Racial Unrest in Baton Rouge

The shooting of a black man by a Baton Rouge police officer was an unfortunate incident, almost certainly initiated and aggravated by the actions of the alleged "victim."  Several days later, a violent black racist decided to settle the score by ambushing and killing three law enforcement officers.  The first incident involved split-second decision-making by the shooter.  The second incident was pre-meditated, intentional and entirely avoidable.

Related pages:

Race-based political opportunism

Violent black-on-white crime

Perpetual victims

Liberals and minorities

News media sensationalism and dishonesty

Part One:  The shooting of Alton Sterling

The Crisis Obama Let Go to Waste.  Alton Sterling (who had a long arrest record that included battery, burglary, and weapons charges) was shot because he was physically fighting with police, despite being tasered several times.  Police shot him when he reached for the loaded .38 caliber revolver in his pants.  His shooting was completely warranted, and Baton Rouge is a safer place without him.

Louisiana Atty. Gen.: No Charges Against Officers in Shooting Death of Alton Sterling.  Louisiana's attorney general announced Tuesday [3/27/2018] that no charges will be brought against the two white police officers involved in the fatal shooting of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge in July 2016.  The decision for the state not to bring charges comes nearly 11 months after the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) came to the same conclusion.  The shooting happened in the wee hours between July 4 and 5, 2016 and was immediately branded as evidence of "systemic racism."  Sterling was black and both officers are white.  But Sterling was illegally armed and was reaching for his gun when he was shot.  The liberal mainstream media — in their haste to prove racism — began referring to Sterling as a "gentle giant" who was unjustifiably killed by two white officer for the "crime" of being black.

DOJ to investigate police-involved shooting in Louisiana.  The U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday opened a civil rights investigation into the death of a black man who was shot by a white police officer outside a Baton Rouge convenience store on Tuesday [7/5/2016].  A cellphone video purporting to show the events leading up to and including the death of Alton Sterling led some Louisiana residents to protest on Tuesday, and Gov.  John Bel Edwards acknowledged Wednesday the video was "disturbing to say the least."  Baton Rouge Police Chief Carl Dabadie Jr. refused calls to resign but vowed to find out exactly what happened between Sterling and the two officers seen wrestling with him in the video.

Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against 'Crackers' On YouTube Channel.  A Youtube account operated by Gavin Eugene Long and discovered by The Daily Caller reveals key insight into what might have motivated the 29-year-old black man who killed three Baton Rouge police officers Sunday morning.  Videos on Long's account show that he was a former Nation of Islam member.  He also ranted against "crackers" and made references to Alton Sterling, the black man killed by police in Baton Rouge on July 5.

Gavin Eugene Long aka Cosmo Setepenra:  Top 10 Facts You Need to Know.  [#1] Long posted on social media about recent police shootings & said 'bloodshed,' not just protests, was necessary.  Long registered a website, convoswithcosmo.com, and created several social media sites under the name Cosmo Setepenra in April.  He said in a tweet that he had been away living in Africa for two years and recently returned.

Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against 'Crackers' On YouTube Channel.  A Youtube account operated by Gavin Eugene Long and discovered by The Daily Caller reveals key insight into what might have motivated the 29-year-old black man who killed three Baton Rouge police officers Sunday morning.  Videos on Long's account show that he was a former Nation of Islam member.  He also ranted against "crackers" and made references to Alton Sterling, the black man killed by police in Baton Rouge on July 5.  Other information about Long shows that the Kansas City native, who CBS reported was honorably discharged from the Marines in 2010, went by the name Cosmo Ausar Setepenra.

Baton Rouge gunman reportedly assumed online persona who railed against police.  The Louisiana gunman who shot at a half-dozen Baton Rouge police officers Sunday, killing three of them, reportedly assumed an outspoken persona online who railed against the police and the shooting death of Alton Sterling.  Law enforcement sources told The Advocate that Gavin Eugene Long's military records matches that of a so-called "spiritual advisor," life coach and author named Cosmo Setepenra.  The persona claimed to have been in Dallas during the protests of the deaths of Sterling and Minnesota man Philando Castile.

Baton Rouge murders:  If killing cops becomes the new normal America is doomed.  [Scroll down]  What feelings must resonate within the patrolman who is responding to a call of domestic violence or simple larceny?  Am I the next target?  Is this really a routine call for service or is it an ambush?  No longer can the patrolman simply worry about the reported crime itself but rather he or she must approach these events as though they are potentially walking into the next Dallas or Baton Rouge.  And that is no way to function as a police officer.  The stress, strain, and uncertainty would be unbearable.

The Fire Spreads.  [T]he overwhelming odds are that this most recent assault on law and order, taking the lives of three officers and wounding at least three more, is the direct outcome of the political and media frenzy that followed the police shootings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, less than two weeks ago.  That frenzy further amplified the dangerously false narrative that racist police officers are the greatest threat facing young black men today.  President Barack Obama bears direct responsibility for the lethal spread of that narrative.

