2016 CDC guidelines for
pain treatment with opioids. These guidelines — not regulations, not laws —
initiated drastic, ongoing reductions in pain care nationwide.
holds no evidence for claim that Covid vaccines do not alter DNA. Recently, I
reported that Australia's drug regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) was unable to
provide any evidence for its claim that "there is no accepted science that shows any alteration of
the human genome" related to Covid vaccination. Now, US-based public health watchdog Informed
Consent Action Network (ICAN) reports that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
doesn't hold any evidence for its safety claims on this issue either. The CDC states on its
website that, "COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way." However,
when law firm Siri & Glimstad requested "all documents sufficient to support" this claim from the
US health agency under Freedom of Information (FOI), the CDC advised that no records had been found.
How Much Money Dems Get From Big Pharma — and Who Takes the Most! Turns out that
Democrats aren't just taking money from the pharmaceutical industry. They are taking [a lot]
of money from the pharmaceutical industry. [Tweet with illustration] Holy cow! We're
talking eight figures in many cases. Now, the time scale runs from 1990 to 2024; we might
note that the guy in second place, Raphael Warnock (D-GA), wasn't elected until 2021. So in three
years, the reverend managed to rake in Big Pharma bucks to the tune of $14 million and
change. He's in second place — and guess who's in first? If you guessed Sen. Bernie
Sanders (I), the daffy old Boshevik from Vermont, you guessed right. The pharmaceutical companies
and the organizations associated with them have been feeling the Bern to the tune of $23,193,451.
"Medical Societies" are the biggest donor bribers; they're into Bernie for over half that amount,
$12,749,883. When Sanders claims he hasn't taken any money from Big Pharma CEOs, we should
notice that he's specifying CEOs because he's taking a lot of money from the medical societies
that they doubtlessly belong to.
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) now demands "forced mandatory vaccinations".
During confirmation hearings this week on Trump's nominee to take over the Department of Health and
Human Services Robert Kennedy, Jr., Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island once again
demonstrated his fascist and petty dictator nature, demanding that Kennedy support "forced
mandatory vaccinations" of Americans or else he will vote against Kennedy's nomination.
Whitehouse also demanded that Kennedy promise to never again say "that vaccines are not medically
safe when they in fact are." In other words Kennedy is to put aside his own research and
knowledge, that has found some vaccines efficacy and safety are questionable, and join the
government swamp to lie to Americans while forcing Americans to take drugs they might not
want. Sounds insane? If you don't believe me then watch: [Video clip]
Years Later: Still No Accountability for Fauci's Covid Origin Cover-Up. Today marks
the five-year anniversary of the cover-up that sought to bury the origins of Covid. On
January 31, 2020, Anthony Fauci initiated a process that led to a secret conference call with
a select group of scientists the following day. During this call, Fauci and others were
explicitly told that the virus likely originated from a lab. Yet, within hours, these same
scientists, at Fauci's behest, began drafting a paper titled "Proximal Origin" that would be used
to aggressively push the opposite narrative: that Covid emerged naturally. This deception
shaped public discourse for the next five years and effectively silenced questions about a possible
lab leak. We were among the first to uncover the details of this cover-up. When over
3,000 pages of Fauci's emails were released under the Freedom of Information Act in early
June 2021, we worked through the night to meticulously piece together what would reveal a
shocking picture of corruption and fraud. The emails, with timestamps from different time
zones — whether intentional or not — complicated efforts to determine the
timeline and sequence of events.
Dumbest Thing I Saw Yesterday. [Scroll down] "Settled science" is the
product of scientism, which is yet another substitute for religion for the atheists. Dressing
up your beliefs, your hunches, your identity as science is a belief structure. Certain
scientists become your high priests, and you celebrate your "rationalism" when in fact you are
living in a closed bubble of firmly held opinions. If you doubt me, go look up the safety
profiles of medicines, treatments, vaccines, or anything else in medicine. EVERYTHING has
risks, so the question is risk profiles. Perhaps some people benefit more than others, and
others have higher risks. The only way to find out is to look, scientifically. [New
Hampshire Senator Maggie] Hassan doesn't understand any of this, and displayed the fervor of any
religious fanatic when her beliefs are challenged. People like this are much more dangerous
than anybody who demands more evidence.
Novak Djokovic refused to take the COVID "vaccine". Out of 3,873 ranked professional
tennis players worldwide in 2017, I'm only aware of 3 players who did the right thing and refused
to take the shots:
• Novak Djokovic: The world-renowned Serbian player has been notably unvaccinated,
leading to his withdrawal from tournaments with strict vaccination requirements.
• Tennys Sandgren: The American player has openly expressed his decision
not to receive the vaccine, resulting in his absence from certain competitions.
• Pierre-Hugues Herbert: The French doubles specialist has also chosen to
remain unvaccinated, affecting his participation in specific events.
Isn't that sad? Fewer than 1 in 1,000 were willing to resist government coercion and
stand up for medical freedom.
This the Man Who Created COVID-19 in Fauci's U.S. Lab? Top U.S. virologist Ralph
Baric engineered the COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV-2 in his lab at the University of North Carolina as
part of his work in connection with the 2018 DEFUSE funding proposal. That's the story that's
been going round the internet for some months now (and not just in alternative media) and it all
looks very damning for Baric and those connected with his research. Details of the DEFUSE
project were first leaked by Major Joseph Murphy, an employee of U.S. military research agency
DARPA, in the summer of 2021 and further details of earlier drafts have come to light this month
thanks to public record requests from U.S. Right to Know (USRTK). In DEFUSE, Baric proposed
to create a virus that was, to most intents and purposes, SARS-CoV-2. The proposal included
inserting a furin cleavage site into a coronavirus spike protein, an order for the restriction
enzyme BsmBI, the search for a binding domain that would infect ACE2 human receptors and a
requirement for a viral genome around 25% different to SARS.
Employees Threaten to Quit if RFK Jr. Is Confirmed as HHS Secretary. President
Trump's nominees for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Director of National
Intelligence (DNI) and Director of the FBI will be facing confirmation hearings in the U.S. Senate
this week. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is expected to face sharp questioning over his nomination to
head the Dept. of Health & Human Services because of his skepticism toward the effectiveness of the
federal food and medicine regulatory apparatus. In particular, large numbers of employees of
the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have been preparing their letters of resignation for the past
two months and say they will quit if RFK Jr. is confirmed as HHS Secretary. [Tweet]
Hints FBI Communications With COVID Scientists Will Be Exposed. Award-winning
independent journalist Matt Taibbi revealed in an interview with conservative commentator Tucker
Carlson that communications between FBI officials and scientists related to gain-of-function
research and the origins of COVID-19 is expected to one day be made public. [Tweet with
video clip] [Transcript]
Finds No Correlation Between School Closings and Transmission. As the COVID pandemic
swept across the United States and in the years that followed, scientists, informed commentators,
and journalists who questioned the origin of the virus and subsequent COVID policies were summarily
dismissed, censored, blacklisted, and even canceled without serious consideration. From
ineffective masks to "social distancing," to corporate lockdowns and school closures, those among
us who relied on unbiased facts and valid information have been vindicated, as one COVID canard
after another has gone up in smoke. Now, new study results published by the Journal of
Infection further undermine the lies and obfuscations told by the former head of the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci — who indignantly declared
in June 2021: "Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science" — the CDC (Centers
for Disease Control), and others in positions of authority, including within the federal government.
Reverses Itself, Acknowledging COVID Likely Originated from a Wuhan Lab. This week,
President Donald Trump's pick for the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency was sworn
in. Director John Ratcliffe went straight to work on behalf of the American people by
releasing a new position on the origins of Covid-19. The CIA now has shifted its assessment
regarding the origins of covid, now favoring the lab leak theory as the most likely explanation for
the pandemic's start. On Saturday, the agency released a new evaluation indicating a
preference for the laboratory leak hypothesis over the natural origin theory, reversing the
position it has held sense the first cases of covid in this country were reported.
now says Covid DID come from Chinese lab in stunning reversal after years of denial under
Biden. The CIA has today revealed its belief that COVID-19 was likely leaked from a
Chinese lab after years of denial under the Biden administration. A spokesperson for the
agency said on Saturday that they now favor the lab theory. Officials said that there is no
new evidence behind their shift in opinion — it is based on the same evidence they have been
mulling over for months.
to Halt Gain-of-Function Viral Research Via Executive Order, Per Report. Of course,
the big news comes with possibly an even bigger caveat: according to the WSJ's source, bird flu
might be exempt from the temporary ban, which would beg the question: why? If the
gain-of-function pause should apply to anything, it should be to the virus that the public health
authorities have promised over and over and over would be the trigger for pandemic 2.0. This is
not a permanent ban, and ostensibly it does not apply to private-sector actors.
mRNA, Cancer Vaccines and "Stargate". The simplest summary is that this is clear-cut
grifting. Precisely what I was afraid of when Bill Gates triumphantly announced his having
met with President Trump. We thought, we hoped, that President Trump had learned from the
past, but this is not looking good. [...] The most gentle thing I can say about all of this is that
the idea that one could sequence the genome of a cancer cell and based on that (within
48 hours!) develop a universal cancer vaccine for that type of tumor is profoundly
naive. This pitch would not survive five minutes of scrutiny by any Torrey Pines, Boston, or
Silicon Valley venture capital firm that I have ever presented a business plan to.
Researchers have been investigating and pitching the idea of tumor sequencing leading to cancer
genetic vaccine development ever since the idea of gene therapy first arose in the 1970s.
This type of simplistic thinking was outdated decades ago! The problem is not how to
manufacture an mRNA or DNA (or viral vectored) vaccine. It is not something that we can apply
Artificial Intelligence to in order to more rapidly design a genetic vaccine. The problem is
that we do not really understand how to circumvent fundamental problems associated with cancer immunology.
Just Revoked Fauci's Security Detail. President Donald Trump cut off taxpayer-funded
security detail for Dr. Anthony Fauci, he confirmed this week. According to The New York
Times, Fauci did not have Secret Service protection. He was protected by federal marshals,
and later by a private contractor whose fees were paid by the government. Trump confirmed the
news to a journalist in North Carolina. "I think when you work for government, at some point
your security detail comes off, and you know, you can't have them forever," Trump told a reporter
at a hurricane response briefing in Asheville, NC. "We took some off other people too," the
president continued. "They can hire their own security too. ... I can give them some good
numbers of very good security people." "Fauci made a lot of money. They all did," Trump added.
Actor: The Fate of Peter Daszak. The U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) has officially suspended and debarred Dr. Peter Daszak for five years from
participating in federal procurement programs due to his role as former president and CEO of
EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. (EHA). This decision, announced on January 17, 2025, follows a
Suspension and Proposed Debarment Notice issued nearly a year earlier, on May 15, 2024. In
addition to Daszak's suspension, EcoHealth Alliance itself has also been debarred from federal
procurement programs. The suspension of Daszak's funding is based on evidence uncovered by
the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. According to a Jan. 17 press
release from House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform chairman James Comer (R-Ky.),
EcoHealth "terminated Dr. Daszak's employment effective January 6, 2025." Comer stated
that Daszak and EcoHealth used "taxpayer funds to facilitate dangerous gain-of-function research in China."
About That
Fauci Pardon. Everybody assumes that Biden pardoned Anthony Fauci to shield him from
his actions just before and during his appalling performance during the COVID pandemic.
Surely that was a major part of the reason, especially since Fauci gained so much prominence during
that sorry episode in our nation's history. Were it not for COVID he would have left as a
largely (and unjustly) respected public servant who was remarkably hale and hearty in his
80s. People in the know would have stared daggers at his back as he went on to enjoy his
pension, but most Americans wouldn't even notice his departure. But COVID doesn't explain the
pardon, actually. Not as it was written, because the pardon covered his "nonviolent" actions
for 11 years, just as Hunter's did. Which brings up the question: why so long?
Case for A Presidential Proclamation of Treason. While there will be time enough for
more January 6th justice on the other side of the long-awaited pardons cut last night, one of
the key reasons the American people had to uninstall the Biden-Harris regime is because the
COVID-19 scam was perpetrated upon the nation as the political establishment's break glass in
case of emergency measure to prevent Trump from coasting to a second term back in 2020.
And just who was the key player in foisting the COVID fiasco on our country? The title of
this article should have told you I'm talking about the one and only Anthony Fauci, who along with
the insufferable Deborah Birx, brought the United States to a standstill, destroyed our economy,
exacerbated an already-serious mental health crisis, halted childhood development, wrecked
recreation, and promoted experimental shot therapies so extensively they became mandatory for most
employment and travel in what is supposed to be the freest country on Earth. In case you
missed the news in all the excitement surrounding Inauguration Day, Fauci was among those pardoned
at the final hour.
Biden Pardon, Fauci Still Faces Legal Perils. President Biden's pardon of
Dr. Anthony Fauci may protect the former National Institutes of Health official from immediate
criminal prosecution, but some critics say he is not completely out of legal jeopardy and that
public sentiment might still condemn the man who became known during the COVID-19 pandemic as
"Mr. Science." In the days before Biden offered the pardon to Fauci, along with other
critics of Donald Trump, some experts who have followed Fauci's career and handling of the
pandemic, as well as members of the Trump transition team, reiterated their assertion that Fauci
perjured himself on several occasions during the pandemic — especially regarding his
agency's links to the lab in Wuhan, China, that might have created the virus that causes COVID-19.
The pardon addresses any COVID-related offenses, and is backdated to 2014 — the year a
U.S. ban on so-called "gain of function" virus research took effect — research Fauci
is accused of outsourcing to China.
be pardoned for a crime, there must be a crime. Fauci's pardon goes way back to
January 2014 for, "Any offenses against the United States which he may have committed or taken
part in." Thousands of people died from COVID on his watch, and he was behind using U.S. tax
dollars to fund the lab in Wuhan, China where research was being conducted into bat coronaviruses.
"The lab was at the time collaborating with the Chinese military while it conducted high-risk
'gain-of-function' research into bat coronaviruses," Federalist writer Tristan Justice reported in
2021. "In such research, scientists extract viruses from the wild and engineer them to infect
humans to study potential therapeutics, including vaccines. This form of research is deemed
so dangerous the U.S. government banned its funding between 2014 and 2017 to create guidelines
within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide further review of such grant
proposals." Is that a crime? Based on the pardon, and your common sense, it looks like
something that should not be ignored.
Sounds Alarm as Heart Failure Surges 4900% Among Covid-Vaxxed. Leading experts in
Japan are sounding the alarm after uncovering evidence of a staggering surge in heart failure among
citizens who received Covid mRNA "vaccines." Japan's top scientists discovered that the risk of
heart failure surges by up to 4,900% after a person receives a Covid mRNA injection. The
explosive discovery was made by a team of Japanese researchers from the Division of
Pharmacodynamics at Keio University Faculty of Pharmacy and Yokohama General Hospital. The
research team, led by Professor Keisuke Takada, found that the risk of myocarditis is
20-50 times greater after receiving the shot.
Lousiest President of All Time. Anybody who wants to explain how bad the Biden
administration is has to start with COVID. As such, we knew a few things early on in the
pandemic, and they were as follows:
[#1] The average age of death from the virus was in the 80s.
[#2] It had almost zero effect on young people and children.
[#3] Most people who died from it had three or more co-morbidities —
that is, they were old [...], fat as a hog, and really liked smoking, or drinking, or cancer.
[#4] It was in the same class of virus as the common cold.
Once we knew these things, especially the last one, the obvious thing to do was to give up.
There was no point crippling the strong for the sake of the weak when the weak depend upon the strong and most of
the weak aren't affected by COVID anyway. We should have put the elderly on welfare and expanded Medicaid
a bit and let the rest of us run loose. [...] When doctors from places like Harvard and Stanford questioned
the vaccine, he sent the FBI to bully Facebook into banning them and anyone who supported them — a
clearly illegal move for which nobody, to my knowledge, has been prosecuted.
pardons Fauci, Milley, Jan. 6 committee ahead of Trump inauguration. President
Biden on Monday morning, just hours before President Trump's inauguration, granted pardons to
Anthony Fauci, Gen. Mark Milley and former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) and other members of
the House panel that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021 attack. Biden said he was doing so to
protect the public servants, who have all faced attacks from the man about to replace Biden in the
White House. "These public servants have served our nation with honor and distinction and do not
deserve to be the targets of unjustified and politically motivated prosecutions," Biden said in a
statement. Biden issued pardons for Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases who led the nation's COVID-19 pandemic response, and Milley, the
former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Pardons Fauci, Milley, Cheney, Others in Shocking Abuse of Presidential Power. If Joe
Biden's pardon of his degenerate son wasn't enough to place him among the most corrupt presidents
in American history, his eleventh-hour move to pardon a slew of partisan operatives may have just
rocketed him to the top of the list. If Joe Biden's pardon of his degenerate son wasn't
enough to place him among the most corrupt presidents in American history, his eleventh-hour move
to pardon a slew of partisan operatives may have just rocketed him to the top of the list.
[Tweet] What are some of the alleged crimes these people have committed? Milley
infamously called up the Chinese government before the 2020 election and pledged to commit treason,
warning them of any possible attack ordered by Donald Trump. While he claimed he was
protecting the nation, the chain of command has no "I disagree with the president" clause that
allows treason to be legal. What Milley did was one of the most disturbing breaches of
conduct by a military officer ever.
Proof That Lockdown Critics Were 'Debanked' Because of Their Views. PayPal has
admitted that a prominent children's rights campaigner was "debanked" during the pandemic after
speaking out against school closures and mandatory vaccines. The US online payments giant
told Molly Kingsley, founder of the parent campaign group UsForThem, that her account had been
terminated in September 2022 owing to "the nature of its activities". Hers was one of a
handful of accounts that were frozen by PayPal, all of which belonged to individuals or
organisations that questioned the government's policies during the pandemic. Now PayPal has
admitted for the first time that Ms Kingsley's account was frozen owing to "content published by
UsForThem relating to mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations and school closures".
Research Paper Contains Evidence That the mRNA Covid Vaccines Damages Human Heart Cells.
Over a 40-year career in microbiology I've met several cases. For example, the scientist who
found a problematic type of antibiotic resistance to be extremely prevalent in Pakistan. This
exercised him not one jot, despite obvious implications for treatment and for import into the U.K.
What motivated Joe, whose name I've changed, was perfecting a test to detect bacteria with this
resistance. One of his collaborators (a former colleague, I think) just happened to be in
Pakistan, which proved — owing to the high prevalence of the resistance — to
be the ideal testing ground. Some scientists don't want the trouble that comes from a
disturbing result, especially when they have a new method to publicise. They fear the
opprobrium reserved for heretics and disruptors. At best, controversial observations delay
your paper's publication. At worst, they lead to it being rejected. Why court trouble,
especially if you have patents or intellectual property claims?
do some vaccine-injured people wake up, but others don't? As Covid vaccine injuries
started mounting up, and the topic became somewhat less taboo in the media — albeit always
accompanied by boilerplate text about how the benefits outweigh the risks — some of us expressed
hope that injured people would 'wake up' to the risks of the shots, creating a wave of awareness
and action. Some vaccine-injured people recognised what happened to them, accepted it, and
joined the campaign for better research and vaccine safety. Yet, this has not uniformly been
the case. A good many others remain in the dark, despite dealing with sudden and ongoing
mystery illnesses. These people grope for answers, pinning their symptoms on catch-all
explanations like stress or long Covid (a more politically favourable diagnosis than post-vaccine
syndrome), or awkwardly straddling the cognitive dissonance arising from the clash between
medically recognised post-vaccine side effects, and deeply held faith in the Saviour Vaccines.
Why do some vaccine-injured people accept what happened to them, but others don't?
Bill Promises Reinstatement, Back Pay for Service Members Who Refused COVID Jab. One
of the better aspects of seeing the Biden administration in the national rear-view mirror is the
return to some sanity for our service men and women. One aspect of this lies in a bill now in
consideration, sponsored by, among others, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) that promises not only
reinstatement but also back pay for American servicemen and women who were discharged for refusing
the COVID-19 vaccine.
Data: Covid 'Vaccines' Caused 112,000% Surge in Brain Clots. An alarming
peer-reviewed study has confirmed that Covid mRNA "vaccines" caused a staggering 112,000% surge in
deadly blood clots in the brain. The major study involved one of the world's leading
cardiologists, Dr. Peter McCullough. During the study, the team of leading American
researchers found that Covid mRNA injections carry a risk of brain clots that is 1,119.6 times
higher than the flu shot. Dr. McCullough and his team published their study's results in
the prestigious International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science (IJIRMS).
Tice demands apology from Matt Hancock over Covid vaccines: 'Horrendous at every level'.
Reform Party leader Richard Tice has called for former Health Secretary Matt Hancock to apologise over
his handling of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout. Speaking on GB News, Tice demanded "changes to
the vaccine compensation scheme" and criticised the implementation of the vaccination programme.
"I would like an apology from Mr Hancock. What he did during that [vaccine rollout] was utterly
horrendous at every level," Tice told the programme. He urged for "more honesty" about vaccine
safety, stating that while the jabs were safe for many, they had "caused harm" to "probably a larger
amount of people than many would like to admit."
Tu, Medicus. [Scroll down] At the local level, most physicians have hospital
"privileges," required to care for hospitalized patients. Medical staff rules, known as
bylaws, are enacted, and enforced by a minority of physicians who comprise the Medical Executive
Committee (MEC). Whether in medicine or politics, the character of those inhabitants is often quite
similar; if you walked in with good intentions, your stay was based on other motivations. The
MEC ultimately determines requirements such as whether physicians should get yearly Flu shots,
basing it on a claimed "safety" for hospitalized patients. Can the committee's physicians
point to Flu outbreaks or closures of hospitals emanating from unvaccinated physicians? The
COVID non-vaccinations were treated similarly, despite the dearth of information justifying its
use. No shot, no privileges. It comes down to power and control.
Relief Beneficiaries: Wealthy Musicians, Pelosis. Flights on private jets,
visits to nightclubs, and luxury-brand clothing are certainly attractive to a certain kind of
conspicuous consumer. Rapper Lil Wayne (Dwayne Carter Jr.) is free to make such purchases on
his own dime. Those millions are harder to justify on taxpayer expense, however. Yet a
recent Business Insider investigation discovered that the rapper took advantage of a Covid
relief program to secure $8.9 million, which he spent on these and other dubious items,
including, inter alia, "nearly $15,000 worth of flights and luxury hotel rooms for women whose
connection to Lil Wayne's touring operation was unclear, including a waitress at a Hooters-type
restaurant and a porn actress." Carter is not the only musician who took advantage of this
program. Other musicians, such as Chris Brown, Marshmello (Christopher Comstock), and members
of Alice in Chains did as well, often simply pocketing the relief they received as, effectively,
income for themselves. And they're not the only prominent figures to have made questionable
use of pandemic aid.
Ties and NIH Lies: Rep. Jake Auchincloss's Bid to Thwart RFK Appointment. Jake
Auchincloss is a Democrat House Representative for Massachusetts, having won the primary for Joe
Kennedy's House seat in 2020. [...] But far more importantly, Jake is also the son of Fauci's
former number two (and temporary successor) at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID), Hugh Auchincloss. Many will remember that when Fauci scrambled to cover up
the lab origin of Covid, his first act was to enlist the elder Auchincloss: "You will have
tasks today that must be done." This close relation to Hugh Auchincloss is particularly
relevant because Jake has been making a career of attacking RFK Jr. and has been aggressively
lobbying against the confirmation of RFK Jr. as Trump's new Secretary of Health and Human
Services. Notably, Jake Auchincloss's attacks against RFK Jr. directly relate to his father's
legacy of helping Anthony Fauci cover up the origin of Covid, as well as his role in covering up
the NIH's ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the lab that was creating Covid-like viruses.
Mathematics of PsyWar. Modern PsyWar is a product of the confluence of the internet
age, social media, artificial intelligence, big data, and a desire of NATO and opponents to wage
more effective Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) on both foreign state-affiliated and non-state
organizations. Of course, as part of a broad US/NATO "whole of government" response to the
COVID "pandemic" (which looks in retrospect like a cover up), PsyWar/Fifth Generation Warfare
methods developed for offshore military combat were deployed on civilian populations by their
governments. For reference purposes, the "politically acceptable" term for PsyWar currently
favored by the US Military-Industrial community is "Military Information Support Operations" or
MISO. Good to know. They do love their acronyms!
time for truth and reconciliation. [Scroll down] We cannot wait six decades,
however, to end the lockdown on a free discussion about Covid-19. In subpoenaed emails from
Anthony Fauci's senior adviser David Morens, we learnt that National Institutes of Health
apparatchiks hid their correspondence from Freedom of Information Act scrutiny. "Nothing,"
wrote Boccaccio in his medieval plague epic The Decameron, "is so indecent that it cannot be
said to another person if the proper words are used to convey it." In that spirit, Morens and
former chief US medical adviser Fauci will have the chance to share some indecent facts about our
own recent plague. Did they suspect that Covid spawned from US taxpayer-funded research, or
an adjacent Chinese military programme? Why did we fund the work of EcoHealth Alliance, which
sent researchers into remote Chinese caves to extract novel coronaviruses? Is "gain of
function" research a byword for a bioweapons programme? And how did our government stop the
spread of such questions on social media?
Ask Supreme Court to Block California Board From Penalizing Certain COVID-19 Views.
Three doctors are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to prevent a California agency from investigating
them over their opposition to state-approved COVID-19 policies. The California Medical Board
considers the expression of the doctors' dissenting views on the disease as potentially dangerous
misinformation that should be suppressed. The board argues that it has legal authority to
discipline the doctors for speech that it deems to be medical misconduct. The physicians
counter that the fact that they have medical licenses doesn't mean that they forfeit their free
speech rights under the First Amendment. The emergency application in Kory v. Bonta was
docketed by the high court on Jan. 8, one of the applicants' attorneys, Richard Jaffe of
Sacramento, California, told The Epoch Times. The application for an injunction was submitted
to Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, who oversees urgent appeals from California. It is
unclear when the Supreme Court will act on the application.
a Shadowy Group Linked to UK Army Intelligence Tried To Ruin the Lives of Covid Skeptics.
Of the many revelations of the COVID-19 regime, one disturbing aspect is the use of online
psychological warfare techniques to identify, isolate, and even destroy critics of the lockdowns
and the so-called "vaccines." Recent reports from the United Kingdom have revealed the existence
of an online influence operation dating back to 2011. Partnered with British Army
intelligence, and with an alleged financial interest in profiting from the "COVID-19" regime, a
group called the "Mutton Crew" has been seeking to ruin the lives of COVID-skeptic British doctors
and even a member of Parliament. In May 2024, former MP Andrew Bridgen announced he had
been targeted by a member of the "Mutton Crew." Bridgen has been an outspoken critic of mRNA
"vaccines" and of the "COVID-19" regime generally. [Tweet] In response the "grassroots civil
liberty" group U.K. Freedom Campaign posted links to other suspected members —
mentioning a possible connection to the U.K. Army intelligence's covert 77th Brigade.
Covid 'vaccine' made you more likely to catch the virus. Buried in the documents that
Pfizer wanted hidden from public view for 75 years there was a table that revealed that their
vaccine actually had negative efficacy[.] Pfizer tested all participants in their Phase 3 trial
for N-antibodies. The results were kept hidden from the public. It was only through
court order that we finally know what the results were. Do you think they would have kept
this data secret from the public if it showed good news?
Pritzker admin health official to pay $150,000 for ethics violation. The former
Pritzker administration official who spearheaded the state's response to the COVID-19 pandemic has
agreed to pay $150,000 to the state after an ethics complaint investigation. Dr. Ngozi
Ezike, the former director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, agreed to "a violation of
the Ethics Act and the facts comprising the violation, in that she accepted employment and
compensation from an entity which had contracts involving IDPH with a cumulative value of
$4.2 million and over which she had exercised regulatory and licensing authority in the year
before her departure from State employment," a filing from the Executive Ethics Commission said.
Last, a Mainstream Media Article that Mentions a Direct Link Between Covid Vaccines and
Cancer. An article in the Daily Mail online about the campaign for
compensation for victims of Covid vaccine injury mentions many case reports of patients who
suffered severe reactions and even death after receiving a Covid vaccine. The real tragedy is
that such reactions are only compensated if there is 60% disability, which means the loss of a limb
or severe paralysis. This does not cover the many thousands of victims who have suffered life
changing damage and are left unable to work because of vaccine damage who are not deemed eligible
for compensation. As usual they have been brushed off with the usual platitudes that the
benefit outweighs the 'very rare' side-effects they have suffered. It's great that the
mainstream media have at last aired this in such a large article, just when the official Covid
Inquiry is due to look at the fourth component on vaccines.
health chiefs admit jab is bad for under-fours — but keep on pushing it.
America's public health agency is continuing to recommend covid jabs to children under four,
despite its own study showing that Pfizer vaccinated children are significantly more likely to
catch covid than unvaccinated children. In the UK, no children in this age group died of
covid before vaccination was introduced but 64 died after it became available to them. The US
research, carried out between 2022 and 2023 in the Omicron variant period, shows that vaccinated
children are 159 percent — 1.5 times — more like to be infected with
the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and 257 percent — 2.5 times — more likely to
develop symptomatic covid-19 than their unvaccinated peers if they received Pfizer-BioNTech's
covid-19 vaccine. It also shows that children who caught covid-19 were less likely to
suffer a repeat infection. Time made no difference, immunity did not wear off, and children
enjoyed long-lasting immunity regardless of when the infection had occurred. Despite the
percentages, and the evidence that infection offered robust protection, the team of 35 authors
concluded that children should still receive the jab.
Bombshell Findings In Florida's Grand Jury Report On Big Pharma's Covid Shots. On
Tuesday, a Florida grand jury released its final report on potential "criminal or wrongful
activity" regarding the creation and promotion of the Covid jabs. Requested by Gov. Ron
DeSantis, R-Fla., and authorized by the Florida Supreme Court in December 2022, the grand jury
was tasked with looking into whether individuals and entities, "including, but not limited to,
pharmaceutical manufacturers (and their executive officers) and other medical associations or
organizations" possibly violated state law related to the development, clinical testing, and
marketing of the mRNA shots. The jury previously released interim reports in February and
May 2024, respectively, which undercut much of the pseudo-science pushed by government
"experts" on subjects such as masking, lockdowns, and natural immunity. [...] Despite the lack of
criminal charges, the jury did unearth numerous major findings in its report that shine a light on
deceptive behavior and actions surrounding the development and promotion of the Covid shots.
Send 'Notice of Extreme Concern' to World Leaders Calling for Ban of Covid 'Vaccines'.
World leaders in ten countries have received a "notice of extreme concern" from a team of experts
who are calling for Covid mRNA "vaccines" to be banned from public use. The UK has become the
latest country to join nine other nations in the NORTH Group. The NORTH Group is writing to
the prime ministers of their countries to express extreme concern about the safety and quality of
Covid mRNA "vaccines." They cite excessive levels of residual DNA found in samples from the
United States, Australia, France, Germany, and Canada. The notice is signed by several
prominent experts.
Hubris, or Ineptitude': DeSantis' Grand Jury Exposes Massive Deception in COVID Response.
A Florida grand jury investigation ordered by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis reveals a "pattern
of deceptive and obfuscatory behavior" by pharmaceutical companies and federal agencies during the
COVID-19 pandemic. The findings of Florida's 22nd Statewide Grand Jury and their forward-looking
recommendations highlight concerns about vaccine safety data, the effectiveness of lockdown measures,
and captured regulatory oversight. [Advertisement] [Tweet] Citing the grand jury's
findings, DeSantis noted in a social media post on Tuesday: [...]
Supreme Court Ruling Allows Schools to Administer COVID Vaccines Without Parents'
Consent. Numerous mainstream media outlets are deliberately lying to American parents
about the law regarding COVID-19 vaccines. In August, Vermont's Supreme Court that ruled a
6-year-old boy administered a COVID-19 vaccine against his parents' specific instructions that he
not be jabbed has no state tort remedies, and that the family's sole recourse is a federal claim
requiring proof of serious bodily harm or death to proceed. All other traditional causes of
action for violating these parents' rights, and fundamental constitutional informed consent
protections for patients, are extinguished completely. And yet, numerous media outlets
reported the precise opposite. This is blatant misinformation. The Associated Press
(AP) launched an utter deception titled falsely: "Fact Focus: Vermont ruling does not say
schools can vaccinate children without parental consent." This is the opposite of the truth: [...]
Vaccines Shouldn't Be Verboten. In the Harry Potter series, the villain, Lord
Voldemort, is known as "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." There's a similar sentiment whenever someone
expresses a heterodox opinion on vaccines. The long knives are already out for Health and
Human Services secretary nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr. While there are valid concerns among
pro-life activists, the most prominent objection is Kennedy's vaccine skepticism.
Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., labeled Kennedy a "denier of science." Kennedy has pushed "the
scientifically discredited belief that childhood vaccines cause autism," The New York Times
wrote. Donald Trump isn't backing down. In a recent NBC interview, Kristen Welker asked
Trump whether childhood vaccines should be eliminated. "If they're dangerous for the children,"
he replied. He continued, "Take a look at autism. Go back 25 years. Autism
was almost nonexistent. It was, you know, one out of 100,000. And now it's close to one
out of 100."
The Editor says...
[#1] I never heard of anybody with autism until the mid-1990s. [#2] Kids these days get far more numerous
injections in their first few years than they did fifty years ago. [#3] Something causes autism, so
it makes sense to start with the most obvious explanation.
Use Of Chlorine Dioxide Led To The Best Outcomes In South America. In my first post
in this series, I introduced the topic of chlorine dioxide as a therapeutic within its "political"
context, not scientific. After a cursory introduction regarding its safety along with a few
citations of its efficacy, I highlighted the regulatory, media, and judicial attacks against any
who manufacture, recommend and/or sell chlorine dioxide for medicinal purposes via oral
ingestion. A key point I brought attention to is the bizarre prohibition against "oral
ingestion" that "they" are trying to block at all costs (despite studies of both oral and IV
administration showing little to no toxicity and the fact that there are numerous products already
on the market for oral and/or dental applications). In this post, I will share what I recently
learned of what happened in Bolivia around chlorine dioxide. I think it is a story the world
needs to hear. Again, these are the first of a series of posts on chlorine dioxide with later
ones going more deeply into the data on safety and efficacy [as] well as treatment approaches for
various conditions.
COVID data in the UK: Those who got the jab substantially increased their chances of
death. Data assembled by the government of the United Kingdom now proves
unequivocally that getting the jab during the COVID panic was a very bad idea. It did less
than nothing to prevent you from getting the virus, and in fact significantly increased your
chances of dying. The numbers for many other time periods following the introduction of the
jab are comparable. Though we should expect the number of deaths to be higher for the jabbed
population since there are more of them, the numbers far exceed that difference. For example,
among those aged 80 to 89 during just one month, December 2021, there were only 776 deaths
from all causes among the unjabbed. Among those who had gotten the jab, however, there were
16,171 deaths. That's twenty times more, even though the total jabbed population was
only about double the size of the unjabbed. The article notes that health officials are now
recognizing similar numbers in many other countries, including excess deaths and a surge in
heart-related deaths.
Vaccine Scientists Creating New Shot for Bubonic Plague. Bubonic plague is a severe
infectious and potentially fatal disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. It is the
most common form of plague and is primarily spread through the bite of infected fleas that
typically live on rodents. The disease, also known infamously as the Black Death, ravaged
Europe from 1347 to 1351, causing between 75 million and 200 million deaths (which
included about 50% of the total population in Europe at the time). Those horrifying numbers still
grip the imagination. Now, in an intriguing development, COVID-19 vaccine scientists have
developed a new shot that would protect against Yersinia pestis infections. Researchers
explain they are now concerned about a "superbug strain."
Nuggets. Public health officials (i.e. "experts") are warning Americans of four
different virulent illnesses spreading across the nation. The officials have urged people to
take precautions against a) the flu, b) respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), c) norovirus,
and d) COVID, though it is unclear if the last illness is still named COVID-19 or if it has been updated
to COVID-25. A quad-demic?! That's better than any old pandemic! This could be
the mother of all demics! Coincidentally, just in time for Trump! Amazing!
taking the Covid vaccine, no one will take our heartbreaking experiences seriously.
Patients whose health has been ravaged after taking Covid-19 vaccines are calling for more support
as the Government faces paying out tens of millions of pounds in damages. Almost 17,000
claims for disability damages have now been submitted after new information emerged about the
potential risks including blood clots. Experts have said that the benefits of taking Covid
vaccines significantly outweigh the side effects, as they prevent the spread of the disease and
reduce serious complications. But more people are coming forward to report that have suffered
a severe impact, with some linking their vaccines to major problems such as blood cancer,
myasthenia gravis and heart disorders.
Now that a couple of years have passed, they have started admitting the "conspiracy theories" were true. A
young child died of cardiac arrest after being jabbed during Moderna's key Covid vaccine
trial. A preschool-aged child died of cardio-respiratory arrest after getting a
booster shot of Moderna's mRNA Covid vaccine in the company's main clinical trial of the jab.
The death occurred about two years ago. Moderna has not apparently reported it in any
preprint or scientific journal. Nor has the company disclosed the death on,
a federal site where companies legally must report trial results. In fact, Moderna has reported
findings from the trial, called KidCOVE, and a related trial in a way that effectively hides the
death. And the company and government still push mRNA Covid jabs on kids, though many
studies show they are of little or no use.
We Being Groomed for Another Pandemic Once Trump Takes Office? In 2020, President
Trump's re-election campaign appeared poised for success. The economy was thriving,
unemployment was low, and consumer confidence was high. However, when COVID-19 hit, it all
came crashing down. The pandemic crippled the economy, and the resulting lockdowns, travel
restrictions, and other measures presented Democrats with a unique opportunity to undermine Trump's
presidency and seize the election. It's clear that the political and economic fallout from
COVID-19, as well as other restrictions, were central factors in Biden winning that election.
Now, with Trump about to take office again, there's an unsettling sense that we may be on the brink
of another engineered crisis, and this time, it may be the bird flu. Over the past few weeks,
reports of the reemergence of bird flu have become increasingly frequent, and it's hard not to be
Andrew Huff: [The] Coronavirus Timeline [was a] 'Giant Scandal to Subvert' Trump.
Officials knew about the coronavirus breakout in the fall of 2019 — sooner than they
claim — and the biotechnology used to create the virus developed in the U.S. and was
then exported to China, Dr. Andrew Huff, [...] said on Breitbart News Saturday. [...] "If you
look at what the U.S. government had been told, telling us, what Dr. Anthony Fauci had been
telling us, Dr. Birx and all these corrupt individuals, was that this disease started
spreading on the planet in December 2019," he said, explaining that the timeline is simply not
true. Huff said he used to work in the "classified space of developing intelligence tools for
infectious diseases, specifically." If one looks at the proper chain of command and how long it
would take that information to work through the proper channels to be validated, "it really looks
like the disease started spreading in late August, early September, 2019." [Advertisement]
"So what we really have here is a giant scandal to subvert the President of the United States at
the time: Donald Trump," Huff said.
gives a Medal to Moderna and Pfizer — 10 reasons that was a bad idea. [#1] By
awarding Moderna and Pfizer but not J&J and AZ, the current administration essentially admits that
the adenoviral vector products were dangerous. Many young people died from these products and
this administration, and many public health experts, lied about the risks of VITT. The mantra that
the 'best vaccine is the one you get' was yet another lie perpetuated by this administration.
[#2] Moderna and Pfizer are corporations that have failed to meet the post market commitments.
They have failed to study subclinical myocarditis. This conduct is shameful and they should be
fined or worse. It also represents FDA failure. [#3] These companies have already made
100 billion dollars from these products. Most of that directly paid for by the taxpayer.
They do not need a medal. [#4] The key sequencing of the virus was not done by
companies. [#5] The companies sell an annual mRNA product that has no reliable data.
This product is given to babies. There is no evidence that it helps. [#6] No one
benefits from this medal.
Million Cancer Cases [may have been] "Missed" During Covid Lockdowns. Nearly a
quarter of all new cancer cases — one million globally — may have been missed
during the Covid pandemic, a World Health Organisation study has found. [...] Something doesn't add
up here. If 62,000 cases of just four cancers in the U.K. were missed, there must have been
far more than a million globally, as it's not plausible that the U.K. (with 0.85% of the world
population) would have 6.2% of the missing cancer diagnoses (and in just four cancers). Maybe
that's why the University of Warwick's Prof. Lawrence Young says it's "likely to be an underestimate".
million cancer cases 'missed' during Covid lockdowns. Nearly a quarter of all new
cancer cases may have been missed during the Covid pandemic, a World Health Organisation (WHO)
study has found. Researchers said lockdown restrictions and pressures on healthcare systems
saw diagnoses of the disease drop by 23 percent globally, suggesting it was not identified in
around one million people. The findings come after experts analysed the results of more than
240 different studies, providing the first comprehensive worldwide assessment of the impact of
Covid on cancer care. The researchers found there had been a 23 percent drop in the number
of cancer diagnoses made after spring 2020, a 39 percent decline in cancer screening, a 24 percent
drop in diagnostic procedures and a 28 percent reduction in treatments. In 2022, approximately
20 million cancer cases were newly diagnosed and 9.7 million people died from the disease
worldwide. Writing in the journal Nature Cancer, the study's authors said: "Applying this
to the estimated number of new cancers diagnosed in 2020, and assuming that the impact was largest
during the first three months of the pandemic, about one million cancer cases might have been missed
during the pandemic.
'Chemical-Smelling' Fog Blankets U.S. States, Sparking Health Concerns and Bioweapon
Fears. In recent weeks, a mysterious fog with a distinct chemical odor has enveloped
multiple U.S. states, causing health concerns among residents and fueling bioweapon theories,
especially following numerous drone sightings in the affected areas. The fog has been
observed in various states, including California, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota,
Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Concerned
citizens have shared videos and reports on social media. In a viral TikTok video posted last
year, David Bamber from St. Petersburg, Florida, wrote the fog "tastes and smells like after
setting off a lot of fireworks. That sulfur smell."
'Vaccination' Linked to a 141% Increased Risk of Transverse Myelitis Within 42 Days of
Injection. Acute transverse myelitis (ATM) has been reported as a potential
association between COVID-19 vaccination. In this study, we aimed to investigate the
association between the COVID-19 vaccination and ATM. A self-controlled case series study was
performed using a large database that combine the COVID-19 vaccine registry and the national claims
database. The COVID-19 vaccination data included information on individuals aged 18 and above
who received COVID-19 vaccination from February 26, 2021, to August 31, 2022. The
claims database covered the entire Korean population for the period between January 1, 2002 to
August 31, 2022. Patients who develop ATM within 1 [to] 42 days following COVID-19
vaccination were included. The observation period was 270 days after the first dose of
the COVID-19 vaccine. The incidence rate ratio (IRR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were
estimated using a conditional Poisson regression model.
Media: Trump MUST Be Wrong. Looking back over this year, and really the last
eight years, perhaps the oddest observation is the degree to which the media was apparently
motivated by one thing: if Trump said it, it must be wrong! I started thinking about
that this morning when Jonathan Turley observed the degree to which the media and the conventional
wisdom combined to suppress and even explicitly censor the theory that SARS-CoV-2, the "COVID
virus," originated in a lab leak. The whole history of theories of the origin of COVID-19 was
full of people announcing with absolute certainty that it originated in one particular way,
generally with limited data. Some of the theories were basically urban myths from the start:
"bat soup" was based on the false assertion that the virus originated in the so-called "wet
market" that didn't actually sell live bats, along with a video of a Chinese social media
influencer actually eating bat soup years before the outbreak in a market in Malaysia.
"Bird Flu" Psyop. What is happening now with "bird flu" is another psyops campaign
being conducted by the administrative/deep state, apparently in partnership with Pharma, against
the American people. They know and we know that the "vaccines" being produced will be
somewhat ineffective, as all flu "vaccines" are. The government is chasing a rapidly evolving
RNA virus with a syringe, just like they did with HIV and C-19. Generally, the currently
circulating avian influenza strain in the US does not include any cases of human-to-human
transmission. And the current mortality, with over 60 cases identified, is 0%. NOT 50%.
All the while they are getting prepared to roll out masks, lock-downs, quarantines, etc. All the
while getting ready to roll out mRNA vaccines for poultry and livestock, as well as for all of us.
The more they test, the more "bird flu" (H5N1) they will find. This "pandemic" is nothing more than
an artifact of their newly developed protocols to test cattle, poultry, pets, people, and wildlife on a
massive scale for avian influenza. In years past, this was not even considered. In the past,
the USG did fund a massive testing and surveillance program called "Biowatch". That program was a
colossal failure and a massive waste of money. Billions of dollars.
of the Labs: How a Censorship Campaign Failed to Kill a COVID Origin Theory.
This week, the Wall Street Journal released an alarming report on how the Biden administration may
have suppressed dissenting views supporting the lab theory on the origin of the COVID-19
virus. Not only were the FBI and its top experts excluded from a critical briefing of
President Biden, but government scientists were reportedly warned that they were "off the
reservation" in supporting the lab theory. The chilling suggestion is that, despite the virus
ultimately killing more than 1.2 million Americans and over 7 million people worldwide,
there was still an overriding interest in the administration to downplay the Chinese responsibility
for the pandemic. The Journal lays out how that unfolded, but the more disturbing question is
why. The article provides many examples of how dissenting views were marginalized and
discouraged within the government. After President Trump described the virus as the "China
virus" and alleged that it likely came from a lab, dismissing the lab theory became an article of
faith in politics and academia.
Fauci Would Be Disservice to Him and Americans. It seems President Biden won't stop
at letting his convicted son Hunter off the hook. The White House staff is reportedly
pondering an unprecedented, pre-emptive set of presidential pardons for numerous officials who
haven't been formally charged or convicted of federal crimes but may be liable for indictment or
conviction under the incoming Trump administration. Prominent on that list is
Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease
(NIAID). Why Fauci? Team Biden is mum. But the most likely rationale is a possible
perjury charge: Fauci testified under oath in congressional inquiries. At issue:
Fauci's responses to the crucial question of whether American taxpayers' dollars were used to fund
viral "gain-of-function" experiments — research designed to enhance transmissibility or
virulence of a pathogen — in a Chinese laboratory. That issue just resurfaced in a
meticulous 520-page report issued by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.
"Dr. Fauci's testimony was, at a minimum, misleading," congressional investigators concluded.
really happened in Wuhan. It is now five years since we woke to the news of a new
outbreak of infectious pneumonia in China. Retelling the story of those early days of the
Covid pandemic helps to shed light on how something that could have been prevented, contained and
eradicated instead went on to kill more than 20 million people and devastate the education,
economics and mental health of many more. At one minute to midnight, US East Coast time, on
the last day of 2019, there was a brief 'request for information' on ProMED-mail, an online
newsletter that monitors unofficial sources to gather intelligence about new disease outbreaks
affecting people and animals. It read, simply: 'Undiagnosed pneumonia: China (Hubei).'
Dr Marjorie Pollack, the deputy editor of ProMED-mail, had been alerted by a Taiwanese
colleague to a message on WeChat, the Chinese social-media site, sent by an ophthalmologist in
Wuhan named Dr Li Wenliang: 'Seven cases of SARS have been diagnosed at the Huanan Fruit and
Seafood Market, quarantined in our hospital's emergency department.' Li had learned of this
from a colleague, Dr Ai Fen, the director of the emergency department of the Wuhan Central
Hospital, who had sent samples from her latest pneumonia patient for testing. The results
came back on the afternoon of 30 December: 'SARS coronavirus', a shocking diagnosis not seen in
China for 15 years. Ai circled the word 'SARS', photographed it and copied it to a
friend at a different hospital.
Funded by Bill Gates Turn Mosquitoes into 'Flying Syringes' to Deliver Vaccines. The
Blaze reports that in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, scientists
have demonstrated the effectiveness of using mosquitoes as "flying syringes" to vaccinate humans
against malaria. The research, conducted at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in
the Netherlands with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, represents a new and
potentially worrying advancement in vaccine technology. The study involved genetically
modifying malaria parasites to stop developing after a certain period of time in the human
body. The modified parasites, named GA1 and GA2, were designed to prime the immune system
without causing a full-blown malaria infection. Researchers then infected mosquitoes with
these engineered parasites and allowed them to bite human test subjects in a controlled setting.
The Editor says...
It's never a good idea to let a mosquito — or any other animal — bite you,
just to see what happens next. Anyone over the age of two knows this.
The art of the handshake. Why do so many people not know how to shake hands
properly? In my life, I have occasion to shake many hands of all different ages and classes,
and am astounded how strange hand-shaking has become. It can be jarring. The handshake
is the greeting we give to a new person entering our lives, however briefly. The handshake is
supposed to convey some measure of delight or interest in meeting someone new. But the
handshake seems to be a lost art, perhaps because parents don't teach their children how to shake
hands properly. They need to.
The Editor says...
If the handshake is a lost art (and it isn't), there is a reason: During the Covid tyranny
we were told to abandon handshakes and take up the elbow bump instead.
This had very little to do with public health and a lot to do with the destruction of conservative
traditions. I am convinced that the whole Covid fiasco was a test to see how much we would put up
with — and to identify those who were the loudest objectors.
Reports Of A Chemical Fog That Is Making Many People Sick. Reports from around the
globe are surfacing of mysterious illnesses linked to encounters with so-called "chemical fogs."
Described as a thick, lingering blanket, the fog has left people sick — many experiencing
sudden cold or flu-like symptoms after only brief exposure. [Video clip]
Get This Simple Fauci Prosecution Playbook to Trump, Please. Anthony Fauci's personal
gopher at NIAID, Peter Morens, the go-between for Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance boss Peter
Daszak — who funded the SARS-CoV-2 gain-of-function research in the Wuhan lab using
public money given to him by Fauci from whence the pandemic sprang — served as a tool
for the purpose of avoiding any direct communication that might incriminate Fauci and Daszak in the
future. Per Morens' [scathing] emails uncovered by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus
Pandemic in June, we have indisputable evidence that he:
• Skirted FOIA laws by conducting official government business via private email
accounts and explicitly explained that evading FOIA was the reason.
• Demanded kickback cash from Peter Daszak for his role in funneling NIAID money
to Daszak's "nonprofit" that, in turn, shipped that money to Wuhan.
• Encouraged the targeting of journalists for reporting on the malfeasance of his boss.
All of this is unethical, and the first two items, if not all of them, are definitely illegal.
Morens himself, in fact, admitted under oath that his emails "look incriminating." [Video clip]
'Public Health' Voices Lay the Groundwork for a New Pandemic for Trump. As
President-elect Trump prepares to take office, so-called public health activists are ginning up a
new pandemic. This one is "bird flu." Not the bird flu that's been around for decades,
but a new one that infects livestock and could possibly mutate into a killer virus much worse than
COVID. [Advertisement] [Video clip] [Transcript] COVID fascist Deborah
Birx has been on the case for months, advocating that we test cattle for bird flu.
[Tweet] She's now all over the potential pandemic. [Video clip] In fact,
Birx is trying to stoke panic. [Transcript]
Nazi Leana Wen Is Begging Biden To Get Millions Of Americans Vaxxed Against The Bird Flu
ASAP. Health 'expert' calls on the Biden Administration to get immediate FDA
authorization for H5N1 vaccines and get 5 million doses to the American people as fast as
possible. The comments were made by Former Commissioner of the Baltimore City Health
Department Leana Wen. "There actually is a vaccine developed already against H5N1.
The Biden administration has contracted with manufacturers to make almost 5 million doses
of the vaccine." [Video clip]
decided the US intelligence community would suppress key COVID-origin research? News
that top US intelligence officials in 2021 suppressed research pointing to a Chinese lab leak as
COVID's origin raises two key questions: Exactly who, and why? That is, who made the
call to keep Defense Department and FBI input out of the August 2021 briefing to President
Biden on the issue, and out of the resulting official federal finding that COVID most likely arose
naturally? And, indeed, to also block Sen. Charles Grassley's requests for the Defense
research? We know that Dr. Anthony Fauci and his public-health cronies had fought from
the start to discredit all lab-leak talk. Their motive is obvious enough: Since they'd
funded related (at least) research at that Wuhan lab, they feared a backlash — against
them personally, and/or against such research and its funding. But why would the US
intelligence community cover for Beijing, which would clearly bear the chief blame for
cooking up a plague and then unleashing it on an unsuspecting world?
5 years
later, smoking gun points to China's Wuhan lab in search of Covid-19 origin. In early
December 2019, the first clinically diagnosed case of Covid-19 was identified in Hubei
province's Wuhan city, according to Chinese authorities. By the last week of December, the
genome of the virus had been sequenced and a Chinese doctor figured out that human-to-human
transmission was ongoing. The logical next step would have been to make the genome public and
tell the world everything about novel coronavirus, which had not yet been formally named. It
would later be called SARS-CoV-2 — standing for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Coronavirus 2, named after a similar outbreak a few years earlier. Instead, the Chinese
authorities imposed a gag order on doctors and scientists and started destroying patients' samples
or transferring them to designated institutions. It was only on January 5, 2020, that a
Chinese scientist, Zhang Yongzhen, uploaded the genome to a US-based database but inexplicably
embargoed access till July. Two days later, Zhang submitted a paper to the journal Nature
detailing the genome which he co-authored with Edward Holmes, a virologist at the University of
Sydney, Australia.
Lady' Deborah Birx Attempts to Gin-up Fear about Bird Flu Pandemic.
[Scroll down] Clearly, Birx has learned nothing from the covid experience. In my
previous analysis of her tenure, I showed how the former White House coronavirus advisor ran the
AIDS playbook (caused by HIV, a bloodborne pathogen) against the novel coronavirus that was highly
transmissible via the respiratory droplets and caused mild-to-moderate flu/cold symptoms in healthy
humans. The playbook she used was taken directly from her PERFAR experience. &nbp;
Treat the disease as a killer. &nbp; Focus on children. &nbp; Get to zero
cases at any cost. Thus, the "15 days to slow the spread" morphed into the national
nightmare from which we are still recovering. Interestingly, the Centers For Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) counter the assertions there hasn't been enough testing. The agency has
targeted poultry and dairy farms, where workers have been exposed to animal fluids containing the
virus. There are testing kits available, and a vaccine that workers have the option to
use. Furthermore, the severe case of bird fly in humans was experienced by an elderly person
with pre-existing conditions.
Vice President Drops Bombshell Claim That The mRNA Vax Was Designed To Depopulate. A
shocking revelation from Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President of Pfizer, is setting the
world ablaze with outrage. Yeadon claims that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were not just rushed
to market but deliberately designed to harm, disable, and even kill — allegedly as part
of a sinister agenda to control population growth by reducing fertility. [Video clip]
'found evidence Covid was lab leak but was not allowed to brief [the] president'. The
FBI found evidence suggesting that Covid-19 was caused by a lab leak but were not allowed to brief
the president, it has been claimed. Jason Bannan, a doctor of microbiology and former senior
scientist at the FBI, has dedicated more than a year of his life to discovering the origins of
Covid. But despite being the only US national intelligence agency to conclude that a lab leak
was likely, the FBI and Mr Bannan were snubbed from a National Intelligence Council briefing with
Joe Biden, it has been claimed. Mr Biden had ordered an urgent investigation in May 2021
by US intelligence agencies and national laboratories to identify whether the virus had been
transferred from an animal to a human or had escaped from a Chinese laboratory. One of the
most popular theories at the time was that it had been transferred from a bat at a "wet market" in
Wuhan, where the virus first emerged in 2019.
senators slam spy chiefs operating 'in the shadows' for 'politicized' COVID origins
probe. Republican senators slammed US spy chiefs on Friday for operating "in the
shadows" to cover up bombshell evidence of COVID-19 leaking out of a Chinese lab — and
renewed calls for a thorough independent investigation of alleged meddling by political appointees
into the pandemic's origins. "For years, we've exposed the federal government's
role — especially the Intelligence Community — in concealing the origins of
COVID-19, with the Biden administration complicit every step of the way," Sen. Roger Marshall
(R-Kan.) told The [New York] Post. "For this reason, I recently wrote to the Intelligence
Community's Office of Inspector General, giving these authorities records and additional critical
support to launch an investigation into potential integrity breaches in the intelligence community
COVID origins assessment process," he said.
2025 — Taking Out the Trash. The public health agencies, FDA, NIAID, CDC,
NIH, and so on have become outright mafias, with labyrinths of money-laundering channels,
government grant-grifting, and pharma phuckery, not least around the still-mysterious, homicidal
Covid-19 prank, with the deadly mRNA vaccine program piggybacked onto it. Their nemesis, RFK,
Jr., is coming on-board to oversee exactly what happened in these corrupt fiefdoms. If you
have read his books about Dr. Anthony Fauci, you know that he is adequately prepared to
discover what took US public health off-the-rails. Don't forget, also, that the entire
medical profession lies in a slough of dishonor for going along with the fake-and-deadly Covid-19
treatment protocols (intubation, remdesivir, midazolam, and morphine) that killed so many people
needlessly. Plus, the doctors' dishonest demonization of ivermectin and other viable
treatments, plus the disgraceful, mendacious behavior of the medical journals in the whole filthy
scam. Next, consider the rickety, cruel, Kafkaesque US health insurance system that is now
all but running the doctors' practices. It is an unholy mess.
is no pardoning the Biden administration. The Biden administration, set up as it was
by the Obama administration, has been a clear and present danger to the United States of
America. In almost every way imaginable. It has tanked an economy that otherwise was on
the way to (an almost inevitable) rapid, post-pandemic recovery, causing pain to countless American
families. Speaking of the pandemic, its ludicrous lockdown policy, and a host of other
counterproductive and destructive policies, caused immeasurable physical, mental, and emotional
harm to millions of people — and summarily destroyed many small businesses, particularly
restaurants. It fostered a growing oligarchy by ensuring certain government-approved giant
corporations prospered while the small businesses were devastated. It nourished this budding
fascism even as it took every opportunity to baselessly label Donald Trump and his supporters as "fascists."
Department's Global Engagement Center shuts down. The State Department's
controversial Global Engagement Center (GEC) shut down this week after congressional lawmakers
nixed reauthorizing the agency in spending legislation to keep the government open. "The Global
Engagement Center closed on December 23, 2024," read a message on the agency's website.
The GEC came under fire from House Republicans after journalist Matt Taibbi uncovered evidence that
it pressured US social media platforms early in the COVID-19 pandemic to censor Americans online,
purportedly to counter "disinformation," such as theories that the virus leaked out of a laboratory
in China. "We learned Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other companies developed a formal system
for taking in moderation 'requests' from every corner of government: the FBI, DHS, HHS, DOD,
the Global Engagement Center at State, even the CIA," Taibbi testified to Congress in March 2023,
shortly after his "Twitter Files" expose on the GEC.
bosses 'silenced' Defense Department, FBI scientists from briefing Biden on COVID lab leak
evidence. Spy chiefs "silenced" researchers in the Defense Department and FBI who
discovered strong evidence that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a Chinese lab, The [New York] Post
has learned. As a result, their findings were kept out of an August 2021 report to
President Biden on the origins of the global pandemic. That report concluded that the virus
behind COVID "was probably not genetically engineered."
Intel Knew COVID Origins All Along. Say, remember when the government and the media
treated the lab-leak hypothesis of COVID-19's origin as a conspiracy theory? At the time,
social-media platforms suppressed discussion and debate over that explanation. The media
treating anyone who noticed that a deadly and novel coronavirus had emerged in the same place where
biologists just so happened to be conducting gain-of-function research on — ta
da! — coronaviruses. The question of origin became so important to foreign
policy and epidemiological strategy that Joe Biden ordered the US intel community to do an analysis
to pin down the origins of the deadly pandemic. That review concluded with "low confidence'"
that it originated in a jump from an animal to humans in Wuhan. But that conclusion came
after a scientific study conducted by one of those agencies was never presented to
Biden — a study that looked at [the] virus and proved that it had been the result of
manipulation of the same type conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
COVID data in the UK: Those who got the jab substantially increased their chances of
death. Data assembled by the government of the United Kingdom now proves
unequivocally that getting the jab during the COVID panic was a very bad idea. It did less
than nothing to prevent you from getting the virus, and in fact significantly increased your
chances of dying. [...] The numbers for many other time periods following the introduction of the
jab are comparable. Though we should expect the number of deaths to be higher for the jabbed
population since there are more of them, the numbers far exceed that difference. For example,
among those aged 80 to 89 during just one month, December 2021, there were only 776 deaths
from all causes among the unjabbed. Among those who had gotten the jab, however, there were
16,171 deaths. That's twenty times more, even though the total jabbed population was
only about double the size of the unjabbed.
Thinking about the FDA. The US healthcare system is woefully inadequate from several
perspectives. A silver lining of the COVID-19 fiasco is that it exposed several of these
systemic failures. To make this discussion somewhat digestible, I will focus on the FDA, and
its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and Approval processes. The root problem with both of
these, is that although the FDA is pretending to the public that these processes are based on
genuine Science, both have become corrupted by political science. They get away with this
ruse as 99% of the public are not scientists, and the FDA bureaucracy has purposefully obfuscated
what's transpiring with misleading terminology (like risk, efficacy, and
safety). Additionally, to promote political agendas, the FDA changes important
definitions, has an unhealthy relationship with parties they are supposed to be regulating, and has
abandoned key elements of its mission statement and statutory obligations. With the goal of
getting back on track (i.e., being more scientific), the FDA needs a major overhaul of the EUA and
Approval processes, particularly for: a) Vaccines [especially when a reasonable therapeutic is
available], and b) Therapeutics [e.g., remdesivir and molnupiravir should not have received
Fauci loses $15-million taxpayer-funded security detail. Jon Michael Raasch at the
Daily Mail just reported that the U.S. Marshals Service "quietly dropped" a two-year,
fifteen-million-dollar deal to protect Anthony Fauci, all covered by the U.S. taxpayers of course.
[...] I'm actually okay with providing Fauci taxpayer-funded security, but only if it's at Gitmo,
or the United States Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana; if Fauci is getting security there, it
means we're seeing some justice for what he's done.
Data to Share With Your Doctor. The "safe and effective" vaccine narrative and
COVID-19 information campaign is crumbling, but governments and media are doing all they can to
keep it alive. Now it appears they are repeating the process with claims of new deadly
viruses and more vaccines. But how much is fearmongering and are the new vaccines safe?
We need our doctors to know the truth so they can help us. But that can be difficult and
risky for doctors. That's why I'm asking you to share this with other physicians, healthcare
professionals, and medical experts, so the truth can win. The COVID experience has taught us
that federal agencies, 'experts', media, fact-checkers, and Google search algorithms all
regurgitate a single 'safe and effective', 'follow-the-science' narrative that proved false on all
counts. Let's look at some basic government disinformation: Despite proof otherwise,
the CDC still assures the public the C19 shots are safe and effective.
20 Scandals From the Obama-Biden Weaponization Report. The partisan abuse of federal
agencies by the Obama and Biden administrations has been exposed in a massive, 17,000-page report
by the House Weaponization Committee. It outlines a widespread pattern of criminality that
almost defies description. [For example,]
[#8] Investigation into the "Censorship-Industrial Complex": Claims of
a network involving government, academia, and tech firms aimed at controlling information online,
particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
[#13] Government Influence on Media: Accusations that government officials
influenced media narratives, especially around sensitive political topics like the Hunter Biden laptop
and the origins of the COVID-19.
[#19] Manipulation of Public Health Information: During the COVID-19 response,
there are claims of government agencies influencing what information was disseminated by health
organizations, possibly to fit political narratives.
Retire Overused Words. First, 'Misinformation'. Americans are asking: Is
RFK on to something? Perhaps, as he contends, a 1986 law that all-but absolved vaccine
manufacturers from liability has spawned an industry driven more by profit than protection.
Maybe Americans agree with RFK that the FDA, which gets 69 percent of its budget from
pharmaceutical companies, is potentially compromised. Maybe Big Pharma, similarly, gets a
free pass from the television news media that it generously supports. The U.S. and New
Zealand, incidentally, are the only nations on earth that allow "direct-to- consumer" TV ads.
Finally, just maybe there's a straight line from this unhealthy alliance to the growing list of 80
childhood shots, inevitably approved after cursory industry studies with no placebo controls.
The Hepatitis B vaccine trial, for one, monitored the effects on newborns for just five days.
Babies are given three doses of this questionably necessary product — intended to
prevent a disease spread through sex and drug use. Pointing out such conflicts and flaws
earns critics a label: "anti-vaxxer."
was told by Feb. 2020 that COVID was already 'adapted' to humans, messages show.
U.S. and Chinese government officials knew as early as February 2020 that the emerging novel
coronavirus that causes COVID-19 had already been well-adapted to humans — an early
signal not only that it would spread efficiently, but also that it may not have emerged at the
Wuhan wet market. Recently released chat messages indicate that former National Institute for
Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci was informed by early February 2020 by
then-China Center for Disease for Disease Control and Prevention Director George Gao that the
emerging novel coronavirus had already "adapted to human hosts well." SARS-CoV-2, the virus
that causes COVID-19, first emerged in humans almost preternaturally suited to spread in humans
without having to evolve in the population much, some scientists say. Some scientists say
this points to an emergence of the virus earlier than the December outbreak at the Huanan Seafood
Wholesale Market, and that the virus became well adapted by circulating cryptically in people, or
that the virus that was adapted to human cells in a laboratory using a common technique called
serial passage in which viruses evolve through sequential infections in animals or cells. In
part because of the implications for the origins of the virus, discussion of the "preadapted"
nature of the virus was been mired in controversy.
$267 million
spent on fighting 'misinformation'. Misinformation spending soared in 2021 as the
government worked with social media companies to restrict the views of those questioning federal
Covid-19 policies online. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has since admitted it was "wrong" to
censor varying opinions on vaccines, mask-wearing and social distancing. The U.S. House
Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal
Government later accused the National Science Foundation of creating "AI-powered censorship and
propaganda tools" at a cost of $13 million. Another $200,000 was awarded to George
Washington University to study how populist leaders spread misinformation. Researchers used
government funds to analyze politicians who allegedly divided society during the pandemic, focusing
on Donald Trump and three other world leaders. In total, $127 million of the
misinformation grants were related to Covid-19.
Big Story. Cynics, skeptics, and conservatives have joked for years about the "Now It
Can Be Told" genre of mainstream news stories that come out after any presidential election.
These are "revelations" — often deeply and meticulously reported — of some
fact or story that has long been obvious but was officially suppressed for as long as it had the
potential to hurt Democratic candidates. Once the election cycle is over, the truth can,
well, be told. For instance, the idea that the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan
Institute of Virology rather than a wet market — apparently common knowledge in the
U.S. intelligence community by November 2019 at the latest — was, officially,
a xenophobic right-wing conspiracy theory until ... the January 2021 issue of New York
magazine, in which journalist Nicholson Baker announced that it was true.
Igor Kirillov Assassinated To Bury Explosive Biolab Secrets? On December 17,
2024, Moscow was shaken by the shocking assassination of Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, a
prominent figure in Russia's Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Protection Forces. A bomb
hidden on an electric scooter exploded as Kirillov left for work, killing him and his assistant
instantly. This wasn't just an attack on a high-ranking military officer — it may
have been an attack on the truth itself.
California's Bird Flu Emergency Portend The Next Trump-Era Outbreak? This week
California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) declared a state of emergency over avian influenza, aka Bird
Flu. And while Newsom says the order was simply a precaution after one person in Louisiana
was hospitalized with the first severe illness caused by the bird flu in the United States, one has
to wonder [...] "This proclamation is a targeted action to ensure government agencies have the
resources and flexibility they need to respond quickly to this outbreak," Newsom said in a
Wednesday statement. According to the governor's office, Bird flu has been found in dairy
cows in Southern California -- therefore, the emergency is needed to "contain and mitigate the
spread of the virus" despite the fact that there have been no reported cases of person-to-person
transmission in the state.
The Editor says...
There was one case in Louisiana, so the governor of California, 1500 miles
away, declared an emergency. During the Covid-19 insanity, we saw a number of would-be tyrants
who were far too eager to use a public health "emergency" (which was fully synthetic, as it turned out)
to seize power. Most of us learned from that experience. But most of us don't live in California.
researchers have found Covid spike protein in the blood of people never infected with Covid — years
after they got mRNA jabs. Yale University scientists have found Covid spike protein
in the blood of people who received Covid mRNA shots — up to two years after they received the
jabs. The people were never infected with Covid, antibody tests show, and our immune systems
rapidly destroy newly produced spike proteins. The finding suggests some people who took the
shots may be making the proteins on their own. A possible reason is that genetic material
delivered in the shots has integrated with human genes and is continuing to activate protein-making
structures in our cells. If found to be correct, this explanation has serious implications
for mRNA vaccine safety and the more than 1 billion people who received mRNA Covid doses.
Planned to Give Millions to Nonprofit behind Risky Wuhan Bat Research as Recently as This
Year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture was prepared to dish out a grant to the
nonprofit behind risky coronavirus research in Wuhan, China, right before the federal government
suspended funding for the organization. [Advertisements] The USDA intended to give EcoHealth
Alliance a new $2.5 million research grant in May 2024, just before the Department of
Health and Human Services initiated debarment proceedings against the nonprofit, indefinitely
suspending the group from receiving taxpayer funds, according to emails reviewed by National
Review. In April 2024, the USDA informed EcoHealth that they had been approved for a
$2.5 million grant to fund a project titled, "Revealing the Determinants of Virus Diversity
and Cross-Species Transmission on Wildlife Farms," the emails show.
Is Back! Dr. Anthony Fauci's reputation has long polarized public opinion.
Whereas some view him as a scientific beacon guiding the world through a pandemic, others criticize
his perceived inconsistency, advocacy for extreme policies, and support for ethically questionable
research. Fauci's recent article in Clinical Infectious Diseases, subtitled "Shared Lessons
from Two Pandemics," further deepens the divide. Despite being framed as a "viewpoint" piece,
the article raises serious concerns about Fauci's injection of political bias and selective
presentation of facts. By leveraging the credibility of a respected medical journal, Fauci
transforms a platform intended for impartial scientific discourse into a tool for advancing
narratives that align with his political perspective. This undermines trust in the
objectivity of scientific publications and blurs the line between evidence-based guidance and
personal ideology. Two of Fauci's eight "lessons" stand out as particularly disconcerting. [...]
Declares State of Emergency Over Bird Flu; Is This What He'll Use to 'Trump-Proof'
California? California Gov. Gavin Newsom has loudly announced his intention to
"Trump proof" the state ahead of Donald Trump's inauguration in January 2025. Some of the
things he wants to do will be extremely unpopular with the state's residents, and legislators who
watched their districts vote for Trump (or saw big leaps in that direction) will be wary of
publicly signing on to his radical agenda. He's in a bit of a conundrum. He's probably
been longing for the unchecked power he had from March 2020 through February 28, 2023,
when Californians lived under a State of Emergency for the COVID pandemic.
Trust in Health Agencies [is] Gone, Former CDC Director Says. Americans don't trust public
health institutions, the virologist who used to head the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
says. "We have lost public trust, there's no doubt about it, and it really harms public health
in a big way," Robert Redfield said Wednesday during an event at The Heritage Foundation, adding,
"We've lost, I think, trust in science." Redfield spoke alongside Sen. Ron Johnson,
R-Wis., and epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff at Heritage's Capitol Hill headquarters for the event,
"Restoring American Wellness." Many of the panelists' comments focused on why the public had lost
faith in America's health institutions, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
own study shows their COVID vaccines increase your risk of serious adverse events (up to 71%
higher). Normally, when Pfizer's own study shows their vaccines increase your risk of
serious adverse events and those effects are both large and statistically significant, you would
think that would be reported by The New York Times, right? But for some reason, which
I still can't figure out, they missed it. Again. So it's up to your friendly
neighborhood misinformation spreaders (such as myself) to bring this to your attention.
Jeffrey Sachs-Tucker Carlson interview: the most important interview ever?
[Scroll down] The question with Covid is which lab and in which way? It almost
surely did not come out of nature. It almost surely came out of a deliberate research project
that had a core idea, which was to take a natural virus and make it more infectious. And we
have one major blueprint of that, which is a research proposal called DEFUSE, which was submitted
to the Department of Defense to the unit called DARPA in 2018. And it is a kind of cookbook for how
to make the virus that causes Covid-19 and the virus is called SARS-CoV-2. And what's distinctive
about SARS-CoV-2 is that it has something called a proteolytic cleavage site, and specifically
something called a furin cleavage site. And it's just some pieces of the genome that make
this thing damn infectious. And what's interesting about it is that for this class of bat
viruses, which are called betacoronaviruses, which is what SARS comes from, and what Covid-19 comes
from, for that class of viruses, and there are several hundred known, none of them in nature ever
had that particular piece of the genome. None other than SARS-CoV-2. And that piece of
the genome, the furin cleavage site, was an object of research attention from 2005, because it was
understood that if a virus were to have that, it would make the entry of the virus into human cells
easier, and it would make the virus, therefore, infectious for humans. SARS-1, which was the
first outbreak of a virus like this in 2003 in Hong Kong, was most likely a natural virus that came
from a farm animal, and it was not so infectious. It killed some thousands of people.
But with SARS-1, you got very, very sick for weeks before you were infectious to someone
else. And that meant that it was not so hard to stop it by isolating people who had the
symptoms. With SARS-CoV-2, you are infectious even without any symptoms. Sometimes
you're completely asymptomatic. So what's the difference of SARS-1 and SARS-CoV-2? The
furin cleavage site.
in My Office. It has been 3 years, 4 months, and 23 days (1,243 total
days) and I am finally back in my office at the university that employs me. I was banished
from my workspaces almost 3.5 years ago following a radio interview in which I expressed
concerns about the systemic biodistribution of COVID-19 shots throughout the body. I
disclosed scientific data that aligned with the long history of lipid nanoparticle technology, but
contrasted with the dominant global narrative that existed at that time. My 'controversial
statements' are now well-accepted facts in the scientific literature. In response, some of my
colleagues participated in a well-coordinated global defamation campaign against me. I found
myself the target of chronic harassment that has not ceased to this day.
to ban all pharmaceutical company advertising in New Zealand media. The United States
and New Zealand are the only countries in the world that allow direct-to-consumer advertising of
biopharmaceuticals. During the pandemic, the US CDC and the Ministry of Health in New Zealand
began commercials for COVID-19 vaccines. Unlike prescription pharmaceuticals, vaccine
commercials omitted important safety information, such as fatal side effects, encouraging patients
to bypass their doctors and go directly to vaccine centers.
