Terrorist attacks reported as "isolated incidents"
Since October 2001 there has been a trend in the "mainstream" news media to cover up acts of terrorism, calling
them "isolated incidents". Some examples of this are shown below, but I'm sure there have been other
similar cases. It's not difficult to connect the dots when dots are so plentiful.
One of the most obvious cases of the government dimissing a terrorist attack
as an "isolated incident" was the first one after September 11, 2001 — the
crash of American 587, in New York City,
just two months after the 9/11 attack. The plane was still smoldering on the ground when
government officials began making extraordinary pronouncements that there was "no connection to
terrorism" and it was just an "unfortunate accident." I could go on at length
about this case... and I did,
on this page.
More examples of suppressed news stories can be
found here
and here.
More examples of pro-Islam bias in the media can be
found here.
Must Have No Place in the West. The jihadist attack on Bourbon Street in New Orleans
on January 1, 2025, in which 14 people were murdered by an American who converted to
Islam and became an Islamist, should come as no surprise. This was not the first time that a
jihadist in the United States or Europe had attacked in "vehicular jihad." The Islamic State
(ISIS) appears to have "encouraged" it in 2010. ISIS even recommended that to cause "maximum
carnage," it be used preferably in "pedestrian only" sites. In the US, jihadist attacks,
vehicular and other, include 9/11/2001, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Fort Hood slayings and the
New Orleans attack. In Europe there have been at least 15 vehicular jihad attacks, including
two on Christmas markets in Germany; one in Nice, France on July 14, 2016, and more in France,
Spain, the UK and Sweden. There have also been countless non-vehicular jihadist attacks there,
including the London Underground attacks of 2005, the slaughter at the French satirical magazine
Charlie Hebdo, the mass-murder at Bataclan Theater, among many others.
Terror Is Alive and Well in the USA. We previously contended with the murderous
events of 9/11 (2001), with downed planes and 3,000 dead; the Washington sniper and his pal (10
killed in 2002), who liked to pick off people at gas stations; the Fort Hood massacre (2009) of our
soldiers (13 killed) by a radicalized army psychiatrist; the Tsarnaev brothers setting off
explosions at the Boston marathon (3 killed, over 280 injured, and 12 amputations in 2013); the San
Bernardino mass slaying (2015, 14 killed and 22 seriously injured) of Christmas partygoers who
worked on behalf of the developmentally disabled; and the Chattanooga shooter (2015, 4 dead), who
attacked an army recruiting center. In addition, there was the Islamic attempted hit in Texas
on Pam Geller (2015), who had the audacity to have an art show with drawings of Mohammed, which for
certain Islamics was worse than not being halal. But the murderers who intended to
shoot up the entire gathering were themselves finished off by alert locals.
Accept Terrorism as the New Normal. "Today, millions of Americans mourned and prayed,
and tomorrow we go back to work," President George W. Bush began his address days after 9/11. [...]
Bush may have meant well, but his assertion that, "our nation was horrified, but it's not going to
be terrorized" was wrong. Being terrorized can be expressed just as much through adaptation
and numbness as through fear and anger. The failure to fight back and end the state of terror
is what being 'terrorized' looks like just as much as public outbursts of panic and hysteria.
Getting back to normal without dealing with the problem is not resistance; it's acceptance.. Living
with terror is integrated into everyday routines. What once seemed horrifying slowly becomes
the new normal.
It's not about
Israel, colonialism, globalism or capitalism; it's about Islam. Beslan.
Mumbai. Paris. Manchester. New York City. Nairobi. Luxor.
Sulu. Kibbutz Be'eri. 186 children murdered in a school in Beslan. Dozens of
children taken hostage from a Catholic school in the Philippines. Two teachers were beheaded,
but not the girls. "We do not kill women. We will just enslave them," the Jihadists promised.
8-year-olds gunned down in the Westgate Mall in Nairobi. The terrorists asked their victims
to name Mohammed's mother to tell apart the non-Muslims from the Muslims. In Luxor, Egypt,
the terrorists danced, sang and killed and mutilated the foreign tourists. They "took all the
young women, the girls, and disappeared with them. I don't know where they went with the
women, but they hurt them. We could hear screams of pain." Among the dead was Shaunnah
Turner, a 5-year-old British girl. Pregnant women and children murdered in Israel baffle the
world. They seem implausible because each time they happen, we forget. A few days of
horror pass and we move on. When a Muslim terrorist set off a bomb in Manchester at a concert
full of children and teens, there was shock and outrage. Nails were pulled out of children's
faces. "This attack stands out for its appalling, sickening cowardice, deliberately targeting
innocent, defenceless children and young people," then Prime Minister Theresa May fumed. That
was 6 years ago.
Terrorism Again: A Herd of Elephants in the Room. The latest Islamic terrorist attacks in the
West — in England on October 15, and Denmark two days earlier — were shocking, given that the war on
terror was supposedly behind us. These attacks raise questions. At this point, there is not just one elephant in
the room, but a whole herd. For a start, initially there was the usual reticence on the part of the mainstream (legacy)
media to call the dreadful attacks acts of terrorism. The Guardian — always a friend to Islam, despite the
contradictions between its support for feminism and gay rights and Islamic orthodoxy which opposes both — was
quicker to acknowledge the Islamic terror link when, on October 15, a long-serving and popular English Member of Parliament,
Sir David Amess, died after being stabbed 17 times in a frenzied but carefully-planned and executed attack by a man of
Somalian heritage. Two days earlier the Guardian had been more reluctance to cite terrorism as a motive when five
people died in the bloody attack in Kongberg, Denmark, in which five people died. It was initially keen to downplay the
link between Islamic ideology and terror attacks by telling its readers the perpetrator will undergo psychiatric
evaluation. Ever keen to label Islamic terrorists as victims of mental health issues, this enthusiasm for using
psychological problems as an excuse inevitably evaporates whenever supposed right-wing extremists and terrorists are
identified. This elephant in the room is never discussed by the MSM.
we now have an honest discussion about Islamist terrorism? The discussion about the horrific slaying of Tory MP
David Amess is set to change. Possibly radically. The police's decision to treat his murder as a potential
terrorist incident, with an Islamist motivation, is likely to shake up how the media elites in particular talk about
it. Out will go any implacable political anger and the insistence that we search for the cultural and intellectual
influences behind this barbaric act. In their place we'll see demands for calm. Don't feel too much fury, we'll
be told. Don't extrapolate. Don't blame it on any one faith or ideology. Don't be Islamophobic.
The liberal media will likely stop stirring up passionate feeling about this heinous crime, and instead seek to suppress
such emotion.
Makes Islamic Terrorism Great Again. or the past several years, global terrorism was in retreat and had dropped
off the list of Americans' fears entirely. Now, after the debacle in Afghanistan, it's suddenly front-page news
again. Will a revival of terrorism be President Joe Biden's legacy? Rewind the tape to 2015. ISIS —
which emerged as a powerhouse after President Barack Obama's decision to evacuate Iraq — was claiming huge swaths of
land, to the surprise of Obama (who had dismissed ISIS as the "JV team"). And, not coincidentally, the number of
terrorist attacks spiked. In 2013, there were four Islamic terrorist attacks worldwide. By 2015, the number had
exploded to 106, three of them in the U.S. [...] In December 2015, terrorism was at the top of the list of problems
facing the United States, according to an ongoing Gallup poll, beating out the economy, government, and guns as chief
concerns. Obama, meanwhile, kept telling the nation that defeating ISIS would be a long and arduous process,
which was true only because Obama was micromanaging the effort.
Who Commits Most of the World's
Extremist Violence? Even a superficial glance at the record indicates that of the nearly 20,000 people killed
in thousands of extremist killings in 2017, white supremacists were responsible for very few. The worst terrorist event
of 2017, according to the State Department, was the explosion of a truck bomb outside the Safari Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia,
which killed more than 580 people. This violent act is believed to have been the work of Al-Shabaab, which was
responsible for 97 percent of the 370 instances of extremist killings in Somalia in 2017, accounting for about 1,400
deaths — mostly civilian. The remaining violent acts were carried out by Jabha East Africa (ISIS-Somalia), a
dissident Al-Shabaab splinter group. The deadliest extremist attack in Egypt's history took place in 2017, when
ISIS-Sinai terrorists converged on a mosque in Sinai during Friday prayers and slaughtered 312 people, including 27 children,
when they came outside. Also in Egypt that year, on Palm Sunday, an extremist suicide bomber connected to IS-Egypt
killed 30 Coptic Christians at a church in Tanta. He coordinated his actions with another suicide bomber, who killed 16
people at a church in Alexandria.
Jeanine and the paradoxes of the post-9/11 world. [D]ays after 9/11, even as Bush was planning the Afghanistan
campaign, he told the American people that "The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is
all about. Islam is peace." In the eighteen years since, the Western political and media establishment have
continued to echo that lie. Jihadists have struck Bali, Madrid, Beslan, London, Mumbai, Fort Hood, Paris, San
Bernardino, Brussels, Orlando, Nice, Manchester, Barcelona, and New York again — just to name a few of the
deadlier and more high-profile incidents. Yet, perversely, the lie about Islam is stronger than ever. Throughout
the West, schoolchildren and college students alike have been fed a picture of Islam that's pure propaganda. Yes, one
has the impression that many people are more aware of the reality of Islam than they used to be — but one also has
the impression that they feel more cowed than ever into keeping quiet about it.
Questions About the Compatibility of Islam with America. The Religion of Peace website counts 34,034 Islamic
terrorist attacks worldwide since September 11, 2001. Mosques financed by Saudi Arabia and Iran are primary sources of
Jihadist activity. Israel has foiled at least 40 ISIS attacks in Western countries in just the last three years.
Since 9/11, an additional 158 Americans have been killed in 53 separate acts of deadly Islamic terror or Islam-related honor
killing in the United States. Hundreds of mass murder plots have been thwarted or botched. Between 5 [and] 25% of
Muslims in America believe that violence in defense of Islam is justified.
The Top 50 Liberal
Media Bias Examples. [#43] Lone Wolf Terrorist: This leads us to the general penchant of the media to
ignore the Muslim connection to many of the mass shootings since 911. While the Tea Party or conservatives are often the
first people the media blames for such crimes, Islam is consistently downplayed or entirely ignored as playing a role in
these shootings or attempted terror attacks. The case of a 26-year-old man from Massachusetts is a good example of
this. Few reports of the arrest of Rezwan Fedaus mentioned he was a Muslim. Instead, the Old Media likes to
characterize these killers (or killer wannabes) as "lone wolf gunmen," as if they popped up spontaneously from the earth
fully grown with no connection at all to Islamic terror.
The Wall is National
Defense. America maintains hundreds of overseas bases, builds and develops increasingly sophisticated
conventional arms, continues to slog on inconclusively in Afghanistan, and, in spite of a smallish uniformed military, still
spends mountains of money. [...] In spite of these expensive efforts overseas, American soldiers and civilians have continued
to be killed by periodic attacks by Islamic terrorists at home, including the 55 victims of the Pulse nightclub attack, the
five dead from the Chechen refugees who perpetrated the Boston Marathon bombing, the five victims of Muhammad Abdulazeez, who
shot up a military base in Chattanooga Tennessee, and the 14 victims of the San Bernardino terrorist attackers, Syed Farook
and Tashfeen Malik. In the case of the Boston bombing and the San Bernardino attacks, the perpetrators were not only
Islamic immigrants but were permitted to enter the country after the 9/11 attacks.
Holiday Life With Jihad — New Threats, Weak PC Governments and Terror Barricades Decorated for Christmas. Concrete
K-Rail Barriers, positioned to stop terrorist attacks by vehicles, dressed up like Christmas decorations around the local holiday markets.
What a ridiculously sad and pathetic visual of everything wrong in Europe. Amid the anxiety of anticipating the next Jihadist attack, which
everyone knows is not if — but rather 'when', it would appear joy is somewhat lowered on the scale of relativity.
terror is not a law enforcement puzzle, it's a war. Another sickening Islamist terror attack, this time on the
streets of New York. On each occasion we seem to go through the same ritual — sympathy, condemnation, a
parade of well-meaning statements from government officials insisting that the terrorists "will not win." Fine. But
forgive me for feeling a certain sense of frustration. The truth is, we are not taking this threat seriously
enough. Our response needs to be much more aggressive. [...] First, we should remove all known Islamists from our
country. If they are not U.S. citizens, they should be immediately deported. If they are naturalized U.S.
citizens, they should first have their citizenship revoked.
Bureaucracies Don't Stop Terror. Of course Sayfullo Saipov "had been on the radar of federal authorities," as the New York Times
put it in a report that had the stink of inevitability on it. Who else was on the radar of the relevant law-enforcement and intelligence
agencies? Omar Mateen, Syed Farook's social circle, Nidal Hasan, Adam Lanza, the 2015 Garland attackers, the Boston Marathon bombers ...
The 2015 Paris attackers were "on the radar" of French authorities, as were the Charlie Hebdo killers. The Copenhagen terrorists were
known to local authorities. Man Haron Monis, who staged an attack in Sydney, had written a letter to Australia's attorney general inquiring
about whether he'd get into legal trouble for communicating with ISIS. The men behind the Quebec car-ramming and the shooting at parliament
were known to Canadian authorities. Mehdi Nemmouche, who murdered four peoples at the Jewish Museum in Brussels, was a convicted armed robber
who was under surveillance after traveling back and forth to Syria. [...] The Sayfullo Saipov case is another instance of serial institutional failure,
from immigration authorities to domestic counterterrorism forces. We've given them tremendous amounts of money, manpower, and investigatory
authority. Now we need to see results.
The Language of Losing.
[Scroll down] But the reason the west's enemies are able to pile up a continuous corpse count in Paris, Nice, Berlin,
Brussels, London, Manchester, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Orlando, San Bernadino, Ottawa, Sydney, Barcelona, [Your Town Here] is
because they have "safe havens" in France, Germany, Britain, Scandinavia, North America, etc. Which "safe havens" are
likely to prove more consequential for the developed world in the years ahead? [...] You can't connect what's happening in
Molenbeek, Malmö and the other "safe havens" of the west with the "safe havens" of the east if you think what's going on
is about random "maniacs" adopting "false religious garb".
Narratives are powerful but not omnipotent. The Lone Wolf Narrative can be sold to the public only while attacks fall
below a certain frequency. Once the attacks happen too frequently the script fails and the public begins to wonder if
the Lone Wolves aren't really a pack. Even the immense media resources at the disposal of progressives can be overcome
by a strong signal from events. The presence of jamming can sometimes be inferred from an excessive number of "sudden"
or "unexpected" events that appear in full blown form without the slightest warning. Their sudden onset is explained by
the pop out when they pass the filter. When things appear suddenly and very close at hand it might be because
they're past the blinders. The presence of too many sudden and unexpected events of the same type could be a sign
that a filter is in operation.
Should We Embrace
the "Inevitable Reality" of Terrorism? Those who support freedom know that "freedom is not free," as those who
support diversity equally understand that "diversity is not free." Both freedom and diversity require sacrifice.
Anatomy of Lone Wolf.
It is a mistake to dismiss the Lone Wolves as "cowardly and depraved". On the contrary their tactics require a willingness to die and
the intelligent use of abundant dual-use materials that is rarely if ever equaled by the political leadership of the West. The
September 11 attacks are a superb example of how creative and determined a foe the Jihadis can be. Using box cutters and
wide-bodied aircraft the Muslim world could not invent for itself[,] a handful of highly motivated men killed thousands of people in
the heart of Manhattan. [...] And attack they do, surprisingly yet unsurprisingly. It is Western leadership that is more deserving
of criticism for turning in such a poor defensive performance despite their vast resource superiority. Obsessed with looking good,
timid to the point of inactivity, determined at all costs to proclaim their own virtue, the Western elites have proved singularly incapable
of combating their vastly weaker foes. The ritualualistic candle-lighting, trite speeches, frightened processions and self-congratulation
of the political class are completely ineective against [the] laser-like menace of their foes.
Keep Calm and Propagandize On. In 2006, Melanie
Phillips wrote a book called Londonistan: How Britain Is Creating a Terror State Within. She argued that Britain was a sitting duck for
Islamic terrorists, owing to its idiotic embrace of political correctness, multiculturalism, and religious relativism. The left greeted the book
with hisses and dismissed Phillips as an alarmist crank. But on Monday [3/20/2017] her description of Britain's capital as "Londonistan" came
graphically to life, as a terrorist chose one of its chief symbols, the area around the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, as the place to plow his
car into pedestrians and then stab a police officer. The initial reporting after terrorist attacks these days is often full of hesitation and
curious silences. The death toll is usually low-balled and the identity of the attacker is left hazy for as long as possible. So it is
not surprising that the first reports on this attack identified the terrorist as merely "Asian."
Days and Two 'Known Wolf' Terror Attacks, Yet No Apparent Concern from Western Governments. We've seen two more
"Known Wolf" terror attacks in the West, and yet Western government authorities seem unwilling to acknowledge, let alone
begin to address, the "Known Wolf" terror problem. I first identified the "Known Wolf" terror trend and coined the term
in October 2014 here at PJ Media, noting that many, possibly most, Islamic terrorists who actually committed terrorism in the
West were already known to Western law enforcement, national security agencies, and intelligence services. Yet sufficient
action was not taken to prevent them from conducting terror attacks.
Complete List of Radical Islamic Terror Attacks on U.S. Soil Under Obama. In a speech at MacDill Air Force Base
in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday, President Obama declared that "[n]o foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and
executed an attack on our homeland." The claim earned perfunctory applause, but a closer look at the reaction of many of the
servicemen and women there made clear what they really thought about the administration's handling of national security. The
President's claim — which he has repeated in some form or fashion over the last few years — is an obvious
rhetorical attempt to gloss over the reality of the threat of radical Islamic terror on American soil. The attempt to
disconnect "lone wolf" terrorists from the terror organizations who often inspire them does nothing to alleviate the pain of
those who have suffered at the hands of jihadists and only hurts prevention efforts. Rhetorical tricks aside, the reality
is that during Obama's tenure scores of innocent Americans have been murdered on U.S. soil by jihadists, most of whom were
inspired by or acting under the direction of foreign terror groups, particularly the Islamic state.
Is Your Complete List Of Islamic Terror Attacks During The Obama Administration. Tuesday's [3/22/2016] deadly
terror attack in Brussels, Belgium was yet another Islamic terror attack that has occurred during President Barack Obama's
administration. Obama's weakness on the world stage and failure to even utter the words "radical Islamic terrorism" has
emboldened the Islamic jihadist movement and has caused their evil expansion and growth. Here is the complete list of
Islamic terror attacks that have occurred under Obama's watch.
think tank declares 72 terrorists from Trump's banned countries have been convicted in the United States since 9/11. A report released
by the US Senate provided information on the 580 individuals convicted of terrorism in America since the 9/11 attacks. The conservative
non-profit Center for Immigration Studies claim they obtained a copy of the information, which was originally released in 2016 by the Senate
Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, then chaired by new Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
House publishes list of 78 terror attacks that the media 'ignored' - including Orlando, San Bernardino, Bataclan and Nice
truck attack. The White House has released a list of 78 terror attacks that the press had 'ignored' following
President Donald Trump's claims that the media was 'very, very dishonest'. The attacks dated from September 2014 to
December 2016, all of which the president believed were 'underreported' as he put the blame on the media Monday.
Trump's administration said the attacks in Orlando, San Bernardino, Brussels, Nice and the Bataclan in Paris 'have not
received the media attention they deserved' and released the list on Monday night [2/6/2017] as proof.
'The Very, Very Dishonest Press Doesn't Want to Report' on Threat from Radical Islam. In a speech today at
MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., President Donald Trump said that "the very, very dishonest press" doesn't want to
report on the threat posed by radical Islamic terrorists determined to strike the homeland. Trump also vowed that he
would not allow "radical Islamic terrorism... to take root in our country." "Radical Islamic terrorists are determined to
strike our homeland as they did on 9/11, as they did from Boston to Orlando to San Bernardino and all across Europe.
You've seen what happened in Paris and Nice. All over Europe, it's happening. It's gotten to a point where it's
not even being reported, and in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn't want to report it," Trump said.
All Those Lone Wolf ISIS Attacks Weren't So Lone Wolf After All. During the Era Of Obama, we were told time and
time again that any attack by hardcore Islamic extremists, also known as Islamists, were lone wolf attacks. Even though
virtually all of them pledged allegiance to ISIS, we were told that there were no links, and, of course, the requisite "it
has nothing to do with Islam!"
Foreign-Born Immigrants Have Committed Terrorism. Among such individuals: the Tsarnaev brothers of the Boston
Marathon bombing, who were both born abroad. Tamerlan was born in Kyrgyzstan in 1986, and Dzhokhar was reportedly born
in Dagestan. The 2015 Chattanooga Recruiting Center shooter, Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, was born in Kuwait and lived
in Jordan before migrating to the United States at the age of six. He killed five people. Ohio State University
attacker Abdul Razak Artan, who ran over several fellow students with a car before attacking them with a butcher knife, was a
refugee born in Somalia who had only been in the United States for two years. Ahmad Khan Rahimi, born in Afghanistan,
detonated a bomb near a 5K run event, then another in downtown Manhattan in October of last year. Dahir Adan, a Somali
born in Kenya who immigrated to the United States as a child, launched a mass stabbing attack at a St. Cloud Minnesota
mall in 2016. And these are only a few recent examples.
The Obama Presidency —
By the Numbers. Obama is fond of saying that international terrorist organizations have not pulled off a large-scale attack on
[America] during his presidency. That is true — but obscures a change in tactics. Although Obama did achieve a widely celebrated
victory by killing Osama bin Laden in 2011, with increasingly frequency, so-called "lone wolves" have responded to calls from groups like the
Islamic State to plan and carry out their own acts of terror. And lone wolves can cause plenty of carnage. A Muslim couple shot up
a party in San Bernardino, California, killing 14 people in 2015. A Muslim man who fired randomly at an Orlando nightclub killed
49 people. According to the terrorism index tracked by the Institute for Economics and Peace, there were 105 terrorist incidents
resulting in 93 deaths from 2009 through 2015. According to a database maintained by researcher William Robert Johnston, 2016
brought nine attacks and 53 deaths.
Down America's Refugee Programs Before They Turn Us Into Germany. On the same day as the Berlin attack, there
was a knife attack at a Virginia Metro station by an African Muslim, Ali Ahmed Mohamound. A similar knife attack
occurred in New York City the day before, with the suspect still at large. All this followed on the heels of November's
Ohio State knife attack by Somali Muslim refugee Abdul Artan. These attacks typify the kinds recommended in ISIS
literature, and ISIS claims credit for most of them. With Berlin, Brussels, Orlando, and so many other horrific attacks
this year, San Bernardino and Paris almost seem like old news. Although we view these events with horror and growing
alarm, the outgoing Obama administration is literally importing terrorists through our nation's refugee programs.
Because private contractors are paid by the head to resettle refugees and other needy populations, the resettlement program
has built-in incentives for uncontrolled growth. This harmonizes with the Left's open borders agenda, which seeks to
swell the rolls of new Democrat voters while weakening the influence of traditional (read conservative) America.
Complete List of Radical Islamic Terror Attacks on U.S. Soil Under Obama. In a speech at MacDill Air Force Base
in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday, President Obama declared that "[n]o foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and
executed an attack on our homeland." The claim earned perfunctory applause, but a closer look at the reaction of many of the
servicemen and women there made clear what they really thought about the administration's handling of national security.
The President's claim — which he has repeated in some form or fashion over the last few years — is an obvious
rhetorical attempt to gloss over the reality of the threat of radical Islamic terror on American soil. The attempt to
disconnect "lone wolf" terrorists from the terror organizations who often inspire them does nothing to alleviate the pain of
those who have suffered at the hands of jihadists and only hurts prevention efforts.
FBI documents show that more than 7,000 'terrorist encounters' occurred within the US in a year. More than
7,000 terrorist encounters have occurred within a single year in the US, according to leaked FBI documents. The
sensitive FBI data obtained by Breitbart Texas revealed that most of the encounters occurred near the US-Mexico border.
Some of the incidents which are classified as 'Known or Suspected Terrorist Encounters' indicate that suspected terrorists
attempted to sneak into the US across the border.
Refugee Terror is Changing America. The wave of Muslim refugee terror began with a bomb targeting a U.S. Marine
charity run in New Jersey. By evening a pressure cooker full of shrapnel has exploded outside a Manhattan building for
the blind. An hour later, a rampaging Muslim terrorist began stabbing people inside a Macy's, asking them if they were
Muslim and shouting the name of "Allah," the genocidal Islamic deity of mass murder. And that was one Saturday, two
Muslim refugees and a wave of national terror 1,200 miles apart. What did Elizabeth, New Jersey and St. Cloud,
Minnesota have in common? New Jersey has the second largest Muslim population in the country. This isn't the
first time it was used as a staging ground for Muslim terror.
FBI Suspects Keep Attacking Americans. Why does the Obama administration keep failing to thwart Muslim
terrorist attacks in the U.S. after receiving apparently good intelligence warning of those attacks? It turns out that
Americans keep turning in budding Muslim terrorists to the Obama administration and the administration keeps on doing
nothing. For example, the alleged mastermind of the weekend pressure-cooker bombing in New York City was turned in by
his own father but the Federal Bureau of Investigation failed to do much of anything about him. These intelligence
failures have become a recurrent theme in the Obama era, with deadly results. Excluding the events of the last few
days, there have been 89 Muslim terrorist plots and attacks in the United States since Sept. 11, 2001 and 25 of
those have taken place since the beginning of 2015, according to David Inserra of the Heritage Foundation. Counterterrorism
expert Sebastian Gorka, vice president at the Institute of World Politics, blamed political correctness for the FBI's inability to
do something about Rahami before he acted.
Terrorist Attacks Be The New Normal? With three separate incidents that seem at first glance to be Islamic
terrorism, America again faces the question: Is this our inevitable future, one filled with murderous attacks by a
growing group of people who despise us? It's not a pleasant question to ask. But the first-blush evidence from
attacks over the weekend — including a pipe-bomb explosion before a U.S. Marine-sponsored running event in
Seaside, New Jersey; a bomb set off in a dumpster in New York's Chelsea neighborhood that injured 29 (and another unexploded
device found just blocks away); and a maniac stabbing 9 people in Minnesota while muttering about Allah — says
they can't be written off as merely random.
the Economy — It's the Jihad, Stupid! There's little question the Obama administration has done an
horrendous job dealing with Islamic terrorism. The rise of ISIS is significantly on the president's hands, not just
because he inanely called the mega-terrorists a JV team, but because his failure to keep sufficient U.S. troops in Iraq gave
the Islamic State the opportunity to grow and thrive. The success of the Islamic State has given rise to a worldwide
epidemic of so-called "lone wolves" who aren't really alone, but local players (sometimes banded together) who take their
inspiration from ISIS. They don't care whether the Islamic State is controlling Mosul or even Raqqa. They care
about jihad. And there seem to be more of them every day, in all corners of the world.
The Truth
About the NY and NJ Bombings (and the Minnesota Mall Attack): We Are At War. The Orwellian bias and naked
propaganda of the leftist media, such as refusing to call acts of terrorism terrorism, and criticizing Trump for calling a
bombing a bombing, really has jumped the shark and gone full retard. Which is why they have lost nearly all credibility
among the great mass of the people. It is so ridiculous that even the average formerly asleep "bread and circuses"
distracted sheeple are now able to see it. That is a good thing. But the "mainstream" media, and the SJW
communist fanatics that infest the Democratic party (same thing, really) refuse to see how they are killing their own
credibility and legitimacy. So be it. Let them keep responding to radical leftist and jihadist terrorism by
ignoring it or by trying to blame it on "racism."
Violent Attacks: Connect the Dots. Stories like these are isolated events, featuring people who are
easily dismissed as marginal, but they illustrate, and flow from, the most important issues of our time.
5 Little Known Facts about Islam Politicians and the Media Are Deliberately Concealing from You. Despite the fact that the perpetrator,
named as Sami Ayad, a "Frenchman" apparently, shouted what the media incorrectly call "an Arabic phrase meaning God is greatest," police insist
there's no evidence showing he'd been radicalized or motivated by politics. They didn't go as far to say he's suffering from a mental illness
this time. True to form, the media is downplaying any connection to Islam. Instead of accurately describing Ayad as a "French Muslim",
he's portrayed as a "Frenchman." Furthermore, the exclamation "Allahu Akbar" is not an Arabic phrase nor does it mean "God is greatest" as
the duplicitous media reports state. It's an Arabic phrase specific to Islam [...] and it means "Allah is greater." Meaning Allah is
greater than your Gods and greater than your man-made governments and laws. These kinds of desperate attempts to disconnect from Islam
atrocities committed by Muslims in the name of their deity are deployed by both politicians and the media in the aftermath of each attack.
They're deliberately concealing the truth about Islam in order to maintain the "it's a religion of peace" narrative.
News: Media Decides Islamic Terrorism is a Mental Illness. The growth in Islamic terrorism is leading the
media to even more bizarre realms of propaganda. So unable to deny Islamic terrorism, they insist that it has nothing
to do with Islam. It's a mental illness.
Great Gun-Control Distraction. Since ISIS burst on the international scene, the death toll has more than
tripled. Jihadists have killed 73 American men and women in just two years. And that number would be much higher
if not for the courage and bravery of local police. The list is sobering: • From April to June,
2014, Ali Muhammed Brown killed four Americans on a "mission of vengeance" against the United States. •
On September 25, 2014, Alton Nolen beheaded an Oklahoma woman with a knife. His social media pages were covered
with evidence of jihadist leanings and motivations. • On May 3, 2015, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi
attacked an exhibit of Mohammed images in Garland, Texas. They wounded a security officer, but police killed them
before they were able to carry out mass murder. • On July 16, 2015, Mohammad Abdulazeez killed five
people at two Chattanooga recruiting stations. FBI director James Comey declared that Abdulazeez was "inspired/motivated"
by terrorist propaganda. • On November 4, 2015, Faisal Mohammed went on an ISIS-inspired stabbing
spree — wounding four — before he was killed by campus police. • On December 2,
2015, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik pledged allegiance to ISIS then killed 14 people and wounded 21 at a Christmas
party in San Bernardino, Calif. • On January 8, 2015, Edward Archer pledged himself to ISIS and
attempted to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer. The wounded officer chased down and apprehended Archer before
he could commit any other acts of violence. • On June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen pledged himself to
ISIS and killed 49 people and wound[ed] 53 at a gay nightclub in Orlando.
and Hashtags Won't Stop Terrorism. After the Charlie Hebdo massacre, the social media slogan "Je Suis Charlie"
went viral. After the ghastly Paris attacks last November, Facebook supporters swathed their profile pics in the French
flag. The victims of the San Bernardino jihadist assault in December got short shrift because the city unfortunately
doesn't have a flag to make virtue-signaling convenient. But after the Brussels slaughter in March, the French
tricoleur was swapped out for Belgium's black, yellow, and red. Now that fifty Orlando gay clubgoers are dead and
another fifty-plus wounded, rainbows abound. These are the touching but ultimately empty gestures of a culture that is
already resigned to losing the clash of civilizations. They will do nothing to save lives the next time
around — and there will continue to be many more "next times" throughout the West until we say no more, until we
refuse to accept that suffering terrorist savagery is our new normal. We must reverse our mindset, think like
conquerors instead of the conquered, and deal aggressively with the source of all this misery: Islam.
We Are Not 'Doing Everything We Can'. It is a mistake — one that we insist on repeating —
to tell ourselves that the jihadists and ISIS groupies who perpetuate terrorist spectaculars such as the attack on the Pulse
nightclub outside Orlando are irrational, that they are mentally disorganized lunatics of the familiar-enough sort
exemplified by Jared Lee Loughner and John Salvi, who may or may not believe themselves to be acting in the service of a
particular cause. Lunacy is not what we are seeing with domestic jihadists. What we see instead is the pursuit of
specific cultural and political ends through acts of violence directed at symbolically important soft targets. We speak
of "lone wolf" jihadists as though this phenomenon were somehow independent of the wider Islamist project. It is
not. The model of "leaderless resistance" in the service of terrorist projects is not new, and it has not been employed
by the Islamists at random.
Obama: 8 Islamic Terror Attacks That Could Have Been Prevented. It didn't take long after the attack at a gay
bar in Orlando, which claimed 49 lives and injured at least 53 others, for the public to learn that the terrorist, Omar
Mateen, had been on a terrorism watch list and was twice interviewed by the FBI. In fact, FBI director James Comey said
on Monday [6/13/2016] that there were "strong indications of radicalization." In other words, this attack didn't come out of
the blue. So why wasn't something done before Sunday? This has become a deeply troubling pattern during the Obama
administration. In fact, in all the past major Islamic terror attacks carried out on U.S. soil, federal officials
either ignored or overlooked warning signs that arguably could have prevented the carnage.
'For every terror case known to public, there are dozens, dozens more'. Think about that and remember, thanks
to Obama policies, Customs and Border Patrol was forced to "modify" nearly a thousand terror suspect entries and remove all
references to terrorism. Meanwhile, both homegrown and immigrant/refugee terror attacks proliferate[.]
Another Day, Another Jihad
Attack. Wherever Islam goes, so goes its ethos. The barbarity and variety of actions of Islamic extremists are
seen daily around the globe, committed under the banner of Islam, and have become so commonplace that the world has come to view
them as part and parcel of a troubled humanity. And from time to time, the world is shocked into a passing and momentary
realization of the evil deeds these Islamist robots commit... and quickly gets over it and does nothing to seriously address this
affliction of humanity. [...] In short, Islam is busy with what it did from the time of its birth, fighting non-Muslims and
infighting. Violence is the animating force of Islam. Islam is a religion born through violence, raised by violence;
it thrives on violence and dies without violence.
Reality TV: Obama at the Mosque. [Scroll down]
Ever since the late 1960s, Muslim terrorism has been a growing part of the international mosaic. Remember all the airplane hijacks four decades ago that
spawned the intrusive international airport security and screening? What about Munich? The bombing of Pan Am flight 103? The Achille
Lauro? The first World Trade Center attack? 9-11? Indonesian bombings in Bali and Jakarta?? Boston? San Bernardino? These
are the more prominent of thousands of terrorist attacks mounted not, as liberal Bill Maher has reminded us, by blond Swedish women, but by Muslims.
List of Islamic Terror Attacks on American
Soil. [Scroll down] Muslim-Americans do not appear to be in any special danger from murderous (non-Muslim) religious
fanatics, even in a nation awash in firearms. Identity groups, such as CAIR, whine incessantly about relatively trivial incidents
while turning a blind eye to the horrible violence that is meted out daily in the name of their religion. This distasteful petulance
offers insight not only into the character of Islam, but also the America's impressive religious tolerance.
Next Move is to Gang up on Israel. It took Senator Cruz to finally say that killing
our unarmed Marines and Navy personnel [in Chattanooga] is "an Act of War." So was the civilian massacre in New
York, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon on 9/11/01. So were all the other jihadist attacks since 9/11.
These are not random "workplace accidents." They are controlled by nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia, and
therefore constitute open and declared aggression under international law. We are at war, and our
political class is lying to us about it.
Time to Confront Our Enemies at Home. Thanks to Obama's retreat from Iraq and the
Middle East, the jihad waged by Islamic terrorists is now being fought on American soil, instead of
on a battlefront in Fallujah and Anbar. Thanks to the borders Obama has destroyed and the tens of
thousands of legal immigrants the White House has decided to import from terrorist regions, the
enemy is among us. Thanks to Obama's denial that we are at war at all, the Islamic jihad is now
being waged in Chattanooga and Fort Hood, the fly over country that liberals and progressives have always
despised. This is not the first time that a military recruiting office in the South was attacked by
a Muslim terrorist. In 2009 — Obama's first year in office — Abdulhakim
Mujahid Muhammad opened fire on a military recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas, under orders from
Al Qaeda in Yemen, and killed Private William Long. It was the shot that should have been heard
around the country but wasn't, because America's Commander-in-Chief told us that Muhammad was a lone
crazed assassin, not a vanguard Islamic soldier.
Best Way to Deal With "Lone Wolf" Terror is to Grind ISIS Into the Dust. The single-most
persuasive thing you can do to "win the war of ideas" is obliterate ISIS. To the jihadist mind
ISIS's success is the best argument for more jihad. ISIS's success inspires new foot soldiers, leading
radical Muslims to believe that finally the tide is turning in their favor, that the caliphate is
upon us. Jihad thrives on success. Conversely, it withers in the face of defeat.
This should be a matter of common sense, but too many Americans misunderstand martyrdom, believing that
successful military operations are self-defeating because they "create martyrs." No, martyrs are
only truly inspiring (on a large scale) when they succeed, not when they fail.
Islamic Terrorist Attacks in USA in Seven Years for Obama Administration. On Thursday,
a Muslim man killed four U.S. Marines in attacks on military recruiting facilities in Chattanooga,
Tenn. The man, identified as Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, then died in a pitched gun battle
after he led police on a high-speed chase in a rented Mustang convertible. Abdulazeez, 24, was a
naturalized U.S. citizen born in Kuwait. [...] The terrorist attack by Abdulazeez marks the seventh
terrorist attack on U.S. soil by Muslims during Barack Obama's presidency. Two dozen people have
been killed in the attacks. Scores more have been seriously injured.
Geller and the hijacking of America. [Scroll down] Jihadists drove a thousand
miles to enforce Sharia blasphemy laws. The cop who shot them to death likely prevented a gruesome
massacre. We are now being told that this would not have happened and everything would have been
okay if Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer had stayed quiet and didn't make any stupid moves, such as,
organizing the exhibition of Mohammed cartoons. This is exactly the behavior of passengers on a
hijacked plane. We hope that everything will be okay as long as we remain quiet and make no stupid
moves. We willingly trust the voices on TV and hope the government will sort it out. We want
to believe that every act of Islamic terrorism is an isolated incident, [...]
State Beheader 'Jihadi John' Yet Another Case of 'Known Wolf' Terrorism. A man seen in
multiple ISIS propaganda videos speaking with a British accent and beheading Western hostages had
his identity revealed in the Washington Post this morning, and yet again the suspect is
another case of what I have termed "known wolf" syndrome since he was already known to authorities
before engaging in acts of terrorism.
Say it, Obama: 'Islamic'.
A recent news bulletin announced that police in Nova Scotia broke up a plot by two men who aimed to
carry out mass murder at a shopping mall and then commit suicide. Here is what the Associated
Press said about the plot in its second paragraph: "Police and other officials said it was not related to
Islamic terrorism." Whew, that's a relief. And a surprise. If you shared my instant reactions,
you also are wondering what [...] is going on with the Obama administration. When the liberal Associated Press
feels the need to address readers' assumptions about Islam and terrorism, we have a reached a tipping point.
Will Obama Get a Grip on Islamic Terrorism? Someone needs to tell President Obama that
the global War on Terror is alive and well, and not receding, as he would like Americans to believe.
Collen Hufford was beheaded in Oklahoma; in New York, an axe was embedded in the head of a New York
City Policeman. In Western Europe, Islamic extremists killed Jews and journalists in France, while
in Belgium there were shootouts. In Sydney, Australia, a hostage crisis resulted in two killed, and
in Canada, soldiers were murdered. There are reports that as many as 20 sleeper cells could be
ready to strike in France, Germany, Britain, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
Five examples of "isolated incidents:" 5
New Signs that the Jihad Against the West Is Just Getting Warmed Up. The Charlie
Hebdo and Hyper Cacher jihad massacres were not the beginning, and they're certainly not the
end. There will be many more killings, many more infidels struck down in the streets.
Jihad murder will become an ever more frequent feature of life in the West. And just this
past week there have been new signs that we are in for a long, tough war — made all the
tougher by the fact that only one side has the will to fight, a clear objective for which it is
fighting, and an indestructible tenacity enabling it to keep on fighting, no matter how long the odds.
Profiling the Islamic
"Lone Wolf". Lately, and too often, it's the ordinary-looking Muslims who have been
waging "lone wolf" jihad against Westerners. They haven't telegraphed their intentions by wearing
suicide vests or toting AK-47's and wearing ski-masks in public as they approach their targets. They
infiltrate crowds or stroll past a café and do what they came to do. Destroy.
blame game in the New York cop killings shows a demonization double standard. The 2009
Ft. Hood shooter was in contact with Al Qaeda and later admitted his murder rampage was on its
behalf. And, unlike the tea party crowd, Al Qaeda actually uses "eliminationist rhetoric" —
and not just rhetorically. And yet, in such cases, the knee-jerk response from the Obama administration
and of many liberals is to counsel the very restraint they deny to their domestic political opponents.
They try to minimize the event as an "isolated incident." Amazingly, the administration designated
the Ft. Hood killing "workplace violence."
Was President Obama? An entire parade of infidel-hating fanatics targeted U.S. soldiers long before
Islamic State barbarians issued threats against our military personnel and their families this fall. What
happened in Canada — what ISIS wants worldwide — has been happening here for years under
Barry-come-lately's watch.
Matters Upset That Islamic Terror Group Being Identified As Such By 'Right Wing Media'. The gist of these defenses
of Islamic terrorists by lefties every time goes something like this: it's an "isolated incident" or a "marginalized" group
or, in the case of the Boston Marathon bombers, "they were basically loners." They are so desperate to say "all Islamists
aren't terrorists" that they make up ways to avoid saying that the key component in Islamic terrorism is the Islamic stuff.
If you press them, they'll begin barking "Timothy McVeigh!" like a chihuahua around a mailman.
Obama — Red Lines and Red Herrings.
Terror attacks or plots from Benghazi to Boston, Bulgaria to London, Detroit to Fort Hood, and Little Rock to Times Square are signs that
terrorists are still alive and kicking. Obama wants to ignore or belittle these events, just as some did before 9-11. Yes,
there were no 9-11-scale attacks, but there was a new 9-11 assault in Benghazi by Al-Qaeda. There were also more anti-US attacks
and attempted attacks in the last four years than the previous seven.
If you see something, say
nothing. It was a report of the now numbingly familiar sort. Witnesses at the synagogue in Paris recounted
that an Iranian immigrant had been screaming "Allahu Akbar!" while he chased the rabbi and his son. When he finally
caught up, he slashed away at them with a box-cutter, causing severe lacerations. Nevertheless, the Associated Press assured
readers that "[a]n official investigation was underway to determine a possible motive."
multicultural society where all truths are equal stokes the flames of evils like Woolwich. There has been the usual outpouring
of predictable responses since Drummer Rigby was murdered by (alleged, for legal reasons) Islamists: Iraq war; Muslim anger at that war;
EDL every bit as big a threat to our way of life as Islamist murderers, etc. Every report is couched in ultra-cautious terms by the media:
after two war memorials were desecrated this week, most reports stated that the police couldn't say whether it was the act of Islamists or some
trouble-stirring, shadowy "far-Right" group.
Peter King: Stop being 'politically correct'.
Rep. Peter King is calling for greater law enforcement focus on Muslim communities, arguing that authorities should put aside what is
"politically correct" and recognize that America faces major threats from Islamic terrorism. "Obviously the main international base, the
terrorist threats are coming from the Muslim community," King (R-N.Y.) told POLITICO on Saturday [4/20/2013]. "There have been
16 terror plots against New York [since Sept. 11, 2001], all Islamist-based.
Stay calm, all is hell! After every terror plot
since 9/11, officials rushed to calm the public by saying the plotters were not directly working for al Qaeda or another known organization. They used
phrases like "one off," an "isolated extremist" or, in the Boston case, "self-radicalized" to downplay the threat. Even when they were wrong —
the underwear bomber had training in Yemen — the aim was to assure Americans there was no imminent danger of another large-scale horror like 9/11.
The Top 50 Liberal Media Bias Examples. [#43] Lone Wolf Terrorist:
[There is a] general penchant of the media to ignore the Muslim connection to many of the mass shootings since 911. While the Tea Party or conservatives are
often the first people the media blames for such crimes, Islam is consistently downplayed or entirely ignored as playing a role in these shootings or attempted
terror attacks.
Breaking Apart the United States: Part II. I was delighted to hear that a Muslim
terrorist was caught in NYC the other day. Mayor Bloomberg and his people assured us that the "lone wolf" (a phrase repeated ad nauseam) had been
apprehended. Hurray! Unless you are one of those worrywarts concerned about the millions of other "lone wolves" still out there, you can now rest
secure in your bed at night.
Obama and the Power of Propaganda.
Obama says there is no terror and no war, while the media assure us Obama won the war. Both are wrong. There were
more actual and abortive terror attacks in the U.S. in the last three years than in the previous eight. There were
30 assaults or plots on army bases, transportation hubs, and synagogues: from Little Rock to Seattle, from Riverdale
to a New York air base, from Fort Hood Texas (the massacre and a later copy-cat plot), to New York's subways, from a plane over
Detroit to a Times Square car bomb. Most plots are not on the scale of 9-11, but there is a pattern of growing danger,
not a diminishing threat.
Media's Deadly Bias. Writing articles
on terrorism in a post 9/11 world becomes more difficult each day. It's certainly not due to the lack of terror
or terror arrests; that, unfortunately, is never ending. Since 9/11 there have been 18,598 deadly terror attacks
all in the name of Islam. The writing on the subject of terror for myself and others has become a 'cat and mouse
game' with the media and the current administration. I cannot even count the amount of times arrests have been
made in a terror plot here in the U.S. and there is absolutely no further information available. When I say no
further information, I am referring to the suspect's gender, age and of course, the name.
Murdering While Muslim. Recently a nice
Muslim fellow from Chicago by the name of Mohammad Alkaramla was convicted of sending bomb threats to a Jewish High
School. Like most serial killers, his neighbors described him as peaceful and friendly. Just the sort of
chap you want to invite to a barbecue or a bombing. His defense was that he wasn't threatening to kill Jewish
students because he was the follower of a bigoted religion, but because he was upset over his ex-wife leaving to return
home to Jordan. Mohammad Alkaramla joins a long list of Muslim terrorists who did what they did only because of
"personal problems".
Terrorism, Sure. Oh, but it's 'Not a
Conspiracy'! How many terror attacks or attempted terror attacks have occurred on U.S. soil since 9/11?
Five? Six? Ten? According to our government each and every one of these attacks, whether failed or not,
have had one thing in common: "they are not part of a conspiracy." Clearly, however, our officials are
lying to us on this count. ... There most certainly is a conspiracy going on here. One single thing links
each and every one of these many successful and attempted terror attacks: Islam.
anti-conspiracy theorists. After the failed Times Square car bombing, Homeland Security Secretary
Janet Napolitano immediately opined that it was a "one-off." Sen. Chuck Schumer chimed in, "The odds are
quite high that this was a lone wolf." Translation: Nothing to see here, just a random crazy and a
failed plot of no larger consequence.
Bomb Was Crude but
Lethal. A plot to blow up Times Square over the weekend appears less sophisticated than others that
authorities have thwarted since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Between then and now, there
have been at least 10 such attempts to bomb New York City institutions, from landmarks such as the Brooklyn
Bridge to a lesser-known synagogue in the Bronx. All have been foiled with the help of informants and inside
Hit-and-Run Jihad Comes to
America. A radical Islamic terrorist attack doesn't necessarily need several participants
or a direct connection to a terrorist organization. It doesn't need to be spectacular or done by
someone motivated by nothing other than theology. It just needs to be an act of violence aimed at
instilling fear in order to advance the cause of radical Islam, and it is because of this failure to
understand what qualifies as a "terrorist attack" that the country does not see how many such acts
have actually occurred.
The Myth Of
The Lone Gunman. Since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the claim has often been made that no
further acts of terrorism have occurred on U.S. soil. But anyone following the news closely knows better.
While there has not yet been another large-scale attack, a number of terrorist plots have been broken up and a
variety of suspicious crimes and incidents have occurred across the nation. But each time, authorities
seem to have made every effort to downplay the terrorism angle.
The Editor says...
The article above was quoted here in
its entirety, with a link back to this page. (Thank you!)
– Not: All Terror Plots are Serious. Foiled terror plots often will seem ridiculous
and unlikely, especially when they are pre-empted. If the 9/11 plot had been disrupted at its very
inception — with jihadis playing flight-simulator games in Afghanistan — it would have
seemed laughable. This is why even foiled plots deserve to be taken seriously.
The Terror Nobody Knows: Thwarted Attacks on the U.S..
In July 2005, the Los Angeles Police Department caught a group of men who had been robbing gas stations in the area. While
investigating, police uncovered something far worse: The gas station hits were bankrolling a terrorist plot to attack
National Guard facilities, synagogues, the Israeli consulate and Los Angeles International Airport.
Islamic attacks on our airline industry.
The list of incidents involving Muslim passengers disrupting flight operations aboard domestic aircraft is increasing,
while criminal charges against the suspicious and disruptive Muslim passengers are not. Instead, accusations of
racial profiling, alarmist and reactionary responses by the airlines, flight crews and passengers are becoming more
widespread, despite the historical significance of such incidents and the consequential devastation and loss of life
caused by these very same "dry runs" footnoted in the 9/11 Commission Report.
Islamic Radicalization
U.S.A.. If a major homegrown terrorist attack happens on U.S. soil in the coming years, 2009 will
be looked at as the year when the warning signs were missed. According to the Rand Corporation, the U.S.
has experienced 30 homegrown terrorism plots since 9/11. One-third of these occurred in 2009; a frightening
spike that warrants more attention than it is currently being given by public officials.
Merry Christmas
from the World of Islam. With attention focused on the flagrant security breaches around
Flight 253 on Christmas Day, too little has been made of the timing of the attack. Most readers
will be surprised to learn that this was not the only Christmas attack on Christians. Here is a list
of other holiday attacks which I found without extensive research... Isn't it noteworthy that you did
not hear about any of this from the general media?
Mainstream Media: Fourth Estate Or Fifth Column? Every time we allow the administration
and the MSM to categorize Major Hasan, the Fort Hood murderer, as a "lone crackpot" despite his clear
connection to the Islamic jihadists' network, we lose our edge in recognizing more potential threats.
30 Terrorist Plots Against the
U.S. Foiled Since 9/11. Sheer luck and civilian bravery played roles in thwarting some of
these attacks. Additionally, U.S. efforts in the war on terrorism, including operations in Afghanistan,
have helped to weed out terrorist sanctuaries before they can organize attacks. Finally, domestic
counterterrorism tools put in place since 9/11 have helped stop terrorists from operating on U.S. soil.
The dots some don't want to connect.
[Scroll down slowly] At Fort Hood, Maj. Hasan jumped on a table and gunned down his comrades while screaming,
"Allahu Akbar!", which is Arabic for "Nothing to see here" and an early indicator of pre-Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder. The Times Square Bomber, we are assured by The Washington Post, CNN and Newsweek, was upset by
foreclosure proceedings on his house. Mortgage-related issues. Nothing to do with months of training
at a Taliban camp in Waziristan.
Taxi Jihad: New York
Muslim Cabbies Kill, Maim and Go on Driving. The overwhelming majority of cabbies who killed and maimed passengers and pedestrians
in the past five years are back behind the wheel. Of 16 fatal or serious crashes since 2009 examined by The Post, only two of the drivers
had their licenses revoked, according to a review based on a Freedom of Information Act request. The shocking findings reveal that in even
the most egregious cases, drivers with blood on their bumpers can remain active Taxi & Limousine Commission license holders, [...]
We Need to
Call It Terrorism. Within three days there have been two jihadist attacks in Canada,
carried out by Canadian citizens who recently converted to Islam. No terrorist organization has
claimed responsibility, at least as yet. Nevertheless, Prime Minister Stephen Harper showed no
reluctance in calling the terrorists ... terrorists. Bravo!
Great 'Workplace Violence' Epidemic. As if Ebola were not serious enough, a new, and
perhaps more lethal, epidemic appears to be spreading throughout the world from the Middle East to
North America. It goes under the rubric "workplace violence." The possibility of such an
epidemic first came to our attention in November 2009 when Major Nidal Malik Hasan — an
Army psychiatrist who corresponded with the late Yemen-based imam Anwar Al-Awlaki and who lectured
his fellow doctors on jihad — shouted "Allah Akbhar" and fatally shot 13 people, injuring
30 others, at Ft. Hood, near Killeen, Texas. The U.S. Department of Defense and federal law
enforcement agencies classified the shootings as acts of "workplace violence."
Obama, Silent. President Obama says he's "shaken" by this week's violent attacks on
three soldiers in Ottawa by an Islamic jihadist. He immediately phoned Canadian prime minister
Stephen Harper to offer support and "solidarity." He vowed to "remain vigilant." Too bad Obama
didn't show the same resolve after multiple attacks and plots against our troops by Muslim
terrorists on our soil. And I'm not just talking about the "workplace violence" of jihadist
Nidal Hasan, whose Koran-inspired Fort Hood rampage took the lives of 13 American servicemen and
servicewomen and one unborn baby.
Suspect Posted Pro-Jihad, Anti-US Comments. It's pretty telling and all too typical
that we have to resort to very offbeat websites (AKA citizen journalists) to find any coverage of
the background on the NYC hatchet attacker. But all the quotes are from still active links to his
Facebook page and YouTube comments. Funny, how our media guardians can't find them. [...] And yet
our news media still can't find a motive. But don't worry. Mr. Thompson wasn't a terrorist.
And even if he was, he was just a 'lone wolf'. There is no reason to be concerned about this becoming
a problem.
Mike Rogers: Lone wolf terror threat 'huge and getting worse'. House Intelligence
Committee Chairman Mike Rogers argued Sunday [10/26/2014] that the threat of lone wolf terrorists pose to
national security is "huge and getting worse." "In Britain, they're very close to being overwashed,
meaning their resources can't keep up with the individuals that have both gone to Syria and fought
and have come back," the Michigan Republican said on CBS' "Face the Nation."
Wolf,' or 'Known Wolf'? The Ongoing Counter-Terrorism Failure. The separate terror
attacks in Canada and a long string of terror attacks here in the U.S. show that the
counter-terrorism policies of Western governments are fundamentally broken, and are
directly responsible for getting their citizens killed.
of the witless? Unlikely to impossible. America as a whole is no more perspicacious
than the mayor of Ottawa, who in response to Wednesday's murder of a Canadian soldier by an Islamic
zealot dressed in black from head to toe, said the attack had "origins as yet not fully known,
causes not yet fully understood." Canadian police, the story noted, "would not speculate on a
motive for the shooting." Of course, they would not speculate. If they told the truth, that it
was another case of an Islamic extremist waging jihad against the West, they would be fired for inciting hate,
or some such politically correct nonsense. Survival of the fittest apparently may preclude not just
Americans but all of Western civilization from having a role in the 22nd century. Because, shackled by
political correctness as we are, we are definitely not fit to survive.
The Big 'Lone Wolf'
Dodge. The current breakout of supposed "lone wolves," like the absurd "workplace
violence" euphemism, is yet another example of the Obama administration attempting to distract the
public from the issues, in this case the most important issue of all, the continuing and growing
global spread of violent Islamic ideology. Blame anything but Islam as the cause of a problem and
instruct the FBI, our intelligence agencies and, alas, even our military always to do the same. Call
it "lone wolves," "workplace violence," or even "the man in the moon." Call it anything you
want — just don't use the I-word. But that's very point, isn't it? There wouldn't be
any "lone wolves," assuming that's what they are, were there not an Islam to make them feel not
alone. You don't see "lone wolves" adhering to another religion or ideology.
Random Thoughts on Ebola, Islam
and Hillary. [Scroll down] The recent attack in Ottawa, Canada, in which a young
soldier was killed, was committed by a Muslim, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, whom it was first erroneously
reported was a recent convert. In actually he had been a Muslim for at least seven years. Another
reported convert, Alton Molen, beheaded a co-worker in Oklahoma in September. In the United Kingdom,
a woman was beheaded in broad daylight by a machete wielding Muslim. All one has to do is Google
'beheadings' or 'convert to Muslim murders' and you will then read U.S. official reports that these
incidents are not terrorist related. At least in Canada, Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, is honest
and brave enough to call it what it is-terrorism. President Obama nevertheless utters simplistic
remarks such as "Tragic events" or "senseless violence" when it is not senseless at all but deliberate
terrorism against the western infidels.
Lone Wolf Jihad.
What would possess a man to take a hatchet and attempt to kill police in broad daylight (New York
City)? Or mow down civilians (Jerusalem) or soldiers in uniform (Montreal suburb of St.-Jean-sur-Richelieu)?
Or behead innocents at work (Oklahoma) or on the street (London, U.K.)? Or shoot unarmed soldiers
with the intent of killing the country's Prime Minister (Ottawa)? Western politicians are stumped,
resorting to words like "senseless" or "madness". However, the answer lies in the new and improved
jihad strategy that is gaining traction throughout the world. [...] For lack of a better understanding,
the mainstream media and many Western politicians attribute the cause of the recent attacks from this
past week (including the two September beheadings in Oklahoma and the U.K.), to the random and deranged
actions of lone wolves or madmen troubled by psychological issues; the insanity defense is often employed.
These barbaric attacks have nothing to do with Islam, officials insist, despite the killers referring to the
same source — that being jihad and Allah — to motivate their barbaric actions.
services have foiled FORTY terror plots since 2005. Police and security services have
thwarted 40 terrorists plots in Britain since the July 7 attacks nine years ago, Theresa May
revealed today [10/24/2014]. The foiled atrocities including 'marauding' 'Mumbai-style' gun
attacks streets, an attempt to blow up the London Stock Exchange and airplanes, and murder troops
and a British ambassador. Unveiling a raft of new counter-terror measures, the Home Secretary
warned the threat to Britain is 'greater than it ever has been' and stressed the terrorists 'only
have to be lucky once'.
in America: List of Muslim Terror Attacks since 9/11. Islamic terror in the homeland is nothing new. What is
new is that despite the Obama administration and enemedia's relentless campaign to scrub and obfuscate the motive behind the
hate, violence and war, the American people are finally waking up.
Speech Crackdown: Europe tells British press not to reveal if terrorists are Muslims. Meddling Brussels
has said the British press should not report when terrorists are Muslims in a slew of demands to the Government to crack down
on the media. A report from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) found there was an increase
in hate speech and racist violence in the UK from 2009 to March 2016. Blaming the press, ECRI Chair Christian Ahlund,
said: "It is no coincidence that racist violence is on the rise in the UK at the same time as we see worrying examples
of intolerance and hate speech in the newspapers, online and even among politicians."
Specific cases:
Note: Some recent cases with very little media coverage are listed here.
attacker swore allegiance to Islamic State before stabbing boy, 14, to death and knifing others in
evil rampage. A Syrian asylum seeker who viciously stabbed a 14-year-old boy to death
and knifed several others swore allegiance to Islamic State, officials have said. The
23-year-old man, named locally as Ahmad G., allegedly shouted 'Allahu Akbar' before launching into
a vicious attack just before 4pm on Saturday afternoon. Spine-chilling images captured the
suspect was seen grinning at police officers while they surrounded him with weapons during his
arrest in Villach, near the borders with Italy and Slovenia. The assault, which is believed
to have lasted less than 10 minutes, saw five other people wounded and two of these rushed to
hospital with serious injuries. Austria's Interior Minister Gerhard Karner said on Sunday
that it was an 'Islamist attack with IS connections' — and added the suspect was radicalised online
'in a short space of time'.
Syrian man, 23, 'stabs 14-year-old boy to death and wounds four others in knife rampage' in
Austria. A 14-year-old boy has been knifed to death after a Syrian refugee randomly
stabbed passersby in the Austrian city of Villach today, leaving five others injured. The
horror unfolded just before 4 pm local time in the city centre, near the main square, before the
23-year-old suspect was arrested. Spine-chilling images of the arrest show a grinning man
with his index finger raised as police officers surround him with weapons. Two men are said
to have sustained minor injuries, while two other men suffered from more serious wounds. The
victims were aged between 14 and 32.
14, killed and four others stabbed in horror knife attack in Austria as man, 42,
arrested. A child has been killed and four other people have been injured after a man
went on a random stabbing spree attacking passersby in Austria. The suspect, said to be a
Syrian asylum seeker, was arrested near the central square of Villach town. The victim is
said to be a 14-year-old boy. Images of the arrest show the suspect smiling with his index
finger raised as police officers surround him with weapons. A 42-year-old man who works for a
food delivery company witnessed the incident from his car. He drove toward the suspect and
helped to prevent things from getting worse, police spokesperson Rainer Dionisio told Austria's
public broadcaster ORF. Police said it wasn't clear whether the suspect acted on his own and
therefore continued to search for potential further suspects. They are now said to be
investigating if this was a "terror attack".
jihad is back in Germany and Austria. In the last three days, two Muslim attackers,
one originally from Afghanistan and the other from Syria, have killed three people in Germany and
Austria and injured scores of others. It's clearly jihadism, although we can expect the usual
people to whitewash what happened. And while I grieve for the victims, I never lose sight of
the irony that these two nations, having rid themselves of Jews, now die at the hands of the Jews'
other enemy.
Democratic Republic of Congo
February 13, 2025
Christians beheaded in African country by ISIS-aligned militants, groups say; world mostly
silent. Seventy Christians have been beheaded with machetes or large knives,
according to multiple groups that monitor terrorism and persecution, by Islamist militants in the
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) — and yet the world remains mostly silent. The
70 Christians were first rounded up by Islamist rebels from the Allied Democratic Forces, a group
affiliated with the terror group Islamic State, or ISIS, according to Open Doors U.S., which
monitors Christian persecution around the world. The Christians, reportedly all from the
Lubero district, were forced out of their homes allegedly early in the morning of Feb. 13,
with the rebels shouting, "Get out, get out." They were taken hostage, and moved to a small
Christian church in the village of Kasanga. There, inside the building that had until then
been considered a sanctuary, they were first tied up, and then all 70 were beheaded, the
groups say.
Munich, Germany
February 13, 2025
Munich attack is a parable for everything that's wrong with European migration policy.
The tragic scenes in Munich today are all too familiar. The lead suspect is, yet again, an
asylum seeker — this time with a police history of drug crime and petty theft.
Where once a shocking event like this provoked wall to wall coverage, now many shrug their
shoulders, so desensitised are we to this extreme violence that comes with life in Europe. In
Bavaria this terror attack comes following an attack last month by another Afghan asylum seeker who
killed a small boy at nursery. It wasn't always this way, and it doesn't have to be this way
if Western leaders wake up. A generation of German politicians have operated an open-doors
immigration policy, which, coupled with the EU's Schengen Zone, has been nothing short of
disastrous. If the German leadership took border security seriously, this man would not have
been in the country.
attack: Car drives into crowd with 30 injured; Afghan asylum seeker arrested.
Dozens of people have been injured after a white Mini Cooper was driven into a crowd of people in a
"suspected attack" in Munich. German Police initially said 28 people had been injured in
the incident but the number of casualties confirmed by officials has now risen to 30, including
children. Some have sustained serious injuries. A 24-year-old Afghan national has been
arrested. The car drove into a labour union demonstration in central Munich on Thursday
morning. Joachim Herrmann, Bavaria's state interior minister, said officials believe the
protest was likely targeted at random. The state's justice minister, Georg Eisenreich, said a
prosecutors' department that investigates extremism and terror was looking into the case.
The Editor says...
You would think that if an alien invites himself into your country seeking asylum, or handouts, or
what have you, that he would behave himself, maintain a low profile, and not become well-known to the police.
But civilized behavior doesn't seem to be the typical Muslim's forte. Instead, they seem to
specialize in perpetual outrage, sexual assault, unprovoked knife-wielding attacks, and world domination
through violence.
Scumbag Drives His Car Through Crowds In Munich, Screams Allah's Name When Police Take Him
Down. A failed Muslim asylum-seeker in Germany has driven through crowds at a trade
union demonstration, injuring at least 30 people, including children. At least two of
the wounded in Munich were fighting for their lives. Anti-terror police are investigating
what authorities believe was a deliberate attack and a 24-year-old Afghan was arrested after
officers shot at the car, police say. Prosecutors say the suspect has at least "indications
of an extremist background", German news site Zeit Online reports, and Der Spiegel says he is
believed to have put Islamist posts on social media before the attack. The general
prosecutor's office identified him as Farhad Noori, according to Reuters. [Video clip]
car horror is 'a suspected attack', officials say. At least 28 people have been
left injured in Munich following a suspected attack which saw a man ram a Mini Cooper thorough a
crowd of 1,000 strikers. The driver, a 24-year-old Afghan asylum seeker, according to police,
is believed to have accelerated into demonstrators. Bild has reported that that the suspect's
name is Farhad N., born in Kabul in 2001. According to Swiss publication Blick, he was already
known to local police for drugs and theft, and drove at around 30 mph into the crowd. [...] 'Police
investigations must now clarify whether he drove into the crowd intentionally or confused the accelerator
and brake,' Bild reported. [...] Munich's mayor Dieter Reiter told Bild: 'The police chief has
just informed me that a vehicle drove into a group of people and unfortunately many people were injured,
including children. I am deeply shocked.[']
The Editor says...
The police, as usual, are stupefied Maybe he meant to hit the brake pedal, but stepped on the gas instead, they say.
That doesn't explain why he got out of the car screaming about Allah. The mayor is "deeply shocked."
Who could possibly have predicted that allowing 7th-century homicidal maniacs into the country would result
in 7th-century barbarism in Germany?
New Orleans, Louisiana December 31, 2024 January 1, 2025
Koran Came to New Orleans. As is well known, in the early hours of New Year's Day in
New Orleans, a Muslim in a pickup truck deliberately accelerated straight into pedestrian revellers
thronging a narrow street. Fourteen were killed and some thirty-five injured. Halted
when he crashed into a parked vehicle, he produced a rifle and fired, wounding two police officers,
who returned fire, killing him. "Was he a member of a group?" journalists asked. Yes, an
international organisation called Islam. Islam does not celebrate New Year's Day, which
is regarded as a Christian festival, originating as it does in the Christian calendar. Islam
has its own Mohammedan calendar. According to its doctrines, Islamic states are Dar al Islam,
the Realm of Islam, while the rest of the world, including the West, is Dar al Harb, the Realm of
War. There, Jihad, "war against non-Muslims", is a "communal obligation".
Contradicts Louisiana State Police, Says New Orleans Terrorist Acted Alone. The FBI
contradicted the Louisiana State Police (LSP) Thursday afternoon, saying that Shamsud-Din Jabbar,
who plowed through a crowd on Bourbon Street in New Orleans on New Years Eve killing 15, acted
alone. Previously, an LSP intelligence report said that surveillance cameras in the city
caught three men and a woman planting one of several improvised explosive devices near Bourbon
Street, as reported by Fox News on Wednesday.
FBI Leader in New Orleans Was on Vacation Over New Year's Despite Known Vulnerabilities on Bourbon
Street. According to the Oversight Project, the top FBI leader in New Orleans was on
vacation in Italy over New Year's despite known vulnerabilities on Bourbon Street, leaving the DEI
hire with a nose ring in charge. According to the Oversight Project, top FBI brass Lyonel
Myrthil was in Italy which is why they left Special Agent Alethea Duncan in charge to brief the
public after the terror attack. [Tweet] In a carefully worded statement, the FBI confirmed
to the Oversight Project that Lyonel Myrthil was "en route to a family vacation out of the country"
when the terrorist attack occurred. FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate didn't even know Lyonel
Myrthil was out of the country. Abbate deployed a senior counterterrorism official from FBI
HQ to New Orleans hours after the terror attack. [Tweet]
the Feds Have Been Involved in the New Orleans Jihad Massacre? Trust in our
government has lowered to the point that some people are suggesting that the New Orleans jihad
massacre was aided and abetted, or even concocted, by the feds in order to stir up unrest as Trump
prepares to return to the presidency, or to create a pretext for some other action. Some of
those who are making suggestions of this kind, such as Candace Owens, just want to find some
plausible way to blame Jews, or to claim that it's all in the service of trying to get the U.S.
involved in a war in the Middle East on behalf of Israel. Those types, including Owens
herself, tend to downplay or deny outright the reality of Islamic jihad, preferring to see
virtually all the workings of the wide world as the puppet show of the all-powerful and ever-unseen
Zionists. Still, would the feds really get involved in a jihad plot to kill Americans?
Sure. No one really knows for sure, except the conspirators, if there are any, whether or not
the feds are involved. And jihad is real, as the news out of Africa, Asia and Europe shows daily.
New Orleans attack [is] a wake-up call for NYC: Get serious about vehicle terror.
We're nearly a decade into the age of Islamist terror via motor vehicle, beginning with the 2016
Bastille Day truck attack in Nice, France, that killed 86 people. New York should be
hardening vulnerable public spaces. Instead, the city relies on temporary measures and good
luck — leaving us little better prepared than New Orleans. Last week's New Year's
Bourbon Street attack, which killed 14 people, is the fault of one person: ISIS adherent
Shamsud-Din Jabbar of Texas. But vehicle terrorism is a fact of modern urban life. The
New Orleans attack came two weeks after a Christmastime vehicle assault in Germany that killed five
people. We've had other such incidents here: In 2017, an ISIS terrorist driving a
rented truck killed eight people on the Hudson River bike path on Halloween.
Are We Sure New Orleans Terrorist Worked Alone? At first, the FBI insisted that the
mass-murder vehicular attack in New Orleans wasn't terrorism. Then they announced that
Shamsud-din Jabbar had several accomplices to help him place two IEDS, only to reverse that later
and claimed that he'd worked alone. However, a new report from NBC News suggests that Jabbar
may have had some assistance with the bombs after all. The explosive used turns out to be so
unusual that it has never been used in terror attacks in the West before now, and it's not at all
clear how Jabbar either received it or manufactured it himself: [...] Let's get the biggest caveat
out of the way: can we trust the accuracy of this report? It's not as though investigators
have covered themselves in glory over the last four days in this case. Presumably, NBC's
sources are in the FBI, since they have taken control of the investigation, and as I noted in my
preamble, the FBI keeps hitting reverse on public declarations, let alone unauthorized leaks.
First Week of 2025. The first announcement by the FBI denied that it was terrorism
though the perpetrator's truck carried an ISIS flag which law enforcement or the FBI had tried to
cover from view. That was retracted shortly afterward though the Bureau emphasized he acted
alone — this under circumstances too early in any investigation to be credible. [...]
Whatever the truth is, few people any longer trust the FBI to give a credible account. The
agency has lost our respect as regards integrity, veracity, and competence. For years now it
has been tracking down grandmas who walked through the Capitol on January 6, surveilling
school board meetings and churches, and doing little to monitor and protect us against what every
rational person knows — the growing threat of Moslem extremists. Almost instantly,
it gave us yet another reason to distrust it.
Street Massacre Is What 'Globalize the Intifada' Looks Like. As woke illiberalism
replaced live-and-let-live liberalism as the animating ideology of the American Left, the state of
Israel has increasingly found itself on the outs. Never mind that modern Israel was founded
by, and for three decades politically dominated by, a bunch of left-wing socialists. Never
mind that Harry Truman, an iconic liberal Democratic president, became the first world leader to
recognize the fledgling Jewish state a mere 11 minutes after it announced its independence in
1948. None of that history matters on the left anymore, after wokeism supplanted liberalism.
In the fatuous neo-Marxist dichotomy of modern wokeism, Jews are deemed a "white," "oppressor"
class; Muslims, by contrast, are deemed a "brown," "oppressed" class. To be a leftist in good
standing, then, necessitates supporting the latter over the former — and, therefore,
supporting Palestinian Arab jihadism over the Jewish people's eternal will to survive. To the
woke, the Palestinian Arabs' quest to annihilate the Jews of Israel represents a vogue and chic
cause — just like Black Lives Matter did five years ago, and just like same-sex marriage
did five years before that.
FBI to CAIR, New Orleans attacker's local mosque tells members. Masjid Bilal, the
local Houston mosque near the home of Shamsud-Din Jabbar, has been receiving a good deal of
unwanted press attention since the 42-year-old drove a pickup truck into a crowd of people in New
Orleans on New Year's Day, killing 15 and injuring 35. In a statement posted as a Facebook
story, a temporary post that expires, the mosque's management wrote that everyone is aware of the
New Orleans "tragic events." "I want to emphasize the importance of everyone to stay very
vigilant and aware of your surroundings," per the post. "The safety of our community is the most
important thing." "If anyone is contacted by the media, it is very important that you do not
respond," the post added. "If approached by the FBI and a response is necessary, please refer to
CAIR and ISGH. It is crucial that we stay united at this time as we condemn these terrible
acts. Please stay safe." (JNS sought comment from the mosque. ISGH appears to be a
reference to the Islamic Society Greater Houston.)
Mosque Points FBI to Islamic Group That Condemns Israel's 'Ethnic Cleansing' in Gaza.
Shamsud-Din Bahar Jabbar, the man who drove a car into New Year's Eve revelers on Bourbon Street
after praising the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, had been a member of a Houston mosque
where an imam claimed that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler massacred Jews because they controlled the
economy. Jabbar's terrorist attack claimed the lives of 14 people, and he died in a
shootout with police during the attack. His attack injured more than 30 people.
Masjid Bilal in Northern Houston, where Jabbar had been a member, sent a message to the community
about the attack. The mosque urged the community, "It is crucial that we stay united at this
time as we condemn these terrible acts."
the dots between New Orleans and support for anti-Israel terror. Mass killings in the
United States tend to provoke very different kinds of reactions from the liberal political and
media establishment. Attacks that can be linked, however tenuous or unlikely, to the
political right, are seized upon as an excuse to demonize conservatives and Republicans.
Those that can't be associated with the right but involve gun violence are used to promote gun
control laws. But comments about slaughter linked to Islamist extremism are very
different. They are primarily used to scold the country not to connect the dots between such
incidents and a growing tolerance for antisemitism in the country, as well as support for
anti-Western violence in the Muslim world. This was demonstrated repeatedly in the aftermath
of the New Orleans terrorist attack on the first day of 2025. While caution is always a good
idea when commenting about a crime before all the facts become available, that's a rule that is
never applied to those incidents that can be employed as political fodder for the left.
Orleans and government patterns. Throughout the Harris/Biden Administration, several
patterns have emerged when what could be terrorist attacks have occurred: (1) the perpetrator
acted alone. (2) The perpetrator absolutely, positively wasn't trans (unless there was no way
to hide that fact, but even so, that couldn't have been a motive). (3) It absolutely,
positively wasn't terror-related. (4) We'll never know a motive. (5) Whenever possible,
their race, sexual preference, nationality, Islamic names and other affiliations are covered up or
only partially and grudgingly admitted. [...] The pattern continues in the New Orleans terror attack,
which killed at least 15 and wounded at least 30 others. Despite the terrorist with an
Islamic name flying an ISIS flag on the rented truck he used, despite his firing on the crowd and
wounding two police officers before they killed him, despite his having a remote detonation device,
and video evidence of three men and a woman planting IEDs, which were later found in the French
Quarter. The local Special Agent in Charge (SAIC) of the local field office immediately
proclaimed the attack was not terror related, a claim the FBI had to revise an hour later when
the facts were too overwhelming to be covered up.
Not Allow the Left to Do the Jihadi Two-Step. Almost immediately, information became
more grim, and word of who was behind the wheel and why — no thanks to local or federal authorities — became
known and then confirmed. X was an invaluable source of real-time information, as
were the local New Orleans stations and online news. I found I could usually confirm
something I found within minutes and be confident enough to post it here sometimes hours before the
national news, or again, any of the parade of clowns at the official level, did the same.
When the death count rose to 15, or NOLA police blowing up IEDs they'd discovered. The ISIS
flag on the back of the pickup was another such horrifying example. [Tweet] When surveillance
video emerged of the truck on Canal Street, it showed that the flag, while on the truck, had always
been rolled, thereby exonerating police of any part in hiding it from the public. But FBI
actions have been nothing sort of a ghastly charade from the moment the "Assistant Special Agent in
Charge" of the New Orleans office...and let me say that again. Because this female isn't some
poor junior agent who got stuck with holiday duty and woken up to speak out of the blue. So
we should cut her some slack. Oh, [indeed] no. Alethea Duncan is the Assistant Special
Agent IN CHARGE of the New Orleans FBI office.
Shamsud-Din Jabbar. The New York Post has photos of Jabbar's trailer, after federal
agents had completed their raid. The pictures add to our knowledge about Jabbar, although, as
I wrote here, the fact that he was flying an ISIS flag on his murderous pickup tells us everything
we need to know. The most important point to be made is that the several individuals who were
spotted on surveillance videos around the French Quarter, ostensibly planting IEDs, apparently were
innocent. The FBI now says they were doing nothing wrong, and to the best of their current
knowledge, Jabbar acted alone. No doubt some will be skeptical, but unless and until we get
meaningful new information, I see no reason to dissent from that conclusion. As far as I
know, everything that Jabbar did could easily be carried out by a single individual.
Orleans Terrorist Wanted To Kill His Entire Family. New Orleans terror attack suspect
Shamsud-Din Jabbar intended to kill his family but was concerned media attention wouldn't be
focused on the "war between believers & disbelievers." The FBI says Jabbar posted multiple
videos online. [Video clip]
Probe in New Orleans Opened With DEI Clown Show: FBI Agent Appeared With Nose Piercing; Lady
Police Chief Vowed to Be "Fearless". Just as Americans learned how deeply that
diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) ideology had poisoned the Secret Service when they witnessed
two assassination attempts against Donald Trump, they're now learning that DEI ideology has done
likewise at the FBI and the New Orleans Police Department. From all appearances, the
investigation began as a DEI clown show. The assistant special agent in charge of the FBI
office in New Orleans, the nose-pierced Alethea Duncan, stood before reporters to claim that
Shamsud-Din Jabbar did not perpetrate a terror attack when he plowed into New Year's revelers on
Bourbon Street in the city's French Quarter. She was duly contradicted minutes later.
Six months ago, the FBI was promoting its DEI hiring policies and thanking fans of Taylor Swift on
X. Then 65-year-old police chief Anne Kirkpatrick, fired from the same job in Oakland in 2020,
took the microphone to say she would be "fearless" in doing her job. Forty-two-year-old
Jabbar crashed into pedestrians on Bourbon Street before being killed in a gun battle with
police. With a nose ring that contravenes FBI rules (which she later removed), Duncan stepped
up to the microphone to announce that the FBI would take over the investigation. And Jabbar,
she said, was no terrorist.
by New Orleans attack suspect express extreme religious views. Nearly a year before
he allegedly killed 14 people and injured dozens more by driving a pickup truck flying an
Islamic State (IS) flag through a crowd of New Year's revelers in New Orleans, Shamsud-Din Jabbar
expressed his beliefs that music, intoxicants, sex and other pleasures were evils deserving of
destruction. An account on the SoundCloud platform under the name of Jabbar posted three
recordings totaling about 20 minutes each containing those and other expressions of extremist
religious views. SoundCloud did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The
voice on the recordings match that of Jabbar's as heard on a video promoting a real-estate business
he was confirmed to have run before authorities say he aimed a deadly terrorist attack at one of
the world's most famous festive drags, killing or injuring a mix of local area residents and
foreign visitors.
This The Beginning Of A Terror Wave? The New Year had barely begun when one and
possibly two terrorist attacks were unleashed that claimed the lives of more than a dozen innocent
people. In New Orleans, 15 people have so far died after a driver rammed a truck through
a crowd of revelers on Bourbon Street Wednesday morning. The driver had an ISIS flag in the
rented pickup and likely didn't act alone. Police have since reported pipe bombs with a
remote detonator were in the truck, as well as others placed in the French Quarter. The FBI
told reporters that it doesn't think the driver, Shamsud-Din Jabbar, acted alone.
Massacre in New Orleans Demands a Response. The white pickup truck with an ISIS flag
attached to its trailer hitch that tore through Bourbon Street in New Orleans during the first few
hours of New Year's Day of 2025 symbolizes an inflection point for the American people and their
leaders. Revelry, music and laughter gave way to terror as fifteen people lost their lives
and dozens of others were left with crippling, life-altering injuries from yet another jihadist
attack on U.S. soil. The suspected attacker, Samshud-Din Jabbar, a 42-year-old U.S. citizen
and former member of the U.S. Army Reserve from Texas, died in a firefight with local police, but
given reports of ISIS-affiliated terrorists crossing America's southern border, the threat of more
attacks did not die with him. [...] The Bourbon Street attack — similar to those
motivated by Islamist hostility toward non-Muslim holidays and the people who celebrate
them — highlights the Biden administration's failure to prioritize the fight against
jihadist extremism. The Biden administration, more concerned with optics than outcomes, has
left the nation vulnerable with its failure to protect the country's borders and tendency to
mainstream, and even fund, Islamist organizations in the United States.
now says driver responsible for deadly New Orleans rampage acted alone. The U.S. Army
veteran who drove a pickup truck into a crowd of New Year's revelers acted alone, the FBI said
Thursday, reversing its position from a day earlier that he likely worked with others in carrying
out the deadly attack, which officials say was an act of terrorism inspired by the Islamic State
group. The FBI also revealed that the driver, Shamsud-Din Jabbar, a U.S. citizen from Texas,
posted five videos on his Facebook account in the hours before the attack in which he aligned
himself with IS and told viewers that he had joined the militant group before last summer.
rules out involvement of 3 men, 1 woman allegedly seen planting IEDs around New Orleans near
terror attack. The feds ruled out that the ISIS flag-flying terrorist who killed at
least 15 people and injured dozens of others on New Orleans' famed Bourbon Street had help
from four people spotted on surveillance footage near the deadly attack Wednesday. Video
surveillance from the French Quarter seemingly showed three men and one woman planting explosives
at multiple locations, a federal alert to police departments around the country said soon after the
tragic attack. Federal authorities have since ruled out their involvement in the attack but
still suggested that terror suspect Shamsud-Din Jabbar, 42, was not "solely responsible" for the carnage.
Bourbon Street attacker acted alone, 'evil act' kills 14. Authorities held a press
conference Thursday morning (Jan. 2), providing updates on the Bourbon Street terror attack
that claimed the lives of 14 victims and injured 35 others early New Year's Day. FBI
Deputy Director Christopher Raia confirmed that 14 victims died in the attack, along with the
suspect, Shamsud Din Jabbar, bringing the total to 15 fatalities. "This was a premeditated,
evil act," Raia told reporters.
Reportedly Attended by Bourbon Street Terrorist Puts Out Very Concerning Statement.
With the revelation that the Bourbon Street terrorist who killed at least 15 people on
Wednesday was born in America and seemingly lived a normal life at one point in time, the question
has shifted to exactly who helped radicalize him. Having converted to Islam sometime in the
last few years, Shamsud-Din Jabbar reportedly attended a local mosque just blocks away, and that
mosque has now put out a statement on Instagram that is raising eyebrows. [...] The entire message
reads like an order of protection for anyone who may have radicalized or assisted Jabbar in some
way. The push to contact CAIR is a dead giveaway. For those unaware, the Council on
American-Islamic Relations is an unindicted co-conspirator and supporter of Hamas and the Muslim
Brotherhood. It is a radical group that has long sought to protect Islamism at the cost of
American lives. If CAIR is involved, you can bet there's probably something going on under
the surface.
Orleans terrorist Shamsud-Din Jabbar's brother blames 'radicalization' for attack that killed at
least 14. The brother of the terrorist who launched the deadly car attack on Bourbon
Street in New Orleans says that "radicalization" is to blame for his kin's rampage. Abdur
Jabbar, 24, of Beaumont, Texas, told the New York Times that his brother Shamsud-Din
Jabbar — who killed at least 14 people in the New Year's Day attack —
converted to Islam at an early age. The younger Jabbar told the newspaper that what his
brother "did does not represent Islam. This is more some type of radicalization, not religion."
The Editor says...
If terrorism "does not represent Islam," why are there so many Islamic terror attacks? It wasn't
a bunch of Southern Baptists who flew airliners into office buildings on 9/11/2001. We're still
getting scrutinized and searched and x-rayed at the airport, and it's not because they're looking for
homicidal Catholics or maniacal Methodists. All Muslims are "radicalized." Most of them are just
keeping quiet until they get the signal to attack.
Year, same FBI-NYT lies. A man in a white F-150 truck plowed through a crowd
celebrating the New Year on Bourbon Street in the French Quarter of New Orleans, killing
15 people and injuring another 30 people whose only crime was enjoying the holiday.
Three police officers squared off with the assailant and made sure he would never kill again.
Please say a prayer for those officers because I imagine the horror of killing even a dog such as
this. The FBI for some reason took over the investigation and a less trustworthy organization
does not exist in the government at any level in the United States. Its first press
conference, the FBI initially trotted out a spokeswoman who said, "This is not a terrorist
event. What it is right now is [an] improvised explosive device was found. We are
working on confirming if there's a viable device or not." I had to clean up the quote because
she threw in many extraneous words. In his tweet accompanying the news clip, Benny Johnson
said, "Hold up. An FBI Agent with a nose ring who can barely speak coherent English sentences
told the media that a terrorist driving a truck with an ISIS flag killing 10 Americans is NOT a
terrorist attack!?! "We need Kash Patel NOW!"
In New Orleans. [Scroll down] The truck used in the New Orleans New Year's Eve
terror attack was traced back to crossing the U.S. border at Eagle Pass, Texas, on
November 16, 2024. It was rented via an online service that allows the renting of
privately owned vehicles. There is some speculation that the Lightning was chosen because it
weighs over 6000 pounds and would be particularly dangerous when used in this kind of
attack. The attack follows the pattern of the recent Christmas market attack in
Germany. Shamsud was apparently a U.S. Army veteran. He served as an IT specialist and
then settled in Houston after he separated from the service. The New Orleans City Council
President Helena Moreno and the FBI have both stated that Shamsud did not act alone and that police
are hunting for 4 to 5 additional suspects. Shamsud may have rented a short-term apartment
nearby and additional explosive devices were found at that location. The FBI is working to
neutralize those devices.
Angel of Death Wears Granny Glasses. In New Orleans this morning, a terrorist
attacked a crowd with his truck, then tried to get out of the car and start shooting —
and New Orleans cops, working for a department that has an old reputation for troubling behavior,
stopped him instantly. We have footage on social media that shows a bunch of NOPD officers
sprinting straight into the attack, and choppy, broken footage that maybe sort of shows the edges
of the gunfight. The attacker appears to have died right next to his truck, a fact that
suggests courage and seriousness in the police response. And then I saw this, and instantly
let out a kind of hybrid laugh-groan, because I know this face but didn't know where she had gone:
[Photo] Anne Kirkpatrick has been a police executive for a long time, proudly fighting to
remove machismo from policing, and she's bounced from high-profile job to high-profile job.
Among many other jobs, she was the police chief in Oakland, California for three years,
until she was fired.
In New Orleans (and elsewhere): Enough is enough. As usual in these cases, FBI
officials reportedly originally would not say that the Bourbon Street Massacre was a terror attack.
[...] No matter who was responsible for the attack, or "why" he did it, it was obviously a
terrorist attack. However, President Biden tweeted out a hearty "Happy New Year" well after
the attack had taken place. Later, he stated that "nobody should jump to conclusions."
Had the attack been perpetrated by a so-called "far-right extremist," that is all we would be
hearing about for days on end in the mainstream news, along with how we must deal with the
existential threat these mythical monsters pose. However, attacks perpetrated by Islamist
radicals are typically blamed on the weapon they used to carry out the attack. After a
December 20 terrorist attack at a German Christmas market, mainstream media headlines such as
"Car runs over pedestrians" and "Vehicle kills and injures dozens" were rampant. So now
another vehicle, not a gas-guzzling SUV, this time, but an electric pick-up, has plowed into
revelers celebrating the new year in the Big Easy.
FBI Hire In New Orleans Tells The Media The Mass Killing Was Not A Terror Attack Even Though The
Truck Had An ISIS Flag Pinned On It. An FBI Agent with a nose ring who can barely
speak coherent English sentences told the media that a terrorist driving a truck with an ISIS flag
killing 10 Americans is NOT a terrorist attack!?! Weapons and two potential improvised
explosive devices, or IEDs, were located in the vehicle, Duncan said. At least one other IED
was found in the French Quarter, and was detonated by law enforcement, a person familiar with the
investigation said. The number of IEDs left behind is a large part of why the FBI believes
the man may have had an accomplice, sources tell CBS News." Earlier Wednesday morning Special
FBI agent Alethea Duncan said this was NOT a terrorist event. "This is not a terrorist
event. What it is right now is there were improvised explosive devices that was found and we
are working on confirming if this is a viable device or not," Alethea Duncan said. This woman
should have been fired immediately. [Video clip]
Believe There Are At Least 4 to 5 Additional Suspects in New Orleans Truck Attack. In
the wake of the devastating New Year's Day attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans, law enforcement
agencies are intensifying efforts to identify and apprehend additional suspects linked to the
incident. The primary assailant, identified as 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar, was fatally
shot by police after he drove a pickup truck into a crowd, resulting in ten deaths and over thirty
injuries. Investigators have uncovered evidence suggesting that Jabbar did not act alone, Fox
News reported. A high-level source indicated that there are at least four to five other
suspects involved in the planning and execution of this heinous act.
Terrorist Shamsud-Din Jabbar Posted Video on YouTube — Was Former Military.
The monster who murdered 12 innocent New Year's revelers in New Orleans has been identified.
A law enforcement officer told NOLA.com that the suspect accused of plowing a massive truck through
the crowd on Bourbon Street is 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar. Moreover, he was carrying an
ISIS flag in the truck. As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, a terror attack hit New
Orleans this morning with at least 12 people dead and at least 35 injured. Now, one
person has come forward with disturbing details alleging a massive security breakdown. [...] The
suspect died during the gunfight with police. It is unclear at this point if it was suicide
by cop or he took his own life. We now have more information on the terrorist. His name
is Shamsu Din-Jabbar. He worked in Texas near the US boder [sic].
Believes New Orleans Terrorist Did Not Act Alone. The FBI has released a statement
providing more details on the horrific terror attack that occurred in the French Quarter of New
Orleans this morning. They also confirmed that the driver of the pickup truck that plowed
into the crowd had an ISIS flag attached to the truck. The FBI is investigating the attack as
terrorism. They believe others were involved. Shamsud Din Jabbar might not have acted
alone. The Sugar Bowl was postponed. The suspect was arrested for two crimes in 2002
and 2003 for minor offenses.
Blatantly Lied About New Orleans Attack. The vehicular massacre on Bourbon Street is
still sending shockwaves throughout the nation, and there are still a lot of questions left to be
answered. I won't necessarily say that the one I'm about to ask is the biggest, but it's
right up there. Why did the FBI lie about it? See, it seems they started off by trying
to tell the media that no, this wasn't terrorism, when in fact it was.
The Editor says...
When you hear about a car or truck being driven into a large outdoor crowd, at an event where there is
a lot of drinking, revelry, and unaccompanied women, it is a near-certainty that the incident is an act of
terrorism. You don't need to see the ISIS flag on the vehicle, or see a picture of the keffiyeh on
the driver's head, or hear reports that he was hollering Allahu akbar as he stepped on
the gas. Muslims are offended by alcohol consumption in public, women in public, and
laughter in public. Apparently they also deplore and resent the celebration of the new
year — among other things.
Attack' — 10 Dead, 30 Injured After Car Crashes into Bourbon Street
Revelers. New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell has released initial information on the
ramming attack that killed 10 people early on New Year's Day on Bourbon Street. "We do
know that the city of New Orleans was impacted by a terrorist attack," Cantrell reportedly said,
noting the incident is still under investigation with the FBI now involved. Anne Kirkpatrick,
superintendent of police, said the driver had attempted to kill as many people as possible.
She said he exited the vehicle and fired on police, ABC News reports.
intentionally slams truck into crowd in New Orleans, killing 10 and injuring dozens.
Ten people were killed and dozens injured early Wednesday when a man intentionally drove a pickup
truck into a crowd on Bourbon Street in New Orleans' French Quarter as revelers were celebrating
the new year, officials said. New Orleans Police Department Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick
said the man drove around barricades and hurtled down Bourbon Street in "very intentional behavior"
before opening fire on officers. "This man was trying to run over as many people as he
could," said Kirkpatrick, adding that two police officers were hit by gunfire but were in a stable
condition. Mayor LaToya Cantrell referred to it as a likely "terrorist attack," but Alethea
Duncan, an FBI agent who spoke along with the other officials Wednesday morning, did not
characterize it that way. The officials did not provide any information about the man who
drove the truck, and his condition and whereabouts were not immediately clear.
Dead, Dozens Injured as Truck Runs Through Crowd in New Orleans, Bourbon Street. "The
8th District is currently working a mass casualty incident involving a vehicle that drove into a
large crowd on Canal and Bourbon Street. There are 30 injured patients and
10 12 fatalities," NOLA Ready, New Orleans emergency preparedness program, said
in a statement. [...] Other media is reporting that the driver got out of the vehicle with a weapon
and opened fire on the crowd.
Magdeburg, Germany
December 20, 2024
'Christian Terrorist' Turns Out to Have Been a Muslim All Along. At first glance, the
story seemed distressingly familiar: back in June 2023, a Syrian asylum seeker went on a
stabbing spree at a playground in the French city of Annecy, stabbing four toddlers and two
adults. There have been numerous incidents in recent years of Muslim migrants in France
stabbing people in random attacks, often while screaming "Allahu akbar." [...] A young Frenchman
named Henri d'Anselme stopped the attacker's stabbing spree. Now, d'Anselme has revealed on
Legend, a popular French podcast, that a magistrate told him that the perpetrator was not a
Christian but a Muslim who had been a member of Bashar al-Assad's army in Syria and later of the
Islamic State. He claimed falsely to be a Christian to gain asylum in Europe.
Magdeburg Christmas market attacker had a long history of erratic and threatening
behaviour. The dishonesty about al-Abdulmohsen and his motives has been
staggering. While those on the German left are sparing no effort to portray the attacker as a
right-wing terrorist and "AfD sympathiser," loud voices on the right have spent days insisting that
he was some kind of sleeper jihadist agent. Neither is remotely true. All the evidence
shows that al-Abdulmohsen was a paranoid, mentally unstable and professionally incompetent doctor
with a long history of making terroristic threats to satisfy petty personal grievances.
Anti-Islam statements from the AfD appealed to him, but beyond that al-Abdulmohsen had no developed
political vision, and his self-styled refugee advocacy put him at odds with core elements of the
AfD party platform. His entire internet presence is moreover uniformly anti-Islamic; all the
tweets cited to support the argument that he was a crypto-Muslim are invariably misinterpreted or
taken out of context. The real story here is the failure of German police and immigration
bureaucrats to do anything about this obviously unbalanced and dangerous man. In Germany,
pensioners who call Green politicians "morons" get their houses raided by the police, while insane
migrants who promise over and over to commit terrorist acts attract no attention. Authorities
neglected to deport al-Abdulmohsen even after he overstayed his original visa, then granted and
extended new residence permits despite his increasingly erratic behaviour.
rhetoric of gun violence. The recent attack on a Christmas market in Germany is a
case in point: [Tweet, with several examples of the press blaming the car for the attack.]
It wasn't a Saudi Arabian Muslim who drove a car into the crowded market, no. It was that
[...] car that drove itself killing five and injuring scores. And of course, the motivation
for the car running down all those Germans may never be known, but it certainly had nothing to do
with Islam, no sir!
Germans [are] Tying Themselves in Knots Over [the] Magdeburg Killings. Nobody was
happy to see Olaf Scholz's face at the scene of the terrorist attack. [Tweet] The hoots and
howls continued as the ex-chancellor continued into the heart of the devastated Christmas Market.
[Tweet] Scholz has yet to formulate an answer for how his government missed so many warnings
about the Saudi Arabian who perpetrated Friday's unspeakable carnage.
Market Attack Suspect Was a Saudi Arabian 'Leftist' Asylum Activist Promoted by BBC:
Reports. The suspected perpetrator of the Magdeburg Christmas market attack was
reportedly an asylum seeker activist who was promoted by legacy media outlets, including the BBC. Prosecutors
have announced that the suspect has been charged with five counts of murder and 200 counts of
attempted murder with dangerous bodily harm. They revealed that one of the slain victims was
a nine year old child and that 41 people were seriously injured and, therefore, the death count
may continue to rise, Welt reports.
Saudi Christmas killer: Was he or wasn't he (Muslim)? Yesterday, a Saudi
Arabian man drove his heavy-duty Mercedes through a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany, killing
five (as of now) and injuring 200 others. The killer's Saudi background screamed
"Muslim!!!" However, we're now being told that the killer is an "ex-Muslim." I keep
thinking of those old Clairol hair dye commercials. Younger readers won't remember them, but
older ones will: "Does she or doesn't she? Only her hairdresser knows for sure." In
this case, whether he really was an "ex-Muslim" is one of those things that, perhaps, only Allah
knows for sure[.] The car's driver was a guy named Taleb al-Abdulmohsen, and we're now being
told that he was actually more of a right-wing conspiracy theorist.
least 2 dead and 60 hurt after a car drives into a German Christmas market in a suspected
attack. A car plowed into a busy outdoor Christmas market in the eastern German city
of Magdeburg on Friday, killing at least two people and injuring at least 60 others in what
authorities called a deliberate attack. The driver was arrested at the scene shortly after
the car barreled into the market at around 7 p.m., when it was teeming with holiday shoppers
looking forward to the weekend. Verified bystander footage distributed by the German news
agency dpa showed the suspect's arrest on a walkway in the middle of the road. A nearby
police officer pointing a handgun at the man shouted at him as he lay prone. Other officers
soon arrived to take the man into custody.
Islamic terror attack on a European Christmas market. What's interesting about
today's mass terror attack on a German Christmas market is that the German authorities immediately
announced that it was an Islamic terrorist attack. Maybe Europeans are finally realizing that
the viper they've nursed at their bosom needs to be expelled.
attack 'suspect, 50, from Saudi Arabia is arrested with explosive device in car after killing at
least two and injuring up to 80. A Saudi doctor [...] drove through a massive crowd
at a German Christmas, killing at least two and injuring nearly 70 people, was arrested with a
suspected explosive device. The driver of the car, reported to be a dark BMW, was arrested
following the crash which took place at 7:04 pm today in the city of Magdeburg, according to
unidentified government officials in the state of Saxony-Anhalt who spoke to the dpa news
agency. Video footage of the moment appears to show armed police crowding around a dark car
and forcing a bearded man to slowly exit. [Video clip]
Man, those cars are really mean! Fear
Returns to Germany's Christmas Markets After Car Plows into Crowd, Echoes of Berlin 2016
Attack. Chaos erupted in Magdeburg, Germany, as a car tore into a Christmas market,
sending shoppers and revelers scrambling for safety. According to reports from the German
news agency DPA, the shocking incident unfolded on Friday in the capital city of Saxony-Anhalt,
which lies just west of Berlin. Authorities acted quickly, apprehending the driver at the
scene. Details remain scarce, with no immediate confirmation of fatalities or injuries.
[Tweet with video clip] Magdeburg, a city of about 240,000 residents, is no stranger to
bustling Christmas markets, which draw large crowds during the holiday season. This latest
incident has rattled a nation already familiar with such tragedies, as reported by the Associated
Press. [Video clip]
Christmas market carnage will make a dangerous situation even uglier. There will be
profound shock and anger right across Germany this evening. A nation is in mourning.
Tonight's abhorrent scenes of tiny, broken bodies littering that most precious of German festive
traditions — the Christmas market — in the centre of Magdeburg have shocked
the civilised world. But surprise? Very sadly, there will not be much of that.
For Germany has been dreading if not half-expecting some sort of Christmas outrage as I have
learned for myself. That's because I have spent the past week in Germany visiting Essen,
another city where scenes at a Christmas market have caused panic and confusion in recent days[.]
The Editor says...
The British press routinely characterizes the opponents of Islamic terrorism as the "far right,"
as if they are as abhorrent as the homicidal maniacs at the opposite political pole.
October 26, 2024
Man Screaming 'Allahu Akbar' Opens Fire on a Jewish. NBC Chicago reported that "a man
has been charged in connection with a shooting involving a Chicago police officers that occurred on
the North Side Saturday. On Monday, police charged 22-year-old Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi with
multiple felonies including attempted murder." Abdallahi was "accused of shooting a 39-year-old in
the 2600 block of West Farwell and also shooting at officers and paramedics who responded to that
scene in the city's West Rogers Park neighborhood." CBS Chicago reported Saturday that Abdallahi
doesn't appear to have a chosen his victim at random: "Jewish residents in a North Side
neighborhood said they fear the shooting that preceded a shootout with police on Saturday may have
been a hate crime." One resident of the area where the shooting took place said that the victim was
an Orthodox Jew, adding: "A Jewish guy walking to synagogue, Saturday morning, Sabbath morning, it
just, it doesn't make sense."
Footage Shows A Muslim Man Shoot A Jewish Man In The Back While Yelling Alluha Akbar In
Chicago. A 39-year-old Jewish man was shot in the back while walking to a synagogue
in Chicago's West Rogers Park neighborhood on Saturday morning, in what some community members
allege may be a hate-driven attack. The incident, reported by Yeshiva World News, occurred
around 9:35 a.m. in an area with a significant Orthodox Jewish population. Witnesses
recounted that the shooter, reportedly a 23-year-old man, yelled "Allahu Akbar" as he exchanged
fire with responding officers. [Video clip]
Jewish leaders 'disappointed' law enforcement downplaying antisemitism as motive in shooting.
Jewish leaders in Chicago are urging the local prosecutor to upgrade the charge against a Muslim
man who allegedly shot a Jewish man walking to synagogue on Saturday in West Rogers Park, home to
one of the city's largest Orthodox Jewish populations, to a hate crime. The 22-year-old
suspect reportedly yelled "Allahu Akbar" as he exchanged fire with police officers responding to
the initial shooting. "We're very disappointed," Shlomo Soroka, Agudath Israel of Illinois'
director of government affairs, told Jewish Insider. "I hope they add hate crime
charges on later but regardless, even if there are technical reasons that they didn't file hate
crime charges, they have to understand what this really was — not even this specific
incident — but what we have been saying for a long time, that the visibly Jewish
community, which is the Orthodox community, is at grave risk. And it's not just here in
Chicago." Before the charges were announced, Soroka said that law enforcement was not doing
enough to "reassure" the "anxious community."
Essen, Germany
September 28, 2024
man with Palestinian flag wounds 31 in Germany with arson, ramming attacks. A
41-year-old Syrian national wounded 31 people, including two children who were left in
critical condition, in arson attacks on Saturday in the German city of Essen, according to police
and media reports from Sunday morning. At around 5:10 p.m. on Saturday, the man set fire
to a residential building on Altenessener Strasse, at the corner of Pielsticker Strasse, according
to Bild. He later drove a few streets over, where he set fire to a second
residence. The fire service said that 31 people were wounded in the arson attacks, while
Essen police placed the number at 30.
Migrant Goes On A Violent Rage In Essen Germany. A man's been arrested after
allegedly setting two fires in Essen that left 30 people injured and driving a van into two
shops, authorities said on Sunday. A man has been arrested after allegedly setting off two
fires in the western German city of Essen that left 30 people injured and driving a van into
two shops, authorities said on Sunday. Emergency services were alerted to two fires in
residential buildings in quick succession shortly after 5 p.m. on Saturday, police said.
The injured people included eight children who were seriously hurt, and two of them were in a
life-threatening condition after inhaling smoke. [Video clip]
Solingen, Germany
August 23, 2024
terrorism is staging a barbaric comeback. Islamist terror has returned to
Europe. But in truth, it never really went away. On 23 August, the German city of
Solingen was the scene of an all too familiar and barbaric crime. Issa Al H, a suspected
member of Islamic State, slashed at the necks of people in a crowd, as they gathered to celebrate
the city's 650th anniversary. He killed three people and injured eight more. Islamic
State swiftly took responsibility, calling this murderer a 'soldier', and hailing the attack as an
act of 'revenge for the Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere'. The killer is a Syrian asylum
seeker, who was slated for deportation last year to Bulgaria — the place where he had
first registered for asylum. He only managed to stay in Germany because he was not at his
asylum accommodation when immigration officials showed up to collect him. In Germany, this
kind of Islamist nihilism is, disturbingly, becoming the new normal.
need more anger about Islamist terrorism, not less. The bodies of the people slain
by the Islamist fanatic were barely cold before sections of the media were fretting over how the
'far right' might react. It was on Friday evening, at a festival celebrating the 650th
anniversary of the founding of the west German city, that a man went on a knifing frenzy.
Three people were killed and eight wounded, four seriously. The suspect is a 26-year-old
from Syria who, according to German prosecutors, shares the ideology of the Islamic State and was
acting on those tyrannical extremist beliefs when he wielded his knife. He arrived in
Germany as an asylum seeker in 2022, but although his claim was rejected, the authorities failed
to deport him. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the slaughter, describing it as an
intentional slaying of European Christians 'to avenge Muslims in Palestine and everywhere'.
'diversity' festival awash in blood as a diverse immigrant slaughtered attendees.
Leftism is not a monolith. Instead, it has a core leadership group, which is often highly
cynical and uses leftism to achieve power. That's why most "leftist" leaders are billionaires
when they die. Next, there's an inner circle of fanatic true believers who are the movement's
energy and enforcers. Last, there are the "lumpen" masses or useful idiots, who blithely
follow where they're told. Members of this last class were at a "diversity" festival in
Solingen, Germany, when a Muslim immigrant stabbed 11 people, killing three. [...] In the
immediate aftermath, German officials, echoing Sergeant Schultz, said that they knew nothing.
Maybe that was true, but the rest of us assumed that it was a Muslim attack, and, of course, our
assumption was correct.
Murders at "Festival of Diversity". By now, we know what "diversity" means in a
country subjected to Islamic colonization. It means random violence: [...] At least five were
seriously injured in addition to the three killed. For a preview of Germany's short-term
future, look to 1980s Lebanon. The violence won't last forever. When the end goal of
"diversity" is achieved, there will be no non-Muslims left, so the random killing will stop.
Knife-Attacker Stabs Three People to Death at 'Diversity' Festival, Screams Allahu
Akbar. At least three people were killed and several others seriously injured when a
knife attacker went on a killing spree while screaming 'Allahu Akbar.' The attacker, who
managed to flee the scene of crime, is reportedly of 'Middle Eastern-origin,' local media reports
say. "The perpetrator, according to eyewitness statements is an Arab-looking man," German
newspaper Bild reported. [Tweet with video clip] The Islamic State took
responsibility for the deadly attack. "The Islamic State group claimed responsibility on Saturday
for a knife attack in the western German city of Solingen that killed three people on Friday,"
Reuters reported Saturday.
hunt knifeman as 3 killed in 'terror attack' at Germany festival with victims stabbed in neck as
boy, 15, arrested. ARMED cops are hunting a knifeman who launched a horror stabbing
frenzy that killed three people in Germany. Festival-goers were stabbed at random in the
country's west in what's been branded a "terrorist attack". Cops arrested a 15-year-old boy in
relation to the horror attack on Saturday. He is not suggested to be the knifeman but is
being questioned over the incident. Cops told a press conference he has only been charged
with failing to report an imminent crime, believing he was possibly spoken to by the suspect about
attack plans. [...] The region's top security official, Herbert Reul told reporters it was a
targeted attack on human life but declined to speculate on the motive. He said: "None of us
knows why. I can't say anything about the motive now." He said the attacker left the
scene "relatively quickly".
arrested in connection to horror knife attack in Germany that left 3 dead, several injured:
authorities. A 15-year-old was arrested Saturday in connection with a knife attack at
a festival in Germany that left three people dead and eight hurt, authorities said. The
suspect has been on the run for hours following Friday's bloodshed in Solingen, a suburb of
Dusseldorf. Police cautioned the young suspect was not the attacker — but instead
had been accused of failing to report a crime, according to CNN. Witnesses claimed the teen
had spoken to an unidentified person about "intentions that would match with the crime" shortly
before the attack, senior public prosecutor Markus Caspers said in a news conference reported by
the Washington Post. Authorities could not rule out a "terrorist" motive in the deadly
incident, noting multiple knives were found, Police Chief Markus Röhrl told reporters. [...]
The mayhem unfolded at around 9:30 p.m. in a central square of "Festival of Diversity," an
event marking the 650th anniversary of Solingen. The attack occurred close to a stage during
a musical act, according to police.
The Editor says...
[#1] Well, that's a step in the right direction: The authorities can't rule out terrorism, since that's obviously
what it was, and yet they are afraid to call it terrorism. [#2] What kind of person is most likely to attend
a "Festival of Diversity," witness a musical performance, be deeply offended by the music and the unaccompanied women
present, and respond by knifing everybody in sight? A Muslim, of course. [#3] There will never be
peace in Germany again, until the Muslims are all driven out.
People Killed in Random Stabbing Attack in Germany. Another attack on a music
festival, this time in Germany. No one is using the T-word yet but some reports say this was
a random attack using a knife. The attacker is still at large. This is a Google
translated version of the story from Bild, the German news site which broke the news.
They are reporting three people have died. Also a possible description which has not been
confirmed by authorities: [...] Of course early reports sometimes get the details wrong so best to
take all of this as provisional at this point. Hopefully police will either have this guy in
custody soon. Once that happens we'll have a pretty good idea what motivated him. If
this was what it clearly looks like at the moment, he'll probably be happy to take credit.
Southport, UK
July 29, 2024
Act. The riots in Britain have made one thing clear: The political classes do
not know what poor people look like. [...] When you have gaslighting by the authorities so strong
that you can't get a sensible debate going about how three young children could be stabbed to death
at a Taylor Swift-themed dance workshop in Southport, then you start to feel like your reality is
falling away. I still want answers about those poor children. I want to know why weeks
on we've got no steer as to motive, and why we then hear they've canceled a Taylor Swift concert in
Austria over a planned ISIS terror attack. If this is pure coincidence, someone needs to
explain it. But no matter where I look, there is no mention of any theory as to why those
children were killed.
child killer 'misinfo': Amid riots, has truth been swept under the rug? One thing
riots, such as the ones currently roiling Britain, are good for is serving as a distraction.
For example, consider what we know — and are not being told — about what
sparked the unrest: The murders of three little girls and injuring of 10 others at a
Southport, U.K., dance class last Monday. [...] But all the focus on the Right-wing, Racist riots
has distracted us from an elephant in the room: Where's the rest of the information about
Rudakubana? In particular, why no news about his motive? With it now being well more
than a week after the incident, the police have surely interviewed the criminal exhaustively and
must have some idea what drove him. Why the crickets? Anyone who knows the drill here
understands that when authorities withhold such information about a high-profile case, it's often
because they've something to hide; the truth perhaps contradicts establishment narratives.
For example, here's a question: What is Rudakubana's current religion? That he
comes from a "Christian family" is not at all dispositive.
falls to Islam. England has fallen. It is for all intents and purposes an
Islamic state. Three young girls — Bebe King, 6, Elsie Dot Stancombe, 7, and 9-year-old Alice
Dasilva Aguiar — were stabbed to death in the English town of Southport on Monday July 29. The
alleged killer is one 17 year old Axel Muganwa Rudakubana. He was born in Cardiff to
Rwandan immigrants. HIs parents are said to be Christian but much confusion remains.
The murders ignited outrage among British citizens protesting mass immigration which then led to
England PM Keir Starmer to crush that outrage. We can debate about why this is happening but
what's interesting is the difference between how groups are being treated by the English
government. Over the last few years certain ethnic groups have been asserting themselves in a
big way. [Numerous video clips]
Riot Breaks Out at Vigil After Stabbing Attacker Is Identified As Muslim. Shocking
videos from a vigil honoring the three Southport girls who were murdered in a stabbing attack show
a large, angry crowd of men throwing bricks and other objects at police officers. On Monday,
July 29th, 17-year-old Axel Muganwa Rudakubana attacked girls between the ages of 6 and 11 at
a Taylor Swift-themed dance party. Three girls were killed, 8 others were injured, with
5 being in critical condition. Two adults who were presiding over the party are also in
critical condition. A video on X, dated the day after the murders, shows police outnumbered
by a violent crowd. 39 police officers were reported to have received injuries. [Tweets]
Riots in England After Mass Stabbing Left Three Children Dead. Riots broke out in the
English seaside town of Southport on Tuesday after the gruesome mass stabbing, allegedly by a
migrant-heritage teen that left three children dead. Merseyside Police announced that a
"major incident" had been declared after riots saw 39 police officers injured, 27 of whom were
hospitalised after violence erupted during a protest over the attack on a children's 'Taylor Swift'
dance party in Southport on Monday that left three young girls dead and a further ten people
injured. The force said that officers sustained bone fractures, lacerations, a suspected
broken nose, and a concussion during the mayhem outside a local mosque, which saw people throw
bricks, bottles, and other makeshift missiles at the police and law enforcement vehicles set on fire.
Fly Off The Rails In Southport UK After A Migrant Teen Stabs 3 Little Girls To Death.
At least 39 police officers have been injured in clashes outside a mosque in Southport, as angry
crowds of suspected English Defence League supporters threw bricks and set off fireworks. The
unrest followed a peaceful vigil for the victims of Monday's shocking attack in which multiple
children were stabbed — three fatally — in a Taylor Swift-themed dance
class. A police van was set on fire on Tuesday night while men in balaclavas were pushed back
by officers, with 27 officers requiring hospital treatment. [Video clip]
Sydney, Australia (again)
April 15, 2024
Australia: Muslim
Stabs Priest Yelling "Allahu Akbar." We May Never Know His Motive. This story
seems strangely familiar. ["]The teenager who allegedly stabbed a bishop in an act of
terrorism justified his actions by telling police the Christian leader had 'sworn' at 'my prophet',
and reportedly screamed the Islamic phrase 'Allahu Akbar'. [...] He was captured on the live stream
of the attack shouting 'Allahu Akbar' as he stabbed the bishop in the head, neck and torso at least
eight times.["] His motives are truly a mystery. The video went out on
livestream, yet no Australian news organization will show the actual video of the stabbing.
[Video clip] The couple of foreign media sources that do show the video (like The Daily
Mail) have age restrictions that prevent embedding. Further, tweets that show it appear to
have been deleted.
church stabbing [was] a 'terrorist act': police. A knife attack at a live-streamed
church service in Sydney in which four people were wounded has been designated a "terrorist" act,
police said Tuesday. A bishop and the 15-year-old suspect were among those being treated for
"non-life threatening injuries" after the attack Monday evening at an Assyrian Christian church in
the west of Sydney.
Bishop In Sydney [was] Stabbed Multiple Times During Sermon. A bishop and three
worshippers have been attacked in another stabbing rampage to rock Sydney, as riot police have been
called in to quell mounting tensions in the city's west. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was
preaching at Christ The Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley in Sydney's west on Monday just after 7pm
when a man dressed in a dark hoodie walked up to the altar and allegedly stabbed him multiple
times. Horrifying footage of the incident, which was being broadcast live on the church's
YouTube page, shows Bishop Emmanuel look up in astonishment as the attacker suddenly rains down
blows on his face and head. [Video clip]
people stabbed at church in Sydney, days after mall stabbing. Multiple people have
been stabbed at a church service in Western Sydney, including the bishop leading the service,
Australian media reports. This comes just days after a separate attack when a man went on a
stabbing spree at Sydney's Westfield Bondi Junction mall, killing 6 and wounding more than a dozen
others. The incident at Christ The Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley Monday night happened
while the bishop was giving a church service that was being livestreamed online, according to Nine
News Sydney. Video of the incident circulating on social media shows a man dressed in black
approach the bishop leading the service. The assailant raises his arm and begins stabbing the
religious leader repeatedly as he falls over.
Sydney, Australia
April 13, 2024
among six dead in Australian stabbing spree at busy shopping center: police. Six
people are dead after a stabbing spree in Australia on Saturday afternoon, including the suspect
who was shot to death by a police officer, authorities confirmed. The incident took place at
Westfield Bondi Junction, a six-level shopping center in Sydney. New South Wales Police
Commissioner Karen Webb confirmed at a news conference that four women and one man were killed in
the shopping center, and subsequently another woman died at a hospital. Eight others were
hospitalized and are being treated for different injuries associated with the attack. [...] Webb
said the suspect is a 40-year-old man who was known to police. "We know a little bit about
this person but we are waiting to confirm his identification," the commissioner said. She
added that police do not believe he was "holding an ideation — in other words, that it's
not a terrorism incident."
The Editor says...
Obviously the attacker is a Muslim.
What makes me think so? [#1] A knife attack on multiple people in a public place —
nobody else acts like that. [#2] The police know him but won't say his name. That
is a huge red flag. [#3] The police quickly deny that it's a terrorist attack, which
usually means it was a terrorist attack.
I knew it! Islamist
Rampages in Australia, Videos Show His Deadly Attack and the Hero Who Confronted Him.
An Islamic terrorist went on a stabbing rampage in a Sydney mall, killing at least six people and
stabbing a nine-month-old baby in the process. There was little doubt of the motive given the
attack happened outside an Israeli restaurant in a Jewish neighborhood. Clear pictures of the
attacker have also been released, along with several videos.
Moscow, Russia
March 22, 2024
Arrests 12th Suspect in Crocus City Hall Attack Case. The Basmanny District Court of
Moscow has arrested Dzhumokhon Kurbonov, the twelfth defendant in the Crocus City Hall terrorist
attack case, who will remain in custody until May 22, a Sputnik correspondent reported on
Saturday. Earlier in the day, the investigators requested the court to arrest Kurbonov.
So far, 11 defendants have been charged with committing a terrorist attack resulting in death as
part of an organized group under paragraph b of Part 3 of Article 205 of the Russian
criminal code. They have been arrested and face life imprisonment.
Terrorists Who Killed 145 People In Moscow Testify That Ukraine Was Paying Them.
Footage of the interrogation of terrorists who attacked Crocus City Hall: "We were told to go
to Ukraine in Kiev" The terrorists were promised that it was there that they would be given
1 million rubles each. The detainees until the last minute received instructions from
their curator, who promised that they would wait for the creatures at the border and help them get
to Kyiv. [Video clip]
Is Really behind the Moscow Terror Attack? Was the Islamic State (ISIS) behind the
Crocus City Hall terror attack in Moscow that killed 139 and wounded 182 on Mar. 22, 2024, or
not? Not only did the Islamic State claim the attack, but the Western mainstream is agreed
that it was, indeed, behind it. [...] Russia, on the other hand, while agreeing that the
perpetrators were, in Putin's words, "radical Islamists," believes that they were ultimately
working for — hence captured fleeing to — Ukraine. Where's the
truth? Unfortunately, it's hard to take the "word" of the Biden administration (on
anything). Moreover, it is only to be expected that it would shield
Ukraine — its close ally and recipient of $75 billion + in U.S. tax
dollars — from any suspicion. As for warning against — meaning
foreknowing about — Islamic terror attacks targeting Russian concert halls, this fact
can be understood, and is being understood in Russian circles, in a completely different way.
Finally, that Muslim terrorists would randomly pick Russia, of all nations, to attack
now — when it is at war with another Western nation — does seem to be more
than a "coincidence."
Zelensky Aide says He's Happy Terrorists Murdered 150 Innocents in Theater. Kyrylo
Oleksiiovych Budanov, chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense in
Ukraine said that there will likely be more attacks deeper into Russia before the war ends.
[Advertisement] In a clip with ABC News, Budanov said he was "glad to see" the strikes on
Russian forces, including their air base. He told reporters that he thinks there will be more
attacks "deeper and deeper" inside Russia. [Advertisement] [Tweet] [Advertisement]
An attack in Moscow, Russia occurred on Friday, March 22 when four gunman entered Crocus City
Hall just before a band was set to start their performance. At least 137 individuals were
killed as a result of the attack, including three children. Over 150 were injured.
the Russians Cut Off a Moscow Bombing Suspect's Ear and Made Him Eat It. Last Friday,
terrorists attacked Moscow's "Crocus City Hall" music venue, killing over a hundred people.
My condolences to their families. Within a day, leaked footage showed a suspect getting his
ear cut off and being made to eat it. [...] Russia is a society held together by fear and
threat. Creating fear is almost always the first thing they do. [...] I know from
eyewitnesses that, in 2022, during their invasion of Ukraine, Russians flew jets low and loud over
highways choked with fleeing refugees. This caused some panicked people to drive too fast in
the opposite lanes against oncoming traffic, leading to deadly accidents. They also arranged
for these ridiculous little metal contraptions to be placed on rooftops and road intersections all
over the country. Though the devices did nothing, they sowed rumors that they had to do with
targeting for air raids, heightening everybody's paranoia.
Was Warned This Attack Was Coming But Brushed It Off. Beege covered all the updates
on the terror attack in Moscow yesterday culminating with the big news that ISIS had claimed credit
for the attack. But there are some more updates today starting with the death toll which has
now climbed to 133 dead and more than 100 more injured. Despite the claim of responsibility
by ISIS and despite Russia having captured four of the shooters and identified them as foreigners
who barely speak Russia, Putin is still seeking to twist this attack to his political advantage.
Victoria Nuland involved in the Moscow terror attack? [Scroll down] As
Eric Hoffer once noted, intense haters are the worst forecasters. Because, actually, there
are a lot of potential perpetrators. Knowing which one really did it (or more important, who
Putin thinks did it) tells us a lot about whether we can expect retaliation here in the states or
not, as well as an escalation of the Ukraine war we are mired in. That's why it's important
to know. So here are a few of the other potential perpetrators and their motives:
First, ISIS, which has claimed "credit" for the atrocity. ISIS hates Putin because he's
sidelined them in Syria, propping up Syria's established dictator, Bashar al-Assad. What's
more, ISIS has struck at Russia at least three times in recent years.
forces torture Moscow terror suspects. Footage of Russian forces torturing the men
they arrested over the Moscow terror attack emerged tonight, with one man given electric shocks to
his genitals and a second forced to eat his own ear. One image shows a suspect named as
Shamsuddin Fariddun foaming at the mouth as he lies on a gym floor with his trousers pulled down
and wires attached to his groin area. At the other end they are attached to a military radio
powered by an 80-volt battery. Separate video sees another man, Saidakrami Murodali
Rachabalizoda, having his ear severed and then spitting it out as he is forced to eat it.
Had Warned Russia Of Possible Terror Attack On 'Large Gatherings': White House. The
United States warned Russian authorities earlier in March about a terrorist attack possibly
targeting "large gatherings" in Moscow, the White House said Friday, hours after a mass shooting
killed at least 60 outside the Russian capital. "Earlier this month, the US government had
information about a planned terrorist attack in Moscow — potentially targeting large
gatherings, to include concerts" and Washington "shared this information with Russian authorities,"
National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said. The Islamic State group on
Saturday claimed responsibility for the attack on Crocus City Hall, in Moscow. The attack
resulted in the deaths of more than 60 individuals and left 145 injured.
Video Shows The Interrogation Of One Of The Terrorists Who Killed Over 100 In Moscow.
Russia's security services say they have arrested four gunmen responsible for the shooting that
killed at least 115 people at a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, in one of the worst
terror attacks in the country's history. The director of Russia's Federal Security Service
(FSB) informed Vladimir Putin that 11 individuals had been arrested in connection with Friday's
terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall outside Moscow, including four suspects involved in the
shooting. Video of on-site interrogation after the arrest of one of the alleged terrorists
was posted to social media. [...] He says he was contacted by the assistant of an Islamist cleric
whom he follows on Telegram. [Video clip]
Terror Attack in a Moscow Suburb. It's 3 pm Central as I'm writing this, so there
could well be more updates before posting time. But what we know so far is that, a few hours
ago, gunmen entered one of the largest concert halls in a suburb known as Moscow Oblast and opened
fire on the crowd within. There were also explosions reported. The concert hall is
connected to a large shopping mall. That was seen erupting into flames as panicked shoppers
and concertgoers escaped, and drivers on the roadway next to it videoed the scene. [Tweet
with video clip] At last count there were over 40 (now reporting up to as many as 60)
dead and at least 100 injured, but the fire is making rescue and retrieval difficult. [Tweet
with video clip] The video which has been coming out of the attack is horrifying.
claims responsibility for attack in busy Moscow-area concert venue that left at least 40
dead. ISIS has claimed responsibility for an attack at a popular concert hall complex
near Moscow Friday after assailants stormed the venue with guns and incendiary devices, killing at
least 60 people and injuring 145. The terror group took responsibility for the attack in
a short statement published by ISIS-affiliated news agency Amaq on Telegram on Friday. It did
not provide evidence to support the claim. Video footage from the Crocus City Hall shows the
vast complex, which is home to both the music hall and a shopping center, on fire with smoke
billowing into the air. State-run RIA Novosti reported the armed individuals "opened fire
with automatic weapons" and "threw a grenade or an incendiary bomb, which started a fire." They
then "allegedly fled in a white Renault car," the news agency said.
in Moscow Concert Hall Kill At Least 40, Set Theatre on Fire. Crocus City, a large
mall and music venue just northwest of the Russian capital, came under attack by unknown assailants
late on Friday. Several individuals armed with assault rifles attacked visitors, shooting
them on sight at point-blank range. The attackers also targeted a concert hall at the mall,
setting it on fire and triggering a major blaze in the whole building. [Numerous tweets]
Attack in Moscow Concert Hall - Multiple Fatalities Reported. The latest reports out
of Moscow regarding Friday night's terror attack indicate there are at least 40 dead and as many as
100 injured, per Russian state media. Additionally, the roof of the venue has reportedly
collapsed following a fire thought to be started by a grenade or incendiary device.
Paris, France
December 1, 2023
Stabbing of the Day. Another day, another empty seat at this year's Christmas
table — thanks to western governments, feckless and complicit in the destruction of
their societies. So a German couple decide to travel to Paris for a pre-Christmas
break. The City of Light and all that, right? Don't worry, they didn't go to any of
those dangerous banlieues. Instead, they were a few yards from the Eiffel Tower strolling the
Quai de Grenelle when a man attacked them shouting — go on, take a wild
guess — yes, "Allahu akbar!" The husband, in his early twenties, was fatally
stabbed; the wife is alive because a passing cabbie intervened. The stabber then fled across
the Seine and attacked a local chap and a 66-year-old English tourist whom he hit in the eye with a
hammer. Who would do such a thing? The BBC was right on the case, identifying the perp
as "a 26-year-old French national". Those crazy Frenchmen! It's only a fortnight
since a bunch of other "French nationals" went full Maurice Chevalier on a village in the
Drôme. And now it's happening at the Eiffel Tower. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're
thinking: "'French national', mon cul! I'll bet his name is Mohammed bin
Jihad." Wrong! It's Armand. And you can't get more French than that, can you?
Iranian knifeman accused of stabbing German tourist to death and wounding two others in 'Islamist'
attack by Eiffel Tower. The French Iranian knifeman who allegedly stabbed a tourist
to death and wounded two others including an Englishman in Paris has now been named and pictured,
and is a well-known convicted terrorist with severe psychiatric problems. Despite this,
Armand Rajabpour-Miyandoab, 26, was released from prison in 2020, and left to live at home with his
parents while undergoing 'psychiatric and neurological treatment'. On Sunday he was under armed
guard and facing multiple charges including murder following a bloodbath close to the Eiffel Tower
on Saturday night [12/2/2023].
is stabbed to death and in central Paris near the Eiffel Tower. A tourist has been
stabbed to death while a British man is reportedly among two others badly injured after a knifeman
screaming 'Allahu Akbar' launched a frenzied attack in central Paris last night. The suspect,
identified by local media as Armand R., attacked any passersby he saw while shouting 'Allahu
Akbar' — Arabic for God is the Greatest — near the Eiffel Tower, reports say. Witnesses
reported hearing people screaming for 'help' as they ran away from the hammer and knife-wielding man.
Dublin, Ireland
October 23, 2023
Child Stabber Was Supposed to be Deported in 2003.. The suspect who stabbed three
children and an adult in Dublin last week is an Algerian-born migrant who was subject to a
deportation order from 2003. He was arrested several times, including earlier this year, though now
holds an Irish passport. The case was previously referred to the country's High Court, which
revoked the deportation order following a judicial review. The alleged attempted murderer
came to the police's attention this year, also, for possession of a knife. He appears to have
been acquitted of the charges due to a "mental health report given to the court." Subsequent
reports suggest the man was motivated to carry out the attack because he did not receive his
welfare benefits. Despite the violence, the Irish government has focused the majority of its
attention on Irish citizens who are demanding action.
everyone can be 'far right' then the term has lost all meaning. Last Thursday, Dublin
city centre resembled a war zone. Violent mobs rioted for over three hours in what's been
described as 'the worst disorder experienced for decades'. Vehicles, including police cars, were
set on fire, and three buses and a tram were destroyed. The 'huge destruction' left shops
badly damaged and windows broken. Looting followed. The violence is believed to have
been triggered by a knife attack that took place in the city earlier in the day. Three
children and two adults were injured, four of whom remain in hospital. Among them is a
five-year-old girl, said to be in a 'critical condition', and a teaching assistant who 'used her
body as a shield' to protect children from the stabbing. The suspect is reported to be 'an
Irish citizen in his late 40s who has lived in the country for 20 years.' But beyond this,
little is known about the attack. Police and politicians have warned those wanting to find
out more about 'misinformation'. Yet, astonishingly, amid the destruction of the riots and the
violence of the knife attack, one fact has been firmly established. Police and politicians
alike are, it seems, absolutely certain about the motive of the rioters. They were 'far right'.
Protesters Set Fire To Holiday Inn Housing Migrants After One Stabbed 3 Little Kids.
Violence exploded in Dublin on Thursday night, hours after a knife attack outside a school left
three young children, among others, injured. A clip filmed outside a Holiday Inn Express
Hotel shows dozens of people running in the street. In the background, a small group appears
to be setting fire to the entrance of the hotel building. Express.co.uk has contacted the
hotel for comment. [Video clip]
On The Brink Of Civil War As Angry Mob Attacks Cops After Young Children Were Stabbed By
Migrant. Three young children and a woman in her 30s were injured near a school in
Dublin on Thursday, the police said, an attack that was followed by riots and disorder. An
adult woman in her 30s and a 5-year-old girl sustained serious wounds in the attack, in which a
knife was used, the police said, while a 5-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl were being treated
for less serious injuries. The boy was later released from hospital. A suspect in the
case was in custody, according to the Garda Síochána, the Irish police force. Drew
Harris, the Garda police commissioner, said that the motive for the attack remained "entirely
unclear." [Video clip]
Stabs Children At Dublin Catholic School. Media Covers It Up. A FOX News story
on the incident would read as quite baffling because it entirely covers the riots after this latest
incident of Muslim violence without actually explaining why anyone might be rioting.
["]Protesters and rioters clashed with police officers and a police vehicle was set ablaze
in Dublin, Ireland, Thursday evening after a knife attack that injured five, including three
children.["] Okay, but why is this rioting taking place? What's the connection
between the 'knife attack' and the riots? [...] The media can't tell you that the stabber was
allegedly an Algerian Muslim and so it also can't explain why people might be rioting. The
result is a 'Pravda' like story in which you can only understand things by reading between the
lines and inverting the official denial. [...] And the one thing the media is telling you, that the
case is not terror-related, should be viewed with suspicion. Nowhere in the story does it get
around to mentioning salient facts such as the Muslim attacker targeted children in a Catholic school.
But Peaceful: When Irish Eyes Aren't Smiling. Yesterday afternoon an absolutely
horrific attack occurred in Dublin, Ireland's city center. Three little [kids] and their
teacher were standing by a creche in front of their Catholic school when a man appeared, and, out
of the blue, began slashing at them. [...] The man was disarmed by passers-by, and taken into
custody quickly by the Gardaí, who'd arrived within minutes on scene. It is eerily
reminiscent of the ghastly attack on little children in the French park this past spring.
What made it all the more disquieting is that none of the news reports of the stabbing itself
mentioned a name or description other than age. As the day progressed —
nothing. Even the Gardaí press conference last evening was devoid of detail concerning
the attacker. He's described as simply "a male." [...] Not one defining characteristic
or status in any report. Which I guess was clue enough besides pictures from the scene on
social media, because all hell broke loose last night in Dublin. It's suddenly alright to
report he's an "Algerian" man.
Arras, France
October 13, 2023
Killed, Two Injured in Knife Attack in France in Possible Terrorist Attack. A Chechen
immigrant allegedly stabbed and killed a teacher in France while screaming, "Allahu akbar."
The French had the Chechen man on its terror watch list: ["]It happened outside a school
in the city of Arras, about 115 miles north of Paris, near the border with Belgium, and a suspect
is in custody, according to France Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin.["]
teacher stabbed to death in 'Islamist terror' said linked to Gaza fighting. A
Chechen-origin man fatally stabbed a teacher and severely wounded three other adults Friday at a
school in northeastern France, with authorities suggesting a probable link to Israel's war with
Hamas. The attack, denounced by President Emmanuel Macron as an act of "Islamist terror," was
in the town of Arras which has large Jewish and Muslim populations. "This school was struck
by the barbarity of Islamist terrorism," Macron said after visiting the school, saying the victim
had "probably saved many lives" with his courage in seeking to block the attacker.
Note: The Hamas attack on southern Israel, October 7, 2023, is discussed on
this page.
Fargo, North Dakota
July 14, 2023
footage shows Fargo cop annihilate Syrian asylum seeker, averting mass shooting. Crickets
from media. Hair-raising bodycam footage of a fearless Fargo police officer stopping
a would-be mass murderer in the middle of a busy street was released by North Dakota's Attorney
General Drew Wrigley on Thursday, leading many to wonder why they had never heard about the July
14th event that left one officer dead and three people wounded, including two more officers and a
fleeing bystander. Police were responding to a routine car accident when Syrian gunman
Mohamad Barakat, 37, opened fire on them in a deadly ambush. Barakat was allegedly on his way
to a Fargo street fair, evidence suggests, with enough explosives in his car to create a national
tragedy, the Daily Mail reports.
Dakota Muslim Terrorist Planned to Kill Thousands. Mohamad Barakat packed three long
guns, four handguns and a vest with magazines in every pocket, as he drove through Fargo, North
Dakota. The Downtown Street fair, which claims over 150,000 visitors, was on its second day
and 5 minutes away. The Red River Fair, which recorded nearly as many people, was two days
away from ending and 15 minutes away. It's unknown which of those locations Mohamad might
have been headed to use up his 1,800 rounds of ammo and hand grenade, but he never got there.
The Muslim terrorist joined other rubberneckers who stopped to look over the scene of an accident,
but unlike them Mohamad was after more than a few pictures to put up on social media. The
concentration of police officers and firefighters had proven to be irresistible. Al Qaeda and
ISIS both encourage crowdsourced Muslim terrorists to take out law enforcement officers before
hitting civilians. And Muslim terrorists, like the attacker who came after NYPD officers in
Times Square with a machete during the New Year's Eve ball drop, have done that.
Dakota Cop Shooting Case Just Gets Weirder and Weirder. It has now been well over a
week since a Syrian migrant named Mohamad Barakat opened fire on police at the scene of a traffic
accident in Fargo, N.D., killing one and wounding two others, and investigators profess to be
baffled as to why he would have done such a thing. Meanwhile, the information they have
disclosed, which isn't all that much, is oblique and contradictory, and the local Muslim community
has added to the confusion with a decidedly mixed signal. At this rate, we may never find out
what really happened in Fargo, and the questions and oddities keep multiplying.
ambush': Authorities believe Fargo suspect was planning mass shooting. North Dakota
Attorney General Drew Wrigley said he believes the suspect in Friday's murder of a Fargo police
officer was planning a mass shooting. Still very little is known about 37-year-old Mohamad
Barakat, who was shot dead by Officer Zach Robinson after he opened fire on first responders at the
scene of a car crash in Fargo, N.D., July 14, killing Officer Jake Wallin, who was in field
training, and seriously injuring Officer Andrew Dotas and Officer Tyler Hawes. A 25-year-old
Fargo resident who was involved in the car accident was also shot during the incident and
transported to a local hospital with serious injuries.
toting heavy ammo and explosives cased [the] scene before fatal 'ambush' shooting on Fargo
police. A man armed with 1,800 rounds of ammunition, a grenade and other explosives
in his car unleashed a "murderous barrage of fire" as he ambushed officers who were investigating a
routine crash, killing one and wounding two before a fourth stopped him and thwarted what
authorities described as plans for further mayhem, officials said Wednesday. Mohamad Barakat,
37, shot Officers Jake Wallin, Andrew Dotas and Tyler Hawes from inside his car on Friday, from
about 15 to 20 feet away, before they could even reach for their guns, North Dakota Attorney
General Drew Wrigley said at a news conference. Wallin was killed while Dotas and Hawes
remain hospitalized in critical condition. Wrigley said Barakat also shot and injured a
bystander, who was trying to run away when she was hit twice.
There Just a Jihad Terror Attack in Fargo, North Dakota? On Friday afternoon, police
in Fargo, North Dakota, responded to a report of a car crash at 9th Avenue South and 25th Street
South. Fargo Police Chief David Zibolski said it was a "routine traffic accident," but what
happened when they arrived on the scene was anything but routine. A Fargo resident named
Mohamad Barakat, 37, opened fire on the officers, killing one and injuring three others.
Zibolski said that Barakat attacked the officers "for no known reason," and authorities have as yet
offered no hints as to the shooter's motive. One of the most obvious possibilities, however,
is being steadfastly ignored, as one might expect given today's media narrative.
Police identify officers and suspect involved in Friday shooting. Fargo Police say
Officer Jake Wallin was killed in the line of duty on Friday, July 14. The 23-year-old was
sworn in to the Fargo Police Department less than 3 months ago. He is a military veteran who
served in Afghanistan and Iraq. [...] [Police Chief Dave] Zibolski says Fargo Police officers were
investigating routine traffic accident on 25th Street and 9th Avenue South when the suspect,
37-year-old Mohamed Barakat, started firing at officers.
man who shot and killed a Fargo, North Dakota, police officer and wounded two others was a Muslim,
identified as 37-year-old Mohamad Barakat. A Muslim gunman, Mohamad Barakat, opened
fire on police and firefighters "for no known reason" as they responded to a traffic crash in North
Dakota, killing one officer and wounding two others before another officer killed him, Fargo's
police chief said Saturday. [...] [Fargo police chief David] Zibolski identified the shooter as
Mohamad Barakat, 37, of Fargo, but provided few details about him or the shooting, citing
officials' desire to protect the investigation. He said he was confident authorities would
eventually determine the motive.
The Editor says...
Yes, that's a real head-scratcher, chief. Not the motive, which is as plain to see as the Sun in the sky;
but how are you going to keep your job in Minnesota after saying the guy opened fire because he was a Muslim,
and Muslims are bent on the violent overthrow of the government? Nope, that's out. You've gotta
wait about a week and then say he was mentally ill, we may never know the whole story, etc.
New York City
December 31, 2022
You Even Hear About the Muslim Who Stabbed Two Cops In Times Square? While the Biden
regime hunts for "white supremacist terrorists," the jihad continues. Portland, Maine's WMTW
reported Thursday that "the Wells man accused of attacking police in New York City near Times
Square with a machete on New Year's Eve is now scheduled to stand trial on federal charges in March
2024." The "Wells man" is Trevor Bickford, who was nineteen years old at the time of his attack,
and a fervent convert to the religion of Islam. He is "charged with four counts of attempted
murder of officers and employees of the U.S. Government" and "has pleaded not guilty." He is also
yet another reminder that when Biden regime officials tell us that white supremacists are the
biggest threat the nation faces today, they're lying. "According to the state indictment," says
WMTW, "Bickford studied radical Islamic ideology, intended to carry out 'jihad,' and aimed to
attack U.S. officials he thought to be 'anti-Muslim.'" This is unusually forthright reporting for
an establishment media outlet, even a minor one.
Square Assailant Says He Attacked Police Because US Supports Israel. A machete-wielding Muslim man who
injured two New York City police officers on New Year's Eve told prosecutors he carried out the attack because of the
United States' support for Israel. The Manhattan district attorney's office revealed during a Tuesday arraignment
hearing that the 19-year-old assailant, Trevor Bickford, was targeting U.S. officials because "they cannot be proper
Muslims because the United States government supports Israel," assistant prosecutor Lucy Nicholas said in court.
Bickford is currently being held without bail after prosecutors argued he posed "a significant flight risk."
Actively Misleading the Public About the Motives of Times Square Machete Attacker. The world's attention
has moved on to COVID and China and Kevin McCarthy, but our authorities remain vigilant and as focused as ever on the
real issues, foremost among which is making sure that nobody thinks ill of the religion of Islam. Thomas Galati,
the New York Police Department's chief of intelligence and counterterrorism, on Tuesday offered details of the New
Year's Eve attack in Times Square, in which a 19-year-old from Maine, Trevor Bickford, stabbed two NYPD officers.
Galati, however, seemed more interested in exonerating the Islamic religion (Bickford is a convert to Islam, as he made
abundantly clear in his manifesto) than in actually illuminating what Bickford thought he was accomplishing.
Suspect Who Attacked NYPD With Machete Was on FBI's Islamic Extremism Watchlist. The suspect accused of
attacking a rookie New York Police Department cop with a machete during New Year's Eve celebrations was reportedly on
the FBI's Islamic extremism watchlist. The officer — who graduated Friday and was assigned to a Staten
Island precinct but was working the New Year's Eve detail for the night — was stationed not far from Times
Square at West 52nd Street and 8th Avenue when a machete-wielding suspect attacked him around 9:30 p.m., according
to the New York Post.
Times Square New Year's Eve Attacker Was 'Known Wolf' Whose Family Notified Authorities. Police have now
charged a Maine teenager Trevor Bickford, 19, with attempted murder and assault after he allegedly attacked two New York
City police officers with a machete in Manhattan near Times Square on New Year's Eve. Bickford went up to three
police officers who were on New Year's Eve duty. He attacked and slashed two of the officers with a machete.
One of those officers was on his first day on the job. The suspect was then shot in the shoulder and stopped by
the third officer, who was also injured. All three officers are expected to recover. Bickford is being
investigated for Islamic extremism, although he's not facing terrorism charges yet. Turns out that he was being
watched by the FBI's counterterrorism task force, according to the NY Post.
Assailant With Possible Ties to Islamic Extremism Attacks Cops Near Times Square. A suspect wielding a
machete attacked and injured three New York Police Department officers near Times Square during New Year's Eve
celebrations Saturday night. One of the officers attacked was a rookie on his first day on the job. The
attack occurred around 9:30 pm as crowds gathered to ring in the New Year.
Islamic extremist, 19, stabs rookie NYPD cop in the head with a machete during NYE celebrations at Times
Square. An NYPD officer on his first day on the job was stabbed in the head with a machete by a
19-year-old who investigators believe may be an Islamic extremist during New Year's Eve celebrations near Times
Square. The attack happened just after 10 p.m. about eight blocks from Times Square, just outside of the
high-security zone where thousands of revelers were screened for weapons as they prepared to ring in 2023. Trevor
Bickford, 19, of Wells, Maine, allegedly approached the officers on 8th Avenue between 51st and 52nd streets armed with
a large knife that he used to slash two of them, Commissioner Keechant Sewell said at an overnight press conference.
June 25, 2022
Two people were killed. That's a mass shooting? Norway
raises terror alert to highest level after deadly mass shooting. The Norwegian security service PST has raised
its terror alert to the highest level after a mass shooting left 2 people dead and many wounded during Pride week in
Oslo. Acting PST chief Roger Berg called the shootings an "extreme Islamist terror act." He said the gunman, who was
arrested shortly after the shootings, had a "long history of violence and threats."
refugee turned 'terrorist', 42, 'who killed two in Islamist attack' on Oslo gay bar. The terror suspect charged
with killing two people and injuring 21 more at an Oslo gay bar last night has been named as a 42-year-old ex-plumber born in
Iran. Zaniar Matapour was born in Iranian Kurdistan before coming to Bergen, Norway as a refugee at the age of 12.
He was charged early this morning with two murders, attempted murder and terrorism after the homophobic terror attack at city
centre LGBT+ haunt London Pub.
dead, several seriously hurt in gun attack on gay bar in Oslo. Two people have been killed and several
seriously wounded in a shooting at a nightclub in Norway, police have confirmed. Video on social media shows emergency
services outside London Pub, a gay nightclub in Oslo at 1.15am on Saturday morning. Police have arrested a suspect at
the scene. He was said to have been apprehended nearby. There is no word on a motive at the moment.
New York City
April 12, 2022
What a strange set of unlikely coincidences: Here we have a mass shooting / terrorist attack on a NYC subway, the day after
Joe Biden's gun control speech — AS IF to prove his point! The shooter was known to the FBI. MTA cameras weren't
working on the subway platform, in exactly the same way that the cameras outside Jefferey Epstein's maximum security jail cell weren't
working. New York City has hundreds of cameras to track the movements of people they really want to follow or locate.
The shooter is old and overweight, and can't move very fast, but he miraculously out-ran or outsmarted all the cops. Here's a
handy tip: The next time a U.S. President makes a gun-control speech, stay off the subway for a day or two!
subway shooting suspect pleads not guilty to charges of terrorism. Frank James, accused of terrorism for firing
33 rounds in a NYC subway train, plead not guilty on Friday during his arraignment. The 62-year-old James is facing a
life sentence if convicted, but appeared unrepentant when appearing before a judge to enter his plea, and even said he was
"feeling good." According to the New York Post, "as Judge William Kuntz read out the indictment against James, he looked
at the justice and down at the table in front of him as if he was reading something." However, apparently, "when Kuntz
mentioned the government could seek forfeiture of his assets in the event of a conviction, his eyes grew wide and he raised
his eyebrows."
subway shooter indicted on federal terrorism charge. The Brooklyn subway shooter was indicted Saturday by a
federal grand jury with charges of terrorism and discharging a firearm. Frank James, 62, could face life in prison if
convicted of either of the federal charges. James was arrested on April 13 after a 30-hour manhunt after 10 people were
shot on a New York City subway. No one was killed, but a total of 29 people were injured during the April 12
attack. At the scene, police would later find a Glock 17 9mm semi-handgun from the subway, two undetonated smoke
grenades, fireworks, gasoline, a hatchet, a cellphone, a credit card, and a key to a U-Haul van, the last piece of evidence
needed to track James down.
Brooklyn subway shooter Frank James indicted. Alleged subway shooter Frank James has been indicted after
authorities say he shot multiple people on a Brooklyn train station last month. According to the indictment from the
United States District Court Eastern District of New York, a grand jury indicted James with carrying out a terror attack
against a mass transit system as well as discharging a firearm during a crime of violence.
Subway Shooter Frank James Is Already Being Memory-Holed. At 5 p.m. ET on Sunday afternoon, I did a
Google search for Frank James, who shot ten people on the subway in Brooklyn on Tuesday. There was a grand total of one
news story posted about this crime on Sunday, a "what you need to know" video from WPXI in Pittsburgh. Before that,
there were three articles posted Saturday, one by a site called Complex, one from the UK's Daily Mail, and a
New York Post article. These were sparse results for a mass shooting in the nation's largest city less than a
week ago, but they weren't surprising: when a story doesn't fit the establishment media narrative, it tends to disappear quickly.
demands answers from MTA about subway camera malfunctions during Brooklyn mass shooting. Congressional
lawmakers want answers about why subway security cameras failed during the Brooklyn mass shooting spree that left 10 people
with gunshot wounds and injured another 13 earlier this month. Reps. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Bennie
Thompson (D-Miss.), chair of the Homeland Security committee, organized a bipartisan letter to Metropolitan Transportation
Authority chairman Janno Lieber asking what the agency has done with the $50 million in federal security money over
the past two years alone.
MTA cameras failed these subway violence victims, too. Two victims of horrific subway violence say MTA cameras
weren't working during their attacks. Malfunctioning surveillance cameras in Brooklyn stations this week hindered cops'
manhunt for Frank James, the suspected Brooklyn subway shooter, sources told The [New York] Post. The MTA has been
stonewalling since the attack on demands to provide a full accounting of its surveillance system, which is supposed to
provide live feeds from 5,100 cameras to the NYPD, with another 5,000 cameras making recordings. But Chris Anguisaca,
who was stabbed in the eye by a crazed man on an A train on Feb. 14, said cops told him subway cameras don't work
north of 190th Street.
The Editor says...
How does anyone know if any of the cameras work? What if they're mostly just conspicuously-placed props for Security Theater?
The security cameras failed at exactly the wrong time, by sheer coincidence, as they often do in cases like this. For example, the
alleged suicide of Jean-Luc Brunel, the alleged suicide of John McAfee, the still-unexplained Las Vegas mass shooting a few years ago, the 9/11/2001
attack at the Pentagon, and the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. In the Oklahoma City case, the cameras worked, but all the footage was
recorded on video cassettes, which were all rounded up and
then "lost" by
the FBI.
Shooter Puts Critical Race Theory into Practice. Mayor Eric Adams, who had called white people "crackers",
claimed that he needed his brother to head his security because of an "increase in white supremacy" in New York City.
The New York City Board of Health falsely claimed that racism was a "public health crisis" and a public school told parents
to abolish their "whiteness". After all that time battling white supremacy, which is as easy to find in the city as good
manners and parking spaces, the black supremacist subway terror attack came out of the blue. 29 people were wounded,
including a pregnant woman and a 12-year-old, when Frank James, a racist gunman, opened fire on a Brooklyn subway train.
James was a racial supremacist, but not the one that New York City's political establishment had spent so much time searching
for. James was just "abolishing whiteness" by putting critical race theory into practice. The black supremacist mass
shooter has been charged with terrorism for a carefully planned terror attack, that included dressing up as a construction
worker, deploying a smoke bomb and then opening fire. The racist terrorist's victims included a pregnant woman, and a
number of children and teenagers, some of whom were shot several times by the black supremacist. Like the black
supremacist Jersey City terrorists, James used a U-Haul as a base and was convinced that black people were being victimized.
NYPD manhunt, subway shooting suspect Frank James ate lunch at Katz's Deli, walked NYC in plain view of surveillance
cameras. As the NYPD and federal law enforcement scoured the city for the accused Brooklyn subway shooter on
Wednesday, the burly suspect enjoyed some of Manhattan's culinary delights. At 10:30 a.m., Frank James sat outside the
trendy Chinatown restaurant Dimes, just staring into space, said a source who spied the suspect. A few hours later,
James grabbed lunch at Katz's Deli, a separate source confirmed to the Daily News. Around 1 p.m., the 62-year-old,
apparently fed up with the food tour, called Crime Stoppers on himself at an East Village McDonald's. An eagle-eyed
worker spotted him and he was taken into custody at 1:42 p.m. at St. Mark's Place and First Ave. One day later,
lower Manhattan was now at ease and abuzz with reported sightings of the gas mask-wearing gunman who shot 10 straphangers
aboard an N train in Sunset Park and then wandered around the city.
How The DOJ And FBI Are Spending Their Time Instead Of Rooting Out Actual Extremists. The FBI never managed to
thwart the NYC subway shooting suspect, who allegedly posted hours of extremist black nationalist and violent rhetoric on
YouTube, but has repeatedly allocated resources to chasing hoaxes and false leads. The FBI and Department of Justice
(DOJ) have spent their efforts plotting an operation to kidnap a governor, busting out a team of 15 agents to investigate a
rope in a NASCAR garage and investigating parents at school boards meetings as domestic terrorists, among other failed
operations. The FBI has also denied knowing about the whereabouts of Hunter Biden's laptop. The man responsible
for allegedly opening fire in a New York City subway car Tuesday walked away from the scene of the crime and, after waiting
for the authorities to do something, decided to turn himself in, reportedly sitting on a bench relaxing before the NYPD
nabbed him. "I'm Frank, I'm the person you're looking for. I'm surprised it took so long," Frank James, the
alleged shooter, told police as they arrested him, according to the New York Post. James evaded arrest for over 24
hours despite hundreds of NYPD officers working to find him.
Tech Giants Miss New York Subway Shooting Suspect's Hateful Social Media Trail. The man charged with shooting
commuters on a New York subway train Tuesday left a trail on social media in which he disparaged whites and complained about
racism, homelessness, and violence. "What are you doing, brother?" Frank James, 62, of Milwaukee, said in one video,
addressing New York Mayor Eric Adams. "What's happening with this homeless situation?" James, who like Adams is
black, also talked about numerous conspiracy theories on YouTube, according to the Justice Department, and asserted:
"And so the message to me is: I should have gotten a gun, and just started shooting [...]."
Video From Black Nationalist Subway Shooter Revealed as FBI Gets Egg on Its Face Again. Per RedState's
reporting, we know a lot more about the man who allegedly donned a gas mask, popped a smoke grenade, and started shooting
people in a New York City subway on Tuesday [4/12/2022]. The man's name is Frank R. James, and his political leanings
appear to be highly relevant to why he carried out the attack. Further, he was known to the FBI but "cleared" in 2019
of posing any kind of threat, and shock of all shocks, the authorities are once again pretending the motive here is a total
mystery. [Tweets] Recall that the Waukesha massacre assailant, who killed six people, including a child, after ramming
his SUV into a Christmas parade, was also an outspoken black nationalist who had talked about killing white people. To
this day, we have never received any official statement on his motivation. You can expect that to happen again in this
case, as it appears the FBI has an aversion to labeling crimes that may prove inconvenient to the left.
shooting suspect has been ranting about race on YouTube for years. Yesterday authorities in New York announced
that 62-year-old Frank R. James was a "person of interest" in the Brooklyn subway shooting. Police said they didn't
know if James was the shooter but they were certain he was the person who rented a U-haul van. The keys to the van were
found at the scene of the shooting. That uncertainty about James' status vanished overnight. James is now the
suspect. [...] Yesterday we also learned that James had made some posts on social media that were of concern to
authorities. That turns out to have been an understatement. Frank James has been posting rants on YouTube for years.
Brooklyn Subway Terror Attack Shooter Was On FBI's Terrorist Radar Until 2019 - No MSM Coverage. New York City
police named a "person of interest" in the shooting Tuesday morning aboard a subway train in Brooklyn. Ten people were
shot and 13 others were injured after a man wearing a gas mask threw two smoke canisters and then opened fire aboard a subway
car on the N train as it approached the 36th Street Station in Brooklyn during the morning rush hour, authorities said. [...]
The mainstream media claims that this wasn't a terror attack, however recent social media post, as well as the exclusive
video that we have from James, shows that his attack was a hate crime that could be labeled as terrorism because he injured
more than one person! Like the Waukesha suspect & the Louisville BLM activist who allegedly tried to assassinate a
mayoral candidate, he appeared to be a fan of black nationalism.
identifies person of interest in NYC subway shooting. NYPD have released a photo of a person of interest in the
Brooklyn subway shooting. Frank James, 62, is described as someone they want to speak to regarding the attack. 'We
are looking to determine if he has any connection to the train,' said NYPD Chief of Detectives James Essig. 'We know Mr
James rented that U-Haul truck in Philadelphia.' The key of the U-Haul van was found at the crime scene in the subway, the
official said. The U-Haul was found five miles from the scene of the shooting.
R. James ID'd as person of interest in Brooklyn subway shooting. A 62-year-old man who railed against Mayor
Adams and made bizarre threatening rants on YouTube has been identified as a person of interest in the savage Brooklyn subway
attack that injured at least 29 people Tuesday morning, officials said. Frank James — who warned last month
that he was "entering the danger zone" — rented a U-Haul van tied to the N train attack in Sunset Park and is
being sought for questioning, police said at an evening briefing. "Mr. Mayor, I'm a victim of your mental health
program," James said in one lengthy video. "I'm 63 now full of hate, full of anger, and full of bitterness." James
said he had a diagnosed mental illness and railed against what he called the "horror show" of the city's mental health services.
least a dozen injured in Brooklyn subway shooting, undetonated devices found. At least 16 people were injured,
including 10 who were shot, when a suspect set off a smoke grenade and unleashed gunfire on a Brooklyn subway train during
Tuesday morning rush hour, the NYPD and law enforcement sources told The [New York] Post. The gunman —
possibly disguised as an MTA construction worker and wearing a gas mask — launched his bloody assault around 8:30 a.m.
on a Manhattan-bound N train at the 36th Street station in Sunset Park, where authorities later discovered several undetonated
devices, FDNY and police said. The suspect is believed to have set off the smoke grenade moments before firing off a
barrage of bullets, police sources told The Post.
Terror strikes
New York subway with 16 injured. Bloody mayhem struck at a New York City subway station on Tuesday, with a
shooting leaving 10 people shot and 16 injured with authorities discovering "undetonated devices." A police department
spokesman told Fox News that the shooting happened at the 36th St. station in Sunset Park. And officers reported a
suspect remained at large. Fire Department officials said firefighters responding to a call about smoke at the location
found multiple people had been shot and several explosive devices had been placed at the location.
People [were] Shot [and] Explosives [were] Found in [a] Brooklyn Subway Station: FDNY. Several people were shot and several
explosive devices were reportedly found at a subway station in Brooklyn on Tuesday, said the Fire Department of New
York. The fire agency said it received a call about smoke in the 36th Street subway station in the Sunset Park
neighborhood at around 8:30 a.m., according to local media. [...] Officials said approximately 16 people were wounded,
including 10 who were struck by bullets. The suspect was described by authorities as a black male standing 5'5".
He was seen wearing an green construction-style vest and a gas mask.
Colleyville, Texas
January 15, 2022
Garcia Tells FBI Director Chris Wray His Agency Has Ideologically Inverted. As we
discovered in January of 2023, the FBI was fully aware of the terrorist who was planning to shoot
the synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, and yet they did nothing. The FBI knowledge of the
shooter, Malik Faisal Akram, who was known as Faisal Akram, was confirmed by The Daily Mail.
Akram ranted, prior to his travel to the U.S, that he wished he had died in the 9/11 terror
attacks. He was a regular visitor to Pakistan, and reportedly a member of the Tablighi Jamaat
group set up to 'purify' Islam. To say the U.S. intelligence system knew Faisal Akram would
be an understatement.
ISIS [was] behind the Texas synagogue hostage crisis. On Jan. 15, 2022, Malik Faisal Akram, a 44-year-old
British Pakistani armed with a gun, took four people hostage at the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas,
during Sabbath service. Akram repeatedly demanded the release of his "sister" (in Islam), Aafia Siddiqui, aka "Lady
al-Qaeda," another Pakistani national imprisoned for attempted murder and other terrorist-related activities. In the
end, only Akram died in the standoff with police; all four hostages survived. Instantly, however, and as almost always
happens, the initial, official explanation — because we must never "jump to conclusions," must never call it a
duck, even if it looks, swims, and quacks like a duck — revolved around anything but the obvious. Thus,
whether the FBI initially declared that "we're continuing to work to find motive," or whether Akram was presented as
suffering from "mental health issues," few in officialdom wanted to confirm that this was a jihadist operation directed
against Jews, who are seen by not a few Muslims as one of Islam's archenemies.
what lay behind the Beit Israel Islamic attack. A brief summary: January 15 was the Jewish Sabbath when
Malik Faisel Akram, a radicalized Muslim from Bradford, in the north of England, entered the Beit Israel Synagogue
brandishing a gun. Unable to hold Sabbath services, the rabbi spent eleven hours attempting to appease and appeal to
the gunman to prevent him from taking drastic steps against the synagogue members. Eventually, the rabbi took
affirmative Jewish action by throwing a chair at the gunman, allowing his congregants and himself to escape out of the
synagogue's side door. This community, like many other synagogues and Jewish community centers, had received security
training from the Secure Community Network. Jewish assembly centers are hardwired into the belief that they can be
targeted by extremists with antisemitic or anti-Israel radicalism who choose to take out their venom on the handy local Jew.
Republicans: Biden's 'Screening Protocols' Allowed Terrorist into U.S.. Republicans on the Senate
Judiciary Committee are sounding the alarm over President Joe Biden's "screening protocols" for foreign nationals seeking
visas to enter the United States after a British national took hostages at a Jewish synagogue in Texas only weeks after being
allowed to legally enter the U.S. On January 15 in Colleyville, Texas, 44-year-old British national Malik Faisal Akram
took four Americans hostage inside the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue. Following an 11-hour standoff, a Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Hostage Rescue Team was able to rescue all four hostages while Akram was shot and killed by
agents. Since the attack, the Biden administration has hidden details on how Akram was allowed to enter the U.S. in the
first place.
and the spread of Muslim attacks against Synagogues and Jews. [Scroll down] As the attack was unfolding
and it became apparent that a radical Islamist was spearheading the attack, we anticipated there would be all types of
excuses supplied by law enforcement and the Biden administration attributing the horror to some other motive extraneous to
Islamic anti-Semitism. We would hear, as dozens of times in the last fifteen years, that the perpetrator was "mentally
unstable," and that he was a "lone wolf." The fact that the perpetrator was from a far-away English city near
Manchester, had collaborators back there, and just a couple of weeks ago arrived in America indisputably points to a
deliberate terrorist selection of an American synagogue. This cannot be attributed to some local who happened to be
walking in the neighborhood and coincidentally passed a synagogue. Out of political correctness, or fear of being
called Islamophobic, or because the Muslim community has become an integral and necessary component of the Democrat machine,
the FBI, the media, and powerful voices routinely censor reasonable propositions pointing to danger to the Jewish community
from elements within Islamic circles here in America.
Was Malik Faisal Akram Ever on US Soil? There are many lessons to be drawn from last Saturday's hostage crisis
at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas. First, reports that Malik Faisal Akram's antisemitic hostage-taking
had disrupted Beth Israel's livestreamed Shabbat services proved more prescient than those reporters perhaps realized.
Orthodox Judaism does not permit electronic streaming on the Sabbath, and it was revealed that Beth Israel is a Reform
synagogue. This is relevant because Reform Judaism is not merely theologically liberal in the extreme, discarding the
binding authority of Jewish law and placing an obtuse focus on the concept of "tikkun olam" ("repair of the world"), but is
so uniformly politically progressive as to be a de facto wing of the Democratic Party itself. Sure enough, Itamar
Gelbman, a conservative former congregant at Beth Israel, wrote a viral Facebook post divulging that the rabbi had denounced
Israel as an "apartheid state" and precluded congregants from concealed carrying. This is by now old hat to ponder, but
still: At a time of rising antisemitism at home and abroad, when will liberal Jews ever learn to protect themselves?
Six Facts
on the Texas Synagogue Terror Attack. The near-tragedy in Texas is a much needed reminder about the dangers of
jihad. Here are six facts to consider following Malik Faisal Akram's terrorist attack on the Colleyville, TX synagogue,
where he demanded the release of Aafia Siddiqui, "Lady Al Qaeda," from federal prison. [#1] U.S. Vetting for Potential
Jihadist Infiltrators Is Weak: Akram had been investigated by British security services in 2020 as a potential Islamist
terrorist threat. Yet, he was allowed to enter the U.S. at the end of last year.
watched the FBI become so woke it can't call out terrorism. The 11-hour standoff concluded thanks in large part
to the heroism of Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker, who hurled a chair at the abductor before escaping with fellow hostages.
FBI-HRT then entered, neutralizing Akram. And this is when things got kooky. The FBI's Dallas division's special
agent in charge, Matthew DeSarno, described the gunman to the press as "singularly focused on one issue, and it was not
specifically related to the Jewish community." I don't blame SAC DeSarno — a former colleague — for
this disbelieve-your-lying-eyes assessment. He takes his orders from FBI headquarters. And we exist in woke
times. Yes, sometimes investigations take time, and we don't want to release inaccurate information. Yet this was
a ground ball. The White House asserted the FBI's course correction a day later, allowing that, of course, the
Colleyville synagogue hostage-taking was "terrorism-related." Duh. The FBI has made a sea change in defining
criminal suspects since the Obama administration and its attorney general, Eric Holder, set out to transform the justice
system. Post-Obama, law enforcement hesitates to describe criminal suspects' race for fear of being tagged "racist."
Akram told brother 'I'm coming home in a body bag' in chilling final call. The terrorist who held four people
hostage inside a Texas synagogue unleashed an expletive-ridden, anti-Semitic rant during a chilling final call to his
family — in which he expressed his wish for martyrdom and said he would come "home in a [...] body bag," according
to a report. In an audio of the conversation obtained by the Jewish Chronicle, Malik Faisal Akram told his brother,
Gulbar, 43, in Blackburn during the siege at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville that he has "come to die."
Tlaib, Omar participated in events with groups that called for release of 'Lady al-Qaeda'. Democratic
Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota participated in events with Muslim-American advocacy groups
that have called for Aafia Siddiqui's release from a Texas prison. The gunman who took hostages inside a Texas
synagogue on Tuesday demanded the release of Siddiqui, who has often been referred to in the counterterrorism world as "Lady
al-Qaeda." Siddiqui was convicted in 2010 of attempting to murder U.S. nationals, according to the FBI. In 2008,
Siddiqui was "detained by Afghan authorities, who found a number of items in her possession, including handwritten notes that
referred to a 'mass casualty attack' and that listed various locations in the United States, including Plum Island, the
Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, and the Brooklyn Bridge," said an FBI press release about her
conviction. According to Foreign Policy Magazine, the Taliban offered to trade captive U.S. Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl
for her.
lessons to learn from the Texas synagogue attack. [#5] FBI special agent in charge Matt DeSarno said the bureau
believed that the man was "singularly focused on one issue and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community,"
adding that they will continue to "work to find motive." If the FBI didn't have all the information since their
investigation is in progress, they should have stayed silent. This denial of the antisemitic motives of the
hostage-taker was factually incorrect, and "the FBI backtracked and issued an updated statement declaring, "This is a
terrorism-related matter, in which the Jewish community was targeted, and is being investigated by the Joint Terrorism Task
Force." It has to be remembered that convicted terrorist Aafia Siddiqui, whose release Akram was seeking, was rabidly
antisemitic. She had demanded that her jury should be genetically tested so Jewish persons could be excluded.
Also, if Akram merely wanted hostages, he would have targeted a crowded location such as a shopping mall.
Reporters Should Ask Biden About Guns at His Promised Press Conference on Wednesday. President Biden's remarks
after the hostage situation at the synagogue in Texas leave more questions than answers. What were the motivations for
the attack occur? A full day after a Pakistani Muslim attacked a synagogue on the Jewish sabbath to gain the release of
Aafia Siddiqui described as the "Lady of al Qaeda," Biden doesn't know. The synagogue was near where Siddiqui is
held. But when asked why the attacker targeted that synagogue, Biden again responded that he didn't know but promised
more at a press conference on Wednesday. Those answers are surely much better than the answers given by the FBI on
Saturday, where they were not sure of the motive but ruled out the attack being "specifically related to the Jewish
community." The investigation should go forward, but it is troubling that the FBI's immediately concluded no connection
between a radical Pakistani Muslim trying to free a prominent al Qaeda member and an attack on a synagogue. The
"massive backlash" forced the FBI to walk back its claim.
account detailed by Texas synagogue hostage as the story unfolds. Yesterday I wrote about the complete mess
that the FBI made in its communications about the terror attack made by an Islamic extremist at the synagogue on
Saturday. There were still lots of questions that remain about the attack today. Jeffrey Cohen shed some new
light on the inside details. What began with Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker welcoming in a man who claimed to be homeless
and giving him a cup of tea as the men inside chatted with him before the Shabbat service began, ended up with the terrorist
pulling out what Cohen describes as an automatic weapon and holding the men hostages for eleven hours. The man went
from appearing as "calm and happy" to an angry, ranting terrorist. [...] Cohen, like Rabbi Cytron-Walker, credits the
training they received from Secure Community Network on active shooter events for being alive. The four men escaped,
thanks to what they learned in that training. Cohen wants to make it clear that they were not released or
freed. They escaped. To hear earlier reports, we were given the impression that the men were freed.
Agencies Dodge How Texas Terrorist Was Allowed to Enter U.S.. President Joe Biden's federal agencies are
dodging the question of how 44-year-old Malik Faisal Akram, the British terrorist behind a hostage standoff last weekend, was
allowed to enter the United States from the United Kingdom. On January 15 in Colleyville, Texas, Akram took four
Americans hostage inside the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue. Following an 11-hour standoff, a Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) Hostage Rescue Team was able to rescue all four hostages while Akram was shot and killed by agents.
Lied About the Ending of the Texas Synagogue Hostage Situation. British national Malik Faisal Akram took four
people hostage at Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas. It lasted over ten hours. It had a
good ending. All four hostages are alive and escaped injury. Akram is dead. Yet, we have new developments
on how this whole saga ended. At least one was released, the other three were later released as well. That's what
was Initially reported. Now, it seems like the rabbi created the situation in which the hostages were able to make a
break for it. In other words, the FBI lied again.
Synagogue Attacker Was Known to UK Security Service MI5, Judged as No Risk. UK citizen Malik Faisal Akram, who
had a known history of extreme behaviour stretching back over 20 years was known to British spy agency MI5 but had been
judged as no longer posing a threat to the public in 2020, reports in UK media claim. Malik Faisal Akram, 44, flew to
the United States after Christmas 2021, and weeks later took hostages at the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville,
Texas. He was shot dead by law enforcement officials at the scene. Yet questions remain unanswered over how Akram
was able to travel and gain access to a handgun given his long history of extremist behaviour.
Called Kyle Rittenhouse a White Supremacist, but Won't Speculate on Motive of Malik Faisal Akram. On Sunday,
Joe Biden acknowledged the Texas synagogue hostage situation, dubbing the incident an "act of terror," but refused to
"speculate" on Akram's motives when asked about it by reporters. "No, I don't. I — there's
speculation, but I'm not going to get into that. I will — I'm going to have a press conference on Wednesday,
and I'll be happy to go into detail of what I know in detail at that time," Biden said in a press conference Sunday.
The now-dead hostage-taker was identified as Malik Faisal Akram, and he demanded the release of Aafia Siddiqui, a jihadi
known as "Lady al Qaeda." Just like the FBI, Biden seems intent on "whitewashing" Akram's motives. Akram only
targeted a synagogue. I wonder what his motives were.
rabbi says he is 'alive today' thanks to police training that helped him act when terrorist became 'belligerent'.
The Texas rabbi who endured a 10-hour kidnapping by a British anti-Semite demanding the release of an al-Qaeda terrorists has
credited his active-shooter training for helping him and his followers escape alive. Charlie Cytron-Walker and three of his
congregation were rescued unharmed on Saturday night after their captor Mailk Faisal Akram, 44, was shot and killed by police. The
rabbi, who has presided over the 140-strong congregation since 2006, on Sunday said his training enabled him to deal with the situation.
lessons to learn from the Texas synagogue attack. [#1] The first question to ponder is how a purportedly
mentally unstable man with a criminal record in the U.K. and no financial backing, such that he was compelled to live in a
shelter, received a visa to travel to the U.S. This highlights the need for better cooperation among law enforcement
agencies and intelligence agencies in the U.S. and other countries from where travel visas to the U.S. are issued.
There is a need for mental evaluation and stricter verification of police and financial records before granting permission to
enter the country.
The Editor says...
I disagree. Right after 9/11/2001, George W. Bush went on TV to wonder aloud how a bunch
of terrorists could possibly get into this country undetected. It was all blamed on the various law enforcement
agencies failing to communicate with each other. The solution was the creation of the Patriot Act (which was
miraculously written and ready to sign in a few days, almost as if it had been prepared well in advance) and the Department
of Homeland Security, which was an additional (permanent) new layer of federal bureaucracy. This will solve everything,
they said. No, it didn't.
hostage taker at Colleyville synagogue bought gun 'on the street', Biden said. President Joe Biden said Sunday
the British national who held four people hostage inside a Colleyville synagogue was armed with a gun apparently "purchased
on the street." The president said the hostage-taker spent his first night in Texas at a homeless shelter, and speculated
that he might have gotten a gun there. Also on Sunday, Greater Manchester police in England said they detained two
teenagers in connection with the gunman who took four people hostage for more than 11 hours over the weekend in
Colleyville. The two teens were the suspect's sons who were in touch with him at some point Saturday, MSNBC
reported. Greater Manchester police tweeted about the arrests but released few details about why counterterrorism
officers detained the teens. Authorities had not confirmed late Sunday the connection the teens had to 44-year-old
British national Malik Faisal Akram, who died after Congregation Beth Israel Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker and the three other
hostages escaped unharmed and authorities swarmed the building. Authorities have not said how Akram died.
Biden: I Don't Think There is Sufficient Information to Know Why He Targeted That Synagogue. Joe Biden on
Sunday echoed the corrupt FBI and said there is no sufficient information to know why the Muslim hostage-taker targeted a
synagogue in Texas. A Pakistani man entered the Beth Israel Synagogue in Colleyville, Texas on Saturday and took
several members hostage. On Sunday the FBI identified the now deceased hostage-taker as Malik Faisal Akram from Great
Britain. Malik Faisal Akram claimed he was the brother of a convicted terrorist serving an 86-year sentence. The
FBI on Saturday night said they are still working to find the Muslim terrorist's motive.
Democrat initially suggests 'White supremacy' to blame for attack on Texas synagogue. Democratic Michigan
Attorney General Dana Nessel suggested Saturday that "White supremacy" could be to blame for the attack on a Texas synagogue
by a British national seeking the release of a convicted terrorist dubbed "Lady Al-Qaeda." In a video clip first
reported by the Washington Free Beacon, Nessel told MSNBC's Yasmin Vossoughian that a rise in hate crimes and formation of
White supremacist extremist organizations across the country would make the realization they perpetrated such an event hardly
a surprise. According to the Free Beacon, it had been reported already that the suspect was demanding the release of
Aafia Siddiqui, the Pakistani woman convicted in New York in 2010 on charges she sought to shoot U.S. military officers while
detained in Afghanistan two years earlier.
synagogue siege terrorist, 44, evaded officials despite criminal convictions and 9/11 rant. The security
services were today accused of a serious 'intelligence failure' after a British Islamist was able to travel to the US to lay
siege to a synagogue despite his significant criminal convictions and known radical views. As police in the US and UK
scramble to discover if he was part of a wider terror cell, it has emerged that Malik Faisal Akram, 44, from Blackburn,
Lancashire, was branded a 'menace' for raving about the attack on the World Trade Centre in 2001. The terror suspect
was given a rare Exclusion Order at Blackburn's magistrates' court — the first in 25 years — for
abusing staff about 9/11 on the day after the attack that claimed more than 2,750 lives. The incident 20 years ago
raises questions about whether he was known to the security services on either side of the Atlantic — and how he
managed to get into the United States two weeks ago with a significant criminal record.
finally admits Texas synagogue siege WAS an anti-Semitic terror attack after. The FBI has finally admitted the
Texas synagogue siege was an anti-Semitic terror attack after initially claiming it was not directly targeting Jews.
Malik Faisal Akram, from Blackburn in the UK, held four people hostage, including a rabbi, for ten hours at the Congregation
Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, Saturday night. Speaking Saturday after the attack, which ended with the
death of Akram in a hail of bullets, FBI Special Agent Matt DeSarno said: 'We do believe from our engaging with this subject
that he was singularly focused on one issue, and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community. But we're
continuing to work to find motive.'
Abruptly Changes Course on the Texas Synagogue Attack Motive. Two days ago, a terrifying attack on a Jewish
synagogue in Texas played out. A British national named Malik Faisal Akram took a Rabbi and multiple congregants
hostage, demanding the release of convicted terrorist Aafia Siddiqui. Siddiqui, who is in prison for attempting to kill
US Military personnel, has been turned into a folk-hero by many Islamist-supporting groups. That includes CAIR, an
organization widely supported by Democrat politicians, hosting rallies in support of her. Since Faisal Akram
live-streamed his crime and announced his grievances, it was clear right away what his motive was. Despite that, the
FBI, in parodic fashion, once again stepped up to the plate to obfuscate and insult everyone's intelligence.
of Congregation Beth-Israel: "Grateful to be alive". The good news is that all of the hostages, including
the rabbi of Congregation Beth-Israel, are alive and safe. The bad news is that a deranged British national entered the
synagogue during Shabbat services and held the men hostage while demanding the release of convicted terrorist Aafia Siddiqui,
known as Lady al-Qaeda. Today Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker released a statement of gratitude for being alive in a
Facebook post.
the Media Is About to Run Away From the Texas Synagogue Hostage Story. A madman held people hostage at a
synagogue in Colleyville, Texas. For 12 hours, a gunman held four people including a rabbi hostage for over 10 hours at
Congregation Beth Israel. It was a happy ending. The gunman is dead, and all the hostages were released unharmed.
[...] Now, here's where the funny business begins — the FBI can't say what the motive was regarding this
attack. Seriously. This is the same FBI who said that the 2017 GOP congressional baseball shooting by a
violent and dedicated leftist was not politically motivated. It's a clown show, but one that will soon pack up
shop. The name of the shooter has been revealed, and it's not in keeping with the liberal media narrative. It's
not a MAGA supporter. It's not a white nationalist. I know liberals were hoping it would be a white guy.
It's not.
Rabbi Recounts Escape from Terrorist Hostage-Taker: 'I Threw a Chair at the Gunman'. The rabbi who survived the
terrorist siege at a Texas synagogue over the weekend recounted the chilling situation and his courageous escape in a Monday
interview. Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker recalled the rattling experience, in which a man took him and three other people
hostage at Congregation Beth Israel during Shabbat services on Saturday. "It was terrifying. It was overwhelming
and we're still processing. It's been a lot. It's completely overwhelming," he said during an interview with
CBS Mornings.
Biden Admits More Gun Control Wouldn't Have Stopped Synagogue Attacker. President Joe Biden took questions on
Saturday's Texas synagogue attack and suggested more gun control would not have stopped the attacker. Reuters reports
the attacker, 44-year-old Malik Faisal Akram, was a citizen of the United Kingdom. Federal agents stormed the synagogue
after a 10-hour hostage standoff and Akram is now dead.
Was Texas Synagogue Jihadi Allowed Into U.S. Two Weeks Ago Despite 'Long Criminal Record'? The family of Malik
Faisal Akram, the Islamic jihadi from Britain who took hostages in Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas,
Saturday, has "demanded to know how he was allowed into America despite a long criminal record," says the UK's Daily
Mail. More than just his family should be asking this question. How was this man able to storm a synagogue in
Texas and take people hostage at gunpoint when he shouldn't have been allowed into the United States in the first place?
If anything shows how broken our immigration system is under the regime of Biden's handlers, it is this entire episode.
Hostage Crisis at Synagogue Parallels Hamas-Linked CAIR Campaign for 'Lady Al Qaeda'. The Muslim terrorist
hostage crisis at a Fort Worth Reform synagogue dedicated to social justice is over. It's a Texas happy ending with the
terrorist dead and the hostages freed. And 'Lady Al Qaeda' aka Aafia Sddiqui, whom the terrorist wanted set free, is
still locked up. The media is rushing to spin Muslims as the real victims while hyping Islamophobia. Meanwhile
the Simon Wiesenthal Center notes that the hostage crisis parallels a CAIR campaign to free Aafia Sddiqui.
Dallas Identifies Colleyville Synagogue Hostage Taker As Malik Faisal Akram. The FBI Dallas Field Office
confirmed the identity of the man who took four people hostage at a Colleyville synagogue for 10 hours before a SWAT team
stormed the building, ending a tense standoff Saturday. FBI Special Agent in Charge Matthew DeSarno identified the
44-year-old British national as Malik Faisal Akram of Blackburn, United Kingdom. Akram was shot and killed after the
last of the hostages got out at around 9 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 15 at Congregation Beth Israel. In a statement,
the FBI said there was no indication that anyone else was involved, but it didn't provide a possible motive.
Woke FBI Downplays Anti-Semitic Aspect of Hostage-Taking at Texas Synagogue. The jihadi who stormed the
Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, and took hostages Saturday, demanding the release of convicted
jihad terrorist Aafia Siddiqui, is dead, and the hostages are safe. And now comes the real work: whitewashing,
downplaying, and ignoring outright what took place, because it doesn't fit the establishment narrative. FBI Special
Agent in Charge Matt DeSarno got the ball rolling when he said, "We do believe from our engagement with this subject that he
was singularly focused on one issue, uh, and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community, uh, but we're
continuing to work to find motive and, and we will continue on that path."
FBI Response to the Texas Synagogue Attack Is Absolutely Sick. Yesterday, news of a hostage situation in a
Texas synagogue rocked the nation. Shortly after, due to the assailant's admission on a Facebook Live stream, we had an
identity and a motive. The man holding a rabbi and other Jews hostage was a Pakistani named Muhammad Siddiqui. He
was demanding the release of his anti-Semitic sister, Aafia Siddiqui, who is currently in prison for trying to kill US
military personnel. The Islamist community has made the terrorist a living martyr, with CAIR hosting many rallies
seeking her freedom. Thankfully, due to the actions of the local police and the SWAT team that was present, the
hostage-taker was killed and everyone is now safe. As per usual, that left the FBI to march in and take things over,
and the response they gave is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen from a law enforcement agency.
terrorist, 44, shot dead by police after taking hostages at Texas synagogue. The brother of the 44-year-old
British terrorist who was shot dead after taking four people hostage during a 10 hour siege inside a Texas synagogue has
openly questioned how he was allowed into the United States with a criminal record, as two teenagers in Manchester have been
arrested tonight in connection with the incident. The two teenagers, from South Manchester, are currently being quizzed
by police over events that transpired more than 4,700 miles away in Colleyville, counter terror specialists confirmed on
Sunday night. They cannot be identified for legal reasons. Malik Faisal Akram, 44, of Blackburn, was shot dead by
the FBI's elite Hostage Rescue Team after holding four hostages, including a rabbi, for more than 10 hours at Congregation
Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas on Saturday.
shot dead after taking hostages at Texas synagogue is named. The brother of the 44-year-old British terrorist
who was shot dead after taking four people hostage during a 10 hour siege inside a Texas synagogue has openly questioned how
he was allowed into the United States with a criminal record, as two teenagers in Manchester have been arrested tonight in
connection with the incident. The two teenagers, from South Manchester, are currently being quizzed by police over
events that transpired more than 4,700 miles away in Colleyville, counter terror specialists confirmed on Sunday night.
They cannot be identified for legal reasons. Malik Faisal Akram, 44, of Blackburn, was shot dead by the FBI's elite
Hostage Rescue Team after holding four hostages, including a rabbi, for more than 10 hours at Congregation Beth Israel
synagogue in Colleyville, Texas on Saturday [1/15/2022].
The Editor says...
Yes, everybody is baffled. How could a terrorist have been admitted to the U.S.? Easy. The Biden
administration is importing them by the thousand from Afghanistan, calling them "refugees," even though nobody knows
who they really are.
collected' synagogue rabbi wowed FBI through 10-hour Texas hostage crisis. Local and federal law enforcement
credited Congregation Beth Israel Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker's "calm and collected" demeanor for helping bring about a
miraculous end to the ten-hour hostage crisis at his northern Texas synagogue on Saturday night [1/15/2022].
Cytron-Walker and the three other worshipers who made it to Sabbath morning services in the quiet town of Colleyville surely
felt the main risk they were taking by attending involved being present at an indoor, mid-Omicron gathering. But that
became the least of their worries when a suspect burst into Congregation Beth Israel (CBI) and proceeded to hold the four
Jewish worshipers captive, apparently at gunpoint, for the remainder of the day.
is under fire for claiming terror attack at a synagogue was NOT targeting Jewish people. Republican Lindsey
Graham has fired back at the FBI after they appeared to dismiss a terror attack at a Texas synagogue, as not being directly
targeted against Jewish people. In a series of tweets, the South Carolina senator vented his frustration with the FBI
appearing to ignore the fact Saturday's attack targeted a religion that has long been subjected to violent and often
murderous anti-Semitic hatred. 'It is very disturbing to hear from the FBI they do not believe the hostage taker's
demands had anything to do with the Jewish faith,' Graham began. [Tweets]
Biden administration's bizarre response to the Texas hostage crisis. On Saturday afternoon [1/15/2022], a man
claiming to be the brother of the Pakistani terrorist Aafia Siddiqui (aka "Lady al Qaeda") stormed a synagogue in
Colleyville, Texas, in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, and took four people hostage. The resulting standoff lasted for
several hours before all four hostages escaped or were freed and the hostage-taker killed. During the event, the Biden
administration once again showed itself to be completely tone-deaf, issuing a bizarre, clinical tweet that didn't even
mention that the entire event revolved around al Qaeda-related genocidal antisemitism.
synagogue terrorist's Pakistani 'sister' is a piece of work. [Scroll down] So who is Aafia
Siddiqui? Siddiqui was born in Pakistan and came to the United States on a student visa in 1990 for higher
education. She lived in the United States between 1991 and 2002. She studied at MIT and has a Ph.D. in neuroscience
from Brandeis University. She returned to Pakistan and married a relative of the 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed. Siddiqui was arrested in Afghanistan in 2008 in possession of documents about the manufacture of "dirty
bombs" and notes about planned attacks against New York City landmarks such as the Empire State Building. Following her
arrest in Afghanistan, she was interrogated by U.S. soldiers and the FBI. During that interrogation, Siddiqui found an
unattended rifle and fired it at members of the interrogation team. She also attacked an FBI agent and a U.S. army
officer attempting to disarm her. She was subsequently charged with attempted murder. She was then branded as
"Lady al Qaida."
safe after standoff inside synagogue; captor dead. A man held hostages for more than 10 hours Saturday at a
Texas synagogue where he could be heard ranting in a livestream and demanding the release of a Pakistani neuroscientist who
was convicted of trying to kill U.S. Army officers in Afghanistan. One of the four hostages held at Congregation Beth
Israel in Colleyville was released during the standoff; three others were rescued when authorities entered the building about
9 p.m., authorities said. The hostage taker was killed and FBI Special Agent in Charge Matt DeSarno said a team would
investigate "the shooting incident."
hostage situation: All hostages 'alive and safe,' Greg Abbott tweets after hours-long ordeal. Three
remaining hostages at a Texas synagogue were "out alive and safe," ending an ordeal that began hours earlier, according to a
Twitter message late Saturday from Gov. Greg Abbott. "Prayers answered," Abbott wrote. "All hostages are out
alive and safe." Not long before the governor's message, a loud bang and the sound of gunfire were heard at Congregation
Beth Israel in Colleyville, near Fort Worth, as authorities worked to free the hostages, The Associated Press reported.
November 14, 2021
Liverpool Bombing: Islam's Mind-boggling Deceptions Exposed. On November 14, 2021, a man detonated an
improvised explosive device near the main entrance of Liverpool Women's Hospital in England. Only he died, though the
taxi driver who had just dropped him off was also injured. Although he botched it, investigators concluded that this
was a terrorist attack that was planned months in advance. Emad al-Swealmeen, 32, the would-be terrorist in question,
was a born Muslim who arrived in the UK in 2014 and applied for asylum by claiming he was a Syrian refugee. It turned
out he was from Iraq or Jordan, and his asylum application was rejected. Soon thereafter, Emad formally converted to
Christianity; in 2015 he was baptized, and in 2017 confirmed, at Liverpool Cathedral. Although it is common for Muslim
migrants to pretend to be Christian in order to receive asylum — based on their projected but erroneous belief
that Western nations will naturally be more welcoming of Christians — those Christians close to him argue that his
conversion was genuine: [...]
The Editor says...
His conversion to Christianity must not have been sincere, if he then went on to be a suicide bomber. It is far more likely
that he pretended to convert to Christianity in order to avoid being deported.
need to get real about Islamist terrorism. The bomb blast outside Liverpool Women's Hospital last weekend has
thrust the terror threat in Britain today back into the spotlight. The suspect who died in the explosion —
32-year-old Emad al-Swealmeen — had first failed in his application for asylum in 2014. During his stay in
the UK, he was sectioned under the Mental Health Act for six months over a knife-related incident. Having supposedly
converted from Islam to Christianity in 2017, his case has shed light on previous warnings made by senior Church of England
clerics that some Muslim asylum seekers were trying to become Christian converts in order to avoid deportation from the UK to
Muslim-majority countries where they could be charged with apostasy.
Muslim Liverpool Bombing Suspect Had Asylum Status Rejected But Was Never Deported. The suspect in last
Sunday's Liverpool bombing was reportedly denied asylum but remained in the country. Emad al Swealmeen arrived in
Britain from the Middle East in 2014 and is believed to be of Syrian or Iraqi origin. Al Swealmeen was killed in the
bombing, that took place outside a women's hospital. A taxi driver was also injured in the attack. The suspected
bomber changed his name to Enzo Almeni, in honor of Italian race car driver Enzo Ferrari, in order to sound more western on
his asylum application. This did not work, however, as his application was rejected in 2014. The 32-year-old then
remained in the country despite failing to gain legal residence.
terror attack: what we know so far. Britain has been subjected to another terror attack, just as the nation
fell silent for yesterday's annual Remembrance Sunday memorial. An explosion occurred in a taxi outside the Liverpool
Women's Hospital on Sunday morning, killing the passenger and leaving the driver in hospital. Police have now confirmed
that the incident is being treated as a terror attack. Reports suggest that the driver, David Perry, noticed that his
passenger had a device and locked himself in the car alongside the bomber. The as-yet-unnamed passenger was declared
dead at the scene. Boris Johnson has hailed Mr Perry's 'incredible presence of mind and bravery'. He was discharged
from hospital last night after receiving treatment for cuts and burns as well as stitches to his ear.
Explosion Near UK Hospital Investigated As Terrorist Attack. A taxi explosion Sunday outside of a women's
hospital in Liverpool, England, is being treated as an act of terrorism, authorities announced. A passenger riding in a
taxi allegedly detonated an improvised explosive device outside Liverpool Women's Hospital on Sunday, killing himself in the
process and injuring the taxi driver, according to the Associated Press. Three men believed to be associates of the
passenger were reportedly arrested under the country's Terrorism Act. "Three males have today been arrested in the
Kensington area under the Terrorism Act and remain in custody and enquiries remain ongoing," Chief Constable Serena Kennedy
announced in a press release.
Day bomber was still in UK after seven years of failed asylum requests and 'converted to Christianity to get
visa'. Campaigners reacted with fury today after it emerged that the Liverpool suicide bomber was allowed to
stay in the UK for seven years despite multiple failed claims for asylum. Enzo Almeni, 32, appealed every time the Home
Office turned down his application for permanent residency because the authorities believed he was lying about being Syrian
and claims he only converted to Christianity from Islam to improve his case. The Home Office is now under pressure to
properly investigate if increasing numbers of asylum seekers are being baptised and confirmed by the Church of England to aid
their bid to stay in the UK. The car-mad terrorist changed his name Emad Jamil Al Swealmeen by deed poll to Enzo Almeni,
in tribute to Ferrari founder Enzo Ferrari. He claimed it was to make it more Western and easier for people to
pronounce, but there were suspicions it was because his birth name was Jordanian and not Syrian.
bomber's first target was Poppy Day parade'. A 'terrorist' who detonated a suspected suicide bomb outside a
hospital wanted to go to the nearby cathedral where a Remembrance Sunday service was being held but found the streets were
blocked, it was claimed today. Cabbie David Perry had the suspect inside his car when it blew up just before 11am
outside Liverpool Women's Hospital. He managed to escape alive and has been branded a hero after apparently locking the
doors to stop him entering the hospital. Detectives say the male passenger who died in the blast had asked to go to the
hospital, around ten minutes' drive from his home in Rutland Avenue, which police have sealed off.
Some of those "lone wolf" terrorists have a lot of help. Dramatic
footage shows armed police force man out of Liverpool home connected with Poppy Day 'car bomb' as fourth person is arrested
following 'terror incident'. A bomb squad has tonight carried out a controlled explosion near a house in
Liverpool raided in connection to a suicide bombing outside a hospital on Remembrance Sunday [11/14/2021]. It is
understood the explosion in Sefton Park was done 'as part of the ongoing investigation into the terrorist incident' outside
the Liverpool Women's Hospital yesterday just before 11am, and that residents 'shouldn't be concerned'. The UK's terror
threat level was raised to 'severe' today from 'substantial' following a COBRA meeting at Downing Street. Police and
the security services advised the Prime Minister that another attack on British soil is now 'highly likely' following the
bombing in Merseyside and the murder of Conservative MP Sir David Amess in Essex.
The Editor says...
I wonder what the next few threat levels are called — profound, acute, abstruse, critical, Level Purple, Woo-woo-woo-ding-ding?
In the U.S., the terrorism threat level disappeared a few years ago, but while it was in use, it was never less than "Elevated." A continuous
and perpetual emergency is meaningless, especially if the government isn't willing to address the roots of the problem.
Nuremberg, Germany
November 6, 2021
Admits Radical Islam, NOT Mental Issues, Likely Motivated Mass Stabbing by Syrian. Despite initially ruling out
terrorism, officials have now said that radical Islam, not mental health issues, was the likely motivation for a Syrian
knifeman's stabbing spree on a German train. There are "serious indications" that a migrant man who went on a knife
rampage in Germany back in November was inspired by radical Islam, the local prosecutor's office has reportedly said.
wounds three in attack on high-speed German train as police arrest 27-year-old Syrian suspect. A knifeman has
wounded three people on a high-speed train in Germany. Police were called at around 9am local time on Saturday as the
high-speed ICE train travelled between Regensburg and Nuremberg. One person has been arrested and three men aged 26,
39, and 60 were seriously injured in the attack, according to local media.
3 injured in knife attack
in train in Germany, detained attacker is of Arab origin — reports. A knife attack occurred on
Saturday morning on a train line connecting Regensburg and Nuremberg. It left three people injured, one of them
seriously, according to local media. The perpetrator was apprehended and identified as a 27-year-old man of Arab origin
with a record of mental illness, the tabloid Bild reported. The attack happened around 9:30am local time, the newspaper
said. The Intercity Express (ICE) train was carrying around 300 passengers at the time of the incident. It was
moved to a station in the municipality of Seubersdorf, southeast of Nuremberg. Upper Palatinate district police are
handling the investigation.