Baton Rouge Shooter Claimed Blacks 'Superior To Whites' In Book.  Baton Rouge cop killer Gavin Eugene Long wrote a self-help trilogy targeted at black people, titled "The Cosmo Way:  A W(H)olistic Guide for the Total Transformation of Melanated People," in which he claimed that black people are genetically superior to white people.  Long wrote all three books under the name Cosmo Setepenra — the same name he used on YouTube and Twitter and for his website.  As originally reported by The Daily Caller, Long railed against "crackers" and claimed to have been a Nation of Islam member in the videos.

The Baton Rouge shooter left a twisted trail on social media.  The initial reports were rather thin, indicating that Gavin Long was a former Marine who was angry about police shootings of black suspects and was a fan of the shooter who ambushed police in Dallas.  But as the media took a deeper look into his profile, they found that Long had left what NBC News is calling a long, twisted digital footprint behind him.  He fancied himself a purveyor of life advice and self-empowerment, though how that vision fit in with his apparent social justice views is a mystery.

Wisconsin sheriff on recent Baton Rouge shootings:  I predicted this.  In a heated interview with CNN's Don Lemon, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke said he predicted the recent police shootings in Baton Rouge, Louisiana that killed three law enforcement officers and wounded three others.  "I've been watching this for two years.  I've predicted this," Clarke said.  "This anti-police rhetoric sweeping the country has turned out some hateful things inside of people that are now playing themselves out on the American police officer."  Clarke blamed the Black Lives Matter movement for inspiring violent crimes against law enforcement officers, calling the group "purveyors of hate."

Alton Sterling had [an] eerily similar brush with cops in [the] past.  The CBS affiliate here has obtained a police report that details a previous arrest of Alton Sterling stemming from an incident eerily similar to the recent one that led to his being shot to death by an officer.  CBS News also obtained a copy of the police report.  Sterling, 37, was killed in a shooting involving two Baton Rouge police officers on July 5.  Sources close to the investigation tell WAFB-TV that, if the killing of Sterling makes it to trial, his past record could certainly be introduced into evidence.

Manhunt, Arrests in Alleged Plot to Kill Baton Rouge Cops.  A suspect remains at large in an alleged plot to kill officers at protests after the fatal police shooting of Alton Sterling at a Louisiana store, authorities said Tuesday [7/12/2016].  Col.  Mike Edmonson, superintendent of the Louisiana State Police, said at a news conference that the plot, had it been carried out, would have caused "substantial harm to police in the Baton Rouge area."  Baton Rouge Police Chief Carl Dabadie Jr. said the plot was uncovered after a robbery Saturday shortly after midnight at a pawn shop where eight handguns and a BB rifle were stolen.

By the Way, I Am Right About the News Media Being Afraid to Offend Blacks With the Truth.  Recently, I've written four columns here that all had a similar premise:  The news media is afraid to tell the truth when it comes to issues of race because nothing can get them in more trouble than being seen as racist, even if all they are really doing is stating facts.  Well, we now have at least two new pieces of strong data suggesting that I am dead right. [...] The first comes from CNN's coverage in the aftermath of the killing of at least three police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana by Gavin Long.  Long was a black man with an extensive social media profile littered with numerous racist statements against whites and connections to racist black groups.  However, one liberal black commentator wanted to make sure that no one rushed to any conclusions based on the fact that we now have two massacres of police officers perpetrated by young black men within just a week (after all, rushing to a guilty verdict is an act usually reserved by the news media mostly for white police officers and college football coaches).

Who's being arrested in Baton Rouge and what they're being charged with.  The overwhelming majority of protesters arrested over the weekend in Baton Rouge were hauled away in handcuffs simply for blocking roadways, according to public records from the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office.  And although at the weekend's start, most of those arrested looked like Alton Sterling, the 37-year-old black Baton Rouge man they're seeking justice for, by the weekend's end, more white women from outside the city were arrested than black men from Baton Rouge.  Records show that 157 of the 180 protesters arrested from Friday to Sunday in Baton Rouge were cited for obstruction of a roadway, inciting to riot, interfering, or a combination of two of these charges.

ACLU sues Baton Rouge Police.  Local organizing groups and the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana filed a lawsuit today [7/13/2016] against the Baton Rouge Police Department for violating the First Amendment rights of demonstrators who were protesting peacefully against the killing of Alton Sterling.  The suit alleges that the BRPD's excessive show of force had a chilling effect on protesters' Constitutional right to assemble and protest.  The case is co-counseled by Sima Atri, staff attorney at the New Orleans Workers' Center for Racial Justice and cooperating counsel Ron Wilson on behalf of on behalf of Black Youth Project 100 and the Louisiana chapter of the National Lawyers Guild.

