Immigration  Issues

Illegal immigration is an assault on the rule of law.

A country without borders is not a country.  It is a crime to sneak across the border into this country in hopes of finding work (preferably paid for in cash).  But even before immigrating illegally, many of the people coming to the U.S. had criminal records in Mexico and Central America.  Naturally the other countries are happy to export criminals, but now we're stuck with them, and the prisons are rapidly filling up.

What's really astonishing about the immigration debate lately is the number of influential people who are trying to take the word "illegal" out of the debate, as if the rule of law doesn't really matter.  It isn't just a matter of hair-splitting semantics.  This is a trend that must be vigorously resisted, because words are important.  Words have specific and definite meanings, and things happen when words are written or spoken.

Subtopics on this page:

Entering the country illegally is bad enough...

Many illegal immigrants were already violent criminals when they arrived.

Entering the country illegally is bad enough...

Illegal Alien Arrested for Voting In U.S. Elections.  The Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) arrested an illegal immigrant from Guatemala for impersonating Americans and voting in federal elections.  42-year-old Angelica Maria Francisco was taken into custody after it was revealed she had been illegally voting in both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.  She was charged with "false claims of citizenship in connection with voting, false statements in application for a United States passport, use of a United States passport obtained by false statements, and aggravated identity theft."

Mexican Man Deported 3 Times Found Guilty In Orlando For Illegal Reentry.  Daniel Hernandez-Casiano, a 44-year-old Mexican citizen, has pleaded guilty to illegally reentering the United States after being deported.  This offense carries a potential maximum sentence of 20 years in federal prison.  His sentencing hearing is set for November 4, 2024.

More than 1.2M Fugitive Illegal Aliens Remain Living Across U.S. Despite Having Final Deportation Orders.  The number of fugitive illegal aliens living across American communities, despite having been ordered deported from the United States by a federal immigration judge, has now reached more than 1.2 million under President Joe Biden.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released its year-end report showing yet another uptick in the total of fugitive illegal aliens — those who have been ordered deported but have refused to leave the U.S. — as the Biden administration has systematically gutted interior immigration enforcement.

Feds Ignore Illegal Alien ID Theft Plaguing Americans.  The historic surge of illegal immigrants across America's southern border is fueling a hidden crime spree few in Washington seem willing or able to address:  widespread identity theft victimizing unwitting Americans, perpetrated by migrants who need U.S. credentials to work.  An extensive review of government reports, think-tank research, news accounts, and interviews with policymakers and scholars suggests the problem involves millions of people — though measuring it with precision is difficult because of the lack of data provided by authorities.  A telling indication of the scope of the criminality is provided by a little-known government accounting book, the Social Security Administration's Earnings Suspense File (ESF).  It reflects the earnings of employees whose W-2 wage and tax statements have names and Social Security numbers that do not match official records.  The total logged in the file has increased tenfold from $188.9 billion at the dawn of the millennium to $1.9 trillion in 2021.

Mexican national, tax fraud fugitive arrested after six years.  A Oaxaca, Mexico man was arrested Wednesday morning after being sought for the past six years, following his indictment in a conspiracy to file fraudulent federal income tax returns.  Attorney Mark H. Wildasin said Claudio Juarez, 40, was arrested at his residence in Bowling Green, Kentucky, Wednesday morning and transported to the Middle District of Tennessee, where he appeared before a United States Magistrate Judge.  Officials said Juarez and others were charged in 2016 with conspiracy to file false claims against the United States, wire fraud, and theft of more than $1,000 of public money.

Let's not have a path to citizenship for illegal aliens.  In recent days, I've been happy to read that Biden's Budget Busting Bill may be on its last gasp if not completely dead in the water.  That's because section 60001 of H.R. 5376 grants lawfully admitted permanent resident (LPR) status to the DREAMers.  They are essentially illegals brought here as children who have done relatively well since then.  I understand the "compassionate" argument, that they did not choose to come here and they've done the best they can.  However, many, if not most, of them have engaged in federal felony identity theft.  To enroll in school, obtain employment, get a bank account, and have credit cards, they would have needed to provide a Social Security number.  Given that they have no legal access to their own SSN, they used someone else's.  That's a crime, and it was a deliberate one.

DHS drafts plan to allow fraudsters to keep citizenship.  The Homeland Security Department is circulating a draft proposal that would severely curtail its attempts to strip citizenship from people who were naturalized based on fraud.  The Washington Times saw a draft of the memo, from Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the heads of the three immigration agencies.  The memo says people might not apply for citizenship because they worry about losing it in the future.  "Naturalized citizens deserve finality and security in their rights as citizens," the memo says.  "Department policies should not cause a chilling effect or barriers for lawful permanent residents seeking to naturalize."

A frightening story from So.  Cal. highlights the risks of open borders.  The story is a simple one:  In Riverside, California, located a mere 112 miles from Tijuana, Mexico, just on the other side of the American border, police found 21 kilograms of carfentanil in [Andres Jesus] Morales's and [Christine] Ponce's home.  In addition, they possessed cocaine and heroin.  The carfentanil is what veterinarians wear when they sedate large animals such as elephants, and it's so dangerous they wear protective gear when using it. [...] So, where does carfentanil come from?  It comes from the same place that most of the fentanyl flooding America originates:  China.

Customs officials worried seized Mexican passports are bound for criminal immigrants.  The federal agency responsible for inspecting incoming international mail is concerned people sneaking across the border are mailing themselves identifying documents from abroad, which would allow them to apply for driver's licenses and other benefits in the United States.  Last week, international mail inspectors with U.S. Customs and Border Protection in St.  Louis seized four shipments from Guatemala and Mexico that contained two Mexican passports, two birth certificates, three identity certificates, and several vehicle registration cards.  While fake identification documents are regularly seized in the mail, these were valid government documents, and the passports belonged to two Mexican citizens.  Neither of the two Mexicans obtained permission from the U.S. government to be in the country, a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection explained.

Life on a Border Ranch:  Cut Water Lines, Downed Fences, Stolen Property, Dead Bodies.  John Ladd, whose family has ranched at the U.S.-Mexico border for more than 125 years, says illegal immigrants tell him that President Joe Biden invited them to come.  "The biggest difference with the people coming now is, when Border Patrol catches them, they tell them, they say, 'We're going to stay here, no matter what you do to us, because your President Biden wants us,'" Ladd tells The Daily Signal in an interview on his ranch near Bisbee, Arizona.  Ladd, 66, says he and his family are on constant alert for theft by illegal immigrants who cross the border onto his ranch.  The ranchers also must make sure that cattle haven't escaped and wandered onto the highway because illegal immigrants cut fences, Ladd says.

Numerous Illegal Aliens Charged With 2016 Voter Fraud In North Carolina.  Nineteen foreign nationals face federal charges in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina for illegally voting in the 2016 federal elections, according to federal charges.  A federal grand jury in Wilmington charged seven foreign nationals on August 31 on federal felony charges including falsely claiming U.S. citizenship or making false statements on voter registration application, and with misdemeanor charges of unlawfully casting ballots in the 2016 presidential election.  Non-citizens are not eligible to register to vote or to vote in federal elections under U.S. law.

19 Foreign Nationals Charged with Voter Fraud in Swing State North Carolina.  19 foreign nationals were charged in August in North Carolina with voter fraud after voting in the 2016 elections.  The charges are the latest in an ongoing investigation conducted by ICE officials.  Maybe this is why Democrats hate ICE so much?

More Illegal Aliens Charged for Voter Fraud in the 2016 Presidential Race.  It's now Sep. 2020, and the feds are still uncovering voter fraud in the 2016 presidential election.  No telling how long it will take to weed through all the illegal votes cast this November, especially if Democrats get their way on vote-by-mail.  In an ongoing investigation by ICE's Homeland Security Investigations office in Raleigh, North Carolina, 19 more illegal aliens have been charged with illegally voting in the 2016 presidential election.  The years-long investigation resulted in charges against 19 other foreign nationals back in Aug. 2018 for also voting illegally in 2016. According to an ICE press release, the illegal aliens violated U.S. election law that bars non-citizens from registering to vote or voting in federal elections under U.S. law.

Illegal Immigrant in DNC Video Actually Deported by Clinton, Re-Arrested by Obama.  Alejandra Juarez successfully re-entered the U.S. illegally at an unknown time after her first deportation, according to ICE.  She was arrested again in 2013.  She ultimately left the U.S. on a commercial flight in 2018 under President Trump.  During the third night of the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday evening [8/19/2020], Juarez's story was part of an immigration segment where her 11-year-old daughter Estela read a letter she wrote to Trump criticizing him for deporting her mother, who first came to the U.S. illegally in 1998 and lied to a U.S. border agent about her immigration status.  According to ICE, after Juarez was deported, she attempted to re-enter the U.S. again "by falsely claiming to be a U.S. citizen but then withdrew her application."

15 arrested as Border Patrol says agents break up maritime smuggling ring.  Within hours after a boat landed on a state beach in Encinitas and the occupants took off running, federal agents found and arrested 15 people, dismantling a suspected smuggling ring, the U.S. Border Patrol said Tuesday [6/30/2020].  About 3:30 p.m.  Friday, a 25-foot pleasure craft came ashore at Beacon's Beach, the agency said in a news release.  According to the Border Patrol, witnesses said they saw 11 people running on the beach, and two more scrambling up the cliffs.  Agents searched but could not find anyone.  They did, however, discover 13 life jackets in the empty boat.

$2.7 Million in Meth Seized at Texas Border Crossing.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in the Texas Rio Grande Valley seized more than 137 pounds of methamphetamine at the Brownsville/Matamoros International Bridge last week.  Officials valued the seizure at more than $2.7 million.  Rio Grande Valley Sector CBP officers assigned to the Brownsville/Matamoros International Bridge on June 17 observed a tan 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe approaching from Mexico for inspection.  Officers identified the driver as a 72-year-old Mexican man.  The officers referred the driver to a secondary inspection station, according to information obtained from CBP officials.

Brazilian Migrants Arrested in Maine After Visas Expired.  Rangeley Station Border Patrol agents received a tip about suspicious activity near a Walmart store in Farmington, Maine.  Agents responded to the area where they encountered two Brazilian migrants.  During an interview with the migrants, Border Patrol agents learned the two men entered the U.S. legally on B1/B2 tourist visas more than 11 years ago, according to information obtained from Houlton Sector Border Patrol officials.

Senegalese man admits using dead American's ID for more than 30 years.  A Senegalese national living in Southern California pleaded guilty Thursday [9/12/2019] to impersonating a dead American citizen for 31 years to net thousands of dollars in federal, state and local government benefits, according to federal prosecutors.  Almamy Baba Ly, who was living in La Mesa, admitted in San Diego federal court to identity theft charges, acknowledging that he misused the identity of Lyle Lindsey, who died in a car accident as a toddler in 1957, to obtain identification documents.  As part of his plea, Ly admitted that he was born in Senegal and did not have legal status to live in the U.S.

Unanimous Supreme Court:  It's 'Predictable' That Noncitizens Will Act 'Unlawfully'.  On its way to ruling by a 5-4 majority that the Secretary of Commerce improperly decided to include a citizenship question in the 2020 Census, the Supreme Court unanimously concluded that states had legal standing to sue the federal government over this issue based on the court's conclusion that it is "predictable" that noncitizens will act "unlawfully" by declining to fill out the Census questionnaire.  The court explained its conclusion on this question in Part II of its opinion, which all nine justices joined.  "To have standing," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in this unanimously-joined part of his opinion in Department of Commerce v. New York, "a plaintiff must present an injury that is concrete, particularized, and actual or imminent; fairly traceable to the defendant's challenged behavior; and likely to be redressed by a favorable ruling."

Supreme Court offers gun-possession loophole for illegal immigrants.  The Supreme Court ruled Friday [6/21/2019] that an illegal immigrant who had a gun — a crime — can't be prosecuted if he didn't know he was in the country illegally.  In a 7-2 decision the justices said in a crime where the status of a person is the "crucial element" to the offense, the government must prove the person was aware of that.  Otherwise, it might just be an innocent mistake.  That could affect "thousands" of previous convictions.

The Editor says...
Anyone who crawled over (or under) a wall or a fence in the middle of the night, and then began a "life in the shadows," should be well aware that he or she is living here illegally.

More Than 100,000 Illegal Migrants Have Escaped Border Patrol Agents in 2019, Provost Says.  Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost spoke to Congress on Thursday [6/19/2019] about the immigration crisis, and how it's keeping agents from apprehending migrants who cross the border illegally.  "I have been forced to divert 40% to 60% of Border Patrol's manpower away from the border as we process and care for nearly 435,000 family and children that have flooded across our southern border so far this year," Provost said Thursday before the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border Security, Facilitation and Operations.

Four Mexican Migrants Arrested in Vermont After Crossing Canadian Border.  Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents and a K-9 arrested four Mexican nationals who illegally crossed the Canadian border into Vermont.  Agents assigned to the Swanton Sector's Tactical Communications Center (TCC) notified agents about a possible illegal border crossing near Highgate, Vermont.  Agents deployed to the area with a K-9 team to track down the group of migrants, according to information obtained from Border Patrol officials.

El Paso man calls 911 when mob of migrants climb wall into yard — and no one responds.  An El Paso man was sitting on his porch late at night this week when a mob of illegal immigrants came waltzing down his street.  Moments later, four of the men climbed over a concrete stone wall and into the courtyard of Ed Gonzalez's home, where he cares for his elderly bedridden mother, KVIA reports.  "I was here by myself, four guys here, and I was afraid of getting jumped," Gonzalez said.  He yelled at the men repeatedly, and they eventually dashed off, though they left a lingering impression.

Liberals Tell Supreme Court How Illegal Immigration Increases Their Power.  Liberals in the U.S. House of Representatives and various state and local jurisdictions are asking the Supreme Court to join them in making a remarkable prediction:  Next year, they argue, unless the court acts now to restrain the Department of Commerce, vast numbers of illegal aliens will violate a U.S. law that has profound constitutional consequences.  This widespread law breaking, they predict, will impact federal elections for at least 10 years.  And, these liberals contend, the bad guys in this situation will not be the illegal aliens violating the law but the federal agency trying to enforce it.  We are talking about the 2020 census.

When multiple background investigations fail:
Illegal Alien Served In U.S. Navy and U.S. Border Patrol.  Illegal aliens may falsely claim to be United States citizens to evade detection by immigration law enforcement officers and hence, deportation (removal) from the United States but that crime is rarely prosecuted.  When I attended the U.S. Border Patrol Academy at the beginning of my career with the former INS was methods for breaking such false claims to U.S. citizenship.  To my knowledge no other law enforcement agencies provide instruction in this issue.  In an earlier aptly titled article, False Claims To U.S. Citizenship[,] I noted that because of such false claims, particularly when aliens are incarcerated, it is impossible to know how many illegal alien criminals are actually incarcerated around the United States, particularly in "Sanctuary" jurisdictions, where the rule of the day for immigration issues can be summed up as "Don't ask, don't tell."

ICE arrests 123 criminal aliens in New Jersey.  There is a lot of focus in the political class about the effects of mass migration on the illegal immigrants themselves, but there is not much focus on the criminals we are letting in who harm Americans.  To get a sense of the magnitude of the criminal alien problem in this country, consider that ICE just arrested 123 criminal aliens in one operation in New Jersey, a state where the local officials don't readily hand over those charged with crimes to federal immigration officials.

On-the-spot DNA tests could be key to ICE verifying 'immigrant families' at border.  The U.S. government has adopted a DNA testing system that would allow border officials to assess within two hours whether immigrants claiming to be in the same family are telling the truth.  Last June, the FBI approved the use of ANDE, an automated system which was developed with the military and can be operated by a nonscientist to process cheek swabs and other DNA.  In October, it was used on human remains found after wildfires swept through Northern California.  It is now under consideration by the Department of Homeland Security and could be used by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  Federal immigration officials believe the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border is about to become more complicated due to an uptick in falsified documents being used by migrants.

Border smugglers now ramming down corrugated border fences with trucks in San Diego.  As California's leftist Gov. Gavin Newsom grandstands about suing the Trump administration over its construction of a concrete border wall, Mexico's human smugglers are having a grand old time, ramming through the corrugated junk metal fencing that's there with heavy smuggling vehicles, terrorist-style.

Armed Human Smuggler Arrested near Migrant Caravan Group.  Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents arrested an armed human smuggler with a group of Mexican migrants not far from another group of caravan migrants.  It appears the smuggler attempted to use the Central American migrants as a diversion in order to bring across the Mexican nationals.

Customs Intercepts $12M in Meth at Border.  Customs and Border Patrol agents intercepted more than $12 million worth of methamphetamine that crossed into the U.S. inside a truck carrying frozen strawberries from Mexico.  The agency on Tuesday [2/19/2019]said officers working at the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge cargo facility in Texas intercepted the truck that held 906 pounds of meth worth $12.7 million.  The discovery was made on Feb. 16 after imaging equipment and dogs used to inspect the truck revealed 350 packages of what appeared to be methamphetamine hidden within the trailer.

6 illegal immigrants linked to Mexican cartel arrested in NC for drug trafficking operation, officials say.  Six illegal immigrants with ties to a Mexican drug cartel — a rival of the powerful Sinaloa cartel, whose notorious leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was convicted last week — were arrested in an elaborate drug trafficking operation in North Carolina, according to reports.  The massive drug operation included transporting large amounts of cocaine and methamphetamine across state lines — for instance, from Texas to Georgia and North Carolina, WSOC reported.

'Huge, Sophisticated' Mexican Cartel Meth Lab Busted by DEA in Georgia.  Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents busted a "huge and sophisticated" meth lab near Atlanta, Georgia, they say is run by a Mexican drug cartel.  DEA Special Agent in Charge Robert Murphy told Conservative Review that his office busted a methamphetamine lab run by the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) in an affluent suburb near Atlanta.  He called the operation "huge and sophisticated."

Group of twelve Mexican and Chinese nationals are arrested after coming ashore in makeshift boat.  The Huntington Fire Department rushed to met a makeshift boat that was holding at least 12 people after it came ashore on Monday afternoon [1/28/32019] at the Naval Weapons Station in Seal Beach, California.  'Huntington Beach crews on scene to a Multi-Casualty incident, 9 patients arrive on boat more information to come.  PIO en route,' read a tweet posted by the public information officer.  Those individuals were revealed to be 10 Chinese nationals and two Mexican nationals.  One of the Mexicans is a known smuggler.

Drug Smugglers Bring 700 lbs Of Cocaine Across Border In Area With No Barrier, CBP Says.  Border Patrols agents seized hundreds of pounds of cocaine at an unsecured area of the U.S.-Mexico border on Thursday [1/17/2019], according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).  "Customs and Border Protection said the suspects were seen loading 'bundles of narcotics' into an off-road-style utility vehicle outside of Garciasville, a city in Texas up against the river," the Washington Examiner reported.  "The suspects, apparently aware they had been seen, were able to 'abruptly' drive the vehicle into the river and escape into Mexico."

This New Year's tradition rattles residents in Fort Worth.  Growing up in a small pueblo in Durango, Mexico, Carlos Cerda remembers New Year's Eve by the sound of gunfire.  The men would run out at midnight and fire their pistols into the air, he said.  For Cerda, it was safest to hide under the table.  "That was a little traumatizing," he said in Spanish.  "The most dangerous part about it is that you don't know where the bullets came from or where they went."

Border agents seize $1.7 million in meth, in second largest drug bust this week.  Officials seized nearly $1.3 million worth of meth at the U.S.-Mexico Border in Texas on Thursday [12/13/2018], marking the second time this week that agents thwarted a significant narcotics smuggling attempt.  Agents with Customs and Border Protection and the Office of Field Operations were alerted to a 2018 Chevrolet Silverado attempting to enter the U.S. through the Juarez-Lincoln International Bridge.

Caravan Migrant Climbs Tree, Sets It on Fire — Throws Rocks at Border Patrol.  A previously deported illegal alien climbed a tree to avoid being arrested by Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents.  He then set the tree on fire and threw rocks at the agents and a helicopter.  Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents observed footprints leading from the international boundary just east of Andrade, California, port of entry.  The tracks led the agents to a man who had just illegally entered the U.S. from Mexico, according to information obtained by Breitbart News from Border Patrol officials.

Mexican National Gets 54 Months in U.S. Prison for Making More Than 1,000 Fake IDs — in Ohio.  A 44-year-old Mexican woman living in Marion, Ohio, has been sentenced to 54 months in prison for operating what federal prosecutors call "a document mill that produced more than 1,000 false identification documents."  "Law enforcement executed a search warrant at Buendia-Chavarria's residence in October 2017, where they located numerous false identification documents, five handwritten ledgers containing other peoples' names, dates of birth and Social Security numbers, and in some cases, who the identity was sold to, according to court documents," says a statement released by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Ohio.

25 Straight Minutes of Illegal Aliens Crossing Into US Through Arizona Ranch.  Arizona rancher John Chilton's 50,000-acre spread along the U.S.-Mexico border is allegedly ground zero for human smugglers, drug cartel members and illegal immigrants, and he has videos showing trespassers sneaking through his property.  A fifth-generation cattleman, the 79-year-old Chilton has long warned the government about the dangers of leaving lengthy stretches of the southwest border secured by nothing more than a barbed wire fence.  To prove his point, he set up surveillance cameras throughout his property to document the comings and goings of trespassers from south of the border.

Investigation: Potentially 39M Cases of Identity Theft by Illegal Aliens in Last Four Years.  There have been potentially 39 million cases in the last four years in which Americans have had their identities and Social Security Numbers stolen by illegal aliens, a new investigation reveals. [...] If each fraudulent Social Security Number user submitted only one W-2 form a year under a fake identity, this still amounts to nearly ten million individuals using stolen identities of American citizens.

Idiot Streaker Who Interrupted MLB Game Could Be Deported — Report.  The first rule of immigration, no matter where you are in the world, is "if you're not a citizen of a country, do not break that country's laws. [...] The problem here is that the streaker is an Irish national, not a U.S. citizen, and now he's potentially facing deportation proceedings.

Mexican national deported 5 times from U.S. sentenced to 9 months for 3rd DUI in Chesterfield, felony ID fraud.  A Mexican national who has lived in the U.S. illegally for 28 years and has been deported five times was sentenced Monday [7/30/2018] to nine months in jail for his third drunken-driving offense in Chesterfield County and felony identity fraud.  The defendant, Mario Santos-Ochoa, now faces deportation again after serving his time.  Immigration authorities have placed a detainer on him.  Santos-Ochoa, 44, has been raising a family with four children — the oldest is 21 — during his unlawful stay in the U.S. over the past three decades, his attorney said in court Monday.

National Guard making impact at US-Mexico line, Customs and Border Protection agency says.  National Guard troops deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border following President Donald Trump's April directive have freed U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel to apprehend an additional 1,600 people illegally crossing into the U.S., CBP officials said.  The approximately 775 National Guard troops have also helped capture 1,000 pounds of marijuana and turn back 451 people who attempted to illegally cross the border, the Washington Examiner reported.

Illegal Aliens Busted with Four Kilos of Cocaine.  Two Chapel Hill brothers are facing multiple drug trafficking charges following a traffic stop conducted Tuesday morning [3/20/2018] in Hillsborough, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

Man deported after disgruntled ex-girlfriend reports him to ICE.  An illegal immigrant living in Kansas was deported Friday after his ex-girlfriend reported him to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), local media reported.  Mexican national Serafin Alegria-Zamora, 37, endured a "final act of terror" when his ex-girlfriend reported him to immigration authorities, his attorney, Rekha Sharma-Crawford said, according to The Kansas City Star.  Alegria-Zamora's application for a "U" visa — a nonimmigrant visa designated for "victims of certain crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse" — reportedly was pending for four months when he was deported.

Harsh lesson for taxpayers as illegal alien felon pleads guilty to stealing $361K in benefits.  If you are an average payer of federal income taxes, the entire amount of money you have paid and will pay in federal income taxes over your lifetime has been stolen by one illegal alien, with plenty of money left over to pillage from the tax payments of your neighbors.  Kristina Davis of the San Diego Union-Tribune broke a story two days ago that now is rightfully garnering national attention.

Mexican man admits he assumed American's identity in 1980 and stole $361,000 in government benefits.  It started as a rather straightforward Social Security fraud investigation — a man receiving disability benefits pretending to live in the United States when in fact he lived in Tijuana.  What authorities uncovered was a 37-year identity theft scheme by a repeat felon who violated immigration laws and bilked federal, state and local governments out of hundreds of thousands of dollars in benefits, according to a plea agreement entered in San Diego federal court this week.

Mexican man assumed American identity for decades: court records.  A Mexican man who was deported twice and had a history of arrests was able to assume the identity of an American citizen and receive more than $360,000 in government benefits for nearly four decades, California court records show.  Andres Avelino Anduaga used a fake birth certificate starting in 1980 to develop a seemingly legitimate persona by applying for a California driver's license, Social Security number and U.S. passport, according to documents obtained by the San Diego Union-Tribune.  The official U.S. documents identified him as Abraham Riojos, born in Texas in 1958.  Anduaga, who's actually 66 years old and a resident of Tijuana, Mexico, pleaded guilty last week in San Diego to theft of public property and being a previously removed unauthorized immigrant in the U.S., the newspaper reported Saturday [3/3/2018].

Illegal Immigrant From Mexico Used Stolen Identity To Rip Off $300K In Government Benefits.  A Mexican national stole the identity of an American citizen and used it to bilk federal and local governments of more than $300,000 worth of disability benefits over more than 30 years, according to a plea entered Thursday in San Diego federal court.  The man — identified as 66-year-old Andres Avelino Anduaga — admitted that he assumed the identity of a Texas resident named Abraham Riojos in 1980, and then used Riojos' information to apply for a California driver's license, a Social Security number and a U.S. passport.

Illegal immigrant from Mexico pleads guilty to using fake identity to steal $361,000 in government benefits.  A Mexican national has confessed to stealing the identity of an American citizen, and over the course of 37 years pocketing hundreds of thousands of dollars in government benefits.  Andres Avelino Anduaga, 66 — who hails from Tijuana, Mexico — admitted in San Diego federal court on Thursday [3/1/2018] that he assumed the fake identity of a Texas resident named Abraham Riojos in 1980 after obtaining a fraudulent birth certificate, and then successfully applied for a California driver's license, Social Security number and passport.  From 1989 to 2016, according to the plea agreement, he received around $361,000 in benefits — which included Medi-Cal, food stamps and Supplemental Security Income benefits.

Illegal immigrant deported 44 times in 15 years tops feds' list.  He is the world's most persistent illegal immigrant:  One Mexican managed to get deported 44 times in 15 years — which means he also managed to sneak back across the border at least that many times.  The runner-up was ousted 40 times from 2001 to 2015.  No. 3, 4 and 5 on the list were deported 35, 34 and 31 times, respectively, according to data provided to The Washington Times by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  While those are the most extreme cases, repeat-illegal immigrants were back in the news this week after police said a twice-deported man was driving drunk in Indiana on Sunday morning when he plowed into pro football player Edwin Jackson and his Uber driver, killing them both.

DOJ Data on Incarcerated Aliens — 94 Percent of All Confirmed Aliens in DOJ Custody Are Unlawfully Present.  President Trump's Executive Order on Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States requires the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to collect relevant data and provide quarterly reports on data collection efforts.  On Dec. 18, 2017, DOJ and DHS released the FY 2017 4th Quarter Alien Incarceration Report, complying with this order.  The report found that more than one-in-five of all persons in Bureau of Prisons custody were foreign born, and that 94 percent of confirmed aliens in custody were unlawfully present.

One Company — 800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid.  No one really knows the scale of how many illegal aliens are currently embedded within the U.S. workforce because the immigration laws and employment laws are in conflict.  However, as one example — a single commercial Chicago Bakery, Cloverhill, was audited (raided) by Immigration and Customs Enforcement recently and a full one-third of their 2,400 employee total workforce was illegal.

Previously Deported Illegal Alien Caught Selling Cocaine, Fentanyl in Massachusetts.  Tewksbury and Billerica Police, along with state and federal law enforcement officers, arrested three people and recovered large quantities of cocaine and fentanyl during an early Thursday morning raid on Ames Hill Drive in Tewksbury.  Wilson Soto, 49, Christina Richardson, 48, and Soto's son, Yojanel Soto, 20, all of 412 Ames Hill Drive, were charged with trafficking fentanyl, trafficking over 200 grams of cocaine, and conspiracy to violate drug laws.

Deported 'Dreamer' Caught Entering The US Illegally Again.  It was big news earlier this year when 23-year-old Juan Manuel Montes-Bojorquez filed a lawsuit against U.S. Customs and Border Protection claiming he had been deported to Mexico even though he was a protected DACA recipient.  Monday, Bojorque was arrested after coming across the border illegally again.

Illegal Aliens Crash Nancy Pelosi's DACA Press Conference.  A group of illegal aliens calling themselves the "Immigration Liberation Movement" crashed a press conference by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Monday [9/18/2017], warning the Democratic Party not to "sell [us] out."  The group shouted down Rep. Pelosi, who struggled to maintain control of the meeting, and unfurled a large banner calling for all illegal aliens to be legalized.

Man in the country illegally found in New Hanover County.  A man found in New Hanover County has been charged with illegal reentry of a deported alien according to US Department of Justice release sent Friday afternoon.  Raul Gaytan-Rodriguez, 32, of Mexico, is facing a maximum of two years in prison, supervised probation and a $250,000 fine if convicted.

College Park to allow non-US citizens the right to vote in local elections.  The College Park City Council has voted in favor of a measure that would allow city residents who are not U.S. citizens to vote in local elections.  College Park joins six other towns in allowing legal permanent residents and undocumented immigrants to vote in municipal elections.

Illegal Aliens Were Running [a] $100 Million Check Cashing Scheme.  Three undocumented immigrants from Brazil are accused of running an illegal check-cashing scheme that laundered up to $100 million, officials say.  Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina announced Monday [7/28/2017] the arrests of 51-year-old Renato Maia Da Silva of Cinnaminson; 34-year-old Lucas Alves of Cinnaminson; and 33-year-old Wesley Dos Santos of Palmyra, following a nine-month investigation.  All three were charged with financial facilitation of criminal activity.

Illegal Immigrants Stole More than ONE MILLION Identities.  Regardless of who steals your identity, the likelihood of it ending up in the hands of an illegal is pretty good.  Yet the Left declares allowing illegals in America humanitarian.  Spoken like people who haven't been the victims of identity theft.

Did Votes By Non-Citizens Cost Trump The 2016 Popular Vote?  Sure Looks That Way.  Late in 2016, we created a stir by suggesting that Donald Trump was likely right when he claimed that millions of noncitizens had illegally voted in the U.S. election.  Now, a study by a New Jersey think tank provides new evidence that that's what happened.

Six-time Deportee Arrested in Texas.  An illegal immigrant deported six times prior from the United States is facing deportation again after crossing the U.S.-Mexico Border.  Agustin Jorge Figueroa-Garcia, a 29 of Mexico, was caught by federal immigration agents with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency in Texas, according to News4 San Antonio.

The Editor says...
If anyone asks me, I can solve this problem overnight.  Here's how:  When someone is caught re-entering this country after having been deported at least once before, he or she should be deported again, to the most remote and desolate part of the Peruvian coast, or perhaps the Ivory Coast.  Instead of passing the same people back and forth across a fence, repeat offenders should have a life-changing experience that will make it almost impossible for them to re-enter the United States.  The word will get around Mexico very quickly:  Don't go north again or you will disappear.

Illegal Aliens Caught With Nearly $1 Million Worth of Dope in Alabama.  All five suspects arrested Thursday [5/25/2017] in a probe that yielded nearly $1 million worth of drugs were in the U.S. illegally, authorities said Friday.  The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency announced the arrests of Elsy Judith Martinez-Lopez, 30, Bernardo M. Lopez, 36, Misael Agosttini-Otero, 32, Rafael A. Arvayo-Lopez, 31 and Armando Escobar-Jackes, 39.  Two of the suspects — Martinez Lopez and Escobar-Jackes — are being held without bond in the Jefferson County Jail.  It's unclear who has custody of the other three.

'We're living in an occupied country'.  Ranchers Jim and Sue Chilton have been fighting for years for better US-Mexico border protection.  Donald Trump is the only one they trust to stop the drug cartel that controls their land.

Deported migrants search for 'right spot' on Mexican border to return to life in US.  José Alberto Sánchez is arguably one of the world's most motivated job-seekers.  The fibreglass installer has endured hunger, thirst, exhaustion, extortion, betrayal and incarceration in three attempts to enter the United States and reclaim his old job.  From the border city of Ciudad Juárez, which overlooks El Paso, Texas, the 40-year-old Mexican is now preparing his fourth attempt.

The Editor says...
The news media has recently begun to use these sob-story anecdotes to portray illegal aliens as victims of America's ruthless isolationism, (willing to do the jobs Americans won't do, etc.,) rather than reporting the simple fact that hordes of freeloading criminal invaders are squirming the numerous cracks in our defenses.

Illegal Aliens Busted in Cloned Border Patrol Vehicle.  Human smugglers carrying 12 illegal aliens were captured north of Laredo in a cloned U.S. Border Patrol vehicle.  The incident happened on Interstate 35 at mile marker 65 near the town of Cotulla.  That would be located nearly seventy miles into Texas.  A border patrol agent became suspicious of the cloned vehicle while he was following it, Border Patrol Agent Hector Garza told Breitbart Texas while acting in his capacity as president of the National Border Patrol Council, Local 2455.  After stopping the suspicious vehicle the driver was arrested and the agent found 12 illegal aliens stuffed inside the Chevy Tahoe that had been painted with Border Patrol vehicle markings.

The Editor says...
I think the name of the city is officially pronounced co-TOO-la, but some of the natives call it ka-CHOO-la.

Reid blocks Cruz on tougher penalties for illegal immigrants.  Senate Democrats blocked legislation Wednesday [11/4/2015] from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) that would create tougher penalties for undocumented immigrants who reenter the country after being deported.  Cruz, who is running for president, tried to get unanimous consent to pass his legislation — referred to as "Kate's Law," after Kathryn Steinle, who was shot and killed in San Francisco allegedly by an illegal immigrant who had already been deported five times.

Usurpation of Congress: Amnesty Granted to Millions of Illegal Aliens.  The White House has released a new strategy surrounding the deportation of illegal aliens in the United States without Congressional approval.  Yesterday [8/18/2011] on the White House website, under the disguise of "maximizing public safety and better focusing resources," Homeland Security Officials will now turn a blind eye to illegal aliens who "don't have a criminal record."  The problem is, all illegal aliens do have criminal records.  Entering the United States without permission is a crime per US Code Section 1325.

What Part of "Illegal" Don't Americans Understand?  Do you believe in the free enterprise system?  Do you believe in the rule of law, based on the Constitution, as the only way to protect your natural rights?  Do you believe that the United States is unique among any other nation or system on earth?  If you hold these ideals as truth, then there is only one solution to illegal immigration.  It must be stopped.

"Illegal" — Slur or accurate label?  "Undocumented" is preferred by some for certain immigrants; others see a cover-up.

Groups Struggle to Clean Up Mess Illegal Immigrants Leave Behind.  Government officials and border activists say the garbage dumped in the desert by illegal immigrants and their smugglers is staggering.  And the cleanup is costing taxpayers millions.  In 2006 alone, more than 1.18 million pounds of trash was collected along southern Arizona border, many in the meeting spots where immigrants rest, change clothes and wait to hitch a ride further north with a smuggler.

U.S. Unable to Deport Most Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes.  Ezeiquiel Lopez already had a rap sheet that stretched all the way to Texas when, police said, he shot Kenosha County, Wisconsin, Deputy Sheriff Frank Fabiano in the head, killing him.  Lopez, 45, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was free at the time of the May shooting, after having been jailed for two prior violent crimes.  By law, he should have been deported, but federal immigration authorities didn't know he had been in custody, and state and local police didn't tell them.

Attack of the killer euphemisms:  How can the truth ever be derived from a debate in which plain facts cannot be set forth plainly?

The Attack of the Alien Outlaws:  The instant they plant their foot on American soil they have broken the law.  They are illegal aliens and, from that moment, they become a plague on every American's quality of life.  They crowd our schools and don't pay for the privilege.  They fill our hospitals, forcing many into bankruptcy.  They help to infest our nation with dangerous drugs, destroying our children while the crime rate soars.  Thousands sneak across the border in dilapidated trucks, endangering law-abiding Americans on our highways.  They flood our welfare rolls, costing American taxpayers as much as $30 billion per year.

California Woman's Social Security Stolen by Suspected Illegal Immigrants.  Audra Schmierer's Social Security number really gets around.  It has been used by at least 81 people in 17 states, most of them probably illegal immigrants trying to get work.  The federal government took years to discover the number was being used illegally, but authorities took little action even then.

Immigrants are stealing U.S. Social Security numbers for jobs, not profits.  Camber Lybbert thought it was a mistake when her bank told her that her daughter's Social Security number, issued by the U.S. government, was on their files for two credit cards and two auto loans, with an outstanding balance of more than $25,000.  Her daughter is 3 years old.

The welcome mat's out for illegal aliens:  Incredible as it seems, open-borders advocates are now saying the federal government is responsible for ensuring the safety of those who try to come here illegally.

The Mexican Invasion:  The families of eleven immigrants who died while attempting to enter the United States illegally have filed a $41 million lawsuit against two federal agencies.  The suits assert that the United States, specifically the Department of Interior and the US Fish and Wildlife Service, failed to provide water to Mexicans trying to sneak into America and that was the reason they died.

Crack Down on Criminal Aliens:  "Aliens arriving at our shores must understand that residency in the United States is a privilege, not a right," Ashcroft wrote.  "For those aliens ... who engage in violent criminal acts during their stay here, this country will not offer its embrace."

Mexican Deported 7 Times Pleads Not Guilty to Illegal Re-Entry.  An illegal immigrant who has been arrested previously on drug and firearms charges and deported seven times Friday pleaded not guilty to illegally re-entering the United States.

Crossing the Border Into Gomorrah:  Religious leaders are expected to hold enlightened views.  But insisting on church support for illegal aliens is a benighted view.  It insults every immigrant who took the trouble to come here legally.  It sends the message that following the rules does not matter.  Is that the message that churches want to send in this age of mass moral confusion?

The Illegality of the [Austin] City-Run Day Labor Site:  It is ironic that a Council insistent on curtailing economic growth to protect lizards would violate federal immigration to law to provide workers for construction and building companies the engines of the urban sprawl they so detest.  If the economy ever turns, will there be a mass deportation effort directed against those who were recently provided work by their municipality?  Probably not.  Illegal immigrants are people, not machines to be turned off when they are no longer needed.

Guests or gate crashers:  The Bush administration is pushing a program to legalize "guest workers."  But what is a guest?  Someone you have invited.  People who force their way into your home without your permission are called gate crashers.

Guests or gate crashers?  Part II.  What about all those illegal workers that we "need"?  Many of the illegals are working in agriculture, producing crops that have been in chronic surplus for decades. … In California, surplus crops grown and harvested by illegal immigrants are often also subsidized by federal water projects which charge the farmers in dry California valleys far less than the cost to the government of providing that water — and a fraction of what people in Los Angeles or San Francisco pay for the same amount of water.

Legalizing the Illegals:  Many Americans are concerned because millions of illegal immigrants enter this country and little seems to be done to stop them.  But California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, is upset because now something is being done to catch some of them.  Police raids on dozens of Wal-Mart stores are "terrorizing" illegal immigrants, according to House Minority Leader Pelosi.  What would she do about illegal immigrants?  Legalize them!

Home Loans for Illegal Aliens?  The American dream of home ownership, complete with the white picket fence, is alive and well for those who break our laws and break down our fences to get in. … Despite federal laws making it illegal to violate the borders, overstay visas, and recruit, harbor and encourage illegal aliens, the Washington Post notes that the illegal alien home loan schemes are "legal."

Poll Shows 68% of All Americans See Illegal Immigration as Extremely or Very Serious Problem.  A new Time magazine poll by SRBI Pubic Affairs on immigration finds that 68% of all Americans believe that illegal immigration is either an "extremely" or "very" serious problem and an amazing 82% feel the country is not doing enough to stem the flow of illegal immigration.

What part of 'illegal' don't you get?  There are many things I like and admire about President Bush.  But his constant pandering to Mexico's Vicente Fox doesn't happen to be one of them.  At best, I find it unseemly; at worst, humiliating.

Clinton vows to block bill criminalizing illegal immigrants.  Invoking Biblical themes, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton joined immigration advocates Wednesday [3/22/2006] to vow and block legislation seeking to criminalize undocumented immigrants.

Council Declares City an Illegal Migrant Haven:  Coachella has become the latest Southern California city to declare itself a haven for illegal immigrants.  Under the resolution, the city will not use local police to enforce immigration law, said Mayor Jesse Villarreal.

Company's success was 'curious' to competitors.  When Houston-based IFCO Systems North America Inc. reported record profits last year, others in the unglamorous business of recycling wooden pallets couldn't help but wonder how the company did it. … Federal investigators think a significant portion of those profits came on the backs of illegal immigrant workers recruited in Houston and bused to at least 26 plants across the country.

California Rewards Illegal Aliens:  Assembly Bill 540 allows undocumented high school graduates who have been in residence in California for three years to enroll in community colleges and the California State University and University of California systems without paying nonresident tuition.

How did 'Americanization' and 'legal' become bad words?  America may be too good for its own good.  The qualities that draw people from all over the world — religious and political freedom, the rule of law, due process, a vibrant economy, and a high standard of living — are the same qualities bad eggs use against us.

Whether called amnesty or guest worker, it is still immoral.  America welcomes immigrants who want to be American, who come to the United States legally, obey the laws and the Constitution, and learn to speak English.  Most start with entry-level jobs, but they get the opportunity to rise up and realize the American dream.

Don't be manipulated by the master marketers.  The fact is, those who hope we'll ignore the crime committed by illegal aliens used proven marketing techniques to sell you something — and if you weren't paying attention, you bought it.  This pernicious practice doesn't stop with border security.  We're bamboozled daily on a wide variety of subjects, from abortion on demand for any reason to same-sex "marriage."

Revenge of the Wal-Mart nine:  How do people who deliberately set out to break American immigration law get to sue U.S. employers for breaking labor laws?  Illegal or not, they've dived into America's biggest melting pot — the pool of plaintiffs in civil suits.

Legalizing the illegals:  Police raids on dozens of Wal-Mart stores are "terrorizing" illegal immigrants, according to House Minority Leader Pelosi.  What would she do about illegal immigrants?  Legalize them!  In other words, come here illegally and we will make you legal!

Home loans for illegal aliens?!  The American dream of home ownership, complete with the white picket fence, is alive and well for those who break our laws and break down our fences to get in.

A nation of outlaws, Part II.  In response to illegal aliens loitering around a local 7-Eleven, creating a public nuisance while waiting for off-the-books jobs, the Herndon Town Council approved a plan to build a central location for the "day laborers."

[But it turns out that it is not legal to spend public money to construct a building that facilitates an illegal activity.  That's the reason Judical Watch got involved.  Keep reading.]

Judicial Watch Warns Fairfax County against Funding of Unlawful "Day Labor" Sites.  Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, [has] threatened legal action against the County of Fairfax, VA in order to prevent taxpayer funding for three proposed illegal alien job centers — termed "Day Laborer" sites — among them a site in Herndon, over which Judicial Watch has already filed suit on behalf of the town's citizens.  The two other sites are in the Culmore and Annandale districts of Fairfax County.

Arizona Prosecutor Has New Twist on Prosecuting Illegal Aliens.  [Maricopa County Attorney Andrew] Thomas said that since the suspects paid the coyotes to transport them across the border, they are complicit in their own smuggling and therefore guilty of conspiracy.

Fourteenth Amendment Abuse by Illegal Aliens.  The 14th Amendment is a simple document, drafted after the Civil War to assure that newly emancipated black slaves would never be denied citizenship by the states.  The drafters had no idea that, years later, the amendment would be used to make a mockery of our immigration laws.  It was never intended that an illegal alien can cross the borders into our country, have a baby a few minutes later, and then the baby is automatically declared a citizen of the United States.

Giuliani:  Illegal Immigration No Crime.  Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani said illegal immigration is not a crime, prompting rival Mitt Romney to accuse him of not taking the problem seriously.  The two have clashed for weeks over illegal immigration, an issue that inflames GOP conservatives who influence primary elections.  The irony is that both candidates have in the past taken more liberal stands on the issue.

Same story...
Rudy:  No crime being an illegal immigrant.  Rudy Giuliani said Friday that being an illegal immigrant isn't a crime, and it shouldn't be one in the future either — comments likely to anger conservatives already leery about his liberal immigration policies as New York mayor.

Reaction and commentary...
Illegal immigration isn't a crime?  The truth is that the former mayor of the biggest sanctuary city on the planet is similar to President Bush in terms of being tone-deaf to the roar of legal citizens who have positively had it with illegal immigrants.

NY Times/CBS Poll Finds that 69% Believe Illegal Immigrants Should Be Prosecuted.  A New York Times/CBS News poll released yesterday found that 69% of American adults believe illegal immigrants should "be prosecuted and deported for being in the U.S. illegally."  Just 24% disagree and say they should not.

Memo:  Illegal immigrants in Texas need 6 arrests to be charged.  Guidelines issued by U.S. attorneys in Texas showed that most illegal immigrants crossing into the state had to be arrested at least six times before federal authorities would prosecute them, according to an internal Justice Department memo.  The disclosure provides a rare view of how federal authorities attempt to curb illegal immigration.

Illegal immigrants allowed at least five strikes.  Documents released in the controversy about eight fired U.S. attorneys show that federal prosecutors in Texas generally have declined to bring criminal charges against illegal immigrants caught crossing the border — until at least their sixth arrest.

Illegal Mexican alien sentenced after six prior deportations.  A 29-year-old Mexican farm worker who has been deported at least six times for illegally entering the United States will spend 15 months in federal prison. Vincente Santiago-Castro then will be sent back to Mexico once again.

Guide coaches illegals on raids.  A Maryland-based immigrant-advocacy group is distributing guidebooks instructing those targeted by federal immigration agents during job-site raids not to cooperate with authorities if they are arrested or detained.  The eight-page, two-color illustrated book lists what rights "people who are not United States citizens" have if detained by immigration agents, details what to do if served with a warrant or charged with a crime, and urges them to remain silent if they are arrested.

They want your job, your property, and your country.  I am speaking, of course, of illegal immigrants, aka undocumented immigrants, aka undocumented workers, aka unauthorized migrants, aka Mexican nationals, whose number may be as high as 30 million — 22 million adults who have invaded this country since the previous mass amnesty in 1986, and as many as eight million children whom female illegal aliens have borne in this country during that time, and which have been improperly defined by the federal courts, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, as "American citizens."

U.S. Can't Account for 600,000 Fugitives.  Teams assigned to make sure foreigners ordered out of the United States actually leave are grappling with a backlog of more than 600,000 cases and can't accurately account for the fugitives' whereabouts, the government reported Monday [3/26/2007].

Man says he illegally crossed border 4 times in 10 days.  Aurelio Solorzano-Ovando, 35, told officials that three of those crossings resulted in arrests by Border Patrol agents, who released him in Mexico.  Deputies arrested Solorzano-Ovando and 11 other undocumented immigrants Thursday in the far-west Valley on suspicion of conspiring to smuggle themselves into the country.

Foreign-born inmates slip through ICE net.  Foreign-born criminals who are supposed to be a prime target for federal immigration agents are instead slipping through the deportation net, an examination of Denver jail and Colorado court records shows.

Officials failed to deport alien.  Federal officials acknowledged yesterday [6/3/2005] they failed in 1998 to deport an illegal alien who was recently acquitted of murder in an MS-13 gang trial, but said that the alien will now be immediately deported or charged with a felony. … Agency officials estimate roughly 500,000 fugitive illegals have avoided deportation and are hiding in the United States.

The Selective Application of Our Laws.  Cristobal Silverio emigrated illegally from Mexico to Stockton, Calif., bringing his wife and three children.  While there, his wife gave birth to her fourth child.  The family had their "anchor baby" — an American citizen by birth.  This baby provided the entire Silverio clan a ticket to permanently remain in the United States.  The government provides free health care for all illegals.  The baby born to the Silverios was premature, and spent three months in an incubator.  It cost the hospital $300,000. — it cost the Saverios nothing.

Many illegal immigrants were already violent criminals when they arrived.

Border Czar Homan Delivers on Promise to Clean Up Boston-370 Illegals Arrested Including Child Sexual Predators.  In February, The Gateway Pundit reported that Border Czar Tom Homan warned the city of Boston that he is coming and "bringing hell with me" after the police commission refused to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  Homan issued the warning during a fiery speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).  [Tweet with video clip]  On Monday, Homan provided an update on his promise to clean up Boston despite Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu's efforts to place the interests of illegals over the citizens of her city.  Homan shared on X, "I made a promise at CPAC that I was going to Boston after reading about numerous illegal alien child rapists walking the streets of Boston and Massachusetts.  ICE had to find and arrest these illegal alien rapists because Massachusetts and Boston are sanctuaries that refuse to cooperate with ICE."

ICE Arrests 68 Tren de Aragua Gang Members.  Federal authorities arrested 68 members of the notorious gang Tren De Aragua this week, according to a new report from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  "In less than 100 days, the Trump Administration has arrested 394 members of the Tren De Aragua — a vicious gang known for human trafficking, kidnapping, drug trafficking, and other heinous acts terrorizing American communities," DHS stated.  Tren De Aragua originated in the Venezuelan state of Aragua and later spread to other South American nations and the United States.  On his first day in office, President Donald Trump signed a presidential action which called for designating transnational organizations as terror groups.  The State Department officially designated Tren De Aragua as a terrorist organization last month.

Stephen Miller Calls Biden Border Policy 'Pure Evil' As Another Horrific Murder Is Revealed.  Stephen Miller didn't hold back when commenting on former President Joe Biden's disastrous border policies that allowed millions upon millions of illegal aliens to flow into our country.  As yet another horrific murder of a young woman at the hands of an illegal immigrant comes to light, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff called Joe's record "pure evil."  [Tweet]  It's hard to argue with his assessment.  Biden's seemingly deliberate policies opened the doors for increased sex trafficking, human smuggling, a fentanyl crisis and more — including the murders of Laken Riley and Jocelyn Nungaray, among others.  Miller was reacting to a story filed by Fox News' Bill Melugin regarding the tragic tale of Camillia Williams, the grandmother who was killed in Georgia and then her body dumped allegedly by Honduran David Hector Rivas-Sagastume.  The details are heart-breaking yet, sadly, all too familiar:  [Tweet]

Illegal immigrant released by Biden admin charged with killing Georgia grandmother in random attack.  A murder suspect accused of strangling a Georgia mother of five in a random attack last week is a Honduran illegal immigrant who was caught and released at the southern border by the Biden administration in March 2021, Fox News has learned.  David Hector Rivas-Sagastume, 21, has also been the subject of a deportation order since July 2023, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said.  Rivas-Sagastume is charged with capital murder in the death of Camilia Williams, a 52-year-old mother of five and grandmother.  Her body was found dumped in a wooded area, authorities said.

Monster Illegal Murdered a Mother of 5, Dumped Her Body.  DHS confirms to FoxNews that the suspect charged with murdering a Georgia mother and dumping her body in the woods last week is a Honduran illegal alien who was caught and released at the border by the Biden administration on March 17, 2021.  He has had a deportation order since July 2023.

14 Tren de Aragua Gang Members Busted in DC Metro-Area Raids.  A Joint federal operation conducted in the Washington, D.C., Metro area led to the arrest of 14 members of the notorious Venezuelan Tren de Aragua (TdA) gang.  According to Michael W. Banks, Chief of the United States Border Patrol, authorities also arrested one illegal alien suspected of being a member of the Salvadoran Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang.  On Friday, Banks announced the results of the operation that specifically targeted suspected gang members involved in ongoing criminal activity.  In addition to the 15 illegal aliens suspected of being members of the TdA and MS-13 gangs, one firearm was recovered.  The operation into gang activity in the nation's capital involved agents from the United States Border Patrol Special Operations Group (BORTAC) and the Border Patrol's National Gang Unit.  [Tweet]

Gangbanger wanted for human trafficking is first migrant detained under Trump's newly invoked Alien Enemies Act.  An illegal migrant gangbanger wanted for human trafficking became the first to be targeted for detention by the newly-invoked 18th-century Alien Enemies Act — which President Trump is using to deport alleged Venezuelan gang members without a hearing.  Homeland Security agents alongside Florida cops successfully collared "known Tren de Aragua gang member" Franklin Jose Jimenez-Bracho by "steering" him straight into a group of cops with handcuffs at the ready, authorities announced Friday.  Bracho is wanted for human trafficking, smuggling and is also the subject of a pending investigation.

10 Alien Sex Offenders Arrested in Miami Border Patrol Sector.  Miami Border Patrol Agents teamed up with ICE and local police to arrest ten illegal aliens in the last week.  Each of these criminal aliens has convictions for sex offenses, including child sex offenses.  An enforcement operation involving Border Patrol agents from the Miami Sector, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, and deputies from the Monroe County Sheriff's Office led to the arrest of ten illegal aliens who were living in the Florida Keys.  The criminal aliens had convictions for a variety of sex offenses.  [Tweet]

Leftist Lawfare Aims To Keep Illegally Present Murderers And Child Rapists Roaming U.S. Streets.  It is a tale as old as time:  a criminal identified for arrest and prison does everything possible to avoid contact with authorities.  In recent years, many wanted criminals have fled their home country, destination:  United States.  On former President Joe Biden's watch, fugitives from justice illegally entered and found sanctuary in the U.S., where many continued their criminal ways.  They are unworthy of our hospitality, yet leftist activists are in court trying to protect literal murderers and rapists from being deported.  When the Department of Homeland Security last week deported 238 illegal aliens and alleged members of Tren De Aragua, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, from the U.S. to a prison in El Salvador, the anti-American ACLU and the far-left lawfare firm Democracy Forward went to court to stop the deportations.  Activist Judge James Boasberg of the U.S. District Court of Washington, D.C. ordered the Trump administration not to remove any violent illegal aliens for 14 days, but the airplanes carrying them were already on their way.  While court actions are ongoing, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) continues to remove wanted criminals still in the U.S. every day.

Venezuela's Maduro wants his thugs back.  It's almost like he lost a division.  Venezuela's socialist dictator, Nicolas Maduro, has stepped forward with a bizarre mixture of rage and crocodile tears, whimpering about all theVenezuelan criminals shipped by the U.S. to El Salvador this weekend for a stretch in President Nayyib Bukele's famously strict prisons. [...] President Trump was right in invoking the Alien Enemy Act in deporting the Venezuelan illegals involved with Tren de Aragua gang from the U.S.  Maduro is suddenly insisting that he wants these people back in Venezuela — after emptying his prisons of them and telling them to head to el norte.  Crazier still, the prisoners were sent to El Salvador precisely because Maduro refused to take a repatriation flight of them to Venezuela. [...] Now he's pretending he's cared about the migrants all along, despite driving them from his country.  Sure, he's probably trying to score points with Democrats, who are making similar arguments to allow Tren de Aragua's thugs to stay in the states — raising questions about their involvement with him.  But more likely, he's most upset about his "poor man's weapon" of illegal immigration to inflict harm on the U.S.

26 attorneys general file brief in support of Trump's deportation of gang members.  A coalition of state attorneys general is filing an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, urging the court to lift a nationwide restraining order that is "preventing" the "immediate deportation" of "Tren de Aragua gang members."  Leading the effort are Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares and South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, who joined 24 other states after a judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued an order Saturday evening temporarily halting the deportations of members of the Venezuelan gang.  The order came as the aircraft carrying the gang members was airborne.

These Are The Monsters The Left Is Crying About.  You should read the breathless articles trying to make these guys just run-of-the-mill immigrants trying to get by in America with a better quality of life.  These are monsters who get a new tattoo for each person they murder and yes, they will murder women and children.  [Video clip]

Cash Cows:  Gangs [are] Allegedly Smuggling Drugs Across [the] Border Inside Cattle.  The Mexican cartels appear to be smuggling drugs into the U.S. inside cows, according to sources interviewed at the border in Texas and New Mexico last week.  The cartels are known to use cattle cars to smuggle drugs, but also seem to be using the cattle themselves as couriers.  "When they do the spaying process, they'll ship the drugs in the cows," Hudspeth County, Texas, Sheriff Arvin West told The Daily Signal, adding the cartels are nothing if not "creative."  Sporting a cowboy hat and a badge pinned to his chest, West said the cartels began using bovine couriers for drugs when Mexico started shipping more heifers — young female cows that have never given birth — into the U.S. due to shrinking U.S. cattle inventory.

The Editor says...
Where are the animal rights people now?  They are all totally silent!

8X Deported Kidnapper Removed by ICE to Mexico.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers removed a Mexican national who was convicted of kidnapping on Thursday.  The criminal alien has a lengthy criminal history and has been deported eight times.  ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers deported 43-year-old Baltazar Pantoja Calderon to his home country late last week, according to information received from ICE officials in Houston.  [Tweet]  According to ICE, Pantoja illegally entered the U.S. eight times.  After his first arrest in May 1999, the Mexican national voluntarily deported himself to Mexico.  He was ordered removed and sent back to Mexico on July 1, 2008; Sept. 1, 2010; Oct. 29, 2014; March 18, 2015; May 3, 2017; and Feb. 2, 2018.

The Supreme Court Has Long Held That The Alien Enemies Act Gives The President Plenary Power.  Several days ago, invoking the Alien Enemies Act ("AEA"), President Trump ordered that "250 Tren de Aragua members and 23 MS-13 members wanted for alleged crimes in El Salvador" be deported.  The woke left, led by the Soros minions, immediately asked Judge James Boasberg of the US District Court in DC to stop it — and amazingly, he agreed via minimalist "minute orders."  Boasberg ignored Trump's findings and ordered that the planes carrying the deportees (already en route to El Salvador) return to the US.  This grotesquely wrong decision justifies impeachment.  The AEA is one of our nation's oldest statutes, enacted in 1798, 11 years after America's founding.  Many of the same men who drafted the Constitution later drafted and approved the Act.

El Salvador President Accepts The 238 Tren de Aragua Gang Members Trump Sent To Him.  El Salvador President Nayib Bukele announces he has accepted 238 Tren de Aragua gang members from the United States.  Bukele has reached an agreement with the Trump admin to extradite criminal illegal immigrants who entered the US.  "Today, the first 238 members of the Venezuelan criminal organization, Tren de Aragua, arrived in our country.  They were immediately transferred to CECOT, the Terrorism Confinement Center, for a period of one year (renewable)," Bukele said.  "The United States will pay a very low fee for them, but a high one for us."  [Video clip]

More Than 250 Tren de Aragua Gang Members Deported to El Salvador Prison:  Rubio.  Secretary of State Marco Rubio said on March 16 that the Trump administration had sent more than 250 Venezuelans accused of being members of the Tren de Aragua gang to a prison in El Salvador amid an active federal court ruling ordering the deportation flights to cease.  Rubio said El Salvador has agreed to hold the gang members "in their very good jails at a fair price that will also save ... taxpayer dollars," in a statement posted on social media platform X.  Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele posted a video to X on March 16 showing agents leading men in handcuffs off a plane at night and into a prison.  Prison officials are also shown shaving the prisoners' heads.

ICE Nabs MS-13 Gangbangers, Jamaican Murderer In Major Deportation Raid.  Deportation officers apprehended gangbangers, sexual predators and a convicted murderer in a sweeping multi-agency sweep that oversaw the arrest of more than 200 illegal migrants.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested 214 illegal migrants in northern Virginia during an enhanced enforcement operation that targeted transnational organized crime and egregious criminal migrants, according to the agency.  The operation, which spanned the first two weeks of March, included a slate of federal agencies and state partners.  "Our communities in Virginia are safer today because our law enforcement officers stood between them and the danger," ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Washington, D.C. Field Office Director Russ Hott said in a prepared statement.  "During this enforcement operation, ICE and our law enforcement partners targeted the most dangerous alien offenders in some of the most gang-infested neighborhoods in Northern Virginia, and this resulted in 214 arrests."

Today in Insanity:  Three preposterous stories.  [#2] A child rapist can stay in the U.K. after arguing that being deported would harm his mental health.  The man was originally jailed for attacking a teenage girl and was to be expelled in 2014.  However, he appealed, claiming that he could not be properly treated for depression or PTSD in his native Eritrea, East Africa.  Incredibly, his appeal was recently upheld after a doctor witness said he would be more likely to take his life if he was made to return to his home country.  The decision to allow his appeal was made despite a security report finding that he would still pose a risk to the public if allowed to remain in the U.K.  Memo to the U.K.:  He's [a] child rapist!  His mental health is obviously already harmed beyond repair!  Much of the West — and particularly the U.K. — seems to have gone even crazier than the child rapist.  It is one thing for heinous crimes to occur.  It is quite another for a nation to blithely tolerate them.

Illegal Alien Charged with Human Trafficking 16-Year-Old Girl in Florida.  An elderly illegal alien is accused of human trafficking and sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl in Flagler County, Florida.  Jose Valerio-Rodriguez, a 70-year-old illegal alien from Cuba, has been arrested and charged with human trafficking and sexual activity with a minor.  As a result, Valerio-Rodriguez is now facing deportation from the United States.  Last month, Flagler County Sheriff's deputies contacted the 16-year-old victim after she had been reported missing but had returned home.  The girl told police she had been with Valerio-Rodriguez, who was living in a tent behind a gas station, and that he sexually assaulted her.

Mayors from Boston, Chicago, Denver and New York defend 'sanctuary' policies, call their cities safe.  Democratic mayors of four major cities said Wednesday that Congress and the Trump administration are exaggerating crime committed by immigrants and attacking so-called sanctuary cities simply to score political points, as Republicans hammered the policies for shielding criminals and discouraging cooperation with federal officials.  The comments came in a hearing before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, where Republicans accused the mayors of putting their cities in danger and undermining President Donald Trump's mass deportation efforts.  Republicans have repeatedly highlighted crimes committed by immigrants who crossed illegally into the U.S., with Rep. James Comer opening the hearings by saying the policies "only create sanctuary for criminals."

The Editor says...
Whether "sanctuary cities" are safe or not is immaterial.  (And they are not.)  The Socialist mayors are still harboring illegal aliens, and encoraging them to immigrate, which is a violation of federal law.

118 Illegal Aliens Arrested in Texas' Largest Migrant Colony Raids.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agents and other state and local law enforcement officials arrested 118 illegal aliens during Monday's immigration raid inside the Colony Ridge Subdivision near Houston, Texas.  According to ICE, the multi-agency immigration raid netted migrants charged with a myriad of criminal charges and criminal convictions.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the raids and the participation of state law enforcement agencies, saying he had worked on the raids with Trump Border Czar Tom Homan for months, Breitbart Texas reported.  According to ICE, the migrants arrested during Monday's raid inside the more than 30,000-acre subdivision were facing charges and/or convictions of crimes that included criminal sexual conduct, homicide, theft, negligent manslaughter, child sexual abuse, crimes of moral turpitude, weapons offenses, and drug offenses.

Haitian man charged in NC triple murder flew into US under Biden migrant flights program:  ICE.  A Haitian migrant charged with triple murder in Fayetteville, North Carolina, who allegedly killed several members of his family last week, had come to the US as part of former President Biden's controversial migrant flights program, according to authorities.  The Fayetteville Police Department said that 26-year-old Mackendy Darbouze has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder for allegedly killing 77-year-old Beatrice Desir, as well as a 13-year-old and a 4-year-old.  Police responded to a home at about 9 a.m. on Feb. 21 after receiving a report that a stabbing had occurred in a home.  When officers arrived, they discovered three individuals suffering from stab wounds inside.  Two of the victims were juveniles, and the third victim was an elderly woman, later identified as Desir.

Illegal Alien From Haiti Flown Into US on Biden's Parole Program Charged with Triple Murder, Including Two Children.  Crooked Joe Biden is no longer in office, but the consequences of his criminal regime are still having long-term effects on our nation.  Thanks to Biden's CHNV program, our country was flooded by thousands of illegals who were flown into the US under the guise of parole.  Thankfully, President Trump put a stop to this program.  One of Biden's Haitian illegals was charged with the alleged murder of three people in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in late February.  The victims of these murders were apparently his family members.  According to Fayetteville PD, the accused, 26-year-old Mackendy Darbouze, was charged with first-degree murder for all three victims.  Two of the victims were children ages 13 and 4.  The adult victim was a female named Beatrice Desir, who was 77 years old.

Mexico Extradites 29 Prisoners to US — Including Murderous Drug Lord.  In an apparent bid to gain favor with President Trump, who has promised to enact tariffs against Mexico starting March 4, the Mexican government has extradited 29 prisoners wanted by the feds to the U.S.  The list of miscreants includes notorious drug lord Rafael Caro Quintero, who was reportedly behind the brutal murder of a DEA agent.  [Numerous tweets]

Mexico's top general admits US drone surveillance flights led to cartel arrests.  Mexico's Secretary of Defense, Gen. Ricardo Trevilla, told reporters Tuesday morning that U.S. intelligence-gathering drone flights have led to the arrests of at least two cartel leaders.  Last week, Mexico announced it was working in conjunction with the U.S. government to conduct aerial surveillance of cartels and organized crime.  "We're talking about the apprehensions made in Culiacán were the result of this intelligence work," Trevilla said.

Uber Eats driver, an Illegal Migrant From Columbia, is Accused Of Rape.  An illegal immigrant from Columbia is accused of raping a woman in her home in Springfield, Massachusetts while delivering her food through Uber Eats.  Roiber Andres Rodriguez Melendez, 21, allegedly posed as a female on the Uber Eats app.  When he arrived at her home, Melendez said he needed a four-digit code to complete the delivery.  It was cold out and he didn't speak English so the woman let him come into the home while they called Uber Eats support.  The woman phoned a friend to translate so the three parties could communicate.  Melendez then allegedly ended the call and forced the woman into the bathroom where he raped her.  [Video clip]

560 Pounds of Cocaine Seized from Mexican Cartel Smuggler near Border in Texas.  In three separate events in the Border Patrol's Rio Grande Valley Sector, agents seized nearly 560 pounds of cocaine with an estimated street value of $18 million.  Two seizures occurred at a fixed highway checkpoint after routine immigration inspections.  The third seizure resulted from a roving patrol stop initiated by Border Patrol agents.  The three seizures were reported within hours of each other on Sunday morning.  The first seizure occurred Sunday at the Javier Vega, Jr.  Immigration Checkpoint near Sarita, Texas.  Agents performing inspection duties discovered 287 pounds of cocaine concealed in a vehicle after a K-9 alerted the agents to the odor of narcotics.  The cocaine was determined to have a street value of more than $9 million.  The suspects, who have not been identified, are facing federal charges of possession with the intent to distribute a controlled substance and conspiracy.

ICE Nabs Notorious Smuggler of Illegal Aliens.  The ringleader of an international illegal-alien smuggling conspiracy, a sophisticated network operating along the United States southern border since at least 2018, was extradited from Mexico to the U.S. as the result of a multi-agency investigation.  "Extensive coordination and cooperation" efforts between U.S. and Mexican law enforcement authorities culminated in the extradition of Raul Saucedo-Huipio, 49, according to a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) press release.  Saucedo-Huipio allegedly collected fees, coordinated lodging, and worked with smugglers in Central America to transport thousands of illegal aliens across America's southern border.  His co-conspirator, Ofelia Hernandez-Salas, a 62-year-old Mexican national, was extradited in 2023 and pleaded guilty on December 18, 2024, to conspiracy to bring an alien to the United States and three substantive counts of bringing an alien to the U.S. for commercial benefit or private financial gain.  She is scheduled to be sentenced on March 10 and faces a maximum punishment of 15 years in prison.

3X Deported Salvadoran Man Arrested in Texas Migrant Colony on Child Sex-Assault Warrants.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agents and Texas Department of Public Safety troopers arrested a three-time deported Salvadoran illegal alien on charges of repeated sexual abuse of a child.  The arrest occurred during a targeted enforcement operation in Colony Ridge — the largest migrant colony in Texas.  "U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement conducts routine, daily enforcement alongside our federal, state, and local law enforcement partners throughout the Houston community to bolster public safety, national security, and border security," ICE officials told Breitbart Texas. "As a direct result of those efforts, ICE and the Texas Department of Public Safety arrested Florentin Chevez-Luna, a 39-year-old three-time previously deported criminal alien from El Salvador, February 24 in Plum Grove, Texas."

Illegal Aliens Loot US Trains In Mojave Desert For High-Value Nike Sneakers.  Organized criminal gangs have carried out a series of sophisticated train heists targeting BNSF freight trains in the Mojave Desert along the California-Arizona corridor.  The thieves have targeted double-stack container cars, specifically containers carrying high-value Nike sneakers.  Los Angeles Times reported thieves stealthily boarded eastbound freight trains in the lonely stretches of the Mojave Desert at least ten times and stole millions of dollars in sneakers and other goods since last March.  Nike sneaker thefts have topped $2 million.

30 Takeaways From Trump's First 30 Days in Office.  [#11] The Justice Department, under Attorney General Pam Bondi, sued the states of Illinois and New York over their sanctuary protections for illegal immigrants.  The lawsuits target several state laws that federal authorities say obstruct immigration enforcement, including a New York law that prevents the Department of Motor Vehicles from sharing records with immigration enforcement agencies unless presented with a court order or warrant.  Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker and New York Gov. Kathy Hochul have vowed to defend the suits.  Separately, New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Feb. 13, after meeting with Homan, agreed to allow ICE agents back into Rikers Island jail to help with criminal investigations, with a particular focus on violent criminals and gang members.

The deadliest mass crime wave in American history — who should be held accountable?  The Biden administration, under the direct authority of Cuban-born Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas, oversaw the open-door welcoming of an estimated 11 million illegal aliens into the United States.  A significant number of these illegals were known violent criminals, some directly released from jail cells in their own countries with the understanding that they could openly travel to, and be welcomed into, the United States.  It was an unprecedented invasion of America fostered and directly supported by the very people tasked with protecting our nation's borders and the country's citizens and residents.  In the middle of all this, Mayorkas appeared several times before Congress and always told the same lie, "The border is secure."  (It is widely understood that "Under Federal law, it is a crime to knowingly and willfully make a materially false statement to Congress punishable with up to five years in prison.")  The Mayorkas-sponsored invasion triggered the greatest single massive crime wave in American history.

Transgender Illegal Alien Arrested in New York For Raping Child in Public Bathroom.  A transgender (biological male) illegal alien was arrested for raping a child in a public bathroom in New York on Saturday.  Nicol Suarez, an illegal from Colombia, allegedly stalked the 14-year-old boy before following him into a public restroom in East Harlem and sexually assaulting him.  The child victim ran out of the restroom and flagged down a witness.  According to The New York Post, Suarez was wanted in Massachusetts and New Jersey for unknown crimes.

Trump Administration Sends 53 Venezuelans to Guantánamo Bay.  The Trump administration has sent 53 Venezuelan nationals to the Guantánamo Bay detention facility in Cuba as the effort to deport criminal illegals gains steam.  The 53 criminal illegals were not identified by name but are now being housed in the military-operated detention center where some of the world's most dangerous terrorists have been kept since the attacks on our homeland in 2001, the New York Times reported.

Trump's State Department to Designate Specific Cartels as Foreign Terrorist Groups.  The Trump administration is preparing to designate a series of Mexican drug cartels and two from Central and South America as foreign terrorist organizations.  The move comes as Mexico continues to experience unprecedented levels of violence, including the widespread use of landmines and improvised explosive devices, despite empty government claims that crime has decreased and impunity has ended.  A document reviewed by Breitbart Texas revealed that the U.S. State Department is expected to designate the Sinaloa Cartel, Cartel Jalisco New Generation, The Gulf Cartel, The Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas (Northeast Cartel), Carteles Unidos, and Familia Michoacana as foreign terrorist organizations on February 19.

Suspected Leaks Led to Empty Apartments During ICE Colorado Raid.  Fox News's Bill Melugin and his team accompanied Border Czar Tom Homan and numerous agencies as they raided Colorado apartment complexes, including the infamous Aurora, CO, apartment complex overrun with the Venezuela gang Tren de Aragua (TdA). [...] They expected over 100 arrests.  They only arrested 30 people and 1 TdA member.

Big Deportation Raids Begin In Tren De Aragua-Infested Aurora, Colorado.  The ATF's Denver division announced on X that its agents and Department of Justice partners are assisting Homeland Security and other federal law enforcement agencies in citywide "immigration enforcement efforts" today.  The metro area is controlled by far-left globalist lawmakers who pushed sanctuary city policies and, in return, flooded some areas, such as Aurora, with members of the violent and heavily armed Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua.  [Tweet]  The DEA's Rocky Mountain Division posted a video on X, showing agents using flash bangs at an apartment complex where suspected migrant gang members resided.  [Tweet with video clip]

ICE raids target 100 Tren de Aragua gangbangers in Aurora, Colorado — months after gov claimed they didn't exist.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers hit multiple apartment complexes across Aurora, Colorado in raids targeting 100 Tren de Aragua gang members on Wednesday — just five months after the Democratic governor dismissed reporting by The Post that the violent migrant gang had taken hold in the Denver suburb.  ICE's Denver branch said officers made arrests alongside federal agents from numerous other agencies including the DEA, FBI, US Marshals and Customs and Border Patrol.  The agency did not not say how many gang members were ultimately nabbed in the raid.

Mexican cartels targeting Border Patrol agents with kamikaze drones, explosives amid Trump crackdown: report.  Mexican drug cartels are ordering their members to target U.S. Border Patrol agents with kamikaze drones and other explosives amid a crackdown at the southern border by the Trump administration.  An internal memo titled "Officer Safety Alert" cited social media posts and other sources for the warning to federal agents, the New York Post reported.  Agents were reminded to be "cognizant of their surroundings" and should be wearing their ballistic armor and utilizing their long firearms. [...] Last week, Border Patrol agents received gunfire from cartel members in Mexico while patrolling in Fronton, Texas, the Texas Department of Public Safety said.  The cartel members fled Mexico because of a military presence and sought refuge on an island between Mexico and the U.S., DPS said.

El Salvador offers to hold 'dangerous' US citizens and criminal migrants from any country in their hellhole 'mega-prison'.  The president of El Salvador on Monday offered to house convicted US citizens in his country's "mega-prison" and take in deported criminal illegal migrants of any nationality after a meeting with US Secretary of State Marco Rubio.  Rubio, 53, said the deal struck with Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele represents "the most unprecedented, extraordinary, extraordinary migratory agreement anywhere in the world," in remarks from the capital city of San Salvador.  "We can send them and he will put them in his jails," the secretary of state said of migrants set to be deported from the US.  "And, he's also offered to do the same for dangerous criminals currently in custody and serving their sentences in the United States even though they're US citizens or legal residents."

Secretary of State Marco Rubio Strikes "The Most Extraordinary Migrant Agreement Anywhere in the World" with El Salvador.  Significant news broke Monday night that could prove an absolute game-changer in President Trump's arduous efforts to keep America safe and ship out illegal aliens.  And we have one fearless leader of a small country in Central America to thank for this.  As CBS News reported, Secretary of State Marco Rubio met with El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele to urge him to do more to assist the Trump administration on its illegal immigration crackdown.  Bukele, who has become a global hero for turning El Salvador into the safest country in the Western Hemisphere thanks to his iron-fist approach to criminals, came through in dramatic fashion.  Rubio said what the two agreed to is genuinely historic.

Illegal migrant cut loose in plea deal after raping sleeping woman — but then the feds stepped in.  An Ecuadorian migrant cut a deal with Queens prosecutors that allowed him to dodge jail time for rape — but he couldn't outrun the feds.  Kail Cardenas, 27, was picked up by federal agents in Jamaica Monday morning, less than a month after he was freed in the horrifying 2023 rape and sex abuse case, The [New York] Post has learned.  "DEANewYork continues, along with our @justicedept & other federal law enforcement partners, to assist @dhsgov with their immigration enforcement efforts targeting violent illegal criminals," the New York division of the federal drug-busting agency said in a post on X.

El Salvador offers to hold 'dangerous' US citizens and criminal migrants from any country in their hellhole 'mega-prison'.  The president of El Salvador on Monday offered to house convicted US citizens in his country's "mega-prison" and take in deported criminal illegal migrants of any nationality after a meeting with US Secretary of State Marco Rubio.  Rubio, 53, said the deal struck with Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele represents "the most unprecedented, extraordinary, extraordinary migratory agreement anywhere in the world," in remarks from the capital city of San Salvador.  "We can send them and he will put them in his jails," the secretary of state said of migrants set to be deported from the US.  "And, he's also offered to do the same for dangerous criminals currently in custody and serving their sentences in the United States even though they're US citizens or legal residents."

Venezuela agrees to take back illegal migrants — including Tren de Aragua gang members:  Trump.  Venezuela has agreed to take back its violent criminal migrants nabbed in the US — including members of the Tren de Aragua gang wreaking havoc on the Big Apple and other cities, President Trump says.  "We are in the process of removing record numbers of illegal aliens from all countries, and all countries have agreed to accept these illegal aliens back," the president wrote on Truth Social on Saturday.  "Venezuela has agreed to receive, back into their country, all Venezuela illegal aliens who were encamped in the U.S., including gang members of Tren de Aragua," Trump said.

Thousands of Illegals Storm Los Angeles Freeway.  Thousands of illegals aliens and their defenders shut down the 101 freeway in Los Angeles, stranding motorists and stopping traffic across the city.  Many of the protesters were waving Mexican flags.  Video posted later showed a few demonstrators spraying graffiti on the freeway walls and appearing to vandalize at least one car that was stopped in the middle of the crowd.  The protest began around 9 a.m. on the Placita Olvera on Olvera Street.  Around half an hour later, the Los Angeles Police Department declared it a "non-permitted demonstration," and advised people to expect traffic delays.

A Mob Of Mexicans Take Over The 101 Freeway In LA.  Los Angeles Police is currently in a standoff with protesters waving the Mexican flag on the 101 freeway in LA.  [Video clip]

An Illegal Immigrant Accused of Murder Was Wearing an Ankle Monitor During the Crime.  There are two outrageous new details to share about this atrocity since our last piece was published on Friday.  For context, a 63-year-old man was brutally murdered and robbed in Chicago slightly over a week ago.  The two suspects apprehended in the case are both illegal immigrants who reportedly crossed the Southern border unlawfully in 2023.  The victim's "body was found tied up at his home in Chicago late Sunday, the same day U.S. border czar Tom Homan and the Justice Department led a large immigration enforcement operation in that city," Fox News reports.  Those raids, which didn't occur in time to save the man who was murdered, have been condemned, demonized and resisted by the mayor and other top Democrats in Illinois.  One of arrested migrants was not only known to police prior to allegedly committing this brutal killing, but had been arrested days prior.

El Ricky
Mexican Authorities Arrest Cartel Boss "El Ricky" After Trump Tariffs Force Mexico to Secure Border.  Ricardo González Sauceda, a leader of the Mexican Cartel del Noreste, was arrested in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, Monday after the Mexican President agreed to immediately work with Trump to secure the border.  The cartel boss, who also goes by "El Ricky" and "Mando R," reportedly has two arrest warrants for attempted homicide and other charges.  He is also linked to other incidents of extortion, homicide, and attacks on Mexican federal forces, Laredo Morning Times reports.  González Sauceda is also accused of killing two soldiers in an attack he organized against the Mexican military in Nuevo Laredo.  Mexico's Navy and National Guard, the Attorney General's Office, and the Department of Security and Citizen Protection reportedly assisted in the operation.

The Editor says...
What's the point of taking this guy's picture if you're going to cover part of his face?

More illegal migrants busted running massive gun-running operations.  Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) has arrested two illegal migrants who the agency says were running a drugs and narcotics operation in Maryland and Georgia.  Officials say they busted the two migrants on Thursday, just one day after prosecutors in Queens indicted 10 Tren de Aragua gang members and their associates for similar operations in New York City.  HSI Baltimore posted an image to X of one of the migrants — with a chain wrapped around his waist — being led into a law enforcement vehicle by two HSI agents.

Threats to Murder ICE Agents Spread on Social Media After Deportations Begin.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) warned agents and officers about murder threats following the ramping up of President Donald Trump's deportation operations.  Threats appeared on social media and were sent directly to ICE field offices, a source told Breitbart Texas.  A source within ICE not authorized to speak to the media, told Breitbart Texas that northeastern U.S. ICE field office received some death threats.  The threats were sent vial email to the office's outreach email box.  The threats were signed with the names of those sending the threats, the source stated.

Sinaloa Cartel Members Busted for Train Robbery — on US Soil.  Train robberies are something we associate with Western movies, wherein gangs of outlaws pursue the train on horseback, waving sixguns and jumping from their horses onto the cars to rob the passengers and maybe steal a Wells Fargo strongbox full of gold coins.  The notorious Mexican Sinaloa cartel, though, has taken the train robbery up to the 21st-century level.  A recent report describes just such a robbery in Arizona, where thousands of dollars worth of Nike shoes were stolen.  Fortunately, the desperados were caught, and the merchandise returned. [...] So, nine of the eleven perps were in the country illegally.  This shouldn't come as any surprise, as Mexican cartels have been operating along our southern border with impunity, largely due to the non-enforcement of the previous administration.

Judge Orders Release of Venezuelan Migrant Arrested in Chicago.  A report from ABC7 in Chicago reported that a magistrate judge ordered the release of a Venezuelan man who was arrested in a targeted enforcement operation over the weekend.  Over the weekend, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers, along with other federal agencies, carried out a targeted enforcement operation, Breitbart News reported.  The actions were overseen by top officials of the Trump administration, including Border Czar Tom Homan.

Trump Directs Criminal Illegal Aliens Be Detained at Guantanamo Bay.  President Trump has directed that the US military prison complex at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, be used to detain criminal aliens pending repatriation to their home nation or some other destination.  Using the occasion of the official signing of the Laken Riley Act, President Trump directed the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to work together to refurbish a 30,000-bed migrant detention center at Guantanamo for use.  [Video clip, transcript]  The facility at Guantanamo was built in response to the Haitian refugee crisis in 1991, and it was used for Haitians again following the earthquake of 2010.  On the whole, this seems like a reasonable strategy.  There is no reason to keep criminal aliens in detention facilities with other illegals and let them victimize other people.  As Trump has established a quota of 1800 arrests per day, equating to 675,000 arrests in 2025 as the floor figure, we can look forward to expanding this facility to hold more than just criminals.

Trump will send up to 30K illegal immigrants to Guantanamo Bay: 'It's a tough place to get out of'.  President Trump said Wednesday that he plans to send up to 30,000 illegal immigrants to detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as part of his campaign to mass-deport migrants who have committed crimes.  Trump inked a memorandum requiring the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security to prepare for migrants there after previewing the plan while signing the anti-illegal immigration Laken Riley Act.  "Today, I'm also signing an executive order to instruct the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to begin preparing the 30,000-person migrant facility at Guantanamo Bay," Trump said.  "Most people don't even know that we have 30,000 beds in Guantanamo to detain the worst criminal illegal aliens threatening the American people."

4X Deported Alien Gets Life Without Parole for Killing 5 Honduran Migrants in East Texas.  A court in East Texas sentenced a four-time deported illegal alien to life in prison without the possibility of parole after he pleaded guilty to the murders of five Honduran migrants near Cleveland, Texas, in April 2023.  The Mexican national pleaded guilty to Capital Murder in exchange for the sentence.  San Jacinto County District Attorney Todd Dillon said the plea resolves all of the cases that came out of an incident on the night of April 28, 2023, when Francisco Torres Oropeza murdered five of his neighbors.  Dillon said the plea will ensure that Oropeza will remain in the custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice until his death.

Homeland Security busts 5 'career criminals' on first day of NYC raids as Trump revs up immigration crackdown.  Five "career criminals" with a laundry list of alarming offenses were nabbed on the first day the Trump administration's national crackdown on illegal immigrants reached New York City, The [New York] Post has learned.  In Queens, a Mexican national with a previous arrest for attempted murder was bagged, while a Mexican previously charged with three counts of rape and sexual assault was captured in the Bronx, according to law enforcement sources.  And in upper Manhattan, a Dominican national wanted for a double murder in their home country was also taken into custody.

ICE Knew Where the Criminal Aliens Were — and Mayorkas/Biden Kept Them Free.  As the leftists whine about invading schools (not happening) and mamacitas being terrorized by Tom Homan chasing them with cattle prods (not happening), the real story is that ICE and law enforcement knew all along where so many of these bad hombres were.  [Tweet with video clip]  Mayorkas, NGOs and churches, and local government officials were actively protecting the worst of the worst just because they preferred helping illegal aliens to protecting Americans.  [Tweet with video clip]  [Advertisement]  Think about that and let it sink in:  ICE isn't grabbing up these guys in large-scale dragnets, sorting the wheat from the chaff.  They are making targeted raids on specific, known bad guys, and yet the people weeping and whining claim the mantle of decency and compassion.  [Tweet]  Child rapists.  Selena Gomez is crying because child rapists are being deported.  Governor Pritzker is promising to impede ICE because murderers and terrorists will be kicked out of his state.  Pritzker is actively lying in order to cover for violent illegal aliens, making it seem like Tom Homan is raiding elementary schools.  He isn't.  He has more important fish to fry.

Seriously? Appeals Court to Rule on Whether Illegal Aliens Have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Why should this even be a question?  Because the left continues to prove its insanity daily.  I'm not a constitutional scholar, but the question of whether illegal aliens have Second Amendment rights is yet another indication of how radical the Democrat Party and the judges it appoints have become.  The last thing people who intentionally entered the U.S. illegally should have is the right to keep and bear arms. [...] This is insane.  ICE agents, at the direction of President Donald Trump and Border Czar Tom Homan, are ramping up efforts to arrest illegal alien criminals, many of whom have been convicted of violent crimes, including murder and rape, in their home country, some of whom have committed the same crimes here in America.

Feds round up 50 Tren de Aragua members at 'makeshift nightclub' in Denver as nationwide ICE raids bust child rapists and suspected ISIS terrorists.  Federal agents rounded up dozens of members of Tren de Aragua in an overnight raid on a "makeshift nightclub" in Denver after the vicious Venezuelan prison gang terrorized the city and the suburb of Aurora.  The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) said agents in Colorado interrupted an "invite-only party" where dozens of the gangbangers were cutting loose in Adams County, just outside Denver city limits.  The busts netted cash, weapons, guns and drugs — including Tusi or "pink cocaine," a powerful narcotic that the gang has played a major role in distributing across the US.  Video released by the DEA's Rocky Mountain Division showed a white bus full of the busted gang members being escorted on the snowy roads by law enforcement vehicles.

About Those Tren de Aragua Gang Members in Colorado...  Remember back in the fall when ABC did its best to make Donald Trump and JD Vance out to be liars when they said the Venezuelan gang members were causing problems in Colorado?  It started during the presidential debate and continued on ABC's "This Week" when Martha Raddatz tried to school Vance on the topic, leading to his viral, "Martha, do you hear yourself?" moment.  [Advertisement]  Well, it's looking more and more like ABC was wrong and the president and vice president were right.  (Shocking, I know.)  On Sunday, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Rocky Mountain Field Division, along with help from Denver offices for Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) busted up an "invite-only" makeshift nightclub and arrested dozens of members of the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua.  The Denver Gazette reports that there were 49 people inside, and 41 of them were found to be in the United States illegally.  [Tweet with video clip]

Illegal Who Savagely Beat His Pregnant Wife to Death Thinks He's Getting Paroled, Gets ICE'd Instead.  Cesar Polanco, an illegal from the Dominican Republic who was picked up in an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid in Boston last week, is the exact kind of person we don't want living in the United States, and he's the perfect example of why President Donald Trump and his border czar, Tom Homan, are doing what they're doing.  While it's unknown how long Polanco has been illegally making the U.S. his home, what is known is that he made his way to the leftist utopia known as Massachusetts, where he eventually married Judith Guevara and began a family with her.  After a night of boozing and dabbling in some nose candy, Polanco murdered Judith, who was one month pregnant at the time, savagely beating her so badly around the head and face that she had no chance of survival.  Oh, and he did this in front of her 5-year-old son.

Shots fired toward Border Patrol in Starr County.  Shots were fired toward the United States Border Patrol agents this afternoon.  Texas Department of Public Safety Lt. Chris Olivarez told ValleyCentral that shots were fired toward Border Patrol agents in Fronton, Texas.  Fronton is in Starr County.  According to a NewsNation correspondent, the shots came from suspected cartel members across the border.  Border Patrol returned fire, but no injuries were reported.

Trump's ICE bags two suspected terrorists in first week of sprawling deportation op.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested Middle Eastern migrants with suspected ties to terrorism in the first week of President Donald Trump's mass deportation operation.  The hundreds of ICE arrests since Trump was sworn in last Monday include a Jordanian linked to Islamic State, or ISIS, and a Turkish national who is a "known or suspected terrorist," the administration said via White House and ICE statements.  This comes after Biden administration border authorities encountered at least 382 illegal migrants on the terrorist watchlist and released at least 99 into the country, including an al-Shabaab member who roamed the country for ten months.

Shooter in Inauguration Day Killing of Border Agent Connected to Another Murder Suspect.  As you may have heard, a border patrol agent was murdered on inauguration day in Vermont.  This happened when a agents pulled over a car about 20 miles from the Canadian border for an immigration check and the people inside the car opened fire.  Now we're learning that the two people responsible for this attack may be connected to another murder suspect.  [Advertisement] [Lengthy excerpt]  Here's what these stories are leaving out.  Bauckholt was trans and went by "Ophelia" and Youngblut was non-binary and used xe pronouns.  [Tweet] [...] So where did they get the guns used in this crime?  From someone suspected in another murder. [...] In fact, all of these murders may be connected to something called the "Ziz" group which appears to be some kind of trans commune.

Suspects in Border Patrol agent's killing in Vermont surveilled for days, had cellphones wrapped in foil.  An arrest has been made in the fatal shooting of a U.S. Border Patrol agent during a traffic stop in Vermont, according to the FBI, as bizarre details of the suspects' movements beforehand have been revealed in the arrest affidavit.  Teresa Youngblut, 21, of Washington state, was arrested on Friday and charged with assault on a federal law enforcement officer, according to a statement from the FBI.  The affidavit unsealed by investigators reveals some new details about the movements of the two individuals who were involved in the fatal shooting of Border Patrol agent David Maland.

Trump's ICE raids turn up pedophiles, gangbangers, and NY-based suspected terrorist as 538 migrants arrested: 'Heinous crimes'.  President Trump's long-promised ICE raids continued on Thursday — as the total number of illegal migrants nabbed by federal authorities reached 538, including new arrests of pedophiles, gang members, and a suspected terrorist in New York.  US Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers are scouring cities and states, trying to round up illegal aliens who are either wanted for crimes in their home country or who have committed crimes during their time in the US.  A source told The [New York] Post that many of the migrants rounded up by agents were convicted in "some very heinous cases."

Under Trump, ICE Arrests 460 Illegal Immigrants Accused of Violent Crimes in 33 Hours.  In a 33-hour period under the Trump administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has arrested more than 460 illegal immigrants, including those with violent criminal histories.  Between midnight Jan. 21 and 9:00 a.m.  Jan 22, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested illegal immigrants accused of sexual assault, aggravated assault, drugs and weapons offenses, burglary, robbery, resisting arrest, and domestic violence, according to information obtained by Fox News Digital.

American Hiker Shot on U.S. Soil by Suspected Cartel Terrorists, Says Border Sector Chief.  El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents rescued an American hiker after the hiker was strafed by "suspected cartel terrorists." The shooting took place near the California-Mexico border close to Jacumba, California.  El Centro Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gregory Bovino posted on X a video showing Border Patrol Tactical (BORTAC) agents loading an American hiker who suspected cartel terrorists had shot onto a CBP Air and Marine Operations helicopter.  President Donald Trump declared certain Mexican cartels to be Foreign Terrorist Organizations in an executive order signed on Monday.  [Tweet]

ICE arrests irate Haitian gang member, murder and rape suspects in Boston.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers hit the ground running this week, arresting multiple violent offenders in sanctuary cities, including a hostile Haitian alleged gang member with a lengthy rap sheet who said he's "not going back to Haiti" and raged "[...]!"  ICE officers in Boston made eight noteworthy arrests, including multiple MS-13 gang members, murder and rape suspects and the Haitian alleged gang member, with at least 17 recent convictions, according to Fox News, who rode along with ICE for the arrests.  There was also at least one "collateral" arrest where ICE took an illegal immigrant who wasn't their initial target into custody, with the arrest in Boston being of an MS-13 gang member who had been released by the sanctuary city on Tuesday.

If this is war, so be it.  Today throughout America, there are focused and legal raids are going forward by ICE and other federal law enforcement agencies against very dangerous illegal criminal organizations, and it was reported that U.S. Army troops and Marines will join the fight and advance to the border.  President Trump campaigned and was given a national mandate to reverse the illegal invasion actually planned and supported by Presidents Obama and Biden.  They should be ashamed of themselves by their allowing and actually encouraging such horrifying numbers of criminals who now are loose in America.  As reported by the House Homeland Security Committee, here is their record:
  •   Homicide: 14,944
  •   Sexual Assault: 20,061
  •   Assault: 105,146
  •   Burglary/Larceny/Robbery: 60,268
  •   Traffic Offenses: 126,343
  •   Weapon Offenses: 16,820
  •   Kidnapping: 3,372
  •   Commercialized Sexual Offenses: 3,971

Trump's ICE raids turn up pedophiles, gangbangers, and NY-based suspected terrorist.  President Trump's long-promised ICE raids continued on Thursday — as the total number of illegal migrants nabbed by federal authorities reached 538, including new arrests of pedophiles, gang members, and a suspected terrorist in New York.  US Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers are scouring cities and states, trying to round up illegal aliens who are either wanted for crimes in their home country or who have committed crimes during their time in the US.  A source told The [New York] Post that many of the migrants rounded up by agents were convicted in "some very heinous cases."

Asylum Seekers Caught With 30,000 High-Caliber Rifle Rounds In Arizona.  President Donald Trump's imminent executive orders addressing the illegal alien invasion, border crisis, and cartel violence could not come soon enough, as a new report out of Arizona says a multi-agency investigation led to the arrest of several asylum seekers and a US citizen in possession of 30,000 rounds of ammunition.  Sheriff Mark Dannels of Cochise County, Arizona, revealed Sunday in a Facebook post that in mid-January, Cochise County Counter Narcotics, Trafficking Alliance assisted Homeland Security Investigations and Burau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives seized 10,000 rounds of .50 caliber ammunition and 19,640 rounds of 7.62x39 ammunition from multiple vehicles, operated by several asylum seekers and one US citizen from Texas.

Border Patrol Agent Shot and Killed During Traffic Stop in Vermont:  Reports.  Hours after President Trump was sworn into office, a Border Patrol agent in Vermont was shot during a traffic stop Monday afternoon.  NewsNation reporter Ali Bradley reported the agent was shot and killed by a suspected illegal alien, Fox News also reported the agent was killed.

Foreign National Beats Kindly Motel Resident to Death With Fire Extinguisher 1 Week After Arriving in US: Police.  A Chilean national allegedly murdered a Florida man at a motel in Kissimmee.  Piero Estefano But-Castillo, 25, faces charges of premeditated murder, resisting an officer with violence, battery, and criminal mischief, according to WOFL-TV.  Osceola County Sheriff Marcos Lopez said the incident took place at about 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 8.  Lopez said that But-Castillo had been evicted from the motel, triggering an angry outburst.  "In an effort to calm him down, our victim — Mr. Robert Krusinowski, a 55-year-old man — was unarmed, just trying to de-escalate the situation," he said.  Krusinowski was a motel resident who often helped the staff with chores.

Biden's DOJ offers MS-13 gang leader a sweetheart deal after at least 7 murders.  Why?  An MS-13 gang leader responsible for at least seven murders has been granted a veritable sweetheart plea deal by President Joe Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ).  Instead of receiving either the death penalty or life in prison, gang leader Jairo "Funny" Saenz, 28, received only 40 to 60 years in federal prison, according to the New York Post.  He was reportedly all-smiles during the sentencing hearing.  "Jairo Saenz, a honcho with the gang's Sailors Locos Salvatruchas Westside clique, smirked as he pleaded guilty to his role in fatal attacks dating to 2016, including giving the order to kill two high school girls who the gang believed disrespected them on social media," the Post notes.  The two girls, Brentwood High School students Kayla Cuevas, 16, and Nisa Mickens, 15, were reportedly beaten and hacked to death in 2016.

Violent Crime Up About 43%; Illegals Commit Far More Crimes.  Cheryl [sic] Atkinson [sic] discussed the discrepancies in crime statistics reported by the FBI and the National Crime Victim Station survey with Dr. Lott.  This has been reported before, but people aren't listening.  They also discussed the high rate of crime by ILLEGAL aliens.  John Lott, a crime data analyst who was a senior adviser for research and statistics in the Justice Department, which is over the FBI.  He says the FBI crime stats shouldn't be taken alone at face value.  The FBI falsely claims violent crime is going down in the country.  Professor Lott calls them "defrauding statements."  Has there been a big shift in what we count as crimes and how the FBI collects its statistics?  Yes, says Dr. Lott.

The Editor says...
I think the writer was referring to Sharyl Attkisson.

Illegal Immigration Is Killing Small Towns.  Department of Homeland (in)Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — is preoccupied with shielding a million more foreign nationals from future deportation. [...] Human trafficker Mayorkas has to be one of the most vile demons in a Democrat den brimming with evil spirits.  The DHS devil helped the Chinese Communist Party kill Americans with fentanyl and looked the other way as a half-million or more young children were imported as chattel and sexual playthings for the country's most repugnant Hell-bound deviants.  Yet the execrable pedophile-enabler never missed an opportunity to stand before cameras with a fiendish smile and defame as "racists" those who object to his criminal depravity.  Mayorkas — who made America only less secure while being charged with an obligation to do the opposite (a default in duty common among the Biden regime's "America Last" fifth column) — spent his time in office ensuring that Americans are more likely to be the victims of rape, murder, robbery, and other violence.

Five-Time Deportee Attempts Kidnapping at Alabama Store.  Yordy Noe Centeno-Melchor, who has been deported at least five times, was arrested on January 3 after allegedly attempting an abduction in Alabama.  The Elmore County Sheriff's Office charged Centeno-Melchor with second-degree attempted kidnapping after an incident on December 31 in Holtville, according to court records.  Law enforcement claims that Centeno-Melchor, aged 31, attempted to entice a 17-year-old girl into his vehicle at a Boy's Store parking area by showing her something on his phone.  Surveillance footage reportedly caught a bystander intervening, prompting Centeno-Melchor to abandon the alleged kidnapping attempt and leave the scene.  The vehicle's license plate was traced back to Centeno-Melchor, leading to his arrest when sheriff's deputies stopped a 2017 black Mitsubishi in nearby Clanton for a traffic violation.

Chicago proposal would end sanctuary status for those who commit certain crimes.  Two Chicago aldermen have proposed eliminating sanctuary-city protections for foreign nationals convicted of or arrested for certain crimes.  Aldermen Raymond Lopez and Silvana Tabares say their proposed amendment to the Welcoming City Ordinance would allow the city to work with federal immigration officers.  Lopez said the measure would only apply when an individual has been arrested for or convicted of gang crimes, drug crimes, prostitution-related activities such as human trafficking, or sex crimes involving minors.

The Editor says...
What about sex crimes involving adult victims?  Why is that okay?  What about firing a gun into the air to celebrate New Year's Eve?  What about drunk driving?  What about boarding a city bus and refusing to pay the fare?  Why are some crimes important while some are not?  You can't pick and choose!

Tom Homan:  Trump Will Deport Venezuelans Regardless Of Whether Or Not Venezuela Takes Them Back.  President-elect Donald Trump's incoming border czar, Tom Homan, said during an interview over the weekend that the administration will be deporting illegal aliens from Venezuela regardless of whether or not Venezuela takes them back.  Homan made the remarks during a Sunday interview on CBS News' "Face The Nation" with Margaret Brennan, when asked about countries like Venezuela that are not accepting deportations back from the U.S.  "Well, first of all, we got President Trump coming to the Oval Office, and he's proven during his first administration, his leadership on illegal immigration was a game changer, because, for instance, El Salvador wouldn't take back MS-13 members when I was the ICE Director," he said.  "It took President Trump 48 hours to get El Salvador to take back their criminal aliens into their prisons."  "And Mexico didn't want to do the Remain in Mexico program," he continued.  "But President Trump was able to get Remain in Mexico established in Mexico.  He was able to get Mexico put military on the southern and northern border."  Homan noted that President Joe Biden was so weak that countries simply refused to take their criminal illegal aliens back and the administration never "forced these countries to take them back."

Illegal Alien Accused of Twice Molesting 5-Year-Old Girl in Florida.  An illegal alien is accused, and now charged, with twice molesting a five-year-old girl in Palm Beach County, Florida.  Nicolas Jose Francisco, a 25-year-old illegal alien from Guatemala, was arrested by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office and charged with two counts of sexual battery on a victim under the age of 12 years old.  [Advertisement]  According to police, the five-year-old girl was interviewed by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) last month and told investigators she was molested twice by Francisco.  Investigators said that when she was asked about the incidents, the girl began crying and shaking.  Francisco, police allege, called the girl into the garage and bathroom of her home and began molesting her each time.

Massachusetts Governor Orders Sweeping Shelter Inspections After Illegal Migrant Arrested With AR-15, Drugs.  Massachusetts Democrat Gov. Maura Healey on Monday ordered an inspection of all state-run emergency shelters after an illegal migrant was arrested with an AR-15 rifle and hundreds of thousands of dollars in drugs found in his taxpayer-funded hotel room.  Leonardo Andujar Sanchez, a 28-year-old Dominican national, was hit with illegal possession of a firearm, heroin trafficking and other charges in late December after local law enforcement in Revere, Massachusetts, found an AR-15 rifle, ammunition and around five kilograms of fentanyl and cocaine inside the Quality Inn hotel room he was living in.  That hotel is among the 128 hotels and motels across the state that have been used to house asylum seekers and other homeless families since the immigration crisis began.

Rise of Illegal Alien Criminal Gangs Prompts Urgent Call to End Sanctuary Policies.  The rise of transnational criminal organizations like Tren de Aragua, originally from Venezuela, highlights the chaotic border situation and the urgent need for decisive action.  Reports of human trafficking, drug smuggling, and violence linked to these gangs are becoming all too common.  In Colorado, the Tren de Aragua gang has already been implicated in crimes ranging from jewelry store heists to shootings.  Disturbingly, over 60 gang members were identified by U.S. Customs and Border Protection between 2023 and this summer.  These are only those caught; many more have likely entered unchecked due to the Biden administration's ineffective border policies.  A task force was set up in Aurora, Colorado, to identify if the gang had criminally taken over apartment complexes within the city.  It's a fact that criminal illegal alien gangs and organizations prey on migrant communities.  As the illegal immigrant community grows, there has been a spike in crime by the criminal element that exists within it.

Illegal Alien Previously Charged with Attempted Murder Stabs 86-Year-Old Man at Fred Meyer Grocery Store.  A previously deported illegal alien from Mexico with a long criminal rap sheet stabbed an 86-year-old man at a Fred Meyer grocery store in Clackamas County, Oregon last week.  Authorities arrested 31-year-old Jesus Ascencio-Molina last week after he stabbed an elderly man multiple times.  The victim was taken to a nearby hospital and treated for his injuries.

Texas Arrests Four Tren de Aragua Gang Members Crossing U.S. Border from Mexico.  Texas Department of Public Safety troopers arrested four confirmed Tren de Aragua gang members after they illegally crossed the border from Mexico.  The four Venezuelan gang members crossed in a group of 22 migrants from four countries on New Year's Eve.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the arrest on Friday, saying, "Earlier this week, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers identified and arrested four vicious TdA gang members attempting to illegally cross the border from Mexico into the state."  [Tweet]

Tren de Aragua Crashing the Border to Insert As Many Gang Members As Possible Into U.S. Before Jan. 20.  The ultra-violent criminal gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) is now in 19 states and continues to grow its numbers in the U.S., according to the New York Post.  And the way to do that is to infiltrate the U.S. Southern border with as many members as possible.  It hasn't had to try very hard in recent years.  But as Biden sought to undo the damage his catastrophic border policies caused and the political trouble made for his vice president, Kamala Harris, he tried to tighten security at some of the major border crossings.  It was Texas Gov. Greg Abbott who surged assets to the border, including the Texas Rangers and National Guard members, to try to stop illegals from crossing.  Abbott also placed barbed wire across the Rio Grande River to keep illegals from swimming into Texas.  These actions made it much more difficult for TdA to get their members across the border.  TdA is now in attack mode as it's rushing the border crossings near El Paso, Texas, attempting to force its way into the United States before Donald Trump takes office on Jan. 20, 2025.

Illegal migrant accused of stashing AR-15, $750,000 in drugs at taxpayer-funded hotel.  Massachusetts authorities arrested an illegal migrant who was allegedly caught in his taxpayer-funded shelter with an AR-15 rifle and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of illicit drugs.  Leonardo Andujar Sanchez, a 28-year-old Dominican national living unlawfully in the United States, has been charged with illegal possession of a firearm, illegal possession of ammunition, illegal possession of a high-capacity magazine, and heroin trafficking, a spokesperson for the Suffolk County District Attorney's Office confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation.  The charges mark the latest high-profile arrest of an illegal migrant living in one of Massachusetts' state-funded shelters for migrants and other homeless families.  Andujar was arrested on Dec. 27 after a search warrant was served at the Quality Inn in Revere, Massachusetts, one of many hotels that are used as emergency shelters across the state.

The Immigration Battle Begins.  Donald Trump has successfully linked illegal immigration with criminal behavior.  More than 13,000 murderers are in the country illegally.  The brutal murder of Laken Riley personifies insecurities caused by the Democrats open border.  Venezuelan Jose Ibarra entered the United States illegally near El Paso, Texas on September 8, 2022.  The government paid his bus fare to New York City (NYC) where he was arrested for child endangerment in September of 2023.  That same month he took a taxpayer-funded flight from NYC to Atlanta.  He then wandered to Athens, Georgia where he became interested in a house full of attractive co-eds and convicted as a peeping tom.  On February 22, 2024, he decided to rape Laken Riley, a resident in the house.  He followed her to a running trail, attacked her and dragged her to a place off the trail where the attack continued.  She fought back so he bashed in her skull, killing her.

The Stakes in the F Train Tragedy.  The footage is beyond horrifying:  a woman burning to death in a New York City subway car, her alleged killer calmly watching her die, indifferent to the human suffering he caused. [...] The suspect in the horrific F train attack, according to reports, is an illegal alien.  That fact alone should be enough to spark a national conversation about the consequences of sanctuary policies and the refusal to enforce immigration laws.  But in today's political climate, will it? [...] By refusing to cooperate with federal authorities and actively obstructing the enforcement of immigration laws, New York has created a two-tiered system of justice:  one where American citizens are held accountable for their actions while illegal immigrants enjoy de facto immunity.

Tren De Aragua Gang Members Attack Border Patrol Agents with Knives and Tire Irons.  Tren de Aragua gang members are rushing the Texas border and attacking Border Patrol agents with knives, tire irons and broken bottles before Trump takes office next month.  According to The New York Post, the Venezuelan gang members illegally entered the US through El Paso last week and attacked border patrol agents who tried to stop them.  An informant told law enforcement that the gangbangers are planning on breaking into the US every night at 3 am.

From Dallas to the Dakotas, Venezuelan gang members involved in ATM theft ring.  Illegal border crossers from Venezuela with confirmed ties to the violent prison gang Tren de Aragua have been connected to an ATM theft ring in multiple states.  The latest arrests occurred in North and South Dakota.  One recent arrest was made by West Fargo police of a 25-year-old man outside of a Gate City Bank branch.  He was initially pulled over for a broken taillight but was arrested for felony theft after police discovered he was allegedly involved with bank ATM thefts in the Red River Valley.  "During that traffic stop, [the officer] starts talking to the individual, who is here illegally, who is not a citizen of the United States.  As he questions him, he ends up finding that there was over $24,000 cash in his vehicle," West Fargo Police Chief Pete Neilsen told Valley News Live.  Upon searching the vehicle, police found facemasks, black latex gloves, a computer keyboard with several cables and wires, and more than $24,000 in cash.  According to court documents, he admitted to being involved with a group of hackers who "jackpot" ATMs to steal money.

Illegal Alien, Accused of Killing 12-Year-Old Travis Wolfe, Freed from Jail to Spend Holidays with Family.  An illegal alien accused of causing the crash that killed 12-year-old Travis Wolfe in Hazelwood, Missouri, last year is now out of jail without paying any bail.  Endrina Bracho, an illegal alien from Venezuela, was charged in March with one count of first-degree involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree assault, two counts of child endangerment, and one count of driving without a license after allegedly causing a December 2023 crash that left Wolfe dead and his parents, Timothy and Stephanie Wolfe, injured.

'Non-Detained' Illegal Migrants have a convicted homicide rate 13 times higher than U.S.: Report.  A new report based on data from the U.S. Department of Justice suggests that crimes committed by illegal migrants cost U.S. taxpayers at least $166.5 billion, and the severity of those crimes greatly exceeds that of typical American norms.  The report was written by Dr. John R. Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center and is based on data from the U.S. Department of Justice's National Institute of Justice (NIJ), according to The Tennessee Star.  In September, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) revealed in a letter to U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, that as of July 21, 2024, there are 662,566 illegal migrants with criminal histories on the Non-Detained Docket (NDD), which means they are living freely in this country.  Of the 662,566 illegal migrants, a total of 435,719 on the docket — more than 65 percent — are documented to have criminal convictions in their home countries while another 226,847 have pending criminal charges, according to the outlet.

'Dozens' of Tren de Aragua Illegal Immigrant Gang Members Arrested in Colorado, New York.  Rounding up gang members is never a bad idea.  When those gang members are part of a horrendous Venezuelan prison gang, Tren de Aragua, and are in the United States illegally, it's an even better idea.  Finally, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) seems to be taking this matter seriously.  On Monday, as an early Christmas present to the American people, we see that ICE has carried out operations in Colorado and New York that have resulted in the arrest of "dozens" of Tren de Aragua goblins. [...] A good start.  Aurora, Colorado, we might note, is the site of the notorious Tren de Aragua takeover of several apartment buildings, as well as a vicious home invasion by members of that gang.  New York has also been contending with this group, as have many other municipalities across the country.

'Shame On You!': Tom Homan Lights Into Kathy Hochul After Illegal Migrant Allegedly Burned Woman To Death On Subway.  Border czar-designate Tom Homan on Monday criticized Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York after a woman died Sunday after a migrant allegedly lit her on fire while on the New York City subway.  Sebastin Zapeta, a 33-year-old Guatemalan illegal immigrant previously deported by the Trump administration, was arrested Sunday by the New York Police Department in connection with the incident, Fox News reported.  Homan ripped Hochul, who touted the subway's safety after the killing, about the incident.  "This is another example of an illegal alien killing American citizen.  It's almost a daily occurrence now.  You know, because [a] historic number of criminal aliens [are] walking the streets because of this administration's policy and sanctuary jurisdictions and lax immigration enforcement," Homan told "Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade.

Governor Hochul bragged about better subway safety after an illegal migrant allegedly set a passenger on fire.  President-elect Donald Trump's no-nonsense border czar Tom Homan slammed New York Gov. Kathy Hochul for boasting on X that she had improved subway safety just hours after an illegal migrant allegedly burned a sleeping passenger to death on an F train.  The accused killer was once deported back to his native Guatemala but later sneaked back into the US and availed himself of the shelter system in the Big Apple, where sanctuary status is the law of the land.  "Governor Hochul, shame on you.  There's nothing you can say that's going to make this right in New York," Homan said on "Fox & Friends" Monday morning as he ripped Hochul for supporting sanctuary laws and welcoming "thousands of illegal aliens to her state."  Hochul's office touted a decrease in overall subway crime in an ill-timed tweet coming hours after the fatal fire.

Are they going to say the horrific murder of the woman on the subway was caused by 'fire' violence?  By now, you've probably heard of the horrific violence perpetrated by an illegal alien on an innocent woman riding New York's subway.  It's part of a disturbing trend of illegal invaders committing unspeakable crimes while governments focus more on 'social justice,' and disarming the innocent.  No matter the facts, civilian disarmament zealots, better known as the gun-grabber lobby, persist in trying to take away our firearm freedoms.  People are clearly the problem, not inanimate objects. [...] And as one can predict as easily as the sun coming up, the propaganda press wasn't interested in the murder when they couldn't exploit it for political points.

Migrant sets woman on fire in New York subway as cops bumble and Gov. Hochul touts making subway 'safer'.  In a grotesque confluence of all the horrid doings in wokester New York City, a Guatemalan migrant brazenly set a woman on fire in broad daylight in the New York subway just to watch her burn, and no Daniel Pennys came forward to stop the barbaric crime.  [Tweet with video clip]  It's hard to believe anyone could do this to another human being, setting her on fire, just because.  But the individual who is accused of doing it, is reportedly an illegal border surger from Guatemala, probably let into the country under Joe Biden's catch and release, as a gotaway, or through some kind of skeevy migrant parole program as an "asylum seeker."  He may have had his case dismissed as so many millions have.  [Tweet]

Honduran Came as Unaccompanied Minor, Ordered Deported in 2010, Now Arrested for Texas Murder.  A Honduran migrant who entered the U.S. as an unaccompanied minor now faces a murder charge in Harris County, Texas.  The man was ordered removed from the U.S. by an immigration judge in 2010 after failing to show up for scheduled hearings, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials.  The Gulf Coast Violent Offenders Task Force arrested 33-year-old Alex Mejia-Pineda in Huntsville, Texas, last week on a charge that he participated in the murder of Erik Eduardo Zavala-Flores, 28, according to Fox 26 Houston.

Illegal With Ties To Venezuelan Gang Member Busted For Attacking, Robbing SCNY ADA.  I wonder if Sanctuary City New York district attorney Alvin Bragg will reduce the charges and let the illegal go or prosecute him hard since the victim is part of Bragg's team? [...] He's been arrested eight times since arriving in the U.S., beginning in June, for crimes ranging from robbery to grand larceny to criminal mischief, police said.  And, yet, he was still walking the streets when he should have been either turned over to ICE for deportation or prosecuted for felonies[.]

Illegal Alien Wanted in Florida for Allegedly Filming Himself Raping Child.  An illegal alien is on the run in Florida after having been accused of filming himself raping a child in Martin County.  Jesus Tamanis-Peralta, a 37-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, is wanted by the Martin County Sheriff's Office on charges of sexual battery of a child.  He has an active warrant for his arrest.  [Advertisement]  According to police, Tamanis-Peralta fled Martin County when he discovered he was wanted by the sheriff's office and is currently running from town to town.  Tamanis-Peralta was last seen on December 12.  [Advertisement]  The allegations against Tamanis-Peralta are gruesome.  According to police, he raped an 8-year-old, filmed the abuse, and recently started distributing the footage.  The Martin County Sheriff's Office is asking anyone who knows Tamanis-Peralta's whereabouts to call police.

Iran-Affiliated Venezuelan Gangs Invited Into the United States.  More than half a million Venezuelans have entered the US illegally since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform.  Until Biden became president, few Venezuelans arrived illegally.  Only around 4,500 arrived in 2020.  After Biden's inauguration, however, numbers exploded: 50,499 Venezuelans illegally entered in 2021, another 189,520 in 2022 and a whopping 334,914 in 2023.  This means that Venezuelans now rank second in illegal immigration into the US, after Mexicans, who still take the number one spot.  For more than two decades, Venezuela has been a close ally of Iran, and a regional home base for Hezbollah, Iran's proxy in the Middle East.  Hezbollah, according to one 2020 Atlantic Council report, helped to "turn Venezuela into a hub for the convergence of transnational organized crime and international terrorism."  Iran's Quds Force is a subsection of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Horrific story about Venezuelan migrant gangbangers violently torturing people in Colorado is suppressed by the legacy media.  There was a horrific story out yesterday about violence in Colorado; I saw it on a few shows on Fox News, but it didn't make ABC nightly news.  My guess is it also didn't make NBC or CBS News.  It is not on Yahoo, Drudge Report, or Washington Post as of writing this.  The story is that 14 Venezuelan migrant gang members in Aurora, Colorado kidnapped and tortured two other migrants for four hours.  They pistol-whipped the man, and even pulled out all the fingernails of the woman. [...] The Aurora police chief blamed the Biden-Harris administration for the problem.  He said when he contacted someone at the White House in September, the contact reportedly said that once the illegals cross the border, the administration really doesn't care what happens to them.  That is why most of the media is not reporting the story.  They don't like people specifically blaming Democrats and their policies for the problem.

Aurora police chief:  Armed apartment invasion 100% gang activity.  Nineteen people were detained following a reported armed home invasion at The Edge at Lowry apartment complex in Aurora.  Initially, Aurora police said 14 people had been detained but increased the number to 19 by Tuesday night.  The Aurora Police Department told FOX31's Gabby Easterwood that officers sought, obtained and served "several" warrants for individual apartments believed to be connected to the armed invasion. [...] John Fabbricatore, a former ICE field manager who's been weighing in on the conversation surrounding gangs, Venezuelan migrants and Aurora safety from the beginning, told Easterwood he feels this is what concerned citizens tried to warn the city about. "This is just showing exactly what we said from the get-go that there are Venezuelan gangs in that area," Fabbricatore said.  Chamberlain said that gangs were involved and Venezuelans were involved, but he didn't confirm if the gang involved was Tren de Aragua.

Trump Vindicated: 14 Alleged Gangbangers Arrested in Aurora Apartment Complex.  Police in Aurora, Colorado, reported that 14 people have been detained after a home invasion and stabbing at an apartment complex at the center of alleged activity from the dangerous Tren de Aragua gang.  This is the same apartment complex that Donald Trump warned of in September when he said it was being "taken over" by Tren de Aragua gangbangers.  Trump was widely attacked by the establishment media for his assertion at the time.  The Aurora Police Department (APD) posted a message to X Tuesday morning and reported that 14 were arrested at the Edge at Lowry Apartment complex at around 2:30 a.m. when officers responded to a report of an armed home invasion, stabbing, and kidnapping.

U.S. Should Deport Criminals Who Are Here Illegally, More Than 2/3 Of Voters Say.  Illegal immigration, it's clear, was one of the key factors in Donald Trump's sweeping win over Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election.  Americans expect action from the White House, including using the military to deport those who are here illegally, according to the latest I&I/TIPP Poll data.  Some 1,411 adult voters were asked the following question: "How important is it for Trump to quickly find and deport illegal immigrants with criminal records?" [...] It should come as no great shock that an overwhelming 69% of respondents said it was either very important (41%) or somewhat important (28%) to round up and deport illegals with criminal backgrounds quickly, while just 26% said it was either not very important (13%) or not at all important (13%).  Another 6% weren't sure.

Venezuelan Busted For Extorting Illegals In PA Exposes Evil Side Effect Of Biden's Open Borders.  When a party of four Venezuelans and one Colombian crawled through a hole in a fence at the United States-Mexico border, they knew they were entering the U.S. illegally.  But they didn't know they would become witnesses for the Department of Justice (DOJ) in a human trafficking case against Venezuelan national Cesar David Martinez-Gonzalez of Chester, Pennsylvania.  Gonzalez pled guilty this month to conspiring to illegally bring aliens to the United States and to encourage and induce aliens to enter the United States for private financial gain.  According to the DOJ, Gonzalez helped smuggle "dozens of migrants" from South America to the United States illegally so he could profit from their labor.  He faces a maximum of 120 years in prison and will be sentenced March 18.  The five witnesses in the case, whose names and occupations have been sealed by the court at the request of the DOJ, told investigators how they came under Gonzalez's control.

Deadly Venezuelan Gang Invades Another State.  Across American communities, illegal immigrant gangs have become a growing and dangerous threat that is often linked to violent drug trafficking, human smuggling, and organized crime, operating with little to no fear of law enforcement.  They use loopholes at the southern border to enter the United States thanks to lax immigration policies enacted by the outgoing Biden-Harris Administration.  Most recently, a top Tennessee law enforcement official confirmed that the dangerous Venezuelan gang, Tren de Aragua, is now popping up in the state despite having strict border policies.  Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Director David Rausch warned that the gang is operating a human trafficking scheme in the state.

Sinaloa Cartel Offering Huge Pay Days to College Chemistry Students to Produce More Potent Fentanyl.  An in-depth report conducted by the New York Times follows how the Sinaloa Cartel is recruiting young college students studying chemistry to make Fentanyl.  The Times report included interviews with seven fentanyl cooks, three chemistry students, two high-ranking operatives and a high-level recruiter.  All of them work for the Sinaloa Cartel, which the U.S. government says is largely responsible for the fentanyl pouring over the southern border.  The cartels "know we are now focused on the illicit trafficking of these precursor chemicals around the world," said Todd Robinson, the State Department's assistant secretary of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

The 58,000 Member Mess.  New York City calls itself a Sanctuary City.  And I was surprised to learn that it's been that way since the 1980s when Democrat Ed Koch declared it as such to support people fleeing political oppression and looking for political asylum.  The government tells us this week that there are now over 58,000 criminals who also happen to be illegal aliens in New York City.  I doubt Ed ever thought things would turn into the mess that it now is.  Eric Adams, on the other hand, saw the mess and campaigned on it.  Not on fixing it, but importing more of it.  We love the mess!  Send us more mess!  Mess is good!  Now that there are 58,000 criminal illegal alien contributors to the mess, not to mention a quarter of a million illegal aliens who are not committing crimes (as far as anyone knows) but are draining off resources, Eric has suddenly flipped.

New Jersey Police May Be Required To Alert Feds When Illegal Immigrants Apply For Gun Permits.  New Jersey lawmakers have proposed a bill that would require local law enforcement agencies and state police to notify federal immigration authorities any time an illegal immigrant applies for a firearms purchaser identification card (FPIC) or handgun purchase permit (PPH).  Passing the bill in legislation would align the state's firearm application procedures with federal immigration laws.  The proposed measure will require law enforcement across the state to notify and cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and additional federal authorities whenever a firearms applicant is determined to be unlawfully present within the United States.  Under Federal law 18 U.S.C. § 922(d)(5), it is currently prohibited to sell or transfer firearms to illegal immigrants.  This bill formalizes state-level compliance with that standard however absurd it may sound that a law must be created to compel a state to comply with existing federal law.  Such are the shenanigans when you're dealing with a "sanctuary state," as has been New Jersey's designation since 2019.

There's a High Risk of a Large Scale Terror Attack in the US in 2025.  "Homeland Security" is a misnomer; the head of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, openly admitted to a room full of border patrol agents this year that over 85% of illegal immigrants apprehended at the southern border are released into the country.  Mayorkas originally claimed the release rate was 70% in an interview with FOX News, only to raise that number to 85% when agents pressed him during the private meeting.  Reports indicate that at least 400,000 known criminals have crossed the border illegally during Joe Biden's presidency, and 13,000 of those immigrants were convicted murderers.  What we don't know, however, is how many terror suspects and foreign agents have also entered the US in the past four years.  The DHS releases limited data.  Migrants that get a hit on the terror watch list are held and cataloged, of course, but with wide open borders and the White House running interference there's no way to know how many slipped through.  The political left argues that "no terror attacks have happened on Biden's watch", but these are the same people that originally denied the existence of Venezuelan gangs currently taking over apartment complexes in multiple cities across the country.

Mayor Adams wants migrants charged with crimes deported from NYC.  Mayor Eric Adams said Tuesday that he's open to deporting migrants from New York City who have been charged with crimes — a shift from his past stance of waiting for convictions before shipping off immigrant criminals.  Adams said he soon plans to meet with President-elect Donald Trump's new "border czar" Tom Homan on the incoming administration's plans to potentially deport accused migrant criminals.  "My position is people who commit crimes in our city, you have abdicated your right to be in our city and I am open to figure out the best way to address that," he said.

NYC is now home to over 58K 'criminal' migrants — including more than 1,000 gang members:  ICE.  There are over 58,000 illegal migrants who are convicted felons or facing criminal charges roaming NYC — and close to 670,000 across the country, startling new data obtained by The Post shows.  Of the 759,218 illegal-border crossers living in the Big Apple the feds were aware of as of Nov. 17, a jaw-dropping 58,626 — 7.7% — were either previously convicted of crimes or had criminal charges pending, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency data.  And of the 58,626 migrants with rap sheets, 1,053, nearly 2%, are "suspected or known gang members," according to the agency.  Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-Staten Island/Brooklyn) pointed blame for the stunning stats at soft-on-crime and lax border-control policies pushed by President Biden and other Democrats.

More Illegal Alien Suspects Charged With Child Sex Crimes.  Texans are continuing to see a steady stream of suspected illegal aliens charged with sexually abusing children, mirroring a nationwide crime trend.  The X site Illegal Alien Crimes has documented the arrests of hundreds of suspects who have immigration detainers or "holds" issued by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  Dozens are charged with sex crimes against minors.  Detainers are used by ICE to apprehend dangerous deportable noncitizens who are arrested by another law enforcement agency.  Earlier this year the site found that in Dallas County alone, 14 suspected illegal aliens were arrested for sexually exploiting children in just one month.

Smirking illegal alien in New York is the poster boy for sanctuary lawlessness.  As the Biden era comes to an end, one image will come to define the immigration lawlessness of this era.  After an illegal alien linked to the Venezuelan transnational gang Tren de Aragua was arrested for allegedly performing a lewd act after breaking into the home of a New York City prosecutor, a photo went viral on the internet and social media of the alien giving a wry smirk during a court appearance.  While the illegal alien, 25-year-old Brandon Simosa, is now being held without bail, he had previously had several run-ins with the law, including alleged incidents of thefts and assault, according to the New York Post.  Despite Simosa allegedly engaging in repeated criminal activity and living in the country illegally, the sanctuary city of New York had given him a pass until he allegedly robbed one of their own prosecutors.

Tren de Aragua gangbangers tied to wild Colorado apartment takeover arrested in major NYC drug, gun bust: sources.  A pair of Tren de Aragua gangbangers tied to a wild Aurora, Colorado apartment invasion were arrested in a major NYC drug trafficking and credit card scam bust Wednesday that also netted an arsenal of deadly assault rifles, The [New York] Post has learned.  Denyeer Aramillo Meneses, 23, and Edison Pena Angulo, 25, were picked up during an early-morning raid in the Bronx by a gang task force led by the NYPD and US Homeland Security Investigation, according to law enforcement sources.  In total, 15 suspected members of the Venezuelan migrant gang were nabbed following a months-long investigation into narcotics trafficking and gang violence, the sources said.

Illegal migrant crime cost $166.5 billion, three times the price of deportation.  The cost of crime from 662,000 criminal illegal migrants sought for deportation has been pegged at three times the much-hyped price of President-elect Donald Trump's "mass deportation" plan.  In an analysis from the Crime Prevention Research Center, the costs of crime from the top targets of ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations was set at $166.5 billion.  That number is based on the cost to victims, a price list developed by the National Institute of Justice.  Crime Prevention Research Center President John R. Lott Jr., who did the analysis for Real Clear Investigations, said the cost was based on just one of the crimes "each of the 662,566 'non-detained' noncitizen offenders on ICE's list" has been previously accused of.

Illegal Immigrant Accused of Rape in Fairfax County Days After Being Released for Another Crime.  His name is Denis Humberto Navarette Romero.  He's an illegal immigrant from Honduras and last week he was arrested for raping a woman in Herndon, Virginia.  The crime took place just four days after Romero was released from jail on an indecent exposure conviction. [...] When he's not committing crimes in Fairfax County, he apparently goes to Washington, DC where he has also been accused of lewd acts and, in one case that is still pending, attempted murder.  So why is this guy still here?  Fairfax County instituted what it calls a "Trust Policy" in 2021 which is essentially a sanctuary county policy.  That wasn't in place at the time of the 2018 incident but it was by the time of his next series of crimes.  However, Fairfax claims ICE Is notified every time an illegal immigrant is incarcerated in the city jail.  Romero has been in that jail four times, but the county says they never received a detainer requests for him.  It's not clear why that didn't happen, but there's no guarantee they would have honored it even if it had been filed.

Illegal Migrant Accused Of Raping Woman Along Hiking Trail In Sanctuary County Had History Of Prior Arrests.  An illegal migrant accused of raping a woman on a popular hiking path in a Washington, D.C.-area suburb previously had been arrested and released multiple times by local law enforcement.  A woman walking home on Nov. 18 along the Washington & Old Dominion Railroad Trail in Herndon, Virginia was attacked behind nearby bushes and raped by a man, according to an announcement from the Herndon Police Department.  Police have accused 31-year-old Denis Humberto Navarette Romero for the crime, charging him with abduction with intent to defile and rape.

If you want to see a 'rape culture,' look to the illegal aliens flooding America.  Do you remember how, in the first decade and more of the 21st century, we were flooded with stories about American colleges and universities being hotbeds of "rape culture"?  We were told that 1 in 5 young women at college were certain to be raped, especially by toxic white, middle-class men.  Even Joe Biden parroted that number.  It was, of course, false.  However, there is a real rape culture in America, and it's one that the Democrats don't want to speak about:  lately, illegal aliens are seemly arrested daily for raping young women and children.  The highest profile recent rape, of course, was that of Laken Riley, whose rapist and murderer was just sentenced to life in prison rather than to the death he so richly deserved.  However, he is certainly not the only one — and in many cases, as you can see from this collection of tweets, the alleged or convicted rapist was a known offender:  [Tweet with video clip]

Illegal Alien Arrested For Raping 14-Year-Old Girl in Denver.  As previously reported, Democrat Mayor Mike Johnston of Denver, Colorado, declared war on President Trump's efforts to enforce immigration policies.  President Trump has vowed to deport criminal aliens first as part of his mass deportation plan.  However, Mayor Johnston declared war on Trump and said he will use city police and local volunteers to physically prevent the deportation of illegal immigrants, including those with potential gang affiliations.

