Islamic invasion disguised as the displacement and acceptance of refugees

Muslims are pouring out of Africa and into Europe and elsewhere, allegedly as refugees.  In reality this may be a Trojan Horse operation without the horse, playing on the sympathies and good will of non-Muslim countries, in an effort to spread Islam for the purpose of world domination.

Related topics:

Islam is not a "religion of peace".

Welfare programs encourage illegal immigration.

Anchor babies and birthright citizenship

Illegal immigration is a threat to national security.

Where the Muslims go, Sharia law follows.


(Scroll down for timely news, or click here.)

A Word To The Criminal Migrant.  Watch and learn.  [Video clip]

From the Scimitar to the Refugee.  If there is anything today that Brussels bureaucrats fear more than the coronavirus it is a new invasion of refugees.  The much-vaunted humanitarian values tremble with the massive arrival of immigrants that put at risk both the economy and social balance.  Therefore, instead of building a wall à la Trump, the European Union reached an agreement with Tayyip Erdogan.  In exchange for 6 billion euros and facilitating visas, Turkey would act as a containment dam with the desperate legions who yearn for the European dream.  But the dike is cracking and the borders of Greece and Bulgaria are being broken down.  Erdogan knows that he has an ace up his sleeve and threatens:  "Now there are thousands, soon there will be millions."  But this is a responsibility from which Brussels cannot be redeemed by a check.  To launch into a stupid war in Libya and Syria, Europe did not need the invention of arms of mass distraction, just the romantic breath of Arab Spring.  Having a romantic heart is fine as long as you have a classic head.  Otherwise, nonsense is very expensive.  And Europe has been paying the bill since 2011.

Cover-ups, Cowardice, and Political Correctness.  [Video clip]

Refugee 101 in Seven Minutes!.  Here it is!  A great summary of the US Refugee Admissions Program and where it has gone wrong according to Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies in an interview at Blaze TV.  [Video clip]

Fighting the Muslim Re-Conquest of Europe on the Greece-Turkey Border.  As Americans remain riveted to the corona virus and the nauseating vicissitudes of the Democrats' battle to choose a presidential nominee — a choice now apparently winnowed down to the Marxist or the moron — this writer's thoughts once again are drawn to events in Europe.  The critical situation now unfolding day by day on the Greek-Turkish border may at first seem of minor concern to America, but in fact it's a critical part of the overall struggle by patriots on both sides of the Atlantic to preserve Western Civilization.  The same forces working here to dissolve American civilization through mass migration and deliberately inculcated cultural self-loathing are busy in Europe pursuing the same goal by identical means.  And the same traditional, patriotic segment of the population, guilty of the crime of loving their civilization and wanting to preserve it, resists cultural dissolution in both Europe and America.  The commonality of the struggle is striking.

Population Control and Social Engineering on a Vast Migratory Scale.  The massive exodus of third world populations, Muslims, Africans, Central Americans, Asians, and Middle Easterners, mostly young men, to Europe and to the United States has been socially engineered by the United Nations and by the IOM office, a U.N. affiliate, with the blessing of EU leaders, government officials at all levels, and presidents, including President Trump.  When the current batch of politicians of all stripes will be long gone, a borderless America will be drastically different and unrecognizable to the present generations.  The left has won the battle and the war for the hearts and minds of "progressive" America. [...] To paraphrase Daniel Krygier, when the West colonized the East, it was called "imperialism."  But now that the Muslim East is colonizing the West with the blessing of the U.N.'s International Office for Migration (IOM), it is called "multiculturalism."

Why Did Obama Import a Somali Muslim Congressional District for Ilhan Omar to Represent?  The plan is clear.  It applies wherever leftist globalists wield power.  Use arguments of "compassion" as needed to get the Muslims across the border and safely resettled.  Then use their presence in Italian schools to demand that the classrooms take down their crucifixes.  Use their presence in Britain to suppress criticism of Islam as a potential "breach of the peace."  Weaponize them as reliable voters for the radical left.  Never mind how they differ on issues of sexual politics.  What matters is liquidating the old, common Christian culture.  The trans activists, the gay libertines, and the Islamists will settle their differences later.  For now they're united by a common goal, as the U.S. and the Soviets were up through 1945.  The thing is, it's actually un-American for us to try to silence Muslims, however radical, once they're here.  They deserve religious liberty, under the First Amendment.  But that Amendment wasn't written with them in mind.  It didn't envision millions of people whose creed demands intolerance.  Whose native cultures often include polygamy, female genital mutilation, and honor killing.

The Dissolution of the People.  [Scroll down]  It took 62 years and Walter Ulbricht's fellow East German, Angela Merkel, finally to "dissolve the people and elect another", with her decision to fast-track Germany's demographic transformation and admit one and a half million young male Muslim "refugees".  Yet the people have "forfeited the confidence of the government" in almost every developed nation except Japan, and around the western world the state has been busy dissolving them and electing another through mass immigration.  Their job is almost complete — to the point where the citizenry are increasingly dissolving themselves and signing on with their successors.

Inordinate Compassion is a Vice.  Like all of the secondary virtues, compassion is a vice if it is not governed by justice and prudence.  And ungoverned compassion is also an Achilles' heel.  This is the great theme of Raspail's Camp of the Saints, the 1973 novel that foretold the third-world invasion of the West.  At one point in the novel a hardened Russian general looks across the Amur River and predicts that, when the Chinese invasion of Siberia begins, it will be lead not by soldiers, but by women carrying babies and followed by their children.

Sweden:  The Death of a Nation.  The damage recent generations of Swedes have wreaked on their own country is almost beyond comprehension.  Coming generations of Swedes will inherit a country in shambles and struggling with insurmountable problems.  Ghettos, crime, segregation and ethnic strife are now the hallmarks of the once progressive nation.  And perhaps the worst thing of all for the grandchildren of today's Swedes: in the second half of this century they will in all likelihood be just one competing minority amongst many in what was once their own country.  It will be a country no previous generations of Swedes would recognize — poor, shabby, Middle Eastern and African in appearance and dominated by Islam.

The Insanity of Open Borders.  Look through the State Department reports on the hundred or so poorest countries in the world and read a few at random, and you'll soon recognize that inviting their citizens to move next door to you is to put out the welcome mat for people to whom the world is a far different place than it is to you:  a place marked by murderous hatreds between tribal and religious groups; a place where virtually every economic transaction involves some kind of corruption; a place where men take for granted their right to brutally abuse their wives and children; a place where due process is unheard of, where police officers and soldiers can beat, torture, and even kill with impunity, and where judges know nothing of justice; a place where sanitation and medical care are primitive; and a place where the rare soul who refuses to cheat and steal on a daily basis is not viewed as a paragon of virtue but as a fool.  Now, people can be easily removed from such cultures, but they cannot easily be liberated from what those cultures have done to them

Could France's Islam Problem Happen Here?  Remember radical Islam or Islamism or Islamic terror or whatever you want to call it?  In the welter of calamities (sometimes pseudo-calamities) that are occurring, or we are told are occurring, in this country on a daily basis, it seems to have been forgotten or ignored.  This despite its civilizational implications.  Even the near-defeat of ISIS as a state is met with a yawn.

Will the U.S. Follow Europe's Suicidal Example?  Across Europe, the Islamic Movement is overtaking towns and cities, while European leaders continue to support and encourage the influx of sharia-adherent muslims (aka jihadis).  In Britain, police turn a blind eye to thousands of rapes by muslim men against non-muslim women, while violent crimes have skyrocketed.  Britain's leaders, including the royal family, appear to be ignorant of this threat, while muslim leaders make clear they have no intention of assimilating.  In 2009, when UTT's President John Guandolo met with officials in the United Kingdom, he attended a symposium at the British Defence Academy where muslim leaders proclaimed to a group of military officers, police, and judges that muslims "are not in Britain to assimilate, but to coexist until sharia is the law of the land in Britain."

Death of Democracy? - Part I.  While Muslims find it hard to abandon the prejudices, doctrines, and outright hatreds (for Jews, for example) that they have imported from their home countries — or developed as young men and women while living in European states where they were born and raised — vast numbers of non-Muslims, including politicians, church leaders, civil servants, policemen and women, and many well-meaning people bend over backwards to accommodate them and the demands they make on their host societies.  It would take a book to summarize all the episodes in which Western officialdom, notably in Europe, has abandoned its own historical values in order to protect Islam and radical Muslims from criticism and rebuke.

The Scourge of Multiculturalism.  The argument made by immigration and refugee enthusiasts, namely that the Western democracies were founded and settled by immigrants and therefore should continue to welcome newcomers, is valid only to a point.  In the course of time the original settlers created a national identity, a sense of communal membership in a common world unified by custom and law.  It is that identity that should be preserved. [...] To say "we are a nation of immigrants," then, is immaterial.  We are now a nation of citizens.  Skilled immigrants, properly screened and taking into account real domestic needs, should be part of the country's future, but not in multiples that threaten to dilute a nation's internal cohesion, not from backward countries whose inhabitants are all too often uneducated, illiterate and functionally unassimilable, and certainly not from parts of the world — in particular, the Islamic world — whose history, culture, theology and politics have ranged it against everything that Western civilization comprises.

Somali averages are terrible.  [Scroll down]  Tens of millions of dollars sluice though annually from U.S. taxpayers to the resettlement agencies, most of which have deceptively churchy-sounding names.  Then, after refugees have been settled in our country a few weeks, the agencies hand them over to municipal, state, and national welfare services, with untold billions of further costs to the public fisc for healthcare, education, housing, and law enforcement stretching away into the future.  That's the process by which the U.S.A. acquired a big population of Somalis — around 150,000, of whom about half live in Minnesota.  The Census Bureau estimates that 74,000 people in Minnesota speak Somali.  There's the Minnesota connection.  Why so many Somalis in Minnesota?  It's a combination of things. [...] And then, once the so-called refugee is settled in the U.S.A., he's free to move from one place to another.  The most attractive place for him to move to is whichever place has the biggest concentration of his fellow-countrymen.  So there's a snowball effect:  augmented, once people have been here long enough to get citizenship, by chain migration.  Somalis are black; they're also, for the most part, Muslim.  So they are twofers for Designated Victim Status, and white Americans better not even hint at anything negative about them.

Migration: The Straw That's Breaking Europe's Back.  Americans know that Europe's un-sustainable socio-economic model — bureaucratized economies, social welfare, and demographic decline — is a warning to us.  Increasingly, we have imitated that model, assuming that the decline would be slow and graceful.  But Europe's crisis, and ours, has always been far less socio-economic than civilizational.  That is why mass migration into Euro-American civilization — especially people from the Muslim world who neither share in nor sympathize with that civilization — is accelerating the crisis.  Confidence in the future is being replaced by the sense that living as before will be impossible.  More and more, people have reacted by voting against the elites responsible for socio-economic management and for migration.  But elites on both sides of the Atlantic have not changed course.

The Backlash Against European Multiculturalism.  Multiculturalism, the "religion" of the European Union (EU) elites, enforced by many EU states through "diversity" programs, has begun to lose its luster.  The recent elections in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Sicily, points to growing support for far-right, and nationalist parties.  The growing trend of such parties as the Alternative for Germany, Austria's People's Party, and the Czech ANO Party, winning elections in recent months is fueled by the arrival of more than a million unassimilable migrants and refugees from the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia.  It has contributed to a huge jump in terrorist attacks, crime, and an economic burden on the host European states.  The slow economic growth in most EU countries has put the squeeze on the native population.  They are now compelled to compete for limited jobs and resources with migrants and refugees.

Tolerating the Intolerant:  The Tipping Point of Multiculturalism.  The history of immigration in America is the story of immigrants seeking refuge through legal immigration into the United States who assimilate and become part of the American dream — until now.  America is currently under siege by immigrants with hostile cultural norms hoping to change American life rather than assimilate into it.  Islam is on the march and hijrah, immigration jihad, is part of the plan. [...] There is no separation of Church and State in Islam.  The goal of Islam since the 7th century is the transformation of the world into an Islamic caliphate ruled by religious sharia law.  Islam is tyrannical in its demand for conformity to its barbaric sharia laws.  Islam is intolerant and recognizes sharia law exclusively.  Islam is a socio-political movement seeking world dominion not a religion of peace.  Islam is a threat to American democracy.

Hijra, Islamic Migration.  As it does with everything in life, Islam has its own views about migration.  For us migration is for an individual's gain — a better job, for instance.  But for Islam, migration was the beginning of Mohammed's success.  He preached the religion for 13 years and converted 150 Arabs to Islam.  After he migrated to Medina, he became and politician and jihadist, which led to every Arab in Arabia becoming a Muslim.  After Mohammed's death, Islam exploded out of Arabia in its second migration.  When Islam settles into a society, the society becomes all Islamic (with a couple of exceptions — Spain and the Balkans).  Islam does not assimilate, but dominates.  This is because of its Sharia law.  The purpose of migration is to start jihad and the purpose of jihad is install the Sharia.  Under the Sharia, the other religions are subjected to taxes, domination and humiliation.  After enough time, everyone will become a Muslim.  Today in the West, we see the beginning of the annihilation of our civilization due to the deference we pay to Islamic migration and Sharia and we refuse to see the true nature and goals of Islam — complete domination of all aspects of our society.

Sweden is a willing, international toilet.  Sweden, once a lighthouse in Europe, has become a house on fire, where feminism, completely ignorant politicians and mainstream media have a stranglehold on people, choking any opposition with politically correctness and accusations of racism, simply for questioning the obvious; why?  Why are they hellbent on replacing the Swedish population, with the ever more visible consequences; No-go zones, rapes, fires, murders and violence.  Sweden is importing the Middle East and Africa, hoping that the culture is left behind, when it is in fact attached to the people — who bring it along.

Fake "Muslim ban" is now a "refugee ban".  Remember the "Muslim ban"? President Trump signed two executive orders calling for a moratorium on travel in six countries.  The word Muslim did not appear in either.  But the media called it a "Muslim ban" in January, February and March.  Marxists challenged the orders in court, but the Supreme Court let the orders stand pending a hearing later this month.  The story died until this week.  Look how it is reported.  ABC in LA:  "Supreme Court allows Trump administration to continue ban on most refugees."

A Master's Degree in Whitewashing Islam.  The idea that there are Muslims who seek to turn Europe into an Islamic colony is, of course, no "conspiracy theory."  Jihad and the Caliphate are core Islamic doctrines.  For over a decade, however, Norwegian academics and intellectuals have accused those commentators, who face up to the reality of these doctrines, of "peddling paranoia."  Their useful shorthand for this is "Eurabia theory," a term derived from the title of Bat Ye'or's 2005 book EurabiaUniversitetsavisa reports that after last year's terrorist attacks in Nice and Berlin, reader comments on were "thoroughly marked by anti-Muslim prejudice, hate rhetoric, and aversion to Islam and Muslims."

The Language of Losing.  [Scroll down]  But the reason the west's enemies are able to pile up a continuous corpse count in Paris, Nice, Berlin, Brussels, London, Manchester, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Orlando, San Bernadino, Ottawa, Sydney, Barcelona, [Your Town Here] is because they have "safe havens" in France, Germany, Britain, Scandinavia, North America, etc.  Which "safe havens" are likely to prove more consequential for the developed world in the years ahead? [...] You can't connect what's happening in Molenbeek, Malmö and the other "safe havens" of the west with the "safe havens" of the east if you think what's going on is about random "maniacs" adopting "false religious garb".

The ever-rising deadly toll of Europe's insane migrant policy.  Two years ago, as newcomers arrived on boats across the Mediterranean via lawless Libya, crowding coastal areas of Greece and Italy, Germany did something that won plaudits.  Chancellor Angela Merkel informally suspended the requirement that asylum-seekers register in their first port of entry, allowing people to make their way further west.  The implied promise of German residency created chaos.  Merkel's policy ostensibly targeted Syrians fleeing ISIS and war.  But the message reached the world.  More than a million people crossed that year.  Some war refugees found a safe haven.  More than 350,000 Syrians applied for asylum.  But with no way to record who has entered, it's impossible to know if asylum applications are representative of where migrants are from.  Last week, "dozens" of migrants landed a small boat from Morocco on a Spanish beach and ran off, according to witnesses.  The same day on the same route, European officials rescued 25 men from sub-Saharan Africa.

One Day.  There is a moment when a government becomes so corrupt that it can no longer be tolerated by the people and I suggest that we are there.  It is much more openly corrupt today than it has ever been. [...] Open rebellion among the cities and states that claim "sanctuary" status for criminals are putting the property I own and the people I love in danger.  Allowing jihadists into the nation out of some self-serving idea of compassion (understanding that is all propaganda) places the property I own and the people I love in danger.  Just because it has not yet visited me personally, doesn't mean that it doesn't affect me.

No, Islamofascists can't be gently talked out of it.  [Scroll down]  Such is the delusion over there:  that stone-cold Islamofascists with pillage and terrorism in their minds can be flipped into secular-minded, wholesome, tolerant, self-guilting uni-worlders with views not at all different from those of the average European Union denizen.  All nice people, it seems.  We saw it in Norway, where rape-minded migrants were expected to be talked into dropping their stone-age attitudes and loathing of the West all through the miracle of re-education, a highly touted re-orientation for the unassimilated migrants including the terrorists among them.  Based on what is read in the news, it's not working.  We know that even Saudi Arabian de-radicalization efforts have failed, too.

Unable To Confront The Migrant Crisis, Europe Is Committing Suicide.  President Trump's Warsaw speech earlier this month provoked predictable cries of racism and xenophobia from a mainstream media worried that even the term "western civilization" was a dog whistle for alt-right nationalists.  Implicit in such criticism is the dubious notion that western values are not really western, that people of all cultures and religions desire more or less the same thing.  His critics say Trump was playing on white Europeans' fears that Muslim migrants won't adopt western values and won't assimilate into European society, and therefore pose a direct threat to western civilization.  But there's another group that Trump no doubt had in mind, a group that also rejects western civilization and has little interest in defending or preserving it:  European elites.

I've Worked with Refugees for Decades.  Europe's Afghan Crime Wave Is Mind-Boggling..  At first, the incidents were downplayed or hushed up — no one wanted to provide the right wing with fodder for nationalist agitation, and the hope was that these were isolated instances caused by a small problem group of outliers.  As the incidents increased, and because many of them took place in public or because the public became involved either in stopping the attack or in aiding the victim afterwards, and because the courts began issuing sentences as the cases came to trial, the matter could no longer be swept under the carpet of political correctness.  And with the official acknowledgment and public reporting, a weird and puzzling footnote emerged.  Most of the assaults were being committed by refugees of one particular nationality:  by Afghans.

Sweden is a willing, international toilet.  Sweden, once a lighthouse in Europe, has become a house on fire, where feminism, completely ignorant politicians and mainstream media have a stranglehold on people, choking any opposition with politically correctness and accusations of racism, simply for questioning the obvious; why?  Why are they hellbent on replacing the Swedish population, with the ever more visible consequences; No-go zones, rapes, fires, murders and violence.  Sweden is importing the Middle East and Africa, hoping that the culture is left behind, when it is in fact attached to the people who bring it along.

Sweden Has Turned the Corner.  With the full support of the mainstream media, national and local government, advertisers and a volunteer army of virtue-signallers ready to lambast anyone with even a mildly differing opinion, Sweden finally ceased to be a nation and became a cult.  Doubters and dissenters were pilloried, often in public.  This madness reached its apogee in the autumn of 2015, as hundreds of thousands of migrants poured into the country.  Most everyone I know was falling all over themselves to send money, clothes and toys to the new arrivals.  One or two even started refugee shelters, a profitable business in these parts.  Some 18 months later, we are in a different place.  The spell has been irrevocably broken and the country is returning very slowly — one Swede at a time — to its senses.

Import Endless Third World Refugees:  Your Country Becomes A Third World.  The burning question facing every European country in 2017: can their countries and cultures survive endless refugee immigration from the ever-burgeoning Third World?  The salient question being ignored vs. not being asked in America, Canada or Australia:  how will these homelands survive the projected 100,000,000 (million) refugees flooding into America within 30 years; 10,000,000 projected for Canada and another 10 million projected for Australia?  As each refugee that vacates Africa, India, Mexico, South America, Indochina, the Middle East or any other overpopulated country — that same arena of humanity adds another 80,000,000 (million) net gain, new babies annually.  Those countries and cultures either refuse to engage birth control or have no access.  Therefore, they refuse to or cannot become responsible for their own numbers.  Those people follow ancient religions that refuse to step into the realities of the 21st century:  Catholic Church, Islam, Hindus and other Christian sects.

The Hijrah Into Europe.  Approximately 104,460 asylum seekers arrived in Germany during the month of August, setting a new record.  That makes 413,535 registered refugees and migrants coming to Germany in 2015 so far.  The country expects a total of around 800,000 people to seek asylum in Germany this year.  And that's just Germany.  The entire continent of Europe is being inundated with refugees at a rate unprecedented in world history.  This is no longer just a "refugee crisis."  This is a hijrah.

Innocence, Foolishness, Stupidity and Which is Which?  There are loaded words out there.  Words that have been given meaning far beyond their normal weight, if one can call it that.  Refugees is such a word.  It is far more loaded than other words in the same family, like immigrants, or migrants.  It seems to outrank citizens.  Europe has largely surrendered to refugees.  The word carries along with itself ideas of empathy, pity, caring, welcome, fugitive, displaced person, asylum seeker, boat people.

Shut Down America's Refugee Programs Before They Turn Us Into Germany.  It costs 12 times as much to resettle refugees as it does to assist them in place.  Almost all refugees would prefer to return home than be resettled to a third country.

Germany is no longer safe.  The immigration critical party AfD does not mince words after the attack in which a truck drove straight into the crowd at the Christmas market at Breitscheidplatz in Berlin.  This is "Merkel's death," predicts Marcus Pretzell, representing AfD in the European Parliament.  His partner, party leader Frauke Petry, who herself is strongly opposed to Merkel's "open door policy" for asylum seekers, believes that Merkel has put Germany at risk.

Angela Merkel is destroying Europe.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel's celebrated open-door policy encouraged the migration of more than 1 million refugees in 2015, and hundreds of thousands more in 2016. It was lauded as a courageous triumph of humanitarianism.  Even in 2016's year-end accolades, Merkel has been given hosannas for "keeping the doors ajar."  But after last week's Berlin attack, in which a man — suspected to be a Tunisian migrant — intentionally plowed an 18-wheeler into a crowded Christmas market, killing 12 and injuring dozens more, it's fair to say that Merkel's celebrated policy has actually been a disaster.  After all, "keeping the doors ajar" is precisely how a naive person learns of the bad intentions of an intruder.  And Merkel is learning a hard lesson, indeed.

Refugees or an Occupation Army?  "Allah requires from the believers to be masters of the land where they live, and only they can have property, and only we will be able to own the land." — Muslim migrants in Crete, Greece.  The migrants were ready to wage jihad because they believed a rumor about an event for which, even had it been true, the Greek State and its inhabitants had no responsibility.  The establishment in Greece is a miniature of the American establishment: politicians and institutions of government corrupted to the bones.  We Greeks have already been crushed by Islam, by the twentieth century genocide in Turkey and the more recent Turkish occupation of Cyprus, again with the world's complicity.  What is happening in Greece, as in much of Europe, is actually a massive replacement of its population, its values and its way of life.

Let's Lock The Door To Islam.  Yesterday, I visited Maassluis.  It is town near Rotterdam, where the indigenous Dutch inhabitants have become the victims of immigrant youths of Moroccan descent.  Cars have been demolished, houses vandalized, people threatened.  The Dutch no longer feel free and safe in their own city.  When the local radio station interviewed some of the victims and referred to the perpetrators as Moroccans, it received an anonymous letter:  "You are racists!  Your time will come!  I won't take care of it because I am too old.  But our boys are the new soldiers."  Maassluis.  It is just one of the many Dutch towns and neighborhoods terrorized by Moroccan or Turkish youth gangs.  Others are Schilderswijk, Oosterwei, Kanaleneiland, Zaandam, Helmond[.]  Not surprisingly, a poll shows that 43% of the Dutch people want fewer Moroccan immigrants in our country.  These people are not racists; they are decent people, patriots who love their country and do not want to lose it.

It's Time We Faced the Facts about the Muslim World.  Here is a plain, inarguable truth:  A series of Muslim immigrants and "visitors" are responsible for killing more Americans on American soil than the combined militaries of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany.  Two more attacks over the weekend left 38 Americans wounded, and it appears that both were carried out by Muslim immigrants. [...] Despite making up a tiny fraction of the American population, Muslims are responsible for exponentially more terror deaths than any other meaningful American community.  Even if you use the Left's utterly ridiculous standard of "terror deaths since 9/11" (why exclude America's worst terror attack when calculating the terror threat?), Muslim terrorists have killed almost twice as many people as every other American faction or demographic combined.  Yet when any politician or pundit suggests restrictions or even special scrutiny applied to Muslim immigrants — especially Muslim immigrants or visitors from jihadist conflict zones — entire sectors of the Left (and some on the right) recoil in shock and horror.

Uncontrolled Refugeeism Will Be The Undoing Of Now-Ruling Political Class.  Nowadays, perhaps dating back a generation or longer, we have come to redefine the very meaning of the term refugee.  Where in the past refugees were assumed to be fleeing turmoil — war, political oppression, religious persecution, or even some major natural disaster — in most cases restricted to a locale, region or nation; such clarity is no longer evident.  To a great extent, today's refugees are either refugees-of-convenience, solely seeking a better economic life; or hybrid-refugees, where economics plays a major role, if parasitic to turmoil, in their decision to flee their native lands.

What if there really 'is' a specific plan to transform America into an Islamic nation by 2020?  Long before the Paris attacks, or the San Bernadino couple had gone on their rampage or the Philly policeman had been shot by a Muslim man while shouting "Allahu Akbar," the author could see into the future.  The idea of America becoming an Islamic State has never been taken seriously.  But just look at Europe:  In less than two months, Germany has been flooded with more than a million Muslims, most of them military-age men posing as refugees and wreaking havoc on the native citizens — raping young girls, destroying refugee asylum centers, demanding money and free housing, and even worse, disappearing into the general population with no way to track them.  And there's no end in sight to this European mass migration.

Does Immigration Mean The End Of Western Civilization?  Europe is more than a year into the largest migrant crisis since the Second World War.  More than a million have made their way to Germany alone over the past year.  Some are refugees and asylum-seekers from Syria and Iraq, but it now appears that a significant number, as much as 60 percent, are economic migrants from North Africa, Afghanistan, and the Middle East, simply seeking better prospects in Europe.  The European Union, thanks to its common border policy, is overwhelmed and paralyzed — that border union has proven to be only as strong as its weakest member.  Once inside the EU, migrants can travel to whichever country seems most welcoming inside the 26-state Schengen area.  Some countries, in defiance of EU rules, have imposed unilateral border controls and asylum caps as thousands more arrive daily from Turkey and elsewhere.

The Islamic Trojan Horse.  We are now witnessing a mass immigration of Muslims around the world supposedly escaping ISIS, Putin and Arafat in the Ukraine and Syria.  They are coming into Europe by the millions.  Merkel has accepted a million Muslims and plans to accept a million more.  They are settling in Greece, France and Germany and parts of Italy.  The only strange thing is that none of the Islamic countries will accept them and 80% of these people are young men between the ages of 15 and 40.  How come they are not fighting for their country?  Everyone feels so sorry for these refugees and Obama is accepting hundreds of thousands of them in here too from places like Somalia and Central America.  These refugees are not assimilating like they should, but expecting their hosts to assimilate to them.  In Germany they are raping women who are not covered and Merkle has told her police not to arrest them for fear of being labeled racist.  That's how Islam is.  When they are in small minorities like in the U.S. they are your best friend and good neighbors, but when they get in the majority they start making demands like what is happening in Germany.  Last week hundreds of Muslims marched through German streets shouting, "With [th]e grace of Allah we will conquer you."

"Ban Alcohol Or Else There Will Be More Sex Attacks" Muslims Threaten Germans.  Islam is like a monster — the more you feed it, the bigger it gets.  The way to stop the monster aside from fighting it is to stop feeding it. [...] Ignore what the Muslims say they want, because nothing will satisfy them except for your absolute submission.  Do what you know is right in spite of them, and preferably right in a place where they can clearly see what you are doing, and tell them to take their religion and stick it in the dumpster of history where it belongs.

The Tet Offensive: European Union Edition.  [Scroll down]  Thousand-passenger ferry ships cost tens of thousands of Euros a day to operate.  Muslim hijra (jihad by immigration) invaders are receiving free or subsidized passage from Greek isles that are located only a few miles from Turkey, all the way across the Aegean Sea to mainland Greece.  From there, chartered buses and special trains speed the migrants from border to border and onward into Germany, France and Sweden, at little or no cost to the muhajirun, or hijra migrants.  Who is paying for the operation of the ferry ships, trains and bus convoys?  Who is paying for the smart phones and prepaid debit cards?  Who is passing out the hundred-Euro notes seen in nearly every migrant hand, if they are truly arriving destitute after escaping war-torn Syria?  Somebody is underwriting the Muslim hijra invasion of Europe. [...] The accelerated pace of the 2015 Muslim hijra invasion was conceived, planned and executed by Quisling traitors comprising the elite leadership of the European branch of the international socialist movement, headquartered in Brussels.

Czech President's Charge Of Orchestrated Migrant Invasion Holds Water.  Czech President Milos Zeman is taking flak for stating that the migration wave inundating Europe seems to be an orchestrated invasion, not a spontaneous movement of refugees.  There's more to it than first appears. [...] It's not just the fact that Islamic State terrorists have ties to increasingly tech-savvy organized crime networks focused on people-smuggling, or that the success of their operations yields billions with each boatload of refugees going up the Greek or Italian coasts.  It's that they aren't normal refugees, subject to human compassion — the old, the sick and the kids.  That's the image, Zeman said, but the reality is that the million migrants who have filed into Europe this year are overwhelmingly young unmarried men, the exact people who form invading armies and can change continents.

Suppose there was an ideology.  Suppose the adherents of that ideology believed:
  •   Homosexuals and transsexuals should be executed.
  •   Women should be punished for the crime of being raped.
  •   The word of a woman is worth half that of a man in a court of law.
  •   Western culture, including pluralism, tolerance, freedom of expression, the rule of law, etc. is an abomination.
  •   Men can beat their wives for such transgressions as refusing sex or leaving the house without permission.
  •   Men can divorce their wives by saying three times "I divorce you."
  •   Women should not be permitted to drive.
  •   Girls' genitals should be mutilated to ensure that as adults they do not experience sexual pleasure.
  •   Anyone who strays from the ideology should be put to death.
  •   Anyone who disagrees with the ideology is inferior and should be subjugated, and subject to harassment, extra taxes, and other punishments.
  •   The teachings of the ideology take precedence over the United States Constitution and federal code.
Suppose that adherents of that ideology were responsible for 99% of terrorist attacks worldwide, including some 27,000 documented terror attacks since 9/11, 169 just last month.  [...] How many adherents of that ideology should we take?

How to Stop the Collapse of Western Civilization.  [W]hen you flood the country with illegal immigrants who bring a great deal of crime, a great deal of social disruption — we have to carry them on the social roles that are already overstuffed due to the Cloward-Piven strategy that I know so many of you know about.  And when we do all of this just in exchange for votes for one party, we're now talking about a criminal enterprise that would rather rule over the ruins than be part of governing a successful and happy republic.  That's just true.  If you look at the European invasion, this latest invasion of Muslim immigrants that are coming up, so-called families of people trying to seek, you know, asylum, when 98 percent of them are military-age men who are screaming about jihad, and you put 750 Muslim refugees in a German village that holds just 105 people.  One hundred and five people in a village in Germany have been forced to accept 750 Syrian refugees, and people in Bavaria are talking civil war in Germany.  That's happening this week.  That's happening today.

M-Day: The Invasion of the West.  It has become evident that government officials in many countries and the mainstream media are in lockstep complicity, painting these asylum seekers as refugees deserving of our sympathy, and suppressing information about the epidemic of rape, disease and violence they bring with them.  Regrettably, our contemporary Good Samaritans, Liberation Secularists, similarly engaged in exchanging the nodes of center and periphery, have much to answer for.  Europe and the West in general are dying of multiculturalism, an affliction that looks as if it may be irreversible.

The Camp of the Saints Is Here.  Western civilization, as developed in much of Europe, North America and a few other places (e.g., Australia) has proven decisively superior to all other civilizations on Earth.  It is therefore not surprising that people who live in less successful, poorer, more violent, more repressive societies would prefer to live in the West (or, to put it in geographic rather than cultural terms, the North).  But there is no possible way for the advanced Western countries to absorb the billions of people who would like to live in them, especially since most of those who want to enjoy the material fruits of Western democracy have little or no understanding of the values and principles that make Western societies successful.

The American Refugee Resettlement Scam.  Call on your legislators stop the Syrian invasion and demand hearings!  Obama is the personification of the American radical Left — a force of pure, malevolent evil intent on destroying our country.  He is the Cloward Piven president.  Refugee resettlement as currently structured is Cloward Piven on steroids.  It is literally an agenda to erase America.

Alexander Hamilton On Immigration As Trojan Horse.  ["]To admit foreigners indiscriminately to the rights of citizens the moment they put foot in our country as recommended in the message would be nothing less than to admit the Grecian horse into the citadel of our liberty and sovereignty.["]  This debate perennially recurs throughout American history.  The only thing that's really changed is that we've developed a boundless faith in the ability of education to eradicate all differences between races, religions, and political beliefs.  This belief seems to be immune to the accumulation of evidence over centuries that it isn't quite possible.