Police statue memorializing fallen officers is vandalized less than a month after being installed in new park.  A memorial to police in Richmond, Virginia has been vandalized with a message referring to the police killing of a black man in Louisiana.  A large red 'X' was spray-painted on the torso of the statue of an officer carrying a child, and 'Justice for Alton' is written on the stones below, an apparent reference to 37-year-old Alton Sterling of Baton Rouge.  'It's a senseless act,' said local resident H. Penn Burke, whose police father was slain in 1925, to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Baton Rouge Police:  Suspects Stole Guns in Plot to Attack Officers.  At a press conference Tuesday [7/12/2016], law enforcement revealed that the Saturday theft of eight handguns from a Cash America Pawn Store on Government Street had a sinister purpose:  "get bullets to harm police officers."  Baton Rouge Police Chief Carl Dabadie said that this incident represented a "viable" and "credible" threat.  Seven of the eight handguns have been recovered and three of the four suspects have been taken into custody, and Joseph Belisle, Resident Agent for ATF, said that their agents were working around the clock to find the missing suspect and guns.

Baton Rouge officer: Alton Sterling reached for a gun before he was shot.  The Louisiana police officers who fatally shot a black man pinned to the ground did so after seeing the man reach for a gun, a Baton Rouge detective said.  Alton Sterling's death helped spur nationwide protests against excessive force by police.  He was shot outside a convenience store after police responded to a call about a man threatening another man with a gun.  In a search warrant affidavit seeking surveillance video from the store, Detective R. Cook wrote that the Baton Rouge officers deployed their Tasers after Sterling did not comply with their orders.

Government Street in Baton Rouge closed due to protests.  What started as a peaceful march in downtown [7/10/2016] ended with tense moments between police and protesters.  Officials say 48 people were arrested during the unplanned demonstration.  A portion of Government Street in downtown Baton Rouge remains closed after a group held an "unlawful protest" following a peace march that was held at the Louisiana State Capitol.  Police believe the secondary protest was initiated by out-of-state groups.

Keywords:  Gentle giant, victim, teddy bear, never hurt anybody.
Man killed by Louisiana police said to be 'gentle,' led hardscrabble life.  The black man shot dead by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was described by those who knew him as a fun-loving guy who scraped together a living selling music recorded on compact discs.  The father of five had been arrested several times in his 37 years of life, and a felony conviction landed him on a list of sex offenders.

Baton Rouge Police And ATF Disrupt Planned Attack Against Police Officers.  WBRZ-TV in Baton Rouge is reporting that Baton Rouge police and the ATF have broken up a suspected plot to murder Baton Rouge police officers such as in Dallas last week.  The people involved were going to use the protests over the Alton Sterling shooting as cover and then shoot at police officers working them.  The ATF and Baton Rouge police stumbled upon the plot in the middle of an investigation of the theft of guns from a Cash America pawn shop in Baton Rouge last week.

Part Two:  The homicidal actions of Gavin Eugene Long a/k/a Cosmo Ausar Setepenra

Seriously Injured Cop Sues Black Lives Matter — Does He Have A Case?  Many Americans believe Black Lives Matter is a domestic terror group that's been given cover by the media and our former President Barack Obama, who gave them credibility when more than once, he invited them to meet at the White House.  Obama also pretended there was no connection to BLM and several police officers who were murdered by supporters of BLM.

Baton Rouge police officer who shot Alton Sterling fired; videos released.  Baton Rouge Police Officer Blane Salamoni has been fired for violating use-of-force policies in the Alton Sterling shooting, Chief Murphy Paul told reporters Friday evening while also releasing four videos, several of which graphically show Sterling as he lay dying.  Paul said Howie Lake II, the other officer involved in the July 2016 incident, will be suspended for three days without pay for losing his temper during the incident.

Wounded Louisiana Police Officer Sues Black Lives Matter Clowns for Inciting Violence.  We're not sure if he'll have any success, but we hope he bankrupts these leftwing agitators.

Black Lives Matter leaders sued over Baton Rouge police shooting.  A police officer wounded in a shooting rampage in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, last year that left three officers dead sued Black Lives Matter movement leaders on Friday [7/7/2017], accusing them of inciting violence that spurred the attack.  The lawsuit filed in a U.S. district court in Louisiana named DeRay McKesson and four other Black Lives Matter leaders as defendants and sought at least $75,000 in damages.

Baton Rouge cop killer renounced 'slave name,' joined black anti-government movement.  The former Marine sergeant who murdered three Louisiana police officers this week was part of a black anti-government movement called the Moorish Nation, according to a law enforcement intelligence report.  Gavin Eugene Long shot six police officers, killing three and wounding the others in an attack Sunday in Baton Rouge.  He was killed by a police sniper.  According to a report by the Symbol Intelligence Group, a private intelligence contractor, Long was a "textbook spiritual seeker" who had joined several anti-government groups, including the Washitaw Nation, New Freedom Group, National of Islam, and Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance.

3 officers dead after shooting near BRPD HQ.  One East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office deputy and two Baton Rouge Police Department officers were killed during a Sunday morning [7/17/2016] shooting on Airline Highway near the Hammond Aire Plaza.  Three other officers were wounded with one remaining it critical condition.  Authorities have confirmed that the first of three suspects is a Missouri man who was killed after the shooting.  Two other suspects were taken into custody in West Baton Rouge Parish and are being questioned by Baton Rouge Police.