October 15, 2021
extremism suspected in murder of UK MP; suspect had family ties to Somali government. Ali Harbi Ali, a British
national of Somali heritage, is currently being held at a London police station until Oct. 22 under the United Kingdom's
Terrorism Act of 2000 on suspicion of murdering British Member of Parliament Sir David Amess. Early indicators point to
"a potential motivation linked to Islamist extremism," according to the London Metropolitan Police's Counter Terrorism
Command. Born in Southwark, south London, Ali is the son of a former adviser to a Somali prime minister and nephew of
the Somali ambassador to China, the BBC reports.
Stabbing of British MP David Amess Declared a Terrorist Attack. Conservative British MP Sir David Amess was
murdered today in a stabbing attack in a church on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex. David Amess was stabbed
multiple times at meeting with constituents in a church. A 25-year-old man of Somali heritage rushed into the church
and stabbed David Amess multiple times then sat down and waited for police to arrive. Paramedics worked to save the
politician on the floor of an Essex church for more than an hour but he could not be saved after the appalling attack[.]
The Editor says...
The police caught the perpetrator, and declared it a "terror attack." Now what? They will likely declare him to
be insane, rather than putting him on trial where we can learn about his Islamic motivations and somebody will interrogate his Imam.
lawmaker murdered in knife attack at meeting in church. A British lawmaker was stabbed to death on Friday
[10/15/2021] in a church by a man who lunged at him at a meeting with voters from his electoral district, knifing him
repeatedly. David Amess, a 69-year-old lawmaker from Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservative Party, was attacked at
around midday at a meeting at the Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-on-Sea, east of London. "He was treated by
emergency services but, sadly, died at the scene," police said. "A 25-year-old man was quickly arrested after officers
arrived at the scene on suspicion of murder and a knife was recovered." Armed police swooped on the church and detectives
said they were not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident. There was no detail about the motivation
for the attack.
The Editor says...
As usual, the police, the politicians, and the news reporters pretend to be baffled about the attacker's motive.
police will probe murder of Sir David Amess: Cops arrest 'British man of Somali heritage, 25'. Counter
terrorism officers are tonight leading the investigation into the murder of Tory MP Sir David Amess, as forces across the
country are being urged to launch an 'immediate review' of security for politicians. It comes after horrified onlookers
screamed for help as they tried to save the Conservative MP who was brutally stabbed to death in front of them at his Southend
constituency surgery. The popular politician — who won at the last general election with a margin of 14,000
votes — was knifed 'multiple times' by a 25-year-old killer — believed to be of a British national of
Somali heritage.
Kongsberg, Norway
October 13, 2021
attack victims stabbed not shot with arrows, say police. Five people killed in Norway last week were all
stabbed to death and not shot with arrows as initially suspected, police have announced. Four women and one man, aged
between 52 and 78, were killed on Wednesday in the attack in Kongsberg, a town about 45 miles (70 km) west of the capital,
Oslo. The attacker was armed with a bow and arrow, which he shot at several people, wounding at least one, but on Monday the
police inspector Per Thomas Omholt told reporters none of the deaths was caused by the weapon. "Five people were killed with
stabbing weapons," Omholt told a news conference on Monday. He declined to say whether these were knives or larger weapons.
bow and arrow attacker also stabbed victims, police say. The man who killed five and wounded two others in a
bow and arrow attack last week in Norway also stabbed the victims, police said Monday [10/18/2021]. Espen Andersen
Braathen, 37, was arrested Wednesday after a deadly attack which started at a supermarket in Kongsberg. The Danish man
was later transferred to a mental hospital for further evaluation, but more details about the incident are emerging.
"When it comes to weapons, we have previously stated that a bow and arrow has been used," police inspector Per Thomas Omholt
said told a news conference Monday. "Other weapons that have been used are stabbing weapons. We don't want to go
out with what kind of stabbing weapons were used as all witnesses at the scene haven't been questioned yet."
delay? Norway eyes police response to arrow attack. Norway on Saturday announced it will hold an
independent investigation into the actions of police and security agencies following a bow-and-arrow attack that killed five
people and injured three others. Police have been criticized for reacting too slowly to contain the massacre,
acknowledging that the five deaths took place after police first encountered the attacker.
bow-and-arrow suspect who allegedly killed 5 was flagged for radicalization. A Danish man who is in custody in
Norway suspected of a bow-and-arrow attack on a small town that killed five people and wounded two others is a Muslim convert
who had previously been flagged as having being radicalized, police said Thursday [10/14/2021]. "There earlier had been
worries of the man having been radicalized," Police chief Ole B. Saeverud told a news conference. The victims were
four women and one man between the ages of 50 and 70, Saeverud said.
Norway Attack Appears to Be 'Act of Terrorism': Police. A Danish man who killed five people and injured two
others by bow and arrow in a series of attacks in a town in Norway on Oct. 13 was placed under investigation for suspected
terrorism. "We are investigating this, among other things, to clarify whether it is an act of terrorism," regional
Police Chief Ole Bredrup Saeverud said at an Oct. 14 press conference. "It will probably take some time before it
can be finally clarified. "The assessment related to motive is a bit complicated. But it is natural to go back
and see what information we have on the person from earlier, and then we see that there has been a concern related to
radicalization in the past, which we think it is natural to be open about without being able to explain the details of it
now." Five people were killed in the Oct. 13 attack — four women and one man between the ages of 50 and
70 — in Kongsberg, a small town of about 28,000 people southwest of Oslo.
people confirmed dead and more injured by killer armed with a bow and arrows in Norway. At least five people
have been killed and two others injured by a man using a bow and arrows to carry out attacks in the Norwegian town of
Kongsberg. Police arrested and charged a 37-year-old Danish man over the attack after a man marauded through the town
for 34 minutes firing randomly at victims on Wednesday evening [10/13/2021]. The killer opened fire inside a Coop
Extra supermarket in the town's west around 6:13 pm local time and was detained at 6:47 pm following a
'confrontation' with officers in which they fired warning shots.
with bow and arrows kills 5 people in Norway. A man armed with a bow fired arrows at shoppers in a small
Norwegian town Wednesday, killing five people before he was arrested, authorities said. The police chief in the
community of Kongsberg, near the capital of Oslo, said there was "a confrontation" between officers and the assailant, but he
did not elaborate. Two other people were wounded and hospitalized in intensive care, including an officer who was off
duty and inside the shop where the attack took place, police said. [...] Acting Prime Minister Erna Solberg described the
attack as "gruesome" and said it was too early to speculate on a motive.
A man suspected
of killing 5 people with a bow and arrow in Norway was known as a potential Islamic extremist, police say.
Police said the man suspected of killing five people in Norway with a bow and arrow was known to them as a possible Islamic
extremist. A man used a bow and arrow to kill four women and one man in the town of Kongsberg on Wednesday.
Police have detained a suspect, a 37-year-old Danish man whose name has not been shared publicly. Ole Bredrup
Sæverud, the region's police chief, said on Thursday [10/14/2021] that the man was "a convert to Islam" and that police
had "previously fears linked to his radicalization," The Guardian reported.
The Editor says...
The police know all about him, but the Prime Minister says it's "too early to speculate on a motive."
Near Puerto Rico
September 22, 2021
A JetBlue Jihadist? The Great
Press Cover-up. If a radical Islamist hijacked an airplane, we might never know it was an act of
terrorism. That is, if we rely only on the mainstream media. Case in point: On September 22, Khalil
El Dahr, a passenger on JetBlue Flight 261 from Boston to Puerto Rico, suddenly rushed to the front of the
aircraft, choked and kicked a flight attendant, tried to break into the flight deck, and urged crew members to shoot
him. It took a half-dozen flight attendants to restrain El Dahr, tying him down with flex cuffs, seat belt extenders
and a necktie. On landing in Puerto Rico, El Dahr was arrested and charged with interference with flight crew members
and attendants, a federal crime. What was El Dahr's motive? Authorities have not released their findings yet,
but we know some facts from an affidavit filed by FBI Special Agent William Lopez. El Dahr had attempted an in-flight
phone call and "became angry about the call's unsuccess." About twenty-five minutes later he rushed the cockpit, struggled
with flight attendants, speaking in "Spanish and Arabic," and "one point during the incident, they were able to understand
El Dahr say Allah in a raised tone."
tries to storm JetBlue cockpit, attacks attendant, asks to be shot. A passenger aboard a JetBlue flight from
Boston to Puerto Rico tried to storm the cockpit before choking a flight attendant — and shouted at the pilot in
Arabic and Spanish to shoot him, officials said. Flight 261 was about an hour from San Juan late Wednesday [9/22/2021]
when Khalil El Dahr became enraged after a phone call he tried to make was unsuccessful, according to an FBI affidavit
obtained by ABC News. Some 25 minutes later, he "pulled himself out of his seat and rushed toward the flight deck
yelling to be shot" in Spanish, the document says. The heroic flight attendant pushed El Dahr into a space between the
front row and the galley, the feds said.
Blue passenger chokes flight attendant, storms cockpit, but most media neglect to mention he shouted 'Allah!'
A frightening incident took place Wednesday on a Jet Blue flight from Boston to San Juan in which a passenger assaulted a
flight attendant, broke free of wrist ties once restrained, and attempted to storm the cockpit, with the door open because a
crew member had used the toilet. Although the passenger shouted the name "Allah," nearly all the media reports that I
have been able to find (here, here, and here, for instance) omit that point, and merely state that he was angry about a
failed phone call, and imply mental illness was the root cause of the attack. The Daily Beast's jihad-sanitized account
of the incident at least conveys the overpowering fury of the passenger: [...]
New Zealand
September 3, 2021
knife attack, New Zealand adopts 'knife-control' policy, removes knives from supermarket shelves. New Zealand
truly is the land of sheep. Something has happened there, a mass psychological disturbance that has the populace
supporting a government that reacts hysterically to perceived threats. [...] With its human population emulating its more
numerous sheep neighbors, New Zealand now is making real a joke that has been told for years. In the past, Second
Amendment supporters have joked that if guns are outlawed, people will just turn to knives. "What are yhou going to
do? Outlaw knives?" New Zealand has answered yes!
Zealand knifeman who attacked seven people before police shot him dead can finally be named. The
ISIS-supporting terrorist who went on a stabbing rampage in New Zealand Friday has been named as Ahamed Aathil Mohamed
Samsudeen. The 32-year-old Sri Lankan refugee was shot dead after stabbing five people and injuring two others during
an attack at the Countdown supermarket in New Lynn in west Auckland. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said he was
considered one of the nation's most dangerous extremists and had been watched 24/7 since 2016, adding she was 'gutted' he was
able to carry out the attack despite being on the terror watchlist. Countdown and other stores removed knives and
scissors from shelves Saturday in response to the attack — while Police Commissioner Andrew Coster defended the
action of officers, who took out Samsudeen within a minute of him launching his assault.
Footage Shows The Chaos As Islamic Extremist Stabs 6 In New Zealand Supermarket. New Zealand police on Friday
shot and killed a "violent extremist" who was known to authorities, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said, after he stabbed and
wounded at least six people in a supermarket. The attacker, a Sri Lankan national who had been in New Zealand for 10
years, was inspired by the Islamic State militant group and was being monitored constantly, Ardern said. "A violent
extremist undertook a terrorist attack on innocent New Zealanders," Ardern told a briefing. "He obviously was a
supporter of ISIS ideology," she said, referring to Islamic State. [Video clip]
shot, killed in New Zealand after stabbing 6 in supermarket. New Zealand police shot and killed a 'violent
extremist' on Friday [9/3/2021] after he entered a supermarket in New Zealand and stabbed six people, in what the prime minister called
a "terrorist attack." The man, who was not immediately identified past the fact that he was a Sri Lankan national and had
been previously known to New Zealand's security forces, entered the supermarket around 2:40 p.m., Prime Minister Jacinda
Ardern said, according to The New York Times. She also noted that he "was a supporter of ISIS ideology," Reuters
reported. [...] The man allegedly shouted "Allahu akbar" after entering the store — which translates to "God is
great" and began going after shoppers in the store, witnesses said, the Associated Press reported.
Plano, Texas
August 29, 2021
kills Texas Lyft driver in possible terror-related slaying. A Texas man may have been inspired by foreign
terrorists when he murdered his Lyft driver, then opened fire inside a local police station, authorities said. Imran
Ali Rasheed, 33, was fatally shot by cops in the lobby of the Plano Police Department on Sunday, after he killed 26-year-old
driver Isabella Lewis and stole her car, according to officials. Rasheed, who'd previously been investigated by the
FBI, left a note in Lewis' car that led investigators to believe he was a follower of the "rhetoric" and "propaganda" of an
unnamed terrorist organization, said Matthew DeSarno, special agent in charge of the FBI Dallas office.
Texas Shooting The Start Of A Biden-Fueled Terrorism Surge? A cold-blooded murder in a city northeast of Dallas
over the weekend hasn't exactly made national news — yet. But it could be the first in a new wave of
terrorist attacks spawned by President Joe Biden's disastrous retreat from Afghanistan. On Sunday, the day before the
last U.S. military plane departed the Kabul airport, a gunman shot and killed a Lyft driver in Garland, then drove the car
over to a nearby police station and started shooting at the people inside. The alleged gunman, later identified as
Imran Ali Rasheed, died after police gunned him down. The next day, an FBI official said that Rasheed "may have been
inspired by a foreign terrorist organization to commit these crimes," by which he meant "was inspired by rhetoric or
propaganda by foreign terrorist organizations."
Texas shooter possibly inspired by foreign terrorists. Investigators are looking into whether a Texas man was
inspired by foreign terrorists when he killed a Lyft driver in a Dallas suburb and later opened fire in the police station of
another suburb where officers fatally shot him. Police said Imran Ali Rasheed ordered a Lyft in his home city of
Garland Sunday then fatally shot the driver, Isabella Lewis. Her stolen car was found a short time later outside the
police station in the neighboring community of Plano, where Rasheed began shooting in the lobby before being shot by
officers, police chiefs in both cities said at a Monday [8/30/2021] news conference.
Würzburg, Germany
June 25, 2021
Screaming 'Allahu Akbar' Stabs 3 to Death, Says It's His 'Jihad,' Cops Search for Motive. German authorities
are baffled: a knife-wielding man, identified in the German media as "Jibril A.," stabbed three people to death and injured
five others in Würzburg, Germany, on Friday [6/25/2021]. Police and intelligence officials have no idea why he did
it. Yes, he was screaming, "Allahu akbar!" during his attacks, and yes, he told police interrogators after he was
arrested that he had now carried out his "jihad," but really, what does that even mean? The German-language
Tagesspiegel reported Saturday that "the motive for the fatal knife attack in Würzburg on Friday has still not
been fully clarified." Of course it hasn't. After all, Islam is a religion of peace!
Immigrant Goes On Stabbing Rampage In Germany, Kills 3, Wounds 5. Three people were killed and five seriously
injured in a knife attack in southern Germany on Friday (June 25) by a 24-year-old Somali immigrant, described by officials
as having been placed under compulsory psychiatric treatment in recent days. Police stopped and arrested the attacker
in the town of Wuerzburg by firing a bullet through his thigh. [Video clip]
'kills at least three people and wounds six' in street rampage before German police shoot him in the leg and arrest
him. A Somali knifeman yelled 'Allahu Akbar' before killing three people and wounding six more in a street
rampage before German police arrested him alive, according to local reports. Police identified the suspect, who was
wearing a face mask and is now being questioned in a hospital, as a 24-year-old Somali man living in Wurzburg, Germany.
His life was not in danger from his gunshot wound, a spokeswoman said. The force said multiple people had been killed
and injured, but did not give details. There has been no word yet on the possible motive for the attack.
Wake up, fools! They aren't refugees. They aren't insane. They are Muslim invaders. Somali
knifeman who killed three people at random while yelling 'Allahu Akbar' in German terror attack 'came to Europe as a refugee
in 2015'. Three people were killed in an attack in Germany on Friday by a Somali immigrant, who officials said
was placed under compulsory psychiatric treatment days earlier. The suspect was identified as a 24-year-old Somali
immigrant, who was shot in the leg by police and arrested after the Friday afternoon attack in Wurzburg, Germany.
Police said his life was not in danger and he was being questioned in hospital. The knifeman killed at least three
people and wounded at least five others in the street rampage at Barbarossaplatz in Wurzburg's downtown area, according to
local media reports.
Washington, DC
April 2, 2021
'Follower of Farrakhan' Crashes Capitol Barricade, Charges Cops with Knife. On Friday, a man named Noah Green
crashed his car into a barricade at the U.S. Capitol building, hitting Capitol Police officers, one of whom was killed.
Then Green got out of his car and charged at police officers with a knife. The establishment media was already gearing
up to label the attacker a Trump supporter and treat us to a new round of "insurrection" propaganda when it came to light
that Green was not a conservative or Trump supporter at all, but a black man and a member of the Nation of Islam.
Rather than being an example of "white supremacist terrorism," Green's actions were a disquieting illustration of how the
combination of race-grievance politics with Islam's jihad doctrine can be lethal.
of Islam Calls Supporter Who Assaulted U.S. Capitol 'Brother With Such Great Potential'. The Nation of Islam
said it is investigating what caused one of its followers to stage a deadly assault against U.S. Capitol police last week,
calling the deceased attacker a "brother with such great potential" who could have been a "star in the mission of the
resurrection of our people." The group distanced itself from the attack by its supporter Noah Green, saying it
"absolutely disavow[s] this act that resulted in the senseless loss of life," and indicated that it was looking into a number
of potential explanations for "what caused this" — including mental illness, depression, Green's own claims that
his food was being poisoned, and that he was under "mind control." "I am sure, had [Green] been blessed to come through
the crisis that he was going through, he would have been a star in the mission of the resurrection of our people," said
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. "We need to know what happened to our brother."
the Capitol Building attack a form of jihad? Was the Capitol building attack — where one police
officer was killed and another injured — last Good Friday by Noah Green, a Nation of Islam member, a jihad
attack? Most would say no: the Nation of Islam, they would argue, is a heterodox group that has little to do with
mainstream Islam as it focuses on placing a wedge between "superior" blacks (Allah's people) and "inferior" whites (Satan's
people). Although this is largely true, it overlooks two important facts: the Nation of Islam, as well as countless
other groups regularly dismissed as out of the Muslim mainstream, traces its origins to Islam. More importantly, the
fundamental aspect of almost all of these "fringe" groups — namely, the "us vs. them" element —
is entirely Islamic. This is significant and deserves some exploration.
Green caught on camera buying $300 knife before deadly Capitol attack. Noah Green, the suspect in last week's
deadly vehicle-ramming incident outside the U.S. Capitol, can be seen in newly released surveillance footage shopping for a
knife similar to the one in his possession during the attack. Green, 25, was shot and killed Friday near the U.S.
Capitol after police say he drove his car into two officers at a security checkpoint and then lunged at another while
brandishing a large knife. U.S. Capitol Police Officer William "Billy" Evans, 41, died after being struck by Green's
car. Another officer was hospitalized for serious but non-life-threatening injuries and has since been released.
of Islam mourns 'brother' Noah Green who died while killing Capitol cop. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
said the group is mourning its "brother" who died assaulting Capitol cops last week — saying the cop killer could
have been a future "star" for the movement. In a statement Tuesday [4/6/2021], the Nation of Islam confirmed that Noah
Green, 25, was studying to become a full member — but blamed "potential mental illness" for him plowing a car into
two Capitol cops and then jumping out with a knife on Friday. "I am sure, had he been blessed to come through the
crisis that he was going through, he would have been a star in the mission of the resurrection of our people," Farrakhan said
in the statement. "We need to know what happened to our brother," he said.
notice how the perpetrator is portrayed? The Socialists have their fingers-crossed — oh, please let
the shooter be a white guy! This automatically means the killer is a racist conservative who voted for Trump.
Doesn't matter who he kills. This is their narrative: NEED to stop people like that from buying firearms!
And if he purchased the gun illegally? We require more laws. But what happens when he is an Islamic
Terrorist? First, we can't use those words. Second, regardless of his postings on Facebook or
Twitter — where he is from or worships — We can't infer anything. The shooter can make the most
outrageous Social-Media statements on his beliefs and Allah, but there is still nothing to see here. Ignore it.
Not Real. The Man is Obviously Insane! [Of course]. Anyone who kills a bunch of people isn't going to be of sound
mind. And the sympathetic Liberals will go out of their way to call it a Hate Crime. Work Related Crime.
Anything but an Islamic Terrorist Act.
Quickly Scrubs Capitol Assailant's Facebook Page Praising Farrakhan As Jesus. Facebook quickly removed
self-described "follower of Farrakhan" Noah Green's profile page shortly after media identified him Friday as the assailant
who was shot dead after driving into U.S. Capitol Police officers and lunging at them with a knife. Describing himself
on the since-deleted page as a follower of the Nation of Islam, the 25-year-old Green effusively praised the radical
Farrakhan and his predecessor, Elijah Muhammad, as incarnations of Jesus Christ whose teachings changed his life.
Explaining the social media's company's reason for the deletion, a spokesperson for Facebook told The Daily Wire:
"After this horrific event, our thoughts are with the Capitol Police and their loved ones. We have designated the
incident under our Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, which means we have removed the suspect's accounts from
Facebook and Instagram, and are removing any content that praises, supports, or represents the attack or the suspect.
We are in contact with law enforcement as they conduct their investigation."
Just Another
Mish-Mash Monday. In Washington, a black man, theoretically deranged from repeated football concussions and
exposure to the rantings of Nation of Islam founder Louis Farrakhan, rammed his car into two policemen (killing one) and a
concrete barrier before waving a knife around and getting shot deader than a mackerel. This is a horrible story... but
it's not a big one. A crazy lone wolf did a horrible thing and now he's dead. Yet politicians and the "news"
media are more or less calling this "insurrection two" (ignoring the fact that there was no "insurrection one") and citing it
as evidence that our nation's capital needs to remain a guarded military outpost. Unlike, oh, our southern border.
removes account of Capitol attack suspect and 'Follower of Farrakhan'. Facebook removed the account of the
person identified as the deceased suspect in Friday's attack outside the U.S. Capitol, which killed one U.S. Capitol Police
officer and injured at least one more. Noah Green, said to be a 25-year-old from Indiana, described himself as a
"Follower of Farrakhan" and vocal member of the Nation of Islam. Authorities are investigating the attack and have not
yet announced a motive. Green was identified by numerous news outlets as the man who law enforcement officials say
rammed his car into at least two members of the Capitol Police, smashed the vehicle into a barricade on Constitution Avenue,
jumped out wielding a knife, and was shot and killed by police. All three were taken to a hospital.
Democrats' Farrakhan ties resurface after Capitol attacker revealed as Nation of Islam follower. Several
prominent Democrats are likely to face renewed questions over their ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan after the
suspect in Friday's Capitol attack, which left a police officer dead, was revealed to be a Nation of Islam adherent.
The deceased suspect, Noah Green, included photos and videos of Nation of Islam rallies on his Facebook page and identified
himself on the page as a "Follower of Farrakhan." Green praised Farrakhan, an outspoken anti-Semite, as "Jesus" and former
NOI leader Elijah Muhammad as "the exalted Christ." The most recent post on Green's Facebook page was a YouTube video of
a 2009 Louis Farrakhan speech titled, "The Crucifixion of Michael Jackson." In it, the Nation of Islam leader said Jesus
was not the Messiah and called Christian theology a lie.
Man who attacked police at Capitol, killing one, referenced Nation of Islam on Facebook. Police identify the
man who ran down with a car and killed a Capitol Police officer as Noah Green, a 25-year old man who reportedly referenced
followings of a radical Muslim group, the Nation of Islam, on his Facebook page. That's according to NBC News. It
is not known whether there was a racial motive in the attack by the suspect, who is black, against officer Billy Evans, who
is white; or if anti-police sentiment was a motive. A second police officer was injured in the attack on Friday
[4/2/2021]. Police say law enforcement officials shot Green after he hit the officers in his car, crashed his car into a
barricade, jumped out with a knife, and lunged at them. Green later died of his injuries.
Capitol cop and the knife-wielding 'Nation of Islam' follower, 25, who mowed him down. The knife-wielding
suspect who mowed down two Capitol police officers, killing one and leaving the other critically injured, before being shot
dead has now been identified as a 25-year-old Nation of Islam follower. Noah Green, 25, who described himself as a
'Follower of Farrakhan' and said the federal government was targeting him with mind control on his now-removed Facebook page,
was identified by NBC and the New York Post as the perpetrator behind the deadly attack at the US Capitol Friday. Green
allegedly killed Capitol Police Officer Billy Evans, an 18-year veteran of the force, after mowing him and another
unidentified officer down with his blue Nissan Altima. [...] Posts on Green's now-removed social media accounts spoke of
conspiracies that the FBI and CIA were poisoning him, subjecting him to unauthorized operations and targeting him with 'mind
control'. In one post — just two hours before the attack — Green called the federal government the '#1 enemy of Black
people'. Green also wrote several posts heaping praise on Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan for saving him and
describing him as 'Jesus, the Messiah' and his 'spiritual father.'
Police Say Muslim Attack with a Vehicle and Knife on Police by Farrakhan Supporter Noah Green on Good Friday Does Not Appear
to be Terrorism. One Capitol Police officer died and another was injured after a suspect rammed a vehicle into
a police barricade outside the Capitol building Friday [4/2/2021] afternoon and exited his vehicle with a knife. The
killer, later identified as Noah Green, was shot dead by police at the scene. Noah Green is a devout Muslim and
follower of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. He recently was given an award from the Nation of Islam. Noah
Green committed this terrorist attack on Good Friday, one of the holiest days on the Christian calendar.
Noah Green: 5 Fast Facts. Noah Green,
a former college football player and Nation of Islam adherent, was named as the knife-wielding, now-deceased suspect who
rammed a car into a U.S. Capitol barricade, exiting with a knife and killing one Capitol police officer while injuring
another. Green's Nation of Islam beliefs emerged through a review of his now-deleted Facebook page by Heavy, although
police have not specified a motive and say they don't believe the attack was terrorism-related. On Facebook, as
recently as March 2021, the suspect expressed admiration for Elijah Muhammad, the now-deceased Nation of Islam leader who was
a mentor to Malcolm X. Green referred to himself as "Noah X." [...] He wrote that "my faith is one of the
only things that has been able to carry me through these times and my faith is centered on the belief of the Honorable
Minister Louis Farrakhan as Jesus, the Messiah, the final divine reminder in our midst."
Police Give Briefing on Attack at Capitol: One Officer, Suspect Killed in Incident. As we reported
earlier, a suspect rammed a car into a barrier in front of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. just after 1:00 p.m. and
hit two Capitol Police officers and hit the north barricade along Constitution Avenue on the Senate side of the building.
The suspect then allegedly got out of the car wielding something between a knife and a machete, after which the suspect lunged
at the police officers, and was shot and killed by the Capitol Police. One of the two officers was injured and the other
has unfortunately died at the hospital, according to Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman.
Biden Fails to Condemn Farrakhan Follower Capitol Hill Attack in Statement. President Joe Biden expressed his
sorrow over the death of a Capitol Hill police officer after a violent attack at the Capitol Friday, but he did not condemn
the suspect, who identified himself on social media as a follower of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Biden said
in a statement he was "heartbroken" to learn Officer William Evans of the U.S. Capitol Police was killed in the attack, and
that a second officer was severely injured. But the president made no mention of the ideology that likely inspired the
attacker. Noah Green described himself as a "Follower of Farrakhan" on his Facebook page, according to reports.
Those Armed Protestors at the Capitol — The Georgia Capitol. Sources tell Fox News that the suspect's name is
Noah Green, 25, who is from Indiana but has ties to Virginia. According to a source in law enforcement, Green
identifies himself as a Nation of Islam supporter, and he may have recently lost his job. Law enforcement officials
said terrorism is not suspected. No motive has been established yet, but almost immediately after reports of the
incident appeared on social media, the Left immediately started to blame Donald Trump and the Capitol riot in January for the
incident. According to the suspect's now-deleted Facebook page, he was definitely not a Trump supporter.
Quickly Scrubs Capitol Assailant's Facebook Page Praising Farrakhan As Jesus. Facebook quickly removed
self-described "follower of Farrakhan" Noah Green's profile page shortly after media identified him Friday as the assailant
who was shot dead after driving into U.S. Capitol Police officers and lunging at them with a knife. Describing himself
on the since-deleted page as a follower of the Nation of Islam, the 25-year-old Green effusively praised the radical
Farrakhan and his predecessor, Elijah Muhammad, as incarnations of Jesus Christ whose teachings changed his life.
Explaining the social media's company's reason for the deletion, a spokesperson for Facebook told The Daily Wire:
"After this horrific event, our thoughts are with the Capitol Police and their loved ones. We have designated the
incident under our Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, which means we have removed the suspect's accounts from
Facebook and Instagram, and are removing any content that praises, supports, or represents the attack or the suspect.
We are in contact with law enforcement as they conduct their investigation."
Capitol goes on lockdown after report of gunfire, multiple officers injured. The U.S. Capitol was locked down
on Friday [4/2/2021] after numerous reports of gunshots ringing out in the area surfaced and the alleged shooting of multiple
officers aired. According to U.S. Capitol Police, all Capitol buildings have been locked down "due to an external
security threat." Staff members were informed that they were not to go into or exit the buildings. Those already
inside the Capitol are being allowed to move throughout the buildings but they have been instructed to stay away from
exterior windows and doors. Those that are outside have been told to take cover immediately.
cops injured after car rams barricade outside US Capitol. A maniac slammed his car into two US Capitol Police
officers on Friday afternoon — killing one — before he was shot dead by police while running at them
with a knife, officials said. The mayhem erupted shortly after 1 p.m., sending the building into lockdown and drawing a
massive response from law enforcement authorities and the National Guard. The slain cop was identified by the Capitol
Police as William "Billy" Evans, an 18-year veteran of the force. His killing came less than three months after the
deadly Capitol riot in which a fellow officer, Brian Sicknick, was among five fatalities. The driver was identified as
Noah Green, 25, of Indiana, according to NBC News, which cited four law enforcement officials briefed on the matter.
Green died after being taken to a hospital, as were the two cops mowed down.
of Alleged Suspect in Capitol Incident, Suspect IDed As Alleged Member of Nation of Islam. We reported earlier
about the incident of the car ramming police and then a barricade at the Capitol. Two Capitol Police officers were
injured in the ramming, one unfortunately later died at the hospital, according to a briefing from the Capitol Police and the
Metropolitan Police. They also confirmed that the suspect had been killed as well after he exited his car. The
suspect reportedly lunged at the police with a large bladed weapon and was shot to death.
Journalists Claim That The Capitol Attacker Was A White Trump Supporter, Video Shows That The Attacker Was Young Black
Man. The U.S. Capitol is under lockdown after a car crashed into a security barrier near the building located
on Constitution Avenue. The driver rammed the barrier on the Senate side and exited the vehicle. Capitol Police
shot dead the driver after he jumped out of the car and lunged at them with a knife, Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman told
reporters. Two Capitol Police officers were wounded in the attack, and Fox News is reporting one of the officers has died.
Boulder, Colorado
March 22, 2021
Update: Kings
Soopers shooter, 22, 'who killed 10 people' is deemed incompetent to stand trial after mental health
evaluation. A court-ordered mental health evaluation found the man charged with killing 10 people at a Colorado
King Soopers supermarket unfit to stand trial, but a judge granted prosecutors' request for a second competence
evaluation. The initial evaluation report was not released but, according to a filing by prosecutors last week, state
experts provisionally diagnosed Ahmad Alissa, 22, with an unspecified mental health condition that 'limit(s) his ability to
meaningfully converse with others' and concluded that he is not currently able to assist his lawyers in defending him.
Alissa gave 'superficial responses' to questions about hypothetical legal situations which indicate a 'passive approach to
his defense' and 'potential overreliance on his attorneys,' according to excerpts from the report included in the
prosecution's motion seeking a second evaluation.
Honesty Crisis: How We Talk about Race. Across the country, police paraded out a bloodied Ahmad Al Aliwi
Alissa after he murdered ten people in a King Soopers grocery store. Vice President Harris's niece Meena tweeted
violent white men are the greatest terror threat to the U.S. — before deleting it. Others suggested he
walked out alive because he was white. To Meena's credit, Alissa, for the purposes of race-baiting and identity
politics alone, looks like a fat, balding white man as he limps across the parking lot. Alissa, however, was born in
Syria. (Fun fact: The Biden administration made the call to bomb Syria a month earlier.) The murder of ten
people — a heinous crime — did not quite fit the bill for non-stop media coverage with a brown shooter
and ten white victims.
A big news story from last week is swept into the Memory Hole: Did
Something Happen In Boulder? The point is that I went looking through the media, because whatever it was that
went down was a super-big deal for a while, and then — nothing. Nada. Zip. I guess the media and
the Democrat politicians forgot about what went down in Boulder too. It seems strange though because I recall it was
really important at the time it happened. It's almost like there was some coordinated effort to never mention the event
again. [...] And then, I think, there was some sort of press conference about the person who actually did the bad thing and
... poof! Everything went black — except the part about us having to give up our guns. [...] I'm also a bit
confused because I think I remember that a police officer was murdered, and all those smart setpeople were talking about the
horrible crime of murdering a cop until they suddenly stopped talking about it. I have to confess to having some
confusion about this, because these same people usually seem to hate cops, calling them systemically racist and wanting to
defund them. But once in a while they love cops, like when they can blame their murder on people like us or when the
cops are arresting conservatives for protesting.
secret motive in the Boulder supermarket mass shooting? After Muslim Syrian immigrant suspect Ahmad Alissa, who
is also white, drove about 40 miles from his home to a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado to deliberately slaughter ten
shoppers, employees, and a policeman, all of whom were also white but apparently not Muslim, some Muslims and other wokes
worried about "backlash" against Muslims. [...] Why did Alissa drive so far to this specific supermarket when there are
obviously numerous supermarkets closer to his home? Hmm, maybe because this supermarket is located in an area with a
Jewish population where presumably many were preparing for the upcoming Jewish holiday of Passover — a holiday
known for all types of elaborate special foods. Eager to accommodate its customers, King Soopers market proudly
advertises that it is "Your One-Stop Shop For Kosher Groceries."
FBI so corrupt it lets mass shooters rampage needs to go. The New York Times reported on March 27 that
Syrian-born Colorado mass shooter Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa had been on the FBI's radar before he murdered 10 people in a grocery
store. "The suspect's identity was previously known to the F.B.I. because he was linked to another individual under
investigation by the bureau, according to law enforcement officials," the Times says. According to a police affidavit,
six days before Alissa shot 10 people to death, he purchased a pistol. That would have required him to pass a federal
background check also run by the FBI. It seems the FBI is not very good at this "stopping mass shooters" thing.
Boulder Jihad? Indications are Anti-Semitism Was at Work in Mass Shooting. Let's review what we know.
• Alissa condemned America as a racist and Islamophobic country.
• His family is from Syria, one of the most anti-Semitic countries in the Middle East.
• He drove more than 20 miles from his home in Arvada to Boulder in order to attack the King Soopers store.
That strongly suggests it wasn't a random attack, but a planned attack.
• Why King Soopers? It advertises itself as a "one-stop shop for Kosher groceries."
• The Boulder Jewish community thought of King Soopers as "our grocery store."
• Passover starts this week.
Biden's Gun Control Plan is Really Class Warfare. Two shootings in Georgia and Colorado have reignited the
debate over gun control. Neither neatly fits the Democratic Party's preferred profile: a white male conservative with a
racial motive. The Georgia suspect told police that he acted out of depraved sexual frustration. In Colorado, the
suspect is a devout Muslim whose family emigrated from Syria. He was known to the FBI before the shooting and has a
history of violent behavior, including a 2018 conviction for misdemeanor assault. Rather than conservative media, his
Facebook posts consist of PBS and Washington Post articles.
Shooting Suspect Passed Check in Legal Gun Purchase. The suspect in the Colorado supermarket shootings bought a
firearm at a local gun store after passing a background check, and he also had a second weapon with him that he didn't use in
the attack that killed 10 people this week, authorities and the gun store owner said Friday [3/26/2021]. Investigators
are working to determine the motive for the shooting, but they don't know yet why the suspect chose the King Soopers grocery
store in Boulder or what led him to carry out the rampage, Police Chief Maris Herold said at a news conference. "Like
the rest of the community, we too want to know why — why that King Soopers, why Boulder, why Monday," Herold
said. "It will be something haunting for all of us until we figure that out. Sometimes you just don't figure
these things out. But, I am hoping that we will."
Up Ahmad Al Issa's Islamic Yearnings. As we witness U.S. authorities and the establishment media trying to
de-Islamize the Jihad in Boulder and to obscure the fact that the Jihadist perpetrator, Ahmad Al Issa, is a Muslim migrant
ISIS sympathizer, a vital question confronts us: why does the Left consistently engage in Jihad Denial? Why is it so
invested in denying the Islamic roots of Islamic Jihad? This is, without doubt, one of the most pertinent questions of
our time, especially now with the Boulder Jihad — and its tragic victims — hovering right before our
very eyes.
Shooter Passed Background Check before Gun Purchase. A Colorado gun store owner said Ahmad Al-Issa, the murder
suspect in custody following the supermarket shooting in Boulder, Colo., passed a state background check before buying the
weapon which he used to kill ten people. Al-Issa, who was arraigned in court Thursday [3/25/2021], purchased his AR-15
style weapon at the Eagles Nest Armory in his hometown of Arvada, a suburb of Denver. An arrest affidavit said that the
purchase occurred on March 16 — six days before the shooting. The gun store owner confirmed the affidavit in
a statement, adding that the purchase was approved by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and that the store "will continue
to fully cooperate with law enforcement as their investigation continues."
Shooting Suspect's Lawyer Cites 'Mental Illness' in First Court Appearance. A lawyer for the man charged with
10 counts of murder after a mass shooting at a grocery store in Boulder, Colo., said in court on Thursday [3/25/2021] that
the suspect has an unspecified mental illness. During the first court appearance for the suspect, Ahmad Al Aliwi
Alissa, prosecutors also vowed to file more charges in the next two weeks and said the police were still processing the vast
crime scene at the King Soopers grocery store. Mr. Alissa will continue to be held in jail without bond.
Kathryn Herold, a public defender who is among those assigned to represent Mr. Alissa, raised the possibility that he
had a mental illness when she asked the judge to postpone the next court date.
USA Today
editor fired for tweet blaming Boulder shooting on 'White man', blames 'alt-right Twitter'. A USA Today editor
announced Friday [3/26/2021] that she was terminated over a tweet she posted in reaction to Monday's deadly shooting in
Boulder, Colorado that erroneously blamed a "White man" for the attack. Hemal Jhaveri, who served as the "race and
inclusion" editor of USA Today's Sports Media Group, was one of many liberals who rushed to trumpet their judgment that a
"White man" was responsible for the massacre at a grocery store that left 10 dead. "It's always an angry [W]hite man.
always," Jhaveri wrote in agreement with Deadspin writer Emily Julia DiCaro, who had similarly written, "Extremely tired of
people's lives depending on whether a [W]hite man with an AR-15 is having a good day or not." After police identified the
suspect as Syria-born Colorado resident Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, critics accused Jhaveri and the others who assumed the gunman
was White of racism.
Muslim Terrorist From the Capital of ISIS Shot Up a Supermarket. Biden Blames Guns. Two years ago, Ahmad
Al-Issa shared a post titled, "Why refugees and immigrants are good for America." On Monday, the Syrian Muslim immigrant
shot up a supermarket killing ten Americans. [...] Guns don't kill people. Muslim terrorists do. Ahmad Al-Issa
spent much of his time in America accusing his classmates and everyone around him of being 'Islamophobes'. He repeatedly got
into furious confrontations with the Americans whom he claimed were disrespecting his Islamic religion. The media is
spinning this as a mental illness, but if hating non-Muslims is a mental illness, then it's a common one in his home
country. While Ahmad Al-Issa came to America at a young age with his family, the Al-Issa clan originated from
Raqqa. The name of the Syrian city may not mean much to most Americans, but it was the former capital of the Caliphate
of the Islamic State. Or ISIS.
UTT Initial
Report: Boulder Colorado Shooting.
· Attack: 10 people were shot and killed at the King Soopers Grocery Store in Boulder, Colorado on Monday March 22, 2021 at approximately 2:30 PM MST.
Police arrested the lone gunman on site and identified him as Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, a U.S. citizen born in Syria.
· False Narrative: Alissa's family has publicly stated Alissa has mental health issues and is paranoid.
This narrative has been utilized by family members of jihadis in many of the jihadi attacks in Europe and in the United States for the past 20 years.
UTT assesses this is a deception meant to take the focus off normative and universally taught Islamic doctrine which commands muslims to wage war against
non-muslims until the world is under the rule of "allah's divine law"/sharia in an Islamic State (caliphate).
· UTT's Assessment: The attack in Boulder, Colorado was an act of jihad by Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa.
Alissa was likely taught and trained in the local Boulder area by organizations acting as a part of the hostile North American Islamic Movement.
This network is allowed to operate because local and state police agencies, as well as the FBI, have no knowledge nor understanding of
the doctrine, network, and modus operandi of these hostile actors and organizations nor the grave danger they pose to the communities
they have a duty to protect.
· Details: Alissa's own writings reveal he is a sharia adherent muslim. His numerous writings on
Facebook and elsewhere reveal he is committed to Islam and its doctrinal teachings.
to Stand Up for the Second Amendment More Than Ever. But if you, as in the case of Boulder mass murderer Ahmad
Al-Issa, quickly insist this is entirely a mental health issue, I have a question to ask. Do you think ISIS is entirely
sane when they behead innocent people, put their severed heads on sticks and parade them on television? I hope that's
not sane, because otherwise I don't know what the definition is. Meanwhile, if you want a grim laugh, in the dark
comedy sense, check out the exchange of accusatory and then backtracking liberal/progressive tweets ZeroHedge found on
Twitter about the Boulder event. As ZH's Tyler Durden dryly notes of the horrendous shooting spree, "expect this not to
be classified as terrorism, and the motive to remain unclear for some time."
the Rocky Mountain Shooting Gallery. Another mass shooting occurred this past week in Colorado, a state that
had more than its share of similar shootings over the past few decades. [...] Most people do not visit a high school, movie
theater, or abortion clinic on a regular basis, but virtually everyone goes to the grocery store at least weekly. The
Boulder shooter is 21-year-old Ahmad al-Issa, a Syrian born college student, who arrived in the US via an Obama-era asylum
program. His Facebook page included pro-Islam and anti-Trump messages and likes for Hillary Clinton and Barack
Obama. The shooter's brother described him as "very anti-social and paranoid." A former wrestling teammate said he
once threatened to kill people during a match, "He was kind of scary to be around." He was already known to the FBI, "linked
to another individual under investigation by the bureau" according to the New York Times. Yet this happened under the
FBI's noses. [...] Al-Issa's motive is unknown, or at least unreported. The left-wing Twitter mob immediately blamed
the shooting on a "white man."
Out The Alleged Boulder Shooter Isn't A White Guy — And He Didn't Like Trump. Police in Boulder,
Colorado on Tuesday, revealed the identity of the 21-year-old suspect in custody, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, charged with 10
counts of first-degree murder over a shooting at an area King Soopers grocery story which left 10 people dead including a
police officer. Alissa, according to Facebook posts reviewed by the Daily Beast before they were taken down, was an
anti-Trump Muslim who posted about Islam, prayer, and holidays, in addition to opposing gay marriage and former President
Donald Trump's policies on immigration. Alissa's 34-year-old brother, Ali Aliwi Alissa, told the Daily Beast the
primary suspect in the Monday shooting was mentally disturbed and paranoid. In high school, Ali Aliwi told the paper,
Alissa was "very anti-social" and described "being chased" as if "someone is behind him, someone is looking for him."
Shooter is ISIS Sympathizer, Leftists Hardest Hit. A man murdered ten people in a Boulder, Colorado supermarket
Monday. No details were immediately released about the shooter, but Leftist "journalists," working from a photo of the
shooter, seized upon the shooting to shore up their sagging narrative of "white supremacist terrorism." There was just one
problem: the massacre was actually, after a four-year hiatus, a new incidence of Islamic jihad on American soil. Even
after the shooter's name was revealed as Ahmad Al Issa (which is how he himself wrote it on his Facebook and Twitter
accounts), establishment media reports continued to give his name as "Alissa," which of course is a common first name for
women in the U.S., and thus gives the impression that he is an American non-Muslim. Were "journalists" trying to
obscure the fact that he is a Muslim migrant ISIS sympathizer? Of course they were. And that was after they had
already decided that he was one of those "right-wing extremists" who are, according to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the
"most lethal and persistent" threat the U.S. faces today.
raid Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa's family home in Colorado after Boulder massacre. State and federal agents have
searched the seven-bedroom Colorado home of accused mass shooter Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa on a quiet suburban street —
which neighbors told The [New York] Post descended into chaos after his "disruptive" family moved in over three years ago.
Residents of the residential street in Arvada say they had a rude awakening around 3 a.m. Tuesday, hours before their
21-year-old Syrian-born neighbor was publicly named as the suspect in Monday's slaughter of 10 at a King Soopers store about
30 miles away in Boulder.
Scrubs Page Showing Supermarket Shooter Was Anti-Trump, Pro-Refugee Activist. Facebook scrubbed a page
belonging to Boulder supermarket shooter Ahmad Al-Issa that revealed the gunman was anti-Trump and had promoted pro-refugee,
anti-Islamophobia activism. Al-Issa was arrested after killing 10 people, including a police officer, during a rampage
inside the King Soopers grocery store yesterday afternoon. [...] Journalist Andy Ngo reports that the page also revealed
Al-Issa to be a "deeply religious Muslim."
Mass Shooting Suspect's Anti-Trump Posts Uncovered: Obliterate 'Right-Wing Extremist' Claims. The news
broke on Tuesday [3/23/2021] that the name of the suspected mass shooter in the Boulder, Colorado supermarket incident was
released. The suspect, who is accused of killing ten innocent people, including a police officer, is named Ahmad al
Alissa. "Police have identified the suspect in the Boulder, Colo., shooting as Ahmad Alissa," the New York Daily News
reported. "The 21-year-old is charged with 10 counts of murder in the first degree in connection with the Monday
afternoon shooting at the King Sooper supermarket, police said Tuesday at a press conference." Reports also surfaced
that the Biden administration has been briefed on potential ISIS sympathies.
Shooting Suspect Al Aliwi Alissa Was Short-Tempered, Violent: Former Teammates. The suspect in the mass
shooting in Boulder, Colorado had a short temper and was violent, according to former sports teammates. Ahmad Al Aliwi
Alissa, 21, "was kind of scary to be around," Dayton Marvel, who was on a wrestling team with the suspect, told the Denver
Post. Alissa once threatened to kill people during an especially heated moment, Marvel said. Angel Hernandez,
another former wrestling teammate, recalled how another wrestler at one point teased Alissa, telling him that if he was a
better wrestler, he would have won a match that he lost. Alissa "just lost it" and "started punching him," Hernandez said.
Boulder Mass Shooting Suspect 'Previously Known to FBI'. Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21, the suspected gunman in a
mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado, on Monday, was reportedly previously known to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
because of his ties to another person under investigation. The New York Times reported Tuesday evening [3/23/2021]:
"The suspect's identity was previously known to the F.B.I. because he was linked to another individual under investigation
by the bureau, according to law enforcement officials."
All 10 Boulder, Colorado
Victims Were White. It's Time To End Anti-White Race Hate. The following ten people perished in the
recent shooting in Boulder, Colorado carried out by Ahmad Al-Issa. All of them appear to be white, but neither the
media nor politicians have bothered to resurrect their anti-race-hate campaign that ensues when Black Lives Matter riot, or
when Asians are murdered in Atlanta. The victims include grocery store workers, local college graduates, medicare
agents, a police officer, and an Orthodox Christian. Today, The National Pulse calls on the political left and their
media counterparts to stop the racial hatred they continue to perpetuate against white people, which doubtlessly led to these
murders in Colorado.
mass shooting suspect identified, and he's a Muslim! Police on Tuesday [3/23/2021] identified a 21-year-old
Muslim man, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, as the suspect in the killing of 10 people at a Boulder, Colorado, supermarket. He
is from Arvada, Colorado and has lived most of his life in the U.S. Now we know why it took so long for them to
identify him. Watch how fast this story disappears from the sharia-compliant media. Gee, I wonder what the motive
was? Oh, that's right, it will soon be dismissed as "mental issues."
Ahmad Alissa: Boulder Shooting
Terror Motive Unlikely, Reports Say. Although the motive for the Boulder shooting is still unclear, authorities
do not believe, at least so far, that it's a terror attack, according to reporter Pete Williams, speaking on MSNBC. The
suspect is Ahmad Alissa. Authorities did emphasize that the investigation is in its early stages, however, and the
specific motive is not yet clear. The Syrian-born suspect was named by authorities in a March 23, 2021, press
conference. "Why did this happen?" asked the District Attorney Michael Dougherty. He said that was not clear and
is still under investigation. "We are in the very early stages of the investigation. There is much to learn," he
said. Alissa's Facebook page contained posts that featured quotes from the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. He wrote in
2018 on Facebook, "Muslims might not be perfect but Islam is." He said the Muslim victims of the mass shooter in a
Christchurch mosque were the victims of "Islamophobia."
of Boulder Shooter Released, and the Predominant Narratives Just Got Nuked. As RedState reported yesterday
[3/22/2021], ten people were shot and killed in a grocery store yesterday in Boulder, CO. Details have been sparse up
until this point as is typical in these situations. But now, we have a name, and it nukes just about every prior
predominant media narrative surrounding the shooting. There are few different spellings going around via various
reports, but they are all trying to convey the same thing. [Tweets] I hope you have a neck brace on because you are
about to have whiplash from how quickly the news outlets that have been speculating this was "white supremacy" change their
tune. In fact, I expect this story to largely disappear by the end of the week now. It just doesn't fit the
narrative preferences of the mainstream press.
Reports Reveal Boulder Shooter was Mentally Ill and Suffered Anti-Muslim Bullying; Blue Check Journalists Hardest
Hit. To paraphrase the A-Team's Hannibal, "I love it when a narrative falls apart!" In the case of
the Boulder, Colorado King Sooper shooter, the narrative pushed by legacy media and on the Left is crumbling to dust.
First, there was the typical hot take that he was an angry-white man: [...] Look to the local news stations, as they are the
ones who are breaking stories, rather than parroting press releases. [...] It turns out the shooter is of Syrian
descent. Cue the cries of Middle East terrorism and Islamophobia. Maybe he was radicalized?
The Editor says...
Expect the shooter's family and friends to pretend they're shocked and surprised, claiming the perpetrator was not religious at all, and
must have been mentally ill. Muslims have no qualms about lying, when it will advance their cause. The American
news media doesn't understand this.
Gunman' Boulder 'shooter' Ahmad Alissa, 21, was 'paranoid' and posted about 'racist Islamophobes' before 'killing
10'. The suspected Boulder shooter was reportedly known by the FBI and posted about racist Islamophobes before
allegedly killing 10 including a cop. Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21, has been charged after rampaging through a grocery
store with an AR-15-style rifle, leaving 10 people including police officer Eric Talley, dead. However, according to
the New York Times, Ahmad previously had two run-ins with Boulder cops in 2018 — one on a report of third-degree assault, a
misdemeanor, and one of criminal mischief. It is not clear if he was convicted of a crime. Law enforcement
officials also told the outlet that Ahmad was known by the FBI because he was linked to another individual under
investigation by the bureau. According to a police affidavit from last night, obtained by the New York Post, Alissa
asked to speak to his mom before as he surrendered. Ali Aliwi Alissa, the suspect's 34-year-old brother, told The Daily
Beast that Ahmad was "very anti-social".
Shooter Identified As Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa A 21-Year-Old Trump-Hater And Alleged ISIS Sympathizer. At least 10
people have been killed, including a police officer, in a shooting at a supermarket in the US city of Boulder, Colorado less
than a week after eight people were shot dead in the US city of Atlanta. Police arrested Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21, of
Arvada and charged him with 10 counts of first-degree murder, Boulder Police Chief Maris Harold said at a press
conference. Alissa, who was shot in the leg, was in stable condition at an area hospital and was expected to be
released later Tuesday, officials said. Boulder County District Attorney Michael Dougherty said authorities have not
yet pinpointed a motive, stressing that the investigation is still in its preliminary stages.
Colorado Shooter Identified as Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa, Motive Remains "Undetermined". Boulder, Colorado, law
enforcement have named the suspect in the King Sooper's grocery store shooting yesterday. The shooter is 21-year-old
Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa. [...] And just like that the media will drop the story, because the shooter is not a white male and
subsequently his race and ethnicity does not align with the preferred narrative for gun control suspects.
Mass Shooting Suspect's Anti-Trump Posts Uncovered: Obliterate 'Right-Wing Extremist' Claims. The news
broke on Tuesday [3/23/2021]that the name of the suspected mass shooter in the Boulder, Colorado supermarket incident was
released. The suspect, who is accused of killing ten innocent people, including a police officer, is named Ahmad al
Alissa. "Police have identified the suspect in the Boulder, Colo., shooting as Ahmad Alissa," the New York Daily News
reported. "The 21-year-old is charged with 10 counts of murder in the first degree in connection with the Monday
afternoon shooting at the King Sooper supermarket, police said Tuesday at a press conference." Reports, which haven't
been confirmed, also surfaced that the Biden administration has been briefed on potential ISIS sympathies.
Vienna, Austria
November 2, 2020
terrorist Kujtim Fejzulai took selfie with AK-47, machete before attack. The ISIS wannabe who gunned down four
people and wounded several others in Vienna posted a chilling photo of himself shortly before the rampage —
clutching an AK-47 assault rifle, a handgun and a machete. Kujtim Fejzulai, 20, an Austrian-North Macedonian dual
citizen with a previous terror conviction, shared the image on Instagram as he pledged his allegiance to the jihadists and
their leader, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi, the UK's Mirror reported. The radicalized gunman was jailed for trying
to join the terror group in Syria and was released in December 2019, according to the news outlet.
least 2 dead in 'repulsive terror attack' at multiple sites in Vienna. Terrorists opened fire at several sites
Monday evening [11/2/2020] in central Vienna, including in the area of a major synagogue and the offices of the Jewish
community, killing at least two people and wounding 15. Several suspects were still at large after midnight, Austrian
authorities said. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Interior Minister Karl Nehammer both said the incidents were a
terror attack with multiple perpetrators. "We are victims of a repulsive terror attack in the federal capital that is
still ongoing," Kurz said hours after the gunfire erupted.
Authorities Say a Third Person Has Died in Shooting. A man who had previously tried to join the Islamic State
group rampaged in Vienna armed with an automatic rifle and a fake explosive vest, fatally shooting four people before he was
killed by police, Austrian authorities said Tuesday [11/3/2020].
least two dead and 15 injured in Austrian terror attack. At least two people have been killed and 15 others
injured in six gun attacks and a reported 'suicide bomb explosion' near a synagogue in Vienna on the city's final night
before coronavirus lockdown. A huge manhunt is currently underway for multiple attackers armed with rifles following
the horrific shootings, with the first near the synagogue reported at 8pm local time. One attacker is thought to have
'blown themselves [sic] up' during the rampage with another arrested and one shot dead by police. A police officer is
also thought to have been shot and seriously injured. Vienna mayor Michael Ludwig said 15 people were admitted to
hospital, seven with serious injuries.
Nice, France
October 29, 2020
Imam Proclaims The Teacher Beheaded In France Was "Filthy Excuse For a Human Being". Canadian imam Younus
Kathrada spoke about the re-publishing of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad and the killing of French
schoolteacher Samuel Paty, who was murdered by a Muslim youth for showing them to his class, in a Friday sermon delivered at
Muslim Youth Victoria on October 23, 2020. "In any event, not too long ago, a teacher in France chose to show those
insulting cartoons to his class, at school. And of course, some of the Muslim students who were there were very annoyed
and upset and they objected — as did their parents. They spoke up, but nobody bothered listening to
them. Nobody paid any attention to them." [Video clip]
dead as woman beheaded in knife attack in Nice, France. A knife-wielding attacker shouting "Allahu Akbar"
beheaded a woman and killed two other people in a suspected terrorist incident at a church in the French city of Nice on
Thursday, police and officials said. The attacker was confirmed by French police to have been a 21-year-old Tunisian
national, who entered the country via Italy. However, further details regarding his identity remain unclear.
Muslim Terrorist Attack Shakes France, Three Dead in Stabbing Attack. Three people have died and several others
were wounded following yet another Islamic terrorist attack in France, this time in the city of Nice. Police shot and
detained the terrorist. There aren't too many details about him as of this writing, though it is alleged that he was a
21-year-old male of Tunisian extraction and that he was acting alone.
The Editor says...
Acting alone, really? Was he not egged on by his imam? Was he not a passenger on a ship full of similar invaders posing
as "refugees?" Was he not following the example of numerous other Islamic terrorists in France?
police reportedly stop alleged copycat attack after three killed in Nice. French police foiled another attack
Thursday by stopping a man near a church in a suburb of Paris after he told his father he wanted to "do as in Nice,"
referring to the killing of three people earlier in the day, according to a report. The suspect was arrested near the
Saint-Martin's Church in Sartrouville, were he was believed to be in possession of a knife, Le Parisien reported.
Alerted by the man's father about the alleged plot, police rushed to the scene and arrested the man in his vehicle, according
to the news outlet. The suspect allegedly intended to carry out an attack similar to the one that took place in the
Mediterranean city, where an assailant armed with a knife killed three people.
decapitated and two more killed outside French church in suspected terrorism attack. An armed attacker
shouting, "Allahu Akbar," beheaded a woman and killed two others at a church in the French city of Nice Thursday morning
[10/29/2020], in a suspected terrorism attack, according to officials. The assailant was wounded by police and
hospitalized after the killings at the Notre Dame Church, less than a mile from the site where, in 2016, another attacker
plowed a truck into a Bastille Day crowd, killing dozens. Christian Estrosi, the mayor of Nice, said the attacker, who
has been identified as Brahim Aouissaoui, a 21-year-old Tunisian migrant, had shouted the phrase "Allahu Akbar," or God is
greatest, even after he had been detained, according to the Guardian. He arrived in France earlier this month
after quarantining upon his arrival on the Italian island of Lampedusa in late September.
What You Need to Know About the Recent Islamist Terrorist Attacks in France. Samuel Paty was brutally
decapitated Oct. 16 outside a middle school in a north Paris suburb where he worked. Paty, 47, a history and geography
teacher, was targeted by an 18-year-old Muslim incensed that Paty had shown his class controversial cartoons from the French
satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. The Paty incident would soon become part of a new wave of Islamist violence in
France. On Thursday, a man with a knife entered a church and killed three in Nice, France. One of the victims was
said to be "virtually beheaded" in a similar fashion to what happened to Paty. The suspect, whot and wounded by police,
was reported to have repeated the phrase "Allahu Akbar," the Arabic chant of "God is greater," over and over.
Aouissaoui named as suspected terrorist in knife attack in Nice, France. French officials have identified the
terror suspect in Thursday's horrific fatal knife attack in Nice as Brahim Aouissaoui, a Tunisian migrant who entered France
illegally. The 21-year-old had been in the country for less than a month before he allegedly killed two women
worshippers and a male sacristan at the city's Notre Dame Basilica, The Guardian reported. An image of Aouissaoui in
custody after being shot by police at the scene was provided to the photo agency Backgrid by a police source. He was
shot by police while shouting "Allahu akbar!" moments after the gruesome attack left three dead, and remains in custody.
The Editor says...
Oh! He "remains in custody." How informative. An illegal immigrant, is he? There's a
shocker. A violent Muslim? What are the chances? (Answer: 100%)
Tunisian terrorist poses for photo on the day he arrived in Italy on a migrant boat. Pictured smiling just
weeks before massacring three people at a Catholic church in Nice, this is the face of terrorist killer Brahim Aoussaoui as
he entered mainland Europe. The picture was taken by authorities in the Italian port city of Bari, where Aoussaoui was
taken ashore on October 8 having spent 20 days in coronavirus quarantine — first on the island of Lampedusa, where
he landed on September 20, and then on board the Italian quarantine ship Rhapsody.
The Editor says...
He came to France as an illegal alien, and committed murder six weeks later!
murders three worshippers — including two who were beheaded — Inside Nice church + Gunman screaming
'Allahu Akbar'is shot dead by cops. France has been struck by two terror attacks within hours of each other as
three people were killed — two of them beheaded — in an attack inside a church in Nice before a man
wielding a knife was shot dead by police in Avignon. The first attack began around 9 am at the Notre Dame basilica
in Nice where a knifeman — believed to be a 21-year-old Tunisian migrant — beheaded an elderly female
parishioner and a male church warden, fatally stabbed a second woman, wounded several others, and was then shot and arrested
by police. Two hours later, an armed man threatened people on the streets of Avignon — 120 miles from
Nice — while shouting 'Allahu Akbar' before he was fatally shot by police.
The Editor says...
These guys are immigrants, not migrants. They are in France to stay, not to visit.
They are in France to take over the country, not to assimilate.
Paris, France
October 16, 2020
Claim Samuel Paty Murder Was Staged By French Authorities To Frame The Muslims. In a Friday, October 23, 2020
sermon at Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah North Miami, Imam Fadi Kablawi said that the recent beheading of French schoolteacher Samuel
Paty was "bogus," "fiction," and a "bedtime story." He said that he does not approve of the murder of Paty, but that he does not
believe it was a Chechen who killed him. Dr. Kablawi suggested that French authorities "made up this story" and took
a Muslim prisoner, shot him, and then killed Paty in order to accuse the Muslims of the crime.
Paper Threatens Satirists of Muhammad After Teacher Beheading: 'Don't Take a Pen to a Gunfight'. A U.S.
newspaper that boasts of its links with CNN, the New York Times, and Time magazine has published an opinion
piece which appears to endorse violent reactions to the satirization of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. The
article — which appears to endorse a kind of blasphemy law for protecting Islam from critique or
ridicule — focuses on the Charlie Hebdo magazine's depictions of Muhammad. It comes just days after a
teacher, Samuel Paty, was decapitated by a Muslim refugee for discussing depictions of Muhammad with his class.
Plans to Expel Radicals After Islamist Terrorist Attack. France plans to expel over 200 radical foreigners
after the killing of a French school teacher in what French president Emmanuel Macron called an "Islamist terrorist attack,"
Fox News reported Sunday [10/18/2020]. The 231 alleged radicals were identified by the File of Alerts for the
Prevention of Terrorist Attacks, which French media say is a primary tracker of terrorism within the country. Of the
individuals identified, 180 are currently detained, and French authorities plan to soon arrest the other 51. Paris already
had plans to expel all the radicals listed, but the attack on the French citizen and school teacher accelerated those plans,
Macron's government confirmed. French authorities also said 11 people have so far been arrested in connection with the
Allahu Akbar.
We haven't seen a lot of Islamic terrorism here in the U.S. lately, but yesterday a history teacher was decapitated in Paris:
["]A history teacher who had shown caricatures of Islam's Prophet Muhammed in class was on Friday decapitated and
his assailant shot dead by French police as they tried to arrest him, police and prosecutors said.["] [...] There may
have been a connection to a terrorist group: ["]Prosecutors said they were treating the incident as 'a murder linked
to a terrorist organization' and related to a 'criminal association with terrorists.'["]
Islamist terrorist, 18, filmed moment he beheaded teacher in France. The Islamist terrorist who beheaded a
teacher in Paris filmed the brutal killing and shared a video of the victim's severed head to fellow ISIS supporters.
Aboulakh Anzorov, 18, was shot dead by police shortly after the attack against Samuel Paty in a northern suburb of the French
capital on Friday afternoon after the teacher showed a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed to his class. It has also been
revealed the half-sister of the Russian-born killer travelled to Syria to join ISIS in 2014 and was the subject of an
anti-terror investigation.
'shouting Allahu Akbar' beheads Paris teacher who had shown cartoons of Prophet Mohammed to his pupils. The
French President Emmanuel Macron denounced what he called an 'Islamist terrorist attack' after a teenager shouting Allahu
Akbar allegedly beheaded a school teacher with a knife in Paris. The victim was said to have been a middle school
history teacher who had enraged parents by displaying cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed to pupils. The attacker, whose
identity has not been officially established, was shot by French officers as they tried to arrest him and later died of his
injuries, police said.
The Editor says...
Why the "probe?" Is there any doubt the perpetrator was a Muslim? Is there any doubt that he shouted "Allahu
Akbar" while decapitating someone? Is there any doubt about his motives? What is there to probe?
What will change as a result of the probe? Nothing!
Paris, France
September 25, 2020
in new Charlie Hebdo attack angered by republished cartoons, say Paris police. The man arrested after a knife
attack on two people outside the former offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo told detectives he had been
angered by its publication of cartoons mocking the prophet Muhammad, French media reported yesterday [9/25/2020]. The
suspect, believed to be an 18-year-old born in Pakistan, is thought to have arrived in France three years ago as an
unaccompanied minor. "He was not known to be radicalised," the French interior minister, Gérard Darmanin, told
France 2 television adding that the man was not on the country's security alert list. "He arrived in France three
years ago as a lone minor. We are currently verifying his age," Darmanin added. "Clearly it was an act of
Stabbed in Knife Attack Near Former Charlie Hebdo Offices in Paris. Two people were stabbed on Friday
[9/25/2020] in a knife attack outside the former offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, multiple
outlets reported. Police arrested a suspect shortly afterwards, but did not say whether it was a terrorist
attack. The stabbing comes five years after two terrorists entered the magazine's offices armed with various weapons
and opened fire on magazine staff, killing twelve and injuring eleven. The terrorists targeted Charlie Hebdo because it
had published material mocking Islam and the prophet Muhammad.
probe in Paris as two journalists are stabbed with a meat cleaver near Charlie Hebdo's former offices. A terror
probe is underway in Paris after two journalists were stabbed in broad daylight today near the former offices of Charlie
Hebdo. A man and a woman were seriously wounded after being attacked with a meat cleaver while out for a cigarette
break, although both are expected to survive. Police arrested two men — a 'main perpetrator' and another
suspect — after one was spotted with blood dripping from his clothes near the Opera Bastille and another was
stopped at a Metro station.
Reading, England
June 20, 2020
terrorists have targeted Brits four times in eight months — this must stop. How was it allowed to
happen again? Suspected terrorism on the streets of England by someone who was released from prison just 16 days
earlier. Khari Saadallah, who arrived here from Libya in 2012 and was granted leave to remain in the UK for five years
in 2018, seems to have been a ticking timebomb. Authorities are reported to have known the asylum seeker was an IS
sympathiser who wanted to travel to Syria to fight.
3 victims stabbed to death in U.K. park were reportedly members of the LGBTQ community. All three men who were
stabbed to death in a park near London last week were members of the LGBTQ community, The Guardian reported. On
Saturday afternoon, friends David Wails, James Furlong and Joe Ritchie-Bennett, a Philadelphia native, were relaxing at a
park in the south England town of Reading after attending a Black Lives Matter protest nearby. According to a statement
released by the Thames Valley Police department, officers were called to Forbury Gardens around 7 p.m. after they were
informed that a number of people had been stabbed.
isn't being said about the Reading attack victims. On Saturday evening, Khairi Saadallah went on a stabbing
spree in Forbury Gardens, Reading. His victims were three gay men, James Furlong, David Wails and Joe
Ritchie-Bennett. It has since emerged that the 25-year old suspect, who is now in police custody, came to the UK from
Libya in 2012. He is reported to have come to the attention of MI5 last year as an individual who had the potential to travel
overseas for terrorism purposes. The Security Service apparently decided that he was not an immediate risk. The
families of Furlong, Wails and Ritchie-Bennett might beg to differ on that last point. But who knows. So far
there has been almost no interest expressed in the possible motives of the attacker. Quite possibly there is a mental
health component. In which case I would expect that to be looked into. Quite possibly there will be some
drugs-related component. In which case I would expect the usual voices to demand an investigation into that. But
anything else to see here? Any other reason why a migrant from Libya who was given asylum in the UK might want to go
around stabbing gay men? Well who would even ask such questions? What do you want to find? Bigot.
Dead in Terrorist Stabbing Attack By Libyan Man in a Park Near London. British police are saying that a Libyan
refugee, Khairi Saadallah, is responsible for the terrorist attack in a park in Reading about 40 miles outside of
London. Three people were killed and 3 injured. The attack occurred on Saturday night where people were mingling
in Forbury Gardens after the government lifted lockdown provisions. The attacks were apparently random and brutal.
The Editor says...
Please stop calling these people refugees!
New York City
June 4, 2020
cop-stabber yelled 'Allahu akbar' during attack, police say. The man accused of shooting two cops and stabbing
a third in Brooklyn this week screamed "Allahu akbar!" three times during the unprovoked attack, police said Saturday
[6/6/2020]. Authorities have so far been unable to tie the man, Dzenan Camovic, to any organized terror group, but
there are indications that his alleged tactics and ambush were similar to anti-police attacks in Paris and elsewhere,
according to John Miller, the NYPD's deputy commissioner of counter terrorism. "All the hallmarks that would be out of
the terrorist playbook," Miller said at a briefing from NYPD headquarters in lower Manhattan
joins investigation into ambush on cop in Brooklyn. The FBI has joined the investigation into the ambush on a
police officer with a knife in Brooklyn. The officer was on an anti-looting patrol Wednesday in Flatbush when a man
walked up behind him and stabbed him in the neck, police said, setting off a struggle in which the assailant was shot and two
other officers suffered gunshot injuries to their hands. The FBI is looking into a possible terror connection to the
ambush, according to police. Sources who have seen video of the stabbing told FOX 5 News it was "utterly chilling."
who slashed Brooklyn cop in neck probed for terror links: sources. A man shot by police after he slashed an
officer in the neck in Brooklyn is being investigated for possible links to terrorism, police sources said Thursday
[6/4/2020]. The suspect, 20-year-old Dzenan Camovic, has no criminal history — but the Joint Terrorism Task
Force is investigating his background, sources said, and whether he is linked to ISIS or other terror groups.
arrested in Germany after car hits carnival crowds. Dozens of people have been injured, some of them children,
after a local man appeared to deliberately drive a car into a carnival parade procession in the central German town of
Volkmarsen, police have said. The driver was arrested but police could not immediately provide details about the man's
motives, although Bild newspaper cited a spokesman, Henning Hinn, as saying they were "working on the assumption that it was
a deliberate act". There were several dozen wounded, some with life-threatening injuries and several of them children,
Hinn said.
Pensacola, Florida
December 6, 2019
claims Pensacola jihad massacre, says Saudi airman had been planning for years to attack a US base. "Foreign
nationals participating in U.S. training go through a vetting process. The Pentagon says it includes screening for any
illicit drug activities, support for terrorist organizations, corruption and criminal conduct." Clearly the screening
process is inadequate, in large part because of the Pentagon's denial and willful ignorance regarding the motivating ideology
behind the jihad threat.
Barr: Navy base shooting was terrorism and we need Apple's help to unlock the shooter's phones. It became
pretty clear last month that this is where the investigation was heading, now it has been confirmed. In a press
conference today, Attorney General Barr stated, "This was an act of terrorism." Barr added, "The evidence shows that the
shooter was motivated by jihadist ideology. During the course of the investigation, we learned that the shooter posted
a message on Sep. 11th of this year stating 'The countdown has begun.'" Barr went on to say that the shooter had
posted anti-American and anti-Israeli messages online including just two hours before the attack.
shooting at Pensacola Navy base WAS terrorism says AG Bill Barr - and the Saudi cadet responsible was motivated by 'jihadist
ideology'. US Attorney General William Barr has demanded that Apple unlock two cellphones used by a gunman who
carried out a mass shooting at a Florida military base. Barr made the high profile request at a press conference on
Monday where he branded the attack an 'act of terrorism'. Three American sailors were killed and eight other people
were wounded when Saudi military trainee Mohammed Alshamrani opened fire in a classroom at the US Naval Air Station in
Pensacola on December 6. Alshamrani, 21, who was training to be a naval flight officer, was then killed in a
shoot-out with police.
If they don't disappear first: More
than a dozen Saudi servicemen to be expelled from US after review of December shooting at Naval Air Station.
More than a dozen Saudi servicemen training at US military installations will be expelled from the United States after a
review that followed the deadly shooting last month at a Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida, multiple sources told CNN.
The Saudis are not accused of aiding the 21-year-old Saudi Air Force second lieutenant who killed three American sailors
in the December shooting, two sources said, but some are said to have connections to extremist movements, according to a
person familiar with the situation.
The Editor says...
Every Muslim has connections to an extremist movement.
Corps Authorizes Concealed Carry on Bases Following Recent Shootings. The Marine Corps announced Tuesday that
it was authorizing Marines and civilians in Marine Corps law enforcement roles to carry personal firearms while on base.
Lieutenant General George Smith, Deputy Commandant, Plans, Policies, and Operations, announced in a press release that the
Marines were changing their policy following December shootings at Naval Air Station Pensacola and at Pearl Harbor Naval
Shipyard in Hawaii, which left five dead. "These tragic events prompted Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) to accelerate
existing efforts to develop concealed carry policies," the memo reads.
The Editor says...
Quick reactions and mitigation are great, but how about going upstream toward the problem and eliminating
the threat in the first place by getting rid of the Middle-eastern Muslim vistors?
terrorists could exploit gun law loophole used by Saudi pilot in Pensacola shooting rampage: FBI. The FBI
has issued a warning that would-be terrorists and criminals could exploit the same U.S. gun law loophole that allowed a Saudi
military pilot to legally purchase a handgun he allegedly used in a deadly shooting rampage this month at a Florida naval air
station. The warning was included in an intelligence report released on Monday in which FBI officials said, "This
assessment is made with high confidence." Mohammed Alshamrani, 21, a second lieutenant in the Saudi air force who was
in the United States for flight training, was able to buy a Glock 9 mm pistol from a Florida gun shop by taking advantage
of a federal gun law exception that allows foreign nationals to legally purchase weapons with a valid hunting license.
'No interference' from Saudi in US probe into Navy base attack. A US lawmaker says the Saudi kingdom must
engage in "no interference" in the American investigation into the Saudi aviation officer, who killed three people and
wounded more Friday at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said in a tweet on
Saturday that Mohammed Saeed al-Shamrani "wasn't alone." "Just spoke w Saudi Ambassador Reema Al Saud & received
her condolences," Gaetz tweeted. "I expressed in the strongest possible terms that we expect to conduct our
investigation w full cooperation & no interference from the Kingdom." [Emphasis added.]
300 Saudi military aviation students are grounded in the US in a 'safety stand-down' after the Florida Navy base
shooting. More than 300 Saudi Arabian military aviation students have been grounded as part of a 'safety
stand-down' after a Saudi Air Force lieutenant shot and killed three people last Friday at a US Navy base in Florida.
The FBI has said US investigators believe Saudi Air Force Second Lieutenant Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, 21, acted alone when
he attacked in Pensacola then was fatally shot by a deputy sheriff who was first to respond. The US Defense Secretary
said he had instructed the armed forces to review both security at military bases and screening for foreign soldiers who come
to the United States for training after the shooting.
The Editor says...
I saw this point raised in the comments section on another web site somewhere: Where was the Shore Patrol during this shooting,
and why did the Navy base have to rely on the county sheriff to bring a gun?
Remain As To How Pensacola Guman Got [a] Firearm. Last week was a rough one for the Navy. While gearing
up to commemorate the bombing of Pearl Harbor, we had a shooting there in Hawaii. That was then followed up with a
shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola. The Pensacola attack was more deadly, claiming the lives of three servicemen
there on the base. Now, questions have arisen as to how the gunman, a Saudi national there at the base for training
purposes, got his hands on a firearm in the first place. [...] In other words, while they're decrying loopholes, we still
don't even know how he got his firearm. Did he buy it from a lawful dealer with false identification? Did the
dealer sell it to him illegally? Did he buy it via a face-to-face transfer and tell the other party he was an American
citizen? We simply don't know much of anything. So why do we get these stories? Well, that's because the
purpose of these stories isn't really to inform you of anything.
900 Saudi students grounded in naval air stations throughout the USA. The Pentagon has suspended operational
training for all Saudi military students in the United States, indefinitely halting flight instruction, firing range training
and all other operations outside the classroom after the terror attack last week at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, reports
the NY Times. At least one Saudi student filmed the shooting in which 3 soldiers were killed. The shooter held
radical Islamist and anti-U.S. views, but the investigation as to motive is not complete.
suspends all training for Saudi students in U.S. after Pensacola shooting. The Pentagon on Tuesday suspended
all training of Saudi military officers training in the U.S. as it launched a wide-ranging review Tuesday evening in the wake
of a deadly shooting over the weekend at a base in Pensacola, Florida that claimed the lives of three U.S. sailors. All
operational training of Saudi nationals who are in programs at U.S. military facilities will be halted immediately, and the
review will limit their training to classroom-based only, said a top Pentagon official on a Tuesday evening call with reporters.
The Editor says...
Train them at Guantanamo Bay!
Another Nidal
in a Haystack. Information is still coming out about the horrific shooting at a US naval base in Florida in
which Saudi national Mohammed Alshamrani killed three and wounded many others before being shot dead. Early reports
certainly suggest that this was radical Islamic terror, and that if Alshamrani had been properly monitored, multiple red
lights were flashing prior to his killing spree. All of this puts us in mind of the similar case in which Nidal Hassan
shot up Fort Hood... the investigation of which subsequently revealed the number of warnings that had been overlooked.
searching for unaccounted Saudi nationals following Pensacola shooting. Several Saudi nationals who had contact
with the gunman who killed three at a Naval base in Florida are still unaccounted for, according to authorities.
Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, a 21-year-old Saudi national training at Navy Air Station in Pensacola, killed three and wounded
seven during a shooting rampage that is now presumed to be a terrorist attack. Authorities announced that Alshamrani
had visited New York prior to carrying out the attack and had held a dinner party where he showed footage of similar
shootings. The FBI was already questioning six Saudi nationals who were connected to Alshamrani after two were caught
filming the attack. According to a press conference on Saturday, authorities had contacted four more Saudi nationals,
bringing the total to 10.
says it presumes base shooting was terrorism; gunman was angry at US, Israel. The Saudi gunman who killed three
people at the Pensacola naval base had apparently gone on Twitter shortly before the shooting to blast US support of Israel
and accuse America of being anti-Muslim, a US official said Sunday [12/8/2019] as the FBI confirmed it is operating on the
assumption the attack was an act of terrorism.
gunman reportedly called US a 'nation of evil,' decried support of Israel. A Saudi military student reportedly
condemned the US as a "nation of evil" in an online manifesto prior to opening fire Friday at a US naval base, killing three
people before being shot dead by police. The SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadist media, identified him as
Mohammed al-Shamrani, saying he had posted a short manifesto on Twitter that read: "I'm against evil, and America as a
whole has turned into a nation of evil."
IDs 3 victims of NAS Pensacola shooting; military calls for increased security checks. U.S. Northern Command
(Northcom) has called for increased random security checks at all sites across Northern Command following the deadly
shootings at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii and Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola in Florida. The Navy on
Saturday [12/7/2019] identified the three victims of the NAS Pensacola shooting as Ensign Joshua Kaleb Watson, 23, of Coffee,
Ala.; Airman Mohammed Sameh Haitham, 19, of St. Petersburg, Fla.; and Airman Apprentice Cameron Scott Walters, 21, of
Richmond Hill, Ga. "The Sailors that lost their lives in the line of duty showed exceptional heroism and bravery in the
face of evil," said the Navy chief of information in a statement. "When confronted, they didn't run from danger; they
ran towards it and saved lives. If not for their actions, and the actions of the Naval Security Force that were the
first responders on the scene, this incident could have been far worse."
Naval base killer exploited loophole to legally purchase handgun he used in shooting — despite ban on non-citizens
buying firearms. The Saudi military student who killed three and injured 12 when he opened fire at Navy Station
Pensacola on Friday used a loophole in the law to purchase the handgun he used in the attack. Mohammed Saeed
al-Shamrani, 21, bought the firearm legally from a store in Pensacola by providing the business owner with his hunting
license, sources told NBC on Saturday [12/7/2019]. Non-citizens are prevented from buying firearms, unless they are in
possession of such a license. The New York Times has reported the handgun as being a Glock 45 9-millimeter with an
extended magazine.
shooter held a mass shooting video party, plus an online rant pointing to terrorism. No one was ready to jump
to any conclusions yesterday but the gap between what we suppose and what we know is getting a lot smaller. The AP
reports that shooter Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani held a party to watch mass shooting videos earlier this week. Other
Saudi pilot trainees were at the party: [...] Obviously this raises all sorts of questions, starting with this one:
Were other people in on this plan? My first thought was that obviously the guy filming the building knew what was
coming and was set up to record it for propaganda purposes. That could be the case but it's also possible he heard a
commotion and took out his phone. It's incriminating but not absolutely clear... yet.
hunt for missing Saudi servicemen as it's revealed Pensacola Naval base killer hosted dinner party to watch mass shooting
videos. US Northern Command, also known as NORTHCOM, sent out an advisory calling for an increase in security
checks on Saturday night, according to Fox News. It comes as the FBI continues to hunt for several Saudi military
students from Pensacola, who have seemingly vanished in the wake of Friday's attack. Fellow Saudi Mohammed Saeed
al-Shamrani, 21, killed three and wounded 12 others at the base before he was shot dead by police. Investigators have
now detained 10 Saudi military students from the base — a number revised up from six — but several others remain
unaccounted for. Authorities have not revealed the number of Saudi students they are still looking for, and they have not stated
whether they are a risk to the public.
Military Installations Make U.S. Troops Sitting Ducks. The Associated Press reported that the Pensacola gunman
was an aviation student from Saudi Arabia, and NBC News reported that the gunman's name was Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani.
He used a handgun to carry out his attack. Pertinent to news of this horrific firearm-based attack is the fact that
Naval Air Station Pensacola is a gun-free zone. Breitbart News reported the air station's gun-free status shortly after
the attack. [...] In other words, men and women who have signed up for years of service to use advanced weaponry —
including fully automatic weapons, guided missiles, drones with precision striking capability, and numerous other
mechanisms — are forbidden from carrying a handgun on the station for self-defense.
Pensacola Shooter Was a Saudi Arabian Aviation Student. A U.S. official has identified the shooter at the Naval
Air Station in Pensacola Friday morning as a Saudi Arabian aviation student. Authorities are investigating if the
shooting was terrorism-related. The shooting was the second at a U.S. Navy base this week. Escambia County
Sheriff David Morgan says 11 people were shot in Friday's attack, four of whom died, including the shooter.
Jihad Massacre Proves We've Learned Nothing Since the Fort Hood Attack. Second Lt. Mohammed Saeed
Alshamrani, an aviation officer in the Saudi Air Force, opened fire at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla., on Friday,
killing four people and wounding many others. In doing so, he showed yet again that the prevailing politically correct
obfuscation and denial regarding the jihad threat is not only wrong, it's dangerous. If we had a realistic approach to
the jihad threat, Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani's victims would be alive today. Before he embarked upon his killing spree,
someone who appeared to be Alshamrani ranted on Twitter about the evils of America. [...] This statement, if it did indeed
come from Alshamrani, as appears likely, makes clear that he was a jihad terrorist. He was killing because of America's
supposed crimes against Muslims; that rules out the alternative explanation for his acts, that he was lashing out after some
negative incident or mistreatment at the Naval Air Station.
student watched mass shooting videos during dinner party before Florida naval base attack: report. The Saudi
national who killed three people Friday morning after opening fire in a classroom at a naval air station in Florida
reportedly hosted a dinner party earlier this week where he and several others watched videos of mass shootings, a U.S.
official said Saturday [12/7/2019]. Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, who was identified as a member of the Saudi military participating
in a flight training program for foreign military personnel at Naval Air Station Pensacola, was killed by law enforcement after he
fatally shot three people in what investigators are trying to determine was an attack motivated by terrorism.
6 Saudi nationals
detained for questioning after NAS Pensacola shooting: official. Six Saudi nationals were detained for
questioning Friday near a naval air station in Pensacola, Fla., after a Saudi gunman opened fire there, killing three people
before being shot dead by officers, a senior U.S. official told Fox News. The FBI, which is leading the investigation
into the shooting — which took place Friday morning at Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola in Florida —
declined to reveal the identity of the shooter in the early stages of the investigation, but a U.S. official told Fox News
the gunman was an aviation student from Saudi Arabia named Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani.
Vu: Pensacola Shooter Was Saudi National in U.S. for 'Flight School'. Four people are dead, including the
assailant, after a shooting at a U.S. Navy base in Pensacola, Fla., on Friday. According to anonymous officials and
Gov. Ron DeSantis, the suspect was a Saudi Arabian national in the U.S. for flight school. That sounds familiar...
Nineteen of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Arabian nationals, and most came to the U.S. for flight training. Three
hijacker-pilots, Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah flew to south Florida for fight training about a year before
the horrific September 11, 2001 attacks.
Saudis are arrested over Pensacola naval base shooting including three who filmed the attack. The Air Force
trainee who killed three and injured eight when he opened fire at a naval base in Florida assailed the United States as 'a
nation of evil' before he went on his shooting rampage, AFP reports. The man, first identified by NBC News as Saudi
national Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, opened fire inside a classroom at Naval Air Station in Pensacola early Friday
morning. Police quickly responded to the scene and he was shot dead. US officials, who spoke on condition of
anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation, said the suspect was a second lieutenant attending the aviation school at the
base. Meanwhile six other Saudi nationals were arrested near the base shortly after the attack, as investigators began
to probe a terror link.
US official: Pensacola shooting
suspect was Saudi student. U.S. law enforcement officials were digging into the background of the suspected
Florida naval station shooter Friday [12/6/2019], to determine the Saudi Air Force officer's motive and whether it was
connected to terrorism. As questions swirled about the shooting, which left four people dead, including the attacker,
officials identified the suspect as 2nd Lt. Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, an aviation officer in the Saudi Air Force.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.
The Hague (again!)
November 29, 2019
minors hurt in stabbing in The Hague, police search for suspect. Three people were wounded in a stabbing in The
Hague's main shopping street Friday night, and police were searching for at least one suspect, authorities said. The
three people injured were minors, Dutch police said, without commenting on the severity of their injuries. Police
spokeswoman Marije Kuiper told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that it was still too early to say where a
terror motive was to blame for the attack. Police were "keeping every scenario open," Kuiper said.
The Editor says...
This is exactly what the police would say if they knew the incident was an Islamic terrorists attack but were afraid to say so.
Dutch police arrest
homeless man as suspect in Hague stabbings. Dutch police have arrested a homeless man and brought him in for
questioning, suspecting that he was behind the stabbing of three teens in The Hague, Netherlands, during Black Friday
shopping. Dutch police haven't released the 35-year-old man's identity, and the motive for the stabbing remains
unknown. "We are keeping all scenarios open," a statement from police said.
The Editor says...
Obviously this is a cover-up. Whenever someone goes "insane" and stabs a bunch of random strangers, especially unaccompanied women,
but including anyone within reach, it's all but certain to be the work of an Islamic terrorist. Why? Nobody else acts
like that.
hunted in The Hague after three children wounded in stabbing in main shopping district. Three children were
wounded in a stabbing on a shopping street in The Hague early Friday evening, Dutch police said, adding that they were
seeking a suspect. National broadcaster NOS said the attack could not immediately be attributed to terrorism.
Police launched a manhunt after the attack, which took place on a busy shopping street near the city's historic centre.
The area was cordoned off and dozens of police and ambulances were on the scene.
London (again!)
November 29, 2019
Bridge Attack Demonstrates the Defects of Diversity Cult. Over an otherwise peaceful Thanksgiving, the only
news that really stood out was a terrorist knife attack in London. Two people were killed by an Islamic
terrorist. The capstone of the attack was a dramatic and improvised takedown of the terrorist by some locals, who used
a fire extinguisher and ... a narwhal tusk. In the end, police shot and killed the attacker. Of course this is
not London's first brush with Islamic terror. In 2017, a similar stabbing attack occurred at London Bridge, killing a
policeman. Manchester suffered from a bombing attack during an Ariana Grande concert in 2017. In 2013, terrorists
beheaded a British soldier in broad daylight. In 2005, London endured a spate of bombing attacks, in which 52 were killed.
London Terrorist Attack Shows Rehabilitative Justice Doesn't Work. The British police force was severely cut
under prime ministers Tony Blair and David Cameron, the British version of the liberal-neocon duopoly who, just like their
American counterparts, believed in the transformative nature of justice. Transform they did, although not criminals and
terrorists. Instead they transformed their countries for worse. The British police force is kneecapped by its own
ruling class, the product of its new woke elite, complete with crackpot theories and activist impulses. The U.K. death
penalty was removed due to the liberal empire. Police patrols were de-sexed — mom and dad duos, as some
Brits call them. Now U.K. police are represented by a middle-aged, overweight, balding man and a plump woman in comical
fluorescent jackets, looking more like road repair workmen than law enforcement officers, standing on street corners looking
bored as they do their daily hours. In police stations, woke officers are more interested in checking mean tweets and
dancing during LGBT parades than in catching criminals.
Deadly Superstitions
in London. Last week, Usman Khan attended a conference at Fishmongers' Hall, a grand location in Central
London, marking the fifth anniversary of a rehabilitative program for prisoners called Learning Together, run by Cambridge
University's Institute of Criminology. Suddenly, Khan, wielding a knife and wearing an imitation suicide-bomber's vest,
went on a rampage, killing a graduate of the Institute who helped run the conference and a volunteer worker at the event,
also a Cambridge graduate, as well as injuring three people. If Khan had not been stopped on London Bridge by others
attending the conference [...] he would have killed others.
in London knife attack had been lecturing woke university leftists all about criminal justice 'reform'.
Friday's London Bridge terror attack by a fanatic Islamist with knives — and not the first one on that
bridge — was a case study in all kinds of things that have gone wrong as blue-city politics and leftist reform
agendas take over. Who let this beast into the country at all? Why, even after one terror attack attempt, was he
let out of the can on parole, with only an ankle bracelet to monitor him? It was obviously a waste of time. Why
was he not booted back to his hellhole of origin, first plane out? Why were the cops, that everyone's supposed to rely
on in lieu of guns, not around? Why did it take bystanders, one "armed" with a whale tusk taken from a decorative
display on a chowhouse wall, and another wielding a fire extinguisher, to knock the beast down? Why don't bystanders in
London have access to guns?
WAS Usman Khan free to kill? Row after terrorist was automatically let out under Labour law. A furious
political row broke out today after it was revealed that the London Bridge terrorist was released automatically from prison
last year. Usman Khan, 28, was sentenced in 2012 after being arrested in 2010 for terrorism offences for his part in an
al Qaeda-inspired terror group that plotted to bomb the London Stock Exchange and kill Boris Johnson. The
Stoke-on-Trent-based radical, along with two co-conspirators, originally received an indeterminate sentence for public
protection with a minimum of eight years behind bars, meaning he could be kept indefinitely if he continued to pose a risk
to the public.
Chef Used 5 Foot Narwhal Tusk to Help Bring Down London Bridge Terrorist. There is a lot of background
information surfacing about the London Bridge terrorist Usman Khan and the attack he carried out yesterday in the U.K.
However, one of the epic heroes who took down the terrorist is worth a highlight. A Polish chef named Lukasz was
working at Fishmongers Hall near the scene when he saw the terrorist attacking. Lukasz grabbed a 5 foot narwhal
whale tusk from the wall and used it as a makeshift lance while another bystander used a fire extinguisher to confront and
ultimately take down the attacker.
Bridge Terrorist Kills Two, Five Wounded — Knife Wielding Jihadist Stopped by Public. Two people
were killed and up to five more stabbed as a terrorist used two knives to attack the public in London, England. The
attack happened near (and on) the London Bridge and the terrorist wore a dummy explosives vest. Members of the general
public tackled and disarmed the terrorist until police arrived moments later and shot him. British authorities have
confirmed the attack was a terrorist incident. London Mayor Sadiq Khan has promised the British people he will write a
strong letter of condemnation.
Bridge terrorist Usman Khan was automatically freed after serving seven years. The London Bridge terrorist who
stabbed two people to death in a horrific knife rampage yesterday sent a grovelling letter from prison begging to be sent on
a deradicalisation course during his sentencing for his first terror offences, it has been revealed. Usman Khan, 28,
was jailed in 2012 for his role in an al Qaeda-inspired terror group that plotted to bomb the London Stock Exchange and the
US Embassy and kill Boris Johnson. In an old letter from 2012, unveiled today, the terrorist begged to be shown mercy
and asked for a course to be arranged so that he could 'properly learn Islam and its teachings, and I can prove I don't carry
the extreme views which I might have carried before.'
Bridge stabber Usman Khan faked being a reformed jihadist. The London Bridge stabber masqueraded as a reformed
jihadist, claiming his terrorist days were behind him and begging to be de-radicalized. Yet less than a year after
convicted bomb plotter Usman Khan was released from prison, having served only half of a 16-year sentence for his part in an
al Qaeda scheme to blow up London landmarks, he killed two people, including a young coordinator of the rehab program he so
wanted to join. Another staff member of the program, called Learning Together, was killed, and three others were wounded.
killed in London Bridge terror attack. Two innocent members of the public have died after a knifeman went on a
rampage this afternoon in London. Armed police shot dead a knifeman wearing a fake suicide vest today after he stabbed
up to five people in a shocking terrorist attack as frightened crowds fled the scene. Witnesses on the scene said the
man had been brandishing two knives and had attacked people on the north side of London Bridge before running into the centre
at around 2pm.
Bridge suspect had prior 'Islamist terrorism' conviction: report. A man accused of stabbing to death two people
and injuring three more in London has a previous conviction for an "Islamist terrorism-related offense" — and was
wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet when he carried out Friday's attack, according to a report. The
man — who was shot dead after being wrestled to the ground by bystanders in what British police called a
"terrorist incident" — has a criminal history that includes a conviction for that unspecified offense, according
to the Telegraph. The madman, whose name has not yet been released, was sprung from prison about a year ago after
agreeing to electronic monitoring, per the report, which cites anonymous government sources.
Bridge stabber belonged to jihadist group that admired Hitler, plotted to bomb US embassy. The knife-wielding
terrorist who was subdued by civilians, then shot dead by police on London Bridge on Friday [11/29/2019] was a paroled bomb
plotter who once hoped to start a jihadist training camp in Kashmir — and whose fellow Islamists admired Hitler
and downplayed the Holocaust. At the time of Friday's attack, Pakistan native Usman Khan, 28, had been free a year
after serving just half of a 16-year sentence for plotting with eight others in 2010 to bomb such London landmarks as the
stock exchange, American embassy, and Westminster Abbey. He was still wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet when he
went berserk with two long knives after speaking about his own "rehabilitation" during a Cambridge University-sponsored
criminal justice conference in London, killing two and injuring three.
The Editor says...
Was he really "berserk," or was he merely acting in accordance with his violent Muslim religion?
of London Bridge terror suspect was 'mistake,' PM Boris Johnson says. Friday's stabbing attack on the London
Bridge that left two people dead and three others wounded had British Prime Minister Boris Johnson arguing afterward that it
had been a "mistake" to grant an early release to the suspect, an ex-convict who was shot and killed by police. Johnson
said he had "long argued" against allowing "serious and violent criminals to come out of prison early." "It is very
important that we get out of that habit and that we enforce the appropriate sentences for dangerous criminals, especially for
terrorists, that I think the public will want to see," Johnson said.
Bridge hero used Narwhal tusk to help stop attacker. A hero bystander who was inside a nearby historic hall
when the London Bridge stabbing unfolded Friday ripped a five-foot Narwhal tusk from the wall to help neutralize the
knife-wielding madman, a witness said. The unidentified man can be seen on footage of the stabbing Friday in London
hovering over the suspect with the massive tusk as others attempt to disarm the assailant. Witness Amy Coop tweeted
that she was with the man at Fishmongers Hall when attack occurred shortly before 2 p.m. "A guy who was with us
at Fishmongers Hall took a 5' narwhal tusk from the wall and went out to confront the attacker," she wrote.
police shoot 'knifeman' on London Bridge as panicked passers-by flee in terror. Armed police shot a man on
London Bridge today [11/29/2019] in an incident that has left one person dead and up to five people injured as Scotland Yard
said they are treating it as 'terror-related'. Dramatic video filmed at the scene around 2pm this afternoon shows at
least four people struggling with a man on the ground before armed police officers step in.
Paris (again!)
October 3, 2019
The Editor says...
Notice a few things about the press coverage of this Islamic terrorist attack:
Did the man say anything, for example, Allahu Akhbar, while he went around stabbing people? Are the police
really baffled about his motives, as they usually pretend to be, or are the prohibited from saying what they know?
News coverage also omits or suppresses the fact that the perpetrator was stopped by someone with a firearm. The incident
took place in a police station, so why wasn't the man shot immediately?
Paris Jihadi's Coworkers Knew He Was Dangerous, But Remained Silent. Last week a Muslim employee of the Paris
police, Mickael Harpon, stabbed four of his coworkers to death in the offices where he had worked for years. After
initially issuing the usual claims that Harpon's motive was unclear and that he had no connection to Islamic jihad terror,
French authorities admitted that Harpon had a long track record of arousing suspicion about his jihadi sentiments. But
nothing was done. And the fault of that lies squarely at the feet of the Left. French President Emmanuel Macron
said that it was "inconceivable and unacceptable" that Harpon was able to perpetrate a jihad massacre "in the very place
where we pursue terrorists and criminals." But it wasn't really inconceivable at all, and in modern-day France, after Macron
and his colleagues finish thundering their denunciations, such attacks are unlikely to remain in any genuine sense unacceptable.
Serious Malfunction" - How French Intelligence Overlooked The Terrorist In Their Ranks. It's an alarming
oversight with terrifying implications: The intelligence unit of Paris Police somehow overlooked a radicalized Islamic
convert within their own ranks. Last week, the troubled individual in question carried out an attack inside Paris
Police headquarters that ended with four victims stabbed to death, while the attacker was shot down by his former
colleagues. WSJ has the full the story of how Micka'l Harpon, the 45-year-old attacker in question, evolved from a
quiet IT expert into a disaffected convert to Salafism — a fundamentalist version of Islam that is widely
credited as the inspiration for Al Qaeda and other terror groups.
France's Homegrown
Terrorism. This time, the terrorist did not use firearms; his victims were not unarmed children, cartoonists or
Jews but policemen. [...] The assailant, Micka'l Harpon, born in the French Caribbean island of Martinique, was shot and
killed after stabbing four people to death with a ceramic kitchen knife during the lunchtime assault at the Paris police
headquarters. Harpon, a civilian IT specialist in the intelligence division holding high-level security clearance, had
worked for the police for 16 years. First he killed three men in the intelligence division, then he stabbed two female
police employees in a stairwell (one died from her wounds) before he finally was shot and killed in the building's courtyard.
Harpon was a longtime convert to Islam and a conscientious attendee of his local mosque, where he attended morning and evening
prayers. A radical imam who was nearly expelled from France officiated there.
France: Four Police Officers Stabbed to Death in Paris HQ. Four police officers have been stabbed to
death at a headquarters building near the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, France. The perpetrator "was involved in an
argument with someone and then erupted in anger, targeting other police colleagues before being neutralised," according to a
source quoted by The Sun.
worker kills four colleagues in stabbing frenzy at Paris police headquarters. A knife-wielding man working at
police headquarters in central Paris went on a rampage on Thursday, stabbing and killing four employees before himself being
shot dead, officials say. A fifth person who was critically injured was being treated in hospital after what was the
deadliest attack on police in France in years. Paris prosecutor Remy Heitz said that the attacker, a 45-year-old
employee from the IT department in the police intelligence section, had killed three men and a woman before being killed in
the courtyard of the square stone building on the Ile de la Cite. [...] "Did he snap, or was there some other reason?
It's still too early to say," Loic Travers, head of the Alliance Police union for the Paris region, told BFM television.
knife attacker who killed 4 in police headquarters had converted to Islam: report. The deranged employee who
stabbed four people to death — including three cops — inside a Paris police headquarters had converted
to Islam 18 months ago, according to a report. The 45-year-old deaf IT worker — identified in media reports
as Michael Harpon attacked three members of the police force's intelligence division Thursday inside two ground floor offices,
then went into a stairwell and assaulted two women, French newspaper Le Parisien reported. One of the women survived and
underwent emergency surgery after the attacks. She was listed in critical condition.
Miami, Florida
July 17, 2019
sentenced to 3 years in prison for sabotaging American Airlines jetliner. A veteran airline mechanic was
sentenced Wednesday [3/4/2020] to three years in prison for sabotaging an American Airlines jetliner with 150 people aboard
in a bid to earn overtime fixing the plane. In sentencing 60-year-old Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, U.S. District
Judge Marcia Cooke said she found no evidence to support allegations that Alani had links to the Islamic State extremist
group or any terrorist organization.
The Editor says...
Earlier reports said "the guy had ISIS video on his cell phone." (See below.)
Yet the judge "found no evidence" to link him to a terrorist organization.
American Airlines mechanic
pleads guilty to sabotaging plane at Miami International. An American Airlines mechanic accused of sabotaging a
navigation system on a Miami flight with 150 passengers aboard pleaded guilty Wednesday [12/18/2019] to attempting to destroy the aircraft
in a plea agreement designed to avoid a maximum sentence up to 20 years in prison. "I do admit the guilt," Abdul-Majeed
Marouf Ahmed Alani, 60, said through an Arabic interpreter in Miami federal court.
Airlines mechanic pleads guilty to sabotaging plane in Miami: reports. A California mechanic who worked for
American Airlines for more than 30 years has pleaded guilty to tampering with an aircraft in a deal to avoid a maximum
sentence of 20 years in prison, according to reports. Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, 60, admitted using a piece of
foam to sabotage the plane's air module system — which reports aircraft speed, pitch, and other flight data to
pilots — on a July 17 flight from Miami to the Bahamas with 150 passengers aboard the aircraft. "I do admit
the guilt," he said through an Arabic interpreter in Miami federal court Wednesday [12/18/2019], according to the Miami Herald.
Accused of Sabotaging American Airlines Jetliner Has Ties to ISIS. The mechanic accused of sabotaging an
American Airlines jetliner back in July was found to have had violent Islamic State videos on his cellphone, as well as
desire for Allah to hurt non-Muslims, new evidence unveiled at his bail hearing revealed on Wednesday [9/18/2019].
Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, according to prosecutors, has ties to ISIS through his brother in Iraq. The
60-year-old Alani was charged earlier this month with willfully damaging or disabling a plane. The Boeing 737, which
had 150 passengers and crew aboard, did not take off and no one was injured.
ISIS aircraft mechanic caught trying to disable the same system that brought down two other 737s? They're still
out there. And it was quite disturbing to learn that, contrary to what the press had so smarmily assured us about a
supposedly disgruntled aircraft mechanic who got caught trying to disable a Boeing 737, the guy had ISIS video on his cell
phone. [...] Up until now, the press had been assuring us that the whole thing was a labor issue, citing officials.
Mechanic Accused of Sabotaging Plane Had ISIS Video on His Phone. [Scroll down] One thing doesn't
necessarily have anything to do with the other. Yeah, this guy sabotaged a plane. And, also, in addition to but
unrelated to that, he also had ISIS propaganda on his phone. Apples and oranges. Oh, and Alani's phone also had a
news story about a plane crash in Indonesia last year, with specific information about the plane's airspeed control
system. The same thing he was caught tampering with. But whatever. It seems much more likely that this guy
tried to bring down an airliner so he could get more overtime. That sounds about right. Right?
Guy Did Something — Judge Denies Bail for Sketchy Airline Mechanic Caught Tampering With GPS. After
disclosing his prayers of death for the infidels; and after telling investigators he was acting on behalf of his "evil side";
and after finding out his brother is a member of ISIS in Iraq; and after finding pro-ISIS propaganda videos on his cell phone
celebrating ISIS mass murders, which he shared with friends and family; well, U.S. justice officials and the FBI now suspect
a more "disturbing" motive behind airline employee Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani who was caught tampering with the
American Airline GPS system.
Job Americans Just Won't Do: Sabotaging American Airlines Jets. I mentioned about ten days ago in "Time
for a National Immigration Safety Board" the case of the Iraqi mechanic in Miami who sabotaged an American Airlines
jetliner. At the time it was said to be Totally Not Terrorism. Instead, he was just trying to get some overtime
hours by creating a problem he would need to fix. Now, the NY Post is reporting that this guy may have had mixed
motivations: [...]
who tampered with jetliner has ties to ISIS: feds. The American Airlines mechanic who disabled a key navigation
system on a jetliner leaving Miami — saying he did it over a labor dispute — had grisly ISIS propaganda
videos on his cellphone, federal prosecutors said in court on Wednesday [9/18/2019]. Prosecutor Maria Medetis said that
when investigators grilled the mechanic, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, after his arrest on Sept. 5, he told them he had an
"evil side" and that he "wanted to do something to delay" the plane, which had 150 people onboard, the Miami Herald
reported. But a co-worker told investigators that Alani had once said his brother was a member of ISIS, and that he
traveled to Iraq in March to visit him.
The Editor says...
Why oh why, in the aftermath of the Islamic terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001, do airline passengers have to undergo meticulous screening
before boarding an airplane, and yet the airline has no problem hiring a guy named Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani to maintain the
airplanes? Isn't that a position that requires an extensive background check?
video found on phone of airline mechanic accused of sabotaging airplane in Miami. An American Airlines mechanic
accused of sabotaging an airplane in Miami this July reportedly had Islamic State-sponsored video content on his personal
phone. Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani was accused earlier this month of inserting an object into the navigational
system of the airplane that would tamper with airspeed readings. The plane detected the mechanical error shortly before
taking off from Miami to the Bahamas and was promptly taken out of service, forcing 150 passengers to deplane and seek out
other methods of travel.
American Airlines
mechanic shared 'disturbing' ISIS videos, told agents he had 'evil side,' prosecutors say. An American Airlines
mechanic accused of sabotaging a plane in July reportedly told arresting agents he had an "evil side," a nefarious persona
prosecutors sought to expose Wednesday as they presented alleged evidence of his Islamist sympathies — and
aspirations — at a bail hearing in Miami. Prosecutors said Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani allegedly
displayed support for ISIS by making statements about wishing Allah would use "divine powers" to harm non-Muslims and sharing
ISIS videos on his cellphone — which he allowed the FBI to search. One of the videos showed a person being
shot in the head, according to prosecutors.
Airlines Mechanic Accused of Sabotaging Flight Came to U.S. from Iraq. An American Airlines mechanic who is
accused of sabotaging a commercial flight originally arrived in the United States from Iraq, Breitbart News has confirmed.
On Friday [9/6/2019], federal court records revealed that Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani allegedly tampered with a navigation
system on a plane filled with 150 passengers set to take off from Miami, Florida and bound for Nassau, the Bahamas on July 17[.]
American Airlines mechanic
in Miami charged with sabotaging plane. An American Airlines mechanic was arrested Thursday [9/5/2019] on a sabotage
charge accusing him of disabling a navigation system on a flight with 150 people aboard before it was scheduled to take off
from Miami International Airport earlier this summer. The reason, according to a criminal complaint affidavit filed in
Miami federal court: Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, a veteran employee, was upset over stalled union contract
negotiations. None of the passengers and crew on the flight to Nassau were injured because the tampering with the
so-called air data module caused an error alert as the pilots powered up the plane's engines on the runway July 17,
according to a criminal complaint affidavit filed in Miami federal court.
The Editor says...
Yeah, right. He may claim now that he was all "upset over stalled union contract negotiations," but if the plane had crashed, you
can bet that he would be bragging — from another country — about all the virgins waiting for him at Allah's house.
Villeurbanne (Lyon), France
August 31, 2019
Killed, 9 Injured in France Knife Rampage; Authorities Say Attack 'Does Not Appear to Be Terror Related'.
According to the Associated Press, "The reason for the attack was unclear." However, an official told the AP that the
attack did not appear to be terrorism-related. [...] Raise your hand if you think there's a high probability this attack was
terror-inspired. There have been several high-profile jihad-inspired knife attacks in France in recent years, via The
Straits Times: [List of terrorist attacks] Since the 2015 Charlie Hebdo attack, more than 200 people have been
killed by jihadists in France.
The Editor says...
For the Associated Press to state that "The reason for the attack was unclear," the reporters and
editors of the Associated Press have to be willfully blind, incompetent, stupid, or willingly protecting Muslim
terrorists by discounting any possible connection to Islamic terrorism.
Rough automatic translation: Attack
with a knife in Villeurbanne: a witness evokes a religious motivation. According to a direct witness of the
aggression heard by Le Progrès, the suspect reportedly made a religious reference at the time of the
events: "They do not read the Koran". [...] Gérard Collomb, mayor of Lyon, went on the spot, while he went to
the football match, opposing Lyon and Bordeaux. "For the moment, we do not know anything about his motives, he notes,
moved. What is certain is that it was not a fight, since it was someone who attacked passengers waiting for a bus
prosecutor: Knife attack suspect in 'psychotic state'. An Afghan man was in a "psychotic state" and on
drugs during a stabbing in France that killed one person and injured eight others, but investigators haven't found any
terrorist ties, a regional prosecutor said Sunday [9/1/2019].
attack in Lyon leaves one dead and nine injured. One person was stabbed to death and nine others injured by a
knifeman outside a station near the French city of Lyon, before police managed to detain him. Authorities said the
reason for the attack was unclear. The attacker was a 33-year-old Afghan citizen who had applied for asylum in France
and was awaiting a response, according to a national police official. The attacker provided contradictory information
to police, but the attack did not appear to be terrorism-related, two French officials told The Associated Press.
The Editor says...
Let's review: A Muslim from Afghanistan pulls out a knife and starts attacking people at random. Most likely he
was shouting praises to Allah while he did so, but the press won't mention it. The police captured him, but they can't
figure out what possible motive he had, even though dozens of others have done the same thing, in the name of Islam.
Then the suspect lied to the police. Then the police confidently pronounce that there's no connection to terrorism.
Tune in again next week for a repeat of this event, after which the police will be even more adamant when they declare, "no
connection to terrorism," while they are "searching for a motive."
Sri Lanka
April 21, 2019
Caliph: Sri Lanka Bombings Revenge for Caliphate, Not New Zealand. Jihadists don't need a reason to kill
anyone. Their revenge and retaliation claims are a psychological game to make us feel as if we are responsible for
their violence against us. After a mass shooting at a mosque in New Zealand, some people worried that revenge attacks
would follow. And indeed, the Sri Lanka bombings of churches seemed to follow that pattern. Soon the media was
full of claims that ISIS had murdered hundreds of Christians as revenge for the New Zealand shootings. [...] Like everything
coming out of the Sri Lankan government, this should have been taken with a grain of salt. It's not just the Jihadists
who want to shift responsibility for the violence on to us. The Sri Lankan government ignored warnings about the attack.
It's convenient for them to shift the blame.
Snackbar: Getting Serious About the Ideological War on Terror. The Easter Day bombings of Sri Lankan
churches, which killed about 250 Christian worshippers, were claimed by ISIS as one of their attacks in a video reported by
Asia Times. Regardless of whether ISIS's claim is true, it has seized the murderous success of those attacks as an
ideological weapon to prove its continued existence. [...] We can capture and kill terrorists endlessly but we cannot seem to
deter more from joining their murderous ranks.
Extremists in Sri
Lanka Add 15 More to the Country's Death Toll. Extremists connected to the Easter suicide bombings at churches
and hotels in Sri Lanka killed 15 people after opening fire and detonating explosives Friday night [4/26/2019] when
police raided a home in the eastern part of the country, authorities said. Six of the dead were children, reported The
Associated Press. The additional violence comes after a group of attackers targeted six hotels and churches and killed
roughly 250 people, many of whom were Christians celebrating Easter. Original reports put the death toll
over 300 but it has since been revised down, reported BBC.
Lankan forces discover over a dozen bodies, including children, at ISIS safe house. As Sri Lankan security
forces raided an ISIS safe house late Friday [4/16/2019] into Saturday morning, militants open fired and detonated at least
three suicide bombs, killing 15 people, including six children. The dead were found charred, others had their
clothes burned off of their bodies. Police tipped off soldiers about a suspected safe house in the town of Sammanthurai
as part of a widespread search operation for militants with explosives believed to still be at large after the coordinated
bombings of churches and luxury hotels that killed more than 250 nearly a week ago.
Lanka suicide bomber was previously arrested and then released. One of the Sri Lanka suicide bombers was
previously arrested by police and then released, a senior government official told CNN Thursday [4/25/2109]. Ilham
Ahmed Ibrahim — one of two sons of a spice tycoon who blew themselves up in Sunday's attacks —
detonated a device at the Cinnamon Grand hotel in Colombo, the official told CNN.
Terrorism Remains the World's Greatest Threat to Peace. [T]he coordinated bomb blasts aimed at Christian
worshipers on Easter Sunday, which killed at least 290 people and injured hundreds more, demonstrates the kind of meticulous
planning, funding, resources and support that is still exclusively the domain of radical Islamic terrorism. It's not
merely that the act was planned to maximize the death toll, but that it is a continuation of long-standing efforts by
Islamists to destroy the Christian communities left in Asia. Those who kill in the name of Islam are part of a
worldwide, historic, ideological and political movement that includes, to various degrees and various reasons, radicalized
men and women from both great factions of the faith. Then again, terrorist groups — as well as their
recruitment and propaganda outfits — are often functioning in Islamic regimes, which either actively sustain
terror, tolerate these groups or pay them off to engage in terrorism elsewhere.
It's amazing how so many people misunderstand Islam in exactly the same way. Sri
Lankan police hunt 140 people after Easter bombings. Sri Lankan police are trying to track down 140 people
believed linked to Islamic State, which claimed responsibility for the Easter Sunday suicide bombings that killed 253, as
shooting erupted in the east during a raid.
wife of Sri Lankan suicide bomber detonates bomb as police raid home. With Sri Lanka already reeling from a
series of coordinated bombings, the horror continued Sunday afternoon as police raided the home of Inshaf Ahmed Ibrahim and
Ilham Ibrahim, two of the suspected leaders of the plot that killed 359 people. As police entered the residence, the
wife of one of the brothers, Fatima Ibrahim, detonated yet another bomb, killing herself, the child she was pregnant with,
three other young children and three Sri Lankan police officers.
all about hate and bloodlust that's never sated. At least two of the suicide bombers had law degrees. Two
were brothers from a wealthy Colombo family, one of whom attended university in the United Kingdom and earned a postgraduate
degree in Australia. There were nine of them altogether, eight men and a woman. Most were "well-educated and come
from (the) middle or upper-middle class," Ruwan Wijewardene, Sri Lanka's deputy defence minister, told reporters. There
is still much to piece together from what happened on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, about why the authorities did not respond
to specific and actionable intelligence about an imminent jihadist attack, how it could be that clear warnings to and from
Sri Lanka's deputy inspector general went unheeded, and what were the names, even, of the terrorists.
Lanka's cardinal calls terrorists 'animals' and says 'punish them mercilessly'. It's not every day that you see
a churchman with a spine. The normal response in these days is anodyne pro forma deplorings, along with peace
and flowers offerings to the supporters of radical Islamism, or lots and lots of cover-ups and denials about what the attacks
were really about, so as not to offend the perpetrators. [...] The Sri Lankan archbishop obviously has gotten tired of the
niceties as more than one of the churches he shepherds mops off the blood from the walls. He indicates he knows what
the story here is — that Christianity is under fire, attacks on Christian worldwide have doubled since 2017, and
converts to Catholicism (and other Christian faiths) are being mowed down mercilessly in their churches, that he is a
shepherd, that good shepherds (as Jesus said) care about their flock, and hideous Islamist predators who are
perpetrating this have adopted evil as their religion. Churches, good, Islamist terrorists, bad; this is not rocket
science. Yet in our enervated age, statements like these draw headlines.
Sri Lanka bombers were sons of Colombo spice tycoon, sources say. Two of the suicide bombers involved in the
Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka were members of a prominent and wealthy family in Colombo, sources have told CNN, in a
development that has rocked the small Muslim community in the city. The brothers, Imsath Ahmed Ibrahim and Ilham Ahmed
Ibrahim, were among the band of extremists who blew themselves up in Sunday's attacks, two sources with knowledge of the
investigation said. Their father, Mohamed Ibrahim, is the founder of Colombo-based Ishana Exports, which describes
itself on its website as the "largest exporter of spices from Sri Lanka since 2006."
WaPo Slams the 'Far-Right' for Saying Christians Were Under Attack in Sri Lanka. In the wake of the horrific
Easter terrorist attack against churches in Sri Lanka, The Washington Post published an article slamming "far-right"
political leaders for saying that Christians are under attack. The Orwellian article suggested there was something
untoward about reporting on global Christian persecution — by selectively quoting far-right European and American
leaders on the issue and ignoring the broader discussion. The bombings, which claimed the lives of at least 321 people
and wounded more than 500 others, took place on the most important holiday for Christianity, the day Christians remember the
Resurrection of Jesus. They targeted Christian churches, and according to Sri Lanka's defense minister, a radical
Islamist terror group carried the attacks out in "retribution" for the Christchurch mosque shootings last month.
Taqiyya for Easter.
Let's say a fire breaks out at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris at the start of Holy Week, and just after two of the city's
other most prominent houses of worship — St Sulpice and the Basilica of St Denis — have been attacked
and vandalized. Well, I think we can all confidently say as the first flames are beginning to lick the ceiling that
it's undoubtedly an accident. Cigarette butt. Or maybe computer glitch. Probably just an overheated smart
phone. We don't need to get in there and sift through the debris. We can just announce it. On the other hand,
when there are coordinated attacks on Easter services at several churches in Sri Lanka, it becomes a little more
challenging to pass off multiple suicide-bombings killing nearly three hundred people as an electrical malfunction.
So, in contrast to the confident declarations of a week ago, on Sunday morning the media opted for a subtler narrative.
Lanka: Bombings were 'retaliation' for New Zealand mosque attack. The terror attacks that killed at least
321 people in Sri Lanka were "retaliation" for the mosque shootings in New Zealand, officials said Tuesday [4/23/2019].
"The initial investigation has revealed that this was in retaliation for the New Zealand mosque attack," junior minister for
defense Ruwan Wijewardene insisted to parliament there.
Lanka terror vindicates Pompeo-Trump warnings. It was only a few weeks ago that much of the mainstream media
was criticizing the Trump administration for the "Christianization" of US foreign policy. Secretary of State Mike
Pompeo's evangelical faith was widely blamed for the increased focus of American diplomacy on combating the persecution of
Christians at the hands of Muslim governments or Islamist terrorists, as well as for its support for Israel. The
administration's interest in the subject — especially in contrast to the policies of the Obama administration —
was denounced as a political payoff to Trump's Christian conservative voters and an insult to the Muslim world. Such
attention fueled, we were told, Islamophobia in the United States and elsewhere.
Sri Lanka Jihad Massacre and the Decline of the West. Well over two hundred people are dead, and hundreds more
injured, in jihad massacres in churches and hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday morning, and now the usual denial and
obfuscation are in full swing. I'm often asked, when I speak around the country, what it will take to wake people up to
the nature and gravity of the jihad threat. For all too many people, the answer, as the Sri Lanka attacks abundantly
show, is nothing. The facts were clear enough, at least if one checked the Indian media. India's News18.com
reported that "two of the six attacks that rocked Sri Lanka this morning are reportedly to be have been carried out by
suicide bombers," that telltale sign that this was a jihad attack, with the bombers hoping to claim the Qur'an's promise of
Paradise for those who "kill and are killed" for Allah (9:111).
Leftists & Their Media Enablers Again Controlling The Narrative On Islam. Once again, the "American" Left along
with their media enablers are using language to control the narrative. As my buddy Streiff points out here, the
leftists are so hostile to Christians that they refuse to use the term in their description of the attacks in Sri
Lanka. In this case, instead of "Christians," they use "Easter Worshippers," to describe the over 200 dead and [unknown
numbers of] wounded in the brutal massacre and, as of this morning, several still missing. And yes, "American," is in
quotes, as I often wonder about some of the folks on the left and, with good reason, question their patriotism.
Pavlich's Response To Washington Post's Preposterous Analysis Of Sri Lankan Bombings. [Scroll down]
First, outrage over the persecution of Christians is not confined to the far-right. Many conservatives condemned the
attacks and likely many independents as well. But the $64 million question is, shouldn't the left be as outraged as the
right? The death toll from Sunday's bombing has climbed to 290 and there are over 500 injured. Why has the response
from the left been so restrained in comparison to the outpouring of love and support following the murder of 50 Muslims in
New Zealand?
New Zealand
and Sri Lanka Were Not the Same. The seemingly unlimited supply of virtue-signalers who dominate our culture
have assured us emphatically the recent terror attacks in New Zealand and Sri Lanka are equivalent, a kind of quid pro quod
between races and religions. Other than the fact that, tragically, a great many people died in both — more
in Sri Lanka, but the numbers are horrific enough in NZ — this is utter nonsense. They couldn't be more
different. New Zealand was the act of one aberrant or evil (call him either or both) racist individual motivated by
rage against immigrants — Muslim "invaders" — he thought were ruining his country. Sri Lanka was
a planned attack on multiple targets by a local militant group, likely with the aid of a yet larger group or groups (possibly
ISIS) from outside the country, acting under the dicta of a highly-evolved ideology euphemistically referred to as
fundamentalist Islam or Islamism.
'Easter worshippers'?
Christians are the world's most persecuted minority worldwide, according to Dennis Prager, and the monstrous terror attack in
Sri Lanka during Easter Sunday morning masses by Muslim terrorists was a perfect illustration of this increasingly hideous
trend. On the Left, that's less horrifying than it is embarrassing. They don't like Christians to start with, and
they've since gone a long way to coddle Muslim extremists, too. [...] For them to have to admit that Christians are being
specially singled out for killings by Muslim terrorists is a bridge too far for these establishment Democrats who thrive on
Muslims being the 'real victims' in whatever 'something' that 'some people did' and might force them to admit they were wrong
all along about the religiously motivated warfare of the Islamist terrorists.
of American boy killed in Sri Lanka speaks out. The grief-stricken father of the young Washington, DC, boy
killed in Sri Lanka's Easter Sunday bombings broke his silence on Monday, saying the terrorists who murdered his son have no
idea what they took away from the world. "The terrorists didn't know who they were killing. But we should know
what the world lost, what they took from the world," grieving father Alex Arrow told ABC News of his 11-year-old son, Kieran
Shafritz de Zoysa. "A brilliant mind who — who was going to be a neuroscientist and — he won't
make it to his 12th birthday."
Lanka Attacks: Death Toll Soars as Police Identify Seven Suicide Bombers. Sri Lanka police investigators
said Monday [4/22/2019] the coordinated Easter Sunday attacks that targeted Christians and luxury hotel guests were the work
of seven suicide bombers. The bombings, Sri Lanka's deadliest violence since a devastating civil war ended a decade ago
on the island nation, killed at least 290 people with more than 500 wounded, police spokesman Ruwan Gunasekara said.
Twenty-four arrests have been made but no single group has claimed responsibility for the terror acts, the Sri Lanka Daily
Mirror reports.
Terrorism Remains the World's Greatest Threat to Peace. After the horrific mass murder of 50 Muslim worshippers
in Christchurch, New Zealand, there was widespread coverage and a torrent of mainstream news networks contemplating the
threat of white supremacy. These conversations, completely reasonable and necessary in the face of violent attacks from
a racist gunman, soon began deteriorating into politically motivated and specious claims contending that "white supremacy"
had become the predominate terror threat in the world. Well, the coordinated bomb blasts aimed at Christian worshippers
on Easter Sunday, which killed at least 290 people and injured hundreds more, demonstrates the kind of meticulous planning,
funding, resources, and support that is still exclusively the domain of radical Islamic terrorism. It's not merely that
the act was planned to maximize the death toll, but that it is a continuation of long-standing efforts by Islamists to
destroy the Christian communities left in Asia.
Sunday Sri Lanka bomb attacks left 207 dead. Sri Lankan authorities fear a little-known Islamist group with
links to international terrorists is behind the devastating suicide bombings that killed 290 people in coordinated attacks on
churches and hotels. Seven suicide bombers launched coordinated attacks on churches and five-star hotels and killed at
least 290 people and saw around 500 injured. The Sri Lankan government are pointing the blame at National Thowheed Jamaath
(NTJ), an extremist Muslim group, and say they received an intelligence warning the attacks would happen ten days before.
bombers kill more than 207 people and hurt 500 in 'targeted attack on Christians' on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka.
A bomb was found and safely destroyed at Sri Lanka's main airport this evening just hours after co-ordinated attacks killed
207 people in explosions at churches and five-star hotels on Easter Sunday. Eight blasts ripped through landmarks
around the capital Colombo, and on Sri Lanka's east coast, targeting Christians, hotel guests and foreign tourists. More
than 450 people were wounded and five British citizens were among the dead.
Lanka Bomber Stood at Hotel Buffet then Unleashed Terror. The suicide bomber waited patiently in a queue for
the Easter Sunday breakfast buffet at Sri Lanka's Cinnamon Grand hotel before setting off explosives strapped to his back.
[...] Two other hotels, the Shangri-La and the Kingsbury, were hit at about the same time, along with three churches packed
with worshippers attending Easter Sunday services.
rock 3 churches, 3 hotels in Sri Lanka; multiple fatalities reported. Six nearly simultaneous explosions struck
three churches and three high-end hotels frequented by tourists on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, killing nearly 200 people and
injuring many more, according to police and hospital sources. Multiple fatalities — including 11 foreigners —
resulted among worshipers and hotel guests, a police official said, adding that at least two of the church blasts were believed to have
been a coordinated attack carried out by suicide bombers.
State Department warns of possibility of more attacks in Sri Lanka. The U.S. State Department on Sunday issued
a revised warning on travel to Sri Lanka and said terror groups are continuing to plot and possibly carry out new attacks in
hotels and churches. On Easter Sunday [4/21/2019], a series of bombs exploded at churches and luxury hotels in the
country, killing nearly 300. It was the deadliest series of attacks the South Asian island country had seen since a bloody
civil war there ended a decade ago. Most of the attacks occurred in or around Colombo, the capital. The U.S. said
"several" Americans were among the dead.
April 15, 2019
officials announce results of preliminary investigation into Notre Dame fire. The Paris prosecutor's office
said that the results of a preliminary investigation into the fire that gutted parts of the famed Notre Dame cathedral showed
no proof of criminal activity. In the Wednesday [6/26/2019] announcement officials didn't cite a specific cause, but
listed a number of hypotheses, including a malfunctioning electrical system or an errant smoldering cigarette. Although
they said there was no indication the blaze was intentional, the possibility of negligence was not ruled out.
Investigators give first
findings on historic Notre Dame fire. A discarded cigarette, still alive with smoldering tobacco, is one of the
most likely causes of the historic fire that saddened millions around the world and destroyed large parts of the historic
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. In a preliminary report Wednesday [6/26/2019], investigators say they found no evidence
of arson after weeks of interviewing 100 witnesses and sifting through tons of blackened debris and some 1,200 possible
clues. A judicial inquiry will continue the probe.
Should Notre
Dame include a mosque? French President Emmanuel Macron declared that the historic Catholic church should be
rebuilt "consistent with our modern, diverse nation." Architects — a profession devoted to foisting buildings
that constitute a form onto a public that wishes their form would honestly follow their function — knew what
Macron meant. They promptly suggested adding an Islamic minaret. Presumably this political correctness will also
dictate elements of Protestantism (which, as a Protestant, I suppose I should welcome but don't), Judaism, Hinduism, paganism
and — why not? — Satan worship. This isn't because the establishment likes Protestantism,
Judaism, Hinduism, paganism or Satan, mind you. It's because they hate Catholicism. [... But] their hatred of Catholicism
is simply because they hate real religion and, despite some shortcomings, Catholicism is a real religion. The reason
they hate real religion is that it threatens their personal religion of secular socialism.
Burning of Notre Dame and the Destruction of Christian Europe. Barely an hour after the flames began to rise
above Notre Dame — at a time when no explanation could be provided by anyone — the French authorities
rushed to say that the fire was an "accident" and that "arson has been ruled out." The remarks sounded like all the official
statements made by the French government after attacks in France during the last decade. The Notre Dame fire also
occurred at a time when attacks against churches in France and Europe have been multiplying. More than 800 churches
were attacked in France during the year 2018 alone. Churches in France are empty. The number of priests is
decreasing and the priests that are active in France are either very old or come from Africa or Latin America. The
dominant religion in France is now Islam.
Notre Dame fire: Conclusions enforced before the evidence was examined. The recent fire in Notre Dame
Cathedral has highlighted the attempts of the powerful to control the news. The Paris prosecutor, Rémy Heitz,
has decided the fire was "likely accident, not arson." [...] There it is: the orthodox truth. If you don't accept the
"orthodox" story, you are a "conspiracy theorist," an Islamophobe, and a racist. Deviance from the orthodox view must
be silenced. Fox News's Shepard Smith invited the French media analyst Philippe Karsenty for an eyewitness interview
while the fire was still raging. Karsenty said, "Of course you will hear the political correctness, that it's probably
an accident, but..." Before he could finish, Smith interrupted: "Sir, sir, sir, we're not going to speculate here of
the cause of something that we don't know." Karsenty continued: "I'm just telling you, you need to be ready..."
Smith cut him off: "No, sir. We're not doing that here. Not now. Not on my watch! Philippe
Karsenty, it's very good of you to be here." Fox's Neil Cavuto had a similar experience in his interview with William Donohue,
president of the Catholic League. Donohue was skeptical about the accident claim. He commented, "Forgive me for being
suspicious. Just last month, a 17th-century church was set on fire in Paris. We've seen tabernacles knocked down,
crosses have been torn down, statues." Cavuto responded, "We don't know that. So if we can avoid what your suspicions
might be." Dohohue then stated, "When I find out that the Eucharist is being destroyed and excrement is being smeared on
crosses..." At that point, Cavuto decided to terminate the interview: [...]
The Editor says...
If the Notre Dame fire was started by Muslim terrorists, why not just eliminate the gradual intermediate steps and
make a mosque out of it?
Notre Dame Fire: Our Fault, Our Most Grievous Fault. Buildings like Notre Dame do not erupt into flames
spontaneously. That's not how God works, even to punish a civilization as deep in moral ruin as ours. My suspicions,
and those of almost everyone I know, are hardly calmed when we see Fox News — yes, even Fox — repeatedly refusing
to host an honest discussion of the possibility, even as experts tell French TV that eight hundred year old timber simply
doesn't burn that way without an accelerant. I mean, it's not as though news networks restrain their hosts from wild
speculation during other crises. So, understandably, the first reaction from anyone who has been reading the news
lately was: "Muslims, right?" Alas, even Right-wing newsreaders are terrified of saying the wrong thing when the
perp might be a member of the Religion of Peace. Attacks on Christian churches in Europe have become so numerous that
even Newsweek has had to admit it — though the magazine hilariously claims that no one knows why these attacks are
happening, and the words "Islam" and "Muslim" are nowhere to be found in its reporting.
Really Caused the Notre Dame Cathedral Fire? Following the horrifying fire that badly damaged one of the
world's great treasures, the mainstream media is pushing the storyline that the fire that ravaged the Notre Dame Cathedral in
Paris was caused by an "electrical short circuit." But the story in the Daily Mail lacks any evidence to back up that
claim. [...] "Investigators" brought in to determine the cause of the tragic blaze have not yet been given access to the burned-out
cathedral. Nevertheless they are already announcing the results of their investigation. Even as the embers were still
glowing on the day of the fire, French prosecutors were ruling out arson.
fanatics warn of a future attack on fire-ravaged Notre Dame in online poster depicting the cathedral up in flames once
more. Jihadists linked to ISIS have shared a menacing image of Notre Dame in flames once more, warning: 'Wait
for the next'. The extremist media group published the graphic showing flames in front of the Paris cathedral's bell
towers, which survived Monday's blaze. There is no indication that the fire was linked to terror but ISIS fanatics have
revelled in the damage to the 850-year-old landmark, a symbol of Western civilisation, just days before Easter. The
latest image, revealed by terror monitors SITE intelligence, hints at a possible deliberate attack by ISIS-aligned militants
in the future.
Catholic Churches Attacked in France in One Week. At least 10 incidents of vandalism and desecration of
Catholic churches have been reported across the Channel since the beginning of February. French Roman-Catholic newspaper
La Croix International reported how the attacks on churches took place across France. Senseless acts included the
desecration of altars, the defacing of Christ on the cross and in an extreme case, human excrement being spread across the
walls of a holy place of worship.
Internet Erupts With Speculation About Who Started The Notre Dame Fire. Ever careful to watch for false-flags
and conspiracy theory concerns, video is emerging of a Gilets-Jaunes in black clothes at one of the two towers half an hour
after the start of the fire at Notre-Dame. [Video clip] One definite way to disenfranchise the yellow vests — as
they crush French autocracy — would be to set them up as the fall-guys for this national disaster. Surely that is not possible!
[...] In the end, there are only two options. Either this was an accident, or someone intentionally started the fire. And if the
fire was intentionally started, obviously someone had a motive for doing so.
fanatics revel in Notre Dame's destruction. ISIS fanatics are heartlessly revelling in the inferno at Notre Dame
Cathedral just days before Easter calling it 'retribution and punishment', according to terror intelligence researchers.
A poster of the blazing cathedral appeared online accompanied by the words, 'Have a good day,' and was created by the ISIS
affiliated Al-Muntasir group according to the Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium. The poster says: 'Its
construction began in the year 1163 and ended in 1345. It's time to say goodbye to your oratory polytheism.' The
jihadists referred to the catastrophe as 'retribution and punishment,' SITE intelligence reported.
March 18, 2019
Gunman kills 3 on Dutch tram;
mayor fears terrorism. A gunman killed three people and wounded five during a mid-morning tram ride Monday in
the Dutch city of Utrecht, raising the specter of another extremist attack only days after the murderous rampage in New Zealand.
Manhunt launched after shooting
on Dutch tram wounds many. A shooting on a tram in the central Dutch city of Utrecht on Monday left "multiple"
people wounded, police said, adding that they are considering the possibility of a "terrorist motive."
Terrorist Kills Three on a Dutch Train. Occasionally a "Man Bites Dog" story comes along. But most of the
time, it's "Dog Bites Man." Honest reporting should reflect the ongoing nature of dogs biting men, instead of pretending
that man bites dog is a major crisis.
December 31, 2018
'shouts Allah' before station rampage. A knife-wielding attacker shouting 'Allahu Akbar' stabbed three people
at Manchester Victoria station last night, before he was Tasered to the ground and arrested. A man and a woman in their
50s and a British Transport Police officer were injured during the terrifying knife attack, which unfolded as revellers
travelled into the city ahead of the New Year's celebrations. Anti-terror police are handling the investigation, but
officers have yet to confirm whether the incident was a terror attack. [...] Another video shows him shouting 'Allahu Akbar',
meaning 'God is most great' in Arabic, as he was put in the back of a police van.
shouted' Allah' before knife rampage at Victoria Station in Manchester. British counter-terrorism police are
leading an investigation after a knifeman stabbed three people at a central railway station in Manchester, England. Two
commuters — a man and woman in their 50s — were taken to hospital with knife injuries and a British
Transport Police officer was stabbed in the shoulder. An eyewitness to the attack, which occurred at Victoria Station
around 9pm local time on New Year's Eve, said they heard the assailant shout "Allah" during the incident.
who 'slaughtered two Scandinavian backpackers hastily-organised terror cell' then 'pledged allegiance to ISIS before
attack'. Two Scandinavian tourists killed in Morocco were slaughtered by a 'lone wolf, hastily organised
terrorist cell' who travelled to the village of Imlil knowing it was popular with foreign hikers. Moroccan police
yesterday arrested five more people for the murders of Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, from Denmark, and Maren Ueland, 28,
of Norway, bringing the total in custody to 19. At a press conference in the country's capital, Rabat, domestic
intelligence spokesman Boubker Sabik labelled the suspects 'lone wolves'.
Video has emerged of one of the two Scandinavian female tourists being 'beheaded' by Muslims at popular tourist hiking
trail. The Danish and Norwegian victims, who were students in their 20s, were discovered by other tourists near
the foot of North Africa's highest peak, Mount Toubkad with what police say was 'evidence of violence on their necks' while
unverified local reports say they had been decapitated. At least one of the 3 suspected Muslim beheaders is an
"extremist," according to Morocco authorities. It raises fears that the gruesome double murder in Morocco was an act
of terror.
Ueland, beheaded by ISIS jihadis in Morocco, in 2015 posted pro-Muslim migrant video on Facebook. [There]
appears to be an archive of Maren Ueland's Facebook page, revised into a sort of memorial page shortly after her murder.
If it is authentic, Maren Ueland, who was brutally murdered by Islamic jihadis while hiking in Morocco, in 2015 posted on
Facebook a video shaming people who oppose the Muslim migrant influx into Europe.
Find 2 Bodies of Scandinavian Tourists Near Mount Toubkal. The bodies of two female tourists of Norwegian and
Danish nationalities were found Monday [12/17/2018] in the province of Al Haouz in the Marrakech-Safi region, 10 kilometers
from Imlil in the Atlas Mountains, according to a statement received by Morocco World News.
Beheading Video Of Two Women "Authentic". Moroccan authorities have four men in custody after finding the
brutalized bodies of Louisa Vesterager Jespersen of Denmark and Norwegian citizen Maren Ueland. Police have linked the
four to ISIS and consider the dual murders of the two young women a terrorist act. A video reportedly made of the
killings, including the beheading of one of the tourists, has been authenticated by Norwegian investigators. [...] The
existence of the video is bad enough, but to send that barbarity to the friends of their victim is doubly horrific. It
should double our resolve to stamp out the insane radical-Islamist ideology that drives ISIS, a poison it hopes to keep
spreading around the world. And that's not all. They want their caliphate back too, as they proved yesterday.
Allah's will': Fanatics branded two Scandinavian women the 'enemies of God' as they filmed themselves decapitating one of the
tourists in Morocco. Suspected ISIS terrorists branded two Scandinavian women the 'enemies of God' as they
filmed themselves decapitating one of the tourists in Morocco. Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway, and Louisa Vesterager
Jespersen, 24, from Denmark, were found dead near the village of Imlil in Morocco's High Atlas mountains on Monday
[12/17/2018]. A video showing the murder of one of the women has been recognised as genuine, Danish intelligence
service said today adding that the killings can be connected to ISIS.
Strasbourg, France
December 11, 2018
Victim Of Strasbourg Market Attack Dies. The Paris prosecutor's office said on Sunday [12/16/2018] that a fifth
person had died from their wounds following Tuesday's Strasbourg Christmas market shooting. [...] The gunman, Cherif Chekatt,
was killed on Thursday night [12/13/2018] after firing on police, ending a two-day manhunt that involved more than 700 members
of the security forces.
Terror in Strasbourg. In a
way, the crime and its aftermath encapsulates what Europe, the union, represents. The suspect, Strasbourg-born of
Moroccan parents, would have got across the border without formalities; but the police forces on both sides work together as
a matter of routine. Risks; benefits. Taxpayers are rarely consulted. Chekatt, a career criminal before his
30th birthday, had been sent back to France from a German prison after serving a sentence for robbery. He had done time
in France as well, and had a police record in Switzerland. He was known to be a habitual delinquent, but also a
politicized one: he had found religion in jail and was known to have contacts with radical Islamists. His name
was on the S-file, a list of individuals of varying concern to the police.
The Editor says...
One would think that the German and French police know their business and don't need my advice; but really, if
there is a list of known troublemakers, or persons likely to be trouble in the near future, and any of these people
are non-citizens, they should be rounded up and deported.
market gunman evades French police two days after attack. The suspected gunman who killed three people at a
Christmas market in the French city of Strasbourg was shot dead on Thursday in a brief gun battle with police after being on
the run for 48 hours, police sources said.
Christmas market shooter was radical Islamist on government's radar. The man who sprayed gunfire at a Christmas
market in Strasbourg, killing three people and wounding 13 others, was identified as a radicalized Islamist with a lengthy
rap sheet who was on France's national security list as a possible terror threat, according to reports. Cherif Chekatt,
29, who was known to be part of radicalized networks in his native Strasbourg, is a "repeat offender" and "delinquent" who
served time in French and German prisons, the UK's Independent reported. Senior Interior Ministry official Laurent
Nuñez said on France-Inter radio that police had sought to arrest Chekatt on Tuesday morning [12/11/2018], hours before
the shooting, in connection with an attempted murder and armed robbery.
shooting suspect, ID'd as extremist, still at large; 5 others arrested. Before he opened fire on a crowded
Christmas market in Strasbourg, France on Tuesday, 29-year-old Cherif Chekatt yelled "Allahu Akbar," Paris' public prosecutor
said Wednesday — the first official statement pegging the deadly shooting as an Islamic terror attack.
Though no groups have claimed responsibility for the attack, Islamic terrorists have a history of plotting assaults at
Christmas markets — including one disrupted plot in which nearly a dozen militants sought to bomb the Strasbourg
market around the millennium.
detained as France hunts Christmas market terror suspect. French authorities detained five people as they
hunted Wednesday for a suspected extremist who sprayed gunfire at one of Europe's most famous Christmas markets in the
eastern city of Strasbourg, killing three and wounding at least 13 and putting the whole country on edge anew.
arrested, suspected extremist still on loose after Strasbourg shooting: report. Before he opened fire on a
crowded Christmas market in Strasbourg, France on Tuesday [12/11/2018], 29-year-old Cherif Chekatt yelled "Allahu Akbar,"
Paris' public prosecutor said Wednesday — the first official statement pegging the deadly shooting as an Islamic
terror attack. Though no groups have claimed responsibility for the attack, Islamic terrorists have a history of
plotting assaults at Christmas markets — including one disrupted plot in which nearly a dozen militants sought to
bomb the Strasbourg market around the millennium. Chekatt escaped from the scene in a taxi, bizarrely bragging to the
driver about being injured in a firefight with soldiers after killing 10 people, officials said. Police said three
people were killed in the attack.
Los Angeles
November 23, 2018
Muslim Arrested for Attempting to Mow Down Jews With Car in Front of L.A. Synagogue. Los Angeles police are
investigating an incident Friday night as a potential hate crime after a Somali man, 32-year-old Mohamed Mohamed Abdi,
attempted to run down worshipers standing outside a Hancock Park synagogue. According to witness, Abdi was yelling
"F*****g Jews! F*****g Jews!" during the attack. Abdi reportedly insulted another couple leaving the synagogue
before getting into his car and attempting to run over two men. He later crashed into another car nearby, at which time
he was arrested. A Koran was found on the dashboard of his car.
Update: Los
Angeles criminal case against Muslim who tried to run over Jews suspended: "questions about his mental health".
"Mohamed was arrested Nov. 23 after police say he shouted anti-Semitic slurs toward a crowd of worshippers exiting
Congregation Bais Yeshuda in Hancock Park. Investigators said Mohamed tried to run down two men with his car before
speeding away and crashing." However, "Mohamed's family has said he holds no hatred toward the Jewish community or any
other groups," and of course their claims are to be taken at face value, with no investigation or further inquiry. Any
other course of action would be "Islamophobic."
August 31, 2018
tourists stabbed in Amsterdam were targeted by Afghan man with a 'terrorist motive': officials. Two Americans
who were stabbed Friday night [8/31/2018] at a train station in Amsterdam were targeted by an Afghan citizen who had a
"terrorist motive," officials say. City authorities said the 19-year-old suspect, identified only as Jawed S.,
appeared to target the American tourists in a stabbing attack at Central Station just after noon on Friday [8/31/2018].
"Based on the suspect's first statements, he had a terrorist motive," the city administration said in a statement on
Saturday. They did not elaborate on what the statements were or in what ways they might have shown intent.
stabbing suspect had "terrorist" motive, officials say. An Afghan man shot by police at Amsterdam's central station on
Friday [8/31/2018] after stabbing two American tourists had a "terrorist" motive, city officials said on Saturday. The suspect,
who was identified as a 19-year-old Afghan with a German residence permit, was questioned on Saturday in hospital where he was being
treated for gunshot wounds to his lower body. "First statements made by the suspect indicate he had a terrorist motive,"
Amsterdam city council said in a statement.
terror threat level stays at 4 of 5. The Netherlands' counter-terror chief says the country's threat level will
remain at four on a scale that tops out at five following a double stabbing at the city's main railway station that officials
say had a "terrorist motive."
Police Shoot Suspect After Stabbing at Train Station. Police in the Dutch capital shot and wounded a suspect
Friday [8/31/2018] following a stabbing at Amsterdam's busy central railway station. Amsterdam police said in a series
of tweets that two people were injured in the stabbing and the suspect was then shot by officers. All three people were
taken to a hospital.
The Editor says...
If Mohammed is so great and powerful, why does he need your protection?
August 24, 2018
akbar' shouting knifeman killed his mother and sister before being shot dead by police in France. A 36-year-old
taxi driver has been identified as the man behind a knife attack outside Paris today [8/24/2018] in which he stabbed his mother and
sister to death and seriously injured a third person. Kamel Salhi, who had been on a terror watch-list since 2016, was
shot dead by police after shouting 'Allahu akbar' during the attack in Trappes. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the
attack in the town 20 miles west of Paris, where more than 50 people have travelled to Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS.
Shortly after the attack, ISIS's Aamaq propaganda agency tweeted that the man had heeded their calls to target 'nationals of
coalition countries.'
Islamist shot dead after killing mother and sister in Paris suburb. A suspected Islamist with a past conviction for "defending terrorism"
was shot dead by French police on Thursday [8/23/2018] after he killed his mother and sister and seriously wounded a female passerby in Trappes, 33 km
southwest of Paris. [...] The killer was identified as Kamel Salhi (36). He figured on the French "S" and FSPRT lists for suspected Islamist militants.
In 2016, Salhi was charged with "defending terrorism" but let off for insufficient evidence. A local official in Trappes told France Info radio that
Salhi "was known to police for being psychologically fragile and for having problems in his relationship".
The Editor says...
He was known to the police as a convicted terrorist sympathizer. He was "shouting 'Allahu akbar' during the attack."
His crime appears to have been some sort of Islamic "honor killing." But the police insist he's just insane, and the
incident has nothing to do with terrorism, so just forget you saw anything here.
Subway Terror Attack — Why is There a Media Blackout? There was yet another terror attack in London,
Monday night [8/20/2018], however, there is an eerie silence coming from the mainstream media. What is going on with
the details of this attack that would silence the media giants? This is typical, and we can expect more silence from
the MSM, especially if the attack was conducted by an Islamic terrorist. According to the one source we could find, The
Guardian, the attack happened on Monday night. The gunman opened fire, shooting three civilians. The Guardian
says there are no reported casualties. Of course, we don't know who the suspects are because the media has stopped
doing its job due to "political correctness."
injured in shooting outside London tube station. A shooting at London's Kingsbury tube station has left three
people injured, police said on Monday night [8/20/2018]. [...] Police added that the shooting was "not terror related."
People, who got injured in the attack, are not believed to be in a life-threatening condition.
terror link in London Underground shooting: police. Three people were after a gunman opened fire outside a north London
Underground station on Monday night, Scotland Yard said. The victims' injuries from the incident outside the Kingsbury station
were not thought to be life-threatening, a spokesperson said. The incident is not treated as terror-related, police added.
The Editor says...
Tell us the name of the suspect, and his immigration status, and the name of the mosque he attends, and let us decide if the incident is "terror related."
and two men shot outside Tube station in latest London violence. Three people have been injured after a
shooting in north-west London. The Metropolitan Police said officers were called to the scene on Kingsbury Road, Brent,
close to Kingsbury Tube station, at about 9.45pm on Monday. The three people were rushed to hospital with injuries not
believed to be life-threatening. [...] Scotland Yard said the incident was 'not terror-related' and have not yet made any arrests.
The Editor says...
If they haven't made any arrests, that means the suspect got away. So how are the police so sure there's no terrorism angle?
August 14, 2018
He's a regular choir boy — or whatever the equivalent is at a mosque. 'Sudanese
immigrant terror attacker' who drove around London for hours before smashing his car into cyclists outside
Parliament. A friend of the Westminster terror suspect described him as a 'kind, quiet' and 'decent' person who
is 'always smiling' — and that the car crash outside the Houses of Parliament was an 'definitely an accident'. Speaking to
ITV News this evening, Anwar Khater said he was sure Salih Khater did not mean to injure people yesterday when his car rammed
through pedestrians and cyclists during the morning rush-hour. He said: 'You can take three words to describe any
good person, he is. He is very generous, very smiley... even in any event that happens. He is always
participating in a good way.
Terrorist Attack In London — 10 Cyclists Mowed Down At 50mph. Well, their Mayor DID tell us that
terror attacks would be 'part and parcel' of living in a big city. Of course, that's the same country that —
for years — turned a blind eye to organized rape gangs. The country that arrested Tommy Robinson for
reporting on the trial of members of one of those very same gangs, and routinely arrests people for 'hateful' Twitter
posts. For all that care taken not to offend the 'religion of peace', they are once again seeing mass casualties in
Terrorist Attack in London: Jihadist Hits 15 Cyclists With Vehicle. Sadly another jihadist attack hits
the heart of London, England, today as a terrorist used a car to drive directly into pedestrians and cyclists only a few
yards away from an earlier, almost identical, attack. Thankfully, no one was killed; several cyclists were hit by the
vehicle and treated for injuries.
July 22, 2018
Distrust of
Police Growing in Canada. July 22 was a balmy Sunday evening in Toronto and a lot of people were on the section
of the city's Danforth Avenue known as Greektown. A 29-year-old man, later identified as Faisal Hussain, walked slowly
down the street firing bullets into restaurants, coffee shops and other places where people congregated. When it was
all over, 13 people were injured. Reese Fallon, 18 was killed and 10-year-old Julianna Kozis, who went to the Danforth
with her family for ice cream, died in hospital the next day. Hussain was killed by self-inflicted bullet wounds during
a shootout with police. Hussain's name was not released until late the next day. As soon as it was, a spokesperson
for the family released a statement to CBC saying the shooter was mentally ill. What the family says is not evidence of
mental illness but it was enough for the media to make the poor 29-year-old the 16th and most important victim of the
shooting. The police were quick to downplay the fact this was a terrorist act. While acknowledging they were
checking his computer and online postings, the fact it might have been terrorism was ignored. Toronto police were
overjoyed a day later when ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. They beamingly announced there was no evidence
ISIS ordered the killings. Of course that was not the issue; the issue was whether Hussain was inspired by ISIS which
would make his actions a terrorist attack. We don't know and in all likilhood will never know.
Did we just dodge 9/11
2.0? On July 22, 2018 Faisal Hussein, a Canadian-born 29-year-old male of Pakistani heritage and Muslim faith,
opened fire with a handgun on citizens along Toronto's Danforth Avenue, killing two and wounding 13. After an exchange of
gunfire with police Faisal Hussein turned his gun on himself. Faisal was known to police. He had posted
favourable comments on jihadi websites and had recently visited Afghanistan. In mid-2017 Faisal's brother, Farad
Hussain, suffered an overdose. He has been in a coma ever since. In September 2017 firefighters responded to a
carbon monoxide alarm at a house on Liatris Drive, in Pickering, Ontario (40 kilometres east of Toronto). Inside the
house they found a cache of weapons, including 31 identical high-end handguns, and 42 kilograms of carfentanil. It
was the largest carfentanil find in North America; if not the world. This house was Farad Hussain's home at the time of
his overdose. The media misrepresent the 42 kilos of carfentanil as a major narcotics stash. Actually, it
was a massive chemical weapons stockpile.
How Unclean Was My Valley.
As more information about last week's Danforth Ave. shooting in Toronto comes to light, the entire episode becomes less
surprising. The shooter who killed two girls and injured 13 others was, as we noted last week, another member of what
Mark calls the Amalgamated Union of Known Wolves. Faisal Hussain's brother had ties to the Thorncliffe Park Kings, a
street gang headquartered in the neighborbood with an 80 percent Muslim population. That same brother once lived at a
house where police recovered 33 guns and 42 kilograms of carfentanil. Carfentanil is a powerful street drug, but
also has the potential to be used as a chemical weapon. Hussain himself previously threatened to cut his building security
guard's throat, the guard told the Toronto Sun. His family prayed at a mosque that'll surely be familiar to longtime
readers. The Hussain family went to the Masjid Dar-us Salaam, the mosque that served as the force behind the infamous
"mosqueteria" at the nearby Valley Park Middle School in Toronto, where, every Friday, the cafeteria played host to
sharia-compliant Islamic prayers.
claims responsibility for deadly shooting in Toronto. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for a
shooting in Toronto on Sunday that killed two people and wounded 13, the group's AMAQ news agency said Wednesday
brother of Toronto mass shooter was facing drug and weapons charges: court docs. The older brother of the
gunman responsible for one of Toronto's worst mass shootings was facing drug and weapons charges when he went into a coma
last year, court records show. After Faisal Hussain was identified as having carried out Sunday's attack that killed
two and wounded 13, it emerged that his brother had been unconscious in a coma at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto for months.
The Editor says...
Nice try but this is all immaterial. It is an attempt to generate sympathy for a terrorist and his family.
Toronto Discovers
the Joys of 'Diversity'. Detectives in Canada are still seeking a motive for a mass shooting which left three
dead — including the gunman — and injured more than a dozen others, as residents of Toronto grapple
with the latest in a string of violent incidents to hit Canada's biggest city in recent months. Federal officials said
on Tuesday that there was no terror link to Sunday's attack in which the lone gunman opened fire along a bustling avenue in
the city, seemingly shooting at random at pedestrians and into shops and restaurants. "At this time, there is no
national security nexus to the investigation," said a spokesperson for the ministry of public safety. The attack killed
two people, a recent high school graduate Reese Fallon and 10-year-old Julianna Kozis. The 13 injured include six women
and girls, as well as seven men.
dead and at least nine, including a child, are injured in a mass shooting in Toronto. Two people have died and
another 13 are in hospital after a gunman dressed all in black opened fire in central Toronto on Sunday night [7/22/2018].
[...] The gunman, 29, was also shot dead after getting into a firefight with officers. Police have not released his identity
due to an investigation by the Special Investigation Unit, and have given no indication of what his motive might be. [...] Mark
Saunders, Toronto Police Chief, confirmed the suspect was killed in 'an exchange of gunfire' with the police and pronounced
dead at the scene. He said police are still looking for a motive behind the shooting. [...] Toronto Councillor Paula Fletcher
told CP24 she'd been told the gunman was emotionally disturbed, as did Councillor Mary Fragedakis. 'It's not gang
related. It looks like someone who is very disturbed,' Fletcher said.
The Editor says...
The cops, as usual, pretend to be baffled! This guy can't possibly be an Islamic terrorist — he must be crazy.
Jihad — and
the Usual Excuse — in Toronto. On Sunday night, a Muslim named Faisal Hussain strolled calmly down
Danforth Avenue in Toronto's Greektown, a popular area known for its restaurants and cafes. Hussain pulled out a weapon
and started firing into some of those restaurants, murdering two people and injuring another 13. The most obvious explanation
for this is that Hussain was answering the call of the Islamic State (ISIS) and al-Qaeda for individual Muslims to murder
civilians in Western countries. [...] Hussain's family, on the other hand, was ready with a different explanation.
says suspect in Toronto shooting had mental problems. A man whose family said he suffered from psychosis and
depression fired a handgun into restaurants and cafes in a lively Toronto neighborhood, killing a 10-year-old girl and an
18-year-old woman and wounding 13 others in an attack that has shaken the confidence of many in the normally safe city.
Authorities on Monday evening identified the suspect as Faisal Hussain, 29, of Toronto, who died in an exchange of gunfire
with police. It was not immediately clear whether he killed himself or was killed by police.
The Editor says...
What else could the family members possibly say? They can't say, We go to a mosque every week where the Imam preaches hate
and encourages us to put the sword to the infidel. They can't say, The rest of us would like to do the same thing someday.
They can't say, Islam intends take over the world by violence and intimidation, and this guy was just doing his part. No,
they have to claim that this fellow is nuts, and must have misunderstood Islam in exactly the same way that hundreds of others
have misunderstood it over the last few decades.
Greektown shooting: 2 dead, as 15 people 'struck by gunfire'. The suspect, identified by police on Monday afternoon
[7/23/2018] as 29-year-old Faisal Hussain, fired shots at groups of people several times while walking along Danforth Avenue, the
agency that investigates police-involved shootings said Monday. He was armed with a handgun and an "exchange of fire" took
place after officers located him, officials said. He was subsequently found dead nearby. [...] Hussain was not on any U.S.
watchlist prior to the shooting, four senior law enforcement officials told NBC News. They also said Hussain did not
seem to have much of a social media presence, if any. [Toronto Police Chief Mark] Saunders said the act was not
random, but added that investigators were not ruling anything out, including terrorism. Authorities were seeking judicial
approval to research his residence.
May 12, 2018
killed in Paris knife attack by man shouting 'Allah Akbar'. An assailant shouting "Allah Akbar" killed a passer-by
in a knife attack that also wounded four others in the heart of Paris late on Saturday [5/12/2018] before he was shot dead by police,
French authorities said.
in Paris terror attack was flagged as potential threat. The terrorist behind the deadly Paris knife attack was
a French citizen born in Russia's Chechnya who was on the police's radar for radicalism, authorities said Sunday [5/13/2018].
Police identified Khamzat Azimov, 20, as the man who shouted "Allahu akbar" — God is greatest — before killing
one person and slashing four others in the City of Light's lively Opera district Saturday night, AFP reported. He was shot dead
by police, who first tried to stop him using a stun gun. ISIS called the attacker one of its "soldiers."
Travis Air Force Base, California
March 21, 2018
Travis AFB Attacker Identified.
Just in case you missed the news with all the porn star and sullen teenage instastars news, there was an attack on Travis Air
Force Base in California last week, and authorities have now identified the attacker: ["]The man who drove into
Travis Air Force Base in California on Wednesday night [3/21/2018] has been identified as Hafiz Kazi, 51, according to the FBI
special agent in charge, Sean Ragan.["] [...] I'm going to go out on a limb and guess Hafiz Kazi wasn't a Baptist.
Can't Find Motive of Muslim Who Drove Burning Minivan Onto Travis Air Force Base. "Motive a mystery in car
explosion at Travis Air Force Base" was the Los Angeles Times headline, and this one is indeed a real mystery. A Muslim
named Hafiz Kazi, according to the Times, "drove a burning minivan filled with propane and gas tanks into the front gate of
Travis Air Force Base in Northern California." After scrutinizing all the evidence closely, the FBI just can't figure out
what could possibly have been Kazi's motive. And that in a nutshell shows what's wrong with today's FBI.
at Travis Air Force Base in California reportedly being treated as terrorism. An incident this week at a U.S.
Air Force base in Northern California — in which a vehicle burst into flames after crashing through the main
gate — is being treated as "an act of terrorism," according to a report. Authorities said a driver died,
likely by igniting himself, after gaining "unauthorized access" to Travis Air Force Base in Solano County, about 55 miles
northeast of San Francisco, on Wednesday night [3/21/2018]. There was no further threat to the base, where approximately
7,000 active military members and 3,700 civilians live and work, Air Force officials said. The FBI has also joined the
investigation alongside base officials.
is killed after driving through the gates of a California air force base, setting himself on fire. A motorist's
vehicle burst into flames after it 'gained unauthorized access' to the main gate of a Northern California Air Force
base. The incident is being considered an act of terror. Travis Air Force Base officials and the FBI said they
are investigating the Wednesday night event in which the motorist died after crashing the vehicle at the military
installation. The vehicle was loaded with propane tanks as it ran through the main gate of the base. CBS News
reports that the incident is being considered an act of terror. The driver, whose identity is known by law enforcement
but has not been released, ignited himself, causing the car to drive off the road and into a ditch.
woman deliberately crashes car into sheriff's station, media ignore the obvious. It's a rule of thumb for alert
readers that when a politician is caught doing something embarrassing or criminal, if no political party is specified, you
can safely bet that he is a Democrat. Something similar appears to be at work with terroristic acts. Consider the
incident on Monday in which a woman named Lasandra Johnson appeared to deliberately crash her car into a Broward Sheriff's
Office in Pembroke Park, Florida, carrying accelerants that caused the car to burst into flames.
Florida: Woman who intentionally
crashed car into police station is devout Muslima — total media blackout. Why does the mainstream
media always cover up this savagery? Deliberately ramming cars into people and buildings, and targeting police in
particular, is a common jihadi pattern. The Islamic State (ISIS) and others have called on Muslims in the U.S. to
attack police, and to run them over with their cars. If the media in Florida were worth its salt and actually
interested in reporting, they would tell these facts to the public, and reveal that Lasandra Johnson is a devout Muslim.
Palm Beach Gardens, California
March 12, 2018
US: Large Numbers
of Radicalized Kids Like Florida Teen. Clarion's National Security Analyst Ryan Mauro talks about the large
numbers of kids and teenagers, like the Florida stabber, who have been radicalized by Islamist ideology. Mauro says
that blaming attacks like the Florida one on alienation and bullying are excuses that don't result in solutions. Those
factors are just part of life that will always be present.
Beach "Known Wolf" Teenage Jihadist Had Extensive FBI Monitoring. A 17-year-old Jihadist in Palm Beach Florida
stabbed three people, killing one, over the weekend. Corey Johnson admitted to police he was inspired by ISIS and
carrying out the attacks on behalf of Islam. Yesterday [3/14/2018] local, state and FBI officials also admitted that he
was "on their radar", uh huh. Well, you're likely not going to believe how extensive their radar contact
and monitoring was. As an example: they were mirroring his social media in real time; they knew he had contacts
with ISIS; they knew he was behind international threats; the FBI was 'actively' monitoring him; and all the officials
met several times to discuss the likelihood his unstable behavior might lead to much worse. But they didn't want to
take action, because he was a minor, and preferred "redirection" or diversionary programs to change his behavior.
cites Muslim faith as reason for killing boy and stabbing two others, police say. A teenager invoked his Muslim
faith as the reason he killed a 13-year-old boy and also stabbed a woman and her son, Palm Beach Gardens police said Tuesday
[3/13/2018]. Police say Corey Johnson, 17, of Jupiter, was sleeping over at the home of Elaine Simon when the knife attack
happened early Monday. Police say Johnson killed another boy who was sleeping over — 13-year-old Jovanni
Brand — by stabbing him repeatedly and cutting his throat. It was Jovanni's birthday. Police said
Johnson also stabbed Simon about 12 times and stabbed Simon's 13-year-old son, Dane Bancroft, about 32 times.
Was Monitoring Florida Muslim Teen Who Stabbed Boy to Death in Name of Islam, Did Nothing to Stop Him for a
Year. Corey Johnson, a 17-year-old Florida youth who converted to Islam confessed to killing a 13-year-old boy
at a sleepover and attacking the host family in the name of Islam on Monday. Johnson was on the FBI's radar screen for
over a year as an ISIS sympathizer but the FBI did nothing because he was a juvenile. Johnson also stabbed the host
family's 13-year-old son 32 times as he defended his mother while she was being stabbed, according to Palm Beach Gardens,
Florida police.
teen fatally stabs 1, injures 2 in Koran-inspired knife attack. A Jupiter [Florida] teenager said his Muslim
faith led him to fatally stab a boy on his 13th birthday and injure two others at a sleepover Sunday night in BallenIsles
Country Club, Palm Beach Gardens police said during a 2 p.m. news conference. Corey Johnson, 17, was arrested Monday
[3/12/2018] after he reportedly confessed to stabbing the three people while he spent the night at a friend's home in the gated
community off PGA Boulevard. He faces one murder and two attempted-murder charges in the stabbings. The FBI also is
investigating the attacks.
A Boy's 13th Birthday Turned
Into A Bloody Nightmare Over Teen's Muslim Faith. A teen accused of a fatal stabbing spree at a sleepover
admitted to the attack and said it was due to his Muslim faith, Palm Beach Gardens Police Chief Clint Shannon announced
Monday [3/12/2018]. The 17-year-old converted to Islam after watching radical Islamic propaganda, which encourages
believers to kill those who doubt the religion, the suspect said. The teen admitted to killing the 13-year old boy
after allegedly stabbing him and two others with a knife, CBS News reported. The teen also read the Quran before
attacking to "give him courage to carry out his intentions," he admitted.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
December 22, 2017
of Homeland Security Classifies Harrisburg Shooting as Act of Terror. A man named Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty
engaged in gunfire with police at more than one location in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Friday night. The Department of
Homeland Security has now classified the incident as a terror attack. This is also apparently another case of someone
who entered the country through chain migration.
Family of Harrisburg
gunman say they're shocked: 'That's not his behavior at all'. Ahmed Soweilam is still in shock over the events
of Friday night, the night his sister's ex-husband is accused of going on a two-hour shooting spree across Harrisburg.
Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty, 51, is accused of firing at police officers in three locations across the city between 4 and 6 p.m.,
leaving one officer wounded, before El-Mofty was shot and killed by police. Ahmed Soweilam, 34, the co-owner of a Halal
store in Camp Hill, said he and his family are still deeply confused by the incident. "That's not his behavior at all,"
he said. "That's not him. I still don't believe it."
gunman has ties to Middle East. Authorities are asking the public for any information they may have on Ahmed
Amin El-Mofty to come forward. El-Mofty opened fire in Harrisburg on Friday evening in three separate shootings, before
being killed in a shoot out with State Police. One state Trooper was injured, but she is expected to be okay.
Shootings in
Harrisburg 'a terror attack': Homeland Security. The Department of Homeland Security referred to the three
shootings in Harrisburg on Friday as "a terror attack." Tyler Q. Houlton, acting press secretary for agency, tweeted a
statement Saturday about the incidents. Houlton said that Ahmed El-Mofty was a naturalized U.S. citizen who was admitted
to the country from Egypt on a family-based immigration visa. "The long chain of migration that led to the suspect's
admission into the United States was initiated years ago by a distant relative of the suspect," Houlton said in a release. "One
of the most recent links in that chain was an extended family member admitted into the United States from Egypt on an F24 visa."
killed after targeting Pennsylvania cops in shooting rampage. A gunman hell-bent on shooting cops was killed in
a firefight with police in Harrisburg, Pa., Friday [12/22/2017], authorities said. During his rampage, Ahmed Aminamin
El-Mofty, 51, did manage to hit one cop with a bullet, Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico said.
Melbourne crash: Driver arrested after
hitting pedestrians. The man who deliberately drove a car into a crowd in Melbourne is a drug user with mental
health issues but no known terrorism links, police say. The Australian citizen of Afghan descent was taken into custody
after a struggle at the scene of the incident. The car the 32-year-old was driving hit a number of pedestrians on
Flinders Street, a busy thoroughfare in the city centre, said Victoria Police. Fourteen people have been injured, with
several in a critical condition. A second man, 24, was arrested after being seen filming the incident. He had a
bag of knives with him, police added.
arrest two men after they 'drove a car into Christmas rush hour crowds' outside Melbourne's Flinders. More than
a dozen pedestrians, including a toddler, have been injured with four fighting for life in hospital after a car 'deliberately'
ploughed into rush hour crowds in the heart of Melbourne. A white Suzuki SUV with p-plates, driven by 32-year-old man of
Afghan descent, who The Herald Sun have identified as Saeed Noori, crashed into a large group of commuters and shoppers at the
corner of Melbourne's busy Elizabeth Street and Flinders Street at 4.41pm on Thursday [12/21/2017]. The 32-year-old
lone wolf driver was known to police and was arrested at the scene. The driver, who is an Australian citizen, is
under police guard at hospital with shoulder and hand injuries. Victoria Police said the driver has a history of drug
use, criminal history with a minor assault in 2010 and is on a mental health plan.
We Are the Bollards.
You'll recall there was a previous "vehicle attack" in downtown Melbourne earlier this year, after which the authorities
ordered up the bollardization of every pedestrianized precinct in the vicinity. [...] In this case, the non-terror-related
Australian citizen simply waited until the little green sign indicated it was safe for pedestrians to cross the street and
then floored it. In an amusing touch, his car eventually came to a rest against a bollard.
attack driver had mental health issues but no terror connection. The driver of a car which plowed into
Christmas shoppers in Melbourne Thursday had a history of drug use and mental health issues, police said. Acting chief
commissioner of Victoria Police Shane Patton told reporters that while the crash was considered to be deliberate, there was
no evidence of a link to terrorism. [...] A 24-year-old man was also arrested at the scene, after he was seen filming the
incident on his phone. Police found three knives in his bag.
Car Attack Was Not Connected to Terrorism, Police Say. The Australian police could point to no motive for the
attack, which paralyzed the city's heart at the end of the workday, as it was teeming with people heading home or doing
holiday shopping. Among the injured was a preschool-age child and an off-duty police officer who arrested the
driver. Four of the 19 victims admitted to hospitals were in critical condition, the authorities said. Shane
Patton, Victoria's acting police commissioner, described the driver as a 32-year-old Australian citizen of Afghan descent.
The Editor says...
Hmmm. Let's connect the dots: [1] A guy intentionally drives a car into a crowd. [2] Same
thing happened earlier in the year and it WAS terrorism. [3] Christmas shoppers. [4] "Afghan descent."
([4½] He was a naturalized "refugee," we learned the next day.) [5] An apparent accomplice, or at least an
accessory after the fact, carrying knives in a backpack, is standing there recording the whole thing. [6] The news media
refuse to say his name. [7] The police refuse to call it terrorism. Logical conclusion: It's terrorism.
The next day, some of the truth starts to spill out, along with the perps' name: Driver
ran over Christmas shoppers as revenge for 'mistreatment of Muslims': cops. The man who plowed an SUV into a crowd
of Christmas shoppers in Australia told cops he carried out the attack as retaliation for the "mistreatment of Muslims," officials
said Friday [12/22/2017]. Saeed Noori, 32, injured 19 people — three critically — when he sped his
vehicle into a busy intersection in downtown Melbourne outside the city's main train station just before 5 p.m.
Thursday. Noori, an Afghan who was granted entry into Australia in 2004 as a refugee and became a citizen two years later,
made the comments to police after he was arrested. "He has said that he attributes his actions to the perceived mistreatment
of Muslims," Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said.
The Editor says...
Sounds like a sane man to me, and a typical Muslim terrorist.
New York
December 11, 2017
media has lots of love for terrorists. C'mon down, Akayed Ullah, the New York Port Authority bus terminal
suicide bomber from Bangladesh, this month's "diversity lottery" terrorist. In the underground corridor linking the bus
station to Times Square, the devout Muslim walked by any number of ads and billboards for assorted infidel products, until he
got to where he wanted to detonate his homemade pipe bomb full of nails. He set it off in front of a Christmas
poster. Needless to say, The New York Times has been swooning over this nice young man. The undocumented
immigrant got the traditional front-page sob story last week. He was a good boy, a very good boy. He had recently
returned to the Third World hellhole from which he came. It was a "lonely trip."
We All Live in Bangladesh
Now. Akayed Ullah, a Bangladeshi Muslim living in Brooklyn, really hated Christmas. He hated Christmas so
much that he used Christmas tree lights (along with a battery and some wire) as a trigger for a pipe bomb. He filled
the pipe bomb with screws so that when it went off, metal shrapnel would tear bloody holes through morning commuters in
Manhattan. Wearing a hooded jacket and a backpack to cover the pipe bomb strapped to his body, Ullah got on the F Train
at the 18th Avenue elevated subway station off Little Bangladesh. Like the Duke Ellington song says, he switched over
to the A Train at Jay Street. It was early morning, but there were plenty of people riding the train. Jay Street
is a major transit hub. But Ullah was waiting to blow up somewhere else.
Of Alleged Port Authority Terrorist 'Outraged' Over Police Behavior. The family of Akayed Ullah, the suspect
behind Monday morning's failed suicide bombing at the New York City Port Authority Bus Terminal, expressed "outrage" by the
actions of law enforcement. "We are heartbroken by the violence that was targeted at our city today, and by the
allegations being made against a member of our family," Albert Fox Cahn, the legal director for CAIR New York, stated on
behalf of the Ullah family, WABC reported Monday. "But we are also outraged by the behavior of law enforcement
officials who have held children as small as four years old out in the cold and who held a teenager out of high school
classes to interrogate him without a lawyer, without his parents," the family said.
How Much Does
the 'New York Times' Hate Donald Trump? [Scroll down] One might point on that there have been plenty of
Muslim anti-Christian episodes since 2014, including the recent attempted suicide bombing in Times Square, which was
"provoked" by the sight of Christmas posters. This creature, an "immigrant" from Bangladesh, was kind enough to confess
that he tried to kill Real Americans "for the Islamic State."
Port Authority Attack is a Snapshot of Our Future. New York City on Monday suffered another terror attack at
the hands of a young Muslim man who swore fealty to the Islamic State of Iraq and Al Sham (better known as ISIS). The
27-year-old Bangladeshi national strapped a pipe bomb on himself and attempted to detonate it at the New York City Port
Authority in the middle of morning rush hour. Three people were injured (mercifully, there were no deaths), and the
would-be bomber, identified as Akayed Ullah, was taken to a nearby hospital. It is a good thing for New York City and
the country that the terrorist wannabe did not understand how to build a proper pipe bomb. If he had, there likely
would be many people dead and maimed, much economic damage, and another wave of fear would grip the city and the nation.
Authority bombing suspect targeted hallway because of Christmas posters. The alleged Port Authority bomber
spent an hour spilling his guts to investigators at Bellevue Hospital on Monday — saying he picked the specific
hallway because of Christmas posters and that he was avenging violence against Muslims around the world, law enforcement
sources said. Akayed Ullah mentioned President Trump and past administrations during the grilling, and said his anger
was fueled by decades of anti-Muslim bloodshed in Gaza, Syria and Iraq. Ullah, a Bangladeshi immigrant, said the attack
was specifically inspired by ISIS — "not Al-Qaeda" — and also mentioned seeing Christmas posters before
detonating the device in the underground tunnel between the bustling bus depot and the Times Square subway.
York bomber was inspired by Islamic State Christmas attacks, officials say. A would-be suicide bomber set off a
pipe bomb strapped to his body during the morning rush hour Monday, deep inside one of Manhattan's busiest commuter
corridors, police said. He chose the location because of its Christmas-themed posters, recalling strikes in Europe
against Christmas markets, he told investigators, and set off the bomb in retaliation for U.S. airstrikes on Islamic State
targets in Syria and elsewhere, several law enforcement officials said. The blast echoed through the subway tunnels
just off Times Square, and filled parts of the Port Authority Bus Terminal with smoke as commuters fled into the streets to
escape what authorities quickly concluded was an act of terror.
What Were
the Motives of the Port Authority Bomber? What were the motives of Ayaked Ullah, the Port Authority bomber in
yesterday's attack? There are many news headlines that address the issue, and they advance differing theories, each of
them presented as fact.
Subway Suicide Bomber is a Muslim Who Entered the Country on a 'Diversity' Visa. The suspect in the New York
City subway blast Monday told investigators he detonated a crude bomb after he spotted a holiday display and did it in the
name of ISIS to avenge the deaths of Muslims around the world, law enforcement officials said. Akayed Ullah, a
27-year-old Bangladeshi immigrant, said he consumed terrorist propaganda and learned how to make the explosive device
through online instructions, the officials said. He assembled it at his Brooklyn apartment, they said.
Terror Attack Courtesy of Chain Migration From America-Hating, Third World Hell-Hole. And how did this animal
enter the U.S.? Why, of course, the brainchild of the Democrat Party: chain migration. In short, chain
migration — signed into law by President Lyndon Baines Johnson — has resulted in the immigrant share of
the U.S. population almost tripling from about 4.7 percent to around 14 percent since 1970.
of Port Authority bombing suspect is 'outraged' at investigators' tactics. The family of the alleged
ISIS-inspired Port Authority bomber said they were "heartbroken" by the attack on Monday and blasted law enforcement agencies
for what they claimed were heavy-handed tactics by investigators. "We are heartbroken by the violence that was targeted
at our city today and by the allegations being made against a member of our family," said the statement read by Albert Fox
Cahn, the Legal Director for the NY Chapter Council for Islamic Relations. "But we're also outraged by the behavior of
the law enforcement officials who held children as small as 4 years old out in the cold and who pulled a teenager out
of high school classes to interrogate him without lawyer, without his parents."
York's failed terror attacker revealed to be part of large family who all got in thanks to his aunt or uncle.
President Donald Trump said Monday a bomb blast in Manhattan highlights the need for an immigration overhaul — as the man
arrested was revealed to be part of a large Bangladeshi family sponsored by his aunt or uncle. Trump said that the U.S.
'must fix its lax immigration system, which allows far too many dangerous, inadequately vetted people' into the country.
The Republican president pointed to his controversial travel ban as an example of the kind of policy that needs to be put in
place. And he called on Congress to end 'chain migration,' in which family members are permitted to join relatives who
have immigrated.
Suicide-Bomb Suspect Arrived by Chain Migration. On Monday 27-year-old Akayed Ullah, a Bangladesh national,
injured three individuals when he allegedly tried to detonate a suicide bomb in New York City in a planned terrorist
attack. Ullah, as confirmed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), entered the U.S. in 2011 as a chain
migrant. Under "chain migration," new immigrants to the U.S. are allowed to bring an unlimited number of poorly-screened
foreign relatives with them, creating a never-ending flow of immigration from some terror-ridden countries. Ullah came
to the U.S. through the F43 visa, allowing him to obtain a Green Card simply because his father's brother or sister had
recently been naturalized as a U.S. citizen. This process is known as "extended-family chain migration."
Authority Bomb Suspect Says He Was Angry About Muslim Killings, Meant Blast as Suicide Attack: Officials.
A man with a "low-tech" pipe bomb strapped to his body with Velcro and zip ties detonated the device in an underground
passageway near Port Authority Bus Terminal in midtown Manhattan as Monday's morning commute got underway, prompting mass
evacuations but appearing to seriously injure no one but himself, according to city and state officials. NYPD officials
have detained and identified the suspect as Akayed Ullah, a 27-year-old man of Bangladeshi descent with a last known address
in Brooklyn. Commissioner James O'Neill said Ullah "did make statements" about ISIS following the blast in a block-long
tunnel between the Times Square subway station and the bus terminal around 7:15 a.m.
migration responsible for NYC terror suspect's entry: White House. The attempted suicide bombing in New
York early Monday would never have happened if President Trump's immigration policies had been in place, the White House said
after it was revealed that the terror suspect had entered the country via chain migration. Akayed Ullah, a 27-year-old
Bangladeshi national, allegedly strapped a pipe bomb to his body with Velcro and zip ties, and it detonated in a subway
corridor, New York Police Department officials said. Hours later, the Department of Homeland Security confirmed to Fox
News that Ullah was admitted to the U.S. after presenting a passport displaying an F43 family immigrant visa in 2011.
bomber strikes Port Authority. An ISIS-inspired would-be suicide bomber set off a homemade explosive device at
the Port Authority Bus Terminal subway station Monday morning [12/11/2017], seriously wounding himself and injuring three
others, law enforcement sources said. The man — a 27-year-old Brooklyn man identified by high ranking police
sources as Akayed Ullah — had wires attached to him and a 5-inch metal pipe bomb and battery pack strapped to his
midsection as he walked through the Manhattan transit hub. The man partially detonated the device, which he was
carrying under the right side of his jacket, prematurely inside the passageway to the A, C and E trains at Eighth
Avenue and West 42nd Street around 7:40 a.m., sources said.
'wearing wires' is taken into custody after blast near Times Square. A Bangladeshi national in his 20s has been
taken into custody with serious injuries after a suspected pipe bomb he was carrying malfunctioned and exploded prematurely
inside a Midtown Manhattan subway station Monday morning [12/11/2017]. The explosion happened around 7:20am, in an
underground tunnel linking the Port Authority Bus Terminal to Times Square. The underground tunnel is a major
thoroughfare for workers during the morning rush hour. The suspect, identified as 27-year-old Akayed Ullah, was found
injured at the scene and rushed to Bellevue Hospital. He was wearing what appears to be a homemade pipe bomb attacked
to his body with velcro and zip ties. Authorities say Ullah is talking to investigators at the hospital.
reportedly tied to ISIS sets off rush-hour bomb. A Bangladeshi man reportedly inspired by ISIS set off a pipe
bomb inside New York's Port Authority bus terminal during rush hour Monday morning, sowing mass chaos but causing few
injuries — likely because the "attempted terrorist" detonated his "low tech device" prematurely. Akayed
Ullah, 27, set off the "effectively low-tech device" in a subway passageway just before 7:30 a.m., New York Gov. Andrew
Cuomo said in a news conference. Ullah suffered burns and wounds to his abdomen and hands and appeared to be the only
person seriously injured in the pipe bomb explosion, authorities said.
Bloomington, Minnesota
November 12, 2017
The Editor says...
I keep an eye on day-to-day news, looking for stories like this, and never heard of this one until ten weeks after it happened.
Man Explains Mall Stabbings. The Star Tribune article on the charges noted that no motive for the stabbings was
offered in the complaint, but that "it did suggest Abdirahman has had psychological difficulties. In 2016, he was
arrested on suspicion of stabbing two staff members with a pen at an inpatient psychiatric unit." That case apparently
went nowhere. This past Thursday Abdiraham pleaded guilty to the assault charges. [...] Eyewitness News reporter Beth
McDonough didn't leave it at that. She also sought comment from interested parties. Twin Cities Somali community
spokesman Omar Jamal suggested that Abdirahman is not simply the basket case presented by the Star Tribune. "This is a
widespread sentiment with Somali youth," he said. Jamal said the federal government's effort to make it difficult for
would-be jihadists to travel abroad and join a terrorist group has had unintended consequences locally.
path terrorist' Sayfullo Saipov threatened to decapitate corrections officer: court papers. Accused bike path
terrorist Sayfullo Saipov threatened to decapitate a federal corrections officer for repeatedly waking him while he's locked
up at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, a new court filing detailing a trove of the government's evidence against him
alleges. Saipov, who's accused of killing eight people during his 2017 Halloween terror attack on the West Side
Highway, allegedly threatened the officer on Dec. 17 last year for repeatedly slamming a door at night, making it hard for
the ISIS follower to sleep, the filing states. "During the course of this confrontation, the defendant threatened to
kill the Officer. Indeed, as the defendant later admitted to the MCC's disciplinary committee (the 'Committee'), he
told the Officer that if the Officer dared to open the defendant's cell, in two minutes 'other guys will be picking up your
dead body,'" the filing states.
'Diversity Visa' ISIS Murderer: 'I Am Following Orders of Allah'. The Islamic State (ISIS) terror
suspect — who came to the United States on the "Diversity Visa Lottery" — accused of murdering eight
people in New York City, said in court he is "following orders of Allah." In October 2017, 31-year-old Uzbek national
Sayfullo Saipov allegedly mowed down eight individuals in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City after securing a visa in
2010 through the Diversity Visa Lottery, which President Trump has asked Congress to end.
bike-path terrorist Sayfullo Saipov tells judge he only answers to Allah. Accused bike path terrorist Sayfullo
Saipov told a Manhattan federal court judge Monday [11/18/2019] he doesn't respect his authority — while
prosecutors said they want to empanel an anonymous jury to oversee the death penalty case. "The orders issued here have
nothing to do with me," Saipov told Judge Vernon Broderick through an Uzbek interpreter. "I am following orders of
Allah, who gave me life." The comments followed a hearing regarding jury selection ahead of the alleged ISIS militant's
trial for driving a truck down a crowded bike path on Halloween 2017, killing eight people.
Hudson River bike path terrorist Sayfullo Saipov was under government surveillance 'for years'. The ISIS
sympathizer accused of killing eight people in the Hudson River bike path attack was under government surveillance "for
years," according to new court papers. The revelation included in a heavily redacted filing in Manhattan Federal Court
from Sayfullo Saipov's defense team raises questions about whether the government could have done more to prevent the alleged
act of terrorism by the unhinged Uzbek.
Caliphate of the Mind.
The Islamic State's self-declared caliphate may be all but dead and buried in Iraq and Syria, but it thrives in the minds of
the frustrated faithful like Sayfullo Saipov, the 29-year-old Muslim immigrant from Uzbekistan, who self-radicalized in
America, police say, and decided a year ago to bring the jihad home. [...] Filled with new and stunning details about New
York's worst terrorist attack since 9/11, the federal complaint sheds new light on the mind of a volunteer member of the
global jihad. After being read his Miranda rights, Saipov not only confessed that he was inspired to act in the
name of the Islamic State but also boasted that he "felt good" about his carnage. Had he not been forced to leave the
rental van after colliding with a school bus, he had intended to continue on to the Brooklyn Bridge, where he would have killed
more people. He asked that an ISIS flag be hung in his hospital room, the complaint states, a request the police ignored.
New York to ISIS:
Keep Killing Us! We're Resilient! There's a Southern saying for hypocrites like Bill de Blasio: he's slimier than a bowl of
boiled okra. The mayor began with a phony request to be allowed "to be frank" and, with a mask-like expression, stated the obvious: "It was
an act of terror." He used the word "terror" once, and never said "Islamic," "ISIS," "terrorist," "terrorism," or "war," but he employed the vague,
minimizing terms "tragedy" and "loss" for the rest of his remarks. Cue the firm resolve face: "We know that this action was intended to break
our spirit." No, Billy, your words are intended to break our spirit; Saipov intended the glory of killing as many infidels as possible.
De Blasio continued, "But we also know New Yorkers are strong. New Yorkers are resilient. Our spirit will never be moved by an act of
violence, an act meant to intimidate us." Remaining unmoved when religious fanatics are slaughtering you is not resilience; it is mental illness.
calls for end to diversity visa program. President Trump and some of his allies on the far right have found a
new culprit in Tuesday's deadly terrorist attack in Manhattan: Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.).
As details emerged about the incident, prominent right-wing commentators and news outlets seized on a report from New York's
ABC affiliate that the alleged attacker, Sayfullo Saipov, had come to the United States from Uzbekistan under a State
Department program known as the Diversity Visa Lottery.
The Fatal Folly of
Diversity. Diversity refers not to a variety of ideas, as any conservative speaker trying to deliver a lecture on a college
campus can attest, but instead to identity markers of skin color, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, traits which most Americans
see through without discrimination. As Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke of judging people by the content of their character, not the
color of their skin. Diversity apparently applies to immigration too, specifically the Diversity Visa Lottery. Something most
Americans didn't even realize existed until last week's Manhattan terrorist attack. The terrorist entering the U.S. from Uzbekistan
via this so-called lottery. Seeing how this played out suggests that this isn't a lottery, instead a game of Russian roulette.
Spin the cylinder and take your chances as to whether a law-abiding, productive citizen comes out of the gun or a radical Islamic terrorist.
Libs think you're Stupid. Are
You? In New York City, another metropolis ruled by Democrats who make it impossible for good citizens to get
legal guns, an Isis fan just used a truck to mow down and kill bike riders and pedestrians. Turns out this militant had
been questioned by Comey's ineffectual FBI in 2015 but as usual couldn't find enough to charge him. Seems also that
this jihadist came here under a ridiculous program initiated by Democrats, of course, that allowed immigrants to come here
permanently by lottery and this killer from Uzbekistan brought in 23 family members. The only thing we really know
about Uzbekistan is that its major religion is Islam. Ah diversity. Don't you love it?
York City Terror Victims lost Chuck Schumer's "Diversity Lottery". Maybe now, Democratic liberals will see the
folly of giving illegal aliens drivers licenses on the false premise that it makes us all safer. And maybe liberal
judges from Hawaii will think again about the wisdom of Trump's travel ban and desire to switch to a merit-based immigration
system. Sayfullo Saipov was not an illegal alien and his home country of Uzbekistan was not on the travel ban list of
countries, but his presence here to kill and maim American citizens speaks to another idiotic immigration program —
the diversity visa lottery created by the same Sen. Chuck Schumer who cried about the cruelty of Trump's travel ban
amidst a bevy of aliens from central casting.
Marxism and its discontents. Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old Uzbekistan native living in New Jersey, yelled
"Allahu akbar" while mowing down 20 people, killing at least eight on a bike path in lower Manhattan. He came to the
U.S. in 2010 via the "diversity lottery" system created as part of the Immigration Act of 1990. Officials say he was
"radicalized" by ISIS after moving to the U.S. As President Trump rightly noted, Sen. Charles Schumer, New York
Democrat, was a prime backer of the diversity program, in which 50,000 foreigners are admitted annually in a lottery.
It doesn't matter whether they love America or hate it.
How Leftism Makes Us Stupid.
Perhaps the worst thing about having an exclusively leftist media is that it makes all of us, right and left, stupider.
Take for example that media's reaction to the latest Islamist terror attack in Manhattan. Evil loser Sayfullo Saipov
follows the ISIS playbook by driving a rented van over innocent civilians, killing eight. He jumps out of the van
shouting "Allahu Akbar!" (Allah is the greatest) and later tells police he's glad about what he did and requests an ISIS flag
in his hospital room. In reporting the event, CNN Crime and Justice reporter Shimon Prokupecz refused to share the police
description of the killer after he was caught. Because he's a journalist, and the last thing we want is to have journalists
going around giving people information! CNN's Jake Tapper responded to news of the loser's Arabic shout by remarking inanely
that Allahu Akbar is "sometimes said under the most beautiful of circumstances, and too often we hear it being said in moments
like this." He later clarified that he was referring to beautiful circumstances like weddings and births. Yeah, what
if the guy had been waving a Confederate flag? They wear those at some weddings too. [...] None of which is to make fun
of a tragedy, of course, but only of the absurd reaction of the leftist press.
Trump Calls For Immediate End to Diversity
Visa Lottery Which Brought Terrorist Into America. President Trump said Wednesday [11/1/2017] he's starting the
process immediately to terminate Senator Chuck Schumer's Diversity Visa Lottery program which brought the Manhattan terrorist
into America. "I am today starting the process of terminating the diversity lottery program. I am going to ask
Congress to immediately...get rid of this program," Trump said, calling the suspect an "animal." "Diversity lottery —
sounds nice, it's not nice. It's not good. It hasn't been good," he said. "We want people that are going to help
our country, we want people that are going to keep our country safe," Trump said. "We don't want lotteries where the wrong
people are in the lotteries and guess what? Who are the suckers that get those people? We want a merit-based system."
They never said anything to the cops, of course, but... Manhattan
terrorist's sister says the family became concerned when he started growing out his beard. The sister of an Uzbek immigrant
accused of killing eight people in New York said her brother might have been brainwashed and appealed to U.S. President Donald Trump on
Friday [11/3/2017] to ensure he gets a fair trial. Sayfullo Saipov, 29, was charged in a federal court on Wednesday with driving a
rented pickup truck down a riverside bike trail, crushing pedestrians and cyclists, in support of Islamic State. As well as those
killed, a dozen people were injured in the city's bloodiest single attack since Sept. 11, 2001. Trump has called for Saipov
to receive the death penalty.
Rears Its Head Again, with Democrats Enabling. Tuesday [10/31/2017] in New York City, Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old Uzbek
immigrant and jihadist, plowed a rented truck into bicyclists and pedestrians, killing eight and seriously injuring "numerous" others.
The response from leading New York Democrats was sickeningly rote. It was saturated with political correctness — hence, deceptive.
Deceptive, therefore cynical. If not stopped, Democrats' P.C. will keep killing Americans. Democrats enable jihad on these shores.
Their worldview, policies, and steadfast denial of the long-term war being waged by Muslim fundamentalists are costing lives — San
Bernardino, Orlando, now Manhattan, to name marquee attacks. It puts Americans across the nation at risk daily.
Suspected NYC Jihadi's Local Mosque of Terror Ties over a Decade Before Massacre. The NYPD had suspected New
Jersey's Masjid Omar Mosque, where jihadist Sayfullo Saipov reportedly worshipped, of having radical ties for over 10 years,
allegedly keeping all its worshippers under watch. Moreover, the FBI, which claims it had nothing to do with monitoring
the mosque, interviewed Saipov as a potential Islamic terrorist in 2015, but ultimately let him go. On Tuesday, Uzbek national
Saipov killed eight people and injured at least 11 in a vehicle attack on the West Side of Manhattan on Tuesday [10/31/2017].
Claims N.Y. Attack by 'One of the Soldiers of the Islamic State of America'. The Islamic State made its first
official acknowledgement of the Halloween attack on the West Side bike path in Manhattan, calling terror suspect Sayfullo
Saipov "one of the soldiers of the Islamic State of America" in their weekly newsletter released today [11/2/2017]. ISIS
lauded the attack in al-Naba, an Arabic-language 16-page color newsletter distributed within ISIS territory and online
as a PDF. Instead of being buried in the news briefs in the back of the issue, where ISIS recently touted the death toll and
damages in California wildfires, the New York news was nestled next to the editor's note on page 3. Without mentioning
Saipov by name, ISIS said the attacker killed "a number of crusaders on a street in New York City" close to the site of the
"Battle of 11 September."
Jihadism's E-Z Pass to New York. After Tuesday's
[10/31/2017] terrorist attack, the useless pols of New York quickly assembled before the cameras to recite the usual litany of politically correct
talking points. Looking like a lost giraffe, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio stepped up to the microphone and said that "the last thing we should
do is start casting dispersions" on Islam. That moment of illiteracy was then followed by a burst of illogic, as he argued that the proper response
to Islamic terrorism in a tolerant country is even more tolerance. "Anyone who wants to come into this country should be very thoroughly vetted as
an individual," he said. "But the minute you start generalizing it, especially to a whole religion, then unfortunately we're sending the exact
negative message that a lot of our enemies want and the terrorists wants to affirm — that this nation is somehow anti-Muslim. We've got to do
the exact opposite. We've got to show we respect all people in America." In other words, let's prioritize political correctness over safety and
propaganda over truth.