The Invasion of the West Has Begun.  This time it's not an organized military invasion, but make no mistake, it is an invasion.  The difference is that one side doesn't seem to realize it's being invaded, and that side is the West — Europe and America.  European nations are inviting the invaders in, and thanks to the Obama administration, we will soon be following suit. [...] And then there are the other Muslim nations, like Saudi Arabia, who have, out of benevolence (I'm sure) offered to build 200 mosques in Germany.  [...] Mosques are not merely churches.  They are symbols of Islamic supremacy.  This is the reason mosques tend to be much larger than they have to be.  The land the mosque occupies becomes the land of Islam.  The mosque then becomes part of jihad against the West.  The more mosques there are, the more of the infidels land is conquered "without a sword for Islam."  In other words, without a shot fired.  And now the Obama administration has decided to join in the European idiocy.  In an effort to show we can be as stupid as the Europeans, Obama has decided to take in at least 10,000 Syrian "refugees."  But we've already established that no one knows who these people really are.

The Caliphate Growing at the Feet of Obama.  This is the Arab Spring, folks.  It has never been a democracy movement, nor is it a cry for self-government; it is a movement to replace largely secular non-Islamist governments with fully Islamist theocratic regimes that will eventually fall under the umbrella of a restored caliphate, led by the Muslim Brotherhood.  Syria refused to cooperate, preferring instead to slaughter hundreds of thousands of its own people before yielding to Obama's dream of a restored Ottoman empire.  ISIS is the tool with which this administration and its Muslim Brotherhood allies hope to pry Syria from the hands of Assad. [...] The Islamists are lashing out not because of Western oppression.  They aren't raising generation after generation of hate-filled terrorists in response to Western exploitation.  They are doing precisely what Islamists have done for 1,400 years — attempting to take over the world for Islam, as their prophet commanded them to do.

Entrance Exam: What To Do When the Migrant Mobs Come Pounding on Your Country's Door.  Call it the Koran test.  It is a simple entrance exam that would be scored as either Pass or Fail, and it is inspired by a recent incident at a migrant shelter in Suhl, Germany.  In that incident, one of the migrants tore up a Koran and threw the pages into a toilet.  When this was discovered, all hell broke loose.  A group of migrants chased the perpetrator, and he would likely have been killed if it were not for the security forces that shielded him. [...] With migrants from Islamic countries, what you see is what you get.  They pour through undefended borders, often with a haughty attitude; they leave trash everywhere they go; they demand food and accommodations and special treatment.  And all too frequently they get violent with each other and with anyone who doesn't give them what they want.  Look at some of the recent examples. [...]

Let the Vikings In?  Nowhere is the lesson that erosion of foundational belief systems invites collapse from within and without made more apparent than in the present immigration crisis in Europe.  Wars begin and invasions commence when formerly insignificant and disempowered entities feel it is safe to attack a dominant power.  The weaknesses noted by rival powers may include internal conflicts, enervated or deluded leadership, the reduction of military forces, and the deterioration of formerly strong alliances, all of which are current weaknesses of Europe and Northern America.  All invite attack.  But the most significant invitation to enemies to wage war by all means is the weakening or loss of a national unifying raison d'être; a justification for continued existence as well as a reason to fight.  A loss of faith and belief are inevitably coupled with feebleness.

Give Us Your Huddled Masses — As Long As They Aren't Wearing Suicide Vests.  Two Muslim refugees, one from Syria, another from Iraq, have been arrested on charges related to terrorism.  One was captured in Sacramento, California, the other in Houston, Texas.  If nothing else, the arrests should dispel any notion that those coming into our country from places like Syria are simply widows and orphans seeking a better life.  And yet President Obama continues to insist that we bring these people into our communities.

The Syrian Refugee Program Has the Hallmarks of the Obama Style.  President Obama's directive that the U.S. admit 10,000 Syrian refugees as a humanitarian measure has many hallmarks of his governing style:  it lacks a proper legal basis; it will harm rather than help its purported beneficiaries; it will undermine important American interests; and it is designed to signal virtue rather than accomplish anything.  As to the legal basis of the directive, U.S. immigration law is specific.  To enter the U.S. as a refugee, one must have a "well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion."  The program is not a free-floating humanitarian enterprise.

Who the 'Syrian Refugees' Are — Not All of Them Are Syrian.  Europe, which is dealing with the brunt of the Syrian-refugee crisis, is contending with massive amounts of fraud committed by its refugee population.  Many aren't even "refugees."  Rather, they are "migrants" as defined by international law.  A recent United Nations report indicates that only about half of the people entering Europe in this flood are from Syria.  Europeans officials have raised concerns that about one-third of these self-identified refugees are lying about being Syrian in order to win residency.  Syrian passports are highly sought after by people hoping to enter Europe.  For as little as $250 and a few days of waiting, you can buy a fake Syrian passport.  Syrian passports are effectively worthless as identification, because of the thriving black market and a lack of records from the Syrian government.

The Controversy over Syrian Refugees Misses the Question We Should Be Asking.  Unbound by any First Amendment, the French government exerts pressure on the media to suppress bad news.  We do not hear much about the steady thrum of insurrection in the banlieues:  the thousands of torched automobiles, the violence against police and other agents of the state, the pressure in Islamic enclaves to ignore the sovereignty of the Republic and conform to the rule of sharia.  What happens in France happens in Belgium.  It happens in Sweden where much of Malmo, the third largest city, is controlled by Muslim immigrant gangs — emergency medical personnel attacked routinely enough that they will not respond to calls without police protection, and the police in turn unwilling to enter without back-up.

'Fear itself': A tale of two speeches.  You can count on two things happening whenever America faces danger.  First, Republicans will demand action to keep the republic and its citizens safe, and second, Democrats will accuse the Republicans of fear-mongering.  In the current political climate, that fight has taken place over the issue of Syrian refugees, and the Obama administration's plan to resettle thousands of the mostly Muslim refugees in America.  ISIS has promised to infiltrate the refugees with terrorists, leading Republican governors to declare their unwillingness to allow the refugee program in their states.  In response, the mantra heard round the land the past two weeks by Democratic talking heads is "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."  Well, not so quick.

When danger is deliberate.  Barack Obama is blowing past all signs of caution on the left lanes of the road of American politics.  That's a dog-bites-man headline that by now is common knowledge.  He no longer cares what Americans think of his leadership.  His "my way or the highway" handling of the Syrian refugee crisis, which could endanger the homeland, seals it.  Though he gave Iran's stony-faced mullahs all they wanted and more in his nuclear deal, he has dispensed with even pretending to accommodate the concerns to several governors in his scheme to settle thousands of foreign refugees on their soil.  Flinging insults is more fun. [...] Contrary to the president's assertion, the majority of the refugees, in news photographs and television video is not composed of "widows and orphans," but healthy and well-fed young men.

The Irrefutable Link Between Immigration and Terror.  While Malik entered on a fiancee visa, not as a refugee, the point to be made is the same:  We cannot simply assume that because of age or gender, individuals have not been tainted by the belief system of violent Islamic extremism.  We should not be surprised.  It is only when viewed through the prism of Western sensibilities that such an inference has any logic.  But isn't it clear to us by now that Islamists vehemently reject our worldview and our moral structure?  Their aim is to inculcate whole populations, young or old, male or female, into a cult of death whose sharp point is aimed at the West.

5 Facts About Muslims In Europe.  1. Germany and France have the largest Muslim populations among European Union member countries.  2. The Muslim share of Europe's total population has been increasing steadily... from 4% in 1990 to 6% in 2010 [and by] 2030 [to] 8% of Europe's population.  3. Muslims are younger than other Europeans.

The next affirmative action group will be Muslims.  At least 1,500,000 immigrants from Middle Eastern countries have moved to America since 9/11.  Barack Obama has opened the door for this trend to continue if not go into overdrive — and this extends to far more than his welcome mat for Syrian "refugees."  Barack Obama has plans to bring in 85,000 refugees in the coming year (not just Syrians).  According to Senator Jeff Sessions, 91 percent of recent Middle Eastern refugees are on food stamps and 73 percent receive free health care.  The lifetime costs to American taxpayers for 85,000 refugees will be 55 billion dollars.

20 Ways To Tell If You Might Be A Liberal.  You might be a liberal if... [#1] Your newspaper calls people "bigoted" for being worried about bringing Syrian refugees to America, but you won't run pictures of Muhammad because you're afraid Muslims might kill you for it.

Islamism Rises from Europe's Secularism.  In France, the Socialist government imposed a "secularism charter" in every school, banning Christianity from the educational system.  Municipalities have already changed the enrollment form for schoolchildren by eliminating the words "father" and "mother", replacing them with "legal manager 1" and "legal manager 2".  It is George Orwell's "Newspeak".  After two major terror attacks in 2015, France, instead of promoting a cultural "jihad" based on Western values, responded to Islamic fundamentalism with a ridiculous "Day of Secularism" to be celebrated every 9th of December.  This narrow secularism has also prevented France from openly supporting Eastern Christians under Islamist oppression.

The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam.  In short, Europe is now reaping what they have sown as Europe itself has imported a major threat into its countries based upon the utopian liberal policies of multiculturalism, open borders, and an unwillingness to address the underlying religious cause of jihad.  It is due to the unholy alliance between the modern day leaders of the left and Islam itself that is to blame for the war like conditions in which Europe is currently living under.  This utopian agenda of the left is being exploited by jihadist sympathizing European Muslims as they have begun to ally with Left-wing activists in order to pave the way for what ISIS has calls the "conquest of Rome."

The Real Existential Threats of 2016.  Concerning the demographic decline and displacement of Western man by peoples of other creeds, cultures, countries, continents and civilizations, there is an ideological clash within the West.  Some among our elites are rhapsodic at the change.  Worshiping at the altars of diversity and equality, they see acquiescing in the invasion of their own countries as a mark of moral superiority.  Angela Merkel speaks for them, or did, up to a while ago.  To those who believe diversity — racial, ethnic, religious, cultural — is to be cherished and embraced, resistance to demographic change in the West is seen as a mark of moral retardation.  Opponents of immigration are hence subjects of abuse — labeled "racists," "xenophobes," "fascists," "Nazis" and other terms of odium in the rich vocabulary of Progressive hatred.

Europe Has A Safe Place Where Terrorism Can't Go.  Map of terror attacks in Europe.

News and commentary:

Illegal Iraqi migrant avoids deportation because he lost his phone and ID.  An illegal Iraqi migrant has avoided deportation from the UK after claiming he had lost his phone and identity documents.  The man, who allegedly left Iraq while facing arrest for exam fraud, claimed an 'agent' had thrown away his ID and phone, meaning he would not be able to get in touch with family members if deported.  Speaking at an immigration tribunal where he was granted anonymity, the man reportedly said he could not remember his family's phone numbers, which would prevent him from getting help to replace his identity cards and return to Iraq.

The Editor says...
Immigration officials in the U.K. will apparently swallow any sob story without the slightest skepticism.

Families [are angry] over plans to build over their 'village green' with a mosque car park.  Alarmed local residents have raised concerns over their 'village green' being replaced by a mosque car park.  Residents from Chew Moor, Bolton, Greater Manchester, packed a public meeting over a proposal to build a car park on the mosque's grounds which is housed in a former church building.  Chew Moor Methodist Church on St John's Road closed down in 2023 due to its decline in congregation and it was announced a year later that it would be turned into a mosque.

Police hunt 22 men after large-scale fight.  Police have released images of 22 men they want to trace after a large-scale fight in Sheffield.  The disorder took place on Woodbourn Road on 25 May last year, South Yorkshire Police said.  A force spokesperson said officers believed it involved two groups from the Eritrean community, with one faction supportive of Eritrean independence and the other in opposition.  Eighteen people have so far been charged with offences including violent disorder, possession of an offensive weapon and wounding, they added.

The Editor says...
What lovely people.  Aren't you so proud that you're letting them invade your country?  Idiots!

Islam is Destroying Western Culture Here And Abroad.  If you wish to experience Europe with all its unique nations, hurry because the entire continent is rapidly changing due to (legal and illegal) unchecked Islamic immigration, demographic shifts, and political pandering.  Even with no future immigration, Muslims in Europe will increase their population.  They are giving birth at a much higher rate than non-Muslims:  2.6 children compared to 1.6 children.  It doesn't take a mathematician to see where this goes. [...] If you visit Europe, be sure you know where you are walking.  The Migration Research Institute in Budapest, which is affiliated with the renowned Matthias Corvinus College, estimated in 2024 that there are 900 NO-GO ZONES across Europe.  This is the result of Europe's open-border policies that brought in an influx of Muslims who do not wish to assimilate into their adopted homeland.  Instead, they want their adopted homeland to become an Islamic "Sharia paradise."

British police are letting pro-Palestine vandals run riot.  This time last year, a female pro-Palestine activist took a blade and a can of red spray paint to the 100-year-old painting of Lord Balfour in Trinity College, Cambridge.  The perpetrator targeted the painting because Balfour was a signatory of the Balfour Declaration — the British Empire's 1917 recognition of the aim to establish a Jewish state.  The crime was filmed and posted online for all to see.  The perpetrator had a distinctive hairstyle (two plaits), as well as what looked like a £1,400 Mulberry backpack — something your average criminal usually doesn't sport.  She was also very clearly part of an outfit called Palestine Action, which claimed responsibility for the attack.  With just a tiny bit of police work and some political will, uncovering the identity of the perpetrator would not have been a monumental task.  And yet, a year after the historic painting was destroyed, Cambridgeshire Police have ended their 'investigation'.  They said only that they hoped new information may one day come to light.

Romanian rapist wanted in his homeland for driving offence avoids deportation after judge told sending him back would aggravate his PTSD.  A convicted Romanian rapist living in Britain — who is wanted in his homeland for a driving offence — has claimed it would be 'unjust' to send him back because he was previously abused in prison there.  The sex offender, whose identity has been withheld by the courts, arrived in Britain in December 2018 after serving almost seven years for rape.  The man, known only as ZA, applied for settled status on the basis he had a partner here, but did not tell authorities about his convictions.

The Editor says...
England is facing total collapse because it hosting the world's largest pity party, welcoming in all the Muslim "families" (single military-age men), indigent Africans washing up on the English Channel, and "political refugees" (i.e., criminals on the run).  Terrorists are given a free pass if they're "children."  (Awwww... think of the children!)  The British would rather sacrifice their country than to say something offensive about Islam, or minorities, or the scumbags who were already known violent criminals when they arrived.  (Or rapists after they arrived.)  With regard to the Muslims, it's too late to kick them out now:  They're about to take over, either at the ballot box or in the streets.

German officer dies from wounds in Afghan migrant stabbing spree.  An Afgan immigrant went on a stabbing spree at a right-wing, anti-Islam event in Mannheim, Germany on Friday, leaving 1 officer dead and 5 other people wounded, according to local officials.  The attacker was shot by police and remains hospitalized as of Monday, per the Associated Press.  The attack was captured on video and shared on social media.  [Tweet with video clip]

We Have a New Trump Travel Ban Coming.  President Donald J. Trump is reportedly drafting a new travel ban, which will likely trigger the liberal media.  It's a broader order, as opposed to his initial executive order on immigration that listed several predominately Muslim nations.  The press erroneously framed this order as a Muslim ban.  It wasn't — Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, was not on the list.  It was not even Trump's list — Obama was the one who initially picked the countries in question.  The new one Trump is cooking up has 43 nations on it:  [Tweet]

This Is Ireland — Correction, This Was Ireland.  By 2070, the Irish will be a minority in their own country.  [Video clip]

Shoplifting epidemic rockets to 17,000 thefts a day.  Britain's shoplifting epidemic has surged to a record high as crime rates at corner shops rose to hit almost 17,000 incidents a day.  Shoplifting incidents cost corner shops £316m last year, according to the Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), with 6.2 [million] thefts recorded, up from 5.6m the prior year.  Stores also faced more than 59,000 incidents of violence and 1.2 [million] incidents of verbal abuse.  James Lowman, the ACS chief executive, said:  "The levels of theft, abuse and violence experienced by retailers over the last year makes for shocking reading, but it will not surprise our members who are living it on a daily basis.

The Editor says...
Permit me to tout one of my half-baked ideas called, "Surveillance Video of the Year."  Once a year, someone (other than me, of course) should offer a hefty cash prize and internet fame to the best-quality surveillance video that sufficiently documented a crime to result in an arrest.  It's the 21st Century already, so throw out the grainy black-and-white cameras and VHS tapes.  I want to see high-definition robberies!

Another coincidence:
Mobile phone theft reaches highest recorded level in London.  Mobile phone theft rose to a record level in London last year as the number of handsets being snatched more than tripled in four years.  A Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Metropolitan Police has revealed that 70,137 phones were reported stolen in the capital in 2024, up nearly 40 percent from 52,428 the previous year.  In 2020, only 20,000 phones were reported stolen.  With new smartphones priced up to £1,200, the crime wave could be costing Londoners upwards of £70 million a year.  The true scale of the theft is likely to be significantly higher because the data only records thefts that are reported to the police.

Faith, Hope, and Babies.  I attempted to write a master's thesis at the Naval Postgraduate School in 2006 on England's dark future due to the incompatibility between the traditional English culture and the muscular Islamic culture of their newcomers.  The thesis advisers, whose instinct was to blame all problems on the Europeans, wouldn't accept the premise, leading to a worthless thesis and a "checked box" diploma.  Less than twenty years later, in 2024, England recorded well over 50,000 knife attacks and had become the land of the unimaginable rape gang horror, even as we are seeing vehicles turned into mass casualty weapons on a routine basis on the European continent as previously unique cultures are shredded.  Europe is going through an existential crisis to which their Eloi leaders have no answer other than to punish those who speak out against the Morlocks.  Within this environment, the Russia-Ukraine war serves as a welcome distraction to which to point their population's eyes in the same way that "Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia" in 1984.  I'm guessing more than a few wealthy Europeans will see a $5 million gold card as a real bargain to escape.

This is an admission of disloyalty, if not treason:
Somali-Born Maine State Rep Admits Her Purpose is to Develop Somalia: 'We Must Always Prioritize Our Country'.  One Maine state representative has single priority.  And it isn't America.  Deqa Dhalac, a Somali immigrant who was formerly the Mayor of South Portland and is now a member of the Maine House of Representatives, has argued her fellow Somalis should focus on putting their own country first.  "We Somalis living outside of Somalia must always prioritize our country, Somalia, and think of developing our country," she said in a video obtained by The Maine Wire.  "This must be done, especially by those Somalis abroad, such as in the U.S."

State Representative And Somali Immigrant Says Somalia Is Her Priority, Not America.  Former mayor of South Portland, Deqa Dhalac, a Somali immigrant and now a member of the Maine House of Representatives, says:  "We Somalis living outside of Somalia must always prioritize our country, Somalia, and think of developing our country," she said in a video obtained by The Maine Wire.  "This must be done, especially by those Somalis abroad, such as in the U.S."  [Video clip]

Another US Pol Admits She Is Loyal to Somalia.  They say the average IQ in Somalia is 72.67, right in the 70-75 range that has been considered a qualification for US government benefits on the grounds of mental retardation.  This could explain why Somali "refugees" say things in public that even most Democrats would know enough to keep to themselves.  Don't get the idea that all the diversity people in Maine's state government are loyal to Somalia rather than America.  Ekhlas Ahmed of the governor's Office of New Americans is loyal to neighboring Sudan, which she says she fights for in all of her fortunately limited capacity: [...]

The Editor says...
If the Somalian people are known to be that stupid, why are they admissible into the U.S.?  Every one of them is likely to become a public charge.

Today in Insanity:  Three preposterous stories.  [#3]  An Albanian criminal has been allowed to stay in Britain in part because his 10-year-old son does not like the chicken nuggets as served in foreign countries.  An immigration tribunal recently ruled it would have been "unduly harsh" for the child to be deported to his native Albania with his father due to his food sensitivity and other "additional" needs.  His father, Klevis Disha, 39, successfully appealed his deportation to a lower-tier immigration tribunal[,] in which his son's dislike of foreign chicken nuggets was listed as the only example of his issues with food.  So, Britain has fallen.  Both to Muslims that wish to make it part of a new caliphate, and now to criminals whose children its judges don't think should be exposed to non-native chicken nuggets.

The Stabby News From Germany.  Knives have been very, very busy lately in Germany.  There are too many stories to cover here, but I'll feature a select group, each in its own post.  The first piece is from Schwerin, the capital of the northeastern German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.  An Afghan culture enricher got angry about something and stabbed a 17-year-old to death.  Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius.

Libs Invite African 'Refugees' to Their Theater:  New Occupants Turn It Into Sex Den, Refuse to Leave, Bankrupt the Company.  After the managers of a Paris theater welcomed hundreds of African migrants into the building, the place has turned into a den of sex-related violence and drugs.  The Gaite Lyrique, one of the most iconic art venues in France, saw 200 people, largely young African men, come into the theater in December after management handed out tickets to a free conference called "Refugees Welcome in France," according the U.K.'s Daily Mail.  But they have since refused to leave.  There are currently almost 450 people living in the Gaite Lyrique — most of whom claim they are under the age of 18 and therefore deserve shelter.  However, law enforcement officials said, many of those residing in the building are adults, known to authorities, who had been previously sleeping on the street.

The UK's race toward Islam continues.  March 1 was the beginning for Ramadan, the month-long Islamic celebration that's marked by daytime fasting and nighttime feasting.  Muslim countries, of course, celebrate Ramadan's beginning and end.  Traditionally, Christian countries do not.  Instead, they celebrate things like Christmas and Easter.  However, in the UK, once a proudly Christian country, Ramadan is now a "thing." How else to explain its being celebrated in Parliament (with a speech by the Prime Minister about the suffering in Gaza) and in Windsor Castle, the home of England's Christian kings and queens for almost a thousand years?  Ordinary Brits are not happy but, frankly, what can they do?

New Law In The UK Would Automatically Give Muslims Less Prison Time That White British People.  Now, in the UK, it is becoming law that Muslims and minorities are to be given lesser prison sentences than white British people.  [Video clip]

Socialists abandon Parisian theater after alleged sex-related violence from African refugees who refuse to leave.  The socialist managers of a theater in Paris, France, are being forced to abandon it after welcoming in refugees who have refused to leave and are allegedly committing acts of violence involving sex and drugs.  The managers of the historic Gaîté Lyrique theater said that the crisis had grown to such levels that they would have to shut down and stop sending "support providers" to the theater over "untenable promiscuity."  The theater made headlines when managers invited the refugees in to a free conference entitled "Reinventing the Reception of Refugees in France" at the theater, but when the conference ended, the refugees decided to stay at the theater.  The problem was exacerbated by homeless people who also were inhabiting the 19th-century building.

Remember that French theater that invited migrants to a show and then they refused to leave?  The owners are now abandoning the building..  You guys remember this woke Paris theater that opened its doors to a bunch of African migrants for a free event, only to have the migrants essentially take over the establishment and make it their own? [...] Halfway through January, when that article was published, the migrants had been there for over a month.  Now, they've been there for 11 weeks and counting.  [Tweet]  Go woke, go broke has never seemed more appropriate.  [Tweet with video clip]

To avoid offending the Muslims...
New Law In Scotland Will Make It Against The Law To Pray Too Loudly Or In Front Of A Window In Your House.  Praying at home could be a crime "depending on who's passing the window", according to the architect of a controversial law in Scotland.  Gillian Mackay, the Green Party MSP, said "performative" prayer within 200 meters of abortion clinics could theoretically fall foul of new legislation, even if it was within someone's home.  While a law designed to restrict pro-life protest groups assembling outside abortion clinics passed almost unanimously at Holyrood last year, it has come under scrutiny after it was criticized by Vice-President JD Vance.  [Video clip]

The Editor says...
No such restrictions apply to the Muslims, who may stop in the middle of the street to pray, after hearing the call to prayer blasted from loudspeakers.

Islamic Scholar In The UK Says The UK Will Become An Islamic State.  British Islamic scholar Abu Waleed says, "We transform the UK into an Islamic state, and will impose humiliating laws on Christians and other non-Muslims to make them want to convert to Islam."  [Video clip]

'It's not racist to ask who is committing rapes' says broadcaster Alex Phillips.  Liam Halligan and Allison Pearson speak to broadcaster and journalist Alex Phillips about her documentary for the think-tank, The New Culture Forum, 'Heresies, Britain's Silent Rape Explosion'.  In her documentary, Phillips uses figures provided through Freedom of Information requests to better understand who the perpetrators of sexual assaults are.  As she explains, the data was not always easy to acquire:  "When you appeal to police forces to ask for breakdowns of crimes by nationality, very often they will tell you we record that data on the victims, but we don't record that data on the perpetrators.  "Across European big cities, and capital cities that have bigger populations of immigrant communities, you see the statistics leap up, with two thirds of all incidents of women being attacked are being carried out by people who have come into the country."  Fearing the threat to women and girls will only increase, Alex does not think politicians are doing enough.  "They're too lily-livered to take any affirmative action.  And so the only thing they can do is attack anybody trying to whistleblow on the issue, to try and essentially bury it and not make matters worse by provoking further outrage."

[An] Asylum seeker [was] declared a child by UK judges... despite a previous finding that he was 23.  An asylum seeker who the Home Office and the London Borough of Hounslow decided is at least 23 years old and has a receding hairline as well as thick facial hair was declared a child by judges.  Hounslow Council previously decided the Sudanese immigrant, who arrived on British shores by crossing the perilous English Channel, was not a 16-year-old teenager[,] despite his claims.  But this decision has since been overturned by immigration judges in a recent tribunal, and will therefore be considered a child on his asylum application.

Migrant gangs and religious violence have made Europeans hostages in their own countries.  From Taylor Swift dance classes to Christmas markets to an innocent stroll in the park or meeting some friends in the city centre of a bucolic village in southern Austria:  all activities that just a few years ago would not have needed special considerations or caused parents to worry about their children.  Alas, thanks to mass migration, these days are over.  According to the Spectator, there are 120 knife attacks every day.  Yes, you read that right:  120 attacks per day.  Germany now has on average two gang rapes per day, with half the suspects being foreigners.  Sweden now has the second highest rate of gun violence deaths in Europe, and only Albania is worse off.  According to the Guardian, the reason is "inequality" and "poverty."  Well, according to official statistics, Sweden has the 14th highest GDP per capita in the world and ranks 20th on economic equality so is not really a country where desperation drives people to pick up a gun.  The truth, of course, is not to be found in economic factors but in gang violence dominated by migrant groups.

There's only one way to stop illegal immigration:  scrap the asylum system.  Ask yourself this.  If a hotel down your road was suddenly filled with illegal migrants, overnight and with no warning, how would you feel?  Hundreds of unchecked and unvetted foreign males, mainly from cultures that share none of our values and hold no respect for women?  How would that honestly make you feel?  Would you be happy with your teenage daughter going out alone after dark?  The answer for any sane parent is no.  If not, you're as deluded as the Home Office.  These hotels are a danger to British citizens, particularly women and girls.  We are paying millions a day for the privilege.  In my role as MP, I have had countless whistleblowers come forward with concerns about how the hotels, and the contracts surrounding them, are being operated.

Deport Them All.  The Immigration Consensus Collapses Across the West.  Trump is right about Canada.  At this point the country's security has been so corrupted by its immigration policy, that China and the CCP are generally recognized as the most powerful influence in the country.  Our west coast is now a staging ground into the U.S. for Triad and Cartel crime, human trafficking, meth and fentanyl.  Vancouver and Toronto are the principal money laundering centres in North America.  As detailed in the linked interview above and this piece by Sam Cooper — the acknowledged (by the police) expert on CCP and fentanyl — we export enough fentanyl in one month to kill every American.  CCP influence and funding is tied to the Prime Minster's office, and China's United Front is behind Mark Carney's campaign.  This, below, is 100% caused by politicians and the CCP.  [Video clip]  Our existence as a nation is in danger.  We are likely to fall in the next decade, either becoming the 51st state or completely ungovernable, crime-ridden, and more corrupt than any country in the so-called democratic west.  Our politicians lie and hide and lie some more.  We are not alone.  And the primary cause is immigration.

Why immigration and free speech are incompatible.  A man was murdered in Sweden last week by Islamists.  What was the response of the authorities?  To make it harder for people such as him to get on the wrong side of the extremists in the first place.  Salwan Momika, an Iraqi Christian asylum-seeker, was shot in an apartment in Stockholm after he burned a copy of the Koran.  According to the BBC report, "The government later pledged to explore legal means of abolishing protests that involve burning texts in certain circumstances."  Read that statement again.  Jihadi thugs killed someone because they disliked his opinions, and the response was to make sure that such a situation does not arise again.  Don't hurt these crybullies' feelings, and then they won't have to murder you!

Blaming the Cutlery.  [T]he single most virulent disease afflicting Britain and the West generally is not mass immigration, gender ideology or even Islam, but the lie which facilitates them: 'equality'.  That's not to say of course that people should not be treated equally, or even as if they were equal — but the insistence that they are de facto equal, regardless of the insurmountable evidence to the contrary, would not pass muster in a nursery school playground[.]

Pakistani paedophile escaped deportation because it would 'harm his children'.  A Pakistani father who was jailed for child sex offences escaped deportation because it would be "unduly harsh" on his children.  The unnamed father of two toddlers, who was granted anonymity by an immigration court, had been banned from living with his children since he was convicted of trying to get three "barely pubescent" girls to engage in sex and was jailed for 18 months.  However, a lower tribunal judge ruled that he should not be deported back to Pakistan because it would be "unduly harsh for the children to be without their father".  The Home Office appealed against the decision and was backed by Judith Gleeson, an upper tribunal judge, who set aside the ruling, criticising it as "contrary to the evidence, plainly wrong and rationally insupportable". The case is ongoing.

Migration, Conquest, and Exodus.  The irreversible process of "transculturation" is underway.  Without question, the West has changed profoundly alongside the sustained immigration from the Third World, legal and otherwise.  Particularly affected by the change is Europe, the "eastern pillar" of the West, which borders the dominion of Islam.  In this part of the world, the presence of Muslims has a troubled history; to those with a grain of historical awareness, it brings back painful memories of the war of conquest that began over a thousand years ago in the Levant and reached as far north as the city gates of Vienna.  North America, the "western pillar" of the West, is also in a state of siege.  Millions of Latin Americans are migrating north, trying to cross the border in the hope of a better life for themselves and their children. [...] Numbers matter.  As soon as they are numerous enough, immigrants inevitably mold the society where they have taken up residence.  Some of them are easier to integrate and assimilate than others.  Christianized immigrants in North America, although accustomed to political chaos and lawlessness from home, are differently receptive to "civilizational instruction" than Muslims, for whom sharia stands above everything else — including laws and regulations of Western society.

African Gangs Get Into a Massive Gunfight in the Center of Belgium.  Belgian police are looking for armed men after a shooting was reported outside a metro station in the center of Brussels.  CCTV footage shows at least two men wearing balaclavas and carrying what appeared to be Kalashnikov weapons at the entrance of Clémenceau station in the Belgian capital early on Wednesday.  Video from the scene shows an exchange of fire at about 06:15 local time.  Sarah Frederickx, spokeswoman for Brussels police, said the suspects fled into the metro station and may still be in the metro tunnels.  [Video clip]

It's Not Just Britain; All of Europe Must Be Rebooted.  Europe has gone insane.  The Swedish Government has announced that they don't have control of the country, and Germany is considering banning the AfD, kicking all is members out of Parliament, and seizing all its assets.  [Advertisement]  [Tweet]  This insanity in both countries, as in Great Britain, is driven by immigration extremism — and by that I don't mean "extremists" who oppose immigration, but by those who are imposing a mass immigration agenda that is literally ruining their countries.  People aren't willing to admit that importing Islamist immigrants has created an unsustainable situation in which not just the culture, but the lives of their citizens are in danger.  [Tweet]  Sweden has become a war zone with nearly two bombings a day — SWEDEN! — and people who oppose the imposition of Islam are being murdered in the streets.  [Advertisement] [Tweet]  The Islamists run riot — often literally — and the leadership of European countries knowing let it happen.  [Tweet]  The situation in Germany, while not as dire, is dire enough that the AfD has been skyrocketing in popularity and could win control of the Bundestag.

How many more knife attacks can France take?  Each day in France there are 120 knife attacks.  On Saturday, one such incident resulted in the death of 14-year-old Elias as he left his football training in central Paris.  He was stabbed after refusing to surrender his mobile phone.  A 17-year-old has admitted the killing to police.  France's Interior Minister, Bruno Retailleau, expressed his horror at the death of Elias, and reiterated his determination to make France 'a country where parents no longer have to fear seeing their child murdered for nothing'.  He added that it 'will be a long and difficult road' and will require an end to the culture of excuses which 'has plunged some of our young people into a deep sense of impunity'.  Since he assumed his position in September last year, Retailleau has spent an inordinate amount of his time issuing grave warnings about the lawlessness of the country.  In one week in November he had to respond to the deaths of three young men in separate incidents in 36 hours.  Some on the left accuse Retailleau of hyperbole, of playing the game of the 'far right'.

I Have Seen the Future and It's Stabbed.  [Scroll down]  Sir Keir Stürmer and every outpost of the corrupt British state have lied to the public about every aspect of the Southport mass murder since the very first statements by the Liverpool chief constable passing off the killer as a "Cardiff man".  Her officers knew within hours that the Welsh boyo who loved male-voice choirs was, back in the real world, an observant Muslim in possession of the Al-Qaeda handbook and enough ricin to kill twelve thousand of his fellow Welshmen.  But they did not disclose this information for months — not until freeborn Britons minded to disagree with Keir Stürmer's Official Lies by suggesting that this seemed pretty obviously merely the umpteenth case of Islamostabbing had been rounded up, fast-tracked through Keir's kangaroo courts, gaoled for longer than Muslim child rapists, and in at least one case driven to his death.