The Lethal Legacy of Alejandro Mayorkas.  In a recent news, we learned that the murderous Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) is now in 16 states in the U.S., committing crimes openly and brazenly.  These gang members' many horrific acts include robbery and murder, gang rape, assaults, shakedowns, burying people alive, and even beheadings and public executions.  They are reputed to be more violent than the notorious Salvadoran gang MS-13.  TdA first gained notoriety on August 18, when a video showed gang members wandering through an Aurora, Colorado apartment building, brandishing guns, knocking on doors, even breaking off locks and entering apartments unbidden.  In this instance, it appears they were shaking down residents for their rent money with threats of violence and the lethal weapons to make good on them.  It turns out this apartment building in Aurora was one of three that TdA had taken over.

Illegal Alien Found Guilty on All Counts of Murdering Laken Riley in Georgia.  An illegal alien Tren de Aragua gang member has been convicted on all counts for murdering 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley in Athens, Georgia in February of this year.  The felon had been released from the southern border into the United States by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris's administration and given a work permit.  On Wednesday, an Athens judge found Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal alien from Venezuela, guilty of murdering Laken Riley after stalking her on an early morning jog around the University of Georgia (UGA) campus on Feb. 22, 2024.

No, You're Not Imagining a Migrant Crime Spree.  The arrest of an illegal immigrant for the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley a few weeks before President Joe Biden's 2024 State of the Union address ignited a political firestorm.  "Laken's death is the direct result of policies on the federal level and an unwillingness by this White House to secure the southern border," Georgia's Republican governor Brian Kemp charged, after reports emerged that the border patrol had grabbed Venezuelan Jose Ibarra back in 2022, but that he was quickly paroled and released into the United States. [...] The idea of a migrant crime wave was a myth, media outlets proclaimed, noting studies of Texas incarceration data from years ago, which seemed to suggest that illegals commit crimes at low rates.  This ignored other surveys, based on federal multistate data, which show a far more troubling reality.  And after years of a migrant border "surge" — with countless asylum-seekers inadequately vetted and then allowed to enter the U.S. — state law-enforcement agencies now warn that immigrant gangs have seized control of many drug- and human-trafficking networks and have unleashed robbery sprees across the nation.

Laken Riley murder suspect Jose Ibarra's ties to blood thirsty migrant gang revealed.  Laken Riley's alleged killer Jose Ibarra has been identified as a member of the brutal Tren de Aragua gang.  The Department of Homeland Security confirmed to NewsNation's Ali Bradley that the 26-year-old undocumented migrant from Venezuela is a member of the criminal group.  Ibarro was suspected of being part of the gang but his official membership was not confirmed until now.

Laken Riley Murder Suspect Received Taxpayer-Funded Stay at Roosevelt Hotel, Flight to Georgia.  The illegal immigrant on trial for allegedly murdering Georgia nursing student Laken Riley earlier this year received a taxpayer-funded stay at a fancy hotel in New York City and a subsequent flight to Atlanta, Georgia.  The roommate of suspected murderer Jose Antonio Ibarra testified at his criminal trial Monday and revealed that Ibarra stayed at the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan before taking a "humanitarian flight" to Atlanta last fall with her.  Through a translator, Rosebeli Flores-Bello said they left the Roosevelt Hotel for Atlanta around September 10 of last year and flew into the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.  From there, they went to an apartment in Athens, Georgia where Ibarra lived and was later arrested.  Last year, New York City turned the once opulent Roosevelt Hotel into a processing center for hordes of illegal immigrants arriving into the Big Apple.  The iconic Madison Avenue hotel received significant national attention for being symbol of the crisis at the southern border and the Biden administration's disjointed response.

Tren De Aragua Gang Terrorizes American Cities.  Joe Biden's border policies are disastrous for communities nationwide, including cities that are nowhere near United States borders.  There have been at least 10.8 million encounters with illegal aliens nationwide since the start of Fiscal Year 2021 (FY2021), according to Rep. Mark Green's September "Startling Stats" report on the border crisis.  The same report indicates that 2 million more aliens have entered as "known gotaways."  According to former chief of Border Patrol Raul Ortiz, the total number of gotaways "could be underreported by as much as 20 percent."  The devastating numbers fail to tell the whole story, however.  Embedded in those historic numbers are criminal gangs like Tren de Aragua, whose members have taken root in communities nationwide.  Tren de Aragua is terrorizing communities, forcing the Biden administration's U.S. Treasury to label the gang as a U.S.-designated transnational criminal organization (TCO).

Expediting Deportation, Using Carrots and Sticks.  Trump and his new Border Czar have agreed that the top priority will be removing illegals who either committed crimes before they came to the United States or — and this is the top priority — those who have committed crimes since coming to the United States.  Since these are people likely to strongly resist such deportations, this will represent a challenge to the Border Guards and ICE Agents who will have to deal with it in practical terms. [...] The stick would be, if you came here illegally after being released from prison in your homeland for felony crimes of any sort, as well as violent misdemeanors, and instead of voluntarily leaving you wait to be caught by ICE or the Border Patrol, you will serve out your prison sentence — plus ten years — before being deported; and once back in your home country, you will never be allowed back into the U.S. under any terms.  If you serve your sentence here and then are deported, and sneak back in, you will be imprisoned for a no-parole term of at least ten years before again being ejected from America.

The case for mass deportations.  President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to "launch the largest deportation of criminals in American history."  That is a quote from a Nov. 2 rally in Salem, Virginia, but Trump has said precisely the same thing dozens of times.  Still, through the course of a long campaign, with his improvisational style, Trump has occasionally worded his pledge differently.  For example, at his Madison Square Garden rally, Trump said, "On day one, I will launch the largest deportation program in American history to get the criminals out."  At an Oct. 25 event in Austin, Texas, Trump said he "will launch the largest deportation program in American history" before adding, "We have no choice.  We have got to get all of these criminals, these murderers, and drug dealers, and everything, we're getting them out."  Back on May 24, at his rally in the South Bronx, Trump pledged to "immediately begin the largest criminal deportation operation in our country's history."  So, variations in wording aside, when Trump talks about mass deportation, he is talking about the mass deportation of criminals.  It's hard to imagine opposing Trump's proposal.  Who would want to help murderers and drug dealers who entered the country illegally remain in the United States?

The Editor says...
I'm strongly in favor of deporting violent criminals who did not enter this country legally, and not necessarily to the country of their origin.  (Paraguay comes to mind.)  I am also strongly in favor of deporting illegal aliens who are a "public charge;" that is, a perpetual liability living on the welfare system.

Adios to Biden and Harris.  Biden and Harris have inflicted problems that are the worst in history, for the next administration to clean up.  Tens of millions of illegal aliens, violent crime and drug smuggling, declining military enlistment, and rampant inflation are all heavy burdens for the new presidential administration.  Mexico is reportedly delaying a vast horde of at least another 150,000 migrants at Tapachula, which is its southernmost city, until after our election depending on who wins.  On Sunday a shootout occurred in Mexico near the California border, which left 2 Colombians dead and 4 wounded.  Another recent shootout occurred just south of the Texas border along the Rio Grande, near the Tornillo-Guadalupe International Bridge.  The Mexico National Guard exchanged gunfire with a caravan of suspected drug smugglers, and afterward found three abandoned trucks, all of which had been reported as stolen in the United States, and an arsenal of 20 rifles, 19 bulletproof vests, 11 handguns, 10 combat helmets, and ammunition in excess of 2,900 rounds.

Illegal Immigrant Sexually Assaults 4 Minors In New Orleans Suburb.  Kenner, Louisiana, a suburb of New Orleans, has been dealing with a surge of sex crimes, gang violence, traffic infractions, and other crimes, due to an influx of illegal immigrants.  The latest crime reported by the Kenner Police Department on Oct. 29 involved a 17-year-old old illegal immigrant who was arrested for sex crimes involving two minors in the city.  Two additional minors were also found to be abused, Police Capt. Mike Cunningham told The Epoch Times on Oct. 30.  Luis Renan Bonilla-Alfaro allegedly inappropriately touched four minors aged 4 to 13 and performed sexual acts with them in a trailer park.  Bonilla-Alfaro confessed and admitted that he filmed the acts with the minors.  Kenner Police found sexually explicit videos on his phone of him and the minors.  "We have identified two additional victims, one of whom was the unidentified we found on [the] suspect's phone," said Cunningham. "A total of four victims, all under the age of 13, all males."

Georgia: Illegal Alien Charged with Murdering Puerto Rican Fitness Influencer Minelys Rodriguez-Ramirez.  An illegal alien is accused of murdering 25-year-old Minelys "Mimi" Rodriguez-Ramirez, a native of Puerto Rico and fitness influencer, in Cornelia, Georgia.  Angel DeJesus Rivera-Sanchez, a 24-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, has been arrested by the Habersham County Sheriff's Office and charged with kidnapping and murdering Mimi Rodriguez-Ramirez.

Puerto Rican Fitness Influencer Is Kidnapped And Murdered By An Illegal In Georgia.  Puerto Rican fitness influencer kidnapped and murdered by an illegal immigrant in Georgia.  24-year-old Mexican illegal alien Angel DeJesus Rivera-Sanchez is accused of murdering Puerto Rican native Minelys "Mimi" Rodriguez-Ramirez, 25.  Rodriguez-Ramirez was last seen on October 22 at a Walmart in Cornelia, Georgia.  Police found her body the next day near the Walmart after being reported missing.  [Video clip]

Crazed Haitian Man Holds A White Woman Hostage With A Machete To Her Neck In Miami.  A man who was holding a woman hostage with a machete was shot and killed by police in North Miami Beach, officials said.  The incident happened on the first floor of an office building in the area of Northeast 168th Street and Northeast 2nd Avenue.  North Miami Beach Police Chief Harvette Smith said officers responded to the building around 1:30 p.m. after getting a 911 call of a man walking around with a large machete.  Officers arrived and encountered the man who was holding the machete.  He refused officers' commands and ran into the building after officers tased him, Smith said.  At one point, the man was holding a woman hostage with a machete pointed at her neck, Smith said.  [Video clip]

Venezuelan gang members accused in Dallas-area murder.  More illegal border crossers who are confirmed Venezuelan Tren De Aragua prison gang members continue to be arrested for allegedly committing violent crimes in Texas.  Three Venezuelan men, all in the country illegally, were the latest to be arrested on capital murder and aggravated kidnapping charges that are believed to have occurred in Farmers Branch, a northwestern suburb of Dallas.  Two suspects were arrested in Aurora, Colorado; one was arrested in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  All three are being extradited to Texas.  A fourth remains at large.  All five Venezuelan men are believed to be part of a national ATM theft ring, Farmers Branch Police Department announced this week.

Crimes against American Schoolchildren Rise as Illegal Immigration Increases.  Those who knew and loved Joshua Wilkerson described the 18-year-old as friendly, "solid in his faith," and eager to help other students in his Houston-area high school.  "Joshua had never been in a fight in his life," said his mother.  That all changed on November 16, 2010.  A fellow student and acquaintance named Hermilo Moralez asked him for a ride home.  Police say after they arrived, the 19-year-old illegal immigrant from Belize launched an unprovoked attack on Wilkerson, who had driven Moralez home numerous times in the past.  Moralez, a skilled martial artist, punched Wilkerson in the face and "kicked so hard in the stomach that it sent his spleen into his spine, and sliced it in two," his mother testified to Congress.  Moralez beat him with a wooden rod and injured his classmate so extensively that police categorized the injuries as torture.  Even Moralez called his assault "very violent," court records show.  Moralez then tied Wilkerson's body, drove Wilkerson's truck to a remote location, and set him on fire.  "At one point, Hermilo stated that Joshua kind of 'melted' into the ground," say court documents.

Chaos and Crime:  Legacy of the Biden-Harris Border Policies.  Upon being inaugurated, one of the responsibilities Joe Biden and Kamala Harris assumed was to keep the American homeland secure and safeguard our sovereign borders.  Nearly four years later, looking at the catastrophic, unprecedented border crisis that has unfolded on their watch, can anyone say with a straight face they have fulfilled that obligation?  The answer, unequivocally, is no — and Americans are the ones paying the price.  From the beginning, Biden, Harris, and other key officials in their administration were determined to end President Donald Trump's effective border security policies — regardless of the consequences.  They also refused to enforce long-standing immigration laws that administrations of both parties have enforced.  According to a new report by my committee, the incoming Biden-Harris team was warned by current and former Department of Homeland Security law enforcement during the presidential transition of what would happen if they embarked on this path — and yet, they chose to do so anyway.

The Consequences of Kamala Harris.  [Video clip only.]

MS-13 gang member illegally in country charged in double homicide.  In what has become an all too frequent news story, the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office in Virginia announced that an arrest of an illegal migrant has been made in connection with the double homicide of a couple in August, according to reports.  The suspect was identified by authorities as 18-year-old Marlyn Medrano-Ortiz.  He is a self-identified MS-13 gang member and also an undocumented immigrant who is illegally in the US, according to law enforcement officials, WUSA 9 reported.

Report: Records Show 1 In 10 Inmates In Texas Jail Are Migrants Wanted By ICE.  A new report suggests that one in 10 of the "most violent prisoners" being held in jail in Texas are illegal migrants earmarked for deportation by federal immigration authorities.  More than 1,100 violent criminals housed in Harris County Jail in Houston currently have detainers filed by U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement, which includes child rapists and accused murderers, according to records.  An ICE detainer is defined as a notice sent to local law enforcement of their intention to take a person into custody following their release from jail.  The records, obtained by Fox News through an open records request, revealed that some of the most vicious defendants in the Lone Star State entered the U.S. illegally.  Furthermore, there are close to 9,500 inmates in total in the Harris County Jail, according to Fox News.  The records show that close to half (43%) of the migrants detained in Houston are charged with heinous violent crimes, including 174 ICE detainers for sexual assault, with over half involving children under the age of 14.

ICE Arrested Noncitizens Charged or Convicted of 12,394 Homicides from 2017 to 2023.  ICE has arrested noncitizen immigrants charged with 12,394 homicides in the seven-year period from 2017 to 2023, not including 2024, according to ICE's annual reports of arrests and removals.  After Rep. Tony Gonzales of Texas released a FOIA request showing ICE reported 13,000 non-detained immigrants convicted of homicide in the U.S., DHS maintained these figures reflect the situation over the past 40 years.  So I checked ICE's annual reports on arrest and removals.  They show that from 2017 to 2023, ICE arrested noncitizen immigrants charged or convicted of:
  ◦   12,394 homicides
  ◦   11,414 kidnappings
  ◦   27,719 sexual assaults
  ◦   256,547 assaults
  ◦   27,891 robberies
Some offenders were charged or convicted of more than one crime.  In 2023, for example, 73,882 noncitizens with criminal histories faced 290,708 charges or convictions, an average of four per person, according to ICE.

Democrat-Funded NGOs Are Fueling America's Criminal Gangs.  America's immigration crisis is spiraling out of control, and it is no accident.  This catastrophe is the result of deliberate choices by the Biden-Harris regime, especially Vice President Kamala Harris in her unofficial role as "Border Czar."  The so-called leadership of this administration has wreaked havoc on our state and local law enforcement, endangered communities, and eroded the very fabric of our nation.  It is a man-made disaster that could have been avoided[,] if not for the left's obsession with open borders and uncontrolled immigration.  Since the Biden-Harris regime took power, billions of taxpayer dollars have been funneled through Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that effectively serve as migration facilitation programs for unvetted foreign nationals.  These dollars are channeled to Democrat-controlled NGOs, which in turn use the funds to flood American communities with waves of illegal immigrants.  Make no mistake, this is not compassion — it is a cynical political strategy aimed at importing a new voter base.  Democrats have given up on their traditional working-class and minority voters, replacing them with individuals who will rely on the very programs Democrats promise to expand.

The Editor says...
They are not "America's criminal gangs."  They are Venezuela's gangs and Mexico's gangs, currently doing their business in the U.S.

Texas ICE: Accused Murderer Deported To Honduras After Years On The Run.  A Honduran man accused of murder has been deported back to his home country after spending more than five years hiding in the United States.  Fredy Rufino Aguilar-Hernandez, 38, was removed from the U.S. on October 25th by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with assistance from authorities in Honduras.  He is wanted in Honduras for murder.  Aguilar-Hernandez initially entered the U.S. legally in 2018 but overstayed his visa.  In 2019, ICE officials were alerted that he was wanted for murder in Honduras and began an extensive search to locate him.  After years of investigation, ICE officers finally tracked Aguilar-Hernandez down to a residence in Galveston, Texas in May 2024 and arrested him.

The Editor says...
Don't give this guy a free ride to Honduras.  Send him to Uruguay or Argentina or Chile, just to assure we'll never see him again.

Modern-day traitors betraying the American republic.  A Daily Signal September 1, 2024 report cites U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics stating that total crime (reported and unreported) in America has soared under the Biden-Harris administration.  Millions of Americans are being subjected to very high rates of crime due in large part to the criminal actions of over 400,000 illegal aliens (including violent gang members) known to have previous convictions, many for murder and sexual assault.  Democrats claim that they tried to protect America's borders in the Border Act of 2024 but were prevented by Republicans.  However, a close examination of the bill reveals that a prime reason for its defeat is that Democrat leaders would have the discretion to catch and release up to 5,000 inadmissible migrants per day amounting to almost two million illegal aliens per year with little or no vetting!

Aurora authorities knew about Tren de Aragua problem over a year ago, documents show.  An Aurora City Council member says she has documents verifying that local police knew about the "Tren De Aragua" gang's takeover of local apartment buildings more than a year ago.  Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky published photos of the documents to her personal X profile on Wednesday and Thursday.  The documents contain emails from within the Aurora Police Department discussing extensive gang activities in the area.  "I am done.  I am tired of the city lying.  I am done with the governor who called the cops on me.  I am done with the local media.  This is an issue of human suffering. [...]" Jurinsky told Fox News Digital in an interview.  "This is one of the biggest cover-ups I've ever seen and Aurora police officers on the front lines are sick of it as well.  They are putting their lives on the line and they are fed up," she added.  She went on to say that the Tren de Aragua gang is "still very much in control" of the apartment buildings in question.  She also pointed to a document from October of last year from the Aurora PD's Gang Intervention Unit.  The document shows that authorities believed there were at least 15 [to] 20 members of TdA operating in Denver and Aurora at the time.

DHS approved Tren de Aragua gang members as refugees.  The Department of Homeland Security greenlighted refugee applications for Venezuelan gang members after immigration officers failed to spot their gang tattoos, The Washington Times has learned.  Kevin Grigsby, head of refugee operations at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said several members of the vicious Tren de Aragua gang were approved and made it to the U.S. border before a different agency spotted the tattoos and blocked them from entering.  Experts said tattoos are a standard indicator of gang membership and expressed shock that USCIS was missing those red flags.  Concerns have been heightened about TDA, whose members have been linked to a series of high-profile crimes.

"The Epitome Of Evil" Is Running Operations Out Of Government Facilities "Established To Provide Assistance To Migrants".  Are you ready for the truth?  Since Joe Biden entered the White House, we have witnessed a tsunami of migration that is unlike anything we have ever seen before.  Millions upon millions of people that are not being properly screened are taking advantage of our deeply broken immigration system.  As a result, South American gangs are now absolutely thriving in major cities all over America.  In fact, as you will see below, the most notorious South American gang is literally running operations out of facilities that were originally established by the government to assist migrants.  I have written about the national crisis that Tren de Aragua has created before, but it just keeps getting worse. [...] They have come across our wide open borders for a purpose.  They are here to commit crimes and make lots of money, and they are causing chaos in communities from coast to coast.

Illegal Migrant Released By New York For Attempted Murder Arrested Again On Charges Of Trafficking Minor.  Florida law enforcement authorities arrested a Venezuelan national out on bond living in the U.S. unlawfully Friday who may have ties to the gang Tren de Aragua for allegedly trafficking a child for sex.  Enyerbert Blanco Blanco, a previously deported 27-year-old who was out on bond for an attempted murder charge in New York, was arrested in Palm Beach County, Florida, for allegedly trafficking a 15-year-old missing girl for commercial sex, according to court documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation and statements made by the Palm Beach County Sheriff.  Another woman, a Colombian national identified as 33-year-old Yenire Karolina Pache Coleiton, was also arrested and accused of trafficking.

Surprise, Surprise!  You already know the real reason the Democratic Party went insane:  its crime spree against the citizens of this land was so obvious and outrageous that a thousand Beltway bureaucrats are now going crazy in fear of prosecution.  The tantrum everyone expects them to provoke would be a real insurrection and they are liable to find themselves in even deeper trouble for resorting to it.  Crime is the whole reason for the Democrats' desperation.  There was no "policy" the past four years, only crime.  The Covid operation was a mass murder.  The open border was not something that just happened, like a spell of bad weather.  It was a colossal racketeering operation.  They worked it hard.  "Joe Biden" paid dozens of NGO cut-outs to systematically jam more than ten million sketchy interlopers into the country, and then support them lavishly with cash payments when they got here.

The Immigrant Crime Spree is Real, Not Imaginary, Thank Harris and Biden.  Four years of open borders and sanctuary policies have brought criminal drug networks, human trafficking, and an epidemic of sexual assault. [...] The top two issues in this election are the economy and immigration.

No, You're Not Imagining a Migrant Crime Spree.  Underlying the escalating controversy is the sheer number of migrants entering America during the Biden administration.  In a 2020 debate with Trump, Biden seemed to encourage an immigration surge, and it followed soon after his election, with about 8 million people, on some estimates, flocking to the U.S. border without applying first for legal entry.  The administration has released up to 3.3 million of them into the U.S. to await immigration hearings, many of which won't occur for years.  At the same time, the number of immigrants who enter by avoiding border security and remain fraudulently in America has also skyrocketed, to an estimated 1.6 million to 1.7 million since Biden's election, compared with about 1.4 million over the entire previous decade.

Florida Sheriff Arrests 157 Suspects for Human Trafficking, Including 25 Illegal Aliens.  The Polk County, Florida, Sheriff's Office has arrested nearly 160 human trafficking suspects, some cases involving children, including 25 illegal aliens from Cuba, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Venezuela.  The undercover sting, known as Operation Autumn Sweep, began at the start of the month and ultimately resulted in the arrests of 157 suspects for soliciting prostitutes, offering to commit prostitution, or aiding and abetting prostitutes.  Three of the suspects were allegedly involved in traveling to sexually assault minors.  Meanwhile, 25 of the suspects are illegal aliens, 26 are married, nine are on taxpayer-funded government assistance, 131 of the suspects are from outside of Polk County, Florida; three were either active-duty military or veterans, and three worked at Disney World.

2024: Voting by Facts, Not Feelings.  Border encounters under Harris were 8.3 million, which included 13,099 convicted of murder and 15,811 convicted of rape and sexual assault — an increase of 241% compared to encounters under Trump.  The number-one tragedy of Kamala's open border policy is human suffering, including the heinous murders of innocent Americans like Rachel Morin, Laken Riley, and Jocelyn Nungaray.  Kamala also lost track of 320,000 migrant children, who experts say are now either dead or captive in the sex trade.  According to a August 2024 article by the Heritage Foundation, "Between October 2022 and April 2023 — Customs and Border Protection seized more than 17,000 pounds of fentanyl at the southern border, enough to kill every single American 14 times over[.] ... Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18 to 49."

Five Spanish Speaking Youths Kidnap The Owners Of A Restaurant, Forced Them To Withdraw Cash From ATMs In Chicago.  Five Hispanic youths kidnapped the owners of a restaurant at gunpoint and forced them to withdraw money from multiple ATMs. Police said that a man and woman were about to enter their restaurant in Little Village, Chicago, when an SUV pulled up.  The robbers spoke a mix of Spanish and English.  After giving up their wallets and personal items, the victims were forced to open the cash register.  [Video clip]

Democrats! If one of your loved ones is murdered by an illegal migrant, will you wake up?  One of the most disgraceful moments in Kamala Harris's interview with Fox News's Bret Baier was when he brought up several of the young women murdered by criminal migrants who have entered the country illegally since Biden and Harris took office.  There have been many, many, more Americans raped and/or murdered, children abused and molested, by these criminal illegals who have crossed our border but Baier focused on just a few.  He asked Harris if she owed the parents of those victims an apology for [so irresponsibly] opening the border to tens of thousands, and maybe even millions, of like-minded thugs.  Oh, no, no, no.  She won't go there.  Kamala does not apologize.  She admitted no culpability for the thousands of crimes committed on Biden's and her watch. [...] This is a woman who cares not one iota for individual, vulnerable Americans.  If she cares about anything at all, it is not the American people.  She is a classic Marxist; people are irrelevant, ideology is everything.  Either that or she is the most cold-blooded person ever to seek the office.

The Editor says...
Really?  Even more cold-blooded than Hillary Clinton, Lyndon Johnson, or Woodrow Wilson?

Kamala Harris Has Done Nothing but Lie to Americans.  I am still shocked and sickened at anyone who supports Kamala Harris.  President Joe Biden and Vice President Harris have destroyed our country with opened borders, inflation, division, defunding police, and violence on our streets and the Middle East.  Many of these illegal aliens who crossed our border include rapists, murderers and terrorists.  Many American families lost have lost loved ones to violence from illegal aliens.  Our tax dollars are supporting over 21 million illegal aliens and yet Veterans starve on our streets.  We have a massive border invasion — a crisis that Harris could solve right now.  She can walk in the Oval Office and ask Biden to close the border now, to deport illegal aliens now and yet she won't, but claims she will do that if you elect her President.  How can anyone believe her?  To date we have 425,431 convicted illegals loose in our country and are putting all of our families at risk.

San Antonio Police Arrest 19 In Raid.  Once confined to the violent streets of Venezuela, this gang has now spread its influence across several U.S. cities, notably in San Antonio, Texas.  This marks a new chapter in the gang's international expansion, leveraging the migrant crisis to bolster its ranks and profits through criminal enterprises.  Tren de Aragua, often labeled the "epitome of evil," has become notorious for running drug smuggling, human trafficking, and prostitution rings throughout South America.  The gang, originally a prison organization, has now crossed borders, exploiting the vulnerability of migrants fleeing oppressive regimes like that of Venezuela's Nicolás Maduro.  The gang's infiltration into the U.S. raises grave concerns, not only for law enforcement but also for everyday citizens who are now finding this dangerous group operating in their neighborhoods.  [Tweet with video clip]

My Colorado home became a Tren de Aragua war zone — yours could be next.  I never thought that I would fear for my life in my own home until it happened this year.  In 2023, I began to notice significant changes in my apartment complex in Aurora, Colo., less than 20 miles from the sanctuary city of Denver.  Local media have since reported that officials began busing illegal Venezuelan migrants into the area in December 2022 — but no one told us.

NYPD Admits Armed Migrant Kids From Gov't-Funded Roosevelt Hotel Terrorizing Times Square.  The Biden-Harris administration misled the public with phony FBI crime statistics, pushing the narrative that far-left policies were actually making America safer.  Weeks later, those numbers were "revised," revealing a shocking truth: a 2.1% decrease in US violent crime in 2022 was actually a 4.5% increase!  What a stunning revision -- and not so shocking for readers. [...] This brings us to the current crime crisis spreading across certain New York City boroughs, like stage four cancer, where armed illegal alien kids are brazenly robbing citizens and tourists alike.  "We're talking 20 individuals arrested a total of 50 times... and we have a mix-match of crimes embedded in those.  We have anywhere from snatches to what I call wolfpack robberies, where anywhere between five and 15 individuals surround tourists and take their property.  We have gunpoint robberies, knifepoint robberies.  And these individuals are out, and it's concerning," NYPD Detective Bureau Asst. Chief Jason Savino told Fox News on Tuesday, adding these kids are connected with Venezuela's dangerous Tren de Aragua prison gang.

'Evil' super gang seizes four apartment complexes in major Texas city.  A dangerous Venezuelan gang has taken over at least four apartment complexes in San Antonio, Texas, as it expands its reach in yet another America city, can reveal.  Dubbed the 'epitome of evil', Tren de Aragua (TdA) is known to run drug smuggling, child prostitution and human trafficking rings in South America, with its members crossing over into the US in recent years amid a wave of Venezuelan migrants.  The tattooed mobsters have since unleashed a wave of crime across the country from Miami and Texas to Denver and New York.

Aurora, CO Property Management Firm Sets Record Straight:  Venezuelan Gangs Took Over, Gov't Did Nothing.  The property management firm managing several buildings in Aurora, Colorado, that have been taken over by members of the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang, is speaking out.  The company has taken to X to provide a full description of how the buildings were invaded and taken over by the illegal alien gangsters, how the tenants fled, how people were threatened and assaulted, and how the local government reacted.

Venezuelan Gang Now In Texas Middle Schools.  It's bad enough that Venezuelan illegal alien gang Tren de Aragua is taking over apartment complexes in San Antonio and hotels in El Paso, but now they're recruiting Houston middle school students. [...] It was bad enough when gangs recruited high schoolers, but now their dragging middle schoolers into a life of crime.  Thanks, Joe Biden.  As I noted before, I never read about Tren de Aragua until the Biden-Harris Administration decided to flood America with illegal aliens, and now they seem to be popping up everywhere.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott has designated Tren de Aragua as a terrorist organization and is offering up to a $5,000 reward for information leading to capture of members.

Three Illegals From Honduras Arrested In Florida For Raping A Child.  Three illegal migrants from Honduras have been nabbed in Florida after they allegedly sexually assaulted a child.  The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office arrested Elvin Lopez Lopez, Erick Lopez Lopez and Jesersson Lopez Lopez on Friday and said they believe the group engaged in the "despicable behavior" since August this year.  The migrants were charged with numerous counts of Lewd Lascivious Behavior (Capital Sexual Battery) on a minor under the age of 12.  [Video clip]

Illegal Aliens Accused of Sexually Abusing Child After Being Released into U.S. by Biden-Harris DHS.  Three illegal aliens are accused of sexually abusing a child in Palm Beach County, Florida, after having been released into the United States from the southern border by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris's Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  Honduran illegal aliens Selvin Lopez Lopez, Erick Lopez Lopez, and Jesersson Lopez Lopez have been arrested by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office and charged with capital sexual battery on a child under the age of 12.  [Advertisement]  According to police, the three illegal aliens sexually abused the child over the last two months.  [Advertisement]  Palm Beach County officials revealed that two of the illegal aliens, Selvin and Erick, crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in 2021. Both turned themselves into Border Patrol agents and were subsequently released into the U.S. interior and told to appear before a federal immigration judge at a later date.  [Advertisement]  Neither Selvin nor Erick appeared at the immigration hearings.  [Advertisement]  Meanwhile, officials said Jesersson crossed the U.S.-Mexico border earlier this year and was similarly released into the U.S. interior.

A Worker From The Aurora Apartment That Has Been Taken Over By A Venezuelan Gang Gets Brutally Beaten Bloody By Them.  An Aurora apartment worker was brutally beaten by the Tren de Aragua gang after he refused to allow them to occupy a vacant unit.  A Brooklyn-based company says a gang stole entire apartment complexes by threatening employees and trying to extort rent.  CBZ Management claims local police and the FBI were asked for help but refused to intervene.  The company has pulled its workers from the city's apartment complexes.  [Video clip]

Tren de Aragua crew at NYC migrant shelter targets Times Square.  A brutal crew of baby-faced Tren de Aragua migrant gangbangers at a city-funded Manhattan shelter are pulling off armed robberies in Times Square — and they're getting away with it, officials and sources said.  Nearly two dozen young migrant thugs, some as young as 11 years old, are part of a dangerous asylum-seeking brat pack that has graduated from purse snatchings to gunpoint heists targeting New Yorkers and tourists alike, a top NYPD official told The [New York] Post.  But they're managing to stay out of jail because of their ages and the Empire State's lenient criminal justice laws, Detective Bureau Assistant Chief Jason Savino said.

JD Vance Stunned After Raddatz Minimizes Migrant Gang Takeover Of Apartment Complexes.  Republican Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance appeared shocked Sunday on ABC News when co-host Martha Raddatz interrupted him mid-statement and attempted to downplay Venezuelan gangs' takeover of Colorado apartment complexes.  The Tren de Aragua gang made U.S. headlines in September after officials confirmed ten members were involved in an investigation into a string of alleged criminal incidents at an Aurora, Colorado apartment complex, according to FOX 31.  On ABC's "This Week," Raddatz pressed Vance on former President Donald Trump's response, noting Trump claimed the city had been "invaded and conquered" by migrants, while the mayor called the statement "grossly exaggerated."

Trump Announces Program That Would Invoke 1798 Alien Enemies Act to Target Illegal Alien Gangs.  Former President Trump is expected to reveal details of his "Operation Aurora" program during a rally in Colorado on Friday afternoon.  The federal-level program would remove "every illegal migrant criminal network operating on American soil," including illegal alien members of the dangerous Venezuelan street gang, Tren de Aragua, a senior Trump campaign official told Fox News Digital.  As the New York Post exclusively reported in late September, the vicious gang lures desperate women deep into the US, "forcing them to sell their bodies on the streets of American cities to pay off exorbitant smuggling fees," a newly leaked law enforcement document reveals.

They Brought Their Country with Them.  An alleged apartment takeover by Venezuelan gang members in Colorado has elevated the issue of migrant crime, and viral video capture by an Aurora apartment tenant has refuted attempts by politicians and establishment media to downplay or deny the threat.  Cindy Romero, whose videos of armed members of the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang patrolling her Aurora, Colorado apartment building made international news, spoke exclusively with Breitbart News before Donald Trump's Friday rally in Aurora — a city Trump has called a "war zone" due to the influx of migrant criminals.  She described her chilling experience with gang members "patrolling the area with guns, changing the locks on the buildings, running out the residents so they could kick in the doors of the empty apartments."

Venezuelan gang seizes San Antonio apartment complex.  San Antonio's massive apartment complex, Palatia Apartments (678 units), has been taken over by Tren de Aragua, a transnational criminal organization from Venezuela.  This has caused fear and concern in the city.  Four male members, who were documented Tren de Aragua gang members and had been previously detained by the U.S. Border Patrol but were later released.  The gang has been involved in drug activity and human trafficking.  It has been collecting rent from illegal aliens living at the complex.  Additionally, a murder has occurred at the complex, according to interviewed residents.  This alarming situation in San Antonio, a sanctuary city and FEMA center for human trafficking, has not received the national attention it deserves, unlike a similar incident in Aurora, Colorado.

Illegal Alien From Guatemala Arrested, Charged With Raping a Child, After Court Released Him.  We are, of course, all mindful of the upcoming election, which is largely focused — like all presidential elections — on economic issues.  That's understandable.  People tend to vote in their financial interests, and 2024 is no exception.  But immigration, in particular illegal immigration, is also a hot issue.  Why?  Not only are the borders wide open, not only are there 11 million (minimum — probably more) people at present illegally present in the United States, but there are criminal elements among these illegal immigrants, and ill-advised "sanctuary" jurisdictions are making matters worse.

Cook County Prosecutor Declines to Charge Migrant in Death of Teen.  A migrant from Colombia arrested on first-degree murder charges in Chicago won't face prosecution for the death of a 17-year-old girl after Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx declined to file charges, claiming there's not enough evidence to bring the case to trial.  As Fox News reports, 19-year-old Juan David Ramirez-Olivo is alleged to have shot 17-year-old Stephanie Lopez Ramirez when his illegally-acquired gun went off in an apartment.  While officers arrested Ramirez-Olivo on first-degree murder charges, they ultimately presented Foxx's office with evidence pointing to a lesser charge, but even those charges were rejected.

Communists Out of the Closet.  But the open border has facilitated numerous other crises — for example, the fentanyl overdose epidemic, which is killing hundreds of thousands of American youths, flooding our cities and schools with overwhelming burdens, packing the welfare rolls with illegals, and bringing in tens of thousands of criminals, terrorists, and, likely, many covert military operatives.  The Democrats couldn't care less about how these problems affect Americans, as they demonstrate over and over again by refusing to enforce laws on the books and voting down any provisions in law that address the problems.  Democrats aren't even hiding it anymore.  The communists have come fully out of the closet. [...] Be clear on this: we are witnessing an attempted Communist overthrow of our great nation.

Four Venezuelan Men Broke Into Texas Woman's Home.  An illegal immigrant has been arrested and accused of tying up a woman, pistol-whipping her and threatening to cut off her fingers if she did not show him where her valuables were in a terrifying home robbery in Texas.  Manuel Hernandez-Hernandez, 28, is one of four men police in Texas believe took part in the Sept. 21 home invasion.  He illegally entered the country near El Paso in March without being inspected, admitted, or paroled by an immigration officer, Immigration and Customs Enforcement told  The Venezuelan citizen been charged with aggravated robbery and is currently in jail with an immigration hold for being in country illegally, according to Dallas County jail records.  [Video clip]

Tren de Aragua Gang 'Enforcer' Arrested with 19 Suspected Members, Say San Antonio Police Chief.  A multi-agency raid on an apartment complex in San Antonio, Texas, led to the arrest of a known Tren de Aragua gang enforcer, according to San Antonio Police Chief Bill McManus.  Police arrested four other confirmed TdA gang members and 15 suspected members.  Following multiple complaints from an apartment complex on the city's north side, San Antonio police officers, Texas Department of Public Safety Anti-Gang Unit officers, Homeland Security Investigations special agents, the FBI, and U.S. Border Patrol agents raided the apartment complex early on Saturday, reported.  The complaints involved alleged gang activity in the area of human trafficking, narcotics, and threats to apartment employees.

The Illegal Who Raped And Murder 12-Year-Old Is Part Of The Venezuelan Gang Connected To The Murder Of Laken Riley And Aurora Apartment Takeover.  The illegal migrants charged with raping and murdering 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray are allegedly tied to the violent Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua.  Peña Ramos and Rangel Martinez entered the country illegally through the southern border.  [Video clip]

The New Data on Migrant Crime.  The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) checks the background of illegal aliens they have in custody.  But, the administration's letter to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) shows that as of July 21, 2024, ICE let 435,719 convicted criminals and 226,847 people with pending criminal charges in their home countries into the U.S.  Of those cleared by ICE, 13,099 have convictions for homicide, and another 1,845 were facing criminal charges.  Some 9,461 have convictions for sex offenses (not including assault or commercialized sex), and 2,659 face pending charges.  The convictions include other crimes such as assault (62,231), robbery (10,031), sexual assault (15,811), weapons offenses (13,423), and dangerous drugs (56,533).  About 7.4 million noncitizens are in the "national docket data," so 662,776 is 9% of the total, and if one extrapolates the numbers to the homicide rate in this country, it strongly indicates that the government is letting migrants into this country who commit murder at a rate 50% higher than the rest of the U.S. population.

Report: 8 Migrants Arrested for Looting in Flood-Ravaged Tennessee After Hurricane Helene.  Eight migrant men are accused of looting Americans' homes in flood-ravaged Washington County, Tennessee, following Hurricane Helene, which has left at least 128 people dead and hundreds more missing across Appalachia.  The eight migrants were arrested by the Washington County Sheriff's Office and hit with burglary charges for allegedly looting flooded residential homes in the area as well as flooded unoccupied homes.  [Advertisement]  Some of the unoccupied homes the migrants allegedly looted were "barely still standing," Washington County officials said, as a result of deadly flooding from Hurricane Helene.  [Advertisement]

8 Illegals Arrested Trying To Rob Hurricane Victims.  The 8 illegal immigrants who were caught robbing hurricane victims illegally entered the country as "gotaways" according to @AliBradleyTV on X.  The illegals were caught looting in Eastern Tennessee as locals were fighting for their lives.  [Video clip]

The Biden-Harris non-detained migrant scandal.  Six months after Rep. Tony Gonzalez (R-TX) sent the Department of Homeland Security a letter asking the agency to tell Congress how many criminal noncitizens have been released into the United States, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Deputy Director Patrick Lechleitner responded late last Friday admitting that ICE is aware of more than 600,000 non-detained noncitizens with criminal histories in the country.  This includes more than 400,000 convicted criminals and another 200,000 with pending criminal charges.  Of those 400,000, 13,000 had been convicted of murder, 15,000 had been convicted of sexual assault, and more than 50,000 had drug convictions.  This is an epic scandal, although not for quite the reason some Republicans claim.  President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are not guilty of catching and releasing more than 13,000 murderers into the U.S. The convictions tabulated in the ICE data are all domestic convictions.  That is, the crimes were committed after they arrived.  The data do not include convictions for crimes committed in other countries.  The Border Patrol does not have access to that data.  None of these caveats make the matter any less of a scandal.

The Editor says...
Indeed, it's more of a scandal when you look at it that way.  That means they've committed these crimes since they arrived, in addition to whatever they may have done in their home countries.

Illegal Aliens Arrested for Trying to Steal From Hurricane Victims in Eastern TN.  In Washington County, Tennessee, a gang of illegal aliens decided to do the unthinkable amid the chaotic conditions that have befallen the area due to Hurricane Helene.  They got busted, robbing stranded residents trapped due to heavy rains and catastrophic flooding.  Over 100 people have died, with many expected to be without access to water or electricity for weeks.  [Advertisement]  Based on reports, Sheriff Keith Sexton and his deputies arrested eight men on September 28. They were due in court today and held on $20,000 bond:  [Two tweets]  Meanwhile, we shouldn't expect much from the Biden administration.  Kamala has been dragging her feet, taking staged photos to make it seem like she's engaged with the situation.  Joe Biden likely is getting this natural disaster and the Israeli strikes in Yemen mixed up.  These clowns did nothing when there was a toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.  And we're more than blasé when Maui was engulfed in the deadliest wildfire in a century.  This is rapidly becoming the Biden-Harris Katrina moment.

Texas Moving to Force Tren de Aragua Gang Out of State, Says Gov. Abbott.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott told Breitbart News he is making all available tools available to law enforcement to take action against the violent Venezuelan Tren de Aragua (TdA) gang.  The governor said the gang members will find their operations in Texas will become unprofitable, forcing them to leave the Lone Star State.  "If you look at the historical analysis written about them (TdA), they're in a business operation," Governor Abbott told Breitbart Texas in an exclusive interview on Friday.  "They're looking to make money.  And what they're going to find is, if they're coming in the state of Texas, they're losing money.  It's a losing money proposition in the state of Texas, and they're going to realize they got to take their business elsewhere."

REPORT: Informants Claim Trump's Plane Targeted for Assassination.  Recent X posts have indicated that "9 surface to air missiles have entered the U.S. through a New Mexico border point of entry."  [Tweets]  The Gateway Pundit spoke to Dr. Pete Chambers, a former Army Lt. Col. and Green Beret, who first went public with the story and has devoted years of his life to protecting the southern border.  On the evening of September 22, he received a report from a confidential informant.  The next morning, Chambers said a second informant corroborated this report with a colleague close to Chambers by the name of Bazzel Baz.  As the founder of the Association for the Recovery of Children (ARC), the former a former CIA Intelligence Special Operations Group Paramilitary Case Officer primarily fights against child sex trafficking at the southern border.

Trump says 'I told you so' after ICE data shows over 600,000 criminal illegal immigrants roaming.  Donald Trump says newly released statistics from Immigration and Customs Enforcement validate what he has been saying for years:  The Biden-Harris administration has allowed convicted murderers and other criminals to run free across the nation.  Speaking at a campaign stop in Michigan, the former president said news media could no longer hide from the fact that President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have turned a blind eye to violent illegal immigrants being released into the country.  "I can finally look at them and say 'I told you s[o],' to the fake news," Mr. Trump said.  "These are hard, tough, vicious criminals that are free to roam in our country."

Arizona sheriff's stern message for Kamala Harris as ICE data reveals 600,000 criminal migrants loose in the U.S..  Vice President Kamala Harris will visit the U.S.-Mexico border near Douglas, Arizona, on Friday, and a local sheriff who will greet her at the airport revealed a message he will give her.  Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels, who has served in his role as a border town lawman since 2012, told that his home has been ravaged by President Joe Biden and VP Harris's border policies.  He described how the rural area has been swamped with deaths, tragedies and crime related to the border, and that the Biden-Harris agenda has caused irreparable damage. [...] 'As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE's national docket — 13,099 criminally convicted MURDERS!' Rep. Tony Gonzalez, R-Texas, posted on social media after obtaining the data.

Springfield Has Cut Police Radio Access As City Descends into 'Absolute Turmoil,' Says Police Chief of Nearby Town.  An Ohio police chief says his access to Springfield's police radio frequency was cut off after the beleaguered city became a political lightening rod over its Haitian immigrant crisis.  Tremont City Police Chief Chad Duncan told Blaze News' Julio Rosas that Springfield has fallen into "absolute turmoil" since being inundated with up to 20,000 Haitian nationals, and said the lawlessness is spreading to nearby towns, including his own.  Tremont City is located approximately eight miles north of Springfield.  Springfield has attracted national media attention in recent weeks over reports that some of the Haitians were stealing and eating pets and waterfowl, but residents say a more pressing issue has been their reckless driving.  Tensions between the Haitian population and native Springfield residents have been increasing since August of 2023, when a Haitian driving without a US license caused a school bus to roll over, injuring 22 children and killing 11-year-old Aiden Clark.  One Springfield resident estimated that there are four to five accidents a day caused by the Haitian immigrants, who are somehow able to drive around town without understanding basic traffic laws.

Harris-Biden Immigration Fail:  TN Shooting Spree Suspect Appears to Be in US Illegally.  On Wednesday, in Tennessee, Edixon Murillo-Antunez was arrested and is facing multiple charges resulting from a six-mile shooting spree.  Murillo-Antunez is being held for charges including multiple criminal homicides. [...] Murillo-Antunez's arrest record shows he is also on an ICE detainer — which would appear to indicate that, yes, he is in the country illegally. [...] This would indicate that the Murillo-Antunez case, which has resulted in multiple deaths and injuries, is yet another failure of the Harris/Biden immigration policy — or, more properly, the lack thereof.

When corruption becomes standard operating procedure.  The open borders policy of the Biden/Harris administration has allowed scores of criminal gangs from foreign countries to invade the U.S. and begin organizing their nefarious activities.  Recently, Texas governor Greg Abbott announced that his state is launching an operation that will aggressively target the dangerous Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua (TdA), designating them as a terrorist group.  Once again, Donald Trump was correct when he warned us that other countries are emptying their prisons and sending the prisoners into our homeland.  The former president also told us that those criminals are more fiercely violent than any we have seen in the States.  Therefore, as we sit comfortably in our homes, having dinner with our families, our government, which is supposed to have the safety of its citizens as its most important function, is importing vicious criminal gangs into our cities, and they are metastasizing into our neighborhoods.  Moreover, these criminals are no longer relegated to the inner cities; they've moved to suburbs and rural areas as they seek new and more vulnerable targets.

Crime and Kamala.  Liberals seem to find it easy to look the other way when horrific acts of murder, rape, and assault are carried out.  It's not just that they are covering up for the sake of getting elected; it's as though they don't really care.  Among the worst cases this year is that of Joselyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old girl who was murdered and sexually assaulted back in June, allegedly by two illegal aliens from Venezuela who were apprehended and released by border agents under the Biden/Harris open border policy.  The White House response to Nungaray's rape and murder was that the administration "cannot comment on active law enforcement cases."  In fact, Biden and Kamala Harris refused even to speak Nungaray's name.  The explosion of violent crime in the U.S. is a direct consequence of Biden's and Harris's open border policy, but Harris in particular seems to find it convenient to ignore the issue.

A Harris Presidency Will Give Sanctuary to Gang Members, Victimize Law-Abiding People.  From New York to Chicago and the Denver suburbs, migrant gangs are mugging, raping, robbing stores, running brothels next door to elementary schools, and threatening apartment dwellers with guns to take over residential buildings, all without fear of being deported.  The gangs are turning neighborhoods into hellholes.  Blame insane "sanctuary" laws.  The word "sanctuary" sounds charitable.  Don't be fooled.  It doesn't mean welcoming the downtrodden.  It actually bars police from sharing arrest information with Immigration and Customs Enforcement so that the agency can take illegals arrested for violent crimes into custody and deport them.  Sanctuary laws shield criminals from removal.  Eleven states and some 600 towns and cities, mostly controlled by Democrats, have them.  Because of these laws, migrant lawbreakers go through the revolving-door justice system and are back on the streets to strike again.

Abbott's Information Bounty Lights a Fire Under Tren de Aragua's Criminal Network.  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is ramping up efforts to tackle the notorious Venezuelan gang, Tren de Aragua, which has been causing chaos across the country.  On Monday, Abbott announced a reward of up to $5,000 for information that leads to the arrest of any gang member associated with their violent operations.  This move emphasizes that Texas will not surrender to this growing threat, and the state is prepared to take strong action against the gang's presence, as reported by the New York Post.  "Tren de Aragua has spread terror and carnage in every country they've been in, and Texas will not allow them to gain a foothold in our state," Abbott declared.  His firm stance makes it clear that the Lone Star State isn't backing down from combating this criminal organization.

Arrival of Tren de Aragua in the Windy City sets the stage for bloody turf wars.  A reformed Chicago gangster sounds the alarm on what's brewing in the Windy City: a metropolis "up in flames" and a bloody turf war of "blacks" versus "migrants."  Tyrone Muhammad was once a Chiraq gangbanger whose life changed after he spent twenty years in a state prison for a murder conviction.  Since his release, he's devoted his energy to street patrols and violence prevention, starting a group known as Ex-Cons for Community and Social Change, and he's warning the public about what he sees as a very real possibility if the Biden-Harris illegal aliens continue to be given the free rein on our tax dollars and in our nation.

158 House Democrats voted against deporting sex offenders.  The U.S. House passed a bill last week to deport and make inadmissible criminal foreign nationals convicted of domestic violence and sex-related offenses, including sex crimes against children.  It passed with bipartisan support but with the majority of Democrats, 158, voting against it.  The bill would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act "to provide that aliens who have been convicted of or who have committed sex offenses or domestic violence are inadmissible and deportable."  This includes stalking, child abuse, child neglect, child abandonment, violation of protective orders, including credible threats of violence, repeated harassment, and conspiracy to commit a sex offense as grounds for deportation, according to the bill language.

Here's How A Venezuelan Gang Was Able To Infiltrate The US And Wreak Havoc In Major Cities.  A notorious Venezuelan gang is extending its tentacles into the U.S. on the back of the Biden-Harris administration's border crisis, and experts say that immigration authorities have no way of identifying the criminal group's members before they hit American soil.  The gang, known as Tren de Aragua, has made headlines in recent weeks with its criminal activities in multiple states, according to multiple reports.  Yet, border authorities have virtually zero tools to detect Venezuelan migrants' affiliations with the gang, as the U.S.' diplomatic relationship with the beleaguered country is effectively on ice, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.  "We have next to no vetting for the Venezuelans who are entering the country, because we have no relationship with the government of Venezuela and that's true of other migrant nationalities," Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, told the DCNF.

Nantucket is rocked by arrest of illegal migrant, 28, over his 'detestable and disturbing rape' of child.  The ritzy Massachusetts island of Nantucket has been rocked after an illegal migrant was arrested over his 'detestable and disturbing rape' of a child.  Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo, 28, a Salvadorian national, was taken into custody on September 10 over an alleged incident that occurred on July 11 involving a 12-year-old, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Boston Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) office announced Monday.  He faces one count of rape of a child with a 10-year age difference and two counts of indecent assault and battery on a child under 14, according to the agency.

Migrants Are Now Performing Animal Sacrifices In NYC.  Democrats and the media don't want you to hear about animal sacrifices happening in NYC:  "In just the last four weeks, we have rescued a chicken, a baby rat who was tied alive in a plastic bag of coconuts, three pigs, and recovered a dead dog who had its neck snapped.  There are multiple other rescuers who are local and have also gotten animals such as chickens, cats, roosters, pets, and other pigs as well," said Maribel from Zion's Animal Rescue Mission during a rally against animal cruelty at Howard Beach, NY.  [Video clip]

In March City Council Meeting, Springfield Residents Complained of Haitians Attacking Pets.  The city of Springfield, Ohio, has unwittingly become Ground Zero in the political maelstrom of this election, buffeted by the crosswinds of opportunism and the politicization of the press.  While the Trump-Vance campaign has been highlighting what may be taking place in this small town the news outlets have been more eager to accuse the campaign of hatefulness and division, rather than looking into the matter.  As a result, a surreal battle of will is swirling and the facts are completely lost in the debris.  [Advertisement]  We are in an era in which this country's legacy news media displays an abject lack of regard for their journalistic reputations.  The current driving force in the press is to instantly oppose anything Donald Trump says and claim he has been proven wrong, even in the absence of proof.  Over the past few weeks, this has been the prevailing narrative.  Currently, the Springfield pets-being-eaten-by-immigrants imbroglio is the latest case the press is stumbling and fumbling over.

Aurora PD arrests 10 members of Tren de Aragua in connection with apartment building takeovers: statement.  Police and local officials in Aurora, Colorado released a joint statement on Wednesday announcing the arrest of 10 members of transnational gang Tren de Aragua.  Aurora has been in the spotlight recently after surveillance video from an apartment building overtaken by armed men went viral online. [...] Of the 10 arrested, charges include child abuse, attempted first-degree murder, illegal discharge of a firearm, and more.  All 10 are listed as "documented member of TdA."  One of the arrest warrants dates back to November 2023 in connection with an assault at the Whispering Pines apartments in Aurora.

Illegal migrant from Dominican Republic suspected of 'horrifically' killing New York family of four.  An illegal migrant wanted for murder in the Dominican Republic is accused of "horrifically" killing a family of four in upstate New York last month as firefighters made the gruesome discovery during a house call.  Julio Cesar Pimentel-Soriano, 34, allegedly used a "sharp object" to fatally stab Fraime Ubaldo, 30, Marangely Moreno-Santiago, 26, Evangeline Ubaldo-Moreno, 4, and Sebastian Ubaldo-Moreno, 2, inside their Irondequoit home on Aug. 31, according to a felony complaint viewed by WHAM.  He allegedly stabbed each victim in the neck and chest multiple times.  "Obviously, the allegations are troubling," Assistant District Attorney Perry Duckles told the outlet.  "They are difficult to deal with.  They are difficult to see."

An Illegal Immigrant Is Wanted For Killing A Family Of 4 Including Two Toddlers In New York.  Illegal wanted in the Dominican Republic for a 2019 murder is now accused of killing a family of four in Irondequoit, New York.  34-year-old Julio Cesar Pimentel Soriano was charged with four counts of first-degree murder.  Fraime Ubaldo, 30, Marangely Moreno-Santiago, 26, and their two children, Evangeline, 4, and Sebastian, 2, were found dead inside their home after emergency responders were called to a fire.  Police believe the fires were an attempt to cover up the murders.  [Video clip]

Venezuelan Gang Takes Over El Paso Hotel.  Remember the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang that took over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado?  That same gang has taken over a hotel in El Paso.

Hotel Sued Over Criminal Activity, Alleged Venezuelan Gang Presence.  A hotel in El Paso and its owner face a temporary injunction and restraining order from the El Paso County Attorney for alleged criminal activity and suspicions of housing Tren de Aragua gang members.  El Paso County Attorney Christina Sanchez filed an original petition for abatement of a common nuisance, an application for a temporary restraining order, a temporary injunction, and a permanent injunction against the Gateway Hotel.  "The Gateway Hotel's reputation is as a business that does not properly document the guests that stay at the hotel, has narcotics trafficking, disorderly conduct, and violent crime," read the lawsuit.  The first documented instance of a possible gang member was in June when police were called after a suspect shot a handgun in the air and made threats of violence.

Springfield resident:  Reckless-driving Haitian migrant unpunished after 'allegedly' killing mother-in-law.  A video posted to X on Wednesday from a recent Springfield, Ohio City Commission meeting, shows a resident detailing how her mother-in-law was struck and killed by a car she said was being driven by a Haitian migrant.  Kathy Heaton, 71, was killed on Dec. 1 when she was struck by a car as she was collecting her trash can from her driveway, a task the resident says Heaton "had done over 2,000 times spanning four decades, in Springfield."  "That morning, though, a Haitian immigrant was allegedly driving recklessly when he struck and killed her.  I say allegedly, because to this day there's been no punishment, not even for the expired tags on the vehicle he was driving."

The Editor says...
Where does an indigent Haitian immigrant get a car?  And how did he get to Ohio?

The Illegal Haitian That Killed A Grandma With His Car In Springfield Ohio Won't Face Charges.  The illegal Haitian who struck and killed a 71-year-old Springfield, Ohio resident while she was collecting her garbage cans, will not face charges.  Kathy Heaton, a 71-year-old resident of Springfield, Ohio, was struck and killed by a car driven by a Haitian illegal a day after her 71st birthday.  "It was around 5:40 in the morning.  The trash had come early that day and we think that's what probably woke her up," Kathy's daughter-in-law said.  The impact was so severe that her socks were left on the pavement, and debris and clumps of hair were found on the car's windshield.  [Video clip]

Trump Should Go to Springfield.  Everybody is talking about Springfield, OH.  While the mainstream media is focused on the controversy over cats and dogs being eaten (unproven, but not impossible), there is no question that residents of the city are suffering under the weight of too many Haitian migrants being crammed into a city too small and underfunded to absorb them.  To put the problem of the residents into perspective, Mayor Adams has said that New York City is being destroyed by the influx of about 100,000 migrants, which amounts to one for every 830 New Yorkers.  Springfield is dealing with an influx of one Haitian for every three residents.  Think of that.  One out of every four residents of the city is a Haitian migrant imported over the past four years.  These people don't speak the language, get government subsidies, are taking housing from local residents, and have been driving down wages.  There are also undisputed reports of Haitians decapitating geese in the park and disputed reports of pets disappearing and perhaps being eaten.  [Tweet]

Chaos in Aurora.  Aurora, Colorado, is normally a quiet, nondescript suburb 30 minutes outside Denver.  In recent months, however, the city has been at the center of a national scandal.  Beginning last year, a large influx of Venezuelan migrants, some of them members of the notorious Tren de Aragua street gang, reportedly had "taken over" a series of apartment buildings in Aurora — and unleashed terror.  Last month, Venezuelan migrants were allegedly implicated in an attempted homicide, an arrest of purported gang members, and shocking security footage that showed heavily armed men forcibly entering one of the apartments.  In response to the chaos, police mobilized en masse and vacated one of the complexes after the city, alleging code violations, deemed it uninhabitable.  An obvious question:  How did members of Venezuelan gangs suddenly find themselves in suburban Colorado?  To answer this, we have conducted an exclusive investigation, which leads to a troubling conclusion: the Biden administration, in partnership with Denver authorities and publicly subsidized NGOs, provided the funding and logistics to place a large number of Venezuelan migrants in Aurora, creating a magnet for crime and gangs.  And, worse, some of the nonprofits involved appear to be profiting handsomely from the situation.

How Biden's migrant money turned Aurora, Colorado, into a crime playground for Venezuelan gangsters.  The Venezuelan migrant gangsters who've run rampant in Colorado's apartment blocks were helped by a migrant housing scheme funded by the Biden administration and the City of Denver, a [scathing] new report shows.  Researchers at the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank, have linked a crime wave of drugs, guns, and child sex abuse to taxpayer-funded migrant housing schemes and non-profits in Aurora, a Denver suburb.  Americans were shocked when security footage of Venezuelan migrant gangsters carrying firearms around an Aurora residential complex and forcibly entering an apartment went viral on social media last month.

Confirmed: The Haitian Invaders Are Eating Geese in Ohio.  Springfield, Ohio, is now on the frontlines of the immigration wars.  The city, awash with tens of thousands of Haitian migrants, has become the center of national attention after stories of pets, geese, and ducks.  It's triggered liberals to no end, with CNN hosts and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) blowing gaskets over the story.  The media has outright said the claim is debunked — not so much.  The report about pets being consumed needs to be verified.  Thus far, local law enforcement says there's no evidence.  Still, regarding geese and ducks, there are 911 recordings and reports from August confirming the Haitians are eating the birds.

That media 'narrative' about pets going uneaten by Haitian migrants in Ohio is starting to fall apart.  Yes, they're getting eaten.  ABC News debate moderator David Muir made a big deal of "fact-checking" President Trump when he cited reports at last night's debate that pets were being eaten by Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, whose flooding 20,000-strong presence was creating many problems for the city of 58,000. [...] Well, now it turns out that Muir the self-appointed fact-checker who cited a city manager's claim that he didn't get any reports about it didn't know what he was talking about.  President Trump, however, did.  Reports from a wide variety of sources are starting to emerge about pets and park wildlife such as ducks and geese being stolen, dismembered, chopped, cooked, eaten and used for bizarre voudou ceremonies to summon evil spirits by Haitian migrants, some of them flown in from Haiti by as "parolees" by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Illegal Alien MS-13 Gangster Kills Girl, Then Enrolls In Maryland High School.  Investigative journalist Chris Papst of Fox45 News' Project Baltimore revealed that a Maryland high school unknowingly allowed an illegal alien MS-13 gang member, at the center of a murder investigation, to enroll after local, state, and federal authorities failed to inform the school's administration of the student's criminal background.  Tragic events like this should never be happening in the first world.  Yet, the news cycle is becoming inundated with these types of horrific events because of disastrous open southern border policies pushed by the Biden-Harris team.  The story begins with illegal alien and MS-13 gang member Walter Martinez, who was 16 years old and murdered Kayla Hamilton in 2022.  Months before the murder, Martinez walked across the open southern border and was apprehended by the US Border Patrol.  He was then sent to a sponsor in Maryland.

Police Audio, Report Confirm Haitian Goose-Hunting In Ohio: 'They All Had Geese In Their Hands'.  A recording of a police phone call obtained by The Federalist reveals a local resident reporting a group of Haitian migrants carrying four geese in Springfield, Ohio two weeks ago.  "I'm sitting here, I'm riding on the trail, I'm going to my orientation for my job today, and I see a group of Haitian people, there was about four of 'em, they all had geese in their hand," the caller tells the public services dispatcher in the audio recording of the call.  According to a police report reviewed by The Federalist, the call was placed on Aug. 26, before the Columbus suburb located roughly 50 miles from the state capital became nationally known this week for epitomizing the nation's migrant crisis.  The caller told the dispatcher he saw four migrants in total, two men and two women, each carrying a single goose.  "I was trying to get my phone out and I was trying to make it to this orientation on time," the caller continued.  "I'm time crunching here, and I saw that, I'm like, 'Yeah this has got to be reported," he tells the non-emergency police dispatcher.  [Video clip]

The more the press debunks the illegals-eating-cats reports, the more the memes come out.  Oh, the chagrin Democrats feel now that the political "narrative" has shifted from "childless cat ladies" to their favored Haitian migrants eating cats, with J.D. Vance in the middle of both and clearly coming out on top with the narrative shift.  They rant, they rail, they "fact-check," they dismiss, they debunk, and try to shut any questions down.  But they are powerless against the flood of memes that has emerged, as if the entire country's imagination has been captured by the matter, triggering an outpouring of creativity the likes of which has not been seen elsewhere in this election, buttressed by the availability of artificial intelligence meme generators, which use objects that machines have been programmed to view as non-political and non-conservative, and therefore, are easily obtainable, not censored, nor edited out.  [Tweets]

Casualties of the Replacement.  This is a new phase, an evolution in the attempted conquest of the United States.  Whole revolutions are made up of small battles that indicate the general direction of the war.  The unmistakable loss of control of their illegal pets is just one small indication that they hold a slim leash on them.  Having been brought in, paid and allowed to establish their gangs here with some future promise of orders, they might not care about those orders, who they come from or what they're expected to do.  This was quite foreseeable, inevitable, and to some degree the parents of this chaos, the DOJ and DHS, aren't bothered by it.  It's incidental to what they've proposed for either directly before or after the election.  The fact that they have not one care about the safety or security of the people is astounding in itself and condemns all who have allowed the outlaw regime to continue to a charge of treason.

The Democrats' Open Border Has Started a Countdown to a Bloodbath.  It's getting worse out there, and it's getting scary, but America doesn't have anybody in the driver's seat.  We have a crusty, desiccated zombie pretending to be president on a permanent vacation as he stares slack-jawed at "Matlock" reruns while his understudy vibes and brats around the country trying to re-up this incompetent administration for another four years of disaster.  The terrifying reality is that we have millions upon millions of Third World illegal aliens on the loose within our country, and among them are not only your run-of-the-mill criminals — we have [...] a lot of those — but terrorists who want to murder us right here in our own homes.  And the Democrats are doubling down on supporting the enemy.

Man charged with murder of AZ cop was arrested last year, but charges were never filed.  A man now charged with murdering an Arizona police officer while on parole was arrested on a potential felony and misdemeanor charge just last year, but the charges were never filed and the 2023 case reportedly "disappeared from the public record," per a local outlet.  Saul Bal, 41, is accused of shooting two Phoenix police officers, resulting in the death of 29-year-old Zane Coolidge, who had served on the force for five years.  Bal now faces a first-degree murder charge along with several other charges.  At his initial court appearance, attorneys argued that he posed an extreme danger to the community, according to Fox 10 Phoenix.

Election Home Stretch — What do the Polls Say?  [Scroll down]  It's hard to predict the outcome at this point.  There are still a few months until the election, and there will likely be at least one October surprise.  What are the key issues concerning voters?  It is reminiscent of when Bill Clinton challenged George H.W. Bush in 1992, and the campaign mantra was, "It's the economy, stupid!"  Thirty-five percent (35%) of battleground state voters say the economy is the most important issue for them, followed by border security (17%) and abortion (13%).  Surprisingly illegal immigration and the border fall far behind the economy.  That may change as news of Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings in Aurora Colorado, Chicago, Dallas, and New York City makes headlines.  Many other cities likely have or will face the same.  An illegal alien truck driver killed a Colorado man and received less than a one-year prison sentence.  Deportation?  Fat chance in sanctuary Colorado.

Armed Venezuelan Gangs Steal Oil, Copper Wire, Assault Workers at Texas Oil Field.  Armed Venezuelan gang memebers are stealing oil, copper wire, diesel fuel and catalyst elements from Texas oil fields in West Texas, according to a memo issued to employees.  According to the memo obtained by LibsofTikTok, a Texas-based oil company issued a memo to employees warning them about security concerns from violent migrant gangs.  Venezuelan gang members are using vehicles to run workers and witnesses off the road as they steal oil and diesel fuel.

Haitian Migrants In Springfield Ohio Are Killing Pets And Ducks From Parks For Food.  [A] Springfield, Ohio man says Haitian illegals are decapatating ducks from parks & eating them, accuses commission members of getting paid off for allowing it.  "They're in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with 'em and eating them."  [Video clip]

Police Warn of Venezuelan Gang Crime in Wisconsin.  Wisconsin police reported that a suspected Venezuelan gang member was arrested and charged with the sexual and physical assault of a woman.  Alejandro Jose Coronel Zarate, 26, was charged with two counts of domestic battery, two counts of second-degree sexual assault, physically abusing a child, disorderly conduct, domestic disorderly conduct, and strangulation/suffocation, the Prairie du Chien Police Department announced in a post on Facebook.  Zarate, who is suspected of being affiliated with a "violent transnational criminal organization" called Tren de Aragua, was arrested and booked into the Crawford County Jail after police officers responded to reports that a suspect was being "physically and sexually violent" with an adult woman.

Men believed to be Tren de Aragua members released on $1,000 bond in Aurora.  Two suspected members of a violent Venezuelan prison gang even more hardcore than MS-13 have been released on bond.  The two suspected Tren de Aragua gang members — Dixon Azuaje-Perez, 20, and Nixon Azuaje-Perez, 19 — were released by the Aurora, Colorado Police Department after posting a $1,000 bond.  The police released the two despite the crimes they allegedly committed and despite U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement having requested that they detain the pair, as confirmed by the New York Post.  According to the Aurora Police Department, the two were involved with an attempted murder that occurred in late July.  To be clear, the murder itself was committed by another Tren de Aragua gang member.

The Venezuelan Gang Members Are Now Threatening To Kill The Property Manager Of The Apartment Complex They Took Over In Aurora.  Venezuelan gang members are threatening to kill a property manager in Aurora, CO & are accused of child prostitution according to a new bombshell legal letter.  The new revelation comes from a Denver law firm who was hired by a property manager in Aurora.  The gang is being accused of engaging in assaults, threats of murder, extortion, and child prost*tution as officials refuse to take action.  "This is our business plan... If [the property manager] doesn't like it, we'll fill him with bullets," the illegals reportedly said.  [Video clip]

It's Spreading:  America's Top Oil Field Terrorized By Armed Venezuelan Gangs.  It's only going to get worse from here, as the Biden-Harris administration's disastrous open border policies have now come to a 'neighborhood near you' (for some of you).  In the past week, we saw armed Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua members terrorize the northern Denver suburb of Aurora and other sanctuary cities run by far-left Democrats.  New concerns out Thursday afternoon indicate critical infrastructure is now under threat from migrant cartel members.  According to Libs of TikTok, a Texas-based oil/gas company issued a memo to employees informing them that police and the FBI have warned armed Cuba and Venezuela migrant gangs are committing thefts in the Permian Basin (America's highest producing oil field).

The Border Czar's Illegal Friends Ruining Pretty Much Everywhere.  Like everyone else in the country, I've watched the human tragedy of Kamala Harris's ineptness, incompetence, and criminal negligence as Border Czar scroll across X and news reports from Texas to Georgia and north, east to west.  It seems the whole country is enveloped in the putridity of the purposeful Southern border collapse and the invasion the Biden-HARRIS regime has nurtured and encouraged.  Names like Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, Lizbeth Medina -- some of the names most of us are familiar with.  But there are so many others.  [Tweet]

In New York, dead bodies are starting to turn up.  Amid all the other calamities brought on by illegally present migrants — attacks on police, mass shopliftings, rapes, strongarm robberies, murders — the New York City area is suddenly seeing a disturbing trend:  [Tweet with video clip] [...] No, they aren't sure yet that it has anything to do with migrants, and you can bet certain Democrat authorities will cover it up if it does, but amid all the other problems seen with migrants, particularly the presence of lawless gangs who have little fear of the law, it would probably be a good place to look.

Armed Venezuelan Prison Gang In Denver Highlights Map Of US Sanctuary Zones To Avoid Amid Migrant Crisis.  Law-abiding Americans should be made well aware of the cities, counties, and states that have laws, ordinances, and policies that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield illegal alien criminals from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  This is because the Biden-Harris administration has imported the third world into the first world, and with that comes elevated risks of violent crime and chaos.  Footage of the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua members raiding an apartment building with at least one AR-style rifle and pistols in the northern Denver suburb of Aurora shocked the nation last week about how quickly sanctuary cities run by far-left Democrats can spiral out of control after rolling out the red carpet to illegals.  [Tweet with video clip]

Venezuelan Gangs Are Now Taking Over Dallas.  Just another disturbing video of illegals terrorizing Americans, this time in the parking lot in Dallas as Venezuelans beat a man.  Gun shots ring out but it's not clear who shot at who.  [Video clip]

Chicago Resident Issues Chilling Warning to Armed Venezuelan Gangs.  Brutal gang wars may soon be on the horizon in Chicago thanks to border czar Kamala Harris' intentional dereliction of duty.  As The Gateway Pundit reported Libs of Tik Tok shared, a shocking 911 call on X that revealed 32 armed Venezuelan migrants were attempting to overtake an apartment complex in Chicago last night.  [Tweet]  This news comes just a week after Venezuelan gangs took over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, a city just 9 miles outside of Denver.  Shortly after the news broke, a Chicago resident posted a video on Tiktok that raises cause for concern that rampant gang violence could break out unless the Venezuelans are swiftly removed (not likely to happen).

Cops Estimate Up to 75 Percent of Manhattan Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants.  Kamala Harris, the presidential candidate foisted on America by the Democrat political machine — a vice president who has never in her life won a delegate in a Democratic primary — has been releasing ludicrous ads lately claiming she'd be tough on the border.  What an absolute joke.  Tell that to the police who patrol the streets of Manhattan, some of whom claim that up to 75 percent of all the crimes committed in the Big Apple are by illegal aliens.

Coing Soon to a Town Near You:  The Aurora Illegals Invasion.  Last week, armed Tren de Aragua (TDa) gang members, Illegal immigrants from Venezuela, pounded on apartment doors in Aurora, Colorado, and bullied residents.  This problem may spread to communities across our nation because Democrat politicians have opened our southern border to criminal illegal aliens — many have been flown in — and they are going to set up residences and headquarters in many places.  We are still getting some of the truth on these things because our nation is not yet fully a one-party nation, but the truth is becoming a rare commodity.  Democrats seem to be obfuscating the truth, and they are confusing and gaslighting the public about this.  Some of the people living in the apartments were forced to leave by the gang members.  However, Democrat politicians and Denver mainstream media played down the issue as if it was nothing.  They also demonized Republicans.

Venezuelan gangs [are] taking over apartment buildings in multiple American cities.  Armed Venezuelan gangs have recently taken over apartment complexes in the Denver suburb of Aurora, Colorado.  Even more recently, 32 Venezuelan migrants attempted to annex an apartment complex in Chicago, Illinois.  Libs of Tik Tok shared the disturbing 911 call pertaining to that assault on X.  Not so long ago, it was our criminals, in the form of BLM, Antifa, and assorted other degenerates that were terrorizing our cities.  But, whether our violent thugs or illegal immigrants, there is one constant:  Democrat policies allow for this to happen[,] indeed encourage it.  Truth be told (and I'm risking censorship or worse by the international Marxist elites here), it is the crazy Marxist policies of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro that are responsible, in part, for the Venezuelan gangs coming to the United States in the first place.  You see, there is nothing left to plunder in Maduro's Venezuela.

Migrants flooding NYC's justice system, making up '75% of arrests in Midtown'.  Across New York, recently arrived migrants are flooding the criminal-justice system — at far higher rates than public officials have acknowledged.  Police sources shared with The Post a staggering estimate that as many as 75% of the people they've been arresting in Midtown Manhattan in recent months for crimes like assault, robbery and domestic violence are migrants.  In parts of Queens, the figure is more than 60%, sources there estimate.  On any given day, Big Apple criminal court dockets are packed with asylum seekers who have run afoul of the law.  The problem is made much worse by sanctuary city laws that mean New York cops aren't allowed to work with ICE on cases where they believe suspects are in the country illegally.  Additionally, the NYPD says it is barred from tracking the immigration status of offenders.  This makes it almost impossible for authorities to get their arms around the problem, experts and sources on the ground say.

Denver's Sanctuary City Designation Brings Venezuelan Prison Gang to Town.  When Denver designated itself as a sanctuary city for migrants, it likely didn't anticipate that its hospitality would result in a Venezuelan prison gang setting up shop in one of its suburbs.  The Denver City government's choice to tolerate and encourage open borders migration has enabled the violent Tren de Aragua gang from Venezuela to make Aurora, Colorado a base of its operations.  Now the gang has taken over apartment complexes and unleashed a growing wave of violent crime.

Multi agency operation nabs 33 violent gang members in border town of Uvalde.  Thirty-three members of violent gangs were arrested as part of a multi-agency operation targeting transnational and organized crime in the border town of Uvalde, Texas, and surrounding area in Uvalde County. "Gang violence has no place here in Texas, we will bring the full force of justice down on these famous criminals," Gov. Greg Abbott said when directing Texas Department of Public Safety to surge resources there to root out organized crime in September 2022.  Nearly two years ago, a multi-agency operation began, made possible through additional state funding and criminal investigative oversight from DPS targeting an extensive organized crime network operating at the Texas-Mexico border.

6 People Shot During Dominican Festival In Allentown.  Two men have been arrested and charged in a shootout that left six people injured during the annual Dominican festival in Allentown, Pennsylvania.  Miguel Angel Ovalles Ubri, 28, of Allentown, was arrested Thursday, Aug. 29, while Yunior Peralta-Quintana, 21, of Allentown, was arrested Sunday, Aug. 25.  Both men are charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault, simple assault and recklessly endangering another person.  They are also both being held in the Lehigh County Jail without bail.  [Video clip]

Venezuelan gang overrunning Aurora, CO apartment complex is all just a figment of your 'imagination' says governor.  From George Orwell's 1984 comes one of the author's most memorable lines:  "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.  It was their final, most essential command."  Well, while the fictional party of Oceania illustrated a society in which the people were to dismiss reality in authoritarian submission, Colorado governor Jared Polis prefers to gaslight us, describing the "evidence of [our] eyes and ears" as a mere figment of our "imagination."  We don't need to "reject" anything because it's all just in our crazy heads!  Yesterday I wrote a blog on a surreal and terrifying situation in which illegal migrants, suspected to be members of the vicious Tren de Agua gang from Venezuela, armed to the teeth, had de facto seized control of an entire apartment complex in the formerly quiet and safe suburb of Aurora, which lies just outside Denver.  There's video footage on doorbell cameras, police records of shootouts and beatings, firsthand accounts from tenants, and even confirmation from the local mayor: [...]

Colorado Mayor Admits Police Have Lost Control of Part of Community to Venezuelan Illegal Migrant Gang.  In California roaming groups of military-aged illegal migrants have been caught trying to take control of school busses full of children.  Parents of the children formed defensive perimeters to block the takeover, but the school districts are warning parents to be on alert.  Meanwhile, as a result of the Biden-Harris administration allowing millions of illegal migrants into our country, the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua has now taken over part of the suburbs of Denver, CO.  "Parts of the city are absolutely under this gang control.  The local media is downplaying this.  I believe politics is being played with people's lives. ... Nothing is being done to help the American citizens that are being trapped under this gang's control[,]" Aurora City Council Member Danielle Jurinsky said.  Aurora Colorado Mayor Mike Coffman confirmed to Fox News that part of his city is now under the control of criminal gangs from Venezuela.

Illegals Attempt to Stop and Board California School Buses.  For the second time in two days, groups of illegal migrants have disrupted school bus service in Jamul-Dulzura School District in Southern California by attempting to stop and board buses.  [Advertisement]  Families of students in the school district were notified by email that, on two separate occasions, groups of migrants had attempted to board the buses.  [Advertisement]  [Tweet]  [Advertisement]  According to Superintendent Liz Bystedt, in the first incident, a group of 3 men were walking in [the] middle of the highway and attempting to stop one of the buses, which had to go around the group.  In the second incident, a school bus encountered a group of 20 individuals who tried to board the bus as it was picking up students at their bus stop.  According to the district, parents who were at the bus stop helped the bus driver prevent the migrants from boarding the bus with the students.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismisses migrant gang takeover of apartments as 'imagination' — despite video.  Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismissed anger over Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua taking over apartment buildings in the Denver suburb of Aurora, calling it "imagination" — despite video footage, police reports and the city's mayor confirming it's happening.  Polis' press office offered the snarky statement Wednesday night in response to Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky — who told The Post the gang's takeovers are tied to his policies.  "The Governor has already let the Mayor know that the State is ready to support the local police department with assistance from state troopers and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation if needed," Shelby Wieman, a spokesperson for the Democratic governor, told The [New York] Post.

CalFIRE confirms that illegals are setting wildfires out in San Diego's back country.  [Scroll down]  They set up campfires wherever they want.  They set wildfires to attract border agents to pick them up and transport them to their destinations of choice.  They burn down border vehicles because they don't like the Border Patrol.  It's shocking what they will do whenever they want something, given the danger of the fire risk and just how big and catastrophic these fires can get once they get out of control.  Sound like the kind of people who might rape and murder, too, once they go through catch-and-release?  And nobody in the Biden administration, let alone his border czar, are doing a thing about the border, not on the sea-side, where illegals ride in through the surf and run through the beachgoers' picnics and beach ball parties, as we have seen, and not on the badlands side where illegals set wildfires intentionally and apparently all of them get away with it.

Armed Illegal Venezuelans Have Taken Over An Apartment Complex In Aurora Colorado.  An armed illegal immigrant gang has reportedly taken over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado.  New footage obtained by Vicente Arenas shows an armed gang at a complex in Aurora.  Aurora officials have been investigating a Venezuelan gang, the Tren de Aragua gang, who is accused of engaging in human smuggling, violence, money laundering, and illicit drug trafficking throughout the U.S., including at the apartment complex on Nome Street in Aurora.  According to local reports, the complex is closing down because of "code violations," however this appears to be a cover for a much bigger problem.  [Video clip]

Fifth Circuit Affirms Illegal Aliens Do Not Have Second Amendment Rights.  A three-judge panel for the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed Tuesday illegal aliens do not have Second Amendment rights.  They did so by pointing to United States v.  Portillo-Munoz, "which prohibits an illegal alien from possessing a firearm or ammunition."  This prohibition was challenged by Defendant-Appellant Jose Paz Medina-Cantu, who was arrested July 13, 2022, for "possession of a firearm and ammunition as an illegal alien... and illegal reentry into the United States."  Medina-Cantu argued that the firearm charges should be dismissed in light of Bruen (2022), but the Fifth Circuit explained that Bruen did not alter the prohibition contained in Portillo-Munoz.

A Violent Venezuelan Prison Gang Has Taken Over an American City.  A violent Venezuelan prison gang known as Tren de Aragua has spilled into Aurora, Colorado, despite the fact that the city wanted "no part" in welcoming so-called "asylum seekers" as a result of President Joe Biden's open border policies.  According to a report from the New York Post, Aurora has a population of 390,000 residents.  Now, it's become the base of operations for the gang, which has seized apartment complexes and instigated a crime wave.  In February, the Aurora City Council reportedly passed a resolution 7-3 stating that it will not provide resources for illegal immigrants brought into the town from neighboring cities, notably, Denver.  "We will not be aiding into this migrant crisis," city council member Danielle Jurinsky said in an interview at the time.  However, many gang members have trickled into the city and wreaked havoc.

Britain, Which Birthed American Ideas About Liberty, Has Embraced Despotism.  [Scroll down]  Possibly the single most despicable example is the 20-plus-year Rotherham child rape scandal that saw hundreds of Pakistani Muslims rape over a thousand British girls right under the noses of police who did nothing for fear of being called racists.  As if that wasn't bad enough, those who dared report on the various trials [...] found themselves jailed for doing so.  At the same time, London has become a killing ground for knife attacks, the overwhelming number being committed by minorities.  Indeed, the country has become beset with machete attacks, a crime that was historically unheard of in Britain but which is common in the third world.  In July, the 17-year-old son of Rwandan immigrants knifed ten little girls, killing three of them.  With the government withholding information on the killer, online posts asserted he was an immigrant.  Tensions rose, and, across the UK, Brits protested the unfettered invasion of immigrants, the violence being perpetrated by immigrants and Muslims, and the system's seeming duplicitous, two-tiered approach to justice when it came to immigrants and Muslims vs. white Brits, all of whom the government and the state-run media invariably characterize as "far right."

Illegal Alien Ferried Into US by Kamala Harris Rapes 10-Year-Old Boy Twice in Mississippi.  An illegal alien ferried into the US by Kamala Harris was arrested for raping a 10-year-old boy twice in Pontotoc County, Mississippi.  Filiberto Gonzalez illegally entered the US from Mexico thanks to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.  "The Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of the Pontotoc County Sheriff's Department, Mississippi reports Filiberto Gonzalez a 34 year old Hispanic male , an illegal alien, from Mexico, was arrested on Monday afternoon August 12, 2024," the Pontotoc County Sheriff's Department said on Tuesday.

11-Year-Old Venezuelan Migrant Is Arrested In NYC After Punching A Subway Rider In The Head And Stealing His Phone.  An 11-year-old Venezuelan boy was arrested as the main "aggressor" in a violent subway mugging — and has been linked to a larger string of robberies in Central Park being committed by migrant kids, police said Wednesday.  The baby-faced perp and a 17-year-old boy were both taken into custody hours after they allegedly attacked a straphanger on a Manhattan-bound 7 train at about 8:40 p.m.  Tuesday near the Vernon Boulevard-Jackson Avenue stop in Queens, law enforcement sources said.  [Video clip]

Did I Tell You the One About the Jordanian, the Solar Farm and the Hammer?  Probably not, because it just happened and I only heard about it in the comments from Jane Gault. [...] Apparently this Jordanian immigrant in Orlando, FL, Hashem Younis Hashem Hnaihen, 43, had been a busy guy through June.  [Excerpt from news report]  A little nitpick here — I think lying about your citizenship on a gun application should be a red-flag call to the cops, and you then wind up hauled off to the hoosgow and deported.  But that's just me.  Back to the story.  Whatever momentary release Hnaihen got from hearing the businesses' glass hit the sidewalk obviously wasn't enough to soothe his anti-Semitic lashing-out fever.  So the fellow took his hammer act to a local solar panel farm to continue cutting up in the name of Jew hate.  How he went about it is the interesting and hideously expensive thing.  Hnaihen didn't just punch holes in panels.  He also dyked [sic] wires and did so strategically, managing to pile up a whale of a repair bill in a short period of time — like he knew precisely what he was doing and how to inflict maximum damage in minimum order.

The Editor says...
As I understand it, one of the definitions of the verb dike is to unceremoniously cut wire with diagonal cutters — usually a bundle of abandoned wires.  (These pliers are sometimes called "side cutters."  As a noun, the word can refer to the cutters themselves:  sturdy pliers especially designed to cut wires.  I first heard of this slang usage in the 1960's, so it probably originated in World War Two.  In any case, if the same slang term is spelled with a "y" it means something else entirely.

Why People Don't Like Illegal Immigration.  On Coney Island, a woman is raped at knifepoint while her boyfriend is beaten with a pipe by a second criminal:  ["]Two migrants were arrested for a knifepoint rape in Coney Island — including one who was released from jail less than two months ago after sexually assaulting a different woman at a city-funded shelter, authorities said Monday.["]  "Migrant" is the currently approved euphemism for illegal immigrant. [...] While the linked story is a little unclear, I take it that both criminals were illegals. [...] So this guy had already raped another woman at a migrant shelter, for which he served only a year in prison.  That experience apparently didn't leave a deep impression.  This rape occurred outside a migrant shelter, too.  Strangely, most Americans don't want migrant shelters in their neighborhoods.  Apart from the absurdly light sentence for this illegal's prior rape, there is another question:  ["]It was not clear why Davon-Bonilla was allowed to remain in the US after he was released from jail in June.["]

Summer Crime Wave Grows Thanks To Illegals.  It should come as no surprise that crime is up in New York City.  Nonviolent criminals walk free under District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and thousands of illegal immigrants crowd hotels and shelters, free to walk the streets.  [Tweet]  Last night in Coney Island, David Davon-Bonilla, 24, raped a 46 year-old woman at knifepoint.  Davon-Bonilla is from Nicaragua.  When the woman's boyfriend tried to stop the attack, Leovando Moreno, 37, struck him with an unidentified weapon.  Moreno is Mexican.

Illegals and attacks on U.S. citizens.  Ever since President Joe Biden decided to be more "relaxed" with his border stance, the country has fallen into chaos.  Thousands of illegal immigrants have now made our way into the United States, flooding such cities as Boston and New York City.  And although not all of them have criminal intent, the ones that do certainly pose a dangerous threat.  It's one that the President should no longer ignore — not if he wants to save his country for when he hopes Kamala Harris will take over.  Another attack has taken place, this time on an innocent woman in Virginia.  A 21-year-old immigrant by the name of Jose Aguilar-Martinez reportedly stole the vehicle of 54-year-old Melody Waldecker.  But what's worse, he ran her over during the theft, killing her as a result.  What's even more shocking is that Aguilar-Martinez was given a driver's license.  Even after illegally entering the country.  He was reportedly given the license by California, which serves as one of 16 (!) states that provide the opportunity to get such a documentation.  Even though, again, they came into our country illegally.

Kamala Harris, Catholics, and Hispanics.  Last year in Texas, a father returned home from work to find his precious 11-year-old daughter dead beneath her own bed, stuffed into a plastic bag.  The young girl, Maria Gonzalez, had been raped and strangled to death by a neighbor Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez, who entered America illegally in 2023 from Guatemala, but was allowed to stay in our homeland — because under the lax border policies of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, he only needed a "sponsor" in Louisiana.  So, an American girl paid for the radical open borders madness with her life, joining a sad list of totally preventable tragedies, including the brutal murder of Laken Riley.  That 22-year-old nursing student was beaten to death by an illegal migrant on the campus of the University of Georgia in broad daylight.

Shocking truth of huge male gang seen looting fists full of gold from Denver jewelry store at gunpoint.  A gang of thieves has been identified after shocking footage showed them violently loot a Denver jewelry store within minutes as terrified staff cowered in fear.  Days after the smash-and-grab crime, officials have laid the blame on the infamous Tren de Aragua gang, the largest criminal organization in Venezuela.  Seven males are still being sought over the heist, however one suspect — Jean Torres Roman, 21 — was arrested last week by Homeland Security.

Illegal Alien Accused of Sexually Assaulting 14-Year-Old Texas Girl.  An illegal alien is accused of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in March in Taylor County, Texas.  Roberto Javier Toruno-Cruz, an adult illegal alien, has been arrested and charged with child sexual assault offenses.  According to Taylor County officials, the mother of the 14-year-old girl had found videos on her daughter's phone allegedly depicting Toruno-Cruz sexually assaulting the girl, prompting her to go to police with the footage.  Police then identified Toruno-Cruz as the suspect in the phone videos and interviewed the girl.  According to the girl, she met Toruno-Cruz at a party earlier in the year and had sex with him while he filmed the assault.  The girl also suggested that Toruno-Cruz assaulted her on several occasions.

Tougher laws won't make anything better.  Murder is already illegal, and murderers don't care.
Texas Lawmakers Seek Stricter Laws After 12-Year-Old Girl Murdered by Migrants.  Family members of the Houston girl who police say was killed by two Venezuelan men who entered the U.S. illegally said that they are supporting legislation that would severely limit the ability of federal immigration authorities to release immigrants they detain.  The proposed legislation runs counter to what migrants' rights groups advocate — a move away from detention — with one such advocate calling the measure an effort "to bloat the immigration enforcement system" and "to demonize immigrant communities."  Venezuelan nationals Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, 22, and Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, 26, have been charged with capital murder in the death of Jocelyn Nungaray, whose body was found in a creek on June 17 after she disappeared during a walk to a convenience store.  A medical examiner concluded that she was strangled.

No, We Have No Idea What the Migrant Crime Rate Is.  If you've been following the headlines, particularly coming out of America's larger cities, it's been impossible to miss all of the stories about crimes involving illegal migrants in some fashion.  In New York, for example, there have been at least eight gun-related murders so far this year where either the shooter, the victim, or both were migrants.  Mostly we hear about the most horrifying crimes involving violent attacks, rapes, and abuse involving migrants, but many incidents of property crimes and lower-level assaults take place as well.  But are actual crime rates higher among the illegal migrants or is this all hyperbole cooked up by the "right-wing media" during an election season, as some leftist commentators have suggested?  The problem, as pointed out by Nicole Gelinas in an op-ed at the NY Post this week, is that we simply don't know.  We aren't getting the sort of data we would require to draw any firm conclusions.

Previously deported illegal immigrant known to cops allegedly killed VA college student in nightmare car crash.  An illegal immigrant with numerous run-ins with the law who was ordered deported six years ago stands accused of killing a young Virginia college student in a horrific car crash, according to a local report.  Honduran national Elvis Jamir Cruz-Ferrera, 18, is charged with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the February death of Old Dominion University student Lauryn Ni'Kole Leonard, 19, according to the Virginia Pilot.

Women's Issues' and the 2024 Election.  The majority of the 20-some million illegal aliens encouraged by the Biden-Harris regime to jump the gates over these past four years have been male.  The decent ones are competition for jobs, driving down wages for all of us.  The destitute ones are competition for the social safety net and the welfare rolls.  The crooked ones increase the crime described above.  The ones with children put added strain on the schools, where every statistic shows that the more languages are spoken in a school, the more all the children's education suffers.  So immigration, too, is a women's issue.  The damage done by tens of millions of illegal immigrants who can't or won't assimilate into our society and our economy is simply incalculable.  Women are right to be concerned about it, and are right to demand answers from candidates seeking their support.  But Democrat candidates support these wide-open borders, while Republican candidates sensibly support rational immigration limits, always with an eye to assimilation.  And no matter how many tragic occurrences prove the case — from Laken Riley to Melody Waldecker, from Kate Steinle to Catalina Andrade and Merced Ballon — the press will never admit it's a women's issue.

Venezuelans in Chicago
The Historic Standard Club of Chicago Is Now Housing Illegal Immigrants and the Immigrant Crime Rate Is Soaring.  [Scroll down]  As Gateway Pundit reported in February of 2024, there was evidence of the presence of illegal Venezuelans in the Chicago suburbs.  In a video of an encounter, Terry Newsome of Behind Enemy Lines engaged the illegal immigrants as they displayed multiple cellular devices and flashed gang signs closely resembling those of the transnational criminal gang Tren de Aragua.  Seemingly, mass immigration driven by the left serves as an attempt to bribe foreigners to come to the country in order to win future elections.  This desperate attempt to purchase voters is an indication that the Democrat party's policies are too extreme and the progressivism is too accelerated.  All indications point to a new class of citizen being forcibly migrated into the country.  As documented, left leaning policy is making it easier to become a citizen as well as easier to commit fraud in elections.  The real effort appears to be the expansion of the welfare state as well as the government through dependency and weakening of the dollar.

Men Here Illegally Assault Cops & Get Right Out Without Bail.  Two illegal foreigners attacked two of New York's finest, and they're back on the street.  The Manhattan prosecutors cut them loose without bail.  Brian Joseph, 24, and Jose Gonzalez, 19, were arrested Sunday after fighting with cops on traffic patrol at about 9:50 PM.  They beat one officer, hurled a moped at the other, and when they were hauled into court, they were immediately released on their own recognizance.  That's a great message to send, especially to these new thugs coming in from foreign countries.  Many of them are gang members.  One angry officer said it's allowing "an open war on cops.  Today, they bite and kick a cop, and tomorrow, they take a shot at cops."

Grandmother Killed in Carjacking by Illegal Alien in Northern Virginia.  A 54-year-old grandmother was killed in a carjacking in Northern Virginia on Sunday by a a 21-year-old illegal alien 'gotaway' from El Salvador, according to reports.  Melody Waldecker, mother of four and grandmother to eight, is the latest American killed as a consequence of the open borders policies of Joe Biden and the failure of Border Czar Kamala Harris to stem the 'root causes' of mass illegal immigration the past three-and-a-half years of the Biden-Harris administration.

Kamala's Crime Wave.  In 2008, the Bologna family was murdered by an illegal alien MS-13 gang member.  San Francisco DA Kamala Harris refused to ask for the death penalty despite pleas from the widow because of, in her words, a "complicated analysis that involved many issues". But the real issue was that Kamala protected criminals instead of victims.  Four years earlier, DA Kamala Harris had refused to impose the death penalty on the violent thug who gunned down Officer Isaac Espinoza with an AK-47.  His widow blasted Kamala for not even talking to her before denying her husband justice "I felt like she had just taken something from us.  She had just taken justice from us.  From Isaac.  She was only thinking of herself."  "She never called," her sister-in-law said.  "There was no consideration for Renata, my niece, my parents, me, or the officers.  It was as if she didn't care."  David Hill, Officer Espinoza's murderer, however thanked Kamala.  "It took a lot of courage," he told CNN.  "I'm forever grateful."  Because there were people Kamala did care about.  Criminals.

Report: Suspect Who Allegedly Shot San Antonio Police Officer With a Rifle Is Venezuelan Illegal Alien.  San Antonio police responded to a domestic violence call early Sunday morning but were met with gunfire from an assailant armed with a rifle.  One officer was hit multiple times but is expected to survive.  Police Chief William McManus described what transpired:  [Tweet with video clip]  Now Fox News' Bill Melugin is now reporting the suspect is a Venezuelan illegal immigrant who had been let free after being caught by Border Patrol:  [Tweet]

Put the blame on Alejandro Mayorkas for endless migrant carnage.  It seems like almost on a daily basis now, we hear more stories about Americans — particularly young American women — being allegedly murdered, raped, or maimed by illegal aliens.  The ultimate blame for this seemingly endless illegal alien crime wave falls on the federal government, and most especially on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas.  The most notorious recent incident was the brutal murder of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student at the University of Georgia, allegedly by an illegal alien who had been protected by the city of Athens' sanctuary policies.  Since then, a spate of migrant-inflicted tragedies has rocked the nation's core, and laid bare the dire consequences of the federal government's anti-border policies.

Illegal aliens comprise 10% of those charged with child sex crimes in Baltimore County: report.  A horrifying report reveals the effect illegal immigration is having on Baltimore County in Maryland.  Fox45 conducted an investigation last week that revealed a significant number of the people charged with child sex crimes in Baltimore County.  Even worse is a clear disparity in how these criminals are sentenced.  "Public records show that Baltimore County State's Attorney Scott Shellenberger's office filed 99 child sex crime cases between January 1, 2023, and May 31, 2024.  Nearly 10% of the child sex cases in Baltimore County, involving nine defendants over a 17-month period, involved illegal immigrants from Central American countries," read the report.  [Tweet with video clip]

Report: Tiktok Migrant Who Encouraged Home Squatting Was in Venezuelan Military Intel Unit.  The man who entered the United States illegally and then became a TikTok sensation for telling migrants to break into and squat American homes is believed to have been a member of a Venezuelan military intelligence unit, according to a new report.  The 27-year-old "influencer," Leonel Moreno, was apprehended by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in March after posting a series of videos advising illegals to squat in U.S. homes and taunting Americans about Joe Biden's rampant flood of illegal immigrants.  Since his arrest immigration officials have been looking into his past, and according to the New York Post, they have discovered that Moreno was a sergeant in the Venezuelan general directorate of military intelligence.

At least 11 illegal migrants among 27 arrested during Copa America chaos as fans rushed Hard Rock Stadium.  At least 11 illegal migrants are among the 27 people arrested and accused of taking part in the melee during the COPA America final in Miami, The [New York] Post can reveal.  Luis Beltran Martinez and Elkin Mayorga, both Colombian nationals, are among the migrants arrested after fans stormed Hard Rock Stadium Sunday during the tournament final between Colombia and Argentina.  They were both charged with battery on a law enforcement officer and trespassing.  Mayorga is also facing charges of disorderly intoxication and resisting an officer with violence.

Illegal Immigrants In NYC Are Now Selling Ice Cream With Drugs In It.  A new pink and white drug called 'tuci' is reportedly being sold by ILLEGAL 'migrant' gangs in NYC.  Video shows someone using the mixture as a topping on a vanilla ice cream cone.  The drug is known as 'tuci,' 'tusi,' or 'Pantera Rosa,' but most commonly referred to as 'pink cocaine.'  The drug originated from Colombia and does not always contain actual cocaine.  [Video clip]

Man previously deported multiple times charged with triple homicide.  A man previously deported from the U.S. on three occasions has been arrested and faces charges in a triple homicide involving a mother and her two young children, according to authorities[.]  Jose Carmen Cardona, 59, was captured on Friday and charged in a June 25 recreational vehicle (RV) fire in Stockton that killed 32-year-old Lisbeth Gutierrez-Salazar and her two sons — Juan Gutierrez-Salazar, 10, and 7-year-old Julian Cardona-Gutierrez.

Illegal deported 3 times returns to California and lights deadly house fire with mom, children inside: source.  Authorities in California have arrested a thrice-deported illegal immigrant in connection with a deadly house fire that killed a mom and two of her three of her children last month, according to a law enforcement source.  Stockton police announced the arrest of Jose Carmen Cardona, 59, Friday morning.  A source with knowledge of the investigation tells Fox News Digital the suspect has been deported three times and returned to the U.S. anyway.

Illegal Alien Stabs His 2 Children to Death, Attempts to Kill Wife.  Victor Manuel Gomez-Acosta is a Mexican national here illegally.  He murdered his two daughters and attempted to kill his wife, the mother of the children.  He was charged with two counts of first-degree intentional homicide and attempted first-degree homicide.  He was also charged with operating under the influence after being arrested in Abbotsford, Wisconsin.  The Colby-Abbotsford Police Department said that two children were found dead at the scene with stab wounds.  The adult woman was also stabbed but was given medical care.

Media Ignores Monstrous Rape, Sodomy of a Child by Illegal Migrant.  A monster here illegally raped and sodomized a child under twelve.  NBC News40 described him as a Bowling Green man: [...] There was no mention of the fact that he was in the country illegally.  This child might well be devastated for life.  That was the only news report.  How many of these monstrous crimes are committed without the public's knowledge?  Crimes by illegals are being hidden.  [Tweet]

Honduran Migrant Illegally in U.S. Charged in South Carolina Shooting Spree.  Police in Charlotte, South Carolina, arrested an 18-year-old Honduran migrant for his alleged role in a random shooting spree that left one person dead.  The migrant reportedly entered the U.S. illegally by crossing the border from Mexico into Texas, according to a local news report.  Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department investigators arrested 18-year-old Carlos Roberto Diaz in connection to the alleged murder of a Charlotte resident.  WSOC-TV9 reports sources indicating that Roberto Diaz entered the U.S. illegally in 2019 when he crossed the Mexican border into Texas with his father.  The source did not explain what happened to Roberto Diaz after his encounter with Border Patrol agents.

Louisiana Officials Sound Off Against Heinous Illegal Alien Crime.  Illegal alien crime continues to shock American citizens.  Louisiana has experienced its fair share of illegal alien criminals in recent years.  Earlier this year, an illegal alien from Honduras allegedly raped a 14-year-old girl and stabbed a man in Kenner.  Unfortunately, illegal immigration continues to remain a major issue in Southeast Louisiana.  On June 30th, a French Quarter tour guide was shot in her car in downtown New Orleans.  Soon after, three young men were arrested in connection to this murder.  However, this story took an interesting turn earlier this week.  On Wednesday, June 10th, the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reported that one of the alleged perpetrators is an illegal alien from Honduras.  [Tweet]

How nice of them to introduce their colorful and exotic culture to America.
Police Say They Found 200 Mutilated Roosters With Knives Attached To Them In Major Cockfighting Bust.  Deputies for the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office say they arrested a man after discovering 200 roosters that were allegedly used for cockfighting.  Officers responded to a welfare check Tuesday and discovered "an unrelated cockfighting pit" near the premises, according to a press release from authorities posted Thursday on Facebook.  The officers immediately obtained approval for a search warrant and investigated the property.  The authorities found ten firearms and about 200 roosters, according to the the press release.  The sheriff's office claims the birds were "mutilated for the attachment of cockfighting knives."  [Tweet]

Illegal Alien Knifes Children in Wisconsin.  It isn't only in Europe that the tsunami of immigrants from the savage Third World poses a threat to children:  ["]Victor Manuel Gomez-Acosta was arrested in Abbotsford, Wisconsin for the violent stabbing deaths of two children on July 5.["]  Like millions of others, Gomez-Acosta is in the country illegally, making the Biden Administration complicit in this:  ["]When police discovered them, each child had between 16 [and] 20 stab wounds and they were found dead in a bedroom.["]  If only there had been some indication that it was not a good idea to let Gomez-Acosta run around loose in our country.  Oh wait:  ["]Just two months earlier, on May 5, Gomez-Acosta was arrested for drunk driving and speeding.  Court records show that he pled not guilty to the charges through an interpreter and was set free on a $1,000 bond.  There was no mention of his immigration status and whether he held a valid driver's license.["]

7 New Illegal Immigrant Crimes ABC, CBS, NBC Are Burying.  The tragic stories are piling up, but ABC, CBS and NBC have mostly ignored them on their evening, morning and Sunday roundtable shows.  NewsBusters examined seven new cases of illegal crimes that occurred in just the last month.  The networks refused to mention anything about four of the seven and limited coverage to the other three to brief stories or mentions.  Back in April, when the House sent articles of impeachment to the Senate to try Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, NewsBusters reported on cases of innocent victims killed by illegal immigrants during the Biden administration that ABC, CBS and NBC buried.  In May, NewsBusters looked at eight arrests of illegal immigrants in crimes ranging from sexual assaults to fatal car crashes that have made news in their local communities but went completely unreported by the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks.  The following is a look at seven new horrific crimes committed by illegal immigrants that the networks have either quickly brushed by or completely censored: [...]

MS-13 Gang Member Pleads Guilty To Murdering 8 People.  High-ranking MS-13 member pleads guilty to charges in a case involving eight murders, including those of teen girls in 2016.  Alexi Saenz, 29, pleaded guilty to racketeering and firearms charges in federal court in Central Islip.  Saenz also pleaded guilty to charges related to the brutal killings of two teenage girls, Kayla Cuevas and Nisa Mickens, in September 2016 in Brentwood.  Prosecutors say Saenz and his brother Jairo hunted down the best friends, attacking them with machetes and baseball bats.  Federal prosecutors said they would seek the death penalty in 2020 but were told to back off by Attorney General Merrick Garland in 2023.  [Video clip]

Packs of "Fighting Age Males" in Military Uniforms Entering U.S. through Remote Arizona Town.  The Santa Cruz and Pima County regions in southwestern Arizona have been slammed with extraordinary violence and crime fueled by Mexican cartels — smuggling drugs and humans — that are victimizing fourth and fifth-generation cattle farmers who have captured thousands of illegal immigrants on security cameras passing through their property since Joe Biden became president.  Sometimes they find dead bodies and drug paraphernalia. "Violent activity has drastically increased over the past three years since the border is now perceived to be wide open," a veteran law enforcement official told Judicial Watch this week, adding that in the communities of Amado and Arivaca American citizens feel much less safe than they did when Donald Trump was president.  Both are cattle ranching towns with small populations that are diminishing because of the increased violence.  Amado is nestled in the Santa Cruz River Valley about 29 miles from the Mexican border.

Man arrested, accused of stabbing, killing girlfriend in Irving, police say.  Police said a man was arrested after his girlfriend was found stabbed to death Monday morning in Irving.  According to an Irving police news release, officers were called at about 6:15 a.m. to the 3100 block of West Walnut Hill Lane and found Sucel Cuba Gomez, 42, dead in a parking lot with multiple stab wounds.  About three hours later, officers located Yunier Aldazabal, 44, in a vehicle in the 2800 block of West Irving Boulevard and arrested him. [...] Aldazabal was booked into the Irving City Jail Monday, where he remained Tuesday.  He has been charged with murder, and also has an immigration hold listed in his charges.

Reports: Mayorkas' parole programs enable violent crimes to be committed against Americans.  A wave of violent crime has befallen Americans nationwide connected to parole programs created by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, according to several reports.  A pattern has emerged of single men illegally entering the U.S. who are considered inadmissible under federal law.  Instead of being processed for removal, Border Patrol agents released them with a "notice to appear" before an immigration judge several years into the future.  DHS Inspector General reports found the agents weren't vetting everyone they apprehended and released and ICE agents weren't detaining them, The Center Square reported.  Months later, many of the released men were arrested for allegedly committing violent crimes, including thousands of miles away from the border.

The Dawn of American Femicide.  [W]ith such a large and unvetted influx of Latin American men infiltrating our nation, it might be fair to ask whether the machista ideology is contributing to the current rise in femicide.  Victor Martinez Hernandez crossed the U.S. border illegally, posing as a migrant seeking a better life for himself and his three-year-old daughter.  Supposedly working to support himself, his child, and his parents in return for American munificence, Hernandez exhibited his appreciation by robbing five children of their mother.  Likely assured that American law wouldn't apply to him, in August of 2023, Hernandez helped himself again to what was not his.  At 6:00 p.m., he raped and beat 38-year-old Rachel Morin to death while she was out for a jog in Maryland.  Hernandez, accused of another murder in his home country of El Salvador, shouldn't have been anywhere near Rachel Morin, but thanks to Biden, he too resided in Maryland.  Hernandez stalked and then stripped Rachel of her clothes, raped, and asphyxiated her, and then, in an effort to conceal her identity, bashed in her skull so violently that the right side of her face was crushed beyond recognition.

4 Illegals From Venezuela Choke And Rob A Man On A Train In Chicago.  A new video exclusively obtained by Fox shows the moment a group of Venezuelan migrants attacked and robbed a 49-year-old man while he rode a Chicago commuter train in February.  The violent knifepoint attack saw one of the migrants put the man in a vicious chokehold, leaving the victim unconscious, although he later recovered.  The suspects were arrested and appeared in court today.  Three have been ordered to remain in custody while one was let out on electronic monitoring.  [Video clip]

Criminals released in Arizona by Border Patrol [were] later arrested in New England.  Border Patrol agents continue to release violent criminals into the U.S. who are later arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers thousands of miles away.  While numerous examples exist, in three recent cases, Border Patrol agents in Arizona released violent criminals who were later arrested nearly 3,000 miles away in New England.  On June 12, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations-Boston agents arrested an Ecuadorian illegally living in Northampton, Massachusetts, who was wanted by Ecuadorian authorities.  He first entered the country illegally on June 4, 2021, when he was arrested by Border Patrol agents near San Luis, Arizona.

Florida: Previously Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Sexually Assaulting 14-Year-Old Girl.  An illegal alien previously deported from the United States is accused of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in Okaloosa County, Florida.  Jose Chan, a 24-year-old illegal alien from Guatemala, was arrested and charged with sexual battery by the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office.  According to law enforcement, Chan sexually assaulted the girl at her home on February 25. Following the alleged assault, the girl told her family members, who transported her to HCA Florida Fort Walton-Destin Hospital.

Turkish Illegal Charged With Raping 15-Year-Old Girl.  An illegal immigrant from Turkey is being charged with first-degree rape after being arrested by police in Albany, New York, last week.  Sakir Akkan, 21, allegedly forced a 15-year-old girl into his vehicle on May 14 and threatened to beat her with a metal poll.  The Turkish illegal immigrant, authorities say, then proceeded to remove the girl's clothing and rape her.  According to court documents, Akkan saw the girl walking down an alleyway early in the morning on May 14.  After coercing her into his vehicle, he took the victim to an isolated area where the rape then occurred.  Police say the 15-year-old was subsequently released by Akkan and sought help at a nearby residence.  She was later taken to a local hospital and treated for injuries suffered as she resisted the sexual attack.

Another Day, Another Biden "Migrant" Arrested for Murder.  Yet another Biden "migrant" has been arrested for murdering a young woman.  This time, the suspect is an Ecuadorian with the usual recent past:  Southwest border agents caught and released him.  The death of Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza in Syracuse, New York, follows that of Jocelyn Nungaray in Texas and Laken Riley in Georgia.  [Tweet]  The suspect is one Jhon Moises Chacaguasay-Ilbis, 21.  He buried Joselyn, also 21, "in a shallow grave about 15 feet back from trees in Lincoln Park on the city's North Side," prosecutor Alphonse Williams told the city's Post-Standard.

Illegal Alien Who Shot 2 NYPD Officers and Is Part of Cop-Killing Gang Pleads Not Guilty.  At the beginning of June, an illegal alien (I will say that exclusively from now on by popular demand) from Venezuela named Bernardo Raul Castro-Mata, part of the infamous Tren de Aragua gang, shot and injured two NYPD officers in Queens.  Having now been arraigned for the shooting, this genius said the gun was not his and went off by accident; thus he pleaded not guilty.  Somehow, he also found it pertinent to say that Tren de Aragua regularly shoots at cops back home in Venezuela since they supposedly shoot gang members for minor infractions.  Something doesn't add up there, buddy.  But the scary part is how he said he got the gun in the first place:  Tren de Aragua smuggles them into migrant shelters through food delivery bags, that way they do not go through metal detectors.  It begs the question of how many more guns are in the hands of these guys at the shelters.

Other recent examples of violent crime committed by illegal aliens:  [1] [2] [3] [4]

Massachusetts Judge Releases And Illegal Who Raped A 15-Year-Old On 500 Dollar Bail, Illegal Is Now On The Run.  United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is seeking a Haitian migrant accused of raping a disabled 15-year-old girl in March after he was released on a low bond on Wednesday.  A Massachusetts judge released Cory Alvarez on only a $500 bail despite the charge, Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin reported in a post on X Thursday.  Prosecutors sought a bond of $10,000 after Massachusetts Judge Susan Sullivan rejected prosecution arguments to have Alvarez deemed dangerous and to be held, according to the Patriot Ledger, a Massachusetts-based outlet.  [Video clip]

Two Illegals From Romania Arrested For Hate Crimes After Posing As ICE Agents And Threatening Hispanics With Deportations.  Two illegals from Romania are charged with hate crimes for posing as ICE, Police or FBI agents to threaten Hispanic robbery victims with deportation[.]  Laurentiu Baceanu and Vasile Alexandru, both 19, possibly affiliated with organized crime groups in Romania, face kidnapping, false imprisonment, and robbery charges in Contra Costa County[.]  Prosecutors said the men posed as ICE officers, police, or FBI agents while targeting Hispanic victims over the past month[.]  [Video clip]

Hispanics who don't speak English pose as Amazon workers at the door — only to bust in and hurt a woman and her children during a robbery.  Is this the newest migrant crime trend?  Did they upgrade from gang violence on mopeds to gang violence from cars?  [Tweet with video clip]  I'm not going to say that I "know" these people are illegals, or "newcomers" as they've been adoringly nicknamed by the progressive Democrats, but all the signs are there — they don't speak English, they brazenly barge into the home without hesitation, suggesting that this isn't their first time hurting women and children. and their little routine appears to be well-planned, like it ain't their first rodeo, as we see the one wearing the Amazon gear calmly knocking on the door while his buddy lies in wait around the corner.  Now, I wouldn't have been able to distinguish from where in Central or South America these thugs likely originated, but it seems as though most of the commenters in the X thread believe these men have a Venezuelan accent.

8 Illegal Venezuelans, Armed To The Teeth, Brutally Rob A Jewelry Store In Denver.  8 Hispanic males with Venezuelan accents are wanted for the brutal armed robbery of a West Highland jewelry store.  Joyeria El Ruby, a family-owned Denver jewelry store, has been in business for 24 years.  "They pinned my mom to the floor and hit her in the back of the head three times with a gun, then they hit my cousin."  A man entered the shop pretending to shop; shortly after, three more men entered and went into the secure area.  The owner asked the three men to remove their sunglasses and hats.  Moments later, the situation turned violent.  [Video clip]

Suspect in deadly Texas Chick-fil-A shooting in US illegally, ICE confirms.  Authorities say the suspect in a deadly Texas shooting that killed two people inside a fast-food restaurant is in custody, and that he is in the United States illegally.  Oved Bernardo Mendoza Argueta, a 37-year-old citizen of El Salvador, is charged with capital murder of multiple persons after a shooting Wednesday at a Chick-fil-A in the 5300 block of North MacArthur Boulevard in Irving, police announced.  "We can confirm that the suspect was taken into custody early this morning," a spokesperson for Irving Police Department told Fox News Digital on Thursday morning, adding that Mendoza Argueta has an "ICE hold," with the warrant agency being Immigration and Naturalization Service Dallas/Fort Worth.

Biden Admin Has the Nerve to Accuse Trump of Exploiting Migrant Crime Wave.  Even before Joe Biden took office in 2021, immigrants started flooding the southern border in record numbers.  Biden promptly laid out the welcome mat, creating a historic border crisis.  The illegal immigrants who came into this country brought a lot of crime with them.  Recently, there have been numerous high-profile cases of rape and murder involving women and children, justifiably prompting criticism of Biden for allowing these criminals into the country. [...] This month an illegal immigrant was arrested for the rape and murder of a mother of five from Maryland last year.  Last week, a 12-year-old girl in Houston was raped and murdered by illegal immigrants.  Rachel Morin was murdered by 23-year-old Victor Martinez-Hernandez, who illegally entered the U.S. from El Salvador.  In another tragic incident, 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray was killed by two illegal immigrants released into the country by Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after crossing the southern border.  There are other similar stories of sexual assaults against women and children by illegal immigrants[.]  They shouldn't have been here.  Biden let them in.  His policies made these tragic stories happen.

Jocelyn Nungaray Laid to Rest in Houston Today, Media Silent.  12 year old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was killed "allegedly" by an illegal alien in Houston was laid to rest today, just a couple weeks after her murder.  Of course, none of the media mentioned this in between the coverage of the upcoming debate tonight, and I'm really [sic] to bet neither Fake Jake Tapper or Dana Bash mention it tonight either.

Democrat Rep. Lee Shamefully Dismisses Question About Murder of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray.  As we have been reporting, there have been far too many rapes and murders of women across America by illegal aliens, as the Biden administration points the blame at the GOP for not passing the "border bill," knowing full well that Biden could seal the border through executive order if he wanted to.  Following the assault and murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray by two illegal aliens from Venezuela, a Fox News reporter tried asking Rep. Summer Lee (D-PA) about the incident and wanted to get her thoughts on the situation before she was immediately shut down and dismissed.

Illegal Foreigner Rapes a 15-Year-Old Child in Albany.  A future Democrat named Sakir Akkan came through San Diego, California, illegally in November and was released.  He grabbed a 15-year-old girl in Albany, New York, forced her into a vehicle while wielding a metal pole, and then tore her clothes off and raped her.  Her legs were scratched up from resisting.  Akkan has been arrested and is being charged with 'first-degree' rape.  Biden and his Democrats falsely claim it is because Republicans didn't pass the border bill.  First of all, the timing wouldn't have worked for this scumbag, and secondly, the bill allowed at least 5,000 a day.  That is too many to screen.  As Jeh Johnson said, 1,000 is too many for border patrol to screen.  It can't be done.  Also, that border bill enshrined permanent illegal immigration.  It even funded staffing and funds to facilitate illegal immigration.

Report: Nearly 80,000 DACA Recipients Had Criminal Records.  A new report reveals that, within the first five years of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty program for illegal aliens, 79,000 recipients were released into the United States with criminal records.  [Advertisement]  As reported by Just The News, the majority of these illegals, who were brought into the country illegally by their parents or other adults, were between the ages of 19 and 22 when they were arrested; the next-highest age groups for illegals with arrest records were between the ages of 23 and 26, and between the ages of 15 and 18.  This data was published by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).  [Advertisement]  On Tuesday, Joe Biden declared that he would expand amnesty and other forms of protection against deportation for DACA recipients, including job opportunities.  The DACA program was unconstitutionally created through an executive order by Barack Obama in 2012, after his attempt to pass a legislative version of the program, the DREAM Act, failed in Congress.  [Advertisement]  USCIS reports that DACA applies to any illegals who were brought into the country before the age of 16, and thus can include any illegal who was under the age of 31 as of June 15th, 2012.  [Advertisement]

Import the Caracas slums, become the Caracas slums: thanks, Joe Biden.  Based on the narrative of the left, we're not supposed to notice anything new or negative about the unvetted foreigners rolling through on Joe Biden's open border plan.  Nothing to see here, move along.  There are those who give the flawed statistics about illegal immigrants commiting less crime than ordinary Americans, which must be very satisfying for the left to cite, given that the left believes America is a fundamentally flawed country.  It's odd how many foreigners want to come to this fundamentally flawed country, but the left has never been able to answer that one.  There are others, such as the Associated Press, which makes matters easier for us, by not printing the immigration status of people caught up in ugly crimes against Americans.  That way, see, we won't notice.  But it's getting increasingly hard to ignore the new waves of crimes coming about from recent illegal border crossers — seems we are seeing a new grotesque crime every day, with women and children in the crosshairs almost like a slow motion Oct. 7.

Young American Women Are Being Raped & Murdered By Illegal Aliens.  Fox News' Bill Melugin shared with X users several headlines from this week alone that shows illegal aliens committing heinous acts of rape and murder against young American women.  [Numerous tweets]  The deaths of young American women at the hands of illegal aliens should never be happening.  This is the direct result of disastrous open border policies pushed by radical leftists in the White House who are willing and completely fine with inflicting great pain on Americans so they can continue installing their leftist agenda.  This is insanity.

Chinese organized crime becomes an issue in the US.  Chinese organized crime is becoming an increasing problem in the United States, with gangs involved in sectors ranging from illicit drugs to fraud. [...] The Justice Department this week announced that 24 people were charged in connection to a scheme involving Los Angeles-based associates of the Sinaloa drug cartel allegedly conspiring with Chinese underground bankers to launder drug trafficking money in the U.S. Since 2021, more than $50 million in drug proceeds have passed between the Sinaloa Cartel, one of the most powerful and violent drug trafficking groups in the world, and Chinese underground money laundering, according to the indictment.  The Sinaloa Cartel is the primary gang responsible for the recent influx of fentanyl into the U.S., and for the accompanying increase in violence at the U.S.-Mexico border.  Wealthy Chinese nationals who live in China drove the scheme, as they looked to evade their country's law that bars them from transferring more than $50,000 a year out of China.

As a Woman, I Deeply Resent Being Put at Risk From the Democrats' Imported Monsters.  [Scroll down]  It shouldn't be happening, but it is.  There are many such cases.  To name but a few recent examples:
Feb. 22, 2024, Athens, Ga.: Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student, went for a run on campus.  Venezuelan Jose Antonio Ibarra kidnapped her and bludgeoned her to death.
Dec. 5, 2023, Jackson County, Texas:  Rafael Govea Romero, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, broke into 16-year-old Lizbeth Medina's apartment, which she shared with her mother.  There, he stabbed the girl to death and left her bloody body in the bathtub for her mother to find that evening.
July 18, 2018, Brooklyn, Iowa:  Cristhian Bahena Rivera, another illegal immigrant from Mexico, followed 20-year-old Mollie Cecilia Tibbetts, who was going for a run, in his car before waylaying and murdering her.  He left her body in a cornfield.
July 27, 2022, Frederick, Md.: An unnamed 17-year-old, who sublet part of the home of 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton from another illegal alien, raped her and then strangled her to death with a phone-charging cord.  He had entered the country illegally the year before, despite his affiliation with MS-13 in his homeland of El Salvador.

Illegal Alien Mob Attacks NYPD Cops Checking On Unattended Kids.  A group of illegal aliens are now facing gang assault charges after reportedly attacking two NYPD officers outside a Queens hotel shelter, as per prosecutors and law enforcement sources on Tuesday.  The altercation occurred shortly before 4:30 a.m.  Monday, when the cops were checking on three unsupervised children outside the converted Long Island City hotel where 'asylum seekers' are housed.  The suspects allegedly launched a physical attack as the officers tried to ensure the kids' safety.

The Editor says...
Any and all illegal aliens who are convicted of any (additional) crime should be deported immediately and unceremoniously, with only the clothes they were wearing when they were arrested.  The word will spread rapidly:  Stay out of trouble, or you will disappear.

Let's Check in on How Things Are Going in the DNC's Host City.  Yesterday we told you about the illegal immigrant living in Chicago who was arrested nine times in nine months for various crimes, getting released back onto the street every time until he finally committed a more serious felony.  This is how things go when pro-crime "progressive" policies meet pro-illegal immigration "sanctuary" policies.  It's a caricature of dysfunction and lawlessness.  While some Chicago Democrats have started rebelling against this approach to governance, even calling to rescind the city's sanctuary status, others are burying their heads in the sand.  One elected official, for instance, has decided to simply stop posting crime alerts, because doing so creates a bad 'perception.' [...] Chicago's new mayor not only isn't keen on fixing the city's budget disaster, he's literally bought and paid for by a radical teachers union that is trying to fleece taxpayers for even more money with insane new contract demands, guaranteeing even more ruinous city finances.

Non-Citizens Accounted For 64% Of Arrests For Federal Offenses In 2018.  The nice thing about writing about immigration is that you will never lack for material to write about.  There's almost too much stuff. [...] Importing Third Worlders from countries that have even higher homicide rates than the United States isn't making us safer?  How could that be?

Another Illegal Alien (Literally) Bites Cop StoryBreitbart and others have done a good job of documenting how many crimes are being committed by illegal aliens, but this comes courtesy of Borderhawk.  [Tweet]  Instead of taking a bite out of crime, it appears that crime is taking a bite out of law enforcement.  [Tweet]  I wonder if he'll even be deported after all of that.  Stories like this of invader criminality are becoming so common we are barely noticing them.  Laken Riley got a lot of publicity, why not this case?  [Tweet]

Migrant arrested in broad daylight rape of 13-year-old in New York park.  An illegal immigrant Ecuadorian is in NYPD custody after a broad daylight sex attack in which police said a machete-wielding man approached two 13-year-olds, one a boy and one a girl, tied them together by the wrists and raped the girl at a popular park in Queens, according to sources.  An NYPD spokesperson confirmed a person of interest was in custody but declined to provide additional details.  Authorities were expected to hold a news briefing at 12:30 p.m. ET with more information.  Law enforcement sources tell Fox News that police arrested a 25-year-old man Monday evening in connection with the crime.  He entered the country illegally in 2021 near Eagle Pass, Texas.

Officials: Illegal Alien, Deported 16 Times, Killed 64-Year-Old Colorado Man.  An illegal alien from Mexico, deported 16 times from the United States, is accused of killing a 64-year-old man from Bailey, Colorado, in a vehicle crash.  Ignacio Cruz-Mendoza, a 47-year-old illegal alien, has been arrested and charged with vehicular homicide, vehicular assault, reckless driving, and driving without a commercial driver's license in connection to the death of 64-year-old Scott Miller.

Venezuelan migrants carjack off-duty NYPD officer, one armed with fully automatic pistol:  Report.  Two armed suspects — believed to be Venezuelan migrants — carjacked an off-duty New York Police Department officer on Friday night, according to a new report.  Sources told the New York Post that the two armed men approached the off-duty NYPD officer around 11:30 p.m. on Friday at West 146 Street and Bradhurst Avenue in Harlem.  One of the suspects was reportedly brandishing a fully automatic pistol as the men walked up to the vehicle.  The off-duty NYPD officer was allegedly sitting inside his 2020 BMW when the suspects purportedly opened the car door, knocked a gun out of the cop's hands, and demanded he turn over the keys to the vehicle.  The suspects successfully carjacked the off-duty officer's vehicle and fled the crime scene.

Illegal Alien From El Salvador Arrested for Brutal Rape and Murder of Maryland Mother of 5, Rachel Morin.  In a press conference announcing the arrest on Saturday, Harford County Sheriff Jeffery Gahler said that Martinez-Hernandez was arrested late Friday night and booked on Saturday morning; he is charged with first-degree murder and first-degree rape. [...] The story is horrific and yet despite the repeated horrors that unfold every day, few leftists in media will support the need to close the border.  They are so fraught with cultural Marxism, they will not even point out that the murderer is an illegal alien.

Map Shows Which Open-Border Nightmare Is in Your State.  [Scroll down]  Another threat to America is the surge of Venezuelan gang bangers setting up camps in cities across the country.  An illegal immigrant from Venezuela who, though he had only been in the U.S. for about a year and was already known to the NYPD as a crime suspect, shot two cops earlier this month.  The NYPD refers to the Venezuelans as "ghost criminals" due to a lack of means to identify them.  Eight illegal immigrant squatters from Venezuela were busted last April in the Bronx with a houseful of guns, ammo, illegal high-cap magazines, and drugs, as well as a small child.  Astonishingly, six of them were released.  There are roughly 100 criminal investigations into Venezuelan suspects, many involving a violent gang known as Tren de Aragua.

Migrant Gangs Surge Across America.  The Biden government's border crisis has allowed a flood of foreign criminal gangs to infiltrate the United States.  Tren de Aragua, a brutal Venezuelan gang, has attained footholds in several major Texas cities, as well as Chicago and New York City.  Meanwhile, Mexican drug cartels are driving human smuggling over the southern border largely unchecked.  Even more concern, The National Pulse reported on Tuesday that eight alleged ISIS operatives were detained across the United States, including in Los Angeles, New York City, and Philadelphia.  Joe Biden's illegal immigration crisis exposes America to 'ghost' criminals, paramilitary operatives, and potential terrorists.  Tren de Aragua has used the crisis to grow from a Venezuelan prison gang into a severe threat in both the United States and their home country.  This gang is implicated in human smuggling and sex trafficking, often identifiable only by tattoos depicting AK-47s and gas-masked skulls.

Maine Sheriff Raids 20th Chinese Mafia Drug House of 2024.  The Somerset County Sheriff's Office Criminal Division executed a drug search warrant at a residence in Anson Friday morning, Sheriff Dale Lancaster said in a press release.  No individuals were present during the execution of the warrant.  According to Somerset real estate records, the 264 Horseback Road property was purchased most recently by Baker Li, of Brooklyn, in Sept. 2021.  Records show the seller as Yuling Mei, of Brooklyn, NY, who purchased the property in March 2020 before selling to Li.  Mei, 63, was arrested in January at a separate illegal marijuana cultivation facility in Cornville, along with Huansheng Mai, 75, and Yiming Hu, 68.  After her arrest, Mei was given $1,000 bail, which she posted in cash four days after her arrest.  Under the terms of her bail, Mei was ordered not to leave the state of Maine while her case is pending.  However, on her booking documents, Mei provided 273 Madison Ave in Skowhegan as her mailing address, which is the location of the Belmont Motel.

Bay State Hotel Flop House Becomes Hub for Illegal Alien Rape and Domestic Violence.  A Holiday Inn in Marlborough, Massachusetts, has become a hotbed of domestic abuse and child sexual assault since it became part of the state's taxpayer funded migrant shelter program, which pays hotels to house illegal immigrants.  According to documents obtained by the Maine Wire, taxpayers were paying for the Holiday Inn at 265 Lakeside Ave to house an illegal immigrant, Ronald Joseph, who reportedly raped his 14-year-old daughter numerous times.  As a result of the rapes, the 14-year-old migrant girl became pregnant.  In an interview with Mass. officials, the young girl said Joseph had raped her multiple times on the journey to the U.S. — both before and after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

Texas launches '10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigrant List'.  The Texas Department of Public Safety launched its first "10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigrants List" to raise awareness about and help law enforcement find repeat offenders who are in the U.S. illegally and are wanted for allegedly committing dangerous crimes in Texas.  Within less than 24 hours of Texas Department of Public Safety announcing its top 10 most wanted list for criminal aliens, one of the men on the list was arrested.  "Texans should not attempt to apprehend these fugitives; they are considered armed and dangerous," DPS warns.

NYC Drivers Terrorized by Illegals in 'Sickening' Extortion Scheme.  [Tweet with video clip]  A chilling new video allegedly shows illegal immigrants jumping in front of moving cars in New York City as part of a scheme to extort money and other perks from drivers, according to the New York Post.  This scam, first exposed earlier this year, has been detailed further in the new video footage.  A 37-year-old driver named Christina shared her terrifying experience with the Post.  "All of the sudden, I see a man in front of my car with eyes wide open, screaming, staring at me in the eye. ... He was trying to get me to run him over," Christina recounted.  "If I was distracted for one split second, or looking down, or if someone was in the left lane, my life would be over... It's just sickening," she added.