Reveals NYC Terror Suspect Brought 23 Others To U.S. After Winning Green Card Lottery. At a Cabinet meeting
Wednesday afternoon at the White House, President Donald Trump revealed that NYC terror suspect Sayfullo Saipov may have been
able to help as many as 23 other individuals migrate to the United States, as part of a "chain migration" that began when
Saipov was awarded a green card. "This man that came in — or whatever you want to call him — brought in,
with him, other people," the President said amidst a discussion of proposed changes to immigration policy. "And he was a point,
he was the point of contact — the primary point of contact for, and this is preliminarily — 23 people that
came in, or potentially came in with him." "And that's not acceptable," Trump continued.
York attack: Time to suspend Islamic immigration? America's immigration policy with regard to followers
of Muhammad is foolish, naïve, and exceedingly dangerous. This is not multiculturalism, this is insanity. It
is cultural suicide, not cultural diversity.
not from our religion': Man who was initially sought by FBI and NYPD in relation to truck terror attack condemns deadly
act. The devout Muslim man sought by federal officials in the Manhattan truck attack has come forward to
condemn the deadly act of terror. Mukhammadzoir Kadirov, 32, who was previously named a person of interest in the
investigation and a friend to aggressor, Sayfullo Saipov, told the Associated Press in a statement Thursday: 'This not from
our religion, it is not acceptable.' The married father of two toddler-aged children revealed he was heartsick over the
tragedy, while among other members of the Muslim community who completely 'reject' the actions of Saipov. Kadirov was
found by the FBI Wednesday nearly an hour and a half after a poster was shared, seeking further information on him.
Reporter Rips Trump For Not Calling for Death Penalty for (Already Dead) Vegas Shooter. In making a point about
the difference between President Donald Trump's reaction to the Las Vegas shooting and the NYC terror attack, WSJ
reporter Eli Stokols made a pretty obvious mistake by questioning why Trump didn't demand the death penalty for the assailant
who killed 58 concert goers in last month. Stokols, an MSNBC contributor, spoke with Nicolle Wallace Thursday [11/2/2017]
about the President saying the NYC terrorist should get the death penalty. And Stokols talked about the difference in how
Trump approaches these attacks compared to others.
Details On NYC Terror Suspect Emerge: Feds Interviewed Him In 2015. According to law enforcement
officials, Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, the 29-year-old Uzbekistan national suspected of mowing down pedestrians and
cyclists in Manhattan on Tuesday, was interviewed by Homeland Security agents two years ago about possible ties to suspected
terrorists, but the agents could not find enough to open a case on him. Officials say that the interview was conducted
in 2015 by the Department of Homeland Security Investigations Unit, which was looking into Saipov's possible terror
connections. "Saipov's name and address was listed as a 'point of contact' for two different men whose names were
entered into the Counterterrorism and Criminal Exploitation Unit's list after they came to the United States from 'threat
countries,'" ABC News reports, citing an unnamed federal official. ABC reports that one of the two men has disappeared
and is now being sought as a "suspected terrorist."
seek Uzbek national as person of interest in NYC terror attack. The FBI put out a wanted poster for an Uzbek
national labelled a "person of interest" in Tuesday's terror attack — but called off the search an hour
later. "We believed he had information related to yesterday. But we are not looking for that individual any
longer," FBI honcho Bill Sweeney said Wednesday evening. "We have found him and I'll leave it at that." The agency
had earlier issued the poster for Mukhammadzoir Kadirov, 32, saying it was seeking information about him.
terror attack suspect asked to display an ISIS flag in his hospital room. Sayfullo Saipov, the suspect charged
in Tuesday's deadly terror attack in New York City, asked law enforcement during an interview if he could display an Islamic
State flag in his hospital room. According to a criminal complaint filed Wednesday, Saipov asked to display the flag
because he felt "good" about what he did, adding that he was considering displaying the flag on his truck but decided it
would draw too much attention.
If Home Depot Had Refused To Rent A Truck To Sayfullo Saipov? John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence and
counterterrorism, said Wednesday: "We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental
locations in this area. The industry has had a high level of awareness on this matter from the NYPD." And "Miller said that
if a company is suspicious of a would-be renter, they usually delay or simply deny a rental to let police investigate." Really?
The companies deny rentals to suspicious characters? Is that so? Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City truck jihad mass murderer,
looks like a jihadi. But to acknowledge that would be to engage in racial profiling, and given the decidedly Islamic style of his
facial hair (a hadith depicts Muhammad telling Muslims to trim their mustaches but not their beards, because the Jews and Christians trim
their beards but not their mustaches), religious profiling, a manifestation of "Islamophobia," as well.
Another Radical Islamic Terror Attack That Could Have Been Prevented. It didn't take long before we learned that
the alleged New York terrorist who plowed into pedestrians in a well-planned attack that killed eight had been on the government's
radar. That makes 10 terror attacks over the past eight years carried out by Islamic extremists "known to authorities."
Jihad Comes To Manhattan. In lower Manhattan on Tuesday afternoon, a Muslim named Sayfullo Saipov, screaming
"Allah akbar," drove a rented truck along a bicycle path, killing at least eight people and injuring numerous others.
According to Al Arabiya, "New York state governor Andrew Cuomo told media that there is no evidence to suggest wider plot or
wider scheme." And Time.com reported that Cuomo said that there was no "evidence of an ongoing threat or any additional
threat." No evidence to suggest a wider plot or an ongoing threat? Really, Governor? Here's some: last
June, the Islamic State published a poster depicting an SUV driving over a heap of skulls and bearing the legend "Run Over Them
Without Mercy."
NYC Terrorist Must Be Declared an 'Enemy Combatant Under the Law of War'. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said
a terrorist who mowed down more than 20 people with a truck in New York City must be held as an "enemy combatant," not as a
common criminal. He told Shannon Bream on "Fox News @ Night" that 29-year-old Uzbek immigrant Sayfullo Saipov should be
held by U.S. intelligence for as long as necessary to figure out whether he was part of a broader ISIS plot and to examine
his past contacts. "The last thing that I want this guy to hear tonight is, 'You have the right to a lawyer.' The
last thing he should hear is his Miranda rights. I've been a military lawyer for 33 years. There is enough
evidence to believe that he qualifies as an enemy combatant under the law of war," said Graham.
interviewed suspected NYC truck attacker in 2015 about possible terror ties. Sayfullo Saipov, who has been charged
with killing eight people in a vehicle attack on the West Side of Manhattan on Tuesday, was interviewed in 2015 by federal agents
about possible ties to suspected terrorists but a case was never opened against him, law enforcement officials tell ABC News.
Saipov was listed as a "point of contact" for two men whose were listed in a Department of Homeland Security counterterrorism
database and later overstayed their tourist visas, a federal official told ABC News. One was flagged after arriving from
a so-called "threat country," while the other vanished and was being actively sought by federal agents as a "suspected
terrorist." An official told ABC News that the FBI has since located him and he is not believed to have been involved in
Tuesday's attack.
Calls NYC Attack an 'Act of War': Terrorist 'Should Not be Read Miranda Rights'. Following the deadliest
terrorist attack in New York since 9/11, Senator John McCain of Arizona released a statement declaring it an "act of war."
The Senate Armed Services Committee chairman also said the attacker should be treated as enemy combatant and is not entitled
to Miranda rights. He published the following press release in response to the eight Americans who were killed and the
numerous who were wounded yesterday afternoon [10/31/2017].
Bloodbath in
downtown NYC after truck driver runs over pedestrians. A terrorist in a rental truck sped for nearly a mile
down a popular bike-only path in lower Manhattan on Tuesday — killing eight people in the shadow of the World
Trade Center and then shouting, "Allahu Akbar." "This was an act of terror," Mayor Bill de Blasio declared at an evening
press conference. "A particularly cowardly act of terror aimed at innocent civilians, aimed at innocent people going
about their lives." Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old immigrant from Uzbekistan, was shot by a cop after getting out of his
car at Chambers and West streets with two realistic-looking guns while screaming "Allahu Akbar" — Arabic for "God
is great," police sources said.
CNN Falsely Claims That Terrorist Said "God Is Great" Instead Of "Allahu Akbar". CNN falsely reported on
Tuesday that the Islamic terrorist who attacked and murdered innocent civilians in New York City shouted, "God is Great,"
instead of what he is alleged to have actually said: "Allahu Akbar." Sayfullo Saipov, 29, is the alleged
terrorist who yelled "Allahu Akbar" — "God is greater" (superlative) [sic - comparative] and in Arabic —
as he got out of his truck, after he ran over multiple pedestrians, the New York Post reported. However, on CNN's The
Situation Room with host Wolf Blitzer, the left-leaning news network chose to distort what Saipov said — claiming on
their banner that he said "God is Great" in Arabic.
suspect in NYC truck attack had pledged allegiance to ISIS. The driver who plowed into a group of people on
Tuesday, killing eight, left behind handwritten notes pledging loyalty to ISIS along with an image of an ISIS flag inside his
vehicle. Sayfullo Saipov, 29, had the notes written in Arabic inside his Home Depot rental truck along with a picture
of the ISIS flag, according to law enforcement sources. The handwritten notes indicated that he had pledged allegiance
to the terror group, the sources said.
New York truck attack suspect passed background check. Uber says it's in contact with the FBI after it emerged
that the suspect in the deadly truck attack in New York City was one of the company's drivers. Sayfullo Habibullaevic
Saipov, originally from Uzbekistan, has been living in the U.S. since 2010, law enforcement sources told CNN. Uber said he
started driving for the ride-hailing app in New Jersey just over six months ago. The 29-year-old is accused of using a
rented pickup truck to mow down cyclists on a busy bike path near the World Trade Center in Manhattan on Tuesday. He
was shot and detained by police.
not celebrating diversity visas. Does America owe everyone in the world a lottery ticket chance to gain entry
to our homeland? Sayfullo Saipov, the jihadi who mowed down bikers and pedestrians in New York City, shouting "Allahu akbar!"
("Allah is supreme!") before being shot and captured, was in this country thanks to the Diversity Visa Process that operates as
if our first duty is to make sure everyone has a shot at immigrating here, instead of picking who will benefit Americans.
Reform Islam or
Live the 'New Normal' Forever. Two of the more repugnant Americans today are the moral narcissist judges from
Maryland (Theodore Chuang) and Hawaii (Derrick Watson) who tried to upend Donald Trump's travel ban. They have
metaphorical blood on their robes, whether they know it or not. The fact is the travel ban is insufficient, not
illegal. It's only a meager beginning in dealing with a situation that has not changed in any real sense since 9/11, as
the events in New York Tuesday testify. If we do not move even more seriously to prevent them, they will indeed become
the "new normal." Globally, they already have. The ISIS-loving psycho killer who murdered eight and crippled more,
Sayfullo Saipov, is from Uzbekistan, which is not on the banned list. Not only that, he was admitted to the U.S. via
something called the Diversity (yes, that word again) Visa Program, a blind lottery system that seems more like Russian
roulette for existing citizens. Spin the wheel and admit a mass murderer for Allah.
terror attack leaves 8 dead, several injured; suspect's notes pledged ISIS loyalty. The man accused of plowing
into New York pedestrians Tuesday had a printout of an ISIS flag in his car and left behind handwritten notes pledging his
loyalty to the Islamic State, as a clearer picture emerged Wednesday morning of Sayfullo Saipov's alleged links to the terror
group. Saipov, 29, is originally from Uzbekistan and is not a U.S. citizen, federal law enforcement sources have
confirmed to Fox News.
NYC Foreign Terror Suspect Entered U.S. with 'Diversity Visa' Trump Wants to End. The suspected foreign
national terrorist behind the New York City attack that has left at least eight individuals dead came to the United States
years ago through the Diversity Visa Lottery, a program that President Trump and pro-American immigration reformers have
demanded an end to. According to ABC New York, 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov — the man who allegedly mowed
down pedestrians in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City — entered the U.S. in 2010 from Uzbekistan under the
Diversity Visa Lottery before obtaining a Green Card.
York City terror attack suspect had note that referenced ISIS. The suspect in the terror attack in New York
that left eight people dead and another 12 injured left a note that referenced the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a
federal law enforcement source confirmed to CBS News. CBS News has learned Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, 29, is the
suspect in the attack, which New York City officials describe as an act of terror.
Matthews is baffled why an Uzbeki would want to attack us. Chris Matthews has put in a strong entry for the title of
stupidest reaction to the Halloween jihad massacre in Lower Manhattan. Was there a memo at NBC News that forbade any mention
of Islam or Jihad in discussing Sayfullo Saipov? Or is Matthews really that stupid? Was this madness passed down from
the suits at 30 Rock? Or does Chris Matthews wear such huge blinders that he can't connect the dots and see that this
attack is like Barcelona, Nice, and several other examples of jihadis renting trucks and mowing down infidels?
Tweet On Terror Attack Leaves Out Key Detail. Former President Barack Obama tweeted about Tuesday's [10/31/2017]
New York City terror attack, and noticeably left out a major point concerning the nature of the incident. Obama made no
mention of the word "terror" or "terrorist" and simply referred to Tuesday's events as "today's attack."
suspect was rude customer at local supermarket. The driver who mowed down people with a truck in Manhattan,
killing 8, was known as an "erratic" customer who berated the cashiers at his local supermarket. Sayfullo Saipov, 29,
was notorious for his behavior at the Farm Boy Super Fresh Supermarket on Getty avenue in Paterson, NJ, the manager
said. "Every time he came here he was always erratic or arguing with the cashiers," she told The Post about the terror
killer. "He would get angry very fast... he would break the cans, dumb things." The manager, who declined to give
her name, said Saipov was very rude to the cashiers, and called them "uneducated."
police release man held after 11 hurt in crash outside Natural History Museum. A 47-year-old man arrested after
a car rammed into a group of people outside the Natural History Museum in London was released Sunday but still remains "under
investigation," authorities said. London's Metropolitan Police said the man has not been charged, and has been released
while an investigation continues.
'deliberately mows down pedestrians' after mounting the pavement outside London's Natural History Museum. Pixie
Lott's fiance told how he pinned down a taxi driver who had injured 11 people after mounting a pavement and running over
pedestrians outside London's Natural History Museum. Model Oliver Cheshire, 29, was sat in his Jaguar in Kensington
when the man, said to be an Uber driver, ploughed into his vehicle. He immediately leapt into action and helped
apprehend the man, who he said was screaming on the ground. Police have tonight [10/7/2017] ruled out terrorism and
described the crash as a 'road traffic incident'.
Car crash in London is traffic accident, not terror. A car crash that injured 11 people outside a major
London tourist attraction Saturday [10/7/2017] of a terrorist attack but turned out to be simply a traffic accident, London
police said. The accident at 2:20 p.m. outside the popular Natural History Museum in the heart of central London
brought a gigantic police response, including helicopters and hazardous area response teams, because of terrorist concerns.
Las Vegas
October 4, 2017
Editor's Note:
Much of the modus operandi points to an act of Islamic terrorism: First of all, it's Las Vegas,
also known as Sin City, where drunkenness, immorality, prostitution, gambling, smoking, revelry, hedonism,
and unaccompanied young ladies in public after dark have been promoted for decades. In other words,
everything that offends Muslims is gathered in one place. Second, an Islamic terrorist organization claimed
responsibility for the attack, which they never do without having some involvement. Third, the official
explanation and timeline change every few days, and one of the key witnesses has disappeared went
into hiding for a while. Therefore if one is to jump to a conclusion, the shortest jump leads to Islamic terrorism.
Update: FBI:
2017 Las Vegas Shooter Was Angry About How Casinos Treated Him. The shooter who
killed 60 people in a Las Vegas massacre in October 2017 may have been angry at casinos after he
lost a significant amount of money in the days before the incident, according to newly released FBI
files. Stephen Paddock is accused by law enforcement of shooting into a crowd of country
music fans from his Mandalay Bay hotel suite after transporting dozens of rifles and thousands of
rounds of ammunition into his hotel room. Officials said that he died of a self-inflicted
gunshot wound as responding officers attempted to access his room. But few details have been
provided about Paddock, and officials have never established a motive for why a 64-year-old
high-stakes gambler would carry out the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. Last week, the
FBI released redacted documents following a Wall Street Journal Freedom of Information Act request
showing that a fellow gambler, whose name is redacted from the hundreds of pages of documents, told
the FBI that casinos had previously treated high rollers like Paddock to free cruises, airline
flights, penthouse suites, rides in "nice cars," and tours in wine country.
The Editor says...
How does that explain ISIS taking credit for the shooting? How does that wrap up the many
loose ends described in the articles below, such as the mountain of brass that should have surrounded
the gunman after firing as many rounds as they say he did, and the miraculously undetected burglary at
the shooter's heavily-guarded home shortly after the shooting? More broadly, does anyone take
the FBI's word for anything, now that we know it's
hopelessly politicized?
Slaughtered Us Like Fish in a Barrel' — Citizen Reporter Exposes Vegas Massacre
Coverup. The 2017 Las Vegas massacre is one of the deadliest mass shootings in US
history — yet, it's also one of the most mysterious and tightly guarded.
Officially, we're told that 64-year-old Stephen Paddock acted alone, firing over 1,000 rounds into
a packed music festival crowd from his Mandalay Bay hotel suite. He slaughtered
60 people and injured hundreds more before turning the gun on himself. [...] That's the
"official story." Just 10 days ago, Glenn Beck released a video on this very topic.
FBI whistleblower Steve Friend sat down with Glenn and shared his theory on what really went down
with the Las Vegas shooter: "I think that Stephen Paddock was probably working with some government
agency, was selling weapons to a terrorist organization, laundering it through the casino... and
then, he happened to sell to the wrong people who perpetuated the attack at that moment."
[Video clip]
The Editor says...
That explanation sounds more credible than the government's explanation.
2017 Las Vegas Shooter Was Angry About How Casinos Treated Him. The shooter who
killed 60 people in a Las Vegas massacre in October 2017 may have been angry at casinos after he
lost a significant amount of money in the days before the incident, according to newly released FBI
files. Stephen Paddock is accused by law enforcement of shooting into a crowd of country
music fans from his Mandalay Bay hotel suite after transporting dozens of rifles and thousands of
rounds of ammunition into his hotel room. Officials said that he died of a self-inflicted
gunshot wound as responding officers attempted to access his room. But few details have been
provided about Paddock, and officials have never established a motive for why a 64-year-old
high-stakes gambler would carry out the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. Last week, the
FBI released redacted documents following a Wall Street Journal Freedom of Information Act request
showing that a fellow gambler, whose name is redacted from the hundreds of pages of documents, told
the FBI that casinos had previously treated high rollers like Paddock to free cruises, airline
flights, penthouse suites, rides in "nice cars," and tours in wine country.
The Editor says...
How does that explain ISIS taking credit for the shooting? How does that wrap up the many
loose ends described in the articles below, such as the mountain of brass that should have surrounded
the gunman after firing as many rounds as they say he did, and the miraculously undetected burglary at
the shooter's heavily-guarded home shortly after the shooting? More broadly, does anyone take
the FBI's word for anything, now that we know it's
hopelessly politicized?
FBI's Work in Mass Shootings Is Not Pretty. Former FBI director James Comey was in
charge of finding what — and who — led up to some renowned, rather horrific
mass shootings, which included Sandy Hook (2012), San Bernardino (2015), and Las Vegas (2017).
[...] In the Las Vegas shooting, Sheriff Joe Lombardo held a press conference on the release of the
LVMPD Criminal Investigative Report of the October 1 Mass Casualty Shooting. He said the
ten-month investigation had revealed no evidence of conspiracy or a second gunman, and that the
gunman's motive had not been determined. Lombardo said, "[W]hat we have not been able to
definitively answer is why Stephen Paddock committed this act." A report published by the FBI's
Behavioral Analysis Unit in January 2019 said that "there was no single or clear motivating factor"
for the shooting.
Years After Las Vegas Concert Shooting, an FBI Whistleblower Reveals Probable Motive. [Scroll down]
In the interview, [former FBI special agent John] Guandolo said, "When you look at what actually transpired and put it
together from a counter-espionage attack and counter-espionage look, the probability that was an ISIS attack is well
over 90%." He said the special agent in charge of the Las Vegas FBI field office "got angry and dismissed it, and
when presented with the information, FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., dismissed it out of hand." Guandolo said
he'd been asked to brief "a couple of people; members of Congress and others." He said, "The FBI both in
Washington, LA, and Las Vegas that participated in that investigation can't even begin to think of it as a jihadi
attack, because number one, they still don't understand what that actually means." [...] He concludes, "I mean, it only
points to an ISIS attack. It does not point anywhere else. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack five
times. They said that guy, he's our guy. We hail him, he's a martyr."
Top 10 Iconic
Events Of The Last Decade. [#3] Mass Shooting In Las Vegas: [...] Investigation into Paddock's history revealed
that he was a frequent gambler who liked to place bets that would see him earn rewards such as free food and
accommodation. It was also established that he was somewhat of an alcoholic and that his father was a criminal wanted
by the FBI. It seemed that Paddock simply wanted to murder a lot of people without any obvious reason as it was found that he
researched other venues in Boston and Chicago before deciding on Las Vegas. Naturally many conspiracy theories saw the
light after the massacre including accusations of a false flag event and rumors of a second shooter that was never brought to
book. Other theories linked Paddock to the Antifa movement while ISIS falsely claimed that he was one of their
"soldiers". Some believe that there were a group of shooters but that this is being covered up in order to advance the
promotion of gun control laws. It is very likely that the true motive for the senseless massacre will never be
discovered. To date this was the worst mass shooting carried out by one person in the history of the US.
the Two Year Anniversary of the Las Vegas Shooting, There Are Still No Answers. It is the two-year anniversary
of the Las Vegas shooting today [10/1/2019], allegedly perpetrated by lone gunman Stephen Paddock, and there has been no
evidence produced publicly to validate the official story. 58 people were murdered in the slaughter, with an additional
900 being injured as a result of the attack, which allegedly happened from the Mandalay Bay hotel to the Route 91 Harvest
music festival on October 1, 2017. Investigators would give no motive for Paddock's actions and withhold the video evidence
from public scrutiny. A former high-level law enforcement official told Big League Politics last year that it was possibly a
joint ANTIFA-ISIS terrorist attack. With the way the feds are known to protect ANTIFA from consequences from their violent
actions, it is not a far-fetched notion.
of The Biggest Lies & Hoaxes Perpetrated on The American People. [#27] Gun Control & False Flags: Disgustingly,
there have been orchestrated shootings so as to fuel the need for "gun control." Of course, there are disturbed
individuals out there, but when people can begin to predict when shootings will happen based upon timing of key events taking
place, something is awry. And, when seconds following these events, all the usual suspects begin yelling "gun control"
right on cue, that too is very telling. [...] Now keep in mind, any shootings that were "false flag" events, does not mean that
people did not get injured or die. It means the event was orchestrated to serve an agenda. It's sick. These folks
went above and beyond to bury the facts on the Las Vegas shooting, from law enforcement to the FBI on up — buried.
Las Vegas Mass Murderer's Motive: A Psychoanalyst Explains. On October 1, 2017, America was stunned by
the horrible mass murder in Las Vegas. The lengthy search for the murder's motive most likely ends in the bitter
unconscious severe neurotic conflicts of Stephen Paddock's troubled mind. His obsessive-compulsively planned mass
murder seemed intended to make his father's life of petty crime look like peanuts in comparison. Psychodynamically,
Paddock's horrendous act was an ultimate fantasied oedipal victory. As noted by Dave Phillips and Mathew Haag's
perceptive New York Times article of October 2, 2017, Benjamin Hoskins Paddock, Stephen Paddock's father, was a grifter,
con artist, bank robber and jail-breaker who spent years on the FBI's most wanted list.
Vegas police officer who 'froze' during 2017 massacre fired by department. An armed, veteran police officer who
stood idle for several minutes as the Las Vegas gunman slaughtered dozens of concertgoers in 2017 was fired by the department
months ago, officials revealed Tuesday [7/2/2019]. Cordell Hendrex was fired March 20 from the Las Vegas Metropolitan
Police Department, spokesman Larry Hadfield told the Associated Press. While officials did not reveal additional details
on what led to Hendrex's termination, police union president Steve Grammas said the officer was fired because of his actions
during the Oct. 1, 2017 mass shooting.
doesn't find motive for Vegas mass shooting. The high-stakes gambler responsible for the deadliest mass shooting in
modern U.S. history sought notoriety in the attack but left his specific motive a mystery, the FBI said Tuesday [1/29/2019] as it
concluded the investigation of the 2017 massacre that killed 58 country music fans. While the agency found no "single or clear
motivating factor" to explain why Stephen Paddock opened fire from his suite in a high-rise casino hotel, Paddock may have been
seeking to follow in his father's criminal footsteps, the FBI said. "It wasn't about MGM, Mandalay Bay or a specific casino
or venue," Aaron Rouse, the agent in charge of the FBI's Las Vegas office, told The Associated Press. "It was all about doing
the maximum amount of damage and him obtaining some form of infamy."
Concludes Investigation Into Las Vegas Shooting, Finds No Motive. A high-stakes gambler who rained a hail of
gunfire down on a crowd of country music fans, killing 58, took to his grave any specific motive for the 2017 attack, the FBI
said Tuesday as it concluded its investigation into the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. The agency
found no "single or clear motivating factor" to explain why Stephen Paddock opened fire from his suite in a high-rise casino
hotel. The 64-year-old, who acted alone, fatally shot himself as police closed in. "It wasn't about MGM, Mandalay
Bay or a specific casino or venue," Aaron Rouse, the agent in charge of the FBI's Las Vegas office, told the Associated
Press. "It was all about doing the maximum amount of damage and him obtaining some form of infamy."
Media & Officials Participating in Clear
Cover-up of Bullets Fired at Bellagio Hotel During Mandalay Massacre. Clear video evidence has surfaced which
indicates that the Bellagio Hotel was forced into Lockdown, sequestering hundreds of guests, as a result of bullets being
fired into the front of the hotel during the Mandalay Bay massacre. However, according to Las Vegas officials and
numerous media accounts, no mention has been made and even denials have been issued, concerning gunshots being fired into the
Bellagio hotel during the concert massacre across from Mandalay Bay. The question obviously becomes why the cover-up?
Department awards nearly $17M to aid Las Vegas shooting survivors. The US Justice Department announced Friday
an award of nearly $17 million to help survivors of the 2017 mass shooting at Las Vegas' Route 91 Harvest music
festival. Funding from the department's Office for Victims of Crime will help cover the costs of counseling, therapy,
rehabilitation, trauma recovery and legal assistance for victims of the deadliest mass shooting in US history.
Survivors covered by this award include ticket holders, concert staff, vendors, witnesses, law enforcement and other first
responders, according to a DOJ statement.
The Editor says...
I wonder how many strings are attached to the money.
Las Vegas
Massacre: An unexplored political motive? Retired CIA Station Chief Brad Johnston notes that the many
hundreds of people who were so severely impacted by this horrific event, deserve more than this less than satisfactory
conclusion. Johnston has studied the reports and witness statements from the beginning and feels that there's at least
one trail of evidence that has not been given the follow up and attention it merits. Watch as he explains what
that is and why it might lead investigators to the "why." [Video clip]
Las Vegas Massacre's Missing Data. [#1] Where is the muzzle flash? While the report discusses weapons fired during the event,
it does not mention recorded imagery of muzzle flash from the 32nd-floor window where Paddock was determined to have carried out his killing spree.
Muzzle flash from weapons such as the AR-15 is one of the key indicators of shooter location, particularly in the thermal infrared, a region of the
electromagnetic spectrum extending beyond the range that the human eye can see. According to the report, Paddock used a total of 13 weapons
during the shooting (not including the pistol with which he killed himself). Even if some weapons were flash-suppressed, the incessant,
continuous, violent barrage from one location should have produced some flashes whose signatures were captured on video — even on the cell
phone camera videos taken by many individuals on the ground. Moreover, FBI forensic experts determined that some of the weapons had been
loaded with tracer ammunition, making a signature more likely to be seen on imagery. No discussion of flash or tracer signatures appears
in the document, and no explanation for the omission is provided.
Vegas Hotel "Security" Enters The Big Brother Age After The Vegas Shooting. What would you do if you owned a
hotel on the Las Vegas Strip after the Vegas shooting to increase security? Why, of course... you'd perform surprise
security checks on the most paranoid group that visits there — DEF CON. Caesar's Palace in their stupidity
has allegedly implemented a practice where hotel security, using keys to the rooms there, are doing random security checks where
they enter the rooms without knocking and seize items from the rooms. And if Caesar's Palace is doing it, the rest of the
hotels on the Strip won't be far behind. Any highrise hotel will fall in line. You probably don't have to worry about
Best Westerns or Holiday Inns... yet.
Vegas gunman spent $1.5M, became distant before rampage. In the months before unleashing a hail of bullets into
a Las Vegas concert crowd, Stephen Paddock burned through more than $1.5 million, became obsessed with guns and increasingly
unstable, and distanced himself from his girlfriend and family, according to an investigative report released Friday [8/3/2018].
claim MGM has no liability to Las Vegas shooting victims. MGM Resorts International has filed federal lawsuits
against more than 1,000 Las Vegas mass shooting victims in an effort to avoid liability. The company, which owns Mandalay
Bay and the Route 91 Harvest festival venue, argues that it cannot be held liable for Oct. 1 deaths, injuries or
other damages, adding that any claims against MGM parties "must be dismissed," according to complaints filed Friday [7/13/2018]
in Nevada and California. "Plaintiffs have no liability of any kind to defendants," the complaints argue.
Bay owners sue victims of Las Vegas mass shooting. The corporate owners of the Mandalay Bay casino filed suit
against the victims of last year's Las Vegas concert mass shooting, claiming it has no liability for the massacre, according
to a published report on Monday [7/16/2018]. MGM Resorts International went to federal courts in Nevada and California and
took on more than 1,000 shooting victims, saying claims against the hotel giant "must be dismissed." "Plaintiffs have no
liability of any kind to defendants," the complaints argue, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Sues 1,000 Victims of Mandalay Bay Shooting to Avoid Liability. The company cites a 2002 federal act that
extends liability protection to any company that uses "anti-terrorism" technology or services that can "help prevent and
respond to mass violence." They hired a certified DHS company to handle security, making them free from liability, they
claim, since they are government-backed. MGM isn't looking for money from the victims. "I've never seen a more
outrageous thing, where they sue the victims in an effort to find a judge they like," attorney Robert Eglet, who represented
some of the victims, told the Review-Journal, accusing MGM of "judge-shopping" in federal court, rather than state court
where he believes any lawsuits should be filed. "It's just really sad that they would stoop to this level."
Resorts International Sues Victims Of Vegas Mass Shooting. Nine months after the horrific mass shooting at a
Las Vegas concert venue, MGM is actually suing the victims of the attack. MGM Resorts International has filed a
complaint against more than 1000 individual victims in an attempt to seek relief from the lawsuits of victims claiming the
resort is partially liable for Stephen Paddock's murder spree in October of 2017. [...] Mandalay Bay and it's parent company
are under extreme scrutiny after it was revealed that it took security and SWAT nearly 80 minutes to reach Paddock's
room. Litigants hold MGM responsible for the slow response and inadequate surveillance and security.
hotel walls, an inundated dispatch and too many officers trying to transmit at once. During the deadliest
shooting in modern American history, first responders inside and in the vicinity of the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas faced
a slew of radio communication issues, it has been revealed. Metropolitan Police officers were unable to communicate
directly with EMS, with their only line of communication being a peripheral police radio channel, all while dispatchers were
fielding a surge of reports. Inside the hotel hallways, 'thick walls' of the hotel caused radio service to cut
in-and-out, and it was very difficult for officers to communicate with the main command post located within the hotel.
the events in Las Vegas with Brad Johnson. Retired CIA station Chief takes an analytical look at the events in
Las Vegas, in what may have been the largest mass shooting in US history. [Video clip]
Docs Reveal Stephen Paddock Told Uber Driver About A "Terrorist Attack For Mandalay Bay". A witness statement
that is part of a batch of newly released police documents concerning the Las Vegas shooting reveals that in the days before
the Las Vegas shooting, Stephen Paddock and a woman were picked up by an Uber driver who said Paddock "commented on the
Mandalay Bay Area for a terrorist attack" as he was being dropped off at the Mandalay Bay. The witness statement is one
of many previously unspoken statements that were released nearly one week ago after a judge ordered them to be released.
This appears to be off-topic — until the last sentence: The
Left Has Created A Cottage Industry From the Deaths of Children. More details about the incident are sure to be
made public in the coming hours and days, but we'll take a wild guess here: White, male student, considered a loner,
possibly already on the radar of local law enforcement, and almost certainly under the influence of prescription drugs
in the SSRI class. Why do I feel so confident about making this assumption? Simply because this has been the M.O.
of nearly every mass shooter in American history since the advent of antidepressants, (which is pretty much every mass
shooter in American history). One of the few exceptions to this rule was Stephen Paddock of Las Vegas infamy, whose
timeline and history have been an oddly well-guarded secret among local law enforcement.
release body cam footage from Las Vegas Massacre. Las Vegas police have finally released partial footage from
police body cameras that showed officers entering and combing through the hotel room where gunman Stephen Paddock unleashed a
hail of gunfire on concert-goers last October. The video released on Wednesday came from officers Sgt. Joshua
Bitsko and David Newton, the Las Vegas Journal-Review reported. The first officer to enter the room, Levi Hancock, did
not activate his body camera, for reasons that remain unknown to investigators.
The Editor says...
Right. Or maybe his body camera was turned on, and it showed something we're not supposed to see, and the footage was
destroyed. That would help to explain why it took six months and a court order to get any of the body camera footage released.
Otherwise, why all the secrecy and delays?
Court orders release of audio, video from Las Vegas shooting massacre. The Nevada Supreme Court on Friday
[4/27/2018] ruled that the Metropolitan Police Department must begin releasing body camera footage and 911 call audio from
the Las Vegas mass shooting. "The speed with which the Supreme Court made this decision reflects the complete absence
of merit in the Metropolitan Police Department's arguments," Review-Journal Executive Editor Glenn Cook said Friday
[4/27/2018]. A Clark County judge ruled in February that Metro had 30 days to hand over all the records, which
were requested days after the Oct. 1 shooting. But Metro contested it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars
and take much longer to produce the footage and audio.
Mole Hunted by Rogue FBI Brass; Death Threats Made to True Pundit over Mandalay Bay Investigative Series. The
rogue faction of the FBI — leftover disciples of the Andrew McCabe-school of federal law enforcement —
have waged a manhunt to find FBI personnel who are leaking REAL details about the Mandalay Bay massacre to independent news
media. You might think the FBI would spend its time running down leads to pinpoint the details of the Las Vegas
shooting spree that claimed the lives of 58 people and injured 500 more. Not so. But it is imperative to
understand the two FBIs at play in Las Vegas right now, One faction comprises the rank-and-file FBI who are working
diligently to run down leads on Stephen Paddock and who helped him. And he did have help, The other faction at work are
upper-echelon FBI who are trying to control and curate a carefully-constructed narrative: Paddock was a lone wolf, a
mystery man who has stumped law enforcement. Even the Deep State's house organ, the New York Times was employed to try
and stop the bleeding this week of the faulty official narrative.
Forensic Evidence in Las Vegas Shooting Sidestepped; FBI Brass Applauded Ignorance While Loved Ones Buried Their
Dead. The FBI and the Las Vegas Metro Police Department did not follow credible leads revealing the distinct
possibility of another shooter working inside the hotel suite alongside Stephen Paddock, FBI insiders and intelligence
officials confirm. When FBI brass was provided with forensic evidence of multiple gunmen, they told agents to stand
down and focus on Stephen Paddock only. Even a key video captured by a hotel guest of multiple rifles firing from
Mandalay Bay went ignored, covered up. The troubling debate among veteran FBI agents and intelligence experts isn't
the question of whether there were multiple shooters during the Las Vegas massacre in October.
can't charge 'exhorbitant' fees for Vegas massacre info, judge rules. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Department has every right to try and recoup costs for providing the media with body camera videos, 911 records and written
reports in connection with the city's Oct. 1 massacre, a judge has decided. But police cannot charge "exhorbitant
fees," such as the range of $233,750 to $458,159 the department has estimated for making such data available, Clark County
District Judge Richard Scotti ruled Friday [3/9/2018].
Vegas Massacre Exposé: What Really Happened? The Vegas Massacre is clearly the new "JFK Murder
Conspiracy" updated for the 21st century. The whole story stinks to high heaven. It's rancid. Clearly, our
own government, FBI and Las Vegas police are involved in some sort of cover-up. The question is — what are
they covering up? [...] How did an overweight, out of shape, 60-year old, anonymous guy (on no one's radar) with no military
training and no military or law enforcement history become Rambo overnight? He carried out this plot with no help?
Got hundreds of pounds of weapons to his room? He broke open a hurricane-strength 800- pound window? [...] Second, the
Vegas Massacre had the M/O of several previous ISIS attacks. They seem to enjoy attacking concerts and hotels.
See the Paris nightclub concert and Manchester Arianna Grande concert. Not to mention numerous hotels attacks throughout
the world. [...] Never before in history has ISIS ever taken credit four times for any terror attack.
documents identify second 'person of interest' in the Las Vegas massacre: Feds wanted to question another. An Arizona man was
questioned as a 'person of interest' by Las Vegas police over selling ammunition to the gunman who committed the deadliest mass shooting in modern
US history in October, documents released Tuesday [1/30/2018] have revealed. Douglas Haig, 55, said on Tuesday that he told ammunition to
Stephen Paddock before the lone gunman shot 59 people dead in Las Vegas in October. Days after the investigation, Haig was questioned
by police over his involvement in the shooting.
Person Of Interest Identified In Las Vegas Massacre. Police records unsealed on Tuesday [1/30/2018] revealed the identity of an
additional person of interest in the investigation into the Las Vegas massacre, the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. The
second person of interest, Douglas Haig, was identified in the nearly 300 pages of unsealed search warrant records.
shooting suspect who occupied Mandalay Bay room 32-134 exited out hotel room door to make their escape. The
unnamed suspect who occupied Mandalay Bay room 32-134, the room adjacent to Stephen Paddock's end suite (32-135), made their
escape out the front door then exited the building, according to vague details published in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Department's 19 Jan. preliminary report on the 1 October mass casualty shooting which left 58 people attending
a country music concert dead.
Ranger, InfoWars proven RIGHT yet again about the Las Vegas "multiple shooters" analysis. Anyone who's taken
even a cursory look at the official story of events surrounding the Las Vegas Route 91 Shooting probably already knows that
things just don't add up. But now there's even more concrete evidence that debunks the obvious inconsistencies
concerning what allegedly happened that fateful day, including proof that there were, indeed, multiple shooters, as
Natural News has long been saying. A new video by InfoWars' Rob Dew breaks it all down in simple terms,
explaining new information about the case that has emerged.
Vegas Update: Irregularities Cause Story Behind Massacre To Stink To High Heaven. [Scroll down]
Over the weekend, the trickle of developments continued, with Fox News revealing Paddock had child porn his computer... but
last we knew, the hard drive to Paddock's computer was missing. Furthermore, after months of claims and explanations by
authorities that Paddock was a "lone gunman", Fox5 of Las Vegas revealed that Metro Police confirmed they're unable to
release further details on the case because "there are still suspects being investigated". Even after months of being
ignored by the mainstream media, the story still doesn't add up.
Las Vegas
shooter began to act 'strangely' leading up to carnage, girlfriend says, as motive remains a mystery. Stephen
Paddock gambled large sums of money, kept child pornography on his computer and purchased more than 55 weapons in the year
leading up to the largest mass shooting in modern American history. On Friday, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
released an 81-page report that revealed fresh insights into the behaviors and patterns of Paddock prior to the night he opened
fire from his 32nd floor room at the Mandalay Bay on Oct. 1, killing 58 people. In all, 871 people
were injured, with 422 suffering gunshot wounds.
Investigation Details Emerge: New Suspects, Child Porn Discovered. [Scroll down] The other piece of
the puzzle for this cockamamy cluster of conspiracies is the purported lack of evidence revealed by the FBI and local
authorities. Many internet sleuths will point to other terror incidents around the world, and the speed at which traces
of the perpetrator are released to the media. In Paddock's case, in a city with security such as Las Vegas has, there
have been no videos or Paddock entering the Mandalay Bay Hotel, loading his mobile armory onto a half dozen luggage carts,
and meticulously weaponizing his 32nd floor suite. [...] We are now hearing more tidbits than ever before in the case of
Stephan Paddock's October 1st rampage, however, and they are spawning far more questions than answers.
Vegas shooter Paddock had child porn on computer, FBI investigating person of interest: sheriff. Investigators
scanning computers belonging to Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock found "numerous" child pornography photos, the city's
sheriff revealed Friday, adding that the FBI is looking into a person of interest in the case. Sheriff Joe Lombardo, in
his first press conference since Oct. 13, 2017, released an 81-page preliminary investigative report on the shooting Friday
that contains new photographs of Paddock's hotel suite and online searches he conducted before the attack, such as for SWAT
tactics and other potential public venue targets. Lombardo said the unnamed person of interest the FBI is looking into
is not Paddock's girlfriend, Marilou Danley, and he reiterated that authorities believe Paddock was a lone shooter.
Vegas Massacre Twist: 'Additional Suspects' Now Under Investigation As Sheriff Lombardo Is Contradicted Yet Again.
It's been three months since the deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history took place near the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas,
Nevada and we still know little about gunman Stephen Paddock's motives. According to local Las Vegas news outlet Metro 5,
key details surrounding the motive cannot be released because "additional suspects," are still under investigation. Sheriff
Lombardo previously claimed only one person is under investigation. Metro lawyer Nick Crosby believes information about the
additional suspects could be revealed in 60 days.
unseals search warrants in mass shooting in Las Vegas. Her fingerprints were on the ammunition. Her
casino players' card was found in his room. Investigators scoured her social media accounts and emails — one
of which he, Stephen Paddock, had access to. Marilou Danley may not have been present when Paddock unleashed a furious
barrage of bullets down on a crowd of 20,000 at a Las Vegas country music festival, killing 58 people and wounding more than
500 others, but her links to his life seemed to be everywhere. The facts about Danley were among the details revealed when
a U.S. District Court judge in Las Vegas unsealed more than 300 pages of search warrants and affidavits at the request of
several media outlets, including the Los Angeles Times. The request was unopposed by prosecutors.
October shooting suspect had at least seven cell phones and mobile devices. Within hours of the Route 91
massacre on Oct. 1, Las Vegas police obtained 14 search warrants connected to Stephen Paddock. News 3 obtained copies
of what isn't currently under seal and had them reviewed by retired LVMPD detective Phil Ramos. The warrants gave detectives
sweeping authority to examine the last year of Stephen Paddock's life, starting with Mandalay Bay hotel rooms 32-135, and 32-134.
"This gives them permission to search every single square inch of that hotel room," said Ramos.
gunman's girlfriend deleted Facebook account soon after shooting, data show. The girlfriend of Las Vegas gunman
Stephen Paddock deleted her Facebook account less than an hour before police released Paddock's name, according to
reports. Marilou Danley was traveling in the Philippines on Oct. 1 when Paddock fired a barrage of shots
from his hotel room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay resort and casino.
Vegas shooter's girlfriend said she handled his ammo, helped him load magazines, unsealed docs say. The girlfriend of the
Las Vegas shooter told authorities that they would likely find her fingerprints on some of Stephen Paddock's bullets because she sometimes
assisted him in loading ammunition into magazines, court documents unsealed on Friday [1/12/2018] revealed. There was no evidence at
that time of "criminal involvement" by Marilou Danley, an Oct. 3 document showed, but it noted that investigators had not ruled out
the possibility. Officials also reportedly sought the email, Facebook and Instagram accounts of Danley, who was in the Philippines
during the Oct. 1 shooting.
Vegas shooting: Hotel staff interacted with gunman more than 10 times before massacre. Mandalay Bay
Resort and Casino staff interacted with Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock more than 10 times in the days leading up to the
October 1 massacre that claimed 58 lives. During Paddock's stay at the hotel, room service and housekeeping "had contact
with Paddock or entered his suite more than 10 times," according to a statement sent to CNN from MGM Resorts International,
which owns the Nevada hotel. The Las Vegas Review-Journal first reported the extent of the hotel staff's interactions with
the gunman.
Agent In Charge: Report On Las Vegas Shooting Should Be Done By Anniversary. What happened in Las Vegas
on October 1, 2017, is horrific. There are no other words to describe what took place. The number of casualties,
both killed and wounded, is still staggering. Yet, we still don't have an answer to the question of just why this happened.
While the FBI Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas office can't promise an answer on the motive of the killer, he does say that
we can expect the report by the anniversary of the terrible attack.
FBI chief in
Nevada says motive behind Las Vegas concert massacre is still a mystery. Federal authorities continue to search
for the motive that drove a gunman to open fire on country music festival this fall, a bloody rampage that left 58 people
dead and hundreds wounded. FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse told the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Wednesday [12/20/2017]
that investigators still couldn't say what made 64-year-old Stephen Paddock begin firing into a crowd of 22,000 at the Route 91
Harvest Festival on Oct. 1. "Ours is focusing a large part on the why, OK? Which is what everybody wants to know,"
Rouse said. He said federal authorities expected to issue a report sometime next year.
of Vegas Shooter May Take a Year to Release, Says FBI. An FBI official is now saying it may take until next
October for law enforcement to tell us why Stephen Paddock gunned down hundreds of people from a Mandalay Bay hotel window
leaving 58 dead.
58 victims of Las Vegas mass shooting died from gunshot wounds, many to the head, coroner says. The 58 victims
killed in the mass shooting at a country music concert on the Las Vegas Strip in October died of gunshot wounds, the Clark
County coroner reported Thursday [12/21/2017]. According to the coroner's list, 18 of the victims died of gunshot wounds
to the head and 15 were shot in the back. Four were listed as suffering "multiple gunshot wounds." The rest suffered
predominantly chest, leg and neck wounds. Stephen Paddock, the 64-year-old gunman, died by suicide — a
gunshot through the mouth, according to Coroner John Fudenberg.
Vegas Police Captain Suddenly Goes Missing. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police announced Capt. James Larochelle
has gone missing. Fellow officers have launched a manhunt for the 'endangered,' policeman.
10 Characteristics
of False Flags. In this video, Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media breaks down the 10 common characteristics of
false flags to help better understand why the official story of Vegas shooting is suspect at best. [Video clip]
The Editor says...
The video clip is 20 minutes long, but well worth your time.
was more going on inside Mandalay Bay on the night of the massacre than authorities admit. Bombshell footage
that was live-streamed on the night of the massacre proves there was more going on inside the Mandalay Bay than authorities
have told the general public. According to several employees who were working inside of Mandalay Bay at the time of the
shooting, the situation was far worse than the media was reporting and there were more shooters than one. Investigative
reporter Jake Morphonios explains what really went on inside the hotel and casino that night. [Video clip]
Helicopters were airborne behind the Mandalay Bay during the Las Vegas Shooting. If you have been following my
reports on the Las Vegas Shooting than you are likely aware of my "helicopter theory" which I presented in great detail on
"The Alex Jones Show" Halloween day. On the broadcast, I presented a portion of the information I possessed at the time
as a "theory" in order to fill in the blanks for the listening audience by explaining exactly how an advanced air assault and
extraction were indeed possible despite the fact that I already had seen enough evidence at the time to conclude in my mind
that helicopters were indeed operating within the airspace around the vicinity of the venue before, during, and after the
massacre took place.
surveillance footage reveals "helicopter hovering overhead" at time of Las Vegas Massacre, FBI never asked for
tape. Footage captured by a private surveillance camera on the night of the deadliest mass shooting in modern
U.S. history reveals several shocking details which authorities have failed to investigate. The bombshell footage was
released on Fox News's "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Friday evening and is presumed to have been captured by a nearby business's
southward facing security camera which is located approximately 780 feet due east of the venue where the Route 91
Harvest Music Festival was held on Oct. 1. The tape was given to Fox News by an attorney who represents several
shooting victims.
Shooting Survivor Kymberley Suchomel 'Dies Suddenly,' Report Says. Kymberley Suchomel, a woman who survived the
Las Vegas mass shooting earlier this month, died suddenly this week, according to a local media report. The 28-year-old
died early Monday [10/9/2017] in her Apple Valley, California, home, said her grandmother Julie Norton. She found her
just after 8:30 a.m. when she arrived to care for her 3-year-old great-granddaughter, Scarlett. Norton thinks that
Suchomel died when her husband, Mike, left for work, reported the VV Daily Press based in Victorville, Calif.
Las Vegas Survivor Who Wrote of Multiple Shooters Found Dead at Home. 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, an
uninjured survivor of the Las Vegas massacre passed away in what may be suspicious circumstances less than a week after the
event. This death has set the conspiracy world abuzz, but may in fact, be nothing more than a tragic case of a young
woman who was deeply traumatised by the events she witnessed.
Las Vegas Shooting Witness Shot Dead Outside Church. A key witness in the Las Vegas shooting massacre, who
mysteriously vanished shortly after giving a statement that conflicted with the "official" narrative, has been shot dead
outside a central Las Vegas Valley church.
Las Vegas Shooting Witnesses Now Dead Within 1 Month of Attack. One month on from the Las Vegas shooting massacre on
October 1st, and we still have no satisfactory answers for horrific events that took place at the Route 91 Harvest music
festival. The mainstream media has all but given up on reporting on the attacks, now that it seems as though the public
has swallowed the "lone wolf" shooter narrative, that claims Stephen Paddock acted alone in killing 59 people and injuring
hundreds more. In the month that followed the incident, a staggering seven key witnesses have died in very suspicious
91 massacre survivor saw brass shell casings strewn across Tropicana parking lot upon his retreat. Route 91
massacre survivor Joe Napoli retraced the path in which he and several of his colleagues took on the night of the massacre as
they fled the concert venue along with thousands of others as volley after volley of bone-rattling gunfire pierced the air
and bullets pummeled scores of innocent victims. [...] "...I saw casings right here," the witness said as he pointed at a
specific area of the parking lot. "So there were beer cans, there were empty drink cups, and there were maybe a dozen
brass inch-and-a-half to two-inch tubes spread out." "I don't know how anybody else didn't see them but we ran right
over them," he said. Napoli's testimony gives credence to other eyewitness accounts of multiple shooters.
Audio From The Night Of The Las Vegas Massacre Reveals That There Was "Another Active Shooter". Newly released
audio from the Clark County Fire Department has provided even more proof that there were multiple shooters during The Las
Vegas Massacre, further debunking the official narrative of a lone gunman on the 32nd floor and once again calling into
question almost every aspect of what actually happened during the worst mass shooting in American history. The audio,
released on the SoundCloud account of a local news reporter, is an almost three hour recording of transmissions between
dispatch and units on the ground amid the confusion of the mass shooting that at one point details a report that a wife of a
firefighter was actually pinned down in the Foundation Room bar on top of the Mandalay Hotel. Intellihub's Shepard
Ambellas, who has extensively reported on the entire Vegas cover-up since the beginning, recently found that at around the
1:27:54 mark of the audio file you can clearly hear dispatch describing the situation to first responders who are headed in
that direction.
remain in Las Vegas Strip shooting investigation. [For example,] • What was the
gunman's motive? • When did the gunman start planning his massacre? • Where
did the gunman store all of the weapons before the shooting? • Why did the gunman stop shooting?(Las
Vegas Review-Journal) • Considering the gunman killed himself, why are investigators withholding so
much information about the case? Do they believe he had accomplices? • What was the gunman
planning to do with the explosives found in his car? • What evidence shows he might have planned to
escape? • What exactly were the 23 guns found in the hotel suite? How many were equipped with
bump stocks? How many had been fired? How many jammed? How many rounds did he fire? •
What else was recovered from the gunman's hotel room and his homes in Mesquite and Reno? •
When did authorities determine the hard drive from the gunman's laptop was missing? • Which law
enforcement agency is in charge of what parts of the investigation?
Vegas Shooter's Brother 'Bragged' About Relation To Attacker. According to a new report, Bruce Paddock, the
brother of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock, bragged about the mass shooting attack. TMZ reports, "the day after
Stephen Paddock slaughtered 58 people, his brother Bruce bragged to folks at the assisted living facility, where he was
staying, that Stephen was his brother." Bruce Paddock was arrested for child porn charges last month following the
shooting. There was a warrant out for Paddock for those charges previously, but evaded getting caught by police for years.
girlfriend may be hiding something, sheriff suggests. Stephen Paddock's girlfriend may be hiding something from
investigators who are trying to piece together the motive behind the Las Vegas massacre, the city's sheriff suggested in a
wide-ranging interview with a local television station. Marilou Danley, who is still a person of interest in the case,
has told authorities that she never knew the attack was coming. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, in his first TV appearance in
nearly three weeks, told KLAS that investigators he's spoken to believe this assessment is accurate. But he added that
something appears to be off about the manner in which Paddock amassed his arsenal of weapons. "There is a lot of people
that have hundreds and hundreds of guns, but for this individual to do it at a certain point in time and to do it all with
such robust action, you would think that Ms. Danley would have some information associated with that," he said.
"But currently we haven't been able to pull that out of her, if it's in her."
I guess the cops forgot to mention this when it happened — four weeks earlier. An
officer accidentally fired his weapon in the Las Vegas gunman's hotel room. A Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Department officer accidentally fired his weapon in the hotel room of the city's recent mass shooter, according to The Las
Vegas Review-Journal. The Review-Journal on Monday [10/30/2017] reported that Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo
confirmed that the discharge occurred after Stephen Paddock's rampage on Oct. 1.
with Henderson ties die in crash after surviving Las Vegas shooting. [Scroll down] But on the night of Oct. 16, the couple's
younger daughter, 16-year-old Madison Carver, heard a loud bang outside her window. When she ran down the street and rounded the corner, a
familiar vehicle engulfed in flames came into view. Dennis, 52, and Lorraine, 53, had died together less than half a mile from their home.
According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000
block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement.
[Emphasis added by The Editor.]
Las Vegas Survivors
Die in Car Crash. In what is becoming a disturbing trend, another pair of Las Vegas shooting survivors has died
under reportedly accidental circumstances. Dennis and Lorraine Carver of Riverside, Calif., survived the shooting
earlier this month. Dennis made headlines as the husband who jumped on top of his wife to shield her from the hail of
gunfire during the Route 91 Harvest country music festival. Two weeks later, they died in a car crash less than a mile
from the gated community in which they lived. According to officials, the Carvers' vehicle crashed into the metal gate,
then burst into flames; it took firefighters more than an hour to put out the fire caused by the violent collision.
Vegas Security Guard Fled to Mexico.
Tucker Carlson held up a document showing that Las Vegas security guard Jesus Campos fled to Mexico shortly after the largest
mass shooting in American history — now being called the crime of the century.
Campos reportedly left the country days after Vegas massacre. Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos
mysteriously left the country just days after the Las Vegas massacre, a report says. Customs and Border Patrol
documents obtained by Fox News show that the 25-year-old entered the United States from Mexico at the San Ysidro border
crossing in California — one week after the mass shooting. It's unclear how long Campos was out of the
country. The documents only show that he entered back into the US.
The Editor says...
He drove to Mexico after being shot a few days earlier?
timeline in Las Vegas massacre may offer new insights. The New York Times has formed its own timeline of the
Las Vegas massacre, which places the shooting of Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos about one minute into the
attack — and not before, as authorities claim. Digital investigators working for the newspaper's video unit
pieced together footage that was captured at the scene and apparently discovered that local police were wrong yet again about
what happened that night. Instead of being shot right before the assault, they claim that Campos was targeted at
10:06 p.m. — one minute after Stephen Paddock opened fire on the crowd at the Route 91 Harvest Festival.
Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive. A laptop computer recovered from the Las Vegas hotel room where Stephen
Paddock launched the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history was missing its hard drive, depriving investigators of a potential key
source of information on why he killed and maimed so many people, ABC News has learned. Paddock is believed to have removed the
hard drive before fatally shooting himself, and the missing device has not yet been recovered, sources told ABC News.
hard drive from Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock's laptop reportedly is missing. A laptop computer recovered
from the hotel room of the man behind the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas was missing its hard drive, according to ABC
News. ABC News on Wednesday [10/25/2017] reported that the device's state deprives investigators of a potential key
source of information about Stephen Paddock's motive for the attack. Sources told ABC News that Paddock is believed
to have removed the hard drive before fatally shooting himself during the Oct. 1 incident.
The Editor says...
Does that make sense? If you were involved in a losing gun-battle and intended to die rather than be captured,
would you take time out to remove parts from your computer, and then dispose of those parts in such a way that the
FBI couldn't find them? Does any part of this story make sense any more?
FBI-Police Cover-Up
of Mass Shooting? [Scroll down] Now, 11 days into the so-called investigation of Stephen Paddock's
heinous killing spree, the sheriff of Clark County, Nevada, and the FBI are at a likely feigned loss to explain his
motive. This is simply not believable! If I had to guess, given just the few examples of government deceit
detailed in this column, I would say that Paddock was in some way an informant or working for the local police and/or the
FBI. Given that Las Vegas is a "Mafia haven" for the gambling industry, and since Paddock was a gambler who frequented
high-end casinos and wagered large sums of money — rubbing shoulders with other gamblers and likely Mafia
figures — could it be that he was doing undercover work for law enforcement? And, if this is so, there would
indeed be a strong motive for the local police or the FBI not to want it known that one of theirs committed the biggest mass
murder of its kind in American history. Also, we know that Paddock worked for three different federal agencies during his
career — the Postal Service, IRS and Defense Department — so he would have been a man known to the feds.
Weinstein Scandal Forcing Las Vegas Tragedy off the Front Page? For 12 days straight, Hollywood Harvey's story
has been hogging the news, leaving no oxygen for other stories unassociated with the burgeoning scandal. Since Harvey
Weinstein, 'The Sexual Predator' became the News of the Day, readers find only snippets about what went down in Las
Vegas. The mass shooting in Vegas, the deadliest in American history, took place on Oct. 1. The Weinstein story
revelation on Oct. 5. Does anybody believe in coincidence any more? [...] Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment allegations
uncovered by the New York Times stretch over nearly three decades. The Times finally came out with their scandal
blockbuster on Oct. 4. Ronan Farrow's story followed one day later in the New Yorker. Why Now?
Vegas shooting details still murky as Mandalay Bay ordered to keep evidence. Nearly three weeks after the
deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, the release of details surrounding the horrific attack has slowed from a
trickle to a standstill: police have yet to schedule another news conference, confusion continues to surround the gunman's
motive and critical questions linger about what exactly happened on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.
Confirms MGM Corp. Controlled Ellen Degeneres Interview With Mandalay Bay Witnesses. This certainly
doesn't come as a surprise given the relationship between Ellen Degeneres and the hotel and casino industry. However,
the Daily Mail is confirming the parent company of Mandalay Bay, MGM Inc., controlled the one-and-only media appearance
during a well scripted presentation of Jesus "Jose" Campos for television yesterday [10/18/2017].
Las Vegas: A THIRD Timeline
Emerges. The words "conspiracy theorists" are being bandied about. Are they for real? A
well-coordinated, meticulously planned attack on concertgoers leads to the murder of 58 Americans at a country music festival
in Las Vegas, with over 500 injured, and they have no explanation or motive. Do the FBI and law enforcement think
people won't talk about it or speculate as to what happened? Are they for real? Further, the FBI insists there is
no jihad motive, while saying they don't know his motive. How can they possibly hold those two contradictory ideas at
the same time?
'It Was Clearly Managed': Tucker Questions
Ellen-Campos Interview, Talks Las Vegas Conspiracies. Wednesday night [10/18/2017] on Fox News, Tucker Carlson
questioned why Las Vegas security guard Jesus Campos gave his one and only interview to Ellen DeGeneres, who is heavily
sponsored by MGM. After playing a clip of Ellen's bizarre interview, Tucker said, "Is that really an interview?"
"Well, it turns out it could actually be a bizarre case of cross marketing by MGM Resorts that owns Mandalay Bay, sponsors by
the way The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and features Ellen themed slot machines in many casinos including Mandalay Bay," Tucker said.
Mandalay Bay owner insisted security guard Jesus Campos appear Only on Ellen and not be grilled by TV hardhitters. Mandalay
Bay shooting hero Jesus Campos was pressured into giving his only interview to Ellen DeGeneres because the giant company that owns the Las
Vegas casino feared he would spill the beans about the shooting timeline if he was grilled by real journalists, DailyMail.com has learned
exclusively. MGM is worried that families of the 58 people murdered as well as many of the 546 injured in the Mandalay Bay
massacre will launch lawsuits potentially worth billions of dollars against the company, sources tell DailyMail.com.
Keywords: Staged, scripted, pre-approved, carefully edited, Clintonian, half-truths. Mandalay
Massacre Witnesses Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck Speak to Ellen Degeneres. In a taped interview that aired
today [10/18/2017] the security guard, Jesus Campos, and maintenance worker, Stephen Schuck, from the Mandalay Hotel and
Casino in Las Vegas, speak to Ellenn Degeneres about the October 1st massacre at Mandalay Bay. Worth noting, according
to the well-prepared and rolled out script, Mr. Campos and Mr. Schuck will not be giving any additional interviews
with the media. As such, it can be intellectually assumed the content of this interview was thoroughly vetted and
prepared after consideration from all stakeholders.
Degeneres airs eight-minute interview with Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos. The Mandalay Bay security
guard who was the first victim of the Las Vegas shooting sat down for his one and only interview with Ellen Degeneres on
Wednesday [10/18/2017] — but viewers hoping for answers about the ever-changing official timeline of the massacre
were sorely disappointed. Last week, security guard Jesus Campus scheduled interviews at all the major networks, but
then cancelled at the last minute and mysteriously disappeared.
of Eye Witnesses Confirming Second Las Vegas Shooter. Multiple eyewitness testimony and video confirms the
existence of a second shooter in Las Vegas. The official narrative that gunman Stephen Paddock acted alone with dozens
of guns has been unraveling by the day.
Off the Vegas Witnessess, JFK Assassination Style. To all eyewitnesses to the Vegas massacre, be advised your
lives are in extreme danger. You may wish to consider not speaking to anyone, and I mean anyone, and then scrub all
social media accounts. The trail of Las Vegas eyewitness bodies are growing in a manner that is reminiscent of the
Kennedy assassination. The Common Sense Show greatly respects the sacrifices and courage of law enforcement
personnel. These brave men and women are normally a citizen's best friend. However, in the case of the Las Vegas
massacre, you can trust nobody and all are advised to not speak and write publicly. As an individual citizen you have
no obligation to risk your life. The Common Sense Show can assure you that we already have all the evidence we need to
expose the truth.
Vegas guard Jesus Campos vanished after visiting urgent-care clinic, union leader says. The Mandalay Bay
security guard who disappeared last week moments before he was scheduled to break his silence in television interviews has
not been heard from since he went to a walk-in health clinic, his union president said. David Hickey of the Security,
Police, and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) told reporters Friday that he got a text the night before saying Jesus
Campos was taken to a UMC Quick Care facility, though he did not specify where or whom the text came from. A
spokesperson at the UMC Quick Care, which has eight locations throughout the Las Vegas area, told Fox News on Monday
[10/16/2017] that they had "heard nothing" about Campos visiting them.
Bay guard is laying low to avoid media spotlight. Jesus Campos apparently isn't missing after all. MGM
Resorts International suggested Tuesday [10/17/2017] that the Mandalay Bay security guard was simply laying low in an effort
to avoid the media attention brought on by his role in the Las Vegas massacre. While reports emerged this week saying Campos
was missing — after he failed to show up for an interview on the Sean Hannity show, as well as other scheduled
appearances on CNN, CBS, ABC and NBC — hotel officials told The [New York] Post that this was not the case.
sheriff changes Mandalay massacre timeline AGAIN. During a tense and at times emotional press conference held
on Friday, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo offered a third timeline of the Las Vegas massacre, saying there was no
six-minute gap between when the gunman shot a hotel security guard and opened fire on concertgoers. Lombardo, who is in
charge of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, also revealed that Stephen Paddock deliberately fired on responding
police officers, possibly to keep them at bay, but said there is no evidence that he was driven by ideology, or was
affiliated with any group.
Less We Believe Them about Las Vegas, the More They Want Our Guns. Las Vegas was a bit different from previous mass shooting in at least two
glaring respects. First, the inability of law enforcement to discover a motive remains the biggest mystery. Admittedly, these same authorities
in the US — and even worse in Europe — typically find themselves scratching their collective head in puzzlement after a murderer shouting "Allahu Akbar"
kills a bunch of people. (What did he mean by that? Maybe that's Arabic for "Merry Christmas"! We're still trying to figure out why
he did it, but we're sure it had nothing to do with Islam. And anyone who says it did is a racist.) At this point, the actions of the
person identified as the Las Vegas killer are attributed to mental instability. That's not good enough. Subjectively, even maniacs think
they are doing something. Even a total lunatic who believes he is, say, fighting Martians or chopping potatoes, intends that outcome. But
here, supposedly, someone stockpiles weapons for months, meticulously plans a murderous onslaught — and maybe had contingencies for attacks
elsewhere — and there's not a hint of what he thought he was up to. That's simply not plausible.
Vegas hotel:
Paddock opened fire on crowd within 40 seconds after guard was shot. Las Vegas authorities have revised the
timeline of the mass shooting, saying Stephen Paddock shot a hotel security guard around the time he began firing on the
crowd, not six minutes earlier. Speaking at a Friday [10/13/2017] news conference, Sheriff Joe Lombardo didn't offer
any new information about what motivated Paddock to open fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and
Casino, leaving 58 people dead and 546 injured, with 45 still hospitalized.
things that just don't add up about the Las Vegas mass shooting. [#6] Where is all the expended brass?
Now, maybe I'm just a moron who thinks automatic rifles discharge expended brass or something, because the last time I shot
my rifle — which was yesterday — hot brass kept blasting out the right side port with every
round. Very annoying. I wish I knew how to turn that off. So, given that Stephen Paddock was firing
full-auto rifles in a sustained 10-minute assault, at roughly the rate of six rounds per second, we should probably see
massive piles of expended brass all over the place. Let's see: 6 rounds per second, times 60 seconds
in a minute, times 10 minutes of sustained fire... that comes to 3600 rounds of ammunition. If you figure
there were pauses in the automatic fire, you could discount that to maybe 3000 rounds actually fired. Again, maybe
I'm just stupid or something, but if Paddock fired 3000 rounds, there should be 3000 brass casings all over the floor of
the hotel suite. [...] So where is all the brass, anyway? Did Stephen Paddock possess magical brass that can disappear
after being fired? I find it curious that ballistics details of the bullets that hit the pavement have not been released.
All the evidence we need is all over the concert lot, yet the public will never be given access to details about that evidence.
Tactical View: Mysteries of the Las Vegas Shooter. [#1] The motive: No apparent motive.
Paddock led a life of near luxury, had a happy relationship with his girlfriend and gave no indication to anyone of any
instability or ideological affiliation. He had no criminal record. He was also well beyond the average age range
of people commonly involved in such crimes. He does not fit any of the characteristics of mass shooters. Period.
[#2] The arsenal: Paddock put a substantial amount of thought and planning into the position of his perch as well as a
potential escape. He had the knowledge and experience to calculate accurate shots from an elevated position at distance.
But, for some reason the 64-year-old-man decided it was warranted to drag at least 23 guns and hundreds of pounds of
ammunition in ten separate suitcases to his room at the Mandalay Bay. A person with the intelligence displayed in the
planning of this event would know that most of these rifles were not needed in the slightest to achieve the effect desired.
They are dead weight, and moving them into the Mandalay only presented unnecessary risk of discovery. Unless, of course,
the original plan involved multiple shooters. [...] [#5] The windows: Why, after so much careful planning, did Paddock expose
his position by smashing two separate windows in his adjacent hotel rooms? There are other ways of providing a shooter's
loophole with less exposure? Very odd. Almost as if the decision to actually shoot was made suddenly, which does not
fit the rest of the narrative or evidence. [...] [#8] Multiple shooters?: Las Vegas County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo is quoted
as saying that it was only logical to assume given the evidence that Paddock "had some help at some point" in the staging of the
Vegas attack. To me, this is absolutely clear in the tactical planning. Paddock does not appear to have the background
or training to have chosen and staged the perch. The report suggesting that a phone charger was found that did not belong
to Paddock has since been refuted by police, as well as the report that his card key was used to access his room while Paddock
was gone. Of course, hotel surveillance would prove this one way or the other and should be made available to the public.
What Happens
in Vegas Doesn't Stay in Reno. [Scroll down] I don't know quite what's involved in "working" a crime
scene but one would assume it includes at minimum securing the crime scene. Yet apparently not. Last
weekend, Paddock's home in Reno was burgled. Just consider that for a moment: On Sunday night someone pulls off
the worst single-shooter massacre in American history - and yet it's insufficient of a priority to the multiple federal,
state and local agencies investigating it to prevent the supposed perpetrator's property being broken into under their
noses. That seems odd, don't you think? Sometimes, in unusual cases, sleepy small-town two-man police departments
find themselves a wee bit overwhelmed, and sloppy things happen. But how can it happen with these resources in the most
prominent investigation in the country? It is unclear to the Keystone Kops what was taken from the Reno home. Of
course. Since Day One, this entire case has been about what's missing, and what's missing seems to be getting larger.
Tale Of Two Shootings And A Destroyed Media Narrative. Ever wonder why some shootings disappear from the
headlines and others don't? Sure there can be a factor that makes it particularly newsworthy, but in general it is
driven by political sensitivity. For instance, if the daily carnage that happens in Chicago were not happening in
minority neighborhoods do you think the national media would impose a virtual omerta on coverage? (Every wonder why black
children who go missing in Washington DC are basically ignored by the Washington Post?) Sure race is an issue, but the
underlying cause is that every story has a dominant narrative and no major new outlet will run counter to that dominant
narrative. When a story doesn't fit, there is no cognitive dissonance, the story is simply ignored. Shootings are
a prime example. Let's look at a couple of recent ones.
Back In Reno After Burglars Elude Security And Raid Las Vegas Shooters Home. The FBI has beefed up security in Reno, Nevada,
after a group of burglars broke into the heavily guarded home of Las Vegas mass shooter, Stephen Paddock over the weekend. According
to authorities, a number of unidentified individuals descended on Paddock's home in the Del Webb retirement community just outside Reno,
bypassing both state and federal law enforcement who were assigned to protect the property. Local law enforcement says it's not clear
how the group got into the home, which is supposed to be under round-the-clock surveillance, and they do not have any suspects —
but they also believe nothing was taken from inside the home, as the home was left completely undamaged.
The Editor says...
Sounds like a professional was involved here. In and out without a trace, at one of the hottest crime scenes in America today.
There must have been something in the house that was worth the risk. Nothing was taken, they say. Ri-i-i-ight. Why not
just deny that the burglary happened at all?
Is Going On? Burglars Break Into Las Vegas Shooters Guarded Home. What were they looking for?
Burglars broke into the Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock's Reno home over the weekend despite it being heavily
guarded. Treasure hunters looking for stuff to sell online? Or a coordinated movement to cover the tracks of a
much wider plot? Could this event spawn more conspiracy theories and for good reason?
Coulter: Media Find Las Vegas Shooter's Motive — He's White! If the media are going to keep
wailing about how vital a free press is, could they start reporting stuff? There's a remarkable number of dangling
facts about Stephen Paddock's mass murder in Las Vegas, which the media have shown little inclination to investigate.
It's almost as if they're worried that too much investigation will ruin it. For example: Who was the woman
shouting, "YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" right before the concert? Is any reporter interested in finding out?
Probably a random crazy lady, but that's not typical pre-concert behavior.
Vegas sheriff frustrated by data discrepancies, unanswered questions. Nearly two weeks after a gunman unleashed
one of the deadliest mass shootings in modern U.S. history, authorities in Las Vegas are still left with more questions than
answers. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, head of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, expressed his own frustrations
with the investigation, but said he remained determined to keeping the public informed.
Agents Working Evidence of Second Las Vegas Shooter Have Been Directed by DC Bosses To Stand Down. The hunt for a second
or third gunman in the Mandalay Bay Massacre in Las Vegas appears to be over, at least as far as the FBI is concerned. Whether
premature or not. FBI officials told True Pundit late Thursday [10/12/2017] the focus of the case now is zoned in solely
on Stephen Paddock as the lone gunman, per a directive from FBI headquarters in Washington D.C. The directive came as a shock,
as FBI insiders said they were pursuing leads that while Paddock was sniping innocent victims from his 32nd-floor perch at Mandalay
Bay, another gunman wielding an AR-15 5.56 caliber weapon was closer to the ground shooting from another angle.
Vegas Shooting: Who Benefits? One way to investigate an incident is to ask who might have benefited from
it and then work backward from there. The Las Vegas shooting is such a case. A 'snapped' 64-year-old millionaire
brings 23 guns into a hotel, sets up multiple cameras and fires into a crowd across from the hotel. [Video clip]
Coulter: Las Vegas Massacre — The Story Is Coming Apart. The media are either doing PR for the
gambling industry or they don't want anyone considering the possibility that Paddock was using gambling to launder money. [...]
The media think about money the way Democrats do. They have absolutely no conception of where it originates. Those
casino owners sure are generous! reporters think to themselves. Economist Thomas Sowell is always ridiculing journalists
for not understanding basic economics. It turns out, they don't understand the spreadsheet of a lemonade stand. The
New York Times explained that the "top" video poker machines pay out 99.17 percent. That's great that Paddock
was only losing cents on the dollar (if true), but it's still losing. The Times quickly explained that he could have more
than made up his losses with all the "comps" — the free rooms, meals and "50-year-old port that costs $500 a
glass," as his brother Eric said. Gamblers who are beating the house are not given $500 glasses of port. Refer to
the profit/loss spreadsheet. And yet, according to his brother, Paddock was treated like royalty by the casinos.
Which means he was losing.
Wynn Was Right — Las Vegas Shooter Used Mandalay Bay Freight Elevator. During an interview on Sunday
casino, hotel and resort billionaire Steve Wynn was describing some insider trade talk about the Mandalay Bay Massacre.
During the interview Wynn inadvertently mentioned shooter Stephen Paddock using the "service elevators" and how Wynn's
internal security measures would never allow that to happen. Asked for clarification, Mr. Wynn quickly demurred.
However, CBS is now reporting that Stephen Paddock did in fact use the freight elevator at the Mandalay Hotel and Casino.
Official Mandalay Bay Massacre Narrative Just Completely Changed. Well, well, well... the entire previous weeks
claims about the timeline and structure of Stephen Paddock and how he carried out the Mandalay Bay Massacre just changed a
full 180 degrees today when Sheriff Joseph Lombardo dropped a statement that Paddock did not begin shooting until his
advanced preparation was interrupted by Mandalay Bay security officer Jesus "Jose'" Campos. [...] Paddock was drilling a hole
in a door ("adjacent room") when Campos walked in at 9:59pm. That's when Paddock opened fire on Campos wounding him in
the leg. Immediately thereafter is when Stephen Paddock broke out the windows and opened fire on the crowd below.
This latest revelation is explosive because it shows Paddock was interrupted in the act of preparing for the attack, and not
during the commission of the attack itself. This explains a great deal about the event and why so many advanced
preparations appeared not to have been utilized. [...] This is not a timeline issue. No way can this current
explanation square with all the previous details, which were stated as facts day-after-day well into their fourth and fifth
day press conferences. Lombardo and the FBI were telling a story that they now admit was demonstrably false.
We Cannot Trust the FBI. The FBI is discounting ISIS' claim that the Las Vegas attack was jihad. But is
the FBI really trustworthy? The Islamic State says Steven Paddock converted six months ago. He filmed himself
killing; jihadis do that and post it online. The attack was meticulously planned, as jihad attacks are, and Paddock
likely had an accomplice. Paddock made numerous trips to the Middle East. Over 200 of his foreign financial
transactions were flagged for possible "covert terrorism financing." Contrary to the ignorant, misinformed and delusional
talking heads in the media, ISIS does not take responsibility for events that are not theirs. This has led even the New
York Times' terrorism expert to give credence to ISIS' claims.
Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter
in the Las Vegas massacre. In essence, because of the differences in the speed of sound vs. the speed of the
bullets from a known cartridge (.223 Remington, in this case), the time lag between the last bullet hitting the pavement and
the last audible report of the rifle muzzle can be used to very accurately calculate the range of the shooter. More
importantly, when the audio from the Las Vegas shooting is analyzed, it reveals TWO shooters operating at the same time, not
just one shooter.
New revelations:
Las Vegas gunman shot security guard before opening fire on concert-goers, police say. Police have dramatically
changed their account of how the Las Vegas massacre began on Oct. 1, revealing Monday that the gunman shot a hotel security
guard six minutes before opening fire on a country music concert — raising new questions about why police weren't
able to pinpoint the gunman's location sooner. Officials had previously said that gunman Stephen Paddock, 64, of Mesquite,
Nev., shot Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos after Paddock had unleashed his deadly volley at the Route 91 Harvest
Festival, an assault that began at 10:05 p.m. and left 58 people dead, with hundreds more injured.
Bay security guard was shot six minutes before Las Vegas gunman began shooting, police say. [Scroll down]
At 9:59 p.m., Campos was shot in the leg after Paddock reportedly fired 200 shots into the hallway. Paddock began
shooting into the crowd six minutes later, contradicting original reports that Campos' arrival is what stopped Paddock's mass
shooting. Between the time that Campos was shot and Paddock began shooting, Campos notified authorities of what happened,
which Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Undersheriff Kevin McMahill said Friday was "absolutely critical" as it gave
police Paddock's exact location.
Taxi Driver Video: The Zapruder Film of the Mandalay Massacre? There are several videos circulating that
make it sound as though there were more than one shooter in Vegas. But none that I've seen compare to this one, which
has been called "The Zapruder Film" of the massacre. In it, there are several bursts of fire that sound very far away
and — pretty much at the same time — another weapon discharges very close to the camera.
Automatic Gunfire Heard At Ground Level During Las Vegas Mass Shooting As Cover-Up Continues To Unravel. In the
video, which is amazingly over an hour long, you can not only hear gunfire and its echo in the distance for much of the time,
you can also hear shots fired literally right near the frightened couple who filmed their entire escape from the concert.
[...] Take note that this footage has NOT been addressed by any of the authorities who have seemingly totally ignored its
existence while continuing to claim that only one shooter operated from the 32nd floor of the hotel. Most likely, the
same officials (and media outlets for that matter) who are covering up the obvious possibility of multiple shooters are
the very people who directly lied about when Stephen Paddock actually checked into the hotel in the first place.
NY Times ISIS expert
does a 180, thinks Vegas slaughter might be ISIS after all. Rukmini Callimachi, New York Times ISIS
correspondent is having second thoughts about the Islamic State's involvement in the Las Vegas attack. It appears
increasingly to point in that direction and it would be a stunning indictment of the FBI's nonchalant dismissal of their
claims. Knowing what we know about the FBI's involvement in the Garland Texas jihad attacks and the Boston plot to
behead me, the kindest thing I can say about them is that they cannot be trusted.
Collapse Of The Government Narrative On The Las Vegas Shooting. The internet is swirling with possible
scenarios for things that could have happened. I've seen a lot of them and won't rehearse them here. It isn't
necessary to rehearse what might have been, what could have been, what's possible, and what is feasible, in order to
understand that the government narrative is infeasible. For me there are two pieces of evidence that point conclusively
to the fact that this didn't go down the way the FBI says it went down. Everyone who has operated guns for a long
while, like I have, had to ask themselves the following question: "If God forbid I decided to perpetrate something evil
like this, what would that room have looked like when I was finished?" The answer for most knowledgeable and sensible
people is this: "Not like that." Not at all like that. After firing so many rounds from rifles, the
curtains, my face, my clothing, the carpet, the bedding, and just about everything else, would have been so covered with
carbon and lead deposits that the dominant colors would have been black and grey in any photograph. [...] I don't have to
tell you what happened in order to tell you that the government account didn't happen. It didn't go down the way they
said it went down, with one lone shooter firing bump fire stock AR-15s from one vantage point for no reason under the sun
except that he lost gambling money (or whatever). Their story is a lie.
remains of why gunman's room had another person's cellphone charger in it... but police insist there was only one
shooter. Law enforcement have said they are 'confident' Stephen Paddock carried out the Mandalay Bay massacre
from his hotel room alone. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Undersheriff Kevin McMahill said on Friday that
investigators are sure no one else was in the room before he shot dead 58 and injured almost 500 on Sunday.
Earlier, NBC News had reported a mysterious charger that did not mach any of Paddock's cellpones — raising the
possibility that another person had been with Paddock beforehand.
3 Curious
Factoids: Were Others in Paddock's Suite? [#1] Reports from NBC News indicate that more than one person
almost certainly visited Stephen Paddock's suite at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. [...] [#2] at Captain's
Journal, Herschel Smith points us to a video snippet that seems to capture two weapons firing simultaneously.
Others in Paddock's Suite? Did Paddock act alone? While the evidence is far from convincing that he had
help, there are certainly avenues that remain to be explored before we categorically state that he was a lone actor.
ISIS Infographic on Vegas Shooting Claims Paddock Converted Six Months Ago. The Islamic State continued insisting that they
have a connection to Sunday night's massacre in Las Vegas with the publication of an infographic about the crime filling the second page
of their 16-page weekly newsletter. Today's release marks the 100th issue of al-Naba, which is distributed in ISIS territories and
online via mediums such as Telegram and social media as a PDF. ISIS claimed through their Amaq news agency Monday morning [10/2/2017]
that the "Las Vegas attacker is a soldier of the Islamic State who carried out the attack in response to calls for targeting coalition
countries." They claimed he had converted to Islam recently. In the new al-Naba issue, the terror group claims Stephen Paddock
converted to Islam six months ago.
Las Vegas Shooter "Radicalized"? The deadliest mass shooting in modern American history has been cravenly transformed into
anti-American propaganda by the Left, as Democrat commentators race to ghoulishly disparage white men, gun rights and the NRA, Republicans,
and President Trump, blaming them for what otherwise looks like a Muslim terrorist atrocity. Islamic State continues to claim
responsibility for the massacre. The terrorist group also claims Paddock converted to Islam six months ago and refers to him
by a nom de guerre, Abu Abdul Barr al-Amriki. In Las Vegas Wednesday [10/4/2017] FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron
Rouse said, "We have found no evidence to this point to indicate terrorism, but this is an ongoing investigation. We're going
to look at all avenues, not close any." Paddock may have been "radicalized unbeknownst to us," Clark County, Nevada, Sheriff Joe
Lombardo said at a presser without elaborating. The reporters present for the statement did not bother to follow up.
For much of the mainstream media, the fact that Paddock was a white male explained his violent rampage.
Sheriff: Large Quantities of Explosive Compounds in Shooter's Car; No Known Hotel Companion. Clues left
behind by Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock — including 50 pounds of Tannerite, 1,600 rounds of ammunition and
an undisclosed amount of ammonium nitrate left in the gunman's car at the Mandalay Bay hotel — indicate he may have
thought he would survive and escape, authorities said today [10/4/2017]. At an evening briefing on the investigation into
Sunday night's massacre, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Sheriff Joseph Lombardo tackled some of the reports and rumors
that have been circulating: what looks like a notepad on a table in the leaked crime scene photos "was not a suicide note,"
and the stairwell next to Paddock's suite was not welded shut but it was "secured." "We haven't been able to determine if
there was anyone else in that room besides him," Lombardo said.
who alerted the cops to Vegas gunman's EXACT location, demands to know why it took more than an hour for the hotel room to be
raided. An Iraq war veteran who was staying in the same hotel as the Las Vegas gunman is demanding to know why
it took more than an hour for the cops to take him down. Police received their first report of gunfire at the Route 91
Harvest festival, in Las Vegas at 10.08pm on Sunday. But it was another 72 minutes before SWAT teams finally burst into
Stephen Paddock's room at the Mandalay Bay to find the suspect had shot himself dead moments earlier. The most concerning
issue is there appears to have been an unexplained 24 minute delay, where SWAT teams were armed and ready to go outside
Paddock's room, but waited until 11.21 pm to enter.
on Vegas Shooting: 'Difficult to Believe That a Single Person Could Have Done This Without Detection'. Monday [10/2/2017] on
Fox News Channel's "The Story," Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) offered his thoughts on the investigation of the Las Vegas mass shooting a
night earlier that left at least 59 dead and 527 injured. Gowdy told host Martha MacCallum he was skeptical that Stephen
Paddock, the individual thought to be responsible for the shooting, could have acted without at least one person identifying his
behavior as suspicious. The South Carolina Republican predicted in coming days he will be proved correct.
ISIS provides proof of
Vegas claim, "careful monitoring of the crusader gathering" and other facts you do not know. The Islamic State
has provided further information (in English) to substantiate its claim that Steven Paddock was a Muslim convert who waged
war in the cause of Allah in Las Vegas Sunday evening, claiming that Paddock did a reconnaissance of the site of his mass
shooting. It is unwise for the authorities and the leftwing media to dismiss the Islamic State's claims out of
hand. Primarily because underestimating the Islamic State has been one of the West's biggest mistakes, and secondly
because we know nothing about this unfathomable act of evil. The FBI said it had found no such connection so far, with
the local sheriff describing him as a lone "psychopath." How could they possibly know that so much early in the
investigation? It speaks to a gross incompetence and already predetermined outcome.
UTT Assesses Las Vegas
Attack As A Jihadi Operation. While investigation reveals [Stephen] Paddock was a politically left-wing
individual with possible Marxist ties to Antifa and other groups, the evidence points to jihad. Since UTT first
published its initial assessment, the Islamic State claimed the Las Vegas attack was conducted by one of their "soldiers."
It should be noted, this is a very strong data point in understanding the events in Las Vegas. The Islamic State has
never claimed responsibility for an attack that was not carried out by a jihadi. Later in the day Monday [10/2/2017],
the Islamic State issued a second public message calling Stephen Paddock a "soldier of the caliphate" and a "martyr" and
stating he converted to Islam in the last few months. The Islamic State further gave Paddock the Arabic name of Abu
Abed al Bir Al-Amriki. The fact the FBI found "no evidence" of links between Paddock and "terrorist organizations" is,
in fact, evidence he is likely linked to such organizations. The FBI has been wrong on every single attack of this
nature over the last 8 years. The FBI had investigations on and interviewed nearly all of the jihadis who
ended up killing Americans in the attacks in Little Rock, San Bernadino, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, Boston, and
others. The government called the massacre at Fort Hood, Texas and the beheading of a woman in Oklahoma as "workplace
violence." The government continues to catastrophically fail in their basic duties to (1) know the enemy and
(2) protect the public.
Unanswered Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting That Mainstream Media Doesn't Want To Talk About. As you will
see below, the evidence is mounting that there were multiple shooters and that this was an operation that was planned well in
advance. But according to the mainstream media, a 64-year-old retired accountant with a flabby physique that had no
military training whatsoever and that wasn't very experienced with guns was able to pull the whole thing off all by
himself. We are being told that Paddock was a "lone wolf" that didn't have any ties to terror groups, and since he is
now dead nobody is ever going to be able to interrogate him. But the American people definitely deserve some answers
about what took place, and that means that all of us should keep digging. [...] How did someone with "no military background"
and that wasn't a "gun guy at all" operate such advanced weapons? Because what we are being told by the
mainstream media just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
on the Early Reports, the Las Vegas Shooting Is Very, Very Strange. [Scroll down] Put all this together,
and the shooting is flat-out bizarre. It's significantly different from virtually any other mass shooting in U.S.
history. If the weapons were fully automatic, then he likely would have spent immense sums of money to obtain them
legally, jumping through extensive legal hoops. [...] As my colleague Charlie Cooke tweeted earlier this morning,
legally-owned fully-automatic weapons have been used in three crimes since 1934. So, a person who's "not a gun guy" has
either expended untold thousands of dollars to legally purchase fully-automatic weapons, somehow found them on the black
market, or purchased and substantially modified multiple semi-automatic weapons — and did so with enough
competence to create a sustained rate of fire. This same person also spent substantial sums purchasing just the right
hotel room to maximize casualties. I cannot think of a single other mass shooter who went to this level of expense and
planning in the entire history of the United States.
audio: 'There are at least two shooters with fully-automatic weapons'. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
audio captured during last Sunday's active shooting at Mandalay Bayresort and casino reveals how officers confirmed that
there were at least two shooters firing down onto the crowd of concertgoers attending the Route 91 music festival.
After a series of fully-automatic gunfire popped off and people started getting struck by flying rounds a team of law
enforcement officers and another 'element' stormed the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay it was feared that there was an
additional shooter on the 29th floor.
Vegas Shooter's Girlfriend's Story Strains Credulity. Are we ever going to get to the bottom of the Las Vegas
shooting? A lot of hopes were pinned on getting access to his girlfriend, Marilou Danley, who has now returned from a
trip to visit her family in the Philippines. She's been speaking to authorities and the information made public so far
might be seen as clearing her from involvement but... well, let's just say more questions need to be answered.
Life? ISIS Doubles-Down, Says Vegas Gunman Converted Six Months Ago. The Islamic State doubled-down on
previous claims that the man behind the worst mass shooting in American history had converted to Islam six months ago, and
carried out the devastating attacks as an ISIS soldier. The terror group renewed its claims in the 16-page edition of
'Naba', its weekly newsletter; saying Stephen Paddock, the 64-year-old former accountant from Mesquite, Nevada, secretly
converted to an Islamic fighter half a year ago. "Las Vegas attacker is a soldier of the Islamic State who carried out
the attack in response to calls for targeting coalition countries," said the ISIS newsletter.
Where did
the Las Vegas Mass Murderer's Money Come From? One of the puzzles about the mass murderer in Las Vegas is the
source of his money. His brother characterizes him as "very wealthy" and that "$100,000 is no big deal". His real
estate holdings holdings have been estimated as worth several millions of dollars. He paid cash for his latest real
estate, and gambled up to a million dollars a year, according to a real estate agent who dealt with him. [...] There
are many unconventional sources of wealth that could be laundered through casino gambling.
Marseilles - again
October 1, 2017
Terrorist Shouting, "Allahu Akbar" Slits Woman's Throat In France. This is the new Europe. Terrorist
attacks like these are not an aberration. They're the new normal. And the new normal procedure is to bury them as
crimes or just the random attacks of random madmen, randomly shouting, "Allahu Akbar".
shouting 'Allahu akbar' slits a woman's throat and stabs another to death at Marseille station before he is killed by French
army. ISIS have claimed responsibility for a terror attack which saw a man shouting 'Allahu Akbar' stab two
women to death with a butcher's knife in Marseille. The victims, aged 17 and 20, suffered horrific injuries during the
'frenzied' attack, with one slashed in the throat and the other stabbed in the chest and stomach. Eyewitnesses told how
a man 'dressed in black' launched himself at the two women, who screamed for their lives as others ran for safety. The
assailant was gunned down by soldiers who were on patrol inside Saint Charles train station at the time as part of France's
ongoing state of emergency. [...] It is thought to be the latest in a long series of Islamic State atrocities across France
and the rest of Europe.
yelling 'Allahu Akbar' kills 2 at French train station before being shot dead. A man wielding a butcher knife
and shouting "God is great" in Arabic stabbed two young women to death — slitting one's throat —
outside a French train station before being shot dead by soldiers Sunday morning [10/1/2017]. The Paris prosecutor's
office launched a terrorism investigation into the killings in Marseilles. Hours later ISIS claimed the attacker was
its "soldier." The unidentified terrorist struck his victims — who were just 17 and 20 — at the
Gare Saint-Charles train station, cutting one's throat and stabbing the other in the chest and stomach.
September 17, 2017
American female tourists in their early twenties are rushed to hospital after having acid thrown in their face[s] outside
Marseille train station. Two female American tourists suffered facial injuries in an acid attack that left two
others nursing burns, outside a train station in Marseille. The four tourists, in their early twenties, were travelling
between Marseilles and Paris when a 41-year-old man sprayed them with hydrochloric acid, according to reports. [...]
According to witnesses, no slogans were shouted out during the attack, and it was not thought to be terrorist related. [...]
Fourteen firefighters rushed to the scene in four emergency vehicles. Police do not believe the attack is terror related.
The Editor says...
Nope, no sign of Islamic terrorism. Except they're the only people who do stuff like this, and anybody with any common
sense — even 4800 miles away — can see it is an act of Islamic terrorism. Prove me wrong.
attack on 4 US students not seen as terror act, France says. The Paris prosecutor's office said earlier Sunday
that its counter-terrorism division had decided for the time being not to assume jurisdiction for investigating the
attack. The prosecutor's office in the capital, which has responsibility for all terror-related cases in France, did
not explain the reasoning behind the decision. [...] A driver deliberately rammed into two bus stops in Marseille last month,
killing a woman, but officials said it wasn't terror-related.
September 15, 2017
London "Bucket Bomb" Suspect Arrested Was Syrian Refugee. The second suspect arrested in the London 'bucket
bomb' attempt highlights the reality of the multi-year concern about unvetted refugees and the potential for importing
terrorism. Yahya Faroukh, 21, is a Syrian national who sought asylum in the U.K. from the civil war.
Unfortunately, it appears he carried the civil war of jihad with him.
suspects in London subway attack are "refugee" 'kids' nurtured by do-gooders. The 'kids' (unaccompanied alien
minors?) were from Iraq and Syria. Both received government-supported foster care from a couple known for their welcome
to needy 'kids.' Of course we have to wonder if they were even kids when they got into the UK, but that's a story for
another day.
questioned over Parsons Green Tube bombing. The younger man is suspected of planting the device, which exploded
on a District Line train in London on Friday morning, injuring 30 people. He and the other man, reported to be from
Syria, are being questioned by police on suspicion of offences under the Terrorism Act.
Unaccompanied Muslim Minor Refugee Terror Attack in London. Ronald Jones, 88, and Penelope Jones, 71, like so
many well-meaning Westerners, had no idea what they were letting themselves in for until the police were hammering at their
door. Now they themselves have been turned into refugees, seeking shelters with relatives, while the police search for
clues to the latest terror attack. The couple became interested in fostering "refugees" when the media barraged
helpless listeners with sob stories of Syrian suffering. But while they spoke often of children, the actual migrants
are adults. At the center of the case is Yahyah Farroukh, a Syrian, in his twenties. Farroukh was no child.
Neighbors described a constant flow of traffic to the Jones home. The visitors wore the traditional Islamic clothing
often associated with the Jihadists who are the core of the European terror threat. Prayer mats were set out in the
garden. And there were constant cell phone conversations.
Green bombing: Police cordon off home of second refugee foster child. A 21-year-old man was arrested in Hounslow on
Saturday night [9/16/2017] just hours after police caught the 18-year-old suspected of planting the Tube bomb at the Port of Dover.
After the second arrest officers cordoned off a property just yards from Heathrow Airport linked to a Syrian refugee who had previously
lived at the home of Ron and Penny Jones, who had been fostering the 18-year-old before his arrest.
The Editor says...
The British press is clueless, incompetent, and paralyzed by political correctness.
A young man of fighting age who enters another country to engage in terrorism is not a refugee.
An 18-year-old guerrilla is not a foster child. How many other "foster children" have beards,
stockpiles of weapons, and no plans to get a job?
admit another 'Bucket Bomber' could be on the run. The 18-year-old being held by police on suspicion of
planting a bomb on the London underground was arrested two weeks ago at the exact same tube station where the device exploded
but released, neighbours have said. The teen — who is being held after police tracked him to the departures hall at the
Port of Dover — is thought to have been a 'problematic foster child' who was raised in Sunbury-on-Thames by Penelope Jones,
71, and husband Ronald, 88. Serena Barber, 47, who has known the couple all her life and lives in a property backing on
to theirs, said: 'They have two boys at the moment, both are foreign. One is very quiet and polite, the other
who is 18 is awful.
man is arrested over Parsons Green attack. A second man has been arrested in connection with the terror attack at
Parsons Green. The 21-year-old man was arrested in the London borough of Hounslow at around 11.50pm last night [9/14/2017]
and has been taken to a south London police station. It comes as neighbours claim terror police have recovered '15 firearms
and a bomb' from a Surrey house raided in connection with the attack.
for London bomber underway as threat level raised. British police raced Saturday [9/16/2017] to track down
whoever planted a bomb on a packed London Underground train, as authorities raised the national threat level to maximum,
meaning another attack may be imminent.
Green terror: Teenager arrested in Dover in connection with bomb attack. A teenager has been arrested in
Dover in connection with yesterday's bomb attack on a tube at Parsons Green, West London. The 18-year-old man was
arrested in Dover under The Terrorist Act in connection with the Parsons Green station bombing. The terror attack saw
an improvised explosive device detonated on a London underground tube injuring 29 people.
British police arrest man in hunt for London
bombers. British police arrested an 18-year-old man in the southern port of Dover on Saturday [9/16/2017] in a
"significant" development in the hunt for the people behind a London commuter train bombing that injured 30 people a
day earlier.
injured after 'blast' at London subway station. A bucket wrapped in an insulated bag caught fire on a packed
London subway train Friday, sending commuters stampeding in panic at the height of the morning rush hour. Police said
they were investigating it as a terrorist attack. Photos taken inside a District Line train show a white plastic bucket
inside a foil-lined shopping bag. Flames and what appear to be wires emerge from the top. London ambulance
service said they had sent multiple crews to the Parsons Green station and 18 people were hospitalized, though none
had life-threatening injuries. Police advised people to avoid the area in southwest London.
least 20 people are injured in Tube terror attack. Police are today [9/15/2017] hunting for the 'bucket bomber'
who tried blow up a rush hour Tube train amid claims the terror suspect is armed with knives and may have left other
devices. The crude device could have killed dozens but failed to properly detonate and sent a 'wall of fire' through
the carriage injuring at least 18 people including a ten-year-old boy. Terrified passengers 'ran for their lives'
and were seen covered in blood with scorched hands, legs, faces and hair after the incident at Parsons Green station in west
London at 8.20am.
August 18, 2017
Two dead, at least six hurt in knife
attack in Finland. A man with a knife killed two people and wounded eight others in a stabbing rampage in a market square
in the Finnish city of Turku on Friday [8/18/2017], police said. Police shot the suspected attacker in the leg and arrested
him. They said they had yet to establish the identity of the man who was of foreign origin, or his motive.
wounded in stabbing attack in Finland. Authorities in Finland have shot and arrested a suspect after several
people were stabbed in the city of Turku. The incident reportedly occurred in the city's Puutori-Market Square area,
BBC reported. The police have warned people to stay away from the area.
in the Market. Two women were stabbed to death in the streets of Turku, with police revealing six others were
injured, including several men who came to the aid of the victims, including a woman with a pram.
August 18, 2017
hurt in Barcelona car rampage dies, bringing toll to 16. The number of people killed in twin terror attacks in
Spain last week rose to 16 on Sunday, local authorities in Barcelona said Sunday [8/27/2017]. "This morning a 51-year-old
German woman died after being treated in a critical condition in hospital," said a statement from the region's civil defense.
The attacks on Las Ramblas boulevard in Barcelona and in the seaside resort of Cambrils left around 120 wounded.
is left reeling by Barcelona attacks chilling map shows how more than 300 innocents have lost their lives in 16 separate
jihadist atrocities. Barcelona and Cambrils, Paris, Stockholm, Berlin and London — these are just some of the
horrifying attacks which have taken 364 lives, severely injured victims, ripped families apart and left communities
devastated in Europe over the past two years. Each attack — committed by ruthless jihadis — has shocked and saddened
the world, leaving people heartbroken and fearful about the future. Streets are flocked to by emergency services,
witnesses reveal the horror of climbing over bodies and desperately trying to save strangers and families launch campaigns to
find their missing loved ones. But despite the attackers attempting to scare people into not living their lives, the
cities and communities come back fighting each time.
jihadis wearing suicide belts are killed and seven people injured as gunfire erupts in beach resort south of Barcelona.
A hero policewoman surrounded by drugged-up jihadis wearing 'Coke can' suicide vests killed four out of five of them herself and saved
an injured colleague, it was revealed today [8/18/2017]. The terrorists carrying knives and an axe bailed out of their overturned
Audi A3 used to plough into crowds on the seafront in Cambrils on the Costa Dorada at 1am today, killing a woman, 61, from Zaragoza,
and injuring six others. Two police officers were on a routine foot patrol when one was hit by the car and within seconds her
partner pulled out a handgun and killed four of them as they charged her.
dead in Spain, US citizen also injured in terror attack. The State Department announced Friday [8/18/2017] that one American
was among the 14 people killed in a pair of deadly terror attacks in Spain. The assaults — in Barcelona and
Cambrils — wounded more than 100 others, and one U.S. citizen was also among that count, officials said.
Spanish cop killed 4 Cambrils terror attack suspects, official says. A heroic Spanish police officer on Friday [8/18/2017]
single-handedly killed four of the five suspects who were believed to have carried out a terror attack in the Catalan seaside town of
Cambrils, a senior police official said. At least one of the suspected terrorists appeared to be laughing and taunting a police
officer who shot and killed him, according to video footage of the incident and a witness who saw the stunning encounter.
August 5, 2017
Muslim shouting "Allahu Akbar" arrested at Eiffel Tower. "Not terrorism," said police right after it happened,
even though the Muslim knifeman (allegedly with "mental issues"), from the West African state of Mauritania, brandished a
knife in front of tourists and security forces and told police he wanted to kill a soldier.
with knife arrested at Eiffel Tower. French police arrested an intruder brandishing a knife at the Eiffel Tower
on Saturday night which led the monument to be evacuated, sources said. The man, who is aged around 19 and has a
history of psychological problems, forced his way past security guards and then shouted "Allahu Akbar" ("God is Greatest"), a
legal source told AFP.
Flint, Michigan
June 21, 2017
the difference: CNN vs. Breitbart edition. Why would CNN leave out what the stabber actually said
in the article plus the person's race? CBS radio also is not saying what the person said or his name and saying it is
impossible to tell if it is terrorism. Somehow, the other day, when a white person drove a truck into Muslims in
London, the media were immediately able to declare it terrorism and say the driver's race. Isn't that amazing? I
am not a law enforcement officer or a reporter, but my deep analysis of the situation leads me to conclude that the stabbing
was a terrorist attack done in the name of Islam. Why don't the media report what they know instead of intentionally
keeping certain information from the public?
Who Stabbed Police Officer In Michigan Airport Is a Canadian Muslim. The attacker armed with a knife that
stabbed a Flint airport police officer Wednesday morning [6/21/2017] has been identified as Canadian resident Amor M.
Ftouhi. The officer, Lt. Jeff Neville was stabbed in the neck, by Ftouhi, and was critically injured but has now
been upgraded to satisfactory condition. Ftouhi was arrested at the scene by Neville, helped by another police member,
a fire department member and a maintenance worker.
Shouts 'Allahu Akbar' Before Stabbing Michigan Cop At Flint Airport. An unknown assailant allegedly yelled
"Allahu Akbar" before stabbing an off-duty police officer in the neck area at the Bishop Airport in Flint, Michigan on
Wednesday, according to various reports. The suspect is currently in custody, according to a Fox News report, and the
FBI is investigating the incident as a possible terror attack. The officer, Lt. Jeff Neville, was taken to the
hospital in critical condition, but has since been upgraded to stable after surgery, according to NBC.
POSSIBLE terror incident. NBC isn't quite sure. Let's keep an open mind, after all. Michigan
Airport Stabbing: Officer Attacked in Possible Terror Incident. An officer for Bishop International
Airport was stabbed Wednesday [6/21/2017] in a possible terror-related incident in Flint, Michigan, sources told NBC
News. The attacker allegedly shouted "Allahu akbar" before stabbing Lieutenant Jeff Neville, who was bleeding from the
neck, sources and witnesses at Bishop International Airport said.
June 20, 2017
Foiled Brussels attacker's
bag had nails & gas bottles — prosecutor. A bag found at the scene of a foiled terrorist attack in
Brussels contained gas canisters and nails, according to a Belgian prosecutor. The suspect, who was shot dead, is a
36-year-old Moroccan national with no previous record of being a terrorist suspect. The man was identified as O.Z., and
his home in the Molenbeek area was searched, Prosecutor Eric Van Der Sypt told journalists at a news conference. The
suspect was not wearing a suicide belt, but was heard shouting 'Allahu Akbar' ('God is great' in Arabic) before being shot
dead by soldiers, the prosecutor said.
With 'Explosives Belt' Shot By Brussels Police, Explosions at Central Station. Reports claim that there have
been explosions at the main railway station in Brussels and that police have ordered people to evacuate the building.
The Brussels Public prosecutor has said that there have been no civilian deaths or injuries in the incident. The
prosecutor's office has not so far specified whether the man shot has died or is being treated for his injuries and have not
identified the man.
suicide bomber threatening train passengers 'shouts Allahu Akbar and triggers an explosion'. A suspected
suicide bomber who allegedly shouted 'Allahu Akbar' before triggering an explosion at Brussels Central Station has been
gunned down by soldiers. Shots rang out soon after 8pm tonight as police and soldiers moved in to 'neutralise' the man,
who was said to be 'threatening rail passengers' in what is being considered as a terrorist incident. Initial reports
suggested the suspect — described as being 'tanned, well-built and in his 30s' — was wearing an explosive vest or
rucksack, while witnesses later claimed he tried to blow up a trolley or a suitcase.
June 3, 2017
Terrorist Fought in Sen. McCain's Beloved Free Syrian Army. One of the terrorists who carried out the deadly London Bridge attack
in England this month fought in an affiliate of Senator John McCain's beloved Free Syrian Army (FSA) in Libya, supporting the U.S.-backed effort
to topple Muammar Gaddafi. His name is Rachid Redouane and, after fighting in the Libyan revolution with the Tripoli-based group Liwa al
Ummah, he joined a militia that deployed jihadist fighters to Syria.
18 glaring chances missed by authorities to stop the London Bridge killers. The police, MI5 and the UK border
force missed at least 18 clear chances to tackle the three London Bridge jihadists raising even more serious questions about
their ability to stop violent extremists. MailOnline can reveal there were several opportunities to stop more than one
of the terrorists getting into Britain in the first place — but the authorities failed to intervene. Mastermind Khuram
Butt was deemed a 'low priority' despite an aborted attempt to wage holy war in Syria, links to several notorious extremists
and an appearance on national TV where he unfurled an ISIS-style flag in public.
Mayor Sadiq Khan accidentally reveals Trump's criticisms of his statement were correct. So the mayor [of
London] admits that there are 200+ trained insurgents roaming the streets of Britain, but there is no reason to be
alarmed! Hmm, that sounds like a guy who has an armed security detail that follows him everywhere he goes. Don't
worry about the cops not following these trained killers who believe that murdering the mayor's constituents is a holy
obligation because "all of us have a role to play"? Does this mean the mayor believes that family, friends, and
neighbors would turn in anyone suspected of planning terror attacks? That hasn't been the way it has worked.
we finally had 'enough'? Islamic terrorists killed eight people and wounded 48 more in London on June 3 before
being shot to death by police. It was the third terrorist attack in Britain in as many months. Last September, after a jihadi
attack in New York, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said, "It is a reality I'm afraid that London, New York, other major cities around the world
have got to be prepared for these sorts of things."
Britain Pays the Price
for Complacency. The attacks in London on Saturday are the latest in a series of terror strikes that have led
to the deaths of over 30 civilians of various nationalities. British PM Theresa May has expressed the outrage of most
British people, declaring that "we cannot allow this ideology the safe space that it needs to breathe" and calling for the
regulation of cyberspace to prevent the internet being used so effectively by terrorist groups to disseminate their poisonous
ideology. These declarations by the British prime minister conceal a scandal. The signs of Britain's current
predicament were visible decades earlier, and successive prime ministers and cabinets proved incapable of anticipating the
extent of the threat from Islamist terrorism.
All 12 people arrested after London attack released without charges. London police announced Monday [6/5/2017]
they were releasing the 12 people they arrested following the attack in the city Saturday night that killed seven and
injured dozens. Police did not say why they were releasing the individuals or what they had been suspected of doing.
decades-long smoldering of England's Muslims. The alienation that lacerated London Bridge Saturday night has
been a long time festering, at least a quarter-century, when I first became aware of it. In 1989, book-burnings in
Britain against the novel "The Satanic Verses" led to the fatwa, or death sentence, against its author, Salman Rushdie,
forcing him into hiding for a decade. Then, in 1991, more Muslim protests broke out against the British government's
support for the U.S.-led first Gulf War to reverse the seizure of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein. Suddenly, the British
discovered that a large and undigested population of disaffected Muslims lived in the heart of England.
wonder they didn't want us to know who the London Bridge Butchers were. [Scroll down] The senior
echelons of intelligence and investigation appear utterly incompetent. They give endless press statements and tweets,
parading leaders of community faith groups in the name of diversity, but still they fail to take action. The West
Midland Police have just admitted that their Head of Counter-Terrorism Unit has classified and highly confidential papers
stolen from a car he was using on May 15. A force spokesman said: 'An investigation has been launched after items were
stolen from a West Midlands Police officer's unmarked car. 'A number of personal items were taken during the theft along
with a locked metal box that contained documents relating to police matters. The box was locked in the boot. The
officer remains at work.' At a time when our terror threat was heading from Severe to Critical — the head of
counter-terrorism has highly classified papers nicked from his car? Are we leaving paperwork in parked cars now?
My shenanigans detector is flashing red. It's not adding up.
Bridge terrorists: All refugees or immigrants. The ringleader of the London Bridge terror attack who was
photographed on the ground with canisters strapped to his body was today named by police as Khuram Butt[.] Butt, 27, of
Barking, East London, is believed to have led the trio of terrorists who ploughed into pedestrians using a hired van, before
stabbing revellers in pubs and bars on Saturday night [6/3/2017]. Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said Butt was known
to police and MI5 but said there had been no evidence of "attack planning" and he had been deemed as a 'low priority.'
From My Cold Dead Keyboard.
The global community has been rocked by tragedy after tragedy over the last several weeks, but few instances have captured
the international spotlight as readily as the recent attacks in London. The international community was quick to offer their
support to the beleaguered Britain, but a troubling response came from that nation's own leader. In a prompt speech following
the terrible events, British Prime Minister, Theresa May offered a plan of action to address the uptick in terrorism that has ravaged
Western Europe. May's ideas raise fears of their own. In her call to action, May called for a drastic change in global
Internet policy. From removing "safe spaces" where terrorists may communicate anonymously, to forcing companies to weaken
their encryption standards so government entities may more easily monitor communications, the proposed policies sound a myriad
of alarms for those concerned about their civil liberties.
The Editor says...
The internet isn't the problem. Civil liberties are not the problem. Islam is the problem. But
the internet is easier to control, and civil liberties are easier to remove.
The Endless Terror War.
By all accounts, the killers bore no special grudge against those they murdered. They appear not even to have known
their victims. Why, then, did they kill these strangers, and themselves? A BBC eyewitness suggests a
motive: "They shouted, 'This is for Allah,' as they stabbed indiscriminately." The murderers were Muslims.
The rationale for their crimes lies in the belief that their bloody deeds would inscribe them in a book of martyrs, and Allah
would reward them with instant ascension into the paradise that awaits all good Muslims. Ideas have consequences.
And where might these crazed killers have gotten an idea like that?
Who Helped 'Radicalize' London Attacker Lives In Michigan. A Michigan-based Islamic preacher's YouTube account
may have helped radicalize one of Saturday's London attackers, a friend of the attacker told BBCNews Asia. The
preacher, Ahmad Musa Jibril, is well known on youtube for preaching sermons that appear to lionize Islamic terrorists
fighting in Syria. The friend of the attacker was so concerned by his obsession with the preacher's sermons, it
prompted him to notify the anti-terror police. The attacker and two accomplices killed seven and injured dozens more
after plowing a car into a crowd and stabbing passersby before police could gun them down.
terror attack: British officials eye burka ban and stripping citizenship. After yet another deadly
terrorist attack swept through the streets of Britain late Saturday [6/3/2017], lawmakers and leaders were scrambling to take
back the reins and foil any further tragedies. British Prime Minister Theresa May, speaking Sunday after a meeting of
the government's COBRA emergency committee, claimed there was "too much tolerance" of Islamist extremism in the U.K. and
insisted that the country's counterterrorism strategy would be reviewed.
The Editor says...
Politicians all over the world speak about Islamic terrorism without actually calling it what it is. They'll
think about what just happened and they'll review it all, but they'll never take any substantive action,
because that would be portrayed in the newspapers as "racism," a (most likely) baseless charge the politicians
nevertheless find indefensible.
immigration without assimilation is national suicide. The UK got another lesson in this rule last night.
A nation simply cannot allow a massive flood of immigrants that do not share the values and ideals of that nation. And
if that nation makes no effort at demanding assimilation, the situation will get worse very quickly because that nation has
surrendered its sovereignty. And, if that nation has also effectively disarmed its citizens, well, then that nation is
reduced to running, hiding and telling. Will the UK, or the rest of Europe learn? Will they reject the
foolishness of allowing mass immigration of people who largely reject Western culture? Will they at the very least roll
back their inane gun control laws? Will they stand up and say what must be said, that it is Islamists that are the
cause of every last terror attack to hit Europe in recent years? Will they let go their irrational addiction to
"equality" and face reality? If they do not then attacks will increase both in frequency and scope. Western
culture is not the problem, Jihadism is, and Europe has allowed the seeds of these attacks to be sown by not having common
sense immigration laws. Now, they are reaping the fruit of those seeds.
London attack: Terrorists
shouted 'this is for Allah'. Seven victims are confirmed dead after a group of terrorists with hoax explosives
strapped to their chests drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge before jumping out and stabbing people. A Kiwi
man is among the injured after three Jihadi terrorists shouted "this is for Allah" as they stormed the Borough Market area,
full of pubs and restaurants, and attacked punters with 12-inch hunting knives.
London Bridge, The World Is Sick Of Politicians Downplaying Terrorism. As if on cue, in the wake of Saturday's
terrorist attack in London political leaders are trotting out the usual treacly lines that have become so rote. But the
words they pretend will provide comfort to anyone but the most naïve are borderline worthless. Worse, they're an
insult to the families who have had to experience the shocking pain of the sudden loss of a family member or friend at the
hands of a terrorist.
Mayor Sadiq Khan's tweets haven't aged well. London Mayor Sadiq Khan is offering the usual condemnation cliches for
Saturday's terror attack on London Bridge, which left at least 6 dead and some 20 injured, calling the attack 'cowardly'
and the murders 'tragic.' Cue the teddy bears, the floral displays, and the hastags. It's the same futile response that
followed the Manchester terrorist concert massacre and the Westminster Bridge terror attack. But Khan has a history,
noted by the Twitter account named Tennessee. It's not going down well in the wake of the latest terror attack[.]
Farage: 'Words Are Not Enough, People Want Action', Slams Sadiq Khan, Theresa May on Terror Responses. UK
Independence Party (UKIP) MEP Nigel Farage has slammed London Mayor Sadiq Khan for not addressing extremism in Muslim
communities and criticised Theresa May's tenure as home secretary, saying that the prime minister's words are not enough and
people want action. On Fox and Friends Weekend, the Brexit campaigner criticised Mr. Khan for telling Londoners
"not to be alarmed" [...]
Celebrate Deadly London Terror Attacks Online. Islamic State sympathizers are reportedly celebrating the latest
attacks to shake the United Kingdom online. Attackers slammed a van into pedestrians on London Bridge late Saturday
evening. The incident was immediately followed by a string of stabbings at Borough Market nearby. Pro-ISIS
channels are heralding the attacks as "the black days we've promised" and are anticipating an ISIS claim, reports the SITE
Intel Group, which monitors jihadi activity worldwide.
attacks: Witnesses report van swerving into people, rapid gunfire and stabbings. Authorities in London responded late Saturday [6/3/2017]
to reports of attacks on citizens in three locations near the London Bridge, as witnesses report what appeared to be a coordinated attack. Multiple
witnesses reported a vehicle veering off the road and hitting several pedestrians; others also said they saw a man with a knife. Witnesses reported
seeing injured people on the ground on the bridge.
Saturday attacks
[represent] a tipping point in campaign to destroy the West. There is no longer any doubt: the mayhem in London Saturday night [6/3/2017]
has raised terrorism to a new threat level to the Western world. The methods, and reported reference to Allah by one of the knife wielders points to
Islamic perpetrators, though no official statements have been issued. Yet the van that plowed into pedestrians on the historic London Bridge, the
knife attacks near Borough Market — carried out nearly simultaneously — reflect the same boldness and brazenness on the part of the twisted warriors
of the Islamist campaign to destroy Western civilization and force us all to worship their version of God. Coming only a few days before British
voters go to the polls for a June 8 snap election, and just months after a similar vehicular attack on Westminster Bridge, the weekend violence is
certain to have an effect on turnout and, quite possibly, the makeup of parliament and the next British government.
white van 'mows down 20 people' on London Bridge amid unconfirmed reports of gunfire and stabbing. Seven people
are feared dead after three men with 12-inch hunting knives reportedly stabbed pedestrians after mowing down up to 20 people
with a white van on London Bridge. The men, described as being 'of Mediterranean origin', reportedly jumped out of the
van and began 'randomly stabbing people' along Borough High Street in central London at 10pm. The car, believed to be a
B&Q vehicle, reportedly veered in an 'S shape' at 50mph across the bridge and has driven towards the Shard and is south of
the river. 'Rapid gunfire' was heard in the London Bridge area as armed police are thought to have shot shot dead two of
the men, with a search underway for the third man.
Manchester, UK
May 22, 2017
Introduction and overview by The Editor:
I had never heard of Ariana Grande before this incident, nor do I care to listen to any of her past performances to see what
the attraction could have been, but this incident should have been forecast weeks in advance. Why? Because the Muslims
hate to see unaccompanied women having fun in public, especially after sunset, and especially if some of them should go home and
put some more clothes on. The Muslims detest revelry and drunkenness and loud secular music. They all do.
The jihadis are those in the suicidal subset who are willing to do something about it, hoping to be instantly rewarded in
paradise with their own little set of virgins. They immediately find out how wrong they were, I believe, but by then
it's too late. Frankly, I'm surprised that incidents of this sort don't happen more often, in places where the same
types of events are scheduled and publicized, like Times Square on New Year's Eve, Mardi Gras, and every weekend in
Las Vegas. As the Muslim population grows, and especially when they reach the majority, these incidents will
multiply rapidly, and then they will come to an abrupt end when outdoor performances of secular music are outlawed.
But by then they'll find something else that's offensive and intolerable.
Update: Police
had intel on Manchester Arena bomber years before attack, inquiry told. Intelligence that linked the Manchester
Arena bomber to another suspected terrorist was uncovered by detectives three years before the 2017 bombing but was never
passed on for further investigation, an inquiry has heard. Detectives found the name, photo and phone number of Salman
Abedi during an investigation into Abdalraouf Abdallah in 2014. They found Abedi had exchanged about 1,300 text
messages with Abdallah in November 2014.
of Manchester Arena bomber found guilty of murder. The brother of the Manchester Arena bomber has been found
guilty of the murder of 22 people and helping to plan one of the deadliest terror attacks the UK has ever seen. Hashem
Abedi was not in court to hear the unanimous verdict after deciding earlier in the week to withdraw himself from the proceedings,
sacking his entire defence team. As each victim's name was read out the jury returned a guilty verdict, with family members
becoming emotional and heard crying in the courtroom.
arrest 24-year-old man on suspicion of terror offences over Manchester bombing. Police investigating the
Manchester Arena terror attack have arrested a 24-year-old man, force bosses confirmed this morning [6/3/2017]. He was
arrested in the Rusholme area of the city on suspicion of terrorism offences. A statement from Greater Manchester
Police this morning said: 'As it stands 17 people have been arrested in connection with the investigation,
of which six people have since been released without charge.
Grande concert attack: 119 wounded, 64 people still hospitalized. The number of people wounded in the explosion
at an Ariana Grande concert in England, increased to 119 on Wednesday [5/24/2017], double the number initially reported,
Manchester health officials said. Officials said the number was raised because of the "walking wounded" who came in
seeking medical treatment hours after a bomb detonated at Manchester Arena on Monday, killing 22 people.
bomber Salman Abedi took his twisted revenge out of 'love for Islam'. Salman Abedi launched his suicide attack
out of 'a love of Islam' and in twisted revenge for US airstrikes on Syria, his sister has claimed. Jamona Abedi failed
to condemn her brother's murderous actions but instead claimed to offer an explanation for the atrocity, in which 22 innocent
people, many of them children, were killed. Miss Abedi, who lives in the Libyan capital Tripoli, said her brother had
become increasingly violent over the course of the past year, convinced that Muslims were under attack both in the UK and abroad.
engineering student and his brother held over the Manchester terror attack. A chemical engineering student and
his brother were being held over the Manchester terror attack last night as Amber Rudd admitted that members of the bomber's
network could still be at large. University students Mohamed and Yahya Werfalli were arrested in the early hours of
Saturday [5/27/2017] — hours before Theresa May lowered the UK's terror threat level from critical to severe.
The brothers, who like other suspects are British born but of Libyan heritage, are believed to move in the same friendship
circles as the Manchester bomber Salman Abedi, also 22. Yahya is listed on Facebook as a friend of the bomber's brother,
Hashim, 20.
The Myth of White
Terrorism. Islam isn't just preying on the weak. They're preying on the weak-minded. On Monday
night, Salman Abedi murdered 29 young Britons and their parents with a nail bomb. As is always the case, the response
has been flowers and apologies and calls to coexist. On Sky News I hate-watched some ponce tell an SAS soldier
he "understands his rage" but we can't punish Muslims because it will create a backlash. This is a country where they
ignore child rapists and regularly imprison white men for offending Islam.
How Obama's 'smart power'
helped seed the Manchester attack. South Manchester is home to one of the world's largest Libyan expatriate communities, which
in recent years has become a prime recruiting ground for young jihadists. And Libya itself is the base for an ISIS external-operations
wing tasked with plotting terrorist attacks in Europe. Indeed, since the fall of Moammar Khadafy, Libya has become a haven for Islamist
terrorist groups. Such is the result of Barack Obama's failed policy — which he so confidently announced would prove smarter
than his predecessor's mistakes in Iraq, only to be proved horribly wrong.
attack: Fears over 'second bomb' after police find huge chemical explosive cache in Salman Abedi raid.
The Manchester suicide bomber may have built a second device which is now in the hands of fellow jihadists, police
fear. Officers who raided the home of Salman Abedi discovered a working bomb factory with a huge stash of explosive
chemicals and other components. Security sources now believe that Abedi assembled the bomb himself after learning his
trade in Libya. But the amount of material in his home has led to fears that he could have built more than one device
and and distributed them to other British-based extremists.
The Left's Road Leads To
Manchester. I hadn't heard of Salman Abedi before he murdered all those little girls and their friends and family members at the
Ariana Grande concert, but when I recently spoke at Truman State University in Missouri, the University at Buffalo, and Gettysburg College, and
then at an event in Iceland, I discussed the belief system that incites people such as Salman Abedi to violence. I explored the ways in
which jihad terrorists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and make recruits among peaceful Muslims, and the texts of the
Qur'an and Islamic law that call upon Muslims to wage war against those who do not believe in Islam. For this, the three universities and
the Icelandic press treated my presence in the country as if Josef Goebbels had stopped by for a visit.
Bomber, Salman Abedi, Linked to Libyan ISIS — "Libyan Dawn". Today [5/24/2017] the links emerge
between the Manchester bomber, Salman Abedi (22), and these extremist forces within Libya. It appears the bombing
attack against the Manchester concert venue was directed and coordinated by the family of Abedi and their close contacts
within Libya including his father Ramadan Abedi who was arrested earlier today.
of Manchester Bomber Refuses to Take Responsibility. Now that Salman Abedi has been named as the suicide bomber
who blew up dozens of children in Manchester, today was the time for the elders of his mosque in Didsbury to speak.
They were resolute and clearly angry, but as the press statement was read, it became depressingly clear what they were angry
about: Islamophobia and the media. The statement started with a firm insistence that this statement would be the
only one and that there would be no questions. Then, the usual opening remarks about how the bomber had basically
embarrassed Islam by his actions, and a half-hearted request to assist the police.
is Safe from Geller and Spencer But Not from Islamic Terror. British Police have named Saman Abedi as the
Terrorist suicide bomber caused the mass murder of Children in England after an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester and it's
reported that another person has been detained in connection to the attack. As I watch the usual suspects are sounding
the same, the phrases "Lone Wolf", Islamophobia, love vs hate, and doing all it can to take the Islam out of the latest
example of Islamic Terror.
He wasn't exactly a lone wolf if there are five other suspects. Live
Manchester attack latest: Fifth suspect arrested in Wigan'carrying a package'. A woman was arrested in Manchester following
an armed raid on a block of flats late on Wednesday evening [5/24/2017] in connection with Monday's suicide attack. Several other arrests
were made including a suspect in late night raid in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, as detectives probe a "network" linked to the Manchester suicide
bomber. One suspect, believed to be carrying a package, was also arrested in Wigan earlier today. Seven people have now been arrested
in total.
One of the
Biggest Failures Leading to Manchester. One of the great failures in the run up to the Manchester situation has
been the Church of England, which has manifestly failed at providing answers to the question the little voice asks. In
England, atheists outnumber believers and credible estimates have the number of practicing Christians in the single
digits. Atheism provides no answer to the quiet voice we all hear asking questions. It certainly provides no way
to address the rise of radical Islam. It presents no alternative to dangerous ideologies. The Church of England
will have much to answer for on the final day.
and Brother of Manchester Bomber Arrested in Libya. The father and a brother of suspected Manchester suicide
bomber Salman Abedi have been detained by security personnel in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, according to witnesses and
officials. Three vehicles drove up to the Abedi home Wednesday evening and several men wearing uniform, some of them
masked, detained Ramadan Abedi, the alleged attacker's father, and two other unidentified men in the street. It wasn't
immediately possible to reach a spokesman for the United-Nations backed government in Tripoli for comment.
of Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi says son is innocent, had recently traveled to Libya. The suspected
Manchester suicide bomber is a 22-year-old college dropout who made frequent trips to Libya and may have visited Syria, a
French official said. Authorities are investigating if Salman Abedi was radicalized during the trips. Less than
two days after the deadly blast, two of his brothers and his father would be in police custody.
bomber's brothers, father arrested. The older and younger brothers of the Manchester terrorist have been
arrested, along with his father, all suspected to have ties to to the Islamic State. The bomb maker is still being hunted.
Abedi Flew from Libya Days Before Attack, Travelled to Syria. The Manchester Arena suicide bomber, Salman
Abedi, allegedly returned to Britain from Libya just days before carrying out his deadly attack and is thought to have also
travelled to Syria. The son of "deeply religious" refugees who returned to the North African country after Colonel
Muammar Gaddafi's death, Abedi is said to have had "proven" links to the Islamic State by French interior minister Gerard
Collomb, citing "British investigators".
Suicide Bomber Salman Abedi: Son of Libyan Immigrants Who Chanted Arabic Prayers in The Street. Salman
Abedi, the suicide bomber responsible for the Manchester Arena bombing Monday night which left 22 people dead and dozens
injured, was reportedly the son of Libyan immigrants and was apparently radicalised while living in one of the country's most
heavily Muslim areas — an area that had terror-related problems before. Greater Manchester Police Chief
Constable Ian Hopkins identified Abedi Tuesday as the man who detonated a bomb at the end of an Ariana Grande concert as
concert-goers left the arena. Multiple outlets, including The New York Times and the Daily Telegraph,
reported that Abedi was born in 1994 in Manchester and was of Libyan descent.
Bomber Said To Be Known To Authorities, Likely Didn't Act Alone. The suicide bomber who killed 22 people and
injured 59 after a pop concert in Manchester was known to the security services and likely did not act alone, interior minister
Amber Rudd said on Wednesday [5/24/2017]. Authorities have named the bomber as Salman Abedi, 22, who was born in Manchester
to parents of Libyan origin.
Western politicians worry
more about being called "Islamophobic" than they do about stopping jihadist slaughter. London mayor Sadiq Khan
(who recently dismissed terrorist attacks as "part and parcel of living in a big city"): "London stands with Manchester."
Orlando mayor Buddy Dyer (who, in the wake of the Pulse nightclub massacre, proclaimed a CAIR-backed "Muslim Women's Day" —
you know, the kind of event that proclaims hijabs "empowering"): Orlando "stands in solidarity with the people of the UK."
L.A. mayor Eric Garcetti (who went berserk when Trump tried to impose that temporary travel ban from a half-dozen Muslim countries):
"Los Angeles stands with the people of Manchester." Meaningless words, all of them. But Angela Merkel takes the cake:
"People in the UK can rest assured that Germany stands shoulder to shoulder with them." Well, isn't that ... reassuring. In
what way do such words help anybody to "rest assured" of anything?
Multiculturalism Will Lead to More Manchesters. Increasingly, in the United States, the left wishes to employ a
salad bowl approach, instead of a melting pot. The idea is that each culture lives together, but keeps strong
distinctions between itself and the other. The lettuce may pick up the taste of the carrot while both are smothered in
a common dressing, but they remain distinct. European multiculturalism reflects the salad bowl model and it is going to
keep getting them killed. Throughout Europe, muslim immigrant communities stay in their ghettos, keeping their culture
separate, while taking on the citizenship of their new countries. There are sections of Paris where you dare not go if
you are Jewish. The same is true in parts of Sweden, Belgium, and even Great Britain now. Cultural fiefdoms outside
the common cultural heritage of a nation have sprung up and as muslim populations begin exceeding 10%, problems start happening.
Islamist Appeasing Police And Politicians Have Blood On Their Hands. In the months before weeping little girls
with nails in their faces were carried out of the Manchester Arena, the authorities of that city were hard at work fighting
the dreaded threat of Islamophobia. While Salman Abedi, the second-generation Muslim refugee terrorist who maimed and
killed dozens in a brutal terrorist attack, stalked the streets wailing, "There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is the
messenger of Allah", Manchester police were busy with more important things. The Greater Manchester Police are one of
only two police forces to list Islamophobia as a hate crime category. Earlier this year, Chief Constable Ian Hopkins
honored Tell Mama for fighting Islamophobia. Tell Mama had lost funding earlier when its claims of a plague of violent
Islamophobia fell apart.
with an Axe and Baseball Bat Arrested During Manchester Attack Vigil. Footage shows the man shouting incoherently before
being taken away in a riot van in Edmund Street, which runs behind Birmingham's council house. A police officer could be seen
carrying away what appeared to be a baseball bat and a small axe. Speakers who had been paying tribute to the 22 Manchester
victims were interrupted by the man's loud protests, from down a side street.
Wake Of Manchester Bombing, NY Times Calls For Respecting Hardcore Islamists. This is a dance we've seen time
and time again. A person who practices extremist Islam, referred to as an Islamist, attacks in the name of their
religion, and the Leftist apologists immediately go into a mode of "let's not be mean to Muslims or talk about the root
causes and we all need to be respectful and diverse", even though the Islamists offer no respect and are happy to kill those
who aren't Islamists, including other Muslims.
jihad playbook: Why terrorists attack children. The attack in Manchester, England, that has so far killed
at least 19 and wounded at least 50 is ghastly. That it targeted children is as unforgivable as it is consistent with
the jihadist playbook. Conservative Review's Jordan Schachtel has the full story from Monday night, and details are still
coming out at the time of this writing. Among of the bigger observations that has been made about this attack, however,
is that it was waged against young adults, teenagers, and children attending a pop concert.
Another Jihad Massacre in Britain. Here we go again. 19 people are dead and 50 wounded in a suspected
jihad-martyrdom suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, a target that the jihad murderers apparently chose
because of its concentration of pre-teens and tweens, so as to maximize the potential to "strike terror into the hearts of
the enemies of Allah" (Qur'an 8:60). But don't be unduly concerned: Britain's criminally feckless Prime Minister
Theresa May is on the job, saying in a statement: "We are working to establish the full details of what is being
treated by the police as an appalling terrorist attack. All our thoughts are with the victims and the families of those
who have been affected." As canned responses go, that one is particularly packaged, processed, and colorless. How
grand that she is thinking about the victims and their families. And the police are on the job! Marvelous!
Ariana Grande Concert Bomber is Yet Another 'Known Wolf' Terrorist. As with virtually all Western terror
attacks (as I've reported many times here at PJ Media — see below), this appears to be yet another case of "Known
Wolf" terrorism. The suspected bomber had been known to authorities beforehand. In this case, as in so many
others, he apparently had been deemed not a threat.
services know Ariana Grande concert bomber's name, says PM as reports claim ISIS attacker 'was known to police'. Neighbours of
British-born Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi have revealed his 'strange behaviour' in the weeks before he slaughtered 22 people.
The 23-year-old British-born attacker was heard 'chanting Islamic prayers loudly in the street' outside his home in the south of the city.
Last night, the suicide bomber murdered and maimed concert goers as they were leaving Manchester Arena. ISIS this morning claimed responsibility
and threatened further attacks, saying 'one of the caliphate's soldiers placed bombs within a gathering of the Crusaders'.
in Manchester leaves mass fatalities. Several people have been killed and countless others injured after a
massive explosion occurred Monday night [5/22/2017]at Manchester Arena in England. The explosion occurred as the venue
was hosting a concert for the American performer Ariana Grande.
death toll reaches 22; ISIS claims responsibility. The death toll climbed to 22 and the Islamic State claimed
responsibility Tuesday following a suicide bombing that brought death, fear and panic to a packed concert venue in the heart
of this northern city, authorities said. The explosion rocked an area of the 21,000-seat Manchester Arena at about
10:33 p.m. local time Monday — just as teen pop idol Ariana Grande wrapped up her sold-out show. Chaos
ensued as concertgoers, many of them pre-teens and teens, scrambled for the exits amid smoke and the cries of the wounded.
Children as young as age 8 were among the victims.
on investigation into Manchester concert bombing. Police on Tuesday [5/23/2017] identified the man who blew
himself up the previous night at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, as 22-year-old Salman Abedi. CBS News
confirmed Abedi was known to British authorities prior to the attack. In a generic statement posted online, the Islamic
State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claimed responsibility for Abedi's suicide bomb attack, which left 22 people dead, including
children, at one of the entrances to the Manchester Arena.
on Twitter are only worried that people are saying bad things about Muslims. A terrorist attack (likely Islamic)
outside of an Ariana Grande concert Monday night [5/22/2017] killed at least 22 people and injured approximately 59, but the
bleeding heart Muslim sympathizers on Twitter seem more concerned about hurting the feelings of Muslims. Some verified
users are angry at the "racism (what "race" is Islam?) and xenophobia" they're seeing in response to the attack, which reports
say was carried out by a (Muslim) suicide bomber. How about a little anger on behalf of the innocent victims?
Terrorist kills
22 in Manchester, UK. An explosion at a packed pop concert arena in the northern British town of Manchester has
left 22 dead and injured another 69 music fans. Police are treating it as a terrorist incident carried out by one man,
a suicide bomber. Many of the victims were teens, children and young families. Witnesses reported hearing an
explosion, which police said was in the foyer area, moments after the American singer Ariana Grande's gig finished in the
Manchester Arena packed with more than 20,000 fans.
Fresno, California
April 18, 2017
shooting spree: 3 people killed, suspect who yelled 'Allahu Akbar,' says he 'hates white people' in custody.
Police said the man who killed three people on a shooting spree in downtown Fresno, California, on Tuesday [4/18/2017] while shouting
"Allahu Akbar" wanted to kill as many people as possible after a warrant was released for his arrest in the murder of a motel
security guard last week. Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, knew he was being searched for and
he "decided he was going to kill more people."
Removes Fresno Killer's Allahu Ackbar and Islam Reference. Kori Muhammad, the Muslim terrorist who killed three
in Fresno earlier today targeted white, non-Muslim people for his attacks. His social media was full of hatred of white
people, Trump and non-Muslims. But that doesn't matter to the media like the Associated Press.
Why Don't
Police Care About "Allahu Akbar" in Fresno? A gunman shouting "Allahu Akbar" killed three people on a rampage
in Fresno, California, on Tuesday morning local time. The suspect, Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, surrendered to officers at
the scene and said "you guys are looking for me." At this point the FBI is not treating this as a terrorist incident.
[...] "Immediately upon the individual seeing the officer he literally dove onto the ground and was taken into custody and as
he was taken into custody he yelled out 'Allahu Akhbar,'" according to Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer. However, Dyer added
that the attack had "nothing to do with terrorism in spite of the statement he made" saying "this is solely based on race."
Police: Shooter Not A Terrorist, Killed Solely Based On Race. Authorities in Fresno, California, are
saying that Kori Ali Muhammad did not commit a terrorist act on Tuesday when he went out and shot and killed three
people. Despite shouting "allahu ackbad" as law enforcement moved in, Muhammad committed a "hate crime," police
say. "This is solely based on race," said Fresno police chief Jerry Dyer. Muhammad has a lengthy criminal record,
with the Associated Press reporting that he has been in court several times between 1997 and 2004 for "forgery, domestic
violence, criminal threats and driving under the influence."
Edits Fresno Killer To Erase Islam Reference, Implicate God. The Associated Press may want to reconsider the
publication of their stylebook if they're choosing to fake translate words in order to score political points. Which is
what they just did on a huge story, where the words matter a great deal. [...] Who are they to translate what he
actually shouted? He chose his words, that specific phrase, for a reason. And you know what? So did the AP.
Changes Fresno Shooter's Words From 'Allahu Akbar,' Removes Islam Reference. The Associated Press edited the
words of a Muslim man who allegedly killed three white people in downtown Fresno Tuesday afternoon [4/18/2017] and shouted "Allahu
Akbar!" The suspect, 39-year-old Kori Ali Muhammad, holds fervent anti-Trump beliefs according to his social media
profile, and he told police afterward that he hates white people. Rather than reporting the gunman's literal words,
however, the AP reported the gunman as saying "God is great." On Twitter, the AP's report gave no indication that the
suspect's words were said in Arabic.
Completely Ignores Anti-White Fresno Murders. The murders of three white men by a black supremacist gunman in
Fresno received limited media attention on Tuesday [4/18/2017], most notably at CNN. CNN's dearth of coverage of the
shootings, carried out by 39-year-old Kori Ali Muhammad, an African-American Muslim, stands in stark contrast to its
reporting of other non-political news events: the manhunt for a Cleveland man who killed a 74-year-old man on Sunday,
a sexual harassment scandal involving Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, and a child custody battle involving radio host Alex
Jones. A review of CNN's broadcast through primetime shows that the Fresno killings received no mentions on air.
hate white people': What man screaming 'Allahu Akbar' told police in Fresno. A man who shot and killed three
people on the streets of downtown Fresno on Tuesday was trying to murder as many white people as he could, authorities
said. Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, shouted 'Allahu Akhbar,' meaning 'God is great,' in Arabic while being apprehended shortly
after the shootings. He later told police that he hates white people. His victims were all Caucasian males
apparently chosen at random.
Black Islamic
'Kang' Murders Three in Anti-White Spree. Black anti-white terrorist Kori Ali Muhammad opened fire in downtown
Fresno, California midday Tuesday [4/18/2017], murdering three white victims before being arrested by local police.
Muhammad yelled "Allahu Akbar," Arabic for "God is greatest," during his arrest, explaining to law enforcement he hates white
people. He was already wanted for the Thursday shooting of a Motel 6 security guard, also in Fresno. Despite
Muhammad using a traditional Islamic chant, Sayed Ali Ghazvini, the imam of the Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno, denies
Muhammad was a member of his organization. Which makes sense, since Kori Ali Muhammad lionizes Wallace Fard Muhammad,
the charlatan — and nebulously black — founder of the Nation of Islam.
police rule fatal shootings a hate crime. Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer announced late Tuesday [4/18/2017] the
department is investigating three fatal shootings that took place earlier in the day as a hate crime. "We believe this
is solely based on race," Dyer told reporters. Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, was taken into custody after he allegedly opened
fire on four random white people around 10:45 a.m. local time. A shooting spree followed.
Killer: "Your Time Is Up, White Devil Skunks". As the news comes out about the killer who went on a
shooting spree in Fresno, California, it is becoming clearer and clearer what his motivations were. It has been
reported by several outlets (though, notably, not the Associate Press) that he shouted "allahu ackbar" prior to his
arrest. That seems to conform with what is not making the rounds on social media.
Stockholm, Sweden
April 7, 2017
jihadi wanted to "create fear in the population" and "run over unbelievers". A man has been indicted for
hijacking a truck in Stockholm and mowing down pedestrians in April 2017, killing five and injuring 15 others. The
man confessed to carrying out a "terrorist crime" in April last year. Swedish prosecutors charged an Uzbek man with
attempted terrorism and causing danger to others on Tuesday [1/30/2018].
Stockholm On Lockdown After Truck 'Terror Attack'. Stockholm's usually vibrant city centre was eerily silent on
Friday evening [4/7/2017] with restaurants, bars and cinemas shuttered and streets emptied hours after a truck ploughed into
a crowd outside a department store, killing four people and injuring 15. Stockholmers appeared to be following police
advice to stay indoors and avoid crowded areas, with a number of normally-bustling city streets deserted.
will 'never go back' to the days of mass immigration after failed asylum seeker launched Friday's truck attack in Stockholm,
says PM. The Prime Minister of Sweden has vowed his country will 'never go back' to recent levels of mass
immigration after it emerged the terrorist who killed four people in a truck attack was a failed asylum seeker. Stefan
Löfven pledged to change his country's liberal attitude, insisting the massive influx allowed during the 2015 migrant
crisis would never happen again. Rakhmat Akilov, from Uzbekistan, hijacked the lorry and deliberately drove into
pedestrians on central Stockholm's main shopping street on Friday afternoon [4/7/2017].
terror as truck rams into crowds in Stockholm - four dead, children injured. A hijacked truck has driven into
crowds on a crowded street in central Stockholm, killing at least four people and injuring dozens more. The vehicle
drove into crowds on Drottninggatan (Queen Street) — one of the city's major pedestrian streets, just before 3pm local time,
before crashing into Åhlens Mall. Armed police remain at the scene and the incident is being treated as a suspected terror
attack, according to local media. At least 15 people have been injured — of which 9 are in a serious condition.
Among the injured are two children — one with serious injuries.
Westminster Bridge attack victim Andreea Cristea
dies. A Romanian woman who fell into the Thames during the Westminster terror attack has died, police have
said. Andreea Cristea is the fifth victim of the attack on 22 March, in which Khalid Masood drove into crowds
on Westminster Bridge then stabbed a policeman to death, before being shot dead himself.
we know about London attacker Khalid Masood. British authorities have identified the man responsible for
Wednesday's terrorist attack in London as 52-year-old Khalid Masood. Originally from Kent, he had been living in
Birmingham, Britain's second-largest city, where neighbors said Thursday they had last seen him several months ago.
Marjoli Gajecka, 26, frequently visited her mother's house next to Masood's apartment.
Liberal Actress Claims London Terror 'May Be' a 'Set Up' by Trump. Put this one in the loony lefty bin.
Hollywood actress Patricia Arquette, known for winning the best supporting actress Oscar two years ago, revealed she's a
conspiracy theorist last night on Twitter. After an Islamic terrorist killed 4 people and wounded at least 40 others
in London Wednesday [3/22/2017], the actress claimed it was all a ruse by President Trump to distract us from the FBI investigation
into his ties with Russia.
evidence' London attacker associated with ISIS: police. British authorities said Monday [3/27/2017] they had
found no evidence that London terrorist Khalid Masood had any association with ISIS or al Qaeda — but he was
clearly interested in jihad. "His attack method appears to be based on low-sophistication, low-tech, low-cost
techniques copied from other attacks, and echo the rhetoric of (ISIS) leaders in terms of methodology and attacking police
and civilians," counter-terror official Neil Basu said in a statement, Reuters reported. Police also had no indication
that 52-year-old Masood — who also went by the name Adrian Ajao — had discussed plans with others
before the deadly attack that left four dead near Parliament, Balu said.
London attacker Khalid Masood acted alone, say police.
Westminster attacker Khalid Masood acted alone and there is no information to suggest further attacks are planned, Scotland
Yard has said. Masood killed three people and injured 50 when he drove a car into pedestrians on Wednesday. He
then fatally stabbed a police officer before being shot dead by police — all within 82 seconds. Police said it was
possible "we will never understand why he did this".
The Editor says...
I'm absolutely certain you'll "never understand why he did this," if you don't open your eyes and learn the simple truth:
Islam is not a religion of peace. The Muslims — all of them — are bent on world domination through violent coercion
and outright terrorism.
Masood Identified as London Parliament Attacker. The knife-wielding terrorist who killed an American tourist
and three others outside the U.K. Parliament was British-born and previously investigated for "violent extremism," officials
said Thursday. Police identified the suspect as Khalid Masood, 52, on Thursday. Authorities said Masood was born
in Kent and detectives believe he was most recently living in the West Midlands. He was known by a number of aliases,
police said.
Lawmaker: London Terrorist's Religion Is 'Utterly And Completely' Irrelevant. British Lawmaker Lord Digby
Jones does not believe the religion of the London attacker is pertinent, The Washington Post reports. Jones comments
come in the wake of a tweet by Donald Trump Jr. criticizing London Mayor Sadiq Khan for once telling citizens that terrorist
attacks are "part and parcel" part of living in a big city. Some British lawmakers drew offense from the tweet, saying
Trump was attacking the mayor in the midst of a terrorist situation.
Paris, France
March 18, 2017
police vs. the PC police. As is almost always the case, signs of trouble preceded the latest shooting in Paris,
which left one police officer dead and wounded two bystanders before police killed the gunman, later identified as French
national Karim Cheurfi, a known criminal with a long, violent record. ISIS claimed to be behind the attack.
According to police, a note praising ISIS fell out of Cheurfi's pocket when he fell. Cheurfi was of Algerian descent,
born in a Paris suburb. The Washington Post reported he had a criminal record and was known to authorities. His
rap sheet included four arrests and convictions since 2003. He had spent nearly 14 years in prison for crimes
that included burglary, theft and attempted murder.
A Week of Terror
and Diversity In Europe. [Scroll down] French Police go on to investigate the motive of the Tunisian Muslim settler.
His father insists that he wasn't a terrorist. The media rushes to blame drugs for his attack. It reports widely on the drugs in
his system rather than the Koran found on his body. No one asks if he was on drugs or on Jihad. Ziyed Ben Belgacem had been
in and out of prison. He was known to the authorities as a potential Jihadist and had been investigated for "radicalization" back in
2015. He had been suspected of burglaries last year and had been paroled in the fall. The system had failed all over again.
airport attack investigated as terrorism, suspected man known to police. The 39-year-old suspected attacker
killed at Paris' Orly airport on Saturday [3/18/2017] after trying to wrestle away a soldier's weapon had already crossed authorities'
radar for suspected Islamic extremism. Paris prosecutors said the suspect's house was among scores searched in November
2015 in the immediate aftermath of ISIS-led suicide bomb-and-gun attacks that killed 130 people in Paris. Those
searches targeted people with suspected radical leanings.
Chilling final words of
Paris airport attacker who shot at cops before he was killed. A convicted criminal with links to radical Islam shouted 'I am here to
die for Allah, there will be deaths' seconds before he was shot dead during an attack at Paris Orly airport. The 39-year-old, named locally as
career criminal Ziyed Ben Belgacem, was killed after wrestling a soldier's gun from her and fleeing into a McDonald's. He sent a text message
to his brother and father stating 'I shot the police', shortly before he was killed.
Paris, France
February 3, 2017
Attempted Terrorist Attacker at the Louvre Is Taken Down Quickly. Way down in the tenth paragraph:
["]While French officials have not expounded on their determination that the attack was "terrorist in nature," police
have said the suspect shouted "God is great" in Arabic during the incident.["] Yeah, see, when a guy does that,
it does seem to clear up his motive. Thank God no civilians were hurt, and this aspiring jihadist was dumb enough to
literally bring a knife to a gunfight.
man slumps to the ground after being shot in the stomach at the Louvre museum. A terror probe has been launched
in Paris after a machete-wielding man was shot while attacking four soldiers outside the Louvre. The suspect was shot
five times in the stomach and is in a critical condition. He was shouting 'Allahu Akbar' — Arabic for 'God
is the greatest' — according to the Paris chief of police, and reportedly had paint bombs in his backpack.
The Editor says...
This attack was not reported as an act of Islamic terrorism at all. Only after several days of follow-up
investigation was it revealed that the actor in this case had converted to Islam long ago. Until then, it was just
reported as an attack by a "mentally disturbed" soldier suffering from PTSD or something similar.
Still in Cover-up Mode: Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooter Indictment Omits Terrorism. Days after the
massacre that shut down one of the state's busiest airports, Judicial Watch reported that the shooter, Esteban Santiago, is a
Muslim convert who years before joining the U.S. Army took on an Islamic name (Aashiq Hammad), downloaded terrorist
propaganda and recorded Islamic religious music online. A California-based investigative news site dug up the
information while the mainstream media blindly repeated the Obama administration's version of the facts though early on a
photo surfaced of Santiago making an ISIS salute while wearing a keffiyeh, a Palestinian Arab scarf. This was
disturbingly reminiscent of the Benghazi cover up, in which the president and his cohorts knowingly lied to conceal that
Islamic terrorists attacked the U.S. Special Mission in Libya.
Confirms Fort Lauderdale Shooter Carried Out Attack For ISIS. Fort Lauderdale shooter Esteban Santiago told FBI
agents he carried out his Jan. 7 deadly shooting in the name of the Islamic State, CNN reports. Santiago killed five
and wounded six in a shooting rampage in the baggage claim area of Fort Lauderdale airport. Santiago reportedly checked
his gun in his bag, loaded it in the bathroom, and randomly executed his fellow passengers. The FBI revealed Santiago's
confession at his bond hearing Tuesday. Santiago appeared to harbor delusions about being controlled by ISIS, and
reportedly walked into an FBI field office in Alaska to confess his delusions about being controlled by ISIS.
Says Ft. Lauderdale Shooter Did Not Pledge Allegiance to Islamic State. The search for motives in
26-year-old Esteban Santiago's shooting spree at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport continues, but the
authorities say they cannot find any ties to the Islamic State (ISIS) or other international terrorist organizations.
Miami Herald reports that, despite rumors to the contrary, nothing in Santiago's social media history indicates he was
"an Islamic convert inspired by terrorist organizations." According to the Herald's law enforcement source, the
airport shooting was clearly a planned attack, but Santiago appears to have planned it on his own, for reasons known currently
only to himself.
Shooter Converted to Islam, Identified as Aashiq Hammad Years Before Joining Army. The Ft. Lauderdale
Airport shooter is a Muslim convert who years before joining the U.S. Army took on an Islamic name (Aashiq Hammad),
downloaded terrorist propaganda and recorded Islamic religious music online, according to public records dug up by the
investigative news site of an award-winning, California journalist. This is pertinent information that the Obama
administration apparently wants to keep quiet, bringing up memories of the Benghazi cover up, in which the president and his
cohorts knowingly lied to conceal that Islamic terrorists attacked the U.S. Special Mission in Libya. Information is
slowly trickling out that links the Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooter to radical Islam while the official story from
authorities is that the gunman is a mentally ill, Hispanic Army veteran named Esteban Santiago that became unhinged after a
tour in Iraq. Only one mainstream media outlet mentions the possibility of Santiago's "jihadist identity," burying it
in a piece about New York possibly being his initial target.
Dishonestly 'Alters' Photo Of Fort Lauderdale Shooter's Connections to Radical Islam. CNN is at it again with
fauxtography doctored for political reasons. During CNN's coverage of the Ft. Lauderdale shooting, they put up a
photo of the shooter, Esteban Santiago-Ruiz. But it was the way they did it. They showed it in black and white
and they cropped it. The scarf CNN cut out of their picture is a keffiyeh and the one finger salute is a common ISIS
symbol. Selective editing.
Lauderdale Terrorist Esteban Santiago Joined MySpace As "Aashiq Hammad", Recorded Islamic Music. Fort
Lauderdale Airport terrorist Esteban Santiago registered on MySpace under the name "Aashiq Hammad" and recorded Islamic
religious music on the site, 3 years before he ever deployed to Iraq as a U.S. soldier, destroying the lying mainstream
media's narrative that he was just a mentally disturbed veteran and that "Islam had nothing to do with it." Here's
how we know all that: [...]
say gun was returned to Florida airport shooting suspect last year. Police in Alaska said on Saturday they had
returned a handgun to the Florida airport shooting suspect which was temporarily taken from him when he underwent a mental
evaluation late last year. Anchorage Police Chief Christopher Tolley said it was not immediately clear if it was the
same gun used in Friday's deadly rampage in Fort Lauderdale. Officials told a news conference the gun was returned to
the suspect, Esteban Santiago, 26, because the Iraq war veteran had not committed a crime.
Shooter Went by the Name "Aashiq Hammad". Fort Lauderdale Airport terrorist Esteban Santiago registered on
MySpace under the name "Aashiq Hammad" and recorded Islamic religious music on the site, 3 years before he ever deployed to
Iraq as a U.S. soldier, destroying the lying mainstream media's narrative that he was just a mentally disturbed veteran and
that "Islam had nothing to do with it."
police returned gun to Florida shooting suspect after 'mental health crisis'. The Anchorage man accused in the
mass shooting at a Florida airport Friday did not have ties to a terrorist organization when he was investigated last year,
the FBI said at a news conference Saturday [1/7/2017] in Anchorage. Law enforcement said he had exhibited mental health
problems during an incident at the Anchorage FBI office that led local police to take his gun.
Lauderdale Fighter Claimed He Was Being 'Forced to Fight for ISIS'. Pamela Geller is reporting that the Ft. Lauderdale
shooter today was previously known to the FBI, and that in November he had walked into an FBI office in Anchorage, Alaska[,]
claiming he was being forced to fight for ISIS.
Lost His Mind': Esteban Santiago Identified as Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooter. Florida Senator Bill Nelson
identified the name of the alleged shooter at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport during a Friday afternoon
hit on MSNBC. Senator Nelson told the cable news net during an interview Friday afternoon that the alleged gunman's name is
Esteban Santiago. At this time, five people have been killed at the airport, which has been evacuated.
Lauderdale Gunman Said He Was "Forced To Fight For ISIS". A law enforcement source identifies the accused
shooter as Esteban Santiago Ruiz, 26, of New Jersey. Sources say he had a concealed weapons permit on him. The
source added he had a minor criminal history.
Lauderdale shooting suspect made confused visit to FBI, said US intelligence forced him to watch ISIS videos. Estaban
Santiago, the 26-year-old airline passenger accused of shooting up a baggage claim area at the Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood airport
Friday [1/6/2017], leaving five dead and eight injured, visited the FBI Anchorage field office and told officers he was being forced
to watch ISIS videos, law enforcement sources told Fox News. The visit took place last November. The sources said Santiago
told agents that US intelligence had infiltrated his mind and were forcing him to watch ISIS propaganda videos. "In November 2016,
Esteban Santiago walked into the Anchorage FBI Field Office to report that his mind was being controlled by a U.S. intelligence agency,"
a senior federal law enforcement official said.
The Editor says...
Hmmm. There are two mutually-exclusive possibilities here: [#1] His mind was being controlled by a U.S. intelligence agency,
in which case the federal government is culpable in the Fort Lauderdale shooting; or [#2] his mind was not being controlled by a
U.S. intelligence agency, in which case the federal government should have locked him up immediately, and put him on the no-fly list,
and made sure he never had access to firearms again until his mental problems were resolved. But none of that happened, so in either case,
the federal government is culpable in the Fort Lauderdale shooting. The FBI had this guy in their office and let him go.
Lauderdale Airport Shooting — "Terrorism Not Ruled Out". Law enforcement officials say the suspect,
Esteban Santiago, was carrying military identification. He was apprehended and placed in federal custody. He is
expected to face federal charges. Early [Saturday] morning, the Broward County Sheriff's Office posted his booking
record, including booking photo, on its website. According to the record, he was booked on a murder charge.
shooting suspect made jihadi gesture in photo as authorities investigate his obsession with terror group. A
photo of Florida airport gunman Esteban Santiago appears to show him making a jihadist one-fingered salute while wearing a
Mid-Eastern keffiyeh sometime prior to him carrying out the shooting massacre. The 26-year-old Iraq war veteran was
pictured in the photo gesturing with his index finger in a pose that has become notorious among supporters of the Islamic State.
It would be stupid to assume otherwise. Alleged
Ft. Lauderdale airport shooter planned the attack, FBI says. The alleged gunman in the Fort Lauderdale airport fatal
shooting went to Florida specifically to launch the attack that killed five and seriously wounded six, FBI officials said Saturday
[1/7/2017]. After spending hours interrogating the suspect, Esteban Santiago, 26, investigators believe he went to Florida with
a plan to carry out the attack, which FBI officials said can't be ruled out as an act of terrorism.
Fort Lauderdale airport
shooter 'came here specifically' to attack, FBI says. Esteban Santiago went to baggage claim and picked up his
one piece of checked luggage. There were no other bags, just a case with a handgun inside. Santiago allegedly
took the 9 mm handgun out of its case and fired at other travelers Friday afternoon [1/6/2017], killing five people at the
Fort Lauderdale airport. On Saturday, authorities revised the number of wounded to six after earlier saying eight.
A few months earlier he reportedly had a mental evaluation after a bizarre visit to an FBI office in Alaska.
December 19, 2016
Warned Germany Twice About Berlin Killer Anis Amri; German Intel Did Nothing. A Moroccan security official says
that his country's intelligence service warned Germany twice about the risk posed by Anis Amri, the radical Muslim who slaughtered
12 people at a Christmas market in Berlin earlier this month. The official, who spoke to Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah,
says that the Germans received two written warnings, one on September 19 and the other on October 1, about Amri's
radical Islamic beliefs.
attacker had 14 aliases and was subject of repeated counterterror briefings. The Tunisian man who ploughed a
truck into a Berlin Christmas market had lived under 14 aliases and was so well known to German officials that a key
counterterrorism committee discussed his case seven times, suggesting the scale of the missed opportunities to thwart the
December 19 attack. The fresh details about Anis Amri — shot dead in Italy four days after the attack — emerged
Thursday during testimony in the regional parliament of North-Rhine Westphalia, where the suspect once lived. German
officials have already said that Amri had previously been flagged as a terrorism threat. But Ralf Jäger, the
state's interior minister, described for lawmakers in Düsseldorf how the Joint Counter-Terrorism Center, an institution
coordinating the work of Germany's security agencies, had discussed his case repeatedly.
in Berlin Christmas market attack shot dead in Milan. The suspect in the Berlin Christmas market attack was
shot dead Friday at a Milan checkpoint by an Italian police trainee, ending an international manhunt but raising new fears as
an Islamic State video purported to show the attacker calling for more bloodshed in Europe. The 24-year-old Tunisian,
Anis Amri, was killed following a dramatic encounter in the Piazza I Maggio in the Sesto San Giovanni area outside Milan,
after a two-man patrol stopped him for questioning around 3:15 a.m. on suspicion of burglary.
Attack Suspect Is Killed by Police Near Milan. Anis Amri, the chief suspect in the deadly terrorist attack on a
Christmas market in Berlin this week, was killed by the police in a shootout outside Milan around 3 a.m. Friday [12/23/2016],
ending a brief but intense manhunt across Europe, Italian officials announced. Stopped in the suburb of Sesto San Giovanni,
north of central Milan, Mr. Amri was asked to show identification papers, Italian officials said. He pulled out a
pistol and shot the officer who had asked for the papers. A second officer then opened fire, killing Mr. Amri.
all too convenient': Questions over how police missed Berlin attack suspect's ID in truck for 24 hours. A
far-right leader in Germany knew the suspect in the Christmas market attack was a Tunisian just two hours after the attack — despite
police initially arresting a Pakistani man, it has emerged. Lutz Bachmann, who fronts the anti-immigrant PEGIDA group, tweeted on
Monday night that he had 'internal police information' about the nationality of the lorry driver who murdered 12 revellers in
Berlin. At the time, police had announced the arrest of a Pakistani asylum seeker — it was only when he was released that
Tunisian Anis Amri was publicly identified as the chief suspect.
The Editor says...
I object to the use of the word revellers to describe sober and peaceful shoppers looking for Christmas decorations.
Go to Mardi Gras and you'll see what revellers means.
That's a big help. German authorities
are asking their citizens for help finding the man who slaughtered twelve and injured another fifty at the Christmas market
in Berlin. So they released his picture to the public. [...] The problem is, Germany has such strict privacy laws, they
can't even publish a picture of a mass murderer who is on the run because they don't want to invade his privacy. The
21-year-old Tunisian asylum-seeker is the most wanted man in Europe today and Germany wants to protect his privacy.
terror attack suspect 'was caught on CCTV visiting a mosque' just hours after Christmas market carnage that killed 12
people. A far-right leader in Germany knew the suspect in the Christmas market attack was a Tunisian just two
hours after the attack — despite police initially arresting a Pakistani man, it has emerged. Lutz Bachmann, who fronts
the anti-immigrant PEGIDA group, tweeted on Monday night that he had 'internal police information' about the nationality of
the lorry driver who murdered 12 revellers in Berlin. At the time, police had announced the arrest of a Pakistani
asylum seeker — it was only when he was released that Tunisian Anis Amri was publicly identified as the chief suspect.
that produced German terror thrives in U.S.. What appears from the outside to be a bungling of basic
law-enforcement operations in Germany — allowing a known illegal alien with a criminal and terrorist past to move
about freely in German society for more than a year — may not be a bungling at all. Rather, it's part of a
coordinated strategy also being used by open-borders globalists in the Obama administration, says a retired Homeland Security
officer. Philip Haney, co-author of the whistleblower book "See Something Say Nothing," explains how a Muslim migrant
was able to stay in the country long enough to plan an attack that killed 12 and injured nearly 50 at a Berlin Christmas
market Monday. This, despite being under surveillance by the German government for months.
Lesson: Islamist Enclaves Breed Jihadism. German investigators have named a Tunisian refugee, Anis Amri,
as the jihadist whom they suspect carried out Tuesday's mass-murder attack. Amri is believed to be the man who drove a
truck through a Christmas festival in Berlin, killing twelve and wounding four dozen others in an atrocity reminiscent of the
attack in July, when 86 people were killed at a Bastille Day celebration in Nice. Notwithstanding that they arrested
and held the wrong man for several hours, it turns out that German authorities have been well aware that Amri posed a danger.
He is yet another of what my friend the terrorism analyst Patrick Poole has dubbed "known wolves" — Islamic terrorists
who were already spotlighted by counterterrorism investigators as likely to strike. Amri, who is variously reported to be
23 or 24, arrived in Germany in July 2015 as an asylum-seeker. He was able to remain because of Chancellor Angela Merkel's
suicidal open-door policy for refugees from the Muslim Middle East and North Africa.
attack: Tunisian police arrest nephew of Christmas market terror suspect Anis Amri. Tunisian police have
arrested the nephew of the suspected Berlin Christmas market attacker and two other men thought to be connected to Anis
Amri. A statement says the three suspects were members of a "terrorist cell" that was "connected to the terrorist Anis
Amri who carried out the terrorist attack in Berlin". This trio, according to Tunisia's Interior Ministry, includes
18-year-old nephew "Fredi" who Amri allegedly sent money to so he could join him in Germany.
suspect in Berlin Christmas market attack faced past German terror probe, official says. The prime suspect
sought in the deadly attack on a Berlin Christmas market — a 24-year-old Tunisian migrant — was the
subject of a terrorism probe in Germany earlier this year and was not deported even though his asylum bid was rejected, a
senior German official said Wednesday [12/21/2016]. The suspect — who went by numerous aliases but was
identified by German authorities as Anis Amri — became the subject of a national manhunt after investigators
discovered a wallet with his identity documents in the truck used in Monday's attack that left 12 dead, two law enforcement
officials told The Washington Post. Meanwhile, a clearer portrait took shape of the suspect, including accusations that
he had contact with a prominent Islamic State recruiter in Germany.
Wilders Warns "Political Revolution Is Brewing In Europe". Yesterday, the Islamic State claimed the Berlin
terror attack of Monday evening, in which twelve people were killed with a truck at a Christmas market. The killer
managed to escape. However, in the truck the police found identity papers belonging to Anis A., a Tunisian who came
to Germany as an asylum seeker in 2015. When last year German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened Germany's borders to almost one
million refugees and asylum seekers, she invited the Trojan horse of Islam into her country. Among the so-called refugees
were many young men of Islamic background, filled with hatred for the West and its civilization. One of them was Anis A.
It took almost a year for the German authorities to reject his asylum request, but meanwhile the man had disappeared.
could not deport Berlin truck jihad attacker because of missing paperwork. From one bungle to another, with
some authorities not taking the jihad threat seriously enough, even when it was right in front of their faces. Anis
Amri spent four years in jail in Italy for burning down a school, and then left the country for Germany last year.
Since then, he was arrested at least three times and was identified as an ISIS supporter who received weapons training, but
authorities kept on losing him; now it's revealed that missing paperwork precluded him from being kicked out of Germany.
could not deport Berlin truck jihad attacker because of missing paperwork. From one bungle to another, with
some authorities not taking the jihad threat seriously enough, even when it was right in front of their faces. Anis
Amri spent four years in jail in Italy for burning down a school, and then left the country for Germany last year.
Since then, he was arrested at least three times and was identified as an ISIS supporter who received weapons training, but
authorities kept on losing him; now it's revealed that missing paperwork precluded him from being kicked out of Germany.
'It was as cold-blooded
and monstrous as you can possibly be!' This is the worst of possible worlds for the authorities, who have no evidence they can
point to that it was a terrorist attack, while ISIS is taking responsibility, and even Merkel is calling it terrorism. But it's hard
to think of another possible motive given all the circumstantial evidence.
Market Massacre Proves Ignoring Muslim Warnings Will Get You Killed. Hidden in the media coverage of the
carnage at Berlin's Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas Market) was a hint or two that German intelligence had some previous
indication that Christmas markets and other Christian holiday celebrations were potential targets for Muslim
terrorists. In actuality the warnings, both tactical and strategic, were not mere "indications"; they were clear for
all who wished to heed them.
asylum seeker, 23, suspected of carrying out Berlin massacre was arrested three times this year. Armed police
tonight stormed two apartments in the hunt for the Berlin terror attack suspect after it was revealed he had been under the
surveillance of German intelligence agencies for several months. Commandos raided two addresses in Berlin's Kreuzberg
neighbourhood as police launched a Europe-wide search for Tunisian national Anis Amri, who remains on the run more than
48 hours after the atrocity which claimed 12 lives.
and teddy bears already piling up at Berlin Christmas market. Shed a tear. Write a heartfelt note.
Bring happy things to lay on the murder site. Feeling better now? Have all the landmarks in Europe been lit up in
the colors of the German flag yet? Not to worry, by next week, you will have forgotten all about it... until the next
attack. Oh, and be sure to vote for Angela Merkel next year who will bring in even more Muslim freeloaders, rapists,
and terrorists.
For What It's Worth.
Over the summer, I met a lady from southern Germany who had found herself on the receiving end of some vibrant multicultural
outreach from one of Mutti Merkel's boy charmers. As a result, she no longer goes out after dark. She had also
decided — with reluctance, because she enjoyed it — to cancel her participation in a local Christmas
market, where she'd sung carols every year — in broad daylight. "Why would you do that?" I asked.
"Because it's Christmas," she said, "and I'm worried Christmas will be a target."
Trucks As Tools Of Terror. Angela Merkel imported the terrorist who killed people with a large truck and
trailer laden with steel. She has imported terror into Germany. She is an idiot, and should be deposed,
immediately. [...] Now, the intellectuals among you will read this, and you will pass over the fact that a heavy truck was
used in this most recent terror attack in Berlin, just as you failed to note something of importance in the Nice, France
attack in which a heavy truck was used. You smart people think that just anyone can get into a truck and drive
it. Nothing could be less true than to suppose this. [...] This is Angela M.'s fault. She has been played like
a fiddle by Islamic terror. She is the ultimate useful idiot to the mullahs and terrorist leaders who plan this sort of
stuff. And, she is an architect of the Euro Union stupidity on immigration policies for Middle Eastern "refugees."
many more atrocities before our leaders stop lying to us and admit that, thanks to their immigration policies, being mowed
down while doing your Christmas shopping is simply the new normal? 'We will do whatever is necessary.
That means long-range weapons, short weapons, machine guns, even if this sounds martial.' These were the words of German
politician Klaus Bouillon, a member of Mrs Merkel's CDU party, in response to yet another slaughter of innocents, this time
at a Christmas market in Berlin. Of course, Merkel wasn't around to respond to the horror as it unfolded. She was
attending an award ceremony to celebrate the International Day of Migrants even as it seemed one of the 1.1 million she has
let into the country tore another hole in her people and in Germany's cultural life.
Sebastian Gorka: 'The front line is when you leave your house in the morning'. National security expert
Dr. Sebastian Gorka said that Monday's attack on a Christmas market in Berlin, Germany represented "the sad reality" of
the fight against terrorism. "There is no front line like there was in World War I and World War II," Gorka told Eric
Bolling on "Hannity" Monday night. "The front line is when you leave your house in the morning or when you go to a
Christmas market in downtown Berlin."
authorities 'knew about Christmas market terror plot days before the Berlin lorry attack was carried out'.
Berlin authorities may have known that a Christmas market terror attack was being planned days before it took place, it has
been reported. A 23-year-old Pakistani asylum seeker named as Naved B, who entered the country under a false name,
was arrested on suspecion of murdering 12 and injuring dozens by ploughing a lorry into crowds gathered outside the Kaiser
Wilhelm Memorial Church last night [12/19/2016]. However, there are reports in Germany that police now believe he was
not the perpetrator and that the true attacker is 'still armed, at large and can cause fresh damage.'
police 'arrested wrong man': Truck driver is 'still at large and armed'. German newspaper Die Welt has quoted
police sources as saying the suspect arrested last night is not the man who carried out the attack. The publication
reports that the terrorist who carried out the truck killings is still at large and is 'likely to be armed and able to carry
out further attacks.' A Pakistani refugee named only as Naved B. was named as the prime suspect in the Berlin
Christmas market attack.
Berlin Christmas Market Episode Is Latest in Europe. A truck driver barreled into a crowded Christmas market in
Berlin on Monday night, killing at least 12 people and injuring scores more. The police believed it to be an attack,
but the identity of any attackers and their motives were not immediately clear. It was the most recent deadly episode
to shake Europe in the last two years. Many recent attacks have been linked to jihadists, and some to the Islamic
State, also known as ISIS.
Remember All That "Fearmongering" About Muslim Refugee Terror? When Merkel threw open the doors to the
calamitous horde of migrants, she ushered in utter disaster. The myth about Muslim refugee immunity from terror had
already been collapsing. These days it's on its last legs but in the United States, the usual suspects will still
strive to offer the usual arguments. Reality is hard to beat in a debate though. And reality is as grim as the
horror that took place in Berlin. Muslim refugees are a cold wind that blows terror through the cracks in the open
borders of the world. Walls don't make good neighbors. They prevent horrors like the one that was inflicted on
Christmas shoppers in Berlin.
CNN Uses
Germany Attack To Bash The Right. CNN's online coverage of Monday's deadly terror attack on a German Christmas
market focused on the attack's potential to stoke far-right anger, rather than the threats of Islamic radicalism. The
attack in Berlin killed at least 12 people and injured dozens more, but on CNN's website, the network's top story warned
about "the fallout of fear" and said that "attacks fuel [the] far right's assault on democracy."
says terrorists 'must be eradicated from the face of the earth' after 12 died and 48 hurt when lorry ploughs into Berlin
market. Donald Trump has vowed to 'eradicate' terrorists from the 'face of the earth' after 12 people were
killed at a Berlin Christmas market. The president-elect said it was a 'horrifying terror attack' and would push the US
and its 'freedom-loving partners' to take on ISIS. His comments were made after a lorry packed with steel ploughed into
dozens of shoppers perusing stalls. At least 12 were killed and 50 injured at around 8.30pm local time on Monday,
police said.
far-right blames Angela Merkel's open-door migrant policy for Berlin truck attack. German Chancellor Angela
Merkel is facing a backlash after 12 people were killed when an attacker ploughed through innocent revellers at a Christmas
market in a truck. [...] "These are Merkel's dead," Marcus Pretzell, chairman of the Alternative for Germany party in the
western state of North Rhine-Westphalia, posted on Twitter. And Klaus Bouillon of Mrs Merkel's CDU party said told Saarland
radio: "We must state that we are in a state of war, although some people who want to see only the good can not see."
terrorist attack on Berlin's Christmas market ended my leftie fantasy about Germany. Details are still emerging
about what happened at the Christmas market. Events already being stitched into the extraordinary narrative surrounding
"Islamist terror", generally reserved for atrocities committed on European soil. One nice thing about the darkness, my
friend pointed out, is that it makes the Christmas lights seem that much brighter. Since Britain voted to leave the EU
in June and the US elected Donald Trump to be its 45th president, I have been pompously reminding people in Berlin that we
are living on an island, part of an archipelago of liberal values around which the sea is rising fast. As the news
spread over Monday night — 12 people are now known to have died and 48 were injured after a 32-tonne goods lorry
careered off the road and ploughed into a busy Christmas market — I tried to answer texts and worried phone calls,
some of which quite honestly seemed a little OTT, until I discovered that one of my friends was unaccounted for and started
doing exactly the same thing.
Merkel was warned of Christmas massacre just weeks ago. German officials were warned jihadists were planning to strike
Christmas markets — just weeks before the horrific attack in Berlin. At least 12 people were killed
last night after a suspected ISIS militant ploughed a lorry into a festive market in the German capital. Last month, US
counter-terror experts warned European countries of a "heightened risk of terror attacks" at Christmas-themed events.
ploughs into crowd at Christmas market in Berlin terrorist attack: many dead, 50 hurt. Berlin police have
confirmed the horrific truck crash which ploughed into a bustling Christmas market and killed 12 people and left
at least 50 others injured was "probably" a terrorist attack. The German police force announced via their
Twitter account that incident is a "deliberate" suspected terror attack on German shoppers. Counter-terrorism forces
have taken over the investigation while security forces are set to step-up their security efforts across Germany and the
rest of Europe.
ploughs into crowd of shoppers killing one at Christmas market in Berlin sparking fears of a terror attack. The
Berlin Christmas market killer may still be on the loose with a gun and ready to inflict 'further damage' 12 hours after an
asylum seeker from Pakistan was chased down and arrested, a senior police chief said today [12/19/2016]. Detectives
interrogating suspect Naved B, 23, have said he has no blood on his clothes, no injuries and denies hijacking a 25-tonne
lorry and using it to murder 12 people and injure 48 more last night. A security services source, a senior police
chief, told die Welt newspaper: 'We have the wrong man. So we have a new situation. The true perpetrator is
still armed, at large and can cause further damage.'
Berlin Truck Attack Is Going To Cause Problems For Merkel. Yesterday [12/19/2016] John Sexton provided a solid,
blow by blow examination of the terror attack on Berlin's Christmas market and it was indeed brutal. With a dozen dead
and scores injured, this will be recorded as one of more "successful" of the low tech, low budget Islamic terror attacks on
European soil. The Daily Mail has an extensive collection of photos, videos and interviews from the scene and during
the aftermath if you're in the mood for some very depressing doom porn. But with the confirmed identification of the
terrorist responsible for the carnage they also highlight the factor which could spell serious trouble for Chancellor Angela
Merkel as she seeks another term in office next year.
Ankara, Turkey
December 18, 2016
'It's astounding
how close Turkish assassin got to Russian ambassador'. The assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey
looks like a jihadist retribution for losses in Syria, but it might have a deeper motivation, such as damaging Russia-Turkey
relations or taking terrorism to a whole new level, political analysts and experts told RT. Russian ambassador Andrey
Karlov, 62, was fatally shot in the Turkish capital of Ankara while delivering a speech at an art gallery on Monday.
The man who assassinated the Russian diplomat was identified as a 22-year-old officer with the Turkish riot police.
'No Guarantee' Allahu Akbar-Screaming Assassin In Turkey 'Speaks For Muslims'. The world is still in shock
after a rogue police officer gunned down the Russian ambassador to Turkey and shouted "Allahu akbar" Monday, but one of CNN's
priorities was apparently to claim the jihadi doesn't "speak for Muslims," as if people might think he were an elected
official and not a murderous Islamic extremist.
The most
terrifying part of this incident wasn't caught on camera. Yesterday's entire horrific episode was caught on
camera for the world to see. The Russian Ambassador to Turkey was shot in the back at an art gallery as he stood at a
podium to speak. As I watched the news unfold, I immediately considered the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his
wife back in Sarajevo by a Serbian nationalist. That singular incident launched the world into what would be known as
World War I. Is that what's coming?
ambassador is shot dead by gunman screaming 'Allahu akbar'. The Russian ambassador to Turkey was last night
shot dead by an off-duty Turkish police officer at an art gallery in Ankara in 'revenge' for the conflict in Syria.
Ambassador Andrei Karlov, 62, was shot several times from behind by a gunman shouting: 'Allahu Akbar (God is Great).
We die in Aleppo, you die here!' He also screamed: 'Only death will take me out of here.' The shooter, who was
wearing a suit and tie, has been identified as Mevlüt Mert Altintas, 22, a member of Ankara's police riot squad. He
reportedly fired into the air before taking aim at the ambassador.
Russia's ambassador
to Turkey killed in Ankara shooting. A gunman shouting "Do not forget Aleppo!" assassinated Russia's ambassador
to Turkey at an Ankara art gallery on Monday [12/19/2016] in what leaders of Russia and Turkey called a provocative terror
attack. Ambassador Andrey Karlov's shooting was captured in real time in photos and video that quickly spread through
the Internet worldwide.
Ambassador to Turkey Shot During Speech in Ankara. Hurriyet quotes the Russian embassy saying it
believes "radical Islamists" were behind the attack, and notes that Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu is due in
Moscow tomorrow for talks on the Syrian crisis with Russia and Iran.
Ohio State University
November 28, 2016
Homeland Security 'Missed Signs of Possible Link to Terrorism' In Somali Refugee Who Attacked Eleven.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) tells Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson in a letter that DHS "missed signs of possible
link to terrorism" when it vetted Somali refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan, his mother, and six siblings in 2013. Artan
attacked eleven people with a car and then a knife on November 28 on the campus of Ohio State University before a campus
police officer shot and killed him.
Multicultural Madness. On November 28, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a Somali-born Muslim inspired by ISIS, went on a
rampage at Ohio State University. He injured 11 when he rammed his car into a group of students with murderous intent
and then immediately went on a knife attack before campus security shot him dead. No soon had this fanatic's body
reached room temperature then Stephanie Clemons Thompson, employed as something called an "assistant director of resident
life a Ohio State," started calling for sympathy and compassion for Artan and lamented that he was taken out so quickly.
[...] One has to wonder how many others like Abdul Razak Ali Artan are here existing like potential time bombs, ready to
explode if America does not show what they consider to be proper deference to them and their religion.
10 Things We Should Learn
From the Ohio State Attack. Americans returned from Thanksgiving to news of the latest jihadi attack waged by a
Somali Muslim, Abdul Razak Ali Artan. [...] Artan was a legal resident who came to the US through Pakistan in 2014. He
arrived with his family, securing a refugee status after having escaped from Somalia. Ohio State University President
Michael V. Drake, along with Ohio State Governor John Kasich, shied away from identifying the cause of the attack.
This despite Artan's last Facebook post embracing a chilling message that in part read, "By Allah, we will not let you sleep
unless you give peace to the Muslims..." Terrorism expert Walid Phares is clear about the motive. In private
correspondence, Dr. Phares shares his belief that the Ohio State attack is "Another case of urban Jihadism. At
this point the issue isn't even a link or not to ISIS or al Qaeda, but a link to the specific ideology called Jihadism.
This is the generator of terror."
Activists Complain Terrorist Was Wrongly Shot By Police. An Ohio State University (OSU) student who attempted
to go on a stabbing spree last month before being gunned down by a nearby officer has been added to a protest list of
non-whites "wrongly" shot and killed by a police. The OSU Coalition for Black Liberation is a campus protest group on
OSU's main campus in Columbus. The group held a rally Wednesday to protest the death of young black men at the hands of
police, and read off a list of non-white men who had been killed by police in the last two months. Among the names read
off was that of Abdul Razak Ali Artan. Artan, of course, is the man who attempted to kill his classmates last week by
attacking them with his car and then going on a stabbing spree.
Unanswered Questions About the Refugee Resettlement Program and Somali Attacker at Ohio State. The story of
Abdul Razak Ali Artan's two and a half years in the United States reveals the many weaknesses of the federal refugee
resettlement program. Breitbart News has put together a list of ten unanswered questions about Artan, the Somali
refugee who on Monday attacked eleven people on the campus of Ohio State University, first with a car and then with a knife,
before he was shot and killed by a campus police officer.
Says Ohio State Attacker's Family 'Very Afraid' After Trump Tweet. The family of Abdul Razak Ali Artan is
finally speaking out through an attorney, one week after authorities say their son was responsible for an attack at Ohio
State University that wounded 11 people. Artan was killed during the attack by a police officer who responded to the
scene. The family's attorney, Robert Fitrakis, spoke to VOANews.com and said the family is deeply concerned for their
safety as a result of a tweet from President-elect Donald Trump in the aftermath of he attack.
teen in Ohio State 'ISIS' attack was given home in US by Christian charity. THE Somali teenager who injured 11
people with a butcher's knife at Ohio State University was given money and a home by a Christian charity when he arrived in
the United States, it has been claimed. Devout Muslim Abdul Razak Ali Artan was shot dead by police after he ploughed a
car into 11 people at the university's Columbus campus on Monday before jumping out of his vehicle and stabbing people with a
butcher's knife. Many of the injured are still in hospital three days later.
FBI: 'Too
soon' to call Monday's attack terrorism. It's too soon to call the attack on Ohio State's campus on Monday an
act of terrorism, although the student who sent 11 people to the hospital might have been inspired by the deceased
al Qaeda-linked terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki, as well as Islamic State. "It's too soon to draw any conclusions if this
is terrorism," FBI special agent Angela Byers said at a news conference held with the Columbus Division of Police on Wednesday
afternoon [11/30/2016].
Ohio State
Knife Attacker Abdul Artan Was Taking a Class About Microaggressions. Before he was shot dead while attempting
to murder a bunch of people with a car and a butcher's knife, Ohio State University student Abdul Artan — a
Somali-born Pakistani immigrant who reportedly became radicalized after learning about injustices committed against fellow
Muslims — was enrolled in a class called "Crossing Identity Boundaries." In fact, he had a group project on
"microaggressions" due later this week. The assignment, worth 15 percent of his grade, required students to find a
dozen examples of microaggressions on social media and explain which identity groups were the victims, according to the
syllabus. The purpose of the class is to promote "intercultural leadership" and transform students into "actively
engaged, socially just global citizen/leaders." It seems to go well beyond merely educating students, though —
it actually requires them to become social justice activists.
suspect dead, 9 injured after attack at Ohio State University involving car, butcher knife. A Somali-born
student at Ohio State University injured 11 people, one of them critically, on Monday when he attacked a crowd of pedestrians
on campus in an incident one lawmaker said "bears all the hallmarks of a terror attack." Authorities said Abdul Razak Ali
Artan, 18, plowed a small gray Honda into the crowd outside Watts Hall, an engineering classroom building, just before
10 a.m. ET. Artan then got out of the vehicle and attacked people with a butcher knife before he was shot and
killed by a campus police officer.
The Editor says...
One tiny detail was omitted: The campus police officer was the closest
person with a gun. That's the reason this Islamic terrorist's
rampage didn't continue for the rest of the day.
the Hero Cop Who Took Down the Somali Stabber at Ohio State. Abdul Razak Ali Artan's "ram and stab" rampage at
Ohio State University Monday morning [11/28/2016] sent ten people to the hospital — including one who is in
critical condition — but it could have been much, much worse. Thanks to the quick actions of 28-year-old
Ohio State University officer Alan Horujko, the threat was eliminated in less than two minutes. The officer was
in the area responding to a fire alarm when Artan plowed his vehicle into a number of pedestrians and then jumped out and
started stabbing at them.
What Was
Ohio State Maniac Abdul Razak Ali Artan Doing Here? A better question than Abdul Razak Ali Artan's motive for
going berserk at Ohio State yesterday is what the Somali maniac was doing in our country. [...] Religiously affiliated
nonprofits have been raking in a fortune by helping the government bring in Muslim colonists from terrorist breeding grounds
like Somalia.
Carlson vs BLM Advocate Who Questioned Heroism of White OSU Cop. On Monday, Tariq Nasheed, a filmmaker who's
Twitter bio reads "Anti-Racism Strategist," posted a racially-charged tweet seemingly questioning the fact that the Ohio
State University cop who shot and killed Abdul Razak Ali Artan is being hailed as a hero.
News: OSU Terrorist's Friends Think He 'Loved America'. Wouldn't you know it: friends of Abdul Razak Ali
Artan, the Somali refugee who terrorized the Ohio State university campus in a knife-wielding ambush, say that he "loved America."
Forget the message Artan posted on Facebook only minutes before his murderous rampage, which spoke of hatred of the United States while
mentioning ISIS and "lone wolf attacks." NBC News took the time to interview friends of Artan's; their protestations that the warm,
loving Artan loved America should mitigate our anger at someone who violently knifed innocent young people.
Ohio State attacker likely inspired by radical cleric. Authorities say the attacker at Ohio State was at least
inspired by American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, a leader of al Qaeda in Yemen who was killed by an American drone strike.
But Angela Byers, special agent in charge of the FBI's Cincinnati division, said it's too early to speculate on the extent of
Abdul Razak Ali Artan's involvement with ISIS.
DHS Secretary Chertoff: No Changes in Refugee Policy Needed After Ohio State Attack. Former Homeland
Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the U.S. government does not need to change the number of refugees it allows into
the country after the Ohio State University attack because people who are not refugees have committed similar crimes.
Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 20, was a refugee from Somalia who drove into a crowd of pedestrians and stabbed people with a butcher
knife at Ohio State University on Monday. ISIS claimed Artan was one of their lone wolves.
of the Week: Tim Kaine was really in a hurry to blame the NRA for attack at Ohio State. Yesterday a man
described as an 18-year-old Somali refugee (Obama's still trying to determine if he should be categorized as "widow" or
"orphan") injured many people at Ohio State by ramming them with a car and slashing others with a knife. The sound of a
campus officer taking down the attacker with a gun led to early reports of an "active shooter" situation, but Hillary's
former running-mate Tim Kaine didn't need to wait for any more details because his lefty instinct had kicked in.
Near Ohio State Campus Has History Of Attendees With Terror Ties. Columbus, Ohio, is no stranger to attacks
like the one seen at Ohio State University Monday and a controversial mosque just a mile from OSU has already been at he
center of six separate terror cases. It is presently unknown if the suspect at OSU Monday, Abdul Razak Ali Artan,
attended the Masjid Omar Ibn El Khattab mosque, but the mosque has a history of former attendees who have been involved in
terror activities.
State: OSU attacker was 'soldier' of group. The media arm of the Islamic State claimed Tuesday that the
Ohio State student who crashed a car into campus crowd and then lashed out with a butcher knife was a "soldier" of the
terror group who heeded appeals to strike the U.S., and its allies. The claim issued by Amaq news agency makes no
suggestion that the assailant, Abdul Razak Artan, had been in direct contact with the group or was formally affiliated with
the organization, according to a transcript of the report provided by SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors radical organizations.
claims responsibility for Ohio State attack. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has claimed
responsibility for Monday's attack at Ohio State University that injured nine. The terror group's Amaq News Agency on
Tuesday claimed the attack, carried out by an 18-year-old Ohio State student, was perpetrated by a "soldier of the Islamic
State." Authorities have not commented on what motivated the attack but could not rule out the possibility of
terrorism. Abdul Razak Ali Artan hit a crowd of pedestrians with a car before stabbing several people with a butcher
knife Monday morning on Ohio State's campus.
State Attacker: 'By Allah, I Am Willing To Kill A Billion Infidels'. A chilling Facebook message is shedding
new light on the motive behind yesterday's attack on the campus of Ohio State University. Authorities say Abdul Ali
Artan, a Somali-refugee with permanent resident status, drove his car into a crowd of OSU students and attacked them with a
large knife before being shot by campus police. He injured at least nine people, several of whom are still recovering
in local hospitals. In a Facebook post he published shortly before he embarked on his violent rampage, Artan said he
had reached a "boiling point" and that he "just couldn't take it anymore."
Somali Man Attacked People With Machete In Ohio In February. A 20-year-old Somali refugee identified as "Abdul
Razak Ali Artan" is believed to be the man behind a knife and car attack on the Ohio State University campus that injured
nine on Monday. Although details are still coming in, this is not the first attack perpetrated by a Somali refugee in
the State of Ohio this year. On February 4th of this year, four people were injured when a machete wielding Somali man
named Mohammed Barry attacked people in a Columbus, Ohio deli.
Peter King: 'Up to 40 Somali Americans' Have Become 'ISIS Terrorists'. Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), a member
of the Homeland Security Committee, said Monday's attack at the Ohio State University "has all the indicators of terrorism,"
including a Somali refugee as the suspect and the use of a knife and a vehicle to harm people, as ISIS has encouraged its
followers to do. "There's been a real problem with the (American) Somali community as far as having a large number of
Al-Shabaab supporters," King told Fox News's Megyn Kelly Monday night. As CNSNews.com reported on Tuesday [11/29/2016],
nearly 100,000 Somali refugees have been admitted into the United States since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, including 9,020
during fiscal year 2016 and 1,352 last month alone.
State attacker praised ex-Al Qaeda leader as 'hero' online, sources say. Investigators have found evidence that
the man who plowed a car into a crowd at Ohio State University Monday before stabbing several pedestrians with a butcher
knife was inspired by ISIS propaganda, law enforcement sources told Fox News. The sources did not specify what evidence
was found, but investigators are inclined to believe that the attacker, 18-year-old Abdul Razak Ali Artan, was "self-radicalized."
Artan also praised American-born Al Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki as a "hero" and railed against U.S. interference in Muslim lands
in a series of Facebook posts, officials said.
The Editor says...
Allow me to ask the obvious question: If you hate America so much, why did you come here?
The Victim Mentality
Kills. Take a good look at the Facebook post of the Ohio State University attacker. Sure, there's plenty
of that familiar jihadist rhetoric. "America, stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah.
We are not weak... By Allah, we will not let you sleep unless you give peace to the Muslims. You will not celebrate or
enjoy any holiday." But what comes through most is this whining sense of victimhood, that he's forced to commit these
atrocious, barbaric attacks on innocent people out of a righteous sense of self-defense to protect his feelings.
Refugee Stabs Students, Left Blames Guns. So, it turns out that the supposed mass shooting at Ohio State
University today was actually a mass stabbing allegedly perpetrated by a 20-year-old Somali refugee named Ali Mohammed, who
drove his car into a crowd and then hopped out, hacking innocents with a butcher knife. This has been a humiliating
experience for the left, which immediately jumped to typical gun control talking points based on their desired story.
The Editor asks...
Why should we be "in solidarity" with homicidal maniacs bent on world domination?
State Jihad Attacker Named Abdul Razak Ali Artan, Vehicle Used in Attack Belonged to Mohammad Ali. In a
previous reports, the attacker was named as Mohamed Ali. NBC News is now identifying the attacker as Abdul Razak Ali
Artan. The vehicle involved in the incident is registered to Mohammad Ali from Columbus. It is unknown how many
were involved in this jihad cell. Ten people were wounded after Abdul Ali drove into pedestrians with a vehicle and
attacked others with a machete at Ohio State's campus[,] one of the largest in America. Officials at Ohio State said the
vehicle drove onto campus, hitting victims when the jihadi got out of his vehicle and starting attacking people in the area
with a butcher knife.
Diversity Officer Urges Compassion for Somali Terrorist Who Attacked Students. The Ohio State University
assistant director of residence life allegedly expressed sympathy for Somali stabber Abdul Razak Ali Artan in a bizarre
Facebook post Monday that has since gone viral. Stephanie Clemons Thompson urged her followers to have compassion for
Artan after he expressed a desire "to kill a billion infidels" and then tried to kill as many as he could at OSU. She also
urged people to "think of the pain he must have been in," [...]
The Editor says...
On the contrary, we should consider the pain inflicted by this Muslim terrorist, and the additional pain and death he would have inflicted if given the
chance — not to mention the pain and death his fellow Muslim terrorists from Somalia will inflict when they get an opportunity.
Update: Ohio
State University administrator faces calls for dismissal after seeking compassion for student who attacked.
Ohio State University's assistant director of residence life is facing calls for her dismissal after asking for compassion
for Abdul Razak Ali Artan, who was killed after injuring 11 people in a car and knife attack Monday. [...] Stephanie Clemons
Thompson posted a message to Facebook, including a reference to the Black Lives Matter movement, on Tuesday chiding those who
celebrated Artan's death and posted photos of his body. While she wrote the message should not be shared, screenshots
were soon circulating on social media.
State Suspect Had Tie to Dallas. It was June 5, 2014 when a young teenager named Abul Razak Ali Artan arrived
in Dallas with his mother and six siblings. A little more than two years before he was the suspect in a violent knife
attack on the Ohio State campus. "We gave them aid and comfort and some shelter as part of the government resettlement
program," explained Catholic Charities C.E.O. Dave Woodyard. The Somali immigrants arrived from Pakistan at D/FW
International Airport via JFK International Airport.
The Editor says...
Whether or not the OSU killer came through the DFW airport is irrelevant and immaterial. Texas (especially Dallas) TV stations are always
on the lookout for a "Texas connection" to every news story. It's nothing more than ratings-driven sensationalism.