Nearly two thirds of convicted rapists in Sweden are migrants or second generation immigrants.  Researchers at Lund University found that 63 percent of convictions for rape or attempted rape were handed down to people born abroad, or whose parents were born abroad.  The study examined 4,000 convictions between 2000 and 2024 and also suggested that the longer a foreigner lived in Sweden, the less likely they were to commit rape.  It comes as the Swedish government adopts a significantly tougher stance on migration, with new rules coming into force which require foreigners to prove they have lived an "honest life" to gain citizenship.  The study was led by Ardavan Khoshnood, a criminologist at Lund University, and follows a similar study in 2018 which found that 58 percent of rape convictions came from residents born overseas.

The Baronesses Won't Save You.  Somalis should be in Somalia, not Sweden.  By moving them in large numbers to Sweden, Sweden has set itself on the path to extinguishing itself.  In Britain, the politics fetishists are excited because Sir Keir Starmer has been backed into a "U-turn" and forced to hold a — guess what, boys and girls! — yes, an inquiry!  A "fast-track audit" into the scale of gang-rape.  Can you also guess who's going to be chairing it?  That's right, boys and girls:  a baroness!  Just like the lousy baroness who's screwing over the vaccine victims right now:  [Tweet] [...] Other than baronesses without end, what is anyone prepared to do to end the rape of England's daughters?

French leftist theatre faces bankruptcy after opening its doors to 250 African migrants for a free show... and they refused to leave.  A theatre in Paris which is known for its radical shows and exhibitions has been occupied by more than 250 African migrants after they were let in for a free event five weeks ago.  The Gaîté Lyrique theatre in Paris staged the conference, entitled Reinventing the welcome for refugees in France, on December 10.  It involved talks hosted by academics from top universities and Red Cross officials, and saw activists welcome in the migrants.  But when the conference was finished, the migrants, who mainly come from France's former west African colonies, refused to leave the venue.  Still occupied, the leftist theatre now faces going out of business after weeks without revenue from ticket sales, and has had to cancel all performances until at least January 24.  Its management said in a statement last week that the number of people taking shelter in the theatre is 'continuing to increase' and has swelled to around 300 people.

The Editor says...
This proves that your beloved "migrants" and "asylum-seekers" are just a bunch of freeloaders who will never benefit your society and should be promptly ejected.  This must be done forcefully and soon.  You don't have time to be polite, if you want to preserve your country.

Jihad Must Have No Place in the West.  The jihadist attack on Bourbon Street in New Orleans on January 1, 2025, in which 14 people were murdered by an American who converted to Islam and became an Islamist, should come as no surprise.  This was not the first time that a jihadist in the United States or Europe had attacked in "vehicular jihad."  The Islamic State (ISIS) appears to have "encouraged" it in 2010.  ISIS even recommended that to cause "maximum carnage," it be used preferably in "pedestrian only" sites.  In the US, jihadist attacks, vehicular and other, include 9/11/2001, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Fort Hood slayings and the New Orleans attack.  In Europe there have been at least 15 vehicular jihad attacks, including two on Christmas markets in Germany; one in Nice, France on July 14, 2016, and more in France, Spain, the UK and Sweden.  There have also been countless non-vehicular jihadist attacks there, including the London Underground attacks of 2005, the slaughter at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, the mass-murder at Bataclan Theater, among many others.

The Rape Jihad Is Unmentionable Because It's Doctrinal.  Among the most heinous elements of the sudden interest in the rape jihad, catalyzed by Elon Musk's admirable hounding of Britain's oh-so-progressive government, is that the "grooming gangs" are a very old story.  The rape jihad wasn't hiding in plain sight; it was willfully covered up by Parliament, by Britain and its allies in Europe's transnational progressive project, and by the American cognoscenti.  Talking about it was a surer guarantee of pariah status than participating in it.  And then there's the why.  Why is it a signature sexual abuse that we're not supposed to talk about?  Well, because it's deeply rooted in Islamic scripture.  If you have the temerity to notice that, there looms the risk of admonition that the problem is not the rape jihad but your "Islamophobia."

Muslims Raped More Women in Europe Than Rwanda or Yugoslavia.  Sweden has the highest sexual assault rates in the EU.  When researchers tried to unravel the cause of the sexual assault epidemic in the country they discovered that "first- and second-generation immigrants constituted the majority of the rape offenders".  Over half of immigrant sex offenders came from the Middle East and Africa.  In Malmo, the largest 'Muslim city' in Sweden and Europe, where a quarter of the population is Muslim, the study found that 71% of the convicted rapists were immigrants.  Swedish authorities tried to prosecute the female lead researcher for releasing those numbers.  Sweden's sexual assault numbers rose sharply after the Muslim migrant crisis, going from around 16,000 in 2015 to over 23,000 in 2023.  A previous survey by Sweden's SVT television after the migrant crisis had found that 58% of convicted rapists were immigrants and that 80% of the rapists who attacked women whom they did not know were immigrants.

Why Europe Should Close the Door to Most Migrants.  A long litany of antisemitic and anti-Christian hate crimes, and terroristic violence, supports the conclusion that the European Union should be selective as to which migrants it welcomes. [...] Viktor Orban is right about migrants who are not Hungarians and have no intention of becoming Hungarians, but want instead to live in parallel societies.  "We do not know who these people are, what their plans are, how they wish to maintain their own ideals, and we do not know if they will respect our culture and laws.  This is an unregulated, uncontrolled process, the definition of which is invasion," he stressed.  Even the United States, which has had more than three centuries' experience in welcoming and assimilating people from all over the world (as happened even before we became a country), is now having similar problems with migrants who want to "globalize the intifada," as a homegrown terrorist did in New Orleans.  We must reject these migrants, and it is even more imperative that Europe do so before the inhabitants find themselves living in a caliphate, where Jews, Christians, Hindus, those deemed to be the wrong kinds of Muslims, women, and LGBT people have few if any human rights whatsoever.

The Biggest Peacetime Crime — and Cover-up — in British History.  The grooming and serial rape of thousands of English girls by men of mostly Pakistani Muslim background over several decades is the biggest peacetime crime in the history of modern Europe.  It went on for many years.  It is still going on.  And there has been no justice for the vast majority of the victims.  British governments, both Conservative and Labour, hoped that they had buried the story after a few symbolic prosecutions in the 2010s.  And it looked like they had succeeded — until Elon Musk read some of the court papers and tweeted his disgust and bafflement on X over the new year.  Britain now stands shamed before the world.  The public's suppressed wrath is bubbling to the surface in petitions, calls for a public inquiry, and demands for accountability.  The scandal is already reshaping British politics.  It's not just about the heinous nature of the crimes.  It's that every level of the British system is implicated in the cover-up.

Asylum seekers 'drain money from Dutch state for generations'.  Asylum seekers arriving in the Netherlands become a burden on the state for generations, a new study has found.  Immigrants entering the country as students or to reunite with their families were also found to "bring negative net contributions".  A discussion paper by IZA, the Institute of Labor Economics, said the burden on the state was not from government spending on these groups, but from lower tax and social security contributions.  The study by researchers from the institute's international network was published as the Dutch government plans to cap the country's population at 20 million by 2050.  Its Right-wing coalition, led by Dick Schoof, the prime minister, has vowed to implement the Netherlands' strictest-ever policy on asylum, cutting the number of arrivals by 100,000 people per year.  Findings from IZA's research will bolster arguments that failure to curb migration to the Netherlands will put pressure on public services, including healthcare and housing.  Asylum seekers arriving in the country are expected to cost the state €400,000 (£330,000) over their lifetimes, according to the study.

Foreigners three times as likely to be arrested for sex offences as British citizens.  Foreign nationals are more than three times as likely to be arrested for sexual offences as British citizens, according to the first analysis revealing the scale of crime by migrants.  Police made more than 9,000 arrests of foreign nationals for sexual offences in the first 10 months of last year in 41 of the 43 forces in England and Wales.  This represented a quarter (26.1 percent) of the total estimated 35,000 sexual offence arrests, according to the first analysis of its kind by the Centre for Migration Control of data from police forces, the Home Office and the Office for National Statistics (ONS).  Foreigners were 3.5 times as likely to be arrested for sex offences as British suspects, based on a rate of nearly 165 arrests per 100,000 of the migrant population against 48 per 100,000 for Britons.  For all crimes, foreign nationals were arrested at twice the rate of British natives, accounting for 131,000 of the arrests from January to October 2024.  While foreigners make up nine percent of the population, they accounted for 16.1 percent of the total number of arrests according to the figures, released under freedom of information (FOI) laws.

In the UK And The US, Racial Subgroups Refuse To Address The Criminals Among Them.  Unless you've been living under a rock for the last week (or just living in the UK), you know about the sudden earthquake of activity surrounding the Asian Grooming Gangs (Rape Rings) that have been operating in Britain for more than 25 years.  Everyone is referring to them as Asian, but that's a disservice to 47 out of 48 of the countries in Asia because most of these "Asian" rapists are from just one country, Pakistan.  In America, we, too, have a class of people disproportionately responsible for crime:  blacks.  In both cases, the vast majority of law-abiding members of those groups refuse to police the problem, instead crying about racism.  This is a short term victory that will harm them badly in the long term.  If you're not familiar with the sordid story, basically, for the last 25 years, Pakistani men have been grooming and raping young white girls.  And when I say young, I don't mean a 16-year-old girl who puts on makeup and purposely tries to pass herself off as 18.  No, while that happened, the vast majority of the victims were far younger — 11, 13, and sometimes as young as 5 years old.  It's been recently suggested that the total number of victims over that period is more than 250,000.  And most of those victims were abused and raped by multiple men, sometimes dozens or more.

Watch As Degenerate Migrants Attack Firefighters With Fireworks As They Try To Put Out A Fire.  Firefighters were the target of firecrackers and fireworks set off by a group of young migrants on New Year's Eve.  The firefighters in Milan intervened to put out a fire caused by fireworks and while they were busy putting out the flames they were hit by the launch of other firecrackers and fireworks.  [Video clip]

Michigan won't be Michigan for much longer.  Michigan won't be Michigan for much longer; at least that's what the official census data from the federal government is foreshadowing.  According to a new article by Elyse Apel at The Center Square and via the Washington Examiner, Census Bureau numbers reveal that "international migrants" are behind the "population growth" we're seeing in the upper Midwestern gem of a state. [...] It means laws change, it means history is lost, and it means no more Michigan as we know it.  It means Michigan will become all that the foreigners fled.

Another Islamic terror attack on a European Christmas market.  [B]eginning in 2015, Germany took in around 1 million Muslims from across the Middle East, Afghanistan, and North Africa, a substantial percent of whom were hardcore Islamists who viewed this as an easy form of conquest.  The same continent that ejected Muslims during the Reconquista and defeated them at the Gates of Vienna cheerfully welcomed tens of millions of Muslims, making Islam second only to Christianity as the dominant religion on the continent.  But while modern Christians are pluralists (live and let live), and many are apathetic, Muslims are not. [...] Islam now accounts for between 10% and 20% of the population across Europe, although it's most dense in European capital and industrial cities (i.e., pressure points).  As the Middle East Forum wrote a year ago, Islam is transforming Europe.  And of course, Muslims in Europe are doing what Muslims always do when they have the wind at their back:  They kill civilians to establish dominance.  Christmas markets are a favorite pressure point because they revolve around the enemy Islam must conquer:  Christianity.

Illegal Invaders Are Found Hiding In The Front Of A Train That Was Travelling Between Italy And France.  A shocking clip showing people crawling out from inside a hidden compartment of a train highlights the chilling reality of Europe's migrant crisis.  In a short video posted to Reddit, two men can be seen crawling out from underneath a carriage on a French-owned SNCF train.  The train was reportedly heading from Italy to France, with the poster saying two railway inspectors were checking for stowaways before letting it depart.  [Video clip]

Mass migration brought the German government to its knees — the rest of Europe will follow.  Could Germany leave the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) before Britain?  That was the possibility raised by Jens Spahn, a senior member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), who are predicted to be the largest party after the next German election.  A former minister under Angela Merkel, Spahn is widely expected to return to the cabinet in the next German government.  His statement demonstrates the huge change which has taken place in the CDU since it was led by Merkel, who infamously invited Syrian refugees to come to Germany in 2015, sparking a European migrant crisis which has never really ended.  Her opening of Germany's borders ended in disaster.  Within the year 1.3 million people had come to Europe to claim asylum, trailing across the countryside in winding columns.  That led some European governments, like Hungary, to start building walls.  Despite claims that these refugees might rescue an ageing continent, as of 2021 only 54 percent of the 890,000 who arrived in 2015 have jobs.  Although Syrian refugees have made contributions in some areas, such as the 10,000 who work in German hospitals, they also feature regularly in newspapers as the perpetrators of horrific crimes, like the terror attack this year in Solingen, in which a Syrian Islamist with a knife murdered three people.  With over one million Ukrainian refugees also having arrived in recent years, Germany has seen spending on refugees, welfare payments to foreigners, and housing costs soar. [...] Over the years, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, where ECHR cases are heard, has expanded the definition of asylum to the point where it makes controlling borders an impossibility.

Syrian asylum seekers in hotels to cost Britain £11m a month.  Sir Keir Starmer's decision to leave thousands of Syrian asylum seekers in limbo is costing the British taxpayer up to £11 [million] a month in hotel bills.  Some 6,500 Syrian asylum seekers face an uncertain future in the UK after the Government froze their applications following the fall of former leader Bashar al-Assad.  This group included around 5,700 people who were receiving support such as accommodation and help with living costs from the Home Office as of the end of September.  Of those awaiting the outcome of their application around 2,550 were in hotels at the end of September.  This suggests that the hotel bill alone from the Government's pause is likely to be in excess of £11 [million] a month.  The total cost of delaying Syrian applications for one month will raise costs by as much as £19.6 [million], Telegraph analysis shows.  The National Audit Office has previously found that the cost per night per person is £145.

A Dark Day for Democracy:  Dutch Lawyer Raisa Blommestijn Convicted for Criticizing Mass Migration.  In a ruling that many call a dark day for democracy and freedom of speech, Dutch legal philosopher and outspoken critic of mass migration Raisa Blommestijn has been sentenced to 80 hours of community service — twice the prosecution's initial demand.  The verdict includes 40 hours conditional and a €1,550 compensation to former MP Sidney Smeets, further igniting concerns over judicial overreach and political persecution in the Netherlands.  Standing outside the courthouse in The Hague, Blommestijn described the ruling as a [scathing] indictment of free speech in a nation increasingly hostile to dissenting voices.  "Today is a dark day for democracy, the rule of law, and freedom of speech," she declared.  "I have been convicted, but with me, everyone who shares my views has been silenced."  Blommestijn condemned the court for interpreting her words to fit a predetermined narrative.  "An interpretation was imposed on me that I didn't say, didn't write, and didn't mean.  Someone else is deciding what I meant by my words.  That is utterly insane," she said, framing the decision as a symptom of broader authoritarianism creeping into Western democracies.

Diversity != Strength.  The ritual cliche invoked by the social justice left is that "diversity is strength."  But as the Irish mother in the video notes, importing waves of unassimilated foreigners into local communities doesn't strengthen them at all.  [Video clip] [...] Immigrants should come to a country to assimilate with it, not to colonize it.  As in the US, EU elite have decreed that ordinary citizens of various European countries that the Brussels elite will never interact with must bear the burden of unassimilated immigration due to elite desire for cheap labor and the need to change the composition of the electorate they claim to operate on behalf of.  Stand up or be washed away.

Germany's Open Borders Have Made It a War Zone for Women — And Now They're Criminalizing Self-Defense.  A deadly incident at a German train station exposes the brutal reality of Germany's open-border policies and their twisted priorities:  protecting dangerous foreign attackers over their victims.  A 20-year-old American woman now faces prosecution after fatally defending herself from a 64-year-old Eritrean migrant who allegedly sexually assaulted her.  This case should be a warning to all:  not only are women's lives at risk in Germany, but if they dare fight back, they will be vilified and persecuted by the very state that invited these threats.  The brutal ordeal unfolded at Kaiserslautern train station, where the young woman was on an escalator when she was allegedly groped from behind by the Eritrean man.  As any woman would, she reacted instinctively, attempting to ward off her attacker.  A confrontation ensued, during which the woman, fearing for her safety, drew a switchblade.  Prosecutors confirm that video footage shows no premeditation — the attack happened suddenly, and her response was a clear reflex in the face of a physical threat.  When the assailant escalated further, allegedly grabbing her arm, she stabbed him once in the chest.  The knife struck his heart, and he died of his injuries.  In a just world, the story would end there:  a woman successfully defending herself from a sexual predator.  Instead, the German authorities are focused on punishing her.

More femicide in Europe.  Just today at Remix News there are five separate headlines highlighting violence perpetrated against females, specifically because of their biological sex.  You can read about the African man who beat and robbed "with great force" at least ten elderly women between the ages of 61 and 93 in Paris earlier this year; or the Somalian "refugee" who "felt like" raping a young girl he "wanted to get to know"; or the Afghan migrant who reportedly bashed his young, 20-year-old wife in the head before drowning her in a bathtub in Germany; or the "failed asylum seeker" from Lebanon who stalked his ex-wife's location and stabbed her to death outside the women's shelter (also in Germany) where she'd been living; or about the Syrian man who took revenge on his ex-fiancée by burning alive her sister at their family home, again, also in Germany.  (This same individual had "violently abused" his almost-wife before the marriage was called off.)  Now, there aren't any specifics as to the national background of the "African" man who victimized little old ladies, but what do the other four home nations have in common?  Well, they're all third world, and they're all majority Muslim.  And how do these nations treat women?  Well, terribly.

High End Store In London Enjoys Some Cultural Enrichment.  This security team of a posh department store in Piccadilly detained a suspected theft ring.  The suspects kept trying to escape before the police could arrive.  [Video clip]

Time is running out to prevent our mass migration wave from becoming permanent.  The latest immigration statistics make for stark reading.  The Office of National Statistics has upgraded its figures for net migration in the year ending June 2023 to 906,000.  That's because they'd undercounted the number of people coming, and overestimated the number who were leaving.  Even though those numbers have declined slightly, the provisional net migration figures to the end of June 2024 still stand at a huge 728,000.  These unprecedented levels sound bad — but they are likely the preface to something worse.  Many of these visas are in the low-skill, low-pay care sector or other jobs where migrants can look forward to getting Indefinite Leave to Remain in five years.  Once that is obtained, they are on a path to citizenship and permanent settlement.  In the most recent statistics, the number of people getting citizenship was 268,000 — larger than the population of York.  Data from the Office for Budget Responsibility showed that low-earning immigrants tend to be fiscal negatives over the course of their lifetimes.  That means that any low-skill worker who becomes a British citizen will end up costing the taxpayer more than they contribute.

Tyranny in Britain.  [Scroll down]  How did the good people of Britain — i.e.  Indigenous Brits — how did they feel about immigration?  They've been against it since Day One.  No one wanted it, no one asked for it.  But the government paid them no mind, and on it went.  The flavour of immigration morphed and changed through the years, as did legislation governing it.  What has been consistent, however, is the government's steadfast betrayal of the English people, as they watched their cities and towns undergo permanent demographic upheaval. [...] And the beat went on.  Immigration continued unchecked through the 70s, 80s, and 90s.  Cities and towns were permanently altered, as if Britain was being conquered by an enemy.  Indeed, it was. [...] Once lovely high-trust communities are now crime-ridden cesspools.  Migrants are placed in hotels while downtrodden British are homeless, dying in the streets.  Welfare and socialized medical systems crumble under the weight.  Meanwhile, today's indigenous English, some tracing roots back to the Middle Ages, are treated with contempt.

British Prime Minister Admits Mass Migration to U.K. 'Happened by Design'.  British prime minister Keir Starmer accused his predecessors of intentionally designing a "one-nation experiment in open borders" after the latest statistics revealed that more than 900,000 migrants entered the U.K. last year.  The Labour Party leader laid the blame on the Conservative Party for the record-high numbers, claiming the opposition failed Brexit voters on its vow to curtail illegal immigration.  Brexit, which authorized the U.K.'s exit from the European Union, narrowly passed in June 2016 and formally took effect in January 2020.  "Time and again the Conservative Party promised they would get the numbers down.  Time and again they failed, and now the chorus of excuses has begun," Starmer said Thursday on Downing Street, referring to Tory leader Kemi Badenoch's admission that her party had failed Great Britain on immigration.  "A failure on this scale isn't just bad luck, it isn't a global trend or taking your eye off the ball — no, this is a different order of failure," the prime minister continued.  "This happened by design, not accident.  Policies were reformed deliberately to liberalize immigration.  Brexit was used for that purpose, to turn Britain into a one-nation experiment in open borders."

The mass migration myth is falling apart.  Nowhere is the policy failure that seems to have engulfed virtually everything the Government touches more apparent than immigration.  I don't know why anyone was surprised by last month's revised data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).  As a source of information on the economy, the ONS has become about as reliable as a number 16 bus — so much so that the Bank of England has come to prefer the reports of its own agents in the field to the official ONS data when assessing the economy's true state of affairs.  In any case, it has been obvious for a long time now that the ONS has been wildly understating the extent of the surge in net migration.  You only need to look around you to see the transformation that has occurred in the size and mix of the population.  It should therefore come as little surprise that after re-examining its methodology, the ONS now reckons that no fewer than 1.3m migrants entered the country in the year to June 2023, far higher than previously reported.  How it could have missed the visas issued to Ukrainians and the large number of individuals transitioning to new visas — the main explanation for errors in the original estimate — is a wonder to behold.

Illegal African Migrant Horribly Beats An Elderly Couple On Their Way To Church In Italy.  On their way to church, a senior citizen couple was attacked by a crazed African illegal for reasons unknown.  The primitive walked up to an 80-year-old man pushing his wife in her wheelchair and started attacking him[.]  When the pensioner called out for help, locals came just in time as the African ripped the cane from the man and started beating the old woman with it.  [Video clip]

A Disaster Foretold.  In retrospect, the "Rivers of Blood" speech by British Member of Parliament Enoch Powell, a modern Laocoön, on April 20, 1968, ranks as a milestone.  It marked a historical break with the politely restrained, purely observational attitude to large-scale immigration.  The thing is that Powell — and others with allegiance to Western civilization — had a premonition of danger: they clearly saw a disaster in the making.  Unless drastic measures were taken to prevent it, chances were that it would unfold in the near future, deeply affecting the lives of their own children and grandchildren.  Back then, when there was yet time to reverse the course of events, warnings went largely unheeded; they were ridiculed, trivialized, or ignored.  As the West was subsequently overrun by migrants from Africa, the Middle East, and beyond, however, the political conflict intensified and — without further ado — absorbed the revolutionary, sentimental-manipulative elements of traditional "class struggle."

Leaflets in London: 'Every Zionist Needs to Leave Britain or Be Slaughtered'.  What is happening in Britain today could all too easily happen here, and that's why every American should note the rising tide of antisemitism there, and particularly its frankly and unapologetically menacing edge.  GB News reported Wednesday that "leaflets with the writing 'every Zionist needs to leave Britain or be slaughtered' were found spread around the streets of Hendon, a predominantly Jewish neighbourhood in north London." The message itself was bad enough, but the fact that it has gotten so little attention was a disquieting indication of how much antisemitism has already become normalized amidst the left's relentless propaganda campaign to isolate and demonize Israel after the Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023.  If any other group had been targeted with the threat to leave any country or face mass slaughter, the headlines would have been international and insistent.

Western Europe's Muslim Problem.  Geert Wilders, leader of the largest party in the Dutch parliament, blamed Moroccan Muslims for the attack on the Israeli Maccabi Tel Aviv fans.  He noted that the Muslims do not hide the fact that they want to destroy Jews and recommended the deportation of those people convicted of involvement in the pogrom if they have dual nationality.  Muslim migrants arrived at the industrialized Western European states after WWII, many from the countries that were their former colonial possessions.  Thus, Algerian, Moroccan, and Tunisian Muslims landed in France and in Belgium (since French was also widely spoken there).  Turkish Muslim temporary laborers were brought to Germany and never left.  The Netherlands became home to Indonesian Muslims.  South Asian Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims settled in Britain.  Many of those early Muslim settlers sought a quiet life, economic betterment, and freedom.

Giorgia Meloni claims there is a 'higher incidence' of immigrants in rape cases in Italy.  Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has claimed that illegal immigrants are responsible for higher incidences of rape in Italy and that police presence in cities must be upped to make public spaces safer.  Speaking in a wide-ranging interview with Italian women's magazine Donna Moderna yesterday — the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women — Meloni acknowledged she would be labelled a racist for delivering the message so bluntly.  The Italian Premier said that combatting mass illegal immigration would help contribute to efforts to make public spaces safer for women.

Manchester Cops Refuse White People Entry Into A Mall To Protect Muslims, Arrest One Man Who Refuses To Leave.  In Manchester, young white men are excluded by police from Arndale Shopping Centre, presumably, to protect the majority Muslim population.  [Video clip]

Arab Thugs Shoot Up A Store Before Setting It On Fire In Marseille.  During the night of Wednesday 6 to Thursday 7 November, armed Arab men targeted a supermarket in the northern districts of Marseille (15th arrondissement) before setting it on fire.  The fire then caused the evacuation of several residents of the building.  On the internet, a video testifies to the violence of these acts, before the fire was started.  It was in fact 2 a.m. when armed and hooded individuals fired several shots.  Alerted by the sound of the detonations and seeing the first flames, a neighbor immediately alerted the police.  The business had been completely destroyed.  [Video clip]

Immigration, the Relapse to Barbarism, and the End of Civilization.  The importation of entire population groups from the Third World invariably disrupts cultural norms in the West.  In view of the demographic projections, this change is likely to be irrevocable.  Along with cultural homogeneity, trust in society disappears.  Thus, the supporting pillars of civilization are crumbling.  What remains is the morally degrading tyranny of clans at war with the rest of society.  So, literally speaking, the West turns into a bloody battlefield where Christianity is in decline — just as it has been for centuries in North Africa and the Middle East.  The Peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years' War.  This time round, however, it is primarily Muslims against pagans of Christian descent. [...] Although forbidden by its political employers to declare it publicly, French police have long since capitulated.  It is persistently challenged by a superior power in the suburbs and fears for the lives and health of its members.  As the conditions are, it is not rewarded for combating crime and lawlessness in society.  Rather, it is suspected of political bias and subject to political (leftist) persecution.  True enough, the West continues to fight itself rather than dealing with the destructive impact of immigration.

In Switzerland: 67% Of Prisoners Are Foreigners.  Last year, Switzerland imprisoned 9,297 people, with 67 percent of them foreigners, according to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.  The number of foreigners in the prison population has tripled since the 1980s.  Men still account for the vast majority of offenders, accounting for 90.6 percent of all prisoners, while 9.4 percent of all prisoners are women.  The rate of foreigners in Swiss prisons has remained relatively stable over the last 10 years, but the overall number of prisoners has also jumped significantly.  The vast majority of prisoners are incarcerated for minor offenses, such as petty theft.  In some cases, if offenders are unable or unwilling to pay a fine, they can be incarcerated in Switzerland.  Many prisoners are serving sentences between five and 90 days.  It is unclear the exact breakdown of the foreign prison population in 2023. Switzerland has many foreign European nationals residing in the country, but many of those arrested and imprisoned are non-EU nationals.

Sanctuary State CT Certifies Hundreds of Sham Immigrant Marriages.  It's one thing for CT government officials to make a mess of their own state, but another to wreck our country by operating a sham marriage mill for immigrants.  One recent day, for instance, [Wanda] Geter-Pataky conducted seven such marriages in New Haven City Hall.  All seven involved an Indian-born spouse and an American-born spouse.  None came from New Haven, according to their marriage licenses.  They claimed they live in Houston, Waterbury, Queens, the Bronx, Long Island, Chesapeake, Virginia.  The nuptial-seekers mirrored similar groups showing up in city halls throughout the state:  Couples, mostly with one spouse from India or sometimes other nations, looking to marry an American allegedly from another state. ... Clipboard in hand, Geter-Pataky guided a couple at a time into the Office of the Registrar of Vital Statistics on New Haven City Hall's first floor to fill out their license applications.  She steered them to the elevator up to the second floor to marry them in the atrium outside the mayor's office.  Then on to another couple.

Syrian Migrant Throws 91-Year-Old Lady Down The Stairs To Rob Her Neclace In Sweden After Being Let Out On Rape Charges.  A Muslim Syrian immigrant named Karam Kanju attacks a 91-year-old Swedish woman and throws her down the stairs to steal a necklace that her husband gave her 50 years ago.  This is after Swedish courts Kanju out after assaulting and raping a woman.  [Video clip]

When Gov Protected 'Children in Need' Turn Out to Be Al-Qaeda, Do 'Racist' Citizens Get Their Lives Back?  On the 29th of July, a 17-year-old 'boy' armed with a machete slaughtered three young girls who had gathered, with fellow 6-to-11-year-olds, for a girlie afternoon of Taylor Swift-themed yoga, dance, and drawing.  In the aftermath, the carnage count included, besides their precious little lives, eight other children and two adults who'd been horribly injured during the attack.  Police were tight-lipped on the assailant, citing his age.  [Tweet with video clip]  But locals had a suspicion and started demanding answers as the shock wore off and outraged horror replaced it.  Starmer immediately made appropriate vanilla 'thoughts and prayers' noises but both the government and Mercyside Police remained mum on the suspect's name and origins.  It didn't take long for that silence to feed the flames of anger and riots — 'disturbances' as they called them — broke out from across the country.

Harris and Biden deliver thousands of migrants from one of the poorest and most corrupt nations in the world.  Mayor Mark Mason of little Lockland, Ohio is scrambling to keep things together after the Harris-Biden regime dropped thousands of migrants from Mauritania (not to be confused with Mauritius) into the community over the last year.  As Mason describes the situation, it's a "population outburst," which equates to a roughly 100% increase — Lockland is about 1.2-square miles, and before the arrival of thousands of foreign Muslims who don't speak English, there were only about 3,500 people in the small hamlet.  Mason states that Lockland lacks the resources to cope with what is obviously a serious burden, a reality corroborated by other city officials — Doug Wehmeyer, the local police chief as well as Lockland's administrator, who revealed that emergency services typically run about 1,500 calls a year, but so far in 2024 has jumped by 12%, which works out (approximately) to be an extra 180 calls — or basically an extra call every other day — and this increase is almost exclusively due to the Mauritanians, who are still living like they're in Mauritanian huts and stone homes, burning down apartment complexes in "cooking fire" mishaps.

Migrant gangster convicted over murder can't be deported because of EU rules.  A migrant gang member convicted of manslaughter after the murder of an 18-year-old cannot be deported because of European Union rules, it has emerged.  Abdul Hafidah, 18, was murdered in front of rush hour commuters in Manchester in May 2016.  The teenager, a childhood friend of Salman Abedi, the Manchester Arena bomber, was run over by a car and then stabbed in the neck.  The 10 men convicted of the killing included William George, 28, a semi-professional footballer.  George, a Belgian who moved to Britain with his parents at the age of eight, was jailed for 12 years for manslaughter for his part in the assault.  In 2018 he was served with deportation papers, which said he had a "real risk" of reoffending.  Home Office officials have now lost a six-year legal battle to remove George from the UK, despite him being associated with Manchester's notorious AO gang.  Under Brussels directives, which applied until Brexit, EU nationals who lived in Britain for an extended time could only be deported "on imperative grounds of public security".

Germany's AfD Warns: 'First Synagogues Will Burn, Then Churches, and Everyone Who Does Not Submit'.  "October 7 is a sign of what awaits us when Islam takes power in Western Europe," warned Beatrix von Storch, highlighting the massacre of Jews as a grim preview of Europe's future under Islamic control.  In a powerful speech delivered by Beatrix von Storch, representing the Alternative for Germany (AfD) parliamentary group in the Bundestag, she condemned the rise of Islamic terror in Europe and the failure of Western governments to confront the threat.  The AfD, often falsely labeled as Nazis by the left, is, in fact, Germany's only conservative party and the fiercest defender of Jews.  They are also the country's only pro-Israel party, standing firmly against anti-Semitism.  Storch began her speech by stating that "Islamist terrorists carried out the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust," taking over 200 hostages in the process.

African Migrant Tried To Mess With The Wrong Italian Lady.  Turns out, this Italian woman knows a thing or two about Brazilian jiu-jitsu.  [Video clip]

The Mass Immigration Scam.  Britain is floundering, there's no getting away from it.  As to why, you could write an encyclopaedia on the subject.  The criminal absence of conservatism since Thatcher, to the extent that a third of the electorate mistook Keir Starmer for a viable political option outside of North Korea; insane virtue-signals like Net Zero, which sees Britain playing 'Save the Planet' while the rest of the world wisely gives Greta the finger, and laughs all the way to the bank; [...] a criminal amnesty excused as 'diversity', because any deeper analysis would prove to be 'racist'; the wilful destruction of everything British, in favour of absolutely anything else — no matter how repugnant; two-tier policing, justice and indeed society — where White Brits are persona non grata in their own homeland etc, etc.  A smorgasbord if ever there was one, but at its heart the fall of Britain can be distilled to one single word:  Immigration.