Knew of Covid Lab Leak in Oct. 2019, Ex-Intel Official Says. As President Joe
Biden's team weighs preemptive blanket pardons for figures such as former National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Fauci, and as Democrats drape themselves in
the flag to defend "woke" senior Pentagon officials against an expected onslaught from Trump
"loyalists," a handful of recent reports support longstanding allegations that the U.S. defense and
intelligence establishment played a role in causing, and then covering up the origins of, the
COVID-19 pandemic. In an interview with the British paper The Sun published on Sunday,
retired Pentagon intelligence official Jon Myers said that in October 2019, he began briefing
the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, had leaked
from a lab in Wuhan, China. If true, that would suggest that the U.S. intelligence community
and Pentagon brass were aware of the virus — and aware that it likely came from a
lab — two months before the officially acknowledged start of the pandemic.
mRNA 'Vaccinated' Children Significantly More Likely to Get COVID-19 Than Unvaccinated
Peers. A new study was just published in the Journal of the Pediatric Infectious
Diseases Society titled, Protection from COVID-19 vaccination and prior SARS-CoV-2 infection
among children aged 6 months [to] 4 years, United States, September 2022 [through]
April 2023. The study combined data from three prospective cohort studies (PROTECT,
CASCADIA, and CoVE) conducted in the United States from September 1, 2022, to April 30,
2023. Included 614 children aged 6 months to 4 years living in Washington, Oregon,
Michigan, Arizona, and Utah. [...] Children vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech without prior
SARS-CoV-2 infection were 159% more likely to get infected and 257% more likely to develop
symptomatic COVID-19 compared to unvaccinated children without prior infection.
Hospitals Bring Back Mask Mandates. NHS hospitals are telling patients, visitors and
staff to wear face masks amid fears of a "quad-demic". An early flu season has piled pressure
on the health service, with the number of patients in hospital with influenza more than tripling in
two weeks. The rate of hospitalisations from flu increased from 1.8 per 100,000 toward the
end of November to 5.53 in the week ending Dec 8, data from the UK Health Security Agency
(UKHSA) show. Combined with high rates of Covid, vomiting-bug norovirus, and respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV) in children, some NHS hospitals have ushered in a return to face masks.
Hospitals across Lincolnshire introduced mandatory face masks for patients and visitors across some
areas on Friday [12/13/2024].
Vaccines for Children: Still Crazy After All These Years. There are stories that
define the public perception of vaccinology and the practitioners of this art. The mythic
genius and heroics of Edward Jenner, involving clear-skinned milkmaids, cowpox, and the Smallpox
vaccine, is the origin myth for modern western vaccinology. The competitive race between
Drs. Salk and Sabin to save the world's children from Polio is another. But vaccinology
also has its dark stories. The approved COVID vaccine narrative that will pass down through
time is still either disputed or being negotiated, depending on your point of view, but I suspect
history will not be kind to Operation Warp Speed and its gene therapy-based prophylactics that
prevented neither infection nor disease from SARS-CoV-2. Unfortunately, these products did cause
myocarditis, stroke, a variety of blood clotting disorders, and at this point, God only knows how
many other problems, including both sudden and delayed death. Most vaccinologists are still
in denial about the facts of this story.
difference between the US childhood vaccination schedule and Denmark's. For the last
few weeks, in my writing here and in the Free Press, I have been arguing that differences in
childhood immunization between the US and Europe should be explored with a cluster RCT.
Yesterday, my friend, Tracy B-H had a nice comparison that drives this point well. Consider
the US and Denmark: Quite a lot of differences! A user replied with the US graphic
updated. Take a look. So many fewer shots. [Chart] In prior posts, I have
argued that RFK Jr can commission a cluster RCT of childhood immunization, comparing the US
schedule to Denmark's.
Critical Analysis of Covid-19 Vaccine Impact Claims. The assertion that "There is
clear evidence" of Covid-19 vaccines' benefits outweighing their harms" exemplifies a dangerous
oversimplification of complex medical realities. This claim, often propagated by
fact-checkers and mainstream narratives, fails to acknowledge the fundamental limitations in our
current understanding and the methodological flaws inherent in much of the existing research. [...]
The magnitude of benefit from Covid-19 vaccines is likely much smaller than portrayed by
observational and modeling studies. To determine the net effect of the vaccines, both known
harms and potential yet unknown harms must be carefully considered against this uncertain benefit.
stop at nothing to get you jabbed. Been covid vaccinated? Yes, get
boosters. Had your covid boosters? Yes, get another one ... and another one. We
seem to be in the era of the fifth covid booster now. Or is it the sixth? It is hard to
keep up, but rest assured that our governments and public health fanatics will not rest until we
are umpteenth booster vaccinated up to our eyeballs. It is nothing to worry about,
apparently. The side-effects only include pain, redness or swelling at the injection site,
feeling tired or fatigued, headache, muscle aches or joint pains, chills, dizziness, swollen lymph
nodes and nausea. Oddly, no mention of stroke, cardiac arrest, pulmonary embolism (all
associated with the increased likelihood of blood clots) and death. No, nothing to see
here. However, enthusiasm for covid vaccinations is waning, as figures from the US
demonstrate. The way data are presented by the UK government makes it hard to ascertain what
the uptake of covid vaccination boosters is but, given that the figures for care homes used to be
over 80 per cent and are now only over 60 percent indicates that, even in a captive and largely
compliant population ('covid jab with your cup of tea, dear?') there is resistance.
Has HHS Withheld on COVID-19 Vax? Sen. Ron Johnson Is About to Find Out. A
new letter from Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., puts federal health agencies on notice that he plans
to subpoena unredacted records withheld by the Biden administration on potential adverse effects of
the COVID-19 vaccines. "It appears that even in the waning days of the Biden administration,
your agencies will remain defiant in providing the public with complete information about the
COVID-19 vaccines," writes Johnson, incoming chairman of the Senate's Permanent Select Subcommittee
on Investigations, in the Dec. 5 letter shared with The Daily Signal. "If it becomes
necessary to subpoena these and other requested records in the next Congress when I become chairman
of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, I will do so," the Wisconsin Republican adds.
The Hidden Pfizer Report That Shows Heart Conditions in the Vaccinated Getting Worse Over
Time. To recap: this is a report of a Post Authorisation Safety Study (PASS) of
Pfizer's Covid vaccine. National regulators routinely require pharmaceutical manufacturers to
conduct PASS studies as a condition of authorisation of most new medicines. The regulators
provide data to the manufacturer covering millions of patients registered in national healthcare
systems. The manufacturer then conducts analysis, matched for things like age and sex, to
determine whether the medicine has increased the risk of specified health conditions. Let's
dive straight in. Below are some heart-related cumulative incidence graphs from Pfizer's full
'Interim Report 5'. You will immediately notice that the incidence for each type of condition
is significantly greater in the Covid vaccinated (bad) — but we already knew that from the
Hazard Ratios in the abstract. What's worse is that the curves diverge over time, i.e., the
relative incidence between vaccinated and unvaccinated increases over the time period of the data
in the report (December 8th 2020 — March 21st 2022). I wonder what
happened subsequently. [Numerous graphs.]
Regime Quietly Extends COVID-19 'Emergency Declaration' to Shield Big Pharma and mRNA Vaccine
Makers. The Biden administration has quietly extended a controversial "emergency
declaration" under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act until
December 31, 2029. "Secretary Becerra signed the 12th amendment to the declaration under
the PREP Act for COVID-19 Medical Countermeasures. The Secretary issues this amendment
pursuant to section 319F-3 of the Public Health Service Act to extend the duration of the
Declaration to December 31, 2029, and to republish the Declaration in full," according to the
announcement. The timing? Conveniently, it ensures that Big Pharma and mRNA vaccine
makers remain shielded from liability throughout President Trump's second term and beyond.
The Editor says...
If a genuine emergency exists, why would they keep it quiet?
Caught Hiding Sudden Deaths During Covid 'Vaccine' Trials. Pfizer has been caught
hiding sudden deaths during the clinical trials for the pharmaceutical giant's Covid mRNA
"vaccine." The hidden deaths were discovered during a major 1 and half year investigation by a
team of researchers. The team, volunteering for the non-profit news outlet The Daily Clout,
revealed that these deaths were covered up to hide serious adverse reactions from the public.
During the investigation, the team of researchers, including physicians, a data expert, and a
former United States Army Intelligence officer, analyzed thousands of pages of documents relating
to the study.
Cult of Credentialism. [Scroll down] This little incident was an ominous
precursor to the "Reign of COVID Terror," the greatest outbreak not of disease, but rather of
crimes against humanity. Rampant junk science and detestable appeals to authority coalesced
into a ghastly form of totalitarianism that gave us lockdowns, injection mandates, religious
persecution, mass surveillance, and the glorification of "expertise." In the end, most of what
the "experts" told us (with regard to COVID's origin, transmission, lethality, and treatment)
turned out to be spectacularly false. But the "experts" touted their credentials, pointed to
all the exalted prefixes and suffixes surrounding their names, and expected everyone else to
obey. Authoritarianism thrives when "the credentialed" presume to know best.
Credentialism, after all, is sister to aristocracy. This disconnect between
knowledge and authority is one of the most dangerous qualities of Western society
today. In a society that values intellectual merit, reasoned argument forms the backbone of
the body politic. In a society that values titles of nobility, rigorous debate gives way to
official pronouncements from authority figures.
Distancing did make sense — for the unvaccinated seeking to protect themselves from the stupidity of
the vaccinated. Since the heady, crazy days of 2020 I've been describing social
distancing as useless, irrational, tyrannical and stupid. In fact I've used Social Distancing
as an example of pure irrational hysteria and of the pernicious effect of State and Media led
dishonesty turning the brains of millions of gullible morons into mush. The degree to which
someone believed in the efficacy and necessity of Social Distancing measures during the COVID years
has been, for me, a direct indicator of the degree to which that person is capable of rational
independent thought or whether that person is a hopelessly controlled, conditioned and unthinking
drone ready to put up with any amount of hysterically insane bullshit so long as a person in
authority or wearing a white coat tells them it all makes sense.
Fauci skate with a pardon? This article identifies some of the huge financial
payments (bonuses) paid to hospitals during the pandemic. Further, it is believed that these
payments served as motivation to encourage the extensive use of the toxic drug remdesivir as well
as end-of-life ventilators for many COVID-19 patients. Additionally, the coercion of
attending physicians (and nurses) by hospital administrators and other officials to "go along" with
toxic treatments of COVID-19 patients is described. Regarding remdesivir, the recent
testimony of Dr. David Martin before members of the Oklahoma state Legislature (view here for
short video) is daunting, to say the least. His testimony is a strong indictment of those who
supported and administered remdesivir, a drug publicly known to be highly toxic, causing kidney and
other organ failure contributing to or causing a patient's death. Regarding the use of
ventilators for COVID-19 patients, a National Library of Medicine report indicates that "of 69
studies with more than 57,000 patients showed fatality rates of 45 percent. ... The fatality
rate increased to 84 percent in older patients." Another report describes how there was a
"rush" to put COVID-19 patients onto ventilators, causing thousands of needless deaths.
H5N1 vaccine UKHSA purchased from CSL/Sequirus LTD. The UKHSA purchased over
5 million doses of an Influenza H5N1 pandemic vaccine from CSL/Sequirus LTD. The UKHSA is
highly secretive about its actions, so we have had to work out for ourselves that the stuff they
bought or optioned is most likely AUDENZ (In Europe, AUDENZ is called Incellipan): [...] The FDA
statisticians were all sweetness and light, not noting any problems with the trials and their 6983
participants. rHowever, In trial 04, four deaths occurred in the 468 higher antigenic
concentration arm recipients (7.5 µg H5 hemagglutinin antigen + 0.25 mL MF59 adjuvant). Still,
these deaths were not considered vaccine-related, but one abortion was possibly related to vaccine
exposure. Ditto for study 18, the phase 3 trial in which 11 deaths in the active
treatment and 1 in placebo were not considered vaccine-related. A possible dose effect was not
discussed, and there is no information on the cause of these four deaths as we haven't yet found
the clinical study report.
Pardon Arms Race Escalates. The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government
Affairs (HSGAC) sent letters to a dozen federal agencies, demanding they preserve documents
pertaining to Covid's origins. The letters show the investigation is far from over, despite
release of a 512-page report from a House Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that appeared to
close the book on one major congressional probe by concluding Covid-19 was "likely" caused by
"laboratory or research-related accident." The letters collectively read like an overview of
the investigation as viewed from the Republican side, focusing on information believed to have been
improperly hidden by the outgoing administration. "They didn't get everything, they know it, and
they're pissed. We all are," is how one transition source put it, adding that at least two
Executive Branch agencies are also wargaming new Covid probes. Ranking member Rand Paul of
Kentucky three weeks ago expressed frustration about alleged stonewalling over "gain-of-function"
research. "NIH and HHS have refused to turn over the documents as to why Wuhan got this
research money," he said. "I'm looking forward to getting those."
Speed: How Long Can the Big Lie Be Maintained? I suppose it may well be the case that
Plato, Scaevola, and Machiavelli were right — that is, that most people can't handle the
truth. Be that as it may, the U.S. Constitutional Republic was NOT founded on this
proposition. Indeed, Madison explicitly rejected it when he wrote: ["]Knowledge
will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves
with the power which knowledge gives.["] [...] I understand that politics is a tricky
business that requires contending with huge, powerful, and ruthless interest groups that fight
tooth and nail to maintain their interests. As the Roman lawyer and statesman, Cicero, is
reputed to have said, "Rome is made of marble but it's built on a sewer." As the 19th century
Austrian Minister President Eduard Taaffe is reputed to have said, "Politics is the art of keeping
every interest group in an equal state of dissatisfaction." However, the Big Lie that
Operation Warp Speed "saved millions of lives" is simply no longer tenable and should be dropped.
Report Finds (Nearly) Every COVID-19 'Conspiracy Theory' Was True. The most thorough
report ever released on America's reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic has concluded that virtually
everything that would have gotten you banned from social media for spreading "misinformation" was
true. After a two-year investigation, the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus
Pandemic released its 520-page report titled "After Action Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic:
The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward" this week. The report finds the COVID-19 virus likely
originated from a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where it may have been manufactured
as a chimera. Lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing, and vaccine mandates were not
based on sound science and did more harm than good. Natural immunity exists for COVID-19, as
it does for other viruses. And President Donald Trump's "racist" travel bans likely saved
lives. Expressing any of these would have been enough to get one banned from social
media. Twitter infamously set up a portal for government agents to flag "misinformation" and
target posts or whole accounts for shadow bans, censorship, or removal. Meta boasted that,
since December 2020, "following consultations with leading health organizations, including the
World Health Organization (WHO)," the company had "removed false claims about COVID-19 vaccines
that have been debunked by public health experts" from Facebook and Instagram.
Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Byram Bridle's Stand for Scientific Integrity and
Truth. In the spring of 2021, something didn't feel right. Our spidey senses
went off. It was subtle at first — a gnawing feeling that something wasn't adding
up. But it wasn't long before two voices emerged that changed everything for us:
Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Byram Bridle. These two brave scientists were among the
first to alert us that all was not as it seemed. Their evidence-based insights, their clarity
of thought, and their personal sacrifices pulled back the curtain on a much larger story.
Since that moment, we have followed their work closely, researching, questioning, and connecting
the dots for ourselves. We are extremely honored to have them included in the Canary in a
Covid World books. In fact, Dr. Malone was the very first Canary who agreed to
participate in this project, and for that, we are deeply grateful.
Seeks to Advise Trump — He Should Ignore Them. The National Academies of
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is a congressionally established institution that acts as the
premier scientific academy in the United States. While that may seem highly reputable and
impressive, the reality is quite different. We have discussed NASEM in the past, but the
reason we are addressing them now is that one of NASEM's presidents, Marcia McNutt, has announced
that her organization is ready to work with President Trump, writing that NASEM "stands ready, as
it always has, to advise the incoming administration." But is that really a good idea?
Should Trump trust this organization? History suggests he should not. Considering how
NASEM undermined Trump during the Covid pandemic, the evidence indicates that McNutt's apparent
graciousness may be more of an attempt at preemptive damage control. A first key point to
note is that McNutt chose to publish her statement in Science magazine, which, not unlike NASEM
itself, has become a political propaganda outlet that consistently promotes the fraudulent natural
origin narrative for Covid. In fact, it was Science magazine that was the first to propagate
this false narrative on January 31, 2020, long before most people had even heard of Covid.
COVID Report Shows How Government Failed Americans. The final report from Oversight
on the COVID-19 pandemic has been released, and and it is clear that the government's handling of
the crisis was a failure on nearly every front. Not only did government officials repeatedly
mislead Americans about the origin of the virus and U.S. funding of gain-of-function research, but
the various mandates, and the failure to adopt early interventions such as hydroxychloroquine and
ivermectin likely caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. The investigation
"exposed high-level corruption in America's public health system." However, the report falls short
in its examination of the risks associated with the experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
Whereas many of the report's conclusions appear valid, one claim is demonstrably absurd.
Buried in the 520-page document is the assertion that the COVID-19 vaccine "undoubtedly saved
millions of lives by diminishing the likelihood of severe disease and death." This statement
is unsupported by evidence in the report itself.
Time for Church Committee 2.0. On Monday, the House Select Subcommittee on the
Coronavirus Pandemic concluded its massive, two-year investigation into the COVID-19 pandemic and
released its summary report, which runs past 500 pages and includes several
jaw-droppers. Foremost, the report states that COVID-19 "most likely emerged from a
laboratory in Wuhan, China," the Wuhan Institute of Virology. That hypothesis is no
"conspiracy theory," per the House report, which points the finger directly at Dr. Anthony
Fauci and his perfidious retinue for using U.S. taxpayer funds to sponsor hazardous
gain-of-function research at the WIV, which had known safety problems. The only conspiracy,
in the report's telling, was the one hatched by Fauci and his dishonest circle, in collaboration
with Beijing, to smear any discussions of the "lab leak" hypothesis as a "conspiracy theory."
The House assessment isn't just a stark refutation of the official story about COVID-19 origins
proffered by the Biden administration for the last four years, it's a direct negation of the
conclusions of Biden's Intelligence Community. As this newsletter reported in detail, the
Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued two unclassified statements on COVID-19
origins in 2021 — a teaser in late Aug. 2021, then a longer assessment two months
later — which collectively punted on the whole issue.
suddenly embrace herd immunity. Remember those phobic and spooky days in 2020 and
2021 when Democrats and their charlatan MD/PhDs had nothing but scorn for herd immunity re
Covid? My favorite is Peter Hotez, MD/PhD, pediatric vaccine and infectious disease
credentialed brainiac, who was wrong about nearly everything about Covid — especially
lockdowns, mask-wearing, and child-age susceptibility. He was also central to the yapping
hyenas spreading morbid hysteria, rejecting immunity via natural infections within non-vulnerable
populations. Hotez has also been a champion of quashing and then jailing anyone who dares to
publicly reject the incompetent, indeed corrupt arrogance of institutional medicine.
Dr. Hotez and his fellow Covid cover-up co-conspirators, namely Anthony Fauci et al.
should be worried about being targets of serious investigations from the new administration —
especially driven by nominee RFK Jr's HHS — for alleged conspiracies in funding
gain-of-function Covid research and then lying about their involvement.
Pardon for Fauci? In this episode of Truth Over News, we discuss reports that the
outgoing Biden administration is considering granting a pardon to Anthony Fauci. While half
of the country seems perplexed as to why such a measure might be necessary, the other half
understands precisely what Fauci did to find himself in this situation — and it has
nothing to do with Trump seeking revenge. [Video clip]
the Trump Nominees Have Not Done — And Will Not Do. Health and Human
Services nominee Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is certainly a maverick. He may earn the most
Democratic hits, given his former liberal credentials. But what will RFK also not do as HHS
secretary? Oversee his agencies circumventing U.S. law by transferring money to communist
China to help it produce lethal gain-of-function viruses of the COVID-19 sort — in the
manner of Dr. Fauci? Organize scientists to go after critics of mandatory masking and
defame them? Give pharmaceutical companies near-lifetime exemptions from legal jeopardy for
rushing into production mRNA vaccines not traditionally vetted and tested? Leave office to
monetize his HHS expertise and thus make millions from the pharmaceutical companies?
secretly investigated nonprofit at center of Wuhan COVID lab leak questions, bombshell House report
reveals. The Department of Justice secretly launched a grand jury investigation into
a US nonprofit that steered American taxpayer funding to the Chinese lab suspected of leaking the
COVID-19 virus and causing the global pandemic, according to a bombshell report released by a House
committee on Monday. Scientific experts and former federal officials have suggested that
EcoHealth Alliance's grants to the China's Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) funded
gain-of-function research that could have led to a lab leak — but records requests have
repeatedly been blocked by the National Institutes of Health, according to the report. The
details of the apparent federal investigation of EcoHealth Alliance remain secret — and
members of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which released the 520-page
report on the origins of and response to the pandemic, have declined to talk about it, citing
concerns about interfering in any potential DOJ investigation.
to talk to mRNA fanatics. Hard-core Covid vaccine advocates haven't given up
yet. Fewer Americans are receiving mRNA boosters this fall than ever before. In
Washington state, jabs are down about 25 percent from 2023. In red states, Covid shots barely
exist anymore. Barely 5 percent of Floridians have had a 2024 booster. Still, mRNA
fanatics won't quit. Even if they aren't getting jabbed, they insist the shots worked as
advertised. And they always — always — rely on The Chart. A person I know who initially
trusted the jabs but has since seen the light asked me for help in a fight over The Chart this
week. You know The Chart. I'm not going to post it here, but it purportedly shows much
higher death Covid rates among the unvaccinated than the jabbed throughout 2021. (The Chart
NEVER shows raw numbers of deaths, just rates.) Look at The Chart! the believers say.
The Chart is Science with a capital S. The Chart is Numbers with a capital N.
You can't argue with The Chart! Well, yes, you can. The Chart is badly flawed because of a
problem in epidemiology called "healthy vaccinee bias."
Promoter Dr. Peter Hotez Says Multiple Viruses Will be Unleashed on America the Day After
Trump Takes Office. 'Charlatan' vaccine promoter Dr. Peter Hotez said multiple
viruses will be unleashed on America one day after Trump is inaugurated next month. "We have
some big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st," Hotez said to MSNBC's
Nicolle Wallace before rattling off a list of viruses:
• Bird flu
• New Coronavirus
• Mosquito-transmitted viruses
• Dengue
• Zika
• Oropouche virus
• Yellow fever
• Pertussis/Whooping cough
• Measles
• Polio
Of course, Dr. Hotez failed to mention the measles outbreaks and Polio cases are primarily a
problem with the illegal migrants invading the US. [Tweet with video clip]
The Editor says...
"Mosquito-transmitted viruses" would be all but eliminated with the return of DDT.
Select Concludes 2-Year Investigation. The final report will serve as a road map for
Congress, the Executive Branch, and the private sector to prepare for and respond to future
pandemics. Since February 2023, the Select Subcommittee has sent more than 100
investigative letters, conducted more than 30 transcribed interviews and depositions, held 25
hearings and meetings, and reviewed more than one million pages of documents. Members and
staff have exposed high-level corruption in America's public health system, confirmed the most
likely origin of the pandemic, held COVID-19 bad actors publicly accountable, fostered bipartisan
consensus on consequential pandemic-era issues, and more. This 520-page final report details
all findings of the Select Subcommittee's investigation.
is Dr. Scott Gottlieb so desperate to keep Robert F. Kennedy Jr. out of Trump's
cabinet? If I've learned anything about Dr. Scott Gottlieb while suing him for
his role in making Twitter censor me in 2021, it's that he thrives in darkness. Which is why
his open attack on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. shows how badly Big Pharma wants to keep Kennedy from the
federal government's top healthcare job — Secretary of Health and Human Services. Gottlieb is
a walking, talking conflict of interest who personifies everything wrong with American
medicine. In May 2017, he became Food and Drug Administration commissioner. Less
than two years later, he quit. Barely three months later, he joined the board of Pfizer,
which has paid him about $2 million since then.
Timeline of Evidence of Laboratory Origins of SARS-CoV-2: What the Select Subcommittee Left
Out. The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped global public health and economic systems and
ignited a contentious debate regarding its origins. While initial theories centered on
zoonotic spillover from the Huanan Seafood Market, subsequent investigations increasingly pointed
to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) as a likely source of a lab-related incident. This
timeline, which traces pivotal moments from late 2019 to late 2024, highlights emerging evidence
supporting the lab-leak hypothesis, the manipulation of public narratives, and the obfuscation of
critical data. It underscores the growing call for accountability and transparency as a
foundation for rebuilding public trust and preparing for future pandemics.
Much Does It Cost To Restore America? [Scroll down] Add in the fact that
the communist/Democrat dream of control was practiced during 2020 lockdowns, when a fourteen year
old had suffered the loss of school comradery, was forced to wear useless masks, feared for their
very lives and were forced to take an untested, poisonous vaxx that did not, at the time, fit the
very definition of a vaccine. Don't worry, they changed the definition, because that's the
communist way. These fourteen-year-olds, however, were old enough to vote in 2024 and many of
them did to prevent that from happening again. The mandate is clear. Americans want the
poison out of their food, out of their skies and out of their medicine. The younger
generation weren't just voting for Trump, they were voting for RFK Jr to do the sorts of things
he promised and to expose the crimes of the pharmaceutical and medical establishments.
panic forces a Wyoming school girl to sue. COVID hysteria brought out the worst in
bureaucrats already prone to overbearing abuse of authority. People were arrested for
paddleboarding alone on the ocean, for taking walks, for taking their children to parks, even for
trying to practice their religions. Businesses were bankrupted, and educrats got out their
totalitarian freak too, punishing kids for refusing to wear masks and denying them education.
That kind of abuse spread even to red states like Wyoming, where at Laramie High School,
16-year-old honors student Grace Smith felt the full force of educrats' wrath. For refusing
to wear a mask, and for daring to attend school, Smith was suspended three times, and on at least
one occasion, the entire school was locked down and Smith was arrested. She was cuffed,
stuffed and taken to the police station. Why the polite refusal of an unarmed honor student
quietly waiting in the school office for police to arrive would require a complete school lockdown
has never been explained, but sheer panic, arrogance and stupidity seems sufficient explanation.
All this after ensuring Smith was issued a previous $500 dollar citation.
cabal does not want you to see this documentary. Four years later, the Covid cabal
has been exposed. A new documentary, "Thank You, Dr. Fauci", by two-time Peabody
Award-winning and four-time Emmy nominated director Jenner Furst, "a self-described progressive who
has broken with the Democrat Party, ties it all together," Zero Hedge noted. Furst was
contacted in early 2020 to direct a piece on then-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci. The project was scrapped three years
later. Furst then launched an investigation into what actually happened and created "Thank
You, Dr. Fauci". Legacy media and film critics will not touch the documentary.
Search engines are shadowbanning and downranking it.
Final Fail? New Paper Filled With Errors, Debunked Conspiracy Theories. Why
won't this man just go away? Former director of the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID), chief medical advisor to the president, and face of the U.S.
disastrous COVID response Dr. Anthony Fauci still refuses to leave the stage. His latest
paper, "HIV/AIDS and COVID-19: Shared Lessons from Two Pandemics," published November 27 and
written with researcher Gregory Folkers, is full of debunked claims and avoidance of his own
accountability for the harmful mistakes made by the government when the pandemic hit. [...] Right
away, you see a problem: masks were proven largely ineffective by numerous studies.
Meanwhile, the six feet they pushed on us as some sort of scientifically-based physical distancing
was basically made up, Fauci admitted in June.
most dangerous moment. In March 2020, the top doctor for the World Health
Organization said countries should forcibly remove infected people from their families and
homes. Now that they may finally face a reckoning, the medical authoritarians want us to
forget. To forget how they panicked in 2020 — at least partly because they feared Sars-Cov-2
was a monster that leaked from a Wuhan lab they'd supported. To forget how far they, and
their media handmaidens, went in that panic. We cannot forget. Not now, not ever.
The comment came late in a World Health Organization press conference that not many people
saw. It's been forgotten since. Even most Unreported Truths readers may not know about
it. Yet it was probably the most dangerous moment in the entire pandemic.
Latest Attempt to Rewrite Pandemic History. Just in time for Thanksgiving, Anthony
Fauci and Greg Folkers are out with a new paper on the HIV and COVID pandemics — they
claim that SARS-CoV-2 is very likely to have a natural origin, citing the deeply flawed work of the
Proximal Origins and Friends author group. [Multiple tweets]
doctor who came in from the fringe. Jay Bhattacharya has been nominated by President
Trump to head the National Institutes of Health. During the Covid regime,
Dr. Bhattacharya was relegated to the "fringe" by the likes of former NIH head Francis Collins
and his NIAID colleague Anthony "fallacious" Fauci. John Tierney observes at City Journal
that Jay-B is the doctor who came in from the fringe: ["]Four years ago, Jay
Bhattacharya was ostracized by his colleagues at Stanford and censored on social media platforms
thanks to a campaign against him by the public-health establishment. The director of the
National Institutes of Health, Francis Collins, sent an email to another NIH official, Anthony
Fauci, urging a "quick and devastating published takedown" of Bhattacharya and his fellow "fringe
epidemiologists." Bhattacharya is far from the fringe today. Donald Trump nominated him
this week for Collins's old job, director of the NIH.["]
Consent. Vaccines have not been this relevant since the beginning of the vaccine era
in the late 19th century. Top doctors and scientific minds are discussing this topic
extensively. Even now, those atop the world's most important health institutions are
introducing critical reviews on vaccines into the public discourse. In recent years,
specifically in the beginning stage of the toxic injectable product (COVID vaccine) rollout,
this topic has regained relevance. The truth is that during this period everything
changed. Distrust in the official narratives went from fringe discussions to legitimate
scientific discourse. Esteemed and qualified scientists began questioning the recommendations
from public health agencies in regard to pandemic policy. Not because of some fringe ideal,
but because the official discourse lacked coherence at the most basic logical levels.
Chief Confesses COVID Health Initiatives [were] 'Completely Made Up'. In another
hard-hitting undercover exposé, O'Keefe Media Group head James O'Keefe captures on video the
confession of a chief at the National Institute of Health (NIH), who spills a number of juicy
revelations about the pandemic. Among them: "I don't even know if these vaccines stop you
from getting COVID. They don't." "We're all going to learn [about vaccine safety] when
it's too late," as Pfizer & Moderna "are just getting a bunch of money... Vaccines were accelerated
through the approval." "We fly under the radar of being scrutinized... I don't think I have too
much to worry about." A Trump victory is "worse for the NIH," and "It would be better for a
Democrat to be in office."
the Vaccine Files. Have you had your Covid jab? Almost certainly not.
Thankfully, the vaccine is not being pushed on healthy people any more. Starting this
THURSDAY, I will be publishing EXCLUSIVE inside information about the jab. Drawn from
WhatsApp messages I obtained from the then health secretary Matt Hancock, the information sheds new
light on government priorities during the pandemic. Which mattered more: politics or public
health? The Vaccine Files will offer some insight into that question. I will reveal
how the government handled serious safety and efficacy concerns, and very much more.
appoints lockdown sceptic to head National Institute of Health. Donald Trump has
appointed Jay Bhattacharya, a prominent lockdown sceptic, to lead the National Institute of
Health. Dr Bhattacharya, who argued that blanket lockdown restrictions during the Covid
pandemic caused "unnecessary suffering and death", will take charge of the federal research agency,
if confirmed by the Senate. In a statement, Mr Trump noted the Stanford University
professor's opposition to lockdowns and said he would work alongside his new health secretary,
Robert F Kennedy Jr, to "improve health and save lives". "Together, Jay and RFK Jr
will restore the NIH to a gold standard of medical research as they examine the underlying causes of,
and solutions to, America's biggest health challenges, including our crisis of chronic illness and
disease," he said late on Tuesday.
the Crowd Goes WILD! I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see that the most joy I
have seen online since the first few days after Trump's victory has been expressed about Trump's
choice of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya for Director of the National Institutes of Health. That
is not an exaggeration, either. I've seen lots of people pleased with various picks, but the
reaction to Jay's appointment is akin to ecstasy. [Tweet] Last night, when the appointment
was announced, my X feed lit up like a metaphorical Christmas tree.
Nominates Professor Who Sounded Alarm on COVID Lockdowns — and Was Censored —
to Lead NIH. The Trump-Vance transition team announced that Stanford Professor Jay
Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, author of "The Great Barrington Declaration," is his pick to lead the
National Institutes of Health. This is a terrific choice; Dr. Bhattacharya is highly
respected and was right about the negative effects of lockdowns during the COVID pandemic when so
many others were wrong. He didn't back down despite numerous attempts to silence him.
taps COVID-censored Stanford professor Jay Bhattacharya to lead NIH, says he will work with RFK Jr.
to 'restore' agency. President-elect Donald Trump announced Tuesday that Jay
Bhattacharya will serve as the director of the National Institutes of Health during his second term
in the White House. Bhattacharya, a Stanford University professor and staunch critic of
pandemic-era lockdowns, will be tasked with leading the federal government's medical research
efforts and will work "in cooperation" with incoming Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F.
Kennedy Jr., the president-elect said. "Jay is a co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration,
an alternative to lockdowns proposed in October 2020," Trump noted in his announcement,
referring to an open letter that called on government officials and public health authorities to
rethink extreme measures in response to COVID-19.
Official Says He Won't Get COVID Boosters, Admits Shots Are Ineffective. A public
health official at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) was caught on hidden camera admitting
that the COVID shots are not terribly effective and not worth the risk of heart damage in people
under 30. None of the assertions made by Raja Cholan, Chief of the Health Data Standards
Branch at the U.S. National Library of Medicine, would come as a surprise to Americans who
distrusted the legacy media narratives during the COVID pandemic and turned to to alternative
sources of news such as The Defender, Epoch Times, Alex Berenson's Unreported News, Steve Kirsch's
Newsletter, Open VAERS, Vigilant News, and American Greatness, among many others. Still, it
is striking to see a current NIH official corroborating our reporting on the faulty products even
as the Biden regime continues to push them.
epidemic of lies. The list of lies they tell us keeps growing. From Bill
Clinton's assertion that he never had sex with Monica Lewinsky, to Obama's claim that if Americans
liked their health care plans and doctors they could keep them under Obamacare, to Hillary Clinton
stating that she never knowingly sent or received classified information over unauthorized
electronic devices, to Joe Biden's seemingly-endless lies, exaggerations, and plagiarizing.
In the latter case it got so bad that Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post quit counting. [...]
Compare those to other fallacious statements such as "We'll only shut down for two weeks to slow
the spread of COVID" that have caused people physical, emotional, or financial loss. Included
here are slanderous or libelous comments made to damage a person's reputation, and these become
particularly heinous when they potentially lead to arrest, trial, conviction and
incarceration. Even if the person is found not guilty, the damage to their reputation may
never be fully repaired.
Journal Censorship Is The Proximate Cause of the Covid Vaccine Catastrophe. In this
post, I want to further the historical record of massive censoring actions by medical journals on
the unprecedented adverse vaccine data of the Covid vaccines. [...] Of those who, like me, started
studying the dangers of Covid gene therapy "vaccines", many then moved on to learn about the rest
of the childhood vaccine schedule by reading "Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and
Myth.["] That book exposes decades of censoring of both the acute and chronic illnesses caused
by the ever-expanding CDC schedule with its pragmatic but unscientific clumping of numerous vaccine
administrations on a single day, an intervention that has never been tested for safety. That
book also exposes the biggest myth about vaccines which is that deaths from the illnesses they
protect against had been nearly eradicated through improvements in sanitation and hygiene (and
antibiotics) before the vaccine for that particular disease was even developed! Note the
corresponding decrease in TB and Scarlet fever mortality, two diseases for which there is no
vaccine to date: [Charts]
of the Day: Fauci Still Getting Chauffeur, Security Detail. Taxpayers have
spent $15 million on security services for Dr. Anthony Fauci in the past two years, after
he had already returned to life as a private citizen, according to a new report from The security agreement took effect in January 2023, and extended to
September 2024. The agreement states that the contract could be extended. asked the U.S. Marshals Service for clarification, but they didn't respond.
The price tag includes salaries and benefits for the U.S. marshals guarding Fauci, a private
chauffeur, law enforcement equipment, and more.
CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide. No matter how bad you think Covid policies
were, they were intended to be worse. Consider the vaccine passports alone. Six cities
were locked down to include only the vaccinated in public indoor places. They were New York
City, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., and Seattle. The plan was to enforce
this with a vaccine passport. It broke. Once the news leaked that the shot didn't stop
infection or transmission, the planners lost public support and the scheme collapsed. It was
undoubtedly planned to be permanent and nationwide if not worldwide. Instead, the scheme had
to be dialed back. Features of the CDC's edicts did incredible damage. It imposed the
rent moratorium. It decreed the ridiculous "six feet of distance" and mask mandates. It
forced Plexiglas as the interface for commercial transactions. It implied that mail-in
balloting must be the norm, which probably flipped the election. It delayed the reopening as
long as possible. It was sadistic. Even with all that, worse was planned.
paper shows the COVID "vaccines" increased your risk of getting COVID. Any competent
virologist will tell you that if you want to reduce the risk of infection of a respiratory virus,
increasing the level of mucosal IgA antibodies is required. And you want to increase the
receptor binding domain (RBD) antibodies especially because these antibodies prevent the virus from
attaching to the entry point receptors (ACE2) on your cells. So any vaccine that reduces your
risk of infection has to increase the secretory IgA antibodies that target the RBD on the
virus. Well you'll never guess what happens to these critical "first line of defense"
antibodies after you get vaccinated. So I'll tell you now: in everyone they drop, and in most
people, they drop to unmeasurable levels. That's right. This paper clearly and
unambiguously showed that the COVID "vaccines" make you more susceptible to getting COVID,
not less. It's a disaster. And it was as clear as night vs. day 2.5 years ago when
this paper came out. If anyone was paying attention that is.
NIH Silenced [its] Own Expert on [the] Covid Origin. The National Institutes of
Health (NIH) is hiring a new chief for their virology section. That the federal government
should not be hiring anyone, especially not senior staff, during the lame-duck period is
self-evident. But what is in many ways even more notable about this appointment is that it
reveals that the NIH has a virology section. One certainly could not have guessed this based
on the people trotted out by Anthony Fauci during the pandemic, all of whom were from outside the
NIH. Curiously, there has been no interest whatsoever from the media as to why that might be,
especially since, as we can now all see, the NIH has its own virology branch. This latest
revelation aligns perfectly with newly released emails from January 2021, which gives us an
insight into how NIH leadership was not only censoring critical voices in academia, such as that of
Jay Bhattacharya, President-elect Trump's likely pick as new NIH head, but also actively censoring
its own experts.
Researcher Finds Loads of Junk DNA In Your COVID 'Vaccine'. Following two previous
reports on our pages [June 23 and Oct 24] and a total of four research papers (we missed
two), we have another report of junk DNA swimming around in the mRNA COVID injections. That's
five for those of us who "graduated" from public school. Not just junk DNA but too much of it
and in quantities that create the risk of mutagenic complication (see also ...cancer.) The
latest turn of this screw comes to us from Didier Raoult, and it's a confirmation study.
of the Century? [Naomi] Wolf recruited some 3,250 professionals around the
world — immunologists, oncologists, obstetricians, pharmacologists, biologists,
chemists, and so on, not to mention lawyers — to study the documents and explain their
significance. The "bought-off media," as she puts it, had called the Pfizer jab "safe and
effective." But where did the truth lie? The truth — the somber
truth — was that the top brass at Pfizer had known by April 2021 that their
injections "damaged the hearts" of young people. They knew that the jab had a myriad of other
side effects — and that it was especially unsafe for pregnant women, young mothers,
fetuses, and infants. Yet Pfizer withheld this and other vital information from the public,
and government officials in the U.S., the UK, the EU, and Australia sought to suppress it.
Warp Speed official questions COVID vaccine purity, worries 'they may ingrate' into DNA.
COVID-19 vaccine supporters are fond of sneering at public figures who have called for the Food and
Drug Administration to pull or at least re-evaluate the safety of the increasingly unpopular
therapeutics, such as Health and Human Services secretary nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,
cardiologist Peter McCullough and Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo. They might have a
harder time caricaturing a former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director who ran the
agency when COVID vaccines were being developed, promoted vaccination and repeat boosting as
recently as 2022 and promoted cloth face masks as "one of the most powerful weapons we have"
against COVID, before vaccines were available. Robert Redfield cited "concerns that the mRNA
vaccines actually have contaminating nucleic acid in them" but also sequences from Simian Virus 40,
"which is a tumor virus," in the debut episode of songwriter, author and Lyme Disease activist Dana
Parish's podcast.
billions upon billions wasted on useless face masks. In a recent tweet, Reform MP
Rupert Lowe said: 'I've been digging around. How much PPE (personal protective equipment),
paid for by the taxpayer, has been destroyed? 1,049,700 pallets, which cost us £8.644billion
... so grim.' Grim indeed, Mr Lowe. The Labour Party's disastrous recent Budget was
predicated on the need to fill a '£22billion black hole'. It's a shame such hard-nosed
fiscal prudence was not on display during the covid saga, when the same Labour Party egged on the
obscene squandering of resources with all the restraint of a drunken sailor. We know that
somewhere in the region of £400billion of UK taxpayer money has been spent on 'combating'
Covid-19, a figure that, according to a piece published by the BBC in March 2022, equates to
roughly £6,000 per person. We also know that of this eye-watering figure, huge sums
have been wasted through incompetence, sharp practice and fraud.
the 'Committee'. It's been an article of faith in many circles of populist
conservatism that events of the past few years have been orchestrated by a secret cabal generally
referred to as "they" or "the committee" or simply "the elites." (This is not quite the same as
the "Deep State," though the Deep State would certainly be involved.) [...] Consider the absolute
clown show of COVID, which began with the government appointing as "COVID czar" the very man who
had triggered the pandemic in the first place and went downhill from there.
emergencies and the new world order. [Scroll down] Without the Covid
biosecurity emergency, would we have tolerated the imposition of a police state with arbitrary
powers of arrest, fines and imprisonment for trivial offences? Would we have tolerated
restrictions on our freedoms of movement, association, and speech? Would we have tolerated
confinement to our homes under effective house arrest for months? Would we have tolerated the
abandonment of society's duty of care to the welfare of our children? Would we have tolerated
the emergency suspension of safety protocols, installed for the purpose of protecting us from
untested therapies produced by unethical pharmaceutical corporations? Would we have tolerated
the imposition of digital identity papers, or the threat of being excluded from our economy on
failure to comply with the conditions for holding them, or on failure to produce them on demand?
A Fatal Email for Fauci.
A new FOIA email conclusively proves that not only did Fauci lie about not knowing Ralph Baric, the
so-called godfather of gain-of-function, but also that Fauci invited Baric to his office to discuss
gain-of-function experiments on coronaviruses. Significantly, this happened during the same
week in early February 2020 in which Fauci initiated his massive public relations campaign
promoting the fraudulent natural origin narrative for Covid. With the appointment of John
Ratcliffe as CIA Director and Mike Waltz as National Security Advisor, we now have an opportunity
to hold Fauci accountable at last. [Video clip]
Fauci's inner circle shielded the Wuhan Institute of Virology's U.S. collaborator.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology's chief American collaborator leveraged connections in Anthony
Fauci's inner circle to survive federal scrutiny and keep millions in public funding flowing
without turning over key data, new records show. Hundreds of documents — emails
obtained under Freedom of Information Act lawsuits or congressional subpoena, as well as
congressional interview transcripts — show Fauci's institute protected EcoHealth
Alliance, which collaborated on novel coronavirus discovery and engineering projects with the Wuhan
lab. At a congressional hearing this summer, Fauci cast EcoHealth and its president Peter
Daszak — who are currently under proposed debarment by the federal
government — as minor and rogue grantees. But EcoHealth was among the first
grantees that Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases contacted as news of a
novel coronavirus first swirled, and Daszak requested supplemental funds to respond to the
crisis. In early February 2020, when NIAID began conducting weekly calls with a few
experts about the novel coronavirus, Daszak was among the invitees.
superbugs mainly emerging from hospitals, not animals & environment — study by Indian,
UK scientists. Superbugs responsible for life-threatening infections and highly
resistant to last resort antibiotics may be emerging in hospitals, primarily due to misuse and
abuse of such drugs, rather than environmental pressure, a crucial study from India has shown.
[Advertisement] The study, conducted by scientists associated with the Indian Council of
Medical Research (ICMR), Cambridge University, UK and Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore, was
published Tuesday in the Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health. [Advertisement]
The research was based on the analysis of the evolution of extreme drug resistance in Klebsiella
pneumoniae, a bacterium. K. pneumoniae causes a variety of infections including
pneumonia, bloodstream infections, liver abscesses and urinary tract infections. Due to this
bacterium, multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) infections are increasing
in hospitals worldwide. In addition, K. pneumoniae resistant to carbapenem —
a class of antibiotics used to treat infections caused by bacteria which are resistant to other
antibiotics — is a hard-to-treat variant of the bacterium and has become a major public
health concern.
The Editor says...
The information on this page is presented for your consideration, but I make no claims about
its accuracy implications. You should regularly consult a doctor in all matters relating to physical
or mental health, particularly concerning any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
Great 'Splainin' Cometh. Many of us believe that the two recent assassination
attempts against the now-President-elect were blob-sponsored operations. Everybody expects
they'll try again. But it's possible that the American system still has enough mojo to
self-correct. A whole lot of public officials have a whole lot of 'splainin' to do. It
looks like they will be compelled to now, including the public health officers who brought us
Covid-19 and the mandated, ineffective-and-harmful mRNA vaccines. There's every reason to
believe that the 'splainin' can take place in correct proceedings according to law: hearings, grand
juries, courts. We do have actual laws against racketeering, abuse of power, election fraud,
bribery, malicious prosecution, sedition, treason, and conspiracy to commit all those crimes.
Pay attention: all that is distinct from lawfare, which is making-up crimes, faking crimes, and
faking procedure. You are going to see a demonstration of how law differs from lawfare.
demand investigations of hospital COVID deaths. State legislators and other officials
and citizens need to strongly support the efforts of hundreds of citizens living in five states who
are demanding that their states' attorneys general conduct a thorough investigation of alleged
crimes committed against their lost loved ones during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The
crimes were allegedly committed by hospital staffs and officials (such as Dr. Anthony Fauci)
who promulgated and implemented hospital treatment protocols for COVID patients that included,
among other things, the administration of the drug remdesivir. On behalf of aggrieved,
justice-seeking families in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas, attorneys have submitted extensive legal
briefs supporting requests for the investigations to the attorney general of each state.
Stocks Take Nose Dive After Trump Announces RFK Jr. For HHS. The stocks for
three pharmaceutical companies heavily involved in the production of vaccines fell drastically by
market close on Thursday following President-elect Donald Trump's announcement that he was
appointing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Pharmaceutical company Moderna's stock fell 5.6%, BioNTech dropped 7.1% and Novavax stock fell 7.2%
before market close on Thursday, Axios reported. All three of the companies had raked in
significant revenue from COVID-19 vaccines.
paper shows the COVID "vaccines" increased your risk of getting COVID. Any competent
virologist will tell you that if you want to reduce the risk of infection of a respiratory virus,
increasing the level of mucosal IgA antibodies is required. And you want to increase the
receptor binding domain (RBD) antibodies especially because these antibodies prevent the virus from
attaching to the entry point receptors (ACE2) on your cells. So any vaccine that reduces your
risk of infection has to increase the secretory IgA antibodies that target the RBD on the
virus. Well you'll never guess what happens to these critical "first line of defense"
antibodies after you get vaccinated. So I'll tell you now: in everyone they drop, and in most
people, they drop to unmeasurable levels. That's right. This paper clearly and
unambiguously showed that the COVID "vaccines" make you more susceptible to getting COVID,
not less. It's a disaster. And it was as clear as night vs. day 2.5 years ago when
this paper came out. If anyone was paying attention that is.
Deputy PM and Australian Senator agree: COVID measures were part of a 'biodefense' response.
This tweet — including on-the-record comments by the Deputy PM (and Minister for Health)
of the Netherlands, Fleur Agema — has gone viral in the last 24 hours, with nearly
a million views and counting: [Tweet] [...] Does President-elect Trump know about the "highly
sensitive" pandemic tabletop exercise conducted by the US DoD and Five Eyes nations in December 2019...
which factored the 2020 presidential election into the script of the 'hypothetical' scenario?
a square. WHO's Dr Tedros now says, "The WHO did not impose anything on anyone during
the COVID-19 pandemic — not lockdowns, not mask mandates, not vaccine mandates." Yet
back in 2020, the WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 — 16
March 2020 said: "But we have not seen an urgent enough escalation in testing, isolation
and contact tracing — which is the backbone of the response" and then adds "As I keep
saying, all countries must take a comprehensive approach. But the most effective way to
prevent infections and save lives is breaking the chains of transmission. And to do that, you
must test and isolate." What are we now to believe? [...] Of course, you were not forced to be
vaccinated or wear a mask, but you had to comply if you wanted to go anywhere or do anything.
Your children had to go to school, the alternative being more isolation, so of course, they (and
you) got vaccinated, kept their distance, and wore tissue around their faces. When the WHO
changed its advice on face masks, saying they 'should be worn in public where social distancing is
not possible to help stop the spread of coronavirus,' what should we now think?
fired for refusing COVID shot wins massive lawsuit. A Michigan woman who was fired
after refusing the COVID-19 vaccine because of her "sincerely held" Catholic beliefs has just won a
massive lawsuit. On Friday, a Detroit jury awarded Lisa Domski nearly $13 million after
she was terminated from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan on account of her refusal to take the
shots. Of the $12.69 million she was awarded, $10 million was for punitive damages,
$1.7 million for lost wages, and $1 million for noneconomic damages, Lawyer Monthly reported.
truth about the Covid jabs is slowly coming out. Mainstream reporters have largely
ignored my lawsuit against the Biden Administration and Pfizer officials over their conspiracy to
censor me, just as they ignored my previous successful lawsuit against Twitter over the ban.
But even conservative or independent/Substack outlets, to the limited extent they have covered the
case, have generally stuck to recounting it as a First Amendment battle, without acknowledging the
fundamental truth that I was right about the Covid mRNA shots. They did not work
as promised, if at all. They had severe side effects. Their use should have been
confined only to the relative handful of people at the highest risk from Covid.
regional health department becomes first to ban COVID vaccine. A regional health
department in Idaho last month became the first public health body to ban the COVID-19 vaccine, The
Associated Press reported Friday. Southwest District Health oversees six counties along the
Idaho-Oregon border. Demand for the mRNA shots in the district has waned, with only 64 given
this year. On October 22nd, the Southwest District Health Board banned the injections in
a 4-3 vote after hearing hundreds of public comments against the shots. Those included
testimony from Dr. Ryan Cole, a renowned pathologist, who presented evidence that the vaccines
are "all risk and no benefit." Among the evidence was data from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) showing that 7.7% of those who took the shots required urgent hospitalization.
Out of those, 25% could not manage normal activities.
Up Average American Wins Texas House Seat. Shelley Luther, a former hair salon owner,
won a seat in the Texas State Legislature last Tuesday. Luther defeated her Democrat
challenger, Tiffany Drake, with 78 percent of the vote for Texas State District 62. Luther
will represent the residents of Fannin, Grayson, Franklin, and Delta counties. Luther, like a
lot of Americans, said she was not very political until it became personal. As COVID spread
across the U.S. in 2020, so did heavy-handed lockdown mandates. To comply with the mandates,
Luther shut her salon down. Within a month, Luther was getting desperate phone calls from her
hair stylists. "After about a month, my hair stylists were calling me, saying, 'I can't feed my
kids. I don't know what to do,' so, we just made the decision to open back up, and I ended up
in jail." To keep her hair stylists working, Luther defied the lockdown order and reopened her
salon. For her troubles, she spent one week in jail and paid a $7,000 fine. All of this
as the dog grooming business next door to her salon remained open.
media fails. Of all the institutions that have failed us in past years, none has been
worse than the media. [...] Go back to Covid and the lack of curiosity about the origins of the
disease. They just blindly followed wherever Anthony Fauci led them. There was sparse
reporting of the Great Barrington declaration where a significant number of respected scientists
proposed a different perspective on how Covid should be handled. The media took their marching
orders from Fauci and barely acknowledged a legitimate dissent that turned out to be correct.
Ctrl +
Alt + Rage. The COVID lockdowns exacerbated a horrible situation in America's public
schools. Despite ever-increasing amounts of taxpayer dollars being pumped into our public
schools, student academic proficiency has been dropping for years. Districts in some states
(we're looking at you, Chicago and Baltimore!) show no students performing at grade level.
Add student misbehavior to the mix and you've got real problems, one being faculty retention.
Teachers are leaving the profession in numbers that are raising eyebrows. Washington State
had more teachers leave at the end of the last school year than at any time in the last thirty
years, and Maryland had more teachers leave than at any time in the last ten.
'Crimes Against Humanity' & Media Reporting Failures. "This tranche of documents is a
journalist's dream," but also "a journalist's nightmare," Naomi Wolf explains, today, on "Defender
In-Depth." Wolf is speaking of what she has nicknamed "The Pfizer Papers" — a
450,000-page archive of the Big Pharma giant's COVID vaccine reports, which include "catastrophic
adverse events" of epic proportions. [Video clip]
of a Family Reunion Five Days Post-Election. The election of 1860 was divisive.
The election of 2024 was a passing fit of hysteria ginned up by a dying and increasingly dishonest
legacy media. [...] To make my case, I cited a survey done by Franklin Templeton-Gallup during the
last six months of 2020. In the survey, some 35,000 Americans were asked their assessment of COVID,
a subject that had dominated the news, left and right, since the beginning of the year. The
most revealing answer came in response to the question: "What percentage of people who have been
infected by the coronavirus needed to be hospitalized?" The Democrats who responded had no
idea. Some 41 percent believed that 50 percent or more of those who contracted
COVID would end up in the hospital. Another 28 percent said that 20 [to] 50 percent
of COVID sufferers would be hospitalized. The correct answer was 1 [to] 5 percent,
an answer that Republicans were nearly three times as likely to get right. In sum, 69 percent
of Democrats were deeply misinformed about a subject of critical importance, and 41 percent were
grotesquely misinformed.
Fired For Refusing Covid Vaccine Wins Record $12 Million. Afederal jury in
Detroit awarded more than $12 million Friday to a former Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
(BCBSM) employee who was terminated after declining to get a COVID-19 vaccination, citing religious
discrimination. According to the verdict form, Lisa Domski, who worked at the insurance
company for more than 30 years as an IT specialist, received $10 million in punitive
damages against Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. The jury also awarded her approximately
$1.7 million in lost wages and $1 million in noneconomic damages.
Electoral Awakening Worth Celebrating. [Scroll down] Four years ago,
schools were closed. Small businesses were shuttered. People were wearing silly face
masks while driving alone in their cars or jogging alone outside. It was insane, yet the
majority of Americans participated in the insanity. I used to get messages from conservative
voters who were very unhappy with my constant pleas for Americans not to give up their liberties
just because the CDC told them that the Bill of Rights is null and void during medical
scares. A commenter who had always struck me as politically savvy told me that COVID was too
serious for me to complain about lockdowns and online censorship. Four years later, those
overreactions to a government-engineered medical emergency seem absurd to conservatives and
non-conservatives alike. People across the West have experienced the economic damage of
business closures and witnessed the emotional damage inflicted on children from school
closures. As government lies are exposed (including those involving COVID's origin and
deadliness and the efficacy of the pharmaceutical industry's "emergency use" mRNA therapeutics),
people are coming to grips with how nefarious the mass censorship campaigns against COVID
"misinformation" really were.
the Deprogramming: There Was No "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated". I got the shot the
first time. Then I got Covid. Then I learned, in part during work on the Twitter Files,
that officials like Anthony Fauci misled the public about natural immunity (here's Fauci in May,
2021 suggesting two doses of mRNA vaccine offered up to "ten times" more protection than natural
antibodies), overhyped risks to healthy adults and children, and severely downplayed Covid's
infectiousness. It came out in congresional testimony that Fauci essentially made up
guidances about social distancing, that the policy "sort of just appeared" and was not based on
studies, because "that would be a very difficult study to do." I agree with defamed reporter
Alex Berenson: this medicine is more like a "therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and
terrible side effect profile that must be dosed in advance of illness." For people in a
high-risk category, it can be useful, lifesaving. But it's a substance you stick in my arm
that allows me to get the targeted disease almost immediately, and doesn't stop me getting it from
or giving it to my kids. If that's a "vaccine," I'm a Chinese jet pilot.
private citizen, Dr. Fauci received $15 million taxpayer-funded security
detail. For the past two years, Dr. Anthony Fauci has received $15,000,000 in
taxpayer-funded security services — despite having returned to private
citizenship. Open the Books discovered the arrangement within a memorandum of understanding
(MOU) between the U.S. Marshals service and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
via a Freedom of Information Act request. Up until at least late September, this agreement
between the two government agencies has left the American taxpayer on the hook for the costs
attached to Dr. Fauci's lifestyle, which included a publicly-funded chauffeur and a fully
staffed U.S. Marshals security detail. The $15 million does not include the costs
associated with his personal security from April 2020 to December 2022, which was handled
by the same parties while he was still serving in government. Fauci's security has been a
topic of discussion on cable news and in the halls of Congress, but until now, the details of the
secret agreement had not been made public.
Synopsis courtesy of the Daily Sceptic. Turbo
cancers. Dr. John Campbell highlights a troubling surge in "turbo cancers"
coinciding with the Covid vaccine rollout. [Video clip]
COVlD-19 Shots Were Deliberately Contaminated With A Cytotoxic DNA Sequence! The
Frankenscience that put out the experimental, deadly COVID shots has been shown to be a purposeful
poison to the body of man. However, did you know it was deliberately contaminated with a
cytotoxic DNA sequence? Well, if you listened over the past 4 years to The Sons of
Liberty radio, especially on Saturdays at 8 am EST with nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani,
then you already are aware of much of the contaminates and poisons that were introduced into the COVID
shots and also those in regular vaccines. Yet, this contamination is the explanation for the
sudden rise in cancer cases.
Government-Sponsored Disinformation Worsen Covid-19? The recent report from the US
House Energy and Commerce Committee [...] provides detailed, documented information concerning the
public Covid-19 PsyWar/Propaganda disinformation campaign delivered by the "Fors Marsh Group"
corporation for the US Department of Health and Human Services. This was previously discussed
in [an earlier] Substack essay. According to the documentation provided, the principal HHS
partner cooperating with Fors Marsh to provide content and messaging guidance regarding approved
Covid-19 interventions was the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The report
conclusions and appendix include data summaries implying that this nearly one billion dollar
campaign ($911,174,285) contributed to the development of widespread US citizen resistance to
Covid-19 "vaccine" uptake, and was associated with deterioration in confidence concerning the CDC,
the public health enterprise, and vaccines. The Fors Marsh campaign specifically and
intentionally deployed fear-based messaging to influence public behavior to comply with CDC and
other USG recommendations. The intentional promotion of fear of death from an infectious
disease disproportionate to actual risk of death is psychological bioterrorism and is associated
with significantly greater social, political, and economic damage than that associated with known
actual bioterror events such as the US Anthrax spore letter distribution campaign.
Tim Walz [and the] Elderly at Nursing Homes in His State During COVID. Earlier this
week, we learned that former New York governor Andrew Cuomo was being recommended for criminal
prosecution related to his actions and responses under oath surrounding his actions during the
COVID pandemic. Cuomo deserves much worse. His policies of mandating the placement of
COVID-19 patients back into nursing homes and other extended care facilities were deadly.
Thousands of elderly Americans died in New York as a result of this policy. But Cuomo wasn't
the only Democrat governor who had this insane policy. Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota also
instituted this dangerous program in his state.
11% of 'Flu' Cases Are Caused by Influenza. No Wonder the Vaccines Don't Work.
To recap what we have written so far. We have seen that good data do not support the idea
that there is only one viral respiratory agent around, that its name is influenza (A or B)
and that influenza causes mayhem around winter time every year. In our Riddles series, we reported
on the multiple logical gaps in germ theory. We often cite the failure to infect volunteers
during challenge studies at the MRC Common Cold Unit when conditions are ideal for such an
infection. A proportion of quarantined volunteers with no history or laboratory evidence of
recent influenza illness were not infected by squirting viruses up their nostrils. Other
modes of transmission have not been studied with modern molecular diagnostics, so we are left with
the evidence from the kissing and poker games studies to try and understand precisely how these
bugs infect or activate (wake up).
One Overlooked Reason Christians Should Vote in 2024. Christians in particular, but
voters in general, fail to remember that elections mean that you are giving someone else legal
authority over your life. That includes your family, your business, and even your
church. The Biden-Harris administration started its rule using COVID as the excuse to shut
businesses and churches and use social media to shut up anyone who disagreed with their mandates or
questioned the science. That was how they started. Throughout their administration they
used to FBI and DoJ to spy on school board meetings and arrest Christians who didn't like woke
teachers pushing pornography and transgenderism on their children.
Most Devastating [Covid] Report So Far. The House report on HHS Covid propaganda is
devastating. The Biden administration spent almost $1 billion to push falsehoods about
Covid vaccines, boosters, and masks on the American people. If a pharma company had run the
campaign, it would have been fined out of existence. HHS engaged a PR firm, the Fors Marsh
Group (FMG), for the propaganda campaign. The main goal was to increase Covid vax
uptake. The strategy: 1. Exaggerate Covid mortality risk 2. Downplay the fact
that there was no good evidence that the Covid vax stops transmission. [Exhibit, not shown here.]
The propaganda campaign extended beyond vax uptake and included exaggerating mask efficacy and pushing for
social distancing and school closures. Ultimately, since the messaging did not match reality, the
campaign collapsed public trust in public health. [Another exhibit.] The PR firm (FMG) drew
most of its faulty science from the CDC's "guidance," which ignored the FDA's findings on the vaccine's
limitations, as well as scientific findings from other countries that contradicted CDC groupthink.
Impending Victory Is A Stunning Rejection By The American People For The Democrats Lawfare
Campaign. [Quoting Mollie Hemingway:] This lawfare against Donald Trump has
been their beginning argument, middle argument, and ending argument. It obviously has
backfired completely. The whole goal was to make sure that Donald Trump would be imprisoned,
bankrupted, so discouraged, so distracted by being off the campaign trail dealing with these
various examples of lawfare from Democrat prosecutors at the federal and state and local level,
that he wouldn't win. Well, he's about to win, most likely, and it is a stunning rejection by
the American people of that lawfare campaign. [Video clip]
The Editor says...
Yes, the contrived legal problems thrown at Donald Trump are of great concern to the rest of us, but Trump's
re-election in 2024 will be the retribution for the Covid tyranny of 2020, and the massive abuse of
power on January 6, 2021, and the coordinated cover-up of Hunter Biden's laptop, and the
wide-open Mexican border, and at least two assassination attempts. Three-dollar gasoline is
also a factor, which is why the Biden administration drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to
knock the price of gasoline down a little. The idea of eliminating the IRS or the Department
of Education, or any of several other do-nothing bureaus and agencies, is amusing, but very
unlikely to ever happen. The biggest issue is the government going power-mad over Covid.
Do not forget the Covid tyranny. This is your first and last chance to get even.
local council calls for 'immediate suspension' of mRNA COVID vaccines. Councillors in
Port Hedland, in Western Australia's north-west, have called for the "immediate suspension" of mRNA
COVID-19 vaccines, challenging federal and state government policy. The council cited a
report by molecular virologist Dr. David Speicher that "evidences excessive synthetic DNA
contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vaccine vials used for both adults and children." A council
statement said testing revealed DNA contamination levels between "7 to 145 times higher than
Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) limit of 10ng per dose".
COVID outbreak was used to force injections, 'not deal with the disease'. A Kenyan
doctor has made a strong case for why the COVID outbreak was used to force vaccination and "not to
deal with the disease," citing a remarkable number of missteps in handling the "pandemic."
Dr. Wahome Ngare, the director of Kenya Christian Professionals Forum (KCPF), began in a
Tuesday interview with podcast host Lynn Ngugi by explaining that because vaccination targets the
healthy and not the sick, it entails greater risks, and this is why it is normally reserved for
addressing conditions that are "dangerous" enough to run this risk of stimulating a person's immune
system through a virus, or a piece of a virus.
COVID doctor indicted by the FBI. Most doctors were a disappointment during the
pandemic, hiding in their homes, refusing to see patients, and prioritizing their own livelihoods
above following the Hippocratic Oath. Dr. Kirk Moore was not one of those. As a
former military, Dr. Moore knew he was obligated to disobey unethical orders. At a
tremendous cost to himself, Dr. Moore gave patients a choice to exercise their right to bodily
autonomy when the government would not. After giving informed consent, Dr. Moore allowed
his patients the option of choosing an injection of saline versus mRNA. Both elicit an immune
response and hence, both fit the government's definition of a vaccine. While government
doctors who forced working Americans to choose between supporting their families and risking their
lives by taking experimental injections go unnoticed, Dr. Moore now faces prison time.
who battled for COVID common sense over media and government censors wins top award.
Few in the media seemed eager to attend a ceremony last week in Washington, D.C., where the
prestigious American Academy of Sciences and Letters was awarding its top intellectual freedom
award. The problem may have been the recipient: Stanford Professor Dr. Jay
Bhattacharya. Bhattacharya has spent years being vilified by the media over his dissenting
views on the pandemic. As one of the signatories of the 2020 Great Barrington Declaration, he
was canceled, censored, and even received death threats. That open letter called on
government officials and public health authorities to rethink the mandatory lockdowns and other
extreme measures in light of past pandemics. All the signatories became targets of an
orthodoxy enforced by an alliance of political, corporate, media, and academic groups. Most
were blocked on social media despite being accomplished scientists with expertise in this area.
Fauci, and the Making of a Pandemic. Recently, President Obama accused President
Trump of responsibility for 400,000 Covid deaths because Trump allegedly ignored Obama's Covid
plan: "400,000 people... would've been alive if Donald Trump had just paid attention and
tried to follow the plan that we gave him." Obama's narrative is, of course, entirely
fabricated. We know this because Trump delegated his pandemic response to Anthony
Fauci. In fact, Fauci admitted in July 2020 that Trump had done everything that Fauci
wanted. Therefore, if anyone is to blame for Covid deaths, it is Fauci. Or so one might
have thought. In reality, Obama himself played a significant role in laying the groundwork
for the pandemic. Few people are aware that Obama made a significant error in
2014 — whether intentional or not — that directly contributed to the Covid
pandemic. Given that Obama now has the audacity to blame Trump, it is essential to document
the true story of how the emergence of Covid can be traced back to Obama.
Cheating... This Time. First, there's no COVID. The "pandemic" was the critical
element in the Big Cheat of 2020, acting as a massive distraction and allowing blue states to
illegally put in place elements such as absentee ballots with no oversight on the grounds that
conditions required it. Looking back, it's clear that while COVID was real enough, everything
that accompanied it — including its origin, severity, death rates, and "treatments,"
were fabricated, much of it by the Democrats and their allies in the bureaucracy and the media in
order to manipulate the election. One of these days, we'll get a Molly Ball who will reveal
how this all went down — whose idea it was to inflate the epidemic, who came up with the
idea of using it as a combined battering ram and shield, how it was all organized and
financed. We may rest assured that no such circumstance exists at the moment.
'Pfizer Papers': Proof of COVID medical wrongdoing. Some hard evidence of medical
wrongdoing during the pandemic is now available in a new book titled The Pfizer Papers:
Pfizer's Crimes against Humanity that became available just a few days ago. I haven't
received my copy yet, but I learned that the U.S., the U.K., and Australia have all tried to
suppress its publication. Following are a few noteworthy findings from the introduction by
Dr. Naomi Wolf: "The story of how [this book] came to be is extraordinary —
3250 highly credentialed doctors and scientists under the leadership of one extraordinary woman,
Amy Kelly, worked for two years on the 450,000 internal Pfizer documents released under court order
by a successful lawsuit by attorney Aaron Siri. In the process these volunteers confirmed the
greatest crime against humanity of all time." "The story began when lawyer Aaron Siri
successfully sued the Food and Drug Administration, to compel them to release 'The Pfizer
Documents.' These are Pfizer's internal documents — as noted above,
450,000 pages in number — that detail the clinical trials Pfizer conducted in
relation to its COVID mRNA injection." "We learned that Pfizer knew within three months after
rollout in December 2020, that the vaccines did not work to stop COVID. Pfizer's language
was "vaccine failure" and "failure of efficacy."
BBC Claims Covid Vaccines Saved 120,000 U.K. Lives. Um, No. In an article this
week highlighting side-effects resulting from the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, BBC Health
Correspondent Fergus Walsh states: ["]It is estimated that the Covid vaccine programme
prevented over a quarter of a million hospital admissions and over 120,000 deaths in the U.K. up to
September 2021.["] These figures come from a UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance report
published on September 30th 2021. As it happens, the UKHSA estimates were actually for
England rather than the U.K. and the precise numbers were 261,500 hospitalisations averted in those
aged 45 and over by September 19th 2021 and 127,500 deaths averted by September 24th
2021. The estimates were calculated by applying vaccine effectiveness rates available at the
time to known vaccination, hospitalisation and mortality data. With such models, the first
question to ask is whether the results pass a basic plausibility test.
[is] Still Pushing COVID Boosters. Advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) on Wednesday recommended two COVID-19 boosters during the 2024-2025 season for
people ages 65 and older and for younger people who are moderately or severely
immunocompromised. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also recommended
that immunocompromised people ages 6 months and older take "additional doses" of the
shot — three or more — based on shared clinical decision-making between
doctor and patient. The vote for all three new COVID-19 vaccine recommendations was
unanimous. The committee also voted 14-1 to recommend Pfizer and Merck's pneumococcal
conjugate vaccines — designed to protect against meningitis and pneumonia —
for all adults who have never received the vaccine ages 50 and older, lowering the recommended
age from 65.
court orders Bill Gates to stand trial over COVID-19 vaccines. Seven vaccine-injured
plaintiffs allege that Bill Gates and others "misled people into taking Covid-19 injections, while
they knew or should have known that these injections were not safe and effective." The
lawsuit also targets former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, and key
members of the Dutch government's COVID response team. The bombshell came when Gates tried to
evade the case by arguing that, as a U.S. citizen, he should not be subject to Dutch legal
proceedings. [Video clip]
Has Public Health Been Reduced to Drag? Historically, public health was a radical
profession. It challenged power and built large public works projects (sewers and sanitation)
that dramatically improved lives. But the field of public health today bears almost no
resemblance to the efforts from a century ago. Instead, public health today is this weird,
exaggerated, corporatized performance of things that kinda sorta sound like health by people who
have no understanding of science and medicine. After years of personal observation,
reflection, and engagement it seems to me that public health today is best described as a drag
performance by marginalized people who allow themselves to be used by the fascist Pharma state
because it makes them feel powerful.
data shows COVID boosters increased risk of hospitalization and flu shots don't work.
Bottom line: The first shot might have had a narrow benefit, but the second and third shots
can't be justified at all. We shouldn't be giving these shots unless the benefits outweigh
the risks. Previous articles have pointed out that the shots increased infection risk and
increased the case fatality rate, and that's before we even consider the vaccine-caused increase in
non-COVID all-cause mortality. So this new information doesn't change anything: you shouldn't
get the shots at all.
the Great Reversal, Not the Great Reset. Not only have we experienced unprecedented
unconstitutional abuse of government power exercised in response to COVID-19, 2020 election
irregularities, and January 6, which has left our country in a state that has more in common
with a banana republic than the constitutional republic that has defined us previously for some
230 years. Recent developments suggest that this could be a prelude to worse to come.
the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails. Emmy
Award-winning investigative journalist and New York Times bestselling author Sharyl
Attkisson exposes the corruption that has ruled the pharmaceutical industry for decades.
Through blatant lies, deep cover-ups, and high-level collusion with government and media, Big
Pharma has continuously put profits over people with dangerous results. Now, with her
signature investigative rigor and uncompromising commitment to the facts, Sharyl Attkisson takes
readers on an shocking journey through the dark underbelly of the pharmaceutical industry.
Follow the Science recounts, in exacting detail, how far the pharmaceutical industry and its
supporters in medicine, media, and government will go to protect their profits.
is the modern-day story of David and Goliath. Greed and technological advances have
slung us into a new era of mad-made therapeutics and 'artificial beings' with advanced processing
ability. There are those among us who have seen the COVID-19 era as a scam from as early as
2020. There are some who are just starting to understand now (by following the money). But
regardless of your timeline to the truth, the truth is objectively present — it
always was — and with compounding evidences from case studies, peer-reviewed publications
and pharmacovigilance databases alike, there simply is no doubt about the fact that the mantra
"safe and effective" does not apply to the modified mRNA-LNP COVID-19 shots. In fact, it
doesn't apply to the platform or the LNP delivery system at all.
Port Hedland Council. Earlier this week I reported that the local government of West
Australian mining town Port Hedland had voted in favour of sending written warnings to health
practitioners and to every local council in Australia about evidence of synthetic DNA contamination
in the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines, and associated potential risks of cancers, genomic
integration, and other health impacts. At a special meeting last Friday night, Councillors
reviewed scientific evidence, watched a presentation by one of the world's most pre-eminent
oncology experts, and heard testimony from local residents. [...] What proof is cited in the above
media reports that the scientific and anecdotal claims made in the Port Hedland Council meeting and
supporting documentation are false? Nothing, because the government said it, so it must be
true. As though government officials have never said false things before. Like that
Iraq had WMDs. Or that Thalidomide, DES, Vioxx, and OxyContin were perfectly safe. Or
that Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian disinformation campaign.
of thousands rally in Japan against new 'self-amplifying' COVID vaccine. Tens of
thousands of Japan citizens took to the streets last month to protest the unveiling of yet another
mRNA-based COVID vaccine. From September 24 to 28, the International Crisis Summit (ICS)
(formerly the International COVID Summit) convened in the Japanese capital of Tokyo to notify
people about the new "replicon" self-amplifying mRNA "vaccines" that have been scheduled to be
introduced in Japan, a country with a significantly aging population, this October. According
to reports by journalist James Corbett, who was present in Tokyo to document the ICS proceedings,
tens of thousands of people gathered in the city to "march against the biosecurity state, against
the WHO, against this new vaccine technology."