Twelve-year-old boy and three accomplices were arrested for plot to kill Baton Rouge cops last week.  A 12-year-old boy has become the fourth suspect to be arrested for an alleged plot to kill Baton Rouge cops in revenge for the fatal Alton Sterling shooting. [...] Today [...] Baton Rouge cops were killed, and six were injured in another mass shooting. [...] A suspect, a black man from Missouri, has been shot dead and police say two others may be at large following what appears to have been an ambush.  Three officers have been confirmed dead.

Poor, Innocent, Naive Shepard Smith:  Completely Clueless as to Why Cops Are Being Slaughtered.  In the wake of another horrific ambush of police officers earlier today in Baton Rouge, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith was actually arguing with the Governor of Louisiana a few minutes ago.  He was saying, in essence, that no one has a clue as to how to stop this madness.  I beg to differ, Shmuckard, I mean, Shepard.  How about electing a President who actually treats people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin?  Who waits until facts emerge before opining on law enforcement issues?

Dead Baton Rouge shooter attacked police on his birthday.  [Scroll down]  A state police spokesman said that the two "persons of interests" who were detained earlier Sunday [7/17/2016] had been released.  Major Doug Cain said late Sunday that the individuals from Addis were questioned and released but that the investigation was still ongoing.  He said no charges were filed against them.  Cain said authorities are still looking to see if the man who opened fire on police in Baton Rouge had any help — "indirectly, directly here or at home."

Gavin Eugene Long: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know.  An ex-Marine turned self-touted life coach who ranted about government conspiracies in Youtube videos and shared extremist beliefs on social media has been identified as the gunman who killed three police officers and wounded three others in Baton Rouge.  Gavin Eugene Long opened fire on officers Sunday morning in Louisiana on his 29th birthday, just days after posting videos online saying people needed to "fight back" after recent killings of black men by police in Minnesota and Baton Rouge, police sources told multiple news outlets, NBC News.  Long, originally from Kansas City, Missouri, was shot dead at the scene of the shooting, CBS News reports.

'The President Has Blood on His Hands': Detective Rips Obama After Baton Rouge Shooting.  President Obama's divisive rhetoric is to partly to blame for the shooting in Baton Rouge that left at least three law enforcement officers dead and three others injured, according to Cleveland Police Detective Steve Loomis.  He explained that Obama has repeatedly validated the anti-police narrative that has been put forth by Black Lives Matter activists and much of the mainstream media.  "Now, we see an escalation.  This has got to end," Loomis said.  "We need some leadership in this country to come forward and put an end to this."

Police nationwide 'on edge,' taking extra precautions after Dallas ambush.  Police departments across the country are taking extra precautions, such as deploying officers in pairs on the streets and increasing staffing, as cops remain on edge a week after a gunman killed five police officers and wounded nine others in Dallas.  From New York City to Austin, Texas, law enforcement agencies have reported a series of social media threats against officers, multiple lawsuits were filed Wednesday, and a fresh round of demonstrations took place.  In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, police defended heavy-handed tactics during a weekend rally, announcing that they had uncovered a plot to harm officers ahead of the protests.

Part Three:  Other news from Red Stick

We're Starting To See Real Reason For Optimism In Baton Rouge Thanks To Sid Edwards.  Last month, Sid Edwards' 54-46 victory over Sharon Broome was a pretty major exclamation point to Donald Trump's presidential victory in November.  It indicated that the American people hadn't quite given up on the idea of self-governance as an alternative to servitude to the political elite.  Edwards, after all, had no business winning a mayoral election in a city of over 400,000 people.  He was just a high school football coach, after all, and not a trained politician with a paid-for certificate from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government or a law degree.  What could he possibly know about running a city?  [Two advertisements]  The people looking down their snoots at Edwards were the ones attempting to push a third term of Sharon Broome down the throats of the public, or else they were backing the execrable former state representative Ted James as a "conservative-friendly" solution to the problem of Broome, despite James having had an even worse voting record in the state legislature than Broome did.

The Failure of Black Leadership in Government.  Five years ago, citizens of St.  George, a mostly white area in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, voted to separate from Baton Rouge because the city government was unwilling to address myriad governing failures, especially in the schools, where violence was out of control.  The goal was more safety for everyone, in the schools and on the streets.  Baton Rouge's predominantly black city government had long ignored these concerns.  Thanks to the election and a Louisiana Supreme Court ruling, those concerned citizens have their own city, where the citizens take responsibility for their children's safety and education.  Before St. George was founded, Baton Rouge's population was about 220,000, of which only 35% were white.  The new city of St. George is approximately 90,000, of which only 18% are black.  The sole reason for the new city was the parents' desire to give their children the best possible public education.  It took 13 years and $1 million in legal fees, along with thousands of volunteers, for the new city to become a reality. [...] The problem for Baton Rouge is that, with the white residents gone, the city has lost much of its tax base.  It is easy to see Baton Rouge descending into chaos.