Inside the 'hellhole' northern village where refugees are being 'dumped' by London councils.  Fed-up locals say their village has become a 'hellhole' and a 'dumping ground' for refugees for councils in London.  Residents in the former mining village of Eldon Lane in County Durham have compared their community to a 'ghost town' with eerie streets full of vandalised homes covered in boarded up windows.  Anti-social behaviour and crime have become so extreme in the village that, in the past, bus drivers refused to stop in the area.  While a YouTuber visiting the area harshly branded it a 'Victorian slum'.  It comes as towns and villages across County Durham are becoming home to an increasing number of refugees who are reportedly moved up to the North East of England by councils in the south.

Non-citizen cop can now arrest you in Walz's Minnesota.  We give our police officers extreme power.  We provide them with the right to arrest us before we are convicted in court or even indicted by a Grand Jury.  We give them guns and qualified immunity to use those firearms.  Now, in Tim Walz's Minnesota, a non-citizen Muslim from Somalia has all those special rights.  I'll assume Somali-native Officer Lesly Vera is a good woman.  Now 23, she emigrated legally when she was four.  Although she has been here for 19 years, we wonder how much of America she really understands, and respects.  Rather than moving to a town where she could assimilate into our American culture, her mother took her to the largest Somali community in the U.S.  If a mother wants to adopt good American values, Minneapolis is a bad choice.

Minneapolis Swears In First Non-U.S. Citizen as Police Officer.  Minneapolis, Minnesota, has sworn in its first police officer who is not a U.S. citizen, according to reports.  The Minnesota Police Dept. has reported that Lesly Vera, a native of Somalia, was sworn in on Thursday as the department's first non-citizen officer.  Vera was seen at the swearing-in ceremony wearing a hijab over her head as she took the oath of office and received her badge.  [Tweet]  Vera moved to Minneapolis with her parents from their arrival point in Mexico when she was four.  She is a legal resident alien and authorized to work, but is not a U.S. citizen.

Syrian Migrant Goes On A Violent Rage In Essen Germany.  A man's been arrested after allegedly setting two fires in Essen that left 30 people injured and driving a van into two shops, authorities said on Sunday.  A man has been arrested after allegedly setting off two fires in the western German city of Essen that left 30 people injured and driving a van into two shops, authorities said on Sunday.  Emergency services were alerted to two fires in residential buildings in quick succession shortly after 5 p.m. on Saturday, police said.  The injured people included eight children who were seriously hurt, and two of them were in a life-threatening condition after inhaling smoke.  [Video clip]

Masochistic Fatalism in Times of Challenge.  The truth is that Westerners, stuck in melancholic self-doubt and victims of secular desperation, take the end of their civilization for granted.  Instead of fighting for human freedom and dignity, they are busy negotiating the conditions of their surrender.  Without any (a) experience of something greater in life than themselves, (b) historical insight, and (c) intellectual-moral self-discipline, they no longer know who they are, they have learned to hate themselves, and they therefore cannot bear to fight for themselves.  Accordingly, parading their pitiful defeatism like masochists, they are ready to submit to Islamic rule.  Apart from violent jihad (i.e. classic Muslim warfare), which comprises individual assassination and indiscriminate terrorism, "juridical jihad" has recently entered the modern vocabulary.  Intimidation and suppression of critics may thus present themselves in the form of frenzied bloodsheds or elaborate lawsuits.  Islamist tacticians know exactly how to exploit self-inflicted weaknesses of the West, including its judiciary system.

Is Obama cash underwriting Iran's election interference?  There are centuries of legitimate European, Eastern, and African history regarding the Muslim hatred of Christians.  There is no statistical proportionality between the persecution and slaughter of Christians by Muslims and the reverse.  The Muslim culture/religion is permeated with the concept of divinely led and humanly sustained/obeyed violence, an historical and current theme of proactive murder, rape, torture, and pillaging absolutely antithetical to Christian ideals.  The fact that the contemporary western mind has been purposefully rerouted through education and media, away from exposure to the actual historical facts of Muslim animus to a sort of vague, benign affect does not change the brutal historical and present truth of Muslim activity against Christian culture.  We, after all, are seeing it here and now, courtesy of Obama and his enablers in the Mideast and now — far more so and longer — in Europe, unfold before us here, in less than a generation.

African Migrant Throws Ticket Inspector Off Of Train In Italy After Trying To Ride The Train For Free.  This is why Europe is finally waking up and stopping immigration full stop.  Germany just last week announced they will be taking no more migrants.  The problem is, it may be too late.  [Video clip]

If you cross the English Channel in a little boat, you're exempt.
Travelers will need 'permission' and a fee to visit United Kingdom as part of new digitized system.  The British government has rolled out a new requirement for travelers hoping to visit the country.  An "Electronic Travel Authorization" (ETA) has been implemented that digitizes tourists' requests to visit the country while paying a fee of about $13.  "Everyone wishing to travel to the U.K. — except British and Irish citizens — will need permission to travel in advance of coming here," says the United Kingdom government's site.  The ETAs are linked to a traveler's passport in an effort to smooth security checks and "prevent abuse" of the immigration system.

Looks Like Spain Is About To Be Invaded By A Massive Horde Of Moroccan Illegals.  The security forces of Morocco and Spain are on high alert in the face of information spread on networks about the organization of a possible mass passage of illegal migrants in the early hours of Saturday to Sunday through Ceuta and Melilla to jump from Africa to the European continent through Spanish territory.  Comments from various sources indicate that the passage through the borders of Ceuta and Melilla would supposedly take place in the early hours of Saturday to Sunday, which is why there is maximum tension in the border area between Moroccan and Spanish territory.  [Video clip]

Sweden offers immigrants £26,000 to return home.  Sweden has announced that it will pay immigrants up to £26,000 to return to their native countries, raising the existing financial incentive by a factor of more than 30.  The Nordic country, which from the 1970s to the 2010s prided itself on having some of the world's most liberal asylum and integration policies, is going through a "paradigm shift" in its approach, according to its migration minister.  The sum it plans to offer migrants to leave appears to be the most generous in Europe.  It compares with a maximum of £11,400 in Denmark, £5,400 in Norway and £3,000 in the UK.  Under the current Swedish system, which was established in 1984, the money is capped at £750 for individuals or £3,000 for families.  It has not been widely publicised and last year only one person took advantage of the scheme.

The Editor says...
Okay, that's the carrot.  Where is the stick?

It's not just the Haitians eating your pets and things they shouldn't be.  The immigrants in the UK & Ireland also do this.  [Thread reader.]

A Giant Muslim Migrant Beats The Snot Out Of A British Cop While His Buddy Laughs As He Films It.  This is the big joke in the UK.  The cops are very tough when it comes to arresting older Brits for social media posts but get [beaten] by the migrants who see them as jokes.  Only 450 Muslims in the British Army.  More than 750 British Muslims joined ISIS.  More than 15,500 Muslims in British Prisons.  More than 40,000 Muslims are on terror watchlists.  [Video clip]

Woman In London Is Attacked By A Migrant, and The Police Threaten To Arrest Her Because She Called Him A 'Filthy Migrant'.  This woman went to Marks And Spencers in Chelsea, London and she was attacked again on Kings Rd by another migrant.  The police don't turn up in time and when they do they are more interested in policing her speech instead of arresting the filthy migrant that attacked her.  [Video clip]

Cost of furnishing asylum seeker flats too 'sensitive' to be released, says watchdog.  The cost of furnishing flats for asylum seekers cannot be released because the issue is too "sensitive", a watchdog has ruled.  John Edwards, the Information Commissioner, has ruled in favour of the Home Office, which refused to reveal the cost of furnishing a block of flats to be used by 346 asylum seekers in Farnborough, Hampshire.  He rejected an appeal to release the information under freedom of information (FoI) laws, saying the public interest in revealing the cost to the taxpayer of the furnishing was outweighed by the need to protect the asylum seekers from protests and risks to their "health and safety".  The apartments were allegedly finished with flat-screen TVs and satellite television.  Lee Anderson, the Reform UK MP for Ashfield, criticised the decision and said he planned to raise it in a parliamentary debate on immigration next week.  He added: "The real risk is to the taxpayer, who is spending millions of pounds per day on people that should not be in the country.

German Gov. to Foreign Criminals:  Rape a 14-Year-Old; Get €1000 To Start A New Life.  Last week, the German government, led by social democrat Olaf Scholz, deported 28 convicted criminals to Kabul.  Among them was a rejected asylum-seeker who took part in the brutal and cunning gang rape of a 14-year-old girl.  According to the German mainstream media, each of the deported criminals, including the gang rapist, was given 1000 Euros in cash to help start a new life back home in Afghanistan.  This is civilizational decline in action.  It's essentially a new Danegeld, one that sees Taxpayer's money paid out by a morally adrift leftist system that prostrates itself in front of child-raping criminals for fear of being thought of as 'racist,' 'uncaring,' and 'impolite."

Woman stabs and injures six people on bus in western German city of Siegen.  A woman has stabbed and injured six people on a bus in the western German city of Siegen.  Police said the 32-year-old suspect is a German national and was arrested after the attack.  At least 40 people were traveling on the bus at the time of the attack.  Local authorities said at least three of the victims sustained life-threatening injuries.  Police are trying to establish a motive for the attack but say there are no indications it was terrorism.

The Editor says...
Right.  There are no terrorist attacks in Germany, but there has been a sudden rash of psychotics with Middle-Eastern names attacking strangers in public place for no reason at all.  The police, as usual, insist that they can't imagine what the motive could be, but they're sure it's not Islamic terrorism.

Man assaulted three Asian women he berated for their appearance.  A man berated three women "prostitutes" for not wearing traditional Asian dress and putting on make-up, then violently attacked them, a court heard.  Muhammad Hassan, 26, assaulted the victims after spotting them at a petrol station in Bradford.  In a 51-second attack captured on CCTV, Hassan grabbed the driver and slammed her head on to the dashboard of her vehicle.  He then grabbed another woman's hair and punched her in the head before hitting the third woman.  Hassan, from Bradford, was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for two years.

British journalist celebrates "really peaceful" diversity festival with 90 arrests, 15 assaults on officers, 4 sex crimes, and 3 stabbings.  Over in England the people went out over the weekend to celebrate diversity being their strength at the annual Notting Hill Carnival.  [Numerous tweets]  How is that cultural enrichment going for ya, England?  Are you enjoying it?  90 arrests.  At the diversity day festival's family day.

The Immigration Debate Is Over.  As the civil unrest that erupted in Labour constituencies after the son of Rwandan migrants allegedly murdered three girls in Southport subsides, pundits race to regain lost rhetorical ground on immigration.  Maya Goodfellow gaslit the Guardian's few remaining readers by declaring that there are no "legitimate concerns" about immigration.  Another favourite of the BBC, communist outlet Novara Media asserted that "We don't need to talk about immigration."  But these status quo apologists understand something their critics do not.  While Reform UK's Richard Tice has courageously called out Prime Minister Keir Starmer's two-tier justice system, his belief that a "proper debate" and another referendum on immigration is the solution is misguided.  We have abundant evidence cataloguing the crimes, costs, and cultural decay caused by mass immigration.  Why relitigate its non-existent merits?  Each day brings a new headline about how "a man" has stabbed a child in Leicester Square, or murdered a woman and defiled her corpse in Dartford, or murdered a teenage girl in Crawley, or murdered a woman in Manchester.  Sometimes, it's "a woman" who has murdered her landlord and killed his cat.

Violent offenders let off if they say sorry.  Police are increasingly letting knife and sex offenders escape prosecution if they say sorry, The Telegraph can reveal.  More than 147,000 people accused of offences including sex crimes, violence and weapons possession were given community resolutions in the year to March instead of being prosecuted.  Such resolutions do not result in a criminal record.  Police guidance says community resolutions should be restricted to low-level crimes, with offenders required to apologise to the victim, accept "responsibility" for their crime and offer some form of recompense.  But the resolutions, which are issued at the discretion of individual officers, have increased by 40 percent since 2019 — when 102,574 were recorded — and are now nearly twice as likely as a criminal charge, according to an analysis of Ministry of Justice data.

In England, not Alabama:
Black Man Stabs A White Man As Others Laugh In Birmingham, 4 Arrested On Attempted Murder Charges.  Four people have been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a man suffered serious injuries in a stabbing in Birmingham.  Police were called to the junction of Dudley Road and Bellefield Road in Winson Green at about 01:30 BST on Saturday.  The victim, a man in his 40s, had been taken to hospital with a slash injury, but was in a stable condition, West Midlands Police said.  [Video clip]

Britain, Which Birthed American Ideas About Liberty, Has Embraced Despotism.  The genesis of today's dystopia began almost three decades ago when immigration took off in the late 1990s and early 2000s.  The number of non-EU immigrants averaged over 200,000 per year for a decade and then skyrocketed after 2020.  A nation of 55 million in 2000 is today over 65 million, with almost all of that growth coming from immigration, a majority from non-EU nations, particularly from the Middle East and Africa, countries that don't share British culture or, importantly, religion.  (It's also likely that many of the ostensibly EU immigrants originated in non-EU countries.) [...] The result of this transformation of Britain from a largely British nation to something else has been monstrous.  Possibly the single most despicable example is the 20-plus-year Rotherham child rape scandal that saw hundreds of Pakistani Muslims rape over a thousand British girls right under the noses of police who did nothing for fear of being called racists.

Government, in a rout.  For example, in the U.K., it is now apparently illegal to speak out against illegals, or to question mass immigration at all.  An elderly man was recently arrested for making "improper" comments on his Facebook page.  Going forward, if someone is even "remotely involved," whatever that means, they could be dragged before a court.  In recent years, citizens have been arrested for distributing flyers questioning the efficacy of coronavirus vaccines and silently praying outside of an abortion clinic. [...] Australians — and others — will likely soon have to utilize a digital ID before being allowed to access the internet.  That would make it much easier to police speech.  In France, police recently arrested several Christians... for protesting attacks on Christians.  Ironically, the six were members of a group that dared to traverse the streets of Paris in a bus sporting a sign saying "Stop Attacks On Christians." [...] And, in America, the government has tried time and again to silence its political opposition, going so far as jailing those who had the audacity to be in the vicinity of "The People's House" on Jan. 6.

Girl, 11, and Woman, 34, Stabbed in London as Police Pour Resources Into Hunting People Down for Social Media Posts..  An 11-year-old girl and a 34-year-old woman have been stabbed in Leicester Square, in London's famous West End.  Police in the Sadiq Khan-governed capital have arrested a suspect described only as "a man."  They do not believe there are any "outstanding suspects" and claim "there is [currently] no suggestion that the incident is terror-related."  Police say the 11-year-old girl will "require hospital treatment," although her injuries are described as non-life-threatening.  The 34-year-old reportedly "suffered more minor injuries."

The Editor says...
Ri-i-i-ight.  There's "no suggestion that the incident is terror-related," except that [#1] the police won't say the suspect's name, and [#2] Muslims are outraged when they see unaccompanied women in public, and [#3] nobody but a Muslim goes around stabbing strangers for no apparent reason.

White Riot:  Anarchy in the U.K..  [Scroll down]  So, when white kids got stabbed by a black suspect in Southport, surely it was only logical for white Brits to take to the streets and get their demands for mass deportations of non-whites immediately agreed to by those in charge?  Sadly not.  Sir Keir Starmer, Britain's new left-wing Labour Party PM, made a special speech to the nation (he made no such address following the riots in Leeds) openly accusing all white rioters of being actual literal Nazis.  Then, without a hint of irony or self-awareness, he warned he was about to bring in various new gestapo-style measures like facial recognition at train stations to prevent such "far-right thugs" from traveling up and down the country defending their threatened youth like the Roma did.  The fact that many such supposed "Nazis" were actually just concerned local people, and even small children, who lived within easy walking or driving distance of the immigrant-flooded, riot-affected areas, appeared lost upon him.

Disturbing Video Shows 3 African Men Beating A White Child In The UK.  A post on X has gone so viral, even Elon Musk asked if those men beating a white child have been brought to justice.  This supposedly happened in the UK.  There are no details because the British media will never report on this.  [Video clip]

Riot Act.  The riots in Britain have made one thing clear:  The political classes do not know what poor people look like. [...] When you have gaslighting by the authorities so strong that you can't get a sensible debate going about how three young children could be stabbed to death at a Taylor Swift-themed dance workshop in Southport, then you start to feel like your reality is falling away.  I still want answers about those poor children.  I want to know why weeks on we've got no steer as to motive, and why we then hear they've canceled a Taylor Swift concert in Austria over a planned ISIS terror attack.  If this is pure coincidence, someone needs to explain it.  But no matter where I look, there is no mention of any theory as to why those children were killed.

Conspiracy Theories.  [Scroll down]  Muammar Gaddafi — the epitome of a sly, capricious tyrant — prophesied that Europe, the ancient stronghold of Christianity (and the refuge for Christians persecuted in the Middle East and Africa), would eventually be conquered by Muslims, though thanks to baby carriages rather than tanks. [...] Time is indisputably working for the Islamists; they know it — and they love it.  Imams all over Europe, speaking with a double tongue (cf. the notion of "taqiyya"), as has become their historical privilege, routinely congratulate each other on the so-called "opening" (i.e. conquest) of their host countries.  While assuming the traditional role of victim in the public debate, where they may count on the fanatic support of the "progressive elite" (not to mention the extra-parliamentary stormtroopers in black combat suits), and solemnly assuring the loyalty of the congregation to society, they instruct their fellow believers on the weakness and imminent downfall of the West — in Arabic, Urdu, and Farsi.

As Somali Gangs Waged War and Trafficked Children In Minnesota, Tim Walz Asked for More Somali Refugees.  As Somali refugees in Minnesota waged gang wars and engaged in child sex trafficking, Governor Tim Walz pushed for even more refugees to be resettled in his state.  Walz, whom Vice President Kamala Harris tapped as her running mate this week, petitioned the Trump administration to send more refugees to Minnesota in 2019, even though the state already had the highest number of refugees per capita in the United States.  The call came as Somali refugees, a large and growing population in Minnesota, engaged in gang warfare, child sex trafficking, and later, hundreds of millions of dollars of fraud.

Politician Arrested After Calling on Rally-goers to Cut Throats of Anti-Mass Migration Protestors.  Britain's governing Labour Party has been forced to suspend Councillor Ricky Jones after social media users identified him as the speaker who called for "far-right" anti-mass migration protestors to be murdered at a rally on Wednesday evening.  Jones went on a tirade after being handed a microphone at the supposed "anti-racism" demonstration in Walthamstow, saying of anti-immigration protestors, "They are disgusting, Nazi fascists, and we need to cut all their throats and get rid of them all!"  Leaving little doubt as to his meaning, Jones made a throat-slitting gesture as he spoke.  The assembled crowd welcomed his message with cheers and applause.  A Labour spokesman has said Jones is now suspended, saying, "This behavior is completely unacceptable and it will not be tolerated."

Row over Tory MP's Allahu Akbar arrest call.  Conservative MP Robert Jenrick has defended himself after being accused of Islamophobia for saying police should have "immediately arrested" any protesters shouting Allahu Akbar during last year's Gaza ceasefire protests.  Speaking on Sky News, the Tory leadership candidate accused police of treating far-right marches and violence more harshly than the pro-Palestinian demonstrations that began after the Israel-Hamas war began in October last year.  Several Muslim MPs have argued Mr Jenrick's claim linked all Muslims to extremism and fuelled violent groups.

The Editor says...
Yes, all Muslims are "linked" to extremism and violence.  It's too late now, but if you had understood this sooner, you could have deported the Muslims and reclaimed your country.

The State Is Not Your Friend!  Right now, the United Kingdom is barreling toward totalitarianism.  After a second-generation immigrant reportedly murdered several children in a vicious stabbing attack last week, native Brits took to the streets to denounce their country's criminally dangerous open borders.  If these outraged citizens had been members of Antifa, the press would have compassionately framed their actions as "mostly peaceful protests" deserving of praise.  Instead, because the public's fury is directed toward one of globalism's sacred cows — mass migration — angry parents have been condemned for fomenting "violent riots."  Protecting children from serial killers and sexual predators, it seems, is not "politically correct." [...] The problem, according to the ruling Establishment, is not that open border immigration policies have led to marked increases in violent crime and cultural hostility, but rather that ordinary citizens have begun to express their displeasure.

A Fly in the Ointment.  [Scroll down]  The best demonstration of what I'm writing about is the recent clashes in the UK.  Finally, the Muslims went too far and enraged the whole nation with their murderous tendencies.  No, I don't think the 17 year old of Rwandan descent woke up one day and decided to kill three little white girls, that's something that has to be planted, nurtured and encouraged throughout one's life, that doing so is a mark of bravery and faithfulness to a violent god.  Just when the British people found their strength, after years of abuse, they lashed out in perfectly understandable rage only to have their own government attack and seek to imprison them for their actions. [...] The British now see that their government has imported people with a high propensity toward murder to do the work they can no longer achieve via the vaxx.  That any resistance to being the victims of those they imported will not be tolerated.  Since they have been able to couch it in terms of racism or religious bigotry, the British are expected to offer themselves up for sacrifice to their betters.

The UK [is] On Edge As Gangs Of Muslims [are] Now Causing Chaos In The Streets.  This was Sheffield UK yesterday afternoon as gangs of Muslims rampage through the streets, looking for anti-immigrant protesters to confront.  [Video clip]

Five percent of all the global Syrian population now lives in Germany, 53% of them are on the public dole.  According to the data, five percent of the global Syrian population now live in Germany alone, accounting for a "16-fold" increase in just a decade, which works out to be a staggering 1,520% jump in the numbers; [...] And, to make matters even worse, these migrants are proving to be a tremendous drain on the German economy — gasp, who could have known!

British Prime Minister Calls for 'Standing Army' of Riot Police to Keep the Lower Classes in Their Place.  British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has reacted to the violence and mob action in several British cities over the last week by proclaiming a "standing army" of specialist police would be created to deal with the problem.  He also promised to increase the criminal justice system to process the anticipated arrests generated by the new "standing army" of riot police. [...] Riots have wracked several British cities, pitting British citizens demanding justice for the murdered and an end to Britain's ruinous immigration policy against mobs of immigrants.  [Video clip]  The stabbings have crystalized the growing anger among lower- and middle-class Britons over the preference shown to immigrants, the reluctance to stop illegal immigration (stop me if any of this sounds familiar), and the subversion of British culture by a growing minority that not only refuses to assimilate but is actively hostile to their host country.

No.  This is NOT just "far right thuggery".  When Keir Starmer first responded to the protests, he could have made it crystal clear that while there is absolutely no place for violence, his government does understand why so many people are so utterly frustrated and fed-up with the state of Britain.  He could have made the point that while everybody in Britain opposes violence it is clear that many people also hold legitimate concerns about the failure of successive governments to control the borders, lower migration, and maintain law and order. [...] But they chose not to do that.  Which is why so many people are now even more disillusioned with what they feel is not just a Labour government but an elite class that is deeply biased and out-of-touch with the rest of the country; a class that is more interested in criticising and attacking the British majority than addressing the reasons they feel so utterly disillusioned.

UK News Station Cuts Feed as Muslim Protesters Surround Reporter.  By now, the public is well aware that the establishment media are little more than left-wing pawns whose goal isn't to objectively report the news, but to push liberal narratives.  In the latest Orwellian illustration, Britain's Sky News abruptly cut a live feed on Monday after a horde of masked Muslim men surrounded and intimidated a female reporter.  At the time, Becky Johnson was reporting from Birmingham, where residents were peacefully protesting the mass wave of illegal immigrants being dumped into their community.

Race riots are the logical endpoint of identity politics.  How is it that a seemingly non-ideological, non-terrorist-related atrocity in Southport, a traditionally peaceful English seaside town, has ignited the worst race riots this country has experienced in decades?  The character of the riots nationwide — the false claims that the killer was Muslim, vandalising mosques while chanting "No Surrender!", attempting to torch hotels containing asylum seekers, mobs assaulting non-white passers-by — shows that the attack in Southport has been interpreted through the prism of race and ancestry.  It wasn't simply regarded as a horrible crime against particular individuals in a particular place, but instead as an attack on the white English community as a whole.  According to this interpretation, "our" (white English) children have been slaughtered by an "outsider" (a British-born black man of Rwandan heritage).  In this sense, there are similarities with the riots in Dublin last year, which were ignited by the stabbings of three schoolchildren by an Algerian migrant.

England falls to Islam.  England has fallen.  It is for all intents and purposes an Islamic state.  Three young girls — Bebe King, 6, Elsie Dot Stancombe, 7, and 9-year-old Alice Dasilva Aguiar — were stabbed to death in the English town of Southport on Monday July 29. The alleged killer is one 17 year old Axel Muganwa Rudakubana.  He was born in Cardiff to Rwandan immigrants.  HIs parents are said to be Christian but much confusion remains.  The murders ignited outrage among British citizens protesting mass immigration which then led to England PM Keir Starmer to crush that outrage.  We can debate about why this is happening but what's interesting is the difference between how groups are being treated by the English government.  Over the last few years certain ethnic groups have been asserting themselves in a big way.  [Numerous video clips]

Muslim Gangs Are Now Attacking Brits Around Birmingham And Other Areas, Cops Are Nowhere To Be Found.  Video shared online showed a large crowd of what looks to be Muslim men, many of who wore balaclavas or face coverings, gathering outside The Clumsy Swan in Birmingham.  Others covered their faces with hoods while some were seen carrying Palestine flags in the viral video shared on X, formerly Twitter.  The group is understood to be a rival gang that formed after rumors of a planned anti-migrant protest in the area.  But scenes soon turned ugly as the yobs gathered in large numbers directly outside the pub as most of the customers hid inside.  [Video clip]

Thoughts in the Clouds of War.  [Scroll down]  In Britain and Ireland, the same is unfolding as I write this.  Having had enough of their children being slaughtered by invaders welcomed into the nation by their own governments, they decided it was time to put forth a more vigorous defense of their children.  They were immediately attacked and will be hunted down electronically and made to pay for the defense of their children, because that's what traitorous governments do these days.  These are nothing less than traitorous police states.

Britain's two-tier policing favors Muslim extremists over British patriots.  It is both disgusting and disrespectful that the Metropolitan Police are attacking British men and women so aggressively, arresting and handcuffing them, when they rarely lay a hand on violent Muslim agitators for fear of being called "racist."  Shame on them.  [Video clip]  Even more outrageous, police have started raiding British patriots' homes.  [Video clip]

Boiling the British frog.  [T]he British people are being gradually induced into a dangerous "new normal", in which criminality, disorder, and personal tragedy are part and parcel of life in this country.  As a result of our failed policies on crime, immigration, and integration over the past thirty years, we have gradually transitioned from one of the world's safest societies to a country in which criminality is the norm.  There is a risk that the public becomes used to this new reality, and stops expecting politicians to address the root causes of disorder.  Rather than reacting to the slow drip-feed of news stories on an individual basis, it can be informative to step back and take a holistic view.  In just the past few weeks, the headlines have been dominated by events which, in the aggregate, point to a precipitous decline in public order.  On July 11th, the new Labour government announced that 5,000 prisoners would be released early, in order to ease prison overcrowding.  On July 15th, reports emerged that London's once-great Metropolitan Police had failed to solve a single burglary, phone theft, or car theft in 166 London neighbourhoods over the past three years.  On July 17th, a Jordanian refugee who attacked a female police officer in Bournemouth was spared community service on the grounds that he could not speak English — and on July 18th, two asylum seekers from Egypt who stole a watch worth £25,000 in London's West End were spared jail.

Riots Could Sweep Streets of Britain if Immigration [is] Not Curbed — Rachel Reeves.  We've all seen the protests against the almost open-borders immigration forced on us by both the CINOs (Conservatives in name only) and then enthusiastically adopted by Labour.  These protests have come at a rather unfortunate time for Labour as it looks like Labour is about to grant a 'stay-in-Britain' amnesty for anywhere between 90,000 and 120,000 mostly male-of-military-age illegal migrants already here.  Plus the record number of new arrivals coming from France this year can also expect a warm welcome from Labour to the U.K.  Our rulers assure us that we have nothing to worry about from this mass of new illegal migrants even though we know that many have destroyed their identity papers and have been coached by the people smugglers, migration charities and wealthy crooked immigration lawyers to lie about their age and their countries of origin in order to be granted leave to remain in Britain.

Nearly 1 in 20 of all Syrians now lives in Germany, over half receive welfare.  Ever since the 2015/16 migrant crisis, Syrians have arrived in Germany in ever-increasing numbers, and now number at least 972,000 at the end of 2023, according to Statista.  There are 22 million Syrians living in Syria itself, meaning those in Germany represent nearly 1 for every 20 in their native country.  This is extremely rapid growth since 2014 when there were only 60,000 Syrians in Germany.  Since then, the population has grown 16-fold.  However, despite promises that Syrians would integrate into the German economy, the numbers still tell a very different story, with 513,534 Syrians receiving the German welfare benefit known as citizen's money (Burgergeld), according to the current data from the Federal Employment Agency.  However, even those who are not receiving this payment receive money, housing, and other benefits from the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act.

Pictures: Riots in England After Mass Stabbing Left Three Children Dead.  Riots broke out in the English seaside town of Southport on Tuesday after the gruesome mass stabbing, allegedly by a migrant-heritage teen that left three children dead.  Merseyside Police announced that a "major incident" had been declared after riots saw 39 police officers injured, 27 of whom were hospitalised after violence erupted during a protest over the attack on a children's 'Taylor Swift' dance party in Southport on Monday that left three young girls dead and a further ten people injured.  The force said that officers sustained bone fractures, lacerations, a suspected broken nose, and a concussion during the mayhem outside a local mosque, which saw people throw bricks, bottles, and other makeshift missiles at the police and law enforcement vehicles set on fire.

Things Fly Off The Rails In Southport UK After A Migrant Teen Stabs 3 Little Girls To Death.  At least 39 police officers have been injured in clashes outside a mosque in Southport, as angry crowds of suspected English Defence League supporters threw bricks and set off fireworks.  The unrest followed a peaceful vigil for the victims of Monday's shocking attack in which multiple children were stabbed — three fatally — in a Taylor Swift-themed dance class.  A police van was set on fire on Tuesday night while men in balaclavas were pushed back by officers, with 27 officers requiring hospital treatment.  [Video clip]

A Female Australian Tourist Is Gang-Raped In Paris By A Group Of African Migrants.  The 25-year-old woman told police she was attacked by 'by five men of African appearance' near the Moulin Rouge on Saturday- according to Daily Mail.  After the attack, the woman, who was in extreme distress, entered a nearby kebab shop to seek help where she was described as 'Disoriented and unable to speak a word of French.'  Her dress was 'inside out', and she carried her underwear in her hand.  The woman, who was in Paris for the Fete de Musique music festival was due to fly back to Australia one day later.  She is now remaining in Paris to help with the police investigation as they review CCTV footage.  [Video clip]

The police have lost control.  Welcome to the era of mob rule.  Public disorder broke out in Harehills, a part of Leeds, yesterday.  Large crowds smashed up a police car, looted a delivery van, pelted police vans and officers with missiles, and burned a double-decker bus to the ground.  The trigger?  Apparently, social workers trying to take one or more Roma children into care.  A visit from social services is far from remarkable amidst the social and family breakdown underway in modern Britain.  But it would seem that some in the multicultural community of Harehills were simply not going to stand for agents of the British state daring to interfere in their tribal affairs.  A crowd soon formed and morphed into a mob.  The police attempted to maintain and regain control on a couple of occasions, including through the mobilisation of more specially trained public order officers who attended with riot shields and riot vans.

The jihad comes to Yorkshire.  "When you import the Third World, you become the Third World."  And when you import Islam, which is a religion that has violence as one of its mandates...well, violence happens.  That's why in Leeds, in England's ancient County of Yorkshire, the streets are aflame, and the police are retreating before Muslim rioters. [...] In the year from 2022 to 2023, England and Wales added over 600,000 people.  In 2021, before those additions, almost 15% of the UK's population consisted of immigrants — and they're mostly young and enthusiastic about having children.  India and Pakistan accounted for 15% of the migrants. [...] One of the Muslim immigrants' main settlement patterns, according to a non-Jewish Yorkshire woman I met in 2004, is to settle deliberately in Jewish neighborhoods and then to drive out Jews through covert and overt intimidation.  She said that the old Jewish neighborhoods in Yorkshire's industrial cities, such as Leeds and Bradford, as well as in cities such as the Midland's Birmingham, were totally Muslim.

UK Migrant Gangs Set Fire To Buses, Flip Police Cars, Assault Cops.  A major riot erupted last night as a huge gang torched a bus and flipped a police car before starting bonfires in the street.  Hundreds of thugs descended on Leeds on Thursday night as rioters set a double-decker bus ablaze and cops fled the area, warning locals in Harehills to stay inside.  [Video clip]

Germany: Migrant shoves 55-year-old passenger to his death at train station.  A deadly incident unfolded at the renowned Hundertwasser train station in Uelzen, Lower Saxony, Germany, resulting in the death of a 55-year-old man.  An 18-year-old Moroccan migrant has been arrested and charged with manslaughter following the event, which occurred at 1:30 a.m. on Saturday.  The suspect had been released from police custody just hours earlier, following arrests for pickpocketing and assault.  Authorities believe the attack at the train station, often listed among the world's most beautiful, was random and unprovoked, Remix News reports.  According to reports, the victim was pushed or kicked down a flight of stairs, sustaining severe traumatic brain injuries.  Despite swift action by emergency responders, the man from Lüneburg succumbed to his injuries at the scene.