Syrian men among human smugglers apprehended through Operation Lone Star.  Texas Department of Public Safety troopers continue to apprehend human smugglers in border counties, as well as people from countries of foreign concern, including Syria, as part of Gov. Greg Abbott's border security mission, Operation Lone Star.  In Maverick County, DPS troopers apprehended a group of 31 illegal border crossers, including two Syrian men.  In the group were 18 men and 13 women who are citizens of Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru and Venezuela.

Migrant Crime Round-Up.  Donald Trump's description of migrant crime as an emerging "new category of crime" continued to be vindicated over the last week, with The National Pulse finding many examples of illegal alien criminals and accused criminals victimizing Americans and eating into public resources.  The highest-profile illegal alien to be criminally charged in recent days is Bernardo Raul Castro Mato, a 19-year-old Venezuelan accused of shooting two New York Police Department (NYPD) officers during a foot chase.  Mato allegedly shot NYPD Officer Christopher Abreu, 26, in the leg, and Officer Richard Yarusso, 26, in the chest, before being brought down by gunfire himself.  The Venezuelan is a suspect in several scooter-borne robberies, often targeting women.  He crossed the border illegally last summer, but the immigration case against him was closed.

Suspect Who Shot Two NYPD Officers Identified as Venezuelan Illegal.  [I]t has been confirmed that the suspect who shot two NYPD officers in Queens is an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, identified as 19-year-old Bernardo Raul Castro Matta.  This suspect, linked to multiple scooter-related robberies in Queens, entered the U.S. through Eagle Pass, Texas.  Living at a migrant shelter in a former Courtyard Marriott hotel, Castro Matta fired at the officers during a foot chase, striking one in the stomach and the other in the leg.  Both officers, now in stable condition, demonstrated extraordinary bravery and were wearing bulletproof vests.  Upon their release from the hospital, they were met with cheers from fellow NYPD officers and citizens.  Mayor Eric Adams condemned the shooting as a "senseless act of violence," highlighting the dangers law enforcement faces daily.  The suspect, also injured and hospitalized, possessed the firearm illegally.  This incident underscores the escalating crime patterns involving scooters, which have surged dramatically over the past three years.

Soros-Backed DA's Office Gave Free Consultations to Illegal Aliens Charged With Violent Crimes.  Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner's office provided free consultations and legal assistance to illegal aliens charged with violent felonies in 2023, documents reveal.  The taxpayer-funded consultations were provided to migrants charged with various heinous crimes — including rape, robbery, strangulation, aggravated assault, and homicide by vehicle — in an ostensible effort to help them avoid convictions that would lead to their deportation, documents obtained by the Immigration Reform Law Institute reveal.  Krasner created the position of immigration counsel in 2018 to provide consultations and work on cases involving illegal aliens.

Agents Arrest 10 Members of Infamous Venezuelan Prison Gang at Southern Border.  The Border Patrol announced the arrests of 10 foreign nationals affiliated with an international prison gang over the Memorial Day weekend, highlighting the threat emanating from the U.S.-Mexico border.  Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens announced the arrest of the 10 individuals affiliated with Tren de Aragua, an international criminal organization originating in Venezuela whose members have been behind numerous high-profile crimes across the country.  The Border Patrol chief confirmed the gang members will be processed for deportation.

Hacked data reveals which US gun sellers are behind Mexican cartel violence.  A massive leak of Mexican military intelligence has exposed for the first time in two decades U.S. gun shops and smugglers tied to 78,000 firearms recovered south of the border — and which types of guns are being trafficked.  The nuggets of information are among roughly 10 million records hacked by an anonymous collective known as "Guacamaya" and shared with news outlets by the transparency organization Distributed Denial of Secrets, or DDoSecrets.  The Mexican Defense Ministry leak previously made headlines for exposing military corruption and surveillance abuse, and now reveals the trace data on American-sold firearms recovered since 2018.  Despite efforts to stem the flow, these American firearms are smuggled south as part of the cycle of Latin-American narcotics headed north.  The violence in Central America fueled, in part, by guns also has contributed to the migration crisis at the U.S. border.

New data show that ATF's Operation Fast and Furious just got a lot more scandalous.  [As Nick] Penzenstadler reports, firearms that were originally sold in the U.S. have somehow made their way south of the border to criminal factions in Mexico and the lower Americas, which is ostensibly fueling the violence that this part of the world is known for, which is "in part" to blame for the the "migration crisis" plaguing the U.S. today — yeah, okay — and all of this is the fault of the small-time gun stores and American gun makers because if it weren't for their products and store policies, then there wouldn't be so many "bodies on the streets" in Mexico and beyond.

Migrant gets arrested for the 10th time in 10 months.  Carlos Mavarez Viloria, a resident of the Standard Club migrant shelter in downtown Chicago, has been arrested ten times since arriving in our fair city last summer, according to police and court records.  Viloria was consistently released from custody after each arrest, but that ended with the tenth case, his first felony, and he is currently living in the Cook County jail.  His first arrest came on July 12, when he was accused of stealing 10 Major League Baseball hats, watches, a backpack, and food, worth a total of $193, from Walmart in Evergreen Park.  A judge issued a warrant for his arrest when he failed to appear in court the next month.  But he wasn't on the lam for long.  The following day, Chicago police arrested him after security at Macy's, 111 South State, claimed he attempted to shoplift $158 worth of t-shirts. [...]

Mass Brawl Breaks Out At Chicago Migrant Center.  A huge brawl between at least 80 migrants outside a downtown Chicago shelter leaves one stabbed and a cop injured, forcing police to declare a "10-1" emergency.  One illegal living at a nearby shelter was stabbed, a Chicago police officer suffered a broken finger, and at least three people were arrested.  The CPD unit at the Standard Club migrant shelter called for backup.  [Video clip]

Venezuelan gang members [are being] arrested thousands of miles from border.  Venezuelan Tren de Aragua prison gang members are being arrested thousands of miles from the border after having illegally entered the U.S. in Texas.  The Venezuelan prison gang is well-known for orchestrating murders, bribery schemes and money laundering, drug and arms trafficking, and kidnappings for ransom money.  In March, U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio and Maria Elvira Salazar, both Florida Republicans, called on the president to officially designate Tren de Aragua as a Transnational Criminal Organization.  "Tren de Aragua is an invading criminal army from a prison in Venezuela that has spread their brutality and chaos to U.S. cities and small towns," they said.  "If left unchecked, they will unleash an unprecedented reign of terror, mirroring the devastation it has already inflicted in communities throughout Central and South America, most prominently in Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.  The breadth of Tren de Aragua's operations encompasses murder, drug and human trafficking, sex crimes, extortion, and kidnapping, among other brutalities."

Memorial Day Weekend in the City.  In the blue states where the so-called progressives have proudly "eliminated cash bail," even criminals who are caught and prosecuted are still set free to rob, rape, or brawl again, without so much as requiring a single dollar bond to make sure they ever return for trial.  They are just set free as soon as the documents are filed for the last crime.  Are they changing that policy this summer?  Every day, we read or hear the news: over a hundred thousand unknowns per month cross our intentionally porous border with Mexico, heading north.  They aren't all from Mexico, but that's where they fly, from Asia and Europe, from Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean.  They all come to Mexico so they can walk across the border and blend effortlessly into these United States, unfollowed and largely untrackable.  Some are decent folks who mean no harm; many are hardened criminals, from more violent cultures than our own, either lone wolves or members of countless foreign crime syndicates.

Mexico's version of the killing fields.  Maybe another election somewhere had this much killing, but it's bad news down in Mexico.  I spoke with a Canadian friend living in central Mexico and it was the violence that he kept talking about. [...] To be fair, cartel violence is not new to Mexico.  However, this violence surrounding the election is a bit different.  In the past, a lot of violence was gang killing gang over routes or territory.  In this case, the deaths are candidates or people participating in campaigns.  Are the criminal elements sending a message?

California Dems vote to continue protecting illegal alien pedophiles with 'sanctuary' policies.  California Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R) on Tuesday forced a vote regarding his bill, Assembly Bill 2641, which would end "sanctuary state" protections for illegal aliens convicted of sex crimes against children.  California's sanctuary policies prevent state authorities from turning over illegal immigrants to Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.  The restricted cooperation forces ICE to expend more of its own resources to locate and detain illegal aliens who have committed additional crimes.  Essayli proposed a motion on Tuesday that forced California lawmakers to vote on whether to hear his proposed bill.  Assembly Speaker pro Tempore Jim Wood (D) cut off Essayli's microphone while he was announcing the motion.  "Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  I move to suspend the rules and invoke the California constitution to withdraw Assembly Bill 2641, which will end sanctuary state protections for convicted illegal immigrant pedophiles," Essayli stated.  The speaker instructed Essayli to stop before turning off the assemblyman's microphone.

Mom accepted money from illegal alien so he could spend time with 12-year-old daughter, whom he then attacked:  Sheriff.  A12-year-old girl and her siblings have been placed into protective custody in Wisconsin after a man reportedly paid the girl's mother to spend time alone with her and then allegedly attacked her.  Just after midnight on Sunday morning, the Fond du Lac County Sheriff's Office received a call from a man in Oakfield, Wisconsin, about 70 miles northwest of Milwaukee.  The caller claimed that a young girl had knocked on his door, desperate to get away from a man who been holding her captive in his vehicle.

'Ruthless' Mexican cartels now in all 50 states, drug turf wars rage in US.  According to a new report by the Drug Enforcement Administration, Mexico's "most powerful and ruthless" cartels are operating in all 50 states now and turf wars are ensuing in American cities.  "The Jalisco and Sinaloa cartels have flooded major U.S. cities with meth and fentanyl and use violence to protect their turf, the report found," Fox News reported.  "The deadly reach of the Mexican Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels into U.S. communities is extended by the wholesale-level traffickers and street dealers bringing the cartels' drugs to market, sometimes creating their own deadly drug mixtures," the DEA's National Drug Threat Assessment report warns.  "Together, the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels have caused the worst drug crisis in U.S. history."

Suspected illegal alien accused of multiple rapes, but officials haven't yet clarified whether he faces immigration detainer.  An illegal alien has allegedly raped two Southern California women in as many days, yet officials have not yet clarified whether the suspect faces an immigration detainer as a result.  At around 10 p.m. on Monday, deputies arrested Eduardo Sarabia, a 40-year-old Mexican national reportedly in the U.S. illegally, after he was caught inside a white 2015 Ford Transit van parked along a remote stretch of Highway 39 near Azusa, about 20 miles east of L.A., as Blaze News previously reported.  A 26-year-old woman was also allegedly found inside the van, which deputies described as a "rape dungeon on wheels" and "disgustingly outfitted for rape."  Through their investigations, deputies discovered that Sarabia had allegedly sexually assaulted another woman in the same van parked at about the same spot just 24 hours earlier.

Mexican national accused of trafficking teen girl into US — girl saved herself by texting 911.  A Mexican national was arrested last week by authorities in California for allegedly trafficking a 17-year-old girl into the United States, KTLA reported.  The suspect was captured after the teen acquired a cell phone and used it to text 911.  The girl, who only spoke Spanish and was unaware of her location, described key landmarks and other identifiable information to law enforcement.  Authorities were able to use the information to locate and rescue her within approximately 20 minutes.  The Ventura County Sheriff's Office reported, "In the early morning hours of May 9th, deputies working the Ojai Sheriff's Sub-Station rescued a female human trafficking victim who had text '911' to the Ventura County Sheriff's Communication Center."

148 House Democrats Vote to Block Deportation of Illegal Aliens Who Attack Cops.  On Wednesday evening, the United States House of Representatives voted on the Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act, originally introduced by Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ).  The bill's intent is to require the deportation of illegal aliens who assault law enforcement officers.  This value of this piece of legislation seems so staggeringly obvious that it should have been a unanimous vote, doesn't it?  Is there any reasoned argument against deporting illegal aliens who attack cops?  We might ask the 148 Democrats who voted against the bill. [...] What's not clear is what happens to aliens who are charged with a crime in the assault, as we should expect those individuals to stand trial and, if found guilty, to be imprisoned, but given the revolving-door nature of the prosecutorial apparatuses of too many of our major cities just now, perhaps immediate and unconditional deportation — which is in the legitimate purview of the federal government — is more efficient.

Import Millions of Third World Refugees:  You Become a Third World Country.  Nursing student, at the University of Georgia, Laken Riley would be alive and contributing to America today if not for Joe Biden's inviting over 12,000,000 illegal aliens into America.  Illegal Venezuelan Jose Ibarra bludgeoned Riley to death while she was out for a run on campus.  This is a cautionary tale for the United States of America.  If Biden's handlers continue this invasion for another four years, we could see 24,000,000 illegal third world aliens within our borders.  What borders you might ask?  In reality, we no longer have borders.  It's been said by top historians: no borders, no country.  Biden, who won't be alive to see his legacy of how he destroyed America, continues on this treacherous path with no idea of the consequences.

Guilty Illegal Immigrants Rioters Charges Dismissed While Innocent January 6ers Remain In Jail.  Today in America, we see where the government, both federal and state, are treasonously alluring illegals to come into this country (Article III, Section 3 U.S. Constitution).  In the process, these illegals are bringing with them drug trafficking, human trafficking, murder, rape, attacks on the American military, attacks on America's police, etc.  The list goes on.  What could one expect from those who are ILLEGALLY crossing over the border?  What has been the response to these crimes?  Recently, a Spanish Judge in Texas, Judge Ruben Morales somehow ruled against American Law (He must be impeached and prosecuted; Article 2, Section 4 U.S. Constitution) in arguing that Texas authorities failed to prove probable cause.  In spite of the above, consider that back on January 06, 2021, we found that Americans were allured to Washington D.C. and then entrapped only to be accused by this government of the crimes that the paid provocateurs that were bused in are guilty of committing.  As of today, over 1200 Americans who were exercising their First Amendment, God-given rights are somehow behind bars (Proverbs 17:15x).

Illegal Alien From El Salvador Is Arrested In Virginia For Lighting A Woman On Fire, Killing Her.  An arrest has been made after a woman's body was found in a burning field in Martinsburg.  Sheriff's deputies say the suspect was identified as David Antonio Calderon from El Salvador.  He was denied asylum in Canada and made his way to the United States.  [Video clip]

Three Illegals Arrested After Shooting Up A Large Birthday Party In Massachusetts.  Three illegal immigrants were arrested in Northborough, MA for shooting up a large birthday party on Sunday.  One 16-year-old was killed, and 3 others who attended the party were hospitalized.  The illegal aliens are Brazilian nationals.  [Video clip]

Illegal immigrant arrested for sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl in a van.  Authorities with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office (PBCSO) announced that an illegal immigrant from Guatemala has been arrested for allegedly kidnapping and sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl.  According to WPTV, the suspect, identified as 20-year-old Marvin Perez, was arrested on Saturday, May 4th.  The probable cause affidavit stated that the incident occurred on Thursday, May 2nd, in a parked van near the family's home.

Migrant Crime Round-Up:  Pedophiles and Baby Killers.  Donald Trump describes migrant crime as a "new category of crime" that is "going to be worse than any other form of crime."  A National Pulse review of the past week finds illegal aliens have indeed been involved in the worst offenses on the books multiple times.  [Numerous examples given.]

No Surpise, 77% Of All Rapes In France Are Commited By Migrants.  77% of rape cases on Paris streets were committed by foreigners in 2023.  This staggering new report highlights a much greater issue.  Illegals are burning down our churches, raping women and children, and committing violent crimes.  [Video clip]

Ignore the Shocking Number of Rapes Committed by 'Newcomers' or You'll Be Punished, You Bigot.  As I've written before, the globalists have spent decades indoctrinating Westerners to believe that legitimate criticism of people with darker skin is a sign of racism, if not "proof" of so-called "white supremacy."  That includes speaking out against the epidemic of illegal immigrants, or asylum-seekers — call them what you will — committing unspeakable levels of sexual assault against Western women.  Most Americans have no idea what has been happening in Europe for two decades.  But as I've warned in the past, the United States is only five to seven years behind the UK. Watch our Brit friends if you want to see what the pinkos have planned for "The Great Satan," otherwise known as We the People.  Gang rapists in Britain, a vast majority of whom are/were Pakistani Muslims, had been sexually assaulting thousands of young girls and women with near impunity.  How was such a heinous, nationwide calamity allowed to take place?

Biden's Open Borders and Non-Enforcement Mean Americans Play "Recidivist Roulette" with Criminal Aliens.  Americans are learning on a weekly — and sometimes daily — basis of preventable crimes committed at the hands of foreign nationals (aliens) illegally present in the U.S.  This is occurring because the Left has created the perfect storm of open borders, non-enforcement of immigration law, non-prosecution of crimes, and sanctuary policies that prevent state and local law enforcement from sharing information and cooperating with federal immigration officers to keep criminal aliens detained for deportation.  The Left is playing Russian Roulette with American lives.  Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas frequently touts his expansion of "safe, orderly, and lawful" immigration pathways, but any pathway to enter and remain in the U.S. will be exploited by aliens looking for an easy way in, as well as criminals and others intending to harm Americans.

One of Biden's Model Citizens Kidnapped, Raped an 11-Year-Old.  A New American, fresh from crossing the border, kidnapped an 11-year-old girl and raped her in his white van as her mother screamed for help outside.  We are importing rapists, murderers, drunk drivers, terrorists, deadbeats, and others who shouldn't be here.  Suspect Marvin Dionel Perez Lopez is in custody and faces a rape charge.  The mother caught a glimpse of her daughter and the suspect in the van and began banging on the door, shouting at him to free the girl, according to an arrest report.

Do Not Go to Mexico.  Maybe you've heard that two Australians and an American were murdered in Mexico recently.  The three men were on a surf vacation and apparently came across a group of carjackers who had no hesitation in murdering them. [...] It's a tragic story for the families involved but also not a very surprising one in this part of the world.  In fact, the 50 foot deep well where the bodies of the three men were found also contained another body, unrelated to this case.  The situation is bad enough that last year the State Department put out a warning to Americans about visiting parts of Mexico.  The warning advised that Americans not travel to six states within Mexico and reconsider travel to seven other states including Baja.  The only really surprising thing about the murdered tourists is that they were found.  Kidnapping and disappearances are very common in Mexico but resolution of these cases is relatively rare.  As of last November there were 113,275 people on the missing persons registry maintained by the government.

The Editor says...
Yeah, don't go to Mexico — wait for them to come to you.

Do Not Go to Mexico, Part Two.  Yesterday I wrote about the missing and the disappeared in Mexico which number in the tens of thousands.  Recently, that number included a group of surfers made up of two Australian brothers and their American friend.  They were carjacked and murdered, their bodies dumped in a deep well.  When authorities found them they found a 4th body in the well, apparently unrelated to their murders.  Welcome to Mexico.  Today the NY Times published a first person account written by Manuel Gisbert, a kidnap victim who survived after his family agreed to pay a ransom to the cartel members who were holding him.

Retail Theft Ring Busts Reveal Some Hard Truths.  [Scroll down]  As if that weren't enough, the open borders policy of recent Democrat regimes has resulted in the importation of criminals from abroad.  No, this isn't xenophobia; it's statistically undeniable.  While standard legal immigration at least makes an effort to only grant immigration visas to honest, productive potential citizens, such vetting is impossible — intentionally — with the flood of illegal aliens we have seen flowing across our borders in recent decades.  Crime gangs from Central and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa, who would usually be thwarted by standard immigration processes, are able to blend in with the caravans and crowds of "asylum claimants" or join the ranks of what the Border Patrol calls "gotaways." Are we talking about ten percent of them?  Fifteen?  Twenty?  No way to tell.  But since we're talking about millions and millions of illegal aliens every year, even if only 10% of them are criminals, that's too many.

[An] Illegal Alien Wanted for Murder [is] Among Nearly 2M 'Got-Aways' at Biden's Border.  An illegal alien wanted for murder in his native Mexico was able to successfully cross the United States-Mexico border as a so-called "got-away" on President Joe Biden's watch.  David Antonio Hernandez Ventura, a 26-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, attempted to cross the southern border on three separate occasions on March 30, April 1, and April 8, 2021.

Illegal Alien in Florida Arrested For Double Murder of Girlfriend and Her 4-Year-Old Daughter.  An illegal alien in Florida was arrested on Thursday by the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department for double murder.  He allegedly stabbed his girlfriend and her 4-year-old daughter to death.  Investigators believe that Angel Gabriel Cuz-Choc, 31, was here illegally from Guatemala. [...] "Our main concern was to identify him and find out how he entered our country.  We learned with working with our partners in Homeland Security, he did enter this country unlawfully," Hillsborough County Sheriff said.  [Tweet with video clip]

More than 20 sexual predators are jailed for total of 346 years after eight young girls were raped, abused and trafficked in West Yorkshire.  More than 20 'sexual predators' have been jailed for a total 346 years after eight young girls in West Yorkshire were raped, abused and trafficked over 13 years.  The 24 men were arrested after West Yorkshire Police's discovery of their years-long campaign of abuse, which has been described as 'abhorrent in the extreme'.  Operation Tourway uncovered rape, sexual abuse and trafficking of eight girls in the North Kirklees area, including the towns of Batley and Dewsbury, between 1999 and 2012. [...] A 25th man was made subject of a hospital order following the court case.

Illegal Alien Charged with Sexually Assaulting Two Girls After Breaking into Michigan Home.  An illegal alien is accused of sexually assaulting two young girls under the age of 13 after breaking into a home in St. Joseph County, Michigan.  Miguel Hernandez-Ruiz, a 25-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, has been arrested and "charged with first-degree home invasion and two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a person" younger than 13 years old, WoodTV reported.

Illegal alien poster boy for 'migrants are not criminals' campaign admits to raping a young girl.  Congolese national Anicet Mayela, who recently pled guilty to raping a 15-year-old child in a crime described by authorities as having a high level of "dangerousness" to it, was previously the illegal alien poster boy for the "migrants are not criminals" campaign.  According to a report by Thomas Brooke at Remix News yesterday, Mayela illegally entered the United Kingdom in 2004 when he paid human smugglers to get him out of the Congo, but by 2005, the federal government sought to deport Mayela — yet, first thanks to bleeding heart useful idiots in his deportation flight cabin crew, and then to the "left-wing charities" and taxpayer-funded immigration lawyers, Mayela "won leave to remain in Britain" after his advocates "successfully argu[ed] a return to his homeland would be a violation of his human rights."  Mayela used his experience as a publicity stunt for open borders policies, declaring that "migrants are not criminals."

Anybody notice how 'Latinamericanized' California crime is getting?  Once upon a time, the baroque levels of crime in Latin America was someone one merely read about.  From the "secuestro express;" to "Colombian neckties;" to "pozoleros," to nail traps on the highway to disable a car before a hijacking; to bombs and car bombs; to dead journalists and politicians; to ATM card readers stealing from bank accounts; to gang extortions of small businesses known as "la vacuna;" to dead bodies hanging from freeway overpasses with narco-banners; crime in Latin America has always been nasty and extensive.  With little to no rule of law, defense is a way of life — from bulletproof cars, to gated communities, to lives that revolve around dinner parties with every guest known; to purses thrown into car trunks to prevent snatch-and-grab robberies by motorcycle thieves at stoplights; to wearing cheap wristwatches to deter snatch thieves; to personal security guards; it doesn't stop.

Nobody's guarding the coasts.  To catch a wave in sunny San Diego, surfers know that it's important to watch for rocks, sharks, rip currents, and other surfers.  In the Biden era, though, now they have to watch for illegals. [...] Cowa-migrant, duuude ... the smugglers' speedboat cut right through the surfers on their waves in broad daylight on Carlsbad's beach with migrants running out as if from a clown car and then running to a set location on coastal street by a building with two tiki canes, and all hopping into a black waiting car with a female migrant getting just half in before the car took off like a bullet.

DHS' Admission About Laken Riley's Alleged Killer Will Make Your Blood Boil.  It's not news that the Biden administration's handling of its self-inflicted border crisis is an abject failure, but new information about the illegal alien charged with the abduction and murder of Georgia student Laken Riley illustrates how out of control things have gotten and how unconcerned the president and his cabinet are about following the law.  Reading from Department of Homeland Security files on Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal alien from Venezuela, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) revealed confirmation from DHS that Ibarra had been paroled illegally in September 2022 before he allegedly killed Riley on February 22.  As Graham explained Tuesday, Ibarra's file states that the illegal alien was granted "parole due to detention capacity at the central processing center in El Paso, Texas."  That is, "he was paroled because of capacity problems," Graham emphasized.

Texas child porn investigation nabs 10 suspected illegal immigrants.  Texas law enforcement executing a search warrant for alleged depraved downloads were forced to call in Homeland Security when they discovered more than child pornography at a Houston-area home.  While President Joe Biden continued to play politics over the border crisis, endeavoring to shift blame for the outcome of leftist policies on Republicans, the erosion of national sovereignty placed countless Americans at risk from various unchecked criminal elements.  Thursday in Baytown, Texas, that reality played out as deputies from the Chambers County Sheriff's Office arrived at a residence to execute a warrant over child pornography and found 10 individuals suspected of being illegal aliens.

Mexican cartel violence is now spilling into San Diego -report.  Plenty of people think Joe Biden's open borders is mainly about millions of illegals rolling into the U.S., while the billions rolling into Mexico's notorious crime cartels is Mexico's problem, not ours.  But that's not quite what's going on.  Mexico's cartels have grown so big and so powerful from migrant and drug smuggling that they not only threaten Mexico, they are now taking their internecine warfare on the road into the U.S., which now faces a Tijuana-like future.  If you recall the sight of all those Tijuana cars burning as that city shut down from cartel warfare, obviously it can happen here, too.

An Illegal From Venezuela Attempts To Rob A Bank In Ohio Using A Translator App.  A 20-year-old illegal Venezuelan man allegedly tried to rob an Ohio bank using a translator app last week, according to FOX8 News.  Yeixon Brito-Gonzalez reportedly showed bank tellers in Sandusky his phone, which allegedly read through translation software, "get the money" and "put the money in the bag."  "Been in law enforcement for over 20 years.  This is the first time I've encountered something like this," Sandusky Police Chief Jared Oliver told the outlet.  "It's the first time our officers have dealt with it, too."  [Video clip]

Venezuelan Illegal Tries to Rob Ohio Bank, Fails After Struggling With Translator App.  A suspected illegal immigrant from Venezuela tried his luck at robbing a bank in Ohio this week, although the heist went awry after he was unable to communicate what he wanted.  Fox 8 reports that police arrested 20-year-old Yeixon Brito-Gonzalez and suspect that he is in the country illegally.  Customs and Border Patrol have put a hold on him.  "We have no way to tell if he is here legally or not," said Sandusky Police Chief Jared Oliver.  "But he has no proof of identification."  The failed heist took place on April 6th at around 11:30 a.m., when bank clerks called police to report a man entering the facility and trying to get behind the counters.

Biden's open border policy is compromising our national security.  The rule of law is fundamental to the stability and functioning of any society.  Ignoring illegal immigration can undermine the integrity of legal immigration processes and overall societal trust.  The open border policy rewards those who break the law by entering the country illegally, undermining the efforts of those who seek to immigrate legally.  Moreover, it threatens national security, as it may allow criminals and potentially dangerous individuals to enter the country undetected.

Illegal Immigrant Deported Several Times Charged With Murder in Ohio.  An illegal alien who has been deported at least seven times is facing charges for murder after a man's body was discovered in Hamilton, Ohio.  Fermin Garcia-Gutierrez, 46, was arrested after the body of a man, identified as Fernando Reyna Oviedo, 41, was found earlier this month.  According to the Butler County Coroner's Office, Oviedo died from a gunshot wound on April 1.  [Tweet]  "Garcia-Gutierrez has been deported seven times and he has been in our jail 11 times using seven different names and three different date of births," [sic] Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones reportedly said in a March 29 press conference, according to Fox 19.  "I can tell you this, that person would be alive today and if you don't think that it's affecting you in Butler County, Ohio, we're all border states; we're all border counties.  It's here and we could go on and on."

Romanian National Gets 6 Years in Prison for ATM Theft of Government Benefits.  An illegal alien from Romania has been convicted of using electronic devices to break into ATM machines to steal money from public assistance benefits accounts meant to help low-income families in California.  Marius Oprea, 38, was handed 75 months in a federal prison for using the devices to skim money from the accounts by creating counterfeit debit cards in the names of welfare program enrollees, the Justice Department announced in an April 1 press release.

Four Migrants [were] Held Hostage in Houston Human Smuggling Stash House 350 Miles from Border.  An FBI raid led to the rescue of four migrants being held for ransom by suspected human smugglers in southeast Houston on April 3.  The alleged smugglers demanded $15,000 from family members for the release of the migrants, a victim's family member reported.  On March 27, a woman walked into a Houston Police Department precinct office and said her boyfriend had been kidnapped, according to a report by Fox 26 Houston.  She said William Manriquez traveled to Mexico to visit a sick family member.  When he attempted to return to Texas by illegally crossing the border between ports of entry, suspected human smugglers allegedly kidnapped him and demanded $15,000 for the release of Manriquez and three other people being held in the smuggling operation.

Houston Car-Theft Ring Tied to Mexican Terrorist Drug Cartel.  A six-month investigation led to a series of raids on Mexican cartel-connected chop shops in the Houston metroplex this week.  The raids led to the seizure of more than $1 million in stolen vehicles.  Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez posted photos on X showing the chop-shop operations located on Leago, Yale, and Gulf Bank streets.  The auto-theft ring has "possible ties to a cartel," the sheriff stated.

Illegal migrant deported 8 times with 11 arrests now charged with murder in Ohio.  An illegal Mexican immigrant who has been deported at least eight times, according to Ohio's Butler County Sheriff's Office, and arrested nearly a dozen times is now facing murder charges following the discovery of a man's body in Ohio.  Fermin Garcia-Gutierrez, 46, is being held at the Butler County Jail on charges of aggravated murder (premeditated), using weapons while intoxicated, carrying concealed weapons, possession of drugs and obstructing official business, Fox 19 reports, citing jail records.  Officers found the victim's body in the 1100 block of S. 13th Street in Hamilton just after 2:30 p.m.  Monday in response to a 911 call.  Hamilton is just north of Cincinnati.

Just Deport the Criminals Already!  What do you get when eight illegal aliens are caught squatting at a home in the Bronx with guns and illegal drugs after dodging authorities for months?  Just one deportation.  Maybe.  And that's for the illegal (I think) who had previously been caught and released for attempted murder last year after previously having been caught and released at the border.  Six of his gun-toting/drug-dealing squatter companions, having been previously caught and released, have already been released this week after being caught again last week — without bail, natch.

After He Dies In ICE Custody, Democrats Defend Illegal Convicted Of Murder.  After he died last month in federal custody, Democrats are rallying around the death of an illegal alien who was convicted of murder more than two decades ago.  Charles Leo Daniel, a Trinidad and Tobago citizen who illegally overstayed his U.S. visa, died due to unknown circumstances on March 7 in the Northwest Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Processing Center in Tacoma, Washington.  Daniel was first jailed after he was convicted in 2003 of the brutal murder of his landlord roommate with a "bloody butcher knife."  Court documents say police arrived on the scene to find Daniel "covered in blood."  Daniel claimed self-defense but the court determined that "testimony to be lacking in credibility" and "found the forensic evidence inconsistent with Daniel's account of how he had stabbed" the victim, Raymond Lindsay.  The court initially sentenced Daniel to "220 months prison and 24 to 48 months of community custody."  A per curiam decision issued in 2007 affirmed that sentence after concluding that "the court did not misapply the law of self-defense."

Violent, Well-Armed Illegal Venezuelan Thugs Found Squatting In Bronx Basement, One Was Wanted For Murder.  Suspected Venezuelan illegals were found squatting in the basement of a home in the Bronx.  Police found multiple loaded guns, three extended magazines, ammo, ketamine mixed with cocaine and a 7-year old child.  One of the migrants had previously been charged with attempted murder for shooting someone in the leg.  The police were called after one of the men was spotted with a gun next to a school.  [Video clip]

Illegal Chilean Gangs Are Now Robbing Luxury Homes Throughout The US.  Chilean gangs are taking advantage of the U.S. Visa Waiver Program and are coming to the U.S. just to burglarize luxury homes.  The U.S. Visa Waiver Program allows tourists to enter America for 90 days or less.  The gangs are very well equipped and use wifi-jammers to disrupt security systems.  [Video clip]

NYPD Warns New Yorkers of Illegal Immigrant Pick Pocket Gangs.  As illegal immigrants continue to flood the United States under President Joe Biden's wide-open border, nationwide crime has seen an unprecedented spike.  Pickpocket illegal immigrant gangs are New York City's latest sleuth of headaches as the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua and its sidekick, El Salvadoran MS13, are popping up around the city.  The New York Police Department is warning residents to watch out for the sticky-fingered illegals as nearly 100 asylum seekers have already been on the NYPD's radar.  This week, an NYPD electronic billboard truck drove through the city warning New Yorkers to be aware of their surroundings and belongings as gangs of illegal immigrants exploit the city.

More of this, please.
ICE Arrests 216 Illegal Aliens with Drug Convictions.  Over the course of a 12-day operation, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested over 200 illegal aliens with a wide array of convictions for drug-related charges, including trafficking and possession.  As reported by Fox News, the arrests occurred from March 11th through March 22nd across 25 different cities, ranging from Seattle, Washington to Boston, Massachusetts.  The drugs involved in the charges included cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, and methamphetamine, among others.  The arrested illegals came from 30 different foreign locations.  Of the 216 arrested, 36 have already been deported, with the remaining 180 set to be deported as well in the near future.

The Many Ways a Porous Border Means Crime Without Boundaries.  While migrant advocates argue that illegal arrivals commit crimes at lower rates than Americans, the claim is unverifiable because the federal government and most states do not break down crimes by immigration status.  [Advertisement]  Criminologists also note that it ignores the vast web of statutory crimes concurrent with illegal immigration — drug smuggling, human trafficking, child labor violations, prostitution, the black market in employment, and so on.  [Advertisement]  What remains undeniable by the law of averages is that the massive surge in immigration since the Biden administration relaxed border policies — a surge that it puts at more than 4 million people, but other sources millions more — has been accompanied by much more crime, however unquantifiable.

Migrant 'Influencer': 'Work Is for Slaves,' Thanks 'Papa Biden' for Free Lifestyle.  "Papa Biden" is paving the streets with gold for illegal immigrants, brags Leonel Moreno, a Venezuelan illegal immigrant who is recruiting people to come to the US.  [Advertisement]  He encourages illegals to invade homes and become squatters, so they get a free home by stealing them from Americans.  [Tweet]  Stupid me, when I saw this video yesterday on Twitter I assumed it was anti-immigrant propaganda.  It was just too outrageous, and too convenient to a conservative narrative that all illegal immigrants want to destroy America.  But nope, it's real.  Leonel Moreno is an actual TikTok personality whose shtick is making videos for potential illegal aliens and teaching them to rip off Americans.  "Work is for slaves," and Americans are suckers.  [Tweet]

More, Please:  First Illegal Alien Charged with Assault on Texas National Guardsman.  A 21-year-old Honduran is the first and only person so far to be charged with assault on a Texas National Guardsman during the stampede in El Paso last week.  Federal authorities think that a few ringleaders orchestrated the uprising.  Junior Evaristo-Benitez was taken into custody and charged with assault on a public servant, a 3rd degree felony.  A spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed that he is now cooling his heels at the El Paso County Jail.  About six hundred illegal immigrants, most of them single adult males from Venezuela, breached the razor wire barrier and overpowered national guardsmen who tried to stop the stampede.  They were not able to stop the illegals, who physically assaulted the guardsmen in their attempt to plow through into Texas.  [Tweet with video clip]

Illegal immigrant charged in shooting death of Grand Rapids woman.  An illegal immigrant is awaiting arraignment on an open murder charge after he allegedly killed a young woman whose body was left on U.S. 131 in downtown Grand Rapids.  Michigan State Police continue to investigate the details that led to the body of a deceased female discovered on the roadway of southbound U.S. 131 and Leonard Street with apparent gunshot wounds around 11:38 p.m. on Friday.  Investigators identified the victim as a 25-year-old female.  Mavi Garcia told The Midwesterner the woman — her sister — is Ruby Garcia, "a great person all around."

Massachusetts Governor Calls Illegal Immigrant Raping Teenage Girl 'Unfortunate'.  As the border crisis continues to worsen, it almost seems like each week brings another tragedy to light illustrating the impact that the problem is having on American citizens.  Just weeks after the murder of Laken Riley at the hands of an illegal immigrant, another story out of Massachusetts has people wondering when the government will finally do something about the problem at the southern border.  A Haitian migrant was arrested for raping a 15-year-old girl at one of the hotels being used to shelter illegal immigrants and asylum seekers coming over the border.  Gov. Maura Healey, a Democrat, chimed in on the situation, and her comment reflected a disturbing level of callousness about the story.  When asked by a reporter about the incident, Healey called it "unfortunate," indicating that "from time to time, things will happen."

Laken Riley's Father Calls on Georgia Gov to Declare Illegal-Immigrant 'Invasion,' Pins Daughter's Murder on Sanctuary Policies.  The father of Laken Riley, the 22-year-old nursing student allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela last month, urged Georgia governor Brian Kemp to declare a state of invasion "to detain and deport criminal illegals" during an address to the state senate on Wednesday. [...] In response to the murder of Riley's daughter, the Georgia house passed a bill last month that would withhold funding from localities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities on the detention, removal, and investigation of illegal aliens in the state.  The bill is currently before the senate.  "My vision for every senator in this chamber is that you protect citizens from this illegal invasion," Riley said in his Wednesday speech.  "Please recognize over a million illegal aliens are in this state and making families nervous.  Please recognize Athens-Clarke is a sanctuary city, and this policy and the lack of action led to the murder of my daughter."  The man Riley referred to in the address is 26-year-old Jose Antonio Ibarra, who illegally crossed into El Paso, Texas, in September 2022 before being released from U.S. Customs and Border Protection custody.

North Carolina Officials Demand Answers from Biden on Illegal Alien Allegedly on Terror Watch List.  North Carolina officials are demanding answers from President Joe Biden's administration on an illegal alien allegedly on the federal government's "Terror Watch List" who has been arrested in Gates County following a standoff with police.  Awet Hagos, a 32-year-old citizen of Eritrea, was arrested in Gates County, North Carolina, this month following a four-hour standoff with police.  The standoff came after Hagos allegedly fired gunshots at a Quick Stop and then tried to take the gun of an officer arresting him.

TikToker tells followers how to 'invade' American homes and invoke squatter's rights.  A TikTok influencer is advising his followers on how to 'invade' American homes and invoke squatter's rights, making it difficult for them to be removed from properties.  Leonel Moreno, who goes by @leitooficial_25 online and appears to be a Venezuelan migrant, has told his followers that under US law, 'if a house is not inhabited, we can seize it'.  He is referring to squatter's rights, or adverse possession laws - a common law principle that allows an illegal inhabitant to acquire ownership of a property based on continuous occupation without the legal owner's consent.

In Chicago, cartel-tied illegal Venezuelans trump transgender illegal aliens.  El Tren De Aragua isn't just a violent gang.  It's the largest growing criminal organization in the world and, thanks to Biden's policies, it's here in America, along with (probably illegal) foreign nationals who are working as transvestite prostitutes.  Combine this with leftist district attorneys, weak judges, and BLM-authored state bail laws, and we're left with a system in which alleged criminals freely walk the streets — even when they've allegedly shot the left's current favorite victim group.

Venezuelan Illegal Calls For 300,000 Followers to 'Invade' Unoccupied U.S. Homes.  A Venezuelan illegal alien called on his 300,000 TikTok followers to expropriate unoccupied houses in states that allow squatters to move in.  In a recent TikTok post, Leonal Moreno said he learned of a legal loophole in some states like New York that allows squatters to live inside empty homes.  "My people have thought about invading a house in the United States because I learned that there is a law that says that if a house is not inhabited we can expropriate it," Moreno said in Spanish.  [Video clip]  "The law says that if the abandoned houses are deteriorated and that are in bad condition, we can get, repair and live in it and even sell it."

The Editor says...
If this guy cares so much about "The law says," why would he enter the U.S.?

The Truth Is The Truth.  Facts are facts, and the truth is the truth.  Millions of illegal aliens have entered the country unlawfully since Biden, who swore an oath to serve and protect America, landed in the White House.  One of them killed 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley two weeks ago.  But when the President's political faction was angered that he used the word "illegal" to describe the killer, a Venezuelan migrant, at the State of the Union, Joe Biden later corrected himself.  "I shouldn't have used 'illegal,'" he told the media.  "'It's undocumented."  By using terminology designed to appease the globalist oligarchs and the leftist hordes more concerned about politically correct language than the murder of an American citizen, Biden gave more evidence that his talk about border security is hogwash.  If he were serious about defending American sovereignty, which is his job, he'd match words to reality.  Those who enter our country unlawfully are not "undocumented Americans," as the left's media puppeteers like to say.  And since their first action inside our borders is to trespass them in violation of the law, there is no other way to describe them than as "illegal aliens."

Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Illegal Immigrants Can Carry Guns in the U.S..  U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman, appointed by Barack Obama, ruled that an illegal immigrant has the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  This ruling came about in the case of Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, who faced charges under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(5), a federal statute that prohibits noncitizens without legal status in the U.S. from "possess[ing] in or affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition; or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce."  Carbajal-Flores, who has been living in the United States illegally, was charged after he was found to be carrying a gun in Chicago during the civil unrest in the spring of 2020.

Illegal Immigrant Can Carry Guns:  Federal Judge.  An illegal immigrant was wrongly banned from possessing guns, according to a recent ruling.  A federal law, Section 922 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code, bars illegal immigrants from carrying guns or ammunition.  Prosecutors charged Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, the illegal alien, in 2020 after he was found in Chicago carrying a semi-automatic pistol despite "knowing he was an alien illegally and unlawfully in the United States."  U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman rejected two motions to dismiss, but the third motion, based on a 2022 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, triggered the dismissal of the case on March 8.

LA battles 'burglary tourists' from Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru.  The Los Angeles Police Department has launched a task force to try to crack down on 'burglary tourists' who use the US tourism visa system to commit crimes.  Cunning criminals from Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru target wealthy neighborhoods in places with relaxed criminal justice laws to conduct home burglaries — before returning home with the loot while out on bail.  The troubling trend of 'lanzas internacionales' — translated to 'international thieves' — dates back at least two years across America, while the problem has also reared its ugly head in the United Kingdom.

Teen Arrested for Smuggling 3-Year-Old Child During Dangerous Pursuit in Texas.  A teenage suspect was arrested for smuggling illegal aliens, including a toddler, during a high-speed pursuit and bail-out in Texas this week, authorities say.  The harrowing incident unfolded on Wednesday in Webb County near the Mexican border.  Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS) troopers attempted to pull over a suspicious sedan in a residential neighborhood when the driver began taking evasive action. [...] The suspect eventually entered another neighborhood and bailed out of the moving vehicle with his passengers still inside.  He was apprehended after a brief foot chase and identified as 17-year-old Gustavo Omar Arizpe Jr., a resident of Laredo.  [Video clip]

Laken Riley murder inspires Georgia pizzeria owner to run for office: 'I had a reality check'.  The murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley has inspired a local pizzeria owner to run for office.  Sidney Anne Waters, who owns Mama Sid's Pizza, is running for a slot on the Athens-Clarke County Commission because of Riley's death — and the illegal immigrant who's been arrested in connection with the brutal slaying.  "I... all of a sudden... had a reality check... There are a lot of us in Athens that really didn't know what our government was doing... The day before... qualifying ending, I decided I would go in and put my name on the ticket," Waters told Fox News Friday.

'Rigorously vetted' Haitian migrant flown into the U.S. accused of raping a disabled teenager in Massachusetts.  What's Joe Biden's so-called "vetting" of illegal migrants worth?  Well, according to a report by Fox News's Bill Melugin, pretty much nothing.  [Tweet]  That's right, nothing.  The man accused of this crime was a Haitian illegal who supposedly passed "a rigorous background check" after applying to get into the U.S. as an "asylum-seeker" through Biden's online CHNV parole program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans.  That was a questionable program introduced by Biden in January 2023 to reduce the size of border surges in order to keep the Fox News cameras off of them.  In so doing, the accused rapist then got flown into the U.S., and began his heinous crime spree in Massachusetts which claimed a vulnerable 15-year-old girl as his victim.

Illegal migrant from Lebanon caught at border admitted he's a Hezbollah terrorist.  A Lebanese migrant who was caught sneaking over the border admitted he's a member of Hezbollah, he hoped to make a bomb, and his destination was New York, The [New York] Post can reveal.  Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was caught by border patrol on March 9 near El Paso, Texas.  While in custody he asked what he was doing in the US, to which he replied:  "I'm going to try to make a bomb," according to a Border Patrol document exclusively obtained by The [New York] Post.  But Ebbadi later claimed in an interview that he had been trying to flee Lebanon and Hamas because he "didn't want to kill people" and said "once you're in in, [sic] you can never get out," according to internal ICE documents.

Elon Musk: 'There Is Either a Red Wave This November or America Is Doomed'.  Twitter/X owner Elon Musk was busy posting to the social media platform that he owns Friday and Saturday, interspersing stories of SpaceX rockets taking off with searing political commentary about the state of our nation under Joe Biden and the Democrats. [...] One of his main concerns is illegal immigration, where under the Biden administration, as many as 10 million people have slipped into the country.  Biden has made no effort to secure the border and casts blame everywhere he can think of — except on his own disastrous policies.  Musk calls the president's approach "insane" as he reacts to the awful story of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley's murder at the hands of a Venezuelan illegal:  [Tweet]

Haitian Man Arrested For Raping 15-Year-Old Disabled Girl Came to US on Biden's Parole Program.  The Haitian man arrested for raping a 15-year-old disabled girl at a migrant hotel in Massachusetts earlier this week came to the US on Joe Biden's parole program for Haitians.  26-year-old Cory Alvarez was arrested and charged with child rape at a hotel used to house Joe Biden's 'migrants' and illegal aliens.  According to Fox News reporter Bill Melugin, Alvarez came to the US on Biden's parole program for Haitians which allowed him to fly into JFK airport in New York City in June 2023.

Elite Heaven or Real Hell on Earth?  The horrific murder of Laken Riley by a repeated felony offender and illegal alien Jose Ibarra, 26, a Venezuelan citizen, was preventable — had federal immigration laws simply been enforced by the Biden administration.  When called out in his recent State of the Union address, President Biden referenced the deceased Ms. Riley.  But Biden misidentified her as "Lincoln Riley" — the USC football coach!  Biden only accurately noted that she "was killed by an 'illegal.'"  True — but almost immediately the left was infuriated over Biden's accurate use of the supposedly insensitive "illegal" for the murderer Ibarra.  Biden soon apologized for correctly identifying her killer as an illegal alien — but not for misidentifying the victim.  He left the callous impression that he was more upset about offending his open-borders base than about the savage beating of a young 22-year-old American nursing student.  Biden's woke open-borders agenda supersedes any worry over the subsequent mounting number of Americans who have fallen victim to foreign gangs and criminals.

Rep. Mark Green:  DHS Chief Mayorkas [is] 'Stonewalling' on Details About Laken Riley's Accused Killer.  Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is "stonewalling" on details regarding Jose Antonio Ibarra, the illegal alien accused of murdering Laken Riley, Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) tells Breitbart News.  Green, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, sent a letter to Mayorkas on February 27 requesting all information on Ibarra, including his release into the United States and internal DHS communication regarding his immigration proceedings.  Mayorkas was asked to respond with the relevant information by March 11.  Green's office told Breitbart News that DHS acknowledged on February 27 that the request was received, with officials calling it a "high priority."  As of March 13, though, Green's office said Mayorkas has yet to respond with information on Ibarra.  "It's unacceptable that DHS has failed to comply with this reasonable request," Green said.

Americans warned to brace for second wave of Venezuelan gangsters.  A second wave of Venezuela's worst criminals could soon be rushing over the US border after being released from prison in their home country. was first to report on the first wave of Venezuelan gangsters to cross the border and filter into American cities[,] including henchmen for dictator Nicolas Maduro and members of the notorious Tren de Aragua gang.  Now, more gang bangers and thugs who had been locked away are being released, according to a government official.

Becoming Haiti:  How Biden Is Transforming America Into a Gang-Infested Wasteland.  What is transpiring in Haiti is so post-apocalyptic — so unspeakably brutal — that it would be impossible to believe were it not for the steady stream of phone videos and first-person testimonials substantiating the media reports pouring out of the country.  "Millions of Haitians Face Starvation as Gangs Aim for Total Takeover, Free 5,000 Prisoners," reads one recent headline.  "Haiti Gangs Launch Main Airport Seige, Massacring People 'Indiscriminately' Days After Massive Jail Break," reports another.  This weekend's Washington Post report, titled "Haitians shot dead in the streets and there's no one to take the corpses away," paints a picture of the scene on the ground: [...] The situation is grim, even by Haitian standards.  (And the situation in Haiti has been varying levels of grim for the past 200 years.)  Reports suggest that a gang leader named "Barbecue" — a reference to his enthusiasm for burning people alive in their homes, not to his culinary prowess — is now "the most powerful man in Haiti."  Barbecue's gangs recently stormed two Haitian prisons and released thousands of prisoners before launching a full-scale attack on Haiti's main airport.

After Rhode Island court suspends most of illegal alien's 5-year child sex offense sentence, deportation agents nab him.  After a Rhode Island court suspended most of an illegal alien's five-year sentence for indecent solicitation of a child, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers last month went after and arrested the "unlawfully present" 45-year-old Nigerian citizen, ICE said.  The Nigerian citizen entered the U.S in New York, New York, on a non-immigrant tourist visa in May 2017, the agency said, adding that he violated the terms of his visa by remaining in the U.S. beyond the authorized time limit.  Rhode Island State Police arrested the Nigerian in July 2019 on the charge of indecent solicitation of a child, ICE said.  But after Rhode Island's Providence Superior Court convicted the Nigerian national of the charge and sentenced him to five years in prison with six months of home confinement in May 2022, ICE said the court then suspended four and a half years of the sentence.

The Myth of Low Immigrant Crime.  With the Biden administration hauling in millions of "newcomers" (the latest euphemism for illegal aliens) from booming economies like Venezuela, Senegal and Haiti, we seem to be getting a Kate Steinle every day.  Among the recent atrocities committed by Our Greatest Strength is the savage murder of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley by Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan illegal alien released into our country by the Biden administration.  The "newcomer" beat Riley so badly that he disfigured her skull.

Illegal alien arrested after foiled abduction of girl at Utah school.  The mother of a 13-year-old Utah girl discovered troubling messages exchanged between a man and her daughter on social media.  The concerned parent notified police — and just in the nick of time, too.  Miguel Angel Vega Sedano, a 21-year-old illegal alien, was arrested Friday and charged with a first-degree felony count of child kidnapping and two third-degree felony counts of possession of forgery writing/device.  The girl's mother alerted Granite School District Police last week to indications on Instagram that Sedano allegedly planned to abduct the child from her West Valley City school, reported KTVX-TV.  According to a statement of probable cause, police ultimately found Sedano waiting for the girl in a vehicle on school property.  Officers reportedly found a fraudulent Social Security card and a false permanent residency card on his person.

Murderous Venezuelan gang quickly establishing itself in America: report.  A violent South American gang's rise in the United States continued to frustrate border officials on the lookout for identifying tattoos and other signs as "gotaway" numbers increased.  From a mob assaulting New York's Finest in Times Square to a Georgia nursing student getting killed while on a run, President Joe Biden's illegal alien policies have continued to imperil American citizens.  The alleged responsibility of foreign nationals wasn't the only unifying factor as a source from U.S. Customs and Border Protection detailed how the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) was increasingly on their radar.

House Passes Laken Riley Act — 170 America-Hating Democrats Vote Against Bill.  The House of Representatives on Thursday voted 251-170 to approve H.R. 7511, dubbed the 'Laken Riley Act.'  170 House Democrats voted against the Laken Riley Act.  Democrats hate Americans.  The bill requires ICE to arrest and detain illegal aliens like Laken Riley's murderer until they are removed from the US.  "Democrats don't care about your safety," House Republicans said.

Joe Biden's Illegal Alien Crime Wave Starts to Get Public Attention.  The Daily Mail has an article detailing dozens of violent crimes perpetrated by Joe Biden's illegal alien border invasion.  The subject theme is "the grim toll of a migrant crime wave sweeping across the United States."  The article details the graphic and horrific nature of multiple violent criminals who came into the country illegally and murdered, raped, assaulted and organized into groups for the purpose of robbery and theft.  Additionally, in Polk County Florida, Sheriff Grady Judd outlines a sting operation called "March Sadness" where 228 people were arrested and 13 victims of human trafficking were rescued by the police unit.  The details shared by Sherriff Judd are sobering as he outlines exactly what was taking place and how the illegal alien trafficking system is creating victims from many of the female migrants.

President Biden's border failure and the human toll of tragic victims like Laken Riley.  Laken Riley's brutal murder has been thrust at the center of the US immigration debate after the University of Georgia student became the latest victim of the 'migrant crime wave' sweeping the country.  The senseless February 22 killing has fueled calls for tougher border security by conservatives amid the ongoing crisis, which is on track to becoming the top issue in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. [...] Here, catalogues a sample of the numerous violent crimes committed by undocumented migrants across the US in the past six months.  Some gained national attention, others simply made the local news but were no less significant for those affected.  In some cases, the alleged perpetrators had been deported multiple times.  Ira Mehlman, the spokesman of Washington DC-based pressure group The Federation for American Immigration Reform told that Riley's murder was 'an avoidable tragedy, precipitated by the actions of the federal government and sanctuary policies among local governments around the country'.  'We have gangs that have materialized — New York City is a prime example — committing crimes and attacking police officers,' he added.

Here Are the Latest Child Predators and Gang Members Arrested at the Border.  U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested two illegal aliens Monday with lengthy felony records.  Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens posted photos of two men, each with convictions of harming children.  [Advertisement]  [Tweet]  Over the weekend Owens released information about additional arrests of six child predators with records of rape and assault.  [Tweet]  Last week a number of gang members and other violent criminals were arrested.  [Two tweets]  [Adverisement]  [Tweet]  Meanwhile, countless criminal aliens are going undetected as "gotaways" and prowling American streets.  [Tweet]

Venezuela Is Exporting Its Violent Crime Problem to US, Thanks to Biden.  Violent crime is going down in Venezuela just as the United States has been hit with a rash of high-profile violent crimes by illegal immigrants.  It's not hard to figure out why.  The killing of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student in Athens, Georgia, has become the latest and most prominent case of an American being killed as a consequence of President Joe Biden's open-border policies.  The man being held in connection with the killing of Riley is Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan illegal immigrant who reportedly entered the United States in 2022.  Since his arrival in the U.S., he appears to have spent his time breaking various other laws and behaving like a general menace to society.  He has been arrested for various serious crimes and repeatedly released.  Now, a young American woman is dead.

Why is the White House importing gang crime to the U.S.?  The explosion of illegal alien crime received increased national attention after a group of illegal aliens were caught on camera brutally assaulting New York police officers.  Federal officials later confirmed that the alleged assailants were part of "Tren de Aragua," a violent Venezuelan gang.  Unfortunately, this was not the only beating New York police officers have taken from illegal aliens in recent weeks.  Another video of illegal aliens assaulting police officers went viral earlier this month at a migrant shelter the city set up to care for the aliens.  The latest alleged assault occurred after the illegal aliens refused to comply with orders given to them by the officers at the shelter.  While we don't have all the details of this most recent alleged assault, it's fair to say that a disturbing pattern of illegal alien violence has erupted in the Big Apple, and while what happens in New York always receives a disproportionate amount of attention from the national media, this is a crisis taking place across the country.

Left With the Ashes.  The House could solve the border problem on it's own, but it hasn't, because that would mean cutting spending and one might as well suggest setting themselves on fire.  If they cut all spending to the UN, refused to fund any NGO that deals with immigration issues of any sort, refused to fund any grants given to sanctuary cities and refused to provide any relief to states for immigration expenses, there would be no crowds at the border, because there would be no incentive. [...] The only conclusion is that illegal immigration is how they intend to break American society to institute communism, but they're being played by countries like China and the Islamist states.  The invasion places foreign fighters within the boundaries of the United States, who, when instructed, will wage war from within, but it won't be to institute communism with all of the Senators and Representatives as lifetime members of the politburo, as they believe, securing their advantages and elite status forever, but to claim certain states as Chinese states of America and Islamist states of America, with Russia taking Alaska and probably Western Canada in the tumult.

Fourth-Generation Arizona Rancher Says He Has Found 17 Dead Bodies, Rape Trees, Illegal Aliens Crawling on His Property.  A fourth-generation Arizona rancher who owns 1,600 acres of land that spans 10.5 miles along the southern border said he has found 17 dead bodies, rape trees, and illegal aliens crawling on his property.  John Ladd, 68, has been outspoken about Biden's border crisis over the years.  He described what it's like to live on the border under the Biden Regime which openly favors the illegal invaders and punishes American citizens.

ICE Won't Honor Detainer on Illegal Alien Rapist in FL, So He's Walking Free.  We're in the middle of a ghastly game of whack-a-mole with illegal alien crime.  These thugs are beating and shooting police officers, raping women, and beating them to death.  The Laken Riley case in Georgia has captured national media attention, along with the heinous spin liberals are chucking out there to divert attention away from illegal immigrant crime.  Riley's killer, Jose Ibarra, an illegal alien from Venezuela, entered the US in 2022 and was arrested twice before he committed this brutal homicide.  In Washington, DC, an illegal alien is responsible for the shooting death of a two-year-old.

Our Constitutional Republic Has Gone Crazy But There's Nowhere To Hide.  [Laken] Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student, was murdered in Georgia for jogging alone (as the Associated Press insinuated) or by an "Athens Man" (according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution) — anything other than the realities of her alleged murderer Jose Antonio "Athens Man" Ibarra being an illegal migrant from Venezuela, arrested and released once already since his arrival in September 2022.

The Blood on Biden's Hands.  President Joe Biden has blood on his hands.  It's actually not "on" his hands, it's through them, marinated all the way to the bone.  It's the blood of Laken Hope Riley, but it's also so much more.  It's the blood of every American murdered by an illegal alien — of 2-year-old Jeremy Poou Caceres, of three wounded police officers in Washington, DC, of the 14-year-old girl raped and stabbed in Louisiana, and so many more I can't fit in here.  The blood of Americans who, had the President and his fellow Democrats not seen political advantage to allowing a flood of illegal aliens into the country, would not have been spilled at all. [...] The murder of Laken Riley is just one case, the true extent of illegal alien crime cannot be known.  Not because it's impossible, the government could easily collect that data, but because the government will not allow that data to be collected.

Why an Illegal Immigrant Charged With Murdering a Child Was Out on the Street.  In recent days, Border Patrol officials revealed that just since October 1st — the start of the new fiscal year — nearly 6,500 known criminals have been apprehended at the border by US authorities.  That number likely doesn't even come close to reflecting the number of criminals who've entered the country during that period of time, given the fact that the American government has uneven-to-no access to arrest records in foreign countries.  It's also quite likely that at least some illegal immigrants with criminal records inside America also fall through the cracks, as database coordination can be imperfect, to say the least.  Then there are the 1.8 million-plus confirmed 'known got-aways' under President Biden.  These are illegal immigrants who are detected entering US territory unlawfully (by cameras, sensors, drones, etc.) but are not apprehended.  In addition, there is an unknowable universe of 'unknown got-aways' who weren't detected at all as they slipped into the country.  Add up all of those factors, and it becomes obvious that the approximately 6,500 criminal aliens arrested at the border thus far in FY 2024 account for a just fraction of the real number.

To distract from increasing 'migrant crime' the Bidenites tout 'the largest one-year decline' in homicides.  The southern border of the United States is listed as the deadliest in the world.  Joe Biden campaigned on open borders and issued a massive number of executive orders to open the border as soon as he took office.  There is clearly a correlation between the number of deaths at the border (and "migrant crime" in the interior) and Biden's actions.  If there is a correlation you can assume causation as long as the trend is consistent.  There are more deaths at the southern border alone than people who have died in "mass shootings" in each of the last four years; but the media and other Democrats only seem to care about deaths that push an agenda.  Biden could substantially reduce the danger at the border by just taking out his pen and reversing his initial executive orders, but he won't.  That certainly makes it seem like he doesn't care.

7300% Increase in "Migrants" from Venezuela Under Democrats.  There has been a ghastly and shocking 7300% spike in migrants from Venezuela under the Biden administration's open border policies.  They are here to stay.  One just killed an innocent nursing student and left her body and skull disfigured.  He was a criminal, as is his brother, who was given a job at the University of Georgia, where the murdered woman, Laken Riley, died.  We have hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans released inside the country by our government in the last three years.  Many have come from Venezuelan prisons.  In fact, Venezuela's violent crime has taken a precipitous decrease as a result, if timing means anything.  The murderer, Jose Antonio Ibarra, and his brother, Diego Jose Ibarra, had fake green cards.  They were caught but given parole, the loosey-goosey parole that Biden and Mayorkas have ordered given out willy-nilly.  They claimed the ridiculous, credible fear that gets everyone into this country.  They were drunk drivers, shoplifters, and now one's a murderer.  They were probably criminals in their home country, too.  You should know that Ibarra moved to Athens, Georgia because it's an illegal alien sanctuary.

In less than 24 hours, two separate stories of 14-year-old girls being raped by 'bad hombres' hit the news cycle.  If police can be held responsible for conduct while acting in their professional capacities, then why not the judges, prosecutors, and politicians aiding and abetting the criminal aliens wreaking havoc and violence?  I actually almost missed the fact that when I came across the "illegal migrant rapes a 14-year-old girl" headline twice, it reflected two separate instances of illegal migrants raping a young teen-aged female — understandably I thought it was the same story.  (But, in the context of Joe Biden's America, I should have known better.)

If Mexico is that dangerous, why is the border wide open?
US issues 'increased caution' warning for people traveling to Mexico during Spring Break.  The US has issued a warning for spring breakers who plan to travel to Mexico to exercise 'increased caution.'  As partygoers head to Cancun and Tulum, the U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Mexico have warned people about 'unregulated drinks and synthetic drugs' in the county. [...] It added that 'while the vast majority travel safely,' tourists should still consider the list of specific advisories including, crime, drugs, pharmaceuticals, drownings, and more.  'U.S. citizens should exercise increased caution in the downtown areas of popular spring break locations including Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, and Tulum, especially after dark,' the message said.

14-Year-Old Girl Raped In Louisiana By Illegal Honduran.  A 19-year-old illegal immigrant from Honduras has been arrested in the rape of a 14-year-old Louisiana girl.  Angel Matias Castellanos-Orellana, 19, an illegal Honduran national, is behind bars.  Police say he was arrested for Armed Robbery, Aggravated Battery, First-Degree Rape, and Aggravated Assault.  A Federal I.C.E. detainer was issued for the man as well.

Two-year-old murdered by illegal immigrant with long criminal history in Maryland.  Two-year-old Jeremy Poou Caceres of Maryland was allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant who was supposed to be deported over a year ago.  The Prince George's County Police Department in Maryland charged El Salvador native Nilson Noel Trejo-Granados with first and second-degree murder, two counts of first-degree assault, second-degree assault, and attempted first and second-degree murder.  A Department of Justice immigration judge in Newark ordered Trejo-Granados's removal from the U.S. on November 7, 2022.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said in a statement that Trejo-Granados should have been deported a number of times following that order.

Venezuela Homicide Rate Lowest in 22 Years As Its Gangs Migrate Here.  The homicide rate in Venezuela has dropped like a rock.  The numbers are shocking, actually, in how high they remain and how much they have fallen.  More than a 25% drop in about a year, according to the Venezuela Violence Observatory.  Suicides are up, though, which isn't such good news.  [Tweet]  The explanation for this sudden drop in the murder rate doesn't require a great deal of research.  All you need to do is read the news and you will see story after story about Venezuelan illegal immigrants committing crimes in the United States. [...] Call me crazy, but I strongly suspect that one statistic is causally related to the other, as the Venezuelan Violence Observatory noted.

El Salvadoran migrant accused of killing 2-year-old Maryland boy was released from jail twice.  An illegal migrant from El Salvador was arrested in Maryland and charged with murder in the case of a two-year-old who was shot and killed this month.  Nilson Trejo-Granados, 25, was charged by the Prince George County Police Department with first and second-degree murder this week.  The illegal migrant is the fifth person arrested in connection to the tragic death of toddler Jeremy Poou Caceres, who met his end while out on a walk in the park with his mother.

AP report on Laken Riley murder omits suspect's immigration status, focuses on dangers of women jogging alone.  Conservatives called out the Associated Press on Sunday for appearing to categorize Laken Riley's murder as more about the "fears of solo female athletes" rather than illegal immigration and weak crime laws.  Riley, an Augusta University nursing student, was found dead Thursday after previously attending the University of Georgia before entering a nursing program at Augusta's Athens campus, where she made the Dean's List.  Police have charged Jose Antonio Ibarra with malice murder, felony murder, aggravated battery, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, kidnapping, hindering a 911 call and concealing the death of another.  By Sunday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) also confirmed that Ibarra entered the U.S. illegally in 2022 and had previously been arrested in New York City.

ICE: Georgia Nursing Student Murdered by Biden Admin-Released Venezuelan Migrant.  A Venezuelan migrant who illegally crossed the Mexican border into Texas in 2022 is charged in the murder of a Georgia nursing student.  The Biden administration released the Venezuelan national in El Paso where he listed an NGO in New York City as his destination.  A source within U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) told Breitbart Texas that its officers in the Atlanta field office arrested 26-year-old Jose Antonio Ibarra where he is now charged with the alleged murder of University of Georgia — Athens (UGA) nursing student, 22-year-old Laken Hope Riley.  The source, not authorized to speak with the media, said Ibarra entered the United States in September 2022 and was subsequently released due to overcrowding in migrant shelters.

Brother of UGA murder suspect charged with green card fraud.  An undocumented Venezuelan man living in Athens, Georgia — who is the brother of a suspect accused of killing on the University of Georgia campus — was charged Friday night with possessing a fraudulent green card, according to officials.  Diego Ibarra, 29, was charged by a federal criminal complaint and is being held in state custody, the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Middle District of Georgia said in a press release.  Ibarra could face as many as ten years in prison if convicted.  The federal arrest affidavit for Diego Ibarra shows after he made an asylum claim in El Paso, he was allowed to travel to New York.  But in September 2023, Athens-Clarke County Police charged him with drunken driving and driving without a license.  A month later, police arrested him again, this time for shoplifting.  And in December, he allegedly skipped court and racked up another charge.

America can mass deport illegal aliens, and we know this because it's done so before.  The headlines are full of stories about illegal aliens:  They're raping children, murdering young women, crashing their cars into children, assaulting and murdering police officers... and the list goes on.  However, we're told that we're stuck with them.  Well, we're not.  In the 1950s, when there was political will — and a plea from Mexico to send its citizens home — we did mass deport illegal aliens.  Like Pakistan deporting its illegal Afghan aliens, El Salvador jailing its gangs, or Argentina balancing its budget in nine weeks, it just requires political will. [...] And it doesn't matter whether illegal aliens are more or less likely to commit these crimes than citizens or people here legally.  What matters is that each of these horrible crimes wouldn't have happened if our government had obeyed the law.

Illegal Alien Accused of Causing Sgt. Michael Kunovich's Death Files Civil Rights Lawsuit Claiming Limited English Skills Make Him Disabled.  An illegal alien, accused of causing St. Johns County, Florida, sheriff's office Sgt. Michael Kunovich's death, has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit claiming his limited English-speaking skills make him disabled.  As Breitbart News reported, 19-year-old illegal alien Virgilio Aguilar-Mendez of Guatemala was arrested in May 2023 and has been charged with resisting an officer with violence and manslaughter in connection with Kunovich's death.  This week, Aguilar-Mendez's defense attorneys filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Kunovich's estate, Lt. Jose Jimenez, who also responded to the incident, and St. Johns County, claiming that their client is disabled because he does not speak English or Spanish and was thus denied his rights under the "Americans with Disabilities Act" and the "Rehabilitation Act."  [Video clip]

The Editor says...
[#1] Does a violent illegal alien have any such rights?  [#2] Is limited English now an excuse for crime?

Amazon driver fends off attack from drunk, naked NYC migrant — and ends up in cuffs.  A Big Apple Amazon driver said he had to slam a naked and drunk migrant in the head with a snowball to keep the deranged asylum seeker from making off with his packages — only to find himself in handcuffs.  The migrant, identified by police sources as Yeison Sanchez, 26, was allegedly stumbling drunk and clutching a beer bottle when the Amazon driver said he caught him red-handed trying to make off with packages he was delivering in Clinton Hill around 4:45 p.m. on Sunday.  That's when things got out of hand.  "I was unloading my stuff, and a guy — he was like a pervert, he had his penis out," the driver, who asked that he only be identified as Abu, told The [New York] Post on Monday.

Things Fly Off The Rails At The NYC Randall's Island Migrant Shelter.  What is going on at the Randall's Island migrant shelter in NYC again?  Many of these migrants are gang members with a history of violence.  [Video clip]

Give Me Your Ungrateful, Your Criminal, Your Anti-Western Masses Yearning To Loiter Free.  Obama's dream of fundamentally transforming America as we know it plows full steam ahead.  Hence, the following incidents numb us into morbid resignation:  An illegal immigrant and five-time deportee from Nicaragua viciously beat and raped a developmentally disabled woman in Ohio.  Prior to this, he had been arrested multiple times in the United States on charges of DUI, driving without a license, disorderly intoxication, false imprisonment, and sexual battery.  His cumulative punishment from the totality of these prior arrests was a single day in prison and a $10 fine.  A Palestinian asylum seeker in New York stole a pro-Israel banner from the yard of a taxpaying American citizen, and then beat that citizen while yelling antisemitic slurs when he tried to intervene.  An illegal immigrant from Haiti raped a developmentally disabled person in Massachusetts.  Months before, he had been arrested for an earlier sexual assault.  ICE had a retainer on him, which the judge ignored and promptly released him back into society.  An illegal immigrant from Mexico spent the better part of a decade in Tennessee drugging boys as young as nine before raping them and videotaping the assaults.  He had lived here illegally for two decades and had multiple arrests.

At least two migrants [have been] charged over brutal Times Square cops beating are identified as members of barbaric Venezuelan super-gang.  At leas two of the those charged with the brutal beating of two cops in Times Square have been identified as alleged members of a notorious Venezuelan gang.  Wilson Juarez, 21, and Kelvin Servita-Arocha, 19, have been charged in the attack that happened last month.  US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have since confirmed that the two men allegedly belong to the Tren de Aragua gang.

'Sanctuary' church puts up $15K bail to free migrant accused in Times Square police beatdown.  The sole migrant who had been held behind bars for the gang attack on two NYPD cops in Times Square is now also free after an activist Brooklyn priest posted his $15,000 bail, The Post has learned.  Yohenry Brito, 24, who was being held at Rikers Island on the Jan. 27 cop attack and is due to be arraigned on an assault indictment this week, walked out of jail Tuesday after Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Bay Ridge put up the money, the church's pastor said. "Our church is basically a sanctuary," the Rev. Juan Ruiz told The Post on Wednesday. "We assume that people are innocent until they are proven otherwise."  Ruiz also cited "the politically charged context" surrounding the case against Brito and the other migrants accused of ganging up on the cops, adding that "there is a lot more than what is being publicized.["]

[An] Illegal Alien Let Out on Bail in NYPD Beating Case [has been] Arrested for [another] Violent Crime.  We reported on the incident of the mob of illegal aliens that beat the two NYPD officers on Jan. 27 — then most of them were let go without bail.  But now, it turns out that one of the people involved, who was believed to have fled New York City, has just been arrested again in the city.  He didn't look too happy, as the authorities marched him down the street.  [Tweet]

Megachurch Shooter IDed as Pro-Hamas, Socialist, Transgender Immigrant.  Houston police confirmed that Sunday's Lakewood Church shooter was Genesse Ivonne Moreno, a transgender person with a history of chronic mental health problems and a lengthy arrest record dating back to 2005.  Moreno, 36, came to the United States from El Salvador, and had a history of theft, possession of marijuana, unlawful carrying of a weapon, evading arrest, assault of a public servant and forgery, according to KHOU 11 News.  Investigators said Moreno previously went by the name "Jeffrey Escalante," but police confirmed her to be a woman and the mother of a 7-year-old child.  Officials believe Moreno supported Palestine and was a previous supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

The Editor says...
Was it a woman, or a man?  From the press reports, it's nearly impossible to tell, although it doesn't matter all that much.

Attempted Mass Shooting at Joel Osteen's Houston Megachurch Leaves Unanswered Questions About Shooter.  The individual who attempted a mass shooting at Joel Osteen's Lakewood megachurch in Houston on Sunday has been identified as 36-year-old Genesse Moreno — a El Salvadorian national, once held but released by immigration authorities, who left behind anti-Semitic writings.  Moreno entered the church with her seven-year-old son during the Spanish-language service and proceeded to open fire on parishioners before being shot and killed by two off-duty police officers.  During the shootout, Moreno's son was shot, as well as one 57-year-old parishioner of the church.  The injured parishioner has been released from the hospital, but the child is "fighting for his life," according to Houston Police Chief Troy Finner.  In the aftermath of the attempted mass murder of Christians, conservative social media users drew attention to Moreno's use of the masculine alias "Jeffrey Escalante," taking that as conclusive evidence that Moreno identified as transgender.

Just New Yorkers?  Everybody else is safe?
FBI Fears MS-13 Gang May Join Violent Venezuelan Gang to Terrorize New Yorkers Thanks to Open Borders.  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents fear there may be an alliance brewing between El Salvador's MS-13 gang and Venezuela's Tren de Aragua that would see New Yorkers terrorized by crime sprees, fueled by the porous southern border.  According to an FBI agent who spoke to the New York Post's Isabel Vincent, members of Tren de Aragua have exploited President Joe Biden's policies at the United States-Mexico border that help release thousands of illegal aliens into American cities every day.  As a result, the Venezuelan street gang has massively grown its ranks across the sanctuary city of New York City, particularly in the Bronx.  Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Breitbart News reported last year, allowed top leaders of Tren de Aragua to live in a VIP-style prison and even escape in many cases.

The Megachurch Shooter, an Alien Who Should Have Been Deported, May Have Voted in 2020 General Election.  By now, you're aware that on Sunday afternoon, a deranged woman brought her young son and an AR-15 into Joel Osteen's Lakewood megachurch and opened fire.  After the smoke cleared, the shooter, Genesse Ivonne Moreno, 36, had been killed by two off-duty officers.  A 57-year-old man had taken a round in the leg; he was treated at a medical facility and released.  And Moreno's seven-year-old son had been shot in the head.  The boy remains in critical condition with a poor prognosis.  It's unclear whether Moreno herself shot her child, but then, there are a lot of confusing details still up in the air about this case.  The woman had suffered from schizophrenia and multiple past arrests, and yet, mainstream news sources are reporting that she [sic] was able to buy guns legally.  For example, CNN stated, "The shooter used an AR-15 with a 'Palestine' sticker on it during the attack, which she legally purchased in December, police said.  She also had a .22 caliber weapon in her bag that was not used, according to a federal law enforcement source."

Migrant Youth Shoots Innocent Tourist During Robbery Then Opens Fire on Law Enforcement.  A manhunt is underway for a teenage migrant shoplifter from Colombia who shot and gravely wounded a tourist before aiming at law enforcement.  ABC News reported that at around 7:15 P.M. Thursday, three individuals entered JD Sports and started stealing items on the second floor.  Two of the three suspects, including a teen who lives at a nearby migrant shelter, were later confronted by a female security guard in the lobby.  Police say the security guard yanked a bag of stolen merchandise from one of the suspects who was wearing all white at the time.

DHS Chief Mayorkas:  Americans Killed by Illegals 'Should Not Be Politicized'.  American deaths at the hands of illegal aliens "should not be politicized," Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who is facing impeachment, told the Washington Post this week.  In a long profile by the Post, Mayorkas is featured as a victim of attacks by Republican lawmakers.  This week, House Republicans fell just shy of the majority needed to approve articles of impeachment against Mayorkas, though leadership has vowed to try again.

Watch As Illegals On A Moped Drag A Woman While Stealing Her Phone In NYC.  Three migrants were arrested by the NYPD after they allegedly went on a crime spree that saw them stealing wallets and cellphones from at least 62 women across the city's five boroughs.  Police say they arrested the migrants, all believed to be from Venezuela, in a safe house in the Bronx after executing a search warrant.  The suspects were allegedly stealing the iPhones to use the Apple Pay feature and use the owners' credit cards to buy items.  [Video clip]

Illegal Aliens Involved in Mob Beating of NYPD Cops Arrested in Arizona.  Several members of the illegal alien gang involved in the shocking beat down of NYPD officers last week have been rearrested by authorities in Arizona.  As Slay News previously reported, the illegal migrants were arrested in New York City after a video of them attacking police offers went viral and provoked widespread outrage.  The gang assault occurred in Times Square near a migrant shelter.  The migrant gang members had been living in the nearby shelter which is paid for by taxpayers.

FBI agent, others warn of Venezuelan gang entering into US.  The largest growing criminal organization in the world has infiltrated its way into the United States, said an El Paso FBI agent.  The Tren de Aragua, or the "Aragua Train," gained notoriety after its founding in 2012 by Hector Guerrero, alias "Niño Guerrero" or Warrior Kid, in the state of Aragua located in the north-central region of Venezuela.  Operating initially from Tocorón prison in Venezuela, the gang made headlines after 11,000 police officers raided the prison back in September, uncovering a zoo, nightclub, swimming pools, and a children's playground.  What they did not find was any sign of Guerrero, the head of the gang.  The Venezuelan police presume he fled the prison via concrete tunnels and is now leading the gang from somewhere else.  Guerrero is not the only one who fled the prison.  Hundreds of other criminals also fled, making it the biggest escape of prisoners ever in the country, according to a report in, a think tank and media organization dedicated to reporting and analyzing organized crime in the Americas.

Is Biden Malicious, Incompetent, or Conniving?  [Scroll down]  Meanwhile, a mob of illegal aliens recently tried to kick and stomp sprawled New York peace officers into senselessness — felonies that would earn any such violent citizen a decade or more on Rikers Island.  Yet somehow, only a few were arrested.  Stranger still, all of them were immediately let go without bail — as if freeing wolves to prey further upon sheep.  Upon release, a few smirked and flipped their middle fingers to bystanders.  Apparently, they wished to show Americans that they are violent, crude, unrepentant, and exempt.  And thus they tell us that their newfound hosts are fools for letting the likes of themselves in.  And why not, given the attackers bussed with impunity to California — the land of free everything if only one qualifies as illegally residing in the U.S.  These grotesque bullies are part of the eight-million illegal aliens who pranced across the southern border without background checks — all taking Biden up on his 2019 encouragement to "surge" the border with impunity.  Many brandish their cartel affiliations.  Some pay for their transit by smuggling cartel fentanyl, which contributes to 100,000 American overdose deaths per year.  Others sport lengthy criminal records.  All seemed to have been welcomed out of their countries by conniving Latin American governments and mysteriously invited into our country by our derelict president.

Biden's 'Middle Finger' To Americans. Police say that at least 12 illegal aliens pummeled two NYPD cops outside a taxpayer- funded shelter in Times Square on January 27.  Among five arrested, four were released without bail, three hours later.  Unrepentant, Jhoan Boada, 22, waved his middle fingers as he left court. [...] "Why aren't they in jail right now?" New York City Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Hendry demanded Thursday.  "They brutally attacked a New York City police officer and a lieutenant.  Our criminal justice system is upside down.  It fails every day."  This incident encapsulates life under the Joe Biden Democrats:  BINO — A Border in Name Only, rampant illegal immigration, disdain for law enforcement, far-Left "prosecutors" who lionize criminals, pushover judges with bleeding hearts, illegal aliens fueled by entitlement rather than gratitude, and an ever-expanding sense of chaos.  The American people did not vote for this, nor did they ask for the crime explosion that Biden and his border-hating Democrats have detonated.

The Democrats Create an Alice in the Looking Glass World.  A pack of illegal migrants attacked New York City policemen.  Videos captured the assault and several of the men were arrested.  District Attorney Alvin Bragg arranged for them to be released on bail and they were photographed laughing and flipping off photographers.  Then, using false names, they persuaded a sympathetic-to-illegals charity to give them bus transportation to California where they will receive "free health care, housing, food subsidies, scholarships for illegal aliens in Gavin Newsom's $68-billion-in the-red state."  Confronted by a reporter concerning the no-bail policy for illegal criminals, New York's Governor Kathy Hochul suggested they be deported, contrary to her state's and California's sanctuary state policies.

NYPD Believe 5 Illegal Aliens, Who Beat Cops Then Received Bail, Left Town on Charity Bus Heading to Sanctuary in California.  The only reason this story gained traction was because CCTV video was involved.  With tens of millions of violent illegal aliens throughout the country, just imagine how much crime is occurring without detection or without widespread public knowledge.  In New York City, five illegal aliens acting as a pack of wild dogs were caught-on-camera attacking two NYPD cops in Times Square.  They were tracked down and arrested.  However, after appearing in court, they immediately received bail.

Police believe four of the migrants arrested in cop beatdown near Times Square fled on a bus to California.  Four of the migrants cut loose without bail after allegedly ganging up on two NYPD cops near Times Square may be on the run, The Post has learned.  Cops believe the group could have hopped on a bus bound for California on Wednesday after giving phony names to a church-affiliated nonprofit group that helps migrants get rides out of the city, according to law enforcement sources.  The four accused cop-attackers believed to have skipped town were charged with assault on a police officer and obstruction immediately after the shocking, caught-on-video attack Saturday in Midtown.  Darwin Andres Gomez, 19, Kelvin Servita Arocha, 19, Wilson Juarez, 21, and Yorman Reveron, 24, were released without monetary bail by a Manhattan judge.

Horrifying New Video Shows Biden's Asylum Scammers Dogpiling NYPD Officers.  Horrifying video of an attack by Biden's pseudo-legal aliens on New York's Finest hit the news this morning.  Around 8:30 on Saturday night [1/27/2024], two NYPD officers told a rowdy group of migrants to move along West 42nd Street, where they were being disruptive.  A scuffle with one of the Newest Americans broke out, and the officers wrestled him to the ground — and then the rest of the pack dogpiled them.  The officers were kicked and punched before the precious asylees fled down 42nd Street.

300,000 Illegal Border Crossings In December.  Despite Biden's promise of a "fair and humane immigration system," his open border policies aren't compassionate; they are deadly.  Last week, a Haitian illegal immigrant charged with rape of a developmentally disabled person was released back onto the streets in Boston after ICE requests were ignored.  This month, a Virginia mother sued the Biden administration for $100 million after her autistic daughter was raped and murdered by an unaccompanied minor released by Border Patrol despite his alleged ties to MS-13.  Last month, an illegal immigrant was charged with murdering a 16-year-old girl in her home and sent texts to her friends using her stolen phone after her death.  Last month, an illegal immigrant who had previously been deported four times was charged with killing two in a DUI crash.  At least 2,297 people have died attempting to cross the southern border under three years of Biden, more than double the number that died under the entire previous administration. [...] Just this week, a Border Patrol agent was assaulted with rocks while trying to arrest several illegal immigrants, leaving injuries including a deep gash near the eye.

The Worst Venezuelan Gang Is Here as Military Age Men Pour In.  Members of an infamous Venezuelan prison gang that specializes in kidnapping, extortion, drug trafficking, human trafficking, robbery, and murders for hire are now operating inside our country in Miami and Chicago.  The gang is controlled by the country's dictator Vincent Maduro.  They are bloodthirsty and are causing havoc in Latin America.  All the Hell in Latin America is here, just as Donald Trump said it would be.  Maduro emptied prisons.  According to the Miami Herald, police report that José Luis Sánchez Valera, a 43-year-old retired Venezuelan police officer, was murdered.  The Killer, Yurwin Salazar, 23, a Venezuelan illegal immigrant, was charged with the murder.  The victim was lured to his death.  According to police reports, Salazar is a member of the Tren de Aragua, the infamous gang that has been terrorizing citizens of the South American country for more than a decade.  They are terrorizing Latin America, and now the US.

Honduran Illegal Charged With Child Sex Abuse Freed After Local Authorities Refuse to Cooperate With ICE.  Fox News reporter Bill Melugin, one of the few national journalists who focuses on the crisis at our southern border and is often down there filming the ongoing tragedy, posted a disturbing story to X Sunday describing how an illegal immigrant who sexually abused at least one minor was released — only to go out and commit more offenses.  How did this happen?  Easy.  The perp was allowed to walk the streets because, once again, local authorities — especially those in sanctuary cities and states — often refuse to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  Authorities in Fairfax County, Virginia not only ignored a detainer request from ICE, but they didn't even notify them that the suspect had been released:  [Tweet]

'Hopeful Migrants' in Chicago Arrested for Mass Looting.  We've been seeing plenty of headlines related to Chicago and illegal migrants recently, particularly now that a brutal winter season has set in.  Many of these stories deal with Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson complaining about the Governor of Texas or demanding more resources for the migrants from Washington.  The liberal defenders of the new arrivals fret over the cold conditions these people are facing and talk about how they came here "seeking a new life" and they "just want to work."  That may be true of some of them, but certainly not all.  And they're not simply staying in the city.  An increasing number of them have been heading out to the suburbs and engaging in the new fashionable trend of mass looting and retail theft that's been sweeping the nation.  And local law enforcement officials have their hands full.

Chicago Organized Retail Burglary Ring Allegedly Led by Newly Arrived Illegal Aliens.  The Chicago suburb of Oak Brook has been beset with an increase in retail theft and burglaries over the last year, and police say the leading culprits have been recently arrived illegal border crossers who have filtered out to the suburb from Chicago.  The Oak Brook Police Department reports that 47 recently arrived illegal aliens have been arrested in connection with retail thefts and home and car burglaries just since October and more than 175 since last year, according to Newsbreak.

Chicago Organized Retail Burglary Ring [was] Allegedly Led by Newly Arrived Illegal Aliens.  The Chicago suburb of Oak Brook has been beset with an increase in retail theft and burglaries over the last year, and police say the leading culprits have been recently arrived illegal border crossers who have filtered out to the suburb from Chicago.  The Oak Brook Police Department reports that 47 recently arrived illegal aliens have been arrested in connection with retail thefts and home and car burglaries just since October and more than 175 since last year, according to Newsbreak.  Officials of the suburb — which is only about 25 minutes west of downtown Chicago and only minutes south of O'Hare International Airport where hundreds of illegals have been sheltering for months — noted that the thieves often use bags lined with sheets of tinfoil in an attempt to thwart store anti-theft protection devices at entrances, the New York Post reported.

Illegal Alien Threatens Independent Journalist After He Was Asked Where He Was From: "You Find Out Who I Am Very Soon".  An independent journalist, known as 1st Responders Media on social media, experienced a chilling interaction while conducting interviews with a group of illegal immigrants who had recently crossed into the country.  The journalist, who has been covering border issues, reported a particularly ominous exchange that raises concerns about the safety of Americans during this invasion at the border.  According to the journalist's account, the situation escalated when he asked one of the individuals about their origin.  The response was unexpectedly aggressive.

ICE Arrests Illegal-Alien Child Predator Lurking in Virginia.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested an illegal alien accused of committing child sex crimes in northern Virginia.  This latest arrest adds to the growing number of recent ICE apprehensions in the residential DMV area.  Deportation officers with Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Washington, D.C.'s Mobile Criminal Apprehension Team apprehended a 27-year-old Guatemalan national charged with crimes related to soliciting a young child and indecent exposure.  Federal authorities arrested the illegal on Jan. 3 at his residence in Falls Church, Virginia, after he was presumably let out on bail.  "This undocumented Guatemalan national posed a significant threat to minors in our Virginia communities," stated ERO Washington Field Office's director Liana Castano in an official ICE press release published Wednesday. "ERO Washington will continue our mission to apprehend and remove any noncitizen who threatens the safety of our public," the D.C. director added.

Man Who Allegedly Defrauded Elderly American Out Of Thousands Of Dollars Was In The US Illegally.  An Indian man who allegedly defrauded an elderly American out of $100,000 was in the United States illegally, the Daily Caller News Foundation has exclusively learned.  Abdul Waheed Mohammed, 31, entered the country on Dec. 12, 2019 in Chicago, where U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released him into the U.S. on parole in February 2020, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) told the DCNF.  The accused faces charges of grand theft, conspiracy to commit a felony, and aiding, abetting, or advising grand theft, according to a local outlet.  Waheed Mohammed earlier pleaded not guilty to the charges, which could amount up to 40 years in prison or an $80,000 fine, according to another local report.  "Officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement make enforcement decisions on a case-by-case basis in a professional and responsible manner, informed by their experience as law enforcement officials and in a way that best protects against the greatest threats to the homeland," an ICE spokesperson told the DCNF.  [Tweet]

These new arrivals sure do know how to play the system.
Illegal Alien Accused of Causing Sgt. Michael Kunovich's Death Says He Is a Victim of Racism.  An illegal alien, accused of causing St.  Johns County, Florida, Sheriff's Office Sgt. Michael Kunovich's death, says his "constitutional rights" have been violated and he is the victim of police brutality as well as racial profiling.  As Breitbart News reported, 19-year-old illegal alien Virgilio Aguilar-Mendez of Guatemala was arrested in May 2023 and has been charged with resisting an officer with violence and manslaughter in connection with Kunovich's death.

This might come as a surprise, if you've never heard of Cloward and Piven.
Secret Documents Reveal Biden's Border Crisis Was An Intentional Policy.  As President Joe Biden's immigration crisis overwhelms the United States and wreaks havoc on the state's resources, confidential documents suggest the president's open border policies were intentional.  The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) filed a lawsuit against Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS), claiming the agency halted the 287(g) program, which assists in the deportation of illegal migrant child rapists, attempted murderers, assailants, carjackers, and other known criminals.  In August 2023, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) revealed that the government ended the program in January 2021 — right after Biden entered office.  However, the compromised agency gave no reason why the government did that.  The 287(g) program allows local law enforcement agencies to work closely with ICE to capture illegal aliens who have committed crimes.  They were then able to turn the migrants over to federal officials for arrest and deportation.

FBI: Illegal Aliens Tried Nearly 48,000 Times to Purchase Firearms Over Past 25 Years.  The FBI logged more than 47,000 attempts by illegal aliens to purchase firearms at gun shops over the past 25 years, according to a group that monitors border security policy.  On Jan. 2, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) reported the FBI currently has almost 14 million records of firearms applications that failed a national background check.  Of these "unique prohibiting events," the FBI index included 47,930 denied purchases of firearms by illegal aliens in the National Instant Crime Background Check System (NICBS) between November 1998 and November 2023.

NYC blames illegal immigrants for its crime problem.  It's interesting how much Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams sounds like a Republican when he talks about the effects of illegal immigration on his city. [...] During a news conference where he was asked about rising crime in the Big Apple, he blamed the illegal immigrants who are coming into the city and are unable to work here legally.  "When I talk about the devastation impact that the migrant and asylum seekers, people only think about the volume of people that are coming in.  There are byproducts to this, cuts to services, like we had to postpone a police class, looking at some of the budgetary cuts, having a body of people, many young, who can't work," Adams said.  This is all correct, although it ignores why so many illegals are coming to the city.  It is a lack of border enforcement by the politicians Adams and his administration support.  He is part of the reason there is a problem.

Migrant mob makes grab for $5,300 in designer sunglasses from NYC Bloomingdale's.  A mob of sticky-fingered migrants stormed into Manhattan's Bloomingdale's and tried to swipe a trove of Versace, Dior and Prada designer sunglasses totaling $5,300 — before all but one of them escaped, police sources said Sunday.  About 15 asylum-seekers swarmed the high-end Midtown retailer shortly before 6:30 p.m. Saturday and grabbed more than a dozen pairs of the pricey sunglasses before making a run for it, sources said.  An alert cop on paid detail at the store was able to grab one of the crooks while the rest ran off, according to sources.  Stiven Matos, 23, was charged with robbery, criminal possession of stolen property, possession of burglar tools and resisting arrest in the incident.  Police recovered 10 pairs of Versace specs, two pairs of Prada glasses and one Christian Dior pair.

The Editor says...
It is inaccurate and disingenuous to refer to these perpetrators as "asylum seekers."  How many of them have filed any paperwork applying for asylum?  Call them what they are:  violent illegal aliens and thieves.

Stabbing leaves 1 dead at New York City migrant shelter; 2nd resident charged with murder.  A 27-year-old resident of a New York City migrant shelter was charged with murder Sunday in the fatal stabbing of another resident, police said.  Police were called to the Randall's Island shelter around 7:30 p.m. Saturday for a report of an assault in progress.  The victim, stabbed in the torso, was taken by ambulance to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.  The suspect was taken into custody at the scene, police said.

Illegal Immigrant Arrested at Capitol Carrying Machete Had Been Previously Held, Released.  A man who authorities arrested at the U.S. Capitol in connection with carrying a machete and a knife is an illegal immigrant from Venezuela who federal border authorities previously released from custody, Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Tuesday.  Capitol Police first nabbed Jose Leonardo Marquez, 23, after noticing a machete under his clothes, and ICE took him into custody on last Wednesday, according to the agency.  Border Patrol apprehended Marquez on Aug. 21, 2022, and released him from custody "due to a lack of detention capacity," enrolling him in the tracking program known as "Alternatives to Detention."

A Machete-Wielding Man Arrested at the U.S. Capitol on December 26th Is An Illegal Venezuelan Migrant.  Jose Leonardo Marquez, a 23-year-old illegal immigrant from Venezuela, was arrested for brandishing a machete, butcher's knife, and a brick at the U.S. Capitol Building.  Marquez was arrested by Capitol Police on Dec. 26 and charged with both carrying a dangerous weapon and possessing a prohibited weapon.  Marquez "unlawfully entered the United States on an unknown date, at an unknown location, and without being admitted, inspected, or paroled by an immigration official," according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Enforcement and Removal Operations (ICE ERO) Washington, D.C.

Cartel Gun Battle Just South Of U.S. Border.  It looks like there was a running gun battle between the Mexican National Guard and the Sinaloa drug cartel in Sonoyta, Sonora, just south of Lukeville, Arizona on the U.S. border, on December 29.  There's a dearth of news stories on the event, so here are two video compilations (with a little overlap) of the fighting.  [Video clips]  I haven't seen any news reports of this in American media, possibly because they think their primary goal is to avoid reporting anything on the border that the Biden Administration's "pro illegal alien invasion" policies make them look bad with voters.

Honduran Nationals Reportedly Run Fentanyl Trafficking Rings in Major Cities.  Honduran nationals are running fentanyl trafficking rings in cities across the western U.S., an alternative newspaper in Oregon reports.  Law enforcement agencies have been investigating a cartel using "Honduran nationals to distribute bulk amounts of fentanyl ... in the western United States," according to Willamette Week, citing a criminal complaint filed Dec. 12 in U.S. District Court in Portland.  Fentanyl trafficking operations have been identified in the cities of Seattle, Denver, Portland, Oregon, Oakland, California, and Salt Lake City, Utah, the newspaper reported.  A U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration task force, Group D-51, has been investigating cases involving the drug trafficking rings, according to Willamette Week.  The task force includes the Department of Homeland Security as well as Oregon's Tigard and Sherwood police departments and the Washington County Sheriff's Office.

14 Americans, Legal Immigrants Among Those Allegedly Killed by Illegal Aliens in 2023.  Every year, an estimated 2,000 Americans are killed by illegal aliens.  In 2023, Breitbart News reported on several cases in which illegal aliens are accused of killing American citizens, as well as legal immigrants — many including young children.

Illegal Immigrant Deported Multiple Times Brutally Raped Ohio Woman.  An illegal immigrant from Nicaragua who was deported from the United States five times was sentenced to 19 years in prison for raping a woman in Ohio.  The illegal immigrant, German Mathews, 40, reportedly raped a developmentally disabled 44-year-old woman on April 29 as she walked to a bus stop on her way to work, according to a report from the New York Post.  Reportedly, Mathews' hands were "covered in the victim's blood," because he "viciously beat" the woman in the head and the face, according to Forest Park Police Sgt. Jackie Dreyer.  Mathews was reportedly "still on the women when police arrived in response to a 911 call, tried to flee and was quickly arrested."  The victim sustained head injuries and several facial fractures.

5 All-Time Worsts for America with Joe Biden as President.  Perhaps most concerning to law enforcement agencies is the skyrocketing number of illegal aliens arriving at the border who are matches for those listed on the federal government's "Terrorist Watch List."  In fiscal year 2023, 169 illegal alien terrorists were arrested by Border Patrol attempting to cross the southern border.  "The number of individuals apprehended illegally crossing the southwest border and found to be on the terrorist watchlist has increased 2,500 percent from Fiscal Years 2017-2020 to Fiscal Year 2023.  And those are only who we've caught," [Rep. Mark] Green said this week.  "How many others have slipped by as Border Patrol agents have increasingly been pulled off the line to process illegal aliens crossing the border?" he continued.  "How many violent criminals and gang members are now at large in our communities?"

Illegal immigrant who raped Ohio woman claims he was 'possessed by a demon'.  A Nicaraguan man who was deported from the US five times has been sentenced to 19 years behind bars for raping an Ohio woman — claiming that he committed the depraved act because he was "possessed by a demon."  German Mathews, 40, pulled his hoodie over his head before sexually assaulting the developmentally disabled woman on April 29 while she walked to a Forest Park bus stop, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.  His hands were "covered in the victim's blood" after he viciously beat the 44-year-old woman in the head and face, police Sgt. Jackie Dreyer said.  The brute, who was still on the woman when police arrived in response to a 91l call, tried to flee but was quickly arrested.  The victim suffered head injuries and multiple facial fractures, Dreyer said Wednesday in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court.

'Sanctuary City' Just Released This Man Back Into the Community.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested an MS-13 gang member convicted of killing a Maryland resident years after local law enforcement in a so-called "sanctuary city" freed the illegal alien in defiance of ICE's detainment request.  According to an ICE press release, Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Baltimore's Fugitive Operations Team finally captured the 26-year-old Honduran national, a "validated" gang member of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) Sailors Locos Salvatrucha Westside (S.L.S.W. or "Sailors") Clique, on Dec. 12 in Hyattsville, approximately 6.5 miles east of Washington, D.C.  Notorious for its brutality, MS-13's motto is "Mata, viola, controla" — meaning "Kill, rape, control."

Foreign Gangs Are Targeting Wealthy Neighborhoods In U.S. For Home Invasions.  Law enforcement officials in Michigan announced the creation of a new task force to combat a surge of burglaries in upscale neighbors by foreign gangs.  Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard announced the new task force, Southeast Michigan Collaborate Arrest Prosecute (SEM CAB), in partnership with multiple state and federal law enforcement agencies.  WXYZ reported that transnational gangs operating across the U.S. are targeting "high-end homes, jewelry stores, and cars" and are using sophisticated methods to carry out their crimes.  Crew of approximately four to six "highly functional and well-trained" gang members have targeted approximately 40 homes in the area over the last couple of months.

Blakeman: "We Can't Control the Numbers Coming In, They're Committing Crimes".  During a House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emergency Management and Technology hearing last week, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman (R) said communities and law enforcement agencies on Long Island are experiencing a serious crime wave by migrants who need money to pay back the cartels.  If they don't, their families back home will be harmed.  "We have seen an increase in crime, basically because you have these organized gangs that are part of the drug cartels from Mexico and other countries who have come to the metropolitan area," Blakeman said.

Illegal Alien Arrested For Murder of 16-Year-Old Texas High School Cheerleader Lizabeth Medina.  An illegal alien was arrested for the murder of a beautiful 16-year-old Texas high school cheerleader.  According to media reports, Medina's murdered body was discovered in a bathtub by her mother on Tuesday.  Medina's mother Jacqueline told KTRK that she got worried after her daughter never showed up to the Lighted Christmas Parade with her cheerleading squad.  Edna Police on Sunday announced they arrested Rafael Govea Romero, an illegal alien, for the murder of 16-year-old Lizabeth Medina.

Telemundo Omitted That Killer of Texas Cheerleader Is Here Illegally.  One of the most egregious form of business-interest bias in Spanish-language media occurs when it is deemed necessary to conceal the immigration status of the suspect of a heinous crime.  Such is the case with Telemundo blatantly omitting that the recently-arrested killer of a 16-year-old Texas cheerleader was in the country illegally.  [Video clip]

The migrant crime wave is here.  Where is the mainstream media on this story?  In the Chicago area, where I live, the MSM is asleep at the wheel.  Chicago's woke daily newspapers, the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times, the latter laughingly calls itself "the hardest-working newspaper in America," are the worst violators of committing the sin of omission in regard to media bias.  Television and radio websites here are a bit better, but if you want to get the feel of what the Joe Biden's migrant crisis has done to the Chicago area, there is only one website to visit, CWB Chicago, which works a heck of a lot harder than the leftist Sun-Times.  Here are some headlines from CWB Chicago from just the last six months:  [Long list of headlines] [...] As for those links, while the alleged criminals are all referred to as "migrants," it's not always stated in these reports where they are from.  That being said, in every case where a nationality is named, every time they are listed as Venezuelan.

Venezuela's worst gangsters have crossed into the US illegally and are unleashing chaos in Dallas, Chicago and Miami.  Henchmen for Venezuela's dictator and many of the South American country's worst criminals have crossed over the US border and are now causing chaos in major American cities, including Dallas, Miami and Chicago, multiple sources tell the  In Dallas, the Venezuelan neighborhood known as 'Villa Dallas' has descended into mayhem.  For months, once peaceful apartment complexes have been the scene of illegal street races, beatings, shootings and extortion attempts.  Residents, overwhelmingly migrants who recently made the harrowing trek through several countries to reach America and are seeking asylum, pointed to videos of fights between armed men, broken windows and reckless drivers speeding through parking lots.

Since we no longer have borders there is no need for safety theater.  If you accept the government's conservative estimates, at the current pace, the Biden regime will have allowed a minimum of more than 2.3 million future Democrats into the U.S. over a 12-month span alone.  Thanks to state and federal taxpayers, these illegal immigrants have been transported, clothed, and fed and have received free healthcare and accommodations at New York hotels, among other locales.  To take advantage of many of these taxpayer-funded benefits, the regime plans to issue them ID cards.  Have illegals been tested for Covid?  Even at the height of the pandemic they were not.  Were they expected to be vaccinated?  While the federal government mandated that federal employees and armed service members be vaccinated, it gave illegal immigrants a pass.  Have they been investigated, or even questioned, about their criminal histories?  Hardly.  As a result, an untold number of those who've crossed into the United States illegally are no doubt criminals in their own countries who've decided to see how the pickings are up north.  Others are possibly members of foreign terrorist cells with the ability, the will, and perhaps the mission to strike American targets.

Twice-deported illegal alien charged with murdering two men in Tennessee.  A twice-deported illegal alien from Honduras was charged with murder twice last week in Nashville, Tennessee.  Kevin Joel Castro-Garcia, 31, was first charged on Oct. 10 for the fatal shooting of 37-year-old Elmer Nahum Miranda-Martinez.  According to the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department, the victim's body was discovered on Sept. 27 in the trunk of a car that had been torched and dumped in a forested area off Franklin Limestone Road.  Police suggested the victim had been shot before being placed in the vehicle.

Texas DPS Drone Captures Footage Of Heavily Armed Cartel Near Rio Grande.  Texas Department of Public Safety drones picked up footage of heavily armed cartel members near the Rio Grande on Thursday.  This is done intentionally by cartel members to intimidate law enforcement.  Lieutenant Olivarez: "This type of intimidation tactic is commonly used to disrupt law enforcement operations.  DPS will maintain a proactive posture & deny illicit transnational criminal activity near the Texas-Mexico border."  [Tweet]  The Mexican Cartels know they can get away with such tactics all thanks to the Biden Regime.  Their continual intentional neglect of the southern border has given cartels more confidence to intimidate law enforcement.

11 Illegal Aliens Among Men Accused of Gang Raping Girls in Small Minnesota Town.  At least 11 illegal alien men are accused of having been involved in a house of horrors in the small town of Bemidji, Minnesota, where at least three young girls were drugged, tied up, and gang raped, according to local law enforcement.  Late last month, an 11-year-old girl presented herself at the Sanford Bemidji Medical Center's Emergency Department to report that she had been sexually assaulted.  The case was then turned over to the Bemidji Police Department where officers began looking for the residence where the alleged sexual assault occurred.  Police soon identified a residence at 1821 America Court NW in Bemidji as the location of the alleged sexual assault.  The victim said she was staying with an adult male relative when he put her in a car with other men and she had a bag put over her head.

Gangs from central and south America entering the US and targeting luxury homes: sheriff.  Criminal gangs from central and south America are taking advantage of lax US immigration laws to set up in cities across the nation and steal from hardworking citizens, a sheriff has warned.  Oakland County, Michigan, Sheriff Michael Bouchard said crime syndicates from "south of the border" have targeted high-end homes stealing "hundreds and hundreds of thousand of dollars" worth of belongings, CBS Detroit reports.  "These are transnational gangs that are involved in this that come from South America, looking to do burglaries and violate our communities, not just in Oakland County but across America," Bouchard said.  The sheriff said the thieves have been identified as nationals from Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Honduras.

Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern Minnesota.  Three girls were kidnapped, tortured and raped by an illegal immigrant gang in northern Minnesota recently.  One of the girls was an 11-year-old.  Bemidji is located in a rural area in northern Minnesota near the source of the Mississippi River.  22-year-old Oscar Luna was arrested at the scene.  Several men were identified at the scene and transported by US Border Patrol to be processed as illegal aliens.

Illegal Alien Bites Off NYPD Sergeant's Finger.  An illegal alien reportedly bit off an NYPD sergeant's finger while being detained in a holding cell.  The grotesque attack occurred after 28-year-old Lenni Rodriguez-Cruz allegedly slammed into an NYPD vehicle and proceeded to smash into three other vehicles before coming to a stop.  An officer who was a witness to the gruesome attack stated "While being lodged in the precinct cells, the individual (Rodriguez-Cruz) began to act disorderly and bit off a portion of a sergeant's finger causing a serious physical injury."  Rodriguez is now facing a total of 10 charges which include DUI and assault with intent to cause disfigurement.

Horrifying images show a bloodied Border Patrol agent after brawl with a migrant.  Shocking photos show the violence Border Patrol agents are being subjected to at the US-Mexico border, while video shows more than 5,000 asylum seekers illegally boarding a freight train to gain entry into the country over the weekend.  Republican Maya Flores shared the shocking graphic images of a badly bloodied federal agent after an alleged altercation with an uncooperative migrant near McAllen, Texas.  'This is the type of violence that is being exerted on Border Patrol Agents by those who don't want to be apprehended,' the former official wrote, some six months after leaving her post this past January.

Migrant Released by Biden Admin Arrested for Texas Border Town Murder.  A migrant released by the Biden administration to pursue an asylum claim was arrested by Texas Rangers as a suspect in the murder of a Houston man in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Monday.  According to a source within CBP, the murder suspect, Roberto Emilio Vasquez-Santamaria, a 64-year-old Peruvian national, was released by Border Patrol to a non-government shelter in the city on May 9, 2023.  Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber told Breitbart Texas during an interview on Tuesday night the alleged murder occurred on Cotorra Street and Progresso Avenue in the Loma Bonita neighborhood on Monday at around 9:30 a.m.  The investigation began after a man was discovered bludgeoned to death in the backyard of a home in the neighborhood.  According to Sheriff Schmerber, the unnamed victim is a 40-year-old Houston man.

In Chicago People Got Hacked By Machetes During Mexican Parade.  Chaos and violence broke out during 'Mexican Independence Day' celebrations in Chicago over the weekend.  Multiple barbaric attacks were captured on camera as combatants slashed each other with a machete and a visibly injured police officer was bashed over the head with a wooden stick as he lay in the street.  [Video clip]

NYC Cops Get Assaulted During Mexican Independence Day Celebrations Blocking Traffic.  As the NYPD tried to stop people from blocking the streets during Mexican Independence Day celebrations, one of the attendees took it to another level and got arrested.  Other attendees assaulted the cops during the arrest.  The entire event was an unorganized disaster.  [Video clip]

Violent Criminals Continue to Pose as Migrant Children to Enter US.  Despite all the "victory laps" Biden administration officials have taken as they brag that their unlawful policies and processing programs have reduced illegal immigration, recent border data shows the opposite.  On top of that, there is an undeniable link between the increase in illegal entrants being welcomed into the country and an increase in violent crime, which is posing a significant threat to public safety.  This is a matter that must be addressed when Congress returns in September, and its resolution is so critical that Congress must tie it to the negotiations for funding the federal government for the new fiscal year that starts Oct. 1.  In July, as temperatures soared into the triple digits, Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 132,652 illegal aliens between the ports at the southwest border — a 33% increase over June, when 99,539 illegal aliens were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico line.

Illegal Immigrant Arrested Six Times For Multiple Assaults After Two Months In The US.  An illegal immigrant has been arrested six times in two months since his arrival in New York City on multiple theft and assault charges, according to the New York Post.  Daniel Hernandez Martinez arrived in the city June 27, and the next day tried to take merchandise from a CostCo, the Post reported.  In July, he later attempted to steal a tool kit from a Duane Reade store, then threatened a guard at a second store with a knife while also trying to take merchandise before attacking an independent journalist with a bike tire at the end of that month.

Biden's Border Crisis Fuels Massive Spike In Retail Crime.  As retailers reported their quarterly earnings this month, a phrase that kept cropping up is one you probably never heard before — "organized retail crime."  It has spiked enough that it's eating into profits.  Turns out that, by throwing open the southern border, President Joe Biden has created a booming business for Mexican cartels ripping off U.S. retailers — although you'd never know it based on the media blackout of this trend.  Target, Dollar Tree, Foot Locker, Dick's Sporting Goods, Nordstrom, and others recently disclosed that organized retail crime — or ORC for short — is hitting their bottom lines.  Dick's Chief Financial Officer Navdeep Gupta said that the sports retailer lowered its profit outlook for the year in part because "the number of incidents and the organized retail crime impact came in significantly higher than we anticipated."

Border Patrol Union Says 7K Illegals Enter U.S. Daily.  Border Patrol arrested a whopping 12,028 criminal illegals in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, and the criminals keep coming.  The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics on criminal illegals apprehended FY2023 to date (last updated Aug. 16) is 10,810 criminal illegals.  There was also a 600% spike in potential "national security risk" migrants (i.e. potential terrorists) apprehended in FY2022, a total of 25,627 individuals — hence the Border Patrol Union is warning that thousands of terrorists could be entering the U.S. illegally.  To give you an idea of how this might affect you, illegal aliens have committed over 430,000 criminal offenses in Texas alone since 2011.

A taste of their own medicine.  [Scroll down]  There's nothing new here.  This has been the agenda since the second phase of the civil rights movement began in the 1970s.  Forced bussing was largely intended to punish blue-collar Boston Whites, and Affirmative Action was deliberately designed to antagonize the largest possible number of White job and higher education seekers.  So there's no mystery as to why illegals have been brought into the country and then deliberately dispatched to blue-collar and middle-class towns across the U.S.  Things like that don't just happen, comrades — they're made to happen.  This takes on a particularly sinister edge when we consider the number of active professional criminals being brought in from Central American countries — particularly members of El Salvador's MS-13, one of the most vicious, murderous gangs on the face of the earth.  Since the 60s, the Left has considered career criminals to be the spearhead of the "revolutionary vanguard," crucial in creating the social chaos and terror that would lead to a revolutionary situation that they, the leftist elite, could take advantage of.

Illegal Immigrants Unleash Chaos in Upscale Manhattan Neighborhood.  Native New Yorkers who've lived in Manhattan for decades say recent migrant arrivals are bringing lawlessness into their formerly peaceful Upper West Side neighborhood and disrupting a residential building that's home to elderly people with special needs.  The Stratford Arms hotel on W. 70th Street used to function as a student dormitory, operated by the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA).  That is, until May, when "migrants showed up with suitcases," Brenda McIntyre, who's lived on that block since 2007 and in the city since 1999, told National Review.  The kids moved out and relocated to a building downtown.  A couple of hundred illegal immigrants moved in.  For roughly 30 years, she said, about twelve handicapped elderly people have called Stratford Arms home.  One resident just turned 98 years old.  Now, they're sharing the space with illegal immigrants placed there by the city, and "they're very stressed out," McIntyre said.

Texas girl, 11, found raped and murdered under her bed 'was killed by Migrant, 18, who crossed into El Paso in January [...]'.  The main suspect in the murder of an 11-year-old girl found strangled to death under her bed in Texas is a Guatemalan immigrant who entered the US in January, police said on Friday - revealing that a key left behind in the little girl's home was a vital piece of evidence.  Maria Gonzalez's body found by her father at their home in Pasadena, Texas, on Saturday, August 12, when he returned home from work.  She had also been sexually assaulted, police said.  Pasadena Police Department on Friday named Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez, 18, as a 'person of interest' and the main suspect in the case.

Former Brazilian Military Police Officer Convicted of 11 Murders Arrested in New Hampshire.  A former Brazilian military police officer who was convicted of multiple murders and sentenced to over 200 years in prison was arrested in New Hampshire, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  Antônio José de Abreu Vidal Filho, 29, became the subject of an active Interpol Red Notice.  In June, he was convicted of 11 murders and sentenced to nearly 276 years in prison by a criminal court in Ceara, Brazil.  Vidal was convicted, along with three other Brazilian military police officers, of the 11 murder charges, as well as charges of attempted murder and physical and mental torture.  The crimes occurred in November 2015. The crimes became known as the "Curio Massacre" after the name of the neighborhood in Fortaleza, Brazil, where they occurred.  [Tweet]

Migrant sex crime suspects who forced Democrat to reverse course on NYC resettlement plan seen in new mugshots.  The second migrant arraigned on sex crime charges in cases that forced an upstate New York Democrat to change course and stop the bussing of asylum seekers from New York City was pictured for the first time in a newly released mugshot.  The Erie County District Attorney's Office on Monday released the booking photo for Kindu Z. Jeancy, a 22-year-old asylum seeker from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Jeancy is said to have come to Erie County under New York City Mayor Eric Adams' controversial "decompression" plan.  Jeancy was arraigned on Saturday evening before Cheektowaga Town Court Justice John J. Wanat on one count of sexual abuse in the first-degree — a Class "D" felony — and one count of unlawful imprisonment in the second degree — a Class "A" misdemeanor — Erie County District Attorney John Flynn announced.

New York Official Who Touted 'Vetting Migrants' Now Trying To Stop Them After 2 Sexual Assaults.  A Democratic official in New York who previously touted the vetting of migrants is now attempting to stop them from coming to his county after two alleged sexual assaults, according to a recent statement from his office.  Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz is telling Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams to stop busing migrants until security is ensured, according to a recent statement.  Cheektowaga Police Chief Brian Gould announced Saturday the arrest of a migrant, 22, at a local hotel who allegedly sexually assaulted a woman, 27, from Buffalo who was working at the hotel.

[A] Second migrant, [who is] part of Adams resettlement program, [has been] charged for sexually assaulting [a] woman.  The National Guard has been deployed to western New York after a second migrant brought there through New York City Mayor Eric Adams' controversial resettlement program was arrested on sexual abuse charges.  Erie County officials charged that a third party contracted by New York City to handle the migrant hotel operation might have obstructed local police's investigations into the assaults, and are demanding that the Biden administration and Congress act at the federal level to properly address the crisis.  At a press conference Saturday, Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz, a Democrat, said no more asylum seekers would be sent from New York City until security measures involving the migrants could improve.

Florida sting targeting child sex exploitation finds nearly 40% of arrestees [are] in [the] US illegally.  Florida officials said Wednesday that nearly 40% of the people arrested in one part of the state in a recent operation cracking down on child sex exploitation were in the U.S. illegally — amid continued concerns from Republicans about criminals and sex offenders coming in across the southern border.  Officials said that seven out of 19 people arrested in Bay County, Florida, were in the country illegally.  Five have no record showing lawful entry into the U.S. One man was admitted on a B-2 visitors visa that expired in 2021, and another was admitted on a J-1 student visa that also expired in 2021.  Of those arrested in Bay County, 14 were arrested for traveling to engage in sexual activity with a minor.  Five were arrested for possession of child pornography.

Chicago residents berate officials over crime from illegal aliens at shelters.  Residents of a Chicago neighborhood angrily denounced their local officials over the crime overflowing from illegal aliens at a shelter, and some are threatening vigilante violence if nothing is done soon.  More than 50 residents of the Woodlawn neighborhood attended the community meeting at Apostolic Church of God to express their outrage over prostitution, drug dealing, and violence from a migrant shelter set up at the former Wadsworth High School building.  "I would ask you all to go out there — go out there at night, in the middle of the night — and see what goes on," said one woman in tears.

Fed-up NYC businesses sound off as migrant crisis causes chaos in the streets.  The Big Apple's migrant crisis is spiraling so far out of control that fed-up businesses say they're taking a financial hit as the chaotic influx of asylum seekers pouring into the city spills out of city-run mega-shelters and onto the streets.  From families sprawled out on busy Midtown sidewalks to grown men brawling and even mini tent cities popping up — frustrated New Yorkers say the asylum seeker mess has well and truly become a plague that's showing no signs of easing.  Over the last month alone, The [New York] Post has documented asylum seekers lounging in camp chairs on the sidewalk outside the massive Roosevelt Hotel shelter in Midtown as they paused to eat and smoke in the sunshine.

Illegal Immigrant Who Beheaded His Girlfriend Is Found Not Guilty Due To Mental Issues.  The illegal immigrant from Cuba who decapitated his partner in broad daylight in a Shakopee neighborhood two summers ago was deemed not guilty of murder because of mental illness.  A ruling not sitting well with the victim's family.  Alexis Saborit, 42, was convicted of first-degree premeditated murder in court on May 11 in the death of 55-year-old America Thayer.  However, Judge Caroline Lennon ruled on Saborit's mental competency on Monday, citing in part psychologists determined "[Saborit's] mental illness prevented him from understanding his actions were morally wrong," the order reads. [...] The family believes Saborit should rot in prison.  Doctors though, concluded he was mentally ill, and District Court Judge Caroline Lennon agreed, finding he cannot be held criminally responsible for what happened.

Tennessee Soccer Coach Accused of Filming Himself Drugging, Raping Boys Is an Illegal Alien.  The man accused of filming himself raping unconscious boys whom he allegedly drugged is an illegal alien living in the United States, the Franklin, Tennessee, Police Department confirms.  As Breitbart News reported, 63-year-old soccer coach Camilo Hurtado Campos was arrested and charged in Franklin County this week for allegedly drugging and sexually abusing multiple young boys from nine to 17-years-old.  Campos allegedly filmed the assaults on his cellphone.

Honduran Drug Dealers Say They've Flocked to San Francisco Because of Sanctuary Laws.  Honduran drug dealers have made a business hub out of San Francisco due to the progressive city's sanctuary laws for illegal immigration, fueling the nation's fentanyl epidemic and the visible decline of a major American city.  San Francisco's accommodative approach to illegal immigration makes it appealing to sell there, Honduran dealers told the San Francisco Chronicle as part of an in-depth investigation into how Honduran nationals have come to play a dominant role in the city's drug crisis.  Under current San Francisco law, last amended in July 2016, city employees are forbidden from using city resources to cooperate with any ICE investigation, detention, or arrest relating to an illegal immigration case.  The law also prohibits ICE from placing holds on local prisoners so they can be deported upon their release from jail, the publication noted.

Illegal Migrant Gets Life Sentence for Raping 9-Year-Old.  Gerson Fuentes, a 28-year-old illegal migrant from Guatemala who raped and impregnated a nine-year-old girl in Indiana, has been handed a life sentence, with a requirement to serve 25-30 years before he becomes eligible for parole.  Judge Julie Lynch hinted she wanted to give Fuentes a firmer sentence, accepting a plea bargain at the request of the victim's family to spare her from having to testify but calling it a "very hard pill for this court to swallow."

We Should Protect Our Border With What We've Already Paid For.  Record numbers of violent fugitives are confirmed to be among the surge of aliens entering the United States illegally.  All the while, the Biden Administration steadfastly refuses to use existing federal programs that have already been funded by American taxpayers to track aliens and ensure they comply with mandatory immigration proceedings.  Something has to change.  Last month, U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement touted their success in arresting a Brazilian fugitive in Somerville, Massachusetts, who was convicted of murder, robbery, and aggravated assault in Brazil.  The illegal alien, who was also an active member of Brazil's largest gang, Primeiro Comando da Capital, was initially apprehended and released by U.S. Border Patrol near San Luis, Arizona.  To the surprise of no one, he did not disclose his conviction status to Border Patrol agents and was allowed to enter the county with little concern for his background.

Texas Gov. Abbott Codifies Mexican Cartels Are Terrorists - They Can Be Droned.  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has signed new legislation to officially designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations.  Texas is suffering the full force of Joe Biden's border crisis, and Abbott has signed a series of bills to deal with it.  One targets dangerous drug cartels that use the open border to smuggle people and drugs into America.  Abbott had previously designated Mexican drug cartels as terrorist groups through an executive order.  The bill formalizes the order and increases penalties for drug-related crimes.

Border Crosser Accused of Murdering Woman One Day After Biden's DHS Freed Him into U.S..  A Venezuelan national is accused of murdering a migrant woman in El Paso, Texas, just one day after President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released him into the United States.  Eddy Jose Ortega Alvarado, a 34-year-old Venezuelan national, was arrested and charged this week in El Paso for allegedly murdering 40-year-old Carmen Unilda Navas Zuniga of Honduras on May 21 — the day after he was released into the United States interior through Biden's expansive Catch and Release network.

Mexican News Outlet: Cartels Have Rocket Launchers at the Border.  The good news is that some semblance of order may be restored at the border.  The bad news is that our government may have nothing to do with it.  "Order," such as it is, may be imposed by the cartels at a massive price.  The fact that some states are sending their National Guard units to secure the border may pay off in more ways than just apprehending illegals, traffickers, and potential terrorists because according to the Mexican news outlet Milenio, the cartels at the border are armed with military-grade equipment, including rocket launchers.

MS-13 Gang Members, Released into U.S. by Feds, Among Illegal Aliens Charged with 15-Year-Old Boy's Murder.  MS-13 gang members, released into the United States by federal officials, are among five illegal aliens charged with murdering a 15-year-old boy in Frederick County, Maryland.  As Breitbart News reported this week, 21-year-old illegal alien Alexis Alfredo Ayala Lopez, 23-year-old illegal alien Jose Roberto Ramos Lopez, 29-year-old illegal alien Ismael Lopez Lopez, 27-year-old illegal alien Elmer Bladimir Reyes Reyes, and 20-year-old illegal alien Ismael Ivan Rivera Canales have been arrested and charged with murdering Limber Lopez Funez, who went missing in February before his remains were found in Gambrill State Park in April.

Homeless Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Florida Sgt. Michael Kunovich.  A homeless illegal alien teenager is accused of killing St. Johns County, Florida, Sheriff's Office Sgt. Michael Kunovich, a 52-year-old officer who served with law enforcement for 26 years.  Virjilio Aguilar Mendez, an 18-year-old illegal alien from Guatemala, has been arrested and charged with resisting an officer with violence and felony murder for the death of Kunovich.

Florida Prosecutors Seek Death Penalty For 'Demonic' MS-13 Gang Member Who Decapitated Uber Eats Driver.  Florida prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for a 'demonic' MS-13 gang member who decapitated an Uber Eats driver.  A convicted felon affiliated with MS-13, a street gang formed by Salvadoran immigrants, murdered, decapitated and dismembered a Florida Uber eats driver while he was making a delivery last month.  Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco said the remains of the delivery driver were found in trash bags inside of the MS-13 gang member's home.

Report: Illegal Alien Rape Suspect Freed by Obama's DHS, Stayed in U.S. Thanks to Sanctuary County.  An illegal alien, charged with raping a teenage girl and a woman at a Maryland hiking trail, was reportedly released into the United States by former President Obama's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) before taking advantage of a local sanctuary policy to stay in the U.S. after a criminal conviction.  Jose Roberto Hernandez Espinal, a 20-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, was arrested and charged with first-degree rape, first-degree assault, second-degree assault, armed robbery, and kidnapping for allegedly raping a 15-year-old girl and a woman at a hiking trail in Montgomery County, Maryland.

Maryland teen rape suspect is illegal immigrant from El Salvador: ICE.  The suspect who is accused of raping a 15-year-old girl and a woman on a Maryland hiking trail is in the U.S. illegally, according to officials.  Jose Roberto Hernandez-Espinal, 20, was arrested for allegedly raping a woman and stealing jewelry at Burnt Mills East Special Park in Silver Spring on Tuesday.  Officials told FOX 5 DC that Hernandez-Espinal is also suspected of raping a 15-year-old girl on the same trail last week.  An ICE spokesperson told FOX 5 that Hernandez-Espinal is originally from El Salvador and illegally immigrated to the U.S. in May 2013.  According to Montgomery County Police Department, the suspect approached the adult victim and her friend on the trail on Tuesday afternoon.

44-Yr-Old Illegal Alien Wanted By ICE Is Found Guilty of First-Degree-Murder After Beheading His Girlfriend.  Alexis Saborit, a 44-yr-old illegal alien from Cuba, has been found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life behind bars without the possibility of parole for beheading his 55-yr-old girlfriend with a machete while inside his vehicle in Shakopee, MN. in Minnesota [sic] after he struck her with an 8-lb. dumbbell.  Saborit was wanted by ICE at the time of the gruesome murder.

ICE released hundreds of criminals to clear space for border surge.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been releasing illegal immigrants, including those with criminal records, from custody to clear space for the looming surge of more migrants at the border, in the latest sign of the government's scramble to prepare for the onslaught.  ICE cut its detention population to fewer than 23,000 at the start of the month, down from more than 28,000 six weeks earlier.  That includes hundreds of people with criminal records whom ICE has released.  Acting ICE Director Tae Johnson told Congress last month that he wanted to cut the population to as few as 21,000 people to leave plenty of space to accommodate the border chaos as the administration gives up its Title 42 pandemic expulsion power Thursday night.

The Mexican Cartels: America's Greatest Terrorist Threat.  Our nation is suffering death by a hundred thousand cuts in the form of drug poisoning deaths every year, which are continuing to rise.  On average, that's three hundred Americans dying every single day.  In addition to the exploding body count, four million of our fellow citizens enter substance abuse treatment programs every year, two million visit hospital emergency rooms suffering from drug overdose symptoms and, lastly, illegal drugs now cost our society over three trillion dollars per year in lost productivity, as well as social, criminal, and health related costs of every kind.

Texas mass shooter was a five-times-deported illegal alien.  Friday's heinous, execution-style murder of five Honduran nationals in Cleveland, Texas, by a repeatedly deported Mexican illegal alien, will probably not see saturation coverage by the press the way the immigrant-hating fiend who shot up an El Paso mall in 2019 was covered.  But it should be. [...] Oropeza's last deportation, after four earlier ones, was in 2016.  Note that it takes a lot of legal heavy lifting to get even one deportation enacted.  Oropeza had to have already done something very bad for it to happen, and many of those deportations probably would have occurred during the Obama years. which was very reluctant to deport illegals other than criminals.  Yet the deportations happened five times, the final time of which was during the Trump administration.

Mexican Migrant Wanted for Murder of Five Hondurans Deported 3 Times, Says Texas Sheriff.  Immigration officers deported the Mexican man wanted in connection to Friday night's alleged murder of five Honduran nationals on three occasions, according to the Texas sheriff leading the investigation.  The most recent removal came in 2016.  San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers told Breitbart Texas on Sunday that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers deported 38-year-old Francisco Oropeza, a Mexican national now wanted for five alleged murders, in three separate incidents.  Sheriff Capers and other sources advised that the last time ICE officers removed Oropeza was in 2016.

Another Mass Shooting in Texas and — Once Again — the Shooter Isn't a Drooling Redneck in a MAGA Hat.  A mass shooting in Texas has left five people dead, including one child, and three more kids wounded.  The whispering imps in the lefty, Pravda news industry didn't want to mention that the shooter is a Mexican national, though at least one was quick to point out the type of gun he used. [...] Francisco Oropeza, 39, was firing his rifle around midnight.  His neighbors asked him to stop.  Oropeza approached his neighbor's home, entered, and began firing.  All of the dead victims were shot "execution style" in the head.  Everyone who was shot is believed to be Honduran. [...] Did Oropeza buy his gun legally?  That will come down to his immigration status.

Three Illegal Aliens Arrested After Sexual Assault in Walmart Parking Lot.  Three illegal aliens have been arrested following a sexual assault in the parking lot of a Walmart superstore in Shallotte, North Carolina.  Illegal aliens Remus Duduveica, 36 years old, Ulise Dumitru, 22 years old, and Ion Levers Istronom, 26 years old, all from Romania, were arrested by the Shallotte Police Department when an employee at the town's Walmart reported them to police after an underage girl reported a sexual assault in the parking lot.

Migrant posing as minor who killed father of four that took him in gets 60 years in prison.  A 25-year-old migrant who posed as a minor to illegally cross the border was sentenced to 60 years for killing the father of four who took him in.  Yery Noel Medina Ulloa of Honduras pleaded guilty Friday in Florida to stabbing Francisco Javier Cuellar, 46, to death in 2021 — days after the Florida man took the illegal migrant into his care.  "As we have seen time and time again, the federal government's failure to secure our nation's border has led to a travesty in a local community," State Attorney Melissa Nelson said in a statement.

Female border patrol agent violently assaulted by illegal immigrant.  An illegal immigrant violently assaulted a female border patrol agency while she was making an arrest, U.S. Customs and Border Protection sources say.  The agent, who remains unidentified, was taking a male illegal immigrant into custody on Saturday when he attacked her, injuring her face and arms, the CBP told Fox News Digital.  The agent was able to struggle with the culprit until backup arrived, and the man was subdued.  "On March 4, 2023, at approximately 4:00 a.m., a U.S. Border Patrol agent assigned to the Tucson Sector took a subject into custody near Foudy Road and State Route 92, after investigating the subject's illegal entry into the U.S. While being placed in a service vehicle, the subject assaulted the agent, injuring the agent's face and hands.  Additional agents responded and took the suspect into custody," the CBP said in a statement.