Mayor Kick-Off Event In Baton Rouge Goes Off the Rails.  The Baton Rouge Police Department released new body camera video of multiple fights that broke out during Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome's Summer of Hope kickoff event at Liberty Lagoon.  According to the police, the department is investigating the arrest of an adult female during the event held at Lobdell Avenue.  BRPD says that in the video, a female officer attempted to detain an individual following a brief scuffle, but was unable to do so due to large crowd interference.  This led another officer to step into the crowd and attempt to detain the same individual before being met with physical force and securing the individual in handcuffs.  [Video clip]

White flight en masse:
Wealthy white Louisiana residents win right to split from Baton Rouge and form their own city.  A group of wealthy white Baton Rouge residents have won a decades-long battle to split from the majority-black city to form their own suburb following a state Supreme Court ruling.  After reversing a lower court's decision on Friday, the Supreme Court ruled 4-3 in favor of the incorporation of St. George, which will form in southeast Baton Rouge.  "This is the culmination of citizens exercising their constitutional rights.  We voted and we won," Andrew Murrell, one of the leaders of the St. George campaign, said in a statement following the victory.  "Now we begin the process of delivering on our promises of a better city," he added.  "We welcome both our friends and foes to the table to create St.  George."

SCOTUS Allows Baton Rouge Police Officer's Civil Suit Against BLM Leader to Go Forward.  In a decision that may have large ripple effects across the country, the Supreme Court rejected a First Amendment appeal, thereby allowing a civil suit that was brought against a Black Lives Matter activist leader in Baton Rouge, LA, by an unnamed police officer to go forward on Monday.  The brief order states that DeRay Mckesson's First Amendment appeal to the high court was rejected, and he must face a lawsuit brought by the officer who was injured during a 2016 protest after the officer-involved shooting death of Alton Sterling in July of 2016. Sterling, who was black, was shot by officers after failing to comply with their orders and after they saw Alton with a firearm in his pants pocket.  Days after the fatal shooting, McKesson organized a protest where protestors blocked a highway outside of a local police station.  As police officers were clearing the roadway of protestors and vehicles, Officer John Doe (as he was identified in the filing) was struck in the head by a "rock-like object," which caused "brain trauma" and other injuries, according to court filings.  McKesson did not throw the object, and it is undisputed that he never authorized or incited the violence.  However, the officer claims that regardless of whether McKesson knew of or ordered/incited the violence, his leadership at the event makes him liable for damages.

Outgoing Democrat Governor Pardons 40 Convicted Murderers.  Louisiana's Gov. John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, has pardoned 40 convicted murderers as he nears the end of his term, according to multiple reports.  Edwards' term ends on Jan. 8, 2024.  In his final weeks in office, he has been working on helping his state lose the title of being the World's Prison Capital, according to the New York Post.  He will reportedly release a total of 56 convicts in "separate batches."  "For as long as I can remember, Louisiana reflexively responded to an increase in crime by putting more people in prison and keeping them there longer," Edwards told local news outlet NOLA.com this month.  "We've never been made safer as a result of that," Edwards added.  "There is no data to suggest that an increase in crime here was because of the reforms."

Teen Killed, Woman Wounded In Shooting At Louisiana High School Football Game.  Gunshots rang out during an evening at a high school football game in Louisiana, resulting in the death of a 16-year-old student and the injury of a woman's arm, as authorities reported on Saturday.  As of now, no arrests have been made, and the reasons behind the outbreak of violence at halftime on Friday, near the stands, remain a mystery, according to Sergeant Landon Groger from the West Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office.

Cold-Blooded Woman Aims Gun At Another And Shoots Her Point-Blank In Baton Rouge.  Baton Rouge Police have arrested a woman seen shooting another person on video.  According to an arrest warrant, police watched the suspect, Raneshia Pointer, 22, on video firing a gun at an address on Longridge Avenue in the middle of the afternoon on Wednesday.  The warrant states that the suspect and victim met to fight, and at some point, Pointer grabbed a gun from a nearby car and fired a single shot.  [Video clip]

Baton Rouge Is A Shooting Gallery Now.  This is what happens when instead of real leadership you elect a clown.  You get stupid slogans without any concrete action taken to halt the wholesale slaughter going on in Baton Rouge's worst neighborhoods.  That the "Summer of Hope" Sharon Broome is touting is going to be more like a summer of bullets is understood by everybody in town, but it doesn't stop her from throwing press events and trying to look like she cares.

Intruder rushed resident before being shot multiple times Monday night.  Police said an intruder was shot and killed while forcibly entering a home off North Acadian Thruway Monday night [4/24/2023].  The Baton Rouge Police Department said someone was shot multiple times after forcing themselves into a home on Ontario Street near N. Acadian around 10 p.m. Monday.  Officers later said that Lawrence Bajoie, 37, reportedly banged on the door multiple times before the resident opened the door.  Bajoie allegedly charged the resident and hit him before the resident shot him multiple times.