Pfizer Papers: Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity. Our book, The Pfizer Papers:
Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity, was published two days ago; it is already a bestseller.
This is a book that three governments — the US, the UK and Australia — all
sought to suppress. The story of how it came to be is extraordinary — 3250 highly
credentialed doctors and scientists under the leadership of one extraordinary woman, Amy Kelly,
worked for two years on the 450,000 internal Pfizer documents released under court order by a
successful lawsuit by attorney Aaron Siri. In the process these volunteers confirmed the
greatest crime against humanity of all time.
Times Lie Ahead. Rahm Emanuel and Nancy Pelosi aggressively used the mantra of "never
let a serious crisis go to waste" during the COVID-19 debacle. Each utilized the strategy of
what Chaffetz calls "Disaster Liberalism". What unfolded during the COVID-19 period was that
political and economic interests used the COVID-19 pandemic assertion to gain systemic control and
assert powers we never even knew they possessed. In fact, under the Rule of Law system of
limited powers of government and the deliberate diffusion of institutional control that serves as
the foundation of our Constitutional system prior to the radical abuses of power that accompanied
the responses to COVID-19, we were betrayed by many of our leaders and institutions. Nor were
the violations of our Constitution and Rule of Law commitments solely the behavior of the
Democrats, Republicans, or political Independents. As peoples' fears were stoked by daily
death counts and questionable policies, we experienced a full-scale systemic panic that spread
across private sectors as well as the full political spectrum.
whom is Trump speaking when he references the enemy from within? The media is having
a collective cow over the fact that President Trump said he worries about the "enemies from within"
who will pay a price for what they've done to this great nation. [...] Here is a sample of people
who Trump refers to as the enemies from within:
◦ People who say they want to remake (destroy) America. [...]
◦ All the bureaucrats who destroyed children, businesses, and others with lies
about COVID while claiming to be promoting science. How many children were permanently harmed and
how many committed suicide because of these power-hungry bureaucrats?
◦ All the people who blocked investigations into China and the Wuhan lab as
the origin of COVID by falsely calling it a disproven conspiracy.
says he has been 'left to rot' after Covid vaccine. On 15 December 2021 Larry Lowe's life
changed. He was 54, rarely ill, fit, healthy and running 10km most days — until he
got the Pfizer Covid booster. Within days he developed numbness in the right side of his face
and started experiencing pain. "I had lost all the feeling in my face, teeth, nose, tongue,
eye, that whole side of my head," he said. These symptoms have spread through his body and
intensified over the years, with doctors across the UK saying the vaccine is to blame.
Have Responsibility But No Authority. Nothing proves the title better than the recent
reinstatement of a mask mandate in San Francisco hospitals. Every clinical doctor knows the
data overwhelmingly proves they don't work "to prevent the spread of the flu, COVID and other
seasonal illnesses," the ostensible, official reason for re-masking. Note the adjective
"clinical" doctor to contrast MDs in the trenches caring for sick people with bureaucrat MDs who,
like Fauci, have never cared for patients in the real world but who dictate how the clinicians must
practice medicine. For most viruses, a cloth surgical mask is as effective as a screen door
on a submarine. When (not if) patients get sick with the flu despite healthcare workers
wearing masks, who will be responsible to care for them? When patients complain that masks
did not prevent illness, who will they blame?
Paramedic Dies Suddenly on Duty. A young Missouri paramedic has tragically died
suddenly while on duty, according to officials. 27-year-old Michael Clarke of the St. Charles
County Ambulance District was found dead on Monday morning. Clarke had died unexpectedly while on
duty. First responders found Clarke unresponsive at Station 12 in St. Peters when he
failed to respond to a 911 call assignment shortly before 7 a.m. His partner went to check
on him after he didn't show up to the ambulance to leave for the call.
Fauci, the Man Who Thought He Was Science. Unfortunately, Fauci's memoir omits vital
details about his failures as an administrator, an adviser to politicians, and a key figure in
America's public health response to infectious disease threats over the past 40 years.
His life story is a Greek tragedy. Fauci's evident intelligence and diligence are why the
country and the world expected so much of him, but his hubris caused his failure as a public servant.
Takada paper shows very clearly that the COVID vaccines are not safe. A new paper by
Takada, published on August 3, 2024 shows the ROR for myocarditis for Pfizer was 15 and it was
54 for Moderna. That means the Pfizer vaccine isn't safe, and the Moderna vaccine is 3.6
worse. 54 is a train wreck. You can't give a drug with an ROR of 54. That's insane.
The health authorities should be educating the public on the RORs for the most serious adverse
events. Yet they are silent. Worldwide. ROR is a measure used in pharmacovigilance
to assess the association between a drug and a specific adverse event by comparing the odds of
that event occurring with the drug of interest versus with other drugs.
Evidence of the "Pandemic Preparedness" Lie. "Pandemic Preparedness," and the
gain-of-function research that underlies it, operates under a grand deception, a big lie. The
Biological Weapons Convention, which every major nation has signed, "prohibits the development,
production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use of biological and toxin weapons." As a
result, gain-of-function research — the process of taking viruses and other pathogens
found in nature and making them more transmissible and dangerous in humans — must be
justified by defining it as something other than what it really is — namely, the
creation of biological weapons and countermeasures for those weapons. The grand
deception — the big lie — used to justify gain-of-function research goes
something like this: "We need to alter pathogens in the lab to anticipate the mutations that just
might occur in nature, and to promote the production of vaccines to protect humanity from these
theoretical superbugs." In truth, there is no legitimate reason to create superbugs in the
laboratory. One does not save Tokyo by creating Godzilla. Unfortunately, science can be
both complicated and confusing, especially when the "experts" are intentionally untruthful.
This grand deception has therefore worked for decades, and a gigantic, profitable, and frankly
terrifying pandemic preparedness industry involving governments, non-governmental organizations,
Big Pharma, and universities has grown as a result.
Admits IC Knew of Covid Origins. Breaking research on current events and hot topics
in the news: The former Director of National Intelligence recently acknowledged that the
intelligence community was aware from the beginning that Covid originated from a laboratory.
This statement directly contradicts the intelligence community's Covid origin statement issued on
April 30, 2020.
Confirms Ivermectin Outperforms Chemotherapy in Treating Breast Cancer. Yet another
study has emerged to confirm that ivermectin can successfully treat cancer patients.
Researchers in Mexico have revealed that ivermectin outperforms chemotherapy as a treatment for
breast cancer. Scientists have been publishing research dating back to 1996 showing that
ivermectin could be an effective cancer treatment. More recent research has discovered that
ivermectin inhibits cancer stem cells. Tumor growth is generally driven by so-called bulk
tumor cells.
Five months to flatten the curve! California's
Bay Area Issues Limited Mask Mandate. California's Bay Area has reissued a limited
mask mandate as COVID-19 and flu cases are rising. The San Fransisco Chronicle reported that
the limited mask mandate would require masks to be worn in skilled nursing facilities, hospitals,
and other healthcare facilities. The Bay Area counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara,
San Mateo, and Napa issued the mandate. The mandate will officially go into effect on
November 1 and last through March 2025.
US Nursing Home Data Shows That the Covid Vaccines Did Nothing To Reduce Covid Mortality.
The CDC lied. People died. The COVID vaccine had no benefits.
[#1] It actually increased your risk of getting COVID. We know that from the Cleveland Clinic study.
[#2] It did nothing to reduce your risk of hospitalization. We know that
from the data revealed in a study published in JAMA by a top epidemiologist at the VA.
[#3] The vaccine did absolutely nothing to reduce your risk of dying from COVID.
I'm going to show you that below. It's crystal clear. Rarely in science do you see anything
that is this perfect. In short, the COVID shots were all downside with no benefits. The vaccines
and the vaccine mandates cost a lot of people their careers or their lives.
This is completely off-topic! Flight
From Seattle to Istanbul Makes Emergency Landing in New York After Pilot Dies Mid-Flight.
A flight from Seattle to Istanbul, Turkey made an emergency landing in New York on Wednesday
morning after one of its pilots died mid-flight. A Turkish Airlines pilot "lost
consciousness" mid-flight forcing the co-pilot to reroute to JFK in New York. Turkish
Airlines confirmed Capt. Ílçehin Pehlivan, 59, died before the plane landed after
medical intervention failed to resuscitate him. The pilot was in perfect health and had his
last health examination in August.
Raises Your Child — You or the 'Village'? In 2012, Hillary Clinton
popularized an old African saying, "It takes a village to raise a child," meaning the whole
community should be involved in turning a small child into a productive adult member of
society. Progressives have surreptitiously replaced village with government. [...] Even the
AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) has fallen prey to the substitution of officialdom for
parental judgment. They added the poorly tested, medically dangerous CoViD genetic treatment
(not a vaccine) to the routine childhood vaccination schedule. Follow-up data has shown
children are in greater danger from the CoViD jab than the infection. Deciding proper
medical care is simply one more act of federal regulatory takeover of the role of parents.
This became obvious during the height of Washington's CoViD scam. Everywhere in the country,
children large and small, even babies, had to wear surgical masks by federal order. Never
mind that children were not at risk from CoViD, that masks do not protect from infection, or that
masks were contaminated with bacteria that caused diseases like Lyme disease, meningitis, and
tuberculosis. Parents who did not want to "facemask" their children were risking the wrath of
the "village," the government.
Vaccine Science Catching Up With 'Conspiracy Theorists'. Two new peer-reviewed
medical journal articles indicate that the science is starting to catch up with the 'conspiracy
theorists' and 'anti-vaxxers' such as myself, also known as people who rationally asked questions
of novel products that were rushed out the door to help stem a pandemic virus that was far less
deadly than all other causes, including cardiovascular disease, cancer and even tobacco use (and
note that COVID-19 deaths tend to be inflated).
masks and protection against COVID-19: Assessment of benefits and harms in children.
Mask mandates for children were implemented at schools and childcare centers during the COVID-19
pandemic, and the US continues to recommend masking down to the age of two in certain
settings. Medical interventions should be informed by high-quality evidence and consider the
possibility of harm (i.e., include harm-benefit analyses). In this review, we weigh the existing
evidence for the effectiveness of mask mandates to protect against COVID-19 and other viral
respiratory infections and the harms associated with face mask wearing in children. There is
a lack of robust evidence of benefit from masking children to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 or
other respiratory viruses. The highest quality evidence available for masking children for
COVID-19 or other viral respiratory infections has failed to find a beneficial impact against
transmission. Mechanistic studies showing reduced viral transmission from use of face masks
and respirators have not translated to real world effectiveness.
rise of 'super-fit' slim young people suffering heart attacks. Heart attacks were
once thought of as a disease of age — but worrying new data shows they are increasing in healthy
young adults. Roughly 0.3 percent of Americans aged 18-44 had a heart attack in 2019 — but
last year that rose to 0.5 percent, or one in 200. While that may still seem like a relatively low
number, it represents a 66 percent increase in cases in just four years, which doctors call
'alarming.' It also means that one in five heart attack patients are now younger than 40.
We All Criminals Now? [Scroll down] What if all your favorite athletes,
movie stars, and musicians told you 24/7 that we must disarm ourselves in order to "save the
children"? Would you allow others to shame you into compliance? Many Americans might do
their best Charlton Heston impression here and declare, "From my cold, dead hands." But how many
of those same Americans quickly submitted to the government because of a virus not too dissimilar
from the common cold? How many wore masks in Walmart in order to avoid accusatory stares from
strangers? How many sat in cordoned-off stadium seats at empty ballparks or paid full tuition
for college classes taught entirely online? How many did what they were told when faceless
bureaucrats demanded that they stand six feet apart or isolate inside their homes? How many
ultimately took at least one injection of an experimental "vaccine" because employers threatened
their jobs, hospitals threatened not to treat their unrelated health conditions, or police officers
threatened them with arrests and fines?
The Editor says...
The 2024 presidential election is your first, last, and only chance to get even for all the Covid nonsense inflicted
on this country a few years ago. Express your outrage on Election Day.
Ordered Watchdog Group Not to Ask About Wuhan Lab. A stunning new batch of emails
from a watchdog group reveals that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) warned a watchdog group
against submitting any Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for documents pertaining to the
Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). NIH FOIA official Gorka Garcia-Malene went so far as to
assert that FOIA requests related to the Wuhan lab were not made "in good faith": "If you're
interested in filing a request in good faith, I recommend that you help by not asking for anything
relating to WIV across the agency at the forefront of fighting the pandemic." In a separate
email, Jordan Betz from the NIH suggested that the watchdog group refrain from making any requests
related to Covid, as all such requests would need to be processed through the office of the NIH
director: "FOIA requests relating to COVID will have to go through the Office of the Director
for review and partial denial." The emails were released this past week by Justin Goodman, the
senior vice president of White Coat Waste, a watchdog organization that monitors the NIH,
specifically focusing on taxpayer-funded animal experiments.
COVID-Vaxxed Kids [are] SIX TIMES [More Likely] to Die Than Unvaxxed Peers. The
ostensible takeaway, per the authors, of a poorly-publicized study from June of this year was that
children vaccinated for COVID had much higher rates of asthma — almost double, in
fact — post-COVID infection than their unvaccinated peers. That's compelling
enough of a headline, but what should really have been the lede in any sane world got buried
deep in the weeds. [...] However, as Alex Berenson — vindicated "conspiracy
theorist" who turned out to be right about all of the things he was censored for since the start of
the pandemic — explains, the truly shocking statistical finding, which somehow never
made it into the conclusion, is a six-fold increase in death among vaxxed kids in the study as
compared to the unvaxxed.
under fire after children offered cash to test Covid vaccine. Moderna has been
rebuked by regulators after offering children cash to test the Covid vaccine. The
pharmaceutical company was ordered to pay £14,000 after it emerged that a representative had
sent a WhatsApp message offering £1,500 to children to take part in Covid booster
trials. The UK Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) ruled that the offer
amounted to "inappropriate financial inducement" and found the company had brought "discredit upon
the pharmaceutical industry". The offer was made by a paediatrician from an unnamed NHS
trust, inviting those aged between 12 and 18 years old to enrol [sic] in the NextCove trial,
which was examining the efficacy of Moderna's booster jab.
Lawmakers Sponsor Bill to End Liability Protection for Vaccine Makers. A bill
introduced late last week in the U.S. House of Representatives would end the liability protections
Congress gave vaccine makers under the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Thirty Republican
lawmakers signed on as co-sponsors to House Bill 9828, End the Vaccine Carveout Act. The
proposed legislation would end the broad protection from liability for injuries resulting from
vaccines listed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Childhood Immunization
Schedule. "The ... vaccine makers are criminal enterprises that have paid tens of billions in
criminal penalties over the past decade," Children's Health Defense (CHD) founder and chairman on
leave Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said in a statement on the bill.
At least they admit it up front. FDA
Approves Vaccine for Mpox — Warns It May Cause Death in Vaccinated and People They Come
in Contact With. A vaccine approved in August by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for people deemed to be at "high risk" for mpox infection may cause more harm
than good, according to the FDA's own medication guide for the product. ACAM2000 —
made by Emergent BioSolutions, a company specializing in vaccines for biochemical warfare threats
such as anthrax and smallpox — was approved for smallpox in 2007. However, on
Aug. 29, the FDA issued an expanded supplement approval for ACAM2000's use against mpox.
Since then, social media users have been posting clips of the FDA's ACAM2000 medication guide,
which warns the vaccine may cause "serious complications" in both the vaccinated person and those
with whom they come into close contact up to 6 weeks after getting the shot. [Tweet]
Fuellmich, the Unsung Hero Who Called Out the 'Plandemic'. This is one of the very
few websites where you will read this story. Dr Reiner Fuellmich, a leading attorney, has
been under arrest in Germany for almost a year now. [...] Fuellmich is a German attorney who had a
flourishing practice for over 20 years. He also has a license to practice in California.
[...] What has brought the authorities' wrath upon him is his spearheading "Nurenberg 2.0," a
movement to sue the elite who orchestrated the Covid-19 pandemic as part of the Great Reset.
Fuellmich was a co-founder of the German Corona Investigative Committee (GCIC). This
non-government committee probed the virus's spread, its actual danger, the PCR test's reliability,
and how much damage the anti-pandemic measures (including the vaccine) caused. The committee
also investigated if measures such as lockdowns, masking, social distancing, and quarantine
protected people from Covid-19 or just caused panic so that Big Pharma could generate huge profits
on the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests, and vaccines. As is well-known,
independent scientists have cast doubt on the efficacy of the PCR test, saying it has at least ten
major flaws.
Published "17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths" Never Happened. Early January of 2024,
Americans learned about the publication of an article from Elsevier's Journal of Biomedicine and
Pharmacotherapy overseen by Dr. Danyelle Townsend, a professor at the University of South
Carolina College of Pharmacy's Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences. As
Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Townsend reviewed, approved, and published the article titled: "Deaths
induced by compassionate use of hydroxychloroquine during the first COVID-19 wave: An
estimate." The article was always a hypothesized estimate of people that might have
died, but now even that estimate has been retracted. The reason for the retraction was
that the Belgian dataset that was one of the bases for the piece was found to be "unreliable" (but
in reality was fraudulent). The article also repeatedly referenced the New England Journal of
Medicine's 2020 RECOVERY trial. The RECOVERY trial is well known to be a deeply flawed
study which, in addition to implementing late treatment in severely ill Covid patients, used
extremely high doses of HCQ.
judge dismisses nursing home COVID death case against former New York Gov. Andrew
Cuomo. A federal judge on Monday dismissed a lawsuit against former New York
Gov. Andrew Cuomo over his handling of nursing home deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic.
New York families with relatives who died from COVID-19 in nursing homes filed the lawsuit in early
2022, accusing Cuomo's administration of undercounting fatalities. [...] Cuomo was widely lauded in
the early months of the pandemic, but his reputation took a hit amid revelations that his
administration released an incomplete accounting of the deaths at nursing homes and assisted living
facilities. He resigned from office in August 2021 amid sexual harassment allegations,
which he denies. Cuomo testified before the subcommittee in June, but it was behind closed doors.
another pandemic really inevitable? Future pandemics as bad as Covid are 'a
certainty', says Sir Chris Whitty. He is right in one sense. So many people gained so
much money, power or fame out of the pandemic that they will be all too willing to declare another
one soon. The WHO is trying to vastly increase its budget and its powers on the back of
Covid. But if he means that we face more outbreaks of new infectious diseases that go global,
then no, Whitty is wrong. The chances of another new virus spreading through the human race
at a terrifying rate, burning through every barrier we erect — lockdowns, school
closures, social distancing, vaccines — as happened in 2020, are small. The
enthusiasm with which epidemiologists have tried to scare us about monkey pox and bird flu are
cases in point: they are very nasty diseases but are unlikely to go global if we are careful.
There is one special exception: if the virus has been 'trained' in the lab to infect human cells.
Liberal Friends Can Tell That Something is Wrong. [Scroll down] Mistake
#4: Botching COVID. I suppose that if you are a bureaucrat manager in the healthcare
bureaucracy everyone agrees that it's a good idea to shut the country down to protect everyone from
a pandemic. That was the first mistake, on Trump's watch. Then the Fed increased the
money supply by 40 percent over two years to give everyone free checks while they sat at home
waiting out the pandemic. That was the second mistake. Then the Biden administration
decided to keep the free checks going for another year and also bust the budget with the Green New
Deal. That was the third mistake. Really: what were they thinking? The four
Mistakes I listed above were failures of the experts. Experts are supposed to know how to
avoid depressions, how to nip inflation in the bud, how to manage pandemics without tanking the
economy. But they don't.
wants to sedate Down's syndrome patient for Covid jab against mother's will. A mother
has launched a legal battle to stop the state from spiking her Down's syndrome son's drinks with
sedatives so he can be jabbed with the Covid vaccine, The Telegraph can reveal. Cups of tea
and glasses of orange juice have been secretly laced with sedatives to subdue the man, in his
thirties, so he can be given the vaccine and booster jabs. But his mother now is planning to
prosecute her local NHS integrated care board (ICB) for "forced vaccination", which she claims is
"tantamount to assault" and a breach of his human rights. Adam, whose name has been changed
because he cannot be identified, is the subject of a series of Court of Protection orders because
he "lacks capacity" and cannot make decisions for himself. His ICB, which also cannot be
named, obtained a court order in 2021 allowing the "covert" spiking so he can be given the
AstraZeneca vaccine. The court concluded the vaccine was in Adam's "best interests" because
he is in a "clinical risk group" due to his learning disabilities, autism, Down's syndrome and obesity.
Greatest Coverup in History. The U.S. Military-Industrial Complex (which now includes
the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex) does not count the cost of its adventures, but moves from one to
the next without any accounting or disclosure to the American people whom claims it is protecting
from the big bad world. Most of the citizenry has no idea what kind of terrible things the
Complex does "to keep us safe" — that is, to advance the interests of the powerful
people it works for. Sadly, the American people and their captured representatives never
demand a full accounting. Over time, reports invariably emerge that our government has lied
to us about its adventures, but before disciplinary action is taken, the American people have grown
weary of the mess and no longer want to hear about it. The final step in consigning the truth
to oblivion occurs when the U.S. government embarks on its next adventure, thereby changing the subject.
Fauci's Inner Circle Shielded the Wuhan Institute of Virology's U.S. Collaborator.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology's chief American collaborator leveraged connections in Anthony
Fauci's inner circle to survive federal scrutiny and keep millions in public funding flowing
without turning over key data, new records show. Hundreds of documents — emails
obtained under Freedom of Information Act lawsuits or congressional subpoena, as well as
congressional interview transcripts — show Fauci's institute protected EcoHealth
Alliance, which collaborated on novel coronavirus discovery and engineering projects with the Wuhan
lab. At a congressional hearing this summer, Fauci cast EcoHealth and its president Peter
Daszak — who are currently under proposed debarment by the federal
government — as minor and rogue grantees. But EcoHealth was among the first
grantees that Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases contacted as news of a
novel coronavirus first swirled, and Daszak requested supplemental funds to respond to the crisis.
scores epic CDC endorsement — and his four-word COVID verdict must have Fauci sweating
bullets. Well, COVID is back on the menu — but not in the way you'd
expect. This time, it's playing right into President Trump's hands, thanks to a CDC-related
endorsement that's left everyone stunned. Dr. Robert Redfield, Trump's former CDC
director, has just thrown his support behind 45 for president. And he's dropped a COVID
verdict that will leave you — and Fauci — shocked and awed.
DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines could cause cancer, Australian PM warned. The
government should immediately suspend the use of Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines due to
accumulating evidence of high levels of synthetic DNA contamination in the shots which presents a
"substantial risk" of genomic integration and long-term health impacts, including cancers, say
leading scientists and academics. In a letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Russell
Broadbent, independent MP for the federal seat of Monash, said that "immediate action through a
suspension of these products is critical to mitigate further risk," after independent testing of
Australian vials of modified RNA (mod-RNA) Covid vaccines detected residual synthetic DNA at levels
up to 145 above the legal limit. The letter, circulated to all Australian MPs and Senators,
is co-signed by 52 internationally esteemed scientists and academics including Professor of
Oncology Angus Dalgleish, Emeritus Professor Wendy Hoy (AO), an expert in chronic disease, Emeritus
Professor Robert Clancy (AM), an immunologist who developed a bronchitis vaccine, geneticist
Professor Alexandra Henrion Caude, and microbiologist Professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD.
Chris Whitty regret scaring the public witless over Covid? 'If you go out, you can
spread it. People will die.' That was the spine-chilling message pumped out by the UK
government during the spring of 2020, as the world was hit by the first wave of Covid-19. The
fear-mongering over the then novel virus — from the government, from the media, from
scientific experts — was relentless. Government campaigns told us in no uncertain
terms that we, or our loved ones, were going to die, unless we followed the strict instruction to
'stay at home'. England's chief medical officer, Chris Whitty, who played a key role in the
UK's pandemic response, now seems to regret the government's scare-mongering. Speaking to the
Covid inquiry yesterday, he acknowledged that the risks of the virus may have been 'overpitched' —
at least for younger, healthier people.
Vaccination and Confinement Included in Draconian Health Bill for NI. The NI
Government is currently running a public consultation on the Orwellian Public Health Bill.
The new Bill is seeking to upgrade and strengthen the existing Public Health Act and bring it into
alignment with the World Health Organisation's notorious International Health Regulations.
Human Rights Lawyer Michael Brentnall has analysed the 79-page policy document in detail and
explains what he found in a highly informative video interview. He describes the proposed NI
Public Health Bill as "spine-chilling" and "the most frightening piece of proposed piece of
legislation I have ever read". Mr. Brentnall says that this Bill has "the potential to take us
to a dystopian future whereby we are under the jackboot of the state".
The Editor says...
I would find all that much more interesting if somebody explained what "NI" means.
is fining the Amish $300,000 for not downloading a COVID app. A month ago, news broke
that, up in Canada, Justin Trudeau's government is fining the Amish community $300,000 ($222,660
American dollars). Their crime? They didn't download the government's COVID app. The
twist, of course, is that the Amish don't have smartphones. They eschew all modern
technology. This story has made almost no headlines, but it's important because it's a
preview of coming attractions if Kamala becomes president. This is what leftists do.
Acting for your own good, they destroy you. As anyone who has watched either Witness
or Weird Al Yankovich's brilliant Amish Paradise knows, the Amish lifestyle does not embrace
modernity. To hark back to another American pop culture moment, the Amish have "no phone, no
lights, no motor car, not a single luxury. Like Robinson Crusoe, it's primitive as can be."
This is not because the Amish are victims. They have embraced a lifestyle of pre-modern
simplicity because their faith calls upon them to live this way. However, in Canada,
religious beliefs are not a defense against a massively overreaching government.
An Arrogant and Deadly Worldview. [Scroll down] But why would I follow
anyone who wants to control what I eat, confiscate what I earn, regulate how I live, and leave me
with nothing? When "authorities" tell us that too many people are alive today, we should
probably see their words as a threat worth taking seriously. That's why I don't trust the
experimental "vaccines" that the government's favorite pharmaceutical companies managed to
manufacture in record time (shortening a process that normally takes fifteen or more years
into a miraculously innovative seven or eight months). "Here, take this
injection. It will save your life." Uh, you first. Why don't we see how your
health fares before we start playing Russian roulette with the global population?
Government Is Metastasizing Right Before Our Eyes! The Democrats and their allies
waged an operation turning the COVID health crisis on its head by deliberately acting to make
conditions worse in order to gain political advantage. The direct result was to cause
numerous unnecessary deaths and much suffering. [...] The only reason why they got away with the
masking and vaccine mandates was because too many people complied.
the Coverage. [Scroll down] The sound of silence grew still louder during
the COVID pandemic. The government fed the panic with a heavy-handed assist from social
media. As revealed in the Twitter files and more recently, from Mark Zuckerburg himself, the
security state worked with X and Facebook to quash any questions about the efficacy of the vaccine
and ultimately, the need for massive government intervention in the economy. This cabal
worked together to censor respected scientists like Jay Bhattacharya, who argued, correctly as it
turns out, that special care should be given to the infirm, but the country could remain
open. Shutdowns were not necessary. We did not have to crater the economy. The
kids could stay in school. We didn't need $7 trillion in runaway government
spending. This was a gigantic story. But there it was again — a curious
absence of sound where honest reporting should be.
Policy Killed Nursing Home Residents at an Astounding Rate. In Minnesota, the death
rate for COVID-19 patients over 60 was 0.01 per thousand residents. For people over 80, it
was 0.34 per thousand. Not bad at all and certainly nothing that would justify shutting down
the state. For nursing home residents in the state, the death rate was the highest in the
nation: 28 per thousand. In other words, if you were 80 or older but didn't live in a
nursing home, your chances of dying from COVID were minor; if you lived in a nursing home, you were
at enormous risk — about 100 times greater. That's from a Duke University
study on the policy, which states: [Lengthy quote] Over 80% of COVID deaths occurred in
nursing homes despite their being incredibly locked down. For instance, family members
couldn't visit out of concern that they might transmit the virus. So, how did it get in
there? Tim Walz put people recovering from COVID-19 in the same homes as healthier patients.
"Vaccines" Damage the Blood and Spread Further Destruction Through Blood Transfusions. A
recent pre-print study by a team of Japanese researchers has ignited a heated debate within the medical
community, revealing serious risks associated with blood transfusions taken from individuals who have
received COVID-19 vaccinations. The study highlights six key areas where COVID jabs destroy the
continuity and biochemistry of human blood. The study has called into question the safety of using
such blood in medical procedures. According to the researchers, the COVID-19 vaccines —
which have failed to stimulate a meaningful immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus — have
unintended consequences that affect blood integrity. The team's findings suggest that the vaccines
can induce harmful changes in blood, which could pose risks not only to recipients of blood
transfusions but also to those receiving organ transplants from vaccinated donors.
Your Family Members Died Alone, Lockdowners Had Sex Parties. While thousands of sick
patients died alone under forced hospital isolation measures, New York City's "Covid czar" attended
sex parties and drug-fueled raves. Dr. Jay Varma, who led the city's coronavirus
response as senior adviser to then-Mayor Bill de Blasio, admitted to the pandemic promiscuity in
secretly recorded conversations published by conservative podcaster Steven Crowder.
[Advertisement] "It's so funny," Varma said on tape, "because I did all this like deviant,
sexual stuff while I was on TV." Varma said in another recorded conversation he and his wife
rented a hotel room to host their own secret sex party with Ecstasy. "We ... had to be kind of
sneaky about it because hotels didn't want people gathering there," Varma said, adding his profile
as the city's lockdowner-in-chief called for extra discretion. "It was fun!" Varma said in yet
another recorded conversation he attended a sex party in August 2020 with "10 to
12 people," which likely would have violated New York City's rules when gatherings were
routinely capped at 10 people.
fall for the Chinese wet market theory for Covid. No, there is no new evidence that
Covid originated with a raccoon dog in a market in Wuhan. The public relations blitz that
surrounded the publication this week of a paper in Cell from a team whose previous papers have
been debunked caught some headlines, as it was designed to do. The market theory is still
implausible, as George Gao, the man who led the investigation of that market, Ralph Baric, the
world's leading coronavirologist, and many others insist. The new study says there were
mammals on sale in the market. We knew that: it was in our book published three years
ago. It says there was SARS-CoV-2 in the market; yup, in our book. It says there were
two strains in the market, A and B. Well, every human infection in the market was the B strain;
the only sign of the older A strain was on a single glove, possibly contaminated in a lab. It
says both animals and viruses were concentrated in the south-west corner of the market. Yes,
that's because, the Chinese scientists say, they focused their search on the stalls that had been
selling mammals! None of this is new. What the new paper does not say, because it cannot,
is that there was an infected mammal in the market; or a market vendor infected by a mammal.
and the Scamdemic. For those who apprehended the Covid Scam, any prior faith they had
in the government and media has been broken. This now-permanent scam alert derives both from
the top/down and the bottom/up. Not only have governments and the media brazenly revealed
their willingness to deceive and manipulate the populace, the masses have reciprocally shown their
gullibility and passivity. If, five years ago, you had told me that hundreds of millions of
Americans would freak out over a respiratory virus that threatened only a tiny fraction of the very
sick and old and would not only accept, but aggressively support, lockdowns, school closures,
masks, testing/tracing, shots and mandated experimental shots, I would have waved my hand and
derisively dismissed your prediction. I would have been wrong. Post-Scamdemic, the
plainly visible, unholy alliance of Democrat politicians and media, combined with popular credulity
and passivity during an extreme disruption of everyday life, potentiates and portends a wide array
of additional, government-driven scams.
Confluence of Monopolies, Manipulations, and Moore's Law. [Scroll down] We
are in the midst of an ongoing mass poisoning of society. Most people are
vaccine-injured. About a quarter of the population is on psychopharmaceuticals. Our
food, air, and water are laden with heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.
Electromagnetic frequencies and radiofrequency radiation contribute to the problem. Nearly
everyone carries around a device that destroys attention and increases anxiety and
loneliness. Wealthy and powerful people can shield themselves from some of this (e.g. by
eating organic food) but not all of it. People with cluster B personality disorders
(antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders) have always been drawn
to power and now they are additionally afflicted and rule over an increasingly mentally compromised
population. [...] If you turn on the mainstream media (NPR, MSNBC, CNN), or listen to any of the
pronouncements from the WHO, UN, NIH, FDA, CDC, etc. you will hear an ideology of total control.
Covid Enforcer Just Got Exposed. Dr. Jay Varma, who ran the New York City Covid
response for then-Mayor Bill de Blasio for a year and a half, told an undercover reporter that
during that time he and others engaged in drug-fueled sex parties — as other people
watched their relatives die alone. Every morning at 10:00 am, for a year and a half,
Dr. Varma sat next to the mayor for a daily press conference. In fact, Dr. Varma
reports that he "was the one who convinced the mayor to make [the Covid shots] a mandate."
"It's so funny, because I did like all this deviant sexual stuff while I was on TV," he
recalls. Had New Yorkers found out he was having "sex parties during Covid," he admitted it
would have been a "big deal" and "a real embarrassment." Yeah, you could say that. [...] He
takes glee in, and is excited about, telling the undercover reporter that the Wall Street
Journal wrote a whole article about him being the one person responsible for why Kyrie Irving,
who declined the shots, had not been allowed to play basketball.
Happens When a Hospital Vaccine Injures You? [P]hysicians frequently fail to
recognize a pharmaceutical injury is occurring or believe a patient who claims an injury was linked
to a pharmaceutical (particularly since medical education conveniently does not train doctors to
recognize these injuries and simultaneously trains them to believe anything patients report that is
not backed by science is "anecdotal" and most likely a spontaneous coincidence). This in turn
leads to the tragic phenomenon of "medical gaslighting[,]" something many patients understandably
find infuriating. This issue is particularly common with vaccines because: •
The meaningless slogan "safe and effective" has been used to market them for decades
regardless of how much evidence of harm exists (e.g., I previously listed some fairly tragic
examples that ultimately go back over a century). Because of this, the majority of doctors
assume vaccines are 100% safe and that no possible issue can emerge from giving them
ad-infinitum. • To maintain the mythology of "safe and effective," a massive
embargo existing on publishing any information which is critical of vaccine safety. [...]
• Much of the credibility of modern medicine arises from the mythology that it
rescued us from the dark ages of infectious disease with vaccinations (when in reality that decline
was entirely due to improved public sanitation). Because of this, attacking vaccination
directly attacks a doctors identity and social status.
vaccine counting window issues confirmed in government reports, and they won't/can't share the
data. This is pretty big. Estimates of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness derived
from NSW government COVID-19 reports are unreliable up to early 2022, with people who received the
jab being lumped in together with the unvaccinated. Different definitions were later used,
with no great recognition of the potential harm done regarding the former, so we sent off an FOI
request to see if there really was a difference. The NSW government has decided not to fully
answer our request, either because they don't have the data 'anymore' or they have the data but
don't want to share.
stunning new paper suggests Covid jabs sharply raise the risk of death or heart failure after heart
attacks. Being vaccinated against Covid sharply increased the risk heart attack
patients would die or suffer heart failure after heart attacks, a new Spanish study shows.
Over a six-month period after their heart attacks, Covid vaccinated patients had nearly double the
risk of unjabbed ones. The risk appeared concentrated in patients who were both vaccinated
and had had Covid before their heart attacks. The researchers examined outcomes from almost
1,000 heart attack patients from March 2020 through March 2023 in a Madrid
hospital. They found vaccinated and previously infected patients had an over 50 percent
higher risk of death or heart failure than unvaccinated people who had also been previously
infected — and a 90 percent higher risk than those who were unvaccinated and
previously uninfected. The gap remained even after researchers adjusted for risk factors such
as smoking, blood pressure and age.
to get 3 vaccines to receive medical care, 23-year-old Alexis Lorenze is now fighting for her
life. This is one of the most horrific vaccine injury stories I've ever heard
of. Alexis Lorenze is a 23-year old young woman with a history of Paroxysmal Nocturnal
Hemoglobinuria (PNH) since January 2024. The hematologist (Zahra Pakbaz; her page at UCI
is now taken off-line by UCI) at her hospital (UC Irvine Health) refused to give her further care
for her PNH unless she took the Tetanus, Pneumococcal and Meningitis vaccines. Within
10 minutes of the 3 vaccines which were given all at the same time, Alexis went temporarily
blind in both eyes, had a locked jaw, began vomiting and then things went horribly downhill from
there. [Video clip]
Biden/Harris Legacy. Regarding the Biden/Harris presidential administration, what
will history record? I suggest that it is likely that the Biden/Harris administration will be
recorded as highly corrupt and incompetent. [...] An administration that was entirely in bed with
Big Pharma, and responsible for one of the most significant public health mismanagement fiascos in
recorded history (the COVIDcrisis). Promoters of globalism and enhanced powers and funding for the
World Health Organization (the Pandemic Treaty and revision of the International Health
Regulations). This administration completely disregarded established post WWII norms in bioethics
and informed consent, and quite literally committed the violent act of forced vaccination of
millions (including armed forces personnel) with unproven, inadequately tested, gene-therapy based
vaccine products.
Shifts Against The mRNA Platform Rapidly Emerged This Past Week. This week a nurse
reached out with disturbing descriptions of some major changes she has witnessed inside the Ohio
State University Medical Center (OSUMC) system. [...] Ohio State is suddenly no longer offering the
Covid-19 vaccine to any of their employees but they are happily offering to inject them into the
public? How can such a policy be justified? Why was this change in policy done and why
was it done so quietly? Let's get this straight. Ohio State's leadership is now making
an institutional decision that employees should not be offerred access to any Covid-19 mRNA
vaccine. I am (pretending to be) confused. I mean, if the vaccines could protect
patients from being infected by staff members and they were safe to give to staff members, why
wouldn't you do everything possible (like a mandate) to ensure they receive them? The only
possible reason for the action above is that either OSUMC leadership recently discovered that the
vaccines: a) do not work or b) are not safe. I think you would agree that,
of the two possible answers, the only one that makes sense to explain this abrupt change in policy is
B) they are not safe.
27-year-old man died after NHS wrongly gave him wrong Covid jab. A man died after
receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine due to a mix-up with his medical records, that incorrectly listed
him as living with his 'at risk' parents. Jack Last, 27, an engineer from Stowmarket in
Suffolk, began experiencing headaches after his jab on March 30, 2021, and died just three
weeks later on April 20. In a cruel twist of fate, government health advisors recommended
people under 30 to opt for alternative vaccines a mere week after Jack was vaccinated, due to
concerns over rare but fatal brain blood clots.
waste: $500 billion lost to fraud during Covid. COVID-19 shut down the country,
and the government shut down businesses, some churches, and schools. With most people not
working, except 'essential people,' the government had to step in, and they added programs to the
bill to ensure American people and businesses kept their heads above water. Like most things
the government tries, it's probably with good intentions. The additional federal unemployment
money provided to states and the Payment Protection Program, which provided forgivable loans to
self-employed, 1099, and businesses, were the government's big solutions. As is the case with
almost every government program, transparency and accountability are never included. Between
the two programs, Americans committed fraud from their own government in the amount of $500 billion.
the New York Times stoked Covid alarmism. A 2018 Gallup poll found that
62 percent of Americans believe the media is biased. Did such bias affect coverage of
the Covid-19 pandemic? I run a research team in the department of epidemiology at the
University of California-San Francisco. In our report, the first to analyze a newspaper
systematically, we found significant evidence of bias in the New York Times, considered by
some to be the newspaper of record, on pandemic coverage — skewed toward overstating the
threat posed by the virus. Our study examined all corrections issued by the New York
Times to articles relating to the Covid-19 pandemic. Between 2020 and 2024, the newspaper
issued 576 corrections for 486 articles. Naturally, in times of crisis, facing uncertain and
evolving information, reporters will get facts wrong. Sometimes they may, for instance, over-
or underreport the number of children who have died or misstate the effectiveness of interventions
like lockdowns. If news organizations are unbiased, one would expect such errors to occur
with relatively equal frequency. That's not what we found. Instead, the paper's errors
tended to exaggerate the harm of the virus (or the effectiveness of interventions). Corrections
were made for such errors nearly twice as frequently as for errors that downplayed harms.
XEC: All you need to know about new 'more contagious' variant. A new 'stronger' Covid
variant is spreading across Europe and the world, as experts warn it is 'just getting started'.
The XEC strain was first detected in Germany in June and has been identified in 15 countries
across three continents. According to experts, the strain could become the dominant variant
within months when the weather gets cold.
gone and little to show for it years after rampant COVID fraud. Years after the
passage of federal COVID-era relief and the subsequent loss of likely hundreds of billions of those
taxpayer dollars, lawmakers are still unsure where that money went, how to get it back, and
seemingly have done little to prevent it from happening again. Federal watchdog and other
reports estimate anywhere from $200 billion to half a trillion was lost to waste, fraud and
abuse across various federal and state COVID-era programs. "Insiders, including those who
worked for state workforce agencies, conspired with organized crime factions and other individuals
to defraud state UI programs and the states did little to stop them," a Republican-led House
Oversight Committee report released this week said. "Some states even hired individuals
convicted of identity theft to process UI claims."
FDA Has Demolished All Scientific Standards. It is not provocative to state that the
FDA is now widely perceived to be corrupt, unethical, and politically influenced in large segments
of the American public. Their commissioner regularly spews vaccine misinformation, they
swimmingly approve suspect "weight-loss" drugs (as one arbitrary example), they continue to
recommend experimental mRNA vaccines to healthy populations, and their senior officials frequently
leave the agency to join lucrative pharmaceutical companies. [...] The reasons to distrust the FDA
abound, feeding into the 40% decline in trust in medicine since 2020. If anyone needs a
jarring refresher, the FDA's self-stated role is "protecting the public health by ensuring the
safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs." If the FDA "determines that the
research, data, and evidence shows that the drug is safe and effective for the intended use, the
FDA approves the drug." Does the FDA really do that? Increasingly, the public doesn't
believe such absurd mythologies. I certainly don't.
Happened to Trump's 63 Million Doses of Hydroxychloroquine? In the context of
COVID, although most associate me with speaking out in opposition to the gene therapy
technology-based Spike vaccines (adenovirus and mRNA-based), at the beginning of the COVIDcrisis
through into 2022 I was mainly focused on identifying, repurposing, and clinically testing existing
drugs, and getting repurposed drugs and drug combinations for both hospital and outpatient
use. Particularly notable was the role of my team and me in identifying and advocating for
the use of the combination of Famotidine and Celecoxib +/- Ivermectin. However, I was also
very familiar with the data supporting the use of hydroxychloroquine. I vividly remember
Dr. Peter Navarro calling one of my clients early in 2020 and trying to source additional doses.
from Covid. Indeed, when Covid passports were being considered for use in public
buildings, I did wonder if we would need to actually defy the law. Nothing transpired of
course. The idea was soon dropped as unworkable, so our loyalties were never put to the
test. But I remember it as the first time, certainly in my time as a church minister, when
the choice between obeying man or obeying God become very clear cut. For me, the prospect of
passports for any building, let alone a church, represented a sinister attempt to coerce people
into a vaccination policy that, notwithstanding its general effectiveness, would have challenged
the very heart of individual freedom. In my opinion, it was a step towards tyranny (in that
context, at least) and the reason I made my views known then, and write about it now, is because
the very fact it was even considered is surely an indication of how quickly a society can embrace a
kind of soft totalitarianism.
mRNA clot shots revealed to be a military project developed by NIH, not Moderna and Pfizer, as we
were all led to believe. Did you know that military contractors created the
experimental gene therapy injections that trick human cells into producing billions of toxic spike
prions in the blood? Did you know that NIH owns 50 percent of the patents for the mRNA
vaccines that Moderna and Pfizer pushed out on the populace? Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is blowing
the whistle on the whole operation, and should Trump win the presidency this fall, look for the
crooks and criminals responsible for this plandemic tragedy to serve hard time in federal prison
for it. In fact, Pfizer and Moderna were "paid to put their stamps on those vaccines as if
they came from the pharmaceutical industry," according to RFK Jr., because it was a military
project from the very beginning.
vax: Some batches increase your all-cause mortality by 9X or more. Batch analysis
of the Czech Republic data comparing 1-year post-shot all-cause mortality rates shows some batches
are 3X deadlier than other batches from the same manufacturer when given at the same time to the
same age 5-year age group. And a Moderna batch can be 8X or more deadlier than a Pfizer batch
given at the same time to the same age group. This cannot happen if the vaccines are safe.
Say Cuomo 'Edited' NY Nursing Home Death Report, a 'Debacle'. One of the House
committees that we haven't heard from as often as the Oversight Committee is the Select
Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. But they've been keeping busy as well, with some
new reports coming out this week. One in particular may be of interest as it involves former
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. [...] Unbeknownst to many at the time, however, Cuomo was
responsible for all manner of bad decisions and misinformation, with some of it costing many
lives. Now the Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic is revealing just how bad things
were, particularly in terms of Cuomo's orders regarding nursing homes. Not only did as many
as 9,000 people needlessly die because of his policies, but some of his aides have testified
that he intentionally "edited" a state report, deliberately trying to dial down the number of
deaths of those infected in the nursing homes. They knew that this would all come out in the
end and predicted that it would be "a great debacle."
pushes COVID vaccines on six-month old babies. By and large, doctors and medical
personnel work long, hard hours, and often go to heroic lengths to save lives, and to keep us
healthy and happy. They are busy people, and they rely on the rules and recommendations from
the medical establishment (CDC, NIH, FDA, DEA, HHS, etc.), as well as from academic and industry
publications. Over the past four and a half years, there has been a proliferation of articles
and published research that chronicle the side effects of the mRNA COVID vaccines, and the verdicts
are progressively more rather than less [scathing]. [...] Fortunately, babies and
children are blessed with robust immune systems. In light of the indisputable harm spiking
can induce, the Hippocratic ideal of "doing no harm" should argue against spiking children who are
too young to sound the alarm for themselves. Why then, is the CDC hell bent on pushing the
new COVID vaccines on pediatricians and parents for children as young as six months old?
'Empower Patients' — First Dispel Seven Myths. [#6] Tyranny has returned
to the U.S. healthcare system. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government exerted
unprecedented control over medical decisions, from mandating vaccines to restricting
treatments. Harris's approach, which would further centralize healthcare decisions, threatens
to entrench this medical tyranny, where government dictates override individual choice and
freedoms. The pandemic was a stark reminder of how quickly government overreach can strip
away individual freedoms. Harris's plan risks making tyranny the new norm in healthcare.
health official admits in court that 'independent' pandemic expert advice was steered by
politicians. You may remember the so-called "RKI protocols." These record the
meetings of the "Covid Crisis Team" that was formed within the Robert Koch Institut (RKI) to advise
our politicians on the pandemic response. Part of these minutes — through
April 2021 — were first released in heavily redacted form in March 2024;
following a public outcry, the Health Ministry agreed to remove all but the most essential
redactions, and finally delivered on this promise in May. Thereafter, a former RKI employee
leaked all documents available to him in completely unredacted form to the independent journalist
Aya Velázquez. She published this enormous leak in July. The RKI protocols are
important for one reason above all: They show that the allegedly independent Scientific of
the RKI provided was in fact heavily influenced by German politicians. While our elected
leaders claimed to be Following the Science, they were eagerly adjusting the Science behind the
scenes wherever necessary to make it into the kind of thing that they already wanted to
Follow. We could surmise that this was happening at the time, of course, but the protocols
provide hard, undeniable proof of this dynamic. That is why they matter.
'Experts' Are Upset That COVID Vaccine Propaganda is No Longer Working. Infectious
disease experts are upset that four years on from the coronavirus pandemic, members of the public
are no longer listening to their "recommendations" regarding vaccines and other supposed prevention
methods against COVID-19. According to a report from the leftist The Guardian newspaper,
infectious disease experts are complaining that COVID-19 is still a massive threat to the public
and people need to continue taking booster vaccines at every opportunity.
Addition to Covid, Wuhan Institute of Virology May Have Released "Highly Evolved Polio
Strain". Researchers at France's Pasteur Institute have just released a report
suggesting that researchers at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV, which may have been
ground zero for COVID-19) may also be responsible for an outbreak of a "highly evolved polio
strain." According to their findings, a young boy caught a case of polio '99 percent'
identical to a polio variant that was stored 200 miles away at the Chinese research labs in Wuhan.
Vaccine Scientist Blows Whistle: Covid Shots Were Planned for 20 Years. A
former government vaccine scientist has come forward to blow the whistle, revealing that Covid mRNA
shots had been in development for 20 years before the pandemic emerged. During a
bombshell new interview, the whistleblower, former U.S. government contractor Dr. David
Martin, exposes the detailed planning of the Covid mRNA shots. Martin reveals that Covid mRNA
shots didn't just suddenly appear in response to the pandemic. According to the vaccine
scientist, Covid mRNA shots had, in fact, been in the making for two decades. While working
as a U.S. government contractor, Martin says he witnessed decades of criminal preparations, years
before Covid emerged in 2020.
Are Still Being Punished For Refusing To Take COVID Vaccines. COVID vaccines were
ostensibly meant to provide protection against severe illness for at risk individuals. Almost
immediately, those perceived benefits were altered to include protection against infection and
transmission. Institutions, administrators and politicians then rushed to impose policies
designed to coerce or outright force employees, individuals or students to get vaccinated. As
overwhelming evidence emerged that the vaccines did not actually protect against infection or
transmission, many began to wonder what possible justification remained for continuing to coerce
compliance. Even in late-2024, we are clearly aware that the direct purpose was a punitive
desire to control behavior.
becomes the second US state to issue stay-at-home orders because of deadly mosquito-borne
virus. Vermont just became the second state to postpone public events in order to
curb the spread of a deadly virus in the state. The Green Mountain state joins neighboring
Massachusetts in recommending their citizens stay home at night, amid high reports of Eastern
Equine Encephalitis (EEE). This rare sickness is carried by horses and spread by mosquitos,
and in about 30 percent of human cases, can cause brain swelling, vomiting, seizures and death.
The Editor says...
The article above is an example of baseless news media hysteria. The article
says, "This rare sickness is carried by horses," so go about your business and stay away from
horses! There is no justification for "stay-at-home orders." Tyranny is worse than
disease. The government is (again!) testing you to see if you will comply with their orders,
no matter how pointless they are.
Scott Atlas on Why We Were Forced to Jab & Mask. In 2020, Dr. Scott Atlas was an
advisor to the president and a member of the White House COVID-19 Task Force. He was shocked
to see how powerful figures in Washington, including Dr. Fauci, were incentivized to
politicize and monetize the response to the pandemic. In this candid conversation with
PragerU CEO Marissa Streit, Dr. Atlas reveals that many Americans may have died because of
censorship, dishonesty, and the demonization of medical dissent. Will Americans allow this to
happen again? [Video clip]
is a coverup for the fatalities of the Covid injected. In 2021 NTI predicts a
laboratory engineered vaccine resistant Monkeypox outbreak with 271 Million deaths. This
is a coverup for the fatalities of the Covid injected. WHO is a criminal organization led by
Bill Gates, Rockefellers and the Wellcome Trust. Dustin Moskovitz sponsored the live pandemic
simulation of the laboratory engineered vaccine resistant Monkeypox (Mpox) outbreak with
3.2 Billion cases around the world and 271 million deaths. He is the founder of
Open Philanthropy and wants CRISPR gene editing technology used on all humanity. [Video clip]
Pfizer Dcouments Give Evidence That The C-19 Jab Is For Depopulation. Naomi Wolf: "It
is the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history, unfortunately. And the Pfizer
papers do have a specific focus on destroying reproduction, so that's why I wanted to believe that
it wasn't a depopulation agenda, but unfortunately the evidence persuaded me within the Pfizer
documents that that's exactly what it is. They knew they were blocking women's ovaries with
lipid nanoparticles, they knew the lipid nanoparticles traverse the placenta. They determined
that the deaths of fetuses were due to maternal exposure to the 'vaccine'. They knew that
vaccinated women who were nursing their babies were making babies sick. Their charts, this is
why I say Mengele science, they're just charts showing this many thousands of babies are vomiting,
this many thousands of babies have edema, which is swollen flesh, this many thousands of babies
have convulsions. [...]" [Video clip]
use an unproven drug in pregnancy and never vaccinate in pregnancy. Dr. Chris
Shoemaker: "The Golden rule of pregnancy, never use an unproven drug in pregnancy and never
vaccinate in pregnancy... that golden rule was broken. The last people that should get new
drugs, unproven drugs or vaccines should be pregnant women and the fetus inside them. They
should be 10, 15 years out. If you've got a wonderful new vaccine to use. Polio
would not have been given to pregnant mothers in the early days. Not a chance. And
actually has been discouraged ever since. You don't vaccinate pregnant mothers. It's
medical malpractice... Well Pfizer knew the results just as things were rolling out.
[...]" [Video clip]
War against the Lab Leak Hypothesis. Arguments against the SARS-CoV-2 "lab leak
hypothesis" follow the same obfuscation playbook that Johnny Cochran used to turn a pile of damning
evidence against OJ Simpson into an acquittal. Johnny's courtroom performance was a
masterclass in how to use emotion and misrepresentation of science to convince people that racially
diverse police officers arrived at the murder scene at different times and spontaneously conspired
to plant evidence to take down OJ. It's even more shocking that scientists and politicians with
everything to lose from a lab leak could convince anyone there's no need to ask questions about the
origin of SARS-CoV-2. An unnaturally human-adapted coronavirus erupted from this one particular
market (out of tens of thousands in China) that happened to be a few miles from a lab that was
constructing human-adapted coronaviruses, so shut up! Not surprisingly, over time most people
stopped believing Johnny Cochran's bluster. Thankfully, as censorship around the lab leak
relented and evidence spread, the vast majority of people (including the FBI) now believe the
pandemic started in a lab.
Wear Masks Again When They Force Them Onto Our Cold, Dead Faces. When it was clear
that our liberties were going to be violated by public officials' overreaction to the 2020 novel
coronavirus outbreak, we considered encouraging Americans to engage in civil disobedience against
the unlawful orders that were about to be issued. We regret that we did not write that
editorial. We have no such hesitation in 2024, though. When the COVID test positivity
rate surged last month, surpassing the summer peaks of 2022 and 2023, a few voices insisted that we
needed to go back to the asinine rules of 2020. "We all need to prepare for not only the
possibility of continued disruptions but for another new normal that might be a little closer to
2020 than how we've recently been living," Aron Solomon wrote last week in The Hill under the
headline: "Summer COVID surge shows we may have to return to 2020 pandemic measures."
is Still No Honesty About the Scale of Vaccine Deaths. Back in 2021 and 2022 the
mantra was that Covid vaccines were "Safe and Effective". This was said more by ministers and
officials than by manufacturers, who likely were mindful of the Association of British
Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Code of Conduct. This expressly forbids such assertions.
Clause 6.4 of 'Overarching Requirements' instructs: "It must not be stated that a product
has no adverse reactions, toxic hazards..." and "The word 'safe' must not be used without
qualification". [Paywall]
Fails to Reduce Long-COVID. The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) claims that
COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of long-COVID syndrome despite the absence of large-scale
randomized, placebo-controlled trials or valid observational studies. Mechanistically, it is
impossible for the vaccines to lessen long-COVID because they load the body with progressively
greater amounts of the pathogenic Spike protein — the cause of the syndrome. First
covered by TrialSite News, Swift et al, published a large (n=41,652) cohort study from a large
midwest health system (presumably Mayo) where post-acute sequelae was defined as ICD codes for
medically attended symptoms between 30 days and 6 months after infection. Those
with only one mRNA shot were excluded. If the vaccine failed and there was a second infection
within 30 days patients were excluded. Vaccination after infection was excluded.
This left a very biased sample with 17,402/41,652 (41.8%) fully vaccinated compared to USA Facts
that reports the State of Minnesota is 72% fully vaccinated.
"COVID Only" Deaths in Spring 2020. There is yet another data oddity related to the
New York City spring 2020 death spike: a disproportionate number of deaths that list only COVID-19
as cause of death. Understanding the aberration, which I'll show further into this article,
requires a bit of background knowledge. Contrary to popular belief, deaths that list COVID-19
as cause of death and nothing else are not "the only true COVID deaths." They are deaths involving
incomplete death certificates. Robert Anderson, chief of mortality statistics at NCHS,
provided a good explanation if this in a 12 March 2021 interview. (Ignore the problems with
using a test result irrespective of symptoms to code a COVID-19 death — and the lack of evidence
for a novel virus named SARS-CoV-2 causing a new disease — and focus on the death certificate
completion aspect.)
Finds 9.6% Fatality Rate Among People Who Reported Myocarditis or Pericarditis After an mRNA COVID
Vaccine. Nearly 10% of people in Japan who reported having myocarditis or
pericarditis after receiving an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine died from the condition within 64 days
after they received the vaccine, a new peer-reviewed study found. Fatality rates were highest
among men under 30. However, the study authors downplayed the finding by reporting that "overall
outcomes were good," according to Dr. Peter McCullough — a cardiologist and author
of more than 1,000 publications — who analyzed the study on his Substack. "In the
COVID-19 crisis," McCullough said, "we have learned to look at the data and the analyses ourselves
because there are usually very important results downplayed by the authors — this time
it is vaccine myopericarditis mortality."
Last Election Before the War. This election, if seen for what it is, is an expression
of wills. It's a choice of regular order or communist rule. Since the pandemic, we've
seen the private armies of the globalists, our police forces and sheriff's offices, impose rules
and dictates sent down from on high. These were not laws and they were not acting
lawfully. We have suffered the surveillance, the monitoring of our actions, the visits by the
secret police concerning social media posts. We have seen censorship for our views that were
ultimately proven true, not the misguided, antigovernment screeds they were proclaimed by a biased
and criminally negligent press. We now see people going to prison here and elsewhere for
things they've said, especially when true. Pavel Durov, CEO of Instagram, has been arrested
in France for things other people have said. These are the dark days of communisms showing
themselves in real time, across the globe, so there can be no doubt as to the future under Harris/Obama.
The Science: A New Clarion Call. [Scroll down] There may be a silver
lining, though. The bad guys finally went too far. With Covid, the disinformation,
intolerance for dissent, shutdowns, mandates, forced or withheld medical treatment, mass firings,
and attacks upon tens of thousands of scientists sparked a diverse coalition's formation.
This coalition includes a mix of liberals, conservatives, and nonpartisans. It's made up of
freethinking parents, students, doctors, nurses, researchers, elected officials, and celebrities.
Many had never before questioned public health narratives or their doctors. Most had blindly
supported them. But today, members of this new coalition find themselves probing widely pushed
orthodoxy on Covid and beyond, rightly asking what else the media and top public health officials
have misled us about.
Finland, and Norway graphs show all-cause mortality kept rising after the shots rolled
out. Denmark, Finland, and Norway keep impeccable statistics. I heard from a
scientist in Denmark that the death stats were flat until the shots rolled out. She also said
that Denmark stopped reporting daily deaths and has switched to reporting deaths quarterly.
Does having less information lead to better health outcomes? Or are they hiding
something? Here are the numbers. You decide. I think the numbers are pretty
incriminating. [Chart]
rights are being wronged, starting from the First Amendment. Remember the pandemic
lockdowns? Most folks weren't even allowed to peacefully assemble in their churches.
For a family member's wedding or funeral (unless you were with Team George Floyd). Or
host Thanksgiving for their extended family and friends. In Minneapolis, under the
"benevolent rule" of Tampon Tim Walz (The Joy Bringer), neighbors who were loosely gathered
outside, on their own property, were told to get inside — now! —
and were subsequently shot at ("light 'em up!") with paintball guns if they
didn't react quickly enough to the dictates of the stormtroopers surging down their streets.
What do you think has been the result of petitioning "the government" for "a redress of grievances"
pertaining to the crimes government(s) committed against humanity during their COVID-1984 orgy of
is censorship possible anymore? A federal judge has ruled that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
can sue the government for trying to censor his views on vaccines. He says Biden Administration
officials pushed social media companies to suppress content from a group Kennedy supports that urges
parents not to get their children vaccinated. "When a US president colludes with or outright
coerces media companies to censor free speech, it's an attack on our sacred right of free expression,"
RFK Jr. said. But what I want to know is: How is it possible anymore for the U.S.
government to outright censor a point of view?
Fauci Somehow Contracts Ultra-Rare West Nile Virus On Heels Of COVID-19 Infection.
Former NAIAD Director Anthony Fauci — who outsourced risky COVID gain-of-function research to a
shoddy Chinese lab, and was then put in charge of handling a COVID pandemic that broke out down the
street from said lab — has somehow contracted the ultra-rare West Nile virus right on the heels of
a nasty COVID infection. Fauci, 83, was hospitalized for six days and is now at home
recuperating from the mosquito-borne disease, the Washington Post reports. [...] According
to the report, Fauci has no idea how he got West Nile — a mosquito-borne illness that can cause
fever, body aches, diarrhea and rash — and for which there is no vaccine or treatment.
Amazingly, there have been just 216 human cases of West Nile reported across 33 states so far
this year, according to the CDC. Last year, 1,800 people were sent to the hospital with West
Nile, which killed 182 people. Earlier this month, the 83-year-old revealed that he
caught COVID for a third time despite having been "vaccinated and boosted six times."
Cardiologist: Covid Shots Caused 112,000% Spike in Brain Clots. One of the
world's leading cardiologists is raising the alarm over a major study that identified a
bone-chilling spike in brain clots among the Covid-vaccinated. American cardiologist
Dr. Peter McCullough uncovered bombshell data showing that Covid mRNA shots have caused a
staggering 112,000% increase in brain clots. A newly-published study by a team of experts,
led by McCullough, analyzed all reports of cerebral thromboembolism over the past 34 years.
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, cerebral thromboembolism occurs when a blood clot forms in the
brain's venous sinuses. This prevents blood from draining out of the brain.
[is] a Cover for Covid Injection Side Effects, Warns Dr. David Martin.
[Video clip] The phony "Mpox" scare declared by the World Health Organization is
actually a cover story to hide pox-like side effects from the devastating Covid19 mRNA injections,
warned M-CAM Founder and CEO Dr. David Martin in this interview on Conversations That Matter
with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. Blasting the "theater" of monkeypox,
Dr. Martin said one of the consequences of immune system failure due to the Covid mRNA jabs
and the spike proteins they cause the body to produce is skin lesions. "It's important to have a
cover story," he said, pointing to exercises some years ago by the Nuclear Threat Initiative and
the Munich Security Conference on a monkeypox pandemic. Dr. Martin said this was obvious
from the published research around some of the ingredients in the Covid injections.
Proof That Fauci, Washington Post Lied About Beagle Torture Program.
[Scroll down] In the intervening years, we've learned that the Washington Post was
either intentionally lying or exceptionally lazy, or both, in that the Beaglegate torture scandal
was absolutely true, the confirmation of which we only got through the diligent efforts of actual
journalists and advocacy groups like WCW Project. Even more [...] evidence has recently
emerged that, on the same day Fauci and Co. were whispering denials into Washington Post's ear,
which the paper dutifully reprinted, the State Department was well aware of the Fauci Beagle
torture regime and in active communication with the NIH-funded lab in question.
Announces Formation of Expert Panel to Join Forces with RFK Jr. in Tackling the Alarming Rise of
Chronic Diseases in Children. This announcement, made at a rally in Glendale,
Arizona, signals a direct challenge to Big Pharma, whose unchecked influence has long been
suspected of contributing to the health crisis facing the nation's youth. For years, Big
Pharma has been raking in billions while the rates of chronic diseases, including autoimmune
disorders, autism, and obesity, have skyrocketed among children. During the rally, Trump
praised Kennedy's relentless dedication to advocating for the health and well-being of American
families, particularly children. "I also want to salute Bobby's decades of work as an advocate
for the health of our families and our children. Nobody's done more," Trump said.
Vaccines Cause far More Myocarditis than Infection, Overall Risks Greatly Outweigh Theoretical
Benefits. When the Springer Nature CUREUS Journal of Biomedical Sciences retracted
one of the most comprehensive and valid risk-benefit analyses of the COVID-19 vaccines, they
probably had no idea the message would be greatly amplified and now fully published in a pair of
papers in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research. This
manuscript evaluated all of the published data and has completely overturned a false narrative held
by government agencies and the American College of Cardiology who erroneously assert that
SARS-CoV-2 infection poses a greater risk of heart damage than vaccination. Mead et al
importantly conclude the vaccines cause actual adjudicated and oftentimes fatal myocarditis while
the infection remains a theoretical risk without adjudicated, autopsy proven cases.
work for the Harris campaign you have to be 'up to date' on unnecessary boosters. The
CDC, proud sponsors of 'lets make 2 year olds mask in day care except when they nap'
recommends COVID shots annually for everyone, even if they have had COVID many, many times.
Of course the CDC is wrong. They have no data that repeat doses improve clinical outcomes for
*all people*. Worse, the harms of annual boosters likely are larger than benefits for young
people, and people who had COVID. It is possible a repeat dose helps a nursing home patient,
but even here there is no data, and I am not sure it does. A better policy would be to not
recommend COVID boosters to anyone until the company runs an appropriate randomized study.
The CDC is also out of step with Americans who retain common sense. Most do not get annual
vaccines. For young men, we proved that repeat doses are HARMFUL.
The Editor says...
To work for Harris, you have to be immune to much more than diseases.
were right! The ONS lied about covid vaccine safety. IN 2021 when the Office
for National Statistics (ONS) started releasing its vaccine by mortality status reports we revealed
that there were large spikes in the non-covid death rates in the 'unvaccinated'. These
spikes in mortality coincided with the first main vaccine rollout and did so for each age group
(see this report, for example). [...] We asserted that these obvious anomalies were a result of the
standard ONS procedure of categorising anyone within 20 days of their first dose as
'unvaccinated'. However, in our own discussions with the ONS they maintained that, although
that method was used for their efficacy calculations, it was not used when it came to
mortality. They clearly said that a person dying any time after vaccination was correctly
categorised as a vaccinated death in the mortality data they regularly released to the public and
which formed the basis of a massive public communication campaign encouraging vaccination.
Do you remember 2020? Now is your chance to get even. Gov. Tim
Walz, Covid lockdown fanatic. Everything is connected. Especially Covid
authoritarians. Before he conspired to violate my civil rights and make Twitter ban my
journalism in 2021, Democratic healthcare operative Andrew M. Slavitt was a top Covid advisor to
Minnesota governor Tim Walz. With Slavitt's encouragement, Walz pushed a tight lockdown on
his state. He encouraged residents to snitch on each other on a state-run hotline. And
he sharply tightened Minnesota's rules on gatherings in November 2020, long after it was clear
Covid was a threat mainly to the very elderly and could not cause hospital overrun. How badly
did Walz panic in fall 2020? He essentially destroyed Thanksgiving. On Nov. 19,
2020, one week before the holiday, Walz barred "indoor or outdoor [emphasis added] gatherings,
except with immediate household members" and added "no person from outside your immediate household
should enter your home." He also closed bars, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, organized
sports, and pools.
people in the UK have claimed compensation for serious covid vaccine injuries; it is just the tip
of the iceberg. The UK's Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme ("VDPS") offers a one-off
tax-free payment of £120,000 to people who have been severely disabled as a result of
vaccination against certain diseases, including covid-19. The scheme is administered by the
Department of Health and Social Care. It was founded in 1979. Since then, around 16,000
applications have been made to the scheme but the vast majority, nearly 14,000, relate to covid
injections, according to new figures obtained by The Telegraph through the Freedom of
Information Act. The Telegraph reports that the number of claims has reached such
levels that administrative staff processing claims increased from four to 80 last year. More
than 700 people have been waiting over a year for a decision. So far, the government has
made payments in just 175 cases, fewer than two percent of people who have applied. Payments
have already been awarded for conditions including stroke, heart attack, dangerous blood clots,
inflammation of the spinal cord, excessive swelling of the vaccinated limb and facial paralysis.
Around 97 percent of claims awarded relate to the AstraZeneca jab, with just a handful of
payments made for damage from Pfizer or Moderna.
Walz Threw A Grandma In Prison For Defying His COVID Lockdown. Lisa Hanson, the owner
of a bistro in Albert Lea, Minnesota, found herself behind bars for defying lockdown orders issued
by Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hanson, a mother of
eight, said that the Democrats' vice presidential candidate's mandates devastated her small
business, which had been flourishing for eight years. Before the brush with the law, her
record was clean. With over three decades of experience running businesses with her husband,
Hanson warned Fox News viewers, "You do not want tyranny at this level," insisting she had always
been a law-abiding citizen until the pandemic changed everything.
Fauci Reveals He's Infected With COVID For Third Time. Dr. Anthony Fauci
revealed that he's been infected with COVID for a third time despite having been "vaccinated and
boosted six times." Yes, really. The former chief medical advisor to the president, who
became the face of the COVID vaccination drive from late 2020 onwards, reacted to catching COVID-19
yet again by thanking the vaccine. [Tweet with video clip] "I got infected about
two weeks ago, it was my third infection, and I have been vaccinated and boosted a total of six
times," said Fauci. Fauci, who back in 2021 said, "If you get vaccinated, you are protected,"
seemingly hasn't been protected from catching the virus despite receiving half a dozen vaccines.
European Vaccine pass involves 9 countries, not 5. Looks like it will involve all the EU
soon. Who is paying for the new vaccine card? The website only says that the EU
is a partial funder and says nothing about who are the other funders. But there are so far 9
partner countries. [Map] Why did the EU give its old vaccine card (with digital wallet) to
the WHO, and now it is creating another digital vaccine card? Your tax dollars have apparently
paid for this abomination twice. This one is voluntary (while we test it out that is).
Circuit: Feds Free to Censor 'Anti-Vaccine' 'Misinformation' Via Pressure on Social Media
Companies. What a wild coincidence: one branch of government (judiciary) doesn't mind
another branch of government (executive) doing whatever it likes extraconstitutionally. [...] Not
being a legal scholar, I'm sure there's a good answer to this, but I'm not clear: why would CHD sue
Meta and not the government for violating its First Amendment rights, when it was at the
government's behest that Meta acted?
things that prove Tim Walz is a radical progressive. [#3] Dropping the ball on COVID:
Walz's response to COVID-19 was infamously horrible. He had more nursing home deaths than New York under
Cuomo and wasted millions of dollars on dead-end causes and fraudulent schemes. But that wasn't enough for
Walz, who instituted a snitching program that encourages neighbors to rat out each other for leaving their
houses while the lockdowns were in place. This only had to be instituted because local sheriffs
refused to enforce Govoner [sic] Walz's draconian edicts.
counties in blue state urge N-95s in grocery stores and restaurants for Covid.
Multiple counties in California have started recommending masks indoors, amid a four-fold spike in
some areas. Health officials in three Bay Area counties are urging residents to wear
well-fitting masks, such as N-95s or K-95s, in public indoor spaces like restaurants and grocery
stores. The health department in Contra Costa county, just outside of San Francisco, said the
recommendation comes as cases quadrupled from May 9 to July 9.
Walz: COVID Lockdown Overlord. Governor Tim Walz loves him some totalitarian
lockdowns. He proved that beyond all doubt during the COVID-19 mess when he ruthlessly locked
down Minnesota — unless you were Antifa or a BLM rioter, in which case you were free to
loot and burn as you pleased. He even followed the New York practice of slamming COVID
patients into nursing homes, in the middle of the population that was far and away most likely to
suffer severe effects from the virus; and he to this day insists that this wasn't a mistake.
We can be pretty certain that he thinks the whole thing wasn't a mistake — and that he
would happily do it again.
SSSS, Tulsi Gabbard, Pre-Crime and PsyWar. Frankly, receiving an "SSSS" designation
by the TSA is one of the constant fears that have nagged at me for the last few years, as I fly
almost weekly. Given how often I fly and how outspoken I have been regarding the COVIDcrisis,
synchronized corporate-government Fearporn messaging, psychological terrorism, and the methods and
deployment of psychological warfare by Western governments on their own citizens, I half expect to
find the dreaded "SSSS" at the bottom of my air travel ticket every time I run through the
pre-board process for my next flight. Every time I go through customs, my heart beats a
little faster as I wonder if this is going to be the time that I find out that I have been flagged
for spreading mis- dis- or mal-information and consequently designated as a domestic terrorist for
committing this speech and thoughtcrime. Or of the pre-crime of being at risk for committing
mis- dis- or malinformation distribution at some point in the future.
State Is Not Your Friend! [Scroll down] Finally, there is the global
health emergency gambit: (1) invest tax dollars in dangerous biological weapons programs that
experiment with deadly pathogens, (2) wait until one of those pathogens escapes and kills millions
of people, (3) isolate citizens in their homes while seizing control over markets and communications,
(4) mandate the use of experimental "vaccines" (providing windfall profits to pharmaceutical pirates),
and (5) institute medical passports in order to track and trace citizens for life. [...] Pharmaceutical
companies making money hand over fist do not care if you get injured from one of their experimental
"vaccines." (Their government friends gave them legal immunity, after all!)
Fly in the Ointment. [Scroll down] Pre-pandemic, I still thought we could
work it out, I didn't think we would, but I thought we could. That was before I saw the
hand-in-glove gaslighting from every sector: media, medicine, government and corporate.
Some we knew had sold out long ago, like the media, but I thought that there was no way they would
get every doctor, every hospital, every corporation to pursue a set of guidelines and policies that
were not only ridiculously ill-thought out, but highly illegal. All it took was a promise not
to be prosecuted and they all went straight Stalinist. I admit, that was a shock. It
told me that there was no sense of ethics or honesty left within the professions and
corporations. They would destroy themselves for the simple joy
of killing people without punishment, though most were highly incentivized to do so as well.