State Attacker Described Himself as a 'Scared' Muslim. An apparent attack at Ohio State University on Monday
morning [11/28/2016] has left at least ten people injured after Abdul Razak Ali Artan struck them with his car and slashed
them with a knife. Artan was shot dead by police shortly after the attack began at approximately 9:52 a.m., director
of public service Monica Moll said at a afternoon press conference. Artan aimed his Honda Civic at a group of pedestrains,
jumping the curb, and colliding with them. Artan then exited the vehicle and began slashing pedestrians. By
9:53 a.m. — less than one minute following the start of the attack — responding officer Alan Horujko
shot and killed Artan. No other people are suspected in the attack.
Ohio State Attack:
Terrorism Eyed as Police Seek More Info. Investigators are looking into whether a car-and-knife attack at Ohio
State University that injured 11 people was an act of terror by a Somali-born student who had once criticized the media
for its portrayal of Muslims.
You reap what you sow. Ohio
State students and faculty pushed hard for more Islamic immigration. The case of Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the
Somali-born Islamic terrorist who ran over and stabbed 11 people with a butcher knife at Ohio State may be what President
Obama calls a "teachable moment." We can feel great sympathy for the victims, but it is also fair to point out that some of
the policies advocated by said victims helped contribute to this tragedy. And the fact is that a large number of Ohio State
faculty and students are strongly pro-Islamic immigration.
Ohio State terrorist 'shouldn't have been in country'. The Ohio State University terrorist "should not have
been" in the United States, according to the next president. "ISIS is taking credit for the terrible stabbing attack at
Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who should not have been in our country," Donald Trump said in a tweet Wednesday
morning [11/30/2016].
His First Day, Trump Could Stop More [Terrorist Attacks] From Happening. An 18-year-old Somali refugee
reportedly ran his car into a group of pedestrians on campus, before attacking them with a knife. At least 9 people
have been injured, although thankfully there are no deaths yet — except for the attacker, but I was talking about
real people. The immigrant, by the way, came to the US just a few years ago. He's an Obama-era addition to
America. And he was at a public school, meaning taxpayer money was spent on his education. Perhaps some
enterprising student journalist will let us know how much. The attack was carried out with a car and a knife, so
naturally leftists — including the man who was almost Vice President — and the mainstream (fake news)
media are already blaming Ohio's lack of gun control.
State police officer hailed for swiftly killing attacker. The 28-year-old police officer who shot and killed the man behind Monday's
[11/28/2016] attacks at Ohio State University is being hailed for his quick actions. "Our officer was on scene in less than a minute and he
ended the situation in less than a minute," Ohio State University Police Chief Craig Stone said at a press conference Monday afternoon.
State Attacker Identified: Everything We Know About Abdul Razak Ali Artan. The man behind Monday's
horrific attack at Ohio State University has been identified as Abdul Razak Ali Artan. Ohio law enforcement officials
confirmed to NBC News Monday afternoon that Artan — an 18-year-old freshman at OSU — was the man who
plowed a car into a crowd of people on campus and subsequently attacked passers-by with a butcher's knife.
State University knifeman slammed US media for making him 'scared' to pray in public. The extremist and Ohio
State University student, who stabbed and shot 11 people on his campus yesterday, previously slammed the US media for making
him "scared" to pray in public. Speaking to The Lantern, his university paper in August, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, said he
continuously complained about America's treatment of Muslims to his mother. In the article, Artan — a Somalian
refugee — said: "If people look at me, a Muslim praying, I don't know what they're going to think, what's going to
happen. "I am a Muslim, it's not what the media portrays me to be."
Tweets OSU 'Senseless Act of Gun Violence' — Updates After No Gun Involved. With early reports of an
"active shooter" on the Ohio State University campus Monday, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) tweeted about the "senseless act of
gun violence" before updating the campus attack was performed with a car and a knife. "Deeply saddened by the senseless
act of gun violence at Ohio State this morning. Praying for the injured and the entire Buckeye community," Kaine tweeted
at 11:58 AM. The Associated Press reports authorities are saying nine people were injured at Ohio State University
when an attacker purposely drove over a curb and into pedestrians and then got out of the vehicle and began stabbing people
with a butcher knife.
Demand Gun Control After Knife Attack At Ohio State University. Progressives used a brutal knife attack at Ohio
State University (OSU) on Monday as an excuse to demand more gun control, even after authorities declared that they had no
evidence the attacker even used a gun during his rampage. The attacker reportedly struck pedestrians with his vehicle
and proceeded to stab several others, harming at least nine individuals, one of whom is in critical condition. Despite
OSU's initial tweets stating there was an active shooter on campus, authorities later said there was no evidence that the
attacker used a gun during his attack.
Somali refugees settled in US under Obama, 99 percent Muslim. The Obama administration resettled 8,858 Somali
refugees in the United States last year, and nearly 43,000 during Obama's eight years, a huge number that is now raising
concerns after a Somali refugee led a one-man attack spree on the campus of Ohio State.
State University attacker was refugee. In a suspected act of Islamic terror, at least one attacker struck Ohio
State University in Columbus, Ohio early Monday morning, running over students with a car before exiting and attacking
victims with a large blade, reportedly a machete. In the brutal attack — shockingly similar to refugee knife
attacks carried out by ISIS-inspired Islamic terrorists throughout 2016 — the blade-wielding madman, reportedly an
18-year-old refugee that lived nearby, seriously wounded a number of students with a large knife before being killed by
responding police officers.
Muslim Refugee Killed In Ohio State Attack. Thanks Obama! The terrorist involved in the Ohio State
driving over and stabbing was a Somali Muslim refugee. One of the ones who Obama
let in! He was also a student at Ohio State University and this attack was pre-planned.
Investigates: Suspect in Boston police shooting wrote of Islamic 'rebirth,' had several aliases. 5
Investigates uncovered six aliases used by Kirk Figueroa, the man killed by Boston police after he shot two officers on
Wednesday night in East Boston. He took on an alias as he experienced what he called an Islamic "rebirth" in Africa.
[...] [WCVB] uncovered a job posting for "Police Protection" for one of those companies, Bailrunners. In it, Figueroa
identifies himself as Muhummed Isa Al Mahdi.
Not publishing his Muslim name and despite wearing body armor, the media are reporting it as "domestic disturbance." Mainstream
Media Not Reporting Boston Police Shooter's Islamic 'Rebirth'. Wednesday evening [10/12/2016], two Boston
Police officers were shot by Kirk Figueroa after responding to a domestic disturbance call. Figueroa is now dead and
the two officers are recovering from bad injuries. And that's about all the mainstream media want everyone to
know. However, Boston's WCVB 5's investigation has uncovered a much different picture of Figueroa including his Islamic
faith. That fact is missing from nearly every major news site that this author searched. [...] [T]he shooter was a
Democrat and inspired by the words of the Obamas, who back the anti-police Black Lives Matter and constantly defend Islam as
a religion of peace.
student pilot intentionally crashed his plane into a Connecticut street. A flying instructor desperately fought
for the controls of a plane moments before his student pilot 'deliberately crashed into a Connecticut street', sources
say. Trainee pilot Feras M. Freitekh and his instructor Arian Prevalla had been arguing during the flight on Tuesday
afternoon after the student said he no longer wanted to fly the plane, a source told the Hartford Courant. Prevella had
desperately tried to regain control of the Piper PA 34A — which has two sets of controls — when Freitekh suddenly began
flying erratically. But the experienced pilot was not able to stop their descent and the plane crashed on Tuesday.
Jordanian national Freitekh, 28, was killed in the crash while Prevalla was rushed to hospital with serious burns.
Muslim Takes A Plane And Crashes It Attempting To Destroy U.S. Major Military Defense Contractor In Connecticut. The
National Transportation Safety Board's initial investigation of a Tuesday's aircraft crash in East Hartford, Connecticut should be
a serious concern as it was a possible attempt to destroy one major US military defense contractor. As it seems, Muslims are
possibly attempting to carry out an attack by using airplanes again. [...] What is strange about this story is the ring of Muslim
student pilots and the testimony of the co-pilot stating that the suicide pilot did "an altercation in the cockpit during their
training flight, and the instructor was unable to regain control of the plane from the [Muslim] student pilot."
Investigating if Fatal Plane Crash in East Hartford Was Intentional. The F.B.I. is investigating whether the
crash of a small plane in East Hartford, Conn., that killed a passenger on Tuesday [10/11/2016] was intentional, according to
four federal law enforcement officials. The pilot, who survived the crash, told investigators that it was not an
accident. [...] Officials identified the passenger as Feras M. Freitekh, 28. [...] Mayor Marcia Leclerc of East Hartford said
the plane took off from a flight school at the airport. The police chief of East Hartford, Scott M. Sansom, said during
a news conference that the police sought the help of the Federal Bureau of Investigation because the plane went down near a
Pratt & Whitney factory on Main Street, which he described as being "critical infrastructure." The company, which has its
headquarters in East Hartford, is a global manufacturer of jet engines for commercial, military and general aviation aircraft.
Brussels, Belgium
October 5, 2016
shoot 'Arabic ex-soldier' in the leg after he stabs two officers in Belgium's 'hotbed of jihad'. Two police
officers were stabbed as one of Belgium's busiest train stations was evacuated due to a bomb scare. The officers were
attacked by an unnamed individual in a busy main road in Schaerbeek, known as a 'hotbed of jihadism'. Police shot the
suspect in the leg and arrested him. The assailant has been named in Belgian newspaper De Standaard as 43-year-old
'Hicham D', a Belgian national who was formerly in the armed forces and known to the security services. He is
reported to have had contact with jihadi fighters who had returned from Syria.
policemen injured in Brussels stabbing in suspected terror attack. A knife-wielding assailant stabbed two
policemen in a Brussels district known as a hotbed of jihadism in what prosecutors are treating as a suspected terrorist
attack. The violent assault, which ended in the suspect being shot in the leg, took place as one of the Belgian
capital's main train stations was briefly closed due to a bomb scare. The assailant, named by the Brussel prosecutor
only as Hicham D, a 43-year old Belgian national, lunged for the officers in a busy main road in Schaerbeek — the Brussels
neighbourhood where the terrorists behind the airport and metro attacks of March 22 had set up their bomb making factory.
Seattle, Washington
September 23, 2016
mall shooting suspect voted in 3 elections without U.S. citizenship. The man charged in Washington state's
deadly mall shooting on Sept. 23 voted in three elections despite not having U.S. citizenship. Arcan Cetin of Oak
Harbor is charged with five counts of first-degree premeditated murder in relation to last week's shooting that killed
five. The green card holder, who moved to the U.S. from Turkey when he was 7, may now face additional charges related
to voter fraud. State records show that Mr. Cetin registered to vote when he turned 18 and then voted in three
elections, including the 2016 presidential primary. Federal sources confirmed to a local NBC affiliate on Wednesday
[9/28/2016] that he is not a U.S. citizen and is legally prohibited from voting.
shooter not a U.S. citizen — voted in 3 elections. Add voter fraud to the list of Arcan Cetin's
offenses. Cetin, 20, is the Turkish immigrant arrested Saturday for the Friday night [9/23/2016] shooting and killing
of five people in a Burlington, Washington, mall. Security camera's show Cetin entering the mall briefly without a
weapon, leaving and then returning with a rifle. Cetin fled but was apprehended 24 hours later. He has
reportedly confessed to the five murders.
may probe Cascade Mall suspect's citizenship status, voting record. The Cascade Mall shooting suspect, Arcan
Cetin, may face an additional investigation related to his voting record and citizenship status. Federal sources
confirm to KING 5 that Cetin was not a U.S. citizen, meaning legally he cannot vote. However, state records show Cetin
registered to vote in 2014 and participated in three election cycles, including the May presidential primary. Cetin, who
immigrated to the United States from Turkey as a child, is considered a permanent resident or green card holder. While a
permanent resident can apply for U.S. citizenship after a certain period of time, sources tell KING his status had not changed
from green card holder to U.S. citizen.
Mall Shooter Arcan Cetin Mentioned Ayatollah, Islamic State on Blog. A neighbor told the Associated Press that
Cascade Mall shooter Arcan Cetin was so "creepy, rude, and obnoxious" that she kept a Taser near her front door, just in case
he came calling. The neighbor, 21-year-old Amber Cathey, said she blocked Cetin on Snapchat after he sent her a photo
of his crotch. She found him so frightening that she would walk a longer route to her nearby apartment to avoid him, if
she saw his car in the parking lot.
suspected of killing 5 people at Burlington mall arrested in Oak Harbor. A man suspected of killing five people
at Burlington's Cascade Mall on Friday night [9/23/2016] has been arrested in Oak Harbor after a 20-hour manhunt. The
Washington State Patrol identified the suspect as 20-year-old Arcan Cetin. Cetin emigrated from Turkey and is a legal
U.S resident, according to an initial police investigation. Cetin graduated in 2015 from Oak Harbor High School.
mall shooting suspect 'zombie-like' when arrested, police say. The 20-year-old man suspected of killing five
people with a rifle at a Macy's makeup counter had had a string of run-ins with the law in recent years, including charges he
assaulted his stepfather, and was described by a neighbor as so "creepy, rude and obnoxious" that she kept a Taser by her
front door. As investigators tried to piece together information on Arcan Cetin, who was arrested Saturday evening
after a nearly 24-hour manhunt, a picture emerged of a troubled young man. Court records show more than a half-dozen
criminal cases in Island County alone since 2013.
pictures appear to show 'Hispanic' gunman enter mall without a weapon. Authorities are looking for the active
shooter who reportedly shouted a woman's name repeatedly before he opened fire and killed five people during a deadly
shooting at a mall north of Seattle on Friday evening [9/23/2016]. Four women and one man are confirmed dead after the
shooting at the Cascade Mall in Burlington, about 65 miles north of Seattle, the Washington State Patrol said.
Victims have not been identified, however police said their ages ranged from teenager to elderly.
victim dies in Cascade Mall shooting in Burlington; suspect remains at large. Five people are confirmed dead following a shooting at
the Macy's store in the Cascade Mall in Burlington Friday night, the Washington State Patrol said. The shooter remains at large.
Washington State Patrol Sgt. Mark Francis said that a single man with a hunting rifle walked into the mall in Burlington, about 65 miles north
of Seattle, and opened fire around 7 p.m, then left the scene before police arrived. He was last seen walking toward nearby Interstate 5.
said they killed for ISIS. But were they different from 'regular' mass killers? Dahir Adan, a former Apollo
High School honor student, walked into a mall here last Saturday and stabbed 10 people before an off-duty police officer shot
him dead. The Islamic State hailed him as one of its soldiers. The FBI has hesitated to describe Adan's rampage
as an ideologically inspired terrorist attack and Thursday night called on witnesses — ideally with
videos — to come forward. For years, FBI officials and other national security experts have said that
apparent lone wolves such as Adan and Ahmad Khan Rahami, charged in last weekend's New York bombing, have no discernible
profile that could be used to head off terrorist acts. But some counterterrorism experts who studied attackers
motivated by jihadist ideology say they often exhibit traits similar to those of non-Muslim mass killers who have attacked
schools, churches and workplaces.
Mall shooting suspect
was 'zombie-like' when arrested, officials say. A suspected gunman believed to have killed five people at a Washington state mall was
arrested Saturday [9/24/2016], according to authorities. At a news conference, officials said they had not ruled out any possible motives for
why 20-year-old Arcan Cetin allegedly shot four women and one man at the Cascade Mall in Burlington Friday evening. [...] Mount Vernon Police Lt. Chris
Cammock said Cetin had immigrated to the U.S. from Turkey and was a "legal permanent resident." It was not immediately clear when Cetin came to
the U.S.
on for gunman who killed 5, including 4 women, at Washington mall. Police were searching for a gunman who
killed four women and a man at a Washington state mall Friday [9/23/2016] before fleeing the area. Washington State
Patrol spokesman Sgt. Mark Francis said police were searching for a Hispanic man wearing black and armed with a rifle
who was last seen walking toward Interstate 5 near the Cascade Mall in Burlington.
St. Cloud, Minnesota
September 17, 2016
Minnesota Mall Attacks "Consistent With the Philosophies of Violent Radical Islamic Groups". The information
discovered by the FBI in its investigation of the background of an attack on a mall in Minnesota suggests jihad. FBI
Special Agent Rick Thornton told reporters that the attacker, one Dahir Ahmed Adan, showed every sign of being an ordinary
college boy until recently. After he started reading the Quran in the several months predating the attack, he
progressively became less interested in playing video games, or physical sports, and "went from being an excellent student
with a GPA to flunking out of college almost overnight." By itself that suggests a strong influence, but the FBI agent was
not finished. "We have numerous credible witness accounts of him asking victims during the attack if they were Muslim,"
Agent Thornton reminded the reporters, "and at least one instance of him yelling 'Allahu Akbar' while stabbing one of his
victims, and others heard him yelling 'Islam, Islam.'" Citing "compelling evidence" that the attack was provoked, Thornton
added dryly, "one could reasonably conclude his actions were consistent with the philosophies of violent radical Islamic groups."
new videos shed light on Minnesota stabbing attack by a man the FBI believes had been 'radicalized'. He chased
one store clerk into an electronics store, swiping at his head with a pair of steak knives, and then plunging one into his
back before the man was able to scramble to his feet and run. He came within inches of stabbing another store clerk,
who pulled a metal shutter closed just in time. He lunged repeatedly at an off-duty police officer who had chased him,
near the end, into a Macy's store. And then, even after he was shot, he got to his feet and lunged a second time.
The FBI and Minnesota law enforcement officials for the first time on Thursday released surveillance video footage that show
the mall attack by Dahir Adan, a 20-year-old from St. Cloud, Minn., on Sept. 18.
Mall is a Gun Free, Weapons Free Zone. The mass stabbings that occurred at the Crossroads Center (Crossroads
Mall) in St. Cloud occurred in a gun free, weapon free zone. It appears that the armed citizen who stopped the
attack was not allowed to legally be armed in the mall. The armed citizen was an off duty officer from another jurisdiction.
attacker (who injured 9) in St. Cloud mall was a Somali. It is simply pathetic that a couple of hours ago
all of the officials arrayed in a lengthy St. Cloud press conference — the mayor (who has been a vocal
advocate for the expanding Somali enclave there), the police, even the FBI couldn't bring themselves to identify the dead
perpetrator, but waited (did they wait on purpose?) to give the 'Somali community' time to spin the story. He was a
good boy, no violent past, a good student, a college student in St. Cloud. (Maybe even a security guard!) So
what! He was first and foremost a Jihadist. And, Obama and his Lefty friends who chalk up 'violent extremism' to
poverty and lack of opportunity can just shut up! This guy had prospects for a good future and he chose jihad for Allah instead.
baffled over motive of mall attacker yelling 'Allah', asking victims if they're Muslim. OK, I get it.
Police don't want to jump to conclusions in high profile cases. But can police authorities please stop insulting the
public when a Muslim starts attacking random strangers while yelling about Allah? The latest example of studied
ignorance comes from St. Cloud, Minnesota, the thriving metropolis of Central Minnesota.
stabbing survivor: 'He looked me dead in the eyes'. Ryan Schliep and his girlfriend had just gone inside a
Minnesota shopping mall when he saw a girl screaming and crying. "Call 911!" the girl said, according to Schliep.
Moments later, as he was standing by one of the mall's entrances, a man in uniform walked toward him. "He looked me
dead in the eyes," Schliep told The Washington Post. "He had a pretty emotionless face, just a blank stare."
suspect was arrested for stabbing but a grand jury let him walk despite cop's warning he was 'a danger'. The
28-year-old man suspected of planting bombs in Manhattan and New Jersey over the weekend was previously arrested for stabbing
a person in the leg and possession of a firearm in 2014, DailMail.com [sic] has learned. But a grand jury let him walk,
despite a warning from the arresting officer that Rahami was likely 'a danger to himself or others.' Ahmad Khan Rahami,
who was arrested on Monday in Linden, N.J., after a manhunt ended in a shootout with police, was also a deadbeat dad who
didn't like America and hated gays, according to the mother of his young daughter.
Time We Faced the Facts about the Muslim World. Despite making up a tiny fraction of the American population,
Muslims are responsible for exponentially more terror deaths than any other meaningful American community. Even if you
use the Left's utterly ridiculous standard of "terror deaths since 9/11" (why exclude America's worst terror attack when
calculating the terror threat?), Muslim terrorists have killed almost twice as many people as every other American faction or
demographic combined. Yet when any politician or pundit suggests restrictions or even special scrutiny applied to
Muslim immigrants — especially Muslim immigrants or visitors from jihadist conflict zones — entire
sectors of the Left (and some on the right) recoil in shock and horror. Whenever there's a terror attack, there's an
almost palpable desperation to determine that the attacker was not Muslim and the attack had "no connection" to international
terror, in spite of the fact that it is now ISIS and al-Qaeda strategy to inspire lone wolves.
Somali 'ISIS fanatic' who went on Minnesota knife rampage after checking whether victims were Muslims. A "lone
wolf" jihadi who slashed shoppers during an alleged IS-inspired knife attack at a US mall was named last night as a Call Of
Duty-obsessed university student. Basketball fanatic Dahir Adan, 22, was unmasked by his family as the attacker who
died during his mass stabbing spree at the Crossroads Mall in St Cloud, Minnesota.
mall attacker referenced Allah before stabbing rampage, police chief says. ISIS claimed responsibility after a
knife-wielding man injured eight people at a mall in central Minnesota Saturday evening, a bloody rampage during which he
reportedly asked at least one victim whether they were Muslim and referenced Allah. St. Cloud Police Chief
William Blair Anderson said the suspect, whom he did not identify, was shot and killed by an off-duty police officer from
another jurisdiction. Five of the eight victims had been treated and released from a local hospital and all were
expected to survive their injuries. ISIS-related media on Sunday morning claimed responsibility for the attack, issuing
a statement via a source.
Calls For Tolerance After St. Cloud Mall Attack. Gov. Mark Dayton said he plans to travel to
St. Cloud Monday to offer support for the community following the knife attack at a mall that left nine people wounded
and a suspect dead. Authorities say the suspect, who has yet to be identified, attacked several shoppers at the
Crossroads Center mall on Saturday night. Police say he mentioned Allah and asked at least one victim if they were
Muslim. "If true that [the stabbings] were motivated by religious bigotry, I condemn them even more strongly," the
governor said in a press release Sunday [9/18/2016].
The Editor says...
There is a big difference, Governor, between bigotry and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
cop saved mall patrons during stabbing rampage. A hero cop saved bystanders at a Minnesota mall when a
knife-wielding terrorist descended on the shoppers Saturday evening, slashing eight of them before he was killed by the
off-duty officer. St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis described surveillance footage of the attack, which has not yet been
released, lauding the officer's response and calling the video akin to a "training video for law enforcement."
Minnesota Jihad Stabbing Puts Muslims at Risk. At a press conference addressing a jihadist attack in Minnesota,
the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) warned Muslims are now potential victims at risk of being harmed in
retaliation. CAIR has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates and was named by federal
prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-funding operation. The St. Cloud, Minnesota, mass stabbing
occurred at the city's Crossroads Center mall on Saturday night. A Somali man allegedly shouted, "Allah," as he stabbed
nine people before he was shot dead by an off-duty officer. All nine victims stabbed at the Crossroads Center mall in
St. Cloud survived.
community in Minn. fears backlash after stabbing suspect ID'd. Authorities are investigating the stabbings of
nine people at a Minnesota mall as a potential act of terrorism, a finding that would realize long-held fears of an attack in
the immigrant-rich state that has struggled to stop the recruiting of its young men by groups including the Islamic
State. A young Somali man dressed as a private security guard entered the Crossroads Center mall in St. Cloud
over the weekend wielding what appeared to be a kitchen knife. The city's police chief said the man reportedly made at
least one reference to Allah and asked a victim if he or she was Muslim before attacking.
Several hurt in Crossroads Center incident. The FBI is investigating the Crossroads Center knife attacks on
Saturday as "a potential act of terrorism." Nine people were injured by an attacker who was killed inside the Macy's store
by an off-duty Avon police officer. St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis identified that officer as Jason Falconer during a
press conference Sunday. A short time earlier, St. Cloud Somali-American community members identified the
deceased suspect as Dahir Adan.
Reports: Multiple people injured at Crossroads
Mall in St. Cloud. In a press conference, St. Cloud Police Chief William Anderson said the suspect
was wearing a private security uniform and carrying a knife. Police believe the suspect acted alone and could not say
whether the incident was a terrorist attack or not. Based on witness accounts, the suspect made reference to Allah and
asked at least one of the victims if they were Muslim before he assaulted them.
Chief Doesn't Know Why Allah-Referencing Terrorist Knifed 8 People in St. Cloud. There were three
separate terror attacks yesterday — in St. Cloud, Minnesota, New York City and Seaside Park, New
Jersey. The officials all echoed the same lines: there is no imminent threat, we don't have a motive, we don't know if
it's a terror attack, and there is no evidence anyone else was involved or that the attacks were connected. Also, we
can't call the device a bomb. The DEVICES in New York were pressure cookers. The one that didn't explode had
wires coming out of it and was hooked to a cellphone. The one that exploded let off loud booming sounds and clouds of
smoke like nothing the witnesses had ever heard or seen before. If devices explode like this, I'd better get rid of my
coffee maker. CBS is calling the Minnesota terror attack, a "mall incident." CNN referred to it as a "mall attack."
Mayor de Blasio aka Mayor Wilhelm went a step further and said it's not a terrorist attack.
Mass Stabbing at
Popular American Mall. A vicious stabbing attack has left one dead and eight injured. The sick attack
happened at the Crossroads Mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The suspect is deceased and authorities are not sure of
the motive.
Minnesota mall attack: Man
shot dead after stabbing 8 people. The man who stabbed nine people at a Minnesota mall Saturday before being
shot dead by an off-duty police officer was a "soldier of the Islamic state," according to an ISIS-linked news agency.
The statement posted online Sunday by the Amaq agency follows a pattern of ISIS-related media claiming responsibility for
what appear to be the acts of individuals across Europe in the past few months. CNN cannot independently confirm this
latest claim.
claims responsibility for mass stabbing at Minnesota mall carried out by a knifeman who talked about Allah. A
'soldier of the Islamic State' went on a stabbing rampage at a Minnesota shopping mall before he was shot dead by an off-duty
police officer, the terror group claims. Isis claimed responsibility for the attack at the Crossroads Center mall in
St. Cloud on Saturday night in a statement released today [9/18/2016] through their propaganda channel. The assailant,
who reportedly made references to Allah and asked at least one person whether they were Muslim, injured nine people, St Cloud
Police Chief Blair Anderson said.
State supporter behind Minnesota stabbings -Amaq. A man who wounded up to nine people in a knife attack at a
mall in central Minnesota before he was shot dead by an off-duty police officer is a "soldier of the Islamic State," the
militant group's news agency said on Sunday [9/18/2016]. The man, who was wearing a private security uniform, made
references to Allah and asked at least one person if they were Muslim before he assaulted them at the Crossroads Center mall
in St. Cloud on Saturday, the city's Police Chief William Blair Anderson told reporters. "Whether that was a
terrorist attack or not, I'm not willing to say that right now because we just don't know," Anderson said at a news conference.
knife attacker 'was soldier of Islamic State'. A knifeman who stabbed eight people in a Minnesota shopping mall
while shouting "Allah" was "a soldier of the Islamic State", the jihadist group's news agency has claimed.
ISIS-affiliated media outlet Amaq released a statement claiming responsibility for the attack at the Crossroads centre in the
city of St Cloud last night. Eight people suffered non life threatening injuries when a man in a security guard outfit
went on a bloody rampage just after 8 pm local time on Saturday [9/17/2016].
mall attacker referenced Allah before stabbing rampage, police chief says. A knife-wielding man in a private
security uniform who injured eight people at a mall in central Minnesota Saturday evening [9/17/2016] asked at least one
victim whether they were Muslim and referenced Allah during the assault, authorities said Wednesday [9/14/2016].
St. Cloud Police Chief William Blair Anderson said the suspect, whom he did not identify, was shot and killed by an
off-duty police officer from another jurisdiction. All but one of the eight victims had been treated and released from
a local hospital and all were expected to survive their injuries.
New York City / Elizabeth, New Jersey / Lindon, New Jersey
September 17, 2016
Multiple simultaneous incidents — strictly coincidental, of course!
N.J. terrorist gets another life term for trying to kill cops in gunfight after bombings. Convicted terrorist
Ahmad Khan Rahimi was sentenced to life in prison Friday after a Union County jury for attempting to kill five Linden police
officers in a shootout after they identified him as the man wanted in bombings throughout New York and New Jersey.
Rahimi, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Afghanistan, is already serving multiple life terms for setting off a pressure
cooker in Manhattan in September 2016 that injured dozens. He still faces federal charges for planting bombs around the
same time in Elizabeth and a 5K race in Seaside Park.
Chelsea Bomber Ahmad Rahimi Indicted on Federal Terror Charges. Federal prosecutors boosted their case
Wednesday against a man charged with setting off bombs in New Jersey and New York that injured 30 people, bringing additional
charges in an indictment and subjecting him to a potential mandatory life-in-prison penalty if he's convicted. The eight-count
indictment in Manhattan federal court speeds the case along against 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahimi. He has been held without
bail in the Sept. 17 attacks since his arrest two days afterward when he was shot by police in a shootout outside a Linden,
New Jersey, bar.
Men Who Found Bomb in Chelsea Are Identified as Airline Security Guards. Two men who found a travel bag
containing a bomb on a Manhattan street last month — and then walked off with the bag but left the
bomb — were not just employees of EgyptAir but in-flight security officers for the carrier, two officials at the
airline said on Friday [9/30/2016]. Surveillance footage showed two men finding the bag on West 27th Street on the evening
of Sept. 17, soon after a bomb exploded on West 23rd Street, injuring 31 people and triggering terrorism fears across the
region. In the video, the men were seen pulling from the travel bag a white plastic bag that contained a pressure cooker
connected to wires and a mobile phone. They left the white bag on the sidewalk and walked away with the travel bag.
The bomb did not explode, and investigators have said that the men may have inadvertently disabled the device.
main suspects in NYC bombing were able to hightail it out of the country. Two men wanted by the FBI in connection with the
New York City bombing have reportedly left the country. The FBI put out a wanted poster for the two young men, who were caught on
camera walking off with the luggage that contained one of the planted bombs. Sometime later the duo boarded a plane and left the
country, according to multiple new reports.
Chelsea Bombing, NYC Launches Efforts To Silence 'Negative Rhetoric' About Islam. Less than two weeks after the
terrorist bombings in New Jersey and New York City's Chelsea neighborhood, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration is
launching a new campaign against the "negative rhetoric targeting Muslim communities" that the city says gets worse after
"terrorist incidents." A press release from the city on Monday [9/26/2016] explained the reasoning for the new anti-anti-Islam
efforts: "Across the country, hateful speech has made Muslim residents the target of misguided attacks and threats,
especially in the aftermath of terrorist incidents," states a press release from the city.
men seen removing undetonated bomb from wheeled duffel bag left on Manhattan street 'by chicken shop terrorist' identified by
FBI. Two men seen removing an unexploded bomb from a wheeled duffel bag left on the street by the Chelsea
bomber have been identified by the FBI. Officials say the pair are both Egyptian pilots who have since left the U.S.,
presumably to return to Egypt, ABC News reports. Their names have not yet been made public. The men had been seen
on surveillance video removing the bomb from luggage on West 27th Street, Manhattan, at around 8 pm on the night
of the Chlsea bombing attack on September 17.
vows to review past warnings to FBI about alleged NY bomber. FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Tuesday [9/27/2016]
his agency will learn from any missteps it might have made leading up to last week's Manhattan bombing, amid reports that the alleged
bomber had been known to agents for at least two years. Comey, who was testifying before the Senate Homeland Security Committee
hearing, also said that when the FBI makes a mistake, the agency is open about it. In two recent cases, he noted the FBI is
looking over its past investigation of the Orlando nightclub shooter — and the bureau's prior interactions with the father
of Ahmad Rahami, who was charged last week in the Manhattan explosion that left dozens injured.
Again, The Obama Administration Missed Terrorist Red Flags. After the recent spate of terror attacks in the
U.S., President Obama defended himself by saying that these type of attacks are "very hard to detect and very hard to
prevent." But it turns out that officials had the New York City bomber in their sights — twice — and
failed to do anything about it, making this the ninth terror attack on Obama's watch that arguably could have been prevented.
feds keep letting 'known wolves' drop off the radar. The FBI had the future Chelsea bomber on its
radar — for a while, anyway — but let him slip through. Just as officials had done with men who
became the perps in at least eight other terror attacks. Customs officials screened Ahmad Rahami in 2011 on his return
from a trip to Pakistan, and again after a 2013-2014 trip there. They notified Homeland Security Department's National
Targeting Center — which sent the report on to the FBI and other agencies. Then, in August 2014, Rahami's
dad told the authorities his son was a terrorist. Agents checked records and found nothing. When his father
recanted, they say, they closed the book. Yet they never bothered to interview Ahmad Rahami himself.
Training Questioned in Recent Terror Attacks. Recent domestic terror attacks by Islamic extremists are raising
questions among officials and security experts about whether FBI counterterrorism training is deficient. The chief
suspect in the New York City homemade bombing attacks last weekend, Ahmad Rahami, was probed for several weeks by the FBI in
2014 after his father alerted authorities to his terrorist leanings. Rahami's father, Mohammad Rahami, told reporters
this week that he informed the FBI about concerns about his son after Rahami stabbed one of his brothers in a domestic
dispute. "Two years ago I go to the FBI because my son was doing really bad, OK?" the elder Rahami said. "But
they check almost two months, they say, 'He's okay, he's clean, he's not a terrorist.' I say OK." "Now they
say he is a terrorist. I say OK," Mohammad Rahami said.
FBI seeking information on 2 'unknown individuals'
in NY bombing case. Earlier today, the FBI released the notice above seeking information on "two unknown
individuals" who were seen "on West 27th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues in Manhattan between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m., on
Saturday, September 17, 2016, in the same hour that an explosive device had detonated on West 23rd Street." The FBI's
statement continues: "Closed circuit television recordings indicate that these individuals allegedly located a piece of
luggage on the sidewalk, removed an improvised explosive device from the luggage, and then left the vicinity leaving the device
behind but taking the luggage." At this point in time, the FBI is not publicly alleging that these two individuals
did anything other than what is stated above.
journal of New York bombing suspect references al-Qaeda and Islamic State. The man accused of a bombing spree in New York and
New Jersey was flagged by Customs and Border Protection officials for questioning at least twice over the last few years after returning from
Pakistan, but in both cases they found no reason to deny him entry to the United States, law enforcement officials said. Ahmad Khan
Rahami, who remains heavily sedated in a New Jersey hospital after a police shootout that resulted in his arrest on Monday [9/19/2016], was
one of thousands of such individuals traveling from high-risk countries who are flagged each year for "secondary" questioning at the
airport. He was in Pakistan in 2013 and in 2014, including stays in Quetta, a stronghold of militant groups, law enforcement officials
said. And in both cases, upon his return, "nothing derogatory" arose out of the screenings, and the information was relayed to the FBI,
said one senior law enforcement official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.
Accused New York bomber's
wife back; lawyer seeks access to suspect. Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, has been held in a Newark, New Jersey,
hospital since being arrested on Monday with wounds after a shootout with police. Rahami faces federal charges in both
states stemming from a Saturday night bombing in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood that injured 31 people and explosives
found in two New Jersey locations. No one was killed in the blasts.
complaint against bombing suspect omits journal's ISIS references. Pages from the bloody journal of the New York and New Jersey bombing
suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami show he was a follower of Al Qaeda as well as the Islamic State terror group, yet federal investigators made no reference to
ISIS in their complaint charging him on Tuesday [9/20/2016]. At least two pages include references to Anwar al-Awlaki — the
American-born Muslim cleric who was killed in a 2011 drone strike and whose preaching has inspired acts of terror linked to ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Federal investigators mentioned Awlaki in the complaints. However, the journal also appears to reference Abu Muhammad al Adnani — the
ISIS spokesman killed by coalition forces in August after he called his followers to attack non-believers in their homelands.
the Justice Department Hiding ISIS Connection in NY-NJ Bombings? Images released of the journal of Ahmad Khan
Rahami, the suspected NY-NJ bomber, show mention of a recently killed ISIS leader, but that reference is curiously missing
from the federal indictment filed against him yesterday [9/20/2016]. Is the Justice Department again trying to hide an
obvious ISIS connection or inspiration from this past weekend's attacks, just as they did when they censored Orlando mass
killer Omar Mateen's pledge to ISIS?
It's time
to send Muslim terrorists a message: Deport the Rahami Family. The Rahami family came to America from
Afghanistan as refugees. They made life miserable for their neighbors. When the police tried to bring some order,
they cried Islamophobia. Two of the Rahamis have posted in support of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and other
Islamic terror groups on social media. The third actually built and planted bombs to kill Americans. He
terrorized two states, tried to kill and maim countless Americans and then shot it out with police. Ahmad Khan Rahami,
the central figure in the terror case, brought his wife here from Pakistan and she departed days before his attack. His
mother left for Pakistan a few weeks before his bombing spree. The media, eager for a story of redemption, has widely
broadcast the claim that Mohammed Rahami, Ahmad's father, told the FBI that he was a terrorist. But that was years
ago. And Mohammed didn't turn in his son because there was a terror plot, but because he attacked family members.
are a 'vicious cancer from within': Trump goes on offensive as Afghan-born is named in New York bomb hunt.
Republican Donald Trump is warning of a spike in terror attacks after a bomb placed under a dumpster in Chelsea exploded over
the weekend, and is placing blame for the attack squarely on immigrants he called a 'vicious' threat. 'They're
here. We're letting tens of thousands of people flow into this country,' Trump said Monday morning. 'They're
bringing in many cases vicious cancer from within. This is something that's going to be so tough. And you know
they stay together so nobody really knows who it is, what's happening. They're plotting. This has been going on
for so long everybody knows it,' Trump said.
Father Of New York Bombing Suspect Just
Dropped A Bombshell That's Shaking The FBI. On Tuesday [9/20/2016], The Father of New York bombing suspect,
Ahmad Khan Rahami, claimed he TWICE reported his son was a terrorist to the FBI. New York Times reported: Two years
before Ahmad Khan Rahami went on a bombing rampage in New York and New Jersey, his father told the police that the son was a
terrorist, prompting a review by federal agents, according to two senior law enforcement officials. The father made the
statement about his son being a terrorist to New Jersey police in 2014, when Mr. Rahami was arrested after a domestic
dispute and accused of stabbing his brother.
Jihadi Rahami's Wife Fled to Pakistan Before Bombings. The wife of Ahmed Khan Rahami, the prime suspect in a
string of bombings spanning from Manhattan to the Jersey shore this weekend, fled to Pakistan days before Rahami allegedly
planted bombs throughout the tri-state area, according to multiple reports. The Daily Mail notes that the Los
Angeles Times has reported that the wife, whose name has not been released, has left the country.
Cops nab NY bomber as
more suspects keep coming to US. This would not be a good day to slander the flag as an act against the
police. It was the police who came to the rescue after a series of bombings that shook New York City and New Jersey
over the weekend. This would be a good day to honor all members of Law Enforcement. Within 24 hours they caught
and arrested suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami. Even BLM (Black Lives Matter) and other cop-hating associates may want to give
it a rest. But that is unlikely, as illustrated at Monday Night Football where the Chicago Bears hosted the Philadelphia
Eagles, and three members of the Eagles raised their fists at the playing of the national anthem. They were making a statement.
sounds of the bombs will be heard in the streets': A scrawled journal found with New York bombing suspect.
Years before he was accused of becoming a terrorist, when he was just another young man getting by in New Jersey, Ahmad Khan
Rahami led an undistinguished American life. He worked at his dad's fried chicken restaurant and went to a local
college and sometimes struggled with the bills. Then something changed. Rahami's faith in Islam seemed to grow
more serious in recent years, coinciding with lengthy trips back to Afghanistan, which his family fled in the 1990s,
acquaintances said. Rahami, a naturalized American citizen, grew a beard, married a woman from Pakistan, and watched
jihadist martyr's anthems on YouTube, investigators say.
Suspect wrote 'bombs
will be heard in the streets,' authorities say. The suspect in Saturday's bombings in New York and New Jersey
declared that "the sounds of bombs will be heard in the streets" and praised "Brother Osama Bin Laden" in a journal found on
him when he was arrested, authorities said. Ahmad Rahami was charged Tuesday with four counts in federal court in
connection with an explosion in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood and an unexploded pressure cooker found nearby.
York bombing suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami said he received instructions from 'terrorist leaders... to attack nonbelievers'. The
New York bombing suspect said that he had received instructions from "terrorist leaders... to attack non-believers where they live", as he
was charged on Tuesday night with the use of weapons of mass destruction. Ahmad Khan Rahami's journal revealed that he accused the US
of slaughtering Islamist fighters in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and the Palestinian territories.
after attacks, Obama pitches more refugees. President Obama on Tuesday will lead a special summit on the need
to take in Syrian refugees, just days after weekend terrorist attacks that are raising more questions about whether the U.S.
should be cracking down on immigration instead of opening the doors further. Plans for Obama to lead the summit were
months in the making, long before Ahmad Khan Rahami allegedly planted a pressure cooker bomb in New York that detonated,
injuring 29 people. Rahami, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Afghanistan, is also thought to be responsible for bombs
discovered in New Jersey.
New Terror: Even When It Fails, It Works. A 28-year-old man originally from Afghanistan, Ahmad Khan
Rahami, has been arrested in Linden, New Jersey, in connection with the bombing in New York City on Saturday night that
wounded 29 people. There reportedly was a brief shootout in which two police were wounded and Rahami was injured in
the shoulder. Video from the scene shows the wounded suspect as he was being loaded into an ambulance, a stocky figure with
a heavier beard than appears in the "wanted" poster photograph distributed by the FBI.
Ahmad Khan
Rahami's Father Told Police in 2014 His Son Was a Terrorist, Officials Say. Two years before the bombings that
Ahmad Khan Rahami is suspected of carrying out in New York and New Jersey, his father told the police that he suspected his
son might be involved in terrorism, prompting a review by federal agents, according to two law enforcement officials.
The father, Mohammad Rahami, in a brief interview on Tuesday [9/20/2016], said that at the time he told agents from the Federal
Bureau of Investigation about his concern, his son had just had a fight with another of his sons and stabbed the man, leading
to a criminal investigation.
Chicken shop terrorist's Father called the FBI about his son two years ago after 'he stabbed his brother and hit his
stepmom'. The father of chicken shop terrorist Ahmad Khan Rahami warned authorities about his violent son two
years ago — but they still didn't put him on a terror watch list. Mohammad Rahami Sr appeared outside his apartment in
Elizabeth, New Jersey on Tuesday and spoke to reporters in broken English, saying he called the FBI out of fears his son
might be radicalizing after violent outbursts including incidents when he stabbed his own brother Nasim and hit his stepmother.
The claims raise concerns that law enforcement could be responsible for letting Rahami slip under the radar.
FBI detains
5 in connection to Chelsea bombing. FBI agents arrested five men who may be connected to Saturday's bombing in
Chelsea after stopping their car in Brooklyn, sources said. The men were heading over the Verrazano Bridge from Staten
Island when they were stopped Sunday night. Sources said the FBI suspected the men may have had a role in the bombing
and were questioning them at the FBI headquarters in Manhattan.
de Blasio Avoids Terrorism Label in Manhattan Explosion. It was on the minds of New Yorkers, who immediately
drew comparisons to Sept. 11, 2001. It could be felt in the police response, which included teams of heavily armed officers
stationed at key targets and the Joint Terrorism Task Force of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Police Department.
But for Mayor Bill de Blasio and top city officials, terrorism was the word that could not be spoken on Sunday. Seeking to
project a responsible and measured reaction, the mayor pointedly avoided calling the bombing in the Chelsea neighborhood of
Manhattan on Saturday that injured 29 people — and the presence of a seemingly related but undetonated device
a few blocks away — a possible act of terror, declining at several points on Sunday to do so. He
emphasized that there would be no "easy answers" and that no suspect had yet been apprehended.
NY and NJ Bomb signatures "nearly identical". According to a federal law enforcement source close to the
investigation of the bombing in Manhattan, it was disclosed that the "signatures" of the bombs, both detonated and
undetonated, possess enough similarities to suspect they were constructed by the same maker. In addition to "having the
ability to be remotely detonated," the same components were used. Specific information about the bombs was not being
disclosed to avoid compromising the integrity of the investigation, although this source stated that the investigating
agencies have a "suspect pool" based on the construction of the explosive devices. That does not mean that the bomber
might be easily solved, or the bomber readily identified, cautioned this source.
Response to This Weekend's Terror Attacks Showed Willful Blindness in Real Time. In the all too familiar
pattern, things are going boom, Americans are under attack, and the American political class is already busy playing the "See
No Jihad" minuet. In a rational world, where our highest imperative would be to understand the threat that confronts us
rather than to find the least offensive way of describing it, it would be patently, undeniably obvious that we are targets of
international terrorism fueled by Islamic supremacist ideology. Nevertheless, the political class can only bring itself
to say this kicking and screaming, and only if there is no other plausible alternative — which basically means a
terrorist caught in the act while wearing an ISIS T-shirt.
Terror suspect underwent 'shocking' change after Afghanistan trip. A man who described himself as a childhood
friend of the 28-year-old busted today in connection with this weekend's New York-area bombings told the [Boston] Herald the
suspect made a life-changing trip to Afghanistan two years ago. "At one point he left to go to Afghanistan, and two
years ago he came back, popped up out of nowhere and he was real religious," friend Flee Jones, 27, said of suspect Ahmad
Khan Rahami. "And it was shocking. I'm trying to understand what's going on. I've never seen him like this."
The Editor says...
Ri-i-i-ight. You had no idea he was going to Afghanistan? You didn't wonder why he would go there? You
had no idea that Islam is bent on world domination, through the murder of one infidel at a time?
No Connection Between Stabbing, Bombings. A community activist says a man who went on a stabbing rampage at a
Minnesota mall that injured 10 people had gone to the mall to pick up a pre-ordered iPhone. Haji Yusuf, community
director for the social tolerance group UniteCloud, has been working with the family of 20-year-old Dahir Adan. Adan's
father has identified him as the mall attacker who was eventually shot dead by an off-duty police officer. Yusuf told
WCCO-TV that Adan had gone to Crossroads Center to get a new phone and "was very happy" upon leaving home. He says
Adan's family doesn't know what happened.
Suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami Captured In Linden. Eyewitness News captured exclusive video of the man believed to
be behind weekend bombings in Chelsea, Seaside Park and Elizabeth being taken into custody following a incident with police
in Linden, New Jersey. Monday night, officials in New Jersey had charged Rahami with five counts of attempted murder of
a law enforcement officer. He was also charged with second-degree unlawful possession of a weapon and second-degree
possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose. He is being ordered held on $5.2 million bail.
Police arrest bombing suspect.
Ahmed Khan Rahami, wanted on suspicion of involvement in the bombings on the east coast of the US over the past two days, has
been apprehended in Lindon, New Jersey, after a firefight, according to reports. Rahami is an immigrant from
Afghanistan who lived in New Jersey. A manhunt had been conducted for Rahami over the past day. Police suspect
that he is also behind the bombing in New York on Saturday night.
de Blasio Avoids Terrorism Label in Manhattan Explosion. It was on the minds of New Yorkers, who immediately
drew comparisons to Sept. 11, 2001. It could be felt in the police response, which included teams of heavily armed officers
stationed at key targets and the Joint Terrorism Task Force of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Police Department.
But for Mayor Bill de Blasio and top city officials, terrorism was the word that could not be spoken on Sunday. Seeking to
project a responsible and measured reaction, the mayor pointedly avoided calling the bombing in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan
on Saturday that injured 29 people — and the presence of a seemingly related but undetonated device a few blocks
away — a possible act of terror, declining at several points on Sunday to do so. He emphasized that there
would be no "easy answers" and that no suspect had yet been apprehended.
Supporters Rush To Celebrate NYC Explosion. Supporters of the Islamic State rushed to celebrate Saturday
night's powerful explosion in New York's Chelsea neighborhood that injured at least 29 people, even as no group or individual
has been arrested or claimed responsibility. "The lions of the Caliphate roar in New York, we cause you pain inside
your house, the carrier of the Cross," wrote one Twitter user who went by the name "I am ISIS, come and block me." The
account was soon suspended. Another, called "The Lone Wolves," tweeted with the Arabic hashtag #ExplosionManhattanNewYork
"Oh God burn America, take revenge in the name of your oppressed slaves and believers' blood."
duty metal dumpster destroyed by Manhattan bomb saved lives says the owner. The owner of the dumpster which was
crumpled from the force of a bomb which detonated inside it on a New York street on Saturday night told DailyMail.com that he
believes the sturdy nature of the steel container probably saved many lives. Some 29 people were injured in the blast
from an explosive device which happened at 8.30pm on West 23rd Street in the Chelsea neighborhood, outside a hotel, The
Townhouse Inn of Chelsea, and residential center for the blind, Visions at Selis Manor.
Police Found Second Bomb, and a 'Total Containment Vessel' Hauled It Away. After the explosion on West 23rd
Street on Saturday night, the police did what they typically do when they suspect a bomb has gone off. They spread out
and began looking for unexploded bombs — what those on the New York Police Department's bomb squad call
"secondaries." Officers began searching block by block, going as far south as 14th Street and as far north as 34th
Street. A few hours into the effort, two state troopers participating in the search found what appeared to be one, on
West 27th Street, about four blocks above the explosion. On the sidewalk on the north side of the street, there was a
pressure cooker with a cellphone attached to it, law enforcement officials said. A photograph of the device shared on
social media shows the cookware, with wires and the cellphone. The authorities confirmed that the photo was authentic.
live bomb' found at Elizabeth train station, mayor says. An improvised explosive device in a backpack detonated
near the Elizabeth train station early Monday as authorities were using a bomb robot to examine the item, officials
said. The blast occurred around 12:40 a.m. near Morris Avenue and Julian Place. The explosion was not a
controlled blast, but happened unintentionally as the robot was cutting the device, according to Mayor Christian
Bollwage. No one was injured in the blast, Bollwage said.
FBI detains
5 in connection to Chelsea bombing. FBI agents arrested five men who may be connected to Saturday's bombing in
Chelsea after stopping their car in Brooklyn, sources said. The men were heading over the Verrazano Bridge from Staten
Island when they were stopped Sunday night [9/18/2016]. Sources said the FBI suspected the men may have had a role in
the bombing and were questioning them at the FBI headquarters in Manhattan.
Possible Explosive Devices Recovered, 1 Detonated in Elizabeth, NJ. FBI agents surrounded a house in Elizabeth,
New Jersey early Monday after a backpack was discovered the previous night with five possible explosive devices in the same
town. Earlier Monday, just after midnight, an explosive device detonated during a police attempt to disarm it after a
bomb squad was called in, in the third New York City area incident involving what appear to be improvised bombs.
cooker used in New York explosion' has eerie echo to Boston Marathon bombings. The explosion that injured at least
29 people in Manhattan has brought to mind eerie reminders of the Boston Marathon terrorist attacks of 2013. Mayor Bill
de Blasio has said the blast that ripped the affluent Chelsea neighborhood on Saturday night was 'an intentional act' —
but has denied any links to terrorism. Yet explosives experts have pointed out similarities with the Boston Marathon bombings
of 2013 — specifically the type of device used, pressure cookers.
least 29 people injured after 'intentional' explosion in New York City, officials say. Dozens of people were
injured Saturday night in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan in an intentional bombing apparently caused by an improvised
explosive device, authorities said. Twenty-nine people suffered non-life-threatening injuries in the blast, which
occurred on the street, according to the New York Police Department. Authorities confirmed that all 29 victims
had been treated and released from hospitals Sunday morning.
We had
a lot of "coincidental" attacks on September 17th. Let's just get it out of the way and say it: Saturday,
September 17th, 2016 was a bad day. While nobody in the media seems to want to jump in and "hastily" talk about
terrorism, there were a few too many coincidences yesterday to be ignored in terms of public acts of violence. The big
headline, of course, was the Saturday night bombing in the Chlesea neighborhood of New York City.
York mayor de Blasio under fire for saying there's 'no evidence of a terror connection' in Manhattan blast. New
York Mayor Bill de Blasio has been criticized by some for saying there is no link between Saturday night's explosions and
terrorism — despite admitting it was an intentional act. The mayor spoke at a news conference at around 11:30 p.m.
local time, just three hours after a blast on West 23rd Street left 29 people injured, one of them critically.
'Tonight New York City experienced a very serious incident,' de Blasio said. When pressed by reporters if the blast was the
result of terrorism, the mayor said it was premature to say.
injuries after pipe bomb explodes before Marine charity run in New Jersey. Authorities evacuated dozens of
homes for hours after a pipe bomb exploded in a Jersey Shore town Saturday morning [9/17/2016] where thousands of people were
about to participate in a charity 5K race to benefit Marines and sailors. Investigators said they would not rule out
terrorism as a possible cause. No injuries were reported in the blast in Seaside Park around 9:30 a.m., officials
said. The third annual "Semper Five" run was canceled. The pipe bomb was in a plastic garbage can when it exploded.
in New York City believed to be 'intentional,' mayor says; 29 injured. An explosion that injured at least 29
people in New York City late Saturday [9/17/2016] appeared to be "an intentional act," Mayor Bill de Blasio said, as sources
told Fox News a second device — a pressure cooker — was found four blocks away. De Blasio
said the explosion had no known connection to terrorism and wasn't related to a pipe bomb explosion at a charity run in New
Jersey earlier Saturday.
The Editor says...
This is a new twist in the reflexive denial blurted out by public officials after every obvious terrorist attack: The "explosion
had no known connection to terrorism." The connections will be made later, of course. Even so, what would be the
purpose of setting off an explosion in a big city full of tourists on Saturday night, if it were not an act of terrorism?
Blast That Injured 29 Does Not Appear to Be International Terrorism. A bomb that injured 29 people on Saturday
in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, and another that failed to detonate, were filled with shrapnel and made with pressure
cookers, flip phones and Christmas lights to set off a powerful explosive compound, law enforcement officials said on Sunday
[9/18/2016]. Both bombs appeared designed to create maximum chaos and fatalities. They also provided a trove of clues.
New York City
September 15, 2016
who slashed NYPD cop faced deportation; wrote of martyrdom, wife approved. Just days before this weekend's
Islamic terror attacks in New York City, New Jersey and Minnesota, a Palestinian Muslim facing deportation attacked an NYPD
cop with a meat cleaver in broad daylight. Law enforcement and the media claimed he was just a crazy man. The
facts, once again, prove otherwise.
Violent Attacks: Connect the Dots. In New York, a Palestinian named Akram Joudeh was picked up two months
ago while screaming "Allahu akbar" outside a Brooklyn synagogue. He was ordered deported, and was in Midtown on
Thursday appealing his deportation notice when he started attacking bystanders with a meat cleaver. An off-duty NYPD
officer confronted Joudeh and was slashed down the side of his face, requiring 70 stitches. Police shot Joudeh
when he refused to drop the meat cleaver.
York: Cleaver-Attacking Palestinian Muslim Was Slated for Deportation. On Thursday [9/15/2016], Palestinian Akram
Joudeh slashed an off-duty cop with cleaver after the foreigner was confronted for trying to remove a boot from his parked car.
The officer, NYPD Detective Brian O'Donnell, was slashed across his face by the cleaver which Joudeh had tucked in his waistband (!),
and the perp was shot by other police in the following confrontation. Fortunately Detective O'Donnell was released from the
hospital on Friday, so that's good news.
shot and left in critical condition near Macy's 'for attacking New York cop with a meat cleaver'. The man who
allegedly hit an off-duty NYPD detective in the head with an 11-inch meat cleaver during a dramatic Midtown Manhattan
confrontation has been identified as Akram Joudeh, 32, formerly of Qeens. Joudeh was shot multiple times on West 32
Street, near Penn Station, by several officers at around 5pm Wednesday after a dramatic chase that culminated in three
officers being injured, cops said. The detective suffered a six-inch gash from his temple to his jaw, while Joudeh was
left in hospital in critical but stable condition.
cops shoot man who struck officer with butcher knife in Midtown. A madman with a meat cleaver, upset over his
car getting booted, was shot by cops in Midtown on Thursday after he sliced an off-duty NYPD detective in the head during a
chaotic confrontation. The mayhem began less than a block from Penn Station during the height of rush hour after Akram
Joudeh went into a blind rage when his illegally parked Nissan Sentra was slapped with a wheel lock, cops said. It
ended with Detective Brian O'Donnell recovering from a 6-inch gash that runs from his temple to his jaw and his attacker in
critical condition.
diverts to Nashville after man allegedly shouts in Arabic, breaks door. A man is in jail after a United
Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing in Nashville Monday night [9/5/2016]. According to an affidavit,
United Express flight 3550 was scheduled to fly from Cincinnati to Houston but made an emergency landing in Nashville after
a man, identified as Mohammed Nasser Aldoseri, broke out of the plane's bathroom door and spoke very loudly in Arabic.
The affidavit goes on to say the suspect's actions "caused extreme concern for passengers and the flight crew."
September 4, 2016
packed with explosive gas cylinders is found outside Paris's Notre Dame cathedral as police arrest 'radicalised' vehicle
owner. The 'radicalised' owner of a car found packed with gas cylinders close to Notre Dame cathedral has been
arrested, police have revealed. The vehicle, a Peugeot 607 without a licence plate, was found with its hazard lights
flashing close to the landmark building in the heart of the French capital. Documents with writing in Arabic were also
found in the car. Police say the car's owner, who is now in custody, is on an intelligence services watchlist of people
suspected of religious radicalisation.
Urges France To "Embrace Islam" Hours Before "Radicalized Fanatics" Are Arrested In Latest Terror Plot. Earlier
today, the French interior ministry announced that three women arrested in connection with a car loaded with gas cylinders
found near Notre Dame cathedral had been planning an attack on a Paris railway station. [...] According to NBC, the French
official said the youngest of the three women, a 19-year-old whose father was the owner of the car, had written a letter
pledging allegiance to ISIS. Sunday's discovery of the Peugeot 607 laden with seven gas cylinders triggered a terrorism
investigation and revived fears about further attacks in a country where Islamist militants have killed more than 230 people
since January 2015. Furthermore, one of the women stabbed a police officer during her arrest before being shot and wounded,
Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said late on Thursday [9/8/2016]. "These three women — aged 39, 23 and
19 — had been radicalized, were fanatics and were in all likelihood preparing an imminent, violent act," Cazeneuve
said in a televised statement.
Home Hill, Australia
August 23, 2016
woman stabbed to death by French man 'chanting Allahu Akbar' in hostel. The victim has been named locally as
Mia Ayliffe-chung. [...] Mia was killed at the Home Hill Hostel, north Queensland, Australia, on Tuesday night [8/23/2016]
in front of 30 horrified onlookers. A 30-year-old British man has been left fighting for his life in hospital while a dog
was also stabbed to death, according to Australian media. A local man, 46, was also taken to hospital with a stab wound to
the leg but he has now been released.
man allegedly shouted 'Allahu Akbar' in fatal stabbing of British woman at Australian hostel. A French man
allegedly cried "Allahu Akbar" during a stabbing attack that left a 21-year-old British woman dead in front of up to 30
onlookers at a backpackers hostel in Australia's north-east. The 29-year-old suspect allegedly repeated the
phrase — which means God is greatest in Arabic — when arrested by Queensland police who were
"confronted with a terrible scene" at the hostel in Home Hill — about 100km south of Townsville —
on Tuesday night.
Roanoke, Virginia
August 20, 2016
Roanoke County stabbing suspect yelled "Allah Akbar" during attack. The FBI is now involved in a stabbing
investigation in Roanoke County. Wasil Farooqui is charged in the incident that seriously hurt a man and woman at the
The Pines Apartments on Saturday [8/20/2016]. Witnesses told police that during the attack Farooqui was yelling "Allah
Akbar." He remains in jail tonight without bond.
investigating whether Virginia stabbings were ISIS-inspired. Federal authorities are investigating a weekend
stabbing in Virginia to see whether the attacker may have been trying to behead a victim and whether the attack was inspired
by the Islamic State terror group. Wasil Farooqui, 20, was charged with two counts of aggravated malicious wounding in
the stabbing attack Saturday [8/20/2016] that left two people wounded. The FBI confirmed to Fox News it is investigating the
dual stabbing alongside the Roanoke County Police Department. A source familiar with the case also told Fox News the FBI is
investigating the attack as a possible terrorism-related incident.
Investigating Possible ISIS-Inspired Knife Attack in Virginia. The FBI has launched a federal terrorism
investigation into a weekend stabbing in Roanoke, Virginia, looking at whether the attacker may have been trying to behead
his victim in an alleged ISIS-inspired assault, sources told ABC News. Federal authorities have been aware of the
alleged attacker, 20-year-old Wasil Farooqui of the Roanoke area, for some time, sources familiar with the case told ABC
News. In the past year, sources said, he traveled to Turkey and may have tried to sneak into Syria, where ISIS is
recruiting and inspiring sympathizers from around the world.
St. Gallen, Switzerland
August 13, 2016
saw a woman burning from head to toe. There was blood everywhere'. A witness who saw the Swiss train
killer stab passengers before setting one woman alight has described how there was 'blood everywhere.' Swiss police
confirmed that the attacker, 27, identified as Simon S, and one of this female victims, 34 succumbed to their injuries after
the incident in the train carriage in the eastern canton of Saint Gallen. The attack came as the man set the carriage
on fire and stabbed at passengers, including a six-year-old child, leaving four people in hospital.
train attacker in Switzerland described as crime of passions. After a Muslim burned and stabbed at least seven
people on a Swiss train, the Swiss have already begun doing damage control, refusing to classify this incident as
terrorism. Isn't they've invented a new, PC word for the attack, a crime of passions. Wonder how long it is
before leftists in this country demand Muslim terrorist attacks be described as crime of passions rather than actual
terrorist attack.
people injured in attack on Swiss train. Seven people have suffered burn and knife wounds in an attack on a Swiss
train, according to St Gallen police. The suspected attacker, described as a 27-year-old Swiss man, reportedly set fire to
a train in northeastern Switzerland after igniting a flammable liquid.
Woman, attacker killed after fire, stabbing on Swiss
train. Police are still searching for a motive but said there's no indication the suspect, identified only as a 27-year-old Swiss man from a
neighboring region, had ties to extremist groups.
The Editor says...
Random attacks on train passengers don't happen — except when the attacker is a Muslim. The article above goes on to remind us that
the same thing happened on another train last month.
Charleroi, Belgium
August 6, 2016
Belgian police attacker shot and killed
in Charleroi. A man shot by police after he attacked two officers with a machete in the Belgian city of
Charleroi has died. The women officers' injuries are not life-threatening. The assailant is said to have shouted
"Allahu Akbar" ("God is greatest" in Arabic) during the assault outside the city's main police station. Belgian Prime
Minister Charles Michel told broadcaster RTL by phone: "Initial indications very clearly point towards terrorism."
man yelling in Arabic wounds two Belgian police officers. A machete-wielding man man yelling "Allahu Akbar!"
(God is greatest) injured two female police officers before being shot outside the main police station in the southern
Belgian city of Charleroi on Saturday, police in the city said. The attacker, who was shot by a third officer,
subsequently died of his wounds, but the police officers were out of danger, they added.
PM calls machete attack on cops a likely act of terrorism. Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said Saturday [8/6/2016]
that "preliminary indications" suggest an attack by a machete-wielding man on two police officers in Charleroi was an act of terrorism.
The attacker was shot and killed by police after striking two female offices with the large knife while shouting "Allahu Akhbar (God is
great)," according to police spokesman David Quinaux, Belgian public broadcaster RTBF reported. One officer received deep cuts to
the face, but both were out of danger, Charleroi police said on Twitter.
knifeman shouting 'Allahu Akbar' stabs two Belgian policewomen in street rampage. A machete-wielding attacker
who shouted 'Allahu Akbar' before injuring two policewomen has died after being shot by a third officer. The man, who
was armed with the knife, stabbed the two officers outside the police station in the Belgian city of Charleroi —
38 miles south of the capital Brussels. They were injured during the attack and one of the female officers suffered
significant 'wounds to the face', according to reports.
Belgian police hurt by machete-wielding assailant shouting 'Allahu akbar'. A machete-wielding man shouting
"Allahu akbar" (God is the greatest) wounded two policewomen in southern Belgium on Saturday [8/6/2016] before being shot dead, in what
appeared to be the latest in a string of jihadist attacks in Europe. The attack outside the main police station in the city of
Charleroi, around 60 kilometres (40 miles) south of Brussels, left one of the policewomen with "deep wounds to the
face" while the other was slightly injured, Belga news agency said.
August 3, 2016
Somali who stabbed six, killed American, is a devout Muslim, read jihad books. Zak [Zakaria] Bulhan launched a
six minute rampage on Wednesday night [8/3/2016] which left five people injured and the wife of an American professor dead in the
Russell Square area of the capital. After initially circulating reports that a "white chubby man" was responsible for the
attack, the media subsequently reported that Bulhan, an immigrant of Somali origin, was the culprit, yet press outlets still
bizarrely insisted on calling him "Norwegian". Within hours of the stabbings, authorities signaled that "mental health"
problems and not terrorism was the main motivation behind the attack, an obvious attempt to calm fears that Islamic terrorism
had once again struck Europe after a series of bloody incidents in France and Germany. However, it has since emerged that
Bulhan could easily have been inspired by ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammed al Adnani's call for would-be jihadists to launch stabbing
attacks against western "disbelievers". According to Bulhan's former school friend Rakesh Naidu, the killer "was a devout
Muslim and he would passionately defend it."
London knifeman was "devout Muslim"; neighbor
says had no mental problems. Immediately after the attack happened, British authorities said that the attacker
had serious mental health issues and no link to terrorism. Now his neighbor has come forward and revealed that he had
no mental health issues but a big interest in the Islamic State (ISIS). The British (and U.S.) authorities try to obscure the
motivating ideology of jihad terrorists every time there is a jihad attack. They are doing everything they can to keep their
people from getting the idea that there is a jihad threat at all. This is a grave disservice to Britons and Americans, and
the ignorance and complacency this strategy fosters endanger us all.
in London knife attack whom police said was just mentally ill 'recommended Jihad terror books'. The British
authorities have said Zakaria Bulhan — the 19-year-old Norwegian man of Somali descent arrested on suspicion of
murdering American tourist Darlene Horton in London on Wednesday night [8/3/2016] and stabbing five others — does not
necessarily have any links to Islamic terrorism. However, Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same
name — Zakaria Bulhan — has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal
account on the Good Reads website since 2014.
Woman Killed in London Knife Attack: Cops. An American woman was killed and five other people injured in
a stabbing attack on the streets of the British capital, police said Thursday [8/4/2016]. A 19-year-old of Somali ancestry
was arrested on suspicion of murder after the incident in Russell Square, a busy area near the British Museum. Another
American citizen was among the injured — along with Australian, Israeli and British nationals, according to London's
Metropolitan Police.
Square stabbing attack 'not terror related', say police after interviewing Norwegian suspect. A Norwegian man
was being held in custody on Thursday [8/4/2016] on suspicion of murdering an American woman in a "random" stabbing rampage
in central London. Investigators say the 19-year-old suspect, who is of Somali origin and moved to the UK aged five, is
mentally ill and has no known links to terror groups or radicalisation. Witnesses described their horror as a knife-wielding
man launched his attack on passers-by in Russell Square, stabbing anyone he could reach late on Wednesday evening.
Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France
July 26, 2016
security services warn attack on UK is 'very likely' as churches on terror alert after Normandy priest murder.
A terrorist attack in the UK is "highly likely" following attacks in other parts of Europe, a five-judge tribunal has heard,
as churches in Britain are told to tighten security after the murder of an 85-year-old priest in Normandy. The
heightened state of security comes as images threatening attacks in London and other major world capitals were reportedly
posted on Telegram, a messaging app used by jihadis.
teen who killed priest passed background check for airport job. A French Islamic State fanatic who ended up
murdering a Catholic priest "easily" passed a police investigation to become an airport baggage handler, it was revealed
today [7/29/2016]. Abdelmalik Petitjean and Adel Kermiche, both 19, were on terrorist watchlists when they slit Father
Jacques Hamel's throat in Normandy on Tuesday. Now it has emerged that Petitjean worked full-time at Chambery airport
in the Savoie region, which is used by more than 250,000 passengers a year including many Britons, until just three months
ago. He started as a porter there in December after completing his baccalaureate at the Marlioz high school in nearby
Aix-les-Bains, where he lived.
was warned about terrorist who killed priest in church attack. French authorities were warned that one of the
ISIS jihadists who slit the throat of a Catholic priest was likely going to carry out a terrorist attack, it was revealed
Thursday [7/28/2016]. Police across the European nation received a photograph of an unidentified man believed to be Abdel
Malik Petitjean, 19, four days before the savage attack inside a church in Normandy. The picture was accompanied by a
message warning that the person in the photo "could be ready to participate in an attack on national territory," a French
prosecutor announced Thursday.
have to fight this war' Hollande takes immediate action in Normandy (take notice Merkel). Francois Hollande has
arrived at a Normandy church just an hour after it was targeted by Islamist terrorists — in stark contrast to Chancellor
Angela Merkel who took more than a day to even speak about four horror attacks in Germany. The French president visited
the scene in the town of Saint Etienne du Rouvray after two attackers, allegedly shouting "Allah Akbar", stormed a church and
took hostages at around 10am local time. Speaking at the scene, the president said France was "at war" with the
barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) and slammed what he described as a "vile terrorist attack".
did no one act? Normandy Catholic church was on ISIS terror 'hit list' found last year. The church
Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray was one of a number of Catholic churches on a terrorist "hit list" found on a suspected ISIS
terrorist, raising questions as to whether it had heightened security. The church in Normandy was the scene of a
shocking attack this morning where a priest was murdered by two knifemen shouting "Allah Akbar". The information about
it being on a hit list was discovered on Sid Ahmed Ghlam, 24, who was arrested last April.
France: Police arrest 1 in connection
with priest's beheading. French police have arrested one person in connection with the beheading of a priest at
a church in Normandy, northern France, a "source close to the inquiry" told Reuters. The source reported on condition
of anonymity, as they were not authorized to comment on the case. No further details as to the identity of the suspect
were revealed.84-year-old priest Jacques Hamel was murdered in the attack by two Muslim terrorists, and another person was
critically wounded, before the assailants were shot dead by police.
priest, 86, is 'beheaded' by two ISIS knifemen shouting 'Allahu Akbar' after they took nuns and worshippers hostage at French
church. Two ISIS knifemen who stormed a church in Normandy forced an elderly priest to kneel before filming
themselves butchering him and performing a 'sermon in Arabic' at the altar, a terrified witness has revealed. The
attackers, claimed as 'soldiers' by ISIS, were both known to French police before they cut the throat of 84-year-old priest
Jacques Hamel at the church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray near Rouen. Both were shot dead by police marksmen as they
emerged from the building shouting 'Allahu Akbar' following the attack that also left a nun critically injured.
church terror: ISIS knifemen made priest, 84, kneel as they slit his throat. A priest had his throat slit and
several others were taken hostage after armed men stormed a church in Normandy during morning mass today [7/26/2016], as
President Francois Hollande said ISIS had declared war on France. The hostage, said to be 84-year-old Father Jacques
Hamel, was killed by the attackers, who stormed a church in the town of Saint Etienne du Rouvray at around 10am local
time. The knifemen slit his throat after they entered the church by the back door shouting "Allah Akbar", according to
local media. One of the attackers was tonight named as Adel Kermich. The victim was filmed as he was forced to
kneel before the sadistic killers knifed him in the throat, one of the nuns has said.
Hollande: Deadly
church attack in France carried out in name of ISIS. A deadly hostage-taking at a Catholic church in Normandy,
in which a priest was killed and another person seriously wounded, was a terror attack committed in the name of ISIS, French
President Francois Hollande has said. Speaking to journalists in the northern French town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray,
where two men took five people hostage during morning Mass Tuesday, Hollande said the attack was a "cowardly assassination"
carried out by "by two terrorists in the name of Daesh" — another name for ISIS.
Islamic State's first act of war on European Christianity. Regardless of whether Tuesday's attack was the work of Islamic State or
whether it was merely inspired by the jihadi rhetoric emanating from the so-called caliphate, its symbolism is hard to ignore. Previous
attacks in France perpetrated by Islamic State and in its name have been against freedom of speech (Charlie Hebdo), Western liberalism (the
Bataclan theater), the ideals of the French Revolution, which stand at the heart of Western thought (the Bastille Day truck attack in Nice)
and against Jews (Hyper Cacher).
House Stresses 'Religious Liberty' Commitment After Normandy Attack, Doesn't Mention ISIS. The two terrorists, one who tried to go
fight in Syria after the Charlie Hebdo attack but was stopped and briefly imprisoned, were shot dead by police. Another man suspected to
have a connection to the attack was arrested. ISIS' Amaq news agency quickly claimed responsibility for the attack: "The two executors
of the attack on a church in Normandy, France, were soldiers of the Islamic State. They executed the operations in response to calls to target
countries belonging to the crusader coalition."
Beheads 86-Year-Old Priest in France. Democrats Mention ISIS ZERO Times At DNC. That's right —
61 speakers, zero mentions of ISIS. But the Democrats did find time to put an illegal immigrant on stage, as well as an
irritating comedic actress who uses her spare time auctioning sanitary napkins. They found time to take down "offensive"
Mississippi state flags and wave Palestinian ones on the floor of the convention. They found time for another actress who
claimed that the "border crossed" her family, and a video from J.J. Abrams about that Queen of Mystery and Light, Hillary
Clinton. The Democrats know their priorities. And defeating ISIS isn't one of them.
Jihadist Mosque Next Door to Beheaded Priest's Church. The more details that emerge surrounding the gruesome
lethal attack on a priest in northern France Tuesday [7/26/2016], the more it appears that the attack could have been
foreseen and perhaps prevented. On Tuesday morning, two jihadists associated with the Islamic State entered the parish
church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray in Normandy while 84-year-old Father Jacques Hamel was celebrating Mass in the company of
several members of the parish. The assailants seized Father Hamel and slit his throat before taking the other members
of the congregation as hostages.
Ansbach, Germany
July 23, 2016
Germany: Syrian suicide bomber
in 'chat' directly before attack. A Syrian with suspected links to the Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS) who
blew himself up outside a German music festival in Ansbach, Bavaria, was in contact with another person "who influenced the
attack" immediately beforehand, authorities said Wednesday [7/27/2016]. The 27-year-old failed asylum-seeker, who
wounded 15 people at a nearby cafe late Sunday [7/24/2016] when he was refused access to the festival venue, had been
speaking to an unknown person in an "intensive" online chat, Bavaria state interior minister Joachim Herrmann said.
"Apparently he had direct contact with someone who had significant influence on the way the attack played out," Herrmann was
quoted by DPA news agency as saying on the sidelines of a state government meeting.
attacker dies in 'deliberate' explosion at a restaurant near Nuremberg. The 27-year-old, named locally as
Mohammad Daleel, injured 12 people outside a packed wine bar in Ansbach, near Nuremberg at 10pm last night after being turned
away from an open-air music festival filled with 2,500 people because he didn't have a ticket. Instead he walked to a
bar in the centre of Ansbach, a town of 40,000 that is also home to a US Army base, and detonated a DIY bomb filled with metal
shavings and screws. It was the fourth violent attack on members of the public in Germany in less than a week and authorities
have now ordered increased security at airports and train stations.
The Editor says...
Really? He was snubbed at a music festival, so he went home (or somewhere), picked up his suicide bomb, and went
back to use it? Or did he hastily assemble it from materials he found around the house? Hard to believe.
It would be far easier to believe he was an easily-offended Muslim who didn't
like the idea of infidel revelers having fun at a music festival involving alcohol and unescorted ladies. He probably spent
all day assembling his bomb.
Ansbach explosion: Syrian asylum seeker
blows himself up in Germany. A failed Syrian asylum seeker has blown himself up and injured 15 other people
with a backpack bomb near a festival in the south German town of Ansbach. The 27-year-old man, who faced deportation to
Bulgaria, detonated the device after being refused entry to the music festival, Bavarian officials say. About 2,500
people were evacuated from the venue after the explosion. It is the third violent attack in Bavaria in a week.
The state's premier described it as "days of horror".
Suicide bomb hits Ansbach,
Germany in latest violent attack. The Syrian suicide bomber who injured 15 people in a Sunday night attack on a
music festival in Ansbach, Germany, left behind a video pledging allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Bavarian
Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said Monday [7/25/2016]. The ISIS-affiliated media group Amaq also claimed the
attacker was an ISIS "soldier" in a statement the group's supporters posted online Monday, but there is no evidence
he was in contact with ISIS or directed to carry out an attack.
Update: 'Balcony
Man' Who Stood Up to Munich Shooter To Face Prosecution for Insulting the Dead. The Munich resident who hurled
insults at shooter Ali David Sonboly as he was carrying out an attack on a shopping mall has been accused of libel, the
Munich prosecutor has announced. Thomas Salbey became an internet sensation after footage of him hurling abuse at
Sonboly, from the balcony of his fifth floor apartment was posted on Twitter. But while many praised Mr. Salbey
for standing up to the gunman — who aimed shots in his direction — Florian Weinzierl, a spokesman for
the Munich prosecutor, has confirmed that Mr. Salbey is to be charged with libel for his comments. It is not known
who reported Mr. Salbey to the authorities.
Scrubs 'Ali' From Munich Killer's Name On TV, In Articles, and On Social Media. The BBC has unilaterally chosen
not to report the Munich attacker's full name, in what appears to be an attempt to scrub any Muslim or Islamic heritage link
to its coverage of the incident. Most sources at this point suggest that Ali David Sonboly — the Munich
attacker who targeted children and killed nine yesterday — is not connected to radical Islam, but the BBC has gone
to extraordinary lengths to try to keep any reference to his heritage out of its coverage, opting to name him only as "David
Sonboly". Other news organisations including the Wall Street Journal, Independent, Daily Mail, and Sky News named the
attacker as "Ali David Sonboly" or "David Ali Sonboly". CNN even referred to him simply as "Ali Sonboly".
Dead In Shooting At Munich Shopping Mall. The teenager who opened fire at a shopping center in Munich killing
nine people Friday had planned the attack for over a year, German authorities said Sunday [7/24/2016]. The 18-year-old
German-Iranian gunman, not officially identified but named by local media as David Ali Sonboly, killed himself after the
attack Friday, which also left 35 people injured, including 10 seriously and four critically.
Shooter Identified as Ali Sonboly — Media Cultural Marxists Jump Into Action. The Munich shooter has
been identified as Ali Sonboly, an 18-year-old German with Iranian citizenship. The 18-year-old German/Iranian opened
fire in a crowded Munich shopping mall and a nearby McDonald's, killing nine people and wounding 16 others before killing
himself. However, as many are noting, the EU liberal media are trying to disconnect any reference to Islam despite the
eye-witness claims.
youth arrested over possible role in Munich shooting: police. German police arrested a 16-year-old Afghan youth
on Sunday [7/24/2016] on suspicion of a connection to the killing of nine people by an 18-year-old gunman in Munich,
authorities said. The youth was under investigation for possibly having failed to report the plans of the gunman, who
later shot himself, a police statement said.
Shooting: 9 dead and 20 critical after attack on shopping centre — 3 gunmen on run. Munich is in the grip of a
co-ordinated terror attack as armed officers storm the city in search of three gunmen. Federal police have said at
least nine people are dead and 20 critical after the horror shooting which has prompted the city to declare a state of
emergency. Police have said one of the dead may be the shooter.
Second shooting
at Munich metro station after multiple dead at shopping centre. A second shooting was reported in Munich just
moments after at least nine people were killed and 20 injured in a nearby shopping centre. Reports revealed a gunman
opened fire at the Karlsplatz U-bahn metro station in Stachus Square, Munich's main square just three miles away from the
Munich Olympia centre where the first incident happened. People in the square were seen running away from a building
which looked like a church. Authorities blocked off the Hotel Stachus and a heavy police presence surrounded the hotel
where terrified travellers were holed up.
dead' and 10 injured in shooting rampage inside a Munich shopping centre as police hunt gunman. A gunman shouting 'Allahu Akbar' opened fire
at children in McDonald's before rampaging through a shopping mall, killing at least eight people. Munich is in lockdown tonight, as a major police
operation is ongoing around the city's Olympic Park, with the force warning people to stay in their homes and avoid public spaces. A ninth body has
been found tonight [7/22/2016] and investigators are looking into the possibility of it being the attacker.
Munich shooting: Police say nine dead
as manhunt continues. German police are engaged in a huge anti-terror manhunt in the city of Munich after nine
people died in a shooting at a shopping centre. Police are investigating whether one of the bodies is that of a perpetrator.
At least 10 people have been wounded. Three armed attackers were earlier reported to be on the run. Police urged
people to avoid public places.
killer had planned his attack for a year, investigators reveal. German investigators looking into Friday's mass shooting in Munich revealed
on Sunday the gunman had spent more than a year preparing his attack. The 18-year-old shooter, identified only as David S., visited the site of
a previous school shooting in the German town of Winnenden and took photographs, Bavarian investigator Robert Heimberger said. [...] He also received
inpatient psychiatric treatment in 2015 for two months, spokesman for the Munich prosecutor's office Thomas Steinkraus-Koch told reporters. "The
suspect had fears of contact with others" and depression, the spokesman said. Steinkraus-Koch added there was no evidence of any political
motivation to the crime, nor that the shooter killed specific victims.
'Fixes' Munich Killer Article Following Breitbart Expose Of Muslim Name Cover Up. The British Broadcasting
Corporation (BBC) has corrected its coverage of Munich killer Ali David Sonbaly following a Breitbart London expose of how
the global media giant was attempting to hide the murderers Muslim name. Despite sources outwardly rejecting any link
to radical Islam, the BBC still felt it necessary, in isolation, to scrub any reference to the name "Ali" in the killer's
name. The organisation chose to report his name as "David Sonbaly" on social media, on broadcast TV, and in its online coverage.
Terror: Gunman shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as he shot Children in McDonald's. A witness has claimed she heard the gunman
who has killed at least nine in a shooting rampage in Munich shout "Allahu Akbar" during the attack. The shooting at a McDonald's
across from the Olympia shopping mall occurred about 5:50 p.m, police said. A Muslim woman, named by CNN as Loretta, told the
channel she heard the gunmen shout "Allahu Akbar" — meaning God is Greatest in Arabic — as they shot children.
Merkel backlash: Fury erupts at German leader amid Munich shooting rampage. German Chancellor Angela
Merkel faced a furious backlash yesterday as the city of Munich mourned its dead in the wake of the horrific shootings.
As the horrifying scenes from Germany's third largest city sparked outrage across the world many in German pinned the blame
directly on the country's leading politician and her open door policy on migrants. Mrs Merkel cut short a holiday in
the Alps to return to the country but she has still not addressed the nation about this latest terrifying attack.
Course: MSNBC Connects Munich Terror Attack Talk to GOP Convention. MSNBC on Friday [7/22/2016] used the
unfolding shooting spree in Munich to bash the Republican Party and connect the GOP convention to it. Regarding terror,
Daily Beast editor Christopher Dickey talked to Brian Williams and lectured, "What we're looking at now in Europe and, to
some extent, at the Republican convention and in the discourse in the United States, is a lot of talk about war as if we're
talking about a massive operation." Dickey insisted that the terror threat not be overstated: "Yet we're often
talking as if we're going to go to war with a billion Muslims. And I think we need to be very, very careful about
that. You are very careful. NBC is very careful."
of Islam shouting "Allahu Akbar" executed children in McDonald's. An Islamist shot up a shopping mall in
Munich, Germany, located just blocks from the site of the 1972 Olympic massacre. Which was conducted by other Islamists
in the name of their ideology. This was, of course, just after they started executing children in a McDonald's
fast-food restaurant, which was reminiscent of the Nice terror attack in which the truck Jihadist apparently targeted women
with strollers. And let me venture a guess: the latest little Jihadist massacre was conducted by — or
facilitated through — some of the million or so of Islamist "migrants" who German President Angela Merkel allowed
to flow unchecked into the country. So, by all means, let's follow through with Hillary Clinton's plan to import a
million more Islamist refugees.
Wuerzburg, Germany
July 14, 2016
Train Attack: Afghan 'refugee' shouted "Allahu Akbar," motives "completely unclear". Barely 4 days after the deadly attack in
Nice, France that killed 84 people and left more than 300 injured, Germany has been hit by a terrorist attack. A 17 year-old Afghan 'refugee'
went on a stabbing spree inside a commuter train near the southern German city of Würzburg. According to eyewitnesses, the attacker shouted
"Allahu Akbar" as he attacked passengers with knife and axe — critically injuring four people. The attacker was killed by Special Forces
just 500 meters from the crime scene, as he tried to flee.
am a Soldier of the Caliphate and I am Going to Carry Out a Suicide Attack in Germany["]. For a while it was
fashionable by experts to sneer at the inevitability that the "poor refugees" swarming Europe and the rest of the free world
included ISIS supporters. Surely such a thing was impossible. Even after Bataclan, they kept finding
excuses. But the latest axe attack in Germany by an ISIS refugee is the end of that road. The Muslim attacker was
of your classic "widow and orphan" flavor. He came as an unaccompanied minor. He was exactly the sort of migrant
that Merkel would cheerfully take selfies with. And then he began hacking away in a train car while shouting Allahu
Akbar. He had an ISIS flag in his room and ISIS took credit for his attack.
Muslim Migrant Screaming 'Allahu Akbar' Injures 21 with [an] Axe. The latest jihad attack in Germany reveals
how difficult it is becoming for the political and media elites to maintain their fantasy-based narrative in the face of
reality. An axe-wielding Muslim refugee from Afghanistan stormed a train, screamed "Allahu akbar" and began attacking
passengers. This happened, of course, as a result of policies that Angela Merkel aggressively pursued. And as she
did so, she must have known that this kind of thing would start happening. What else could she possibly have
expected? Those who called for Europe to take in as many Muslim migrants as possible may have foreseen this: after all,
they insisted that the refugees were not a danger, but were in danger. Only racist bigoted Islamophobes would dare
express any skepticism about the wisdom of admitting these refugees, we were told. To oppose the Muslim migrant influx
into Europe was evidence of a moral defect, we were told.
of Muslim Refugee Axe Attacker Shouting "Allah Akbar" Unclear. [Scroll down] Motive unclear. There are so many
reasons why a Muslim would attack non-Muslims with an axe while shouting a Jihadist battle cry that originated with the
Muslim genocide of non-Muslims. Maybe it was the lack of a job or a failure to integrate. Or it was
raining. The possibilities are endless. But we know it had nothing to do with Islam.
German train attack: IS releases video
of 'Afghan knifeman'. The so-called Islamic State has released a video purporting to show an Afghan asylum
seeker making threats before attacking a German train. The 17-year-old injured five people with an axe and knife, one
critically, in the attack in Wuerzburg on Monday evening. He was shot dead by police. In the video, a young man
brandishing a knife says he is an "IS soldier" preparing for a suicide mission. German officials say they later found a
hand-painted IS flag in his room. The teenager reportedly shouted the Islamic phrase "Allahu akbar" ("God is great")
during the attack.
train axe attack: Afghan teenage refugee shouting 'Allahu Akbar' goes on bloody rampage hacking
passengers. An axe-man who stormed a passenger train and hacked at terrified passengers while shouting "Allahu
Akbar" has been identified as a 17-year-old Afghan who entered Germany as a lone refugee. The attacker was identified
by stunned government officials after a huge investigation was launched just hours after the bloody attack exploded.
The horror began at around 9mpm local time when the teenager stormed a train that was travelling close to Wurzburg in
southern Germany.
child refugee shouting 'Allahu Akbar' attacks 19 in axe attack on train in Germany. An Afghan refugee has
injured at least 19 people with an axe as he shouted "Allahu Akbar" during a rampage on a train in Germany. The
17-year-old — who was an "unaccompanied minor refugee" according to the Bavarian Interior Minister was wiedling an
axe and knife as he boarded the train. Police found a hand painted copy of an Islamic State flag in the bedroom of the
foster home where the German train attacker lived. He had only been with the foster parents for a fortnight.
Jihadist Wounds 21 on German Train. Muslim immigration continues to prove to be very, shall we say, problematic
for Germany, which recently absorbed over a million "refugees" from Muslim countries. On Monday evening [7/18/2016] a
17-year-old Afghan refugee attacked passengers on a regional train near Würzburg, in southern Germany with an axe and a
knife, injuring 21 people, three critically. A passenger onboard the train pulled the emergency brake and the assailant
then fled, but was later tracked down by a special forces team and shot dead. Bavarian interior minister Joachim
Herrmann told Bavarian TV that the 17-year-old had arrived in Germany seeking asylum as an unaccompanied minor. "There
is a statement that, shortly before he was shot by the police, he shouted out an Islamic slogan," said Herrmann. Hmm,
an Islamic slogan? What might that be?
Germany axe attack: Assault on train in
Wuerzburg. A man armed with an axe injured four people on a train in southern Germany before being shot dead by
police, officials say. Three people were seriously hurt and one suffered minor injuries in the attack in Wuerzburg,
police said. Initial reports said up to 20 people had been injured but it was later revealed that at least
14 had been treated for shock. The identity of the attacker or the motive is not yet clear.
Nice, France
July 14, 2016
Nice attack: City refuses police call
to delete CCTV images. The local authorities in Nice have refused a request by French anti-terror police to
destroy CCTV images of last week's lorry attack. The Paris prosecutor's office said the request had been made to avoid
the "uncontrolled dissemination" of images. But officials in Nice have responded by filing a legal document, arguing
the footage could constitute evidence. It is the latest evidence of a growing dispute between the local and national
authorities in the wake of the attack.
Truck Driver Planned Attack a Year Ago, Had Accomplices. A truck driver who killed dozens on Bastille Day
revelers in Nice, France, had been planning the attack for months and had at least five accomplices, the Paris prosecutor
said Thursday [7/21/2016]. The suspected accomplices — four men and one woman — were in custody
in Nice, Francois Molins told a news conference, and were indicted Thursday on various terrorism charges. While none of
the accomplices was known to intelligence agents for ties to Islamic radicalism, one of them — identified as
Franco-Tunisian Ramzi A. — had been charged six times for other crimes, ranging from theft to violence.
The Nice Attacks A False Flag Or A Lone Nut? The recent truck attack in Nice, France was, from the outset,
exploited by national governments and reported in a schizophrenic manner that, on one hand, declared the attacker a "weird"
loner acting completely on his own by virtue of his many psychological problems while, on the other hand, a terrorist attack
aimed at the allegedly democratic institutions of France and the Western world. Among the reports surrounding the
attack, many alternative media outlets are suggesting that the attack was yet another false flag engineered or at least
facilitated by Western intelligence agencies for the purposes of propaganda, psychic driving, and the establishment of the
"new normal" of constant terror and fear. So which is it?
'truck crash' framing of France terror attack ignites Twitter mockery. An MSNBC tweet on late Thursday [7/14/2016] that framed
France's latest terror attack as a "truck crash" elicited a stinging response from readers. "Follow our live blog for the latest from
Nice after a truck crash leaves at least 70 dead," the network tweeted at 8:49 p.m. EST., well after even President Obama and
French President Francois Hollande called the event an act of terrorism. Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, 31, killed at least 84 people
during Bastille Day ceremonies by plowing a giant truck through crowds along the Promenade des Anglais.
The Media Covers Up Muslim And #Blacklivesmatter Terrorism. The propaganda, the artful selection and deselection of facts, have
become as familiar to us as they were to any of the residents of the Soviet Union or North Korea. Anyone who pays attention knows not
only that they are being lied to, but can easily predict the lies that they will be told on the evening news even before they actually hear
them being spoken out loud. We always knew that the Muslim terrorist, even before he was identified, would turn out to be a secular
loner who was depressed over his family life. All the media had to do with Mohammed Bouhlel, the Islamic terrorist who murdered
84 people in Nice, France was to replay the same exact narrative as the one that they had fed us with Omar Mateen, the Islamic terrorist
who murdered 49 people in Orlando. Irreligious, depressed loner with family problems. Check. No connection to Islamic
terrorism. Suggestion of mental illness. Check and check. Insistence on his lack of interest in religion? One final check.
Never Guess Who Reuters Blames for the Nice Terror Attacks: Yep, "Muslim Grievances". After the Nice,
France terror attack — where approximately 84 people were killed and hundreds injured — Western
"mainstream media" is again in full damage control trying to rescue "the narrative," namely, that Islam has nothing to do
with terrorism. [...] Consider: if Muslims are terrorizing France due to social and political "grievances," why are they also
terrorizing and slaughtering other non-Muslim minorities who have no political power to "aggrieve" anyone?
Did Unemployed France Terrorist Come Up With $142,000? Since the latest Muslim terrorists attack has pretty
much been swept away by other news, at least here in the states, it's curious to note that the piece of garbage killer sure
did have a lot of disposable cash for a guy who allegedly drove a truck for a living and had recently been fired.
Nice, France Grapples With How to Combat Terrorism. The Nice terror attack spurred finger pointing among
France's political elite about insufficient security during Bastille Day celebrations, as well as a sober acknowledgment that
the threat of radical Islamist terrorism has become a day-to-day reality for life in France. The terror attack that
killed 84 along the French Riviera on France's independence day, July 14, has challenged the political discourse in
France on how to combat terrorism.
explains Nice attack's real significance. I don't think I have ever recommended the same author as the read of
the day twice in a row. But yesterday Spengler brought a meaningful framework to Turkey's attempted coup, and today he
puts the Nice massacre in perspective, making absolute sense by looking at important factors other observers ignore.
Writing in Asia Times as David P. Goldman, he deduces that Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a known criminal, was allowed
to stay in France because he was a snitch for the police. [...] It makes sense. You have to know something about the Muslim
community and about the way police agencies really work to infer this.
Read the Non-Islamic Islamic
Magazine Article Describing How to Conduct a Nice-Style Truck Terror Attack. The entire October 2010 issue of Inspire —
the English-language journal of Islamonazism — is worth reading. It provides an excellent primer on the religious-slash-political-slash-military
ideology that has (according to the Democrat Party) nothing at all do with religion. Clerics of all stripes opine on the use of terror to accomplish world
domination. Religious authorities describe the rationale for killing non-believers. And so on. The article describing how to conduct a
Nice-style terror attack is excerpted below. Entitled "The Ultimate Mowing Machine", it pretty much fits in well with the other instructional material in
the magazine. Which is to say, another yet creative way to kill innocent children, women, and men, in the most painful and vicious ways imaginable.
terror attack: 'soldier of Islam' Bouhlel 'took drugs and used dating sites to pick up men and women'. The
Bastille Day killer described by Isil as a "soldier of Islam" regularly used dating sites to pick up male and female lovers,
it was claimed on Sunday night [7/17/2016]. Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel's mobile phone records suggest he used dating
websites and dabbled with drugs and drink, French media reported. The handset was picked up by police officers after
they shot him dead last Thursday in a lorry that he had used to kill 84 people on the Promenade des Anglais, in the French
city of Nice.
suspects arrested in connection with truck attack in Nice. French authorities on Sunday arrested two more
suspects potentially linked to the man who rammed a truck into crowds, killing 84 people in this French Riviera city, as
investigators sought to determine his path to radicalization and whether he acted alone. [...] Seven people have been
detained in connection with the Thursday attack, including Bouhlel's ex-wife, but she was reportedly released from custody
Sunday morning, according to authorities speaking to local media.
Attacker in Nice was 'radicalized rapidly,'
French interior minister says. The man who used a 20-ton truck to plow down hundreds of people in Nice this week, killing 84,
somehow became rapidly radicalized and hadn't shown up on any anti-terrorist intelligence radar, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said
Saturday [7/16/2016]. The minister said Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, 31, had had no record of making militant statements and was not known
to the intelligence services. It seems he became radicalized very quickly," Cazeneuve said, without offering specifics.
So much for being a "lone wolf." Attack on Nice: Five held by French police.
Five people believed to be linked to the man who killed 84 people in Nice are in police custody, the Paris prosecutor's
office says. Three arrests were made on Saturday and two on Friday, including the man's estranged wife, Le Monde
reported. Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel drove a lorry into crowds marking Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais on
Thursday before he was shot dead by police. So-called Islamic State claimed one of its followers carried out the attack.
has found no evidence that Orlando shooter targeted Pulse because it was a gay club. The FBI has found no
evidence so far that Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people and wounded more than 53 at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, chose the
popular establishment because of its gay clientele, U.S law enforcement officials said. "While there can be no denying
the significant impact on the gay community, the investigation hasn't revealed that he targeted Pulse because it was a gay
club," a U.S. law enforcement official said.
has 7th terrorist attack in 18 months, media blames the truck. A radical jihadist from Tunisia drove a truck
into a crowd of people in the southern French city of Nice where people were celebrating Bastille Day, the French equivalent
of the Fourth of July, killing 84 and wounding more than 100. The American media's knee jerk reaction was to blame the
truck. France has become ground zero in the war on terror after radical jihadists attacked the European nation for the
seventh time in 18 months on Thursday.
As if he really means it: Obama
vows to 'destroy' ISIS after Bastille Day attack. President Obama pledged to "destroy" ISIS following the
heinous terror attack at a Bastille Day celebration in France — and used remarks to diplomats at the White House
to defend his own legacy. "We cannot give in to fear or turn on each other or sacrifice our way of life. We
cannot let ourselves be divided by religion, because that's exactly what the terrorists want," Obama said, pledging to be
"vigilant" in defending security and liberty. Obama urged the gathered diplomatic corps "to step back and reflect on
what we are doing to eliminate this kind of chronic violence." But sensing the end of his presidency, Obama pivoted to
focus on legacy items he wants to be remembered by and not the terror acts that have become a near weekly occurrence.
is All You Need to Know. This is what we are up against and it is high time we have a clear picture of what it
is. It's not just about immigration the beast who did this was a citizen of France, just as the Orlando shooter
was an American born Muslim. It is not just about religion: It is a totalitarian system that embraces
religion, law, morality and (most of all) culture. It is not just about a lone wolf. It is planned,
advocated, inspired, supported in concert with a monstrous movement that wants to conquer the world. It is not
about jobs or alienation. Their culture is what alienates them and keeps them unemployed. Islam is not
about Peace. Islam means submission and this is what happens to the children of those who do not submit. It
is not at all about the oil or the U.S. or the decadence of The West. It is about Sharia, The Caliphate and Jihad.
Its not just about Terror, It is annihilation by the most brutal and indiscriminate means possible. It is
not about to stop. If it we do not wake up and stop it. It will kill you gladly.
At Least
80 Dead In Terror Attack On Nice. Eighty-four people — including several children — died
in the French city of Nice after a terrorist plowed a truck, which was "loaded with" grenades and other arms, into a large
crowd during Bastille Day celebrations Thursday night, according to officials and the French president. As of Friday 8 a.m.
local time, 18 individuals were in critical condition, 50 were lightly injured, and 120 were receiving treatment, according to a
spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior.
Nice terrorist identified as
31-year-old French man from Tunisia. The terrorist who carried out the recent attack in Nice has reportedly
been identified as a 31-year-old local resident, originally from Tunisia. At least 84 people were killed and more than
100 wounded when he drove into a Bastille Day parade and then opened fire with a handgun. More weapons, including
grenades, were found in the truck after security forces killed the attacker. The Israeli Foreign Ministry is checking
whether any Israelis were present during the attack. "The truck simply cut people down and left bodies behind," said a
witness. "The driver continued speeding while he ran over the bodies. It looked like an accident at first, but we
understood very quickly that he was deliberately running over people."
cache of guns, grenades and 'larger weapons' found inside bullet-riddled truck. Bloodshed befell France's most
important national holiday last night as 80 people were massacred when a truck mowed through crowds and the driver unleashed
a hail of bullets on fleeing revellers. But fears have already been raised the terror attack on the seaside resort of
Nice could have been far deadlier had police not shot the gunman dead when they did. A huge cache of guns, grenades and
'larger weapons' were said to have been found inside the bullet-riddled lorry after it ground to a halt on the busy
promenade — suggesting the driver intended to spill more blood.
Day attacker was a delivery driver born in Tunisia. The man who carried out the murderous rampage in Nice has
been identified as Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a French-Tunisian petty criminal, according to reports. The 31-year-old
delivery driver, a resident of the French Riviera city, was found guilty in March of violent contact — but he had
no known links to terrorism and had not been under surveillance, sources told the Telegraph. "An operation is currently
under way at the dead suspect's home in Nice. It is being raided by officers," an investigative source told the paper.
Airport evacuated day after Bastille Day terror attack. French troops rushed to the airport after a suspect
package was found at around 1 pm. Passengers were forced to leave the airport and wait nervously outside as soldiers
conducted a sweep. The airport has now re-opened to travellers. Yesterday [7/14/2016] a terrorist purposefully
drove a truck for one mile through a crowd of people celebrating Bastille Day. At least 84 people were hit and
killed, while dozens more have been left in a serious or critical condition.
attack was due to 'decades of multiculturalism and political correctness' says Polish Interior Minister.
Poland's right wing interior minister Mariusz Blaszczak has blamed last night's terror attack in Nice on 'multiculturalism'
after it emerged the killer was a French Tunisian living in the city. Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, 31, killed 84 people
as he drove his large lorry along the main promenade in Nice indiscriminately knocking down pedestrians who had just finished
watching the city's Bastille Day fireworks. Unlike other international politicians, Blaszczak blamed France and the
European Union's Foreign affairs commissioner Federica Mogherini for last night's deadly attack.
Enough. The latest
Muslim atrocity in Nice will have far-reaching international consequences, and not just for the countries of Europe.
After promising a "pitiless" war against Islamic aggression, the Hollande government in France effectively came to an end
last night on the Promenade des Anglais and will soon enough be replaced by the Marine Le Pen government. The British,
having voted themselves out of the European Union, are effectively under siege by hordes of invaders gathered in Calais,
preparing to storm the Chunnel in order to bring their unique brand of vibrant diversity to perfidious Albion's shores.
Meanwhile, in Germany, the charmless Mutti Merkel mutters to herself as she plots to import even more "refugees" in order to
destroy the Bundesrepublik she grew up learning to hate as a child in communist East Germany. It will also affect the
course of the American election. The utter bankruptcy of the Obama administration's deliberately feckless, see-no-evil
approach to Muslim terrorism is now on plain display for all the world to see.
least 50 feared dead and shots fired as lorry RAMS into crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice. A lorry ran down a large group
of people in the southern French city of Nice during a suspected terrorist attack. At least 50 people are feared dead with more
than 100 injured during the Bastille Day attack. Eyewitnesses have reported that hostages have been taken in two hotels and a restaurant
in the city. [...] It is not known at this stage is whether the attack was terror related.
The Editor says...
Technically, at the moment the article above was written, it was probably true that they didn't know that the attack was "terror related,"
i.e., Islamic terrorism. But whenever an act of mass murder takes place in the 21st century, whether through the use of a pressure cooker bomb,
a speeding truck, a firearm, or hijacked airplane, it is reasonable to surmise that the event is yet another act of Islamic terrorism. As far
as I know, there hasn't been a spate of Catholic terrorism lately, or a rash of Mennonite terrorism, or widespread Mormon terrorism. As soon as
it becomes evident that a mass-casualty event has been deliberately inflicted on a number of people, it is obvious that the attack can be blamed on
those who "misunderstand" Islam. Unless the attack happens in the United States and the victims are all white police officers,
in which case, it's instantly attributable to violent black racists.
Delaware County, Pennsylvania
June 24, 2016
Wahi' held in shooting of Pa. police officer. Authorities say a suspect is in custody after a police officer
was shot several times in Delaware County, Pa. on Friday morning [6/24/2016]. The suspect was identified as Donte
Brooks Island. It took about three hours for upwards of 200 police to track down and arrest the alleged shooter.
Three others were taken into custody, but they have not yet been charged. The main suspect, though, is well known to law
enforcement. Island, who also goes by the name Abdul Wahi, lives in the Folcroft Station Apartments where police caught him
allegedly smoking weed and dealing drugs.
Felon Shoots Cop 7 Times, then Opens Fire on Another — Media Silent on Terror. The suspect is
identified as Donte Brooks Island, aka Abdul Wahi. He is charged with two counts of attempted murder, aggravated
assault and other related offenses. Action News was there Friday as Island was taken to a patrol car. He is
currently being held on a $1 million bail. Island was recently released fro prison after serving time for drug and
firearms violations, District Attorney Jack Whelan said.
Suicide belt, grenade found near German cinema
complex attacker - Bild. An armed man who was gunned down by the police at a cinema complex in Viernheim, western Germany, had
a hand grenade and was wearing a suicide belt, German Bild newspaper reports. According to the paper, the grenade was discovered by the
police after the incident. An eyewitness told Bild that the attacker was speaking in "broken German language." The police
said that they currently have no leads linking the man to radical Islam, and other motives are being looked into.
Twin Falls, Idaho
June 2, 2016
Falls, Idaho: Is Prosecutor attempting to downplay rape story? Why would he do that? Because the
whole narrative that keeps refugees flowing to cities and towns to supply cheap labor for multi-national corporations under
the guise of humanitarianism could come crashing down. That, carefully crafted, decades old narrative, is this:
refugees are good people, downtrodden souls, escaping war and poverty, and it is US tradition (indeed our role in the world!)
to care for those in need and so we must welcome refugees from around the globe who only want a better life for their little
children (even if they come from cultures that do not share our traditions, values and laws). Therefore, news about
refugee children raping and sexually assaulting American children simply must be covered-up. There is too much money
involved to let this story grow!
Falls Refugee Rape Victim Activists Call For Attorney To Step Down. In an exclusive interview with Breitbart
News, a local activist in Twin Falls demands U.S. Attorney Wendy Olson step down. The activists want to bring justice
to a five-year-old American girl who was raped on June 2 by a group of refugee children as a 14-year-old refugee videotaped
the horrible incident. Idaho activist Julie Ruf tells Breitbart News that statements made by Olson to protect the refugee
community in the wake of rapes indicate she is unfit for the job of protecting the Constitution.
Idaho federal prosecutor warns: "The spread of false information or inflammatory or threatening statements ... may
violate federal law". On June 2, a 5-year old girl was allegedly sexually assaulted at a Twin Falls, Idaho,
apartment building by three boys ages 7, 10 and 14. The exact nature of the sexual assault is unclear; but apparently the
7-year-old sexually touched the girl, and it seems that the 10- and 14-year-olds are being charged because they put the
7-year-old up to this. The boys may be Sudanese and Iraqi refugees resettled in Idaho; according to the Twin Falls
Times-News (Nathan Brown), "Officials suspect the boys have been in the [U.S.] fewer than two years," but "aren't sure if the
families are refugees." In the following weeks, rumors started flying on the Internet and in Twin Falls; as best I can
tell, many of the rumors were false. The boys were misidentified as Syrian refugees, rather than potential Sudanese and
Iraqi refugees. Though the crime is serious as it is, it was described as being much more serious, including as a gang-rape
at knife-point, with the children's fathers cheering the events after they happened. Apparently none of that is true.
Migrants Sexually Assault 5-Year Old In Idaho. On 2 June, 2016 a five-year old girl with special needs was
playing outside her home at the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls, Idaho when she was taken by knife point to the shared
laundry facilities on the premises by three boys from two refugee families, ages 13, 9, and 8 years old who sexually
assaulted and urinated on her. The eight year old is also reported to have cut another young child's arm with his knife
a week before school was adjourned. According to the victim's mother, a trusted neighbor discovered her daughter with
the three boys. Her clothes had been stripped off by the boys who were also naked and the 13 year old had a phone which
allegedly held video of the incident. The mother and father of the victim promptly arrived on the scene after being alerted
by the neighbor.
Updated: Story of
Syrian refugees raping Idaho girl is wrong, prosecutor says. Authorities are denying reports that Syrians
gang-raped a child at knife-point in a Twin Falls apartment complex earlier this month, saying the false claims are being
spread to incite anti-refugee sentiments. "There were no Syrians involved, there was no knife involved, there was no
gang-rape," Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs said Monday morning [6/20/2016]. His comments largely refute
several differing accounts about the incident circulating on anti-refugee resettlement and conspiracy websites and
anti-Muslim blogs. Most of those accounts claim a group of Syrian refugees sexually assaulted a mentally disabled girl
at knife-point June 2 in the laundry facilities of Fawnbrook Apartments, a low-income housing complex in Twin Falls, and
that the attack was celebrated by the perpetrators' families as city officials orchestrated a cover-up.
By PC — Five-Year-Old Idaho Girl Raped By Three Iraqi and Sudanese Refugees — Politically Correct Local
Government Frozen. You might have heard a story from Twin Falls Idaho about a 5-year-old girl sexually
assaulted / raped, by three older "Syrian refugees". As the word spread throughout the shocked community, the local police
and the county commission members quickly jumped into action to deny the claim. The County Leadership was furious: "the
three rapists were not Syrian refugees, and such lies should cease immediately". The police then clarified the record:
they are Iraqi and Sudanese men, and maybe they were refugees, or maybe not, we're not going to say.
and Hush-Up in Twin Falls, Idaho. Something wicked happened in Idaho's rural Magic Valley. The evil has
been compounded by politicians, media and special interest groups doing their damnedest to suppress the story and quell a
righteous citizen rebellion. On June 7, a brief news item appeared on local Twin Falls, Idaho-based KMVT about a
"reported sexual assault that possibly occurred near the Fawnbrook Apartments" five days earlier. Unconfirmed accounts
of the alleged crime on conservative-leaning websites, plus reports from area members of anti-jihad activist Brigitte
Gabriel's Act for America group and longtime watchdog Ann Corcoran's Refugee Resettlement Watch blog, culminated in coverage
on the powerhouse Drudge Report.
media hide Idaho girl's sex assault by Muslim migrants. A 5-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by two boys at
an apartment complex in Twin Falls, Idaho — while a third boy filmed the attack — and some local
residents are charging the police and city officials with covering up the fact that the boys are from Muslim immigrant
families from Sudan and Iraq. Although not yet confirmed, the alleged perpetrators — migrant boys ages 14,
10 and 7 — appear to be from refugee families. At least three local newspapers have tried to discredit the
reports of the assault, focusing instead on a few details that were erroneously reported by bloggers while ignoring or
downplaying the broader truth of the story — that Muslim migrants stripped down and humiliated a vulnerable
little girl.
Three Syrian "Refugees" Rape Little Girl at Knifepoint in Idaho. Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a
little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin
Falls city council members of covering up the assault. The sexual assault allegedly took place on June 2, but has
received virtually no media attention aside from one vague KMVT report.
Deerfield Township, Ohio
June 10, 2016
Terrorist In Ohio Takes Apartment Complex Hostage, And Then Opens Fire On American Police Officer. A Muslim
terrorist in Ohio, Mohammad Laghaoui, took hostages in an apartment complex and then opened fire with an AK-47 on an officer
once she arrived on the scene. The hostages were Mohammad's father and brother. Mohammad threatened to murder his
father and brother. His brother dialed 911 and Mohammad punched his father in the face and left, only to return with an
AK-47. His father and brother locked Mohammad out. He opened fire through the door and shot his father in the
arm. The officer, Deputy Katie Barnes, responded to the emergency call and arrived on the site. That is when
Mohammad opened fire on the officer.
County shooter says 'charges not accurate' after judge sets bond. The active shooter who ran from police for
seven hours last week was in court this morning. Meanwhile, Warren County Sheriff Deputies still can't find the
gun. Mohammed Abdou Laghaoui, 19, was arraigned on attempted aggravated murder and felonious assault charges in Warren
County court.
The Editor says...
WLWT is happy to pass along the government's perspective: Never mind the Muslim terrorist — there's a gun on the loose!
19-year-old shooter wounds own father, sheriff's deputy before arrest. The 19-year-old who spurred a seven-hour
manhunt Thursday night in Warren County shot his own father and left a sheriff's deputy hospitalized before he was finally
arrested. When Warren County Sheriff's Deputy Katie Barnes responded to a domestic disturbance call at the Orchards of
Landen apartment complex Thursday night, she arrived alone.
Abdou Laghaoui, accused of shooting Deputy Katie Barnes, kept low profile. The 19-year-old charged with
shooting a Warren County deputy and his own father kept a low profile at home and at school. Mohammed Abdou Laghaoui
and his family had been living at The Orchard of Landen apartment complex for only about six months, a neighbor said
Friday. "They kept to themselves," said James Gross. "We didn't see much of them, just saw them come and go."
Fayetteville, Arkansas
June 16, 2016
Couple Arrested And Released After Making Terror Threats. Arkansas husband and wife Daphne and Alan Crawford
were charged with making terroristic threats Thursday [6/16/2016] by local law enforcement and released Friday. They
are now the focus of a manhunt by the FBI and Fayetteville Police Department, KNWA News reported.
Muslim Converts Arrested in Arkansas for Making Terroristic Threats. A husband and wife in Northwest Arkansas
have been arrested on terror charges after allegedly threatening a waitress in a local diner. "People like you are the
reason we kill," the wife reportedly said to the victim. She further threatened the waitress on social media by posting
a picture of her husband in "Muslim attire" kneeling with an assault rifle. This was not the first time the couple
attracted the attention of law enforcement.
Married Muslim couple who made terroristic death threats taken into custody for FBI questioning. This Muslim
convert couple has been making numerous death threats in their neighborhood. Like Omar Mateen, they have been wielding
Islam and threatening anyone who displeases them. They parade around like SS goons. In December 2015, the couple
was escorted out of Central Mall in Fort Smith after investigators said the pair was video recording stores in the building.
Just like the Orlando jihad, law enforcement appears to have done nothing about this. Just as in Orlando and many other
instances when all the warning signs have been there.
Denton, Texas
June 15, 2016
Threatens Death on Those Who Refuse to Accept Copies of the Quran: Police. A man is jailed on a charge of
terroristic threat Wednesday [6/15/2016] after threatening to impose the death penalty on several people who refused to take copies of
the Quran, Denton police say. Peshwaz Azad Waise, 28, was arrested just after 8 a.m. outside of the Denton County
Courthouse after several run-ins with police that morning and the night before. Denton police said officers responding
to a call for assistance Tuesday night [6/14/2016] were stopped by Waise, and that he was speaking irrationally and making
comments about God and Allah. Since Waise was not in violation of any law, the officers continued responding to the
initial call for help, police said.
Muslim Threatens to KILL Those Who Refuse to Accept Copies of the QURAN. He's just being a good, devout
Muslim. Oppose him and you are "suppressing his freedom of religion," you islamophobe. Law enforcement thinks so,
too. Police said officers responded to a call for assistance, but said jihadi Peshwaz Azad Waise was not in violation
of any law. Death threats under sharia are not sanctioned by US law?
police arrest man at courthouse for making terroristic threats. On his Facebook page, Peshwaz Azad Waise writes
that he attended Chantilly High School in Chantilly, Va., and graduated from George Mason University in 2010. He lists
Washington, D.C., as his current residence. [...] The Denton Police Department issued this news release on the arrest of
Peshwaz Azad Waise this morning [6/15/2016]. ["]The Denton Police Department is currently working a terroristic
threat offense that occurred this morning. A lone male suspect has been arrested and taken to the Denton Police
Department jail. The suspect's vehicle remains at the scene at this time. Due to the nature of the threat,
we are taking extra precautions prior to impounding his vehicle.["]
Amarillo, Texas
June 14, 2016
team kills suspect who took hostages at Amarillo, Texas Walmart, investigators say. A SWAT team shot and killed
a suspect who took hostages at a Walmart in Amarillo, Texas Tuesday afternoon [6/14/2016], investigators confirmed. [...] "We
do consider this a work-place violence situation at this point," the sheriff's office said. One store employee told
KFDA the gunman earlier released a worker and the store manager but was still inside the Walmart. [...] Police said they
were looking for a Somali man wearing khaki pants, KFDA added.
Muslim Opens Fire, Takes Hostages at Wal-Mart in Texas. [T]he suspect, a current or former Walmart employee,
was said to be a Somalian man wearing khaki pants, KFDA-TV reports. Police said in a press release at 12:25 local time
that no victims had been found inside the building and there is no ongoing shooting "at this moment." It is not known if
anyone was wounded elsewhere.
This subsection has moved to a page of its own,
located here.
Lawrenceville, Georgia
June 1, 2016
Update: Feds
clear Muslim flag attacker of hate crime. The FBI has determined that no hate crime occurred on the day after
Memorial Day in Lawrenceville, Georgia, when a Muslim woman dressed in a burqa came out of the woods behind a homeowner's
house, grabbed the family's large American flag and attacked them with it. The FBI was asked by local police to
investigate whether Amina Ali Ahra, 30, may have committed a hate crime when she attacked homeowner Dami Arno and her
17-year-old daughter while the two were drinking coffee in their garage on the morning of Tuesday, May 31. Ahra
grabbed the family's large flag off their mailbox and used the 4-foot long pole made of PVC pipe as a weapon, swinging it
wildly at Arno's head. The 42-year-old fought off the much larger Ahra and two neighbors helped restrain her until
police arrived.
attack on flag-waving American family remains mystery. It's been two weeks since an Atlanta-area mother and her
daughter were attacked at their home by a burqa-clad Muslim woman who stole the American flag from their front yard and
charged at them, swinging the flagpole at the mother's head. The family says their lives have been turned upside down
by the attack, and they don't go anywhere now unless armed. Two weeks later, they say they're still waiting for answers
from their local police chief and the FBI. Who attacked them and why?
Police: Woman in Burka attacks Lawrenceville
family with American flag. A family in Lawrenceville said they were attacked by a total stranger just because
they were flying an American Flag. Amina Ahra, 30, was arrested on two counts of simple battery after being accused of
attacking a mother and daughter at their home. Dami Arno told police she was in the garage talking with her daughter
when she said Ahra came out of the woods wearing a full Burka, grabbed the flag from off the mailbox and charged at them.
Munich train station
May 10, 2016
dead, 3 hurt after stabbing spree at train station outside Munich. One person was killed and three others were
injured Tuesday morning when a knife-wielding suspected Islamist attacked people indiscriminately at a commuter rail station
outside Munich, Germany. [...] Investigators told the Suddeutsche Zeiting newspaper that witnesses had reported that the
attacker had shouted "Allahu Akbar!", the Arabic phrase meaning "God is Great!" during the assault. Merkur reported
that the suspect had yelled, "You infidels!", among other statements.
Global Outbreak of Mental Illness. On Tuesday [5/10/2016], a Muslim screaming "Allahu akbar" and "Infidel, you
must die" stabbed four people, killing one, at a train station near Munich. Nonetheless, Bavarian security officials
immediately denied that he "had an Islamic extremist motive." Then what caused the attack? Bavaria's state interior
minister Joachim Herrmann said that the attacker had "mental disorders." There you are. Nothing to do with Islam
here, folks. Don't go jumping to conclusions that these stabbings had something to do with Islam just because he
screamed "Allahu akbar" and "Infidel, you must die." He was mentally ill. That's all.
Brussels, Belgium
March 22, 2016
of Brussels airport bombers had worked there for five years. One of the jihadists who blew themselves up at
Brussels Airport last month had worked there. He had also briefly worked as a cleaner at the European Parliament
several years ago. The 24-year old Najim Laachraoui worked at the airport for five years until 2012, having been
recruited by a temp agency, Belgium's Flemish-language VTM television reported Wednesday [4/20/2016].
minister says many Muslims 'danced' after attacks. Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon said Saturday that a
"significant" part of the Muslim population celebrated attacks, blaming the country's policies for failing to integrate
migrants into society. He did not explicitly refer to last month's jihadist attacks on Brussels' airport and metro
system that killed 32 people[.] "A significant section of the Muslim community danced when attacks took place,"
Jambon said in an interview with the Flemish-language De Standaard newspaper.
seize key suspects in Paris, Brussels attacks. Belgian police detained two key suspects on Friday [4/8/2016] in the
Islamic State attacks on Paris and Brussels as operations go on to track down militants who have fought with or take direction
from leaders in Syria. Mohamed Abrini, a Belgian thought to have helped prepare the Nov. 13 bombing and shooting
attack that killed 130 people in the French capital, was held with two others, prosecutors said.
vice PM acknowledges street celebrations following Brussels attacks. In the days following terrorist attacks in Brussels,
street celebrations broke out in several places in Belgium, the county's vice prime minister said. Jan Jambon made the statement
about the March 22 bombings, which killed 35 people, on Wednesday [3/30/2016] during a symposium titled "Terrorism, Israel and
International Law" and organized by the Dutch anti-racism and pro-Israel lobby group CIDI, or the Center of Information and Documentation
on Israel, in The Hague. Jambon, a rightist politician, made the remark while acknowledging Belgium has a jihadism problem.
terror hotline operator to Jewish caller: Israel doesn't exist. Belgian Jews reacted with shock on Thursday [3/31/2016]
when an operator working Belgium's federal hotline on the terrorist attacks in Brussels told a Jewish caller that Israel does
not exist and is in fact called Palestine. The call Thursday [3/31/2016] to the Belgian Interior Ministry's hotline was
recorded and the audio file posted on the website of Joods Actueel, a Belgian Jewish monthly.
Bomber Was 'Migrant Rights Activist' Who Lived Next Door To EU. The first man charged with the Islamic State
(IS) Brussels terror attacks is a migrant rights activist and 'freelance journalist' who lived next door to headquarters of
the European Union (EU). Faycal Cheffou is thought to be the "man in the hat" pictured next to suicide bombers Najim
Laachraoui and Ibrahim El Bakraoui as they entered Brussels airport shortly before 8am on the 22nd on March. A taxi
driver who dropped the men at the airport has identified him.
I wouldn't want to be this guy's cell phone provider. Brussels
attack: Belgian police release 'man in the hat' suspect Faycal C citing lack of evidence. The only man arrested
and charged by prosecutors over the Brussels airport bombings has been released by Belgian police due to a lack of evidence.
Named by local media reports as Fayçal Cheffou, police said the suspect — who is also known as "the man in the hat" because
of his appearance in CCTV footage — is not the man suspected of being the mystery third bomber. Police said he had
none of the links to the Paris attacks that characterised the other three men who died carrying out last Tuesday's attacks and have
been identified.
There Are Muslim Ghettos in Belgium, But Not in the US. Long before Tuesday's terror attacks in Brussels, it
was clear that Belgium had become a breeding ground for Islamist extremists. Hundreds of Belgian Muslims — as
many as 500, according to one estimate — have gone to Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS, making Belgium by far
Europe's leading supplier of foreign jihadists. Last November's horrific slaughter in Paris was masterminded by a Belgian
radical, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, and at least four of the men who carried out those attacks were from the Brussels district of
Molenbeek. One of them was Salah Abdeslam, who was captured in Molenbeek, after an intense manhunt, on March 19.
For Islamist imams and terrorist ringleaders, such neighborhoods — heavily Muslim, densely populated, with high
unemployment and crime rates — have proved fertile territory for recruiting violent jihadists. "There is almost
always a link with Molenbeek. That's a gigantic problem, of course," Belgium's prime minister said after the Paris atrocities.
Brussels attacks were a terrorist interrogation failure. For years, Brussels has been the epicenter for
European outrage over the CIA's terrorist interrogation program. Now it is Belgium that has some explaining to do for its
failure to effectively interrogate a high-value terrorist — an interrogation that may have foiled last week's
deadly terrorist attacks. The carnage is a direct result of Europe's refusal to accept that terrorists must be treated
differently than common criminals. When Salah Abdeslam, believed to be the logistics chief for an Islamic State terrorist
cell, was captured, Belgian officials followed law enforcement procedures with precision. They provided Abdeslam a lawyer,
told him he had the right to remain silent and put him into the Belgian criminal-justice system. Four days later, the
terrorist cell carried out bombings in Brussels that killed 35 people — including at least four
Americans — and injured hundreds more.
Subsidizing Terrorists. It is telling that the Muslim terrorist and unemployed electrician, Ibrahim Abdeslam,
arrested just prior to the Brussels bombing, was struggling by with his wife on just 1,000 euros a month from welfare.
I raise that question because, to me, there is nothing more important to a terrorist than an independent income. How can you
plan your bombings and sew your suicide belts if you have to show up at the construction site to wire up junction boxes?
official says 2 Americans perished in Brussels attacks. At least two Americans have been confirmed killed in
the Brussels attacks, a U.S. official said Friday [3/25/2016], as Secretary of State John Kerry visited the stricken city to
express condolences and defended Belgium's counterterrorism efforts against "carping" by critics.
University Op-Ed Claims Belgians Are To Blame For Brussels Attack. A student at Columbia University has
authored an editorial saying Belgians deserve to be blamed for Tuesday's Islamic terrorist attack in Brussels because their
society is a front of "Islamophobia." "Columbia's vigils and memorial services allow us to mourn victims and condemn
terrorism," writes student Brian Min in the Columbia Daily Spectator. "Moving forward, however, they should condemn
not only terrorism, but also the specific Islamophobic attitudes and policies that facilitated the recent attacks."
Min, a freshman planning to study French as well as women, gender, and sexuality studies, argues that the Brussels attack
and other terrorist attacks, are "usually not arbitrary events without any justification — they often are responses
to institutionalized hate and oppression."
From Paris to Brussels: Why the attacks
are linked. A clear connection is emerging between the men who carried out the Brussels airport and metro
bombings and the Islamist cell behind the Paris attacks last November in which 130 people died. Soon after the
13 November gun and bomb attacks in the French capital, it became evident that several bombers had come from Belgium
and that some of the bombs had been made in a flat in Brussels. The attacks have been claimed by so-called Islamic
State (IS), and key individuals are now being linked to the planning and execution of both.
Dept.: 'This Isn't About a Religion'. Tuesday's terrorist attack in Brussels was not about religion but a "depraved ideology,"
State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters. "This isn't about a religion," he said. "This is about a warped and brutal,
depraved ideology that continues to be attractive to a small number of people in the Muslim faith — radicals and extremists."
"And we don't believe that it is indicative in any way of the Muslim faith or the people who practice Islam as a religion," Kirby continued.
"But it is a group that remains deadly, remains lethal. And we are going to remain focused on defeating them."
Attacks Horrific, But Expected. As shocking as this morning's simultaneous terror attacks at Belgium's airport
and in its Metro system may be, they show the disturbing depth of the terrorist infrastructure which was allowed to take root
in the European Union capital's back yard. A series of police actions reportedly are underway targeting elements of that
infrastructure. It's a safe bet that some of those raids will be in Molenbeek, a Brussels suburb. It has been dubbed
"Europe's terrorism capital." Saleh Abdeslam, the key surviving player in November's horrific attacks in Paris, was arrested
in Molenbeek Friday [3/19/2016]. Police were thanked by a hail of bottles, stones and other debris by locals more loyal
to the terrorist than the land that gave them refuge.
Gesture Theater: Je Suis Sick of It. While homicidal, suicidal and genocidal jihadists are busy plotting the
next soft-target terror attacks on the West, docile Westerners are busy shedding cartoon tears and doodling broken hearts on
social media. [...] Echoing the "Je Suis Charlie" and "Je Suis Paris" rallying cries that followed the January 2015 Charlie
Hebdo jihad attack and the November 2015 jihad massacres in Paris and Saint-Denis, tens of thousands of people spread the
"JeSuisBruxelles" message with their thoughts, prayers and memes. And, of course, there will be flags lowered and
monuments lit up all over the world this week in the national colors of Belgium to show "solidarity" with Tuesday's victims
of The Perpetrators Whose Religion Shall Not Be Named. To borrow a useful phrase coined by British journalist James
Bartholomew last year, we have reached the oversaturation point of post-terrorism "virtue signaling:" Hashtags, avatars
and animated GIFs ad nauseam. These are the easy advertisements and maudlin displays of one's resolute opposition
to an unidentified something that must be stopped somehow by unspoken means.
Time To Stop Pretending All Religions Are Equal. Of course, the only thing more routine than Muslims slaughtering mass
numbers of innocents is how people react to it here in America. The same old arguments, amounting to nothing. President
Barack Obama stopped flapping his limp wrists in Cuba long enough to deliver a quick and empty statement about the attacks.
He called for "unity" and spewed a few other dull platitudes that have no meaning.
Timing of the Brussels Attack. [Scroll down] And in the United States, the terrorists know that under the
current administration's policies, capture will result in a quick transfer to the criminal justice system, where the jihadist
will be given counsel and advised, pursuant to Miranda v. Arizona, that he need not answer questions. These
guidelines reflect the pieties of the Left: the view that, over the long haul, we enhance our security by treating enemy
operatives as criminal defendants and affording them all the majesty of Western due process. To my mind, this is a
harebrained theory for which there is, unsurprisingly, no empirical support. In reality, our enemies see our approach as
weakness, and it emboldens them, causing more attacks. Whether I am right or wrong about that, a stubborn fact remains:
By making it clear to our enemies that they will be regarded upon capture as mere criminal defendants rather than terrorist enemy
combatants, we have extended the amount of time it will take to pry intelligence about ongoing plots.
and Willful Blindness. [Defense] Secretary Carter called the [Brussels] attacks a "tragedy." The mass murder
obviously has tragic effects for those killed and wounded, and for their families, but this is not a tragedy. It is
a war crime targeting a civilian population in the course of an ongoing war, which — notwithstanding
the reckless posturing by the commander-in-chief — is not close to "winding down," much less being over. [...] Our
enemies are at war with us. They continue to execute acts of war, not tragedies, against us. We cannot "end" the
war by withdrawing from it; we can only lose that way. We cannot prevail, or even adequately protect ourselves, without
seeing the enemy plain: radical Islam — Islamic supremacists determined to impose sharia on the world, with
jihadists as the pointy end of the spear, and ideological sympathizers as their support system.
Brussels, Time to Get Serious. It would be dangerously naïve to think that the Islamic State is not planning to export
its brand of terror to the United States. To that end, America cannot repeat the mistakes of Europe, beginning with irresponsible
immigration and refugee-resettlement policies. (The Somali community in Minnesota's Twin Cities, which has seen an alarming number
of young men and women depart to join al-Shabaab and the Islamic State, offers an example of what can happen if large Muslim populations
fail to assimilate.) Securing our borders is a crucial step in preventing the infiltration of terrorists into the country, and
preventing them from radicalizing and recruiting young Muslims here. Additionally, our reliance on European intelligence to vet
foreigners arriving in the United States must be reconsidered. France, Belgium, and others lack the surveillance capacities to
defend their own citizens, let alone ours.
ugly reality of contemporary Brussels. The fact that today's terrorist attacks in Brussels occurred just days
after the capture of Salah Abdeslam has fueled speculation that this was revenge. [...] That the attacks followed the capture
so closely may be due to fear by the terrorists that Abdeslam might provide information which would enable authorities to
thwart the next wave of attacks. For me, the main lesson of recent events in Brussels is that the terrorists there must
have considerable support, and even more sympathy, from local Muslims. Abdeslam was able not just to hide for months in
Brussels, but also apparently to plan new attacks.
Columbus, Ohio
February 11, 2016
Restaurant owner says he's debating moving back to Israel. Owner Hany Baransi said he is unsure of the fate of his restaurant after a machete
attack left several people injured at the establishment. While Nazareth Mediterranean Cuisine will open for normal business hours on Friday [2/19/2016],
Baransi tells NBC4 he is contemplating going back to Israel, or taking a break from the business. It's been a week since the machete attack was carried out
at his restaurant. Baransi said he is just now starting to process what happened, including knowing his friend Bill Foley is still in the hospital.
It only took a week for the FBI to make this announcement: FBI
Confirms Act of Terror in Ohio: Muslim Machete Attacker on Terror Watchlist, Came to U.S. on Green Card. Authorities have confirmed that the
machete-wielding attacker, who slashed guests at an Ohio restaurant, was an immigrant and that the incident is being investigated as an terror attack. [...] The
Columbus Dispatch reported, "The owner of the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli said he believes his business was targeted because of his Israeli descent."
He and others immediately said the attack was an act of terror.
rhyme or reason' for machete attack at Ohio restaurant. Information connected to the registration of the suspect's car triggered
an alert that required contacting the local terrorism task force, including the FBI, [Sgt. Rich] Weiner said.
Machete Jihad
in Ohio. Last Thursday there was yet another jihad terror attack on American soil: a Muslim named Mohammad
Barry entered the Nazareth Restaurant & Deli in Columbus, Ohio, screamed "Allahu akbar" and began slashing at patrons with a
machete. Immediately, the denial and obfuscation machine cranked into high gear. Columbus police Sgt. Rich Weiner said:
"Right now there's nothing that leads us to believe that this is anything but a random attack." The Washington Post wondered:
"Random act or Islamist terrorism?" It's actually abundantly clear that this was not a random attack, but an incidence of "Islamist
terrorism," and not just because Barry screamed "Allahu akbar" (which was not reported in mainstream media accounts about the attack).
Barry was on the FBI's radar for his jihadi views, although they dropped any investigation of him back in 2012 (why?).
Atta boy! Owner
Of Deli Targeted By Machete-Wielding Muslim For Israeli Flag Vows To Get Bigger Israeli Flag. On Thursday [2/11/2016], police shot a
machete-wielding west African man dead after he went on a rampage in a Christian-owned Middle Eastern deli in Columbus, Ohio. The man, Mohammad
Barry, slashed several patrons, sending four to the hospital (at least one with very serious injuries). Barry's motive is unclear but substantial
evidence points to anger about the Israeli flag prominently displayed in the window of the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli — right next to an
American flag as well as a sign bearing a greeting in Arabic. Hany Baransi, the deli owner, said Barry came by less than an hour before the
attack asking a server where Baransi is from. The server told Barry that Baransi is a native of Israel. In an interview with The Tower,
an English-language news site that focuses on the Middle East, Baransi said he has no plans to stop displaying an Israeli flag at his restaurant.
Quite to the contrary, he said, he plans to make the flag more prominent.
least 4 injured in machete attack at Ohio restaurant. Columbus police Sgt. Rick Weiner said, "At that point he had a machete
and another knife in his hand and he lunged across the hood at the officers." That's when police said an officer shot and killed the
man. It remained unclear what sparked the attacks. "There was no rhyme or reason as to who he was going after," said Weiner.
"There's nothing that leads us to believe that this is anything but a random attack."
Police kill man they say attacked
restaurant patrons with machete. Columbus police say a man came into the restaurant and began hacking people with a machete, sending
four of them to area hospitals and critically injuring at least one. He was shot and killed by police after they tracked him down about
5 miles from the restaurant. As of late Thursday [2/11/2016], police hadn't released the names of those injured or the name of the
man who was killed by officers. It's unclear why he did what he did.
The Editor says...
No, it isn't unclear at all. Nor was it unclear from the outset. Any time a guy named Mohamed starts flailing away at strangers with
a machete, in a locale that has a Mediterranean / Middle Eastern connotation, it is not unreasonable to surmise that he is an Islamic terrorist.
Joins Probe of Possible Terror Attack on Israeli-Owned Ohio Deli by Machete-Wielding Man. A machete-wielding man stormed a
central Ohio restaurant owned by an Israeli on Thursday evening, injuring four people before being shot dead by police. Authorities
identified the suspected attacker as Mohamed Barry, a 30-year-old of Somali background who police say may have traveled to the United Arab
Emirates in 2012. The FBI, which has joined the investigation, is probing whether the assault was an instance of homegrown extremism
motivated by the mistaken impression that the restaurant owner was Jewish, according to NBC News. Security officials are worried that
the incident is the same sort of "lone wolf terrorist attacks they're trying to stop," CBS News added.
So Where's The Reporting On This? Is it terrorism?
A man walked into a restaurant called Nazareth and asked if the owners were Jewish or Christian. He then left. He returned
a short time later with a machete and attacked the people inside, hacking up a number of them. The cops caught up with him
a few miles away and in the confrontation that followed they shot him. He's dead.
Muslim Man Attacks Israeli-Christian's Ohio Restaurant, Several Wounded. Police have shot and killed a man who allegedly attacked patrons of a Columbus,
Ohio, restaurant Thursday night [2/11/2016], wounding several people. One of the victims is in critical condition, according to reports. The suspected
attacker is a Somali national named Mohammad Barry, CBS reports. There are also reports that Barry was on a terrorist watchlist. "Law enforcement is
concerned that this incident has the hallmarks of the type of so-called "lone wolf" terrorist attack that they have been working to stop," the report reads.
Cops kill man after machete attack at Ohio
deli. Police shot and killed a man who stormed into a central Ohio restaurant wielding a machete and randomly attacking people as they sat unsuspectingly
at their dinner tables, authorities said. Four people were injured in the brutal attack Thursday evening [2/11/2016] at Nazareth Restaurant and Deli, a
Mediterranean restaurant in Columbus. The victims were taken to an area hospital and were expected to recover. Police identified the suspected
attacker as Mohamed Barry, 30. CBS News homeland security correspondent Jeff Pegues reports that investigators were running down leads to try to determine
if the attack was somehow tied to terrorist organizations.
FBI investigating Ohio machete attack as possible lone wolf terror act. Law enforcement sources close to the investigation into a machete attack
at an Ohio restaurant told Fox News Friday [2/12/2016] that federal authorities are investigating the incident as a potential lone wolf terror attack.
FBI investigators have not yet found any evidence to suggest the attack was directed by Islamic State or any other foreign terror organization, but federal
authorities are still running down the possibility that Mohammad Barry was inspired by terrorist propaganda. [...] "There's nothing to lead us to believe this
is anything more than a random attack," Columbus police spokesman Sgt. Rich Weiner told The Columbus Dispatch.
The Editor says...
That's right Mr. Weiner, nothing at all except that the attacker's name is Mohammad, and, as the article goes on to say,
"The entrance [to the restaurant] is adorned with a small Israeli flag and the Arabic phrase, 'Ahlan Wa Shalan' which
translates to 'You are my family, take it easy.'" It's not as if this is the first Islamic terrorist attack in the U.S., or the first one
involving a single attacker with a knife. Recall the Oklahoma Beheader from 2014. Unfortunately this sort of single-actor terrorism
is probably going to be increasingly common.
of suspect in machete attack was red-flagged. After chasing a suspect in a vicious machete attack at a Northeast Side restaurant, police
realized from a computer alert that the suspect's car had been flagged by authorities. The information in that alert led them to call in federal
anti-terrorism officials. They also called the bomb squad. [...] The move to call in federal authorities was tied to "something that's in the
(computer) system that came back about the vehicle and this person," said Sgt. Rich Weiner, Columbus police spokesman, referring questions about the
nature of the computer alert to the FBI.
Skirt Mentioning Islamism in Machete Attack Coverage. ABC, CBS, NBC's Friday evening newscasts all failed to mention Islamism as a possible
motive in their coverage of the machete attack inside an Ohio restaurant on Thursday [2/11/2016]. ABC's World News Tonight didn't even use the
word "terrorism" during their report on Mohamed Barry's rampage. Alex Perez merely noted that "Barry was known to the FBI, but was not under a full-scale
investigation." CBS's Jeff Pegues underlined that "police say the assault has the hallmarks of a terrorism-inspired attack." Pegues was also the only
Big Three correspondent to report that Barry was "here in the U.S. on a green card." All three programs noted that the restaurant owner's Israeli background.
However, NBC's Pete Williams was the only one to specify that "the owner... is from Israel — a Christian Arab. Investigators are looking at whether
Barry may have mistakenly thought he was Jewish." Williams also revealed that "radical comments by him [Barry] four years ago brought a brief look from the
FBI, which then moved on."
Attempted murder of a Philadelphia cop
January 7, 2016
Caught In Lie About Philly Shooter's Attendance At Mosque. The man who shot Philadelphia Police Officer Jesse Harnett was not shy
about why he did so, confessing immediately that he did so 'in the name of Islam'. He also told police that he had sworn allegiance to ISIS.
According to the shooter, Edward Archer, the police enforced laws which were not in the Koran, and he was bothered by that. Archer also appears
to have worn Islamic dress while shooting Officer Hartnett.
mayor claims he was 'misinterpreted' on claims terror attack had 'nothing to do with being a Muslim or following the Islamic
faith'. Philadelphia's Mayor Jim Kenney has earned himself a place in the Doofus Hall of Fame for telling a
press conference about an attempted assassination a police officer by a man who told police he acted "in the name of Islam"
because "the police defend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the Quran": [...] Now he is trying to backtrack in the
face of near universal mockery. But of course, he will not correct himself, retract his statement, or in any way
man up. No, he blames others: the idiots who "misinterpreted" him — especially Republicans
and Rush Limbaugh.
The enemy that's out of
sight. The threat of Islamic terror is constant. Violence may erupt anywhere. Unexpectedly. That's the
nature of terror. And it's happening more and more, with less and less time between events. Most recently, as AT readers
know, a Philadelphia police officer was shot by a Muslim barbarian who pledged his allegiance to ISIS. And now it appears he
may be linked to a terror cell.
police, FBI investigating whether alleged cop shooter was part of radical group. According to a statement from
the Philadelphia Police Department on Sunday [1/10/2016], a citizen stopped a Philadelphia officer on the street on Saturday
night [1/9/2016] to warn that the alleged gunman, Edward Archer, was part of a larger group. ABC News, which obtained the police
report from Saturday night, reported that the unnamed tipster was a woman. She told the police that the man involved in Thursday's
shooting (Archer is not mentioned by name) is not the most radical of his group of four people, and that the threat to police is not over.
police probe tip that radical group wants to harm officers. The police department said Sunday evening [1/10/2016] that someone
approached an officer on the street over the weekend and alleged that the man who attacked Officer Jesse Hartnett — allegedly
30-year-old Edward Archer — "had an affiliation to a group with radical beliefs." According to CBS Philly, the person said
Archer is "part of a group that consists of three others." She added that the suspect "is not the most radical of the four" and that
"the threat to police is not over."
Two Big Victories for the Religion of Peace. [#1] Cop Ambush and Attempted Murder, Philadelphia:
Officer Josh Hartnett was sitting in his car when a guy in Muslim dress and ski mask ran across the intersection, shouting allah akbar and shooting at him, to
end up standing over his open car window with his arm and gun inside, blasting Hartnett at point-blank range. [...] One thing that not all the stories have
mentioned is that [Officer] Hartnett, a Coast Guard veteran, got off some shots of his own, three of them connecting with the Allah Hu Akbar Kid, which is how
the cops were able to bag him — they followed the blood trail and found him cowering with an empty pistol.
Jihad in Philadelphia.
When I first saw this news story this morning, I thought it must be a "Black Lives Matter" spinoff — Philadelphia,
white cop, late at night, attempted execution. But now it seems to be something else. According to the latest reports,
the suspect (who was shot by the cop and is now in custody while being medically treated), did it in the name of Islam.
President Who Fell From Grace. [Philadelphia's Democratic Mayor Jim] Kenney dug himself in even deeper in Obama
vaporous swill, contending that the crime had nothing to do with Moslems or Islam, "In no way, shape or form does anyone in
this room believe that Islam or the teaching of Islam has anything to do with what you have seen on that screen." Then he
turned the presser over to Police Commissioner Richard Ross who directly contradicted the mayor's fantastical account: He
said the shooter confessed that he committed the act in the name of Islam and had pledged allegiance to ISIS. At the same
time the disastrous-to-Obama Kenney presser unfolded, two Iraqi-born refugees to the U.S. were arrested on terrorism charges.
House 'wondering' whether shooting of Philly cop was terrorist act. President Obama's spokesman said Monday [1/11/2016] that
White House officials are "wondering" if a gunman's attack on a Philadelphia police officer was an act of terrorism, and said the White House
views the shooting as another reason for gun control. Whether the shooting of Officer Jesse Hartnett was an act of terrorism "is
something we're all wondering right now," said White House press secretary Josh Earnest, adding that White House officials have been in
contact with Philadelphia authorities.
has nothing to do with being a Muslim' and other liberal fallacies. On Thursday night [1/7/2016], Philadelphia
police officer Jesse Hartnett was sitting in his patrol car when a man dressed in Muslim garb walked up to him and fired 13 shots
through the driver's side window. [...] According to the Associated Press, Capt. James Clark, head of the homicide unit, said Archer
told investigators: "I follow Allah. I pledge my allegiance to the Islamic State and that's why I did what I did."
In addition, Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross reported that the shooter told investigators he tried to kill Archer because,
"police bend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the Quran." But the story does not end there. In an example of
political correctness that helps to explain the popularity of Donald Trump and the anger of the American people, the newly elected
mayor of Philadelphia, Jim Kenney, said at a press conference: "In no way shape or form does anyone in this room believe that
Islam or the teaching of Islam has anything to do with what you've seen."
of Philadelphia policeman described as quiet, devout Muslim. The gunman who claimed allegiance to Islamic State
after shooting a Philadelphia police officer was described by people who knew him as a devout, quiet Muslim who became more
"combative" after trips to Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
investigating alleged Pa. cop shooter's trips to Middle East. The FBI is investigating two trips alleged Philadelphia police
shooter Edward Archer made to the Middle East, a spokesman told Fox News late Friday [1/8/2016]. Special Agent Eric Rouna said federal
authorities are investigating a trip Archer made to Saudi Arabia in 2011 where the suspect spent "a couple" of weeks. Authorities are
also seeking more information about the several months Archer spent in Egypt in 2012. [...] Archer was caught in surveillance video ambushing
Officer Jesse Hartnett in his squad car, shooting him multiple times, and claimed he acted "in the name of Islam," police said at a news
conference Friday.
police: Man who tried to kill officer pledged allegiance to the Islamic State. A police officer in Philadelphia
was shot multiple times late Thursday [1/7/2016] by an attacker who later said he had pledged loyalty to the Islamic State, officials
said Friday. Authorities described the attack as a brazen assassination attempt that took place on a quiet West Philadelphia
intersection and marveled that the officer was able to not only survive, but return fire and injure the shooter. The attacker,
who was firing a stolen police gun, was taken into police custody and "confessed to committing this cowardly act in the name of Islam,"
Richard Ross Jr., the city's new police commissioner, said at a news conference Friday.
Philadelphia police officer ambushed 'in the name of Islam'. Edward
Archer fired at least 11 shots at the officer, in an act done "in the name of Islam", police said. Despite being shot, Officer Jessie Hartnett left his vehicle
and was able to return fire, striking Mr Archer at least once. Mr Archer escaped on foot but was apprehended by police shortly after. "This is absolutely
one of the scariest things I've ever seen," Police Commissioner Richard Ross said.
shooter 'does not appear' to be observant Muslim: CAIR. The man who shot a policeman in Philadelphia and claimed to have
pledged allegiance to Islamic State militants does not appear to be a mosque-going Muslim, a senior official at the largest U.S. Muslim
advocacy group said. "At this hour, it does not appear that he was an observant or mosque-going Muslim" in the local community, said
Jacob Bender, executive director of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Mayor: Islamic State Cop Shooter 'Does Not Represent' Islam. The Muslim man who said Islam motivated him to shoot a police officer
does not represent the teachings of Islam, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney stated in a press conference on Friday afternoon [1/8/2016], following an
attempted execution by a man who had reportedly pledged to the Islamic State. A 33-year-old Philadelphia policeman, Jesse Hartnett, was
ambushed late Thursday when Edward Archer, a Muslim man, reportedly tried to execute him while he was sitting in his police vehicle.
Source: Philly gunman says he
shot cop in name of Islam. A man using a gun stolen from police said he was acting in the name of Islam when he ambushed an officer sitting
in his marked cruiser at an intersection, firing more than a dozen shots at point-blank range, authorities said Friday [1/8/2016]. Both the officer
and suspect were wounded during the barrage of gunfire. The suspect, 30-year-old Edward Archer, also pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of
Iraq and Syria when he was questioned after his arrest in the shooting late Thursday, police said.
Mayor Jim Kenney declares the sky is green. Okay, not quite. But Philadelphia's new mayor, Jim Kenney, might
as well have told yesterday's press conference on yesterday's attempted assassination of Officer Jesse Hartnett that the sky
is green when he claimed that Islam had nothing to do with the assassination attempt. Americans believe that politicians
often lie, but it is very rare for one to blatantly lie following presentation of the truth by a senior law enforcement official,
only to be followed by yet another law enforcement official who reiterates the truth that contradicts the politician's lie. [...]
Mayor Kenney is reported to be a Catholic, so how he has the theological authority to make such a statement is unclear.
Moody Air Force Base
December 4, 2015
This incident has not developed into a terrorist attack YET, but there is far more to this situation than the government is letting on.
Afghan trainees graduate at Moody Air Force Base; 2 students
still missing . The whereabouts of the two Afghan trainees remain unknown after they were last seen on Dec. 4. The Department of Homeland Security
said it is following a variety of electronic and physical leads. Mirwais Kohistani and Shirzad Rohullah were reported missing on Dec. 8 when they didn't report
for duty.
If they're harmless, then why are they on the run? Afghan
airmen who vanished from Georgia Air Force base are 'nice guys' who pose no threat: coworkers, officials. Mirwais Kohistani and
Shirzad Ruhullah were reported missing after they didn't show up to Monday training exercises at Moody Air Force base. The pair of
Afghan Air Force airmen have been training at the Valdosta-area base since February. U.S. Air Force spokesman Ed Gulick said he does not
believe the Afghan nationals, who were screened by the Department of State before their arrival, pose a threat to any Americans. In fact,
the missing airmen may be the ones at risk, he said.
Afghan Air Force Students Reported Missing from Moody AFB. The search continues for 2 Afghan Air Force students
who were reported missing from Moody Air Force Base on Tuesday after they did not report for duty on Monday [12/7/2015].
We still do not know the names of the men or have a description of them. Moody Air Force Base officials say they will not
release that information. Moody officials did tell Eyewitness News that the two are allowed to leave the base just like
other airmen and do not require an escort.
Afghan trainees reported missing from Moody Air Force Base. Two Afghan national air force students assigned to
Moody Air Force Base near Valdosta have been reported missing. The two men, whose names were not released, are both
assigned to the 81st Fighter Squadron, but did not show up for work Monday [12/7/2015], Moody said in an emailed statement.
The two arrived at Moody in February and were screened before their arrival on U.S. soil, more than a year ago, according to officials.
"The students have trained alongside American counterparts for the entirety of 2015 and do not pose any apparent threat," Moody said.
of missing Afghans withheld. Moody Air Force Base officials are not releasing the names or photographs of two
missing Afghan trainees. Capt. Korey Fratini said Wednesday [12/10/2015] the decision to not release the names is a U.S. Air Force
decision and not one that has been made by the base commander. "It is a matter of policy," Fratini told The Valdosta Daily Times.
details in search for Afghan airmen missing from Moody AFB. New details emerged Thursday [12/10/2015] in the
intense search for two Afghan student airmen missing from Moody Air Force Base, about 230 miles south of Atlanta, near
Valdosta. Authorities say Mirwais Kohistani and Shirzad Rohullah failed to show up for their training at the base on
Monday. "They've just gone missing. We're not sure why," said Ed Gulick, the spokesman for the Air Force.
It's a question he wants answered. Gulick told 11Alive's Dontaye Carter by phone they're tracing every step the two men
took the last five days.
two Afghan Air Force trainees now being hunted by Homeland Security after they disappeared from U.S. military base in
Georgia. Air Force officials say the Department of Homeland Security has taken the lead role in the search for
two Afghan men who disappeared while training with the U.S. military at a base in south Georgia. The men — who were part
of a group of 23 from Afghanistan who have been at the base since February — have now been identified as Mirwais Kohistani
and Shirzad Rohullah. Their names and passports were released Thursday as part of a federal investigation to track down
the pair, after they failed to show up for training on Monday.
Men Training at Georgia Air Force Base Reported Missing. Two men from Afghanistan who are undergoing training
at an Air Force base in Georgia have been reported missing, officials said Tuesday [12/8/2015]. Officials at Moody Air
Force Base, near Valdosta, said in a statement the two students didn't report Monday to "their regular maintenance training"
with the 81st Fighter Squadron. The two men have been training at the base since February and "were screened prior to
their arrival in the United States more than a year ago," according to the statement. "There's zero evidence that these
guys are terrorists," said Brian Childress, police chief in Valdosta, which is near Moody Air Force Base.
The Editor says...
Right. There's zero evidence that they are terrorists — except that they're Muslims, and AWOL and apparently
on the run. But there was no such evidence against the Boston Bombers either,
until suddenly they were terrorists!
Update: One of two missing Afghan airmen
located. One of two Afghan airmen who disappeared from Moody Air Force base in south Georgia has been located six weeks after he
vanished. Channel 2 investigative reporter Aaron Diamant confirmed through federal sources that the Department of Homeland Security has
located one of the men.
San Bernardino, California
December 2, 2015
This subsection has moved to a page of its own,
located here.
Islam in Mali and Greater Africa: The Threats Facing the West Today. The Malian local Islamic terrorist group
Al Mourabitoun (The Sentinels in Arabic, with ties to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, composed mostly of Tuaregs and Arabs
from the northern Mali regions, including Algerians, Tunisians, and other nationalities) reportedly claimed responsibility
for the hotel attack in Bamako. The hotel is a favorite lodging place of Westerners in a city of 2 million
people. The attackers reportedly took over 170 hostages, killing about two dozen innocents, before local Malian forces,
with varying degrees of United States and French support, subdued them. The penultimate issue facing Western governments
like the United States, and those like Great Britain and France who once had African colonies, is how deeply they can afford
to get involved in African affairs and in chasing terrorists like the group responsible for the attack in Mali.
Terror in Mali and the Real
Meaning of 'Allahu Akbar'. As another Islamic terrorist attack occurred in Mali's capital of Bamako, where Muslim gunmen attacked a
luxury hotel full of foreigners, killing innocents and taking 170 people hostage, reports confirm that the terrorists demanded that hostages
recite the Shahada (the Muslim declaration of faith) and that those who were able to do so were allowed to leave the hotel.
from the Koran or die. Hillary Clinton and Team Obama like to pretend that the terrorism perpetrated throughout
the world by Muslims has nothing to do with Islam. Maybe they should tell this to the families of those killed today at the
Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako, Mali. According to reports, the terrorists took a large number of hostages, but then released
those (reportedly around 20 in number) who could recite a verse from the Koran. That's what I call a religious test.
Gunmen Take 170 Hostages In Mali Hotel
Attack. Around 10 men armed with guns and grenades stormed the Radisson Blu hotel in the capital Bamako at around 7am local
time. They were shouting and screaming "Allahu Akbar", which means "God Is great" in Arabic.
Firsthand Accounts of Law Enforcement
During Bataclan Terror Attacks. Don't know about you, but I'm getting a bit tired of the mass-murders, suicide bombings,
crucifixions, beheadings, civil wars, sex slaves, and mass migrations that are completely random and wholly unrelated to a certain military
doctrine that purports to be a religion.
Horror: Radical Islamists Storm Hotel Shouting "Allahu Akbar" — Take 170 Hostages. The Radisson Blu
Hotel in Mali's capital was just stormed by at least 10 radical Islamists shouting "Allahu Akbar!" Gunmen drove vehicles onto
the premises with diplomatic plates and they spoke English. The Macina Liberation Front, a wing of Boko Haram is taking
credit for the attack. They took 170 hostages and at least 3 are dead now.
Muslims screaming "Allahu akbar" take hostages, free those who can recite Qur'an. We have seen this before on several
occasions in Kenya. In September 2013 at Nairobi's Westgate Mall, Muslims murdered people who couldn't answer questions about
Islam. In June 2014, Muslims murdered people who could not pass an Islam quiz. In November 2014, Muslims murdered 28
non-Muslims who couldn't recite Qur'an verses. In April 2015, Muslims screaming "Allahu akbar" stormed Garissa University
College, and only shot those who couldn't recite Qur'an. Now we see it in Mali. And this is coming to the U.S.
Paris bomber's phone seized
months before attacks, found 2yrs later under police papers — report. Paris suicide bomber Brahim
Abdeslam's mobile phone was reportedly found underneath a pile of paperwork at a Belgian police station months after going
missing, but authorities claim its absence has not hindered their investigation. The phone was seized as part of a drug
investigation in February of 2015, months before the Paris attacks that left 138 people dead and 368 others injured
on November 13, 2015, but it should have been handed over to Belgium's anti-terrorist police once Abdeslam's links to
extremism were revealed, La Derrière Heure newspaper reported.
Police Hung Up on Paris Theatre Shooting Victim. News reports have surfaced showing the French government
covered up the torture and rape that French citizens suffered at the hands of Islamic terrorists. What hasn't been
reported is that the police told one of the victims, who called begging for help, to stop wasting their time.
Terror Files Reveal Missed Opportunities to Stop Attacks. NBC News has obtained exclusive access to a trove of
thousands of internal French and Belgian documents that constitute the Paris case file, including many pages describing
connections to the 2009 Egypt bomb plot. They show that, despite significant evidence, a joint French and Belgian task
force appears to have spun its wheels from 2009 to 2012 in a plodding and ultimately feckless attempt to penetrate what they
believed to be a terror cell in France and Belgium.
details of the Bataclan Theatre massacre revealed. The Islamic State terrorists who attacked the Bataclan theater in Paris
last November not only killed scores of innocents — they also gouged out the eyes and sliced up the genitals of some of
the victims, according to testimony in a disturbing French report. Some victims' bodies from the second floor of the theater had
been beheaded, eviscerated and otherwise mutilated, according to two secondhand accounts reported to a parliamentary commission set up
to investigate the attack. The investigation's chair, conservative lawmaker Georges Fenech, complained to the commission that details
of the mutilations have been kept from families and the press, according to an online transcript.
Weep As They Learn What French Hostages Were Forced To Do. When the terrorist attack went down at the Bataclan
in France, I wrote of hostages being disemboweled. Those reports were evidently true and much, much worse took place at
the time. It was so bad that the police ran out and vomited. [Gruesome details omitted.] ISIS needs to be wiped
from the face of the earth and fast. Wherever they are found, they need to be eliminated with prejudice. No mercy, no
quarter. Take them out. They are a scourge and a threat to all of mankind's very existence.
mastermind of Paris terror attacks 'still at large'. The man initially believed to have masterminded the Paris
attacks was only a "coordinator" and French intelligence have now discovered the true identity of the terrorist leader who
planned the massacre, it emerged on Thursday [7/7/2016]. Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a Belgian-Moroccan killed by police five
days after the November 13 atrocities, was only a go-between, not a senior figure, the head of France's external intelligence
agency told a parliamentary inquiry. "We know the mastermind but I will remain discreet on this point," Bernard Bajolet
testified to a committee of MPs.
Enforcement Sources: Gun Used in Paris Terrorist Attacks Came from Phoenix. One of the guns used in the
November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy
thousands of weapons illegally in a deadly and futile "gun-walking" operation known as "Fast and Furious." A Report of
Investigation (ROI) filed by a case agent in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) tracked the gun
used in the Paris attacks to a Phoenix gun owner who sold it illegally, "off book," Judicial Watch's law enforcement sources
confirm. Federal agents tracing the firearm also found the Phoenix gun owner to be in possession of an unregistered
fully automatic weapon, according to law enforcement officials with firsthand knowledge of the investigation.
& Furious' link: Gun used in Paris terror attack may blow up Obama's 'gun control' narrative. A gun used
in the November Paris terrorist attack has reportedly been traced back to Phoenix where the Obama administration's
gun-running experiment Fast and Furious allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally. The Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco Firearms and Explosives tracked one of the guns used in the November 13, 2015 attacks to a Phoenix gun owner who
sold it illegally, according to Judicial Watch. The gun owner also had an unregistered fully automatic weapon, according
to law enforcement officials with firsthand knowledge of the investigation. Tracking the weapon following a paper trail,
it was found that the Phoenix gun owner had at least two federal firearms violations, for selling one weapon illegally and for
possessing an unregistered automatic, according to Judicial Watch. But no action was taken against the gun owner whose
identity was "kept quiet," law enforcement sources said.
Enforcement Sources: Gun Used in Paris Terrorist Attacks Came from Phoenix. One of the guns used in the
November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy
thousands of weapons illegally in a deadly and futile "gun-walking" operation known as "Fast and Furious." A Report of
Investigation (ROI) filed by a case agent in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) tracked the gun
used in the Paris attacks to a Phoenix gun owner who sold it illegally, "off book," Judicial Watch's law enforcement sources
confirm. Federal agents tracing the firearm also found the Phoenix gun owner to be in possession of an unregistered
fully automatic weapon, according to law enforcement officials with firsthand knowledge of the investigation.
France to shut down up to 160 mosques.
In the wake of the November 13 Paris terrorist attacks that claimed more than 130 lives, the French government is ordering up
to 160 mosques to be shut down in the coming months. Raids have revealed large stashes of weapons and ammunition.
The government's emergency powers grant it the right to take this extraordinary measure, and mosques that are unlicensed or
have a history of "preaching hatred" are being singled out. One of France's chief imams, Hassan El Alaoui, said last
Wednesday, "According to official figures and our discussions with the interior ministry, between 100 and 160 more mosques
will be closed because they are run illegally without proper licenses, they preach hatred, or use takfiri speech.
Takfiri speech involves sectarian slurs leveled by one Muslim against fellow Muslims.
France Raids Mosques,
Finds Weapons-Truth! Reports that mosques in France have been raided and shut down in the wake of terrorist
attacks in Paris on November 13th are true. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said on December 2nd that French
officials had shut down three mosques and had detained 22 people who were believed to have participated in "Islamist
radicalization." In one of the mosques, located about 22 miles east of Paris, authorities seized a 9mm revolver,
a hard drive and documents, the Wall Street Journal reports.
the First Amendment and terror collide. Nohemi Gonzalez, an ambitious 23-year-old student of fashion and design
at California State University, Long Beach, was eating at a restaurant on the Rue de Charrone during her fall semester in
Paris when gunmen attacked and murdered her. She was the only known American among the 129 people who were killed
in the Nov. 13, 2015, Paris terror attacks. Last week Nohemi's father, Reynaldo Gonzalez, filed a federal lawsuit
in U.S. District Court in the Northern District of California against Twitter, Facebook and Google, alleging that they are
liable for his daughter's death because they "knowingly permitted the terrorist group ISIS to use their social networks as a
tool for spreading extremist propaganda." The suit calls this "material support" for terrorism, saying that without
social media, the growth of ISIS "would not have been possible."
victim's father sues Twitter, Facebook, Google over ISIS. The father of a young woman killed in the Paris
attacks last November is suing Google, Facebook and Twitter, claiming that the companies provided "material support" to
extremists in violation of the law. Nohemi Gonzalez, 23, of El Monte, California, was the only American killed in the
November 2015 shootings and suicide bombings that left 130 people dead, CBS Los Angeles reported. Her father, Reynaldo
Gonzalez, filed the suit on Tuesday [6/14/2016] in the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of California. The
suit claims the companies "knowingly permitted" the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to recruit members, raise money
and spread "extremist propaganda" via their social media services.
Muslim in Brussels
Counter-Terror Shoot Out was a Migrant, Islamic State Flag, Prayer Books Found. The Wall Street Journal is
reporting: Authorities here found an Islamic State flag inside the apartment where an hours long battle between gunmen and
police investigating the November Paris attacks left one suspect dead, prosecutors said on Wednesday [3/16/2016]. [...] Belgian
authorities said more than 100 house searches have been conducted since the terror attacks in Paris. Belgian authorities
have detained and questioned 58 people as part of the direct investigation of the Paris attack. Another 23 people
were questioned in related investigations.
French Minister Christiane Taubira resigns amid terror row. French
Justice Minister Christiane Taubira has stepped down from her job, shortly before plans to strip people convicted of terrorism of their citizenship go before
parliament. Ms Taubira was known to disagree with the controversial proposals. The citizenship plans were put forward after the 13 November
Paris attacks in which 130 people were murdered.
manhunt for 12 people who entered country on same stolen passports as Paris attackers. A manhunt has been
launched in Germany for 12 people who used fake Syrian passports to enter the country and then disappeared, according to a
report in a German tabloid. The documentation is believed to have been taken by ISIS when they captured the Syrian city of
Raqqa in 2013 and supplied to migrants by the same source as those used by two of the Paris attackers, the Bild newspaper claimed.
The Real Lesson of the Paris
Attacks. [Scroll down] The latest attacks in Paris were, indeed, targeted at absolutely everybody.
In that, there should be a lesson of a kind. The lesson should remind us that in a free society, no one can wholly
dodge the bullets of these particular fanatics. In the conflict that faces us now, there is no opt-out if you happen to
be "lucky" enough not to be Jewish. There is no opt-out if you happen to think that people should not draw or publish
opinions that are anything other than 100% agreeable to 100% of the people, 100% of the time. Because one day, you will
be targeted for being at a restaurant or a concert, or for having the "decadent" temerity to attend a football match.
When the Third World Attacks. Give
me a break, New York Times. The Paris terrorists were 100 percent Middle Eastern, although most were born in Muslim ghettos in Europe.
After 50 years of the most backward, dysfunctional cultures pouring into the civilized world, the media are forced to blatantly lie to us
whenever immigrants attack: This has nothing to do with refugees! Ismail Omar Mostefai is "a Frenchman." Ismail is
"French" in the same way that Caitlin Jenner is a "woman."
Non sequitur of the year: Negotiators
vow to honour Paris victims with climate deal. Climate negotiators in Paris vowed Sunday [11/29/2015] to craft
an historic pact to avert catastrophic global warming in honour of the victims of this month's horrific attacks in the French capital.
Self-Defenseless. What might have
happened if a few of the 1,500 concert attendees in Paris' Bataclan theater had guns? The terrorists had time to kill, reload
and kill again. The police unit didn't come for more than a half hour. If a few people in the theater were armed, might
they have killed the killers?
Islam: 'The Strongest Retrograde
Force in the World'. In January 2014, [Barack H. Obama] made the now-infamous remark that he regarded ISIS as merely a "jay-vee" threat.
The months that followed saw that group slaughter hundreds, maybe thousands, in the most public and grotesque manner. Allied groups in Africa raided schools
and villages, shooting, hacking, and raping their way through the populace. On the morning of November 13 (the anniversary, incidentally, of end of the
Ottoman Caliphate), President Obama told George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America that his administration had "contained" ISIS. That very evening,
less than a year after the massacre by ISIS affiliates at the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, a series of carefully coordinated,
cold-blooded attacks by ISIS erupted across Paris, leaving some 130 dead and more than 250 wounded. One of the attacks, at the Stade de France,
came within yards of François Hollande, the French president, who was there for a football match. Some containment.
Three Liberties Being Threatened
After the Paris Attacks. In the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris recently, statists and power-hungry bureaucrats have
seized the opportunity to try and expand governmental power. In the spirit of never letting a crisis go to waste, they hope to capitalize on
fear to place new restrictions on individual liberties. Here are three ways in which the forces of ever bigger government are seeking to
exploit the Paris attacks to erode personal freedoms.
Elites Versus the Masterminds.
The French have voted to extend the State of Emergency for three more months in reaction to an attack on Paris that claimed 129 lives.
"The lower house of parliament voted overwhelmingly to extend the measures until the end of February and to increase certain powers, including
immediately placing people under house arrest if they are considered a risk." These include the power to detain preemptively detain
individuals, carry out warrantless searches, seize data and block websites. The Eurocrats have declared open season on anything which
obfuscates government supervision over individual activity. Reuters reports that "European Union countries plan a crackdown on virtual
currencies and anonymous payments made online and via pre-paid cards in a bid to tackle terrorism financing after the Paris attacks."
The Editor says...
As I've said before, I'd much rather take my chances with the Muslim terrorists than with Big Brother. The Muslims might be able
to kill a hundred people at a time, but Big Brother can put all of us under tyranny overnight, while pretending it's for our safety.
A totalitarian socialist government that has tasted this level of power will probably be reluctant to give it up.
Democrats prefer fantasy to reality. In Paris, the day
before the fantasy land debate, eight Islamic terrorists affiliated with ISIS targeted innocent people, killing 129 and wounding 352. It
was a horrific attack on not just the country of France, but on all of Western civilization. It was only the latest in a long string of
attacks that have been going on for decades, but started to intensify in the aftermath of the Iranian revolution of 1979.
How Stupid Are We? Several days ago,
Paris was struck again by Islamic terrorism. Innocents enjoying a night on the town were brutally gunned down or blown apart by a malicious
blood thirsty cult. They kill for sport. As I write this, the death toll exceeds 130 and many more severely injured. But
whomever [sic] it was, one fact is not debatable. They were Islamic terrorists. They are not a nation armed with tanks and planes
nor are they a "jayvee" team; as President Obama infamously suggested. They are pursuing a modern day Caliphate of control and power
in the Middle East and their antlers of death and destruction have spread to the Western Hemisphere.
the Tatters of the Obama Doctrine. Rarely has such a group been so rhetorically attacked but left so physically
untouched as ISIS. [...] It is now believed the Paris attack was launched from a suburb of Brussels called Molenbeek, to
which nearly every terrorist attack in Europe has been linked, and over which the Belgian interior minister claims no
control. At least some of the attackers were furnished from the ranks of refugees streaming in from Syria. The
planning itself may have used the chat feature of Playstation 4, which the French sleuths had not thought to tap.
Don't Equate Paris Attacks To Islam. While speaking at the G20 Summit on Monday, President Obama said that it's
"counterproductive" to "equate the terrible actions that took place in Paris with the views of Islam."
Home Secretary: Paris Attacks 'Have Nothing To Do With Islam'. The Home Secretary Theresa May has said the attacks
in Paris, "have nothing to do with Islam". She said Islam was peaceful, whilst explaining that "appropriate security measures"
will need to be taken at the England France football match tomorrow [11/17/2015].
attacks highlight France's gun control problems. The arsenal of weapons deployed by the eight attackers who
terrorised Paris on Friday night underlined France's gun control problems and raised the spectre of further attacks. The
country has extremely strict weapons laws, but Europe's open borders and growing trade in illegal weapons means assault rifles
are relatively easy to come by on the black market. They feature regularly in gang warfare and were used by both
the Charlie Hebdo killers and an extremist who targeted a Jewish school and paratroopers in 2012 shootings around Toulouse in
the south of the country.
Paris, You've got a friend in the USA — but not much more. After Islamic State warriors slaughtered
more than 120 innocents in France, an urgent question arises for us Americans. Will we send James Taylor to Paris to serenade
the French? You may recall that this was our response in January after Islamic radicals slaughtered 17 people at the
Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French satire magazine, and at a kosher market there.
How that 'jayvee team' metastasized into the
world's most destructive terror force. Attacks in Paris on Nov. 13 claimed by Islamic State left at least 129 people
dead and scores more wounded in the worst terrorist assault in Europe for a decade. [This article comprises] a timeline of seminal events
in the militant group's history and leading up to the tragedy that French President Francois Hollande has called an "act of war."
Crippling the West from Within. More than 14 years ago, they succeeded in killing nearly 3,000 Americans in a
plot carried out right under our noses. In those intervening years, billions of dollars were spent on creating and connecting
massive databases between countries to share intelligence, new counterterrorism intelligence units were formed, tens of thousands
of jihadists around the world were placed under surveillance, entire militaries were transformed to fight the new type of asymmetrical
war, and government leaders vowed to wipe out the nest of terrorist vipers wherever they were. Yet, the jihadists still
succeeded in carrying out the single largest attack in Europe since World War II, slaughtering more than 120 innocent men, women
and children. If there is any lesson that can be drawn, it is that the jihadists are now coming for us.
Paris Attack 'Mastermind' Also Behind Train Attack Thwarted By Hero Marines. French authorities have confirmed
that the "mastermind" behind Friday night's deadly attacks in Paris was also behind the thwarted train attack in August,
where off duty U.S. marines apprehended a jihadist gunman. Jihadist Abdelhamid Abaaoud has previously been described as
"one of the most active Isis executioners" in Syria and is known to have fought with Islamic State (ISIS) in the region. He
appeared in an online video driving a car loaded with mutilated bodies.
important lessons world must learn from French tragedy. First, the Paris attacks were not "senseless violence"
as some media commentators observed as the news coverage unfolded. Nor were they "an attack on all of humanity and the
universal values that we share," as President Obama said late Friday evening [11/13/2015]. This coordinated, well-planned
and, sadly, well-executed series of assaults on innocent civilians was deliberate, ideologically motivated, and carefully
targeted. These Islamic radicals know who their enemies are, and have for decades. It is we —
or at least some of our leaders — who have forgotten who is under attack.
Than The Paris Attacks Is The Democrats' Passivity. 'If left unchecked, these terrorists could pose a growing
threat beyond" the Mideast, "including to the United States," Obama said of the Islamic State 14 months ago. "Could pose,"
not "do pose." The president now contends that we have not left ISIS unchecked in the months since. And yet somehow the
terror organization he dismissed as a JV team managed a sophisticated, coordinated spree of attacks in the heart of Paris, leaving
at least 129 dead.
Authority Official Newspaper Blames Israel for Attacks in Paris. An opinion piece from Sunday's [11/15/2015]
edition of al-Hayat al-Jadida, the Palestinian Authority's official daily newspaper, argued that the Israeli
intelligence agency Mossad was responsible for the terror attacks that occurred in Paris on Friday night, which killed at
least 129 people and wounded hundreds more, according to an article in the Times of Israel.
Trump to packed house in Knoxville: 'Guns could have prevented Paris attacks'. Trump's early comments were
against President Obama's release of five prisoners from Guantanamo Bay last week and that Friday's attacks in Paris could
have been prevented if citizens had guns. "If you had 25 people in there that had guns, it would have been a totally
different story. It would have been the Shootout at the OK Corral, and there would have been death, but it could have been
their death," Trump said.
Not difficult: Francois
Hollande is making Obama look like a fool. No sooner had ISIS claimed responsibility for the butchery than
[President François] Hollande got in front of TV cameras and told the traumatized public that the savagery was an "act
of war." He vowed to pound ISIS into submission. Compare that to the American president's initial reaction.
President Obama, who once ridiculed ISIS (or "ISIL," as he calls it) by comparing it to a junior varsity squad, was loath to
point fingers. "I don't want to speculate at this point in terms of who was responsible for this," he said.
On the other hand... France's
President Lied, Frenchmen Died. Last month, French President Francois Hollande ridiculed the idea that the
massive numbers of Muslim migrants entering his country were any kind of threat. "Those who argue that we are being
invaded are manipulators and falsifiers, who do this only for political reasons, to scare," the left-wing politician huffed.
And then the pudgy little Socialist had to be rapidly evacuated from France's national soccer stadium after one of those refugees
blew himself up trying to reach Monsieur le Président, and Merkel's Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Minister
Steinmeier had urged rejecting "barriers, fences" when it came to the Muslim migrants, but it was a barrier and the security in
front of it that kept one of his beloved refugees from reaching him.
Warming Came To Paris, Again. According to President Obama, the recently elected leftist Canadian Prime
Minister, and various euro-socialist left-wing open-border types, the most significant danger to the citizen sheep amid our
collective nations is "global warming". Well, they say it, so it must be true. We can only reasonably reconcile
reality and political pontification by accepting the term "global warming" now means "Islamic Jihadists carrying AK-47
rifles and explosive uniforms". And, as such — they're right. That type of global warming is advancing
Trump says tough gun control laws in Paris contributed to tragedy. Donald Trump says the tough gun control laws
in Paris contributed to the high death toll during a series of terrorist attacks on Friday. The attacks, he added, also
reveal the danger in allowing Syrian refugees into the country. "You can say what you want, but if they had guns —
if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry — it would have been a much, much different situation," Trump
said to cheers during a political rally at an arena in southeast Texas on Saturday afternoon [11/14/2015].
Obama: Paris terror
rampage a 'setback'. Three days after teams of Islamic State terrorists brazenly carried out raids across Paris
that left 129 people dead, President Obama labeled the slaughter a "setback" in responding to questions about his policies.
"There will be setbacks and there will be successes. The terrible events in Paris were obviously a terrible and sickening
setback," Obama said Monday [11/16/2015].
The Editor says...
Obama is reluctant or afraid to criticize radical Islam or even call it by name. We can easily surmise that Obama
is either a coward or a Muslim — or both.
Why Only Fools Listen to Obama. If only France had rigid gun
control, yesterday's bloodbath in Paris could have been avoided. Oh wait, France is run by moonbats and does have rigid gun
control. That's why no one was in a position to fight back against the Muslims.
State 'not contained' as Paris attacks show. Even as Islamic State terrorists carrying Syrian and Egyptian
passports were moving into position last Friday morning to launch the most terrifying attack on Paris since World War II,
President Obama went before the cameras on ABC's "Good Morning America" to assure George Stephanopoulos and his audience that
we've "contained" ISIS. He dismissed ISIS, another name for the Islamic State group, as he has in the past as something we
shouldn't be overly concerned about. "From the start," he assured those watching, "our goal has been to contain them, and we
have contained them."
did Obama declare ISIS 'contained' the day before Paris attack? On Thursday, President Barack Obama declared in
an interview that ISIS had been "contained," asserting that the terror cell had been stalled in Iraq and Syria. The next
day, ISIS claimed responsibility for one of the worst terror attacks in European history, shattering what had been a growing
sense of momentum in the global fight against extremists and driving home the frightening ability of ISIS to inspire and
possibly coordinate attacks outside their power base in Iraq and in Syria.
Muslim Terror Attack in Paris. The death toll from the Bataclan theater has been raised to 120, bringing the
total dead to 160 citywide. French authorities believe that all of the terrorists involved in the attacks themselves have
been subdued with Paris Public Prosecutor, Francois Molins has said on French television that at least 5 terrorists have been
"neutralized." Two of the terrorists appear to have blown themselves up during the police raid on the Bataclan rather than
face capture or death at the hands of the authorities.
names of the people responsible for the massacres in France. The names of the people responsible for the
massacres in France are as follows: [#1] François Hollande, president of France. [#2] Angela Merkel,
prime minister of Germany. [#3] David Cameron, prime minister of the U.K. [#5] Stefan Lofven, prime minister
of Sweden. ...as well as most of the other prime ministers and European heads of state. Oh, and we must include the pope,
too, who insistently called on Europe to take in more Muslim refugees. All these people — and their predecessors in
office — have the blood of the dead French citizens, and the other victims of radical Islam, on their hands. They
willingly and knowingly have imported millions of Muslims from barbaric Middle Eastern cultures. They knew that many were
military-age young men. They knew that a substantial minority of them were supporters of radical Islam. And then, when
the unthinkable occurs, they act surprised and outraged and vow to secure their borders.
'shocked' by Paris attacks. [I]sn't it odd that Angela Merkel, leader of Germany's Christian Democratic Party,
has taken her humanitarian stand specifically in favor of the only refugee population one could find that is associated by
religious affiliation and political history with profound Jew-hatred and Holocaust trivialization? It would be amusing, were
it not so sad, to remember how pleased North American conservatives used to be with the "pro-business" Merkel. An object
lesson in why conservatives must stop confusing pro-business with pro-freedom — two very different positions, in fact.
If there is still a significant pro-freedom faction in Europe at all, one hopes its members are well beyond being "shocked" that
Muslims could commit violence.
ISIS Claims Deadly Paris Attacks,
'First of the Storm'. The terror group ISIS today released a statement claiming responsibility for the horrific, apparently
coordinated attacks in Paris Friday that killed more than 100 people. Calling the attack "blessed," an audio statement released
online in French and Arabic said that ISIS "soldiers" targeted the "capital of prostitution and obscenity, the carrier of the banner of the
Cross in Europe." The statement claimed the attack was the "first of the storm and a warning to those who wish to learn."
men linked to Paris attacks registered as migrants in Greece: police. Greek police on Saturday [11/14/2015] said at
least one man with a possible connection to the Paris attacks had registered as a refugee with Greek authorities earlier this year.
French authorities had asked their Greek counterparts to check the fingerprints of one man who died in the attacks, with a Syrian
passport found next to him, in addition to the fingerprints of another man.
Migrant Jihad Has Begun in Paris. French and European authorities can't say they weren't warned. Last February,
the Islamic State boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees. And the Lebanese Education Minister
recently said that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country. Meanwhile, 80% of migrants who have
recently come to Europe claiming to be fleeing the war in Syria aren't really from Syria at all. So why are they claiming
to be Syrian and streaming into Europe? An Islamic State operative gave the answer when he boasted in September, shortly
after the migrant influx began, that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 Islamic State jihadis had already entered Europe.
Rushes to Shift Focus of Paris Attacks Away from Jihadist Terror. Before the dust had settled and even the extent of the
damage and number of dead had been tallied from a string of terror attacks in Paris, France, liberals in the old media establishment
were already writing pieces blaming conservatives, bemoaning that the attacks had taken the focus off pet liberal issues like Mizzou
and global warming and wringing their hands over the safety of Muslims. Salon was early out of the gate with a story twisting
the terror attacks into a weapon to use against conservatives.
University of California Merced
November 4, 2015
Overview: California:
ISIS Jihadi Stabs Four in University Classroom, University Blames Toxic Masculinity. The FBI last Wednesday
[11/25/2020] released new details about the case of Faisal Mohammad, who in November 2015, while he was a freshman at the
University of California, Merced, entered a classroom and stabbed four people. It was already known back at the time of
the attack that young Mohammad was a jihadi: The College Fix reported that he "was found to have an image of the ISIS
flag, a handwritten manifesto with instructions on how to behead someone, and reminders to pray to Allah." The new
information that has just been released about the case only confirms this, and shows up the abject idiocy of the university's
utterly predictable reaction to the attack. [...] The University of California Merced is no different from any other campus
all over the country today: full of self-righteous, pseudo-intellectual, indoctrinated bots who have been thoroughly imbued
with the notion that when Islamic jihadists attack us, it is our fault.
FBI Admits Faisal Mohammad A Self-Radicalized Jihadist.
Now they admit he was a "self-radicalized" Islamist. Previously, they spent a lot of time claiming to have no
idea what his motive could possibly be. If you don't remember the stabbing spree at Merced University, that's because
Obama and the FBI have conspired to make sure you don't.
Feds Cover
Up Another ISIS Case. The Obama regime has finally admitted what we've been arguing for months —
that November's stabbing spree at a California college was not only terrorism, but also an ISIS-inspired attack.
What took so long?
it terrorism, says father of hero who helped stop stabber at California college. The California college student who
stabbed four people last month in a campus spree that ended when he was killed by campus police was described by his roommate
as "an extreme Muslim" and carried a manifesto and a photocopy of an ISIS flag — more than enough to convince John
Price he was a terrorist. Yet, more than a month after the Nov. 4 attack at University of California Merced, local and
federal authorities continue to insist that Faisal Mohammad, 18, carried out the vicious attack because he'd been banished from a
study group. Price, whose son Byron Price, a 31-year-old construction manager for the family business who was working nearby
and was stabbed when he heroically intervened, suspects the White House's reluctance to identify acts of radical Islamic terror
has trickled down to investigators who are still probing the Merced attack.
Muslim chases neighbor in California and other news from adherents of the Religion of Peace. A Muslim man
wielding a sword screamed that he would "die and kill for Allah" as he chased his terrified neighbor down the street. It
happened on Monday [12/7/2015] in Victorville, California, located in San Bernardino County. The Victor Valley News reports
that the suspect, Mohamed Elrawi, was taken into custody after investigators searched his home and found a copy of the Quran and
other items suggesting he had become "radicalized." (I happen to think the word "radicalized" is as bogus as the term "radical
Islam." People do not become radicalized. They become devout.)
Lying, Progressives, and Call It What It Is: Islamic Terrorism. The classification of the recent knife attack
on several students at the University of California at Merced by 18-year-old Faisal Mohammad is in danger of falling through
the cracks of political correctness. [...] A subsequent search of Mohammad's property uncovered a folded copy of the ISIS
flag, a handwritten manifesto with detailed instructions to behead students and multiple reminders to "praise Allah." This
horrendous act was then glorified on a Twitter posting from an account associated with ISIS stating "May Allah accept him."
Is there any question as to how this incident should be classified? Apparently in the minds of some there is. At a press
briefing, Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke said "there is nothing to indicate this was anything other than a teenage boy who got
upset with a few fellow classmates."
tweet praises Calif. university stabber as details on his background emerge. As authorities worked to establish
a motive for the 18-year-old college freshman who stabbed four people on a California campus Wednesday [11/4/2015], more disturbing
details emerged about the attacker. Faisal Mohammad, who was killed by University of California Merced police, was described
by at least one witness as smiling as he slashed at victims, called a loner by a fellow dorm resident and drew praise Thursday from
a Twitter account associated with ISIS, which just last week released a series of videos calling for lone wolf stabbing attacks.
Merced Stabbing Spree Suspect May Have Had Larger Plot, Officials Say. A college freshman who stabbed four
people at the University of California Merced before being killed by police apparently carried out the attack because he was
upset over being kicked out of a study group, officials said Thursday [11/5/2015]. Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke
said authorities discovered a two-page "script" while conducting an autopsy on suspect Faisal Mohammad, the 18-year-old
freshman who carried out the attack.
Mohammad identified as man who went on 'smiling' as he went on stabbing spree. A reclusive student shot dead by
police after stabbing four people in a California university campus attack 'had far greater intentions to do damage', Merced
County Sheriff said Wednesday [11/4/2015]. Faisal Mohammad, a freshman who majored in computer science and engineering at
the University of California was carrying highly flammable petroleum jelly, ziptie handcuffs, night vision goggles, duct tape
and a hammer in his backpack when he was shot in the back by cops.
Yawn At Calif. College Stabbing Spree By Freshman Mohammad. Something terrible happened on a U.S. college campus that's
escaped national media coverage, likely because it wasn't a mass shooting and the suspect wasn't a disturbed white kid, but Faisal
Mohammad. The weapon was a hunting knife, so it didn't help advance the mainstream media's anti-gun agenda. But news of
the attack, completely blacked out by major media, was no less terrifying than recent campus shootings.
stabber's manifesto included 'praise for Allah,' plan for beheading. A handwritten manifesto carried by a
California college student whose stabbing spree Wednesday [11/4/2015] left four wounded bore names of his targets, a vow "to cut
someone's head off" and as many as five reminders to "praise Allah," law enforcement authorities told FoxNews.com, while insisting
that neither terrorism nor religion appear to be motives in the attack. In the two-page document found in Faisal Mohammad's
pocket by the county coroner, the 18-year-old freshman wrote a numeric list outlining his plans of who he wanted to kill, and how,
including beheading and shooting his victims, Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke told FoxNews.com
stabber's manifesto included 'praise for Allah,' plan for beheading. A handwritten manifesto carried by a
California college student whose stabbing spree Wednesday left four wounded bore names of his targets, a vow "to cut
someone's head off" and as many as five reminders to "praise Allah," law enforcement authorities told FoxNews.com, while
insisting that neither terrorism nor religion appear to be motives in the attack. In the two-page document found in Faisal
Mohammad's pocket by the county coroner, the 18-year-old freshman wrote a numeric list outlining his plans of who he wanted
to kill, and how, including beheading and shooting his victims, Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke told FoxNews.com
UC Merced stabber was on terror watch list, had Islamic State flag. If the information in this report is true,
then Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke was deliberately lying when he told the media that this attack had nothing to do with
Faisal Mohammad's Islamic faith. What is the motive of these people? When it comes to Islamic jihad attacks, virtually all
public officials downplay the Islamic aspect, obfuscate the motive, and often lie outright, all to protect Islam. What has
made Islam sacrosanct so that no matter how high the stack of bodies gets, no matter how many atrocities are committed in its
name and in accord with its teachings, the one thing we must not do at all costs is identify the root cause properly?
New Details Emerge About UC
Merced Stabber. It is looking increasingly likely that Faisal Mohammad, the knife-wielding assailant who was shot and killed by
police after stabbing four people at the University of California, Merced, last Wednesday, was motivated by quite a bit more than disappointment
over being kicked out of a study group. Local authorities have decided to hand over control of the criminal investigation to the FBI after
"new information" about Mohammad came to light on Saturday [11/7/2015], according to Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke.
flag, radical manifesto raise questions about Calif. campus stabber's motive. The California college student who stabbed four
people last week was carrying an image of the black flag of ISIS according to a report Tuesday [11/10/2015], as well as a handwritten manifesto
with instructions to behead a student and multiple reminders to pray to Allah, yet authorities continued to insist Faisal Mohammad's motives
had nothing to do with radical Islam. The 18-year-old, who was killed by a campus police officer to end the Wednesday morning attack,
was a loner who was incensed at being booted from a study group, according to Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke. But the extreme way
Mohammad dealt with his rage, the presence of the printout of Islamic State's black flag and the deadly plans spelled out in the two-page
document he carried could indicate there was more to the attack than simple rejection.
Umpqua College Shooting
October 1, 2015
State (ISIS) Claims Responsibility for Chris Harper Mercer Umpqua College Shooting. The Islamic State is
crowing on social media, laying claim to the mass murder in Roseburg, Oregon. Not surprising. Lining up
Christians and shooting them in the head is one of their religious rituals. There is much we do not know. We
know Harper Mercer's only male friend was a jihad sympathizer who praised "the brave Mujahideen heroes." And said,
"The Mujahideen freedom fighters of Palestine. My brothers and sisters keep on doing your thing. Allahu Akbar."
"my brave soldiers keep on fighting for the liberation of Palestine against Israel [...]"
the Oregon mass shooting an Islamist attempt to assassinate Alek Skarlatos? Was last week's massacre at Umpqua
Community College in Oregon a failed attempt to assassinate a Christian American hero for thwarting a Muslim terrorist train
attack this summer in France? There may simply be a series of unlikely coincidences at play, or there may be circumstantial
evidence suggesting that anti-jihadist hero Alek Skarlatos was an intended target of Chris Harper-Mercer, who put several Christians
to death in an Umpqua classroom on Thursday, Oct. 1 for being Christian.
Attack on a high-speed rail line in Belgium
August 21, 2015
And Europe Desperately Need History Lesson On Radical Islam. Hundreds of potential victims owe their lives to
three Americans and a fellow British passenger who risked theirs to save them on an Amsterdam to Paris train last week.
The heroes, including two U.S. servicemen on leave, contrast sharply with the unarmed crew who barricaded themselves inside
locked cabins. And even more so with politically correct leaders on both sides of the Atlantic who continually fail to
show leadership in confronting radical Islam. Even though the gunman, Moroccan 25-year old Ayoub el-Khazzani, was known
to Spanish, German and French authorities for ties to "radical Islamist movements" and was armed with an AK-47, 300 rounds of
ammo, a pistol and box cutter, the French government's reaction was typical: "It is too early to speak of a terrorist link."
tackled on train on authorities' radar in 3 countries. Three American travelers say they relied on gut instinct
and a close bond forged over years of friendship as they took down a heavily armed man on a passenger train speeding through Belgium.
Trump the Trickster and Our
National Identity. [Scroll down] The Americans didn't stop to consider that the jihadist might be a
member of a historically oppressed culture, or what slights he might have been subject to in his past. You have to
have a Ph.D. in something or other to think so precisely on the spot. Only a product of many years of déformation
professionnelle in one of our Ivy League universities could have his native hue of resolution so obscured by the pale cast
of thought that he loses the ability to act when action is clearly needed. Neither did they heed the advice of Homeland
Security. Had they done so they would have locked themselves in the bathroom and waited for help to arrive.
America in Their Bones. It was astounding how the
three Americans — Anthony Sadler, Alek Skarlatos, Spencer Stone — leaped, without appraising personal risk, from
their seats and lit into the lug who held an AK-47. They sensed what had to be done. They did it. How American!
That is no bad way to think about the affair on the train. Though as a people, we're a little rusty when it comes to sorting out
good guys from bad ones and knowing instinctively which side to come in on with fists and moral power.
Fi-Speed Rail: Three U.S. Marines Overpower Gunman On Amsterdam-To-Paris Train. U.S. Marines heard the distinctive
sound of a gunman charging an AKM-pattern rifle in the bathroom of a high-speed Amsterdam-to-Paris train, and beat him down
before he could carry out a massacre. [...] Attitude goes a long way towards determining the winner of a fight. In this
instance, the honed reflexes and warrior spirit of the Marines enabled them to quickly overcome what is believed to be a
fully-automatic weapon and subdue the gunman with a minimal number of casualties, preventing a possible massacre.
hero of the French train attack revealed as American professor. As four heroes were awarded France's highest
honor of bravery on Monday for preventing 'carnage' by tackling a French train terrorist, a fifth hero has been revealed.
Mark Moogalian, an academic at the University of Paris, was shot in the neck as he fought with Ayoub El-Khazzani on board the
high-speed service from Amsterdam to Paris. Moogalian, 51, originally from Midlothian, Virginia, is said to have first
become suspicious when he saw El-Khazzani enter the train's bathroom with his suitcase on Friday [8/21/2015].
Train Jihadi 'Dumbfounded' to Be Accused of Terrorism. It is a recurring and increasingly ridiculous feature of
jihad terror coverage: every time a Muslim screaming "Allahu akbar" plants a bomb or opens fire on a crowd of infidels,
mainstream media coverage notes that "the attacker's motive is not known." But now Ayoub el-Khazzani, the Muslim gunman who
was overpowered by three Americans, including two Marines, on a Paris-bound train last Friday, has gone the media one better
by professing to be "dumbfounded" at being accused of terrorism. But the media, not unexpectedly, is happily going along,
spreading the fog of disinformation that envelops the West's response to the jihad threat even more thickly.
2 members of U.S. military stop Islamist attacker on
train in Belgium. The train was speeding through Belgium when the man emerged from the train bathroom, shirtless
with a rifle — possibly an AK 47 — slung over his shoulder, the Americans said. The three
men — a member of the Air Force, an inactive National Guard member and a civilian — responded quickly,
possibly preventing a deadly attack on the high-speed Thalys train. The suspect had a box cutter or some other bladed
weapon, authorities said.