Disorderly "refugees" turn Erfurt commuter rail line into a daily hell of physical assaults, threats and fights.  This TikTok video is an internet classic.  It was produced in 2020 by officials in the Finnish town of Oulu — among the fruits of a 2.5 million-Euro campaign to combat a sexual assault crisis caused by heedlessly bringing hordes of hostile foreigners ("refugees") into this heretofore pacific country.  The unstated premise of our rape preventionists seems to be that migrants are disproportionately rapey because nobody told them they're not supposed to molest people in their, uh, "no-no squares" (typing this is causing me almost physical pain).  As soon as our brave New Finns hear that groping and assaulting women violates our highly peculiar and unique Western norms, they'll surely stop!  It's all been one massive misunderstanding!  Nothing a public awareness campaign can't fix!  [Video clip]

The Silence of the Bells.  The Muslim invasion of Europe has already taken place.  Not that the Christian heartland (i.e. unlike exposed places such as Cyprus in 1974) has been taken by military force as when Moorish and Ottoman armies advanced from opposite corners of the world, West and East, respectively.  The "invasion" is rather a reference to an immigration wave completely without parallel in history — the continued and unchecked arrival of large crowds of people from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.  Reinforcing well-known trends of cultural impoverishment and social disintegration, which we owe to a century of self-destructive modernism and secularism, the immigration of asylum seekers and adventurers by the millions has accelerated the breakdown of Western civilization.  As a result, life in the farthest corner of the Eurasian continent — the destination of migratory movements throughout the ages — is changing profoundly.

France Just Committed Suicide.  "Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last," is how Winston Churchill, just months away from becoming Britain's wartime Prime Minister, described the appeasement that led to World War II.  "All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured."  The same could be said of France's snap election, in which everyone from French Stalinists to the country's business interests banded together to defeat the country's "far right" at the polls.  But the far right is not the threat, and the crocodile snapping at everyone's heels is the accelerating Islamification of France. [...] Unchecked immigration continues because French elites want it to continue, even though "figures reported by the Paris Police Headquarters, [show that] 77% of solved rape cases in 2023 were committed by foreign nationals."

White flight is underway:
Panicking French elite bombard wealth managers with enquiries about moving to Italy and Switzerland.  The surprise victory of the New Popular Front (NFP) in France's elections has set alarm bells ringing for the nation's wealthy as the hard-left alliance plans to roll out an eye-watering 90% income tax on high earners.  Even before the election took place, financial advisers reported a huge influx of enquiries off the back of Emmanuel Macron's decision to call a snap election, with well-off French citizens considering a move to more fiscally favourable territories such as Italy, the historic tax haven of Switzerland, and Spain.  But the victory of the NFP over Macron's centrists and the hard-right National Rally (RN) this Sunday has forced France's elite to seriously consider how their fortunes would fare given the very real prospect of a dramatic tax-and-spend economic policy.

Sweden Is Safer in the Summertime, But No One Wants to Face the Reason Why.  [Scroll down]  Consider, for example, a piquant and revealing news item from Sweden: crime rates go down in the summertime.  Why?  Because the "refugees" go on vacation.  The Swedish-language publication Fria Tider reported Tuesday that "in southern Sweden, it becomes quieter in the summer when the criminals go on holiday to their home countries, according to the police."  Yes, you read that right: the people who commit most of the crimes in Sweden go on vacation to their countries of origin, and so their place of refuge becomes calmer and safer for the native population. [...] Now wait a minute.  Aren't many of these migrants supposed to be asylum seekers and refugees?  So why are they vacationing in the countries they supposedly fled for their lives?  Also, who is paying for these vacations, with migrants receiving "65 percent of social welfare expenditures"?  Swedish taxpayers, obviously.  But why?  The "foreign-born represent 53 percent of individuals with long prison sentences, 58 percent of the unemployed."  As if that weren't enough, they receive "77 percent of Sweden's child poverty is present in households with a foreign background, while 90 percent of suspects in public shootings have immigrant backgrounds."  What benefit does Sweden receive from importing a large criminal element?

The Editor says...
The solution is obvious:  [#1] Anyone who is claiming asylum from their home country should be unable to legally purchase round-trip ticket to that country.  [#2] Anyone who lives on public assistance or any government handouts should be prohibited from purchasing round-trip airline tickets to anywhere.  Or luxury cars.  Or boats.  Or jewelry.  Or cigarettes.  Or tattoos.  Or satellite TV service.

France on Fire: Will there be a civil war over upcoming elections on mass immigration and Islamification?  Rebel News reporter Alexa Lavoie is in Paris, France today — on the eve of what could be one of the most important elections in the country's history.  An anti-immigration leader, Marine Le Pen, is poised to secure a major share of the 577 seats in the country's National Assembly.  The final round of voting takes place tomorrow.  The election is shaping up to be a rebuke of President Emmanuel Macron's left-wing government.  France is currently grappling with mass immigration, radical Islam, inflation, polarization, and staggering debts, among other challenges.

Muslims Burn American Flags in NYC, Philly on Independence Day.  Hundreds of Muslims and anti-Jewish protesters stormed Washington Square in New York City and also outside Philadelphia City Hall.  The mob burned multiple American flags.  There were dozens of Palestinian flags on display.  This is happening on Independence Day, America's freedom celebration.  At least one young American, who was wearing Old Glory as a cape, was physically assaulted.  It's time to round up every Muslim protester and their allies and ship them back to Gaza.  We have graciously allowed these savages into our nation.  In return, they burn our flag.  Deport now!

Musri loves company.
Florida Imam Muhammad Musri:  We Are Buying Churches And Converting Them Into Mosques.  Muhammad Musri, president of American Islam and Chairman of the Board of the Islamic Society of Central Florida discussed in his June 21, 2024 Friday sermon plans to buy up abandoned churches and turn them into mosques.  He said that Muslims are turning churches into mosques in order to serve the same community, because one day they will become Muslims.  Musri said that 100 years ago Christians invaded Islamic countries and built missionary schools destroying mosques and Islamic schools.  He added that now the Muslims are "returning the favor" by converting churches into mosques and turning the local schools into Islamic schools.

The death of Europe is greatly exaggerated.  I spent the last month hiking and trekking in France, Austria and Germany. [...] I concluded in a non-scientific sort of way that the death of Europe has been greatly exaggerated. [...] Muslims are certainly in Europe.  In France in particular, it's common to see Muslim women.  You know they are Muslim because they want you to know.  They are in long dresses and scarves.  They tend to be overweight.  A great many are pushing baby carriages.  I assume that for each Muslim woman there is a Muslim man, but they are not easily identifiable because they apparently don't wear any particular identifying clothing.  The Muslim women are nothing extraordinary apart from their distinctive garb, their girth, and their baby carriages.  To this untrained eye, they behave much like other French women.  If Muslims are invading Europe, they're pretty sneaky about it for the most part.  The invasion of the United States from our southern border is much more apparent.

Vote Every Muslim Out of Office.  [Scroll down]  The Muslim International Political Party clearly states their goal:  Destroy all states and governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam regardless of the country or the Nation which rules it.  If that isn't sedition, I don't know what it is and the American people had better wake up and take a look around this country because the world was given notice decades ago. [...] The Islamic ideology is NOT compatible with the U.S. Constitution — it's the opposite.  Inviting our enemy into our country and electing them for any office is national suicide.

Polish Farmers Use Manure to Block Muslim Immigrants From Entering Belarus:  Report.  A video emerged on social media Tuesday that allegedly showed Polish farmers dumping pig manure around the outskirts of their property to deter Muslim immigrants from entering from Belarus.  In it, a Polish-speaking individual states that the manure would prevent the immigrants from entering because their Muslim faith has restrictions surrounding pork.  Eastern European media outlet NEXTA posted the video with the caption: "They decided to fill the border strip between #Poland and #Belarus with pig manure.  Polish farmers learned the idea from the Greeks, who a few years ago tried to stop refugees from the Middle East in this way.  Polish farmers also assume that most of the foreigners on the Polish-Belarusian border are Muslims who don't eat pork. 'We count on the fact that if we spread pig manure, illegal migrants will not pass through this strip because their faith will not allow them to do so,' the farmers say."

Toronto Enjoys Some Cultural Enrichment From Some Knife-Wielding Muslim Fellas.  A troubling video captured in Toronto shows a driver ditching their vehicle on the side of a road to swing their knife at a pedestrian repeatedly.  The 51-second clip, which was taken near Kennedy and Danforth Roads in Scarborough, picks up in the middle of the incident and shows a silver Infiniti making a U-turn at the intersection.  The man in the blue is seen repeatedly swinging at the camera person with a knife, even after he is told that the police are on the way.  The passenger continues to yell obscenities from a distance.  [Video clip]

Muslim Immigrants to French Farmers: 'We're Here To Kill The Whites'.  Young French farmers from the villages of Saint-Marcellin and Pont-en-Royans organized a "farmers' ball" on Saturday evening, May 24, held at the Murinais ballroom.  It was to have been a night of innocent fun.  They had not counted on Muslim immigrants from Saint-Marcellin showing up with mayhem on their minds.  Six Muslims came to the hall, and waited outside.  When two farmers left the ball, the Muslims attacked them and began to beat them up.  At that point, other farmers streamed out to help defend their fellows, and the Muslims then fled, only to return later with their own reinforcements, and proceeded to attack the now-outnumbered farmers.  One of the farmers was repeatedly kicked and punched, and suffered serious injuries to his head, sufficient to incapacitate him [for] 13 days.  A night of harmless fun turned into a nightmare when Muslims, for no reason other than their hatred of "whites" — that is, indigenous Frenchmen — led them to unleash their unprovoked and savage attack.

Good and Evil.  As their number increases day by day, Muslims of the diaspora are consolidating their power.  And in the style of pre-revolutionary Bolsheviks, Islamists are scheming to take over and impose their rules, inspired by the expansionism of the Rashidun Caliphate.  (So far, they are in control of public space in European cities.)  In a time of transition marked by secular value confusion, moral decadence, and senseless calls for "diversity," we are already in the process of renouncing our own traditions, denying ourselves as virtuous beings, and submitting to the "inevitable."  We are witnessing the insidious conquest of the West. [...] The invaders spy on each other, hold each other accountable for breaking domestic rules (i.e. their own customs as opposed to Western laws), and forbid each other to apostatize the faith of their fathers.  What is more, a positively hostile attitude towards everything Western is reinforced in Islamist circles.

Police In Norway Deal With A Knife-Wielding Muslim By Making Him A Hood Ornament.  This is why Europe voted for the right-wing parties in massive numbers this weekend.  Incidents like this have become the norm all over parts of Europe such as Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, etc.  [Video clip]

France: 91-Year-Old Grandmother Murdered and Sexually Assaulted by Pakistani Who Was Not Deported Despite Order to Leave.  The once tranquil streets of the 13th arrondissement in Paris were rocked by a horrifying crime in June 2021.  Berthe, a 90-year-old grandmother, was savagely attacked, sexually assaulted, and murdered in her home by a 25-year-old illegal Pakistani migrant who had been issued an OQTF (Obligation to Leave French Territory) years ago but remained illegally.  This incident raises serious questions about France's immigration policies and the dangers posed by individuals whose presence violates legal residency requirements.

Polish Border Patrol Soldier Stabbed to Death by Migrant:  Government Vows Strong Response.  On May 28, 2024, a Polish soldier named Mateusz was fatally stabbed by a migrant while patrolling the Poland-Belarus border.  The attacker used a knife attached to a long stick to reach through the border barrier and stab Mateusz in the chest.  Despite immediate medical intervention and being transported to a hospital in Hajnówka and subsequently to a military hospital in Warsaw, Mateusz succumbed to his injuries on June 6, 2024.  During the rescue attempts, the situation further escalated as other migrants interfered with the medical intervention.  They threw spear-like sticks and other objects through the border fence at the rescuers and soldiers.

The Mannheim attacks reveal Europe's impotence.  Every year, I have to write a version of this article because events like this never seem to stop.  Every year, our political leaders promise to do something.  And every year, it gets worse.  For the past two weeks, it has been the turn of Germany.  Next week — who knows?  Last Friday, at about 11:30am, a 25-year-old Afghan went on a knife spree at a rally in Mannheim.  He stabbed Michael Stürzenberger, the convener of the rally, along with a policeman and four others, before a second policeman shot him.  Two days later, the officer succumbed to his wounds.  We still don't know everything about the incident.  What we do know, though, is that it is a deeply sad — and obvious — metaphor for the way Western countries function.  People protest Islamic violence.  The press smears them.  Islamists attack.  The state tries to subdue the protestors.  The Islamists continue attacking.  Rinse and repeat.

Germany To Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing.  In response to last weekend's terrorist stabbing at a counter-Jihad meeting in Mannheim which left one officer dead — and a second stabbing of an AfD politician in the same city, (and not years of terrorist attacks, having to close public pools and double-digit increases in crime among non-Germans), Chancellor Olaf Scholz[,] a leftwing social democrat, announced a new 'zero tolerance' program which will deport criminal migrants or those "who venerate them."  "Anyone who threatens our freedom and disturbs our peace should be afraid," Scholz said in in a Thursday speech at the Bundestag, where he announced that foreigners who commit serious crimes in Germany are no longer welcome[,] regardless of whether they're refugees or seeking asylum, The Spectator reports.

The Evidence Is In:  Progressivism Is a Mental Illness.  [Scroll down]  As millions of African and Middle Eastern Muslim "refugees" (the overwhelming majority of them young males) overran much of Western Europe in recent years at the express invitation of the European Union (E.U.), countless young European women and children in Germany, France, England, and other countries were raped, assaulted, and murdered by the asylees.  One of many females raped and murdered in Germany was Maria Ladenburger, a 19-year-old medical student.  Unlike most other cases, which were hushed up by the media, Maria's case became well known because her father was a national figure, a senior lawyer with the European Union, and a vehement, even vitriolic, open-borders advocate.  After Maria was raped, tortured, and murdered by an Afghan refugee, the progressive Dr. Clemens Ladenburger (now the deputy director-general of the European Commission's legal division) did not rage against his daughter's killer or the E.U.'s suicidal refugee resettlement program.  No, Herr Ladenburger coped with his grief through psychological displacement, inveighing at length against white Europeans' alleged Islamophobia and xenophobia.  Not content merely to sacrifice his own daughter on the altar of his progressive ideology, Ladenburger demanded that the refugee program be dramatically expanded, with unlimited numbers of African and Muslim refugees welcomed into Europe so that untold thousands more could be raped, assaulted, and killed, all for the greater moral good of Germany and the E.U.

The Knives Have Migrated to Vienna.  Apparently those culture-enriching knives ran out of targets in Germany, so they turned to Austria for some new anti-kuffar action.  Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian daily Kronen Zeitung.  [Translated news article follows.]

This Is A Newly Arrived Muslim In The UK.  Muhammad just arrived in the UK. Free home, food, clothes, allowance, transportation... all free for Muhammad.  Ironically, British taxpayers, the people targeted by the many Muhammeds, must pay for him to practice his stabbing and slashing techniques.  [Video clip]

$120,000 Cash Bribe For Juror In Somali $250M Fraud Case — Of Course, There's An Ilhan Omar Connection.  Somali Muslim immigrants in Minnesota pulled off the single largest pandemic fraud.  And that took some doing.  There was inevitably a Rep. Ilhan Omar connection and trips to Mecca. [...] End the mass migration from a corrupt terror state or it will only get worse.

Mass immigration is about to tear apart British society.  or the first time in my life, sectarian politics has become a part of English political life.  The rigid adherence to a narrow set of beliefs — whether religious or ethnic — is beginning to cause serious problems.  This intolerance seems to be growing in tandem with votes being cast en masse along certain lines.  Evidence is not hard to find.  Just this month after a local election in Leeds a Green Party councillor called Mothin Ali shouted "Allahu Akbar!" after being elected to a city council.  This shocked many people and outraged others.  On Wednesday, a pro-Palestinian protest near Downing Street turned violent after thousands of people staged an "emergency rally". [...] Political disagreements from other parts of the world have been imported into this country, principally from the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent.  Those of us who live here are being forced to deal with the consequences.  The major worry is that sectarianism often leads to extremism.  Sectarian beliefs are a breeding ground for terrorist groups who may then commit atrocities at will.  We should all be fearful of that.

Don't Call It a Comeback for Detroit.  In the years since white flight, Detroit has experienced a new wave of immigration.  Immigrants from Middle Eastern countries have flocked to the region in recent years, giving the Detroit metro area the largest Muslim population in the nation.  Dearborn, which lies just outside of the Detroit city limits, recently became America's first majority-Muslim city.  Inside Detroit, too, Arab-Americans have moved into the neighborhoods founded by European immigrants.  For years, Polish-Americans lived in Hamtramck, creating a small enclave of Polish culture.  In 2021, however, Hamtramck elected a completely Muslim city council, and Amer Ghalib became the first mayor of Hamtramck in 100 years without Polish heritage.  Demographic change has long been the story of Detroit, but the last seventy years have shown the perils of that change.  An increase in population could be the harbinger of urban renewal, though it's ultimately more likely to bring about heightened ethnic tensions.

Islamic Leader Declares Muslim Domination of U.S. Politics Imminent.  Osama Siblani, a prominent Arab-American community leader and publisher, announced that Muslims are poised to take control of key political positions across the United States, including the Congress and the White House.  During his speech earlier this month at a dinner honoring former Lebanese security chief Abbas Ibrahim, who has known for ties with Hezbollah, Siblani said, "We have the best we can offer to the United States of America — not only in Michigan but across the country — and we [have] offered our best... The best is yet to come.  I can be very confident to tell you that we are on the road to the White House, to Congress, to decision-making everywhere in the United States," he said.  According to Memri TV, Siblani's remarks referenced a historical grievance dating back 40 years when a local mayor allegedly spoke of an "Arab problem" in Dearborn.  He contrasted that with today's reality where, according to him, "The Arabs are ruling Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and Hamtramck."

What is Mass Migration For, Why Does it Keep Happening, and Why Will Nobody Stop It?  There is a reason that nations have borders, and this is much the same reason that we have skin and that cells have membranes.  You won't survive for very long if you can't control what enters you.  Despite the obvious fact that mass migration is bad, our rulers cling to migrationism like grim death.  Given a choice between disincentivising asylees and intimidating, browbeating and harassing the millions of anti-migrationists among their own citizens, our governments generally choose the latter path, even though it is obviously the worse of the two.  Additionally unsettling is the fact that official justifications for mass migration often have a creepy, post hoc flavour about them.  They sound much more like excuses dreamed up after the borders had already been opened, rather than any kind of reason mass migration must occur.  When the migrationists really started to go crazy in 2015, for example, we were told that border security was simply impossible in the modern world and that infinity migrants were a force of nature we would have to deal with.  That didn't sound right even at the time, [...]

The Editor says...
The article above comes from the British press, and the topic is Muslim mass migration into England and elsewhere, the accompanying crime wave, no-go zones, and political takeover — all of it entirely preventable; Or at least it was, before it got completely out of hand.  Now it's too late.  The Muslims have taken over England, far quicker and sooner than expected.  But many of the points made in the article above pertain to the United States, too.

In London, Hardline Iranians Beat Anti-Regime Iranians In The Streets.  Four people have been injured and one has been arrested after supporters of the Iranian government clashed with dissidents protesting outside a London vigil to President Ebrahim Raisi, who died last week in a helicopter crash.  An event was organised at an office building on Alperton Lane, Wembley, north-west London by supporters of the Iranian government to mark the death Raisi, 63, branded the 'Butcher of Tehran' for his mass executions of thousands in 1988.  [Video clip]

British invasion
When you elect a Muslim as mayor of your largest city 3 times,
can the fall of your country be far behind?

We now have proof that mass migration is making Brits poorer.  The cost of renting a home increased by a staggering 30 per cent from mid-2021 to the start of this year, while wages rose by 17 percent in the same period.  Compare that with the record of the preceding decade, when rents rose by 26 percent, just 1 percent less than the increase in wages.  According to analysis by Capital Economics, rents in the 2021-24 period climbed 11 percent higher than they would otherwise have done thanks to the unprecedented levels of immigration over which this government has presided.  Andrew Wishart, who runs the housing service at Capital Economics, said:  "This means rents are 11 percent higher than would be explained by the usual relationship between pay and rent.  The vast majority of that is because of higher net migration."  The arithmetic is straightforward:  figures show that in the two years from mid-2021 to June 2023, based on the average household size, net immigration led to an additional 430,000 households looking for homes in the private rented sector.  Meanwhile, the government's own target to build an extra 300,000 new homes every year has never been met.  More demand plus static provision equals higher costs.

The Great Ann Corcoran vs. the Open Borders Wolf Pack.  In 2007 Ann [Corcoran] was alarmed by the large-scale settlement of foreign Muslims in her home state.  She founded a website called Refugee Resettlement Watch.  For twelve years thereafter she posted regularly about the refugee resettlement rackets, and about the whole bogus "asylum" business in general.  That of course got the attention of the Southern Poverty Law Center, Wokipedia, and other guardians of multicultural orthodoxy; and that led Ann's hosting service, WordPress, to drop her for the usual mealy-mouthed fake reasons.  Ann continued blogging for another three years as best she could, posting 37 times [...] at, August 2021 to February 2022.  Then she quit.  The whole of Refugee Resettlement Watch, from July 2007 to February 2022, survives in a form that we archived as  The entire archive is in 1,942 web pages; so if you're planning on browsing it, set aside plenty of time.

Camp of the Dumbbells.  In 1975 a Frenchman, Jean Raspail, wrote a fictional account of how western civilization was destroyed by unrestricted immigration from the Third World.  His work, The Camp of the Saints, has been out of print for some time, but it again became popular in 2011 and Amazon now is offering it on Kindle and you can read it free online.  I urge you to do so, because it is probably the most prescient novel you will ever read. [...] Not sensing the way the wind is blowing, the Biden administration has floated the notion that it may consider admitting refugees from Gaza, a place where the inhabitants have for decades been brainwashed by Hamas propaganda and would be unlikely to provide the kind of immigrants we need or want.

Jewish Man Gets His Jaw Broken By An African Muslim Migrant.  An anti-Israeli protester spotted a Jewish man in Belgium who was out with his daughter tearing down anti-Israeli stickers in public.  The young man was enraged and went to attack.  [Video clip]

In the Shadow of Giants.  The present-day alliance forged against the West consists of (a) Eastern European revanchists, (b) Middle Eastern Islamists, and (c) Far Eastern communists.  Although a triad of widely disparate conspirators, they are the united enemies of the "open society" — in other words, united by the fight against a common enemy rather than anything else.  They form a fearsome criminal cartel all the same.  How do we then deal with the situation that could conceivably herald our imminent doom?  Many of us refuse to face the danger, but prefer to trivialize it and indulge in superficial diversions as if nothing had happened.  That is "denial."  Others covertly serve the interests of the enemy and attack anybody who warns of the danger and demands timely countermeasures.  That is "treachery."  However, both denial and treachery as defined above may very well originate in cowardice; the cowards do not believe that the West can hold out in the long run.  They consider resistance utterly futile and are only trying to save their own skins.

Islamic Law Comes to Germany.  The future comes at you fast.  Muslims have not yet achieved majority status in Germany, yet already Germans are forced to live under Islamic law.  A so-called "brawl" in Neuruppin involved four Germans "fighting" with 15 foreigners.  ["]The reason for the brawl is said to have been that the consumption of alcohol was not compatible with the world view of Islam and that they wanted to enforce Sharia law in Neuruppin, explained one of the injured when asked.  The perpetrators themselves fled the scene when the police arrived and could not be traced.["]  Muslim colonists comprise a country that exists within the country of Germany [...]

Dozens Of Armed Muslim Migrants Storm A Soccer Match And Attack Players And Fans In Germany.  An amateur football match in Germany was abandoned on Sunday after a gang of around 50 armed men stormed the field with guns and knives and attacked players and supporters.  The brawl occurred at the grounds of Al-Arz Lebanon in the western city of Essen during a match against RuWa Dellwig.  According to the hosts, a group of armed men ran onto the pitch toward the end of the first half of play and began attacking the players.  Around 150 police officers were dispatched to the scene, but the gang had fled before their arrival.  [Video clip]

'Alarming': 9-year-old girl attacked at school for 'not being Muslim'.  Police in the town of Savage, Minnesota, are now investigating an attack on a little girl at a local school by assailants, schoolchildren, who told officials they beat her up because "she wasn't Muslim."  Alpha News reports Minnesota mother Shawna Larson is demanding answers after her 9-year-old daughter was "jumped" on the school playground by a group of girls.  The school wouldn't report the incident to police, so she did.

No Surpise, 77% Of All Rapes In France Are Commited By Migrants.  77% of rape cases on Paris streets were committed by foreigners in 2023.  This staggering new report highlights a much greater issue.  Illegals are burning down our churches, raping women and children, and committing violent crimes.  [Video clip]

Eva Vlaardingerbroek speaking at CPACHungary, The Entire Video Was Removed By YouTube.  YouTube, owned by Google, has removed a speech by Dutch lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek calling on Europeans to take a stand against the globalist migration program for the "Great Replacement", characterizing it as "hate speech", reported.  Here is just a sample of her amazing speech.  [Video clip]

Protest Shows How The Netherlands Has Been Captured By Islam.  In the Netherlands, an anti-Israel rally was taken over by Muslims with the flag of the Islamic terror organization ISIS giving the message of peace, which includes violence, murder, massacre, loot, and rape.  This is what happens when your country is ruled by those who hate it and its history and culture.  The Dutch people are now a minority in their own country.  [Video clip]

Prepare to Welcome Boarders.  The problem we have, presuming we agree that this threat needs to be countered, is that we are entering an unequal fight.  Muslim Vote and all the bearded bigots they represent have an arsenal at their disposal; we enter the fray empty handed.  In the face of a threat to the foundations of our society — which has been apparent for some time in events where Islamic mobs can influence outcomes with impunity — our police and legal system seem paralysed.  Films cancelled, teachers in hiding, a mother humiliated by a Sharia court when her autistic son drops a book at school are examples.  Our response is to maintain ever more open borders to legal and illegal immigrants, many of whom are Muslims, and many (evident by their current actions) who do not respect our culture; the culture of the vast majority of the country.  Our official desire for a multicultural society — admittedly a pretty stupid desire — is met with contempt and the development of Islamic enclaves in many of our major cities.  Those naïve enough to aspire to integration have that thrown back in their face, as more mosques are constructed in areas which are culturally dominated by Muslims.

Mob Of Muslim Migrants And Leftists Try To Invade A Hotel In Athens Greece Housing Some Jews.  Police in Athens, Greece, reportedly protected Israeli tourists on Tuesday, after pro-Hamas demonstrators made up of Muslim migrants and far-leftists attempted to breach the hotel the tourists were staying at.  Greece has witnessed multiple pro-Palestine protests since the start of the Oct. 7 war between Israel and Hamas, including one protest march that featured 10,000 participants walking together to the Israeli embassy in October.  [Video clip]

The poison of Islamic sectarianism.  The UK Green Party's Mothin Ali had just been elected to Leeds City Council in the Gipton and Harehills ward, when he punched his fist in the air and yelled out: 'Allahu Akbar!' Draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh, he told his supporters in his victory speech on Friday: 'We will raise the voice of Gaza.  We will raise the voice of Palestine!'  Ali's fiery victory speech spoke to a broader trend.  In last week's elections, voters in vast swathes of England were essentially asked to pass comment on the Israel-Hamas war, rather than local issues like bus routes and bin collections.  In many wards with large Muslim populations, this turned out to be a successful gambit.  Akhmed Yakoob, an independent endorsed by George Galloway, put Palestine at the front and centre of his campaign for the West Midlands mayoralty.  He secured 69,000 votes — which was almost enough to deprive Labour's Richard Parker of his victory over Tory incumbent Andy Street.

Muslim Tells Canadian Interviewer That His Religion Will Be The Majority In Most Western Countries And Will Impose Sharia Law.  "By 2060, Muslims will be the biggest religious group the world over. [...] Are you going to oppose Sharia even then?  We have families.  We are making babies.  You're not. [...] One day we can have a Muslim-majority nation here in Canada.  Right in your face"  [Video clip]

This Warlord On Horseback Just Won An Election In [...] The UK.  This UK councillor Aurangzeb Ali celebrates his election victory in England on horseback as if he were a warlord in Afghanstan as his followers chant Alluha Akbar.  [Video clip]

Ron Johnson:  Biden Prioritizing Gaza Refugees over Americans to Win Michigan.  Friday on Fox News Channel's "Hannity," Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) accused President Joe Biden of putting Gaza refugees ahead of American hostages.  According to reports, the Biden administration is considering allowing Gaza refugees into the United States while Americans are held hostage.  [Advertisement]  According to the Wisconsin Republican, Biden was putting an Electoral College win in Michigan ahead of the American hostages.  [Advertisement]  "Senator Johnson, so we think about 130 hostages, five Americans but we're prioritizing Gazan refugees?" fill-in host Kayleigh McEnany asked.  "Why?"  Johnson replied, "Because Joe Biden wants to win Michigan.  It's the only explanation I have for this. [...]"

Ireland miraculously discovers its hard border.  Remember when parliamentary legislation to deem Rwanda a safe country was an assault on the rule of law?  Well, Dublin is now doing the same thing — passing a law to declare the United Kingdom safe in order to get past a High Court ruling.  Then there's the question of how those sceptical of the scheme's potential as a deterrent explain Ireland's claim that the Rwanda policy has driven a surge of people crossing from Northern Ireland to claim asylum in the Republic.  But for those with longer memories — a necessity in Irish affairs — perhaps the most galling development is yet another reminder that, despite the line sold to British negotiators during Brexit, Dublin can and will police the land border when it chooses to.

Multiculti Chaos.  Before the flood of immigrants into Europe, many Europeans thought the answer to Europe's social problems was multiculturalism, that is, the idea of a society that fully accepts foreigners who practice Islam, while preserving their religious and mental characteristics, without requiring them to integrate.  But it turned out that multiculturalism facilitates not the integration of immigrants, but their consolidation, their isolation and promotes the creation of a state within a state.  Then the European country becomes two states for two peoples, a state of natives and a state of immigrants who do not dissolve in the European democracy.  Society's tolerance and respect for immigrants who are intolerant and disrespectful of that society prepares the change of power.  The arrival of huge numbers of immigrants turns the country into a turbulent system that can easily, by a small push, move into a state of crisis with unpredictable results.  The destabilization of society can be more dangerous for it than deviations from the democratic regime.

13-year-old dead, 4 others injured after sword-wielding attacker goes on rampage in London.  A man wielding a sword went on the attack in London early Tuesday, killing a 13-year-old boy and injuring at least four others, including two cops, after first driving a van into a house, according to authorities.  Shocking images show the unidentified suspect in a yellow hoodie holding the terrifying-looking weapon around 7 a.m. while walking through a street near Hainault Tube station in north-east London. [...] A 36-year-old man was arrested at the scene, police said without identifying him.

Dutch Activist:  The Fall of Europe, the Most Important Speech You'll Hear.  Dutch commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek spoke at CPAC Hungary and began by talking about the stabbings and a riot in European countries and another church burning down in Europe in just the past two days.  As she said, everyone knows, and the governments know, there is a link between mass migration and crime.  [Video clip]

More than 20 sexual predators are jailed for total of 346 years after eight young girls were raped, abused and trafficked in West Yorkshire.  More than 20 'sexual predators' have been jailed for a total 346 years after eight young girls in West Yorkshire were raped, abused and trafficked over 13 years.  The 24 men were arrested after West Yorkshire Police's discovery of their years-long campaign of abuse, which has been described as 'abhorrent in the extreme'.  Operation Tourway uncovered rape, sexual abuse and trafficking of eight girls in the North Kirklees area, including the towns of Batley and Dewsbury, between 1999 and 2012. [...] A 25th man was made subject of a hospital order following the court case.

It's a dangerous myth that mass migration is good for the economy.  There is no clearer example of the broken Westminster consensus than the last three decades of immigration policy.  Successive governments have failed to tackle illegal migration.  And as I have set out in these pages, the latest attempt — the Safety of Rwanda Act — will shortly join the graveyard of policies that haven't re-established our southern border.  But as offensive and dangerous as illegal migration is, the bigger scandal is the story of legal migration because the numbers involved are so much greater.  Last year, there were about 30,000 illegal small boat arrivals, but this was dwarfed by the 1.2 million people who arrived here perfectly legally.  Legal migration policy has a far bigger impact on the public's day-to-day lives.  As just one example, our housing crisis is increasingly an immigration crisis.  As housing secretary, I managed to drag up housing starts to almost a quarter of a million (the highest level since 1986), but we would need to build an impossible 515,000 new homes every year in England alone just to cope with current levels of immigration.

Watch As Hordes Of Muslims Demand A Caliphate In Hamburg Germany.  Hundreds of Islamists are demonstrating in Hamburg, Germany.  They are demanding that a caliphate be established in the country.  [Video clip]

All those uninvited visitors from Africa have nothing to do with it, right?
Claim: Global Warming is Spreading Malaria and Dengue to Europe.  Famous British playwright William Shakespeare wrote about endemic Malaria in Britain in the 1500s.  Malaria was the scourge of Scandinavia and Russia right up until the 20th century.  But this has not stopped greens falsely claiming Malaria is a disease of warm climates. [...] Studying Shakespeare is, or was until recently, a staple of British education.  So why do people swallow the mistruth that Malaria is a tropical disease?  Why doesn't everyone know about Shakespeare's references to Malaria?  The reason is back in Shakespeare's day, they called Malaria something else.  Shakespeare's 16th century word for fevers like Malaria and Dengue was "Ague".