The corporations, however, did it at a time when their profits had dwindled to nearly nothing.
sees 40-plus cases of Covid and respiratory disease: WHO. More than 40 athletes
at the Paris Olympics have tested positive for Covid-19 and other respiratory diseases,
highlighting a new global rise in cases as vaccination coverage plunges, the World Health
Organization said Tuesday. The WHO said the virus behind the Covid-19 pandemic was still
circulating — and countries need to sharpen up their response systems and get jabbing
those most at risk. Several high profile athletes have suffered from Covid-19 at the 2024
Paris Games. British swimmer Adam Peaty tested positive a day after winning silver in the
100m breaststroke when he had not felt well, his team said. Australian medal hope Lani
Pallister pulled out of the women's 1500m freestyle after falling ill.
The Editor says...
Maybe the "vaccine" is the problem rather than the solution. Presumably the athletes are all
required to have Covid shots before participating in the Olympics. On the other hand, if only one
person brought Covid into the group, why didn't the "vaccine" keep the rest of them from catching it?
Warn Public after Son Killed by Pfizer Shot. The parents of 23-year-old Trent
Lieffring are raising the alarm after their son was killed by Pfizer's Covid mRNA shot. In
2022, Lieffring received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine because he believed it
was the right thing to do. About eight to nine months later, Trent suffered a massive sudden
cardiac arrest and subsequent brain damage. The cardiac arrest was apparently due to blood clots.
the New York Times undermined mask evidence. Amid the storm of US election headlines
in recent weeks, a snippet of news began bubbling up on social media that, only a few years ago,
would have whipped up a frenzied media hurricane. President Biden had tested positive for
Covid and videos posted on X showed him boarding and exiting Airforce One, but without a mask.
"Listen to the scientists, support masks," Biden said at a campaign rally, four years ago, berating
Trump for not wearing a mask after he had caught Covid. "Support a mask mandate
nationwide," Biden thundered to cheers and adulation. His campaign message captured a "follow
the science" sentiment among Left-leaning American voters who derided anyone questioning mask
effectiveness with the label "anti-mask". This, despite a smattering of articles in
Scientific American, Wired, New York Magazine and The Atlantic
reporting that scientific studies found masks didn't seem to stop viruses. The debate over
mask effectiveness took an odd turn last year when ardent mask advocate, Zeynep Tufekci, wrote a
New York Times essay claiming "the science is clear that masks work". Tufekci's piece
denigrated and belittled a scientific review by the prestigious medical nonprofit, Cochrane, for
concluding that the evidence is "uncertain".
Cheerleader Calls for Deploying Police and Military to Beat Back "Anti-Vaccine
Aggression". Social media went a little bonkers last week when an interview of Texas
Children's Hospital's Dr. Peter Hotez began circulating with the Big Pharma insider calling
for the United Nations and NATO to deploy security forces against "anti-vaxxers" in the United
States. Dr. Hotez's statements first appeared on the YouTube channel of an international
pediatric conference that took place in Colombia, but the interview then jumped onto X. The
Simposio Internacional de Actualización en Pediatría (International Symposium of
Pediatric Updates) later removed the interview from YouTube although photos can still be found on
Facebook. In clips of Hotez's interview that continue to circulate on X, he claims
"anti-vaxxers" caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in the United States.
in Medical Establishment Collapsed During COVID Pandemic — Only 4 in 10 Americans Now
Say They Trust Doctors. A stunning 50-state survey of U.S. adults has found that
trust in physicians and hospitals collapsed during the COVID-19 pandemic, going from from
71.5 percent in April 2020 to 40.1 percent in January 2024. [Advertisement]
Roy H. Perlis, MD, MS, Katherine Ognyanova PhD, and Ata Uslu, MS, researchers from the Center
for Quantitative Health, Massachusetts General Hospital, Rutgers University, and Northeastern
University, surveyed 443[,]455 individuals in every sociodemographic group aged 18 years or
older residing in the US. [Advertisement] The study, published in Jama Network, found
that respondents with lowest levels of trust were less likely to have been vaccinated or received
boosters for COVID-19 during the pandemic, or to have received the flu vaccine. Factors
associated with lower trust as of the spring and summer of 2023 included being 25 to 64 years
of age, female, lower educational level, lower income, Black race, and living in a rural setting.
"These associations persisted even after controlling for partisanship," the researchers said.
[Advertisement] Perlis and his team said the lower trust levels were also linked to "increasing
politicization of public health policies during the COVID-19 pandemic."
legally charges Pfizer for misleading the public about its so-called "COVID-19
vaccine". Any person who objected to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines was slandered,
censored and de-platformed for spreading deadly "misinformation." Doctors who warned about the
COVID-19 vaccine were stripped of their medical license and ostracized by the medical
community. Only one narrative was allowed: that vaccines are "safe and effective." During
this time of great deception, pharmaceutical giants were openly allowed to exploit the population
with their genetic experiments that replicate bioweapons in human cells. Now, after three
years of plundering the world with their narratives of fear and control, pharmaceutical companies
are facing enormous backlash. Entire states are taking action against the pharmaceutical
companies that lied to the American people and the rest of the world.
Vaccines 2.0": Attorney Warns Bird Flu Shots Will Be a 'Replay of COVID'. Attorney
Tom Renz has issued a stark warning about the FDA's decision to grant Emergency Use Authorization
(EUA) to bird flu mRNA vaccines. Looking ahead, he says, "So what I would expect now is when
Disease X rolls out, when the bird flu is something that they're gonna claim has made some sort of
a dent in the human population, they're gonna try and push the bird flu vaccines in the same way
that they pushed the COVID vaccines." Renz cited a study showing gain-of-function research on
bird flu in the United States before painting a chilling picture of the future.
Suffered Greatly': Parents Of Student Who Died After Pfizer Shot Speak Out. Believing
it was the right thing to do, Trent received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in
2022, two-and-a-half months apart. Initially, all seemed well — but approximately
eight to nine months later, Trent experienced cardiac arrest and subsequent brain damage,
apparently due to blood clots. Trent spent the rest of his life in a vegetative state until
he died on Aug. 24, 2023. His death certificate acknowledged "reaction to COVID-19
vaccination" as one of the causes of his death.
man suffers month-long debilitation and death after taking Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.
Trent Lieffring, a promising young student with a bright future, received two doses of the
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in 2022, as recommended by his biology professor. His
professor claimed that getting the vaccine is a civic responsibility. Despite his family's
reservations and their own concerns about the rapid development of the vaccine, and despite the
shots being completely unnecessary, Trent chose to get the two doses anyway, spaced two and half
months apart. Initially, Trent appeared to be in good health. However, about eight to
nine months after the initial dose, he suffered a cardiac arrest caused by the sudden development
of blood clots. The medical event led to brain damage and severe debilitation that could not
be remedied by doctors. His condition rapidly deteriorated, resulting in him spending the
remainder of his life in a vegetative state before passing away on August 24, 2023.
Hirschman keeps finding terrifying clots. Richard Hirschman, perhaps the best-known
embalmer trying to raise awareness of the terrifying "white, fibrous clots," recently posted
another stunning photo of said clots on his X account. According to Richard, the
recently-removed clot measured almost 20 inches long and had a wider girth than many clots
he's removed. "I removed this clot from the iliac artery. It's about 19 inches long
and it was removed prior to embalming," wrote Hirschman, a trade embalmer from Ozark,
Alabama. Added Hirschman in his July 21st post: "The first 20 years in my
field, I don't ever recall seeing clots like this. I'm not the only embalmer seeing this."
"I believe that the vaccine is mostly responsible for this. Please do some research before
getting any vaccines, especially mRNA." As of yesterday, Hirschman's X post had generated
3.3 million views. Several posters theorized this particular "clot" might actually be a
"parasite" or a tape-worm. However, I contacted Richard by email and he's convinced it's the
same type "white, fibrous" clots he's been finding in up to 50 percent of the embalming
sessions he performs. "It's not a tapeworm or a parasite," Richard said in his email, adding,
"Yes, it is rubbery."
Has Surprising Potential Against Cancer. I first heard that ivermectin (IVM) has
significant potential to treat cancer in an Epoch Times video interview featuring Dr. Kathleen
Ruddy, who has partnered with the FLCCC (Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance) to research
it. Recall that IVM is the same "horse dewormer" the FDA and others in the medical industrial
complex went to great lengths to discourage as a Covid-19 treatment. In the video,
Dr. Ruddy suggested why so little research is being done on it: "...the pharmaceutical
industries were not going to invest in a $0.10 pill. If the pharmaceutical industries were
not willing to do that, no one else was going to do it, because pharma funds everyone that is
doing research."
the Narrative Be Created. We saw during the pandemic just how corrupt our medical
and public health institutions are. We saw the money grabs, the stacking of the decks against
ordinary people, the willingness to risk others' lives, the vicious totalitarian strain, and the
suppression of dissent. And, perhaps most of all, the deep deep corruption of the teachers'
unions and the school systems. School choice is now being implemented across the country
largely because of Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers. Over the
past month, another stress test was done on our political and media ecosystem, and if you hadn't
had your eyes open to how corrupt the media are, you have no excuse now.
Who Criticized Aaron Rodgers for His Views on COVID-19 Vaccines 'Dies Unexpectedly' at
43. Matt Driscoll, a 43-year-old columnist and opinion editor for The News Tribune
(TNT), died unexpectedly at his Tacoma home this Sunday. Driscoll's death was announced by
his news network. "We've lost a friend and beloved colleague, but Tacoma and Pierce County
have lost someone who never stopped caring," said fellow TNT writer Sean Robinson.
RKI protocols lay bare the entire Covid farce yet again. The Robert Koch Institut is
the German equivalent of the American Centres for Disease Control; they are our primary public
health authority, and as such they were central to the management of the Covid pandemic in
Germany. The heretofore secret protocols of their "Covid Crisis Team" are now available
unredacted and nearly in their entirety. In what follows, I assemble some samples for
you. See if you can divine some common themes: On 25 March 2020, our Crisis Team
resolved to include in their dashboard and weekly reports the "epidemiological curve" illustrating
new Covid infections according to "reporting date and onset of illness." Somewhat nervously,
they added that "You can see that the curve is slowly levelling off, but we should avoid drawing
attention to this in our external communications, to encourage compliance with measures." The
German lockdowns were imposed as the first wave was already slowing down, and our public health
authorities knew this.
Studies on Vaccine Injuries. This post mainly consists of scientific studies (both
peer reviewed and preprints), systematic reviews, case studies (a few key ones of the thousands out
there), and other medical journal articles that support the assertions in my Vaccine Injury post
from November 2022. I began bookmarking these studies in late 2021, but since I've surely
missed some, this is not a comprehensive list. (In fact I'm still adding studies from the past
6 weeks, though they should all be included by the end of July.) It is, however, significant
enough to utterly debunk the "safe and effective" propaganda of the past three years.
SEALs Win Major Legal Battle Over Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate. In a significant legal
victory, thousands of Navy SEALs and other service members who were negatively impacted by
President Joe Biden's Covid-19 vaccine mandate have won a court settlement after years of litigation.
The mandate, announced by the Department of Defense (DOD) in August 2021, led to the discharge of
over 8,400 service members who refused the vaccine on religious or medical grounds.
Ghastly Impact Of MRNA Drugs In Pregnancy. This population-based retrospective cohort
study assesses rates of adverse events (AE) after COVID-19 vaccines experienced by women of
reproductive age, focusing on pregnancy and menstruation, using data collected by the Vaccine
Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database from Jan 1, 1998, to Jun 30, 2022.
The proportional reporting ratio comparing AEs reported after COVID-19 vaccines with those reported
after influenza vaccines is significantly increased (≥ 2.0) for COVID-19 vaccine for
menstrual abnormality, miscarriage, fetal chromosomal abnormalities, fetal malformation, fetal
cystic hygroma. Fetal cardiac disorders, fetal cardiac arrest, fetal arrhythmias, fetal
vascular malperfusion, fetal growth abnormalities, fetal abnormal surveillance, placental
thrombosis, fetal death/stillbirth, low amniotic fluid, preeclampsia.
Hospitals That Brought Back Mask Mandates Backtrack After Complaints. On
July 9th, the Daily Sceptic published my article describing how three healthcare
providers had reinstated a requirement for staff, patients and visitors to wear masks in all
clinical areas. I also urged the readers who recognised the perniciousness of this
restriction (a.k.a. the rational among us) to show their displeasure by lodging a formal complaint
to the offending organisations. Today I can announce some good news: two of the errant
establishments have now reversed their mask impositions. The first health provider to
backtrack was Manx Care (which runs health and social care services in the Isle of Man). After
reinstating the need for face coverings on its premises on June 27th, this nonsensical,
ideologically-driven measure was lifted on July 16th.
great bird flu myth — the next 'pandemic threat' Big Pharma needs. Earlier
this month BARDA (the US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) announced it was
awarding Moderna $176 million to be used to complete a late-stage development and testing of a
vaccine against 'bird' flu. Over the last year, Moderna tested its candidate, mRNA-1018, on
1,504 volunteers in a combined phase 1 and 2 trial, part of which was run in the UK by the
NHS Health Research Authority. The new BARDA funding will underwrite a planned Phase 3
trial. Ever prepared for lucrative vaccine opportunities, Moderna's CEO Stephane Bancel
extolled the advantages offered by mRNA tech — its 'efficacy, speed of development and
production scalability and reliability in addressing infectious disease outbreaks, as demonstrated
during the Covid-19 pandemic'. The continued collaboration with BARDA would 'expedite our
development efforts for mRNA-based pandemic influenza vaccines and support the global public health
community in preparedness against potential outbreaks'.
Hoaxes All the Way Down. The public health response to COVID was based on countless
hoaxes. Closing schools accomplished nothing other than creating a massive mental health
crisis in children and educational losses that will never be made up. The vaccine, at least
for most people, presented more risks than possible rewards. It only benefits very old people
and those with immune deficits.
Finds Excess Deaths During Pandemic [were] Caused by Public Health Response, Not
Virus. A study released today of excess mortality in 125 countries during the
COVID-19 pandemic found the major causes of death globally stemmed from public health
establishment's response, including mandates and lockdowns that caused severe stress, harmful
medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccines. "We conclude that nothing special would have
occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been
acted upon," the authors of the study wrote. Researchers from the Canadian nonprofit
Correlation Research in the Public Interest and the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières
analyzed excess all-cause mortality data prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning with
the March 11, 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic declaration and ending on
May 5, 2023, when the WHO declared the pandemic over.
Gives $130,000 No-Bid Contract to Spread False Info About COVID-19 Vaccine. The Mills
administration is set to spend $130,000 on a taxpayer-funded public service announcement (PSA)
campaign pushing Maine parents to get their children vaccinated, while falsely claiming that
COVID-19 vaccines prevent infection. In a request to waive competitive bidding issued on
Thursday, the Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Center for Disease Control outlined
their plan to pay the Maine Association of Broadcasters $130,000 to broadcast PSAs on television
and radio through June 2026 about the "importance of receiving vaccines on time." "The
public is not generally well educated on the need for children to receive all their immunizations
on time, or the need for adult vaccination," the Mills administration grant coordinators wrote in
their request.
Hydroxychloroquine Crime. More than four years ago, Democrat leaders colluded with
the WHO (as part of the wannabe global government) and Big Tech to perpetrate a horrific crime: the
denial of access to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and other lifesaving COVID-19 treatments. The
primary purpose was to legalize fraud-ridden voting by mail and seize power following the 2020
elections. Once in power, the perpetrators were able to cover up this crime even though it is
ongoing. The FDA continues to reject HCQ and the even less controversial ivermectin (IVM).
Instead, it pushes the harmful and dangerous quasi-vaccine. The number of direct deaths from
COVID-19 has exceeded one million in the U.S. alone. Almost all of these deaths could have been
avoided using HCQ- or IVM-based treatment. If not for the unusually mild omicron variant, the
death count could be tens of millions.
Colon Cancer Surges 500% Among Covid-Vaxxed. Doctors have issued an urgent warning
after a bombshell study revealed that rapidly developing "turbo" cases of colon cancer are
skyrocketing among those who have been injected with Covid mRNA shots. The study, published
in the renowned Cureus Journal, found that one form of colon cancer surged by 500% in Covid-vaxxed
individuals. The researchers revealed that the sixfold spike in colon cancer was caused by
the mRNA injections.
study finds Big Pharma company Merck misled participants in HPV vaccine trial. A
recent study published in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine in May this year
found that pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. was involved in scientific fraud when it misled
participants in its HPV vaccine trial. Merck designed a clinical trial that stated: "One half
of the participants will receive the active vaccine, while the other half will get the placebo
vaccine." (A placebo vaccine refers to a vaccine without active substance.) It didn't
tell the whole story, however.
Power of Courage. We are a wealthy and safe society, but also an antiseptic and, in
some ways, inhuman one. Our nature does best with purpose and hardship. The modern
quest for comfortable self-preservation is a philosophy of life fit only for an amoeba. The
overreaction to COVID in particular was a testament to the recent, feminized obsession with safety,
which downplays the value of risk-taking and enjoying life. When the virus arrived, the
people in charge reminded us that they think we're merely vulnerable and stupid toddlers. At
the same time, they showed us that they themselves are cowards in the face of risk, willing to
destroy the economy, religious freedoms, and our health in an impossible quest to eliminate a
highly communicable disease. Schoolmarms like former CDC head Rochelle Walensky and weasels
like Anthony Fauci became avatars of our decadent, dishonest, and cowardly ruling class.
wins battle to stop son having Covid vaccine she feared could kill him. The mother of
a disabled son with a rare heart condition has won a landmark case to prevent the state from
injecting him with the Covid-19 vaccine she feared could kill him. After a three-year court
battle, the mother, who can only be named as Sarah, said she had endured a "Kafkaesque nightmare"
to protect her son, Tom, who has severe learning difficulties as well as a range of
life-threatening conditions. Mr Justice Hayden, sitting in the Court of Protection, has now
ruled it is "no longer in Tom's best interests to receive the jab" because the virus "landscape"
had changed so much since the peak of the pandemic.
Ninth Circuit shoots down COVID vaccine. The COVID shot was put on trial in the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and coming from California the result might
surprise you. Three of four judges agree it was never a "traditional vaccine" and therefore
could not legally be mandated. The case was against the Los Angeles Unified School District
("LAUSD") that "required employees to get the COVID-19 vaccination or lose their jobs." While this
case was making its way thru the courts, LAUSD was playing Hokey-Pokey with their policy on
"vaccination" which didn't play well in their litigation strategy, as it allowed the case to be
kept alive rather than becoming moot.
blesses departing COVID vaccine reviewers to influence agency 'behind the scenes' at
Moderna. David Morens, a senior adviser to then-National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, once told an ally "our FOIA lady" showed him
"how to make emails disappear after I am FOIA'd but before the search starts." He's now on
administrative leave. Fauci's former chief of staff, Greg Folkers, appeared to intentionally
misspell proper nouns and names likely to be sought in Freedom of Information Act requests related
to COVID-19 origins. No evidence has yet shown the Food and Drug Administration, a sibling to
NIAID in the Department of Health and Human Services, is helping its employees evade legally
required transparency.
muzzled during COVID get green light for revenge on overlords. Physicians who were
threatened and abused by various tyrannical credentialing boards that sought to suppress anything
but the official government story line about COVID-19 have been given the go-ahead by the courts to
sue. The case was brought by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Education
Foundation against the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, the American Board of Family Medicine and the secretary of the Department of Homeland
Security over various situations in which those organizations threatened or actually acted against
doctors because of what they said about COVID.
finds COVID pandemic caused $18 trillion in economic damage to US. A new report
by the Heritage Foundation's Nonpartisan Commission on China and COVID-19 found that the COVID
pandemic caused $18 trillion in economic losses to the U.S. and placed blame for the outbreak
on the Chinese government. FOX Business exclusively viewed an advance copy of the report,
which estimated that as of December 2023, the pandemic's total economic cost in the U.S.
topped $18 trillion after taking into account several ways in which the pandemic affected the
economy. That figure includes more than $8.6 trillion caused by excess deaths; more than
$1.825 trillion in lost income; $6 trillion due to chronic conditions such as "long
COVID"; and mental health losses of $1 trillion and educational losses of $435 billion
pushed the total above $18 trillion.
of Doctors and Scientists Sign Accord Calling for Suspension and Investigation of mRNA
Vaccines. Hundreds of doctors and scientists from around the world have signed an
accord calling for the suspension and investigation of mRNA Covid vaccines due to serious concerns
about their safety and efficacy. The statement, called the Hope Accord, was released this
week and swiftly gained nearly 3,000 signatures. These included endorsements from over 200
doctors, 300 other healthcare professionals and over 100 scientists and academics, with all
signatures being verified to ensure they are from real and qualified people.
Warn of 'Alarming 3000% Increase in Unexplained Child Deaths'. A group of prominent
Canadian medical doctors and scientists has just held a press conference to warn the public about a
staggering spike in child deaths. The doctors issued an emergency warning over an "alarming
3000% increase in unexplained child deaths." The press conference featured Dr. Byram
Bridle, Dr. William Makis, Darrell Komick, Dr. Chris Shoemaker, Dr. David Speicher,
and Dr. Mark Trozzi. The doctors took questions from reporters about the surge in child
deaths which emerged after the Covid mRNA shots rollout started in early 2021.
Actor Mike Heslin Dies at 30 After 'Unexpected Cardiac Event'. Actor Mike Heslin,
best known for his role on Taylor Sheridan's Special Ops: Lioness, has died after an
"unexpected cardiac event." He was 30. The Independent reports Heslin was admitted
to hospital for a week-long stay after the medical episode before he died on 2 July.
Study Reveals 74% of Deaths [are] Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot. A previously
censored paper from The Lancet has now undergone peer review and is available online. The
study, titled "A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination,"
analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found that a staggering 73.9% of deaths were either directly due to
or significantly contributed to by the COVID-19 vaccination. The paper's lead author,
Dr. Nicolas Hulscher, faced significant opposition in bringing these findings to light.
After initially being downloaded over 100,000 times, The Lancet removed the paper within
24 hours, according to Dr. William Makis. According to The Daily Sceptic, the
reason given at the time was, "This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because
the study's conclusions are not supported by the study methodology."
COVID vaccine injury program tops $14 million in payouts, hundreds still waiting.
Canada's program to compensate those injured by the COVID vaccines has now spent $14 million,
but the vast majority of claims remain unpaid. According to official data from Canada's
Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP), which was updated on June 1, a total of 2,628 claims
have been filed by COVID-19-injured people, but only 183 have been approved for compensation.
The total amount paid out sits at $14,080,434. Broken down, each claimant would have received
or will receive an average of just $78,000 in monetary compensation. While a total of 2,172
claims have been "prepared to move forward to a preliminary medical review," after this point, each
claim goes through a lengthy process of approval.
Shots Caused Surge in Sudden Cardiac Deaths Among Pilots, Study Finds. A bombshell
new study has confirmed that the surge in sudden cardiac-related deaths among pilots over the last
three years was caused by Covid mRNA shots. The study was led by an eminent Board Certified
Endocrinologist Dr. Julian Yin Vieira Borges. Borges, who is also board-certified in
medical nutrition research, conducted a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature,
international aviation databases, and pilot associations in order to identify the cause of the
surge in sudden deaths. The team of Brazilian researchers analyzed the relevant data
involving sudden cardiac death (SCD) among aviation pilots.
Brand Blasts Corporate Media for Normalizing Heart Failure in Young People. Britsh
comedian Russell Brand has accused the corporate media of pushing to normalize the global crisis of
young, healthy people dying suddenly from heart failure. Brand argues that rather than
highlight the fact that the surges in cardiac injuries and related only surged after the Covid mRNA
shots were rolled out, the corporate media is attempting to gaslight the public into believing it
is completely normal. During an episode of his "Stay Free" podcast this week, Brand said:
"On legacy media, it's quite possible to watch a kind of bright breezy, cheerful news item about
heart attacks as if it's like some new trend, as if it's Pogs or Pokemon Go or something.
"It's a new sensation, heart disease in young people."
change season is upon us! For anyone who remains skeptical that governments are
anything other than corrupt and incompetent, I would remind you of the worldwide manufactured
crisis we all just passed through just a few short years ago. I'm referring to the COVID
episode. Before that, it was the two-decades-long War on Terror. At no time during
these last two events have we seen any evidence that government response to an alleged crisis has
been anything other than abject failure. In fact, government policies that were predicated on
fixing these phony crises only made matters worse for most citizens. At the end of the day,
the so-called climate crisis is yet another attempt by government to grab more power and tax
dollars at the expense of the ever-shrinking middle class. Even if there was truly a
temperature problem, government would certainly have no way of making those temperatures
decline. But since there is no temperature crisis — and hence no climate
disaster — the response of government to a non-event will only serve to create major
problems for the entire country in the years ahead. Our task as citizens, therefore, is to
resist the climate agenda of the left and refuse to even acknowledge it, let alone comply with any
of its demands.
Pandemic Response [was the] Most Demoralizing Event in U.S. History. [M]y disillusionment
began with the fraudulent Forever Wars of the Bush administration. This was followed by revelations
of gigantic fraud in the aftermath of the Financial Crisis of 2008, and then the Federal Reserve back-door
bailouts (with the Newspeak name "Quantitative Easing") of the big banks that caused the crisis in the
first place. Then came the spectacularly fraudulent Russian Collusion Hoax in 2016, and then the
impeachment of Donald Trump in 2020 for actions he took to investigate the dodgy business activities
of Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine in 2014-15. All of the above were demoralizing enough, but then
came the official COVID-19 pandemic response in which we were treated to the following:
[#1] Lab creation of SARS-CoV-2.
[#2] Fraudulent concealment of the virus's true origin.
[#3] Suppression of early treatment to pave the way for the rapid rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.
[#4] Totally useless but extremely destructive lockdowns in order to pave the way for the rapid COVID-19 vaccine rollout.
[#5] Nihilistic hospital protocols that killed people with Remdesivir, the withholding of useful drugs, and the inappropriate use of ventilators.
[#6] Fraudulent claims about COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and safety.
[#7] Mandates for ineffective and dangerous COVID-19 vaccines.
[#8] Fraudulent concealment of COVID-19 vaccine side effects and injuries.
In other words, the official pandemic response was the apotheosis of a demoralizing process that
began about twenty years earlier. At this point, I struggle mightily to believe anything the
U.S. government or mainstream media tells me.
police officers in Australia fired two years after end of COVID mandates. A Supreme
Court decision handed down in April has dismissed a legal challenge by West Australian (WA) police
officer Ben Falconer and staff member Les Finlay against the force's now-scrapped COVID vaccine
mandate. Falconer and Finlay had initially managed to obtain an injunction against the
mandate, which effectively stopped the police force from firing them and other unvaccinated staff
until the issue had been resolved by the courts. Interestingly, the court's ruling against
them comes despite the fact that the mandate was rescinded by the force in June of 2022, reported
The Daily Declaration. Following the April ruling, the WA Police declared that it was
going to resume disciplinary action against 17 affected employees immediately despite the mandate
no longer being in force, firing 12 police officers and five staff who did not get the experimental
COVID shots.
Cross BlueShield of Tennessee [has been] Ordered to Pay Almost $700,000 to Employee Fired for
Refusing COVID Vaccine. In a landmark decision, a federal jury has ordered Blue Cross
BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST) to pay nearly $700,000 to Tanja Benton, a former employee who was
terminated for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine based on her religious beliefs. Benton, who
served as a Bio Statistical Research Scientist, asserts that her role involved minimal client
interaction and no necessity for physical presence at medical facilities. Throughout her
16-year tenure, Benton primarily worked independently and remotely, especially during the pandemic,
when she executed her duties without issue from March 2020 to November 2021. Despite
this, BCBST enforced a company-wide vaccine mandate in August 2021, requiring all employees to
be fully vaccinated as a condition of continued employment.
Lies We Have Lived Through. We live in an era of lies. Sometimes they are
purely political, like the Charlottesville "both sides" yarn. And sometimes they change
history, like the fabrications that bats and pangolins, not the communist Chinese Wuhan virology
lab, birthed the COVID-19 virus, or the Anthony Fauci contortion that his offices did not fund and
help out, stealthily and in circumvention of U.S. law, deadly gain-of-function virology research in
communist China.
Chinese Badminton Star Dies Suddenly During Match. An "outstanding" 17-year-old
Chinese badminton player died of cardiac arrest after collapsing on court during a tournament in
Indonesia, officials said on Monday (Jul 1). Zhang Zhijie was suddenly taken ill during a
match late Sunday against Japan's Kazuma Kawano at the Asia Junior Championships in
Yogyakarta. The score was 11-11 in the first game when Zhang fell to the floor between
points. The teenager received treatment at the venue and was rushed to hospital by ambulance,
but passed away later that night after repeated efforts to resuscitate him failed. [Video clip]
Study Directly Links Covid Shots to Sudden Deaths Surge. A group of renowned
researchers has just published a bombshell study that proves a direct correlation between Covid
mRNA shots and surging numbers of sudden deaths seen around the world. The study was
conducted by Christof Kuhbandner, PhD, Professor of Psychology at the University of Regensburg in
Bavaria Germany, and mathematician Prof. Matthias Reitzner at Osnabrück University, a
public research university located in the city of Osnabrück in Lower Saxony. In their
study, the top scientists identified a direct correlation between surging excess mortality in
Germany and Covid mRNA injections.
the Press and Pundits are Again Mystified by the Obvious. For years, the press and
pundits piled on experts who suggested that Covid 19 escaped from a Chinese lab. The New York
Times reporter covering the area called it "racist" and implausible. Now, even W.H.O. accepts
the lab theory as possible and federal agencies now believe it is the most likely explanation.
Viganò: I accuse Bergoglio of heresy and schism. [Scroll down] Before
my brothers in the episcopate and the entire ecclesial body, I accuse Jorge Mario Bergoglio of
heresy and schism, and I ask that he be judged as a heretic and schismatic and removed from the
throne which he has unworthily occupied for over 11 years. [...] I also accuse Jorge Mario
Bergoglio of having caused — due to the prestige and authority of the Apostolic See
which he usurps — serious adverse effects, sterility, and death in the millions of
faithful who followed his insistent invitation to undergo the inoculation of an experimental gene
serum produced with aborted fetuses, even to the point of issuing a formal "Note" declaring that
using the vaccine is morally permissible[.] He will have to answer before the tribunal of God
for this crime against humanity.
Devastating Charge Sheet Against Pfizer. We've extracted the main points from the
Kansas City Attorney General's legal report on the case against Pfizer that we first mentioned in
'Due Process' — all quotes are taken verbatim. This is a lengthy post, and we'd
recommend having an anger management strategy to hand while reading.
Were Britain's Biggest Ever Peacetime Mistake, Says Farage. It's about time someone
in this election drew attention to the proverbial pachyderm behind many of the country's current
woes, from NHS waiting lists to the mountainous debt, record tax levels and sky-high welfare bill
stemming in part from a degraded work ethic. What about the first lockdown
though — the most extreme of the three, without which the later ones could not have
happened? That one, of course, Farage supported at the time, saying he was "delighted when
the Government performed its dramatic U-turn a few weeks ago and moved away from a herd immunity
strategy" — and it's notable that he still doesn't appear willing to admit he was wrong
to do so. Presumably this would be because 'we didn't know' so did it 'just in case', given
the scary modelling etc. As longstanding readers of this site know, this is false: we did
know at the time. The truth about Covid was obvious as soon as the Diamond Princess outbreak
dissipated with few deaths even among the old by the end of February 2020, if not
sooner. But even if we didn't know at the time, we certainly do now.
COVID Broke Our Trust In Government. In early June, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the
former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the face of the
response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, testified in front of the House Committee
on Oversight and Accountability. It was an ugly and mostly pointless scene. The
testimony bogged down in a partisan debate about the origins of the virus, and America's yawning
divides were on display, with Democrats falling all over themselves to defend Fauci and Republicans
attacking him as the devil incarnate. [...] There really are plenty of questions to be asked about
America's response to COVID-19. And Dr. Fauci was at the center of much of our
response. It's increasingly clear that our government didn't know what it was doing —
how could anyone, at least in the early months? — but also that public health officials
and our political leaders refused to learn as the pandemic ground on, instead disseminating favored
narratives with more and more vehemence. "Follow the science" became a mantra for all good
people — unintentionally ironic given that there was never much science. The cost
couldn't be higher: a total breakdown in trust in government.
The Editor says...
I haven't trusted the government since I registered for the draft. The government
doesn't care if I trust them or not. Most of the governments around the world can't be
trusted. Most of the stuff in the Constitution is there because the Founding Fathers didn't
trust the government to behave itself without three separate branches working against each other,
and the Bill of Rights certainly shows a fundamental distrust of government. Covid merely
demonstrated how easily the American people (and many others) would let their government trample
them if they asked permission to do so.
Lays Groundwork for Next Pandemic. Before Barack Obama wandered onto the political
scene, the CDC were the undisputed leader in protecting public health and safety through
controlling and preventing disease, injury, and disability in the U.S. and the world. After
Obama, you would have to be blind not to see that the CDC have been fully compromised and are no
longer a responsible public health organization. The COVID debacle was not their finest
moment. If you value your health, you have to question and scrutinize everything that comes
from them. What does that mean? Well, we sure are getting a whole lot of alerts on the
infectious disease du jour. First it was COVID, then Monkeypox, then the Marburg
virus. Now it is Dengue Fever. If this is anything like the last manufactured pandemic
(that never materialized), where Americans have been conditioned to line up like sheep for an
unnecessary, unproven, and experimental — and mandatory — Emergency
Use Authorization mRNA vaccine, you can expect a lot of misinformation.
to do about woke science journals. Let me define the "woke" in the title very broadly as promoting any of...
a) a favored narrative or questionable treatment (e.g., publishing only articles supporting
a huge climate change impact or government COVID-19 policies while rejecting high-quality articles with
solid evidence to the contrary);
b) CRT and DEI (e.g., employment processes and medical treatment; justifying BLM rallies during
a mandatory and supposedly necessary COVID lockdown);
c) the trans agenda (e.g., suppression of literature on psychological diagnoses or social
media influence; transition surgery for minors; birth certificate with the desired gender of the baby
or its parents; males in female sports);
d) TDS (e.g., numerous get-Trump Lancet editorials having nothing to do with medicine; the
Lancet by-passing its usual peer-review process to rush a negative study on hydroxychloroquine to print
after Trump said HCQ might work, only to have to retract it ten days later after the data were proven bogus);
e) rescinding already published or posted articles after pressure from advocacy groups.
There can be overlap between categories.
Court Turns Away COVID-19 Vaccine Appeals. U.S. Supreme Court justices on
June 24 rejected appeals brought over COVID-19 vaccines by Children's Health Defense (CHD), a
nonprofit founded by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate running for president.
The nation's top court rejected an appeal seeking to overturn lower court rulings that found that
CHD and its members lacked standing to sue the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over its
emergency authorizations of COVID-19 vaccines for minors. The justices also rebuffed another
CHD appeal in a case that challenged the COVID-19 vaccine mandate imposed on students at Rutgers
University, a public college in New Jersey. The Supreme Court did not comment on either
denial. It included them in a lengthy list dealing with dozens of cases.
good deed goes unpunished. Yesterday, I published a major investigative piece showing
how Biden Administration operative Andy Slavitt and Pfizer board member Dr. Scott Gottlieb
conspired to force Twitter (now X) to censor Covid vaccine skeptics in 2021[,] as the White House
prepared to roll out boosters and mandates that juiced Pfizer's profits. This documents I
used in the story have never been made public before. They came directly from X's archives.
Opposition to Lockdown and Vaccine Coercion. In a recent interview that 'went viral',
vaccine sceptic Ed Dowd claimed that the deaths of U.K. 0-14 year-olds were up by 22%. Fact
checkers went into overdrive to rubbish the claim. Though rather than countering the data
unearthed by Dowd, and which to the inconvenience of the fact checkers were factually correct, they
tended to rely on dubious claims that vaccines had saved X million lives — according
to models rather than real-world data. As usual, they didn't engage with the actual data
available. I'm reluctant to do the fact checkers' job for them but I thought you might
appreciate understanding what truth there was in Dowd's assertion.
sues Pfizer over 'misrepresentations' and 'adverse events' of COVID-19 vaccine. The
state of Kansas has filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc. for alleged
consumer protection violations related to the company's manufacturing of the COVID-19 vaccine,
saying the company marketed the shot as "safe" even though it "knew" the vaccine was connected to
"serious adverse events." "Pfizer misled the public that it had a 'safe and effective' COVID-19
vaccine," the 69-page lawsuit filed Monday in the District Court of Thomas County alleges.
"Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was safe even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected
to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and
deaths. Pfizer concealed this critical safety information from the public," the suit alleges.
"Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was effective even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine waned over time
and did not protect against COVID-19 variants. Pfizer concealed this critical effectiveness
information from the public," it says.
Quiet: The wall of silence surrounding excess deaths. Since the advent of the
COVID-19 vaccines, a troubling trend has emerged across many nations: a surge in deaths not
attributed to the virus itself, but ominously labeled as "excess deaths". Yet, amidst mounting
public concern and calls for scrutiny, governments and mainstream media outlets have conspicuously
shied away from addressing this unsettling phenomenon. Deadly Quiet documents the
testimony of a funeral director, John O'Looney, in the UK. John's business is booming.
Which is a grim prospect in itself, since John deals in dead bodies. However, it's worse than
that. John is finding an increase in the number of young people who are dying and an
acceleration of cancers. These changes in the number and the age of people who are dying
coincide with the discovery of strange white rubbery clots in the blood vessels of the
deceased. Across the globe, funeral directors and embalmers are grappling with this
perplexing phenomenon, all since the widespread administration of the COVID-19 vaccines.
House of Cards Is Collapsing Around the Entire COVID Pandemic". First, a court ruled
that the COVID shots aren't vaccines after all. Now, Dr. Francis Boyle, the architect
1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act is calling them "weapons of mass destruction." He
says, "It is my expert opinion that 'COVID-19 nanoparticle injections' or 'mRNA nanoparticle
injections' or 'COVID-19 injections meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass
destruction according to Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166
Fla.Stat. (2023)." Dr. Boyle, a top law professor, tried to warn that "mRNA is very
powerful stuff to inject into your body" and that "it could discombobulate your entire genetic
system." "Well, that is what is happening now," he lamented, as evidenced by "an explosion of
sudden deaths and disabilities."
rights were violated during Covid. Ask any Australian why they got vaccinated against
Covid. "I had to get it to keep my job." "I needed to travel interstate to bury my dad."
"I needed to visit my mum in hospital." A conversation I will never forget - a woman tearing up
when she told me it felt like rape, agreeing to an injection that she didn't want (she would have lost both
of her jobs without it). Another vignette burned in my memory - a family who were prevented
from seeing their grandfather in aged care for two years because they weren't vaccinated. He caught
Covid from the vaccinated nurses or visitors and died. They were only allowed inside afterwards,
to view his body.
Great Lockdown Swindle. Many people will remember the COVID policy response as a
nightmare involving: reduced access to medical treatment, businesses closures, disrupted schooling
and fear generated by government brainwashing. After the event, it is always worth doing a
Cui Bono (who benefits) exercise to identify who benefited, especially since the hopeless
mainstream media has largely failed to do this. Counterintuitively, the uber-wealthy owners
of 0.1% of wealth in the United States, increased their net worth by a staggering USD
6.4 trillion over the 2022-2023 pandemic period. With their net worth growing from USD
12.1 trillion to USD 18.5 trillion, a pretty cool USD 20 million per head for
approximately 300,000 people. This outcome is counterintuitive since the lockdowns
temporarily wrecked the economy and had a significant negative impact on government debt, which
ballooned due to staggering budget deficits. All things being equal, you would expect stock
markets to move lower under these circumstances. In the Alice-in-Wonderland world of extreme
money printing though the stock market exploded and the benefit from this explosion accrued
primarily to the uber-wealthy, who hold most of the financial assets.
Somewhat related: Standing
on the corner. We came across FDA warning letters when reviewing regulatory documents
for our Cochrane review on the influenza antivirals Tamiflu and Relenza. Specifically, a
letter warned Roche, the manufacturer of Tamiflu, not to claim effects on complications such as
pneumonia. This was interesting, as ameliorating or preventing complications were two of the
most important reasons for using and stockpiling the antivirals. Roche and friends had made
claims that, according to the FDA, they could not make as there was no definition of pneumonia and,
in many cases, X-ray evidence. The FDA, quite rightly, would not have it, and using their
regulatory powers, they forced Roche to publish a statement to clarify. [...] So it looks as if the
FDA was happy to stand on the corner and allow activists and pharma agents, as well as their own
government, to expose healthy people to a vaccine with an untested mode of action. As mmRNA
vaccines and treatments become the norm for every ill under the sun, we may or may not find out
their mode of action and harm profile in humans if we can break through censorship or do it the
hard way.
Covid "Vaccine" Had No Benefit. Zero. Zip. Nada.. Official US
government data, "gold standard data," shows that the vaccine didn't save any COVID lives at
all. None. In fact, if anything, the data shows that the vaccine made you more likely
to die from COVID. To the estimated 21 million people who were killed or seriously
injured, you should know it was all for nothing.
Now Have Proof That The COVID "Vaccines" Damage Cognition. Countless people have
observed their loved ones becoming "more compliant" and "broken" after the shots. This was
deemed a "conspiracy theory," but now we have the data to back it up. A new study from South
Korea analyzed the electronic health records of 2.2 million and later 4.3 million
individuals in Seoul. What researchers found was alarming. By comparing the rates of
various new medical conditions in vaccinated versus unvaccinated groups over three months, the
study revealed that the vaccinated experienced:
• A 68% rise in depression
• A 44% surge in anxiety and related disorders
• A 93.4% increase in sleep disorders
• A staggering 138% jump in mild cognitive impairment
• A 23% rise in Alzheimer's disease
rule-breakers don't deserve to be treated like criminals. Somewhere in this country
is a young man who is still trying to rebuild his life after a celebration that went horribly
wrong. The identity of the university student who was whacked with a crippling fine for
breaching Covid regulations during the final year of his studies is not in the public
domain — which is a mercy, or he might well find it even harder to put the experience
behind him. [...] A brief act of defiance against strictures that ruined the entire student
experience for a generation of young people and overshadowed millions of childhoods cost that young
man £10,000. The fine wiped out his life savings and still that wasn't enough. But
the real price was far higher. Threatened with prosecution and expulsion by the university,
his last year at Nottingham Trent was dominated by legal meetings and disciplinary processes that
left him so stressed he was unable to eat or sleep. Even more sickening, of course, was the
subsequent discovery that senior figures in Downing Street were busy having their own parties
at the time.
try to delay release of non-public COVID vaccine safety data until at least 2026. The
Biden administration is seeking to delay until at least 2026 the release of COVID-19 vaccine safety
data that has been kept outside the government's normal adverse events reporting system. The
Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services asked U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton this
week to issue an 18-month stay that keeps them from having to release the Food and Drug
Administration's data to Just the News under the Freedom of Information Act. The federal
agencies alleged that "exceptional circumstances" exist to necessitate the delay in compliance with
the open records law because the FDA is stretched thin by numerous other requests for public
information related to the pandemic. The agency "has been dealing with an unprecedented
workload requiring FOIA productions involving approximately 5.7 million pages of COVID-19
vaccine records in a compressed timeframe," the government argued in the motion filed Tuesday night.
Republican Secures Potential Knockout Blow Against EcoHealth Alliance. It could be
the end of the line for EcoHealth Alliance, the virus hunting group that conducted risky
experiments on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan, China, before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sen. Joni Ernst (R., Iowa) said the Senate Armed Services Committee unanimously passed her
amendment to the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act to close all potential pathways for
EcoHealth Alliance to receive further federal defense funding. The move comes after National
Institutes of Health principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak admitted during a congressional
hearing in May that EcoHealth Alliance used federal funding to conduct gain-of-function research
with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The experiments, which resulted in far more infectious
versions of the naturally occurring bat coronavirus, caused the COVID-19 outbreak, some virologists say.
Was Just a Symptom. The mainstream press corps prefers to deal with Robert F. Kennedy
Jr. by pretending that he doesn't exist. [...] In truth, however, Kennedy's book [The Real
Anthony Fauci] is a valuable and generally well-researched indictment of the public health
establishment, and more broadly of anti-republican rule by "experts." While the book's claims
should not be taken as gospel in the way that the credulous press corps hangs on Fauci's every
muddled word, Kennedy shows impressive willingness to stand strong against the current, and his
informative and rather countercultural book is very much worth a read. He makes a compelling
case that — from AIDS to Covid — Fauci and friends have been pursuing their
own agenda at the expense of the American people. Kennedy chronicles a federal public health
establishment that wields nearly monopolistic control over America's medical research, funding, and
messaging. That establishment ensures that university researchers are almost entirely
dependent upon federal grants, regularly stifles free inquiry and open debate, effectively
"cancels" those who deviate from the establishment orthodoxy, seems uninterested in any sort of
care or prevention not involving a pharmaceutical patent, ensures that government public health
employees are enriched by pharmaceutical royalties, and — all in all —
represents one of the worst examples of the pitfalls of centralized power and control anywhere on
our shores.
They Manufacturing The Bird Flu Pandemic? Alarming pronouncements from prominent figures
have sparked public concern about a potential bird flu pandemic. Media coverage intensifies the
anxieties, while government actions like testing mandates and unclear responses from officials further fuel
public suspicion. The coverage of Bird Flu is becoming increasingly pervasive, making it
challenging to keep up with the numerous hot takes and chilling insights. The best place to
stay informed is right here, where similar articles in various papers are thoroughly examined, all
discussing the imminent danger of a pandemic. In the last bird flu update, it was highlighted
that the reported "bird flu death" in Mexico was likely misreported, mirroring the approach used
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Following this, the head of Mexico's Health Ministry criticized
the WHO for labeling it as a bird flu death. [...] These tales are all about "flying blind,"
"gathering data," and the necessity of "prevention." And that's all just code for "testing,"
basically. Nearly all of the articles emphasize the necessity of doing more testing on both
humans and animals. However, since 2020, those who have paid attention have known that PCR
tests create data rather than collect it. These are "case-generating" machines. They
can be used to create pandemics, far from stopping them.
Who Pushed To Discredit Lab-Leak Theory Received Millions In NIH Grants. Senators
grilled a scientist involved in efforts to discredit the Covid-19 lab-leak theory for receiving
millions in National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants during a Senate Homeland Security Committee
hearing this week. Robert Garry, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology and Associate Dean
for Biomedical Sciences at Tulane Medical School, co-authored an article in 2020 that was cited
thousands of times in research articles and news outlets to shut down and censor proponents of the
so-called lab-leak theory. [Advertisement] "There is no lab leak scenario that can
accommodate all the available scientific evidence," Garry stated in the article published in
Nature Medicine. Co-author Kristian Andersen, professor in the Department of
Immunology and Microbiology at Scripps Research, wrote in a February 2020 email that they were
"focused on disproving any type of lab theory."v Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., pressed Garry,
asking, "How much have you received from government grants in your career?" Garry claimed he did
not know. "I have information that between you and Dr. Kristian Andersen between 2020 and 2022
you received $25.2 million in grants from the NIH," Johnson continued. Garry admitted
"that's possible."
in a Billion' Chance COVID Emerged From Nature, Scientist Tells Lawmakers. The
COVID-19 lab-leak theory — far from being a myth or conspiracy theory — is
supported by a "preponderance of evidence" U.S. senators today acknowledged in a historic
bipartisan hearing. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Gary Peters, a
Democratic senator from Michigan, and ranking member Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) led the two-hour
committee hearing examining the available evidence on the origins of COVID-19. CHD.TV aired the
hearing. The Chinese government refuses to release key data from the Wuhan Institute of
Virology from around the time COVID-19 emerged, making it difficult to assess the lab-leak theory
and come to a conclusion. Nonetheless, much evidence points toward a lab leak rather than a
natural spillover from animals, according to both expert witnesses Steven C. Quay, M.D.,
Ph.D. — CEO of Atossa Therapeutics Inc. and former faculty member at Stanford
University's School of Medicine — and Richard H. Ebright, Ph.D., professor of chemistry
and chemical biology and lab director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers University.
Epidemic': Maine Lawmakers Shrug Off 18% Increase in Excess Deaths. Rep. Heidi
Sampson, a Republican legislator from Maine, in recent months made headlines for her actions on the
floor of the Maine House of Representatives, where she presented alarming data on Maine's "silent
epidemic" of excess deaths. She also raised critical questions about the safety of COVID-19
vaccines and warned against the growing influence of international organizations like the World
Health Organization (WHO). As the COVID-19 pandemic progressed, Sampson grew increasingly
concerned about the data showing a rise in excess deaths among young and middle-aged adults in
Maine. In March, she decided to take action. Using 2015-2022 Maine all-cause mortality
data analyzed by a statistician, she told her colleagues that Maine has since 2020 seen close to an
18% increase in excess deaths among 25- to 64-year-olds. The spike in excess deaths for 2020
was 6.3% compared to the background rate of about 1.5% from 2015-2020.
is years away from healing COVID wounds, report says. A newly released report from
the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (NV DHHS) said it may take a long time to
recover from the economic, education and behavioral health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
While states have comparable stories, Nevada had over 900,000 cases, and more than
12,000 people died in the state. Meanwhile, businesses were shuttered, especially in
2020, after Gov. Steve Sisolak declared a state of emergency. Jobs and wages suffered as
a result. The damage was so extensive that researchers say "most industrial sectors were
negatively impacted by the number of jobs and wages that were lost due to these closures." Even
though remote learning helped combat the spread of COVID-19, NV DHHS said it caused problems for
school-age children.
Sues Pfizer — State Alleges Company Knew of 'Serious Adverse Events' Yet Marketed
COVID-19 Vaccine as 'Safe'. Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach announced Monday he
is suing pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for misleading Kansas residents about the safety and efficacy
of its COVID-19 vaccine. During a press conference in Topeka, alongside Deputy Attorney
General Fran Oleen and Assistant Attorneys General Kaley Schrader and Melanie Jack, Kobach detailed
the allegations lodged against Pfizer. "Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive
the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth," said Kobach. The
complaint, lodged today in Thomas County District Court, accuses Pfizer of misleading Kansans about
the vaccines' risks, including potential harm to pregnant women and the risk of myocarditis.
The suit further alleges that Pfizer falsely claimed its vaccine was effective against COVID
variants, despite evidence to the contrary.
All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 6. Before PCR Testing became the
norm, doctors were advised — without the actual necessity of looking at the recently
departed — to label the death as a Covid-19 death if the deceased had shown any symptoms
of Covid-19 such as breathlessness, fever, cough, cold etc. Needless to say, most old and ill
people who die exhibit many of those symptoms. After the PCR Testing regime became the norm,
all deaths were labelled as Covid-19 if the deceased had tested PCR Positive. This included
those who were dying from cancer, heart disease, stage-4 kidney disease etc. Mr X actually
died of cancer, but Covid-19 was the label attributed to his death, simply because he had tested PCR
positive two months earlier. Even worse, a perfectly healthy twenty-one-year-old who died in a
motorcycle accident was labelled a Covid-19 death if he had tested PCR positive three months previously.
Ran Secret Anti-Vax Campaign in Philippines, While Censoring Americans Who Criticized COVID
Shots. The Pentagon in 2021 operated a secret propaganda campaign to disparage the
Chinese-made Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in the Philippines, a Reuters investigation revealed
Friday. The secret campaign to counter what the U.S. "perceived as China's growing influence
in the Philippines," launched during the same time the U.S. government was telling Americans
COVID-19 vaccines were "safe and effective" and censoring vaccine critics, alleging they were
spreading "misinformation." Sinovac was the first available COVID-19 vaccine in the
Philippines in 2021, while vaccines from U.S. companies such as Pfizer and Moderna weren't
available until mid-2022.
Covid Conspiracy of Silence Nobody is Talking About. It is a conspiracy of silence,
an omertà between combatants that has not even required them to speak to each other to agree
the code. Why should such a potential mass-scale existential event — the likes of
which Hollywood horror movies are made about — not be a core issue? Could it be
that it suits them all, government and opposition alike, to not talk about their almost universally
poor conduct during that time? The government's reaction to the pandemic resulted in us being
under 24-7 supervision, often house bound, it caused early deaths, wrecked businesses, denied
education, delayed healthcare, cost jobs, savings and ruined lives. The Covid-19 pandemic was
not that long ago. The last UK lockdown ended only three years ago in
July 2021 — Scotland's lasted longer. Yet while we hear our politicians talk
about today's consequences of the decisions taken then, such as the cost-of-living crisis, the
enormous NHS waiting lists, the cancer treatment backlog, the education gaps, the rising mental
health symptoms, they do not want to talk about the root cause of the challenges we face now.
waiting lists don't mention lockdown! A child could grasp the fact that if you stop
treating ill patients, as we did in March 2020, an explosion in the NHS waiting list is the
only possible outcome. Looking at the number of NHS patients waiting for 52 weeks or
more, you can very easily see this metric started from zero and then immediately exploded as soon
as lockdowns started.
Did a Small Group Do This? A very interesting study appeared last week by two
researchers looking into the pandemic policy response around the world. They are Drs.
Eran Bendavid and Chirag Patel of Stanford and Harvard, respectively. Their ambition was
straightforward. They wanted to examine the effects of government policy on the virus. [...]
After vast data manipulation and looking at every conceivable policy and outcome, the researchers
reluctantly come to an incredible conclusion. They conclude that nothing that governments did
had any effect. There was only cost, no benefit. Everywhere in the world. Please
just let that sink in. The policy response destroyed countless millions of small businesses,
ruined a generation in learning losses, spread ill health with substance abuse, wrecked churches
that could not hold holiday services, decimated arts and cultural institutions, broke trade,
unleashed inflation that is nowhere near done with us yet, provoked new forms of online censorship,
built government power in a way without precedent, led to new levels of surveillance, spread
vaccine injury and death, and otherwise shattered liberties and laws the world over, not to mention
leading to frightening levels of political instability. And for what? Apparently, it
was all for nought. Nor has there been any sort of serious reckoning.
Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate. "I was a
father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person prior to being coerced into receiving the
COVID vaccine ... I would never have taken the vaccine voluntarily." Mike Yoha suffered from
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a severe neurological disease associated with paralysis,
after being coerced into taking the COVID shot. [Advertisement] [Tweet] He says, "My
liberty was violated when vaccine status discrimination forced me into taking a medical
intervention that almost cost me my life. If we do not have the right to decline a known risk
of death without facing discrimination or loss of employment, then we are no longer free. I
implore the committee to vote yes on HB 319." Ohio House Bill 319, also known as the
"Conscientious Right to Refuse Act," aims to end "no jab, no job" policies for good.
Are Unaware Of The Pathogen Killing The Vaccinated — A Consequence Of Medical Journal
Censorship. I was at a group dinner a few months ago with a lot of "normies" (people
unawake/unaware of the vaccine catastrophe as well as the many other fraudulent facets of our
government/Pharma Covid response). Most were vaccinated — not a group I am often a part of or
invited to in these last years. Anyway, a Board-certified pathologist was there and we were
"talking shop" regarding Covid, its treatment etc. He knew I was an "expert" in Covid science
and therapeutics, and as we were talking, I just couldn't help myself. I blurted out a
question, "In your practice, are you guys routinely staining for the spike protein in your
autopsies and/or tumor and skin biopsies?" His answer: "What is the spike protein?
Is that something to do with vaccination or something? I don't understand what people's problems
are with the vaccine, all I know is that the vaccinated are sick for 2 days while the
unvaccinated are sick for 2 weeks." Lets ignore most of that insanely ignorant answer and
instead focus on the fact he is a pathologist, meaning his specialty is in identifying "pathogens."
beginner's guide to Covid, Part 15: The Pfizer trial. WHILE the propagandised world
was avidly watching the Pfizer vaccine trial, hoping to hear the vaccines were safe and would thus
save mankind from dying out, a much more important issue became glaringly obvious: that the vaccine
trials were completely unnecessary, and possibly riddled with fraud. Pfizer's PR blurb
regarding its Covid-19 vaccine trial opens with the following sentence: 'The Phase 3 clinical trial
was designed to determine if the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective in preventing
COVID-19 disease.' Did the trial determine if the vaccine was safe and effective in preventing
Covid-19 disease? No, it actually proved the exact opposite. It was as ineffective as it
was dangerous. It failed all three of its stated endpoints. It should never have been
authorised. The fact that it was is testament to the lies and crimes committed post 2020.
It gets worse: Pfizer 'lost' 92 people from the vaccine trial.
Masks make 'little to no difference' after 15-month review prompted by NYT columnist.
Fifteen months after caving to pro-mask public figures by applying a scarlet letter to its research
questioning the effectiveness of masks against influenza and COVID-19 — over the
strident objections of its authors, whose critics declared victory — a U.K.-based
international research collaborative funded by American taxpayers has reached an anticlimactic
conclusion. The collaborative, Cochrane, said it will not require the authors of "Physical
interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses," an ongoing 18-year
systematic review last updated in January 2023, to revise the "plain language summary and
abstract" despite Editor-in-Chief Karla Soares-Weiser claiming the study had been "widely misinterpreted"
as "masks don't work." The June update to Soares-Weiser's March 2023 statement, which
itself may have violated the Committee on Publication Ethics protocol by unilaterally changing the
"interpretation and conclusions" of the authors, raises as many questions as it answers, particularly
why the once-celebrated "gold standard" of evidence-based medicine took so long to do nothing.
Girl Dies Suddenly on Flight from Missouri to Chicago. An 8-year-old Missouri girl
has died suddenly after suffering an "unknown ailment" as her family was flying to Chicago for
vacation. Sydney Weston, described as a "beautiful little light," was flying on SkyWest
Flight 5121 when she was killed by an unknown "medical emergency."
Star Matija Sarkic Drops Dead at 26. British soccer star Matija Sarkic has tragically
died suddenly, according to reports. The Millwall and Montenegro goalkeeper died suddenly at
the age of 26, the club has announced. He reportedly dropped dead at an apartment in the town
of Budva in the Balkan country on Saturday morning [6/15/2024]. Initial reports state that he
suddenly "fell ill" and died immediately.
Most Important Case No MSM Reports On. Why not vaccinate? Because the court has
ruled that most of them DO NOT WORK. Once again, in our capitalist society, it's all and only
about the money and profits, not our health and safety. Another fine conspiracy theory proven to be
conspiracy fact. Because since the DTP vaccine fiasco that led to the NCVIA multiple (and indeed
nearly all) alleged "vaccines", along with the original injected polio formulation still used (IPV) are
in fact personal prophylaxis and do not prevent either contracting or transmitting the disease in question.
NY Wants to Ban Masks on Public Transport. But Look Who'll Be Exempt. New York
Governor Kathy Hochul is considering a partial ban on masks in the New York City subway
system. The Democrat admits anti-Semitic protesters and criminals are using them to conceal
their identities during illegal activities. This follows recent legislative actions in North
Carolina, where lawmakers passed a ban on masks in public places, with exceptions for medical
reasons. The North Carolina measure increases penalties for individuals wearing masks while
committing crimes. During a news conference, Hochul claimed she would "not tolerate
individuals using masks to evade responsibility for criminal or threatening behavior." She
did not provide specific details about the prospective ban but said there would be exceptions for
health, cultural, and religious reasons — meaning Muslims wearing face veils would be exempt.
No kidding. Commentary:
Vaccine Mandates Likely Exacerbated Healthcare Worker Shortage, New Research Shows.
[A] paper, titled Promoting Public Health with Blunt Instruments: Evidence from Vaccine
Mandates, was authored by Rahi Abouk, an economist at William Paterson University, and economists
John S. Earle, Johanna Catherine Maclean, and Sungbin Park of George Mason University. The
authors explore whether state-level vaccine mandates on healthcare-industry workers led to an
increase or decrease in employment in the healthcare industry. The authors argue that it's
not clear whether vaccine mandates would incentivize or disincentivize work in the healthcare
industry because the mandates could theoretically come with both costs and benefits.
criminal': Feds lied about virus research more dangerous than COVID, GOP lawmakers
say. Already on the hot seat with the House Oversight Committee for allegedly
misleading the public about funding gain-of-function research and colluding to suppress the
lab-leak theory of COVID-19 origins, federal regulators and science journals now face scrutiny from
another set of lawmakers over their claims about research alleged to be even more dangerous.
House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans released an interim staff report this week alleging
multiple agencies "misrepresented and deceived" lawmakers over 17 months by denying that staff
proposed research to swap genes between "more lethal" and "more transmissible" lineages of
monkeypox, much less that higher-ups approved the experiments. The Department of Health and
Human Services, National Institutes of Health and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases slowly relented their obstructions, "almost always to avoid either a transcribed interview
or a subpoena," the report says.
Beijing Biden. [Scroll down] Regarding
COVID, Greenfield writes, ["]China has come out of the plague year stronger than ever by
spreading the virus and then selling America and Europe, battered by the pandemic, lockdowns, and
turmoil, the masks and base compounds to protect itself. The biological attack allowed China
to not only test us, but to test its own society, using the pandemic to centralize and solidify
control over its population. The real weapon wasn't the virus. It was chaos.["]
Covid Scam Finally Exposed. It's been a long time coming, but finally, inexorably,
like a Wuhan lab leak, the truth about Covid-19 appears to be seeping out. Short of running
the world's largest Excel spreadsheet on 'conspiracy theories which came true', it appears safe to
say that the anti-vaxxers and covidiots among us (other slurs are available from those who learned
nothing from Brexit), were right about practically everything. [...] Unfortunately in the case of
Covid, the lies told by our governments were so breathtakingly amateur, even the most conformist
among us had no credible option but to question them. For me the penny dropped with the
justification for the first lockdown — we had to do it to save nan and grandad, the
Tories told us. This raised serious alarm bells immediately. Short of their propensity
to vote, no government gives a hoot about anyone past retirement age. In fact, the ideal
scenario would be for us all to drop dead the moment we qualify for a state pension.
Dr. David
Martin Drops the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots. It turns out that the
COVID-19 "vaccines" are not vaccines after all. Both BioNTech (Pfizer's company) and Moderna
once referred to the mRNA injections as "gene therapies." Now, pharma execs are laughing
because they know that if they had called the shots what they were (gene therapies), nobody would
have taken them. Instead, they called it a vaccine and got away with it. [Video clip]
Covid Vaccines Saved 20 Million Lives, Why Did so Few Unvaccinated Die in Winter
2021? Despite the 'pandemic response' being a non-issue in the General Election (all
parties were compliant and consequently complicit in the single most disastrous policy ever
followed by any Government) the issue of vaccine harms hasn't entirely gone away. [...] Of course,
it isn't only the Lancet that has relied on nonsensical mathematical modelling to justify
widespread adoption of mRNA technology. Disappointingly, both Rod Liddle and Fraser Nelson in
recent articles published in the Times and Telegraph respectively repeated the
farcical claim that the AstraZeneca vaccine saved six million lives. Claims that 500,000
lives were saved by lockdown, that 20 million lives were saved by mRNA vaccines or six million
were saved by AstraZeneca all rely on modelling. However, we have real-world data that paint
a very different picture.
share stories of the deaths or health problems they fear were caused by the jab. In
April, 43-year-old Gareth Eve told the Mail about life after the shocking death of his wife Lisa
Shaw, a BBC journalist. Lisa died in May 2021, aged just 44, after complications
following the AstraZeneca vaccine led to blood clots on her brain. Your response to Gareth's
article surprised us. We received dozens of letters and emails recounting experiences of ill
health, or even bereavement, after having the jab developed by AstraZeneca. The vaccine was
credited with saving millions of lives. In 2022, Professor Sarah Gilbert, the scientist who
co-created the vaccine, was presented with a damehood, while the pharmaceutical giant's chief
executive officer was knighted. Yet, in April this year, the company admitted for the first
time that the jab wasn't entirely safe; that 'in very rare cases' it can cause a type of blood
clotting called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) — the condition that
killed Lisa.
for the truth about the pandemic. A group of Dutch medical researchers are igniting a
firestorm by calling for an investigation of the deaths caused by vaccine mandates and lockdowns
imposed on the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. What's wrong with that? Everything,
if you're part of the global public health mafia and want to avoid questions about the mistakes you
made and the lies you told. We all saw Dr. Anthony Fauci squirming last week when he was
forced to admit to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee that the social distancing
rules — like standing 6 feet apart — on which the lockdowns were based
were pulled out of thin air. The Dutch researchers want answers. They insist "every
death needs to be acknowledged and accounted for," including deaths caused by policy
mistakes — the collateral damage from heavy-handed public health edicts. One
conclusion is already crystal clear: Don't entrust your life or health to the government.
Contrarians Were Right About Covid Hysteria. If you head over to "The Federalist"
entry on Wikipedia, you will find, among other smears of our little operation, a "COVID-19 pandemic
misinformation" section. It's a sad reminder of how authoritarians misuse the idea of
"misinformation" to quash debate and control the conversation. [...] To begin with, even if
Federalist writers had turned out to be completely wrong about lockdowns and social distancing,
calculating the tradeoffs of public policy and forming opinions that conflict with public-health
officials isn't any kind of "misinformation." It's the way we debate in an open society.
Public-health officials are preternaturally risk averse. They see the world through the prism
of safety, often ignoring — among many other factors — personal freedoms,
economic consequences, and social disruptions. Safetyism can lead to some of the worst
infringements of individual rights. That is why we don't live in a public-health
dictatorship. Or rather, why we didn't until Covid. The thing is, though, most of the
time our writers weren't wrong. It is now indisputable that shutdowns inflicted deep harm on
children and destabilized the economy.
Court Victory over Vaccine Mandates. Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), California
Educators for Medical Freedom, and individual plaintiffs have won their appeal in the Ninth Circuit
on LAUSD's Employee Covid Vaccination Mandate. Health Freedom Defense Fund et. al, led by the
exceptional legal team of John Howard and Scott Street at JW Howard Attorneys, has won a
significant victory in the Ninth Circuit, which reversed the dismissal of their lawsuit challenging
the Los Angeles Unified School District's ("LAUSD") mandatory vaccination policy for all
employees. Reversing the decision of the Central District of California in Los Angeles, the
Ninth Circuit majority held that, first, the case was not mooted by LAUSD's rescission of the
mandate after an oral argument last September, 2023. The majority called out LAUSD's gamesmanship
for what it was — a bald-faced attempt at avoiding an adverse ruling by trying to create
an issue of mootness. Unfortunately for LAUSD, they had already done this once in the trial court.
on Cochrane Review of Masks. During the pandemic, my colleagues and I performed a
systematic review of community masking. We found simply no good evidence to support masking
or mask mandates. [Embedded document] Afterwards Cochrane published a similar (tbh even
deeper) analysis and concluded that there was simply no good evidence that community masking slows
the spread of respiratory viruses. The standards used for our analysis are the same whether
the intervention is a pill or a policy intervention: what do the best randomized studies
show? Notably the science community did run 3 additional masking RCTs during the
pandemic. GuineaBissau is negative/ low utility. Denmark is negative. And
Bangladesh was presented as successful, but reanalysis shows it was not a properly conducted
randomized trial and thus... biased. Accepting the fact that community (key word) masking
probably does nothing is difficult for many. They don't understand how poor compliance can
thwart bio plausibility. They don't understand how prolonged exposure time can thwart a
marginal change in particle exposure. Masking is tied to political party and identity.
Scrambled After ZeroHedge Report On Fauci Beagle Experiments, Scrubbed Database, Then Fed WaPo
Disinformation. Last week, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene took a detour from grilling Anthony
Fauci over COVID-19, to confront him with photos of beagles who had been subjected to animal
testing experiments widely reported to be funded by the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under the National Institutes of Health (NIH), following a 2021
investigation series by the group White Coat Waste Project. "We should be recommending you to
be prosecuted," Greene told Fauci. "We should be writing a criminal referral because you should be
prosecuted for crimes against humanity. You belong in prison," she continued, adding "That
man does not deserve to have a license. As a matter of fact, it should be revoked and he
belongs in prison."
Cancers: It Must Be the Virus, Because SURELY It Can't Be.... Respiratory
viruses have zero history of causing cancer, as some other viruses do. But we are supposed to
believe that for the first time a respiratory virus is responsible for a mysterious spike in rare
cancers (and so-called "turbo cancers") being seen in the United States and other Western
countries. [Tweet] Generally speaking, I have refrained from writing about the apparent
link between the mRNA vaccines and cancer, because everything is anecdotal so far, and some
increases in cancer in young people actually predate the pandemic and are thus linked to some
other, unknown variable. But since The Washington Post has written an article linking the
COVID virus to an increase in rare cancers, I feel I have a right to comment. The article is
ridiculous. It goes out of its way to link the virus to cancer, while admitting that this
would be the first time that a respiratory virus caused cancer. [Tweet] Hmm. I wonder
what else is unique about the past few years? Unique link to cancer. Unique kind of
genetically modified injection. Obviously, there can't be a connection, right?
Left Knows Leftism Doesn't Work. [Scroll down] Few on the left praise the
disastrous COVID lockdown, the canonization of Dr. Fauci, the mask and social-distancing
craze, and the gospel that endless boosters were necessary to protect Americans. Even the
left, although again quietly, assumes that the lockdowns did more damage than the virus, that
Dr. Fauci repeatedly lied when he swore he did not subsidize gain-of-function viral research
at the Chinese top-security virology lab at Wuhan, and that the virus came not from the lab but
from a wandering pangolin or errant bat.
Prosecutor Is Jailed For 7 Years For Stealing 15 Million In COVID Relief
Loans. An Atlanta prosecutor who was on a podcast talking about integrity has been
jailed for 7 years for stealing $15 million in COVID-19 relief loans. Shelitha
Robertson, who said she would never degrade herself "for a dolla," used the PPP loans to buy a
Rolls Royce, a 10-carat diamond ring, and a motorbike. Robertson submitted a false loan
application claiming she needed money for her four businesses. She also transferred funds to
family members. [Video clip]
cover-up of the COVID-19 pandemic leaves us exposed to the next outbreak. Imagine if
a novel virus killed 20 million people and half of America's politicians actively downplayed
questions about where it came from. Yet that's what some members of Congress did
Monday. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) suggested that bringing Dr. Anthony Fauci,
the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, before the House
subcommittee investigating the origins of COVID-19 was a charade. "The evidence today points to
COVID-19 having originated from an animal market," declared Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.).
They and others did not bother to ask how the National Institutes of Health evaded an Obama-era
moratorium on gain-of-function research — a ban enacted out of concern that a lab leak
could cause a pandemic.
Dr. Anthony Fauci Commit Perjury During His House Testimony Last Monday? For
many of you, watching the Dr. Fauci House Subcommittee testimony last Monday was must-see TV.
For others, it was just another example of partisan bickering over a topic that is now in our
collective rearview mirror. [...] When taken in their totality, especially in the aftermath of
Fauci's testimony last Monday, it seems necessary that with his vague statements, especially about
back-channel communications to circumvent FOIA regulations, all the major players should be
investigated further for evading FOIA requirements, financially benefiting from the development of
the COVID vaccines, and especially for lying to Congress. That's not likely to happen until
after the November elections, if at all. Democrats, especially in the Senate, will drag their
feet as they continue to run cover for Fauci, Morens, Daszak, and many others. What is it
called when you lie while under oath in front of a House subcommittee? It's called
perjury. The question that begs to be asked four days later is: why hasn't Dr. Fauci
been charged with lying to Congress? It's clear that he did and it's not his first time
(specifically to Senator Rand Paul in 2022). And if he lied about the very foundation of the
pandemic, what else has he lied about?
Surprise from the Ninth Circuit. [Scroll down] [T]he scarf lady Deborah
Birx, who admits to manipulating the data to persuade then-President Trump to announce a lockdown,
is now CEO of a pharmaceutical company working on Bird Flu vaccine. She and WHO are drumming
up scares about the Bird Flu and its effects on food production and human life.
Interestingly, the one report of human infection seems utter fabrication. The purported
victim was an overweight, ill prisoner, and the Mexican Health Secretary denies WHO's claim that
citizen died of bird flu. He was a 59-year-old man who had diabetes, hypertension, and no
contact with poultry. And if the Deep State has plans to force us to take unproven "vaccines"
again the Ninth Circuit Court of appeals just rendered an opinion that should make such draconian,
unconstitutional efforts much harder to pass judicial muster. Health Freedom Defense Fund,
et al v. Alberto Carvalho, et el, Case No. 22-55908 (9th Cir.). [...]
Facts have long established that the Covid vaccine did not prevent the spread of Covid, and the CDC's
redefinition of "vaccine" was surely designed to fool people into thinking otherwise.
Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO. Dr. Thomas Binder made
headlines after he was forced into a psychiatric hospital after speaking out against the dangerous
and unnecessary globalist COVID narrative. Dr. Binder MD studied medicine at the
University of Zurich, received his doctorate in immunology and virology, specialized in internal
medicine and cardiology, and has 35 years of clinical experience. In February 2020,
Thomas stood up for the return of real science, medicine and humanity. The result of his
vocal opposition to the unscientific and irrational covid poilicies was to be arrested and referred
for compulsory psyhiatric [sic] treatment. Dr. Thomas Binder later told Dr. Drew
last year that he was forcibly hospitalized — and required to take psychiatric
medications — for speaking out against pandemic panic and the narrative surrounding
COVID-19. Recently, Dr. Binder called for the abolshment of the World Health Organization,
after the botched and extremely dangerous actions and statements during the COVID pandemic.
a cover story for infant vaccine deaths. A Canadian detective was suspended and
vilified after it came out that she was personally investigating cases of sudden infant death
syndrome (SIDS) in relation to childhood vaccination. Helen Grus took it upon herself to look
into the matter after nine babies died in Ottawa following their mothers getting "vaccinated" for
the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Grus wanted to determine whether or not the shots had
anything to do with the babies' deaths. Some of the families felt as though their privacy was
breached by Grus' probe, prompting the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) to settle with at least one of
them. Grus was then suspended and had her life turned upside-down, all for trying to get to
the bottom of what killed the babies. According to reports, Grus allegedly contacted the
father of a deceased baby whose family was part of the settlement on Jan. 30, 2022. She asked
about the mother's COVID "vaccination" status, police documents indicate. The family then
filed a complaint against Grus with OPS, which resulted in Grus being suspended with pay on
Feb. 4, 2022.
Jordan lashes out at Fauci for giving allegedly 'false' testimony on COVID-19 cover up.