Americans hailed
as heroes for foiling train attack. One serves in the Air Force, another recently served in Afghanistan in the
National Guard, another is studying physical therapy in California — and all three Americans are being hailed as heroes for
tackling and disarming a gunman they happened to encounter on a high-speed train between Amsterdam and Paris.
Recount Bloody Encounter With Gunman on Train to France. The passenger — singled out by French
officials for his courage, but not named by them — threw himself on the man. The gun went off, once, twice,
several times. Glass shattered. A bullet hit a passenger. The man with the gun kept going down the carriage,
holding his AK-47 and a Luger pistol. In a pocket was a sharp blade capable of inflicting grievous harm. The man
had at least nine cartridges of ammunition, enough for serious carnage.
As usual, the lawyers claim it's all a misunderstanding. What
Terror? Train Gunman Wanted to Rob People, Lawyer Says. The gunman who was disarmed by passengers on a train in
France two days ago looked weak and malnourished and said he had only meant to rob people, a lawyer who interviewed him after
the attack said on Sunday [8/23/2015]. "(I saw) somebody who was very sick, somebody very weakened physically, as if he
suffered from malnutrition, very, very thin and very haggard," the lawyer, Sophie David, told BFMTV. David said the
26 year-old Moroccan expressed surprise when he was told that European authorities suspected him of being an Islamist militant.
As usual, the police can't imagine what his motivation might be. Suspected
Train Attacker Ayoub El Khazzani Probed for Links to 'Broader Framework'. Authorities were investigating on
Sunday whether the heavily-armed gunman thwarted in the midst of an apparent terror attack on a Amsterdam-Paris train was
acting alone, or whether "a wider framework" was involved. Belgium's chief prosecutor Eric Van Sypt told NBC News that
the suspected attacker was 26-year-old Moroccan Ayoub El Khazzani, who had lived in Europe for several years and recently
spent time in Brussels. Van Sypt said it was not yet known if El Khazzani had an accomplice or was acting alone, and
authorities in Belgium were probing "if there is possibly a wider framework involved."
France train gunman identified as
Islamist militant. Fingerprint evidence shows that the gunman overpowered by passengers on a train in France is a Morrocan
known to European authorities as a suspected Islamist militant, according to a source familiar with the case. Two people were
wounded in the struggle to subdue the Kalashnikov-toting attacker aboard the high-speed train from Amsterdam to Paris on Friday [8/21/2015].
Father To MSNBC: 'PC Crowd Needs To Recognize Terrorism For What It Is'. Emanuel Skarlatos, father of Alek Skarlatos, the
Guardsman who helped save dozens of innocent lives on a train in France, had a strong condemnation for the would-be assailant and the
political correctness crowd, saying, "this terrorist coward deserved what he got, and the PC crowd needs to recognize terrorism for what
it is." "It's better to die like a lion that be slaughtered like sheep," Skarlatos also said in a phone interview with MSNBC's
"News Nation" with Tamron Hall [8/24/2015].
Door-to-door terrorism in Colorado and Wyoming
August, 2015
ISIS Threatens Military Families Outside Their Homes. A chilling new FBI bulletin
warns U.S. military families that they are being watched and may even be "confronted" by Arab men
outside their homes. The advisory, which was issued to military facilities and law enforcement
agencies in Colorado and Wyoming, says that "Middle Eastern males" have been approaching soldiers'
wives at their homes in both states, casing them for possible attack. The suspects have also
tried to get personal information about military personnel "through intimidation."
Families Harassed and Intimidated by Muslims Right Here in the U.S.. It was not meant
for public disclosure but a news outlet got ahold of a chilling Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) alert warning U.S. military families that they are being watched and confronted by Middle
Eastern men. The cryptic FBI memo was issued to law enforcement agencies in Colorado and Wyoming
and says that Middle Eastern men are approaching families of U.S. military members at their homes in
both states, specifically in Greeley and Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Issues Alert About 'Scared' Military Families Being 'Confronted by Middle Eastern Males'. The Federal
Bureau of Investigation has issued an alert to all law enforcement agencies in Colorado and Wyoming about Middle
Eastern men approaching the family members of individuals serving in the U.S. military at their homes. CBS
Denver reported that the alert specifically noted Greeley, Colorado, and Cheyenne, Wyoming, as areas of concern.
Middle Eastern Men Intimidating U.S. Military Families In Colorado & Wyoming. An alert has been issued by the
FBI to all law enforcement agencies in Colorado and Wyoming involving U.S. military families and concerns about who may be
watching them. The alert says Middle Eastern men are approaching families of U.S. military members at their homes in
Colorado and Wyoming. It mentions Greeley, Colorado, and Cheyenne, Wyoming, as the specific areas.
alert: Middle Eastern men intimidating military families in Colorado, Wyoming. The FBI has issued an alert
to all law enforcement agencies in Colorado and Wyoming, warning them to be on the lookout for suspicious Middle Eastern
men who have been approaching U.S. military families. According to the alert, the men have been approaching military
families at their homes and have tried to use intimidation to get their personal information, CBS reported.
July 16, 2015
Obama: 8 Islamic Terror Attacks That Could Have Been Prevented. Kuwaiti-born Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez had
spent seven months in Jordan before shooting up a recruiting center and a Navy Reserve center. A friend told CNN that
"something happened over there," and before the shooting Abdulazeez blogged about wanting to become a martyr, fighting "jihad
for the sake of Allah."
Update: What was immediately obvious to you and me if finally being admitted by Jeh Johnson. Why
Now? FBI Decides Terror Motivated Chattanooga Shooter. The FBI announced foreign terrorists "inspired and motivated"
the shooter behind the attack at a reserve center in Chattanooga, Tennessee last summer. The designation is significant because
[it] allows victims of the shooting to receive the Purple Heart, along with all the benefits and compensations that go with the medal.
In the Chattanooga attack, Mohammed Yousef Abdulaziz killed four U.S. marines and a naval petty officer. FBI investigators just
announced Abdulaziz was inspired by Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S.-born cleric who was a senior operative for Al-Qaeda. At the time of
the shooting, in statements to the media, the FBI pointedly stated Abdulaziz was a "homegrown violent extremist" who acted on his own.
The message was not a holding pattern — words chosen by the FBI until more facts were in about the case. Rather, it was
part of a national strategy instituted by the U.S. government, explained by the head of U.S. Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson.
To Protect Recruiters With 'Desk Partitions,' No Guns. [Mohammad Youssef] Abdulazeez had hundreds of rounds of
ammo and could have killed dozens more service members. He was stopped only because others returned fire. Still, "none of
the military services are interested in arming recruiters," the [Marine Corps] Times reported. Why? Brass worry that
shoppers at malls, as well as educators, parents and students on school campuses, might be alarmed at seeing soldiers carrying
guns. "Recruiters showing up armed is not going to make either educators or parents comfortable," Marine Corps Commanding
General Mark Brilakis said.
Carolina Resists Syrian Refugee Resettlement. Middle Tennessee has long been a favorite dumping ground for
Muslim refugees. The threat posed by budding jihadists was dismissed there until Muhammad Abdualzeez went on his
rampage shooting in Chattanooga.
Calls Chattanooga Shooter a 'Perverted Jihadist'. The vice president's strong words [8/15/2015] contrast with
the official comments of investigators who have not yet been able to determine a motive behind the attack.
Marine Unleashes BRUTAL Video On Obama, Says 9 Words That Are Going Viral. A U.S.
Marine offered President Barack Obama a tough lesson in what it means to show respect for his fallen
brothers-in-arms. In the 11 minute video, the unnamed veteran, who said he is from Chattanooga,
first called out the president on the manner he chose to speak following the Chattanooga shootings.
"The day of the attack, you delivered a statement. You didn't even have the decency to stand up,"
he said.
Chattanooga Victims May Not Be Eligible for Purple Hearts. Four Marines and one sailor
who were killed in the Chattanooga shooting reportedly will only be eligible to receive Purple Heart
awards if the FBI declares the shooter had ties to a terror organization. The FBI has only
referred to Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez as a "homegrown violent extremist." "Determination of
eligibility will have to wait until all the facts are gathered and the FBI investigation is
complete," Marine Corps public affairs officer Maj. Clark Carpenter told the Marine Corps Times.
about the Chattanooga Shooter is Disappearing from the Internet. week after
Chattanooga shooter Mohammad Abdulazeez's attack, very little is known about his motives, path to
radicalization, and network of affiliations. Immediately after the attack, Islamic State (IS)
fighters and supporters hailed Abdulazeez as a "soldier of the Islamic State," but no official
messages from IS claiming the attack have yet been made. This silence is noteworthy considering the
case of the shooting in Garland, Texas: Not only did IS fighter Junaid Hussain bluntly indicate his
connection to this attack, but in less than two days, IS officially announced the shooters to be "two
soldiers from the soldiers of the Caliphate." So why all the confusion surrounding Abdulazeez?
Because he was prepared. Abdulazeez did what jihadists are asked to do prior to execution of their
attacks: delete important information that could provide insight into their networks.
Navy officer, Marine fought to take out Chattanooga gunman. A Navy officer and a
Marine fired their sidearms hoping to kill or subdue the gunman who murdered five service members
last week in Chattanooga, Tennessee, according to multiple military officials familiar with internal
reporting on the tragedy. It remains unclear whether either hit Muhammad Abdulazeez, who was
shot and killed on July 16 after he gunned down four Marines and a sailor at the Navy Operational
Support Center in Chattanooga. It's also unclear why they were armed, as it is against Defense
Department policy for anyone other than military police or law enforcement to carry weapons on
federal property.
Tennessee Shooter's Uncle Detained in Jordan. An uncle of the man who killed four
Marines and a sailor in Tennessee has been in custody in Jordan since a day after the attacks on two
military sites, a lawyer said Tuesday [7/21/2015].
Chattanooga Shooter's "Muslim Brotherhood" Uncle Has Been Detained in Jordan. Things
just got a whole lot more interesting folks. Uncle Asaad Ibrahim Asaad Haj Ali, has been detained in
Jordan since the day after the shootings in Tennessee. Uncle Ali is represented in Jordan by the
Muslim Brotherhood. I'm now 99.9% certain that Abdulazeez's father's previous investigation,
which put him on the terrorist watch list, is connected to the Holy Land Foundation terrorist
financing investigation — as a direct tie to his mosque's involvement. That pre-Obama
DOJ investigation was wrapped around the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of North America Islamic
groups. Despite their protestations to the contrary, the Muslim Brotherhood is the political
umbrella over ISIS.
Terrorist mollycoddled but no flags lowered
to half-staff. Why do major television networks continue to get away with mollycoddling
murdering radical terrorists in the very wake of their evil carnage? Within four days of the attack
that claimed the lives of four US Marines and a Navy sailors slaughtered in the Chattanooga shooting spree,
ABC is portraying poor Mohammod Abdulazeez — not as a radical Islamic terrorist —
but as a "disturbed, suicidal young man using drugs, preparing for bankruptcy and facing an appearance
in criminal court".
Chattanooga Killer Viewed al-Awlaki Videos Before Murders. Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, the 24-year-old
who carried out an attack in Chattanooga last week that killed five U.S. servicemen and wounded several others,
researched the late radical American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki before carrying out his mass murder, authorities say.
fire for inaction, Obama orders flags lowered for Chattanooga victims. President
Obama, facing growing criticism from conservatives and some veterans, ordered all American flags on
federal grounds to be lowered to half-staff for the remainder of the week to honor the five service
members killed at a naval reserve center in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Orders Military to Stop Wearing Uniforms at Recruitment Centers to Hide from Terrorists. After last week's
terror attack on two military recruitment offices in Tennessee, Obama's defense secretary has taken steps to stop future
attacks. Has he moved to arm our soldiers? Nope. He's ordered them to cower and hide by telling them to
stop wearing their uniforms. You heard that right. Obama's administration is demanding that soldiers stop
wearing their uniforms so that terrorists won't get mad.
Killer Prayed at Islamic Center Next Door to 'Gun Free' Armed Forces Recruiting Location. Mohammad
Youssef Abdulazeez, the 24-year-old Kuwaiti-born Muslim terrorist who murdered five active duty members of the
U.S. Armed Forces in Chattanooga on Thursday, prayed several times at a Brentwood, Tennessee Islamic Center
located next door to a "gun free" Armed Forces Career Center. Mohammad Fazili is the leader of the Islamic
Center of Williamson County. It's located in a strip mall on Carothers Parkway in Brentwood, next door
to an Armed Forces Career Center that features a "WARNING: Weapons Prohibited" sign on its door. Fazili
tells the local Nashville, Fox News affiliate that Abdulazeez had participated in afternoon prayers there but
"after the first two, three days of Ramadan he disappeared."
gunman was armed to the teeth and ready for war with America. Mohammad Youusef
Abdulazeez, the naturalized American-turned Islamic radical who killed four Marines Thursday
[7/16/2015], was heavily armed, wore an ammo vest and was bent on waging war against America, according
to authorities who spoke a day after the horrific attack at two military facilities in Chattanooga.
to make the Islamic State fear the U.S.. In fact, the threat of the Islamic State
(ISIS) has already appeared on our shores. A pair of arrests was made by federal agents in New
Jersey to capture men who conspired to join ISIS and to provide support to the Islamist group.
Within the past month alone, at least nine people have been taken into custody for terrorism-related
charges linked to ISIS, and that is without counting last week's terrorist attack in Chattanooga.
Last year, that man, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, made a trip to Jordan, and the FBI suspects that
he may have been in touch with extremist groups there.
Shooter's Friend to CNN: 'He Loved America'. A friend of Chattanooga shooter Muhammad
Youssef Abdulazeez spoke out on CNN today about what he was like and what kind of person he was.
Lots of questions about Abdulazeez, his background, and his Muslim faith have been raised in the
days since he opened fire on two military installations, leaving four Marines and a Navy sailor
dead. CNN's Drew Griffin spoke with James Petty, a friend of Abdulazeez's, and in a clip,
Petty said, "He loved America. He was more American than me."
The Editor says...
I don't know where CNN found this guy, but obviously he is either mistaken, or just lying.
A man who loves America doesn't shoot at anyone in a U.S. military uniform, or at their office.
CNN is happy to use his testimonial to make the rest of us more reluctant to reach the obvious truth:
This was a Muslim simpleton (yes, a college graduate; still a simpleton) bent on martyrdom.
Stop Crying, Start Getting Angry. We need to stop crying over the 'senseless act of
violence' committed in Chattanooga on Thursday. This was not a single act of violence. It was
simply a continuation of a long war that too many in Washington fail to recognize. Stop decrying
this "senseless act" and start becoming enraged!
Gun Control:
The Killer's Best Friend. Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez is suspected of murdering four
unarmed Marines in Chattanooga and wounding others. As I write this, we still don't know how
Abdulazeez obtained his gun or what his motivations were — though, we can take an educated
guess on the latter. What we do know is that Abdulazeez shot his victims in a "gun-free zone,"
which is a useful illustration of the absurdity of gun-control laws: we constrain conscientious
Americans but offer free rein to killers. In this case, even our best trained warriors were helpless.
Five Warning Signs That Mohammad Yousuff Abdulazeez Was Radicalized. [#5] A previously
clean shaven young man who is the son of Muslim parents from the Middle East suddenly begins sporting
a scraggly beard. I live in Hipster Hell so this would not necessarily indicate that a 24 year old
had been radicalized. But when you add this to the fact that his parents have been in this country for
decades and the majority of his female relatives still do not venture out of the house without sporting a
hijab[,] it points to a fundamentalist orientation in the family's religious observation.
Is About Guns And Celebrating Ramadan. The media and the FBI are going through hoops
trying to figure out a motive for the terror killings in Chattanooga and they are trying to do it
without mentioning radical Islam. CNN can't seem to figure it out since the killer was such a good
kid, though at least one guest said we need to look at guns. Within hours of the shootings,
President Obama tweeted out his celebratory message to all Muslims in honor of the end of Ramadan.
In our modern day INGSOC, the Marines have the same capability of defending themselves as the rest of
us — they can call 911. CNN has a full-throttled disinformation campaign going on that.
Grabbers Ignore Terrorism in Chattanooga, Go For Guns Instead. The terrorist attack in
Chattanooga which ended in the deaths of five Marines and Sailors had nothing to do with guns and
everything to do with an ideology. Despite this, the media is searching for a motive, the
terrorist's parents are claiming he killed soldiers because he was depressed, and Michael
Bloomberg's Everytown is spending in the six-figures to buy ads promoting more gun control.
gunman texted friend link to Koranic verse before attack. A few hours before going on
a shooting spree that killed four Marines and a sailor in Tennessee, Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez
sent a cryptic and ominous text to a friend. The message included a link to an Islamic verse with
the line: "Whosoever shows enmity to a friend of Mine, then I have declared war against him."
But the text didn't throw up any red flags, the friend told Reuters — especially because
the two had hung out that week happily racing around in a rented Mustang.
Tennessee Gunman Wasn't 'Lone Shooter' Anymore Than Ft. Hood Was 'Workplace Violence'.
Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) declared that the shooting
in Chattanooga wasn't perpetrated by a "lone gunman" "anymore than Hasan and Fort Hood was workplace
violence" at Saturday's Family Leadership Summit in Iowa. Cruz said, "You cannot fight and defeat
radical Islamic terrorism when you have a president and an administration who refuses to utter the
words 'radical Islamic terrorism.'"
May Not Believe We are at War With Islamism, but Islamism is at War With Us. In the
wake of this vicious attack on our nation we need to rid ourselves of two dangerous delusions, first
and foremost that a 'lone gunman' — as President Obama described the shooter —
is somehow isolated from the larger threat of radical Islamic terrorism. In the modern world,
no one acts in isolation. Through social media ISIS, al Qaida, and other groups are infiltrating
our nation with impunity while our government will not even admit that radical Islamic terrorism is a problem.
The second delusion is that this attack is somehow isolated from previous episodes, notably those in Little Rock,
Arkansas and Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009 — both of which were attacks on American military facilities.
The Obama administration was woefully reluctant to call either an act of radical Islamic terrorism, instead
suggesting 'workplace violence' as a justification for the killings.
of Chattanooga gunman says their son suffered from depression. The family of the man who authorities say killed
four Marines and a sailor in Chattanooga said in a statement that their son suffered from depression and was not the same person
they knew. "There are no words to describe our shock, horror, and grief," said the statement, provided Saturday [7/18/2015]
to the Associated Press by a lawyer representing the family of Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. "The person who committed this
horrible crime was not the son we knew and loved. For many years, our son suffered from depression. It grieves us
beyond belief to know that his pain found its expression in this heinous act of violence."
The Editor says... Of course it was the same person. When someone is depressed, suicidal or homicidal, he doesn't turn into another person.
Even if this depression claim is true, it is just a cover story to mask the influence of Islamic jihad on this coward's wasted life.
Who but a coward shoots at unarmed strangers?
Killed Marines To Celebrate Ramadan While Obama Just Celebrated End Of Ramadan. When
the Marines were Killed — White House released statement wishing Muslims a happy end to
Ramadan. Now, one Middle East source in London, Awsat just revealed that the Chattanooga Tennessee
shooter wrote on his Facebook page that he "wanted to be martyred before the end of Ramadan" as to
celebrate the holiest month and is "why he carried out his attack in the last day of Ramadan".
the Chattanooga Shooter Really Does Appear to Be a Jihadist. In the immediate aftermath of Mohammod
Youssuf Abdulazeez's killing of four Marines and wounding of at least three other people, there was a noticeable
effort to portray the jihadist as an all-American boy from small-town Tennessee. With just a bit of digging,
however, a different picture is emerging. The New York Times reported Friday morning [7/17/2015] that
Abdulazeez had spent about seven months in Jordan last year. As is their wont in cases where Muslims kill
Americans, investigators hastened to point out that overseas stays in a region rife with Islamic radicalism are
not necessarily suggestive of terror ties ... even if the traveler, on his stateside return, promptly shoots up
military installations while the Islamic State and al-Qaeda urge Muslims to shoot up military installations.
orders Texas National Guard to carry guns at military facilities. Gov. Greg Abbott
says he is reluctantly asking Texas Military Forces to arm soldiers at their home bases after
Thursday's attacks at military sites in Tennessee that killed four Marines and one sailor. Abbott
said in a release Saturday [7/18/2015] that he will authorize Adjutant General John Nichols of the
Texas National Guard to arm National Guard personnel at military facilities across Texas. Abbott's
move followed shootings on two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tenn.
media... the motive for the Chattanooga shooting is just a mystery, isn't it? If
Abdulazeez had shot up the homes of some relatives we might readily assume it was some domestic
dispute gone badly awry. If he'd shot up any number of other targets where he at least had some
direct connections to the victims, this might have been something else entirely. But he didn't. He
shot up our uniformed heroes. He attacked our military and our first responders, right out of the
Jihadi 101 playbook. [...] Even in the bluest, most gun-grabby states we make allowances for a few
people to have weapons close at hand. Surely our military qualifies. If the marines in Chattanooga
had been armed that little cretin wouldn't have gotten off very many rounds. Sounds to me like something
that could be made to happen rather quickly without a lot of expense.
Chattanooga Shooting 'Underscores Grave Reality' That 'Radical Islam Is At War With Us'. Louisiana
Gov. Bobby Jindal, a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, is reacting to the shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where
four U.S. marines were killed, allegedly by Kuwaiti-born 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. [...] "This shooting
underscores the grave reality of the threat posed to us by radical Islamic terrorism every single day," Jindal said.
Mitchell Tries to Portray Abdulazeez as a Gun Nut. Desperately looking for a way to
avoid pegging the Chattanooga murderer Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez as anything but a terrorist,
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell asked a childhood friend of the killer what he liked to do in "small town
Tennessee": [...] Abdulzaeez apparently owned some guns, but it is unknown whether he bought them
after his return from the Middle East last year. For a terrorist, guns are a tool of the trade and
not a means of self defense or anything to take pleasure from on a hunt. For Mitchell to try and
equate terrorism with the gun culture instead of trying to get to the bottom of the shooter's
radicalization is horrible journalism.
'We Take All Shootings Very Seriously'. "We take all shootings very seriously," Obama
said [7/16/2015]. "Obviously when you have an attack on a U.S. military facility then we have to
make sure we have all the information necessary to make an assessment in terms of how this attack took
place." Obama didn't reveal the name of the shooter even though he added that law enforcement
officials had identified the culprit — 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.
shootings investigated for possible terrorism link. The shooter, identified by the FBI
as Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24, of Hixson, Tenn., was killed, apparently by police, at the end
of a rampage that also wounded a Chattanooga police officer and a member of the U.S. military.
The assault marks the latest eruption of gun violence in the United States. It comes amid a flurry
of recent arrests, disrupted plots and warnings from U.S. counterterrorism officials that the Islamic
State terrorist group has called on its followers to mount attacks against U.S. targets, including
military installations.
The Editor says...
The Washington Post has attempted, in the article immediately above, to conflate "gun violence" with
Islamic terrorism. It was obviously an act of terrorism, perpetrated by a Muslim.
It isn't necessary to look all day for a link to terrorism when the evidence speaks for itself.
Also note the headline: The shootings are being (why do they leave out verbs?) investigated for possible
terrorism link. Again, it was an obvious act of terrorism. What link is required to explain or mitigate this fact?
blame Obama policies for rise in domestic terrorism. President Obama called the murder
of four Marines in Tennessee Thursday "heartbreaking" and pleaded for Americans not to jump to
conclusions, but Republicans were already blaming him for what investigators termed domestic
terrorism, as the shooting quickly became part of the 2016 presidential campaign. Louisiana Gov.
Bobby Jindal, who is seeking the GOP nomination, said the killing appeared to be terrorism, and said
Mr. Obama needs confront the dangers posed by the "evil" of jihadists.
Iran Deal Should Die in Chattanooga. It's unlikely the hideous terror attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee,
was specifically ordered by ISIS, as was indicated by a tweet, but in the famous words of a woman who seeks to be our
first female president: "What difference at this point does it make?" Inspired by or directed
by is a distinction without a difference to the dead Marines and their families.
Muhammad... Where Have I Heard That Name Before? In the wake of the latest mass
shooting, carried out by Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, an engineer like so many Islamic terrorists,
we are seeing the usual scramble to avoid stating the obvious. On CNN, Tom Fuentes ludicrously
cautioned that Muhammad is not an Islamic name: [...]
Motive of Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez is Abundantly Clear. Four Marines are killed by
a Muslim terrorist and the mainstream media cannot fathom why. [...] Jihadists consider the presence
of the U.S. military and the military of its allies on Muslim lands to be a declaration of war against
Allah and have declared that it is duty of every Muslim to kill Americans and their allies be they
soldiers or civilians. At some point, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez became convinced it was his
duty to kill American soldiers and yesterday he did just that.
Gun Control:
The Killer's Best Friend. Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez is suspected of murdering four
unarmed Marines in Chattanooga and wounding others. As I write this, we still don't know how
Abdulazeez obtained his gun or what his motivations were — though, we can take an
educated guess on the latter. What we do know is that Abdulazeez shot his victims in a "gun-free
zone," which is a useful illustration of the absurdity of gun-control laws: we constrain
conscientious Americans but offer free rein to killers. In this case, even our best trained warriors
were helpless. Surely, we are in for a new round of emotional pleas for more gun-control laws.
to radicalization? Authorities scrutinize Chattanooga shooter's visit to Jordan.
Mohammad Youusef Abdulazeez, the naturalized American-turned Islamic radical who killed four Marines
Thursday, was heavily armed, wore an ammo vest and was bent on waging war against America, according
to authorities who spoke a day after the horrific attack at two military facilities in Chattanooga.
Abdulazeez, 24, a Kuwaiti-born Chattanooga resident who was killed by police to end his rampage, used an
AK-47 to gun down the unarmed Marines after crashing into a gate at the Navy Operations Support Center,
according to Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.
And the troubled gunman, who officials believe had become increasingly radicalized in recent months,
wore an ammo vest with multiple rounds of ammunition, while carrying other weapons.
of Chattanooga shooting suspect focuses on Mideast travel. U.S. authorities believe the suspect
in the fatal shootings of four Marines in Tennessee visited Jordan last year and possibly Yemen as well, two
U.S. government sources said on Friday [7/17/2015], as investigators looked for any connection to Islamist militants.
Fishes for Better Angle on Chattanooga Terrorist. MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell went fishing for a better
angle Friday [7/17/2015] when she asked a former classmate of Chattanooga mass murderer Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez
whether he enjoyed "hunting" and other "small-town Tennessee activity." "Were guns a big part of activities —
social or other activities?" Mitchell asked her interviewee abruptly. [...] Mitchell is a vocal opponent of the widespread
availability of firearms.
The Editor says...
Andrea Mitchell was apparently hoping to portray an Islamic terrorist as Jed Clampett, just because
he lived in Tennessee. "Fishing for a better angle" is exactly right — it appears that she desperately wanted to
steer the conversation away from the obvious: This was just another in an endless series of "lone wolf"
attacks, encouraged and incited by Islamists via the internet.
Gunman Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez: 'Life Is Short and Bitter'. He was a hardened
mixed-martial arts fighter who kept a blog where he mused about submitting to Allah. And on
Thursday, the authorities say that Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez, 24, killed four Marines and wounded
at least three other people. He himself died in what the United States attorney here called a
potential act of "domestic terrorism." According to a federal official, Mr. Abdulazeez was a
Kuwaiti-born Jordanian who became a naturalized United States citizen.
Chattanooga shooting 'an act of war'. The shootings at military facilities in
Chattanooga, Tenn., constitute an act of war by radical Islamists, Sen. Ted Cruz said Friday
[7/17/2015]. The Texas senator and Republican presidential candidate linked the killings to a
broader extremist campaign against the United States. "Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was there to
carry out jihad, an act of radical Islamic terrorism," he said in a statement. "An act of war, in
which those four brave Marines lost their lives, while at least two others were wounded."
Marines Slaughtered By Islamic Terrorist Obama Jets Off To Broadway Show, Fundraiser.
Just hours after four U.S. Marines were shot and killed by Islamic terrorist Muhammad Youssef
Abdulazeez in Chattanooga Thursday, the White House announced President Obama has plans to go see
Hamilton on Broadway over the weekend. [...] Obama will also attend a DNC fundraiser tonight
[7/17/2015], which is typical behavior after major national tragedies.
gunman reportedly blogged about Islam, showed increased signs of devotion. The man
authorities say killed four U.S. Marines when he attacked two military sites in Chattanooga, Tenn.
was a practicing Muslim who reportedly showed signs of becoming increasingly devout in recent weeks.
Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24, was shot and killed by police after he allegedly attacked the
Marines at the Navy Operational Support Center and Marine Corps Reserve Center at around 11 a.m.
Thursday [7/16/2015]. Before attacking the military center, police say Abdulazeez sprayed an Armed Forces
recruiting center seven miles away with bullets, leaving a police officer with a non-life threatening ankle wound.
shooting proves it's time to arm our Armed Forces. It turns out that at least one of
the two military facilities attacked in Chattanooga, Tennessee — was a gun-free zone.
If you looked closely crime scene photographs[,] you can see the sign[,] plastered on the
front of a bullet-riddled window. Four Marines were slaughtered — a fifth wounded —
along with a Chattanooga police officer. Authorities say the gunman, identified as 24-year-old
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, was killed in a shoot-out.
should we make it easy for killers to attack our military? Thursday [7/16/2015] saw yet another
tragic attack in a gun-free zone. Four Marines were murdered. Others were injured. Watching
the coverage on television Thursday, it was hard to ignore the gun-free zone sign on the front door of the
recruiting station. It was surrounded by bullet holes.
Marines killed in attacks on Chattanooga military facilities. Two law enforcement
sources told CBS News that the shooting suspect was identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.
According to a U.S. intelligence official, a "first review" of intelligence databases have not found
any references to Abdulazeez. [...] U.S. Attorney Bill Killian said officials were treating the
attacks as an "act of domestic terrorism," though FBI Special Agent in Charge Ed Reinhold said
authorities were still investigating a motive.
official: Tennessee Gunman Identified as 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. A U.S. official
tells the Associated Press the gunman in the shootings in Tennessee has been identified as 24-year-old Muhammad
Youssef Abdulazeez. He was believed to have been born in Kuwait, and it was unclear whether he was a U.S.
or Kuwaiti citizen. The official was speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing, sensitive
investigation. It was not immediately clear whether the gunman's first name was spelled Muhammad or Mohammad.
June 3, 2015
up and smell the chaos. Speaking of the Islamic State, did you hear the one about the
glorious martyr in Boston who was killed while trying to figure out how to cut off a policeman's
head with a military knife while he was being shot? Seriously, that was a mean-looking blade, but
didn't he ever hear the one about bringing a knife to a gun fight? I suppose this could be seen
as good news, not bad news. One more dead terrorist after all, but when will we ever again have the
comfort level suggested by the words "homeland security"? Security is the opposite of what we have
in our country as our executive branch, with the connivance of Congress and the federal judiciary,
has imported hundreds of thousands (more like millions) of security threats in the form of jihadis,
drug dealers, career criminals and probably Russian, Chinese and Iranian spies.
terror suspects plotted to behead police officers, source says. The man shot and killed Tuesday [6/2/2015] by
Boston police was plotting with another suspect to behead a cop, a law enforcement source told FoxNews.com[.] The dead
suspect, 26-year-old Usaama Rahim, was under surveillance by the Joint Terrorism Task Force when he was shot at about 7 a.m.
near a CVS in the city's Roslindale neighborhood, when he brandished the blade at police. Later Tuesday, authorities
arrested another suspect, David Wright, in connection with the case, police said.
Terror Suspect Reportedly Plotted to Behead Pamela Geller. CNN is reporting tonight
[6/3/2015] that Usaama Rahim, the terror suspect fatally shot by law enforcement in Boston yesterday,
had been plotting to behead Pamela Geller. Geller, of course, is the activist who organized the
"Draw Muhammad" cartoon contest in Garland, Texas that drew two Muslim gunmen that were shot and killed.
Rahim had been monitored by the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and was believed to have been radicalized by
ISIS. He approached law enforcement officials holding a knife yesterday and they shot him, fearing for
their lives.
terror suspects plotted to behead police officers, source says. The man shot and
killed Tuesday [6/2/2015] by Boston police was plotting with another suspect to behead a cop, a law
enforcement source told FoxNews.com[.] The dead suspect, 26-year-old Usaama Rahim, was under
surveillance by the Joint Terrorism Task Force when he was shot at about 7 a.m. near a CVS in the
city's Roslindale neighborhood, when he brandished the blade at police. Later Tuesday, authorities
arrested another suspect, David Wright, in connection with the case, police said.
Jihadist Shot Dead After Confrontation in Boston. A suspected jihadist who had been
under 24-hour surveillance was shot and killed this morning [6/2/2015] following a confrontation with
a Boston police officer and a FBI agent in a CVS parking lot in the Boston neighborhood of Roslindale.
Imam: Cops Should Have Just Captured Terror Suspect Like an Elephant. An imam who came
before media today to speak on behalf of the family of slain terror suspect Usaamah Rahim protested
that the Joint Terrorism Task Force should have been able to capture the knife-wielding 26-year-old
alive — because you can capture animals alive. Abdullah Faaruuq, of the Mosque for
the Praising of Allah in Roxbury, was removed as Muslim chaplain at Boston's Northeastern University
in 2013. He's advocated for the release of convicted al-Qaeda terrorist Aafia Siddiqui and has
been accused of other instances of encouraging extremism.
Garland, Texas
May 3, 2015
This subsection has moved to a page of its own,
located here.
Terrence Lavaron Thomas
February 14, 2015
Man stabs two after asking about religious beliefs. Both of the victims were standing
at the bus stop outside of Detroit with the suspect on Saturday [2/14/2015], Southfield Police Chief Eric
Hawkins said. Several people there "engaged in conversation" until the suspect, identified by Hawkins as
39-year-old Terrence Lavaron Thomas, "asked some of the folks there if they were Muslims." Two of
them answered, the chief told The [Washington] Post on Tuesday: They were not Muslims.
Thomas "was not not happy with that answer," Hawkins said. Shortly after, "without provocation,"
Thomas pulled out a 3-inch folding knife "and attacked one of them," Hawkins said.
Man stabs two after asking if they are Muslim
People objected to that deliberately-misleading headline, so they've changed
it to a slightly different lie:
Police: Muslim
man stabs two after discussion about religious beliefs
They did not have a "discussion about religious beliefs." He asked
people if they were Muslim and, upon learning they were not, attacked them in accord with the teachings of his religion.
or hate? FBI probes Detroit-area stabbings where Muslim suspect reportedly asked victims'
faith. Detroit police contacted the federal law enforcement agency after Terrence
Lavaron Thomas, 39, was charged with two counts of assault with intent to murder after allegedly
attacking two men with a 3-inch blade at a bus stop near a shopping mall on Saturday [2/14/2015].
Both victims suffered stab wounds, and were treated and released from a hospital for non-life threatening
injuries. But it was the exchange the suspect allegedly had with his victims, in which he asked if
they were Muslim, that has prompted a further investigation.
Man Stabs Two After Confiming They Were Not Muslim. A Muslim man in a Detroit suburb
Michigan asked two people at a bus stop if they were Muslim. After they both answered no, some talk
ensued, after which he stabbed both of them. Terrance Lavaton Thomas, 39, who is suspected of the
attack, which occurred on Valentine's Day evening, was arrested by police who found him within
minutes of the attack walking in the area carrying two knives, one of which was reported to have
been used in the attack. Local reports say that the man did not know the victims previously.
He reportedly made a number of comments about Islam and asked them about their religion just before
attacking them.
Christopher Lee Cornell, a/k/a Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah
January 14, 2015
Against Capitol Bomb Suspect to Include Classified Evidence. The trial date for
Christopher Cornell, the Ohio man accused of plotting to bomb the U.S. Capitol and shoot federal
workers as they fled, was postponed Tuesday [2/4/2015] after prosecutors said they intended to use
classified evidence.
Man Arrested for Alleged ISIS-Inspired Plot on US Capitol, FBI Says. The FBI today
arrested an Ohio man for allegedly plotting an ISIS-inspired attack on the U.S. Capitol, where he
hoped to set off a series of bombs aimed at lawmakers, whom he allegedly considered enemies.
Christopher Lee Cornell, 20, of Green Township, was arrested on charges of attempting to kill a U.S.
government official, authorities said.
man, 20, arrested for ISIS-inspired terror plot on the US Capitol. The FBI today
arrested a 20-year-old Ohio man for allegedly plotting to carry out a terrorist attack on the US
Capitol. Christopher Lee Cornell, of Green Township, was taken into custody by federal agents on
charges of attempting to kill a government official and possession of a firearm in furtherance of
attempted crime of violence, according to a criminal complaint.
man arrested, charged with Islamic State-inspired bomb plot on U.S. Capitol. An Ohio
man plotted to attack the U.S. Capitol using pipe bombs and rifles, saying he wanted to conduct an
attack in solidarity with the Islamic State terrorists the U.S. is fighting in the Middle East, the
FBI charged in a criminal complaint Wednesday [1/14/2015]. Christopher Cornell had saved money,
researched government buildings in Washington, laid plans to travel to the capital to carry out his
attack and on Wednesday bought two M-15 semiautomatic rifles and 600 rounds of ammunition,
prompting police to move in and arrest him.
Man Charged With Plotting to Bomb U.S. Capitol. An Ohio man was arrested Wednesday and
accused of planning to attack the U.S. Capitol, U.S. officials told NBC News. But the officials
said the man was dealing with an undercover agent the entire time and was never in a position to carry
out his plan. "There was never a danger to the public," an official told NBC News.
The Editor says...
If there was never any danger to the public, why was he arrested? This sounds like another FBI sting job
bordering on entrapment.
FBI Defuses Another Of Its
Own Terrorist Plots. Not only did he just convert to Islam a few months ago (and
there's no indication that he ever actually attended the mosque that he claimed to have joined), but
the details of the overall story certainly match the pattern of an FBI made up plot.
FBI: Green
Township man planned ISIS-inspired terrorist attack on US Capitol. John Cornell Sr.,
Cornell's father, said his son converted to Islam only recently. He said his son didn't discuss his
new religion often, and was just a normal kid "who loved video games and was best friends with the
family cat." Cornell Sr. said he noticed his son praying about two months ago.
man who allegedly plotted to attack U.S. Capitol. Recently, Cornell converted to
Islam, his father said, explaining that he first noticed his son praying about two months ago.
Since then, his son has "found peace in the religion," he told the Cincinnati Enquirer.
Man Chris Cornell Arrested In Pipe Bomb Plot, FBI Says. John Cornell, the father of
alleged ISIS pipe bomber Chris Cornell, told CNN that his son was discussing converting to Islam in
recent days. Cornell said he could not recall the Muslim name his son had pondered taking, but
noted that it had something to do with "being protected by God."
FBI Claim Of Disrupted Terror Plot Deserves Much Scrutiny and Skepticism. Family
members say Cornell converted to Islam just six months ago and claimed he began attending a small
local mosque. Yet The Cincinnati Enquirer could not find a single person at that mosque who had ever
seen him before, and noted that a young, white, recent convert would have been quite conspicuous at
a mosque largely populated by "immigrants from West Africa," many of whom "speak little or no English."
of Ohio terror suspect defends 'mama's boy'. Cornell is accused of using cyberspace to
plot to assassinate congressional employees and attack the U.S. Capitol for his personal jihad. He
was charged with attempted killing of U.S. government officers and possession of firearms in furtherance
of an attempted crime of violence. Authorities said Cornell began communicating with the informant
via Twitter in August, and that they first met in October. Cornell, using his alias, posted pro-jihadist
videos and statements on several Twitter accounts and expressing support for the Islamic State. "I
believe that we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks and everything," Cornell wrote
in an Aug. 29, 2014, Instant Message online, the FBI alleges.
The Editor says...
The fishiest aspect of this story is that the FBI started watching this fellow in August of last year, but his father says young Mr. Cornell
only recently converted to Islam, as in
about two months ago. Did someone from
the FBI encourage a hapless dupe to convert to Islam? Not likely, but the FBI sure latched on to this guy the moment he
said something on his Twitter account. And these days the FBI is in need of success stories which can be injected into the evening
news whenever the White House needs a red herring, which is often.
Boehner explanation for foiled Capitol shooting plot at odds with FBI. John Boehner
said on Thursday that Christopher Cornell, the 20-year old Ohio man arrested for allegedly planning
a Capitol Hill shooting spree, had his plot foiled thanks to communications intercepted by US
authorities. [...] Yet according to the criminal complaint against Cornell, a secret government
informant, not the communications interception covered by Fisa, was the key to the case.
Speaker John Boehner says controversial government surveillance responsible for uncovering plot to
bomb the US Capitol. House Speaker John Boehner credited a controversial government
surveillance program on Thursday [1/15/2015] for helping uncover an alleged plot by an Ohio man to
bomb the U.S. Capitol and kill government officials. 'The first thing that strikes me is that
we would have never known about this had it not been for the FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Act] program and our ability to collect information on people who pose an imminent threat.' He
addressed the topic during a news conference at a retreat of Republican lawmakers in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
Kosher deli in Paris
January 8, 2015
and the Flippancy of Fools. Over the last 7 years of the Obama era, Barack Obama and
his team have regularly responded to serious questions with flippant responses. Don't Americans
deserve better than the flippancy Obama and his top officials dish out to us? [... For example,] When a man
claiming allegiance to ISIS killed four Jews in a deli in Paris in January 2015, Obama dismissed the deliberate
targeting of Jews since he said the attack was someone who just "randomly" shot "a bunch of folks in a deli in
Paris." The facts: the deli was Jewish, all the victims were Jewish (non-Jewish customers and
employees were spared) and the murderer had said he was targeting Jews. They weren't a bunch of random
folks in a deli.
Details Reveal Islamist Gunman Asked Religion Of Hostages Then Killed The Jews.
Obviously President Obama looked like a fool when he proclaimed the victims of the Kosher market
killings were just a bunch "of random folks" because he wanted desperately to remain willfully blind
and disconnect the hateful ideology of the Islamist killer away from Muslim sensibility. But the
latest revelations of what actually took place inside that market make Obama's foolishness appear
even more foolish.
Paris attacks: Coulibaly siege video transcript emerges. Details
have emerged of footage filmed by Paris gunman Amedy Coulibaly during a bloody rampage inside a Jewish supermarket, a French website says.
He delivers an anti-Semitic rant and shouts "Stand up or I'll kill you" at hostages, according to a transcript obtained by Le Nouvel Observateur.
During the seven-minute video he shoots dead three of his four victims.
Charlie Hebdo
January 7, 2015
Note: This rapidly-growing subsection may grow into a page of its own.
France Finally Rain Justice Down on Islamic Terrorists? A court case in Paris began on September 2, 2020 to
render justice concerning a series of terrorist attacks in recent French history. The case is occurring after five
years of investigation and delay, partly due to COVID-19, which caused the closing of most French courthouses, with the trial
of 14 suspects, three in absentia, accused of being connected with those responsible for the terror attacks on the satirical
weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo in central Paris and following events — the attack on a kosher supermarket,
Hypercacher, in east Paris and other sites for three days beginning on January 7, 2015. The suspects are charged with
being involved in the logistics and preparation of the events, helping finance and providing operational materials and
weapons in support of the jihadists. Because of its unusual nature, and the judicial and political importance of the
trial, which is expected to last two months, the high-security proceedings are to be filmed.
Charlie Hebdo to reprint
Prophet Muhammad cartoons on day Islamist attackers of French satirical magazine go on trial. French satirical
magazine Charlie Hebdo, which was targeted by jihadists in 2015, is to republish the controversial cartoons of the Prophet
Muhammad ahead of the trial of the gunmen this week. A special edition of the magazine on Wednesday [9/2/2020] will
feature interviews with family members of the victims of the terrorist attack, an article on the public's attitude towards
freedom of expression and a reprint of Islam-themed cartoons, including those featuring the Prophet Muhammad, Charlie Hebdo
announced on Tuesday. The prophet cartoons triggered the 2015 spree of terror violence in Paris, in which 17 people
were killed over the course of three days. Of those lives, 12 were lost in the January 7 raid on the Charlie Hebdo
office. The 12 drawings were initially published by a Danish daily in 2005 and then reprinted by the French magazine.
Charlie Hebdo attack organizer lands in France, initial charges served. Peter Cherif, who is suspected of
helping to arrange the 2015 attack on the satirical magazine's offices, has been deported from Djibouti. He had been on
the run for seven years following other alleged crimes. French authorities on Sunday [12/23/2018] served preliminary
terrorism charges against a suspected jihadi accused of helping to organize the terrorist shooting at the Paris headquarters
of the magazine Charlie Hebdo.
Charlie Hebdo journalist quits magazine, complains it's afraid to take on radical Islam. Charlie Hebdo
journalist Zineb El Rhazoui is parting ways with the French satirical magazine because the publication has dulled its attack
against Islamic extremism, she said Friday. Ms. Rhazoui, 35, indicated in a new interview that she believes the
magazine lost its edge after two Islamists stormed its Paris office in Jan. 2015 and murdered 12 people, including eight
of her colleagues. Speaking on the eve of the massacre's second anniversary, the journalist described the rampage as a
turning point for the magazine, editorially speaking.
Hebdo jihad massacre survivor: "We need to stop saying Islam is a religion of peace". As a secular
Muslim, Zineb El Rhazoui is allowed to say in the mainstream what others are excoraited as "anti-Muslim extremists" for
saying. The truth is true no matter who says it, but in today's culture of identity politics, it's truer when coming
from racially and culturally approved voices. [Video clip]
Hebdo faces 'immiment' attack after publishing image of naked Muslims. The satirical French magazine Charlie
Hebdo has received death threats after it published another controversial front page which has been accused of mocking
Muslims. Commenting on the decision to ban burkas from beaches in Cannes, the latest issue depicts a man and woman with
a traditional beard and hijab running naked on the beach with the caption "The reform of Islam: Muslims loosen up".
The issue was published on Wednesday and the staff received a threat that a new attack was imminent via the magazine's Facebook
page, Le Parisien reported.
Marks Terrorism Anniversary Without Mentioning Terrorism. Secretary of State John Kerry marked the first anniversary of the
Charlie Hebdo and Jewish market attacks in Paris without mentioning terrorism. Saïd and Chérif Kouachi killed 11 people
and wounded 11 more at the newsroom of the satirical magazine on Jan. 7, 2015. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed
responsibility for the massacre. The cartoonists at the magazine were on their hit lists for drawing Mohammad. Two days later,
the Kouachis' friend Amedy Coulibaly killed four and wounded nine at the Hypercacher kosher market in Porte de Vincennes. He pledged
allegiance to ISIS. Coulibaly is also believed to have shot and wounded a jogger on Jan. 7, 2015, and shot two people on Jan. 8,
killing a policewoman.
The Real Lesson of the Paris
Attacks. [Scroll down] After the January attacks in Paris, there were large marches through the center
of Paris, and the phrase, "Je Suis Charlie," for a moment, seemed to be the hashtag or profile picture of everybody
on social media. But, of course, almost nobody was Charlie, because apart from a lot of people dwelling on Twitter and
Facebook under various virtual noms de guerre, very few people were keen to republish any cartoon of Mohammed or make
new Mohammed cartoons of their own. Sadly, a few months after the attacks, the remaining staff members at Charlie Hebdo
announced that they were not going to draw Mohammed any more. No one could blame them: as well as losing
most of their colleagues, it must have been exhausting to be among the only people still exercising a right that everyone
else was just pretending to defend on Twitter.
Charlie Hebdo Responds to
Paris Terror Attack: A Covert Plea for Guns. The famed French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has published its take on the Paris
terror attacks. It would appear that this particular magazine cover is a clever plea for a French version of the Second Amendment. [...]
It's pretty sad that an ultra-leftist magazine is more conservative then Barack Obama.
Kerry Is a Disgrace. The top diplomat in the United States just publicly argued that because the victims at
Charlie Hebdo had spoken risqué words but the victims at the Bataclan had not, the violence against the former
was more comprehensible than the violence against the latter. Has he lost his mind?
Kerry Justifies Charlie Hebdo Slaughter. In remarks today [11/17/2015] in Paris, France, Secretary of State
John Kerry justified the terror attack earlier this year that targeted the magazine Charlie Hebdo in January. This latest
attack, by contrast, was different, said Kerry. "In the last days, obviously, that has been particularly put to the
test," Kerry said, according to a State Department transcript. "There's something different about what happened from Charlie
Hebdo, and I think everybody would feel that. There was a sort of particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms
of — not a legitimacy, but a rationale that you could attach yourself to somehow and say, okay, they're really angry
because of this and that.["]
Al Qaeda Leader Who Claimed Credit for Charlie Hebdo Attack Killed in U.S. Drone Strike. A
senior al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader who claimed the group's responsibility for the Charlie
Hebdo massacre and the murder of an American hostage during a botched raid in December has been killed
in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen, it was announced Thursday [5/7/2015].
PEN Members Decline Gala After Award for Charlie Hebdo. The decision by PEN American
Center to give its annual Freedom of Expression Courage award to the French satirical newspaper
Charlie Hebdo has prompted six writers to withdraw as literary hosts at the group's annual gala on
May 5, adding a new twist to the continuing debate over the publication's status as a martyr
for free speech.
Charlie Hebdo Staff Named 'International Islamophobe Of The Year'. Charlie Hebdo has
been named 2015 International Islamophobe of the year, despite many of its staff having been killed
by Jihadists in January. The annual 'award' was given by Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC), a
British group that claims to campaign against terrorism. According to the Muslim website 5Pillars
the award was given to Charlie Hebdo because of its "continual stoking of Islamophobic sentiment by
caricaturing Muslims as terrorists and ridiculing their beliefs."
speech in Britain: Police tracking people who bought Charlie Hebdo. Wait a minute...
wasn't David Cameron at the front of the line for that Paris rally in support of Charlie Hebdo not
that long ago? I'm pretty sure that we were all supposed to be on the same page when it comes to the
whole free speech, satire is okay bandwagon. But if that's the case, why were the British police
tracking down the people who bought copies of the magazine when they put out that record setting edition?
weeks after Zuckerberg said 'je suis Charlie,' Facebook begins censoring images of prophet Muhammad.
Only two weeks after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg released a strongly worded #JeSuisCharlie statement on the
importance of free speech, Facebook has agreed to censor images of the prophet Muhammad in Turkey —
including the very type of image that precipitated the Charlie Hebdo attack. It's an illustration, perhaps,
of how extremely complicated and nuanced issues of online speech really are. It's also conclusive proof of
what many tech critics said of Zuckerberg's free-speech declaration at the time: Sweeping promises are all
well and good, but Facebook's record doesn't entirely back it up.
How France Grew
Its Own Terrorists. In the wake of the massacre of 17 people in Paris last week, some
have questioned the role that immigration played in bringing radical Islam to France. Some are even
calling for a moratorium on immigration to France from Muslim countries to avoid further terrorist attacks.
Although it's necessary to look to the history of immigration in France to understand how this happened, it's
wrong to think that changes to immigration policy now will make a difference. The damage has already been
done. The truth is, the men who launched these attacks in the name of Islam were French citizens.
They were born and educated in France.
Death toll in pro-Islam protests against Charlie Hebdo cartoons mounts. At least 10
people are feared killed in Niger after scores of pro-Islam protesters took to the streets against
the cartoons published by the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. On the second day of the
protests on Saturday [1/17/2015], five people were killed. The victims were either inside churches
or bars which were set ablaze by an angry mob. The previous day, five people were killed in the
city of Zinder after Friday prayers.
Call This Threat by Its Name. [French Foreign Minister Laurent] Fabius will not
describe as "Islamists" the terrorists who on Wednesday, Jan. 7, walked into the offices of the
newspaper Charlie Hebdo, right in the heart of Paris. Nor will he use "Islamic State" to describe
the radical Sunni group that now controls territory in Syria and Iraq. No reference can be made to
"Islamic fundamentalism," for fear that Islam and Islamism might get conflated. The terms "Daesh"
and "Daesh cutthroats" are to be favored instead, even though in Arabic "Daesh" means the very thing
to be hidden: "Islamic State." Let us call things by their rightful names, since the French
government seems reluctant to do so.
and Free Speech. Should there be limits to free speech and expression? The issue is
now on the front burner for intellectual discussion and political decision in Western societies.
This was inevitable following the events after the cold-blooded massacres in Paris at the office of
Charlie Hebdo (CH) for images satirizing the Prophet Mohammed. Millions marched in the streets of
Paris and elsewhere in solidarity with and support of CH. Yet after CH resumed publication and
issued another critical cartoon of the Prophet, voices have come from different quarters over the
rights and responsibilities of free speech.
Veteran Jim Clancy Leaves CNN After Controversial Charlie Hebdo Tweets. Just one week
after he engaged in a heated Twitter debate over the terror attacks on Charlie Hebdo, CNN
international correspondent Jim Clancy announced he is leaving the network after more than 30 years
at the network. In a short note to his CNN colleagues, Clancy did not give a reason for his departure.
Paris magazine Charlie Hebdo lifts print
run of current issue to 7 million. Charlie Hebdo, the satirical magazine at the center
of the recent terror attacks in Paris, has increased the print run for its current issue to 7 million
copies, nearly 120 times its usual run. The magazine, the focus of a brazen January 7
attack in which its editor and several other staffers were killed by Islamist terrorists, normally
runs 60,000 copies.
The silence of the sheep.
As France recovers from last week's terrorist attacks against the satirical magazine Charlie
Hebdo, the Western world, including journalists and social media spectators across the political
spectrum, are rallying around freedom of speech — even offensive speech. While
they are rightly united in the conviction that objectionable expression should be safe from violent
retaliation, it is increasingly clear that the freedom of speech often works only at that bare
minimum — protecting us from imprisonment and decapitation by governments, but not
from social and economic destruction by our fellow Americans, including government officials.
protesters burn churches in second day of Charlie riots. Stone-throwing demonstrators
set fire to two churches in Niger's capital Niamey on Saturday [1/17/2015], in the latest protest in
France's former African colonies at French newspaper Charlie Hebdo's cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad.
Charlie Hebdo sells out, already on eBay for $117K.
Copies of the latest issue of controversial Charlie Hebdo magazine depicting the Muslim Prophet
Muhammed on the cover are selling for as much as 100,000 euros ($117,839) on eBay after the initial
3 million print run sold out within minutes. Pictures from across France showed long lines of
customers waiting to get their hands on a copy of the "survivors' edition" — the first issue
of the magazine published since the fatal Paris attacks by Islamist gunmen.
Course It Is Islam. It is settled: The Paris terror attacks had almost nothing to do with
Islam. If there is any doubt about this, consider that on the one hand, you have the chilling new tape of
the Charlie Hebdo attackers declaring, "We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad," and on the other, you have the
tortured reassurances of White House spokesman Josh Earnest. Which are you going to believe?
Assimilation? Never heard of it. French
Muslim Students Yell "Allahu Akbar," Dishonor Moment Of Silence For Charlie Hebdo Victims. Throughout many
schools in France, Muslim students refused to comply with a moment of silence to honor the victims of the Charlie
Hebdo massacre. While some spoke obnoxiously loudly during the 60 second period, others yelled "Allahu
Akbar!" or "God is great." In another incident, a group of young Muslims dishonored the moment of silence, telling
their teacher, "You reap what you sow," the Washington Post reports.
How's America's Rail
Security Doing? Are we ready for a nefarious terrorist attack on our train and transit
lines? [...] On Tuesday, an estimated 150 New York Fire Department personnel responded to a three-alarm
fire at Penn Station that started before 2:30 a.m. Two firefighters suffered injuries battling
the Big Apple blaze, which was initially deemed "suspicious" and then "accidental." Worth noting:
A militant ISIS sympathizer published multiple threats on Twitter a few hours before the fire, warning that
"tomorrow New York will burn" and predicting a "3:00 a.m. bomb."
Imam Anjem Choudary Calls Charlie Hebdo Front Page 'Act Of War'. Hate preacher Anjem
Choudary has called the latest front cover of Charlie Hebdo an "act of war" against Muslims. The
magazine features Mohammed crying and holding a "Je Suis Charlie" sign, with the headline roughly
translating to "Everything is forgiven". But Choudary was unimpressed with the offering from the
remaining staff at Charlie Hebdo claiming it was "ridiculing" Mohammed. He said the magazine was
attacking the Muslim leader's personality, and that publishing it was "extremely serious".
Arrests 54 for Defending Terror; Newspaper Sells Out. Charlie Hebdo's defiant new issue
sold out before dawn Wednesday around Paris, with some scuffles at kiosks over dwindling copies of the
satirical paper fronting the Prophet Muhammad.
Paper Includes "Draw Mohammed" Connect-The-Dots Picture. In response to the massacre
of the staff of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, the French-language Canadian
newspaper Le Journal Montréal included a connect-the-dot picture of "Mohammed" in
today's issue so that its readers can "draw" their very own Mohammed cartoon.
State launches social media campaign to capitalize on Paris attacks. The Islamic State
terrorist group has launched a big social media campaign to try to capitalize on the Paris massacre.
The group, known also by the acronyms ISIL and ISIS, is calling on jihadists to kill more Westerners and
to celebrate the lives of the three Muslims who slaughtered 17 innocent civilians and police on a rampage
that began on Jan. 7.
Qaeda Claims Charlie Hebdo Massacre, Report Says. An al Qaeda affiliate has claimed
responsibility for the deadly attack on a French satirical magazine that killed 12 people, claiming
the murders were in response to "blasphemy."
In America "Je suis Charlie" devolving
to "Stand with the Prophet". 'World leaders' who responded like sharks to chum at the
"Je suis Charlie" mass rally in Paris on Sunday soon returned to their offices to carry on with what
they always do: forging the same lax immigration policies that allow the barbarians to get in
through the gates and patently ignoring the inevitability of the next Islamic terrorist attack.
But before leaving Paris they had firmly planted in the minds of the throngs what they thought would
live on as an indelible picture: World leaders and especially Western ones care —
really care — about the horror of Islamist terrorism, even while still telling the great
unwashed that only Islamaphobes identify Islamist terrorism as Islamist terrorism.
Triumph of Terrorism. Unfortunately, the massacre at Charlie Hebdo, its military-style
execution, the escape of the assassins, and their blazing end in a shootout Friday was a triumph of
terrorism not seen since 9/11. Unlike the Boston Marathon bombing where the Tsarnaevs did not
know or care whom they maimed or killed, the attack on Charlie Hebdo by the Kouachi brothers was
purposeful and targeted terrorism. And like a flash of lightning in the dark, it exposed the
moral contradictions and confusion of the West.
rally hails Charlie Hebdo attackers as 'heroes'. Hundreds in southern Afghanistan
rallied to praise the killing of 12 people at the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo, calling the two
gunmen "heroes" who meted out punishment for cartoons disrespectful to Islam's prophet, officials
said Saturday [1/10/2015].
president accuses 'the West' of being behind Charlie Hebdo attacks. The President of
Turkey has suggested French security forces are to blame for the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris
last week, since the culprits had recently served prison sentences. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan accused
the West of 'playing games with the Islamic world', warning fellow Muslims to be 'aware'. Erdoğan
said Muslims are 'paying the price' for the attacks on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish
kosher supermarket in Paris last week.
Blaming Bush never gets old, apparently. Dem
Sen. Murphy to Maddow: Blame Bush for Radicalization of Hebdo Terrorists. "We Blame
George W. Bush" is a recurring category in James Taranto's "Best of the Web Today" column at the
Wall Street Journal. The meme mocks the penchant of progressives to blame the former
president for everything under the sun. The phenomenon was illustrated in an ugly way on last
night's [1/12/2015] Rachel Maddow Show.
As If On Cue. The blood wasn't
yet dry in the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo before progressives started with the moral equivalences
between Islamofascists and people in the United State who dare defy their orthodoxy of the left.
[...] Freedom of speech, the "spark" that lit off the attack on the French satirical newspaper, is
under assault from the progressive left even more so than it is Islamofascists. While extremist
Muslims seek to forbid any criticism of Islam, the American left seeks to forbid any language,
discussion or dissention that criticizes anything deemed progressive.
Islamic Body in the World Calls for More Anti-Free Speech Laws in Wake of Charlie Hebdo Attack. The
OIC is comprised of the 57 Muslim-majority nations and the Palestinian Authority. They are the largest bloc
at the UN, and when they meet on the head-of-state level, they literally speak for the Muslim world. So it is
noteworthy that after the Charlie Hebdo attack, [Ufuk] Gokcen is now calling for more implementation of the
OIC-sponsored UN Human Rights Council Resolution 16/18 and the follow-up Rabat Plan of Action that would
criminalize the very type of speech that Charlie Hebdo engaged in[.]
problem is within Islam itself. [E]ven before the broken bodies of the French
cartoonists had been removed from the scene, apologists on the American political left were taking
to cameras and keyboards to make sure the apparent greater crime of political incorrectness was not
perpetrated. CNN pundit Sally Kohn sent out a barrage of politically correct tweets that
repackaged the foolish charge made years ago by fellow left-winger Rosie O'Donnell that, "radical
Christianity is just as dangerous as radical Islam." You can be forgiven for struggling to remember
the last time monks with suicide belts stormed a mall food court or a group of knife-wielding nuns
beheaded an infidel before mass.
Muslim Suburbs Blame Jews for Charlie. Mehdi Boular, 24, who said he was married with
two children, and two of his friends, did not attend Sunday's rally. "We're Muslims," Boular
said. "They might have killed us if we'd gone." But even though the flags of Algeria, Morocco,
and Tunisia were flying at the rally in Place de la République and Muslims were well represented among the
marchers Sunday, Boular said the attacks in Paris were part of a plot masterminded by Jewish conspirators.
think the Paris terrorists were offended by Charlie Hebdo's satire. What if we're wrong? Here's
a theory. Terrorists aren't offended by cartoons. Not even cartoons that satirise the Prophet Muhammad.
They don't care about satire. For all I know they may not even care about the Prophet Muhammad. Instead,
they merely pretend to be offended by cartoons, in order to give themselves a pretext to commit murder. Murder
so horrifying, on a pretext so unWestern, that non-Muslims — blinded by grief and rage — turn
on Muslims. Blame them. Persecute them. Burn their book, attack their mosques, threaten them in the
street, demand their expulsion from Western societies. Actions that, in turn, scare Western Muslims, isolate them,
alienate them. And thus drive some of them to support — and even become — terrorists.
massacre is proof of Islamist threat to Europe. The very existence of free speech, one
of the foundations of our civilisation, is now under unprecedented threat from Islamic extremism.
Yesterday's massacre at the office of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which left ten
journalists and two police officers dead, was not just another atrocity perpetrated by Muslim
fanatics. It was also a profound attack on the principles of liberty and democracy that are meant
to lie at the heart of our society. We cannot allow the murderous zealots to intimidate us into
silence through their monstrous campaign of assassination.
Hebdo plans print run of up to 3 million for next issue, with Muhammad on cover. Muhammad will be back on the
cover of the next edition of Charlie Hebdo, along with a message of forgiveness from surviving staffers at the French satirical
magazine where 12 people were killed last week by a pair of Islamist brothers angered over the publication's penchant for
showing images of the prophet.
The terrorists won last
week. As a conservative, I don't like gratuitous mockery of religion, any religion.
That's not to say I think all blasphemies are equally offensive. For instance, I think most satire
of Christianity is particularly cowardly and lame precisely because Christians are such a safe target.
Also, after centuries of tolerance for satire of Christianity, opportunities for cleverness or originality
are few and far between. Mockery of Islam, meanwhile, whether in good taste or not, is dangerous and
therefore also courageous even when stupid. In a world where Muslim extremists weren't killing people
for such things, I'd be against publishing such material (not as matter of law, but editorial judgment).
But we don't live in that world. And the slaughter in Paris only makes that more of a reality.
not racial profiling. It's logical deduction". Although the Paris terrorist attack by
Islamists has not been linked to any mosque, the historical record is dotted with similar attacks
that have such links, including the Nov. 5, 2009, rampage at the Army base in Killeen, Texas, by
Maj. Nidal Hasan that killed 13 and wounded 31 as the self-proclaimed "Soldier of Allah" shouted
"Allahu Akhbar" (God is great) in a manner similar to the Paris attackers. Hasan's nearly two
dozen messages to al-Qaida terrorist leader Anwar al-Awlaki, once a spiritual leader at a mosque in
suburban Virginia where Hasan worshipped, put Hasan on the radar of authorities who, tragically, did
not heed the warning signs. Thinking of mosques as potential hotbeds of the Islamist fanaticism
that can fuel terrorist attacks isn't politically correct, yet it's happened.
Lib Pols and Media Are Just Plain
Cowards. Anyone with a brain in their head knows that the killers who attacked the
cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo in Paris were Muslims. Whether they were fanatics or not, the killers
believe they are Muslim when they commit acts of violence while shouting 'Allahu Akbar' to avenge slights
against their prophet Mohammed. Cowardly politicians, however, and the craven media refuse to call
a spade a spade and consequently encourage these acts of savagery against civilization.
Paris Proves 'When Guns Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Guns'. In the wake of the
January 7 armed terrorist attack in Paris, real estate tycoon and social commentator Donald Trump
said the attack proved the truth of the maxim, "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."
Breitbart News previously reported that three men armed with AK-47s charged into Charlie Hebdo headquarters
on January 7 and opened fire, killing 12 persons — including two police officers.
They wounded up to 11 more.
Today column: Why did France allow satirists to attack Mohammed? USA Today caused a stir last night when they
published a column from Anjem Choudary, whom they describe as "a radical Muslim cleric" from London specializing in
shari'a law. Earlier in the day, the Financial Times attracted a raft of criticism for publishing a column
that insinuated that Charlie Hebdo's staff brought on their massacre themselves, but Choudary doesn't even bother
with a sop to free speech, which he dismisses as a non-Islamic concept. Instead, Choudary blames France for not
protecting "the sanctity of a Prophet," and says we should not expect anything else other than murder from Muslims
when that doesn't happen.
The Obama Administration Have a Strategy to Fight Islamic Terrorism? As the terror
attacks in Paris continue to unfold, many are asking how the United States has prepared to prevent
similar attacks from happening on American soil. Does the Obama administration have a clear strategy
about how to fight the war on Islamic terror? The answer seems to be no. "We have no strategy,"
General Jack Keane said during an interview on Fox News Friday morning. "They have not defined the
enemy in terms of radical Islam."
Be Deceived by the Reaction to Charlie Hebdo Massacre — Our Media Are Cowards. In the wake of today's
massacre in Paris, there has already been a lot of preening about journalistic bravery. Much of it has come from people
who, it can be shown, don't have the guts to work in Charlie Hebdo's newsroom. Preening about free speech may be reassuring
at times like this, but what we need are apologies from those who haven't done enough to defend free speech, as well as a real
desire to hold those journalists and politicians who have undermined free speech accountable.
CNN memo: 'We are not at this time showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons'. CNN is not
showing detailed images of cartoons from the Charlie Hebdo magazine that could be viewed as
offensive to Muslims, CNN senior editorial director Richard Griffiths said in a message sent
to CNN staff Wednesday afternoon [1/7/2015].
world must adapt to new face of terror, get serious about security. The Paris massacre is just another example of the
new normal in the West. It's radical Muslim extremists attacking civilians — either randomly or in revenge for
alleged insults to Islam — all in the name of religion. A lone gunman opened fire in the Canadian Parliament.
A fanatic self-styled radical imam gunned downed people in an Australian coffee shop. A recent Muslim convert gunned down and
beheaded co-workers in Oklahoma. Now initial reports indicate that two or three black-hooded terrorists stormed a Paris satirical
publication in an organized attack and massacred over a dozen journalists. The magazine had published a cartoon making fun of
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The terrorists shouted, "The Prophet has been avenged."
Dhimmitude: 12 Signs You're Part of the Problem. Dhimmi literally means "protected person," and the term was
originally applied to non-Muslims who capitulated willingly to Islamic expansionism between 638 and 1683, and who lived in
Muslim countries as craven second-class citizens. A bit like the French in World War Two. But with the latest maniac
squad gun massacre in Paris this week, it's hard to argue that our Islamic overlords are looking out for our best interests.
Thomas McInerney on Paris attack: 'Political correctness is killing us'. Retired U.S.
Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney had a blunt assessment of the terror attacks that killed at
least 12 in Paris on Wednesday, telling a Fox News audience that a major driver of the violence was
that those in positions of leadership refused to face the realities of radicalized Islam.
"Political correctness is killing us," he told "Fox & Friends," adding that the nation's leaders
needed to wake up to the dangers of the religion in order to keep America safe.
against terrorism, 50 world leaders march with millions in France; But not Obama. More
than 50 world leaders journeyed to Paris to join French President Francois Hollande in the bold
street march, likely the largest in French history, against terrorism and for freedom of speech.
They included, arm-in-arm, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
British Prime Minister David Cameron and Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas. Leaders from
Spain, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Mali and Jordan also dropped everything
to attend, as did French Muslim leaders. "Paris is today the capital of the world," Hollande
declared. Demonstrating the style of absentee international leadership his countrymen have
come to expect, U.S. President Obama remained holed up in the White House Sunday.
White House can't admit Paris attacks 'Islamic terrorism'. They shouted in Arabic
"Allahu Akbar" (Allah is Greatest) and "We are avenging the Prophet Mohammed" as they
sprayed their victims with hundreds of bullets from their semi-automatic weapons. Their
"victims" were the top editorial cartoonists of the satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine, who had dared
to practice their right of free speech. Their offense? Publishing cartoons deemed "offensive" by
Muslim leaders around the world. The perpetrators? Islamic terrorists. Yet in the immediate
hours after the murders in Paris, the response from western leaders was scurrilously predictable in their
refusal to describe the attack as an "Islamic terrorist attack."
The Blame For
the Charlie Hebdo Murders. The murders today in Paris are not a result of France's
failure to assimilate two generations of Muslim immigrants from its former colonies. [...] They are
only the latest blows delivered by an ideology that has sought to achieve power through terror for
decades. It's the same ideology that sent Salman Rushdie into hiding for a decade under a death
sentence for writing a novel, then killed his Japanese translator and tried to kill his Italian
translator and Norwegian publisher. The ideology that murdered three thousand people in the U.S. on
September 11, 2001. The one that butchered Theo van Gogh in the streets of Amsterdam, in 2004, for
making a film. The one that has brought mass rape and slaughter to the cities and deserts of Syria
and Iraq. That massacred a hundred and thirty-two children and thirteen adults in a school in
Peshawar last month. That regularly kills so many Nigerians, especially young ones, that hardly
anyone pays attention.
York Times: With A Dozen Parisians Dead, MUSLIMS Hit Hardest. A dozen people may have
been murdered by Islamic terrorists in Paris Wednesday morning, but The New York Times can't help
but note the real tragedy behind the shooting: the growth of Islamophobia.
Left: The Paris Attacks Aren't About Islam. Let's begin with former DNC Chairman
Howard Dean, who intoned that the Charlie Hebdo shooters are "about as Muslim as I am" on
MSNBC's Morning Joe: [Video clip] Kindly ignore the shouts of "Allahu Akbar" and
professions of "avenging the prophet." That's cult talk, and it has nothing to do with Islam, Dean says.
It's So Hard for Obama to Call Terrorism Terrorism. Notwithstanding the
incontrovertible, seemingly undeniable evidence that the terrorist attack against Charlie Hebdo
magazine in Paris was a terrorist attack, the Obama White House initially engaged in its maddening
practice of refusing to state the obvious for fear of offending Muslims. As the Weekly
Standard's Daniel Halper reports, Obama spokesman Josh Earnest insisted on labeling as "an act
of violence" the murder of a dozen people by Allahu-Akbar!-screaming gunmen. When CNN pointed
out that French President Francois Hollande had, without hesitation, described the atrocity as an "act of
terrorism," Earnest spluttered that "if based on this investigation it turns out to be an act of terrorism,
we would condemn that in the strongest possible terms, too" — but he declined to draw that conclusion.
WH Condemned Judgement of 'Deeply Offensive' Charlie Hebdo. On September 19, 2012 at
the White House daily press briefing then press secretary Jay Carney condemned the judgement of
Charlie Hebdo magazine for publishing "deeply offensive," anti-Islamic cartoons. Partial
transcript as follows: [...]
segregated from French society in growing Islamist mini-states. A backdrop to the
massacre in Paris on Wednesday by self-professed al Qaeda terrorists is that city officials have
increasingly ceded control of heavily Muslim neighborhoods to Islamists, block by block. France
has Europe's largest population of Muslims, some of whom talk openly of ruling the country one day
and casting aside Western legal systems for harsh, Islam-based Shariah law.
House couldn't be sure at first if Paris bloodshed was a 'terrorist attack'. White House Press Sec. Josh Earnest
initially responded to the horrific attack in Paris on Wednesday like an automaton. In an appearance on CNN at 8:45 a.m. ET,
Earnest robotically began by condemning this episode of "violence" and touting the efforts of the administration to counter the impression
that Islam is a violent ideology — a staple of all Western counterterror campaigns since September 12, 2001.
"You keep using the word violence," CNN anchor Chris Cuomo interjected. "This is an act of terrorism."
Hebdo Suspects Were on U.S. No-Fly List 'for Years': Official. Said Kouachi, one of
the two brothers being sought by French authorities in the massacre at Charlie Hebdo magazine,
traveled to Yemen in 2011 to be trained by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, two senior U.S.
counterterrorism officials told NBC News on Thursday [1/8/2015]. The training lasted for
several months, one of the officials said.
Muslim Immigration Was Mad, French Learning. Immigration into Europe has a lot to do with terrorism.
The French, sadly, have just been reminded of that fact the hard way. And a great many years too late.
Shep Smith Not OK with Calling Paris Attackers Muslims. Fox News anchor Shepard Smith
went on an editorial rant against those rushing to judgment and suggesting that the terrorists who
massacred twelve people at Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday [1/7/2015] might be —
gasp — Muslims. [...] It's not Catholic, it's not Jewish, it's not Mormon, it's not 7th Day
Adventist, it's not Buddhist. No one in the intelligence community is running around Paris today
looking in Baptist churches for these terrorists or checking their connections to the local Jehovah's Witness
community. The terrorists are Muslim, by their own definition. Who is Shep Smith to define
what Islam is for these jihadi terrorists, who self-identify as Muslims? Or who is President
Obama, who has said the Islamic state is not Islamic, to tell anyone one else what the parameters of their
religion must be?
Ralph Peters: The Terrorists Who Attacked Newspaper Today Are The Ones Who Feinstein Doesn't Want to
Waterboard. Fox News strategic analyst Col. Ralph Peters reacted to Wednesday's Paris
terror attack by calling it an attack on freedom of the press. Peters also criticized Senator
Dianne Feinstein by saying that the terrorists that committed the attacks are the ones that the
Senator is not willing to waterboard. The attack on the headquarters of the satirical
publication, 'Charlie Hebdo', left at least 12 dead and many more injured. [Video clip]
at French newspaper seen as trained Islamist fighters. The black-clad gunmen who stormed the Paris
office of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday [1/7/2015] spoke perfect French and acted like trained
Islamist commandos, shooting victims in an apparently well-prepared attack. While police have yet to catch
or identify the attackers or explain their motives, amateur video shows at least one shouting "Allahu Akbar",
Arabic for "God is Greatest", after the attack and saying they had "avenged the Prophet Mohammad".
News Orgs are Refusing to Publish the Muhammed Cartoons Today? Buzzfeed's Rosie Gray
and Ellie Hall are keeping a running list of which organizations are censoring the Charlie Hebdo
images which two jihadists today — and a significant portion of the Muslim world when the
images first appeared — judged to be crimes worthy of death.
Hebdo massacre: how the West will respond. Here's what will happen next. 1. French
authorities will urge the public not to jump to any unhelpful conclusions about the identity and
motivation of the killers. 2. Politicians, police chiefs and mainstream media reports will urge
restraint over what is clearly an inexplicable rogue incident which may have nothing whatsoever to do with
the Religion of Peace. 3. Extensive — and largely fruitless — efforts will be
made to find Muslim community leaders prepared to speak out against the incident, in the unlikely event that
it proves that the killers may have had Islamist sympathies. 4. Liberal commentators will take
pains to draw a distinction between Islamism and Islam, noting that the former is a malign perversion of
the latter which (apparently) explicitly forbids the murder of innocents.
Dean: Don't Call Paris Shooters 'Muslim Terrorists'. Howard Dean — that
celebrated scholar of Islam — has weighed in on today's murderous rampage in Paris,
declaring that he refuses to call the shooters in this and similar cases "Muslim terrorists."
According to Dean, the disregard for the lives of others that these terrorists display "is not what
the Koran says." Dean's denial of the obvious puts him in the company of many liberals, most notably
including President Obama, who after the beheading of James Foley declared that ISIS "speaks for no religion."
[Video clip]
President Obama sold out Charlie Hebdo. Two years ago, a crude video against Islam was
used as pretext by Islamists in various countries for riots and violence. Though that same video had
nothing to do with the coordinated attack on U.S. outposts in Benghazi, resulting in the assassination of
U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others, the administration claimed it did. The
administration even rewrote talking points to blame an imaginary protest against the video as leading to
those deaths. Not long after, President Barack Obama spoke at the United Nations. Among good
things he said, he also had this to say about people who mock Islam, such as the brave, now martyred,
journalists at the satirical French publication Charlie Hebdo: ["]The future must not belong to
those who slander the prophet of Islam.["]
Man Haron Monis, Sydney, Australia
December 15, 2014
Wolf' Syndrome: Sydney Hostage-Taker Is Yet Another Case. With the hostage situation
resolved [...] and the release of the name of the hostage taker, Iranian-born Islamic cleric Man
Monis aka Shiekh Haron, this seems to be yet another case of what I termed here at PJ Media several
weeks ago as "Known Wolf Syndrome." In that article, following two separate terror attacks in
Canada in which the suspects were already well-known to authorities, I noted that in the U.S., too,
in many of the domestic terrorism cases the culprits had already been identified to law enforcement
as problems.
Plague Of Radical Islam Strikes Again, In Sydney. [Man Haron Monis] repaid his
Australian hosts with a long criminal record including sexual attacks and charges of being an
accomplice in stabbing and setting afire his ex-wife last year. He sent crank letters to the
families of fallen Australian soldiers until a court ordered him to stop. His attack, in fact,
was eerily similar to a 1990 attack in Berkeley, Calif., when another deranged Iranian, Mehrdad
Dashti, after a string of criminal acts, took about 16 people hostage and forced his perversions on
them, declaring himself a "devout" Muslim to justify his acts. Monis was the same kind of
unhinged individual, with a failed past and personal demons. But it doesn't mean he's not part of
the ongoing Islamic war on terror against the West. In fact, he's its latest tool and tactic.
Hostage Taker Told Obama to Stop Hiding his Religion. The interesting thing here is
that Sheikh Haron viewed Obama as a Muslim who was hiding his religion based on his background.
There hasn't been much talk about this, but considering that Obama had a Muslim father and
stepfather, many Muslims would view him as a Muslim and have varying views of his motives.
Leader: Siege Gunman Dropped Off Watch List. A gunman responsible for a deadly siege
in a Sydney cafe was once on the national security agency's watch list — but was dropped off it
years ago for reasons that remain unclear, Australia's prime minister said Wednesday [12/17/2014].
hostage crisis: Coming to a theater near you, America. The violent conclusion to
Monday's Australian hostage taking terrorist siege was inevitable. The terrorist Man Haron Monis was
killed as the Sydney police S.W.A.T. team stormed the café where he was holed up. Even
though two hostages were killed in the raid, the Sydney police had no choice but to act. After a
siege lasting nearly 17 hours, police had good reason to believe that the self-anointed "Sheik"
Haron Monis was going to make good on his threat to detonate the bombs he claimed to have unless his
demands were met.
Making Bail. The main question
I would have had for Sydney siege perpetrator Man Haron Monis [...] was where he got the money to make bail and hire his
lawyers. He was up on 40 sexual sexual assault charges. Fifty, if you believe the Washington Post.
That's not counting charges of using the mail to commit crimes.
café refused to be Halal certified. I'm glad Lindt café didn't bow to
the political correctness clown show and switch just because Muslims may have demanded it.
Policy's David Rothkopf on Sydney Attack: "We Don't Know Who This Is And What Their Motivation
Is". David Rothkopf of Foreign Policy magazine talks about "taking a step back"
on drawing conclusions from a hostage situation in a cafe in Sydney, Australia where the perpetrator
has raised a black flag that reads, "There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of God"
in the store's window. "I do think we need to take a step back," Rothkopf said on Monday's
[12/15/2014] broadcast of MSNBC's Morning Joe. "We don't know who this is, we don't
know what their motivation is."
The Editor says...
You don't know his motivation because you don't have your eyes open.
Host: 'Too Early To Tell' If Man Asking For ISIS Flag Was Motivated By Islam. Despite
the Sydney, Australia hostage-taker displaying a flag reading in Arabic, "There is no God but God
and Mohammed is the prophet of God," despite his being a self-proclaimed sheikh and despite his
demand that police give him an ISIS flag, MSNBC "The Rundown" host José Diaz-Balart wondered
if Iranian-born Man Haron Monis is motivated by Islam at all.
Hostage-Taker Revealed As Muslim Cleric, 'Sexual Healer' with Criminal Past. A man who
has been holed up in a Sydney cafe after taking dozens of citizens hostage has been identified as
Man Haron Monis. He has also been described by followers as "Sheikh Haron" or "Ayatollah Manteghi."
Haron was born in Iran but had recently moved to Bexley North in the south of Sydney, Australia, the
Sydney Morning Herald reported.
Directors Refuse Body Of Sydney Terrorist. The body of the lone terrorist behind the
attack on the Sydney, Man Haron Monis, is unlikely be receive a proper burial after Muslim funderal
directors said his body should either be thrown in the sea or "chucked in the bloody [out]house".
So far no-one has claimed the 50-year-old's body, meaning that he would have a state funded funeral
but this would be contingent on them finding a company willing to do it.
Saudi National with (no?) explosives in his car invades Fort Sam Houston
November 23, 2014
He had explosives in his car. Saudi
National Detained At Fort Sam Houston, Explosives Found In Vehicle. Military officials
told KCEN-TV that the man that drove through the gate at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio was a Saudi
National and that explosive materials were found in the vehicle.
No he didn't. College
Student Held After Fort Sam Houston Lockdown. Officials at the military installation
in San Antonio said Monday they were investigating how the student's private vehicle got through
security late Sunday afternoon. 502nd Air Base Wing spokesman Alex Delgado said the male student
is not in the service. The vehicle did not contain any explosives or weapons, he said.
Yes he did. College
student detained in Fort Sam Houston lockdown, had no explosives in car. Alex Delgado,
a 502nd Air Base Wing spokesman, said early Monday that officials would not release the student's
name, race, age or other identifying information, but said he attends or attended a "local" college.
The driver of the vehicle was detained for questioning and released. No other passengers were in
the vehicle, the release stated. Two Joint Base San Antonio officials — Delgado and
Todd White, director of public affairs — told the San Antonio Express-News on Monday
[11/24/2014] that officials did not find explosives or weapons in the man's vehicle Sunday night, contrary
to some media reports that indicated the man was a "Saudi national" with explosives in his car.
National Detained at Fort Sam Houston. According to Military Officials, the man that
drove through the gate at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio was a Saudi National. Military
officials say explosive materials were reportedly found in his car. The unidentified man was
taken into custody and officials are still trying to determine his motive. Military officials are
not calling this an attempted terrorist attack.
The hatchet-wielding New York "Muslim warrior," Zale Thompson
October 23, 2014
Lone-Wolf Canard. Since Thursday afternoon, newscasters have incessantly told us that
the late and unlamented Zale Thompson was a "lone wolf." Thompson was the 32-year-old Muslim from
Queens who attacked four New York City police officers with a hatchet on Thursday, breaking one's
arm and critically wounding another with a gash to the head. Reading off the familiar script, NYPD
Commissioner Bill Bratton insisted that "nothing we know at this time would indicate" a connection to
terrorism. This, despite Thompson's Facebook page on which he portrayed himself as a
mujahed warrior superimposed on Koranic verses and called for "guerilla warfare" against
the United States.
police commissioner: Hatchet attack was terror. A brazen daylight hatchet attack
against a group of police officers on a busy New York street was a terrorist act by a reclusive
Muslim convert who ranted online against America but had no clear ties to international extremists,
the police commissioner said Friday [10/24/2014].
Hatchet Attack on Cops Was a Lone Wolf "Act of Terror". A man who assaulted a group of
NYPD officers with a hatchet before they shot him dead committed "an act of terror," the city's top
cop said Friday [10/24/2014]. "We at this time believe that he acted alone," Police Commissioner Bill
Bratton said Friday. "We would describe him as self-radicalized. We would describe him as self-directed
in his activities."
Attacks NYPD Officers with Hatchet Unprovoked. NBC News, citing law enforcement
sources, reported the Facebook page belongs to Zale Thompson, a 32-year-old resident of Queens. The
report describes the profile picture of his Facebook page as appearing to be "a Muslim warrior."
Thompson allegedly attacked four recent graduates of the NYPD Police academy unprovoked with a hatchet on
Thursday [10/23/2014], leaving one officer in critical condition.
man shot dead by NYPD cops in Queens; police eye possible terrorism motive. A man
armed with a hatchet who attacked a group of rookie cops on a Queens street, critically injuring
one, was shot dead by the officers on Thursday afternoon, and a female bystander was hit by an
errant round. Police are investigating the possibility that the attacker killed on a rainswept
shopping corridor, identified by police sources as Zale Thompson, 32, had links to terrorism. A Zale
Thompson on Facebook is pictured wearing a keffiyeh and had a recent terrorism-related conversation
with one of his Facebook friends, according to a police source.
Hit-and-run driver Martin Rouleau-Couture
October 20, 2014
That Killed Canadian Soldier Is Called Terrorist Attack. A hit-and-run car crash that
killed one soldier and injured another this week was a terrorist attack, Canadian politicians,
police and military commanders all suggested Tuesday [10/21/2014], saying it had resulted from another Canadian's
turn to radical Islam. But little had emerged about why the man driving the car, Martin Rouleau-Couture,
became radicalized last year or ran over the two soldiers at a strip mall in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, on
Monday [10/20/2014].
soldier dies after apparent hit-and-run terror attack; 1 other injured. A Canadian soldier who died in a
hit-and-run Monday was apparently targeted in a terror attack, authorities said Tuesday [10/21/2014]. Royal Canadian
Mounted Police spokesman David Falls told reporters that the suspect, who was shot and killed by police following the incident,
"was known to federal authorities" who "were concerned that he had become radicalized," The Associated Press reported.
The Ottawa shootings: Michael Zehaf-Bibeau
October 20, 2014
vows tougher laws as citizens worry in face of attacks. Investigators said there was
no apparent link between the two attackers — one killed a soldier in Quebec and the other killed
Cirillo in Ottawa, before they themselves were shot dead — but Canadians worried about the parallels
between them.
The Editor says...
That's right, they have no connection at all — except Islam.
Peace With
Islam in Our Time. Abdallah Bulgasem Zehaf-Bibeau, the crackhead turned Jihadist
spawned by the mating of a Canadian immigration official and a Libyan Muslim Jihadist, just wanted
peace. He told a co-worker, "There can't be world peace until there's only Muslims." Then
he tried to usher in peace, the Islamic way, by opening fire near the Canadian parliament.
say Ottawa gunman was not being monitored. The man police said carried out the
shooting here Wednesday arrived in the city less than three weeks earlier so that he could get a
passport and fly to Syria. However, in a sign of how difficult it can be to determine who may pose
a threat, police said Thursday [10/23/2014] that Zehaf-Bibeau was not one of the roughly 90 "high-risk
travelers" the authorities have been monitoring because they are suspected of wanting to join extremists
fighting overseas.
terror strikes next door in Canada. Weeks after ISIS called for lone-wolf attacks by
any means necessary in allied countries including Canada, a gunman Wednesday shot a guard in the
back at Canada's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Minutes later that gunman or an accomplice entered the
main building of Parliament in Ottawa. A prolonged gunfight ensued and the gunman was killed. [...]
Police later identified the dead gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a convert to Islam formerly known
as Michael Joseph Hall, with a long record of drug and robbery offenses.
details emerge on Canada shooting suspect. [Scroll down] The attack started just steps away at
Canada's war memorial. That's where police say the suspect shot a soldier standing guard, at point
blank range. Law enforcement and U.S. government sources told CBS News the suspect calls himself
Michael Abdul Zehaf-Bibeau and was born in Quebec in 1982. He is from British Columbia and recently
converted to Islam.
PM Calls Attacker 'Terrorist,' Vows 'We Will Not be Intimidated'. Speaking for the
first time since a gunman attacked parliament earlier today, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
called the week's multiple assaults "a grim reminder that Canada is not immune to the types of
terrorist attacks we have seen elsewhere around the world." Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, 24, a reservist
serving in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, was shot and killed while guarding the National
War Memorial in Ottawa. Minutes later, a gunman opened fire inside the halls of parliament before he
was shot to death by House of Commons Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vicker.
Parliament Attack. Armed persons have attacked Ottawa, shooting a soldier at the
Canadian War Memorial and attempting to enter Parliament. The attack in parliament was apparently
stopped by the quick action of the sergeant-at-arms, Kevin Vickers, formerly of the RCMP. Vickers
shot the assailant in front of a room where MPs where sheltering. Some vowed in gratitude that "he
will never pay for a drink again."
PM Says Shooting Rampage Was Terrorism. Canadian police conceded Thursday
that Zehaf-Bibeau was the lone gunman, the second attack in three days in what the prime minister
described as terrorism.
shooter reportedly a recent convert to Islam. A gunman who reportedly was a recent
convert to Islam launched an attack Wednesday in Ottawa, killing one soldier guarding a war memorial
before barging into the capital city's Parliament amid a hail of gunfire and spawning increased
vigilance in Washington and Ottawa, where officials wondered how he managed to get into the
government building armed. The Canadian soldier, identified as Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, was the
second killed in three days in an attack by a young Muslim convert. A hit-and-run that left one
soldier dead and another injured Monday [10/20/2014] has been deemed a terrorist attack by Canadian officials.
killer in Ottawa shootings had a disturbing side. Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, the slain
32-year-old suspected killer of a Canadian Forces soldier near Parliament Hill, was a labourer and
small-time criminal — a man who had had a religious awakening and seemed to have become
mentally unstable.
Canadian sergeant-at-arms, 58, who shot dead terrorist Zehaf-Bibeau had not exchanged gunfire in
thirty years. Just moments after he gunned down Canadian Parliament shooter Michael
Zehaf-Bibeau, heroic sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers was seen calmly walking through the halls, gun
in hand. The 58-year-old RCMP veteran has been hailed a hero after putting a swift stop to the
attacker's hail of gunfire after he shot dead a soldier and then stormed the building on Wednesday
morning [10/22/2014].
The Oklahoma Beheader
September 25, 2014
the Facts Right on Islam and Beheading. Recently, a terrifying triple murder in my home state evoked memories
of a moment of human depravity so vile that it is difficult to think about, much less write about six years later.
First, the more recent murder scene. On April 7, 2020, three women were brutally stabbed to death by Idris Abdus-Salaam
at a Pilot Travel Center in Strawberry Plains, Tennessee, outside Knoxville. A fourth woman survived the attack. [...]
The savage murders of these three working women brought back memories of the beheading of Colleen Hufford, a 54-year-old
grandmother, on September 24, 2014, in Moore, Oklahoma. The shocking murder occurred at Vaughan Foods processing plant,
where Alton Nolen, AKA Jah'Keem Yisrael, worked with Colleen Hufford. Another female employee, Traci Johnson, was
stabbed and critically injured. [...] The Oklahoman paper reported on Sept. 20, 2017 that Nolen admitted that he watched
beheadings on YouTube all the time. Nolen went on to say, "I read the Quran. Like I say, the Quran is easy to
understand. No one guides me but Allah."
Terrorist Gets Death Penalty. Speaking to the jury that had already convicted Alton Alexander Nolen of first-degree murder
in the death of Colleen Hufford, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, district attorney Greg Mashburn said of Nolen, "He wants the death penalty.
Give him what he wants." Mashburn added that Nolen wanted the death penalty because he believes "something good" is waiting for him
on the "other side," so Mashburn pleaded for the jurors to "give it to him, and let him find out." The jury deliberated three hours
before returning a death penalty verdict for Nolen, who had beheaded co-worker Hufford with a knife in 2015. In Oklahoma, juries have
three options in a first-degree murder conviction: life in prison, life in prison without the possibility of parole, and death.
defendant says of 2014 attack: "I knew for sure that ... if I was to die right then ... I was going to heaven.". In
confessions played for a jury Wednesday, murder defendant Alton Alexander Nolen said in 2014 that he beheaded a co-worker and tried to
behead another at a Moore food plant because he felt oppressed. Nolen, a Muslim convert, insisted in the interviews with Moore
police and the FBI that he was following Islamic teachings. "I just feel like ... I did what I needed to do. What
Allah ... says in the Quran to do," he said. "Oppressors don't need to be here."
Update: Manager
testifies in trial of Muslim who beheaded co-worker, tried to behead another. A manager at an Oklahoma food
processing plant testified Friday that he tried but failed to stop a beheading attack three years ago. He attempted to
stop his co-worker, who had been suspended earlier that day, from attacking another employee with a butcher knife by severing
her head. Gary Hazelrigg told jurors that the victim, Colleen Hufford, was 'completely surprised' when Alton Nolen came
up behind her, pulled her head back and drew the knife across her throat.
To stop the next US beheading.
The signs were all there, glaring, waiting to be seen. The predisposition to violence, time spent in
prison, emotionally unstable Web postings. Alton Nolen, the alleged perp in last week's horrible
beheading in Oklahoma, was no aberration. If anything, he was a ticking time bomb with a short
fuse. His firing from Vaughn Foods was simply the catalyst that seemingly tripped the trigger in
his mind to move from jihadi thoughts to violent action: One small switch, one perceived slight and
he was gone — doing what he had seen ISIS members do, beheading innocents. Several
radical Islamist groups had recently urged American "lone wolves" to act in the name of Allah and
attack innocents wherever they could. Nolen evidently decided to heed the call.
Workplace beheadings.
On Tuesday, Alton Nolen was charged with first-degree murder in the gruesome beheading of a female
worker at an Oklahoma food-processing plant. Prosecutors tie the killing to his recent suspension
from the plant and discount any link to Islamic terrorism. For the FBI, too, it's just a case of
"workplace violence." Yet, according to police, Nolen had become a fervent Islamic proselytizer.
His Facebook page was inundated with passages from the Koran, signed "From a Muslim," near pictures
of Osama bin Laden. Could this be another case of see-no-evil?
Obama Has Said Quite
Enough. One would think that the beheading of a woman on American soil would warrant
some sort of comment from the President Obama. At the very minimum, he could offer a few kind words.
As of this writing, he has not said word one about it. His silence speaks volumes. After all, the
beheading of Colleen Hufford in Moore, Oklahoma, by a former co-worker at Vaughan Foods who had recently
converted to Islam occurred only weeks after the beheading of two American journalists, James Foley and
Steven Sotloff, in Syria.
Oklahoma Beheading: When Political Correctness Trumps Common Sense. Was the
decapitation last month of Colleen Hufford in Moore, Oklahoma, workplace violence or an act of
terrorism? It was both, but if a category is necessary, it was clearly an act of terrorism, inspired
by ISIS — the radical Islamist organization that is terrorizing much of the Middle East,
and which, just days before, encouraged "lone wolf" terrorists to engage in decapitations. Yet on
CBS' "60 Minutes" Sunday night, Scott Pelley had the first major television interview with FBI Director
James Comey, and failed to ask him that very question that has been the topic of so much discussion.
Muslims receive special praise from White House officials. Oklahoma Muslims marked the
end of the yearly pilgrimage to mecca with communal prayer and celebration called Eid Ul-Adha on Saturday
[10/4/2014]. Leaders of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City say it's been a tough month for
Muslims here in Oklahoma after being associated with the beheading at Vaughan foods in Moore.
The Editor says...
It's been a tough month for Muslims in Oklahoma, they say. But at least none of the Oklahoma Muslims
had their heads chopped off. Who's the victim here?
Who Attended Okla. Beheading Suspect's Mosque Reveals Radical Teachings. A man who
says he went to the same mosque as the Oklahoma beheading suspect revealed shocking new information
tonight on "The Kelly File." The former mosque member, identified only as "Noor," discussed his
experience at Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, which beheading suspect Alton Nolen
attended. "I observed the teachings of Islam [... ] to the public, the mosque will not promote
terrorism or any kind of radical acts, but when they're among friends and congregants only, they
will promote the true teachings of Islam, which include the offer to non-Muslims — the
choice rather that you must convert, live under Islamic rule, or be fought against. Jihad, for the
sake of Allah."
Reasons Why the Oklahoma Beheading Has Everything to Do with Islam. A convert to Islam
who named himself Jah'Keem Yisrael (formerly Alton Alexander Nolen) beheaded one of his coworkers
and was shot while trying to behead another on September 26 at his place of work, Vaughan Foods in
Moore, Oklahoma. Despite the numerous indications that Yisrael was inspired to choose his manner of
murder and to carry it out by his immersion in Islam, authorities profess to be puzzled as to why he
did it, or at least certain that his actions had nothing to do with that most misunderstood of
religions, Islam.
Beheading Suspect Charged with First Degree Murder: "Not a Religious Act, Race-Related. [Alton] Nolen faces one count of first degree murder, one count of
assault and battery with a deadly weapon, and a final count of assault with a deadly weapon. At a press conference this morning [9/30/2014], Cleveland County District
Attorney Greg Mashburn said that the gruesome attack was race-related and not a religious act, but he did admit that Nolen was infatuated with beheadings, which was evident
from his facebook page.
Call Oklahoma beheading
what it is: Terrorism. Colleen Hufford, 54, was beheaded by Alton Nolen during a
surprise attack at a Vaughan Foods plant in Oklahoma last week, according to police. Thankfully,
before the terrorist — yes, terrorist — could behead another victim, Traci
Johnson, he was shot by the company's CEO, Mark Vaughan, who is also a deputy sheriff. The
terrorist survived. Hufford, a wife, mother, and grandmother, did not. Her husband of
25 years was outside Vaughan Foods that afternoon, waiting to pick her up as he did every
day, when he learned she was the victim of a terrorist attack. It was a terrorist attack,
and everyone knows it. Why won't the government say so?
Gonzalez vs. Alton Nolen. In virtually every report, Nolen is described as the
"alleged" or "accused" "suspect" of an office place beheading. He's never described as "Muslim Alton
Nolen" or "Islamic extremist Alton Nolen." And that's probably right. But why is Omar Gonzalez not
afforded the same standard?
beheading suspect described as "a little odd". A spokesman for an Oklahoma City
Islamic group says a man accused of beheading one woman and attacking another at a food processing
plant from which he was fired was seen as "a little odd" and "a little weird" by those who attended
the same mosque he did. Saad Mohammed, director of information for the Islamic Society of Greater
Oklahoma City, said Saturday that Alton Nolen began worshipping at one of the group's mosques in May
and that he has seen him there several times since.
Beheading Suspect Wanted to Spread Message of Islam. Cleveland County District
Attorney Greg Mashburn said he expects to charge Nolen on Tuesday with first-degree murder in
Thursday's killing of 54-year-old Colleen Hufford at the Vaughan Foods plant in Moore, an Oklahoma
City suburb.
Staff On Oklahoma Beheading: "We Just Can't Catch A Break Around Here.". A woman loses
her life in a horrific act of terrorism while doing nothing more unusual than showing up for work,
and Obama White House staff see the tragedy only through the narrow prism of their own diminished
political fortunes.
To Islam And Political Correctness: Beheading Hits the Heartland. [Scroll down]
Nobody will run for office if they sense their life will be destroyed for merely advocating that we
resist Mohammedan throat-cutters' building and running Islamic military training academies (mosques)
among us. The best way to survive the attempt to behead you is to forestall it, pre-empt it,
undertake a constant Crusade against followers of Mohammed and drive them from our midst.
It's going to be a long slug but we have no other option if we intend to prevail.
Imam: We suffer 'double hurt'. Atrocities by ISIS terrorists and a report attempting
to link an Oklahoma beheading at a food plant to the Islamic Institute of Boston had the founder of
the Hub religious center telling the Herald yesterday it's a "double hurt" for his faith. "Our
situation is very bad," said Imam Talal Eid. "Every time the word ISIS is mentioned, and it's
mentioned hundreds of times, Islam is being pushed into the middle of that. They are abusing Islam.
They are not Islam."
Harris-Perry and Guests: Islam Not Relevant to Oklahoma Beheading. MSNBC's Melissa
Harris-Perry hosted a roundtable discussion last week which eventually turned to the topic of the
beheading of a woman in Moore, Oklahoma on Friday. Harris-Perry and her guests Dean Obeidallah and
Negin Farsad argues that it was merely a case of workplace violence to which Islam had no particular
connection. "It is a story that I read as a workplace violence," Harris-Perry said to open the topic.
Imam of Oklahoma Beheader's Mosque Apologizes To ISIS Day After Beheading. The former imam of the Oklahoma City mosque
attended by beheading suspect Alton Nolen apologized this week to ISIS for previously criticizing the group. Suhaib Webb is
currently the imam of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, which is part of the same entity under the same ownership as the
Islamic Society of Boston, where Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev worshipped. Webb spoke alongside the
late al-Qaida senior operative Anwar al-Awlaki at a Sept. 9, 2001 fundraiser for an Islamic radical who killed two police
officers, according to FBI surveillance documents.
terror, part II: Backlash mounting over refusal to call OKC beheading what it is. On Friday, what was reportedly a disgruntled
former employee of a food processing facility decided to take his frustrations out on his coworkers. He killed one, according to initial
reports, and wounded another before being incapacitated by the gun-carrying company's owner. But as more details emerged, the more an
ominous pattern began to emerge. Some have begun to determine that they are again being lied to in service to the ignoble mission of
defining terrorism down.
House 'Not Going to Get ahead' of Motive Investigation in Oklahoma Beheading. Deputy
National Security Adviser Tony Blinken told Fox News this morning that "we don't know" if the
beheading of a woman by a Muslim co-worker in Oklahoma last week was terrorism. Alton Nolen, 30,
a recent convert to Islam, reportedly tried to convince co-workers at the Vaughn Food processing
plant in Moore, Okla, to convert before last week's murder. His Facebook page was under the name
Jah'Keem Yisrael and included images of jihadists and Quran citations. [...] Members of Congress
have been relatively quiet about the murder; neither of Oklahoma's GOP senators, Jim Inhofe and Tom
Coburn, have issued statements about the attack.
Jihad Origins Of The Oklahoma Beheader's Hamas Mosque. At first, the Islamic Society
of Greater Oklahoma City (ISGOC) had denied knowing or being familiar with alleged beheader Jah'Keem
Yisrael, nee Alton Nolen. When pictures emerged of Jah'Keem praying at the mosque on his Facebook
page, the mosque's story radically changed.
Silent on Oklahoma Beheader's Islamic Radicalism. In the Middle East, beheading is pretty much de rigueur, a
favorite home video subject and a hallmark of the Islamic State. Thankfully in America, beheadings are rare — the
horrifying work of serial killers or Mexican drug lords. So when a beheading occurred Thursday at a food plant in Moore,
Oklahoma, reasonable people wondered if there was a connection to Islam. There was.
Silent on Oklahoma Beheader's Islamic Radicalism. In NBC's sole report on the
incident on the Friday "Nightly News," host Brian Williams didn't mention Islam. Segueing from a
report on ISIS that, ironically, mentioned beheadings, Williams said "The FBI is investigating an
absolutely awful attack in our country." Williams went on: ["]Police say a man who was fired
yesterday from a food processing plant went on a rampage there beheading a co-worker then repeatedly
stabbing another before a company executive who happens to be reserve deputy in the area shot and
subdued him. The suspect is expected to survive his wounds and face multiple charges.["]
So as far as NBC viewers know, Nolan could be a Methodist, a devotee of Wicca or an atheist.
First ISIS-Inspired Attack. Was Muslim convert Alton Nolen, who allegedly beheaded
co-worker Colleen Hufford and stabbed another woman in Oklahoma on Sept. 25, inspired by ISIS, the
Islamist group that rules large parts of Syria and Iraq? (ISIS is also known as the Islamic State in
Iraq and Syria, ISIL, Islamic State, and Da'esh.) Law enforcement and the media have, as usual,
distanced the attack from Islam and terrorism, implying the alleged crime is an example of
"workplace violence" due to Nolen's recent firing from Vaughan Foods.
leaders play victim in Oklahoma beheading. Colleen Hufford of Moore Oklahoma may be
dead, but the real victims are Muslims, or so we are being asked to believe. In fact, according to
the Imam of the Islamic Institute of Boston, Islam suffers a "double hurt." And here I thought Ms.
Hufford had it bad. The imam should know, after all, it was his Institute's "resident scholar"
who was reportedly the former imam of the Oklahoma mosque attended by Alton Alexander Nolen, aka
Jah'Keem Yisrael, who wielded the knife separating Ms. H's head from her body. And the leadership
of that Oklahoma mosque agree that they are the ones facing difficulty now that Ms. Hufford is
consigned to the fate an infidel suffers after death.
Yisrael and Protecting Muslim Sensibilities. In Moore, Oklahoma a Muslim convert shouting Islamic utterances, on
a rampage following getting fired, expressed his displeasure by beheading an innocent woman in a meatpacking plant. This
wasn't Jihadi John in Syria, or south of the border where drug cartels remove heads with great regularity; this took place late
afternoon in Oklahoma. And as shocking as a woman being beheaded in broad daylight is, what's more horrifying is the fact
that after she arrived in the morning in one piece and left in the afternoon zipped into a body bag, as usual the politically
correct types seem to be more concerned with protecting Muslim sensibilities than acknowledging bloody jihad.
The Name Game that enables terrorism.
American authorities dug deep down in the bag of subterfuge when they called the act of terrorism
that claimed the lives of 13 innocents, injuring more than 30 others in Fort Hood on Nov. 5, 2009
'workplace violence'. The Obama administration allowed the term to stand and it is being dragged
out again for the act of terror that took the life of 54-year-old Colleen Hufford in Moore,
Oklahoma, on Thursday. While American authorities working in the Obama regime call the terrorist
acts in Fort Hood and the brutal slaughter of Colleen Hufford "workplace violence", senior ISIS spokesman Abu
Muhamad [al] Adnani calls them "lone wolf attacks" inside the U.S. and the countries of its allies".
Information Emerging About Oklahoma Terrorist. Both authorities in More [sic], Oklahoma, and
legions of social media watchers have been busy ferreting out information on the man accused of
stabbing and beheading Colleen Hufford, a 54-year-old grandmother, at a food distribution warehouse.
The picture that is emerging of Alton Noel, who took the Islamic name Jah'Keem Yisrael, is of a violent criminal
with no history of mental illness, who converted to Islam in prison and wished to bring Sharia law to America.
Friend of Alton 'Jah'Keem Yisrael' Nolen 'Not Surprised' By Beheading. Alton Nolen, the suspect in the beheading of a woman
in Oklahoma this week, grew up in a rough neighborhood in the small town of Idabel, and was filled with anger and resentment, according to
a friend from the neighborhood. Nolen "always had a temper" and a tendency toward violence, says Kenneth Tucker, a former Army reservist,
corrections officer, and cop, currently working the oil fields in Oklahoma, who was friends with the suspect growing up. Tucker
was "not surprised" to learn of the violent attack. "I knew that he had a temper," says Tucker.
Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki, Boston Bomber's Mosque. Suhaib Webb, an Imam with ties to former Al Qaeda
mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki, had also previously been the leader of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, which had been
attended by Alton Nolen — the man who on Thursday beheaded a former coworker after recently converting to Islam, Breitbart
News has learned. Webb now serves as Imam of the sister organization of the mosque attended by Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar
and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
beheading: FBI probing suspect's recent conversion to Islam. Nolen was apparently attacking employees at random,
authorities said. The motive for the attack is unclear, but FBI officials confirmed to Fox News that they were assisting
the Moore Police Department in investigating Nolen's background and whether his recent conversion to Islam was somehow linked
to the crime.
blast authorities for treating beheading as case of workplace violence. Authorities are treating Thursday's beheading at an
Oklahoma food distribution center as an incident of workplace violence but that is prompting raised eyebrows among some terrorism experts.
The FBI is investigating the incident in which fired employee Alton Nolen, 30, allegedly attacked Colleen Hufford, 54, stabbing her several
times before severing her head. Nolen also stabbed another women [sic] at the plant.
Murder Suspect Alton Nolen Shouted Islamic Phrases During Beheading. In response to FBI Probing Whether 'Islam Is Somehow
Linked' To Beheading In Oklahoma: A few more details via the NY Post about the — ahem — "workplace violence" incident in Moore,
Oklahoma, Thursday. Alton Nolen, the "disgruntled, fired factory worker" who beheaded the female employee, Thursday, reportedly
used a 10-inch work knife to do the job, according to law enforcement sources.
Girl, 11, shoots man
attacking mother in southeast Oklahoma City. An 11-year-old girl was called a hero by neighbors Wednesday after she used
a handgun to shoot a man who was attacking her mother. About 4 a.m. Tuesday [9/23/2014], Oklahoma City police were called to
a home at 3308 SE 89 and found Brandy Moreno, who said she was stabbed by her ex-boyfriend, Leo Henry.
beheading: Attacker had just been fired from food company, police said. [Scroll down] Nolen stormed out of the human
resources office, located in a separate building on the southeast side of the property, got in his car and drove the short distance to
the processing plant's main warehouse building, striking another vehicle along the way, police said. He entered the warehouse.
There he encountered Colleen Hufford, a 54-year-old grandmother, who last year lost her home in the May 20 Moore tornado.
Beheading a 'Terror Event'. On Friday one woman was beheaded and another was brutally stabbed at their workplace,
Vaughan Foods based in Moore, Oklahoma. The suspect is a man who had allegedly converted to radical Islam. The
incident is being considered a "terror event" by local police, Breitbart Texas has learned. "It absolutely was a terror
event," Moore Police Department Public Affairs Officer Jeremy Lewis told Breitbart Texas. "What is a terror event?
Something that causes terror. This caused terror."
Oklahoma beheading suspect regains consciousness, interviewed by
police. Police in Oklahoma said Saturday they've interviewed the man who allegedly beheaded a 54-year-old woman at his
former workplace. Nolen, 30, was shot inside the Vaughn Food processing plant but regained consciousness in the hospital, said
Jeremy Lewis, spokesman for the Moore police department. Nolen was interviewed Friday in the hospital; police haven't revealed
what was said. Police expect him to be released and moved to a jail by early next week, Lewis said.
Beheading Suspect Alton Nolen/Jah'Keem Yisrael Fired After Argument Over Stoning Women. [Scroll down] The [McCurtain]
Gazette reports that Nolen has a long history with the local police department. He has been arrested at least 10 times by Idabel
police between 2004 and 2009, on "allegations ranging from assault, burglary, obstructing an officer, resisting arrest, drug possession, and
larceny," among other unlisted charges. Nolan's classmates state that he converted to Islam while in prison in 2011. Records
indicate he was incarcerated for, among other things, assaulting a police officer.
Nolen's Facebook Page Depicted Beheading a Month Before Release from Probation. Alton Nolen, the man authorities believe is
responsible for a brutal beheading in Moore, Oklahoma Thursday [9/25/2014], posted an image which seemed to justify beheading on his Facebook page
earlier this year. Nolen posted on Facebook under the name Jah'Keem Yisrael. Over the past year, most of his posts deal with Islam.
Religion of Peace Update. Oklahoma
got a dose of peace yesterday, when Alton Nolen, apparently a Muslim convert, beheaded a co-worker at the food company where he worked.
He attacked a second woman and would have killed her too, except that the company's COO has a gun and knows how to use it.
in OK food plant murder beheads coworker. The suspect in a fatal workplace stabbing at a food distribution
center beheaded one of his victims, police said. He was shot and subdued while apparently trying to kill another.
Moore police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis confirmed Colleen Hufford, 54, was stabbed and found dead at the scene when police arrived at
Vaughan Foods on Thursday afternoon [9/25/2014]. Police recovered the knife used in the attack on both victims.
The suspect, 30-year-old Alton Nolen, had been fired earlier that day and randomly selected people to target. Police
interviews with employees determined he had recently had been "trying to convert some of his coworkers to the Muslim religion,"
Lewis said.
Beheading: Have Our Prisons Become Jihad Factories? We don't know details yet of the murder of a woman at Vaughan
Foods — an Oklahoma distribution center — by a co-worker, but we do know that it was a beheading and we do
know the alleged suspect — Alton Nolen, 30 — was a new convert to Islam. We also know that other workers
at Vaughan say the suspect had tried to convert them to that religion. Some MSM outlets are emphasizing that the suspect was
recently fired (it's workplace violence, doncha know?), but the number of firings that lead to revenge beheadings is minuscule.
In fact, I don't know of any previous. But we don't have to look too far back, not more than a day or two, to find a popular
motivation for beheadings in general — jihad.
FBI looking into Moore beheading after suspect tried to convert others to Islam. [Scroll down] Authorities
say it appears Nolen was attacking employees at random. Johnson is in stable condition at a local hospital, recovering
from her injuries. The FBI is now looking into Nolen's background after his former co-workers said he tried to convert
them to Islam after converting to the religion himself. Lewis says the FBI is working in conjunction with the Moore
Police Department, especially when it comes to the religious aspect of the case. At this time, it is not known if the
suspect's beliefs played a role in the attack.
The Editor says...
Huh? How could it be more obvious that "the suspect's beliefs played a role in the attack" ??
Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma
workplace. While questioning the suspect's co-workers, nvestigators learned he had recently started trying to convert
several employees to Islam, [Police Sgt. Jeremy] Lewis said.
Oklahoma Beheader II
of Oklahoma Terrorism Suspect Starts 'GoFundMe' Account to Free Her Husband. The wife
of Jacob Muriithi, the 30-year-old Oklahoma City man who was arrested for allegedly threatening to
behead his coworker last week, has created a GoFundMe account to free her husband — who
she claims is not a Muslim but a devoted Catholic. The page created by Hollie Muriithi has
requested ten thousand dollars in donations and insists Jacob is innocent.
Oklahoma man threatened to behead coworker, police say. A fired Oklahoma City nursing home employee was arrested
Friday for allegedly threatening to behead a co-worker — less than 20 miles from where Alton Alexander Nolen is
accused of beheading a co-worker the day before. Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, 30, is being held in the Oklahoma County jail
on a terrorism complaint. His bail is set at $1 million, The Oklahoman reported.
coincidence': Another Oklahoma Muslim threatened co-worker with beheading last week.
ISIS may have called on Muslims the world over to attack Americans (and the "filthy French"), but
when two Muslims in Oklahoma act on that call using beheading (or the threat thereof) as their
method, The Oklahoman, Oklahoma City's daily newspaper, calls it a "bizarre coincidence."
the outrage over a killing by a self-professed jihadist? Then at a press conference,
the police said the killing was "targeted." That was a loaded word. [...] The killer, according to
the court documents, says that Tevlin's death was "a just kill." An act of vengeance and retaliation
for U.S military action in the Middle East. "All these lives are taken every single day by America,
by this government. So a life for a life" said the devout Muslim. So that's what the police
meant when they said he was "targeted."
Demands That Muslims in America Commit Domestic Terrorism. How long will it be before Muslim inside the
USA begin to perpetrate acts of domestic terror? We don't have to wait. It is already happening. A
homegrown terrorist Muslim in New Jersey has confessed that the murders he committed were for jihad. Many more
are on the way.
jihadist shoots N.J. teen 8 times, calling it a 'just kill': report. A brutally murdered 19-year-old New Jersey man was
allegedly targeted by a self-proclaimed homegrown jihadist who called it a "just kill," Fox News has revealed. Brendan Tevlin, of
Livingston, was stopped at a red light driving home from a friend's house on June 25 when Ali Muhammad Brown allegedly walked up [to] his
car and fired 10 rounds, striking him eight times.
is the Brendan Tevlin murder so underreported? On June 25, 2014, 19 year-old Brendan
Tevlin hopped into his car to return home after spending the evening at a friend's house. Minutes
later, Ali Muhammad Brown approached the vehicle as it was stopped at a red light and fired ten
rounds into the car, killing Brendan. Originally, the teen's murder was labeled an attempted
robbery, allowing the media to remain silent. Now, court documents have revealed that Brown's
motivation for killing Tevlin had less to do with thievery, and more to do with America's pushback
against Jihadist terrorism in the Middle East.
of Jihad in America? Radio Host Says Teen's Murder Was 'Domestic Terrorism'. There's
growing outrage that a possible act of jihad in the United States is being ignored. 19-year-old
Brendan Tevlin was shot to death in New Jersey in late June. Authorities later charged Ali
Muhammad Brown with murder. After his arrest, Brown said his motive was revenge for U.S. actions
in the Middle East. This led to New York-area radio host Todd Pettengill sounding off on what he
sees as an act of domestic terrorism.
Serial Killer? Ho Hum! If a jihadist were going around the United States committing
random murders, you might think it would be a significant news story. But apparently not: until this
morning, I had never heard of Ali Muhammad Brown, a "devout Muslim" who murdered at least four random American
men as an act of Islamic jihad. The story has actually been around for a while; [an] article from a local
paper in New Jersey is dated August 21, and the murders occurred well before then: [...] One might think
that a serial killer who committed four murders (that we know of) in the name of Islam would be a significant
news story, and, to be sure, a few outlets have covered it.
Malaysian Flight 370
March 15, 2014
of MH370 only grows after final report into disappearance. One of the world's greatest aviation mysteries just
got more mysterious. In the four years since Malaysia Airlines Flt. MH370 vanished, conspiracy theories about why
it went off course and where it ended up have run wild in the imaginations of amateur sleuths, experts and authorities
alike. Was it skyjacked by a suicidal pilot? Was it hacked remotely? Did the lithium-ion batteries and
tropical fruit in its cargo hold create a deadly cocktail that exploded mid-air? On Monday [7/30/2018], investigators
released their final report into the plane's disappearance, concluding that none of those scenarios was likely.
The Editor says...
It isn't necessary to believe that a particular cause was likely. Every crash of a commercial airplane is unlikely.
One of those scenarios is probably what happened. To me, the most believable explanation was the suicidal pilot.
was likely a mass murder-suicide by pilot. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was likely steered into the sea
intentionally, by its own captain, in a pre-planned mass murder-suicide, a new report reveals. In an exclusive story
posted online Friday [7/22/2016], New York magazine says that the plane's captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, "conducted a simulated
flight deep into the remote southern Indian ocean less than a month before the plane vanished under uncannily similar
circumstances." The story cites as its source a confidential document from the Malaysian police investigation.
Pilot Flew a Suicide Route on His Home Simulator Closely Matching Final Flight. New York [Magazine] has
obtained a confidential document from the Malaysian police investigation into the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
that shows that the plane's captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, conducted a simulated flight deep into the remote southern Indian Ocean
less than a month before the plane vanished under uncannily similar circumstances. The revelation, which Malaysia withheld
from a lengthy public report on the investigation, is the strongest evidence yet that Zaharie made off with the plane in a
premeditated act of mass murder-suicide.
The Not-So-Mysterious Disappearance of News about
Malaysian Flight 370. Like many of you, I have read and watched "news" reports about Malaysian flight 370
(MH370) ad nauseum. And I have been especially struck by (and concerned by) what has not been reported.
For example: did you know that the pilot of MH370 was Muslim? Did you know that the copilot was Muslim?
Did you know that the captain of MH370 was a fervent supporter of Muslim political activist Anwar Ibrahim? Did you
know that Captain Shah was (is?) related to a son-in-law of Ibrahim's? Did you know that Ibrahim was convicted of
sodomy (a crime in Malaysia) only hours before flight 370 took off? Did you know that Captain Shah probably
attended that sodomy trial and heard the verdict? Did you know that Ibrahim purportedly has ties to the "Muslim
Brotherhood?" (Please keep in mind that I am not trying to imply any conclusions regarding the fate of MH370 —
I am merely stating facts). If you are aware of those things, then congratulations, you are ahead of the
curve — most folks don't have a clue. And that is just the way the MSM would like to keep it.
Doomed airliner pilot was political fanatic. An image has emerged of the
pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines jet wearing a T-shirt with a 'Democracy is Dead' slogan as it has been revealed he could
have hijacked the plane in an anti-government protest. Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, a father-of-three, was said to be a
'fanatical' supporter of the country's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim — jailed for homosexuality just hours before
the jet disappeared. It has also been revealed that the pilot's wife and three children moved out of the family home the
day before the plane went missing.
search: Pilot Zaharie Shah named as 'chief suspect' by Malaysian investigators.
Malaysia's criminal investigation into the disappearance of flight MH370 has identified the plane's
pilot as its prime suspect, it has been reported. While the official results of the inquiry are
yet to be published, details have been passed on to foreign governments and crash investigators,
according to the Sunday Times. They revealed that after detectives carried out
170 interviews and profiled all of the 239 people on board the Boeing 777 when it
vanished on 8 March, Captain Zaharie Shah was left as the most likely perpetrator if deliberate
human action is to blame.
Gagged the Search for MH370? During the early weeks, any scrap of information, no
matter how dubious or transient, became fodder for what was probably the most fevered manifestation
of the 24-hour news cycle that we've ever seen. [...] However, after two months of wall-to-wall
coverage it became clear that the gallery of experts faced the same problem as the actual
investigators and all of the journalists: there was too little hard information to sustain the
narrative. Increasingly desperate efforts to hold television audiences by flashing up the "breaking
news" alert undermined the credibility of that device.
Silicon Valley, California,
April 16, 2013
Low Tech Terror on the Grid. In short, this was a terrorist
attack. It's important to determine whether it was perpetrated by home-grown terrorists or by terrorists infiltrated from overseas. If
overseas terrorist groups mounted this sort of attack, it would be more likely to prove to be a rehearsal of a larger attack to come later.
Domestic terrorists don't operate on that large a scale, at least so far. There have been no arrests in the case. The FBI says that the
attack wasn't the work of terrorists. Jon Wellinghoff, who was chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission at the time of the
attack, disagrees.
Snipers' attack on Silicon Valley
power stations a 'preparation for an act of war'. A group of individuals with sniper rifles disabled 17 giant transformers in
Silicon Valley in April — an attack labeled as "the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid that has ever
occurred." No one has been charged with the April 16 [2013] attack on PG&E Corp.'s PCG Metcalf transmission substation, which
suffered almost a month's work of damage, according to the Wall Street Journal.
emerge of sniper attack on power station. The attack reportedly started when at least one person entered an underground vault to cut
telephone cables, and attackers fired more than 100 shots into Pacific Gas & Electric's Metcalf transmission substation, knocking out
17 transformers. Electric officials were able to avert a blackout, but it took 27 days to repair the damage.
Ex-official: Attack on Silicon Valley
power grid was 'terrorism'. Former Federal Energy Regulatory Commission chairman Jon Wellinghoff said Wednesday [2/5/2014] an April
attack on Silicon Valley's phone lines and power grid was terrorism — despite repeated FBI statements that it had found no indications
to back that up.
on a California Transformer Could Have Been Dress Rehearsal for Terror Attack on Power Grid. An attack on California electrical
transformers in April is believed by some to be a practice round for a terrorist attack on the U.S. power grid. The coordinated attack began
outside of Silicon Valley where attackers cut telephone wires at 1 a.m. on April 16, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Wichita, Kansas
December 13, 2013
Feds say they
disrupted suicide bomb plot by worker at Wichita airport. A 58-year-old airport worker was charged Friday [12/13/2013] with allegedly planning a
suicide bombing at a passenger terminal at the Wichita Mid-Continent Airport in Kansas. The suspect, Terry Lee Loewen, an avionics technician who lives in
Wichita, was arrested earlier in the day as he attempted to use his security pass to drive a vehicle that he thought contained explosives onto the tarmac at the
airport, law enforcement officials said at a news conference in Wichita. In fact, the car contained only dummy explosives.
Authorities thwart suicide bombing
by Islamic extremist flight technician. Terry Lee Loewen, 58, was arrested on Friday morning [12/13/2013] at Mid-Continent regional airport in Wichita, according to
U.S. Attorney Barry Grissom, after being thwarted by an undercover FBI investigation. Grissom said Loewen planned to drive a car that he believed was full of
explosives into a terminal at the airport and trigger the device in a suicide mission.
US man held over Kansas 'suicide bomb plot'. Terry Lee Loewen, 58, has been charged with
attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. Mr Loewen, an aviation technician, does not appear to have been affiliated with any religious group, police said.
The Editor says...
The police set up a sting operation to catch this guy, which must have taken weeks; thus they are aware of his motives.
Wichita bomber Terry Lee Loewen inspired by al Qaeda magazine, Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki. You'd never know it from the Justice
Department press release, but the "homegrown violent extremist" charged with planning a suicide attack against a Kansas airport decided to carry out the
attack after studying the writings of the late al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki. "Lone wolves — homegrown violent extremists remain a very
serious threat to our nation's security," said FBI Special Agent in Charge Michael Kaste. Terry Lee Loewen, 58, the man charged with trying to bomb
Wichita's Mid-Continent Airport, is no Timothy McVeigh. He's only "homegrown" in the sense that he's from the United States; the inspiration for the
attack came from sources such as, well, Inspire — "I like to stay informed," he allegedly wrote to explain why he reads al Qaeda's magazine,
according to the criminal complaint.
Terry Lee
Loewen, the Mellow Kansas Man Who Dreamed of Jihad. His family knew he had recently become a Muslim, but otherwise he seemed the same
laid-back, warmhearted guy who had grown up in a good home with loving parents and who was himself a good father.
Woolwich (London)
May 22, 2013
Robinson will be the UK's tipping point. I remember cycling through the streets of South London on that
blood-soaked day five years ago when Lee Rigby was killed. Riot vans screamed and hurtled past me. I'd no idea
what was going on. It wasn't until I got home that I saw there was an attempt at a beheading on the streets of South
London, which explained the riot vans. I was traumatized, along with any other normal and sane human being who watched
the murder unfold. The raised and bloodied hands of the devout Muslim who tried to behead Lee. The knife.
The interview he gave. I watched the news very closely in the ensuing days and shook my head with disbelief at the
falsehoods that were being spread by the media and other Muslims. They were saying things like, "The killers were not
true Muslims," and that the killers' motivations were a "misinterpretation of a beautiful religion." All of this
nonsense spouted by media and politicians alike. It was as though they were reading off a script.
swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you'. Clutching a bloodied meat cleaver, the man suspected of
executing a soldier on a crowded street declared: 'you and your kids will be next'. In a chilling rant captured on
camera, the knife-wielding man declared: 'The only reason we have killed this man today is because Muslims are dying daily by
British soldiers.'
terror suspect revealed as Muslim convert known to MI5. Michael Adebolaj, 28, had reportedly been looked at during
probes into extremism in recent years — and was also known to hate preachers Anjem Choudary and Omar Bakri. Tonight
[5/23/2013] the soldier was named as Drummer Lee Rigby, 25, from the 2nd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. Meanwhile a
man and woman, both 29, were today arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder in relation to the terror attack.
Will the West Wake Up? Both murderers were wounded by
police. One was photographed and recorded. His message: "There are many, many (verses) throughout the Quran that says we must
fight them as they fight us. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I apologize that women had to witness this today, but in our land
women have to see the same. Your people will never be safe." According to ITV, one murderer, hands dripping blood, ranted, "We swear by
almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you." Both killers are Muslim converts of African descent, and both are British born.
Evening Shows Don't Name Islam in London Terror Attack. What does a murderous jihadist terrorist have to do to get some
recognition for his cause? You hack a British soldier to death in broad daylight on a London street while shouting "Allahu akbar"
and then "swear by the almighty Allah" that you'll never stop fighting, and the U.S. broadcast networks still can't bring themselves to
utter a word about Islam. True, the ABC CBS and NBC evening broadcasts called the attack "terrorism," but for all the information
they gave viewers, the attackers might have been Basque separatists or animal rights zealots.
The manhood of the West.
This incident illustrates, if nothing else, the endpoint of the social engineering of the West. It has been remarkably
effective. From a certain point of view, the British crowd behaved perfectly and this is the way "they" all want us to
behave. The populace sheltered in place, didn't do anything rash, talked to the perpetrators as people. They waited
for the police to come and the hospital helicopter to take the corpse away.
Jihad Butchery in London and the Big
Islamic Lie. The two attackers were both of Nigerian descent and apparently "known" to British security services. One assailant,
whose explanatory statements were recorded on video, was later identified as Michael Adebolajo, nom de jihadist "Mujahid," "holy warrior."
Adebolajo was an acquaintance of Anjem Choudary, the prominent London jihadist ideologue, who characterized the Nigerian Christian's conversion to
Islam (some 10 years ago) in mainstream Islamic parlance as a "reversion" to the "primordial" monotheistic faith — i.e., the Muslim
creed. Choudary also emphasized Adebolajo's devotion to Koranic memorization, along with his restrained, pleasant, "normal" demeanor.
The London Terror Attack Was More Than 'Unforgivable'.
How many ignored warnings does it take? That is one question that should hang over Britain after the horror of the daytime murder of a British
soldier on the streets of south London. On Wednesday afternoon, Drummer Lee Rigby was killed in Woolwich by two men wielding large knives and
shouting "Allahu akbar" — God is great. Islamists have been saying for years they would do this. They have planned
to do it. And now they have done it.
did British bystanders watch a soldier get hacked to death? The recent attack on a British soldier by
assassins wielding meat cleavers while bystanders looked on raises the question: "Why didn't anyone try to help
the victim?" Because British citizens are prohibited from carrying objects that could be used as "offensive weapons."
While it is well known that Brits cannot carry guns, a lesser known law prohibits any subject of the Queen from carrying a
knife of consequence, pepper spray or a stun gun.
The Inevitable Decline of Great
Britain. [Scroll down] The idea of policemen in one of the world's major cities "wait[ing] helplessly for armed officers to
arrive," while murderers parade up and down the street soaked in blood and the body of a half-beheaded soldier lies in the street, is almost
unbelievable. And yet that is the state of law enforcement in Great Britain. The average American household is better armed than a
London policeman, and as a result, it was left to a few women from the crowd of bystanders to try to deal with cleaver-wielding murderers.
What Spurred Woolwich Attacks? What Difference At This Point Does It Make? None at all, to
the head-in-the-sand (or elsewhere) US media. According to Newsbusters, the US media are bending themselves into pretzels to keep from having
to connect two killers who brutally murdered a British soldier while they shouted "Allahu Ackbar!" to Islamism, jihad or anything else that might
illuminate their motives.
British Take to Streets to Protest Barbaric
Woolwich Beheading. After the brutal and barbaric murder of an off-duty soldier in Woolwich on Wednesday, Britons took to the street to
protest in a massive rally led by the controversial English Defence League. EDL leader Tommy Robinson told the rally in Newcastle, "We cannot
allow this soldier's death to be in vain. We are the only ones who dare say it. When did the truth become hate speech?"
Nearly 2,000 people showed up to the rally.
Jumping to conclusions. The Independent deepens the
mystery by reporting that "French President Francois Hollande said the identity of the attacker, who escaped, was unknown and cautioned against jumping
to conclusions about the assault on the uniformed soldier in the La Defense shopping area." Jumping to conclusions apparently is something that
has very serious consequences, as the very same Independent reports that two men were arrested for "allegedly making offensive comments on Twitter about
the murder of a British soldier in Woolwich. Complaints were made to police about comments that appeared on the social networking website, which
were of an allegedly racist or anti-religious nature."
Hacking A Soldier To
Death In Name Of Peaceful Islam. On Wednesday, drummer Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, a man who had served Queen and
country honorably in the hell of Helmand province in Afghanistan, emerged from his barracks on Wellington Street, named after the Duke thereof, in
southeast London. Minutes later, he was hacked to death in broad daylight and in full view of onlookers by two men with machetes who crowed
"Allahu Akbar!" as they dumped his carcass in the middle of the street like so much roadkill.
Muslim hate-preacher:
Beheaded British soldier will 'burn in hellfire'. A British hate-preacher has been caught on camera saying the soldier
beheaded in a London street last month will "burn in hellfire." Anjem Choudary — an extremist accused of inspiring
other outbreaks of terror — shockingly claimed Lee Rigby, 25, would be tortured in hell for not being Muslim.
web of extremism surrounding Woolwich terror suspects. A powerful web of Islamic radicals and terror convicts sits behind the two men
believed to have executed Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich, it emerged today. [...] These apparent connections have come to light since the British
Muslims were arrested on suspicion of hacking Drummer Rigby to death in broad daylight after he was run down with a car last Wednesday [5/22/2013].
'You will never be safe'.
Even more shocking than the barbarity of the terrorist attacks in London and Boston is the denial by authorities on both sides of the Atlantic about their
common religious motive. British Muslims offered the same explanation as American Muslims for slaughtering their fellow citizens —
Islamic holy war — yet the political classes on both sides of the pond rejected it out of hand.
10 arrested so far in British soldier's killing as Muslims fear backlash.
As concerns about rising Islamophobia in Britain grew amid anti-Muslim protests and attacks targeting mosques, authorities made a 10th arrest in last
week's knifing death of a British soldier. Armed police arrested a 50-year-old man on a street in the town of Welling in southeastern England.
The man's connection to the case was unclear, but like the other nine suspects, he was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder.
The Editor says...
Apparently CNN wants us to feel sorry for the Muslims because they "fear backlash."/p>
attack: 'Lone wolves' who run with the pack. No British soldier has ever been killed like this — not even in battle, let
alone in the London suburbs during the Wednesday lunch hour. But the reactions to the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby followed a much more familiar
pattern. Journalists and analysts rushed to explain the attack as the work of "lone wolves", "self-radicalised" online. Politicians
demanded crackdowns on jihadi websites and the revival of the so-called "snoopers' charter", a Bill allowing the authorities to monitor the internet
use of every person in the country, in the belief that the plot could somehow then have been detected.
Is a Revolution in the Offing? When
British Prime Minister David Cameron says that the beheading of a British soldier is an insult to Islam, when the police stand by in Stockholm
while Muslim youth burn cars, and when President Barack Obama tells us that the Fort Hood massacre was an example of workplace violence, the
inadvertent messages they send is that they are more concerned about protecting Islam than protecting everyone else. And the mixture of
silence and euphemism with which a compliant media advances these ideas only reinforces public cynicism. In each of these actions, the
government tarnishes and diminishes its own legitimacy.
The 'Muslims-Killed-by-the-West'
Lie. The alleged butcher of the off-duty British soldier, Drummer Lee Rigby, defended his carving up of a living human being by claiming
that he was engaging in "an eye for an eye" because the British army is killing Muslims in Afghanistan. Normally there is no reason to respond
to the justifications offered by terrorists and other murderers of the innocent. But in this case it is important to do so because much of the
Muslim world resonates to this argument and because much of the world's left offers this argument.
Incident Reveals a Difference in Cultures. As Americans remembered their fallen on Memorial Day, the British
are mourning one soldier who was horrifically slain by two radicalized Islamic extremist terrorists last week. They
hacked him to death with a knife and kitchen cleaver after ramming him with a car to bring him down. Many British
citizens came to his defense, coming between the terrorists and the fallen soldier, Lee Rigby. One courageous citizen,
Mrs. Loyau-Kennett, confronted the terrorists to prevent anyone else from being injured.
Thoughts on Woolwich. A witness to the brutal hacking death of a British
soldier, Lee Rigby, a few hundred yards from his barracks in London, had the presence of mind to record the explanatory statement of one of the
perpetrators, Michael Adebolajo, on his phone immediately after the crime. What Adebolajo said — his hand bloody from the attack
and still holding the meat cleaver with which he carried it out — was revealing, as were his manner and body language. Together,
they showed him to be the product of the utterly charmless, aggressive, and crude street culture of the less favored parts of London.
Thought Criminals Arrested after London
Horror. Ever since 9/11, every time some place or another on the planet has been struck by a major jihadist act, the mainstream media have
reliably come out with stories about "backlash" against Muslims. Not accounts of actual backlash, mind you, but pieces in which various academics,
public officials, Muslim leaders, and other sensitive souls have been described as wringing their hands over the dreaded possibility that some of us
boorish infidels might respond to this latest action by going on the warpath against innocent Muslims.
PC Policy Killed Brit Soldier Lee Rigby.
That brutally blatant daylight near-beheading of that British soldier in a London suburb by Islamic jihadists has prompted many to worry
if such a tragedy will happen in this country. The news that the killer, Michael Adebolaj, 28, had been looked at by MI-5 into
extremism ties for the past eight years and that he had preached on the same streets days before the murder, clearly shows that Rigby's
murder could have been prevented if the government wasn't so beholden to political correctness.
Terrorists by Any Other Name.
Drummer Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers was run down last week by a vehicle targeting him as he walked along a London
street. He was then repeatedly stabbed with knives and eventually decapitated with a meat cleaver. The worst fears of
British security services had come to pass. Such an episode of individual murder had been expected to occur in one form or
another, but the brutal attack on Rigby confirmed the dangers that had swirled about urban Britain's racially and religiously
volatile Islamic community for many years.
Tony Blair says
murder of Lee Rigby proves 'there is a problem within Islam'. Tony Blair today makes his most powerful political
intervention since leaving Downing Street by launching an outspoken attack on 'the problem within Islam'. The former Prime
Minister addresses the shocking killing of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich by going further than he — or any front-rank
British politician — has gone before over the issue of Muslim radicalism.
Lee Rigby murder trial: 'I'm a soldier just like Drummer Rigby. An Islamist
fanatic has told the family of Drummer Lee Rigby he had no regrets about killing him because he was "a soldier" himself. Michael
Adebolajo, 28, told a court he would "never regret obeying the command of Allah" and that his only disappointment was that the police
did not shoot him dead.
Lee Rigby Killers Sentenced Whole Life Tariff
and 45 Years Respectively. Two Muslim converts found guilty of brutally murdering British soldier Lee Rigby in broad daylight
in a London street have been sentenced today [2/26/2014]. Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale were found guilty on 19th December
2013 of killing 25-year-old soldier Lee Rigby, who had served a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Adebolajo, 28, was sentenced to a whole
life tariff. Adebowale, 22, was sentenced to 45 years in prison.
terror for Lee Rigby's family as his Muslim killers are dragged from dock. Violence broke out in the Old Bailey dock
yesterday after Lee Rigby's murderers began hurling abuse at the judge and fighting with prison guards during their sentencing.
Michael Adebolajo, 29, was given a whole-life term, while Michael Adebowale, 22, was jailed for life with a minimum of 45 years —
meaning he could be back on the streets by the age of 67. In extraordinary scenes, the two Muslim extremists yelled 'Allahu Akbar'
and 'You (Britain) and America will never be safe' during their sentencing at the court in Central London.
Update: Islamic
fanatic Michael Adebolajo who murdered soldier Lee Rigby loses appeal. Lee Rigby's
heartbroken fiancée and estranged wife both sobbed with relief today after one of his Muslim
extremist killers had an appeal against his murder conviction thrown out in just 45 seconds.
The soldier's future bride Aimee West said she hoped 'this is the last we will hear from them' as
Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 23, also lost appeals against their life sentences
for the 'barbaric' murder.
Belatedly Mentions that Gunman Who Opened Fire in a Church on Easter Left Behind a Koran. Let's lay out a hypothetical scenario.
An American walks into a mosque during Ramadan, opens fire while quoting Bible passages and then leaves behind a Bible. On a scale of
1 to non-stop coverage, how often do you think you would be hearing about it, how fast would religious motives be attached to it and how
quickly would we learn that the bible was left behind? But the same rules don't apply to Islam.
The Boston Marathon Bombing
April 15, 2013
This subsection has moved to a page of its own,
located here.
Naeem Davis
NYC subway train kills man
pushed off platform. A 58-year-old man died Monday [12/3/2012] after he was pushed off a subway platform in Midtown Manhattan and hit
by a train pulling into the station, according to news reports.
Fiend watched his victim die: Homeless man
arrested in Times Square subway murder. A homeless drifter was arrested and charged this morning for allegedly tossing a Queens
dad onto a Times Square subway track, where he was fatally crushed by a Q train, law-enforcement sources told The [New York] Post. Naeem
Davis, 30, confessed yesterday while being grilled in the grisly death of Ki Suk Han, 58, who was struck in front of horrified onlookers Monday
after trying desperately to scramble back to the platform. [...] He was charged with murder in the second degree and depraved indifference.
Muslim New York Subway
Killer Calm After His Murder. Everybody is talking about the New York Post cover photo showing Ki Suk Han about to be killed by
the subway train, but the real story here is yet again being ignored by the mainstream media. The real story here is that Naeem Davis is
clearly a devout Muslim, and one who displayed behavior characteristic of jihadis after he committed murder.
Subway shove monster: I couldn't stop the
voices in my head. The homeless man charged with fatally shoving a Queens father into the path of a subway train said he couldn't drown
out the voices in his head. [...] Davis said he is a devout Muslim who prays five times a day and goes to mosque daily.
NYC Subway Killer a Devout Muslim.
The picture was snapped by New York Post freelance photographer R. Umar Abbasi — who chose to run toward the train firing his
flash to warn the operator and caught the image. We read multiple stories but it wasn't until perusing Atlas Shrugs did we find this
nugget via Huffington Post of all places.
Abdullatif Aldosary
Iraqi Refugee
Bombs AZ Social Security Office, MSM Remains Silent. On Friday morning [11/30/2012], an Iraqi refugee used an improvised explosive
device (IED) to bomb a Social Security office in Casa Grande AZ — the mainstream media remains silent. The explosion took place
before the office opened for the morning, so one was hurt. But reports indicate the explosion "was heard and felt all over the area."
Federal Building Bombed,
Tea Partier Not Charged, Media Ignores. At 8:24 Friday morning — that's right, four days ago — in the
small town of Casa Grande, Arizona, the local Social Security Administration office was rocked by an explosion that charred the back wall and
door. [...] As someone who watches the media about as closely as anyone, why am I just learning about this now? My guess is that the name
of the suspected bomber might answer that question: Abdullatif Aldosary, an Iraqi refugee.
Bomber Had Citizenship Rejected by Homeland Security for 'Terrorism-Related Activity'. When authorities checked Aldosary's bank
statements, they found he had more than $20,000 despite the fact that he was a convicted felon, only worked as a day laborer, and had no visible means
of supporting himself sufficient to warrant having that kind of balance. But a bombshell report came out today [12/6/2012] based on information
obtained by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), who had received a request from Aldosary in November 2011 for assistance in obtaining a "green card."
Terrorism in Arizona? Does anyone know about this? We've talked about
immigration policy before and we've certainly noted the Federal government's outright refusal to enforce our nation's laws concerning
some illegal immigrants. But what about those legally here and in violation of the law or deemed a threat? Wasn't that
supposed to be the breaking point, the point at which this administration would step in and take action?
Jury convicts Mahamud Said Omar in Somalia
terrorism case. Jurors have delivered a guilty verdict in the trial of a Minnesota man accused of helping send men to Somalia to join
the al-Qaida-linked group al-Shabab. Mahamud Said Omar was convicted on all five terrorism-related counts in the FBI's investigation into what
it called a "terror pipeline" dating back to 2007. Omar has been accused of providing material support during the recruitment of more than
20 Minneapolis-area Somali men who returned to their native land to join al-Shabab.
Manssor Arbabsiar
man was 'willing to kill as many bystanders as necessary'. A Texas man claiming to follow orders from Iranian
military officials pleaded guilty in court Wednesday to plotting to assassinate Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States.
Manssor Arbabsiar, 58, admitted to plotting and agreeing to hire what he thought was a Mexican drug dealer last year for $1.5 million
to carry out the attack with explosives at a Washington restaurant.
Man Admits Assistance from Iranian
Military in Bomb Plot. A Texas car salesman man accused in a bomb plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United
States pleaded guilty Wednesday [10/17/2012]. Manssor Arbabsiar was charged last October in a plot targeting Saudi ambassador
Adel Al-Jubeir as well as other targets including the Israeli embassy. The indictment also charges Gholam Shukri, a member of
Iran's Revolutionary Guard Quds Force, which is accused of sanctioning the plot.
Sohiel Omar Kabir in Southern California
FBI: 4 Calif. men charged in alleged terror
plot. Three California men excited at the prospect of training in Afghanistan to become terrorists prepared, authorities say, by simulating combat with
paintball rifles, wiping their Facebook profiles of any Islamic references and concocting cover stories.
Inland Empire men used social media in
terror plot, FBI says. Two of the men charged in Southern California with plotting to join Al Qaeda and the Taliban allegedly posted terrorist videos on
Facebook and communicated via Skype, federal authorities said Monday night. [...] Sohiel Omar Kabir, 34, a former Pomona resident, allegedly left the United States
last year and traveled to Afghanistan in July to set up terrorist training with Al Qaeda and Taliban members, according to a criminal complaint unsealed Monday
[11/19/2012] in federal court.
Leader of California Taliban
cell arrested yesterday was US Air Force veteran. The complaint filed by federal prosecutors yesterday against four California men who were actively
planning on joining the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan to kill U.S. soldiers and attack U.S. bases there was led by Soheil Omar Kabir, a naturalized U.S.
citizen from Afghanistan. Kabir converted two of the other cell members, eventually radicalizing and recruiting all three other men.
Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis tries to blow up the FRB
arrests man in New York Federal Reserve bomb plot. A Bangladeshi man who travelled to New York hoping to commit a
terrorist attack so severe it would halt the US election was arrested after allegedly trying and failing to detonate a 1,000 lb
car bomb outside the Federal Reserve.
man arrested after allegedly trying to blow up Fed building in NYC. The 21-year-old suspect, Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul
Ahsan Nafis, attempted to detonate what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb in front of the Fed building on Liberty Street, but the
device was a fake supplied to him by undercover FBI agents who had been tracking his activity, the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force
said Wednesday afternoon [10/17/2012].
attempts to blow up Federal Reserve Bank. A young Bangladeshi on a mission to "destroy America" tried to blow up
the Federal Reserve Bank in lower Manhattan Wednesday with what he thought was a 1,000-pound van bomb, according to a criminal
FBI Arrests Islamic in Fed Reserve Bomb Plot.
Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, 21, was arrested today in an undercover operation after he attempted to detonate what he believed to be
a 1,000-pound bomb, according to the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force.
Suspected Terrorist
Arrested for Alleged Plot to Bomb Federal Reserve in NYC. The suspect, 21-year-old Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul
Ahsan Nafis, is a Bangladeshi national who came to the U.S. on a student visa in January for the specific purpose of
launching a terror attack here, authorities said. He allegedly told an undercover agent last month that he hoped the
attack would disrupt the presidential election, saying "You know what, this election might even stop," according to the
criminal complaint against him.
The Fed Reserve
Bomb Plotter: Explaining Jihadist 'Nice Guys'. "He is very gentle and devoted to his studies," says the father of Quazi
Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, who was arrested after trying to detonate what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb at the New York City
Federal Reserve Bank. And it could be true: he could be a gentle, studious soul. His studies of Islam could have
led him to the conviction that he needed to wage jihad against Infidels.
Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis Arrested for
Attempted New York City Terrorist Attack. Now why would a young Muslim like Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, who believes in
Muhammad and the Qur'an, want to slaughter Americans? Obviously, the planned attack couldn't have anything to do with Allah's clear command
to kill anyone who causes problems for Muslims (Qur'an 5:33), or Allah's clear command to violently subjugate non-Muslims (Qur'an 9:29),
or Allah's claim that he has no love for non-Muslims (Qur'an 3:32), or Allah's claim that people who reject Islam are the "worst of creatures"
(98:6). So what led this man to attempt such an attack? The world may never know (so long as we continue ignoring the obvious).
Second Suspect Arrested over NY Bomb Plot: Report. A California man arrested on child
pornography charges has been linked to the foiled plot by a young Bangladeshi to blow up the New York Federal Reserve, the New York Times
reported Friday [10/19/2012]. The Times said Howard Willie Carter II was arrested after an FBI agent found 1,000 images and three
video files containing child pornography on a laptop and hard drive in the trash near his San Diego apartment. After tracing the computer
back to Carter, investigators found emails on it addressed to "Yaqeen," a name that had surfaced in the investigation of the bomb plot.
Adel Daoud
charged with trying to blow up Chicago bar. Federal prosecutors say 18-year-old Adel Daoud was arrested Friday night
[9/14/2012] in an undercover operation in which agents pretending to be extremists provided him with a phony car bomb.
Teen accused of 'jihad' car bomb
plot due in court. A Hillside teenager will appear in federal court today on charges he planned to detonate what he thought
was a car bomb outside a downtown Chicago bar. Adel Daoud, 18, was arrested following a months-long FBI undercover investigation.
He was taken into custody after he parked a Jeep Cherokee in front of the bar Friday night and walked into a nearby alley where he tried to
detonate the device, court documents allege.
The Editor says...
If I were to guess, I would say that number is approximately equal to the population of Detroit, Michigan.
Mahmoud Yousef Hindi
Muslim Kills 73-year Old Man In Homeowners Meeting Shooting. A Louisville man accused of opening fire at a
homeowners association meeting, killing one and critically wounding another, was ordered held on a $1 million bond Saturday [9/8/2012]
at an initial court hearing where a prosecutor called him "the epitome of danger to the community." A not guilty plea was
entered on behalf of 55-year-old Mahmoud Yousef Hindi to charges of murder, assault and wanton endangerment in the Thursday
evening shooting at a church. Dressed in a blue jail outfit, Hindi showed no emotion and did not speak as he stood
before a judge.
'opens fire during homeowners' meeting in busy church. A long-running neighbourly dispute over a driveway turned deadly on Thursday night when a
disgruntled doctor opened fire inside a local church. Mahmoud Yousef Hindi, a Louisville doctor who was recently told his driveway violated city zoning
codes, fatally shot a neighbour and critically injured another at a homeowners association meeting inside a church, police said today [9/7/2012].
Rezwan Ferdaus and his model airplanes
Man Charged In Plot To Attack Pentagon, U.S. Capitol. A 26-year-old Ashland man has been
arrested in connection with an alleged plot to damage or destroy the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol using large
remote controlled aircraft filled with C-4 explosives. Rezwan Ferdaus, a U.S. citizen and Northeastern
graduate, was also charged with attempting to provide support and resources to al Qaeda to carry out attacks
on U.S. soldiers overseas.
Jailed over toy plane bomb plot.
A man has admitted to plotting to fly remote-controlled toy aircraft packed with explosives into the US Capitol building and the
Pentagon. Rezwan Ferdaus, 26, a Muslim-American with a physics degree, pleaded guilty yesterday [7/21/2012] in a Boston federal
court to attempting to damage a federal building with an explosive and attempting to provide material support to terrorists.
Amine El Khalifi, Washington, DC
planning to bomb US Capitol arrested in sting operation. The FBI and Capitol police arrested a man
Friday [2/17/2012] who thought he was going to carry out a bombing attack on the U.S. Capitol but was in fact
dealing with FBI undercover operatives for the past few months, federal officials told NBC News. The man,
Amine el Khalifi, 29, who is from Morocco, was arrested about noon ET Friday near the Capitol after he received
what he thought was a firearm and a vest containing explosives from people he thought were supporters of al-Qaida,
sources told NBC News.
arrest man allegedly heading to U.S. Capitol for suicide mission after sting investigation. Authorities
have arrested a Virginia man allegedly on his way to the U.S. Capitol for what he thought would be a suicide attack on
one of the nation's most symbolic landmarks, Fox News has learned. The man, a Moroccan citizen who has lived in
the United States for a dozen years, was identified as Amine El Khalifi, 29, according to a congressional source.
injured when San Diego cabbie drives into crowd in Gaslamp District. Twenty-five persons were
injured, including a young woman who had her leg severed, when a cabdriver drove onto a sidewalk and smashed
into a crowd in San Diego's Gaslamp District entertainment zone early Saturday [2/12/2011], police
said. ... The police said the cabdriver did not appear to be drunk and no explanation for his action
was offered.
The Editor says...
The initial reports did not name or describe the cab driver, so there's no way to know (for now) if
this incident was the action of a homicidal Muslim, except that sober cab drivers don't ordinarily
drive into crowds. As it turns out, the driver's middle name is Hassan. But you know,
just because you have a Middle-Eastern name doesn't necessarily mean you're
a Muslim, right? And just
because the cab plowed into a crowd of hedonistic revelers at a bar... I mean, let's not
jump to conclusions.
Cab driver identified in Gaslamp
accident. The taxicab driver involved in the crash that left more than 30 people injured outside
a Gaslamp District bar has been identified by San Diego police Monday [2/14/2011]. Sam Hassan Daly, 52,
was driving his cab late Friday night...
Investigation continues into Gaslamp area crash.
The involved Emerald Cab driver, 52-year-old Sam Hassan Daly, told police he blacked out moments before the
crash. There was no immediate indication that intoxication played a role in the crash. ... Moments after
the impact, Daly began backing up his cab, prompting a group of panicked and infuriated people to grab him and
drag him out of the vehicle, believing he was trying to flee.
Hosam Smadi tries to blow up a Dallas skyscraper
After Dallas Jihad Terror Plot? Late in September, a Muslim named Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, was
arrested after placing an inert car bomb at a 60-story office tower in downtown Dallas. In March 2009,
according to his indictment in U.S. District Court, Smadi declared his intention to wage war in the name of
Islam. Yet characteristically, if dispiritingly, Muslims in the Dallas area are now expressing fears
of a "backlash," rather than taking the hard steps necessary to make sure there are no more jihad plotters
who are inspired by Islamic teachings, as was Hosam Smadi.
You're going to the slammer, Smadi Pants! Dallas
bomb plot suspect to plead guilty today. A 19-year-old Jordanian man who was days away from trial
will plead guilty today to one count of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction for trying
to destroy a Dallas skyscraper with what he believed was a bomb. The United States attorney's office
filed plea papers for Hosam "Sam" Smadi late Tuesday [5/26/2010].
Two men
accused in alleged bomb plots in Illinois, Texas. Two men who professed devotion to Al Qaeda — one
a convert to Islam, the other a Jordanian native — were charged Thursday [9/24/2009] with plotting to blow up buildings
in Illinois and Texas. In both cases, the men thought they were working with Al Qaeda operatives when they
were really working with undercover federal agents.
to be arraigned in Dallas skyscraper bombing plot. A 19-year-old Jordanian citizen is expected to make an
appearance before a federal magistrate in Dallas this morning after authorities accused him of attempting to blow up a
downtown Dallas skyscraper.
Jordanian Man Faces Sentencing in Dallas Bomb
Plot. A 20-year-old Jordanian man caught in an FBI sting trying to blow up a Dallas skyscraper
faces a sentencing hearing Monday [10/18/2010] just blocks away from the building he tried to take down.
Jordanian Man
Gets 24 Years in Dallas Bomb Plot. A Jordanian man caught in an FBI sting trying to blow up a Dallas
skyscraper was sentenced Tuesday [10/19/2010] to 24 years in prison after telling the court he was ashamed of his
actions and renouncing al-Qaida.
Hollywood, California, December 9, 2011
Gunman Shoots Hollywood Drivers While Screaming
"Allahu Akbar". A 26 year-old gunman opened fire on random drivers yesterday in Hollywood until
he was shot dead by police. He was screaming "Allahu Akbar" while he shot Hollywood drivers. That's
what the witnesses said. ... As Atlas Shrugs reported — not one media outlet reported that the man was
screaming "Allahu Akbar" as he shot at innocent Hollywood drivers. Once again the media hides the
truth from the American public.
Jihad. What is most disturbing about this story, apart from the obvious horror, is that not one news
account reported what one witness said the shooter was screaming: "allahu akbar." Not one news
account. The media is the enemy.
Southwest Airlines Flight 3683
Passenger: 'You're all
going to die'. Somewhere in the heavens above Amarillo, angry shouts rang out from the back of
Southwest Airlines Flight 3683. "You're all going to die," a man dressed in black screamed at passengers
Tuesday afternoon [10/18/2011]. "You're all going to hell. Allahu Akbar," translated as God is
great in Arabic. Federal authorities arrested Ali Reza Shahsavari, 29, of Indialantic, Fla., onboard the
Boeing 737 after pilots made an emergency landing at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport at 3:30 p.m.
He is being held in the Randall County jail on a federal charge of interfering with a flight crew.
Southwest passenger allegedly confronts crew,
flight diverted. A Southwest Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Kansas City made an
emergency landing in Texas on Tuesday after a man's rowdy conduct reportedly included a
confrontation with the crew.
on Southwest flight allegedly tries to break into cockpit. A Southwest Airlines
flight from Los Angeles to Kansas City, Mo., was diverted Tuesday morning after a passenger
allegedly tried to break into the cockpit. Witnesses say the man became unruly and started
screaming during Flight 3683.
Flight Makes Emergency Landing in Texas. A man was arrested Tuesday after his unruly
behavior aboard a Southwest Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Kansas City compelled the flight
crew to make an emergency landing in Texas.
Federal Grand Jury Indicts Man
for Interfering With a Flight Crew. A federal grand jury meeting yesterday [10/19/2011] in Lubbock,
Texas, returned a one-count indictment charging Ali Reza Shahsavari, 29, of Indialantic, Florida, with one count
of interference with a flight crew, announced U.S. Attorney Sarah R. Saldaña of the Northern District of
Texas. Shahsavari was arrested Tuesday, October 18, 2011, at the Rick Husband Amarillo International
Airport in Amarillo.
Ali Shahsavari
Indicted on Charge of Interference with Flight Crew. The unruly passenger on a Southwest Airlines
flight forced to divert to Amarillo's Rick Husband International Airport on Tuesday has been indicted by a federal
grand jury. 29 year-old Ali Reza Shahsavari of Indialantic, Florida was indicted on a charge of
interference with a flight crew.
Here comes the old "temporary insanity" defense. Passenger
Who Disrupted Southwest Flight To Undergo Testing. A Florida man accused of disrupting a Southwest
Airlines flight by screaming profanities and damaging a lavatory has been ordered to undergo psychiatric
examination. ... Shahsavari's attorney, Jeff Blackburn, says his client suffered a nervous breakdown on
the flight.
No Terrorist
Ties Seen in Courthouse Arrests. Officials in San Antonio now say that five men who were born in Morocco
and live in France were not involved in any terrorism or threatening activities when they were arrested after breaking
into a fourth floor courtroom in the historic Bexar County Courthouse in downtown San Antonio early today [10/19/2011].
"There does not appear to be any terroristic activity," Bexar County First Assistant District Attorney Cliff Herberg
said this afternoon.
American Eagle Flight 4305
Saudi passenger disrupts
flight bound for Indianapolis. Airline officials said a Saudi man who caused a disruption
on an American Eagle flight to Indianapolis was simply disoriented. Indianapolis Airport police
said Abdulaziz Mubarak Alshammari, 20, was pulled away from the cabin door by another passenger a half-hour
before Flight 4305 from New York to Indianapolis International Airport landed about 10 p.m. Wednesday.
The Editor asks...
Why is it that Muslims are the only ones who are ever "disoriented" in this manner?
probe incident over Indiana skies. Authorities are looking into an incident where a young man
attempted to open the exit door on a regional jet as it made its way to Indianapolis Wednesday night. A
police report states that Abdulaziz Mubarak Alshammari, 20, was questioned for his behavior on American Eagle
flight 4305.
Mid-air terror as Saudi Arabian student is wrestled from cabin after trying to
open door. A young Saudi Arabian man was questioned by police after he created panic on a commercial
flight by trying to open the exit door while the plane was still in mid-air. Passengers aboard American Eagle
flight 4305 from New York to Indianapolis rushed to pull Abdulaziz Mubarak Alshammari, 20, away from the door
and return him to his seat.
Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh in Seattle
Alleged terror
plotter 'looked like everyday guy'. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, also known as Joseph Anthony
Davis, 33, of SeaTac, and Walli Mujahidh, aka Frederick Domingue Jr., 32, of Los Angeles, appeared in
U.S. District Court in Seattle on Thursday [6/23/2011] on charges alleging they purchased machine guns and
grenades from a paid police informant earlier this week as they moved into the final stages of planning an
attack they hoped would inspire an uprising among radical Muslims in the United States.
Seattle Islamic Terrorist Filed Bankruptcy in May. Where
Did He Get the Money? Where does an Islamic terrorist with just $1.08 in cash to his name get $800
to buy weapons for his planned attack on a Seattle U.S. military installation?
Khalid Abdul-Latif & Walli Mujahidh. Why is it that no other religion has this many people "hijacking
their religion?" Maybe it's because their religion is hijacking them, not the other way around.
Yonathan Melaku in Arlington National Cemetery
in Custody for 'Suspicious' Backpack Is Marine Corps Reservist. An Ethiopian-born man, in
custody for carrying a backpack with "suspicious items and products" inside Arlington National Cemetery
overnight, is a U.S. Marine Corps reservist. Yonathan Melaku, 22, of Alexandria, Va., was arrested
Friday morning [6/17/2011] ... Melaku, a Marine Corps reservist lance corporal who is Muslim, remains in
the custody of the United States Park Police. No charges have currently been filed against Melaku,
who is believed to have acted alone.
The Editor asks the obvious question...
He "acted alone" in what act?
Losing His
Religion. We learn from the CBS story that [Yonathan] Melaku is a lance corporal in the
Marine Reserves. The Associated Press adds that he is a naturalized American citizen, originally
from Ethiopia. CBS also reports that "Melaku was carrying a notebook that contained the phrases
'al Qaeda,' 'Taliban rules' and 'Mujahid defeated croatian forces' when he was detained," but "that
the suspect is not thought to have been involved in a terrorist act or plot." All of which raises
an obvious question — but one that goes unanswered in the reports from CBS and AP, as well as
others from ABC News and the Washington Post. We could only find one news organization that had the
answer: Fox News Channel, which reports that Maliku is Muslim.
There is no mention of the word Muslim in this article. Pentagon
Bomb Scare: Is the Suspect a Lone-Wolf Terrorist? An international investigation is under way
today to find out whether the Marine Corps Reserve lance corporal who was arrested early Friday morning for
carrying suspected bomb making materials near the Pentagon is simply an unstable, misguided young man, or a
cold-blooded lone wolf terrorist.
Linked to D.C. Military Building Shootings, Sources Say. The case had apparently gone cold.
But after several months of no progress, federal authorities have now zeroed in on a suspect in last year's
shootings at several military sites around the nation's capital. Their suspect: the 22-year-old
Marine reservist arrested Friday after causing a terror scare near the Pentagon.
The Washington Post spins the story this way... Pentagon
shooting suspect not known to law enforcement. Yonathan Melaku wasn't on any watch lists and
had never given people much to worry about. The 22-year-old high school graduate and Marine Corps
Reservist was living at home with his parents in Fairfax County. Law enforcement officials had never
heard of him.
The Editor says...
At some point, they had never heard of John Hinckley, either. So what?
"Moderate" Muslim in US Military w/ Explosives, Qaeda Lit Near Pentagon. It figures that a
man found with "inert" explosives (testing the system/doing a dry run) and Al-Qaeda literature right near
the Pentagon (and roaming Arlington National Cemetery at 1:30 a.m.) is 1) a Muslim, 2) an
alien who was granted U.S. citizenship, and 3) serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. It's like
playing Whack-a-Mole with eventual terrorists who almost universally fit this profile because we refuse to
profile them out of the system ahead of time.
Continental Airlines Flight _____
Erases Jihadist Graffiti on Plane. You have to ask yourself if the TSA did this on purpose.
I think the agency "flubbed" this deliberately. It's standard operating procedure for law enforcement to
preserve a potential crime scene like this one, where it looked like it might be hinting at a terrorist
attack that could kill plenty of passengers on a plane about to take off.
TSA blows jet
'threat'. Chilling graffiti found in the bathroom of a jet due to take off from Newark
Airport was inexplicably erased by a cleaner after the Transportation Safety Administration waited
47 critical minutes to contact cops, Port Authority sources told The Post yesterday [6/13/2011].
"By the beard of Mohamed and mighty sword of Allah," read the message found on a Continental Airlines
jet Saturday night. It was scrawled in black ink, just above the mirror.
American Airlines Flight 1561
denied to man who tried to force his way into cockpit. Shortly before the end of the Sunday
night flight, Rageh Ahmed Mohammed Al-Murisi left his seat near the back of the plane and made his way to
the first-class cabin, according to an affidavit filed by Paul A. Howard, a federal air marshal.
A flight attendant saw him trying to open the cockpit door and, thinking he had mistaken it for the restroom,
tried to point Al-Murisi in the right direction. At that point, Howard said, Al-Murisi lowered his left
shoulder and rammed the cockpit door.
A hijacking dry run?
As details emerge about the incident on an American Airlines flight to San Francisco, it looks increasingly
like a dry run. ... This dry run was so blatant, so unsubtle, that you have to wonder if this incident itself
was a diversion from other airline or routes. Or conversely, because this was so blatant, will the
authorities continue to give special significance to these particular circumstances? That's a tough
call by the Homeland Security either way.
Happened on AA Flight 1561: If you listen to the passengers and crew who flew on American
Airlines Flight 1561 last weekend, there's no doubt about what happened on their harrowing trip: A
Yemeni man shrieking "Allahu akbar!" at the top of his lungs more than 30 times rushed the cockpit
door twice intending to take down the plane and kill everyone on board. ... Some federal authorities and
media whitewashers proclaimed that al-Murisi's motives were "unknown."
Wolf Muslim Jihadi Now Claims He's Crazy. What's that? The prosecutor, defense attorney
and the news media in San Francisco aren't calling this a "lone wolf jihad" attack by a Muslim? Have
they even called him a "Muslim" yet? ... No, according to the San Francisco Political-Correctness squads, we
are supposed to believe that a Yemeni with no job, no luggage, two inexplicable checks for $15,000, on a
coast-to-coast flight with no known purpose (even the Muslims claiming to be his "family" did not know he was
flying to San Francisco) who rushes an airline cockpit screaming, "Allah Akhbar!" is a just a poor,
misunderstood, unhappy ... nutjob.
Allahu Akbar. No sooner does a
Yemeni Muslim begin hammering on the cockpit door shouting "Allahu Akbar", then the media speculates that he
must have gotten confused looking for the bathroom. And on September 11, four groups of Muslim
men with boxcutters got confused looking for the nearest post office. The lead is invariably buried.
Paragraphs fly by until it's mentioned that the confused fellow may have been a Muslim. If it's
mentioned at all.
The Editor says...
The first time you fly on an airplane, it should be obvious that the restroom is not in the very front.
Meet Rageh Ahmed
Mohammed Al-Murisi, Alleged Cockpit Bum-Rusher. The Yemeni immigrant, 26, was arrested last
month for allegedly trying to force open the locked cockpit door of an American Airlines Boeing 737 as it
neared San Francisco International Airport. Witnesses reported that Al-Murisi repeatedly yelled
"Allahu Akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic," as he moved toward the front of the aircraft.
man who stormed cockpit door declared incompetent to stand trial. A federal judge has ruled that a
Yemeni man arrested after attempting to break into the cockpit of a San Francisco-bound flight while screaming in
Arabic is incompetent to stand trial. US District Judge Jeffrey White on Thursday [12/8/2011] held that Rageh
Almurisi, 28, was unable to aid in his own defense and ordered him to be hospitalized for the next four months for
mental illness treatment, the San Mateo County Times reported.
At the airport in Frankfurt, Germany
Let's not jump to conclusions! He might be a Baptist. Gunman
Shouting 'Allahu Akbar' Kills 2 US Airmen in Germany. A gunman shouting "Allahu Akbar" opened
fire on a bus carrying U.S. airmen in Frankfurt, Germany, killing two and wounding two others before his gun
jammed and he was subdued, officials said. An ethnic Albanian from Kosovo was taken into custody and
the FBI was heading an investigation because U.S. citizens were killed and to determine whether the shooting
was an act of terrorism.
Screams 'Allahu Akbar', Obama Sees Motive Unclear. A terrorist described as a "21-year-old
Kosovar who lives in Frankfurt," opened fire at the Frankfurt Airport, killing two American soldiers.
Kosovo's population is 80% Muslim. The New York Times reports that "the gunman first talked to the
military personnel to find out who they were and then opened fire, shouting 'God is great' in Arabic." ... Once
again, the President and the mainstream media — even the report on Fox News — scrupulously
avoid the words "Muslim," or "Islam" and reference to any possible religious motive for the attack.
Suspect's gun jammed during airport
shootings. U.S. Senior Airman Nicholas J. Alden was standing outside of a bus at Frankfurt
airport when a young man first asked him for a cigarette, then whether he was bound for Afghanistan.
When Alden answered yes, the man fatally shot him, point blank, in the back of the head, then stormed aboard
the bus shouting "Allah Akbar" — Arabic for "God is great."
Obama's state of
Islamic denial. U.S. troops are gunned down by a shooter who screams "Allahu akbar!" before
opening fire. Official statements are rushed out: The perpetrator was a lone wolf; his motive
was unclear; there are no links to terrorism. Sound familiar? It should, because when Islam is
the cause of American tragedy, President Obama hides his head in the sand.
Frankfurt Shooter
Admits To Shouting 'Allah Akbar'. According to the German public television broadcaster NDR, Arid
Uka, the 21-year-old who shot to death two American servicemen at Frankfurt Airport on Wednesday and wounded two
others, has admitted to shouting "'Allah Akbar' six or seven times" during the attack. An NDR press
release cites Uka's own statements to German investigators as contained in a German police report.
Are We Still In Germany? Men and women "in uniform" (which it's not clear these airmen were even
wearing) understand they may be called upon to make "extraordinary sacrifices" in battle. They do not
expect to be "lost" on the shuttle bus at the hands of a civilian employee at a passenger air terminal in an
allied nation. But then I don't suppose their comrades expected to be "lost" at the hands of an army
major at Fort Hood, to cite the last "tragic event" that "took place" — which seems to be the
president's preferred euphemism for a guy opening fire while screaming "Allahu akbar!"
NBC Newscasts Give Scant Coverage to Muslim Terror Attack at German Airport. Two US airmen
were killed by a Muslim terrorist in Germany yesterday [3/2/2011], but neither CBS nor NBC thought it worthy
of more than 30 seconds of coverage on their evening newscasts Wednesday night. While ABC devoted a
full segment of the March 2 "World News" to the issue, the CBS "Evening News" and the NBC "Nightly News"
offered only scant news briefs and buried the story deep into their broadcasts.
Germany's Jihad Murders Point Up the West's
Denial. A Kosovar Albanian Muslim, Arid Uka, murdered two American airmen outside the Frankfurt
Airport in Germany last Wednesday. "I did it for Allah," he explained. Like so many jihad attacks
these days, this one was initially dismissed as having nothing to do with terrorism.
radical charged with murdering two American airmen in Germany. A Muslim radical who allegedly
killed two American airmen during a shooting rampage in Germany was charged with first-degree murder today
[6/21/2011] in Manhattan federal court. A witness said Arid Uka, 21, repeatedly recited the phrase
"God is great" in Arabic after opening fire on U.S. Air Force personnel at the Frankfurt International
Airport on March 2, according to court papers.
suspect admits killing US airmen. A Kosovo Albanian man confessed to killing two U.S.
airmen at the Frankfurt airport, saying in emotional testimony at the opening of his trial that he
had been influenced by radical Islamic propaganda online.
Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari in Lubbock, Texas
Resident Arrested on Charge of Attempted Use of WMD. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, 20, a citizen of Saudi
Arabia and resident of Lubbock, Texas, was arrested late yesterday [2/23/2011] by FBI agents in Texas on a federal charge of
attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction in connection with his alleged purchase of chemicals and equipment
necessary to make an improvised explosive device (IED) and his research of potential U.S. targets.
Khalid Ali M.
Aldawsari — Why? A chilling picture is emerging of Aldawsari. His intent
to commit acts of terror against the United States on its soil fermented while he was in his teens and a
student in high school in his homeland of Saudi Arabia. A paragraph from Aldawsari's journal
gives alarming indications to the inner workings of his mind.
Saudi accused of Bush home
attack plot indicted. A federal grand jury has indicted a 20-year-old Texas college student
from Saudi Arabia on a single count of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction.
Saudi man pleads not guilty to bomb plot
in Texas. A U.S. college student from Saudi Arabia accused of buying chemicals and equipment to
build a weapon of mass destruction pleaded not guilty Monday [3/28/2011].
More evidence to be shown at
Texas bomb plot trial. More FBI agents and experts will be taking the stand as prosecutors build their case against a Saudi
man accused of gathering chemicals and other materials to try to build a bomb.
Saudi student found guilty in Texas terror
plot. A Saudi man accused of buying chemicals online and attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction was found guilty on Wednesday
[6/27/2012] in federal court in Amarillo.
Saudi Bomber Convicted, Faces Life in Prison.
The 22-year-old Saudi "student" who landed in the United States with a visa to study and a dream to murder Americans was convicted in court of attempting
to use a weapon of mass destruction, the FBI said. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari could get life in prison for hatching the plot.
Antonio Martinez a/k/a Muhammed Hussain in Catonsville, Maryland
'Jihad' suspect held in alleged plot
to bomb military office. A 21-year-old construction worker who had recently converted to Islam
and told an FBI informant he thought about nothing but jihad was arrested Wednesday [12/8/2010] when he tried
to detonate what he thought was a bomb at a military recruitment center, authorities said. Antonio
Martinez, also known as Muhammad Hussain, faces charges of attempted murder of federal officers and attempted
use of a weapon of mass destruction, according to court documents.
FBI Fake Bomb Industry Posts Record Sales.
The FBI runs a subsidiary that makes fake bombs for would-be domestic jihadis, and it's one of the few success
stories of the recession. Today we learned of Muhammed Hussain, who was named Antonio Martinez before he
converted to Islam. He purchased one of the FBI's fake truck bombs, tried to detonate it outside an Armed
Forces recruiting station in Catonsville, Maryland, and was rewarded with the kind of non-explosion that makes FBI
Customer Service smile when they slip on your complimentary plastic handcuffs.
Make Arrest in Alleged Plot to Blow Up Military Recruitment Center. A man was arrested Wednesday [12/8/2010]
for plotting to blow up a military recruitment center in the Baltimore area, authorities said. Antonio Martinez, a
Muslim convert who called himself Muhammed Hussain, was arrested and is expected to appear later Wednesday in federal
court, Fox News confirms.
Oregon Christmas Tree Bomber
'Refugees' and Terrorism in America. While the World Trade Center bombing and the Boston Marathon bombing cases
are the most famous terrorist attacks by Muslim refugees, there are numerous other cases of Muslim refugee terror. America
has been resettling huge numbers of Somali Muslim refugees. One of them, Nuradin Abdi, was an illegal alien who wanted to
bomb a shopping mall in Columbus, Ohio after using his refugee travel document to fly back to Africa for terrorism training while
claiming that he wanted to visit Mecca. Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a Somali refugee, plotted to bomb a Christmas tree lighting
ceremony in Portland in 2010. "I want whoever is attending that event to leave, to leave dead or injured," he said.
Christmas tree bomber Mohamed Mohamud. A 19-year-old
self-proclaimed jihadist who promised a "spectacular show" of carnage was jailed in a foiled plot targeting
an Oregon Christmas tree lighting. Somali-born Mohamed Osman Mohamud was busted in downtown Portland
Friday night [11/26/2010] and remained jailed yesterday — just days before New York holds its
annual Rockefeller Center celebration. The would-be teen terrorist faces life in prison if convicted in
the plan to obliterate the maximum number of holiday revelers in Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square.
Portland's Mayor Goes Into Politically
Correct Mode. In response to the thwarted terrorist attack in the Pacific Northwest, Portland's Democratic
Mayor Sam Adams has gone into politically correct mode concerning Mohamed Osman Mohamud, the man arrested in connection
with the attempted bombing. Mohamud was born in Somalia and is a naturalized U.S. citizen. He is also Muslim.
documents: Test bombing was part of would-be bomber's preparation. The terrorist plot to
set off a van-load of explosives at Pioneer Courthouse Square on Friday took a spooky turn earlier this month,
when the accused bomber joined his jihadist brothers for a trial run in rural Lincoln County. Mohamed
Osman Mohamud, a 19-year-old college student, joined two men — both, as it happens, undercover FBI employees
posing as Islamic terrorists — in a remote spot in the coastal county.
When religious
discrimination is vital. Last week, the [Joint Terrorism] task force took down Mohamed Osman Mohamud,
who had planned to bomb 12,000 people at a Christmas-tree-lighting ceremony in Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square.
City fathers now are considering rejoining the JTTF structure, citing the change in leadership under the purportedly
more trustworthy Obama administration. It's more likely that the near miss clarified Portland's ivory-tower
view of the world.
Entrapment and the Portland
Christmas Tree Bomber. The recent arrest of Mohamed Osman Mohamud on November 26 demonstrates what
a tough job the FBI has in keeping America's homeland safe. Mohamud was arrested in Oregon for attempting to
detonate a bomb at the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Pioneer Courthouse Square among a crowd of thousands.
His attorney is claiming an entrapment defense, which means that the FBI's job is not just about finding radicalized
American terrorists, but also being able to cross all the Ts and dot all the Is to ensure a conviction.
The Somalia Connection. For
several years the Somalia-based Islamic terrorist group Al-Shabab has been diligently recruiting new members in the
United States, efforts that have produced both a disturbing and growing increase in the radicalization of young
Somali-Americans. When 19 year-old Somali-born Mohamed Osman Mohamud was arrested on November 27 for
his failed attempt to blow up a van full of dummy explosives at a tree-lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon,
some saw the influence of Al-Shabab.
Assimilation Won't Stop Jihad. Cell
phone video emerged Wednesday [12/8/2010] of Mohamed Osman Mohamud, the Muslim in Oregon who attempted to bomb
Pioneer Courthouse Square at a point when 25,000 infidels had gathered there during a Christmas tree lighting
ceremony. The video, captured in a dorm room, is very telling. This is clearly an American Muslim,
steeped in American culture, who wants to destroy America. And the motive? Islam.
Times Square
Square car bomb was act of terrorism. American officials declared that the failed car bomb that forced the
evacuation of New York's Times Square was an "act of terrorism."
The Editor says...
This article was posted on Monday 5/3/2010, and the incident happened on Saturday 5/1/2010, so there is no
"Tuesday" on which the "officials" could have made that statement.
Awkward Pause: Attempted Attack 'Has Been ... Failed'. Pres. Obama so badly wanted to claim
credit for stopping the Times Square attack, that he led himself up a rhetorical box canyon in remarks this
morning. ... You just know PBO wanted to say that the attempted attacked had been "stopped" or "thwarted."
There was just one little problem...
Uh-oh. The writer forgot to say "alleged". He's an alleged terrorist. Muslim terrorist arrested in Times Square
bombing attempt. Faisal SHAHZAD, 30, a Muslim from Pakistan who was recently naturalized as
a U.S. citizen, was arrested late Monday night [5/3/2010] by Customs and Border Protection agents at JFK
airport as he attempted to flee the U.S. to his native Pakistan via Dubai.
Features NY Mayor Bloomberg Speculating Bomber Was Mad About ObamaCare. With Katie Couric
drawing him out, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg agreed the Times Square car bombing was likely
"homegrown" as he proceeded, in an interview excerpt run on Monday's CBS Evening News, to speculate it could
have been placed by "somebody with a political agenda who doesn't like the health care bill or something.
It could be anything." Could be "anything," but the first thing Bloomberg thinks of are those who don't
like ObamaCare, presumably conservatives or Tea Party activists.
Suspect's Citizenship Raises Questions About Naturalization Process. The suspect in the Times
Square car bombing attempt is the latest in a series of U.S. citizens and green card holders to be implicated
in a terror plot inside the United States, raising questions about the naturalization process that turns
foreigners into Americans.
Leftwing Blogosphere Forced Into Embarrassing Backtrack on Times Square Bomber ID. It appears
that it wasn't only media types such as MSNBC's Contessa Brewer who were disappointed that the Times Square
bombing suspect turned out to be a Muslim. They were joined by virtually the entire leftwing blogosphere
in their frustration that the suspect wasn't a tea party activist or a member of a "rightwing" militia group.
Cellphone led FBI to Times Square car bomb
suspect arrest. The number from a disposable cellphone led FBI agents to the suspect arrested
Monday night [5/3/2010] for allegedly driving a car bomb into Times Square on Saturday evening, according
to a senior official. "They were able to basically get one phone number and by running it through a
number of databases, figure out who they thought the guy was," the official said.
Times Square and Jihad
Denial. The SUV was filled with propane tanks, fireworks, filled gas cans, clocks with batteries,
and two clocks with batteries, electric wire and more. A police official said: "It looks as if the perp
was trying to light it up, and was interrupted by the cops, panicked and took off. It looked like
someone tried to detonate it and we got to it in time. This is a big deal. It has the makings of a
real car bomb." A police officer who was on the scene said: "I did a lap around the vehicle. The
inside was smoking. I smelled gunpowder and knew it might blow. I thought it might blow any second."
Despite all that, the feds said at first that it wasn't a terrorist attack. Then what was it?
Quick Observations About Faisal Shahzad. [#1] I am struck by the fact that he is a naturalized
American citizen, not a recent or temporary visitor. This suggests that either he was a long-term sleeper
agent (unlikely, for various reasons) or that he became over time immune to the charms of life in America, even
Barack Obama's America. Another unhopeful sign for the future of integration.
It's Not All Under Control.
We can discuss the reasons for the bizarre assertion by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who should be lucky he will never
run for office again, that the bomber was probably just a talk-radio listener driven to mass murder by the
passage of Obama's health-care measure. No matter that his own police department busted an Islamic terror
ring aiming to strike the subway system just last summer. In some odd way, by pinning the possibility on,
let's face it, a white guy, Bloomberg was trying to stem panic. A lone attack by a lunatic has no larger
meaning except the meaning it can be given by armchair sociologists and the politically expedient.
Case of the Mysterious Disappearing Religion. We awake to news that after extraordinary police
work, investigators have made an arrest in the attempted car bombing of Times Square in New York. Faisal
Shahzad, a Pakistani native-turned-naturalized-U.S.-citizen, was taken into custody late last night. ... I have
read countless reports about the arrest, in newspapers and websites big and small. So far, I have not
seen a single mention of his faith. Not a single reference to his being Muslim. We're left to
deduce that by his Pakistani ethnicity and name.
Obama Stands with
Muslims as He Promised. As a naturalized American citizen, Faisal Shahzad moved freely,
completely under the radar of any law enforcement entity or terror-watch agency. Shahzad's bank knew far
more about him than our so-called national security people. Our national security employees are those
folks making big bucks to find people like Shahzad before they have a chance to blow any of us real American
citizens to kingdom come. However, as was the case with the Ft. Hood terrorist, our national security
and military personnel have become quite skittish in appearing to make any connection between the Muslim
religion/political ideology and worldwide terrorism. Therefore, they don't look at the obvious
until it is too late.
Times Square Scare. A
Muslim-American terrorist's car bomb didn't go off as planned in New York's busy Times Square. But it explodes
a number of stubborn myths about the homegrown threat.
Why Was the
Shahzad Complaint Made Public? Needlessly making the complaint public may harm the ongoing
investigation, but it is savvy public relations. It gives the Justice Department and the administration
a script with which to portray themselves as super-competent and the civilian justice system as so effective
that Bush-era relics like military detention are unnecessary. I hope there's a better explanation than
The MSM looks for any explanation other than the obvious. Mystery Solved. As
information about Faisal Shahzad accumulates, a number of misconceptions are being dispelled. It
turns out that the Times Square would-be bomber was not, Mayor Bloomberg's speculation notwithstanding,
someone who was unhappy about Obamacare. Nor was the bomber the random "white man" who was filmed
by a security camera removing his shirt a block away from Shahzad's Pathfinder. Nor was he, to
Contessa Brewer's deep regret, one of those dreaded Tea Partiers. Nor was his "motivation" a
mystery, as suggested by the Associated Press. No, to the surprise of some — but
not us — Faisal Shahzad was a jihadist.
Obama's psychosis.
The arrest of suspected Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad is being celebrated in the liberal establishment media
as a triumph for the Obama administration. A terrorist atrocity was averted; Mr. Shahzad was captured
before his plane could take off for Dubai. Yet the media's narrative overlooks one seminal fact:
We got lucky. The only reason Mr. Shahzad's car bomb did not blow up in the heart of midtown Manhattan
during a bustling Saturday evening was incompetence.
Don't Mention the War.
[Scroll down] It is as if the president wanted to say the attack "has been thwarted" but then realized he
could not. The attack failed because Shahzad did not do a better job of constructing his makeshift bomb.
No government agency can take credit for that. Still, the Obama administration celebrated the "Times Square
incident," as it is delicately called on the White House's website. It is, the administration believes,
a counterterrorism success.
Faisal Shahzad's Money Mystery.
Accused New York Times Square bomber Faisel Shahzad, 30, was drowning in debt, raising questions about how he
managed to have wads of cash at his disposal to help carry out his alleged plot. Shahzad made at least a
dozen return trips back and forth between the United States and Pakistan in the last 11 years.
We All Know What Happens When You Assume.
Presidential Spokesgullet Robert Gibbs said last week that the near-miss in Times Square did not represent a
"systemic failure", but I would argue that the government's response was indeed just that. I would even
go a step further. I would argue that the government's failure to actually stop Shahzad's attempt to
detonate a Vehicle-Borne-IED in Times Square also exemplifies just how dangerous the entire Progressive
approach to terrorism is. Let's not forget, this incident did not occur in a vacuum.
Is Certain of Tea Partiers' Motives, but Finds Terrorists Inscrutable. [Scroll down slowly]
And a long background piece on Shahzad by the Associated Press — the most widely reprinted news
source in America — had the title, "Times Square bombing suspect's life had unraveled." Not
one of the article's 1,076 words mentioned Shahzad's Islamist beliefs as even a contributory factor. It
was all about his economic misfortune and his walking around depressed.
Times Square Jihad? What Jihad?
Now that would-be Times Square car bomb jihadist Faisal Shahzad has been exposed as an Islamic jihadist, the
liberal media are searching for an explanation, any explanation, for his attempted attack that doesn't involve
Islamic jihad.
Faisal snuck through: Of all the holes in US secu rity highlighted by Faisal Shahzad's failed effort
to blow up Times Square, here's the most outrageous: Almost every major domestic anti-terror operation over
the past several years has involved travelers from Pakistan — yet Homeland Security still lacks a
comprehensive strategy to shut down "terror tourism" from that nation.
Square car bomber details plot. Admitted terrorist Faisal Shahzad was so eager to tell how he
plotted to kill Americans in Times Square, he went to court with a prepared statement.
Shahzad: 'War With Muslims Has Just Begun'. Faisal Shahzad, who attempted to detonate a car bomb
in New York's Times Square on a crowded Saturday night, was sentenced to life in federal prison without parole
today [10/5/2010]. ... Shahzad, wearing a white prayer cap, said "Allahu Akbar" after hearing the sentence, and
said he would "sacrifice a thousand lives for Allah."
Fort Jackson, South Carolina
Army Investigates Alleged Attempt by Soldiers to
Poison Food at Fort Jackson. The U.S. Army is investigating allegations that soldiers were attempting
to poison the food supply at Fort Jackson in South Carolina. ... The suspects were part of a Arabic translation
program called "09 Lima" and use Arabic as their first language, two sources told Fox News. Another
military source said they were Muslim.
Is This Post-Traumatic Cooking
Syndrome? There is a price to be paid, you see, when we fail to name, identify, understand,
and focus on the nature of our enemy. When we dismiss these incidents as the result of some nebulous
psychological illness or lump jihadism in with a grab bag of other threats or concerns bearing little relationship
to the actual incidents we have experienced, we diffuse our efforts and distract ourselves from the sole task
that should occupy our national security apparatus: identifying and destroying jihadists who want to
butcher (or poison or blow up) Americans. That singular focus can come only from the president.
Hence, the problem.
Army probes allegations of poison at S.C.
base. The Army has been looking for two months into allegations that soldiers at a base in South
Carolina were being poisoned, but a spokesman says no credible information to support the allegations has been
Food poisoning plot at U.S. military base might
be linked to wider network. Reports are emerging that up to five Muslim Arabic translators who are
part of an Arabic translation program identified as "09 Lima" at the Fort Jackson, SC U.S. Military training
facility were questioned and detained last December regarding a plan to poison the food supply at the military
FBI Special Agent Comments on Fort Jackson Case. I received [an] e-mail last night about the
Fort Jackson investigation from a former FBI special agent who has worked on major terrorism cases. He
makes some very interesting points.
US Rep: No plot to
poison food at SC Army base. An Army probe into allegations of verbal threats involving a base's food
supply has revealed that none of the five soldiers detained was involved in any plot to poison food at the base, a
congressman said Sunday. U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., said Sunday information he received as a member of
the House Armed Services Committee showed there was no plot.
No 'poison food
plot' at Fort Jackson but 4 Muslims discharged from army? Given the whitewash of what happened at
Fort Hood, the news that an army investigation has concluded there was no plot to poison the food at Fort
Jackson but that 4 of the 5 translators involved have been dismissed from the army, I think some further
clarification is in order. In fact, the way this story has been played by the army leaves a lot
of questions unanswered.
Northwest Flight 253
Also known as the case of the Underwear Bomber.
Update: Underwear
bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab sues over treatment in federal prison. The man known as the underwear bomber
for trying to blow up a Detroit-bound plane on Christmas day eight years ago with a bomb hidden in his underclothing has
filed a lawsuit alleging his constitutional rights are being violated at a supermax federal prison in Colorado. Umar
Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigeria native who became an al-Qaida operative, alleges he's being held in long-term solitary
confinement, has been forced to eat foods forbidden by his religion, endured harassment yelled by white supremacist inmates
saying things offensive to Muslims and has been prohibited from communicating with relatives, including nieces and nephews.
The Editor says...
Mr. Abdulmutallab is only alive today because he is an incompetent terrorist who survived a suicide-bombing mission aboard an
airplane. Any complaints about the conditions encountered in the remainder of his life should be ignored.
The Obama
presidency, Israel, national security and human rights. US President Barack Obama's dreams of undoing the Bush
administration's war on terror were upended by a rogue piece of underwear which ensnared him. That is a gross
oversimplification, but according to New York Times reporter Charlie Savage's already classic book, Power Wars,
the December 25, 2009 attempted airplane underwear bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight 253 by Nigerian Umar Farouk
Abdulmutallab was a distinct turning point and hard reality lesson for the relatively new president finishing his first year
in office. After the attempted underwear bombing, he was constantly on the defensive for being weak on fighting terror
and reversed several planned liberal moves.
ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties. Amid the chaos of the 2009 holiday travel season,
jihadists planned to slaughter 290 innocent travelers on a Christmas Day flight from the Netherlands to Detroit,
Michigan. Twenty-three-year old Nigerian Muslim Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab intended to detonate Northwest Airlines
Flight 253, but the explosives in his underwear malfunctioned and brave passengers subdued him until he could be
arrested. The graphic and traumatic defeat they planned for the United States failed, that time. Following the
attempted attack, President Obama threw the intelligence community under the bus for its failure to "connect the dots." He
said, "this was not a failure to collect intelligence, it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we
already had." Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security,
where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been
engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material — the actual intelligence we had collected for years,
and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration
was ordering they be wiped away.
ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties. Amid the chaos of the 2009 holiday travel season, jihadists planned to slaughter
290 innocent travelers on a Christmas Day flight from the Netherlands to Detroit, Michigan. [...] Following the attempted attack, President Obama threw
the intelligence community under the bus for its failure to "connect the dots." He said, "this was not a failure to collect intelligence, it was a
failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had." Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the
Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been
engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material — the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots.
Worry, Honey, It's Just Another "Isolated Extremist". When President Barack Obama finally spoke up
about the Christmas Day terrorist attack on an airliner bound for Detroit, one of the most staggering phrases to
roll from his lips was "isolated extremist." This was three full days after the attack. By that time
the "isolated extremist" himself, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, had already told U.S. authorities that he'd trained
with al-Qaeda bomb-makers in Yemen.
Passenger Ignites Explosive on Delta Flight,
Al Qaeda Connection Reported. A male passenger reportedly linked to terrorist organization
al-Qaeda ignited a powdery substance prior to landing on a Delta Airlines flight to Detroit Friday
[12/25/2009]. The suspect is believed to be Nigerian, Fox News reported.
Mudallad Allegedly Attempts to Blow Up Northwest Flight 253. Terrorism may have occurred on the
Christmas day flight of Northwest Airlines flight 253 from Amsterdam that landed in Detroit. There
were 278 passengers aboard the flight. The FBI is investigating the incident involving a passenger trying
to blow up the plane. Abdul Mudallad, from Nigeria, has been arrested for suspected terrorism.
The Missing Word In NY Times Report On Attempted Plane Bombing. Imagine that there had been a
series of three incidents in which members of a [invented for present purposes] fanatical Jewish sect had
attempted to bring down airliners from Arab countries. In reporting on the latest attempt and describing
the previous ones, do you think the New York Times might have mentioned the religion of the perpetrators?
Velshi Stops Rep. King From Naming Northwest Airlines Terrorist. CNN's Ali Velshi on Friday [12/25/2009]
stopped Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) from divulging the name of the terrorist who tried to set off a bomb as a
Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam began to land in Detroit. Velshi did this claiming, "[W]e
have not got any information on anyone being charged. So thank you for bringing us information.
But would ask you not to name anybody on TV right now, we do not have any word of official charges."