Biden authorities diddle around without charging illegals who shot a bald eagle for supper.  When someone harms or destroys a bald eagle in this country, the federal penalties are swift and draconian.  Like it or not, it's the law.  But there seems to be an exception to it now: When the perpetrator is an illegal. [...] So there they were, all set to cook and eat the national bird for dinner.  It calls to mind that over in Venezuela, the locals took to eating zoo animals to stave off hunger.  But these guys apparently had money for an expensive gun, which rather suggests that the motive wasn't exactly hunger.  The U.S. bird is an internationally well-known symbol, and well, illegal border crossers do what they want.

Report: Federal Authorities Hesitant to Charge Honduran Nationals Suspected of Killing a Bald Eagle.  Federal authorities have not yet brought criminal charges against two Honduran nationals who allegedly shot and killed a bald eagle in Nebraska to eat it for dinner.  On February 28, Stanton County sheriffs arrested two Honduran nationals found carrying a dead bald eagle after responding to a report of a suspicious vehicle outside of the Wood Duck State Wildlife Management. [...] The two individuals, 20-year-old Ramiro Hernandez-Tziquin and 20-year-old Domingo Zetino-Hernandez, spoke no English and only carried documents from the Honduran consulate as a form of identification, according to Stanton County Sheriff Mike Unger.  Killing a bald eagle, the country's national bird, violates the 1940 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, a federal law with a maximum punishment of one year in prison.

Biden Can't Explain Away the Chaos on the Border.  It doesn't matter that many illegal aliens are good and decent people when they are breaking U.S. law and jumping in front of millions of others, who are attempting to come to America legally.  So many thousands more are committing well documented rapes, assaults, robberies, and murders by the thousand each year, at a rate that has grown exponentially with the Biden regime's immediate reversal of President Trump's effective border policy.  And to hear Joe Biden tout his actions on the border during the recent State of the Union address was sickening, dishonest, and evil to the core, as he attempted to convince the American people that an extremely out-of-control and serious problem doesn't exist on the southern border, a problem of his making that continues to be facilitated by Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.  Speaking to the L.A. Times in June of 2017 about her husband's murder, which occurred thirty miles from the border in southeast Arizona in 2010, Sue Krentz stated, "It wasn't a U.S. resident who shot him.  You show me which U.S. resident it was.  Give me their name and address. ... There's not a house for seven miles."

San Francisco DA wants exception to sanctuary city law for two criminals guilty of 'unspeakable crimes'.  Brooke Jenkins is the San Francisco DA who replaced recalled DA Chesa Boudin.  She considers herself a progressive but her critics and even her supporters realize she's a lot more of a law and order DA than her predecessor.  Today the San Francisco Chronicle reports that Jenkins is hoping to convince the city to grant exceptions to its sanctuary city law to allow her to prosecute two criminals she said were wanted for "unspeakable crimes."

When We Describe America's Largest Cities As "War Zones", We Aren't Exaggerating One Bit.  Denver was once such a nice place to live.  So what happened?  Unfortunately, it appears that illegal immigration is fueling much of the crime that is happening in the Mile High City, and every year it just gets even worse.

Mexican Cartel-Style Violence Spreading in California over Marijuana Fields.  Contrary to political rhetoric, Mexican cartel-style killings and gun battles appear to have already reached the U.S. and are spreading — particularly in California.  The region experienced an explosive growth of cartel marijuana grow operations that are taking advantage of legalization and lax laws.  This week, federal authorities clashed with one of two gunmen who are accused of killing a family of six — including a 16-year-old female and her baby.  The murders took place last month in Tulare County, California, in what some authorities have dubbed a cartel killing.

"Unaccompanied Child" Allowed in by Biden Strangled American Girl.  This is just one of the many horrifying consequences of Biden's open borders policy.  ["]Police in Maryland said they've arrested a 17-year-old "undocumented non-citizen", and suspected MS-13 gang member, for the murder of an autistic 20-year-old woman.  According to Aberdeen police, the boy was arrested for allegedly strangling Kayla Hamilton to death back on July 27, 2022.["]

Illegal Immigrant Assaults a Border Patrol Officer and Pays the Price.  A woman, Nidia Dinorah Morales Gonzalez, was arrested in Brownsville, Texas on Thursday for allegedly assaulting a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer.  According to a criminal complaint, she attempted to enter the U.S. on foot through the vehicle lane and refused to return to the Mexican side of the bridge when approached by officers.  The complaint also states that she made entry into the U.S. after trying to get the CBP officers to alert her husband who was on the U.S. side of the Brownsville and Matamoros Bridge.  [Video clip]

Internal DHS Emails: Illegal Aliens Assaulting Agents, Trying to Escape from Custody.  Border crossers and illegal aliens have attempted "escaping" from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) custody and tried "to overrun drivers," among other things, agency emails reveal.  The emails, obtained by the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, shed light on the chaotic day-to-day operations that agents must deal with at the U.S.-Mexico border since President Joe Biden implemented an expansive Catch and Release network.

MS-13 Murder Suspect Was Allowed Into the US Because of the Border Crisis.  A murder suspect in Maryland accused of killing a 20-year-old with autism in July of 2022 was allowed into the U.S. as an Unaccompanied Alien Child (UAC) since those who are under 18-years-old and show up to the southern border by themselves are not turned away.  The change in policy of allowing UAC's into the U.S. was one of the first changes made by the Biden administration, quickly resulting in thousands of unaccompanied minors arriving to the U.S.-Mexico border.  The historic number of children coming to the U.S. contributed the border crisis since the number of family units also illegally crossing and turning themsleves in to law enforcement also dramatically rose after Joe Biden became president.  Fox News reported the suspect was arrested by police in Aberdeen, located in northeastern Maryland about 30 miles from Baltimore.  The 17-year-old was linked to the crime scene through DNA evidence.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed to police the suspect is a member of MS-13.

Wow, they assimilated really fast!
Migrants, Bused to NYC, Arrested for Allegedly Stealing $12.5K from Macy's.  Four border crossers, bused from Texas to New York City, were arrested this month after allegedly stealing nearly $12,500 worth of merchandise from a Macy's department store.  On Monday, the Nassau County Police Department in Long Island, New York announced the arrests of 19-year-old Wrallan Cabezas Meza, 30-year-old Jose Garcia Escobar, 21-year-old Miguel Angel Rojas, and 27-year-old Rafael Rojas for allegedly shoplifting at Macy's.  All of the men are newly arrived border crossers who were bused from Texas to New York City as part of Gov. Greg Abbott's (R) plan to send migrant buses to sanctuary jurisdictions.

Illegal alien with MS-13 ties arrested for rape and murder of 20-year-old American autistic woman.  Maryland police announced Thursday that a 17-year-old illegal alien has been arrested for the July 2022 murder of 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton.  Hamilton's body was found in a mobile home at the Rancho Estates on E. Inca Street in Aberdeen on July 27.  The Aberdeen Police Department indicated that the victim was autistic and had recently moved to the area from Norfolk, Virginia, with her 22-year-old boyfriend whom police have clarified had nothing to do with the crime.  The Maryland chief medical examiner determined that the cause of death was strangulation.

Ecuadorian man with 'violent criminal history' arrested in New York after re-entering US illegally.  An Ecuadorian citizen with a "history of violence toward children" was arrested in New York on Thursday, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced.  Manuel Zumba-Mejia, 46, was taken into custody in Ossining, N.Y., by ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations New York City for unlawfully re-entering the U.S. Deportation officials said he was arrested without incident.  Zumba-Mejia was convicted in February 2010 of reckless assault by the Westchester County Court for causing serious brain injury to his 7-week-old daughter by "shaking or impacting the head."  He was sentenced to three years incarcerated.

Border Prison Attacked by Commandos in Armored Trucks; 14 dead, 30 escaped, Four miles from El Paso.  A deadly prison riot and stunning, militaristic jail break at the notorious Cereso de Ciudad Juárez just 4 and a half miles or so from the U.S.-Mexico border has left at least 14 dead, and 30 dangerous, hardcore criminals on the loose.  Will they try to take advantage of Biden's border crisis and cross into the United States?  Why would they not?!

Biden's DHS Releases into U.S. Nearly 1.4K Illegal Alien Convicted Criminals in Less than Three Months.  President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has released nearly 1,400 illegal alien convicted criminals from detention into American communities in less than three months, data shows.  The latest Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data reveals that from October through December 18, Biden's DHS has released 1,363 illegal alien convicts into American communities along with more than 1,800 illegal aliens with pending criminal charges against them.  Of the illegal alien convicts released from DHS custody, 463 bonded out, 421 were given an order of recognizance, 371 were given an order of supervision, and 108 were paroled.

Wyoming Sheriff Defies Biden's Deportation Rule and Makes Illegal Immigrant Serve His 125-Year Term.  Remember this story the next time your progressive, blue-haired brother-in-law calls you a "racist" for wanting the southern border closed.  Illegal immigrant Luis Saavedra Villa, a 44-year-old registered sex offender with a history of previous deportations, snuck back into our country and raped an 8-year-old girl in Wyoming. [...] "[It] was one of the most egregious that we've seen," Sweetwater County, Wyo., Sheriff John Grossnickle stated.  "He was just allowed back into the country," Grossnickle continued.  "We had no idea that he was in Sweetwater County and received no communication of that."  Under the Biden regime, illegal immigrants are practically free to come and go as they please.  It wasn't always like that.  Sherriff Grossnickle had more to say: [...]

Border Patrol agent on ATV killed in line of duty.  A Border Patrol agent in Texas died as the result of an ATV accident while in the line of duty early Wednesday, the Washington Examiner learned.  A spokesman for Customs and Border Protection said the incident happened in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas around 1 a.m. CST Wednesday.  "A Border Patrol agent assigned to the McAllen Station patrolling the international boundary on an all-terrain vehicle was tracking a group of subjects that illegally crossed the border when he was involved in an accident near Mission, Texas," CBP told the Washington Examiner.  "He was found unresponsive by fellow agents, who immediately initiated life-saving efforts and requested EMS."  The agent was transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital.  The agent died at the hospital.

Five-Time Deported Illegal Alien Sentenced to Less than 30 Years for Murdering Arizona Man.  An illegal alien, deported five times from the United States, has been sentenced to less than 30 years in prison for murdering a man in Maricopa County, Arizona, in 2020.  As Breitbart News reported at the time, Juan De Dios Cazares-Lopez, a 38-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was arrested and charged with murdering 49-year-old Martin Lopez, who was the brother of his ex-girlfriend.

Feds: Nearly 140 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders Arrested in Nationwide Sting.  Close to 140 convicted illegal alien sex offenders were arrested in a nationwide sting across multiple states, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency reveals.  The sting operation, conducted from October 22 to November 4, saw ICE agents arrest 138 illegal aliens who are convicted sex offenders — including those guilty of rape.  A number of the illegal alien sex offenders were arrested in sanctuary states or cities.

Alleged Paul Pelosi attacker is an illegal immigrant, 'longtime' visa overstay: report.  David DePape, the man who allegedly broke into the San Francisco home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and attacked her husband, Paul, with a hammer, was reportedly in the country illegally.  A source with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) told Fox News that DePape was an illegal immigrant and a "longtime" visa overstay, meaning he arrived in the United States by legal means but did not leave after his visa expired and was never repatriated.  DePape was born in Canada and has resided within the U.S. for roughly 20 years.

San Francisco's Mayor Apologizes for Telling the Truth.  It is not racist to acknowledge that the city's open-air drug market is dominated by Honduran drug dealers. [...] [Mayor Breed] said nothing offensive or inaccurate in her original comments.  In fact, it's her critics who are being dishonest about what's happening in the open-air drug market of San Francisco's Tenderloin District and who are doing a disservice to the poor, immigrant communities on whose behalf they claim to speak.  And by conflating professional drug dealers with regular immigrant families, it is they who are being xenophobic and racist.

Feds: 175 Illegal Aliens, Including Those Who Killed Americans, Arrested in Nationwide Sting.  The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency carried out a nationwide sting operation that arrested 175 illegal aliens, all with multiple drunk driving convictions and some who killed Americans.  From August 20 to September 30, ICE agents arrested nearly 200 illegal aliens who had multiple drunk driving convictions across a number of states including the sanctuary states of California and New York.  Aside from drunk driving convictions, some of the illegal aliens arrested in the sting had prior convictions for vehicular homicide, hit-and-run, assault, child abuse, weapons violations, domestic violence, and fraud.

Authorities warn residents of uptick in burglaries allegedly being committed by South American crime rings.  Southern California law enforcement officials are warning residents to be extra cautious after a noted increase in crime and burglaries that are allegedly being committed by South American crime rings.  The increase has been on the minds of many Angelenos in recent months, as follow-home robberies, catalytic converter thefts and a litany of other crimes have continued to make headlines.  In July, police issued an alert to residents throughout the Southland, warning of an increase in robberies, and several law enforcement agencies have upped their task forces and patrols with seemingly no end in sight.  For one Huntington Harbor neighborhood, those warnings became a reality when eight different homes were robbed in the span of a month.

Three Illegal Aliens Charged with Murdering 28-Year-Old Man in Texas.  Three illegal aliens, all linked to human smuggling, are charged with murdering a 28-year-old man in El Paso, Texas while a fourth is on the run in Mexico.  On September 20, El Paso County Sheriff's Office deputies discovered the body of 28-year-old Martin Iran Carreon Adame in a deserted area of town.  According to police, Adame's body had multiple gunshot wounds.  Gerardo Alfonso Saenz Holguin, a 27-year-old illegal alien, and Adolfo Sebastian Segura, a 20-year-old illegal alien, were identified by police as the prime murder suspects in the case two days after Adame's body was found.  Both were arrested and charged with murder.

Illegal Aliens, Released into U.S. by Biden's DHS, Linked to Robbery Gang in Sanctuary State New York.  Illegal aliens, released into the United States interior by President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS), are now linked to a South American robbery gang targeting Indian Americans in Long Island, New York.  Three illegal aliens from Colombia — 20-year-old Brayan Alexis Ortiz-Ramos, 30-year-old Daniel Esteban Jimenez-Carrillo, and 33-year-old Gersson Jhoan Hernandez-Gomez — have been arrested and charged with second-degree burglary as a hate crime and conspiracy after allegedly burglarizing 20 to 30 homes in Long Island's Indian American neighborhoods.

Man Arrested For Mass Stabbing Spree In Vegas Is An Illegal Immigrant With Mass Criminal Record In California.  The suspect accused of killing two people and injuring six others during a stabbing rampage on the Las Vegas Strip is in the U.S. illegally, sources told Fox News.  Yoni Barrios, 32, is a Guatemalan national in the U.S. illegally with a criminal record in California, a source with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said.

Mass Stabbing In Vegas Leaves 2 Dead, 8 Injured, Many Of Which Were Showgirls.  Two people are dead and six more are hospitalized after a mass stabbing on the Las Vegas Strip on Thursday morning.  Three of the victims are in critical condition, said Capt. Dori Koren with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

DeSantis Angrily Announces Almost All Post-Hurricane Looters Are Illegals, 'They Should Not Be Here at All'.  Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida said during a Tuesday morning news conference that three of the four people arrested on charges of looting were illegally residing in the United States.  "Three of the four are illegal aliens, and so these are people that are foreigners.  They're illegally in our country, and not only that, they tried to loot and ransack in the aftermath of a natural disaster," DeSantis said.  "I mean, they should be prosecuted, but they need to be sent back to their home country.  They should not be here at all."  DeSantis says 3 out of the 4 people arrested for looting are illegal aliens.

Democrats: Importing racism, sexism, and terrorism.  In the United States, anyone who questions the goodness of legal or illegal immigrants is silenced as a racist.  The result is that many Americans don't know that the immigrants themselves are a continuous source of racists, sexists, and terrorists to America.  The increasing Latino population parallels increasing gang membership.  Between 2010 and 2015, membership increased by 11%. This is tied to reintroducing a policy to give refuge to minors from Central America.  The average age of a gang member is 17-18. Latinos make up 18.5% of the population, but they are an estimated 46% of gang members, while Blacks are 35%, Whites 13%, and Asians 4%.  Gangs are responsible for 13% of all murders, 48.9% of violent crimes, 42.9% of property crimes, and 39.9% of drug sales.  Gangs are terrorists, but the FBI appears to see "White" as a requirement for categorizing someone as a domestic terrorist.

Venezuela Empties Prisons and Sends Criminals to US Border: House Republicans.  Venezuela is deliberately releasing prisoners, among them violent criminals, and has them travel to the U.S. southern border, a development that prompted 14 House Republicans to write to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.  Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), who is leading the Republican effort to have Mayorkas answer questions, said in the Sept. 22 letter that the decision by the Nicolas Maduro regime has put the United States "in grave danger."  "We write you with serious concern about a recent U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) intelligence report received by Border Patrol that instructs agents to look for violent criminals from Venezuela among the migrant caravans heading towards the U.S.-Mexico border," the letter says, citing a recent report from Breitbart.

Texas Farmer's Video Of Illegals Barging Into His Grandpa's Home.  Video from a Hispanic Texas farmer shows illegal immigrants fleeing Border Patrol first trying to get in his house, but when unsuccessful, entering his elderly grandfather's home next door.  The farmer's 150-acre ranch, which his family has owned for more than 100 years, abuts the U.S.-Mexico border.  "Well, this is my house.  My house where I live with my children in this house right here," the farmer narrates in the video.  "There's your freaking border wall. ... Eight individuals just crossed the freaking border wall, running. ... Tried going in my door but the door was locked.  So what did they do?  They ran right inside my grandpa's house.  Four of them made it inside the barricades themselves inside my 95-year-old grandpa's house.  You want to tell me it's okay?"  "They tried to break into my house, that's locked.  They tried to razzle-dazzle my porch and my laundry room door and that's locked," he added.

Why is Joe Biden covering for Venezuela's dictator, Nicolas Maduro?  Just as news leaks out about Venezuela's socialist dictator emptying his prisons to fuel Biden's border surge, Joe Biden has announced that sending these particular foreign criminals back is "not rational." [...] It didn't get very much press attention, but what Biden's actually saying is that as Venezuelan murderers, robbers, rapists, extortionists, fraudsters, motorcycle thugs, kidnappers, traffickers, and other plagues on society get through to the American side of the border, they should have no fear of being sent back.  Joe's going to keep them here.  As with all things Biden, it was an inchoate policy mumbled on the fly with zero consideration of the implications.  The backstory here is that not only has Nicolás Maduro emptied his prisons, but he's refusing to take the Venezuelan criminals back, so any Venezuelan thug who makes it to another country such as the U.S. is ours to keep forever.  Joe Biden is actually going along with that dictated term, and the result has been thousands of Venezuelan criminals unleashed onto the law-abiding in the U.S., with no fear of deportation.

Venezuela is not sending is its best people.  Last week, Monica Showalter wrote about her suspicion that Venezuela is taking a page out of Cuba's book and emptying its prisons, with instructions to the departing prisoners to head for America.  On Sunday, Sara Carter published a post confirming that a DHS intelligence report has been warning the Border Patrol to be on the lookout for violent criminals in Venezuela's caravans (although how they're supposed to identify them must remain a mystery). [...] Monica explained that the government eventually put all the Cubans into detention centers to separate honest wheat from criminal chaff.  "The Venezuelans," she wrote, "face no such brakes under the Biden administration, and Biden himself is exerting no pressure on Venezuela to take the criminals among them back, which is what past presidents have done when Castro acted out."  It turns out that Monica's instincts were spot-on.  Carter states as fact, not speculation, that Venezuela is unloading its prison population onto America.

Migrants killing dogs, stealing from homes prompts some Texas border town residents to arm themselves.  Migrants have killed pets, stolen from shops and knocked on doors late at night in a Texas border town, prompting some residents to arm themselves, locals told Fox News.  "I don't feel safe," Laura Ramos, an Eagle Pass business owner, told Fox News.  She said she keeps "several weapons" at her store for defense.  Griselda, another local business owner whose employees are all female, said she used to close her business at 9 p.m.  "We now close at seven because it gets dark, people are walking around, all girls, you just never know," she told Fox News.

Beheaded Mom Identified and the Killer Is an Illegal Immigrant with an Expired Visa.  The young mother who was brutally beheaded last Thursday has been identified as 27-year-old Karina Castro.  Castro was beheaded with a sword just before noon last Thursday in broad daylight as shocked neighbors watched.  The attack took place in front of her apartment building.  An earlier report stated she was 25 years old.  The alleged killer, Jose Solano Landaeta, reportedly cut off Castro's head with a sword.  He left her head under the car that her body was in.  Cops swarmed in minutes later to find the grisly crime scene. [...] The Santa Monica Observer is reporting Landaeta was in the country illegally, claiming he came to the United States from Venezuela ten years ago on a tourist visa and never left.

A Lawsuit Exposes the Southern Poverty Law Center's Lies.  Twenty-one years ago, Dustin Inman, a sixteen year old boy, lost his life to a Mexican illegal alien.  That alien is still a wanted fugitive.  Under the Trump administration, the ICE VOICE office was established to help victims of illegal aliens and Dustin's killer appear on its most wanted list.  In one of his numerous acts of calculated cruelty, Biden shut down ICE VOICE.  And two decades later Dustin's killer is still out there.  There are tragically a thousand cases like this.  But some of them make people step up.  That's how D.A. King founded the Dustin Inman Society.  The former Marine financed it with his life savings, borrowed against his house and sold his inheritance.  Since then he has fought a tireless campaign in Georgia against an illegal alien crisis that only keeps getting worse.  And now he's fighting one against the Southern Poverty Law Center.  A decade ago the Southern Poverty Law Center called him a "nativist", but admitted the Dustin Inman Society wasn't a hate group. "Because he is fighting, working on his legislation through the political process, that is not something we can quibble with, whether we like the law or not," Heidi Beirich, the woman behind the SPLC's infamous hate labeling, conceded.  Now, the SPLC lists the Dustin Inman Society and D.A. King as an "anti-immigrant hate group" because he favors enforcing the nation's laws.  King responded by suing the SPLC.

ICE identifies cop-killer suspects as illegal immigrants.  Three Mexican brothers identified as part of an investigation into the shocking killing of a North Carolina sheriff's deputy were all in the country illegally — including one who was caught and released at the border under the Trump administration.  Alder Alfonso Marin Sotelo, 25, and Arturo Marin Sotelo, 29, have been charged with murder in the killing of Wake County Deputy Ned Byrd.  Their younger brother Rolando Marin Sotelo, 18, faces a weapons charge but has not been charged in connection with the deputy's killing.

Tijuana, Mexicali, Ensenada, Tecate, and other Mexican border cities explode into [an] orgy of cartel violence.  Less than 20 miles away from where I'm writing this in San Diego, the next city over is exploding into some kind of Ukraine-like hellscape. [...] But it's no local story.  It's the logical consequence of Joe Biden's open borders policy, which has made control of Tijuana and all border cities worth fighting for to Mexico's brutal cartels.  Apparently, three have laid claim to these cities — and they are big ones.  TJ is bigger than San Diego, which is America's sixth largest city, for one, putting these cities under an unprecedented siege.

Mexican illegal immigrant convicted of child pornography possession.  A Mexican illegal immigrant who entered the U.S. earlier this year has been convicted of being in possession of child pornography — including images involving victims as young as three.  Christian Dolores Munoz-De La Rosa, a 24-year-old Mexican national pleaded guilty to transporting and possessing child pornography, the Justice Department announced.  Munoz-De La Rosa admitted to being part of a group of illegal immigrants caught near Carrizo Springs, Texas in June.  When he was picked up, authorities examined his phones and discovered the illegal images.

Of course, it was an illegal alien who committed these vile, grotesque crimes.  The federal government seems to go out of its way to make the data impossible to compile.  However, goes through North Carolina arrest records to find all the instances in which illegal aliens have been arrested for crimes involving child sex, everything from rape to child porn to lesser physical (but still sexual) assaults.  The arrest number for that one state — which is not a state with a high rate of illegal immigration — is staggering.  Of course, not all who are arrested are guilty, but my cynical mind has me believing that, even if they plead to lesser offenses, something bad happened leading to the arrest.  Multiply North Carolina's data by 50 (a rough average because the statistics will be different between Alaska and California), and you can see that there's a significant problem across America.  The illegal immigrant-child sexual abuse nexus shouldn't surprise anyone.  Anyone who came here illegally is already living on the wrong side of the law.

Illegal immigrant charged in Alabama kidnapping, murder case.  The suspect facing kidnapping and murder charges in Alabama after a 12-year-old girl's escape from a mobile home prompted the discovery of two decomposing corpses is an illegal immigrant who was deported from the United States once before, Fox News Digital has confirmed.  José Paulino Pascual-Reyes — charged with first-degree kidnapping, three counts of capital murder and two counts of abuse of a corpse in connection to the gruesome discovery — is considered a "re-entry nonimmigrant unlawful presence foreign national," Tallapoosa County Sheriff Jimmy Abbett confirmed to Fox News Digital by phone on Thursday [8/4/2022].

Illegal Immigrant Emerges From Woods, Jumps Gate, Kicks Door.  A man was fatally shot and killed by a homeowner on Monday, July 25, in York County, according to The York Poquoson sheriff's office.  On Tuesday, July 26, the sheriff's office identified the man as 20-year-old Antonio Beltran Flores Perez, who jumped a gate and tried to forcefully enter the home after emerging from a treeline.  The sheriff's office received a call for shooting after 5 pm in the 300 block of Corvette Drive.  The neighborhood is situated near Queens Lake Middle School.

1,600 Previously Convicted Criminals Caught Crossing into Single Texas Border Sector This Year.  Del Rio Sector Border Patrol officials sounded the alarm after reporting the apprehension of more than 1,600 previously convicted criminal migrants who illegally entered the U.S. during the current fiscal year.  The news comes after the arrest on back-to-back days of deported sex offenders.  "Thanks to agents in the Del Rio Sector, these two criminals won't be on our streets," Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Jason D. Owens tweeted.  "This is why we need our agents on patrol.  This is our mission."

Former Mexican mafia killer, drug dealer and rapist given parole.  Parole officials in California have announced the pending release of former Mexican Mafia gang leader Rene "Boxer" Enriquez.  The release comes after his alleged cooperation with law enforcement officials in other criminal investigations.  Enriquez's criminal career started in his late teens when he was first arrested for several armed robberies.  Enriquez would go on to commit rapes, and drug sales, and be convicted of two murders which left him a sentence of life in prison.  Despite his criminal history, local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies have rushed to his aide requesting that he be paroled for his part in multiple criminal investigations.

Initial skepticism of the Ohio abortion story was warranted.  The media is full of very similar stories today about the fact that the right-wing media dared to question a story which arose in Ohio about a 10-year-old rape victim.  As Ed pointed out the day the (alleged) rapist was arrested, it turns out the story was true and that should be acknowledged by anyone who expressed doubt about it initially.  However, while it's reasonable to ask that people align themselves with the facts once they are clear, many on the left are going beyond that and retroactively declaring it wrong for anyone to have doubted the story in the first place.

Glenn Beck Asks Five Important Questions About The Tragic Story Of The Ten-Year-Old Ohioan.  One of the biggest stories in national media right now has been, in one form or another, about how a ten-year-old-girl was raped, got impregnated, and due to her residency in the state of Ohio was forced to travel to Indiana for an abortion.  The story took off after Joe Biden referenced it in the immediate aftermath of leftist outrage over Roe's overturning at the Supreme Court.  Mind you, abortion was not made illegal with that ruling; it was simply returned to the states to decide on a course of action.  After all, nothing in the Constitution lays out a legal framework for federalizing infanticide.  It shouldn't even be an issue, and it certainly shouldn't have been decided in 1973 that rights were magically found in penumbras, but that's judicial activism for you.  Because the corrupt leftist media is in bed with the even more corrupt Biden Occupation, the story conveniently left out the fact that the alleged victim was raped by a monstruous illegal alien and pretended that the real problem was that she couldn't attain an abortion in her home state.  They said nothing of the act of rape itself or the fact that it was perpetrated by one of countless illegals welcomed into the country by the party of open borders.

Man charged with raping 10-year-old Ohio girl who later sought abortion.  A Columbus man has been charged with raping a 10-year-old Ohio girl who later crossed state lines to receive an abortion, police told the Columbus Dispatch.  Gershon Fuentes, 27, whose last known address was a Columbus apartment, was arrested Tuesday after he confessed to raping the girl on at least two occasions, police said.  Police charged Fuentes with rape, a felony of the first degree in Ohio.  Fuentes is an illegal immigrant, an ICE spokesperson told the Washington Examiner in a phone call Wednesday afternoon [7/13/20222].  Franklin County Municipal Court Judge Cynthia Ebner set a $2 million bond for Fuentes, who is being held in the Franklin County jail, according to the outlet.  Ebner said the case did not warrant Fuentes, a Hispanic man believed to be in the country illegally, to be held without bond but that a high bond was necessary due to him being a possible flight risk and for the safety of the child involved.

Detectives Say Illegal Alien Admitted To Twice Raping 10-Year-Old as Girl's Mother Defends Him.  Detectives say the illegal alien charged with rape admitted to raping a 10-year-old girl who traveled from Ohio to Indiana to have an abortion two times.  The girl's mother, in an interview with Telemundo, is seemingly defending him.  As Breitbart News reported, 27-year-old illegal alien Gerson Fuentes has been arrested and charged with raping a 10-year-old girl who then became pregnant.  The girl's case was later cited by President Joe Biden and the establishment media after she traveled to Indiana from Ohio to have an abortion on June 30 at six weeks and three days pregnant.

Indy Star:  Abortion doctor did file forms with appropriate agencies after 10 year old's abortion.  This is a tragic story all the way around.  The story of a 10-year-old rape victim who has to travel from her home in Ohio to Indianapolis to get an abortion is beyond horrific.  And it keeps getting worse. [...] Bits of information have come out since the story was published that are very concerning, besides the abortion itself.  The first fact is that her rapist is a 27-year-old man who confessed to raping her at least twice.  The girl has only recently turned 10 years old so that means he was raping her when she was only nine.  The man is allegedly an illegal alien.  And now it looks as though her mother is trying to protect the man.

The ten-year-old rape victim story just got stranger.  The Supreme Court issued the Dobbs decision on June 24, triggering Ohio's ban on abortions after six weeks.  A week later, the IndyStar reported that, just three days after the Dobbs decision was handed down, Caitlin Bernard, an abortionist in Indiana received a call from an Ohio child abuse doctor saying she had a 10-year-old patient who was exactly six weeks and three days pregnant.  And that's the whole story:  Bernard, in Indiana, performed an abortion on a 10-year-old child who was, quite coincidentally, exactly six weeks and three days pregnant.  The story went viral but, by July 5, Megan Fox noticed a few problems.  Nobody had bothered to do a deep dive into the facts, most notably the fact that, seemingly, no one had reported the rape.  Democrats, instead, immediately used the story as a political cudgel.  Bernard, it turns out, is a political activist who has a knack for getting her name in the leftist media. [...] Yikes!  The narrative was working against the pro-abortion crowd.  And then, miraculously, the news came through: 27-year-old Gerson Fuentes had been arrested for the child's rape.  But here's what's funny about that report:  Fuentes was arrested on July 12.  The child was impregnated on May 10, 2022, a date we know precisely because she was six weeks and three days pregnant when Dobbs issued.

Indiana AG says office is probing doctor over whether she reported the rape of 10-year-old Ohio girl.  Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita said Wednesday that his office is investigating abortion provider Dr. Caitlin Bernard, who told the Indianapolis Star earlier this month that she treated a 10-year-old girl in Indiana because the child was unable to receive an abortion in Ohio.  "We're gathering the information, we're gathering the evidence as we speak, and we're going to fight this to the end, including looking at her licensure, if she failed to report in Indiana.  It's a crime to not report."  Rokita told Fox News.  Earlier this week, police arrested Gershon Fuentes, 27, in Columbus, Ohio, on charges of rape.  He had confessed through an interpreter to raping the girl at least twice, according to a local outlet.  He is currently being held in county jail on a $2 million bail — he is believed to be an illegal immigrant.

Mother of 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Claims 'Everything is a Lie' About Ohio Abortion Story.  It was a news story that burst onto the national headlines shortly after the Supreme Court issued its decision that Roe v. Wade was unconstitutional and abortion is an issue to be handled by the states.  The details were disturbing:  A 10-year-old girl in Indiana was allegedly raped and impregnated, and thus, was referred to Ohio for an abortion to terminate the pregnancy.  The mother now says that "everything is a lie" about the headline-grabbing story.  She was interviewed behind a door by Telemundo following the father's confession for the crime.  MRC Latino shared the footage.

Illegal Alien Gets $15K Bail After Allegedly Plotting July 4th Mass Shooting with Another Illegal Alien.  One of the two illegal aliens accused of plotting a mass shooting on the Fourth of July in Richmond, Virginia, has been given a mere $15,000 bail.  As Breitbart News reported, Guatemalan nationals 52-year-old illegal alien Julio Alvardo Dubon and 38-year-old illegal alien Rolman Balacarcel Ac were arrested by the Richmond Police Department for allegedly plotting a mass shooting at the city's annual July 4th celebration.

The biggest story the media don't want to tell you about.  Illegal invaders planned a July 4 terror attack with assault weapons.  Why isn't this big news?  Why aren't the nation's socialist media all over a potential mass shooting with "assault weapons" like the attack in Highland Park on July 4?  Richmond police chief Gerald Smith revealed in a news conference Wednesday that two "non-U.S. citizens" were planning a mass shooting at a Fourth of July celebration in Richmond.  The attack was thwarted on July 1 when Richmond police received a tip from a citizen.  The police chief stated that a heroic citizen overheard the planning for the attack, which was to take place at the Dogwood Dell Amphitheater during the annual Independence Day celebration, in a phone conversation.  A call to the Richmond Police Department on Friday led to the eventual arrest of two Guatemalan men in the country illegally.  Roommates Julio Alvarado-Dubon, 52, and Rolman Alberto Balacarcel, 38, were arrested separately, and each was charged with being non-US citizens in possession of a firearm, officials said.

Men Arrested in July 4 Mass Shooting Plot Are Illegal Immigrants.  The two men arrested for allegedly planning to attack a July 4 celebration in Virginia are both in the United States illegally, with one having been deported twice, according to U.S. officials and court documents.  Julio Alvarado-Dubon, 52, was arrested on July 1 for allegedly plotting the mass shooting with Rolman Balacarcel, 38, who was arrested on July 5.  Both were charged with being non-U.S. citizens in possession of firearms.  Initial documents filed in General District Court in Richmond say the men are in the U.S. illegally.  The documents say Alvarado-Dubon has an expired visa.  Both men are Guatemalan nationals, an official with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed to The Epoch Times in an email.

Two Foreign Nationals Arrested for July 4th Mass Shooting Plot in Virginia.  Two foreign nationals, either on nonimmigrant visas or illegal aliens, were arrested for allegedly plotting a mass shooting at Richmond, Virginia's, Fourth of July celebration.  On Wednesday, Richmond Police Chief Gerald Smith announced the arrests of 52-year-old Julio Alvardo Dubon and 38-year-old Rolman A. Balacarcel — the two foreign nationals behind an alleged plot to carry out a mass shooting on July 4th.  "Their intent was to conduct a mass shooting at our Fourth of July celebration," Smith said.  According to Smith, a "hero citizen" called the Richmond Police Department on July 1 to report that he had overheard a man discussing a plan to "shoot up" the city's Fourth of July celebration.  That is when police raided Dubon's residence to find two rifles, a handgun, and 223 rounds of ammunition.  Dubon was subsequently charged with being in possession of a firearm as an alien to the United States.

Of course Biden's policies are to blame for this migrant tragedy.  "These deaths are on Biden.  They are a result of his deadly open border policies."  That's what Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tweeted Monday [6/27/2022] upon learning of a truck full of dead illegal immigrants being smuggled through San Antonio.  Was he right?  There's certainly plenty of blame to go around.  The smugglers bear the most direct responsibility for the tragedy.  They fleece the migrants (derided as "chickens"), shoot competitors, rape little girls — truly the scum of the earth.

Ten Years Later:  Over 53K Illegal Aliens Given DACA Despite Arrest Records Including for Murder, Rape, Kidnapping.  Ten years ago, in 2012, former President Barack Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program via executive order that has allowed nearly 800,000 illegal aliens to evade arrest and deportation.  Standards for the Obama program were set so low that tens of thousands of illegal aliens with prior arrest records for crimes like murder, rape, and kidnapping were able to secure DACA status.  In 2018, then-President Trump's administration released comprehensive data on DACA, previously hidden by the Obama administration, that revealed the extent to which the program had successfully helped shield criminal illegal aliens from arrest and deportation by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

Illegal Alien Arrested, Charged with Killing 21-Year-Old Tyler Ray Baysden.  An illegal alien is accused of killing 21-year-old Tyler Ray Baysden in a hit-and-run crash in Polk County, Florida, this month.  Edy Juarez Granados, a 46-year-old illegal alien, was arrested and charged last week with leaving the scene of a crash involving death, leaving the scene of a crash involving injury, leaving the scene of a crash involving property damage, and driving without a valid license. [...] The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has placed a detainer on Granados so that if he is released from local custody at any time, he will be turned over to agents for arrest and deportation.

Man whose wife was murdered by illegal immigrant slams sanctuary laws:  Magnet for migrants who don't want to work.  A man whose wife was allegedly murdered in New Mexico about three years ago by an illegal alien is understandably taking a dim view of sanctuary cities that are non-compliant with federal immigration law and thus become a magnet for criminals.  In November 2019, Albuquerque resident Jacqueline Vigil was tragically shot and killed while sitting in her car in her own driveway as she was on the way to the gym.  Vigil, then 55, was the mother of two state police officers.  [Video clip]

Illegal immigrant acquitted in Kate Steinle's 2015 shooting death gets time served for federal weapons charges.  Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate, an illegal immigrant who was acquitted of murder in the 2015 shooting death of Kate Steinle, was sentenced to the seven years he has already spent behind bars on Monday after pleading guilty to federal weapons charges earlier this year.  The 51-year-old Mexican national will now be transported to Texas to face charges for failing to report his location to immigration officials in a separate case.  Kathryn "Kate" Steinle, 32, was walking with her father and a family friend on a San Francisco pier in July 2015 when she was struck in the back by a bullet and killed.  Garcia-Zarate, who had been deported from the U.S. five times, acknowledged holding the gun that killed Steinle but said it accidentally fired when he picked it up from underneath a bench.  The gun had been stolen from a Bureau of Land Management ranger's car about a week before the shooting.

Former Delta Force Operators Say America Could 'Annihilate' The Drug Cartels If We Wanted To.  It sounds like America absolutely has the means to destroy the world's worst drug cartels.  During my interview with Bob Keller, Nate Dudley and Brian Gilligan, I asked whether or not America has the means to decapitate the cartels.  While they made it clear we do, there might be an easier solution.  "You could just build a wall and have good border security.  That's the least efficient way [my suggestion] to tackle the fentanyl problem.  The easiest way is to build a wall, beef up border security — I don't know — throw the national guard down there and stop it from coming over," Dudley responded when talking about my question.

Taco trucks [were] used as part of South Carolina drug trafficking operation.  Alleged drug traffickers in South Carolina used taco trucks to transport pounds of meth, cocaine and heroin, state prosecutors said Wednesday [5/18/2022]. The trucks run by Mexican restaurant Los Primos were used as a regional hub for a major drug-dealing operation connected to Mexican cartels, according to the South Carolina Attorney General's Office.

The Silent Invasion and War at Home.  It has been chilling to watch the steady number of deaths, the territory invaded, the executions and rapes, the fear and the flight.  It is especially shocking because we had peace for so long, but now we see all the possibilities of evil coming out.  I'm not talking about Ukraine — I'm speaking of an invasion right here in the United States.  Migrants, mostly Hispanic, are entering the U.S. at the rate of at least 2 million per year — or 20 million in the next decade — and with them come hundreds of thousands of violent gang members.  Meanwhile, our own inner-city gangs are spreading out into affluent suburban areas, invading high-end shopping areas and stealing from stores and individuals, often at gunpoint and with deadly consequences.  I am not being alarmist or racist.  I am simply describing what is happening and pointing out the future state of affairs if we do nothing.  If anything, my numbers are low, and my words cannot describe the horror of what is happening.

Our Immigration System Isn't Broken, Democrats Are.  Our immigration system worked just fine (not perfectly, mind you, but fine) until a few years ago.  What happened then?  Democrats decided to stop deportations in any real way.  Yes, Democrats had already screwed it up by introducing the concept of birthright citizenship — meaning anyone born here to illegal aliens was given citizenship, a concept so incredibly stupid it's only been adopted by third world hell-holes and the United States, thanks to Democrats.  But the stopping of deportations made things exponentially worse.  Sanctuary cities and states made it clear to would-be illegal aliens that the thousands of dollars they were thinking about dropping on the drug cartels to smuggle them or their children several thousand miles would not be in vain.  The odds of them being returned to wherever they're from if they made it to, say, California were slim to none, even if they committed heinous crimes, because California changed its laws to protect non-citizens over citizens.  Kill a citizen and you might face deportation after a prison sentence, but rob a liquor store or drive drunk repeatedly, abuse a child or spouse?  Meh, the chances the state bothers to call federal immigration authorities increases only slightly, but still don't register in any real way.

MS-13 Gang Members Cross Southern Border.  MS-13 gang members have continued to flood into the country under President Biden's open border policy with many creating new homes in New York.  One America's Caitlin Sinclair spoke to congressional candidate George Santos about the situation.  [Video clip]

Suspect in slaughter of Queens mom was in the US illegally, reports say.  According to a report by the New York Post, 44-year-old David Bonola, a Mexican national who stabbed Orsolya Gaal of Queens nearly 60 times in an apparent lover's dispute that turned deadly, was "in violation of immigration law" when he was arrested for the grisly slaying.  In its own reporting on the suspect, Fox News Digital reported that "two law enforcement sources with knowledge of the matter" told the outlet that "Bonola was in the country in violation of immigration law.  Details of whether he entered the U.S. legally were not immediately available."  Bonola first moved to the United States 21 years ago, according to police officials.

Suspected killer David Bonola was in country illegally at time of Orsolya Gaal slay: sources.  The handyman accused of killing Queens mom Orsolya Gaal was living here illegally, The [New York] Post has learned.  David Bonola, a 44-year-old Mexican national, entered the US from Mexico about 21 years ago, according to the NYPD — and law-enforcement sources revealed Friday that he was living in New York in violation of immigration law when busted Wednesday for Gaal's horrific slaying.  "One more person that ought not to be here in the first place committing a crime," City Councilman Joe Borelli (R-SI) seethed to The Post.  The NYPD, asked about Bonola's immigration status Friday, declined comment, saying it had no information.  It wasn't immediately clear if Bonola had originally entered the country legally or ever had any type of lawful status in the US.  [Video clip]

The deadly cost of illegal aliens in America.  Aside from being potential Democrat voters, illegal aliens offer little to America.  We're constantly told they do the jobs Americans won't do, but that's just ex post facto rationalization.  Either Americans will do the jobs if illegal aliens won't or Congress will be pushed to change quotas for those who can enter legally.  So that's not a benefit.  The illegal aliens whose biggest criminal activity is breaking and entering into America create slums, drive down wages, destroy schools, suck up welfare, and bring new and ugly diseases into America.  They are expensive and destructive.  Meanwhile, the professional criminal element floods America with deadly drugs, engages in sex-trafficking, rapes women and children, and kills people through drunk driving and out-and-out murder.  And all of them destroy the property and livelihoods of those people unlucky enough to live along the border while Biden is destroying that border.  There is no benefit to Americans from illegal immigration.  (Planned, legal immigration is a different story.)  For the illegal aliens, the calculation is entirely different.  Once they make it into America, they get care packages, welfare, phones, free transportation, free education for their children, and health benefits, as well as being hooked into job networks for illegal aliens.

Illegal Immigrants From Mexican Drug Cartel Nabbed With 20K Fentanyl Pills Near Detroit.  Police in Sterling Heights, Mich., arrested two illegal immigrants from Mexico who claimed they were running fentanyl for a Mexican drug cartel.  The police attempted to pull a BMW over with illegally tinted windows near 14 Mile Road when the driver sped off.  The brief chase ended when the car went down a dead-end road. [...] The male driver and female passenger are both illegal immigrants from Mexico.  The BMW was inspected by police, who found secret compartments containing 20,000 fentanyl pills disguised as Oxycontin, as well as 500 grams of powdered fentanyl.  "Both suspects admitted they were in the United States illegally and that they were transporting narcotics for a drug cartel," Sterling Heights Police Lt. Mario Bastianelli stated.

Five Sexual Predators Arrested in West Texas Border Sector in One Week.  Border Patrol agents along the southwest border with Mexico continue to stop dangerous previously deported criminal aliens from making their way back into the U.S. In the past week alone, Del Rio Sector agents arrested five such criminal aliens with previous convictions for sex crimes.  Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Jason D. Owens tweeted this week about the arrest of a previously convicted sex offender.  The Mexican national attempted to hide in a group of 15 migrants who illegally crossed the border on April 5. The man identified by CBP officials as Honorio Santa Maria-Vasquez has a 2009 conviction from a court in Indiana for sexual misconduct with a minor.

Officials Assail Biden Inaction: 'Mexican Cartels Basically Control Our Border Now'.  As the fentanyl crisis ravages the country, elected officials and former border protection and drug enforcement officers are calling on the Biden administration to take action to secure the U.S.-Mexico border.  "If you look at the age group of people between 18 and 45 over the past year, the leading cause of death is not COVID.  It's not cancer.  It's not car wrecks.  It's not guns.  The leading cause of death with that age group is fentanyl, and it is devastating," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said during a panel discussion hosted by The Heritage Foundation on Thursday [3/10/2022].

Professional South American burglary gang is filmed emptying luxury California homes.  Gangs of South American 'crime tourists' are being blamed for at least two home burglaries in California this week — as well as similar raids across the country in recent months, including sprees in Indiana, Texas, New York, Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina.  The criminals target wealthy neighborhoods in places with lax criminal justice laws to conduct their home burglaries, before returning home with the loot while out on bail, according to police.  The San Francisco suburb of Hillsborough is just the latest community plagued by similar schemes, with previous groups hailing from Chile, Colombia and elsewhere in South America.

Illegal Immigrant Murders 4 in Jurisdiction of Sheriff Sued for Reporting Alien Criminals to ICE.  Months after a California sheriff got sued for reporting undocumented criminals to federal authorities, an illegal immigrant with a criminal history murdered four people in the veteran law enforcement official's jurisdiction just days after being released from jail.  The brutal crimes occurred in Sacramento, California where Sheriff Scott Jones was recently sued by a leftist civil rights group for transferring illegal alien offenders to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for removal rather than release them back into the community under state sanctuary laws known as the TRUTH Act and the California Values Act.  The first one, which went into effect in 2017, requires that local police give criminals in the U.S. illegally a written notice of their transfer to ICE.  The second, which was enacted a year later, forbids all California law enforcement agencies from using funds or employees to "investigate, interrogate, detain or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes." The measure is also known as SB 54.

Gunman who killed 3 daughters in church was in U.S. illegally.  The gunman who killed his three daughters, a chaperone who was supervising his visit with the children and himself in a Northern California church this week was in the United States illegally, immigration officials said Friday [3/4/2022].  David Mora, 39, overstayed his visa after entering California from his native Mexico on Dec. 17, 2018, on a non-immigrant visitor visa, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Alethea Smock told The Associated Press.

Illegal immigrant slapped with 4 life sentences for brutal murders.  In a deal to avoid facing the death penalty, a Salvadoran serial killer who was in the US illegally was slapped with consecutive life sentences after he admitted to four Nevada murders.  Ernesto Martinez-Guzman, 23, worked as a landscaper for all four victims before he shot them during a deadly robbery spree in January 2019 — but prosecutors said his crimes weren't motivated by a need for money.  He copped a plea, tying himself to the murders.

Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Members, Freed into U.S., Stabbed Boy to Death.  Four MS-13 Gang members, at least two of whom are illegal aliens, have been sentenced for the murder of a teenage boy in Lynn, Massachusetts.  Illegal aliens Jonathan Tercero Yanes and Henri Salvador Gutierrez, both from El Salvador, were sentenced this week in federal court with their fellow MS-13 Gang members Erick Lopez Flores and Djavier Duggins for murdering a teenage boy.

Advocate for illegal-immigrant crime victims:  DHS secretary 'psychopath'.  Until Nov. 16, 2010, Los Angeles entertainment executive Don Rosenberg considered himself a lifelong liberal and supporter of the Democratic Party.  But the minute he picked up the ringing phone, his life changed forever.  The caller was from San Francisco General Hospital.  She told him that his 25-year-old son, Drew, a second-year student at Golden Gate School of Law, had been mowed down on his motorcycle by a car that, Rosenberg would later learn, was driven by an illegal immigrant without a license.  The man, Roberto Galo, from Honduras, hit Drew, who was thrown from his motorcycle.  Galo reportedly drove forward, rolling over Drew's body, and then backed over him as well.  A bystander had to force Galo to stop his car, which, at that point rested on Drew's abdomen. [...] In the end, Galo served only 43 days in jail in 2012, on charges of vehicular manslaughter and driving without a license.

Man who considered sex trafficking 'family business' given 25 years in prison.  A convicted sex trafficker who considering pimping a "family business" and forced women to have sex with dozens of men a day was given 25 years in prison Thursday during a dramatic sentencing hearing at Brooklyn federal court.  Francisco Melendez-Perez, 27, and five of his family members ran a Mexican sex trafficking ring for at least a decade where they'd convince women and young girls to come with them to the United States for a better life and then force them into prostitution.

Illegal immigrant who allegedly drew swastikas in DC Union Station won't be deported:  ICE.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said it will not seek to deport an illegal immigrant who allegedly drew swastikas in Washington D.C.'s Union Station and who has previously been deported four times — with the agency citing the capital's "sanctuary city" policies.  Geraldo Pando, a Mexican national, was arrested last month for vandalism and is accused of having drawn the Nazi symbols a day after International Holocaust Remembrance Day.  The incident is being investigated as a possible "hate crime."  In a statement, an ICE spokesperson told Fox News Digital that Pando entered the U.S. illegally as a minor in 1990.  He was arrested for the first time in 2006 in Colorado and was deported in 2006, 2007, 2014 and 2017.

ICE blames DC for preventing arrest of Union Station vandal deported four times.  The federal immigration agency responsible for arresting and deporting illegal immigrants blamed the policies of Washington, D.C., for not allowing it to detain a Mexican man who vandalized a local building with pro-Nazi drawings despite his extensive criminal history.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement told the Washington Examiner this week that it did not make an attempt to take custody of Geraldo Pando after he was arrested by local police for defacing the outside of Union Station with swastikas.  Pando has a 15-year criminal history and has been deported four times, ICE wrote in an email.

Illegal immigrants love Biden's soft-on-crime policies.  What exactly does an illegal immigrant have to do to get deported by President Joe Biden?  Because apparently, vandalizing Union Station in Washington, D.C., with swastikas isn't enough.  Last month, swastikas were drawn near entrances to Union Station, just blocks away from the U.S. Capitol.  The usual suspects instantly blamed former President Donald Trump for creating an environment in which white supremacists feel free to intimidate minorities.  As usual, that wasn't it.  Surveillance cameras helped nab the real culprit — Geraldo Pando, a 34-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico with a 35-page criminal history.  He had been arrested just weeks earlier by the Capitol Police for vandalizing the agency's headquarters.

Suspect charged in Texas corporal's shooting death entered US illegally:  ICE.  The suspect charged with capital murder in the shooting death of a Texas corporal during a Houston traffic stop last weekend is a citizen of El Salvador and previously entered the U.S. illegally, ICE confirmed Thursday [1/27/2022].  Jose Oscar Rosales, a 50-year-old citizen of El Salvador, was arrested Wednesday in Ciudad de Acuña, Mexico, for the killing of Harris County Corporal Charles Galloway.  "Rosales previously illegally entered the U.S. on an unknown date and at unknown location without inspection or parole by U.S. immigration officials and later fled to Mexico after allegedly murdering a Harris County (Texas) Constables Office deputy," an ICE spokesperson confirmed to Fox News.

3 arrested in scheme to steal thousands of undelivered Amazon packages.  Three people ran a scheme to steal thousands of undelivered Amazon packages but were busted by cops after they dumped hundreds of boxes in Oklahoma, authorities said.  One man accused in what the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office called a "massive Amazon theft ring" was apparently a third-party delivery driver for the company who may have loaded extra pallets on a truck, cops said. [...] Deputies identified the perpetrators as Cesar Yasnier Cerqueira Rojas, an undocumented Cuban immigrant, who drove a delivery truck owned by Dinneris Matos Delgado.  Police also arrested Maikel Perez Laurencio, 38, who they said was also a third-party driver and undocumented immigrant from Cuba.

Marijuana wars:  Violent Mexican drug cartels turn Northern California into 'The Wild West'.  Mexican drug cartels are muscling in on America's burgeoning multi-billion-dollar marijuana industry, illegally growing large crops in the hills and valleys of Northern California.  The state legalized marijuana in 2016 for adult recreational use, yet the black market continues to thrive with thousands of illegal grows.  Criminal syndicates, in turn, are cashing in across the U.S. on the "green gold rush."  They're undercutting prices of legalized products offered by permitted farmers who follow the rules and pay taxes.

Sex offenders, gangs and smugglers: criminal element surges along southern border.  U.S. Border Patrol agents continue to apprehend sex offenders, criminals, and gang members along the southern border, with one apprehension turning deadly after a human smuggler crashed into a local resident's car and killed a mother and daughter in Mission, Texas.  Border patrol agents have apprehended nearly 2 million people who've entered the U.S. illegally since the Biden administration began its open border policy, reversing existing policies and ignoring immigration laws passed by Congress.  Despite an increased workload and staff shortages, agents still manage to arrest gang members, convicted sex offenders and other criminals attempting to enter the U.S. illegally.  Over the weekend, agents in Laredo apprehended a Mexican national and MS-13 gang member with a criminal history.  He was referred for federal prosecution for violating federal immigration law and remanded to U.S. Marshals Service custody.

Alleged serial rapist facing 14 counts.  A man being described as a serial rapist has been charged with 14 counts, including attempted murder, the Riverside County District Attorney's Office announced Friday [12/10/2021].  Jose Manuel Garcia, 36, was charged with physically and/or sexually assaulting six women in the Coachella Valley area from September 2020 to August 2021, officials said.  Three victims were allegedly strangled to unconsciousness and in two incidents, the victims were struck by Garcia's pickup. [...] Garcia apparently may have known some of the victims, but others he allegedly randomly approached in places where they were alone. [...] Garcia is a Mexican national, but was living in Coachella.

What lovely people.  I can't wait til they get here.
Thousands of migrants traveling through Mexico clash with police.  Thousands of migrants clashed with Mexican police Sunday as they approached Mexico City on their northward trek through the Central American country.  Approximately 550 police officers were deployed to lead the migrants through the Mexican capital, government officials told BBC News.  The migrants were planning to walk to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a well-known pilgrimage site in the city.  However, police reportedly blocked the group, telling them they should spend the night at a hostel before moving on.  Authorities alleged the migrants attacked first, saying they threw stones and grabbed police shields[.]  Some migrants claimed they felt threatened after being surrounded by the riot gear-clad officers, according to BBC News.

White House's Border Policies Bring Death and Misery.  After entering the country illegally, [24-year-old Yery Noel Medina] Ulloa was taken in by [46-year-old Francisco Javier] Cuellar, and was given a job at the family business before allegedly murdering Cuellar.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement detained Ulloa on Oct. 13, days after he was found covered in blood following the alleged murder.  On the surface, Cuellar's death seemed to have been entirely preventable.  We don't know how Ulloa got from the Texas border to Florida, but we do know that the Biden administration has been flying illegal aliens to states across the country, including Florida.  State and local officials have warned the Biden administration that its anti-border policies pose a grave danger to the security of their state, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, blamed the administration's secretive flights for Cuellar's tragic death.

How Long before Mexican Cartels Set Up Their Own States in the USA?  In case the title doesn't give it away, the topic of Cartelville USA is a string of communities in the California desert that have been taken over by drug cartels.  The cartels grow marijuana in hoop houses on land that may or may not be theirs, using slave labor and stolen water.  They pack heavy weapons and gun down whoever looks too much like a rival or a threat, and they generally do as they wish.  "These drug cartels are wreaking havoc on the entire antelope valley, and nobody is talking about it," says the narrator near the beginning of the film.  "This is the cartels.  We are very, very close to driving down the freeway, and seeing bodies hanging from the overpasses.  That is what's coming."

Border Patrol Agent Dies In Line Of Duty.  Border Patrol officials say a supervisory agent from the agency's Tucson sector has died in what is being described as a "line of duty" death.  U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said this week that Anibal "Tony" A. Perez died Nov. 5.  The exact cause of death was withheld for privacy reasons.

Gov Ron DeSantis says Biden has blood on his hands because man charged with murder in Florida came in on one of president's 'clandestine' migrant relocation flights.  The governor of Florida has accused Joe Biden of having blood on his hands for flying undocumented migrants to his state after one them lied to stay in the country and then murdered a man in Jacksonville.  Yery Noel Medina Ulloa, 24, told immigration officials that he was 17.  As a result, he was allowed to stay in the country.  On October 7 he was arrested in Jacksonville, having arrived in Florida around two months earlier, and charged with the murder of 46-year-old Francisco Javier Cuellar, with whom he lived.  Ulloa called Cuellar his uncle, although it is unclear if they were biologically related.  It was also unclear how Ulloa got to Florida, but Ron DeSantis, the governor, has suggested that Ulloa was brought to the state on a controversial migrant flight, sending immigrants away from the border and inland into the country.

You young people don't remember Willie Horton, do you?
Governor DeSantis:  Illegal Alien Who Allegedly Murdered Father-Of-Four 'Was On One Of Biden's Flights'.  Florida Governor Ron DeSantis asserted on Monday night that an illegal alien accused of murdering a father-of-four in his state was flown into the state on a flight facilitated by President Joe Biden's administration.  "So these are flights that are coming in two or three in the morning," DeSantis told Fox News host Tucker Carlson.  "The feds, of course control the airspace and they're there on the ground.  They take these folks and then they send them in other parts of Florida by bus or other parts of the southeast."  "And that individual, who was murdered, was, in fact, murdered by an illegal alien who was on one of Biden's flights, these these midnight flights, unannounced, no notice, no support for the state, no ability for us to veto it ahead of time," DeSantis said.  "And if Biden had not been doing that, if he'd been doing his job, that individual be alive today."

More than a quarter of migrants arrested at border are repeat offenders, CBP says.  Federal law enforcement officers arrested more than 17,300 migrants with past convictions of other crimes attempting to cross the border illegally last fiscal year.  That's up from 9,447 in fiscal 2020.  The federal government's fiscal year runs from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30.  An additional 8,979 in fiscal 2021 were of migrants with outstanding arrest warrants against them from other law enforcement agencies.  Those migrants have been convicted of crimes including assault, battery, domestic violence, burglary, robbery, larceny, theft, fraud, driving under the influence, homicide, manslaughter, illegal drug possession and trafficking, illegal reentry, illegal weapons possession and transport and sex offenses, among others.  Of the total apprehensions, 27% were repeat offenders previously caught in the same fiscal year.  In fiscal 2021, Border Patrol agents arrested 10,763 criminal migrants, of which 1,904 had outstanding warrants.

Border Patrol detains two convicted child sex offenders at Mexican border.  As the Biden border crisis grinds on, stories of illegal aliens pouring into the country from Mexico are about as common as leaves falling from the trees at this time of year.  But not all of these "migrants" are simply part of the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.  Some of them are hardened criminals and repeat offenders, including some of the most irksome criminals we come across.  That was the case last week when Customs and Border Patrol managed to intercept two criminal illegal aliens in the space of one hour attempting to make their way into the country across the Mexican border in the Rio Grande Valley.  Both of the men were identified as convicted sex offenders who had previously preyed upon children.

Illegal Alien Entered U.S. Pretending To Be Unaccompanied Minor, Murdered Man Who Took Him In, Police Say.  An illegal alien from Honduras who reportedly entered the U.S. earlier this year pretending to be an unaccompanied minor went on to brutally murder a man in Florida who took him in, according to law enforcement.  Yery Noel Medina Ulloa, who recently turned 24, "was busted Oct. 7 in Jacksonville when he was found covered in blood after allegedly killing Francisco Javier Cuellar, 46, a father of four who had taken in the immigrant who told authorities he was 17," The New York Post reported.  "Ulloa, who turned 24 on Friday, had duped border authorities in Texas several months earlier by claiming he was a teenager named Reynel Alexander Hernandez — and even told his mom about the ruse."

Illegal Alien Arrested after Killing Two BYU Students in Orem, Utah.  An illegal alien was arrested on Wednesday [10/20/2021] after killing two BYU students in a crash in Orem, Utah.  Ceasar Castellon-Flores killed killed Hailee York, 21, of Lehi, and Ashlyn Hanzon, 21, of Pearland, Texas when he flew through an intersection on Friday.  Cstellon-Flores does not have a license and was in the country illegally.

Corrupt Media Censor News of Illegal Who Raped Woman on Philly Train.  News broke last weekend of a disturbing crime that occurred on a train in Philadelphia in which several passengers allegedly stood by and did nothing to help a fellow passenger while she was being raped.  It also turned out that the alleged attacker, Fiston Ngoy, is an illegal immigrant who was released in 2019 by an immigration judge without deportation in spite of a history of serious offenses.  While most liberal news sources have ignored the story, CNN has reported the story a couple of times this week — mostly recently on Friday — but without mentioning the illegal immigration angle, while several Fox News Channel shows have fully covered the story.

The rape of America's borders.  At least 10 bystanders on a Philadelphia train sat and did nothing while a Congolese illegal immigrant named Fiston Ngoy raped a woman last Wednesday night.  An off-duty employee of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority who witnessed the assault eventually called 911.  Police arrived, but not until Ngoy's victim had been violently assaulted for six minutes.  This was not Ngoy's first offense, nor his first arrest for a sexual crime.  He first entered the United States legally in 2012 on a student visa, but it was rescinded in 2015 when he stopped attending school.  In 2017, he was convicted of misdemeanor sexual abuse in Washington, D.C., and sentenced to 120 days in jail.  After this sentence, Ngoy was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which began proceedings to have him deported.  But he told an immigration judge he'd be persecuted if sent back to the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the court granted him protection.  The judge further ruled that Ngoy's sexual abuse conviction was not a "serious crime" that should end his "withholding of removal" status.

Fiston Ngoy
Man accused of raping woman on Philadelphia SEPTA train as passengers 'filmed it' is an illegal Congolese immigrant.  The man accused of raping a stranger on a metro Philadelphia train full of bystanders who cops say stood and filmed is a Congolese national present in the US illegally, according to a new report.  Fiston Ngoy, 35, was arrested and charged in the horrifying attack on Wednesday on board a Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) train near the suburb of Upper Darby.  Ngoy entered the US on a student visa in 2012, but remained after the visa was terminated in 2015, and was protected from deportation by the immigration system despite multiple convictions.

The Man Accused of Raping a Woman on Philadelphia Commuter Train Is an Illegal Immigrant with a Criminal Record:  Report.  One sex crime didn't result in much more than a slap on the wrist for this illegal immigrant.  And now, Fiston Ngoy, 35, is accused of raping a woman last week on a Philadelphia commuter train — as other passengers did nothing to stop it.  A report from Fox News after an investigation by "Tucker Carlson Tonight" revealed that Ngoy has been in the country illegally since 2015 when the student visa he used to enter the U.S. from the Congo was terminated.

The Editor says...
The perpetrator was known to the police and the feds.  Why was he not deported long ago?

U.S. Air Force: 5 People Onboard Flight Out Of Afghanistan 'Intended To Hijack The Aircraft'.  The U.S. Air Force revealed this week that they had received intelligence that five individuals who boarded a flight out of Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) in Kabul back in August intended to hijack the aircraft and that U.S. forces had to quickly move to stop the situation from happening.  The revelation was made in a statement released by the Air Force: [...] The statement also revealed that combat aircraft on the ground were about to be swarmed when they barely managed to take off on just "a sliver of remaining runway."

Biden Exempts Some Crimes by Illegal Immigrants as Basis for Deportation.  Federal immigration officials no longer will view unlawful entry into the country as the sole basis for detaining and deporting illegal immigrants, under a new Biden administration policy.  The policy will limit deportation to what immigraion officials call aggravated felons, such as violent gang members and others who commit violent crimes.  Critics of President Joe Biden's new policy as stated by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas note that it will allow those who commit domestic violence, drunk drivers, and others convicted of crimes to stay in America — amid an ongoing border crisis.  "This is a terrible signal to send to law enforcement officers," former acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf told The Daily Signal.  "To say [that] simply being here illegally is no longer a criteria for removal is to excuse knowingly breaking the law."

Illegal Alien from China Charged with Setting Fire to Alabama Church.  An illegal alien from China has been charged with setting fire to the more than 1oo-years-old First Baptist Church Montgomery in Montgomery, Alabama.  Xiaoquin Yan, 27-years-old, first arrived in the United States on an F-1 student visa to attend a university in Alabama.  Eventually, reports indicate that Yan overstayed her visa and became an illegal alien living in the U.S.  This week, Yan was charged with second-degree arson after being identified thanks to video footage.

Haitian migrants hijack buses, further embarrassing Biden administration.  Multiple reports say that Haitian migrants, ostensibly in federal custody, have "hijacked" several buses while being transported and forced out their drivers.  The incidents, they say, have occurred while migrants have been taken from the camp beneath the Del Rio — Ciudad Acuna International Bridge to processing centers across the region, as well as from the processing centers to local airports for deportation flights, and could cause the U.S. government's immigration enforcement operations to be halted.  A senior federal law enforcement official recently told the Washington Examiner:  "They've been basically overpowering the drivers and they've actually hijacked a couple of the buses and driven them down the road a little ways and escaped.  This happened multiple times."

Feds indict two Afghan refugees on child sex, spousal assault charges.  A federal grand jury in Wisconsin indicted two Afghan refugees Wednesday [9/22/2021], accusing them of committing crimes while they were staying at a local Army base after being taken out of Afghanistan.  Bahrullah Noori, 20, is charged with one count of attempting to engage in a sex act with a minor by force and three counts of engaging in a sex act with a minor.  One of the latter counts also alleges the use of force.  Investigators say both of Noori's alleged victims were under the age of 16.  The indictment specifically alleges that Noori [did bad things] on three separate occasions while at Fort McCoy, an Army installation located approximately 100 miles northwest of Madison.  One of the alleged assaults occurred in a barrack, while the other two took place in a bathroom.

Biden flies Haitians to Florida in the middle of the night.  Two officials speaking with the AP said that the Haitian migrants camped in the Texas border town of Del Rio have been released into the U.S., undercutting expulsion vows.  By the way, it's not expulsion.  It's deportation because they came in illegally.  Some, not many, were sent back and they were violent.  DHS confirms to Fox News that Haitian migrants on a deportation flight back to Haiti caused "two separate disruptions" on the tarmac in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  Three ICE officers were "injured and sustained non-life-threatening injuries."  Haitian crowd control police responded.

Two Afghan evacuees charged with crimes at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin.  Two Afghan evacuees were charged with crimes at Fort McCoy, an Army installation in Wisconsin , the Justice Department said Wednesday [9/22/2021].  Bahrullah Noori, 20, was charged with attempting to engage in sexual acts with a minor using force and three counts of engaging in a sexual act with a minor, with one count alleging the use of force, according to a statement.  The alleged victims were under the age of 16 and were at least four years younger than the defendant, according to the indictment.  Mohammad Haroon Imaad, a 32-year-old evacuee, is charged with assaulting his spouse by "strangling and suffocating her," the DOJ added.  The indictment alleges the assault happened on Sept. 7.

Haitian deportees BITE ICE agents and assault pilots on deportation flights back to Port-au-Prince.  Haitian immigrants deported back to the Caribbean nation have bit Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and assaulted pilots on deportation flights back to Port-au-Prince, according to new reports.  In one incident on Monday at Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas, two Haitian migrants left their seats as the plane taxied to the runway and attacked ICE agents by biting them, forcing takeoff to be delayed, according to the Washington Examiner.  Meanwhile in a another incident, three ICE officers also suffered non-life-threatening injuries during an assault on Tuesday at the Port-au-Prince airport, when a group from a plan carrying single adult men stormed another recently arrived flight carrying deported families, according to NBC News.

Biden's Incompetence Strikes Again:  Haitian Illegals Assault US Pilots and ICE Officers on Tarmac.  The border crisis continues to spiral out of control and President Joe Biden couldn't seem to care less and now people are hurt.  How long will it be before Biden's incompetence kills more Americans like the 13 U.S. service members who were killed in Afghanistan?  On Tuesday, it was reported that Haitian illegal immigrants assaulted U.S. pilots and injured three ICE agents on the tarmac in Port-au-Prince.

Child Traffickers Busted At The Mexican Border With Dozens Of Very Young Children, Most Drugged Up And Passed Out.  This is the sad situation going on at the Southern border with child traffickers and coyotes illegally smuggling dozens of children across, many of which are under heavy influence of narcotics.  The video shows adult males and a couple of women with young children passed out on and around them.  The men don't seem to be the fathers of any of them.  [Video clip]

Thousands of Americans Have Been Killed by Illegal Aliens.  [Scroll down]  Former congressman Tom Tancredo noted in 2017 how, between 2011 and 2017 in Texas, alone, there were 1,167 homicide charges against illegal aliens.  Other immigration reformers cite a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report in which they say the research reveals about 12 Americans a day are killed by illegal aliens, though the findings have been challenged by researchers.  Immigration reformers have been frustrated for decades by the federal government's lack of fully quantified data on the number of Americans killed every year by illegal aliens. [...] Nearly 95 percent of foreign nationals in federal prison are illegal aliens, while the Bureau of Prisons data has revealed that about one-in-five inmates are foreign-born.  There are close to 40,000 criminal illegal and legal immigrants incarcerated in federal prisons across the country, making up about 21 percent of the total federal prison population.  Nearly all of those inmates are from Central and South America, resulting in a cost to U.S. taxpayers of about $1.4 billion every year.

Convicted Rapist Reached The U.S. On Afghan Evacuation Flight With Potential Terrorists.  A convicted rapist, who was already deported as a "refugee" in 2016, ended up at an airport in Washington D.C. after being evacuated from Afghanistan with no documentation.  It seems that he will remain in our country due to the power of parole, special permission that is supposed to be reserved for exceptional humanitarian cases.  This is just one rapist that was discovered.  How many convicted rapists and terrorists on watchlists slipped through the gaping holes?

Convicted Rapist, Previously Deported, Brought Back to US as Afghan Refugee.  In the latest example of the complete lack of vetting in the ongoing evacuation of alleged Afghan refugees, a man who was previously deported after being convicted of rape returned to the United States on one of the last Afghan evacuation flights, the Daily Caller reports.  The criminal in question is 47-year-old Ghader Heydari, who is currently on parole as a result of his conviction.  He had boarded an Ethiopian flight that was meant to take evacuees, but was detained after arriving at Dulles International Airport in Virginia.  Although he is currently detained at the Caroline Detention Facility in Bowling Green, Virginia, his return to the country marks yet another failure in the chaotic evacuation process that appears to have little to no rules with regards to who can come to America.

Texas alone: 236,000 illegals committed more than 577,000 crimes.  Texas does what every state does and lists the criminal behavior of illegal aliens.  Look at the stats on drugs.  The data was summarized by  The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) released its latest report on the number of crimes committed by foreign nationals in Texas.  According to the report, more than 346,000 criminal aliens were booked into local jails across the Lone Star State over the past decade.  In addition, more than 236,000, or 68 percent, of those arrested aliens were classified as unlawfully present by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  These 236,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 577,000 criminal offenses throughout their criminal careers.

ICE Confirms Suspect in Slaying of MyPillow Employee is Illegal Immigrant.  Last week, 55-year-old America Mafalda Thayer was brutally beheaded in Shakopee, Minnesota by a man who has since been confirmed as an illegal immigrant from Cuba.  "Alexis Saborit-Viltres, 42, is a citizen of Cuba who is unlawfully present in the United States.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has not placed a detainer on Saborit-Viltres following his recent arrest for second-degree murder in Shakopee, Minnesota," Ice spokesperson Shawn Neudauer told Alpha News.  What may come as a shock, Saborit-Viltres was actually Thayer's longtime boyfriend of about 12 years.  The couple were allegedly on their way to his court appearance when Thayer said she wanted to end their relationship.  He allegedly admitted to killing her in response, according to the Star Tribune.

Turns Out, The Man Who Beheaded A Mother In Minnesota Was An Illegal Alien.  Alexis Saborit-Viltres, the 42-year-old man who beheaded a woman in Shakopee, Minnesota last week is an illegal alien from Cuba, Alpha News has learned.  "Alexis Saborit-Viltres, 42, is a citizen of Cuba who is unlawfully present in the United States.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has not placed a detainer on Saborit-Viltres following his recent arrest for second-degree murder in Shakopee, Minnesota," ICE spokesperson Shawn Neudauer told Alpha News Tuesday [8/3/2021].  [Video clip]

From the Saborit file: What we know so far.  This is most of what we know so far in this heartbreaking and enraging case, I think:
  •   This case presents two sides of immigration — legal and illegal.
  •   Saborit was an illegal alien from Cuba who entered the United States in Texas via Mexico.  America Thayer was a legal immigrant (also from Cuba) who changed her name to America when she became a citizen.
  •   ICE did its job — it flagged Saborit coming in when he crossed in 2007 and subsequently procured two deportation orders on him.
  •   ICE was unable to deport Saborit because Cuba wouldn't take him back.
  •   This case seems to reflect the limitations of immigration law when it is functioning as currently prescribed.
  •   Now ICE has been disabled by Biden.  It is a demoralized agency that is prevented by the administration from fulfilling its mission.
  •   Numerous Minnesota ICE officers have decamped for the IRS.

More Than 300 Illegal Immigrant Sex Offenders Arrested by ICE in Operation.  The federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said Monday [7/26/2021] that it has arrested more than 300 illegal immigrant sex offenders since last month as part of an ongoing operation.  Agents arrested 302 sex offenders since June 4 as part of the agency's Operation SOAR (Sex Offender Arrest and Removal), according to the agency.  "Our officers have prioritized the arrest of noncitizens who pose the greatest threat to the security and safety of our communities," acting ICE Director Tae Johnson said in a statement about the arrests.  Johnson said that ICE focused its resources "on those who have committed sex crimes and demonstrated predatory behavior" and reinforces "our steadfast commitment to enhancing public safety across the United States."

Ballooning number of 'gotaways' poses public safety, national security risk.  At least 270,000 migrants have sneaked into the U.S. and burrowed into communities across the country so far this fiscal year, according to the latest Border Patrol data.  Agents know them as "gotaways" who represent an acute national security risk, according to the head of the National Sheriffs' Association's border security committee.  Unlike the migrant children who often surrender to border authorities and the migrants who are caught and screened before release, gotaways sneak through the country's defenses without any look into their criminal histories.

Cartel Posts Death Threat to US Law Enforcement Near El Paso.  A cartel in Mexico has issued a death threat to U.S. law enforcement via a banner attached to an overpass in Mexico, across the border from El Paso, Texas.  The banner, written in Spanish, translates to:  "Warning:  This is for the local, state, ministries, and national guard and for the American [expletive] from immigration.  "Stop [expletive] with the smugglers or we will kill you.  The bullets cross the river and the wall, so stop [expletive] around."

Ridgefield Laborers Charged With Sexually Assaulting Minors.  ICE has issued detainers on two related Ridgefield laborers after they were jailed on charges of sexually assaulting underage victims.  Oscar Hernandez Estrada, 43, sexually abused two pre-teens while his brother-in-law, Daniel Aria Estrada, 24, "engaged in sexual conduct including sexual penetration" of a child while at their residence in Ridgefield, Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella said.  Ridgefield police fielded the complaints and notified Musella's Special Victims Unit detectives and the state Department of Child Protection and Permanency.

Illegal Alien Who Was Let Out On Bond Beheads A Man, Plays Soccer With His Head In New Mexico.  The broken criminal justice and immigration systems have apparently claimed yet another victim.  Police in Las Cruces, New Mexico report that a homeless man who is also in the country illegally, has been arrested in the brutal Father's Day slaying of a 51-year-old man, whose decapitated body was found in a local park, the New York Post reported.  [Video clip]

Border Patrol agents nab three illegal immigrants armed with stolen guns from Texas home.  Three illegal immigrants were nabbed by Border Patrol agents after the trio broke into a Texas home and stole two loaded handguns and ammunition, US Customs and Border Protection announced.  "Without hesitation, these agents responded to the ranch house and safely secured the location, the stolen weapons and the undocumented non-citizens," Big Bend Sector Chief Patrol Agent Sean L. McGoffin said in a statement on Wednesday.  "With the presence of weapons in the wrong hands, this situation could have turned violent; fortunately, our agents were able to control the encounter and bring it to a peaceful resolution," McGoffin said.  The three immigrants were taken into custody by the Hudspeth County Sheriff's Office and are expected to face theft and trespassing charges.

San Francisco sanctuary protected illegal immigrant hate crime suspect.  A man accused of mugging then spitting at a family of Filipino Americans is an illegal immigrant who was still loose on the streets of San Francisco because he was protected by that community's sanctuary city policy — four separate times.  Carlos Claros already had a lengthy rap sheet and was even on probation at the time of the April attack, but San Francisco repeatedly refused to cooperate with ICE and released him after each run-in, The Washington Times has learned.  This time he approached a family of 18 people, including children, and tried to rob them at gunpoint, Patrick Elliott told ABC7, a San Francisco television station.

542 Percent Increase in Convicted Sex Offenders Arrested at Border.  Border Patrol agents have arrested 353 illegal aliens with sex-related criminal convictions so far this fiscal year.  A large number of the detainees had prior convictions for crimes involving a minor.  In the same period in fiscal 2020, agents apprehended 55 criminal sex offenders, and 58 total in all of fiscal 2019.  The number of criminals illegally crossing the southwest border has spiked in tandem with the border crossing surge this year.  Convicted criminals are the most likely population of illegal aliens trying to avoid capture by Border Patrol.  Border Patrol has detected more than 250,000 illegal aliens who have evaded capture so far this year, according to the newly-appointed Acting Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz on June 24.  It's impossible to estimate how many have evaded Border Patrol without detection.

Another Brutal Murder, and Silence from the White House.  Early on June 17, Elsa Mikeska was shot and killed outside a Houston gym.  The 62-year-old grandmother had just pulled into the gym parking lot when two men in an older Chevy Suburban got out, apparently demanding money, and then shot her dead as she fled toward the gym entrance.  At this point, one of those responsible, a 16-year-old now charged with capital murder, has been apprehended, while two others remain at large.  It appears that the same persons who killed Mikeska may have attempted a carjacking an hour earlier and that same night shot through the window of a nearby home — into the bedroom of a 16-year-old girl.  It goes without saying that Mikeska's killers must be caught and punished.  But these killers, described by police as young Hispanic men, are just two or three out of a brutal underclass that threatens the conduct of everyday life everywhere in America.

At Least 14 Killed in String of Shootings Near US-Mexico Border.  Gunmen in vehicles opened fire in the Mexican city of Reynosa on the U.S. border, killing at least 14 people and causing widespread panic, authorities said.  Security forces killed four suspects, including one who died near a border bridge.  The attacks began Saturday afternoon [6/19/2021] in several neighborhoods in eastern Reynosa, which borders the Texan city of McAllen, according to the Tamaulipas state agency that coordinates security forces.

ICE most wanted
Illegal Aliens Who Killed Americans Removed from DHS 'Most Wanted' List.  Six illegal aliens accused of killing Americans have been removed from the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) "Most Wanted" list.  This week, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced that ICE's Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) office, which served Angel Families in navigating their cases, would be disbanded in order to create the Victims Engagement and Services Line (VESL) which will expand to include providing benefits to illegal aliens who claim to be crime victims.  Following the announcement, as the Center for Immigration Studies' Jon Feere first noted, top DHS officials removed six criminal illegal aliens accused of killing American citizens from ICE's Most Wanted list — that is illegal alien fugitives who have yet to be captured by the agents.

Biden Administration Erases ICE's 'Most Wanted' List for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime.  The Biden administration has removed from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) "Most Wanted" webpage six criminal aliens associated with victims who had reached out to ICE for help.  This follows the administration's decision to shutter the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) office, which existed to assist people victimized by criminal aliens.  One of the aliens, Edwin Mejia, is suspected in the killing of Sarah Root.  Her mother, Michelle Root, is testifying before Congress today.  With this change, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has explicitly declared that the arrest of Mejia and the others is not a priority.  The Biden administration has made it clear that the interests of American citizens take a back seat to the interests of criminal illegal aliens.

DHS cancels Trump's office for victims of illegal-immigrant crimes.  President Trump gave an unprecedented voice to victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, creating an office in ICE to highlight their plight.  The Biden administration on Friday [6/11/2021] announced a new policy to expand the office's purview in a way that victims say drowns out their voice.  What Mr. Trump dubbed the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement Office (VOICE) is now being changed to the Victims Engagement and Services Line, and it will handle calls from anyone who claims to be a victim, no matter what their immigration status or the status of the perpetrator.

Alleged Gang Member Who Killed 15-Year-Old Girl With Screwdriver Caught 12 Years Later in Mexico.  Vidal Rodriguez-Alvarez was indicted on a first-degree intentional homicide charge in 2008 and had been wanted for the past 12 years until he was located last month in Mexico by U.S. Marshals.  The 32-year-old alleged gang member killed a 15-year-old female when he threw a screwdriver into the open window of a rival group's car after a dispute outside of a Wisconsin high school.  Fox News reports "Rodriguez-Alvarez was a 19-year-old member of the 'Mexican Posse' street gang when he allegedly murdered 15-year-old Liliana Razo following a confrontation that began outside South Division High School, according to a criminal complaint."  Razo was in the passenger seat of a car whose driver was an admitted member of the rival C-14 gang.

Texas Counties Start Charging Illegal Aliens With Child Endangerment, Trespass.  The tens of thousands of illegal aliens that evade Border Patrol every month — hoping to slip undetected to large cities up north — are now being confronted by sheriffs who are starting to charge them for trespassing, evading arrest on foot, and endangering the life or health of a child.  Seeing no solutions to the border crisis from the federal government, some counties are looking at all possible means to rein in the high-speed vehicle pursuits, trespassing, break-ins, vehicle thefts, and other crimes that are increasing in their communities.

California Democrat Rep. Says She Sleeps With Gun Next to Bed After Death Threats.  A Democratic U.S. House member from California said she now sleeps with a gun next to her bed after receiving death threats following comments she made that were critical of the governments of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.  Rep. Norma Torres (D-Calif.), who was born in Guatemala and came to the United States as a child, says people have staked out her house after she lambasted the three Central American countries' governments for official corruption and not doing enough to help their citizens.  Speaking to the Los Angeles Times last week, the California lawmaker said El Salvador President Nayib Bukele created a campaign to flood her district with calls and harass her staffers.  Her social media pages may have also been targeted, with supporters of Bukele allegedly sending her hateful images, negative messages, and death threats, Torres said, adding that she now sleeps with a gun nearby.

Illegal Immigrant Found Guilty Of First Degree Murder In Death Of Mollie Tibbetts.  Cristhian Bahena Rivera was convicted of first-degree murder on Friday in the 2018 death of Mollie Tibbetts.  Rivera stabbed Tibbetts, a student at the University of Iowa, to death while she was jogging and then buried her body, prosecutors alleged.  The case received significant media attention because Rivera is an illegal immigrant from Mexico.  Many public officials, including then-President Donald Trump, weighed in when Rivera was first charged.  Prosecutors alleged that Rivera circled Tibbetts, and then attacked her when she threatened to call the police on him.  They later linked a car filmed on surveillance video to Rivera.

DHS eyes deleting gang questions from green card application.  Homeland Security is moving to cut questions about gang affiliation from the application migrants file to get green cards, in a change that one former employee says could mean dangerous criminals will have an easier time getting through the process.  Rob Law, a former chief of policy and strategy at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, revealed the planned changes Thursday, saying it appears to be part of the Biden team's attempt at erasing the get-tough approach of the previous administration.  "The biggest beneficiaries of that 'compassion' are apparently the most violent and dangerous aliens in the country," said Mr. Law, who is now at the Center for Immigration Studies.

Biden Administration Undermines Public Safety by Ending Bristol County, Mass., 287(g) Program.  The Biden administration seems to be upset that the successful 287(g) program in Bristol County, Mass., has resulted in the identification of illegal aliens arrested for child rape, assault, strangulation, arson, attempted murder, armed carjacking, breaking and entering, and identity theft, and they plan to put an end to this public safety program immediately, no matter the cost to public safety.  This is consistent with the administration's enforcement priorities and would ensure that countless criminal aliens are released into our communities.  The 287(g) program, created by Congress decades back, allows local law enforcement to enter into cooperative agreements with federal immigration authorities to assist with the identification and processing of removable aliens arrested for violations of criminal law.  Local law enforcement that partners with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) receives weeks of training on how to identify removable aliens that they encounter during their routine enforcement of state and local criminal law.  It's a common sense program considering that local law enforcement, not ICE, is often the first to encounter criminal aliens.

More Fentanyl Seized At The Border So Far This Year Than All Of 2020.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection confiscated more fentanyl in the first half of 2021 than in the last three years.  CBP seized 6,494 pounds of the drug between October 2020 and April 2021, according to recently released data.  Nearly 2,000 more pounds of fentanyl have been seized by CBP officials compared to last year amid the southern border surge.  CBP seized 4,776 pounds in 2020 and 2,801 pounds in 2019.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott told reporters Friday that the Texas Department of Public Safety has seen an 800 percent increase from April 2020 to April 2021 of the amount of fentanyl that has been apprehended.  "We have obtained enough fentanyl coming across the border to kill every single person in the state of New York," Abbott said.  Fentanyl is a fatal drug that is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine.

Sex offenders surge into U.S. amid wave of illegal immigration.  Border Patrol agents in the San Diego area nabbed 25 illegal immigrant sex offenders in all of 2020.  Now they have arrested 12 in just the past two months.  In Del Rio, a once-quiet part of the border in Texas, law enforcement said arrests of Border Patrol sex offenders are up a staggering 2,500% this year.  On one day in March, agents nabbed three offenders in just three hours, part of a flurry of seven offenders in less than two weeks.  All along the U.S.-Mexico boundary, agents report an "alarming" number of sex offenders attempting to sneak in, another grim reality of the border surge.

Felons, detainees released to the streets, not being picked up by immigration officials.  Undocumented, locked up and facing deportation — but not so fast.  Our Investigation has found some detainees or convicted felons have been released to the streets instead of being picked up by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement or ICE.  [Video clip]  As Fox San Antonio uncovered at least 36 inmates at the Bexar County Jail had to be released even though they had an ICE detainer.  That detainer as Aristides Jimenez, the former agent in-charge of South Texas Homeland Security Investigations, explains means that they are released directly to ICE custody.  But when the detainer is lifted these people go free instead of being deported.

Sanctuary State California:  Illegal Alien Repeatedly Raped Child After Failing to Be Deported.  An illegal alien has been convicted and sentenced for repeatedly raping a child after federal immigration officials failed to deport him in the sanctuary state of California, Breitbart News has learned.  Fredys Aguilar-Menjivar, a 31-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, was convicted and sentenced to 45 years in prison in Monterey County, California, this month on three counts of forcible rape of a child under 14-years-old and one count of child molestation, the District Attorney's Office announced.

Sanctuary State California:  Illegal Alien Repeatedly Raped Child After Failing to Be Deported.  An illegal alien has been convicted and sentenced for repeatedly raping a child after federal immigration officials failed to deport him in the sanctuary state of California, Breitbart News has learned.  Fredys Aguilar-Menjivar, a 31-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, was convicted and sentenced to 45 years in prison in Monterey County, California, this month on three counts of forcible rape of a child under 14-years-old and one count of child molestation, the District Attorney's Office announced.

Texas Attorney General Sues Biden Administration For Releasing Criminal Aliens.  Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, joined by the state of Louisiana, sued the Biden administration over the president's executive orders directing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to release convicted criminal illegal aliens into the United States.  In the lawsuit filed in district court, Paxton argues ICE is violating federal law by releasing "dangerous illegal aliens already convicted of felony offenses" into the United States after the Biden administration issued memos making it more difficult for migrants who are not a "national security threat or criminal offender with an aggravated felony conviction" to be issued detainer requests ordering their deportation.  This change, the lawsuit states, is the direct result of a "broader shift in federal policy that began on the first day of the Biden Administration and has resulted in a 'crisis on the border.'"

861 Criminals Caught Crossing Texas Border Area, Including 92 Sex Offenders:  Official.  A Border Patrol section chief reported that in recent days, more than 861 criminals have been encountered at the border, including 92 sex offenders and 63 gang members.  "Within the copious amounts of groups being encountered in" the Rio Grande Valley sector in Texas, "a Salvadoran man with a prior conviction for murder was discovered" along with 862 criminal aliens, Chief Patrol Agent Brian Hastings wrote on Twitter Saturday [3/27/2021].  Hastings wrote that recently, agents encountered five large groups of illegal immigrant families, unaccompanied minors, and some adults — totalling 539.

Biden's HHS Pick Becerra Collaborated With Dems' Mystery IT Man Imran Awan.  The Senate has voted to confirm Xavier Becerra, Joe Biden's pick to head the federal Department of Health and Human Services.  As Deion Kathawa notes at American Greatness, the California attorney general is a rather odd choice for the job. [...] In Mendota, near Fresno, the MS-13 gang imposed a reign of terror, committing at least 14 murders, with some victims hacked to death before they could testify.  Federal authorities spearheaded the case against the gang, and Becerra only showed up after the feds arrested 25 MS-13 members.  The attorney general made it clear he was not concerned about the gang's "status."  In similar style, the murder of police officers Ronil Singh and Brian Ishmael, both by illegal aliens, prompted little concern for the slain officers and no campaign against criminal illegals, who enjoy sanctuary in California.  These issues did not surface in Becerra's HHS hearing.  Neither did the curious case that led to his surprising departure from Washington in 2016.

Angel Families:  Joe Biden's DHS Secretary Mayorkas Should Resign.  Angel Families, the surviving relatives of Americans killed by illegal aliens, say Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' response to a question about crime victims warrants his resignation.  Mayorkas, as Breitbart News reported last week, was asked by Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) about illegal alien crime victims and the case of Amber Scott — a 19-year-old high school cheerleader who was kidnapped at knifepoint in 2006 by 25-year-old illegal alien Pedro Martinez.

Man killed by Arlington police was accused of raping 2 young girls, authorities say.  The man fatally shot by an Arlington police officer on Thursday was wanted in Arkansas on charges of rape and indecency with a child, involving two victims under the age of 10 who were sisters, according to authorities and media reports.  Juan Jimenez-Salas, 46, was identified by the Tarrant County Medical Examiner's Office as the man killed.  Arlington police said he pointed a handgun at an officer around 5:20 p.m.  Thursday and the officer, a 19-year veteran of the department, shot him.  He was pronounced dead at the scene.  Arlington police on Thursday described Jimenez-Salas as a suspect wanted on serious offenses out of Arkansas, including rape and indecency with a child. [...] Jimenez-Salas was an undocumented immigrant who was deported in 2000 after he was arrested on charges similar to the ones out of Arkansas, according to media reports.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: 'Extraordinarily Disrespectful' to Ask Me About Illegal Alien Crime Victims.  Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas asserts it is "extraordinarily disrespectful" to ask him about American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens.  During a hearing before the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday [3/17/2021], Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) asked Mayorkas about illegal alien crime victims.  Specifically, Cammack referenced the case of 19-year-old Amber Scott, a high school cheerleader at the time in Douglas County, Colorado, who was kidnapped at knifepoint in 2006 by 25-year-old illegal alien Pedro Martinez.

Gang Member Accused Of Murdering Police Sergeant While Out On Bond Gets Released On Bond Again.  The career criminal accused of murdering Houston Police Sergeant Sean Rios while out on bond for a weapon-related offense last year has again been released on bond.  Robert Soliz, a 24-year-old gang member, was the subject of a massive manhunt in the wake of the Nov. 9, 2020 shooting death of the 47-year-old police sergeant, KSAT reported.  Soliz was arrested on a murder warrant during a traffic stop on Interstate 10 in west Houston at approximately 3:15 p.m. the following day, and was taken into custody using Sgt. Rios' handcuffs, KTRK reported.

Illegal Alien Tries to Evade Death Penalty for 4 Murders by Claiming He's 'Disabled'.  An illegal alien who is charged with murdering four people is trying to escape the death penalty by claiming he is "intellectually disabled."  20-year-old Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman from El Salvador was charged with murdering four Americans while trying to steal money from his victims to buy more meth in January 2019.

These are the Mexican Drug Cartels Who are Flooding America with Drugs.  In an annual report that it recently released, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration identified nine Mexican drug cartels as the principal entities behind the flood of cocaine, fentanyl, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine into the country.  The DEA's 2020 National Drug Threat Assessment was published March 2, 2021 and illustrated how Mexico's leading cartels operate.

17 Democrats Go From Favoring Notifying ICE If An Illegal Tries To Buy A Gun To Opposing It.  More than a dozen Democrat members of the House of Representatives flipped their position during a vote on Thursday [3/11/2021] on a piece of anti-gun legislation.  Just two years ago, 26 Democrats voted for an amendment that would ensure that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is alerted if an illegal alien attempts to purchase a firearm, which they are prohibited from doing.  Several of those Democrats lost their elections last year while Rep. Jeff Van Drew (NJ) switched parties.  On Thursday, all 17 of those remaining Democrats voted against the amendment that would ensure that ICE is notified if an illegal alien unlawfully tries to purchase a firearm.

Mexico Sounds The Alarm Over Biden's Border Policy, Says He Is Helping Cartels, Creating "Organized Crime".  The left-wing Mexican government is sounding the alarm over President Joe Biden's border policy, stating that it is "stoking illegal immigration" and "creating business for organized crime."  The comments from Mexican officials were first reported by Reuters who said Mexico is "worried the new U.S. administration's asylum policies are stoking illegal immigration and creating business for organized crime."  "They see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they're going to reach the United States," Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said while talking about Biden.  "We need to work together to regulate the flow, because this business can't be tackled from one day to the next."

Shocking evidence of the growing U.S. Southern border crisis.  It may not be garnering much national media coverage, but the evidence of the growing U.S. border crisis is easily found in public view.  While many illegal immigrants prove to be hardworking and deserving foreigners seeking a better life, many of them prove to be quite the opposite.  Below are just a sampling of photos posted by Customs and Border Protection. [Numerous illustrations]

'Migrant president' Biden stirs Mexican angst over boom time for gangs.  Mexico's government is worried the new U.S. administration's asylum policies are stoking illegal immigration and creating business for organized crime, according to officials and internal assessments seen by Reuters.  Ever since President Joe Biden won the White House vowing to undo the hardline approach of his predecessor Donald Trump, Mexico has both looked forward to an end to migration burdens imposed by Trump, and braced for a new influx of people.

DOJ: Illegal immigrant admits to raping young girl and taking her across state lines.  An illegal immigrant admitted Tuesday [3/9/2021] to coercion and enticement of a minor and to illegally reentering the United States, Acting U.S. Attorney Rachael A. Honig announced.  Juan Carlos Morales-Pedraza, 34, of Paterson, New Jersey, pleaded guilty by videoconference before U.S. District Judge Stanley R. Chesler to coercion and enticement of a minor and of illegally re-entering the United States after having previously been deported, according to a statement released by the Department of Justice.

Biden cancels Trump's 'Operation Talon' Program that Targeted Sex Offenders Living in U.S. Illegally.  Biden has made it clear that his number one mission as president is to undo everything the Trump administration accomplished over the last four years.  His newest cancellation simply does not make sense.  Biden's administration recently cancelled Operation Talon, a Trump administration program aimed at removing convicted sex offenders living in the United States illegally.  Though the program seems to be something everyone should support, it clearly isn't.  Why would anyone want sex offenders to remain in the country?  South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson joined a coalition of 18 state attorneys general to urge Biden to reverse the cancellation, according to ABC 4 News.  "We're working hard to fight human trafficking and sex crimes in South Carolina and allowing convicted sex offenders who are here illegally to remain in our country makes absolutely no sense," Wilson said.

Senator With Illegal Alien Child Molester Intern Introduces Biden's Illegal Alien Amnesty.  "We have 11 million undocumented people living, working and raising families in our communities without legal status," Senator Robert Menendez argued, introducing the Biden illegal alien amnesty bill that he had sponsored.  "These are good and decent people."  Menendez, who was tried for, among other things, allegedly taking bribes to help his millionaire Dominican donor obtain visas for his model 'girlfriends', knows a lot about immigration.  He also knows quite a bit about the goodness and decency of illegal aliens.  Menendez's office was caught employing an illegal alien intern who was also a registered sex offender.  The intern, Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta, had come from Peru on a tourist visa which had expired.  Luis proved his goodness and decency by molesting an 8-year-old boy.  The South American child molester however was an unpaid intern because there are some jobs, like interning for Senator Menendez, that even American child molesters won't do.

Mexican pimp Hugo Hernandez-Velazquez, brothers ran US sex ring, feds say.  A Mexican pimp and his brothers ran a yearslong sex ring that forced women into prostitution across the US and used intimidation and violence to keep them in line, Brooklyn prosecutors said Friday [2/19/2021].  Hugo Hernandez-Velazquez, 45, aka "La Gallina" or "The Hen," was arrested in Mexico in August and extradited to New York earlier this week to face a 12-count indictment charging him and his two brothers with racketeering, sex trafficking, interstate prostitution, alien smuggling and other raps.  His brothers, Arcelia Hernandez-Velazquez, 47, also known as "La Gordis," or the "The Chunky Woman," and Ernesto Hernandez-Velazquez, 40, who goes by "Chapas," were already busted in New York in November 2019 and are awaiting trial.  Arcelia Hernandez-Velazquez allegedly maintained a base for the ring in Queens.

Rubio would like DHS to explain why illegal alien rapists are being kept in the country.  Earlier today [1/23/2021], Karen explained how Ken Paxton and others in Texas are going to be fighting back against Joe Biden's plan to essentially "abolish" ICE and our border protection assets by putting a halt to all deportations for the foreseeable future.  But it's not just the Lone Star state that's pushing back on this impending disaster.  Florida wants to get in on the action also.  Marco Rubio is calling out the incoming head of Homeland Security, demanding answers as to what they plan to do about criminal illegal aliens who are already scheduled for deportation.  And he's not being particularly subtle about it, either.

Rubio Demands DHS Explain Deportation Freeze.  Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) is demanding the Biden administration's Department of Homeland Security explain its decision to end the deportation of illegal immigrants, which could include those convicted of violent crimes, rape, sexual assault, and other felonies.  Rubio calls for immediate clarification on a directive issued this week mandating "an immediate pause on removals of any noncitizen with a final order of removal," in a letter sent Friday [1/22/2021] to David Pekoske, acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.  Rather than deporting illegal immigrants, DHS said on Wednesday it will focus on processing immigrants along the Southern border and rebuilding "fair and effective asylum procedures that respect human rights and due process."  This also includes "a review of policies and practices concerning immigration enforcement."

Texas AG Paxton files first legal action against Biden administration over deportation freeze.  Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a complaint and motion for a temporary restraining order in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas against the Biden administration Friday [1/22/2021] over its 100-day freeze on deportations.  Paxton warned that this action was coming if the deportation freeze was not rescinded.  The executive order remains in place so Paxton carried through with the lawsuit on behalf of the State of Texas.

Suspected illegal immigrant charged with murder in 'sanctuary state' of Colorado.  In 2019, democratic Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed a bill into law making the entire state a "sanctuary," or safe zone, for illegal immigrants.  Within these bounds, state and local law enforcement officials are prohibited from sharing any suspect's information with the U.S. Immigrant and Customs Enforcement, and will not issue detainers for illegal immigrants incarcerated in jail or state prisons.  This essentially means that anyone illegally residing in the state is protected from deportation, to their home country, no matter what they do — even murder.

Illegal Alien Convicted of Murdering a Child Released Back Onto American Streets Thanks to California Sanctuary Law.  Every single time President Donald Trump warned of criminals crossing the border, both he and his followers were labeled "racist."  The president has never claimed that "all" illegal aliens crossing the border were dangerous criminals.  Instead, he has only ever argued that by increasing border security, many criminals hoping to make their way into the U.S. would be stopped and/or apprehended.  Conversely, leaders within the Democratic Party, such as California Gov. Gavin Newsom, effectively argue that every illegal alien is inherently a victim and should be given the full rights afforded to American citizens.

California Court Order Frees 250 Criminal Illegal Aliens into U.S..  Criminal illegal aliens who were released from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody due to a court order in Adelanto, California, have been re-arrested for child sex crimes, burglary, drug possession, and drunk driving.  By October, ICE released more than 250 illegal aliens from their Adelanto detention facility after a court order mandated that they free up space.  Those released were put in the Alternatives to Detention (ATD) program that places GPS ankle bracelets on each illegal alien as they are freed into the interior of the United States.

Two More Dead Americans Thanks to Another Sanctuary City's Dangerous Policies.  Fernando De Jesus Lopez-Garcia is a thrice-deported illegal alien with a criminal history who has been living under the protection of cruel — because that is what they are — sanctuary city policies in San Jose, California.  On November 22nd, he inexplicably attacked several individuals inside the Grace Baptist Church, where volunteers were present assisting with the church's homeless ministry, where Lopez-Garcia, himself homeless, regularly attended services and helped out.  Police believed he was under the influence of drugs or other substances when he senselessly attacked his fellow congregants, killing two and wounding three.  He was promptly detained and is now in police custody.  But this is hardly the first time he has had a run-in with the law, and, according to ICE, he's been allowed to reside unmolested in the United States despite being deported three times previously, as they told One America News.

Trump Declares 'National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens' on November 1.  President Trump made a presidential proclamation this week to honor American citizens who have been killed by illegal aliens.  In a proclamation, Trump announced that November 1 will now be known as the "National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens," honoring Americans whose lives were taken by foreign nationals illegally in the United States. [...] Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) estimates that about 2,000 Americans are killed by illegal aliens every year.  Just this year, a number of Americans have been the victims of illegal immigration.  In Louisiana, this week, an illegal alien has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder after he allegedly stabbed two women to death in a random machete attack.  In August, an illegal alien was arrested for a 2018 triple homicide in Arizona.  In September, an illegal alien has been named as a suspect in a mass murder case where a mother and her two minor children were murdered in North Carolina.

Crime committed by undocumented aliens is a real issue.  Is there a correlation between immigration and crime?  Many studies have concluded that immigration does not increase crime.  According to an article in Scientific American, immigration-crime research over the past 20 years has corroborated the conclusions of a number of presidential commissions that immigration does not increase crime.  In fact, the literature indicates that immigrants commit fewer crimes, on average, than native-born Americans.  But very few of these studies have focused on "illegal" immigration, as opposed to immigration generally, which includes legal as well as illegal.

ICE sweeps through D.C., other sanctuary cities; more than 170 arrests.  ICE deportation officers fanned out across six sanctuary city regions in recent weeks, officials announced Friday, nabbed more than 170 illegal immigrants who'd been released by local police in defiance of deportation requests.  Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad F. Wolf warned other sanctuaries that they'll see a heightened U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement presence in their communities, too, as long as they refuse full cooperation on turning over people from their prisons and jails.  "These are not everyday people.  They are hardened criminals," Mr. Wolf said in a press conference from Philadelphia, one of the regions targeted.

Charge: Illegal Alien Beat 81-Year-Old Woman To Death With A Rolling Pin.  On Monday, police arrested Maria Gloria Vazquez-Mebo, 35, after finding the lifeless body of an elderly woman with head trauma in a house at North Bentz Street, a day earlier.  Vazquez-Mebo who works as a caretaker for the 81-year-old victim's husband, claimed the woman fell down the stairs. [...] Vazquez-Mebo has been charged with first and second-degree murder and is being held at the Frederick County Detention Center on an ICE detainer.

ICE Arrests Over 2,000 Illegal Immigrants with Violent Criminal Convictions or Charges.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested more than 2,000 illegal immigrants who have criminal histories involving victims between July 13 and Aug. 20, ICE announced Monday [9/7/2020].  The immigrants who are illegally living in the U.S. are subject to removal because of their previous arrests or charges connected to victims, according to ICE.  Of those arrested for immigration-related charges, around 85% had pending criminal charges or previous criminal convictions.  "The aliens targeted during this operation preyed on men, women and children in our communities, committing serious crimes and, at times, repeatedly hurting their victims," said Tony Pham, the senior official performing the duties of ICE director.

GOP opens investigation into 'Dreamer' charged with killing cops on motorcycles.  Republican senators on Thursday announced an investigation into a onetime illegal immigrant "Dreamer" who police say plowed into a police officer motorcycle club out for a weekend ride, killing four of them.  Ivan Robles Navejas was in the country unlawfully and had a lengthy rap sheet, but had been granted special reprieves by the Obama administration.  He won DACA in 2013, about the same time as he was charged with resisting arrest.  His DACA status lapsed two years later.

ICE arrests 2,000+ illegal immigrants in sweep; 85% with criminal convictions or charges.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers have arrested more than 2,000 illegal immigrants in a surge of arrests between July and August, around 85 percent of which had criminal convictions and pending criminal charges.  In a Tuesday [9/1/2020] press release, ICE reported that between July 13 and Aug. 20, ICE officers arrested 1089 illegal immigrants with past criminal convictions and 863 more with pending criminal charges.

Trump Task Force to Dismantle MS-13 Takes Down Gang's Key Leaders.  Thanks to Barack Obama's open border policies, MS-13 was energized with new recruits provided by a steady flow of illegal immigrant minors.  When the Obama administration started welcoming a barrage of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) in 2014, Homeland Security sources told Judicial Watch that the nation's most violent street gangs — including MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — were actively recruiting new members at U.S. shelters housing the minors.  The Texas Department of Public Safety subsequently confirmed that the MS-13 is a top tier gang thanks to the influx of illegal alien gang members that crossed into the state under Obama's disastrous program, which saw over 60,000 illegal immigrants — many with criminal histories — storm into the U.S. in a matter of months.  Tens of thousands more have entered since then.

Barr Confirms Arrest of MS-13 Leaders.  Attorney General William Barr announced the indictment of key members of the MS-13 criminal organization as a result of the ongoing Joint Task Force Vulcan initiative in a press release Thursday [7/16/2020].  The attorney general said two deadly MS-13 operatives were charged in the last week.  In the Eastern District Court of Virginia, an MS-13 member was indicted on terrorism charges.  In the Eastern District Court of New York, meanwhile, the attorney general has filed a notice of intent to seek the death penalty for another gang member who killed seven people in the span of a year.  According to the federal report, 21 other gang members were arrested in the last week.

Black Lives Matter Is Not A Peaceful Protest Group.  Wisconsin police say a Mexican man intentionally drove his truck into a motorcyclist earlier this month for the sole purpose of killing a white person.  According to the criminal complaint reviewed by local Green Bay outlet NBC26 charging Daniel Navarro with a hate crime, "Navarro stated that if Trump and white people are going to create a world like we are living in then he has no choice and people are going to have to die."  Police say the victim, Philip Thiessen, 55, a former Marine, police officer, special agent, and regular volunteer at a local food pantry, died on the scene.  According to the criminal complaint, Navarro deliberately ran his truck into a motorcyclist as opposed to a car because "he wanted the person to die and not be paralyzed."  The complaint also says Navarro perceived Harley culture as brimming with white supremacists.

Why Do We Have Police, Anyway?  [Scroll down]  Huizinga and Spierenburg write about the "pacification" and "privatization" of European society in the last 500 years.  What they mean is the gradual replacement of clan and gang feuds and public executions with police and courts and prisons.  Here's the prison story.  First they imprisoned madmen; then they imprisoned the poor in workhouses (see peasants, above); then they imprisoned the criminals.  Way to go, guys.  Why do we have our modern pacified middle-class cities?  Nobody knows, least of all lefties, but I have an idea.  It is because violence and blood feuds and gangs do not pay.  Hello Minneapolis?  Anyone there?  Notice that in the USA every immigrant wave involves a surge in gangs.  The Irish had their gangs in the 19th century; the Jews had their gangs at the turn of the 20th century; the Italians had their gangs till the day before yesterday.  But as each immigrant wave climbed into the middle class, their gangs disappeared.  Today we have Black gangs and Hispanic gangs, because those are the ethnic groups that have not yet climbed into the middle class.

SCAAP Data Suggest Illegal Aliens Commit Crime at a Much Higher Rate Than Citizens and Lawful Immigrants.  In Arizona, a state where drug trafficking across the long and sparsely-protected border is widespread, nearly 3 percent of all illegal aliens end up finding themselves incarcerated in a state or local facility at some point during the year.  In comparison, roughly 0.7 percent of citizens and lawfully-present immigrants in Arizona are incarcerated — meaning illegal aliens are more than 4 times as likely to be incarcerated.  New Jersey is a state with relatively low incarceration rates, but illegal aliens are 5.5 times more likely than U.S. citizens or lawfully-present aliens to be incarcerated.  Even in Texas — a state with an allegedly "lower" number of illegal aliens committing crimes, unlawfully-present aliens remain 60 percent more likely to be incarcerated than citizens and lawfully-present immigrants.  The slightly lower incarceration rate compared to other states is likely due to the increased federal law enforcement presence at and near the state's border with Mexico, as well as a deterrent effect that stems from Texas' willingness to prosecute illegal aliens and turn them over to federal law enforcement.  As discussed in greater detail below, in recent years, the Lone Star State has dealt with more than 273,000 crimes committed by 175,000 illegal aliens.

Illegal Alien Accused of Raping 7-Year-Old Girl Freed by Maryland Sanctuary County.  An illegal alien arrested for allegedly raping a seven-year-old girl multiple times has since been released into the general public by Montgomery County, Maryland, officials.  Rene Ramos-Hernandez, a 56-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, was arrested by the Montgomery County Police Department after a 25-year-old woman accused him of raping her as a seven-year-old "at least ten times" between 2002 and 2003, according to ABC7 News's Kevin Lewis.

Federal Judges Help Free Over 230 Illegal Aliens in Last Month, Including Rapists, Murderers, Sex Offenders.  In the last month, federal judges have ordered the release of more than 230 illegal aliens in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody — over 65 percent of which have either criminal convictions or are accused of crimes.  Since the beginning of the Chinese coronavirus crisis, federal judges have ordered the release of 429 illegal aliens — 327 of which have been convicted or accused of crimes.

Illegal Alien Charged with Sexually Assaulting Three Underage Girls.  An illegal alien charged with sexually assaulting three underage girls has pleaded not guilty and will head to a criminal trial in the coming months.  Hobil Bravo-Perez, a 20-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was arrested last year for allegedly sexually assaulting three underage girls in Shawano County, Wisconsin.  This month, Bravo-Perez pleaded not guilty to six counts of child sex crimes with pre-trial hearings beginning in July.

Florida: Illegal Alien Charged with 100 Counts of Possessing Child Porn.  An illegal alien has been charged with 100 counts of child pornography possession in Collier County, Florida.  Luis Fernando Garcia-Perez, a 21-year-old illegal alien, was arrested by the Collier County Sheriff's Office and charged with 100 counts of child pornography possession and one count of intent to promote child pornography.

Police: Illegal Alien Murdered Texas Police Officer, Shot Two Others.  An illegal alien murdered a San Marcos, Texas, police officer and shot two others, injuring them, before taking his own life, according to law enforcement officials.  Jose Alfredo Perez DeLaCruz, a 46-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, has been identified as the reported killer who allegedly murdered San Marcos police officer Justin Putnam, 31-years-old, on April 18.

Wanted fugitive captured in Mexico, brought back to Texas, officials say.  One of America's most wanted fugitives, on the run for the past four years over a slew of crimes, was captured Friday in Mexico and returned to the United States, police revealed.  Jeffrey Winston Forrest, 47, was wanted by the Taylor County Sheriff's Department in Abilene, Texas, for two counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child, bail jumping and failure to appear in court.

The Editor says...
It would be interesting to see a list of the U.S. cities which generate the fewest national news stories per capita.  Abilene would be near the top.

Deported Violent Felon Arrested After Illegally Crossing Texas Border.  Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a previously deported violent criminal alien after he illegally crossed from Mexico into Texas.  A Texas court previously convicted the Mexican national for attempted murder.  He was deported after serving his sentence.  Agents assigned to the Del Rio Border Patrol Station on April 24 encountered an illegal alien after he crossed the Rio Grande near the city of Del Rio, Texas.  The agents arrested the man after he crossed the border and transported him to the Del Rio Station for identification and processing, according to information obtained from Border Patrol officials.

Illegal Alien Charged with 125 Counts of Child Porn, Involving Toddler Victims.  An illegal alien has been charged in Polk County, Florida, for possessing more than 200 video files depicting child pornography, some involving toddler victims.  Nabor Molina, a 45-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was arrested on April 27 by the Polk County Sheriff's Office on 125 counts of possessing child pornography, including depictions of child rape and sexual battery.

Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Member Accused of Murdering Girl Previously Freed into U.S..  An illegal alien MS-13 Gang member accused of murdering a 14-year-old girl in Marietta, Georgia, was previously freed into the United States interior after arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border.  Brayan Segura, a 15-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, was arrested and charged with stabbing 14-year-old Janina Valenzuela to death, as Breitbart News reported last week.  Segura allegedly admitted to murdering Valenzuela as part of his initiation into the MS-13 gang, alleging that the girl was a member of the rival 18th Street Gang.

ACLU Helps Illegal Alien Child Molester and Immigrant Child Abuser Back Out on the Streets.  Thanks to a California federal judge's action, six illegal aliens and legal immigrants convicted of child molestation, child abuse, drunk driving, and drug trafficking were released from prison.  United States District Court for the Central District of California Judge Terry Hatter Jr, a former President Jimmy Carter appointee, mandated the release of these prisoners.  The majority of these prisoners have been in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody after receiving felony convictions.

Smugglers posing as wall construction crew in shootout with border patrol.  A Border Patrol agent was involved in a shooting last week with a smuggler who was posing as part of the construction crews working on President Trump's border wall in Arizona, The Washington Times has learned.  Nobody was reported injured.  Although one driver was caught, another smuggler who was part of the shootout managed to escape back into Mexico.  Nearly 20 illegal immigrants were discovered in the two trucks they were driving.  It was the latest incident of smuggling cartels using the tumult of wall construction to try to sneak people or drugs into the U.S.

Four More Sex Fiends Bagged at Border, Another Truckload Stopped.  Reentering Felons Not Deported.  Border agents at the southwest frontier of the United States caught four illegal-alien sex fiends and a gang member in the last five days, along with a box truck packed with three dozen illegals.  The arrests are just the latest in the battle that border cops are waging against the reentry of previously deported sex perverts.  Barely a week goes by that agents do not apprehend a pervert that immigration authorities kicked out of the country, often more than once.  The apprehension of the 36 packed into the truck is at least the second in a week.

Death as a Political Tool.  [Scroll down]  Every year, American citizens are killed by the hundreds and injured or maimed by the thousands across this country by people who have no legal right or reason to be here.  Yet they are here at the express invitation of the left, under their clear and dedicated protection.  Whether it is drunk driving, murders, gang violence, burglaries, assaults, rapes, molestation, or any other product of whatever culture we are supposed to celebrate, the crime and the suffering forced upon the victims is immeasurable.  Though this is unmistakably clear to any rational observer, the solution has been not to change course, but to double down.  Sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, bought prosecutors and judges — all work together to hide such people from federal authorities who would protect us from violence and tragedy.

Aliens Arrested by ICE Last Year Had Been Convicted of 1,549 Homicides.  The removable aliens that Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested in the United States in fiscal 2019 included individuals who had been convicted of 1,549 homicides, according to data published in a report by the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security.  That was down slightly from the 1,641 homicide convictions the aliens arrested by ICE in fiscal 2018 had accumulated, according to ICE's "Enforcement and Removal Operations" (ERO) report for that year.  It was slightly more, however, than the 1,531 homicide convictions the aliens ICE arrested in fiscal 2017 had accumulated, according to ICE's ERO report.

US arrests 600 Mexican cartel members in one of the largest ever raids.  More than 600 Mexican cartel members were arrested during an interagency operation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), making it one of the largest arrest operations in history.  The agencies announced the results of the plan, called Project Python, at a press briefing on Wednesday [3/11/2020], saying the DEA-led operation spent the last six months monitoring the activities of those they arrested, The Hill reported.  In total, there were 600 Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) arrests and 350 indictments, as well as a significant seizure of money and drugs in the nationwide raid on Wednesday, the agencies said.  According to one report, the agencies seized 15,000 kilos of meth and nearly $20 million.

Sanctuary Montgomery County:  Police interrupt illegal alien rape in progress.  Sanctuary jurisdictions like Montgomery County, Maryland, have become a magnet for MS-13 and illegal alien rapists.  But unlike the coronavirus, this "epidemic" is completely avoidable.  Last summer, so many illegal alien rapists were released by sanctuary Montgomery County that it sparked a fight between DHS officials and local politicians.  Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli even challenged county executive Mark Elrich to a debate and referred to the wayward county as "Loco in MOCO."  In the latest case last Thursday, local police arrested Jose Lopez-Gonzalez, 35, an illegal alien from El Salvador, for raping a semiconscious woman in an office building stairwell in Wheaton, Maryland.

Three brothers, siblings' nephew and cousin all found guilty of running international sex trafficking ring.  Sex trafficking was a family affair for the Melendez-Rojas brothers — and now they may spend the rest of their lives together in prison.  Mexican nationals Jose Osvaldo Melendez-Rojas, 43, Rosalio Melendez-Rojas, 38, Jose Miguel Melendez-Rojas, 43 and two Queens relatives were all found guilty of spending the last decade running an international sex trafficking ring where girls were smuggled into the U.S. with promises of a better life, then forced to work as prostitutes, authorities said.  A Brooklyn federal jury on Friday convicted the three brothers, along with nephew Francisco Melendez-Perez, 25, and cousin Abel Romero-Melendez, 33, of sex trafficking, money laundering, sex trafficking conspiracy and interstate prostitution.

DOJ Announces Arrest Of 750 Members Of Violent Mexican Jalisco New Generation Cartel, Known As CJNG.  After a six-month investigation, the Justice Department announced on Wednesday that more than 750 arrests had been made in connection with the violent Mexican Jalisco New Generation Cartel, known as CJNG.  Project Python was the name of the operation led by the Drug Enforcement Administration and is the largest to date effort by the US to take down one of the most powerful cartels in Mexico and known for brutal kidnappings and murders in that country.

Feds arrest over 600 alleged Mexican cartel members.  The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) announced Wednesday that more than 600 arrests have been made as a result of an interagency operation cracking down on Mexican cartel activity.  "Project Python," a DEA-led initiative, targeted members of Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG).  According to the DEA, over the last six months federal law enforcement officials have been monitoring the activities of the accused.  The operation resulted in more than 600 arrests nationwide, 350 indictments and "significant seizures of money and drugs," according to the agencies.

Chilean crooks using visa waiver program to enter US, rob homes:  Long Island police.  Long Island police say criminals from Chile are using a visa waiver program to enter the U.S. to burglarize affluent homes before flying back home.  Five members of one such Chilean burglary crew were charged Friday with breaking into 16 "Gold Coast" homes on the north shore of Long Island following their arrests a day earlier at a Bronx motel where they were found in possession of the loot, Nassau County police said.  Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder said the suspects were part of a crime ring sent to the U.S. on 90-day ESTA visas to rob homes.

ICE arrests man accused of raping teen in Brooklyn.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement slammed New York's sanctuary city status Tuesday [3/3/2020] after ICE officers arrested a man accused of raping a teen in Brooklyn.  Miguel Federico Ajqui-Ajtzalam, 20, was originally arrested by the NYPD on Thursday, according to ICE.  He was released from custody after his arraignment — though ICE had issued a detainer — and was then arrested again, this time by ICE, on Monday.  Local Enforcement and Removal Operations Director Rhomas Decker called Ajqui-Ajtzalam's release "inconceivable."

Fairview Car Washer Charged With Sexually Assaulting Cliffside Park Student.  A Guatemalan national living in Fairview sexually abused a 13-year-old Cliffside Park student, authorities charged.  Eualio L. Martinez, 35, who works as a car washer, was charged with aggravated sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual contact, criminal sexual contact, sexual assault and child endangerment, Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella said Monday [3/2/2020].

Man released under 'sanctuary city' rules sexually assaults 3-year-old:  ICE.  An illegal immigrant was released under Chicago's "sanctuary city" policy — only to sexually assault a 3-year-old girl and leave her sobbing for her father in a McDonald's bathroom, according to authorities.  Mexican national Christopher Puente, 34, was only in Chicago because cops refused to hold him for US Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials after he was arrested last year, ICE charged in a statement.  He was then arrested last month for allegedly assaulting the 3-year-old after luring her to his bathroom stall while her dad helped her brother in the restaurant restroom, the Chicago Sun-Times has reported.

ICE arrests Dominican national involved in fentanyl ring released under state bail reform law, agency says.  A Dominican national previously charged with participating in a $7 million fentanyl ring and released from custody under New York state's Bail Reform Act was arrested by ICE agents on Thursday [2/27/2020], the agency said.  According to ICE, Livio Alexander Valdez Zabala entered the U.S. March 12, 2019 as a nonimmigrant visitor with authorization to remain until Sept. 11.  The agency said, though, he stayed in the country illegally past that date.

Illegal immigrant from El Salvador charged with raping 11-year-old girls.  Two Maryland public high school students, aged 19 and 20, have been arrested for allegedly raping different 11-year-old girls off campus in separate incidents.  Jonathan Coreas-Salamanca, 20, and Ivan Reyes Lopez, 19, have both been charged each with second-degree rape.  Coreas-Salamanca faces additional counts of sexual abuse of a minor and third-degree sexual offense.  Coreas-Salamanca, a Salvadorian national living in the US illegally, was arrested at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, where he was enrolled as a student, on February 13.

Illegal immigrant charged with rape of 11-year-old Maryland girl.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement has confirmed that a man arrested on charges of raping an 11-year-old girl is in the United States illegally.  Jonathan Coreas-Salamanca, 20, and Ivan Reyes Lopez, 19, were arrested in early February on charges of raping different 11-year-old girls in Montgomery County, Maryland, according to ABC 7.  This week, ICE confirmed to the Daily Caller that Salamanca is a Salvadoran national living in the U.S. illegally.

Justice Still Denied for Kate Steinle.  Last week, federal judge Vince Chhabria, a 2013 Obama appointee, ruled that Jose Inez Garcia Zarate, a Mexican national illegally present in the United States, suffers from "mental illness that is not presently being treated" and is therefore incompetent to stand trial on federal gun charges.  Those are the only charges remaining from the killing that made the repeatedly deported criminal famous.  On July 1, 2015, on Pier 14 in San Francisco, the Mexican discharged a firearm and the bullet claimed the life of Kate Steinle, 32, walking with her father and a friend at the time.  In November of 2017, a San Francisco jury of six men and six women, including three "immigrants," found Garcia Zarate not guilty of the murder of Kate Steinle.  The jury also found the Mexican national not guilty of manslaughter charges and guilty only of felony possession of a firearm.

Murder Counts Vacated for Cartel Hitmen Who Killed ICE Agent.  Fox News reports, two Los Zetas cartel assassins convicted of murdering a federal agent 9 years ago have had their murder convictions vacated and remanded to a lower court for limited re-sentencing, according to a according to a new report. [...] Last month, a DC federal appeals court vacated their convictions on two of those counts.  The men have been remanded to a lower court and will face limited re-sentencing for the murder and attempted murder of a federal officer.

ICE deports MS-13 member wanted in El Salvador, according to DHS.  Immigration officials deported a documented member of MS-13 to El Salvador Thursday [2/13/2020] more than a year after he was caught crossing the border in the Rio Grande Valley.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said 35-year-old Melvin Antonio Delgado is wanted by authorities in his home country for gang membership and illicit possession of drugs.  He was removed aboard an ICE Air Operations charter flight without incident.

MS-13 Gang Member Arrested In US — Wanted for Murder In Home Country.  We continue to see illegal aliens, including gang members with criminal histories pouring into the united States.  The latest to turn up is an MS-13 gang member who was wanted for murder in his home country of El Salvador, but was apprehended by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in Ohio.  Santos Ceferino Amaya-Cruz, 35, who was deported twice (begging the question as to whether deportation works or not), according to ICE.

Man charged with molesting two children in West Palm Beach.  A West Palm Beach man has been charged with two counts of lewd lascivious behavior after police say he molested two kids at a home where he lived. [...] According to the police report, Gonzalez had been living in the U.S. illegally for 20 years.

Witness Murdered After NY Governor Andrew Cuomo's Jailbreak Law Revealed His Identity in MS-13 Trial.  New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has pilfered the people of New York of their hard earned money, attacked their freedoms and now, due to his flagrant disregard for human life, a man has been murdered due laws that forced his identity to be revealed in a criminal case involving MS-13 gang members.  Wilmer Maldonado Rodriguez, 36, was to testify against members of the MS-13 gang who were alleged to have beaten and stabbed him in October 2018.

NYC Releases Illegal Immigrant Attempted Rapist Despite ICE Detainer.  Martin Estrada-Barela was arrested by the NYPD Jan. 17, 2019, on the charges of attempted rape, unlawful imprisonment, and attempted assault.  Estrada-Barela was subsequently arraigned and remanded into the custody of the NYCDOC.  On January 20, 2019, ERO officers assigned to ERO New York's Criminal Alien Program lodged a detainer with the NYCDOC.  In Feb. 2019, Estrada-Barela posted bond and was released from NYCDOC custody without the detainer being honored, as a result of New York City's sanctuary policies.

Tucker Carlson:  House bill will end "prison to deportation pipeline".  Previously flying under the radar, the New Way Forward Act would completely change how criminal illegal aliens are handled in the U.S. judicial system.  As of now, 44 House Democrats, including Reps.  Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, are sponsoring the legislation.  Remember how Barack Obama frequently told us that he intended to "fundamentally change" America?  Well, the Democrats in the House are still working on that goal and what better way to do it than with the immigration system?  It turns out that not only do our progressive betters want to abolish ICE and do away with deportations, the New Way Forward Act even has a clause in it that puts the American taxpayer on the hook for bringing illegal aliens who have been deported back into the United States.

ICE arrests 115 immigrants during 5-day N.J. sweep, including man wanted for murder in Brazil.  Federal authorities arrested 115 people in the United States illegally from 23 different countries — including one man wanted for murder — during a five-day sweep in New Jersey that ended Saturday [2/1/2020].  In Newark, ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operations took into custody a 53-year-old Brazilian national wanted in that country for homicide, U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement said Tuesday in announcing the arrests.  An ICE spokesman on Wednesday did not immediately have further details on the charges or the name of the suspect.

New York man attacked by MS-13, who was set to testify against them, found dead.  A New York man willing to testify against MS-13 members who attacked him in 2018 was found dead earlier this week after his identity was disclosed to defendants' attorneys in pre-trial proceedings, police say.  The bludgeoned body of 36-year-old Wilmer Maldonado Rodriguez was found Sunday outside an abandoned home in New Cassel, the Nassau County Police Department announced Wednesday.  Investigators said Rodriguez in October 2018 came to the defense of two boys who were being threatened by the gang — only to be beaten with a bat and stabbed, according to Newsday.

Criminal alien who avoided deportation now accused of smothering 22 elderly women in Texas.  It should be the crime story of the year, or even the century.  An illegal alien who wound up getting a green card was convicted of a crime that should have gotten him deported.  But among the millions of criminal aliens who are allowed to remain in the country, Billy Chemirmir was not removed.  He is now accused of smothering to death at least 22 women in their 80s and 90s in the Dallas metro area — all after he could have been deported.  These murders were 100 percent preventable.  Where are the outrage, congressional hearings, or even news reports on this case?

Sanctuary recidivism rate at 25% in California's Orange County.  Orange County in California is seeing a recidivism rate of more than 25% for illegal immigrants it has released under the state's sanctuary law, according to new data the sheriff's department released and ICE highlighted this week.  Migrants who were released then rearrested for new crimes had charges of rape, domestic violence, DUI and child sex offenses.  In 2019, Orange County said it got requests from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to turn over 1,507 inmates.  It did release 492 of them to ICE after they'd completed their sentences, but 1,105 were put back on the streets under the terms of the state's sanctuary law, known as SB54.

Longest-ever border smuggling tunnel found stretching between Tijuana and San Diego, officials say.  U.S. authorities discovered the longest smuggling tunnel ever found along the southwest border.  The tunnel originates in Tijuana, Mexico, near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry and extends a total of 4,309 feet long — more than three-quarters of a mile.  The next longest tunnel in the U.S., discovered in San Diego in 2014, was 2,966 feet long.  "While subterranean tunnels are not a new occurrence along the California-Mexico border, the sophistication and length of this particular tunnel demonstrates the time-consuming efforts transnational criminal organizations will undertake to facilitate cross-border smuggling," Cardell Morant, acting special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) San Diego, said in a press release.  The investigation that led to the discovery spanned many years and involved various agencies.

Record long drug-smuggling tunnel discovered below San Diego.  The longest known Southwest drug-smuggling tunnel into the United States has been discovered at the Mexican border, officials said Wednesday [1/29/2020].  The intricate underground pathway is more than three-quarters of a mile long and features a rail system and an elevator, according to US Customs and Border Protection.  One tunnel entrance is in an industrial area in Tijuana, Mexico, and stretches more than 4,300 feet into a San Diego neighborhood, CBP said.

Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Attempting to Murder Judge.  A Mexican illegal alien who crossed the United States-Mexico border has been arrested and charged with attempting to murder a Denver, Colorado judge.  In August 2019, prosecutors say 38-year-old Jose Armenta-Vazquez allegedly nearly stabbed to death 45-year-old Judge David Blackett at his home.  Blackett is a former prosecutor.  At the time of the stabbing, Armenta-Vazquez escaped from the scene and police had been searching for him until his arrest in December 2019.

Astounding: 200 NYC-area illegal aliens with ignored ICE detainers were charged with homicide.  On the heels of the shocking news that NYC officials released the accused murderer of a 92-year-old Queens woman just weeks before the murder in defiance of an ICE detainer, acting ICE director Matthew Albence revealed an outrageous statistic about NYC and illegal alien crime.  "Last year, ICE lodged 7,526 detainers by our New York bureau field office," declared Albence at Friday's [1/17/2020] press conference at ICE's New York City headquarters.  "Criminals against whom these detainers were lodged accounted for 17,873 criminal convictions and another 6,500 criminal charges."  Then, Albence revealed that included among those crimes were 200 homicides, over 500 robberies, over 1,000 sexual offenses, over 1,000 weapons offenses, over 3,500 assaults, and over 1,500 DUIs.  How many detainers were honored out of all these requests to notify ICE before these dangerous foreign criminals were released?  Just about 10!

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded cells are empty.  There are a lot of statistics Mark A. Morgan, acting U.S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner, uses to show how Trump policies have helped to cut illegal immigration into the United States.  But there are two that he feels really make clear the victory his agency has had in the past year, and he highlighted them in a small meeting Tuesday [1/14/2020].  First is daily apprehensions, a number that hit 4,600 at the height of the latest crisis in May.  That has now dropped to 1,300.  What's more, he said, the 21-daily average is below 1,000, a 78% cut.  "That's a dramatic reduction," he said, in updating the numbers released last week.  Then there are the numbers of illegal immigrants "in custody." That was a horrific 20,000 in May for an agency that has just 4,000 beds.  Now a quarter of those beds are unused.

ICE subpoenas Denver law enforcement for information on illegal aliens arrested for violent crimes.  For the first time, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has issued subpoenas to fellow members of law enforcement.  In the past most law enforcement agents around the country would work with them to remove criminal aliens from the Unites States but the spread of sanctuary laws has forced ICE to demand information some states and municipalities will no longer share.  Specifically in this case, ICE is demanding the city of Denver provide information on four illegal aliens who had been arrested for crimes.

Woman murdered in road rage attack.  CA mayor:  Sorry, but we're still not working with ICE.  Once again, an illegal alien has killed an American citizen and sanctuary policies in California are being exposed for the dangers they pose.  Shauna White, speaking on Tucker Carlson Tonight, blasted Oakland, CA mayor Libby Schaaf, who famously in 2018 leaked information of an upcoming U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid in the area in a press release, which was also posted on Twitter.  White's daughter Madisyn was shot in a road rage incident after getting into a fender bender.  The suspect, Roberto Martinez, 19 is an illegal alien who had been living in Hayward, CA.

Top DHS Official:  Man Who Used Machete To Attack Jews Is Son Of Illegal Alien.  Ken Cuccinelli, acting Deputy Secretary at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), said on Monday that the man who allegedly used a machete during a stabbing spree at a rabbi's home in New York was the son of an illegal alien.  "The attacker is the U.S. Citizen son of an illegal alien who got amnesty under the 1986 amnesty law for illegal immigrants," Cuccinelli said in a now-deleted tweet.  "Apparently, American values did not take hold among this entire family, at least this one violent, and apparently bigoted, son."

MS-13 is declared 'inoperable' in New York after police arrest 96 members.  MS-13 has been declared 'inoperable' in New York after police arrested 96 members in a sting that is believed to be the largest ever take down of the violent street gang in the state.  The Suffolk County District Attorney announced the charges against the 96 MS-13 members and associates during a press conference in Long Island on Friday [12/20/2019].  The arrests stem from a two-year investigation that saw authorities thwart seven attempted murder plots and countless other acts of violence.

Nearly 100 MS-13 Gang Members Busted in Long Island, Including Illegal Aliens.  Nearly 100 members of the MS-13 gang have been arrested and charged with various crimes by the Suffolk County District Attorney's Office in Long Island, New York — a historic crackdown on the violent El Salvadoran gang.  Suffolk County District Attorney Timothy Sini announced on Friday that a 23-month investigation into the MS-13 gang's ten cliques on Long Island had resulted in the arrests of 96 MS-13 gang members, including illegal aliens and those who were able to legally enter the United States.

Lax immigration enforcement is killing Americans.  Daniel Horowitz has reviewed ICE's brand new comprehensive enforcement and removal operations report.  ICE reported that it issued detainers on criminal aliens in fiscal year 2019 who were collectively charged with 2,500 murders.  To put that in perspective, albeit via an imperfect comparison, Horowitz says that law enforcement agencies only arrested 9,049 individuals in total for homicide in 2018.  This source places the total number of murder arrests in 2018 at a slightly higher number — 11,970.  Either way, it's clear that illegal aliens make up a shockingly high percentage of those arrested for homicide.

The Genius of Trump's Terrorist Designation for Mexican Cartels.  President Trump last week signaled his intention to designate the Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations (FTO). In doing so, he takes the most aggressive step yet toward addressing the brutal violence that plagues Mexico and is fueling a migrant crisis at the southern U.S. border.  Mexico's ongoing descent into a gangland is brought into current focus with the horrific murders of six women and children of dual Mexican and American citizenship.  This came on the heels of Mexican government forces being routed by the cartels, who were ultimately successful in releasing the son of notorious cartel leader Joaqu'n "El Chapo" Guzmán.  Over several hours, heavily armed cartel gunmen fought the government with military weapons in a conflict that looked like something out of Yemen, rather than mere miles from the U.S. border.

ICE Arrests Child Sexual Predator After He Was Released Twice Previously Despite Detainer.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement has arrested an illegal immigrant from Guatemala and charged him with numerous sexual crimes against children.  Hector Moran-Espinoza had been arrested for similar charges twice previously by the Philadelphia Police Department and then released despite an ICE detainer.

Trump says U.S. to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorists.  [Scroll down]  Once a particular group is designated as a terrorist organization, under U.S. law it is illegal for people in the United States to knowingly offer support and its members cannot enter the country and may be deported.

AG Barr:  ICE can defy courtroom sanctuary policies in the states.  Attorney General William P. Barr pleaded with the chief justices in Oregon and Washington on Thursday [11/21/2019] not to adopt sanctuary policies for their courthouses, saying the states are already releasing enough dangerous illegal immigrant criminals onto their streets without adding more to the tally.  Mr. Barr, in a stern letter, pointed to several recent cases out of the Seattle area where gang-connected illegal immigrants stand accused of vicious murders, including one where a popular high school teen was pummeled to death with a bat then chopped to pieces with a machete.

Why you're not hearing more about that mass shooting in Fresno.  This shooting qualified for multiple Breaking News announcements on cable news and announcements arriving in people's email inboxes.  And then a strange thing seemed to happen.  By Monday morning there was almost no additional coverage.  I think I saw it mentioned briefly twice on CNN, and then it was back to the impeachment hearings pretty much non-stop.  With ten people shot and four killed, this obviously meets the media's current definition of a mass shooting.  So where was the outrage?  Where were the calls for new gun control laws?  How did this tragedy turn into a non-story?  First of all, the victims were all adult males from the Hmong community.  And while police said they didn't find any ties to gang activity among the victims, they were looking into a recent "disturbance" between some of them and members of one of the local Hmong gangs.  (Fresno has had problems with gang violence, including Hmong groups, for quite a while now.)

Fresno police look into gang connection after shooting at football party leaves 4 dead, 6 wounded.  Police are investigating whether there's a connection between an increase in local gang activity and the shooting Sunday night [11/17/2019] that left four people dead and six wounded at a backyard football-watching party.  Law enforcement officials are attempting to prevent retaliation after an attack by at least two unidentified assailants in a residence populated by members of the Southeast Asian Hmong community, who have a large representation in the part of Fresno where the shooting occurred.  There have been no arrests and the gunmen remain on the loose, police said.

Illegal Alien Allegedly Killed Vietnam Veteran [on the] Day Before Veterans Day.  An illegal alien living in Pennsylvania is accused of killing a Vietnam War Veteran the day before Veterans Day, according to law enforcement officials.  Nemias Perez Severiano, a 31-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, is accused of killing Samuel Jackson, a disabled 69-year-old who served as a Marine in the Vietnam War, the day before Veterans Day this year in Norristown, Pennsylvania, according to the Montgomery County District Attorney's Office.

ICE puts detainer on N.J. man accused of killing girlfriend after 'devil came over him'.  The man who told police the "devil came over him" the night he allegedly strangled his girlfriend to death in Trenton will remain in jail as his case moves through the courts, a judge ruled Thursday [11/14/2019].  Pablo Choc-Caal, 20, appeared before Judge Robert W. Bingham II in Superior Court of Mercer County for his detention hearing on a charge that he murdered Irma Patrona Ic-Maaz, 18, by choking her with an extension cord.

Third Seattle-area murder tied to sanctuary city policy.  Immigration officials on Friday [11/15/2019] tied a third murder arrest in two months to sanctuary city policies in the Seattle area, saying an illegal immigrant who was twice shielded from deportation by King County slew a man "as he lay asleep in his own home."  The man Julio Cruz-Velazquez is accused of killing, Sam Nang Lam, a legal immigrant, according to authorities.  Cruz-Velazquez has an extensive rap sheet that includes charges of second-degree rape last year — but it was pleaded down to second-degree assault.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement asked to be notified upon his release from jail so he could be deported, but King County refused, ICE said.

"Catch and release" putting dangerous criminals on the streets - and it's not just sanctuary cities.  Politics aside, sanctuary city/states ideologies ar reckless and dangerous.  The serve only to cater to the 'politically correct" crowd and do nothing in the way of safeguarding our communities and our citizenry.  It creates and fosters an uneven playing field.  And the practice needs to be stopped.  It places our citizens and our law enforcement communities at greater risk.

Two Illegal Aliens Charged in Killing of California Sheriff Deputy.  On Thursday [11/7/2019], the Department of Justice announced federal indictments against four individuals arrested in connection with the killing of El Dorado County Sheriff Deputy Brian Ishmael.  The charges handed down today relate to the illegal cultivation of marijuana and illegal discharge of a firearm, but the new indictments confirm the two suspects previously arrested for the killing of Deputy Ishmael were in the country illegally.

Convicted sex offender caught by Border Patrol had already been deported 3 times.  Federal authorities say they stopped an illegal alien sex offender with a history of re-entry from getting back into the United States earlier this week.  A Wednesday [11/6/2019] news release from Customs and Border Protection says that Border Patrol agents at Eagle Pass, Texas, stopped 42-year-old Honduran national Felix Canales-Padilla on Sunday after he tried to get into the United States illegally.  When CBP started to process him, a check of his past records showed that he had been convicted of "felony child enticement — sexual contact" in 2001 in Wisconsin and was subsequently deported in 2002.  Records also revealed that he also re-entered the U.S. in 2005 and 2012 and was also deported both times.

Feds Bust Mexican Cartel's Methamphetamine Running Cell in Kansas.  A year-long investigation by U.S. authorities in Kansas led to the arrest of a methamphetamine distribution cell tied to Mexico's Los Viagras faction of the Familia Michoacana Cartel.  The cartel cell is considered to be part of the violent cartel's drug distribution operation which also has cells in Washington State and Georgia.

Please treat me like an illegal immigrant.  If I ever get jammed up with the law, I ask for no special treatment.  Just treat me like an illegal immigrant.  Forget the 14th Amendment.  I don't want no stinkin' "equal protection under the law." What I fervently desire is some illegal-immigrant protection under the law — which basically means no laws.  Seriously, that's what the woke community is now espousing for the fentanyl-dealing, drunken-driving, gangbanging, identity-stealing MS-13 community livin' high on the dole here, compliments of Tio Sap.  If you doubt me, peruse the friend-of-the-court briefs filed in U.S. District Court on behalf of indicted Newton District Court Judge Shelley Joseph.  Joseph is a former member of the Democratic State Committee from Brookline who was appointed by fake Republican Governor "Tall Deval" Baker.  How much more do you need to know?  You may recall the basics of this crooked judge's case — she and a door-opener in her courtroom are charged with cutting loose a twice-deported Dominican arrested with drugs after stonewalling a federal ICE agent waiting in the lobby.

Public Defender:  Illegal Alien Charged with Murdering Four Americans Unfit for Death Penalty Due to Low IQ.  An illegal alien accused of murdering four Americans over the course of a week in Nevada is set to claim that he is "intellectually disabled" in order to avoid the death penalty.  Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman, a 20-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, was charged with murdering 56-year-old Connie Koontz, 74-year-old Sophia Renken, 81-year-old Gerald David, and his 80-year-old wife, Sharon David, between January 10 and 15 after prosecutors said he was looking to steal money from his victims to buy more meth.  The state of Nevada is seeking the death penalty.

Illegal Alien, Previously Deported Five Times, Gets Ten Years.  Without a wall, a deported criminal can reenter the country and resume their life of crime.  Take the recent example of Antonio Serrano-Perez, a career criminal who was first deported back in October 1998.  For the last 20 years, Serrano-Perez was repeatedly deported to Mexico following convictions for violent crimes and drug-trafficking offenses.  In May 2019, Serrano-Perez pleaded guilty to reentering the country once again and was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison by Senior U.S. District Judge John H. McBryde.

Seattle-area officials shun ICE despite second sanctuary city-related killing.  Prosecutors last week announced a second sanctuary city-related murder case involving an illegal immigrant in the Seattle area, but that has yet to shake local officials who despite the brutality of the slayings say they are not yet ready to begin working with ICE.  The latest homicide was particularly vicious, with police saying Carlos Orlando Iraheta-Vega, an MS-13 gang member, bashed his 16-year-old friend's head with a baseball bat.  He then assisted as another confederate took a machete to the boy's body, chopping off an arm and a leg and hacking at his neck.

Jail time for Mexican illegals who aided flight of Cpl. Ronil Singh's killer.  The day after Christmas in Newman, California, police officer Ronil "Ron" Singh pulled over a drunk driver who shot and killed the officer, a legal immigrant from Fiji.  The shooter was a Mexican national with gang connections calling himself Pablo Virgen Mendoza and illegally present in the United States.  After killing the officer, the Mexican fled, aided by other Mexican nationals also illegally present in the United States.  As U.S. Attorney McGregor Scott said in an October 1 statement, "Virgen Mendoza's brother, Conrado Virgen Mendoza, 34, an illegal alien from Colima, Mexico, residing in Chowchilla; and friend, Erik Quiroz Razo, 28, an illegal alien from Michoacán, Mexico residing in Merced, were found guilty of conspiring to aid and abet Paulo Virgen Mendoza's flight to avoid prosecution for murder."  According to the statement, Conrado and Quiroz helped the accused shooter conceal his truck and drove him to various locations, and Quiroz disposed of the suspect's loaded firearm.

ICE Agents Stand 'Between Good and Evil,' Says Texas Sheriff.  A Texas sheriff heaped praise onto Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents during a White House press briefing, telling reporters the agency stands between "good and evil."  "It's an honor to be here, especially standing with our brothers and sisters in Immigration Enforcement, along with my fellow sheriffs," said Tarrant County, Texas, Sheriff Bill Waybourn during a White House press conference Thursday.  "And let me just be clear about this, is that the narrative of trying to go after ICE and immigrations is very much like the narrative that was used against our Vietnam returning soldiers."  The press conference, spearheaded by acting ICE Director Matthew Albence, blasted critics of federal immigration enforcement, and took particular aim at a recent court ruling that restricts how ICE can do its job.

Texas Tribune Smears Sheriff Over Immigrant Crime Claim.  The Texas Tribune corrected an article Thursday [10/10/2019] that took a Texas sheriff's words out of context to smear him.  The paper initially claimed the sheriff referred to immigrants as "drunks who would run over your children and they will run over my children" before amending the article to include necessary context.  The sheriff was specifically referring to illegal immigrants who are repeat criminal offenders, and was not trying to generalize about all immigrants.  The Tribune published a write-up of a White House press conference featuring ICE director Matt Albence with the headline, "Texas sheriff says migrants are 'drunks' who will 'run over your children' during White House press briefing."

Sanctuary county releases rape suspect who immediately targets victim again:  ICE.  An Oklahoma sheriff's department defied ICE and released an accused rapist from jail this week — and within hours he was back at the door of his alleged victim, the agency said Thursday [10/10/2019], saying the county's sanctuary policy put the woman at risk.  Antonio Ulises Perez was arrested on suspicion of forcible rape on Sept. 30.  He made bond early Wednesday morning.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had asked that he be transferred to the custody of deportation officers, but it said the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department refused and released him instead.

Illegal immigrant accused of gang murder after sanctuary policy blocks deportation.  Police in the Seattle suburb of Bellevue had a chance to get Carlos Daniel Carillo-Lopez, an illegal immigrant, off the streets in March — but a local jail defied a deportation notification request from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and released him into the community.  Three weeks later, police say, the 19-year-old Guatemalan, eager to join the violent Surenos street gang, took part in a murder posse that tracked down and slew a teen from a rival gang.  Mr. Carillo-Lopez, who came to the U.S. as part of the Unaccompanied Alien Child (UAC) surge, is at the crossroads of the current immigration debate, having gained a foothold in the U.S. thanks to more relaxed policies for those children — then managed to remain here, despite a growing criminal record, thanks to the prevalence of sanctuary city policies.

MS-13 sampler
Maryland MS-13 members, illegal immigrants plead guilty to 2 grisly murders.  Four MS-13 members — in the U.S. illegally — have pleaded guilty in Maryland to participating in the murders of a 21-year-old woman and a 17-year-old teenager two years ago.  Police said the woman, Jennifer Rivera-Lopez, was lured to her death in June 2017 in an Anne Arundel County park where her killers, armed with knives and machetes, chopped her head off and buried her in a secret grave, the Capital Gazette reported Monday [10/7/2019].  Ronald Mendez-Sosa, 21, Brenda Argueta, 20, Ervin Arrue-Figueroa, 20, and Francisco Ramirez-Pena, 24, all of Maryland, copped to the murder last week in federal court, the paper reported.

Man charged with kidnapping, forcing sex on N.J. teen was in the country illegally, feds charge.  Juan Carlos Morales-Pedraza, 33, a Mexican national living in Paterson, pleaded not guilty before a federal judge and he was charged with kidnapping, transportation of a minor, and re-entering the country as a deported alien, federal prosecutors announced Tuesday [10/1/2019].  Pedraza abducted the girl, who was his neighbor in Paterson, on April 14 as the pair headed to the Midwest, officials allege.

Mexican pirates posing greater risk in Gulf of Mexico to oil workers, tourists.  In the calm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, drilling platforms hum away under the sunshine.  But, in the dark of the night, they are becoming more and more subject to vicious attacks launched by modern-day pirates.  "Although oil and diesel stealing has been going on for decades, there has been an increase in criminal activity reported in the last four years," Johan Obdola, founder of the Global Organization for Security and Intelligence, told Fox News.  "It is estimated that the stealing in Mexico is up to 1.18 million barrels a day, bringing millions to criminal organizations, and making it very difficult to control."

Angel Moms to Congress: 'You Are Co-Conspirators' in the Deaths of Our Children.  Angel Moms, whose children have been killed by illegal aliens, spoke directly to Congress on Capitol Hill this week, declaring pro-illegal immigration politicians the "co-conspirators" in their loved ones' deaths.  During a press conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, Angel Moms Angie Morfin, Maureen Maloney, and Vicki Lyons demanded action from Congress to stop illegal immigration into the United States and thus save the lives of Americans and legal immigrants who may become the victims of illegal alien crime.

Islamic Illegal Alien Admits to Killing Daughter And Grandson In Possible Honor Killing.  An Islamic illegal alien living in Corpus Christi, Texas, admitted to police last week that he murdered his daughter and grandson in cold blood.  The 72-year-old man, Mohammad Sahi, is a Pakistani national.  Pakistan is a Muslim-majority country and a hotbed for "honor killings."  Such killings are purely ideologically-driven in Islam, and "honor violence" usually has to do with bringing shame upon one's family. [...] There are an estimated 1,000 honor killings in Pakistan every year, and given America's current loosely-structured immigration policy (or lack thereof), some of them could be coming to America.

Media Dead Silent:  Illegal alien charged with raping 4-year-old girl in Baton Rouge.  A story that literally escaped almost the entire news cycle, both locally and nationally is getting new attention, after a Grand Jury handed down an indictment of first-degree child rape against an illegal alien in Baton Rogue, on Wednesday [9/18/2019].

NBC: Network's Double Standards Surface Yet Again.  [Scroll down]  If now-Attorney General Bill Barr, who works for the hated-by-the-media President Trump, once endorsed a book that demands due process for those on a college campus accused of sexual assault — that is horrific.  It is a slap in the face to "survivors and the challenges they face.["]  But if seven illegals have shown up in the sanctuary county of Montgomery County, Maryland and sexually assaulted seven different victims, one who was eleven-years old?  No big deal at NBC, it's simply not worth reporting.  There is curiously no concern for the "survivors and the challenges they face."  In fact, there is just no reporting on the acts themselves, much less the survivors of the assaults.

Immigration Chief Wants To Reveal Info Of Refugees Charged With Crimes.  A top immigration chief wants the authority to disclose personal information about refugees and asylees who are under criminal prosecution for certain crimes.  Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), recently sent a request to the head of the Department of Homeland Security, asking for the authority to publicize personal information about criminal asylees and refugees, according to a memorandum obtained by BuzzFeed News.

Another illegal alien arrested for brutal rape in notorious sanctuary Montgomery County.  Democrats don't seem very interested in fighting sexual assault crimes when they're part of the growing trend of rape arrests of illegal aliens in sanctuary Montgomery County, Maryland, going on right now.  Josue Gomez-Gonzalez, an illegal alien from El Salvador, was arrested on September 12 for raping a female friend of his in Montgomery County while they were both drunk.  ABC7 News' Kevin Lewis, who has been tracking criminal aliens in Montgomery County, noted on Twitter that this is "at least the ninth undocumented immigrant charged with rape or sex abuse of a minor in Montgomery County, Md. since July 25."

No Justice But What We Make.  After a drawn-out legal battle, [Jose Inez] Garcia-Zarate was acquitted on charges of first-degree murder, second-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, and assault with a firearm.  The only thing Steinle's vindicators managed to stick to this slimy foreigner was a felony conviction for unlawful possession of a gun.  That conviction, however, was recently overturned by a California state appeals court.  According to NPR, the 1st District Court of Appeals ruled in late August that the conviction should be overturned because the judge did not give the jury proper instructions on the possession charge.  The judge made a "prejudicial" error when he failed to provide the jury with "the momentary possession instruction."  If this makes no sense to you, then rejoice, for you are among the sane.

Border Patrol Agents Respond When Previously Deported Sex Offender Gets Lost In Desert And Dials 911.  U.S. Border Patrol Agents continue apprehending previously convicted sex offenders.  Authorities came to the aid of a twice-convicted and twice-deported man who called 911 [9/9/2019] after getting lost.  The man had two convictions in the U.S. for "sex with a minor," according to CBP.

Deported sex offenders back again.  Two previously deported child sex offenders were separately arrested by Border Patrol in different locations when they attempted to re-enter the U.S. again illegally.  Customs and Border Protection reported that the two convicted felons, with sex offenses against victims less than 13 years old, were arrested just days apart in Texas and California.

Eighth Illegal Alien Accused of Rape in Maryland Was Freed by Sanctuary City.  The eighth illegal alien charged with rape or sexual assault in Montgomery County, Maryland in less than two months was freed a year ago from police custody due to the county's sanctuary policy.  Oluwakayode Adewole Adebusuyi, a 26-year-old illegal alien, was arrested last week by the Montgomery County Police Department after he allegedly raped an intoxicated woman in his car, according to police.

Previously Deported Illegal Charged with 16 Counts of Child Sex Crimes.  An illegal alien who has been charged with 16 counts of child sex crimes, including rape and molestation, was previously deported from the United States, Breitbart News has confirmed.  Alejandro Alcala-Avala, a 33-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was charged with 16 counts of various child sex crimes after being arrested by Pettis County, Missouri, law enforcement officials.  The charges include 10 counts of child molestation, two counts of statutory sodomy, one count of first-degree statutory sodomy, first-degree statutory rape, endangering the welfare of a child, and child abuse.

'Sanctuary' county decries reporting on illegal-alien rapes.  Officials in Montgomery County, Maryland — a self-declared "sanctuary" for illegal aliens — are criticizing conservative media and the Trump administration for drawing attention to the recent spate of illegal aliens arrested for sexual assault.  Seven illegal aliens from Central America have been arrested in the county, just north of Washington, D.C., on sex crime-related charges since July 25.  But the city council is putting the spotlight on the messengers.

Officials In 'Sanctuary' County Lash Out At Conservative Media For Reporting On String Illegal Alien Sex Crimes.  Officials in Montgomery County, Maryland, blamed conservative media, the White House and a top immigration official Thursday for drawing attention to a recent spate of sexual assaults carried out by illegal aliens.  The county, which is just north of Washington, D.C., has drawn national attention after seven illegal aliens from Central America were arrested there on sex crime-related charges since July 25.  "There has been a lot of inaccurate information spread by the White House, President Trump, Acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli, local and national conservative news outlets and neo-Nazi sympathizers regarding our criminal justice system and its process," the county council said in a statement.

Officials In 'Sanctuary' County Lash Out At Conservative Media For Reporting On String Illegal Alien Sex Crimes.  Officials in Montgomery County, Maryland, blamed conservative media, the White House and a top immigration official Thursday [9/5/2019] for drawing attention to a recent spate of sexual assaults carried out by illegal aliens.  The county, which is just north of Washington, D.C., has drawn national attention after seven illegal aliens from Central America were arrested there on sex crime-related charges since July 25.

Media blackout:  At least 6 illegal aliens charged with brutal murder in Baltimore suburb.  Yesterday, local media in Baltimore reported that seven individuals had been charged with first-degree murder for the killing of Daniel Alejandro Alvarado Cuellar, whose body was found near Towson, Maryland, on July 31.  According to Baltimore County police, "The cause of death was multiple stab wounds, and through our investigation, we were able to determine it was more than one person who caused those stab wounds."  Sound familiar?  Whose modus operandi is it to murder in groups with knives in the state of Maryland?  Well, not a single local media outlet bothered to ask the most important question:  Is this a problem native to suburban Baltimore County, or is this an imported problem? [...] Maryland has the highest concentration of Salvadorans in the country.

Six Illegal Aliens Accused of Stabbing 21-Year-Old Man to Death in Maryland.  Seven individuals have been charged with murdering a 21-year-old man to death in Maryland, six of whom are illegal aliens who have been living in the United States.  This week, prosecutors charged seven individuals, six of whom are illegal aliens, with first-degree murder after 21-year-old Daniel Alejandro Alvarado Cuellar was found stabbed to death, his body left near an apartment complex in Baltimore County, Maryland in July.

Central Americans now shocking percentage of federal arrests.  President Trump famously pointed out during his successful 2016 presidential campaign that some people entering the United States illegally are "bringing drugs and crime," including rape.  Now, a Justice Department report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics confirms the president's concern for what he has called an "invasion."  From 1998 to 2018, the report says, the share of all federal arrests by country of citizenship rose from 28 percent to 40 percent for Mexican citizens and from 1 percent to 20 percent for citizens of Central American countries.

Sheriff Blasts Sanctuary County Leader After Seven Illegals Arrested For Sex Crimes In Five Weeks.  Sanctuary policies are putting nearby communities in danger, not as an abstract idea, but demonstrably with particular crimes and offenders, they can point to for evidence.  Even things as serious as sex crimes.

Five Rape Arrests Underscore the Hypocrisy of Sanctuary Policies.  I wrote earlier this month about two illegal immigrants who had been arrested in Montgomery County, Md., on charges of raping an 11-year-old girl shortly after County Executive Marc Elrich (D) signed a sweeping executive order captioned "Promoting Community Trust".  Press reports now indicate that those immigrants were two of five illegal immigrants who have been arrested on rape charges in Montgomery County in the last few weeks, including one in a case charging forcible rape of a 16-year-old with a knife.  Those cases expose the dangers of sanctuary policies, and the hypocrisy of those who peddle them.

Media Mute After 7th Illegal Arrested For Rape Since July In Sanctuary County.  Montgomery County, Maryland's liberal leaders are defending their lax treatment of illegal immigrant crime, after ICE revealed that seven illegal immigrants have been arrested for sexual assault or rape charges in the past six weeks, alone.  Unbelievably, the networks could find no time at all to cover even one of the stories of children being assaulted in completely preventable crimes.  Friday [8/30/2019], local Maryland reporter WJLA's Kevin Lewis reported there's been at least seven "undocumented" arrested in Mongtgomery County for rape, since late July.  On his timeline, he described some of the disgusting details of these horrific crimes, against victims as young as 11 years old.

Appeals Court Tosses Sole Conviction In Kate Steinle Killing.  A state appeals court has overturned a criminal conviction for weapons possession for Jose Ines Garcia-Zarate, who was previously acquitted of the murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco in 2015.

California appeals court overturns sole conviction in Kate Steinle death.  A California state appeals court Friday overturned the lone conviction against an undocumented immigrant who shot and killed Kate Steinle on the San Francisco waterfront in 2015, a case that drew national attention and became a flashpoint in the debate over illegal immigration.  Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate, who was in the U.S. illegally and had been deported to his native Mexico five times, was acquitted in November 2017 of first- and second-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, and assault with a semi-automatic weapon.  He was convicted of one count of being a felon in possession of a firearm.

California Court Overturns Gun Conviction Against Illegal Immigrant In Kate Steinle Case.  The San Francisco Chronicle reports that a California Appeals court has overturned the gun conviction against the illegal immigrant who killed the young American woman, Kate Steinle, in 2015.  Jose Inez Garcia Zarate had already been acquitted of murder charges in 2017 related to the case after the court ruled his actions as an accident.

'CA has decriminalized illegal alien crime': Outrage as Kate Steinle's killer's conviction tossed.  A California appeals court has thrown out the conviction of an illegal immigrant who shot a woman on a San Francisco pier after escaping deportation due to the city's sanctuary policy, triggering further outrage.  Jose Ines Garcia Zarate's conviction on charges of being a convicted felon in possession of a gun was thrown out by a California state appeals court on Friday [8/30/2019], reviving the furor over a case that has defined the immigration debate.

A sixth illegal alien was just arrested in Montgomery County, Md. for child molestation.  How many incidents in one month will it take to persuade the Left that we have a border crisis and a problem in this country with criminal illegal aliens?  Just yesterday [8/28/2019], I brought you the story of Nelson Reyes-Medrano, a Salvadoran national living in the U.S. illegally, who crawled into bed with a 16-year-old female and raped her at knife point.  He was the fifth illegal in Montgomery County, Md. to be arrested for rape in one month.

Illegal Alien Admits to Brutally Killing 10-Year-Old Texas Girl.  A previously deported illegal alien has admitted to brutally killing a 10-year-old girl in Texas following his failed attempts to sexually assault the child, according to reports.  Gustavo Zavala-Garcia, an illegal from Mexico, pleaded guilty to strangling and drowning his young cousin by marriage in 2016 in Cherokee County, Texas.  Zavala-Garcia admitted Thursday [8/29/2019] to murdering Kayla Gomez-Orozco in 2016 after the girl went missing, CBS Austin reports.

Illegal alien raped Maryland girl, 16, at knifepoint in her bedroom, police say.  An illegal alien in Maryland is alleged to have crawled into the bed of a teenage girl while she was taking a nap and placed a knife against her throat before proceeding to rape her, according to authorities.  Federal officials have requested to keep the man in custody.  The Montgomery County Police Department said Nelson Saul Reyes-Medrano, 46, is charged with first-degree rape, sex abuse of a minor, and first-degree assault in connection with the late August 2018 attack.

Previously Deported Illegal Immigrant Charged With Choking Woman In The Hamptons.  What started out as a confrontation over Victor Sojos-Valladares's snooping through a woman's iPhone quickly escalated to the previously deported illegal immigrant attacking and choking her until the point o passing out, according to the East Hampton, New York victim.  Sojos-Valladares has a sordid history in the Hamptons, including being arrested for sexual assault and burglary on two separate occasions.  In 2010, the pervert climbed into the window of an unsuspecting woman.  He climbed into her bed and began kissing her without her permission.  The woman did not even know him.  She woke up yelling in terror, which caused him to flee the scene.  He was arrested a week later and pled guilty to a violation charge of harassment.  Then, less than a week later, he was "arrested on an alleged burglary charge, plus two misdemeanors — petty larceny and endangering the welfare of a child."

Former ICE Director: Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens Are 'Preventable Crimes'.  The former acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) argued that new Justice Department data show illegal immigration is not a victimless crime.  "I think it that validates illegal immigration is not a victimless crime.  Many come to this country and violate the laws against the citizens of this country," Tom Homan, who lead ICE during the first year-and-a-half of the Trump administration, said Friday [8/23/2019] on Fox News' "Outnumbered" program.

DOJ: 64% of Federal Arrests in 2018 Were of Non-U.S. Citizens.  Approximately 64 percent of the arrests that the federal government made in fiscal 2018 were of non-U.S. citizens, according to a report released today by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics.  That represents a dramatic change from just two decades ago, when approximately 63 percent of federal arrests were of citizens and only approximately 37 percent were of non-citizens.

Justice [Department says]: 64% of federal arrests are non-citizens, with a 200% increase.  Federal arrests of noncitizens have jumped over 200% in the last 20 years and now account for 64% of those arrested, according to the Justice Department.  The Bureau of Justice Statistics said that federal arrests of non-Americans rose 234% from 1998-2018.  For U.S. citizens, the percentage rose just 10% over those 20 years.  The newly released statistics feed the Trump administration's narrative that an increase in immigration, especially illegal immigration, has fed a spike in crime.  A $25B US counter-drug smuggling operation quietly thrives far south of the border

California Taxpayers Paid Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Member to Mentor MS-13 Gang Members.  Community intervention is a vital part of every pro-crime program.  That includes Senator Elizabeth Warren's recent grand pro-crime plan that would avoid those mean nasty jails and instead rely on gang intervention programs that according to her and MS-13 are proven to absolutely work.  Here's how well they've been working in California. [...]

DACA's dark side:  Illegal immigrants use Obama reprieve for criminal activities.  Yadel Alvarez-Chio is an illegal immigrant, but she was one of the lucky ones — a "Dreamer" who was able to take advantage of the Obama-era DACA deportation amnesty, which gave her a reprieve to stay in the U.S., a work permit to hold a job and access to a full legal driver's license.  She used the opportunity to become an immigrant smuggler, authorities say.  Ms. Alvarez was nabbed by Border Patrol agents this month in Woodsboro, Texas, where she was found driving two illegal immigrant Mexicans in a black Cadillac.  She admitted she was earning $4,000 to smuggle the men and said $3,500 of that would go to pay off a debt she had incurred to the smuggling organizers.

He was paid to keep kids out of gangs.  Now, he's charged in grisly MS-13 killings.  As a "peace ambassador" for a Los Angeles nonprofit funded with public money, it was Wilfredo Vides' job to steer young people clear of gangs.  For those who'd joined one, his role was to convince them to leave, as he had.  Or as he said he had.  Vides was one of 22 individuals arrested last month in a federal takedown of MS-13's Fulton clique, a cell of the transnational gang that claims swaths of the San Fernando Valley as its turf and is accused of murdering and dismembering its enemies in the mountains above Los Angeles.  Vides was far from the reformed gang member he claimed to be, authorities say.

Illegal Alien Accused of Rape, Child Sex Crimes Released by Sanctuary County.  North Carolina's largest sanctuary county released a previously deported illegal alien accused of rape and child sex crimes, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency reveals.  Oscar Pacheco-Leonardo, a 33-year-old illegal alien from Honduras, was arrested almost two months ago by the Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, Sheriff's Office for first-degree rape and child sex crimes.  After his arrest, ICE officials said they placed a detainer on Pacheco-Leonardo, requesting that he be turned over to the agency before being released from local custody.

ICE blasts Mecklenburg County sheriff following release of Honduran national accused of rape.  The release of a rape suspect has reignited an immigration enforcement debate.  Last week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested Oscar Pacheco-Leonardo, 33, a Honduran national, according to a news release.  He was arrested on June 14 charged with first degree rape and indecent liberties with a child.  Two days later, on June 16, Pacheco-Leonardo was released from the Mecklenburg County Jail on a $100,000 bond.

Two Illegal Immigrants Arrested for Repeatedly Raping 11-Year-Old Girl.  Two illegal immigrants residing in the Washington D.C. suburb and sanctuary county of Montgomery County, Maryland are accused of repeatedly raping an 11-year-old girl.  Mauricio Barrera-Navidad, 29, of Damascus, and Carlos Palacios-Amaya, 28, of Gaithersburg, were arrested and each charged with second-degree rape.  The two men knew the girl through a friendship with her older brother.  The child reported the rapes to a social worker at her school.

Media fails to report on illegal aliens killing their own family members.  [Scroll down]  It's illegal for illegal aliens to own guns, but they wind up obtaining them anyway.  However, as a matter of immigration law, he should never have been able to remain in Washington for the past number of years undetected by ICE. Washington is a sanctuary state, and unless ICE catches someone on its own, illegal aliens are free to live there without fear of being detected, the exact opposite of what the law mandates.  This also demonstrates that the lack of border security allows some of the worst individuals to return to the country, even if ICE successfully deports the criminal, once again proving the important symbiotic relationship between border security and interior enforcement.

Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Mollie Tibbetts Claims 'Constitutional Rights' Violated.  Illegal alien Cristhian Bahena Rivera claims in new court filings that his constitutional rights were violated by Iowa law enforcement officials after being interrogated for allegedly murdering 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts in Brooklyn, Iowa, last year.  In August 2018, Bahena Rivera, a 25-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was charged with Tibbetts' murder after police said he admitted to confronting and chasing down the young woman.

Racist ruse?  Trump and MS-13.  MS-13 is a boogeyman used by the lying, racist President Donald Trump to scare people about illegal crossings at the southern border and don't listen to him — or so say leftist politicians, let's-pretend journalists and puzzling professors.  At least these people do not grab you, slice you to death with their machetes, bang your head with baseball bats or, as in one recent incident, carve out your heart.  That's what happened in California, and 19 of the 22 MS-13 gang members accused of this barbarism crossed the southern border illegally in recent years.  While you may agree with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that walls are evil, the term is more nearly applicable to freak-show politics.

Report: 1-in-14 Nevada Inmates Are Illegal Aliens, Including 150 Murderers.  A sizeable portion of Nevada's incarcerated population is in the United States illegally, including about 150 who have been convicted of murder, a local investigation finds.  The Las Vegas Review-Journal's Arthur Kane obtained federal, state, and local records to reveal that about 1-in-14 inmates across Nevada's prison population are illegal aliens — totaling to about 1,000 illegal aliens who have been convicted of crimes in the state.

MS-13 gang created beachhead at Valley high school, but authorities insisted on secrecy.  Law enforcement and school officials have defended 21 months of secrecy around the murder investigation of a Panorama High School student at the hands of MS-13 — one part of a grisly rampage that has generated national headlines and left at least 10 people dead.  They said there was no need to alert teachers, parents and students because other students were never in danger, the gang had little presence on campus, and no acts of gang violence affected the campus itself.  But a month before the October 2017 off-campus slaying of Brayan Andino, another incident linked to MS-13 erupted at the edge of the San Fernando Valley campus.

Twitter bans 'angel mom' for criticizing illegals who kill thousands of Americans every year.  Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza uses Twitter to raise awareness about a chilling trend that's claiming the lives of thousands of Americans like her son every year:  Illegal immigrants who commit murder.  Twitter doesn't think she deserves a voice.

Marvin Oswaldo Esquivel-Lopez, charged in triple homicide, was deported twice.  An illegal Guatemalan immigrant who had been twice deported was arrested for the murders of a mother and her two kids in Iowa, authorities said Friday [7/19/2019].  Marvin Oswaldo Esquivel-Lopez, 31, faces charges of first-degree murder in the triple homicide Tuesday night in downtown Des Moines, the Des Moines Register reported.  Esquivel-Lopez allegedly fatally shot 29-year-old Rossibeth Flores-Rodriguez and her two children, 11-year-old Grecia Daniela Alvarado-Flores and 5-year-old Ever Jose Mejia-Flores.

An ultra-violent MS-13 gang entered the U.S., then stalked L.A. with blades and bats.  One by one, the victims were lured to remote locations: an abandoned building in downtown Los Angeles, an empty rooftop in Hollywood, a quiet park in the San Fernando Valley.  Each was accused of a transgression against the notorious MS-13 street gang.  Each would meet their end in a manner federal investigators described as "medieval."  In one case, court records show, a 16-year-old boy was lured to a canyon and beaten to death in 2017.  His body went undiscovered for so long that his remains wound up charred in a wildfire, according to coroner's records.  Earlier that year, another man suspected of defacing an MS-13 graffiti tag was abducted and dragged into Angeles National Forest.  Six gang members cut him apart with machetes, according to prosecutors, who alleged that one cut out his heart.

22 MS-13 Gang Members Charged With Machete Murders In Angeles National Forest.  Nearly two-dozen Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang members who operate in the San Fernando Valley have been charged with a series of ruthless murders, some of which involved hacking people to death with machetes in the Angeles National Forest.

Illegal Alien Charged With Child Molestation in North Carolina 'Sanctuary City'.  An Asheboro man has been charged with 4 counts of felony indecent liberties with a child among several other charges, according to Randolph County Sheriff's Office news release.  The release says deputies received a report on July 5 about allegations of sex offenses involving a minor.  An investigation into the allegations showed evidence that Victor Estuardo Diaz, 22, of Asheboro, committed acts against a child under 15, deputies say.

Feds charge nearly two dozen suspected MS-13 gang members with seven murders.  Federal authorities have charged nearly two dozen people in California with crimes linked to the MS-13 gang.  An FBI, Los Angeles Police Department, and Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department joint task force arrested 22 alleged gang members and potential members on 12 charges related to the murder of seven people over the past two years, according to Fox 11.  The indictment, unsealed Monday, details the murders of rival gang members, gang members suspected of helping police, and a homeless man who was living in a park that the MS-13 gang considered its own.

Illegal aliens charged with rape.  [Numerous examples]

Democrats Shift From Supporting Legal Immigration To Urging Open Defiance Of U.S. Laws.  Far from a mass roundup, ICE's responsibility was to find approximately 2,000 illegal immigrants.  Nor were the targets randomly chosen to inspire terror among illegally present foreigners or to display a sign of the administration's lawless lust for retribution against those who break immigration laws.  With a population of 11 million illegal immigrants and some estimates saying as many as 1 million of them are already under court order to leave after receiving due process, the arrest of every one of those on the current list couldn't even be counted as a drop in the bucket for dealing with the problem.  Moreover, those chosen had already been through the long, tedious process by which the government is forced to prove its case in immigration courts.  All have already been ordered out of the country after they had a chance to make their case to be able to stay or even to claim asylum.  All of them had broken federal law, received their day in court, and had received court documents telling them they must leave the country.

ICE releases report of illegal immigrants who allegedly committed crimes after cops ignored detention requests.  The first of what will be quarterly "Declined Detainer Reports" details incidents from the second quarter of fiscal year 2018, where law enforcement agencies arrested undocumented immigrants, ignored ICE requests to hold them until federal authorities could pick them up, and then those individuals were arrested on new charges.  The report features highlighted cases, including ones where the arrests were for rape, murder, assault, burglary, car theft, drug possession, and DUI.

Accused Child Rapist Arrested at Arizona Border.  Nogales Station agents arrested a Mexican national after he illegally crossed the border on Wednesday afternoon [7/11/2019].  The agents conducted a biometric background investigation and learned the 30-year-old man has active warrants from the Spanish Fork, Utah, Sheriff's Office, according to information provided by Tucson Sector Border Patrol officials.  The Mexican man will be extradited to Utah where he will face charges of two counts of raping a child and aggravated sexual abuse of a child, officials reported.

Why Americans Are Never Told About Murders by Illegal Aliens.  Why is it that we only hear about illegal aliens who die of natural causes, and their deaths being blamed on ICE, but never hear about the daily rapes and murders by illegal aliens?  [Video clip]

Victims of illegal alien crimes may soon be able to sue sanctuary cities.  Republican Representative from North Carolina Thom Tillis sent out a press release on Tuesday [7/9/2019] which details upcoming legislation that will give a voice to those victimized by illegal aliens protected by sanctuary city policies.  "The legislation creates a private right of civil action for the victims of sanctuary jurisdictions, allowing them to bring an action for compensatory damages against the sanctuary jurisdiction as a result of a violent crime committed by an illegal immigrant," it reads.  "Any sanctuary city or jurisdiction that refuses to waive its immunity as it relates to sanctuary-related civil action would be subject to the withholding of certain Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding."

Did someone mention sanctuary cities?

Abolishing ICE Means Letting the Worst Criminals Imaginable Stay in the USA.  [Scroll down]  Quite of a few of these criminals had been arrested and deported years ago.  For example, one 25-year-old Honduran who had a prior conviction for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon had been deported before.  Now that he has been apprehended, he faces "federal prosecution for re-entry after deportation."  Another arrestee, a 32-year old Mexican had also been deported before.  This guy is an active gang member with prior convictions for robbery, evading arrest, and aggravated assault.  Who wants these thugs in America?

6 illegal immigrants in Honduran burglary ring arrested in Fort Bend County.  Fort Bend County Sheriff Nehls and law enforcement detectives announced the arrest of a group connected with a Honduran burglary ring Monday afternoon [7/8/2019].  The Sheriff's Office launched an investigation after reports of a group targeting Indian, Asian and Middle Eastern communities.  Officials said the group is tied to more 100 burglaries in the Houston area.

US Demands $12.7 Billion in Judgment Against 'El Chapo'.  U.S. authorities said on July 5 they were seeking a court order requiring Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman to forfeit $12.7 billion following his conviction for racketeering and drug trafficking crimes earlier this year.

War criminals among us: inside the quiet effort to prosecute and deport violators disguised as refugees.  They could be your Uber driver or the security guard at a local airport.  The elderly neighbor living next door or the operator of the neighborhood ice cream shop.  They came to the United States from all corners of the globe — Somalia, Rwanda, El Salvador, the Balkans, Germany, Iraq — claiming to have been persecuted.  In reality, they were the persecutors.  For decades, war criminals have lived alongside those they tortured or displaced.  Under the guise of being a refugee, they've sought new lives in America.  But quiet efforts are underway to expose and punish as many of these hidden offenders as possible — and ensure none find a lasting haven in the U.S.

Sheriff: Man held in Alexander County family's killing [is] in [the] U.S. illegally.  North Carolina authorities say the man accused of murdering his ex-wife and her two children is a Mexican citizen who's in the United States illegally.  Areli Aguirre Avilez, 30, is charged with murder in the death of 38-year-old mother Maria Calderon, and her children, 11-year-old Angel Pacheco and 12-year-old America Pacheco.

5 Suspects Arrested in Texas for Imprisoning 18 Immigrants for Labor, Sex.  On Friday [6/28/2019], authorities announced that Houston police arrested 5 suspects in a kidnapping and human smuggling ring. [...] The circumstances are horrifying.

Washington man assaults woman days after being released from jail for raping her last year: prosecutors.  Washington authorities are hunting a convicted rapist who they believe attacked a wheelchair-bound woman just three days after getting out of jail — where he'd been locked up for previously raping the same woman.  Francisco Carranza-Ramirez, 35, was released from jail last Thursday [6/20/2019] after serving less than a year for the rape of a White Center woman on two occasions. [...] After nine months in jail (including time served as the case proceeded), Carranza-Ramirez was ordered by a judge to return to Mexico as part of a plea agreement.

DHS: Caravans to U.S. Included 1,500 Deported Criminals, 30 Sex Offenders.  Recent caravans of foreign nationals included more than 1,500 previously deported convicted criminal illegal aliens, nearly 30 of which were convicted of sex crimes, federal officials say.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data provided to the House Oversight and Reform Committee this week reveal that two recent caravans of about 11,300 nationals that flooded the United States-Mexico border in October 2018 and January 2019 included about 1,520 previously deported illegal aliens who had been convicted of crimes in the U.S.

Illegal immigrant day laborer who bludgeoned a wealthy socialite to death with a fire extinguisher is sentenced.  An undocumented immigrant day laborer who has admitted to bludgeoning an elderly socialite to death at her New York mansion was sentenced this morning [6/13/2019] to 22 years to life in prison after telling the court he wished he could trade placed with his victim.  Esdras Marroquin Gomez, 34, learned his fate after reading a letter through a Spanish interpreter, in which he expressed remorse for taking the life of 83-year-old Lois Colley, the wife of millionaire McDonald's franchisee Eugene Colley, at her 300-acre North Salem estate in November 2015.

Suspects in prison attack on militia leader were previously-deported illegal immigrants.  The three federal inmates suspected of attacking a militia leader in a New Mexico jail in April were in custody on immigration charges and had all been previously deported prior, according to a local report about federal documents that were released Wednesday [6/12/2019].  The documents show Roberto Gardea-Limas, Silvano Gurrola-Hernandez, and Martin Soto-Ortega had each been previously deported from the United States and had been in custody at the Doña Ana County Detention Center in late April on varying federal charges, according to Las Cruces Sun News.

Naked Intruder On Immigration Hold After Threatening Dallas Couple.  A loud noise awoke a Dallas couple to the sight of a naked man rummaging through a bookshelf in their room.  Lying next to his wife, Trent Tate asked the nude intruder what he was doing.  "If you move, I'll kill you," was the response.  Trent Tate grabbed the man, identified as Oscar Martinez Gomez and wrestled him to the ground while his wife called police.

Feds lost track of criminal alien informants: inspector general.  Federal law enforcement agencies knowingly invite foreigners, often with lengthy criminal records, into the U.S., sponsoring them for visas on the hope they'll help out with an investigation.  But in dozens of those cases the government has lost track of the people and agents were slow in reporting them to Homeland Security, allowing the trail to go cold in efforts to track down, according to a Justice Department inspector general's report released Wednesday [6/12/2019].  From 2015 to 2017 the Justice Department sponsored roughly 5,500 immigrants for deferred deportation, an S visa or parole into the U.S.

Armed Mexican Cartel Member Filmed Crossing US Border in Broad Daylight!  Two weeks ago and over the Memorial Day Weekend the "We Build the Wall" organization led by founder and organizer Brian Kolfage built their first major border wall section on the West Texas-New Mexico border on the side of Mount Cristo Rey.

Democrats Fight For Open Borders As Illegals Bring In Crime, Diseases.  After revealing over 140,000 illegal aliens were detained or apprehended at the border last month, the Border Patrol is warning America's immigration system has already collapsed.  One America's Pearson Sharp spoke with Chris Harris, a retired Border Patrol agent, who says America will cease to exist unless we can defend our borders.  [Video clip]

Mexican government admits 80% of its populated territory is run by cartels, including key border areas.  As of last year, the Taliban controlled or contested 46 percent of the districts in Afghanistan's civil war.  That was enough justification for us to keep our military perpetually engaged there in combat.  What if you were told that 80 percent of Mexico's territory is controlled by dangerous cartels, including all of the key smuggling routes at our border, and that the cartels are orchestrating all of the illegal immigration into our territory and bringing their members back and forth across our own border?  Several weeks ago, the Mexican investigative journal Contral'nea posted a map of Mexico prepared by the government of President Andrés Manuel López-Obrador (AMLO), showing that 80 percent of the country's 266 districts recently targeted for enforcement by the Mexican National Guard in a new counter-cartel operation are either controlled (57.5 percent) or disputed (23.3 percent) by the cartels.

The Entitled Uninvited.  On a Sunday afternoon in May, Etta Nugent found Marco Cobos, a Mexican national, at her doorstep in Houston after his truck had broken down nearby.  Cobos knocked and Nugent, described by friends as "gentle soul" and a "good Christian woman," answered.  When Cobos asked her to help him fix his truck, the septuagenarian politely declined, citing her age.  Feeling entitled to a different answer, Cobos forced his way into Nugent's home and stabbed her in the chest.  He proceeded to show himself to kitchen to look for "more knives," he told prosecutors, while his victim lay grievously wounded.  As Nugent attempted to flee, Cobos killed her in her home of 50 years, across the street from St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church where she had worshiped for most of her life.  With cash stolen from the house, Cobos drove Nugent's car to an auto parts store to buy a new battery for his truck.  He stopped for food before returning to Nugent's home, where he ate and lounged for hours, helping himself to Nugent's credit cards, even paying his phone bill with one of them.

Previously Deported Rapist Arrested Amongst Group of Migrant Families, Unaccompanied Children.  A Guatemalan national previously deported from the United States after being charged and serving jail time for rape and kidnapping was arrested this week in El Paso, TX after attempting to re-enter the country.  ABC 7 KVIA News reports that "Domingo Larios Castro, 49, was attempting to enter the United States illegally with a group of 43 undocumented immigrants."  The group was apprehended by Border Patrol which transported the 40 plus individuals to a station for background checks and other procedures.

Girl Killed by MS-13 Members after Maryland Officials Ignore ICE Detainer.  According to authorities, [Josue] Fuentes-Ponce and Escobar killed the girl because they were worried she would report them to police.  She had lured a man to Northwest Washington, D.C., where he was beaten, robbed, and interrogated about his gang affiliations.  This was not the first involvement in a robbery by Fuentes-Ponce and Escobar.  Last year, both were arrested in connection with a robbery case.  Because Fuentes-Ponce and Escobar are in the U.S. illegally, ICE asked the Prince George's County, Maryland Department of Corrections to detain them.  It did not.  Thus, these two MS-13 thugs were free to commit more robberies and to butcher a 14 year-old accomplice.

Right out of the gate, Beto goes low.  According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, between June 1, 2011, and April 30, 2019, 196,000 illegal immigrants were charged with more than 306,000 criminal offenses, which included arrests for 3,611 sexual assault charges and 4,826 sexual offense charges.

Illegal immigrant gets 20 years for raping 12-year-old Mississippi girl.  An illegal immigrant who followed a 12-year-old Mississippi girl into a restaurant bathroom, got her number, then raped her hours later, was sentenced Tuesday [5/21/2019] to 20 years, according to a report.  Valentin Ariosto Alfonso-Arguello, 38, was charged last September for raping the girl the month prior.  Authorities said Alfonso-Arguello met the girl at a Ridgeland restaurant — about 12 miles north of Jackson — where he worked and forced her to give him her number.

CNN Refuses To Report On Illegal Alien Serial Killer Allegedly Murdering 12 Elderly Women In Texas.  The story broke last Wednesday when Kenyan national Billy Chemirmir, 46, was charged with the deaths of six women in Dallas County and then was charged on Thursday with the deaths of five women in Collin County.  Chemirmir was already in prison from charges he faces from 2018 involving another alleged murder of an elderly woman.  The story garnered national attention and was widely reported on at most news organizations, except for CNN.  On CNN's website, there are no reports about the case, and the network buried the story on its television coverage, giving it minimum coverage so it could not be accused of ignoring it completely.

Federal offenders
Non-citizens commit 42% of federal crimes, despite being 7% of population.  A new federal report shows non-citizens in the United States commit nearly half of all federal crimes, or more than six times their proportion to the American population.  For 2017, data from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey shows non-citizens comprise about 7 percent of the country's population, but the 2018 Annual Report and Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics shows they committed more than 40 percent of all federal crimes. [...] The largest numbers of crimes occurred in border states, and areas with sanctuary policies.  Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Florida and southern California were among the most heavily concentrated areas for federal crimes.

Illegal Alien from Kenya Charged with Killing 12 Elderly Women — CNN Still Ignoring Story.  An illegal alien from Kenya has been charged in the deaths of 12 elderly women in Texas, and at least one major media outlet has so far ignored what could be one of the most prolific serial slayings in American history.  Billy Chemirmir, a 46-year-old former healthcare worker, had already been charged with capital murder in March 2018 in the death of Lu Thi Harris, 81, but was indicted on Tuesday [5/14/2019] for 11 additional deaths:  five in Collin County and six more in Dallas County.  Court records show that Chemirmir, a citizen of Kenya living illegally in the United States, allegedly smothered his victims with a pillow and then robbed them, according to The Dallas Morning News.

Father of CO Transgender Shooter is a twice-deported criminal.  Two suspects in the Stem school shootings in Highlands Ranch, Colorado are 18-year-old Devon Erickson and 16-year-old Mya (a transgender student, who prefers to be called Alec) McKinney, according to the New York Post. [...] Jose Evis Quintana, the father of alleged 16-year-old killer Alec McKinney was once jailed for 15 months for domestic violence against Alec's mother and 'menacing with a weapon'.  Records show Quintana, 33, who was also deported twice, had a string of arrests in Colorado dating back from 2008 to 2017.  Quintana terrorized Alec's mother Morgan Lynn McKinney, 32, and then managed to convince her to marry him in 2009, a year before he was first deported.

The Mexican father of alleged Colorado school shooter Alec McKinney, 16, was jailed for domestic violence and deported TWICE.  The father of one of the alleged STEM School Highlands Ranch shooters in Colorado is a serial felon and illegal immigrant from Mexico, can reveal.  Jose Evis Quintana, the father of alleged 16-year-old killer Alec McKinney was once jailed for 15 months for domestic violence against Alec's mother and 'menacing with a weapon'.  McKinney has been charged alongside his friend Devon Erickson of killing one student and injuring eight others at the school close Denver, Colorado.

Man accused of killing infant over paternity had been deported 5 times:  ICE.  A man accused of fatally beating a 4-month-old boy after finding out the infant wasn't his son had been previously deported from the United States five times, most recently in late 2016, immigration officials said.  Carlos Zuniga-Aviles, a 33-year-old Honduran national, has used multiple aliases, including the fake name of Jose Agurcia-Avila he gave police in Memphis, Tennessee, following his arrest in the boy's death earlier this month, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials told WMC-TV.  ICE officials have since filed an immigration detainer against Zuniga-Aviles, who was initially deported to Honduras in February 2010.  He was also returned to the Central American country in 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2016.

Dozens of Chilean 'tourists' tied to burglaries in Southern California, police say.  The crime patterns began emerging in the last year: crews of thieves employing inventive techniques to gain entry and ransack scores of cars, homes and businesses in Southern California and across the nation.  As investigations and arrests ramped up, detectives noticed another key commonality:  The suspects were Chilean and had gained entry into the U.S. with easily obtained visa waivers.  "It is a growing problem," said FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller.  "They're very sophisticated.  It's a hot zone in Southern California."  Law enforcement has dubbed it "burglary tourism," and it is thriving locally and around the world.

Boy, just 16 years old, stabbed to death and set on fire by MS-13 in DC suburb.  A 16-year-old boy was stabbed over 100 times, and his body set on fire.  He was murdered in a neighborhood in Maryland, a suburb of D.C. His body was dumped in Fairfax, Virginia.  Another D.C. satellite.  The killers were members of violent drug gang MS-13.  The boy's offense?  He wanted to leave the gang, his mother says.  Police announced on Friday that they have arrested five male MS-13 members in connection with the slaying.

Illegal Alien Sentenced to Prison For Running Elaborate Prostitution Operation.  Luis Bonilla-Hernandez, an illegal migrant from El Salvador, was sentenced to two years of prison on Friday [4/12/2019] for running a criminal sex operation right in the heart of the Washington, D.C., area.  "Bonilla-Hernandez profited from the sexual exploitation of women who found themselves in difficult and vulnerable places," G. Zachary Terwilliger, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, said in a prepared statement after the sentencing.  "The tears, pain, and mental anguish expressed by the victims in this case is heartbreaking.  Additionally, this case is yet another example of an individual who is here in the United States illegally and committing serious crimes."

Migrants break border gate, force their way into Mexico.  Mexican authorities said a group of about 350 migrants broke the locks on a gate at the Guatemalan border Friday and forced their way into southern Mexico to join a larger group of migrants trying to make their way toward the United States.

Shootout In Phoenix:  ICE Agents Take On Human Traffickers Alone.  Gunfire, chaos and confusion.  That's what happened in Phoenix, Arizona yesterday morning when agents with Immigration and Customs Enforcement attempted to stop a group of human smugglers.  Police in the city reported that four Homeland Security Investigation agents, an enforcement arm of ICE, were taken to the hospital following a massive shootout in the Ahwatukee area.  While HSI agents were conducting an investigation into human traffickers, they attempted to pull over suspected human smugglers, but what resulted was something like reminiscent of the Wild West.

Fiend charged with raping, killing jogger had been deported twice.  The fiend busted for raping a New Jersey jogger before drowning her in a lake is an illegal immigrant from Honduras who had already been kicked out of the US twice before, authorities said Thursday [4/11/2019].  Jorge Rios, 33, was deported from the US first in 2003 and then again in 2004, but snuck back across the border at some point after that, they said.

Migrants riot at Mexican immigration station, reportedly burn documents in face of deportation.  Migrants staged a riot at an immigration station in Tapachula, Mexico early Wednesday morning [4/10/2019], multiple Mexican media outlets reported.  The group of migrants, mostly from Cuba and Africa, staged the riot to prevent authorities from carrying out deportations, Mexican media outlets Noticias MVS, Milenio and Reforma reported.  The migrants reportedly ransacked the building and set some documents on fire before authorities were able to regain control.

'Illegal immigrant' is charged with killing a man by running over him twice after a fight at a club.  A woman has been charged with killing a man by running him over twice after an argument in a Texas bar.  Laura Rosas, 33, was arrested on Monday night for allegedly murdering Emmanuel Ramirez, 30, OK Corral, a Latin nightclub in Fort Worth, Texas.  She is accused of running him over twice in the parking lot in the early hours of Monday morning after an argument inside the club.  It is unclear how they knew each other or what they were fighting about.

Illegal immigrant charged in 5 deaths in Missouri, Kansas found dead in jail cell, sheriff says.  An illegal immigrant who led authorities on a manhunt across two states after allegedly killing five people in 2016 was found dead in a jail cell early Tuesday [4/9/2019], officials said.  The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office said in a Facebook post that Pablo Serrano-Vitorino, 43, was found alone and unresponsive in his jail cell at the St. Louis Justice Center after 2 a.m.

Mexican Border State Mayor Sentenced to U.S. Prison for Passport Fraud.  A Mexican mayor from the northern border state of Sonora was given a 15-month prison sentence in the U.S. for passport fraud Monday [4/8/2019].  The politician was previously accused of having cartel ties.  The recently elected and now former Bácum mayor, Roberto Aboyte Limón, will serve 15 months in U.S. prison after attempting an illegal crossing into Arizona with a passport not his own on December 27, 2018.  During examination after his entry, it was determined that Aboyte Limón failed to disclose a prior arrest for cocaine trafficking.  Court records indicate that Aboyte Limón attempted to enter the U.S. under the name "Jaime Fernando Bautista," but when his true identity was discovered, it was determined that he was previously convicted and sentenced to 84 months in a U.S. prison under a third name, Raúl López Montaño.

Child Rapist Found Back in Kansas, Just Nine Days After He Was Deported to Mexico.  According to the Kansas Department of Corrections, Simon Rochel-Cervantes, 46, a citizen of Mexico, spent 7-years in the Ellsworth Correctional Facility for the rape and aggravated intimidation of a witness, as reported by IACR's Dave Gibson.  He was released and deported on February 19.  On March 5, he was found in Sedgwick County, according to a media release from the United State Attorney.  Rochel-Cervantes is charged with unlawfully re-entering the United States after being deported.

Report: Nearly 20 Percent of Inmates in Federal Prisons Are Criminal Aliens.  According to a new report, criminal aliens currently make up nearly 20 percent of the population in the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) system — a total of 34,776.  David Olen Cross, a Salem, Ore., crime and immigration researcher, looked at the number of foreign nationals in the U.S. BOP system based on the most recent federal report.  As of March 30, 2019, there were 179,761 inmates incarcerated in federal prisons across the U.S.

How deported MS-13 gang members sneak back into the US.  The deported MS-13 gang member who was caught back in Long Island this week snuck into the US over the southern border — and may have had help from ganbangers in Suffolk County, law enforcement sources told The [New York] Post Friday [4/5/2019].  William Umberto Martinez Chavez, 40, was first kicked out of the country back in 2017 for a fatal 2000 stabbing — but was found in Huntington on Tuesday morning [4/2/2019] and arrested by Immigration and Custom Enforcement agents for illegal reentry.

Illegal immigrant arrested on 100+ child sex crime charges in Louisiana.  Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry has announced the arrest of an undocumented immigrant accused of more than 100 counts of sex crimes.  Miguel Martinez, 44, was arrested on 100 counts of possession of pornography involving juveniles under the age of 13 years old, one count of production under the age of 13, and one count of sexual battery of a juvenile under the age of 13.  Landry says Martinez was living in Harvey, Louisiana illegally.

Illegal Alien From Honduras Charged With Murder, Kidnapping and Aggravated Sexual Assault.  Police arrested and charged 33-year-old Jorge Rios for the murder of Carolina Cano, a 45-year-old nanny living in New Jersey.  Ms. Cano's roommate told police she went out for a jog at a nearby park at 5:30 AM on March 24th and never came home — Cano's body was later discovered in a New Jersey lake.

Man charged with murder in county park was deported twice before:  ICE.  The man charged with raping and strangling a jogger in Jersey City's Lincoln Park had already been deported twice, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said.  Jorge Rios, who was identified by ICE officials as Jorge Alberto Rios-Doblado, is from Honduras and "has been removed from the country on two prior occasions, in 2003 and 2004," according to ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operation (ICE-ERO) in Newark.  ICE officials also said Rios initially entered the country illegally.

Deported MS-13 killer arrested after being caught back on Long Island.  An admitted MS-13 gang member who had been booted from the US after killing a man in Huntington, LI, was arrested again Tuesday [4/2/2019] — back on Long Island.  William Umberto Martinez Chavez, 40, had been deported in 2017 after he was convicted of manslaughter and did time for the fatal stabbing of a man in May 2000 outside a Huntington deli, federal prosecutors said.  But the Salvadoran killer — who has MS-13 tattoos on his chest and stomach — sneaked back into the country and was nabbed in Huntington Tuesday.

Woman who complained about a Mexican migrant shelter feeding her 'pig food' is arrested for assaulting a woman with a gun.  A Honduran mother who was dubbed 'Lady Frijoles' after she blasted a migrant shelter in Mexico for feeding her 'pig food', has been arrested in Texas for allegedly assaulting a woman with a gun.  Mirian Zelaya Gómez, 38, and her sister, Mirna Zelaya Gómez, 33, were apprehended in Dallas early morning on March 27.  Both have been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.  Each are being held at the on a $10,000 bond.

MS-13 gang member gets 26 years for murder and conspiracy.  A 19-year-old Maryland man was sentenced to 26 year in prison Friday [3/29/2019] for crimes he committed as part of the violent gang La Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13.  Kevin Soriana-Hernandez, who goes by "Brocha," pleaded guilty and admitted to his involvement in at least one murder and attempted murder as part of the gang.

9th Circuit sinks Kate Steinle parents' lawsuit against 'sanctuary city'.  A federal appeals court ruled Monday [3/25/2019] the parents of Kate Steinle, who was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant in 2015, cannot sue San Francisco for the "sancutary city's" failure to tell immigration officials about the shooter's release.  Steinle's parents alleged San Francisco and the city's former sheriff shared the blamed for their daughter's death because officials did not notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement when Jose Ines Garcia Zarate got out of jail.  Garcia Zarate had been deported five times prior to killing Steinle and was released from jail three months before the shooting.

2 more Americans killed by illegal immigrants who should have been deported.  Two more Americans — a Washington state sheriff's deputy and an Alabama schoolteacher — were killed this week because we senselessly allow illegal aliens to remain in our country. [...] How many more ticking time bombs of drivers (drunk or otherwise), drug traffickers, murderers, and robbers will remain in the country and do harm to our people as a result of the lack of basic enforcement of our most foundational federal laws?

Washington state deputy was killed by illegal immigrant, ICE says.  A road rage suspect who investigators say shot and killed a Washington state sheriff's deputy and wounded a police officer earlier this week was in the U.S. illegally, federal authorities said Thursday [3/21/2019].  In an email to Fox News, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokeswoman Tanya Roman said 29-year-old Juan Manuel Flores Del Toro, a Mexican citizen, entered the U.S. at Laredo, Texas, in April 2014 on a temporary agricultural worker visa.  Roman said ICE had no record of him leaving the United States or extending his visa after it expired.

Illegal immigrant charged in 4 murders told police he killed because he needed money for meth, official says.  An illegal immigrant charged with murder in the deaths of four people in Nevada earlier this year told police he committed the killings because he needed money to buy meth, a detective said Thursday [3/21/2019].  Wilber Ernesto Martinez-Guzman, a 20-year-old Salvadoran national living in the U.S. illegally, broke into tears and repeatedly called himself an "idiot" before confessing to the murders during an interrogation hours after his arrest in Carson City on Jan. 19, a detective told a grand jury.

Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Mollie Tibbetts Granted $3.2K in Taxpayer Money for Expert Witness.  In August 2018, Cristhian Bahena-Rivera, an illegal alien from Mexico, was charged with Tibbetts' murder after police said he admitted to confronting and chasing down the young woman.  Tibbetts' body was found in a cornfield in Poweshiek County after a statewide search for her.  The illegal alien lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities, as Breitbart News noted, and worked on a dairy farm using a stolen ID and Social Security card after allegedly crossing the U.S.-Mexico border as a child.

Meanwhile, MS-13 is still slaughtering people in the U.S. every day.  One week ago, MS-13 members killed a teenager in Fairfax, Virginia.  They stabbed him over one hundred times.  They set him on fire.  Today, five gang members are under arrest for the inhuman slaying.  The particular group of MS-13 is based in Fairfax.  Not El Salvador.  The teenager who was brutally murdered was also a gang member, and his mother says he was forced to join the gang while in El Salvador.  They fled the country to escape the gang, she says, but found that small towns in Virginia are no escape from the gang, which is all over the United States.

Illegal immigrant charged with biting off ICE officer's fingertip.  A Dominican National in the US illegally has been charged with assault for biting off the tip of a veteran ICE officer's finger, according to newly unsealed court papers and law enforcement sources.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers were attempting to take Cristopher Santos Felix into custody on March 3 when he chomped down on the unnamed officer's left ring finger, a source told The [New York] Post.  Santos Felix entered the country in June 2015 on a visitors visa, sources said, and then overstayed it and never left.

Media Largely Ignore Death of San Jose Woman Caused by Sanctuary Policies.  Two weeks ago, Bambi Larson of San Jose was murdered by illegal immigrant Carlos Arevalo-Corranza; who has an extremely lengthy criminal history.  Not surprisingly, the legacy media largely ignored this story.  With the exception of CNN's Early Start and a segment on Univision, all of the cable news coverage of Larson's death came from either Fox News or One America News Network.  The Ingraham Angle, one of the Fox News shows that has covered Larson's death, obtained a copy of a DHS immigration detainer notice for Arevalo-Corranza from October 9, 2018; one of seven detainers ICE has issued for him.  The detainer had a stamp with the words "not honored per county policy," referring to the sanctuary policy of Santa Clara County, which contains San Jose.

Police Chief Rages Against California Sanctuary Policy After Another Brutal Murder.  An illegal immigrant who has been previously deported and has since been arrested many times has been arrested again.  This time the criminal was arrested for murder after being given sanctuary again and again by the state of California, Fox News reported.

Five of the six most violent cities in the world are in Mexico, report says.  Tijuana was the most violent city in the world in 2018, according a new report by a Mexican nonprofit group that ranked cities based on their homicide rates.  The report by the Citizens' Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice found that five out of six of the world's most violent municipalities were in Mexico, where homicides have risen to historic levels in recent years amid a military-led war against criminal groups.

Feds:  Suspect bites off part of agent's finger.  Federal authorities say a Bronx man bit off part of an immigration officer's finger during a recent arrest.

The Border Emergency Hasn't Gone Away.  The news cycle is weird: something will be in the headlines for a while and then disappear.  That doesn't mean the problem has gone away, it just means editors and reporters have moved on to something else.  Illegal immigration is like that.  It is an enormous problem, imposing huge costs on taxpayers, destroying the fabric of countless American communities, straining public service resources across the country, driving down the wages of unskilled Americans, and contributing to violent crime.  But it often takes a horrific crime to make the news.

Illegal Immigrant Arrested In Calif.  In Connection With Fatal Stabbing.  Police in California have arrested an illegal immigrant in connection with the death of a San Jose resident.  In a statement Tuesday [3/12/2019], authorities announced they had taken 24-year-old Carlos Arevalo Carranza into custody for allegedly fatally stabbing Bambi Larson.  59-year-old Larson was discovered in her home back in late February after her son checked on her when she had not shown up to work.  Authorities are now searching for any connection between Carranza and Larson to pin down a possible motive for the crime.  At this point they believe the suspect may have just been looking for a target, because he was seen on video approaching several homes in the neighborhood.

Mexican Army Seizes Rifles, Grenade Launchers in Tijuana.  Elements of the Baja California State Preventive Police (PEP) and the Mexican Army (SEDENA) seized a weapons cache consisting of rifles and nine grenades during an operation in Tijuana on Sunday [3/10/2019].  The effort resulted in the arrest of one individual for illegal weapons possession and other charges.

MS-13 has taken over El Salvador and now it's everywhere in the US.  The full extent of how stupid our policy is on illegal aliens crossing into the country can be found on the front page Monday [3/4/2019] of the Washington Post.  I'm not sure the paper meant to make that point.  But the story headlined "Fearing MS-13, police officers flee El Salvador" did it well enough.

Woman who knocked off man's MAGA hat now faces deportation.  A woman who was arrested earlier this month at a Mexican restaurant in Massachusetts for an alleged assault in which she knocked off a man's "Make America Great Again" hat is now facing deportation proceedings.  Rosiane Santos was arrested in Falmouth, Massachusetts, on Feb. 15 and charged with disorderly conduct, assault and battery for the hat-related disturbance with Bryton Turner, who captured the incident on video.  The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, known as ICE, has since accused Santos of being an unlawfully present citizen of Brazil residing near Falmouth.  On Tuesday, Santos was arrested by deportation officers with ICE's Fugitive Operations Team, according to ICE spokesman John Mohan.

Georgia Establishment Legislators Try to Hide Migrant Crime from Voters.  Republican and Democratic legislators in Georgia are trying to block good-government legislation that would help Georgia voters learn the number of criminal illegal aliens in their state.  The draft legislation would require state officials to provide quarterly reports on the number of deportable illegal migrants and of non-citizens who are held in detention.  But it must pass the Georgia House's rules committee and the House floor before midnight March 7.

Border Patrol Museum Reopens After Protest Hits Exhibits.  A museum dedicated to the history of the U.S. Border Patrol has reopened after officials say protesters vandalized exhibits during an organized demonstration earlier this month.

MS-13 members planning to target Long Island cops:  NYPD.  The NYPD has received information that members of MS-13 are "looking to 'hit'" police officers who live in certain parts of Long Island to enhance their credibility within the gang, The [New York] Post has learned.  In a memo released Tuesday, authorities from the police department's 105th Precinct warned officers that the department has received "threats against [members of service]" who live in Brentwood and Central Islip, both hamlets in the Suffolk County town of Islip, as well as Patchogue.

Mass. woman charged with assaulting man in 'MAGA' hat now faces deportation.  A Brazilian woman who made headlines this week after she was charged with assaulting a man wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat inside a Massachusetts restaurant has been taken into ICE custody, officials said Tuesday [2/26/2019].  Rosiane Santos, 41, was charged this month with disorderly conduct and assault and battery after police said she admitted to attacking a man because he supported President Trump.  Video submitted by 23-year-old Bryton Turner showed Ms. Santos yelling at him and knocking the red, "Make America Great Again" hat off his head at the Casa Vallarta restaurant in Falmouth.  Ms. Santos told local media at the time that she was the victim in the situation, even though a bartender at the restaurant said Mr. Turner did nothing to provoke the alleged attack.

3-time deported illegal immigrant protected by Cali's sanctuary laws fatally shot after opening fire on county cop.  An illegal immigrant with four ICE detainers was shot to death after he opened fire on a Napa County sheriff's deputy.  The Napa County Sheriff's Office posted disturbing video from Deputy Riley Jarecki's bodycam showing the fatal shooting of Javier Hernandez Morales, a 43-year-old Mexican national deported from the US three times but protected under California's sanctuary laws.

Illegal Accused of Killing Tennessee Mom Added to ICE 'Most Wanted' List.  An illegal alien fugitive accused of killing 37-year-old mother Shirra Branum in a 2017 car crash has been added to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) "Most Wanted" list.  Alan Jacob Mogollon-Anaya, a 31-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, is now on ICE's "Most Wanted" list for allegedly killing Branum in a Jonesborough, Tennessee, car crash where he was intoxicated, taken to the hospital, and then fled the state to evade arrest.  ICE officials said Mogollon-Anaya's last known location was Kenner, Louisiana, and that the illegal alien had been working in the construction industry.

3-time deported illegal immigrant protected by Cali's sanctuary laws fatally shot after opening fire on county cop.  An illegal immigrant with four ICE detainers was shot to death after he opened fire on a Napa County sheriff's deputy.  The Napa County Sheriff's Office posted disturbing video from Deputy Riley Jarecki's bodycam showing the fatal shooting of Javier Hernandez Morales, a 43-year-old Mexican national deported from the US three times but protected under California's sanctuary laws.

Man who shot at California cop previously deported, arrested but cops wouldn't honor ICE detainer, feds say.  The illegal immigrant killed Sunday in a shootout with a California cop had been deported three times and arrested and released over ICE's objection on several occasions — including cases involving the very department whose officer took him down in a dramatic exchange caught on her body cam.  In a graphic, 48-second clip released Wednesday, body camera footage from Sunday's traffic stop shows Javier Hernandez Morales rolling down his window, grabbing a handgun and opening fire.  Napa County sheriff's Deputy Riley Jarecki narrowly avoided getting struck before running to the other side of the car, firing at least 15 shots into the red Honda.  Hernandez Morales, 48, died at the scene and the deputy was not seriously injured, officials said.

Why is Trump, and not Obama, the so-called 'dictator'?  President Trump has been turned down by Democrats for a sensible border barrier, so he will declare a national emergency in accordance with a law Congress passed in 1976.  Somehow, following a law Congress passed gets Trump labeled as a dictator.  Here is the case for declaring a national emergency:  Tens of thousands of people die each year from drug overdoses, and a huge percentage of those drugs comes across the porous southern border illegally. [...] Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, including gang members and other criminals, descend on our long southern border each year.

El Paso a Major Smuggling Route for Mexican Drugs, Illegal Aliens, & Islamic Terrorists.  President Donald Trump's El Paso visit is a great opportunity to point out that the west Texas city is a rats' nest of law enforcement corruption, a major smuggling route into the U.S. for Mexican drugs, illegal immigrants, and Islamic terrorists and the headquarters of a sophisticated narco-terror ring operated by two of the FBI's most wanted.  While local officials promote it as one of America's safest cities, Judicial Watch has exposed in a years-long investigation the disturbing reality gripping the municipality that sits along the Rio Grande across famously violent Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.  The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) says El Paso is a major hub for Mexican opioids and methamphetamine enroute to the rest of the United States.

Trump Tells Acosta To Ask Angel Moms If There's A Manufactured Crisis At The Border.  After CNN reporter Jim Acosta asked President Donald Trump if he was manufacturing a crisis at the border Friday, the president fired back, telling him to ask the family members of those killed by illegal immigrants whether or not the crisis at the border is real.  Sitting a few rows in front of the podium in the Rose Garden were a group of "angel moms," mothers of those who lost their lives to illegal immigrant violence.  Acosta had asked Trump if he was "creating a national emergency" in order to get his border wall, which Trump quickly responded to by pointing to the grieving mothers.

President Donald Trump Honors Angel Moms During Emergency Declaration.  President Donald Trump honored angel families during his Rose Garden emergency declaration Friday as he pointed to the deadly consequences of an unsecured border.  The president highlighted "an invasion of our country with drugs, with human traffickers, with all types of criminals and gangs."  "We have some of the greatest people I know, they've been with me from the beginning of my campaign, almost from the first week," the president said as he turned attention to angel moms and families, some of whom were seated there in the Rose Garden for the announcement.

Ex-boyfriend held in death of NY woman found in suitcase was in U.S. illegally:  ICE.  A man held in connection to the death of his ex-girlfriend, a missing New Rochelle woman whose body was found inside a suitcase in Connecticut, was in the United States illegally, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said Wednesday.  Javier Enrique Da Silva Rojas was arrested Tuesday on a felony kidnapping charge in connection to the death of Valerie Reyes, according to officials.  Rojas, a citizen of Portugal, entered the U.S. through a visa waiver program but did not leave the country within the required timeframe, ICE officials said.

Texas man, 37, sentenced for impregnating girl, 11: prosecutors.  The Associated Press reported that he also faces a federal immigration detainer.

The Editor says...
Well, then, he's not a "Texas man" after all.

ICE says MS-13 member charged in Queens subway shooting is undocumented.  A day after a suspected MS-13 gang member was officially charged in connection to Sunday's fatal subway platform shooting in Queens, Immigration Customs and Enforcement officials confirmed he is undocumented.  ICE officials told PIX11 on Wednesday that Ramiro Gutierrez "is in the country illegally."  "He had no status," the representative said.  "He entered without inspection, so we don't know when he came in or where."

This article is apparently supposed to make me feel sorry for illegal aliens.  It's not working.
Illegal immigrants sent to jail at a rate 4 times higher than U.S. citizens: study.  Nearly 3 percent of illegal immigrants in Arizona end up in state prison or jail during the course of a year — four times the rate of U.S. citizens and legal residents, according to a study that uses federal reimbursements for prisons and jails to try to calculate one of the most important yet elusive statistics in the immigration debate.  In New Jersey, illegal immigrants are incarcerated five times more often, and rates on the West Coast are triple that of legal residents and citizens, according to the study by the Federation for American Immigration Reform.  FAIR based its calculations on federal government reimbursements to states and localities under the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, which pays some of the costs for holding illegal immigrants in prisons and jails.

Illegal immigrant convicted of child sex abuse busted in Texas.  An illegal immigrant — who's served at least three stints in US prisons for sexually abusing children — was reportedly arrested during an early morning traffic stop in Texas on Wednesday [1/30/2019].  Marvin Yovani Mejia Ramos, 50, had given a fake name but was arrested after the deputy who stopped him on 69 North ran an onsite fingerprint scan that revealed his identity, reported.  A Mexican national, Ramos was turned over to the Department of Homeland Security after his arrest.

Joni Ernst:  Sarah Root's Death 'Prime Example' of Illegal Aliens Getting Away with Murder.  Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) is remembering 21-year-old star graduate Sarah Root three years after her death, when an illegal alien drunk driver allegedly hit and killed her in a car crash.  During an interview with SiriusXM Patriot's Breitbart News Daily, Ernst said Root's killing is the "prime example" of illegal aliens quite literally getting away with alleged murder.  Root's accused killer, an illegal alien from Honduras who was shipped into the country by the Obama administration, was released from custody and is likely to have fled the U.S. without being prosecuted.

Illegal Pleads Guilty to Molesting 7-Year-Old Girl.  An illegal alien from Honduras living in Wichita Falls, Texas pleaded guilty to a sex crime against a child and was sentenced to three years in jail Wednesday.  Jose Raul Ramos-Martinez, 36, pleaded guilty Thursday to one count of indecency with a child by sexual contact — a second-degree felony," said the Wichita Falls Times Record.  "Per a plea agreement, Ramos-Martinez was given three years in prison with a credit of 1,004 days served.  He faced up to 20 years behind bars."

Seven Illegal Immigrants Indicted for Assisting Wanted Cop Killer.  Seven illegal immigrants were indicted Wednesday [1/30/2019] in California after allegedly providing assistance and safe haven to another illegal alien wanted for murdering a police officer.  The individuals have been indicted for their actions involving Gustavo Perez Arriaga, a 32-year old illegal alien.  Arriaga, who has been described as a known gang member, shot and killed a California police officer, Ronil Singh, at a DUI traffic checkpoint the day after Christmas.  The murder set off an extensive statewide manhunt, and it seems that Arriaga's extended network of accomplices may have played a key role in enabling him to avoid being arrested by law enforcement for more than two days.

Border agents seize bags of guns, ammo left on Texas ranch.  Two duffel bags filled with 17 rifles, shotguns, handguns, and ammunition were found on a private Texas ranch and confiscated by border officials.  The weapons were taken from a ranch near the Border Patrol's Carrizo Springs Station in Del Rio, Texas.  An unnamed citizen called the agency after seeing a group of suspected illegal immigrants carrying large bags on nearby land Friday [1/25/2019].

Deported Killer Exploits Outdated Border Fence to Enter Arizona.  Border Patrol agents in the Yuma Sector apprehended a previously deported criminal alien who exploited outdated barrier fencing to re-enter the U.S. Agents later determined the Mexican man was convicted by a California court for involuntary manslaughter.  Agents utilizing border surveillance technology witnessed a man walking northbound from the border about 10 miles east of the San Luis Port of Entry.  The man appeared to have dug under an outdated section of the border barrier that does not have a concrete base to prevent tunneling, according to Yuma Sector Border Patrol officials.

Illegal Alien Sentenced to 401 Years to Life for Multiple Violent Sex Crimes.  A California judge sentenced an illegal alien on Tuesday [1/22/2019] to 401 years to life in prison for his role in carrying out multiple sex crimes.  Macario Cerda, 39, received the sentence after a jury found him guilty in December of several sex crimes — including three counts of forcible rape, seven counts of lewd acts upon a child under 14 years old, one count of kidnapping to commit rape, and one count of criminal threats.

Watch: People in Mexico Hurl Rocks at Border Patrol Agents After Illegal Crossing.  A group of individuals in Mexico hurled rocks and insults at U.S. Border Patrol Agents as they apprehended migrants after an illegal crossing.  The incident took place on the banks of the Rio Grande, not far from downtown Roma.  The rock-throwing and insults were captured in a live video feed taken from the Mexican side by El Tejano.

Not Sending the Cream of the Crop!  Gang Enforcer Caught in Caravan.  Authorities in the southern Mexico state of Chiapas reported the arrest of a 19-year-old described as a dangerous Salvadoran gang enforcer and a member of the 18th Street gang, according to the attorney general's office as reported by Heraldo de Mexico.  Amílcar Orlando "N" — also known as "The Junior, Mala Cría or Hellboy," had warrants out for "aggravated homicide, illegal deprivation of liberty, aggravated extortion, illicit groupings and possession of narcotics."  He was a fugitive from Salvadoran justice for the crimes of murder, illegal deprivation of liberty, aggravated extortion, and possession of narcotics.

Nevada police arrest man in connection with four homicides.  Wilbur Martinez-Guzman, 19, was arrested at 4:30 p.m.  Saturday in Carson City and is being held there on charges related to burglary and possession of stolen property, and charges related to his immigration status.

This Former Border Federal Special Prosecutor's Shocking Stories Will Make You Want To Build The Wall Yourself.  [Scroll down]  I can cite multiple cases and observations that would horrify the public.  One involved a 17-year-old child bride who was 8 months pregnant being smuggled into the United States by her 35-year-old husband who had a criminal record in the U.S.  In another, two adults tried to fake their asylum claim by pretending to be married along with a 8-year-old they falsely claimed was their child.  I also had multiple cases where convicted child molesters were arrested illegally reentering the United States.  In a 6 month period, I prosecuted some of the same people three or four different times for illegally entering the United States.  I had multiple cases where the Mexican cartels abducted innocent Mexicans and, after beating and torturing them, forced them to illegally enter the United States, sometimes carrying drugs.  One guy who initially refused and was stabbed lifted his shirt up in court to show the wound.

'Likely' illegal alien linked to 4 horrific murders in Nevada.  A man, described by Nevada authorities as likely in the United States illegally" has been linked to the murder of 4 northern Nevada elderly people whose homes were invaded and then robbed before being shot to death. [...] How many times will this scenario repeat itself before it becomes a problem recognized by open borders advocates and the media?  We are told that these sorts of crimes are "isolated incidents" and that pointing them out or advocating for stronger border security is "racist."  Tell that to the families of the dead.

Judges Gone Rogue.  [Scroll down]  The sergeant who was in charge of that squad called me and asked if I could assist in figuring out who these two guys were.  For whatever reason, when the NYPD ran their fingerprints no relating record could be found.  They both claimed to have been born in the U.S.  In fact, the driver told me had been born "down south in Chicago."  This certainly called his claim of being a United States citizen into serious question.  I had developed a relationship with the DEA in NYC and although the INS lack the capability to electronically transmit fingerprints to the FBI in Washington, the DEA was able and willing to provide me with that capability.  I ran the prints and in the middle of the night I received an urgent call from FBI Headquarters, they wanted to know where the two individuals were, it turned out that they were about to be placed on the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted List" for their involvement in serious of deadly bank robberies where they were alleged to have shot and killed several people.  Incidentally, they were both were aliens — citizens of Trinidad and Tobago who had lied about their identities and citizenship.

New Migrant Caravan Organizer Arrested in Honduras on Rape Charge.  Police in Honduras arrested one of the organizing members of a new caravan of migrants who are seeking to reach the U.S. border.  Police arrested the caravan organizer — serving a warrant on the charge of rape.  Authorities have confirmed the arrest of 26-year-old Juan Carlos Molina.  They say the man they claim is one of the main organizers and promoters of a caravan of individuals from Honduras who are seeking to reach the U.S. border to request asylum.  On Monday [1/14/2019], a group of about 800 migrants left San Pedro Sula on their way north.  It is believed that others may join along the way.

People in Hell want ice water, too.
Illegal immigrant found not guilty in Kate Steinle's killing wants gun conviction dropped.  The lawyer for the undocumented immigrant who was found not guilty in November 2017 for the 2015 fatal shooting of a woman on the San Francisco pier — but convicted for illegally possessing a weapon — has appealed the conviction, arguing that he had fired the gun by accident and "momentary possession" of a gun is not a crime.  Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, 46, a previous felon and undocumented immigrant who served nearly two years for felony re-entry into the U.S. from Mexico, was sentenced to three years in prison for the gun conviction while he awaits deportation.

MS-13 gangs laugh at how easy it is to sneak into US.  Mark Morgan — the former chief of Border Patrol under Barack Obama — says the US must build a wall to stem the avalanche of illegal immigration and illicit drugs.  Morgan says MS-13 gang members laugh at how easy it is to cross back and forth across the porous US-Mexico border.  "Congress could fix this [border crisis] in 5 minutes if they wanted to," Morgan told Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

DHS: Two NY MS-13 Stabbing Suspects Exploited Unaccompanied Minor Loophole to Enter U.S..  Two of the three suspects in the MS-13 gang-related assault of a Long Island teenager exploited the unaccompanied minor loophole after crossing the border illegally in South Texas, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official told Breitbart News.  The two unaccompanied minors were transported to the New York area where they later allegedly carried out a vicious attack on a group of Huntington High School teens.

Here's a Heartbreaking List of Victims Killed by Illegal Immigrants.  President Donald Trump is fighting for U.S. citizens and seeking to prevent further needless deaths at the hands of illegal immigrants by enforcing immigration laws and pushing for a border wall.  But the Democrats' new talking point — as well as many members of the mainstream media's — is calling the illegal immigration and border crisis a "manufactured crisis" that the GOP designed to force the funding of Trump's border wall.  The Ohio Jobs and Justice PAC (OJJPAC) released a list of victims illegal immigrants killed in the U.S. with descriptions of the crimes and pictures of the victims, showing that these deaths were not manufactured in the slightest.

DHS: Two NY MS-13 Stabbing Suspects Exploited Unaccompanied Minor Loophole to Enter U.S..  Two of the three suspects in the MS-13 gang-related assault of a Long Island teenager exploited the unaccompanied minor loophole after crossing the border illegally in South Texas, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official told Breitbart News.  The two unaccompanied minors were transported to the New York area where they later allegedly carried out a vicious attack on a group of Huntington High School teens.

Long Island teen stabbed by 3 of Nancy Pelosi's 'patriotic young undocumented immigrants'.  While Pelosi et al. have lost sight of their pledge to protect "patriotic young undocumented immigrants who came here as children," said children have been busy.  Three of them, all members of MS-13 who entered the country illegally as unaccompanied minors, attacked and stabbed a student who attended the same high school in broad daylight.

Immigration loophole allows MS-13 gang members to go free.  If the Trump administration had its way, Ramon Arevalo Lopez and Oscar Canales Molina would have been either in detention or deported.  Instead, they were out on the streets — thanks to judges' orders — where, according to police, they and another illegal immigrant delivered an MS-13 gang beat-down to two high school students in New York.  All three of the illegal immigrants entered the U.S. in 2016 as unaccompanied alien children, meaning they crossed the border without parents — a status that earned them a quick release into the country, where they were quickly reunited with their family and began to live while awaiting deportations that never came.

Media Refuse to Discuss Angel Families, Victims of Illegal Alien Crimes.  Since January 1, neither CNN nor MSNBC has booked a single "Angel Mom" — mothers of children brutally murdered by illegal aliens — as guests on their networks, per an analysis conducted by the Republican National Committee (RNC).  The RNC told Breitbart News it has tracked both networks since the beginning of the year as they intensely bash President Donald Trump over the government shutdown that is now the longest ever in the history of the United States.  Since the turn of the year to 2019 from 2018, neither network has conducted a single interview with any family members of victims of illegal alien crimes.

More than 20 dead bodies found scattered by burned-out vehicles after gang clash in north Mexico near the Texas border.  Twenty-one bodies, some burned, have been found in the northern Mexico near the Texas border in what appears to have been a clash between drug gangs.  The horrifying scene was discovered near the border town of Miguel Aleman in Tamaulipas on Wednesday.  Graphic photographs show the bodies scattered in and around several charred vehicles.  President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said the killings appear to have been part of a dispute between gangs.  He said details would be released once all the information was gathered.

MS-13 gang members attacked LI teens with bats and knives:  DA.  Three reputed MS-13 gang members have been busted in a bat-and-knife attack on a group of teens outside a Long Island burger joint, authorities announced Thursday [1/10/2019].  Ramon Aravelo-Lopez, 19, Oscar Canales-Molina, 17, and Nobel Montes-Zuniga, 20, are accused of jumping the Huntington Station teens in the parking lot of a Burger King as they were walking out on Wednesday, said Suffolk County DA Timothy Sini.

17 Dead in Gang Fight Near Border as Dems Say We Don't Need a Wall.  Amid reports of Mexico being riddled with gangs and drug cartels, reports also flood in claiming 17 people were burned badly in a gang war gone bad.  Sadly, the Democrats still won't budge on funding for the desperately needed border wall.  According to Reuters, reports say there are at least 20 dead bodies — 17 of which had been badly burned — discovered on Wednesday [1/9/2019] in the Mexican city of Ciudad Miguel Aleman, which is located a mere 56 miles across the Rio Grande River from the U.S. border city of McAllen, Texas, where President Trump visited with U.S. Border Patrol agents and other officials on Thursday [1/10/2019].

Dead By Illegal Alien?  You're Just An Anecdote.  "In the last two years," said a solemn President Trump, in his Jan. 8 address from the Oval Office, "ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 violent killings.  Over the years, thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country and thousands more lives will be lost if we don't act right now."  It seems crystal clear that, were it not for Geraldo [Rivera]'s plucky, uninvited visitors — more American than a lot of Americans, sneered Comrade Ocasio-Cortez — there would likely be 100,000 fewer assaults in America, 30,000 fewer sex crimes in America, and 4,000 fewer murders in America.

Our open border has turned every American city into a border town.  Transnational cartels and gangs are fueling violence, death, and drugs not only at our border, but in every community across America.  That is the thrust of a new Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) drug threat assessment report:  an indictment of open borders, sanctuary cities, and the so-called "criminal justice reform" jailbreak movement. [...] It's no secret that almost all the illicit drugs killing Americans and all of the violence associated with them are coming from the Mexican cartels pouring their poison and personnel over our southern border.  However, a more recent trend over the past decade is that the cartels are using transnational gangs operating in our cities as the distributors and enforcers of their criminal activity and are fueling much of the violence all across the country.

Pelosi Says Stories Like Ronil Singh's Are 'Tragic,' But Not Enough To Call A 'Crisis'.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stood by Democrats' belief Thursday that the border issue is a "manufactured crisis" created by Republicans and President Donald Trump, and claimed there is not enough data about those who have suffered at the hands of illegal aliens to say otherwise.

Southern Border Violence Far Outpaces Mass Shooting Deaths In U.S. Yet Liberals Say Nothing.  Liberals love a good manufactured crisis.  Yet, when faced with a real crisis that happens to run counter to their political views, they so often choose to ignore reality and continue to spread media-generated falsehoods.  Case in point — the number of deaths, assaults, and sex crimes, including human trafficking, taking place on America's southern border dwarfs by many times over the number of deaths attributed to mass shootings.  And yet it's mass shootings that the media covers 24/7 and tens of thousands march against.  Where is the coverage of the daily border violence that is so often targeting women and children?  Why don't brown lives matter to these same protestors?

20 dead in grisly Mexican gang battle near US border.  Mexican authorities are investigating a battle between two suspected gangs that left at least 20 bodies, 17 of them burned, in a border town near where US President Donald Trump will visit on Thursday to win support for his plan to build a wall.  Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said at his daily morning news conference that initial information pointed to a "battle between two groups," and that security officials would later provide further information.

RNC Releases New Video Highlighting Families Impacted By Illegal Immigration.  The Republican National Committee (RNC) released a new ad on Monday night highlighting how American families have been impacted by illegal aliens, which comes a day before President Donald Trump is set to address the nation about the ongoing crisis on the southern border.  The video was released as part of a new website launched by the RNC called, which was created to combat misinformation from the media and Democrat Party. [...] The video highlights multiple Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens, including the recent tragedy out of California where an illegal alien allegedly murdered Ronil Singh, a legal immigrant who was a police officer.

Enabling Criminal Aliens.  The murder of Newman California Police Corporal Ronil Singh allegedly by an illegal alien with a criminal past is the latest high-profile killing of an American citizen that contains nearly every element in our illegal immigration discourse. [...] Singh's suspected murderer had prior criminal activity that should have been reported to ICE, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson had said.  Law enforcement was prohibited because of sanctuary laws and that led to the encounter with (Cpl.) Singh.  The outcome could have been different if law enforcement wasn't restricted or had their hands tied because of political interference.  California is a state that provides a safe harbor for people illegally in the country.  California boasts its status as a sanctuary state in violation of federal law and the supremacy clause in Article VI of the U.S. Constitution.  California cities have passed laws prohibiting local law enforcement agencies from cooperating with law enforcement officers from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with the apprehension of illegal immigrants even after they have committed a crime.  Many of these illegal criminals continue on to murder, rape and rob U.S. citizens post-release from a local jail under the catch

Feds: Illegal Alien Family Tried to Smuggle Alleged Cop Killer Across Border.  The family of Gustavo Perez Arriaga, a 32-year-old illegal alien, helped him evade police and attempted to help smuggle him across the United States-Mexico border after he allegedly murdered 33-year-old Newman, California, police officer Ronil Singh, federal documents allege.

Fire captain's son killed on Christmas weekend by man held on immigration violation charges.  Another American citizen — this one a young 22-year-old Tennessee man — has been killed because of the country's inability to properly secure its overwhelmed southern border.  "Franco Cambrany Francisco-Eduardo, 44, was driving a Chevrolet truck north on Chapman Highway Saturday evening when ... he veered into the southbound lane near the 4700 block and hit a Honda Civic driven by Pierce Kennedy Corcoran," the Knoxville News Sentinel reported.  Corcoran was the son of Knoxville Fire Department Capt. DJ Corcoran.

Previously Deported Illegal Alien Drug Trafficker Charged With Rape.  A previously deported illegal alien convicted of drug trafficking has been charged with first-degree rape in Shelby County, Alabama.  According to Yellow Hammer News's Sean Ross, 27-year-old illegal alien Amancio Betancourt Martinez was arrested last month for rape after having already been convicted of trafficking cocaine in 2014 and deported in December 2015 after serving about a quarter of his ten-year sentence.

'Violent mob' repelled in attempt to storm U.S. border in San Diego.  A "violent mob" of illegal immigrants tried to ring in the new year by rushing the border in California, and Border Patrol agents fired tear gas at them to repel the incursion, Homeland Security officials said Tuesday [1/1/2019].  About 150 people were involved in the attempt to climb over and burrow under a section of border fence in San Diego on New Year's Eve night.  After they were blocked, one group grew more combative, firing rocks over the border to try to hit agents.  The Border Patrol fired tear gas, smoke and pepper spray rounds at the group of rock-throwers, said Customs and Border Protection.

The media never cares when Americans are killed by illegal immigrants.  It doesn't take a genius to figure out that among the many desperate people coming over a transnational border illegally from violent countries, there will be many criminal elements.  I've quantified the illegal alien crime statistics from just one year of ICE apprehensions, and the numbers are staggering.  There are over 2,000 illegal alien murder suspects (most of them convictions) apprehended by ICE almost every year.  Yet if we had a border wall, ended the lawfare in the courts, and removed the migration magnets, they would never come here in the first place.  And if we didn't have sanctuary states like California, they would be apprehended immediately, certainly after committing their first crimes, which are often preludes to murder.

Democrats Killed California Police Corporal Ron Singh.  Oh, they will tell you that it was not them, but an illegal alien named Gustavo Arriaga who pulled the trigger and those who were taken into custody for aiding and abetting:  Bernabe Madrigal Castaneda; Erasmo Villegas; Maria Luisa Moreno, plus Arriaga's brothers Adrian and Conrado Virgen Mendoza, girlfriend Ana Leyde Cervantes and coworker Erik Quiroz who were also arrested for helping him dodge police.  The suspect's brother, 25-year-old Adrian Virgen, and a co-worker, 32-year-old Erik Razo Quiroz, were arrested on "accessory after the fact" charges for attempting to protect Arriaga.  Authorities say both men are also in the country illegally.  Update:  Multiple media reports now allege that all seven of those charged in the death of Corporal Ron Singh are illegal aliens.

Congressional GOP Is Why America Doesn't Have a Wall.  One of the most striking differences between this tragedy and similar ones involving illegal immigrants murdering peace officers is the fact that the policeman in question was himself an immigrant.  In this case, Corporal Ronil Singh of the Newman Police Department, a legal immigrant and proud father of a young, baby boy, was slain by an illegal immigrant known to law enforcement, who possessed a long record of criminal gang activity and other nefarious connections.  Unfortunately, the Democratic Party's sanctuary city policy in California prevented law enforcement from contacting the federal immigration authorities to begin deportation proceedings.  Corporal Singh would still be alive today — living the American Dream as so many of his friends and neighbors said of him — had it not been for Democratic Party orthodoxy.

Nervous Dems Hope Voters Ignore Tragic Killing Of Police Officer By Illegal Immigrant Thug.  President Trump has warned time and time again how America must better secure its southern border, reform its immigration laws, and work together to help make citizens safer.  Democrats refuse to listen and last week, a young man with a wife and child who came to this country legally, worked hard, became a police officer, and was living the American Dream, was shot down by an illegal immigrant with known gang ties.  The silence from Democrats and their socialist media cohorts has been deafening.

Imprudent Altruism and Illegal Immigration.  I believe there's a lesson to be learned concerning the current immigration debate because, lest we forget, much like Norberto, illegal immigrants have already raped children and murdered nuns.  By irresponsibly pushing the poverty-translates-into-piousness narrative, and insisting on the categorical embrace of illegals who may turn out to harbor motives similar Norberto Torres's, the open borders faction puts countless American lives at risk.

Report: NYC Officials Ignored ICE Detainer Requests For Suspect Charged With Attacking NYPD Officer.  One of the five homeless individuals who attacked an NYPD officer at a New York City train station was identified as an illegal immigrant that New York City officials ignored federal immigration detainers on him, SiriusXM Patriot David Webb revealed through a source on his program Friday morning [11/28/2018].  "One of the suspects is Eliseo Alvarez Santos, one of the homeless men," Webb said.  "And just to give you a bit of his record, on Dec. 1, 2017, he was brought into Manhattan lock up [sic], and Eliseo is illegal, and an ICE detainer was issued on Dec. 25, 2017 — issued, but not honored.  Again on Dec. 26, 2017 — again, not honored.  In April of 2017, he was charged with forcible touching which was then knocked down to harassment."

Seven Illegals Arrested in the Murder of Officer Ronil Singh.  For all the years of its existence, the 12-member police force of Newman, California never had a line of duty death, until that of Officer Ronil Singh, who was shot multiple times at a traffic stop by a member of the Surenos Mexican gang.  The gangbanger killer Gustavo Perez Arriaga fled but has since been captured.  He was attempting to escape to Mexico, and seven people assisted him — all are here illegally — and most are family.

Cop's Shooting Death May Upend Debate Surrounding Government Shutdown.  On Friday [12/28/2018], Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson announced that authorities had arrested a suspect, Gustavo Perez Arriaga, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, in connection with the shooting death of Newman police Cpl.  Ronil Singh.  Singh had pulled over Arriaga for suspected drunk driving Thursday at 1 a.m.  The suspect, he said, had two prior convictions for drunk driving, a "known gang affiliation" and was trying to flee to Mexico.  "We can't ignore the fact that this could have been preventable," the sheriff said.  Christianson faulted California's sanctuary state law that prohibits local enforcement from communicating with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement unless authorities are holding an undocumented immigrant convicted of certain felonies within 15 years.  "Ladies and gentlemen" he warned, "this is not how you protect the community."

Suspected killer of California officer Ronil Singh had 6 alleged accomplices:  Officials.  A Mexican man accused of gunning down a Northern California police officer was taken into custody Friday [12/28/2018] following a massive manhunt that ended with a surrender after authorities surrounded a home in Bakersfield, California, 200 miles south of where the crime took place, officials said. [...] By late Friday night, a total of seven additional people had been arrested for either misleading authorities about Arriaga's whereabouts or aiding him in evading authorities — including a woman described as Arriaga's girlfriend and two of his brothers, according to police officials and ABC-owned station KFSN.

California cops arrest illegal immigrant and member of Mexico's notoriously violent Sureños gang.  California authorities have arrested the illegal immigrant suspected of killing a cop just after Christmas, local authorities say.  Suspect Gustavo Perez Arriaga, 32, was arrested in Bakersfield on Friday morning [12/28/2018] for killing Newman Police Department Corporal Ronil Singh, 33, on the morning of December 26, according to the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department.  Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said Arriaga is a Mexican national who illegally entered the U.S. through Arizona several years ago and was a part of the notoriously violent Sureños street gang.

Suspect in California police officer's slaying was in the country illegally: 'This wasn't supposed to happen'.  Law enforcement officers in a small California community battled back tears, at times wrapping their arms around each other, as they issued an emotional plea for the community's assistance in finding the man accused of gunning down a police officer during a traffic stop.  A manhunt for the suspect, believed to be in the country illegally, entered its second day Thursday as the Newman community continued to mourn the death of Cpl.  Ronil Singh — the first ever officer with the Newman Police Department to be killed in the line of duty.  Authorities have shared images of the suspect, but have not yet released his name to the public.

Search continues for suspect in death of Newman corporal.  The manhunt continued late Thursday afternoon for the man suspected of gunning down a Newman Police Department corporal. [...] Speaking at a news conference in Newman Thursday morning, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said he believed the suspect was still in the area, although he would not elaborate. [...] Christianson said investigators have identified the suspect, and that he was in the country illegally.

Man demanded tacos during crazed carjacking spree: police.  A man in Dallas was busted on Christmas Eve after he tried to carjack several drivers at gunpoint to demand that they take him to get tacos, police said.  Roberto A. Canamar Garza, 26, remained held on $500,000 bail early Thursday [12/27/2018] following his Monday afternoon rampage that started when he hopped into a car and pulled out a gun before demanding that the driver get him some Mexican food, according to an arrest warrant affidavit obtained by the Dallas Morning News. [...] Canamar Garza was being held on four counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and one count of aggravated kidnapping.  He's also facing an immigration hold by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, jail records show.

Trump is right, mainstream media is wrong on terrorist threat from migrant caravan.  What could go wrong with a raucous group of predominantly males from the most violent Latin American countries headed for our southern border?  Well, drugs, gangs, crime, and a fiscal drain on our economic resources are a few reasons to fear this invasion.  But there is also an extra national security concern that Middle Easterners, who are already traveling independently to our border, are mixed in with this caravan.  It's a general concern that we should take very seriously both with the caravan and the broader waves of illegal immigration.

Former ICE chief Tom Homan rips Nancy Pelosi for doubting border wall works.  Former acting ICE Director Tom Homan on Wednesday blasted House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi for calling a border wall ineffective and accusing President Trump of "fear mongering" with the illegal immigration issue.  "Every place a wall or barrier has been built, it has resulted in decreased illegal immigration, decreased drug smuggling.  One hundred percent of the time, it has proven effective," Mr. Homan said on Fox News, where he is a contributor.  "Look at the rest of the data on the border, where arrests of MS-13 [gang] this year are up 118 percent, the seizures of guns [...] are up almost 200 percent.  There's your data.  Look at it.  You can see why we need a wall," he said.

Gang Members, Sex Offenders Arrested near Border in Texas and Arizona.  Border Patrol agents in Arizona and Texas stopped multiple previously deported sex offenders and members of violent gangs from making their way into the U.S. interior in the past week.  Nogales Station agents arrested a Honduran national after he illegally crossed the border near Nogales, Arizona.  Agents transported 51-year-old Hector Gustavo Montoya-Irias to the station, where they carried out a biometric background investigation on the man, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Caught Again:  Dangerous Gang Member Deported 10 Times Since 1993 Arrested in Tucson.  The United States Customs and Border Protection agency arrested a dangerous illegal alien and member of the notorious "18th Street Gang" in Arizona on Tuesday evening [12/18/2018], according to a press release.  Arizona CBP reports that "51-year-old Hector Gustavo Montoya, a member of the dangerous 18th Street gang in Los Angeles," was apprehended this week near Nogales while agents were patrolling the border.  Montoya has been arrested by American authorities on numerous occasions, "most recently in 2016 when he was convicted for drug smuggling offenses.  He served a 24-month prison sentence for that conviction and was removed from the country after confinement."

A quarter of a million foreign thugs deported — thanks, Trump!.  Amid all the back and forth about who the biggest deporter is among presidents, and whether deportations are up or down under President Trump, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has released some impressive numbers:  256,000 deportations of immigration lawbreakers, mostly for committing additional crimes beyond the initial border break, in 2018. [...] This, to be pessimistic, tells us a lot about how many immigration lawbreakers are out there, including ones who commit crimes here and haven't been caught.

Death by Sanctuary State.  Earlier this week, Gustavo Garcia, an illegal immigrant with a criminal record, celebrated his release from prison by going on a shooting spree.  He killed two people and injured six others before dying as the result of crash at the end of a harrowing car chase in a stolen vehicle.  Garcia had been deported twice  — first in 2004 and then 2014.  Before his second deportation, he had spent 27 months in federal prison for illegally reentering the country.  Previously, he had been convicted of armed robbery.

Police: Once-Deported Illegal Alien Murdered American in 'Reign of Terror'.  A previously deported illegal alien allegedly murdered a 51-year-old American while on a 24-hour "reign of terror" shooting and crime spree, according to Tulare County, California law enforcement officials.  Gustavo Garcia, a 36-year-old illegal alien, shot and killed 51-year-old Rocky Paul Jones of Visalia, California on December 17 at a gas station.  Police said surveillance footage revealed Garcia and Jones spoke briefly before the killing, but that the two did not know one another.

Man deported in 2014 shoots California gas station attendant, shoots two more strangers, robs convenience store, carjacks a truck [...].  A man who went on a deadly shooting, carjacking and robbery rampage in California's Central Valley died Monday [12/17/2018] during a high-speed highway chase during which he intentionally tried to smash into other cars, authorities said.  Gustavo Garcia, 36, of Visalia was pronounced dead at the scene Monday morning on State Route 65 in Porterville after he was flung from a stolen truck after a gun battle with police and wrong-way car crashes that left four people injured, one critically, police said.

Examples of Serious Crimes By Illegal Aliens.  [Example #1] On May 6th 2017 on the way back from DisneyLand, Ingrid Lake's car was struck by a drunk driver.  The accident severely injured her 6 year old son Lennox.  The driver of the vehicle Constantino Banda Acosta, was previously deported over 15 times before the accident.  This accident has forever altered the Lake family.

50-Year Sentence for Illegal Who Raped 6-Year-Old While Tennessee Family Slept.  An illegal alien who befriended a Tennessee family has been handed a 50-year sentence for raping a 6-year-old girl while her family slept, after being caught using a secret key to sneak into the house and hide under her bed.  Edwin Velasquez-Curuchiche, 42, is already serving 50 years for child pornography charges for the same incident.  He pleaded guilty to the two charges of child rape and was sentenced on Dec. 10, according to the police.

Massive ICE operation nabs child abusers, gang members, internationally-wanted criminals.  ICE immigration agents arrested 105 people in New Jersey in a five-day operation, despite state Attorney General Gurbir Grewal ordering local, county and state law enforcement to limit their cooperation with federal immigration police.  The sweep, led last week by the agency's Enforcement and Removal Operation, was already planned prior to the Grewal's directive, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement stated in an announcement.

ICE arrests 105 in New Jersey.  Foreign nationals from 24 countries — including four people with Interpol warrants for their arrests — were among the 105 arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement during a five-day sweep. [...] The people arrested ranged in age from 18 to 65 years old.  The agency said more than 80 percent had either prior convictions or pending charges for a variety of crimes, including sexual assault on a minor, child abuse, possession of narcotics, distribution of narcotics, extortion, DUI, fraud, domestic violence, theft, possession of a weapon, robbery, promoting prostitution, aggravated assault, resisting arrest, endangering the welfare of a child, credit card fraud, insurance fraud, shoplifting, and illegal re-entry.

Catch and Release:  MS-13 Killer Avoided Deportation Because of Obama Judge.  In September 2016, a lawyer named Mario Sturla was appointed as a federal immigration judge by President Obama's attorney general, Loretta Lynch.  Sturla is himself an immigrant, a native of the Dominican Republic who graduated from Brown University in 2003 and got his law degree at Yeshiva University in 2006.  In June, Judge Sturla heard the case of Henri Salvador Gutierrez, a 19-year-old Salvadoran entered the country illegally in 2014.  Gutierrez, whose MS-13 nickname is "Perverso," had been arrested three different times since his arrival in the U.S. and, by the time of his June 22 hearing in Boston, had been in federal detention for seven months.  Homeland Security testified that Gutierrez had been determined "to be a risk to public safety as a verified and active member of the MS-13 gang in the Boston metro area."  Incredibly, Judge Sturla turned the foreign criminal loose on the streets.

Time to get tough on deportations.  What's the end game for all the pampered, trust-funded judges who are refusing to deport or lock up even the most bloodthirsty illegal immigrants, sometimes allegedly even helping them escape from courthouses in order to continue their crime waves against American citizens?  Do these judges think that freeing an illegal to murder a Hispanic teenager will somehow earn them a Profiles in Courage Award from the Kennedys next spring?  Do they believe that if they refuse to allow the deportation of these machete-wielding, gangbanging, welfare-leeching fiends from the Third World, that they and their families won't be killed by these savages when they're driving drunk or selling fentanyl?

Border Patrol Arrests MS-13 Member Who Traveled with Caravan.  U.S. Border Patrol agents have arrested a member of the infamous Salvadoran MS-13 gang who admitted to authorities that he traveled with a caravan of Central American migrants who were hoping to qualify for asylum in America.  Agents arrested Jose Villalobos-Jobel, 29, shortly after 6 p.m. on Saturday [11/24/2018] east of the Calexico Port of Entry on the U.S. side of the border, Customs and Border Protection said in a statement Wednesday.  During questioning at the El Centro station, the Honduran citizen confessed that he is an active member of MS-13 and had intended to enter the country illegally after traveling to the U.S. with the caravan of thousands of other migrants.  He is in custody pending his deportation back to Honduras.

MS-13 Member Says He Traveled with Migrant Caravan to California.  Border Patrol agents assigned to the El Centro Sector in California arrested an MS-13 member who claimed he traveled through Mexico with a migrant caravan.  The agents made the arrest after he illegally crossed the border from Mexico into California.  El Centro Station agents patrolling east of the Calexico Port of Entry came upon a suspected illegal immigrant who just crossed the border from Mexico.  During an interview, the agents learned the man is a Honduran national who claimed membership in the hyperviolent MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha 13) gang, according to El Centro Sector Border Patrol officials.

Yes, DACA Does Protect Some Known Criminals.  The Washington Times reports that Luis Cobos-Cenobio, the man shown last week in a dash-cam video shooting at Arkansas police officers, is an illegal immigrant who received Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).  Of course, every demographic has its bad apples, so one incident hardly proves that DACA recipients are undesirable as immigrants.  What is more disturbing here (from a policy perspective) is that Cobos-Cenobio reportedly has a history of arrests and charges that predate last week's attack.  Why was he not deported for them?  It is one thing to argue that illegal immigrants as a group are not especially dangerous, but here we had a specific person with a demonstrated history of criminality in custody and let him go.  That's a difficult policy to defend.

Migrants Attack Mexican Restaurant Employees After Attempted Dine And Dash.  Central American migrants, the overwhelming majority of which are young men, are now wreaking havoc in Tijuana, Mexico even as these same migrants demand entrance into the United States.  A growing number of Mexican citizens are imploring their government to force the migrants to return home.  Most recently, the migrants have taken to assaulting, looting, and stealing from the Mexicans who refuse to give them what they want, be it food, clothing, and money.  This is footage you will never see via the Establishment Media:  [Video clip]

Child Rapists, Killer Busted near Texas Border.  Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley Sector stopped several criminal aliens and three gang members from making their way successfully into the U.S. interior.  Those arrested included two child rapists, two killers, a member of the 18th Street gang and two MS-13 gang members.  On the day before Thanksgiving, McAllen Station agents arrested a man who illegally crossed the border from Mexico near the town of Hidalgo, Texas.  During processing at the station, agents discovered the man is a Honduran national and a confirmed member of the 18th Street gang.  Later that same day, other agents working near Hidalgo arrested a Salvadoran man who illegally crossed the border.  Records showed that man is a confirmed Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang member.

Previously Deported Illegal Alien, with Two Anchor Babies, Gets 25 Years for Raping Deaf Woman.  A previously deported illegal alien — with two U.S.-born children who were given birthright citizenship — has been sentenced to 25 years in prison after raping a deaf woman.  Jose Abarca, a 43-year-old repeat illegal alien from Mexico, was sentenced by Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Michael Mason for a rape he committed 22 years ago, according to WJLA.

108 caravan migrants arrested for crimes in Tijuana, so far.  The Department of Homeland Security took a lot of flak for identifying 500 migrants traveling with the Central American caravan as known criminals.  And President Trump was blasted in the press for saying the caravan had a lot of "rough people."  But what's undercover intelligence compared to the media narrative that the caravan is just moms and kids, fleeing gangs?  Actually, the migrants are the gang.  Buried deep in this RT News story, with a Tijuana newspaper link of the official press conference, is news that the Tijuana cops have arrested 108 migrants on criminal charges.  Not old charges, but charges for crimes committed upon arriving.

Illegal Immigrant Involved in Shootout with Police is DACA Recipient.  ICE agents confirmed yesterday that an illegal immigrant involved in a shootout with an Arkansas sheriff's deputy was in the United States as an Obama-era DACA recipient.  The Washington Times reports that Luis Cobos-Cenobio, 29, faces charges of terrorism and attempted capital murder after opening fire on police in two separate confrontations after trying to escape a routine traffic stop last week.

Illegal immigrant, 18, who was deported two years ago, 'shot and killed a Texas convenience store clerk, 48, in an armed robbery'.  A suspected illegal immigrant has been charged in the murder of a convenience store clerk during an armed robbery in Houston, authorities say.  Jose Bonilla-Ortiz, 18, was arrested on Saturday morning [11/17/2018] at an apartment about two miles north of the Metro Food Mart where he is accused of gunning down Bangladeshi immigrant Faruk Bhuiya, 48.

Migrant caravan at US border is harboring more than 500 criminals, Homeland Security claims.  More than 500 criminals are traveling with the migrant caravan that's massed on the other side of a San Diego border crossing, homeland security officials said Monday afternoon [11/19/2018].  The revelation was made during a conference call with reporters, with officials asserting that "most of the caravan members are not women and children".  They claimed the group is mostly made up of single adult or teen males and that the women and children have been pushed to the front of the line in a bid to garner sympathetic media coverage.

Yes, the House-passed jailbreak bill releases criminal aliens from prison.  Something funny happens when you actually take time to analyze a gravely transformative piece of legislation.  It's something that not a single member of the House who voted for the aptly named First Step Act got a chance to do:  You understand the consequences of the bill.  Proponents of the bill, many of whom are pro-illegal alien to begin with, defensively insist that because deportable aliens (both illegal immigrants and criminal legal immigrants) are not eligible for good time credits, they will not be among those released into home confinement or let out early under the provisions of this bill.  The problem is that Section 402, which is extremely dangerous as it pertains to the entire prison population, will mandate that the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) release a number of criminal aliens into home confinement at some point.  This is what happens when no section-by-section summary of the bill is released, no hearings are held, and no amendments are made eligible.

Illegal immigrant suspect opens fire on Arkansas police officer.  Newly released dashcam video shows the moments a police officer in Arkansas stared down the barrel of a gun during an intense shootout with an illegal immigrant suspect over the weekend.  The Washington County Sheriff's Office said in a news release the incident happened Sunday, after County Corporal Brett Thompson tried to initiate a traffic stop around 12:43 p.m. in Tontitown, located just outside Fayetteville.  The driver, 29-year-old Luis Cobos-Cenobio, didn't stop and the officer reportedly initiated a brief chase.  After eventually pulling over, Cobos-Cenobio got out of his vehicle and began shooting at Thompson, officials said.

Murderer Deported to Mexico Last Month Recaptured in Texas.  Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended a previously deported murderer who illegally re-entered the U.S. about one month following his deportation.  Agents assigned to the Laredo Sector conducted an extensive search for a suspected illegal alien who absconded from arrest on November 10.  Early Sunday morning [11/11/2018], agents found the suspect near the Interstate 35 mile marker 31 location and took him into custody.

Illegal immigrant released by 'sanctuary' charged with triple murder:  ICE.  An illegal immigrant released by a "sanctuary city" county in New Jersey was charged this week with a triple homicide halfway across the country in Missouri, authorities said Friday [11/9/2018].  Luis Rodrigo Perez stands accused of being the gunman in a shooting spree last week that claimed the lives of two men and one woman, at two different homes.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said it tried to deport Perez after he was arrested on domestic violence charges in Middlesex County, New Jersey, last year.  But the county, which has a non-cooperation policy with ICE, refused to alert the feds when it released Perez in February of this year, ICE said.

Man charged in 3 killings wanted by immigration authorities.  A man who federal authorities believe is in the U.S. illegally has been charged in the fatal shooting of two former roommates and a woman whose home he moved into after his first victims threw him out, police in southwestern Missouri said.

Mollie Tibbetts
Mollie Tibbetts And The Low Illegal Crime Rate Lie.  Open border advocates say immigrants come here to do jobs Americans won't do.  Well, excuse me, but we have Americans all too willing to kill their brethren.  Murder is a job American criminals are quite willing to do and to those who say immigrants commit crime at a lower rate than American citizens, I say that all that proves is that we have enough criminals — we don't need to import more.  The blood of Kate Steinle and Mollie Tibbetts and others is on the hands of open border advocates and the sanctuary city loons who provide no sanctuary for the American citizen victims of illegal alien criminals.  Even if it were true that illegal aliens commit crimes, including murder, at rates lower than American citizens, that would be irrelevant.  The murder rate for illegal aliens should be zero because none of them should be here [...]

Illegal immigrant ICE wanted deported is now charged in wife's stabbing death.  Federal immigration officials say Oregon authorities prevented them from detaining for deportation an illegal immigrant from Mexico who is now charged in the brutal stabbing death of his wife, whose body was found in a ditch Sunday.  The case marks the latest dispute between federal authorities and Oregon over the state's "sanctuary" laws regarding illegal immigrants.  The suspect, identified as Martin Gallo-Gallardo, 45, had been released in March by the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office after prosecutors dismissed assault allegations against him.  His wife and daughter stopped cooperating and a grand jury refused to indict him, FOX 12 Oregon reported.

Mexico's ambassador to U.S. claims there are very violent migrants in caravan.  Mexico's U.S. Ambassador — Geronimo Gutierrez — is blasting Democrats for saying everyone in the migrant caravan are all peaceful refugees seeking asylum.  On Tuesday [10/30/2018], Gutierrez explained there have been multiple instances where migrants have been "very violent," while rebelling against border authorities.  This comes after Mexican officials warned some migrants in Guatemala are building makeshift bombs to use against police officers guarding the border between Mexico and Guatemala.

Caravan Migrant Admits to Previously Being Deported from U.S. for Attempted Murder.  A previously deported illegal alien who was convicted of attempted murder in the United States is just one of the at least 7,000 migrants traveling to the U.S. in a caravan.  In a candid interview with Fox News, a migrant with the caravan identified as "Jose" admitted that he has already been deported from the U.S. for being convicted for felony attempted murder.

Sicario Human Sacrifice to Santa Muerte.  I'm certain that we're vetting the good, hard working folks coming across the border so that the masses don't include people like this, and I'm certain that there is no corruption of border patrol or local LEOs with money or intimidation.  Or perhaps that's not the case and you should be prepared for this.  You be the judge.

Flag-burning foreigners : AP Photo
Hondurans Paint Swastika On American Flag, Set It On Fire; Wave Honduran Flags, Give Us The Finger.  These are the people demanding we open our borders.  You can see this photo as the very final image in this Associated Press slideshow covering the migrant caravan headed to the US.

Steve King:  Men from 'Most Violent Countries in World' Are 'Invading' U.S..  Rep. Steve King (R-IA) says men from the "most violent countries in the world" are "invading" the United States through illegal and legal immigration.  In an interview with an Austrian media outlet, King discussed the death of 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts whose body was found in September in a cornfield in her rural hometown of Brooklyn, Iowa after she was last seen jogging on July 18.  Christian Bahena-Rivera, an illegal alien from Mexico, has been charged with first-degree murder in Tibbetts' death after police say he admitted to confronting and chasing down the young woman.

Illegal Immigrant Pizza Guy Is Arrested Again.  Do you remember the story of Pablo Villavicencio?  He's the illegal alien who was delivering pizza to Fort Hamilton Army base in New York in June when his identity was discovered and ICE picked him up.  Having already been on their radar, Villavicencio was detained and scheduled for deportation.  A friendly judge threw a wrench in the works later, ordering the pizza guy to be released while he challenged the deportation order and tried to obtain legal resident status.  The judge in the case, Manhattan federal Judge Paul Crotty, defended the pizza guy as being "a model citizen."  Now he's in trouble again, but this time not with ICE.  Villavicencio has been arrested on allegations of domestic abuse against his wife.

The Liberal Mob Must Be Stopped in November.  Democrats are actively encouraging illegal aliens to come to the country, no matter the damage to Americans. [...] As far as Americans being the victims of crimes committed by these illegal aliens, 100 percent of those crimes would be prevented if the perpetrators weren't in the country in the first place.  Every murder, rape, robbery, and assault would not have occurred if our border were secure and we deported people here illegally.  That means liberals are perfectly fine with Americans being victims of those crimes because they think their identity politics gambit will bring them more votes than the indifference toward citizens costs them.

4 dead, 1 hurt in shooting at Texas toddler's birthday party.  At least four men were killed and another was injured Saturday after a shooting at a toddler's birthday party in southern Texas, police said as they hunt for two suspects who fled the scene.  Two families gathered at a home in Taft, 12 miles north of Corpus Christi, just after 5 p.m.  Saturday [10/13/2018] for a child's first birthday party when an altercation ensued, Corpus Christi Caller Times reported.

Kavanaugh backs Trump administration on jailing and deporting immigrants for crimes committed years earlier.  Newly seated Justice Brett Kavanaugh spoke up Wednesday in defense of the Trump administration's view that legal immigrants with criminal records must be arrested and held for deportation, even years after they were convicted and completed their sentences.  At issue is a federal law that calls for mandatory detention and possible deportation for "criminal aliens," including legal immigrants convicted of crimes ranging from violent felonies to simple drug possession.  The law says the Homeland Security secretary "shall take into custody any alien" with a criminal record that could lead to deportation "when the alien is released."  The debate focuses on when, exactly, is when.

Sanctuary City:  Previously Deported Illegal Alien Accused of Brutally Raping Long Island Mother for an Hour.  A previously deported illegal alien has been arrested and charged with brutally raping a woman in Long Island, New York for an hour, according to police.  Ever Martinez-Reyes, a 24-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, allegedly followed a 36-year-old mother of two to her home, knocked her unconscious, then repeatedly raped her for an hour, investigators say, according to Newsday.

MS-13 Gang Member Apprehensions this Year up 244 Percent, Says Border Patrol Sector Chief.  During a recent interview with Breitbart Texas Editor-in-Chief Brandon Darby, Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector Chief Manuel Padilla, Jr. reported an increase in the arrest of MS-13 gang members well in excess of 200 percent.  The chief explained this is a national security risk because these criminal gang members do not stay in South Texas, but rather, travel all across the U.S.  "What we have here in the valley," Chief Padilla explained to Darby, "we have a unique dynamic where the traffic that is coming here, it's actually not staying here.  I can tell you we are well over a 200 percent increase [in the apprehension of] MS-13 gang members."

Illegal immigrant charged in New York with vicious rape of woman: police.  An illegal immigrant was charged with allegedly "viciously" raping a woman on Long Island for an hour after following her home and knocking her out, officials said.  Ever Martinez-Reyes, 24, a native of El Salvador, was ordered held without bail at an arraignment Saturday on rape, sexual assault, and assault charges.  The Nassau County District Attorney Madeline Singas said the Sept. 28 rape was "one of the most brutal" she has ever seen, Newsday reported.