House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan lashed out on Friday at former National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci, for allegedly lying to Congress during his
testimony earlier this week. Fauci testified about the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic in
front of a House panel on Monday, where he said that he kept an "open mind" about the pandemic's
origins, despite appearing to shut down theories that the virus could have been man-made.
Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Robert Redfield previously testified
that Fauci sidelined him from investigating the man-made theory, according to the New York
Post. Fauci favored the theory that the virus originated on an animal and was transferred to
humans. Jordan asked Fauci if he agreed there was a "push to downplay the lab leak theory,"
to which Fauci responded that there was no push on his end. Jordan claimed the response was
"false," because he was part of President Joe Biden's COVID-19 Response Team, which pressured
social media companies to censor critics of COVID lockdowns and the lab leak theory in 2021.
Agent Fauci. Dr. Anthony Fauci, longtime director of the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), once paid a covert visit to the Central Intelligence
Agency. Rep. Brad Westrup, chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus
Pandemic, wants to know if Fauci succeeded in gaining CIA support for his contention that the
pandemic arose naturally in the wild, what he calls "proximal origin." Sen. Rand Paul, a
medical doctor who has called for a criminal investigation of Fauci, outlines the
possibilities. Dr. Fauci may have "convinced the CIA to dishonestly obscure the lab
origin of COVID." It is also possible that "the CIA convinced Fauci to obscure the lab origin of
COVID." Or, as Paul sees it, "An outside entity or person with unlimited monetary resources
convinced Fauci to influence the CIA to obscure the lab origin of COVID." By now that should
be obvious to all but the willfully blind. Even the FBI now inclines to the laboratory origin,
and the evidence is strong.
to Jettison the Animals. [Scroll down] Who were these actors? The
Clintons and the coterie around them, steeped in financial crime and sex trafficking; the Obama
coterie of anti-white racists and bungling Marxists; the [...]-crazy Woke race-and-gender hustlers
working to derange the merit-based social order (and get paid for doing it); the congressional
grifters living off Pharma and Pentagon loot; the agency top bureaucrats who became a corrupt
praetorian guard for all the above players, now desperate to evade accountability. Everything
they've done since 2020 has been in the service of covering up their crimes, and each hoax has just
compounded the damage done to our country. The Covid-19 prank was pulled to enable mail-in
ballot fraud so as to assure a permanent government-by-blob, of which the Democratic Party is now a
mere tentacle. We don't know yet whether the mRNA vaccine module of the prank was a
deliberate effort to kill a lot of people or a grievous blunder by greedy drug-makers,
or some wicked combo — with assistance from the WEF or China.
starts to report on covid vaccines and excess deaths. Data from 47 countries in
the Western world show that excess mortality has remained high for the last three consecutive years
despite covid lockdown measures and vaccines, concluded the authors of a peer-reviewed study
published Monday in BMJ Public Health. 'This is unprecedented and raises serious concerns,'
said the team of Dutch researchers, who analysed all-cause mortality reported in the 'Our World in
Data' database. The open-access database included reports from the Human Mortality
Database — known as 'the world's leading scientific data resource on mortality in
developed countries' — and the World Mortality Dataset, which researchers used to track
excess mortality during the pandemic.
Media Giants Sue The Censorship Industrial Complex. In a new lawsuit, Webseed and
Brighteon Media have accused multiple US government agencies and prominent tech companies of
orchestrating a vast censorship operation aimed at suppressing dissenting viewpoints, particularly
concerning COVID-19. The plaintiffs, Webseed and Brighteon Media, manage websites like and, which have been at the center of controversy for their
alternative health information and criticism of government policies. The defendants include
the Department of State, the Global Engagement Center (GEC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and tech giants such as Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook),
Google, and X. Additionally, organizations like NewsGuard Technologies, the Institute for Strategic
Dialogue (ISD), and the Global Disinformation Index (GDI) are implicated for their roles in
creating and using tools to label and suppress what they consider misinformation.
Officer Experiences 'Inexplicable' Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19
Shot. After the January 2023 rescission of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's
August 2021 military vaccine mandate, service members are still suffering at the behest of its
untested and unlawful implementation. The Gateway Pundit spoke with Captain Rebecca Tummers,
an officer set to leave the Army at the end of August after 10 years of service. At the
height of the coronavirus pandemic, Capt. Tummers was one of thousands of service members
reluctant to take the COVID-19 vaccine due to concerns about the expedited timeline to create,
test, and manufacture the vaccine. According to her, "This rush to failure attitude did not
take adequate time to identify possible negative side effects to the vaccine, nor populations that
may be at increased risk of negative side effects." After months of declining the shot, she
was "told staunchly" that she would soon forfeit her ability to earn a high evaluation if she
continued to refuse the shot. The Army also threatened to separate her from service.
The Persistent Level of "Excess Deaths" Above Historical or Actuarial Norms Might Be Due to, Get
This, the Covid "Vaccines". Breaking news in the UK... but of course there's a media
embargo in the US. Wouldn't want to be caught spreading "disinformation" that the Regime has
declared illegal! [Photo, left.] This is a weird headline — they make it sound
like excess deaths are a good thing, and they want to thank the covid vaccines for their "help."
["]Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths["] Even while
they're reporting an ugly truth, they try to massage it to sound not so terrible for the corrupt,
arrogant yet insanely-incompetent Regime.
in Mexico dies with first human case of H5N2 bird flu. A 59-year-old man in Mexico
has died with a type of bird flu — H5N2 — never recorded in people before now. There is no
risk to the wider public, say authorities, and none of the man's close contacts have caught the
virus. It is unclear how he got it, although there have been cases in some poultry farms in
Mexico. Infections like this can sometime pass from animals to humans. The man had
other underlying health issues that likely made him vulnerable.
The Editor says...
[#1] It's Mexico. He's probably never been to a doctor. [#2] He was sick already.
[#3] If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
Latest "Bird Flu" Death is "Covid" All Over Again. Yesterday, the mainstream media
widely reported that a new strain of Bird Flu had claimed its first victim, a 59-year-old man from
Mexico. The big news here is that the strain allegedly responsible, H5N2, had allegedly never
before been detected in humans. Everyone from CNN to the BBC to Sky News to ABC went with a
headline along these lines: ["]First confirmed human case of bird flu H5N2 has died,
says World Health Organisation["] The UK's I newspaper skipped straight to asking the
important questions: "Is bird flu present in the UK and should I be worried?" Of course, none
of the MSM interrogated the situation any further than copy-pasting WHO press releases. But,
for anyone who followed the early development of the Covid "pandemic", the details of the supposed
"bird flu" death sound eerily familiar. For example, the patient was already seriously ill
with kidney disease and type-2 diabetes. In fact he had been bedridden for three weeks prior
to the onset of his "acute symptoms" of bird flu.
Admits He Fibbed to the New York Times, But What's a Lie Among Lovers? There it is,
buried among two days of sworn congressional testimony — 523 pages of testimony, in
fact, with "I can't recall" over 100 times when the inquiry got too close to tying him to a
possible lab accident in Wuhan — Anthony Fauci admitting he misled the New York Times,
just like he misled Congress during a Senate hearing when he said he didn't fund dangerous
gain-of-function studies in Wuhan. From the pandemic's beginning, the Times dutifully
promoted Fauci as the guy who "sticks to the facts" and lauded him as "the nation's top infectious
disease expert" before handing him their opinion page to lecture the next generation of scientists
when he retired in 2022. So when I caught Fauci admitting, accidently, to congressional
investigators that he lied to the New York Times, I knew it wouldn't matter to the Times.
Not That Fauci Lies That's Outrageous. It's That They Lie for Fauci. If we have
learned nothing else during the pandemic, everybody ought to agree at least that Anthony Fauci is a
pathological liar. I have given up on being outraged about the little man behaving in a
little way. He is a sociopath — and I don't mean that (solely) as an insult. [...] Anthony
Fauci definitely fits the bill. He has zero regard for others, surrounds himself with
sycophants who will worship him, works in an office filled with pictures of himself, and designed
policies that created a virus that killed millions, impoverished millions more, condemned people to
dying alone, harmed countless children, and...well, fill in the blanks, because there are too many
for me to list. Obviously, Fauci should be reviled for his actions and moral crimes against
humanity, but that is not really what I want to discuss. [Tweet] Fauci's enablers,
especially those in the scientific community and the mainstream media, still fill me with
anger. His defenders in Congress are contemptible. And all of them did it for money,
power, and usually ideology.
Testimony Reveals The Inconsistencies And Deceit Behind U.S. Covid Response. House
Republicans forced Dr. Anthony Fauci to answer for inconsistencies in his approach to Covid-19
during his Monday morning testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus
Pandemic. The hearing was Fauci's first public testimony since announcing his retirement, and
several committee members called for Fauci to be prosecuted over the disastrous and unfounded
restrictions he championed during the pandemic. Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
led the charge, calling for an investigation into Fauci's role as a bureaucrat who created and
advocated for baseless restrictions during the pandemic. "You know what this committee should
be doing? We should be recommending you to be prosecuted," Greene said. "We should be writing
a criminal referral because you should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. You belong
in prison, Dr. Fauci."
Gives Fauci's Beagle Torture Program New Oxygen. Whatever one thinks of
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — the GOP establishment certainly has no love
for her — she goes hard in the paint, as the kids say. [Advertisement]
[Video clip] The Fauci beagle torture program, which he bankrolled with public
money through NIAID, had largely fallen out of the public consciousness to the extent it ever truly
saw the light of day in the first place. Corporate state media certainly was never going to
report on it, but it got decent traction (including by me and others at PJ Media) in the
independent media.
Fauci Coddled by Democrats During COVID Testimony While He's Grilled by GOP. The
COVID pandemic was unquestionably one of the most significant events of our lifetime. Entire
populations, countries and communities were forcibly shut down for almost two years.
Children, including very young ones, were forcibly masked, vaccinated with an experimental
medication, and were prevented from attending schools for months at a time. People were
trained to acquiesce to a level of control previously unthinkable, from being arrested for certain
kinds of political protests, though not other kinds; told they must stand six feet apart in public
and subject to curfews and lockdowns. Questioning many of the pronouncements and policy
decisions of health care and other political officials was banned through online censorship for at
least a year into the pandemic. In any situation of this magnitude, there will be serious
mistakes and highly dubious decisions made by those in power to decide these things for the
globe. That is true, even if those in power, in theory, are as benevolent and
well-intentioned as possible. But perfect motives never drive human institutions, and the
more unquestioned and centralized they are given over other people's lives, as was done in COVID,
the less likely that is to be true.
COVID-19 Vaccine Study Debunked. As someone who has criticised several of these jab-promoting
studies now I can inform you that they're all pretty similar, and that includes the problems.
The researchers typically use exaggerated estimates of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and safety;
minimise or don't even attempt to factor in the risks; minimise or don't even account for rapid
waning of vaccine effectiveness (and also negative effectiveness); use questionable datasets and
COVID-19 IFRs/CFRs, hyping up the danger Covid poses and thus the potential benefits of the jabs;
and fail to properly disclose their financial links to the vaccine manufacturers.
Pharma Paid $690 Million To Fauci's Agency Through Secret Third-Party Royalties During
Pandemic Years. During the pandemic, payments from private pharmaceutical companies
under murky licensing and royalty schemes exploded to Dr. Anthony Fauci's agency and
colleagues. The public in America began to sense that Big Pharma and Big Government were
closely related. We now have more information, and it does not give us confidence, thanks to
our two federal cases demanding openness. Pharmaceutical and healthcare corporations
contributed $710,381,160 in third-party royalties to the National Institutes of Health in 2022 and
2023. Healthcare organizations licensed discoveries developed in federal labs that were funded by
taxpayers, and in exchange, NIH, its leadership, and scientists received compensation. Less
than $5 million was the two-year average of these payments over the previous ten years, a rise
of more than 175 times. Of the $710 million, or 97%, Fauci's organization, the
National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), earned $690,218,610. The other 26
NIH institutes were awarded a total of about $26 million within the same time frame.
over-hyped H5N1 avian bird flu fraud. H5N1 avian bird flu fraud (maybe using Gain of
Function fake pandemic): They are trying hard to bring it; they say it's not over, and they won't
let it be! We will not let you free! We are not done; we have an election to steal
November 2024, power to accumulate, freedoms & liberties to squash, populations to kill, and a
world to rule 'AS WE SEE IT & DECIDE!' COVID failed and did not achieve ALL it sought!
Yes, they will AGAIN use the over-cycled largely 'false-positive' RT-PCR 'process' (that is ONLY to
be used to amplify DNA for research, etc.) to MANUFACTURE a fake fraud non-H5N1 pandemic & will
tell you about asymptomatic transmission AGAIN and will then tell you that MODERNA & Pfizer, using
the Malone, Kariko, Weissman, et al. mRNA technology, have brought an mRNA gene-based vaccine that
will code for the surface antigens of the H5N1 virus and will move to mandate. Yes, they will
move again to steal an election and blow away the election process and legality. They are in
our faces, devising and creating a BIRD FLU pandemic that is and will not be a pandemic.
Birx: Yes, We Tried to Quash the COVID Lab-Leak Theory. Dr. Deborah Birx,
the scarf-wearing former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under Donald Trump, finally
admitted what we've all known for a long time: the "experts" tried to quash the idea the COVID
virus came from a Chinese lab, and they moved to discredit and humiliate anyone who said
otherwise. In a CNN interview Tuesday [6/4/2024], she said the country is still suffering
from the blatant censorship: [...] Reputations were ruined. Careers were destroyed.
Families were torn apart, all because of the repeated lies of the folks in charge. Many of us
knew they were lying to us on a variety of matters from day one, but were ridiculed and shamed for
saying the emperor had no clothes. Robert Redfield, who served as the Director of the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control from 2018 to 2021, said early in the pandemic that COVID could have
come out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but was widely dismissed by the media and prominent
health officials. Former White House chief medical advisor to the president Dr. Anthony
Fauci denied in testimony before Congress Monday that he suppressed the idea, but all evidence
points to the fact that he did exactly that.
Was NOT in Charge of Covid Policy. The National Security Council Was. So much
excitement surrounds the questioning of Dr. Anthony Fauci under oath about the Covid pandemic
response. Again. And he evades, and prevaricates, and avoids taking responsibility.
Again. And, once again, nobody asks the crucial questions. When Fauci, former head of
NIAID and the public face of the U.S. government's Covid pandemic response, says the 6 ft
social distancing rule "just sort of appeared" — doesn't anybody wonder:
WHERE DID IT APPEAR FROM? When Dr. Francis Collins, former head of of the
NIH, who according its website "spearheaded the NIH's response to the COVID-19 pandemic," says
about the 6ft social distancing rule, "I did not see evidence, but I'm not sure I would have been
shown evidence at that point" — doesn't anybody wonder: WHY WAS THE SPEARHEAD OF
just two examples of how government committees of "investigators," when questioning the "leaders"
of the Covid pandemic response, skip right over the most relevant issues.
Fauci Deserves a Gulag of His Own. There is quite a rogue's gallery of people to
despise from the dark time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most who weren't happy with the tyranny
(non-leftists) tend to point to Anthony Fauci as the most despicable of them all. From the
time he began appearing on camera with former President Donald Trump in the early days of the
pandemic, I remember thinking that he was one of the smarmiest bureaucrats I'd ever seen.
That's something, given that I've been publicly expressing my displeasure with federal bureaucrats
for decades. Fauci never seemed like he truly cared about public health; he seemed like he
was there to promote the brand of Anthony Fauci. As time went on, Fauci began to greatly
enjoy his newly bestowed tyrannical power, more so than almost any of the other petty tyrants that
were spawned by the dark days of the Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu.
Paul Says NIH Won't Reveal Key Discussions About COVID-19. Republican Kentucky
Senator Rand Paul detailed Monday on Fox how the National Institute of Health (NIH) refuses to
disclose key discussions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul appeared on "Hannity" to
discuss Fauci's hearing with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Lawmakers highlighted issues under Fauci's leadership as former chief medical advisor to President
Joe Biden during the pandemic. Fox host Sean Hannity asked Paul about Fauci's push back of
the origins of COVID-19. [Advertisement] Republican Kentucky Senator Rand Paul detailed
Monday on Fox how the National Institute of Health (NIH) refuses to disclose key discussions
surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul appeared on "Hannity" to discuss Fauci's hearing with
the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. Lawmakers highlighted issues under
Fauci's leadership as former chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden during the pandemic.
Fox host Sean Hannity asked Paul about Fauci's push back of the origins of COVID-19.
The State
of the Coup. In early 2020, the MAGA miracle was interrupted by what many Americans
now strongly suspect was a "plandemic," one part an exercise in totalitarian control, and one part
the first step in a well-considered effort to dispose of President Trump. Trump warned us
about the events in China and was slammed as a racist for trying to close the door to travelling
Chinese. China closed travel from Wuhan to the rest of China, but not to the rest of the
world. The first reports of fatalities came out of west coast nursing homes, taking the lead
as many Democrat-controlled cities adapted their murderous policy of returning infected seniors to
these homes. Hospitals were paid a fortune for identifying motorcycle accident fatalities as
having "died with COVID-19", using an inexcusably amplified test that shouted COVID at the first
sneeze. The numerical terror spread, until an entire country ground to a stop. The only
good news was that the annual flu stats went to zero.
on the grill denies any and all wrongdoing. Congress on Monday held yet another Covid
hearing with Anthony Fauci on the stand. Why? Since early 2020, millions of Americans
made life-changing, and in many cases life-ending, decisions based on Fauci's advice. He has
time after time been caught in lies before Congress. And he has yet to face any
consequences. As Human Events editor Jack Posobiec put it: "Fauci got away with it.
Today is meaningless. He's gloating." He's gloating with the most lucrative retirement
package a federal employee has ever received. So Fauci went before the Select Subcommittee on
the Coronavirus Pandemic on Monday and, of course, denied any and all wrongdoing.
The Editor says...
Most criminal defendants deny any and all wrongdoing. What else can they say?
Anthony Fauci accountable? Another criminal referral to the U.S. Department of
Justice (DOJ) soon may be made by members of the U.S. Congress to investigate Dr. Anthony
Fauci for lying under oath to Congress, which is a felony crime. Representative Jim Comer,
chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, soon may follow Senator Rand Paul
in requesting that the DOJ to criminally investigate Fauci for lying under oath to Congress.
But lying to Congress does not even begin to compare with or address the horrendous amount of
suffering and death caused by the toxic health care policies and hospital protocols developed and
promulgated by Anthony Fauci and many of the officials listed herein. In this regard, these
officials bear "superior responsibility" for the health care policies and toxic protocols that
killed tens (hundreds?) of thousands of Americans during the recent COVID-19 pandemic.
Mask Comes Off Anthony Fauci's Pandemic Response. The top medical advisor in the
White House in 2019-2023 at the height of the COVID outbreak, Dr. Anthony Fauci at the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testified in January in a closed-door
session of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. The transcript of that
hearing was released last Friday. In short, the response to the pandemic — the masks,
the social distancing, the separation of families, the 6-foot spacing signs graffitied all across the
country, the plexiglass walls erected to wall people off from each other, the closed schools, all
of it was bovine excrement. All of it. There wasn't a lick of science behind any of the
policy. It was Anthony Fauci and his team making it up as they went along, and Fauci
relishing the power trip in which he found himself.
Defends COVID Policies in Heated Showdown With Skeptical Lawmakers. During a
contentious hearing today before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the
Coronavirus Pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci defended the "safe and effective" COVID-19 vaccines,
which he credited with saving millions of lives. Fauci also largely defended the government's
pandemic policies and said vaccine mandates saved "many, many, many lives." He said the
unvaccinated are "probably responsible for an additional 200,000-300,000 deaths" in the U.S. but
conceded "that the first iteration of the vaccines did have an effect — not 100%, not a
high effect." However, he admitted that clinical studies did not conclusively support mask
mandates and that no such studies were performed on children, despite the imposition of school mask
mandates. When asked about how long lockdowns and mask mandates were enforced, he said it is
"debatable" whether the duration of those measures was appropriate or excessive. [Tweet with
video clip]
Announce 'Ground-Breaking' Cancer Vaccine — Uses Same Technology as Dodgy COVID
Jabs. Scientists in the United Kingdom have announced a "ground-breaking" vaccine
that they claim could save people from bowel cancer. In a statement from the British National
Health Service, the state-run healthcare system confirmed that thousands of cancer patients would
be given "fast-tracked access to trials of personalised cancer vaccines." [...] According to the
NHS, the cancer vaccines have been developed using the same MRNA technology used to create the
COVID-19 jabs, which incidentally are neither safe nor particularly effective.
Says He Signed Off on Grants Without Reviewing Them. Dr. Anthony Fauci said in a
newly disclosed interview that he signed off on thousands of grants without reviewing them. "I
sign off on each ... but I don't see the grants and what they are. I never look at what
grants are there," Dr. Fauci told the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the
Coronavirus Pandemic. "It's just somebody at the end of the council where they're all finished
and they go, 'Here,' and you sign it." Dr. Fauci, 83, was the director of the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 1984 to late 2022. Grant proposals
first go to a group of peers. If they pass through that group, they are received by the
NIAID's National Advisory Council.
Panel Requests Access To Fauci's Private Email And Phone Records. A GOP-led House
panel is seeking access to Dr. Anthoni Fauci's personal email accounts and cell phone records
as part of an investigation into the origins of COVID-19. Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH),
chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, made the request in a letter to
Fauci on Wednesday ahead of the former government health official's planned testimony next
week. Emails show Dr. David Morens, Fauci's former senior adviser, discussed a "'secret'
back channel" and suggested that Fauci used a private account to get around Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) requests. "He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause
trouble," Morens said in one April 2021 email obtained by the Select Subcommittee on the
Coronavirus Pandemic.
Fauci on remdesivir. One of the outrages of our time is that remdesivir for COVID-19
sailed through the approval process despite all the warning signs, leaving a trail of death.
A further outrage is that while former COVID officials are falling all over themselves to put
distance between themselves and the follow-the-science edicts now proved utterly false, remdesivir
is still here. You can check out the current NIH remdesivir guidelines for the
nonhospitalized and hospitalized, last updated February 29, 2024. [...] Anthony Fauci is
scheduled to testify in a public hearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus
Pandemic on June 3. [...] Here are some questions to consider asking him:
[#1] The remdesivir trial for Ebola had such an alarmingly high rate of deaths and
organ failure it had to be pulled mid-trial. Why did you expect a different outcome when used
for COVID-19? In other words, why would high toxicity be unique to Ebola sufferers?
[#2] Why did you allow Gilead to change the trial's endpoint from deaths to time
to discharge in the middle of the trial when such practice violates clinical trial guidelines?
[Followed by 13 additional questions.]
I Made It All Up. To some Americans, the COVID pandemic interrupted their lives but didn't
do lasting harm. The draconian measures taken by so many of our "leaders" were an
inconvenience but not a game-changer. Maybe you watched a little more Netflix, curbed your
social activities for a bit. But for others — like me — it's deeply
personal, and the ramifications of what they did still resonate to this day. [...] What they
did — Whitmer, Fauci, Newsom, Cuomo, Biden, and all their cohorts — may be a
distant memory for many. But I will never forget, and it was my wake-up call to the fact that
tyranny can happen here — even in America. Whoever isn't standing up to this
autocracy is allowing it to happen.
and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination: NHS Preprint. Myocarditis
and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection, according to a
recent preprint led by researchers at Oxford University, which compared health outcomes among
COVID-vaccinated and unvaccinated children. "Whilst rare, all myocarditis and pericarditis
events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals," the authors wrote. There
were no deaths from myocarditis or pericarditis. The study evaluated over 1 million
English children aged 5 to 11 and adolescents aged 12 to 15. Vaccinated minors were compared to
an equal number of unvaccinated, and children who took one dose were also compared to those who
took two doses.
scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers — a fact they tried to
hide. During the pandemic, the American people started to feel that Big Government
was very cozy with Big Pharma. Now we know just how close they were. New data from the
National Institutes of Health reveal the agency and its scientists collected $710 million in
royalties during the pandemic, from late 2021 through 2023. These are payments made by private
companies, like pharmaceuticals, to license medical innovations from government scientists.
Almost all that cash — $690 million — went to the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the subagency led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, and 260 of its
scientists. Information about this vast private royalty complex is tightly held by the
National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Test, Test. The mother of all medical testing scams was PCR testing for COVID-19.
Consider the following data from Taiwan. The key message from the plot below is that when
testing declined cases and hospitalizations declined. The mortality that followed was likely
due to the deadly care (e.g., mechanical ventilation) patients received in the hospital. The
doctors are not stupid, it is medical education that needs to be examined. They are trained
to fit the modern bureaucratic mindset that simply follows the numbers (test results). Yet
they have no training in understanding how the measurements are made, nor the bias and precision
errors inherent in the measurements. These concepts were fundamental to the engineering
measurements courses that I taught when I was a professor.
of Chicago settles student COVID lawsuit for $5,000,000. Students who sued the
University of Chicago for tuition refunds due to COVID-19 closures have reached a nearly
$5 million settlement agreement with the school. The private Illinois university
finalized the class-action lawsuit settlement with the students last week, agreeing to pay
$4.95 million, according to the Chicago Sun Times. Students affected by the
university's 2020 decision to switch to online classes due to COVID-19 could receive $25 or
more from the settlement, the report states.
The Editor says...
Oooo... twenty-five bucks. Jackpot! The university settled for five million, and
all you got was 25 bucks?
Treaty That Cannot Be. As more and more information comes to light, we find that
recommendations from WHO regarding lockdowns, masks, and the mRNA "vaccine" puts in question how
effective they were in preventing the spread of the pandemic. Which brings into question the
purpose of this agreement. The objective of the WHO Pandemic Agreement, guided by equity, and
the principles and approaches set forth herein, is to prevent, prepare for and respond to
pandemics. Who would decide how to prevent, prepare, and respond to pandemics under this
agreement? It shouldn't surprise anyone that it would be the bureaucrats in the WHO calling
the shots. While much of the agreement's language is fairly vague, that doesn't mean there
aren't problems.
Are The 3 Biggest Findings In Florida's Grand Jury Report On Covid 'Wrongdoing'. [#1]
Covid Patients Gain Natural Immunity Through Infection: Infection-derived immunity (IDI), or
"natural immunity," is not a new phenomenon. As noted by the grand jury, the human body
acquiring natural protection from harmful antigens via infection is a concept that has existed for
"thousands of years." While no human had previously been infected with Covid-19 prior to the
outbreak in late 2019 and early 2020, it became evident in the months and years that followed that
those who got infected and recovered from the virus possessed greater natural protection against
reinfection. According to the report, "[m]ost studies show that, on average, IDI lowered
chances of reinfection from the Ancestral, Alpha and Delta variants of SARS-CoV-2 in the
unvaccinated by roughly 80%," with such "immunity generally [starting] to decline around
40 weeks after infection but level[ing] off to what appeared to be a roughly stable 50% that
lasted from 60 to 80 weeks after infection."
Girl Dies of Cardiac Arrest after 2nd Covid Vax. A 17-year-old Michigan girl has
tragically died shortly after she received a second dose of Pfizer's Covid mRNA shot, her devasted
family has revealed. Aubrynn Grundy from Livonia, Michigan suffered a massive followed by
multiple severe complications which ultimately resulted in her untimely death. Shanna
Carroll, Aubrynn's heartbroken mother, is now speaking out to warn the public about the deadly side
effects of the injections. The teenager, who was described as being in perfect health, died
in August 2022, less than two months after she received her second dose of the Pfizer shot.
woman paralyzed by COVID shot says $150k in compensation is 'woefully inadequate'. A
Scottish mother says the $150,000 in compensation she has been awarded after being left paralyzed
from the chest down by the COVID shot is "woefully inadequate." According to the Daily
Mail, 56-year-old Clare Bowie from Dumbarton, Scotland was awarded £120,000 ($150,000
USD) through the government's vaccine compensation program after she became unable to move from the
chest down two weeks after taking the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine. "I was fully paralyzed to chest
level, and it was spreading," Bowie recounted. "I started to lose the ability to breathe and
speak. It was scary." Bowie's symptoms began appearing just two weeks after receiving the
COVID shot in April 2021. After six MRI scans, Bowie was diagnosed with acute disseminated
encephalitis complicated by transverse myelitis, a condition that causes inflammation in the brain
and spinal cord.
Surge 1,236% after Covid Shots, Top Study Finds. A jolting new study has found that
deaths surge by over 1,200 percent among people who have received at least one Covid mRNA
shot. The study was conducted by a group of world-renowned epidemiologists, cardiologists,
and data experts. The pre-print paper for the study, co-authored by celebrated cardiologist
Dr. Peter McCullough, was published Monday. The study, titled "Excess Cardiopulmonary
Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination in King County, Washington," sought to investigate
concerns about major spikes in serious cardiovascular adverse events, including myocarditis,
myocardial infarction, and venous thromboembolism, all of which can lead to cardiopulmonary arrest.
Do You Think You Are? For those unfamiliar with its origins, the WHO was created by
the UN during World War II with the goal of establishing complete planetary
control ... a one world government ... a "global body to coordinate
international health efforts." The decision-making arm of the WHO is the World Health Assembly
(WHA), which is comprised of representatives from all 194 member states, including the US.
The first WHA convened in 1948 in (where else?) Switzerland, which is famously neutral and
therefore unlikely to host routine meetings of megalomaniacs hell bent on governing the entire
globe's populace or anything. Thanks for the impartiality, Switzerland! The WHO's
autocratic, unscrupulous, unelected leaders believe that they and they alone are competent and
capable enough of orchestrating a coordinated world-wide response to the next pandemic, the
one they are right this minute arranging they've all but guaranteed us.
The nefarious Treaty That Tanked (A Midwestern Doctor penned a brilliant detailing of the miserable
thing which I highly recommend reading) would have granted these goons the power to not only
"prevent, detect, and respond to pandemics," but to determine what constitutes a pandemic in the
first place.
Top 20 Lies of the 2020s. Lying is an epidemic even worse than COVID. Our
president and his press secretaries seem to lie with every word they say and deny facts that anyone
with a pair of eyes can see for himself. Scientists and doctors, formerly among the most
trusted members of our society, lie to foster popular environmental theories and get government
grants, or to promote Big Pharma and deter people from effective treatments. Our news media
no longer report the news; they shape the news as instructed. Here is just a sample of
commonly promoted lies starting in 2020. [...]
& Co. need to pay a price for funding Wuhan lab research — and trying to cover it
up. Bad enough that Anthony Fauci and other top officials flouted the law by funding
gain-of-function research at China's Wuhan Institute of Virology, where the COVID bug is believed
to have originated. But their attempt to cover it all up only compounded the horror, making
it more difficult for honest researchers to understand the virus' origins. Now that it's all
in the open, those officials need to pay. At a House hearing last week, emails revealed that
a key Fauci aide at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. David
Morens, used a "secret back channel" to hide evidence that a grantee had funded the dangerous
research. Morens bragged about deleting "smoking gun" messages related to COVID's
origins — in blatant defiance of record-keeping laws and in an attempt to obstruct a
House probe — to protect Fauci and other colleagues.
Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply. In a recent
meta-analysis posted on, Japanese researchers warn of potentially deadly risks to
patients who receive blood from people who have taken mRNA COVID jabs and call for urgent action to
ensure the safety of the global blood supply. [...] One particular risk addressed in this paper is
the implications of blood tainted with prion-like structures found within the spike protein.
Prions are misfolded proteins that can cause neurodegenerative diseases, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob
Disease (CJD) in humans, by inducing the misfolding of normal proteins in the brain. Prion
diseases are characterized by a long incubation period, followed by rapid progression and high
mortality. The suggestion that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, especially from certain
variants, might contain prion-like domains raises concerns for several reasons: [...]
Vaccine Math. One person has died from measles in the last 10 years. Is
this a sign that everyone who has not been infected or vaccinated for measles should get
vaccinated? According to all health authorities the answer is yes. According to your
friendly neighborhood misinformation superspreader (me), the answer is a big NO. Why?
Because you're more likely to die or be seriously injured for life from these shots than benefit
from them.
Fauci False Statement Festival. What the liberal media has done to journalism in its
efforts to defend and empower the Democratic Party, the federal medical establishment as
personified by megalomaniacal bureauweenie Anthony Fauci has done to science. In the
aftermath of Covid tyranny, it will be some time before the public trusts The Experts again:
[Video clip] In the liberal religion, Fauci is a deity. Moonbats burn votive
candles in worship of him. The leftist mayor of the District of Corruption declared his
birthday a holiday. Michigan's likeminded governor snuggles with a Tony Fauci pillow.
To honor his many lies, academia bestowed upon him an ethics prize.
Pages of Emails Leave No Doubt: Fauci, NIH Knew Early on of Injuries, Deaths After COVID
Shots. According to documents obtained by Children's Health Defense, reports of
injuries and deaths following COVID-19 vaccines — including a child injured by the
Pfizer vaccine during a clinical trial and a fatal vaccine-induced case of myocarditis —
reached NIH researchers, Dr. Anthony Fauci and others in 2021 and 2022. Several adverse
event reports from people injured by the COVID-19 vaccines reached National Institutes of Health
(NIH) researchers in 2021 and 2022 — including a report of a child injured by the
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine during a clinical trial, according to documents obtained by Children's
Health Defense (CHD).
of a New Zealand Surgeon. I am a surgical specialist in a provincial hospital in New
Zealand. I was forced against my will by Ardern, Hipkins and Bloomfield to have three mRNA
jabs to keep my job. I have a mortgage and a family to provide for. I left it as late
as possible but was told I would lose my job if I did not. After the first and second jabs, I
had cardiac arrhythmias, brief sharp chest pains, and breathlessness, and was tired for several
months. Some nights when going to sleep with my resting pulse over 100, I wondered if I would
wake up in the morning. I was coerced into this situation by non-medical tyrants I did not
vote for. When I saw my GP about this, he asked if I thought I was anxious! Three close
colleagues have also been similarly affected. One, arguably the best in his field in our
area, has left medicine completely and is still being hounded by the Medical Council. Another
was stood down until he relented — the stress on his family and department (covering
on-call, etc) has been huge. The third was forced to stop work for many months with no
income, as he would not be vaccinated and he is still being persecuted over a trivial, trumped-up
matter by the Medical Council.
Shots Permanently Alter DNA of Vaxxed & Their Offspring, Censored Study Shows. A
disturbing new study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots permanently alter the DNA of those who
receive the injections. Alarmingly, however, these dangerous changes to the DNA will be
passed on to the offspring of the Covid-vaccinated. This week, renowned cardiologist
Dr. Peter McCullough posted a video to X, in which he highlights the study. McCullough
reveals that the explosive study has been massively censored across Big Tech social media
platforms. He focuses on LinkedIn's censorship of the study, which was blocked from public
view despite being published by the U.S. National Institutes of Health's (NIH) National Library of Medicine.
Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 3: Manufacturing Excess Deaths. Why did
Western governments portray Covid-19 as something resembling the 14th Century Black Death, which
killed close to 50% of the European population? If we are to be brutally honest, we must ask
whether a government capable of deliberately misrepresenting the death rate figures could actually
be capable of engineering real deaths, actual deaths, in order to drive their peculiar
agenda. Could they really do that? The answer to that is yes. Not all Western
governments, admittedly, but the two most guilty of doing so were America and Great Britain, which
immediately after declaring a public health emergency and locking us down, initiated an
inexplicable policy with regard to the elderly and the ill which at best could be described as
criminal incompetence, and at worst, mass murder.
Cabal Conspired To Destroy Evidence To Evade FOIA Requests. A new trove of emails
released by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic reveal that top researchers
involved in manipulating bat coronaviruses to better-infect humans then conspired to delete email
evidence of their communications surrounding the Covid-19 outbreak. The communications focus
on top NIH adviser Dr. David Morens, who solicited help from the NIH's Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) office to dodge records requests. Morens is currently on administrative leave.
"Evidence in possession of the Select Subcommittee suggests that Dr. Morens, while employed by
NIAID and NIH acted as an agent on behalf of a federal grantee, EcoHealth," the Subcommittee notes.
"Morens began assisting Dr. Daszak in how to respond to NIH compliance efforts," the release
continues — referring to EcoHealth Alliance boss Peter Daszak, whose organization was suspended
this month from receiving federal funds for three years.
Flunky Admits to Deleting COVID Emails. Fauci's 20-year stooge at the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), David Morens, who is also the best friend of
Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of EcoHealth Alliance, testified before Congress on Wednesday
and all but pooped his socks. [...] Apparently, there are discrepancies in Morens' testimony in
January and some documents Congress uncovered afterward. Congress brought Morens to Capitol
Hill today to ask why he used a Gmail account to dodge the Freedom of Informant Act (FOIA) when
communicating about the COVID virus we were assured came, not from a lab, but from a guy who ate a
bat salad, so that he could "delete anything he doesn't want to see in the New York Times."
While being questioned by Rep. James Comer, R-Ky.), Morens stammered like Joe Biden at a Girl
Scout meeting. He clearly knew Congress had done its homework. Morens was busted in a
big fat felonious lie. Several actually.
Paul: Fauci 'Could Be Indicted' for Deleting Records. Sen. Rand Paul,
R-Ky., contends there are grounds to prosecute Dr. Anthony Fauci, the face of the COVID-19
pandemic in America, based on congressional testimony from a top aide to the longtime director of
the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "The most important knowledge that
we learned is that [Dr.] David Morens, 20-year assistant to Fauci, was purposely evading FOIA,
which is the law. More than that, he was also destroying evidence," Paul told The Daily
Signal, referring to the Freedom of Information Act and Morens' testimony Wednesday before a House
select subcommittee. "He was taking emails and destroying them." Paul said of Morens.
"When he was asked about it, he said he didn't know emails were federal records. Nobody is
that stupid." Paul added later, referring to the veteran government immunologist and his staff:
"If Fauci ordered you to destroy these records, I think he could be indicted."
Who Brought Us Lockdown Are Unrepentant. Readers of the Daily Sceptic may be
interested to listen to yesterday's UnHerd roundtable discussion conducted with Lee Cain
(former Director of Communications at 10 Downing Street and a leading member of Boris Johnson's
'brain trust'). It is, as academics say, a 'rich text', with an awful lot in it to digest.
But what really fascinated me about it — and what has really fascinated me about all of
the General Election coverage so far — is the shoe that simply hasn't dropped:
namely, the biggest public policy decision since the Second World War, which was the 2020
lockdown. Cain provides a very interesting diagnosis of what has gone wrong for the Tories
since 2019. But it is only two thirds of the way into the conversation that the subject of
Covid comes up.
COVID-19 as an Underlying Cause of Death Inflated Mortality Numbers During Pandemic:
Analysis. A new analysis suggests COVID-19 was reported more frequently than it
should have been as an underlying cause of death, inflating COVID-19 mortality numbers and
attributing deaths from other causes to the virus. In a preprint paper published in Research
Gate, researchers aimed to identify who truly died "from" COVID-19 versus who died "with" COVID-19
but were included in U.S. COVID-19 mortality numbers. To determine if COVID-19 was
overreported as an underlying cause of death, researchers calculated the overreporting adjustment
factor and compared the ratio of reporting COVID-19 as a multiple — or
contributing — cause of death versus an underlying cause of death on death certificates
from 2020 to 2022. They also examined how "pneumonia and influenza" were reported on death
certificates from 2010 to 2022.
Fauci Adviser Bragged About Making Emails 'Disappear'. A top U.S. government official
bragged that he had learned of a way to make emails vanish after receiving Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) requests, messages made public on May 22 show. "I learned from our FOIA lady
here how to make emails disappear after I am FOIA'd but before the search starts, so I think we are
all safe," Dr. David Morens, senior adviser to the director of the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases, wrote in an email on Feb. 24, 2021. In another missive,
Dr. Morens advised friends to try to send emails to his Gmail address. "But if something
goes to my govt mail by accident it's OK, I have spoken to our FOIA folks and am managing my stuff
after emails are sent or received, such that I should be safe from future FOIAs. Don't ask
how..." [...] The emails were obtained by the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on
the Coronavirus Pandemic and released to the public on Wednesday. They were sent by
Dr. Morens using his personal address after he detailed that was one way to avoid FOIA.
COVID Committee Confirms What We Have Long Suspected — The Feds Really Hate Transparency.
Last week details emerged from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic,
confirming what government transparency advocates long suspected: Federal bureaucrats are
purposefully stonewalling the American people's right to know about their government.
Republican Kentucky Rep. James Comer, who chairs the full House Oversight and Accountability
Committee, read from an email that Dr. David Morens, a top aide to Dr. Anthony Fauci,
sent claiming that a staffer inside the National Institutes of Health (NIH) had shown him how to
erase records requested by the public. He was corresponding with Peter Daszak, president of
EcoHealth Alliance, the organization that used tax dollars to fund controversial gain-of-function
research in Wuhan, where the COVID outbreak began. The Department of Health and Human
Services has since suspended funding of EcoHealth Alliance. Morens wrote: "I learned from our
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) lady here how to make emails disappear after I am FOIA'd, but
before the search starts. So, I think we are all safe. Plus, I deleted most of those
earlier emails after sending them to Gmail."
Daszak Gets DOD and CIA Funding. Why Don't They Ask About That? Peter Daszak is
the President of EcoHealth Alliance, the organization most closely associated with the potential
lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) that may have started the Covid crisis. The
U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has recently done a lot of "research" on
Daszak and EcoHealth, resulting in a published report on May 1, 2024 with the earth-shattering
finding that there exist "serious and systemic weaknesses in the federal government's —
particularly NIH's — grant making processes." Furthermore, these very bad weaknesses
"not only place United States taxpayer dollars at risk of waste, fraud, and abuse but also risk the
national security of the United States." This sounds pretty serious: Our taxpayer dollars
and our national security are at risk. Some very bad things are happening, apparently.
What are those bad things?
aide triggers deeper concerns about hidden emails on COVID origins. Testimony from
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Senior Scientific Advisor David
Morens — a longtime aide to former NIAID Director Anthony Fauci — only
deepened congressional concerns about the possibility of concealed or destroyed emails concerning
connections between the institute and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. A memo and over 150
emails released by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Wednesday show that
Morens spent considerable time and energy avoiding the Freedom of Information Act — a
law that requires federal agency records to be provided to the public on request with limited
exceptions. Morens deleted sensitive emails, conducted official business on a private email
account, and worked with an NIAID administrator in the Freedom of Information Office to strategically
misspell keywords that the public might request to be searched, the committee alleges.
actively hid his communications from the public on Lab Leak. The emails of David
Moran, a Fauci aid, are [bad]. He specifically states that Fauci used private Gmail to hide his
communications on the lab leak hypothesis from the public. This is in direct violation of NIH
policy. [Screenshot] He states the reason Fauci and Francis Collins did this was to protect
their reputation from association with Peter Daszak and Eco health alliances NIH funded Wuhan
research on gain of function[.] [Screenshot] They actively worked to suppress freedom of
information act requests (FOIA). This would be illegal. [Screenshot] This runs
counter to the false certainty presented by Fauci for years.
were right! The UK ONS now admit that deaths in the vaccinated were categorised as unvaccinated
in 2021. In 2021 when the UK ONS (Office for National statistics) started releasing
its vaccine by mortality status reports we exposed that there were large spikes in the non-covid
death rates in the 'unvaccinated'. These spikes in mortality coincided with the first main
vaccine rollout and did so for each age group. [...] We asserted that these obvious anomalies were
a result of the standard ONS procedure of categorising anyone within 20 days of their first
dose as 'unvaccinated'. However, in our own discussions with the ONS they maintained that,
although that method was used for their efficacy calculations, it was not used when
it came to mortality. They clearly said that a person dying any time after vaccination was
correctly categorised, as a vaccinated death, in the mortality data they regularly released to the
public and which formed the basis of a massive public communication campaign encouraging
vaccination. To 'explain' the spikes the ONS pushed the implicit assumption that there was a
phenomenon called the 'healthy vaccinee' effect, whereby they claimed that people 'close to death'
were not vaccinated. And they made this bold claim without any data to support it whatsoever.
by Any Other Name Still Stinks. How many times have we heard U.S. State Department
officials, Canadian politicians, U.K. prime ministers, NATO strategists, or European Union talking
heads lecture citizens about the need for Western "democracies" to fight "authoritarian"
regimes? Yet Western governments were every bit as authoritarian during the "Reign of COVID
Terror" as the authoritarian States that they denounce. Communist China implemented the most
draconian COVID lockdowns in the world — incarcerating entire cities with scarce
supplies of food and "disappearing" those who dared to resist — and Western governments
not only applauded China's brutal despotism but also attempted to replicate its evil machinery
throughout the West.
Congressmen Threaten to Subpoena CDC for Vaccine Efficacy Data. The Republicans in
Congress have gotten some interesting answers to their questions about COVID-19. One National
Institute of Health (NIH) official finally admitted that gain-of-function research was being
conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, suspected of being ground zero for the COVID
pandemic. The statements came as part of testimony given to the House Select Subcommittee on
the coronavirus pandemic. The firm's president indicated the intelligence community was aware
of the coronavirus experiments at the institute years before the pandemic. Now, two
Congressmen want answers related to the actual efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Admits Covid Shots Killed 500,000 Children & Young Adults. A secret report has
emerged from the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that exposes the shocking
impact of Covid mRNA injections on American children and young adults. The bombshell report
shows that a staggering half a million American children and young adults have been killed by Covid
shots. The CDC report has revealed that almost 500,000 Americans aged between 0 and
44 years old died from the dangerous side effects of the Covid mRNA injections. The
recorded deaths occurred between the start of the public rollout of the shots in early 2021 and
October 9, 2022. However, due to the timeline of the data, the already shocking figures
do not include deaths recorded over the past year and a half.
global Technocracy is priming the population for "Disease X," more totalitarianism and
depopulation. Pandemic bird flu, "Disease X" and the latest COVID-19 strain KP.2 are
creeping into the headlines. A global technocracy is priming the population for more
totalitarian control systems, the normalization of election interference, a central bank digital
currency, continuous bioweapon experiments and much worse. No one is being held accountable
for the coronavirus gain-of-function experiments that are culpable for COVID-19 and the ongoing
vaccine injury crisis. Gain-of-function bioweapon development continues around the world, and
despite Russia making efforts to stop these predatory schemes in Ukraine, there are very limited
judicial and military efforts to shut these biological threats down in China, Africa and the US.
The bio-terror complex, propped up by the most nefarious sects of the U.S. Department of Defense
(DoD) and the National Institutes of Health, (NIH) continues unabated, with plans to create new
diseases and new "cures" that denigrate the individual and exploit the population.
Who Died Suddenly From Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Wasn't Informed of Side Effect. A
man who died from heart inflammation induced by a COVID-19 vaccine was not informed that
inflammation was a possible side effect of the shot, according to health authorities. The
young man, in his 20s, also was not warned of symptoms linked to the inflammation, such as chest
pain. The man received a Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at a pharmacy in New Zealand in late 2021.
The man began experiencing chest discomfort and heart palpitations but did not seek medical
attention because he did not know these symptoms could be related to the vaccine, according to New
Zealand Health and Disability Commissioner Morag McDowell.
Vaccination May Trigger Rare and Often Misdiagnosed Autoimmune Brain Disease. New
research suggests the human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) can trigger a rare autoimmune brain
disorder that causes psychiatric or neurological symptoms following vaccination — and is
easily mistaken as psychosis in its early stages. A recently published study in Current
Medicinal Chemistry identified a possible relationship between anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)
receptor encephalitis and HPV vaccination. Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is an acute
autoimmune disorder where the body creates antibodies against the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in
the brain. NMDA is a receptor of the amino acid glutamate. Glutamate is the most
abundant excitatory neurotransmitter released by the brain's nerve cells and plays a crucial role
in learning and memory formation.
Zealand MP's Son and Rising Rugby Star Dies Suddenly at 22. Brody Cameron, a rising
star in New Zealand rugby and son of ACT Member of Parliament Mark Cameron, has died suddenly at
the age of 22. The young athlete's passing was announced by his father on Wednesday, five days
after his untimely death. Mark Cameron expressed his profound grief on social media, stating,
"Good speed my Son, my boy. I love you always, Dad. RIP." [Tweet]
Director Says It's High Time to Admit "Significant Side Effects" of Covid-19 "Vaccines".
Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
said Thursday that many officials who tried to warn the public about potential problems with
COVID-19 vaccines were pressured into silence and that it's high time to admit that there were
"significant" side effects that made people sick. Dr. Redfield made the remarks in a
May 16 interview with Chris Cuomo on NewsNation, during which he lamented the loss of public
confidence in public health agencies because of a lack of transparency around the vaccines, which
he said "saved a lot of lives" but also made some people "quite ill." "Those of us that tried
to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines ... we kind of got canceled because
no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they
were afraid that that would cause people not to want to get vaccinated," Dr. Redfield said.
Study: Face Masks [are] Completely Ineffective Against COVID Omicron Variant.
Wearing face coverings did nothing to reduce the risk of infection by the Omicron variant of
COVID-19, according to a new study from the University of East Anglia. The researchers
utilized data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) COVID survey in England, which
estimated infection rates. From November 2021 to May 2022, the ONS surveyed
individuals about their habits, including mask-wearing, work patterns, and travel, to determine if
these factors correlated with infection risk. The study concluded that face coverings did not
reduce the risk of infection by the Omicron variant. However, the researchers noted that
during the initial wave of COVID-19, before Omicron emerged, mask-wearing was associated with a
decreased risk of infection. Co-author Dr. Julii Brainard explained, "This isn't totally
surprising because laboratory evidence suggests that the Omicron variant was better able to infect
the cells lining the upper respiratory tract than previous variants and so be more transmissible".
Musk Responds after Health Official Makes Bombshell Admission: 'Prosecute/Fauci'. X
boss Elon Musk has reignited his calls for Dr. Anthony Fauci to face charges for his role in
the origins of Covid and his actions during the pandemic. Musk was responding after the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak admitted to Congress
that the agency funded dangerous gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in
China. Gain-of-function research is illegal in America due to the immense risks to public
safety. However, health officials, including Fauci, have repeatedly attempted to twist the
definition of gain-of-function in the wake of the Covid pandemic.
Jersey Court Throws Out 80 Charges Against Brave Gym Owner Defying Gov. Murphy's Tyrannical
Lockdown Orders. Ian Smith, co-owner of Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, New Jersey, has
achieved a monumental victory. A New Jersey court has dismissed all 80 charges against him,
charges that stemmed from his bold decision to reopen his gym in direct defiance of Democrat
Governor Phil Murphy's tyrannical COVID-19 lockdown orders. The saga began in May 2020,
when Smith reopened Atilis Gym, challenging the Murphy administration's mandates, which he and his
supporters argue are unconstitutional and detrimental to small businesses. The confrontation
escalated in July 2020 when police officers forcefully arrested Smith after he continually
violated the state's shutdown orders. A swarm of police officers burst through the door of
Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, New Jersey arrested the owners for violating Governor Murphy's
authoritarian shutdown order.
from COVID Totalitarianism. The COVID police state revealed Western governments' zeal
for totalitarianism. Forced masking, forced experimental injections, forced school and
business closures, forced isolation, and forced compliance provided Western citizens an opportunity
to see the tyrannical inclinations hiding just beneath the surface of their supposedly beneficent
"democracies." None of it was pretty. Mass propaganda disguised as medical expertise
(remember when Joe Biden and his CDC army of Goebbels clones demanded that we wear three or more
masks outside?) and mass censorship of social media conversations (because, we were frequently
told, disinformation kills!) proved that — when push comes to shove —
Western governments will quickly dispense with protections for free speech. Wannabe dictators
(intent on protecting "democracy" by being authoritarian) embraced their true "Do as we say!"
dispositions and branded the public's rights and liberties as "enemies of the State."
Officials summarily punished anyone who resisted COVID's descending Iron Curtain.
Fined for Prescribing Ivermectin Against COVID-19. A doctor in Washington state has
been fined for prescribing ivermectin against COVID-19. He must also take continuing education
classes, according to newly filed documents. Dr. Wei-Hsung Lin must pay $5,000,
according to an order signed by the Washington Medical Commission on May 2. Ivermectin is
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating several conditions, including
parasitic worms. Prescribing medicine for unapproved usage is common in the United States,
but administration officials have warned against prescribing and using ivermectin as a COVID-19
treatment. Regulators have pointed to a database of clinical trials, some of which found
ivermectin did not confer a benefit against COVID-19 and some of which found ivermectin was
beneficial against the illness.
Urgent Matter. While our country sleepwalks through the deadly aftermath of the evil
Covid-19 operation, the World Health Organization (WHO) puts the final touches on a nice bit of
[treachery] called its Pandemic Treaty on International Health Regulations (IHR) or "One Health"
initiative, a Globalist power grab disguised in the saintly white robes of public health
medicine. The agreement, to be finalized at the end of this month, will cede what's left of
your liberty to this unelected bureaucracy for the sake of global "equity and inclusivity," meaning
more lockdowns, constant surveillance, forced "vaccinations," restrictions on medications, and
censorship of anyone who voices a contrary opinion of these actions. Sound familiar?
Yeah, it's Covid-19 all over again, a second crack at controlling everything you do and every
choice you might make by a cabal of governments and corporations, in other words, an international
gang of fascists.
damage lockdown did to our democracy is finally becoming clear. The Conservative
Government is presumably about to be ejected from office. This is being treated as a judgment
on their record of 14 years in power, their general incompetence and their failure to deliver
what voters believe is needed. [...] Hardly anyone seems to notice that almost all the European
governing parties or coalitions which held power during the pandemic have been rejected outright or
had their authority seriously undermined — sometimes with shocking results. This
effect has not been confined to notoriously volatile countries like Italy, whose government was one
of the first to go. Germany, which has relied on moderate consensus for generations in its
determination to atone for a terrible historical legacy, is now seeing the rise of an extreme Right
which was believed to have been extinguished. A country regarded, until very recently, as
stable and socially liberal, the Netherlands, has elected a populist rabble rouser whose rhetoric
is so incendiary that it has taken months to form a workable coalition. In France, Emmanuel
Macron holds onto power without a majority.
vaccine serious adverse reactions far from rare, Lancet lies, gain-of-function
admissions. A study published on the COVID-19 vaccines in the influential
Vaccine journal (Raethke et al.) discovered a rate of serious adverse drug reactions of
0.24% for the primary series and 0.26% for boosters, approximating to 1 per 400 people.
Source. Umm, that's not 'very rare', or even 'rare'. It's common enough to get pretty
worried. And again, we still don't have long-term safety data. Could get worse.
And you know what's rarer? Serious COVID in young and healthy people. Recall that UK
data indicated that the number needed to be vaccinated to prevent a severe COVID-19 hospitalisation
was in the hundreds of thousands. I'm no mathematician, but there's a huge difference between
those numbers!
You are being
nudged. These strategies of influence exploit the fact that human beings operate
almost all of the time on autopilot, making moment-by-moment decisions without conscious reflection
and relying on imperfect heuristics to navigate the complexities of the world around them.
The most obvious example of the government's use of behavioural science strategies occurred
throughout the Covid years, when the public health messaging campaign, aimed at levering compliance
with restrictions and the vaccine rollout, was infused with these covert methods of
persuasion. Three of the most prominent nudges deployed during this period were
fear-inflation, shaming and peer pressure — or "affect", "ego" and "norms", to use the
language of behavioural science. A frightened population is typically a compliant one, so we
were bombarded with daily death counts and slogans such as, "If you go out, you can spread it,
people will die".
NIH in
the hotseat. [T]his is [R]ep[.] [J]ames [C]omer grilling NIH deputy director
[L]awrence [T]abak. [H]e asks about an email from [D]avid [M]orenz, senior advisor to [T]ony
[F]auci at NIH to [P]eter [D]aszak, the head of [E]cohealth, the group funded by NIH who ran and
funded the gain of function experiments at the [W]uhan [I]nstitute of [V]irology and was so
instrumental in the campaign to brand any notion that this could be the source for what came to be
called "covid 19" as a "conspiracy theory." [Video clip]
NIH Director Admits There Was No Evidence For 'Social Distancing' During COVID
Pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, one could not go five minutes without hearing
the phrase "social distancing." The theory, according to the country's leading scientific
"experts," was that by keeping a distance of six feet from one another, one could successfully
protect the vulnerable from the COVID virus and save millions of lives. Now it turns out it
was all a lie. Francis Collins, the former director of the National Insitute of Health,
admitted in a closed-door interview earlier this year that he did not see any scientific evidence
that social distancing was a proven method of containing the virus.
Christian Soldiers. [Scroll down] I also have my concerns about our health
system. Not only have I lost respect for the way the medical profession handled the Covid
mess, but the pharmaceutical companies no longer appear to be our friends (I may well have been
late to that understanding.). This tangles back into the education system; I'm not sure I'd like to
be operated on by a Baltimore-educated surgeon or cared for by a nurse who has no moral foundation.
face masks did nothing to stop spread of Omicron variant, study finds. A new study
has found that face masks did not stop the spread of the Covid variant Omicron. The deadly
variant triggered the return of face masks and strict Covid rules which included self-isolation,
working from home and vaccine passports in November 2021. [Advertisement] However, the
measures had little to no effect on preventing Omicron spreading, research now shows.
[Advertisement] The new data collected by the University of East Anglia (UEA) reveals that face
masks in particular were not effective once the first wave of Omicron had passed.
[Illustration] However, the masks did help reduce infection rates previously. Members of
the public were forced to wear face masks between November 2021 and January 2022 or face
a fine of up to £6,400.
Carolina lawmakers push bill to ban most public mask wearing, citing crime.
Republican lawmakers in North Carolina are pushing forward with their plan to repeal a pandemic-era
law that allowed the wearing of masks in public for health reasons, a move spurred in part by
demonstrations against the war in Gaza that have included masked protesters camped out on college
campuses. The state Senate passed approved the bill Wednesday in a party line vote.
Democrats say the law would mean people who mask for their health would violate the law.
Republicans say the bill is only focused on people who mask as a means to conceal their
identity. The bill now heads to the state House.
Carolina Moving to Ban Face Masks For Health Reasons. The state Senate in North
Carolina advanced a bill this week that's going create a complicated situation. The new law,
if adopted, would ban people from wearing masks in public for health reasons. The measure
passed along party lines, with all Democrats opposing it. To be more specific, what the bill
seeks to do is repeal a provision in state law G.S. 14-12 that makes it illegal to wear masks in
public. Under G.S. 14-12.11(a)(6), a person may wear a mask in public "for the physical
health or safety of the wearer or others." Under this bill, that provision would be eliminated.
This proposed change has nothing to do with the pandemic, however. The lawmakers are seeking to
prevent people from hiding their identity during the commission of crimes, including those that have
taken place during recent pro-Hamas protests. The prospects for such a law holding up
under challenge are questionable at best.
Man Who Had COVID-19 for 613 Days Developed New Variant. An older man with
weakened immunity was infected with a COVID-19 virus that persisted in his body for
613 days — the longest case of COVID-19 on record — leading to the
development of a highly mutated new strain. Recent studies have found that chronic COVID-19
infections are not uncommon, and in some cases, these individuals can produce a large number of
variant viruses. According to a news release from the European Society of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), this 72-year-old patient had a history of blood
cancer, and the treatment for it resulted in the absence of B-cells that produce antibodies.
Despite receiving multiple doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, he could not mount an immune
response. The patient was hospitalized at the Amsterdam University Medical Center in
February 2022 due to a COVID-19 infection. He was infected with the omicron BA.1.17
virus strain, and doctors treated him with the monoclonal antibody drug sotrovimab. However,
21 days after the drug infusion, the virus developed resistance.
most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are 'essentially murder'. The most
senior medical oncologist in Japan recently slammed the COVID-19 mRNA shots as "the work of evil"
that has caused "essentially murder." In an interview published April 19,
Dr. Masanori Fukushima, who spearheaded the first cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University
and launched the first course in pharmacoepidemiology there, listed a slew of problems with the
COVID mRNA jabs, evidencing what he called an evil "abuse of science." [Tweet with
video clip] He pointed out that "turbo cancers," a kind "previously unseen by
doctors" that progress extremely quickly and are typically in stage four by the time they are
diagnosed, have started to appear after the jab rollouts. These "turbo cancers" are emerging
along with excess mortality due to cancer in general, which Fukushima says cannot be explained only
by lost opportunities for screenings or treatment during the COVID outbreak.
Cap: What Could Have Spiked Colorectal Cancer in Young People Starting in 2021?
All sorts of strange comorbidity trends started spiking around 2021 that the Public Health
Industrial Complex, despite all the confidence they expressed about their response to COVID, can't
seem to explain. I'm not sure what the problem is precisely. Two of the most critical
things we were all in together back then were the deliberately engineered virus that escaped from
the Fauci-funded lab in Wuhan, China, and the engineered cure for that virus. [...] Colorectal
cancer cases have tripled in teens — and jumped by 500% in kids. That's the
headline from Fortune, and everyone is baffled. [...] Are any NIH, CDC, FDA, or NIAID members
invested in Cologaurd, that at-home colon cancer test kit? Those commercials were ubiquitous
during the Pandemic. Did they know something we didn't?
Onrushing Death Wave. Governments, public health ministries and Big Pharma are not talking
about what is coming[,] because they are deeply complicit in despicable, genocidal crimes[,] but
there are a number of prominent, world class, medical scientists explaining what is in the cards
over the next few years: a tsunami of death, due to the billions of so-called Covid-19 vaccines
that were injected into hordes of victims in countries all over the world. In that regard,
read the following article which presents the remarks of two, bona fide, internationally recognized
medical experts that go straight to the point. It's very short. According to
Dr. Dolores Cahill, formerly at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics in Berlin,
Germany, and more recently Professor of Translational Science at Conway Institute at the University
College Dublin's (UCD) School of Medicine, everyone who has received the mRNA "vaccines" that
Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, et al, have injected into billions of people
around the world in recent years, will be dying in the next couple of years[,] even if they
received only one jab. Now this is coming from a woman who is a very high level medical
scientist, with advanced degrees, who has spent her career working/researching/teaching in major
hospitals and scientific research institutes. Why will the injected die? Because the
substances in the "vaccines" are absolutely not compatible with good human health and
longevity. It's as simple as that.
Scientist: All Covid-Vaxxed 'Will Die in 3 to 5 Years'. A world-renowned
scientist and leading immunology expert has raised the alarm with an explosive warning to the
public that everyone who has been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots "will die within 3 to
5 years, even if they have had only one injection." The alert was issued by Professor
Dr. Dolores Cahill. Prof. Cahill has over 25 years of expertise in
high-throughput protein array, antibody array, proteomics technology development, and
automation. The experience includes work on how proteins and antibodies can be used in
biomedical applications, including in biomarker discovery, diagnostics, and personalized
medicine. She is the Professor of Translational Science at Conway Institute at the University
College Dublin's (UCD) School of Medicine.
Exactly did Ivermectin Cure in Those Hospitalized "COVID" patients? This is not an
attack on ivermectin, far from it, but a serious question as to what these hospitalized, so-called
'Covid' patients really had. As well, it is another indictment against 'truther' docs like
McCullough and Kory. Readers of this site know we don't buy the virus theory (rather, the
myth). McCullough is a big defender of Pharma, so it's hardly surprising he goes along with an
(as yet) unproven theory which gives justification for yet more pharma products. Kory was
denying reality in that he didn't believe anti-bacterials were necessary when it became clear that
people were dying of secondary bacterial pneumonia. Kory was also accepting of the fact that
extraordinary amounts of sedatives (Midazolam) were being used in the UK.
Ravings of a Kindly Old Man with a Poor Memory. [Scroll down] Speaking of
MDs you can trust, who's apologizing for the terrible damage done by the governmental/public health
response to COVID-19, a bug that wee Tony Fauci helped fund, and then tried to blame on a culture
that consumes bats and pangolins? No one?
DOJ Is Trying to Protect Pfizer From a Whistleblower Lawsuit. A high-profile
healthcare lawsuit in Beaumont, Texas, is flying under the radar — which is just how the
federal government and Pfizer want it. The Department of Justice recently argued that a
whistleblower lawsuit against Pfizer, filed by Brook Jackson, should be dismissed. Jackson, a
20-year veteran in clinical trial administration employed by a third-party vendor (Ventavia
Research Group), worked on Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine trials in 2020. Alarmed by what she
witnessed, Jackson raised concerns to her superiors, Pfizer, and the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) in September 2020. She claimed the trial was being run, documented, and reported in
a manner that violated Federal law and was potentially dangerous. Hours after contacting the
FDA on September 25, 2020, Jackson was fired.
Rep. Toth Calls for Governor's Intervention in Dr. Mary Talley Bowden
Hearing. State Rep. Steve Toth (R-Conroe) has urged Gov. Greg Abbott and
Attorney General Ken Paxton to intervene in the Texas Medical Board's proceedings against
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden. In an open letter posted on X earlier this week, Toth called
TMB's investigation and legal proceedings against Bowden illegal and intended to intimidate doctors
going forward. State Rep. Tony Tinderholt (R-Arlington) joined Toth in his call.
Tinderholt said he hopes that Paxton and Abbott will investigate and hold the Texas Medical Board
accountable for "their abuse of a medical professional who saved lives!" He added, "She [Bowden]
isn't the only one the TMB abused and threatened! What a disgraceful time for the TMB!"
Dr. Bowden, an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist, has garnered national attention for
successfully treating over 6,000 COVID-19 patients without a single death. She's also become
a key figure in the fight for medical freedom. Despite her impressive record, her medical
license is in jeopardy, thanks to TMB's pursuit of formal complaints.
GOP declared covid injections "biological weapons". This is big news, yet I haven't
seen anything about it on the mainstream media. You see, the Arizona Republican Party just
declared the covid injections as "biological and technological weapons" as they passed a "Ban the
Jab" resolution. With a whopping 95.62% of the votes, they passed the resolution. A
massive majority. But what is interesting is what the resolution actually says[,] Because it
says some pretty politically incorrect things. And they Arizona GOP are also calling on the
Governor to BAN the covid injections and to SEIZE the vials to do a forensic analysis of the contents.
very quietly agrees to settle 10,000 cancer lawsuits. What should be splashed across
headlines nationwide is oddly quiet. In a muffled bombshell, Pfizer, a titan in Big Pharma,
has just settled a shocking 10,000 lawsuits linked to cancer and the antacid Zantac. Yes, you
heard that right — banishing heartburn could now be a deadly choice, thanks to Big
Pharma. These are the same so-called "experts" who rushed to declare their sketchy COVID
vaccine was perfectly safe even before it was properly tested. Now it's clear why so many
people were skeptical — and rightly so. [Tweet] [Advertisement] Big Pharma
has turned marketing into an art form. They hook us with catchy jingles and fun little cartoon
commercials, making their products seem almost wholesome — and, of course, totally safe.
scientists create mutant Ebola virus to skirt around biosafety rules. Chinese scientists have
engineered a virus with parts of Ebola in a lab that killed a group of hamsters. A team of researchers
at Hebei Medical University used a contagious disease of livestock and added a protein found in Ebola, which
allows the virus to infect cells and spread throughout the human body. The group of hamsters that
received the lethal injection 'developed severe systemic diseases similar to those observed in human Ebola
patients,' including multi-organ failure,' the study shared.
pushing propaganda and parroting lies about COVID-19 injections. The artificial
intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT is pushing propaganda and parroting lies about the Wuhan
coronavirus (COVID-19) injections. Patrick Wood, the editor-in-chief of,
decided to put this to the test. He pointed to claims by Sam Altman, the CEO of ChatGPT's
creator OpenAI, about the product being "super intelligent yet neutral in its political
persuasion." According to the Daily Expose, "Wood got a paid subscription to ChatGPT and
set out to prove, or disprove, Altman's statements about the neutrality of this product."
prion diseases are increasing and may be transmissible now, thanks to COVID-19 vaccines.
A rare, highly progressive neurodegenerative disease has become more prevalent after the rollout of
COVID-19 vaccines. Prion diseases, which hollow out the brain and lead to rapid death, have
increased over the last three years. According to the medical literature, many new cases have
occurred after the administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Because prions rapidly destroy
similar proteins types, the disease can be transmissible if an individual is exposed to organs or
blood already affected by prions. One of the main prion diseases is called Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease (CJD). CJD was traditionally seen as an extremely rare neurological and degenerative
disease, representing approximately 1 case per one million people. Traditionally, there are
approximately 350 cases of sporadic CJD in the United States each year. CJD cases makeup
90 percent of all prion diseases.
Strategy Used Upon Canadians To Facilitate Their Complete Take Over. The Canadian
Government has lied to the people about everything COVID. The statistics are crystal clear
related to the mass government deception in this regard. [...] The COVID issue was a complete
fraud, front to back, no exceptions... with not one position taken by the Canadian government being
valid or truthful. There was no pandemic, there were no extra deaths until the fake COVID
vaccine was rolled out, the testing process for COVID was a complete stage show fraud, COVID as a
virus (SARS-COV-2) was never isolated and therefore doesn't exist to this very day, lockdowns were
designed to destroy the independent business sector, fear and panic were purposely impregnated into
the public using documented mind control tactics in order to regress citizens into childlike IQ
states and force their compliance with their own personal and societal self-destruction.
There are over 100 documentaries now (again hidden from the public purposely) that prove every
aspect of the COVID fraud.
a Country as Far Gone as America Recover? The Epoch Times has acquired official
documents that reveal that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 2021 had definite evidence that
Covid-19 mRNA "vaccines" caused multiple deaths. Despite the conclusive evidence in CDC's
hands, the "health agency" continued to lie for the next two years that there were no adverse
effects from the emergency use "vaccines" that were for tens of millions of Americans illegally and
unconstitutionally mandated as a condition of employment. [Link] We were told by the CDC,
FDA, NIH, the monster Tony Fauci, the White House Fool, the presstitutes, corrupt medical boards
and university administrators, and our doctors that the "vaccine" was effective and safe. We
were told this blatant lie, which every scrap of evidence refuted, over and over and over.
And a trusting population trusted the "authorities" and paid for it in droves with their lives and
their health. Many independent experts, scientists not dependent on federal or Big Pharma
money, believe that the deaths and infertility from the "vaccines" are only beginning.
keeps the elites in power. [Scroll down] More recently, experts told us
that COVID-19 was so deadly, it could kill us all if we didn't do precisely as they said.
Turns out that what they instructed us to do was deadlier than COVID-19 itself. [...] There are
only two types of societies. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, freedom can reign. This explains our current
government's reaction to Jan. 6. (Sadly, "the government" now includes academia and the
mainstream media.)
Beret-Turned-Wall St Banker Drops Dead of Vax-Induced Heart Failure at 35. A Bank of
America investment banker has dropped dead from Covid mRNA vaccine side effects at just
35 years old, according to reports. Leo Lukenas III was a Green Beret-turned Wall Street
banker. His sudden death was revealed by his family in posts on social media. According
to the New York Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Lukenas died unexpectedly after suffering an
"acute coronary artery thrombus."
cardiologist calls for investigation into Covid-19 vaccine over possible side effects.
A Guernsey cardiologist is calling for an investigation into the safety of the Covid-19 vaccine after
reportedly seeing a rise in the number of people with heart issues. Dr Dean Patterson says
he is not an anti-vaxxer but wants to open a debate about possible side effects from the vaccine
roll-out. He adds: "I am an experienced clinician and I would never stand up and say
something as I have, I am inherently quite shy, it takes a lot to get me moving. It
takes a lot." In the year of the Covid pandemic but before the vaccine, there were five
cases of Myocarditis in Guernsey, which is inflammation of the heart. In 2021, the year of the
rollout, these figures increased to 25 and in 2022, cases remained higher at 22. However, in
2023, when fewer vaccines were given, the figures dropped to 11.
Shenanigans in Michigan. A little background on Governor Whitmer for the uninitiated
is in order. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Whitmer transferred Covid-stricken seniors to
nursing homes and long-term care facilities and prevented the removal of Covid-infected patients
from these facilities, thus exposing the most vulnerable segment of the population —
those over age 60 and with pre-existing medical conditions — to the dangers of this
disease. Thousands of seniors in these long-term housing and care facilities died, but clever
manipulation of the statistics hid the magnitude of the deaths in these facilities —
until the Auditor General's Report released in January of 2022. It documented that Whitmer's
administration underreported nursing home covid deaths by a whopping 42%. Whitmer imposed
Covid-19 restrictions on the state's population that she regularly disregarded. During the
Covid lockdown, Whitmer took a $40,000 flight on a private jet to Florida. She told the media
it was to visit her 'sick father,' but there were no medical records to verify this.
AstraZeneca pays doctors to promote vaccines on ITV. Every year, members of the
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry are required to disclose money that has been
paid to healthcare professionals. Disclosures for the year 2022 reveal that AstraZeneca paid
doctors for "contracted services" who then appeared on ITV to promote vaccines or downplay vaccine
injuries. The affair is being dubbed ITVGate by social media users.
Covid "Vaccine" Truth Comes Out. Yes, We were told lies about the safety and effectiveness
of the Covid "vaccines." Chris Cuomo who led the presstitutes in their ignorant attack on
Ivermectin is now taking Ivermectin trying to recover from the adverse effects of the Covid
"vaccine" that he stupidly took. Cuomo says the Fauci/Big Pharma/medical establishment attack
on the real cure was because there was no profit in Ivermectin. So for profit Big Pharma, its
NIH, CDC, and FDA shills, and the corrupt American medical establishment killed and maimed people
for money. Cuomo says, "We were given bad information about Ivermectin. The real question
is, why?" He then answers his question, saying that the reason Ivermectin was so vehemently
rejected was that there was no profit in a drug that was already inexpensive and widely distributed.
Lie of the Century: The Origin of COVID-19. Four years after the outbreak of
the COVID-19 pandemic in the Chinese city of Wuhan, what do we know about the origin of the
SARSCOV2 virus? We were presented at the outset with two competing theories: natural-origin
spillover from animals to humans, and accidental lab leak. And at the outset, a cadre of
elite scientists passionately argued that the evidence overwhelmingly favored a natural
origin. With comparable fervor, they dismissed the possibility that SARSCOV2 leaked from a
lab as a "conspiracy theory." With a few notable exceptions, mainstream media outlets and the
larger scientific community vehemently nodded in agreement. NPR said the lab-leak theory was
"debunked," Vanity Fair called it a "right-wing coronavirus conspiracy," and Facebook banned posts
suggesting the virus may have been manufactured in a lab. Four years later that narrative has
begun to crack — and rightly so. It was always a lie; one of the most
consequential lies of the 21st century. Like all great lies it perfectly inverted the truth:
the evidence supporting natural spillover has always been thin. Conversely, the evidence pointing
to a lab leak has always been compelling and has grown substantially more persuasive with time.
Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Goes RICO. Following on the heels of the
grilling of Dr. Peter Dazak on 01 May 2024, in which he asserted that there is no
credible evidence that the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in the general human population was the
product of a laboratory accident, the committee has now released a statement to the effect that a
classified State Department situation analysis memorandum concludes exactly the opposite, and
furthermore that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was the source of the virus and that the
Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) was deeply involved in the WIV. Suffice to say,
Dr. Dazak continues on track to be the ideal "fall guy" for a US Government intent on evading
joint responsibility for one of the most massively bungled and colossally tragic public health
events in modern history.
does it take to recall/withdraw a vaccine/injectable product? You might have heard
that the Astrazeneca COVID-19 injectable product has been withdrawn from market use. It's
true. They've initiated worldwide recall of their product as of today, May 8, 2024.
[...] Imagine now, after so many years, one of the COVID-19 products (Astrazeneca) has officially
been recalled. What this means then, according to the CDC, is that there are admitted side
effects caused by the product. We all know about the clotting and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic
Syndrome (TTS). We have all known this for a long time. What could I possibly be getting
at here? I guess what I am getting at is that there has been enough of a death safety
signal in VAERS since January 2021 to back a recall of the products unleashed in the United
States, namely, the Mod-e-RNA, Pfizer and Janssen products.
AZtec two-step. How can a vaccine that was once actively promoted by the government
and celebrated with knighthoods, standing ovations, and even Barbie dolls rapidly lose its
credibility? Although the company claims it's due to commercial reasons, early indications of
potentially harmful side effects were overlooked, resulting in significant costs to patients and
its ultimate downfall. At the holder's request, the marketing authorisation for Oxford's
AstraZeneca vaccine "Vaxzevria" has now been withdrawn. The withdrawal is effective
7 May 2024 and is worldwide. The company has announced that it is withdrawing a vaccine
due to a "surplus of available updated vaccines". However, the Astra Zeneca has come under scrutiny
for potentially dangerous side effects. AstraZeneca recently admitted that the vaccine, in
rare cases, causes Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome, which has been linked to at least
81 deaths in the UK.
on COVID mRNA Vaccine Harms. I have been waiting for this moment for years now.
The US Federal government is finally starting to acknowledge that they have forced the citizens
(including military personnel) of this country to accept toxic injectable products presented as
"vaccines". Products which either contain or cause patient's bodies to produce a known toxin;
the engineered SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. We are now seeing an incremental rollout of limited
hangouts, in which current and former senior federal officials are starting to acknowledge deaths
and harms attributable to the various emergency use authorized COVID-19 "vaccine" products.
Of course this comes after years of official federal denialism, cover ups, withholding data, overt
marketing of unlicensed medical products (to adults AND children), and a massive censorship/defamation/propaganda
campaign which has spanned virtually all of both mainstream media as well as alternative media outlets.
CDC's Latest Myocarditis Study is a Con Job. Stung by media reports of young athletes
dropping dead seemingly often and everywhere, and sensitive to the claim that studies relying on
the passive VAERS reporting system drastically underreport vaccine events including deaths, the CDC
looked at Oregon death certificates in an effort to eliminate reporting bias on COVID-19
vaccination deaths. [...] The CDC admits there is a small probability of COVID vaccine-induced myo-
or pericarditis (henceforth "myo"), see, e.g., here and here, but it can't get itself to admit
there is any measurable risk of COVID vaccine-induced myo death, even to the point of
dishonesty. So let's do the calculations ourselves. [Lots of discussion omitted for
brevity.] Do the MSM collude with the CDC, or are they just willing stooges? You can
almost see them gleefully shouting, "Take that, you ignorant, gun-toting, bible-clinging, anti-vax,
MAGA rednecks!" But the joke is on them. Journalists who automatically spit out whatever the
CDC says without any critical analysis are not science reporters, they're just science report summarizers.
COVID Shots Trigger 'Avalanche' of a Contagious Form of Dementia? According to
mounting data, one of the more serious side effects of the COVID-19 mRNA jabs appears to be
dementia, and worse yet, this previously nontransmissible disease may now be "contagious,"
transmissible by way of prions. In my 2021 interview with Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., she
explained why she suspected the COVID-19 shots may eventually result in an avalanche of
neurological prion-based diseases such as Alzheimer's. She also published a paper detailing
those mechanisms in the May 10, 2021, issue of the International Journal of Vaccine Theory.
Pulls COVID Vaccine After Admitting Rare Side Effect. In yet another damning
development for the 'safe and effective' crowd, AstraZeneca has announced the worldwide withdrawal
of its Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, branded as Vaxzevria, due to a rare but serious side
effect. This decision marks the end of the vaccine once hailed as a "triumph for British
science" by Boris Johnson and credited with saving over six million lives, The Telegraph
reports. The pharmaceutical giant voluntarily withdrew its "marketing authorization" in the
European Union earlier this week, with similar actions expected soon in the UK and other approving
countries. The move, described by the company as driven by "commercial reasons," coincides
with the availability of newer vaccines designed to combat emerging variants.
Hamsters Dead After Chinese Scientists Engineer Horrific Ebola-Enhanced Virus. A
group of Chinese scientists have engineered a new virus in which they took a common animal disease
(vesicular stomatitis virus, or VSV) and added parts of Ebola in order to mimic Ebola symptoms in a
lab setting using animals. The result? A group of Syrian hamsters that received the
lethal injection "developed severe systemic diseases similar to those observed in human Ebola
patients, including multi-organ failure, the Daily Mail reports, citing the team's study.
The team studied five female and five male hamsters that were three weeks old[,] all but two of
which died between two and three days.
Forget How These People Took Our Freedom Over Lies. The vaccine didn't stop the
spread of COVID-19 or prevent people from catching it; no evidence showed it kept them out of the
hospital. The ventilators killed people. The lockdowns were unnecessary and harmful to
children who didn't need the vaccine. They cost people their jobs and careers for no
reason. Businesses folded. People couldn't go to church but could go to pot
shops. Big Pharma and our own health agencies kept side effects secret so that we couldn't
give informed consent. They used the pandemic to transform the West fundamentally. Now,
they want to enshrine the damage with a Pandemic Accord. Don't fall for it again.
Regime Suppressed Publication of Accurate Information Concerning the Laboratory Creation of Covid-
19. The House Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the
Weaponization of the Federal Government released a report 3 days ago on May 1, 2024. It
is a product of the good work that US Rep. Jim Jordan is doing. [...] Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, and Amazon were pressured by the Biden marketing team for Big Pharma's Death Shot to
suppress information incompatible with the official narrative. In other words, to be clear,
the Democrat "President" of the United States, his corrupt regime, the whore media, and university
medical schools and medical boards beholden to Big Pharma grants and Dr. Fauci at NIH who
shares patents with Big Pharma lied and pushed "vaccines" that killed millions of people and
destroyed millions of people's lives. These criminals have got away with their murders and
health injuries. Large numbers of independent HONEST medical scientists warned that the
vaccine and the imposed Covid medical protocols would do far more damage than Covid itself, but
they were shut down. Even as I write the utterly corrupt medical board of Texas is trying to
take away the medical license of a doctor who violated the mandated protocols and saved every one
of her 6,000 patients with Ivermectin.
Solving problems that don't exist: Scientists
create new coronavirus jab that even works on viruses they haven't discovered yet.
Scientists have created a jab to help protect against multiple coronaviruses, even the ones 'we
don't even know about yet', according to its creators. Created by experts from the universities
of Oxford, Cambridge and Caltech in California, the project aims to 'proactively' build a vaccine
before the next potential pandemic causing pathogen even becomes threat. The experimental shot,
which has so far only been tested on mice, works by training the immune system to recognise parts of
many different coronaviruses, a family of viruses that includes Covid, SARS and MERS.
Goodbye my Country. In order to maximize Big Pharma's profits and impose mass
tyranny, it was necessary to prohibit two safe, effective, known preventatives and cures[:]
Covid — hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Doctors who successfully used these
cures and preventatives to protect their patients were subject to persecution by medical
authorities and governing boards. Some were fired from their HMO jobs and university medical
schools, some were stripped of their licenses, some were prosecuted. In order to mass inject
people with an untested "vaccine" under an emergency use order the requirement was that there were
no cures. So, the fact that there were cures had to be suppressed. The utterly corrupt
US medical establishment, the whore media and the Western governments suppressed the cures and
ridiculed them as "horse medicine." If the Western peoples were not so insouciant, so gullible,
so trusting of "authorities," so utterly stupid and incapable of thinking for themselves, there
would have been no orchestrated "Covid pandemic" and no mass vaccination, which is against all
medical protocols in the face of a pandemic. According to all available scientific evidence
to date, the "Covid vaccine" has killed and destroyed the health of more people than the Covid
virus. The corrupt "authorities" have done their best to cover this up, but as I have
reported the coverup has failed. Still nothing is being done about it.
Gates Insider Blows Whistle on Coming 'Wave' of 'Unprecedented Deaths' Among Vaxxed.
A world-renowned scientist, who previously served as Bill Gates's vaccine specialist, has blown the
whistle to warn of a coming "wave of morbidity" and "mortality" among the Covid mRNA
vaccinated. Former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation scientist and vaccine expert
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has warned that populations around the world will soon experience a
"completely unprecedented" plunge. Bossche predicts that the death toll will be "up to 30-40%
in highly vaccinated countries." The top scientists raised the alarm during an interview with
vaccine expert and investigator Steve Kirsch. He also notes that Covid is impossible to
tackle with mRNA injections because it will always continue to mutate.
virus challenge trial spectacularly fails. A study has been published in the Lancet
journal Microbe reporting on the spectacular failure of scientists to deliberately infect a group
of volunteers with "covid". In the study, scientists tried to deliberately infect 36 previously
infected2 people with "covid". They induced illness in — wait for it — zero.
Yep, nobody. Zilch. [...] If you take a look at Supplementary Table 2 in the appendix it is
clear that only one of the 9 unvaccinated subjects had a community acquired breakthrough infection
in the follow-up period of 12 months, compared to 13 of the 27 subjects who had been
vaccinated for covid. This disparity was completely ignored by the authors. They ought
to have concluded that:
• It's very difficult to deliberately infect people with respiratory viruses
regardless of vaccination and prior infection history.
• However vaccination seems to make subjects more susceptible to infection in the community.
Instead, they claim that the lack of ability to infect subjects deliberately proves that the vaccines
induce durable immunity (whereas per below this methodology was doomed anyway, and these subjects had all
previously been infected anyway), totally ignoring the increased rate of subsequent illness in the vaccinated.
shared 'gobsmacking' Covid lab leak file with UK. The US shared "gobsmacking"
evidence with Britain at the height of the Covid pandemic suggesting a "high likelihood" that the
virus had leaked from a Chinese lab, The Telegraph can reveal. In January 2021, Five
Eyes intelligence-sharing nations were convened to discuss the possibility of a lab leak as the US
warned that China had covered up research on coronaviruses and military activity at a laboratory in
Wuhan. In a previously unreported phone call that month, Mike Pompeo, the former US secretary
of state, presented evidence that supported the lab leak theory to Dominic Raab, then the Foreign
Secretary, and representatives from Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
to End the Proposed WHO Treaty Now. A letter signed by every single Republican
Senator demands that President Biden withdraw US support from the proposed Pandemic Treaty and IHR
Amendments. The Senators call upon Biden to:
[#1] Withdraw support for the current IHR amendments and pandemic treaty negotiations.
[#2] Shift focus to comprehensive WHO reforms that address its persistent failures without expanding its authority.
[#3] Should Biden ignore this advice, the Senators demand that President Biden submit any
pandemic-related agreement to the Senate for its advice and consent.
Shots Increase Chance of Catching Covid, Study Finds. A new study has concluded that the
more Covid mRNA shots a person receives, the more likely they are to contract COVID-19. Dr. Nabin
Shrestha and his team conducted an analysis of data from Cleveland Clinic employees. The researchers
reported that they found that the likelihood of a person contracting Covid increased each time they received
a dose of the vaccine. People who received two or more doses were at higher risk of COVID-19, they noted.
York Times Investigation Finds People Injured by COVID Vaccines Are Being 'Ignored'.
The New York Times today reported that COVID-19 vaccine injuries exist and that vaccine-injured
people have been ignored. Those findings resulted from a yearlong investigation into the
issue, the paper said. After years of labeling commentary, articles and even search engine
queries about vaccine injuries as misinformation, conspiracy theory, and "far-right," lambasting
social media companies for allowing vaccine injury stories on their platforms and even ridiculing a
family whose children died from the vaccine, the Times conceded that "thousands" may have been
injured by the COVID-19 vaccines.
Government Minister Admits Covid Vaccines Did Not Prevent Transmission. Dan Hannan
has posted on his YouTube under the heading 'The vaccination scandal' a clip of him asking the
Minister, Lord Markham, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Health, what the Government's latest
assessment is of the efficacy of the Covid vaccines. In response, the Minister admits that
the vaccines did not significantly prevent transmission, leading Lord Hannan to comment beneath the
clip: "So why [...] did we force them on to young people? Why did we insist on vaccine passports?"
'wriggling off the hook' as some families drop out of legal action over costs.
Families whose loved ones died after taking the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine have abandoned attempts
to sue the pharmaceutical giant after being told that they were likely to lose. Gareth Eve
and other families whose relatives were harmed after having the jab have pulled out of the High
Court case after being told that they would be unlikely to succeed with their claims because a
leaflet issued at the height of the pandemic warned of a rare side effect associated with the
vaccine. The document, given out at vaccination centres, said that "extremely rare cases of
blood clots with low levels of platelets have been observed following vaccination with Covid-19
vaccine AstraZeneca".
indicates sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender dysphoria are all primarily caused by
vaccination. Thanks to your help in responding to my last survey, it took less than
3 hours to answer the question as to whether sexual orientation, gender identity and gender
dysphoria are influenced by vaccines. The answer to all three is yes: the greater someone is
vaccinated, the more likely they are to exhibit each of these traits. For all three measures,
the odds ratios were 4.8 or higher which means that the attributable fraction is 79.2%. In
other words, vaccines are responsible for nearly 80% of the effect size. [...] So the vaccines
themselves are the elephant in the room here and the driver of the response, not environment,
upbringing, social pressure, etc. I have not seen any data that disputes this.
The Editor says...
Well then... If the government wants everyone to be vaccinated, and vaccinations lead to gender confusion,
and homosexuals don't reproduce, where does that lead? Extinction within a few generations.
But at least it's much gentler than wiping out
billions of people by other methods.
tried to give people COVID — and failed. When Paul Zimmer-Harwood
volunteered to be intentionally infected with SARS-CoV-2, he wasn't sure what to expect. He
was ready for a repeat of his first brush with COVID-19, through a naturally acquired infection
(ER: hmmm) that gave him influenza-like symptoms. But he hoped his immunity would help him
feel well enough to use the indoor bicycle trainer that he had brought into quarantine. It
turned out that Zimmer-Harwood, a PhD student at University of Oxford, UK, had nothing to worry
about. Neither he nor any of the 35 other people who participated in the 'challenge'
trial actually got COVID-19. The study's results, published on 1 May in Lancet Microbe1,
raise questions about the usefulness of COVID-19 challenge trials for testing vaccines, drugs and other
therapeutics. "If you can't get people infected, then you can't test those things," says Tom
Peacock, a virologist at Imperial College London. Viral strains used in challenge trials take
many months to produce, making it impossible to match emerging circulating variants that can
overcome high levels of existing immunity in populations.
and Autoimmunity as a Result of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination. Every cancer registry in
the world is up with new cases and documented rapid progression of disease aptly termed "turbo
cancer." The trendline went up with the rollout of genetic COVID-19 vaccines. What
mechanism could explain an injection of Pfizer or Moderna mRNA and the genesis of cancer?
Kyriakopoulos et al have recently published a thorough investigation into the response by
regulatory T-cells after encountering repeated injections of foreign mRNA.
provides 'heavily redacted' docs on U.S. grant to Wuhan lab through EcoHealth:
Report. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provided "heavily redacted" documents
to the organization Empower Oversight related to a U.S. grant that went to the Wuhan Institute of
Virology (WIV) in China through the EcoHealth Alliance. According to Empower Oversight's
report, released on Monday, the documents that the NIH produced on the grant were in response to
Jan. 5, 2022 and Feb. 6, 2023 Freedom of Information Act requests. The documents
"show communications regarding the EcoHealth Alliance grant and any communications between
Dr. Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance in the middle of 2019, around when an
enhanced growth notification should have been made to the federal government from EcoHealth Alliance."
Scientist: All Covid-Vaxxed 'Will Die in 3 to 5 Years'. A world-renowned
scientist and leading immunology expert has raised the alarm with an explosive warning to the
public that everyone who has been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots "will die within 3 to
5 years, even if they have had only one injection." The alert was issued by Professor
Dr. Dolores Cahill. Prof. Cahill has over 25 years of expertise in
high-throughput protein array, antibody array, proteomics technology development, and
automation. The experience includes work on how proteins and antibodies can be used in
biomedical applications, including in biomarker discovery, diagnostics, and personalized medicine.
The Editor says...
I don't believe everyone will die from vaccinations any more than I believe doomsday predictions about
global warming. Statements like this make good clickbait, that's all.
the Public Ready for the Truth About COVID Vaccines? Are mainstream media and the
public becoming more open to news and perspectives contradicting the establishment narrative on
COVID-19, the vaccines and the prevailing public health policies of the past four years? If
so, can such incremental change eventually lead to a transformation in public attitudes? At
least one medical expert thinks so. Writing on Substack, Dr. Pierre Kory, president and
chief medical officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, cited the April 25
publication of a RealClear Health op-ed he co-wrote with journalist Mary Beth Pfeiffer as an
example of how the public narrative may be changing. The op-ed analyzed evidence finding that
mRNA vaccines are the cause of a significant spike in cancer among young people.
'The Great Covid
Panic' Book. Author, publisher and academic Dr Tom Christie interviews Dr Colin M.
Barron about his recent book 'The Great Covid Panic' which is available from Amazon. [Video clip]
scientist who exposed Covid sequence locked out of lab by CCP: report. Chinese
scientist Prof Zhang Yongzhen, who first published the coronavirus sequence, was evicted from his
laboratory by authorities over unspecified "safety reasons," the Telegraph reports.
[Advertisement] After the eviction, Zhang protested outside the Shanghai Public Health Clinical
Center in a rare form of public dissent in China. Photographs posted on X showed the
scientist sleeping outside the center, which was being guarded by authorities. [Advertisement]
In January 2020, Prof Zhang released the Sars-Cov-2 sequence without government permission.
As a result, experts claim that Prof Zhang has been "treated cruelly for years." The action
sped up the rush to create vaccines and medications, allowing health officials around the world
to test for the virus in a matter of weeks. But since the Chinese government has repeatedly denied
being the origin of the coronavirus pandemic, Prof Zhang has been "unfairly" targeted ever since, experts
said. [Advertisement] Prof Zhang was barred from entering his laboratory in Shanghai
last weekend, which was closed over "safety reasons."
Is Not a Mass Psychosis — It Is a Political Graft Machine and Posadist
Ideology. How do we know viruses exist? Well one way is that egg manufacturers
get a huge payment from the FDA when they declare that their flock of chickens has broken out with
an epidemic of fictional Avian Flu virus. This usually occurs when the egg ranchers have
supposedly become aware they've grown too many pullets (baby chicks), and they will suffer a
loss. No mention that there is an economic incentive to raise too many pullets and just claim
an outbreak and pocket the cash than risk going to the market. The FDA doesn't pay for actual
hens lost to the pseudo disease but to those who survived but conceivably caught or could catch the
disease. This might also explain why there doesn't need to be any real contagion either, as
it is just presumed. Something similar goes on in hospitals, virology laboratories, medical
schools, pharmaceutical companies, veterinary schools and clinics, public health agencies,
universities, and legislatures where representatives receive legal bribes for pushing legislation
that invents fictional viruses to subsidize and buy off special interest groups.
Fauci Adviser Subpoenaed Amid New Whistleblower Allegations of COVID Origins Cover-Up.
A House subcommittee on Tuesday subpoenaed a former senior adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci for
conversations about COVID-19 origins exchanged over his private email account in violation of
federal record-keeping laws. The U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic
demanded Dr. David Morens turn to produce "all documents and communications" regarding the
Wuhan lab and EcoHealth Alliance or the origins of COVID-19, between Nov. 1, 2019 and the
present between Morens and 36 others, including EcoHealth President Peter Daszak, Fauci and
former National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins, former Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield, World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Scientist
Jeremy Farrar, Kristian Andersen, Ph.D., and Dr. W. Ian Lipkin (co-authors of the "Proximal
Origin" paper), Wuhan lab senior scientist Shi Zhengli, Ph.D., and Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D.
Lasting Effects of COVID on Schooling. Four years ago, on March 12, 2020,
Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio took the extraordinary step of closing all schools in the state in
light of the then nascent coronavirus pandemic. In less than a week, the rest of the nation
made that extraordinary step ordinary, and America's public schools would remain closed until the
end of the school year. The school closures and remote schooling that followed are now years
behind us. Nonetheless, just as some individuals still suffer from long COVID months after
being infected, schools are still suffering from a long COVID of their own. Having cataloged
how the nation's schools responded to the pandemic for the past four years, I see two main
challenges facing schools today. The first is learning loss, which at its height in 2022 saw
students more than half a year behind in math and more than a third of a year behind in reading.
The second is less well-known but arguably more important: chronic absenteeism.
admits for first time in court documents its Covid vaccine can cause rare side effect.
AstraZeneca has admitted for the first time in court documents that its Covid vaccine can cause a
rare side effect, in an apparent about-turn that could pave the way for a multi-million pound legal
payout. The pharmaceutical giant is being sued in a class action over claims that its
vaccine, developed with the University of Oxford, caused death and serious injury in dozens of
cases. Lawyers argue the vaccine produced a side effect which has had a devastating effect on
a small number of families. The first case was lodged last year by Jamie Scott, a father of
two, who was left with a permanent brain injury after developing a blood clot and a bleed on the
brain that has prevented him from working after he received the vaccine in April 2021. The
hospital called his wife three times to tell her that her husband was going to die.
York — it was widespread well before anyone noticed.. Jessica Hockett Martin Neil
and I have written a lot about the paucity of evidence for the official pandemic narrative.
One of the most important aspects of our argument is that which is summarised by this comment of
mine: [...] And yet it now seems uncontroversial to argue that whatever "it" was, "it" was
spreading extensively for months before the "emergency", apparently totally unnoticed. This
should have been impossible. SARS-CoV-2 was — we are told — both highly contagious and
deadly, causing a wide range of extremely characteristic clusters of symptoms with a high mortality
rate, at least for certain groups. One of the best examples to illustrate this is that of New
York. The weirdness of the official data has been written about previously, and the questions
raised therein remain unanswered.
and Sneaky Negotiations Over the Pandemic Treaty. James Roguski has deep concerns
about the latest leaked draft discussion of the Pandemic Treaty the World Health Organization wants
passed by 194 nations in May. In the leaked proposed draft of the "resolution" to be
presented to the 77th World Health Assembly, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body seems to want
to mandate the Director-General "to implement with immediate effect" specific articles of the
proposed "Pandemic Agreement." Why is it vital for the Director-General "to implement with
immediate effect" the specified articles? Are the insiders aware of details that are likely
to appear in the final document before those details are made public?
anyone halt the mRNA juggernaut? For a start, the mRNA vaccine's effectiveness seems
to diminish after just a few months, so regular boosters are necessary. Moreover, a number of
peer-reviewed studies have linked the mRNA vaccines to an increase in heart conditions such as
myocarditis and pericarditis. And more recently, evidence has been mounting that they may
suppress the body's natural immune response to several forms of cancer. The latest news about
mRNA developments is that the technology is being tested for what was its original purpose —
not as a vaccine, but as a gene therapy for cancer. An mRNA product is in Phase 3 clinical
trials as a treatment for melanoma (skin cancer) and scientists hope this technology could also be used
to stop lung, bladder and kidney cancer. This may be successful and hopefully be less harmful than
current treatments. But given the increasing questions about the effectiveness and safety of mRNA
technology as a mass-administered vaccine, you might have expected that our rulers would call for a
pause in mRNA vaccine development and deployment to give time to assess the risks and benefits.
However, this will not happen for at least two reasons: [...]
Star Korey Cunningham Dies Suddenly at 28. Former NFL star Korey Cunningham has died
suddenly at just 28 years old, according to reports. Cunningham was found dead at his
home in New Jersey on Friday [4/26/2024]. His death was announced by his former team, the New
York Giants.
Study: Covid Shots Caused Heart Failure Surge in Children. Covid mRNA shots are
responsible for surges in heart failure and seizures among children, a new study commissioned by
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has revealed. The study was conducted as part of an FDA
public health surveillance mandate and published Wednesday in the renowned peer-reviewed medical
journal JAMA. According to the study, large numbers of children have suffered serious health
issues after being injected with the Covid mRNA shots. The researchers found that heart
failure, in the form of myocarditis or pericarditis, was found in vaccinated children under
5 years old.
Advisers Caught Falsely Claiming Never to Have Supported Pandemic Fear Messaging. In
March 2023, the BMJ published an article by professors Stephen Reicher, John Drury,
Susan Michie and Robert West entitled 'The U.K. Government's attempt to frighten people into Covid
protective behaviours was at odds with its scientific advice'. You will note in the declaration of
competing interests that they were all Government scientific advisors. All four sat on SPI-B
(the U.K. Government's Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours) and two were also part of
'Indie SAGE'. In essence, the article claims that the idea of using fear to induce compliance
with lockdown and NPIs did not come from the Government conspiring with behavioural scientists in
SPI-B, but rather from ignoring them. Not only that, they say fear is an ineffective way to
persuade people engage in 'health protective behaviours'.
Bird Flu to Climate Snakes. While the source of Covid is hotly contested within the
scientific community, the policy vehicle at the center of this dialectic began years prior to
Sars-CoV-2 and is quite resolute in force and effect. In 2016, the Gates Foundation donated
to the World Health Organization to create the OneHealth Initiative. Since 2020, the CDC has
adopted and implemented the OneHealth Initiative to build a "collaborative, multisectoral, and
transdisciplinary approach — working at the local, regional, national, and global
levels — with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the
interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment." In the
aftermath of Covid-19, the OneHealth Initiative began taking shape, due largely in part to millions
of tax dollars appropriated through ARP (American Rescue Plan) funding.
Leading Cause of Death in America Today Is Pharmaceuticals. We often hear from
politicians that things like raw milk, guns, the unvaccinated and TikTok need to be banned in order
to save We the People from harm, but then why do all of these same people support Big Pharma, the
actual leading killer of Americans by a long shot? Prescription drugs are now the leading
cause of death in the United States today, surpassing even heart disease and cancer. And
within that category, psychiatric drugs specifically take third place as the top killer.
'Chose Not To' Tell Regulators About SV40 Sequence in COVID Shots: Health Canada
Official. A senior Health Canada official says pharma giant Pfizer made a conscious
decision not to advise regulators that its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine contained a DNA sequence from the
Simian Virus 40 (SV40). This information appears among multiple emails between staff from key
drug regulators, including Health Canada (HC), the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), and
the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The information was obtained through an access-to-information
request. On Aug. 23, 2023, Dr. Dean Smith, a senior scientific evaluator in Health
Canada's Vaccine Quality Division, wrote an email to a colleague at the FDA about SV40. Health
Canada had obtained confirmation two weeks earlier from Pfizer that SV40 DNA sequences were present
in its COVID-19 vaccine.
strong evidence of the link between covid vaccines and cancer can no longer be ignored.
In my recent article about the massive Japanese cancer deaths study that vindicated my warning over
covid boosters, I went through the current data that showed how a number of mechanisms set off
by the mRNA based covid vaccines could induce cancer, especially after the totally unnecessary
boosters. I will not review them in detail again here but merely list them. They are:
[#1] T cell suppression/exhaustion, especially documented in cancer patients after the first booster;
[#2] Immunoglobulin class switching from protective IgG1 and 3 to tolerising IgG4;
[#3] Increase in PD-L1 expression on cells giving protection from immune surveillance;
[#4] DNA plasmid contamination and inclusion of known oncogenic sequences such as SV40;
(Where on this, I ask, is the quality control so beloved by the regulators?)
[#5] The ability of the spike protein to induce clotting, both micro clots and
intravascular clots both of whichcan enhance cancer spread and metastases;
[#6] The inclusion of the mRNA stabilizer N1 methyl pseudouridine (m1Ψ) in
100 percent of samples, leading to melanoma spread in mouse models.
If that was not enough evidence, there is now confirmation of earlier studies that were retracted
by the publishers after 'expressions of concern' such as this study, [...]
brave head above the covid parapet — what Graham Stringer told the House.
Graham Stringer began by talking about the disease itself: ["]'People have different
views about the damage done by covid. Some people think it is harmless and just another flu,
whereas some treat it as though it were the plague. It is neither. It was a nasty
disease for some people who got it, but its major characteristic was the profile of people who were
killed or made ill by it. It affected older people much more severely. I think the
median age of those who died was 82 for men and 84 for women, so it was a disease of the
elderly. Those below 50 were relatively safe — some died, but not many. That
was known at the beginning of the epidemic. This comes back to the point about politics, and
the protection of Government politicians being more important than looking at the science. A
rational response to a disease with the profile of Covid-19 would have been to put a cordon
sanitaire around those people who were vulnerable because of their age or because they had other
diseases, such as lung diseases, and to let the rest of us go about our business and take the risk,
as we do every year with seasonal flu, but the Government did the opposite. They locked
everybody up and sent untested people back from hospital into care homes, where they infected other
people, which led to a spike in deaths. At the same time, the Government were telling us that
they were "following the science".'["]
the "national will" to give up our civil and human rights on the altar of pandemic safety.
The 21st Century ushered in a well-coordinated push to generate fear about:
[#1] a repeat of the 1918 flu pandemic,
[#2] jumps of deadly viruses from animals to humans ("spillover,"
zoonoses and epizootics were the new terms to be mastered), and
[#3] biologic warfare threats
The 2002-3 SARS outbreak and the Avian influenza (bird flu) outbreak — both beginning shortly
after the anthrax letters — were hyped to the max to generate fear of pandemics and biological
warfare. How many people did these infectious diseases kill in the US and around the world?
[#1] The anthrax letters caused 5 human deaths, all in the US.
[#2] SARS-1 caused under 800 deaths around the world.
There were 27 US cases designated as SARS-1 and not a single US death.
[#3] Avian flu is said to have caused 463 deaths total in the entire world
over the past 20 years, according to the WHO. Only 2 Americans have been identified
as having an illness associated with avian flu, and both were very minor. Not a single
American has died from avian flu. The recent case of conjunctivitis is recovering.
The CDC and mainstream media claim that avian flu has killed over 100 million
chickens. It has not. USDA rules have forced growers to cull over 100 million
chickens. When one chicken has a positive PCR test for bird flu, every chicken in the chicken
house (and sometimes all those on the farm) must be killed. Was that test even accurate?
of COVID Hospital Protocol Victim: 'He Drove There and Left in a Body Bag'. In
December 2020, life was going well for 40-year-old William Donald Judah. He was vice
president of a family-owned janitorial company in Prattville, Alabama, the father of a 5-year-old
son, stepfather to two other children and a softball coach. "All the girls loved him," his
mother, Donna Sue Harvell, told The Defender. "He was affectionately called 'Coach Will."
Harvell said she was supposed to see William right after Christmas 2020, but the plans were
canceled when he tested positive for COVID-19 and began experiencing symptoms such as a loss of
smell and taste. "I would've dropped everything and run up there, but he said, 'No, there's
nothing you can do,'" Harvell recalled. In the coming days, William's symptoms
worsened. On Jan. 2, 2021, he called his mother and told her he had to drive himself to
Prattville Baptist Hospital. "They're going to go ahead and keep me," he said. "He was going to
the hospital to get some antibiotics, and they isolated him," Harvell said. By Jan. 8,
2021, he was dead — a victim, his mother said, of COVID-19 hospital protocols, which
included the administration of remdesivir over five days.
Says COVID Hospital Protocols Led to Patient Deaths. "Hospitals became the place
where people go to die instead of the place where people go to get better," said Zowe (not her real
name), a medical coder who worked for several Phoenix, Arizona, hospitals during the COVID-19
pandemic. In an emotional testimonial with Polly Tommey on Children's Health Defense's (CHD)
"Vax-Unvax" bus earlier this month in Salem, Oregon, the whistleblower exposed the practices and
protocols that she believes led to patient deaths. As a medical coder, Zowe's job was to
review patient records and assign codes for diagnoses and treatments. The codes determined
how hospitals and physicians were paid. "I call it the central intelligence of the hospital or
the SimCity level view," she said. But Zowe said what she witnessed during the pandemic left
her distraught and compelled her to speak out.
Four Years and Thirty Million Deaths. The global Covid epidemic began more than four
years ago, and although its visibility has largely faded over the last couple of years, displaced
in the headlines by Russia's Ukraine war and the more recent Israel-Gaza conflict, its lingering
impact has been enormous. Since 2020 The Economist has maintained the most authoritative
account of the human toll and by its reckoning, the total number of "excess deaths" worldwide has
nearly reached thirty million, while many billions more had their lives greatly disrupted by the
lockdowns and economic dislocations. Our own country certainly suffered from these same
factors, with well over a million American deaths, and the massive government spending used to
avert an economic collapse raised our debt by more than $10 trillion, an increase of roughly
50% over just the last few years. [...] Ordinary life in America seems to have largely returned to
normal much more rapidly than I had expected at the time.
in England 'facing worst exam results in decades' after Covid closures. Children in
England could face the worst exam results in decades and a lifetime of lower earnings, according to
research that blames failures to tackle the academic and social legacies of school closures during
Covid. The study funded by the Nuffield Foundation predicts that national GCSE results in key
subjects will steadily worsen until 2030, when it expects fewer than 40% of pupils to get good grades
in maths and English. Lee Elliot Major, a professor of social mobility at Exeter University and
one of the report's co-authors, said: "Without a raft of equalising policies, the damaging legacy
from Covid school closures will be felt by generations of pupils well into the next decade."
impact on children is only beginning. Children who started school in the early days
of the pandemic will have worse exam results well into the next decade. That's according to a
study released this morning by the London School of Economics, the University of Exeter and the
University of Strathclyde. Researchers predict that 60 per cent of pupils will achieve
worse than a grade five in their English and Maths GSCEs in 2030, considerably more than the numbers
achieving poor marks today. The study, which looked at the effect of school closures on
childhood development, is the first to look at both 'cognitive' skills as well as 'socio-emotional'
skills, finding the latter to be just as important.
Dangerous Vaccine for a Nothing Disease': U.S. Stockpiling Bird Flu Vaccines. With
the recent spread of H5N1 bird flu to dairy cows in eight states — and the infection of
a Texas dairy worker marking the second known human case in the country — public health
officials are raising concerns over the adequacy and safety of stockpiled vaccines meant to protect
against a potential pandemic, according to Barron's. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) maintains bird flu is a low risk to humans — the infected dairy worker
only contracted a case of conjunctivitis (pink eye) — and that there is currently no
known mechanism for human-to-human transmission. According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), avian flu is responsible for 463 deaths worldwide over the past 20 years. The CDC
reports only two U.S. cases of bird flu, and both were mild. No Americans have died from the
virus. Still, government agencies and Big Pharma manufacturers are building their capacity
for bird flu vaccine production.
The Editor says...
If they say it's a bird flu vaccine, how do you know that's what you're getting?
How can you beleve anything the CDC says?
lab in Montana was part of DARPA Defuse. Fauci gave a presentation to the Royal
Society in London last week. A slide reads, "Enhance biosecurity in animal husbandry." The
Royal Society published a Rocky Mountain Lab (RML) paper in 2019 discussing coronaviruses and
"proteases" (aka furin cleavage sites). The Vincent Munster RML paper on "onward transmission" was
partially funded by DARPA. Fauci blames SARS2 on "clearing and degradation of tropical and
subtropical forests." However, NASA published Asian satellite images in 2019 that showed the
contrary. US Senator Rand Paul brought attention to the DARPA PREEMPT Proposers Day. He
claimed insider knowledge regarding Munster and Montana, so here it is. On January 30,
2018, Peter Daszak of EcoHealth submitted a one-page slide outlining his initial DARPA Defuse
proposal. Daszak listed "NIH Rocky Mountain Lab" as a partner.
Geneticist: Covid mRNA Shots Were 'Designed' To 'Destroy Humanity'. Would you
believe, Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, molecular geneticist, immunologist, author, and educator, reveals
as an insider that the mRNA shots, falsely called vaccines, were from the beginning designed to
"destroy humanity". He claims the injections were part of a plan by the World Economic Forum
(WEF), the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO), and Big Pharma to massively
reduce world population. One of the few insiders who blows the whistle on the truth.
One may add that among the hidden criminals were and are to this day active, also Big Finance, the
Military Industrial Complex, Big IT, and the corrupted mainstream media, that dominate over
90% of western news outlets.
COVID Shots May Cause Myocarditis — But Nothing Else, HHS-Funded Report Concludes.
A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) confirmed a causal
link between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis — but rejected a causal link between the
vaccines and a host of other adverse effects including female infertility, Guillain-Barré syndrome,
Bell's palsy, thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome and heart attack. Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief
scientific officer for Children's Health Defense, called the NASEM report a "whitewash of the horrible
truth regarding COVID-19 vaccines."
found it 'alarming' that Fauci-funded virus research at Wuhan lab would leave no trace of 'human
manipulation'. The FBI was tipped off in April 2020 to gain-of-function virus
research in China, funded by the agency formerly headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, that "would
leave no signature of purposeful human manipulation," emails from agents at the bureau show. At
least one FBI agent at the bureau's Newark Field Office referred to the revelation as "alarming."
Another agent called the tip "interesting," and vowed to follow-up with others at the FBI.
FBI FOIA Emails Provide Evidence of Intelligence Community Covid Origin Cover Up. An
explosive new batch of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) emails reveals that the FBI knew early in
2020 that the Covid-19 pandemic likely originated in a Chinese lab. The key statement in the
FBI emails, whose authors and recipients are all redacted, is that a lab made virus "***would leave
no signature of purposeful human manipulation***" (emphasis original). This disclosure is
crucial because it contradicts the public narrative that was promoted by Anthony Fauci at the
time. On February 1, 2020, Fauci commissioned the fraudulent Proximal Origin paper from
a group of conflicted scientists who relied on funding from Fauci. The purpose of the paper
was to create a false scientific foundation to discredit the lab leak theory. The fraudulent
Proximal Origin paper, which became the media's go-to source for dismissing the lab leak theory,
falsely proclaimed, "Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a
purposefully manipulated virus."
Theories' Aren't Theoretical Anymore. COVID was created using our tax dollars in a
Chinese lab, and it caused a pandemic that affected the 2020 election. Was it really an
accident committed by well-intentioned, but careless scientists — or something
else? Certainly, the Democrats didn't let that crisis go to waste. Many thousands
died. Were they just the broken eggs needed to make the make the election omelet?
Coup Without Firing a Shot. The last few years can be tracked at two levels: the
physical reality around us and the realm of the intellectual, mental, and psychological. The
first level has presented a chaotic narrative of the previously unthinkable. A killer virus
that turned out to be what many people said it was in February 2020: a bad flu with a known
demographic risk best treated with known therapeutics. But that template and the ensuing
campaign of fear and emergency rule gave rise to astonishing changes in our lives. Social
functioning was wholly upended as schools, businesses, churches, and travel were ended by
force. The entire population of the world was told to mask up, despite vast evidence that
doing so achieved nothing in terms of stopping a respiratory virus. That was followed by a
breathtaking propaganda campaign for a shot that failed to live up to its promise. The cure
for the disease itself caused tremendous damage to health including death, a subject about which
everyone cared intensely before the shot and then strangely forgot about after. Protests against
the goings-on were met with media smears, shutdowns, and even the cancellation of bank accounts.
Suggests That Children Who Get No Vaccines ... Have Better Health Outcomes. Prior to
the Trojan Horse event that we politely refer to as the COVID era, vaccine hesitancy was a fringe
issue. Citizens who objected to the forced vaccination of children were kooks or extremists,
and even those demanding more informed consent got the side-eye from even more liberty-minded
Americans. The mRNA injections changed that. I doubt that was the goal, but an
increasing number of people, including those who lined up for at least one shot or booster, have
been exposed to a level of public health tyranny on a scale that seemed impossible to
imagine. People are just friends, family, and jobs, all in the wake of a propaganda and
domestic terror campaign to jab everyone regardless of legitimate objections.
study calculates Covid-19 vaccine reduces average life expectancy by four months. Lay
readers might find the detailed results of the paper difficult to follow, as they are written for
biostatisticians and epidemiological specialists, but they are nevertheless unambiguous despite
this. [...] Even though the data suffers from the miscategorisation bias, as well as some other
potential confounding effects, which they carefully note, this is clearly the best quality study we
have available on Covid-19 vaccination to date.
World Series Champion Dies At 54 Due To 'Cardiac Event'. Dave McCarty, a member of
the 2004 Boston Red Sox team that won the World Series, died Friday in Oakland, California, due to
a "cardiac event." He was 54. "The Boston Red Sox mourn the loss of former first baseman
and outfielder Dave McCarty, who passed away today at the age of 54 due to a cardiac event in
Oakland, CA," the team announced in a press release. "Our hearts are heavy with the passing of
Dave McCarty. Playing 3 seasons with the Red Sox, he will forever be a part of the
curse-breaking 2004 World Series championship team. We send our love to his wife, Monica, and
their children, Reid and Maxine," the Red Sox stated on social media. [Tweet]
Researchers Reveal COVID mRNA Vaccines Contain Component that Suppresses Immune Response and
Stimulates Cancer Growth. A comprehensive review by an international consortium of
scientists has raised serious concerns about the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines' safety profile.
Review articles are summaries of current research on a particular topic. They are also
sometimes called literature reviews or secondary sources. The review, "N1-methyl-pseudouridine
(m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?" published on Science Direct, delves into the potential
implications of a vaccine ingredient — N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) —
that may play a role in immune suppression and cancer proliferation. m1Ψ was
incorporated into Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to enhance its efficacy.
is a class one carcinogen. Carcinogens are substances, organisms, or agents capable
of causing cancer by altering the cellular, genetic, and epigenetic mechanisms within the body,
leading to the transformation of normal cells into cancer cells. These agents can be chemical
substances, viruses, or even certain types of radiation therapies used to treat cancer.
Carcinogens may occur naturally in the environment, such as ultraviolet rays from the sun or
certain viruses, or may be generated by human activities, such as automobile exhaust fumes and
cigarette smoke. The process of carcinogenicity, also known as carcinogenesis or tumour
genesis, involves multiple stages where normal cells undergo a series of changes at the cellular,
genetic, and epigenetic levels, resulting in abnormal cell division and the formation of cancer.
has been vindicated on Covid'. Almost as quickly as the Covid-19 pandemic swept the
world in 2020, governments began locking down. These measures, we were told, might have been
insanely authoritarian and historically unprecedented, but politicians were just 'following the
science'. We simply had to give up our freedoms in order to save lives. And yet, in Sweden,
'the science' looked very different. The nation refused to go into full lockdown, insisting
this would be better for health in the long-run. It made itself a global pariah in the
process. So, four years on from the first lockdowns across the West, has Sweden's more
liberal approach been proven wrong or vindicated? Swedish epidemiologist and biostatistician
Martin Kulldorff, one of the co-authors of the anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration, joined
Brendan O'Neill on the latest episode of his podcast [...] to discuss how Sweden fared. They
also discussed censorship and the lockdown on dissent during the pandemic.
Admin-commissioned report concludes Pfizer & Moderna mRNA shots cause myocarditis. A
new report published this week from the National Academies concluded that there is a direct
relationship between COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis, a disease that causes inflammation of the
heart muscle. The report, titled, Evidence Review of the Adverse Effects of COVID-19
Vaccination and Intramuscular Vaccine Administration (2024), marks the first time that a government
commissioned report has acknowledged the direct association between Pfizer and Moderna's mRNA shots
and myocarditis. While this might not be groundbreaking news to those who have long
challenged the extensive "safety and efficacy" claims brought forward by proponents of the mRNA
Covid shots, it's particularly interesting because the report was sanctioned by the Health
Resources and Services Administration, which falls under the umbrella of the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
CEO: You Better Believe I Partnered With Gov't to Suppress 'Misinformation' About Pandemic,
Elections. I think we've discovered the qualifications that got Katherine Maher hired
to run Government Radio. [...] She acknowledges that COVID-19 was a "novel virus" (true), "which by
definition means we know nothing about it in real time" (also true). Maher also admits that we
were "trying to figure it out as the pandemic went along" (also very true). And in the midst
of all this uncertainty and ignorance even in the so-called expert circles, Maher's first instinct
was to suppress debate and discussion in favor of the government line. Not coincidentally,
that was also the first instinct of Maher's predecessor at NPR, John Lansing. And it was the
first instinct for almost all of the national media in the US, too — to act as an arm of
government to suppress debate at the very time we needed it most. Maher, Lansing, and
other media and Big Tech executives involved in this Big Brother syndicate essentially froze that
ignorance in place rather than allow for debate and dissent to test the policies and declarations
of bureaucrats. Maher and others of her ilk aren't trying to inform Americans. They're
trying to trap them in ignorance and indoctrinate them in Bureauspeak. That's not free
speech. That's fascism, definitionally, as a combine of government and centralized
corporate power enforcing the whims of the ruling elite.
Marx Conquers American Medicine. In early April, it emerged that a Marxist,
pro-Hamas, anti-American guest speaker gave a two-hour-long lecture at the UCLA Geffen School that
included an invocation to kneel in prayer to momma earth and stand up and scream for Hamas.
This proves that Marxist ideological argot, the canons of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI),
intersectionality, and critical race theory have infiltrated American medicine. [...] In 2022,
Heather MacDonald wrote about the Marxist "Corruption of Medicine." Medical schools and
professional organizations are pushing nihilistic, utilitarian, social-justice identity politics,
and they're not going to stop. They are doing this to vulnerable students who are selected
not based on merit but based on race, sex, sexual identity, or other preferred leftist
status. These students are incapable of pushing back against the nonsense they are taught.
Her essay is invaluable information about the magnitude of the socialist conquest of medicine.
paper on Czech population-level vaccination data disproves claims vaccines are safe and
effective. New population-level data on the vaccination programme from the Czech
Republic, collected from 2.2 million individual health records, have been analysed by
Fürst et al and their analysis has been accepted for publication in the International Journal
of Infectious Diseases (the pre-publication date on the article is May 2024). They
analysed the all-cause mortality (ACM) of people vaccinated and unvaccinated against Covid-19 and
found that ACM was consistently much lower in freshly vaccinated groups. Now in case you are
thinking that this surely means the vaccines saved lives, it turns out that they found this pattern
even outside of 'pandemic' waves (cold & flu season) and they concluded that this was explainable
by the Healthy Vaccinee Effect (HVE). And the effect of this bias was sufficiently large, that
they further concluded that it leads to an overestimate of Covid-19 vaccine efficiency in
observational studies. We have been repeatedly asking the authorities for population data to
be released here in the UK and worldwide to determine vaccination efficacy and safety.
cancer deaths study vindicates my warnings over covid boosters. It is well over a
year since I first published my concerns that my patients with melanoma were relapsing after
several years of being in remission. I could find none of the usual causes but on further
investigation I realised that they had all had a booster covid vaccine between three weeks and
three months before their cancer's resurgence, the time in which their immune repression
fails. This was mainly against their will, most only reluctantly agreeing to it so they could
travel after the misery of the lockdowns. Others gave in to the bullying of the NHS and GPs
who hounded them with texts and calls (which I myself received regularly) about the importance of
having a booster even though they presented no evidence that it could be beneficial. Indeed
in my judgement there was none, and only ever speculative and specious. Having worked in
vaccine development for a decade I remembered an adage that if a vaccine needs a booster, it
doesn't work! What concerned me too was that they were boosting against a virus that had long
since left the planet so, at the very least, it would do no good but more likely do harm, inducing
immune responses that would be positively harmful and enhance susceptibility to infections with
other viruses/variants, as has exactly turned out to be the case. This is not merely
anecdotal. Despite several attempts to deny its conclusions and claim it has been
misinterpreted, this Cleveland study indisputably shows a greater than threefold increase in covid
infections in those who were boosted.
Pseudo-Vaccines: Current Research. A new paper published in the journal PLOS One, a
very highly rated journal, deserves scrutiny. The study published in this article documents
that people with long COVID had much worse outcomes when "vaccinated" (after developing long COVID)
than those who didn't receive a vaccine, and that these bad outcomes persisted for at least a year
after "vaccination." [...] The above paper matters to me because in April of 2021 I received two
doses of the Moderna inoculation almost directly after it had been made available in early 2021,
and that decision altered my health irrevocably. Before taking the jab, I first phoned
Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at the FDA. He
assured me that although the clinical trials had been rushed, no short-cuts had been taken.
And that there were no safety signals or cause for alarm regarding the C-19 "vaccines" based on the
more complete Pfizer documentation he had received and reviewed. That would have been the set
of documents which FDA would not release until so ordered by US courts. As I have spoken
about time and time again, I took the jab for two main reasons. One reason was the
governmental threats that travel would soon become impossible without verification of having taken
the "vaccine" (ergo, the threat of vaccine passport requirements). The second reason was that
the scientific community and main-stream media were reporting that the "vaccine" would reduce the
symptoms of long COVID. You see, I was a sufferer of long COVID, as I had contracted COVID-19 in
February of 2020. It hit me hard, but I did treat myself with Famotidine, and managed to stay out
of the hospital. However, shortness of breath, fatigue, brain fog, etc. continued into 2021.
a diagnosis of overdiagnosis. Illness is identified by taking a history, examining
symptoms and signs, and often by taking some tests. Many of us seem unwell as much testing is
happening — roughly 50 million diagnostic tests, 500 million biochemistry and
130 million haematology tests are performed annually in the NHS. In the US, it's another order
of scale, with 14 billion laboratory tests ordered annually. Testing is also on the
increase: In primary care, it increased by 8.5% per year between 2000 and 2015 across all
ages. The proportion having more than one test has also increased significantly.
However, there are wide variations in testing, which is unlikely to be explained by clinical
need. The CDC reports that 70% of medical decisions depend on laboratory test results, but
what happens when these decisions do not benefit patients or are not tied to symptoms or
problems? Overdiagnosis transforms people into patients unnecessarily by identifying problems
that were never going to cause harm or by medicalising ordinary life experiences through expanded
definitions of diseases. As an example, the most extensive study to date of the
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test to screen for prostate cancer found it only had a
negligible impact on reducing deaths. Still, it led to overdiagnosis and missed the early
detection of some aggressive cancers.
Drugs Are the Leading Cause of Death. Overtreatment with drugs kills many people, and
the death rate is increasing. It is therefore strange that we have allowed this long-lasting
drug pandemic to continue, and even more so because most of the drug deaths are easily
preventable. In 2013, I estimated that our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of
death after heart disease and cancer, and in 2015, that psychiatric drugs alone are also the third
leading cause of death. However, in the US, it is commonly stated that our drugs are "only"
the fourth leading cause of death. This estimate was derived from a 1998 meta-analysis of 39
US studies where monitors recorded all adverse drug reactions that occurred while the patients were
in hospital, or which were the reason for hospital admission. This methodology clearly
underestimates drug deaths. Most people who are killed by their drugs die outside hospitals,
and the time people spent in hospitals was only 11 days on average in the meta-analysis.5
Moreover, the meta-analysis only included patients who died from drugs that were properly
prescribed, not those who died as a result of errors in drug administration, noncompliance,
overdose, or drug abuse, and not deaths where the adverse drug reaction was only possible.
Many people die because of errors, e.g. simultaneous use of contraindicated drugs, and many
possible drug deaths are real. Moreover, most of the included studies are very old, the
median publication year being 1973, and drug deaths have increased dramatically over the last
50 years.
Collapse of the Mainstream Media Part 3: COVID-19. During a major crisis, the
mainstream media has a duty to ask hard questions and scrutinize official claims and thus fulfill
its responsibility to provide objective, accurate, and reliable reporting. During the COVID
pandemic, however, legacy media became the mouthpiece of officialdom whose ever-changing and
backpedaling claims were unquestionably parroted by their media assets. As a result, the
public's trust dropped, according to Gallup, who noted in October 2022 that "this is the first
time that the percentage of Americans with no trust at all in the media is higher than the
percentage with a great deal or a fair amount combined." As fears and hysteria over COVID grew
and grew, the public looked increasingly to the media for information and assurances regarding the
safety and effectiveness of the experimental mRNA vaccines that were rushed to market during
Operation Warp Speed. In response, legacy media dutifully echoed the assurances from the
authorities that the vaccines are "safe and effective." However, these claims were ultimately
proven false.
Vaccinated Youth 318% More Likely to Die Than Unvaxxed Peers. Young people who
received multiple COVID jabs were significantly more likely to die than those who skipped the
shots, according to data from the U.K.'s Office for National Statistics[.] An analysis by The
Exposé revealed that, in February 2023, those who received four COVID-19 shots had a 318%
higher mortality rate than the unvaccinated group[.] The other months analyzed showed four-shot
teens and youth were between 221% and 290% more likely to die than those who didn't get the shot[.]
Another study found that, compared to unvaccinated children, vaccinated children had significantly higher
rates of asthma, allergies, eczema, respiratory infections, behavioral issues and other health
conditions[.] Separate research showed "for every life saved, there were nearly 14 times
more deaths caused by the modified mRNA [COVID-19] injections[.]"
Disparate impact! Whites
[are] Twice as Likely to 'Die of COVID' in California Than Non-Whites.
[Scroll down] Is it a coincidence that White people are also more vaccinated and boosted
against COVID-19? The more vaccinated and boosted race in California is accounting for
GREATER share of Covid deaths compared to their share of the population. Meanwhile, Black and
Hispanic Californians, who are less vaccinated, account for fewer deaths than their share of the
population would suggest. A coincidence? If so, it continues a long line of other
subpopulations where higher vaccination rates are associated with greater mortality. Remember
the economic advantages I mentioned that made White people have fewer deaths in 2020? Those have
not changed in 2024: the laptop class, better medical care, less dense housing, etc, are still
disproportionally available to White people. And yet, despite those advantages, in 2024,
Whites are more likely to die of Covid than their less privileged, and also less vaccinated,
Hispanic and Black counterparts! The "white privilege" mysteriously stopped working after the
whites were disproportionately vaccinated.
I'm pushing on the lab leak again. The evidence for a lab leak is now overwhelming,
thanks to the release of grant proposals and emails from Americans connected with the Wuhan
laboratory, as well as technical work that shows how Sars-Cov-2 was likely assembled. No one
talks about trying to find the natural animal host of Sars-Cov-2 anymore. The virologists
must have realized they sounded as absurd as O.J. Simpson when he promised to find his ex-wife's
real killer. (Rest in peace, O.J. And by peace, I mean hell.) So why I have picked up
the chase again? [...] It is safe to assume the Chinese will never be honest about what
happened in Wuhan, but that doesn't mean American investigators cannot keep digging.
subcommittee chair asks top science journal editors to testify on relationship with federal
government. Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), chair of the House Select Subcommittee
on the Coronavirus Pandemic, issued letters to the editors of three major science journals on
Tuesday, asking them to testify on the relationship between their publications and the federal
government. Wenstrup sent letters to the editors-in-chief of The Lancet, Science and Nature
science journals requesting their testimony for a hearing on April 16. The hearing will be
titled "Academic Malpractice: Examining the Relationship Between Scientific Journals, the
Government, and Peer Review." In his letters, Wenstrup stated that the hearing would be to
examine "whether these journals granted the federal government inappropriate access into the
scientific review or publishing process." These journals were in contact with top White House
health officials like Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins according to Freedom of Information Act
requests, Wenstrup wrote. He did not cite any specific reports or studies in his letters to
the editors-in-chief.
Years Later, Ontario and BC Medics Still Need Vaccination Proof. For some health-care
professionals, the need for proof-of-vaccination remains a job requirement. Years after our
governments first closed schools and locked down our society and economy in March 2020, some
governments in Canada continue to wage a fanatical war against COVID-19. And as of
April 2024, thousands of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers in BC are still
prevented from returning to work because of their personal medical decision in 2021 not to get
injected with the COVID vaccine. Today, hospitals in Ontario refuse to hire qualified nurses
who chose not to get injected in 2021. Meanwhile, the BC and Ontario governments complain publicly
about a shortage of health care workers.
from COVID with Tucker and Naomi. My big takeaway during the late COVID
unpleasantness was how everyone got with the program, right now, from lockdowns to masks to
vaxxes. Especially women. Most especially liberal women. I thought to myself:
this is what humans do in a genuine crisis. Especially women. [...] The point is that when a
nation — any nation — goes to war it needs the entire population to get with
the program, because we are under attack, because it's a Day of Infamy. And if there are
holdouts, then the government takes care of them, by censorship or by other means. That is
what Naomi Wolf, dedicated liberal, learned when the U.S. declared war on COVID. In a war, a
real war, there is no room for dissent. Indeed, if dissenters are allowed it is a signal that
we are not really in a war. Thus, if the ruling class and the government are serious about
the war and winning it then there is no room for an anti-war movement, as in the Vietnam War.
years ago, microbiologist Ralph Baric told Tony Fauci and the world he would make coronaviruses
more lethal. Questioned under oath in 2022, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci largely denied
knowing Dr. Ralph S. Baric, a North Carolina scientist and the world's top coronavirus
researcher. Fauci's claim came though he met one-on-one with Baric as Covid raced around the
globe in early 2020[,] and though he had funded Baric's work and hosted Baric at a day-long
coronavirus research conference in 2013. Why did Fauci try so hard to insulate himself from
Baric 18 months ago[,] even at the cost of giving nonsensical answers while under oath?
did Tony Fauci say under oath he barely knew top coronavirus scientist Ralph Baric?
The evidence has been hiding in plain sight for years. On June 24, 2013,
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci invited a small group of top coronavirus researchers to an all-day
brainstorming session at a conference center at the National Institutes of Health. The
subject was nominally an outbreak of a new illness called MERS, or Middle Eastern Respiratory
Syndrome, a lung disease caused by a novel coronavirus. At the time, about 70 people had
contracted the virus. Almost 40 had died, an eye-popping fatality rate, making MERS more
lethal than smallpox. Despite its lethality, MERS appeared to be a minor health threat,
because it did not spread rapidly or easily. So the scientists — and one scientist in
particular, Dr. Ralph S. Baric, the world's top expert on coronaviruses — spent the day
talking about threats from not just MERS and its potential evolution, but novel coronaviruses
generally. Fortunately, the NIH has preserved a complete video record of the conference,
which lasted almost six hours (not including a lunch break).
Carlson's full interview with Naomi Wolf. This is quite enjoyable. But I think
Tucker is way off on his attempt to nail a single attribute in terms of why some people did not
take the vaxx despite the lies and pressure. Tucker says it has to do with a strong
family. Not my observation. Many strong happy families all got vaxxed to the max.
Also were highly sanctimonious about it, and supported all the authoritarian measures the state
imposed. Many marriages broke up over the question of to vaxx, or not to vaxx.
Especially when it came to the kids. No, the number one attribute I think that made it
possible for some people to avoid the shots, was recalcitrance. Nothing to do with IQ, or any
other aspect. People who are way above average IQ fall for most or all of the government-media
complex dialectic attacks. Global warming, trans BS etc. It is those with an inate or
learned distrust of authority and willingness to trust their own thinking over narratives, brighter
than average or less bright than average, that escaped that trap. [Video clip]
Bargain with Government Is Coming Apart. [Scroll down] The other way
governments force compliance, and we see this more broadly today in the developed West, is through
information. The government's manipulation of information is soft power. It is a
bending of the will of the people to the government's will through withholding or manipulating
information. This type of soft government power got a big boost during the COVID scare.
However, the tide is turning on that as well, as court cases move through the system to hold
government actors accountable, and the skepticism of expertise grows.
Propaganda: Your Definitive Guide to Bird Flu Terror. [Scroll down]
[Senator Rand Paul] — who is hands-down the best nationally-elected representative on
this issue, an all-too-low bar but a bar nonetheless — knows the obvious truth: the
federal government wasn't just aware of what was going on in Wuhan; it actively facilitated the
creation of COVID-19 over many years, which — in combination with the mRNA shots
marketed as "vaccines" (see: problem-reaction-solution) — represents the largest
criminal conspiracy in world history. That it's still considered a revelation in 2024 that
the government knew about COVID-19 in advance speaks to the negligence of the governing authorities
in pursuing any sort of meaningful justice for those responsible, starting with Warlord Fauci
himself. That the demonic, sneering little gnome still wanders the corridors of power fat and
happy while a former president is hounded to the ends of the Earth for over-valuing some real
estate is, in and of itself, total damnation of the Department of Justice.
flu terror: A guide. These are the same "experts" who wildly inflated COVID death
projections to justify lockdowns, none of whom lost their jobs or their good standing in the
anti-meritocratic Public Health cult. As long as they're consistently wrong in one
direction — catalyzing more power and prestige for the Public Health bureaucracy and
pharmaceutical industry — they're guaranteed to fail upwards.
Official Admits Vaccine Passports May Have Been a Scam.. The stunning revelations
came to light in a Helsinki courtroom where Finnish citizen Mika Vauhkala is suing after he was
denied entry to a café for not having a vaccine passport. Dr. Nohynek is chief
physician at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and serves as the WHO's chair of
Strategic Group of Experts on immunization. Testifying yesterday, she stated that the Finnish
Institute for Health knew by the summer of 2021 that the COVID-19 vaccines did not stop virus
transmission[.] During that same 2021 time period, the WHO said it was working to
"create an international trusted framework" for safe travel while EU members states began rolling
out COVID passports. The EU Digital COVID Certificate Regulation passed in July 2021 and
more than 2.3 billion certificates were later issued. Visitors to France were banned if
they did not have a valid vaccine passport which citizens had to carry to buy food at stores or to
use public transport.
Has Seen a 20% Spike In Sudden Cardiac Arrests, Doctors Seem Baffled. The number of
Victorians dying from sudden cardiac arrest has skyrocketed by 20 percent over the past five
years. This news report seems to dance around the elephant in the room to what could have
possibly changed over the past 3 years to cause such a spike in heart attacks. [Video clip]
Few Good Reasons Future Generations Will Mock Us. [#1] Covid: Professional
athletes fought the virus by playing for cardboard crowds. As the world's elected leaders and
supposedly greatest medical thinkers took it upon themselves to make insane rules to battle a virus
that more than 99% of Americans would survive, nothing looked more insane than professional sports
teams playing before an audience entirely made up of cardboard cutouts. Even worse, some
narcissistic wonders actually paid money to those teams to use their likenesses on a cutout.
Megalomaniacal politicians couldn't wait to spew their own brand of tyranny. Mayors shut down
basketball courts. School band leaders told their music students to cut holes in their
masks. Then-governor Andy Cuomo (D-N.Y.) beclowned himself by declaring that bars could only
stay open if they sold food, as though COVID-19 dodged people masticating.
Paul Drops Another Bombshell. How many federal agencies and officials knew ahead of
time that the government was working with a private partner and the Chinese lab from which COVID-19
likely originated? According to Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), potentially hundreds of U.S.
federal employees knew that COVID-19 could have been a result of American and Chinese development
in a lab. "How vast was the Great COVID Cover-up?" asked Paul in a Fox News piece on
April 9. "Well, my investigation has recently discovered government officials from 15 federal
agencies knew in 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a coronavirus like
COVID-19." Paul, who is conducting an ongoing investigation, believes that evidence supports the
theory that COVID-19 was manufactured in a Wuhan lab and that U.S. government officials could have
guessed as much from their information but refused to say so.
paid out for mandated Covid vax injuries just the tip of the iceberg? The Herald Sun
published an article yesterday on compensation for mandated worker Covid vaccine injuries in
Victoria, and once again, the comments give insight into how Australians are really faring after
the mass jabbing experiment. [...] $6.8 million in claims in just one state for "proven
illness related to vaccines," which is a notoriously difficult bar to clear unless you have the
'good luck' of getting one of a narrow list of injuries associated with the specific vaccine that
the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) says can cause it. This WorkCover tally does not
include the thousands of claims to the national compensation scheme, of which, when I checked mid
last year, only 5% of 3,000+ claims had been successful. Almost 1,000 claims had been
rejected and over 2,000 remained in progress, with many injured Australians waiting up to or even
more than a year for an answer. But the Herald Sun reader comments reveal that these figures
are likely just the tip of the iceberg.
the CDC knew all along about those 780,000 side effects to its COVID vaccine as it was assuring us
it was 'safe'. Does anyone in "public service" ever get busted for lying to the
public? It would seem not, based on a report that the Centers for Disease Control covered up
780,000 reports of significant side effects, such as seizures, tinnitius, and facial paralysis,
from the COVID vaccine it was foisting onto the often hesitant public, oilily assuring that it was
"safe and effective," and anyone questioning that was an "anti-vaxxer." [...] Meanwhile, as these
reports flowed in, they were out telling the public that COVID vaccines, which had never been
subject to clinical trials, were "safe and effective."
Releases Hidden COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Reports. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse
events following COVID-19 vaccination. The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the
COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out and show that people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination
problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures. "Loss of consciousness and
seizure immediately following injection. Went to ER by ambulance," one person reported.
city to pay $800K to family of man who died after firefighters wouldn't enter his care center
because of COVID rules. A city in California has settled a wrongful death lawsuit
filed by a woman whose father died shortly after firefighters refused to enter his care center
because of alleged COVID-19 protocols. On the evening of November 17, 2021, 911
dispatchers received a call from a nurse about an unresponsive patient at the Rialto Post Acute
Care Center, a rehabilitation and skilled nursing facility in Rialto, California, about
50 miles due east of Los Angeles. The unresponsive patient was Joseph Angulo, a
56-year-old man who had entered the facility almost two weeks earlier following a car crash.
Body cam footage from Rialto police Sgt. Ralph Ballew revealed that care center staff believed
Angulo was in cardiac arrest and frantically attempted to resuscitate him while they waited for
first responders.
people lie to the public. [Scroll down] I also have trouble respecting a
profession that pushes experimental "vaccines" on patients without their informed consent.
The fact that so few physicians have taken responsibility for their unscientific and unethical
behavior during totalitarianism's favorite overhyped pandemic feels like a giant whiff and strike
three for medicine. Or maybe the white coats ("systemic racism" alert!) struck out four years
ago when medical associations insisted that Antifa and BLM be allowed to burn down neighborhoods in
the name of "social justice health," while the rest of us were forced to stay inside and
participate in the theatrical production of the "Great COVID Hoax."
an Epidemiologist, I Could See Straight Away That Covid Was Being Over-Hyped. It was
an evening in mid-March 2020. Almost two years had passed since I retired from the University
of Arizona, where I was a Professor of Epidemiology in the College of Public Health. I was
watching the news from Israel, the country in which I lived during the first three decades of my
life. The reporters were broadcasting a forthcoming catastrophe, a doomsday in the
making. It was all about a new coronavirus epidemic which erupted in China and had reached
Israel, Europe and parts of the U.S. Like everyone, I have been following the news from the
Far East since the beginning of the year. Although infectious diseases were not my subject
matter research, epidemiologists are trained to think critically, to question what many accept at
face value. The picture that emerged was far from clear. A few observations did not fit
well with the apocalyptic predictions.
How to
spot the next mania: Each new panic follows the same playbook.
[Scroll down] For me, since roughly 2012, what has therefore been more disturbing than
the content of any given hysteria is our continuing susceptibility to collective derangement, which
can spread and take hold with alarming rapidity in a digital era. [...] The social mania displays a
few consistent characteristics. First and foremost, it never seems like a social mania at the
time. In the thick of a widespread preoccupation, its precepts simply seem like the truth.
[...] Because a proper mania brooks no dissent. In its grip, everyone believes the same
thing, says the same thing, and even uses the same language. A quasi-religious fervour makes
anyone outside the bubble of shared obsession seem heretical, dangerous, insane or outright
evil. Opponents of lockdowns were granny killers; the unvaccinated were pariahs who shouldn't
be allowed to fly, eat out or obtain healthcare, while some argued "anti-vaxxers" should be
imprisoned or put to death.
Aren't Daszak and Baric Arrested? The recent news that Dr. Peter Daszak has been
"invited" to a May 1 House of Representatives hearing to question him about his 2018 work on
SARS coronaviruses prompted me to review the following email thread dated March 5 - 8,
2018 between Daszak at EcoHealth Alliance, Tonie Rocke at the United States Geological Survey to UNC
Professor Ralph Baric. [Illustration] Especially interesting is Ms. Rocke's statement:
"Hi Ralph: I have a couple of questions about the SARS-CoV spike glycoproteins you are
developing with respect to the DARPA grant we are collaborating on." Here it is critically
important to understand that DARPA chose to pass on Daszak's DEFUSE grant proposal —
which proposed modifying SARS-CoV bat coronaviruses in order to make them infectious to humans ---
because, in the DARPA reviewer's estimate, the work proposed was too dangerous. And yet, as
Ms. Rocke plainly states, Professor Baric was already "developing SARS-CoV spike glycoproteins
with respect to the DARPA grant." This is just one of many glaringly obvious pieces of evidence
that Baric, Daszak, and Dr. Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were already,
in 2018, developing SARS-CoV-2 — the infectious agent that began circulating in Wuhan,
China less than two years later. The 2018 DEFUSE proposal also expressly states the plan to
insert a furin cleavage site into the "SARS-CoV spike glycoprotein" that Professor Baric was
"developing" in 2018.
Reaction to the article above: The
evidence Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric were part of the work that led to Covid continues to
mount. I don't agree with Dr. Peter McCollough in everything, but he has a nice
summary of the new disclosures here, well worth a read; I'll be approaching this investigation and
these facts from another angle VERY soon. Meanwhile, the New York Times and the rest of the
gang continue to see no FOIAs and speak no news. I'm as shocked as you are.
City Shelled Out $700,000 in COVID Funds to Illegal Immigrants. The city of Madison,
Wisconsin, appears to have found a rather creative way to use its allotment of COVID-19
funds. The local government has reportedly been funneling the money to illegal immigrants and
asylum seekers, a move that is expressly forbidden in the American Rescue Plan. Republican
State Sen. Duey Stroebel sounded the alarm on the misuse of funds and is currently seeking
answers from the city's leadership. [...] And exactly how much has Madison given to illegals and
asylum seekers? A whopping $700,000 from its State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF).
It represents almost 10 percent of the city's SLFRF grant funds, which have been given to
nonprofits providing services to those who came across the border. This money was originally
aimed at aiding the recovery from the pandemic. Stroebel called out the city's leadership for
using the relief funds to assist illegal immigrants "at the expense of Wisconsinites" and referred
to the move as "the out of touch priorities of Madison politicians."
Dangerously. Events are tending in the direction of self-reinforcing, ramifying
chaos, and the people running the show are obviously insane as they do everything possible to hurry
chaos along. [...] Then there's the immense cluster of twisters moving ominously across the planet
in the form of the Covid vaccination dysregulated immunity fiasco I wrote about in last Friday's
blog (This Is Not an April Fool's Gag), as predicted by virologist Dr. Vanden Bossche.
Translation: a lot of people getting sick and dying because their mRNA shots and boosters
have so screwed-up their immune systems that they are sitting ducks for an emergent variant of
Covid gestating in the vaxxed population. By the way, there is apparently a gross breakdown
in medical services world-wide now, especially a shortage of doctors and nurses.
for the 2024 Election Pandemic? It's that time of the election season again.
Pandemic time! And this time it's angry! [Tweet] I don't want to dismiss the
possibility of a genuinely bad pandemic hitting our shores because it is obviously possible.
But really? After the last few years, you would have to be an idiot not to be suspicious
when people start trotting out the "We are all going to die!" meme. COVID, but 100 times
worse! Disease X. Bird Flu.
Deborah Birx Worse Than Fauci? This Documentary Says 'Yes'. Anthony Fauci was
the face of the pandemic tyranny, but documentarian Rob Montz argues that Deborah Birx was the real
power behind the pandemic policy disasters. He makes a compelling case.
[Video clip] I learned a lot about what went on behind the scenes during 2020, but
most startling was the fact that Deborah Birx simply ignored President Trump's policy decisions and
conducted a nationwide policy campaign that contradicted Trump's decisions later on during the
pandemic. The film is great about bringing the receipts. It is filled not just with
second-hand stories, but also audio from Birx bragging about how she subverted Trump and his
advisors. Not that his advisors did a good job even trying to keep her in check; they let her
run wild and didn't monitor closely what she was doing.
Releases Hidden COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Reports. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse
events following COVID-19 vaccination. The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the
COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out and show that people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination
problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures. "Loss of consciousness and
seizure immediately following injection. Went to ER by ambulance," one person reported.
Another stated, "Diagnosed with Bells Palsy today due to left-sided facial numbness and paralysis."
People lodged the reports with V-safe, a text-message system created by the CDC to monitor for
possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.
Health Service Sees Surge in Autism, ADHD Since Pandemic. Britain's National Health
Service (NHS) is suffering a fivefold surge in people seeking autism assessments since the Wuhan
virus pandemic and shortages of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) medications.
Research by the Nuffield Trust put the number of people waiting for an autism diagnosis from the
socialized healthcare provider in December 2023 at 172,000. This compares to 32,320 in
December 2019, before the onset of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns and vaccine rollouts.
Releases Hidden COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Reports. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse
events following COVID-19 vaccination. The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the
COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out and show that people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination
problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures. "Loss of consciousness and
seizure immediately following injection. Went to ER by ambulance," one person reported.
Another stated, "Diagnosed with Bells Palsy today due to left-sided facial numbness and paralysis."
People lodged the reports with V-safe, a text-message system created by the CDC to monitor for
possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.