Routine Turned to
Mayhem on Terror Flight. Seconds after passengers spotted flames climbing above the back of a
window seat midway down the left side of Northwest Flight 253, Friday's routine descent toward Detroit's
main airport turned into horror, mayhem and instant heroism.
Muslim terrorist attempts to detonate explosive
aboard Detroit bound plane. Abdul Farouk Abdul-Mutallab (a/k/a Umar Farouk Abdul Mudallad),
a 23 year-old Nigerian national, who is reportedly an engineering student at University College in London,
UK, is the primary suspect in the attempt to detonate an explosive aboard Delta-Northwest Flight 253 as it
prepared to land at Detroit Metropolitan Airport just before noon today [12/25/2009].
Father of Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab warned U.S. The
terror suspect who tried to blow up a Detroit-bound plane is the son of a Nigerian banker who alerted U.S.
authorities to his "extreme religious views" months ago, it was reported Saturday [12/26/2009].
Hoekstra: Airline attack should 'connect the dots' for Obama. Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.)
Friday [12/25/2009] said that the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines flight bound for Detroit should
"connect the dots" for the Obama administration. Hoekstra, who is the top Republican on the House
Select Intelligence Committee, told the Detroit Free Press that the attacks are an indication that al Qaeda
is beginning to plan more widespread attacks on the United States.
253: AP Scrubs 'M-Word'. It has been interesting watching the Associated Press reports on
the attempted takedown of Flight 253 devolve in the past 12-plus hours. In its 8:56 a.m. report
(likely dynamic and subject to change), it looks like the assemblage of AP writers who worked on the story
have succeeded in ... ridding the report of the M-word ("Muslim").
What good is the no-fly list? US
Approved Flight 253 Passenger List, Source Says. American security agencies reviewed the passenger
list for Northwest Airlines flight 253 before it left Amsterdam for Detroit on Christmas day and informed the
airline that the flight was cleared to take off for the U.S., a Dutch government spokeswoman tells NEWSWEEK.
'High explosive' — U.S. charges
Abdulmutallab. The United States charged a 23-year-old Nigerian man Saturday [12/26/2009] with
attempting to destroy a Northwest Airlines aircraft on Cristmas [sic] Day during its final approach to Detroit
Metropolitan Airport. The criminal complaint said the device contained a "high-explosive" chemical, PETN,
which has been used in several past terror plots. It's what so-called "shoe-bomber" Richard Reid used in
his December 2001 bid to blow up a Paris-to-Miami flight.
Obama handles Northwest Airlines terror incident differently than
Ft. Hood. The Obama White House has been aggressive in its press outreach regarding the Northwest
Airlines terrorist incident. Some of the earliest stories on accused terrorist Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab's
attempt to set off an explosive device on board Northwest Flight 253 were sourced to the White House, and
White House officials were quick to label the incident an "attempted act of terrorism."
Roll 2. On September 11th 2001, the government's (1970s) security procedures all failed, and
the only good news of the day came from self-reliant citizens (on Flight 93) using their own wits and a
willingness to act. On December 25th 2009, the government's (post-9/11) security procedures all
failed, and the only good news came once again from alert individuals.
Only A Failed Detonator Saved Northwest Flight . Officials now say tragedy was only averted on
Northwest flight 253 because a makeshift detonator failed to work properly. Bomb experts say
there was more than enough explosive to bring down the Northwest jet, which had nearly 300 people
aboard, had the detonator not failed, and the nation's outdated airport screening machines may need to be
Why was he ever allowed to fly? The former London
student charged with attempting to blow up a transatlantic airliner carrying 278 passengers was barred from
Britain, it has been revealed. ... The 23-year-old son of a wealthy Nigerian banker was charged in hospital
last night with attempting to destroy the aircraft during its final approach to Detroit airport on Christmas
Day, the US Justice Department said.
Observations on the Christmas Day Terror Plot. We are still in the early hours of the investigation
into an attempted terrorist attack on a Detroit-bound flight leaving Amsterdam. So, any analysis at this
point is by definition preliminary. Be that as it may, here are some initial observations and questions.
The first question that will be asked is: Was this the act of a so-called "lone wolf" extremist or a
terrorist acting in concert with the al Qaeda terror network?
Why Was Abdulmutallab Flying?
Pardon me if I'm being overly cynical here, but we know the Obama administration has backed off on any number of
the Bush administration's anti-terror policies on the ground that they were too draconian. In pursuit of
Obama's policy of "engagement" with those who hate us, has the administration loosened no-fly restrictions?
Freed Gitmo alumni plotted airline bombing. From ABC News: Two of the four leaders allegedly behind
the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the
Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents.
Homeland chief an
airhead. An al Qaeda bomber stashing explosives in his underwear cakewalked onto a US-bound airliner after
averting scans on two continents — but the federal Homeland Security chief incredibly claimed yesterday [12/27/2009]
that "everything happened that should have."
The System Worked, Except That Part
When It Failed. The system is supposed to work, according to Homeland Security Secretary Janet
Napolitano, something like this: a man recently reported to U.S. authorities by his own father, who was on a
terror watch list, who pays three grand in cash for a ticket to Detroit (enough to buy a city block in the Motor
City), and who was denied a student visa to the United Kingdom, attempts to explode a bomb on a packed plane
and is tackled by a Dutch filmmaker.
Take on Terror! I feel great to live in a country that gives full constitutional rights to a
foreign national who, on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, was tackled by passengers and crew as he
reportedly was trying to blow up the plane. If a terrorist fails to blow up a plane, he should get
a court-appointed attorney. My big concern is that if Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab keeps telling the
FBI there are others like him in Yemen, he may not get a fair trial.
Yes, Janet, There Is A 'War On
Terror'. Al-Qaida's botched Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Flight 253 raises a series
of concerns about U.S. vulnerability. Chief among them: a Homeland Security chief in denial that
we are at war. The nearly 300 trans-Atlantic passengers targeted for death by alleged would-be suicide
bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab were saved not by any policy of the Homeland Security Department, but by the
good luck of a detonator malfunctioning.
from Abdul Mutallab. After the embarrassing debate about Hasan (e.g., "Was he a terrorist?";
second-hand post-traumatic stress syndrome, etc.), I don't think the public will put up with similar
contextualization about Mutallab.
to ourselves. By continuing to lie to ourselves. Although willing — at
last — to briefly use the word "terror," yesterday [12/28/2009] President Obama still refused to
make a connection between the action, the date and Islam. Was it just a ticketing accident that led to
a bombing attempt on Christmas? Was it all about blackout dates and frequent-flyer miles? It
wasn't. You know it. And I know it. But our government refuses to know it.
did 'undy bomber' get a visa? Forget about no-fly lists, full-body scanners and air marshals.
All the loud recriminations about who should have done what to stop the underwear bomber from boarding a plane to
Detroit on Christmas Day miss a more fundamental point: Young, single, rootless foreign Muslim Umar Farouk
Abdulmutallab should never, ever have received a temporary visa into our country in the first place.
No visa, no plane ticket. No ticket, no passage to airline jihad.
Obama's wrong to call terrorist an "isolated extremist".
Abdulmutallab was not an isolated extremist. He had been dispatched by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
to kill Americans after having spent four months training with them in Yemen. He told this to his
Bomber: New Video of Training, Martyrdom Statements. New videos produced by al Qaeda in
Yemen show the accused underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and others in his training class firing
weapons at a desert camp whose targets included the Jewish star, the British Union Jack and the letters "UN."
bomber' to denounce America as trial begins. The man who tried to detonate a bomb in his
underpants on a packed flight to the US is expected to denounce America as the enemy of Islam while
representing himself at his trial, which opens on Tuesday [10/4/2011].
Man Pleads Guilty to Plane Bomb Attempt. The man accused of trying to blow up a Detroit-bound
airliner with explosives hidden in his underwear pleaded guilty Wednesday and said the U.S. should "be warned."
Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is accused of trying to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 with
a bomb in his underwear on Dec. 25, 2009.
Attempted bomber of Detroit-bound plane gets life in prison. Umar
Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian who attempted to bring down a U.S. commercial flight on Christmas Day 2009 by
detonating a bomb hidden in his underwear, was sentenced to life in prison Thursday [2/16/2012] in federal court
in Detroit.
'Underwear bomber'
gets life in prison. A Nigerian man on a suicide mission for Al Qaeda was sentenced Thursday to life
in prison for attempting to blow up an international flight with a bomb in his underwear as the plane approached Detroit
on Christmas 2009.
Obama's jihadist cover-up . On Dec. 25,
2009, al Qaeda-linked terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted his "underwear bomb" attack on Northwest flight 253. He was not
initially charged with attempting to commit an act of terrorism. Faisal Shahzad, who attempted the Times Square bombing in May 2010, was
also called a lone wolf with no ties to terrorism. Instead, he was described as a victim of the economic downturn more than a committed
Islamic extremist.
Don't Rule Out Anything. This is not, of
course, the first time we've seen an apparent eagerness from the Obama administration to minimize or dismiss the possibility of broader ties to
international terrorism after attacks or attempted attacks on U.S. interests. Three days after the attempted bombing of an airplane on
Christmas Day 2009, President Obama suggested that the attempted attack was the work of "an isolated extremist."
Binghamton, New York
Student kills
prof. An upstate graduate student was charged yesterday [12/5/2009] with stabbing a beloved anthropology
professor to death. Saudi national Abdulsalam Al-Zahrani, 46, was held without bail for the murder of
Binghamton University professor Richard Antoun, 77, an expert on comparative religion, authorities said.
Professor fatally stabbed in NY.
Richard T. Antoun, a respected Binghamton University anthropology professor who grew up in Shrewsbury, spent his
entire career seeking peace. His work focused on bridging the divide between religions and cultures, particularly
in the Middle East. But the 77-year-old professor's life ended violently Friday when he was stabbed multiple
times in his campus office, allegedly by a graduate student whom he was advising on his doctoral thesis. The
student, Abdulsalam S. al-Zahrani, 46, was from Saudi Arabia.
Muslim Radicals. The assassination of State University of New York-Binghamton Middle East
anthropology professor emeritus Richard Antoun, on Friday, December 4, in which a Saudi Arabian
graduate student named Abdulsalam Al-Zahrani has been charged, once again highlights the issue: how to
distinguish between Islamist extremists and moderate Muslim believers, both of whom have come to live
in the West?
AirTran Flight 297
was this a language misunderstanding or terrorist dry run? Look up the date. Flight 297,
Atlanta to Houston. If this wasn't a dry run, I don't know what one is. They wanted to see how
TSA would handle it, how the crew would handle it, and how the passengers would handle it. I'm telling
this to you because I want you to know. The threat is real. I saw it with my own eyes.
Security Incident Aboard AirTran 297
Suggests Terror "Dry Run". On November 17, an incident took place aboard AirTran
Flight 297 scheduled to fly from Atlanta Hartsfield Airport to Houston that the media does not want to
cover and everyone from the airline to the TSA and other government agencies want to keep very quiet.
Was Air Tran Flight
#297 a terrorist dry run? Like Climategate, there is another story the national mainstream
media has either missed or largely ignored, and that is the story of what really happened November 17th
on Airtran's Flight 297 from Atlanta to Houston. Much confusion remains about exactly what
transpired that afternoon on a plane preparing for takeoff at Hartsfield International Airport.
Another flight disrupted by a group of
Muslims. It happened again on Wednesday, December 9, 2009, less than a month after
the incident aboard AirTran Flight 297. United Airlines Flight 227, scheduled to depart
Denver International Airport at 1:50 pm Wednesday for Los Angeles was disrupted when several passengers
who were described as Middle Eastern in appearance, confirmed by this investigator to be a group of Muslims
traveling together, were removed from that aircraft due to suspicious behavior that originated in the
terminal and continued to the airplane.
U.S. soldier arrested over 'plot to bomb Fort Hood' refused Afghan service. An AWOL Muslim
soldier who 'plotted to an attack' on Fort Hood shouted the name of a military psychiatrist accused of a
2009 shooting rampage at the base in his first court appearance today [7/29/2011]. Pvt. Nasser
Jason Abdo, was arrested yesterday near the base after police were alerted by a local gun shop owner
that Abdo had been acting 'suspicious'.
Official: Soldier said he wanted
to attack Fort Hood troops. An AWOL Muslim American Army private arrested near Fort
Hood has told investigators that he wanted to attack fellow soldiers at the military post, the
police chief in Killeen, Texas, said Thursday [7/28/2011]. "Military personnel were a target
of this suspect," Chief Dennis Baldwin told reporters about Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo, who is expected
to face federal charges.
York Times Downplays Muslim Fort Hood Terror Plotter. The New York Times downplayed the arrest
of an AWOL Muslim soldier charged in connection with a plot to attack Fort Hood soldiers. The newspaper
all but ignored the role Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo's religious faith may have played in the alleged plot.
Abdo was arrested in Killeen, Texas, near Fort Hood. He was found with weapons, explosive, and jihadist
to stop a jihadi GI. As a poster boy for the anti-war left, Pvt. Naser Jason Abdo seemed
almost too good to be true: an assimilated American Muslim turned soldier — turned
pious conscientious objector, after it suddenly occurred to him that some of the guys he might be
pointing his M4 at were Muslims too. And he really was too good to be true. As
an Army deserter, accused child-porn aficionado and now admitted aspiring jihadi who botched his
attempt to pull off a second Fort Hood massacre, the precocious Abdo has already managed to clinch
the lowlife triple crown at age 21.
gun shop told police of suspicious buyer. A gun store clerk who's a retired police officer alerted
Texas authorities after a man purchased smokeless gunpowder and then asked what it was.
'Moderate' Muslim Plots Jihad Mass Murder
at Fort Hood. Yet another jihad mass murder at Fort Hood in Texas was narrowly averted
last week, and its perpetrator, a Muslim soldier in the U.S. Army named Naser Abdo, was defiant.
Accused of plotting to construct bombs and detonate them in a crowded restaurant full of soldiers from
Fort Hood, Abdo admitted his guilt in court last Friday and cried out "Iraq 2006" and "Nidal Hasan Fort
Hood 2009" — name-dropping the Islamic jihadist who murdered 13 Americans at Fort Hood in November
of that year.
AWOL soldier indicted in Fort Hood
bomb plot. A federal grand jury indicted an AWOL soldier Tuesday [8/9/2011] on three charges in
connection with a plot to bomb Fort Hood soldiers in Texas.
guilty of all charges. A Waco jury found Pfc. Naser Abdo guilty of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction,
attempted murder and four other charges Thursday afternoon [5/24/2012]. The AWOL soldier planned to detonate a bomb in a
Chinese restaurant popular with Fort Hood soldiers and shoot the survivors. Sentencing is set for the summer. Abdo,
who was flanked by five U.S. marshals as the sentence was read, showed no reaction to the verdict.
AWOL Muslim soldier
guilty in Fort Hood bomb plot. A federal jury on Thursday convicted a Muslim soldier on six charges in connection
with a failed plot to blow up a Texas restaurant full of Fort Hood troops, his religious mission to get "justice" for the people
of Iraq and Afghanistan.
AWOL soldier
plotting Fort Hood attack sentenced to life. A soldier convicted of amassing bomb-making materials and plotting an attack
on a restaurant popular with soldiers in Fort Hood, Texas, was sentenced to life in prison on Friday. [...] In May, a jury found him
guilty on six federal charges: attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, attempted murder of U.S. officers or employees
and four counts of possessing a weapon in furtherance of a federal crime of violence.
Raleigh, North Carolina
7 arrested in terror plot.
To neighbors in Johnston County, Daniel Boyd was a mild-mannered father who worked as a general contractor.
To U.S. intelligence officials, Boyd is an extremist with long, deep ties to terrorists in Afghanistan.
Investigators blame the senior Boyd for "radicalizing others, mostly young Muslims or converts to Islam,
to believe in fard 'ayn, the idea that violent jihad is a personal obligation on the part
of every good Muslim," according to the indictment.
Jihad, USA. They
don't look like al-Qaida terrorists. Their photos in the local newspaper look menacing enough —
but more like a crew that might knock over a convenience store or an ATM at a gas station. Their
apprehension this week by FBI agents in Raleigh, N.C., has their neighbors here talking about "homegrown
jihadis" and has prompted the O-Team Department of Homeland Security to warn about "American extremists"
once again.
The Bronx Bombers
Oh, and Incidentally ... You
gotta' love the New York Times and its hyper-politically correct sensitivities about revealing the ethnic or religious
backgrounds of criminal suspects. Thus we have today's front-pager: "4 Accused of Bombing Plot at
Bronx Synagogues." Who were these four, I wondered?
Islamic Jihad in the Bronx. Four African-American converts to Islam, all of whom converted to Islam
in prison, have been arrested by the FBI just as they attempted to bomb two Riverdale synagogues, (the Riverdale
Jewish Center and the Riverdale Temple), in the Bronx and a New York National Guard air base in Newburgh, New York
where they lived and attended a mosque. Why do I begin by clearly stating the race and religion of the
terrorists? Because the liberal mainstream media refuses to do so, or buries such facts on its back pages.
Media, Islam & Political Correctness. The New York Times has been assailed by conservative critics such as
Dallas Morning News columnist and blogger Rod Dreher for downplaying a troubling aspect of the case: all the
suspects are Muslims. (They had converted to Islam while in prison for drug offenses, theft and other crimes.)
The first Times report on May 20 mentioned this fact only in passing — despite a statement by New York
Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly at a press conference that the four had talked frankly about wanting
to "commit jihad."
Jihad 'Bait &
Snitch'. It wasn't quite 72 virgins, but it did the job. A slick FBI informant roped four Muslim
converts into a horrific terror plot to blow up two Bronx synagogues and military jets by handing them piles of cash and
gifts and even bags of weed, relatives of the suspects said yesterday [5/23/2009].
Latest "Man-Made Disaster". The first U.S. jihadi cell of 2009 was just busted by the FBI and New York
City Police Department. Four Muslim men were arrested in connection with alleged plots to blow up synagogues
and shoot down military aircraft en route Iraq and Afghanistan. Today's announcement is a true reminder that
we are still under attack, eight years after September 11. And it also means that we are still in a real
WAR, not an imaginary "overseas contingency operation" or facing possible "man-made disasters."
Plot renews
fears of radical Islam in US prison. The arrest of four Muslim ex-convicts in an alleged homegrown terror
plot in the Bronx is renewing fears about the spread of Islamic extremism in the nation's prisons. At least two of
the four men suspected of plotting to bomb synagogues and shoot down military airplanes converted to Islam behind bars.
The alleged mastermind is also a convert, and the fourth man identified himself as a Muslim when he entered prison.
N.Y. synagogue bomb defendants may
claim entrapment. Four ex-convicts accused of plotting to bomb synagogues and shoot down
military planes apparently will claim they were lured into the conspiracy with gifts including cash and
fried chicken.
Update: Jurors
convict Riverdale bomb plotters on 30 of 32 counts. A jury today [10/18/2010] found four Muslim converts
guilty of 30 of 32 counts in the May 2009 plot to bomb two Riverdale synagogues and shoot down
military aircraft at Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh.
Little Rock
New Details Emerge On Military
Recruitment Shooter. A man with "political and religious motives" killed a soldier just out of basic
training and wounded another Monday in a targeted attack on a military recruiting center, police said. ... Police
arrested Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, 23, along a crosstown interstate moments after the shootings at the Army-Navy
Career Center in a shopping center in west Little Rock.
A Conspiracy of
Euphemism. The eight a.m. NPR news update today included word of the fatal shooting of one soldier and the
wounding of another outside an army recruiting station in Arkansas. The news reader, Nora Raum, outlined the incident
and stated that the shooting appeared to have "religious motivations." She did not name the suspect, Abdulhakim
Mujahid Muhammad, or tell NPR listeners what those religious motivations might be. In other words, it could have
been a radical Unitarian who gunned down the soldiers, or possibly a violent Presbyterian.
Little Rock Shooting Suspect Joins Growing List of Muslim
Converts Accused of Targeting U.S.. The suspect in the deadly shooting at a military recruiting center in
Arkansas is the latest in a series of Muslim converts accused of planning or launching violent attacks in the U.S., part
of what security experts call an alarming domestic trend. The attack came less than two weeks after a foiled bomb
plot on two synagogues in Riverdale, N.Y., allegedly led by four men who converted to Islam in prison or shortly after
their incarceration.
Jihad Returns to America. Jihad came
once again to American soil on Monday, when an American convert to Islam, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, began shooting at
soldiers who were standing outside the Army-Navy Career Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. Muhammad murdered Pvt.
William Long, 23, and gravely wounded Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula, 18. Muhammad was charged with capital murder
and — in a departure from authorities' practically reflexive dismissal of terrorism as a factor in virtually
any act of violence by a Muslim — sixteen counts of committing a terrorist act.
More Targets Found on Arkansas Shooting Suspect's
Computer. The suspect in a deadly military recruiting center shooting in Little Rock, Ark., conducted
Google Map searches of several sites there and in other U.S. cities, a law enforcement official tells FOX News.
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security sent out an "e-mail alert" Tuesday night [6/2/2009] to local and state
law enforcement, according to the official. The source said they did not issue an "intelligence assessment" about
the 23-year-old accused shooter, Abdulhakim Muhammad, as has been reported.
Man Claims Terror Ties in Little
Rock Shooting. A Tennessee man accused of killing a soldier outside a Little Rock, Ark.,
military recruiting station last year has asked a judge to change his plea to guilty, claiming for the
first time that he is affiliated with a Yemen-based affiliate of Al Qaeda.
Update: Little Rock
Shooter Says He's with Al-Qaeda in Yemen. On June 1, 2009, a Tennessee man born Carlos
Bledsoe — but who changed his name to Abdul Hakim Muhammad — walked up to a military
recruiting center in Little Rock, Arkansas, and opened fire. ... He pleaded not guilty. Last week, on
January 12, this same man sat down and wrote a letter to the judge presiding over his capital murder
case. Abdul Hakim Muhammad asked that the judge change his plea to guilty.
Arkansas jihad. An
admitted jihadist who killed an American soldier on U.S. soil will be tried next week in Arkansas on a state
charge of capital murder — not terrorism. This is odd, considering that the Obama administration recently
went out of its way to bring a Somali-born jihadist into U.S. federal court to face terrorism charges for what he
may have done overseas. Perhaps the White House thinks that if it turns a blind eye toward domestic
Islamic terrorism, it won't really exist.
who killed soldier at Little Rock recruiting station pleads guilty. An American-born terrorist
who carried out a deadly shooting in front of an Arkansas military recruiting station pleaded guilty to his crimes
in an Arkansas courtroom Monday, earning a life sentence without parole and avoiding the death penalty.
32 Grieving Parents with
Absolute Moral Authority over Obama. [Scroll down] Next, I'd like you to meet Daris and Janet Long, the parents of the
late Private William Long. In June 2009, 23-year-old "Andy" Long was murdered at an Army recruitment center in Little Rock, Arkansas
by an American-born Muslim convert. Daris, an ex-Marine, is on a grief-stricken mission to see his son awarded a Purple Heart, since
he was killed on active duty in a jihad-inspired attack. But good luck with that in Obama's regime.
Obama's jihadist cover-up . On June 1, 2009,
Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, a Muslim convert who had recently traveled to Yemen and claimed to have al Qaeda connections, shot and killed U.S.
Army private William Long and wounded private Quinton Ezeagwula at a recruiting station in Little Rock, Ark. The White House waited two days
before making a statement about this "criminal" attack, which omitted any reference to terrorism, the attacker or his jihadist motives.
I Saw Something, So I'm Saying Something.
[Scroll down] I've seen the military refuse a Purple Heart to Private Andy Long, who was killed in 2009 outside an Army recruiting office in
Little Rock, Arkansas. His murderer was an all-American boy who converted to Islam at Tennessee State University and traveled to a terrorist
training camp in Yemen, before returning home to commit jihad. Obama threatened to veto the entire 2013 Defense Authorization Act, because
it awarded a Purple Heart to Private Long, whom the military claims is merely a victim of street crime. See no jihad, hear no jihad,
speak no jihad.
Fort Dix
6 arrested in plot to
kill soldiers at Fort Dix. The six men charged with plotting the slaughter of U.S. soldiers in
an armed assault on Fort Dix were held without bail this afternoon during an initial appearance in federal
court in Camden. The men, identified by authorities as homegrown Islamic terrorists inspired by Osama
bin Laden and his al Qaeda network, each spent about 10 minutes before a judge in U.S. District
Court, saying they understood the charges against them.
6 Charged in Plot to
Attack Army Post. Six foreign-born Muslims were arrested and accused Tuesday [5/8/2007] of
plotting to attack the Army's Fort Dix and massacre scores of U.S. soldiers … The defendants, all men in
their 20s from the former Yugoslavia and the Middle East, include a pizza deliveryman suspected of using his
job to scout out the military base.
Al Qaedism, Again.
Why would Albanian-speaking Muslim refugees from the Balkans try to murder American soldiers? After all, the
United States — not bin Laden's rag-tag jihadists — saved Bosnia and Kosovo? And we did
that by bombing the capital of a Christian European nation. But then, why did a mixed-up Albanian Muslim in
Salt Lake City, one Sulejman Talovic, go on a shopping-mall shooting spree?
pleads guilty in Fort Dix Six case. A 25-year-old man pleaded guilty today [10/31/2007] to providing
weapons to a group of men charged with planning to attack soldiers at Fort Dix. Agron Abdullahu, of Buena
Vista Township in Atlantic County, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to provide weapons to illegal aliens. He
faces up to five years in federal prison when he is sentenced Feb. 6. Five of the six defendants —
Mohammad Shnewer, 22; Serdar Tatar, 23; and brothers Dritan Duka, 28; Shain Duka, 26; and Eljvir Duka, 23 — have
been charged with plotting a paramilitary attack on Fort Dix that was inspired by al-Qaeda, the government says.
Media Downplays Threat Of Terrorism To Elect Democrats. The plot to murder soldiers at Fort Dix
was taken seriously by the F.B.I. It said, after the plot was thwarted, "we dodged a bullet" The F.B.I.
said the terrorists had gone through a complete planning process, and that they were lucky to stop them. But
the Washington Post sounded the themes of the mainstream media and dismissed the whole threat as if it were
nothing: "would-be terrorists leaderless [with] no rigorous military training."
say it's okay to call the Fort Dix Five 'jihadis'. Federal prosecutors in New Jersey say they
should not be forced to drop references to Al Qaeda and jihad from the indictment of five men accused of
plotting to attack soldiers on Fort Dix. Lawyers for the men have asked a judge in federal court in Camden
to delete such language, saying it was "inflammatory" and was included in earlier court filings to incite prejudice
against the defendants. In a response filed Friday [7/18/2008], prosecutors said the terms are central to the
case, arguing that jihadist principles motivated the defendants.
Update: 5 Convicted of Plotting to Kill Fort Dix Soldiers.
Five Muslim immigrants were convicted Monday of plotting to massacre U.S. soldiers at Fort Dix in a case that tested the FBI's
post-Sept. 11 strategy of infiltrating and breaking up terrorist conspiracies in their earliest stages. The men
could get life in prison when they are sentenced in April. The five, who lived in and around Philadelphia for years,
were found guilty of conspiring to kill U.S. military personnel.
The Fort Dix Five. What is the
difference between the five Muslim immigrants convicted in a Federal court in Camden, New Jersey on Monday, and Bill Ayers
and his comrades in the Weather Underground? The answer: not much, except for the outcome.
Another update: Duka
brothers get life terms for plotting Fort Dix attack. Three of the five men convicted of
plotting an armed attack on Fort Dix were sentenced to life in prison today. The Duka brothers, Eljvir,
Dritan and Shain, maintained their innocence before sentencing in federal court in Camden. Defendants
Mohamad Shnewer and Serdar Tatar are scheduled for sentencing tomorrow [4/29/2009].
Salt Lake City
Police identify gunman as 18-year-old
Bosnian. Police Tuesday [2/13/2007] identified the gunman accused in Monday night's Trolley Square shooting
as Sulejman Talovic, an 18-year-old Bosnian refugee who lived in Salt Lake City.
Coworkers: Talovic
'stayed to himself'; FBI rules out terrorism. Snyder said nothing had been
completely ruled in or out yet as a motive. Addressing concerns from some in the
public that Talovic's Muslim beliefs may have played a role, she said there was still
no evidence pointing either way as to whether that was the case.
Salt Lake Jihad? When
Sulejmen Talovic entered the Trolley Square mall in Salt Lake City Monday night [2/12/2007] with a shotgun, a
pistol, and a backpack full of ammunition, he intended to "kill a large number of people," according to Salt
Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank. … Why did Talovic do it? No one knows. … Could he
have been motivated by jihadist sympathies?
[Most news articles about the incident omitted any reference to Talovic being a Muslim.]
Coworkers: Talovic 'stayed to
himself'; FBI rules out terrorism. Addressing concerns from some in the public that Talovic's
Muslim beliefs may have played a role, [detective Robin Snyder] said there was still no evidence pointing
either way as to whether that was the case. The FBI said it has no reason to believe the shootings
were an act of terrorism.
Authorities Guard Against Backlash. Mayor Rocky Anderson blasted vitriolic Internet postings
and e-mails sent to newspapers that concluded the shooter was an Islamic terrorist, calling such
criticism "unjustified" and "outrageous."
[Oh, really? He's a Muslim. He committed an act of terrorism. He killed as many strangers
as he could — in a shopping mall — in the final violent act of his life. Why then is it so "outrageous" to call him a terrorist?]
What Motivated the Salt Lake City Shooter?
We are, of course, not supposed to mention the elephant in the room, but at least one editor was asleep at the
wheel when this story went through.
The Salt Lake shooter and Sudden Jihad
Syndrome. If you only read the news as reported by the Main Stream Media, you would never know
that we had just recently experienced another Jihad style attack by a Muslim on American soil. ... The media
showed an interesting and obvious reluctance to initially disclose, let alone discuss, eighteen year
old Talovic's religious persuasion.
The Salt
Lake City Murders: A Jihad? This article is being written on behalf of the victims of the Trolley
Square murders perpetrated by Sulejman Talovic, a Bosnian immigrant who went on a shooting rampage at a Salt
Lake City shopping mall on February 12, 2007. The FBI and mainstream media have all but ruled out
the murders had any link to terrorism.
Mall shooting prompts Bosnian backlash fears.
The mayor and police chief assured Bosnian immigrants Thursday [2/15/2007] that authorities would not stand for
any backlash against them after an Bosnian teenager shot five people to death in a crowded shopping mall and
then died in a shootout with police.
Father of Shooter Believes Someone Told His Son to Kill
People. The father of Trolley Square shooter Sulejmen Talovic apologizes over and over for the
ordeal. Suljo Talovic says no one who knew his son saw this coming, and he believes someone pushed him
to do it. Suljo Talovic doesn't know where his son got the guns or how he learned how to use
The Editor says...
I find it difficult to believe that this killing spree came as a complete surprise to the young man's family,
friends, and co-workers. A sane, well-adjusted and peaceful person doesn't suddenly produce a collection
of firearms and ammo, and then go out in a blaze of glory. Nobody knew he had a gun or a grudge?
In almost all the incidents recounted on this page, the surviving family members claim that the perpetrator
had always been a harmless citizen, and there must be someone else to blame. Nonsense!
San Francisco
Nuts? What would possess a Muslim motorist to drive around San Francisco Bay Area streets in
his SUV and deliberately run over pedestrians, including kids? Insanity, shrugs the mainstream
media. Omeed Aziz Popal was taken into custody Tuesday [8/29/2006] after a hit-and-run spree
that terrorized pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists for a full hour, killing one and
injuring 14. The news treated the bloody rampage like a random act of
violence. … War is no time for apologetics. In their tired effort to
claim the mantle of tolerance, the media only disserve Americans by continuing to
sugarcoat the ugly truth about the enemy.
rampage: "Everyone needs to be killed," Omeed Aziz Popal calmly told officers as he sat in the
back of a police car after a hit-and-run rampage that left one person dead in Fremont and 19 injured in
San Francisco. Just why the 29-year-old unemployed automotive worker allegedly said that remains
a mystery.
Leaning over backwards indicates head not
screwed on straight. Omeed Popal was 29 years old, but apparently totally sheltered and
controlled by his parents, who, according to the paper, "believed they needed to protect him from
America's 'evil society.'" He had recently traveled to Afghanistan to be married to a woman
his family picked out for him.
Nashville, Tennessee
Cabbie Runs Down Students. Two students
visiting from Ohio were coming from a bar downtown when they got into an argument with their driver over
religion, said police. After they paid the driver he allegedly ran them down in a parking lot.
Ibrihim Ahmned, of United Cab, was arrested and charged with assault, attempted homicide and theft.
Muslim Cabbie Tries to Run Down Fares.
The Religion of Peace has struck in Nashville, Tennessee, where a local cabbie tried to run down a couple of
customers after an argument over religion became heated, leaving one of them hospitalized. Ibrihim Ahmned was
arrested and charged with assault, attempted homicide, and stealing the license plate he was using on his cab.
Apparently unrelated incident in Nashville: Man
Confesses To 'Jihad Operation' Murder In Nashville. A former TSU student on trial for murder
in Arkansas said he killed a man in East Nashville in 2006. Abdulhakim Muhammad is accused of killing
one Army soldier and wounding another outside a military recruiting station in 2009. He's now
confessed to shooting a Nashville man as part of a "Jihad Operation."
Rockford, Illinois
'Lone Wolf' Charged With Plotting Attack
During Christmas Rush. A Chicago-area man has been charged in an alleged plot to attack a local
mall and government buildings. Derrick Shareef was arrested Wednesday as he attempted to buy grenades
and a handgun from an undercover FBI agent posing as a weapons dealer.
Feds Arrest Man They Say Planned to Detonate
Grenades in Illinois Shopping Mall. A man has been arrested by federal agents on charges of
planning to set off hand grenades at an Illinois shopping mall on Dec. 22 as part of his plan to commit
"violent jihad" against civilians. Derrick Shareef, 22, of Rockford, was arrested when he carried out a
rendezvous with an undercover agent in a parking lot to trade a set of stereo speakers for four grenades and
a handgun.
Mall bomb suspect's mother shocked at his
arrest. Even before federal agents said they foiled his terrorism plot, Derrick Shareef's growing
commitment to radical Islam worried his mother. … Shareef converted to Islam seven years ago, a move that
did not surprise his mother. Shareef's father was a member of Nation of Islam, led by minister Louis
Farrakhan, and several paternal relatives practiced the faith.
Jihad in Rockford, IL: What the MSM Won't Tell
You. President Bush and supporters of the war in Iraq have told us that "We're fighting them
over there so that we don't have to fight them over here." Apparently, someone forgot to explain that to
Derrick Shareef. This 22-year-old black man converted seven years ago to the Nation of Islam.
Over 24 hours after the first news reports, his race and the black Muslim connection are still missing
from national news reports.
23-year-old pleads guilty to 'jihad' plot at Rockford
mall. A 23-year-old man who dreamed of waging violent jihad while under surveillance by the
FBI pleaded guilty Wednesday [11/28/2007] to plotting a hand grenade attack on a Rockford mall crowded with Christmas
shoppers. Derrick Shareef, 23, a softspoken, bushy bearded young man apparently inspired by the violent
acts of Mideast terrorists, faces 30 years to life when he is sentenced March 14, according to
federal prosecutors.
Update: 35 years for man who offered
speakers for grenades. A one-time admirer of Osama bin Laden who plotted a hand-grenade attack
at a mall jammed with Christmas shoppers — and tried to trade two stereo speakers for the
weapons — was sentenced to 35 years in prison Tuesday [9/30/2008]. Derrick Shareef of
Rockford said he once admired bin Laden as a sheik and a scholar but has changed his views and opposes
The Three Guys with 1000 Cell Phones
Three Middle Eastern Men Found With 1000 Cell
Phones, Now Face Charges. Around 1:00am August 11th the three men purchased cell phones from
the Wal-Mart store on M-81 near the corner of M-24 in Caro [Michigan]. Wal-Mart places a limit on the
number of cell phones that can be purchased at once, that number is three. The three men allegedly bought
80 by purchasing them three at time so that an alert wouldn't be triggered by the cash register. They
also paid cash.
Three Texas Men Arraigned on Terror
Charges. Three Texas men were arraigned Saturday on terrorism-related charges after police
found about 1,000 cell phones in their minivan. A magistrate set bond at $750,000 for each of the men,
who are charged with collecting or providing materials for terrorist acts and surveillance of a vulnerable
target for terrorist purposes.
FBI: No Terror Groups in Cell
Phone Case. The FBI said Monday [8/14/2006] it had no information to indicate that the three
Texas men arrested with about 1,000 cell phones in their van had any connections to a known terrorist
group. Authorities had increased patrols on Michigan's 5-mile-long Mackinac Bridge after local
prosecutors said investigators believed the men were targeting the bridge.
The Editor says...
Terrorists use cheap disposable cell phones one time only and throw them away, as an untraceable means
of communication. And any time young Muslim men are going from one Wal-Mart to another in the
middle of the night, buying hundreds of cell phones with cash, they're up to something. This is
not just a group of enterprising young men hoping to sell the phones at a profit. If that were true,
they wouldn't have opened up all the packages. Have we learned nothing about Islamic terrorists in
the last several years? Any time young Muslim men do anything as unusual as this,
it is more than a little suspicious.
Naveed Afzal Haq in Seattle
Read this 'Lone Individual'. The smoke had barely cleared
in Seattle, where one Naveed Afzal Haq, a 30-year-old Muslim, killed one woman and shot five others Friday
after taking a 13-year old hostage and forcing his way into the offices of the Jewish Federation of Greater
Seattle, when the effort began to tamp down the significance of the event.
'I am a Muslim American, angry at
Israel'. On the eve of the Jewish Sabbath, a 31-year-old man claiming he was upset about "what
was going on in Israel" opened fire at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle building, killing one person
and wounding five women, one of them pregnant. Three of the women were in critical condition Friday
night [7/28/2006] with gunshot wounds to the stomach.
Open Season on Jewish
Women. [Naveed Afsal] Haq's brutal attack is no ordinary crime. It is the product of an
Islamic culture that denigrates women in general and a jihadist culture that specifically seeks to destroy
life. Thus, many Islamic suicide killers will purposely target pregnant women or women with small
children before they blow themselves up.
Suspect Hid Behind 13 Year Old. The man suspected in a fatal shooting rampage hid behind a potted plant
in a Jewish charity's foyer and forced his way through a security door by holding a gun to a 13-year-old girl's head,
the police chief said.
ignores or downplays homegrown terror attack in Seattle. Are these the actions of a crazy
person? A crazy person might cause harm to himself, maybe even someone close to him. Haq, though,
did not know anyone at the Seattle Jewish Federation. He traveled some distance late last month from
central Washington, getting there after determining his target following an Internet search for "something
Update: Accused Jewish center shooter pleads insanity.
Naveed Haq, accused of shooting six women — one fatally — at a Seattle Jewish center last
summer, pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity Wednesday as prosecutors tacked on 11 additional charges
against him.
Baltimore County, Maryland
Moviegoer Killed In
Maryland. As his victim lay bleeding in the aisle, police say Mujtaba Rabbani Jabbar walked out
of the theater, placed the gun with one bullet left on a counter and told the manager he had shot someone.
Same story: Muslim Shooting Spree in Jewish
Community? The victim was Paul Schrum, 62, from the 900-block of Bittersweet Road. … The
Reisterstown area is Baltimores largest community of Jewish families.
And again... The Jihad That Failed: "Leaderless
resistance" barely dents the USA. Was it just a random moment of violence, or was it an act of
jihad? The shooter is called Mujtaba Rabbani Jabbar — not a name that suggests Buddhism or
Scientology — and Owings Mills is a heavily Jewish suburb.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Quite a stretch. On
March 3, Mohammed Taheri-azar, a 22-year-old graduate of the University of North
Carolina, rented an SUV and drove it into "the Pit," an area between two libraries on the UNC
campus in Chapel Hill where students congregate, injuring nine. Mr. Taheri-azar told police he
made the attack "to avenge the deaths of Muslims around the world." Mr. Taheri-azar smiled and
waved at his arraignment, and told reporters he was "thankful for the opportunity to spread
the will of Allah."
Calling terror
terror at UNC: In an obvious case of terrorism, a Muslim alumnus of the school attempted
to run down and kill a large crowd of students in a popular meeting area on campus. However, the
school's hard-left, P.C. mentality has not allowed the chancellor to provide a sufficient response to
the incident. Indeed, he will still not even acknowledge the heinous act as one of terrorism!
Alleged UNC campus
crasher said he wanted to use a gun. A man charged with trying to kill students by hitting
them with a car said he would have preferred using a gun but screening laws were too stringent, according
to a letter read at a hearing in his case. Mohammed Taheri-Azar drove a Jeep Cherokee into a crowd
of students March 3 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and hit nine people, none of
whom had life-threatening injuries.
Sudden Jihad Syndrome (in North Carolina). A
just-graduated student named Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, 22, and an Iranian immigrant, drove a sport utility
vehicle into a crowded pedestrian zone. He struck nine people but, fortunately, none were severely
injured. Until his would-be murderous rampage, Mr. Taheri-azar, a philosophy and psychology major,
had a seemingly normal existence and promising future.
Media won't report
radical Islamic events. Most of the world today not only is in denial concerning the truly
appalling likely consequences of the rise of radical Islam, it often refuses to even accept unambiguous
evidence of its existence. The latest minor example of the latter is occurring at University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Students Are Terrorized. But
It's Not "Terrorism". On Friday afternoon [3/3/2006], an act of terrorism at the University
of North Carolina-Chapel Hill left students and faculty in disbelief, wondering why a former student would
ram an SUV into a crowded group of students. Many of them extended their disbelief to include
a willful denial that the attack was an act of terrorism at all.
Muslim Suspect Charged With Driving Into Crowd
at UNC to Offer Mental Defense. Mohammed Taheri-Azar, 24, told investigators he hoped to "avenge
the deaths of Muslims around the world" when he drove the rented SUV into the plaza at the school's Chapel Hill
campus in March 2006, authorities have said. Nine people were injured, none seriously.
Update: Muslim
student agrees to plea for crashing into UNC's Pit. A former student accused of plowing his
sport utility vehicle into a campus crowd, hitting nine people, in a self-professed bid to avenge Muslim
deaths overseas pleaded guilty Tuesday to first-degree attempted murder.
The DC Snipers, aka the Beltway Shooters
Update: Supreme
Court to consider whether DC sniper who shot dead 10 people was too young to get life. The U.S. Supreme Court
has agreed to review the case of one of the "D.C. snipers," who was given life without parole for murder in 2002 shooting
rampage. Lee Boyd Malvo, now 34, admitted he was the triggerman in a series of shootings in the D.C. suburban area that
left 10 dead and many wounded. He was convicted of the murders of Linda Franklin, 47, an FBI analyst, and Kenneth
Bridges, 53, a businessman and father of six, as well as the attempted murder of Caroline Seawell, now 60, who was shot in the
back. He was found guilty by a jury for Franklin's murder, and the jury recommended a sentence of life without parole.
A Case for Private Eyes. [Scroll down] The apprehension
of the alleged Beltway snipers should not make us more trusting in local law enforcement and crime investigators; in fact, it should do the
opposite. The incentive structure inherent in government kept agencies from seeking the right people and sharing information.
The Psychology of Junior
Sniper Lee Malvo: There is no such thing as a psychological disorder
which leads people to become so loyal that they're willing to kill. It's conjecture
and excuse-making taken to a nearly incomprehensible extreme.
pleads guilty to 6 sniper shootings. Lee Boyd Malvo, the junior member of the Washington-area
sniper tandem, pleaded guilty today [10/10/2006] to murdering six people in Montgomery County in October 2002,
and his lawyers said they are trying resolve other shooting cases in other states in which he is a suspect.
Teen Sniper Malvo Gets Life Without Parole.
A judge sentenced teenage Beltway Sniper Lee Boyd Malvo to life in prison without parole Wednesday [3/10/2004],
but he may still face the death penalty if other states have their way. It is unclear what will happen next
with the 19-year-old, who took part in an October 2002 killing spree in the Washington, D.C., area that left
10 people dead.
Police union probes
Moose. The police union here has formed a special committee to investigate Montgomery County
Police Chief Charles Moose's handling of look-out information during the Beltway sniper manhunt, union
officials told WorldNetDaily. Officials complain that Moose, who led the multi-agency sniper investigation,
withheld critical information about the sniper suspects from investigators and patrol officers, thereby
jeopardizing their safety.
D.C. sniper Malvo confesses to killing Tucson man
on golf course, police say. One of the Washington D.C. snipers confessed to killing a man on a
Southeast Side golf course four years ago, Tucson police said Friday [10/27/2006]. The confession from
Lee Boyd Malvo on Thursday brings a sense of closure to Jerry Taylor's family, who for many years have
believed that Malvo and fellow sniper John Allen Muhammad were behind the slaying on March 19, 2002.
The Rise and Fall of Charles Moose:
Was it just a coincidence that the publicized spate of shootings began in Moose's jurisdiction? Moose and
Muhammad had served in the Oregon National Guard at the same time but in different units in Portland. Moose
claims they never met. Can we take that at face value, now that we have proof Moose lied about several
important aspects of the case? Why, after shooting deaths by the same rifle were confirmed in other states
didn't the FBI take over as the lead agency? By leaving Moose in charge, police were led on a wild goose
chase looking for a white man driving a white van or truck. Members of the task force, presumably including
the FBI, knew there were credible eyewitness reports to the contrary.
The Rush From Judgment: Like many
people, it crossed my mind early in the Beltway Sniper case that this might be a terrorist attack. I
reserved judgment, realizing — unlike the armchair experts who flocked to fill airtime on cable
news channels — that I did not know all of the facts available to the police. But the moment I heard
the suspect's name, John Muhammad, the conclusion was obvious. These killings were motivated by a
version of the same Islamic ideology that has inspired mass murder around the globe.
other beltway shooter: At least one crazed Middle Eastern gunman has sought
revenge on behalf of Muslims by gunning down Americans near the nation's capital and slipping
in and out of our country with murderous ease. Could it be happening again?
Back when they were looking for the Beltway snipers... Police suppress terrorism
angle: ATF official says releasing descriptions of Mideast suspects would cause "panic".
Malvo calls
daughter of sniper victim. In March 2002, Malvo shot and killed [Cheryll] Witz's father, Jerry
Taylor, as he practiced chip shots on a golf-course practice green. Taylor's murder was a precursor to a
killing spree that terrorized the Washington, D.C., area, in which the teenage Malvo and partner John Allen
Muhammad killed 10 people and wounded three others over a three-week span that began Oct. 2, 2002.
Read this article: Rehabbing The D.C. Snipers.
When news of the snipers' identity first broke, CNN anchors were so determined to avoid making the obvious
connection to radical Islam that they called the lead sniper, a Muslim convert, by his old name. Police were
looking for John Allen Muhammad, but CNN insisted on referring to him as John Allen Williams. Now the network
has completely scrubbed Islam from the picture, offering child abuse (boo-hoo) and spousal revenge as alternative
motives for the snipers' bloody rampage. Nowhere in its one-hour special — promoted as "The
Minds of the D.C. Snipers" — is Islamist brainwashing even hinted as a motivating factor behind
their serial assassinations.
John Allen Muhammad: Hating America:
Did Muhammad convert to Islam out of a sincere, spiritual conversion and awakening? Or, did he convert,
as some do, to say, "Screw you," to America, the West and to non-Muslims, thus providing a scapegoat for
his failed life?
The Snipers: Crazy or Jihadis? [W]hen
Muslims engage in terrorism against Americans, the guiding presumption must be that they see themselves as
warriors in a jihad against the "Great Satan."
John Allen Muhammad: Convert to
Violence? It came as no surprise to learn that the lead suspect as the Washington, D.C.,-area
sniper is John Allen Muhammad, an African-American who converted to Islam about 17 years ago. Nor
that seven years ago he provided security for Louis Farrakhan's "Million Man March." Even less does it
amaze that he reportedly sympathized with the 9/11 attacks carried out by militant Islamic elements. All
this was near-predictable because it fits into a well-established tradition of American blacks who convert to
Islam turning against their country.
Jury Finds John Muhammad Guilty
in Sniper Trial. The announcement Tuesday afternoon [5/30/2006] followed four weeks of prosecutors,
experts and witnesses presenting evidence against Muhammad and Muhammad defending himself with the argument
that he had been framed.
Execution Date Set for Muhammad. A Northern Virginia judge Wednesday set Nov. 10 as the
execution date for sniper John Allen Muhammad, whose wave of random shootings terrified the Washington
region in 2002.
The Editor says...
Why not execute him sometime next week? Or maybe tomorrow morning. What's the holdup?
DC sniper
Muhammad set to die by lethal injection. The mastermind of the 2002 Washington, DC-area
sniper attacks will die by lethal injection next month, Virginia officials said Tuesday [10/27/2009].
executed for sniper killing. John Allen Muhammad, the sniper who kept the Washington region
paralyzed by fear for three weeks as he and a young accomplice gunned down people at random, was executed
Tuesday night [11/10/2009] by lethal injection.
DC sniper claims conspirators
in William Shatner interview. Convicted DC sniper Lee Boyd Malvo tells actor William Shatner on
a cable TV special that he and his partner tried to recruit fellow shooters for their 2002 spree and that his
accomplice killed one man for backing out, according to the program set for airing Thursday [7/29/2010].
return of the DC snipers? [Scroll down] The key to magnifying the impact of small
terror attacks is to hit the same target repeatedly, to build critical momentum and generate the sense of
fear for which terrorism was named. We saw this model in action in the October 2002 DC sniper attacks.
Two men — John Muhammad and Lee Malvo — armed with a rifle and a modified sedan kept
the national capital area in a state of anxiety for three weeks. They had little training, no
elaborate plan, and no media strategy.
Years later... Lee
Boyd Malvo, 10 years after D.C. area sniper shootings: 'I was a monster'. Malvo's attitude provides a sharp contrast
to his posture 10 years ago. Shortly after his arrest, a boastful, defiant Malvo told investigators that he fired the
bullet that killed [Linda] Franklin. He laughed and pointed to his head to show where the bullet struck. Told about Malvo's
words, one of those investigators said he wouldn't be surprised if Muhammad fired the fatal shot and thinks Malvo might be coming to
grips with what he did.
Update: DC
sniper Lee Boyd Malvo's life sentence thrown out. A federal district court judge has overturned the sentence of
Lee Boyd Malvo, one of the two people convicted in D.C.-area Beltway sniper attacks nearly 15 years ago, according to a
ruling released Friday [5/26/2017]. Malvo was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the sniper-style attacks
committed around the region in October 2002 along with John Allen Muhammad. Ten people were killed and three others
were shot during a three-week period.
Los Angeles International Airport
to see here. Move along. The watchdogs in the national press … insist on
clouding our vision. Since 9/11, I've reported on the media's reluctance to highlight the
convicted Washington, D.C.-area snipers' Islamist proclivities and journalists' refusal to call
Egyptian gunman Hesham Hadayet's acts of murder at the Israeli airline counter at Los Angeles
International Airport on July 4, 2002, "terrorism."
Los Angeles airport shooting
kills three. A gunman opened fire Thursday [7/4/2002] at Los Angeles International
Airport while standing in line at the ticket counter of Israel's El Al Airlines, officials said,
killing two and wounding four others before an airline security officer shot him dead.
isolated incident at LAX": When I heard an FBI spokesman try to dismiss
the Fourth of July attack on El Al passengers at Los Angeles International Airport
by Egyptian Muslim Hesham Mohamed Hadayet as "an isolated incident," something
about those words troubled me. I had heard them before.
FBI's B.S.: It seems as if the only ones who refuse to acknowledge
that this was terrorism are the folks at the FBI. It seems that they are not willing
to go any further than to say that the gunman, came to LAX with the intent to kill. Just
how dumb do they think we are?
Terror and Denial: It is obvious why
Hesham Mohamed Ali Hadayet targeted Jews in a highly visible place on so prominent a date: to engage
in terrorism against Israel. But one important institution — the U.S.
government — claims not to know Hadayet's goals.
The New Mexico jihadist compound
adults from infamous New Mexico compound are charged with terror, kidnapping offenses. Last summer, FBI arrested five
Muslim extremist suspects connected to the New Mexico compound where eleven malnourished children found and the remains of a missing
three-year-old boy were discovered. The children were allegedly being trained to conduct school shootings. Federal
authorities later destroyed the compound. Now, the 5 are being charged by federal authorities with terror, kidnapping and
firearms offenses.
Jury Returns Federal Terrorism Indictment for New Mexico Terror Compound Suspects. A federal grand jury sitting
in Albuquerque, New Mexico returned a superseding indictment on March 13 charging Jany Leveille, 36, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 40,
Hujrah Wahhaj, 38, Subhanah Wahhaj, 36, and Lucas Morton, 41, with federal offenses related to terrorism, kidnapping and
firearms violations. All of the defendants are currently in custody awaiting trial.
charge 5 from New Mexico compound, where 11 children were found, with terror, kidnapping offenses. The
residents of a makeshift New Mexico compound — where 11 emaciated children were found during an August
raid — were charged by federal authorities Wednesday with terror, kidnapping and firearms offenses. "The
indictment alleges that the defendants conspired to provide material support in preparation for violent attacks against
federal law enforcement officers and members of the military," Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers for the
Department of Justice's National Security Division said.
Between Police, Feds Allowed New Mexico Terror Compound To Fester. Questions keep coming about how the U.S.
justice system responded to a New Mexico compound that housed five alleged would-be jihadists and 11 reportedly malnourished
children along with the remains of a twelfth child who died on the compound. A federal grand jury recently indicted the
five alleged jihadists on weapons and conspiracy charges, alleging the group created their compound in the desert outside
Taos, New Mexico as a training camp and firing range to facilitate a "Common plan to prepare for violent attacks government,
military, educational and financial institutions" and sought to "engage in jihad and form an army of jihad" according to the
federal indictment published by the Department of Justice on September 11.
from New Mexico Islamist compound says he was trained for jihad. According to federal court documents, a 13 year
old who was part of a group of Muslims staying at a run down compound in New Mexico, says he was being trained to carry out jihad
against unbelievers. The youngster was one of 11 children and 5 adults found at the residence by sheriff's deputies, along with
the body of a 3 year old boy who had been buried on the site. Last week, a judge released all the adults without bail.
Arrests All 5 'Extremist Muslims' Connected To New Mexico Compound. The FBI announced on Friday [8/31/2018]
that it has arrested all five adults connected to the "extremist Muslim" compound in New Mexico. The arrests come just
days after all charges were dropped against three of the defendants. Fox News reports that the five suspects, who made
national headlines after 11 children were found starving at their compound, were arrested by the FBI for "violating
federal firearms and conspiracy laws."
arrests five New Mexico compound suspects days after multiple charges were dropped. The FBI announced Friday
[8/31/2018] that it had arrested all five New Mexico compound suspects, days after multiple charges were dropped. The
suspects were now being charged with violating federal firearms and conspiracy laws. The announcement comes after local
prosecutors dropped charges in the death of a 3-year-old boy at the compound site. Taos County District Attorney Donald
Gallegos said Friday his office would now seek grand jury indictments involving the death. Gallegos said seeking
indictments would allow more time to gather evidence.
Mexico compound leader believed she could reincarnate Jesus Christ through the body of dead disabled boy. The
deranged leader of a New Mexico cult believed she could reincarnate Jesus Christ through the body of her polygamist husband's
disabled son so he could guide them to corrupt institutions that needed to be destroyed, according to the FBI. The
twisted theory came to light Friday when the feds in the Southwest hit five people, including the son of a controversial
Brooklyn imam, with gun possession and trafficking charges.
The Editor says...
As usual, I'm highly skeptical. It's not likely that a bunch of Muslim terrorists would have any interest in reincarnating Jesus. This
sounds like a disinformation story designed to get the casual reader to think the New Mexico suspects are Christians and not Muslims.
dismisses all charges against 3 'extremist Muslim' New Mexico compound suspects. Three suspects tied to a New
Mexico compound where alleged Muslim extremists reportedly trained children to be school shooters were released from custody
on Wednesday, hours after a judge dismissed all of the charges against them, Fox News confirmed. District Judge Emilio
Chavez on Wednesday dismissed charges against three of the five defendants — Lucas Morton, Subhannah Wahhaj and
Hujrah Wahhaj — ruling that authorities violated the state's "10-day rule." Child abuse charges against them
were dropped because prosecutors missed the 10-day limit for an evidentiary hearing to establish probable cause.
Drops All Charges Against 3 'Extremist Muslims' Found At New Mexico Compound. District Judge Emilio Chavez
dismissed all charges against three of the five "extremist Muslims" connected to the New Mexico compound on Wednesday
[8/29/2018], claiming that prosecutors did not move fast enough in the case according to the state's laws. "Child abuse
charges against Lucas Morton, Subhannah Wahhaj and Hujrah Wahhaj were dropped because prosecutors missed the 10-day limit for
an evidentiary hearing to establish probable cause," Fox News reported. Charges remain in place against Siraj Ibn Wahhaj
and Jany Leveille, who are accused of a variety of crimes related to child abuse after 11 children were found starving in the
filthy compound.
Cultists in NM Planned 'Phases of Terrorist Attacks'. Shocking plans of the jihadi cultists arrested at their
compound with 11 starving children in New Mexico emerged from new court documents, including plans for "Phases of Terrorist
Attacks." The documents were entered as part of a motion by the prosecutors asking the judge to reconsider a previous
ruling that allowed the five adults charged in the case to go free on bond until their trial. The documents included
phases of a terrorist attack, which included comments on attacking "specific targets such as teachers, schools, banks and
other 'corrupt' institutions," including Atlanta's Grady Memorial Hospital, one of the largest hospitals in the Southeast.
Mexico Compound Story Buried by Opposition Media. What do you think would happen if a compound was found in
rural Kansas where children were being held against their will? Particularly if at least one of the children had died
mysteriously and been buried secretly. And the surviving children were undergoing military-style training designed to
help them carry out killing sprees in nearby Kansas government schools. Finally, the compound was founded and run by
the homosexual-hating Westboro Baptist Church. Can you say Opposition Media jihad against Christians? First
network news reader anchors would be on-site "investigating." Childcare experts would be interviewed to explain to the
audience at home the harm of "forcing religion down children's throats." Other experts would talk about exposing vulnerable
children to firearms. Neighbors would be button-holed and asked about the compound and its inhabitants.
2 Muslims
at N.M. Compound 'Wanted to Attack [a] Hospital'. A couple accused of training children to carry out mass
shootings at an "extremist Muslim" compound in the New Mexico desert singled out an Atlanta hospital as one target before
police arrested them, according to court documents filed Friday [8/24/2018]. Prosecutors in Taos County, citing
interviews with the 11 children found at the compound earlier this month, claimed in the filing that Jany Leveille wanted
to "confront 'corrupt' institutions or individuals ... and reveal the 'truth' to these corrupt institutions or individuals."
New Mexico compound
suspects allegedly planned to attack Atlanta's Grady Hospital. A handwritten document titled "Phases of a
Terrorist Attack." Talk of confronting and attacking "corrupt" institutions, including Atlanta's Grady Memorial Hospital.
Jokes about dying in jihad. An underground stash of weapons and ammunition. New court documents revealed these and
other details in the case against five adults who lived in squalor with 11 starving children in a ramshackle New Mexico
compound. In a case infused with allegations of abuse and terrorism, prosecutors this week asked a judge to
reconsider an order granting bond to all five adults arrested at the compound.
Going On? New Mexico Authorities Move In to Destroy Jihadi Child Training Camp. Muslim Siraj Ibn Wahhaj
was arrested earlier this month at a terrorist compound in New Mexico. Wahhaj was training children to commit mass
shootings at US schools. Siraj ibn Wahhaj is the son of a Brooklyn imam who was named as a possible co-conspirator in
the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. New Mexico police entered a dangerous Islamist terrorist camp in New Mexico this
month after they grew tired of FBI stalling.
and Sketchy Federal Behavior Surrounds New Mexico Terror Training Ground. The story of the jihadist training
compound in New Mexico takes yet another weird turn today [8/16/2018], as federal authorities removed the partially buried trailer,
bulldozed a portion of the compound in the process, and yet left key evidence including: ammunition, a bullet proof vest, birth
certificates and notebooks, laying around.
The Editor says...
I urge you to read the comments section connected to the article above.
One Of The Alleged New Mexico Terror Suspects Lived In The U.S. Illegally For 20 Years. It's a story that would
have been all over the media if it had been a conservative, an anti-IRS activist, an NRA member, or any organization liberals
think are right leaning. In early August, authorities raided a compound in New Mexico, where three women, a man, and 11
children were found in deplorable conditions. One child's remains were also found. They were reportedly being
trained by Siraj Wahhaj to commit school shootings. Siraj's father, same name, was an unindicted conspirator of the
1993 World Trade Center bombing. To make things more controversial, the judge in the case, Sarah Backus, granted four
of the five potential terror suspects to be released on bond. Siraj remains in custody since he was an outstanding
warrant from Georgia regarding the alleged kidnapping of his son, who may or may not be the deceased child police found at
the compound. Backus is a Democrat and known for setting low bailfor violent offenders.
Releases 5 Suspects From Muslim Extremist Compound Who Were Allegedly Training Children for School Shootings.
Against the wishes of the Taos County sheriff, undersheriff, prosecutors and the FBI, Judge Sarah Backus ordered all five
suspects arrested in the raid of the New Mexico compound, released. Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 40, Lucas Morton, 40, Jany
Leveille, 35, Hujrah Wahhaj, 37, and Subhannah Wahhaj, 35 were arrested on child abuse charges. The eleven children in
the compound were taken into state custody. All were substantially malnourished, kept in rags, and had no access to
clean water.
The Editor says...
You can bet that if it had been a bunch of Christians keeping kids in a squalid pile of old tires out in the desert,
the adults would all be kept in jail permanently. But these people — allegedly operating what amounts to
a terrorist training camp — must be released because ... islamophobia!
In New Mexico Compound Case Accuses Prosecutors Of Anti-Muslim Discrimination. The New Mexico judge overseeing
the case against five alleged Muslim extremists essentially accused prosecutors of discriminating against Muslims in her
Monday court order granting bail to the defendants. The defendants, Siraj Wahhaj, Hujrah Wahhaj, Jany Leveille,
Subhannah Wahhaj, and Lucas Morten, are accused of training children to conduct school shootings. All were granted
release on a $20,000 "signature bond" by Judge Sarah Backus on Monday [8/13/2018], allowing them to avoid paying any money
unless they violate their release terms.
London Terror Suspect
Identified As Salih Khater From Sudan. The man accused of hitting a group of pedestrians with his car outside
of Parliament in London before crashing into a barricade was identified Wednesday [8/15/2018] as Salih Khater from Sudan.
The 29-year-old British citizen, who was arrested on suspicions of terrorism as well as suspicion of attempted murder, has
reportedly not been cooperating with police after driving a silver Ford Fiesta into a crowd, leaving three injured.
Khater was immediately arrested after crashing and has since been in police custody.
lunacy: New Mexico's accused school shooter-training terrorist let out on bail. A missing child. A
dead body found on a "compound." Eleven starving kids. A police warning about a training camp to train school
shooters. A raving maniac of the Islamic fanatic persuasion. And somehow, none of that's quite good enough to
hold the creep behind that utterly disturbing picture in jail for trial. Solitary for Paul Manafort for a decades-old
crime, sure, but this guy, Sirraj Wahhaj, and all his buddies get let out to go about their business.
extremist father grins as his family is FREED on bail - despite claims his son died in ritual to resurrect him as Jesus. The
three-year-old disabled son of the Muslim extremist arrested in the New Mexico desert earlier this month died after being subjected to
torturous rituals his father believed would 'cast out' demonic spirits and see the toddler 'return as Jesus,' it has been claimed.
According to prosecutors, Abdul-ghani, known as AG, was killed sometime between December last year, when he went missing from Atlanta,
Georgia, and August 3, when his father, two aunts and uncle were arrested along with 11 of his cousins and siblings at a compound in
Amalia, New Mexico.
granted bail in New Mexico compound case. A New Mexico judge granted bail Monday to five suspects —
one the son of a controversial Brooklyn imam — who were accused of keeping kids in a filthy, heavily fortified
compound. Three women and two men, ages 35 to 40, will wear ankle monitors and be under house arrest if they can post
$20,000 bond each, the judge ruled in Taos. Deputy District Attorney Timothy Hasson told the court that the suspects
were up to no good, saying, "This was not a camping trip and this was not a simple homestead of the kind that many people do
in New Mexico."
Wahhaj Family Compound and Their Dem-Connected Father. Siraj Ibn Wahhaj Jr., who is 39 or 40, of Clayton
County, Ga., was arrested after authorities found 11 hungry, filthy children living in squalid conditions in a remote part of
New Mexico. Wahhaj, who has been charged with felony child abuse, had reportedly been training the children to commit
school shootings. The remains of a three-year-old disabled boy, since identified as Wahhaj's son, were discovered on
the property which was filled with weapons. Two of Wahhaj's sisters and two other adults were also arrested.
Investigative reporter Paul Sperry reports that Wahhaj "has been on the radar of federal counterterrorism officials for the
past 13 years on suspicion of jihadist activity." Despite abundant evidence of suspicious activities, timid FBI
officials refused to raid the compound, instead sending a neighbor in wearing a hidden camera.
New Mexico Judge Allows Jihadis Released on Signature Bond. The five extremists of the New Mexico jihadist
compound, where a 3-year-old was murdered, are being released from custody pending trial without any bail whatsoever.
They are free on a a mere signature bond; a promise to return for trial.
New Mexico
Jihadis Can Leave Jail Until Child Abuse Trial, Judge Rules. A New Mexico state judge ruled Monday [8/13/2018]
that five alleged Muslim extremists accused of training children to conduct school shootings do not have to remain in jail
while they await trial for child abuse. Judge Sarah Backus released the five defendants, Siraj Wahhaj, Hujrah Wahhaj,
Subhannah Wahhaj, Jany Leveille, and Lucas Morten, on a $20,000 "signature bond," according to the Albuquerque Journal.
That means that the defendants will not have to pay money unless they violate the conditions of their release.
details released in investigation of 'extremist Muslim' compound that allegedly conducted school-shooting training. The
children discovered at an "extremist Muslim" compound in New Mexico earlier this month were both trained to use firearms and taught
multiple tactical techniques in order to kill teachers, law enforcement and other institutions they found corrupt, state prosecutors
revealed on Monday [8/13/2018]. The prosecutors provided more details about the accusations during a court hearing in which
they asked that Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and four other defendants be held pending trial on child abuse charges. But the judge in the
case ruled against prosecutors' request.
Is the Mainstream Media Ignoring the New Mexico Compound/Islam Story? News broke this week that a deranged man,
Siraj Wahhaj, was arrested for training a group of starving children at a filthy New Mexico compound how to carry out school
shootings. Still, despite the newsworthy aspects of the story, including a Muslim ringleader, children, and the
potential for deadly school shootings, mainstream news outlets have covered it only briefly, if at all. The story,
which involved minors, has a particularly ideological angle that outlets seem uncomfortable lingering over for too
long. Not only were Siraj Wahhaj and his adult companions "heavily armed," but CBS reported, "Taos County Sheriff Jerry
Hogrefe previously said adults at the compound were 'considered extremist of the Muslim belief.' He did not elaborate,
saying it was part of the investigation."
of New Mexico Islamist Compound Leader Is Linda Sarsour's 'Mentor'. Siraj Ibn Wahhaj Jr., 40, of Clayton
County, Georgia, was arrested along with his two sisters and two other adults last Friday in New Mexico on charges of felony
child abuse for holding 11 starving children in an underground trailer hidden from view in a compound described as
"overflowing" with weapons and ammunition. But there is more to this story that is not appearing in the nightly news
accounts we've all been following. Nobody is talking about Wahhaj's well-connected father, Siraj Wahhaj Sr., a radical
Brooklyn imam who is the spiritual adviser to Democratic Socialist and Bernie Sanders supporter Linda Sarsour.
Extremist Arrested at New Mexico Compound Is the Son of Terror-Linked NYC Imam. One of the men arrested in the
raid on a squalid New Mexico compound Friday is the son of a notorious New York City imam linked to the 1993 World Trade
Center bombing, Fox News reported. Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, was allegedly planning to perform an "exorcism" on his
4-year-old son and was training children to commit school shootings, prosecutors said in court documents obtained by the
media on Wednesday [8/8/2018].
Refuse to Report Links to Muslim Extremism at New Mexico Compound. The disturbing reports about the mysterious
New Mexico compound were 11 starving children and one little boy's body were found grew even darker on Wednesday, after court
documents were released alleging that the kids were being trained to carry out school shootings. Despite those
revelations, ABC's World News Tonight and the CBS Evening News still refused to report the connection to Muslim extremism by
the five adults there. The alleged training appeared to be the final straw for NBC because, up until that point, they
were in lockstep with the rest of their liberal colleagues and omitted the extremism connection from their reports. ABC
seemed to be tired of reporting on the disturbing compound because they only gave it a news brief lasting only 15 seconds.
ties emerge between Linda Sarsour and Islamic radical running 'jihadist' camp in New Mexico. On Wednesday
[8/8/2018] reports broke that an Islamic radical had been arrested last week for allegedly abusing children at a compound in
New Mexico and allegedly training them to be school shooters. The media identified the perpetrator as Siraj Ibn Wahhaj
and reported that he had been caught "conducting weapons training with assault rifles at the compound near the Colorado
border where authorities say they found 11 hungry children living in filthy conditions in a raid Friday." Authorities
found Ibn after they went searching for his missing 3-year-old son. Instead they discovered the Islamic radical at the
compound with the maltreated children. Though Ibn's son wasn't seen at the compound, authorities did locate the remains
of a child that could be him.
Son of Prominent Imam was Training Children to Commit School Shootings. The son of a prominent Brooklyn-based
imam was training children at a New Mexico compound to commit schools shootings, prosecutors said in court documents released
Wednesday [8/8/2018]. Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, was training 11 children at a compound north of Taos, New Mexico, according to
The Associated Press. Authorities raided the compound Friday and arrested Wahhaj, two of his siblings and two other men
during a search for Wahhaj's son, who had been abducted from Georgia late in 2017.
Man at compound trained kids for school shooting. The documents say Siraj Ibn Wahhaj was conducting weapons
training with assault rifles at the compound near the Colorado border where 11 hungry children were found in filthy conditions.
Media Omits
New Mexico Compound Leader's Muslim Ties. Media outlets are leaving out a key detail about the New Mexico
compound leaders who were reportedly training young children to commit school shootings. Eleven children were recently
rescued from the "filthy" compound, which police say appears to be run by Siraj Wahhaj and Lucas Morten. Wahhaj, the
son of a prominent imam, was accused in court documents released Wednesday of training the children on the compound to commit
school shootings.
The ingredients for future terrorist attacks
How-To Guide Being Distributed to American College Students. Just when we assume
things couldn't get worse, along comes Worse to remind us that we should be careful about
assuming. Case in point: On Tuesday, we learned that a shadowy group is circulating a
terrorist how-to guide among students. American college students, at Columbia University and,
presumably, other institutions as well. This little blood-red guide, we note, was produced by
a group that celebrated the Hamas Oct. 7th attacks on Israel. [...] Note that they carefully
and no doubt deliberately shy away from advocating for attacking people, only to commit acts of
gross vandalism, arson, and intimidation. These are still acts of violence, carried out with
the intent to intimidate to forward a political/religious agenda — ergo, terrorism. This
could get very ugly very fast. Palestine Action, the group that reportedly produced this
handy guide to antisemitic terrorism, is a UK-based group that is known for this kind of thing in
Britain; it seems they are branching out.
terrorism is taking over the West: One in five British terror suspects are children.
For years the US and its allies fought terror groups as though they were an adversarial state that
could be defeated like any other army — with invasions, airstrikes and men on the ground.
But this conflict only served to fuel the expansion of terror networks which, thanks to the
advancement of digital tools and advent of AI, are now so adept at cross-border communication and
recruitment that no amount of bombs or bullets can stop them. Today, individuals can be
radicalised in a matter of weeks and are able to plan and launch terror attacks in total isolation
without triggering suspicion. What's more, the average age of terror suspects is declining
rapidly. Now, one in five terror suspects in the UK are legally classified as children.
Is Time To Admit We Have Lost Control Of Our Domestic Security — The Inauguration Moves
Inside. For the first time in forty years, a Presidential inauguration in the United
States will take place indoors. The official reason is the expected onset of exceptionally
cold weather. The suspicion is that the threat level is so high no one can reasonably
guarantee they can prevent an outdoor attack on President Trump and the attendees. Honestly,
that seems like a pretty reasonable conclusion. We just experienced two attacks, one in New
Orleans and one in Las Vegas, but let's be clear. Horrifying as both events were, they were
mild compared to the dangers we face. The Biden administration has allowed the security
situation inside the United States to deteriorate to the point where we face the very real prospect
of catastrophic terrorist attacks every day all across the nation. Our borders remain wide
open. We have seen innumerable reports of terrorists from various Islamic groups moving into
the United States. We have no idea where the vast majority of these people are.
Army Takes Delivery of 1,000 Drones, Promises 'Deadly Blows to the Enemy'. The
Iranian Army says it has taken delivery of 1,000 new drones equipped with stealth capabilities and
designed to target enemy fortifications. The Ababil-4 and Ababil-5 drones, which were
designed by the Iranian defence ministry, were delivered to various locations throughout Iran,
according to the semi-official Tasnim news agency. Tasnim said the weapons were formally
handed over to the armed forces on Jan. 13, at a ceremony attended by Iranian Army Commander
Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi and Defence Minister Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh. The
state-owned IRNA news agency reported Nasirzadeh said the drones would enable Iran to, "conquer the
sky when necessary and deliver deadly blows to the enemy."
announces chilling news: 50 illegals smuggled into America by ISIS are missing.
Following the New Year's attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas, it has been reported that a large
number of undocumented immigrants are missing. According to Sen. Jim Banks (R-IN),
ISIS-affiliated networks smuggled in dozens of illegal aliens that the government can't
track. During a Sunday interview with CNN, the senator revealed the terrifying information
that some believe could result in more terror attacks on United States soil. [Tweet with
video clip]
Biden Releases Dangerous Islamist Terrorists from Guantanamo Bay Just Days Before Trump Takes
Over. The return of President Donald Trump to the White House cannot come soon enough
because Joe Biden continues to burn down the country before he departs for good. His latest
move will likely come at the cost of American lives. The New York Times reported Monday that
the Biden regime has decided to release 11 dangerous Islamist Yemeni terrorists from Guantanamo Bay
to Oman for them to supposedly 'start new lives.' Oman has supposedly ensured they will 'monitor'
the newly released prisoners. As NPR notes, all of these savages were captured following the
9/11 terror attacks. Some had been cleared for transfer previously under the Barack Obama
regime but remained at Gitmo for political and diplomatic factors. In recent weeks, the U.S.
has also released four other Guantánamo inmates: a Kenyan, a Tunisian and two Malaysians.
This cuts the total number of prisoners at Gitmo precisely in half, from 30 to 15 prisoners.
CIA Analyst: Up to 1,500 Islamic Terrorists From Afghanistan Are in U.S. With Plans to Carry
Out October 7 Style Attacks in 2025. While the Biden administration focused its
attention on the alleged domestic terrorist threats of January 6 protesters, pro-life
Catholics, school board meeting parents, "MAGA extremists" and "white supremacists," real threats
to the homeland were allowed to enter the country and become operational, a former CIA intelligence
analyst is warning. According to Sarah Adams, a program analyst for the U.S. Air Force, and
former targeting officer for the CIA, Islamic terrorists plan to target the United States and
Europe in 2025 with October 7 style terrorist attacks, embassy attacks and suicide
attacks — facilitated by the Biden Regime's open border, and funded with U.S. taxpayer
dollars. Adams served as the senior advisor to the House Select Committee on Benghazi from
May 2014 to December 2016, and was co-author of the Benghazi Committee Report:
Proposed Report of the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Twilight of Twilight. I hope that the first lesson of the Bourbon Street massacre is
not lost on you: There is no end of opportunity now for Jihadis and other maniacs to attack
soft targets across the land. Americans are sitting ducks. And there is no shortage of
jihadis and maniacs at large in our land, thanks to "Joe Biden" and Alejandro Mayorkas. Do
you have any idea how much carnage can be created with what are called small arms, meaning, light
weapons, guns, rifles, grenades, and improvised explosives used tactically in public places by
enemies of our country? It looks like we are going to find out. And just regular motor
vehicles, too, as in New Orleans and Las Vegas. Among the millions of foreign vagabonds
ushered across the border illegally are perhaps tens of thousands fanatically avid for mayhem, many
of them surely organized into cadres trained to carry out atrocities, just hanging back with their
US government-issued debit cards, enjoying DoorDash deliveries in their government supplied hotel
rooms, waiting for the signal to activate themselves.
6 times
ISIS has inspired terror attacks on US soil. Investigators probing the deadly New
Year's Day terror attack in New Orleans say suspect Shamsud-Din Jabbar flew an ISIS flag on the
back of the pick-up truck he used to mow down dozens of innocent revelers — killing at
least 14 of them. Jabbar, a former Army veteran who served in Afghanistan, joined ISIS before
this summer and posted several videos on Facebook declaring support for the group before he carried
out the heinous attack, FBI Deputy Assistant Director Christopher Raja said on Thursday. "In
the first video, Jabbar explains he only planned to harm his family and friends but was concerned
the news headlines would not focus on the 'war between the believers and the disbelievers,'" Raja said.
Islamist problem. The New Orleans terrorist, Shamshud-din Jabbar, was a US Army
veteran from Houston, Texas. He worked in IT at Deloitte. Having initially suspected he
had accomplices, the police later said they believed he had acted alone. On Truth Social, US
President-elect Donald Trump repeated his previous claim that "the criminals coming in are far
worse than the criminals we have in our country". It's undeniable that there's a terrorism
threat from the collapse of US border controls. There have been several reported instances of
ISIS-affiliated terrorists crossing America's southern border. But Jabbar was born in
Texas. For years now, America has told itself that Islamic terrorism is a European problem,
in particular when it comes to home-grown Islamists. Now Americans have been brought up hard
against the evidence that this is their problem as well.
CIA Officer Warns There Are More Than 1,000 al-Qaeda Sleepers in the U.S. Planning Major Homeland
Attacks. A former CIA officer named Sarah Adams was interviewed on the Shawn Ryan
podcast just two weeks ago, and warned that there are more than a thousand al-Qaeda sleepers in the
United States right now who are planning major attacks on the homeland. She clearly
implicates Biden's open southern border as the entry point for these potential terrorists and
suggests that they have developed new tactics and bombs that can evade detection through
traditional means.
CIA Officer Warns: 1,000 Al-Qaeda Fighters In US For Next Homeland Attack. In a
recent discussion on the Shawn Ryan Show, former CIA targeting officer Sarah Adams warned of a
potentially devastating attack planned by Al-Qaeda terrorists on American soil. The interview
offers significant insights into what may be unfolding, as Al-Qaeda sleeper cells could be
activating in the wake of the New Orleans terrorist attack and a possible vehicle-borne improvised
explosive device (VBIED) in the rear of a rented Tesla Cybertruck that exploded outside Trump's
hotel in Las Vegas just hours later. Ryan asked Adams: "I just want to clarify. You are
100% certain that there are 1,000 plus Al-Qaeda-trained fighters within the US borders?"
Adams, currently a global threat advisor with extensive experience in Middle Eastern affairs,
responded: "Well, Al-Qaeda says they trained and deployed a thousand for this attack.
First off, I think there are more than a thousand Al-Qaeda members in the United States, but for
the Homeland Attack, that number is based on what Al-Qaeda is saying, so they could exaggerate it;
however, they did have about 1,400 in the Hamas Attack so the number is not off from what they did
in the first round of attacks." [Tweet with video clip]
Orleans terrorist Shamsud-Din Jabbar's brother blames 'radicalization' for attack that left 15
dead. The brother of the terrorist who launched the deadly car attack on Bourbon
Street in New Orleans says that "radicalization" is to blame for his kin's rampage. Abdur
Jabbar, 24, of Beaumont, Texas, told the New York Times that his brother Shamsud-Din
Jabbar — who killed at least 15 people in the New Year's Day attack —
converted to Islam at an early age. [Photos, not shown here.] The younger Jabbar told the
newspaper that what his brother "did does not represent Islam. This is more some type of
radicalization, not religion." [Advertisement] Abdur described his brother, who was
killed by police after mowing down innocent revelers, "a sweetheart really, a nice guy, a friend,
really smart, caring," according to the Times.
The Editor says...
This is some of the most intense gaslighting I've ever heard. His brother insists that Islam is
a Religion of Peace, which has been disproven thousands of times, and that his brother was
"a nice guy, a friend, really smart, caring," which was conclusively disproven at least once.
a High Risk of a Large Scale Terror Attack in the US in 2025. "Homeland Security" is
a misnomer; the head of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, openly admitted to a room full of border patrol
agents this year that over 85% of illegal immigrants apprehended at the southern border are
released into the country. Mayorkas originally claimed the release rate was 70% in an
interview with FOX News, only to raise that number to 85% when agents pressed him during the
private meeting. Reports indicate that at least 400,000 known criminals have crossed the
border illegally during Joe Biden's presidency, and 13,000 of those immigrants were convicted
murderers. What we don't know, however, is how many terror suspects and foreign agents have
also entered the US in the past four years. The DHS releases limited data. Migrants
that get a hit on the terror watch list are held and cataloged, of course, but with wide open
borders and the White House running interference there's no way to know how many slipped
through. The political left argues that "no terror attacks have happened on Biden's watch",
but these are the same people that originally denied the existence of Venezuelan gangs currently
taking over apartment complexes in multiple cities across the country.
in London: 'Every Zionist Needs to Leave Britain or Be Slaughtered'. What is
happening in Britain today could all too easily happen here, and that's why every American should
note the rising tide of antisemitism there, and particularly its frankly and unapologetically
menacing edge. GB News reported Wednesday that "leaflets with the writing 'every Zionist
needs to leave Britain or be slaughtered' were found spread around the streets of Hendon, a
predominantly Jewish neighbourhood in north London." The message itself was bad enough, but the
fact that it has gotten so little attention was a disquieting indication of how much antisemitism
has already become normalized amidst the left's relentless propaganda campaign to isolate and
demonize Israel after the Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023. If any other
group had been targeted with the threat to leave any country or face mass slaughter, the headlines
would have been international and insistent.
Gave Over $1B to 'Palestinians' Since Oct 7. Oct 7 marked the grim
anniversary of the worst massacre of Jews since Holocaust. The terrorist perpetrators of it
however could celebrate the over $1 billion in foreign aid from the U.S. 46 Americans
had been murdered on Oct 7 and another 12 taken hostage, but ahead of the Oct 7 anniversary,
USAID announced that it was sending another $336 million in taxpayer-funded 'aid' to the
terrorist occupied territories in Israel behind the killings of Americans. USAID boasted
that this "brings the total U.S. humanitarian assistance announced for the Palestinian
people to more than $1 billion since October 2023." The terrorists had murdered
over 1,000 people and gotten over $1 billion. In 2023, ahead of the Oct 7
attacks, a Freedom Center Investigates expose revealed that Israeli deaths shot up by 900% after
Biden dispensed $1 billion in aid to the terrorist areas. Oct 7 would likely never
have happened without that blood money.
Cotton Warns Over $1 Billion in Gaza Aid Went to Terrorists. Sen. Tom
Cotton (R-AK) wrote U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Samantha Power
Wednesday, accusing the administration of overseeing the "misuse" of over a billion dollars in aid
sent to Gaza that was likely seized by Hamas terrorists.
Arms Dealer Freed by Biden [is] Selling Weapons to Terrorists. Impeachable.
Biden decided to trade one of the world's most dangerous arms dealers for a woke WNBA player to
pander to what he thought was his base. There were plenty of warnings that this corrupt move
would endanger Americans. I warned that, "Biden undermined national security, freeing the
'Merchant of Death', an arms dealer with reported ties to Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, who had been
busted trying to sell surface-to-air missiles to Marxist narcoterrorists who tried to sell 30,000
AK-47s to kill Americans." Now you'll never guess what Viktor Bout, the Russian arms dealer
freed by Biden, is up to now.
news: Hamas digging tunnels under San Diego -IDF colonel. Does San Diego have a
'Hamas' problem? No, not the ignorant student protestors at universities being directed by
Hamas's proxies. No, not the terrorists rolling into the area from Joe Biden's and Kamala
Harris's open border. They may be seeing actual tunnels, dug by Hamas itself or its clients
the Mexican cartels, coming in through Mexico. The U.S. Border Patrol has discovered more
than 200 of them since 2003, according to the Department of Customs & Border Protection. The
most recent one found, that there's any news on, at least, was a 2022 Tijuana-to-San Diego tunnel,
complete with air conditioning, electricity and rail lines within, stretching a mile. They
are getting sophisticated. Investigative reporter Todd Bensman thought the report, taken from
an Israel Defense Forces colonel on reserve, made sense. [Tweet]
Tells Followers to 'Take Out' Israeli Professor at Columbia. An imam in upstate New
York reportedly told supporters to "take out" Columbia University assistant professor Shai Davidai,
who has led counter-demonstrators against pro-Palestinian protests, riots, and encampments. [...]
As Breitbart News reported earlier this year, Davidai was barred from campus, ostensibly for his
own safety, after administrators allowed a pro-Palestinian encampment to become entrenched.
The encampment ultimately ended with activists violently occupying a university building before
being removed by police — though many charges were later dropped.
terror leader calls for suicide attacks on Israel. One of the overseas chiefs of the
Hamas terror organization of Gaza, which last October 7 slaughtered some 1,200 Israelis in an
open act of war against the Middle East democracy, now wants suicide attacks on Israel.
Confirmation comes in a report in Israel365News, which reported Hamas "leader abroad" Khaled
Mashaal said, "We want to return to martyrdom operations." It was during an address in
Istanbul, Turkey, that Mashaal said, "Resistance operations in the West Bank are escalating despite
the harsh conditions. ... This is a situation that can only be addressed by open conflict.
They are fighting us with open conflict, and we are confronting them with open conflict.'
Roughly 100 illegal immigrants on FBI's terror watch list 'allowed to settle' in U.S. between 2021
and 2023. On Monday, House Republicans of the House Judiciary Committee revealed
approximately 100 illegal immigrants on the FBI's terror watch list not only entered the United
States, but were allowed to settle here. Significantly more, over 250 illegals on the terror
watch list, were actually encountered at the southern border alone between 2021 and 2023;
34 people on the list are still int he Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) custody, but
have not been deported thus far, according to the report.
did it, Joe! Homeland Security says seven to nine million visa recipients were never properly
vetted. Let's take a break from the "stock market crashing" and "World War III" news
for a second and remind ourselves that the government's immigration policy is just as terrible as
everything else they do! Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) just dropped a bombshell, unearthing a
report from the Office of Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
that, well, isn't great. According to this report, which was released in late June, somewhere
between 7 and 9 million visa holders in the United States have skipped out on proper vetting
procedures since 2020.
report reveals Biden-Harris admin has released dozens of migrants on terror watchlist into
US. Nearly 100 illegal immigrants on the terror watch list have been released into
the United States during the Biden administration, while Border Patrol agents have encountered
migrants on the watch list from dozens of different countries, a new House report is revealing.
"Under the Biden-Harris Administration, of the more than 250 illegal aliens on the terrorist
watchlist who were encountered by Border Patrol at the southwest border between fiscal years 2021
and 2023, DHS has released into American communities at least 99, with at least 34 others in
DHS custody but not yet removed from the United States," the report by Republicans on the House
Judiciary Committee, a copy of which was first obtained by Fox News Digital, says. The staff
interim report also found that immigration judges granted bond to at least 27 migrants on the
watchlist who entered illegally, and that Border Patrol has encountered tens of thousands of
migrants from countries that could present national security risks — including 2,134
Afghan nationals, 33,347 Chinese nationals, 541 Iranian nationals, 520 Syrian nationals, and 3,104
Uzbek nationals.
House Gets Decimated Over Disgusting Comment on 9/11 Deal. We reported on the plea
deal that was announced by the Biden Defense Department with some of the terrorists allegedly
involved in the horrific attack on 9/11. The prosecution reached a plea agreement with Khalid
Sheikh Mohammed, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin 'Attash, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi.
But the Pentagon did not release any details of the deal, showing that typical Biden team
"transparency." As we noted, a "person familiar with the deal" said it involved a life sentence
rather than the death penalty in exchange for guilty pleas. Family members of the 9/11
victims also confirmed they were told this by the Office of Military Commissions. [...] But guess
what the White House did? They released a statement saying they had "no role" in the process.
Jordanian migrants who 'tried to breach' Quantico base allowed to walk free after posting
bail. The two illegal Jordanian migrants who are charged with trying to breach Marine
Corps Base Quantico in May posted thousands of dollars in bail and were allowed to leave federal
custody, The [New York] Post can exclusively reveal. Hasan Yousef Hamdan, 32, and Mohammad
Khair Dabous, 28, were released from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention despite
their immigration status — Hamdan had crossed into the country illegally in April and
Dabous had overstayed his student visa and is subject to removal proceedings, law enforcement
sources told The Post. They were arrested on May 3 for trespassing onto the military
installation and handed over to ICE officers because of their immigration statuses.
'austere religious scholar' makes headlines as he raises money for land along the US border for a
Sharia domain. While journalists at The Washington Post might call Sheikh Yasser
al-Habib an "austere religious scholar" (the descriptor so affectionately used to eulogize Abu Bakr
al-Baghdadi after he detonated himself and his own children a tunnel to evade capture by U.S.
forces), others night label the Muslim cleric a terrorist, or even just a devout Islamist, while a
report at the Daily Mail describes al-Habib as a "vile Muslim extremist"; after the massacres in
the kibbutzim on October 7th, al-Habib reportedly said he and his followers were "buoyed" by
the slaughter, and rhetorically asked, "Who among us does not enjoy retaliation of the Zionist
enemy?" Anyway, al-Habib has a substantial following, complete with his own "army" of
jihadis, and he's apparently eyeing small islands across the West — some even along the
U.S. border — for purchase, in order to establish Sharia law domains, and he's just
about succeeded in buying a small uninhabited Scottish island called Torsa. As you can
expect, the Western governments are radio silent on al-Habib's ambitions. [Tweet]
attacks in America: just a matter of time? Back in January of 2024 I wrote Terrorist
attacks in America: for what are they waiting? It was an article about the thousands, perhaps
hundreds of thousands, of terrorists Biden's handler's open border policies have invited into the
country. It's a topic I've addressed several times since as FBI Director Christopher Wray
keeps warning the terrorist threat level is higher than ever. He has even sort of suggested
open borders might have something to do with that. Constant probes of our military installations
by foreign nationals illegally in the country are sort of concerning, as are Chinese operatives
buying up farm and ranch land next door to some of our most sensitive military installations.
Are Blaring and Red Warning Lights Are Blinking at the CIA. Every once in a while,
history gives us a second chance. The multitude of errors and missed signals that led up to
the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon taught us valuable
lessons about the nature of the world we live in and how truly vulnerable we are in the United
States to bad actors looking for blood. [Advertisement] One of the most valuable lessons we
learned from that terrible day is that complacency is a deadly disease that can result in tragedy
too painful to bear. We had many warnings about Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda and their
maniacal desire to attack the U.S. [...] Today, the motivation of those ignoring the current
terrorist warnings is that they're terrified to single out Muslims as terrorist suspects. The
political cost to Joe Biden in states like Michigan, if he were to highlight the very real threat
of Muslim extremists entering the United States through our porous Southern border, outweighs any
possible threat to the safety of American citizens. So the Biden administration has remained quiet.
are NYPD uniforms, cruiser decals, and radios going missing in droves? This could be
something, or it could be nothing, but according to Tony Seruga, a data scientist and intelligence
community whistleblower, New York Police Department uniforms, cruiser decals, and radios are going
missing — in droves. See the X post below for the details: [Tweet] That's
a lot of equipment, enough to supply a fleet of fake officers — as a devil's advocate
pointed out, decals are easy to make, so why steal them? Well, making decals leaves a digital
footprint, but swiping them is untraceable.
case of the missing NYPD gear is apparently not unique. [Scroll down] Did
anyone catch that the 911 system was offline for "several hours" on Tuesday across the entire state
of Massachusetts? Officials have since blamed faulty software, but if it were a nefarious
cyberattack or hack job, would they even tell us? I seriously doubt it. Could
terrorists dress like cops and go door-to-door &$224; la October 7th while 911 services
are down? Doesn't seem that inconceivable to me. Does anyone else still think about the
missing ammonium nitrate? Sixty-thousand pounds of an explosive compound that somehow just
vanished while in transit last year? Don't worry though because CBS News said not to, just as
long as the chemical's disappearance was caused by a leak — and if it wasn't something
innocuous but malicious instead?
Does the Terrorist Incident Occur, Before or After the November Election? So for
those of you contemplating right now how Democrats could steal the 2024 election, what would happen
if the majority of the country lost power, and how much of a wrench would that throw into election
day in the fall of 2024? See why I'm thinking about probably before rather than after the
election? And let me be frank here: Even if it happened after a Trump win, the majority
of the country getting the switch thrown to the power going out by the Chinese or the Russians
would not be a good way to start off next year. This dilemma falls 100 percent on the
Biden administration and their disastrous policy of eliminating the Trump executive orders, which
kept the border in much better shape than it is now. This is a problem created by the
Democrats who were afraid to speak up when the Biden administration changed the rules that were
working under Trump. The country is definitely going to suffer for this dereliction of
responsibility, and we, the American people, are going to pay for it.
Is A Newly Arrived Muslim In The UK. Muhammad just arrived in the UK. Free home,
food, clothes, allowance, transportation... all free for Muhammad. Ironically, British
taxpayers, the people targeted by the many Muhammeds, must pay for him to practice his stabbing and
slashing techniques. [Video clip]
terrorist dry run. Attacks on military installations such as the Ft. Hood attack
on November 5, 2009[,] where a Muslim Army psychiatrist — there's
irony — killed 13, and the Washington Navy Yard attack of Sept. 16, 2013, where 12
were killed and more were injured have drawn attention to the vulnerability of our service
members. We're currently seeing multiple attempts every week. During Donald Trump's
presidency there was some talk of significantly expanding the numbers of armed service members, but
little or nothing came of it. Even then, the Obama fundamental transformation of our military
from war fighters to social justice warriors had done enormous damage, and the possibility of
protecting our service members under the Biden Administration is nonexistent. Security at US
installations, many of which are huge, is lacking.
terror. On May 18, I posted "Terror Alert!" It's the story of our
anti-American State Department, finally issuing a warning to the effect that traveling overseas
while American isn't exactly safe. [...] Since then, we know thousands, even tens of thousands, of
probable terrorists from around the globe have swarmed over our borders. The MMPA has been
willing to admit some are on Terror Watch Lists, but far more than they've caught are "got aways,"
people they saw running into America, but didn't contact. Far more were never seen as they
infiltrated. We also know thousands of military aged Chinese males, almost surely members of
the Chinese military, have also been admitted. They're stopped, briefly questioned, whatever
information they provide is accepted, and they're turned loose into America. Many are flown
or bussed, at our expense, wherever they prefer to go. The MMPA is not telling us what
happened to those on the Terrorist Watch Lists. Were they jailed? Deported? Flown
wherever they wanted? We don't have a need to know. The MMPA has also admitted more than 100
instances of Chinese spies trying to breach our CONUS (Continental United States) military installations.
Great Biden Betrayal. Sadly, intelligence from some of our three-letter agencies
admit that terrorist attacks on United States soil are imminent. What do they know that we
don't? Think about it. They know terrorists are on our soil, but they're not saying how
they got here. Duh ... Ask any third grader which border they likely came over from and
they'll likely tell you from our southern border. [...] President Joe Biden, as the head of the
government and the one ultimately responsible for our nation's security, must acknowledge these
failures and accept the consequences. In any other context, such egregious lapses would
demand resignation or removal from office. Why should the presidency be any different?
ISIS calls
for Ramadan massacre of Christians and Jews by 'lone wolves'. ISIS called for "lone
wolves" to murder Christians and Jews around the world as part of the holiday of Ramadan, British
news outlet Mirror reported on Friday. Islamic State spokesperson Abu Hudhayfah al-Ansari
praised the terror attack on Crocus Concert Hall near Moscow, where 140 were murdered, the British
news media outlet reported. Al-Ansari proceeded to reach out to "lone wolves" on Telegram,
urging them to "target Christians and Jewish people, especially in the US, Europe, and Israel
during the holy month of Ramadan."
You Ready for a Major Jihad Attack in the U.S.? Because It's Coming. What's coming is
as plain as day. Our nation can hardly be said to have a southern border at all
anymore. Even if the border were magically to reappear tomorrow, millions of people are
already in the country without anyone knowing who or what they are. One hundred sixty-nine
people on the FBI's terror watch list were caught at the border in 2023; nobody knows how many
people on that watch list got across the nonexistent border without being caught. Four
jihadis just murdered at least 137 people in Moscow. They held the same beliefs as the
Hamas jihadis who murdered 1,200 people in Israel on Oct. 7. How many people are in this
country right now who aspire to be the next jihad warrior? How many people are planning to
become the next "martyr" and lay hold of the Qur'an's promise of a place in paradise for those who
"kill and are killed" for Allah? No one knows, and even asking such questions is not
allowed. Just last week, all of America's many intelligence agencies received instructions to
avoid using terms such as "jihadist" so as to avoid committing the cardinal sin of "Islamophobia."
report reveals American cash is getting into terrorists hands through $2.9 billion UN
plan. American taxpayers' money is ending up in the hands of the Taliban, according
to a U.S. government watchdog, which found that bundles of cash flown into Afghanistan by the
United Nations are finding their way to the country's central bank. The latest report by the
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction found that the U.N. has delivered more
than $2.9 billion in cash since the extremist group took over in 2021. The money, most
of which comes from the U.S., is deposited in private banks for humanitarian organizations and
their lifesaving work.
Immigrant Can Carry Guns: Federal Judge. An illegal immigrant was wrongly
banned from possessing guns, according to a recent ruling. A federal law, Section 922 of
Title 18 of the U.S. Code, bars illegal immigrants from carrying guns or ammunition.
Prosecutors charged Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, the illegal alien, in 2020 after he was found in
Chicago carrying a semi-automatic pistol despite "knowing he was an alien illegally and unlawfully
in the United States." U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman rejected two motions to
dismiss, but the third motion, based on a 2022 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, triggered the dismissal
of the case on March 8.
migrant from Lebanon caught at border admitted he's a Hezbollah terrorist. A Lebanese
migrant who was caught sneaking over the border admitted he's a member of Hezbollah, he hoped to
make a bomb, and his destination was New York, The [New York] Post can reveal. Basel Bassel
Ebbadi, 22, was caught by border patrol on March 9 near El Paso, Texas. While in custody
he asked what he was doing in the US, to which he replied: "I'm going to try to make a bomb,"
according to a Border Patrol document exclusively obtained by The [New York] Post. But Ebbadi
later claimed in an interview that he had been trying to flee Lebanon and Hamas because he "didn't want
to kill people" and said "once you're in in, [sic] you can never get out," according to internal
ICE documents.
Covert U.S. Training Ground for Muslim Children. In a Sharia-adherent event that has
attracted considerable attention, the Islamic Al-Mustapha Girl Scouts recently held their annual
Takleef Celebration at Great Revelations Academy, a private Islamic school in Dearborn,
Michigan. This controversial school has connections to staunch supporters of Hezbollah and
the Iranian regime. The ceremony, deeply rooted in Shiite Islamic tradition, marks the coming
of age for young Muslim girls, imposing upon them the rigorous observance of Sharia law, including
the controversial practice of wearing the hijab. The troubling implications of such Islamic
ceremonies reinforce a doctrine of female subjugation and raise profound concerns about the
integration of Muslim communities into Western societies. The Takleef Celebration Event is a
pivotal moment in the lives of young Shiite Muslim girls. It signifies their obligation to
start observing Islamic practices, such as fasting, praying, and dressing modestly (often, girls
are given their first chador, a full-length body covering) from as young as nine years old.
Syrians in Tactical Gear Cross Southern Border, Stop to Talk with Interviewer. Video
footage recorded at America's southern border purportedly shows a group of Syrian men illegally
entering the United States while decked out in tactical gear commonly used by military and law
enforcement personnel, as well as government contractors. "Where are you from?" a man with a
camera asked the group of fighting-aged males illegally entering the United States at the southern
border. All three of those whose answers appeared on camera identified themselves as Syrians,
but only one of them would speak to the interviewer at any length, and he used fairly clear English
to do so. [...] But while the video recording of Syrians crossing the southern border and talking
about their supposed reasons for entering America is bad enough, it becomes all the more
interesting when it's realized that the Syrians are wearing 5.11 tactical gear, a higher-end
American brand commonly used by military and law enforcement personnel, as well as private military
and government contractors. The 5.11 gear's southern border cameo begs the question:
Are illegal invaders from the Middle East crossing America's southern border in tactical gear that
they were provided back home, by the United States or one of its allies, during one of the many
military incursions into Syria in recent years, which continue to this day? Or, was the gear
stolen from an American military installation?
Incompetent Elite Is Opening Up America to Attack. The entire southern border is wide
open — it would be a joke if it weren't going to lead to so many deaths. We're
seeing tens of thousands of military-aged males walking into the United States. Some of them
are infiltrators. It will not take much to organize a force that launches simultaneous
attacks over the width and breadth of this country. Think 10/7 on steroids. We are not
prepared for such a mass attack. Our law enforcement can barely contain a single freak with a
gun. Do you remember those idiots in Boston who blew up the marathon with a pressure cooker
bomb? There were two of them with a couple of handguns, and they completely locked down a
major metropolis for a couple of days. Two untrained idiots with a pair of pistols shut down
the whole city of Boston. So what happens if you have 10,000 suicidal jihadists with
smuggled-in automatic weapons simply waiting for an order? Those of you who have been in the
military understand command and control, but what happens if you don't need it? What happens
if you just position these people, arm them, and have them wait until a set time to go to a
specific place and start murdering Americans?
Michigan Imam Who Inspired The London Bridge Terror Attack Now Calls For Attacks On
America. An extremist Michigan cleric whose hate-filled sermons were said to have
inspired the London Bridge terrorist attack has called on American Muslims to wage Jihad against
the "infidel West" — and blamed the US led by "senile Pharaoh" Biden for what he called
a "genocide in Palestine." Ahmad Musa Jibril, 51, a radical Islamist preacher who was born in
Dearborn, is seen in videos posted on social media arguing that Muslims in the US should turn away
from what he described as a watered-down "American-Zionist Islam" that ignores the idea of Jihad.
"Yes, there is holy war in Islam, it is Jihad," Jibril lectured in one clip posted on X by an
account associated with the fanatical imam. [Video clip]
Calls for Violence Against Americans, and So Does This Michigan Imam. Could the war
in Israel spread to the United States? Sure. Some people want it to. Hamas has
never made a secret of the fact that its goal of destroying Israel is just part of a larger jihad
to conquer the entire world for Islam. And so it was inevitable, both in light of that
aspiration and the Biden regime's shaky but still subsisting support for Israel's defensive effort,
that Hamas jihadis would call for violence against Americans. What is more surprising, at
least for those who have bought into the comforting establishment fictions that have been
circulating since 9/11, is that one such call came from right here at home.
Mobs Run Wild in New York City. Mobs of people waving Palestinian flags and holding
signs ran wild in New York City this weekend. Police unsuccessfully tried to contain the
crowds at certain points, but the mob was allowed to advance, for the most part. This type of
activity is only increasing, and the temperature keeps rising. The city needs to take
control. [Numerous tweets with video clips.]
National Security? Somewhere around 200,000 Chinese nationals have come through the
border. There are no Chinese nationals who come to America unless they are associated with or
employed by the CCP or the PLA. That's a pretty safe bet, if you know how the CCP works. If
you tune into Monkeywerx on occasion, you'll be informed of how many surveys are taking place in
the U.S. It's constant. Sometimes they're sniffing for biological or radioactive
sources. Sometimes they're just mapping the area. Why? There's no need for that
level of detail, except to surveil the people or identify targets. Could it be that the
millions of containers that are being offloaded at ports around the nation and shipped across the
country might be suspected of holding some sort of weapons systems or biological or nuclear
materials to be unleashed on command by these troops that have entered the unsecure border?
It doesn't matter if it's true, the fact that the federal government is making it exceedingly
likely is the violation of national security. Any government that is less interested in where
foreign nationals are and what they're doing than the average, church-going, tax-paying citizen is
playing for the other team, the enemy team. They are doing everything they can
to criminalize patriotism. That is not an act of a government concerned with national
security, it's a government actively engaged in destroying national security.
future of the Democratic Party is sympathetic to terrorists. The country is headed in
a very bad direction because the future of the Democratic Party is far more sympathetic to
terrorists than the current iteration. Most of the polling on Israel and Hamas offers reasons
to be optimistic about the state of the country. Even with the partisan divisions that wreak
havoc on other topics, most of the country is uniformly on the side of Israel after it has once
again been attacked by antisemitic terrorists. But young Democrats are not, with 69% of those
under the age of 35 disapproving of President Joe Biden supporting Israel's right to defend itself
in the face of Hamas's murderous Oct. 7 attack.
is spreading literal terrorist propaganda. In June 2020, 25 million people took to
the streets in solidarity with BLM. It was coined the "Largest Movement in U.S. History."
Then, starting on October 7, foot soldiers hit the pavement again, protesting on behalf of
"Palestine" and Hamas terrorists. on October 28, 7,000 pro-Palestinian supporters took hostage
the Brooklyn Bridge, demanding the elimination of Jewish state "By any means." On November 4,
300,000 people swarmed the Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. in support of "Palestine" and against
America. Postsecondary institutions are also humming with Hamas sympathizers. Protest
after protest consists of mainly students with a splattering of faculty. They're armed with
keffiyehs, talking points for the media, and props, such as posters, swastikas, and "Palestinian"
flags. These are held on and off campuses. [...] Whether it's the Democrat / Globalist driven
BLM mobs or the pro-"Palestine'" ones, the level of organization, down to the detail, is
sophisticated and unmatched. There are invite blasts on myriad social media platforms, such
as TikTok, Instagram, X, and Facebook. [...] The masterminds behind the rent-a-crowds for BLM have
improved their tradecraft for making terrorism aspirational to kids. How? TikTok.
Attacks on American Soil Are Imminent. As the [critical] evidence grows for
impeachment of Biden, a devastating attack on the U.S. could be the very thing that would keep the
insanely power-hungry Democrats in charge. I wouldn't put it past them to allow such a horror
in their own country. Remember, those aligned against America are totally fine with the
deaths caused by creating and spreading genetically-engineered diseases, and forcing ordinary
Americans (and our military personnel) to take a "vaccine" that kills. They have disregarded
our Constitution and laws by weaponizing our judicial system against peaceful protesters on
January 6th and Trump's efforts to run for election in 2024. We must loudly demand that
our elected officials direct our intelligence and law enforcement to seal the border, track down
and detain military-aged infiltrators, and put all important installations and infrastructure on
high-alert immediately. Anything short of this will be seen as a gross dereliction of duty
should something horrible occur.
America First: It's Time to Suspend Foreign Military Student Training in the
US. On December 6, 2019, a Saudi aviation student, Second Lieutenant Mohammed
Alshamrani, opened fire at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida, killing three U.S. Navy
personnel and injuring several others. The incident exposed the dangers of allowing foreign
military students to train on American soil, as Alshamrani had shown clear signs of radicalization
before the attack. President Trump wisely removed all Saudi Arabian foreign military students
from the United States and put a suspension on future training until new guidelines were
implemented. [...] Many of the foreign students currently hosted on U.S. bases are coming from
foreign governments that have espoused Hamas propaganda. The risk of radicalization is just
too high. Allowing military students from countries with complex and shifting allegiances to
train in the United States can inadvertently expose national security vulnerabilities, especially
now. While not all international students are susceptible to radicalization, we must
nevertheless be on guard and put America First. Social media content, foreign government
public statements, and personal beliefs regarding the multiple wars we are witnessing adds an
unnecessary risk that Americans should not take.
Might Release Another $10B to Iran Tomorrrow. Iran is behind the Hamas, Hezbollah,
Syria, and Yemeni attacks, and they are behind the attacks on US military bases, injuring our
soldiers. Despite that, the Biden regime is allegedly considering releasing another $10 billion
to Iran. They use the funds for terror. This is madness. Richard Goldberg is a
senior advisor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He said the decision is
imminent. Goldberg wrote: "Why should Iran have any access to more than $10 billion after
sponsoring one of the worst terrorist attacks against American citizens and the worst massacre of
Jews since the Holocaust?"
The Editor says...
The simplest explanation is that Barack H. Obama hates America,
Barack H. Obama is a Muslim, and Barack H. Obama is the
de facto president who tells Joe Biden what to do.
to the United States now at a Whole New Level. It's noteworthy that Venezuela pumps
in more migrants to the U.S. than any other country. Most of these migrants come to the U.S.
to escape poverty and find more opportunity, but another small portion have different
motivations. Hezb'allah, a Shiite terrorist group controlled and funded by Iran, became
well-entrenched in Venezuela during the radical socialist regime of Hugo Chavez. Hezb'allah
influence in Venezuela has continued to grow under the successor Maduro regime, with the hewing of
a vast infrastructure within Venezuela for its criminal activities, including drug trafficking,
money laundering, and illicit smuggling.
Your Head on a Swivel. During Biden's time in office, border patrol officers have
"encountered" nearly seven million immigrants, while over two million "known gotaways" evaded
initial detection. Tens of thousands of Middle Easterners have successfully entered the
country illegally. In 2023 alone, nearly one thousand people on the FBI's terrorist watchlist
have been apprehended, but nobody knows the true scope of terrorist "gotaways." The cold,
hard truth is this: through its open border policies and refugee resettlement programs, the
federal government is actively aiding and abetting the next terrorist attack on the United
States. The FBI has proved time and again that it has no interest in preventing Islamic
terrorism inside America's borders. While it directs its funding resources and agents' time
toward targeting Trump supporters for their political beliefs, it has repeatedly failed to act on
intelligence that would have prevented every Islamic terror attack since 9/11. Neither the FBI
nor the larger Intelligence Community is motivated by the prospect of saving American lives.
Forces Veteran Tells Joe Rogan Terror Attacks Are Coming to U.S. Because of Open Border.
Tim Kennedy is a Special Forces veteran who now works in television and other media. During a
recent appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast, Kennedy warned that terror attacks are coming to the
United States due to Joe Biden's open border. Millions of Americans see the danger that Biden
has put the country in, but he does not seem to care, even after the horrors we just witnessed in
Israel. As Kennedy explains, it's just a matter of numbers and time.
Enforcement Intel Report Warns of Terrorism Coming to the US, Biden Admin Does Nothing to Prevent
It. In a recent warning to American law enforcement, the San Diego Field Office of
the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Department's Intelligence Division has issued a chilling but
not surprising advisement for law enforcement agencies along the southern border to expect
terrorist groups like Hamas to enter the United States through the open southern border. In
the advisory, which is marked "Law Enforcement Sensitive," the agency says that people in the U.S.
who are sympathetic to Hamas and are attempting to join the group in the area of the war may
attempt to leave through the southern border. In addition to this, they further warn that
foreign fighters associated or sympathetic with Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad
will most likely attempt to conceal their travel or transit to the United States by coming through
the open southern borders.
White House Will Not Revoke Visas of Pro-Hamas Foreign Students. President Joe
Biden's White House has no plans to revoke the visas of those foreign students engaging in
demonstrations across United States college campuses in defense of the Islamic terrorist
organization Hamas and its attacks on Israel. After a number of Republicans urged Biden's
State Department to revoke the visas of pro-Hamas foreign students who hold F-1 visas, National
Security Council (NSC) spokesman John Kirby said the administration will not do so.
Close the Border.
[Scroll down] When these terror attacks come to us, we need to reject all of their
excuses and alibis and focus our anger and disgust on those congressmen and senators who have done
nothing to stop it; nothing to track those terrorists; nothing to reprimand and hold the FBI
accountable for their dereliction of duty that allowed these terrorist attacks. It could not
be done without the active or passive cooperation of the hostile forces in Washington DC. It could
not have happened unless they where totally, single-mindedly focused on getting rid of Trump and
anyone who might align with his political objectives of peace and national security, instead of
their legitimate duties of defending the people of this nation.
Leader and Founding Member Khaled Mashal Calls for Global Muslim Uprising. Khaled
Mashal, the former leader and founding member of Hamas, has called for a global Muslim uprising in
support of Palestine. During a recent address on Youtube, Mashal emphasized the need for
Muslims to sacrifice and carry Jihad, including the willingness to offer their blood and souls to
advance the Palestinian cause. Mashal has proclaimed the coming Friday the 13th as "the
Friday of Al-Aqsa flood," urging Muslims worldwide to display their anger not just in Muslim
countries but also in diaspora communities around the world.
sued for sending half a billion in Palestinian aid that could fund acts of terrorism. The Biden
administration has shipped more than a half billion U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority without verifying
that the organization isn't funding terrorism, according to a federal lawsuit. The plaintiffs include victims of
terrorism and Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, and is being led by America First Legal (AFL), a government watchdog
group. "Joe Biden is breaking the law by allowing our tax dollars to fund terrorism in Israel, and he must be
stopped," said Jackson, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "I have deep respect for my fellow
plaintiffs who have been tragically and directly impacted by Pay to Slay, and I am proud to be on the same team as we
hold this failed administration accountable."
Isn't Homeland Security Monitoring A Muslim-Only Immigrant Shelter At The US Border? In October, U.S.
Border Patrol caught another nine border-crossing immigrants who were on the FBI's terrorism watch list, adding to the
already record-breaking 98 during the just-ended fiscal 2022 and 14 during the prior fiscal year. Those 121
suspected terrorist border crossings should strike President Joe Biden's homeland security establishment and the general
public as a "system blinking red" moment, to requote the infamous 9/11 Commission Report line about failures to act on
threat information. But my recent fact-finding trip to Mexico's first and only shelter that expressly caters to
U.S.-bound Muslim immigrants indicated Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sees no blinking red lights amid
this current mass-migration border crisis. In June 2022, the San Diego-based Latina Muslim Foundation noticed
significant enough numbers of U.S.-bound travelers from the Islamic world to justify opening the Albergue
Assabil/Mesquijta Taybah shelter in a two-story, 8,000-square-foot former nightclub in Tijuana just two blocks from the
border wall, which all who stay there intend to bypass one way or another.
It's probably part of the plan: Air
Marshals Warn: Deployment to Border Leaves Skies Vulnerable. Executive director of the Air Marshal
National Council Sonia Labosco is sounding the alarm: the Biden administration is making air travel less safe and
potentially allowing another disaster like 9/11 by taking air marshals off planes and deploying them to the southern
border. She appeared on Fox and Friends Monday [11/28/2022] and said that force levels have been
dangerously diminished: [...] During normal operations, marshals are on board more than 5 percent of all flights,
she added.
4 years, 343 terror convicts have been released in France. What happens to men and women convicted of acts
related to Islamist terrorism in France? As FranceInfo reported on November 14, they are released after their
sentence and placed under judicial and intelligence surveillance. In total in 4 years, 343 have been released
from prison, including 72 in 2022. The Ministry of Justice indicated that 406 "TIS" prisoners (Islamic Terrorists)
are still behind bars on French territory. Some of these detainees were convicted of having left to wage jihad in
Syria and found guilty of "criminal association of a terrorist nature". After having served a few years in prison,
they are in 80 percent of cases subject to an Individual Administrative Control and Surveillance Measure
(MICAS). In concrete terms, this measure obliges released individuals, for example, to report to the police twice
a day for several months.
Importing racism, sexism, and terrorism. The U.S. Muslim population has grown by 3000% since 1965. The
Administration decides which refugees come to America. Since 2010, including paroled Afghan refugees, upwards of
50% of refugees have come from Muslim-majority nations. Some have arrived through America's Diversity Visa
lottery. In FY 2023, Muslims will make up more than half the winners. Many refugees and "temporary" aliens
come from countries like Iran, Afghanistan, and Venezuela that don't keep or share records of their citizens with the
United States, and U.S. data on foreigners is limited. After the 2022 Afghan refugee airlift, it was discovered
that 31 had red flags. Homeland Security located three. Another 50 "indicated potentially significant
security concerns" because their fingerprints had been found on improvised explosive devices. In August 2022,
Muslims and non-Muslim Americans were busy accusing White people of a murderous hate crime against four Muslim
men. It turns out the perpetrator was a wife-beating, serial-killer Afghan refugee. Many Muslims are
anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, and anti-LGBTQ+. The Muslim population's increases have paralleled an increase in
anti-Semitic hate crimes, and this rises when conflicts flare up between Israel and the Palestinians. White
Muslims have a long history of bias against Blacks that ties to the Arab slave trade that ended in 1962.
money request signals ongoing problems in vetting Afghan evacuees. Tucked inside Democrats' new spending
bill is $15.3 million in emergency money for the FBI to investigate Afghan evacuees brought to the U.S. during last
year's chaotic airlift. Congress is pumping the money into the FBI just a month after Director Christopher A. Wray
told lawmakers that the bureau was having to conduct "lots of interviews" to keep track of the Afghans and obliquely
warned of "a number of disruptions" of activities. Lawmakers said the money is the latest evidence of a hasty
evacuation that jeopardizes American safety.
general says DHS allowed unvetted, dangerous Afghans to reach the U.S.. The Homeland Security Department
failed to fully vet some of the Afghan evacuees it brought into the U.S. during last year's airlift, the department's
inspector general said in a devastating audit, which warned that some people who "posed a risk to national security"
were indeed let into the country. One evacuee, just liberated from prison by the Taliban, was cleared to reach the
U.S. Another reached the U.S. and was released, only to have the FBI conclude three months later that the evacuee "posed
national security concerns." The evacuation was constructed so hastily that the department wrote procedures on the
fly, with screening decisions made "on an ad hoc basis," said the audit, released Tuesday [9/6/2022].
can't say what happened to Afghan evacuees in U.S. who were security risks, not fully
vetted. The Biden administration is still allowing Afghans to reach the U.S. without
checking them through a key Defense Department database that could help weed out national security
risks, according to senators. Wednesday marks a year since the end of the final U.S.
withdrawal from Afghanistan, yet lawmakers say they still haven't received a full accounting of
what happened in the chaos — including who, exactly, made it out of the country.
Those who are tracking the matter say there are plenty of worrying signs.
6 Haitian
men go missing after arriving in Orlando for Special Olympics. Six men from Haiti, who were scheduled to attend
the Special Olympic USA Games in Orlando, are missing. They were competing in the soccer competition. The group
was last seen Monday afternoon, which was when the games began. Now, law enforcement is trying to figure out where they
went. "How you fly into a country and just disappear, and no one knows anything? I mean that's disturbing," said
Hope Watson, a mother of a Special Olympics athlete.
Biden Still Not Using Defense Department Database to Vet Afghans with Potential Terrorism Ties. President Joe
Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing to not screen Afghan arrivals to the United States for potential
terrorism ties through the Department of Defense's "tactical database," according to Republican senators. Following the
U.S. Armed Forces' withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, Biden opened a refugee and parole pipeline for tens of
thousands of Afghans to quickly be flown into American communities without being screened or interviewed in person beforehand.
Terrorists Who Crossed Border Into United States May Have Been Released: Mayorkas. Some of the 42 illegal
immigrants who were arrested by U.S. border agents and identified as suspected terrorists may have been released into the
United States, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandryo Mayorkas said on May 4. "Some may be placed in removal
proceedings. Some may be placed in criminal custody. Some may be cooperating with law enforcement. Some may
be downgraded from the terrorist rating," Mayorkas told the Senate Homeland & Governmental Affairs Committee in
Washington. Mayorkas said officials in his agency know the "precise disposition" of each of the 42 suspected terrorists
but declined to share that information in a public setting.
Desperate Quest for A-Bombs. The behavior of Iran's religious government is incomprehensible to many. For
example, why isn't the Iranian regime trying to reach a nuclear deal? And why doesn't it seize the moment and step up
sales of Iranian oil and gas when energy-hungry Europe is seeking to replace Russian oil and gas due to the latter's invasion
of Ukraine? In the background, the nation is in upheaval as its population explodes with extreme poverty and
unemployment, and its loss of capital and the "brain drain" of educated Iranians continues unabated. The mullahs'
regime has allocated billions of dollars to fund its war agenda in the Middle East while the majority of Iranians live in
poverty. As regime officials have admitted, if the regime fails to wage wars outside Iran, it will have to fight for
its survival inside the country.
Police uniforms stolen ahead of marathon; FBI, Massachusetts cops offering $5K reward for suspects. The FBI has
joined Massachusetts law enforcement agencies in investigating the theft of Boston Police Department uniforms, which were
stolen from a Weymouth business, just weeks before the city's annual marathon is set to kick off. Friday [4/15/2022]
marked nine years since the Boston Marathon Bombing of 2013, when three people were killed and more than 260 were hurt.
Ahead of Monday's 126th Boston Marathon, Boston Police Superintendent-In-Chief Greg Long is urging attendees not to hesitate
to report someone acting suspicious, even if they are dressed in a uniform. The Weymouth Police Department announced
earlier this week that it was working with the FBI in investigating the theft of several Boston Police Department uniforms
that were stolen from a local uniform supply store.
Police Chief Wants 'Unity' with Convicted Member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad. A number of city officials from
Tampa, Florida were in attendance at the 23rd Annual Islamic Charity Festival, held in March, to show their support for the
festival's organizer, the Tampa Bay Muslim Alliance (TBMA), and those involved in the event. Representing one of the
festival's sponsors, the Islamic Community of Tampa (ICT), was Hatem Fariz, a convicted member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad
(PIJ). While Fariz' participation should be seen as a 'red line' not to be crossed by those in government looking to
connect with Muslims, other festival participants have backgrounds that are nearly as radical, and TBMA, itself, has ties to PIJ
beyond Fariz.
Iran Nuclear Deal Could Allow Iranian Terrorists Into US. The Biden administration's new nuclear accord with
Iran is likely to include a loophole that will "allow Iranian nationals linked to terrorism to enter and stay in the United
States," according to a new Republican-authored policy analysis circulating on Capitol Hill and reviewed by the Washington
Free Beacon. With negotiations over a revamped nuclear deal inching closer to completion, the Biden administration
is considering a concession that will remove Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) from the U.S.-designated
terrorist list.
Islamic State is Back ... in America. The Islamic State (ISIS) is back. Five years after Donald Trump
entered the Oval Office and quickly brought about the destruction of its caliphate in Iraq and Syria, ISIS is resurgent and
wealthy. Could this have anything to do with Old Joe Biden's misrule? Of course. To be sure, there are
other factors at play as well. An Iraqi security official said Friday that "recent assessments ... put the group's
reserves at between $25 million and $50 million." That could be a conservative estimate: the Wall Street
Journal reported in September 2020 that ISIS had "assets ranging into the hundreds of millions of dollars across the Middle
East and Central Asia," according to "officials and government records." The Iraqi official said that ISIS got its cash
from "opportunistic extortion, looting and kidnap for ransom," but those are not the only sources of the jihad terror group's
income. WSJ added that ISIS "still extorts local populations in areas it controls or has supporters; receives income
from businesses it seized during its rule; and collects payments from human trafficking." It also controls "a growing
share of illicit tobacco markets in Pakistan and Afghanistan."
grants new legal protection to Afghans in U.S.. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced
Wednesday he will grant Temporary Protected Status to many Afghans already in the U.S., giving them a new level of
status. TPS confers key benefits like work permits to migrants, allowing them a chance to put down roots in
society. As a tentative legal status, it also blocks deportations, though the Biden administration had already halted
removals to Afghanistan after the country's takeover by the Taliban last year. Homeland Security said "ongoing armed
conflict" involving the Taliban and attacks by Islamic State-Khorasan have left the country too unstable for people to be
forced to return.
bulletproof vests set to be donated to Ukraine [were] stolen in NYC: cops. About 400 used bulletproof vests
that were supposed to be donated to Ukraine were stolen sometime overnight from a nonprofit organization in Manhattan, police
said Wednesday [3/16/2022]. The vests were being stored at 203 Second Ave. near 12th Street in the East Village and were
slated to be sent to the country that has been under siege by Russian forces since Feb. 24. Somebody called 911 after
discovering the heist at 9:19 a.m., police said.
Exactly what Obama would have done. Marco
Rubio [slams] Biden for releasing 20th terrorist hijacker back to Saudi Arabia for 'mental health' treatment.
Families of 9/11 victims and Republicans expressed outrage as the so-called 9/11 '20th hijacker' was released from Guantanamo
Bay prison and sent back to Saudi Arabia for psychiatric treatment. Would-be terrorist Mohammad Ahmad al-Qahtani, 46,
who reportedly missed boarding a plane to fly into the World Trade Center because he was detained by authorities on
immigration charges, was shipped back to his native country, Pentagon officials said Monday [3/7/2022]. Florida
Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, who had sent a letter last week to President Joe Biden urging him not to go through with
the release, said it was a 'massive error which poses a serious risk to our national security.'
administration released Islamist terror suspect into U.S. after he crossed border illegally. House Republicans
are seeking a hearing to investigate how the Biden administration released a suspected Islamist terrorist into the United
States after being stopped crossing the southern border illegally. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), ranking member of the
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, sent a request to House Democrats requesting authorization to hold
the hearing, writing: "There is no known case in which a foreign national who pinged on a terror watch list was simply
released on his own recognizance. "The facts in the case strongly suggest that the Biden Administration failed to
follow appropriate protocols with respect to suspected terrorists."
southern border crisis, CBP agents asked to deploy to Europe for Ukraine conflict. For the second time in a year,
the Biden administration is seeking to divert Customs and Border Protection officers from the southern border crisis to an overseas
conflict, this time to help process people fleeing the Russian assault on Ukraine. In a memo sent Thursday morning and obtained
by Just the News, CBP's office of field operations sought volunteers willing to deploy immediately to Poland for "Operation Ukraine
Support." The request comes six months after a similar effort to process Afghan refugees after the bungled U.S. exit from that
country. That operation was sharply criticized Friday by the Pentagon inspector general for poor Defense Department vetting that
allowed 50 Afghans posing serious security risks to enter the United States.
[is] home to 1,950 potentially violent jihadis. This is diversity in action, something to be wholeheartedly
celebrated. The European officials who made this happen, via their agreements with the Arab League and their
immigration policies, aren't stupid. This is what they wanted. And now they have it. The 1,950 number, by
the way, represents only the jihadis and potential jihadis that German authorities know about. There are many others.
Dept: Biden Brought Unvetted Afghans to U.S., Many Flagged with 'Security Concerns' Cannot Be Located.
An explosive report conducted by the Department of Defense's (DOD) Inspector General reveals that President Joe Biden's
administration brought dozens of Afghans to the United States without properly vetting them and many of whom deemed "significant
security concerns" have since gone missing. The report, released late last week, exposes massive holes in Biden's unlimited
resettlement of Afghans to American communities — the largest in U.S. history — such as a lack of vetting
through the National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC) database.
Admin [Plans] To Dump Up To 1,000 Afghan Refugees Next To Loudoun High School. The Department of Homeland
Security will house up to 1,000 Afghan refugees in an compound next to a Loudoun County high school and middle school, and
made plans to do so with no communication with local authorities, Loudoun County, Virginia, Sheriff Mike Chapman said.
The sheriff "raised concerns about DHS' lack of communication, lack of planning, language barriers, a failure to communicate
with a myriad of potential stakeholders, and the NCC's [National Conference Center's] unfenced proximity to a residential
neighborhood and two public schools." The federal government claims that "many" of the Afghans served the U.S. as
translators, but only 30% speak English, Chapman said in a statement.
audit says dozens of potentially dangerous Afghans [were] let loose in U.S.. Afghan evacuees made it to U.S.
soil without being checked through all the government's security databases, an inspector general reported Thursday in a
devastating investigation that confirms critics' worst fears about the program. After rerunning some of the names,
officials spotted at least 50 Afghans with "potentially significant security concerns" who made it the U.S. despite the Biden
administration's assurances to the contrary. Making matters worse, the government appears to have lost track of most of
them inside the U.S., the Defense Department's inspector general said. It looked at a sampling of 31 security risk
evacuees identified as of Sept. 17 and found only three could be located.
Fort Pickett releases its final Afghan evacuees. Fort Pickett in Virginia has released its last Afghan
evacuees, the Biden administration announced Wednesday, leaving just two military bases still housing people airlifted in
August. All told, 68,000 evacuees have now been processed and set free into the U.S., and six bases that had been
housing them have closed their camps. With Fort Pickett's release, that now includes all three bases in Virginia.
Two bases — Fort McCoy in Wisconsin and Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey — still hold
about 8,000 evacuees undergoing processing and release as part of the government's Operation Allies Welcome.
Keywords: enclave, Balkanized, faction, no-go zone. New
'Afghans of Philadelphia' seeks to forge a vibrant community as hundreds of evacuees resettle here.
Philadelphia doesn't have much of an Afghan population. But it's about to get one, fueled by the local resettlement of
hundreds of evacuees from among the 50,000 now living on U.S. military bases. The leaders of a new group, Afghans of
Philadelphia (AOP), say they're prepared — to help and to lead and, most of all, to seize this moment of change to
forge a cohesive, vibrant and involved Afghan community. Already they've jumped in to assist, translating for Afghans
arriving at Philadelphia International Airport — more than 28,000 people and counting — and collecting
winter gear for the 11,000 evacuees housed at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in South Jersey.
using TikTok to recruit young suicide bombers in bid to carry out Christmas attacks. TIKTOK is being used by
the terror group Islamic State to recruit young suicide bombers to carry out attacks during Christmas celebrations. A
Sun investigation has found dozens of accounts on the social network, which is popular with children, posting ISIS propaganda
and inciting hatred against non-Muslims.
Virginia police departments increase presence amid purported ISIS threat against shopping malls. Police in
Northern Virginia are increasing their presence around shopping malls and high-volume roads and transit areas in response to
a purported threat from ISIS. A law enforcement source told CBS News the recent threat against a mall in Northern
Virginia this Halloween weekend originated from ISIS. It is the basis for a law enforcement-sensitive alert that was
issued. Out of an abundance of caution, Fairfax County's police chief said his department is ready to respond if the
threat materializes.
Qaeda rebuilding for U.S. attacks in one to two years: CIA, DIA. The defeat of the American-backed
government in Afghanistan has increased the danger that the al Qaeda terrorist group will launch another attack against the
United States very quickly, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency said Tuesday [9/14/2021]. "The current
assessment conservatively is one to two years for al Qaeda to build some capability to at least threaten the homeland," said
Army Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier. The chaotic withdrawal of U.S. and allied troops from Afghanistan last month in
the face of a lightning Taliban offensive reduced the ability of the military and intelligence agencies to monitor terrorists
in Afghanistan. Gen. Berrier said his agency is seeking ways to regain access into Afghanistan and is focusing on
the problem of terrorist threats through a DIA counterterrorism center.
Biden's Blunder
Could Lead to Israel's 9/11. The United States gross incompetence in Afghanistan gifted the Taliban a military
airport the size of a large town containing $83 billion of the finest military equipment that included hundreds of
aircraft. We have already seen the Taliban gruesomely using Black Hawk helicopters to dangle hanging men as they flew
over Afghan towns as a warning to the citizens below. So for what other evil purpose can they devise for the use of
this American treasure trove? A C130 US military transport plane packed with explosives crashing into a tightly
populated urban city would have the same devastating effect as a nuclear explosion. It would be a world shattering
statement by a messianic terror organization akin to 9/11 that they enabled Al-Qaeda to execute twenty years ago.
by for violence, maybe terrorism, coming from unvetted Afghan male 'refugees'. Putting the Taliban in charge of
who gets into Kabul Airport for flights out of country during Biden's abrupt surrender is right up there among the stupidest
blunders of the catastrophe. Maybe not quite as disastrous as handing over Bagram Air Base and leaving behind scores of
billions of dollars of advanced equipment, but in the long run, who knows? One or a handful of terrorists flown to the
United States on airplanes paid for by you and me could pull off another 911. At a minimum, we know that totally
unvetted inhabitants of a country that lives by a seventh century code of Islamic conduct have been flown into the heartland
by the thousands.
Afghan Evacuees Flown To US Flagged For Terrorist Ties. At least 100 Afghan refugees who were set to enter the
US have been flagged for terrorist ties, NBC News reports, and will now be sent to Kosovo where they will undergo additional
screening and review. Specifically the 100 were "flagged for possible ties to the Taliban or terror groups." NBC
detailed that "of more than 30,000 evacuees from Afghanistan to the U.S., about 10,000 needed additional screening as of
Friday, said the sources, and of those about 100 were flagged for possible ties to the Taliban or terror groups."
Imam Calls for West to Submit to Taliban: Jews & Christians Are 'Our Enemies'. A top Canadian imam is
calling on his followers to support the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan, declaring that Christians and Jews are "our
enemies." Imam Younus Kathrada attacked Western allies in a recent sermon, accusing Christians and Jews of funding a
failed war against Islam. He is calling on fellow Canadians to support the Taliban and its efforts to impose Islamic
sharia law in Afghanistan. The Taliban has already confirmed the country will be governed under sharia law —
which includes death by stoning for adultery and homosexuality — and stated that there will be "no democracy
at all." [Video clip]
horror show! Mass migration of Afghans with no ID. People from one of the most violent nations in the
world are being poured into the United States by Joe Biden and his hard-left leadership. Many do not have any documents
at all. We are heading for another 9/11 or worse. Biden and his senior leadership are a horror show.
Cruz says Afghan refugees are 'getting Ubers' from Fort Bliss when they arrive in the US. Ted Cruz claimed
Afghan refugees can call an uber to leave their holding location in the U.S. as Republican criticism of the Biden
administration's vetting process ramped up ahead of the U.S. withdraw from Afghanistan. The criticism came amid a
report that an Afghan man who had been convicted of rape and had been deported from the U.S. was allowed to board an Afghan
evacuation flight to America. Cruz is one several Republican lawmakers who have criticized President Joe Biden's
handling of the situation in Afghanistan.
handed out blank copies of visas in Afghanistan, setting terrorists up: Ex-FBI agent. A former FBI special agent who tracked
counterterrorism cases warned that terrorists in Afghanistan stand a high chance of being able to walk right onto U.S.-bound planes as a result
of the Biden administration's dissemination of blank visa papers throughout the country. "The threat of having Islamic State or al Qaeda
come into the country is not increased through the southwest border," said Kenneth Gray, a senior lecturer in the Fire Science and Emergency
Management Department at the University of New Haven in Connecticut. "It's the entry of al Qaeda and Islamic State in the groups of
refugees that are being taken out of Afghanistan and possibly to the United States because of the lack of vetting procedures that would
normally go on to expedite getting all of these people out of Afghanistan," he said.
Biden's Afghanistan Bugout Will Become a Terrorism Superspreader. Bagram Air Base was a vast center from which
the United States could and did project lethal power to just about any spot in Central Asia. From Bagram it could
conduct drone surveillance. It could coordinate ground ops and it could provide intelligence services. It could
launch advanced fighters, AC-130 gunships, combat helos, killer A-10s, whatever it wanted. It could push armor out to
extend lines and dominate the terrain — any terrain. It could also conduct search and rescue operations when
needed. For the 20 years it was there, Bagram provided a nexus from which civilization could reach out and make contact
with just about anyone it wanted to for whatever reason it wanted to. That was no small thing. The United States
had just 2,500 troops at Bagram when Biden was installed. The United States had not suffered a casualty in over a year.
Frees Thousands of Prisoners, Including al Qaeda and ISIS Fighters. As the Taliban takes over Afghanistan, it
has freed thousands of prisoners, including top leaders affiliated with al Qaeda and ISIS, a move likely to complicate U.S.
efforts to evacuate personnel from Kabul. The release of more than 5,000 prisoners from Bagram Air Base, which the
Taliban captured during the weekend, is compounding worries that U.S. forces will come under attack in the coming days.
Gen. Frank McKenzie, commander of U.S. Central Command, which is coordinating the emergency evacuation, said on Tuesday [8/17/2021]
he has warned the Taliban and other terrorists storming Kabul "that any attack would be met with overwhelming force in the defense
of our forces. The protection of U.S. civilians and our partners is my highest priority and we will take all necessary action
to ensure a safe and efficient withdrawal." Attacks could force U.S. troops to reenter Afghanistan en masse just weeks
after the Biden administration pulled troops from the country, sparking the Taliban's resurgence.
Confirms Evacuated Afghans Being Sent to Texas, Wisconsin, Virginia. The Defense Department has confirmed that
Afghans evacuated from Afghanistan, and applying for visas to the United States, will be sent to U.S. military bases in
Texas, Wisconsin, and Virginia. For days, reports had circulated that the roughly 22,000 Afghans that President Joe
Biden's administration plans to bring to the U.S. would first be sent to military bases in a number of states. On
Tuesday [8/17/2021], Defense Department official Gary Reed confirmed to the Texas Tribune that the thousands of
Afghans applying for visas will be sent to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, and Fort McCoy in Monroe County, Wisconsin,
in addition to Fort Lee in Prince George County, Virginia.
The Editor says...
I suspect these "refugees" are unfiltered, unvetted, unknown Muslims who speak little or no English and will eventually be
dependent on welfare benefits — if indeed they are not already Islamic terrorists. How's it working out
in Minnesota with all the Somali immigrants? Are most of them assimilating into American society and becoming
self-sufficient citizens? Are any of them doing so?
Pompeo says Joe Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan puts US at greater risk of terror attacks. Donald Trump's
secretary of state Mike Pompeo has condemned the White House for their weak tactics in Afghanistan, saying that the country
would not be falling to the Taliban if Trump was in charge. Pompeo warned on Thursday night that the country was
turning into 'a breeding ground' for future terror attacks weeks before the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and the Biden
administration's response has been 'at best naive and at worst ignorant'. He spoke as the Taliban continued their
rampage across the country on Thursday by capturing the nation's second largest city Kandahar and the third biggest
Herat. On Friday they stormed into Lashkar Gar, the capital of Helmand Province.
offers refuge to more Afghans who aided Americans in new program. Thousands more Afghans who may be targets of
Taliban violence due to their U.S. affiliations will have the opportunity to resettle as refugees in the United States under
a program announced by the State Department on Monday [8/2/2021]. Reuters first reported earlier on Monday the plans to
set up the "Priority Two" refugee program, covering Afghans who worked for U.S.-funded projects and for U.S.-based
non-government bodies and media outlets.
Qaeda launches 1st public campaign in 4 years to encourage lone wolf terrorist attacks. More than 10 years ago
the I-Team uncovered Al Qaeda's plans for "Open Source" Jihad against the Chicago skyline. Now they're back with a new
high-gloss publication for radical followers and a new video, encouraging violent attacks on America by one-person jihadists
and lone wolf terrorist. Hundreds of people were killed and injured by truck-ramming attacks from terrorist groups in
the past decade. The one-man rampages were encouraged by Al Qaeda and ISIS leaders targeting cities worldwide.
The playbook for those attacks date to a more than 10-year-old edition of al Qaeda's "Inspire Magazine," set with Chicago as
a backdrop and a pick-up truck as "the ultimate mowing machine."
Terror Groups Recruit Children at Militant 'Summer Camps'. Palestinian terror groups recruit and train children
to serve as soldiers through summer camps established in the Gaza Strip, prompting outrage from an international legal group
that has documented the camps and accuses the militant groups of war crimes. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ),
the leading Palestinian terror groups operating in Gaza, have established several of these summer camps to train children for
the next war with Israel. The terror organizations are using the May conflict with Israel, the worst violence in years,
to motivate registration. At least 50,000 children have already signed up, according to regional reports, which quote
Hamas officials as saying the summer camps are part of an "effort to prepare the youth" for war with Israel.
Police Have Standoff With 'Heavily Armed Black Supremicist Group 'Rise of the Moors. The self-proclaimed leader
of the Rise of The Moors group who was arrested along with 10 other heavily armed men following a police standoff in Massachusetts
on Saturday [7/3/2021] has been identified as a man who believes himself to be the 'grand chief of Rhode Island.'
Jahmal Latimer, who also goes by the title Talib Abdulla Bey, cofounded the militia group which claims to be a non-profit
educational organization based out of Rhode Island. [Video clip]
Water and Power Are Shockingly Vulnerable to Cyberhacks. When the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power was
hacked in 2018, it took a mere six hours. Early this year, an intruder lurked in hundreds of computers related to water
systems across the United States. In Portland, Oregon, burglars installed malicious computers onto a grid providing
power to a chunk of the Northwest. Two of those cases — L.A. and Portland — were tests. The
water threat was real, discovered by cybersecurity firm Dragos. All three drive home a point long known but, until
recently, little appreciated: the digital security of U.S. computer networks controlling the machines that produce and
distribute water and power is woefully inadequate, a low priority for operators and regulators, posing a terrifying national
threat. "If we have a new world war tomorrow and have to worry about protecting infrastructure against a cyberattack
from Russia or China, then no, I don't think we're where we'd like to be," said Andrea Carcano, co-founder of Nozomi
Networks, a control system security company.
Fonda Encourages Anti-Pipeline Activists in Minnesota to Mess with Critical US Infrastructure. The 83-year-old
Communist and traitor encouraged activists to "raise a ruckus" and create a headache for the Canadian oil company,
Enbridge. "Biden has taken a very clear and very beautiful position on the climate crisis," Hanoi Jane said. "But
we are really facing a potential catastrophe and the science is very clear — it's not enough to do something good
here like shutdown Keystone XL, shut down drilling on the Arctic national refuge and then allow Line 3 to go through."
"We can't do this in bits and pieces," she added.
the Filling of American Cities with Anti-Semitic Muslim Mobs. The magazine cover story mentioned Malmo.
Most stories about antisemitism in Europe reference the Swedish city whose Jewish population dropped from 3,000 to barely
800. Current estimates are that Malmo will have no Jews left by the end of the decade as its population flees Muslim mob
violence, firebombings, and random assaults: including 100 aimed at its sole rabbi. "I hear students shouting in the
hallway about killing Jews," a public school teacher described. Firebombs are routinely thrown at Jewish
institutions. Mobs have torn down gates to try to smash their way inside. A Swedish journalist who conducted a
hidden camera investigation of what happens to anyone visibly Jewish was harassed within moments of sitting down to
eat. Americans who wondered how this could happen in Europe are now seeing it at home.
Militia Group Claims to Have Active Cells in Washington DC: Report. A Telegram channel affiliated with
Iran-backed militia groups in Iraq posted in English claiming to have a resistance cell with the capacity to target American
troops inside the United States, according to a report. "The axis of resistance today is stronger than before.
Resistance cells are rooted even in America and its capital," read the alleged social media post, according to the Middle
East Media Research Institute, which posted a screenshot of the message. The post, which included a casket containing
American soldiers, was made by the Kawtheryoon Electronic Team, a Telegram network that is said to be used by Iranian militia
groups and supporters.
Gives China Full Access to Control the U.S. National Power Grid. In his first week in office, President Biden
put U.S. security at great risk by giving China autonomous ability to control the national power grid. Biden issued
executive order 13990 in which, buried amid matters purportedly designed to combat climate change, was an anomalous and
potentially dangerous provision that suspends a key security measure put in place last May 1 by former President Donald
Trump. Biden's executive order permits China to have full access to the U.S. power grid for 90 days. Trump's
Executive Order 13920 declared an official national emergency with respect to the nation's electric grid and prohibited the
acquisition or installation of "any bulk-power electric equipment ... designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied, by
persons owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a foreign adversary." In sum, Trump
forbade the use of grid equipment that is made in China, Russia, or other hostile nations. Trump's order was a
common-sense response to real, proven threats. Just last year, the Wall Street Journal reported that the United States
seized a Chinese-built transformer because officials believed "its electronics had been secretly given malicious
capabilities, possibly allowing a distant adversary to monitor or even disable it on command."
Order on Refugees Raises Yearly Limit from 15,000 to 125,000. Joe Biden's latest Executive Order on the nation's asylum system
will reportedly raise the number of refugees from 15,000 — a historic low under President Trump — to 125,000 during his
first year in office. "I'm approving an executive order to begin the hard work of restoring our refugee admissions program to help meet
the unprecedented global need," said the President.
stole 10 pounds of C4 from Twentynine Palms. If you thought a missing rifle was bad, just imagine what it's
like to be the guy responsible for keeping an eye on ordnance and munitions at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center
Twentynine Palms in California where a bunch of explosives recently went missing. Approximately 10 pounds of C4
explosives reportedly went missing from the Marine Corps installation "during a long training exercise two weeks ago," the
ABC News affiliate in San Diego first reported on Thursday [2/4/2021].
Five days later, the NY Daily News reports: Explosives
go missing from Marine base in California. Explosives have gone missing from the Twentynine Palms Marine Corps
base in Southern California, the military said Tuesday [2/9/2021]. Jeff Houston of the Naval Criminal Investigative
Service said a probe was launched into the missing devices, The Associated Press reported.
men accused of buying 'highly sophisticated' U.S. equipment and shipping it to Iran against international sanctions. Two
Iranian men living in Canada are accused by U.S. authorities of buying "highly sophisticated" manufacturing and transportation equipment
and secretly shipping it to Iran to circumvent strict sanctions. Using subterfuge, lies and masquerades, they overcame repeated
refusals from companies around the world and eventually shipped nine electrical discharge boards, a CPU for a precision fabrication
machine, two servo motors and two railroad crankshafts from the United States to Iran, authorities allege. Along with another
Iranian national, they are also accused of international money laundering in a plot spanning 11 countries and stretching over two
years. The charges come amid continuing international tension between Iran and both Canada and the United States.
Muslim cleric behind Bali bombing released, anti-terror chief hopes he'll give 'soothing preachings'. "The head
of Indonesia's anti-terrorism agency Eddy Hartono has said the octogenarian would undergo a deradicalisation programme.
'We're hoping Abu Bakar Bashir after he's free can give peaceful, soothing preachings." Not likely, Eddy.
Deradicalization programs are an abysmal failure everywhere they have been implemented. [Numerous links] The whole
premise of "deradicalization" is that Islam is a religion of peace that jihadis misunderstand, twist, and hijack. Since
that is a false premise, and warfare against unbelievers is actually taught in the Qur'an and Sunnah, "deradicalization"
focuses on other issues, such as "anger issues" that the jihadi may have, his feelings of "alienation," and the like.
But since none of that changes what the Qur'an and Sunnah say about warfare against unbelievers, it doesn't "deradicalize"
the jihadi at all.
audio reveals threat to fly a plane into the Capitol building on the day Congress confirms Joe Biden's win. A
terrifying message threatening to fly a plane into the Capitol building to avenge the death of Iranian general Qassem
Soleimani was broadcast on air traffic control frequencies on Monday afternoon [1/4/2021]. The FBI and FAA are
investigating the message that was heard by multiple air traffic controllers in New York, according to CBS. The threat,
delivered via a digitized voice, said: 'We are flying into the Capitol Wednesday. Soleimani will be avenged.'
Congress plans to confirm Joe Biden's win at the Capitol on Wednesday. The threat was made almost one year to the day
after the death of Soleimani, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike ordered by President Donald Trump.
of air traffic control sends chilling threat as revenge for killing of Iranian general. Multiple air traffic
controllers in New York heard a chilling threat Monday in audio obtained exclusively by CBS News: "We are flying a
plane into the Capitol on Wednesday. Soleimani will be avenged." The threat refers to Qassem Soleimani, the
Iranian general killed last year in a U.S. drone strike ordered by President Trump. It was made on the one-year
anniversary of Soleimani's death, for which Iranian officials have long vowed revenge. It's unclear who sent the
threat. While the government does not believe the warning of an attack is credible, it is being investigated as a
breach of aviation frequencies, CBS News has learned.
who became Britain's 'first female suicide bomb plotter' admits ISIS-inspired plan to blow up St Paul's Cathedral. A Muslim convert
and Islamic State supporter today admitted plotting to bomb St Paul's Cathedral and a hotel in a suicide attack. Safiyya Amira Shaikh,
36, of Hayes, West London, carried out a reconnaissance trip to scope out the landmark as a potential target while staying in an unnamed hotel.
Shaikh, who is thought to be Britain's first solo female Isis bomb plotter, also prepared the words of a pledge of allegiance to the group, also known
as Isis or Daesh, between August and October last year.
A Totalitarian State-in-Progress. [Scroll down] The treatment of Omar Khadr is another case in point. A
Canadian citizen and youngest son of an Al-Qaeda terrorist family who was detained at Guantanamo Bay for "violations of the laws of
war" in Afghanistan, including killing American combat medic Christopher Speer, Khadr was repatriated to Canada and awarded a
$10.5 million compensation settlement by Trudeau. Although the issue is clouded and precise information is difficult
to find, it appears likely that he remains on a no-fly list. No matter, Khadr recently flew first class to keynote a panel
discussion at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia.
chemistry teacher jailed for six years in 2015 is back on the streets a month early. A radicalised chemistry
teacher who was jailed for planning to join ISIS and due to be released from prison next month is already back on the
streets. Jamshed Javeed, 30, was jailed for six years in March 2015 for planning to travel from his Manchester home to
Syria to join Islamic State. Despite being handed an extended sentence, last year parole board officials gave the green
light for him to be released halfway through his prison term in March. But officials have now confirmed he has already
been let out on licence.
Terrorist Released Early Despite Pledging Allegiance to ISIS. 20-year-old Islamic terrorist Sudesh Amman, who
was shot dead after trying to stab people in Streatham, south London yesterday, was released halfway through his prison
sentence despite pledging allegiance to ISIS, encouraging his girlfriend to behead her parents and sharing a tutorial on
homemade bombs. Amman stabbed two people during the attack in broad daylight on Sunday afternoon before he was quickly
neutralized by plain clothed anti-terror police who had been monitoring him.
of Jihadi terrorists due to be freed on early release within months. More than a dozen jihadi terrorists are
due to be freed early from jail within months, as ministers scramble to introduce emergency legislation to keep them behind
bars. The Government has promised new laws in the wake of the broad daylight attack on a south London high street by
Sudesh Amman, a convicted terrorist who has been released half way through his sentence just days before. It was the
second terrorist onslaught on London by a freed prisoner in just two months.
Consulate in Detroit announces memorial for terrorist Gen. Soleimani. The Iraqi Consulate in Detroit is
facing backlash after announcing it would be holding a memorial for Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani. The
Michigan-based Consulate came under fire and even got the attention of the FBI after posting an announcement of the event
honoring the Iranian military leader as well as Cmdr. Abu Mahdi Al-Mohandes, who were killed in a U.S. airstrike in
Baghdad last week.
The Editor says...
Everyone who attends this memorial should be photographed from every possible angle; for indeed, these are the people
who hate America the most, and are most likely to engage in homicidal terrorism.
They're chattering amongst themselves on Twitter. Twitter
shuts down 235,000 more extremist accounts. Twitter is cracking down on users that promote violent extremism
and has suspended 235,000 accounts in the past half year, the company announced on Thursday. In February, Twitter said
that they had shut down over 125,000 accounts as of mid-2015, writing at the time that those accounts were "primarily related
to ISIS." Now, the total number of accounts they've suspended is 360,000 in roughly the last year. [...] Suspensions "spike"
after terrorist attacks, Twitter said, and daily suspensions have increased 80 percent compared to last year.
Don't panic over 'Islamic State' returnees' arrival. Berlin has tried to reassure the public that suspected
German Islamic State supporters being deported from Turkey do not pose a security threat. Critics say the government
should have brought them back sooner.
Tells Followers to Set Forest Fires in U.S., Europe. A media outlet affiliated with ISIS has been instructing
the group's radical adherents to set forest fires in the United States and Europe to cause mass ecological disasters,
according to posts on an internet forum dedicated to the terror group. At least four propaganda posters that have
appeared on the pro-ISIS Quraysh media outlet have urged followers to "ignite fires" as part of an ongoing jihad against
America and its allies.
Qaeda leader calls for new terror attacks against US, allies. Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri called for
Islamic terrorists to strike at the US, Israel and their "European allies" in a new video tied to the 18th anniversary of the
Sept. 11 attacks. In an Arabic-language speech addressed to "Muslim brothers the world over," al-Zawahiri urged his
followers to be "inventive and creative" as they concoct their diabolical plans. "The interests of Israel and its American,
British, French, Russian, and European allies are spread all over the world," he said, according to an English-language
transcript distributed with the video.
ISIS at your peril, America — Terrorists say 'I'll be back'. This is a warning to the civilized
world: Don't forget about the supporters of Usama bin Laden and the ISIS caliphate. They have not forgotten about
you. Washington today is largely focused on "great power" competition. What's next in the trade war with China or
the tug of war with Russia? What's up with North Korea's missiles and the ayatollah in Iran? Of course, these
struggles do matter. And America must stay on top of what these mighty but misguided nations are up to.
General: Border Patrol Failed to Collect DNA for Ten Years, Let Violent Criminals Walk Free. The Office
of Special Counsel has found that Customs and Border Patrol's (CBP) "noncompliance with the law has allowed subjects
subsequently accused of violent crimes, including homicide and sexual assault, to elude detection even when detained multiple
times by CBP or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)." The law requires that CBP collect DNA from individuals
held in their custody in order to run the material against the FBI's database of violent criminals. The agency has
failed to do this for 10 years, allowing violent criminals to walk free.
Wants To Send This Jihadi to College. The top court in Canada's most populous province, the Ontario Review
Board, attempted to strike a strong blow against "Islamophobia" on Monday when it granted permission to a young Muslim named
Ayanle Hassan Ali to attend Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario. Only venomous Islamophobes would have wanted to deny
an enterprising young Muslim the college place. After all, all Ayanle Hassan Ali did was stab three Canadian soldiers
and explain that Allah told him to do it. How could anyone deny this fine young man a spot at Mohawk College?
Germany: Nest
of Middle Eastern Spies. Foreign intelligence services, especially those from Turkey, Syria and Iran, have
increased their activities in Germany during the past 12 months, according to Germany's BfV domestic intelligence
agency. The foreign intelligence services are not only pursuing dissidents among the large diasporas in Germany, they
are also targeting Jewish and Israeli interests in the country. At the same time, Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim
Brotherhood appear to be operating with impunity in Germany, while, according to the BfV, the number of Salafists in the
country has tripled in recent years and now exceeds 11,000. Overall, the BfV estimates that Germany is home to more
than 26,000 Islamists, an unknown number of whom pose an immediate threat of attack.
Suit-Wearing Jihadis Own the FBI? When I arrived in Saudi Arabia in early 2002 on a trip with the FBI Director,
which included approximately a dozen countries across the Middle East and beyond, I was shocked to learn that both the FBI's
Legal Attache and the Assistant Legal Attache to Saudi Arabia converted to Islam while in country. It was no wonder
they were less-than-helpful when we arrived to plan the Director's visit. Then there was the case of Gamal
Abdel-Hafiz, a muslim FBI Special Agent who refused to wear a wire while meeting with muslims who were subjects of FBI
investigations. Worse yet was the case of Nada Prouty, who was an FBI Special Agent from a Hizbollah family who
also worked for the CIA for a period of time. Prouty was fired from the FBI for "marriage fraud" but was never
prosecuted for using FBI systems to ensure members of her family — Hizbollah — were not being
investigated by the FBI, nor was an espionage investigation conducted. And these are not even the worst of the cases.
Mayor Who Begged for Syrian Migrants Calls for More of Them After Aborted Terror Attack. Pittsburgh Mayor Bill
Peduto is undaunted after a Syrian migrant allegedly plotted to bomb a Christian church earlier this week, and continues to
call for more so-called refugees to be dumped into his city. "Pittsburgh has historically been a home for refugees and
immigrants and will continue to be one," he said. Peduto makes clear that diversity is a religious belief of sorts to
him, and he will never waver on bringing third-world foreigners to his city no matter what the cost.
Omar Refuses to Comment on Terrorist Recruitment in Her District. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) declined to
address a report that found the highest level of terrorist group recruitment has taken place in her congressional
district. According to a Fox News report from February, "More men and boys from a Somali American community in
Minneapolis have joined — or attempted to join — a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years
than any other jurisdiction in the country." The city of Minneapolis is located in Omar's district. "FBI stats show 45
Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS
combined. And as of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS," stated
the report.
Omar Refuses to Comment on Terrorist Recruitment in Her District. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) declined to
address a report that found the highest level of terrorist group recruitment has taken place in her congressional
district. According to a Fox News report from February, "More men and boys from a Somali American community in
Minneapolis have joined — or attempted to join — a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years
than any other jurisdiction in the country." The city of Minneapolis is located in Omar's district. "FBI stats show
45 Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS
combined. And as of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS," stated the report.
to stop using the word 'terror' to describe attacks — report. The British Broadcasting Corporation
has decided to stop using the word "terror" in order to avoid being perceived as being biased in its reporting, the Daily
Mail newspaper reported Sunday [6/9/2019]. The report quoted "well-placed BBC sources" as saying the worldwide network's
management is "eager to report terror attacks consistently, regardless of the terrorist's political ideology." Instead of
calling all incidents "terror attacks" and risk accusations of bias, the BBC will be changing its editorial policy to remove
the word "terror" from its lexicon unless it is contained in a direct quote.
Muslims 'Have a Duty' to Obtain Nuclear Weapons. A leading Muslim cleric said that adherents to the faith
across the globe have a religious duty to build nuclear weapons to combat Israelis and Jews, according to a translation of
his recent remarks broadcast on a television station controlled by the terrorist group Hamas. Muhammad Al-Hassan Ould
Al-Dadou Al-Shanqit, a Mauritanian cleric, was interviewed on the Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV about efforts by Islamic countries to
obtain nuclear weapons. While extremist regimes such as the Islamic Republic in Iran have claimed there are religious
bans on the building of nuclear weapons, Al-Shanqit maintained it is "a duty" of Arabs to build these weapons of mass
a terrorist always a terrorist. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the release of self-admitted "American
Taliban" member John Walker Lindh "unexplainable and unconscionable." Lindh, who was paroled last Thursday [5/23/2019]
from a federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, served 17 years of a 20-year sentence for illegally aiding Taliban
forces. Lindh had joined the terrorist organization before Sept. 11, 2001. He was in Afghanistan at the
time and was also there when a group of Taliban prisoners murdered CIA officer Johnny Micheal Spann.
Day in Philadelphia. Young schoolchildren attending the Muslim American Society Islamic Center in Philadelphia
are being taught to be enemies of Jews and are being indoctrinated in the culture of violent Islamic jihad. [...] In the
video you will also see Muslim women looking like typical public-school teachers organizing and supervising the children as
they recite these heinous and barbaric lines — as if they were singing lines from The Little Mermaid in the
local middle-school spring musical. That's perhaps even more chilling. After the Middle East Media Research
Institute (MEMRI) discovered this video and Fox News reported on it, the Muslim American Society posted a statement on
Facebook explaining, "The center celebrated 'Ummah Day' where children sang songs from their cultural traditions... not all
songs were properly vetted. This was an unintended mistake and an oversight in which the center and the students are
remorseful." Translation? "Oops! You weren't supposed to see that one!" The Islamic Center's leaders
are remorseful because they got caught indoctrinating their children in violent Islamic jihad.
These Afghan
pilots came to Fort Worth for training. Then they disappeared. A program to train Afghan pilots at Fort
Worth's Meacham Field has ended after many of the participants went absent without leave — or AWOL —
according to the Air Force Times. The report didn't specify how many pilots are still unaccounted for, but indicated
that it's not uncommon for foreign pilots to go missing while in the United States for training — and, in many
cases, resurface later and request asylum. The Air Force Times cited a report by the Special Inspector General for
Afghanistan Reconstruction showing that, between 2005 and 2017, 152 of the 320 foreign pilots who went AWOL while training in
the United States were from Afghanistan.
Lied About School in Jihad Video Being a "Separate Entity". The Muslim American Society (MAS) Philadelphia
chapter had a clear message after a shocking video showed up on its Facebook page last month showing school children
lip-syncing to a pro-jihad song that called for beheading and torturing Israelis. We have nothing to do with it,
MAS-Philadelphia said in a statement condemning the video's content. Even though the school is called MAS Leaders
Academy, and even though it was among many school videos posted on MAS social media outlets, the statement described it
as "a separate entity renting space from MAS Philadelphia." Pennsylvania corporate records tell another story.
American Society's History Belies Its Concern Over Kids' Jihad Video. The Muslim American Society (MAS) claims
it is disturbed by a video, exposed last week by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, showing school children lip-syncing
a pro-jihad song calling for Israel's elimination and the torture of its people. The videos showed school children
singing along and gesturing in a light choreography with a "Birds of Paradise" song that says, "The blood of the martyrs is
calling us," and urges revolution "until we liberate our lands ... and we crush the traitor." The Middle East Media
Research Institute (MEMRI) subsequently found a separate part of the program that featured young girls reading a
script: "We will chop off their heads, and we will liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque. We will
lead the army of Allah fulfilling His promise, and we will subject them to eternal torture." The videos from the event
have been removed from Facebook. [...] The thread running through all of these examples — from Omeish's 2000
speeches to the Philadelphia "Ummah Day" program with schoolchildren — is a call for jihad to eliminate
Israel. It keeps happening no matter how many times MAS claims the rhetoric does not reflect the beliefs of a movement
created by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.
American Society says 'disturbing' video of children wasn't vetted. A video showing children speaking in Arabic
about sacrifice and chopping off heads wasn't vetted before being posted on the Facebook page for the Muslim American
Society's Philadelphia chapter, and it does not represent their values, the executive director of the national group said
Sunday [5/5/2019]. Executive Director Ayman Hammous said the Muslim American Society learned of the content of the
video after the Middle East Media Research Institute posted a translation Friday. The society issued a statement
calling the video "disturbing" and condemning the words used in it. "It does not represent our understanding of Islam,
nor the understanding of the mainstream Muslim community," Hammous said in an interview Sunday.
The Editor says...
Ri-i-i-ight. Then apparently all the people who work at MAS Philadelphia — at least those who were involved
in the staging and production of this video — misunderstand Islam in exactly the same way. Is that what
Mr. Hammous would have us believe? No, I think the Philadelphia center was quite proud of the kids, and was
embarrassed when the video was leaked. Here's a project for an ambitious reporter: Go interview all the kids who
appeared in this video and ask them if they have been taught anything different since the video came out. The video
production wasn't the kids' idea. Adults were involved from beginning to end: Adults who don't know that Muslims
are supposed to keep quiet until the time is right for an all-out uprising.
Will Chop Off Their Heads' for Allah, Children in Philadelphia Muslim Society Say: Reports. Disturbing
footage has emerged from an Islamic Center in Philadelphia, showing children lip-syncing to songs and reading poems saying
they would sacrifice themselves and kill for Allah. The Muslim American Society Islamic Center in Philadelphia (MAS
Philly) uploaded videos on April 22 to its Facebook page. The videos show children singing lyrics that appear to call
on the next generation of Palestinian youth to embrace terrorism and glorify suicide bombers, according to the Investigative
Project on Terrorism (IPT). The boys were shown to be lip-syncing a song, during which several of them held up a
copy of the Quran.
Shocking video
of children in Philadelphia Muslim Society: 'We will chop off their heads' for Allah. Disturbing footage of
Muslim kids saying they would sacrifice themselves and kill for the "army of Allah" surfaced from an Islamic center in
Philadelphia. The Muslim American Society (MAS) Islamic Center in Philadelphia posted the video to its Facebook page
celebrating "Ummah Day" in which young children wearing Palestinian scarves sang and read poetry about killing for Allah and
the mosque in Jerusalem. The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a watchdog group, alerted Fox News to the
video. "These are not isolated incidents; they are happening in major centers of the country — including in
Pennsylvania," MEMRI said in a statement.
The Editor says...
How many more Islamic indoctrination centers exist, from which we haven't seen leaked videos like this?
Muslim Society Investigating Alarming Video Of Kids Threatening Murder, Calls Incident An 'Oversight'. The
national Muslim American Society says it is investigating a disturbing video that surfaced online last week showing a handful
of children at a Philadelphia Islamic center performing a song about decapitating their enemies and martyrs sacrificing their
lives to reclaim Jerusalem. The group is calling the video a "mistake" and an "oversight."
NYC subway bomber Najibullah Zazi to be released on time served. A Queens man caught preparing for a 9/11
anniversary suicide bomb attack on the subways under Grand Central will soon walk out of prison thanks to a sentence that
amounts to his time already served, a judge ruled Thursday [5/2/2019]. Najibullah Zazi, 33, had faced up to life in
prison after his 2009 arrest, but spent nearly the next 10 years cooperating against al Qaeda. Thursday's 10-year
sentence — which, given his good behavior behind bars, means he will be sprung any day now — came at
the urging of prosecutors, who cited his extensive cooperation in arguing that he deserved a break.
Lanka warning: female bombers may pose as devotees to attack Buddhist temples. "Female bombers posing as
devotees may have been planning to attack Sri Lanka's Buddhist temples after authorities seized white clothes from a house
that was raided following Easter Sunday blasts." The jihad against Christian infidels is also threatening the Buddhist
community and in fact all non-Islamic communities. Sri Lanka faces a big problem with Islamization. Although the
Islamic State took credit for the Easter Sunday jihad bombing attacks that saw nearly 300 innocents murdered and hundreds of
others injured, two local groups are believed to be behind the massacres. One is the National Thawheed Jammath and
following a police raid of the group's headquarters, another group Jammiyathul Millathu Ibrahim was discovered to be suspect.
Walker Lindh, American ex-Taliban fighter, to be released in May, hasn't denounced Islamism. John Walker Lindh,
a former American Taliban militant convicted in 2002 for supporting the terrorist organization, is due to be freed in May.
The former Islamist fighter, dubbed "Detainee 001 in the war on terror," was arrested in 2001, just months after the Sept. 11
attacks and the start of the war in Afghanistan. Then just 20 years old, he was among a group of Taliban fighters who were
captured by U.S. forces. Within a year, Walker Lindh was convicted of supporting the Taliban and sentenced to 20 years in
prison — even as some hardliners urged authorities to consider treason charges that could have resulted in the death penalty.
How Do
You Solve a Problem Like Ilhan Omar? Conservatives are accustomed to leftists hiding their true motives and
feelings as they attempt to claw their way to political control over all of us, but Omar is different in that she makes no
attempt to disguise her true feelings, either about America or the Jews. Anti-Western to her core, she rewards the
generosity of the Americans toward the Somali Muslim community by spitting in our faces. As I wrote recently at PJ Media,
there's something about the Somalis that makes them different from other cultural aliens who have arrived in — or, in
the Somalis' case, been deliberately imported to — the United States. An ethnic group low on its share of geniuses
but long on violence, the Minnesota Somalis have the disgraceful distinction of sending more men and boys to join foreign
terrorist organizations such as al-Shabab and ISIS over the past dozen years than any other place in the country. And
this, of course, is Omar's district — why would we have any doubt that she will represent it faithfully?
Rejects ISIS Bride's Lawsuit: 'She's Not Coming Back'. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Fox News
Sunday [2/24/2019] that Hoda Muthana, the wife of an Islamic State fighter who filed suit to force the U.S. government to
accept her and her 18-month-old son as American citizens, does not have a legitimate claim of citizenship and will not be
allowed into the United States. "She's a non-citizen terrorist; she has no legal basis for a claim of U.S. citizenship,"
Pompeo said on Sunday.
Bride Vows Son 'Will Grow Up to Be a Jihadist' as Crumbling Caliphate Evacuated. "My son will grow up to become
a jihadist," a woman cried proudly as she stepped off a bus ferrying people out of the Islamic State group's last sliver of
territory in eastern Syria. Defiant and angry, she is one of 2,000 people evacuated Friday from the jihadists' final
scrap of territory in the village of Baghouz near the Iraqi border.
of Alabama woman who joined ISIS in Syria files lawsuit to bring her back home. The father of an Alabama woman
who joined the Islamic State in Syria filed suit against the Trump administration Thursday in an effort to allow her return
to the United States. Ahmed Ali Muthana argues in the suit filed in federal court in Washington that his 24-year-old
daughter, Hoda Muthana, is an American citizen by birth and should be allowed to come back to the U.S. with her toddler son.
Hoda Muthana is now in a Syrian refugee camp with the 18-month-old boy after fleeing the remnants of the Islamic State.
ISIS Brides and the Liberal
Media. The caliphate didn't work out, so ISIS brides Hoda Mothana and Shamima Begum want to come back to USA
and UK. It would be insane to let these maniacs in. However, they have the "mainstream" media on their
side. As Paul Joseph Watson suggests, this tells you all you need to know about the media. [Video clip]
Brides: A Litmus Test for Birthright Citizenship. I've read through thousands and thousands of comments
on the most cancerous news sites, trying to find someone, anyone, who sympathizes with the ISIS brides returning home.
I am glad to say I have failed. Even Trump's staunchest opposers recognize that he did the right thing by not letting
the thrice-widowed terrorist bride, Hoda Muthana, back into the country. Though some may suggest she should return but
face punishment for her crimes, nobody is actually buying the story the mainstream media are selling that she's remorseful
and deserves another chance. This left me to figure out why this narrative exists and is being pushed so hard, being
rejected by all those it is meant to influence.
shouldn't let the ISIS bride come back to America. Hoda Muthana, a 24-year-old American woman who left the US
to join ISIS five years ago, is really sorry and wants to come home. We shouldn't let her. It should be obvious
that when someone takes up arms against their country, they have committed treason and should never be allowed to
return. Yet our friends across the pond are proving obvious it isn't. Britain is having a raging debate about
whether they should allow back their own homegrown terrorist, Shamima Begum, who ran away to join ISIS four years ago.
Begum actually admits she has no regrets about joining the Islamic State and wishes she was strong enough to stick it
out. And still the Brits aren't sure what to do with her! Diane Abbott, Britain's shadow home secretary, said
that sure, they would investigate and maybe prosecute Begum, but ultimately, "We are not in favour of making people stateless,
that's a punishment without due process." Due process is for crime, not war. Begum understands we're at war; Abbott
does not.
ISIS bride who called for terror attacks at Memorial Day parades has married three jihadi fighters. An American
jihadi bride living in a refugee camp after fleeing ISIS's last stand in Syria is begging the US to allow her to return
home. Hoda Muthana, 24, left Hoover, Alabama in 2014, in order to join ISIS in Syria, where she would later call for US
Muslims to 'spill all of the blood' by launching terror attacks during Memorial Day events. Now, having lost two of her
three jihadi fighter husbands and living in a squalid refugee camp, she claims to have been brainwashed and made a 'big
mistake' when she travelled to Syria.
There's Something about
the Somalis. An Islamic radical is an Islamic radical, fighting not for a "country" but for the caliphate and
the ummah. The fact that even today we have government officials who can't understand the difference is surely a
cause for concern. These are people whose "faith" compels them to wage war on the West and those sufficiently radicalized
will do it when and wherever they can — as the number of "lone wolf" attacks in the U.S. and Europe can attest.
Minneapolis' Somali community became the terrorist recruitment capital of the US. More men and boys from a
Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined — or attempted to join — a foreign terrorist
organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country. FBI stats show 45 Somalis left to join
the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined. And as
of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS. Both numbers are far higher than
those of alleged terrorist wannabes who left or attempted to leave the country from other areas in the country where Muslim
refugees have been resettled.
Florida man posted bomb instructions for extremists. A Florida man is facing charges of posting detailed
bomb-making instructions to online sites frequented by extremists such as supporters of the Islamic State group, according to
an FBI complaint unsealed Monday [12/17/2018]. An FBI affidavit charges Tayyab Tahir Ismail, 33, with posting the
illegal bomb instructions on at least five occasions between July and September. Ismail, of Pembroke Pines, Florida, is
a naturalized U.S. citizen from Pakistan. The charge carries a maximum 20-year prison sentence if he is convicted.
Magazine for Millennials Threatens Vehicle Attacks Near U.S. Capitol. Declaring that ISIS is a "globalist"
organization, a new magazine geared toward young recruits is calling on jihadists to wage vehicle attacks outside of the U.S.
Capitol. Shabab al-Khilafah, or The Youth of the Caliphate, debuted its first issue on Oct. 10 as a
colorful collection of articles, posters and teasers to online videos encouraging home-turf attacks on behalf of the Islamic
State. Supporters were encouraged to submit content for future issues. That debut issue, which was distributed
via online file-sharing sites, called for lone-jihadist attacks in Australia.
Group's NYC New Year's Threat: 'Harvest Them with Silencers and Snipers'. An ISIS-supporting media group
threatened New York City attacks for New Year's with suggested tactics including snipers and package bombs. The latest
threat circulated online follows other message from jihadists that have specifically cited Jan. 1 in calling for
attacks. One poster distributed online in mid-November superimposed a masked jihadist wielding a bloody knife over a
collage of images from the 2016 Berlin Christmas market attack. It stated that New Year's Day is "the date of retribution."
Warning —
The Jihad Assault in America — It's Hiding, Waiting: Part 1. The world is changing. War
is changing. America is changing. Threats are changing. 75 years ago, the dangers to America would be ships
attacking our shores, or planes entering our airspace loaded with bombs for our cities. It was a more visible, predictable
and defendable array of enemy actions we could deal with. But now we face this enemy as an homeland invader: already
here, increasing in numbers and lying in wait to destroy us from within. Yes, over time, the world and its threats against
us changed. War is no longer about taking a hill, not about taking out thousands of soldiers on a battlefield or eliminating
a bunker. It's about killing civilians and creating fear, disrupting our financial stability on wall street, threatening our
lifestyle — changing our society.
Firm for Jihadists Opens Training Camp with Donor Help. The first known private military contracting and
consulting firm catering just to jihadists issued a new online fundraising appeal for help in arming fighters while also
noting this week that donors came through to build a training camp for jihadists in Syria. "We have finished our
project about the building new training camp for brothers and I am so glad. And we are going to start the new lessons
after a few days, inshallah, special courses for shooters of PKM and RPG," Malhama Tactical leader Abu Salman Belarus said in
an English-language video posted to his Twitter account Wednesday, thanking those who "supported our project."
in Paradise: Trinidad and Tobago Is Now a Jihad Hotspot. The Ministry of Tourism for the Republic of
Trinidad and Tobago hosts a website extolling the many exquisite charms of the "true Caribbean" to be found there. The
islands offer rich history, culture, biodiversity, and lodging with views "to die for." Of late, though, a diaspora of
Trinidad and Tobago emigres have preferred the views in Syria and Iraq, and the company of Islamic terrorist group ISIS.
At least 130 of T&T's 1.2 million citizens left their white and turquoise shorelines to fight with vicious Islamists
half a world away.
The Editor says...
Leaving civilization to fight with ISIS is not a problem. Bon voyage! As the article above goes on to say,
the problems arrive when the ISIS fighters return from battle — if they live that long.
Warns of Knife Attack 'Surprises' at Concerts. Shortly after the one-year anniversary of the mass shooting that
targeted an outdoor concert on the Las Vegas Strip, a pro-ISIS media group is circulating an online poster warning of knife
attacks at musical events. Previous releases from Remah Media Production included a January poster showing a jihadist
standing in front of a cityscape vowing to "sink America" and another showing jihadists standing in front of a nondescript
legislative building vowing that "soon you will taste agony." The group has also released video nasheeds, or songs to
inspire terrorists. In the new poster, a jihadist wearing a suit jacket stands with a large knife behind his back while
behind concert-goers whose attention is fixed on the stage.
Islamist group is using children as young as 13 to peddle books supporting suicide bombing and jihad in Britain. An
extreme Islamist group banned in more than a dozen countries is using British children as young as 13 to peddle books supporting
suicide bombing and jihad. Hizb ut-Tahrir, which wants to establish an Islamic state with Sharia law, has been holding a
series of 'roadshows' across the country. An undercover reporter who attended a number of the meetings was sold books
suggesting suicide strikes are acceptable, and others saying jihad was 'compulsory' to spread the message of Islam. The
group allowed a 13-year-old to sell pamphlets comparing Westerners to animals over their 'filthy promiscuity' and urging
followers to shun British culture.
9/11 Is Far From Over. The
anniversary of the September 11, 2001 Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and
United Airlines Flight 93, and the September 11, 2012 attacks by Islamic militant group Ansar al-Sharia on U.S. government
facilities in Benghazi, Libya that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service Information
Management Officer Sean Smith and CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty are generally treated by the establishment
media and establishment politicians — be they Republican or Democrat — as discrete incidents isolated from
one another. Nothing could be further from the truth, but what is worse is the notion promoted by former President Obama
and former Obama administration officials that somehow the death of Usama bin Laden ended threat of these kind of attacks in the
future. The reality is that Muslims, both outside and inside the United States, continue to plan and execute attacks as part
of the war Islam has declared on the West. And what's more, some of the key players in the 2001 and 2012 attacks remain
at large and active in prosecuting that war.
of Iranian Spies in U.S. Just 'Tip of the Iceberg,' Lawmaker Warns. The recent arrest of two Iranian agents
alleged to have been running spy operations on U.S. soil is just "the tip of the iceberg" in terms of the Islamic Republic's
efforts to conduct intelligence operations in America that could result in a terrorist attack, according to a leading
lawmaker and U.S. officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon about the matter. Following the arrest of two
Iranian individuals charged with spying on Jewish and Israeli facilities in the California area, Rep. Peter Roskam (R.,
Ill.) told the Free Beacon it is likely Iran has stationed multiple regime-tied agents in the United States to conduct
intelligence operations. While the arrest of the two Iranians was met with shock in the press, Roskam said he was not
surprised by the arrests, which have unearthed concrete evidence of the Islamic Republic's efforts to foment discord across
the globe, including on American soil.
'Sleeper Cell' Militants Hibernating in U.S., Positioned for Attack. Iranian-backed militants are operating
across the United States mostly unfettered, raising concerns in Congress and among regional experts that these "sleeper cell"
agents are poised to launch a large-scale attack on the American homeland, according to testimony before lawmakers.
Iranian agents tied to the terror group Hezbollah have already been discovered in the United States plotting attacks, giving
rise to fears that Tehran could order a strike inside America should tensions between the Trump administration and Islamic
Republic reach a boiling point. Intelligence officials and former White House officials confirmed to Congress on
Tuesday that such an attack is not only plausible, but relatively easy for Iran to carry out at a time when the Trump
administration is considering abandoning the landmark nuclear deal and reapplying sanctions on Tehran.
panel warns of new bin Laden threat. As the Islamic State is driven out of its former strongholds, a U.N. panel
is warning that the next big terror threat in the region could come, once again, from Al Qaeda — led by the son of
Usama bin Laden. The report by U.N. experts, delivered to the Security Council and released this week, included
startling findings about both terror networks. The report found that while ISIS had been defeated militarily in Iraq
and most of Syria, it had rallied in early 2018 and still had approximately 20,000-30,000 members in the two countries.
bin Laden has married daughter of lead 9/11 hijacker, say family. Hamza bin Laden, the son of the late al-Qaida
leader, has married the daughter of Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker in the 9/11 terror attacks, according to his
family. The union was mentioned by Osama bin Laden's half-brothers during an interview with the Guardian. Ahmad
and Hassan al-Attas said they believed Hamza had taken a senior position within al-Qaida and was aiming to avenge the death
of his father, shot dead during a US military raid in Pakistan seven years ago.
administration approved $200G grant to group with Al Qaeda ties. The Obama administration approved a $200,000
grant to a group in Sudan with ties to Al Qaeda even though it had been designated a terrorist-financing organization by the
U.S. years earlier, a conservative think tank revealed this week. Further, an agency official acknowledged the prior
administration allowed taxpayer money to flow to the group even after its designation was discovered. The 2014 grant to
the Islamic Relief Agency, through the U.S. Agency for International Development, was revealed by Sam Westrop of the Middle
East Forum in a story for the National Review.
will now train potential Muslim jihadists to be truck drivers. Due to an acute shortage of professional truck
drivers, the German Trucking Association has launched a new project to train swarms of Muslim invaders posing as refugees and
asylum seekers for the job. Hmmm... what could possibly go wrong?
Mogadishu, Minnesota.
When it was noted that the carry-on bags of multiple airline passengers traveling from Minneapolis to Somalia contained
millions of dollars in cash, on a regular basis, law enforcement was naturally curious to know where the money came from and
where it was going. It soon emerged that millions of taxpayer dollars, and possibly much more, had been stolen through
a massive scam of Minnesota's social-services sector, specifically through fraudulent daycare claims. To make matters
worse, the money appears to have wound up in areas of Somalia controlled by al-Shabab, the Islamic jihadist group responsible
for numerous terrorist outrages.
Republicans call for crackdown on child care assistance fraud. Minnesota Republicans said Tuesday [5/15/2018] they want to
crack down on subsidized child-care providers who commit fraud, following a television news report that suggested illegally obtained funds
may be going overseas to finance terrorist groups. State and federal officials said Tuesday that they've seen no evidence of a link
between Minnesota day-care operators and overseas terrorist groups, but that they welcome any additional resources to investigate fraud
against the state's child-care subsidy program. The legislation introduced Tuesday would enable the Minnesota Department of Human
Services (DHS) to close child-care businesses that participate in the program but fail to fully cooperate with investigators. It
would also create new criminal and civil penalties for anyone who transferred fraudulently obtained money to countries on the U.S. State
Department's travel ban list.
The Great Somali
Welfare Rip-Off. At the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, the carry-on bag bulged with $1 million
in cash from a welfare rip-off scheme. The loot was headed for Somalia, some of it to regions controlled by the al Shabaab
terrorist group, and this shipment was part of $100 million sent over the past year alone. This scheme was not uncovered
by the New York Times, CNN, "Frontline" or any "investigative" journalist in the old-line establishment media. It came to
light in [...] a story by Jeff Baillon of KMSP, a Fox News outlet in Minnesota and the subject of a Powerline blog by John Hinderaker
on Monday [5/14/2018]. Back on March 5, Fox 9 got a tip about a man leaving the country with $1 million in
cash, but this was only part of the story.
Childcare Fraud Scheme Appears to Fund Terrorists. Millions of taxpayer dollars appear to be going to support
terrorists in the Middle East and Africa by using childcare centers as fronts, according to an investigation in
Minnesota. Local Fox affiliate Fox 9 KMSP tracked the flow of the money and found it was going to parts of the world
that raised serious red flags. The investigation revealed suitcases with millions of dollars, an estimated $100 million
in 2017 alone, have been taken through Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport and to destinations in the Middle East
and Africa, including parts of Somalia controlled by the Al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group al-Shabaab.
Scandal Trifecta: Immigration, Welfare Fraud and Terrorism. In the Twin Cities, a local television
station uncovers a far-reaching scandal: last year, more than $100 million in cash left the Twin Cities airport in
carry-on luggage, bound for the Middle East and Africa: [...] Where does the money come from, and where is it going?
of dollars in suitcases fly out of MSP, but why? For five months, Fox 9 has been investigating what appears to
be rampant fraud in a massive state program. This fraud is suspected of costing Minnesota taxpayers as much as $100 million
a year. The Fox 9 Investigators reporting is based on public records and nearly a dozen government sources who have direct
knowledge of what is happening. These sources have a deep fear, and there is evidence to support their concerns, that some of
that public money is ending up in the hands of terrorists.
Idaho school can't find
small bit of weapons-grade plutonium. A small amount of radioactive, weapons-grade plutonium about the size of
a U.S. quarter is missing from an Idaho university that was using it for research, leading federal officials on Friday
[5/4/2018] to propose an $8,500 fine.
accused of introducing jihadis to one another via 'suggested friends' feature. Facebook's Vice President Joel
Kaplan traveled to Pakistan in July 2017 to assure the Pakistani government that it would remove "anti-Islam" material.
That endeavor had already started before Kaplan's trip. In mid-February 2017, traffic to Jihad Watch from Facebook
dropped suddenly by 90% and has never recovered. And there are so many other sites that have experienced a similar
dropoff. This was no accident. It has happened to counter-jihad sites and others that oppose the hard-Left agenda
across the board. And now we discover that meanwhile, Facebook was enabling jihadis.
UK: Funding Textbooks
That Teach Children to Blow Themselves Up. This past weekend it emerged that last year the British government
funnelled £20 million to Palestinian schools. A review by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural
Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) found that these revenues go towards funding a curriculum which omits teaching
peace, promotes the use of violence — specifically jihad — and encourages martyrdom. An analysis
of the textbooks used in Palestinian schools funded by the UK government — using UK taxpayers' money —
found that these textbooks, which come from the Palestinian Authority (PA), "exerts pressure over young Palestinians to acts
of violence."
Just When You Thought
It Couldn't Get Any Worse. Let's begin with a company called GULFTAINER. GULFTAINER is owned by the Emir of
Sharjah in the UAE and Hamid Jafar. Hamid Jafar is the brother of Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar, and the two work together
on many joint ventures. Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar is the former Iraqi Deputy Minister of Defense who ran Iraq's Weapons
of Mass Destruction programs — nuclear, biological, chemical. Dr. Jafar was on the Pentagon's capture/kill
list. [...] In 2010, Gulftainer and the Jafars entered into a joint venture with Rostec, owner of Rosoboronexport, the Russian
state-owned exporter of the Club-K, which is built to look like a cargo container but is actually a launch platform for
cruise missiles.
urgently searching for 700 lbs. of dynamite stolen 75 miles from N.J. border. Federal authorities have doubled
a reward to $20,000 for information about the theft of 704 pounds of dynamate stolen from a construction site in Pennsylvania
last weekend. The dynamite and 400 blasting caps were reported missing Monday from a gas pipeline worksite in Marietta,
Pennsylvania, according to officials with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The ATF initially
announced a $10,000 reward but doubled the amount Thursday morning [4/19/2018]. The money is offered for the recovery
of the stolen explosives and/or the arrest and conviction of those responsible.
threaten to bomb New York's subway. ISIS propaganda chiefs have issued a chilling threat to bring death and
destruction to New York's subway. The terror group has vowed to attack Paris and the World Cup finals in Russia in
recent weeks as part of a global campaign of lone wolf strikes as it continues to lose territory in the Middle East. In
its latest warning, uploaded to militant Islamist messaging platforms, a man is pictured standing on the platform at New
York's High Street - Brooklyn Bridge Station with explosives and a timer behind him.
Has RCMP Delete 5,000 Intelligence Records on Muslim Migrants. In his latest video, Ezra Levant discusses
Justin Trudeau's recent decision to delete 5,000 pieces of intelligence records on Islamic migrants. With this move,
Trudeau made it clear that he is more concerned with being politically correct than he is with the safety of the Canadian
people. As Levant explains, the deleted records were not pieces of intelligence on law-abiding Muslim refugees.
Instead, the records were intelligence on Muslim migrants who were caught illegally crossing the border from the U.S. to
Canada. After being caught by Canadian authorities, these Muslims were asked simple questions about their views on
various aspects of Canadian society. These questions included asking the migrants their feelings on women's rights,
homosexuality, and terrorism.
The Drone Epidemic. Defenses
against drones are few. Even with radar or infrared tracking, both of which usually don't work, military and law
enforcement people can't shoot them down in or around cities, airports, and sports stadia and such because the shots that
miss — and there will be plenty of them — can kill those in the line of fire. It would be nice to
have a directed energy weapon that could slice and dice drones in the air, but we don't have one yet.
Bomb Instructions are a Free Download at Barnes & Noble. Key propaganda texts from al-Qaeda in the Arabian
Peninsula are posted for free download on the Barnes & Noble website, including the inaugural issue of a magazine linked to
the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. Reviews posted on the e-books indicate that they've remained on the bookseller's
website for years, despite clearly indicating in the titles that al-Qaeda materials are being offered. There are two
listings for "Al-Malahem Media Foundation presents A Special Gift to the Islamic Nation The first Magazine issued by al-Qaida
in the English language." That refers to the 2010 debut of AQAP's English-language Inspire magazine; the site notes
that the free Nook book is "digitized from 2010 volume."
FBI Warns of Train Derailment
Threat. Devices that could be used by terrorists to derail trains are being stolen from rail facilities around
the country, the FBI warned today. Nine derailers, a piece of railroad equipment used to derail train cars for safety
purposes in railyards have been stolen recently, sources said, citing the FBI's weekly intelligence bulletin.
Jihad Festering
in America. A new investigative report reveals that hundreds of Saudi and Kuwaiti nationals residing in the
United States — some with dual citizenship, and most students subsisting on government scholarships —
have joined ISIS and other terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq during the past three years. Titled "From American
Campuses to ISIS Camps: How Hundreds of Saudis Joined ISIS in the U.S.," the report — released June 1 by
the Washington-D.C.-based think tank, The Institute for Gulf Affairs (IGA) — provides details of the flow of students
leaving American institutions of higher learning to fight in the Middle East. According to a 2016 working paper produced
by the National Bureau of Economic Research, Saudi Arabia is the second-largest source of ISIS fighters from Muslim-majority
countries, with an estimated 2,500. If the IGA report is accurate, a whopping 16% of these fighters were in the U.S.
when they joined ISIS.
Island woman laundered money to ISIS through Bitcoin, prosecutors say. A Long Island woman was indicted
Thursday after she allegedly laundered more than $85,000 through Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies overseas to the Islamic
State. Zoobia Shahnaz, 27, of Brentwood, was charged in federal court with bank fraud, conspiracy to commit money
laundering and three counts of money laundering, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. Shahnaz, between the months
of June and July, allegedly used 16 credit cards that were fraudulently obtained to purchase nearly $63,000 in Bitcoin and other
cryptocurrencies. She was also allegedly able to obtain a loan from a Manhattan bank for approximately $22,500 in June.
take Somali "community leaders" on an exclusive airport-security tour? In his March 29, 2016 Star Tribune
story, Stephen Montemayor reported in passing that local imams and Muslim "community leaders" had received a "behind-the-scenes
security tour" in February last year at MSP. Montemayor mentioned the tour when he noted that Hassan Mohamud — also
known as "Sheikh Hassan," an imam working as a legal assistant for one of the defendants — had been "uninvited"
from the tour. What was that tour for Muslims only all about? I asked MSP spokesman Patrick Hogan, who Hogan
referred me to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), agencies
under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). A TSA spokesman denied knowledge (wrongly, as it
turned out).
How's "diversity" working
out for you? Why is this so complicated? Especially after Tuesday's jihadist slayings in Manhattan, the
cry arose throughout the airwaves — why do these things keep happening? So let me spell it out as simply as
I can. [...] The reason we keep getting acts of terrorism is because we keep importing terrorists. That is not politics.
That is mathematics. For instance, like most Americans, I did not know, until recently, that since the early 1990s we had a
program named the "Diversity Visa Lottery." So each year some 50,000 people are invited into our country from hellholes all
around the globe, like Uzbekistan. Over there it is 96.3 percent Muslim, coincidentally.
it a Muslim who breached security at Miami International Airport? Pretending to talk on a cellphone, a man at
Miami International Airport was caught on video jumping onto a luggage carousel on Saturday. If you pause the video
below at 0:21, you can get a good look at his bearded face. The footage shows him casually strolling past an empty
security checkpoint at the American Airlines ticket counter and then diving into a luggage conveyor belt.
More than 150 Afghan officers training in America have gone AWOL. With so many "green on blue" attacks in
Afghanistan carried out by rogue Afghan soldiers, you would think the U.S. would carefully vet any Afghan army personnel
before they got to the United States. The fact that they are required to provide only "limited biographical and
background information" is extremely troubling. The fact that there is only a small risk that any of these AWOL
soldiers will become terrorists, or were infiltrated into the U.S. by the Taliban, is beside the point. It's a
risk we shouldn't have to run if officials had done their job correctly.
troops go AWOL in U.S.; IG says wastes taxpayer money, poses security threat. More than 150 Afghan troops
brought to the U.S. for military training have gone AWOL since 2005, with 13 of them still unaccounted for and perhaps living
as here illegal immigrants now, an inspector general said in a new report Friday [10/20/2017]. Part of the problem is
that the U.S. never puts the trainees through an in-person interview and exempts them from registering as aliens when they
arrive — both steps that other visitors would normally have to go through.
Afghan prison workers missing during training in Colorado. Three Afghan prison employees who went missing over the weekend
from a Colorado training facility weren't believed to pose a threat, a state prison official said Monday [8/21/2017], and authorities
remain most concerned about the visitors' welfare. The missing guards are part of a group from Afghanistan training at the
International Correctional Management Training Center in Canon City, which is run by the Colorado Department of Corrections.
The three failed to return Saturday night after an organized trip, department spokesman Mark Fairbairn said. It's the third
time participants in the federally-backed training program have gone missing in recent years.
State flag on New Hampshire dam raises First Amendment questions in times of terrorism. When a New Hampshire
police chief pulled a homemade Islamic State flag from a wall at a dam this month, it spurred a host of questions about First
Amendment rights in the era of terrorism. Pittsfield Police Chief Jeffrey Cain said the black-and-white flag was
causing alarm in the community. Chief Cain said he worked with the FBI on the matter but decided there was no crime in
posting the flag and there was no evidence of a terrorist plot. "No criminal charges are forthcoming," he told The
Washington Times.
How Obama's 'smart
power' helped seed the Manchester attack. The hunt for the terror network behind the Manchester attack is now focusing on
Libya, where bomber Salman Abedi's father and brother were arrested Thursday [5/25/2017] and from which Abedi himself had only recently
returned. That's hardly surprising: South Manchester is home to one of the world's largest Libyan expatriate communities, which
in recent years has become a prime recruiting ground for young jihadists. And Libya itself is the base for an ISIS external-operations
wing tasked with plotting terrorist attacks in Europe. Indeed, since the fall of Moammar Khadafy, Libya has become a haven for Islamist
terrorist groups. Such is the result of Barack Obama's failed policy — which he so confidently announced would prove smarter
than his predecessor's mistakes in Iraq, only to be proved horribly wrong.