Hamptons millionaires build luxe panic rooms to hide from MS-13.  There is a specter haunting the Hamptons — one that's turning some of the priciest properties in the country into fortresses equipped with bulletproof glass, weaponry and panic rooms.  "I sleep with a gun underneath my pillow: a Walther PPK/S, the same one James Bond carried," said John Catsimatidis, owner of Red Apple Group and Gristedes Foods, who has a vacation property in East Quogue.  "[My wife] Margo prefers a shotgun.  Although, once, she thought she heard something, got the shotgun out and shot through the door."  The billionaire and his family, like others in the Hamptons, are shaken up over concerns that the vicious Salvadorian gang MS-13 is too close for comfort.

Treat Brett Kavanaugh as good as illegal alien criminals.  Why is Kavanaugh, against whom there is no evidence, treated like the world's worst person, while the powers that be in these hopelessly corrupt blue districts bend over backward trying to shield Third World fiends from being brought to justice for their savage crimes against females?  Is it because they're future, if not present, Democrat voters?  The vast majority of them are on one form of welfare or another, they're not married to the women they impregnate (so they won't be on the hook for child support), they live totally on the arm — no insurance, no driver's licenses, no responsibility for anything whatsoever.  In other words, undocumented Democrats.  American taxpayers pick up the tab for these layabout career criminals' lawyers when they get arrested over and over, as well as their translators, and the court psychologists to say that they can't be held accountable for their crimes since they come from such primitive backgrounds.

Despite repeated deportations, suspect in homeless beating deaths cut a bloody swath across L.A., police say.  Just days after his aunt and uncle were reported missing in Houston, Ramon Escobar got in his Honda CR-V and drove west.  The 47-year-old native of El Salvador traveled more than 1,500 miles along Interstate 10, stopping when he hit the Pacific Ocean on Sept. 5.  Three days later, Santa Monica police found a homeless man battered and bruised on the beach.  Someone had beaten the victim, causing severe injuries to his head, as he slept.

Suspect in fatal baseball bat attacks on LA homeless had been deported 6 times:  ICE.  The suspect who police say was behind a string of brutal baseball bat attacks on sleeping homeless men in Southern California that left three dead and several more in critical condition had been deported six times, federal immigration officials said Tuesday night [9/25/2018].  Ramon Escobar, 47, who was originally from El Salvador, was arrested Monday after allegedly attacking a homeless man in Santa Monica.  He was charged in connection to three murders and four attempted murders this month, ABC 7 reported.

Manhunt under way for illegal immigrant, 32, wanted for the killing of a 35-year-old mother of five.  A man who was in the United States illegally allegedly killed a mother of five before fleeing across the border to Mexico, police have said.  Dallas police found the body of Martha Alva, 35, in Northwest Dallas on Sunday morning near a dead end.  Investigators believe her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Ernesto Carrillo Hernandez, killed her.  Hernandez, 32, who was living in Monterrey, did not have legal status in the U.S., according to Fox 4 TV.

16-Year-Old Girl Stabbed to Death by Illegal Alien as New Jersey Goes Sanctuary State.  They say that you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.  And you also can't make New Jersey into a sanctuary state without stabbing a few teenage girls to death.

Attorney in Mollie Tibbetts Murder Trial:  Illegal Alien Has 'Constitutional Right' to Taxpayer Funding.  The defense attorneys representing the illegal alien accused of murdering 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts say it is the foreign national's "constitutional right" to receive American taxpayer funding to fight the murder charges against him.  As Breitbart News reported this week, 24-year-old illegal alien Cristhian Bahena-Rivera has been given $5,000 in U.S. taxpayer dollars to hire an independent investigative team to fight the murder charges against him.

Nike Fighting to Keep Oregon a 'Sanctuary State' After Illegal Alien Kills Young Couple.  The multinational Nike corporation — accused of employing slave labor — is fighting to keep Oregon a "sanctuary state" for all illegal aliens less than a month after an illegal alien has been accused of killing a young couple in a drunk driving car crash.  In a statement this week, Nike CEO Mark Parker announced the corporation's opposition to a statewide measure that would repeal Oregon's sanctuary state law that has protected criminal illegal aliens for three decades.

Previous Deportee Accused of Raping [his] Own Daughter [has been] Caught near [the] Texas Border.  El Paso Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a previously-deported illegal immigrant accused of repeatedly raping his 15-year-old daughter in Tennessee.  Agents working near the El Paso-Juarez Metropolitan Border Area found tracks left by a group of migrants who illegally crossed the border near the Yselta Port of Entry during a routine patrol.  The agents followed the tracks and caught up with the group and placed them in custody for immigration violations, according to a report by KTSM in El Paso.

Man accused of raping daughter caught illegally crossing U.S. border.  A Mexican national who was previously accused of raping his teenage daughter was caught trying to illegally enter the U.S. at the Texas border on Tuesday, WKRN-TV reported.  Border agents found Rusbel Zamorano-Calderon, 39, near the Ysleta Port of Entry, about 14 miles south of El Paso.  The agents said they caught up with Zamorano-Calderon, who was among a group of people, according to a press release.

Somewhat related:
Green Card Holder Goes On Mass Shooting Spree, Murders 5 People, Police Say.  A green card holder in the state of California allegedly went on a mass shooting spree on Wednesday [9/12/2018], murdering five people before turning the gun on himself after being confronted by law enforcement.  Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood identified the suspect as a 54-year-old Hispanic male and stated that he used a .50-caliber handgun to murder his victims.

4 Illegal Aliens Connected to Mexican Cartel Arrested With Nearly $6M in Drugs, Cash, and Weapons on Hand.  Thanks to a combined effort of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the Lawrenceville Police Department, East Point Police, and the Georgia State Patrol four Mexican nationals have been arrested in Gwinnett County, GA this week for their connection to a Mexican drug cartel.  These illegal aliens were found with 5 million dollars worth of methamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin laced with fentanyl as well as $850,000 in cash and weapons located in a storehouse in the metro Atlanta area.  According to NBC 11 Alive, DEA Special Agent in Charge Robert Murphy said the investigation into the cartel started last year.  Friday's drug bust of the men's home occurred after a tip came in on Thursday evening [8/30/2018].

Illegal Alien Attacks on ICE & Border Agents Are Increasing, Thank a Democrat.  The Washington Times reports that attacks on border agents are increasing as illegal aliens grow more violent.  Catering to anonymous foreigners and claiming ICE and border agents are terrorists while calling for abolishing ICE isn't helping.  We can thank Democrats for that.  Blame prosecutors too.  They won't bring charges in most cases.

Assaults on ICE, Border Patrol surge as illegal immigrants get more violent.  Assaults on ICE agents reached a decade high in 2017, and assaults on Border Patrol agents have also surged in recent years, according to new government numbers that seem to back up agents' claims that illegal immigrants are increasingly looking to fight rather than flee.  The new numbers, reported by Homeland Security's inspector general, could even be underselling the problem, investigators said, because the government doesn't do a good job of tracking incidents, and agents and officers don't always report them properly.  But the report does signal renewed danger particularly on the southwest border, where agents say a surge in illegal immigration in recent years generally correlates with growing violence.

Illegals emboldened and getting more violent as judges thwart Trump.  Violence?  From illegals?  The report is a contradiction of the "narrative" put out by the left, its press allies, and even some libertarians, that illegals commit far fewer crimes than the average American and therefore rule of law is unimportant.  Illegals, after all, are just moms and toddlers, coming here to celebrate Mother's Day, aren't they?

Man charged in Mollie Tibbetts' death was known by another name.  The Mexican man charged with abducting and killing an Iowa college student was known for years on the dairy farm where he worked by another name:  John Budd.  The alias has emerged as Cristhian Bahena Rivera's employer, a cattle operation owned by a prominent Republican family, faces questions over whether its managers were aware of any warning signs that he was in the country illegally.  The name under which Rivera was hired and paid for the last four years was confirmed by three people with knowledge of his employment history.  They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information during an ongoing criminal investigation.  One of the people said Rivera's work identity as John Budd appears in official government records.

Washington Post Chronicles Hardships of Iowa's Immigrants in Wake of Mollie Tibbetts' Murder.  In the wake of 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts' alleged murder by an illegal alien, the Washington Post profiled the small community of Brooklyn, Iowa, which has been shaken by the crime, focusing primarily on the hardships of the town's immigrants.  As Breitbart News has reported extensively, 24-year-old illegal alien Cristhian Bahena-Rivera has been charged with first-degree murder in Tibbetts' death after police say he admitted to confronting and chasing down the young woman.  The illegal alien lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities, as Breitbart News noted, and worked on a dairy farm using a stolen ID and Social Security card after allegedly crossing the U.S.-Mexico border as a child.

Dozens of MS-13 members are charged with murder, assault and drug trafficking.  More than two dozen MS-13 gang members are facing charges following a murder and drug trafficking investigation in a rural California farm city, according to the US attorney in Sacramento.  The notorious street gang is said to have taken advantage of an understaffed police department in Mendota and terrorized the city of about 11,000 people.  McGregor Scott revealed the charges in a press conference Friday [8/31/2018] in Fresno, about 35 miles to the east of Mendota.

Halt criminals at border.  Illegal immigration must be combated with resolve.  We cannot allow the issue to be framed by amnesty advocates as a referendum on Emma Lazarus' poem "The New Colossus," inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, with its famous line, "Give me your tired, your poor ..."  As again evidenced last week with the alleged murder of Mollie Tibbetts at the hands of an undocumented immigrant, there are violent criminals among the many who cross the border.  No state is immune from crimes committed by illegal immigrants, certainly not Massachusetts.  Yesterday brought news that a man was arrested in Texas and is facing child rape charges in Framingham.

The Editor says...
The after-market poem attached to the base of the Statue of Liberty is all very nice, but it is not federal law.

MS-13 'Animal' Is Charged After Police Find Remains of Missing Long Island Teen.  The murder case of an unidentified Long Island teenager has led authorities to a known MS-13 gang member whom immigration officials already had in custody.  Carlos Benitez-Hernandez (shown above), a 21-year-old who has confessed to being a member of MS-13, is believed to have used a machete and sharp objects to hack and stab a teenager to death about a year ago, Newsday reported.  Authorities are holding Benitez-Hernandez and four other members of the El Salvador gang syndicate in connection to the murder.

Illegal Alien Started Fire In Hospital Emergency Room.  A highly inebriated man set a fire within the Washington Adventist Hospital emergency room, putting dozens of lives at risk, the Montgomery County Fire Marshal's Office tells ABC7.  It was 9:15 a.m. on Sunday, May 27.  Hospital staff found patient Henry Padilla-Martinez, 20, of an unknown address, wandering the halls of the ER.  As an employee attempted to guide Padilla-Martinez back to his room, he noticed the drunken man's hospital bed was ablaze.  Staff ran to grab a fire extinguisher and frantically sprayed down the bed to prevent the fire from spreading further.

The latest murder by an illegal alien.  Knowing Kate Steinle's name has been painful enough.  We know of her because she was killed by a criminal illegal alien in 2015.  We now know Mollie Tibbetts' name, murdered last month, and an illegal alien has been arrested for that crime as well.  For many who did not originally support Donald Trump for president, a turning point for us was the existential danger of our open southern border.  In Mr. Trump, it became clear we had a candidate who understood and was serious about dealing with the disaster of our southern border.  Being blunt about the criminals enjoying the open door into our nation, liberals and the establishment gave us our first taste of the hysteria about President Trump that would come to consume them.

The November Election Is About Illegal Alien Crime.  If you're cool with Americans being butchered by illegal aliens, this November you should vote Democrat.  They're certainly cool with Americans being butchered by illegal aliens.  Oh, in theory they would probably prefer that the foreigners sneaking into our country in defiance of the laws we American citizens made through our elected representatives would stop butchering Americans.  They don't particularly want your kids to be butchered.  They just want uncontrolled illegal immigration more than your kids' safety.  So, they've made a choice to be the party of illegal immigration.  And the resulting body count is a price Democrats are willing to pay to replace an electorate of Normal Americans who refuse to obey.  The Democrats are the party of No Borders, of Abolish ICE, and of murdered Americans.

Texas AG Says Dems' Call to Decriminalize Illegal Entry Could 'Cost Lives'.  Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said Sunday on "Fox & Friends" that a push by three Democrats running for office in the state to decriminalize illegal entry could cost lives.  Paxton said that the issue is "a little scary" and that simply advocating for more open borders could draw more people to cross illegally.  "The reality is we already struggle with this," he said.  "It's going to cost lives if we go down this path."

Dear CNN: This Previously Deported 'Dreamer' Brutally Slaughtered a Minnesota Woman — Is That 'News?'.  Here's another story that you won't see on CNN.  It doesn't fit the sweet, innocent border-crosser just looking for a better life.  Enedelia Perez Garcia, 27, was stabbed to death on August 12 in Shakopee, Minnesota.  An illegal immigrant, Fraider Diaz-Carbajal, 35, has been charged with second-degree murder (not premeditated) in relation to her death.  And guess what?  He had a lengthy criminal record.

Steve King: 'Importing Millions' of Young Men from Central America 'Means Death for Americans'.  Rep. Steve King (R-IA) says "importing millions" of young men from one of the most violent regions in the world, Central and South America, "means death for Americans.  Following the revelations of the Mollie Tibbetts Iowa murder case — where the 20-year-old young woman was allegedly stabbed to death by an illegal alien from Mexico — King posted online a statement in which he indicates that the United States will only become more violent as more than 1.5 million illegal and legal immigrants, mostly from Central and South America, continue being imported to the country every year.

Open Borders Geraldo Goes Bonkers Over Criticism by Texas' Lt. Gov..  [Scroll down]  Geraldo said to the Fox audience, "I'm begging you" to "stop branding this entire population". In other words, the Fox audience are bigots who stereotype all illegal immigrants.  Martha [McCallum] called him on that.  He went off again, throwing out more straw man arguments about how people of all races commit these crimes.  He argued that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes.  That is the biggest straw man of all.  They don't belong here and they need to come in legally.  It doesn't matter if they are by-and-large good people.  Any crimes committed by people here illegally would not have happened if they weren't in the country.  Geraldo isn't even accurate.  Illegal aliens commit more crimes and more serious crimes and the figures are shocking.

Five Other Heinous Illegal Alien Crimes You Didn't Hear About This Week.  Mollie Tibbetts, a 20-year-old Brooklyn, Iowa, college student, was murdered by Cristhian Bahena Rivera, 24, who was charged with first-degree murder after confessing and leading authorities to the cornfield where he had tried to hide her body.  Rivera is an illegal alien from Mexico who has been in the U.S. for at least four years, but many in the mainstream media are far from eager to report that fact.  In its story on Wednesday [8/22/2018], for example, about how law enforcement cracked the case, CNN said nothing about Rivera's immigration status.  Readers had to click on a link nearly at the end of the post to go to a second story, and, even then, CNN only described Rivera as "a Mexican man who officials said came to the U.S. illegally ..."  That somewhat oblique reference came only in the fourth graph, and it was not repeated until the end of the story in a reference to President Donald Trump.

CNN's Chris Cuomo: 'Offensive' for Trump to Say Mollie Tibbetts 'Permanently Separated from Her Family'.  CNN host Chris Cuomo wondered Wednesday whether Americans outraged over the death of Mollie Tibbetts would be as upset if the alleged killer was a white American instead of an illegal alien.  In reference to Tibbetts's death and other murders by illegal aliens, Chris Cuomo asked, "I wonder if these sympathizers would be as full-throated about these tragedies if the killers were white citizens, if the victims were not young white women.  If that were the case, would we see a video like this from Trump today?"  He then played a clip of President Donald Trump talking about Tibbetts's death.

Autopsy: Illegal Alien Allegedly Stabbed Mollie Tibbetts to Death.  The illegal alien accused of murdering 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts allegedly stabbed her to death, an autopsy report reveals.  This week, law enforcement announced that Tibbetts' body was found in a cornfield in her rural hometown of Brooklyn, Iowa after she was last seen jogging on July 18.  Illegal alien Cristhian Bahena-Rivera, a 24-year-old from Mexico, has been charged with first-degree murder in her death after police say he admitted to confronting and chasing down Tibbetts, eventually leaving her body in the cornfield.  The illegal alien lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities, as Breitbart News noted.

Mollie Tibbetts Killer Used Stolen and Fake Identification To Remain Illegally in the U.S..  Cristhian Rivera is the illegal alien who killed 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts in Iowa.  Today it is revealed that Rivera used fraudulent and stolen identification to apply for work, a VERY common way for illegal aliens to gain employment in the U.S.  The farm where he worked ran the social security number through the authentication process, after completing the I-9 form; however, they did not use E-Verify which is connected to the Department of Homeland Security.

Attorney For Accused Murderer Of Mollie Tibbetts:  He's An 'All-American Boy'.  On Thursday [8/23/2018], speaking at a hearing for his client, Cristhian Bahena Rivera, who is accused of murdering 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts, attorney Allan Richards made a claim that would turn the stomach of those who heard it, calling Rivera "an All-American boy."  Richards spoke at the Poweshiek County Courthouse in Iowa, where he argued that expanded news media coverage of the case would be inappropriate, saying, "The coverage that's out there is leaning all one way and in fact, government has weighed in at the highest levels.  In our system of justice, he's entitled to that presumption of innocence until some evidence is presented.  Portraying Cristhian as something that he isn't, in some ways I view that as a political payback for what's swirling around."

New York Times Deletes Immigration Status Of Mollie Tibbetts's Killer From Headline.  The New York Times opted to delete the immigration status of the man suspected of killing Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts in an update to a headline about the incident Wednesday [8/22/2018].  According to the Twitter account Editing TheGrayLady, The Times made a number of changes to the headline of its story on Tibbetts's murder before finally falling on "Immigrant Is Charged In Mollie Tibbetts Murder in Iowa, and Trump Seizes on Case."

Farm says suspect in Mollie Tibbetts murder passed background check despite immigration status.  Yarrabee Farms, the Iowa farm that employed the suspect charged with killing Mollie Tibbetts, defended its vetting of Cristhian Bahena Rivera late Tuesday [8/21/2018].  The farm says Rivera passed the government's background check and it had no idea he was an undocumented immigrant.  Rivera, who the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation said Tuesday afternoon is responsible for the 20-year-old University of Iowa student's death last month, was called an "employee in good standing."

Press mocks the murder of Mollie Tibbetts soon as it became an illegal alien story.  After whipping up such a brouhaha about illegal immigrants being separated from their children as a result of their lawbreaking, the press was confronted with new story about illegals to report and comment upon, and it didn't quite tug on the heartstrings the way the crying toddlers narrative did.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family.  The illegal immigrant who allegedly killed college student Mollie Tibbetts had worked for years at a farm owned by a prominent Iowa Republican family, a report said Tuesday night [8/21/2018].  Cristhian Rivera — the 24-year-old man who is suspected of murdering Tibbetts while she was out jogging — was an "employee in good standing" at Yarrabee Farms, which is owned by the family of former Iowa official Craig Lang, according to the Des Moines Register.

Mollie Tibbetts' suspected murderer identified as 24-year-old Christian Rivera, in US illegally.  A suspect in connection with Mollie Tibbetts' murder is in custody and has been identified as a 24-year-old man in the U.S. illegally, investigators announced at a news conference Tuesday [8/21/2018].  Christian Rivera was charged with first-degree murder in Tibbetts' death, officials confirmed Tuesday afternoon.  Authorities said that Rivera, of the rural Poweshiek County area, is being held on a federal immigration detainer.  He's believed to have been in the area for four to seven years.

Illegal immigrant, 24, charged with murdering missing Mollie Tibbetts.  A 24-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico has been charged with the murder of missing Mollie Tibbetts.  Cristhian Rivera, 24, was charged on Tuesday after leading police to the corn field where he dumped Mollie's body after attacking her on July 18.  Rivera, who has been in the US illegally for between four and seven years but is from Guayabillo in Guerrero, Mexico, followed her in his black car as she ran at around 7.30pm on July 18.

Mollie Tibbetts' ex-classmate gave birth to murder suspect's baby.  A former schoolmate of slain Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts bore the child of the man accused of killing her, according to a report.  Iris Monarrez was a cheerleader at Brooklyn, Guernsey, and Malcom High School while Tibbetts was on the track team there, a picture in their yearbook obtained by the Daily Mail shows.  While in school, Monarrez dated Cristhian Rivera, 24, who is accused of abducting and killing Tibbetts.  "Iris was very quiet, she kept to her friends.  From what I can see she was a really nice person, shy but kind," Bailey Gibson, 18, told the Mail.  "I'm sure she's as shocked as we are."

Accused Tibbetts Murderer Has Himself An Anchor Baby.  And his Lawyer doesn't want you calling him an Illegal Alien.  Cristhian Bahena-Rivera, the illegal alien from Mexico has himself an American-born baby.  If Cuomo was wondering why Trump used this issue to point out our desperate need for immigration reform, both with a secure border, and an end to chain migration, here is a good reason.  One of Mollie's former high school schoolmates (one grade older) has borne the accused a daughter, who is now three years old.

Media ignore key detail in story about ICE arresting father driving pregnant wife to hospital.  The mainstream media were aghast on Saturday after Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested an illegal immigrant who was driving to the hospital with his pregnant wife to deliver their baby.  However, most outlets conveniently buried the story's most important detail:  the man was wanted for murder.

Man detained by ICE while driving his pregnant wife to the hospital to give birth is wanted for murder in Mexico.  A California man detained by immigration agents while he was driving his pregnant wife to the hospital for a scheduled C-section is wanted in connection to a murder in Mexico.  Joel Arrona Lara's arrest in San Bernardino, California on Wednesday [8/15/2018] prompted outrage after his wife Maria del Carmen Venegas revealed she was forced to drive herself to the hospital to give birth.  But Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have since revealed that Arrona, 35, was detained because he was wanted on an outstanding arrest warrant in a homicide case in Mexico.

Fake News Cries a River About Illegal Alien Arrested While Taking His Pregnant Wife to Hospital — Leaves Out Fact He Was Murderer!.  The mainstream media cried a river about the arrest of an illegal alien who was caught by police while taking his pregnant wife to the hospital.  They left off the part that he is a murderer.

Nearly All Criminal Foreigners in U.S. Are from Central, South America.  Nearly all of the criminal illegal and legal immigrants incarcerated in American prisons derive from six countries in Central and South America.  The newest Government Accountability Office (GAO) report reveals how mass immigration to the United States from primarily Central America is leading to a booming foreign incarcerated population from the region.  Between Fiscal Year 2011 and 2016, about 91 percent of all criminal illegal and legal immigrants in federal U.S. prisons were nationals from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Colombia, and Guatemala.

Govt. spent $2.5 billion to jail criminal migrants in 2016: Study.  The federal government spends about $1.4 billion a year incarcerating migrants charged or convicted of crimes, and states spent at least $1.1 billion more, Congress's chief investigative arm said in a report Thursday [8/16/2018].  Nearly all of them — 95 percent — were either illegal immigrants at the time of their crimes or were deemed deportable because of the seriousness of their offenses, and removed from the country when their sentences were up, the Government Accountability Office said.  But 15 percent of those released from 2011 to 2016 managed to reoffend and end up in a federal or state prison anyway, the investigators said.

DOJ: One in Five Federal Inmates Is An Illegal Alien.  On Thursday [6/7/2018], the Department of Justice report released a report, showing that 20 percent of those serving time in federal prisons are in the United States illegally.

FYI: One Of The Alleged New Mexico Terror Suspects Lived In The U.S. Illegally For 20 Years.  It's a story that would have been all over the media if it had been a conservative, an anti-IRS activist, an NRA member, or any organization liberals think are right leaning.  In early August, authorities raided a compound in New Mexico, where three women, a man, and 11 children were found in deplorable conditions.  One child's remains were also found.  They were reportedly being trained by Siraj Wahhaj to commit school shootings.  Siraj's father, same name, was an unindicted conspirator of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.  To make things more controversial, the judge in the case, Sarah Backus, granted four of the five potential terror suspects to be released on bond.  Siraj remains in custody since he was an outstanding warrant from Georgia regarding the alleged kidnapping of his son, who may or may not be the deceased child police found at the compound.  Backus is a Democrat and known for setting low bailfor violent offenders.

More about The New Mexico jihadist compound.

7X Deported Criminal Alien Stabs a Man for No Reason in Sanctuary California.  An illegal alien is accused of an "unprovoked and brutal stabbing" at a market in California last month.  There are witnesses and other evidence.  The man has a criminal record and was deported seven times.  They keep coming back because they know it's safe in the sanctuary state.  Ricardo Velasquez-Romero, 39, who also goes by the name Eulalio Miniz Orozco, was arrested last month.  He stabbed an innocent 61-year-old man in the neck at Lola's Market in Santa Rosa on Dec. 21, a man he hadn't spoken to.

Previously Deported Sex Offender from Africa Caught Trying to Enter Daycare Center.  An undocumented immigrant and wanted sex offender has been arrested by U.S. Border Patrol agents and police in Detroit, officials said.  Authorities have identified the man as Yemaneh Gebremedhin, 53, an immigrant from Eritrea, a country in northeast Africa on the Red Sea coast.  Border Patrol officials said agents were called by the Detroit Police on Tuesday to help identify a man who had attempted to get into a Detroit church that has a child care facility.

Colorado Springs:  Is Iraqi who shot police officer in the head a refugee?  Here we go again, another violent crime and no one seems to know if the alleged perpetrator is a refugee, or if he is here through some other legal immigration program?  The story in The Gazette (and on Fox News this morning [8/6/2018]) reminded me that Colorado Springs has the distinction of being the location where five Iraqis who supposedly 'helped' our troops in Iraq were arrested in 2011 (several were ultimately convicted) for brutally raping a local woman.  Frankly, authorities do know what sort of visa the latest Iraqi arrested Thursday used to get here, they just don't want the public to know!

Media Blackout: 13-Year-Old Girl was Decapitated by a Pair of Illegal Aliens in Alabama.  A preliminary hearing Thursday [7/12/2018] gave more information into a grisly double homicide in Madison County.  Mariah Lopez, a 13-year-old, was decapitated and her grandmother, Oralia Mendoza, was also killed.  Investigators now believe the case has connections to a drug cartel.  26 year-old Yoni Martinez Aguilar, one of the capital murder suspects, appeared before a judge on Thursday.

Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping 11-Year-Old Girl.  An illegal alien living in northwest Arkansas is accused of raping an 11-year-old girl after convincing her to meet up with him through the messaging app known as "Snapchat."  Luis Mario Rodriguez-Torres, a 21-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, allegedly messaged the 11-year-old girl through Snapchat and convinced her to meet up with him, according to KFSM.

Illegal Alien Gang Member Fires Gun on Sidewalk, Claims 2nd Amendment Rights.  An illegal alien gang member accused of firing a gun on a public sidewalk in the sanctuary city of New York is now claiming that he has Second Amendment rights just like every United States citizen.  Javier Perez, a 28-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, is claiming that he has Second Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution and therefore is being unfairly charged with possession of a gun.  In July 2016, Perez allegedly fired a .380-caliber semiautomatic pistol on a public sidewalk in Brooklyn, New York to fight off a rival street gang, according to the New York Daily News.

Seven Armed Illegal Aliens Charged in Texas Mall Robbery.  Seven Mexican nationals who entered the U.S. illegally were arraigned on Monday after they attempted to rob a jewelry store at gunpoint in the La Plaza Mall in McAllen, Texas, on Saturday [7/28/2018], local media and Fox News reported.  The seven men were charged with aggravated robbery.  During they robbery they brandished handguns and smashed the glass display cases.  There were no injuries or gunfire during the attempted robbery, and an undercover police officer with a concealed-carry handgun helped stop the crime.

TX Mall Robbery Was Not Gun Violence But Rather Illegal Alien Criminal Violence.  The attempted mall robbery in Texas has disappeared from the news.  It was dramatically reported at first as gun violence.  Gun grabbers thought they had a great case against guns until they realized no shots were fired.  The noise was glass breaking.  Seven suspects who were arrested in connection with an attempted robbery at a jewelry store in Texas over the weekend have been identified as Mexican nationals that were in the U.S. illegally.  Until these bozos complete their sentences, we won't know the details of how they got here, how long they've been here, and what other crimes they might have committed.  At that time, they will be turned over to CPB.

Florida Police Officer Dies After [He was] Allegedly Shot by Illegal Alien.  A Florida police officer has died after allegedly being shot in the head by an illegal alien.  Law enforcement confirmed to the media this week that Fort Meyers Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller died in the hospital after being in critical condition for a week following a shootout with an illegal alien from Haiti.

The Crimes Committed By Illegals This Month You Probably Didn't Hear About.  The liberal media has been too busy breathlessly reporting on the Trump administration's "Zero Tolerance" policy to give attention to the heinous crimes committed by people who shouldn't be in this country in the first place.  Now of course these crimes go ignored or underreported because they don't fit the liberal agenda, and they also make the case for actually enforcing our immigration laws and building Trump's wall.

'Dreamer' Charged With Molesting 6-Year-Old Boy Inside Public Library.  A man sexually assaulted a boy inside a library in Riverside, authorities announced on Monday [7/23/2018].  Juan Francisco Palacios, a 29-year-old Riverside transient, was caught on camera watching the 6-year-old boy walk into the bathroom alone on July 18, according the Riverside Police Department.  Palacios allegedly followed inside and assaulted him.

ICE Just Arrested Dozens of Illegal Aliens in a Sanctuary City, the Majority Have Serious Criminal Records.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an agency many Democrats want to abolish, recently conducted a raid in Newark, New Jersey and arrested dozens of illegal aliens.  The overwhelming majority have serious criminal records.  ICE targeted Illegal aliens who had been incarcerated in the Middlesex County Jail and released into the community by local law enforcement without notice to federal immigration officials.  The aliens arrested had ICE detainers that were not honored.  Newark is a "sanctuary city."  "Of those arrested, 16 subjects had been previously released by MCJ without honoring the ICE detainer and 78% had prior criminal convictions or pending criminal charges.  The individuals arrested as part of the operation were nationals of Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, and Turkey," ICE released Friday [7/20/2018].

Illegal Alien Raped 4 Women in Sanctuary City.  Who is the sanctuary city for?  San Francisco provided no shelter or sanctuary for Orlando Vilchez Lazo's victims.  But it was certainly happy to provide sanctuary for the ride share rapist while he committed his crimes,

Suspected San Francisco Serial Rapist in America Illegally.  Authorities arrested Orlando Vilchez Lazo, 36, who allegedly posed as a Lyft driver in San Francisco, CA, in order to lure victims.  Lazo received four counts of felony of rape.  ICE said he is in the country illegally and "plans to deport" him back to "Peru if he's released from custody on the rape case."

ICE Slaps Detainer on Man in Dallas Held for Sexually Assaulting a Child.  A seemingly minor misstep by 24-year-old Jose Nahun Lopez-Cruz, of parking in a handicapped spot in West Dallas, Texas, was only the beginning of a cascade of charges that came crashing down on him when Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) slapped him with a detainer in early July.  "It's OK, she's gonna be 16 soon," the man inexplicably said to police about his live-in girlfriend, whom an officer had spotted in the Toyota Camry in a parking lot near Trinity Groves, as The Dallas Morning News reported.  It's not "OK" at all — not for him, for her, or for the American people — until justice is served.

MS-13 Gang Member Arrested Again After 4 Deportations.  ABC 7 KVIA reports that Texas Border Patrol agents have arrested two MS-13 gang members on two separate occasions this week for illegally entering the country.  One of these illegal aliens has previously been deported from the United States four times.  Last Sunday, Border Patrol agents working near El Paso monitored a group of nine individuals walking through the desert close to the southern border on the American side.  After several hours, the agents confronted the group and all members admitted to illegally entering the country.

ICE: California man who allegedly attacked wife with chainsaw was deported 11 times.  A so-called "serial immigration violator" tried to kill his wife with a chainsaw at the couple's home this week in Whittier, California.  Alejandro Alvarez Villegas, 32, is facing charges relating to suspicion of attempted murder, child endangerment, hit-and-run, and grand theft auto, according to the Whittier Daily News.  He was previously deported 11 times, according to immigration officials.

Chainsaw Attack Suspect Was Removed from US 11 Times:  ICE.  The man arrested and accused of using a chainsaw to attack his wife had been removed from the U.S. 11 times since 2005, immigration officials confirmed Friday [7/13/2018].  Alejandro Alvarez Villegas, 32, was arrested in Chula Vista, California on allegations he tried to kill his wife with a chainsaw in front of their three children at the couple's home in Whittier.  "Department of Homeland Security databases indicate Mr. Alvarez-Villegas is a serial immigration violator who has been removed from the United States 11 times since 2005," a spokesperson for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said.

Judicial Watch:  New HHS Docs Reveal 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' Processed by Obama Admin Included MS-13 Killers, Drug Smugglers.  On Tuesday [7/10/2018], conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch released new documents containing over 1,000 summaries of Significant Incident Reports (SIRs) revealing the "Unaccompanied Alien Children" processed by the Obama administration included admitted murderers, rapists, drug smugglers, prostitutes, and human traffickers.

New HHS Documents Reveal that 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' Processed During Obama Years Included Violent Criminals, Drug Smugglers, and Human Traffickers.  Judicial Watch today [7/10/2018] released 224 pages of documents containing nearly 1,000 summaries of Significant Incident Reports from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services revealing that "Unaccompanied Alien Children" processed during the Obama administration included admitted murderers, rapists, drug smugglers, prostitutes, and human traffickers.  The documents, from the HHS Administration for Children and Families reported to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), are for the approximate six-month period May to November 2014.  They were produced to Judicial Watch after a three-year delay in response to a November 12, 2014, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request [...]

Illegal Alien Operating Unlicensed Day Care in Sanctuary City Broke Baby's Legs.  A 66-year-old unlicensed day care worker is facing felony child abuse charges after a baby boy in her care went to the hospital with two broken legs, according to KSTU.  Elvira Ortega, who runs an unlicensed day care out of her Salt Lake City home, is accused of intentionally inflicting serious physical harm on the child, Salt Lake police Detective Greg Wilking said.

Illegal Alien Gang Member Committed String of Armed Robberies in 'Sanctuary County'.  A 20-year-old woman was sentenced to 95 years in prison for setting up several gang-related armed robberies that took place in Montgomery County last year.  The robberies spanned from September to November and were all believed to be part of an overreaching conspiracy to benefit the MS-13 gang and to send money back to El Salvador.

'Unimaginable Violence and Brutality' — Liberian War Criminal Illegally Living in Philadelphia Convicted.  A federal jury has convicted a Liberian war criminal of immigration fraud and perjury after federal authorities charged the man with lying on his immigration application regarding his past anti-government violent activities including advocating rape, murder, child soldiers, and torture.  According to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement press release on July 3rd, Jucontee Thomas Woewiyu "lied on his application for U.S. citizenship by denying that he advocated the overthrow of any government by force or violence and by denying that he ever persecuted any person because of membership in a social group or their political opinion."

Police launch dragnet for 3 non-US citizens accused of raping Ohio sisters.  The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency joined the nationwide search for three men accused of kidnapping and raping two teen girls in Ohio, authorities said.  A fourth suspect has been arrested and charged in the alleged crime, police said Tuesday [7/3/2018].  Bowling Green police are searching for David Ramos Contreras, 27, Juan Garcia Rios Adiel and Arnulfo Ramos.  Police said Contreras is from Mexico.  It is uncelar where the others are from, though Adiel possess a fraudulent permanent resident I.D. out of Florida, police said.  Adiel and Ramos are not believed to be U.S. citizens, according to WKRC-TV.

Report: Dozens of Criminal Illegal Immigrants Shielded by NYC's Sanctuary Policy Rearrested for New Crimes.  A new report reveals that dozens of criminal illegal immigrants shielded by New York City's sanctuary policy were released from jail and quickly rearrested for new crimes.  According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 440 criminal aliens were released from New York's jails between January and April despite having ICE detainers placed against them.  Of those 440, 40 have already re-offended and been rearrested, ICE said.  "In just three months, more than three dozen criminal aliens were released from local custody.  Simply put, the politics and rhetoric in this city are putting its own communities at an unnecessary risk," said Scott Mechowski, acting field office director for ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in New York.

Texas homicides by illegal immigrants have surpassed 1,200: AG Ken Paxton.  Homicidal crimes committed by illegal immigrants have reached over 1,200 in Texas, according to Attorney General Ken Paxton.  "We have a lot of crime.  We have over 1,200 homicides, we have thousands of crimes," the Texas Attorney General told FOX Business' Charles Payne on Tuesday [7/3/2018].  The Texas Department of Public Safety keeps a database of crimes associated with illegal immigration.  "So the narrative that is, you know there's no crime associated with illegal immigration, well that's just not true," Paxton said.

Diversity Visa Program:  Violent ICE Escapee Caught, Convicted.  Brooklyn jurors swiftly convicted the Senegalese man who managed to ditch immigration officers during a layover at JFK airport.  It took the panel a mere 90 minutes to declare Mohamadou Lamine Mbacke guilty Friday.  He now faces up to a year in a US jail before being deported to Senegal.  Upon hearing the news, Mbacke sat back in his chair and smiled. [...] It should be noted that Mbacke came to the U.S. in 2005 on a 'diversity visa' from the African nation of Senegal, and has a long record of arrests and convictions including three weapons charges and the armed abduction and rape of a woman in Detroit.

Illegal Alien Starts 40,000 Acre Fire in Colorado, It's Still Burning.  An illegal alien living in Colorado was arrested Saturday [6/30/2018] on suspicion of setting a series of wildfires that consumed more than 40,000 acres and it's still burning.  Jasper Joergensen, 52 years, was apprehended after the announcement was made at a community meeting, the Costilla County Sheriff's Office confirmed.  Joergensen is not a U.S. citizen and will be given to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after he faces arson charges, a Costilla County official said at the meeting.

African 'Migrant' Arrested Twice in One Day for Public Indecency.  A Dayton man taken into custody early Monday for public indecency was back in the Montgomery County Jail the same night after dancing downtown naked, according to Dayton police reports.  Samuel Tumaini, 25, was detained on suspicion of public indecency, read the report.  Police received multiple calls around 11:30 p.m.  Monday about the incident, ranging from a man standing in front of an RTA bus to a naked man urinating in the street to a naked man lying in a field, according to the report.

Illegal Alien Protected By Sanctuary Policies Convicted In Savage Murder Of Air Force Veteran.  This week a Santa Barbara County jury found Victor Martinez, an illegal alien who had been previously convicted of sexual assault, guilty of first degree murder in the brutal 2015 sexual assault, torture, and murder of 64-year-old Air Force Veteran Marilyn Pharis.  Though Pharis was murdered just weeks after Kate Steinle was shot and killed on a pier in San Francisco, and sanctuary policies also directly led to her murder, Pharis's case has never attracted the publicity Steinle's case did — and that's a shame.  The only reason the country heard about Kate Steinle's case was because the media couldn't ignore it.  Steinle was murdered in broad daylight, in a big city, on a busy pier filled with tourists.  San Francisco authorities couldn't hide or downplay her murder.  And, because we still have access to public records in our country, they couldn't hide her killer's history.  Marilyn Pharis was murdered under different, easier-to-ignore circumstances.

Media Blackout:  Miami Serial Killer Turns Out to Be an Illegal Alien.  A Honduran national in the United States illegally has been charged with killing two women in Miami over the past three months and dumping their bodies on the street, police announced Monday [6/18/2018].  Juan Carlos Hernandez-Caseres, 37, was arrested Saturday morning [6/23/2018] for the murders of Ann Farrin, 41, and Neidy Roche, 39.  Both women, police said, were prostitutes.

U.S. Attorneys' Report:  CBP and ICE Both Catch More Criminals Than FBI.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement both caught more criminals who pled guilty or were found guilty in federal district courts in the last fiscal year on record than did the Federal Bureau of Investigation, according to the latest U.S. Attorneys' Annual Statistical Report.  In fiscal 2016, according to data published in Table 3D of the report, 66,670 criminals either pleaded guilty or were found guilty in U.S. District Courts.  CBP had referred 14,869 of these convicted criminals to U.S. attorneys.  That was more than any other federal agency.  ICE had referred 10,608.  That ranked it second only to CBP.

Border Agents arrest 5,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records trying to cross the border.  Hundreds of gang members and more than 5,000 convicted criminals were arrested trying to sneak back into the U.S. in just eight months.  They included 505 confirmed members of violent groups MS-13, 18th Street gang, and the Mexican Mafia hoping to rejoin their organizations.  Last week six violent criminals were detained for deportation after crossing the border, including a convicted murder and pedophile.

Illegal immigrant, 41, 'raped and impregnated a special needs girl.  An undocumented immigrant has been accused of raping and impregnating a 13-year-old nonverbal girl he was babysitting in Maryland.  Reynaldo Mora, 41, of Bethesda, is accused of assaulting the teenager who communicates with 'gestures and writing' and has the 'intellect of a first grader,' police said, in the bedroom at her home, while her two siblings were there.  Mora is currently charged with sex abuse of a minor, plus two counts of second-degree rape.

MS-13 gang members, including 10 illegal immigrants, charged in deaths of teens.  Eleven MS-13 gang members — all of whom are illegal immigrants except one — are facing life in prison after being charged in the kidnappings and deaths of two teens whose bodies were dug up in a Virginia park last year.  The ages of the male gang members charged Friday [6/22/2018] ranged from 20 to 27.  All of them are from El Salvador and only one — who is believed to have fled the country — is not in police custody, according to NBC Washington.  Police uncovered the bodies of 17-year-old Edvin Escobar Mendez and 14-year-old Sergio Arita Triminio at Holmes Run Park in March 2017 after receiving a tip.

The Real Cost of Illegal Immigration Is Measured in American Lives.  Alexander Mazin was just 27 years old when Ernesto Castellanos Martinez allegedly shot him in cold blood behind a San Diego area gym and left him there to die in late February of this year, ABC 10 News reported.  Dr. Jeffrey Mazin, Alexander's father, joined Fox News host Laura Ingraham on "The Ingraham Angle" Tuesday night [6/19/2018] just north of Tijuana, where she was broadcasting live from the U.S.-Mexico border as tempers flare over the issue of illegal immigration and how to solve some of the thorniest challenges connected to it.

Border Patrol Confirms that Human Traffickers Recycle Children.  It is not uncommon for illegal aliens, including criminals, to pretend children they are traveling with are their own.  White House official Stephen Miller revealed that the number of illegal aliens using children to enter the U.S. at the southern border has increased about 315 percent between October 2017 and February 2018.  Obviously, the human traffickers understand the bleeding-heart Leftists, and work the system in America.  So these minors are smuggled through the southern border with illegal aliens posing as family units.  They utilize the "Catch and Release" program to stay here.

Moms Of Children Killed By Illegal Aliens Slam Media For Hypocritical Coverage Of Border Separations.  The mothers told TheDC that there was huge hypocrisy in the mainstream media focusing on migrant parents instead of American parents who were permanently separated from their children after those children were killed by illegal aliens.  "There is hypocrisy in many ways.  The total disregard for American families ripped apart because of illegal criminals, the total lack of concern for children in the U.S. being raped in North Carolina by illegals at disgusting numbers (some months over 400 child rapes by illegals), no concern [for] homeless American children or Veterans who would do anything to have what's provided [to] these children.  Yet, our politicians call it inhumane treatment.  Would they rather these kids coming across our borders stay with the adults who aren't their biological parents but have kidnapped them to get across the border as a 'family unit?'" Mary Ann Mendoza told TheDC.

Undocumented immigrant killed two women in Miami, dumped bodies on street, police say.  A Honduran national in the United States illegally has been charged with killing two women in Miami over the past three months and dumping their bodies on the street, police announced Monday [6/18/2018]. [...] Hernandez-Caseres told police he had picked Farrin up in his car for the purpose of paying her for sex, but sometime during intercourse, he became "enraged" and punched her in the throat and neck.  Surveillance footage taken at the time shows a black vehicle coming to a stop between Northwest 38th Street and Northwest 37th Street.  The driver gets out, removes a body from the passenger side and leaves it on the sidewalk.

DACA kids approved despite murder, rape and sex crimes arrests.  Ten people who'd been arrested on murder charges were nonetheless granted permission to remain and work in the U.S. under the Obama-era DACA amnesty, according to new government data released Monday [6/18/2018].  Thirty-one "Dreamers" had rape charges on their records, nearly 500 had been accused of sex crimes, and more than 2,000 had been arrested for drunken driving — yet were approved for DACA status.  All told, 53,000 people who have been approved for DACA — 7 percent of the total — had a criminal record when the government granted them status.  Nearly 8,000 racked up criminal charges after they'd been approved, according to the data from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

'Dreamers' Caught Trafficking Methamphetamine in North Carolina.  Four people from Georgia are behind bars in the east, accused of trafficking more than 11 pounds of meth.  Greenville police arrested Arturto Bahena, 27, Ana Karen Bahena, 25, Elizabeth Mondragon, 19, and Christian Toledo, 22, all of Athens, Georgia, on Wednesday [6/13/2018].

7 Truths Liberals Will Never Acknowledge About Illegal Immigration.  [#6] The crime committed by illegal aliens is a big problem.  As someone who hired a researcher to come up with illegal alien crime research, I can tell you that there is no such nationwide data.  Why?  I strongly suspect that it's because if we had data, it would contradict the frequently heard claim that illegals don't commit very much crime.  Certainly there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that illegals commit horrible crimes in America, but in some of the places where there are a lot of illegals and we do have data, the numbers suggest there is an extremely serious crime problem with illegals:

MS-13 Brings Its Terror And Recruiting To Middle Schools.  The violent gang known as MS-13 has brought its terror and recruiting tactics to a middle school in Maryland, The Washington Post reported.  Members of Mara Salvatrucha, the notorious El Salvadorian street gang also known as MS-13, have infiltrated an overwhelmingly Hispanic school, William Wirt Middle School in Riverdale, Md., to sell drugs, draw pro-MS-13 graffiti, and recruit immigrants from Central America who have fled their respective countries because of the brutal gang.  School teachers estimate about a dozen members are there now, The Post reported.  Fights between gang members and others are now an almost daily occurrence there and the police have been called there at least 74 times in the 2017-18 school year, according to The Post.

Killer, gang members, rapists among 91 arrested in 5-day sweep across N.J., ICE says.  Federal officials said that 91 foreign nationals — including some with violent criminal records — were arrested in a five-day sweep across the state.  The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement operation netted an El Salvadoran national in West New York who was wanted on a warrant from international policing group Interpol for being a member of the MS-13 gang, and trafficking drugs and guns, ICE said Monday [6/11/2018].  The roundup also included those with convictions for aggravated assault, child endangerment, criminal sexual contact, kidnapping, homicide, drug offenses and other crimes, officials said.  About 70 of the people arrested were previously convicted of criminal offenses.

Victims of illegal immigrant crime describe heartbreak, frustration.  Senator Grassley began investigating after cases like Emmanuel Jesus Rangel-Hernandez.  In 2013, he was mistakenly granted amnesty under President Obama's executive action.  His gang membership and previous drug arrest should have excluded him.  In February, Rangel-Hernandez was charged with killing four people in a North Carolina murder spree.  One of the victims — a former contestant on America's Next Top Model.  "You've got an administration that thinks more highly of their interest in protecting undocumented workers than there is enforcing the law and in the process of making that decision, violating their constitutional oath to faithfully execute the laws of this country," said Grassley.

Illegal immigrant found guilty of killing Kansas mom, kidnapping her 6-day old baby.  A woman who faked a pregnancy for several months was found guilty on Tuesday of killing her former co-worker and kidnapping the victim's newborn baby with the intent to raise the child as her own.  Yesenia Sesmas, 36, an illegal immigrant who was living in Dallas at the time, drove to Wichita, Kan. to shoot 27-year-old Laura Abarca on Nov. 17, 2016, and kidnap 6-day-old Sophia Gonzales.  The baby was found safe two days later in Sesmas' Dallas apartment and was returned to relatives.

30 percent of federal prisoners are immigrants, DOJ/DHS reports.  Immigrants accounted for more than 30 percent of the federal prison population and nearly all of them are confirmed or suspected illegal immigrants, the government said in a new report Tuesday [6/5/2018].  The government said it had 57,820 migrants in its prisons as of Dec. 31, Homeland Security and the Justice Department said in the joint report.  Nearly 20,000 other immigrants were held in pretrial detention by the U.S. Marshals Service, most of them in contracted facilities, costing the government $134 million for just three months.  That works out to nearly $90 a day for each person in those contract facilities.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions said there shouldn't be any illegal immigrants in prisons, because they shouldn't have been in the country in the first place.

Yes, the House-passed jailbreak bill releases criminal aliens from prison.  Something funny happens when you actually take time to analyze a gravely transformative piece of legislation.  It's something that not a single member of the House who voted for the aptly named First Step Act got a chance to do:  You understand the consequences of the bill.  Proponents of the bill, many of whom are pro-illegal alien to begin with, defensively insist that because deportable aliens (both illegal immigrants and criminal legal immigrants) are not eligible for good time credits, they will not be among those released into home confinement or let out early under the provisions of this bill.  The problem is that Section 402, which is extremely dangerous as it pertains to the entire prison population, will mandate that the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) release a number of criminal aliens into home confinement at some point.  This is what happens when no section-by-section summary of the bill is released, no hearings are held, and no amendments are made eligible.

Twice Deported Illegal Alien Re-Enters Country and Kills Daughter.  Walter DaSilva admitted to shooting and killing his 19 year-old daughter because she continued to date an older man against his wishes.  This apparently upset DSilva who felt further insulted when she refused to visit him on Father's Day in 2016.  DaSilva had been separated from his daughter for a lengthy amount of time because he had also attempted to kill her mother, Lillian Silva, in 2002.  DaSilva spent 8-10 years in jail and then was deported back to his home country of Brazil.  This was the second time that he had been deported.  He was also removed from the country in 1999.

Twice-deported illegal immigrant held in connection to missing toddler.  A twice-deported illegal immigrant from Mexico was being held Tuesday in the disappearance of a 14-month-old boy who became the subject of an Amber Alert last week after his mother was found dead upstate.  Evarardo Donoteo-Reyes, 25, is currently charged with tampering with evidence, but prosecutors expect to file more charges against him once cops determine how his 18-year-old girlfriend, Selena Hidalgo-Calderon, was killed.  The young woman's son, Owen Hidalgo-Calderon, is feared dead following an extensive search of the couple's home in Wayne County and surrounding areas.  The toddler was reported missing on May 23 after his mom's body was discovered near their residence.

Democrats' dishonesty about MS-13 hands Trump a winning issue.  How evil is MS-13? Last year, two gang members in Texas reportedly murdered a teenage girl as an offering to Satan.  According to prosecutors, the gang leader (known as "Diabolico") told the young girl that "the Beast" wanted "a soul" before having his partner shoot her in the head and dump her body on a street corner.  As charges were read against the two, the Houston Chronicle reported, they "laughed, smiled and waved for the media cameras."  MS-13 gang members, police have said, also stabbed a Maryland man more than 100 times before decapitating him and cutting out his heart ... lured a 34-year-old man to his already dug grave ... and stoned an 18-year-old boy to death and dumped his body under a bridge.  MS-13 is a demonic death cult.  And President Trump has Nancy Pelosi defending its members' humanity.  When Trump declared at a White House roundtable "You wouldn't believe how bad these people are.  These aren't people.  These are animals," he was clearly referring to MS-13.  But the media and Democrats took the president's quote out of context and declared that he had referred to all illegal immigrants as animals.

Media Blackout:  DACA Recipient Threatens to Commit Mass Shooting at New York High School.  A student with a shotgun made a terrorist threat against East High School on social media, according to Rochester police.  Abigail Hernandez, 21, is charged with making a terroristic threat, a felony.  She is currently in the Buffalo Federal Detention Center in Batavia because she is an undocumented immigrant, Rochester Deputy Mayor Cedric Alexander said.  Police said, "The initial threat came from an anonymous Facebook account, which our investigators had to track down and determine the author of the Facebook account."

Why the 'Racist America' Meme is Collapsing.  The controversy over Trump's "animal" remark was, as we now know, fake news.  The [New York] Times didn't mention until later that his comments were directed at criminal aliens, like those in MS-13.  But because we live in an era in which Trump can never, ever be right, the Left is now defending MS-13 and other criminals without comment from our media watchdogs.  Incredibly, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has defended MS-13 as "God's children" with whom we all share an inviolable "spark of divinity."  What would the family of an unnamed man who was stabbed 100 times, dismembered, beheaded, and had his heart cut out say to that?  The killer was 19-year-old Miguel Angel Lopez-Abrego, a citizen of El Salvador, illegally residing in the United States.

"Unaccompanied Alien Child" MS-13 Illegal Alien Killed Man, Burned Body.  Some people are just animals.  Or undocumented animals, if you want to be politically correct. [...] Now let's get that RINO DACA fix passed so that MS-13 gang members can create more jobs by murdering and burning the people that lazy American gang members just won't murder and burn.

Protect Hispanics by attacking MS-13.  "These aren't people, these are animals.  And we're taking them out of the country at a rate that's never happened before."  This quote was President Trump's response to a question on MS-13 transnational gang members from a California sheriff who disagrees with her state's recent so-called "sanctuary" protections for dangerous illegal immigrants.  Predictably, many in the mainstream media, including the New York Times and Andrea Mitchell of NBC reported that Trump called all illegal immigrants "animals," even though it was exceedingly clear to any fair observer that his statement impugned specifically MS-13 criminals.  But even once that point was clarified (Associated Press was forced to issue an official retraction on its first misbegotten reporting), some on the Left still protested.  Most notably, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., pushed back at the president.  As an aside, Pelosi amazingly sees much value in the life of MS-13 cretins, but none in innocent babies in the womb.

Illegal Alien Raped a 14-Year-Old Girl in North Carolina.  A Winston-Salem man was convicted Monday on charges that he sexually abused and raped a 14-year-old girl in 2016.  Adrian Valadez-Lopez, 36, of Weatherwood Court, entered an Alford plea in Forsyth Superior Court to second-degree forcible rape, second-degree forcible sex offense and indecent liberties with a child.  An Alford plea means that Lopez did not admit guilt but acknowledged that Forsyth County prosecutors had enough evidence to convict him if the case had gone to trial.

Father of Daughter Killed by MS-13 Gang Members Praises Donald Trump for Using 'Correct Word' to Describe Them.  President Donald Trump met with parents of children on Wednesday [2/23/2018] who were killed by MS-13 gang members, promising to continue deporting illegal immigrant gangs and secure the Southern border.  One father praised the president for describing the gang members as "animals" despite the controversy that followed.  "I think you used the correct word.  Animals.  That they are," said Freddy Cuevas, the father of a girl murdered by MS-13 said.

Criminal Lobby is Rolling in Cash — Thank Soros.  Mexican national Juan Corona was deported in 1956 but again violated U.S. immigration law.  By 1960, the Mexican became a labor contractor for local American farmers, including Goro Kagehiro.  Corona murdered, sodomized and mutilated at least 25 farm workers, and not a single one was Mexican.  Today, if employer Goro Kagehiro reported Juan Corona to federal authorities, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra would fine the grower and let Corona do as he pleased.  If ICE agents sought to contact Corona in a courthouse, state Supreme Court boss [Tani] Cantil-Sakauye would call that "stalking."

MS-13 gang member nicknamed 'Animal' sentenced to 40 years.  An MS-13 member who goes by the gang name "Animal" received a 40-year prison sentence this week for a conspiracy that included the murder of a 15-year-old boy, the U.S. attorney's office in Massachusetts said Tuesday [5/22/2018].  The nickname, which the prosecutors highlighted in the headline of a press release, is particularly telling, coming just a week after President Trump called members of the violent, immigrant-fueled MS-13 gang "animals."  Joel Martinez, 23, admitted he murdered the 15-year-old as part of his initiation as a "homeboy" in Mara Salvatrucha, the gang's full name.

MS-13 gang member known as 'Animal' sentenced to 40 years in prison over killing of 15-year-old boy.  A member of the notorious MS-13 street gang known as "Animal," who admitted to the 2015 killing of a teenage boy in Massachusetts, was sentenced to 40 years in prison, officials said Tuesday [5/22/2018].  The U.S. Attorney's Office in Massachusetts announced that 23-year-old Joel Martinez, who went by the street name of "Animal," will be subject to deportation once he's released from federal prison.

Two Previously Deported Rapists Re-Arrested in California.  Border Patrol agents arrest two convicted sex offenders in Calexico suspected of making an illegal entry into the United States on two separate occasions this week.  Eduardo Murillo-Lobo, 21, a citizen and national of Honduras, was arrested Monday night at around 11:30 pm after being spotted by agents operating the Remote Video Surveillance System climbing over the international border fence.  Border Patrol agents were notified and they arrested and transported Murillo-Lobo to El Centro Station for identification and processing.

11 Animalistic Crimes Committed Against Americans by MS-13 Gang.  When President Trump recently referred to MS-13 gang members as "animals," the mainstream media, left-wing pundits, and Democrats were outraged by the statement.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slammed Trump's attack on MS-13 gang members, saying, "Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?"

NC Police Find $90 Million in Meth Hidden in Truck Driven by Alleged Illegal Alien.  Officials in Linden, North Carolina, discovered 120 gallons of liquid methamphetamine hidden inside the fuel tank of a semi truck being driven by an alleged illegal alien, reports say.  Harnett County Sheriff's officers pulled the truck over on May 19 and discovered the large amount of the liquefied drug.  According to WRAL, the liquid was destined to be turned into 454 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and would have had a street value of $90.8 million.  The seizure was part of a wider investigation into the trafficking of meth in the area.

A grim spectacle:  The left fully revealed.  [Scroll down]  And then, for two days now, they are proudly and openly vilifying President Trump for referring to MS-13 gang members as "animals," which is an insult to animals.  These migrants from El Salvador are savages who rape and murder in the most unspeakable ways.  The media grasped the "animal" quote and ran with it, most of them with the full knowledge that it was taken out of context.  Only the AP retracted the claim that Trump was not talking about all illegal aliens.  The rest of them kept up the faux outrage.  Pelosi said these gang members all have a "spark of divinity."  Tell that to the families of their victims.

Yes MS-13 Gang Members Are Animals.  Here's Why.  Much to do has been made over the last couple of days regarding President Trump's remarks about MS-13.  If you only read the headlines one would think that he called ALL illegal immigrants animals.  But of course, very few have bothered to check the actual transcript or video, [...]

Chuck Schumer spends the day defending MS-13 from Trump's 'animal' comments.  Democrats sure do seem to have a lot of strange "protected classes" lately.  Obviously, they've always liked to put people into groups, fan the flames of a victim mentality, and then play those groups against each other.  It's just what they do.  But, in the last couple of weeks, they've decided to defend Iran, Hamas, and now — the icing on the cake — MS-13.  If you're unfamiliar with MS-13, and I pray to God you are, they're a violent gang made up mostly of Salvadorans whose motto is "Murder, Rape, and Control."  They are, unarguably, one of the most violent gangs on the face of the earth, and the horror stories shared by their victims' families are heartbreaking beyond words.

MS-13 Gang Members Murdered Man, Set Body On Fire in Virginia.  Police arrested four MS-13 gang members for allegedly murdering a man, dumping his body in the trunk of his car, and setting it on fire at Veterans Park in Woodbridge, Va.  Manuel Enrique Robles Lopez, 21; as Erick Alexander Contreras Navarro, 23; Denis Ludwin Espinal Alvares, 19; and a 17-year-old boy were arrested in March.

Mother-of-two, 25, was the 'CEO' of a huge Minnesota meth smuggling gang.  A mother-of-two, 25, has been accused of serving as 'CEO' of one of the biggest meth trafficking operations Minnesota has ever seen with its roots stretching across the border to cartels in Mexico.  Macrina Perez worked with Mexican drug lords to move wholesale amounts of meth to the Twin Cities metro area, according to prosecutors who charged her nearly two years ago but kept the indictment sealed to protect informers.  Investigators have been tracing the cell for three years, and identified Perez by tracing her to a haul of 140 pounds of meth seized at a Brooklyn Center stash house in May 2016, reported the Star Tribune.

Yes, NPR: Illegal Immigration Does Increase Violent Crime.  As members of an alien caravan beat their fists at the gates, the experts provide the rationalization for inviting them in.  John Burnett wrote last week for National Public Radio, "four academic studies show that illegal immigration does not increase the prevalence of violent crime or drug and alcohol problems."  But Burnett curated studies that conflate much and misinform plenty.  My favorite among the four is Alex Nowrasteh's Cato Institute study, because you could tell Burnett pulled it from the top of a pile he kept on hand for just such occasions, to convince Americans that the decay they're witnessing in their communities is actually "cultural enrichment."

'Dreamer' Stabs Couple To Death In Their Texas Home.  A teenage boy is arrested in connection to a double stabbing that happened at a home in the southeast side of San Antonio.  The Bexar County Sheriff's Office arrested 17-year-old Jorge Carmond in the case.

Mexican Cocaine Trafficker Busted In North Carolina.  A 36-year-old man is facing multiple charges after a month long investigation into area drug trafficking.  Detectives charged Abimael Marco Alvarez-Villaseno, AKA Juan Alonso Alvarez-Villaseno or "Chato," after seizing more than 75 grams of cocaine and more than $1,600 in cash late Thursday [5/3/2018].

Admitted MS-13 illegals placed around the country.  Loopholes in immigration laws being squeezed by the Trump administration but embraced by the Obama administration have allowed youthful illegal immigrants who self-identified as MS-13 gangbangers to be placed around the country instead of sent home, according to newly released documents.  Unlike illegal criminals who avoided border security, those cited by Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson in a letter to a key immigration agency were initially held by the Obama administration then put in placement centers throughout the nation and eventually with "sponsors" despite their gang ties.

Previously deported immigrant accused of shooting his co-worker with a nail gun.  A previously deported immigrant who returned to live in the US illegally has been accused of shooting his co-worker multiple times with a nail gun.  Mexican national Jesus Ascencio Molina, 24, was charged with attempted murder and first-degree assault in the construction site rampage on April 13 in Happy Valley, Oregon.  The victim, 24-year-old Andres C. Marcelo, was rushed by Life Flight to an area hospital and is in stable condition after suffering multiple nail impacts.

MS-13 directs members to 'take out a cop'.  MS-13 has directed its members to "take out a cop" in a terrifying directive that has police on high alert across the New York area, according to a new memo obtained by The [New York] Post.  Police are hunting for the gang member suspected of putting out the hit order — a tall, light-skinned Hispanic man with a thin build and a tattoo of three dots next to his eye.  Cops in Hempstead, one of the Long Island towns the violent gang has terrorized, were tipped off to the threat Wednesday [4/18/2018] by a "credible" informant, the NYPD memo said.

Vietnamese National Tried to Kidnap 5-Year-Old Girl in Georgia.  Police have arrested a man after they say he tried to grab a 5-year-old girl out of a taxi in Gainesville.  The Gainesville Police Department said they were called to the 400 block of Atlanta Highway on Friday night by a taxi driver.  The driver told them that she had been approached by an Asian man "who was acting oddly," who asked for a ride to Oakwood, Georgia.  After she declined the ride, police say that the suspect, 35-year-old Tuan Van Nguyen, grabbed her daughter, who was in the cab at the time.

Illegal immigrant Uber driver raped passenger then fled to native Ghana, police say.  An Uber driver charged with raping a passenger earlier this month was able to walk free because officials failed to notify immigration agents about his arrest, authorities said.  Frederick Amfo, 30, an illegal immigrant from Ghana, was arrested after a female passenger said that on April 8 he forced her into the backseat of his car and raped her, police said.  Hours after he was released from police custody, he fled to his native Ghana.  He was supposed to surrender his passport but did not.

Liberal Sanctuary Cities Protecting Blood-Thirsty MS-13 From Deportation.  Liberals in sanctuary cities are now protecting the bloodiest and deadliest gang members in the world from deportation.  They are actively choosing to release dangerous gang members back into our communities than cooperate with ICE and enforce immigration laws on the books. [...] They're literally protecting deadly gang members, and placing Americans in danger.

Sanctuary Cities Protecting MS-13 Gang Members from Deportation, Says ICE.  There is a "rather long list" of sanctuary cities across the United States that choose to release incarcerated members of the notoriously violent Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang back into U.S. communities rather than allow immigration agents to prosecute and deport them, testified a federal officer under oath before lawmakers.

MS-13 specimens
MS-13 Members Claiming to be 'Unaccompanied Minors' at [the] Border.  According to Border Patrol officials, a member of the notorious MS-13 gang was captured, posing as a minor traveling as part of the "migrant caravan" which was making its way toward the U.S. border.  Some parts of the so-called caravan are also now arriving on United States soil.  Agents at the Yuma Station discovered a large group of immigrants who crossed the border illegally this week near southern Arizona.  The group contained 1 Mexican national, 59 Guatemalans, and one Salvadoran.  The Salvadoran claimed to be a minor, unaccompanied, and this is when they caught him.

MS-13 Member Posing as Unaccompanied Minor was Linked to the 'Migrant Caravan,' Says Border Patrol.  Border Patrol officials told Breitbart Texas that the MS-13 gang member who presented himself as an unaccompanied minor and the group he traveled with were part of the Central American "migrant caravan."  Individuals from and portions of that caravan are now arriving on U.S. soil.  Agents assigned to the Yuma Station came upon a large group of 61 illegal immigrants who crossed the border Monday afternoon near the San Luis Port of Entry in southern Arizona.  The illegal border crossers consisted of a single Mexican national, 59 Guatemalans, and one Salvadoran who claimed to be an unaccompanied minor, according to information provided to Breitbart Texas by Yuma Sector Public Affairs officials.

Gang members admit to firebombing black families in Boyle Heights housing development.  Members of a Latino street gang have admitted to carrying out a racially motivated firebombing attack on black families in a Los Angeles housing project, prosecutors announced Thursday.  Three men belonging to the Big Hazard gang will plead guilty to federal hate crimes stemming from the 2014 attack, according to written plea agreements.  In exchange for the confessions, prosecutors for U.S. Atty.  Nicola T. Hanna agreed to seek some leniency for the men when they are sentenced.  Each faces more than 30 years in federal prison.

Trump: Migrant 'women are raped at levels that nobody has ever seen'.  Tossing his "boring" prepared remarks into the air, President Donald Trump on Thursday [4/5/2018] unleashed a fierce denunciation of the nation's immigration policies, calling for tougher border security while repeating his unsubstantiated claim that "millions" of people voted illegally in California.

Attempted Mass Poisoning:  Illegal Alien Poured Drain Cleaner Into Food At Florida Restaurant.  Pleading guilty to putting lye in sauce led to a seven-year prison sentence for a Florida restaurant worker — and possibly more punitive action at the federal level.  Margarito Padilla began serving his sentence Monday [2/5/2018], according to Florida Department of Corrections records.  On Tuesday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Tampa office filed a detainer on the 54-year-old Guadalajara, Mexico, native, meaning ICE wants to know when Padilla finishes doing his time.  Padilla's employment at a Hibachi Express in Lakeland ended last June, after franchise owner Zhong Jiang thought the Yum-Yum sauce refrigerated in a 55-gallon barrel didn't look so yummy.

The Military Can Secure the Border and Build the Wall.  El Salvadoran migration has inflicted 207 murderers on this country.  The migrant caravan threatening to invade this country includes migrants from El Salvador.  Some of them may be MS-13 members.  The Pueblo Sin Fronteras caravan of 1,000 migrants is the product of an alliance between international leftists and migrant invaders.  Their goal is the invasion, colonization and occupation of America.  And the only ones defending us against them are the members of an outnumbered border patrol, threatened by both drug cartels on the other side of the border and sanctuary states in this country.  That's why President Trump is mobilizing the troops to do the job that the Democrats won't do.

Border Control Arrests Convicted Sex Offender Trying To Cross Into The US.  Border Patrol agents in Tucson say they have arrested a previously convicted child sex offender as he allegedly tried to illegally re-enter the United States.

Report Shows that Illegals Are Destroying our National Parks.  According to a new report from park services, illegal immigration and drug running have destroyed border parklands.  Illegals and drug smugglers have threatened two species on the endangered list and led federal officials to ban visitors and campers in areas considered too dangerous to visit.

85-Year-Old Illegal Alien Raped 10-Year-Old Girl in North Carolina.  An 85-year-old man from Mexico was arrested after deputies in Iredell County said he sexually assaulted a 10-year-old child.  According to the Iredell County Sheriff's Office, deputies received a tip on March 20 in reference to the sexual assault of a child that allegedly occurred on March 15, 2018.

America Is In Utter Jeopardy.  President Trump recently signed the largest six month spending bill in United States history.  Illegal border crossers are having a field day crossing our southern border like they did during the Obama presidency.  Border officials are back to catching and releasing those who shuffle into our republic illegally.  Leftist democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer are still celebrating the massive funding of sanctuary cities.  Obviously neither Chuckie or Nancy have any regard for American born sovereigns and legal immigrants who are often raped, robbed, or beaten to death by illegal border crossers who moonlight as dastardly MS 13 gang members.  History has proven ever since the barbarians sacked Rome, that enemies will infiltrate any nation foolish enough to not secure their borders.

MS-13 Pour Into LI, Some Are 'Unaccompanied Minors'.  About 475 gang members have been arrested by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency's "Operation Matador" sting, with 99 of those gang members arrested having arrived in the U.S. as "unaccompanied minors," Breitbart reported.  Sixty-four of the 99 were granted Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJ), which acts basically as amnesty.

Alleged MS-13 members charged after yearlong Vegas killing spree, police say.  MS-13 has brought "third-world violence" to Las Vegas, a local pastor said, as authorities announced the breakup of a yearlong killing spree allegedly committed by the gang.  Four illegal immigrant MS-13 members who police say are responsible nearly a dozen slayings during the past year were charged Tuesday [3/27/2018] in federal court, police in Las Vegas said.  The news comes on the heels of recent declarations by President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions that they are committed to cracking down on MS-13.

Suspected Mexican cartel leader smuggled 44 pounds of fentanyl into NYC, officials say.  A suspected Mexican cartel drug kingpin was charged Tuesday in the seizure of 44 pounds of fentanyl from a sting operation late last year, officials said.  Francisco Quiroz-Zamora, 41, was arrested in November after he traveled to New York City to collect a payment from an undercover agent posing as a drug dealer, authorities said.  Officials charged him in connection with the opioid seizure at a Bronx hotel and a posh Manhattan apartment.  Authorities used undercover agents to track Quiroz-Zamora's shipments from Mexico to Arizona and Californian and New York, according to the New York Post.

This is the 'violent' deportee who escaped ICE custody.  A "violent" immigrant being deported to Senegal completely humiliated federal agents escorting him through JFK — when he broke free, dashed out of the terminal and sped off in a yellow cab, authorities said Wednesday.  Mohamadou Lamine Mbacke, 31, was still on the loose Wednesday night as Immigration and Customs Enforcement were scrambling to figure out how he escaped — and where he went.  Mbacke, who most recently lived in Detroit, has ties to New York dating back to at least 2006, when he racked up the first of 10 arrests in the city, an NYPD source said.

Vegas police say 5 arrests in MS-13 case solves 10 murders.  Five members of the MS-13 street gang have been arrested in the killings of 10 victims in the Las Vegas area over the past year, authorities said Monday.

Illegal immigrant who has already been deported back to Guatemala TWICE 'repeatedly raped a girl under the age of 14' after sneaking back into the US.  A man who was deported twice to Guatemala has been charged with the rape of a girl younger than 14 in Oregon.  Anastacio Eugenio Lopez-Fabian, 24, was arrested by Seaside police in Oregon in February after investigators found he had sex with the underage girl multiple times.  He has been charged with rape as well as assault and harassment.  He posted bail and was released but was later detained again on March 7 after police learned of his illegal status in the US and that he had been deported twice before.  He is currently held at a detention center in Tacoma, Washington.

Illegal Alien Heroin Dealer has been Charged 41 Times in 10 Years.  A career criminal and suspected illegal immigrant with a history of eight immigration violations, at least 10 aliases, dozens of prior arrests and fingertips sliced to obscure his prints was nabbed on heroin dealing charges by state police Friday, court records show.  Eddy Cabral, 53, was ordered held on $75,000 bail by Wareham District Court Judge Lisa F. Edmonds, while Immigration and Customs Enforcement placed a detainer on him for probable immigration violations, an ICE spokesman said.

Illegal Alien Burglarized Home Three Days After Crossing Border.  A Superior Court judge handed down a six-month prison sentence to an undocumented immigrant who spent the night in a residence in Rio Rico that he and another suspect entered illegally.  Cristian Manuel Cortez Ruiz, 25, was sentenced Feb. 26 by Judge Thomas Fink after he pleaded guilty to one count of criminal trespass, a Class 6 felony.  The judge gave him credit for 135 days served prior to the time of sentencing.

Texas home nurse, reportedly in the US illegally and facing murder charge, now being eyed in other deaths.  A home health care nurse who reportedly is in the U.S. illegally and is accused of smothering an 81-year-old Texas woman to death may have more victims, police said Friday [3/23/2018].  Billy Kipkorir Chemirmir, 45, was taken into custody Tuesday after Lu Thi Harris was found dead from homicidal violence in her Dallas home, police said.  A source told FOX 4 News that she was found with a pillow nearby and her makeup was smeared, and that Chemirmir worked as a home health care nurse. [...] Records show Chemirmir is in the U.S. illegally and has an immigration hold on him, according to Fox 4.  Two Kenyan news websites reported that he hails from the African country.

Dad Whose Son Was Shot By Illegal Immigrant Destroys Oakland Mayor For Sanctuary City Policy.  Jamiel Shaw Sr., whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant, called out the Democratic mayor of Oakland, Calif., for "allowing Americans to be murdered."  Mayor Libby Schaaf has been criticized by media pundits and federal officials for tipping off a group of wanted illegals [sic] aliens and warning them about an impending federal raid.  "You know, it was just disgusting," Shaw said on "Fox & Friends" Friday.  "Her job is to protect the citizens, the American citizens, you know.  And for her to take a stand like that, she's allowing Americans to be murdered."

Illegal immigrants, who dodged California ICE raid after Dem mayor's tip-off, re-arrested for new crimes.  Three illegal immigrants, who avoided capture after Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf blew the whistle on a raid by federal immigration authorities last month, have since been re-arrested for new crimes including robbery and spousal abuse, ICE officials said.  Schaaf tweeted out a warning ahead of the raid in northern California last month, infuriating Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials and the Trump administration.  "How dare you!" Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in California this month, addressing Schaaf.  "How dare you needlessly endanger the lives of our law enforcement officers to promote a radical, open borders agenda."

Calif. judge bars LA from enforcing gang restrictions that authorities credited with reducing crime.  The city of Los Angeles has been barred from enforcing the vast majority of its gang injunctions, which applied restrictions on gang associations that authorities have long credited with reducing crime.  The ruling Thursday by U.S. District Judge Virginia A. Phillips, an appointee of former President Bill Clinton, agreed with the American Civil Liberties Union that the injunctions were likely to be unconstitutionally broad, and affect people who did not have adequate opportunity to challenge them in court.  The gang injunctions are civil court orders that have applied to nearly 9,000 people and 79 gang sets since 2000, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Kate Steinle's killer launches new battle to sue America and stay in the U.S..  After firing a stolen gun and killing Kate Steinle on the San Francisco waterfront in 2015, and then getting away with it in front of a leftwing jury which signaled motivation to strike back at President Trump, do you think Jose Ines Garcia-Zarate, is going away quietly?  Do you think the five-times-deported illegal alien drug dealer and transient, with a record of seven felonies, will just allow himself to be deported, and then come back as he always does?  Nope, not the case.  He's apparently gotten a pile of leftwing-lawyer backing to sue the federal government over his 'vindictive prosecution.'

Anchor Baby Suspected of Murdering Nursing Student has Fled to Nicaragua.  On Friday [3/9/2018], Binghamton police officers found the body of 22-year-old Haley Anderson at 23 Oak Street.  Police have labeled the death as a homicide.  According to Binghamton Police Chief Joseph Zikuski, Haley Anderson was last seen around 4 a.m. on Thursday and she had stopped returning texts on Thursday afternoon.  He also notes they believe Anderson was not forced to come to 23 Oak Street.  Zikuski says they believe Orlando Tercero, 22, is the suspect in Anderson's death.  Tercero, a United States citizen born in Florida, flew out of John F. Kennedy International Airport around 8 a.m. on Friday and is now in Nicaragua.

WaPo: A Teen Warned That MS-13 Was 'Taking Over' Her New York High School.  Then She was Murdered.  Over the course of our national immigration debate — speaking of which, has anyone noticed that the DACA deadline expired without Congressional action? — border hawks are sometimes scolded for highlighting examples of violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants.  I tend to agree that judging groups of people by their worst elements is an unfair practice that can cross into toxic demagoguery and scapegoating.  It's true, for example, that immigrants commit fewer crimes on a percentage basis than natural-born Americans, though the same truth doesn't apply to illegal immigrants.  But we shouldn't airbrush tough truths, either.  Part of the conversation must entail the brutal crimes committed by some people who've entered the US illegally.  Simply declaring such topics off-limits or unseemly amounts to a refusal to confront reality.

Illegal alien has gun.  Police look the other way.  The Indianapolis Star and other outlets report that police arrested an illegal alien from Saudi Arabia for possessing guns and ammo outside of a hotel where women were preparing for their Women's March in Indianapolis.  "Federal law prohibits someone in the country illegally from possessing guns or ammo, but court records say police found him with weapons on two occasions in January," the Star reported.  So twice they found him with illegal guns, and let him go — even though he threatened to kill two people.

Man had rifle with scope and bump stock outside downtown Indy hotel on day of Women's March.  A man in the country illegally has been charged with a federal crime after two gun scares, including one involving an AR-15-styled rifle equipped with a scope and bump stock outside a downtown Indianapolis hotel on the day of the Women's March with thousands of attendees.  Ahmed Alaklouk, described in federal court documents as a Tunisian native and Saudi Arabian citizen, has been living in Indiana on a terminated student visa.

California Sanctuary City Laws Likely Responsible for 5K Crimes by Released Criminal Illegal Aliens.  The state of California and the sanctuary city laws that make it a safe-haven for criminal illegal aliens is likely responsible for at least 5,000 crimes that were committed by criminal illegal aliens released by local authorities rather than being handed over to federal immigration officials.  According to data conducted for Breitbart News by the Center for Immigration Studies' Director of Policy Jessica Vaughan, the state of California — which refuses to hand over criminal illegal aliens to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency — makes up about half of all non-cooperation with federal immigration officials in the U.S.

Meet Some Of The Criminal Illegals California Has Set Free.  The White House released a list of criminal illegal immigrants set free by the state of California in lieu of allowing ICE to detain them, in a Thursday morning [3/8/2018] statement.  The Trump administration filed suit against the state of California Wednesday for classifying itself as a sanctuary state.  "California is using every power it has — and some it doesn't — to frustrate federal law enforcement.  So you can be sure I'm going to use every power I have to stop them," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in his announcement of the lawsuit Thursday.

Illegal immigrants with sex, robbery convictions among those who evaded capture after Dem mayor's warning.  A Democratic mayor's warning to illegal immigrants of an incoming ICE raid in northern California may have led to a number of illegal immigrants with violent and sex-related convictions evading capture and deportation.  Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf tweeted out an impending warning of the four-day raid last week, alerting targeted individuals to the imminent arrests, and infuriating Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials, who say that many more could have been caught if they hadn't been warned.

Violent criminals among illegal immigrants caught in California raid derailed by Dem mayor.  A sweep of Northern California by federal immigration officials this week, which was partly thwarted when the Oakland mayor sounded the alarm, nabbed a number of illegal immigrants convicted of a variety of serious and violent crimes.  Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials announced this week that the four-day raid led to the arrest of 232 illegal immigrants in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Of those 232, 180 "were either convicted criminals, had been issued a final order of removal and failed to depart the United States, or had been previously removed" from the country and had come back illegally.

Accused MS-13 members laugh in court near victim's family.  Five accused members of the bloodthirsty MS-13 street gang palled around like they were having a grand old time in court Tuesday as the family of a 16-year-old girl they're accused of slaughtering looked on grimly from the gallery.  Enrique Portillo, Alexi Saenz and Jairo Saenz laughed and grinned amongst themselves, their shackles clanking, as prosecutors said they'd yet to hear if the Justice Department will allow them to seek the death penalty for the murder of best friends Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas in Brentwood in 2016.  Mickens, 15, and Cuevas, 16, were bludgeoned with a baseball bat and hacked to death with machetes by the men as the girls headed home from school, authorities have said.

How DACA Shields Violent Gang Members.  The March 5 deadline to end protections under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is rapidly approaching and Congress still doesn't have its act together.  Democrats claim that failure to act is putting lives on the line by threatening upheaval and deportation to thousands — unless Congress intervenes.  On this point, Democrats are right, but not in the way they think they are.  A failure to act on DACA, and illegal immigration more generally, is indeed putting lives on the line.  A recent report issued by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) shows just how many.  CIS reviewed more than 500 cases of MS-13 gang members arrested nationwide since 2012.  The group's conclusions reveal startling facts about the danger that illegal alien gang members pose to Americans.

Illegal Alien Murdered Man, Set His Body On Fire.  A short time after beginning the death investigation, officers began receiving tips advising that a man by the name of Arturo had killed a man named Jorge Martinez, according to Somerset Police.  Further investigation revealed that "Arturo" was an alias allegedly used by Humberto Mesa-Vasquez, 34, of 431 South Main Street in Somerset.  Officers went to that address and located Mesa-Vasquez and two other Hispanic males; Mesa-Vasquez was found wearing clothing that had blood stains on them, according to SPD.  All three individuals were driven to the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office for questioning, and a search warrant was executed on the South Main Street address.

DACA Illegal Alien Arrested for School Shooting Threats in New York.  An illegal alien shielded from deportation by the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was arrested after allegedly threatening a school shooting in upstate New York.

200 Murders by MS-13 in 22 States since 2012, Claims Report.  A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals that the hyper-violent MS-13 transnational criminal gang has spread to 22 U.S. states.  The gang accounted for 207 murders, mostly in California, Maryland, New York, and Virginia since 2012.  The rapid growth is attributed in the report to the influx of Unaccompanied Alien Children from Central American countries like El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.

MS-13 Resurgence:  Immigration Enforcement Needed to Take Back Our Streets.  All criminal gangs are a threat to public safety, but MS-13 is a unique problem because of the unusually brutal crimes its members have committed, its success in using intimidation to victimize and control people in its territory, and its focus on recruiting young members, often in schools.  Nevertheless, because such a large share of MS-13 members are not citizens, they are especially vulnerable to law enforcement, and many can be removed from the communities they terrorize.  Strategic use of immigration enforcement is a necessary element to disrupting and dismantling MS-13 gangs and any other transnational criminal organization operating in our communities.  The proliferation of sanctuary policies that interfere with cooperation between state and local law enforcement agencies threatens to hamper efforts to stifle MS-13 activity.  The federal government must take steps to clarify how federal law permits such cooperation and also must set up consequences for those jurisdictions and officials who impose sanctuary policies.

An MS-13 Horror Story that the Press Has Largely Ignored.  In a December 2017 post captioned "No Sanctuary for MS-13", I discussed how members of the notorious MS-13 gang were preying on the residents of Prince George's County, Md., a sanctuary county in the National Capital Region.  Recently, however, a handful of press outlets have been reporting on a particularly horrific offense allegedly perpetrated in neighboring Montgomery County, Md.  Montgomery County denies that it is a "sanctuary jurisdiction", but its leaders make it sound like one.  In particular, the press reported in February 2017 that:  ["]Amid reports that parents are keeping children home from school because they fear deportation, leaders in Montgomery County, Maryland, are reassuring immigrants that they are welcome and safe.["]

MS-13 spreads to 22 states, fed by 300,000 illegals, DACA recipients, tied to 207 murders.  The vicious MS-13 gang, stifled under former President George W. Bush, exploded during the Obama era fueled by 300,000 illegals, including those given amnesty under the DACA program, and has now been linked to crimes in 22 states, according to a new report.  Since 2012, 207 murders have been tied to the gang called "Mara Salvatrucha," and there are over 500 cases nationwide of MS-13 members being charged in major crimes, according to the report from the Center for Immigration Studies.

GOP Rep Introduces Legislation to Revoke Citizenship From MS-13 Gang Members.  Rep. Lee Zeldin (R., N.Y.) on Tuesday [2/20/2018] introduced legislation to revoke the citizenship of naturalized immigrants who are involved in gang-related crimes.  The Protecting Our Communities from Gang Violence Act would allow the U.S. government to revoke the citizenship of individuals who came to the country as immigrants and got involved in gang activity either prior to or within 10 years of becoming a naturalized citizen.  The act seems to be the direct result of an increase in the numbers of crimes being committed by MS-13 gang members in Zeldin's congressional district and the state of New York as a whole.

The Editor says...
How many members of MS-13 are U.S. citizens?  Few, if any.  MS-13 people don't care if they have citizenship or not.  I suspect the majority of them don't have plans for a long life.

212 ICE Immigration Arrests in L.A.: 195 Repeat Offenders, More Than Half Serious or Violent Criminals.  Eighty-eight percent of the 212 individuals arrested in the Los Angeles area this week for immigration law violations were previously convicted criminals.  Over the course of five days, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation officers and special agents made the arrests and served 122 notices of inspection (NOIs) to businesses in the Los Angeles area of responsibility.  This is in addition to notices of inspection issued to 77 businesses in northern California just weeks ago.  One hundred and ninety-five of the 212 arrested included convicted criminals, those who failed to leave the United States after being issued a final order of removal, and those who returned to the U.S. after being removed.

Tucker: Violent Criminal Illegals Now a 'Protected Class' in California.  Illegal aliens — including violent criminals — have become a protected class in California, Fox News host Tucker Carlson declared Tuesday [2/13/2018], reacting to the state's new sanctuary policy:  "It doesn't matter even if they have a history of crime, even violent crime.  In California, illegal aliens are now a protected class.  And even more significant, the state itself is now in direct opposition to this country's most basic laws."  Carlson listed several ways California's laws give special treatment to illegal aliens: [...]

Three Illegal Aliens Gang-Raped Handicapped Woman in New Jersey.  ICE has placed detainers on three restaurant workers charged with sexually assaulting an incapacitated woman in East Rutherford.  Records show that dishwasher Rene Jimenez, 29, and kitchen helper Emeterio Castelan, 25, are both Mexican citizens sharing an East Rutherford apartment across from the borough post office and a day-care center.  The third defendant, 20-year-old Luis Tenecela, is an Ecuadoran citizen living in Hackensack.

Manhunt: DACA Recipient Wanted For Murder In Texas.  On Friday [2/9/2018], authorities in Texas revealed that a man they believe is responsible for the murder of a good Samaritan who attempted to help another victim shot by the suspect is an illegal immigrant who is in the United States under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  Authorities say that Judas Deluna, 21, shot and killed a man outside DJ's Food Mart in Harris County on January 26, after the man came to the aid of another man that they say Deluna also shot.

Police: man charged with murder in Tukwila human remains case was in country illegally.  A Tukwila man accused of stabbing his cousin then dismembering the man last month should have been in the custody of federal immigration agents, according to Kent police.  Rosalio Ramos-Ramos, 37, was being sought by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) late last year and was almost turned over, when an apparent lack of communication between police and Harborview Medical Center resulted in his discharge from the Seattle trauma hospital, police said.  "I believe this person needed to be off the streets.  He had been deported four times prior, he is a convicted felon and he's a very violent person," Kent police Chief Ken Thomas told KOMO on Thursday [2/8/2018].

Man is slashed in the face and neck with a box-cutter at Maryland bus stop after asking 'drunk' illegal immigrant to stop urinating in public.  A man was slashed in the face and neck at a Maryland bus stop after asking a 'drunk' and 'belligerent' stranger to stop urinating in public.  Salvador Gomez-Lopez, 46, of Montgomery County, was arrested on two counts of assault, public intoxication and possession of a dangerous weapon with intent to injure after the incident last November.  He has recently been indicted.  A spokeswoman with Immigration Customs and Enforcement told Fox News that Gomez-Lopez was a wanted fugitive, in the country illegally from El Salvador.  ICE have since 'lodged a detainer'.

Six MS-13 gang members busted in Long Island teens' murders.  Two Long Island teens, inseparable in life, walked together into a deadly September attack by four homicidal gangbangers swinging baseball bats and a machete.  The quartet of killers, along with their two leaders in the brutal MS-13 street gang, were charged Thursday [2/1/2018] in the revenge killings of Nisa Mickens, 15, and Kayla Cuevas, 16, federal authorities said.  The horrific Sept. 13 slaughter of the unarmed girls was a homicidal overreaction to a Brentwood High School dispute just one week earlier, a 34-pagefederal indictment charged.

'Dreamers' and Demons.  The bright hopes of young Xinran Ji, a University of Southern California engineering student from Inner Mongolia, died in 2014 at the hands of a then-19-year-old "Dreamer" and his thug pals.  Mexican illegal alien Jonathan DelCarmen, who first jumped the southern border at age 12, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder last summer in the savage robbery and fatal beating of Ji — who was walking home from a study group after midnight.  No, it wasn't President Trump, ICE agents, Republicans or conservative talk show hosts who racially profiled Xinran Ji.  It was "Dreamer" DelCarmen and his partners in crime:  Alberto Ochoa, 17, Andrew Garcia, 18, and Alejandra Guerrero, 16.  The gangsters targeted Ji because he was Asian and assumed he "must have money."

Parents Of MS-13 Victim At SOTU Had This to Say About MSNBC Host's Comments.  In discussing the problem of criminal illegal aliens in America during his State of the Union Address Tuesday night, President Trump invited as guests Elizabeth Alvarado and Robert Mickens, whose teenage daughter was murdered by the gang, to put a face to the issue.  But MSNBC's Joy Reid didn't find the president's discussion of the problem terribly important, as she dismissed the gang as something only Fox News talks about.  "He gives a speech tonight, in which he makes it sound like the biggest issue in the United States, the biggest threat is MS-13, a gang nobody that doesn't watch Fox News has ever heard of.  So he makes it sound like they're the biggest threat," she said.  Alvarado and Mickens got their chance to respond Wednesday on Laura Ingraham's Fox News program.

Dem Rep Brenda Lawrence Slams Trump For Focusing On "M-16" Street Gang.  Michigan Representative Brenda Lawrence (D) has apparently never even heard of MS-13.  After Trump's State of the Union address on Tuesday, she went on C-SPAN2 to slam the president for being "so focused" on this "M-16" street gang, which she says "spoke nothing about crime in America."  "To be so focused on this M-16, or, the, this illegal immigrant gang that he speaks of, spoke nothing about crime in America, about his commitment to America First," Rep Lawrence said.  "What about fighting the crime that's in our streets?  It's not by immigrants!"

Corona Para Los Muertos.  As it happens, three days after the president's 2016 election victory, California denied parole to Juan Corona, the Mexican serial killer who makes an even stronger case for border enforcement.  Corona was born in the Mexican state of Jalisco in 1934 and in 1950 illegally crossed the border into the United States.  He picked carrots and melons in Imperial Valley then moved north to the Yuba City area, near Sacramento.  Deported in 1956, Corona had no trouble entering the United States illegally a second time.  By 1960, the Mexican became a labor contractor for local American farmers, including Goro Kagehiro.  On May 19, 1971, Kagehiro noticed that someone dug a man-sized space in his peach orchard and filled in the hole.  This turned out to be the grave of Kenneth Whiteacre, whom somebody had sodomized before stabbing him to death then chopping apart his head with a machete.

New Crime Stats Prove 'Peaceful' Illegals Have a Mean Violent Streak.  Non-leftists have been trying to warn everyone about illegals' less-than-optimal track record on crime since before Hillary Clinton's first full body regeneration.  All along, leftists have been calling us a bunch of prejudicial haters of brown people.  Except, now we've got the cold hard numbers on our side.  Try rebutting these crime stats: [...]

Illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born:  Study.  The crime rate among illegal immigrants in Arizona is twice that of other residents, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday, citing a new report based on conviction data.  The report, from the Crime Prevention Research Center, used a previously untapped set of data from Arizona that detailed criminal convictions and found that illegal immigrants between 15 and 35 are less than 3 percent of the state's population, but nearly 8 percent of its prison population.

Illegal immigration numbers:  MS-13 exploding, 1,100 border arrests a day, 1M on deport list.  The White House is steeling for battle with Democrats and moderate Republicans over immigration reform, raising new concerns that the illegal population is out of control — and violent.  The White House released Homeland Security numbers about the troubling elements of illegal immigration created by legal loopholes that have helped to expand the killer MS-13 gang is expanding.

MS-13 wants to send 'younger, more violent offenders' to the US, officials say.  Frustrated MS-13 gang leaders feeling the pressure from the Trump administration's crackdown are looking to send "younger, more violent offenders" to the United States to take over the role of being enforcers, officials say.  The revelations were made Thursday [1/18/2018] during a House Committee on Homeland Security meeting on fighting international criminal organizations, where officials discussed the arrests and imprisonment of MS-13 members and leadership over the last year.

Mexican Uber driver in US illegally charged with four rapes.  A California Uber driver living in the country illegally has been charged with raping, assaulting and robbing at least four young women.  Alfonso Alarcon-Nunez, 39, faces 10 criminal charges, including forcible rape, rape of an intoxicated victim, oral copulation of an intoxicated victim and first degree burglary.  He pleaded not guilty to all 10 counts Monday [1/22/2018] and was being held on $1.4 million bail.  San Luis Obispo County District Attorney Dan Dow said Alarcon-Nunez was not always driving for Uber when he picked up those women but added that the alleged crimes show that the company should improve its driver screening process.

Illegal immigrant accused of stabbing stranger in neck at California market had been deported seven times.  A man accused of an "unprovoked and brutal stabbing" at a market in California last month is an illegal immigrant with a criminal record who had been previously deported seven times, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman told Fox News.  Ricardo Velasquez-Romero, 39, who also goes by the name Eulalio Miniz Orozco, was arrested last month after local police say he stabbed a 61-year-old man in the neck at Lola's Market in Santa Rosa on Dec. 21.  Department of Homeland Security databases indicate Velasquez-Romero "has been repatriated to his native Mexico seven times since 2007," a spokesman for ICE said.

Illegal charged with cop-killing: 'Wish I had killed more'.  An illegal immigrant facing murder charges for the killing of two law enforcement officers in Northern California went off the rails during his most recent court hearing and said, with a grin on his face, "I wish I had killed more," Fox News reported.  This is what the sanctuary-loving left wants to shelter from the deportation storm?  Luis Enrique Monroy Bracamontes, 37, is a Mexican citizen who stands accused of killing two officers, Sacramento Sheriff's Deputy Danny Oliver and Placer Sheriff's Deputy Michael Davis Jr., in 2014 — at a time when he was in America illegally.  His past court appearances have been marked by strange outbursts where he blurted even stranger statements and mocked everyone from witnesses to members of the media.

Newly Released Arizona Crime Data Just Shattered a Key Liberal Narrative on Immigration.  "Undocumented immigrants are at least 142% more likely to be convicted of crime than other Arizonans," [John] Lott concludes from the data.  While documented immigrants, or legal permanent residents, accounted for 3.9 percent of Arizona's population in 2014, but only 1.5 percent of the prison population (which again shows why it's inaccurate to lump documented and undocumented immigrants for any statistical purposes), undocumented immigrants account for 11.6 percent of first and second most serious offenses.  Further, undocumented immigrants in Arizona are consistently more likely to be convicted of murder, manslaughter, armed robbery, sexual assault of a minor, sexual assault, DUI or DWI, and kidnapping, among other serious crimes.  And undocumented immigrants are 163 percent more likely to commit first degree murder than are U.S. citizens in the state.

Report: 'Dreamer'-age Illegals Have Crime Rate Double Young Americans.  DACA-aged illegals commit crimes at twice the rate of young Americans, says a comprehensive summary of crimes and convictions in Arizona during the past 32 years.  The report punctures claims by pro-amnesty advocates that young 'dreamer' illegals are vital to U.S. industry and civic life, and indicate that any amnesty will ensure that many more crimes — including murders and rapes — will be inflicted against Americans and legal immigrants, including Hispanics and blacks.

Illegal Alien Assassins Kill Wrong Woman in Florida.  Midway into a Florida murder-for-hire plot, a boyfriend-girlfriend hit team realized they'd zip-tied and duct-taped the wrong woman — and then killed her anyway, officials said.  Victim Janice Marie Zengotita-Torres, 42, of Kissimmee, was forced into the trunk of her own car, tortured for her ATM card and then suffocated with garbage bags, officials said.  The mother of a 14-year-old son, she was found Monday, dumped in Ormond Beach, six miles north of Daytona, ABC News reported.

Man who threatened to kill Greyhound passengers had been previously deported, officials say.  A man who has been living in the country illegally was arrested after authorities say he threatened to kill passengers on a Chicago-bound Greyhound bus.  Margarito Vargas-Rosas, 33, has been charged with making terrorist threats, a felony, and disorderly conduct.  He had been previously deported to Mexico and came back to the United States, where he lived in Chicago and worked at a restaurant in Milwaukee, Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling told reporters at a news conference Saturday [1/13/2018].  The bus was traveling southbound on I-94 in Milwaukee just before 10 p.m. Central time Friday, when authorities received at least two 911 calls from passengers.  Schmaling said Vargas-Rosas had gotten into an argument with two other passengers and later, for reasons still unclear, threatened to shoot everyone on board as he dug into his waistband.

Greyhound bus chased by police after illegal immigrant threatens passengers.  An illegal immigrant on a Greyhound bus who allegedly threatened to shoot and kill passengers on Friday — leading police on a chase from Wisconsin to Illinois — was deported five times, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesperson told Fox News.  The spokesperson said on Sunday [1/14/2018] that Margarito Vargas-Rosas, 33, who faces terror charges, was in the U.S. illegally and was "removed" from the U.S. the last five times Border Patrol agents encountered him.  He also had a previous DUI arrest to his name.

One in Fifteen Oregon Prisoners Is a Criminal Alien; Nearly Half Convicted of Sex Crimes.  The murder of Kate Steinle in California highlighted the fact that we have a serious criminal illegal alien problem in this country.  Many of these individuals, after breaking the law to enter the country, go on to commit other crimes — theft, rape, and even murder.  David Olen Cross released a December 2017 report based on Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) data, announcing that there are "973 foreign nationals (criminal aliens) incarcerated in the state's prison system."  Oregon has 14,739 inmates incarcerated in its 14 prisons scattered across the state.  "Approximately one in every fifteen prisoners incarcerated by the state was a criminal alien, 6.60 percent of the total prison population," the report said.  According to Cross, all of the 973 criminal aliens currently in the state's prisons were identified by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  Anytime that happens, DOC officials will place an "ICE detainer" on the inmate.  "After the inmate completes his/her state sanction, prison officials will transfer custody of the inmate to ICE," he said.

"Combative" Mohammed Abraar Ali Killed Police Officer Andrew Camilleri.  Initial reports identified him only as a 22-year-old man who had allegedly been intoxicated on alcohol and high on marijuana.  A drunk, stoned driver killing a police officer is a serious matter, and many Californians wondered why the CHP had not released the driver's name, booking photo, and any background information of interest.  Nothing emerged until more than a week later, on January 2, 2018.  The CHP explains the delay as due to hospitalization but Californians could be forgiven for their doubts.  As it happened, the state's new sanctuary legislation kicked in on January 1, and the driver who had taken officer Camilleri's life was identified as "Hayward man" Mohammed Abraar Ali.  The CHP did not inquire about his immigration status.

MS-13 Gang Member Stabbed Girl To Death, Sliced Off Her Tattoo.  A teenager who sought to avenge the death of her boyfriend and told a 15-year-old girl she would "see her in hell" before stabbing her 13 times pleaded guilty Monday [1/8/2018] to the brutal slaying that raised the spotlight on MS-13's presence in the suburbs of the nation's capital.  Venus Romero Iraheta, who was 17 at the time of the January 2017 murder, pleaded guilty in a Virginia courtroom as an adult in the murder of Damaris Alexandra Reyes Rivas, the Washington Post reported.  Iraheta, now 18, faces a a maximum of life in prison plus 20 years when she is sentenced on May 25.

Illegal Immigration And Crime:  The stunning numbers the Left cannot refute.  On December 21, 2017 the Department of Justice issued a press release, "Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Release Data on Incarcerated Aliens — 94 Percent of All Confirmed Aliens in DOJ Custody Are Unlawfully Present."  The initial statistic cited in the title of that DOJ press release shows that there is a truly significant distinction to be drawn between aliens who are lawfully present in the United States and aliens who are illegally present in the United States, either because they have entered the United States illegally or they have violated the terms of admission after entering the United States via the inspections procedure at ports of entry. [...] Although immigration anarchists have consistently manipulated language, engaged in tactics of bullying and intimidation and, when all else failed, flat-out lied about every aspect of immigration, the Trump administration is providing the truth.

Illegal Immigration And Crime.  On December 21, 2017 the Department of Justice issued a press release, "Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Release Data on Incarcerated Aliens — 94 Percent of All Confirmed Aliens in DOJ Custody Are Unlawfully Present."  The initial statistic cited in the title of that DOJ press release shows that there is a truly significant distinction to be drawn between aliens who are lawfully present in the United States and aliens who are illegally present in the United States, either because they have entered the United States illegally or they have violated the terms of admission after entering the United States via the inspections procedure at ports of entry.

Illegal Alien Sold LSD and Cocaine to Undercover Officer.  A Raleigh man accused of selling drugs to the same undercover police officer three times in less than a week is facing several charges.  Tomas Aguayo-Moreno, 25, was charged by Wake County sheriff's deputies with eight counts of trafficking in LSD, one count of trafficking in cocaine, three counts of maintaining a dwelling or vehicle for drug purposes, felony marijuana possession and one count each of cocaine possession, cocaine sale and cocaine delivery.  Aguayo-Moreno was arrested about 5 p.m.  Tuesday [12/19/2017] when deputies stopped his black Audi on New Bern Avenue in east Raleigh.  Deputies say they stopped the car after Aguayo-Moreno sold between 500 and 1,000 doses of LSD to the undercover officer.

Mystery in West Texas:  How Did a Border Patrol Agent Die?  President Trump called it proof of the need to build a wall; Senator Ted Cruz said it was a "stark reminder" of insecurity along the border.  To everyone, it seemed like a horrendous example of the dangers that border patrol officers face as they cover vast, remote and unforgiving territories.  But a month after a middle-of-the-night incident in which one border patrol agent was killed and another, who is said to have no memory of what happened, was severely injured, no one seems to know how the men came into harm's way off an interstate in West Texas.

North Carolina's Children [are] Still Being Victimized by Illegal Aliens.  Unfortunately, as we have reported in several previous articles, though North Carolina's capital city of Raleigh is more than 1,500 miles from the nearest border crossing with Mexico, the children of that state have been preyed upon as if they live in a border state.  Though, the numbers of reported child sexual assaults are down significantly from just a few years ago (reaching an all-time high of 672 charges in April 2014), one is too many, and completely preventable.  Between January 1, 2017 and November 30, 2017, at least 530 child sexual assault charges were filed against illegal aliens in the Tarheel State.

Anchor Baby Raped 10-Year-Old Girl in Arkansas.  A Siloam Springs man is behind bars after police say he raped a 10-year-old girl.  The Siloam Springs Police Department said Jose Garcia-Chicol, 33, was booked into the Benton County Jail on Monday.  He faces a charge of rape (two counts).  Police said the victim came forward on Saturday [12/16/2017] to speak with authorities.

Previously Deported Violent Mexican Shot Sheriff's Deputy in California.  The man suspected of shooting a three-year Humboldt County sheriff's deputy in the left shoulder with a 12-gauge shotgun at a Ferndale dairy farm early Sunday morning was a Mexican national here illegally who was previously deported in 2015, according to Humboldt County Sheriff William Honsal.  At a press conference Monday morning, Honsal said both the injured deputy, whose name is not being released at this time, and the suspect Hugo Parral-Aguirre, 30, are in stable condition and are no longer in the hospital.  Hugo had three gunshot wounds after two deputies returned fire, Honsal said.  Honsal said the outcome was "very lucky" because the female deputy who was shot could have been killed if the shot had struck her a few inches away.

Tucker Carlson Unveils 'Never-Before-Seen' Statistics Proving Illegal Aliens Commit 'Massively Disproportionate' Amount of Crime.  Fox News host Tucker Carlson unveiled 'never before seen,' statistics Thursday night [12/21/2017], proving convictions among illegal aliens are significantly higher than U.S. citizens.  Carlson kicked off the segment by walking through the Democrats' textbook argument for illegal immigration, recounting how liberals claim non-citizens commit less crime than U.S. citizens.

Four Criminals on the FBI's Top Ten Most Wanted List Are Immigrants.  Looked at the FBI's Most Wanted list lately?  If not, you might be surprised to learn that four of the 10 criminals on the list are immigrants — including at least two who were in this country illegally when they committed their heinous crimes.  The makeup of the list highlights the problem of illegal immigration and crime in this country that President Donald Trump raised throughout his presidential campaign — something he's continued to emphasize, with the creation of a special unit at the Department of Homeland Security called Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE).  Of the six American citizens on the list, three are Spanish speakers.  Two of those three have ties to Mexico and are thought to possibly be hiding out in that country.

Pair of 'Dreamers' Murdered a Man in North Carolina.  Two Siler City residents pleaded guilty this week to charges in connection to the October 2015 death of a man.  On Thursday [12/14/2017], Miguel Angel Munoz, 19, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and concealing an unnatural death in the death of Francisco Rivas Galves, also of Siler City, according to the Randolph County Sheriff's Office.  Randolph County Superior Court Judge V. Bradford Long sentenced Munoz to 200 to 252 months in prison.  Munoz is a citizen of El Salvador and will be returned to his home country based on an pre-existing federal warrant.

Illegal immigrant acquitted of Kate Steinle's murder seeks new trial for firearm conviction.  The illegal immigrant who was acquitted of the murder of Kate Steinle late last month is seeking a new trial for his firearm possession conviction.  Lawyers for Jose Ines Garcia Zarate on Thursday [12/14/2017] claimed that the judge presiding over the murder trial failed to properly instruct jurors before they acquitted him.

80% of 101 Illegals Arrested in NJ ICE Operation Are Convicted Felons.  A five-day sweep in New Jersey last week nabbed 101 illegal aliens, 80% of whom are convicted felons, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced Tuesday.  In all, ICE reports that 88% of the 101 illegal aliens arrested in the operation had prior criminal convictions.  Examples of the sex crime, assault, drug and pornography convictions of the illegal aliens arrested reported by ICE include: [...]

Illegal Alien Found Guilty of Murdering Family of 5.  An illegal immigrant from Vietnam faces life in prison after being convicted Monday in the 2012 hammer-killing of a family of five after losing money at a casino earlier in the evening.  Binh Thai Luc, who had a violent criminal history and was supposed to be deported in 2006, was found guilty in the murders of a family of Chinese immigrants.  He was also found guilty of five counts of attempted robbery and two counts of burglary.  Luc, who was in debt and served an eviction notice, killed the family during a robbery after he lost money at a casino on March 23, 2012.

California Sheriff 'Mistakenly' Released Illegal Alien Who Repeatedly Molested 5-Year-Old Girl.  A California sheriff says a "screw-up" led to the mistaken release of an inmate who had pleaded guilty to child molestation.  The Merced Sun-Star reported Thursday that Merced County jailers mistakenly allowed 38-year-old Primitivo Gonzalez to post bail on Nov. 22.  Gonzalez had pleaded guilty to repeatedly molesting a 5-year-old girl.  A judge had ordered him held without bail until sentencing, when he faced 35 years-to-life in prison.

ICE report: 92 percent illegal aliens arrested have criminal convictions.  According to a new report released Tuesday by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 92 percent of illegal aliens arrested this year had "criminal convictions, pending criminal charges, were an immigration fugitive, or were an illegal reentrant."  In addition, arrests of members of the violent MS-13 narco-terrorist organization surged 83 percent.  Under new management since the Trump administration began, ICE has seen huge enforcement improvement.  "The most significant changes in immigration enforcement strategy can be found in the interior of the United States.  The executive orders issued by President Trump in January 2017 strongly emphasized the role of interior enforcement in protecting national security and public safety, and upholding the rule of law," said the report.

Feds Indict Kate Steinle's Killer.  This is not double jeopardy, principally because the federal government is a separate sovereign, and double jeopardy applies only to charges from the same sovereign.

New immigration, gun charges filed against illegal immigrant acquitted in Kate Steinle trial.  Federal officials filed a new set of immigration and gun charges Friday against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, the illegal immigrant found not guilty last week in the murder of Kate Steinle.  "A federal grand jury indicted Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate today for being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition, and for being an illegally present alien in possession of a firearm and ammunition," according to a statement released by the Department of Justice.  If convicted of either charge, he could face a maximum of ten years in jail.

3-strikes felon released early, now back behind bars, facing murder charges.  It was supposed to be a second chance at a new life.  A three-strikes felon serving life in prison was released early.  But, two years later, he and another man showed up to the Kent Regional Justice Center Monday to face murder charges.  The alleged victim's family was also there.  The Cabrera family said it was a struggle to show up in court and come face-to-face with the two men suspected of killing their loved one, 24-year-old David Cabrera.

Illegal Alien Sexually Assaulted Woman at Bus Stop While She Was Having a Seizure.  A disabled woman's trip to her local 7-Eleven morphed into a terrifying experience when a stranger sexually assaulted her during an unforeseen medical emergency.  The victim, whom ABC7 is not identifying, told police she had just purchased a pack of cigarettes at the 7-Eleven along the 12800 block of Clopper Road in Germantown.  It was around 11:30 p.m.  While walking home, the woman suffered a seizure, causing her to collapse onto a bench at a Ride On bus stop.  It's unclear how long the woman was unconscious, but when she came to, she realized an unknown man had one of his hands down her pants.

Mexican immigrant deported 20 times gets 35 years in Portland sex assaults.  An undocumented immigrant, with a history of arrests and deportations, was sentenced to 35 years in prison Friday after his sexual assault conviction earlier this year.  KATU News reported that Mexican national Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, attacked two women in Portland, Ore., on the same day.  The first was a 65-year-old whose car he stole, and a younger woman.  He was arrested July 24, the report said.  Prior to the attacks, Martinez had been deported 20 times, had a series of probation violations for illegal crossings into the United States and had a felony burglary conviction, reported, citing court documents filed in March.

Border Patrol Agent Dead, Partner in Serious Condition in Texas.  [W]e need to build a border wall to save the lives of our border patrol agents who are being targeted by criminals breaking into our country.  Do their lives matter, or is this a small price to pay for "diversity" and an end to "racism"?

Exclusive: Illegal Aliens Killed Border Agent by Crushing in His Skull with Rocks, Says NBPC.  Exclusive details have emerged on the early morning attack against Border Patrol agents that left one agent dead and another hospitalized in serious condition on November 19, 2017.  Breitbart Texas first broke the news of the death and injuries and now the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) says that their agents on the ground have stated that the agents were tracking a group of illegal aliens who then beat the agents with rocks until one was killed and the other hospitalized.

Trump renews call for border wall after patrol officer dies in Texas.  President Trump on Sunday [11/19/2017] reiterated his calls to build a wall along the country's southern border after a U.S. Border Patrol agent died from injuries he sustained on patrol in Texas.

Almost 300 MS-13 Gang Members Arrested in Nationwide Bust.  Nearly 300 members and associates of the infamous transnational drug gang MS-13 have been arrested in an interdepartmental collaboration called Operation:  Raging Bull, leadership of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agency announced Thursday [11/16/2017].  Led by ICE Homeland Security Investigations' (HSI) National Gang Unit, the operation was a multi-phase, multi-month project of numerous federal law enforcement agencies, including ICE, U.S. Customs and Immigration Service, the U.S. Border Patrol, and the Department of Justice.  The operation led to a total of 267 arrests of MS-13 members and associates.  In September, ICE announced initial arrests of 53 MS-13 gang members in El Salvador, the product of 18 months of investigation.  On Thursday [11/16/2017], the results of an additional month of investigation were further revealed.  Over that second phase, between October and November of 2017, 214 members of MS-13 were arrested.  93 of those were arrested on federal or state criminal charges, while the other 121 face immigration violation charges.

Illegal immigrant charged in 2015 murder of New York socialite.  An illegal immigrant was charged this week in the death of a New York socialite who was found bludgeoned to death in her hilltop estate two years ago, the end result of an elaborate international manhunt.  Esdras Marroquin Gomez, 32, pleaded not guilty Monday at his arraignment on a murder charge in the death of 83-year-old Lois Colley, according to the Westchester County district attorney's office, who said he was indicted by a grand jury last year.

Where does America's 3rd-world violence come from?  The term "body count" is something we usually read in a story about Juarez or Kabul.  Yet that is the headline of an AP article over the weekend describing the growing problem of MS-13 violence in Long Island, a once peaceful and prosperous suburb.  Although it's hard to tell for sure because the AP tends to view illegal aliens as citizens, the story appears to refer to illegal alien children slain by MS-13. [...] A profound irony is lost on the AP and other advocates of open borders and the vicious cycle of amnesty.  It is this endless cycle of amnesty and lawlessness they advocate that has turned our country into the very third world, like Honduras, that many immigrants, both legal and illegal, would like to escape.  You do nobody any favors by making America like the countries of origin of illegal immigrants.

African 'Migrant' Kidnapped Autistic 6-Year-Old Boy In New York.  Police have located an autistic Brooklyn boy who was kidnapped by his babysitter over the weekend.  Six-year-old Devin Monroe was found Monday morning and is said to be in good health while his 39-year-old sitter, identified as Emmanuel Kolajo, was taken into police custody for questioning.  The NYPD had been searching for the boy since receiving a call from his frantic mother on Sunday afternoon after she couldn't reach Kolajo.

Illegal Alien Raped 12-Year-Old Girl, Forced Her Into Prostitution.  A Winston-Salem man was convicted Monday of sexually abusing a 12-year-old girl and allowing other men to rape the girl in exchange for money numerous times over a two-year period, resulting in her getting pregnant and contracting a sexually-transmitted disease.  Armando Graciano, 43, pleaded guilty in Forsyth Superior Court to attempted rape of a child, human trafficking, sexual servitude and two counts of taking indecent liberties with a child.

Sessions unleashes organized crime task force on MS-13.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Monday [10/23/2017] that he's designated the MS-13 street gang as a priority for the Justice Department's Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces — enabling authorities to target the gang with broader array of federal resources.

Illegal immigrant who paved way for Massachusetts' 'sanctuary' policy arrested in stunning robbery.  The illegal immigrant whose case turned Massachusetts into a "sanctuary" state is behind bars yet again.  Police say he committed a stunning daylight robbery by taking a wheelchair-bound woman, slapping her and stealing the $2,000 she had just carried out of the bank.  Sreynuon Lunn had been free on the streets of Boston because his home country won't take him back, leaving immigration officers no choice but to release him under a 2001 U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

Illegal Alien Caught Trying to Rape Elderly, Bed-Ridden Woman.  Officers arrested a Donna man Saturday after he sexually assaulted an 80-year-old woman, according to the criminal complaint against him.  At 4:20 p.m.  Saturday, the Donna Police Department dispatched officers to the 600 block of South 10th Street.  Officers met with a 60-year-old man who said he caught Jacobo Zelaya, 43, of Donna sexually assaulting his mother, according to the criminal complaint.

Illegal Alien Drowns Her Two Sons Over Worries Of Deportation.  In another horrific killing, a Delaware mother has been taken into custody for drowning murders of her infant son and his older brother.  Kula Pelima is the 30 [year old] mother that is being charged is charged, and has been brought up on two counts of first-degree murder of her 5-year-old son, as well as her 3-month-old.

Man Connected To Starting California Fire Is Illegal Alien- Deported TWICE Before.  Oh this should be a fun debate to watch.  Progressives in California are now being forced to choose between their two greatest loves:  Harping on people about "man-made" climate change and welcoming illegal aliens into our country with no regard for safety.  As it turns out, the person who set a blazing wild fire in Sonoma County Wine Country is an illegal alien who had been deported not once but twice before.  Meanwhile, liberal heads continue to explode as they attempt to figure out who/what they should defend here.

ICE Director:  Suspected Wine Country Arsonist Is Illegal Alien Mexican National.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Tom Homan confirmed on Thursday that a man arrested in connection with setting a fire in Sonoma County Wine Country is an illegal alien from Mexico who has been twice returned to his "home country."  Homan also confirmed that ICE has issued detainer requests for Jesus Fabian Gonzalez five times now in the past year alone, including the one issued on October 16 in relation to his most recent arrest on suspicion of arson.  All of the arrests were made "by Sonoma County on various felony and misdemeanor charges," according to Homan.

Illegal Alien Charged with California Wildfire that Killed 40 People.  The U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) issued a detainer request on the Sonoma County Jail for Jesus Fabian Gonzalez, who was arrested Sunday on suspicion of arson in Wine Country fires that have killed at least 40 residents.  Breitbart News reported earlier this week that Sonoma County Sheriffs had arrested Jesus Fabian Gonzalez, 29, at Maxwell Regional Park in Sonoma County after a series of reports of ongoing fires in the region.  Mr. Gonzalez was observed around 3:00 p.m.  PDT wearing a jacket and walking "out of the creek area and a plume of smoke behind him," according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.

ICE Detainer Issued for Suspected Wine Country Arsonist in Sonoma Jail.  Breitbart News reported earlier this week that Sonoma County Sheriffs had arrested Jesus Fabian Gonzalez, 29, at Maxwell Regional Park in Sonoma County after a series of reports of ongoing fires in the region.  Mr. Gonzalez was observed around 3:00 p.m.  PDT wearing a jacket and walking "out of the creek area and a plume of smoke behind him," according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.  Mr. Gonzalez, who is homeless and reportedly known by law enforcement to have been living under a nearby bridge, claimed he was cold and had lit the fire to stay warm.  But it was a balmy 78 degrees when he and the plume of smoke were first observed.  Mr. Gonzalez was booked into the Sonoma County Jail for suspicion of felony arson.

Sanctuary Cities Allowed Criminal Alien to Remain in U.S., Murder Kansas Deputy.  An illegal alien who was drunk driving has pleaded guilty to killing a Kansas deputy sheriff after causing a deadly car crash last year.  Sanctuary city policies in two jurisdictions allowed the previously convicted drunk driver to remain in the U.S. leading to the murder of the deputy.  Adrian Espinosa-Flores, a 39-year-old illegal alien, pleaded guilty to reckless second-degree murder charges in Johnson County, Kansas after crashing his vehicle into Master Deputy Brandon Collins, killing him, as Kansas City Star reported.

Illegal alien accused of murdering teen girl was in DACA program.  A man accused of killing a South Carolina high school student had been protected from deportation under the DACA program, U.S. officials confirmed to Fox News Thursday evening [10/12/2017].  Daniel De Jesus Rangel-Sherrer, 19, is accused of murder, kidnapping and possession of a weapon during a violent crime in connection with the death of 18-year-old Diana Martinez-Gonzalez.  Martinez-Gonzalez, a junior at Greenville High School, was found dead in a wooded area Oct. 4. Officials said she had been forced into the woods and shot multiple times in the head.

8 Alleged MS-13 Gang Members Charged With Murder, Extortion In Maryland.  A group of suspected MS-13 gang members in Maryland are facing charges in connection with a racketeering operation.  Federal court documents released Wednesday show the eight men are accused of four murders and extortion as well as drug trafficking.  The September indictment alleges that from 2015 to 2017 the group extorted owners of illegal businesses, and sent the profits to gang members in El Salvador.

Illegal immigrant breaks into NJ home, rapes 6-year-old girl, police say.  An illegal immigrant in New Jersey is accused of raping a 6-year-old girl then jumping out of a second-floor window after her father walked in during the assault, police said.  Edgar Mendoza, 32, is accused of breaking into a Trenton, N.J. home at about 1:30 a.m. on Sept. 19 and molesting a 6-year-old girl while she was in bed, according to the Trentonian. [...] Mendoza, originally from Guatemala, faces charges of burglary, endangering the welfare of a child, sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault, the newspaper reported.

Convicted rapist throws a fit while being deported.  A convicted rapist from Africa threw a fit as he was being deported from the US — telling federal agents that he "would rather die than go back to Togo" — during a violent confrontation at Dulles International Airport, a report says.  "I am not going back to Togo," seethed Koffi Ameyapoh, 51, of Maryland.  "You will be shipping a dead body back to Togo," he told the agents, according to court filings obtained by NBC Washington on Monday [9/18/2017].

Alleged SF killer had been released from jail despite request for immigration hold.  One of three men accused of using a gun stolen from a San Francisco police officer to kill a man in the Mission District last month had been released from County Jail earlier in the year despite a request from federal immigration agents that he be held and turned over for potential deportation, officials said Friday [9/15/2017].  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials lodged what is known as a detainer request for Jesus Perez-Araujo, 24, after he was arrested three months before the Aug. 15 street killing of 23-year-old Abel Enrique Esquivel Jr., said ICE spokesman James Schwab.  The agency asked the city to hold him for up to 48 hours after his release.

Anguish, outrage over street killing of SF man with gun stolen from cop.  [Scroll down]  According to a complaint filed by the district attorney's office, Perez-Araujo served as the driver the night Esquivel was killed, as the three men cruised the city, looking for targets to rob.  After midnight they held up three people, and encountered Esquivel about 2 a.m. at 26th Street and South Van Ness Avenue, authorities said.  Pineda is accused of firing the fatal bullet.  At the time, Pineda was wearing a GPS tracker that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents had strapped to his ankle, and data from the monitor is evidence in the case, according to law enforcement sources familiar with the matter.

9 Family Members of Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens Respond to Possible DACA Deal with Democrats.  Nine Americans who have lost loved ones at the hands of illegal aliens spoke out in response to reports out of a Wednesday night [9/13/2017] dinner meeting between President Donald Trump, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi that the discussions involved a deal to shield DACA illegal aliens from deportation.

Assaults against Border Patrol agents hits record high.  New government data shows a record-high 671 Border Patrol agents have been assaulted this fiscal year while on the job.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported 720 total assaults against its Border Patrol, Air and Marine Operations, and Office of Field Operations teams since Fiscal Year 2017 started Oct. 1, 2016.  Last year, 585 total assaults against the agency's three branches were documented.  Border agents by far bore the brunt of the attacks.  The total number of assaults specifically against Border patrol is up 167 percent since the same period last year, when 403 assaults were reported.

Dream Act 2017 Is Pretty Generous On Allowing Dreamers To Commit Crimes.  The normal process for applying for citizenship is pretty burdensome, and requires that people have good moral character, ie, do not commit crimes.  Certain crimes will immediately knock a candidate out, no matter how long they've resided in the U.S. Other crimes will most likely knock them out.  What about with the Dream Act?

The Virtuous Republic.  News articles about crimes committed by illegal aliens.

Enough with DACA! Where's the sympathy for THESE Americans?  Here is the proper context of the broader immigration issue that will be absent from the media coverage and the political posturing from the derelict politicians — the reality that the swamp political elites refuse to acknowledge.
  •   Illegal aliens account for 13.6 percent of all offenders sentenced for crimes committed in the United States, even though they only represent 3.5 percent of the population.
  •   Illegals account for 12 percent of murder sentences, 20 percent of kidnapping sentences, and 16 percent of drug-trafficking sentences.
  •   There are 2.1 million illegal and legal immigrants convicted of crimes, but 1.2 million criminal aliens remain at large in the United States and have not been deported.  Remember, the prime demographic for violent crime is young males, broadly covered by the "dream" amnesty.

Father Of Murdered Florida Mother Reveals Killer Was DACA Recipient.  A grieving father in Florida has now revealed who murdered his daughter outside of a bar in Naples:  Carlos Rodriguez, a convicted, illegal alien who is under protection by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

2,139 DACA Recipients Convicted or Accused of Crimes Against Americans.  As Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the end of the Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), from which more than 800,000 un-vetted young illegal aliens have been given protected status and work permits, the number of them who are convicted criminals, gang members, or suspects in crimes remains staggering.  Below, Breitbart News has compiled a list of 50 of the 2,139 DACA recipients, deemed "DREAMers" by the open borders lobby, who have had their temporary protected status revoked due to crimes including: [...]

2,139 DACA "kids" convicted of other crimes.  Barack Obama's unconstitutional "law" that protects people who claim they jumped the border as "children" is actually keeping 800,000 adults here who arrived illegally.  Breitbart reports that 2,139 of these adults protected by Obama committed crimes including murder — and cannot be deported as judges pretend DACA is the law.

California Crime Wave Follows Criminal Justice Reform.  In November 2014, California voters approved Proposition 47, which downgraded drug possession and many property crimes from a felony to a misdemeanor.  As Debra Saunders reminds us, proponents argued that lesser punishment for low-level offenders would enhance public safety.  Unfortunately, this utterly counterintuitive notion has not panned out.  In San Francisco, according to a police spokesman, theft from cars is up 47 percent this year over the same period in 2014.  Auto theft is up by 17 percent.  Robberies are up 23 percent.  And aggravated assaults are up 2 percent.  (To be fair, burglaries are down 5 percent).  How about Los Angeles?  It has seen a 12.7 percent increase in the overall crime this year, according to the Los Angeles Times.  Violent offenses are up 20.6 percent; property crimes by 11 percent.

Judge Sentences Illegal To 15 Years After Evidence Presented.  Illegal immigration is a massive problem plaguing our country.  Despite this, many on the left continue to advocate for policies protecting undocumented aliens from deportation.  Because of this, innocent people are currently being harmed by people who shouldn't be in this country in the first place.  For example, an illegal immigrant living in Danbury, Connecticut, was recently sentenced to prison for torturing a young girl in her care after "nanny cam" footage caught her burning, beating, and dragging the helpless child. [...] As a consequence, she was sentenced to 15 years behind bars.

DREAMer With Long History Of Arrests Charged With Murder.  A 24-year-old man is in the Collier County Jail after one woman died and another was injured in an early Sunday morning [8/27/2017] shooting outside an East Naples bar, authorities said.  Carlos Ruben Rodriguez, of the 4500 block of Gulfstream Drive, is charged with murder, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, the Collier County Sheriff's Office said in a news release Sunday.

32 convicted sex offenders nabbed on Long Island, held by ICE.  During a sweep, immigration agents nabbed 32 convicted sex offenders on Long Island and held them for deportation.  The offenders, with convictions ranging from sex abuse to attempted rape, were grabbed during a 10-day crackdown that ended Aug. 3, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said.  The initiative was dubbed "Operation SOAR," an acronym for Sex Offender Alien Removal.

Illegal Alien Shot a Woman In North Carolina.  A woman is recovering at home after being shot during a disturbance in Seven Springs.  The Wayne County Sheriff's Office says it happened around one o'clock Monday morning [8/7/2017] on the 2300 block of Piney Grove Church Road in LaGrange.  When deputies arrived they found Megan Goodman with shotgun pellet wounds to her legs Willis Lane.  Investigators say Goodman told them she had been shot during a disturbance at hone on Pine Grove Church Road.  Deputies say the victim was able to get away and hid in field until seeking help.  Goodman was treated and released from the hospital.

Group of Illegal Aliens Charged With String of Robberies in Denver.  Denver prosecutors have charged four men accused of participating in two bank heists and robbing several businesses, including an adult entertainment shop, with felonies including aggravated robbery and kidnapping.  The defendants are variously alleged to have been involved in five robberies and one attempted robbery that occurred in May and June this year, according to a news release Monday from the Denver district attorney's office.  Alfredo Ray Garcia, 48, faces 44 counts, including violation of the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act, one count of second-degree kidnapping and 12 counts of aggravated robbery.

'Dreamer' from Honduras Beat Man to Death with Crowbar in VA..  A Newport News man who beat one of his co-workers to death and injured another last year was found not guilty by reason of insanity Tuesday [8/1/2017].  Circuit Judge Mary Jane Hall ruled after reviewing two psychiatric evaluations for Edwin Meza, 28, during a hearing on second-degree murder and aggravated malicious wounding charges.  Meza attacked two of his co-workers without provocation while they were doing construction work last August on a house on Lake Whitehurst, prosecutors have said.

Homeless sex offender arrested for rubbing up on 12-year-old girl.  A homeless sex offender with more than 40 prior arrests violated a 12-year-old girl from Ohio who was staying at a Midtown hotel with her family [8/2/2017], police said. [...] The girl then told her family, who alerted police.  The pervert was captured a short time later as officers were canvassing the area for him.

Immigrants are 22 percent of federal prison population.  A stunning 22 percent of the federal prison population is immigrants who have either already been deemed to be in the country illegally or who the government is looking to put in deportation proceedings, the administration said Tuesday [8/1/2017]. [...] The 22 percent is much higher than the population of foreign-born in the U.S. as a whole, which is about 13.5 percent.  All told, the government counted more than 42,000 aliens in federal prisons as of June 24.  About 47 percent already face final deportation orders, making them illegal immigrants, and 3 percent are currently in immigration courts facing deportation proceedings.

Prosecutors Look To Treat Illegal Alien Crimes Different From Actual Citizen Crimes.  [Scroll down]  In other words, there are games being played with the criminal justice system in order to protect illegal aliens who commit crimes above already being unlawfully present.  This is the point where the federal system should jump in and charge prosecutors and district attorneys with things like prosecutorial misconduct and violations of immigration law, such as 8 U.S. 1324, providing shelter to an illegal alien.

Horrific Crime by Dreamer in a Sanctuary City Leads To Backlash.  The crime by a so-called DREAMer in a Washington state sanctuary city was horrific.  The teen girl suffered a broken orbital bone, a broken jaw, her ear was dangling off, her lip was damaged, she had head injuries, she lost teeth, her nose was broken, she couldn't talk and she was raped.  Salvador Diaz-Garcia, 23 years of age, is charged with second-degree assault, second-degree rape and third-degree child molestation for perverted acts that occurred on June 25 at a kid's pool.  The woman's mother called police about 10 p.m. that night, reporting that her daughter came home with a bloody head, missing teeth and wearing only a tank top.