People In Small Irish Town Riot After Learning They Will Have To Host A Large Migrant Center.  People in Newtownmountkennedy, Ireland are rioting after they learned that their community would host a migrant center.  The people set the under-construction building on fire.  Riot police have mobilized to shut it down.  [Video clip]

German Students Are Converting To Islam Out Of Fear.  Schoolchildren are converting to Islam in German schools as Christian students feel like outsiders and are desperate to try and fit in, a new study has warned.  'More and more parents of German children are turning to counseling centers because the Christian children want to convert so that they are no longer outsiders at school,' a state security officer told the German tabloid Bild.  A study by the Criminal Research Institute of Lower Saxony found that 67.8 percent of the surveyed students believe that the Koran is 'more important' than the laws in Germany.  [Video clip]

Paris Enjoys A Healthy Dose Of Diversity As Hundreds Of Afghanis Riot And Destroy The City.  Hundreds of Afghan migrants are rioting on the streets of Paris.  Three Afghan migrants were found dead a few days ago in what seems to be a murder-suicide case.  [Video clip]

African Invaders Complain That Americans Speak English.  On Tuesday some of the numberless hordes of illegal aliens from Africa pouring into New York City swamped the area around City Hall and aired their belligerent grievances.  As noted at the time:  ["]Their dissatisfaction will be easy for Democrats to weaponize against the native population the newcomers have been imported to displace.["]  What could they possibly have to complain about, considering they have invaded our country in contravention of our laws, yet instead of being kicked out are provided with free food, housing, and even prepaid debit cards?  For one thing, we keep speaking English instead of learning Africa's many languages:  [Tweet with video clip]

The Brussels gangster state.  On Monday, I journeyed from Israel to Brussels for the two-day National Conservatism conference where I was due to speak this morning.  I travelled from one war zone.  I hadn't expected to be entering another.  National Conservatism, a movement underpinned by the thinking of the Israeli-American philosopher Yoram Hazony, promotes the nation state and the defence of its historic values against the nihilism of the post-moral, anti-western and anti-human ideologies that pass for much progressive thinking.  This mainstream position is denounced as "far right" by left-wingers who use this smear to denounce anyone who dares oppose their agenda of destroying the western nation and its historic culture and values.  During last year's National Conservatism conference in London, left-wingers went nuts about the fact that it was happening at all.  This year's conference in Brussels produced meltdown before participants even started gathering in the Belgian capital.

Nigel Farage rips the Brussels authorities after they ordered a conservative political conference to be shut down.  What just happened in Brussels this afternoon was a disgrace.  For the Mayor and police to shut down a peaceful political event makes me more convinced of Brexit than ever.  [Tweet with video clip]

African Illegals at NYC City Council Complain About Free Food and Housing.  African illegals at a New York City Council meeting complained about the free (taxpayer-funded) food and housing provided to them.  More than 1,300 illegal aliens from Africa swarmed New York City Hall on Tuesday after they were falsely promised work visas and green cards.  The illegals were lined up outside of New York City Hall as far as the eye could see.  Africans in Islamic garb swarmed the sidewalk.

IMF warns UK workforce growth [is] fuelled entirely by immigration.  Britain's economic prospects have been downgraded by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the second time in three months as it warned the country had become dependent on foreign-born workers for growth.  The fund said that the UK is at risk of becoming trapped in a prolonged period of weak growth and stubborn inflation, as it warned of zero growth this year once increases in the population are taken into account.  IMF analysis showed growth in Britain's workforce had been powered entirely by immigrant labour since 2019.  It came as official figures show that the number of workforce dropouts claiming long-term sickness had surged to a fresh record high.  More than 2.8m people now say they are too ill to work, the highest number since records were first collected by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).  The IMF on Tuesday downgraded its forecasts for UK growth for the next two years, even as it hailed a brighter global outlook.

Poll shows British Muslims want Islam as the national religion and an Islamic political party.  1 in 3 Muslims living in the UK want Islam to be declared the national religion and for everyone to live under the brutal system of Sharia law which calls for beheadings and amputations.  Less than 1 in 4 Muslims opposed the move while the majority were unwilling to commit.  Among younger Muslims 18-24, 1 in 5 believed that making Islam "our national religion" was "very desirable", and a total of 43% supported redefining the UK as an Islamic state.  Only 16% opposed it.  This younger group who are the future of Muslims in the UK was also the one most likely to sympathize with Islamic terrorists.  1 in 4 British Muslim men expressed a positive view of Jihad.  46% of British Muslims sympathized with Hamas as did 58% of younger British Muslims.  None effectively sympathize with Israel.  Previously 1 in 4 Muslims had sympathized with the 7/7 suicide bombers in London.

'Death to America' Mayor Insists That 'Dearborn is a City of Proud Americans'.  The alarming scene that unfolded recently in Dearborn, Mich., with Muslim protesters chanting "Death to America," has resulted in some fallout for the city's mayor, Abdullah Hammoud.  While Old Joe Biden and his henchmen are happily taking a wrecking ball to the former Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, they don't go around telegraphing their intentions.  Their friends in Dearborn were a bit too forthright about what the ultimate goal of the policies that the left and their Islamic allies really are, so reassuring words had to be uttered and the public put back to sleep.  Hammoud found, however, that at least some people had been jolted away much too rudely for that to be possible.  Hammoud entreated the world Monday not to believe its lying eyes, but to heed his soothing words instead.  "Over the weekend," he wrote, "video emerged of a rally in Dearborn where some attendees were chanting statements that were unacceptable and contrary to the heart of this city.  We reject all inflammatory and violent statements made at the gathering."  That was a swell disavowal, but it was glaring that Hammoud said nothing about investigating the people involved.

'Between Caliphate And Dictatorship'.  What a day this has been.  I never imagined that I would witness the banning of a peaceful political meeting in a supposedly free and democratic country.  But that's what nearly happened today in Belgium — in Brussels, the capital of the European Union.  I say "nearly," because despite the attempts by the municipal government, aided by the police and urged on by Antifa, the National Conservatism conference went on, though in a much constrained fashion.  After having two venues cancel on us at the last minute, under pressure by both the mayor of Brussels, and two district mayors, police entered the Claridge event space with the intention of shutting the meeting down.  They were greeted by a wall of TV cameras from press covering the event, and apparently thought better of it.  What they did was to station themselves outside the doors, and to refuse to let people enter.  If you left the building for any reason at all, you were not allowed back in.  They were clearly hoping to choke off the event without staging a spectacle that would be beamed around the world by the gathered media.

New York City Council Opens Meeting by Praising Allah as the Supreme Lord of the World.  The New York City Council opened its Thursday meeting with an invocation praising Allah, recognized in Islam as the supreme deity.  Imam Abdoulazakou Traore of the Darou Salam Islamic Community Inc. led the council in prayer, beginning with an Arabic recitation followed by an English translation that expressed reverence for Allah as the "Lord of the world" and sought guidance for the city's lawmakers.  The New York City Community Affairs Bureau estimates the Muslim population in the city to be between 800,000 and 1,000,000, with other sources citing numbers as high as 1.4 million.  This demographic makes New York home to the largest Muslim population in the country, according to WiseVoter.

Italy Submits to Sharia:  Only Male Police Officers Can Enter Islamic Areas.  A troubling Italian news report unveils a deepening crisis in Genoa due to Islamic immigration, demonstrating how escalating radicalism, exemplified by the arrest of migrant terrorist Faysal Rahaman, poses major cultural and security threats, and illustrates how the country is increasingly submitting large parts of its communities to Sharia law.

The UK Is Lost:  Buckingham Palace Hosts An Islamic Call To Prayer.  An Islamic group has called for prayers at Buckingham Palace, the official residence of King Charles III.  The call to prayer at such a significant location underscores the growing presence and influence of the Islamic community in the country.  [Video clip]

Number of 'honour-based' crimes being committed in Britain surges by more than 60 percent in two years.  The number of honour-based crimes happening in Britain surged by more than 60 percent in just two years, figures suggest.  Honour-based offences[,] such as rape and forced marriage[,] are defined as a crime or incident which is committed to protect the 'honour' of the family.  The perpetrator is often a family member, but can also be a member of the extended family or the community.

The Editor says...
The writer of the article above apparently bent over backwards to avoid mentioning that the only people who engage in "honor killings" are Muslims.

Muslims Chant Death To America In Dearborn.  Chants of 'death to America!' and 'death to Israel!' rang out during a protest in a Michigan city that was recently dubbed the 'jihad capital' of the United States by a Wall Street Journal columnist.  Demonstrators gathered in the city in commemoration of Al-Quds Day, an international day to express support for Palestine and oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.  [Video clip]

'Death to America,' 'Death to Israel' chants pour out of Muslim protesters in Michigan on last day of Ramadan.  Protesters in Dearborn, Michigan, shouted "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" during an International Al-Quds Day rally held in the town.  "Imam Khomeini, who declared the International Al-Quds Day, this is why he would say to pour all of your chants and all of your shouts upon the head of America," Tarek Bazzi, a Michigan-based activist associated with the Hadi institute, said in a video from the rally that was shared by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).  Bazzi's comments were followed by crowds chanting "Death to America!" in the background.

The Editor says...
If America is so bad, why did you come here?

Yes, It Has Come to This:  They're Screaming 'Death to America' In Dearborn.  Old Joe Biden has stabbed Israel in the back in order to try to ensure that he carries Michigan in November, but at least some of the Muslims in the Great Lake State don't exactly seem grateful.  Friday was International Al-Quds Day, an orgy of global victimhood posturing and rage over Israel's refusal to surrender to the Palestinian jihad, and in Dearborn, rallygoers observing the day demonstrated that if Biden actually cared about the wellbeing of the American people, he would have bigger things to think about in Michigan than the presidential election.

Downing Street blames weather for surge in migrant Channel crossings.  Downing Street has blamed gangs exploiting better weather for the surge in small boats this year — despite claiming a previous fall in crossings was not linked to the weather.  Small boat arrivals passed 5,000 at the end of March for the first time ever, a 30 percent increase on the same period last year, despite Rishi Sunak pledging to stop the Channel crossings last January.  It comes despite a three-year, £480 million Anglo-French deal, agreed by Mr Sunak last year, to pay for a doubling in officers patrolling French beaches to 800, a joint command centre and a detention centre to prevent migrants from leaving France.  The Prime Minister's official spokesman acknowledged that there had been increases in the numbers crossing, but said the weather, combined with more violence by people smuggling gangs, was behind that.

Pakistani Youths Attack Young White Boy On His Way Home From School In Manchester.  A disturbing video uploaded by Tommy Robinson shows a young white boy being brutally assaulted by a pack of masked Pakistan youths who are obviously older than their victim.  Robinson says this is the second video in the past week showing Pakistani gangs beating up younger white children.  [Video clip]

British Citizens Are Now Being Evicted So Migrants Can Take Over Their Homes.  Recently English tenants were evicted from this house in Derby so that migrants could be homed instead of them.  [Video clip]

Ramadan is muscling out Easter all over Europe: 30,000 Ramadan lights festooned across London.  There are few more joyous places for a Christian at Easter than northern Europe's tallest and largest Gothic cathedral in the city of Cologne.  This morning, thousands of worshippers from Germany and across the globe gather for the most important day in the Christian calendar to mark their belief that Jesus rose from the dead.  Inside the ancient cathedral, they will sing to the heavens as Catholic priests light Easter candles and the smoke of their swinging incense burners wafts through the glorious nave to the tourist-filled square outside.

In 1 European city, foreigners responsible for 100% of serious sexual assault cases.  The new crime statistics from the German city of Frankfurt contain shocking figures regarding foreigners and major crimes, including one particular figure that shows they are responsible for 100 percent of all serious sexual assault crimes and 57.4 percent of all crimes.  The data shows that even for the worst crimes, well over half of all suspects are foreigners — those without a German passport.  The rest of the suspects, 42.6 percent, are German citizens, but it is important to note that the data does not track whether these German suspects have a migration background, as Germany does not record this data.

Record number of migrants cross Channel in first three months of year.  A record 4,644 migrants have crossed the Channel in small boats in the first three months of this year, Home Office figures showed on Wednesday [3/27/2024].  Some 338 people were detected crossing to the UK on Tuesday, bringing the cumulative number of arrivals so far this year to the highest since the first small boats reached the UK in 2018.  The cumulative number of arrivals is 23 percent higher than the total at this point last year, which was 3,770, and 12 percent higher than the total at this stage in 2022 — 4,162.

Paris Airport Turns Into Chaotic Riot As Migrants Attack Agents Trying To Deport One Of Their Own.  A massive brawl breaks out at Paris Charles De Gaulle airport as a group of Turkish migrants try to stop the deportation of another migrant from being sent back to Turkey.  [Video clip]

The Third Fall of Rome.  What we take for granted today — freedom, safety, and prosperity — we might have to fight to keep tomorrow.  In the outside world, e.g. the capitals of the so-called "BRICS" countries, preparations are made to end the hegemony of the West.  Sure enough, we have paid indulgences for our alleged sins of colonialism for almost a hundred years.  However, we should not expect forgiveness or pity on that account.  In case we think that we have built "goodwill" with the third-world countries receiving foreign aid, we have seriously miscalculated.  As far as they are concerned, our wealth is up for grabs. [...] If the Westerners of today had any historical awareness of the past, they would know that, since the dawn of time, we have fought against invasions from the East.  The wealth and strength, which we have preserved so far, are due to the ingenuity of our ancestors, their courage and care for posterity.  However, there is a general reluctance to face the real dangers of today and fight for our home in the West.

Graphic Video Shows Assailant With Huge Knife Stabbing Man On London Train In Broad Daylight.  A graphic knife attack caught on video on a London train has gone viral.  The victim has been taken to hospital, suffering from life-threatening injuries, The Daily Mail reported Wednesday.  The footage was shot around 4:00 p.m.  March 27 on a train journey near Beckenham Junction, Bromley, London, according to The Telegraph.  The video shows an assailant in a hooded top and face mask standing over the prostrate victim seemingly stabbing him with a large blade multiple times as passengers plead with him to stop.  Another person can be heard calling the police.  [Tweet with video clip]

Farage Demands Gov't Release Full Migrant Crime Stats, Blames Tories for Importing 'Mass Criminality'.  Brexit leader Nigel Farage has called on the government to release full statistics on migrant crime as is done in countries like Denmark while maligning the Tories for opening the country up to "mass criminality" through its open-door immigration policies.  An analysis of figures published by the Danish government statistician (Danmarks Statistik) on the proportional criminal conviction rate of different nationalities between 2010 and 2021, was dominated by migrants from the Middle East and Africa, with migrants from Kuwait, Tunisia, Lebanon, Somalia, Jordan, Uganda, Morocco, Iraq, and Algeria topping the list.  Comparatively, over 40 nationalities were more likely to commit crimes compared to their relative population size compared to native Danes.

Biden's pandering to a few terrorist sympathizers drives away millions of other voters.  In 2020, about five and a half million people voted in Michigan.  Biden won by about 155,000 votes.  Of those five and a half million who voted in Michigan, about 145,000 were Muslim.  About 100,000 of them voted for Biden.  Those 100,000 Michigan Muslims are now making a stink.  They're unhappy that Biden is permitting Israel to finish the war that Palestinian terrorists started on October 7.  They demand that Biden pressure Israel into a cease fire that would leave the terrorists free to murder, rape, behead, burn alive, and terrorize another day — and another year and another decade.  These terrorist sympathizers have instilled in Biden... well, terror.  Without Michigan, the math is very difficult for him to win reelection.  And he's already on the defensive there.

America, look at Sweden and beware the chaos of uncontrolled immigration.  There was a time until very recently when Scandinavia was meant to be the answer for everything.  Whether it was trust, safety, health care or hot drinks — everything was meant to be better over there.  But then a decade ago, its left-wing government decided to reward anyone who just walked into the country.  It allowed in a similar percentage of the population as the US is now allowing in.  And that decision had consequences.  All the stories that Americans have been told not to talk about in recent years, the Swedes were likewise not meant to notice.  Sometimes it was the big, bearded men who came into the country and insisted that they were child refugees and promptly got enrolled in a classroom full of kids.  After all, what could go wrong with allowing adults from often dangerous countries to sit all day with a group of teenagers?  Bigot!  Sometimes it was the huge rise in rapes and sexual assaults.  One of the few surveys allowed in recent years discovered that 99 out of 112 gang rapists in Sweden had a foreign background.  But again, you weren't meant to mention that.  "So you're saying all immigrants are rapists, are you?" was the sort of shout-down that went on.  And while nobody was supposed to talk about that, of course, plenty of people couldn't help noticing that the rise in sexual assaults seemed to correlate very closely with the sudden arrival of tens of thousands of unaccompanied men.  Men who often said they were fleeing war zones, but seemed to have left their families back home.

Ohio Rep. Ismail Mohamed Delivers Victory Speech Entirely in Somali.  Following his victory in the Ohio primary on Tuesday, Rep. Ismail Mohamed, an immigrant from Somalia, delivered his victory speech entirely in Somali without one word of English.  Mohamed's district in Columbus, Ohio, is home to more than 45,000 Somalis.  He campaigned primarily in Somali, promising to "represent the interests of Somalia."  According to the Columbus Dispatch, Mohamed, the incumbent in the district, defeated fellow Somali immigrant Abdirizak Diini, capturing 55 percent to Diini's 33 percent.

Dem House Candidate Gives Victory Speech In Somali After Primary Victory.  Democratic Ohio Rep. Ismail Mohamed, a Somali immigrant, won the Democratic primary for Ohio's 3rd House District on Tuesday night and delivered his victory speech almost entirety in Somali.  Mohamed, the incumbent in the district, defeated fellow Somali immigrant Abdirizak Diini, capturing 55 percent to Diini's 33 percent, according to the Columbus Dispatch.  [Tweet]  The 31-year-old Columbus lawyer became Ohio's first Somali lawmaker in 2022, alongside Munira Abdullahi, who won in Ohio's 9th district in 2022 as well.  Mohamed is a Somali refugee who, after originally escaping the violence in his home country and fleeing to Kenya, came to the United States in 2005, he told Spectrum News in 2022.

The Editor says...
This proves that the Somali immigrants have no intention (or motive) to assimilate and become English-speaking Americans.

Swiss Police Shut Off Electricity During An Anti-Immigration Speech, Arrest Speaker.  In a shocking development, armed police intervened to shut down the power and arrest Martin Sellner just as he was preparing to deliver a controversial anti-immigration lecture in Switzerland.  [Video clip]

Criminal gangs are making up to £1.6million a day from small-boats crossing the channel into Britain.  Criminal gangs are making up to £1.6 million a day from small boats crossing into Britain, it has been revealed.  On March 4, 401 people were smuggled on to Britain's shores in seven small boats — a record for a single day so far in 2024.  Analysis by the Labour Party has found that, according to French police, the average cost demanded from people-smugglers to cross the Channel is £4,000 per person — and so these illegal migrants would have paid the gangs about £1.6 million.

New York City Has Been Conquered By Islam.  Muslims take over Times Square for Ramadan prayers.  This isn't innocent praying, this is a show of numbers, a show of dominance and defiance of their host country.  [Video clip]

A Massive Crowd Of African Immigrants Swarms Into London.  The Elites are laughing their heads off over this, but just only for now.  They will pay dearly for this.  [Video clip]

Imam who 'called the French flag satanic' is deported from [France] to North Africa.  France has deported a Tunisian cleric who allegedly called the country's flag satanic.  Mahjoub Mahjoubi, 52, was flown to North Africa just 12 hours after his arrest over sermons said to go against French values.  His deportation last Thursday is seen as a demonstration of tough immigration laws brought in by president Emmanuel Macron.  Mr Mahjoubi had gone viral on social media after apparently referring to France's three-coloured flag as 'satanic'.  He was arrested and deported despite living in the country since the 1980s and raising five children there.

The Editor says...
If this guy hated France so much, why did he move from Tunisia to live there?  The obvious answer is that he came to France to overthrow the country.  Very gradually, the French people are catching on, but gradually will not suffice.

Slashing migration would 'leave Britons more than £1,100 a year better off'.  Slashing net migration would 'leave Britons more than £1,100 a year better off', as Home Office figures reached a record high in 2022.  New analysis by the Growth Commission suggests reducing annual net migration could improve living standards in the country, while abolishing inheritance tax could see a bigger increase in per capita GDP than an equivalent cut to income tax.  The research is expected to be published this week ahead of the Budget report next month.

Are 'Islamists in Charge of Britain'?  Since October 7, there have been many dark days here in London.  Every Saturday the streets are filled with demonstrators calling for the end of the state of Israel, several Jewish schools have had to close due to safety concerns, and the number of antisemitic incidents has gone through the roof.  I have attended and documented a number of these protests, which on occasion have descended into violence, confrontations with police, antisemitic chanting, and even calls for jihad.  All bad, you might be thinking.  And you'd be right.  But they pale in comparison to what happened this past Wednesday, when the British Parliament, which has been around for 800 years, capitulated to fear of Islamist violence.  While the details of parliamentary proceedings in the UK will likely seem arcane and convoluted, especially to the American reader, bear with me for a paragraph or two because it's important to understand why what just happened is so outrageous.

Bloodbath in Vienna Sex Studio:  Suspect is a Jihadi from Afghanistan.  They went by the names Xixi, Emi, Jimmy, and Bella.  Yet now, three of them lie dead, their bodies grotesquely mutilated within the confines of the small massage parlor "Studio 126a" in Vienna's Brigittenau district.  Ebadullah A., reportedly a 27-year-old Afghan asylum seeker, has been apprehended hiding in a bush opposite the studio, still clutching the knife believed to be the murder weapon.  A video of the incident is circulating online.

Couple flees Minneapolis as crime turns neighborhood they once loved into 'third-world country'.  [A]t 29th and Lake in Minneapolis, outside an old Victorian home that Jeff Mammenga has meticulously cared for and owned for nearly two decades, we found a side of the city you won't see on the news.  "Yes, watch your back," Mammenga remarked to Alpha News.  Loidolt described how they were drawn to the area back then.  "We loved it at first.  We loved the neighbors.  But it has changed so much.  We don't feel any public safety and that should be our basic civil right, but we don't have that," Loidolt said.  The home sits less than two miles from the former Third Precinct that was surrendered to the mob and just steps away from their own neighborhood destruction.  "That was the gas station that burned down," Mammenga said, pointing to what used to be a Shell gas station.

Migrant Gang Rape Of Child In Italy Prompts CNN To Worry About "Far-Right".  After a group of migrants gang-raped a 13-year-old girl in Italy, CNN responded by expressing concern about how it might help the "far-right."  Yes, really.  The girl was raped in front of her boyfriend in a public park in the Sicilian city of Catania.  The seven suspects are all Egyptian migrants and three were under the age of 18.  In reporting the story, CNN's main focus was to worry about how the incident, which is just "the latest in a string of shocking sexual attacks in the country," might increase political support for the right-wing.  [Tweet]

African Migrants Toss A Pregnant French Woman From A Bus In Paris.  A disgusting and disturbing video uploaded to social media shows a couple of African migrants grabbing a pregnant woman by her arms and tossing her from the top step of a city bus.  [Video clip]

London's government renames railway lines to celebrate the 'diversity' of migrants.  According to a report out at Breitbart News today, Sadiq Khan has just announced that the major rebrand of London's overground railway system is now finalized; earlier today, he revealed that all six branches would be christened with names which had been derived from "political ideas, social issues, and migration" in a move that at this point, will cost taxpayers around £6.3 million. [...] So what does Khan mean by diversity?  The migrant groomers of Rochdale who hailed from Pakistan and Afghanistan?  The Islamic State soldier who murdered David Amess?  The Nigerian men who hacked Lee Rigby to death?  The Muslim suicide bomber of Manchester?  The Pakistani who mowed down pedestrians on the London Bridge?

Will Islam take over Europe?  The civil war against "infidel" Europe has long since begun.  The historic third wave of attacks against the bulwark of Europe (Bernhard Lewis) is Islam's most successful conquest campaign in modern times.  Muslims everywhere speak openly about their intention to Islamize our continent.  The following highlights very current civil war scenarios from European countries.  This war is still being waged solely by immigrant Muslims against the European majority population, who have been left defenseless against attacks by Muslims so far and who, without exception, have been abandoned by their own governments.  But governments that do not protect their populations quickly lose their legitimacy — a look at history shows this.  The first Europeans have already begun to defend themselves against the Islamic threat by casting out their elected officials.  This will continue.

This is what Muslim immigrants will do to a country.
Radical Muslim TikTok star declares Islamic takeover and sharia law for Germany.  Breezy, the Don El Jefe" (Hatay) is a radical Muslim TikTok star, 31 years old, who comes from Turkey and lives in Tenerife.  In a recent livestream with the user 'Tesla Han,' he threatens:  "Soon we will bring Sharia law to Germany.  There are so many of us here already.  After Germany, it's Austria's turn."  For anyone who doesn't take part in Sharia law, he has "only one word:  "mustard gas."  His short videos about his attitude towards Germany are well-received by the young Muslim community and are widely reposted.  However, Hatay has much more to offer than just such statements.  In the same stream, a bit later, Hatay continues:  "You Germans behave yourselves; otherwise, I'll just say one word:  Mustard gas" and mentions other violence that would threaten the Germans.  The user running the livestream then vehemently asks Hatay if he is proud to endorse such medieval methods.  Hatay simply responds with, "We will make sure that Germany goes down the drain.

Arab Migrant Gang Stomped to Death 16-Year-Old in German Skate Park.  Tragedy struck the town of Meinerzhagen, North Rhine-Westphalia, as a peaceful day at the skate park turned into a nightmare when 16-year-old Filipp S., a recent immigrant from Kazakhstan to Germany, lost his life in a brutal altercation.  Filipp's attempt to intervene in a fight between his Eastern European friends and a group of around 15 Arab teenagers ended in a vicious assault that left him brain-dead.  The incident unfolded on January 30, 2024, around 6 p.m., when tensions escalated among teenagers at the skate park.  Witness accounts provided to German newspaper Bild describe how a confrontation erupted between the Eastern European boys and the Arab group.  Filipp, described as an avid skateboarder and a friend to the Eastern Europeans, courageously stepped in to halt the conflict.  However, he became the target of the attackers himself.

Italy Is About To Explode After 7 Egyptian Migrants Gang-Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl In Sicily.  The gang rape of a 13-year-old girl by seven Egyptian migrants in Sicily has sparked outrage and calls for tougher measures against sexual violence and illegal immigration in Italy.  The horrific incident took place on Monday evening in the municipal garden of Villa Bellini in Catania, an ancient port city on the island of Sicily.  According to local police reports, the girl and her boyfriend, both Italian, were approached by a group of seven foreigners who threatened and assaulted them.  [Video clip]

Man of 'North African' Origin Known to Police Brutally Attacks Women at Spanish Metro Station.  In a chilling incident that has sent shockwaves through Barcelona, a man described as of "North African" origin, with a history known to local authorities, unleashed a vicious assault on multiple women within the confines of the city's metro system.  The disturbing attack, which took place at the Camp de l'Arpa station along Line 5 in the Sant Martí district, occurred on Friday morning, just minutes before ten o'clock, catching commuters off guard as they awaited their trains.  As captured by security cameras on the subway platform, the assailant confronted and attacked several individuals before delivering a powerful punch to a woman's face.  The victim, engrossed in her mobile phone and unsuspecting of the impending violence, was knocked to the ground, suffering a severe blow.

The Editor says...
If he was "known to local authorities," why wasn't he deported?

Switzerland: Armed Iranian asylum seeker took 15 hostages on train, killed by police.  Swiss police say a 32-year-old Iranian asylum seeker armed with an axe and a knife held 15 hostages on a train between Baulmes and Yverdon-les-Bains for almost four hours until police stormed the train and killed the man late on Thursday.  "The hostages were all released unharmed," police in the Vaud canton say in a statement.  "The hostage taker was fatally wounded during the intervention."  No details regarding the perpetrator's possible motives have been released.

Islam: Theory vs Experience.  The gulf between understanding Islam in theory and in practice is wide and telling.  Based on the findings of a recent study, what western peoples think of Islam when relying on secondhand information from the powers-that-be (the media, the political "elite," etc.) is vastly different from what they think of Islam after personally experiencing it. [...] The study found a dramatic shift of opinion among Greeks between 2009, when Muslims in Greece were few and far between — meaning Greek opinion on Islam was theoretical and largely shaped by the media, etc. — and 2023, seven years after large Muslim migrant populations first began landing in or passing through Greece in 2016.  Now, after experiencing Islam firsthand, "Greek public opinion... treats the Muslim world clearly more negatively or even hostilely," the report found.

Yes, America is Being Invaded.  Migration is being used to attack Finland, Italy, France, Poland and — no surprise — America.  But the Biden administration is asleep at the switch, oblivious to the threat.  Though most of the migrants crossing the U.S. southern border are in search of economic opportunity, some are used as tools by our enemies.  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is rightly sounding the alarm about what he calls an "invasion."  So are 10 top-ranking former FBI executives, who sent a warning letter to Congress on Jan. 17 about a "new and unfamiliar" type of warfare.  Heed their words.  The letter points to the danger of a large number of military-age men "who could begin attacking gatherings of unarmed citizens," duplicating the horrors of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.  The letter also warns that some of the migrants are on the terror watchlist or are from countries designated as state sponsors of terrorism.  Europe gets it.  French Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin cautioned back in October that failing to expel illegal immigrants has led to past terrorist incidents, and will again.  The Left claims it's "racist" to refer to migration as an "invasion."  Nonsense.  Ask Finland.

Paris Train Station Attack:  African Suspect Declared 'I Hate the French' Prior to Stabbing Spree.  The African national suspected of attacking three people with a knife and hammer in the Gare de Lyon train station in Paris on Saturday has been revealed to have published anti-French videos despite police claiming that the attack was likely the result of mental illness.  A 32-year-old Malian, officially only identified as 'Kassogue S.', who left three injured including one critically during an attack in Paris' second-busiest train station on Saturday, reportedly had a history of anti-French comments and "a profile of pan-Africanism".  Police have claimed that the man suffers from mental disorders and that terrorism was not likely the motivation for the attack.

Islamized Italy: 13-year-old Girl Raped by Pack of 7 Egyptians in Front of Her Helpless Boyfriend.  Another horror story, yet another young victim of sexual violence at the hands of Islamic migrants.  Catania is in shock over what happened to a 13-year-old girl who was raped by a pack of seven Egyptian boys in a bathroom at the communal gardens of Villa Bellini, one of the Sicilian city's two oldest gardens.  District and juvenile prosecutors enlisted the Carabinieri to apprehend seven suspects, three of whom are minors, as per reports.  Initially evading arrest, the seventh individual wanted by authorities was eventually located at 1:30 p.m. in Piazza Dante.  He was in the midst of retrieving his belongings and attempted to flee to escape capture within the community where he had been staying.  The violence against the 13-year-old girl occurred on the evening of January 30.

Wild Fight Breaks Out At A School In Minnesota.  A massive fight broke out at Lakeville North High School on Tuesday.  Teachers were overpowered, police had to be called, and students were threatened with suspension if they shared the video.  [Video clip]

Dublin Ireland:  African Migrants Attack People In A Gym, Leaving One Bloody.  A gym in Dublin felt the joys of open borders as Africans attacked goers.  In November, a migrant stabbed 3 children outside a school in Dublin leading to riots and widespread violence.  The locals are at the end of their rope.  [Video clip]

The cops don't want to offend Muslims, even if they're murderers.
'Group of People' Kill Teenage Boys, U.K. Police Caution Public Not to Identify Suspects.  The British authorities are fearful that the brutal killing of two teenagers could trigger another wave of public unrest.  A 15-year-old boy and a 16-year-old boy, who are yet to be publicly identified by police, were stabbed by a "group of men" on Saturday night [1/27/2024].  The fatal stabbing incident took place in Knowles West in South Bristol, which is the most populous city in Southwest England.  The police, as has become customary in Britain, refused to identify the suspects as anything other than a "group of men," despite apprehending a 44-year-old man and a 15-year-old boy in connection to the heinous crime. [...] "We have also identified several witnesses who we will be taking statements from," he went on.  "Detectives are particularly keen to speak with passengers on a bus which was on Ilminster Avenue at the time of the incident."  The police commander then cautioned the public not to share information about the murder.  "It is extremely important there should be no commentary or sharing of information or images online which could in any way prejudice and any future proceedings," he commented.

Britain will lose the next world war.  It's too woke to fight.  Swiss neutrality began half a millennium ago, after the Battle of Marignano, which ended in a thumping by the French.  The humiliation was enough to put them off ever going to war with an external enemy again.  That policy has long been the butt of British jokes — but they may soon be the ones laughing at us.  If war comes tomorrow, the Swiss will be surprisingly well prepared, whereas we may struggle to muster enough volunteers to fight.  The terrible truth is that, in our hunger for cheap labour and casual abandonment of our borders, we have imported vast numbers of people whose primary allegiance is not to this country.  As we have seen in the appalling rise of anti-semitism and seas of Palestinian flags on our streets, a disturbing number of those we have welcomed with open arms do not share our values.  Indeed, some might even be readier to fight for the other side.

The Editor says...
You're just now discovering that those new arrivals, those unaccompanied military-age Muslim men (who until now have never seen a woman with an uncovered head), don't share your values?  Not only are they going to "fight for the other side," they are the other side.  It's nice that you've opened your eyes, but now it's too late.

'Europeans Will Succumb to Islam,' Says Former Intelligence Chief.  Islam is on the verge of completely taking over Europe, in all ways — at least according to one who should know, Hans-Georg Maaßen, Germany's top domestic intelligence chief from 2012 to 2018.  In a recent interview, he stressed several points that spell the imminent downfall of Europe to Islam.  His warnings are buttressed by disturbing demographic changes.  According to conservative estimates from Pew Research, over the next 25 years — meaning most of the current generation's lifetime — Europe's Muslim population will triple to a staggering 76 million.  In fact, the actual current and future numbers of Muslims appear to be higher, though there are no official tallies.  For example, in an earlier, 2011 study, Pew Research found that "The number of Muslims in Europe has grown from 29.6 million in 1990 to 44.1 million in 2010.  Europe's Muslim population is projected to exceed 58 million by 2030."  Clearly 58 million in five years' time is more significant than 76 million in 25 years' time.  Not only is mass migration responsible for Islam's exponential growth in Europe, but once there, the average Muslim woman has significantly more children than the average European woman.