Report Warns Against Truck Ramming Attacks By Terrorists. Truck owners and truck rental agencies in the U.S.
must be "vigilant" about the increasing frequency of "ramming attacks" by terrorists using vehicles as killing machines,
according to a new Transportation Security Administration report obtained exclusively by NBC News. The unclassified
report warns owners, operators and rental agencies to protect their vehicles from theft. Entitled "Vehicle ramming
attacks: Threat landscape, indicators and counter measures," the report was sent Tuesday [5/2/2017] to local law
enforcement agencies and private companies working with the Department of Homeland Security.
Hacking Suspects Could Read Every Email Dozens Of Congressmen Sent And Received. Imran Awan bullied central IT
to bend the rules for him so there wouldn't be a paper trail about the unusually high permissions he was requesting.
And their actions were not logged, so members have no way of knowing what information they may have taken, the central IT
employee said. Awan ran technology for multiple House Democrats, and soon four of his relatives — including
brothers Abid and Jamal — appeared on the payroll of dozens of other members, collecting $4 million in taxpayer
funds since 2010. U.S. Capitol Police named him and his relatives as subjects of a criminal probe on Feb. 2, and banned
them from the complex's computer networks. But members of Congress for whom they worked have downplayed their access or
publicly ignored the issue.
Are 1000 Potential Terrorists in the US Being Investigated Today! A Department of Homeland Security official,
speaking under anonymity, said on Monday that they were currently more than "1,000 investigations into potential domestic
terrorists inspired or motivated by ISIS." The Official also said that investigations were under way by the FBI into
around 300 possible terrorists who came into the US as refugees.
Intelligence, Foreign Affairs Committee Members Compromised. Three brothers who managed office information
technology for members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and other lawmakers were abruptly relieved of
their duties on suspicion that they accessed congressional computers without permission. Brothers Abid, Imran, and
Jamal Awan were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives Thursday [2/2/2017], The Daily Caller News
Foundation Investigative Group has learned.
Sketchy House Intel Staffers Fired During Probe of Security Breach. This is, well, sketchy — to say
the least. The Daily Caller is reporting that three House Intelligence "staffers" have been fired as part of an ongoing
security probe. Abid Awan, Imran Awan and Jamal Awan, are three brothers who worked within the IT department for
members of the House Permanent Intelligence Committee. Yes, you read that correctly. You might remember, the
House Intelligence Committee is part of the deepest oversight network with responsibility over the most sensitive and
secretive government intelligence, including covert anti-terrorism activity.
has 7,000 terror suspects at large and is finding it 'almost impossible' to monitor them, former UK intelligence chief
says. Germany is finding it 'almost impossible' to keep track of around 7,000 potential terror suspects in the
country, a former British intelligence chief has warned. Richard Barrett, who was head of counter-terrorism at MI6,
said the authorities were finding the number of 'live' cases unmanageable. The grim assessment came as German security
services face difficult questions following the Berlin Christmas market massacre.
Braces Itself For More ISIS Attacks By Muslim Children. European officials are reportedly worried by a rising
trend of Islamic State-inspired attacks by young children. A 12-year-old Iraqi refugee child was arrested Dec. 15 for
trying to use a nail bomb to blow up a German Christmas market. The arrest was preceded by a brutal ax attack by a 17-year-old
Afghan refugee, who hacked four tourists before being neutralized by German authorities. In both cases the assailants were
inspired by ISIS propaganda. The week before the 12-year-old's arrest German police arrested two boys, ages 15 and 17, for
plotting a terror attack on a public building in Bavaria. The two young boys had ISIS flags among their possessions,
mirroring the flag found among the Afghan refugee's possessions.
Gave Somali Muslims Security Briefings, Tours in Secured Areas at Major U.S. Airports. Judicial Watch today [12/21/2016]
released 31 pages of records from U.S. Customs and Border Protection revealing that the Department of Homeland Security has given
Somalis "community engagement tours," including security briefings, in secured areas at least three major U.S. airports —
Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and Columbus, Ohio. The records came in response to a May 2016 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request, which sought records, documents and communications regarding a "Community Engagement Tour" in Minneapolis-St. Paul
Airport on February 18, 2016.
Plant Trespasser Is Released, Then Vanishes. Clean drinking water is essential for our health, so when a man
with a foreign passport is discovered trespassing in a protected Chicago water plant, the FBI and Homeland security are
alerted. Authorities say Shahroon Augustine entered the Eugene Sawyer Water Purification Plant with a duffle bag,
containing a passport from Pakistan. He was charged with trespassing, then vanished. [...] Augustine, who may have
lived in Palatine at one time, has had numerous previous arrests. He has pleaded guilty to two separate drug charges in
Wisconsin. And last year he was charged with a misdemeanor after Palatine police stopped him with "an ax in the
waistband of his pants" and a gym bag containing an expandable baton, duct tape and more.
in eight states were questioned over the weekend about a possible pre-election terror attack. A civil rights
organization says Muslim-Americans in eight states were questioned over the weekend over a pre-election terror threat.
The FBI announced last week that it had received a threat from al Qaeda, planned for Monday. The threat targeted the
states of New York, Virginia and Texas, but no further details were released. Over the weekend, the Council on American
Islamic Relations received reports from Muslim-Americans in eight states, who said they were approached by FBI agents who
wanted to speak to them about the alleged threat. Those states included California, Washington State, Michigan,
Pennsylvania, Kansas Oklahoma, Florida and Texas.
Gov: There Are Major Islamic Terrorists In Iowa — They Are Living In Every State; Can Strike Any Day. Iowa Governor
Terry Branstad issued a warning on Monday [10/10/2016] saying that there are major Islamic terrorists in Iowa, who can strike any day. The
Des Moines Register reported on Branstad stumping for GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and against Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton,
who has been quoted as saying that terrorism, and we all know that it is Islamic in nature, is not a threat to our nation.
your targets with machetes, Islamic State tells lone wolves. Islamic State (IS) modules and 'lone wolves' in
India have lately been instructed by their handlers to focus on hacking their targets, particularly foreign citizens, to
death with big chopping knives or machetes. "We have gathered that IS modules and lone wolves here are being told by
their handlers not to risk gathering explosives, assembling IEDs or illegally buying automatic weapons for attacks.
Instead, all they need to do is buy big chopping knives or machetes, which would neither raise suspicion nor involve a huge
cost," a senior intelligence official told [Times of India].
imam praises ISIS beheadings. A Muslim cleric in Maryland, who has openly endorsed the Islamic State terror
group and funded at least one Muslim convert who was arrested for buying illegal explosives, has not been charged or arrested
because, according to authorities, he hasn't broken any laws. Suleiman Anwar Bengharsa, an imam at mosques in Annapolis
and outside Baltimore who also serves as a prison chaplain, has posted gruesome videos showing Islamic State fighters, also
known as ISIS, ISIL or Daesh, beheading and burning alive their enemies and praised terrorist attacks overseas, The New York
Times reports.
of Afghan troops training in US have vanished from military bases. Nearly four dozen Afghan troops training in
the U.S. have vanished in less than two years, officials confirmed Thursday [10/6/2016]. At least 44 Afghan troops have
left their assigned bases since January 2015, calling into question their training programs' screening processes. Of
those 44, 25 were reported Absent Without Leave, or AWOL, in 2015, and 19 have gone AWOL this year. At a press briefing
Thursday, Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said 32 of the missing Afghans had been located.
was that bagheaded woman taking pictures of a Jewish school in Brooklyn? The incident took place last week on
Thursday afternoon [9/29/2016] at approximately 2:30 p.m. The woman, dressed in Muslim supremacist garb, showed up
at the Yeshiva Imeri Yosef Spinka school located at 15th avenue and 58th street. She proceeded to take photos and
look around all sides of the building as if to stake out the place.
Report: Terrorists Running Wild Within U.S. Borders. The Obama administration has been concealing the
staggering breadth of terrorist activity in the United States — quantified as close to 8,000 terrorist encounters
in a recent year — a leaked government report suggests. There are disturbing parallels between the Obama
administration's ongoing cover-up of the true extent of terrorist operations in the U.S. and its election season cover-up
four years ago of the real causes of the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2012. [...] There have been 92
Muslim terrorist plots in the U.S. since Sept. 11, 2001. The overwhelming majority of those plots took place
during Barack Obama's presidency.
Afghans Raise Terrorism Fears. Several Afghan nationals undergoing military training in the United States
disappeared from U.S. military bases this month, according to Pentagon and Homeland Security officials. "During the
month of September, seven Afghan students were considered absent without leave (AWOL) during international military student
programs," Pentagon spokesman Cmdr. Patrick L. Evans said. Three of the Afghan military trainees fled from a
Pentagon training program two weekends ago during the bombing spree in New York and New Jersey by Afghan-born bombing suspect
Ahmad Rahami, raising concerns among security officials that the missing Afghan students may be linked to terrorism or plans
for attacks in the United States.
says over 500 potential attackers currently in country. Germany's interior minister has warned his country is host to
hundreds of potential Islamist terrorists who could carry out attacks against the European nation. Thomas de Maiziere
told the Bild newspaper there were at least 520 potential attackers currently in the country, according to Reuters. Another
360 people, he said, were also relevant targets for police due to their ties to potential terrorists. "The terror
threat now stems from foreign hit teams as well as fanatical lone wolves in Germany," de Maiziere said.
for Another Nice-Style Attack, ISIS Suggests Jihadists Try Baseball Bat, Power Screwdriver. A new video out of
ISIS' Al-Khayr province in Syria suggests jihadists emulate the on-hand weaponry of the Nice attack with at-home items such
as a power screwdriver, baseball bat or hypodermic needle. The death toll in the July 14 attack on the French coastal
city, in which a Tunisian living in Nice drove a cargo truck into a Bastille Day crowd, rose to 86 a few days ago as another
man died of his injuries. Eighty-three were killed at the scene. French authorities initially declared that the
truck driver, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, had no known links to terrorism. The attacker's uncle said Lahouaiej-Bouhlel,
claimed by ISIS as one of their own, was recruited by an Algerian shortly before the attack even though he "didn't pray,
didn't go to the mosque and ate pork." His choice of a truck as a weapon has been fueling the ISIS call for lone jihadists
to use whatever weapons are convenient and less likely to arouse suspicion.
men taping Kettering church Mass prompts probe. Kettering Police and Ascension Catholic Church leaders say two
to three Arab men who entered the church Sunday and began videotaping the service were studying Christianity. The men's
activity alarmed some parishioners who contacted police which prompted officers to respond. "While their actions did
arouse suspicion, we believe their actions were simply a breach of proper etiquette," a statement on Ascension's website read
Thursday morning. "While current evidence suggests that they intended no ill will, the Kettering police and other
appropriate agencies are continuing to thoroughly investigate the matter and are keeping us aware of their findings."
Suspected ISIS Terrorists Have Been Arrested in the U.S. in the Past Year. In the past year 31 suspected ISIS
terrorists have been arrested by American law enforcement, and three attacks have taken the lives of 63 people and wounded an
additional 81 civilians. The suspected terrorists have been arrested for crimes ranging from planing to travel overseas
to join ISIS fighters to soliciting the killing of American soldiers. Those arrested range from a 15 year old
too young to be named to a former Army National Guardsman.
is Virginia a Haven for Would-be Jihadists? Already this year, six men from the "Cavalier State" have been
arrested on terror-related charges — two of them in July alone. Another man has joined the Islamic State in
Syria. Two of those charged were stopped from making a similar trip. These most recent arrests, one on July 3,
the other on July 8, were based on charges of planning to provide material support to ISIS.
You Living Next to a Jamaat ul-Fuqra Jihad Training Camp? There is an immediate need to demand Islamists in
America be deported. Enabled by an inept and impotent Congress, President Obama has allowed Islamist non-profit
organizations affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood to thrive, fostering an integrated terrorist network in more than half
of our United States. There are more than 107 Islamist non-profit organizations in 29 states that financially support
and are supported by the Muslim Brotherhood — and have ties to IS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and other terrorist groups.
These organizations sponsor conferences, workshops, speakers, and materials advancing Muslim Brotherhood teachings and Islam.
Video Threatens San Francisco, Shows Golden Gate and Skyscraper. A new video released by ISIS today [6/26/2016]
that heavily praised Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen also made specific threats against San Francisco and Las
Vegas. The video, released by ISIS in Mosul, rolls images of Mateen and news footage of the Pulse attack on June 12.
Also shown is the footage shot by Larossi Abballa during his June 13 attack on a French police commander and his family.
Abballa livestreamed on Facebook his statement from inside the home of his victims Jean-Baptiste Salvaing, 42, and Jessica Schneider,
36, a police station secretary, during the attack in Magnanville, about 30 miles outside of Paris. Born in France of Moroccan
heritage, Abballa said he was following the directive of al-Baghdadi for jihadists in their home countries to kill the infidels in their homes.
Uranium-238 confiscated in Georgia was intended for buyers abroad. The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on
April 18 the State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG) reported about a detention of six persons, three Georgian citizens and
three — Armenian ones. According to special services, they tried to sell radioactive uranium-238 for
200 million US dollars. A container with the radioactive material was found in the house of one of the detainees.
investigating theft of 32 cases of commercial grade fireworks. The ATF is investigating the theft of 32 cases
of commercial grade fireworks from a Detroit-bound CSX train that originated in Chicago, the agency confirmed to Fox News.
[...] The official said the stolen explosives were very dangerous and posed a great risk to the public. The explosives
were described as 2½ to 5 inch aerial fireworks that are regulated, meaning handlers must have a permit before using
them and they are not to be set off by the general public.
Search for More Than 500 Pounds of Explosives Stolen from Train. While the explosives are fireworks, it's
commercial grade material. Remember, the Boston terrorists bought fireworks as a possible explosive source for their
bombs, and from the same store where the failed Times Square bomber bought his fireworks used in his attempted car bomb.
Georgia: Six caught trying to
sell $200 million in uranium. Authorities in the former Soviet state of Georgia have arrested six people for
trying to sell $200 million worth of uranium, Reuters reports. "Officers of Georgia's State Security Service detained
three citizens of Armenia and three citizens of Georgia," Savle Motiashvili, a security service investigator, told
reporters. "The members of the group were planning to sell the nuclear material, uranium-238, for $200 million when
they were detained. He did not elaborate on the origin of the uranium nor whether there was an intended purchaser.
2,000 "Ticking Time
Bombs" in U.S. — and Counting. A growing chorus of U.S. politicians, pundits and scholars are calling
for closer monitoring of U.S. mosques, the number of which has grown exponentially since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people on U.S. soil. Experts on Islamic terrorism are calling the estimated
2,500 to 3,100 mosques in America "ticking time bombs." Every state now has at least one. California and New York
lead the way, each with more than 500 mosques, followed by Texas with just over 300.
least 22 Islamic radicals linked to the Paris and Brussels attacks could still be at large. At least 22 radical
Islamists from Europe linked to the terror network behind the Brussels and Paris attacks are suspected to be still at large,
putting security services on high alert as they rush to prevent the Islamic State from striking again in the region.
Many of the fugitives have been involved in previous Islamic State plots, officials say, and almost all of them have spent
months or years fighting in Syria.
with 'Syria Ties' Infiltrate Water Utility's Control System. According to The Register, a UK-based news site
about tech security and related issues, "hackers infiltrated a water utility's control system and changed the levels of
chemicals being used to treat tap water." The hackers had "ties to Syria," and the attack, although the location of the
utility has not been revealed and its name has been changed in reports, seems most likely to have taken place in the United
States. This is yet another indication of how determined jihad terrorists are to murder Americans in large numbers.
Arrested In Connection To Incendiary Devices On Tyngsboro Power Lines. The FBI arrested a Chelmsford man
Saturday morning in connection to incendiary devices that were found on power lines in Tyngsboro. On Wednesday
afternoon [3/30/2016] Tyngsboro firefighters knocked down a brush fire on Locust Ave. and in the process noticed
devices on the power lines that seemed out of place. National Grid employees who responded to the scene called
police, who summoned the FBI to inspect what were determined to be incendiary devices.
hackers infiltrate water utility's control system, change levels of chemicals used to treat tap water. The
location of the utility has not been revealed and its name has been changed in Verizon's report, but given the fact of
Verizon's involvement, this likely happened in the U.S. — all the other incidents discussed in the report linked
in The Register's article took place in America. And we know that jihadis have long wanted to poison the water supply. As
far back as 2002, the feds arrested two jihadis who were carrying plans about how to poison water supplies. In 2003, al-Qaeda
threatened to poison water supplies in Western countries. In 2011, a jihadi in Spain likewise planned to poison water supplies.
And in May 2013, seven Muslim "chemical engineers" were caught trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir, a key supply of water for Boston,
after midnight. Only months later and indirectly did we hear that it was a "criminal matter."
men detained, questioned in SoCal for firing guns, yelling 'Allahu akbar'. Federal and local law enforcement
authorities Tuesday [3/29/2016] are investigating after 17 men were detained for reportedly firing off hundreds of rounds in
a remote part of Apple Valley. San Bernardino County Sheriff's deputies and an FBI agent were among the units that detained
the men — reportedly all of Middle Eastern descent — who were camping out in the Deep Creek Hot Springs area
Sunday morning, authorities said. ... A 911 caller reported hearing over 100 shots fired and seeing five to seven men wearing
turbans and shooting "assault rifles, handguns, and shotguns," according to a Sheriff's Department statement.
Probing 17 Armed Middle Eastern Men 'Chanting 'Allahu-Akbar Type Stuff' in CA Desert. The FBI is now
investigating a group of 17 Middle Eastern men camping in the Mojave Desert who were briefly detained on Easter Sunday
[3/27/2016], then released, after a 911 phone call was made to the Victor Valley Sheriff's Station alleging that they had
fired over 100 shots in the area. "They were up all night chanting 'Allah akbar'-type stuff," an unidentified
police officer was heard saying on an audio recording from a police scanner that was posted online.
Men Reportedly Heard Chanting, Firing Off Shots In Apple Valley Detained, Released. The FBI on Tuesday [3/29/2016] continued to
investigate an incident in which 17 men were detained for reportedly firing off hundreds of rounds in a remote part of Apple Valley.
San Bernardino County Sheriff's deputies and an FBI agent responded to the scene Sunday morning and detained the men — reportedly
all of Middle Eastern descent — who were camping out in the Deep Creek Hot Springs area Sunday morning, authorities said.
Security seeks thieves who stole 43 propane tanks. Police are trying to find two men who they say stole 43 propane tanks from two
industrial sites in the last week, and have alerted their Homeland Security division as a safety measure.
Plot In Missouri: What is Going On? Missouri just became ground zero for some intense evolving events that have
occurred there recently. In the last week, six Walmarts were visited in the wee hours of the morning by at least two Middle
Eastern men. At each stop they purchased 60 burner phones. They couldn't be arrested because technically they did nothing
illegal. Cell phones can be used for communications in terrorist cells and as detonators for bombs. ISIS just released a
snuff film in Syria showing rebel prisoners who had explosives placed underneath them. The thugs stood off and detonated the
bombs with their phones and rebel bits went everywhere. Just think what they could do with over 360 phones and those are
just the ones we know about. As concerning as those events were, it gets even worse. Over the last two weeks in Missouri,
dozens of propane tanks have been stolen from various locations. As with the cell phones, the FBI says they are not concerned.
amount of explosives found in Pulaski County, Missouri. A large amount of explosives was found in rural Pulaski
County early Saturday morning [12/12/2015]. According to Pulaski Sheriff Ron Long, a hunter in the Mark Twain National
Forecast located the "substantial amount" of explosives on a jeep trail. The hunter called the Sheriff's Department and
a deputy confirmed the items were explosives and secured the area.
investigation into mass cellphone buys now includes stolen propane tanks. The bulk purchases of more than 200
cellphones from seven Missouri Walmarts over the course of a single weekend continues to draw the attention of law enforcement —
particularly combined with the theft of more than 48 propane canisters in the state during the same time frame. [...] Police in Columbia,
Jackson, Cape Girardeau, Lebanon, Ava, Jefferson City and Macon have each said they've received reports about large numbers of cellphones bought
in area Walmarts. The majority of purchases occurred during the late-night hours of Dec. 4 and the early-morning hours of Dec. 5.
Mass Cell Phones, Stolen Propane Tanks and Now Mystery Man in Woods. After numerous articles all around
Missouri citing strange bulk throw-away phone purchases, and then a report of stolen propane tanks, a trail-cam catches
a picture of a strangely behaving man in the woods and social media erupts.
in Missouri: Dozens of Propane Tanks Missing From Nearby Stores. A string of burglaries has caused federal
officials to begin an investigation in Kansas City, MO, according to a report from KFOR. This investigation comes almost a
week after the purchase of 100 prepaid cell phones from two local Walmarts, which employees found suspicious and reported.
Now, federal officials have been notified of dozens of stolen propane tanks from nearby stores.
cell phone purchases at 3 Missouri Walmarts raise suspicions. In less than a week, law enforcement agencies in three different
Missouri cities have investigated the purchase of large quantities of cell phones at Walmart stores. In two cases, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation was contacted. Last Saturday [12/5/2015], KSPR reports that police were called to a Lebanon, Mo., Walmart when two men
purchased about 60 cell phones early in the morning. Police tell KSPR that terrorists can use cell phones as bomb detonators in addition
to using them for communication, and can be hard to track if prepaid.
of reports of mass cell phone buys grows in Missouri. The FBI is aware of reports of men visiting Walmart
stores in several cities in Missouri and purchasing or trying to purchase large quantities of cellular telephones. An FBI
spokeswoman won't say exactly how much its agents are delving into the purchases. Some of the cities where the purchases
and attempted purchases are reported by police and media are Macon, Columbia, Jefferson City, Lebanon, Ava, Jackson and Cape Girardeau.
cell phone purchases at 3 Missouri Walmarts raise suspicions. In less than a week, law enforcement agencies in three different
Missouri cities have investigated the purchase of large quantities of cell phones at Walmart stores. In two cases, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation was contacted. Last Saturday, KSPR reports that police were called to a Lebanon, Mo., Walmart when two men purchased about
60 cell phones early in the morning. Police tell KSPR that terrorists can use cell phones as bomb detonators in addition to using
them for communication, and can be hard to track if prepaid.
police investigate purchase of 100 cellphones at separate Walmarts. The first reported purchase happened Friday night [12/4/2015],
when several men bought dozens of phones around 9:30 p.m. at a Columbia Walmart, ABC 17 reported. The men paid in cash,
according to a witness. Then, just before 4 a.m. on Saturday, two men bought about 60 phones in Lebanon, according to
KSPR. Police were called and interviewed the men, but did not detain them. "These people were, they were foreign-speaking,"
said Laclede County Sheriff Wayne Merritt, who encouraged citizens to call the cops if they observed odd activity.
sever fiber-optic cables in San Francisco area, latest in a string. Someone deliberately severed two AT&T fiber
optic cables in the Livermore, Calif., Monday night, the latest in a string of attacks against the Internet's privately run
backbone. AT&T is offering a $250,000 reward in connection with the latest attacks. AT&T's fiber optic network is legally
considered a critical piece of the nation's Internet infrastructure, and any attackers are subject to both state and federal prosecution.
The FBI already has an open investigation into 14 similar attacks on California Internet backbones since last summer. Livermore is a
San Francisco Bay Area suburb that's home to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and many high-tech commuters.
hackers target U.S. gas pumps. Hackers from Syria and Iran are on the prowl to hold a neighborhood or city's
gasoline supply up for ransom, or, worse, cause it to spill and explode, with Washington being high on the target list,
according to a new report. The report, issued over the weekend by a group of digital security sleuths, found that a
number of groups, including the notorious Syrian Electronic Army — known for hacking news groups — are
looking for soft targets they can take control of easily through the Internet, and use to cause a variety of mayhem.
Power Substation Attacked in 2013 Is Struck Again. The Silicon Valley power substation
that was attacked by a sniper in April 2013 was hit by thieves early Wednesday morning [8/27/2014], according to
the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, despite increased security. The substation, near San Jose,
Calif., is the source of energy for thousands of customers, and the idea that it was the target of a
well-organized attack, and that it might have been disabled for an extended period, raised anxieties
about the possible broader vulnerability of the grid. The attack this week did not involve gunfire,
and it did not seem intended to disable the facility.
man found stuck in United Water pipe indicted for criminal trespass. The 27-year-old
Manalapan man who was found stuck in a 20-inch pipe at a United Water facility in January has been
indicted for criminal trespass. On Tuesday, a Monmouth County Grand Jury indicted Asaf Mohammad,
27, of Emily Road in Manalapan, for fourth-degree criminal trespass stemming from an incident when
he allegedly entered a United Water Matchponix treatment facility without authorization.
Memo details terrorist's 'dry run' aboard flight last month.
We've been hearing these reports for years, but this appears to be the real deal. On a flight from Washington to Orlando last month, several Middle Eastern men caused what was
termed a commotion and "appeared to be conducting a test run to gauge procedure and reaction to an in-flight threat during an incident aboard US Airways Flight 1880 from Reagan
National Airport to Orlando International Airport on Sept. 2," according to Fox News.
Pilots union warns of 'dry run' by possible terrorists
on US flight. Security experts for a major airline's pilot's union have warned members that potential terrorists conducted apparent "dry runs" aboard domestic flights in
recent weeks, and urged flight crews not to be pressured into taking to the skies if they are fearful. A memo from the U.S. Airline Pilots Association, which represents more than
5,000 pilots who fly for US Airways, cites "several cases recently throughout the (airline) industry of what appear to be probes, or dry runs, to test our procedures and reaction
to an in-flight threat."
Refusal to Answer. The official
Massachusetts State Police statement on the 5 men and 2 women arrested for trespassing near the largest man-made water
reservoir in the U.S. just days after the Boston Marathon bombings is "no comment," but that's not the end of the story.
Publicly, MSP cannot legally release the names or other information about the 7 individuals because they haven't been officially
charged with any crimes, despite the state police department's efforts to reverse that decision by a magistrate judge from the
East Hampshire District Court which serves Belchertown, MA where the reservoir is located.
Fake Military Documents, Weapons Found in
Abandoned Pickup. A dry cleaner and former member of the U.S. military has been arrested after suspicious documents and weapons were found
in his crashed pickup truck early Tuesday [10/2/2012]. [...] The owner of the truck, 29-year-old Azeez Ahmed Alghaziani, is a former member of the U.S.
military, an American citizen, and the owner of a dry cleaning business in the shopping center.
at Love Field 'acting suspiciously'. Dallas police and federal terrorism officials are investigating
two women, both dressed in camouflage pants under their traditional Muslim robes and scarves, who were seen
conducting what appeared to be surveillance and acting suspiciously at Dallas Love Field.
watch figure confirms terrorist tie. One of the subjects of a Dallas police intelligence bulletin,
Asma Al-Homsi, says she's known convicted terrorist Wadih el Hage and his wife for more than two decades.
Mr. el Hage, a former Arlington resident and naturalized U.S. citizen, was the personal secretary of
al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden before he was sent to prison. But Ms. Al-Homsi said she still
considers him and his wife to be close friends.
One more dot to connect: Prof in '03 plague
scare sets off airport shutdown. The suspicions airport security officials had when they saw the
metal canister grew when they learned about the man who brought it in from the Middle East: a scientist
who sparked a bioterrorism scare after he reported missing vials of plague samples seven years ago.
Issued for 17 Afghan Military Members AWOL From U.S. Air Force Base. A nationwide alert has
been issued for 17 members of the Afghan military who have gone AWOL from a Texas Air Force base where
foreign military officers who are training to become pilots are taught English, FoxNews.com has learned.
of 17 Afghans Who Deserted U.S. Air Force Base Remain Missing. Ten of 17 Afghan military
deserters who walked away from a training program on a U.S. Air Force base in Texas remain at large, sources
close to the situation told Fox News on Friday [6/18/2010], and seven of the men have been accounted for.
Questions About the AWOL Afghans: [#1] Why are we just hearing about this situation now,
when some of the people on the list have been missing for two years? And when the most recent person
to go missing was six months ago. Has something changed? What's happened to make
us — all of a sudden — become more alert?
Number of
Afghans Gone AWOL in U.S. Reaches 46. A be-on-the-lookout alert issued last month for
17 Afghan military men who walked away from an Air Force base in Texas has turned out to be just the tip
of the iceberg. No fewer than 46 members of the Afghan military have gone absent without leave
from the Defense Language Institute's English Language Center at Lackland Air Force Base in recent years,
FoxNews.com has learned.
'BMWs' Help Afghans Go AWOL
From Texas Air Base. A loose network of Mexican-American women, some of whom may be illegal
immigrants, have been responsible for helping numerous Afghan military deserters go AWOL from an Air Force
Base in Texas, FoxNews.com has learned.
Law enforcement's premature dismissal of
terrorism as a motivating factor is puzzling — and harmful. Inverse False
Alarms. The FBI's national spokesman was already prepared to dismiss a connection to terrorism
the day after ricin was found in a Las Vegas hotel room. It is, of course, too early to declare that
the Las Vegas incident was connected to terrorism. But law enforcement's announcement to the contrary
was almost certainly premature — and is part of a larger pattern of officials dismissing acts of
violence as unrelated to terrorism long before they are in a position to know.
Cache Of Weapons Found In Dallas Apartment.
Federal sources tell CBS 11 News that law enforcement officers have confiscated a large cache of weapons found
in an apartment near the federal building in downtown Dallas. Authorities tell us the tenant travels to the
Middle East frequently and just returned from there this morning. That information and the amount of
weapons found lead to the involvement of the North Texas Terrorism Task Force. However, authorities
say there is no reason to suspect terrorism as a motive.
The Editor says...
Yeah, right. It's just a guy who spends a lot of time in the Middle East and has a downtown Dallas
apartment full of weapons.
Other cases / Other related information
does the beheading of Christians not make headlines? The Congolese chapter of Islamic
State has a ruthless way of stopping outsiders reporting their presence to the authorities.
Under the edicts of their founder, Jamil Mukulu, who once lived as a cleric in London, anyone who
strays across them in their forest hideouts should be killed on sight. 'Slaughter him or her,
behead them immediately,' Mukulu once commanded. 'Never give it a second thought, do not
hesitate.' His acolytes take him at his word, even when it's not just one hapless villager who
runs into them, but dozens. Last month, they beheaded 70 Christians in Mayba in the eastern
Congo, according to the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, which campaigns on behalf of
persecuted Christians worldwide. The charity said the corpses of the victims, including
women, children and elderly, were dumped in a nearby evangelical church.
Biden Cheered The Fall Of Assad, Christians Now Are Being Slaughtered, Over 1000 Killed So
Far. Members of Syria's small Christian community on the coast are living in fear
after attacks killed more than 1,000 mostly Alawite civilians, with Christians reportedly caught up
in the violence. "The current conflict in Syria does not concern me, but we are its victims,"
said Ruwayda, a 36-year-old Christian from the port city of Latakia. "There's a feeling that
no one is protecting us," she told AFP. "I feel a mix of both fear and anticipation for what
lies ahead in Syria, but I feel certain that migration is the only option," she added. The
wave of violence — the worst since former president Bashar al-Assad was toppled in
December — erupted in Syria's Alawite heartland on the coast on Thursday. It began
with clashes between gunmen loyal to Assad and the country's new security forces. What later
transpired has been described as a "massacre" in which members of Assad's Alawite minority were
targeted. [Video clip]
Driver [was] Arrested After [He Drove a Car] Into [a] Crowd in [a] German City Killing at Least
Two. A man is under arrest and several people are seriously injured, including at
least one possibly killed, after a black car was driven into a crowd of people in a German city on
Monday morning. Several people are injured, some seriously, and at least one person was laid
under a bloodied sheet — presumed deceased — in the city of Mannheim on the
Rhine in Baden-Württemberg on Monday morning. Police have ordered the public to keep
away from the area, a large deployment of emergency services is underway and a helicopter was
landed in a square near the incident in the city centre.
another mass shooting, appears to be Muslim-on-Muslim violence. Just 3 days
after the German people refused to vote in a government that would tackle Muslim violence and mass
Muslim immigration, Germany has been rocked by another incident of Muslim violence with several
people reportedly injured after a shooting at a court in Germany.
killed and police seriously injured in 'Islamist terror attack' in France. One person
was killed and two police officers were seriously injured in what Emmanuel Macron called an
"Islamist terror attack" in eastern France on Saturday. The Algerian suspect, who authorities
said was on a terror prevention watchlist, was arrested in the city of Mulhouse, near the Swiss and
German borders, following the knife attack, according to local media. Three more police
officers and one parking attendant were lightly injured in the attack. The French president
said he had "no doubt" the attack was terror related. The stabbing spree occurred shortly
before 4pm on Saturday in the middle of a market near a demonstration about the conflict in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, according to the local prosecutor. The suspect allegedly
shouted "Allahu Akbar" multiple times during the attack, according to France's national anti-terror
prosecutors unit (PNAT), which has taken charge of the investigation.
killed in Somalia in clash between security forces, Islamic State. Nearly
70 people were killed and up to 50 others wounded during 24 hours of fighting
between Islamic State fighters and security forces from Somalia's Puntland region, officials said
Wednesday. At least 15 Puntland soldiers and more than 50 militants were slain in the fierce
fighting around the Dharin and Qurac areas of the Cal Miskaad mountains in Puntland's Bari region,
multiple Puntland security officials told VOA, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were
not authorized to brief the media. In an interview Wednesday with VOA's Somali Service, a
spokesperson for Puntland security operations, Brigadier General Mohamud Mohamed Ahmed, said the
fighting, which began Tuesday, was the heaviest since Puntland launched an offensive last month
against Islamic State groups that have hideouts in the mountains. "We have confirmed that at
least 57 Islamic State militants, all of them foreigners, were killed during the fighting in the
last 24 hours," Ahmed said.
Gangs Get Into a Massive Gunfight in the Center of Belgium. Belgian police are
looking for armed men after a shooting was reported outside a metro station in the center of
Brussels. CCTV footage shows at least two men wearing balaclavas and carrying what appeared
to be Kalashnikov weapons at the entrance of Clémenceau station in the Belgian capital early
on Wednesday. Video from the scene shows an exchange of fire at about 06:15 local time.
Sarah Frederickx, spokeswoman for Brussels police, said the suspects fled into the metro station
and may still be in the metro tunnels. [Video clip]
in Sweden say about 10 people [were] killed in shooting at school for adults in the city of
Orebro. Police in Sweden said Tuesday that "about 10 people" were killed in a
shooting earlier in the day at a school for adults in the city of Orebro, west of Stockholm.
The police offered very little information on the incident throughout the most of the day, saying
only that five people were wounded, including the suspected shooter, before suddenly confirming the
initial death toll at about 6 p.m. local time (noon Eastern). The shooting occurred at the
Campus Risbergska school, which, according to its website, is for students over the age of 20. The
Reuters news agency said the adult education center is on campus that includes children's schools.
Three Toxic RINO Senators May Oppose Hegseth Confirmation. The three usual RINO
suspects will likely oppose Pete Hegseth's Secretary of Defense confirmation after an 11th hour
affidavit with false allegations of spousal abuse against Hegseth was released. Republican
Senators Mitch McConnell (KY), Lisa Murkowski (AK) and Susan Collins (ME) may oppose Pete Hegseth
for Defense Secretary, forcing Vice President JD Vance to break the tie, according to Fox News
reporter Chad Pergram. [Tweet]
man stabs and kills two in Germany, including a toddler, police say. A 2-year-old
child and a man were killed by a man wielding a knife, in Germany, on Wednesday. He also
seriously wounded two other people, said police, who arrested an Afghan suspect at the scene.
It is the latest in a series of deadly knife attacks to have shaken Germany in recent months,
fueling concerns over public safety. The stabbings happened in a public park in the center of
the Bavarian city of Aschaffenburg at around 11:45 a.m. (1045 GMT), police said. The
attacker targeted a group of children from a daycare center who were in the park, according to German media.
Chicago Man [was] Arrested After [an] HVAC Worker Discovered Bomb Materials, Guns, [and] Fake IDs
in [his] Apartment. A Chicago man was arrested Monday after an HVAC worker found
suspicious materials such as guns, explosives, and fake IDs in his Bronzeville apartment. The
contractor said that her heating and air-conditioning company had told residents that there would
be workers entering apartments but when she entered a unit of the Lake Meadows building at 533 East
33rd Place, she was met with a frightening sight, WLS-TV reported. "I had the master key, and
I went in there, and I came across a lot of things, and I was like, that don't seem right," said
HVAC worker Melissa Carraway. "I came across some C4 explosives, a rifle, a lot of a lot of
fake IDs, a lot of firemen stuff, a lot of police force stuff, and it just looked like it was fake,
you know," Carraway added.
Terrorist: The Unknown Life and Violent Times of Illegal Border-Crosser Sidi Mohammed
Abdallahi. If ever there was a magic moment for Americans to learn why Mauritanian
national Sidi Mohammad Abdallahi rampaged through an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood firing a
semi-automatic handgun at Jews and police, trying to rack up a body count, it was after he'd been
dead a week on December 6, 2024. "Prayers will be held over the body of the deceased" at
8:45 pm, read a post on the Chicago Mauritanian Community's Facebook page. [...] The 22-year-old
Abdallahi, critically wounded then arrested by police, had hanged himself the week before while in
the Cook County Jail while awaiting his eventual trial on state terrorism and other charges for
conducting an October 26 shooting melee described at length in Part 1 of this series.
Terror: Blueprint for Mayhem. In the early hours of the New Year, an
American-born citizen with a black ISIS flag drove a truck down Bourbon St. in New Orleans, killing
fifteen revelers and injuring about three dozen others. His name was Shamsud-Din
Jabbar. The New Orleans attack followed hard upon another vehicular incident at a Christmas
market in Magdeburg, Germany, which led to the deaths of at least five people while injuring 200
more. Vehicular terror events are becoming more common throughout the world. In 2021, a
driver rammed into a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, killing at least five people and
injuring 48 others. In 2016, a truck driver engineered the killing of 86 people and
the wounding of 434 others in Nice, France during a fireworks display. Thirteen died and
dozens more were injured at a Berlin Christmas market the same year. The origin of the
vehicular terror strategy is unclear, but some years ago, an English-language ISIS magazine called
Rumiyah called for vehicle attacks on the West in an article called "Just Terror Tactics."
Al-Qaeda has made calls for similar attacks, calling trucks "the ultimate mowing machine."
Who Was Let Into The Country By Biden Yells Allahu Akbar Before Shooting A Jewish Man.
22-year-old Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi is facing terrorism charges after his attack in Chicago. Police
were called after Abdallahi allegedly shot a 39-year-old man who was walking to synagogue in the shoulder,
as reported by CBS. When emergency responders arrived at the scene, Abdallahi reportedly started
firing at them, hitting an ambulance. Chicago Police officers engaged and hit Abdallahi several
times. [Video clip]
Largest Synagogue Firebombed During Friday Morning Prayers. After a series of
pro-Palestinian demonstrations called for 'Intifada' in Australia, the country's largest synagogue
in the city of Melbourne was firebombed by masked attackers during Friday morning prayers.
[Tweet with video clip] The attackers firebombed the main entrance of the Adass Israel
synagogue while congregants were inside, injuring one worshiper. "Worshipers were forced to flee an
Australian synagogue after it was set on fire," the BBC reported. "Community leaders told local
media that "a few people" were inside at the time for morning prayers, and they had reported seeing
firebombs thrown. One person was injured and the fire caused extensive damage."
A Reckoning, The First U.S. Terror Attack Caused By Open Borders Won't Be The Last.
Surprisingly little news coverage followed America's first terror attack by an illegal
border-crossing immigrant on U.S. soil. On Saturday, 22-year-old Mauritanian Sidi Mohamed
Abdallahi was found dead of an apparent hanging suicide in his Cook County, Illinois jail
cell. America must learn from this to prevent the next attacks on U.S. soil by
border-infiltrating jihadists. Abdallahi illegally jumped the border from Tijuana to San
Diego in March 2023 and was freed by U.S. Border Patrol. Under orders from the
Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security, Border Patrol has released millions of illegal
entrants into the United States in the last four years. On October 26, Abdallahi
allegedly hunted down and shot in the back an identifiably Orthodox Jewish man walking to
synagogue, then tried to up the body count by attacking responding police while shouting "Allahu
Akbar!" Abdallahi still didn't quit shooting even after police wounded him. Somehow he,
the police, and the victim all survived.
attack on bus near Ariel wounds nine. A terrorist exited his vehicle at the Giti
Avisar Junction near Ariel in central Samaria shortly after noon on Friday and fired his weapon at
a Tel Aviv-bound No. 286 bus. Nine victims, including civilians and soldiers, were wounded by
gunfire and shrapnel — three seriously, one and the rest lightly. The terrorist
was killed. It was initially thought there was a second terrorist who fled, but that proved
not to be the case. United Hatzalah EMTs Hanan Afik and Tidhar Hozeh, said: "We provided
initial medical treatment to eight people who were wounded. Three are in serious condition,
one in moderate condition, and four were lightly injured. Additionally, we provided aid to
people suffering from trauma resulting from the attack."
who shouted "Allahu Akbar" after shooting a Jewish man in Chicago was planning more attacks on
Jews. This might be the least surprising news of the year right here.
Prosecutors say that the illegal immigrant who was arrested for shooting a Jewish man on his way to
a Chicago synagogue last month — before screaming "Allahu Akbar" and then shooting at
law enforcement — had planned out other potential targets, including synagogues, Jewish
schools, and community centers in the city's Jewish neighborhood, West Rogers Park.
stabbing suspect in deaths of 3 girls found with ricin, al Qaeda material and charged under
Terrorism Act. A teenager accused of killing three young girls at a Taylor
Swift-themed dance class for young children in the United Kingdom has been charged with possessing
an al Qaeda training manual and ricin poison. Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, 18, already faces
three murder charges, 10 counts of attempted murder and one count of knife possession,
authorities said Tuesday. The new charges were filed under the country's Terrorism Act,
police said. The poison and PDF study, "Military Studies in the Jihad Against the
Tyrants: The al Qaeda Training Manual," were found during a search of Rudakubana's home,
police said.
'Hamas operative' allegedly bought explosives, vandalized Jewish buildings — and donated
to Squad Democrats. Steel City has an aspiring Hamas terrorist in its
midst — and he likes Squad Democrats. The FBI and Pittsburgh police arrested two
Pittsburgh-area residents Wednesday on hate-crime charges for allegedly damaging or defacing Jewish
buildings in July. Shockingly one of those individuals, Mohamad Hamad, self-identified as a
"Hamas operative," purchased and tested explosive materials for a future fireball and was a
Pennsylvania Air National Guard member stationed near Pittsburgh International Airport, according
to the criminal complaint.
Teen Plotted Massacre at Phoenix Pride Parade. Here's Why You Haven't Heard About
It. A 17-year-old in Peoria, Ariz., has been arrested over his plans to load up a
drone with explosives and send it into the Phoenix Pride parade. He was hoping to "bomb 2024
Pride Parade and take over USA" and said that he had ordered bomb-making equipment. He was,
however, discovered and stopped before he could carry out his attack. Still, you should have
heard about a terror plot of this magnitude, yet the establishment media is maintaining near-radio
silence about it. [...] [T]he perpetrator was not a "white supremacist" gun nut who could be
easily shoehorned into the left's standard narrative about supposed "right-wing" violence.
[Tweet] Instead, Marvin Aneer Jalo was an Islamic jihadist, coming at a time when the left's
alliance with Islamic groups is fraught with tension over the Biden-Harris regime's failure to
betray Israel as thoroughly as Muslim leaders have been demanding they do, as well as over social
issues, with many Muslims furious over the left's unshakeable determination to embrace and
normalize every fantasy, delusion and perversion that comes down the pike. So this was just
the worst time for a Muslim to plot to blow up a Pride Parade, and that's why you're likely to hear
about this plot only here.
Another Mentally Ill Knife-Wielding Culture-Enricher. I posted yesterday about a
23-year-old Syrian culture-enricher in Germany who was given custody of five foster children, and
paid well for his efforts. Now we come to another Syrian culture-enricher in Germany who also
interacted significantly with a child. This time the encounter featured a knife, and the
victim was four years old.
the Afghan Refugee's Election Day Jihad Plot a CIA Fake? An Afghan refugee in
Oklahoma City was just caught plotting an Election Day jihad massacre. The Justice Department
announced this on Tuesday, and there was no reason to doubt it. After all, Afghanistan is a
hotbed of jihad. The accused perpetrator, Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, got into the United States on
a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV), which is only issued to people who aided American forces while they
were in that country, so he might have been assumed not to be a jihadi. Still, he could have
been practicing Muhammad's dictum "War is deceit" or imbibed jihadi sympathies after he helped
American troops. Now, however, it has come to light that he worked for the CIA, which casts
doubt upon every other aspect of this story. The New York Post reported last Thursday that
Tawhedi, "who was nabbed in Oklahoma on Monday over the alleged terror plot, was employed as a
security guard for the agency but was not a CIA informant."
refugee charged with plotting US Election Day massacre worked for CIA: report. An
Afghan national accused of plotting an ISIS-inspired Election Day terror attack in the US worked
for the CIA in Afghanistan, according to a new report. Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, who was
nabbed in Oklahoma on Monday over the alleged terror plot, was employed as a security guard for the
agency but was not a CIA informant, NBC News reported, citing multiple sources. It wasn't
immediately clear when or how long Tawhedi worked security before he came to the US in
2021 — just weeks after the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan and the last US
troops departed from the war-torn nation.
Reminder of Biden's Disastrous 'Vetting' of Afghans. During the disastrous
August 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Biden administration evacuated thousands of
unvetted Afghans and allowed many of them into the United States. At the time, Americans and
Afghan interpreters who served the U.S. military in their fight against the Taliban, were left
behind. [Advertisement] [Tweet] The White House reassured Americans Afghans coming to
the United States would be vetted, especially given the country is home to ISIS, the Taliban and Al
Qaeda. In September 2021, just days after the last U.S. soldier left the country, Press
Secretary Jen Psaki said "no one" coming to the U.S. after being evacuated from Afghanistan was
unvetted. [Tweet with video clip]
National Ferried Into US By Biden-Harris Regime After Botched Withdrawal in 2021 Arrested For
Plotting Election Day Terrorist Attack. The FBI arrested an Afghan national who was
plotting an ISIS-inspired Election Day terrorist attack. Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi was arrested in
Oklahoma City on Monday after federal law enforcement sent a confidential human source (CHS) to
secretly communicate with him and his co-conspirators. According to federal prosecutors,
Tawhedi said he purchased two kalashnikov rifles and ordered 500 bullets. "What do you think,
brother? Is it enough or should we increase it," the Telegram message said, according to CBS News.
Foils Election-Day Terror Attack by Afghan National. On Tuesday, the Justice
Department unsealed an indictment against an Afghan national living in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for
"conspiring to conduct an Election Day terrorist attack in the United States on behalf of the
Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization (FTO)."
According to a Justice Department press release, "Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, conspired and attempted
to provide material support to ISIS and obtained firearms and ammunition to conduct a violent
attack on U.S. soil in the name of ISIS." Both Tawhedi and his juvenile co-conspirator were
in the U.S. on Special Immigrant Visas. Tawhedi is married to the juvenile's sister.
"As part of the plot, the defendant allegedly took steps to liquidate his family's assets, resettle
members of his family overseas, acquire AK-47 assault rifles and ammunition, and commit a terrorist
attack in the United States," the DOJ said.
in Bangladesh and the International Cover-Up. On August 5, 2024, Bangladesh
Sheikh Hasina was forced to flee the country and take refuge in India following a month-long
anti-government movement led by Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), ultra-Islamist Bangladesh Nationalist Party
(BNP), Hizb Ut Tahrir and other Islamist organizations in the country. It was earlier
perceived by many that the Biden administration had been trying to topple Sheikh Hasina from power
and install Muhammad Yunus as head of the government. Muhammad Yunus is one of the major
donors of Clinton Foundation, and according to a cable leaked by Wikileaks, back in 2007, Hillary
Clinton made frantic bids and exerted pressure on Bangladesh Army to make her friend Yunus head of
the then military-backed interim government. Following the ouster of Sheikh Hasina, Muhammad
Yunus returned to Bangladesh on August 7, 2024 from France and on the subsequent day took oath
as the "Chief Advisor" of the military-backed revolutionary regime.
supermarket shooter Ahmad Alissa who shot 10 dead is sentenced to life in prison. A
mentally ill gunman who killed 10 people at a Colorado supermarket was sentenced Monday to
life in prison for murder after his family told the court they thought he was possessed by an 'evil
spirit.' Ahmad Alissa's attempt to avoid prison time by pleading not guilty by reason of
insanity was rejected by the jury, as victims' relatives recounted in pained testimony the lives he
destroyed in the 2021 attack in the college town of Boulder. 'To the person that's done this,
we hope that you suffer for the rest of your life. You are a coward,' said Nikolena Stanisic,
whose only sibling, Neven, was killed. 'I hope this haunts the defendant until the end of
time. The defendant deserves the absolute worst.'
Continue to Burn in France. In moonbattery-addled France, Pavel Durov could face 20 years in
prison for allowing free speech on Telegram. The punishment for setting fire to churches is more
lenient. [...] They weren't about to stop with Notre Dame.
Before 9/11, Islamic Terrorists March Through Manhattan. Could anyone have imagined
twenty years ago or even in the darkest days of the Obama administration that Islamic terrorists
would feel free to rampage across the streets of Manhattan waving terrorist flags? But here
we are. No arrests. No FBI agents knocking on their doors. Despite formal
condemnations and press releases, the Jihadists know that they have the backing of the Democrats,
the Left, and the media. What else do they need?
Arrested as Six Injured in German Bus Knife Attack. Police arrested a 32-year-old
woman after six people were hurt in a knife attack on a bus headed to a festival in western
Germany. Authorities said Saturday that there was no evidence of a political or religious
motive. Three of those attacked are in life-threatening condition, police said on Friday
evening. [Advertisement] The knife attack took place in Siegen, east of Cologne. The
bus was on its way to a local festival in the town and at least another 40 people were on
board when the attack took place at about 7:40 p.m. [Advertisement] Police and
prosecutors said the six people wounded were aged between 16 and 30 and all were from the
region. By Saturday morning, three of them had left the hospital after outpatient treatment.
[Advertisement] Local authorities planned to go ahead with the festival. [Advertisement]
The stabbing in Siegen happened a week after a knife attack in Solingen, a city in the same state
of North Rhine-Westphalia, in which a suspected Islamic extremist from Syria who had avoided being
deported is accused of killing three people and wounding another eight. [Advertisement]
Rapper Who Made Videos Calling Cops 'Demons' Executed A Cop In Dallas, Injures Another.
The failed muslim rapper who executed a Dallas officer and critically wounded another filmed
himself calling police 'DEMONS' and approaching an unmarked police car just days before the
shooting. 30-year-old Corey Cobb-Bey filmed himself approaching 46-year-old Officer Darron
Burks and speaking through his window. "The suspect then pulled out a handgun and executed
Officer Burks as he sat in his vehicle," Chief Garcia said. Officer Jamie Farmer was shot in
the leg. Officer Karissa David was shot in the face and remains in critical condition.
Cobb-Bey was later killed in a shootout with police after a chase. [Video clip]
stabs and injures six people on bus in western German city of Siegen. A woman has
stabbed and injured six people on a bus in the western German city of Siegen. Police said the
32-year-old suspect is a German national and was arrested after the attack. At least
40 people were traveling on the bus at the time of the attack. Local authorities said at
least three of the victims sustained life-threatening injuries. Police are trying to
establish a motive for the attack but say there are no indications it was terrorism.
The Editor says...
Right. There are no terrorist attacks in Germany, but there has been a sudden rash of
psychotics with Middle-Eastern names attacking strangers in public place for no reason at
all. The police, as usual, insist that they can't imagine what the motive could be, but
they're sure it's not Islamic terrorism.
Attacks Kill Dozens In Pakistan. Dozens of people were killed in southwestern
Pakistan, where separatists and other Islamic terrorists attacked targets before the military
responded. Monday's attacks claimed the lives of at least 38 people while the military
killed 21 insurgents, marking one of the deadliest days of violence in the restive Baluchistan
province, officials said. Twenty-three people were fatally shot overnight after being taken
from buses, vehicles, and trucks in Musakhail, a district in Baluchistan, senior police official
Ayub Achakzai told media. The attackers reportedly burned at least ten cars before
fleeing. In a separate attack, gunmen killed at least nine people, including four police
officers and five passersby, in Baluchistan's Qalat district, authorities said. The bodies of
six people were found in Bolan, where insurgents also blew up a railway track.
Tanker Destroyed By Islamic Terrorists In Red Sea. Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists
destroyed an oil tanker traveling in international waters in the Red Sea this week, the third major
commercial shipping vessel that the Islamic terror group has sunk over the last year.
11, and Woman, 34, Stabbed in London as Police Pour Resources Into Hunting People Down for Social
Media Posts.. An 11-year-old girl and a 34-year-old woman have been stabbed in
Leicester Square, in London's famous West End. Police in the Sadiq Khan-governed capital have
arrested a suspect described only as "a man." They do not believe there are any "outstanding
suspects" and claim "there is [currently] no suggestion that the incident is terror-related." Police
say the 11-year-old girl will "require hospital treatment," although her injuries are described as
non-life-threatening. The 34-year-old reportedly "suffered more minor injuries."
The Editor says...
Ri-i-i-ight. There's "no suggestion that the incident is terror-related," except that [#1] the
police won't say the suspect's name, and [#2] Muslims are outraged when they see unaccompanied
women in public, and [#3] nobody but a Muslim goes around stabbing strangers for no apparent reason.
Set Hindu Villages on Fire in Bangladesh. Muslims set aflame the Hindu villages
Baruapara and Laxiparaon in the Panchagarh district of Bangladesh. Where is the worldwide
outrage? The condemnation? The UN security council? The resolutions against
Islamic jihad? [Tweets with video clips.]
Terror Attack On Taylor Swift Concert 'Narrowly' Foiled. Authorities in Vienna,
Austria, have arrested two men in connection with a planned terror attack at Taylor Swift's
upcoming concerts in the city, the New York Post reports. Austrian federal and state police
apprehended a 19-year-old suspect who had allegedly pledged allegiance to ISIS, according to Vienna
State Police Director Franz Ruf and Police Chief Gerhard Purstl. Officials stated that both
suspects had become radicalized through the internet and had developed specific and detailed plans
for carrying out an attack. During the arrest of the 19-year-old, a bomb squad reportedly
found chemical substances, which investigators are examining to determine if they could have been
used to construct a bomb. Austria's Cobra unit, comparable to the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team,
assisted in making the arrests.
Fly Off The Rails In Southport UK After A Migrant Teen Stabs 3 Little Girls To Death.
At least 39 police officers have been injured in clashes outside a mosque in Southport, as angry
crowds of suspected English Defence League supporters threw bricks and set off fireworks. The
unrest followed a peaceful vigil for the victims of Monday's shocking attack in which multiple
children were stabbed — three fatally — in a Taylor Swift-themed dance
class. A police van was set on fire on Tuesday night while men in balaclavas were pushed back
by officers, with 27 officers requiring hospital treatment. [Video clip]
soldier stabbed in attack near barracks as 'wife screams for help'. A British army
soldier was repeatedly stabbed in an attack outside his home, as a woman thought to be his wife
watched on in distress. The uniformed serviceman, aged in his 40s, was reportedly attacked by
a man on a motorycle carrying kitchen knives on a residential street. The victim was
airlifted to hospital, where he remains in a serious but stable condition after the stabbing in
Sally Port Gardens in Gillingham, Kent — not far from Brompton Barracks, the
headquarters of the British Army's 1 Royal School of Military Engineering Regiment. A
24-year-old local man was arrested in Mooring Road, Rochester, around 35 minutes after Tuesday
night's attack, on suspicion of attempted murder. On Wednesday night, officers were granted a
24-hour extension to question him.
Kamikaze Speedboat Heading For Container Ship Blows Up After Crew Opens Fire On It.
It really is a spectacular explosion! I added clarification others have said that it could
also be possibly a Houthi kamikaze sea drone speedboat (which would explain such a big boom), so
far not a consensus on who would be (maybe Houthis targeting shipping or something). [Video clip]
people, including pregnant woman, attacked by machete-wielding man in Switzerland.
Five people, including a pregnant woman as well as a new mother and her infant child, are
recovering after being attacked by a machete-wielding man in St. Gallen, Switzerland on
Thursday. The identities of the victims, nor that of the 34-year-old suspect, have been
released to the public. No motive has been determined, however local authorities explained
that the suspect was known to police as "a man with mental health problems." He was promptly
arrested, however the extent of his charges have not been revealed as the investigation is ongoing.
The Editor says...
Here are a few clues to help you deduce the truth when all you have is a timid report in the newspapers:
[#1] The police won't reveal the attacker's name. [#2] The police are completely baffled
by the attacker's motive. What could it be? [#3] Obviously the perpetrator is mentally ill,
they say. [#4] "The investigation is ongoing," so the police can't say anything more about it.
And they never will. Now use your head and apply these facts to what you have read in the news media:
Muslims are the only people in Switzerland who walk around with machetes. Muslims hate to see
unaccompanied women out in public. Who else would use a machete on an infant? Yep, it
was just another Islamic terror attack brushed off by the news media.
State Capitol Evacuated after Bomb Threat 'In the Name of Palestine'. The
Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg was evacuated Saturday after every member of the state's
legislature received an email threatening anti-Israel bombings in the complex. "In the name of
Palestine, I have hidden highly lethal lead azide devices in and around Pennsylvania State Capitol
as well as the Pennsylvania Judicial Center," the suspect, going by the alias of
"glorytoourmartyrs," wrote. "I plan on triggering one device every few hours until Joe Biden goes
on national television and publicly denounces the illegitimate state of Israel. Keep in mind
I am inside one of the 2 buildings armed w/ a knife, and plan on remaining here to my dying
breath!" According to a statement from the Pennsylvania Department of General Services, law
enforcement immediately evacuated the state capitol and conducted a sweep of the complex.
They did not detect any explosives or the presence of the individual who sent the email, which had
as its subject line "My manifesto."
Acid Attack. Throwing acid in women's faces is a popular pastime in Islamic
countries; it encourages them to wear their hijabs. This quaint practice may have found its
way to Germany. Considering the violent hostility of many hijra colonists for the native
population, it could be expected to have a broader application: ["]According to the
police, a "man of unknown origin" stormed into the outdoor area of a café in Bochum [Sunday]
afternoon to spray "highly concentrated sulphuric acid" on the guests — as reported by
"NTV". A total of eleven people were injured, one of them seriously. Seven police and
firefighters were also slightly injured after being contaminated with the liquid.["]
Police arrested a suspect but did not release details, suggesting that the incident can most likely
be ascribed to multicultural enrichment.
Group Storms Wedding In Mali, Kills At Least 21 People. An armed gang attacked a
wedding ceremony in central Mali and slaughtered at least 21 people Monday evening, local
residents told The Associated Press (AP). The gang rode into the town where the wedding was
held on motorcycles and quickly surrounded the attendees, the outlet reported. "Most of the
victims had their throats slit," Bakary Guindo, a local youth leader, told the AP. The attack
has similarities to JNIM, an al Qaeda-linked group that often carries out attacks in the region,
the outlet reported. No group has stepped forward to claim responsibility for the nefarious
deed as of Wednesday morning. JNIM, which stands for Jama'at Nusrat Al-Islam Wa Al-Muslimeen,
was formed in 2017, according to the European Council on Foreign Affairs. The group aims to
drive international forces (like the United Nations and the French) out of the country and
establish an Islamic state, the outlet noted.
Terror Attack In Russia, 6 Cops Killed And A Priest Decapitated. Armed militants
attacked two Orthodox churches, a synagogue and a traffic police post in Russia's southern republic
of Dagestan, decapitating a priest and six police officers, Russian state news agency RIA Novosti
said Sunday. Russia's National Anti-Terrorism Committee said in a statement that a Russian
Orthodox Church priest and police officers were killed in the "terrorist" attacks. [Video clip]
Immigrants to French Farmers: 'We're Here To Kill The Whites'. Young French farmers
from the villages of Saint-Marcellin and Pont-en-Royans organized a "farmers' ball" on Saturday
evening, May 24, held at the Murinais ballroom. It was to have been a night of innocent
fun. They had not counted on Muslim immigrants from Saint-Marcellin showing up with mayhem
on their minds. Six Muslims came to the hall, and waited outside. When two farmers left
the ball, the Muslims attacked them and began to beat them
up. At that point, other farmers streamed out to help defend their fellows, and the Muslims
then fled, only to return later with their own reinforcements, and proceeded to attack the
now-outnumbered farmers. One of the farmers was repeatedly kicked and punched, and suffered
serious injuries to his head, sufficient to incapacitate him [for] 13 days. A night of
harmless fun turned into a nightmare when Muslims, for no reason other than their hatred of
"whites" — that is, indigenous Frenchmen — led them to unleash their
unprovoked and savage attack.
Arrest Russian Nationals With Suspected ISIS Ties In Major Sting Operation. Federal
law enforcement authorities apprehended a group of Russian nationals with suspected terrorist ties
in a nationwide operation spanning several major U.S. cities. Six Russian nationals believed
to have ties to ISIS were arrested over the last week in a coordinated sting operation that spanned
New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia, the New York Post first reported. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested the Russians, who originally hail from Tajikistan, after
they were alerted by the FBI.
ISIS Linked Illegal Alien Border Crossers Arrested in Philly, LA and New York. Eight
illegal aliens previously released into the U.S. homeland by border officials, were arrested by ICE
after the FBI intercepted their communication related to bomb plots and asked DHS to detain them.
Think about this. DHS released ISIS terrorists into the USA, the terrorists planned terrorism, the
FBI intercepted the plans, then asked DHS to pick them up. One thing is certain, the FBI usually
assists these terror plots, but there are lots of awake people looking at the FBI as suspect and sketchy
now. There must have been a massive paper trail, information system, and too many people who knew
the background, which led the FBI to considering the group too dangerous to hide/support this time.
Oh, and the bad guys were from the same place the recent Moscow terrorists came from, which makes this
even more interesting.
busts Tajik illegal alien terror ring plotting an ISIS-style 'Boston marathon'-like
attack. If there's any doubt that open borders are a terrorist's bonanza, the
evidence is starting to materialize. [...] The thing is, this is not the first group of illegal
border crossers attempting to engage in these acts. Last month, two illegal border crossers
from Jordan were apprehended at Quantico Marine base, on what authorities suspected was a terrorist
"dry run." [...] Nearly all of these terrorists and spies wouldn't so much as be here were it not
for Joe Biden's open borders. Unvetted, they are being let in and let go. Sure, some
illegal border-crossers may be good people otherwise, but it's pretty clear it's not all of them,
and unfortunately for us, all it takes is one. The fact that terrorists cannot get into the
U.S. otherwise means the open border is all the more attractive.
Border Patrol Soldier Stabbed to Death by Migrant: Government Vows Strong
Response. On May 28, 2024, a Polish soldier named Mateusz was fatally stabbed by
a migrant while patrolling the Poland-Belarus border. The attacker used a knife attached to a
long stick to reach through the border barrier and stab Mateusz in the chest. Despite
immediate medical intervention and being transported to a hospital in Hajnówka and
subsequently to a military hospital in Warsaw, Mateusz succumbed to his injuries on June 6,
2024. During the rescue attempts, the situation further escalated as other migrants interfered
with the medical intervention. They threw spear-like sticks and other objects through the
border fence at the rescuers and soldiers.
Mannheim attacks reveal Europe's impotence. Every year, I have to write a version of
this article because events like this never seem to stop. Every year, our political leaders
promise to do something. And every year, it gets worse. For the past two weeks, it has
been the turn of Germany. Next week — who knows? Last Friday, at about
11:30am, a 25-year-old Afghan went on a knife spree at a rally in Mannheim. He stabbed
Michael Stürzenberger, the convener of the rally, along with a policeman and four others,
before a second policeman shot him. Two days later, the officer succumbed to his
wounds. We still don't know everything about the incident. What we do know, though, is
that it is a deeply sad — and obvious — metaphor for the way Western
countries function. People protest Islamic violence. The press smears them.
Islamists attack. The state tries to subdue the protestors. The Islamists continue
attacking. Rinse and repeat.
Biden officials covering up an attempted terror attack by illegal immigrants? By
refusing repeated chances to answer simple questions about a May 3 incident at Quantico Marine
Corps base, the Biden administration has essentially confirmed one of America's worst —
and most politically consequential — nightmares related to the ongoing border
crisis. Two illegal immigrants just attempted a terror attack on US soil. We know that
a Jordanian who illegally crossed the border joined up with another Jordanian who had overstayed
his visa, and drove a box truck to the gates of Quantico. They claimed to be Amazon delivery
drivers, and tried to access a site that houses the FBI training academy, military officer training
schools, and military criminal investigations and intelligence commands. Quick-thinking
military police stopped the truck, and charged the men with trespassing before turning them over to
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
press denounce activist for "extremism," "Islamophobia" after an Afghan terrorist stabs him and
five others. This video comes from a livestream filmed yesterday by staff of the
counter-jihad organisation Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa (BPE) at their stand in Mannheim.
It depicts a knife attack perpetrated by a 25 year-old Afghan man known only as Sulaiman A.
on the journalist, blogger and political activist Michael Stürzenberger. If you have the
stomach, I recommend you watch the video several times; its rich detail make this one of the best documented
acts of Islamic terrorism in Germany to date, and there is much to learn from it. [Video clip]
Man Goes On A Rabid Stabbing Spree At Anti-Muslim Event In Germany, Gets Shot. Police
have shot a knifeman who injured several people in an attack at an anti-Muslim event in the German
city of Mannheim. It happened in the southwestern city's Marktplatz square shortly after
11.35am local time[.] German news site Bild showed a video in which the bearded attacker is
shot as he stabs a policeman in the neck from behind. [Video clip]
migrants caught 'red-handed' burning down forests as an act of jihad. According to a
RAIR report by Amy Mek out this past Saturday, Muslim migrants from the Indian state of Bihar were
caught "red-handed" burning down large swathes of forestland in the state of Uttarakhand, all as an
act of jihad. Mek also iterated that the damage done to the environment has been a "severe
blow" to the region, "consuming thousands of trees" and causing the "destruction of over a
thousands hectares of forest land" which is roughly equivalent to 2,800 acres. Now
Uttarakhand is very biodiverse, and is the home to many "rare or threatened" plant species and a
number of "highly endangered" animal species (e.g. Asian elephant, snow leopard, tiger, King
cobra, Himalayan monal, etc.), and one can only imagine how many different flora and fauna species
perished in the flames and smoke. [Tweet with video clip]
Week, Another Moslem Terror Stabbing in Australia. Surprisingly, what we are
experiencing began with an unvetted presidential candidate and a fake birth
certificate — a Manchurian candidate like no other America has ever known. One who
openly stated his intent to fundamentally transform America while tens of millions of his idealist
sycophants fawned over him and his transsexual life partner and their two on-loan daughters, who
both must now be feeling homophobic and Islamophobic. [...] The alerts are brightly flashing red in
Australia. This is because the land of the Great Outback and the fictitious adventurer
Crocodile Dundee seems to be rolling over and baring its soft underbelly to radical Islam.
This recent spate of attacks began with a molsem teen stabbing a bishop in Sydney, Australia, which
led to the arrests of 7 moslem teens. As the story goes, this young gaggle of radicals wanted
to go on a rampage killing Jews. And most recently a white teen 16-year-old convert to Islam
stabbed a man in the back in Perth and was shot dead by police.
Politicians Now Talking 'Knife Control' After Mall, Church Attacks. The high-profile
stabbings at a shopping mall and church could result in a crackdown on knife ownership in
Australia, but its also prompted a wave of criticism over the country's current laws, which make it
incredibly difficult for the average citizen to possess a firearm, and almost never for
self-defense. Concealed carry? Forget about it. If you're a rural farmer you
might be able to possess a pump-action shotgun to protect your family and your livestock, but
almost everyone else is out of luck; even security guards.
The Editor says...
When they get knives and guns under control, and the Islamic terrorist resort to bricks
and baseball bats, you know what the government will do next.
teen planned church attacks to support Islamic State group. A teenager planned to
attack churches in a northern Idaho city using a metal pipe, butane fuel, a machete and, if he
could get them, his father's guns, according to federal prosecutors who charged him with attempting
to provide material support to the Islamic State group. Authorities said Alexander Scott
Mercurio, 18, adopted the Muslim faith against his Christian parents' wishes and was in contact
with FBI informants posing as Islamic State group supporters. Mercurio was arrested Saturday,
the day before investigators believe he planned to carry out the attack.
Egyptian Arrested over Terror Plot on Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. An allegedly
ISIS-tied Egyptian man was arrested in France in connection to a suspected terrorist plot against
the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. French officers of the General Directorate of Internal
Security (DGSI) arrested a 62-year-old Egyptian with reported links to the so-called Islamic State
in Paris earlier this month on suspicion of planning an attack on the Notre Dame Cathedral.
Very Dangerous': Ron Paul Tells Tucker Americans Should Prepare For 'Black Swan' Event.
Former Republican Rep. Ron Paul of Texas warned Tucker Carlson in a Tuesday evening interview that
a so-called "black swan" event would "pop up" and Americans needed to prepare. Paul, who served
12 terms in Congress in three stints, discussed the war in Ukraine, attacks on his foreign policy
views and the risk of World War III in the interview with Carlson, a co-founder of the Daily Caller and
Daily Caller News Foundation. Paul warned that education is necessary for those seeking to get
through the event. "I think we're reaching this point where some sudden thing is going to
happen," Paul told Carlson. "I believe in that theory of the black swan. It's going
to pop up and it's not going to be controllable." [Video clip]
Is Going to Be Targeted for a Massive Terrorist Attack. Will You Be Ready? It
happened in Israel, and it happened in Moscow, and it's going to happen here in America —
again, and exponentially worse. The jihadis' merciless war against the West — the
Muslim fanatics are not so finicky as we are about our distinctions between the Jewish state, Russia,
and us, the Great Satan — did not end when the regime media started covering other
things. We may have fled Afghanistan and Libya and largely pulled out of Iraq, but that war
is still going on. It's going to go on until we decisively win it. But
unfortunately, our ruling class refuses to decisively win it. In fact, our ruling class
actively undermines attempts to win it. And it refuses to prepare for what's coming.
opens fire inside California dental office killing one and injuring two. A gunman
who opened fire inside a California dental office on Thursday afternoon, killing one and injuring
two before a manhunt was launched, has been found by police. The suspect, who has been
identified as 29-year-old Mohammed Abdulkareem, was said to be armed with a handgun and considered
dangerous. Police reported that he had been captured just after 10 pm on Thursday.
He was taken into custody and the firearm has been located.
Media Is Covering Up Key Facts About the Lakewood Church Shooter's Motivations. When
Genesse Ivonne Moreno opened fire at Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston last Sunday,
establishment media reports had the typical focus: she was schizophrenic, possibly thought of
herself as a man, yet was still able to buy a gun with no problem, and the real problem is that
Texas has no red flag law. While there can be little doubt that Moreno was severely deranged,
the media reports are ignoring elements of the story that shed light on Moreno's motives.
Now, why might that be? One reason is that the left's favorite religion is involved.
Moreno made a donation to Lakewood church in 2020 but doesn't appear to have been a committed
church member, or at least a consistent one. ABC News reported Tuesday that Walli Carranza,
Moreno's former mother-in-law, said that "when she first met Moreno, the young woman wore a hijab
and said she practiced Islam." It was also widely reported that Moreno's AR-15 was emblazoned
with a sticker reading "Palestine" and that "antisemitic writings" were found among her possessions,
but nevertheless, as ABC put it, "a motive remains under investigation." Yet Moreno's own
writings on Telegram, which she posted under the handle "Die Israel," have been ignored.
continue to massacre Christians in Nigeria. European Parliament suggests climate change is
largely to blame.. Islamic terrorists butchered hundreds of Christians throughout
Nigeria on Christmas Eve. In their hours-long attack, Muslim Fulani militants gunned down
Christian farmers, hacked up defenseless women and children with machetes, and torched
churches. While willing to express "solidarity" with the victims, the European Parliament
appears more than willing to displace blame from the savage ideologues responsible and to instead
pin the atrocities on so-called climate change. According to Open Doors International,
Nigeria is the sixth most brutal place in the world for Christians — bad news for its
roughly 100.4 million Christian inhabitants. In and outside the country's northern
Sharia states, Christians are routinely subjected to enforced Islamization, forced marriage,
murder, torture, abduction, rape, and other ideologically motivated brutalities. Nearly 5,000
Christians were murdered in Nigeria just last year, accounting for 82% of all Christians killed for
their faith in 2023, reported the National Catholic Register.
Train Station Attack: African Suspect Declared 'I Hate the French' Prior to Stabbing
Spree. The African national suspected of attacking three people with a knife and
hammer in the Gare de Lyon train station in Paris on Saturday has been revealed to have published
anti-French videos despite police claiming that the attack was likely the result of mental
illness. A 32-year-old Malian, officially only identified as 'Kassogue S.', who left three
injured including one critically during an attack in Paris' second-busiest train station on
Saturday, reportedly had a history of anti-French comments and "a profile of pan-Africanism".
Police have claimed that the man suffers from mental disorders and that terrorism was not likely
the motivation for the attack.
Wounded In Paris Train Station Stabbing Attack. Three people were wounded in a
Saturday morning attack at a crowded Paris train station, according to The Guardian. The
alleged perpetrator reportedly used a knife and a hammer to carry out the attack at the Gare de
Lyon train station. The suspect then allegedly attempted to set fire to his backpack, the
outlet reported. The suspect is likely to have mental health issues and was arrested by
police following the incident, CBS News reported. The suspect is originally from Mali but
possessed an Italian driver's license, The Guardian reported. Following his arrest, the
unnamed suspect was found to also have in his possession prescription medications indicating he has
been receiving treatment for mental issues, according to the outlet. The attack is not
currently believed to be linked to terrorism, the outlet reported.
The Editor says...
What is the suspect's name? What slogan was the suspect hollering during the attack?
What makes everybody so sure that he's mentally ill?
Burn, Ransack, Attack Christian Villages In Nigeria — 55 Dead. In January 2023,
The Sons of Liberty radio welcomed Judd Saul from EquippingThePersecuted.org to inform people about what is
going on among Nigerian Christians and what he and his organization are doing about it. Well, the attacks
are continuing against Nigerian Christians by the Muslims there, and in the latest attack, 55 were killed.
Security Guard Opens Fire in Canadian City Hall. Bezhani Sarvar, was working as a
security guard and then he decided that Allah had a special mission for him. And, like all of
Allah's special missions, it involved shooting a whole lot of people. So he headed on over to
City Hall in the Canadian city of Edmonton and got on with Allah's work. Not that the media
will tell you any of this. [...] The Muslim terrorist ranted about "this genocide that's going on
in Gaza and throughout the world" and vowed, "inshallah, we will rise against you guys, and we'll
put you on trial." He vowed, "Salam-Alaikum, brothers and sisters. Inshallah.
I'll succeed with my mission. If I don't succeed, I know somebody else will succeed for
me. Salam-Alaikum." What's his motive? According to the CBC, "Edmonton police
continue to investigate the motive for the attack." So it'll be mental illness then. Or
perhaps family troubles.
genocide of Christians the world ignores. Beginning on the evening of December 23
and continuing till the morning of Christmas Day, Fulani Islamist militia groups systematically
slaughtered scores of Christians in co-ordinated attacks in two districts of Plateau State, in
Nigeria's predominantly Muslim Middle Belt. The dead were mostly women and children, and
included a number of physically challenged individuals who were unable to run and who were
therefore burnt alive. Statistics gathered by Barnabas Fund have set the total death figure
at nearly 300, the worst anti-Christian violence seen in Nigeria in years. The carnage was
unimaginable. Some 25 remote and widely scattered villages were targeted. In total more
than 1,500 homes were burnt, eight churches destroyed, many hundreds of people injured and 30,000
displaced. This was one of the darkest days in recent Nigerian history.
Terrorists Plotting Christmas Attacks in EU [have been] Arrested in Vienna and Germany.
It is often said in recent years that events in Europe present as the precursor for events that later
follow in the U.S. and North America. Indeed, there are many points of reference which support
this outlook. According to recent media reporting, various state police agencies in Europe took
action against Islamic extremists, identified as ISIS-k affiliates, to stop planned terror attacks
against Christian targets, specifically well-known cathedrals, this Christmas holiday season.
The events took place in Austria and Germany, with targets identified in Vienna and Western Germany.
arrested in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands over suspected terrorism plots. Seven
people, including four suspected Hamas members, were arrested in Denmark, Germany and the
Netherlands on suspicion of planning attacks on Jewish institutions in Europe, authorities in the
three countries said on Thursday [12/14/2023]. The arrests were made as Israel pressed on with
its operation to destroy Hamas in the Gaza Strip, a war that was touched off by a cross-border
Oct. 7 assault on Israeli towns by militants of the Palestinian Islamist movement.
Fires Shots Outside Albany Synagogue, Screams 'Free Palestine'; FBI working to find a
motive. On Thursday afternoon, the day before the beginning of Hanukkah, a man named
Mufid Fawaz Alkhader went to a synagogue, Temple Israel in Albany, N.Y. He was carrying a shotgun
and fired two shots. According to police who went to the scene, he screamed "Free Palestine."
The FBI is now hard at work, trying to figure out his motive. No kidding. NBC News
reported Thursday that according to an FBI spokesperson, Sarah Ruane, Alkhader was "arrested and
charged with possession of a firearm by a prohibited person." Albany Police Chief Eric Hawkins
added, "We were told by responding officers that he made a comment, 'Free Palestine.'" Alkhader
tried to flee the scene, but someone else, unnamed in the report, who had been in the synagogue
parking lot at the time stopped him. Hawkins explained that "the suspect at that point made
some statement to this person who was in the vehicle to the effect of he feels that he's being
victimized." Of course! Alkhader sure knows how the game is played these days: carry
out a gratuitous, unprovoked act of aggression and then claim victimhood status.
Extremists Set Off A Bomb During Sunday Catholic Mass In The Philippines, Killing At Least
4. Philippine forces were on high alert on Sunday after a bomb killed four people and
wounded several during a Catholic Mass in a university gymnasium in the south of the country, an
attack the authorities called Islamist terrorism. "I condemn in the strongest possible terms
the senseless and most heinous acts perpetrated by foreign terrorists," said President Ferdinand
Marcos Jr. "Extremists who wield violence against the innocent will always be regarded
as enemies to our society." [Video clip]
Vegas Teen Converts to Islam, Plots 'Lone Wolf Operations Against Enemies of Allah'.
Islam is enjoying a vogue among young woke leftists that it has never enjoyed among any group in
the Western world before, but recent news out of Las Vegas should remind us, and the
Muhammad-crazed new converts, that there is a downside. Las Vegas' KLAS reported Friday that
"Las Vegas police and the FBI thwarted a potential terror plot involving a 16-year-old." Hey,
bravo, FBI! Mighty good of you folks to tear yourselves away from hunting for Jan. 6
"insurrectionists" and "white supremacist terrorists" to investigate an actual terror
threat! Sure, you guys are having great fun immersing yourselves in fantasy and heavily
politicized propaganda, but it was great to see you take a break from all that and do some actual
work! If they really did any, that is. It was the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Department (LVMPD) that held a press conference Friday to give the details of the investigation.
Return of the Progressive Atrocity. In the age of the "progressive atrocity," PLO
terrorist attacks on Israelis, Jews, and civilians throughout the world were hailed as instruments
of liberation. A very partial list of such incidents would include the murder of 11 Israeli
athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics (the games continued, nonetheless) and the Lod Airport
massacre the same year (death toll: 26, along with at least 80 injured); the Ma'alot massacre of
1974, in which 115 Israelis, mainly schoolchildren, were taken hostage (resulting deaths: 31); the
Entebbe hijacking of 1976, in which Israeli and other Jewish passengers were separated from others
and threatened with death (most were rescued by Israeli commandos); the 1978 Coastal Road massacre,
in which a civilian bus was highjacked (death toll: 38, including 13 children; 71 wounded); the
1982 attack on the Chez Jo Goldenberg kosher restaurant in Paris, considered at the time to be the
worst incidence of antisemitism in France since the Holocaust (death toll: six, with 22 injured);
and numerous other instances of air piracy.
of African migrants goes on a stabbing spree in rural France. Three days ago, the New
York Post published an item on a recent tragedy in rural France — a "mob of about 10
knife-wielding thugs" had forced their way into a town celebration described by the mayor as "a
very simple ball with a sound system organized by the village festival committee." In the
immediate aftermath, details about the identities and motive of the attackers weren't "known" (but
of course if you have a brain, they were); initial stories indicated a "brawl" while the prosecutor
of Valence even suggested that the attack was to "settle a score" between rival criminal
gangs. Now we learn, from Hélène de Lauzun at The European Conservative, the
truth we knew all along: [...]
One: Saturday's Austin Shooter Was on FBI Terrorism Watch List. The gunman who
allegedly killed two hostages and a Texas SWAT officer last Saturday had previously been
investigated by the FBI and placed on its terrorism watch list, according to The Daily Mail.
Citing unnamed law enforcement sources, The Daily Mail reported Wednesday that the FBI
investigated members of the shooter's family before Saturday's killings. The dead
reportedly included SWAT officer Jorge Pastore, as well as mother Eman Ahmed El Nemr-Nassar and her
two sons, Ahmed Mohamed Nassar, 35, and Riad Mohamed Nassar, 32. It's reportedly still not clear
which of the sons was the shooter.
on Terror Watch List Murders SWAT Cop and Two Hostages, Had Bomb-Making Materials. If
a Muslim in Texas had been able to carry out his plans, there could have been dozens, even hundreds
killed. He was stopped, but others will keep trying. Ahmed Mohamed Nassar, 35, a
resident of South Austin, was on the terror watch list, but the feds clearly weren't
watching. They were too busy hunting for Jan. 6 "insurrectionists" and "white
supremacists." CBS Austin reported that on Saturday, "the incident began at 2:49 a.m. with a 911
call from a stabbing victim." Police arrived within about ten minutes, and discovered that two
others had been hurt as well. They were inside the house with Nassar.
Foils What Could've Been a Horrific Terror Attack in Houston By a Radical Jordanian.
When the threat appeared imminent, the FBI had to move in on the only charge that could stick for
now: weapons charges. Sohaib Abuayyash, 20, was planning a massive terror attack targeting
Jewish people in the Houston area. He had visited multiple gun ranges in the area and was
trying to obtain instructions for bomb-making. How Abuayyash was able to get firearms is a
detail that will be revealed in time, but yes — he shouldn't have been able to purchase
or possess any firearm on a non-immigrant visa. That paperwork expired in 2019, but he's been
allowed to remain on American soil on a work authorization order through 2024. He's also applied
for asylum. [Tweet]
Man in US Illegally Arrested in Houston For Plotting Attack on Jewish Community. A
Palestinian man in the US illegally was arrested in Houston for a firearms violation. Sohaib
Abuayyash, 20, was in the United States on a non-immigrant visa that expired in 2019, which
prohibited him from owning a firearm, Click 2 Houston reported. Sohaib Abuayyash was
allegedly planning to attack Jews in Houston before his arrest. He had studied bomb-making
and had affirming statements online about killing Jews. Abuayyash had also been taking a
detailed look online at radical groups that condone violence which included bomb-making.
Eastern National Arrested in Texas, Police Say He Was Planning a Big Attack. Here's
another example of how our lax immigration policies are putting American lives in danger.
According to CBS News, federal authorities in Houston arrested a 20-year-old Jordanian national who
was allegedly plotting to attack Jews. Sohaib Abuayyash was taken into custody on Oct. 19
and charged with unlawful possession of a firearm. Court documents revealed that Abuayyash
had "trained with weapons to possibly commit an attack."
UK terror attack we can't talk about. A man has been arrested on suspicion of
carrying out a terror attack in the UK. But you'd be forgiven for not knowing anything about it
given the scant media coverage. According to reports in the Telegraph, the authorities
are deliberately withholding details from the public and there are severe restrictions on what the
media can reveal. All we are allowed to know for now is that the suspect is currently being
held in custody. He is an asylum seeker who arrived in the UK in 2020. And he is alleged to
have told the police that he carried out the attack for Palestine. If true, this would make
it the first suspected terror attack on UK soil to be inspired by Hamas's pogrom in Israel on
7 October. Beyond those scant details, what can legally be revealed is highly restricted.
Media outlets cannot publish the name of the alleged attacker, the location of the attack or even
details about any of its victims, as they might with any other crime.
Muslim Man Kills One After Plowing His Car into California Crowd. A 46-year-old man
has been arrested on suspicion of murder after allegedly intentionally plowing his car into a
number of pedestrians in Long Beach, California this weekend, killing one and severely injuring
several others. Long Beach authorities arrested Khalid Yagobbi after he remained at the scene
of the incident on Saturday evening around 6:30 p.m. and was escorted to the hospital to treat
his injuries. His bail has been set at $2 million.
says two Swedes shot dead in 'terrorist attack'. A gunman suspected of killing two
Swedish nationals in a terrorist attack in Brussels has died after being shot by police, bringing
an end to an overnight manhunt. The Belgian federal prosecutor's office confirmed Tuesday
that the suspect, whose identity is yet to be confirmed, has been killed. He was spotted by a
witness in a cafe in the Brussels municipality of Schaerbeek shortly after 8:00 a.m. local
time on Tuesday [10/17/2023], and then shot during an "intervention" by the police, Belgium's
National Crisis Center (NCCN) said.
PKK party claims it bombed Turkey's Interior Ministry. A suicide bomber detonated an
explosive device in the heart of the Turkish capital, Ankara, on Sunday. A second assailant
was killed in a shootout with police, the interior minister said. The outlawed Kurdistan
Workers' Party which is labelled a "terrorist" organisation by the EU and US and Turkey, has accepted
responsibility, according to a new website close to the group. It has carried out an insurgency
since 1984 demanding greater linguistic, cultural, and political rights for the Kurdish minority.
UK: A Muslim Man Screams Alluha Ackbar With A Knife From The Rooftops, Threatens
Police. Video footage has emerged of a knifeman being repeatedly tasered by armed
police after clambering a house while screaming 'Allah, allah!'. In a clip shared on social
media on this weekend even though the incident was from last year, the man can be seen carrying a
rucksack while waving a bladed weapon above his head as he stands above a front door on a quiet
residential street, believed to be in Birmingham. He then lowers himself to the ground by
stepping on an open window as a group of armed police officers and at least one service dog
encircle him. [Video clip]
Least 32 People Died, Dozens Injured Due to Truck Bombing in Central Somalia. At
least 32 people died and dozens were injured as a result of truck explosion at a border checkpoint
in the central Somalian city of Beledweyne, Somalian media reported on Saturday. A suicide
bomber packed the truck with explosives that blew it up at the checkpoint, with the blast becoming
the deadliest terrorist act committed in the country this year, the Garowe Online news website reported.
Philly Lawyer Shocked, Shocked to Discover His Son Is Accused Terrorist. After an
extensive terrorism investigation in Philadelphia, on Friday, Aug. 11, a jihadi was arrested who
was, according to the FBI and Philly officials, planning major jihad massacres, not just in
Philadelphia, but around the nation. He had access to guns and was building bombs.
Adding to the shock of this was the fact that the young man who was arrested was only seventeen
years old, and yet he now stands accused of plotting what the Philadelphia District Attorney's
Office said was "the most serious alleged terrorist activity prosecuted in Philadelphia County
court in recent history." Even more shocking, it later came to light that he is the son
of one of the most prominent criminal defense attorneys in Philadelphia.
New Jersey Teen Had a Manifesto and a Massacre Plan, Yet You Didn't Hear a Thing About
It. The alleged Justice Department was able to spare a few people from their
framing-Trump duties to pursue this case and announced on Wednesday that "a Middlesex County, New
Jersey, man today admitted transmitting via the internet a manifesto containing threats to attack a
synagogue and Jewish people." Oh, one of those Nazis that Republicans are encouraging and abetting
these days, eh? Not quite. The feds' press release continues: "Omar Alkattoul, 19, of
Sayreville, New Jersey, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Robert Kirsch in Trenton federal
court to an information charging him with one count of transmitting a threat in interstate and
foreign commerce on or about Nov. 1, 2022." U.S. Attorney Sellinger stated, "This defendant
admitted using social media to send a manifesto containing a threat to attack a synagogue based on
his hatred of Jews. This prompted a statewide alert and put the community on edge."
Guy Stole a School Bus and Wrote of Shedding Blood for Allah, So a Leftist Judge Did Just What
You'd Expect. Bader Alzahrani, a Saudi national who stole a New Jersey school bus and
wrote about jihad and "blood, destruction, Allah," has been found incompetent to stand trial. [...]
Lehigh Valley Live reported Thursday that Alzahrani "is facing charges from incidents in January,
including receipt of a stolen vehicle transportation of a stolen vehicle in federal court, and
motor vehicle theft, burglary, theft of moveable property, criminal damage and criminal trespass in
New Jersey court." However, federal Judge Michael Hammer (wait, shouldn't that be Judge Michael
Gavel?) said, "based on a psychiatric report sealed by the court, Alzahrani has a mental disease or
defect that makes him unable to understand the court proceedings and properly participate in his
defense." This is perfectly reasonable once one understands that Judge Mike Hammer is part of an
establishment that does not acknowledge the existence of Islamic jihad. The Obama
administration removed all mention of Islam and jihad from counterterror training back in 2010, and
since then it has become settled dogma among the political elites that "Muslims are peaceful and
tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism," as Hillary Clinton so memorably
put it in November 2015. When confronted with an actual Islamic jihad terrorist, these
fantasists claim he is mentally ill.
Muslims from West Bengal arrested with enough explosives to blow up the state. After
conducting raids at various locations in West Bengal, India, the National Investigating Agency
(NIA) detained two Muslims, identified as Merazuddin Ali Khan, a resident of Bokaro, and Mir
Mohammed Nuruzzaman, a native of West Bengal's Birbhum district, on Friday, March 31. As
Jihad Watch stated in a preliminary report on Thursday, the arrested individuals were linked to the
seizure of a massive cache of electric detonators in Birbhum in June last year. During a
press conference following the arrests, the NIA representative said, "While Mir Mohammed Nuruzzaman
had supplied 27,000 kg of ammonium nitrate to Rintu Sk, Merazuddin Ali Khan had provided
electric detonators and gelatine sticks to Rintu Sk." The agency has also confirmed that in
July 2022, West Bengal's Special Task Unit raided Birbhum district's Mahammad Bazar neighbourhood —
a Muslim-dominated area — and detained a pick-up vehicle carrying 81,000 detonators.
Attack in Vancouver. With everyone distracted by China, skyrocketing crime and
inflation, a nonexistent Southern border, and rapidly increasing authoritarianism in Washington,
the Islamic State (ISIS) has taken the opportunity to strike again in North America. Yes,
that's right: ISIS, the group that everyone has forgotten about amid worries about "Islamophobia"
and hysteria over near-nonexistent "white supremacist" terrorism. Canada's Global News
published the shocking report early Monday afternoon: "An attack on a transit bus in Surrey, B.C.
over the weekend is being treated as terrorism after RCMP national security police took over the
investigation." It seems that the perpetrator, a manifestation of Canada's deep commitment to
diversity and multiculturalism named Abdul Aziz Kawam, was "initially charged with attempted murder
for allegedly slashing a bus passenger's throat on Saturday morning, but prosecutors added four counts
of terrorism on Monday." Kawam also attacked a second person with his knife as well. [Tweet]
NY couple get a combined 20 years in prison for providing material support to Islamic State terrorists. A
radical, militant husband and wife in New York have pleaded guilty and have been sentenced to a combined 20 years
in prison for providing material support to Islamic State terrorists after falling for an undercover law enforcement
officer posing as a terrorism sympathizer. Prosecutors assert that the husband, who is from New York, told the
undercover cop that he wanted to carry out a terror attack in the United States. He was considering hitting the
U.S. Military Academy at West Point or a university in New York State where he frequently saw Reserve Officer Training
Corps or ROTC cadets, according to Fox News. The husband is James Bradley, 21, aka Abdullah, of the Bronx.
He was sentenced to 11 years behind bars on Thursday in a Manhattan federal court. His wife, Arwa Muthana,
30, comes from Hoover, Alabama. She was sentenced on Friday to nine years in prison by Judge Paul A. Engelmayer.
Jihadi Caught in New Jersey. Does a Saudi national count as a "white supremacist"? On Monday, U.S.
Attorney Philip R. Sellinger announced that Bader Alzahrani, a Saudi national who is in the United States on a student
visa, has been charged with stealing a school bus and transporting it across state lines. But this is more than
just a vehicle theft: Alzahrani made a number of statements suggesting that he's a jihad terrorist. But since Saudis
are generally considered "white," will the feds call this "white supremacist terrorism"? Don't put it past them.
stabs and injures 6 people at the Gare du Nord in Paris. The perpetrator, on whom no identity papers were
found, stated that his name was Mohamed Amine M. and that he was an Algerian citizen. He claimed to be 31
years old. The investigators of the criminal brigade, which has been charged with the investigation, are trying to
verify his statements.
Stabs Frenchman Inside Paris Metro Station 6 Times, Stabs 5 Others Including Cop Before Being Shot. The
Paris prosecutor said investigators haven't yet been able to identify the attacker who wounded six people with a sharp
metallic hook in the French capital's Gare du Nord train station on Wednesday before being shot and wounded by
police. The suspect attacked several people, including a police officer, during the morning rush hour "with no
apparent reason at this stage," Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau said in a statement. [...] The process of identifying the
suspect was still ongoing because he was registered under several identities in a fingerprint database, based on his
declarations in previous cases involving him, the statement said. He is about 20 years old and might have
been born in Libya or Algeria, the statement said. [Video clip]
Silent About Terrorist Attack on Las Vegas-area Power Plant. Last week, a 34-year-old man apparently
committed an act of terrorism against the U.S. power grid when he ran his Toyota Camry through the gate of a solar
energy plant just outside of Las Vegas. The driver, identified as Mohammad Mesmarian, allegedly set fire to the
car after the crash in an attempt to maximize damage. The incident occurred at approximately 11:30 p.m.
Pacific Time on Wednesday. Mesmarian was arrested at a campground 30 miles from the incident on
Thursday. He is charged with committing an act of terrorism, first-degree arson, third-degree arson, destroying or
injuring real or personal property of another, and escape by a felony prisoner.
Vegas: Muslim faces terror charge after causing 'major damage' to solar plant. He says he did it "for the
future." Is he some kind of hyper-radical environmentalist who objects even to solar plants, or who thought that he
was ramming his car into a conventional power plant? Or did he do it for a "future" caliphate? There is no
information on either possibility in the available news stories.
The Editor says...
Are muslims offended by solar panels? I'll have to add that to the list.
Cops Shoot Muslim Waving Machete. This "incident" comes on the heels of a Muslim machete attack on cops in
New York City. It's just another of those mysterious incidents that seem to come in groups. [...] What was the
motive? Oh, mental illness I assume. Isn't that always the excuse?
Supremacist Plots to Blow Up Texas High School! No, Wait... The U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs said it again in a report it published in November, "The Rising Threat of Domestic
Terrorism": "National security agencies now identify domestic terrorism as the most persistent and lethal terrorist
threat to the homeland. This increase in domestic terror attacks has been predominantly perpetrated by white
supremacist and anti-government extremist individuals and groups." Conspicuously lacking from this oft-repeated
claim are actual white supremacist terrorists, but a recent case in Texas may help: a man who is most certainly
not black or Hispanic plotted to blow up a high school in Amarillo. There's just one catch: in a bracing little
reminder of the actual terror threats that the Left's propaganda and fantasies have obscured, he's a Muslim, a naturalized
U.S. citizen from Iran.
Man reportedly shouts 'Allahu Akbar'; before stabbing two police officers, killing one. One police officer
was killed and another wounded in a knife attack in the Belgian capital of Brussels on Thursday. The attack
occurred shortly after 7 p.m. in the Schaerbeek district of the city, nearby the Brussels-North railway station.
"One of our patrols was attacked by a man armed with a knife," a Brussels-North police spokesperson said. "The two
police officers then called for reinforcements. A policeman from another patrol used his firearm to neutralize the
attacker. The two injured inspectors and the attacker were taken to the hospital. The Brussels public
prosecutor's office has been informed of the facts," they added. Several local media outlets reported the attacker
shouted “Allahu Akbar” immediately before the attack, however prosecutors are not confirming or denying this
currently, according to the Belgian newspaper Le Soir. The French-language Belgian daily La Libre Belgique also
reported the suspect had earlier been summoned to his local police station following a traffic violation. The
suspect appeared at the police station on Thursday morning and, after his case had been dealt with, said he would attack
police officers later in the day. A report was written up at the police station, and he was released.
Why Isn't Salman Rushdie's
Attacker a Household Name? The news of the Rushdie stabbing was no more welcome among
the American media than it was at the institution. Muslim extremist Matar pulled off the most
significant attack on a major cultural figure since Mark David Chapman shot the Beatles' John
Lennon 42 years prior, and the media have denied the would-be assassin a spotlight. Their
motives, however, go deeper than protecting Islam's reputation as the religion of peace. For
the record, Matar has been charged with second-degree attempted murder for the attack on Rushdie
and second-degree assault for injuring another person during the attack. Until my encounter
at Tops, I did not know that he was being held in the local county jail — and I follow
the news. Chautauqua chief public defender, Nathaniel Barone, argued that Matar had no record
and was not a flight risk. Chautauqua County Court Judge David Foley, considerably saner than
judges downstate, denied Matar bail. On a hate crime of this magnitude, I assumed the FBI
would have stepped in. It has not. Nor have the media beyond western New York shown
much interest.
the FBI Deserves the Benefit of the Doubt? On Jan. 15, 44-year-old Malik Faisal Akram took
hostages in a Texas synagogue near Dallas and demanded the release of Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani
national also known as "Lady Al Qaeda" serving an 86-year sentence for assault and attempted murder
of federal agents and military personnel. Matthew J. DeSarno, the FBI's special agent in charge
of the Dallas field office, said the attack on a synagogue had nothing to do with targeting Jews.
"We do believe from our engagement with this subject that he was singularly focused on one issue,
and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community," DeSarno said at a press conference.
But as Chuck DeVore of the Texas Public Policy Foundation reported, Akram "was heard to say via
the live stream that operated from the synagogue for much of the incident that he chose it because
he thought it was the closest assemblage of Jews to the federal facility holding Siddiqui."
Copenhagen shooting: Gunman kills three
in Field's shopping mall. A gunman has killed three people and injured another four at a shopping mall in
Denmark's capital Copenhagen. The victims are two Danish 17-year-olds and a 47-year old Russian. Two Danes and
two Swedes were wounded — one remains critical. Police said the suspected shooter, 22, had mental health issues and
there is no indication of a terror motive. The suspect, who was described as "an ethnic Dane" by police, will face
questioning by a judge on Monday.
The Editor says...
Immediately after every Islamic terrorist attack, especially on the east side of the Atlantic, the police and other public
officials are always excessively vague in their description of the perpetrator. They won't mention his Arabic name or
show his face, and they'll try their best to keep you from making any reasonable inferences about his violent religious
motives. For example, what is "an ethnic Dane"? Apparently it means a Muslim immigrant.
service member may have planted explosives in inside attack at Army base, injuring 4 others. An inside attack
on a US military base in Syria that injured four soldiers might have been carried out by a fellow service member, Army
officials said. The potential suspect is back stateside as the Army's Criminal Investigation Division and Air Force
Office of Special Investigations probes the April 7 attack on the base called Green Village, an Army spokesperson said.
The explosives were put in an ammunition holding area and shower facility. Two officials told CNN the explosives were
"not insignificant" and had more detonation power than a hand grenade. [...] "At this point, these are just allegations, all
suspects are presumed to be innocent until/unless convicted in a court of law," the military said in a statement, according
to CNN. "The investigation is ongoing, which may or may not, develop sufficient evidence to identify a perpetrator(s)
and have enough evidence to ensure a conviction in a court of law. No further information will be released at this time."
The Editor says...
In other words, the suspect is either Muslim or black, so the story will quickly drop into the media memory hole.
Two weeks later, an update: US
airman arrested for alleged insider attack on military base in Syria. An Air Force service member has been
arrested by military police for an alleged insider attack at a US base in Syria in April that left four US service members
injured, officials said. The unidentified airman was arrested in the United States on June 16 after allegedly setting
off explosives during the attack in Green Village Syria, Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanek told CNN. "After reviewing
the information in the investigation, the Airman's commander made the decision to place him in pretrial confinement,"
Stefanek said. No other details about the individual have been released.
Black Lives That Don't Matter. Last Sunday, June 5, 2022, Islamic terrorists stormed the St. Francis
Catholic Church in Ondo, Nigeria, and massacred more than 50 Christians who were otherwise peacefully worshipping their
God. Videos, according to one report, "showed church worshippers lying in pools of blood while people around them
wailed." As terrible as this massacre might seem, it is just the proverbial "tip of the iceberg": over the years,
Muslims have assaulted, shot up, or torched countless churches in Nigeria. Below are just three other examples:
• Easter Sunday, Apr. 20, 2014: Islamic terrorists torched a packed church; 150 Christians
were killed and countless injured.
• Easter Sunday, Apr. 8, 2012: explosives planted by Muslims detonated near two packed churches;
more than 50 Christians were killed and unknown numbers injured.
• Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 2011: Muslim terrorists shot up and bombed three churches;
37 Christians were killed, 57 injured.
dead and 30 injured after man drives car into crowd near Berlin church. A man plowed his vehicle into a crowd
of people near a church in Berlin on Wednesday, killing at least one person and injuring 30, according to German
authorities. Police have arrested the driver but have not released his identity. "A man is believed to have
driven into a group of people. It is not yet known whether it was an accident or a deliberate act," police said,
according to Reuters. The crash was reported around 10:26 a.m. local time when the man drove his car onto a sidewalk
and into a crowd in a busy shopping district near the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, according to police reports. The
driver weaved from on top of the sidewalk, into the crowd, back onto the street, and then back onto the sidewalk before
crashing into the front of a store, witnesses said.
Least 50 Massacred Inside Nigerian Church By Muslim Extremists. Gunmen attacked a Catholic church in southwest
Nigeria during mass on Sunday, killing at least 50 people including women and children, according to a hospital doctor and
media reports. The gunmen shot at people outside and inside the church building, killing and injuries worshippers, said
Funmilayo Ibukun Odunlami, police spokesperson for Ondo state. She did not say how many people were killed or injured
at St Francis Catholic Church in the town of Owo but added police were investigating the cause of the attack.
[Video clip]
50 feared dead in Nigeria church attack, officials say. Gunmen opened fire on worshippers and detonated
explosives at a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria on Sunday, leaving dozens feared dead, state lawmakers said.
The attackers targeted the St. Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state just as the worshippers gathered on Pentecost
Sunday, legislator Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole said. Among the dead were many children, he said. The presiding priest
was abducted as well, said Adelegbe Timileyin, who represents the Owo area in Nigeria's lower legislative chamber. [...] It
was not immediately clear who was behind the attack on the church. While much of Nigeria has struggled with security
issues, Ondo is widely known as one of Nigeria's most peaceful states.
Cover-Up: 'Allah' Screaming Muslim Stabs Father in Throat Outside of his Children's Catholic School. The media
consistently acts as an attorney to defend jihadis and the Islamic ideology that motivates these attacks. An Islamic
terrorist previously known to police repeatedly stabbed a father picking up his two children (3 and 7) from a Catholic middle
school in Marseille, France. The 23-year-old Muslim shouted that he was acting "in the name of Allah" while butchering
the Military doctor who was severely injured. He was rushed to the hospital, where he is in grave condition, and his
prognosis is critical. According to French media, the victim reportedly received several knife blows and was struck in
the throat. He was in a state of cardio-respiratory arrest when emergency workers reached him. The attacker,
known to police for drug trafficking, was subdued by witnesses and then arrested by police.
man lived double life as 'sleeper agent' for Hezbollah unit: feds. A New Jersey software engineer lived a dark
double life as a "sleeper agent" in an elite Hezbollah unit, scouting terror targets in New York City for the militant group,
federal prosecutors charged at the start of his trial Monday [4/25/2022]. Alexei Saab, 45, kept up appearances as a
"normal" law-abiding US citizen — all while gathering intelligence on a number of Big Apple landmarks, tunnels and
bridges, Assistant US Attorney Sam Adelsberg said in his opening statement. "He posed as a regular guy," Adelsberg
said. "In reality, he was a sleeper agent for Hezbollah ready to strike." Saab was recruited by the terror
organization as a college student in Lebanon and rose up the ranks, ultimately enlisting in the "external security
organization," or unit 910, the prosecutor alleged.
shouting 'we have to kill Macron' stabs priest and elderly nun in Nice church in barbaric election day attack.
A knifeman shouted 'we have to kill Macron' as he stabbed a priest and a nun multiple times in an unprovoked attack in France
this morning. Father Krzysztof Rudzinski, 59, was stabbed 20 times with a 7cm knife before Sister Marie-Claude, 72, was
cut in the hand as she reportedly snatched the knife from the attacker. French police arrested a 31-year-old French man
from Fréjus, southeastern France, after the attack at 10am in the Saint Pierre d'Arène church, Nice.
man and two teenagers who wanted to 'die fighting for Allah' are arrested for 'planning to attack Chicago
mosque. An 18-year-old Maine man and two other teens, one in Chicago and another in Kentucky, conspired to
attack a Chicago mosque with homemade explosives this month, new court documents reveal — until the FBI unraveled the
plot. The teens, agents said, concocted a scheme to massacre worshippers at the Shia mosque in the name of ISIS.
The recently unsealed federal filing alleges that Xavier Pelkey of Waterville and two teens, who were not named in court
papers because they are juveniles, communicated through Instagram and other platforms to plot the attack.
School Attack: Two Teachers Killed at Latin School in Multicultural Malmö, Student Arrested. Two
teachers were killed by a student at a high school in southern Sweden, police said Tuesday [3/22/2022]. The 18-year-old
student was arrested at the scene on Monday in Malmö, Sweden's third-largest city. The victims were two women in
their 50s, police said. The suspect wasn't previously known to the police and had no criminal record, and police didn't
disclose how the teachers were killed. A motive hasn't been established.
runs into carnival revelers in Belgium, killing 6. A car slammed at high speed into carnival revelers in a
small town in southern Belgium early Sunday [3/202/2022], killing six people and leaving 10 more with life-threatening
injuries. Several dozen were more lightly injured. "What should have been a great party turned into a tragedy,"
said Belgian Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden. The prosecutor's office said that in the early stages of the
investigation there were no elements to suspect a terror motive, and two locals in their thirties were arrested at the scene
in Strépy-Bracquegnies, some 50 kilometers (30 miles) south of Brussels.
The Editor says...
Notice that the report doesn't mention the suspects' Middle-Eastern names. Nope, there's no indication this was an act of terrorism,
except that nobody else acts like that. Two guys are in the car, and neither of them prevents or mitigates the collision with more than a
dozen people in the street? Does anyone hate "revelers" more than a Muslim? Nothing to see here, move along.
is killed by police in Marseille after three police officers are injured in 'violent' knife attack which left one
hospitalised. A man has been killed by police in Marseille, France, after he attacked three officers with a
knife. Authorities said he repeatedly ignored warning shots and the reason for the attack, which took place at the town
hall that was also a donation collection point for Ukraine, was unclear. The Mayor of Marseilles, Benoît Payan,
praised the police intervention, saying: 'This is a heroic act, I dare not imagine what could have happened if they weren't there.'
rampage at French university leaves four injured. Four people have been left injured in a stabbing rampage at a
French university and a knife-wielding attacker has been arrested. Police and firefighters were called to the
University of Le Mans in France at 1.45 pm today after a man with a knife is believed to have broken into the Faculty of
Arts. It is unclear what injuries the four victims have or whether they are in critical conditions or not. Police
said that a suspect has been arrested and that the attack did not appear to have been terrorism-related. The alleged
attacker has been arrested after students claim they saw him randomly attacking other pupils.
The Editor says...
Even without knowing the suspect's Arabic name, this case is almost certainly terrorism-related,
because nobody else acts like that
Fried Jihad. Everybody knows that "white supremacists" are the biggest terror threat America faces today:
Old Joe Biden has told us so, along with Gestapo chief Merrick Garland and the Department of Homeland Security, among
others. They wouldn't lie to us, now, would they? But back in the real world, a threat that the Left has
downplayed and denied from the beginning, the global jihad, is still very much with us, even in Bowling Green,
Kentucky. Mirsad Hariz Adem Ramic, a good ol' boy from down there in Bowling Green, was indicted Monday on charges of
providing material support to the Islamic State (ISIS). Ramic, who is a dual citizen of the United States and Bosnia,
is also charged, according to the Justice Department, "with conspiring to provide material support to ISIS and receiving
military type training from ISIS."
are Red, Crime is Blue. It's interesting that the media and law enforcement have trouble finding motives or
explanations when those might be politically incorrect. For example, if a young Muslim male shouts "Allahu Akbar"
before opening fire on a crowd of shoppers, big media will struggle to find motive. This story of a French terrorist
shooting makes the point, "The New York Times claimed Wednesday that it is 'unclear' what motivated the gunman who shouted
'Allahu Akbar' before opening fire on a Christmas market in France."
'Allahu Akbar' Migrant Knifeman Threatened to Slaughter Children. An Eritrean migrant has been convicted of
attacking two men with a knife while also threatening to kill children in the car park of a local shopping centre in the
German city of Dresden. Eritrean migrant Ismail M. approached a number of children said to be around 13-years-old at a
car park of the Gorbitz Center in June and made a throat-slitting gesture while stating "I'll slaughter you!" The
26-year-old Eritrean was then confronted by a pair of Iraqis who noticed that he had been yelling at the children.
Refugee Charges San Francisco Cops With Knife While Shouting Allahu Akbar, Police Send Him To Paradise. A
former Afghan interpreter resettled in California by the federal government was shot and killed last week after charging San
Francisco police with a butcher knife and chanting "Allahu Akbar." Chief Bill Scott and other department officials held a
virtual town hall Wednesday in the death of 41-year-old Ajmal Amani on Friday, Nov. 19th. According to Commander Paul
Yep, officers were called to a residential hotel on the 900 block of Folsom Street shortly after 8 a.m. Friday on
reports of a man holding a knife. The caller said she could not stay on the phone because the man "has a knife to my
face." [Video clip]
What lovely people. Let's go get another 50,000 of them. Because diversity is wonderful, and Islam is a Religion of Peace! San
Francisco: Knife-Wielding Afghan Refugee Charges Police, Is Shot Dead. In San Francisco on Wednesday, a
man named Ajmal Amani, screaming "Allahu akbar," charged at police with a large kitchen knife and was shot multiple times
with a handgun and beanbag projectiles. Amani had previously threatened to kill a man in his residential hotel with the
same large knife and later died of his wounds. Amani was, according to the Associated Press, "a former Afghan
interpreter for U.S. special forces who had been shot several times during more than five years of service and struggled with
post-traumatic stress disorder." That is a tragedy, but it's also a warning: how many of the tens of thousands of unvetted
Afghans who have been brought to the U.S. by Old Joe Biden's handlers are a similar threat?
Francisco Officers Fatally Shoot Man Who Charged At Them With A Knife While Screaming "Allahu Akbar" — No MSM
Coverage. A man wielding a knife was fatally shot by police inside a residential building in San Francisco
Friday [11/19/2021], authorities said. Officers responded to the building in the South of Market neighborhood after
receiving a call about a man armed with a knife, San Francisco Police Officer Robert Rueca said in a statement. The
officers made contact with the man and an officer-involved shooting occurred, Rueca said without offering any other
information on what led to the fatal shooting. Chief Bill Scott and other department officials held a virtual town hall
Wednesday in the death of 41-year-old Ajmal Amani. [...] What it's more important is the fact that not one mainstream media
reported that the man was screaming "Allahu Akbar" while running towards the officers and that he was a former Afghan interpreter!
'terror' attack: French town rocked by knifeman rampage — police officers stabbed. The attack
happened around 6am on Monday when the unidentified man — who was shouting religious slogans —
threatened staff outside the main Police Commissariat in the town of Cannes. An investigating source said: "He
pulled open a car door and started stabbing. "It was only thanks to officers wearing bullet proof vests that none of
them were injured. "The driver of the car tried to pull away, while another on the back seat of the car opened fire,
and the man was severely wounded. "He had been shouting religious slogans referring to the Prophet throughout the attack.
Six Muslims arrested, were part of jihad terror group trained by Pakistan's spy service. Following the arrest
of six people by Delhi Police on Tuesday who were part of an ISI-backed terror module in Pakistan, a probe into the matter
has now revealed that the suspected terrorists were trained under a Major or Lieutenant-rank Army officer named Ghazi, news
agency ANI reported. Two of the six captured men, Osama alias Sami (22) and Zeeshan Qamar (28), told police that they
were taken to Pakistan on boats, and reached near Gwadar port in the country after further short sea-journeys. After
that, they were taken to a farmhouse in Sindh province where three Pakistani nationals were present.
people are taken to hospital after 'acid attack' on street in Cardiff city centre. Five people were treated in
hospital following a suspected 'acid attack' on a busy Cardiff street this afternoon [9/5/2021]. South Wales Police were
called to City Road at around 2.45 pm on Sunday following reports of an assault. A cordon was put in place outside a row
of businesses including Afro Barber Shop and Ponnuswamy Restaurant. Pictures from the scene show several half-empty
milk cartons along with discarded water bottles on the ground. Witnesses have claimed on social media that the incident
was an 'acid attack'.
of Chabad Rabbi in Boston Is Not 'Fit To Print' in New York Times. Rabbi Shlomo Noginski was stabbed repeatedly
on July 1 outside a Jewish school building in Boston. A rally the next day organized by Boston Jewish community groups
drew Boston's acting mayor, the district attorney, and a member of Congress. An individual, Khaled Awad, was arrested
in connection with the attack and pleaded not guilty to assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon and assault and
battery on a police officer. People who knew Awad in Florida described him as violent and "antisemitic." A
national, even international news story? Plenty of news organization thought so. The Daily Mail, a British
newspaper, has published three articles about the attack. Fox News covered it. The Washington Post website
carries an Associated Press article about the attack and an article from the Religion News Service. CNN covered
it. But for the New York Times, the news wasn't fit to print. A search of the Times website for "Noginski"
turns up no results.
rabbi stabbed eight times outside Jewish day school. A Massachusetts man was arrested for allegedly stabbing a
rabbi eight times outside of a Jewish day school in Boston, local reports said. Khaled Awad, 24, was charged with
assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon and assault and battery on a police officer in connection with Thursday's
broad-daylight attack on Rabbi Shlomo Noginski, Boston 25 News reported. Investigators said Awad approached Noginski at
around 1 p.m. outside the Shaloh House, a Brighton institution that serves the area's Russian Jewish community. He
allegedly pointed a gun at the rabbi and ordered him to hand over the keys to a school van, CBS Boston reported.
Awad Arrested in Brutal Stabbing of Boston Rabbi Outside of School. Boston police have identified a suspect in
the brutal stabbing of a rabbi outside of a Massachusetts school Thursday afternoon [7/1/2021]. The suspect, identified
as Khaled Awad, was arrested on Chestnut Hill Avenue shortly after the stabbing outside the Shaloh House school, WCVB-TV
reported. Awad is expected to be arraigned in Brighton District Court and faces charges of assault and battery by means
of a dangerous weapon, and assault and battery on a police officer.
Muslims murder at least 30 people in jihad attack on military base. "The al Qaeda-allied al Shabaab has been
fighting in Somalia for more than a decade to try to topple the country's central government and establish its own rule based
on its strict interpretation of Islamic sharia law." At least Reuters admitted that they're fighting to impose Sharia,
but it is a shame there is no one at Reuters with the wit to try to find a non-strict interpretation of Islamic sharia law,
and to explain how it differs from Al Shabaab's strict interpretation.
Citizen Intervenes, Saves Jewish Family from Alleged Attack. An armed citizen in Miami, Florida, intervened and
saved a Jewish family that was allegedly under attack after leaving their synagogue. On May 21, 2021, Fox News reported
that Eric Orgen and his family were walking down the sidewalk in the Bal Harbor neighborhood when a group of men allegedly
pulled up in a vehicle and "started shouting and throwing garbage at them."
at synagogue threatened by men screaming anti-Semitic slurs. Three young men spewed hateful threats to worshipers and
damaged a car at a Brooklyn synagogue Saturday [5/22/2021], "traumatizing" witnesses amid violence in the Middle East and New
York. The alleged agitators drove down 16th Ave in Borough Park yelling "[...] the Jews," "kill the Jews" and "free
Palestine," as worshipers gathered to pray at the Agudath Israel of Sixteenth Avenue Orthodox around 8 p.m., witnesses
said. One witness told The [New York] Post the men got out of the car and gave chase to him and two other Jewish people
while screaming hateful threats. The purported instigators then banged on the doors of the temple, which had been locked
by those inside marking the end of the Sabbath, according to witnesses on the scene.
'I would
do it again': Suspect accused of pummeling NYC Jewish man shows no remorse. The Brooklyn man accused of beating
a Jewish man in a hate attack in Midtown proclaimed from his jail cell that he would "do it again," prosecutors said on
Saturday. Waseem Awawdeh, 23, was held on $10,000 bail in the Thursday attack, in which he is accused of beating Joseph
Borgen, 29, with crutches and punching, kicking and pepper-spraying him. "If I could do it again, I would do it again,"
he told one of his jailers, according to a prosecutor at Awawdeh's Saturday arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court. "I
have no problem doing it again." The attack was unprovoked, said prosecutors, who told Judge Kathryn Paek that Borgen
was walking near Broadway and West 49th Street when Awawdeh "jumped him and attacked him."
Jewish man chased by 2 vehicles waving Palestinian flags: 'They were yelling Allahu akbar'. Chilling
surveillance footage obtained by Fox News shows the moment a Jewish man in Los Angeles was chased by two cars bearing
Palestinian flags near his home earlier this week as they chanted "Allahu akbar" in an apparent attempt to run him
over. The man, who asked to remain anonymous, told Fox News he was walking from his home to synagogue on Monday night
during the Jewish holiday of Shavuot when he noticed a car speeding toward him. "I've taken this route a million times
and I've never been afraid," he said. "I was waiting by the light for it to change and suddenly I saw a bunch of cars
coming and I see out of the corner of my eye they were waving the Palestinian flag. They started speeding up and I
heard them chanting 'Allahu akbar.' That's when I started running for my life."
mob throw Fireworks at a group of pro-Israel supporters in NYC's Diamond District and confront Jewish people.
Two fireworks were thrown into a crowd of protesters near Times Square leaving a 55-year-old woman injured as pro-Israel and
pro-Palestine demonstrations descended into violence just hours after a cease-fire was declared in the Israel-Hamas conflict.
At least 20 people were arrested, according to reports, amid skirmishes between the two sides. The devices were
thrown on Thursday evening [5/20/2021] and the blast was so loud it initially was identified as a smoke bomb, a NYPD spokesman
told DailyMail.com.
Man Is Lynched By Pro-Palestinian Radicals In Canada, Gets Stoned, Beaten While Crowd Chants Allahu Akbar.
Jewish people living in Canada are facing violent attacks by Pro-Palestine mobs. As per reports, on May 15 (local time)
Pro-Palestine mob attacked a man who was trying to save another Jewish man. He was beaten up with sticks. While
attacking, the Pro-Palestine mob threw glasses and pelted stones on the Jewish people while chanting Allahu Akbar. At
several places, Canadian Police were seen trying to send the mob away and save Jewish people from the attack. [Video clip]
Three Muslims arrested for urging jihad massacres in France over Muhammad cartoons. Ultimately Europe is going
to surrender and accept Islamic blasphemy laws for fear of appearing "Islamophobic," or will make it absolutely clear that
opposition to the freedom of speech is not acceptable in European societies. Which one Europeans will choose is as yet unclear.
Mother explodes herself and her baby in jihad suicide attack. How could a mother be moved to do such a
thing? She may have been threatened or forced, or she may have been convinced that Allah would reward her: "Allah
has bought from the believers their selves and their possessions against the gift of Paradise; they fight in the way of
Allah; they kill, and are killed; that is a promise binding upon Allah in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Koran; and who
fulfils his covenant truer than Allah? So rejoice in the bargain you have made with Him; that is the mighty triumph."
(Qur'an 9:111)
bomb hits Palm Sunday Mass in Indonesia, 20 wounded. Two attackers believed to be members of a militant network
that pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group blew themselves up outside a packed Roman Catholic cathedral during a Palm
Sunday Mass on Indonesia's Sulawesi island, wounding at least 20 people, police said. Rev. Wilhelmus Tulak, a
priest at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral in Makassar, said he had just finished celebrating Palm Sunday Mass [3/28/2021]
when a loud bang shocked his congregation. He said the blast went off at about 10:30 a.m. as a first batch of
churchgoers was walking out of the church and another group was coming in. He said security guards at the church were
suspicious of two men on a motorcycle who wanted to enter the building and when they went to confront them, one of the men
detonated his explosives.
dead, six injured in stabbing attack at Canadian library. A man went on a stabbing spree inside and around a
library Saturday, killing one woman and injuring six other people in North Vancouver, British Columbia, authorities
said. Sgt. Frank Jang of the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team said a suspect was in custody. He said
the man is in his 20s and has had interactions with police in the past.
dead, multiple wounded in stabbing at Vancouver-area library, suspect in custody. One woman was killed and five
others were wounded in a stabbing at a public library located near a busy shopping area of a Vancouver suburb on Saturday
[3/27/2021], and police said they had the lone suspect in custody. [...] While there was no report on his condition,
[Sgt. Frank] Jang said that the suspect has a criminal record.
Soldiers Executing Their Christian Comrades. Muslim soldiers are killing their Christian comrades in arms — apparently
because the latter, as "infidels," are already the enemy. Most recently, in Nigeria, a Muslim colonel stole weapons from an armory and
then blamed the twelve soldiers on duty for the theft. Six of those twelve soldiers — all Christians — were then
executed. [...] The phenomenon of Muslim military men murdering their Christian counterparts — and getting away with it —
is hardly limited to Nigeria. In 2018, for instance, Matthew Samir Habib, a 22-year-old Christian in Egypt's military was killed simply
for being Christian. He was the latest of about ten Christian soldiers in Egypt to be killed in separate incidents over the years by
Muslim soldiers on account of their faith.
The Editor says...
Somehow the subject of Fort Hood didn't come up in that article.
Gunmen Kill
137 People In Niger Less Than One Week After Another Deadly Attack. Armed men on motorcycles killed at least
137 people in Niger on Sunday, the country's government announced Monday [3/22/2021], according to the Associated Press (AP).
The attack is among the most deadly in years, and occurred less than a week after armed men on motorcycles killed at least
66 people in southwestern Niger in mid-March, the AP reported. Government spokesman Abdourahmane Zakaria confirmed the
Sunday attack took place the same day Niger's Constitutional Court officially declared Mohamed Bazoum as the winner of February's
presidential election, according to the AP. The attack happened near Niger's border with Mali, where an Islamic insurgency
has contributed to the escalating conflict in Niger.
Muslims murder at least 15 civilians. The goal is to terrorize the populace, destabilize and ultimately destroy
the existing government, and establish Sharia as the law of the land. Not that this has anything to do with Islam.
Yes, He Murdered a Jewish Woman While Screaming 'Allahu Akbar,' But You See, He Was Stoned. Here's a new one:
the marijuana excuse. For years authorities all over Europe have dismissed clear cases of jihad violence as "mental
illness," but that one is so overused now, it's understandable that officials would be casting about for new and imaginative
ways to hoodwink their people into think that there really isn't any jihad in the West at all, just a few unfortunate
incidents and misunderstood adherents of the world's most peaceful and tolerant religion. But sometimes even willfully
ignorant dhimmi authorities can go too far with this wishful thinking. So it is that in France, according to the
Jerusalem Post Thursday, the appellate Court of Cassation has begun deliberations on whether to overturn the ruling that a
Muslim named Kabili Traoré, who murdered an elderly Jewish woman while screaming "Allahu akbar," will not be tried
because he was high on marijuana at the time of the killing. That's right: French authorities are on record now
that if you get high, killing Jews is A-OK.
people are injured in 'terror attack' in Sweden with police shooting '22-year-old Afghan suspect. Eight people
were yesterday [3/2/2021] wounded in a suspected terrorist attack in Sweden. The assailant, reportedly a 22-year-old
Afghan national, was shot in the leg after launching his attack at around 3pm in Vetlanda, a small town in the country's
south. Three of the victims suffered life-threatening injuries, while another two were said to be in a 'serious condition.'
Thinking Surrounds Bombing of Historic Swedish Church. Twice over the course of four days, an 800-year-old
church in Stockholm was firebombed. On Sunday, Jan. 24, 2021, several Molotov cocktails were hurled at the 12-century
Spånga church, which is located in a Muslim majority area. According to the church's pastor, "the alarm was
triggered when a window was smashed and flammable liquid thrown at the front gate and one of the windows. However, the
fire was quickly put out by the police, who used a powder extinguisher." The same church had been firebombed just four
days earlier, on Jan. 20, 2021: two explosives were hurled at and smashed through the church windows, and another was
hurled at the church gate.
diplomat sentenced to 20 years prison in European terror plot. Diplomatic immunity does not extend to
terrorism, and that is very bad news for Iran's embassies. On February 4, 2021, a court in Antwerp, Belgium delivered
a guilty verdict with 20 years of imprisonment in the case of Assadollah Assadi, a career Iranian diplomat who plotted a
bombing attack against a major gathering of Iranian opposition members in France. The attack was thwarted by authorities
across multiple countries, resulting in Assadi's arrest, along with his co-conspirators.
Muslim-American Soldier Turns to Terrorism. Cole Bridges, a 20-year-old American who joined the U.S. Army in
late 2019 — and who was earlier described as "a polite, responsible and trustworthy teen" — was
recently arrested and faces two federal charges: "attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State group and the
attempted murder of U.S. military service members." Earlier, in October, 2020, Bridges, a convert to Islam, came into
contact with an FBI online covert employee (OCE) posing as a Muslim supporter of and in contact with the Islamic State.
In their communiques, Bridges made clear that his allegiance was to Islam and jihad, not America and its soldiers.
Airport Terminal Evacuated After Muslim Threatens To Kill Everyone And Yells Allahu Akbar Over COVID Mask. A
man sparked a mass evacuation and armed response at a German airport when he shouted 'Allahu Akbar' after police confronted
him for not wearing a face mask. The 38-year-old man, from Slovenia, acted aggressively towards police at Frankfurt
International Airport when police approached him for not wearing a face mask at around 5.16 pm today. [Video clip]
Muslim stabs woman, insists he's a terrorist, cops say he isn't, hospitalize him as mentally ill. Four years
ago, I wrote an article entitled "The Global Outbreak of Mental Illness," detailing some of the instances in which jihad
attackers were classified as mentally ill, with authorities denying that the attack was jihad at all. I could update
that article now, but with all the new examples of this it would be much, much too long for a single article, and I already
have a book in progress.
al-Shabab terrorist is charged with plotting 9/11-style terror attack on an American city after training as a pilot in
Philippines. A Kenyan member of al-Shabab stands accused of plotting to fly an airliner into a United States'
skyscraper after training as a pilot in the Philippines. Cholo Abdi Abdullah, 30, spent years preparing to carry out a
9/11-style attack, prosecutors say. He pleaded not guilty to all counts in a New York court Wednesday [12/16/2020].
Abdullah was arrested in 2019 in the Philippines with an improvised explosive device, a hand grenade and a gun, CNN reported
at the time. He was extradited to the US Tuesday [12/15/2020].
France: Muslim migrant
who murdered three in church was carrying copy of Qur'an and screaming 'Allahu akbar'. Relax. French
authorities assure us that Islam is wonderful in every way, and it's only "distortions" of it that should cause anyone any
concern. The challenge that French authorities face in this is convincing people like Brahim Aouissaoui that they're
getting Islam all wrong, and that the non-Muslim Emmanuel Macron, he's the one who has it right.
Video Of Muslim Man Attacking Woman's Car With A Machete With Baby Inside, Cops Don't Even Bother To Show Up.
The man is seen thrashing his weapon through the windscreen and onto the car bonnet in the apparent road rage attack outside
school gates while parents were dropping off their children in Dudley this morning (December 9). The victims claim that
despite repeated 999 calls from other parents and the school, police failed to attend the scene. Footage captured by
the shocked Birmingham mum shows a man taking the weapon and banging it on the vehicle's bonnet before smashing the windscreen
of a car. [Video clip]
Location, Location, Location:
DOJ Charges Portland Man With Disseminating ISIS Terrorism Instructions. As reported by The Washington Free
Beacon, the DOJ has announced charges against a man in revolutionaries' favorite Oregon enclave for allegedly producing ISIS
propaganda literature. Per a government statement, Hawazen Sameer Mothafar was indicted in federal court on "two counts
of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated terrorist organization and one count of providing and attempting to
provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, in violation of Title 18, United States Code,
Section 2339B(a)(1)." [...] Purportedly, for over half a decade, Hawazen created and distributed ISIS propaganda, materials
for recruitment, and instructions for various terrorist acts.
of religious sister arrested amid spate of anti-Catholicism in Austria. After a Catholic religious sister was
attacked on a bus, police have arrested a 19-year-old Afghan, according to police in the Austrian state of Styria. The
attack came among a spate of anti-Catholic attacks and demonstrations in Austria. The nun, 76, was attacked on Saturday
afternoon on a bus in the Austrian city of Graz. The perpetrator hit the sister in the face and then fled. Police
officers seized video material from the bus, after which the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counter
Terrorism arrested the Afghan-born teenager. The suspect, already known to the police for drug offenses and assault,
has confessed to the crime; his motive is still unclear, police say.
The Editor says...
I guess "his motive is still unclear" because he neglected to shout "Allahu Akbar" and slice her head off. Even then, the police might
still say they're baffled. But if the guy's motive is unclear, why did the counter-terrorism people arrest him, instead of the transit police?
Jihad Plot Against New York City You Heard Nothing About. "Let it be clear, I am against America. America
is my enemy." This was written in an online chat by a man in Texas, Jaylyn Christopher Molina, who has been charged with
conspiring with another American, Kristopher Sean Matthews of Elgin, South Carolina, to commit "Netflix worthy" terror
attacks at Trump Tower and the New York Stock Exchange, which they thought would gain them "rock star status." [...]
Meanwhile, both Molina and Matthews are apparently converts to Islam: post-conversion, Molina began calling himself "Abdur
Rahim" and Matthews went by "Ali Jibreel." They both pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS), discussed traveling to
Syria to join up with the jihad group, and even tried to make contact with an ISIS operative who would help them get there.
men are accused of 'Netflix-worthy terror plot' to bomb the White House and Trump Tower in support of ISIS. Two
men have been arrested on accusations of plotting a 'Netflix-worthy' series of ISIS-inspired terrorist attacks including
bombings on the White House, Trump Tower and the New York Stock Exchange. Jaylyn Christopher Molina, of San Antonio,
Texas, and Kristopher Sean Matthews, 34, from Eglin, South Carolina, were arrested on Monday [9/21/2020]. Molina was
detained in Texas and Matthews arrested in Tennessee.
stabbings witness describes horror attack that left one dead and seven injured. [A] witness to the Birmingham
stabbings has today [9/62020] described the moment he saw a woman 'stabbed in the neck' during the horror attack —
which left one dead, seven injured and police hunting for an on-the-run knifeman. Bar owner Savvas Sfrantziz says he
saw the man, who he describes as 'black, in his 20s and wearing a hoodie', stab the woman 'several times' in the neck before
'walking away'. It comes as murder detectives launch a manhunt for a lone knifeman following the stabbings, which took
place in four areas of the West Midlands city across a two hour period in the early hours of this morning.
Black Christian Lives
Apparently Do Not Matter. "Stop the killings", "Enough is enough", "Our lives matter", said Nigerian Christians
and church leaders gathered in London on August 20 to demonstrate against the massacre of Christians in their country.
They sent British Prime Minister Boris Johnson a letter accusing the international media of "a conspiracy of silence".
At the same time, a report by three organizations — the International Organization for Peace Building and Social
Justice, the International Committee on Nigeria and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion
or Belief — disclosed that in Nigeria, over the past 20 years, 100,000 Christians have been killed. Boko
Haram, Al Qaeda, Fulani herdsmen and other Islamist groups are responsible for the deaths of more than 96,000 Christians in
21,000 separate attacks. According to the report, 43,242 Christians were killed by Boko Haram, Islamic State and Al
Qaeda; 18,834 died in Fulani attacks and 34,233 from other armed groups. Nigeria is becoming the "biggest killing
ground of Christians in the world". [...] Mainline US churches have embraced "virtue signaling" about racism after the death
of George Floyd, but no Christian leaders have said "Black Christian Lives Matter" to raise awareness about the massacre of
foils 'at least 6' jihad attacks in recent months, threat remains high. Back in January, the French internal
security service also found "that as many as 150 neighbourhoods across France are 'held' by Islamist radicals." Guns were
taken away from seven Paris police officers last October over fears that Islamic radicalization had infiltrated the police
force, after a Muslim officer stabbed four of his colleagues to death. To stop the spread of jihad, France first needs
to reassert control over its borders, and monitor what is being preached in mosques and at Islamic schools. Meanwhile,
the Islamic State has managed to infiltrate refugee streams into Europe.
DOJ: Attack on NYPD
cops in June was act of Islamic terrorism by illegal alien using protests as cover. The Department of Justice
said that an attack on NYPD officers in June was an act of Islamic terrorism by an illegal alien using the protests as
cover. The claims were made in an affidavit unsealed on Wednesday [8/26/2020] in a Brooklyn court. Two police offers
were patrolling to prevent looting on June 3 on a street corner when a man suddenly stabbed one officer in the neck at about
11:45 p.m., nearly four hours after a curfew that was imposed at the time. He chased after the other officer and then
returned to attack the first, according to the affidavit. That man then allegedly stole a 9mm service pistol from one
of the officers and shot at other officers who were responding to the altercation. Two officers were shot in the hand.
Police Suspect Series Of Highway Crashes Was Islamic Terrorist Attack. German police are investigating a series
of highway car crashes, which left six people injured, as an Islamic terrorist attack. On Wednesday, Berlin
investigators said the "overall circumstances" and the "behavior of the suspect" pointed to their conclusions. Three
people were severely injured in the crashes and remain hospitalized after the suspect allegedly intentionally drove into
several vehicles during rush hour Tuesday. Authorities described the suspect as a 30-year-old Iraqi migrant.
extremist crashed into cars on Berlin highway, Germany says. A man has caused a series of motorway crashes in
Berlin, injuring six people including three seriously in what German prosecutors described Wednesday [8/19/2020] as a
deliberate act motivated by Islamic extremism. The man appears to have had an "Islamist motivation according to our
current knowledge," prosecutors told AFP. Local media reported that the man was a 30-year-old Iraqi who had shouted
"Allahu Akbar" (God is Greatest) when getting out of his car after hitting several vehicles around 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday.
in Glasgow Attack Identified As Disgruntled Asylum Seeker From Sudan. A stabber in Scotland has been identified
as a Sudanese asylum seeker in his 20s. Badreddin Abadlla Adam, 28, stabbed six individuals, including two teens and a
police officer, in an attack carried out in Glasgow on Friday. Police say the attack is not being treated as a
terrorist incident. During an interview with ITV News, a witness said the stabber told friends on Thursday about his
plans to carry out the attack the following day. The witness said he relayed the man's threats to workers at the Park
Inn Hotel where the men were staying. Apparently, the warning went unheeded. The witness says Adam complained to
him about being treated "improperly" by hotel staff and being served food of "bad quality."
stabbing: Suspect shot dead by police, officer in 'critical condition'. Police Scotland said a male
suspect was shot by an armed unit and an officer is in a critical but stable condition. The Scottish Police Federation
(SPF) confirmed a male officer had been stabbed and their family has been informed.All six injured people, including the
officer, are being treated in hospital. There are reports, currently unconfirmed, of two other fatalities.
Muslims gather villagers for Islamic sermon, then open fire, murdering at least 81 people. Now in Borno state
there comes an even worse jihad attack: ["]At least 81 people were killed in an attack on a village by suspected
Boko Haram militants in northeast Nigeria.["] The savages arrived in armored tanks and trucks. Then: "They
gathered us and said they wanted to deliver religious sermon to us. They asked us to submit whatever arm we had. Some
villagers gave up their ... guns, bow, and arrows. Suddenly, they started shooting at will." In these regular
incidents of jihadist attacks in Africa, black lives don't matter.
The Editor says...
I have a great deal of experience with this issue, having been a broadcast engineer on the receiving end of multiple simultaneous live
signals from reporters in the field. The situation described in the article above is why every live shot must be recorded, straight
from the remote source. Things happen to reporters and crews all the time.
man charged with aiding terror group al-Shabaab. A Virginia man who fled the country in 2012 and was suspected
of trying to recruit men to join the terrorist group al-Shabaab was indicted in a federal court on a charge of conspiring to
provide material support to the terrorist group based in Somalia, prosecutors said. Liban Haji Mohamed of Alexandria,
Virginia, is a Somali-born naturalised American citizen who drove a cab in northern Virginia. He first came to the
FBI's attention in 2010 with the arrest of Zachary Adam Chesser, at the time a 20-year-old Virginian who became enthralled
with extremist Islamist views as a young man and ultimately was convicted of terror-related charges associated with
al-Shabaab. The FBI has said Chesser and Mr Mohamed were close associates.
kills five innocent civilians and injures 20 as crowds sing and dance during Somalia Eid festivities. At least
five people were killed and more than 20 injured in Somalia in a blast on Sunday during festivities to mark the Eid al-Fitr
festival. Speaking from Baidoa, 250 kilometres (150 miles) west of the capital Mogadishu, police officer Mohamed Muktar
said: 'The initial information we have received indicates the dead bodies of five people were collected from the scene of the blast
and more than twenty others have been wounded.' The cause of the explosion was unclear.
naval air station shooting was terrorism-related, and person of interest may be at large. The FBI said the
shooting at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi in Texas was terrorism-related and, though the suspect was "neutralized,"
another person may be at large. "We have determined that the incident this morning at the Naval Air Station Corpus
Christi is terrorism-related," FBI spokeswoman Leah Greeves said Thursday. "They are working diligently with local,
state, and federal partners on the investigation, which is fluid and evolving." [...] "The public should remain calm, and if
you see something, say something," officials said.
The Editor says...
If you see something, say something, but don't say the perpetrator's name or nationality or the name of his mosque.
storm maternity clinic in Afghan capital, kill 16. Militants stormed a maternity hospital in the western part
of Kabul on Tuesday, setting off an hours-long shootout with the police and killing 16 people, including two newborn babies,
their mothers and an unspecified number of nurses, Afghan officials said.
Muslim migrant screaming "Allahu akbar" goes on stabbing spree, injures four people. The attack, which took
place in the early evening hours in the city center of Toulouse, began after the alleged assailant asked two homeless women
for a cigarette. When the pair of women refused, the Sudanese became angry and aggressive. From there, the
situation rapidly deteriorated as a group of nearby homeless people attempted to intervene. It was at this point that
that punches were thrown, and the asylum seeker brandished a kitchen knife, shouted "Allah Akbar" three times, and proceeded
to stab several people.
Muslim migrants with full beards stab passersby. "The two arrested 'Hanauer' are Syrians. The victims
also have a migrant background. Were the perpetrators a kind of 'Shariah police' that monitored Ramadan in Hanau?"
Just another day in Merkel's marvelous multicultural paradise.
named Osama arrested, finally denied bail after second anti-Christian hate crime - trying to burn down a church with people
inside. Osama E. El Hannouny makes no secret of his hatred for Christians and Christianity. Last
November, he was charged with 14 misdemeanor counts of criminal damage to property and possession of cannabis after slashing
the tires of cars parked at a Baptist church in Palos Hills, a suburb of Chicago where he lives. At the time, he told
police that he did it because he doesn't like Christians. Month later, a grand jury indicted him on 14 additional
counts of felony hate crimes, taking into consideration his openly expressed animus toward Christianity. Nonetheless,
he was released from custody without paying any bail, on a so-called "I Bond," where he would be liable for $10,000 if
he failed to show up in court for his next scheduled appearance, free to roam the streets full of a hatred so intense
he had no reticence in expressing it to police after being arrested.
Jihad Attacks on Churches in Illinois That You Heard Nothing About. Osama E. El Hannouny, a 25-year-old man who
lives in the Chicago suburb of Palos Hills, Illinois, has made his prejudices very clear, saying that he doesn't like
Christians. More than once he has acted on that dislike at churches in his area. But as his attacks don't fit the
mainstream media narrative, this article is likely to be the only place where you'll hear about them. Last Tuesday
[4/14/2020], when he should have been staying at home and making TikTok videos like other people his age, El Hannouny
ventured out into the coronavirus-ridden wilds, heading for Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Palos Hills. Once he got
there, he looked into the church through the doors, and saw that there were people inside (doesn't anyone honor the coronavirus
quarantine in Cook County?). Seeing his chance for jihad, El Hannouny immediately began piling leaves around the
church's gas main and air conditioning unit, making numerous trips back and forth to do so. Once he was satisfied that
he had sufficient kindling, El Hannouny, according to the charges against him, set fire to the leaves.
killed and several injured in French knife attack. A man has killed two people and injured several others, one
critically, in a knife attack in a town in south-east France. Police arrested the man at about 11am after he had
attacked customers in a shop and passersby at Romans-sur-Isère in the Drôme, 20km north of Valence. Witnesses
said the man first attacked the owner of a tobacconist and two customers inside the shop in the town centre. He then
walked out and began stabbing people in the street. One of the dead was inside the tobacconist. A second man, a
butcher from a nearby shop, was killed outside. [...] A statement from the local town hall read: "[...] At this moment,
we do not know the motive for this act."
man pleads guilty to plotting rocket attack on White House. A Georgia man accused of plotting to attack the
White House with an anti-tank rocket and explosives has pleaded guilty to a federal charge. Hasher Jallal Taheb, 23,
pleaded guilty on Wednesday to a charge of attempting to destroy, by fire or an explosive, a building owned by or leased to
the United States, federal prosecutors said.
Clinic employee charged with attempting to provide ISIS support. A former medical coordinator for Mayo Clinic
was arrested at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport on Thursday while trying to get to Syria to fight "on the
front line" of ISIS. The FBI arrested 28-year-old Muhammad Masood after he checked in for his flight to Los Angeles.
The U.S. Attorney's Office in Minnesota has charged Masood with attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign
terrorist organization, including wanting to serve as a fighter and combat medic and talking of his desire to enact a lone
wolf-style attack. Masood made his first appearance in court Thursday [3/19/2020].
in stabbing spree once claimed IS was out to get him. A Melbourne father who stabbed four people, killing two,
in random, "senseless" attacks across the city's inner-east, once claimed that IS operatives were out to get him.
Mohammed Ibrahim, 34, from Roxburgh Park, was shot dead by police after Wednesday night's terrifying stabbing spree.
Ibrahim was armed with two kitchen knives and a switchblade when he attacked two women arriving at their Hawthorn home on one
of Melbourne's most affluent streets, killing one, before stabbing a man to death near a Kew tram stop.
Muslim Stabs 4 Random People, Killing 2 — Cops Say "Zero Evidence" It's Terrorism Related.
"Assistant Commissioner Glenn Weir said there was 'zero evidence' to suggest the attacks were terrorism related.
Ibrahim had no criminal history and was estranged from the mother of his child." It may be that these attacks were not
terrorism related. But the fact that Ibrahim had no criminal history establishes nothing. There was a point in
every jihad terrorist's life when he had no criminal history. The fact that Ibrahim was estranged from the mother of
his child also establishes nothing about whether or not his attacks were terrorism related. Many men are estranged from
the mothers of their children and yet do not go on stabbing sprees of random people. Some men also are jihad terrorists
and are simultaneously estranged from the mothers of their children.
18, Runs Down 4 Teens With SUV In Burlingame: Police. An 18-year-old San Mateo man was arrested Saturday
night on suspicion of felony hit and run and attempted homicide, with Burlingame police investigators asserting the man
allegedly drove onto the sidewalk and intentionally hit four teenagers, seriously injuring them. Police said they
arrested Omeed Adibi after he drove away from the scene, near Howard Avenue and Clarendon Road, where four pedestrians —
all young teenagers — were hit by an SUV at about 5:15 p.m. Saturday [2/29/2020], police said.
SUV Driver Deliberately Runs Over Four Teens On Sidewalk. Four teenagers were injured when an 18-year-old
driver intentionally ran them over as they were walking on the sidewalk in Burlingame, California. Two of the victims
suffered serious injuries and were taken to Stanford Hospital, while the other two teens were taken to a different hospital
with less severe injuries. The SUV driver, identified as Omeed Adibi, struck a fire hydrant after he mowed them down.
ISIS Plot in Kansas City You Heard Nothing About. A few years ago, Robert Lorenzo Hester, Jr. of Columbia,
Missouri met "several young men who suggested that Islam was a religion that valued men like him." That was when his troubles
began: prosecutors announced Wednesday [2/19/2020] that they want Hester to serve twenty years in prison and be under
supervision for the rest of his life for plotted a jihad massacre in Kansas City. His case shows yet again how
politically correct willful ignorance regarding the motivating ideology and magnitude of the jihad threat renders us all
vulnerable. True to form, federal prosecutors are already busily ignoring the possibility that Hester was inspired to
try to kill non-Muslims by Qur'anic exhortations such as "kill them wherever you find them" (2:191, 4:89; cf. 9:5).
According to the Columbia Tribune, they claim that "mental health issues combined with a mockery of his race and intellect
by fellow soldiers led him to extremists ideologies."
Faso church attack leaves 24 dead. Gunmen have killed 24 people and wounded 18 in an attack on a Protestant
church in a village in northern Burkina Faso, the regional governor has said. A group of "armed terrorists" entered
Pansi in Yagha province and "attacked the peaceful local population, after having identified them and separated them from
non-residents", Col Salfo Kaboré said. The incident took place on Sunday during a weekly service, security
officials said. "The provisional toll is 24 killed, including the pastor ... 18 wounded and individuals who
were kidnapped," Kaboré added. A resident of the nearby town of Sebba said Pansi villagers had fled there
for safety.
plotted Madame Tussauds attack after 2018 terror acquittal. A man acquitted of terrorism in 2018 after he was
arrested with a metre-long samurai sword outside Buckingham Palace has been convicted of planning an attack at tourist
hotspots in London. Mohiussunnath Chowdhury, 28, from Luton, was found guilty of terrorism offences on Monday [2/10/2020]
after the jury at Woolwich crown court heard he planned to kill members of the public at busy London locations including Madame
Tussauds, the Pride parade and on an open-top tour bus. In December 2018, Chowdhury was acquitted by an Old Bailey jury
in relation to the 2017 attack outside the Queen's London residence. He had been armed with the sword and shouted
"Allahu Akbar" but his lawyer successfully convinced the jury that he had been trying to get himself killed by a police
officer, rather than intending to hurt anyone else.
attack' in south London: Armed police shoot DEAD 'machete-wielding suspect in possible suicide vest'.
Armed police have shot dead a suspected terrorist wearing a fake suicide vest after he grabbed a knife from a shop and
stabbed a man and a woman during a brutal high-street rampage in south London. The attack comes just three months after
the London Bridge attack where Usman Khan was shot dead by armed police after he killed two people and injured three others
while wearing a fake suicide vest. Police believe the Streatham incident — where the suspect was shot dead by armed
officers as part of a proactive Counter Terrorism operation — was Islamist-related. A man is fighting for his life in
hospital while a woman has non-life threatening injuries.
Huge explosion rocks Stockholm, PM denies any link between mass Muslim migration and rising crime rates.
[Scroll down] Swedish authorities have been working along with "gang crime specialists in the US, Germany and the
Netherlands, and they are liaising with Swedish military experts who dealt with explosives in Africa and Afghanistan."
Most of these bombing attacks happen in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo — the three largest cities of Sweden and
the areas of the highest migrant populations. Once-peaceful Sweden has now become "increasingly associated with a
rising number of Islamic State recruits, bombings and hand grenade attacks," and still far too many reports do not want to
address the root problem: the surge in migration from the Middle East and Africa.
Arrested with Live Mortar Round at Pearl Harbor Gate. A live mortar round was found in a vehicle at a gate to
the sprawling Pearl Harbor military base, shutting down the base for hours and leading three people to be taken into custody,
military officials said Wednesday [1/15/2020].
Fires ARE Caused by Man — It's Called Arson and Green Policy. It turns out that the fires raging in
Australia are climate-related. They're caused by a climate of hate, irresponsibility, and incompetence manifesting
itself in arson, feckless fire handling, and environmentalist policies creating forest tinderboxes. What's more, that
two Muslim teens have just been charged with lighting a fire is a reminder that jihadists have prescribed such action as a
terror method. [...] In fact, one man-caused fire incident is raising eyebrows. "Western Sydney teen Fadi
Zraika — one of the two teens accused of lighting a grass fire at a Guildford park while bushfires ravaged
NSW — laughed outside court today after appearing on multiple charges," reports the Daily Telegraph. "Police
allege Fadi and Abraham Zreika, both 18, set off fireworks that sparked a grass fire at Bright Park, Guildford, on December
22," the paper continues.
Jihad: Muslims in Australia Among Nearly 200 Arsonists Who Set Fires. We will have to wait to see, and
may never know, how many Muslims are among the arsonists who set fires to contribute to Aussie wildfires. [...] We might not
know the makeup of all of the arsonists, but we do know that some were Muslim and we know that this is taken right from the
Muslim playbook.
police shoot knifeman who rushed at a group of officers shouting 'Allahu akbar' a day after another attacker left one dead
and two hurt. Police in France have shot and wounded a knifeman who rushed at a group of officers shouting
'Allahu akbar' just one day after another attacker left one dead and two hurt. Local officials said the incident in the
city of Metz was being monitored closely and that a probe had been launched to determine the motivation of the attack which
saw a 28-year-old man attack officers in the Borny district. 'The man was known to be radicalised, and to have a
personality disorder,' said Christian Mercuri, the Metz public prosecutor.
Haram jihadists behead bride, bridal party days before wedding: diocese. A jihadist insurgency affiliated with
Boko Haram brutally murdered a Christian bride and her bridal party days before her wedding, a spokesperson for a Catholic
diocese in Nigeria has confirmed. Father Francis Arinse, the communications director for the Catholic Diocese of
Maiduguri, told the Catholic News Service that every member of the bridal party for former parishioner Martha Bulus was
killed by Boko Haram extremists on Dec. 26 in Nigeria's northeast Borno state. Arinse said the bridal party was
traveling from Maiduguri to Bulus' country home in Adamawa at the time they were killed.
Attacker kills 1, stabs
multiple people near Paris before being shot dead by cops — local mayor. A man who stabbed three
people at a park in a Paris suburb, killing one, has been 'neutralized' by police, according to the local mayor. The
attacker reportedly lashed out at passersby at random. BFMTV says the incident happened around 2 pm in Hautes-Bruyeres
Park, in Villejuif. Police confirmed that an operation was underway in the area, and asked people to avoid the area.
According to some reports, police checked if the man was carrying any explosives, but none were found at the scene.
"Highly credible law-enforcement source" says man who stabbed Jews celebrating Chanukah is convert to Islam. If
this turns out to be accurate, will investigators try to determine if his reading of the Islamic scriptures led him to carry
out this attack? The Qur'an depicts the Jews as inveterately evil and bent on destroying the well-being of the
Muslims. They are the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely
ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah's power is limited (5:64); they love to listen to lies
(5:41); they disobey Allah and never observe his commands (5:13). [...] Or will this possibility be ignored, as investigating
it would be "Islamophobic"?
Rush-hour vehicle bomb kills dozens in
Somali capital. At least 76 people have been killed by a vehicle bomb detonated during morning rush hour in
Somalia's capital. The blast took place at a checkpoint at a busy intersection in Mogadishu. More than 90 people
were also injured. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the bomb but al-Shabab militants have often carried out
attacks there. President Mohammed Abdullahi Farmaajo said its aim was to demoralise the Somali people, but that
jihadists would never stop the country rebuilding.
State Films Gruesome Beheadings In "Message To Christians All Over The World". The Islamic State has released a
video which purportedly shows the brutal execution of 11 blindfolded Christians in Nigeria, the day after Christmas, in
revenge for the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and IS spokesman Abdul-Hasan al-Muhajir, accordign to Ahmad
Salkida, a journalist who was first sent the video.
terrorists mark Christmas by beheading 10 Christians on video. Ten Christians were beheaded and one other was
shot dead by an ISIS-linked group in Nigeria in an act designed to coincide with Christmas. A video recorded before the
execution in the war-torn state of Borno shows a group of 12 men and a blurred-out woman pleading for help from Christian
organizations and Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari.
on motorbikes kill 35 civilians in Burkina Faso raid. An attack by militants in northern Burkina Faso has
killed 35 civilians, almost all of them women, the president said, one of the deadliest assaults in nearly five years of
jihadist violence in the West African nation. Seven soldiers and 80 jihadists were also killed in the double attack on
a military base and the town of Arbinda in Soum province. The morning raid was carried out by dozens of jihadists on
motorbikes and lasted several hours before armed forces backed by the air force drove the militants back. The army said
the attack was of a "rare intensity". "A large group of terrorists simultaneously attacked the military base and the
civilian population in Arbinda," the army chief of staff said in a statement.
Christmas market evacuated, two suspects detained. A Berlin market where a dozen people were killed in a 2016
terror attack was evacuated Saturday [12/21/2019] after reports of a suspicious object, authorities said. Two people,
Syrians believed to have bomb-making experience, were arrested in connection with the incident, according to reports.
"Currently, our colleagues are working at the #Breitscheidplatz Christmas Market and are clearing it in order to follow-up
indications of a possibly suspicious object," Berlin police said in a Twitter thread.
man Kevin Iman McCormick charged with trying to join ISIS. A second jihadist wannabe from Connecticut was
busted this week for trying to travel to the Middle East and fight for ISIS — declaring that "I gotta fight, bro,"
federal prosecutors said this week. An affidavit was unsealed Thursday [12/19/2019] against Kevin Iman McCormick, 26,
of Hamden, who was indicted in late October on charges of attempting to provide material support to ISIS, the Department of
Justice said in a statement. McCormick was busted Oct. 21 and charged by federal criminal complaint, prosecutors
said. A federal grand jury in New Haven returned an indictment on those charges Oct. 30, according to prosecutors.
Woman Tries To Set Airline Seat On Fire, Threatens To Blow Plane Up Because Passengers Extinguished Her Cigarette. A flight
from Istanbul to Tymbou, Northern Cyprus airport was canceled after a woman threatened to blow up the aircraft on Wednesday morning, Turkish
newspaper Hurriyet reported. According to reports, a woman in the plane who had covered her face with a veil and sunglasses started to
shout shortly before take-off on the runway. "I am a Feto member, and I will blow up the aircraft," she shouted in Turkish.
man arrested while preparing Turkey trip to join ISIS. A 22-year-old jihadist wannabe from Connecticut who said
he wished the US would "burn in fire" has been arrested while making arrangements to travel to Turkey on a cargo ship to join
ISIS, according to federal officials. Ahmad Khalil Elshazly was arrested Sunday on charges of attempting to provide
material support to a foreign terrorist organization. Elshazly, a US citizen, last year made "numerous statements to
others, both in person and through online messaging applications, expressing a desire to travel to Syria and the surrounding
area to fight on behalf of ISIS," according to a court filing.
Student in New Mexico Arrested With Handgun & Hit List. A Saudi student in New Mexico arrested for illegal
possession of a handgun had a hit list of people he planned to kill. The list included professors at the University of
New Mexico, where he was an engineering student. Hassan Alqahtani, 27, who also received his bachelor's degree from
UNM, turned himself in to authorities on Friday [12/13/2019]. Alqahtani allegedly had a gun and wanted to buy other
guns. The FBI received a tip about Alqahtani's illegal possession of a gun by a person who also reported that Alqahtani
had compiled a "list of people who he wants to kill before he leaves the U.S."
Jersey man Mostafa Hussaini arrested for racist death threats on YouTube. A New Jersey man has been arrested
over a series of disturbing YouTube videos in which he said he wanted to kill blacks, Christians and soldiers —
and even burned to death a parrot, according to authorities. Mostafa Hussaini, 34, of Totowa, was arrested by federal
agents in Florida after Miami cops were alerted to death threats made on his YouTube channel while he appeared to be staying
in the Sunshine State, according to court documents.
man who called for slaughter of 'infidels' in name of ISIS gets 30 years in prison. Said Azzam Mohamad Rahim
lived a comfortable life in North Texas, where he operated his own convenience store. But he wanted more, prosecutors
say: war, murder and jihad. As a result, the 43-year-old Richardson man will spend the next 30 years in a federal
prison for trying to recruit ISIS fighters on a social media app called Zello.
police say terror attack plans foiled, 20 arrested. Danish police have arrested "some 20 people" suspected of
involvement in Islamist terrorism in a series of raids across the country, authorities said Wednesday. Flemming Drejer,
the operative head of the Denmark's Security and Intelligence Service, said the suspects were "driven by a militant, Islamist motive."
killed in Burkina Faso church attack: regional govt. Fourteen people were killed in an attack Sunday
[12/1/2019] on a church in eastern Burkina Faso where places of worship have suffered a string of Islamist assaults this
year, the regional government said. "Unidentified armed men" carried out the attack during a Sunday service at a
Protestant church in the town of Hantoukoura near the border with Niger, the government statement said. [...] The poor West
African country has suffered a series of attacks on Christian targets since February, leaving 21 dead before Sunday's
attack. Burkina Faso's population is around two-thirds Muslim and one-third Christian.
Prosecutors Drop Murder Charges Against Muslim Murderer of Sarah Halimi. This is the act of sharia state.
Dr. Sarah Halimi, an orthodox Jew, was tortured and murdered in her Paris apartment in April by a devout Muslim invader
with a prior record of harassment toward her. Because she knew and feared the intruder, who lived in her building,
Halimi had formally requested that the public housing department move her to a new apartment. Nothing was done.
planned to blow up Federation Square in a Christmas Day massacre. Terrorists who planned to blow up Melbourne's
Federation Square in a Christmas Day massacre have been jailed. Ahmed Mohamed, 27, Abdullah Chaarani, 29, and Hamza
Abbas, 24, were found guilty of terror charges for plotting attacks through the central city in 2016. The group had
bought machetes, carried out reconnaissance in the Melbourne CBD and built practice bombs while conspiring to develop the
potentially deadly plan. They were arrested and taken into custody three days before Christmas.
Bride Returns to Germany, Arrested on Arrival. A German woman accused of joining the Islamic State group in
Syria and marrying an IS fighter has been arrested on arrival in Germany. Federal prosecutors said the woman,
identified only as Nasim A., was arrested Friday evening [11/15/2019]. They said Saturday she had been detained
by Kurdish forces early this year and held at the al-Hawl camp in north-eastern Syria.
gang leader accused of trying to send money to Islamic State. A purported street-gang leader from suburban
Chicago who became radicalized in prison faces federal charges accusing him of seeking to provide money to Islamic State
militants in Syria, according to a complaint unsealed Friday [11/15/2019] in U.S. District Court in Chicago. Jason
Brown, the 37-year-old leader of the AHK gang, could be heard on secret FBI recordings speaking admiringly about beheadings
by the Islamic State group, the 27-page complaint says. If someone insults the Prophet Mohammed, "his head gotta go,"
he is cited as saying.
Muslims enter church during Mass, scream "Allahu akbar". The faithful were "taken aback." How "Islamophobic" of
them! Apparently the English-language establishment media's full-court press a few years ago to convince Americans that
"Allahu akbar" was a benign phrase didn't get echoed in the French establishment media. In the New York Daily
News[,] Zainab Chaudry of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) argued that non-Muslims shouldn't
"believe the worst" about "Allahu akbar" because Muslims don't just scream it while murdering non-Muslims, but use it in a
variety of contexts. She even offered this chilling advice, certain to get people killed were it ever heeded: "So
the next time you hear Allahu Akbar — whether it's in a media report, on an airplane, or in a shopping mall,
remember that the phrase used by millions of Muslims and Christians daily to praise God regardless of their circumstances,
can never be justified for use when harming His creation." So stay put, evidently; fleeing would be "Islamophobic."
Police 'Disarmed' After Suspicions of Islamic Radicalisation. Two Muslim Paris police officers have had their
weapons taken away from them, with one suspended from duty, after allegations that the pair may have been radicalised.
The first officer, a 39-year-old, was ordered to surrender his firearm on Thursday [10/10/2019] and suspended by the police
force as a "precautionary principle". According to his colleagues, the officer had married a Muslim lawyer in 2011 and
began to grow his beard, pray at work and show other signs of religiosity, Le Parisien reports. In 2018, an investigation
into the officer was done by the General Inspectorate of the National Police and the Directorate of Intelligence and found
that while the officer was very religious, he was not radicalised. After divorcing his wife, he even shaved his beard
and became less isolated from his fellow officers.
Govt Minister Announces a Dozen Cases of Radicalised Muslim Teachers. French Education Minister Jean-Michel
Blanquer revealed cases of a dozen Muslim public school teachers who have been radicalised, along with a far greater number
of radicalised pupils. Blanquer announced ten cases of radicalisation on Friday morning [10/11/2019], stating, "These are
cases that can be of varying intensity, these are things that give rise to the first vigilance on our part," broadcaster Europe1
reports. Blanquer said that while some of the cases may not seem overly serious, they were being taken seriously by
authorities, such as a case in Torcy of a teacher who made "anti-republican remarks" in his local mosque. The teacher
was dismissed from his position despite having no other marks against his teaching record.
Man stabs Indonesia's security minister.
A married couple who appear to have been inspired by the Islamic State attacked Indonesia's chief security minister, Wiranto,
as he visited western Java on Thursday, the police said. Mr. Wiranto, 72, a former general who like many
Indonesians uses one name, suffered two stab wounds to his stomach. [Video clip]
bomber' convicted in attempted murder trial stemming from New Jersey shootout with police. A New Jersey man
already serving a life term for planting bombs in New York City has been convicted of attempted murder and assault stemming
from a shootout with police three years ago. Ahmad Khan Rahimi sat quietly during the reading of the verdicts Tuesday
[10/8/2019][.] Rahimi engaged police in a gun battle after they found him in Linden, New Jersey. He fired at
several officers and was wounded himself.
Military-aged Somali migrant arrested for assaulting 21 people. Police in Sweden have arrested a 22-year-old
Somali migrant who is suspected of carrying out several unprovoked assaults against women in Eskilstuna this month. The
military-aged Somali migrant first was brought to the attention of police after several women in the area had reported having
been hit in the face and spit on by a "very dark-skinned man" who was traveling on a bicycle. Investigators reportedly
had named the elusive Somalian 'the bicycle man'. It wasn't until this week when police were able to catch up to 'the
bicycle man' and arrest him.
Muslim migrant assaults 21 random people, mostly women, "motive remains unclear". Here is a possible motive:
"O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness." (Qur'an 9:123)
But of course Swedish authorities, like authorities all over the West, know that such passages of the Qur'an never, ever incite Muslims
to commit acts of violence against Infidels. Only the greasiest of Islamophobes would ever dare think otherwise.
Man who rammed his car into mosque turns out to be a Muslim screaming "Allahu akbar". 5 Pillars reports that
the driver of the car screamed "Allahu akbar," a telling detail that is predictably absent from other coverage of this
incident. The driver's repeated screaming of "Allahu akbar" makes it highly likely that he is a Muslim who attacked the
mosque because he belongs to a different sect or for some reason believes it to be un-Islamic.
terrorist in our midst? Who is the Morristown man charged as a Hezbollah sleeper agent? He hid in plain
sight. Said to be a resident of Morristown, he had entered the United States legally and became a naturalized American
citizen in August of 2008. There was a marriage of convenience, authorities said, that helped pay the rent. He worked
as a software engineer in New Jersey and appeared to have a LinkedIn page. But all that time, he was allegedly a sleeper
agent for Hezbollah, gathering intel for possible targets in New York City and elsewhere, prosecutors say.
[A] Trained Lebanese Hezbollah operative [was] given citizenship while surveilling targets in NY, Boston, DC.
ending our military to rebuild Afghanistan while bringing in record numbers of unvetted immigrants from similar Islamic
countries is a maniacal betrayal of the lesson of 9/11. Case in point: Alexei Saab. Yesterday [9/19/2019],
the Justice Department announced the indictment of Alexei Saab, a Lebanese immigrant living in Morristown, New Jersey, on
multiple terrorism-related charges and naturalization fraud. He is accused of surveilling and scouting iconic landmarks
and transportation hubs in Washington, Boston, and New York City last decade for Hezbollah. The complaint alleges that
he trained with Hezbollah in Lebanon in military tactics, firearms, and bomb-making at the highest levels before and after he
came to America.
terrorist scouted NYC-area locations: feds. A New Jersey man has spent the past 22 years training with and
scouting terror-attack locations for Hezbollah — and provided the group with intelligence on the Port Authority,
Grand Central Terminal, the New York Stock Exchange and the city's two airports, according to a new federal indictment
against him. Alexei Saab, 42, of Morristown — also known as Ali Hassan Saab, Alex Saab, or "Rachid" —
was charged Thursday in a nine-count indictment for allegedly providing material support to the deadly organization.
Saab was arrested in July, and remains in federal custody, officials said.
reportedly shouts 'Allahu Akbar' after stabbing Italian soldier. An Italian soldier was stabbed in the neck
Tuesday [9/17/2019] by an attacker brandishing a pair of scissors in front of Milan's central train station — and
later shouting "Alahu Akbar," according to a report. The man fled after the unprovoked attack shortly after 10:45 a.m.
in Piazza Duca d'Aosta and ran toward Via Vittor Pisani but was stopped by paramilitary Carabinieri police officers,
according to Milano Today. He apparently shouted "Allahu Akbar!" — Arabic for "God is great!" —
as he was being arrested, the news outlet reported.
Filled With 1,000 Gallons of Gasoline Found in Downtown Baltimore Parking Structure Ahead of Trump's Visit. A
large area of downtown Baltimore was evacuated on Monday after a van filled with 1,000 gallons of gasoline was found in a
parking garage — just days before President Donald Trump is scheduled to visit the city. President Trump
will be attending the 2019 House Republican Conference Member Retreat in the city on Thursday, less than one mile from where
the van was found.
Baltimore reopens after bins of diesel found in van. Police investigating a suspicious vehicle Monday morning
[9/9/2019] in a parking garage in downtown Baltimore found two containers of diesel fuel, police say. Police and fire
were called shortly after 10:48 a.m. to a parking garage in the 100 block of East Pratt Street. Police and building
sources told the 11 News I-Team that a van entered the garage around 4:30 a.m. Monday and parked. Security
later smelled gasoline and officials saw containers of diesel fuel inside and started an investigation.
One killed,
nine hurt in French knife attack. An Afghan man seeking asylum was arrested after a 19-year-old was killed and
nine others wounded in a knife attack at a subway stop near Lyon, France, Saturday. Three of the victims are in
critical condition. A suspect carrying a knife was arrested. Citing a national police official, The Associated
Press reported that the man was a 33-year-old Afghan citizen who had applied for asylum in France and was awaiting a
response. Officials said the attack, which took place in Villeurbanne, a suburb of Lyon in the southeastern part of
France, was not terrorism related.
Queens teen's ISIS plot to drop bombs into traffic and stab innocent pedestrians. The FBI has revealed shocking
details of a 19-year-old Queens man's alleged plans to carry out a lone wolf knife and bomb attack on the World's Fair Marina
for ISIS. Awais Chudhary, 19, was arrested on Thursday in Queens as he picked up a 'tactical knife' and other supplies
from an Amazon locker, following an undercover online sting operation. Chudhary, a Pakistani-born naturalized U.S.
citizen, is being held without bail on a charge of attempting to provide material support to ISIS, a designated foreign
terrorist organization.
Queens women plead guilty to NYC bomb plot. Two terror fangirls from Queens who went gaga for al Qaeda and ISIS —
including one who carried around Osama bin Laden's photo — copped to bomb-building charges Friday [8/23/2019] that
could land them in prison for up to 20 years. Noelle Velentzas, 31, and Asia Siddiqui, 35, could wind up in prison
for 20 years after pleading guilty in Brooklyn federal court to attempting to build a weapon of mass destruction.
claims responsibility for Afghan wedding bomb blast that killed 63. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility
for a suicide attack at a wedding in Kabul on Saturday [8/17/2019] that killed 63 people and left 182 wounded in the deadliest
explosion in the Afghan capital this year. The attack comes amid ongoing peace talks between the United States and the
Taliban to try to bring an end to the nearly 18-year war in Afghanistan.
shot and killed at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam after stabbing, attacking base security. An intruder was
shot and killed at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam on Thursday after crashing a car into barriers there, evading authorities
for hours, and later attacking and stabbing a Defense Department Security Forces member while being apprehended, the base
said. The unidentified gate runner was pronounced dead at the scene at 7:52 a.m. local time while being medically
treated, Andersen Air Force Base said in a statement on Facebook.
Shooter, Maurice Hill, was Attending a Radical Mosque. Philly shooter Maurice Hill attended a radical mosque in
Philadelphia. The Salafi mosque, Masjid Ahlil Hadith Wal Athar, is known for the preaching of radical Wahhabist
ideology. The Philadelphia Inquirer interviewed his sister, who told them he "occasionally attended a mosque at 67th
Street and Woodland Avenue." That mosque is the Masjid Ahlil Hadith Wal Athar facility, according to the Clarion
Project. She also said he was "trying to turn his life around." If that were true, why did he open fire on police,
and attend a mosque that preaches radical Islam?
Woman's body found in Sydney
after man went on knife rampage, shouting 'Allahu Akbar'. Police found a woman's body inside an apartment
complex in Australia's most populous city. Her death is said to be "linked" to the stabbing attack during which the
suspect shouted "Allahu Akbar" before being arrested. The woman's body was discovered with a slit throat, police
confirmed to multiple news outlets. It happened hours after a man armed with a knife went on a rampage in Sydney,
injuring two female bystanders. Police believe the body is "linked" to this incident.
Muslim shoves commuter onto subway tracks, screams "Allahu akbar" when arrested. Islamic spokesmen, as well as
Leftist leaders, will quickly insist that Nathaniel Brown's screaming "Allahu akbar" after pushing a man onto the subway
tracks has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, despite its many texts and teachings calling for violence against
unbelievers. Most people will take that for granted. But if a lunatic goes on a shooting spree, that is entirely
the fault of President Trump and conservatives. That's Leftist and establishment media thinking today.
Men Arrested for Conspiring to Provide Material Support to ISIS. According to the criminal complaint, the
defendants had been in communication with an FBI undercover employee whom they believed was a supporter of ISIS ideology.
These communications revealed the defendants' desire to travel overseas in order to fight on behalf of ISIS or to conduct an
attack within the United States if they were unable to travel.
Man Arrested for Attempting to Provide Material Support to Terrorists. A Bronx man was arrested at John F.
Kennedy International Airport Friday [7/26/2019] boarding a plane to the Middle East, where authorities say he planned to
provide support to terrorists. Delowar Mohammed Hossain "was charged in a criminal Complaint today with attempting to
provide material support for acts of terrorism, specifically in support of killing U.S. nationals located overseas,"
according to a Department of Justice press release.
Brooklyn man busted as high-ranking ISIS sniper. The feds have busted a former Brooklyn resident they called a
top ISIS sniper who had visited Syria and gave "material support" to the bloodthirsty jihadis. According to a criminal
complaint released Friday, Ruslan Maratovich Asainov, 41, was a naturalized US citizen born in Kazakhstan who lived in
Brooklyn between 1998 and 2013. The accused terrorist was detained overseas by the Syrian Democratic Forces and was
later transferred to US custody and arrived at JFK on Thursday [7/18/2019], the feds said.
Who Killed Jewish Woman After Shouting, "Allahu Akbar" Not Responsible Because He Smoked Pot. It's easy to
characterize this as anti-Semitism. But there's a raft of Muslim terrorists in Europe who were passed off as mentally
ill because they'd used drugs. It's a strange counterpart to the "low IQ due to lead poisoning" strategy that a bunch
of defense lawyers have seized on recently in the United States. I wrote about the Halimi case two years ago.
From the very beginning, even before she was murdered, French authorities chose not to act against the Muslim killer of an
elderly Jewish woman. Since then, there has been the usual round of obstructionism and legal hopscotch.
Muslim Plot to Bomb a Black Church the Media Won't Talk About. "The best news is when you call get ready for
jihad," Mustafa Mousab Alowemer wrote in a public housing project in Pittsburgh. "I will spill my blood for the victory
of my religion." Northview Heights, the low-income housing project, is 90% African-American. Or at least it
was. Then a flood of Syrian Muslim refugees showed up. Obama had promised to admit 10,000 Syrian migrants in
2016. The terrorist who plotted a massacre at a black church was one of them. The Alowemer clan arrived at JFK airport
in New York City. The same airport through which other terror refugees, including the World Trade Center bombers, had
penetrated the United States. Instead of staying in New York, they were resettled in Pittsburgh joining a growing
Syrian enclave there.
Jersey woman sentenced for supporting ISIS — again. A New Jersey woman who was already busted for
providing material support to ISIS went right back to her evil ways — even as she was supposed to be helping the
feds fight the terror group, officials revealed Monday [6/24/2019]. Sinmyah Amera Ceasar, 24, cut a cooperation deal
with the feds following her previous arrest for aiding the terror group — but flouted the deal by outing herself
as a cooperator and resuming her ISIS rhetoric with potential recruits online, prosecutors said in Brooklyn federal
court. She now faces up to life in prison.
Two Chicago-area men convicted of
providing support to Islamic State. Two Chicago-area men were found guilty on Thursday [6/20/2019] of supporting Islamic
State in a federal case in which one of them was accused of saying he hoped to see the jihadist group's flag over the White House, local
media reported.
refugee planned to blow up church in Pittsburgh on pledging allegiance to ISIS. A Syrian refugee who allegedly
plotted to bomb a suburban church after pledging allegiance to Isis has been arrested. Suspect Mustafa Mousab Alowemer,
21, is said to have planned the attack on Legacy International Worship Center in Pittsburgh's north side as 'revenge' for his
terrorist 'brothers'. When FBI officers arrested him Wednesday morning [6/19/2019] they found a series of items used
for bomb-making.
resident, Syrian man arrested on terrorism charges after allegedly planning attack on Christian church. A
21-year-old Pittsburgh resident and Syrian refugee accused of planning an attack on a Christian church on the city's North
Side and providing resources to ISIS has been arrested. Mustafa Mousab Alowemer, 21, was arrested Wednesday based on a
federal complaint charging him with one count of attempting to provide material support and resources to ISIS, and two counts
of distributing information relating to an explosive, destructive device or weapon of mass destruction in relation to a plan
to attack a church.
Texas Leads
the Nation in Domestic Jihadi Attacks. Since 9/11/01 there have been 72 jihadi attacks in 24 states in America,
in which 160 people have been killed and 502 wounded. Texas leads the nation with the most jihadi attacks since 9/11/01
with nine (9). Texas also has a massive jihadi infrastructure to support and prepare for future attacks. Evidence
from the largest terrorism financing trial ever successfully prosecuted in U.S. history — US v Holy Land
Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), Northern District of Texas (Dallas) in 2008 — reveals there is a
massive network of Islamic organizations around the United States, and specifically in Texas, supporting terrorist operations.
These organizations are primarily led by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, which should be designated a terrorist organization.
Mayor Adler Joins Growing Number of Texas Politicians Overtly Aiding & Abetting Terrorists. This past weekend,
Austin (TX) Mayor Steve Adler (democrat), a Jew, was the Guest of Honor at the 4th Annual Austin City Wide Iftar Dinner, at
which jihadi Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was the Keynote Speaker. Most notable is the fact the event was "presented by"
the terrorist group Hamas doing business as EMGAGE, with one of the partners being the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood in the form
of the Turkish Raindrop Foundation. By publicly promoting and participating in this Hamas event, Mr. Adler is
promoting Hamas, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, and advancing the Muslim Brotherhood's hostile efforts in Texas
in opposition to his Oath of Office. Mr. Adler is not the only elected official in Texas working for terrorists.
Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner (democrat) declared December 9, 2018 as "CAIR-Texas Day" in Houston. With over 70
jihadi mosques in and around Houston, it would seem the Houston mayor would find more productive ways to protect the citizens
of that fair city.
Teen Convicted for Jihadi Plot at Local Mall. Matin Azizi-Yarand, a muslim jihadi from Plano, Texas, pled
guilty this week and received a concurrent sentence of 20 years for the Solicitation of Capital Murder, and 10 years for
Terrorist Threats for plotting an attack at the Stonebriar Centre Mall in Frisco, Texas. Matin was arrested May 1st,
2018 for threats to commit mass shootings under Texas statue 22.07 (1), (3), (4), (5), (6).
Lone Wolf Plotted To Throw Grenades At People In Times Square. The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force recently
saved Times Square from being the target of a likely domestic terror attack. 22-year-old Ashiqul Alam was taken into
federal custody Thursday night and charged with a single count of attempt to purchase firearm with a defaced serial number.
Alam could face up to 10-years behind bars for the terror plot.
Islamic State claims deadly attack in
east Congo's Ebola zone. Islamic State claimed responsibility on Tuesday [6/4/2019] for a deadly overnight
attack in an area of eastern Congo hit by an Ebola epidemic, although its account of the violence differed from local
reports. The deputy mayor of Beni in the eastern Democratic of Congo said 13 civilians were killed late on Monday
[6/3/2019] in an attack by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) — a group thought to be linked to Islamic State.
shoot dead armed suspect, 58, outside Florida mosque after 'he broke into a house and nearly stabbed a woman to death'.
A Florida man wanted for nearly stabbing a woman to death has been shot dead after police caught up with him outside a mosque.
Hamid Ould-Rouis, 58, who lived in Fort Lauderdale, was pronounced dead at the scene of the incident, according to police. His
shooting death occurred more than two months after he was arrested for shocking his estranged wife with a stun gun at her home
in Kissimmee, Florida before heating a pot of boiling cooking oil on the kitchen stove and threatening to poor it on her face, court
records show.
Hamas Supporter Arrested for Plotting to Bomb Trump Tower, Aiding Terror Organization. Federal authorities
arrested a 20-year-old Hamas supporter on Wednesday [5/22/2019] who they say posted an Instagram poll about whether he should
bomb Trump Tower in New York City. FBI agents charged Jonathan Xie of New Jersey with two counts of attempting to
provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, two false statement charges, and a count of transmitting a
threat, according to HuffPost.
Tankers 'Sabotaged' In Gulf, Significant Damage. Saudi Arabia reported this morning that two of its oil tankers
had been 'sabotaged' off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in the Persian Gulf. Heavy damage to both vessels was
described. The incident comes as tension between the United States and Iran escalated over Tehran's nuclear ambitions
and the Trump administration pulling out of the so-called Iran 'nuclear deal'.
Arrests Islamist Planning Southern California Terrorist Attack Spree. The FBI and local law enforcement
agencies caught a man allegedly planning a terrorist attack on "multiple targets" in southern California, law enforcement
officials told the Los Angeles Times on Monday [5/20/2019]. Sources described the man to the LA Times as a U.S. military
veteran who had converted to Islam. He was apprehended by law enforcement after an online sting operation and arrested
by the FBI.
York: 4 men shout to terrified Jewish teens:"Allah Akbar, do you know Hitler? We Love Hitler". This is
the result of a longstanding appeasement of jihadists and their ideology in Western countries and tolerance of their hatred,
as well as Palestinian hatred against the Jews. The more emboldened Islamic supremacists get, the more aggressive they
will become. While the report does not state explicitly that the four men in the car were Muslim, we do know that they
shouted the Arabic phrase "allah akbar", a derivative of allahu akbar, meaning "god is greatest". We also
know that Islamic anti-semitism is on the rise, from Congress on down.
bus bombed near Egypt's famed Giza pyramids, injuries reported. A bus full of foreign tourists was bombed
Sunday near Egypt's famed pyramids of Giza, injuring several passengers, authorities said. The explosion happened as
the tour bus was driving past the Grand Egyptian Museum, close to the pyramids in Giza, officials said. The bus was
headed to the nearby Movenpick hotel when an improvised bomb believed to have been planted by the side of the road detonated,
officials said.
This is just the one they found. How many more are there? Muslim
Terrorist Training Camp Found In Alabama. Authorities have discovered a second homegrown Muslim terrorist
training facility owned by a terrorist organization presided over by the son of jihadist iman Siraj Ibn Wahhaj. The FBI
found the camp near Tuskegee, Alabama, and reportedly described it as containing a "makeshift military-style obstacle
course." Details are few. Researchers at WPMI-TV, an NBC affiliate in Mobile, Alabama, uncovered the existence of
the second facility after combing through legal documents and reported on it April 29 but the national media only
picked up the story in recent days.
FBI Discovers Homegrown
Islamic Terror Compound In Alabama. The FBI has uncovered a homegrown, jihadist compound in Macon County,
Alabama. The FBI's search warrant described the property as a "makeshift military-style obstacle course" in a story
first reported by Sinclair Broadcast Group. The land where the group gathered reportedly looked like an "abandoned
dump," and was led by Siraj Wahhaj, who allegedly trained children to commit school shootings in a similar terrorist breeding
ground in New Mexico last year.
Battle Security Forces in Five-Star Hotel in Pakistan: Officials. Three gunmen attacked a luxury hotel in
Pakistan's southwestern port city of Gwadar on Saturday, May 11, killing at least one guard and battling security forces
from inside the building, security officials and the army said. "At around 4:50 p.m. (local time) we got reports
that there are three to four armed men in PC Hotel," an officer said according to the Times of India.
NYC man a Hezbollah agent or just an Ugg boot salesman? Trial will decide. As a trial begins for an
accused Hezbollah spy living in the New York City borough of the Bronx, a Manhattan federal jury must decide if the man in
question was indeed a terrorist, or merely just a counterfeit Ugg boots salesman on the brink of divorce. Federal
prosecutors argue Ali Kourani, 34, worked as a "sleeper" agent for Hezbollah's Islamic Jihad organization, appearing to carry
out a normal life while gathering intelligence on New York City airport and military facilities. Assistant U.S.
Attorney Amanda Houle said the Lebanese-born man received combat, weapons and intelligence training from the terrorist group
since the age of 16.
translator arrested after his own voice was intercepted in terrorism investigation. A former FBI translator was
arrested on Saturday on charges of falsifying a translation and lying to investigators after his own voice appeared on an
audio recording during the surveillance of a suspect in a terrorism investigation. Abdirizak Jaji Raghe Wehelie, 66,
who appeared in court on Monday [5/6/2019], worked as "a linguist translating communications captured by court-authorized
surveillance." The Justice Department said, "Wehelie allegedly intentionally misidentified his own voice that was captured
when Person A left a voicemail message on Wehelie's mobile telephone," and that he lied during questioning by the FBI.
sentences would-be Chicago bar bomber to 16 years. A federal judge on Monday [5/6/2019] handed an Illinois man
a 16-year prison sentence for trying to kill hundreds of people by detonating what he thought was a car bomb outside a crowded
Chicago bar in 2012, saying she factored in his mental health in imposing a sentence much lower than prosecutors requested.
deliberately drives into crowd in California, injuring 8: police. The unidentified driver who plowed into eight
people in California on Tuesday [4/23/2019] may have rammed the group "intentionally," officials said, noting the driver made
no attempt to break and allegedly steered toward the pedestrians — including a 13-year-old girl. Authorities
took the man behind the wheel of the black 2010 Toyota Corolla into custody but were still working Wednesday [4/24/2019] to establish
a possible motive. After striking the group, the car continued on for a few more yards before slamming into a tree near a
shopping center, heavily damaging the sedan's front windshield and hood.
What are the chances that a crowd of pedestrians in Silicon Valley would all be Muslims? Something about this
story doesn't smell right. The driver, Isaiah Joel Peoples, 34, has been charged with eight counts of attempted murder
after plowing his car into a crowd of pedestrians in Silicon Valley on Wednesday evening. Sunnyvale authorities say
they obtained evidence yesterday showing the motive behind the attack was that the driver "targeted the victims based on
their the Muslim faith."
3 Muslim
Terror Plots Targeted Synagogues in 3 Months. On Wednesday, April 3, FBI agents converged on a Bozeman shooting
range and took Fabjan Alameti into custody. Alemati, an Albanian Muslim, had traveled from New York to Montana.
"When the time will come for us to hunt them down, I will stand over them while I piece their bodies with hollow tips," the
Islamic terrorist had boasted in February. "Inshallah, we take as many kuffars (non-Muslims) with us." He had told
a government informant back in January that his potential targets included military and government targets, as well as a
"Jewish temple". Alameti's terror plot back in January was the second such Islamic terror plot that month.
at college in Vancouver were caused by a terrorist attack. According to Vancouver police, 23-year-old Nasradin
Abdusamad Ali placed at least three incendiary devices around Langara College. At least two of them detonated resulting
in fires around noon. The college was evacuated with no injuries. Ali was apprehended around 4:00 pm. "T
Building" suffered significant structural damage and will remain closed. T Building is a five-story building that
housed science and technology classes. It was full of students when the attack occurred. For an attack that had
the potential to cause so many deaths, the media seems like they can barely be bothered to report on it.
Man used stolen machete in string of Target robberies in St. Paul. A Minneapolis man is accused of robbing several
Twin Cities stores with a machete. Criminal complaints say Abdikadir Ayanle Ali, 32, robbed several stores in the Twin Cities,
including several Target stores in St. Paul multiple times, while carrying a machete. He is charged with four counts of
first-degree aggravated robbery, according to criminal complaints. Each count carries a maximum sentence of 20 years
and/or a $35,000 fine.
man threatens to kill First Baptist Dallas pastor 'in the name of Allah'. A federal grand jury returned a seven-count
indictment Thursday [3/28/2019] against a California man accused of mailing threats across the country, including a letter to First
Baptist Dallas threatening to assassinate pastor Robert Jeffress. Darnell Ray Owens, 32, was arrested in Tulsa last week and
was awaiting extradition to his hometown of Sacramento.
Austin Smith Kills
Family, Media Hides Why. Looks like we can add four more to the thousands upon thousands killed over the
centuries in the name of the Religion of Peace. Given that violence against women is a hallmark of Islam, responsible
news outlets would report the probable Muslim connection, rather than leave the public to imagine that Smith is some
Hollyweird parody of a Christian. Yet Fox News is not alone in failing to mention it. ABC News even gives the
story the following subheading: ["]Austin Smith allegedly told police he acted 'under his religious beliefs.'["]
But the story never mentions Islam. "It's unclear what religion Smith practices," we are told.
accused of throwing 5-year-old from balcony in Mall of America. Police said a 24-year-old man was in custody
after a 5-year-old boy plummeted three floors Friday [4/12/2019]. Witnesses said the boy was pushed or thrown from a
balcony at the Mall of America. One witness told CBS Minnesota a woman was screaming that someone threw her child from the
third floor balcony. [...] Police said Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda, of Minneapolis, was being held on suspicion of attempted homicide.
Is The Mall of America
Now a Sharia Space? You might wonder why there are Somali "refugees" in Minnesota. Why the U.S. flew them
over a half dozen or so safe, Sunni Muslim countries. Then brought them to our shores. Why at the same time we
spurned Iraqi Christians with nowhere to go, whose country we'd actually messed up and rendered unsafe for them. But
that would be silly. We can spot it as part of a plan, one newly elected President Barack Obama announced right at the
start. His goal? The "fundamental transformation" of America. His core supporters counted on that, and its
interruption by Trump's narrow win brought on their two year tantrum.
Propaganda Headline: "Man Arrested After Boy Falls from Balcony". The Minnesota Mall of America is well
known for danger and violence due to its proximity to a large Muslim population near Minneapolis. However, it is not
politically correct to talk about it openly, thus Reuters pulls out the cultural Marxist headline transcriber.
Terrorist Plotted to Run Over National Harbor Pedestrians with a U-Haul. On Monday [4/8/2019], federal
authorities charged a Maryland man who had stolen a truck and planned to use it in a terrorist attack. Prosecutors say
the man was inspired by the Islamic State (ISIS). Rondell Henry, a 28-year-old man from Germantown, Md., allegedly stole a
U-Haul truck and planned to drive over pedestrians in National Harbor. "He said he wanted to carry out a Nice-style
attack," a law enforcement official told NBC News. The official was referring to a 2016 ISIS-claimed terror truck
attack that killed 86 people in Nice, France.
man accused of stealing truck to carry out terror attack at National Harbor. A Maryland man has been charged
with stealing a rental truck that authorities say he wanted to use to kill pedestrians at National Harbor in Maryland, near
Washington, D.C. Federal prosecutors on Monday [4/8/2019] accused Rondell Henry, 28, of Germantown, Maryland, of
planning to carry out the attack. He was arrested March 28 after surveillance video showed him parking and getting out
of a U-Haul truck that was reported stolen two days earlier, investigators said. "He said he wanted to carry out a Nice-style
attack," a law enforcement official said, referring to the 2016 truck terror attack that killed 86 people in Nice, France.
The Islamic State group claimed credit for that attack, and French authorities said it was an act of jihadist terrorism.
in Langara College arson facing additional charges of robbery and assault. A man accused of arson at a South
Vancouver college is facing two additional charges of robbery and assault. Twenty-three-year-old Nasradin Abdusamad Ali
appeared in a Vancouver provincial court Friday morning [4/5/2019]. Ali , 23, was previously charged with one count of
arson in relation to inhabited property and one count of possession of incendiary material at Langara College. He is
accused of setting three incendiary devices at the school on April 1, two of which detonated and forced staff and students
to evacuate.
'lone wolf' gets 20 years in prison for terrorism plot to shoot up Frisco Mall. A former Plano high school
student was sentenced Monday [4/8/2019] to 20 years in state prison after pleading guilty to an ISIS-inspired plot to commit
mass murder at a Collin County mall. Matin Azizi-Yarand, 18, discussed his plans with an undercover FBI employee to "run and
gun" with firearms blazing at the Stonebriar Centre Mall in Frisco and to kill civilians and police officers during the slaughter.
It was believed to be the Collin County DA's first terrorism conviction. Federal authorities handed off their investigation to
the state because Azizi-Yarand, who was 17 at the time, could not be prosecuted in federal court due to his age.
Terrorist Plotted Attack on Nursery School. French media reports are typically sparse. They convey that
the plotter had been known to authorities for years as a "radical". And that they are, in typical European fashion,
trying to blame his actions on mental illness.
stabbings: Second man arrested over series of four random attacks in north London. Police have arrested a
second man, aged in his 40s, over a series of four random attacks in Edmonton. A man was previously arrested on
suspicion of GBH in Fore Street on Sunday morning [3/31/2019] but police were not certain if he was the individual behind the
attacks. He remains in custody. Scotland Yard said a second man had been arrested following the four potentially
linked stabbings in the Edmonton area.
German police arrest 10 people on suspicion
of planning Islamist attack. Police in Germany have arrested 10 people on suspicion of planning an Islamist
attack. The arrests were made after some 200 police officers carried out raids in the states of Hesse and
Rhineland-Palatinate. The men had plotted to "kill as many 'non-believers' as possible" using a vehicle and guns,
prosecutors said.
arrest ten 'jihadists' in Germany who were 'plotting to use a car and guns to kill as many people as possible'.
Ten suspected terror plotters have been arrested in Germany on suspicion of planning a jihadist attack with a car and
guns. German prosecutors said the 10 suspects were under investigation for plotting to 'kill as many people as
possible'. The suspects, ranging in age from 20 to 42, were detained in raids conducted by police in the region around
Frankfurt earlier on Friday [3/22/2019].
This guy is a "known wolf" with nothing to lose. Nigerian
Muslim Militants Kill 120 Christians in Three Weeks. The recent death toll of Christians in Nigeria has reached
120 with this week's slaughter of more than 50 by Fulani Muslim militants in the Kaduna state of Nigeria, the Christian
Post reported. The Fulani jihadists, who have become a greater threat to Nigerian Christians than the Islamist
terror group Boko Haram, stormed the villages of Inkirimi, Dogonnoma, and Ungwan Gora in the Kajuru Local Government Area
last Monday, destroying 143 homes, killing 52 people, and wounding dozens more.
French Jihadi Wife Killed During Attack on Prison Guards. The pregnant wife of notorious French Islamist
Michaël Chiolo was shot dead by prison guards this week after the pair stabbed two guards with a ceramic knife.
Muslim convert Michaël Chiolo was joined by his wife Hanane Aboulhana in the prison's Family Life Unit (UVF) where the
attack occurred on Tuesday morning at around 9 am, Le Point reports. Aboulhana arrived at the prison fully
veiled and only a few minutes after her arrival her husband was able to stab one guard in the arm, chest, and in the back and
then a second guard in the arm and the face.
Be Knocked Out in Syria But It's Alive in US. Here are three ISIS supporters that law enforcement caught —
two were in the process of planning attacks. Two were sentenced to almost 16 years in prison each and will have years
of supervised release afterwards. The third, surprising, got only seven years.