Continues To Blame Excess Deaths On Anything But 'Vaccines'. In the initial study of
the Pfizer vaccine, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, with around 44 thousand
people, with 22 thousand in the placebo group and about 22 thousand in the vaccine group,
more people died from all causes in the vaccine arm than in the placebo arm[.] Initially, it
was 15 to 14. Shortly after, when updating this number at the FDA, the US regulatory agency, the
number changed to 21 to 17. Now, without any surprise, in the most recent update, it's already
22 to 16. "Most importantly, we found evidence of an over 3.7-fold increase in number of
deaths due to cardiac events in the BNT162b2 vaccinated individuals compared to those who received
only the placebo." wrote the scientists in the latest update. After the mass application of
the product, an excess of population mortality was recorded. In The Lancet, the world's most
impactful scientific journal, they analyzed UK data: a 7.2 percent excess in 2022 and an
8.6 percent excess in 2023.
Force FDA To Remove False Statements About Ivermectin. The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged people to stop
taking ivermectin to treat COVID-19, according to a settlement dated March 21[.] The
FDA has already removed a page that said: "Should I take ivermectin to prevent or treat
COVID-19? No." Within 21 days, the FDA will remove another page titled, "why you
should not use ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19," according to the settlement announcement,
which was filed with federal court in southern Texas. "The FDA has not authorized or approved
ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals," the page currently
states. It also says that data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19, despite
how some studies it cites show ivermectin is effective against the illness.
fourth anniversary of Faucism. This week marks the fourth anniversary of the birth of
Faucism, in which an elfin bureaucrat uses a health emergency to shove people around and show what
a big man he was. The birth was in Barbra Streisand's backyard where police valiantly pursued
and subdued a flagrant violator of the high and hideous crime of surfing on the high seas.
Gidget and the Beach Boys were hardest hit. No, this was not a joke. This was an attack
on the liberty of every American. The Faucists succeeded in using fear to remove us from our
beaches and to strip us of our president, who so loved America and so wanted to make her great
again that they impeached him twice. Let us review as I go over an old post from my old blog.
(And I thank Ed Driscoll at Instapundit for reviving it yesterday because we must remember the
evil they unleashed in the name of protecting public health.)
flu warning from scientists who say HALF of infections with H5N1 in people are fatal.
A bird flu pandemic could be '100 times worse than Covid' and kill up to half of everyone it
infects, experts have warned — as the White House says it is 'monitoring' the
situation. Speaking at a briefing, virus researchers said the H5N1 strain of bird flu may now
be getting 'dangerously close' to triggering a pandemic. Multiple cases of the infection in a
variety of mammals, including cows, cats and, more recently, humans, are all raising the risk of
the virus mutating to become more transmissible, they said.
The Editor says...
The more sensational the claims made by the government or by "Scientists," the less believable they
are. After hearing all the lies and alarmist rhetoric during the Covid fiasco, which turned out to be
ordinary flu with a cure that was far worse than the disease, how can anyone pay any attention to any of
their warnings now?
cries 'wolf,' again! The CDC just released an ominous warning about the danger of the
spread of meningococcal disease. What should the public make of this? [...] Then there is the
time-proven aphorism, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." How should the
public respond when a presumably trustworthy federal agency like the CDC intentionally fools them
two times or three times, or even more? First, there was the CoViD scam, which should
probably be counted as at least six foolings of the public by the Washington medical establishment.
[#1] They vehemently denied the virus came from Wuhan lab, except that it probably did.
[#2] Dr. Anthony Fauci assured Congress that NIH did not support gain-of-function
research at the Wuhan lab in China, where the problem originated, until financial records proved he "was untruthful."
[#3] CoViD was touted as an existential threat to all 320 million Americans,
though in reality it was no more dangerous to the general population than the seasonal flu.
[#4] Face masks were mandated because they would assuredly protect us,
except multiple studies, including one from the CDC, proved they don't work.
[#5] Lockdowns would stop the spread, except they didn't and worse, they stopped our children's education.
[#6] The most egregious CDC falsehood was that mRNA injections were safe and effective.
A mass of data shows the exact opposite: they were medically harmful and did not protect.
That is at least six times the CDC cried, "Wolf," about CoViD, falsely in 2020 and 2021.
Court denies appeal of AstraZeneca employee fired for refusing shot. The Supreme
Court refused to hear an appeal from a former AstraZeneca sales manager who was denied unemployment
benefits after the vaccine maker fired her for declining on religious grounds to receive a COVID-19
vaccination. The British-Swedish company AstraZeneca makes the Oxford-AstraZeneca SARS-CoV-2
vaccine, which is marketed under the names Covishield and Vaxzevria. The company also makes
Esomeprazole, which is sold as Nexium, a medication that treats gastroesophageal reflux
disease. The company experienced adverse publicity in the West a year ago when AstraZeneca's
Chinese division president, Wang Lei, said the company aims to be a "patriotic" company in China
that "loves the Communist Party." The nation's highest court refused to grant the petition for
certiorari, or review, in Goede v. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP in an unsigned order on
April 1. No justices dissented. The court did not explain its decision.
reaches new catastrophic levels of alteration. The last 6 bloods I have looked at are
very quick to reveal what is now happening inside the blood cells. I had seen this 4 or
5 months ago after a few hours viewing my own blood. But now this is suddenly becoming
the new norm. I don't have to wait anymore, a large part of the slide will have some of these
altered cells forming and it will worsen as the other blood cells continue to progress or
transition on the slide. We already have tonnes of literature and have found candidates for
these varying cell types which are now taking over the role of our traditional and god-given blood
form. Each of the cells show complex variation in the internal structures and are a view of
what we strongly believe as being the result of altered blood, which can now produce whatever the people
who made it want it to, just as some of the papers on the Erythromer describe it as being able to.
finds US doctors received record $12 billion in pharma payments in past decade.
Almost six in ten doctors in the US received more than $12 billion in payments from pharma
firms in the past decade, an analysis has revealed. A study by researchers at Yale University
found that 57 percent of doctors earned the huge sums from manufacturers in relation to
medical drugs or devices between 2013 and 2022. Most of the money was for consulting services or
fees for things such as serving as a speaker at a venue, but the physicians also received large
amounts of money for food and beverages and gifts.
ESPN host reveals that her 2021 Biden interview was scripted. In a recent interview
with Fox News, former ESPN host Sage Steele revealed that her interview from March 2021 with
Joe Biden was scripted by network executives. "That was an interesting experience in its own
right because it was so structured," Steele revealed. She said her superiors asked her to
repeat "every word" that they wrote for her and warned her to "not deviate from the script" they'd
prepared. [...] Since Steele wasn't sitting with Biden in person, it is quite likely that he was
reading the answers from another script before him. To sum it up, the Steele interview was
more like a scripted short video than an interview.
Steele Says ESPN Bosses Made Her Follow 'Every Word' Of Carefully Planned Q&A With
Biden. Former ESPN anchor Sage Steele opened up about an interview she conducted with
President Joe Biden while working for the network in 2021, telling Fox News that her bosses made
sure she would follow "every word" of the script during her exchange with the
commander-in-chief. Steele, who left ESPN after criticizing its COVID vaccine mandate, said
her headline-making interview with Biden in March 2021 was carefully planned out by the
network's executives, and she was told "not to deviate" from the written questions. The
interview focused on sports returning to normalcy following months of COVID lockdowns, along with
athletes and fans being hesitant to get the COVID shot, Fox News reported. Biden repeatedly
admonished Americans to "follow the science" and get vaccinated during the interview. "That was
an interesting experience in its own right because it was so structured," Steele said. "And I
was told, 'You will say every word that we write out, you will not deviate from the script and go.'"
Pierre Kory Reveals Why Ivermectin Had to Be Destroyed. Before COVID, Ivermectin was
celebrated as a "miracle drug" for its role in bringing river blindness to the brink of
extinction. But the propagandists told you it was a dangerous "horse dewormer." Why?
[#1] Ivermectin threatened the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the so-called
C19 vaccines. If Ivermectin had proven to be an effective treatment, then EUA for C19
injections could have been nullified.
[#2] Undermined vaccine uptake. "If ivermectin would have found to be effective,
what would be the uptake of those vaccines?" asked Dr. Pierre Kory. "It would plummet."
[#3] Ivermectin would sabotage the profits from the C19 injections. "They knew it
would destroy the market. And that market, probably over a few years, is north of $100 billion."
[#4] It threatened "the market for the competing pipeline patented pharmaceuticals like
Paxlovid and Molnupiravir and Remdesivir, and they've made many billions off of those."
[#5] Too cheap to make money off of. Dr. Michael Turner says Ivermectin
costs merely "$24 to save one life from COVID."
[#6] "This pandemic would have been over if everybody was on ivermectin, and that's
why they had to destroy it." [Video clip]
Justice Coming For Victims of COVID Wrongful Deaths? Tens of thousands of American
families continue to demand justice for what they believe are the wrongful deaths (murders) of
loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic. Such justice soon may be coming due in large part to
the dedicated efforts of two attorneys in Florida (working pro bono) to thoroughly research the
criminal codes of 25 states to identify crimes committed by various high-level officials and
organizations prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the attorneys, a former
prosecutor, prepared extensive legal briefs (documenting strong evidence of crimes) that have been
submitted to the attorneys general of Texas and Florida — the brief was subsequently
filed with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
advice [was] treated as gospel and they got it wrong, says Braverman. Advice by the
World Health Organisation (WHO) on lockdowns must not be taken as gospel, Suella Braverman
said. In an article for The Telegraph, the former home secretary said policymakers needed to
be free to consider "legitimate scientific challenge" to the established view in a future
pandemic. Mrs Braverman, who was in the Cabinet as attorney general during the pandemic,
said sceptics had been "cast out" during Covid-19 and the "WHO's advice was accepted as gospel."
"We now know that the WHO got it wrong during the pandemic, so we need to ensure that
legitimate scientific challenge is considered by decision-makers during the next pandemic," she
said. It follows warnings by MPs that Britain risks "signing away" its powers over pandemic
policy to "unelected" WHO officials.
We Being Gaslit Over the Cause of the Princess of Wales's Cancer?
[Scroll down] There are several factors making a sudden outbreak of serious illness in
the Royal Family hard to process. They are all very well looked after. They did not
suffer any form of healthcare interruption during lockdown. The reason trotted out so often
to explain the spike in cancer diagnoses since the pandemic is that people couldn't get access to
specialists and treatment. But that doesn't work with the King and the Princess of
Wales. The princess has always been a picture of health, very sporty and so on. The
King has those long-living Windsor genes. His father and mother lived into their 90s.
So the risk of them both getting cancer in the same year would have to be quite slim, you would
think. Could there be something causing it in their environment? We can rule out
hardship, deprivation, bad diet and food poverty. Also smoking, boozing and drug use is no
good as a smokescreen, as it is with Liam Gallagher's recent revelation about his auto-immune
condition. So what are we left with?
Detected Over 1 Year After COVID-19 Vaccination: Studies. Heart scarring
was detected more than one year after COVID-19 vaccination in some people who suffered myocarditis
following receipt of a shot, researchers reported in new studies. A third of 60 patients with
follow-up cardiac imaging done more than 12 months after their myocarditis diagnosis had
persistent late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), which is, in the majority of cases, reflective of
heart scarring, Australian researchers reported in a preprint of a new study, published on
March 22. Myocarditis is a form of heart inflammation. The median time from receipt
of a vaccine to follow-up imaging was 548 days, with the longest interval being 603 days.
for 'Safe' Blood in the mRNA Injection Era. The scope of damage caused by mRNA and
lipid-nanoparticle technology might take years to unravel, but the data to date is not good.
Many, including those who rolled a sleeve or two during The Scare are looking side-eyed at the
blood supply, and yes, some have risen to meet that need. [...] There is no guarantee that blood
from the usual suspects like the American Red Cross is not contaminated (they don't test for it) so
if this is something that matters to you, there are resources available to consider now before you
need blood and there's no time to waste.
Men Just Want... Can you explain to me why certain of our public health experts
helped fund the Wuhan, China lab that synthesized COVID-19, then lied about that, then tried to
float a narrative that the bug came from eating pangolins or bats, and then attacked anyone trying
to tell the truth about the disease's origin? And why these same supposed caregivers, along
with their political compa&$241;eros, made up social distancing; promoted useless (against
aerosolized viruses) paper and cloth masks; and mandated improperly tested vaccines that, while
failing to prevent the acquisition or spread of disease, did and continue to do grave damage to the
poor souls who trustingly bared their arms for multiple injections?
The Nurses Saw In The Treatment Of COVID-19 And Their Resulting Punishment! (Video).
In April 2020, I had an article published on COVID-19 and the damage to patients' lungs in
their treatment. I considered a very brave physician named Cameron Kyle-Sidell, MD, an
emergency room physician at a large NYC hospital a hero exposing the dangers of ventilators being
used in the treatment of COVID. Dr. Sidell's video on what he has witnessed on the
frontlines treating COVID-19 patients: [Video clip]
Forced to Take Down Ivermectin Propaganda. A lawsuit settled last week is forcing the
FDA to remove one of its most blatant propaganda campaigns, that against ivermectin's usefulness in
treating Covid-19. The "You are not a horse, y'all" posts will have to come down. The
plaintiffs who filed the lawsuit that made this happen were Drs. Mary Talley Bowden, Paul
Marik, and Robert Apter. But this doesn't make up for the number of lives lost against
effective, cheap off-label use.
COVID-19 legacy. We are currently experiencing another "unforeseen" consequence of
COVID lockdowns. Every day, in medical practices across our country, doctors are treating
patients with viral injuries to the body's nervous system at a level of virulence not seen in
recent memory. Not only are continuously mutating strains of COVID to blame, but viruses
other than COVID also seem to be more toxic to our nervous systems. [...] Physicians assign,
usually by default, viral illness as the most likely etiology in the sudden onset of cranial nerve
injuries. Sudden loss of smell and taste, a change in the mobility of the eye muscles, loss
of hearing with or without new-onset vertigo, loss of facial muscle mobility, movement disorders of
the tongue or throat, and sudden breathiness of the voice are examples of damage done to different
cranial nerves. The seed of this epidemic in more virulent virus-induced nerve damage
germinated during our forced lockdowns in response to COVID-19.
trust Dr. FDA. On October 5, 2015, Nature reported, "Three scientists who
developed therapies against parasitic infections have won this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or
Medicine. "The winners are: William C. Campbell, a microbiologist at Drew University in
Madison, New Jersey; Satoshi Ōmura, a microbiologist at Kitasato University in Japan; and
Youyou Tu, a pharmacologist at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing. "In
the 1970s, Campbell and Ōmura discovered a class of compounds, called avermectins, that kill
parasitic roundworms that cause infections such as river blindness and lymphatic filariasis.
The most potent of these was released onto the market in 1981 as the drug ivermectin." Six
years later, our Banana Republic government, led by Biden the Bribed, mocked ivermectin —
dismissing it as horse paste. The reason, an off-the-shelf remedy for covid would have demoted
Operation Warp Speed to Operation Follow the Law and FDA Rules. Ivermectin worked, so the FDA
tweeted, "You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it."
FOIA response from Santa Clara County reveals that the COVID shots increased your risk of getting
COVID!. Based on new data I just got from a FOIA request, it appears that the public
health epidemiologists in Santa Clara County knew in January 2022 that the vaccines made
people more likely to get COVID, but they remained silent. I predict that there will be
further silence on this matter: no accountability and no opportunity for public
challenges. They will continue to push the shots as if nothing had happened and the
mainstream media will ignore this important data.
Suing Chicago Teachers Union Over COVID-19 Strikes. Attorneys Patrick Hughes and
Daniel Suhr from Hughes and Suhr LLC filed lawsuit against the Chicago Teachers Union seeking
damages for parents over a teachers strike. The 2024 lawsuits stem from a strike that took
place in January 2022. The attorneys said the strikes forced Chicago parents to face
unexpected childcare costs, take unpaid leave from work and cope with additional financial
strains. John Kugler is a former employee of the Chicago Teachers Union and said he was there
to help prepare the January 2022 strike. "The 2022 COVID strike was more about the union
election than it was about COVID. Remember, there was also a mayoral election and the strike was
used to see what the strength of Stacy Davis Gates would be" in a match up against Mayor Lori
Lightfoot, Kugler said.
This might be off-topic. I can't really tell. Fluoroquinolone
Alert: The Common Medication That Could Lead to Irreversible Health Conditions.
Fluoroquinolones are broadly effective and can reach deep into tissues to combat bacteria, which
made them increasingly popular among doctors after their U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
approval in 1980. They also require fewer doses than some other antibiotics, making them convenient
for patients to use. Fluoroquinolones possess the ability to disrupt bacterial DNA
replication and stop bacterial growth. "Fluoroquinolones are fluorinated antibiotics," explains
Dr. Mark Ghalili, a board-certified internal medicine specialist and founder of Regenerative
Medicine LA. "This fluoride component allows the drugs to penetrate the central nervous system."
Despite their widespread use, fluoroquinolones face increasing scrutiny for their side effects in
virtually all bodily systems.
is the FDA Contaminating America's Blood Supply? With COVID, it became abundantly
clear that the bureaucrats at the Federal Drug Administration were the "deep state." (Actually,
that coterie of scientists and doctors at CDC, and the NIAID, are largely deep state too.) As
government employees, they were supposed to share a common interest: perform work to protect
Americans. Before it became the deep state FDA, they worked to protect the national blood
supply of America, ensuring blood products were free of contaminants, viruses, and infectious
diseases. No longer. Now, the FDA is fully compromised and is actually facilitating the
contamination of the national blood supply. (Maybe you read reports last year that the deep state
FDA was finalizing new guidelines to remove certain safeguards in place to prevent HIV transmission
in blood products.) Before there was the deep state FDA, there was the "dedicated to patient
safety" and "do no harm" FDA. With respect to the national blood supply, the old FDA reduced the
risk of HIV transmission (and the chance of acquiring AIDS) into the nation's blood supply by
preventing it from occurring.
Biden Falsely Claims Trump 'Told Us to Inject Ourselves With Bleach'. Joe Biden has
released a new campaign video with Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. Though the video claims to
have been recorded live, it hilariously features an insane number of jump cuts, suggesting it
actually took multiple takes throughout the recording process to get Biden's performance on the
mark. But, that aside, the video made it quite clear that Joe Biden is so desperate, that
he's trying to rehash long-debunked accusations against Trump in the hopes of trying to turn his
faltering campaign around. "This is the guy who doesn't care about science and reason," Biden
claims in the video. "Remember, during the pandemic, Donald Trump told us to inject ourselves with
bleach. He said there's nothing to worry about if you do that."
the evidence for excess cardiovascular deaths. In November 2022, the British
Heart Foundation (BHF) lamented that "millions of people were not able to get the routine care they
needed and that ambulances took too long to reach heart attack patients." More recently, they
upped the ante, reporting, "We are in the grip of a heart care crisis." The BHF reported "that
as of June 2023, nearly 100,000 excess deaths in England involving CVD have occurred since the
beginning of the pandemic, and excess deaths involving CVD outnumber those involving all other
individual disease areas since the beginning of the pandemic in England." In January 2023,
The BHF considered severe ambulance delays, inaccessible care, and waiting lists contributed to
"heart patients dying needlessly." A BHF analysis reports over 39,000 people in England
died prematurely of cardiovascular conditions in 2022, including heart attacks, coronary heart
disease and stroke — the highest yearly total since 2008.
FDA Settled With Us Because They Knew They Were Going To Lose. In my book, The War
on Ivermectin, Chapter 33 is called "The Horse Dewormer PR Campaign." I invite you to
see this previous post where I detail the campaign's highly coordinated and sequentially timed actions
between the FDA, CDC, AMA, APHA and corporate controlled media (i.e. late night hosts, news
broadcasts, newspapers etc). Clearly, the goal of the campaign was to convince the public that
ivermectin was a dangerous and ineffective horse dewormer. In the wake of that campaign,
pharmacies stopped filling valid, legal prescriptions and hospitals removed ivermectin from their
formularies. Never had an FDA approved drug, one of the (if not the) safest prescribed
medications in history ever been vilified or restricted to this extent. Just like
hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin had to be stopped. The FDA's role in that campaign started
with the posting of the below tweet on August 21, 2021, a week after the report on the below
left came out, showing a massive rise in ivermectin prescriptions in the U.S during the deadly
Delta wave.
Lesson of COVID-19: Don't Give Government More Power. Looking back, COVID-19 shows
the nation's founders — rather than intellectual social engineers — had it
right. The founders created a system of checks and balances that made it hard for leaders to
easily have their way. "A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the
government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions," wrote James
Madison. The pandemic stripped away those precautions, albeit (mostly) temporarily. [...] In
fairness, the response to COVID by many ordinary Americans left much to be desired. [...]
Nevertheless, the skeptics generally were correct. "The coronavirus shutdowns have created a
dichotomy between those who tend to trust whatever the authorities say — and those who
don't seem to trust any official information at all," I wrote in May 2020.
Concerned About Blood Transfusions From Vaccinated and Long-COVID Patients, Propose Changes:
Preprint. In a preprint published on March 15, six Japanese doctors and
researchers propose changes to the processing of blood donations from COVID-19-vaccinated people
and those who have a history of long COVID. "The first and extremely important initial
response is to make the medical personnel aware that such 'risks' exist," the lead author, Jun
Ueda, who has a doctorate in the field of integrated life sciences, told The Epoch Times. The
doctors come from renowned Japanese hospitals and universities, including Tokyo Medical University
Hospital, Tokyo University of Science, Asahikawa Medical University, and Okamura Memorial Hospital.
Finally Releases Myocarditis Study for Children Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine. Pfizer
and its partner BioNTech have finally released the results of clinical trials exploring whether
their COVID-19 vaccine causes subclinical heart inflammation. The companies found that
multiple vaccine recipients suffered heart-related symptoms, but said none met the definition of
myocarditis, or heart inflammation. Researchers with the companies and other institutions
analyzed the levels of troponin I, a sign of possible heart damage, in children aged 5 to 30 before
and after receipt of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. They also monitored participants for
heart-related symptoms, including chest pain. If patients suffered symptoms, doctors examined
them and researchers performed other tests, such as an electrocardiogram, as well as additional
troponin measurements. Ten vaccinated participants, including six under the age of 12,
reported relevant symptoms. The researchers, though, said none had myocarditis after
additional testing.
Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post. The U.S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged
people to stop taking ivermectin to treat COVID-19, according to a settlement dated March 21.
The FDA has already removed a page that said: "Should I take ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19?
No. Within 21 days, the FDA will remove another page titled, "why you should not use
ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19," according to the settlement announcement, which was filed
with federal court in southern Texas.
Might the US Owe the World for Covid-19? The US government (USG) funded and supported
a program of dangerous laboratory research that may have resulted in the creation and accidental
laboratory release of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the Covid-19 pandemic. Following the
outbreak, the USG lied in order to cover up its possible role. The US Government should
correct the lies, find the facts, and make amends with the rest of the world. A group of
intrepid truth-seekers — journalists, scientists, whistleblowers — have
uncovered a vast amount of information pointing to the likely laboratory origin of SARS-CoV-2.
Most important has been the intrepid work of the The Intercept and US Right to Know (USRTK), especially
investigative reporter Emily Kopp at USRTK. Based on this investigative work, the Republican-led
House Committee on Oversight and Accountability is now carrying out an important investigation in a
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. In the Senate, the leading voice for
transparency, honesty, and reason in investigating the origin of SARS-Cov-2 has been Republican
Senator Rand Paul.
Neurological Disorder Linked to COVID-19 Vaccination, Research Suggests. A new
systematic review suggests COVID-19 vaccination could trigger a rare neurological disorder that
primarily affects the nerves outside the central nervous system, causing pain, muscle atrophy, and,
in some cases, paralysis. In a March 14 paper published in Vaccines, researchers found
Parsonage — Turner syndrome (PTS) may occur after all COVID-19 vaccine types and can
recur with additional doses of similar or unrelated vaccines. To determine whether a
relationship exists between COVID-19 vaccines and the development of PTS, researchers searched
LitCOVID and the World Health Organization's COVID-19 databases through Jan. 25. They
found 59 cases of PTS reported in the literature following COVID-19 vaccination.
'15 Days
to Slow the Spread'. Four years ago, government officials told us, "Stay home!" We
have "15 days to slow the spread." Days turned into months and then years, while officials
chipped away at our freedoms. I have long been wary of politicians, but even I was surprised
at how authoritarian many were eager to be. Some demanded police to go after people
surfing. They took down the rims of basketball hoops. Children's playgrounds were taped
up like crime scenes. They told people in rural Utah and Wyoming to stay in their
homes. In the name of safety, politicians did many things that diminished our lives, without
making us safer. They complied with teachers unions' demand to keep schools closed.
Kids' learning has been set back by years.
Tinfoil-Hat Conspiracist no Longer. Who would have guessed there would be two
startling revelations about the great Covid over-reach in the space of about a week, upholding
claims previously dismissed as conspiracy theories and misinformation? First, a
peer-reviewed scientific study linked Covid vaccines to a range of serious health disorders, and
then Queensland's Supreme Court ruled the vaccine mandates imposed on police and ambulance workers
were unlawful. Both provide a welcome dose of reality after the worst days of lockdowns and
vaccine roll-outs, when we were all indoctrinated with the message that the jabs were "perfectly
safe and effective." Now we know for certain that they don't prevent contraction or transmission
of the virus and there's an acknowledged chance they could kill or maim you. Some of us have
been aware of that for a long time, but of course vaccine promoters including Big Pharma and
government bureaucrats will still insist that the risk is "very low" the acknowledged disorders are
"rare" and vaccines still provide the best means of protection against covid. But how low is
"very low" and how "rare" is rare?
practice has lost its way. Proper, correct, ethical medical care is
apolitical, non-ideological, and devoid of any value judgment other than the best course of
treatment for the individual patient at hand. Care givers treat all who are ill, without
regard to race, religion, place of birth, political affiliation, gender preference, or past
activities: good doctors treat convicted felons, even terrorists. Repairing social ills
or injustices, past or present, has no place in proper medical practice. Courses in social
justice have no place in medical schools. Clinical physicians do not resolve social
injustices, practice population medicine, or solve public health concerns. They care for
patients retail, one at a time, providing best care for the specific patient at hand. Proper
medical care involves a legally protected fiduciary service contract between patient and
provider. Patients have medical autonomy, i.e., sole decision-making authority, and
physicians have authority commensurate with their responsibility. That medical ethos no
longer applies to those who practice medicine in the U.S.
of American Health Care. [Scroll down] Moreover, faith in American
medicine has certainly been tarnished by the treatment afforded those health care workers who dared
to question the federal government's edicts concerning the mRNA Covid-19 "vaccines." Florida
Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo declared that "COVID-19 vaccines are not appropriate for use
in human beings" and called for a complete halt of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Ladapo issued
this warning "based on overwhelming evidence that the COVID-19 shots that Pfizer and Moderna
assured us were 'safe' are contaminated with plasmid DNA." Consider the fact that the
government continues to purposefully censor truthful information. In fact, Dr. Aaron
Kheriaty, the psychiatrist who challenged the University of California Irvine Vaccine Mandates was
fired for this. It has led to what is being called the most important free speech case in a
generation known as Missouri v. Biden (Murthy v. Missouri).
Tyranny [is] A Greater Threat Than Long COVID. [Scroll down] Now, four
years later, the experts are telling us to treat the disease similar to the way we treat the
flu. The much-feared "long COVID appears to manifest as a post-viral syndrome
indistinguishable from seasonal influenza and other respiratory illnesses," says Medical
Xpress. Yet the damage wrought by governments, spread by the tyrannococcus machine, will
continue well beyond 2024. "We will be dealing with the harm done for decades," says Martin
Kulldorf, the biostatistician and infectious-disease epidemiologist who was fired from his Harvard
faculty position because he objected to COVID vaccine mandates. Rather than respond in any
sort of reasonable way, elected and unelected officials acted as tyrants, closing businesses,
restricting our freedom to move about, limiting the number of people who could gather in private
homes, requiring mask use and mandating vaccinations. "There was very little oversight or
limitation on the powers conferred to" the agencies that made those decisions, says the Committee
to Unleash Prosperity. They simply gave themselves power they should have never wielded.
Left's Love Affair With Mandates. The hype over EV's is sinking fast, like enthusiasm
for COVID jabs. But our government is truly in love with mandates "for the public good" that
don't work. [...] The Left has flexed their muscle on ways to get around our constitutionally
protected rights. They've discovered a new drug to get high on, and they're not going to give
it up willingly. The COVID jab and EV mandates reveal striking similarities. Both
occurred quickly in recent years, both were woefully untested before being forced on us, and both
have undesirable long-term outcomes. The shot (I'm not calling it a "vaccine" because it
fails the former definition of "vaccine") was forced into arms before we knew its efficacy and
safety risks. In under a year, we discovered that it didn't live up to its promise to "stop
the virus in its tracks" so the heralded benefits morphed from stopping the virus to well, maybe
you'll have less of a chance of being hospitalized. Later, we learned more about the harm it
has done to otherwise healthy hearts and reproductive systems. Years from now we may discover
the shot will have caused far more long-term harm to our lives than good.
Finally Releases 148 Page Study on Myocarditis Following COVID Vaccine — And Every
Single Word is Redacted!. Zachary Stieber, a reporter with the Epoch Times, released
the CDC report on the frequency of myocarditis following the COVID vaccines. [...] Last September,
nearly two hears after the introduction of the COVID vaccine, Dr. Anthony Fauci finally
admitted the vaccines cause myocarditis. So when did they learn this? And how severe
were the results? Vigilant Fox added: "They're is obviously something very wrong that they
are trying to hide. [Tweet]
report blasts government's COVID response, warns of repeating same mistakes. A new
report has sharply criticized the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic, writing that
lockdowns, school closures and vaccine mandates were "catastrophic errors" resulting in many
Americans losing faith in public health institutions. The report, published this week by the
non-profit Committee to Unleash Prosperity (CTUP), paints a damning indictment of the government's
role in the crisis and offers ten lessons that must be learned, to avoid the same mistakes from
being repeated. Some of the guidance includes halting all binding agreements or pledges to
the World Health Organization (WHO), term limits for all senior health agency positions as well as
limiting the powers of health agencies to make sure they are strictly advisory and do not have the
power to set laws or mandates. The paper, titled "COVID Lessons Learned A Retrospective After
Four Years," states that granting unprecedented powers to public health agencies, many of which
imposed strict limits on basic civil liberties, had little positive benefit and instead helped
stoke fear among the public.
claims of whistleblower need to go viral. In my last article, I told the story of
Richard Hirschman, the famous/infamous embalmer who first showed the world images of the
"horrifying" new blood clots he's routinely finding in the bodies he's embalming. These
findings, later corroborated by a survey that found 73 percent of embalmers were seeing the
same things, could be one of the most significant, "narrative-changing" revelations regarding the
non-safe Covid "vaccines." However, the claims of a more-recent whistleblower might be even
more significant as this whistleblower provided highly-believable evidence that medical personnel,
on an almost daily basis, are seeing the exact same "white fibrous" substances in living
patients. This whistleblower, who prefers to remain anonymous, made his claims on
Feb. 25 in a podcast interview conducted by Dr. Philip McMillan, a physician and clinical
researcher with 30 years' experience who now publishes a Substack newsletter in addition to
his podcast program. In my opinion, the shocking information and evidence presented by this
whistleblower should be enough to cease all mRNA vaccinations.
Say 'Long Covid' Doesn't Exist. Doctors have challenged the term 'long Covid,'
claiming it does not exist and causes unnecessary fear in patients. Chief Health Officer of
Queensland, Australia, Dr. John Gerrard, says the term 'long Covid' implies a false uniqueness
of COVID-19 and that other viruses, like the flu, can result in similar post-viral syndrome. "We
believe it is time to stop using terms like 'long Covid,'" said Gerrard. "They wrongly imply
there is something unique and exceptional about longer term symptoms associated with this virus,"
he continued. "This terminology can cause unnecessary fear, and in some cases, hypervigilance
to longer symptoms that can impede recovery. "Gerard's comments follow a study that found no
evidence to suggest that those who had COVID-19 were any more likely to have moderate-to-severe
functional limitations a year after their diagnosis than those who contracted other viral
infections. "In health systems with highly vaccinated populations, long Covid may have appeared
to be a distinct and severe illness because of high volumes of Covid cases during the pandemic.
However, we found that the rates of ongoing symptoms and functional impairment are indistinguishable
from other post-viral illnesses," Gerard said[.]
Minus Truth. One of the plaintiffs joined to Missouri v. Biden is
Dr. Martin Kulldorff, a biostatistician and professor at the Harvard Medical School, who
opposed Covid-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates. He was one of the authors of the open letter
called The Great Barrington Declaration (October, 2020) that articulated informed medical
dissent for a bamboozled public. He was fired from his job at Harvard just this past week for
continuing his refusal to take the vaccine. Harvard remains among a handful of institutions
that still require it, despite massive evidence that it is ineffective and hazardous. Like
West Point, maybe Harvard should ditch its motto, Veritas, Latin for "truth."
still claiming the Covid vax is safe and effective. Yet somehow Dr. Pierre Kory
treats hundreds of patients who've been badly injured by it. Why is no one in the public
health establishment paying attention? [Tweet with video clip]
disinformation playbook: how industry manipulates the science-policy process — and how
to restore scientific integrity. The scientific community faces frightening
realities: the public's ability to distinguish science from pseudoscience is declining,
corporate efforts to influence evidence-based policymaking are intensifying, and foundational
processes to protect science — including the integrity and independence of peer review
systems and advisory committees — are under attack. The examples covered here
offer a glimpse into the problems that are ubiquitous worldwide, and the solutions presented can be
adopted outside of the United States. All stakeholders, in and outside the global scientific
community, must develop and enforce policies that ensure transparency and accountability in
science-based decision making.
Long COVID Awareness Day, remember this: Long COVID is fake! COVID fanaticism
birthed many disasters, from school closures to lockdowns to the apotheosis of Anthony
Fauci — but none was so utterly mad as the idea of "long COVID," a mysterious condition
that dogged sufferers months after infection and was used to justify the endless continuance of
every draconian rule. Now a new Australian study shows the idea was always wrong —
just in time for International Long COVID Awareness Day. Dr. John Gerrard, Queensland's
chief health officer, oversaw a study of 5,000-plus Australians with fatigue, cough and other
symptoms associated with long COVID; these sick Aussies had taken COVID tests with both positive
and negative results.
Was Anthony Fauci's Fault. [Scroll down] World leaders sometimes make bad
decisions. However, the unilateral decision of Fauci to have the NIAID partner with Moderna
to develop an mRNA vaccine in response to the predictable COVID pandemic and not have the NIAID
engage the FDA to grant EUA for the immediately available and effective off-label use of
FDA-approved therapeutics that were already on pharmacy shelves has had devastating unintended
consequences. People can ignore the facts and blame the president all they want. But
the decision to use an experimental, untested, and unapproved mRNA technology — gene
therapy — condemned millions of innocents to die or suffer life-threatening side effects
while the more rational decision to use inexpensive and effective therapeutics would have saved
lives. There is no doubt if we had listened to President Trump on the effectiveness of
hydroxychloroquine, we would not have experienced a 12-Sigma Mass Death Event. We have Fauci,
the CDC, NIAID, and the FDA to thank for that.
Fires Professor For Telling Truth About COVID Mandates. Harvard University, like so
many other formerly "elite" institutions, embarrassed itself during COVID. Universities,
ostensibly devoted to searching for truth and fact, revealed a long-formenting truth in 2020:
they no longer viewed themselves as truth-based instructional organizations. Instead, their
sole focus and goal is indoctrination. Pushing an ideological message, promoting progressive
activism and ensuring that identity and nonsensical anti-truth is privileged over objective
reality. That concerning shift in priority has been underway for decades, but rose to the
forefront rapidly in 2020, shoved by necessity and opportunity. Harvard, as well as their
ideological allies in the media, demanded conformity with prevailing narratives over the pursuit of
truth. Because the "wrong" people could potentially be correct. And even 4 years
later, after the prevailing narratives conclusively being proven wrong on masks, lockdowns, school
closures and a host of other COVID-related issues, they're still cracking down on anyone who spoke
out against the abandonment of their core principles.
did the white clots come from? Numerous funeral directors have now reported
struggling to embalm bodies because of finding white "calamari-like" clots blocking the
veins. What do we know about these clots? John Campbell has interviewed a series of
funeral directors who describe a decreasing incidence of such clots but claim they remain in about
20% of those who die in 2023. Are they just conventional post mortem clots? Although some
may have formed post mortem they are not what is usually seen. Post mortem, the blood can
separate into a yellow plasma fraction and a red cellular fraction and each can clot
separately. The result is a soft, jelly-like, yellow clot known as a "chicken fat clot"
attached to a "blackcurrant jelly" clot. The yellow colouring comes from entrapped lipids,
proteins and bilirubin in the plasma. What the embalmers are describing is white throughout
and has tensile strength — even before being placed in formaldehyde. Is the
testimony from multiple funeral directors so easily dismissed as if they had never seen post mortem
clots before?
Doctor Drops Dead of Heart Attack at 43. A prominent doctor, who used social media to
pressure the public into taking Covid mRNA vaccines, has died suddenly at just 43 years old,
according to reports. Dr. Vicky Jennings, from South Africa, was an internationally
recognized trauma surgeon. The mother of two passed away unexpectedly last week after
reportedly suffering a fatal heart attack. Jennings' death was announced by Netcare, the
healthcare company that she worked for.
CDC Releases 148 Blank Pages on COVID Vax Myocarditis After FOIA. The
CDC — under the guidance of the "no malarkey, Jack," "most transparent administration in
world history" — has released a doozy of a 148-page report on myocarditis induced by the
COVID-19 vaccines. It's excellent, obviously, that such a lengthy report looks into one of
the most serious public health issues of our era. This is what COVID skeptics have been
demanding for years at this point — a demand which, until now, has gone nearly entirely
ignored by the Public Health authorities. [...] It's entirely, 100% blank — as in, 148
pages of pure whiteness, by far the whitest thing ever permitted to be associated with the Brandon
entity's diverse White House.
Americans No Longer Trust the Healthcare System. Doctors, hospitals, and healthcare
systems used to be held in high esteem, but no more. Aren't these the "experts" in white
coats? What happened to that trust? [...] During COVID-19, it was primarily finger-wagging
leftists in the media and out in public that were nagging anyone not wearing at least one
mask. They were also pushing an endless series of poorly tested vaccines which now may be
causing more harm than good. [...] Lastly the medical system itself squandered trust. They
castigated longstanding and safe off-label therapeutics for COVID-19 while promoting minimally
tested vaccines that were supposed to stop infection and transmission but did neither. They
mandated children be vaccinated, the one group with a near zero risk for COVID-19 death. They
imposed an arbitrary 6-foot distancing rule causing school and business closures. They now
ignore myriad young healthy individuals dying suddenly and population based excess mortality far
greater than expected.
Tells People 65 And Older To Take More COVID-19 Booster Shots. The U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that adults aged 65 and above get an
additional dose of the updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine following a heated debate by an advisory
panel on the issue. The vaccination was recommended by the CDC's Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (ACIP) panel. "The recommendation acknowledges the increased risk of
severe disease from COVID-19 in older adults, along with the currently available data on vaccine
effectiveness," the agency said in a Feb. 28 press release. "Adults 65 years and
older are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, with more than half of COVID-19 hospitalizations
during October 2023 to December 2023 occurring in this age group." "Data continues
to show the importance of vaccination to protect those most at risk for severe outcomes of
COVID-19. An additional dose of the updated COVID-19 vaccine may restore protection that has
waned since a fall vaccine dose, providing increased protection to adults ages 65 years and
older," it said.
Christian pastors coerced congregants to take COVID jabs through covert "Faith4Vaccines"
scheme. In exchange for cash bribes from the government, thousands of American
pastors pushed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" on their congregants, many of whom are now
chronically ill or dead as a result. The report from America Out Loud explains that a
government program called "Faith4Vaccines," which was birthed out of the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services' (HHS) vaccine propaganda machine COVID-19 Community Corps, convinced
money-grubbing "faith leaders" to sell out their flocks to Big Pharma. The COVID-19 Community
Corps has 86 founding members, most of them falling into the "faith leaders" category. They
include (but are not limited to):
• American Baptist Church
• Catholic Charities USA
• Episcopal Church
• National Association of Evangelicals
• Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
• New York Jewish Agenda
Pushes The Next Round Of Genocide By Urging People To Get The New Clot Shot.
According to the CDC in a newly released warning, Americans 65 years old and older should be
rushing out to get the latest COVID vax booster shots, with the CDC reporting more than half of
COVID-19 hospitalizations during October 2023 to December 2023 occurred in this age
group." Warning that as of February 23rd, only 22% of American adults have gotten their
updated boosters, including 41.8% of those over the age of 65, as this Zero Hedge story touching on
that CDC warning reports, even the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) panel,
which put out the recent advisory, had a difference of opinion on the actual 'wording' of the announcement.
covid conmen [are] landing top jobs. It's been announced that Sir Patrick Vallance,
the Government's former chief scientific adviser, has joined the Tony Blair Institute for Global
Change, appointed to their 'team of expert Strategic Counsellors' with former chief of the defence
staff General Sir Nick Carter. What benefits they will receive, in kind or otherwise, the
TBI's press release did not elaborate on. Sir Patrick, who according to his colleagues in the
Civil Service may go down as 'the most influential chief scientific adviser we've had', is far from
the first of the government's senior covid 'experts' to find his services sought so soon after
retirement. Last May, less than two months after standing down, the former deputy chief
medical officer Sir Jonathan Van-Tam took up a role as part-time clinical adviser to Moderna, the
American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company and covid vaccine maker. Three months later
Moderna made him their senior consultant for medical affairs.
Years After Being Thrown in Jail for Opening Salon During COVID Lockdown, Texas Hairstylist Gets
Huge News. "The best revenge is massive success," a quote often attributed to the
iconic singer Frank Sinatra. For Shelley Luther, who risked it all to keep her business
operating during the COVID-19 lockdowns, achieving success by reforming the very bureaucratic
system that almost broke her could represent the greatest vindication after her many trials.
Luther defeated incumbent State Rep. Reggie Smith, earning 53.42 percent of the vote in
Tuesday's primary election, according to KRQX. Luther, a former Dallas salon owner, gained
national attention for defying COVID-19 shutdown orders in 2020. What began as an act of civil
disobedience opposing COVID-19 business closure orders turned into a weeks-long legal saga that
ultimately prompted Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to amend his pandemic executive orders.
Finds COVID Patients Who Took Ivermectin Recovered Faster. A recent UK study shows
that COVID-19-positive patients who were given ivermectin recovered faster than those who
weren't. The large-scale open-label trial involved 2,157 participants who received ivermectin
and 3,256 who received typical care from June 23, 2021, to July 1, 2022. According to
the research published in the Journal of Infection, ivermectin recipients recovered two days
faster with a significant statistical difference. The report further indicates that compared
to the four percent of patients receiving standard care, only 1.6 percent of those given
ivermectin had to be hospitalized or died.
the Fabulist in Chief's State of the Union. During Thursday's State of the Union
address, Biden fully displayed his fabulist tendencies. His assessment of the
administration's accomplishments and his impact was not anchored in reality. [...] Biden believes
in freedom so much that he prolonged COVID shutdowns and tried to force a vaccine mandate on
80 million Americans through OSHA. Then he used the bully pulpit to scapegoat unvaccinated
Americans, calling COVID "a pandemic of the unvaccinated" long after it was evident the vaccine did
not stop illness or transmission.
must never again suppress democracy by giving power to power-hungry people. It's been
a year since we published the Lockdown Files message. During this time, some government
advisors have changed their minds and admitted their mistakes regarding care homes, the economy,
and the harms caused by the lockdown. However, most of them have gone into hiding or moved
onto more lucrative roles. [...] The week's Lockdown files show Boris Johnson feared Britain's
second lockdown because he knew the death data was 'very wrong'; he also wanted to lift the
restrictions, but the public 'wasn't ready'. They also reveal that masks in schools were
introduced to avoid an argument with Nicola Sturgeon, that care homes were neglected, and the
inhumane rules that kept married couples apart were discussed but, despite their devastating
effects, were kept anyhow. Why? Because there was no one to challenge the
power-hungry government machinery that was out of its depth.
Provides Mortality Data to Big Pharma But Not to the General Public for 'Commercial Sensitivity
Reasons'. Jenny Harries became a Dame in the 2022 New Year Honours for services to
health. This was partly due to her role as Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England during
the pandemic. She went on to become the Chief Executive of the U.K. Health Security Agency
(UKHSA) in 2021. This combined Public Health England and England's NHS Test and Trace. On
Monday, Harries appeared before the Health and Social Care Committee where she was asked about the
data around excess deaths. She confirmed (around 17:15) that whilst the agency doesn't
routinely share record level mortality datasets that include vaccination dates, doses and
co-morbidities, it has released anonymised, aggregate data to vaccine manufacturers.
Apparently, this is for their own vaccines, to support obligations to report as part of safety
surveillance. However, Harries goes on to imply that Parliament and the public may not be
able to have access to the same data provided to the vaccine manufacturers, for commercial
sensitivity reasons. ["]We have released anonymised aggregate data to
manufacturers. This is for their own vaccines to support their obligations to report to MHRA
as part of the routine safety surveillance. But these data are commercially
sensitive.["] It's good to know that data paid for by the taxpayer cannot be shared
with the taxpayer. Data about and concerning taxpayers cannot be viewed by taxpayers, even
though it is anonymised. But it has already been given to Big Pharma.
Graphene Oxide In Their Secret Sauce? — Part 2. [Scroll down]
To recap[,] when graphene oxide gets into the human body, it can create thromboses, cause blood
clots, disrupt the immune system, trigger a cytokine storm, instigate pneumonia, create a metallic
taste in the mouth, cause inflammation of the mucous membranes, produce a loss in the sense of
taste and smell, and blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione, which your liver
needs to detox. The notion that the FDA (or any regulatory agent) legitimately permits the
inclusion of this known poison for mass consumption is absurd. But now, sick spin doctors who
worship scientism have repositioned graphene as being good for you. That is the name of the
game with pharmaceia, which means sorcery in Greek. A paper titled Nanotoxicity
of Graphene and Graphene Oxide states that "more detailed studies are needed that aim to
investigate the toxicity of graphene-based materials to properly associate the biological
phenomenon with their chemical, structural, and morphological variations that result from several
synthetic and processing possibilities." Now that we've established that graphene oxide is
poisonous, let's examine why they would inject this into the human body.
suing Springer Nature for $250 [million] in punitive damages for the unethical retraction of our COVID harms
paper. The scientific journals have been getting away with unethical retractions for
decades. They unethically retracted our paper, "COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned
from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign." Here are the bogus reasons the
journal gave for retraction and Peter McCullough's excellent article regarding the impact of the
paper and our response to their reasons[.] It's time for this unethical practice to stop.
I hired a private investigator and was able to get the goods on the editors of Cureus so I know for
a fact the paper was unethically retracted. It's time for the journals to be held
accountable. I'll be filing suit next week against Springer Nature and Cureus seeking $250M
in punitive damages so that the journals think twice the next time they get a paper they don't like.
Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding. For those who can't
spend 4 hours watching the full roundtable event — Federal Health Agencies and
the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding — here is a 14-minute edited version
that captures many important points. [Tweet with video clip]
German patient
vaccinated against Covid 217 times. A 62-year-old man from Germany has, against
medical advice, been vaccinated 217 times against Covid, doctors report. The bizarre
case is documented in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal. The shots were bought and given
privately within the space of 29 months. The man appears to have suffered no ill
effects, researchers from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg say.
hypervaccinator from Magdeburg receives 217 Covid jabs over 29 months. [This
story] is about some lunatic from Magdeburg who claims to have gotten himself vaccinated 217 times
between 3 June 2021 and 7 November 2023, at a nominal cost to the German
taxpayer of around 4000 Euros. Researchers say that there's nothing (yet) really wrong
with him, and — best of all — he's never gotten Covid! Now we know what
it takes to avoid infection. The man is an example to us all. [...] Notably, our subject
began his vaccine odyssey with the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which many German
municipalities reserved for the homeless in 2021. The fear was that getting these people to return
for a second jab would be a hopeless project. Our subject, therefore, is plausibly indigent,
although he proved to be anything but unwilling to return for more of the magical virus
juice. Except for the AstraZeneca jab on 1 August, all of these early doses are marked
"confirmed," meaning that our subject retained the vaccine certificates.
Vaccines May Increase Risk of Rare Neurological Condition. Recently approved vaccines
for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) for older adults may be linked to a rare nervous system
disorder that causes the body's immune system to attack its own nerves. In a Feb. 29
meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, health officials presented data that
appears to show a slightly elevated rate of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) among people who
received RSV vaccines by Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). A data mining alert on Jan. 19
for disproportional reporting was detected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for
Pfizer's Abrysvo RSV vaccine and GBS but has not been reported to date for GSK's RSV vaccine
Arexvy, according to Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, deputy director of the CDC's influenza division and
former director of the CDC's immunization safety office.
COVID Gene Jab: Inconvenient Truths. Last fall I thought that the wall of
propaganda deployed by the public-private partnership of western governments, WHO, WEF and NGO to
support the COVID gene therapy technology-based "vaccines" would soon fall. I thought that
the burden of evidence that the products were neither safe nor effective was overwhelming, and that
the "official" lies had become unsustainable. Silly me. What I overlooked and
underestimated was the power of the globalized censorship-industrial complex to literally distort
reality and/or substitute a false synthetic reality for truth in large numbers of minds. For
further details on how this works, I recommend the insights and documentation provided by Mike Benz
and colleagues (Foundation for Freedom Online) and in particular the recent Tucker Carlson/Mike
Benz interview.
Five FUBARs. [#5] The CDC continues to push vaccines that have killed millions of
Americans and more millions around the world, and has probably compromised the well-being of
millions more going forward. Corporate medicine — that is, your doctor, and your
hospitals — is a sinking Titanic of grift and chaos. Try to get an appointment to
even see a doctor for an emergency. Try to avoid being bankrupted by your treatment.
Try to get out of a hospital alive. Yeah, it's that bad. The doctors have surrendered
your trust in them with their lying and their bullshit. The current director of the CDC,
Mandy Cohen and her predecessor, Rochelle Walensky, have knowingly presided over the mass killing
and injuries imposed on the mRNA vaccinated. Hundreds of their deputies should be liable for
prosecution, and so should many of the other prominent characters in the Covid Saga: Fauci,
Birx, Collins, Baric, Bourla, Daszak, Califf, Woodcock, Hahn, and many more. What are we
going to do about any of this?
may have finally found the cause of long Covid. Experts may have found the cause of
long Covid after discovering that low iron levels following an infection could be a key
trigger. An estimated 1.9 million people in the UK alone say they experience symptoms of
long Covid. These can include fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle aches and problems with
memory and concentration — and last long after the initial Covid infection has subsided.
Vaccines Can Impact Menstrual Cycle, Researchers Find. Researchers confirmed that
COVID-19 vaccines are linked to changes in the menstrual cycle, according to a study published in
March. Published in the Obstetrics & Gynecology journal on March 1, Oregon Health &
Science University researchers found that women who received a COVID-19 shot in the first half of
their menstrual cycle are more likely to receive cycle length changes than those who received the
vaccine in the second half. Those researchers used data from 20,000 users of a birth control
app that was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to determine what effects the
vaccine has on the cycle. Most of the women whose data was analyzed were under the age of 35,
while 28 percent were from North America, 33 percent were from Europe, and another
32 percent were from the United Kingdom, they said.
Covid Nurse Goes Public, Exposes Mass Vaccine Deaths. After she was fired for
refusing to comply with her hospital's vaccine mandate, a California nurse has gone public to blow
the whistle on a major cover-up of deaths related to Covid mRNA shots. Gail Macrae, a
California intensive care unit (ICU) nurse, is speaking out to raise the alarm that the public is
being misled about the injections and the true number of Covid patients. Macrae is accusing
the hospital where she worked of violating medical ethics. She said this violation, which she
believes is happening across the country and beyond, has resulted in increased harm to patients.
for Leadership. [Scroll down to page 449] If the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) were a separate country, its approximately $1.6 trillion budget would
rank as the world's fifth-largest national budget. For good or ill, HHS activities personally
impact the lives of more Americans than do those of any other federal agency. [...] As a result of
HHS's having lost its way, U.S. life expectancy, instead of returning to normal after the COVID-19
pandemic, continued to drop precipitously to levels not seen since 1996 with white populations
alone losing 7 percent of their expected life span in just one year.3 Nothing less than
America's long-term survival is at stake. Accordingly, HHS must return to serving the health
and well-being of all Americans at all stages of life instead of using social engineering that
leaves us sicker, poorer, and more divided.
Years Late, CDC Admits COVID Is Basically Like Flu. The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) just quietly updated its Covid-19 guidance to tell Americans essentially to
act as if the virus were the common flu. All of us "conspiracy theorists" who said the same
thing back in February 2020 would like an apology. Ironically, the CDC's new guidance
from March 1 not only recommends good hygiene and vaccination (despite evidence of the COVID
vaccine's serious risks), it recommends "cleaner air" and "gathering outdoors." Do you remember how
many people obediently stayed locked inside or took their walks with masks on during the height of
COVID thanks to scare tactics from government agencies such as the CDC? Turns out the age-old
tactic of getting fresh air and washing your hands really is the best protection against COVID-19.
Secretary urged to release data that 'may link Covid vaccine to excess deaths'. MPs
and peers have accused the Health Secretary of withholding data that could link the Covid vaccine
to excess deaths, and criticised a "wall of silence" on the topic. A cross-party group has
written to Victoria Atkins to sound alarm about the "growing public and professional concerns" at
the UK's rates of excess deaths since 2020[.] Ministers have blamed the rise in excess deaths on
record NHS waiting lists and the pandemic backlog. But the parliamentarians are demanding to
be shown the underlying data to support the Government's assertion that there is "no evidence"
linking excess deaths to the vaccines for Covid-19. "If those data do indeed exist, please
share them; if thorough investigations have already ruled out such a link, please share the
relevant reports," their letter says. "There is no place here for blind faith."
of items of lifesaving medical equipment bought during the Covid pandemic [are] to be destroyed
after the government failed to find a use for them. The government is planning to
destroy thousands of items of lifesaving medical equipment that it bought during the pandemic after
failing to find a need for it, the Mail on Sunday can reveal. MPs and Peers last night
branded the scale of waste 'astonishing' and said the disposal of 'such huge volumes' is a 'kick in
the teeth to the taxpayer'. The stockpile of ventilators, patient monitors, humidifiers and
syringe pumps was built up at vast expense as part of the UK's 'strategic reserve'.
proof that COVID killed medical ethics. A February 12, 2024 Slay
article reported that thousands of elderly COVID patients in the United Kingdom (U.K.) were
secretly euthanized in April 2020 by injection with the drug Midazolam. This disturbing
claim came from an investigation directed by Wilson Sy, director, Investment Analytics Research
Australia, and made public by Craig Kelly, the national director of the (conservative) United
Australia Party. The alleged euthanasia claim seems unlikely because in the U.K., it is
regarded as either manslaughter or murder by the National Health Service (NHS) and carries a
maximum penalty of life imprisonment. And unlike in Trudeau's Canada, even voluntary assisted
suicide is illegal and punishable by up to 14 years' imprisonment. In addition, the drug
Midazolam is not for euthanasia. It's a widely used anti-anxiety medication. However, cautions that it is risky for patients with a cough, wheezing, or trouble
breathing. Having had a career in analytics, I was skeptical.
Covid came from a lab. When will the mainstream media quit gaslighting us?The Wall Street Journal just breathlessly reported that the Covid virus was manufactured in
a lab. It even hinted that the lab in question might have been — drumroll,
please — the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Of course, this is not news to anyone
but those who still read the mainstream media. Those benighted souls have been kept in the
dark about the origins of the recent pandemic for four long years. [...] Chinese whistleblower
Dr. Yan Li-Meng, who fled China in April 2020, was the first to point out that the virus'
closest cousin is a bat coronavirus originally isolated by the People's Liberation Army but
tinkered with to make it much more infectious. Those doing the gene-splicing left
"signatures" behind in the genome itself, argued Dr. Steven Quay a few months later. To
boost a virus' lethality, for example, those doing gain-of-function research customarily insert a
snippet of RNA that codes for two arginine amino acids. This snippet — called
double CGG — has never been found in any other coronaviruses but is present in CoV-2.
ending five-day COVID isolation guidance. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) is no longer recommending Americans stay home from work or school for five days
after testing positive for COVID-19, a major shift in policy that comes as much of the country has
moved on from the height of the pandemic. The new guidance aligns COVID recommendations with
other respiratory viral illnesses such as flu and RSV. The simplified guidance recommends that
even if they don't know what virus is causing the illness, people should stay home when they are
sick and symptomatic and resume normal activities if their symptoms have been improving and they
are fever-free for at least 24 hours without any medication.
Myocarditis Post-Vaccination Can Result in Sudden Death, Japanese Autopsy Finds. A
new paper from pathologists in Kanazawa City, Japan reports the findings of an autopsy in a healthy
40-year-old man: [...] The most concerning aspect of this is that the myocarditis itself was "focal
and mild, as is mostly observed following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination". Yet this resulted in a fatal
arrhythmia, because cells which are part of the electrical system were affected. A secondary
concern about this is that since this occurred after the second dose, it seems likely the event
happened several years ago, yet has remained unpublished in the meantime. The possibility
that inflammation affecting just the conductive system might result in fatal arrhythmia is a
concern that we at the Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART) have previously raised in relation
to the mRNA products. It is to be noted that this man presented suddenly with an arrhythmia
(ventricular tachycardia) which ultimately proved fatal; preceding chest pain characteristic of
myocarditis was not reported. This is consistent with our concern that subclinical
myocarditis, about which we have written extensively, does indeed result in an increased risk of
fatal arrhythmias, which may be responsible for most or all of the rise in ambulance callouts for
cardiac arrests, which we have also written about.
Cardiologist Reports 47-Fold Increase in Serious Myocarditis Post Covid Vaccinations as He Calls on
GMC to Investigate. Over the last 10-15 years, I have become increasingly aware
of Dr. Aseem Malhotra as a cardiologist who has made significant contributions to the field of
preventive cardiology and lifestyle medicine. His commitment to challenging conventional
medical wisdom and advocating a more holistic approach to healthcare has earned him widespread
respect and admiration within the medical community and beyond. That said, he has also faced
opposition over the years from critics. He has faced these criticisms openly and encouraged
debate on the science. [...] Not only is Dr. Malhotra an accomplished physician, but he is
also a passionate advocate for addressing the root causes of chronic disease, particularly through
lifestyle interventions and dietary modifications. His efforts to raise awareness about the
impact of excessive sugar consumption and the overuse of medications in the treatment of chronic
illnesses have been instrumental in sparking important conversations about the need for a paradigm
shift in healthcare.
Ron Johnson, Health Experts Allege Cover-Up of COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers. Two weeks
ago, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., got an email from a recently married man who learned his
36-year-old wife couldn't have children shortly after she got her second COVID-19 shot. "She
chose career, got the baby/family bug, and now she can't have children," the husband said in the
email, which Johnson read aloud Monday at the opening of a Capitol Hill forum on government
officials' transparency about COVID-19. [...] Johnson's forum — titled "Federal Health
Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?" and held in the Senate Russell Office
Building — featured a roundtable discussion including 22 testimonials from scientists,
medical doctors, former government officials, and journalists about what they said were problems
with the vaccines and government efforts to censor the dangers. The cover-ups involving both
the origins of COVID-19 in China and adverse effects of the vaccines likely are linked to
protecting the bioweapons industry, contended Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of
epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine.
and Cognitive Warfare on Citizens. [Scroll down] It was deemed necessary
to employ this technology, this psychological and cognitive warfare technology on the general
population because of the threat of SARS-CoV-2, a virus which was by modeling, we now know it
highly flawed modeling, going to lead to a 3.4% case fatality rate" or infection fatality
rate. That's what we were told. Happens to be exactly the same number that they had,
quote, "modeled" during Event 201 in the fall of 2019. We were told, and governments were told, and
propagandized all over the world, particularly in the West, that this highly lethal virus was going
to pose such an enormous threat that it was acceptable just like it was believed acceptable to
interfere in the Italian elections after World War II, it was acceptable and necessary to deploy
this kind of technology in order to advance the public good. To ensure that we would have
full compliance for the measures that the government prescribed for all of us under the advice of
the World Health Organization. Mr. Tedros now insists that he'd never told anybody they
had to lock down or social distance or accept vaccines. That this is all the governments that
did this. That was the justification. And now we've seen the explosive growth and
maturation of a whole industry, this censorship industrial complex.
Finds Hearing and Balance Disorders Among COVID-19 Vaccinated. More cases of hearing
and balance disorders have been observed after people received COVID-19 vaccines, according to a
recent study, which asked vaccinated people to remain alert to such complications. The
Australian peer-reviewed study, published in the Vaccine journal on Feb. 22, aimed to
determine whether there was an increase in "audiovestibular events" following COVID-19 vaccination
in south-eastern Australia. Audiovestibular refers to conditions related to hearing and
balance disorders. "Healthcare providers and vaccinees should be alert to potential
audiovestibular complaints after COVID-19 vaccination," the authors said.
Lied & Hundreds of Thousands of Children Died due to COVID Vaccination according to Secret CDC
Report. Time and time again throughout 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci, stood at the
podium, the bright lights of the cameras blinding him as he faced the nation. With a steady
hand, he held up a vial of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, promising it would be the key to protecting
America and its children from the "deadly" COVID-19 disease supposedly ravaging the country.
But little did the public know, the truth about the Covid vaccine's safety had been buried deep
within Fauci's own lies and deceit and confidential U.S. Government and Pfizer documents.
Fauci used propaganda, lies and manipulation to coerce parents into getting their children vaccinated.
Reveals Over 134,000 Cancer Cases Went Undiagnosed During Pandemic. More than 134,000
cancer cases in the United States went undiagnosed as people stayed home due to a nationwide
lockdown during the first 10 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study.
The cross-sectional analysis, published in JAMA Oncology on Feb. 22, found that observed rates
of cancer incidence in the United States were 13 percent lower during the first 10 months
of the pandemic. "To our knowledge, this is the first study to offer a nationwide analysis
using U.S. cancer registry data on the cancer case deficit experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic
in 2020," the researchers wrote. The study assessed cancer rate trends for March through
December 2020 using cancer incidence data from the U.S. Cancer Statistics Public Use Database,
which covers all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Gates Partner GAVI Vaccine Alliance Targets Online Memes. Bill Gates is known, and
rich, for two things: as the founder of one of the most oppressive (in terms of design, security,
and historically predatory toward free-as-in-freedom competing technology) companies
ever — Microsoft. And the other is Gates — now as a
billionaire — reinventing himself through his "uncanny valley" philanthropic efforts,
centered and emanating from his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and focusing by and large on all
sorts of vaccines, and — agriculture. One of those involved, the GAVI Vaccine
Alliance (that gets money from Gates) now wants to reframe memes — internet's succinct
expression of humor and satire — as "health disinformation super-spreaders." And
we've heard this one before — this genre, that, in the digital age, might as well be
considered as any other artistic format in previous times, is said to be capable of evading "fact
checkers and content moderators" (i.e., censors). In previous eras and authoritarian states,
that would get the books with imagery and words characteristic of memes banned or burned.
football player's death was unrelated to practice, university says. The sudden death
of a Furman University football player in early February after he collapsed during a team workout
was unrelated to football, the university told The Post and Courier. Bryce Stanfield, a
21-year-old junior defensive lineman, died Feb. 9 after he collapsed during a morning workout
at Paladin Stadium two days prior. An autopsy concluded Stanfield's cause of death was a
pulmonary embolism, unrelated to football, Furman spokesman Clinton Colmenares said.
rights crushed as lockdown protester found guilty of violating COVID-19 stay-at-home
order. An Ontario man challenging harshly imposed COVID-19-related lockdown
restrictions since 2020 has been found guilty nearly three years later. Graham Walker's
alleged crime is peacefully assembling, protesting, and distributing press materials in front of
Cobourg's Victoria Hall, at a time when Premier Doug Ford had declared a third state of emergency
and stay-at-home order since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. [Tweet]
Nurses Now Mandated To Take The FLU Shot To Remain Employed? We live in an age of
Open Warfare on Humanity where corporations and governments dare not be trusted to protect
you. Nicole King is a courageous and well spoken registered nurse in the area of central
Florida who complains the Big Pharma continues to find ways to force risky medications on health
workers while restricting their first amendment rights to speak out. A mandate to take the
flu shot could be a signal that the injection could be contaminated with MRNA technology just like
the Covid bioweapon injection. This is why we need to promote the truth that viruses have
never been proven to exist. This is the most effective way to cut the head off the
Rockefeller snake-head of deception and murder by Allopathic medicine.
Mask Mandates. It's fair to say that mask mandates in children were
controversial. They were mandatory in schools across several European countries and German
states for the entire 2020-2021 school year until autumn 2021. In the UK, secondary school
children were required to wear masks only in communal areas, while primary school children were not
required to mask up. So, what does the evidence now say? A recent systematic review on
child mask mandates for COVID-19 concluded that "real-world effectiveness of child mask mandates
against SARS-CoV-2 transmission or infection has not been demonstrated with high-quality
evidence. The current body of scientific data does not support masking children for
protection against COVID-19." The review screened included 22 studies in the final analysis;
none were randomised controlled trials. All six observational studies reported an association
between child masking and lower infection rates and critical or serious risk of biases. Sixteen
other observational studies found no association between mask-wearing and infection or transmission.
to Face Lawsuit from 'General Hospital' Crewmembers Fired for Refusing COVID Vaccine.
In a setback to Disney, a judge has ruled that ABC must go to court over a lawsuit filed by two
General Hospital crewmembers who were fired for refusing to comply with the studio's COVID
vaccine mandate. A Los Angeles Superior Court judge issued the order on Tuesday, signaling a
potentially important legal showdown that could impact numerous Americans who stood up to draconian
employer and government mandates — and consequently lost their jobs or were denied
services. Plaintiffs James and Timothy Wahl, who are father and son, have argued that ABC
should have given them religious exemptions from the vaccine due to their Christian beliefs and
allowed them to continue working on General Hospital.
the public continues to lose faith [in] the medical community. An op-ed today in the
New York Post tried to explain why the medical and health community lost the confidence of so much
of the public after the COVID epidemic. According to Marc Siegal, a doctor and news pundit
(or as described in his bio line at the end of the essay, "a clinical professor of medicine and
medical director of Doctor Radio at NYU Langone Health and a Fox News medical analyst"), the
distrust was caused by the effort of the Biden administration to force the COVID jab on everyone
through mandates while squelching any dissent or discussions of potential risks. To Siegal,
this effort to make believe the jab carried no risks at all was seen from the start as a lie, and
has since been proven so. Better to have been honest from the start, Siegal says, so that
patients could make up their own minds with all the facts in hand. The way Siegal couches his
language in his op-ed, however, only increases this distrust. [...] He repeatedly minimizes the
risks from the jab, even though the very risks he describes, while rare, are so serious and
life-threatening that they make getting the jab a very bad idea, ever.
of the] News MSM Chose to Not Report. (Congressional press release) The Select
Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic held a hearing titled "Assessing America's Vaccine Safety
Systems, Part 1" to examine the effectiveness of vaccine safety reporting and injury compensation
systems following the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. [...] [Video clip] My take on
this hearing: Progress in breaking through to Congress is happening. It is slow, they
still aren't completely getting the level of corruption, censorship, psywar and regulatory capture.
But last week's hearing was a start. This committee is investigating this issue due to
people like you and me contacting their representatives about vaccine injury and the cover-up.
Grand Jury Finds Average Citizens Aren't Buying "Follow the Science" Propaganda on Masks and Social
Distancing. There have been several lawsuits about the pandemic, and the UK has an
ongoing COVID inquiry which I reported about briefly, but this grand jury in Florida has been
mostly ignored. The Florida Supreme Court empaneled a statewide grand jury on
December 22, 2022, to determine if pharma companies engaged in criminal activity during the
development, approval, or marketing of the COVID-19 vaccines. The jurors come from across the
state of Florida, from all backgrounds, ages, levels of education, and political affiliation.
Starting last June, the Grand Jury began eliciting sworn testimony from a range of expert and lay
witnesses on pharma and other issues related to the COVID pandemic. Federal agencies involved
in the pandemic — the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the US Army — have all declined to participate. Grand
Juries have the power to indict people or organizations for criminal activity and to release
presentments to inform the public and raise awareness. Their first presentment runs 33 pages,
which I picked through and read their findings on masks and social distancing.
Failure of Science Is Worse Than You Think. [Scroll down] Then 2020
happened. Suddenly the entire game plan on pandemics completely flipped. All known
wisdom was tossed out. The elites blabbed to the world that they just have no idea how it
spreads even though it was clearly a coronavirus. They didn't know the latency period even
though that has been known for many decades. They didn't know any therapeutics even though
Nobel Prizes have been given for them and there were a dozen off-patent drugs available. Then
they started making up insane things. The virus could be on your grocery bags! It is
floating around in rooms without people! You have to wash and sanitize your hands
17 times a day! You need to install all kinds of air filter systems immediately!
Put up Plexiglas everywhere! Better yet, just stay put. Sit on your sofa and be as
still as possible. Don't move a muscle, then you might not get sick. Finally, they said
they had a magic potion that would fix the problem. It's a new thing, a gene therapy that
comes wrapped in little capsules that we inject into your skin. It's been tested as
95 percent effective, and you know that's true because it is a number with a percent.
There are no side effects even though there was no way they could know that regardless.
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Has 10-Year Backlog of Claims. It may take more
than 10 years for someone injured by a COVID-19 vaccine to receive a decision on whether their
claim is eligible for compensation by the government's vaccine compensation program — if
they receive a response at all. U.S. health officials responded to questions on America's
failing vaccine injury compensation system in a hearing that left the vaccine-injured feeling like
addressing the system's shortcomings is not a priority on Capitol Hill. As of Jan. 1,
there were 12,854 claims filed for injuries caused by COVID-19 countermeasures with the
government's Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), including 9,600 related to
injuries caused by COVID-19 vaccines. Of the 12,854 claims, 2,214 have been processed, but
only 40 claims have been found eligible for compensation.
Bias alert! This article comes from left-wing Bloomberg, promulgated by left-wing Microsoft: Largest
Covid Vaccine Study Yet Finds Links to Health Conditions. Vaccines that protect
against severe illness, death and lingering long Covid symptoms from a coronavirus infection were
linked to small increases in neurological, blood, and heart-related conditions in the largest
global vaccine safety study to date. The rare events — identified early in the
pandemic — included a higher risk of heart-related inflammation from mRNA shots made by
Pfizer Inc., BioNTech SE, and Moderna Inc., and an increased risk of a type of blood clot in the
brain after immunization with viral-vector vaccines such as the one developed by the University of
Oxford and made by AstraZeneca Plc. The viral-vector jabs were also tied to an increased risk
of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a neurological disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks
the peripheral nervous system.
government prepared to arrest those who reject 'medical knowledge'. After some
deliberations, on February 14 the French government and National Assembly managed to pass a
bill that includes an Article 4 that essentially creates a new crime of "provocation to abstention
from medical care." [...] Imagine being arrested for following your conscience and medical advice
from a doctor that you trust and yet going to prison for it because it contradicts the "medical
knowledge" of your government. With this bill as it stands today, what will happen to those
doctors and scientists in France who still oppose the mRNA injection? I recall that what was
deemed "medical knowledge" by the ministers of science in the CDC, FDH and NIH included the absurd
notion that the jabs were safe and effective. I recall deaths being caused directly by the
vaccines, ventilators, remdesivir, and refusing early treatment. I also recall permanent
disability and infertility due to "vaccine" injury as well as diseases like myocarditis, Bell's Palsy,
among others. In fact, there are many confirmed reasons why the "state of medical knowledge" —
as promoted by the government — might not be in our best interest.
to mRNA injections now considered a CRIME in France. The French government just
passed a law to fine and imprison people for refusing to get injected with mRNA (modRNA)
"vaccines." All opposition to mRNA-LNP (lipid nanoparticles) injections in France is now
considered to be "sectarian aberration." Violations carry with them a penalty of
45,000 euros and up to three years imprisonment. "It will not tolerate any criticism of
the therapeutic treatments which will be recommended or made obligatory by the state," tweeted
Dr. Kat Lindley. "Any person who dares to openly criticize these therapies will be liable
to fines and imprisonment."
paper critical of the COVID vaccines will be retracted by Cureus! The paper I
co-authored with 6 other authors will be retracted by the journal because the publisher won't
allow any paper that is counter-narrative to be published. So our paper has to be retracted.
[...] It doesn't do any good to show them these reasons are all bogus. The laundry list of
items is simply a placeholder to make it look like the journal is following the science.
Nothing we can say on appeal will make any difference. The decision was made to retract the
paper and facts don't matter. It's about supporting the narrative. When they write "in
our view can't be remedied with a correction" it means "don't even bother arguing with us, your
paper is retracted."
Warns CDC's Own Scientists That Their Finding on Masks "Is Not Scientifically Correct".
In a congressional hearing last November on restoring trust in science, CDC Director Mandy Cohen kept
evading questions on whether she would bring back mask mandates for toddlers. "We have a lot
of different tools to protect our children," Dr. Cohen said during her cagey response.
Six days later, a BMJ journal published a study that found "mask recommendations for children
are not supported by scientific evidence."
doubt about it: the COVID vaccines CAUSE dementia. This is a query over all vaccines
in VAERS for the last 30 years. It took me about 10 seconds to do this query:
[ILlustration, not shown here] The results are self-explanatory: the COVID vaccines cause
dementia. Anyone who tells you "correlation isn't causation" should explain the actual cause
of this if it wasn't the COVID vaccine. I can't get a debate on this with anyone. They
just don't want to talk about it. The mainstream media is just never going to cover it.