Ireland: Only 11 out of 1,153 Algerian Muslim invaders have applied for work permits.  The majority prefer not to work and are content to live off Irish taxpayers.  On the other hand, why are Algerian Muslims even considered asylum seekers?  Is there a war in Algeria?

Just Look At All These Poor Women And Children At The Southern Border Looking For A Better Life.  The left tried to paint the invasion at the southern border with Mexico as just hordes of women and children fleeing terrible conditions in their own countries but this is what's really going on.  Tens of thousands of military-aged men from Africa have poured across the border over the past few months since Europe is starting to crack down on African migrants.  [Video clip]

Put a stop to mass migration — while we still can.  The future belongs to those who show up."  So says the writer and commentator Mark Steyn, one of the few who warned early on about the demographic problems the rest of us are now beginning to discuss.  But it is not just who shows up:  whether we are having enough children.  It is also where they show up.  For demography, migration, and indeed our economic problems are closely linked.  Dr Paul Morland, demographer, author, and former Oxford academic, and Philip Pilkington, an economist, set out the issues last year in a paper entitled "Migration, Stagnation, or Procreation:  Quantifying the Demographic Trilemma".  It shows that, in Britain in the late 1970s, there were four workers for every dependent person.  There are now only three, and other things being equal there will be two by 2050.  The population is ageing, and fertility rates are now around 1.5 children per woman:  well under the replacement rate.

The Editor says...
Encouraging the locals to have more children, to compete with the recent immigrants for jobs and votes, is futile.  The problem with mass migration from North Africa to Europe is that the new arrivals are mostly military-age single Muslim men, who have no intention to assimilate.  They are coming in to take over.

Muslim hordes display warlike dominance across Europe under the pretense of 'prayer'.  Like a dog marks his territory with urination, so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders with "prayer."  Ostensibly, they came as asylum seekers and refugees, displaced and downtrodden, ready to adapt and contribute to the West.  Now that there's enough of them, they can throw off the shackles of subterfuge and openly act in accordance with what they planned from the very beginning... in a particularly warlike way.  Either intentionally or coincidentally, these Muslim hordes are engaged in the conquering tactics articulated by Saul Alinsky in his well-known Lucifer-dedicated book, Rules for Radicals: [...] Just as Alinsky desired to undermine the virtues and ethos of the West, so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders.  Just as Alinksy framed the cultural revolution as a war between the "Haves" and the "Have-Nots," so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders.

Britain's Muslim 'Grooming Gangs' Report Finds White Children 'Left at the Mercy' of Rapists, With At Least 96 Still at Large.  A new report on Britain's predominantly Muslim rape gangs has found that police and local officials repeatedly failed to safeguard children or even investigate their rapes at the hands of mostly Pakistani men.  Investigators identified 96 men still at large despite being a potential threat to children, and vindicated whistleblowers in Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and social services who were targeted for exposing official failures.  Thousands of young, mostly white, British children were systematically groomed and often repeatedly raped by mostly Pakistani Muslim men in British towns from the early 2000s.

What If the West Only Accepted Christian Refugees from the Muslim World?  For years now, a number of mostly Eastern European nations have been arguing that, if they are going to accept any refugees from the Muslim world, they prefer Christians.  Hungary, for example, has apparently been doing just that.  To this, the official western response has been to cry "racism!" Barack Obama, for instance, once called such a suggestion "shameful," loftily adding:  "That's not American.  That's not who we are.  We don't have religious tests to our compassion."  It was later revealed that his administration was doing precisely that — but in reverse:  discriminating against persecuted Christian asylum seekers, while favoring Muslims.  All emotionalism and name-calling aside — that is, the stuff of American politics — there are, in fact, several objective reasons why the West should give priority, if not exclusivity, to Christian refugees from the Muslim world — and some of these are actually to the benefit of western nations.

France: Severely Disabled Woman Beaten and Raped in Elevator on New Year's Eve by Migrant Known to Police for Rape.  A 27-year-old migrant, who was previously known to the police for allegations of rape, has been placed under investigation for the "rape of a vulnerable person" and was detained provisionally on January 8, according to the Paris prosecutor's office.  The prosecutor's office reported, "An investigation has been opened and entrusted to the 2nd district of the judicial police (2nd DPJ)."  The suspect, Walid E., was arrested on January 5 near the Porte de Vincennes in the east of Paris and was identified through surveillance camera footage.  The incidents occurred in the early morning hours of Monday, January 1st.  On that morning, a 52-year-old woman originally from Togo left a restaurant in the 19th arrondissement, where she had spent New Year's Eve with friends.

French prime minister resigns following recent political turmoil over immigration.  French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne resigned Monday following recent political turmoil over immigration, paving the way for President Emmanuel Macron to seek fresh momentum by appointing a new government in coming days.  The shakeup was widely seen as an attempt by the 46-year-old centrist Macron to head off a looming lame-duck status.  Macron's term is to end in 2027, and he won't be able to run for president for a consecutive third term in line with the French Constitution.

We must stop ignoring violence against women in Italy.  When the stabbed and battered body of 22-year-old Italian college student Giulia Cecchettin was found in a ditch near Venice in November 2023, police arrested her former boyfriend, Filippo Turetta, for her murder.  Such violence by intimate partners is not uncommon:  Cecchettin was one of more than one hundred women in Italy last year killed by either a former or current intimate partner, according to the country's Interior Ministry.  What was uncommon was the public outcry over Cecchettin's death, which quickly became a symbol of the nation's ongoing crisis of femicide — the crime of killing a woman because she is a woman.  The story dominated media in Italy for weeks; Cecchettin's funeral drew more than 10,000 people and spawned protests and vigils across the country by Italians demanding better legal and social protections for women.

Don't Call Them Parasites, or You'll Do Time.  Because refugees are "more likely to be parasites," a man in Baden-Württemberg was given a suspended sentence for incitement to hatred.  The process seems dubious.  A 50-year-old man from Heinstetten in Baden-Württemberg wrote on Twitter (now X) on November 15, 2022:  "Refugees and displaced people are probably more like parasites."  The public prosecutor's office then began investigations into sedition.  In doing so, the accused is said to have disturbed the public peace, violated people's human dignity and made them contemptuous.  The case has now been heard at the Albstadt district court.  The court found the man guilty of sedition and, at the request of the public prosecutor, imposed a three-month prison sentence, which was then suspended.  In addition, the man, who says he is currently unemployed, has to donate €1,500 to a charitable organization.

Immigration Could Cost the Netherlands €600 Billion Over [the] Next 20 Years Academics Say.  Immigration could cost the Dutch exchequer €600 billion over the next two decades if current trends remain unchained according to academics from the University of Amsterdam's School of Economics.  In a research paper entitled Borderless Welfare State:  The Consequences of Immigration for Public Finances academics including experts from the fields of economics, mathematics, sociology, and public administration said that pressures associated with immigration could render the Dutch welfare system "unsustainable".  While some immigrants represent a net positives for the economy, figures from across all four categories examined in the study indicate this economic boost is more than negated when viewed in context of the full picture of immigration in the Netherlands.  The paper highlighted the cost of accepting immigrants in billions of euros from 1995 [to] 2040 (forcast) inclusive of the costs of second generation immigrants outlining how the Dutch population is growing due to immigration.

Britain is importing third world conflicts onto its streets.  The recent clashes in the south London area of Camberwell, reportedly between people originating from the Horn of Africa, provided a clear illustration of a worrying trend:  Britain is bringing the world's geopolitical tensions and territorial conflicts to its own streets.  Around fifty activists gathered to demonstrate over ongoing tensions between the African nations of Eritrea and Ethiopia.  The resulting melee saw eight people arrested for offences including violent disorder, criminal damage, possession of offensive weapons, and assault on an emergency worker.  Four police officers were injured, and one sent to hospital.  This was not an isolated incident.  Violent clashes between and within the UK's ethnic minority communities have become increasingly common.  The 2022 large-scale public disorders in Leicester were a watershed moment in British community relations.

A "new normal" multicultural ride on the Madrid metro.  The national police have arrested 16 people earlier last year, two of them stabbed, accused of participating in a massive brawl that occurred early in the morning inside a Madrid Metro train, according to police sources.  The fight began around 6:45 a.m. when the train, which was also carrying numerous people unrelated to the brawl, was going to make a stop at the Batán station, on line 10, to the southwest of the capital.  According to images recorded by various witnesses and shared on social networks, young people of different ages and nationalities have begun to attack each other inside the wagon, even using their seatbelts and at least one knife, which has been seized by the police.  Among the participants were four minors, according to the same sources.  [Video clip]

This is the kind of savagery being imported into the West on an industrial scale..  It is horrifying that the United States and Europe are being flooded with these types of dangerous individuals.  [Video clip]

Berlin Gets Some New Year's Eve Cultural Enrichment As Muslim Migrants Terrorize The Locals With Fireworks.  Berlin police say they detained over two hundred people on New Year's Eve in the German capital as mobs of Muslim migrants shot fireworks at the locals as well as at the police.  [Video clip]

German legislator declares migrant looters 'entitled to' stolen grocery hauls.  Since Germany opened the floodgates and a deluge of third world dependents poured into the small European nation, there has been (expectedly) a major uptick in crime, from petty theft to violent assaults and murder.  When a supermarket manager recently complained about the lawlessness, pointing out that the culprits are "usually migrants," federal legislator Ferat Koçak threw all brains and intellect to the wind, showing how utterly corrupted the ideology and political opinions of leftists really are.

Police Injured During 'Diversity Riot' In London.  At least four police officers were hurt Saturday in what has been dubbed a 'diversity riot' in London.  The incident in Camberwell, South London saw a violent mob of stick-wielding hoodlums, some reportedly of Ethiopian descent and some Eritreans, attempting to stop a meeting inside a nearby theatre that was being attended by representatives of the government of the East African nation.  The footage shows that as police attempted to control the situation, they quickly found themselves under attack.

Eritrean Migrants Attack A London Police Station, Total Chaos In The Streets.  The Met Police has sent in extra officers as Eritrean protesters attacked riot vans with sticks outside a theatre in South London.  Camberwell Road in Camberwell has been blocked near Burgess Park this afternoon as a crowd of around 50 people moves around The Lighthouse theatre.  The protest is related to tensions among the Eritrean community, the Met Police confirmed.  [Video clip]

Over 7,000 Women in Germany Have Been Raped or Sexually Assaulted by Asylum Seeking Migrants Since 2015: Report.  Since opening the gates to unfettered mass migration in 2015, at least 7,000 women have been raped or sexually assaulted in Germany by alleged asylum-seeking illegal migrants, an analysis of government figures has found.  A report from the Swiss-German paper of record, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, claimed that statistics from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) show that more than one thousand women — mostly Germans — have been sexually assaulted by migrants seeking refuge every year since 2017.

Government of Wales is pimping out young girls to promote the country to even more Muslim migrants.  As if there aren't already hordes of Muslim freeloaders posing as asylum seekers paying human traffickers to get them into welfare havens in countries like Wales.  [Video clip]

Today, They Are Blocking Airports And Storming Government Buildings.  Tomorrow, What They Will Do Will Be Far Worse.  Radical Islamic activists are increasingly causing major problems all over the United States.  They are blocking airports, storming government buildings and causing all sorts of chaos in the streets.  Unfortunately, thanks to the Biden administration more Muslim extremists continue to pour into this country with each passing day.  They have learned how to game the system just like hordes of other illegal immigrants have.  We are literally committing national suicide, but as long as Joe Biden is in the White House our borders are going to continue to be wide open. [...] Over the past few months, there have been endless examples of pro-Palestinian extremists causing trouble.  But this is just the beginning.  Thanks to the very foolish policies of our leaders, there are now 49.5 million people living in this country that were not born here. [...] If people come here legally and want to abide by our laws and integrate into our society, I have no problem with that.  Unfortunately, there are millions upon millions of immigrants that have come here that have no intention of following our laws or integrating into our society.  Instead, they intend to change our society.

Was the Dublin Riot a Watershed Moment?  [O]n Nov. 23, 2023, a Muslim man of Algerian origin, with a known criminal record, knifed a group of preschool children attending Saint Mary's, a Catholic school in Dublin. [...] On the evening of the night of the stabbing, Irish citizens, apparently sick of taking in Muslim migrants who show their thanks by randomly stabbing Irish children and committing other crimes, took to the streets to protest their nation's immigration policies.  Before long, a riot — described as the worst in modern Dublin history — broke out.  This incident marks something new:  a western demographic consisting of everyday men and women revolted — not just with words or hashtags, but in actual fact — against the mainstream narrative concerning migrants coming into Europe.  Up until now, here is how things worked:  western authorities, the "elites," opened their nations' doors to millions of Muslim migrants.  They did this by exploiting their citizens' sense of decency, by making them feel it is their "duty" to provide all these migrants with a good life. [...] Meanwhile, many of these migrants exhibit Islam's natural hostility for all things and persons non-Islamic.  Wherever there is a significant presence of migrants, crimes, rapes, and general insecurity soar.

Migrant to France Boasts: 'Do No Work, Have Lots of Children, and Live on State Aid'.  A recent video that has gone viral, featuring a migrant woman in France, is causing an uproar, intensifying the debate over the nation's left-wing immigration policies.  The footage, widely perceived as a blatant "slap in the face" to hardworking, tax-paying citizens of France, disturbingly reveals the woman's advice to fellow migrants: to shun work, exploit the state's welfare system, and have a lot of children.  Her blatant disregard for the host country's norms and societal expectations is stark and unapologetic.  In the video, the woman explicitly states that they do not intend to "eat" the French state's money, implying it's the state that freely offers it.  She addresses accusations of migrants stealing state money, refuting them by saying the French government willingly provides these funds.  The migrant declares their intention to fully benefit from this aid without any inclination to return to their home country.  [Video clip]

City-crippling rallies, 'intolerable' public disorder and rampant knife crime.  There is a dirty secret that travel agencies and airlines are neglecting to tell tourists heading to London.  Weekly pro-Palestine rallies and unlawful sit-ins by environmental activists from Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil are crippling the city.  Tens of thousands of protestors have been turning out, many of them intentionally or unintentionally blocked access to hotels and tourist attractions, art galleries, shops, restaurants and even foreign currency exchanges.  The masses have turned out every Saturday to wave banners in support of Palestine since the Hamas slaughter of Israelis on October 7.

Secession Without Secession.  Minnesota wants to change its flag to one that more closely represents their Muslim population and specifically the Somali flag.  I've had a couple of connections to Minnesota that alerted me to this secession of Minnesota from the laws of the United States, more than the union itself, but I can't help but point out that any government that utilizes or allows to be utilized Sharia law rather than the laws of the United States in courts or society in general is guilty of disenfranchising their citizens.  I know, all of this falls under the Constitution, a document that sits under glass in Washington DC, but has little else to do with the daily functioning of the communist nation that has risen up and displaced the republic.  This all signals a separation from the union.  In the case of Minnesota, it's a signal of its Muslim minority, which might soon become a majority, seeking to effectively secede from the union without having to go through any official means of declaring secession.

Europe stands as a grim warning about unlimited Muslim immigration.  Islam, by its nature, is an ideology centered around conquest.  That's why, within one hundred years of Mohamed's death, Muslims had conquered large swaths of the known world.  And unlike Christians, this conquest was not effectuated mostly through persuasion (something separate from internecine wars between different types of Christian nations fighting for political control).  Instead, this conquest was brutal.  In Europe, which started with a trickle of Islamic immigration after WWII that turned into a flood in 2015, we're seeing what happens when devout Muslims have the wind at their back.

Minnesota to get a new state flag that looks nearly identical to one out of Somalia.  If you've ever wondered what colonization in real time looks like, look no further:  [Tweet]  In September, Minnesota launched an initiative to create a new state seal and flag to replace the longstanding designs after it was determined these dated elements were "offensive" to certain elevated classes. [...] Well as we saw above, the final design has now been selected; but not only has the white man been eliminated from the equation, but the rest of those "tribal" people too — the proposed design looks nearly identical to that of Puntland, an "autonomous" zone of Somalia that remains unrecognized by the international community. [...] This is a flag of which I'm utterly ashamed and embarrassed, and I suspect millions of Americans would agree — but we aren't who "they" were considering.  Imported people, conditioned to subjugation, poverty, and tyranny, have no interest in, expectation of, or practice with a government restrained from violating unalienable rights.  (As the post to X noted, Minnesota has the largest Somali population in the West.)

Being Christian Is Becoming Illegal in the UK.  Several stories have been published about people getting arrested for publicly praying in the UK.  Actually, that's not quite right because some forms of prayer are more equal than others.  If you are a Muslim, you are perfectly fine praying, or for that matter, calling for the murder of Jews and the elimination of Israel as a state.  So, more appropriately, I should say that praying as a Christian is becoming illegal in Great Britain.  Praying for the spread of Sharia law is just fine and dandy.  [Tweet with video clip]  Great Britain has a law restricting any religious observance outside abortion clinics, but the laws go far beyond what you might imagine.

Muslim Migrant Urinating On The Pork Section of The Supermarket In The Netherlands.  These degenerates the EU and WEF think are enhancing society did an unthinkable act in the Netherlands in a supermarket.  One of the Muslim men took a piss all over packaged pork in the meat section while his degenerate buddy said 'we don't eat pork.'  The arrogance of these people who arrive as asylum seekers but immediately make demands as if they own the place.  Deport these two and all others who feel the same way.  There are plenty of Islamic nations that don't eat or sell pork, give them a one-way ticket to those hellholes.  [Video clip]

Muslim Teens Beating Up Santa Claus Shout "This Is Our Country!"  Is Santa Claus soon only going to be safe at the North Pole — that is, unless that icy region, too, is strengthened with diversity?  One could draw this conclusion after an attack on a middle-aged man dressed as St. Nick, by Muslim youths who, obviously, didn't care that Santa was making a list and checking it twice.  What's more, the victim states that during the assault the teens shouted "This is our country!"  The kicker:  This didn't happen in Iraq, Bangladesh, Indonesia, or even Nigeria — but in Germany.

A Newly Arrived Migrant Robbed An Elderly Woman In The Wrong Side Of Rome.  The police and courts in the European Union have been told to use kid gloves with these military-aged migrants who land in Europe to live off the welfare state while destroying entire neighborhoods like locusts.  The only real answer to this is good old-fashioned street justice.  [Video clip]

Hotel In Ireland Slated To Take Unvetted Migrants Mysteriously Burns Down.  Ross Lake House Hotel in County Galway, Ireland, which was due to start taking unvetted migrant men next week, has mysteriously caught fire tonight.  [Video clip]

Legislators call for aid to 'neighbor' Somalia amid 'climate change catastrophe'.  On Monday, Minnesota Rep. Samakab Hussein, D-St. Paul, organized a press conference at Minnesota's State Capitol to call for "immediate, unrestricted humanitarian aid" to Somalia.  At the press conference, Rep. Hussein was joined by other public officials, Somali doctors, and a Muslim imam to speak about the floods and torrential rain that have battered East Africa.  In a statement, Hussein said, "As Minnesotans, we understand the power of collective action and the responsibility we have for our neighbors, both near and far.  We cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Somalia."  Despite the assertion that the two are "neighbors," Minnesota and Somalia are located in separate hemispheres, different continents, and remain over 8,000 miles apart.

The Editor says...
If Somali (or Mexican, or Cuban, or any other) people are to be admitted to this country legally, they must assimilate with us, and forsake their former countries.  The Somalis in particular seem to have set up a colony in Minnesota, just like Somalia itself, but mostly middle-class, thanks to the many benefits of living in America, including handouts and freebies.  Now they demand that the U.S. send money to Somalia for no reason other than it rains too much there, which is not something we could have caused if we tried.  Let them send their own remittances (heavily taxed, of course) to the folks back home.  Or better yet, just go home.  If you like Somalia that much, go there.

'Santa Claus' attacked by a gang of Muslim brutes in Germany.  Since when has orchestrating the saturation of destitute Muslims with Third World mentalities in a Western nation ever benefited the hosting population?  How could a group of people so conditioned to chaos and savagery, and who strive for conquest by violence, oppression, and fear ever assimilate to a society that values the protection of the vulnerable, and Judeo-Christian character and honor?  Should a successful society built by ethnic Germans cater to hateful foreigners that only want to tear it all down, rape German daughters, and kill German sons?  Seems like the answers to these questions would be no-brainers, but apparently not, because just a week or so ago, a gang of feral Muslim teenagers beat up Santa Claus in Germany, and there are still people who think "diversity" is a strength.

Migrants Extinguish The Eternal Flame In St. Petersburg, Authorities Will Now Deport Them And Their Families.  Migrant-Children who extinguished the Eternal Flame in St. Petersburg will be deported from Russia along with their parents back to Uzbekistan.  The Russian police conducted an investigation and found that not all their documents fulfilled the requirements and/or were filed.  America and Europe, this is how it's done.  [Video clip]

For the West to Live, Immigration(ism) Must Die.  [Scroll down]  In fact, we're so far down the balkanization rabbit hole that there's only one thing to figure out:  What should have been one's first clue?  How about when French intellectual Christian de Moliner suggested in 2017 that his nation be divided to avoid civil war with its Muslims?  How about in 2021, when 20 retired French generals and more than 1,000 other military members signed an open letter warning that this looming conflict was drawing nigh?  How about in 2014, when it emerged that more than 1,400 mostly native British girls were raped and tortured by Muslim gangs and that authorities turned a blind eye to the crimes for more than 16 years, hamstrung by political correctness?  How about in 2001, when Swedish anti-Western social engineer Mona Sahlin, commenting on the Islamization of her land, actually said that "the Swedes must be integrated into the new Sweden; the old Sweden is never coming back"?

France could be on the brink of civil war.  Two years ago, after yet another couple of nights of rioting in the banlieues, twenty retired French generals wrote an open letter to Emmanuel Macron, then about to run for a second term, warning that the divisions between communities and increasing "violence and nihilism" in France would eventually cause a social breakdown, with a risk of "chaos" leading to a "civil war" that would then "require" a military "intervention... in a dangerous mission to protect our civilisational values and safeguard our compatriots".  [...] For almost three decades, government after government chose not to look too closely at a worsening situation.  France was for centuries a land of successful assimilation.  Italians, Spaniards, Russian Jews, Poles came and became French.  But sheer numbers, as well as the change from a requirement to "assimilate" to the easier one of "integrate", mean the French model is broken.

Politicians have created a multicultural monster beyond control.  Who gets the blame?  We do.  [Scroll down]  What struck me about those women in their 40s, 50s and 60s — women with daughters and granddaughters to worry about — was that a major part of their anger arose from the fact that, not only were they not being heard, they were being treated as the problem.  They weren't the problem, and they knew they weren't.  The problem was that their government was allowing men from [else]where into their community.  Mainly young men who would want sex (how rarely that basic fact is mentioned) and who came from countries where girls with their heads uncovered, their flesh exposed, are viewed by some as fair game.  It was perfectly clear to the Irish women that the safety of their children should come first, above any other consideration.  In any previous generation, it would have.  But Western governments like theirs are so wedded to a multicultural experiment that they have failed to prevent a large number of illegal migrants (and far too many legal immigrants in the UK's case) into their countries, often without adequate checks.  This is such a vast, epochal mistake, the consequences so volatile and hard to control, that governments are now running scared and cannot own up to their mistake.  Instead, the people must be blamed for their "hateful" reaction to the mistake.

Silencing the Irish To Save Them From Themselves.  All European eyes should be on Ireland now.  In the wake of last week's Dublin riots, the Varadkar government is fast-tracking draconian hate-speech legislation that would decimate liberty in the Emerald Isle.  The Irish people face being ordered by their woke government, under threat of jail, to acquiesce silently in their country's colonization via migration. [...] If you have in your possession a book, photo, meme, newspaper, or anything at all critical of a "protected" class — including racial and sexual minorities, transgender people, and migrants (because "nationality" is a protected characteristic) — you can be guilty of a hate crime.  Note that under the proposed law, they don't have to prove you incited violence or hatred.  All you have to do is to possess material that is likely to do so, in the judgment of authorities.  Any Irish person who has a critical thought about the system attempting to turn their children trans, say, or the mass migration overtaking the country — he had better keep his mouth shut and not write, tweet, or TikTok anything about it, or face prison.

Leo Varadkar's Ireland is flirting with a new form of totalitarianism.  Irish author Paul Lynch won the Booker Prize on Sunday.  His novel, Prophet Song, imagines an Ireland that has fallen under Right-wing totalitarian control, and begins with members of the new secret police rapping on the door of a union leader to interrogate him for "sowing discord and unrest" against the government.  Novelists are free to dream up all manner of fictional scenarios, however far-fetched.  The irony is that this is the exact opposite of what is happening in Ireland right now.  The government in Dublin is indeed introducing extraordinary new legislation to restrict freedom of speech.  But it's not horrid Right-wingers conspiring to suppress nice, decent liberals.  It's nice, decent liberals scrambling to stamp out the opinions of what they call the "far-Right".  And far from being alarmed by this assault on basic freedoms, the broad swathe of progressive opinion in Ireland is fully behind it, including most voices in the broadcast and print media, and every major party.

Where's America's Conor McGregor?  [Scroll down]  We do not have to accept the invaders or their criminal actions, or the criminal actions of our own governments, for that matter.  Whatever actions are required to make our governments respect our demands is acceptable.  It was criminality that brought them here, unofficial and official, that allowed them the open door to our homes, our shops, our streets and public places and so whatever force is needed to return them seems justified.  They opened the door, they can close it.  They allowed them to come, they can send them back.  Whatever level of force it takes to make them listen to the people, is up to them.  Whenever they want the protests to stop, they can remove the cause.  Whenever they want the murders, rapes and robberies to stop, they can stop them by removing the people they brought in to conduct such atrocities.  We know the reason is to frighten us, an act of terrorism itself, to succumb to their control in the interest of safety.

Germany Discovers You Can in Fact Slash Illegal Immigration by Policing Borders.  The number of illegal migrants known crossing into Germany has collapsed in just weeks after the government decided to try something new:  border control.  Around 300 illegal migrants are detected crossing on average into Germany every day, down considerably from the roughly 700 a day a month ago, analysis of police figures in a German newspaper claims.  The sudden change follows a new policy of border control from the nation's 'traffic light' coalition government, dominated by the pro-open borders left-wing Social Democrats and the Green party, with some input from the free-market liberal Free Democrats.

Dublin Child Stabber Was Supposed to be Deported in 2003..  The suspect who stabbed three children and an adult in Dublin last week is an Algerian-born migrant who was subject to a deportation order from 2003.  He was arrested several times, including earlier this year, though now holds an Irish passport.  The case was previously referred to the country's High Court, which revoked the deportation order following a judicial review.  The alleged attempted murderer came to the police's attention this year, also, for possession of a knife.  He appears to have been acquitted of the charges due to a "mental health report given to the court."  Subsequent reports suggest the man was motivated to carry out the attack because he did not receive his welfare benefits.  Despite the violence, the Irish government has focused the majority of its attention on Irish citizens who are demanding action.

If everyone can be 'far right' then the term has lost all meaning.  Last Thursday, Dublin city centre resembled a war zone.  Violent mobs rioted for over three hours in what's been described as 'the worst disorder experienced for decades'.  Vehicles, including police cars, were set on fire, and three buses and a tram were destroyed.  The 'huge destruction' left shops badly damaged and windows broken.  Looting followed.  The violence is believed to have been triggered by a knife attack that took place in the city earlier in the day.  Three children and two adults were injured, four of whom remain in hospital.  Among them is a five-year-old girl, said to be in a 'critical condition', and a teaching assistant who 'used her body as a shield' to protect children from the stabbing.  The suspect is reported to be 'an Irish citizen in his late 40s who has lived in the country for 20 years.'  But beyond this, little is known about the attack.  Police and politicians have warned those wanting to find out more about 'misinformation'.  Yet, astonishingly, amid the destruction of the riots and the violence of the knife attack, one fact has been firmly established.  Police and politicians alike are, it seems, absolutely certain about the motive of the rioters.  They were 'far right'.

Politicians Urge Censorship Of The Disasters They Create.  Ireland must pass new legislation to crack down on the online hatred behind the rioting in Dublin on Thursday, said its Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, on Friday. [...] But what triggered the riots were accurate news media reports that the suspect in the stabbing of multiple individuals, including a five-year-old child, was an Algerian immigrant.  Either Varadkar is spreading misinformation by attributing the riots to "messages and images," or he wants to criminalize sharing accurate news stories. [...] At the same time, many in Ireland felt they have seen a pattern. "A few days before [the stabbing]," writes Angela Nagle at Compact, "a Slovak Romani immigrant was sentenced for the murder of a young woman, Ashling Murphy.  She had been walking home from work by a canal when she was stabbed eleven times in the neck.  It was reported that the assailant had been living on disability benefits in a publicly funded council home.  Last year, an Iraqi immigrant murdered two Irish gay men, decapitating one of them.  In a nation with close-knit, high-trust communities until recently, this new reality is shocking and alien to Irish people.  Dublin used to be renowned for its warmth, fun, and friendliness.  Now everyone talks about how the atmosphere has taken a dark turn."

Sweden and the explosive consequences of multiculturalism.  Where did it all go so wrong for Sweden?  The nation once known for ABBA, IKEA and its social-democratic welfare state has now become a byword for gangland killings and grenade attacks.  Crime has soared to unprecedented levels.  Grenade attacks have become an unwelcome feature of suburban life.  Islamism is spreading unchecked.  Even some on the Swedish left have been forced to acknowledge that multiculturalism is unravelling and that the state has failed to integrate vast numbers of migrants.  (See HTML comments.)

The Rage Behind the Dublin Riots.  According to all the charts and graphs, things have never been better in Ireland.  Yet to anyone paying attention to the real world, the recent riots in Dublin were predictable and inevitable, after years in which the ruling class flung the gates open to limitless migration, even as it told the Irish people to make do with pinched public benefits.  The only curious thing is that it took this long.  The immediate cause was a knife attack on Thursday targeting a woman and three children outside a school.  The alleged perpetrator is an Algerian-born naturalized immigrant (one of the children, a 5-year-old girl, has migrant parents).  But this wasn't the first violent incident to capture the public's attention.  A few days before that, a Slovak Romani immigrant was sentenced for the murder of a young woman, Ashling Murphy.  She had been walking home from work by a canal when she was stabbed eleven times in the neck.  It was reported that the assailant had been living on disability benefits in a publicly funded council home.  Last year, an Iraqi immigrant murdered two Irish gay men, decapitating one of them.

This is just the beginning of Ireland's riots.  Dublin has stealthily become a tinderbox on issues of immigration.  When news began to filter through on Thursday that a five-year-old girl (now in a stable but critical condition) had been stabbed, allegedly by a man originally from Algeria, the whole city braced.  Many saw images of young men in the area pushing back against police and hoped that was as bad as the reaction would get.  Instead, the severity of the riots accelerated hourly, [...] There was some sense that this was coming.  Earlier this month Jozef Puska was sentenced for the murder of Aishling Murphy, an event which rocked Ireland in much the same way that the murder of Sarah Everard did the UK.  In court her bereaved boyfriend read a statement which explicitly noted that Puska had "come to this country, [to] be fully supported in terms of social housing, social welfare, and free medical care for over 10 years [but could] never hold down a legitimate job and never once contributed to society in any way, shape, or form".  This commentary was passed over by much of the press but electrified social media.

Blame Ireland's migrant surge, not 'right-wingers,' for Dublin riots.  In the 12 months leading up to April this year, 141,600 immigrants landed in Ireland.  The Irish population has increased by more than 2%.  If the US had similar immigration, it would mean 9 million extra people.  This is the highest level since the prosperous "Celtic Tiger" era of the late '90s.  Ireland's non-nationals comprise a whopping 20% of the population.  The tinder box of immigration blew open Thursday with a mass riot in Dublin following the stabbing of a number of young children outside a school near the main street.  The alleged perpetrator is foreign-born but still a citizen.  The riots have, so far, led to more than 30 arrests and a number of stores destroyed.  Once a source of massive emigration to the United States, the Emerald Isle is now the destination of choice for Ukrainian refugees and other nationalities seeking a better life — and better welfare entitlements.  Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ireland had a surge of 100,000 Ukrainian refugees.

Ireland: Protesters Set Fire To Holiday Inn Housing Migrants After One Stabbed 3 Little Kids.  Violence exploded in Dublin on Thursday night, hours after a knife attack outside a school left three young children, among others, injured.  A clip filmed outside a Holiday Inn Express Hotel shows dozens of people running in the street.  In the background, a small group appears to be setting fire to the entrance of the hotel building. has contacted the hotel for comment.  [Video clip]

Dublin On The Brink Of Civil War As Angry Mob Attacks Cops After Young Children Were Stabbed By Migrant.  Three young children and a woman in her 30s were injured near a school in Dublin on Thursday, the police said, an attack that was followed by riots and disorder.  An adult woman in her 30s and a 5-year-old girl sustained serious wounds in the attack, in which a knife was used, the police said, while a 5-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl were being treated for less serious injuries.  The boy was later released from hospital.  A suspect in the case was in custody, according to the Garda Síochána, the Irish police force.  Drew Harris, the Garda police commissioner, said that the motive for the attack remained "entirely unclear."  [Video clip]

'Anti-Islam Bad Boy' Wins Big in Dutch Elections, Leftist Meltdown Begins Immediately.  In yet another sign of a global political shift, the right-wing populist Party for Freedom in the Netherlands is projected to win a large plurality.  According to exit polling, the PVV will pick up at least 35 seats while the current ruling coalition will combine for 37 losses while only winning 41 seats total.  That makes Geert Wilders, the founder of the Party for Freedom, the big winner.  It also means an absolute meltdown has already started given how much Wilders is hated by the European left.  The Netherlands has been in the midst of a soft political revolution over the last several years centering on climate change policies and the influx of Muslim immigration into the European country.  As RedState reported, mass protests were held throughout 2022 after the ruling government signed a climate change agreement that would see Dutch farmers decimated due to restrictive emissions standards.  It looks like those farmers have gotten their revenge while also securing their futures.