Carolina Man Converts To Islam, Plants Explosives All Over Anderson County. Yet another convert to Islam gets
the idea that his new religion commands him to commit treason and mass murder. Despite the fact that this is a
frequently occurring phenomenon, authorities have nowhere shown the slightest degree of interest in studying it.
Car Bomb Kills 11
At Somalia Shopping Mall: Police. A car bomb exploded at a shopping mall in Somalia's capital on Monday
[2/4/2019], killing 11 people and wounding 10 in an attack that police said was probably carried out by Islamist group al Shabaab.
Five Abu Sayyaf
members surrender over Philippine church bombing. A senior Abu Sayyaf operative and four members of the
militant group believed to be behind the deadly bombing of a church in the southern Philippines surrendered to authorities
over the weekend, the national police chief said on Monday [2/4/2019].
man will face attempted murder charges in L.A. synagogue attack. A Seattle man accused of trying to run over
two Jewish men outside a Hancock Park synagogue last year in what prosecutors deemed a hate-driven attack will now face
attempted murder charges, court records show. Mohamed Abdi Mohamed, 32, had been charged with two counts of assault
with a deadly weapon with a hate crime enhancement, but prosecutors filed an amended complaint Tuesday accusing him of trying
to kill the two men as they exited Congregation Bais Yehuda in November.
20 Dead as Muslim Bombers
Target Sunday Mass in Philippine Cathedral. The death toll continues to rise as Muslims wage a holy war on this
Catholic-majority nation. The Philippines has been under siege by Muslim fighters for years. A full-on jihad is
raging in the Philippines. Bloody terror. The Philippines has made extraordinary concessions to the violent
Muslim uprising. But as we know, that only leads to more violence and more demands for an even bigger Islamic
state. And so Islamic terror rages on in the Philippines.
teacher indicted for trying to work for ISIS. A former substitute teacher from Texas has been indicted for
allegedly trying to work as an English teacher for ISIS. Warren Christopher Clark, 34, was captured recently by the
Syrian Democratic Forces, the Justice Department said. Clark had allegedly submitted a resume and cover letter to the
Islamic State, noting that he had a bachelor's degree from the University of Houston, worked as a substitute teacher in Sugar
Land, Texas, and had done teaching stints in Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
Kenya: Canadian among
6 arrested in deadly Islamic attack on popular Nairobi hotel. Jihad is independent of borders, nationality,
color, gender, etc. Muslims waging holy war do it in the cause of Islam, not country, which is why these slaughterers
hail from every corner of the globe. This week, 14 people were killed in an Islamic attack on a hotel complex in the
Kenyan capital Nairobi, an American citizen were among the dead. We are constantly admonished that jihad terror
activity is the result of poverty and alienation, as well as a lack of education. Poor Muslims without any
opportunities in this world, harassed and discriminated against by the kuffar, and lacking knowledge of the true Religion of
Peace, turn to terror out of desperation and as a means to give themselves some occupation and meaning in life.
Reality, however, is quite different.
charged in plot to attack White House with anti-tank rocket. A 21-year-old man from Georgia has been arrested
and charged with allegedly plotting to attack the White House with an anti-tank rocket, the Justice Department said on
Wednesday [1/16/2019]. Hasher Jallal Taheb, of the Atlanta suburb of Cumming, was arrested in Gwinnett County on
Wednesday and appeared briefly in federal court in downtown Atlanta in a case brought by the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Byung Pak, the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, told reporters.
Kenya attack: 21 confirmed dead in DusitD2
hotel siege. At least 21 people were killed when Somali militants stormed a luxury hotel compound in Nairobi,
Kenya's government has confirmed. Hundreds were forced to flee the bloodshed at the DusitD2 hotel and business complex
on Tuesday [1/15/2019]. Some 28 injured people have been admitted to hospital, and Kenya's Red Cross said 19 are still
missing. Somalia-based Islamist group al-Shabab said it was behind the attack, which triggered a 19-hour security
operation. President Uhuru Kenyatta said the siege ended with five jihadist attackers "eliminated".
kills woman and injures eight when car crashes into crowd of commuters at German bus stop. A woman has died and
eight others are seriously injured after a car ploughed into a crowd of people at a bus stop in Germany. Shortly before
3pm today witnesses saw the small car suddenly swerve into the oncoming lane and race towards the bus stop in Recklinghausen,
in the Ruhr region of west Germany. The motive is uncertain but a police spokesperson said early indications are that
it may have been intentional.
Migrant Plotted to Bomb Vatican, Italian Churches at Christmas. Italian counter-terrorism police have arrested
a Somali migrant with ties to the Islamic State, who discussed bombing Christian churches throughout Italy this Christmas,
specifically mentioning Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. In an operation involving multiple Italian and international
law enforcement agencies, police arrested 20-year-old Mohsin Ibrahim Omar, also known as Anas Khalil, in the southern Italian port
city of Bari last Thursday, Italian media reported on Monday [12/17/2018].
Box Truck
Explosion In Boyle Heights Remains Under Investigation. Boyle Heights residents were still shaken up Saturday
after a box truck exploded near a gas station at a busy intersection during rush hour. Crews responded to 2720 E.
Olympic Blvd. at 5:47 p.m. Friday for a report of an explosion of unknown contents inside a semi truck. The truck
driver was able to pull into a nearby gas station, which was evacuated as a precaution. The gas station remained closed
Saturday [12/15/2018].
arrested after threatening large-scale violence against former employer. A man recently fired from United Shore
Mortgage was arrested Monday [12/3/2018] for allegedly texting messages that threatened large-scale violence at the company's
office located on E. South Boulevard in Pontiac. The former employee, a 31-year-old Sterling Heights man, also
allegedly posted on the social media site, Snapchat, a photo of himself holding a firearm. Once notified of the
reported threats, the Oakland County Sheriff's Office contacted Sterling Heights police who found the man at his home.
Muslim migrant screaming "Allahu akbar" and waving hatchet threatens people at Christmas market. "According to
police the man is a 38-year-old foreign citizen from Bornhagen, who was heavily intoxicated." Merkel's regime is so
globalist and internationalist, or else so suicidal, that it is more likely, in reaction to this event, to ban alcoholic
beverages or outlaw hatchets than to reexamine its policies regarding mass Muslim migration.
policeman stabbed in the neck by man reported shouting Allahu Akbar. The knifeman was shot and wounded by other
officers outside the police station in central Brussels' Grand Place after stabbing the policeman in the neck on Tuesday
[11/20/2018]. Both are recovering in hospital. Belgian media reported the man was known to police but not for
terror offences.
You Didn't
Hear About This Mob Attack in Minnesota. On Saturday, September 22, 2018, while the world focused on the
tragedy in Iran of the Ahvaz military parade attack carried out by ISIS, a mob of Somali Muslim men and boys rushed the
entrance to Valleyfair, a family amusement park that had set aside the day to honor law enforcement in Minnesota. The
mob overcame security, jumping fences avoiding metal detectors while bringing in weapons. It was a direct, premeditated
attack on police and security. Backup had to be called in along with fire trucks, ambulances and even a police
helicopter. This attack should be understood as a "dry run" test (in counterterrorism parlance).
The Jihad in Michigan
That No One Noticed. A Muslim migrant named Amor Ftouhi is on trial now for his June 2017 stabbing of police
officer Lt. Jeff Neville at Bishop International Airport in Flint, Michigan. The case has, unsurprisingly,
received hardly any establishment media attention, and that may be because it is such a quintessential example of
jihad: Ftouhi screamed "Allahu akbar" as he stabbed Neville in the neck (as commanded in Qur'an 47:4, "When you meet
the unbelievers, strike the necks") and has since then made numerous statements making it abundantly clear that he stabbed
Neville because of his Islamic faith. Hard to ascribe this one to "mental illness."
from Iraq Accused of Making Two Bombs in Las Vegas for Attack. A refugee living in the United States from Iraq
has been arrested and charged with making two bombs in Las Vegas, Nevada and allegedly teaching undercover FBI investigators
how to make and detonate the explosive devices. Ahmad Suhad Ahmad, a 30-year-old Iraqi refugee living in Tuscon,
Arizona was busted by the FBI after the agency spent nearly two years operating an undercover sting where they say Ahmad
built bombs and taught undercover agents how to do the same.
Arrests Iraqi Refugee in Tucson for Building Car Bomb, Teaching Others. The FBI arrested 30-year-old Ahmad
Suhad Ahmad in Tucson, Arizona, last week following a two-year investigation. According to the limited information
contained in the two-page criminal complaint, Ahmad had told a confidential source in December 2016 that he knew how to
detonate a bomb using a cell phone — a technique he said he learned during the war in Iraq. In April 2017,
the same confidential source asked Ahmad if he knew how to make a car bomb for a target in Mexico, and if he could show him
how to build one. Ahmad agreed.
Muslim refugee arrested, showed undercover FBI agents how to build, detonate bombs. New court documents have
been released detailing how an FBI sting led to the arrest of a man originally from Iraq. He's accused of showing off
his bomb-making skills to an informant who convinced him he was plotting an attack. Federal investigators swooped in
and arrested Ahmad Suhad Ahmad for showing them how to build and blow up a bomb. The sting operation lasted nearly two
years. According to court documents that were just unsealed, Ahmad first told an FBI criminal informant back in December
2016 that "he knew how to detonate a bomb by using a cellular phone." He allegedly said the "bombs were easy to make,"
and that he learned how to do it "during the war in Iraq."
as Homeland Security is called in to deal with a traffic stop in South Carolina. Federal agents have been
called in to investigate after the local sheriff's department pulled over a truck in South Carolina. A pickup truck was
stopped by sheriff's deputies on Interstate 85 in Anderson County on Monday [10/29/2018]. Sheriff Chad McBride said he
could not reveal what deputies found in the truck because Homeland Security had taken over the investigation. McBride
confirmed the traffic stop was not related to illegal drugs, the Independent Mail reports.
York: Muslim Who Brutally Beat Jewish Man Released On Bail. The first disgrace was that he was not
charged with a hate crime. Now a new disgrace on top of that: to release him on bail after the gratuitousness and
brutality of this crime amounts to wagging a finger in Afzal's face and warning him not to do it again. Does Judge
Ruchie Freier want to be careful not to show favoritism? Perhaps, but once again we see justice miscarried in
connection with an act of jihad violence.
Abdullah Set Free On Bail. How is a man with ties to a US based terror organization, who according to
authorities, was caught planning to deliver a large cache of weapons to a secretive Islamic compound in upstate New York
allowed to roam the streets while he awaits a trial that won't take place until November? This incredible story should
make every American wonder how serious we are about fighting homegrown terrorism in the United States.
Make A Terrifying Discovery Near Secretive Islamic Compound In Upstate NY. Islamberg New York is a well known
terrorist training camp and yet it is still up and running. The terror camp headquarters for MOA has been raided a few
times, and it seems that state police and the FBI do nothing more than confiscate weapons and charge whomever they think is
connected to the weapons caches. They then just let them walk free until their trial dates! Seriously, these
terrorists are allowed to roam New York at will while awaiting trials for suspected terror-like activities. In a
country that has seen terroristic attacks in so many different ways in just the last few years, you would think there would
be stricter regulations for those suspects who have recently been charged.
FBI raids Chicago home as part of terrorism-related investigation. There was a reported anti-terrorism raid on
Chicago's North Side Wednesday morning [10/17/2018] as we are now learning it may be a matter of national security.
Neighbors told FOX 32 that a man, a woman and their young daughter all lived in the home that was raided. They kept to
themselves mostly and neighbors say they often closed up the windows so you couldn't see inside. The man who lived at
the home was taken into custody at an undisclosed location. A neighbor told FOX 32 she saw a black SUV being taken away
from the garage in the back of a building.
Swarm North Side Two-Flat, But Few Details Released. It was a very alarming day for some North Side residents
Wednesday who had no warning before dozens of federal agents descended onto their block, swarming a two-flat, for what now
appears to be a terrorism related investigation. The raid took place in the 5200 block of North Virginia Avenue in the
Lincoln Square neighborhood. Eyewitnesses tell NBC 5 the federal agents, some in flak jackets from the FBI and JTTF,
raced up the stairs and about an hour later came down with one man who neighbors believe is a ride-share driver. Other
neighbors had long been curious about the second floor apartment in particular.
dead after car explosion; perpetrator 'probably killed'. A car explosion that rocked downtown Allentown left
three males dead, including the likely "perpetrator," officials said Sunday [9/30/2018] as federal authorities who are
leading the investigation looked ahead to autopsies.
police grab terror suspects from inside a white van as they 'foil major attack with suicide vests, assault rifles and car
bombs'. Dutch police grabbed terror suspects from inside a white van during a series of flash raids, which they
said foiled a major attack using suicide vests, assault rifles and car bombs. Footage shows heavily armed officers
running towards the vehicle at a parking lot in Arnhem. They then appear to pull at least one man out from the front
passenger seat and another from the back before throwing them to the floor. Police arrested seven men, who ranged in
age from 21 to 34, in the Netherlands on Thursday [9/27/2018] after raiding four properties in Arnhem as well as other
locations in the southern city of Weert.
Stop Thwarts Potential Terrorist Attack by Yemeni National in California. On September 18, 2018 the Brea Police
Department stopped Saleh Ali aka Ali Saleh because his black Toyota Corolla had expired registration tags. During the
stop the police alleged that Ali had a suspended drivers license and ordered his car towed. Procedure mandates an
inventory search of the vehicle before being towed so the defendant's property is properly secured and accounted.
During the inventory search, two small destructive devices in specialized containers covered in shrapnel were found and
contained explosive material.
Go Back To Sleep California. Who Doesn't Drive Around With IEDs In Their Car? If Saleh Ali hadn't been
pulled over by a traffic cop for having an expired vehicle registration, the consequences could have been explosive.
Lt. Adam Hawley of the Brea, California police department said: "During the traffic stop, the officer keyed in on
a couple of suspicious items in the car he believed to be an explosive device. He detained the driver out of an
abundance of caution, locked down a little bit of the area and called out sheriff's bomb squad deputies." The bomb squad
destroyed the IEDs, and Ali is being held at the Orange County Jail on $500,000 bail. According to the Orange County Register,
he has been "charged with one count of transporting a destructive device and two counts of possessing a destructive device."
student pilot, 22, who 'intended to harm himself and had no regard for others'. The Trinidadian man who tried
to steal a plane at Florida's Orlando Melbourne International airport allegedly planned to harm himself and 'had no regard'
for if others were harmed in the process, according to authorities. Nishal Sankat, 22, was interviewed by an FBI agent
following the alarming event where the student pilot boarded a vacant American Airlines plane that could hold almost 190
passengers Thursday [9/20/2018].
Metro Explosion: Commuters flee in panic fearing bomb, several injured. An explosion on a Madrid
underground train injured several people and sparked panic among commuters, fearing a terror attack was underway. The
blast was caused by a computer tablet exploding in the cramped carriage. The device injured its owner, believed to be a
woman who was carrying it in her bag, and at least five more people sitting nearby.
Haitian Indicted, Distributed Info on Explosives Online and Tried to Support ISIS. Benjamin G. Greenberg,
United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida and Robert F. Lasky, Special Agent in Charge, Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI), Miami Field Office, announced today that that a Grand Jury sitting in Miami, Florida returned an indictment
against Samuel Baptiste, 25, of Miami, Florida, charging him with four counts of distributing information pertaining to explosives,
in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 842(p)(2)(A), one count of attempting to provide material support to a foreign
terrorist organization, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2339B(a)(1), and one count of attempting to provide
material support to terrorists, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2339A. Baptiste, who is currently
serving an 80 month prison sentence on federal firearms charges, had his initial appearance in front of U.S. Magistrate Judge
Edwin G. Torres on August 27, 2018.
man shouts 'Allahu Akbar' while driving into crowd. Early Friday morning [9/14/2018] in France, a man attempted
to carry out a terror attack outside a crowded bar. Witnesses heard the 32-year-old suspect shouting 'Allahu Akbar' as
he attempted to drive his car into a crowd of approximately 50 people outside a bar in the southern city of Nimes, France,
Daily Mail reported Friday [9/14/2018].
stabs innocent man outside a hospital and then ransacks a casualty waiting room. A man has been jailed after
stabbing an innocent bystander outside hospital before ransacking the A&E waiting room, forcing terrified staff and patients
to flee. Knife-wielding Yusuf Aka was confronted by a brave female nurse in the waiting area of Leicester Royal
Infirmary as she bought time for a person in a wheelchair to escape. Moments earlier chilling CCTV showed Aka, 22,
calmly walking towards two men, stabbing one in a blow aimed at the victim's upper body at 2 am on January 16,
Nottinghamshire Police said.
stabs two women to death in horrific attack in Belgium restaurant. Three people were killed in a horrific knife
attack in a Belgian village of Moresnet-Chapelle, according to authorities. A man allegedly entered a restaurant in the
village near Liege and stabbed two women to death. By the end of the attack, the suspect was also dead. It is not
yet clear how he died. Although police and emergency services sealed off several streets in the village, Wednesday's
incident was not related to terrorism, according to a local mayor and Belgian media reports.
The Editor says...
The article above is included on this page only because [#1] the press won't mention any surnames, [#2] it sounds like
an "honor killing," and [#3] the police sealed off the town while insisting that terrorism was not involved.
"Refugee" Couple Arrested In Tucson On Terror Charges & Immigration Fraud. Another jihad in America story that
the mainstream media systematically, censors and scrubs. [...] Mohamed Abdirahman Osman, 28, is facing eight counts of
supplying false information on immigration documents, and his wife, Zeinab Abdirahman Mohamed, 25, is facing three counts of
providing false information in support of Osman as they sought refugee status in 2013 while living in China and permanent
residency in 2015 while living in Tucson, according to the indictment filed in U.S. District Court.
nab man for smuggling 'special interest' migrants from Yemen. Federal authorities announced Monday [7/30/2018]
that they had arrested a Jordanian man who they accused of smuggling people into the U.S. from Yemen, which is deemed a
"special interest" country because of its connection to terrorism. Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi was arrested over the
weekend when he arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, and is being held for transfer to Texas,
where the government brought a case against him in May.
man captured in Syria charged in terror case. A Dearborn man captured on an Islamic State battlefield this
month was charged in an unsealed indictment Tuesday with providing material support to the Islamic State. The
indictment, dated July 19, was unsealed five days after it was reported that Ibraheem Musaibli, 28, was taken into custody by
coalition-backed forces this month while trying to flee the Middle Euphrates River Valley in northern Syria, according to the
New York Times, which first reported his capture. He is believed to be one of only two male Americans captured alive on
an Islamic State battlefield and his case presents one of the first times the Trump administration is using federal courts to
prosecute a returning foreign fighter.
Muslim who recruited
American women to jihad pleads guilty, will get 15 years jail. A suspected Al Qaeda member, the first foreign-born
terror suspect to be brought to the U.S. for trial under the Trump administration, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to provide
material support and resources to terrorists in federal court in Philadelphia Monday [7/23/2018]. Ali Charaf Damache,
53, an Algeria-born Irish citizen, was originally indicted on one count of conspiracy to provide material support to
terrorists and one count of attempted identity theft to facilitate an act of international terrorism in 2011. He
was extradited to the U.S. from Spain in July of last year.
Vacates Terrorism Convictions of Muslim Who Trained with Pakistani Jihad Group. A federal judge has overturned
a man's conviction on terrorism charges, saying Seifullah Chapman should be released because of a shift in how the law
defines violent crime. In 2004, Chapman was sentenced as part of the Virginia "Paintball Jihad" network, which used
games to train for armed combat. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema in eastern Virginia ordered Chapman, a former U.S.
Marine, to be freed immediately and to serve three years of supervised release. The move dramatically shortens the
65-year prison term he had been serving.
man pleads guilty to attempting to work with terrorist groups. Amer Sinan Alhaggagi, a Berkeley High School
graduate who lived in West Oakland, pleaded guilty [7/18/2018] to attempting to provide material support or resources to a
foreign terrorist organization, possession of device-making equipment, and fraud charges in Judge Charles Breyer's federal
courtroom in San Francisco. The gallery overflowed with nearly 100 people, including relatives and members of the Bay
Area's Yemeni community, as Alhaggagi, wearing red jail-issued clothing and long dark hair that cascaded down his back,
confidently answered the judge when saying he understood the charges against him.
Bust Plan to KILL 10,000 in California. A graduate of Berkeley High School in California pleaded guilty to
multiple charges of terrorism this week after telling federal agents he plotted with ISIS to kill 10,000 people in the San
Francisco area. The 23-year old man, identified as Amer Sinan Alhaggagi of nearby Oakland, admitted he sent material
and resources to foreign terror organizations and hoped to stage a series of attacks throughout the Bay Area.
'wounds at least 14 people in rampage on bus in Germany' and dumps 'smouldering backpack' before being arrested. A knifeman
'carrying a smouldering backpack' has wounded at least 14 people in a rampage on a packed bus in northern Germany.
Horrified witnesses described scenes of 'carnage' on the bus in the city of Luebeck as the man dumped his bag on the ground and
launched an attack with a kitchen knife. A victim who had just offered his seat to an elderly woman was stabbed in the chest
while the bus driver, who was also attacked, slammed the brakes on so terrified passengers could flee.
4 terror plot thwarted in Cleveland, suspect pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda, FBI says. A man who pledged
allegiance to Al Qaeda sought to kill members of the military and conducted reconnaissance in downtown Cleveland for a
planned attack on July 4 — but the Independence Day plot was foiled after a months-long investigation, federal
officials said Monday [7/2/2018]. FBI Special Agent in Charge Stephen Anthony said Demetrius Pitts, also known as Abdur
Raheem Rahfeeq, was arrested at 10 a.m. Sunday by the joint terrorism task force. Authorities were initially
notified about Pitts in 2017, when he lived in Cincinnati and allegedly made statements supporting Al Qaeda and advocating
violence against U.S. military members.
in NYC bike path killings invokes 'Allah,' defends ISIS in court. A man charged with murdering eight people on a
New York City bike path invoked "Allah" and defended the Islamic State group in court Friday, reports said. Sayfullo Saipov,
30, raised his hand to speak out immediately after U.S. District Judge Vernon S. Broderick set an Oct. 7, 2019, date for
the Uzbek immigrant's trial. He said he cared about "Allah" and the holy war being waged by the Islamic State group.
Tries To White-Wash Terrorist Attack in France. In case you missed it (and you probably did since the rest of
the media ignored it), there was a terrorist attack this weekend in France. Two people were injured by an Islamic
terrorist yelling Allahu Ackbar with a box cutter in Southern France. Of course if you read the Associated Press'
report, you'd think it was just some random whack job without religion being a motive for the attack on two women.
Check out how the AP white-washes their report on the terrorist attack in Southern France: [...]
No connection to terrorism! Nothing to see here! She must be mentally ill, nothing more. Woman
with 10-inch knife screamed 'I want to kill all you Jews' as she chased children outside synagogue. A woman
brandishing a 10-inch kitchen knife allegedly screamed "I want to kill all you Jews" as she chased a group of children who
had just left a synagogue in north London. Police arrested a 47-year-old woman on suspicion of a racially aggravated
public order offence after she was tackled by neighbourhood watch volunteers in Stamford Hill, which is home to Europe's
largest Hasidic Jewish community. She is said to have run after a group of around 14 children aged between eight and 13
on Sunday night while shouting antisemitic abuse.
police stop suspected terror attack at swingers' club. A terrorist planned to bomb a swingers' club in France —
but authorities were able to thwart his attack, they said Thursday [6/14/2018]. Cops found a handmade explosive device inside
the unnamed man's home last month and he admitted he wanted to use it at a sex club in the Loiret region north of Paris, a source
close to the investigation told AFP. The 38-year-old, who was described as a radicalized convert to Islam, was indicted on
May 17 on terrorism charges. This is the fifth terror plot prevented in France this year.
Insanity and Muslim Madness in the Netherlands. On a pleasant Wednesday in Schiedam, a Dutch city near
Rotterdam's sizable Islamic population, a 26-year-old Syrian refugee stood on a balcony waving an axe and shouting, "Allahu
Akbar." The police arrived at the modernistic dark and gray building, limned in steel and glass, where the nameless
Syrian was shouting about the supremacy of his religion and its axe to all others in Schiedam. The Dutch cops tried to
calm him down. Instead he attacked a police dog which later died of its injuries. After some failed attempts at
negotiating his surrender, the Syrian was shot in the leg. Paramedics loaded him into one of two yellow ambulances
dispatched for the occasion and maneuvering past a police Volvo took him off to be an even bigger burden on the taxpayers of
the Netherlands. Even before murdering a police dog, the Syrian refugee had been in contact with various aid
agencies. By the time he's done being treated, evaluated, counseled, tried, defended, prosecuted and judged, he will
have cost the Netherlands enough money to feed an entire Syrian city for a day.
Shooter, Previously Identified As "White Woman", Turns Out To Be Iranian. When a gunperson shot up YouTube
Headquarters, where executives are have been talking about banning videos by normal Americans about normal guns, people first
expected it to be a white male, because they always do, and blamed the NRA, because etc. Then we learned that it was a
woman, and unusually, that it was a white woman. Not unusually because white women commit almost no gun crime, but
because the MSM/law enforcement generally make you wait for the shooter's ethnicity. We also learned that she used a
handgun, not an AR-15, in the same way that when an Iranian drives an SUV into a crowd — a real case —
the headline says SUV, not Iranian. That turns out to be very relevant, since shooter Nasim Aghdam is, in fact, an
Iranian woman.
shouting 'Allahu Akbar' kills two cops in Belgium: police. Less than a day after being released from jail, an
"unstable" man shouting "Allahu Akbar" killed two policewomen and a civilian on Tuesday [5/29/2018] during a suspected terror
attack in Belgium, authorities said. The attacker, identified as 36-year-old Benjamin Herman by Belgian media, was shot
dead by Liège police. He had been temporarily released from a prison near Liège on Monday evening, where he'd
been serving time for drug offenses and was classified by officials as "marginal and violent," La La Libre Belgique reported.
Two men blow up IED inside Indian restaurant, multiple injuries. Ramadan jihad in Mississauga, a city with a
large Muslim population? Possibly, and possibly not. Nothing is known about the perpetrators at this point, and
even when it is, Canadian authorities may not be entirely honest or forthcoming.
Group Sabotages Canadian Beaches, Threatens Further Actions. In recent years, Muslim extremists across the
globe have turned to various means to harm those with whom they disagree. They've used everything from illegally-purchased
or imported firearms to rental vans and trucks to explosives, in order to maim or kill civilians who happened to be at the wrong
place, at the wrong time. Now, in Canada, a nation that has continuously bowed to Islamist demands, the 'Revolutionary
Islamic Force' has claimed responsibility for booby-trapping the shores of lakes north of Toronto. They did this using
materials that are so simple to attain that there is literally no way to prevent this kind of assault. Their actions
forced a beach closure, and they threatened a series of additional attacks.
Beach Jihad. Brad Hammond lives on the waterfront at Kirby's Beach in Ontario, and he had never seen anything
like it: glass shards and sewing needles had been deliberately planted at intervals along the beach, leading to the beach
being closed for the first time in his memory. Another beach area, Bracebridge Bay Park, was closed as well. For
the first time, but not likely the last, jihad had come to the beaches of Ontario. There is no doubt that the glass and
needles had been placed on the beach deliberately. "It was pretty much the width of the beach but it was in clumps, so
you could tell it had been seeded in different areas," Hammond said. Global News added that "Bracebridge Mayor Graydon
Smith said the discovery of the needles and glass goes beyond what municipal staff would typically encounter after a spring melt."
Woman slashes throats of two bus passengers, then prays to Allah. After the woman charged with slashing two
passengers and the driver of a Pioneer Valley Transit Authority bus was handcuffed and read her rights, she apologized.
"I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me," Brietta Brown said, according to the arrest report. "Please apologize
to them for me, will they survive? I hope Allah will forgive me."
Muslim savages open fire on Catholic mass, killing 19, including 2 priests. At least 19 people were killed in
an attack allegedly carried out by Muslim cattle herders on a Catholic church in Nigeria. Muslim gunmen opened fire and
killed at least 17 parishioners and two priests in the Mbalom area of Benue state — part of the so-called Middle
Belt region, which played a pivotal part in Nigeria's elections.
Two more Muslims plead guilty — used university to conceal terror financing. Two men admitted in
federal court Thursday [4/12/2018] that they provided money to a known terrorist. Brothers Sultane Roome Salim, 43, and Asif Ahmed
Salim, 37, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to concealment of financing of terrorism. They each face up to eight
years in a federal prison when they are sentenced later this year by Judge Jeffrey Helmick. As part of a plea
agreement, Sultane also agreed to forfeit $21,595 that was seized from his bank account by federal agents in 2015.
hu Akbar' Shouting Woman Threatens to Blow Herself up at Cannes Festival. A 27-year-old woman from Cannes was
arrested this week outside the CanneSeries television festival after she yelled "Allah hu Akbar" and threatened to blow
herself up. The threat of terrorism took place at the Place de Gaulle in Cannes, within the vicinity of the Palais des
Festivals where both the internationally renowned Cannes film festival and the TV festival take place, regional newspaper
Nice-Matin reports. More disturbingly, the 27-year-old was accompanied by her two children aged two and four years old
while she was making threats to explode. Police were able to quickly arrest the woman who was later taken for a
psychiatric evaluation and hospitalised on the advice of a clinical psychiatrist.
police foil planned knife attack on today's Berlin half-marathon. Police have foiled an ISIS-inspired knife
attack on Sunday's half-marathon in Berlin. Special police forces detained six men in connection with the sporting
event that was attended by 36,000. German daily Die Welt said the main suspect was planning to kill participants and
spectators with knives. According to Die Welt, the main suspect knew Anis Amri, the Tunisian attacker who targeted a
Christmas market in 2016. Amri killed 12 people when he hijacked a lorry and drove it into the crowded market in
Berlin on December 19, 2016.
Attacks as Terror Tactic: Denying the Awful Reality. There is no sanctuary from terrorist attacks using
trucks to ram innocents. On April 7, 2018, in the German city of Münster, near the Dutch border, a man drove
a van into people seated outside restaurants in a pedestrian area, killing two people, injuring about 20 others, then
shot himself. Vehicle-ramming attacks are becoming a terrorist favorite lately.
crashes into crowd, 3 dead, over 30 injured, cops say it's a terror attack. This vehicular attack is unusual in
that police are actually acknowledging that it's a terror attack. Last June, the Islamic State published a poster
depicting an SUV driving over a heap of skulls and bearing the legend "Run Over Them Without Mercy."
van crash leaves several dead in Germany as vehicle ploughs into pedestrians. A minibus driver has shot himself
dead after killing at least three people and injuring up to 30 when his van bulldozed into diners in Germany today
[4/7/2018]. Dramatic pictures show tables and chairs strewn across a square in Munster after the vehicle smashed into
terrified tourists leaving six of those injured fighting for their lives in hospital.
terror attack: Van drives into crowd of people in Germany. The vehicle, described as a small truck, appears to have
rammed into a crowd of people who were sitting around the Kiepenkerl statue in Munster's old town. Emergency services vehicles
raced to the scene and a police helicopter is hovering above the medieval town the about 300 miles west of the capital Berlin.
dead after minibus ploughs into diners outside restaurant leaving dozens injured. German police have reportedly
found a Kalashnikov at the home of the man who ploughed a minibus into a crowd of people and shot himself dead, killing two
people and injuring 20 others in Münster. Six people are in critical condition and dozens were left injured after
the vehicle was driven at high speed towards families outside the popular Grosser Kiepenkerl bar in the university city, 300 miles
west of Berlin.
Green 'bucket bomber' is jailed for 34 years. The asylum seeker who tried to blow up a packed tube train in
west London has been jailed for life with a minimum of 34 years. Iraqi Ahmed Hassan, who claims to be aged 18,
pretended to engage with the anti-terrorism Prevent scheme as he plotted mass murder in the capital. He made a bomb
with 400g of 'Mother of Satan' explosives and 2.2kg of shrapnel while his unsuspecting foster parents were on holiday in
Blackpool. The Old Bailey heard he wanted to avenge the death of his father in Iraq and was 'disappointed' when the
bomb only partly detonated in a huge fireball.
Man Allegedly Shouts 'Allah Akbar,' Shoots Wife, Knifes Children, Sets House On Fire. A Florida man allegedly
shouted "Allah Akbar" repeatedly as police arrested him for shooting his wife, stabbing his two children, and setting his
house ablaze. Police arrested Ronnie Oneal, who identifies as a member of The Nation of Islam, at the house of his
partner Kenyatta Barron, in Riverview, Fla., in response to a 911 call from Barron claiming that she had been shot, according
to Tampa Bay Times. Officers found Barron dying of a gunshot wound in the front yard of a neighboring house.
Firefighters were responding to a fire set in Barron's house and found Barron and Oneal's 9-year-old son, Ronnie Oneal IV,
alive but suffering from burns and stab wounds and the couple's 11-year-old daughter dead from stab wounds.
Fatal FBI Fumble in Florida. The accused killer told police he "stabbed the victims because of his Muslim
faith," watched videos of "Muslim jihadists" on his cellphone, and "was reading the Quran from his phone just prior to the
attack to give him courage to carry out his intentions." Perhaps he read the Sword Verses for inspiration? Fort Hood
jihadist Nidal Hasan quoted from them in his presentation to classmates and superiors at Walter Reed Medical Center: "I have
been commanded to fight the people until they testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah." Or maybe it was
Surah 9:5: "Fight and slay the idolaters wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in wait for them
in every place of ambush."
asylum seeker, 18, is found guilty of trying to murder up to 93 commuters by blowing up packed Parsons Green Tube train. A
teenage asylum-seeker who built a 'Mother of Satan' nail bomb in the bedroom of his foster home before trying to blow up a tube train is
facing a lengthy jail term after he was convicted of attempted murder today [3/16/2018]. Ahmed Hassan, 18, tried to kill 93 people
by setting off a 'bucket bomb' at Parsons Green station in west London last September. Luckily the device failed to properly detonate, but
still left 51 passengers with serious burns. Hassan had left his native Iraq and travelled through Turkey, Italy and France before getting
into the UK on the back of the lorry coming through the Channel Tunnel.
Plot Foiled at Utah High School Due to Bomb Failure. Last week, a teenage student in southern Utah brought an
explosive device to school. Thankfully, it failed to explode and the student was arrested. The student was then
tied to a recent Islamic State-inspired act of vandalism at a nearby school. This plot was the 102nd Islamist plot or
attack against the U.S. homeland since 9/11. It serves as an important reminder that though ISIS is largely defeated in Syria
and Iraq, it still inspires people in other countries to engage in terrorism.
school student charged for planting 'weapon of mass destruction in cafeteria. A student who is believed to have
pledged allegiance to ISIS has been arrested for allegedly bringing a 'weapon of mass destruction' onto the campus of a high
school. The St. George Police Police Department said it has charged the adolescent for the manufacture,
possession, sale, use or attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, with more charges possibly to come for criminal
mischief. St. George authorities also said that they believe the juvenile suspect is responsible for desecrating
an American flag flying at Hurricane High School and replacing it with an ISIS flag in mid February.
had rifle with scope and bump stock outside downtown Indy hotel on day of Women's March. A man in the country
illegally has been charged with a federal crime after two gun scares, including one involving an AR-15-styled rifle equipped
with a scope and bump stock outside a downtown Indianapolis hotel on the day of the Women's March with thousands of
attendees. Ahmed Alaklouk, described in federal court documents as a Tunisian native and Saudi Arabian citizen, has
been living in Indiana on a terminated student visa.
Florida: Ocala man
arrested after mother reported finding ISIS material, Koran, in son's room. The FBI said an Ocala man whom they
have spent two years monitoring scouted out a downtown Ocala location to use for a potential sniper attack. Jonathan
Beese was on the FBI's radar after his mother said she found Islamic State group references in his bedroom. Officials
said Beese sought to acquire guns, and when he couldn't afford them, he stole them.
York: Muslim firefighter who threatened to kill colleagues will have charges dropped. Criminal charges
against a firefighter who allegedly threatened to "kill" colleagues he claimed had mistreated him over his religious faith
will be dropped in six months if he stays out of trouble and continues mental-health treatment. Raheem Hassan's case
was adjourned in contemplation of dismissal during his appearance Wednesday [3/7/2018] in Criminal Court.
people including a 17-year-old girl are critically injured as 'deranged knifeman shouting Allah' goes on rampage in Vienna
before 'man of Afghan descent' is arrested. An Afghan man has been arrested after four people were injured in
two knife attacks in Vienna, Austria. Three pedestrians were attacked at random by a man wielding a knife near the
capital's famous Prater Park at around 7.45 pm local time. Police say that the three victims hurt in the stabbing frenzy
were a family, including a father, mother and their daughter, 17. Then 30 minutes later, another person was seriously
injured in a separate attack at Praterstern. A police spokesman confirmed all the victims were Austrian.
who left explosives had posted ISIS propaganda, police say. St. George police continued Tuesday
[3/6/2018] to investigate why a student allegedly left a backpack with explosive materials in a high school and has been
posting ISIS propaganda. The student, whose name and age were not released Tuesday, was arrested Monday after a
backpack with explosives was found in the commons area of Pine View High School, the area where students eat lunch.
parents get light sentence for lying to FBI about son's jihad activities. A Plano couple whose adult sons
traveled to Syria to fight with ISIS are headed to federal prison after lying to the FBI about the activities of their
children. Sumaiya Ali was sentenced to 30 months in prison, while her husband, Mohommad Hasnain Ali, was sentenced to
12 months plus one day. [...] Federal officials filed a criminal complaint in March 2017 against the brothers, alleging each
provided material support or resources to designated foreign terrorist organizations. Their cases remain open as the
brothers' whereabouts are unclear.
Mall of America Stabber Gets Light Sentence. An unrepentant Islamist terrorist in Minnesota received a sentence
of 15 years in prison, meaning he could be paroled in eight to 10 years. [...] His attorney read a statement to the court
in which Adbiraham claimed responsibility for the attack, saying he did it in the name of the Islamic State terrorist group.
The statement said he answered the "call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and
by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State."
Plot Involving Bomb Making Teacher Foiled In New York City. Twin brothers in New York City were charged on
Thursday after law enforcement officials executed a search warrant at their apartment and found dozens of pounds of bomb-making
materials and disturbing notes. Christian Toro, who was a teacher up until December, and his brother, Tyler Toro, both
face federal bomb-making counts; Christian Toro also faces a charge of distributing explosive materials to a minor, NBC New York
reported. Christian Toro was arrested in January on rape charges stemming from an alleged inappropriate relationship he
was having with a female student where he taught in Manhattan's Harlem neighborhood.
Feds arrest two
Bronx men in bomb-making case. Two brothers, including a former teacher at a Harlem school, were arrested
Thursday, accused of building bombs in the Bronx, a federal criminal complaint says. Christian Toro, the former
teacher, and Tyler Toro are charged with manufacturing a destructive device and the distribution of explosive materials to a
minor. Authorities found bomb-making materials, including metal spheres and chemicals to make the explosive material
thermite, after executing a search warrant on the Toros' apartment. Both suspects have been arraigned in court.
shouting Muslim stabs man because he didn't follow Islam. Police suspect a religious discussion may have
escalated into an argument that led to a stabbing at an apartment complex Wednesday morning [2/7/2018]. After being
dispatched to a report of a fight in progress at Wolf Run Apartments the morning of Feb. 7, officers of the Tahlequah
Police Department arrested Ibrahim Alyami, 24, was arrested on complaints stemming from the stabbing incident.
convicted in terror plot asked for deportation over prison. A court filing shows an Ohio man who plotted to
kill U.S. military personnel in Texas asked a federal judge to deport him instead of sending him to prison. The filing
says Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud told Judge Michael Watson in December that he didn't deserve prison because he'd been
cooperative. Mohamud was born in Somalia and came to the U.S. at 2 years old. He told the judge that
he didn't want to leave his family and return home but called his proposal just and fair.
Accused Philly Cop Shooter:
'I Did It in the Name of Allah'. A Philadelphia man accused of shooting a police officer refused to enter a
plea in court, saying, "I don't plead to anyone but Allah." He also told the judge his court-appointed lawyers do not
represent him. Edward Archer, 32, is charged with the attempted murder of Officer Jesse Hartnett, who was shot point
blank when Archer approached his police car with a weapon and fired 13 times.
Jihad In Toronto?
"A 20-year-old Brampton man," the Canadian Press reported Tuesday [1/23/2018], "is facing dozens of charges, including seven
counts of attempted murder, in what police describe as a string of unprovoked, random shootings in Toronto that narrowly
missed being fatal." As it turns out, this could have been a series of jihad attacks, but you will never learn that
from the Canadian Press, or from Canadian authorities.
Visa Lottery Winner Offered to Kill Obama for ISIS. Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev was both lucky and
evil. His luck was demonstrated when he won admission to the United States through the diversity visa lottery; his
evilness, by his stated willingness to assassinate the president of the United States or commit a terrorist attack in New
York City — if he could not travel to Syria to join the Islamic State, and if that is what the Islamic State
ordered him to do. When Juraboev was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Oct. 27, 2017, New York City Police
Commissioner James O'Neill summarized his case in a statement released by the U.S. Justice Department. "The defendant
in this case lived in Brooklyn while making plans to travel to Syria to support a design(at)ed terrorist organization,"
O'Neill said. "If that was not successful, the defendant schemed of bombing Coney Island or killing the president of
the United States."
Woman Gave Christmas Gifts Filled with Poison to Christian Neighbor Who Left Islam. [Scroll down] Accused
of intending to kill Madina and her family members, Hajira asked for forgiveness, saying that since Madina's family left
Islam two years ago, the loudness of their weekly worship at their house with some other church members had been disturbing
her and other Muslim neighbors. Hajira's house is about 100 yards from Madina's. Chairman Guloba, a Christian,
expressed his shock at what could have befallen Hajira's family, but village leaders made no legal decisions. Police
have not been called, apparently in order to keep tensions with the Muslim community from escalating, but the in-law said
Muslim neighbors have started taunting Madina's children by calling them infidels.
attacked with machete while delivering meals to the homeless. A woman in her 70s who was delivering meals to
the homeless in Vermont was attacked by a man wielding a machete, police said. WCAX-TV reports that Abukar Ibrahim, 32,
attacked a 73-year-old Meals on Wheels volunteer who was leaving meals at Harbor Place, which serves as a temporary emergency
housing facility. The woman was sent to a hospital with multiple injuries and later released.
Probe Terror Links to 'Random Street Attack'. Wednesday morning [1/3/2018], an 18-year-old Egyptian national is
believed to have stabbed one man and attacked two others with an iron bar, killing the stabbing victim in what is being
described by Irish national police as a "random street attack." Although it's not the only avenue being considered, Garda
Chief Superintendent Christy Mangan told reporters at a press conference that terrorism connections are being explored.
The deceased, a 24-year-old Japanese national attacked while walking to work, was stabbed in the back with a knife in Dundalk
near the border with Northern Ireland.
teen armed with a number of weapons' launches street rampage in Ireland. One person has been stabbed to death
and two others have been injured in what is being described as a series of 'random attacks' in Ireland. Gardai arrested
a heavily-armed teenager born in North Africa and officers are investigating if three separate incidents are terror
related. The knife attack happened shortly before 9am in Dundalk and the victim was pronounced dead at the scene.
The attacker has been identified as an 18-year-old Egyptian who had been in contact with the police on New Year's Day with
regards his immigration status.
Immigrant Was Hezbollah Sleeper Agent. When U.S. authorities allegedly discovered a Bronx man with terror
training checking out potential targets in New York, they might have assumed he was inspired by ISIS. Instead, it seems
the city was facing a very unusual terror threat. Ali Kourani was an alleged sleeper agent recruited by Hezbollah's
external terror arm, the Islamic Jihad Organization, or IJO. It is claimed that his Hezbollah handler ordered him to
surveil facilities belonging to the FBI and Army National Guard in New York City. He took detailed notes on security
protocols at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
chain migration Islamic terrorism; more media blackout. While Americans were celebrating this long Christmas
weekend, another chain migrant from an Islamic country was arrested for plotting a terror attack against the very country
that admitted him. It's part of a growing wave, almost daily, of Islamic immigrants arrested on terrorism-related
charges, yet there is a complete blackout in the media about the existence of this troubling pattern and about the growing
problem with imported terrorism. Meanwhile, as we gear up for a new legislative year in Congress, the focus is all
about more amnesty for illegal aliens rather than protecting Americans from the autopilote chain migration from the Middle
East. The only one who cares about protecting our sovereignty is President Trump, but the runaway courts and their
status as supreme arbiter of national security are rendering his actions moot.
Greeley man behind wheel of truck in 8-vehicle crash that killed 4. Illinois State Police say a Colorado man
was the driver of a truck that crashed into several vehicles on Interstate 55 in southwestern Illinois, killing four
people. Police spokesman Calvin Dye Jr. says 53-year-old Mohamed Yussuf Jama of Greeley was driving the tractor-trailer
when it crashed into vehicles that had slowed or stopped in a construction zone near Hamel on Nov. 21.
"I am not
American," said the Islamist; "I am Muslim". For Islamists, non-Muslim land is different from Muslim
land. Many can never identify themselves with a Western land — or with a flag or nationality —
even though they may have been born in that land and their families may have lived there for generations. When people
are brainwashed not to identify themselves with a flag and a nationality, it disrupts the human connections and
communications that need to take place within communities. It pits the indoctrinated person against the entire society
and his own countrymen, and develops an "us versus them" mentality. This view brings with it a wish for waging jihad
against one's birth country. It creates the priority — if the country attacking it is ruled by
shari'ah — of joining the enemy to fight against one's birth country.
58, 'rammed car bomb into German political party headquarters in suicide bid' say police. A 58-year-old man
tried to kill himself on Christmas Eve by ramming a car packed with explosive materials into a German political party
headquarters. The man drove a car at the entrance of the Berlin headquarters of Germany's Social Democratic Party (SPD)
late on Sunday evening, lightly injuring himself in what police said was an apparent suicide attempt. He had gas
cartridges in the car and jerrycans containing petrol.
39 Terrorist was an Anti-Trump Antifa Supporter. Muslim convert and would-be domestic terrorist Everitt Aaron
Jameson, who planned to carry out a Christmas Day massacre on Pier 39 in San Francisco, was a supporter of Antifa and counted
amongst his favourite news organisations CNN, BuzzFeed and Al-Jazeera. The former US Marine was arrested after he told
the FBI of his plan to carry out the atrocity, noting that December 25 would be "the perfect day to commit the attack"
because Pier 39 would be crowded with people.
Man planned Christmas terror attack for SF's Pier 39. Officials have stopped a man who they say was plotting a
terror attack in San Francisco over the holidays. The 26-year-old reportedly stated that "Christmas was the perfect
day" for a terror attack in San Francisco and "did not need an escape plan because he was ready to die." The FBI arrested
Everitt Aaron Jameson, who is a tow truck driver and lives in Modesto. According to a handwritten letter obtained by
the FBI, Jameson also referred to himself as Abdallah adu Everitt ibn Gordon.
Fran Terror Suspect Was Bernie Sanders Supporter — Claimed to be "Slave of Allah". FBI officials in
San Francisco arrested a man named Everitt Aaron Jameson for planning a Christmas terrorist attack, targeting people on Pier
39. [...] The terror suspect was also a fan of many Islamic Facebook pages including "Arabic Islamic Academic", "The Muslim
Street" and "Islam's Dank Meme Stash". [Everitt Aaron] Jameson reportedly converted to Islam two years ago. He
said he was inspired by ISIS and the Manhattan truck attack.
Not Ruled Out In Atlanta Airport Power Outage Incident, FBI Says. Federal authorities have not ruled out
terrorism — or another inside threat — in the power outage at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International
Airport earlier this week. [...] The outage forced the Federal Aviation Administration to suspend outgoing flights and
implement a "ground stop" for incoming flights. No one was injured in the incident.
college student pleads guilty to conspiracy to support ISIS. A college student from Spring pleaded guilty on
Monday [12/18/2017] to plotting to join ISIS in Syria, a joint plan that resulted in the death of a Klein Oak high school
classmate he helped recruit to the jihadist insurgency. U.S. District Judge Lynn N. Hughes questioned Asher Abid Khan,
a mechanical engineering student at the University of Houston, about whether he knew he was supporting a terrorist organization
that produced and posted violent videos of executions. Khan, who was accompanied in court by his parents, admitted he
knew what ISIS was doing and "stupidly bought into their propaganda."
Runs Over Pedestrians Near World Trade Center; Six Reported Wounded. The alleged driver is in custody following
an incident where a car hit and wounded several pedestrians and a bicyclist in New York City near the World Trade Center at
Liberty Street and Broadway. Six injured were reported as transported to hospitals.
Rams Car Into People Near World Trade Center In Lower Manhattan. A driver rammed his vesicle into a group of
people near the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan. Is this terrorism? Or will we get the usual run around
about how this was an accident, or a drunk driver or something? New York City and the World Trade Center are prime soft
targets for terrorists.
Kill 305 at Sufi Mosque in Egypt's Deadliest Terrorist Attack. Militants detonated a bomb inside a crowded
mosque in the Sinai Peninsula on Friday and then sprayed gunfire on panicked worshipers as they fled, killing at least 305 people
and wounding at least 128 others. Officials called it the deadliest terrorist attack in Egypt's modern history. The scale
and ruthlessness of the assault, in an area racked by an Islamist insurgency, sent shock waves across the nation — not just
for the number of deaths but also for the choice of target. Attacks on mosques are rare in Egypt, where the Islamic State has
targeted Coptic Christian churches and pilgrims but avoided Muslim places of worship.
fired' as armed police surround Oxford Circus tube station and shoppers flee 'after lorry ploughs into pedestrians'.
Police tonight [11/24/2017] released two images of men they believe started the Oxford Street stampede after a fight got out of
hand. Witnesses said the two men 'bumped' into each other before 'several punches' were thrown on the westbound platform at
Oxford Circus tube station. Passengers then reported hearing 'shots fired' at the station around 4.40pm, prompting police to
storm the station and evacuate it. Minutes later, pop star Olly Murs tweeted he heard 'gun shots' inside department store
Selfridges — half a mile from the tube station — and encouraged people to flee.
murder suspect nabbed at Port Authority Bus Terminal. Port Authority cops grabbed a murder suspect Wednesday [11/1/2017]
with ties to ISIS at the Midtown bus terminal — less than a day after a lone-wolf terrorist mowed down 20 people in a
lower Manhattan bike lane, killing eight, police sources said. Cops spotted Matthew Passaro, 46, near a Greyhound Bus inside the
massive transit hub about 11 a.m., Port Authority spokesman Joe Pentangelo said. Passaro, who is homeless and has "pledged
allegiance" to ISIS, had a loaded .45-caliber pistol when police recognized him as a suspect in the fatal Sept. 20 shooting
of a 47-year-old man in Brooklyn Heights.
Plot in Miami Is 99th Terror Plot Against US Since 9/11. The Department of Justice charged Vicente Adolfo
Solano last week with attempting to use an explosive device at a Miami mall. Solano had pledged his allegiance to the
Islamic State, also known as ISIS. This case represents the 99th Islamist terrorism plot or attack against the U.S.
homeland since 9/11.
arrested by special forces after Munich knife attacker injures five in stabbing spree. German special forces
have arrested a suspect after a knifeman went on the rampage in the German city of Munich and injured at least five
people. Munich police spokesman Markus da Gloria Martins said: "We have arrested a person who very strongly
resembles the description by witnesses but we cannot confirm that he is the attacker at this stage." People had been
warned to stay indoors after the attack at around 8.15am local time at the Rosenheimer Platz S-Bahn underground station.
Muslim terrorist called "villain" by judge; gets 15 year sentence. When Abdella Ahmad Tounisi was arrested for
plotting to fly to Syria to join a terrorist group, he was a teenager — just 18. On Thursday [10/19/2017]
in Chicago federal court, Tounisi-now 23-thanked the government for saving his life by interrupting his terrorist plans.
Despite Tounisi's courtroom praise and apologies to his family, U.S. District Court Judge Samuel Der-Yeghiayan was merciless
in sentencing the Aurora man and sentenced him to the statutory maximum — 15 years in federal prison.
killed in deadliest single attack in Somalia's history. More than 300 people were killed in the weekend truck
bombing in Somalia's capital and scores remained missing, authorities said Monday [10/16/2017], as the fragile Horn of Africa nation
reeled from one of the world's worst attacks in years.
toll from blasts in Somalia's capital Mogadishu rises to 85. More than 200 people were killed by twin bomb
blasts that struck busy junctions in the heart of Somalia's capital Mogadishu, officials said on Sunday [10/15/2017], marking the
deadliest attacks since an Islamist insurgency began in 2007.
bomber' convicted of attack that injured dozens. A homegrown Islamic terrorist was convicted Monday [10/16/2017] of
detonating do-it-yourself time bombs in Manhattan and New Jersey last year — setting him up for a mandatory sentence
of life in a federal prison. A Manhattan federal jury found Ahmad Khan Rahimi, 29, guilty as charged on eight counts
following a two-week trial over the twin blasts in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood and in Seaside Park, N.J,. on Sept. 17,
2016. "Rahimi's crimes of hate have been met with swift and resolute justice," acting Manhattan US Attorney Joon Kim said
in a prepared statement.
9/11" Terrorist Plot Foiled. As the Toronto Star reported, [Tala] Haroon said the subway trains made a "perfect
target" and they should shoot as many passengers as possible, including women and children. "NY Needs to fall. It's a
must," Haroon wrote to the undercover agent. The Star also noted that Salic told the others, "it would be a
great pleasure if we can slaughter" people in New York City.
in Ohio (Part One): The Terror Attack at Ohio State University. Ohio State students returning from their
Thanksgiving break last November had their first day back on campus shattered by one of their fellow students, Abdul Razak
Ali Artan. He drove his brother's grey Honda Civic into a crowd gathered outside Watts Hall on campus, injuring a
number of them. He then emerged from the wrecked vehicle with an eight-inch knife and began attacking bystanders, some
of whom were already tending to the injured. The Islamic State would hail Artan the very next day, calling him a
"soldier" and praising him for responding to their call for Muslims living in the West to conduct terror attacks in its
name. Artan, however, isn't the only Islamic State "soldier" from Ohio to answer the terror group's call. In
fact, a growing number of ISIS supporters and operatives have emerged from the Buckeye State over the past two years.
threatens tourists in Nice before being overpowered by police. A knifeman broke an elderly woman's leg and threatened tourists with two
blades as he went on the rampage in Nice this afternoon [10/9/2017]. The man, believed to be in his 30s, had to be overpowered by several police
officers in the southwestern coastal city at around 4pm (3pm BST). Authorities have not declared the incident a terror attack. French
media reports that the perpetrator assaulted the woman on a street near the city's harbour before being apprehended on the Promenade des Anglais by
the waterfront.
police officer fired after threats to 'blow up' academy. Police say an east Arkansas police officer has been
fired and is under investigation after alleged threats to "blow up" a law enforcement training academy in northeast
Arkansas. Arkansas State Police say 29-year-old Wisam "Troy" Algburi was arrested Friday and charged with making a
terroristic threat. He worked for the Marion Police Department. Marion police say Algburi had been working on the
force for two months on restrictive duty before he went to the Black River Law Enforcement Training Academy at Black River
Technical College in Pocahontas.
hurt as Edmonton attacks spark terror investigation. Canadian authorities say two incidents in Edmonton are
being investigated as acts of terrorism after a man struck a police officer with a car before stabbing him and later plowed a
truck into pedestrians on a busy street, injuring at least four people. In a Sunday afternoon [10/1/2017] press
conference, authorities said the suspect is a male Somali national and refugee who was previously known to Edmonton police
and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Police have arrested the suspect for several offenses, including
participation in a terrorist act and the commission of an offense for a terrorist group, said Chief Rod Knecht of the
Edmonton Police Service.
Shouting "Allahu Akbar" Attacks Soldiers in Brussels. Another day, another Allahu Akbaring. This latest
attack took place in Brussels, which has the dubious distinction of being a hotspot of the EU and of the Jihad. The
attacker was a Somali and had a Koran on him. So obviously the motive is a mystery.
barriers added at historic European sites to protect from Muslim terrorists. Authorities in several European
cities have decided to compromise the aesthetic look of some of their most beautiful sites to provide additional security to
residents and tourists in the wake of recent terrorist vehicle attacks. Last week's deadly terrorist attacks in Spain's
Barcelona and Cambrils have become the recent tragic events in a series of cases in which cars, vans or trucks have been used
by extremists to plow into pedestrians in the streets.
man, 30, is arrested on terrorism charges. A second suspect has been arrested after a man allegedly shouting
'allahu akbar' and carrying a 4ft sword was dramatically apprehended outside Buckingham Palace. Officers swooped on
the 30-year-old male at an address in west London and detained him on suspicion of being involved in the commission, preparation
or instigation of terrorism, Scotland Yard said.
man is gunned down in Brussels after attacking a group of soldiers while shouting 'Allahu Akbar'. A machete-wielding man
has been gunned down after attacking a group of soldiers while shouting 'Allahu Akbar' in Brussels — near a street where
ISIS called for vehicle attacks just days ago. The 30-year-old Somalian is thought to have died after injuring the troops, with
witnesses reportedly hearing 'two bangs' during the incident. Belgian prosecutors said: 'We believe that it is a terrorist attack.'
Emphasizes Florida Cop Killer is a Marine, Not Muslim. Let's not jump to any conclusions, but Glenn Miller aka
Malik Mohammad Ali's past time in the Marines didn't have much to do with shooting two police officers. His new
identity change might have. And his racist tantrums. But the media keeps emphasizing that he was a Marine.
person killed in stabbing attack in Germany. One person was killed and one person was injured in a stabbing
incident in the German city of Wuppertal-Elberfeld today, according to police. Wuppertal police are still searching for
one or more suspects related to the stabbings. A police spokeswoman told ABC News that the stabbing had "absolutely
nothing to do with a terror attack."
Muslim refugee
attacks cop with sword, then shot dead. A press release from the Kennewick Police department reveals new
details including the name of the suspect and the names of the officers involved in Sunday's killing of a Sword wielding
Kennewick man. The Tri-City Special Investigative Unit (SIU) is continuing the investigation into yesterday's Officer
involved shooting that occurred at 10th and Olympia. The Kennewick Police Department is not involved in the
investigation since it involves KPD officers. The suspect in this case has been identified as 46 year old
Hussein Hassan who resided in Kennewick.
Kill 18 in Burkina Faso Restaurant. Suspected jihadists killed at least 18 people and wounded several during a
raid on a restaurant in Burkina Faso's capital overnight but security forces shot dead both attackers and freed people
trapped inside the building. "This is a terrorist attack," Communications Minister Remi Dandjinou told a news
conference on Monday [8/14/2017]. He said the toll was provisional because the security operation was still underway.
jihadists kill in terror attack at restaurant in Burkina Faso. Security forces in Burkina Faso have shot dead
two of the three assailants who killed 17 people and injured eight in a "terrorist attack" on a restaurant in the country's
capital. AFP reported security sources as confirming two of those responsible for the Ouagadougou attack were killed on
Monday at around 6am local time, 4pm AEST. There was no immediate word on what had happened to the third attacker.
arrested with large weapons cache destined for terror-linked Islamic compound. Officials said that [Ramadan]
Abdullah was arrested by Johnson City police on May 31 for shoplifting ammunition from Gander Mountain. According to
the Broome County District Attorney's Office, when a search warrant was executed on Abdullah's storage unit in the town of
Union, the following items were recovered: [...]
attack: Police hunt BMW driver who mowed down six French soldiers. French police shot and arrested a
suspect in the ramming of six soldiers near Paris on Wednesday after a dramatic car chase. Le Parisien newspaper named
the driver in the suspected terror incident as Hamou B, a 37-year-old from Sartrouville in the north western suburbs of
Paris. At least 300 police were mobilised in the manhunt, which ended on a motorway in northern France, after what
police said was a "complex and dangerous intervention".
Man Detained Over Australian Terrorism Plot Is Released. A fourth man detained last week over a plot to bomb a
plane bound from Australia to the Middle East has been released on bail after being charged with a non-terror related
offence, Australia Federal Police said in an email. The man, 39, was charged with one count of possession of a
prohibited weapon. Two of the four men arrested last week have been charged with terrorism related offences. A
third was released earlier with no charge.
Somali Muslim threatens to kill Faribault shoppers. It took a brave witness to stand up to a Minneapolis man
allegedly pointing a knife a people and threatening others in downtown Faribault. A complaint filed in Rice County
Court alleges that Abdinzak Ahmed Farah, 29, was in the Third Street NW area July 12, pointing a knife and threatening to
kill anyone who called police. The call followed alleged odd behavior by Farah earlier that day. A witness told
officers that Farah was eating raw beef with the same knife and holding the knife to patrons, asking them to play games.
Farah was asked to leave the area, but returned, again holding the knife to people as he spoke with them.
nightclub shooting: Two people killed and three seriously injured in German city. Two people have been
killed and four others seriously injured in a shooting at a German nightclub, police said. The 34-year-old suspect
suffered life-threatening injuries in a gunfight with police officers outside the venue in the city of Konstanz, near the
Swiss border. [...] Police later ruled out terrorism as a motive in the shooting. The gunman was identified as an Iraqi
citizen who was not an asylum seeker.
Knock Out 'Allah Akhbar' Attacker With Plastic Barrier. In a newly released bit of security footage, a Moroccan
man with a knife gets taken down by a very quick-thinking police officer. The 29-year-old was reported to have been shouting
"Allahu Akbar," the Arabic and Islamic phrase for "God Is Great" when he cut one officer on the hand in the first confrontation.
arrests Hawaii-based soldier on terror charges. An active duty U.S. soldier was arrested on terrorism charges
after authorities say he pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group and said he wanted to "kill a bunch of people."
Arrested by FBI SWAT Team for Alleged Ties to ISIS. An FBI SWAT team arrested Hawaii-based soldier Ikaika Erik
Kang on Saturday [7/8/2017] for alleged ties to the Islamic State. The FBI field office in Honolulu stated that the
34-year-old active-duty soldier is stationed at the Schofield Barracks and appeared in court Monday regarding allegations of
terror links, USA Today reports. According to the criminal complaint filed in the U.S. District Court of Hawaii, Kang,
part of the 25th Infantry Division, pledged allegiance to ISIS. Moreover, Kang also attempted to provide military
documents to ISIS contacts, authorities allege.
Belgian police arrest
two men suspected of preparing attack. Belgian prosecutors said on Wednesday [7/5/2017] they had charged two
Belgian nationals with terrorist activity after police found weapons and detonators during house searches overnight in the
capital Brussels. Police identified the two as Akim S, aged 40, and Khalid S, aged 37. They
released two other people who had been briefly detained after the raids.
Weapons Stockpile Found in Storage Locker of New York Muslim Going to "Islamberg". [A] Muslim in New York
Muslim was arrested in Johnson City, New York after a massive weapons cache was discovered in a storage locker that was
intended to go to Muslims of America's (MOA) Islamberg headquarters in Hancock. Ramadan Abdullah, 64, a long-time
associate of the MOA terrorist group was arrested for shoplifting at Gander Mountain. Following the arrest, his storage
locker was searched and the weapons cache discovered. [...] The Clarion Project also says that sources inside MOA say that
Abdullah is an "elder" and often visits Islamberg. These sources also claims that he has been a significant member of
MOA since it was formed in in the US in 1980. However, the arrest regarding shoplifting an the weapons cache was not his
first arrest. The Clarion Project also provided a previous arrest of Abdullah. He and another man attempted the
robbery of a candy store in Brooklyn in 1977. A person was murdered during the process of the robbery.
Cult Associate Arrested in NY With Firearms Stockpile. A long-time associate of a U.S.-based Islamist terrorist
organization, Muslims of America (MOA), has been arrested in Johnson City, NY. Authorities discovered that he had a large
cache of weapons inside a storage locker. A source inside MOA says the weapons were intended for the group's "Islamberg"
headquarters in Hancock, NY. The suspect, 64-year old Ramadan Abdullah, was previously arrested in 1977 when he and
another man tried to rob a candy store in Brooklyn and someone was murdered in the process. When police searched his home,
they found enough material to build 50 bombs.
Terror Attack Targets Police on the Champs-Elysees, Suspect is Yet Another 'Known Wolf'. A man previously known
to French authorities for radicalism has rammed his car into a bus filled with police on the iconic Champs-Élysées
in the heart of Paris this afternoon. This is yet another "Known Wolf" terror attack. Virtually all terror attacks
are committed by someone already known to authorities.
militants rapidly increasing in Sweden. The number of Islamist militants in Sweden has soared to thousands in
recent years but only a few pose a security threat to society, the head of the country's security services said on Friday
[6/16/2017]. Sweden is still in shock after five people were killed and 15 injured when a hijacked truck plowed into
a crowd on a busy shopping street and crashed into a Stockholm department store on April 7. Police are holding an Uzbek
man who has admitted to driving the vehicle.
storm NSW cinema shouting Allah Akbar. NSW Police are investigating after a group of men reportedly screaming
"Allahu Akbar" entered a western Sydney cinema leaving customers rattled. Officers were called to the Hoyts Blacktown
at Westpoint shopping centre about 8pm on Sunday night [6/11/2017] after reports of a disturbance. Investigators were
told four men yelled comments within two cinemas at the complex causing some concerned patrons to leave the building, a
police spokesman told AAP on Tuesday.
is for Allah, stop living this life': What London terror knifemen screamed as they slit Australian victim's
throat. An Australian woman and her partner who survived the London terror attack have described the moment
three jihadi terrorists stormed the restaurant where they worked. Candice Hedge, 31, from Brisbane, had her throat
slashed during the rampage by three men who crashed a car through crowds on London Bridge last Saturday night before
attacking innocent bystanders with knives. Eight people died as the knifemen screaming Islamist slogans entered
restaurants and pubs randomly attacking anyone in their path, before they were shot dead by police.
"Allahu akbar" shouting Muslim threatens to blow up Times Square Church, kill Christians. A homeless man
shouting "Allahu akbar" busted a Midtown church's door with a wrench and threatened to return and shoot all Christians,
police sources said Wednesday [6/7/2017]. The drama began when Noel Droni asked a 37-year-old homeless man outside the
interdenominational Times Square Church, on W. 51st St., if he was a Christian on Monday [9/12/2017], cops said. When
the man told Droni he was Christian, Droni allegedly pulled a red wrench from his backpack and smashed the church's glass door.
Rage 2017: The Complete List of Jihadist Attacks Around the World. Welcome to Breitbart News' running tally of worldwide jihadist
terrorist attacks during Ramadan 2017. Check back for updates through the end of the Islamic holy month on June 24. The estimated
832 deaths and 912 injuries from the estimated 60 attacks that have taken place across about 19 countries during the first
12 days of this year's holy Muslim month of Ramadan have already marked the bloodiest Ramadan in recent years for adherents of Islam.
Police Question Sketchy Guy With Backpack Full of Machetes — Perhaps He's an Industrious Gardener.
Random video footage surfaces showing heavily-armed London police stopping a sketchy fellow and checking his backpack in east
London on Monday — barely a day after the London Bridge attack. According to video loader — The
incident occurred on a side street near East Ham on Monday [6/5/2017]. The footage shows six police officers surrounding
the man before opening his duffel bag (backpack) to reveal several machetes in a plastic bag.
Emerge on FBI "National Security" Raid in Dearborn Michigan. Two days ago the FBI, DHS and a joint
anti-terrorism command force raided a home in Dearborn Michigan. At the request of the FBI the media was intentionally
ambiguous as to the nature of the raid leading to some speculative reporting. [...] In the aftermath of the raid some details
have emerged. The house raided was occupied by Samer ElDebek, a Lebanese American truck driver with ties to New
York. According to Arab-American News ElDebek lived in New York and left for Lebanon approximately 8 years
ago. He returned to the U.S., and after a time back in New York he relocated to Dearborn about 10 months ago.
Raids Abedin-linked home in Dearborn, MI — What we know. FBI agents and Department of Justice
prosecutors raided a home linked to former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin in Dearborn, Michigan last week. The home
on Jonathon Street is owned by a subsidiary of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs — an Abedin family business
that employs Huma's brother and sister. Huma had worked for the company in the past. Agents only said that the
raid was "a matter of national security," sparking Internet rumors that Hillary Clinton's missing laptop, thumb drive and
deleted emails were the targets.
Manchester, Growing Concerns In Minneapolis. The massacre in Manchester this week seems to have prompted attention to the arrest
of brothers Abdullah and Majid Alrifahe in north Minneapolis on May 11. Inside the parked car they were sitting in was a stash of
guns, ammo, drone parts and an inert hand grenade. [...] The Star Tribune published a brief article the following week. The Star Tribune
story appears to be drawn directly from the arrest report. It has not returned to the story since the linked May 15 article.
took off with erratic passenger despite red flags. A man acted strangely long before he caused a disturbance on
a plane that prompted fighter jets to accompany it to Hawaii, but a lack of communication and an airline's hesitancy to be
caught on video booting a passenger could have played a role in allowing him to fly, experts say. Anil Uskanli, 25, of
Turkey, had purchased a ticket at an airline counter in the middle of the night with no luggage and had been arrested after
opening a door to a restricted airfield at Los Angeles International Airport.
Police Uncover Bomb-Making Materials, Weapons in SUV. It all started with a complaint over littering — and ended with
two men arrested and the discovery of an arsenal of guns and bomb-making devices by Minneapolis police. Now, local authorities have flagged
the arrests for review by the Department of Homeland Security.
Muslim stabs priest at the altar of Mexico City's Metropolitan Cathedral. The priest wasn't hosting a Muhammad cartoon
contest. He hadn't "provoked" Muslims or "poked them in the eye." He was simply a Christian cleric carrying out his
duties. John Rene Rockschiil, apparently a convert to Islam, seems to have found that insulting enough. Christians
whose sense of charity moves them to want to avoid insulting Muslims at all costs should renounce Christianity and convert to
Islam immediately.
arrest leads Minneapolis police to arsenal. Minneapolis police uncovered an arsenal of guns and bomb-making
devices during a routine arrest last week. [...] Inside, the officers found a hand grenade, handgun, assault rifles and
magazines and a large quantity of ammunition, the complaint said. They also found cellphones, computers and electronics
equipment, including drone parts. Bomb squad personnel called to the scene noted that the large amount of ammunition
and electronic devices could be used for bomb-making, the complaint said. Abdullah N. Alrifahe, 27, of Minneapolis,
was charged with a gross misdemeanor for carrying a pistol in public without a permit. In December, he was convicted of
the same offense.
Abdullah Alrifahe —
Muslim in Minnesota Arsenal of Guns and Bombs Seized. Abdullah Alrifahe a Muslim in Minnesota was possession of
an arsenal of guns, hand grenades and bombs seized. Police seized the arsenal of weapons, and no further information
about the Muslim was released. The local media in Minnesota is just calling Abdullah Alrifahe "a man." No word
yet if he is another Somali refugee or if it he is a citizen of this country. Don't expect the media to go digging either.
man arrested in Egypt suspected of 'jihadist activities', lied on his passport application and wiped his internet history. A
Kansas City man is being held by federal authorities over passport fraud after he returned from Egypt where he was arrested and is now suspected
of 'jihadist activities'. Isse Aweis Mohamud, 21, was first reported missing to authorities on April 25 by his family who expressed
concerns about why they believed Mohamud left, The Kansas City Star reported. They claimed he 'wiped clean' his internet history on several
electronic devices and had cordoned off an area inside their home where he was heard several times conversing with unknown people, the newspaper
York: 'Homegrown' al Qaeda terrorist to walk free after helping Feds. A homegrown ex-Al Qaeda member will soon
walk free after spending more than eight years giving invaluable counter-terrorism intelligence to the feds. Bryant
Neal Vinas helped foil a Long Island Rail Road bomb plot and testified against a would-be subway suicide bomber.
New Jersey: Man
pledged allegiance to Allah, planned to "kill as many people as possible" in NYC. A Point Pleasant man appeared
in federal court Friday to face charges that he planned to build and set off a pressure cooker bomb in New York City in
support of ISIS, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for New Jersey. Gregory Lepsky, 20, was ordered held without
bail after he appeared before U.S. Magistrate Judge Leda Dunn Wettre in Newark and was given a court-appointed lawyer.
Lepsky, who was charged with one count of attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist
organization, did not enter a plea. His lawyer did not comment after the brief hearing.
Muslim refugee who attacked woman & daughter with U.S. flag skips court. Aisha Ibrahim, a 31-year-old Somali
refugee who also uses the alias Amina Ali Ahra, appeared out of nowhere on the day after Memorial Day 2016 to attack Dami
Arno and her 17-year-old daughter Brittany. Ibrahim snatched the family's American flag off of their mailbox and used
the flagpole as a weapon against them. Ibrahim failed to show up in court for her arraignment Monday, nearly a year
after the incident occurred on May 31, 2016, in the Atlanta suburb of Lawrenceville.
Somali Muslim woman gets probation for funding Islamic terror group. A Minneapolis woman who sent money to the
militant group al-Shabab in Somalia was sentenced to five years' probation on Wednesday [4/26/2017] after she cooperated with
prosecutors, who said the light sentence would send a message to community members who shunned the woman yet supported other
defendants who remained defiant.
why black-outs in 3 major US cities were almost certainly related. Yesterday, morning power black-outs hit
three major US cities in two time zones. Areas of New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles were hit by the still
unexplained power cuts. San Francisco's power supply is controlled by Pacific Gas and Electric, most of Los Angeles is
controlled by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power while other areas are controlled by Southern California Edison
and much of New York City is controlled by ConEdison. In other words, the power systems of the three cities, all of
which are either far or very far from one another are not connected in any way. This leaves only two logical
possibilities and one illogical possibility, which incidentally is the one that the mainstream media is running with.
Power Outages Coincide
in LA, New York, and San Francisco. The first outage occurred at around 7:20 a.m. [4/21/2017] in New York, when
the power went down at the 7th Avenue and 53rd Street subway station, which sent a shockwave of significant delays out from
the hub and into the rest of the subway system. By 11:30 a.m. the city's MTA confirmed that generators were running
again in the station, although the New York subways were set to run delayed into the afternoon. The MTA and Con Ed are
still working to determine the cause of the outage.
Muslim shouting "Allahu Akbar" shot and wounded by police. Shocking footage captured the moment police shot a Muslim man as he waved a knife around
while shouting "Allahu Akbar." The man is seen holding the large knife before being shot by police in the terrifying incident in the Schilderswijk borough
of The Hague.
Associated Press Won't Report What a Killer Actually Said. A man in Fresno, CA has shot several people.
He claimed he did not like white people and he yelled "Allahu Akbar" before shooting. That is according to the police.
But, as the Associated Press reports it, ["]Fresno police say suspect in triple slaying told them he hates white people,
shouted "God is great" before killings.["]
in Fresno shooting spree that killed 3 shouts 'Allahu Akbar' when arrested. Three people are dead in a shooting
spree in downtown Fresno on Tuesday [4/18/2017], and the suspect was wanted in connection to the Motel 6 killing last week, the
Fresno Police Department said. Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, shouted "Allahu Akbar" as police tackled him to the ground after the
shootings which were spread over four locations, Police Chief Jerry Dyer said.
Conference Threatened By Heavily-Armed Muslim Man. A conference held on April 9 on Christian and conservative
issues in Sioux Falls, South Dakota was threatened by a Muslim man carrying multiple firearms. He attended the conference
and posted numerous videos on his Facebook page, including a display of the multiple assault-style rifles, pistols and ammunition
he was carrying on his person and in his van. He has not been arrested. The man, Ehab Jaber, posted numerous Facebook
videos of himself both in the event and in his van in the event parking lot. In his van he shows off all his weapons,
saying: "And now if you want to really be scared..." he lifts up an AK-47 style rifle and says, "be scared."
in South Dakota — Muslims Threaten, Officials Do Nothing. Last Sunday evening, April 9, 2017, over
500 people gathered for the Worldview Weekend Rally in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The Muslim Brotherhood threatened, a
Muslim showed up in what was a possible thwarted attack, and local officials did nothing. This is how America will lose
this war if it does not change course immediately at the local level. The Sioux Falls Police Department notified the
speakers, radio personality Brannon House and Shahram Hadian, a former Iranian muslim who is now a Christian pastor, that the
Islamic Center of Sioux Falls filed a permit to protest the Worldview Weekend Rally event because they viewed the event as
bigoted and Islamophobic. The property for the Islamic Center of Sioux Falls is owned by the North American Islamic
Trust (NAIT), meaning it is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood's jihadi network in America waging "Civilization Jihad."
of Muslim Immigrants Attack Chinese Children with Knives in Paris, France. Gangs of North African youths have
terrified Chinese migrants amid complaints they have become 'too rich.' The streets of Paris have erupted into
inter-migrant strife as North African youths have targeted 'rich' Chinese migrants amid growing tensions.
Once a Jihadi,
Always a Jihadi. Here we have an example of an 18-year old in South Carolina who was just apprehended trying to
board a plan to join the Islamic State. Not long ago, as a juvenile, a judge let him skirt a terrorism charge and then
skate on a weapons plea. In other words, a state judge in South Carolina went easy on a known Jihadi just because he
happened to be young.
man's violent rage injures several as he yells 'Allah Akbar' — in Indiana. Let's not jump to
conclusions — just because he's violent, and yelling that he wants to kill everyone and Allah Akbar at the same
time doesn't mean he's a Muslim terrorist. A young Muslim man waged a jihad-like rant last week using the familiar battle
cry, "Allah Akbar," but it didn't happen in Mosul or even Baghdad — it took place in small, Midwestern Indiana.
Carolina: Muslim on Parole for Jihad Plot, Arrested Again Trying to Join ISIS. Zakaryia Abdin, 18, of
Ladson, South Carolina, appeared in federal court this morning in Charleston, South Carolina, following his arrest by the FBI
last night. Abdin was arrested for attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham
(ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization. The charge is based on Abdin's alleged attempt to travel overseas
to join the terrorist organization. Special Agents of the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) took Abdin into
custody at the Charleston International Airport before he boarded an outbound flight.
in Islington as two knifemen in a car mow down three people outside a pub. Knife-wielding teenagers driving a
Peugeot Partner ploughed into revellers queuing for a pub and 'knocked them over like dominoes' in a horrifying attack in
Islington. Two men and one woman were injured on the lively Essex Road in north London before the driver and passenger
sped off then got out and fled on foot. Police who found one knife on the pavement and one knife in the car arrested
four males, aged between 17 and 19, on suspicion of GBH with intent and of possession of points and blades. With
tensions high after four innocent people were killed in a terror attack on Westminster Bridge on Wednesday, police insist
last night's incident was not terror related.
Why isn't this automatic? Justice
Department: Man convicted in Brooklyn Bridge terror plot should lose U.S. citizenship. U.S. authorities
took rare action Monday [3/20/2017] to strip U.S. citizenship from a man convicted in 2003 of terrorism-related charges
related to an al Qaeda plan to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge. The Justice Department filed a civil suit to revoke the
naturalization of Iyman Faris, a Pakistan native, who is currently serving a 20 year prison sentence for providing material
support to the terrorist organization. Authorities said Faris was targeted for revocation because of his terrorism-related
conviction but the civil action was based on evidence that he lied during the course of the naturalization process — including
fraudulently using another man's passport when he initially entered the United States in 1994 and lying about the circumstances
under which he entered the United States.
Bus plows into parade crowd in Haiti, killing
38. At least 38 people were killed and 13 others injured in northern Haiti after a bus plowed into a festival crowd
before dawn Sunday [3/12/2017], in what local authorities said was a hit and run incident. The bus, owned by the transportation
company Blue Sky Logistics, was carrying people from the northern Haitian city of Cap Haitien to the nation's capital, Port Au Prince.
The bus encountered streets crowded with revelers celebrating Rara, a popular festive season in Haiti that stretches from Mardi Gras until
Easter Sunday. [...] The driver fled the scene on foot and is still at large, police said.
The Editor says...
Certainly sounds like the Muslim terrorist M.O.
Axe on Islam's Crazy Train. In a Dusseldorf train station, Fatmir, a Muslim refugee from Kosovo, went on the
attack with an axe. His victims included several adults and a 13-year-old girl. The authorities are blaming his
attack on that familiar standby; drug and psychological problems. There have been quite a few Muslims in Germany
boarding the crazy train and trying to ride it all the way to the 72 virgins, dazzling white camels and musk mountains
of Islamic paradise. In July, a Muslim refugee took an axe and assaulted passengers on a train in Würzburg while
shouting, "Allahu Akbar".
Pre-School Teacher in Texas Suspended for 'Kill Some Jews' Comment. A Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
activist and pre-school teacher has been suspended from her job because of her anti-Semitic comments on Twitter.
University of Texas-Arlington (UTA) student Nancy Salem, who teaches young kids at The Children's Courtyard in South
Arlington was outed by Canary Mission, a campus watchdog group, along with dozens of others for racial hatred. EAGnews.org
posted some of the offending tweets made by Salem, a staunch supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.
Man hits 3 with car and flees, is shot by police. [Scroll down] The driver, who is believed to have been
carrying a knife, then got out of his car, police said. A short time later, he was intercepted by a police patrol and
shot by an officer following a short standoff. The suspect, a 35-year-old German whose identity wasn't released, was
taken to a hospital and underwent an operation.
The Editor says...
Hit people with his car. Jumped out of the car with a knife. Name was not released. Yep. That's the Muslim M.O.
Dallas teacher threatened to kill staff unless he was given raise. A Dallas teacher was arrested after he
reportedly threatened to kill the staff if he didn't get a raise, police said. Omar Alanis, 29, was a world history
teacher at Seagoville High School and reportedly used his school email account to message the principal and other
administrators that they should pay him and another teacher the "Master Teacher Salary" and back-pay them from August
of last year, Fox 4 News reported.
Bonnie and Clyde' charged with Australia terror plot. A self-described Australian "Islamic Bonnie and Clyde"
couple were Wednesday charged with planning a terrorist act, which reportedly involved a Sydney stabbing attack. The
pair, Sameh Bayda and Alo-Bridget Namoa, both 19, were already in custody accused of collecting documents likely to
facilitate terrorist acts.
Refugee" With Gas Pipeline Plans Arrested in New Mexico Border County. Despite official denials from
authorities Judicial Watch stands by its reporting, which was subsequently corroborated by National Association of Former
Border Patrol Officers Chairman Zack Taylor. Police in a U.S. town bordering Mexico have apprehended an undocumented,
Middle Eastern woman in possession of the region's gas pipeline plans, law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch.
Authorities describe the woman as an "Islamic refugee" pulled over during a traffic stop by a deputy sheriff in Luna County,
New Mexico which shares a 54-mile border with Mexico. County authorities alerted the U.S. Border Patrol and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) has been deployed to the area to investigate, sources with
firsthand knowledge of the probe confirm.
Sought After Explosion Rocks Customer-Packed Cheesecake Factory in Pasadena. Police are searching for a man who
set off an explosive device in a Cheesecake Factory restaurant packed with customers in Pasadena Thursday [2/2/2017]. The
explosion was reported about 6:08 p.m. after witnesses say a man threw something in the restaurant located at 2 West
Colorado Blvd., the Pasadena Police Department stated in a news release. [...] Witnesses described the person who threw the
device as a Hispanic or Middle Eastern man, about 6 feet tall with a thin build and a heavy beard.
tosses explosive device into crowded Southern California restaurant. Panic erupted at a Southern California
Cheesecake Factory on Thursday night [2/2/2017] after a man tossed in improvised explosive device, police said. [...] The suspect
was described as a Latino or Middle Eastern man, about 6-feet tall and sporting a "heavy beard," according to the Orange County
Register. He was seen wearing black clothing and a black beanie.
Muslim Immigrant Convicted of Helping New York Muslim Join ISIS. An Arizona man was convicted Monday
[1/30/2017] on charges he helped a New York college student join the Islamic State group in Syria, a verdict Manhattan's top
federal prosecutor offered as proof that civilian courts can handle terrorism cases. Ahmed Mohammed el-Gammal, a
bespectacled suburban Phoenix man, did not immediately react as the jury foreman read the verdict to end the three-week trial.
Shot at Church, Police by Mob Shouting 'Allah Akbar'. Although local authorities in Dortmund, Germany called
New Year's Eve a "quiet" and "normal" night, video footage has emerged of a crowd of reportedly close to a thousand men
chanting "Allah Akbar," reported Breitbart. Some can be seen launching fireworks at the police and a historic
church in Dortmund. The roof of the St Reinolds, Germany's oldest church, burned in the attack.
1,000-Man Mob Attack Police, Set Germany's Oldest Church Alight on New Year's Eve. At New Year's Eve celebrations in
Dortmund a mob of more than 1,000 men chanted 'Allahu Akhbar', launched fireworks at police, and set fire to a historic church.
Already by 7 pm a man was hospitalised with first-degree burns to his face and hands after fireworks were hurled at a group of
homeless people outside the city's main train station. More than two dozen people were injured at festivities in Dortmund,
some seriously.
governor: at least 35 dead in attack on nightclub. An assailant believed to have been dressed in a Santa Claus
costume opened fire at a crowded nightclub in Istanbul during New Year's celebrations, killing at least 39 people and
wounding close to 70 others in what the province's governor described as a terror attack.
Arrested for Aiding ISIS, Had Blended Into Society Near Nation's Capital. A recent report issued by the
Northern Virginia Regional Intelligence Center aims to instruct federal and local law enforcement officers how to spot
Islamic State operatives who have otherwise blended into society and become difficult to detect. In the report are nine
arrests since 2014 of Northern Virginia residents charged with aiding ISIS through distributing propaganda, communications,
traveling to Syria, and preparing for jihad, as The Washington Times report.
State arrests reveal jihadi threat near seat of U.S. government. Law enforcement agencies have arrested nine
Northern Virginia residents on charges of aiding the Islamic State since the terrorist group rose to power in Syria and Iraq
in 2014 and launched social media propaganda to attract followers, a government message to police states. The Northern
Virginia Regional Intelligence Center issued profiles of the nine in a Dec. 21 report labeled "law enforcement sensitive."
Such reports are designed to help state and federal agents recognize trends in the types of individuals who are influenced
by the Islamic State's message and how they communicate across terrorist networks.
Arrested As Australian Police Foil Christmas Day Terror Plot. Seven people have been arrested and the makings
of a bomb seized in raids that police say foiled a Christmas Day terror attack on central Melbourne. The targets of the
attacks were Federation Square, Flinders Street Station, and St Paul's Cathedral, in the CBD of Melbourne. Seven people
were arrested and the makings of a bomb seized in raids across the city's suburbs on Friday morning. Of the seven, five are
still in custody and will face court today. One of the arrested was born in Egypt and four others in Australia, police said.
arrested for plotting terror attack on Germany's main shopping centre. Two brothers have been arrested on
suspicion of plotting an attack on a shopping centre in Germany, authorities have claimed. The pair, from Kosovo, are
believed to have been planning an attack in the busy shopping district of Oberhausen, northwest Germany. Essen police
said: "The 28 and 31-year-old brothers born in Kosovo are suspected of having prepared a possible attack in the
shopping centre in Oberhausen."
police arrest two men over alleged plot to attack shopping centre. German authorities have arrested two
brothers on suspicion of planning an attack on one of the country's biggest shopping centres, in the western city of
Oberhausen, according to police. The two men, aged 28 and 31, are originally from Kosovo, they said. It was not
clear if there was any connection with the attack on Berlin's Breitscheidplatz on Monday night, in which a man drove a truck
into a Christmas market, killing 12 people.
Terror For Christmas. On the 5th of December, a 12-year-old Iraqi boy planted a nail bomb in a Christmas market
in Ludwigshafen. The Muslim boy left the nail bomb in a marketplace filled with jolly plastic Santas bearing knapsacks
of presents and booths full of chocolates built like cottages covered with twinkling lights. Inside was his Christmas
present to the little boys and girls of this German city, a glass jar filled with powder and surrounded by nails.
Islamic terror had come like a bitterly cold wind from Iraq to Ludwigshafen. The aspiring Muslim serial killer has
already become known as the "Kindergarten bomber."
more Twin Cities men sentenced for conspiring to join Islamic State. Three Twin Cities men were sentenced to
prison Tuesday [11/15/2016] for plotting to travel to Syria to join the Islamic State group, as a federal judge concluded the
second day of sentencings in a case that shined a light on terror recruiting in the state.
anti-terror police carry out dawn raids on more than 200 properties belonging to ISIS-supporting 'True Religion' group that
'recruits jihadists'. Hundreds of German police have launched coordinated raids this morning in ten of the
country's 16 states hunting for ISIS supporters and recruiters among a Salafist group calling itself 'The True Religion'.
Armed police and elite SEK anti-terror units were involved in the raids on more than 200 apartments and offices belonging to
organisers and supporters of the group which publicly backs the aims of ISIS. At the same time as the raids across Germany
at 6.30am, the government announced that the group was being banned for good.
Muslim gets 8 years for plot to bomb Phoenix DMV. An Arizona teenager who the FBI has said professed to be an
"American jihadist" was sentenced on Friday [11/4/2016] to eight years in prison, to be followed by a lifetime on probation,
for plotting to bomb a state motor vehicle office. Mahin Khan, 18, described by his parents as developmentally
disabled, received one more year than the minimum prison term he faced during an emotional court hearing in Phoenix for his
guilty plea to crimes committed while he was still a minor.
female ISIS supporter who converted to Islam screams 'Allahu Akbar' while attacking German police with a knife.
A burka-clad female ISIS supporter who converted to Islam screamed 'Allahu Akbar' while attacking German police with a knife,
it has emerged. Police had gathered outside her apartment block in Mülheim an der Ruhr after receiving a phone
call early on Sunday morning [10/30/2016] to say she was 'going berserk'. The neighbours said she was hurling furniture,
books and clothes to the street five storeys below her apartment. Police had to break down the door to her flat where
she was armed with the knife.
for suspects after 4 stabbed at Germany train station. German police are hunting a crazed knife gang who
stabbed four people at train station in Frankfurt. The attack occurred at Hauptwache station and cops have confirmed
that all four victims are in the hospital. A motive for the gruesome assaults has not been established but police are
reportedly hunting several suspects.
The Editor says...
Notice that the assailants are assumed to be crazed. Their motive is a complete mystery to the police.
docs: Woman arrested on terrorism charge was helping imprisoned husband. Investigators believe the
Florence woman arrested on charges of terrorism and conspiracy to commit terrorism was helping her husband, a radicalized
member of the Islamic faith who is serving a life prison for first-degree murder, with a plot to murder a warden. FBI
agents arrested Michelle Bastian, 49, Wednesday morning at her workplace, a bakery in Chandler called Urban Oven where she
was a bookkeeper. They also served search warrants at her Florence home.
for German bomb plot suspect; 1 man in custody. German police searched nationwide Sunday [10/9/2016] for a 22-year-old
Syrian man believed to have been preparing a bombing attack, who slipped through their fingers as they were closing in on
him, and were questioning a second Syrian man on suspicion he was involved in the plot.
Driver shouting 'Allahu Akbar'
tried to run over pedestrians in Vienna — media citing police. Police detained a 21-year old man in
Vienna after he deliberately tried to run over pedestrians while shouting "Allahu Akbar" out of his car. No one has
been injured and officials are now investigating the motivation behind the man's behavior. The incident happened at
around 11:00am local time in the district of Favoriten on Thursday [9/29/2016].
veteran says terrorist crashed into him at 100 mph. Scott Alcala was driving to San Jose to play golf with his
father, when he says he was hit by another car. Witnesses say a car going extremely fast swerved into Alcala, causing
him to fish tail and cross into oncoming traffic. Alcala said, "I saw the suburban coming right at me about to T-bone
right into the driver door and I thought that was it. A second later I turned my head and just smashed into the
barrier." [...] Alcala said, "The off-duty police officer went to talk to the other driver in his vehicle and he said, 'Are
you alright? That was way too fast,' and (the driver) said 'I didn't it on purpose. It was in the name of Allah.'"
attacks San Francisco parkgoer with hatchet. An assailant wielding a hatchet attacked a stranger for no
apparent reason Monday [9/26/2016] in San Francisco's Jefferson Square Park before he was thwarted by two Good Samaritans, police
said. The 39-year-old victim was sitting in the Hayes Valley park when the man approached him and struck him with the
handle of the hatchet, police said. As the victim tried to run, the attacker continued hitting him with the hatchet's
handle, police said. [...] Officers arrested a 23-year-old suspect, but police didn't release details on the attacker.
The Editor says...
If the police don't release information about the attacker, it means one of these four things (in decreasing order of likelihood):
He's either a Muslim, a black guy, an illegal alien, or an insane homeless bum who should have been locked up in a mental institution.
Otherwise, there is no reason to withhold the suspect's description, which will soon be a matter of public record.
on easyJet flight as migrant being deported to Venice screams 'Allahu Akbar' 29 times [...] in shocking two-hour
frenzy. Holidaymakers were forced to endure a terrifying two-hour flight alongside a migrant who repeatedly
screamed 'Allahu Akbar' and 'death is coming' — as it emerged the Home Office is using budget airlines to deport
illegal immigrants. Children were reduced to tears and travellers feared a terror attack until it became clear that the
handcuffed man was being guarded by Home Office officials. But there was no official explanation from the captain or
crew as he kicked, thrashed about and threatened passengers and crew in an expletive-strewn tirade.
Australian knife attack was
'inspired by ISIS,' authorities say. An Australian man accused of attempted murder after stabbing another man outside Sydney was
"inspired by ISIS", authorities said Sunday [9/11/2016]. Ihsas Khan, 22, was ordered held without bail after he allegedly attacked the
59-year-old victim while he was walking through a park in one of Sydney's western suburbs Saturday. The unidentified victim was airlifted
to a local hospital and listed in critical condition. Police said Khan also attempted to stab an officer before his arrest. He
faces a life sentence if convicted.
terror suspect gunned down by French police and two others arrested after officer stabbed during special forces raid. A
'fanatical and radicalised' female terrorist suspect was gunned down by French police tonight after stabbing an officer during a police
special forces raid. She was said to be planning an 'imminent attack' before being shot in the head in Boussy-Saint-Antoine, in the
Essonne department, south of Paris. As she was rushed to hospital with potentially life-threatening wounds, two women accomplices
were also arrested.
Glencoe Muslim Threatened to Shoot, Blow Up Walgreens Gets Probation. A Minnesota man was sentenced Wednesday
after he pleaded guilty to threatening to "shoot up" a Walgreens. Twenty-three-year-old Abdul Raheem Habil Ali-Skelton
of Glencoe pleaded guilty to terroristic threats April 25 and was sentenced Wednesday to 28 days in prison, which
he has already served.
Pretends he is at Mass, then he Pulls Out an Axe and Attacks the Priest. A Muslim suicide bomber pretending to
be a Christian at a major Catholic Church surprised everybody when he stood up, ran at and slashed the priest with an axe,
and tried to blow himself up. But in nothing short of a miracle, the bomb just fizzled out and the congregation held
him there until police came.
leader orders extremists crushed after beheading. Abu Sayyaf extremists have beheaded a kidnapped Filipino
villager after a ransom deadline lapsed in their first such brutal act under President Rodrigo Duterte, who pressed an order
for troops to crush the militants.
The Editor says...
Somehow the AP writer left out the words islamist, islamic, and muslim from this report.
OKC man charged in terrorism hoax after allegedly
sending letter containing white powder to a mosque. An Oklahoma City man was charged Wednesday [8/24/2016] with
a felony after he allegedly sent a threatening letter to a mosque containing a white powder meant to be mistaken for
anthrax. Justin William Bouma, 32, was charged in Oklahoma County District Court with the rarely filed felony count
known as the crime of terrorist hoax. Bouma also was charged with one misdemeanor count of malicious injury and
destruction of property.
Another "Islamophobia" hoax crime exposed; mosque member arrested, CAIR imam implicated. An Oklahoma City man
was charged Wednesday [8/24/2016] with a felony after he allegedly sent a threatening letter to a mosque containing a white
powder meant to be mistaken for anthrax. Justin William Bouma, 32, was charged in Oklahoma County District Court with
the rarely filed felony count known as the crime of terrorist hoax. Bouma also was charged with one misdemeanor count
of malicious injury and destruction of property.
Man tried to behead grandparents after church, influenced by radical Muslims. After a preliminary hearing that
lasted under two hours, a judge ruled there was enough evidence to move forward with a trial against Nathaniel Scheiern, who
police said was infatuated with and influenced by radical Islamists when he attacked his grandparents after attending church
with them one weeknight in June of last year.
rabbi stabbed by attacker shouting 'Allah Akbar' in France. A Jewish rabbi has been stabbed by an attacker
shouting "Allahu Akbar" in the city of Strasbourg, sparking fears France has fallen victim to another Islamist-inspired
terror attack. The attacker, who is understood to have been arrested, shouted the Islamic phrase meaning God is great
during the attack, according to reports in French media. The 62-year-old victim, who is described as belonging to the
orthodox Hasidic sect, was injured in the attack in the Jewish Quarter, 500 metres from the Great Synagogue of Strasbourg.
Knife attacker wounds three commuters in early morning train stabbing. Three train passengers have been injured
after a man attacked commuters with a knife on an early morning train in Austria, as Europe remains on high alert for another
terror attack. The stabbing took place on a train near the village of Sulz, in westernmost Vorarlberg province, with
reports the attacker was a 60-year-old German man suffering from mental health problems. The injured passengers —
two of whom were teenagers — were sitting next to the suspect.
take new security measures in face of terror threats. As Father Josiah Trenham prepared to read the Gospel,
several parishioners discreetly scooped up their babies, retreated up the aisles of St. Andrew Orthodox Church and out
into the spring air, so as not to allow the crying of little ones to disturb the divine liturgy. The time-honored
tradition was shattered when a car passed by the Riverside, Calif., church, slowing down as the front passenger leaned out of
his window and bellowed menacingly through a bullhorn, according to witnesses. "Allahu Akbar!" the unidentified man
repeated several times as the unnerved parents drew their infants close and exchanged worried glances.
Metro Transit police officer charged with aiding ISIS. A Washington, D.C., Metro Transit police officer who was
a convert to Islam and once dressed up as Jihadi John for Halloween was charged on Wednesday with trying to provide material
support to ISIS — the first time a law enforcement officer has been charged with an ISIS-related crime.
Virginia resident Nicholas Young, 36, who has served with the department since 2003, was arrested Wednesday morning
[8/3/2016] by FBI agents.
Detroiter built up arsenal, talked of an attack. A Detroit man who allegedly bought high-grade explosives from
an undercover agent after amassing an arsenal of weapons and talking about carrying out an attack was charged Monday [8/1/2016]
following an FBI counterterrorism investigation. It is unclear from court filings whether Sebastian Gregerson, aka Abdurrahman
Bin Mikaayl, was planning an attack and why he allegedly was purchasing explosives from an undercover FBI agent. Court records
chronicle a 16-month undercover investigation that started after a tipster told the FBI that Gregerson, 29, had grenades and bazookas.
FBI: Detroit
man built arsenal, talked attack. A Detroit man who allegedly bought high-grade explosives from an undercover
agent after amassing an arsenal of weapons and talking about carrying out an attack was charged Monday following an FBI
counterterrorism investigation. It is unclear from court filings whether Sebastian Gregerson, aka Abdurrahman Bin
Mikaayl, was planning an attack and why he allegedly was purchasing explosives from an undercover FBI agent.
at German department store as attacker grabs display knife in latest stabbing. A knife-wielding attacker has
carried out a vicious stabbing at a department store in Cologne in the latest act of violence to strike Germany. [...]
Investigators are looking into whether the attacker suffered with mental health problems. There is no indication that
the stabbing was terrorism-related although Germany is on high alert for another Islamist-inspired attack after a string of
incidents in the last 10 days.
The Editor says...
As usual, the authorities are at a loss for any possible motive. The guy must be mentally ill. No evidence of any connection to
terrorism. And there's no mention of the perpetrator's name, either, probably because it would provide too many clues to the obvious.
child rape suspect reportedly bolts to United Arab Emirates before trial. Two days before a man in Washington
state was set to stand trial on charges of raping and molesting a grade-school girl, he reportedly jumped on a flight to the
United Arab Emirates, in a move that outraged the girl's family. Officials weren't alerted to the fact that 49-year-old
Khalid Fathey had left the country before court proceedings got underway in Kennewick on Monday, the Tri-City Herald
reported. The judge waited for more than an hour before releasing jurors and ordering an arrest warrant for Fathey, the
Herald added. U.S. Marshals learned later the suspect had boarded a flight from Seattle to Dubai last Saturday, Deputy
Prosecutor Anita Petra said.
Mall shooting in Swedish Muslim refugee ghetto. A man was shot in the leg around 4pm [7/26/2016] in a shopping
mall in Malmo, Sweden, according to Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, and regional newspaper Sydsvenskan. He has been
transferred by ambulance to the local hospital, and a manhunt is currently underway for the shooter. Police officer
Lotta Svensson said officers initially cordoned off the area and allowed nobody to enter or exit the shopping centre, which
houses shops, restaurants and a major supermarket.
attacker sets off huge car bomb near peacekeeping headquarters in Somalia. Suicide bombers killed at least
seven people in an attack on the African Union's main peacekeeping base in Mogadishu, Somalia on Tuesday, police said.
A car bomb was detonated near the airport on Tuesday morning [7/26/2016]. Another man reportedly exploded when he tried to
storm the base on foot but was shot at the gate. Al Shabaab, the Islamist militant group that is trying to topple the
Western-backed Somali government, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it had killed more than 12 people.
Muslim Man Guns Down
Cop! Why on earth would liberals want to do a stupid thing like hide the fact that a Muslim murdered a cop?! Oh
wait, that's why... it goes against their political agenda. The mainstream media has done everything in its power to
cover up for Islamic terrorism, such as blaming it on the actual guns and not the terrorists themselves to calling it
something else entirely. This is seriously shameful.
Man Guns Down Woman Police Officer. The mainstream media does everything it can to cover for Islamic jihadis,
and for Islam itself. Here a Muslim fired upon a police officer with an AK-47 — and the mainstream media is
silent. It's beyond shameful. This is why I call them the enemedia.
Muslim Man Guns
Down Woman Police Officer — Mainstream Media Silent. Police officers are constantly being disparaged
across the country, and Islam defended. However, in this example, we have police officers working by the book, putting
their lives on the line to protect citizens, and apprehending an armed dangerous criminal alive. By all accounts the
police were the ones in the right, and the Muslim man was the one in the wrong. This type of thing happens every day in
communities across the country. Good luck telling the media that.
Former National Guard Member Arrested For Aiding ISIS. A naturalized U.S. citizen from Sierra Leone who is also
a former member of the Army National Guard is the latest individual arrested for providing material support to ISIS and for
attempting to purchase weapons for an attack on U.S. soil. Mohamed Bailor Jalloh was arrested on July 3 after
purchasing a firearm from a dealership in northern Virginia. Unbeknown to Jalloh, he was under FBI surveillance at time
of the purchase and the weapon was disabled.
ISIS in the Twin Cities.
On June 3, a Minnesota jury returned guilty verdicts against three Somali-Americans who disputed the ISIS-related terrorism
charges brought against them by the office of United States Attorney for Minnesota Andrew Luger. Ten defendants were
initially charged, but six had already pleaded guilty by the time the trial started. The Minnesota trial represents the
largest such case ever brought in the United States, yet the news it generated has been obscured by the June 12 Orlando massacre.
Man jumps on bar screaming about "Allah", customers run for the doors. Customers at the Horsewood's Restaurant
in Caldwell were panicked Friday night [7/1/2016] after a drunk man got up on the bar and "praised Allah as the only god."
[...] They say the young man had been sitting in the bar for awhile when he suddenly climbed up on top of the bar, told
everyone to be quiet, and yelled, "Allah is the only one true god." The Horsewoods say customers immediately bolted
out, running to every door in the restaurant. "It was surreal," Jessie Horsewood said. "There were purses left on
chairs, cell phones left on tables."
Man arrested in conspiracy to commit terrorism in Arizona. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Arizona
Attorney General's Office have arrested an 18-year-old Tucson man they say conspired to carry out acts of terrorism against
government buildings in Maricopa and Pima counties. Mahin Khan was arrested in Tucson following an investigation by the
FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force, according to the FBI. He was booked into Maricopa County jail on suspicion of conspiring
to commit terrorism. Attorney General's Office spokeswoman Mia Garcia and FBI officials said Khan's alleged plans did not
involve the Fourth of July or any related festivities.
State Arrests Growing in Muslim Brotherhood Front Group's Backyard: Indiana. The FBI's June 21 arrest of
an 18-year old-suburban Indianapolis high school student on charges of attempting to join the Islamic State (ISIS) elicited all the
usual protestations of disbelief from local politicos, school spokespeople, and media outlets. To the extent the arrest was
covered at all, it contained rich details of the cooperative steps taken by federal, state, and local enforcement to monitor,
track, and finally arrest the suspected terrorist as he attempted to board a Greyhound Bus. None of the local coverage of
Brownsburg High School student Akram Musleh's arrest made any mention of ties he might have had with local Islamists, let alone
who those Islamists might be. Nor was Musleh the first Muslim arrested in Indianapolis on terror support charges.
Last February, local authorities charged six people with material support for terrorism. In its only story on those arrests,
the Indianapolis Star proclaimed the reason for their presence in Indiana "was unclear."
Woman at LAX Threatens to Bomb America. Like Idaho, without the citizenry, there would have been no
arrest. No media has investigated nor covered this terror threat in the nearly two weeks since it occurred.
warns terrorists may be setting wildfires across American West. Colorado's Black Forest fire is barely
contained at latest reports and has killed at least two people while consuming hundreds of homes and other structures and
forcing the evacuation of more than 38,000 people, but a dozen other significant fires are also burning across the country,
according to the National Interagency Fire Center. Colorado has two other active fires besides the Black Forest blaze,
while New Mexico has five, California and Oregon each have two, and Idaho has one. The NIFC has counted 19,472 fires
through June 14, compared with 24,198 for the same Jan. 1-June 14 period in 2012.
ISIS Jihadists Caught This
Week in California and Indiana. This week Americans were reminded yet again of the growing jihadist problem in the
U.S. The first case deals with two California men that tried to join ISIS and who were convicted Tuesday [6/21/2016] of
"conspiracy to aid a foreign terrorist organization." [...] The second case involves an eighteen-year-old Indiana man who was
arrested Tuesday for "attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)."
of the terror threat: Files show hundreds of US plots, refugee connection. Newly obtained congressional
data shows hundreds of terror plots have been stopped in the U.S. since 9/11 — mostly involving foreign-born
suspects, including dozens of refugees. [...] While the June 12 massacre at an Orlando gay nightclub marked the deadliest
terror attack on U.S. soil since 2001, the data shows America has been facing a steady stream of plots. For the period
September 2001 through 2014, data shows the U.S. successfully prosecuted 580 individuals for terrorism and terror-related
cases. Further, since early 2014, at least 131 individuals were identified as being implicated in terror.
Committee: 580 Terror Convictions in U.S. Since 9/11, 380 Terrorists Are Foreign-Born. [Scroll down] This
information, when considered in light of four major terror attacks in the United States in roughly the past year, alone —
Garland, Texas; Chattanooga, Tennessee; San Bernardino, California; and, Orlando, Florida — makes clear that the United
States lacks the ability to properly screen individuals prior to their arrival to the United States. It further makes clear
that our nation has a serious assimilation problem. Yet, the Obama Administration has not only refused to provide the requested
immigration information of these individuals, but it persists in its desire to continue admitting more aliens from many of these
high-risk areas of the world, including at least 6,000 more Syrian refugees between now and September 30.
Arrested For Making Bomb Threat At Sunrise Mosque. A Broward County woman was arrested by Sunrise Police on
Sunday after she allegedly made several verbal threats against a local mosque. Irina Bihary was taken into custody
around 5 p.m. on Sunday [6/19/2016] after someone inside the mosque called to report her. "She just had very abnormal
behavior of asking very strange questions and texting," said Rabia Khan, the school principal. The incident took place just
hours before the mosque was set to host members to end their daily fast for Ramadan at sunset.
Assaulted Outside Geno's Says Attacker Claimed To Be Member Of ISIS. The incident took place in the early hours
of June 11. Kane, from Jenkintown, said he, his wife and some friends stopped for a steak after a wedding. "My wife's
girlfriend asked the guys at the table can I have a cigarette, and then off they went. Guy got real angry at us," Kane said.
He said that the violence escalated quickly. One of them, he said, claimed that he was a member of ISIS. Then, came the
physical contact. "He just got angry, shoved her and then my wife said don't put hands on a girl and then they hit her," Kane
said. "The guy I was with and I said that's it." However, Kane was outnumbered. Soon, he found himself trying to
fight off a gang.
Man, 29,
arrested at Heathrow Airport on suspicion of terrorism offences. The man, who has not been named, was stopped
as he was about to board a flight to Saudi Arabia this afternoon, Scotland Yard said. He was arrested on suspicion of
"possessing information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism".
Flight MS804: No Random Target. Our short-attention-span security policy is a weak and brittle bulwark against
people willing to wait decades before making their move. It is vital that we understand the enemy we face and focus our
efforts correctly to identify those whose ideology renders him a source of danger. Islam doesn't have a "violence"
problem. That is merely an inevitable downstream consequence of the fundamental principle that animates Islam, that
being a devotion to achieving theological and political supremacy over all the earth and its people, as commanded by
Islam's prophet, Mohammed. This teaching is a core element of Islam and renders it poisonous to humanity. The
violent targeting of innocent non-combatants is simply the tool through which this corrosive teaching finds its expression in
reality. Consequently, any meaningful opposition to terrorist aggression must first recognize and target this teaching
as both illegitimate and illegal to propound. Central to surviving in this new era is the recognition that these
incidents are not isolated events.
FBI foils alleged terror attack at prominent Florida synagogue. A man who may have converted to Islam planned
to throw an explosive device into a prominent Florida synagogue on Friday [4/29/2016], authorities said, but the FBI
reportedly caught him before he could carry out the alleged plot. [...] FBI agents found out about the threat and used a
confidential source to set up a sting and catch Medina, WSVN reported.
Terror attack at South Florida synagogue foiled by FBI; 1 arrested. Islamic Jew-hatred — it's in the Quran.
Of course, the bomb plot was planned for Passover. How Islamic. The jihadi was a convert to Islam. Again we ask the obvious
question: how is it that millions of Muslims and Muslim converts "misunderstand" Islam in exactly the same way? They understand all
too well. The problem is in Islam. And so we can't talk about the problem.
man, 20, pleads guilty to supporting ISIS. Adnan Abdihamid Farah pleaded guilty Thursday [4/14/2016] in federal court in
Minneapolis to providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization. Three other counts were dropped.
Suicide Bombers Dead in Thwarted Attack on Russian Police Station. Three suicide bombers have died in an
attempted attack on a police station in Russia's Stavropol region, the Interfax news agency reported Monday [4/11/2016].
The militants attempted to gain entry to the building of the Novoselitsky district department of the interior building in
Russia's North Caucasus region. "During the attempted attack, two militants were killed and one managed to detonate a
device," Interfax reported, citing a statement from the regional prosecutor Yury Turygin.
Attempted Suicide Bomber Shows Country's Growing Jihadist Problem. On April 7, 2016, 20-year old Swedish
national was formally charged from an arrest this past February 11 of trying to buy materials to build an explosive.
The suspect denies the charges that he is a terrorist. However, prosecutors have laid out a case saying that the jihadist
had a carefully planned a major attack on Sweden and that his intentions were to hurt the country. Prosecutor Ewameri
Haggkvist noted that the suspects own family heard him pledged loyalty to the Islamic State (IS) and expressing a willingness
to committee a suicide bombing. He reportedly told authorities that he wanted to die a martyr. He also noted that
the suspected had been stopped in Turkey twice in June 2015 for trying to enter Syria and deported back to Sweden.
Devices Similar to Pipe Bombs Found on Power Lines. Devices that authorities say looked like pipe bombs but
were intended to start a fire rather than an explosion were found hanging from power lines in Massachusetts. The
devices were found Wednesday when the Tyngsboro Fire Department responded to a brush fire and noticed the items hanging from
National Grid lines. Harold Shaw, special agent in charge of the FBI's Boston division, said multiple incendiary
devices "similar in structure to pipe bombs" were found, but were determined to be "non-explosive" early Thursday morning
[3/31/2016] and have been rendered safe.
driver guilty of preparing ISIS terror attack on US military in Britain. A delivery driver is facing a life
sentence after being found guilty of preparing to carry out an Islamic State (ISIS) terror attack in Britain. Junead
Khan, of Luton, was found guilty at Kingston Crown Court today of preparing to attack US military personnel in Britain.
The 25-year-old used his job with a pharmaceutical firm as cover to scout United States Air Force bases in East Anglia, his
trial heard.
bomber kills 65, mostly women, children in Pakistan park. Pakistan has decided to launch a paramilitary
crackdown on Islamist militants in Punjab, the country's richest and most populous province, after an Easter Day bombing
killed 70 people in the provincial capital Lahore, officials said on Monday [3/28/2016]. Sunday's suicide bombing at a
public park was claimed by the Pakistani Taliban's Jamaat-ur-Ahrar faction, which once declared loyalty to Islamic State. The
group said it was targeting Christians.
least 65 dead and 300 injured after a Taliban suicide bomber targeted Christians celebrating Easter in a park in Pakistan. More
than 70 people, including 29 children, have been killed by a Taliban suicide bomber who targeted Christians near a children's playground
in a park in Pakistan. Some 300 people were injured when explosives packed with ball bearings ripped through crowds near the children's
swings in the Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park, in Lahore, where many had gathered to celebrate Easter. Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a splinter group affiliated with
the Pakistani Taliban, has claimed responsibility for the attack, adding: 'The target was Christians.' Senior police official Haider
Ashraf confirmed that the death toll had risen to 72 on Monday morning [3/28/2016], adding the majority of the dead were Muslims.
Department charges several Iranians in 2013 hacking of New York dam. Seven hackers tied to the Iranian government were charged
Thursday [3/24/2016] in a series of punishing cyberattacks on a small dam outside New York City and on dozens of banks — intrusions
that reached into American infrastructure and disrupted the financial system, federal law enforcement officials said. The hackers were
charged in indictments unsealed and announced at a Justice Department news conference in Washington. All seven worked for Iranian computer
companies that did work on behalf of the Iranian government, the U.S. said.
The Media's Willful
Blindness about Islam. As the dire threat of Islamic Jihad continues to escalate on our own soil, we continue
to witness mass denial within the West's leadership, media and culture about the Islamic nature of Islamic terror. Just
recently in Canada, for instance, a Muslim male, Ayanle Hassan Ali, walked into a Canadian Forces office in north Toronto and
attacked several soldiers with a large knife, screaming "Allah told me to do this. Allah told me to come here and kill
people!" while he was stabbing the soldiers. Authorities are still searching for a motive of why Ayanle Hassan Ali engaged
in this attack. Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders has made it clear, meanwhile, that the highest priority must be to avoid
"Islamophobia" in reaction to Ali stabbing Canadian soldiers and screaming Allah's name while doing so.
attacker said 'Allah' while wounding service members during Canadian Armed Forces recruitment center stabbing.
The assailant in a Toronto military recruitment center stabbing said "Allah" as he wounded two members of the Canadian Armed
Forces during an "unprovoked attack," according to a local report. The 27-year-old suspect was taken into custody after
stabbing a uniformed soldier stationed at the North York federal building's front counter at 3:30 p.m. Monday. While
a motive has not been determined, authorities are not ruling out terrorism. "Certain comments were made by this gentleman
while held in custody before the police arrived that has caused some concern," Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders said at a
media briefing following the assaults. "This has caused us to look at the motive beyond the attack."
Driver Charged With Murder in
Collision That Killed Jogger in Walnut: DA. A 36-year-old West Covina man was charged with murder Wednesday [2/17/2016] in connection
with a collision that left a jogger dead in Walnut earlier the week. Haissam Massalkhy was expected to be arraigned in court in Pomona on one
count of murder, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office announced.
arrested on suspicion of murder in collision that killed a jogger in Walnut. A driver was arrested Monday on
suspicion of murder after he allegedly struck and killed a man who was jogging in Walnut, authorities said. [...] The driver,
Haissan Massalkhy, 36, of West Covina, was detained at the scene for questioning by detectives. He was later arrested
and was being held on $1-million bail.
Chi Shao, 59. Chi Shao, a 59-year-old Asian man, died on
Monday, Feb. 15, after he was struck by a car on La Puente Road, just west of Citadel Drive in Walnut, according to Los Angeles County
coroner's records. [...] The man police said was driving the Camry, Haissan Massalkhy, a 36-year-old Lebanese man who lives in West
Covina, did not appear to be injured, Jauch said. Massalkhy was taken to a hospital for medical clearance before he was arrested
on suspicion of murder.
Did he intentionally kill jogger?
Driver charged with murder. [Scroll down] The jogger was carried on the hood of the car for several
yards, until the Camry went off the road at Citadel Drive and smashed through the backyard wall of a home on Barnard Avenue,
said Lt. Steve Jauch of the sheriff's Homicide Bureau. Deputies were dispatched in response to a call from a homeowner
in the 20200 block of Barnard Avenue, and Shao was pronounced dead at the scene. The incident appears to have been
intentional, though Shao and Massalkhy did not know each other, sheriff's Lt. David Buckner said.
ISIS Supporter 'Tried to Shoot Up' 6,000-Member Church, FBI Says. Federal authorities have arrested a Michigan man they say is an ISIS supporter
who wanted to carry out an attack on a 6,000-member Detroit church. [...] The FBI had been monitoring Abu-Rayyan for months because of his "increasingly violent
threats" about committing acts of terror and martyrdom against churchgoers and police officers on behalf of ISIS. In addition to the alleged online
conversations with the undercover agent, Abu-Rayyan purportedly used Twitter to express solidarity with the terror group.
The Editor says...
Hooray! The FBI foils another of its own plots. Do you feel safer now?
of suspect in Masonic temple massacre plot says FBI set him up. The mother of a man accused of planning a mass
shooting at a Masonic temple in Milwaukee says her son was set up by the FBI. Despite a federal criminal complaint
describing Samy Mohamed Hamzeh as a Muslim extremist, Khawla Hamzeh said her 23-year-old son is immature, not very religious
and was just trying to convince his friends he was tough.
Thwarts Mass Shooting Planned At Masonic Temple in Milwaukee. Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested a Milwaukee man who
planned a mass shooting, according to a release by United States Attorney's Office of Eastern District of Wisconsin. Samy Mohamed
Hamzeh, 23, has been charged with possessing machine guns and a silencer. In October 2015, Hamzeh planned to travel to Jordan, enter
the West Bank and conduct an attack on Israeli soldiers and citizens living in the West Bank. Hamzeh later abandoned those plans and
began to focus on conducting an attack in the United States. During recorded conversations, Hamzeh explained that he wanted to commit
a domestic act of violence on a Masonic Temple in Milwaukee.
Islam and Islamism in America in 2015: Part I. [For example,]
January 7: Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed, a 41-year-old Muslim armed with two knives taped to his legs, attempted to buy a plane ticket at the
Port Columbus International Airport in Columbus, Ohio. Abdul-Rasheed was shot after he lunged at a police officer. Police said his behavior
was "consistent with someone who intended to hijack an aircraft."
agent says Iraqi refugee wanted to bomb Texas malls. An Iraqi refugee who is facing charges he tried to help
the Islamic State group wanted to set off bombs at two Houston malls and was learning to make electronic transmitters that
could be used to detonate explosive devices, a federal agent testified Wednesday [1/13/2016].
identify 113 radicalized terrorists in U.S.. Sens. Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions said Monday [1/11/2016] the number of people
implicated in radical Islamic terrorist plots in the U.S. has jumped to 113, and they said it's yet another reason to impose tighter immigration
controls. The senators have been trying to pry loose from the administration the immigration histories of those individuals, saying the
public has a right to know how each of them entered the U.S. and what level of scrutiny they got.
Us Your Huddled Masses — As Long As They Aren't Wearing Suicide Vests. Two Muslim refugees, one from Syria, another from Iraq,
have been arrested on charges related to terrorism. One was captured in Sacramento, California, the other in Houston, Texas. If nothing else,
the arrests should dispel any notion that those coming into our country from places like Syria are simply widows and orphans seeking a better life.
And yet President Obama continues to insist that we bring these people into our communities.
House: Arrest of Iraqi refugees won't affect Obama's plan to accept more from Middle East. The White House said
Friday the arrest of two Iraqi refugees on terrorism charges won't deter President Obama's plans to accept 10,000 Syrian
refugees this year. [...] Prosecutors said Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, a Palestinian born in Iraq who came to the U.S. as a
refugee from Syria in October 2012, later traveled back to Syria to train with extremists, then lied to immigration officials
about it later. Officials also indicted Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan, a Palestinian born in Iraq, on three counts of
attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State.
Update: 'You
don't add a bit of value, do you?': Texas judge berates government lawyers. [Scroll down] The case that
caused the judicial kerfuffle involves Omar Faraj Saeed al-Hardan, 24, a Palestinian born in Iraq, who was charged with
attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State. The prosecution got off to a bad start almost immediately.
At a detention hearing last month, a Department of Homeland Security agent testified that Hardan had wanted to blow up a pair
of Houston malls. Prosecutors subsequently had to correct that testimony and the FBI later issued an embarrassing news release
saying that although Hardan had discussed future targets, "there was never any active or planned plot targeting a specific location
in Houston or elsewhere." The detention hearing also didn't pass without [U.S. District Judge Lynn Nettleton] Hughes counting
what he considered 11 nonessential government employees in his courtroom, according to an account of the proceeding.
New Year's Terror Attack Is 76th Islamist Plot in US Since 9/11. Emanuel Lutchman was arrested Dec. 30 for his
support of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and his planned attack New Year's Eve in Rochester, N.Y. Authorities
said Lutchman, a resident of Rochester, planned to attack a local restaurant/bar armed only with a machete, knives, and supplies
to take hostages. This marks the 76th Islamist-inspired terror attack/plot on the United States since 9/11 and the 13th in
2015 — making 2015 the year with the greatest number of attacks or plots over the past 14 years.
Yelling 'Allahu Akbar' While Driving Into Troops Not Charged with Terrorism. Relax. The "Frenchman of Tunisian
descent" (as Reuters described him) who drove his car at French troops — who were, ironically enough, guarding a
mosque — was no terrorist. He just had a "fit of anger" according to Prosecutor Alex Perrin of Valence, the city
in which the attack occurred. Perrin says it was a spontaneous thing: ["]He explained that when he parked his car
in front of the mosque and saw the soldiers, he got the urge to ram into them because French troops are killing civilians in Syria.["]
Ah, sure. No problem, then. Any "Frenchman" would react that way, n'est-ce pas? What's more, Perrin said
"he doesn't claim to be part of an Islamist movement." Then he must not be, right?
Suspected militants target tourists in knife
attack at hotel resort in Egypt. At least three tourists have been stabbed by the attackers, who arrived outside the beach resort by boat.
Security forces opened fire at the attackers, killing one and seriously wounding the other, according to Egyptian interior ministry. Two attackers reportedly
holding black ISIS flags burst into the hotel lobby before attacking tourists in the hotel in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Hurghada. The assailants
travelled by sea to carry out the shocking attack in the upmarket Bella Vista hotel which is popular with European tourists.
ISIS knife-wielding man shouting 'Allahu Akbar' shot dead in
Paris on Charlie Hebdo anniversary. Police in Paris have shot a man dead who tried to enter a police station armed with a knife, shouting
"Allahu Akbar." The man was found to be carrying a cellphone and a paper with an Islamic State flag, the Paris prosecutor says. The man was
carrying a butcher's knife and wore a fake explosive vest, AP reported. He was identified by officials as 20-year-old Sallah Ali. The man
was originally from Casablanca in Morocco, and was reportedly homeless at the time of his death.
Christmas tree petrol-bombed in Belgium by youth
shouting 'Allahu Akbar'. While the city of Brussels was on lockdown on New Year's Eve due to an increased terror threat level, it
didn't stop a gang of teenagers from vandalizing a Christmas tree in the Anderlecht area of the city, sparking outrage and fear among locals.
A video of the incident, which was posted across a number of social media platforms, shows a group of youths surrounding a Christmas tree before
setting it ablaze with what appears to have been a petrol bomb.
university reopens after extremists killed 148 people. A university where Islamic extremists killed 148 people
nine months ago reopened on Monday [1/4/2016], an event welcomed by many Kenyans as a victory against the jihadis. "Just by
opening the university we have won the war against al-Shabab," said Khadija Mohamed, who was a counselor at the school when it
was attacked last April, and who was among the returning staff and faculty.
ISIS attacker arrested in New York. A 25-year-old U.S. citizen on Wednesday [12/30/2015] was arrested for
allegedly plotting a New Year's Eve terror attack on behalf of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Emanuel
Lutchman, an ex-con Muslim convert who suffers from mental illness, was allegedly planning to attack and kill civilians
with a machete at diners and restaurants in Rochester, N.Y., according to court documents.
2 Muslims arrested after bar fight, threatened to "kidnap an American and behead him". Two men are facing
charges after Volusia County deputies said they started a fight at a bar Wednesday night [12/23/2015]. Staff at the Jus'
Beachy Bar on Ocean Shore Boulevard claimed they refused to serve alcohol to 54-year-old Faisal Albagdadi and 30-year-old Ahmed
Hindi after they walked into the bar already drunk. [...] The arrest report showed that not only did Hindi deny initiating the bar
fight, deputies said Albagdadi was uncooperative and threatened to "kidnap an American and behead him, once he's released from jail."
Cyberattacks Expose Alarming New Risks; Is Obama Paying Attention? First we learned that in 2013 Iranian
hackers had gained access to the control system of the Bowman Avenue Dam — which is less than 20 miles from New
York City. [...] Then we learned that Juniper Networks had suffered a major breach, which involved installing back doors on
computer equipment to track communications across private networks using Juniper's system. [...] And now we learn that
hackers — believed to be from Iran — were able to break their way into networks running the U.S. power grid.
hidden jihad. The police and press did an impressive job of sleuthing into the lives and motives of Syed Rizwan
Farook and Tashfeen Malik, the married couple who massacred 14 people on Dec. 2, in San Bernardino, Calif. [...] But what
about the case of Yusuf Ibrahim? In early 2013, when he was 27, this Egyptian-born Muslim lived in Jersey City, when he
allegedly shot, then cut off the heads and hands and knocked the teeth out of two Coptic Christians, Hanny F. Tawadros and
Amgad A. Konds, then buried them in Buena Vista Township, N.J. He is charged with two counts each of murder, felony murder,
kidnapping, robbery, desecration of human remains, and other crimes. In addition, he has pleaded guilty to a Dec. 22, 2011,
carjacking and a Sept. 20, 2012, armed robbery, both in Jersey City (in the latter, he shot his victim in the foot).
Early in 2015, he was sentenced to 18 years in prison for these later crimes.
suspect to plead guilty to plotting attack on Guard base. First, Jonas Edmonds dropped off his cousin at Midway
Airport to catch a flight to Egypt. Then, he returned to his cousin's Aurora home to collect the uniforms Hasan Edmonds
once wore as a member of the Illinois National Guard. After the feds arrested him, Jonas Edmonds lied about his cousin's
trip to Egypt. He told authorities, "He's going to visit a friend or wherever he's going. I don't know.
Somebody. He's trying to move there."
passenger 'shouting he wants to join Allah tries to force his way into cockpit'. Passengers had to overpower a
man on board a flight after he allegedly threatened to enter the cockpit of a plane. The man, believed to be Jordanian,
reportedly shouted that he wished to join Allah before trying to open the door on the Lufthansa plane flying from Frankfurt
to Belgrade. He was retained in the business class section of the plane by passengers including the Serbian national
handball team and held under "guard".
Muslim Man Tries To Hijack Plane And Crash It. An American Muslim man of Jordanian descent tried to hijack a
German plan and crash it down, screaming "I want to meet Allah," but luckily a group of Eastern Orthodox Christian men from
Serbia took him down and beat him up. He first knocked on the door and tried to get inside, when they did not open the door,
he began to try to smash it open, screaming, "I want to meet my god (Allah)!". He then threatened to open one of the doors of
the plane. The Muslim also said that he wanted to take all of the passengers "to Allah." The attacker held a US passport
and went by the name "Laken." The plane was a German Lufthansa airliner, flying from Frankfurt to Belgrade.
Mother Active In Pro-Caliphate Islamic Group. Rafia Farook, the mother of San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook, is an active
member of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a Muslim organization that promotes the establishment of a caliphate and has ties to a radical
Pakistani political group called Jamaat-e-Islami. Farook's affiliation with ICNA was revealed on Friday [12/4/2015] when MSNBC and other new[s]
outlets scoured the Farooks' apartment in Redlands, Cal. An MSNBC reporter found a certificate of appreciation presented to Safia Farook last
summer by ICNA's sisters' wing.
Are All The Gun Laws That Didn't Stop The San Bernardino Shooters. As the left continues to move in lockstep in their calls
for more gun control in the wake of the San Bernardino attack, it's important to note that there were already multiple gun laws in place
in the state that failed to stop the shooters. Here's the list. [...]
Man accused of kidnapping, terrorizing, and sexual assault uttered "Allah Akbar," during assault. The man accused of
kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman at Gordy's Travel Plaza in Mapleton, North Dakota refused to show up to court this
morning. A Cass County Sheriff Deputy tells us they will try again to get Abdulrahman Ali out of his jail cell and in front
of the judge. If Ali refuses they may use probable cause and set bail. Ali is facing 5 felony counts including[:]
gross sexual imposition, kidnapping, aggravated assault, and two counts of terrorizing.
Arrested in London Stabbing Attack Had ISIS Propaganda, 'San Bernardino Material' on Phone. I wrote on Sunday
[12/6/2015] about a stabbing in an east London Tube station the day before, which was being described at the time as a
"terrorist incident." Now, investigators are revealing the contents of the mobile phone belonging to the suspect,
who has been identified as 29-year-old Muhaydin Mire, and what they've found is pretty shocking.
at a London subway called a 'terrorist incident'. British police were investigating a stabbing at an east
London subway station Saturday evening as a "terrorist incident" after the attacker reportedly claimed he had acted "for
Syria." The stabbing, which came just three days after the British Parliament approved airstrikes in Syria against
Islamic State targets, left three people injured — one seriously. British media outlets reported that the
seriously wounded victim had been stabbed in the throat. Two other people were treated for minor injuries.
with 'machete' shouts 'this is for Syria' as he slashes Londoner's throat. A man was stabbed in the ticket hall
at Leytonstone station this evening by another man who witnesses say shouted "This is for Syria" as he slashed his throat.
Another man was also injured and a woman threatened with the knife during the incident at around 7.20pm on Saturday night
[12/5/2015]. Distressed passers-by called the police who say they arrived on the scene within five minutes to find
the man armed with the knife who also threatened them.
goes on tirade against Jews before attacking owner of Jewish bookstore on Upper West Side: officials. An unhinged man who railed
against Jews attacked the owner of a Jewish bookstore on the Upper West Side, officials said Tuesday [12/1/2015]. The attacker claimed he
was Muslim as he struck his 52-year-old victim in the face, officials said. "F--- the Jews!" he screamed repeatedly during the Monday
afternoon attack at the West Side Judaica and Bookstore on Broadway near W. 89th St., officials said.
man gets 40 years for NYC subway terror plot. A Pakistani man was sentenced to 40 years in prison Tuesday [11/24/2015]
for his role in a failed al Qaeda bomb plot targeting sites in Europe and the United states, including the New York City subway system.
Abid Naseer, 29, is the eighth defendant to be charged in this case, CBS News' Paula Reid reports. Prosecutors say the planned attack
was directed and coordinated with senior Al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan and also involved other targets in Europe.
foreign nationals arrested during Braceville turnpike traffic stop; passports surrendered. Five foreign nationals were
arrested in Braceville Township last Friday and they were charged with possessing criminal tools and forgery. [...] The five men
arrested were Jibril Abdiselam, 24; Mohammeddeq Hassan, 27; Mohamed Mahamoud, 26; Zakaria Warsame, 25; and Said Abu.
ISIS Terrorist Released in Plea Deal
Months Ago in Illinois. The Paris terrorist attacks bring to mind the frightening case of an Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) operative
arrested in Chicago last fall and released earlier this year to serve probation in Illinois for a state crime that secretly drew federal intervention.
His name is Emad Karakrah, the ringleader of a sophisticated narco-terror operation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) facilitated his release from
Cook County Jail in January. Judicial Watch uncovered Karakrah's terrorism record and has reported extensively on his extremist activities, including a 2009
plot to bomb talk-show host Oprah Winfrey's Chicago studios and the iconic Sears Tower.
seventy are arrested in America over ISIS plots. US authorities have charged at least 66 men and women with ISIS-related terror plots on American
soil — including a handful of refugees, Daily Mail Online can reveal. The terror group has set its sights on Washington, D.C. as it vows to further
infiltrate the West and ramp up its blood-soaked offensive.
The Editor says...
Isn't it a little odd that the U.S. news media hasn't mentioned this?
Was ISIS Terror Operative Nihad Rosic Arrested in Plainfield, Indiana? Six individuals of Bosnian origin from
St. Louis; Rockford, Illinois; and Utica, New York, were indicted last month on charges of supplying money and equipment to
the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). And yet late last week it was revealed that one of those terror suspects,
Nihad Rosic, who is also one of two suspects additionally charged with conspiring to kill and maim others in a foreign
country and had attempted to board a plane back in July 2014 to fly to Syria to join ISIS, had actually been apprehended
in the small town of Plainfield, Indiana, right outside Indianapolis.
Held In Australia Over Terror-Linked Shooting. Five people were arrested in Australia on Wednesday [10/7/2015] over the
fatal terror-linked murder of a police employee, after coordinated raids by more than 200 officers on properties across Sydney. Those
seized in the dawn operation were aged between 16 and 24 and now face questioning over Friday's [10/2/2015] shooting of Curtis Cheng.
Shooter Kills Two in "Gun-Free" Australia. After the shooting in Oregon this weekend, an angry Obama took to
the airwaves and insisted that he would openly politicize gun control. The president cited Australia, a country with
extremely strict gun control as a model. Would you believe bad guys can get guns even there? [...] At the time of this
writing, none of the major news outlets have posted anything about this on their official YouTube channels.
police kill Islamic extremist after knife attack. German police shot and killed a known Islamic extremist after he threatened
passers-by and attacked an officer with a knife on the streets of Berlin, officials said Thursday [9/17/2015].
The FBI successfully thwarts its own Terrorist plot. The FBI is
obviously quite pleased with itself over its arrest of a 19-year-old Somali-American, Mohamed Osman Mohamud, who — with
months of encouragement, support and money from the FBI's own undercover agents — allegedly attempted to detonate a bomb
at a crowded Christmas event in Portland, Oregon. Media accounts are almost uniformly trumpeting this event exactly as the FBI
describes it. Loyalists of both parties are doing the same, with Democratic Party commentators proclaiming that this proves
how great and effective Democrats are at stopping The Evil Terrorists, while right-wing polemicists point to this arrest as yet
more proof that those menacing Muslims sure are violent and dangerous. What's missing from all of these celebrations is
an iota of questioning or skepticism.
The USS Cole: Twelve years later, no justice
or understanding. One thing about kids is that overall they have much less history which can be challenged
through examination of the evidence provided by experiences and relationships. What we know about them comes from brief
periods of their independence for which the official investigations provide all the information. This ability to control the
story could be why, since 9/11, we have seen the FBI caught in several attempts to entrap teenagers in terrorist plots manufactured
by the FBI itself.
Six months earlier... Agents'
chatter in Osmakac sting skirts line between protection, entrapment. Months after Sami
Osmakac started serving a 40-year sentence for terrorism, debate continues over the FBI sting
operation that landed him in prison. Was Osmakac a mentally ill, penniless radical incapable of
causing serious harm or a dangerous would-be terrorist stopped before he could strike? Newly
disclosed transcripts of private conversations among FBI investigators provide fuel for both
scenarios while highlighting the dual challenge law enforcement faces in taking the time to
build a legal case while protecting the public.
Men Detained In Texas After Disrupting Flight From San Diego To Chicago. A Southwest Airlines flight from San
Diego to Chicago was diverted to Amarillo, Texas, late Monday night, after six passengers became unruly during the flight.
[...] The men who were detained were being processed at the Randall County Jail and charged with interference with a flight
crew, police said. They have been identified as Saiman Hermez, 19; Jonathan Khalid Petras, 20; Ghazwan Asaad Shaba, 21;
Essa Solaqa, 20; Khalid Yohana, 19; and Wisam Imad Shaker, 23. They are all from the San Diego area.
man charged with terroristic threats in alleged assault on deputy. A Hancock County deputy is recovering from
minor injuries after being attacked by a man who claimed there was a bomb in his car. The man accused of attacking the
deputy is 32-year-old Safa Alidoust of Lafayette, Louisiana. Hancock County Chief Deputy Don Bass said the incident took
place about 2:30 a.m. [8/30/2015] on I-10 west near the state line. Bass said that the deputy was responding to a call
of a naked man on the side of the road, and found Alidoust shirtless next to a car. When the deputy began to approach him
to see if he was OK or if he was having car trouble, the man allegedly charged him.
10 Things American Families Can Learn
from Mississippi ISIS Arrests. This month's arrest of a young Mississippi couple who allegedly tried to run off to the Islamic State
together provides textbook examples of how ISIS tries to lure Westerners to jihad. Jaelyn Young, 19, and Muhammad Dakhlalla, 22, of Starkville
have been charged with conspiring and attempting to provide material support to ISIS. A judge denied bond for the couple last week.
Organizing Small Armies Inside America. The FBI's arrest of a group of New Jersey and New York Muslims trying
to organize a "small army" for the Islamic State leaves little doubt we are facing a full-blown Islamic insurgency inside our
borders. According to a just-released federal criminal complaint, five young Muslim men tied to IS were busted conspiring
to recruit a small army for the terror group in New Jersey and New York. The busts bring to 70 the number of IS-inspired
terrorists arrested in this country in homeland plots.
authorities allege Oregon imam assisted radicals. Mohamed Sheikh Abdirahman Kariye raised money, recruited
fighters and provided training for insurgent groups battling Soviet forces in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the U.S. Department
of Justice says in a complaint filed Monday [7/20/2015] in U.S. District Court in Portland.
Was a Significant Terrorist Attack in France This Week and the Mainstream Media Hasn't Even Bothered
Telling You. Three deliberate, simultaneous explosions rocked a major petrochemical
plant in France on Bastille Day, but as usual it is still 'too early to talk about terrorism'.
Despite the nature and severity of the attack, which French investigations have conceded was deliberate
and with a delicious turn of French understatement "malicious", yesterday's explosions at the Berre L'Etang
refinery in second city Marseilles failed to make the front page of a single English-language newspaper this
morning. The explosions took place on Tuesday morning [7/14/2015] and set alight two enormous petrochemical
tanks which stood half a kilometre apart, immediately ruling out the possibility of blaming an industrial accident.
shootings, and two very different media reactions. Newsrooms demonstrated remarkable
caution this week and avoided speculation about the motives of Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, 24, who
went on a shooting spree in Chattanooga, Tenn., killing four U.S. Marines and injuring several more.
The same cannot be said, however, for how the press reacted in February when three Arab-American teens were
shot and killed in Chapel Hill, N.C., over what turned out to be a parking dispute. In that case, many
in media appeared to suggest that the motive was anti-Muslim sentiment. But when news broke Thursday [7/16/2015]
that there was a mass casualty event in Chattanooga, the media was careful not to jump to conclusions based on
Abdulazeez's name or the fact that he was a naturalized citizen from Kuwait. "I know we don't know the
motive of this young man," MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell said during a broadcast shortly after the attack.
US veteran's call to arms after Chattanooga
shooting. The shooting deaths of four US Marines in Chattanooga has once again thrust
the gun debate into the spotlight. When former Medal of Honor winner Dakota Meyer posted a pro-gun
message on Facebook, it generated a huge reaction online — illustrating how many here see the issue.
to Radicalization'? Start with His Name. Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the Kuwaiti-born
Muslim who murdered four Marines in the American heartland, apparently felt insouciant enough to travel
back and forth to the Middle East on at least a couple of occasions. You read that right: the
crack fondlers at the TSA harass little old ladies and children, but a member of the same ummah
that attacked the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, is free to come and go as he pleases without
setting off any politically incorrect alarm bells.
They're going waaaay out on a limb, to state the obvious. Feds
looking into Tenn. shooting as act of terror. The probe into the deadly attack on two
military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee, was being treated as a terrorism investigation,
federal authorities said Friday [7/17/2015]. "We will continue to investigate it as an act of
terrorism until the proof shows us otherwise," U.S. Attorney Bill Killian said.
of Boston police captain allegedly involved in terror plot. The son of a Boston police
captain was an ISIS supporter who planned to set off an improvised explosive device and was arrested
after illegally purchasing four firearms on July 4, according to a Justice Department press release
and MyFoxBoston. Authorities say 23-year-old Alexander Ciccolo, who also went by the name Ali Al
Amriki and posted about martyrdom on Facebook, spoke about setting off an explosive device "in places
where large numbers of people congregate, such as college cafeterias." He was seen purchasing
a pressure cooker similar to the kind used by the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing.
Officer Involved Shooting at MSP International
Airport, 2 Hospitalized. An officer and one other person were hospitalized following a
shooting at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Saturday night [4/25/2015]. [...] Once
officers arrived and began investigating, police said a vehicle intentionally drove at them, resulting
in the officers opening fire on the vehicle. Abdulkadir Sheikh Mahmoud, 36, was the driver of
the vehicle and faces aggravated assault charges.
ISIS-Inspired Women Arrested in NYC for Allegedly Trying to Build Bomb. Federal
authorities have arrested two women who were allegedly planning to detonate a bomb somewhere in the
United States after being radicalized at least in part by ISIS, sources familiar with the arrests
told ABC News. The public was never in danger, as it was all part of a lengthy undercover FBI
operation. And court documents suggest any plotting was more aspirational than operational.
cleric's co-conspirator pleads guilty in plot to set up terror camp. The right-hand
man of the terrorist known as "Hook" pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court on Monday [3/30/2015].
Haroon Aswat, of Yorkshire, England, copped to providing material support to al Qaeda and conspiring
with prosthetic-hand-wearing criminal Abu Hamza al-Masri in 1999 and early 2000. He faces a maximum
of 20 years. Aswat, 40, said at his plea agreement that he conspired with Hamza and others to
create a training camp in the rural area of Bly, Ore., in the fall of 1999.
Muslim National Guardsman Convert Plotted to Kill 100 Soldiers. Hasan Edmonds
converted to Islam and began calling himself Hasan Rasheed. Rasheed/Edmonds abandoned his allegiance
and his oath and turned traitor, plotting to join ISIS and kill Americans. [...] According to the
FBI complaint, Hasan Edmonds told an undercover agent "honestly we would love to do something like
the brothers in Paris did," which the FBI said is a reference to the Jan. 7 terrorist attack
on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper by two brothers.
Evening News Omits United Flight Passenger Was Screaming About Jihad. All three of the
major broadcast networks covered during their Tuesday night [3/17/2015] newscasts the story of
unruly passenger abroad a United Airlines flight from the day before, but it was the CBS Evening
News that left out the key detail that the man was screaming about Jihad and there being a bomb
abroad the plane. In what should have an easy story to cover and then move on, anchor Scott
Pelley created another case of media bias in labeling by not providing any real details as to what
the man was doing while competitors ABC's World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News
mentioned it multiple times.
of Islam kill five in Mali restaurant terror attack. Five people have been killed by
jihadists at a nightclub in Mali's capital of Bamako. The assault was carried out with machine guns
and hand grenades, according to the BBC. One Belgian, one French, and three Malian nationals were
killed, with three Swiss nationals wounded in the attack, the first of its kind in Bamako. The
number of attackers is unknown and the assailants were able to leave the scene.
fears as sophisticated mystery tunnel is found yards from Toronto stadium. A sophisticated tunnel
has been discovered near a major sports venue and a university in Toronto, sparking new terror fears as Canada
remains on edge over the threat of possible extremist attacks. A municipal worker was walking through woods
close to the city's Rexall Centre last month when he spotted a piece of corrugated metal on the ground, the public
broadcaster CBC said on Monday [2/23/2015]. After lifting up the metal, he uncovered the passageway, also
situated near York University.
teen charged with lying to federal agents over suspicious trip to Turkey. A Minnesota
man pulled off an airplane bound for Turkey last year has been charged with repeatedly lying to
federal agents investigating the recruitment of young US residents to join Islamist militant groups,
prosecutors said on Thursday [2/5/2015].
Attacker Stabs Passengers on Tel Aviv Bus. A knife-wielding Palestinian stabbed 11
morning commuters on and near a bus Wednesday, striking in the heart of Tel Aviv and reigniting
fears of continued violence ahead of Israeli elections in March.
York man sentenced to 15 years for aiding al Qaeda. A New York man accused of directing an
associate to conduct surveillance of the New York Stock Exchange at the behest of an al Qaeda operative
was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Tuesday in New York federal court. Wesam El-Hanafi, 39, was
arrested in April 2010 along with the associate, Sabirhan Hasanoff, a dual U.S.-Australian citizen. El-Hanafi
pleaded guilty in June 2010 to providing material support to terrorists and conspiring to provide such support.
accused of stealing F-35 fighter secrets for Iran. The freight cost was barely $1700. But
nestled inside an otherwise bland shipping container sat a cargo of secret blueprints sensitive enough to put
to waste billions of Australian taxpayer dollars. American Mozaffar Khazaee is accused of stealing design
plans for the Joint Strike Fighter — the F-35A Lightning II, billed as the next generation in stealth air
warfare — and seeking to ship them to Iran. Thousands of pages of engine schematics, technical manuals,
diagrams and other as yet undisclosed detail had been secreted away in 44 boxes of documents.
al-Qaida claims responsibility for Paris attack. Yemen's al-Qaida branch on Wednesday [1/14/2015]
claimed responsibility for last week's massacre at a Paris satirical newspaper, with one of its top commanders
saying the assault was in revenge for the weekly's publications of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, considered
an insult in Islam.
in custody following situation at DAS North America in Montgomery. A suspect is in
custody following a situation that developed at a business in the Montgomery Industrial Complex in
East Montgomery Friday morning [1/9/2015]. Investigators say they've taken Amadi Jihad Webster
into custody related to the situation at DAS North America. He's charged with carrying a gun
without a permit.
Plows Through Christmas Shoppers, While Driver Shouts 'Allahu akbar'. Less than 24 hours after
a Muslim maniac ran into a crowd of shoppers in a popular shopping district of Dijon, France, another brutal motor
vehicle attack took place in Nantes and both attacks shared a similar, terrifying theme. The men driving the
vehicles who attacked the innocent, last-minute Christmas shoppers both shouted a very familiar, chilling phrase
before ramming the vehicles into the crowds, "Allahu akbar."
Shouting 'Allahu Akbar!' Runs Down 11 French Pedestrians. A driver screaming "Allahu
Akbar!" (Arabic for "God is great") appeared to deliberately mow down about a dozen pedestrians in
the French city of Dijon before being arrested on Sunday [12/21/2014], officials said. The
driver, who was in his forties, hit groups of pedestrians in five parts of the eastern city before
being arrested, a spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior said on French television. Eleven
people in all were injured, two of them seriously, officials said.
NYPD Cop-Killing: The Chickens Come Home to Roost. When Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley
murdered NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu as they ate lunch in their patrol car last
Saturday, the only people who could possibly have been surprised were those who have not realized
how assiduously Leftist and Muslim activists have worked — long before the deaths of
Michael Brown and Eric Garner — to demonize the NYPD and law enforcement in general.
The advent of the killer was only a matter of time. It has been only lightly reported that Brinsley
was a Muslim, and generally when it has been mentioned, it has been dismissed as a motive in favor of his
statements about wanting to kill police officers to avenge Garner and Brown. But these two
motivations — revenge for the perceived racist killings of two black men and Brinsley's
Islamic faith — are not mutually exclusive.
Killer Ishmael Brinsley Posted Quranic Verse: 'And Strike Terror Into Their Hearts'. As news begins to trickle out on
Ismaaiyl Brinsley, the shooter who murdered two NYPD cops today execution-style, it has been discovered that Brinsley posted on his
Facebook account a page of the Quran with a notorious verse calling for waging terror on Allah's enemies.
charges Saudi-born naval engineer over plans to sink aircraft carrier. A Naval engineer is facing
federal charges for allegedly giving an undercover FBI agent secret documents on a new aircraft carrier being
built in Norfolk, Va. Saudi-born Mostafa Ahmed Awwad, 35, of Yorktown, Va., was arrested Friday on an FBI
affidavit claiming he planned to use a dead-drop location along a secluded hiking trail to hand off secret
information about the Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier, set to be delivered to the Navy in 2016, Fox News
reported Saturday [12/6/2014].
Mom Accused of ISIS Support. A Virginia woman has been arrested and charged with lying
to federal officials after offering to put an undercover FBI agent in touch with an alleged Islamic
State group recruiting network. Heather Elizabeth Coffman, 29, of Henrico County, Virginia,
appeared in U.S. District Court in Richmond Monday and is awaiting a detention hearing scheduled for
Wednesday afternoon [11/19/2014], according to The Associated Press.
gets 40 years prison for planning jihad mass murder attacks in Tampa. "We still
believe in his innocence. We still believe this crime was initiated by the government. The
government provided the money on the front end, the explosives on the back end, and it was a totally
manufactured crime." What would it take to get you to plot "to kill hundreds of people by targeting
several densely populated areas"? Would you do it for love or money? One thing these people who
claim entrapment in jihad cases never explain is why the poor victim was capable of being entrapped.
What did Sami Osmakac believe that made him susceptible to this wicked FBI plot?
Elizabeth murder plot foiled. New Zealand MP Maggie Barry has not been put off
official duties in London by an uncovered plot to kill the Queen. The plan to stab Queen Elizabeth
was foiled by British police, who arrested four Islamic terror suspects. The suspects were
allegedly planning to stab the 88-year-old monarch to death at the Royal Albert Hall, The Sun reported.
Man Pledges Allegiance to Islamic State in Front of Cops. Video of a man in Houston
pledging his allegiance to the Islamic State (IS) terror group as police escort him from a local
mosque is causing concern among terrorism analysts who warn that the terror group is gaining
adherents here in the United States. A Muslim-American man identifying himself as Abdul-Rahman
Baghdadi uploaded to YouTube late last month a video that appears to show him being escorted by
police from a Houston-area mosque following a dispute over his wardrobe.
man accused of decapitating two men admits to armed robbery. A Jersey City man who
stands accused of fatally shooting two men, cutting off their heads and burying their remains in
Atlantic County pleaded guilty today [10/8/2014] to an unrelated armed robbery, state authorities
said. Yusuf Ibrahim, 29, admitted that in 2012 in Jersey City, he shot a man in the foot with a
handgun and pistol-whipped him while robbing him of his money and cell phone, the state Attorney
General's Office said. He pleaded guilty to armed robbery, aggravated assault and weapons offenses.
Arrested on Terror Offences in London. The men, who are aged between 20 and 21, have been held on
suspicion of preparing terrorist acts, as part of a wider investigation into Islamist extremism.
Muslim Convert' Held by Police After North London Beheading. The man believed to have 'decapitated'
82-year-old Palmira Silva in a suburban garden in North London has been informally identified by locals as a 25-year
old recent 'Muslim convert', with one neighbour saying: "He was a black man young about 25 to 30 wearing all
black, black t-shirt and jeans, about 5'10" and looked like he went to the gym". Police disabled and arrested
the man on Nightingale Road in Edmonton, London after he rampaged through back gardens with a large, curved blade
that has been described as a 'machette'. A taser weapon was discharged, and a number of police officers
received injuries including a broken wrist and cuts during the operation to safeguard locals and arrest the suspect.
Waving ISIS Flag Arrested in Chicago for Making Bomb Threat to Police. There have been
several reports of American citizens joining (and even dying for) ISIS, and now a man in Chicago was
arrested this week after waving an ISIS flag out the window of his car and threatening to detonate a
bomb when the police tried to inspect the vehicle. A resident called police upon seeing Emad
Karakrah with the ISIS flag hanging out of his car. When police responded, Karakrah drove off, and
made it through several red lights before being pulled over. And then, as he was being arrested,
Karakrah reportedly made a serious threat.
arrest 2 in Texas on charges of aiding terrorists. Two Texas men have been arrested
on charges of supporting terrorism. Rahatul Ashikim Khan of the Austin suburb of Round Rock and
Michael Todd Wolfe of Austin, both 23, face up to 15 years in federal prison if convicted of
conspiring to provide material support to terrorists, according to the federal Justice Department
and the Central Texas Joint Terrorism Task Force. Both men were arrested Tuesday [6/17/2014] and
have a hearing scheduled Friday. Khan is accused of conspiring to recruit people in 2011 to travel
overseas to support terrorist activities. Wolfe planned to travel to Syria to help radical groups
fighting there, according to the criminal complaints filed against them.
Texas Men Arrested on Terror Charges. Two men have been arrested in Texas and
separately charged with terror-related offenses after federal agents said they planned to travel
halfway around the world to engage in violent jihad. One of the men, a Bangladesh-born U.S.
citizen named Rahatul Ashikim Khan, allegedly wanted to join al-Shabab, a Somalia-based terror
group linked to al Qaeda. For the other, Michael Todd Wolfe from Houston, learning to fight in
Syria was allegedly the goal.
Act of Domestic Terrorism at a Substation Near the Border. There has been another
attack on a power station. This time it was at an electricity substation run by UniSource Energy
Services In Nogales Arizona. We freely allow hordes of people — strangers — to
come across our borders illegally without any sign from Mr. Obama that he will strengthen the border.
We know that terrorists are fully involved in drug cartels in South and Central America and Mexico but that
has not dissuaded him from violating the Constitution in permitting the invasion. It's only a
matter of time before a major attack occurs.
accuse man in flying bomb plot in Connecticut. FBI officials say they've arrested a Moroccan national
in Connecticut in an alleged plot to fly bombs on drone-like devices into a school and a federal building.
arrested for bomb plot able to stay in US by lying to immigration officials. The Moroccan man
arrested for allegedly planning to use remote-control planes to bomb a university building and federal building
was able to remain in the United States by lying to immigration officials. El Mehdi Semlali Fathi was able to
avoid a final order of removal last year — after remaining in the country for seven years after his visa
expired — by claiming a fear of persecution based on his political beliefs, according to a Federal Bureau
of Investigation affidavit.
US military in hunt for one-time recruit planning 'Fort Hood-style jihad'. The FBI is
searching for a recent Army recruit believed to be planning a "Fort Hood-inspired jihad against U.S.
soldiers," FoxNews.com has learned. The alert, whose legitimacy was confirmed by military and
law enforcement officials, stated that a man identified as Booker had told friends of his "intention
to commit jihad." Booker, who is also known as Muhammad Abdullah Hassan, was recruited by the
U.S. Army in Kansas City, Mo., in February 2014 and was scheduled to report for basic training on
April 7. But he was discharged last week, apparently after law enforcement authorities
learned of his alleged plan. Both the FBI and the 902d Military Intelligence Group at Fort
Leavenworth are involved in the hunt.
Update: Exclusive:
Ex-Army recruit whose 'Ft. Hood-inspired jihad' prompted alert not a threat: FBI. An Army recruit who
triggered a military and law enforcement alert is not considered an immediate threat by the FBI — even
though the agency said he told friends he planned a "Ft. Hood-inspired jihad" against fellow soldiers" and warned
it was "imminent." FoxNews.com reported Monday [3/31/2014] that the FBI was searching for a recent Army recruit
known as "Booker, also known as Mohammad Abdullah Hassan" after obtaining an alert based on FBI intelligence and provided
by the agency's Kansas City division.
Guard Reservist Arrested In Alleged LA Subway Attack Plot. A National Guard reservist has been arrested at the
Canadian border in Washington for allegedly trying to aid al-Qaida in a plot to attack a Southland subway. Nicholas
Teausant, 20, of Acampo, Calif., was charged Monday with attempting to provide material to support a foregoing terrorist
organization, the U.S. District Attorney's Office said. He made his first appearance in a federal courtroom in
Seattle Monday afternoon [3/17/2014].
Dearborn Heights man accused of supporting
Hezbollah. The U.S. government arrested a 22-year old Dearborn Heights man on terrorism charges as he was attempting
to fly to Lebanon. Mohammad Hassan Hamdan was taken into custody Sunday night at Metro Airport before boarding a flight that
would taken him to Beirut, Lebanon through Paris, France. The round-trip ticket called for a return to Detroit on May 3
but the government said information obtained during its investigation placed some doubt on his intent to return to the U.S.
out celebrating Eid used his car as a "lethal weapon". According to MyFoxDetroit in 2011, Saddam Mohsin, who was charged with attempted murder
in a hit and run, "rammed the officer intentionally." Then there was New York City cabdriver Mohammed Azam, who ran over two of his passengers for no
apparent reason. Another cabbie, Hassan Daly, who was described as a "devout Muslim," plowed his cab into a crowd on a sidewalk in San Diego, injuring
over 24 people. Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar explicitly grounded his hit-and-run in the teachings of the Koran. Munir Muthana told the police
who arrested him that "the Muslims will fix this country."
Yard murderer Aaron Alexis created webpage with name "Mohammed Salem". There has been no other
published indication that Aaron Alexis was a Muslim or had any interest in Islam. It may be, however,
that in his delusional madness, he began to identify with the jihadists who have committed mass murder in the
name of their bloodthirsty god.
confirm ID of man claiming to be 'Islamist jihadist'. A former University of Northern Colorado basketball coach is the man calling
himself an "Islamist jihadist" and threatening the demise of Mormons and Catholics at sites across Arizona and Colorado, authorities said Tuesday
[7/30/2013]. Before being spotted by police in Steamboat Springs last week, Christopher Dewitt Craig reportedly made a stop at Eastern
Arizona College in Thatcher, Ariz. A spokesman for the institution said he didn't believe Craig has ties there.
Expert warns terrorists may be setting wildfires across American West.
Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld of the New York-based American Center for Democracy's Economic Warfare Institute warns that last July "al-Qaeda's
English-language online magazine, Inspire, published an article called 'It Is of Your Freedom to Ignite a Firebomb,' which featured
instructions on how to build an incendiary bomb to light forests on fire. "A few months later, Russia's security (FSB) chief,
Aleksandr Bortnikov warned, 'al-Qaeda was complicit in recent forest fires in Europe' as part of the terrorists' 'strategy of a
thousand cuts.'[..."]
Santa Monica
Shooter Identified — Middle East Name — John Zawahri. John Zawahri lays dead on the sidewalk after
shooting people and killing his own father and brother on Friday. Zawahri had mental issues as a juvenile. Authorities kept
his name from the public for several hours.
anti-terror soldier has his throat slashed in Paris. A uniformed French soldier on anti-terrorist duties in Paris had his throat cut by a
knife-wielding man tonight. The savage attack follows the murder of a British soldier by two men using weapons including knives and a meat cleaver.
One of the suspects said they were acting in the name of Islam.
Canada train plot suspect questions criminal code.
One of the men accused of plotting to derail a Canadian passenger train has challenged the Canadian legal system's authority over him.
Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, told a Toronto judge that "all of these conclusions" were based on the country's criminal code, which was "not a
holy book". He and co-defendant Raed Jaser, 35, are charged with conspiracy to carry out an attack and kill people. They are
accused of plotting to bomb a train between New York and Montreal.
Rail Terrorist Claims He Should Go Free Because the Koran Doesn't Ban Terrorism. [Scroll down] And if the Canadian
criminal code were more perfect like the Koran, then they would include operating instructions exempting Canadians from being charged
with murder for killing non-Canadians in the pursuit of imposing Canadian law on all mankind. But sadly Canadians lack this sort
of tolerant perfect legal system that Muslims enjoy and misunderstand the Islamic zeal for killing people in order to impose the perfect
laws that allow them to kill people in order to impose laws.
Terror Sting: California Man Arrested in Taliban
Car Bomb Plot. Federal agents arrested a California man this morning in a terror sting after he allegedly tried to detonate a car bomb at an Oakland bank
as part of a Taliban plot. The FBI said the explosive device that Matthew Aaron Llaneza, 28, of San Jose tried to use was not operable and posed no threat, and
that Llaneza's Taliban contact was actually an undercover agent.
accused of plotting act of jihad terror against U.S. pleads not guilty. [He] says he only bought ticket to Morocco to study Islam.
But he was apparently planning not to stay in Morocco, but to go on to Mauritania, where the Islam is served straight and undiluted, slavery is legal,
and it's just a short trip to the hot jihad waging in Mali.
Feds drop terrorism charges
against South Florida imam's son, accused of helping Taliban. Federal prosecutors dropped all terrorism charges against one
member of a South Florida family accused of sending tens of thousands of dollars to the Pakistani Taliban terrorist group, according to
court documents filed Wednesday [6/20/2012] in Miami. No reason was given in prosecutors' one-paragraph filing dismissing the charges
against Irfan Khan, 39, of Miami.
Lessons from the L.A. Airport Terrorist
Plot. The Algerian terrorist Ahmed Ressam, sentenced to 37 years in prison on October 24, recalls the ineptitude and
indifference that allowed the terrorist, also known as Benni Noris, to escape detection in Canada, facilitating his plot to blow up Los
Angeles International Airport.
Suspects planned to 'kill as many as possible'.
Four men from Sweden were formally charged in Denmark on Friday [3/2/2012] for planning a suspected terrorist
attack against Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in Copenhagen in December 2010. ... The men have been charged
with one count of terror crimes and two counts of violating weapons laws. Three of the men, Munir Awad,
Omar Abdalla and Mounir Dhahri were arrested in Copenhagen on December 29th, 2010.
Passenger detained
after disturbance on Continental flight headed to Houston. After the flight took off, he ignored the "No Smoking"
sign and tried to light an electronic cigarette. A flight attendant asked the passenger to turn off the cigarette, but
he refused. The Middle Eastern man started screaming at the smaller woman. "He was screaming, 'Allah is great,
Allah is great,'" said Nancy Haywood, passenger. "And it kind of worries you when that happens, but believe me, there
were enough men to hold him down."
The Editor says...
It's just a shame that Chuck Norris can't be on every flight, armed with a Louisville Slugger.
Palace sword attacker said killing pregnant women is 'fair game' if they weren't Muslim, court hears. The
Buckingham Palace sword attacker told his sister he was about to launch "another attack" months after being acquitted of a
terror offence, the court has heard. Mohiussunnath Chowdhury allegedly trained for an attack on potential targets
including a gay Pride parade and Madame Tussauds after being freed from custody at the end of a retrial. Woolwich Crown
Court heard that the 28-year-old told undercover police officers of his intentions and said that any non-Muslims were "fair game".
London Stock Exchange bomb plot admitted by four men.
Four men inspired by al-Qaeda have admitted planning to detonate a bomb at the London Stock Exchange.
Mohammed Chowdhury, Shah Rahman, Gurukanth Desai and Abdul Miah pleaded guilty to engaging in conduct in
preparation for acts of terrorism.
Bomb Boris.
An Islamic terrorist gang yesterday [2/1/2012] admitted plotting horrific bomb attacks in London — with Mayor
Boris Johnson on their hit list. A core cell of four fanatics selected targets including The Stock Exchange,
Parliament, The London Eye, Westminster Abbey and the US Embassy. They also discussed launching a
full-scale raid on the capital, modelled on the 2008 atrocity in Mumbai, India, in which 174 people
were slaughtered in co-ordinated gun and bomb attacks.
Lone wolf Islamic terrorist attacks Alabama
cops. In yet another "lone wolf" Islamic extremist attack, a young man claiming to be a Muslim
allegedly shot and broke the windows of businesses in Gadsden, Alabama, Sunday morning [1/8/2012]. The
motive for the vandalism was to ambush any and all responding police officers, killing as many of them as
possible. Twenty-One year old Luis Ibarra-Hernandez, a resident of Albertville, Alabama, was officially
charged in court on Tuesday [1/10/2012] with attempted murder, according to a report released by the Gadsden
Police Department.
gets life for plot to bomb NYC airport. Kareem Ibrahim was sentenced to life in prison for his
role in organizing a plot to bomb John F. Kennedy International Airport, Justice Department officials
announced today [1/13/2012], noting that Ibrahim attempted to involve Iranian revolutionaries in the attack.
Terror. The FBI has arrested yet another American Muslim for plotting to kill fellow citizens in the name
of Islam. ... According to a federal affidavit, Sami Osmakac, a 25-year-old naturalized U.S. citizen, planned to use car
bombs to blow up Tampa nightclubs, bridges and even a police station. He was arrested over the weekend.
man arrested in bomb plot. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Sunday an "al Qaeda sympathizer" who
plotted to bomb police and post offices in New York City as well as U.S. troops returning home has been
arrested on numerous terrorism-related charges.
Wolf Whistling.
[Regarding] that "Man Arrested And Charged In Bomb Plot," don't worry about Se?or Pimentel also being "known as
Muhammad Yusuf." Mayor Bloomberg has already pronounced him a "lone wolf".
found guilty of trying to join al-Qaida. Texan Barry Bujol, who converted to Islam and sought
repeatedly to travel to the Middle East, was convicted Monday [11/14/2011] of trying to aid al-Qaida terrorists
and using a fake identification card to sneak into the Port of Houston. Bujol, who federal agents feared
would have gone on to be another "American Taliban," is scheduled to be sentenced in February and could get
20 years in federal prison without parole.
Terror suspect resists the rules of court and jail.
The days in jail are racking up for a Rochester woman on trial for terrorism-related charges. Citing her
religious beliefs, Amina Farah Ali continued to stay seated Tuesday as others in the federal courtroom rose to
their feet whenever court personnel called out, "All rise." For the second day in a row, U.S. Chief
Judge Michael J. Davis found Ali, 35, in contempt of court each time she failed to stand and added five
more days in jail for each infraction.
Set At $1 Million For Passenger Who Disrupted Flight. The flight wound up making an emergency stop in
Cleveland. As [WBBM]'s Roseanne Tellez reports, Saleh Ali Alramakh, 21, appeared in a Cleveland courtroom on
Tuesday [[7/12/2011], where he pleaded not guilty to seven counts of aggravated menacing.
Pilot's Near Miss @ JFK Airport. Hmmm ... an EgyptAir pilot takes a wrong turn "by accident" and
nearly causes a collision with a Lufthansa plane speeding down the runway and about to take off from New York's
JFK airport. "Accident" or deliberate jihad? It wouldn't exactly be the first time an Egyptian pilot
deliberately engaged in jihad and purposefully murdered passengers. And pilots just don't make boneheaded
moves like the one this Muslim pilot made on Monday [6/20/2011].
2 Iraqis in Kentucky
charged with terrorism. Two Iraqis living in Kentucky have been arrested on charges that they
tried to send sniper rifles, stinger missiles and money to Al Qaeda operatives in their home country,
according to court documents unsealed Tuesday [5/31/2011].
Ohio couple pleads
guilty to terror-funding. A married couple pleaded guilty Monday [5/23/2011] to charges that they
plotted to ship money to a Mideast terrorist group, a plea deal that spares them from potential life sentences.
The terror plot the
FBI refuses to investigate. The FBI investigated the attack on Nancy Kerrigan's leg, yet refuses to
look into "over-hyped" plot to bomb a synagogue and Empire State Building. ... Was this a valid judgment call, based
on an assessment that the case against the two alleged plotters was weak? Or did this decision stem from a
misguided, politically correct refusal to acknowledge the reality of Islamic terrorism? A New York City police
official believes it is the latter.
suspected terrorists arrested in New York trying to buy weapons. Two suspected 'homegrown'
terrorists have been arrested for allegedly plotting to attack a New York synagogue. Officers seized
the pair, reported to be Mohammad Mamdouh and Ahmed Serhani, as as they allegedly tried to buy guns and
grenades in exchange for drugs.
Terror Plot Stopped, Cops Say. New York City police have arrested an American-born Muslim in an
alleged terror plot. Sketchy details are provided by the New York Post. The man, whose name has
not yet been disclosed, is said to be in his 20s and to have schemed to attack at least one synagogue.
gets 23 years in Metrorail terror plot. A Northern Virginia man was sentenced Monday to 23 years
in prison after pleading guilty to assisting people he thought were al Qaeda terrorists in planning bombings at
Metrorail stations. Farooque Ahmed, 35, of Ashburn, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Pakistan, pleaded
guilty to providing material support to a designated terrorist organization and collecting information to
assist in planning a terrorist attack on a transit facility, U.S. Attorney Neil H. MacBride said.
Hawaii man
arrested on terrorism-related charge. Authorities have charged a 21-year-old Hawaii man with
"making false statements in a matter involving international terrorism," the U.S. Justice Department said.
The charge centers around a one-way ticket that authorities allege Abdel Hameed Shehadeh purchased from Queens,
New York, to Islamabad, Pakistan.
student in Houston sentenced for aiding Taliban. A Pakistani national who came to the U.S. on a
student visa to attend college in the Houston area was sentenced to federal prison today for having firearms
and planning to help the Taliban. Adnan Mirza, 33, was sentenced to 15 years without parole for
unlawfully possessing firearms and conspiring to provide material support to the Taliban, federal officials
announced today [10/22/2010].
PC Police Approve Jihadis at Nuke Plants.
It's like Fort Hood all over again. Sharif Mobley, a home grown al qaeda jihadi worked in American nuclear
power plants and blathered about jihad. He referred to non Muslims as "infidels" and visited some
"unusual" web sites.
Chicago bomb plot thwarted. Sami
Samir Hassoun, 22, of the 4700 block of North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago was arrested by federal agents early
Sunday morning [9/19/2010] on two felony counts, including one count of attempted use of a weapon of mass
destruction and one count of attempted use of an explosive device.
Alaska man pleads guilty to
terror-related charge. An Alaskan man who is a follower of a radical Muslim cleric
pleaded guilty this week to lying to federal agents who were conducting a terrorism investigation,
federal authorities said. Paul Gene Rockwood, 35, faces a sentence of eight years in prison
as part of his plea agreement. His wife, Nadia Rockwood, 36, also pleaded guilty to lying to
investigators who were asking questions about Rockwood.
Two Men Arrested
Before Boarding Plane to Join Terror Group. Mohamed Hamoud Alessa, 20, of North Bergen, and Carlos
Eduardo Almonte, 26, of Elmwood Park were charged with conspiracy to commit international terrorism and were picked up
by the FBI [6/5/2010] before boarding flights to join the Somali Al Qaeda affiliate Al Shabaab, officials said.
Both men are believed to be American citizens.
Men arrested after break in at Heinz Field.
Three men were arrested this morning after police said they scaled a fence to enter Heinz Field. Shazad
Hosi Mehta, 28, of Elmhurst, Ill., Adil A. Minocherhomjee, 22, of La Jolla, Calif., and Neville Noshir
Medhora, 27, of Austin, Texas, were charged with criminal trespass and conspiracy to commit criminal trespass.
Jury convicts suspect in hit-and-run rampage.
After four days of deliberation, a Cumberland County jury found hit-and-run rampage suspect Abdullah El-Amin
Shareef guilty of 10 charges, including first-degree murder and attempted murder, for a hit-and-run rampage
that encompassed parts of three counties in 2004.
Bridge 'terror'
thug's Allah cry. A Queens man tied to a suspected al Qaeda-trained terrorist may have been
trying to kill himself when he crashed his car into the back of another at the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, law
enforcement sources said. Adis Medunjanin, 25, called 911 as he sped erratically away from federal
agents through Queens streets at up to 90 mph. "We love death more than you love life!" he
exclaimed in Arabic.
Hit-and-Run Jihad Comes to
America. The latest possible act of hit-and-run jihad occurred just this month. A 27-year-old
man named Munir Muthana was apprehended in Rochester, New York, after he began running random people over, sending
six to the hospital. Two squad cars were also hit as they tried to stop him.
This attack
was the rule, not the exception. On average, in the 98 months since the World Trade Center
and Pentagon attacks, a radical Islamic-inspired terrorist plot has been uncovered every four months.
There have also been "lone wolf" mass murders in which angry radical Muslims sought to channel their
frustrations and failures into violence against their perceived enemies of Islam. Since September 11,
several Muslim men have run over innocent bystanders or shot random people at or near military bases, synagogues,
and shopping malls. After the initial hysteria died down, we were usually told that such acts were
isolated incidents, involving personal "issues" rather than radical Islamic hatred of the U.S. Yet a
few examples show that was not quite the case.
Man arrested for 'anti-Christian' mall
disturbance. Police arrested 22-year-old Abdul Walid Hamid of Hayward on the evening of
Wednesday, Nov. 4, after he reportedly tore a crucifix from a person's neck and scared others at
Stoneridge Shopping Center. Hamid, an employee at a mall kiosk near Starbucks, has been charged
with battery, terrorist threats and grand theft. According to reports, Hamid was yelling "Allah
is power" and "Islam is great" while holding a pen in a fist over his head. Witnesses said he
shouted anti-Christian comments, said police.
man charged in alleged terrorist plot. Authorities say Tarek Mehanna and associates discussed
attacking two prominent U.S. politicians, shopping malls and American troops serving in Iraq.
NYC Plot Suspect, 2 Others Arrested in Federal Terror
Probe. The FBI arrested a 24-year-old Colorado man on charges of making false statements to federal agents
in an ongoing terror investigation, and supporting documents contend the man admitted receiving weapons and explosives
training from Al Qaeda in Pakistan.
to make plea deal. The Afghan émigré suspected of being an al Qaeda bomb-maker may admit
he received demolitions training and has terrorist contacts as part of a federal plea deal, sources report.
Source: Colo. Man in Suspected NYC Subway Plot
Admits Ties to Al Qaeda. The man under FBI investigation for alleged ties to a New York subway terror
plot has admitted he has ties to Al Qaeda and is in negotiations to plead guilty to a terror charge, a source
familiar with the investigation told FOX News. The source said 24-year-old Najibullah Zazi, who until now had
protested that he had no connection to Al Qaeda, changed his story Friday [9/18/2009].
Man Charged in Subway Plot. A Canadian man has been charged with helping three men accused
in a 2009 plot to bomb New York City's subway system receive military-style training overseas, U.S.
prosecutors said Tuesday [3/15/2011]. Ferid Ahmed Imam, 30 years old, was charged, along with
another man, by Canadian authorities on Tuesday with terrorism-related charges. Mr. Imam, a former
Winnipeg, Canada, resident and a Canadian citizen, is a fugitive and is believed to be in Pakistan.
Denver apartment searched in terror
probe. Officials investigating a possible terror strike by Afghan nationals in New York, on
Wednesday [9/16/2009] searched the Denver, Colorado, apartment of an Afghan man who recently traveled to
New York.
Was Terrorism Behind Air France Crash?
On Wednesday morning, [6/10/2009] news emerged out of Paris that two Muslim men aboard Air France Flight 447, which crashed
into the Atlantic Ocean on June 1, were Islamic radicals listed on France's terrorist watch list. French foreign
intelligence agents from the DGSE (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure) released
this information to the Paris weekly L'Express. Immediately, the story became headline news around the globe. And
then, just hours later, those same French terrorism investigators recanted.
Terror link to Air France crash?
The focus on technical problems has been, in part, because almost immediately after the plane disappeared with
228 people aboard, the French authorities reportedly ruled out terrorism as a possible cause. That
puzzled many aviation analysts, since so little was known at the time about the cause of the disappearance.
Since then, several clues have emerged that have prompted investigators to take another look at terrorism.
A Small Event with an Ominous Warning.
Denver Police have closed their investigation into the mysterious death of an indigent man in a suite of a luxury
Denver hotel. They announced that his death was suicide, and that there was no link to terrorism. An
FBI spokesman has also stated that the incident has no apparent terrorism connection. The man was Saleman
Abdirahman Dirie and, the coroner's verdict notwithstanding, his death raises far more questions than have been
answered by the Denver police, who seemed quite happy to wash their hands of the whole affair.
fantasy land. This compelling drama has drawn scant attention from the mainstream
media. And while apologists might attempt to write off the paucity of coverage for various
reasons, a slew of other terrorism cases since September 11 have been met with the same
media disinterest. Following the arrests of Mr. Mohamed and Mr. Megahed on
Aug. 4 with explosives in the trunk of their car — just seven miles from a
naval weapons base in Goose Creek, S.C. — The Washington Post and New York Times
made fleeting references. Each paper ran the brief overviews from the Associated Press,
with no independent reporting.
Charge 4 in NYC Terror Plot. Four Muslim men were foiled from carrying out a plot to destroy
John F. Kennedy International Airport, kill thousands of people and trigger an economic catastrophe
by blowing up a jet fuel artery that runs through populous residential neighborhoods, authorities said
Abdul Kadir, Kareem Ibrahim, Isha Kadir, Abdel Nur, Russell Defreitas. Update: Jury Reaches
Guilty Verdict in JFK Bomb Plot Case. Two men charged with plotting to blow up New York's
John F. Kennedy Airport were found guilty Monday [8/2/2010]. A federal jury in Brooklyn found
Russell Defreitas and Abdul Kadir both guilty of conspiracy charges in connection with the plot to destroy
the airport.
Jihadist who wanted to blow up JFK fuel lines schemed to
kill witnesses against him. The convicted mastermind of a jihadist terror plot to blow up fuel pipelines at JFK Airport schemed from behind bars to
murder key witnesses against him, newly unsealed documents reveal. Russell Defreitas, 68, a retired airport baggage handler who last year was sentenced to
life in prison for the foiled bomb attack plot, enlisted the aid of several fellow prisoners to eliminate witnesses before the beginning of his 2010 terrorism
trial in Brooklyn federal court, officials said.
Worthington man agrees
to plead guilty to terrorism charge. A Worthington man accused of plotting to help al-Qaida has agreed to
plead guilty to working with terrorists — a charge that could put him in prison for life. According to
documents filed shortly after noon in U.S. District Court in Columbus, Christopher Paul has agreed to plead guilty
to a charge of conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction. Details of the plea agreement were not available.
Bedier Reaches New Low on USF Plea.
On June 13th, Egyptian national and former University of South Florida graduate student Ahmed Mohamed agreed
to plead guilty to terrorism charges and is facing a maximum of 15 years in prison. Mohamed, along with
fellow student Youssef Megahed, was stopped by police in South Carolina last August. Police found in their
possession explosives and a laptop which hosted an instructional video for terrorists.
translator sentenced to 10 years. A U.S. Army translator has been sentenced to 10 years in
prison for unauthorized possession of classified defense documents, the Justice Department said Monday
[5/19/2008]. The defendant — who goes by various names including Abdulhakeem Nour,
Abu Hakim, Noureddine Malki, Almaliki Nour and Almalik Nour Eddin — pleaded guilty in
February 2007 to unauthorized possession of classified documents. He pleaded guilty to false
identity in December 2005.
Arrested with Box Cutter in Hollow Book. 21-year old Benjamin Baines, Jr. was arrested on Sunday at Tampa
International Airport after a TSA screener found a box cutter in a hollowed-out book in his backpack. According
to a report from the TSA, the books in Baines' backpack included "Muhammad in the Bible," "The
Prophet's Prayer" and "The Noble Qur'an."
Student truck driver
faces deportation. Federal terrorism officials and Rhode Island authorities converged this week
to arrest an Indian citizen enrolled in a Smithfield tractor-trailer training school who was trying to obtain
a commercial driver's license and permit to haul hazardous materials. The man, Mohammed Yusef Mullawala,
of Jamaica, N.Y., is being held in federal custody for overstaying his student visa. State police Maj.
Steven O'Donnell said that after two days of truck-driving classes, Mullawala's behavior was suspicious enough
to prompt school officials to contact the Department of Homeland Security late last month. "His behavior
was consistent with terrorist-type activity," O'Donnell said. "He showed no interest in learning the fine
art of driving a tractor-trailer. He had no interest in learning how to back up."
Sailor Started E-Mail on Terror,
U.S. Says. When Hassan Abujihaad was a sailor on a United States Navy destroyer in 2001, federal
prosecutors said, he began exchanging e-mail messages with a man who ran an Internet site seeking to raise money
for terrorist causes. … Now, Mr. Abujihaad, 31, of Phoenix is accused of supporting terrorism with the intent
to kill American citizens and with transmitting classified information to unauthorized recipients.
Why's a Nice Guy Like You Doing a
Terrorist Act Like This? According to former Detroit Public Schools Superintendent Eddie Green,
Kifah Jayyousi is "a great guy, one of the nicest people I've ever met." … Jayyousi is now charged,
according to the Detroit Free Press, with "conspiring to kidnap, maim and murder by providing money, recruits
and equipment for Islamic struggles in Bosnia, Kosovo and Chechnya from 1993 to 2001." He could get life
in prison.
If Scare = Terrorism, then... Man involved in airport scare faces deportation.
An Iraqi immigrant faces deportation after triggering a security scare at Los Angeles International
Airport when authorities found a suspicious device lodged in his body, officials said. Fadhel Al-Maliki, 35, of
Atlantic City, N.J., prompted the alert March 6 during a screening for a flight to Philadelphia
when he tried to go through security with two objects in his rectum.
Man Faces Terror Charges In Connecticut. The indictment claims he helped run web sites that
raised money for terrorists. … Syed Talha Ahsan, 26, was arrested at his home in London on a
federal indictment in Connecticut charging him with conspiracy to support terrorists and
conspiracy to kill or injure people abroad.
Not an attack, but definitely an incident related to terrorism and perhaps even treason. Florida Doctor
Convicted in Terror Case. A Florida doctor was convicted Monday [5/21/2007] of providing
material support to terrorists by agreeing to treat injured al-Qaida fighters so they could return to
Iraq to battle Americans.
Muslims Charged in Jihad Terror Plot in
Florida: The government has indicted two Muslim men on charges of conspiring to blow up four electrical
substations and a National Guard armory as part of a "jihad" terrorist campaign.
Tennessee bus crash 'very
suspicious': Calling it "very suspicious," Rep. Bob Clement, D-Tenn., suggested the hijacking and
crash of a Greyhound bus in southern middle Tennessee would require more investigation before any connection to
the Sept. 11 Islamic terrorist attacks could be ruled out.
Man Charged in ATM Killings. A convicted bank robber charged with killing two armored car guards
spotted the vehicle on the road and followed it to the ATM machine, a homicide detective said Saturday.
Mustafa Ali, 36, of Philadelphia, then shot the two retired Philadelphia police officers as they serviced the
cash machine, police said.
Ex-Convicts Plead Guilty in Plotting Attacks on
Military Sites. Two men accused of plotting behind prison walls to launch attacks on military
sites, synagogues and other targets in 2005 pleaded guilty Friday [12/14/2007] to conspiring to wage war against the United
States. Kevin James, 31, and Levar Haley Washington, 28, both pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy
charges. Authorities say James, Washington and two others were part of a California prison gang cell of
radical Muslims planning attacks in the Los Angeles area.
Guilty Plea in Calif. Terror Case. A third man accused of plotting to attack Southern California
military sites and other targets pleaded guilty Monday [12/17/2007] to a terrorism conspiracy charge in federal
court. Gregory Vernon Patterson, 23, entered his plea in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana to one count
of conspiring to levy war against the U.S. government through terrorism.
Muslim women face felony
charges. She is on the terrorist watch list but authorities say she's been watching something
else: local airports. Then Monday [7/16/2007], there was a standoff with police. But
Asma Al-Homsi tells News 8 she is not a terrorist.
Update: Arlington
woman pleads guilty to federal charges. A 45-year-old Arlington woman who has had past
run-ins with counterterrorism agents has pleaded guilty to federal charges after police found three
pipe bombs in a pickup she was driving. Kimberly Al-Homsi and Yasinul Ansari, her 18-year-old
accomplice, both entered pleas before U.S. District Judge John McBryde in Fort Worth. They
admitted to one count each of possession of an unregistered firearm. In this case, that was
the homemade pipe bombs found in the truck in February.
Airlines Plot Twist: 2 Incidents in 36 Hours. Two deranged "Asian" men, two rolls of duct
tape, two planeloads of John Doe passengers, two arrests in 36 hours. What's going on aboard
Frontier Airlines? Here are the two flights — Flight 561 on Thursday night and
Flight 514 on Saturday morning [8/25/2007] — both of which involved vigilant passengers that
helped to avert disaster.
FBI: Incident on Flight to RDU Posed No Threat.
The FBI early Saturday [9/22/2007] said a misunderstanding apparently sparked an incident on a flight from Florida that
Raleigh-Durham International Airport officials initially classified as a possible terrorist incident. FBI agents
determined that a "misperception" caused the alert and said there was never any threat to passengers or crew
members. ... Early reports said the FBI arrested two passengers, but hours later, the FBI said it had arrested
no one and was closing the case.
Egyptian student denies explosives charge. An
Egyptian college student accused of making an Internet video demonstrating the construction of a detonator for
terrorist bombs pleaded not guilty to federal charges Wednesday [10/24/2007]. Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif
Mohamed, 24, remained jailed on charges of distributing information relating to explosives, destructive
devices, and weapons of mass destruction.
Teacher who attacked base had death wish, FBI
says. Wielding two butcher knives bought at Wal-Mart and vodka bottles to use as explosives,
Tahmeed Ahmad chanted "Death to America" and told Homestead Air Reserve Base guards he wanted to kill
soldiers. But Ahmad was no terrorist, authorities believe. Rather, the Miami Central High School math
teacher wanted to "commit suicide by cop" when he attacked military policemen stationed at the west gate just
before midnight Sunday, the FBI said.
terrorists target Army base — in Arizona. Fort Huachuca, the nation's largest
intelligence-training center, changed security measures in May after being warned that Islamist
terrorists, with the aid of Mexican drug cartels, were planning an attack on the facility.
U.S. gives half of the Lackawanna Six a fresh
start. When three of the Lackawanna Six complete their prison terms, they will have the chance
to start new lives under new identities — courtesy of the U.S. government. That's because they
struck a bargain with the government: their testimony against Osama bin Laden's media secretary in exchange
for a fresh start. Yahya A. Goba, Sahim Alwan and Yasein A. Taher are, in fact, already living
under aliases while finishing out their time behind bars.
Killer's daughter admits it was
political. Ali Abu Kamal's relatives say they are tired of lying about why the Palestinian
opened fire on the observation deck of Empire State Building, killing a tourist and injuring six other people
before committing suicide. Kamal's widow insisted after the shooting spree that the attack was not
politically motivated. … But in a stunning admission, Kamal's 48-year-old daughter Linda told the Daily
News that her dad wanted to punish the U.S. for supporting Israel — and revealed her mom's 1997 account
was a cover story crafted by the Palestinian Authority.
Man in Houston Taliban case gets 10
months. Shiraz Syed Qazi, 26, one of four Muslim men charged in the so-called Houston Taliban
case, was sentenced today [5/17/2007] to 10 months in prison. The men were arrested in November and
accused of training to join the Taliban's fight against U.S.-led forces overseas.
Man, Attendants Fight Aboard
Qatar Plane. A man aboard a Qatari Airways flight fought with flight attendants Thursday
[8/10/2006], prompting the pilot to return to Amman, but the incident was not a hijacking attempt, a
government spokesman said. Initial reports from airport security officials and a Qatari Airlines
spokesman said the man, identified as an Eritrean, tried to force his way into the cockpit carrying a
canister that the officials said contained a liquid.
Chicago-Area Men Arrested In Terror Case. Two Chicago-area cousins were arrested Wednesday
[2/21/2007] on charges out of Cleveland accusing them of conspiring to commit terrorist acts against Americans
overseas, including U.S. military forces serving in Iraq. Zubair A. Ahmed, 27, of suburban North
Chicago, and Khaleel Ahmed, 26, of Chicago, were arrested after a Cleveland grand jury returned an indictment
charging them and adding charges against three other men from Toledo, Ohio, who already face terrorism
Man Arrested in Airport Knife
Scare. A man with a one-way ticket to Yemen attempted to board a plane with a knife hidden in a
book, authorities said. Mohammed Ghanem, 21, of Hamtramck, was jailed Saturday on $500,000 after being
arraigned on a charge of possessing a weapon in the sterile area of an airport.
A Case for
Guantanamo: This is not the case of a few isolated, scattered incidents. FrontPage
Magazine columnist Daniel Pipes has documented more than 30 such incidents post-September 11,
2001. Some of the highlights are: · July 2002 - Hesham Mohamed Ali Hadayet's double
murder at the El Al counter in Los Angeles airport.
· March 2003 - Hasan Akbar's fragging of his two officers (at an overseas U.S. military base).
· August 2003 - Mohammed Ali Alayed's murder of Ariel Sellouk in Houston.
· January 2005 - The Armanious family massacre.
· May-July 2005 - The Jam'iyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh robbery spree to fund future terrorist
Pipes cites "more than 200" cases in which American Muslims have "turned to terrorism."
Denying [Islamist] Terrorism: Anyone
following the investigation into the mid-January slaughter of the Armanious family (husband, wife, two young
daughters), Copts living in Jersey City, N.J., knows who the presumptive suspects are: Islamists furious
at a Christian Egyptian immigrant who dares engage in Internet polemics against Islam and who attempts to
convert Muslims to Christianity. The authorities, however, have blinded themselves to the extensive
circumstantial evidence, insisting that "no facts at this point" substantiate a religious motive for the
charged with driving into crowd. A Virginia teen has been charged with driving his car into a
crowd of people outside a bar that had just evicted him in a wealthy part of Long Island, N.Y. Sayed Khaled
El-Waraky, 19, of Vienna, Va., was being held without bond Tuesday [6/20/2006] after the incident early
Sunday morning in Glen Cove.
In Praise of Routine Traffic Stops: In July
2004, Michael Wagner's not wearing a seat belt got him stopped in a SUV near Council Bluffs, Iowa, that had
in it "flight training manuals and a simulator, documents in Arabic, bulletproof vests and night-vision
goggles, a night-vision scope for a rifle, a telescope, a 9mm semiautomatic pistol and hundreds of
rounds of ammunition."
America's Homegrown Troop
Killers: It's bad enough that Americans are bad-mouthing American troops fighting in Afghanistan
and Iraq. But an alarming number of Muslim-Americans are plotting to kill them.
Oklahoma bomber had jihad
material. An Oklahoma University student who killed himself by detonating
a bomb strapped to his body outside a packed stadium over the weekend was a "suicide
bomber" in possession of "Islamic jihad" materials, according to a new report.
Media ignores
homegrown Islamic terror trial. The trial of Hamid Hayat, 23, is not taking place in the
dark of night nor in a military tribunal from which the media is barred. It is in an open California
courtroom, the very kind that has been overrun for trials of the likes of Scott Peterson and
O.J. Simpson. Yet in the month of February, the New York Times had exactly one story on the
alleged terror cell in Lodi, California. The Washington Post had none. And on the
cable news channels, the trial has received scant attention.
Terrorism? Naah … .
Last Friday [April 29, 2005], firefighters conducting a routine inspection in a Brooklyn supermarket found 200
automobile airbags and a room lined with posters of Osama bin Laden and beheadings in Iraq. An
element in the airbags can be used to make pipe bombs. The owner of the building, according to the New
York Post, "served jail time in the late 1970s and early 1980s for arson, reckless endangerment, weapons
possession and conspiracy, according to the records." But officials were definite: this has
nothing to do with terrorism.
What really happened to AA Flight
612. What makes the evidence particularly compelling is that the
pilots apparently saw what the radar was reporting:
ATC: Flare or a rocket?
AA 612: It looked more like a rocket.
ATC: American 612, how far away was it from your position?
AA 612: It was about half way between us and the coastline
when we first called that last center guy.
Possibly related information: Shoulder-Fired Missiles Pose a Serious
Threat to Passenger Jets. Worldwide, at least 24 civilian aircraft have been brought down
by shoulder-fired missiles, and more than 500 people have been killed. And experts say that
shoulder-to-air missiles can be bought for only a few thousand dollars on the black market. But
U.S. commercial aircraft still have no defense system against these portable missiles.
Buncefield fuel depot near Hemel Hempstead Massive blaze rages at fuel depot. A
police investigation into the incident has begun, including investigations by anti-terrorist police. But
Chief Con Whiteley said there was "nothing to suggest anything other than an accident".
[Yeah, right. The eyewitness accounts of the initial explosion
describe exactly the effects of a car bomb.]
Exxon-Mobil Workers Got
Fake Flu Shots. As many as 1,000 Exxon Mobil employees and 14 residents of a senior
citizens home were injected with fake flu vaccine, authorities said Friday [10/28/2005], and the
owner of a home health care company was arrested. … Iyad Abu El Hawa, 35, was arrested
Thursday. … "This is a very callous and disturbing crime," [U.S. Attorney Chuck] Rosenberg
said. "He purposefully put at risk many, many people."
Editor's Note: The item above is being mentioned here only because someone with a
middle eastern name is charged with intentionally endangering the health and safety of
hundreds of Americans. Sounds like a willfully malicious act. Fits the
pattern. That's all I'm saying.
jihad syndrome' poses domestic risk. Sympathy for al Qaeda has produced "sudden jihad syndrome"
in domestic terror cells unaffiliated with foreign terrorists and people seeking to carry out attacks in the
U.S., a law-enforcement intelligence analysis says. The Dec. 6 report by the Texas Public Safety
Department's Bureau of Information Analysis warns officials not to dismiss individual or homegrown terror
cells as "wannabes," saying they pose a credible threat to homeland security. "As a result, law
enforcement should not be too quick to judge their attacks as having no nexus to terrorism."