Man Deported 20 Times Before Sexually Assaulting Elderly Woman, Police Say.  Sergio Jose Martinez has a lot to answer for, say cops in Portland, Oregon.  On Monday, the 31-year-old broke into a 65-year-old woman's home, sexually assaulted her, threatened to kill her before beating her up, stole her car, then attacked another victim, police claim.  And it's not his first time violating the law.  Besides prior criminal convictions, this suspect, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, has been deported 20 times according to court documents obtained by KGW.  Commissioners for Multnomah County, in which Portland lies, unanimously voted to expand their sanctuary policy for immigrants in December.  The Department of Homeland Security said that they issued a detainer for Martinez that same month, but local authorities did not notify them after he was released from custody.  For years, Multnomah had already stopped holding suspects for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Illegal Alien Allegedly Burns Apartments for Revenge, 130 Left Homeless.  An illegal alien from Mexico sits in a North Carolina jail after allegedly setting fire to an apartment complex to get revenge on an ex-girlfriend.  The fire left 130 residents homeless.  Police arrested Jesus Reyes Lopez, 20, after he reportedly started a fire at the Woodscape Apartments in Charlotte, North Carolina late last week.  The fire damaged 40 apartment units and drove 130 people from their homes, the Charlotte Observer reported.

U.S. immigration raids to target teenaged suspected gang members.  U.S. immigration agents are planning nationwide raids next week to arrest, among others, teenagers who entered the country without guardians and are suspected gang members, in a widening of President Donald Trump's crackdown on illegal immigrants.

Or, to put it another way ...
U.S. ICE Officials Focus on Apprehending Obama's Criminal UAC Admissions.  Many people might be familiar with the 2013/2014/2015 "Unaccompanied Alien Children" (UAC) crisis which stemmed from a specific President Obama policy/construct to allow a massive influx of South American migrants to enter the U.S.  Despite most media reports to the contrary, a considerable number of those UAC's were teen and young gang members from South America, including MS-13 members.  The aliens were granted entry by the Obama administration, supported by false assertions of refugee status and shipped to various regional locales.

Previously Deported Illegal Alien Caught Selling Cocaine in North Carolina.  An illegal immigrant deported in 2016 after his arrest on drug charges in Johnston County has been arrested after he allegedly returned to the area and was caught selling cocaine.  Luis Lauro Sarmiento, 51, of Clayton was deported after his arrest last year.  The Johnston County Sheriff's Office was conducting an undercover investigation in April 2017 and learned Sarmiento had returned to the area.

Illegal Immigrants Face Criminal Charges for First Offenses.  Migrants who are caught crossing the border illegally for the first time are now facing criminal charges in federal court in Arizona as the Trump administration steps up efforts to deter illegal immigration.

Cartel Violence Spills into Texas as Gunmen Storm Past U.S. Border Security.  Two cartel gunmen fleeing from a raging gun battle with Mexican authorities ran through U.S. border security measures twice as they crossed into Texas and back; using their vehicle to ram barriers.  The cartel gunmen were able to cross into Eagle Pass through International Bridge #2 by running the security checkpoints.  Shortly after they crossed back through a second bridge that was closed at the time.  The gunmen used their vehicle to ram security barriers and later ditched it escape on foot.

Ignorance of the Law is no Excuse — Unless You're a Refugee.  A man in Manchester, NH was arrested on six counts of domestic violence.  "According to court paperwork, he was accused of striking, pushing, grabbing, kicking and pulling out the hair of a woman who was 27 weeks pregnant at the time."  It was evidently an open and shut case.  The man, 33 year old Augustin Bahati, is a refugee from the Congo who was "resettled" in 2015.  He, like many refugees, has been placed in Manchester, and many cities like it, without the permission, and quite often without even the knowledge of the city.  The feds, under Obama, just brought in refugees and quietly bussed them to cities around the country. [...] You may be thinking — oh great — another immigrant clogging up the judicial system, and another for which we taxpayers must pay to incarcerate.  You'd be wrong.  He got off scot-free.

Illegal Alien Left a Man Facing Surgery After Horrific Beating.  A Jacksonville man is accused of causing such damage to another man's face, he'll need reconstructive surgery.  Johan Rivera-Hervert, 28, of Daisy Street in Jacksonville was arrested Friday by the Jacksonville Police Department and charged with felony assault inflicting serious bodily injury.  Rivera-Hervert is accused of damaging a man's right orbital socket to the point that he'll need reconstructive surgery, according to warrants.

Anchor Baby Tried to Murder Family by Setting Fire to Home.  A Fayetteville man will spend more than 35 years behind bars after pleading guilty to Arson and Attempted Murder.  32-year-old Nicholas Rodriguez set fire to his home in 2015, while three kids and three adults were still inside.

Illegalophilia and Islamophilia.  When Nabra Hassanen was killed by Darwin Martinez Torres, the media rushed to blame Islamophobia and Trump.  The truth was simpler.  It was the left's own Illegalophilia that killed the Muslim teenager. [...] The murder happened in Fairfax County.  Earlier this year, Fairfax County Chief of Police Ed Roessler had assured illegal aliens that they had nothing to worry about.  The police were not going to do anything about them until they killed someone.  "We're not targeting someone on the street that we may or may not know is here unlawfully," Deputy County Executive David Rohrer soothed.

Almost 10,000 refugees suspected of (organised) crimes in 2015 and 2016 alone.  A Dutch police report that was supposed to remain hidden from the public now unveils that in 2015 and 2016 there are 104 cases of status-holders suspected of serious crimes, like armed robbery and sex offences.  Furthermore, 183 are repeat offenders, while 9300 of them are suspected of committing a single offence.  What makes this worse, is that large groups of asylum seekers seem to be part of organised crime groups, that trek from country to country, stealing on order.

Report: After Phoenix Dropped Sanctuary City Status, Crime Rate Fell.  When the City of Phoenix ended its sanctuary city status crime began to fall, the Arizona Police Association reports.  Their statement contrasts sharply with politically motivated chiefs of police from around the country.  "When we eliminated our sanctuary policy back in 2008, we saw crime, violent and stolen vehicles fall by 25 percent," former Phoenix police officer and Executive Director of the Arizona Police Association Levi Bolton told Fox News Channel's William La Jeunesse in an interview.  "We saw a 20-year low crime rate.  When we were allowed and had the discretion to contact our federal immigration partners, crime fell drastically."

Mother: 'My Son Is Dead Because Politicians... Put Illegal Aliens Ahead of American Citizens'.  Maureen Maloney, whose son was killed in August 2011 by a drunken, unlicensed undocumented immigrant, was addressing parents and relatives of Americans who have been victimized by people who came to this country illegally.

Deported MS-13 Gangsters Keep Sneaking Back Across U.S. Border.  U.S. immigration officers keep apprehending and deporting members of the brutal Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang, but they keep sneaking back across the southwest border into the United States, a high-ranking Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official told lawmakers.  "In many cases, we know who these individuals are.  We have biometric identifiers.  They've been arrested by the Border Patrol [USBP] or been arrested by ICE previously and removed and then re-entered the country unlawfully," testified Matthew Albence, the executive associate director for Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) at ICE, under oath.

Leftist Illegalophilia, Not Islamophobia, Killed a Muslim Teen.  The murder happened in Fairfax County.  Earlier this year, Fairfax County Chief of Police Ed Roessler had assured illegal aliens that they had nothing to worry about.  The police were not going to do anything about them until they killed someone. [...] Fairfax County's refusal to investigate illegal aliens made it a magnet for a rising illegal alien population.  Its jails have nearly 2,000 illegal aliens and the area has become a magnet for the El Salvadoran MS-13 gang.  It's unknown whether Torres was an MS-13 member, but his behavior matches the extreme brutality and fearless savagery that the group, which has been lethally active in Fairfax, is known for.

A Renewed MS-13 — Courtesy of Obama's Lax Immigration.  From 2009 to 2014, the number of UACs apprehended by the Border Patrol, mostly teenaged boys, increased 13-fold from El Salvador, 15-fold from Guatemala, and 19-fold from Honduras.  Despite tendentious suggestions to the contrary, this was not a natural, unavoidable development.  The increased crime and disorder in these three so-called Northern Triangle countries of Central America no doubt sparked greater interest in heading to El Norte, but it was Obama's response to the initial flow that transformed it into a flood.  Mexicans caught at our southern border are sent back right away with relatively little fuss.  But Mexico won't take back non-Mexicans — even though its officials often wave people through on their way north — so returning these OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) to their countries takes more time.  That presents the authorities with two options:  either detain them until they can be repatriated or, if you run out of detention space, give them a summons to report to an immigration court (called a "notice to appear") and let them go, even though it could be years before their scheduled court dates.

Judge Frees Illegal Immigrant MS-13 Member Because Of 'Rights Violations'.  An Obama-appointed federal judge in Virginia early this month released a Honduran teen who sold drugs, illegally crossed the U.S. border, and was a member of the violent street gang MS-13.  U.S. District Judge Elizabeth K. Dillon ordered the 17-year-old to be released because his "rights had been violated" after he crossed the Rio Grande and turned himself in to U.S. Border Patrol, the Washington Post reported.  "The judge ruled that, by holding the illegal alien gangbanger without a hearing, the government violated his rights to due process and family unity," according to Judicial Watch.  The former gang-member's identity has not been revealed due to his status as a minor.

Nearly 30% of illegal immigrant children at border have ties to MS-13 or other gangs.  Nearly 30 percent of the illegal immigrant children the U.S. is currently holding in its secure dormitories have ties to criminal gangs, the government revealed Wednesday [6/21/2017], suggesting the Obama-era surge of Central Americans has fed the country's growing problem with MS-13 and other gangs.  Federal officials refused even to guess at the true scope of the problem, telling the Senate Judiciary Committee that they can give only small snapshots of what they see.  But they said the devastation on communities across the country is clear:  killings and chaos, particularly among other immigrants — both legal and illegal.

Obama-Appointed BLM Activist Blames White People For Illegal Alien Murdering Muslim Girl.  Leftists initially blamed Trump supporters and Islamophobes for the murder of 17-year-old Muslim teenager Nabra Hassanen, who was killed early in the morning on Sunday [6/18/2017] in Virginia.  After police said the murder was not a hate crime, but was instead related to road rage and the suspect arrested for the crime was a 22-year-old illegal immigrant from El Salvador named Darwin Martinez Torres, their "Islamophobic Trump supporter" narrative was shattered.

Illegal Aliens Made Up 66% of Criminal Alien Convictions in Texas in 6 Years.  The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) reported that in the last six years around 220,000 criminal aliens have been booked in Texas jails.  DHS confirmed to DPS that at least 148,000 or 66% of those criminal aliens had entered the U.S. illegally.  The DPS report showed that almost 600,000 criminal offenses were filed against the criminal aliens from June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2017.  266,000 of those charges resulted in convictions.

Virginia: Muslim girl a victim of illegal alien's road rage, not hate crime.  A young illegal alien is accused of brutally murdering a Muslim teenager in Fairfax County, Virginia near a mosque.  Darwin Martinez Torres, a 22 of El Salvador, is responsible for the beating death of 17-year-old Nabra Hassanen, according to police, NBC Washington reported.

Liberals Blamed White Supremacy For Muslim Teen Murdered By Illegal Immigrant From El Salvador.  Liberals on Twitter are blaming white supremacy and Donald Trump for the murder of a Muslim teen, despite the fact that the suspected murderer is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador.

20 Phoenix Cops Murdered Since 1981 — 7 by Illegal Aliens.  The Phoenix Police Department (PPD) has lost 20 officers to murder since 1981 — seven of those officers were killed by illegal aliens.  With its close proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border and being situated in the path of main drug trafficking routes for Mexican transnational organized criminal groups (cartels), the PPD and other law enforcement agencies in the Phoenix metro area have suffered numerous deaths and serious injuries to officers at the hands of criminals illegally in the United States.  Some of these criminals had numerous previous deportations, but were able to re-enter the U.S. through its porous southern border.

Illegal Alien Murderer Had Murdered Before.  The illegal alien who murdered a father and two sons in San Francisco in 2008 not only evaded deportation with the city's help but also had murdered before, the San Francisco Chronicle has revealed.  Even worse, the FBI knew it and did nothing.  According to the Chronicle, an informant from the Salvadoran MS-13 gang told the FBI that Edwin Ramos, convicted on July 30 for murdering 49-year-old Tony Bologna and his sons, Michael and Matthew, had murdered a gang foe before he cut down the three Bolognas in a hail of gunfire.  Another son, Andrew, survived the attack.  The revelation adds another shocking detail to the story of an illegal alien who received the protection of leftist San Francisco officials in defiance of federal immigration law.

Previously Deported Would-Be Cop Killer and Child Rapist Re-Arrested in Arizona.  Border Patrol agents working in the Tucson Sector arrested two previously-deported Honduran nationals with felony convictions.  One of the men had previously been convicted of attempting to kill a police officer while the second had a conviction for sexual activity with a child.  The agents assigned to the Ajo Station observed a man illegally crossing the border near the Lukeville Port of Entry early on Thursday [6/8/2017].  After he made his way into Arizona, agents apprehended him and took him to the Ajo Station for processing, information obtained from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials by Breitbart Texas revealed.

Media Blackout:  Border Patrol Agent Kidnapped, Fingers Cut Off by Assailants.  An off-duty Border Patrol agent suffered serious injuries Friday night [6/9/2017] after an apparent assault in New Mexico.  At about 11 p.m.  Friday, a motorist found the off-duty agent "on the side of the road" in Doña Ana County, New Mexico, according to a news release from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.  "The agent suffered multiple, serious injuries to his head, chest and hands," according to the news release.  "Emergency Medical Services transported the agent to a nearby hospital where he is being treated for his wounds.  The agent is in stable condition."

Border Patrol Agent was Kidnapped, FBI Leads Investigation.  A leaked official document from the El Paso Sector Intelligence and Operations Center reveals that the injured off-duty Border Patrol agent who was discovered on the side of a roadway on June 9, 2017, is believed to have been kidnapped prior to sustaining severe injuries to his "head, chest, and hands."  Breitbart Texas exclusively obtained the document from a trusted source operating under the umbrella of Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Lawrence illegal immigrants swept up in raid prove Sununu, LePage right.  Where do New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu and Maine Gov. Paul LePage go to get their apologies from the Democrat hacks and the fake-news media who were so recently blasting them as xenophobes and nativists for pointing the finger at the illegal immigrant drug dealers wreaking havoc on their states?  As recently as March, Sununu said there's "no doubt" illegal Dominican drug dealers from Lawrence are involved in peddling heroin in the Granite State.

Presidents Bush and Obama to blame for harm caused by illegal immigrant deported 17 times.  Former Presidents Bush and Obama owe a personal apology to the family of a California boy gravely injured by an illegal alien.  They should also pay for the child's medical bills.

The Democrats' Second Secession & America's New Civil War.  [Scroll down]  Mexico is composed of two main ethnic groups:  the descendants of the Spanish conquistadors who enslaved and slaughtered the indigenous Indians, and the descendants of the Indians.  In other words, actual oppressors and actual oppressed.  When members of these two groups cross into the United States, however, they both become "people of color," therefore oppressed; therefore, deserving of special sensitivities, special allowances, special privileges — all without regard to their individual histories and merits.  That is why criminal migrants from Mexico, who are here illegally, can commit felonies against Americans, including rape and murder, and become a cause for progressives and Democrats, who create "sanctuary cities" and policies to protect them.  Because they are people of color and allegedly oppressed.

Obama admin knew gang members were part of illegal immigrant surge:  Whistleblower.  The Obama administration knowingly let in at least 16 admitted MS-13 gang members who arrived at the U.S. as illegal immigrant teenagers in 2014, a top senator said Wednesday [5/24/2017], citing internal documents that showed the teens were shipped to juvenile homes throughout the country.  Sen. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, said a whistleblower turned over Customs and Border Protection documents from 2014 detailing the 16 persons who were caught crossing the border.

Almost two dozen MS-13 gang suspects arrested in early-morning sweep.  Twenty-one people accused of being part of the notoriously violent MS-13 gang were arrested Wednesday as federal and local investigators forced their way into homes and businesses across Los Angeles County in a pre-dawn sweep that came as a result of a more than two-year racketeering investigation.  At least two dozen locations were raided by investigators with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the FBI and officers with the Los Angeles Police Department.

Previously Deported Felon Shot Limo Driver in Arizona.  A man suspected of shooting a limo driver in the leg twice on Sunday in Phoenix has been linked to two other shootings, Maricopa County court records show.  Zhair Zamora-Sepulveda, 29, was booked into Maricopa County's Fourth Avenue Jail Sunday [5/14/2017], police said.

Three Illegal Immigrants Arrested For Kidnapping Texas Lawyer.  Police in Orange County, Tex. have arrested three illegal immigrants connected to the abduction and robbery of a local attorney.  Detectives with the Orange County Sheriff's Office tracked down German Adalid Borjas-Benitez, 19, Henrry Eduar Rivera-Antunez, 17, and Erik Pagoada-Bustillo, 17, in Port Arthur, Tex. on Friday [5/12/2017], 12NEWS reported.  All three suspects are illegal aliens from Honduras, police confirmed.

Three Illegals Arrested for Kidnapping — Mainstream Media Silent.  3 Illegal teens have been arrested in Orange County, Texas in a vicious kidnapping.  Because this sick crime goes against the liberal media and Obama era narrative of all illegals being innocent little dreamers, there is a complete media blackout and the story has only been covered by outlets such as Breitbart and the local news.

Biggest ICE gang raid ever: 1,378 arrests, 21 murder charges, 3 'Dreamers'.  In pure numbers, ICE said, "Of the 1,378 total arrested, 1,098 were arrested on federal and/or state criminal charges, including 21 individuals arrested on murder related charges and seven for rape and sexual assault charges.  The remaining 280 were arrested on administrative immigration violations.  Of the total arrested, 933 were U.S. citizens and 445 were foreign nationals from 21 countries in South and Central America, Asia, Africa, Europe and the Caribbean."  The Trump administration has made criminal gangs and illegals with criminal records a priority.  The administration has put a special focus on MS-13, the gang from Latin America.

Twilight Zone:  Mexicans Are Upset About Immigrants Bringing Crime To Their City.  Residents of a Mexican city are upset about immigrants causing crime, according to a Tuesday report from El Universal.  The report said that there was a press conference held in Tapachula by a leader of a local group called:  "For a different Mexico."  The group's president, Victorino Alvarez Fuentes, said that immigrants were urinating in public and sexually assaulting women and minors.  Tapachula is near the Guatemalan border and besides immigrants from Central American countries, there has been a recent influx of African immigrants entering Mexico seeking to eventually get to the U.S.

Baltimore Sun:  Say, Could Someone Explain Why Illegal Aliens Are Treated Better Than U.S. Citizens in Court?  On the bright side, illegal aliens are mostly not responsible for the massive spike in crimes, shootings, stabbings, and murders in Charm City.  What with all that crime, one can understand that the police would have illegals as lower rungs on the ladder.  But, they still go after people who violate traffic laws, do they not?  Of course, the number of police working for Baltimore has dropped precipitiously since the city decided to demonize the police.

Group reportedly chanting 'MS-13' stabs and robs man in New York City.  A group of men reportedly shouting "MS-13" stabbed and robbed a man in New York City on Saturday [5/6/2017].  Three men stabbed the victim at around 8 p.m. in Queens and stole $600 from him on the sidewalk, authorities told NBC New York.  Police told the station the group was screaming "MS-13" during the attack.

Thousands Flee Chicago For Safer Areas Of The Country As America's Third Largest City Becomes A Gang-Infested Wasteland.  Of course we aren't supposed to talk about the fact that this is quietly happening in communities all over America.  This is one of the reasons why there is such a disparity in real estate prices these days.  The wealthy are willing to pay a substantial premium to live with other wealthy people in areas that are far away from all the violence. [...] Would you want to raise your children in an area where this was going on?

DoJ Releases First Estimate of Number of Foreigners Held in Federal Prisons:  Over 45,000.  This is the first time we've troubled ourselves to attempt a first-pass count — we count everything in this country.  We have whole sections of government devoting to counting every thing in America — air conditioners, cars, gay and transgender students at risk, etc.  The only things we don't count are the things the Ruling Class doesn't want the public to know the numbers on.

Housing Illegal Aliens in America's Jails Costs $1.2 Billion.  Nearly a quarter of the inmates in federal prisons were born outside the U.S., and more than half of those have final deportation orders, the Department of Justice said Tuesday [5/2/2017].

DOJ: One in Four Federal Inmates Is Foreign-Born.  The Justice Department published statistics on the prison population to comply with directives in President Donald Trump's January executive order overhauling the immigration system.  The foreign-born prison population as of March 25 totals 45,493, or 24 percent of all federal inmates.  Of that group, 3,939 now are American citizens.  That leaves 41,554 inmates who remain citizens of foreign countries.  Some 22,541 of them, or 54.4 percent, have final orders to be deported once they've completed their sentences.  Another 33.4 percent, 13,886, are under investigation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents for possible deportation.

Rape charges dropped against immigrant teens in Maryland high school case.  Rape charges against two teenage illegal immigrants accused of raping a 14-year-old girl in a Maryland high school bathroom in March were dropped on Friday [5/5/2017].  A judge granted the defense attorney's request to drop charges of first-degree rape and first-degree sexual offense charges against 17-year-old Jose Montano.  "Facts in this case do not support the original charges," John McCarthy, state attorney for Montgomery County, said.  "Prosecution is untenable."  McCarthy said that Montano will be released immediately and referred to juvenile court on pornography charges, and 18-year-old Henry Sanchez will now face pornography charges.  No other charges are being pursued.

Sanctuary City Cops Refused to Release These Images of an Illegal Immigrant Fugitive Accused of Rape.  A once-deported illegal immigrant accused of raping a Massachusetts college student is on the run, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials.  Luis Baez, 34, also known as Pedro Valentin, has fled town after a state judge released the Dominican national on $2,500 bail — despite requests from the state prosecutor to set bail at $100,000, and despite ICE's request to place an immigration detainer on him.

Three illegal immigrant MS-13 gang members arrested for attempted murder in Long Island machete attack.  Police in New York say three members of the MS-13 gang, all illegal immigrants, have been charged with attempted murder.  Brothers Fidel Hernandez, 23, and Jose Hernandez, 26, and 18-year-old Miguel Urias Arguenta face attempted murder charges in a Sunday [4/30/2017] machete attack in Westbury, New York.  Nassau County police said the attack took place shortly after 1am, after the Hernandez brothers got into a dispute with a 19-year-old.

New Orleans Mother Raped And Murdered By Illegal Immigrant Released In 2015.  The direct result of Obama's catch and release policies.

Baltimore Announces Illegal Aliens Can Commit Any Crimes They Want.  Baltimore's murder rate is out of control.  It's so bad that they've asked for Federal help.  Meanwhile their split lefty personality is taking sanctuary city to its logical conclusion.  California and other sanctuary jurisdictions have been complaining of Federal personnel showing up to bust illegal aliens.  But they can't bust them if you never charge them.

'Dreamer' Molested 6-Year-Old Girl at Shopping Center.  A 26-year-old man has been arrested and charged with sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl at a shopping center in Panorama City.  Jorge Enrique Lopez-Maza is accused of assaulting the girl behind some recycling bins in a parking lot on Friday [4/21/2017].

Man in U.S. illegally admits he kidnapped, raped girlfriend.  A Honduran man who has repeatedly been deported pleaded guilty Thursday [4/27/2017] to kidnapping, interstate domestic violence and illegally entering the country, U.S. Attorney for New Jersey William Fitzpatrick said.  Jose Amaya-Vasquez, 32, was arrested in Texas in 2005 for attempting to enter the country illegally.  He was released but failed to appear for a court date.  In June 2014, police in Kansas City arrested Amaya-Vasquez for domestic assault after he pushed his girlfriend into a table.  He was later turned over to immigration officials, who deported him.

Suspect in Rape of 9-Year-Old Girl Had Already Been Deported.  These are the people who Democrat-donating judges are going out of their way to protect as they "resist" law and order.

Man accused of sexually assaulting 9-year-old Oregon girl was deported to Mexico in 2001.  The man accused of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old Oregon girl is a career criminal who was once deported to Mexico, authorities said.  Investigators are still searching for Santiago Martinez-Flores, 48, who they have linked to the crime through physical evidence gathered at the scene.  Martinez-Flores allegedly assaulted the girl while she was asleep in her Clackamas County home on Feb. 26.

Ganging Up in America.  Out on Long Island, law enforcement seems one step behind the infamous MS-13 gang who recently killed another four teens and are suspected of killing scores of people in Suffolk County, New York alone.  In Rockville, Maryland, despite the media's best attempt not to report it, outrage spread across the country when two immigrant teens, of which at least one is in the country illegally, allegedly raped and solemnized a 14-year old girl in a public school restroom.  Over shadowed in this horrific story is that the prosecution is in possession of photographs showing both suspects flashing gang symbols.

Twice-Deported MS-13 Member Wanted For Three Murders Caught In Texas.  A law enforcement fugitive from El Salvador and member of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang, who is wanted for aggravated homicide and discharging a firearm, was deported Friday by officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in San Antonio.  The government of El Salvador has a program called "Los 100 Mas Buscados," among which today's detainee is part of.

Wife beater's delight:  Authorities shield abuser from justice keep him from being deported.  Have the sanctuary cities' quest to shield everyone from deportation superceded every other claim on justice?  That's certainly the case in San Jose.

Half of FBI's 'Most Wanted' [are] not Americans, one [is] here illegally.  There's something missing on the FBI's Most Wanted list — the expected domination of Americans.  On the current list, which includes two who have recently been captured, four of the remaining eight are non-Americans, one of whom entered the country illegally.  Walter Y. Gomez is Honduran and wanted for an MS-13 murder.

21,362 Illegal Aliens Arrested Under Trump So Far.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement has ramped-up arrests of illegal aliens during the first weeks of President Trump's term.  According to newly released statistics by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), originally requested by The Washington Post, arrests of illegal aliens increased 32.6 percent during the first several weeks of the Trump Administration.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested 21,362 illegal aliens from January 20 through March 13, an increase of 5,258 from the same period in 2016.

Illegal Alien Kidnapped, Repeatedly Raped Autistic Woman.  Two men, one who is an undocumented resident living in the United States illegally, have been charged with kidnapping, rape, and sexual abuse after a missing 22-year-old woman with autism was found in Greene County.  25-year-old Luis Arnold Lopez-Lara, an illegal alien, and 23-year-old Helmer Alexander Erazo were charged with two counts of rape, one count of sexual abuse, and two counts of kidnapping.  Two other men involved also have pending charges.

Non-citizen arrests
61% of federal criminal arrests are of non-citizens.  The liberal Pew Research Center analyzed new data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and found that most of the people arrested and charged with crimes by the federal government are not citizens.  While immigration violations now are half the arrests made by federal agents, non-citizens also made up a disproportionately high percentage of those charged with crimes by the federal government.

John Kelly: 'Even A Single DUI' Could Start Deportation For Illegal Aliens.  Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary John Kelly confirmed Sunday that federal immigration authorities won't shy away from arresting illegal immigrants who would have been ignored under the Obama administration.  New categories of criminal aliens will be targeted for deportation, not just those who've committed headline-grabbing crimes like rape and murder, Kelly said on NBC's "Meet the Press."  "Someone, as an example, with multiple DUIs," he said, is the kind of illegal immigrant that would draw attention from immigration authorities.  "Even a single DUI, depending on other aspects, would get you into the system," he added.

Illegal Aliens Caught Committing "Minor" Crimes Are Now Getting... Arrested.  [Scroll down]  Perhaps they aren't the ones that Trump said he would go after, but, he's not sitting their approving each and every illegal who ICE goes to detain.  Furthermore, ICE typically picks up the low and no crime illegals because they have outstanding deportation orders already on the books.  Double furthermore, this same thing happened under Obama.  Because Obama was only going to micro-manage ICE operations so much.  Just because Trump said he would "prioritize" does not mean ICE won't pick up those with other crimes or no crimes.  And, really, is DUI not a serious crime?  When you drive under the influence, usually alcohol, you are drastically increasing the danger to other people.  Fraud usually involves stealing legal citizen's information, which can ruin their lives.  Oh, and none should be here in the first place.

'Dreamer' Repeatedly Molested 7-Year-Old Girl in North Carolina.  A 19-year-old Raleigh man was charged early Wednesday with three counts of taking indecent liberties with a child between Dec. 1 and Monday [4/3/2017].  Detectives who investigate sex crimes charged Douglas Benjerman Henriquez-Martinez after questioning him at their offices on Green Dairy Road, records showed.  Police said the victim in the case was a 7-year-old girl who already knew Henriquez-Martinez.  Henriquez-Martinez was 18 at the start of the period police listed in the charges.

Three MS-13 gang members are charged with second-degree murder of a missing 17-year-old Virginia teen.  Three MS-13 gang members have been charged with second degree murder of a missing teenager.  The body of 17-year-old Raymond Wood was found lying in the middle of Roaring Run Road by a motorist in Bedford County, Virginia, on Monday.  Authorities detained and charged Victor A. Rodas, 19, Jose Corea-Ventura, 21, and Lasandro A. Vasquez, 24, of Maryland, with second-degree murder of Wood.  Police said all three men are known MS-13 gang members and are illegal aliens.

Suspects in death of teen are gang members, Bedford County sheriff says.  Three Salvadoran MS-13 gang members have been charged with second-degree murder in relation to the death of 17-year-old Raymond Wood, Bedford County Sheriff Mike Brown announced Friday afternoon [3/31/2017].  Victor Arnoldo Rodas, 19; Jose Coreas-Ventura, 21; and Lisandro Posada-Vazquez, 24, have been arrested and charged with second-degree murder, Brown said during a news conference at Central Virginia Community College's Bedford campus.  All three are undocumented immigrants and were arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Tuesday after initially being detained by the Bedford County Sheriff's Office, according to an ICE spokesperson.

Attorney General Sessions Has A Plan To Deport Illegals As Quickly As Possible.  This has made Democrats very sad and very angry, which, to be fair, is their normal state of being.  Even though Democrats constantly state that they want to get rid of the bad illegal aliens, they seem to be hell bent on defending them.  Because the bad ones are the ones that ICE is mostly scooping up.  Ones convicted of crimes like arson, burglary, robbery, major drug offenses, identity theft, homicide, rape, and child molestation.

Alleged rape only latest violent incident at Rockville H.S..  A videotaped alleged assault at Rockville High apparently took place before the infamous alleged rape and one victim and parents wonder whether officials are committed to safety.

ICE Report Dumps Cold Water On A Favorite Defense Of Sanctuary Cities.  An Immigration and Customs Enforcement report puts a damper on the argument that sanctuary cities aren't a problem because they only shield non-violent illegal immigrants.  Sanctuary city proponents often say their policies limiting cooperation with federal immigration authorities don't endanger public safety.  As ICE's latest weekly declined detainer report shows, however, many county and city law enforcement agencies regularly release criminal aliens who have been convicted of violent crimes, including domestic battery and sexual assault.  The report, which covers February 4-10, tallied 47 declined detainer requests from two dozen jurisdictions across the country.

Two More Deported Sex Offenders Busted Crossing Border.  Border Patrol agents apprehended two Mexican nationals crossing the border in southern Arizona after being previously deported for sex crimes.  Agents assigned to the Tucson Border Patrol Station arrested Vicente Gonzalez-Hernandez hear Sasabe, Arizona, late Thursday.  Agents transported the Mexican national to the Tucson station for processing.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) records revealed that Gonzalez-Hernandez has a lengthy criminal history that includes a conviction for "felony assault to commit mayhem/rape" in the state of California, according to information received by Breitbart Texas from CBP spokesman Rob Daniels.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers removed him from the country following his one-year prison sentence.

What Does It Take to Declare a School 'Unsafe'?  [Montgomery County, Maryland] citizens have since learned that an illegal immigrant can be 18 years old, enroll in the public schools, undergo no background check, and because they have no verifiable high school credits, automatically be enrolled as a freshman, putting them in the same classes as 14 and 15-year-olds.  Under the law, the school cannot ask about the student's immigration status; the school system chooses to not perform background checks on incoming students.  In this light, the shock is not that this happened, the shock is that this hasn't happened until now.

CNN hammers Fox News for covering alleged gang rape of 14-year-old by illegal immigrant.  CNN's Brian Stelter condemned Fox News for covering the alleged gang rape of a 14-year-old Maryland high school student by at least one illegal immigrant.  He said coverage of rape is normally reserved for the local news and suggested Fox News is only covering this one because of the ongoing debate about illegal immigration.

Father of Maryland high school rape suspect arrested by ICE.  The father of an 18-year-old Rockville High School student charged with the rape of a fellow classmate has been arrested for being in the country illegally, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  ICE spokesperson Sarah Rodriguez said 43-year-old Adolfo Sanchez-Reyes was arrested last Friday "after a review of his immigration history revealed he was unlawfully present in the United States" from Guatemala.

Immigration Map
The Consequences of Immigration for America's Public Schools.  It is difficult to overstate the impact that immigration is having on our nation's schools.  In a recent report based on Census Bureau data authored by myself and colleagues Bryan Griffith and Karen Ziegler, we map the profound impact immigration has had on schools across the country.

On FNC, Defense Attorney for Rockville Rape Blames Trump for Public Outrage.  Friday night [3/24/2017] on Fox News' The First 100 Days, host Martha MacCallum interviewed the attorneys defending one of the illegal immigrants accused of raping a 14-year-old girl at Rockville High School, just over a week ago.  The two lawyers defending 17-year-old Jose Montano blasted what they called the "sensationalized" coverage of the story, (despite the media blackout of its coverage). The primary defense attorney even blamed Trump's immigration policies for spurring undue outrage at the story.

Anchor Baby Raped 14-Year-Old Girl, Allowed to Bond-Out.  Gabino Vargas-Perez was a junior at Central High School when a 14-year-old girl told police he raped her.  He posted $5,000 bond and then disappeared.  Prosecutors said Vargas-Perez, 20, is a legal U.S. resident, but his parents are in Guatemala.  The victim's family says the damage has been done, and now they fear justice will never be served.

In Maryland Rape Case, Liberals Adhere to Political Correctness.  On the morning of March 16, a 14-year old girl was allegedly raped by two illegal aliens in a high school bathroom in Rockville, Maryland.  One of the alleged rapists, Henry Sanchez-Milian, is an adult, 18 years old, while the other suspect, Jose O. Montano, is 17-years old.  They have been charged with first-degree rape and two counts of first-degree sexual offense for allegedly dragging the young girl into the boys' bathroom, sexually assaulting her and forcing her to perform sexual acts.  This incident has shocked the nation and exposed the dangers of open borders and lax immigration enforcement.  By allowing millions of illegal aliens into this country, the safety of law abiding Americans has been put at risk.  Daily, tragic stories are reported of Americans being victimized by illegal aliens.  This case is even more disturbing for the victim is an innocent 14-year old girl.

Rape of Maryland schoolgirl has illegal alien advocates in desperation mode.  Advocates for illegal alien immigration and diversity proponents are on the defensive as a result of the brutal rape of a 14-year-old girl at a Maryland school by 2 illegals.  But they are trying to defend the indefensible, and in so doing, they have resorted to ignoring the immigration status of the attackers, or, as in the case of major media outlets, pretending the attack didn't happen.

Illegal immigrant, 54, strangles popular 49-year- old teacher's aide to death in her Boston home.  An illegal immigrant is alleged to have strangled a 49-year-old woman to death inside her home in the Boston suburb of Worcester, Massachusetts earlier this month.  Sandra Hehir's body was found in her apartment on February 5, according to The Boston Globe.  The Worcester district attorney's office said it obtained DNA evidence which links Jose Melendez, 54, to the crime.  Melendez, who was arrested last week, has a history of run-ins with law enforcement.

5 Facts About Sandra Hehir And Her Illegal Immigrant Murderer.  The case of a slain teachers aide has caused much concern in the Boston suburb of Worcester, MA since Sandra Hehir's body was found in her home on February 5th of this year.

High School Rapists Entered U.S. as Unaccompanied Alien Children, Lived in Sanctuary County.  The teenage illegal immigrants charged with raping a 14-year-old girl in the bathroom of a Maryland public high school last week entered the United States under an Obama program that's accommodated tens of thousands of Central American youths who crossed the Mexican border.  The administration coined them Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) and portrayed them as innocent, desperate kids fleeing violence and famine in their homeland.  Most are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and the influx has overwhelmed border agents, government health agencies and military bases that serve as shelters not to mention public schools nationwide.

Reading, writing, and raping.  Rape was once a capital crime almost everywhere.  But the politically correct culture, with its gift for dumbing down everything, regards rape now not as a felony, but a misdemeanor, something like shoplifting.  The abduction of a 14-year-old girl at Rockville High School in Maryland's Montgomery County by two classmates, newly arrived illegal immigrants, who are charged with torturing, raping and sodomizing her in the boys' restroom, has outraged most of the residents of the county.  But some of the county officials, not so much.  Outrage is fatiguing.  In Montgomery County, which aspires to be a sanctuary for illegal aliens in trouble with the law, it's more fashionable to be outraged by Donald Trump.

Networks censor rape story involving illegal immigrant.  The "big three" networks — ABC, CBS, and NBC — continued their shameful blackout into Wednesday night of the horrifying rape of a teenage girl in a Maryland high school bathroom, allegedly by two men, including one who police say is in the U.S. illegally.  Instead, the pathetic liberal media that's shown no interest in the Rockville High School case complied with Rolling Stone in giving more than 10 minutes of coverage in two days to the fake 2014 claim that a University of Virginia fraternity gang-raped a female student.

Mayors of sanctuary cities should be thrown in jail.  Moms and dads in Montgomery County, Maryland are terrified and angry — and with good reason.  They don't know how many more illegal immigrant predators might be living among them — waiting to brutally rape another 14-year-old American school girl.  The Washington Post reports the two men accused of raping a ninth-grader on March 16 at Rockville High School came into this country illegally.  Jose Montano, 17, and Henry Sanchez Milian, 18, were among tens of thousands of young people who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally in 2016, the Post reported.  In other words, former President Obama let them into the country.

MS-13 gang member deported 4 times stabbed 2 women, abused child, cops say.  A member of the MS-13 street gang who had been deported from the U.S. four times stabbed two women and sexually assaulted a 2-year-old girl in a New York City suburb, according to local police.  Tommy Vladim Alvarado-Ventura, 31, attacked the child Tuesday in the Long Island town of Hempstead while the girl's mother was at work and he was babysitting, Nassau County Police said in a news release.  Prosecutors said he later attacked a woman outside a bar early Wednesday after getting into an argument over buying marijuana, punching and stabbing her in the back, thigh and mouth before running away, according to police.  The woman was hospitalized with a collapsed lung.

Border union:  Obama policies cause of 14-year-old's rape in school.  Open door immigration policies put in place by the Obama administration were cited a cause for the alleged rape of a 14-year-old student inside Maryland high school by two illegals, according to the head of the Border Patrol union.  Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, cited the former administration's "catch and release" program for letting the two illegals charged in the rape into the United States.  In Senate testimony, he said, "Had we done our job that 14-year-old girl would never have been raped.  Period.  That's all there is to it."

Dreamer Charged with Murder of Two Teens in Colorado.  A 19-year-old man was booked on first-degree murder and kidnapping charges in the deaths of two teens who were found dead on the side of a Colorado road, authorities said.  Gustavo Marquez, 19, was also charged with aggravated robbery and child abuse resulting in the deaths of Derek Benjamin Greer, 15, and Natalie Partida, 16, according to the El Paso County Sheriff's Office.  The victims' bodies were found on the side of a road about 15 miles from their Colorado Springs high school.

Are alleged Rockville rapists Unaccompanied Alien Children?  That is the question I have about the story you can't possibly have missed over the last day or two.  Were the pair (one from Guatemala and the other from El Salvador), who are behind bars in Maryland for dragging a 14-year-old girl into a boys bathroom and raping her considered 'refugees' by the Obama Administration that would have been in charge of them if they turned themselves in at the border as part of the flood of 'children' that invaded our border for years during the Obama presidency, so-called UACs?  Keep an eye out for any news about whether they were actually under the protection of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement.

Rockville High School Rape - Montgomery County School Superintendent Press Conference.  The Montgomery County Public School superintendent, Jack R. Smith, held a press conference last night [3/21/2017] to discuss the rape of a 14-year-old ninth grade student by two illegal alien students, also enrolled in the ninth grade, aged 17 and 18.  Mr. Smith begins the press conference by stating anyone who opposes undocumented adult illegal aliens being allowed to enroll in Montgomery County Public Schools with young students is a bigot and a racist.  The far-left political advocacy of this progressive School Superintendent is stunning.  This school district is so far over the ideological deep end, it seems hopeless for the residents and parents.

The Editor asks...
How many more 19-year-olds are enrolled in 9th grade classes in Montgomery County?

18-Year-Old Illegals Allowed into the 9th Grade Brutally Rape a 14-Year-Old Girl Right in a School Bathroom.  Two dangerous and violent Obama "DREAMERs," both illegals from Guatemala, were arrested for brutally raping a 14-year-old girl right in a Maryland high school bathroom last week.  The two males are both nearly past high school age but were put into the 9th grade with 14 and 15 year old American children even as they should never have been allowed into government funded schools at all.  The two monsters, Henry E. Sanchez, 18, and Jose O. Montano, 17, were allowed to enter the ninth grade due to their relative ill-educated ignorance.  This is typical with the people who streamed into our country during Obama's reign of terror on this nation.  They have no education, often cannot speak English, and usually can't even write in their own language, much less English.  Yet these lawbreakers come here, and what is the first thing our left-wing lawmakers allow?  That's right, they let them enter school on our dime.  It is also very common for these illegal aliens to be put in grades with children several years younger than they.

Obama tried to legalize migrant accused of murdering 15-year-old step-daughter.  The Obama administration last year began the process of granting legal status to a 36-year-old illegal immigrant with a long criminal rap sheet whom agents had twice tried to deport and who now stands accused of killing his 15-year-old girlfriend, mother of one child with him, and pregnant with another.  The Texas case, involving Armando Garcia-Ramirez, a Mexican, is raising new questions about immigration enforcement under President Obama, as supporters of President Trump point to the matter as proof of a broken-immigration system.  Mr. Garcia may even have been the girl's stepfather at the time he impregnated her — something federal authorities apparently missed last year after he was arrested for smuggling five other illegal immigrants into the U.S.

30 Countries Are Refusing To Take Back Illegal Immigrants Convicted Of Serious Crimes.  Approximately 30 countries are refusing to accept the deportations of illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes in the U.S., according to Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar.  While these countries are refusing to accept the deportations of these criminals, the U.S. government is still issuing visas and student visas to citizens of those countries, according to the Texan congressman.  There is already a law on the books which allows the U.S. to hold visas from a country that is not taking back its criminals, but according to Cuellar, the U.S. is not enforcing it.

Deported killer caught heading back into US from Mexico.  Border Patrol agents have arrested a Mexican man who had been deported from the United States last month after serving a prison term for reckless homicide in Tennessee.

Police: 2 students charged with raping girl in high school bathroom.  Police have charged 17-year-old Jose Montano and 18-year-old Henry Sanchez with first-degree rape and two counts of first-degree sexual offenses.  The suspects were arrested at Rockville High School by investigators.  They are both are being charged as adults. [...] Although the two suspects are 17 and 18 years old, they were enrolled as freshmen because they both arrived in the United States only a few months ago and were taking English as a Second Language (ESL) classes.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has now lodged an immigration detainer on Sanchez.  Prosecutors said he came to the U.S. from Guatemala and has only been in the country for seven months.

Two of President Obama's Undocumented Alien "Children" Brutally Rape 14-Year-Old Maryland Student During School.  Those of you who have followed the Undocumented Alien Children (UAC) story, which began in the summer of 2014, will note the nationality of two UAC's who brutally raped a 14-Year-Old Rockville Maryland Student.  Henry Sanchez, 18, originally from Guatemala and Jose Montano, 17, a native of El Salvador, brutally raped a 14-year-old high school student on Thursday [3/16/2017].  Sanchez had a pending illegal alien removal case (deportation order) pending, which was not carried out while immigration activists tried to block the deportation.

ICE targets 'sanctuary city' Philadelphia in arrest of 248 criminal illegals.  Making good on the president's campaign pledge to target illegal immigrants with criminal records or facing charges, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tuesday announced the arrest of 248 in just three states, including 50 previously deported.  ICE officials said that the arrests by Enforcement and Removal Operations were in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Delaware.  They occurred Monday, Feb. 27, 2017 through Friday, Mar. 10, 2017.  "ICE officers make extraordinary efforts to keep our communities safe, and this operation is just a small example of what they do every day.  ERO officers took oaths to protect the homeland and to arrest individuals in violation of immigration laws," said ERO Philadelphia Acting Field Office Director Jennifer Ritchey in a statement.  "This operation resulted in multiple arrests of individuals with violent criminal arrests or convictions in the three-state region," she added.

Illegal Immigrant Crime:  The Real Story.  Deal with it, Democrats: illegal immigrants commit crime far more often than legal immigrants. [...] Why is the media fabricating a false narrative that illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than American citizens?  Here's why:  To attack President Trump's immigration policies, most notably his travel ban.  How moronic do the journalists at CNN[,] the New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media think we are?  And why is no one exposing this huge scandal?

Guatemalan teen killed cousin, fled to Missouri, authorities allege.  Authorities have arrested a Guatemalan teen who they say murdered his cousin, then fled the state.  Jose Lazaro Gonzalez, 18, has been charged with the Feb. 26 murder of 27-year-old Marvin Lazaro, Acting Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn Murray and Caldwell Police Chief James Bongiorno announced in a release Wednesday [3/8/2017].

Illegal Migrant Beheads Mother in North Carolina.  Police arriving on scene in North Carolina were shocked to find illegal migrant, Oliver Mauricio Funes Machado, holding his 35 year-old mother's head in one hand and a large knife in the other.  Eighteen year-old Machado is from Honduras and lived with his mother in Franklin County.

Illegal Immigrant Teen Beheaded His Mother, Say Police.  An illegal immigrant has been charged with first degree murder after allegedly beheading his mother with a butcher knife.  Oliver Mauricio Funes-Machada, 18, has been confirmed to Breitbart Texas by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency as an illegal immigrant living in North Carolina from Honduras.

2 Salvadoran murder, kidnapping suspects had Satanic shrine.  Authorities say two gang members from El Salvador who had a Satanic shrine in their Houston apartment are suspects in the killing of one teenager and the kidnapping of another.

Dreamers Brutal Murders:  From Dreams to Nightmares.  Twelve of Obama's DREAMERS recently murdered 7 American citizens and kidnapped another.  All suspects belong to MS-13, a gang that runs drugs and mayhem across the Western hemisphere.  Two criminal illegals in Houston stand accused of kidnapping, rape, and murder.  Miguel Angel Alvarez-Flores, 22 and 18-year-old Diego Alexan Hernandez-Rivera are from El Salvador.  Reminiscent of hardened serial killers, the pair laughed, smiled, and waved in court on Wednesday [3/1/2017].

Obama's DREAMers accused of killing eight people.  Thirteen DREAMers from El Salvador stand accused of seven murders, including beating to death two Long Island girls with a baseball bat.  In Houston, two more DREAMers from El Salvador face charges of kidnapping one girl and murdering another girl in a Satanic ritual in their apartment.  They are members of MS-13, a gang that runs drugs and mayhem in America thanks to decades of open borders policies by both Presidents Bush as well as Clinton and Obama.  While Congress never passed the DREAM Act, it is de facto law as the Washington Establishment has prevented the border patrol from going after minors or illegal aliens brought here as minors.

Six MS-13 gang members busted in Long Island teens' murders.  Two Long Island teens, inseparable in life, walked together into a deadly September attack by four homicidal gangbangers swinging baseball bats and a machete.  The quartet of killers, along with their two leaders in the brutal MS-13 street gang, were charged Thursday [3/2/2017] in the revenge killings of Nisa Mickens, 15, and Kayla Cuevas, 16, federal authorities said.

MS-13 gang members indicted in killings of three NY teens.  Several members of the notorious Salvadoran gang MS-13 have been arrested and indicted on federal charges in the killing of three teenagers that shocked a Long Island community last year.  The arrests were made in a series of raids Thursday morning [3/2/2017] in Suffolk County executed by FBI and Suffolk police.  Local and federal law enforcement have been cracking down on gang violence following the murders of the teenagers in Brentwood, N.Y., last year.  MS-13 has been blamed for 30 other killings on Long Island since 2010.

Alleged MS-13 gang members accused in Houston woman's 'Satanic' murder.  Two alleged MS-123 gang members, Diego Hernandez-Riversa, 18, and Miguel Alvarez-Flores, 22, were charged Wednesday [3/1/2017] in a case involving the killing of a Hispanic woman in Houston as part of a 'Satanic' ritual.  The pair had been arrested Monday and charged the following day with aggravated kidnapping in a different case.  The MS-13 gang, also known as the Mara Salvatrucha, has roots in El Salvador and a violent record in several countries.  The MS-13 first reached into the U.S. in the 1980s and has become a well known international street gang.

A Nation of Immigrants — Only If They Assimilate.  Anyone who visits Japan is struck by the ethnic homogeneity of the nation.  If you meet a Caucasian, a black or a Hispanic in Japan, you can be all but certain that the person is visiting or studying there, not a citizen.  Likewise in the United States, there is direct correlation between ethnic homogeneity and low levels of violence.  According to 2016-2017 data, the four states with the lowest percentages of violence are:
  Vermont — where 95 percent of the population is one race (white).
  Maine — where 95 percent of the population is one race (white).
  Wyoming — where roughly 93 percent of the population is one race (white).
  New Hampshire — where roughly 94 percent of the population is one race (white).

Man suspected in Amber Alert had been previously deported, immigration officials say.  The man suspected of taking a 6-year-old Connecticut girl prompting an Amber Alert on Friday [2/24/2017] had previously been deported, federal immigration officials said.  Oscar Hernandez was taken into custody on Friday following a high-speed car chase and crash on Interstate 99 in Benner Township, Pennsylvania.  State police said he had refused to pull over when a state trooper spotted the car, which had been the subject of an Amber Alert.  Federal immigration officials said Hernandez is a citizen of El Salvador and had been previously deported on Nov. 27, 2013.  He has prior felony convictions including assault and threatening.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had placed a detainer on him, an agency spokesman said in a statement.

Previously Deported Illegal Goes On Murderous Rampage Days After CT Gov Refused To Work With ICE.  Just days after Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy ordered police not to cooperate with ICE in enforcing immigration laws, a previously deported illegal alien went on a murderous rampage killing a mother and stabbing her friend.

Arizona Sheriff Releasing 400 "Criminal Illegal Immigrants" Every 10 Days.  An average of 400 "criminal illegal immigrants" are being released every 10 days by the newly elected sheriff in Arizona's most populous county, federal law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch, many of them violent offenders.  It's part of Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone's new policy to protect illegal aliens, even those who have committed serious state crimes, from deportation. [...] During a recent 10-day period, more than 400 criminal illegal immigrants were released from the Maricopa County Jail, according to federal law enforcement officials directly involved in the process in Phoenix.  Weekdays are the busiest, with an average of about 40 criminal illegal aliens getting released from Maricopa County Jail facilities, the sources said.  On weekends the number drops to about ten each day.

Supreme Court divided over U.S.-Mexico border shooting.  A closely divided Supreme Court struggled Tuesday [2/21/2017] with what one justice called the "very sympathetic case" of a Mexican teenager shot and killed from across the border by a U.S. Border Patrol agent.  Denied any legal recourse by lower courts that said Sergio Adrián Hernández Güereca lacked constitutional protection inside Mexico, the 15-year-old's parents received encouraging support from the high court's liberal justices during an hour[-]long oral argument that could prove pivotal.

ICE: Yes, 75 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants We Arrested Have Criminal Records.  Over the past couple of days, immigration enforcement agents have round up almost 700 illegal aliens — 75 percent of which had criminal records.  Rep. Nancy Pelosi disputed the claim, but Immigration and Customs Enforcement also confirmed the figure released by the Department of Homeland Security.

Dingbat Nancy Pelosi Stands Up for "Our Values" Defending a Self-Confessed Gangbanger.  Democrat dingbat Nancy Pelosi once again demonstrated some very sketchy Democrat values.  She is characterizing an ICE action as against "our values".  ICE took a gangbanger into custody.  She left that out when she made her statements in his defense.  "In another assault on our values in the past week we had witnessed ICE raids across our nation targeting parents, students and a DACA-protected DREAMer.  We talked about some of this yesterday with their members," the dingbat said.  But Nancy is advocating breaking up the family!  The criminal father is being deported.

ICE Wanted to Deport This Man:  His Release Led to Murder.  Ever Valles, 19, was arrested in October for multiple charges, including possession of a weapon, vehicle theft and eluding.  The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents (ICE) flagged him to be detained with the expectation that when he was released by Denver jail officials, ICE agents would be notified and then would take Valles into federal custody. [...] According to ICE, Valles is a known gang member and a citizen of Mexico.  He was made an ICE priority due to his criminal history and gang affiliation.  On Friday [2/17/2017], he and his partner, Nathan Valdez, were arrested in a violent crime on the Denver-Lakewood border, which resulted in murder of the first degree.  Had Valles been properly handled, this tragedy would never have occurred.

MS-13 Gang Linked to Disappearance Of Young Girls in Maryland.  Baltimore's most violent gang, the MS-13, has been linked to a number of kidnappings which may have likely resulted in murder.  Reports from authorities indicate that the gang could be recruiting children as young as 11-years-old!  The gang had been dismantled a decade ago when most of its members were imprisoned.  However, the spate of attacks reveals a probable resurgence.  A fifteen-year-old Damaris Reyes from Gaithersburg is a notable victim who fell prey to MS-13.  She was eventually killed and details of her murder captured in a video described by Virginia's Fairfax County Police Chief as "horrific"

Two charged with sex assault on Morristown child.  Two undocumented immigrants from Honduras were indicted Thursday [2/16/2017] on multiple charges of sexually assaulting a girl in Morristown beginning when she was 8 years old until last year, when she was 14.  A third man who also is undocumented — Jose Bueso, 20 — was charged last year with abusing the same girl, but he quickly pleaded guilty in October to touching an intimate part of her body in June and was sentenced last month to four years in state prison.  Bueso, who also lived in Morristown, faces deportation to Honduras when he finishes his sentence.

Arizona Bill Would Dish Out Harsher Penalties For Illegal Immigrants.  Activists in Arizona are rattled over a new bill brought before the state Senate that would dish out harsher sentences for undocumented immigrants compared to U.S. citizens, according to  The bill under consideration, SB 1279, will also make it impossible for undocumented felons to be released early on parole.

Hundreds of immigrants convicted and not deported committed more crimes — even murder.  At least 121 killings within a four-year span were carried out by convicted immigrants who were not deported, according to a 2015 U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee document recently reviewed by el Nuevo Herald.  Every year, federal immigration authorities release foreign nationals convicted of crimes — including murder — both because the U.S. Supreme Court has prohibited indefinite detention or because their countries refuse to take them back even after immigration judges have ordered deportation.

Mother Of Son Killed By Illegal to Pelosi:  Which One Of Your Children Is Expendable For An Illegal Life?  At a CNN townhall Tuesday night [1/31/2017], Nancy Pelosi was asked by a sobbing mother who lost her son to an illegal immigrant, who she said brutally tortured him before death, which one of her grandchildren she would give up to make room for an illegal.  "If you need to go home tonight and line up your babies as you say, and your grandbabies, which one of them could you look in their eyes today, and tell them that they're expendable for another foreign person to have an a nicer life?  Which one would you look to say, you, my child, are expendable for someone else to come over here and not follow the law and have a nicer life?" Laura Wilkerson, who said her son was "slaughtered" by an illegal immigrant, asked Pelosi.

Border Patrol agent assaulted by undocumented immigrant.  A U.S. Border Patrol agent avoided getting stabbed by an undocumented immigrant thanks to his radio.

Trump to publicize crimes by illegal immigrants in 'sanctuary cities'.  President Trump plans to publish a weekly list of crimes committed by illegal immigrants in the Big Apple and all other sanctuary cities that do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities.  The list will inform citizens and others about "public safety threats associated with sanctuary" cities, according to an executive order Trump signed Wednesday.  "The [Homeland Security] Secretary shall utilize the Declined Detainer Outcome Report or its equivalent and, on a weekly basis, make public a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens and any jurisdiction that ignored or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens," the order said.

Man who allegedly stole $1.6M in gold flakes in NYC arrested in Ecuador; was reportedly deported 4 times.  The man police say snatched $1.6 million worth of gold flakes from an armored truck in New York City in September was arrested Thursday [1/19/2017] in Ecuador, The [New York] Daily News reported.  The report said Julio Nivelo, 53, was deported four times to Ecuador, but managed to make his way back to the U.S.  Federal agents from Homeland Security assisted in his capture.  The report said authorities believe Nivelo made his way from New York to Florida and then to California.  It is believed he made his way to Ecuador from California.

Authorities:  Trooper was shot by driver he sought to help.  The man who shot and severely beat an Arizona state trooper last week was a former member of the Mexican federal police who was in the country illegally, authorities said.

Illegal Alien Rapes 5-Year-Old Girl In 'Sanctuary State' California.  The entire basis for the liberal claim that Donald Trump is a racist stems from from his announcement to run for president.  Back in 2015 Trump promised he would put an end to illegal immigration and said that some illegal aliens are rapists.  Hillary Clinton and the willing liberal media twisted this true statement into a false allegation that Trump called all immigrants, especially Latino ones, criminals.  The reality is that Trump only called some illegals rapists and part of that reality is that he was 100% correct.

Illegal immigrant suspected of sexually assaulting 5-year-old in California.  Authorities in Southern California were searching for an illegal immigrant from El Salvador on Wednesday [1/11/2017] who is accused of sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl.  Fullerton police said Rigoberto Arevalo Cubias, 30, is suspected of engaging in sexual intercourse of sodomy with a child under the age of 10 years old after an investigation, which started in late December.  Authorities believe Cubias might have a fraudulent California driver's license, according to CBS Los Angeles.  Cubias also has an outstanding $50,000 arrest warrant from a 2014 DUI.  Police say he goes under many different aliases, including Jose Cubias, Jose Cubias Arevalo, Jose Riberto Cubias and Jose Alfonso Cubias Arevalo.  Investigators Cubias may have ditched his car and cellphone in an attempt to throw off police.

Mexican man accused of rape had 19 deportations, removals.  A Mexican man accused of raping a 13-year-old girl on a Greyhound bus that traveled through Kansas had been deported 10 times and voluntarily removed from the U.S. another nine times since 2003, records obtained by The Associated Press show.

Trump is Set to Deport 820,000 Criminal Illegal Aliens — 81% are Felons.  President-elect Donald Trump has said that he will deport many of the illegal aliens who are criminals.  A recent report indicates that there are at least 820,000 illegal aliens in the US with criminal records.  Among those, 81% are convicted felons.  While many have theorized that illegals who have been convicted of crimes other than being here illegal number about 2,000,000, the Center for Immigration Studies indicates that the number of criminal illegals are larger than the populations of the states of Wyoming, Alaska, Vermont and North Dakota.

Report: 820,000 criminal illegals, 84% with felonies, serious misdemeanors.  Illegal immigrants with criminal records, the deportation priority of President-elect Trump, total at least 820,000, with most having felony and serious misdemeanor convictions, according to a new report.  Some estimates have suggested up to two million criminal illegals, but the numbers cited by the Center for Immigration Studies still show an enormous group larger than the populations of four states, Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont or Wyoming.  The immigration think tank cited numbers from the Urban Institute.  That group downplayed the crimes and also questioned deporting any of those who are parents of children who might get left behind.

Illegal immigrant accused of killing 2 in hit and run had been deported 8 times.  The illegal immigrant wanted for allegedly killing two people in a hit-and-run case in Kentucky had been deported eight times, the Department of Justice has confirmed.  Miguel Angel Villasenor-Saucedo, 40, is wanted for the Oct. 22 drunken car crash that killed two women in Louisville.  Villasenor-Saucedo was most recently deported in 2013.

Land of the Free, Home of the 33,000 Violent Street Gangs.  The FBI says that altogether, the United States is now home to about 33,000 violent street gangs, with a presence in all 50 states.  There are an estimated 1,350 gangs in Los Angeles alone. [...] There are a total of 1.4 million criminally active gang members across the country.  That means for every two sworn law enforcement officers in America, there are three gang members.  The number of violent gang members today is 40 percent higher than in 2009, and 25 times higher than in 1975.  And the figure keeps growing each year.

Border Patrol agents continue to be attacked in the Rio Grande Valley.  The incident occurred Thursday evening [11/24/2016] when Weslaco Station Border Patrol agents assigned to the riverine unit were patrolling the Rio Grande near Hidalgo, Texas.  The agents reported that three subjects on the Mexican side of the river began throwing rocks at them.

Woman accused of murder, kidnapping baby was living in US illegally.  A Dallas woman accused of killing a Wichita mother and taking her baby was in the country illegally when she was released from a Kansas jail this summer before immigration officials had a chance to request she be held, law enforcement authorities said Wednesday [11/24/2016].

Man who indirectly caused death of Florida deputy had been deported twice before.  A man from El Salvador who indirectly caused the death of a Florida sheriff's deputy had been deported twice before, most recently in September.  During a court hearing on Monday, Francisco Portillo-Fuentes told a federal judge he wanted to plead guilty to illegally re-entering the United States but claimed his innocence in regard to Deputy Eric Oliver's death.  Oliver, a Nassau County deputy, was fatally struck by a passing SUV while he was chasing Portillo-Fuentes on foot.

Two-time deportee arrested in killing of Florida sheriff's deputy.  Nassau County Sheriff's deputy Eric Oliver might still be alive if the Obama administration took illegal immigration more seriously.  Oliver was struck by a vehicle full of illegal aliens that fled from Florida Border Patrol agents on Tuesday, law enforcement officials say.

America's Sanctuary City Nightmare.  A litigation battle is raging between the states and President Barack Obama over his attempt to impose a nationwide "sanctuary" policy for illegal aliens.  Yet, there is no question that existing sanctuary policies implemented by numerous towns and cities have victimized innocent Americans.  Those sanctuary policies have enabled illegal aliens to commit thousands of crimes — crimes that would not have occurred had their perpetrators been deported in keeping with existing law.  In 2011, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a study on approximately 250,000 illegal aliens locked up in our federal, state, and local prisons.  They represent more than a quarter of all of the prisoners in the federal prison system alone.  The GAO's "study population" had been arrested nearly 1.7 million times and committed three million offenses, averaging about seven arrests and 12 offenses per criminal alien.

Illegal Alien Rapes Girl in Ditch as Border Apprehensions Skyrocket.  On Halloween night in Northern Virginia, a young woman's horrific nightmare really did come true.  An illegal alien forced her car off the road with his SUV.  He then dragged her out of her vehicle into a ditch and raped her for hours.  He left his shirt behind with her when he took off.  The victim was finally able to call for help.  She was taken to a hospital for treatment.  Three days later, Roberto Carlos Flores Sibrian was arrested at the construction site that he works at in North Carolina.  Authorities ascertained that he was an illegal alien with no documentation and no ID.

Uncle Charged In Death Of Child Found In Well; Was In US Illegally.  Smith County Sheriffs have confirmed that Gustavo Zavala-Garcia, 24, was charged with Capital Murder for the death of Kayla Gomez-Orozco, 10.  "He's given us information from him, and we've been able gather enough evidence in our investigation to charge him with that crime," said Smith County Sheriff Larry Smith.  A relative of the slain little girl, Zavala-Garcia was the lone suspect in the case.

Report: East Texas Child Murdered by Previously Deported Illegal Alien.  Law enforcement officials in East Texas are reporting the alleged murderer of 10-year-old Kayla Gomez-Orozco is a previously deported illegal alien from Mexico.  Officials with the Smith County jail confirmed to Breitbart Texas that Gustavo Gonzalez, 24, is currently being held in the jail on an immigration detainer from Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.  Gonzalez was also confirmed to be a Mexican national by the jail official.

Previously deported illegal immigrant charged with sex crimes.  A Union County man who was previously deported and is in the country illegally was arrested on Thursday on sex charges involving two victims, including a minor, the sheriff's office said.  Felipe Carrera Santiago, 36, was charged with second-degree sex offense and attempted second-degree sex offense.  He was jailed on $50,000 bail.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has filed an immigration detainer against Santiago.  He will remain in custody pending disposition of the Union County charges, the sheriff's office said.

The safety of US citizens must come before criminal aliens.  Last year, Jean Jacques brutally murder Casey Chadwick, a 25 year-old young woman in Connecticut.  Jacques had been released from prison a year earlier after serving seventeen years for attempted murder.  Rather than being deported by the federal government — as he was in the U.S. illegally — Jacques was simply put back on the streets in the U.S. because his native Haiti refused to take him back.  Casey and hundreds of others have had their lives taken by criminal aliens, and thousands more have been victims of rape, molestation, assault and theft.  There is absolutely no reason that criminal aliens — those who are non-citizens with criminal convictions — should be put back onto American streets, yet that is exactly what is happening by the thousands each and every year.

Sanctuary city illegal immigrant sparks $61M fire in national forest.  Angel Gilberto Garcia-Avalos had been deported five times in just the past four years, yet each time he has managed to sneak from Mexico back into the U.S., where he ended up in more mischief:  driving without a license, attempted burglary and felony weapons charges.  In August, he graduated to full-fledged mayhem, sparking a fire in the Sequoia National Forest that has already cost the government $61 million and left some of the country's most beautiful landscape scarred for years to come.

Texas soccer coach, an undocumented immigrant, accused of abusing 8 players.  A soccer coach in Texas was arrested after he was accused of sexually abused eight of his players — boys between 10 and 15.  Police say more players are likely to come forward.  Marcos Ramos, an undocumented immigrant living in Corsicana, Texas, is also is wanted in his native Guatemala for sexually assaulting children, police said.  He faces three counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child and five counts of indecency with a child.

35 members of notorious gang with links to El Salvador arrested in N.Y..  Thirty-five suspected members of a Long Island gang have been arrested amid a string of brutal killings, including the discovery of a teenager's skeletal remains.

Criminal Aliens Sexually Assault 70,000 American Women — But Paul Ryan Targets Trump.  In July of 2015, an illegal alien allegedly broke into the home a 64-year-old Air Force veteran Marilyn Pharis while she was asleep in her bedroom.  Using a claw hammer, the illegal alien and his accomplice began savagely beating the elderly woman, according to police.  Authorities say they shattered her eye sockets, strangled her, broke her neck bone, raped her, and left her for dead.  Pharis, described by her family as a "gentle" woman, desperately tried to fight back as she was pinned down in her own bed under the heavy weight of her assailant as he was crushing the bones in her face with his hammer, according to police.  Pharis died a few days later in the hospital.

10-times deported Mexican man accused of raping a child on a Greyhound bus.  A man from Mexico who had been deported 10 times in the last six years is behind bars on charges of raping a child on a Greyhound bus.  Hays Post reported Tomas Martinez-Maldonado, 41, sexually abused a 12-year-old girl while on Interstate 70, in Kansas' Geary County, late last month.  "A Greyhound bus had made a stop in Kansas City and there was an alleged rape that occurred on the bus, however they had no idea where this rape took place," Geary County Sheriff Tony Wolf told Hays Post.

Mexican Illegal Alien Deported Ten Times Since 2010 Charged With Child Rape.  A Mexican illegal alien allegedly raped a girl in Kansas in September after being deported ten times in the past six years alone, according to reports.  Tomas Martinez-Maldonado, reportedly born around 1978, allegedly raped his child victim on September 27.

Getting Facts Straight on Illegal Alien Crime.  Kimberly Mehlman-Orozco, writing in Washington's The Hill newspaper on October 10 about the issue of deporting illegal aliens, claimed, "In fact, there is a scholarly consensus, which has concluded for years that these foreign nationals [referring to illegal aliens], despite their violation of civil immigration law, commit proportionally fewer criminal offenses than U.S. citizens."  She is identified as having a Ph.D. in criminology, law and society so she should know, right?  Wrong.  There is a scholarly consensus that immigrants in general — legal and illegal — commit fewer criminal offenses than U.S. citizens, but that is only because the legally admitted immigrants have a much lower crime incidence than the native-born population and outnumber the illegal aliens by three to one.  That statistic based on the combined foreign-born population, disguises the incidence of criminality by illegal aliens alone.

Mother Tells Story of Daughter's Murder at Hands of Illegal Alien.  The cold-blooded murder of 22-year-old Shayley Estes, at the hands of Russian illegal alien Igor Zubko, is the subject of a new video produced by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).  "Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime," said FAIR President Dan Stein.  "More often than not, those in favor of mass immigration attempt to sweep that fact under the carpet," he said.  "But we refuse to let that happen."  The video features a moving testimonial by Shannon Estes, Shayley's mother, who discusses the tragic loss of her daughter and the heartbreak her family suffered after her daughter alerted police that she was being stalked by Zubko, who was in the United States on an expired visa.

Previously deported man shoots woman, good Samaritan who came to her rescue.  Brian Geer was shot on Oct. 1 after he went running to help a woman who was frantically banging on his front door.  Geer's home surveillance camera captured the whole thing as the woman was trying to escape the suspect, Jesus Garcia-Chavez, at Geer's front door. [...] Garcia-Chavez has a long criminal record and was wanted on two outstanding warrants.  He was illegally in the U.S. after previously being deported.

Illegal Alien Kidnaps and Rapes Six-Year-Old Girl in Texas.  Police say Edis Moya Alas kidnapped the girl Saturday [10/8/2016] from her home in southeast Fort Worth. [...] Alas was interviewed by Immigration Customs Enforcement and it was determined he is in the country illegally.

Reverend offers sanctuary to undocumented man with domestic battery charge.  Rev. Jose Landaverde and his church, St. Peter the Apostle Mission, have become a safe haven for an undocumented man and his 7-year-old daughter.  Lorenzo Solorzano Morales is facing deportation for a domestic battery charge arrest in 2011.  According to Kane County Court and police records, he pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor offense a few months following the arrest.  He was accused of pulling a woman's hair during an argument.

US immigration policies allow gangs to thrive in violence-plagued NY community, say critics.  Critics say a combination of federal and local policies is being blamed for rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants, some of whom have committed violent crimes, allowing them to pour into a Long Island, N.Y., neighborhood where four teens have been murdered in recent weeks.  Federal policy that allows Central American children apprehended by Border Patrol to be placed with illegal immigrant sponsors has sent thousands of teens to the region in recent years.  While most don't arrive as hardened gang members, many are placed in homes with little supervision, say critics.

'They Keep Finding Bodies': Gang Violence in Long Island Town Fuels Immigration Debate.  Brentwood, a hardscrabble town of nearly 60,000 on Long Island, 40 miles east of Manhattan, has reached another crisis point.  For nearly two decades, MS-13, a gang with roots in Los Angeles and El Salvador, has been terrorizing the town, the authorities say, especially its young people.  Since 2009, its members have been accused of at least 14 murders, court and police records show.  School officials are scrambling.  Police officers are searching.  Students are frightened.  Parents are anguished.

Unarmed black man killed by police near San Diego had twice been ordered deported.  A Ugandan refugee fatally shot by police in El Cajon, Calif., on Tuesday [9/27/2016] had twice been ordered by an immigration judge to be deported because of criminal convictions but was allowed to remain in the United States when Uganda refused to accept him, officials said Thursday [9/29/2016].

Suspect in two Texas killings, kidnapping had been deported three times, authorities say.  Juan Navarro Rios, 40, was arrested Tuesday night after he barricaded himself in an apartment complex in an Austin suburb and set fire to part of the building, according to police, who said they grabbed him as he tried to flee down a staircase.  He is suspected of shooting and killing two motorists in the Dallas area, and kidnapping a landscape worker in Austin.

NY town mourns 4 murdered teens, and some blame federal immigration policy.  The village of Brentwood, on New York's Long Island, is nearly 2,000 miles from the Mexican border, but with four dead teenagers, it has become a flashpoint in the debate over federal immigration policies and their possible links to gang violence.  The murder last week of Brentwood High School students, Nisa Mickens, 15, and Kayla Cuevas, 15, and the discovery of two sets of human remains, males ages 17 and 19, in a wooded area adjacent to the Long Island Railroad have allegedly been linked to the MS-13 gang that has wreaked havoc in Brentwood.

Trump to Victims of Illegal Alien Crime:  You Have Been 'Forced into the Shadows'.  On Saturday [9/17/2016], Republican nominee Donald Trump addressed the American families victimized by open borders that have been "forced into the shadows" by both establishment politicians and media elites.  "Help is coming," Trump told the angel families, assuring them that "their loved ones will not have died in vain."  At a Saturday luncheon hosted by the Remembrance Project, a group that represents the American victims of illegal alien crime, Trump honored the "stolen American lives" and pledged to "advocate for justice on behalf of all American victims."

Trump: Open Borders Cost American Lives.  Donald Trump says he is "shining a national spotlight" on Americans killed by immigrants living in the United States illegally and vowed to deliver justice to the families of the victims.  "What is the acceptable number of lives to be lost in the name of illegal immigration?  Let me tell you what that number is:  zero," Trump said Saturday [9/17/2016] at anti-illegal immigration group's conference in Houston, Texas.

Sanctuary Jurisdictions Protect Nearly 12,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants in 19 Months.  The recent murder committed by a twice-deported illegal immigrant gangbanger in a Maryland sanctuary county makes the following information both enraging and unbelievable; nearly 12,000 illegal immigrants with criminal histories were protected from federal authorities by sanctuary jurisdictions in the U.S. during a 19-month period, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) figures obtained by the Washington D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).  A few weeks ago CIS published a map identifying about 300 jurisdictions that have official policies shielding illegal aliens from federal authorities.  During a 19-month stretch from January 1, 2014, to September 30, 2015, more than 17,000 federal detainers were rejected by these sanctuary jurisdictions, CIS found.  Around 11,800 of the detainers, or 68%, were issued for individuals with a prior criminal history.

An Illegal Immigrant Sexual Predator Terrorizes Austin, Texas.  Nicodemo Coria-Gonzalez, a 26-year-old illegal alien from Mexico now in custody in Austin, Texas, is thought by detectives to be a violent serial sexual predator who since December had terrorized women in North and Northeast Austin.  Previously deported five times, he could serve as Donald Trump's new poster boy for get-tough deportation policies and a massive border wall — replacing San Francisco's Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, the undocumented Mexican immigrant facing murder charges for shooting 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle as she strolled with her father along a trendy pier.  That crime inspired "Kate's Law."  Like Austin's Coria-Gonzalez, Lopez-Sanchez had a long rap sheet and had been deported five times.

Unaccompanied minors swelling ranks of American gangs, say experts.  A surge of unaccompanied children coming across the southern border could be swelling the ranks of one of America's most dangerous gangs, either as fresh recruits or hardened sleepers, according to federal authorities.  Some 227,149 unaccompanied children have been apprehended at the border over the last six years, according to the U.S. Border Patrol.  They remain in federal custody until a sponsor can be located, at which time they are often sent to communities where they are ripe for recruitment by Latin gangs such as the infamous MS-13.

Hispanic Activist Who Criticized Trump's Mexican Rapist Comments Arrested for Raping Illegal Immigrant.  You might remember a Hispanic political activist named Tony Yapias, who was extremely critical of Donald Trump's assertion that some illegal Mexican aliens were rapists. [...] This week Tony Yapias has been arrested for rape.  However, not only was Yapias arrested for rape — his victim was, ...wait for it..., yep, an illegal alien.

Sanctuary State:  New Mexico State Police refuse to ask for cop killer's citizenship status!  The Alamogordo, New Mexico Alamogordo Daily News reported on September 2, 2016 that 33-year-old Police Officer Clint Corvinus was fatally shot on September 3, 2016 by 38-yr-old wanted fugitive Joseph Moreno.  In the shootout, following a routine traffic stop, involving Moreno, Officer Corvinus, and a second Police Officer, Christopher Welch, Moreno was also fatally shot.

Meet Thong Vang:  Illegal Alien Child Rapist Hillary's State Department Did Not Deport, Shoots Two Officers.  An illegal alien and convicted child rapist was able to shoot two California corrections officers on Saturday [9/3/2016] because Hillary Clinton's State Department refused to enforce the law and take actions that would have forced his home country to repatriate him.  On Saturday, Thong Vang, a 37-year-old Laotian national, shot and critically injured two corrections officers in Fresno, California.  Vang had previously served sixteen years in prison for gang raping three girls under the age of 14[.]

Illegal alien charged in daughter's 'chilling' slaying.  An illegal immigrant twice kicked out of the country — and sporting a "Kiss My A--" tattoo on his neck — vowed to see his teenage daughter "in hell" as he shot her in the face and pumped her back full of bullets for snubbing him on Father's Day, authorities said.  "It is disturbing that he'd been deported and came back into the country illegally, but he's here," Bristol District Attorney Thomas M. Quinn III said yesterday [9/6/2016] after Walter Gomes Da-Silva, a 45-year-old Brazilian, grinned widely as he pleaded not guilty to murder and firearm charges.  "This is a very chilling set of circumstances — a father being accused of killing his teenage daughter.  We'll just have to see how it plays out."

Left-Wing Journalist:  Moms Whose Sons Were Murdered By Illegals Like 'Hate Group'.  On Wednesday night [8/31/2016], Donald Trump gave an immigration speech that managed to elate the likes of Immigration-obsessed Ann Coulter while successfully pulling off Trump Pivot 5.0.  In one powerful moment nearing the end of the speech, the Republican nominee invited the mothers of children who were murdered at the hands of illegal immigrants, referred to as "Angel Moms," on stage.  A left-wing journalist with a past steeped in anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism likened these "Angel Moms" to a "hate Group."

More Than 28,000 Mexican Citizens [are] Housed in U.S. Federal Prisons.  There are 28,683 Mexican citizens being housed in U.S. federal prisons as of the most recent statistics, PJM has learned.  The figure represents the total number of inmates with Mexican citizenship in the custody of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons as of July 30, 2016, out of the total 193,391 inmates.  Mexican inmates are currently the second largest group of inmates based on citizenship of the total federal prison population at 14.8 percent, behind U.S. citizens at 77.8 percent.  In May, the number of Mexican citizens housed in federal prisons was higher at 29,371 out of 194,991 total inmates.  The bureau could not provide the specific number of inmates in their custody who are illegal immigrants.

FBI Agent Affidavit Reveals MS-13 Gang Member Was Instructed to Say He Was a Refugee.  A February affidavit from a Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent about the transnational gang MS-13 reveals a member was instructed to say he is "fleeing the violence in El Salvador" when dealing with police.  The FBI special agent details how Joel Martinez, aka "Animal," was promoted to "homeboy" status in a Boston MS13 gang after stabbing 15-year-old Irvin De Paz to death in September 2015.  According to the affidavit, rival 18th street gang members sought to kill Martinez and he had to flee.  One MS-13 member, "told Martinez that when dealing with the police he should be humble and say that he is fleeing from the violence in El Salvador," FBI special agent Jeffrey Wood wrote.

17,000 criminal illegals shielded from deportation by 'Sanctuary Cities,' 1,591 jails ignore feds.  Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday [8/31/2016] said he will end the practice of some 300 cities, towns and states giving "sanctuary" to illegal criminal immigrants instead of handing them over to federal authorities for deportation.  In a statement issued as he readied for a meeting with Mexico's president and later his delivery of a major address on immigration, his campaign issued a statement detailing the outlines of his plan.

Report: Sanctuary Cities Ignored 17,000 ICE Detainer Requests.  Sanctuary jurisdictions across the U.S. ignored 17,000 requests to detain illegal aliens eligible for deportation, the overwhelming majority of whom had prior criminal records, in less than two years according to a new report.  According to the Center for Immigration Studies, there are approximately 300 sanctuary jurisdictions, from cities to counties to states, that hinder immigration law enforcement and protect dangerous illegal aliens from deportation.  Sixty-eight percent of the 17,000 requests were made for illegal aliens with criminal histories.

Court says cockfighting conviction should not be deportable offense.  The court discussion boiled down to this:  How similarly should chickens and people be viewed?  An immigration court ruling held that being involved in an illegal activity — such as cockfighting — that hurt a chicken was, in essence, harming a member of a "protected class of victim," and thus a crime involving "moral turpitude."  That view of cockfights denied a Mexican man, Agustin Ortega-Lopez, the right to contest his deportation.  But on Tuesday, a federal appeals court said that in this case, chickens were not the same as people, and remanded the case back to immigration court, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Trump brings mothers of children 'slaughtered' by illegal immigrants on stage at Texas rally.  Donald Trump charged Hillary Clinton with planning to 'let everybody in' to the country as he met with the mothers of children 'slaughtered' by illegal immigrants and vowed to go after criminal immigrants.  Trump charged Clinton of planning a 'massive amnesty' just hours after he told Fox News host Sean Hannity there could be a 'softening' in his deportation plans.  'There have been hundreds of immigrants and their children [killed] inside the United States since 9/11 and a number of terrible attacks like the Boston bombing, San Bernardino, and Orlando,' Trump told a cheering crowd in Austin Tuesday evening [8/23/2016].

Obama chills while nation simmers.  Nero fiddled while Rome burned.  Obama is playing round after round of golf and eating on the arm at la-de-da restaurants on Martha's Vineyard as Milwaukee burns, Louisiana floods and illegal aliens hunt down and rape American women and children on mainland Massachusetts.  In Haverhill, two illegals are arraigned for the Friday night rape of a woman at Riverside Park.  One was deported in 2013, returned to the U.S. through Laredo last year and was issued a notice to appear before an immigration court in May 2015, an appearance the alleged rapist did not make.

Sanctuary for Crime Part 1.  There are nearly 300 so called "sanctuary cities" in the U.S. Laws in these cities help shield illegal immigrants from deportation, even after they've committed felonies.  Full Measure found the problem of the U.S. as a Sanctuary for Crime is much larger, and often understated by politicians and advocates with special interests at stake.

ICE: Deportations at 10-year low, criminal illegal expulsions cut 60%.  Despite a series of crimes committed by illegal immigrants and public polls showing anger at three years of juvenile Latin Americans crossing the border, deportations have dropped to a 10-year low and under President Obama, the eviction of those convicted of criminals has plummeted 60 percent, according to new immigration statistics.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement statistics reported to Congress show that 230,000 illegal immigrants will be deported this year.  That is slightly more than half of the 400,000 that were deported in 2012, and come after the country has been flooded with juvenile illegals, a situation continuing today.

New immigration scandal:  Foreign nations refusing to take back criminal illegals.  Instead of forcing nations to take back 19,723 illegal immigrants convicted of many crimes including rape and murder, the administration simply let them go, just a quarter of the tens of thousands of criminal illegals set free in the past three years, a House oversight committee revealed Thursday [7/14/2016].  Outraged with the administration's actions, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, told top Obama aides at a hearing, "Pull the trigger... get rid of them."

Just Under 20,000 Illegals Convicted of Robbery, Rape, Murder, Set Free Last Year.  Instead of forcing nations to take back 19,723 illegal immigrants convicted of many crimes including rape and murder, the administration simply let them go, just a quarter of the tens of thousands of criminal illegals set free in the past three years, a House oversight committee revealed Thursday [7/14/2016].

Texas Most Wanted List Filled with 'White' Fugitives Who Aren't White At All.  The 10 most wanted fugitives in Texas are nearly all male, save one, and every one of them is listed as white.  Except, they're not.  At first glance, it appears that only one fugitive is actually white and the rest are Hispanic.  This must be the George Zimmerman Effect, after the media's initially labeling of him as the "white" shooter of Trayvon Martin, only to later change it to "white Hispanic."  But these obviously non-white Hispanic fugitives are a rowdy, disgusting bunch wanted for offenses including murder, child rape, child pornography, drugs, and burglary.  Three of the "white males" have gang affiliations with groups like the Latin Kings, Barrio Azteca, and the Texas Syndicate.  Some of their names include Raul Ambrosio Jimenez, Jr., Jose Fernando Bustos-Diaz, Jaime Gonzalez, and Eusebio DeLeon.  The only "white female" on the list is named Iris Iliana Rodriguez, wanted for indecency with a child by sexual contact.

200K Criminal Aliens Booked Into Texas Jails Over Past 5 Years, Says DPS.  Nearly 200,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails over the past five years.  Those numbers included more than 155,000 criminal illegal aliens.  A report recently released by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) revealed that Texas taxpayers have been forced to foot the expense of over 195,000 criminal aliens who were booked into Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and June 30, 2016.  Sixty-six percent of those criminal aliens identified by the DPS were aliens whose Department of Homeland Security (DHS) status was that of being illegally present in the United States at the time of their arrest.  These numbers do not include those criminal aliens who have had no previous contact with DHS where fingerprints or other biometric information was obtained.

Illegal immigrant, 29, who 'murdered three and critically injured another' at an Oregon pot farm had been deported SIX Times.  An illegal immigrant from Mexican who was charged with aggravated murder in the shooting deaths of three people at a rural Oregon blueberry farm had been deported six times.  According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Bonifacio Oseguera-Gonzalez, 29, was most recently deported in 2013 and had no significant prior criminal convictions.  Oseguera-Gonzalez pleaded not guilty to three counts of aggravated murder and one count of attempted murder Tuesday [6/28/2016] in Marion County Superior Court.

Oregon triple murder suspect had been deported six times.  A Mexican national charged with aggravated murder in the shooting deaths of three people at a rural Oregon blueberry farm had been deported six times, most recently in 2013, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Illegal Alien Who Butchered Conn.  Woman Not Deported After Serving 15 Yrs. for Murder Because Haiti Refused to Repatriate.  An illegal immigrant who stabbed a young Connecticut woman to death after completing a 15-year sentence for murder couldn't be deported by the U.S. government because his homeland, which receives billions in aid from Uncle Sam, wouldn't take him back — three times!  So federal authorities released the violent criminal, a Haitian national, and didn't even bother tracking his whereabouts allowing him to commit yet another heinous crime.  Now, a year after an innocent woman was viciously butchered to death in her own apartment, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is getting a bit of a spanking from its watchdog for failing to do its job.

Illegal immigrant makes Donald Trump's point by attempting to assassinate Donald Trump.  You're supposed to believe that every impulse to crack down on illegal immigration is rooted in nothing more than abject racism.  Never mind the fact that illegals come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and nationalities.  If you want to enforce America's border security laws, you're a "phobe" who hates the "brown people."  At least that's the moronic story that progressives try to peddle.  Fortunately, we have illegal immigrants who are doing everything they can to disprove the left's fantasy.

Illegal alien charged with five horrific murders in LA.  The man charged burning five people to death in Los Angeles is an illegal alien from Honduras.  He was caught by the border patrol in 2012.  However, the Obama administration ordered the border patrol to release him into the public.  The Obama administration has a "catch and release" policy because the goal is to transform the US electorate via open borders and 3rd world immigration.

Homeless Man Charged Fire Deaths Was In US Illegally.  A homeless man charged with setting a fire that killed five people at a vacant Los Angeles building was in the country illegally, and was arrested for drug possession days before the blaze.

Suspect in fire that killed 5 was here illegally, fought with another transient before slayings.  A Honduran citizen charged with murdering five homeless people in an arson fire was in the United States illegally and had been arrested three times in the months before the blaze in a vacant Westlake building where transients were squatting, officials said Friday [6/17/2016].  Johnny Josue Sanchez, 21, started the fire to avenge a beating he took in a dispute over occupying a room in the building, a law enforcement source said.

Exclusive: Border Patrol Agent Brutally Attacked in Arizona — Alien Shot Dead.  A Border Patrol agent was brutally attacked by an illegal alien in the Yuma Sector on the U.S.-Mexico border on the night of June 9 and the agent responded with deadly force and killed the illegal alien.  Multiple sources operating under the umbrella of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) discussed the issue with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity.  The Border Patrol agency confirmed the incident to Breitbart Texas when called.

Over 50 arrested in police crackdown on Latino gangs near Los Angeles.  More than 300 law enforcement personnel swept an area east of Los Angeles in an operation targeting two Latino gangs that resulted in 52 arrests and the seizure of drugs with a street value of $1.6 million, California's Attorney General's Office said in a statement.  Police seized 67 firearms, including assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons, as well as $100,000 in cash and quantities of methamphetamines, cocaine and marijuana, in Thursday's [6/9/2016] raids in Riverside County.

Great News, Only a Third of Obama's Freed Criminal Aliens Committing New Crimes!  The Boston Globe conducted an investigation review of 323 criminal aliens released in New England from 2008 to 2012 and found that 30% of these criminal aliens went on to commit more crimes, including rape, robbery, and murder, after being released.  This is a much higher rate than ICE and the Obama administration have reported.  Pres.  Obama has claimed that deporting criminal aliens is a "priority" under his Priority Enforcement Program (PEP), but under this new policy 60% of all criminal aliens were released in 2015 alone according to ICE.  PEP prohibits ICE agents from targeting most illegal aliens for removal, unless they commit a "serious" crime or are considered a national security threat.  In February a letter from ICE to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), showed that 130 murders or attempted murders have been committed by released criminal aliens since 2010.

Criminal immigrants reoffend at higher rates than ICE has suggested.  They were among the nation's top priorities for deportation, criminals who were supposed to be sent back to their home countries.  But instead they were released, one by one, in secret across the United States.  Federal officials said that many of the criminals posed little threat to the public, but did little to verify whether that was true.  It wasn't.

Report: Secretly-Released Criminal Illegal Aliens Continued to Commit Serious Crimes, Managed to Register to Vote.  Illegals released by Obama administration officials stabbed an old girlfriend, robbed a man outside a 7-11, and murdered a young woman in New England after failing to be deported.  The mayhem caused by Obama was discovered when the Boston Globe sued the Obama administration and found illegal aliens who were top deportation priorities were secretly turned loose back into New England communities — with as many as 30 percent going on to commit serious crimes such as attempted murder and rape.

ICE Has Been Lying About Criminal Immigrants.  Federal officials have been secretly releasing illegal immigrants who have committed a crime across the country, saying that the criminals were not a dangerous threat to the public.  Now a new Boston Globe review of the matter finds that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been misleading Congress and the public, if not outright lying to them.

Why, I'm sure this has nothing at all to do with illegal immigration.  Not to put too fine a point on it, illegal immigration correlates directly with high rates of auto theft:  More than 71 percent of all recovered stolen cars in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California were stolen by illegal aliens or by "transport coyotes," those who bring in illegals across the Mexican border.

Many immigrants released to reoffend.  A [Boston] Globe review of 323 criminals released in New England from 2008 to 2012 found that as many as 30 percent committed new offenses, including rape, attempted murder, and child molestation — a rate that is markedly higher than Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have suggested to Congress in the past.  The names of these criminals have never before been made public and are coming to light now only because the Globe sued the federal government for the list of criminals immigration authorities returned to neighborhoods across the country.  A judge ordered the names released in 2013, and the Globe then undertook the work that the federal government didn't, scouring court records to find out how many released criminals reoffended.

Report: Obama Admin.  Lied About Rate That Criminal Immigrants Re-Commit Violent Crimes.  A new report from the Boston Globe shows that Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers may have lied to Congress and the public about the likelihood of criminal immigrants, who should have been deported, to re-commit violent crimes when released into the general population.  The Boston Globe reviewed the cases of immigrants who had been set free in New England from 2008-2012, rather than being deported to their native countries.  Of the 323 criminal immigrants tracked, 30 percent were found to re-commit violent crimes, "including rape, attempted murder and child molestation."

ICE Released 19,723 Criminal Aliens in 2015.  In 2015, ICE freed 19,723 criminal aliens, who had a total of 64,197 convictions among them.  These included 8,234 violent convictions and 208 homicide convictions.  While the total number of releases is lower than the past two years, since the number of arrests has declined quite dramatically, the rate of releases is approximately the same — meaning that this is no progress at all, and certainly will be no consolation for the victims of these criminal aliens.

Congressman: Obama Admin Withholding Info About 86,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants.  The Obama administration is withholding from Congress and the American people detailed information about more than 86,000 illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes and continue to walk the streets in the United States, according to conversations with a member of Congress, who disclosed to the Washington Free Beacon that "if the public knew about this there would be total absolute outrage" over the matter.  Rep. Brian Babin (R., Texas) told the Free Beacon that the administration is trying to suppress information about the release of some 86,000 criminal illegal immigrants who have committed 231,000 crimes in just the past two and a half years.

Declining Deportations and Increasing Criminal Alien Releases.  The Obama administration has embraced a radical new approach to immigration law.  It has, without the consent of Congress, transformed violation of immigration law into a "secondary offense."  That is to say, the goal is to ensure that an alien faces consequences for breaking immigration law only if he also breaks some other, "real," law involving, say, violence or drug dealing.  And even then, the primary violation has to be quite severe to warrant deportation for the (secondary) immigration offense.

Truck full of illegal immigrants crashes into Naval Air Station.  Three people were recovering in a hospital Monday and 12 were in custody after a truck carrying 15 illegal immigrants crashed into a barrier at a Texas Naval Air Station on Saturday night, The Corpus Christi Caller Times reported.  The vehicle ran the initial entry gate at Naval Air Station Kingsville before crashing into the base's "final denial barrier," a news release said.  The vehicle was not the subject of a pursuit prior to the crash, air station spokesman Kevin Clarke told The Austin American-Statesman.

Armed Citizens Saving Police Officers.  This article was originally by Ohioans for Concealed Carry PAC and then by the Kentucky Concealed Carry Coalition.  It has ceased to exist on those pages.  I found it on, where it was republished.  It is a compilation worth keeping.  The article was originally published before February 8th, 2009.  It has not been updated since then.  I know that it is only a partial listing.  For example it does not list the case of Rory Vertigan, who shot, then captured one of three drug dealers who ambushed and killed Officer Marc Atkinson of the Phoenix Police Department on March 26, 1999.  All three drug dealers were illegal aliens.

Teenage member of El Salvador's MS-13 gang gets 12 years in prison for raping and robbing girl, 16.  A teenage gang member was sentenced to 12 years in prison Wednesday for raping a teenage girl on a Long Island golf course last year.  Joel Escobar, 18, was the second teen to be sentenced in what Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota called the 'brutal' robbery, rape and sodomy of a 16-year-old girl on May 29, 2015.  Spota said Escobar and Jose Cornejo, 17, who is serving a 15-year prison sentence in the same case, took turns raping the girl while a third teen, Bryan Larios, allegedly acted as a lookout.

DHS freed nearly 20,000 convicted criminal immigrants in 2015.  The U.S. tried repeatedly to deport Jean Jacques, an immigrant living in the U.S. illegally, but his native Haiti wouldn't take him back after he served more than a decade in a state prison for attempted murder and committed multiple parole violations.  Each time Jacques was arrested on a parole violation, he would serve a sentence in state prison and then be released to immigration custody.  At least three times, Haiti refused to take him back, so Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials in early 2015 did the same thing they do thousands of times a year — they released a violent criminal immigrant from jail.

Sanctuary City: Criminals Welcome.  Last June, when he said he was running as a Republican for president, billionaire Donald Trump famously called out Mexico for sending "people that have lots of problems" across the border. [...] Many were offended to hear Trump equate undocumented immigrants with dangerous criminals.  Yet the same thing is happening on the Left Coast.  Tuesday the San Francisco Board of Supervisors will vote on a measure to reinforce a sanctuary city policy — named "Due Process for All" and passed in 2013.

Illegal Alien Convicted of Murder After Stabbing Father of Two to Death, Ripping Out His Liver.  An illegal alien from El Salvador, Mauricio Morales-Caceres, faces life in prison without parole after being convicted of stabbing acquaintance Oscar Navarro, father of two, "at least" 89 times with a 15-inch butcher knife and tearing out his liver with his bare hands — but no comments on this shocking murder by a foreign national, who smiled cheerfully in his mugshot, are allowed, according to the Washington Post.

WashPost Buries Uncomfortable Fact:  Gruesome, Slashing Killer Is An Illegal Alien.  On the front of Sunday's [5/1/2016] Metro section of The Washington Post came this headline:  "Gruesome images test jury during trial in Md."  Post reporter Dan Morse reported on a trial in suburban Montgomery County surrounding the murder of 36-year-old Oscar Navarro: "prosecutors were allowed to show jurors eight of the most disturbing photos — a key to their obtaining a first-degree murder conviction Friday [4/29/2016] against Mauricio Morales-Caceres, 24."  It was only in paragraphs 29 and 30 that the Post acknowledged what they clearly felt was the least relevant news detail in this court case:  The convicted murder is an illegal alien.

ICE under fire for releasing thousands of illegal immigrants with rap sheets.  The Obama administration took fire at a House hearing Thursday for releasing back into society thousands of illegal immigrants who had committed crimes on U.S. soil — including those behind more than 200 murders.  "These are people that were here illegally, got caught committing a crime, were convicted of that crime and instead of deporting them, they were just released back out in the United States of America," House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said.  According to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies, Immigration and Customs Enforcement in 2015 "freed 19,723 criminal aliens, who had a total of 64,197 convictions among them."  This included "8,234 violent convictions and 208 homicide convictions."

Good News!  Obama Only Released 20,000 Criminal Illegal Aliens in 2015!  ICE continued to release deportable criminal aliens from its custody at an alarming rate in 2015, according to figures the agency provided to members of Congress this week in advance of a hearing taking place Thursday, April 28.  In 2015, ICE freed 19,723 criminal aliens, who had a total of 64,197 convictions among them.  These included 8,234 violent convictions and 208 homicide convictions.  While the total number of releases is lower than the past two years, since the number of arrests has declined quite dramatically, the rate of releases is approximately the same — meaning that this is no progress at all, and certainly will be no consolation for the victims of these criminal aliens.

ICE under fire for releasing thousands of illegal immigrants with rap sheets.  The Obama administration took fire at a House hearing Thursday for releasing back into society thousands of illegal immigrants who had committed crimes on U.S. soil — including those behind more than 200 murders.  "These are people that were here illegally, got caught committing a crime, were convicted of that crime and instead of deporting them, they were just released back out in the United States of America," House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said.

20,000 illegals with criminal convictions released into U.S. communities in 2015.  Homeland Security has made some gains in detaining criminal aliens but still released into the community nearly 20,000 immigrants last year who'd already been convicted of crimes — including hundreds charges with sexual assault, kidnapping or homicide — according to figures sent to Congress this week.  Between them the aliens notched a total of 64,000 crimes, including 12,307 drunken driving convictions, 1,728 cases of assault, 216 kidnappings and more than 200 homicide or manslaughter convictions, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) told the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform ahead of a hearing Thursday [4/28/2016].

ICE Released 19,723 Criminal Aliens in 2015.  ICE continued to release deportable criminal aliens from its custody at an alarming rate in 2015, according to figures the agency provided to members of Congress this week in advance of a hearing taking place Thursday, April 28.  In 2015, ICE freed 19,723 criminal aliens, who had a total of 64,197 convictions among them.  These included 8,234 violent convictions and 208 homicide convictions.  While the total number of releases is lower than the past two years, since the number of arrests has declined quite dramatically, the rate of releases is approximately the same — meaning that this is no progress at all, and certainly will be no consolation for the victims of these criminal aliens.

President Obama:  Accessory To The Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens?  Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas had previously chaired the House Immigration Subcommittee and the House Judiciary Committee. [...] Smith's understandable outrage at the April 19th hearing became readily apparent when he stated rhetorically that he wondered if President Obama might be an accessory to the crimes committed by illegal aliens since he has implemented policies that he knows are going to result in the loss of life to innocent Americans, noting that the administration had released from custody some 100,000 aliens who had been convicted of committing serious crimes.  He also noted that although it has been estimated that illegal aliens account for about 3% of the U.S.  population, they account for 30% of all murders — making illegal aliens 10 times more likely to commit murder than anyone else.

America Has The World's Most Predatory "Victims".  Any non-liberal white man who disagrees with a non-conservative black or Hispanic person is immediately presumed to be racist.  Decent people are incessantly called "racists" just for disagreeing with liberal policies.  We're told black Americans are such victims that they must be helped out with Affirmative Action.  But who's really getting victimized when the son of a white cop is passed over for the son of a black CEO purely because of the color of his skin?  It has gotten so bad that illegal aliens, who broke the law KNOWING that the penalty for it is deportation, are now considered to be victims.  Enforcing the law against illegal aliens?  We're not supposed to do that because they're a protected victim class that has to be allowed to break the law with impunity.

Press Ignores Testimony of Parents of Illegal-Immigrant Murder Victims.  Three important things happened at Tuesday's hearing of the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security.  The first was the testimony of two mothers of children killed by illegal immigrants.  The second was the outrageous and false contention by a Methodist bishop that the mere act of bringing attention to these heinous offenses is a form of "blind vengeance" over "isolated ... incidents."  (In other words, it is our moral duty to shut up.)  The third explains why very few Americans have no idea that the first two items occurred, namely that the establishment press, consistent with its practice since Republicans took over the House of Representative in early 2011, chose not to cover what happened at yet another congressional hearing.

Mother of Son Murdered by an Illegal Breaks Down in Tears Before Congress.  The mother of a teenage son who was tortured and murdered by an illegal immigrant broke down in tears Tuesday [4/19/2016] before a House panel, begging for the government to enforce immigration law.  Laura Wilkerson, the mother of Josh Wilkerson, described in vivid detail the manner in which Hermilo Vildo Moralez, an illegal immigrant, beat, tortured, and eventually killed her son Josh then went to a movie.

Trey Gowdy: [There are] More Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Crimes At Large in the U.S. Than the Population of Pittsburgh.  There are more illegal immigrant criminals in the United States than the population of major U.S. cities, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) argues, expressing frustration at the Obama administration's focus on the plight of illegal immigrants rather than the victims of their crimes.  "Today there are over 350,000 known criminal aliens in the United States who are not detained by ICE, 350,000," Gowdy, the chairman of the Immigration and Border Security Subcommittee, said opening a hearing examining the victims of illegal immigrant crime.

Bipartisan Sentencing Reform Bill Will Release Criminal Aliens.  The bipartisan sentencing reform push in Congress would cause the premature release of many criminal aliens without a guarantee of deportation, according to NumbersUSA.  The immigration reduction group predicts that legislation the House and Senate is considering will disproportionately benefit criminal aliens and represents a "Trojan Horse Amnesty" for their release.

Border Patrol Agents Catch Previously Deported Child Sex Offenders Sneaking Back In.  Two previously deported child rapists were captured after re-entering the United States by Border Patrol agents operating in southern New Mexico.  Another man was busted for human smuggling.  Agents operating in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, found a group of illegal aliens and discovered that one of the men had previously been convicted for sexual assault of a child, according to a statement from the Border Patrol obtained by Breitbart Texas.  The 59-year-old man from El Salvador, Manuel Saravia Guerrero, was arrested and is being processed for prosecution and removal by federal authorities.

Alien Crime Victims to Wisconsin on Eve of Vote: Stop 'Traitor' Ryan from Stealing Delegates.  On the the heels of new reports indicating Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) could likely emerge as the GOP nominee should the "#NeverTrump" clique keep Donald Trump from getting 1,237 delegates outright, the American victims of illegal alien crime are now speaking out against the possibility of a President Ryan.  Paul Ryan's position on immigration is "treasonous," said Dan Golvach, whose 25-year-old son Spencer was murdered and shot in the head during a drive-by shooting carried out by an illegal alien.

TX: Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Raping, Impregnating 12-Year-Old.  An illegal immigrant has been arrested and charged with raping and impregnating a 12-year-old Texas girl, authorities say.  Prosecutors charged that in 2015 an illegal immigrant, Jose Alejandro Najarro, tried to convince his 12-year-old victim to have sex with him, but she refused.  Refusing to take "no" for an answer, the suspect allegedly raped her at his home in Kyle, Texas.  Several months later, the girl was found to be pregnant and an investigation into her predicament was begun at that time.  The girl told authorities she only had sex one time and that was with the suspect.

A border first: Smugglers buy U.S. land, build house to hide tunnel, feds say.  For the first time on the border, drug traffickers allegedly bought U.S. property for the sole purpose of building a house to conceal the end of a 415-yard smuggling tunnel from Mexico, authorities said Wednesday [3/23/2016].  Four people were arrested this week in connection with a raid on the tunnel underneath a three-bedroom house in Calexico, California, that sits about 300 yards north of the international line, authorities said.

MS-13 gang killings linked to immigrant surge.  The notoriously violent MS-13 street gang, known for slashing victims to death with knives and machetes, is reviving its brutal brand of violence to reassert its dominance in the Washington metropolitan area — with authorities linking at least eight homicides in Virginia and Maryland over the past year to the gang.  The recent uptick in violence can be traced to a failed gang truce in El Salvador and, in part, to a surge of unaccompanied Central American children who entered the United States last year to flee violence at home, according to gang analysts.

Four illegal immigrants charged in rape, beating; two were previously deported.  Four illegal aliens from Guatemala are charged in the rape of a Massachusetts woman and the vicious beating of her boyfriend, and one of the suspects was arrested less than a month before the attack — but he was not reported to immigration authorities.  Federal immigration officials have requested detainers on Elmer Diaz, 19, Ariel Diaz, 24, Adan Diaz, 32, and Marlon Josue Jarquin-Felipe, 27, following their arrests in the March 13 incident in Framingham, The Boston Herald reported.  The three Diaz men are brothers.

Illegals held in vicious Framingham rape.  Federal immigration officials are requesting detainers on four illegal aliens accused of a heinous attack on a Framingham couple in which the woman was raped and her boyfriend was beaten and threatened with death, the [Boston] Herald has learned.  Two of the illegals had previously been deported to Guatemala, said Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman Shawn Neudauer.

President Obama's collateral damage.  Mr. Obama's stubborn devotion to his agenda of change reveals a closed mind with lethal consequences.  There are more than a hundred Americans who should be alive but are not, along with thousands of surviving victims of lesser crimes, the grim result of the president's determination to keep the nation's southern border porous.  He may consider that a small price to pay for reshaping the nation to match his vision, but he's not the one who must pay.

How a Suspected Murderer and Criminally Convicted Illegal Immigrant Avoided Deportation.  Before Pablo A. Serrano-Vitorino became the suspect in a murder spree across two states, the man, a once-deported Mexican living in the United States illegally, was convicted of multiple crimes, across different agencies, but still free.  Serrano-Vitorino's case involved a series of errors that kept him from being detained by federal immigration authorities, and from facing another deportation last year when he should have been removed from the country.

Grieving Mom Responds To Kasich's Amnesty-In-100-Days Pledge: Visit the Grave Of My Murdered Child.  "It's all so senseless," Maureen Maloney said of the death of countless Americans at the hands of illegal aliens.  Maloney's 23 year-old son Matthew was hit by a repeat-offending illegal alien drunk driver.  Although Matthew survived the initial crash, he died as he was subsequently dragged a quarter of a mile — caught in the wheel well of the illegal alien's pick up truck — as the alien sought to flee the crime scene.  "Witnesses who saw [Matthew] pinned screaming under the truck ran out and pounded on the vehicle, crying out to the driver who kept going...'  [Matthew] was alive for a good portion of it,'" wrote one report from the time.

124 illegal immigrants released by DHS later charged with murder: report.  More than 100 illegal immigrants caught but released by the Obama administration over the last five years have gone on to be charged with murders after they were set free, according to a new report being released Monday [3/14/2016] from the Center for Immigration Studies.  In all, some 121 immigrants who were freed by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement between 2010 and 2014 went on to be charged with a total of 135 homicide-related crimes.  Another three immigrants were charged with murders in 2015, bringing to 124 the total number of murder suspects the government had, then released.

ICE: 124 illegal immigrants freed from jail later charged in 138 murder cases.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has revealed that 124 illegal immigrant criminals released from jail by the Obama administration since 2010 have been subsequently charged with murder.  A Center for Immigration Studies report on the data from ICE to the Senate Judiciary Committee added that the committee is not releasing the names of the murder suspects.

Illegal Alien Arrested for Serial Murder Spree.  Another one of Obama's "Dreamers" has been nabbed after a state-wide manhunt.  This week the Missouri State Patrol arrested an illegal migrant who was suspected of going on a murder spree after being "accidentally" released by federal immigration officials.  Police apprehended Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino around midnight on Wednesday as he fled authorities in central Missouri nearly 175 miles away from the scene of the murder of four people in Kansas City.

Feds Missed Not One BUT TWO Chances To Deport Illegal Alien Accused Of Slaughtering Five.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) failed on two occasions last year to detain and deport a 46-year-old illegal alien who is accused of slaughtering five strangers with an AK-47 in Kansas and Missouri earlier this week.  It was reported early Wednesday [3/9/2016] that the suspect in the killings, Pablo Serrano-Vitorino, slipped through ICE hands following a traffic arrest in September in Overland Park, Kan.  ICE erroneously filed a request to detain the Mexican national — who had been deported in 2004 — with the Johnson Co., Kan. sheriff's office.  But that agency never had Serrano-Vitorino in its custody so he went free.

Illegal immigrant arrested after murder spree.  A man suspected of killing five people across Kansas and Missouri was arrested early Wednesday [3/9/2016] after an extensive manhunt, the Missouri Highway Patrol said.  Highway Patrol officials told the Kansas City Star that Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino was arrested in Montgomery County, Missouri.  He was found lying on a hill just north of Interstate 70 and no shots were fired, according to The Star.

Mom of Son Murdered by Illegal Alien: Reject Rubio, 'Deliver Justice' to American Victims.  Donald Trump's Saturday [3/5/2016] rally in Orlando, Florida featured Laura Wilkerson, whose 18 year-old son, Joshua, was tortured to death by an illegal alien. [...] "Florida voters have a chance to deliver justice for all of the families who have suffered from our open borders and can finally stop amnesty with their vote," Wilkerson declared.

Victims of illegal immigrant violence tell GOP to reject Marco Rubio.  Victims of illegal immigrant violence released a letter Monday [2/29/2016] demanding Republican voters reject Sen. Marco Rubio's presidential campaign, saying he made himself unacceptable by pushing for "amnesty" in 2013.  "The inconvenient truth is that we have been betrayed by politicians," the letter, from the Remembrance Project said.  More than three dozen people whose relatives were killed by illegal immigrants signed onto the letter.

Almost 90,000 dangerous illegal immigrants go free.  Nearly 60 percent of illegal immigrants identified by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as criminal threats are not deported and are eventually released, the latest example of the Obama administration's failed immigration policy.  Internal ICE figures show that in fiscal 2015, the agency encountered 152,393 illegal immigrants labeled a criminal threat, mostly in jails, but charged 64,116.  About another 88,000 were not processed for deportation, according to the Center for Immigration Studies' Jessica Vaughan.

U.S. Failed 3 Times to Deport Illegal Alien Who Murdered Woman.  Before delving into the details of this gruesome case, it's important to mention that Connecticut has long protected illegal immigrants with sanctuary policies and even offers them special drivers' licenses, known as Drive Only.  The state also gives illegal aliens discounted tuition at public colleges and universities and authorities work hard to restrict the feds from deporting illegal immigrants.  In fact, despite President Obama's amnesty and open-borders policies, Connecticut is always a step ahead when it comes to protecting illegal immigrants and granting them rights.  Undoubtedly, this attracts a large population of undocumented aliens like the murderer in this case.

Report: MS-13 foot soldiers use 'surge' to cross border, 'colonize new criminal territory'.  Criminal networks with Latin American roots, such as MS-13 and the 18th Street gang, are using the administration's open-door policy at the border to slip in recruits that are causing a huge spike in murder and violence throughout the nation, according to an immigration expert.  Testifying Thursday at a House hearing on the border surge of young Latinos, the expert said, "Established gangs have been able to transfer an unknown number of experienced foot soldiers from Central America to help colonize new criminal territory in the United States."

Authorities arrest more than 50 members of MS-13 gang in Boston area.  More than 50 members of the MS-13 gang in and around Boston have been indicted on federal racketeering charges, federal authorities announced Friday [1/29/2016].

Escaped California inmate was ordered deported in 1998, but never left.  One of the three violent convicts who escaped from a Southern California jail Friday [1/22/2016] had been ordered deported to his native Vietnam in 1998, but was able to remain in the U.S. and rack up more criminal convictions.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Tuesday [1/26/2016] that Bac Duong, 43, came to the United States legally in 1991 but was ordered removed seven years later after he served time in state prison for a 1997 burglary conviction.  However, the Orange County Register reported that Vietnam routinely refused requests from the U.S. to accept Duong and other deportees.

Obama Dealing Terror.  President Obama began releasing illegal aliens with criminal records from the early days of his presidency and well before the sequester that he used as an excuse for doing so.  Despite Obama's misrepresentation to the American people that these criminals were not dangerous, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, many with violent criminal records, have been released from jail including illegals "charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, drug trafficking and homicide."  A House Judiciary Committee report revealed that between 2009-2011, the Obama administration released criminal illegal aliens who were later charged with 19 murders, three attempted murders and 142 sex crimes.  Kathryn Steinle's murder last summer by an illegal alien with seven prior felony convictions was inevitable.

Ninth Circus Court: Car Theft No Longer Grounds For Deportation.  Vehicle theft does not constitute a crime of moral turpitude for the purposes of deporting an immigrant, the en banc Ninth Circuit ruled Monday [12/28/2015].

Relief for Immigrant Convicted of CA Car Theft.  In the case at hand, an immigration judge ordered the deportation of Gabriel Almanza-Arenas after finding that his conviction for vehicle theft in California met the statutory bar as a crime involving moral turpitude.  The Board of Immigration Appeals had affirmed that finding, concluding that Almanza-Arenas had a duty he did not meet to produce evidence showing that he did not intend to permanently deprive anyone of the vehicle he stole.

Illegal immigrant sentenced to 4 life sentences for rape, sodomy of minors.  The Baldwin County District Attorney's Office has charged 40-year-old Michael Rodriguez Garcia with rape and sodomy of two minor victims.  Garcia, who came to America illegally, was convicted by a jury and sentenced to four life sentences to run concurrently for the rape and sodomy charges.  He also received an additional 10 years on the charge of enticing a child for purposes of performing sexual acts.

Obama's Recipe for Disaster.  When millions are here illegally who don't speak English and won't learn, who care nothing about our culture and history and prefer that which they left behind, who gobble up benefits provided by the American taxpayer, who wind up displacing American workers who need jobs, not to mention that every day the news includes more stories about illegal aliens who have murdered, raped, driven drunk and killed innocent Americans and then fill our streets demanding their "rights" — and do so without any fear of being deported by the Obama administration — is it any wonder that Americans feel like they are indeed strangers in their own land?

Teen among three MS-13 members charged with murder.  Three documented MS-13 gangmembers are behind bars on charges of murder, accused of gunning down a man last month, prosecutors said Tuesday [12/8/2015].  In court for the initial appearance of Jonathan Steven Guevara, 17, prosecutors asked the judge to prohibit contact between Guevara and Anibal Antonio Guevara, 30, and Giovani Antonio Herrera, 20.  Assistant Harris County District Attorney Lisa Collins said the three documented gangmembers are accused in the fatal shooting of Hector Daniel Diaz, 27.

Congress: More Than 179,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Roaming Free in U.S..  More than 179,000 illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes, including violent ones, continue to roam free across the United States, with reports indicating that these illegal immigrants commit new crimes "every day," according to lawmakers and the director of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, also known as ICE.  Sarah Saldana, ICE's director, disclosed to Congress on Wednesday that the agency is apprehending and removing fewer illegal immigrants than in past years.  Somewhere around 179,029 "undocumented criminals with final orders of removal" from the United States currently remain at large across the country and are essentially untraceable, according to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who disclosed these numbers during a Wednesday [12/2/2015] hearing.  The total number of criminal illegal aliens in the United States is in the millions.

Illegal Immigrants Attack And Bite Summerdale Cop.  Summerdale police Corporal Vince Miller was forced to call for emergency back-up when he and his partner were overpowered and attacked by three men on a traffic stop.  The driver was the one who initially resisted when he was arrested for DUI, but Cpl. Miller says the situation took a potentially deadly turn when the driver's two buddies got out of the car.  Miller took two or three good licks and was bitten by one of the men.

Exclusive: Los Zetas Cartel Gunmen Crossed into Texas — Disappeared into U.S..  Breitbart Texas traveled to the Mexican States of Tamaulipas and Coahuila to recruit citizen journalists willing to risk their lives and expose the cartels silencing their communities.  The writers would face certain death at the hands of the various cartels that operate in those areas including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas if a pseudonym were not used.

Sheriffs fume at mass release of 6,000 federal inmates.  Local sheriffs across America are voicing concern for the safety of the citizens they've sworn to protect after the biggest one-time release of federal inmates in U.S. history — though advocates of criminal justice reform maintain the release is being handled responsibly.  The 6,112 inmates were released from federal prison at the beginning of November in response to a decision by the U.S. Sentencing Commission to reduce sentences for most drug trafficking offenses and apply them retroactively.  It coincides with a broader and bipartisan push for rethinking federal sentencing.  But the mass release raises immediate practical questions about how the ex-inmates can adjust.

Man who ran over Dallas cop outside nightclub had been deported 3 times.  The man accused of running over a Dallas, Texas, police officer Monday night is in the United States illegally and had been deported three times, immigration authorities say. [...] The Mexican man was shot in the arm, treated and released from the hospital Tuesday.  He has been charged with three counts of aggravated assault and is being detained on an immigration hold in the Dallas County jail.

'NCIS' actress Pauley Perrette assaulted by homeless man who threatened to kill her.  "NCIS" actress Pauley Perrette tweeted Friday morning [11/13/2015] that she was assaulted overnight by a "psychotic homeless man" who said he was going to kill her.  Perrette plays forensic scientist Abby Sciuto on the hit CBS show.  She posted a tweet including an image of a long document that described the incident.

Trail of theft, destruction in Englewood: Teen accused of squatting in home of soldier.  [Scroll down]  One of the alleged squatters, identified as Carlos Rosales-Campos, 18, was charged with armed robbery, possession of an illegal handgun, burglary, theft and criminal trespass, police said.  Rosales-Campos was in the Bergen County Jail on $500,000 bail.  The four other men, accused of criminal trespass, were identified as Rosalio Valencia-Hernandez, 49; Rene Contreras-Ixtla, 39; Evaristo Chavez, 34; and Oswaldo Meneses-Arango, 47.  The four were taken to the county jail and held on $2,500 bail.  Rosales-Campos, the man charged with armed robbery and a string of at least seven burglaries since late September, is from El Salvador and living in the United States illegally, Detective Capt. Timothy Torell said.

Sheriffs fume at mass release of 6,000 federal inmates.  Local sheriffs across America are voicing concern for the safety of the citizens they've sworn to protect after the biggest one-time release of federal inmates in U.S. history — though advocates of criminal justice reform maintain the release is being handled responsibly.  The 6,112 inmates were released from federal prison at the beginning of November in response to a decision by the U.S. Sentencing Commission to reduce sentences for most drug trafficking offenses and apply them retroactively.  It coincides with a broader and bipartisan push for rethinking federal sentencing.

Anti-cop violence spreads as illegal immigrant gang member slugs deputy sitting in car.  An illegal immigrant MS-13 gang member the Obama administration had released on bond committed an unprovoked attack on a sheriff's deputy, slugging the deputy as he worked on a traffic report while sitting in his car, the Frederick County, Md., sheriff's department said Friday [11/6/2015].  Jose Misael Reyes-Reyes, 18, had been arrested in May on weapons charges and in June on charges of malicious destruction of property, but federal immigration authorities had left him free on bond while he awaited a deportation hearing, the sheriff's office said.

Va. high school student was killed on orders from gang leaders in El Salvador.  A 17-year-old MS-13 gang member known as "the Enforcer" of Sterling, Virginia, shot and killed a high school student on orders handed down from gang leaders in El Salvador because the boy had left the gang and joined a rival group, according to testimony given Thursday [11/5/2015] by law enforcement officials investigating the homicide.  The testimony was given during a preliminary hearing in Loudoun County for two illegal Salvadoran immigrants accused of stashing the gun used in the September killing.  It sheds new light on the motivation for a homicide that has elicited outrage from a U.S. senator.

Watch Ted Cruz Destroy Harry Reid Over Opposition To Kate's Law.  Ted Cruz has been on the Senate floor fighting for the passage of Kate's law, the law named for Kate Steinle who was murdered by an illegal alien in July of this year.  The bill would block states and cities from receiving federal law enforcement funding if they refuse to communicate with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement due to that state or city's "sanctuary city" policies.  One of the bill[']s most vocal opponents has been Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.  During yesterday's debate on the Senate floor, Reid falsely characterized the bill as one that would "tear innocent families apart."  [Video clip]

Harry Reid: Kate's Law 'Yet Another Attack on the Immigrant Community'.  Senator Ted Cruz skirmished with Senate minority leader Harry Reid Wednesday [11/4/2015] over a bill that would impose mandatory-minimum sentences on criminal immigrants who return to the United States following deportation.  The Texas Republican took to the Senate floor to celebrate last night's electoral defeat of San Francisco sheriff Ross Mirkarimi, who defended the city's sanctuary policy this summer after Kathryn Steinle was killed there by an immigrant who had been deported five times.  "That is a striking statement of where the American people are on this issue," he said Wednesday [11/4/2015].

Georgia becomes 'border state' for violent illegal immigrants.  A groundbreaking Channel 2 Action News investigation has exposed a pattern involving thousands of unauthorized immigrants convicted of violent crimes.  Many are removed from the United States multiple times after committing even more crimes.

The Criminal Alien Emergency: American Lives Matter.  [Scroll down]  Obama has already released 66,000 criminal aliens in FY 2013 and 2014.  Who knows how many more he has recently released.  The released illegal immigrants had a total of 166,000 convictions on their collective rap sheets:  30k DUIs, 414 kidnappings, 11,000 sex assaults, 395 homicides.  At least 121 of them went on to commit more murders after being released.  According to DHS, there are an estimated 179,027 illegal aliens with criminal convictions at large in the country who have already been ordered deported.  And those are just the ones ordered deported.  There are an estimated 2.1 million illegal and legal immigrants convicted of crimes in this country, but 1.2 million criminal aliens remain at large in the U.S. Imagine how many more criminal aliens have never been arrested, convicted, or ordered deported?

Obama's Mass Release of Felons: How many more Americans will be killed or maimed as a result?  This scandalous act comes on the heels of the adminisration releasing multiple waves of criminal illegal aliens into American communities, including murderers, rapists, and drug-dealers among them.  Simultaneously, the American justice system is allowing illegal aliens the right to bail, despite the fact that they are almost certain flight risks.  The courts have even prohibited states from Arizona from enforcing immigration law.

Nearly 180,000 criminal illegal aliens ordered deported but still at large.  The Department of Homeland Security told the Senate immigration subcommittee that nearly 1 million illegal aliens who have been ordered to leave the country are still at large, with 179,027 of them possessing criminal records. [...] A deportation program that rarely deports anyone.  Does that sound like a government operation or what?

AZ Sheriff Babeu: 'No Chance' Illegal Immigrants Released From Prison Will Be Deported.  [Scroll down]  ["T]hey're releasing — they released a murderer, in my county, from Russia.  This guy stabbed a guy, poured fuel on him, lit him on fire, tortured him to his death, and they released him in my county and let me know two weeks after they released him.  There's no business that any of these criminals that — we're talking the small portion of illegals who are here, that are committing these heinous acts, murder, rape, kidnapping, a small portion, they should have no option, they should be deported to their country of origin, never to return again, and the president can't even do that right."

Families of Victims Murdered By Illegals To House GOP: 'No Paul Ryan'.  Following his endorsement by Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC), founder of the House Freedom Caucus, Ryan is effectively ensured the Speakership.  That will put him in an even more powerful position than the Vice Presidency, potentially able to complete his widely-documented two-decade push for amnesty and unlimited migration.

Who wants to be "Willie Hortoned"?  I bring up Willie Horton because bipartisan legislation pending in Congress would free thousands of felons for prison.  Given the rate at which released prisoners are rearrested — around 75 percent within five years — these freed federal felons will commit thousands of crimes. [...] It's true that this isn't the same America that existed in 1988.  A modern Willie Horton might well receive partially sympathetic treatment in the press.

These Illegal Alien Crime Stats Should Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You.  Several recent reviews of crime statistics suggest that illegal immigrants are responsible for a disproportionate amount of the murders in in a number of states. [...] Despite the veritable crime wave, sanctuary cities continue to allow illegal immigrants to walk the streets with impunity.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott is not standing for it.

Sanctuary City Policies Will 'No Longer be Tolerated in Texas,' says Governor Abbott.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott admonished Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez over her recent decision to consider honoring immigration detainers on a "case-by-case" basis.  The governor said sanctuary city policies like this will "no longer be tolerated in Texas."  Governor Abbott wrote the tersely worded letter to Sheriff Valdez after her decision to scale back on honoring immigration detainers sent to her jail by the federal government's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Families of Victims Murdered by Illegal Aliens Storm Washington.  Families of Americans murdered by illegal aliens are in Washington, D.C. demanding the political class put a stop to the alien invasion that took the lives of their beloved family members.

Sanctuary for Crime Pt.2.  For tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, the U-S has become a Sanctuary for Crime.  A spokesman from Immigration and Customs Enforcement told Sharyl Attkisson that it is "focused on smart, effective enforcement that prioritizes the removal of criminal aliens."  But, Congress has repeatedly asked ICE to explain why, then, so many dangerous criminals are set free.

Toddler's brutal beating prompts call to withhold bail from illegal immigrants.  When Francisco Javier Chavez posted bail on charges of beating a California toddler within an inch of her life in late July, there was little reason to expect the illegal immigrant, who has spent much of his adult life hopping back and forth across the Mexican border, would return to face justice.  Two weeks later, at his scheduled arraignment on Aug. 13, Chavez was a no-show.  The 27-year-old career criminal had put up $10,000, or 10 percent of the amount set for his alleged crimes by California's bail schedule.  His disappearance is hardly a surprise to critics who believe violent illegal immigrants are, by definition, flight risks who should be denied bail in such serious cases.

5 Obama Scandals The Mainstream Press Is Ignoring.  Every time there's a shooting, gun control takes center stage.  But when illegal immigrants kill and maim, there's not a peep about Obama's failed immigration-enforcement policies.  Where are the tearful stories of families ripped apart by a violent illegal let loose by Obama's immigration department?

My Gun Control Debate With a Liberal.  [Scroll down]  But since we're talking about saving the children, shouldn't we be more worried about the epidemic of violent crime by illegal aliens (by the Obama administration's own numbers, 37 percent of all federal sentences were levied against illegal aliens).  In fact, the Government Accountability Office reports that more than 25,000 homicides (1,000 Sandy Hooks!) were committed by illegal aliens over the last few years.  So, in fact, if you would like to save thousands of lives without having to repeal the Bill of Rights, perhaps sealing the border might serve as an excellent appetizer.

These are the real numbers on Illegal Immigrant Crime in America.  The media and progressives tell us everyday how amazing the illegal immigrants coming into the country are.  Whether they're spewing the usual "immigrants commit less crimes than native-born Americans" talking points or citing figures that don't exist, they always seem to ignore the facts.

Illegal Immigrant Accused of Gruesome Executions and Burning Corpses in Texas.  One illegal immigrant has been formally charged with capital murder and another is expected to be charged soon in connection with the execution of two men and the burning of the victims' corpses in Texas.  The two jailed illegal immigrants are said to be members of a fearsome gang called the Tri-City Bombers which has been tied to multiple massacres and high profile murders in the past.

Alleged gang member deported to El Salvador to face multiple murder charges.  An accused Salvadorian gang member implicated in multiple homicides was flown out of Louisiana last week by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers to face murder charges in El Salvador.  Cesar Amauri Cruz-Marin, 42, is accused of shooting three men in the head in December 2009 in El Salvador, according to a press release sent Monday (Sept. 28) by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  Authorities say he is a member of the M-16 gang, also known as Mara Salvatruch.

Invasion of Obama "Dreamers" Adding Thousands of Members to Ultra-Violent MS-13 Street Gang.  The tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, coined Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) by the government, came mostly from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.  The Obama administration rolled out the welcome mat, quickly offering housing, food, medical treatment and a free education.  The UACs have brought in dangerous diseases — including swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus and tuberculosis — and have occupied our military bases as shelters.  Many have been disbursed throughout the U.S., igniting a crisis for overwhelmed public school districts nationwide.  As soon as the UACs started arriving, Homeland Security sources told Judicial Watch that many had ties to gang members in the U.S.

MS13 person
Gang Threat Increasing Thanks To Lax Obama Border Policy.  Donald Trump got a standing ovation from some 20,000 supporters Monday [9/14/2015] after vowing to kick illegal alien gangsters out of the country.  An alarming new Texas study on the MS-13 threat shows why.  Conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, the study reveals that the nation's most violent street gang — MS-13 — has been energized by the flood of illegal immigrant minors entering the U.S. through Mexico, after President Obama rolled out the welcome mat for them.  El Salvador-based MS-13 has now emerged as a "top-tier" threat in Texas, responsible for a rash of gruesome machete murders in Houston and other Texas cities.

Elusive crime wave data shows frightening toll of illegal immigrant criminals.  The federal government can tell you how many "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders" stole a car, the precise number of "American Indian or Alaska Natives" who were arrested for vagrancy or how many whites were busted for counterfeiting in any given year.  But the government agencies that crunch crime numbers are utterly unable — or unwilling — to pinpoint for the public how many illegal immigrants are arrested within U.S. borders each year.  In the absence of comprehensive data, examined a patchwork of local, state and federal statistics that revealed a wildly disproportionate number of murderers, rapists and drug dealers are crossing into the U.S. amid the wave of hard-working families seeking a better life.

Some 20 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Caught At The Border Have Criminal Records.  If nothing else, Donald Trump deserves credit for cutting through the politically-correct fog that had settled onto the immigration issue by noting that a large number of the illegal aliens coming across the border were criminals.  While the elites gasped at so vulgar a statement, citizens of states like Texas, where illegals have committed more than 600,000 crimes since 2009, were refreshed that finally, someone in politics was willing to call a spade a spade.