Brawl At Baton Rouge School Involved 200 Students, Officer Injured, 10 Arrests.  A massive brawl broke out Wednesday morning on a school campus in Louisiana resulting in a hospitalized officer and multiple arrests.  Baton Rouge officials said 10 people were arrested at East Baton Rouge Readiness Alternative School after multiple fights involving both students and parents broke out across the school's grounds.  [Video clip]

12 shot in Baton Rouge nightclub, police say.  Police are investigating a shooting that injured 12 people at a Baton Rouge, Louisiana, nightclub.  The shooting occurred just after 1:30 a.m.  Sunday at 4619 Bennington Ave in Baton Rouge, according to the Baton Rouge Police Department.  The gunshot victims were taken to local hospitals, either by personal vehicles or by emergency responders, police said.  They are all currently listed in stable condition.

Louisiana father, 34, is shot dead by teenage boy, 17, who climbed through his 14-year-old daughter's bedroom window.  A Louisiana father was shot dead in a gun battle with a 17-year-old boy after he confronted a teen sneaking into his 14-year-old daughter's bedroom window.  Dezmon Hamilton, 34, died of multiple gunshot wounds in his home in Zachary, north of Baton Rouge, on Sunday morning.  The teen, identified by police as Nicholas Mcquirter, also was shot but is recovering in the hospital.

Kato from Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge cop killer stood over officer and kept firing, investigators say.  Police revealed grueling details Monday [4/27/2020] of a shooting standoff in which the suspected gunman ambushed two officers sent to interview him about a killing hours earlier, then reportedly stood over a dead officer's body while continuing to shoot him at point-blank range, according to reports.

LSU fan bashed, robbed in stadium bathroom after game.  An LSU fan says he was brutally beaten and robbed inside a bathroom after a game at Tiger Stadium over the weekend.  Daniel Dwyer, a longtime LSU fan, told The Advocate he lingered inside the stadium Saturday after LSU's 52-24 rout over South Carolina to hear the university's marching band play, as he typically does.  "Normally, there's 80,000 to 100,000 people at an LSU game," Dwyer told the newspaper.  "You're never alone.  During these unfortunate times, with the lower number of people, there's more opportunity for a one-on-one encounter."  But Dwyer's typical postgame routine took a turn when he stopped inside a stadium bathroom while headed to his car, he recalled.  "There were three or four men and a young man who had a broom and a dustpan, and a bucket behind him," Dwyer said.  "Apparently, the three or four guys I saw were on the way out or had left, because the next thing I knew, there were two or three blows to the back of the head."

Massive Street Brawl In Baton Rouge Doesn't Even Stop When A Car Plows Through.  [Video clip]

3 arrested in attack of Chili's hostess who was enforcing coronavirus dining rules.  Three people have been arrested in connection with the assault of a teenage Chili's hostess who was trying to enforce the restaurant's seating restrictions imposed because of the coronavirus, according to Baton Rouge police.  Tammy Dabney, 48, was booked on a count of aggravated second degree battery, while both 27-year-old Rodneka Dabney and 46-year-old Erica Dabney were booked on counts of disturbing the peace and simple battery.  The three suspects were part of a group of 11 people who tried to dine together at the Chili's on Constitution Avenue on Saturday.

Media Dead Silent:  Illegal alien charged with raping 4-year-old girl in Baton Rouge.  A story that literally escaped almost the entire news cycle, both locally and nationally is getting new attention, after a Grand Jury handed down an indictment of first-degree child rape against an illegal alien in Baton Rogue, on Wednesday [9/18/2019].

Invade, Invite, Implode.  If a president cited crime statistics to rile up racial hatred, but his speech was immediately followed by a terrorist massacre, would he be criticized?  Well, not if he were Barack Obama, whose July 7, 2016, TV oration from Warsaw denouncing the police shootings of two black men was followed later that day by the murder of five policemen at a Dallas Black Lives Matter march.  Ten days after Obama's speech, three more cops were murdered in Baton Rouge.  When I heard about the Dallas BLM terrorism, the first thought that leapt into my head was:  "So Donald Trump is going to be president."  And that turned out to be true, although the entire event has largely been memory-holed by the press.  Obama's speech offered a strikingly irresponsible assertion that the reason blacks are in trouble with the law so much is the racism of white policemen: [...] Not surprisingly, just hours after Obama's speech, a black man shot fourteen cops in Dallas.  Nor is it surprising that the total number of homicides in the U.S. shot up after Black Lives Matter, the Obama administration, and the prestige press decided in August 2014 that what was ailing the black community was too much law and order.

Arrest Made in Gruesome Murder of Louisiana Civil Rights Activist, Sadie Roberts-Joseph.  An arrest has been made in the gruesome murder of 75-year-old civil rights activist, Sadie Roberts-Joseph.  She was found dead in the trunk of her car last week.  Roberts-Joseph founded an African American history museum in Louisiana. [...] [The suspect] was a registered sex offender and tenant of Roberts-Joesph and was several months behind in rent, but police say they are still unclear as to the any alleged motive.