Squares Off in a New War on Cancer. With this article, I begin what I hope will be a
series of reports on the use of inexpensive generic drugs for the treatment of cancer. In one
of the few good things to come out of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a growing number of physicians who
pioneered effective early treatments for Covid-19 is now attempting to learn if safe, off-patent
drugs can also work for cancer. So far, results are promising for drugs like ivermectin,
mebendazole, and metformin, and supplements like melatonin.
to drop five-day COVID isolation guidelines: Report. The U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention is reportedly issuing new guidance that would drop the five-day
isolation guidelines for Americans who test positive for COVID-19. The CDC currently recommends
Americans stay home from work and school for at least five days if they test positive for COVID.
The federal health agency is expected to announce in April that people can end their isolation if
they are experiencing mild symptoms and are fever-free without the aid of medication for at least
24 hours, The Washington Post reported Tuesday. The planned recommendation, which is the
first update from the CDC on the matter since 2021, comes after Oregon and California issued similar
guidelines. The proposed guidelines would treat COVID similarly to the flu and RSV.
People Can Still Transmit Disease, FDA and CDC Officials Admit. Public health
officials from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) admitted that people vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine can still get COVID and
can transmit COVID at a Feb. 15 congressional hearing. At the hearing by the Select
Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Rep. Michael Cloud (R-Texas) asked if the vaccine
prevented people from transmitting the virus. "There's data that shows that earlier in the
pandemic there was some reduction in transmission. The data on that are very challenging to
pin down. It does not absolutely prevent transmission," said Dr. Peter Marks, one of the
hearing witnesses and the director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at the FDA.
Vaccine Shedding Is 'Real,' FDA and Pfizer Documents Are Proof: Clinicians. The
topic of COVID-19 vaccine shedding has long been controversial, but now, some doctors say it is
real. "Shedding is unfortunately real," said Dr. Pierre Kory at the Front Line COVID-19
Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) conference in Phoenix, Arizona, in early February. "The FDA (U.S.
Food and Drug Administration) knows that." Dr. Kory is a co-founder of the FLCCC, a
non-profit advocacy group founded by physicians for the treatment of COVID-19, long COVID, and
postvaccine syndromes. He is also the co-founder of the Leading Edge Clinic and has treated
over a thousand long-COVID and postvaccine patients. Fact-checkers have largely denied
shedding on the basis of definition. The commonly cited definition comes from the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, which defines shedding as the release of
viruses, bacteria, and their components from live vaccines.
Censorship To Criminalizing Dissent. A major battle is brewing throughout the Western
world over the basic principle of free speech. Is it going to be protected by law? It's
not entirely clear what the outcome will be. We seem to be on the precipice of a potential
calamity if the courts don't decide the right way. Even if we squeak out a victory, the
question is already in play. Our free speech rights have never been more fragile. Turn
your attention to France right now. In the dead of night, a new law slipped through the
General Assembly that would make it a crime to criticize mRNA shots. Critics call it the
Pfizer law. It calls for fines up to 45,000 euros and possibly three years in prison for
debunking an approved medical treatment. Like all Western nations, criticism of the mRNA
platform has already been subjected to vast social-media censorship. Even given this, there
has been a major and global consumer turn against these shots. People are not convinced that
they are necessary, safe, or effective. Still, government imposed mandates for everyone,
billions of people worldwide. This was a form of conscription that has driven a deep divide
between the rulers and the ruled. Rather than back down, however, governments, which have
been captured by pharmaceutical interests, are going to bat for the companies and the technology to
threaten imprisonment of anyone who speaks out openly against them. Here is where censorship
becomes severely weaponized. It's the next logical step.
the French National Assembly Pass a "Pfizer Article" Criminalising Criticism of the mRNA
Vaccines? For a few days now, the internet has been telling me that the French
National Assembly passed a law making "any criticism of [the] mRNA platform punishable with up to
3 years imprisonment and 45,000 euros." As is often the case, the reports beneath these
headlines were slightly less sensational. There, one typically reads that the law targets not
mere criticism of the mRNA jabs, but explicit advice against vaccination. That may not sound
like a big difference, but details always matter. I have now read both the law itself and
many reports from the French press about its origins and the controversies attending it. I
can report that it is indeed bad, but perhaps not quite as terrible as some have claimed.
Can a MS Charity Teach Us About Medical Propaganda? One of the things I feel is the
least appreciated about the PR industry is how effective it is — as everyone believes
they are immune to it, but I've lost count of how many people I know who have said that but then
clearly fallen for a PR campaign. For example, I believe the campaign used to sell the
COVID-19 vaccine to the public was the most aggressive PR campaign I have witnessed in my
lifetime. In turn, I observed many people you would have never expected to vaccinate get the
shot (and often the booster). This included:
• A colleague who specialized in treating vaccine injured children and had
publicly stated multiple times that they felt that it was a grave injustice the government was lying
about the very real injuries which follow vaccination.
• Parents of vaccine injured children who have fought for years to get
federal recognition of their injury and have campaigned against mandatory vaccination laws.
• 100% organic individuals who would never consume a pharmaceutical or
eat genetically modified foods.
• World experts on propaganda who could explain how the PR industry lies to
people and manufactures consent (e.g., Noam Chomsky).
Note: many of the above people subsequently developed significant injuries from their COVID-19
vaccination, but only about half of them were willing to admit it was due to the vaccine.
There's a lot of ways to take this, but I just view it as an illustration of just how effective
propaganda can be.
mask suppliers sue feds for $5.4 billion over 'misleading' promise to purchase
equipment. Ottawa is being sued a whopping $5.4 billion for 'misleading'
suppliers on a promise to purchase equipment during the COVID pandemic. According to the
Canadian Association of PPE Manufacturers (CAPPEM), the federal government is guilty of "negligent
misrepresentation." CAPPEM President Barry Hunt told The National Post his members
"feel shafted" by the unrealized federal contracts for personal protective equipment (PPE). It
cost 15 small to medium-sized businesses billions in foregone revenue and failed investments, reads
a statement of claim obtained by the publication.
Feminization of America. We are witnessing a new rise of authoritarianism in
opposition to freedom. Men do not want to be ruled. Look at the national submission to
COVID mandates: this was a pure feminine reaction favoring security. We are on the brink
of total submission to authority. "Please, keep me safe! That's all I ask!" We the
People, men pointedly, meekly allowed ourselves to submit to loss of freedom imposed by a vastly
overreaching government. We consented to be so governed.
did behavioural scientists crave mask mandates? There is widespread recognition that
the UK Covid-19 Inquiry will be the most expensive pantomime of all time. With a focus on the
juvenile bickering of a few high-profile actors, and a failure to evaluate the legitimacy of
imposing non-evidenced, and pervasively harmful, "pandemic" restrictions on the populace, it is
shaping up to be forever known as a multi-million-pound whitewash to protect the dominant
lockdown-and-jab Covid narrative. Nonetheless, if one has the time — and
sufficient masochistic inclination — to sift through the details of the transcripts and
witness statements of those presenting evidence to the Inquiry, new discoveries can be made
regarding the individuals primarily responsible for the craziness seen throughout the Covid event.
Dirty, Career-Ending, Prison-Warranting Secrets Biden Wants You to Forget Before Election
Day. [#5] COVID-19 tyranny: The lefty media, which, according to RFK, Jr.,
Vladimir Putin, and the Church Committee Report on Foreign and Military Intelligence of 1976, (page
455) is dominated by the CIA, performed its greatest magic trick when it made Americans somehow
forget about Joe Biden's COVID tsarism. Many Americans were forced to bend their knees and
raise their sleeves for a COVID clot shot that was not only marginally effective at best but would
go on to make many people sick. We were told to stay home, give up our incomes, wear feckless
Fauci face diapers, stand on science-free "social distancing" stickers, and report on our neighbors
who dared not cave into COVID totalinarism. The only thing more egregious than the
unconstitutionality of these maneuvers is how quickly voters forgot about them. Americans
would go on to re-elect many of the worst offenders, including Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
(D-Mich.). Biden's DOJ would eventually decide not to prosecute New York's former governor
Andrew Cuomo, who single-handedly killed almost 15,000 elderly people by sending COVID patients
back into nursing homes.
Urge Congress to Pull the COVID Shots. Members of the U.S. House of Representatives
and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) held a hearing on the injuries associated with the COVID-19 shots
over the past three years, on January 12. Johnson, and Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ),
Warren Davidson (R-OH), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) discussed the systems, agencies, and
individuals responsible for the flawed national response to COVID-19 and subsequent rollout of
high-risk emergency use inoculations. The two-hour session included testimony by Peter
McCullough, M.D., an internist and cardiologist, Ryan Cole, M.D., a clinical pathologist, and Kirk
Milhoan, M.D., a pediatric cardiologist. The three expert witnesses called for the immediate
removal of the COVID-19 shots from the market, citing dozens of studies, clinical experience, and
international papers showing the danger and longevity of bioengineered mRNA in the human body.
Grand Jury Finds COVID Response Likely Did More Harm than Good. We don't have details
on any criminal activity by big pharma yet, but don't be surprised if further reports find a
connection. The most recent release tells us that based on the Grand Jury Investigation,
most, if not all, of the things you've been saying, reporting, or sharing about masks, distancing,
lockdowns, and hospitalization are true. We knew you knew, and we also know the folks
clinging bitterly to their non-pharmaceutical interventions will say something like, this is from
Florida, so it doesn't matter. It does.
Player Bryce Stanfield, 21, Dies After Collapsing at Practice. Furman defensive
tackle Bryce Stanfield collapsed on the field during a workout Wednesday morning in what is
described as a "medical emergency." The 21-year-old was rushed to the hospital and placed on
life support. He died on Friday, surrounded by friends and family. After his death,
Furman President Dr. Elizabeth Davis conferred his Bachelor of Science degree in health sciences.
COVID-19 Vaccines Killed More People Than They Saved. With considerably lower
efficacy rates, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines caused more deaths than the number of lives they saved,
according to a new study whose researchers called for a "global moratorium" on the shots and their
"immediate removal" from the childhood immunization schedule. The peer-reviewed study,
published in the journal Cureus on Jan. 24, analyzed reports from the initial phase 3 trials
of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. These trials led to the shots being approved
under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in the United States. The study also looked into
several other research and reviews of the trials. It found that the vaccines had
"dramatically lower" efficacy rates than the vaccine companies claimed. Moreover, based on
"conservative assumptions, the estimated harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines greatly outweigh the
rewards: for every life saved, there were nearly 14 times more deaths caused by the modified
mRNA injections," the study authors said.
for Authorities 'Died Suddenly'. "Died suddenly" might just become the catchall
epithet (or maybe epitaph) for our age. Right now the medical community continues to destroy
what's left of its reputation by refusing to connect the dots between increased rates of cancer and
heart disease and the global rollout of the mostly mandated pharmaceutical injections not only
falsely touted as cures to COVID, but also falsely labeled as "vaccines." Every time a
fourteen-year-old athlete "dies suddenly" on the gridiron or basketball court, the ethically
compromised killers in white coats throw out all kinds of ludicrous explanations for why healthy
young people are losing their lives. It was stress! It was red meat! It was
racism! Or the increasingly ubiquitous it must have been climate change! It's funny,
if not disturbing, to see all the people who changed their first name to "Doctor" struggle to reach
the most obvious conclusion: that an experimental mRNA serum rushed to market without necessary
testing or proper scrutiny might be to blame.
of embalmers are now speaking up about strange, fibrous blood clots in corpses. In
the middle of 2021, embalmers started to pull fibrous, white blood clots from corpses. Some
of the embalmers preserved a few of these clots and spoke about their findings on independent films
and independent media channels. This phenomenon coincided with the rollout of the
experimental covid-19 vaccines. These injections were already causing heart inflammation,
blood clots and vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia, but nothing like this had ever been
seen before. Ever since the news broke out about the strange blood clots, an Air Force Major
named Thomas Haviland has been investigating. He surveyed embalmers around the world to learn
more about this abhorrent reality. The survey reached 269 embalmers spanning four major
countries and three continents. The survey asked about the type of blood clots being
observed, the percentage of bodies with fibrous masses and the ages of the deceased.
Pfrankenstein Proteins were injected into billions of people. Pfizer's mRNA covid-19
injections instruct cells to produce additional "off-target" proteins that could pose significant
health risks. The finding was revealed by a team of UK researchers, who found a "glitch"
occurred due to the way the covid-19 injections were genetically modified. According to the
study, off-target cellular immune responses occur in 25% to 33% of those who have received Pfizer's
covid-19 injection. The "Pfrankenstein" proteins could potentially lead to health problems,
including autoimmune conditions or endocrine disruption.
People Into Comas One Ventilator At A Time. As early as March 2020, I was
raising suspicion of this Ventilator Madness. Did people realize that they force you into a
coma, using a miasma of swirling sedatives before a tube is shoved down your throat and you go
unconscious? Strong drugs are used because the gag reflex is that strong. My intuition
screamed "No." And not because the newly adopted protocol is [very] creepy. When I looked
into it, I learned about Ventilator-associated Pneumonia (VAP). [Indeed], the most common side
effect of ventilators is Pneumonia. Investigative Journalist Jon Rappaport also pointed that
out. Recall, that the initial cases were dubbed "unidentified pneumonia" and then "COVID-19
pneumonia." [...] Additionally, cardiac arrest is also a risk, and mismanagement makes things
worse. Meaning, you need to know how to calibrate the ventilators. Eight out of
10 people die. And yet despite the stats, the CDC suspended all antivirals and opted for
ventilator support.
Grand Jury Report Vindicates 5 Spot-On Covid Claims You Weren't Allowed To Say.
Following months of fact-gathering, a Florida grand jury released its first interim report on
Friday regarding its investigation into potential "wrongdoing" by Covid vaccine manufacturers and
entities who promoted the shots. [...] [#1] [It is] 'Highly Likely' Covid Hospitalization Numbers
Were Inflated. Throughout the pandemic, many Americans suspected hospitals and federal
agencies were misreporting Covid hospitalization numbers by neglecting to specify which patients
were hospitalized because of Covid and those who had contracted Covid but were admitted due to
another medical issue. According to the Florida grand jury, it's "highly likely" these
numbers were inflated. The body noted how the CARES Act passed by Congress and signed by
President Trump "created financial subsidies for Medicare and Medicaid patients with COVID-19 that
were treated at hospitals and other medical facilities." While such funds assisted these facilities
in keeping their doors open during the Covid panic, they created "incentives to report more than
just hospitalizations for COVID-19 disease."
sues hospital after daughter died from forced ventilator, Remdesivir treatment for COVID. The
mother of a Michigan woman who was given Remdesivir and died after being forced onto a ventilator is raising
funds for a wrongful death lawsuit. Julie Schlipp is seeking "Justice for Jessica," her daughter who
passed away at Trinity Health Hospital in Grand Rapids. Jessica, whose last name was Hallgren, died
in December 2021 from kidney failure, a collapsed lung, multiple strokes, and brain hemorrhaging
10 days after delivering her 29-week-old baby Margaret via C-section. LifeSite documented her
harrowing tale at the time.
White House Pressured Amazon to Censor Vaccine-Skeptical Books, Internal Emails Reveal.
In early 2021, the Biden White House sent a series of emails to Amazon pressuring the online retailer
to suppress the distribution of books that cast vaccines in a negative light. The administration
was ultimately successful in its efforts: Amazon began limiting the visibility of titles that
cast doubt on vaccine efficacy soon after hearing from the White House. The internal Amazon
emails, provided to the House Judiciary Committee in response to a subpoena, reveal that White House
senior adviser for Covid-19 response Andrew Slavitt concluded that the retail giant was trafficking
in "misinformation" after conducting a cursory search on the topic of vaccines. "Who can we
talk to about the high levels of propaganda and misinformation and disinformation of [sic]
Amazon?" Slavitt asked an Amazon representative in an email dated March 2, 2021. "If you
search for 'vaccines' under books, I see what comes up," Slavitt wrote in a follow-up email.
"I haven't looked beyond that but if that's what's on the surface, it's concerning."
science mulls 'global moratorium' on COVID vaccines as cancers rise, boosters flub.
Calling for governments to enact a "global moratorium" on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could have been a
death sentence for a scientist's career not long ago. Now it opens the door to a prestigious
science publisher. The Springer Nature medical journal Cureus, sibling to Nature and
Scientific American, published a peer-reviewed paper by high-profile mRNA vaccine critics last
month, showing the growing mainstream openness to data and arguments once nitpicked if not ignored
by publishers and suppressed by academia and Big Tech. The feds have struggled to keep
interest high in each new formulation of the COVID vaccines, with fewer than 12% of minors, 22% of
adults and just 41% of those 65 and up taking the 2023-2024 vaccines, according to the latest
weekly National Immunization Survey.
Bowed to White House Pressure to Suppress Books Skeptical of COVID-19 Vaccines.
Amazon yielded to pressure from President Joe Biden's White House to suppress books that opposed
COVID-19 vaccines, according to documents reviewed by The Daily Signal. The House Judiciary
Committee obtained the emails, which demonstrate the White House's pressure on Amazon to suppress
"anti-vax books" and the company's decision to take action against the books. Amazon
employees strategized for a meeting with the White House on March 9, 2021, openly asking
whether the administration wanted the retailer to remove books from its catalog.
Recently Threw Out Millions of Dollars of Unused Masks and Other Pandemic Gear.
Recently, the Associated Press published an investigative report [which] detailed the extraordinary
sums of money lost as states threw away or held fire sales on tens-of-millions of dollars worth of
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) that they had purchased during the pandemic but no longer
need. Ohio vaporized $29 million of taxpayer money; Maryland $93 million. The
AP report was reprinted or covered by media around the country, from major national outlets,
including NPR and PBS, to innumerable local news operations from New York to California. At
first, this may seem like a story of government waste, albeit waste that was the result of
well-intentioned over-purchasing during an emergency. But a brief investigation suggests that
much of this equipment did not need to be discarded. And the fact that authorities, and their
advisors, operated without even a modicum of due diligence is indicative of a pervasive problem
with the public health establishment. You may wonder why the states don't simply hold on to
these materials, such as masks and gowns, in case they are needed in the future. The answer,
we are told, is that much PPE has a limited shelf life and is not considered or guaranteed to be
effective after its expiration date. For this reason, South Carolina dumped 650,000 expired masks.
The Editor says...
What part of a paper mask "expires" after a few years, so that one day it's beneficial, and the next day it's worthless?
Than 10 Policemen Have "Died Suddenly" In Italy. Since this nightmare started just
over three years ago, we've been noticing that more and more people have "died suddenly" not singly
but collectively. Last year, for instance, some 15 Jamaican schoolteachers dropped dead
within the same few months (more black lives that don't matter, since it was the "vaccines," not
white cops, that had taken them); and, on the basis of our recent compilations, Jen Young, a
staunch subscriber, commented on the recent spike in people "dying suddenly" in pairs: [...]
And just today, one of our researchers sent this piece from the news site, on a recent
spike in "sudden deaths" among Italy's policemen — a piece that actually mentions
"vaccination" as a possible (or likely) factor. Now, how long can this go on?
Truth About the COVID Vaccine Is Finally Becoming Known. It only took four years, the
courage of a handful of independent medical experts who risked their careers by contradicting the
federal government, the mainstream media, and the medical establishment, and the fact that
something resembling the free press remains viable in this country, thanks largely to the
internet. Now, finally, the truth about the COVID-19 vaccine is beginning to be made known to
the public. It confirms the many previous warnings [...] It's a research paper entitled
"COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination
Campaign" that appeared on the internet at the Cureus Journal of Medical Science. The abstract
bears your close reading and then re-reading, especially if you are one of the millions of Americans
who did what public health gurus like Dr. Anthony Fauci incessantly told us to do and "followed
the science."
news ad spending from pharma is a public relations lobbying tactic. Suspicions
confirmed. Former Pharma insider tells Tucker Carlson that the true goal of pharma ads on TV
is not to sell drugs but to BUY OFF the news media. This is described as an "open secret"
within the pharmaceutical industry. [Video clip]
Basketball Player Dies After Collapsing on Court During High School Game. A
14-year-old basketball player died suddenly on the court during an Illinois high school game,
according to reports. Amari Crite, a freshman at Momence High School in Momence, Illinois,
was playing in a junior varsity basketball game when she was stricken on Jan. 25, Fox News
reported. The cause of the girl's death is still under investigation, according to the
Kankakee County Coroner's Office.
the vaccine that wasn't, and the truth. Americans have lost faith in our health
establishment. They're now absolutely science deniers, if the "science" is being mandated by
the CDC, NIH, or people like Anthony Fauci, who recently admitted that six foot social distancing
just sort of appeared as if by magic. Despite being science itself, Fauci finally coughed up
the reality there was no actual science involved. Despite long ago learning the various Covid
vaccines aren't vaccines — they don't prevent contracting or transmitting the disease —
and can cause side effects like death, the health mafia continues to claim its essential
everyone get a never-ending series of ineffective and dangerous vaccines and boosters.
4 Years
Later: Never forget what they did to us. While it was initially advertised as
the "pandemic of the century," it quickly became clear to level-headed observers that there wasn't
in fact anything to worry about. [...] When everyone else was hiding in their homes, begging some
degenerate politician to protect them via authoritarian "protective measures," we were laughing at
the stupidity of it all while simultaneously infuriated by the idiocy and naïveté.
Statistically speaking, it was indeed just another Flu season, but it was accompanied by endless
streams of fearmongering propaganda, infused with purposeful mayhem. While we can debate
whether the crisis was manufactured or organic, the people in charge decided to heed Rahm
Emmanuel's famous words: "never let a crisis go to waste." The global ruling class weaponized "the
pandemic" to loot their respective treasuries and to launch the fastest roll up of power in human
history. Hundreds of millions of lives and livelihoods were destroyed, and a virus had
nothing to do with it. This brings us to the continuing question of "pandemic amnesty."
mask maniacs rave on. IN December 2023 the World Health Organization, ever
convinced that humanity is at imminent risk of being wiped out by a pandemic, issued a document
entitled 'Infection prevention and control in the context of COVID-19: a guideline', all 209 pages
of it. Everything is contained therein, from screening and masks to the disposal of
bodies. I was not inclined to read it or anything about it until I was alerted this week in
Global Health Now, which contains the daily outpourings of the Bloomberg School of Public
Health at Johns Hopkins University, to some criticism of the WHO guidelines. But it was not
about how unnecessary or potentially draconian they are. Au contraire, they do not
go far enough, according to 'some experts', who are reported in the CIDRAP (Center for Infectious
Disease Research and Policy) newsletter from the University of Minnesota last week.
Black Swan Events That Could Determine This Election. The globalist elite got what it
wanted out of COVID, and there's no reason to believe that it won't turn another relatively minor
virus into a huge power and wealth grab like it did the last time. But normal people aren't
playing that anymore. The only people wearing masks now are freaky weirdos. No one
wants the vaxx. No one trusts the institutions, and Americans are angry at their lies.
But a pandemic panic could happen again because there are benefits for the left. They changed
election laws because of a glorified cold, which helped Crusty squeak through. They may try
it again. But will it work? Or will people rebel and support Trump even though his
record on COVID is far from outstanding?
Sridhar's Knowledge of the Epidemiology of Respiratory Viruses Could be Written on the Back of a
Postage Stamp. Our post, 'The Time Has Come to Get Rid of the Whole Lot of Them', has
generated some powerful emotions. The Hallett Inquiry Module 2a continues to unveil cancel
cultures and other conduct unbecoming of public servants. We normally don't name individuals
(we made an exception for Hancock) as it does little to foster debate. But the goings-on of
one 'expert' giving evidence, identified as a canceller-contortionist, is worthy of our
attention. Canceller-contortionists are people with no background in respiratory virus
epidemiology or evidence analysis who vomited forth idiotic theories like 'zero-Covid' and then
tried to cancel or pretend they never uttered such nonsense.
to Red America. It's instructive to observe where Americans are moving, and where they
are leaving. Such comparisons are particularly revealing when made during, or immediately
following, a crisis, such as the recent Covid-19 pandemic. [...] These results provide further
evidence of the unpopularity of authoritarian Covid-19 mandates. Of the three large and three
small states that had the most net domestic migration as a percentage of their populations,
Florida, Arizona, Tennessee, and Idaho were among the ten states that never imposed mask
mandates. South Carolina and Montana had among the shortest-lived mandates — less
than half as long as California's. Among the losers, Hawaii had the nation's longest mask
mandate (704 days) and required high school athletes to get the experimental Covid-19 vaccines
or quit playing. California was the first state to lock down — and it, New York,
and Illinois were among the eight states with the longest mask mandates, and also among the
relatively small number of states that imposed vaccine mandates. Louisiana was among the
roughly one-third of states that required people to mask up for more than 365 days; it also
let its school mask mandate stretch into 2022, and initially announced that children who didn't
receive a Covid-19 vaccine would be barred from attending school (it later changed course). The
remaining state, Alaska, was the only one to have adopted more lenient Covid-19 policies than most
states. Clear political patterns can be identified in these results.
'I don't recall' rerun? HHS official stumped by COVID subcommittee oversight
questions. The Department of Health and Human Services is like a child who steals a
cookie and, when asked if he stole it, answers "I know there used to be a cookie there." The
chairman of the House's Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic used that analogy to
describe a top agency official's explanation at a hearing Wednesday for allegedly "stonewalling"
document requests for nearly a year by the chamber's GOP majority. Assistant Secretary for
Legislation Melanie Egorin showed up at the committee's hearing after HHS canceled her scheduled
Sept. 28 transcribed interview the day before, claiming she had COVID-19, according to the
Nov. 2 subpoena from Chairman Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio. Egorin repeatedly claimed her staff
"responded" or had been "responsive" to GOP demands to see its materials on COVID origins, the
science behind vaccine policies and school reopening discussions.
Overreach during Covid Contributed to 'Pandemic Chaos,' Scathing Report Finds. Poor
communication and a refusal to adapt to evolving scientific evidence led to unnecessary school
closures and the restriction of outdoor activity during the Covid outbreak, contributing to the
"pandemic chaos" that plagued the country for more than two years, a scathing report published
Monday revealed. The report, "Pandemic lessons for the 2024 presidential election," was
published in the British Medical Journal and draws on a breadth of scientific studies to
assess the policy failures that led to significantly higher death rates in the U.S. than in other
developed countries. "During the devastating global covid-19 pandemic, one nation stood out:
the United States saw 'eye wateringly high' death rates compared with its peer nations. The
1.16 million Americans killed by covid-19 represent 16% of global deaths in a nation with 4%
of the world's population," wrote the authors, Duke University professor Gavin Yamey and Drexel
University professor Ana Roux.
Charles: Death by Hospital Protocol. "It is incomprehensible how a vibrant and
healthy 28-year-old could enter the hospital with normal vital signs, only to tragically leave in a
body bag, her organs irreparably damaged." So says the mother of Danielle Alvarez, who passed away
tragically in 2021 at a Covid hospital in New York. Rebecca Charles has now made it her
mission to "unmask the truth behind deadly hospital protocols." "I want to put an end to this
injustice," she tells The New American. "By sharing Danielle's story, I aim to unveil
the realities of profit-driven practices, ensuring her memory serves as a catalyst for positive
change." [Video clip]
vaccine cover-up is rapidly unravelling. The elephant in the room of excess deaths is
trumpeting louder — and is once again stepping on the toes of Big Pharma in
Parliament. Andrew Bridgen MP's powerful speech last Tuesday at a Backbench Business
Committee meeting sent a clear message to the politicians who have tried to ignore this
elephant — you can't turn a blind eye much longer. Despite a barrage of personal
attacks and being thrown out of the Tory party, Bridgen has continued to battle for 14 months
against top-level resistance to public debate over excess deaths and the links to covid 'vaccine'
harm. In this interview with me the North West Leicestershire MP talks about growing
cross-party support from his Parliamentary peers, and his hopes for a full House of Commons debate
on excess deaths by Easter.
Nearly half the deaths observed in US households judged to be due to the COVID
vaccine. I engaged a professional market research expert, Leonard Murphy, to do a
survey about vaccine injuries and deaths in American households. He created the survey with
some input from me. I personally funded it. The list he used was from a third party
professional firm and not biased in any way. The results will stun you. 1,000 American
households were surveyed. The survey demographics are chosen to be representative of
America. Of the 1,000 households surveyed, 194 reported a death in their household since
2021. [...] This is a train wreck for a product that was billed as "safe and effective."
documents strengthen — perhaps conclusively — the lab-leak hypothesis of
Covid-19's origins. The day is growing ever closer when Washington may have to add to
its agenda with Beijing a nettlesome item it has long sought to avoid: the increasingly likely fact
that China let the SARS2 virus escape from the Wuhan lab where it was concocted, setting off the
Covid-19 pandemic that killed some 7 million people globally and wrought untold economic
havoc. New documents may explain why no one has been able to find the SARS2 virus (aka
SARS-CoV-2) infesting a colony of bats, from which it might have jumped to people. The reason
would be that the virus has never existed in the natural world. Documents obtained by U.S.
Right to Know, a health advocacy group, provide a recipe for assembling SARS-type viruses from six
synthetic pieces of DNA designed to be a consensus sequence — the genetically most
infectious form — of viruses related to SARS1, the bat virus that caused the minor
epidemic of 2002. The probative weight of the recipe is that prior independent evidence
already pointed to SARS2 having just such a six-section structure.
from The Great Covid Cover-Up. No one should be surprised that a totalitarian
government run by the Chinese Communist Party would seek to cover up its responsibility for a
worldwide pandemic. What was mind-jarring — and what we should focus our attention
on — is the cover-up in our own country spearheaded by Dr. Anthony Fauci and his
fellow public health bureaucrats. And they might have gotten away with their deception if a
federal judge hadn't ordered their emails released. In brief, these emails reveal that at the
same time Dr. Fauci and other public health "experts" were publicly disavowing the idea that
the Covid virus originated with a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, they were in
general agreement among themselves that that was likely what had happened. So why hide the fact?
doctors: Thousands of papers have reported crippling and/or deadly side effects of
"vaccination". Those desperate to deny what's going on — or paid to do
so — like to claim that all those "sudden deaths" and crippling injuries worldwide prove
nothing: that all such reports are merely "anecdotal," with no "science" confirming what that
overwhelming "anecdotal" evidence (which increases every hour of every day) has long since made
quite obvious. Those denialists (and, no doubt, bots) all saying it, however, doesn't make it
so. The science reconfirming what we've shown for some two years — we and many
others out there — is, to say the least, abundant and precise, showing clearly that this
man-made global plague is, as Dr. Fukushima put it, "affecting every possible aspect of human
pathology — from ophthalmology to psychiatry." More specifically, the psychiatric
studies reconfirm that all those wild, barbaric "altercations" blowing up all over just these last
few years are also likely side effects of "vaccination." In that literature, "brain-related
adverse events, [including] mental disorders, psychiatric symptoms, depression, mania, anxiety,
came up in abundance, and it's endless."
New Rule Allows For Medical Research Without Informed Consent. In an effort to
encourage the discovery of more treatment and diagnostic options in the medical field, the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finalized a rule allowing certain clinical trials to operate
without obtaining informed consent from participants. The hitch? The study cannot pose
more than minimal risk to humans and must include appropriate safeguards to protect the rights,
safety, and welfare of those involved. The rule was issued in late December 2023 and
went into effect on Jan. 22, 2024.
The Parallel History. [Scroll down] The darkness is that the vaccines
were going to be rolled out but if not many people had died from covid then the vaccine uptake
would be low. So the covid cabal needed plenty of deaths for a virus that, initially, is no
more deadly than influenza. To that end, hospitals in the US were given a $13,000 bonus if
covid was listed as the cause of death on a death certificate. If someone bled to death from
a car accident, but covid could be found in his blood, then that would be counted as a covid death
and the hospital would get its $13,000. To that end it helped that the PCR test used gave a high
proportion of false positives. This also explains the idiotic protocol for dealing with a
covid infection. People were advised to stay at home, not take any antivirals or anything
else, then when they got really sick they were to go to hospital. The hospitals didn't give
them any antivirals either, but were rewarded by the US Government with a 20% bonus for putting
patients on Remdesivir. People who didn't recover on their own but continued to ICU were put
on ventilators. The ventilators had an 85% death rate so being sent to ICU amounted to a
death sentence. The US Government reward to hospitals for putting people on ventilators was
$39,000. Per patient. Someone could kill one patient and get to drive off in a new car. [...]
The internet is now full of stories from people who have realized that the hospitals deliberately
killed family members and loved ones. At the same time, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and
anything else found to have some efficacy against covid were promptly vilified and banned.
Vaccines Produce Random Junk Proteins Thanks to an "Invention" Which Coincidentally Won the Nobel
Prize. Would you like to get a mystery shot, which would make your body produce
random, garbage proteins for an indeterminate amount of time? Well, it turned out that mRNA
Covid vaccines have precisely that effect! Scientists discovered that in addition to the
toxic "spike protein," mRNA vaccines have a weakness that introduces "read errors," making
vaccinated individuals produce nearly random proteins with unknown and unpredictable effects.
fact-checking goes silent. [Scroll down] The activities of the censors
came to prominence during the Covid-crisis, when many critics of the authoritarian power measures
felt the stigmatisation of the fact-checkers and the resulting cancelling. According to Vinay
Prasad, professor of epidemiology at the University of California in the US, the authorities lied
about many aspects of Covid-19, such as natural immunity, masks and vaccine mandates. Dr
Martin Kulldorff has pointed out how Big Tech has been instrumental in spreading misinformation
from the authorities about Covid-19, including the denial of natural immunity. Marty Makary,
a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University, has repeatedly pointed out that during the
Covid-crisis, many tragic mistakes were made by those in power, from school closures and mandatory
masking of children to the denial of natural immunity and compulsory vaccination of the healthy.
According to Jayanta Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, governments have
been a primary source of misinformation, especially about public health and science. The
academic discipline purporting to police disinformation selectively ignores government
disinformation. As such, their primary purpose is to promote the propaganda of the powerful.
Minds To
Think. For a lot of us, there is no excuse to be uninformed and unprepared by now,
but there are so many who come across bits and pieces of the picture without the will to put them
together and form a strategy for resistance. [...] They see the pandemic for the fraud that it was,
for how it destroyed whole swaths of American cultural freedoms, but still they complied.
They accepted, they were too timid to just tell people no.
do not work in people who have had COVID. Observational studies for boosters are
biased. Typically, they are biased towards the healthy vaccinee effect, i.e. people who get
boosted are otherwise healthier than those who do not. So much of the "booster effect" is
actually just being healthier. That's why some analyses have reported that boosters lower all
cause mortality (95%!) or the unvaccinated have more car accidents and other such implausible
things. A good peer review would have stopped these papers, but, peer review doesn't work
well in times of runaway groupthink. So when an observational study shows that boosters DO NOT
REDUCE COVID-19 DEATHS in people who already had COVID that occurs despite the bias to find a benefit.
It probably means the obvious: once you have COVID, you have natural immunity against severe
outcomes, and further doses are illogical.
Select Subcommittee Is Easy Theater For Fauci. I appeared on Outside the
Beltway with John Fredericks with Real America's Voice to comment on the US House of
Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic interrogation of Dr. Fauci
this week. My interview was on the morning of Friday, January 12, 2024, a few hours
before I would testify in Congress and give my analysis of the pandemic response and the vaccine
debacle. Fauci was not asked a single important question from the committee on his role with
Drs. Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, and Shi Zhengli on the creation through gain-of-function
research, of the SARS-like Wuhan Institute of Virology-1-CoV virus published in 2015-2016. He
was not asked why the genetic code from Baric's virus was not released to the public per usual
procedures with government sponsored research. Menachery et al, publications describing the
creation of a SARS-CoV-2 prototypical virus in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the years before
publication in 2015 and 2016. The answer is likely the code matched or was a near relative to
the ancestral Wuhan strain that got the entire world sick. Finally Fauci was not asked about
record injuries, disabilities, and death.
Details Of Fauci's Testimony Leave No Option But To Frogmarch Him Down Memory Lane.
Despite the selective amnesia Dr. Anthony Fauci was laboring with this month while testifying
before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, a fascinating detail emerged from the
testimony, a summary of which was released to the public on Wednesday. According to lawmakers
who were there, the former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
(NIAID) and former chief medical adviser to the president — the man who once equated
himself with science itself — offered a stunning concession that the six-foot social
distancing edict "sort of just appeared" out of nowhere and was likely not based on scientific
data. Many have argued this for years. Twelve months after the first coronavirus
guidelines were issued on March 9, 2020, Tucker Carlson pointed out what a report in the
British Medical Journal had contended six months earlier: Social distancing rules that
"stipulate a single specific physical distance between individuals to reduce transmission"
originate in flawed research from the late 19th century and a longstanding framework that
simplistically "dichotomizes respiratory droplets into two sizes." So how did this quackery
suddenly become trusted "science"? Revisiting the critical February to March 2020 time
frame, including Fauci's emails from the period, provides some insight.
Drafted Alert for Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccines, but Never Sent It. The U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) prepared to alert state and local officials to an
emerging connection between heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccines, but ultimately did not send
the alert, according to a new document obtained by The Epoch Times. All four COVID-19
vaccines that are or have been available in the United States can cause the heart inflammation, or
myocarditis, according to studies, experts, and agencies like the CDC. The first cases were
reported shortly after the vaccines became available in late 2020. The CDC sends alerts to
federal, state, and local public health officials and doctors across the nation through a system
called the Health Alert Network (HAN). Messaging through the system conveys "vital health
information," according to the CDC.
The Smoking
Gun. [Scroll down] But now, Emily Kopp from The US Right to Know (USRTK)
has obtained additional detail about the DEFUSE proposal that is far more than a smoking gun but,
in fact, is more analogous to finding the gun, fingerprint and confession note in one place.
Emily found evidence that this proposal also listed the very restriction enzyme (BsmBI) that
Bruttel et al. claimed could build the virus. Not only did Bruttel et al.
notice that BsmBI sites were conveniently evenly spaced throughout the viral genome and this
spacing was not only NOT observed in other CVs but that this approach made complete sense as a
logical path to manually assembling the genome. Low and behold the DEFUSE proposal actually
contains NEB R0580S part numbers to order these very enzymes to construct the virus in the manner
Bruttel et al. predicted. This is a case closed event! There is no more
debate. C19 was made in a lab. Which lab and when is still a hot topic but it didn't
come from a pangolin courting a bat.
to Fauci & Co., America now must worry about measles outbreaks. The 2021-2022
academic year saw only 93% of kindergartners with an MMR vaccine; the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention have charted vaccine exemptions as the highest they've ever been. If you think
that same agency's endless flip-flopping and outright lying on COVID, vaccines, masks, and social
distancing aren't a prime cause of this, we have a bridge we'd like to sell you. Masking for
toddlers. Demanding that vaccinated people quarantine after mere exposure to COVID.
Slow-walking school reopenings, long after evidence showed kids weren't at real risk from the virus
and schools weren't significant transmission vectors. The list is endless.
Ask Why
429 Moms Died. "U.S. maternal deaths are on a worrisome trajectory," the American
Medical Association declared after news that pregnancy-related deaths soared 40 percent in
2021 to levels unseen since 1965. But in releasing its 2021 maternal mortality
report — seventeen months after the fact — the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control left out crucial context. It made no mention of the role of Covid-19, even in the
pandemic's worst year and even as data was readily available. We analyzed that data, assisted
by a programmer and an actuary, and found a disturbing trend. Of the 1,205 mothers who died
in or within forty-two days of pregnancy in 2021, 429 had Covid-19 on the death certificate as
either the primary or a contributing cause — a 321 percent increase in Covid
pregnancy deaths from the first wave in 2020. By comparison, total Covid deaths in the United
States rose a relatively modest 20 percent — one-fifteen as much as in pregnant women.
the Next Pandemic Come from a Colorado Bat Lab? Healthcare workers in Colorado have
received a live Ebola vaccine "for preventive measures," says Immunize Colorado. The
injection was Merck's ERVEBO jab, administered in case of a "future outbreak." The situation is
curious both as to timing and place, because just north of Denver Health where they work, a "new
$12 million, U.S.-taxpayer-funded lab is being built in Fort Collins, Colorado," according to
investigative journalist Jon Fleetwood. "The lab will import bats from around the world and
experiment on dangerous diseases," explains the Daily Mail. One of those diseases is
Ebola. Dr. Richard Bartlett believes this could be the setup for the next
pandemic. He warns that the lab is funded by Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance, the same
group linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. He says untreated Ebola has a
50 percent mortality rate and that the FDA package insert for the live-virus ERVEBO product
lists a shedding rate of an astonishing 31 percent.
Drops Bombshell Data: Covid Shots [are] 55 Times Deadlier than Flu
Vaccines. Republican Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) has just gone public with explosive
federal government data showing the alarming death rates associated with Covid mRNA
injections. Sen. Johnson and his team have been investigating the links between Covid
shots are the soaring sudden deaths and major health complications that have been spiking across
the country. Johnson's investigators conducted an in-depth analysis of data from the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
According to Johnson, the data indicates that the COVID-19 injections are "significantly" more
deadly than the flu vaccine.
conceal details about anti-ivermectin campaign in response to doctors' reinstated
lawsuit. The Food and Drug Administration wants to continue its selective promotion
of off-label drug use: good for COVID-19 vaccines, bad for alternatives to those vaccines. It
just doesn't want the public to see its full reasoning for the latter. The FDA and the
Department of Health and Human Services filed a renewed motion to dismiss a lawsuit by doctors
claiming the agencies have a practice of demonizing ivermectin by conflating its human and animal
doses and using "command" language, such as "stop it," to discourage using the anti-parasite drug
against COVID. But it was filed under seal, with the agreement of U.S. District Judge Jeffrey
Brown and plaintiffs Drs. Robert Apter, Mary Talley Bowden, and Paul Marik, who claim they
suffered wide-ranging injury from the anti-ivermectin campaign. The feds cited "lack of
subject-matter jurisdiction" — the doctors lack legal standing — in a
Dec. 2 request for an extension of time to submit the dismissal motion.
Reported Deaths — and the True Number Could be 10 Times Higher. The
MHRA's reports on the COVID-19 vaccines, which are updated in line with its summary of the Yellow
Card reporting publication. The MHRA Summary of Yellow Card Scheme Reporting for COVID-19
vaccines was published on March 8th 2023. Since January, the reports have focused on the
vaccines from the beginning of the Autumn 2022 booster campaign. As of February 22nd
2023 in the U.K., 4,096 Yellow Card events were reported for the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine
Pfizer/BioNTech, 5,108 for the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine Moderna, 57 for the COVID-19 vaccine
Novavax and 2,319 were reported where the brand of the vaccine was not specified. The MHRA
had received 30 U.K. reports of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) with a fatal outcome to the
bivalent COVID-19 Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 42 fatal reports of suspected ADRs with the bivalent
COVID-19 vaccine Moderna. The MHRA received no U.K. reports of a fatal outcome for the
COVID-19 vaccine Novavax.
Vaccine Trials Exaggerated Safety, Study in Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
Finds. Everyone debating the merits of the COVID-19 vaccines needs to take these four
journal articles into account. The Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice's hugely
important series of articles on exaggerated COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and safety claims,
involving BMJ Editor Peter Doshi and myself, has now concluded. The initial Fung,
Jones, and Doshi paper outlines statistical biases, such as the 'case counting window' bias, that
likely lead to the Covid vaccines' effectiveness being exaggerated in observational studies.
The subsequent paper by Lataster (that's me) then explained the situation is worse, as the case
counting window bias is often accompanied by a definitional bias, and noted that this could
exaggerate vaccine safety as well. Doshi and Fung then returned with a further paper
indicating that numerous cases in the vaccinated were overlooked in the clinical trials, likely
leading to exaggerated effectiveness estimates. The fourth and final article in this
'series', again by myself, notes that this also appears to apply to safety estimates in the
clinical trials, whilst also confirming my earlier concerns about safety estimates in observational
studies, and noting that the myocarditis issue alone could mean that the jabs are not worth the
risk in the young and healthy.
Memory Keeps Failing Him in 14 Hours of COVID-19 Testimony. Dr. Anthony
Fauci, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who
famously claimed to "represent science," has a monumentally bad memory. In recent and lengthy
testimony to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic behind closed doors, Fauci
claimed that he "did not recall" over 100 times. In his deposition Nov. 23, 2022,
in the federal case of Missouri v. Biden, Fauci's recollection failed him 174 times.
The good doctor is presenting an impressive case of recurrent amnesia. Nonetheless, following
two days and 14 hours of a wide-ranging interrogation over Jan. 8 and 9 examining
the federal government's flawed response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Fauci confirmed three vitally
important points for the record. [#1] The view that the deadly pandemic originated in
a leak from a Chinese research lab no longer is a "conspiracy" theory. [...] [#2] Oversight
by Fauci's agency of grants to taxpayer-funded laboratories overseas is poor. [...] [#3] America's
top public health officials, including Fauci, didn't "follow the science."
Hysterical Style in American Politics. The outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States
during the winter of 2020 prompted an even greater hysteria. Without scientific evidence,
federal health czars Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins were able to convince the Trump
administration to shut down the economy in the country's first national quarantine. Suddenly,
it became a thought crime to question the wisdom of six-foot social distancing, of mandatory mask
wearing, of the Wuhan virology lab's origin of the COVID virus, or of off-label use of prescription
drugs. Left-wing politicians and celebrities, from Hillary Clinton and Gavin Newsom to Jane
Fonda, all blurted out the political advantages that the lockdowns offered — from
recalibrating capitalism and health care to ensuring the 2020 defeat of Donald Trump. The
COVID hysteria magically ended when Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Suddenly, the lies about
the bat or pangolin origins of the virus faded. The damage from the quarantines could no
longer be repressed. And herd immunity gradually mitigated the epidemic. The lockdown
caused untold economic chaos, suicides, and health crises.
Could Be Only One Reason Why the Chinese Messed With the Coronavirus Again. There's a
new COVID variant that China has been tweaking in the lab, and it's unbelievable. It was
tested on mice and had a 100 percent mortality rate. Dubbed the 'brain virus,' Chinese
scientists are paving the way for another global pandemic if this escapes their labs again.
The study involved a "cousin" strain of the coronavirus, which was mutated and then administered to
humanized mice; all died within eight days. The study does not say how this could impact
humans, but the research has been heavily criticized as pointless, dangerous, and veering into
absolute madness.
lab crafts mutant COVID-19 strain with 100% kill rate in 'humanized' mice: 'Surprisingly' rapid
death. In a Wuhan-esque study, Chinese scientists are experimenting with a mutant
COVID-19 strain that is 100% lethal to "humanized" mice. The deadly virus — known
as GX_P2V — attacked the brains of mice that were engineered to reflect genetic makeup
similar to people, according to a study shared last week out of Beijing. "This underscores a
spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans and provides a unique model for understanding the pathogenic
mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-related viruses," the authors wrote. The deadly virus is a mutated
version of GX/2017, a coronavirus cousin that was reportedly discovered in Malaysian pangolins in
2017 — three years before the pandemic. Pangolins, also called scaly anteaters,
are mammals found in warm areas of the planet.
Government that Sows Division and Subsidizes Madness. How can any government maintain
its legitimacy for long when it embraces insanity as reality and condemns reality as
imaginary? For a long time, psychologically balanced people have done their best to ignore
the government's increasingly psychotic behavior. When pressed, they have even reluctantly
played along: You need me to wear this filthy paper mask that does nothing to prevent the
transmission of viral particles floating in the air, so that you know that I know that this is
somehow all Trump's fault? Fine, don't break down in tears or start screaming or call the
cops. I'll play along. Playing along, however, has gotten psychologically healthy
people nowhere. For every insane concession they make to government authorities, those
authorities invent half a dozen new insane demands of society.
Collins: Lab Leak Is NOT a Conspiracy Theory. The virus junta's backtracking
continues apace. And, in all likelihood, the hits will keep on coming. Not that anybody
will do anything about it. The bureaucrats who brought you "safe and effective," masking,
school closures, shutdowns, and zoonotic emergence will keep collecting prizes, keep getting pushed
as "experts" in the media, and will be treated as the heroes of the pandemic. The
Establishment went all-in on using the pandemic to push its agenda of censorship, economic
takeover, and retaking the government from MAGA, and they succeeded in all three. So their
pandemic response was a success. Little things like the deaths of millions, the burning down
of our economy, the massive learning loss, and all the collateral damage caused by their management
of our country are small prices to pay for their successful power grab.
experimenting with 100% deadly new Covid strain: Report. Undeterred by loss of
countless lives across the world, China is now reportedly experimenting with a new Covid-like virus
that has a "mortality rate of 100 percent." Doctors trained by Chinese People's Liberation
Army (PLA) have made their version of "pangolin coronavirus" which has been found to have 100 percent
mortality in mice. According to a report published in bioRxiv, a group of mice were
administered with SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus GX_P2V to test its effect. The
shocking results indicate potential dangers and a risk of the virus spilling over onto humans.
A lab-made version of the pangolin coronavirus, called GX_P2V, was used in experiments on
mice. The pangolin animal is known to carry a coronavirus variant, making it a subject
of interest for the study.
We've Been Their Lab Rats All Along. An increasing number of prominent medical
professionals have called for an immediate halt in the use of the alleged, "safe and effective"
COVID-19 mRNA shots. Now, the Florida State Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, has
joined the ever-growing list. [...] The Florida Surgeon General's warnings centred around the
potential health risks associated with insertional mutagenesis (the integration of foreign DNA with
the subject/host's genome). But he did not stop there — he also raised a further
concerning risk of generational mutagenesis. Where the "DNA integrated into sperm or egg
gametes could be passed onto the offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients." The basis of
Dr Ladapo's warning regarding the presence of the "SV40 promoter/enhancer DNA" in the mRNA shots is
founded on the bombshell findings of a recent pre-print study. Significant levels (billions
to hundreds of billions of fragments of plasmid DNA) were found in both Moderna and
Pfizer/BioNTech's monovalent and bivalent mRNA shots, vastly exceeding regulatory standards.
Leading one to conclude that the injectable mRNA products that have gone into the arms of billions
are heavily adulterated, as well as being misbranded.
Big Covid Whoppers Fauci Confessed To Congress This Week. If Dr. Anthony Fauci
thought retiring from his nearly-half-a-million dollar government position would end questions
about his disastrous policymaking, he was sorely mistaken. This week, the former director of
the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases faced tough questions from the House
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and his answers confirmed many of the worst fears
of those in the medical community who spoke out during his reign of terror. Although his
14-hour testimony was behind closed doors, the subcommittee provided an overview of the most
salient points that were covered and promised to make a full transcript available soon. Here
are the three most notable takeaways and how they can be addressed moving forward. [#1] They
Were Not Following 'The Science' [...] [#2] Vaccine Mandates Backfired: That brings us to
point two. During his congressional testimony, Fauci finally conceded that Covid vaccine
mandates could make people more broadly vaccine-hesitant. Using the levers of government to
force citizens to take an untested vaccine rushed to market under the banner of "warp speed"
was never a wise idea.
Launches Fresh Bid to Toss Out High-Profile Ivermectin Case. The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is seeking to persuade a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit challenging its
repeated advisories against using ivermectin to treat COVID-19. The FDA in a sealed motion asked
the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas to dismiss the suit, which was brought
by three doctors who allege the FDA's warnings were illegal. The late 2023 motion was sealed
because exhibits the government cited "include confidential information" from a separate legal
proceeding, according to a government brief. Government lawyers said they would file redacted
versions of the motion for public perusal but still haven't done so.
New Orleans Saints Linebacker Ronald Powell Dead at 32. The NFL Players Association
announced on Tuesday that former New Orleans Saints linebacker Ronald Powell passed away on Monday
at the age of 32. The cause of death has not been disclosed.
Influencer Dies Suddenly of Cardiac Arrest at 35. A popular social media influencer
has tragically died suddenly after suffering an unexpected cardiac arrest at just 35 years
old. Brazil-born newlywed Mila De Jesus lived in Boston with her husband and leaves behind
four children. She shot to fame as a fitness influencer on Instagram while undergoing a major
weight loss transformation. Jam Press reported that De Jesus passed away suddenly Friday,
just four months after marrying her husband, George Kowszik.
Masks Don't Work, Why Do Surgeons Wear Them? It's 2024 and people still can't seem to
get over masks. I see people advertising that they have Covid by turning up in crowded
locations wearing a mask. Nobody else is wearing a mask and yesterday neither were they.
But this morning they didn't feel quite right so they took a test (yes, they're still buying tests
and testing too). They cough and splutter into their masks, thinking they are being responsible
citizens by wearing a cheap piece of cloth in front of their faces. They have been indoctrinated
into believing that this unsealed barrier will prevent any virus they have from being transmitted around
the room. Here's a message for those people — if you are sick enough to think you need
a mask, stay at home. If you are wearing a mask purely because a test told you to —
don't. Virtue signalling doesn't protect anyone in the real world.
Medicare data makes it clear that the COVID vaccines have killed millions of people worldwide.
COVID hasn't been killing anyone since April 2022 in any significant numbers. This means
that there was absolutely no reason for anyone to get a booster shot after April 2022. Even if
the vaccine were safe and worked perfectly, there is no data supporting such a need. [...] The flu
shots simply kill people for no benefit. The data is in plain sight for all to see. [...] The
mRNA COVID vaccines should be pulled from the market. They are literally doing the opposite
of what was promised. The flu vaccine should be pulled as well. While the flu vaccine isn't
nearly as deadly as the COVID vaccine, it is an unsafe vaccine with no measurable clinical benefit.
mRNA Vaccines Required No Safety Oversight: Part Two. The agreement between the
US government, represented by the Department of Defense (DoD), and Pfizer, representing the
BioNTech/Pfizer partnership, in July 2020, for the purchase of a "vaccine to prevent COVID-19"
was not an ordinary acquisition contract. It was an agreement under Other Transaction
Authority (OTA) — an acquisition pathway that, according to Department of Defense
guidelines, has been used since 1958 to "permit a federal agency to enter into transactions other
than contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements." A thorough review of the use of OTA by the
DoD, including its statutory history, can be found in the February 22, 2019 Congressional
Research Service report. This report, along with every other discussion of OTA, specifies
that it is an alternative acquisition path for defense and military purposes. It is not
intended, nor has it ever been used before Covid, for anything intended primarily for civilian use.
Cardiologist Testifies: Heart Failure Soaring Among Vaxxed. One of the world's
leading cardiologists has just given an explosive testimony before lawmakers on Capitol Hill,
revealing the devastating side effects of Covid mRNA shots. Cardiologist Dr. Peter
McCullough was among several leading experts, including Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Kirk
Milhoan, to testify during a congressional hearing on Friday. The hearing was convened by
Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and sought to examine the risks to public health
from the injections. McCullough delivered a powerful testimony in his opening statements,
revealing numerous complications he's encountered among vaccinated patients.
HCQ Really Cause 17,000 Deaths? Nearly 17,000 people in the U.S. and five other
countries "may have died" early in the pandemic because they used hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat
COVID-19, according to a paper published in the February 2024 issue of Biomedicine &
Pharmacotherapy. Major media outlets, including Politico, The Hill and Forbes ran with the
headline. [...] The study also said nothing about the impact of other drugs patients may have
received, such as remdesivir, or whether patients were put on ventilators prior to dying.
These two factors alone — widely practiced in U.S. hospitals during the
pandemic — are known to have significantly increased COVID-19 mortality.
Dr. Peter McCullough told The Defender the 44 studies used in the meta-analysis were
"heterogeneous" and that "Nonrandomized, retrospective cross-sectional cohorts created from
administrative data demonstrated confounding by indication." In other words, this type of
look-back study could not reliably tell if HCQ had an effect or not as it is unable to control for
the various ways the treatment and non-treatment groups differed from the start, nor could it
account for the different methods or results used in the studies.
United Airlines Mocked and Shamed Vaccine Mandate Holdouts — CEO Accused of Floating
'Scarlet Letter' on ID Badges. United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby and upper management
expressed animosity toward religious employees who sought exemptions from the company's draconian
coronavirus vaccine mandate, internal company communications have revealed. A legal brief
filed early Saturday in part of a larger lawsuit against the airline contains internal
communications obtained in discovery, which shows management's effort to coerce religious employees
to take the coronavirus vaccine at every turn. The effort was so blatant that one union
president, Craig Symons, expressed to Scott Kirby and others that United was "over the line" and
attempting to institute a "purge of religious orthodoxy," the brief revealed.
Fauci fesses up on fake science and COVID flim-flam. The pint-size patron saint of
the failed restrictionist policies that lefties and COVID crazies love simply can't admit
he's lost a massive argument with reality. The Not-So-Good Doctor got off to a weak start in
DC, surprising House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chair Rep. Brad Wenstrup
(R-Ohio) with "how much he doesn't recall" from the start of the pandemic. How
convenient! Fauci, after all, led the effort in the early days of the pandemic to quash the
idea (now regarded as probable by the feds) that COVID sprang from the Wuhan Institute of
Virology — throwing his considerable weight behind efforts to smear and suppress anyone
who dared to dissent. That's after he admitted in private he took it seriously.
'doesn't recall' dozens of his actions about COVID pandemic. Anthony Fauci, the
ex-chief of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and White House COVID adviser,
told Congress this week dozens and dozens of times that he didn't remember key facts about his
actions regarding the pandemic that came out of a China lab and circled the globe, killing
millions. And that prompted the Children's Health Defense organization to conclude he was
evading providing answers about critical components of the nation's response, such as shot
mandates, social distancing and masks, developed under his guidance. Fauci was summoned by
Congress to answer questions about COVID and its toll on Americans by the House of Representatives'
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. Chairman Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, explained,
"Dr. Fauci's testimony today uncovered drastic and systemic failures in America's public
health systems." But he noted Fauci apparently "had no idea what was happening under his own
jurisdiction at NIAID."
Disease VEXAS Syndrome Manifests After COVID and Vaccination. Some vaccinated and
COVID-infected people are reportedly being diagnosed with a new type of disease called VEXAS
syndrome — an autoinflammatory disease discovered in 2020. Many people are familiar
with autoimmune diseases, often caused by dysfunction among the adaptive immune cells, while
problems within the innate immune system often cause autoinflammatory diseases. VEXAS
syndrome — short for vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, autoinflammatory, somatic
syndrome — is caused by mutations in the innate immune cells, a somatic mutation in the
UBA1 gene found on the X chromosome.
of the Iceberg': Study Finds 309 Lab Infections and 16 Lab Pathogen Escape Incidents in
21 Years. A recent worldwide study has discovered that there have been several
hundreds of laboratory-related infections over the past two decades, and over a dozen cases of
pathogens escaping from facilities. The peer-reviewed study, published in The Lancet Microbe
on Dec. 12, analyzed several journals and media reports published between 2000 and 2021 to
identify incidences of laboratory-acquired infections (LAIs) and accidental pathogen escape from
laboratory settings (APELS). Out of the 94 reports analyzed, researchers identified 309 LAIs
caused by 51 pathogens and 16 incidences of APELS.
Affairs Found Safety Signal for Pfizer COVID Vaccine, Never Disclosed It. A federal
agency detected early in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign a safety signal for a serious problem
for Pfizer's shot, a document obtained by The Epoch Times shows. The U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA) detected a signal for myocarditis and pericarditis for the Pfizer-BioNTech
vaccine, according to the document, an email from May 13, 2021. Myocarditis is heart
inflammation while pericarditis is inflammation of tissue around the heart.
COVID "Vaccines" Pre-Meditated Murder? Attorney Presents "Smoking Gun" Evidence.
One attorney claims to have discovered "smoking gun" evidence that the COVID-19 "vaccines" were
pre-meditated murder. American Attorney Thomas Renz reviewed the United States Food and Drug
Administration ("FDA") 'Guidance for Industry' documents and discovered this evidence. Thomas
"Tom" Renz became well known early on during the COVID scamdemic era for leading federal lawsuits
in six U.S. states that challenged shutdowns, mask mandates, and the safety and/or efficacy of the
"vaccines". He works through the law firm 'Renz Law' and regularly publishes articles on his
Substack page titled 'Tom Renz's Newsletter'. "There's no other conclusion that I can draw," he
said of the claim that the shots were pre-meditated murder. "This is the smoking gun evidence
that proves they knew that the gene therapy products they masqueraded as "vaccines" had the ability
to shed, cause cancer, and kill," he said. And then the shots were unleashed on the naive
masses anyway, causing untold harm.
Leak Is Not a Conspiracy Theory, Anthony Fauci Concedes. Former White House coronavirus
advisor Anthony Fauci doesn't believe the lab leak explanation of COVID-19's origins is a
conspiracy theory. He admitted as much during a closed-door grilling session before the House
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Monday. Legislators did not release a
transcript of his testimony, but Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), the chairman of the
subcommittee, published some highlights on X (formerly Twitter). [Tweet]
Latest Admissions Are the Death of Expertise. Stop me if you've heard this one
before. Noted "experts" who demanded total subservience have once again been exposed as
misleading those they sought to control. That's the story after Dr. Anthony Fauci made
several interesting (and disturbing) admissions regarding the federal government's response to
COVID-19. Fauci was testifying in a closed-door setting to the House coronavirus sub-committee
when he told those present that the infamous "six foot" social distancing rule was essentially
based on nothing.
Confesses: Six-foot social distancing guidance was not evidence-based, and 'sort of just
appeared'. Not only is Anthony Fauci a shameless flip-flopper, but he's an extremely
sloppy one at that — why are these criminals in politics (pardon the redundancy) so
incapable of covering their tracks? [...] How does Fauci "confess" to Capitol Hill lawmakers that
the six-foot social distancing guidance "sort of just appeared" out of the ether, knowing full well
that his own sworn testimony revealed exactly from where it came? [...] Let me just
cut to the chase and remind him exactly from where the "social distancing" policy came: China
and the World Health Organization, via Fauci's own hand-picked man. Now, the only reason I
know this is because I wrote a blog back in December of 2022, shortly after Fauci testified under
oath as a defendant in a lawsuit brought by several Republican Attorneys General against the Biden
regime — the deposition revealed that the social distancing policy (among others) didn't
just float down from the ether, as Fauci now apparently insists, but was openly pushed by
anti-American foreign adversaries, and delivered stateside by Fauci's "recommended" accomplice.
Fauci Admits Social Distancing Rules 'Just Appeared' Out Of Nowhere, COVID Subcommittee Chairman
Says. Former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted to lawmakers Tuesday there was likely no scientific data behind
social distancing guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Republican Ohio Rep. Brad
Wenstrup, Chairman of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, released a
statement Wednesday morning outlining key details from Fauci's Tuesday testimony including his
admission that social distancing guidelines "sort of just appeared" during the COVID-pandemic.
"After two days of testimony and 14 hours of questioning, many things became evident.
During his interview today, Dr. Fauci claimed that the policies and mandates he promoted may
unfortunately increase vaccine hesitancy for years to come," Wenstrup stated. "He testified
that the lab leak hypothesis — which was often suppressed — was, in fact, not
a conspiracy theory.
must keep calm and resist the new 'muzzle mania' over face masks. You mask if you
want to. This free Englishman is not for masking. The evidence-light campaign to get us
all to go about with soggy pieces of cloth on our faces is back. In Tuesday's Daily Mail, Dr
Saleyha Ahsan issued a trumpet-blast in favour of masking, and blamed her own recent chest
infection on coughing passengers on a plane she flew on, who 'had chosen to not wear masks and
instead spread their viral droplets over the rest of us'. She had forgotten to bring a mask of her
own. She complained: 'The plane was packed with chesty coughers and, not surprisingly, a few
days later, I was unwell with what turned out to be a four-week viral illness.' May I just
point out here that this does not really add up to evidence that the two things are connected, as
Dr Ahsan, a trained scientist, really ought to know. But once the masking frenzy sets in
(parts of Spain are already beginning to impose mask mandates), facts and logic fly far away.
Covid vaccine gave me side effects that ruined my life, but Facebook keeps censoring
me. A woman who says she suffered chronic health complications after taking the
AstraZeneca vaccine claims to have been censored from sharing her story on Facebook. Caroline
Pover, 52, received the jab in March 2021 and within nine hours, experienced convulsions,
shivering, breathing difficulties and low blood pressure. Ms Pover, of Cirencester,
Gloucestershire, says she was hospitalised when her condition escalated to 'stroke-like' symptoms,
in addition to exhaustion, breathing difficulties, a racing heart and migraines.
survey 2023: Over 75% are still seeing novel white fibrous clots. The jabs are still
killing massive numbers of people. It seems highly likely that most of these cases are caused
by the COVID vaccines. 20% of deaths is roughly around 600,000 Americans a year. The
mainstream medical community, mainstream media, the FDA, CDC, NIH, and Congress are all still doing
nothing to investigate the issue and determine which are jab related and which are not. 600,000
American deaths a year and nobody cares.
Dr. Anthony
Fauci's Testimony. Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad
Wenstrup (R-Ohio) issued the following statement after day one of Dr. Anthony Fauci's two-day,
14-hour transcribed interview: "Dr. Fauci's testimony today uncovered drastic and systemic
failures in America's public health systems. While leading the nation's COVID-19 response and
influencing public narratives, he simultaneously had no idea what was happening under his own
jurisdiction at NIAID. Dr. Fauci signed off on all domestic and foreign research grants
without reviewing the proposals and admitted that he was unaware if NIAID conducted oversight of
the laboratories they fund. Clearly, the American people and the United States government are
operating with completely different expectations about the responsibilities of our public health
leaders and the accountability of our public health agencies. It is also concerning that the
face of our nation's response to the world's worst public health crisis 'does not recall' key
details about COVID-19 origins and pandemic-era policies. [..."]
admits he approved risky Wuhan coronavirus research proposal without reading it. Dr
Anthony Fauci evaded more than 100 questions about Covid, the lab leak theory and his ties to Wuhan
during a landmark Congressional hearing Monday. House Republicans who quizzed the ex-White
House advisor said he 'played semantics' to avoid conceding that he funded dangerous research in
China that is feared to have started the pandemic. Dr Fauci, 82, also admitted that he signed
off on millions of dollars worth of grants without reviewing the proposals — and appeared to admit
his agency had little oversight of the foreign labs it bankrolled.
AARP just told its 38 million members to get an eighth (yes, EIGHTH!) shot of
mRNA. The lobbying group for older Americans just told its nearly 38 million
members to "hustle" for another Covid jab, even if they have already had five boosters.
[...] Keep in mind that someone who has had "five Covid boosters" has actually received seven mRNA
jabs — the initial two-shot primary vaccination regimen, followed by five boosters. Thus
AARP is suggesting its members should be taking their eighth jab of mRNA in the last three
years. Yet scientists have essentially no safety data beyond a third shot, much less a fourth
or more, and thus no way of knowing if the risks of repeated mRNA dosing rise with each shot.
Soccer Player Does The mRNA Death Spin Before Collapsing On The Pitch And Convulsing.
Umm-Salal's French striker Andy Delort collapsed and convulsed on the pitch in the 16th minute of
the Qatar Stars Cup final against Al Arabi. Ten minutes after scoring his team's first goal,
the French striker began to spin around, as if dazed, seconds before collapsing to the ground and
convulsing. Andy Delort was quickly treated by the medical services present at the stadium,
whilst the entire situation brought terror to those on the pitch. [Video clip]
answers 'not recall' over 100 times, reveals 'drastic and systemic' failures, House chair
says. Dr. Anthony Fauci said he "did not recall" important information or
conversations more than 100 times during his first day of a two-day transcribed interview with
the House Coronavirus Select Subcommittee, but he also revealed major failures in the U.S. health
system, Chairman Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, said. "Dr. Fauci's testimony today uncovered
drastic and systemic failures in America's public health systems," Wenstrup said Monday after
Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, met with the
subcommittee earlier that day. "While leading the nation's COVID-19 response and influencing
public narratives, he simultaneously had no idea what was happening under his own jurisdiction at
NIAID," Wenstrup also said, using the acronym of the federal agency where Fauci served as director
for nearly four decades.
summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines. Here's a quick summary of the key
pieces of evidence that taken together show that the COVID vaccines are unsafe and that the medical
community should not be trusted.
are so Many Californians Dying? Covid has claimed about 105,000 lives in the state
since 2020. In that same time period, 82,000 more Californians died from everything else than is
typical. Adjusted for the decline in population, that non-Covid "excess death" figure becomes
even more concerning as the state has seen its population drop to about the same it was in 2015.
In 2015 — obviously there was no Covid — 260,000 of the then
39 million Californians died. In 2023, not including November and December,
240,000 people died not from Covid (6,000 additional people died of Covid.).
Extrapolating the year-to-date figures for 2023 creates a final year-end figure of
280,000 — 20,000 more people than died in 2015. That's a non-Covid,
population-neutral jump of 8%. In other words, despite the protestations of certain officials,
the state's death rate has NOT returned to "pre-Covid" levels — in 2019 the year before
the pandemic, 270,000 people died with a population at least 400,000 greater than today.
Abruptly Rescinds Mask Mandate 24 Hours After Issuance. Authorities in
St. Louis, Missouri, rescinded a recently announced mask mandate, acknowledging that they did
not properly present the current levels of infection. Dr. Matifadza Hlatshwayo Davis,
the health director of St. Louis, had initially told city workers that starting
January 5, they would be required to wear masks indoors and when riding with at least one
other person in city vehicles. This mandate was based on the assertion that influenza cases
were 55% higher than the "highest median value of the past five years," and cases of respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV) and COVID-19 hospitalizations had increased. "Influenza, RSV, and
COVID-19 diagnoses and hospital visits have been sharply increasing," Davis said. She added,
"we must take action to slow transmission and prevent strain on our hospital systems."
However, the mandate was withdrawn about 24 hours later, as confirmed by St. Louis Mayor
Tishaura Jones.
Surgeon General Warns Against Using mRNA COVID Vaccines Over Possible Cancer Risk.
Florida's Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, is warning against any use of the Pfizer and
Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, citing cancer concerns. Dr. Ladapo was raising concerns
following a Canadian study that found "billions to hundreds of billions" of DNA molecules per dose,
exceeding guidelines set forth by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the World Health
Organization (WHO). He sent a letter on Dec. 6 — that cited the Canadian
study — to the FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Mandy Cohen, outlining his concerns about the high
presence of DNA molecules in the mRNA vaccines alongside lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) used to deliver
medicine into human cells.
Surgeon General Calls for a Complete Halt on mRNA Vaccines. Florida Surgeon General
Joe Ladapo called today for a complete halt on the use of mRNA vaccines. Below is the
official statement found on the Florida Department of Health website. [Tweet and press release]]
least £550 million of Covid drugs wasted in the UK. More than
£550 million of Covid drugs have been wasted in the UK, according to analysis of health
data, amid a "restrictive" rollout of the potentially lifesaving treatment.
Paxlovid — an antiviral developed by Pfizer and designed to be used shortly after people
test positive for Covid-19 — was approved across Britain in 2021 after trial results
found it reduced the risk of severe illness by almost 90 per cent. Yet more than one million
courses of the antiviral have now expired in the UK, according to a report from the health
analytics firm Airfinty. That figure could surge to 2.2 million by the end of
June — equivalent to £1.1 billion worth of wasted drugs. Britain's
unused stock is higher than anywhere else in Europe. About 200,000 doses expired before they
were prescribed in Spain, and 100,000 in France and Italy, respectively.
Distortion of Science To Support the Globalists' Climate Change Agenda. Starting in
the mid-20th century, companies began distorting and manpulating science to favor specific
commercial interests. [...] Disrupting normative science has become a de rigueur component of the
pharmaceutical industry business model. A new pharmaceutical product is not based on need, it
is based on market size and profitability. When new data threatens the market of a
pharmaceutical product, then that pharma company will try to sprout the seeds of scientific
uncertainty and lack of proof. For instance, clinical trials can be easily coopted to meet
specified end-points positive for the drug products. Other ways to manipulate a clinical
trial include manipulating the dosing schedule and amounts. As these practices have been
exposed, people no longer trust the science. Fast forward to the present, and the entire
industry of evidence-based (and academic) medicine is now suspect due to the malfeasance of certain
pharma players. In the case of COVID-19, Pharma propaganda and cooptation practices have now
compromised the regulatory bodies controlling the pharma product licensing and deeply damaged
global public confidence in those agencies.
Vaccines Linked to Increased Risk of Swollen Lymph Nodes in Children: Study.
Children who received a COVID-19 vaccine faced an increased risk of several adverse events,
including swollen lymph nodes, researchers in Norway reported in a new study. The Moderna and
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines in children aged 12 and up were linked to increased risks of severe
allergic shock, lymphadenopathy, and heart inflammation, according to the paper. Researchers
included people as old as 19. In subanalyses, increased risks of acute appendicitis, epilepsy,
and convulsions were also detected.
Confirms Their Pandemic Was Just a Psy-Op. You can still go on to the Irish Covid
dashboard and see the scary charts they produced to enforce lockdowns. [...] It looks very similar
to the charts produced in other countries. '[...D]eaths are spiking, let's lock down the whole
country!' Except there was nothing exceptional about the number of deaths in Ireland. A
new study undertaken by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation (OECD) examined recent mortality
trends and the impact of demographic change. [...] Nearly all the OECD counties saw rapid
demographic change with the size of the 65+ population increasing by 19% between 2015 and 2022. The
study concludes that when adjusting for demographic change, the average adjusted increase in the
number of deaths for OECD would be +5.3%. However, looking at many individual countries, such
as Ireland, they noticed that there was no increase in excess deaths. This was because
between 2016 and 2022, Ireland's population had increased by 8% and the number of over-65s had
risen by 22%. When taking these changes into account, suddenly all the scary excess deaths that
kept Ireland in draconian lockdowns disappeared.
US military demand justice over COVID jab mandates. Over 200 active duty service
members, veterans, and others on January 1 released an open letter demanding accountability
from the U.S. military leaders who imposed COVID-19 jab mandates upon members of the armed
services, calling out the Department of Defense for "failing to fulfill the moral obligations upon
which [it was] founded" in its implementation of the requirements. On January 1, the
current and former servicemen and women representing all branches of the United States military
signed onto an open letter promising to pursue accountability for military leaders who they say
broke the law in their enforcement of COVID-19 jab rules.
There's more!
The news and commentary about Covid-19 from the year 2020 is on another page, located here.
The news and commentary about Covid-19 from the year 2021 is on another page, located here.
The news and commentary about Covid-19 from the year 2022 is on another page, located here.
The news and commentary about Covid-19 from the year 2023 is on another page, located here.