America's descent into lawlessness.  Barack Obama once warned Latino activists that he had no legal authority to suspend enforcement of federal immigration law, stop deportations and offer de facto amnesties.  But that caution was only a campaigning talking point.  After his re-election in 2012 and the midterm elections in 2014, Obama made a mockery of immigration law.  Hundreds of liberal sanctuary cities have announced that federal immigration law does not apply to them.  That scary, neo-Confederate idea of legal nullification was sanctioned by the Obama administration — in a way it never would have been if a city had suspended the Endangered Species Act, emissions standards or gun-control legislation.  As a result, once-detained and later-released immigrants with criminal records have murdered innocent American citizens.

Three Illegal Alien/MS13 Gang Members Kill Teen In Virginia — Arrested Today.  Looking at the names, ages and origins of the murder suspects gives a clear profile of identity within the South American "Unaccompanied Alien Children" influx. [...] This is not the first, nor will it be the last.  Recently: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Virginia Town Rocked By 'MS-13' Vandalism Just Days After Illegals Murder High Schooler.  Multiple buildings and vehicles in Loudoun County, VA were vandalized with graffiti tags bearing the moniker of a notorious El Salvadorian street gang early Tuesday morning [9/8/2015].  According to WUSA9, several vehicles on Gatwick Square and Wintergrove Drive were discovered with "MS-13" spray painted on the exteriors.  MS-13 is known as one of the most violent gangs in the world, and has been connected to a string of murders on both the East and West coasts.

3 illegal immigrants charged in shooting death of 17-year-old high school student.  Three illegal immigrants were charged Saturday [9/5/2015] in connection with the murder of a 17-year-old Virginia high school student who was gunned down on his way to a bus stop Friday morning.  According to The Washington Post, Danny Centeno-Miranda, who attended Park View High in Loudoun County, was about 50 yards from the school bus stop when he was shot twice in the back.  Centeno-Miranda, who moved to Virginia from his native El Salvador to live with relatives in 2013, died later at Inova Fairfax Hospital.

244 undocumented immigrants arrested in L.A. sweep, most had a criminal record.  More than 240 undocumented immigrants from 21 countries were arrested by federal officials during a four-day sweep by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the Los Angeles area.  Officials announced Monday [8/31/2015] that the sweep ended Thursday with the arrest of 244 people — with the majority having at least one criminal conviction to their name.  ICE officials said 56 percent had criminal records that included felony convictions such as child sex crimes, weapons charges and drug violations.  The rest had "significant or multiple misdemeanors."

Three Muslim Immigrants Spend Hours Beating a Christian Man to Death in Portland, Maine.  Portland, Maine has been shocked by a monstrous crime perpetrated by three Muslim immigrants who spent hours beating a Christian man to death after being invited to his home for a party.  The three Muslims were at the home of Freddy Akoa when at some point they decided to slowly murder him by spending hours kicking him, punching him, and hitting him with a piece of furniture until he finally died from his grievous injuries.

Illegal Immigrant Accused Of Bludgeoning To Death An Elderly Man With A Hot Frying Pan.  Every day in America, citizens must deal with the consequences of illegal immigration.  While most of us must deal with their crimes by paying more in taxes, some pay the ultimate price and deal with the violence that comes with welcoming millions of illegals into the U.S.

America's Sanctuary City Nightmare.  A litigation battle is raging between the states and President Barack Obama over his attempt to impose a nationwide "sanctuary" policy for illegal aliens.  Yet, there is no question that existing sanctuary policies implemented by numerous towns and cities have victimized innocent Americans.  Those sanctuary policies have enabled illegal aliens to commit thousands of crimes — crimes that would not have occurred had their perpetrators been deported in keeping with existing law.  In 2011, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a study on approximately 250,000 illegal aliens locked up in our federal, state, and local prisons.  They represent more than a quarter of all of the prisoners in the federal prison system alone.  The GAO's "study population" had been arrested nearly 1.7 million times and committed three million offenses, averaging about seven arrests and 12 offenses per criminal alien.

DHS Kept Secret the Release Of Violent Criminal Illegal Immigrants.  Obama administration officials only began notifying local law enforcement officials of the release of violent criminal illegal immigrants within the last two weeks, according to Arizona law enforcement officials, who say they have for years been kept in the dark about the release of illegal immigrants back into local towns.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had been keeping secret its release of illegal immigrants with violent criminal records from local law enforcement for at least two years, denying for a time that this was taking place, law enforcement officials disclosed to the Washington Free Beacon.  The public disclosure of this practice, in which Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) frees criminal illegal immigrants back into U.S. communities, came to light earlier this week, when Arizona law enforcement was made aware that three illegal aliens with violent criminal records had been released back onto the streets.

3-Time Deported Top Mexican Drug Trafficker Caught Illegally Re-Entering Texas.  A three-time deported Mexican drug trafficker was caught at the Texas border once again re-entering the country illegally.  His arrest comes just a little over a month after his last deportation.  The previously convicted drug dealer was described by DEA agents as one of the top methamphetamine distributors in Des Moines, Iowa.  U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested 27-year-old Daniel Gonzalez Hernandez in the border city of Donna. He was arrested just after he had crossed into the country illegally, court records obtained by Breitbart Texas revealed.

Out-Of-Control Big Government Is Destroying Us.  Consider the vast bureaucracy of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  Is it culpable for knowingly not enforcing immigration law and thus allowing some undocumented immigrants to commit violent crimes?  In cases where innocent Americans are killed by undocumented immigrants with long histories of felonies and deportations — such as the recent killing of Kate Steinle in San Francisco — can the victims' families sue ICE or sanctuary cities for either releasing or hosting criminals who were residing in the U.S. illegally?  In our litigious society in which plaintiffs sue fast-food franchises for serving excessively hot coffee, why do government bureaucrats escape culpability when the innocent die or are injured as a result of bureaucratic negligence?

Letter: Obama Administration Releasing Violent Illegal Immigrants Back into U.S. Towns.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been releasing illegal immigrants with violent criminal records back into local U.S. communities, where they have often gone on to commit violent crimes against American citizens, according to new disclosures by a leading lawmaker and local law enforcement agencies.  Rep. Matt Salmon (R., Ariz.) and law enforcement officials petitioned the Obama administration on Wednesday [8/19/2015] to end a policy that enables illegal immigrants with criminal records to be released back into the United States.  Arizona law enforcement officials announced on Tuesday that three illegal aliens with violent criminal records had been released by DHS and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) back onto the streets, where they went on to commit crimes including kidnapping and murdering an infant.

Obama Illegal Kills Three in Florida.  Brian Omar Hyde is the latest Obama illegal alien to kills Americans.  This time three Americans in Florida were killed by illegal alien Brian Omar Hyde from Belize.  This wasn't some illegal alien drunk driver who killed three Americans. Brian Omar Hyde killed Dorla Pitts, daughter Starlette Pitts (who was pregnant), and Michael Kelly, Jr., 19.  The three killed by the Obama/Jeb illegal died from repeated, sharp force trauma to the head and neck.  So someone needs to ask Jeb Bush if this is just another 'act of love' by illegals invading this country.

Illegal alien arrested in Billings on drug charges after multiple deportations.  An illegal immigrant who prosecutors said has been deported from the U.S. more than a dozen times was arraigned in Yellowstone County District Court Thursday [8/13/2015] on drug charges.  Alejandro Gonzales Marquez, 37, denied Thursday the charge of felony criminal possession with intent to distribute.

Illegal immigrant, 19, accused of stabbing his aunt, her pregnant daughter, 17, and the daughter's boyfriend to death in Florida.  A teenage illegal immigrant has been charged with stabbing his 37-year-old aunt, her pregnant daughter, 17, and the daughter's boyfriend, 19, to death in a frenzied attack.  Brian Omar Hyde, 19, who is from Belize but has been living in Florida for seven months, is alleged to have attacked his cousin, Starlett Pitts and her boyfriend Michael Kelly Jr at their home on Tuesday [8/11/2015].  Cops say Hyde's aunt, 37-year-old Dorla Pitts, then arrived back to her house in Lehigh Acres, Florida, while talking on the phone to her husband, before also being killed.

Top chairman: 'How many Americans must die at the hands of unlawful criminal immigrants?'  The top House Republican on immigration matters blasted the Obama administration Friday as more reports surfaced of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, insisting more attention be paid to rounding them up.  "How many Americans must die at the hands of unlawful criminal immigrants before the Obama administration takes a serious look at the failure of its own policies?" said Rep. Robert W. Goodlatte, Virginia Republican and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

Illegal Alien Beats Two-Year-Old Child Near Death — Now Walking Around On Bond.  I never quite understand the position of affording illegal aliens U.S. constitutional rights, when they are illegal to begin with.  Seriously, what makes the protection of U.S. constitutional law applicable to an illegal entrant.

Immigrant murder statistic

Sanctuary State Is a Haven for Criminals.  On July 24, two burglars allegedly broke in to [Marilyn] Pharis' home as she slept.  They sexually assaulted and beat her.  Pharis, 64, a U.S. Air Force veteran, died in the hospital Aug. 1.  It turns out that one of the two men charged for the crime, Victor Aureliano Martinez Ramirez, 29, is an undocumented immigrant against whom Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued a detainer in 2014.  Ramirez has pleaded not guilty.

Another Brutal Murder By Illegal Alien — Another Sanctuary City Release.  A man who allegedly attacked a 64-year-old California woman and brutally raped her is an illegal alien from Mexico who has been arrested four times in the past two years.  The victim, Marilyn Pharis, died eight days after the attack, which occurred July 24 while she was asleep in her Santa Maria home.  An autopsy is being conducted to help determine if Pharis died as a direct result of the heinous crime.

Suspect charged with capital murder in death of 6 children, 2 adults.  The man accused in the murderous rampage that left six children and two adults dead inside a northwest Harris County home climbed through an unlocked window, restrained them and shot each one in the head, according to prosecutors.  "He restrained, shot and killed eight people," Celeste Byrom, an assistant district attorney said during a brief court hearing in which David Ray Conley III, 49, who is charged with multiple counts of capital murder, was ordered held without bail.

Illegal immigrant admits murdering his pizza parlor co-worker and setting her body on fire.  An illegal immigrant from Mexico has admitted to strangling a 30-year-old New Jersey woman he worked with, and setting her body and house on fire to cover up the crime.  Juan Jimenez-Olivera, 30, pleaded guilty Wednesday [8/5/2015] to murder, aggravated arson, desecrating human remains, theft and related offenses in the slaying of Sviatlana Dranko, his co-worker at a pizzeria.

Illegal Alien on Probation Allegedly Rapes, Beats Woman with Hammer During Home Invasion.  Victor Aureliano Martinez Ramirez, an illegal alien who allegedly broke into 64-year-old Marilyn Pharis's home, raped her and savagely beat her with a hammer, had been arrested four times by Santa Maria police in California — and was on probation at the time of his arrest.  Police say Ramirez broke into Pharis's home on July 24, raped her and beat her with a claw hammer, leaving her for dead before trying to break into another home.

Illegal Alien Arrested Four Times In Two Years Allegedly Beat California Woman With Hammer, Raped Her.  A man who allegedly attacked a 64-year-old California woman and brutally raped her is an illegal alien from Mexico who has been arrested four times in the past two years.  The victim, Marilyn Pharis, died eight days after the attack, which occurred July 24 while she was asleep in her Santa Maria home.  An autopsy is being conducted to help determine if Pharis died as a direct result of the heinous crime.  Victor Aureliano Martinez Ramirez, 29, was arrested shortly after the attack while he was inside another home nearby.

String of Driver Murders Invoke Militarized Transport for El Salvador.  Last week, members of the two largest and most violent gangs in El Salvador — Barrio 18 and the Mara Salvatrucha — brought the country's public transportation system to a standstill.  The gangs ordered public buses stop running and killed nine drivers who disobeyed their demands, all in an attempt to [apply] pressure to Salvadoran government to negotiate and ease their crackdown, according to officials.

Human Smugglers Running Wild in Texas Border City.  In the most open area of the Texas border, human smugglers are running wild in their efforts to circumvent U.S. Border Patrol Agents.  Earlier this week, border patrol agents arrested 10 suspected human smugglers in connection with various conspiracies to smuggle more than 75 illegal aliens in total.  Breitbart Texas researched the court records for the 10 suspected smugglers who have all been formally charged in federal court in this border city.

Mothers of Children Killed by Illegals Condemn 'Hate-Filled' Luis Gutierrez.  After Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) exploded with rage at Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies for daring to quote him as saying Kathryn Steinle's death was a "little thing," three mothers whose children were murdered by illegal aliens walked out of the hearing in disgust.  Now, those mothers want their voices to be heard.

Obama's Border Patrol Releases Another Illegal Alien Who Murdered and Raped Americans.  Obama's immigration department has freed another criminal illegal into the heartland this time by releasing a rapist who went on to murder an American citizen in Ohio.

Feds: 664,607 illegals granted amnesty, some linked to terrorism, gangs.  The administration's program to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program has given the green light to 664,607 since 2012, including several linked to fraud, terrorism and gangs, according to the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services agency.  What's more, applications for permanent residence have surged from 3,000 to 7,500 a month, far above projections, according to agency answers provided to Senate Judiciary Immigration and the National Interest Subcommittee Republicans and obtained by [the Washington Examiner].

Lake County murder suspect found to be in country illegally during July 7 traffic stop.  Lake County sheriff's deputies learned that Juan Emmanuel Razo was in the U.S. illegally from Mexico more than two weeks before his arrest in the death of a 60-year-old Concord Township woman.  Razo made his first court appearance Tuesday [7/28/2015] in the death of Margaret Kostelnik where a judge set a $10 million bond.  He's also accused in the attempted rape of a 14-year-old girl and the shooting of another woman who survived.

Mara Salvatrucha
Because We're Not Broke Enough: Obama Poised to Give College Education Grants to Prisoners.  I have this queasy feeling in my stomach that upon leaving office, Barack Obama will mass-pardon tens of thousands of federal prisoners.  The odious Slate Magazine hinted at this last year.  But I just have this strange vibe, which only grows stronger when I read something like this.

Escalating Violence in Mexico and the Southwest Border as a Result of the Illicit Drug Trade?  Within the United States, DEA has worked with DHS to implement its "License Plate Reader Initiative" (LPR) in the Southwest border region to gather intelligence, particularly on movements of weapons and cash into Mexico.  The system uses optical character recognition technology to read license plates on vehicles in the United States traveling southbound towards the border.  The system also takes photographs of drivers and records statistical information such as the date, time, and traffic lane of the record.  This information can be compared with DEA and CBP databases to help identify and interdict vehicles that are carrying large quantities of cash, weapons, and other illegal contraband toward Mexico.  DEA and other law enforcement agencies will soon be able to submit queries to the database and obtain near real-time responses and can place alerts on suspect license plates.

The Coming Confrontation, Part 2.  In 2014, this administration released 30,558 criminal immigrants with a total of 79,059 criminal convictions, including convictions for 86 homicides, 186 kidnappings, 373 sexual assaults, 449 other sexual offenses, 1,194 battery, 1,346 domestic abuse, 13,636 DUI, 994 aggravated assaults, 56 arsons, and 31 smuggling offenses.  The Supreme Court set the precedent for this in Zadvydas vs. Davis by ruling that an illegal immigrant cannot be held indefinitely if his home country refuses to take him back.  It works well for the illegal's home country.  They get rid of a criminal and refuse to take him back.  He gets to further his criminal career in this country.  Our adminstraton says there is nothing we can do but release them.  That is inaccurate, the ruling leaves a great deal of room for interpretation.  The State Department can impose visa restrictions on countries that will not take these criminals back.

Illegal Immigrant In Deportation Proceedings Arrested For Sexually Assaulting 14-Year Old.  An illegal immigrant sex offender in deportation proceedings is being charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year old girl after he was released on bond, according to reports.  Keane Dean, a 26-year old from the Philippines, was arrested last week in Los Angeles County after authorities discovered a 14-year old girl — whose parents reported her missing — was in Dean's garage, according to the Associated Press.  The girl told authorities that Dean had befriend her at a grocery store and sexually assaulted her.

Illegal immigrant victim's mother: 'We are at war right here in this country'.  Choking back tears, parents whose children were slain by illegal immigrants said Tuesday [7/21/2015] the federal government and so-called sanctuary cities both share blame for their children's deaths, and pleaded with Congress for an all-out effort to secure the border and deport those who already snuck in.  "I don't want your sympathy, I want you to do something," demanded Laura Wilkerson, whose 18-year-old son was strangled, had his throat smashed and his body lit on fire by an illegal immigrant trained in mixed martial arts.

Mother of Son Murdered by Illegal Alien Slams Sanctuary Cities, Politicians.  At a Tuesday [7/21/2015] Senate hearing dedicated to the families who lost loved ones thanks to illegal aliens, Laura Wilkerson gave testimony on her youngest son Joshua's horrific death while some in the silent audience wept.  Wilkerson called on Congress to place American lives and interests over foreigners, especially those illegally living in the country.

Sex offender accused of assaulting teen was in U.S. illegally, officials say.  A convicted sex offender charged last week with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in Santa Clarita is in the country illegally and had recently been released on bail from immigration custody, according to federal authorities.  Keane Dean, 26, a citizen of the Philippines, was released in April on $10,000 bond so he could be free while he contested his immigration case.  He had been targeted for deportation because of his criminal record.

Deportation's revolving door: Suspects in Lawrence shooting shouldn't have been in U.S..  Dominican Republic nationals Wilton Lara-Calmona and Jose M. Lara-Mejia were arrested on drug charges by police investigating the shooting death of Mirta Rivera, 41.  The Lawrence nurse was killed in her sleep by a gunshot fired through the ceiling from an upstairs apartment, where both men lived.  But Immigration and Customs Enforcement records reviewed by the Herald show the men shouldn't have been in the country in the first place.

Immigration Activist Smears Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Before Their Congressional Hearing.  An advocate of mass immigration defended sanctuary cities and scoffed that an upcoming congressional hearing featuring families whose children were murdered by illegals would be a "circus" during a Monday [7/20/2015] press call.

The Democrat Crime Wave: 8,100 Criminal Illegal Aliens Released in 276 "Sanctuary Cities".  As more attention is placed on sanctuary cities and how the policy affects those communities, a new report out from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) shows that thousands of criminal aliens sought by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have been released by state and local jurisdictions with sanctuary policies.  According to the report, the 276 jurisdictions in 43 states and the District of Columbia (See map here) released 8,145 criminal aliens with detainers from ICE.  Of these, 63% had prior criminal histories or were labeled a public safety concern at the time of their release.  Nearly 1,900 of the released criminal aliens were arrested [for] another crime within the eight month period the study looked at, from January 1, 2014, to August 31, 2014.  The report went on to document that a majority, 63%, of the criminal aliens released from state and local custody had serious prior criminal records with a quarter of them being convicted of a felony.

Rejecting Detainers, Endangering Communities: Sanctuaries release thousands of criminals.  State and local sanctuary policies caused the release of more than 8,000 criminal alien offenders sought by ICE for deportation in 276 jurisdictions around the country over an eight-month period, according to ICE records obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies in a FOIA request.  Sixty-three percent of the individuals freed by local authorities had prior criminal histories or were labeled a public safety concern at the time of their release.  Nearly 1,900 of the released offenders subsequently were arrested for another crime within that eight-month period.  ICE arrested approximately 750 of the recidivists, but just over 1,000 (60 percent) remained at large.

Jeh Johnson's Stunning Statements on Sanctuary Cities and Immigration Law.  Jeh Johnson warned Congress not to pass any laws to stop sanctuary cities.  He also made it clear he won't use the tools available to him to return criminals from countries who don't want them back.  It's not just hardworking men and women crossing the southwest border, but drugs, weapons, victims of human trafficking and people with terrorism ties, as well.  The border is not secure and we don't have a southern border, according to testimony in March of this year by border agent Chris Cabrera.  Jeh Johnson was asked about it on Tuesday and evaded the questions, answering with diversionary responses.  Johnson did say he does not want to see nor does he want to enforce any law against sanctuary cities.  Nor will he use the powers he has as DHS Chief against countries who refuse to repatriate illegal aliens from their country.  He will talk with them instead.

Illegal Alien Accused of Brutal CT Murder Was Spared Deportation by Democrats.  How many more crimes — on top of the thousands of killings, rapes, abductions and child abuse already suffered — will Americans tolerate before demanding that Democrats and Republican Crony Crapitalists finally seal the border?

DHS Documents Show 260 Criminal Illegal Aliens Criminals Released in Arizona in Just Three Weeks.  Judicial Watch announced today [7/15/2015] that it obtained records from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealing that nearly 260 illegal alien criminals, including 40 incarcerated for violent crimes, were released from Arizona detention facilities during the last week of February and the first two weeks of March 2013.  After first denying that the mass release had taken place, the Obama administration claimed the releases were due to the anticipated sequestration budget cuts.

Alien With Four Felonies Arrested In SC Brutal Beating And Rape Case.  A foreign-born alien who sought help with his immigration papers has been arrested for the alleged brutal beating and rape of the woman who was helping him.  Zenen Alvarez-Alguezabal, is behind bars in Seneca, South Carolina and has four previous felony convictions in the United States.  It is currently unclear how the man had immigration papers, considering he had four felonies that spanned South Carolina, Texas, California, and Washington state.

Every 12 Days Someone is Murdered by an Illegal Alien Criminal Obama Released From Custody.  Spotted an important piece at, of all places, the Washington Post, where Marc A. Thiessen simply obliterates the President and his henchmen, who have gutted U.S. immigration law and needlessly endangered thousands of Americans.

10 Insanely Vicious Crimes Committed By Illegal Immigrants, Most of Which Media Refuse to Report.  [I]llegal immigrants have a murder rate that is 3 to 10 times higher than the general population.  So anyone that suggests that illegal immigrants don't commit more crime than the rest of us is simply lying to you.  Unfortunately, even though we could prevent thousands upon thousands of violent crimes by securing our borders, the Obama administration refuses to do so and it has become very politically incorrect to even talk about this.  Every single day, American citizens are being murdered and raped by people that should not be in this country and yet nobody is supposed to address this issue.  No wonder our nation is in the process of self-destructing.

Illegal Aliens Murder at a Much Higher Rate Than US Citizens Do.  [Scroll down]  Per the GAO, "as of fiscal 2009, the total alien — non-U.S.-citizen — population was about 25.3 million, including about 10.8 million aliens without lawful immigration status."  Since the population of the U.S. was about 306.8 million in 2009, non-citizens comprised 8.25% of the population and illegal aliens about 3.52%.  (Recall that they represented 25% of the federal prison population then, and almost 39% in 2013.)  How many crimes did they commit?  Almost three million.

Trump is Right: Illegal Alien Crime is Staggering in Scope and Savagery.  It is estimated that there are some 133,741 foreign criminals in prisons and jails in the USA.  They are not there for spitting on the sidewalk or jaywalking, and very few are there for immigration violations, as those illegal alien criminals are typically deported in fairly short order or simply let go as we have seen time and time again.  They are there in large part for molesting, raping, killing, maiming and murdering people in America, as you will see [in this article].  Add in the 168,680 convicted criminal immigrants who have final orders of removal but who remain at large in the U.S., and another 179,018 convicted criminal aliens with deportation cases pending but who are also at large [...]

Missing Florida girl found with alleged kidnapper by Van Buren County officials.  The Van Buren County Sheriff's Office helped recover a 13-year-old girl reported missing from Florida Thursday night [7/9/2015].  On Thursday, the Van Buren County Sheriff's Office learned a girl reported missing from Polk County, Florida might be at a residence on 48th Avenue in Hartford Township, Michigan, with a male.  The Van Buren County Sheriff's Department went to the home and found the missing 13-year-old girl.  The man, 23-year-old Aurelio Hernandez-Gomez of Chiapas, Mexico was found hiding inside the residence.

The Coming Confrontation.  A five-time offender just killed a girl in San Francisco.  What was he doing here?  How many criminals has ICE and DHS let loose on our streets, to commit more crimes, and even legal immigration has been taken over.  [The latest figure is 350,000 illegal alien criminals have been released on to our streets.]  Disneyland hired over 200 illegals, and Southern California Edison hired over 400 H1B visa immigrants who will work for less money than a citizen.  The employees they replace are forced to train them.

Slain Football Player Jamiel Shaw's Father: Donald Trump 'Is Telling the Truth' on Immigration.  Relatives of Jamiel Shaw Jr. met with Trump at an undisclosed location Friday afternoon [7/10/2015] and later attended a news conference with him.  Shaw died at age 17 in a 2008 shooting near his Arlington Heights home when gang member Pedro Espinoza mistook him for a rival gang member because of the victim's red Spider-Man backpack.  Espinoza, who was in the country illegally, was in 2012 sentenced to death for the murder.  He had jumped out of a vehicle, shot Shaw in the stomach and then fired a second execution-style shot in his head.

Here's a helpful tip:  Don't hurl rocks at cops.
Family of man shot by Washington police seeks more than $4 million in damages.  The family of a man who was shot and killed by police in Washington state early this year is seeking nearly $4.8 million in damages, according to public records obtained by CNN.  Authorities say that Antonio Zambrano-Montes, a Mexican national and migrant worker, was throwing rocks at police in Pasco, Washington, before he was fatally shot on February 10.  Officers had used a Taser on him, but it wasn't effective, police said.  Two officers were hit by the rocks, one of which police claim was as large as a softball, according to authorities.

'Illegal immigrant' charged with groping 2 girls at Michigan's Adventure.  An Indiana resident called an "illegal immigrant" on court documents has been charged with sexually groping two 17-year-old girls on the Fourth of July in a Michigan's Adventure wave pool.  Eliazar Rivas-Rodriguez, 29, of Middlebury, Indiana, was arraigned Tuesday, July 7, on two counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct involving force or coercion.  The arraignment was conducted through a Spanish-speaking interpreter, according to court records.

The Democrat Open Borders Crowd: Accessories to Rape, Mayhem and Murder.  It is absolutely indisputable that San Francisco's sanctuary policies contributed to the horrific, senseless, shooting death of 32-year-old Kate Steinle on July 2.  Francisco Sanchez, the illegal alien who admitted killing her, has said that it was the city's sanctuary policies that attracted him to it.  City leaders have Kate's blood on their hands.  But that blood is a drop in the bucket compared to the outrages regularly being committed by the illegals among us, while politicians of both parties sing their praises.

According to the ACLU, La Raza, the New York Times, and the SSA, 75% of illegal aliens commit felonies.  According to these organizations, as many as 75 percent of illegal immigrants use unlawfully obtained Social Security numbers to pay payroll (Social Security) taxes.  That, in turn, means that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are committing multiple federal and state felonies including forgery, Social Security fraud, perjury on I-9 forms, and identity theft.  It also means that potentially millions of Americans, including an untold number of innocent children, are victims of identity theft when their Social Security numbers are used by illegal immigrants.

Trump is Right About Illegals, Says Grieving Father.  A fiery black opponent of so-called sanctuary cities whose teenaged son was murdered in cold blood by an illegal alien gangster from Mexico is cheering on Donald Trump for demanding that the U.S. government enforce existing immigration laws.

What ever happened to the Democrat warcry of "If we can only save one child?".  Between November 1, 2013 and October 31, 2014, there have been 4,317 charges of child sexual assault filed against illegal aliens in North Carolina, according to the citizens advocacy group known as NCFIRE.  12 months, 4,300 charges of sexual assault on kids by illegal invaders.  In one state.

So Much For Obama's Slogan-Infested Immigration Stand.  Nobody worries about deportation these days.  The Obama administration favors illegals, using executive orders to protect them.  In 2014, Obama ordered the Department of Homeland Security to release 30,558 illegals with criminal records onto U.S. streets, after releasing 36,007 illegals in 2013.  And in the past three years, these same illegals murdered 131 Americans, not counting Steinle or the El Paso woman murdered by an illegal with a hammer last weekend.  How big a problem is the illegal crime wave?  A 2011 Government Accountability Office report says some 300,000 inmates of federal prisons are illegals.

250 Murders by Criminal Illegals Intentionally Released in 2014.  Crime figures released at a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee show a massive number of criminal illegals released by ICE in 2014 have come back to haunt American society.  Despite his big talk about focusing resources of dangerous criminal illegal aliens, President Obama's record on preventing illegal immigration and now enforcement of current law is seriously lacking.

41.7 Percent of Federal Criminal Cases in 5 Districts on US-Mexico Border.  According to data released by the U.S. Justice Department, 41.7 percent of the federal criminal cases that U.S. attorneys filed in U.S. district courts in fiscal 2014 were in the five U.S. attorneys' districts that sit along the U.S.-Mexico border.  In fact, the five districts that sit along the border — those for Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Western Texas and Southern Texas — were the top five in the country for criminal cases filed in U.S. district courts.

House Judiciary Chair: 'This Administration Is Releasing Criminals Back Onto the Streets'.  Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is criticizing the Obama administration for "releasing criminals back onto the streets."  He was talking about the murder of a 32-year-old woman in San Francisco last Wednesday [7/1/2015], allegedly by an illegal alien with seven felony convictions who had been deported five times to Mexico.  Because San Francisco is a "sanctuary city," local authorities did not honor a U.S. Customs and Enforcement Agency detainer for Francisco Sanchez.  The detainer could have kept Sanchez in jail until ICE officials picked him up.

Kathryn Steinle killing fuels outrage over Democrats' deportation opposition.  The Democratic campaign to relax national, state and local deportation policies is fueling outrage ignited by the shocking slaying of a woman in San Francisco by an oft-deported illegal immigrant with seven felony convictions.  House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte slammed the Obama administration for turning federal requests to detain illegal immigrants into "something voluntary" and "releasing criminals back onto the streets."  "This administration is not enforcing our immigration laws," the Virginia Republican said.  "And, quite frankly, I don't think they care."

Trump: 'Infectious disease is pouring across the border'.  Donald Trump doubled down on his controversial comments about illegal immigration from Mexico on Monday [7/6/2015], saying, "infectious disease is pouring across the border."  Trump issued a lengthy — nearly 900 word — statement invoking the death of a San Francisco woman shot and killed last week by a suspect who had previously been deported to Mexico five times.  "This is merely one of thousands of similar incidents throughout the United States," Trump said Monday [7/6/2015].  "In other words, the worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican government."

The Sanctuary Country.  When national politicians fret about states that defy federal laws or even national attitudes, they aren't talking about "sanctuary cities."  No, that kind of defiance meets with their approval.  If those cities flew confederate flags or tardily issued gay marriage licenses, pols could work themselves up into a lather about them.  But ignoring federal immigration law?  That's no big deal, until an illegal immigrant in one of those cities shoots somebody and then the finger-pointing begins.

Donald Trump's Criminal Illegal Immigrants.  President Obama has been releasing illegal immigrants from jails for committing felonies that would put all legal citizens into prison.  This gives the impression that he is following the law and deporting more illegal immigrants than ever.  Unfortunately, it also enables tragedies such as the murder of an innocent young woman in San Francisco by an illegal immigrant who had been deported, and allowed by liberal policies to return across the southern border, five times.

O'Reilly: Trump Right About Border Wall, San Francisco Officials 'Directly Responsible' For Steinle Murder.  On Monday's [7/6/2015] broadcast of "The O'Reilly Factor," host Bill O'Reilly took real estate mogul and GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's side in the immigration.  O'Reilly said Trump was correct on two calls — the wall on the southern border he had proposed and who was responsible for the death of Kate Steinle, which was the result of murder by an illegal immigrant that had been deported five times.

It Happened Again: Local PD Failed To Report Illegal Alien, And Now Someone Is Dead.  A man who confessed to murdering his wife with a hammer in Texas is a four-time deported illegal alien who has had repeated run-ins with the law, Breitbart is reporting.  Juan Francisco De Luna Vasquez had been captured in the U.S. and deported multiple times back to Mexico but repeatedly returned illegally.  Amazingly, the Laredo Police Department had previously intervened between the illegal alien in his wife, but did not tell Border Patrol he was in the United States.

Trump Is Right About Mexican Illegals Committing Crimes.  Despite attempts to take his comments out of context, Donald Trump was clearly talking about illegal immigration.  So, if you want to say, "My grandfather came here legally from Mexico..." or "I know a legal Mexican immigrant who serves in the military," it has nothing to do with what Trump said.  Even when it comes to illegals, Trump noted that some of them are "good people."  So what's really upsetting people on the Left is Trump's assertion that Mexican illegal aliens are committing a substantial amount of crime in America.  That is inarguably true.

Trump On Criminal Illegals: 'Both Sides Need To Grow Up And Put America's Interests First'.  [Scroll down]  "According to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) 2011 report, America's prisons house 351,000 criminal aliens who committed a crime after having already broken the law by entering America illegally."  Trump added, "Making taxpayers pay for 351,000 criminals who should never have been here in the first place is ridiculous."  Trump noted that even the government's own figures estimated the incarceration costs of these illegal criminals is $1.1 billion.

Two Previously Deported Illegal Immigrants Allegedly Murder Two Women in Two States — In 24 Hours.  In both instances, the women's murder could have been prevented by authorities had they enforced existing U.S. immigration laws and/or had the U.S.-Mexico border been functionally secured.

The Progressive Policies That Murdered Kate Steinle.  [Scroll down]  Although this violent thug pulled the trigger, progressives, through the laws they have enacted, put this man on the streets which allowed him to murder.  Federal authorities had Lopez-Sanchez in custody in March after he was set free from a federal prison.  They transferred him to San Francisco authorities because he was wanted by them on drug-related charges.  The feds filed what's called an "immigration detainer" requesting that the local authorities notify them before releasing the man.  But San Francisco, home of the most militant leftists in America, refused the request because local policy forbids it.  The prisoner in effect got a "get out of jail free card" from the left-wing open-borders movement which argues that keeping illegals in jail violates their constitutional rights.

San Francisco — A "Sanctuary City" For Whom Exactly?  A San Francisco article gives some insight into how the decision to make a "sanctuary city", has now made them a safe harbor for illegal alien criminals, murderers and rapists.  Alternate headline:  "Donald Trump Is Right".

Flashback: 'Christmas Story,' 'Waitress' Directors Killed By Illegal Aliens.  The media, Democrats, and weak-kneed Republicans who defend and dismiss our porous Southern border, have plenty of blood on their hands — and not just the everyday Americans victimized by people who simply shouldn't be here.  Due to our unwillingness to secure the border and protect our own citizens, this country lost two major American artists in the last decade, Bob Clark and Adrienne Shelly.

Obama, Brown, Harris Allowed S.F. Murderer To Stalk The Streets.  The senseless, random murder of 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle last week, allegedly by illegal alien Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, has shocked the city of San Francisco and outraged the nation.  The alleged murderer was free because of a local policy and state law that prevent cooperation with federal immigration detainers — and because of a federal government that encourages such disobedience.

Feds: Cops should not have freed suspect now charged in random killing.  U.S. immigration officials said Friday [7/3/2015] that the San Francisco Police Department did not honor a request they made in March to hold onto a Mexican citizen now charged in the random shooting of a tourist on the San Francisco pier.  Francisco Sanchez, 45, has been charged with killing a 31-year-old woman who was strolling with her family along the scenic Embarcadero waterfront on Wednesday evening, police said.

Man arrested in connection with San Francisco killing had been deported several times, officials say.  The man arrested in connection with the seemingly random killing of a woman who was out for a stroll with her father along the San Francisco waterfront is an illegal immigrant who previously had been deported five times, federal immigration officials say.  Further, Immigration and Customs Enforcement says San Francisco had him in their custody earlier this year but failed to notify ICE when he was released.

Police identify motel intruder shot by ex-CNN reporter.  Tomorio Walton had absconded from parole out of Memphis, and it wasn't clear how long he had been in New Mexico, Albuquerque Police Department spokesman Tanner Tixier said late Thursday [7/2/2015].

Random killing Trumps San Francisco's sanctuary city policy.  The horrific murder of a pretty young woman by an illegal alien at a prime tourist location in San Francisco is validating the argument of Donald Trump on the influx of violent criminals, and causing at least some local media reflection in arguably the nation's most politically correct city. This morning edition of the San Francisco Chronicle website (which reflects the newspaper's front page to some extent) gives prominent placement to Trump's contention that the murder of Kathryn Steinle shows that he's right.

Woman is 'randomly shot to death at popular San Francisco pier in broad daylight.  The man accused of randomly shooting dead a California woman as she walked along a popular San Francisco pier has a serious criminal history and has been deported to Mexico multiple times, according to reports.  What's more, Francisco Sanchez, 45, was already on probation out of Texas and should have been sent to federal authorities as an 'enforcement priority' following a Bay Area arrest four months ago.

Woman mourned, suspect held in random killing on S.F. pier.  The suspect was identified as Francisco Sanchez, who is approximately 45 and whose last known address was in Texas.  He spoke with homicide inspectors and was later jailed on suspicion of murder, officials said.  Sanchez was on probation, said Sgt. Michael Andraychak, who wouldn't elaborate.

Media Hide Facts, Call Everyone Else a Liar.  When Donald Trump said something not exuberantly enthusiastic about Mexican immigrants, the media's response was to boycott him.  One thing they didn't do was produce any facts showing he was wrong.  Trump said:  "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best.  They're not sending you.  They're not sending you.  They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us.  They're bringing drugs.  They're bringing crime.  They're rapists.  And some, I assume, are good people."  The first thing a news fact-checker would have noticed is:  THE GOVERNMENT WON'T TELL US HOW MANY IMMIGRANTS ARE COMMITTING CRIMES IN AMERICA.  Wouldn't that make any person of average intelligence suspicious?  Not our media.  They're in on the cover-up.

Coulter: 'I'm Offended' Is Not An Argument Against Trump, Facts Back Him Up.  Monday [6/29/2015], NBC announced it was cutting ties with Trump following the backlash over the GOP presidential contender's view that Mexican immigrants are bringing their problems to the U.S.  "They're bringing drugs.  They're bringing crime.  They're rapists.  And some, I assume, are good people," Trump said during his campaign announcement earlier this month.  Coulter, who devotes a goodly portion of her new book to immigrant crime and the media's failure to report fully on the "immigrant crime wave," points out that arguments against Trump amount to a straw man claim that "not all Mexicans are rapists."  "The point is:  Why should America be taking in ANY RAPISTS?" Coulter wrote in an email to Breitbart News.  "Were we short on rapists?  By definition, we're talking about people who have no right to be here.  If Mexico is sending us 2 rapists — THEY'RE SENDING US RAPISTS."

Obama extending amnesty to illegals in prisons, jails.  The administration has ordered agents to begin ignoring many of the illegal immigrants they encounter in prisons and jails, as President Obama begins to implement a lesser-known part of his deportation amnesty policy — though his program isn't sitting well with either side of the immigration debate.  In a nod to so-called sanctuary cities, the president's policy prohibits U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents from targeting most illegal immigrants for deportation, including most of those who come into contact with state and local police.

Obama DHS freed thousands of violent illegal aliens.  Thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of serious crimes — including rape, child molestation and kidnapping — have been released in the United States by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the agency doesn't bother keeping track of the alien convicts.  The DHS agency responsible for removing dangerous illegal aliens, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), simply releases sex offenders when they complete their criminal sentence and fails to monitor or force them to register with local authorities in the communities where they resettle.  The incredulous story of this outrageous system comes via an investigative series published this week in a Boston newspaper that sued the government for the records.

Terrorists and Criminals Yes, Trans Fats No.  Obama's tragicomic reign recently has taken several truly frightful turns.  On his eagle-eyed watch, we now learn, easily preventable homicides actually occurred, and designated potential terrorists are manning the secure areas of U.S. airports.  Meanwhile, Obama deployed the federal government's ferocious power ... against a food additive.  For starters, Obama's hands are soaked with the blood of as many as 121 people who were murdered by illegal-alien criminal convicts after he failed to deport them and, instead, released them onto America's streets.

Enforcement? What Enforcement?  Three recent items highlight the continuing collapse of interior immigration enforcement under Obama.  The first is information pried out of DHS by Senators Grassley and Sessions:  ["]One hundred twenty-one convicted criminals who faced deportation orders between 2010 and 2014 were never removed from the country and now face murder charges, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).["]  Just to be clear, these were convicted criminals, in ICE custody, who had been ordered deported but were instead released back into U.S. communities, and then went on to murder Americans.

Illegal Alien Rapists, Child Molesters Freed in U.S. Instead of Deported.  For years, doctors warned federal immigration officials:  Do not take your eyes off Santos Hernandez Carrera.  He had raped a woman at knifepoint and spent roughly half his life in jail, where immigration officials hoped to keep him until they could send him home to Cuba.  As far as the public knew, the strategy worked:  Until last month, the public sex offender registry said Hernandez Carrera, who has been diagnosed with a mental illness, had been deported.  He never was.  Instead, the Globe discovered that Hernandez Carrera is in Florida, one of hundreds of immigrants convicted of sex crimes who should have been deported but instead were released in the United States because their homelands refused to take them back.  They are convicted rapists, child molesters, and kidnappers — among "the worst of the worst," as one law enforcement agency put it.  Yet the Globe found that immigration officials have released them without making sure they register with local authorities as sex offenders.

121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration.  More than 100 immigrants whom the Obama administration released back into the community went on to be charged with subsequent killings, according to government data released Monday that raises more questions about whether immigration authorities are doing enough to detail illegal immigrants awaiting deportation.  In one case, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement acknowledged that its agents didn't find out about an illegal immigrant's death threats and court injunctions against him — which should have put him back in detention — until after the man was accused of murder.

Another of Obama's "Dreamers" caps off a life of crime with mass murder.  The Washington Times reports that Immigration and Customs Enforcement has flagged Darron Wint for deportation, should he ever be released from prison.  That's unlikely, since he murdered four people, including a 10-year-old boy who was tortured first, in the Washington, D.C., "Mansion Murders."  Though ICE's action is a necessary formality, to call it a day late and a dollar short is a ghoulish understatement.  Little has been reported about how Wint got here, other than he came, legally, from Guyana in 2000 at age 20, probably under one of the family categories.  But the relevant question here is why this depraved monster was allowed to remain in the United States?

What Happens When You Don't Enforce the Immigration Laws.  Needless to say, Darron Wint will never receive the punishment he deserves.  But here's the point:  he never should have been in this country in the first place.  He immigrated from Guyana in 2000, at age 20.  His arrival here was legal, apparently because he was related to others from Guyana who were already in the U.S.  So he was a "legal permanent resident."  But a permanent resident doesn't get to stay forever; that designation merely means that there is no legal end point to the person's stay at the time when he arrives.

Abbott Signs Sweeping Border Security Bill.  To Gov. Greg Abbott, signing a sweeping, multimillion-dollar border security bill hundreds of miles from the Rio Grande made sense.  "Here in Houston, there are more than 20,000 dangerous gang members that are associated with cross border traffic-related crime," Abbott said Tuesday [6/9/2015] as he was flanked by lawmakers and peace officers at a Texas Department of Public Safety facility.  "More than 100,000 of those gang members operate across the state of Texas."

Illegal Alien Sends Border Patrol Agent to Hospital after Assault.  An illegal alien from Honduras has been accused of attacking a U.S. Border Patrol Agent who was trying to stop a group of illegal immigrants that had just crossed the Rio Grande.  The assault took place last week near the border community called Sullivan City, when a group of agents riding all-terrain vehicles were notified about a group of 20 illegal immigrants making their way north from the river, court records obtained by Breitbart Texas revealed.

Three El Salvadorean MS-13 gang members arrested for 'brutal, heinous' attack.  Three teenage reputed members of the MS-13 street gang were ordered held without bail Friday [6/5/2015] on charges they forced a 16-year-old into a wooded area of a Long Island golf course, where two of them took turns raping her while the third stood as a lookout.

Obama Releases 3,700 'Worst of the Worst' Criminal Illegals Into the US.  Once again we see Obama's administration releasing criminal illegal aliens arrested for vicious crimes released right back into the US with no penalties for the criminals.  Obama is releasing murderers, rapists, drunk drivers, thieves, and other major criminals into the country after they have been arrested.

Actual New York Headline: 3 Held Without Bail in "Brutal, Barbaric" Rape of 16-Year-Old Girl in Long Island Woods.  You'd have to go more that a little deep into the article to see the part where "Four Salvadorian Nationals", are under arrest for the most brutal and barbaric rape of a 16-year-old.  Those same "Salvadorian Nationals" are also known as the "2014 Unaccompanied Alien Children" that Glenn Beck and Dana Loesch were desperate to provide 'teddy bears and soccer balls' for last summer.

3,700 illegal immigrant 'Threat Level 1' criminals released into U.S. by DHS.  Most of the illegal immigrant criminals Homeland Security officials released from custody last year were discretionary, meaning the department could have kept them in detention but chose instead to let them onto the streets as their deportation cases moved through the system, according to new numbers from Congress.  Some of those released were the worst of the worst — more than 3,700 "Threat Level 1" criminals, who are deemed the top priority for deportation, were still released out into the community even as they waited for their immigration cases to be heard.

ICE Still Releasing Criminal Aliens Into U.S. Population at a Frightening Pace.  The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has published an investigative report on violent criminals released by ICE.  Aptly titled "Convicted, but free to roam: Giving little notice, federal authorities have released thousands of detained undeportable immigrants — sometimes with grave results", the article tells the story of a rapist and a murderer turned loose by ICE.  Such criminal alien releases are continuing at an alarming pace in 2015.

Epidemic of MS-13 Gang Busts Reveal Disastrous Results of Executive Amnesty.  Authorities Wednesday [5/20/2015] rounded up 37 MS-13 gang members in Charlotte, N.C., on racketeering conspiracy charges, along with charges of murder, attempted murder and firearms violations.  All of them are illegal aliens from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.  Several are round-trippers — illegals who broke in once, committed crimes, got deported and broke back into the U.S. — proving that our border is porous and unsecured.  Charlotte police discovered the rat's nest of foreign gangsters after some of them started shooting up local nightclubs and bars.  Reading the indictment, much of the money these immigrant hoods raise from illegal gang activity is wired back to El Salvador to arrange for even more gangsters to come across the border.

MS-13 Gang Epidemic Tests Obama's Amnesty Excuse.  Recent busts of murderous MS-13 gangsters put the lie to President Obama's sympathetic amnesty narrative of illegal immigrants as "workers who mow our lawns, make our beds (and) clean out bedpans."  Authorities Wednesday rounded up 37 MS-13 gang members in Charlotte, N.C., on racketeering conspiracy charges, along with charges of murder, attempted murder and firearms violations.  All of them are illegal aliens from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.  Several are round-trippers — illegals who broke in once, committed crimes, got deported and broke back into the U.S. — proving that our border is porous and unsecured.  Charlotte police discovered the rat's nest of foreign gangsters after some of them started shooting up local nightclubs and bars.

Two Illegals Plead Guilty to Baseball Bat-Machete Murder of Teen.  Two illegal aliens in Walker County, Texas, have pleaded guilty to murdering and dismembering a 16-year-old high school student with a baseball bat and a machete in a national park nearly two years ago.  According to investigators, the crime was a revenge killing ordered by the infamously violent Latin American gang Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13.

Don't let gangbangers get immigration benefits.  North Carolina's Republican senators have joined Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, to file legislation prohibiting people with gang ties from gaining immigration benefits.  The bill comes after federal immigration officials admitted that, in 2013, they stopped the deportation of a gang member who is now the suspect in the February slayings of four people in Charlotte.  Emmanuel Jesus Rangel-Hernandez was granted special immigration status two years ago, despite being listed in a federal database as a gang member.

Obama Administration Admits Granting Known Gang Member Amnesty.  The Obama administration is admitting it granted executive amnesty protections to a known gang member — one charged with four counts of murder — and is now reviewing prior approvals to double check that other gang members have not also been approved for deferred status.  In a letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) dated Friday [4/17/2015], U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director Leon Rodriguez explains that Emmanuel Jesus Rangel-Hernandez's request for deferred status under President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program "should not have been approved" based on standard procedure.

Feds releasing hundreds of illegal immigrant rapists, murderers: report.  The administration is deporting fewer criminal aliens than it did last year, according to new statistics released Tuesday that undercut President Obama's justification for his new amnesty, which he said was intended to free agents to focus on the most dangerous of criminals by focusing on "felons not families."  Instead, both arrests and deportations of criminal aliens are down about 30 percent through the first six months of fiscal year 2015, signaling that agents, who have been told to stop focusing on rank-and-file illegal immigrants, have not been able to refocus on criminal illegal immigrants instead.

Obama DREAMER Accused Of Killing Four.  Just another illegal alien doing the 1st degree murder that Americans won't.

ICE: 167,527 Criminal Aliens Loose in U.S.A..  According to weekly detention and departure reports from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, there were 167,527 non-detained convicted criminal aliens in the United States as of Jan. 26 of this year, a congressional hearing revealed Thursday [3/19/2015].  House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah.) read the statistic aloud Thursday durin a hearing examining ICE's priorities and procedures for removing criminal aliens currently living in the United States.  "In that report, it said that there are 167,527 non-detained, final-order convicted criminals on the loose in the United States," Chaffetz pointed out while questioning ICE Director Sarah Saldana.

23 Dreamers from Obama amnesty snared in criminal dragnet.  Nearly two dozen of the illegal immigrants picked up in a nationwide sweep for criminal aliens earlier this month had previously been approved for President Obama's deportation amnesty, the Homeland Security Department said Wednesday [3/18/2015].  All 23 were part of Mr. Obama's original program for so-called Dreamers, which began in 2012 and which had granted tentative legal legal status to nearly 640,000 as of the end of last year.  Of the 23, 15 were still actively part of the amnesty, while eight had been approved once but had not gotten their status renewed after the first two-year period expired.

DHS released another 30,000 criminal aliens onto streets.  Federal immigration officers released another 30,000 immigrants with criminal records last year, following the 36,000 it released in 2013, the government announced Wednesday — though it promised to take steps to cut down on the problem.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency that handles detention and removal of illegal immigrants, said it will no longer allow overcrowding to be the main reason a dangerous illegal immigrant is released, and will require a top supervisor to approve the cases of any serious criminals that officers want to release.  Overall, ICE released 30,558 criminal aliens in fiscal 2014, which is down from the 36,007 criminals released a year before.

1,000 'criminal aliens' released by ICE committed new crimes, Grassley says.  The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Friday that 1,000 of the more than 36,000 "criminal aliens" released by federal immigration authorities in 2013 have been convicted of new crimes.  Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, cited Department of Homeland Security statistics in a statement released by his office.  The list of crimes included assault with a deadly weapon, terrorist threats, failure to register as a sex offender, lewd acts with a child under 14 and spousal rape by force.

Talks continue as FBI, Federal Bureau of Prisons relocate about 2,800 inmates from South Texas facility.  The owner of the Willacy County Correctional Center provided an update on Sunday morning in regard to a plan, announced Saturday, to move 2,900 inmates to other federal prisons in the region in the wake of a Friday morning riot.  More than 300 inmates from the Willacy County Correctional Center were transferred to other Federal Bureau of Prisons in the region, according to a statement from the center's owner, Management and Training Corp.

Illegal Aliens Riot in Texas Prison Near Border.  Approximately 2,000 inmates at a federal detention center near the border that primarily houses immigration detainees rioted and set off fires, requiring a massive mobilization of law enforcement to secure the perimeter and restore order.  The uprising began Friday morning [2/20/2015] at the MTC Detention Center in Raymondville when a group of prisoners began getting agitated about the medical services in the private prison facility, KGBT reported.

2,000 inmates armed with pipes seize control of part of Texas prison.  Thousands of federal prisoners will have to be moved to other penitentiaries after 2,000 inmates armed with pipes set fire to part of a South Texas prison after seizing control of the area.  The uprising began on Friday when prisoners at the Willacy County Correctional Center refused to perform their work duties in protest of the current state of their medical services.  The conflict erupted around noon when prisoners stormed the recreation yard and set fire to three of the prison's ten housing facilities.

The Costly Asylum Racket.  Did you hear about the El Cajon, California Iraqi man who was found guilty of murdering his wife after writing a phony note from supposed Islamophobes telling the family to leave the U.S.? Did you know that the Tsarnaev Boston Bombers came to our country with false claims of persecution and then cashed in to receive $100,000 in U.S. welfare handouts? Did you hear about the Oregon Somali Christmas tree bomber? Did you hear about the Somali youths who left Minneapolis to join Al-Shabaab and ISIS? [...] If you didn't hear those facts, put it down to the secrecy of the refugee racket, which does its best to operate under the radar.

AZ Sheriff: 30% of Illegals Caught at Border Have Criminal History in U.S..  Speaking before the House Judiciary Committee on the issue of illegal immigration, Sheriff Paul Babeu, from Pinal County, Ariz., said up to 30 percent of the roughly 120,000 illegal aliens apprehended every year at the southwest U.S. border around his county have some kind of criminal record in the United States, adding that "the border is not more secure than ever" as President Barack Obama has stated.

Illegal immigrants released from custody committed 1,000 new crimes.  One thousand of the 36,000 illegal immigrant criminals the government released in 2013 have gone on to commit other crimes, including child sex abuse, hit-and-run and child cruelty, according to new data released Friday evening by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley.  The information, which the Homeland Security Department provided to Mr. Grassley, details all 1,000 convictions including dozens of drunk-driving convictions, drug offenses and weapons convictions.  But the more serious crimes include domestic abuse, carjacking and aggravated assault.

Sen. Chuck Grassley Introduces Legislation to Stop 'Catch and Release' Policy for Dangerous Illegal Immigrants.  Ever since Homeland Security instituted a policy of "catch and release" for illegal immigrants accused of serious felonies, they have been found time and time again committing violent assaults and murders.  When their home countries refuse to take them back, they are sent back out into the streets, at most being required to post bond.  With Republicans now in control of both the House and the Senate, perhaps Congress will be able to override this dangerous practiced ordered by Obama.

1,000 'criminal aliens' released by ICE committed new crimes, Grassley says.  The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Friday [1/30/2015] that 1,000 of the more than 36,000 "criminal aliens" released by federal immigration authorities in 2013 have been convicted of new crimes.  Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, cited Department of Homeland Security statistics in a statement released by his office.  The list of crimes included assault with a deadly weapon, terrorist threats, failure to register as a sex offender, lewd acts with a child under 14 and spousal rape by force.

Illegal Alien Felon Kills American for No Particular Reason.  There is a price to be paid for the lawless open borders policy of our moonbat rulers.  Unfortunately, they don't have to pay it; normal people do.

Illegal Alien Free On Bond Allegedly Murders Store Clerk.  An illegal immigrant — who video surveillance reportedly shows calmly murdering a young store clerk in order to steal a box of cigarettes — was already out on bond from U.S. Immigration services and even had a previous conviction from which he had received no jail time.

Should police issue commands in Spanish when facing a suspect at gunpoint?  Three McMinnville police officers faced off with Juventino Bermudez-Arenas as he held the large blade he'd just used to kill a 20-year-old Linfield College student.  Officers pulled their guns.  One, who spoke Spanish, reached for her Taser but dropped it and grabbed her pistol as Bermudez-Arenas lowered his head and his hands and appeared to move forward.  Seconds before they fatally shot the 33-year-old Mexican man, police yelled, "Get on the ground," and, "Drop the knife," again and again.  They yelled their commands in English, the dominant language in the U.S.  But in the days after the Nov. 15 shooting of Bermudez-Arenas, his family and his employer told detectives he had understood few English words and couldn't speak the language.

The Editor says...
A reasonable and sober person could surmise that if the cops in any country are yelling at you in any language, and pointing their guns at you, that's a clear signal that you should get passive quickly.  So here's a tip for all knife-wielding homicidal immigrants:  Learn enough English to understand the cops, or you might get yourself killed.

The Mexican Mafia Is the Daddy of All Street Gangs.  The indictment of 38 members of Los Angeles street gang Big Hazard once again puts the national spotlight on the Mexican Mafia, a treacherous and violent criminal organization also known as La Eme that has deep roots inside California's prison system.  Federal officials spent Wednesday arresting members of the Boyle Heights-based street gang which has strong ties to La Eme.

DHS' New Guidelines on Deporting Illegals: Longtime Aliens, Some Criminals Get Special Consideration.  On Nov. 20, the same day President Barack Obama announced executive action to shield millions of illegal aliens from deportation, Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson issued an agency-wide memorandum explaining new guidelines for enforcing the nation's immigration laws — or not enforcing them based on a wide range of "circumstances."

'You're Not Going to Be Deported,' Obama Assures 'Ordinary' Illegal Immigrants.  Speaking about his new immigration program in Nashville on Tuesday [10/9/2014], President Obama assured "ordinary" illegal immigrants, "You're not going to be deported," even if they don't register with the U.S. government. [...] Obama explained that the Homeland Security Department has set deportation priorities:  "And at the top are criminals, people who pose a threat, and at the bottom are ordinary people who are otherwise law-abiding.  And what we're saying, essentially, is in that low-priority list, you won't — you won't be a priority for deportation.  You're not going to be deported.  We're not going to keep on separating families."

Obama Deputies Free 30,862 Foreign Criminals.  President Barack Obama's immigration deputies released 30,862 foreign criminals into the United States' cities and neighborhoods, according to a federal document.  The document also showed that Obama repatriated less than 1 percent of the 12 million illegals living in the United States during the 12 months up to October 2014.

Top 5 Whoppers From Obama's Announcement That He's Nullifying U.S. Immigration Law.  [#5] Obama claims he is going to focus on deporting felons.  Yet, he has done the opposite.  36,000 convicted criminal aliens were released last year, 80,000 criminal aliens encountered by ICE weren't even placed into deportation proceedings, 167,000 criminal aliens who were ordered deported are still at large, 341,000 criminal aliens released by ICE without deportation orders are known to be free and at large in the US.  Again, this is cessation of deportations for everyone.

Obama Amnesty as Feds Bust Illegal Aliens That Got $7.2 Mil from IRS with Stolen IDs.  In the same week that President Obama issued his administrative amnesty sparing millions from deportation, the feds busted a criminal ring of illegal immigrants that used stolen identities to defraud the U.S. government out of $7.2 million in tax refunds.  The mastermind of this sophisticated operation is a resourceful delinquent in Frankfurt, Delaware who runs a landscaping and cleaning business called "Las Tres Mujeres" (the three women).  Her name is Linda Avila and she's admitted in federal court that she filed more than 1,700 fraudulent tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) using stolen identities assigned to migrant workers — mostly from Mexico — living in the U.S. illegally.

Obama ends Secure Communities program as part of immigration action.  For the immigrant advocates who for years have been calling on President Obama to curtail deportations, the Secure Communities program symbolized what was wrong with the nation's immigration enforcement strategy.  Designed to identify potentially deportable immigrants who had committed crimes, the program provided immigration agents with fingerprint records collected at local jails.  In many cases, agents would ask local law enforcement officials to hold inmates believed to be in the country illegally beyond the length of their jail terms so that they could be transferred to federal custody.

As Illegals Flow Across Border, MS-13 Members In MD Charged With Violent Crimes.  In the midst of the Obama administration transporting around 1,000 unaccompanied minors from Border Patrol centers in Texas to facilities in Baltimore, MD, and Richmond, VA, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced in a press release on Wednesday [6/18/2014] that a Federal Grand Jury returned a second superseding indictment charging four Maryland men in connection with a conspiracy to participate in murder in aid of a racketeering enterprise known as the La Mara Salvatrucha or MS-13.

New DHS immigration rules: Drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, gun offenders not top deportation priorities.  The Department of Homeland Security has just released new "Policies for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants."  Designed to fill in the details after President Obama's announcement that at least four million currently illegal immigrants will be given work permits, Social Security numbers and protection from deportation, the DHS guidelines are instructions for the nation's immigration and border security officers as they administer the president's directive.

ICE lawyer's lawsuit exposes how feds release illegals.  The Obama administration told federal immigration lawyers to release illegal immigrants with "old" drunken-driving convictions and those found guilty of stealing other people's identities, according to a lawsuit filed by one of the lawyers at the center of the operation.  Patricia M. Vroom, a top attorney for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Arizona, filed a 67-page discrimination complaint that details repeated battles with agency higher-ups who told her to close cases and not deport people whom President Obama deemed low-priority.

Illegals Commit Over 400 Child Sexual Assaults in One Month in This Non-Border State.  Obama's illegal-immigrant "dreamers" have been racking up some interesting headlines of late. [...] An illegal drunk driver killing a three-year-old waiting in line for the ice cream truck... and then driving away?  Check.  Illegal immigrants bringing a deadly, virus-carrying triatomine bug over the border into the United States?  Check.  An illegal immigrant shooting a carjacking victim in the face while smiling?  Check!

Father Asks Obama to Use Executive Order to Bring Son Slain by Illegal Alien Back to Life.  A grieving father is asking President Barack Obama to bring his son, who was killed by an illegal alien, back to life with an executive order on immigration.  "While your Executive Order pad is out, can you write one to bring my son and the tens of thousands (actually over 100,000) killed by illegal aliens back to life and to bring our destroyed families back together?" asks Don Rosenberg in a letter to Obama.  His son Drew was killed by an illegal alien who ran over him in 2010.

Lawsuit: Obama Officials Pressured Prosecutors to Release Convicted Criminal Illegal Aliens.  An award-winning, career prosecutor at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) alleged in a blistering new lawsuit she was punished for resisting orders to release convicted criminal illegal aliens from custody.  The allegations from Patricia M. Vroom, 59, implicate Peter Vincent, the recently-resigned top lawyer at the agency.

A Lawless Flood Of Illegal Aliens.  "Jeanne Shaheen's support for amnesty for illegal aliens through her vote for the Gang of Eight bill and through her support for President Obama's planned executive amnesty is endangering all families across New Hampshire," Maria Espinoza, the national director of The Remembrance Project, told Matt Boyle of Breitbart News on Sunday [11/2/2014].  But Americans should not limit the effects of Barack Obama's lawless immigration policies to just one campaign, in just one state.  "The very illegal aliens she wants to help Obama grant amnesty to — and steal your job — are in many cases also violent criminals, driver's without licenses, members of gangs, or are in some way endangering the welfare of New Hampshire families," Espinoza told Breitbart.

Report: DHS Released Criminal Illegal Immigrants and Murderers in Texas Cities.  Last month, records were produced showing that officials with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) misled Congress and the American people when they claimed that 2,200 undocumented immigrants released from detention facilities to save money were only "low-risk offenders who do not have serious criminal records."  In fact, the released detainees included some who had been charged or convicted of serious, violent crimes, including kidnapping, sexual assault, drug trafficking, and homicide, [...]

List of 134 Cities Where Violent, Criminal Illegal Aliens Were Sent After Release by Obama DHS.  According to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement arm of DHS, 36,007 criminal illegal aliens were released into the United States in 2013. Responding to a request by Sen. Chuck Grassley, ICE recently provided a list of raw ZIP codes — not cities and states — where criminal illegals, many convicted of violent offenses including murder, rape and kidnapping, have been dumped by the administration.

Rampant Drug Smuggling, And 37,000 Criminal Aliens Who Were Freed Last Year.  Drug smugglers are welcomed into the United States.  We can assume nothing else.  If they weren't, they wouldn't be allowed to pour across our borders; they wouldn't be released willy nilly from prisons each year without any accountability:  and we wouldn't have a dormant deportation policy.  If we at least attempted to stop illegal immigration, a 17-year old illegal alien might not have been free to rape and murder his 5-year old cousin.  An off-duty officer might be alive today.  There is a family of four who might be living their lives as they should be.

How Barack Obama and Jerry Brown Killed Two California Police Officers.  Oh, they will tell you that it was not them, but an illegal alien named Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte who pulled the trigger — or maybe the killer's name was Marcelo Marquez of Salt Lake City, Utah (the name he gave when captured) or some other alias he may have used since he was first deported for drug crimes back in 1997. [...] One reason Monroy-Bracamonte was still in the United States and able to kill deputies Davis and Oliver is California Governor Jerry Brown policy that all Mexicans, including illegal aliens, are welcome in California.  Back during the summer illegal alien tsunami Gov. Brown said, "If we can put a man on the moon, we can put a man from Mexico to California in 20 minutes."  Never mind, it seems, whether or not that man is a violent criminal.

Needed: Broken-Windows Immigration Policing.  President Obama's "prosecutorial discretion" policy in immigration enforcement claimed two more lives Friday [10/24/2014].  Mexican illegal alien Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte murdered two police officers, and seriously wounded a motorist in the Sacramento area.  The cop-killer had been deported twice, the first time for dealing drugs, but was living unmolested in a Salt Lake City suburb with his wife, also charged with the murders.  Prosecutorial discretion is supposed to mean the kind of case-by-case prioritization that every cop has to engage in ("I'm not going to give you a ticket this time, ma'am, but slow down in the future").  Under this administration, however, it has been used as a pretext for exempting the vast majority of illegal aliens from the immigration laws.

Obama & Brown Guilty of Shielding Alleged Illegal Alien Cop Killer.  [Scroll down]  Monroy-Bracamonte's alleged crimes would have been deemed minor under this law, and he would have been "legally" permitted to remain here, had his arrests been in California instead of other states.  That means this policy endorsed by Gov. Jerry Brown, Attorney General Kamala Harris, and even some police chiefs, are complicit in protecting this dangerous man from being deported before he allegedly committed this unconscionable double-murder.

Man Accused Of Killing Two California Deputies Friday Was Deported Twice, Gave False Name.  Marcelo Marquez, the man accused to killing two sheriff's deputies in California was in the country illegally and had been deported twice to Mexico — once in 1997, and again in 2001.  Marquez, 34, is accused of killing two sheriff's deputies Friday during a 6-hour crime spree in northern California.  And Marcelo Marquez is not even his real name, it's actually Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  ICE filed paperwork Saturday to ensure he is turned over to immigration officials if he is ever released, though that is unlikely.

Officials say suspect in killings of California deputies was deported twice.  The suspect alleged to have shot three northern California sheriff's deputies Friday, killing two, was deported twice and has a criminal record, federal officials said late Saturday [10/25/2014].  A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman said that the fingerprints of the suspected shooter match those of a man named Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte.  Monroy-Bracamonte was initially deported to Mexico in 1997 after being convicted of drug possession in Arizona.  Four years later, he was arrested and deported again for an unspecified offense.

Releasing Criminally Convicted Illegals onto Our Streets.  Despite last year's furor surrounding the release, the administration continued to insist that only "low-risk offenders who do not have serious criminal records," had been set free. [...] USA Today, which obtained the ICE data via a Freedom of Information Act request, reveals the fraudulence of Morton's claims, noting there was "one person in Texas charged with aggravated kidnapping and sexually assaulting a child, as well as others charged with armed assaults or assaulting police officers," the paper states.  "Another immigrant released from Miami had been charged with conspiracy to commit homicide.  Two detainees from Boston had been charged with aggravated assault using a weapon."

Suspect in killing of deputies was twice deported.  A man suspected of killing two deputies during a shooting rampage in Northern California was deported twice to Mexico and had a drug conviction, federal authorities said Saturday [10/25/2014].

Obama Administration Released Illegal Aliens Charged With Murder Into the U.S.USA Today softens news of Yet Another Obama Administration Scandal™ as best it can, using the headline "U.S. misinformed Congress, public on immigrant release."  Translated into English, it means "Obama Administration Released Illegal Immigrants Charged with Homicide."

The original USA Today headline carefully avoided mentioning Obama.
[The Obama administration] misinformed Congress, public on immigrant release.  New records contradict the Obama administration's assurances to Congress and the public that the 2,200 people it freed from immigration jails last year to save money had only minor criminal records.  The records, obtained by USA TODAY, show immigration officials released some undocumented immigrants who had faced far more serious criminal charges, including people charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, drug trafficking and homicide.

Leaked DHS Document: 167,000 Convicted Criminal Aliens At Large In US.  Deportations from the interior of the United States declined 34 percent this year from last, according to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies, derived largely from an internal Department of Homeland Security document.  The CIS report released Wednesday [10/15/2014] and authored by the group's director of policy studies, Jessica Vaughan, details the decline in immigration enforcement and reveals that there remain nearly 167,000 convicted criminal immigrants with final orders of removal still in the United States and "currently at large."

Judicial Watch Sues Department of Homeland Security for Records Relating to ICE 2013 Release of 36,000 Criminal Aliens.  Judicial Watch announced today [10/2/2014 that] on July 21, 2014, it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to obtain records relating to the release by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) of 36,000 criminal aliens in 2013 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:14-cv-01237)).  According to a report published by the Washington, DC-based group Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), the criminal aliens had been convicted of violent and serious crimes, including homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault.

A Town Near You? ICE Reveals Locations of Convicted Murderers It Freed.  The 169 aliens with homicide-related convictions who were freed by ICE in 2013 were booked out of detention facilities in 24 different states, with the largest number in California, according to information provided to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).  ICE records show that these convicted killers were associated with 96 different cities and towns across America.

Fearless Illegals Caught Breaking Into Homes in Search of Guns.  Police in South Texas captured two illegal alien teens who they say were part of a burglary ring which targeted ranch homes in secluded areas looking mainly for firearms.  Strangely enough, pro-amnesty supporters did not assemble outside the Hidalgo County courthouse yesterday to plead for a path to citizenship for 17-year-old Julio Zapien Calderon or his 14-year-old accomplice.  The two teens, one of whom was arraigned on Saturday, each faced nine charges of theft, stemming from a dozen burglaries of ranch properties around the McCook, Texas, area, about 40 miles inland from the US-Mexico border.

Cops Searching For Teenage Illegal Alien For Cartel Assassination Attempt In Texas.  Cops are on the hunt for a previously deported 14-year-old illegal alien suspected of trying to execute a teenaged human smuggler on the Texas border in an apparent cartel hit.  The victim in the case had a lengthy criminal history that had already resulted in two deaths.

As Businesses Flee, Jerry Brown's California Attracts A Different Kind Of "Investment".  Roping off 100 blocks of downtown Los Angeles this week, federal agents from the U.S. attorney's office raided roughly 70 garment district businesses along with a few houses in tony Westwood and Beverly Hills.  The suspected crime was laundering money for Mexico's Sinaloa cartel.  Agents hauled out $65 million in cash stuffed in duffel bags, suitcases and boxes, some of it blood-spattered.  The cash came from hostage ransoms, drug sales and alien-smuggling fees.  Some of those arrested were charged with "various immigration offenses," according to the affidavit.

Unprovoked machete attack by illegal aliens caught on camera in Chicago.  A horrific machete attack by an illegal alien gang on two innocent young men waiting on a platform for a Chicago El train has been caught on surveillance camera, and is making big news in Chicago.  Chicago is, of course, a sanctuary city for illegal aliens under the policies of Democratic Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

This Crime Chronicles Our Broken Border Perfectly.  Previously deported illegal aliens and an American citizen who went uncharged multiple times for alleged alien smuggling were among a half dozen men who were part of a kidnapping scheme targeted at an American teenager in Tucson, Arizona, according to Breitbart.

Border Patrol Agents Speak Out Against Being Assaulted by Aliens.  The National Council of Border Patrol Agents (NBPC) is responding to the increasing assaults against the agents who protect our border with the production of a documentary movie that tells their story.  While violent assaults frequently leave agents injured and even hospitalized, U.S. Attorneys often fail to prosecute the illegal aliens who commit the assaults.

ICE refuses to identify convicted killers released from custody.  Federal immigration authorities on Monday [8/25/2014] refused to identify the seven convicted murderers with Atlanta-area addresses that they released during the last fiscal year, citing privacy reasons.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement also could not immediately say why they were released or identify the charges for which they were convicted.

Group Identifies Towns Associated with Releases of Immigrants Convicted of Homicide.  Thursday [8/21/2014], Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley released a recent letter from Immigration and Customs Enforcement revealing the zip codes of most of the 169 immigrants convicted of homicide-related crimes who were awaiting deportation proceedings but released last year.  ICE provided the information after Grassley called on the Department of Homeland Security for answers earlier this summer following confirmed reports that ICE released 36,007 immigrants convicted of nearly 88,000 crimes last year.  The criminal immigrants were all awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings.

ICE Releases Zip Codes 'Associated With' Released Aliens Convicted of Homicide.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement has released the zip codes associated with the Obama administration's release of 169 immigrants convicted of "homicide-related" offenses who were awaiting deportation proceedings.  ICE released the new information about the 169 immigrant convicts to Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley. The senator pressed the Department of Homeland Security for answers in June following confirmed reports that, in 2013, ICE released 36,007 immigrants convicted of nearly 88,000 crimes (including murder, kidnapping, and sexual assault).  All were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings.

Man admits running Trenton brothel, will likely be deported to Mexico.  A man who pleaded guilty yesterday to running a brothel out of a Trenton home is likely to be deported back to his native Mexico, court officials said.  Cervando Sanchez, 35, was indicted on charges of promoting prostitution and maintaining a nuisance at a house on the 800 block of Division Street between January and May 2013.  Superior Court Judge Pedro Jimenez Jr. accepted Sanchez's guilty plea despite initial confusion caused by Sanchez telling the judge, through an interpreter, that though he was pleading guilty he was actually innocent.

HHS Placing Unaccompanied Minors With Possible MS-13 Ties in Top Gang-Plagued Cities.  Reports show thousands of unaccompanied illegal alien minors, some of them identified as obvious gang members by U.S. Border Patrol agents, have been transferred to several of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States, including Baltimore, Los Angeles, New York City, Houston and the Washington, D.C. area — cities that all rank among the top strongholds of the Latin American gang Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13.  A 2008 report by the Congressional Research Service lists several major U.S. cities as having some of the heaviest MS-13 presence in the nation.  These cities include Washington, D.C. and the surrounding area in Northern Virginia, Los Angeles, Houston, New York City, Baltimore and Nashville.

AZ Sheriff: ICE Doesn't Verify the Legal Status of People Turned Over to Them.  Pinal County, AZ Sheriff Paul Babeu said that when his deputies turn individuals that they suspect are in the county illegal over to ICE, the agency doesn't verify that the suspect is in the country legally.  "The troubling part of this is that when we do call ICE, what they say is 'well, the person has been here five years,' nothing confirming or finding out or verifying this, 'treat them as any other citizen,' and then we release them" he said on Wednesday's [8/13/2014] "On the Record" on the Fox News Channel.

Report: White House didn't OK immigrant releases.  More than 2,000 immigrants facing deportation in 2013 were released strictly for budget reasons by immigration agency officials who kept the homeland security secretary in the dark about the plan, according to a federal watchdog's report.

More than 600 criminal illegal immigrants were released in 2013 because of budget shortfall.  The year-long investigation found that ICE released 2,226 illegal immigrants in February 2013 just before the sequestration went into effect in an effort to cut costs.  On the weekend of February 23 alone, the inspector general report says ICE released 1,450 illegal immigrants.  Conservative news website The Daily Signal, which first obtained the audit, reports that 617 of the aliens released were criminals whose detention was mandatory.

The Editor says...
Apparently we don't have enough money to keep alien criminals in prison, but we do have money for this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this.

El Salvador robbery suspect arrested in California.  Authorities in California say they've arrested a man who's wanted in El Salvador for his alleged involvement with a gang that hijacked military and police arms shipments and used them to rob banks.

Boy, 14, charged as adult in San Jose slaying.  A 14-year-old alleged gang member was charged as an adult Thursday [8/7/2014] with murder, accused of stabbing a man to death in downtown San Jose.  Marvin Garcia and two other defendants, Garcia's brother, Luis Garcia, 21, and Luis Alvarez, 20, are now charged with murder as well as a gang enhancement in the slaying of 33-year-old Marvin Maynard.  About 2:15 a.m. July 29, someone called police about a group of five or six people attacking Maynard near Market Street and Park Avenue, said Officer Albert Morales, a San Jose police spokesman.

Illegals become repeat criminals.  Criminal aliens set free on the streets of America — instead of being deported after serving their time — are being rearrested as many as six more times by U.S. authorities, according to a government audit released yesterday [1/8/2007].  But the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General said it did not know how many of 262,105 illegals in the audit, who had been charged with a crime and then released, had been rearrested.

Some Illegal Immigrants are Re-arrested Six Times.  Illegal immigrants who were caught but released in the United States may have been re-arrested as many as six times, Justice Department data released Monday [1/8/2007] indicates.  The findings by Justice Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine are based on a sampling of 100 illegal immigrants arrested by local and state authorities in 2004, the latest complete data available.

Border Patrol lets some illegals go … over and over again.  Josefa Gonzalez Loya has sneaked across the Mexican border at least 128 times in the past eight years.  And each time, the Border Patrol has been nice enough to give her a lift home.  Gonzalez and a group of other women and children — all Indians from the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca — have no interest in staying in the United States.  All they want to do is panhandle outside El Paso businesses, using the children as lures.

Rape, Death, and Police Pursuits Continue as Illegal Immigrants Flood Texas County.  The death toll continues to climb in the Falfurrias death march region also known as the ranch lands and highways of Brooks County.  The toll on illegal immigrants who have died attempting to cross these ranch fields and bypass the Border Patrol checkpoint located in the center of Brooks County now stands at 44 as a woman was found dead this week.

Suspects in murder of Border Patrol agent arrested and deported numerous times.  Two illegal immigrants from Mexico who were charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of an off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent in front of his family in Texas have been arrested and deported numerous times, police sources told  One suspect has been arrested no fewer than four times for entering the U.S. illegally, according to federal court records.  The other has been deported twice after entering the U.S. illegally, sources said.

Parents of USC Student Slain by Illegal Alien Were Delayed Entry by U.S. State Department.  One of the four teens charged Tuesday with murder in the beating of University of Southern California grad student Xinran Ji was an illegal immigrant, a fact that has only increased the frustration for many — including the L.A. County Supervisor — with the U.S. State Department's delaying of visas for the slain student's parents.

Suspected Killer Of USC Student Has Been In U.S. Illegally For Seven Years.  A 19-year-old who was part of a group suspected of fatally beating a USC graduate student with a baseball bat told authorities that he has been in the U.S. illegally for seven years.  The suspect, Jonathan Del Carmen, told authorities of his illegal status in an interview at the Los Angeles County jail, according to a federal source reached by The Daily Caller with knowledge of the interview who was not authorized to speak to the press about the investigation.  The Los Angeles Times issued a similar report confirming Del Carmen's immigration status.

Report reveals 'disturbing trend' of brazen attacks against border security by gangs, drug and human traffickers.  A game warden hit in the head with a rock while trying to seize a raft.  Police officers wounded in an hours-long standoff with a gang member wanted for murder.  Criminals spewing obscenities and death threats at local cops before asking for — and receiving — medical treatment.  And that was just last week.

Perry Right In Warning Of Border-Surge Crime.  Texas Gov. Rick Perry correctly warns that illegal immigrants are responsible for 3,000 murders and 8,000 sexual assaults in the past five years.  And with the new border surge, there's more trouble on the way.

Texas Police Look for Cartel Connection in Massive La Joya Shootout.  Yellow police tape still hung from fences as Texas rangers walked through the scene where just a day earlier a gang member had gone down in a hail of gunfire in an hours-long shootout with authorities that left two cops wounded.  Some police officers spent more than three hours pinned down by the close to 500 shots that were exchanged between authorities and 29-year-old Joaquin Cibrian, a member of the Texas Syndicate gang.

Texas jails 203,000 'criminal aliens' for 640K crimes.  Texas Gov. Rick Perry has already spent $500 million trying to maintain order and security in the Rio Grand Valley.  He's ordered Texas Adjutant General John Nichols to deploy up to 1,000 National Guard troops on the borderlands.  Now Mr. Perry reveals a few more numbers.  The governor himself reports that in the past six years, Texas county jails have incarcerated 203,000 "criminal aliens" who have committed 640,000 crimes, including over 3,000 homicides.  Such statistics may silence critics who accuse Mr. Perry of politicizing the border crisis to bolster his profile for a presidential run in 2016.

Stop the Illegal Sanctuaries.  A Government Accountability Office study found that 55,322 criminal aliens were arrested a total of at least 459,614 times, averaging over eight arrests per alien.  The Department of Justice expressed its surprise at the "extremely high" rate of re-arrests for criminal aliens when it found that that 73 criminal aliens in a study group were arrested a total of 429 times.  Localities that adopt "sanctuary" policies, in an effort to be welcoming to both legal and illegal immigrants, need to consider whether such policies have the effect of attracting and incubating crime.

8 crack dealers shielded by S.F. walk away.  An effort by San Francisco to shield eight young Honduran crack dealers from federal immigration officials backfired when the youths escaped from Southern California group homes within days of their arrival, officials said Monday [6/30/2008].  The walkaways are the latest in a string of embarrassments for city officials who are protecting illegal-immigrant drug dealers from federal authorities and possible deportation because of San Francisco's 1989 declaration that the city is a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants.

Slaying suspect once found sanctuary in San Francisco.  The man charged with killing a father and two sons on a San Francisco street last month was one of the youths who benefited from the city's long-standing practice of shielding illegal immigrant juveniles who committed felonies from possible deportation, The Chronicle has learned.

Bush Should Strip Sanctuary Cities of Federal Funds.  Three good men are dead thanks largely to San Francisco's outrageous sanctuary-city policy, which forbids city authorities from notifying federal immigration authorities when they arrest illegal aliens for crimes they commit, and it's time for President Bush to crack down on all the cities in the United States that follow this absurd policy.

Enough with the obfuscation, already.  In April 2005 the Government Accountability Office released a study of 55,322 illegal aliens incarcerated during 2003.  These are its main findings:
  •  The 55,322 illegal aliens studied had been arrested a total of 459,614 times, over eight arrests per person;
  •  These 459,614 arrests represented about 700,000 criminal offenses, some 13 offenses per person.
These figures were available in June '07, when half the U.S. Senate, President Bush, top Federal Government officials, a vast business lobby, and the entire apparatus of the Democratic Party pulled out all the stops to ram through a legalization of an estimated 12-20 million illegal aliens.

Released Alien from Border Crisis Arrested for Murder, Kidnapping in Texas.  An illegal immigrant who was released by U.S. authorities with a Notice to Appear has been arrested for the alleged murder of a woman and kidnapping of children on U.S. soil. The alleged crimes occurred after the man was released.  The man, Pedro Alberto Monterroso-Navas, entered the U.S. illegally with children and turned himself in to U.S. Border Patrol agents.  He was processed and released, as are all illegal immigrants who come as unaccompanied minors or incomplete family units from Central America.  The alien is from Honduras.

Legalized, Not Prosecuted: Illegal Alien Who Stole Identity of Dead SSI-Collecting Baby Son.  The U.S. government not only failed to prosecute an illegal alien who stole the identity of his dead baby son — who had collected SSI before he died — but granted the father legal status to work in the United States.  This one-time illegal alien, the Office of Inspector General for the Social Security Administration believes, fraudulently used his son's Social Security Number for at least three years.  Yet, he was not prosecuted, according to the IG's office, because his case did not meet the prosecutorial guidelines of the U.S. attorney for New Jersey.  In fact, this case might never have come to light had the IG not launched an audit aimed at uncovering the misuse of children's Social Security Numbers.

Four-Time Deportee Arrested For Allegedly Molesting 9-Year-Old Girl.  A Mexican national who records show has been deported from the U.S. four times was arrested Saturday [7/12/2014] for allegedly fondling a 9-year-old Texas girl.  According to the Parker County sheriff's office, 35 year-old Israel Andrade allegedly broke into a Springtown, Tex. home around 6 a.m. and molested the young girl while her family was asleep, WFAA reports.  Following the attack, the girl ran screaming to wake her parents.  Andrade allegedly stole the family's computer and their cell phones, forcing the girl's mother to have to call 911 from a nearby convenience store.

MS-13 Actively Recruiting Illegal Alien Minors at U.S. Shelters.  [Judicial Watch] has reported extensively on the crisis created by the sudden influx of mostly Central American minors that have crossed into the U.S. through the Mexican border in recent weeks.  It has created havoc and will end up costing American taxpayers billions of dollars to house, process, medically treat, feed and inevitably educate the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) which are being dispersed throughout the country.  They are bringing in dangerous diseases — including swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus and tuberculosis — and occupying our military bases as shelters.  As if all this weren't bad enough, the invasion is also supplying the nation's most dangerous street gangs with new soldiers.  The Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and the 18th Street gangs are on a recruiting frenzy at the various facilities housing the newly arrived illegal aliens, according to JW's source.

Illegal Unaccompanied Minors Being Held For Placement in U.S. Admit to Engaging in Torture and Murder.  Despite Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson vowing to "stem the tide" of unaccompanied illegal minors across the southern border with Mexico, thousands more are expected to enter the United States by the end of the year.  With the system being overwhelmed, Border Patrol agents are concerned about minors who have admitted to being MS-13 members, a brutal street gang from El Salvador that has been successful in infiltrating American communities.  Agents are also concerned about minors who have committed acts like torture and murder in their home countries before heading north to the United States.

Two-time illegal immigrant charged with rape in Philly's sanctuary city.  He could become the Willie Horton of the immigration crisis.  Milton Mateo Garcia, 28, was caught one year ago entering the U.S. illegally across the Mexican border and was deported back to his native Honduras.  But Mr. Garcia soon re-entered the U.S. illegally — federal authorities either don't know how, or they won't say.  He settled with relatives in Philadelphia, where Mayor Michael Nutter had signed an executive order in April declaring it a "sanctuary city" for illegal immigrants.

ICE data: 36,000 illegals with criminal convictions were released during deportation proceedings.  A preemptive strike on DHS from the Center for Immigration Studies, designed to make Obama's upcoming "relaxation" of U.S. deportation procedures as politically painful as possible.  He's desperate to pander to his base, which is impatient after waiting more than five years for amnesty and has now convinced itself based on cooked numbers that he's some sort of crazed border hawk.  That's where the "relaxation" comes in — and that's the beauty of CIS's otherwise grim data, which shows just how relaxed the system already is.

Lamar Smith Calls Ice Release of 36,000 Criminal Immigrants a President-Sanctioned Prison Break.  Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith reacted harshly to a new report detailing the crimes committed by 36,007 criminal immigrants that Immigration and Customs Enforcement released last year.  "This would be considered the worst prison break in American history, except it was sanctioned by the President and perpetrated by our own immigration officials.  These criminal immigrants should have been deported to ensure that they could never commit crimes on U.S. soil.  But instead, ICE officials chose not to detain them and instead released them back onto American streets," Smith said in a statement Monday.

Jailbreak: Obama Releases 36,007 Criminal Aliens Into U.S..  Here's everything you need to know about immigration reform:  last year the Obama administration released 36,000 criminal aliens into the United States population.  The jailbreak was deliberate and included 193 murderers.  The Center for Immigration Studies obtained the information and released a report documenting the number and nature of the crimes committed by the aliens.  If 36,000 criminal aliens walking around your community wasn't enough, Obama's Department of Homeland Security is aiming to make it even easier for aliens to be released from detention.  That's what the groups agitating for immigration reform are demanding.  That's what the groups are likely to get.  The 2013 jailbreak included rapists, kidnappers, arsonists, burglars, sex offenders, and car thieves.  That's merely for 2013.

Feds released hundreds of immigrant murderers, drunk drivers, sex-crimes convicts.  Immigration officials knowingly released dozens of murderers and thousands of drunken drivers back into the U.S. in 2013, according to Obama administration statistics that could undercut the president's argument that he is trying to focus on the most serious criminals in his immigration enforcement.  Among the 36,000 immigrants whom U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement released from custody last year there were 116 with convictions for homicide, 43 for negligent manslaughter, 14 for voluntary manslaughter and one with a conviction classified by ICE as "homicide-willful kill-public official-gun."

The Editor says...
Fidel Castro did the same thing 20 years ago.

Exclusive: Assassination Threat from Mexico Against Family of US Border Sheriff.  A routine traffic stop in a small Arizona town near the Mexican border has left one man dead from the gun of a police officer and "credible" assassination threats against the officer and his father, the county sheriff, according to law enforcement sources including the sheriff.  The threats originated from a region in Mexico predominantly controlled by the notorious Sinaloa cartel — and are directly related to the police officer's shooting of the now-deceased man, identified as Lauro Avechuco, officials say.

35 'Acts of Love'.  Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush insisted that many of the instances of illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. were "acts of love."  Though many of the human beings who enter the U.S. illegally or overstay their legally permitted time in the U.S. are doing so to earn more resources and provide for families, many of the illegal immigrants who come into the U.S. are doing so for highly criminal reasons — a fact often left out of the discussion or otherwise barely mentioned.  Breitbart Texas has provided 35 of these other "acts of love" for our readers.

Graphic Images Justify Border Patrol's Use of Deadly Force Against Rock Attacks.  Breitbart Texas has reported extensively on the left-of-center campaign to restrict the ability of Border Patrol agents to defend themselves and on the false narratives such open-borders advocates use in their political and media attacks against the men and women of the Border Patrol.  The reality being far from the false narrative of "kids throwing pebbles," the life-threatening rock attacks against Border Patrol agents often occur in remote areas when a solitary Border Patrol agent may be up to a 90-minute drive from their nearest backup.

Report: Obama administration released 68,000 convicted criminal aliens last year.  The Obama administration is threatening public safety by deliberately hampering immigration law and releasing aliens with criminal records, according to a new review of internal Immigration and Customs Enforcement data.  A Center for Immigration Studies report to be released Monday and obtained in advance by The Daily Caller, found that last year ICE reported nearly 722,000 encounters with illegal or criminal immigrants.  But ICE officers filed immigration charges against less than 195,000 aliens.

7,000+ Sex Offenders Deported from Texas in Past 3 Years.  U.S. Immigrations and Custom Enforcement (ICE) has deported more than 860 sex offenders from the State of Texas this year, according to an official press release from the agency.  More than 7,000 sex offenders have been deported from Texas alone in the past three years.  The release reveals 27% of the deported 860+ alien sex offenders from the past three months committed sex offenses against children.

Illegal Alien Convicted of Raping 13 Year Old Girl.  What was it that we are importing through illegal immigration?  Good, hard working people?  That is what we are constantly told.  Yet, as we found out, 45% of all aliens caught at the border were convicted criminals in 2013.  Today, we have another manifestation of that imported criminality, the rape and impregnation of a 13 year old girl by an illegal immigrant.

59 Percent of Illegal Aliens Deported Were Convicted Criminals in FY 2013.  Almost half of those caught at the border, have criminal histories, of which over 20% have violent convictions.  What do these numbers say about the alien population that does make it across the border?  Well, certainly, it should put to rest the idea that only hard working, honest people are illegally entering our nation.  Instead, our politicians have unleashed a horde of criminals on us. Illegal immigration not only depresses wages, but ruins the quality of life in the United States by allowing unfit and dangerous people in our nation.

Illegal Wanted for Murder in Mexico Enjoys 13-Year Crime Spree in U.S..  Because our elites care more about illegal immigrants than American citizens, this is allowed to happen and it ought to make your blood boil.

US deports 109,511 convicted criminal illegal immigrants in 2013!.  How many more criminal illegals are here who have yet to be convicted of their crimes?  How many of those not stopped at the border have criminals backgrounds in their native countries?

Violent Illegal Alien California Refused To Deport Kills His Wife.  California encourages illegal immigration.  It has even gone so far as to refuse to turn over illegals to ICE.  They liberals responsible for that policy might feel differently if they lived in the same neighborhoods as men like Mario Chavez.

Feds step up efforts to deport Somalis on Minnesota criminal court rolls.  The federal government is engaging in an aggressive effort to deport Somali immigrants who run afoul of U.S. law, after refraining for years from shipping people back to a country wracked by civil war and lacking a functioning government.  The policy change affects more than 3,100 Somali nationals who have received final orders for removal from the United States since 2001, either because of violations of immigration law or criminal convictions.

Obama hides aid for criminals in immigration bill.  The White House is trying to hide unpopular provisions in the Senate's immigration bill that would allow immigrant criminals to stay in the country and would increase the inflow of low-skill refugees from war-torn countries, says a top White House official.  "The bill has a number of other important provisions that have stayed under the radar, and we'd actually like to keep them under the radar," said Esther Olavarria, the White House's director of immigration reform.

Term you will not hear about Atlanta kidnapping perp: Illegal Alien.  The Associated Press and numerous other media outlets have banned the terms "illegal alien" or "illegal immigrant" after a relentless campaign by immigration activists who illogically claimed the terms were racist, and who want to soften the reality of crime committed by people in the country illegally.  The recent kidnapping and rescue of a teenager in Atlanta demonstrates how the media is wording around the term, and diminishing the facts by making it unclear if the perpetrator was in the country illegally.

The Illegal Alien Murderer of Vanessa Pham.  Why is gun control the only policy we're allowed to discuss when horrific murders occur?  In the liberal mindset, "root causes" of crime begin and end with the Second Amendment.  But who pays the price when our public guardians fail to secure our borders, refuse to deport serial criminal offenders, and enable drug-crazed menaces to prey upon innocent citizens?

Mexican pirates attack Texas fishermen on Falcon Lake.  Falcon Lake is famous for its monster bass and for the maniacal obsession of the fishermen who come from all over Texas — and the world — to stalk them.  Now this remote reservoir that straddles the international boundary is known for something else:  pirates.

Be aware of border if fishing at Falcon.  Summer fishing at Falcon International Reservoir is heating up, but authorities are warning anglers not to venture into troubled waters beyond the center line of the Rio Grande.

Pirates shoot US man in Mexican waters.  An American tourist was shot in the back of the head in Mexican waters on Thursday after being ambushed by armed boaters, a Texas sheriff said. ... The shooting renewed warnings of pirates on Falcon Lake, which is about 96km down the border from Laredo and is popular with water skiers and bass fishing.

Search continues for Falcon Lake victim.  Texas officials on Friday [10/1/2010] reissued warnings of danger on the Mexican side of Falcon Lake reservoir as hopes dimmed for finding a 30-year-old oil worker reportedly shot through the head during an outing to view ruins past the international line.

A 'stupid' mistake or murder?  It was planned as a day of recreation for the young couple but turned into tragedy.  A 30-year-old man dead, his body lost — possibly forever.  As his grieving widow waits for answers, suspicion is cast on her.  Then an investigator is murdered as he looks into the crime.  Today, nearly six months later, some of the puzzle pieces are falling into place regarding what happened to Americans David and Tiffany Hartley that September day on Falcon Lake, which straddles the U.S.-Mexico border.

Alleged Mexican cartel member reportedly confesses to 30 killings across United States.  An alleged member of multiple Mexican drug cartels reportedly confessed to more than 30 killings across the United States.  Jose Manuel Martinez allegedly admitted to the killings while being questioned by police about his connection to another murder in Alabama, police announced Thursday [6/13/2013].  Authorities say they have connected him to 10 murders in California and two in Florida, reported.

Rep. Steve King: 'Illegal aliens' invaded my office.  Rep. Steve King, a Republican from Iowa and the House's leading immigration hawk, complained Thursday [6/13/2013] about young immigrants who had shown up to protest his bill that would defund President Barack Obama's deferred action program.  King wrote on Twitter that "20 brazen self professed illegal aliens have invaded my DC office.  Obama's lawless order gives them de facto immunity from U.S. law."

Illegal Alien Rapes Baltimore Girl 1 Year after City Becomes Sanctuary.  A year after Baltimore's mayor signed an order officially converting the city into a sanctuary for illegal immigrants, federal authorities announce the arrest of an undocumented Ecuadorian national "wanted for the brutal rape of a 9-year-old girl."  It marks the latest in a series of heartbreaking examples involving an illegal alien haven blowing up in a local government's face.  We've seen this nationwide in municipalities that enable illegal immigrants to commit atrocious crimes by protecting them from the feds.

ICE admits hundreds of illegal immigrants with criminal records [have been] released.  Hundreds of illegal immigrants with criminal records were released earlier this year as the Obama administration prepared for budget cuts, according to newly released data that challenged claims the program involved "low-risk" individuals.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement released the figures to two top senators, after a three-month delay and under the threat of congressional subpoenas.  Of the 2,226 detainees that were released in February, the department revealed, "622 have been identified as having some type of criminal conviction."

Mexican Cartels Getting Strong and Violent Foothold in the United States.  The Associated Press is out with an extensive piece today showing just how far Mexican drug cartels have infiltrated American society.  The cartel problem is no longer a border problem, it's a problem for the entire country.  Violent cartel members are carrying out crimes in our backyards with the potential to develop into something much worse.

Breitbart News Interview with Assassinated Texas DA Before His Death.  A national security expert who has spent several years in intelligence gathering operations around the Mexican drug cartels' criminal insurgency into the continental United States told Breitbart News, "This assassination of DA McClellend and his wife is meant to send a message:  no one is safe, no one is beyond our reach.  We will kill you and your loved ones.  We are in control here."  "This is a significant point of escalation in the crisis," he continued.  "This type of high-profile targeting of public officials is a classic insurgent tactic. [...]"

Heroin dealer nabbed for reentering U.S. illegally for 4th time.  A three-time deportee from the Dominican Republic who's been charged with trafficking heroin in Massachusetts will be arraigned in federal court today for illegally reentering the United States for a fourth time.  Juan Miguel Laboy, who is believed to be 38 or 39 years old, was spotted in Lawrence last month by a special agent from the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, according to court documents.

Terrorism in Arizona? Does anyone know about this?  We've talked about immigration policy before and we've certainly noted the Federal government's outright refusal to enforce our nation's laws concerning some illegal immigrants.  But what about those legally here and in violation of the law or deemed a threat?  Wasn't that supposed to be the breaking point, the point at which this administration would step in and take action?

Rep raises alarm after murders by illegals blocked from deportation by home countries.  Long after they were ordered out of the country, thousands of criminal aliens from places like China, Cuba, Vietnam and Pakistan remain free in the United States to commit new crimes because their home countries refuse to take them back.  For years, this unique problem percolated under the political radar.  But recent crimes by immigrant felons have lawmakers scrambling to punish nations that refuse to repatriate their own citizens.

The Editor says...
The solution is quite simple:  Put a parachute on each of these guys, and push them out of a C-130 flying over their native land.  The word will spread quickly, and the problem will be solved.

Man Accused In Baby Death Had Been Recently Deported.  Federal agents said the man accused of sexually assaulting and killing a 1-month-old baby girl had recently sneaked back into the United States after being deported to Mexico four months before the crime.

Report: Illegals released by feds committed 19 murders, 142 sex crimes.  The Obama administration released illegal immigrants who went on to commit more crimes, including charges of 19 murders, 3 attempted murders and 142 sex crimes, the House Judiciary Committee said in a report Tuesday [7/31/2012].  All told, the nearly 47,000 illegal immigrants the administration was notified of but declined to deport between 2008 and 2011 under its Secure Communities program had a recidivism rate of 16 percent, the committee said.

Illegal Alien Murderer Had Murdered Before.  The illegal alien who murdered a father and two sons in San Francisco in 2008 not only evaded deportation with the city's help but also had murdered before, the San Francisco Chronicle has revealed.  Even worse, the FBI knew it and did nothing.

Drunk-Driving Illegal Alien Gets 55 Years For Killing Cop.  Johoan Rodriguez, a 27-year-old veteran border jumper from Mexico who killed Houston police officer Kevin Will on May 29, 2011 as the officer, a husband and father, was investigating a another crash, was sentenced to 55 years in prison.  Rodriguez was a member of the Salvadoran drug and murder gang MS-13, prosecutors said.

Obama's Willie Horton.  Illegal immigrant whose deportation was blocked by the Obama administration alleged to have murdered 15-year-old girl.

13 American Gangs That Are Keeping The FBI Up At Night.  More than 1.4 million Americans are wearing the colors of more than 33,000 gangs across the country, according to a report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  Based on evidence from federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement, the FBI says gangs commit 48% of violent crime, and are only becoming more dangerous.

GAO report links Arizona wildfires to immigrants.  A study by Congress' investigative arm shows investigators have linked 30 fires that erupted in a five-year period in Arizona's border region to people who crossed into the United States illegally — a finding Sen. John McCain said backs up earlier statements he made about illegal immigrants and wildfires.

Illegal immigrants have no right to arms - court.  Illegal immigrants do not have a right to bear arms under the U.S. Constitution, a federal appeals court ruled on Friday [12/16/2011].  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit, based in Missouri, rejected an appeal brought by Joaquin Bravo Flores, who was charged with possessing a firearm.  Agreeing with the 5th Circuit, the court concluded that the protections of the Second Amendment do not extend to undocumented immigrants.

Child rape suspect in U.S. illegally, police say.  Metro police on Tuesday night [11/22/2011] arrested an illegal immigrant wanted for raping an 11-year-old girl and robbing her parents at the family's Antioch apartment last Sunday evening.  Olbin Euceda is in the United States illegally, the Davidson County Sheriff's Office confirmed late Wednesday afternoon [11/23/2011].

Armed illegals stalked Border Patrol.  Five illegal immigrants armed with at least two AK-47 semi-automatic assault rifles were hunting for U.S. Border Patrol agents near a desert watering hole known as Mesquite Seep just north of the Arizona-Mexico border when a firefight erupted and one U.S. agent was killed, records show.

Report ties 2006-10 Arizona fires to immigrants.  People entering the U.S. illegally from Mexico are believed responsible for more than one-third of human-ignited wildfires in Arizona over a five-year period, according to a government report that could stoke congressional debate over illegal immigration.  Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said the Government Accountability Office (GAO) report supports remarks he made earlier this year after his state was hit hard by wildfires.  At the time, McCain was accused of "scapegoating" immigrants.

Woman, 45, slain while walking to parked car.  An apparent carjacking attempt described as a random act of violence has taken the life of a 45-year-old Albion woman and led to the capture of an illegal immigrant charged with her murder, Orleans County sheriff's officials said Monday [10/31/2011]. ... A massive search, aided by K-9 dogs and a State Police helicopter, led to the apprehension of Luis A. Rodriguez-Flamenco, 24, identified by authorities as a Honduran national.

Napolitano silent on alternatives while criminal aliens released in US.  Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told a House committee that she is "not aware" of any actions the Obama administration has taken against countries that will not accept back illegal immigrants in "deportation status," some of whom have committed crimes.  After a "six-month detention period," the illegal immigrants are released within the United States.

Illegal alien accused in death may go free — without trial.  An illegal alien accused of running down a disabled Waltham man in a crosswalk the day before Thanksgiving, then fleeing the scene, may be deported to Guatemala a free woman without ever standing trial.  Federal officials, the Middlesex District Attorney's Office and the victim's heartbroken parents are calling the impending release of Blanca Contreras a nightmare.

ICE HQ Ordered Agents Not to Arrest Illegals — Including Fugitives.  Chris Crane, president of a union that represents Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, testified in the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration last week that ICE agents have been told by ICE headquarters not to arrest illegal aliens who do not have a prior criminal conviction even if they are fugitives who have been ordered deported by an immigration judge or are individuals who have illegally re-entered the United States after being deported and thus have perpetrated a felony.

Man with multiple deportations, DUIs arrested.  Police arrested a man who had been previously deported three times on suspicion of drunken driving, resisting arrest and hit-and-run, according to the Escondido Police Department. ... The man had been formally deported three times and had voluntarily returned to Mexico 12 times, [Lt. Craig] Carter said.  He also had five previous drunken driving arrests, Carter said.

Top 10 Examples of San Francisco Silliness.  San Francisco is a sanctuary city, where illegal immigrants can find safe haven.  Since 1989, city police officers have been forbidden from inquiring into an offender's immigration status.  As a result, the city has been plagued by violence committed by illegal immigrants who should have been deported for earlier, less serious offenses.

All Illegal Aliens Must Go.  Three weeks have elapsed since the final "hearing" by the governor's kangaroo panel was conducted in Brockton — a town where Maria Palaguachi-Cela's body and that of her 2-year-old son were left in a dumpster, allegedly murdered by multi-time violent offender and illegal alien Luis Guaman.

Suspect's immigration status surfaces in HPD officer's death.  The suspect accused of driving his vehicle through a police barricade and killing a Houston police officer Sunday may be an illegal immigrant, officials say.  Johoan Rodriguez, 26, charged with the intoxicated manslaughter of Houston officer Kevin Will, has a federal immigration detainer placed in his arrest records after investigators found "reason to believe" he was not a citizen.

In a Sanctuary City, An Illegal Immigrant Gets the Death Penalty.  Areli Carbajal Escobar, a violent 32-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico, had a long rap sheet.  Over the years in the sanctuary city of Austin, Texas, police and prosecutors had many contacts with him.  Yet Escobar was never deported.  Now, immigration problems are the least of Escobar's worries.  Last week, a Travis County jury sentenced him to death for the brutal rape and murder of a high school honor student.

Deport California's Illegal Alien Convicts.  If the U.S. Supreme Court says California has to create room in its prisons by releasing convicts, the least the federal government can do is send those who are illegal aliens back over the border.  The message is simple:  If you come to our country and don't follow the rules, you're outta here.

Three Convicted in Terror-Related Cases Later Granted U.S. Citizenship.  Three people convicted of crimes as a result of a terrorism-related investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) were later naturalized as U.S. citizens by the Obama administration, according to federal auditors.

Don't We Have Enough Criminal Citizens Now?  Of all the fighting we legal citizens of this country have had to do to try to stop this anti-American, anti-U. S. Constitution, anti-responsible fiscal housekeeping, Socialist-communist government save for one half of the otherwise corrupt Congress from absolute criminal actions intent on the total destruction of our once good and honest country; we are now faced with openly dishonest and country killing "in-your-face-America" decisions by its leadership.

Eight Out of Ten Illegal Aliens Apprehended in 2010 Never Prosecuted, Says Border Congressman.  An illegal alien apprehended by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency during the last fiscal year had an estimated 84 percent chance of never being prosecuted, according to figures compiled by the office of Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas).  Culberson submitted the figures for the record during a hearing Wednesday [3/16/2011] of the House Appropriations subcommittee on homeland security.

Kick criminal aliens out.  While those who support amnesty and those who support the rule of law may never agree on how to reform our broken immigration system, there is one area where I believe members on both sides of the aisle in Washington can and must agree:  When someone who is here illegally is convicted of a crime, he should not be released back into American communities.  Criminal aliens — that is, illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a crime — should be removed from the United States upon release from incarceration.  Unfortunately, criminal aliens all too often are released from prison and go right back onto America's streets, where they re-enter a life of crime.

Illegal alien in nun's traffic death had offenses handled inconsistently.  A long-awaited report on the deportation status of a Prince William illegal alien whose alcohol-related head-on collision killed a Richmond-based nun shows repeated instances of a failure to report his crimes to Homeland Security as well as a shift in emphasis by the Obama administration in dealing with illegal aliens.

Illegal Immigrant Charged With First-Degree Murder in Virginia.  A Salvadoran man who was ordered deported nearly a decade ago but never left has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder in a series of shootings and a knife attack in a Virginia suburb of Washington, authorities said Friday [2/11/2011].

Why won't feds come clean about Chandra Levy's killer?  Ingmar Guandique, the 29-year-old illegal immigrant from El Salvador sentenced to 60 years in prison earlier this month for the murder of former congressional intern Chandra Levy, had a history of violent attacks on women pre-dating his unlawful entry into the United States via the Texas border — as thousands like him continue to do every year.  It's a one-way ticket to America with no questions asked.

Deportee is linked to 3 cold-case murders.  Long Beach Police have arrested a 33-year-old known gang member, who was awaiting deportation from New York to Mexico, for the murders of three Long Beach-area people dating back to the early 2000s.

Bandits who prey on illegals gun down Border Patrol agent.  A U.S. Border Patrol agent attempting to arrest bandits who prey on illegal immigrants was killed during a gunfight about 10 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border near Rio Rico, Ariz., 60 miles south of Tucson.

GOP Senators Demand ICE Stop Release of Criminal Aliens.  Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans are demanding Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) stop its policy of selective law enforcement against illegal aliens including the termination of deportation proceedings for a number of dangerous criminal aliens.  Led by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Judiciary Republicans want an explanation from Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano of new selective and lax law enforcement policies for crimes including domestic violence, sexual crimes and driving while intoxicated.

The Shoes Liberal Celebrities Won't Wear.  Althea Rae Shaw of Los Angeles wrote an outraged open letter to Colbert after last week's Capitol Hill circus.  She is the aunt of 17-year-old Jamiel Andre Shaw II, a young black high-school student who was gunned down by an illegal-alien gang member in 2008 amid brown-on-black violence in southern California.  The Shaw family has spearheaded efforts to repeal dangerous sanctuary policies in Los Angeles that protect criminal illegal aliens and handcuff local law enforcement.

Solving the Obama Problem.  [Scroll down]  Some would go even further. Former Colorado representative Tom Tancredo has cited the president's refusal to enforce immigration law as an impeachable offense, and Arizona state senator Russell Pearce, in a recent interview, has strongly — "absolutely" is the word he used — concurred.  "Five to ten thousand folks come across that border daily," he declares, "and what's coming across — 20 percent have criminal convictions — are gang members, drug smugglers, human smugglers, child molesters, rapists.  It's an invasion.  It's in violation of the Constitution.  Yes, it's impeachable.  He [Obama] not only neglects to do it, now he's refusing to do it.  It's impeachable."

More about The Clamor for Obama's Impeachment.

The Five Most Crime-Ridden U.S. Judicial Districts Are All on the Mexican Border.  When measured by the number of criminal defendants charged with federal crimes by U.S. attorneys, the top five U.S. judicial districts for fiscal 2009 were all on the U.S.-Mexico border.  In fact, these five judicial districts are the only five on the U.S.-Mexico border — covering its entire expanse from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean.

Prosecutors dismiss rape charges against illegal immigrant.  Snohomish County prosecutors have dismissed rape charges against an illegal immigrant whose arrest in Edmonds sparked outrage because he had been deported 10 times before.

Suspect in teen's slaying was deported twice.  As she made arrangements Thursday to bury her 14-year-old daughter, Keisha Lambert learned that the suspected gunman in the teenager's killing had been previously deported twice from the U.S.

Pirates terrorize boaters on Texas lake.  With machine-guns in hand, Mexico's deadliest cartel is patrolling the waters of a Texas border lake.  These pirates have already ambushed three, possibly four boats, operating with virtual impunity as they make off with cash and electronics.  It's happening on Falcon Lake in Zapata, 200 yards from the Mexican border.

The Pirates Of Zapata County.  There are five bass-fishing tournaments between now and July on [Falcon] lake that help the local economy.  So the Zapata County Chamber of Commerce has issued a press release saying that boaters are safe — as long as they stay on the American side.  That's understandable but perhaps unwise.  After all, pirates that have no compunction about laws against armed robbery probably don't have much concern about border laws either.

Search for missing tourist thwarted by drug gangs.  A search for a missing American tourist presumably shot and killed by Mexican pirates on a border lake has been thwarted by threats of an ambush from drug gangs, U.S. officials said Thursday [10/7/2010].

Rape suspect deported 4 times.  The man accused of raping a woman behind an Edmonds grocery store has been deported at least four times in the past 15 years, reports KIRO Radio.

If America Were a Free Country, Immigration Would Not Be a Problem.  In addition to exploding the dependent population, our porous borders have allowed violent gangs and drug cartels to advance north into the American southwest.  People who live in areas close to the border such as southern Arizona are in the crossfire of violent drug traffickers who commit murders, kidnappings, home invasions and robberies.

17 Illegal Aliens Arrested After Drug Smugglers Shoot Arizona Sheriff's Deputy.  Authorities searching for drug smugglers who shot and wounded an Arizona sheriff's deputy in the desert south of Phoenix said they captured 17 suspected illegal immigrants Saturday [5/1/2010], including three who may have been involved in the incident.

In Arizona County, Of 64 Highway Chases Last Month, Not One Perp a U.S. Citizen.  As media elites in their Sixth Avenue towers look down and tut-tut about those racist reactionaries in Arizona, the real people who have to deal with the real-world problems and ramifications of leftist open border political correctness are not backing down.  This weekend on Phoenix' KFYI, radio host Terry Gilberg interviewed Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu.  The Sheriff's message to Contessa, Katie and all the rest?  Come ride alongside me in the patrol car.  You'll see the real story.

Rape suspect had prior allegations.  The 20-year-old illegal immigrant arrested for sexually assaulting a 6-year old girl at an Albuquerque gym on Tuesday [5/4/2010] had been accused of raping children before.

Holder Rules Out Death Penalty for Illegal Aliens Charged With Murder.  Attorney General Eric Holder has directed prosecutors in a federal conspiracy and murder trial not to seek the death penalty for three El Salvadoran men who are in the United States illegally.  The three are accused of robbing and shooting Claros Luna on July 29, 2009 in Alexandria, Va., just a few miles from the Justice Department, as Luna transported a prostitute from Maryland to Virginia.

Officers' hands tied on illegal immigrants.  It began as a tip to America's Most Wanted:  An anonymous caller said the No. 1 fugitive was holed up in a South Side house.  With the TV show's cameras in tow, deputy U.S. marshals raided 788 Stambaugh Ave. on Jan. 7 looking for Manuel Penaloza, who was wanted in two killings and a carjacking in Pasadena, Calif.  Instead, they found five undocumented immigrants in the tiny bungalow.

Border Patrol Agents Under Attack.  Assaults against agents in the Yuma sector have shot up to 126 in the first six months of this fiscal year.  That's approaching the number of assaults all last year.  Agent Ben Vick was lucky he was wearing a helmet when this brick hit his head.  "I looked down and though, 'Oh, that's what hit me.'  Because before that, I had no idea.  It was just such a huge blow," Vick says.

Officer's killer no stranger to police.  The gunman who shot and killed an undercover police officer during a Tuesday night [6/23/2009] sting operation was an illegal immigrant who had been picked up by the U.S. Border Patrol in El Paso and allowed to return home to Mexico 10 years ago.  Municipal records also show that Roberto Pedroza Carrillo, 37, had been stopped and ticketed by the Houston Police Department at least four times since 2002...

Immigrant who shot HPD officer was in US illegally.  Houston police identified the suspect in a shooting last week that critically injured a police officer as an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, saying federal immigration officials missed multiple opportunities to deport him.  On Tuesday, Mayor Bill White said the disclosure about the immigration status of Wilfido Joel Alfaro, who was fatally shot by officers executing a drug search warrant Thursday night, highlights the federal government's failure to identify and deport illegal immigrants convicted of crimes.

Border Patrol Agents Shoot Man as He Runs Over Fellow Officer.  U.S. Border Patrol agents shot a man described as a suspected drug smuggler in the New Mexico desert Thursday night, federal officials said Friday.  Doug Mosier, a Border Patrol spokesman in El Paso, said agents were trying to stop a pickup truck headed north along a desert ranch road about 11 p.m. Thursday night, when the driver ran over an agent.

Illegal alien pleads guilty to raping 9-year-old.  A Dale County [Alabama] man who pleaded guilty to raping a 9-year-old girl was sentenced to a full 18 years in prison, according to authorities.  Marcos Velasquez-Morales, 31, of Level Plains, was charged July 30 with first-degree rape after authorities said he lived with the victim's mother.

Widow of slain HPD officer sues Quintero employer.  The widow of slain Houston police officer Rodney Johnson filed a wrongful death lawsuit Monday [5/19/2008] against the landscaper who employed Johnson's killer, as jurors continued deliberating Juan Leonardo Quintero's fate.  Quintero was convicted earlier this month of shooting Johnson seven times after he was arrested during a traffic stop.

Man Dies in Shootout With California Cops.  A man suspected of shooting two police officers during a traffic stop was killed in a wild shootout with police in a strip mall parking lot, authorities said Thursday [12/28/2006].  More than 50 shots were fired between Santa Ana police officers and 33-year-old Oscar Gabriel Gallegos on Wednesday, Santa Ana Police Chief Paul Walters said. … Gallegos was an illegal immigrant who had been deported three times and had a criminal record dating back to 1990, including arrests for drug offenses and assault with a deadly weapon, authorities said.

Suspect identified in market owner's murder.  Metro police have identified the suspect in last Friday's murder of Vinod Shah inside his Discount Beer Market at 15116 Old Hickory Blvd.  Edgar Rodriguez, 19, is wanted for criminal homicide and is believed to have fled the country to Mexico.  Police detectives have been in contact with the FBI regarding the issuance of a federal unlawful flight warrant.

Family blames sanctuary policy in 3 slayings.  San Francisco's immigrant sanctuary policies played a "substantial" role in the slayings of a father and two of his sons by allowing city officials to shield the alleged killer from deportation, despite his violent history, according to a legal claim filed Friday [8/22/2008] on behalf of the victims' family.  The claim is likely to be followed by a wrongful death lawsuit in which the family of Tony Bologna and his sons could seek millions of dollars from the city.

'Where You From?'  The common factor in these killings, as with so many others:  The alleged killers came to the country illegally.  Federal officials estimate that 40,000 of the 170,000 inmates held in Los Angeles County jails each year are illegal immigrants.  And in the cases of Espinoza and Ramos, the police had previously arrested each and — for reasons that remain unclear — the authorities either never referred the arrested alien to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation or ICE failed to institute deportation proceedings.

Mexican Smugglers Make US Lands Unsafe.  Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne has said that drug traffickers sneaking into the United States from Mexico through U.S. lands administered by his department have made some of those lands unsafe for American families.

Illegal immigrant convicted of assaulting girl gets 57 more months.  A deported illegal immigrant who returned to the United States and sexually assaulted a young girl will be spending another 57 months in federal prison.  Sergio Hugo Hernandez, 31, of Las Vegas, received that sentence Friday [7/11/2008] on top of a sentence of 10 years to life that he received in state prison for assaulting the girl, said Gregory A. Brower, U.S. Attorney for the District of Nevada.

Daly City police seeking suspect in pry-bar beating of elderly woman.  Police are searching for a 28-year-old South San Francisco man suspected of savagely beating a 78-year-old widow inside her Daly City home and leaving her for dead after she surprised him during a robbery attempt. … They identified the suspect in the attack as Jose Perez-Gonzalez, 28, an illegal alien originally from Guadalajara, Mexico, who has been living in South San Francisco.

Hillary's Flip-Flops Border on Insanity.  According to Lt. Steve Rogers, a decorated cop in New Jersey and an award-winning writer, there are tens of thousands of murderers, rapists, child predators, robbers and drug dealers who are illegally in the United States.  One study shows over 200,000 criminal aliens are preying on US citizens.  Border Patrol agents in the Tucson, AZ Sector have apprehended 27,834 illegal aliens with criminal records, 74 of which were for homicide.

The world's most dangerous gang:  MS-13 — or Mara Salvatrucha — is the biggest and fastest-growing of the Latin American street gangs.  In Maryland alone, MS-13 members are accused of being responsible for a long series of violent crimes including murder.  Favoured tactics include decapitation by machete.  MS-13 started life as a group of young immigrants on the streets of California in the 1980s.

Deporting some immigrant inmates a big break for states.  Programs in New York and Arizona aimed at cutting the prison sentences of certain immigrant inmates so they can be deported faster have federal officials urging other states to adopt similar policies.  Officials in the two states say they have saved millions by turning over for early deportation some non-violent immigrant criminals who have served at least half of their sentences.

Our illegal-alien criminal class.  One of the first signs of anarchy is when law-enforcement officers arrest common sense while allowing political correctness to roam free.  In Virginia Beach, near Norfolk, the reaction of city officials to the deaths of two beautiful teen-age girls is a case in point.

DNA Links Suspect to Freeway Rapes.  A man who allegedly raped a 24-year-old woman whose car broke down on a San Diego freeway was expected to enter a plea today to six felony charges, prosecutors said. ... [Alejandro Martinez] Leyva, a gardener and apparent illegal immigrant, was being held at the Orange County Jail, and an immigration hold was placed on him, [sheriff's spokesman Jim] Amormino said.

Slain officer missed suspect's gun in search.  The Houston police officer who was gunned down by a suspect Thursday [9/21/2006] after a routine traffic stop apparently missed the man's weapon in a pat-down search, Capt. Dale Brown told reporters today.  Juan Leonardo Quintero, a 32-year-old illegal immigrant, has been charged with capital murder in the shooting death of Houston Police Officer Rodney Johnson. … Brown said that Quintero had a criminal history from 1995 to 1999, convicted for DWI, failure to stop and give information and indecency with a child.  His driver's license was suspended and he was deported to Mexico by immigration officials in 1999, Brown said.

Cop Killing Sparks Immigration Debate.  The shooting of a Houston police officer has sparked a new battle over immigration.  Juan Leonardo Quintero, an illegal immigrant, has been charged with killing a Houston police officer last week after a routine traffic stop.  Police Chief Harold Hurtt blamed the federal government for failing to secure U.S. borders.

Cop murder spotlights crisis of killer aliens.  Though no government agency in the U.S. — not the FBI nor Immigration and Customs Enforcement — tracks violent crimes by illegal aliens, even murders of police officers, a search by WND of news reports in the last three years shows law enforcement personnel are hardly immune to deadly carnage wrought by untracked, undocumented armed predators inside the country.

Sex offender database changed to include deported illegals.  More than 2,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders, whose names were absent from a public statewide database because they were deported, have been restored to the Texas Department of Public Safety public Internet site after a Houston police officer's slaying a month ago.

Man charged with child rape is in U.S. illegally, police say.  Detectives have arrested a man they say admitted having sex with a 12-year-old girl.  Diego Francisco Escobar-Landaverde, 18, of Clayton Estates in La Vergne, was charged him with rape of a child.  The incident was reported Saturday afternoon and the suspect was located less than an hour after police began work on the case, Chief Ted Boyd said.

Congressman calls Mexico a "drug cartel".  Tom Tancredo, a Republican congressman and presidential candidate, said Wednesday [11/14/2007] that the United States cannot trust the Mexican government in combating narcotics and called the neighbouring counry a 'drug cartel.'  'Mexico is a drug cartel,' Tancredo said.  'The degree of corruption inside the government and the military is so great that it's hard to see where the government ends and where the cartels begin.'

Tijuana police abandon posts.  The municipal police force in this troubled border city walked off the job Thursday [1/4/2007] after soldiers and federal agents ordered its members to turn over their weapons in connection with homicide investigations.  The surprising turn of events came two days after Mexican President Felipe Calderon dispatched 3,300 federal troops and police to the city in an effort to combat violence linked to drug cartels.

Man who led immigrant brothel ring pleads guilty.  A man accused of managing brothels in Texas and Oklahoma as part of a nationwide ring that forced immigrant women into prostitution has pleaded guilty to federal charges.  Juan Balderas-Orosco, 34, faces up to 30 years in prison for transportation for prostitution, importation of illegal aliens and conspiracy to smuggle, transport and harbor illegal aliens.

36 indicted in Mexican Mafia crackdown.  A former San Diegan and other leaders of the Mexican Mafia prison gang led a massive crime syndicate in Southern California that ordered murders and controlled street gangs, according to a sweeping federal indictment announced yesterday [6/16/2006].

Americans speaking out against illegal immigration.  Seven weeks after the collapse of legislation in Congress, the outcry against illegal immigration is louder than ever.  It is manifested by proposed clampdowns at the state and local level and an uproar over the arrest of an undocumented immigrant in the execution-style slayings of three New Jersey college students.

The Color of Crime:  The execution-style murder of three African-American college students in Newark, N.J., forced to kneel and shot in the head — allegedly by an illegal alien from Peru who was out on bail for the serial rape of a 5-year-old — has the makings of a Willie Horton issue in 2008.  Newark, like New York, is a "sanctuary city," where cops are not to ask criminal suspects if they are in the country legally.

For Illegal Aliens, Crime Pays — and So Do We.  Except for when an illegal alien does something horrific … we rarely hear that these crimes are committed specifically by illegals.  This is due to two factors:  first, illegal aliens are often silent on family violence and afraid to report crime within their communities.  And second, the mainstream media seem to go out of their way not to inform us, as they rarely make any distinction between crimes committed by US citizen perpetrators or those committed by illegal alien perpetrators, and this is an egregious violation of the press's mandate.

Government Not Tracking Illegal Alien Crime Even As It Spirals Up.  Operation Predator began on July 9, 2003, and resulted in 6,085 child predator arrests throughout the country — an average of roughly 250 arrests per month and eight arrests per day.  However, while Operation Predator is a noble effort, it is making only a small dent in the criminal activity of illegal aliens.  In fact, the criminal activity in the illegal alien community is now so bad that illegal aliens are being held for ransom and as slaves by other illegal aliens, andsmugglersare kidnapping illegal aliens from other smugglers!

[The article above contains numerous additional links.  Check it out.]

Illegal Alien Criminal Activity Will Shock You.  There are currently over 400,000 unaccounted-for illegal alien criminals with outstanding deportation orders.  Those are just the ones we managed to apprehend at some point.  At least one fourth of these are hard core criminals.  No one knows how many more there are.  As noted above, however, they are numerous and roaming your neighborhoods, preying on you and your family.

Mexican drug cartels take over U.S. cities.  Mexican drug cartels operating in cities in the U.S. are buying up legitimate businesses to launder money and using some of the proceeds to win local mayoral and city council seats for politicians who can shape the policies and personnel decisions of their police forces, according to Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., who has led the fight to secure the U.S.-Mexico border and enforce the nation's immigration laws.

Brutal gang tests officers, cities and FBI.  A poor soul suspected of cooperating with the authorities is abducted at gunpoint, beaten unmercifully, tortured and decapitated; another is gang-raped and shot repeatedly. … It is not Muslin extremists in America who are perpetrating such acts of extreme violence within our own borders, but members of a large, highly-organized and well-funded street gang known as MS-13.  You'd better watch out, because they may be coming to a neighborhood near you.

The Coming Gang War:  According to the FBI's National Gang Task Force Director Robert Clifford, MS-13 is following the same paths as do Mexican illegal workers.  Clifford said:  "The migrant moves and the gang follows.  If you follow the construction trade, that is where a lot of these immigrants go."

'Most wanted' lists are filled with hard-to-track Latinos.  "We have no way to track down people like this," Johnston Sheriff's Lt. Fred Dees said.  "They're anonymous — invisible, really."  Law enforcement agencies often search in vain for suspects who may not be in the country legally.  As a result, Latinos — the bulk of the 300,000 illegal immigrants in the state [of North Carolina] — dominate the lists of "most wanted" crime suspects in Wake and Johnston counties.

The gangstas in my neighborhood:  The peaceful suburbs of Washington, D.C., are beginning to look and feel like East Los Angeles.  The violent illegal alien gang Mara Salvatrucha (or MS-13) has thoroughly penetrated the region — and its murderous members continue to be aided and abetted by reckless government officials at every level who refuse to enforce our immigration laws.

MS-13 in Your Backyard.  They are vicious, they are violent, they murder, rob, rape and behead their victims.  MS-13 appears to be in control of much of the Mexican border.  To sustain themselves financially, they smuggle people, drugs and guns across borders.  They collect money from illegals.  Where MS-13 goes, violence goes.  They stop at nothing.

The victims of illegal immigration.  President Bush accuses those of us who want to secure America's borders and fully enforce our immigration laws of lacking "compassion."  Huh.  Well, I have yet to hear an ounce of compassion from President Bush for America's countless casualties of lax immigration enforcement.  Where's the sympathy for innocent, law-abiding citizens who have lost their lives at the hands of illegal aliens and their open-borders enablers?

Illegal Alien Crime Wave:  On April 7, 2005, the US Justice Department issued a report on criminal aliens that were incarcerated in federal and state prisons and local jails.  In the population study of 55,322 illegal aliens, researchers found that they were arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging about eight arrests per illegal alien.

Fired illegal indicted in crimes.  An illegal alien who lost his job because of Arizona's still-pending employer-sanctions law has been indicted by a grand jury in Phoenix on charges of armed robbery, theft and aggravated assault.

Illegal Aliens Linked to Rise in Crime Statistics.  In the population study of a sample of 55,322 illegal aliens, researchers found that they were arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging about eight arrests per illegal alien.  Nearly all had more than one arrest.  Thirty-eight percent (about 21,000) had between two and five arrests, 32 percent (about 18,000) had between six and ten arrests, and 26 percent (about 15,000) had 11 or more arrests.  Most of the arrests occurred after 1990.

Border control:  The Bush Administration would have us believe that most illegal immigrants (or "undocumented workers" in the lingo of political correctness) are merely looking for a better life and taking only those jobs that Americans do not want.  Kerry Morales isn't buying that line.  "Maybe 20 years ago the illegals were innocent, hard-working people," she tells the San Antonio Express-News.  "Not any more.  Now they're extremely dangerous.  They mean violence."

Crime 'franchise' hub in Denver.  Federal and state authorities are working to permanently close a metro Denver counterfeit documents ring allegedly masterminded by a Mexico-based crime family they believe operates in at least 33 states, churning out tens of millions of dollars worth of fake IDs.

Five illegals face deportation after killing principal.  Deportation to Mexico is possible, if not likely, for five illegal aliens involved in a fatal traffic crash this week that claimed the life of a popular school principal in South Florida.

Immigration Insanity:  Largely unknown to most Americans is the large percentage of the nation's incarcerated criminal population representing the failure of those agencies responsible to protect this nation against the dangers posed by illegal aliens.

Deputy David March:  On April 29, 2002, Deputy Dave March was murdered on the streets of Los Angeles County.  The suspected gunman then fled the Country to Mexico.  It is believed by many that the Mexican Government has refused to extradite the suspected killer because he may be imprisoned for life or executed for the crime.

Aztlan group blamed for newspaper theft.  Police at Pasadena City College in Southern California say they have no suspects in the theft of 5,000 copies of the campus newspaper despite a claim by students identifying themselves as members of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan — MEChA — saying they were responsible.

MEChA  — The Mexican Nazi Movement.  MEChA ("Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan" or Chicano Students Movement of Aztlan) is neither a fraternity nor a "good-natured and altruistic college campus organization".  Rather, it is the Hispanic version of the Nazis, Ku Klux Klan or Islamic Jihad — take your pick or mix 'n match.

Illegal immigrant who killed nun in accident was released by feds.  The Virginia man suspected in a drunken-driving crash that killed a Catholic nun in Prince William County this weekend is an illegal immigrant and repeat offender who was awaiting deportation and whom federal immigration authorities had released pending further proceedings, police said Monday [8/2/2010].

It's 'Only' One Dead Nun.  It reads like a Hollywood script:  one nun killed, two critically injured by an illegal alien driving drunk.  Perpetrator Carlos A. Martinelly Montano has been here for several years.  He has two prior drunk driving convictions, for which he received a 30-day jail sentence for the first — and served no time — and served only 20 days of an approximately one-year sentence for the second.

Sisters of Political Futbol.  Note to Democrat press secretaries: even the mainstream media will ask embarrassing questions regarding immigration after a drunk illegal runs over a nun.

Illegal immigrant indicted for murder in nun's death.  The illegal immigrant accused of killing a Benedictine nun in a drunken driving crash in Prince William County has been indicted for murder.

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