Sex offender, tenant of Sadie Roberts-Joseph, arrested in killing of Baton Rouge civil activist.  Ronn Jermaine Bell was about two months behind on rent when his landlady, Baton Rouge civil rights activist Sadie Roberts-Joseph, was found suffocated in the trunk of her car behind an abandoned house last Friday.  Baton Rouge police announced Tuesday [7/16/2019] that Bell, 38, has been arrested on a count of first-degree murder.  The announcement brought some sense of justice to Roberts-Joseph's friends and relatives after several days of speculation about who could be responsible for ending the life of someone so generous and beloved within the community.  Bell's criminal record includes a child rape case in the early 2000s.  Police said he was already in jail — taken into custody Monday — for violating sex offender registration requirements when he was identified as a suspect in this case.

Woman found dead in trunk of car was founder of Baton Rouge African American history museum.  A woman found dead in the trunk of a car Friday evening was the founder of Baton Rouge's African American history museum who helped jumpstart annual Juneteenth celebrations during her work as "a tireless advocate of peace."  Baton Rouge police said Saturday morning that the body of Sadie Roberts-Joseph, 75, had been found in the 2300 block of North 20th Street, about three miles away from her home.  The cause of death has not been determined.

Injured Cop Will Be Allowed to Sue Black Lives Matter Leader.  The network of street and campus demagogues known as Black Lives Matter pretty much has operated with impunity since its founding.  But a court ruling late last month could make these social media-based grievance peddlers think twice before targeting cops.  On April 24, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit unanimously ruled that an injured Baton Rouge, La., police officer has legal standing to sue DeRay Mckesson (he prefers not to capitalize the "k"), Black Lives Matter's unofficial mouthpiece and most visible organizer.  Mckesson, the complaint read, in coaxing a large group of demonstrators to block traffic on a highway back on July 9, 2016, created the conditions for the attack on the officer, identified only as John Doe.  The decision overturns a district court ruling.  And it is the right call.

Report: FBI Went To Baton Rouge to Investigate LSU Basketball Coach Will Wade.  The FBI reportedly went to Baton Rouge to investigate LSU basketball coach Will Wade.  Wade is currently suspended after he was allegedly caught on a wiretap offering payments to a star recruit.  He didn't coach in the NCAA tournament, and it's unclear if he'll ever coach at LSU again.  Now, it sounds like he might have bigger problems to worry about than a return to the bench.

Travis Green
Texas death row inmate linked to 1999 murder of college student, Louisiana police say.  She was just 19 years old, and studying psychology at Louisiana State University in 1999 when the killer somehow opened the dead-bolted door to her apartment and shot her to death.  The key piece of evidence was a glove left in the apartment that belonged neither to the victim, Kassie Federer, or her roommate.  But for nearly 20 years police could not conclusively match the DNA in the glove to any in law enforcement databases, until now.  With advances in DNA matching capabilities, Baton Rouge police finally were able to come up with the evidence they needed to issue a warrant for a suspect, 49-year-old Travis Green, charging him with first-degree murder and aggravated burglary, according to published reports.

Intruder dead, another arrested and more arrests possible after homeowner defends property.  One person was shot and killed in a home invasion late Tuesday night [7/18/2017] in Zachary.  According to the Zachary Police Department, the shooting occurred in the 4000 block of McHugh Road when a group of people tried to break into an apartment.  The suspect, Damon Hayes, Jr., 20, was shot and killed by a homeowner.

Louisiana sheriff's deputy shot, killed while on-duty.  A Louisiana sheriff's deputy was shot and killed late Saturday night while conducting a rape investigation near a Baton Rouge hair salon, officials said.  A suspect, who was not named, was also injured during the incident.  East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Deputy Sgt. Shawn Thomas Anderson, 43, and another officer were investigating a rape allegation at 11 p.m. when Anderson was shot inside Classic Cuts hair salon after struggling with someone, The Advocate reported.

Baton Rouge police officer is killed and alleged gunman is wounded in a barbershop shootout.  A Louisiana cop was shot dead with the alleged gunman left wounded at a shootout in a barbershop late on Saturday night [3/18/2017].  The Sheriff's Office deputy from East Baton Rouge Parish was shot just before midnight during an investigation at the Classic Cuts shop.  The deputy was investigating a domestic situation when the shooting happened.

Suspect on deadly rampage killed in shootout with Louisiana deputies.  Authorities in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, says a man who fatally shot a woman and ran over two bystanders with his car before crashing into an ambulance died following a shootout with sheriff's deputies.

Friday night fight ends when machete-swinging Baton Rouge man gets shot at, deputies say.  A Baton Rouge man retrieved a machete and began swinging it during an argument Friday night [7/15/2016], only to retreat when the other man pulled out a gun and began firing, the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office reported.  Deputies went to a Jasper Avenue apartment complex around 11 p.m.  Friday after gunshot-detecting software was activated.  Outside the complex, the deputies found Concepcion Vega, 33, who said he'd been shot at while arguing with someone in the parking lot, a Sheriff's Office report says.  No one was injured.  While investigating the incident, detectives were notified that a man claiming to be responsible for the shooting had called 911, the report says.  Deputies then found and detained the caller along with two other people at a local motel.

New Black Panther Party forms Baton Rouge chapter.  Baton Rouge residents gathered Saturday afternoon [7/16/2016] to form the newest chapter of the New Black Panther Party.  The New Black Panthers arrived in Baton Rouge last Saturday to protest the officer-involved shooting death of 37-year-old Alton Sterling.  Two videos of the shooting sparked national outcry and protests across Baton Rouge.  Jerald Justice said the group was approached by local residents like Edwin Smith to help establish a Baton Rouge chapter.

Flash mob at Mall of Louisiana goes horribly wrong when massive 200-person brawl breaks out instead.  A flash mob at the Mall of Louisiana turned violent last night, causing the shopping center to be evacuated.  As many as 200 young people were in the food court of the Baton Rouge mall for an apparent flash mob, but things turned ugly quickly.

Large-scale fight erupts at Mall of Louisiana, shutting it down.  A large-scale fight involving as many as 200 juveniles erupted in and around Baton Rouge's Mall of Louisiana Saturday night [1/5/2013], prompting three different police agencies to respond and forcing the mall to close, the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office reported.  No injuries or weapons were immediately reported, Casey Rayborn Hicks, a spokeswoman for the sheriff's department said.

Glen Oaks High Student Arrested for Assaulting Teacher.  The East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office arrested 18-year-old Renetta N. Thomas, a student at Glen Oaks High School, after Thomas reportedly assaulted a teacher on campus February 18th.  According to a report, the teacher observed Thomas skipping class and ordered her to go back to class.  Thomas became "very irate as usual with her cursing being disrespectful."  The teacher called the front office and requested the school's discipline administrator to come and handle the situation.  Thomas left the scene prior to the administrator's arrival.  The teacher completed write-up form on Thomas for her actions.  A few minutes later, while the same teacher was teaching another class, Thomas entered the classroom and kicked a desk very hard causing it to fly across the room.  Thomas then yelled "bitch you got me suspended!  Ima beat your ass now," according to the report.  Thomas then picked up a garbage can and threw it at the teacher, who was able to move and avoid being struck.  Thomas then left the scene.

Video camera inside church captures two burglars in the act.  Kevin Cyrus, a detective with the West Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office, said Monday [7/27/2015] the two black males are suspected of prying open the back doors to New Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church, 14801 N. River Road; St. Paul's Baptist Church, 6536 Bueche Road; and Greater Mount Calvary Baptist Church, 9090 Section Road, sometime late Saturday night.  Cyrus said churchgoers arrived Sunday morning to find the churches' sound systems, amplifiers, electric pianos and computers had been stolen.

This Is What Happens When USPS Is Late Delivering Packages.  "A group of teens stepped in front of the USPS vehicle and blocked it from moving; they then attacked the postal worker and began punching him," Baton Rouge Crime reported.  One teen has been arrested and the police are looking for four others.  They could be charged with a federal crime for stopping the mail delivery.  No one tried to stop this.  Observers just laughed and took cellphone pictures.

Louisiana police arrest two in possible 'knockout game' death.  Two Louisiana teenagers have been charged with second-degree murder in an attack motivated by a competition between the two to see who could hit harder, according to local police.  Windall Herring, 19, and an unnamed 15-year-old were arrested in Baton Rouge on Tuesday for the murder of 55-year-old John Bannon.  The attack occurred near Bannon's home around 9:30 p.m. on Feb. 1.  Bannon was rushed to a hospital trauma unit, but succumbed last Friday to his injuries which included a fractured skull and brain hemorrhaging, according to The (Baton Rouge) Advocate.

U.S. Marshal Shot and Killed Trying to Arrest Fugitive in Louisiana.  Deputy U.S. Marshal Josie Wells, 27, was shot at around 11 a.m. [3/10/2015] in Baton Rouge as he and other law-enforcement officers tried to arrest Jamie Croom, who was wanted for allegedly gunning down a man and his sister outside a bar in nearby Pointe Coupee Parish Feb. 17, according to the Marshals Service and NBC station WVLA.

Female Arrested in Fatal Shooting Death on Fairchild St.  According to a press release from Cpl. L'Jean McKneely, [Reginald] Lee was shot in the chest by his girlfriend, Jalisa Wilson, 23. The shooting occurred around 1:25pm this afternoon [12/30/2015].  Lee was transported to a local hospital where he later died from his injuries.  Wilson told investigators that she shot Lee in self defense after he physically attacked her.  Investigators were not able to find any physical signs of an attack.

Accused Trigger Man in Latest Homicide Surrenders to Baton Rouge Police.  Glenn Spears has turned himself in to Baton Rouge Police.  He will be booked with 1st Degree Murder and taken to the EBR Parish Prison. [...] Police say Spears was the trigger man in the slaying of George Kees Reusch, Jr. of Prairieville last Monday night [12/21/2015.  The incident took place in the parking lot of Hooters Restaurant on Corporate Blvd.

Baton Rouge Police Make Arrest in Shooting Death of 14-year-old Boy.  Baton Rouge Police have made an arrest in the city's latest shooting death in which a 14-year-old boy was the victim.  According to a press release, Carson Thomas, 20, of 4423 Sherwood St. was arrested and charged with First Degree Murder Monday [12/14/2015].

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