Jihad on Churches in France.  Investigative journalist Amy Mek tweeted on July 1, 2023:  "Attacks on Churches are the norm in France; two Churches a day are vandalized — they are being burned, demolished, and abandoned, and their adherents are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.  Priests are under constant threat.  At what point will France's open border politicians be held responsible?"  That last question inadvertently identifies the culprits — namely, migrants from the Muslim world, where attacks on churches are not abnormal.  In July 2023, for instance, Muslims attacked and desecrated several churches in France, by breaking the doors and windows of one church and spray-painting anti-Jesus and pro-Muhammad graffiti on its walls.  The men also torched at least two historic churches — a 16th century church in Drosnay, and the 12th century Saint-Georges De La Haye-Descartes church — after general riots prompted by the June 27 police shooting of Nahel Merzouk, a Muslim criminal.

'It's Not a Gang, It's Cultural Differences!': Sweden, Immigration, and Bombs in Bins.  It turns out that when you open the doors to a whole different set of values, and you drop the age of "criminality" — in other words, the age you can be charged as an adult — bad things proliferate.  Like warnings from gangs.  Forget the horse head in bed or box of dead fish. [...] It reminded me of an eight year old story from British reporter Katie Hopkins, whose piece for the Daily Mail back then was about an explosion of rapes in the Scandinavian paradise.  And to this day, I think her point keeps being completely validated.  ["]... I saw it in action when I ran to the scene of an unexploded hand grenade in a bin outside the police station of a no-go area of town, near a mosque.  I asked the police who the target was.  They said they didn't know.  I asked the Muslim leader at the mosque.  He said he thought it was the police.  Then two women grabbed me and told me not to make this about the mosque, not to make this a Muslim issue.  This was about the police — nothing to do with migrants.["]

Officials don't know how thousands of African migrants end up in Tijuana.  Officials in Tijuana say they are baffled as they try to figure out how thousands of migrants from Africa keep showing up in their region.  Enrique Lucero, head of Tijuana's Migrant Affairs Office, says they've yet to find out who is bringing the Africans to Tijuana or how they are getting here.  "The flow is constant, and we don't know how they make their way here," said Lucero.  "There is no register at the airport or bus stations."

Migration, Not Asylum.  A friend of mine who works as a translator during the investigations of claimants to asylum tells me that, apart from the fact that almost all of the asylum-seekers lie about their histories in the most evident way, they reply to the question, "Why did you not claim asylum in France?" by saying that there was no accommodation for them there, that they would have had to sleep under bridges, and that Britain was the only country in which human rights were truly respected.  This, of course, is nonsense; their lives would not be put at risk through political persecution in France, and in essence they arrive in Britain not through necessity, but by choice.  This is not asylum; it is migration.  Of course, they have their reasons for wishing to migrate, and it must be conceded that those who undertake the hazardous journey are strongly motivated, often by unfortunate past circumstances.  This is not the same as fleeing persecution, however, for which the institution of asylum is intended.  In practice, the judges' ruling meant that vanishingly few illegal immigrants claiming asylum can be removed from the country, for the proper investigation of their claims is time-consuming when possible, and is often impossible; moreover, it is subject to lengthy appeal procedures once an initial decision has been reached.

How the DOJ's 'Community Relations Service' Ministry Uses Propaganda to Minimize Anti-White Terror.  A little-known Department of Justice (DOJ) branch has been coordinating crisis responses and holding indoctrination exercises following anti-white terror incidents, in order to shield the cult of diversity and multiculturalism from well-deserved reprisal.  The DOJ branch, known as the Community Relations Service (CRS), snaps into action during an anti-white terror episode to make sure that broader questions about crime, culture and society are never broached by the victims to keep the status quo of civilization destruction and degradation going as planned. [...] A case study from Lewiston, Maine — a city besieged by Somali migrants trafficked into the country with federal dollars through the refugee resettlement program — demonstrates the pernicious influence of the CRS.

Europe Is Burning.  Europeans are unwilling to preserve their industrial base and control their borders, leaving the continent increasingly weak and largely defenseless.  The leaderless American empire may be creaking, but Europe is in worse shape, hemmed in by dismal demographics, high taxes, suffocating regulation, and an entrenched bureaucracy that makes California seem like a libertarian paradise.  Europe's decline can be seen in its rapidly shrinking portion of the global economy.  It is hard to find any indicator that the continent is gaining global market share as money continues to pour into the U.S. For the last 15 years, European wages have fallen while those in the U.S. have continued to rise; the eurozone economy grew about six percent, measured in dollars, compared with 82 percent for the U.S., according to International Monetary Fund data.  European quality of life is dropping, its industrial base eroding, and there seems little promise of future improvement.

Viktor Orbán Opposes Further Asylum Waves: 'We Don't Want Mini-Gazas in Budapest'.  In a recent interview with Kossuth Radio, Hungary's Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán (60), emphasized the growing concern over immigration in Europe and the need for a change in migration policy.  He highlighted that the upcoming European elections would largely revolve around this crucial issue, asserting that the people of Europe desire neither war nor mass migration.  Orbán warned against the dangers of escalating immigration, linking it to an increased risk of terrorism.  He expressed a firm stance on behalf of Hungary:  "We do not want Mini-Gazas in the districts of Budapest."  The Prime Minister underscored that the acceptance of migrants by the European Union often results in their dispersal throughout existing communities, leading to the formation of ghettos and subsequent social disintegration.

October 7 revealed the new Nazis.  London has fallen.  A Babylon Bee fake headline — "80 Years After Hitler Failed, Nazis Finally Seize London" — lasted only hours on Sunday before it became true as Britain caved to organized anti-Semites.  The Times of Israel reported, "British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Monday fired Home Secretary Suella Braverman, days after she accused police of being too lenient with pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel 'hate marchers.' [...] London indeed has fallen to a group of Muslim invaders let in by the billionaires who installed Sunak, a Hindu, as PM.  They seek to destroy from within and they are quite good at erasing history and love of country.  Their latest lie is that black people built Stonehenge. [...] London elected Sadiq Khan, a Muslim, mayor.  His police arrested an old man for waving a British flag.  Never forget this Islamic idiot mocked the president of the United States when Trump made an official visit to England.  Trump's crime of course was making peace in the Middle East.

London is effectively under Islamic control.  If you really want to see what's happening, don't bother with any of the news outlets.  They won't show you just how ugly and dangerous things really are.  Twitter/X does.  England is losing control of its country.  London is effectively under the control of Islamists.  The following includes a depressing set of tweets proving the point.  Half a million protesters descended on London to protest[.]

London Has Fallen.  I have been following London's decline for a while now, and have written a fair amount about the societal decline in Britain.  I often speak of Western culture, and the Anglosphere as a subset of it.  Generally speaking, the Anglosphere comprises Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the USA — the countries that not only predominately speak English, but whose traditions and legal practices derive from English Common Law and the Scottish Enlightenment.  Obviously, these countries differ in important respects.  Still, aside from knowing what side of the road to drive, citizens from one country would feel pretty comfortable navigating the streets of any of the others.  I happen to be a fan of the English Common Law and the Scottish Enlightenment and believe that the modern concept of human rights derives from the traditions embodied within them. [...] This is why I am so saddened to see the obvious decline of London as a home for the values of the Anglosphere.  While Washington D.C. may be the informal political capital of these nations, London has been its spiritual hometown.  And London has fallen to the barbarians.

NYC Turns Into Gaza As Pro-Hamas Thugs Attack Grand Central Station With Police Barricaded Inside.  A mob of masked pro-Hamas protesters attempted to storm Grand Central station on Friday night, kicking in the door and cracking the glass but failing to make it into the closed station.  While a person with a bull horn chanted 'we are all Palestinians', a handful of men tried to smash down the doors.  Angry scenes ensued as the police tried to move them away from the station.  Grand Central — which sees 750,000 people pass through every day — was closed on Friday night amid the chaos, and the New York Police Department warned people to avoid the area.  [Video clip]

With knife attacks rapidly rising, German police offer 'tips' on how to confront your assailant.  "Random" stabbing sprees and knife attacks are on a steady and marked rise in Germany, and for some reason, German leaders, politicians, and officials don't seem too keen to dissect and solve a very non-complex problem.  Instead, they've offered "tips" on what to do if you find yourself at the receiving end of a crazed person with a knife, reported by Thomas Brooke at Remix News:  Try to get away, or "keep your distance" from the attacker.  "Shout" or "scream" at your attacker — but it must be louder than their allahu akbar shrieks.  (Okay, I added that second part, because we all see where this is going.)  Huh, no kidding?  If someone is attempting to stab a knife into us, we should try to get away?  I mean, without government, how would we have ever figured that out on our own? [...] German politicians imported millions of third world Muslim mobs, with third world non-Western mentalities, to Islamize the nation and replace traditional Europeans.

Threats to the United States now at a Whole New Level.  The American people are also finally wising up about the harm that globalists at the U.N., the international banking cabal and the World Economic Forum have already wrought in Europe with their replacement migration policies that induced European nations to open the doors to immigration from Middle Eastern and North African countries.  As a result, the population of Muslims increased 16-fold — to about 30 million, spread out across most European and Scandinavian countries with disastrous social costs — bringing cultural and political division, riots, and crime.

Pakistan carries out a mass expulsion.  As global attention centered on Gaza and the compounding upheavals and traumas triggered by Israel's war on Hamas, another population is in crisis.  Hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees are being forced to leave Pakistan as the country implements an order from its interim government to remove undocumented people from within its borders.  Of the roughly 4 million Afghans living in Pakistan, about 1.7 million people are thought to be in the crosshairs of this "repatriation" plan.

Far-Left Islamic Group Presses Joe Biden to Open 'Temporary' Amnesty for Palestinians in U.S..  The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is pressing President Joe Biden to offer Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Palestinians living in the United States, ensuring they cannot be deported under most circumstances.  CAIR officials, along with the Americans for Justice in Palestine Action, wrote to Biden on Tuesday evening, asking the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to give TPS — a quasi-amnesty program — to Palestinians in the U.S., as well as offering them Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) to ensure they will not be deported.

Germany may soon become a Sharia nation.  In 2015, the so-called Arab Spring, which Barack Obama helped foment, turned into the Muslim march on Europe.  As you may recall, then-Chancellor Angela Merkel, from her powerful position as head of the EU's most powerful nation, invited in all the displaced refugees from across the Muslim Middle East and Africa.  It was an invasion by invitation, and now Germany may soon become a Muslim-controlled country.  It's almost impossible to describe the stupidity (or evil) of Merkel's decision to invite Islam into Europe.  Think about it:  The welcome mat came from the country that had sparked the biggest war in the history of the world by seeking world domination and determining to wipe out the Jewish race — and the people she invited into Europe come from an ideology that is open about acquiring world domination ("the global caliphate") and is determined to wipe out the Jewish race.

Five Nordic nations are slowly ending their love affair with Muslim immigration.  [Scroll down]  In Sweden, we got Malmo, where 25% of the population is Muslim.  Sweden, once the clean-shiny home of female liberation, where women totally controlled their sex lives, suddenly had one of the highest rates of sexual offenses in Europe — and that's just reported cases.  Moreover, of the 314 men arrested for rape in 1994, 79% were European-born, while, in 2021, of the 3,309 men arrested for rape, 59.2% of them had immigrant backgrounds.  (Hint: that means Muslim.)  And again, that's just the rapes that women report.  Things weren't so great in other Scandinavian countries either.  Copenhagen's population is now 10% Muslim, and Oslo's is 9.53%.  In Finland, Vantaa's Muslim population is 7.6%, Espoo's is 6.7%, Turku's is 5.7%, and Helsinki's is 5.5%.  Weirdly, or not so weirdly, Denmark now has a rape problem, as do Norway, Finland, and Iceland.  While I couldn't easily find information about perpetrators in Denmark, Norway, or Iceland, it's clear who's raping women in Finland:  Muslims.  Indeed, across Europe, Muslims bring rape with them.  It's not just rape, of course, although that's the easiest to track.  While the Europeans once sneered at America's high crime rate, they're now grappling with high crime, too.

A small town in Ireland wakes up... a little.  Last week, many Buncrana residents locked arms to prevent migrant buses from dropping off 66 unvetted men in their town.  There was no notice from county or town officials, and the residents found out about it only through a Facebook group opposed to the opening of further migrant centers.  "The Department of Integration have adopted a de facto policy of avoiding consultation with local people before opening centres for migrants and asylum seekers in towns across Ireland."  The town's proposed accommodation center had only 19 beds available.  While the local Sinn Féin councilor, Jack Murray, understood the frustrations of the townspeople, he stated that "the scenes in Buncrana this week were the actions of a very small minority who have manipulated this issue within the community."  A necessary political utterance, for sure.  This was done in the dead of night, which raises the question: who benefits from the dispersal of migrants?  Not the community, which doesn't have enough police to monitor matters.  Not the schools, which are overburdened now.  Not the health services, which are struggling to provide for their own in a timely manner.

Nordic Countries Now Cooperating to Deport Illegals.  For many "civilized" people the instinct is to deescalate, to appease an adversary, based on the belief that civilized people do their best to avoid fights.  It's a tactic that is smart when dealing with other civilized people.  Generally speaking, fighting is a losing proposition, and if you can resolve a dispute by talking and compromise the chances that the costs of compromise will be lower than the costs of fighting are high.  But this instinct is wrong, even stupid when dealing with uncivilized people.  Their goals and attitudes are fundamentally different and they see appeasement as an opportunity to get even more of what they want because they see you as weak.  That is the fundamental problem Europe faces when dealing with the influx of immigrants, who have no interest in integrating into European societies.  They simply want to take them over as they bleed them dry through welfare payments.  Europeans seem to be waking up to that reality.  For years they have been more than generous to the migrants flooding their borders and upending their societies.  The hope has been that by providing them with government benefits, housing, and a welcoming environment they would adapt to their new societies and become civilized.  Nope.

Three Illegal Migrants vs 1 Fighting Irish.  These Arabs come to Europe and act like they own the place but in a way, the ruling class makes them feel that way by giving them a better life than a lot of struggling Europeans.  These migrants learned the hard way to not mess with the Fighting Irish.  [Video clip]

Muslim Man Attacks British Man At Speakers Corner In London's Hyde Park.  There was an attack at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park, London Tuesday.  Reports say an Islamist called the victim a "white bastard" before he was viciously attacked.  This area is known to be overrun by Islamist extremists.  [Video clip]

A Group Of African Migrants Including An 8 Year Old Brutally Assault A Man In Amsterdam.  The Amsterdam police are looking for the man who was seriously assaulted by a group of young African migrants at Bijlmer-Arena station earlier this year.  The perpetrators even threw the victim onto the track.  Shortly before half past nine on May 5th, the local man was attacked by a group of youths.  Others stood around shouting and making videos.  The victim was kicked several times in the head and then thrown onto the track, where he lay face to the ground.

The Editor says...
That was almost six months ago, and we're just now hearing about it?

Man At Pro-Hamas Event In London Almost Gets Lynched For Remind Everyone That Mohamed Was A Pedophile.  A man explains to the pro-Hamasa mob in London that Mohammad is a child rapist & they try to lynch him.  He could be dead if it weren't for the police.  Mohamed took Aisha as a child bride and had sex with her at the age of 9 as it is written in the Quran.  [Video clip]

African Migrant Barbecues A Cat He Killed In The Middle Of The Street In Italy.  The viral incident was filmed several meters from the train station in Comune di Campiglia Marittima in the province of Livorno located in the western Italian region of Tuscany.  MEP Susanna Ceccardi posted the video on Facebook where it has been viewed 4.5 million times and was shared by 110,000 people, many of whom slammed the man's actions as animal cruelty.  In the clip, a woman shouts at a man as he apparently cooks a cat on a makeshift fire he has built in the small public square.  [Video clip]

In London, You Can't Even Show The British Flag Without Getting Attacked By Muslims.  This pro-Palestinian Muslim mob in London, demonstrating against Israel and the Jews, became angry when they saw the English flag of the Cross of St.  George since Muslims now associate it with the medieval "crusades."  [Video clip]

Palestinian refugees are a risk America can't afford to take.  Following the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel and the ensuing outbreak of another war in the Middle East, influential people in Washington, D.C., are already calling for the U.S. to take in Palestinian refugees.  They couldn't be more wrong.  While the war is still in its early days, it is expected that up to one million Palestinians living in Gaza could soon become refugees.  Progressive members of Congress and anti-borders groups are already claiming the U.S. has a responsibility to take in some of these refugees, but fail to mention that importing migrants from an area that glorifies and idolizes terrorists could put the national security of the U.S. at grave risk.  It is well-known that a large majority of the Palestinian people have been brainwashed by their government to hate the U.S. and Israel.  Children in Gaza are taught from a young age about the glories of martyrdom and violent Jihad.  Palestinians voted in 2006 to elect Hamas as their government, the same terrorist organization that just led the greatest slaughter of the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

Hamas-related terror attack being kept under wraps in the United Kingdom.  An asylum seeker in Britain was arrested after committing a terror attack, according to British media.  However, details on the attack are scarce as according to the Telegraph details have been "highly restricted for legal reasons".  However, some details have been published such as that after his arrest, the suspect told police that the attack had been done because "Israel had killed children in Gaza."  British politicians asked why the details of the attack had not been released, a security source at the Telegraph said "They may be downplaying it so that they don't have repeat attacks or copycat attacks."

If you see something, say something.  And you'll be ignored.
London police stood by as pro-Palestine demonstrators called for a 'jihad' on London streets.  Suella Braverman will today demand an explanation from police after they stood by as pro-Palestine demonstrators called for a 'jihad' against Israel.  The Home Secretary will confront Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley over the force's low-key approach to anti-Israel demonstrators peddling hate on Britain's streets.  Ministers reacted angrily after the police said no laws were broken at an event on Saturday where protesters in central London called for 'Muslim armies' to launch a jihad to 'liberate Palestine'.  According to one report, up to 15 officers stood by and watched.

Belgium's cowardice is preventing it from tackling its terror threat.  Last year, a French broadcaster asked if Belgium was in danger of becoming a narco state.  The question was posed in light of the news of the cocaine flooding into the country and the growing influence of Belgium's drug cartels.  Others believe that Belgium most closely resembles an Islamic state.  [Paywall]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Americans Must Be Ready to Import Palestinians.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a leading voice of the Democrat Party's far-left wing, is suggesting Americans must be ready to bring Palestinians to their communities.  During an interview on CNN, Ocasio-Cortez was asked whether Arab countries in the Middle East ought to open their borders to Palestinians rather than the United States.  In response, Ocasio-Cortez suggested she would support such Arab countries taking in Palestinians, but Americans would also need to be open to refugee resettlement.

London Is Suddenly Realizing It Has A Massive Muslim Problem.  Scuffles erupt and missiles thrown at police following pro-Palestinian protest march in Central London.  The skirmishes took place at Trafalgar Square.  The Met estimated up to 100,000 people had joined the march earlier in the day.  There are There were 1,318,755 Muslims living in London out of 9 million total residents.  [Video clip]

What happens elsewhere in the city while the cops are busy with this riot?
Fury on the streets of NYC as thousands of anti-Israel protesters clash with cops.  Anti-Israel protesters and police clashed in Brooklyn after thousands flooded a predominantly Arab and Middle Eastern neighborhood Saturday night.  The protest in Bay Ridge saw thousands of the pro-Palestinian demonstrators chant 'move, cops, get out the way.  We know you're Israeli-trained' as they descended on the community, stopping traffic and lighting fires in the process.  Part of the procession, billed online as Flood Brooklyn for Palestine, began to clash with NYPD officers as night fell, video shows, as their numbers swelled to an estimated 5,000 over the course of the day.

1350% Increase in London Anti-Semitic Crimes Amid Israel-Hamas War.  As the war launched by brutal Hamas terrorists on Israel rages on, the violence is spreading — including to London, where anti-Semitic crimes exploded like a Hamas rocket hitting a Gaza hospital.  Turns out Western countries were importing the next potential Holocaust through policies welcoming hundreds of thousands or even millions of violent Muslim men.  Since the beginning of October, anti-Semitic crimes have shot up a stunning 1,350% in London, Breitbart reported on Oct. 21.  The statistics were released before a large pro-Palestinian London protest.  Unfortunately, the London police were only able to make 21 arrests.  That is less than seven percent of cases where an arrest was made!  How many of these anti-Semitic criminals will be repeat offenders? [...] London police alleged that "Islamophobic offenses" went up 140% compared to this time last year.

100,000 Protest Against Israel in London as Antifa and Islamist Flags Fly.  An estimated 100,000 people joined a pro-Palestinian rally in London on Saturday, including supporters of radical Islam and far-left groups such as Antifa and various socialist organisations.  The Metropolitan Police said that up to 100,000 people joined a rally to support Palestine in the wake of the deadly Hamas terror strikes on Israel that left over 1,400 people dead and the subsequent retaliation on Palestine.  Protests were also held in multicultural Birmingham, as well as in Cardiff and Salford on Saturday.

The UK doesn't have a duty to take in a single Gazan refugee.  Pity the people of Scotland.  Humza Yousaf is their First Minister, but the beleaguered SNP chief appears to have mistaken himself for head of the UN, and is busy telling the world that the UK should be first in line to welcome Palestinian refugees.  What utter madness, when this country is worryingly divided over the dreadful conflict, and unable to cope with all the refugees and asylum seekers we already have.  With his wife's parents and other close relatives trapped in Gaza, Yousaf is feeling this crisis very personally, and is naturally desperate to do whatever he can to help.  It would take a peculiarly cold heart not to be moved, as he is, by the fate of all the innocent civilians cowering in Gaza as their homes and streets are reduced to rubble.  Living on a strip of land no bigger than the Isle of Wight, many are without food, water or light, and have no way out.  As a mother, I too wish there were a way of scooping up all the terrified little ones and whisking them to a place far from the terrible reach of Hamas.  Such safe havens must be found — but emphatically not here.

Massive Road Rage Brawl In Gemany Has Zero Germans.  Germany never once questioned the wisdom of importing millions of Muslims from Turkey and other Islamic nations but they are most certainly questioning it now.  This wild road rage video is an extension of the violence in the streets between cops and Hamas-supporting Muslims.  [Video clip]

Dearborn Has Fallen, Is Now An Islamic State.  No, this is not Pakistan, these are the streets of Dearborn Michigan as thousands of Muslims marched for the Islamic state of Palestine and its leadership, Hamas.  [Video clip]

So the West is supposed to take in all those Gaza 'refugees' because the Arabs won't?  As Israel prepares to wipe out Hamas, ordering a million Gaza residents out of Gaza City, leftists here in the states already are making big plans for having those displaced residents come on over to the U.S. and make their home here. [...] What's obnoxious here is that taking in refugees from a culture that is inundated with anti-Semitism is a surefire way of importing a lot more of it here.  We have already seen the protests from yesterday, lots of Palestinian-Americans out marching, chanting 'intifada!' and 'Kill the Jews' in large numbers across many cities.  Could there be some nice ones amongst these displaced people?  Seems unlikely, given that most voted for Hamas.

Looks Like Madrid Is Learning How Allowing An Unlimited Flow Of Muslims Into Their Nation Was A Stupid Idea.  Does this look like diversity is their greatest strength?  These Muslims who gathered in Madrid to burn Israeli flags while screaming Allah Akbar have nothing in coming with the average European.  One pro-Hamas protester even held up an image of mass murdered Saddam Hussein.  [Video clip]

Don't Send Them to the West.  Right now, it is starting to look as though Israel is planning to forcibly move the Gazans.  In a less politically correct era, this would have been called population transfer.  This was how a measure of stability was brought to the Greek and Turkish border, right after WWI.  However, in a more "sensitive" era, such a transfer is called "ethnic cleansing," and it is now labeled a form of genocide. [...] I am not here to critique [Vic] Rosenthal, but only to ask:  why would Israel want to dump roughly 2 million Gazans on Egypt, which does not want them?  The peace with Egypt was always tenuous, but it held.  Why stress that peace now?  Egypt is willing to send aid to Gaza, but not to absorb the population.  If Israel pushes the matter, it might make Egypt belligerent, as Egypt does not want to get stuck with them.

Londonistan is no longer a British city — an illustrated essay.  In 2006, Melanie Phillips published Londonisan:  How Britain Is Creating A Terror State Within.  Naturally, the book was immediately attacked as the anti-Muslim cognate to Mein Kampf.  However, pointing out that London was becoming the European home for people who openly insist on world domination, complete with exterminating Jews and forcibly converting everyone else, is reporting, not maligning.  Please remember that there's a difference between taking an absence of evidence to make the case that Jews control the world (classic delusional antisemitism) and pointing to the Islamists' loudly voiced promises about violent jihad.  I thought of Phillips's book today (and, by the way, it's still well worth reading) because of what happened in London:  Namely, what may be the largest pro-genocide march in the history of the world since the Nuremberg rallies.  I'm not saying that people can't march in a free country.  Instead, I want people to note the size of the march along with its explicitly expressed call for the destruction of the Jewish people (along with everyone else Muslims dislike):  [Tweet with video clip]

100-year-old Henry Kissinger says it was "a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts" after seeing Arabs celebrating Hamas in Europe.  Henry Kissinger, who was a dominating force in creating foreign policy and globalist policies that define Western nations, has finally come around to the conclusion that regular folk have known for 50 years.  Kissinger told Politico this week that, after seeing the support for Hamas in Germany, mass migration was a mistake.  [Tweet with video clip] [...] At 100 years old (he was 9 when Hitler was elected in 1933!), Henry Kissinger, who is Jewish, is finally realizing that importing people from different cultures with different values and throwing them all together inside our countries might make for some explosive cultural clashes in the Western World.

These Are The Islamic Fanatics Europe Is Letting In Just So They Can Eventually Killed By Them.  At Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park an Indian heritage Christian is engaged in conversation with a Muslim.  The Muslims says, "any Christian, any Jew, I hate you all for the sake of Allah.  If we were at war I would chop your head off."  [Video clip]

Dozens Of Migrants Have A Battle In The Streets Of Barcelona.  More than twenty young people of North African and Latin American origin have been involved in a violent and prolonged pitched battle in the streets of Manresa (Barcelona) while dozens of neighbors watched the scene in fear.  [Video clip]

Boat carrying nearly 300 migrants arrives in Spain's Canary islands: rescuers.  A boat carrying 280 migrants landed Tuesday in Spain's Canary Islands, having crossed one of the most dangerous migratory routes in the Atlantic, a rescue organisation told AFP.  It marks the largest number of migrants to arrive on a single boat to the archipelago, the rescue group said.  The migrants consisted of 278 men including 10 boys plus two women, and are of "sub-Saharan" origin, according to rescuers who aided them on their arrival.

'Nigerian princes' came to Sweden seeking asylum, found their mark, got rich.  The cliché "Nigerian Prince" scam with its conspicuous swindlers targeting vulnerable marks turns out to be weirdly appropriate when that mark is a progressive government — what else would you expect though from an apparatus controlled by the stupidest people on earth?  It's one of the oldest ripoffs on the web (and in the world, as it actually precedes the internet age), and behind the scheme are Third World fraudsters running a criminal enterprise and preying on the oblivious.  However, given the prominence of the scam in the digital era, and the accompanying hullabaloo, you'd think that a federal government with basically limitless resources could avoid low-rent scammers operating an obvious financial crimes business... and you'd be totally wrong, considering the bureaucratic and elected idiots at the controls.

Teen Migrants In Germany Are Recording Assaults On Ethnic Germans For Fun.  German authorities are alerting the public about an alarming increase in the trend of migrant teens recording assaults on ethnic Germans 'for fun', then sharing these videos on social media platforms.  [Video clip]

Just Look At All These Fine New Arrivals In Italy, Armed With Machetes And Stones.  Illegal immigrants armed with machetes, knives and stones from Tunisia to Lampedusa.  In Brussels, they call them refugees or asylum seekers, but no, they are criminal invaders!  This European suicide must be stopped now!  [Video clip]

Swedish Govt Finally Responds to Outrageous Levels of Migrant Crime.  Warring gangs murdered three people in the span of 12 hours in the Swedish capital of Stockholm between Wednesday and Thursday.  With one of the murders involving a devastating bomb attack on a residential building, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has vowed to bring in the military.  The killing spree began on Wednesday evening with the fatal shooting of an 18-year-old man on a soccer pitch in southern Stockholm.  The victim was described as a popular local rapper, and police spokesman Mats Eriksson told reporters that the execution-style slaying took place as children were training.  A video of the murder is circulating on social media, Eriksson said, adding that police are looking for multiple perpetrators.  Eriksson said that the killing may be connected to an ongoing gang war in the city.

In One Of The Strictest Gun Control Countries In The World, Marseille France, A Migrant With A Machine Gun Mows Down 3, Killing 2.  Two men aged 24 and 41 were shot dead and a third man aged 41 was injured in a shooting that occurred in working-class neighborhoods in the north of Marseille this Thursday, September 28.  Two men were shot dead and a third was injured.  The facts occurred on the public highway around 7:40 p.m. in Chutes-Lavie, in the 4th arrondissement of Marseille.  One of the two victims died instantly while the second died "20 to 30 minutes after the first".  [Video clip]

Europe Finally Realizes Mass Immigration Is Destroying Them.  In 2014 Europe was under siege, with millions of African and Arab migrants marching into the EU and using asylum claims to quickly enter the region without vetting.  With the union facing an unprecedented surge of foreigners not seen since WWII or the collapse of Yugoslavia, some among the public called the event a crisis.  EU officials did not see it that way.  Instead of securing their borders and repelling the invasion, top representatives like Angela Merkel announced they would open their borders completely to migrants and refugees in 2015.  Many migrants were given the impression that free housing, welfare and easy employment would be made available to them upon arrival in Germany.  The reality was far more complicated, but the image of a golden land of ease was all that was needed to trigger a tidal wave.  With shared border policies in the EU, Germany's decision became every other nation's problem.

Sweden Becomes A Multicultural Nightmare As Migrant Gangs Shoot And Blow Each Other Up With Bombs In Stockholm.  Three people were killed overnight in separate incidents in Sweden as a feud between criminal gangs escalated, making September the deadliest month on record for gun violence in the country.  Two gangs are reportedly fighting over drugs and weapons, and this month has seen a sharp increase in fatal shootings in the northern European country, which has a relatively low crime rate and is considered a very safe place to live.  [Video clip]

Invasion is also an act of war.
Naval blockades are an act of war.  Can Italy find a workable alternative to stem migration flows?  After a sudden influx of migrants overwhelmed the island of Lampedusa, Italy is rushing to come up with an effective method to curb new arrivals, with an open willingness to test the limits of international law.  The images of Lampedusa, an island of over 6,500 citizens crowded by more than 10,000 asylum seekers within days, have unleashed a new political crisis in Italy, which has long carried the unenviable responsibility of being the go-to destination for undocumented migrants wishing to reach the European Union.  Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who last year formed the most hard-right government in Italian history, reacted by vowing to take "extraordinary measures" to drastically reduce the influx of migrants "managed by unscrupulous traffickers."

Catastrophic Ruling:  Germany is No Longer Allowed to Turn Back Migrants.  The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has declared the rejection of migrants at internal EU borders to be unlawful.  This means that Germany must accept every foreigner who enters the country illegally and may not send them back to the EU country from which they crossed the border.  Therefore, the demands for controls at the borders with Poland and the Czech Republic are invalid.  They won't serve any purpose anymore.  Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) had stubbornly rejected this border protection so far, while the AfD and the Union demanded it.  Migrants may not be sent back immediately.  In its ruling, the ECJ justified its decision by stating that rejections apply "as soon as a third-country national remains on the territory of a Member State following his illegal entry."  The judges followed a lawsuit from French asylum rights organizations.

'Our inheritance has been turned over to strangers'.  All throughout Western Europe, Muslims are transforming former churches into mosques.  They are not doing this by force and conquest, as their ancestors once did, but legally:  Europeans are selling or in some cases even donating these churches into becoming mosques. [...] While the abandonment of these churches is reflective of shrinking attendance, that, in itself, is not just reflective of shrinking numbers of Christians, but of growing numbers of Christians who see in churches nothing more than a building, one which, whether it stands or falls, has nothing to do with their "internal faith."  Such nonchalance stands in stark contrast to how previous Europeans saw and understood church buildings — and their response to any Muslim who would dare suggest turning them into mosques.

Birmingham UK: A Muslim Man Screams Alluha Ackbar With A Knife From The Rooftops, Threatens Police.  Video footage has emerged of a knifeman being repeatedly tasered by armed police after clambering a house while screaming 'Allah, allah!'.  In a clip shared on social media on this weekend even though the incident was from last year, the man can be seen carrying a rucksack while waving a bladed weapon above his head as he stands above a front door on a quiet residential street, believed to be in Birmingham.  He then lowers himself to the ground by stepping on an open window as a group of armed police officers and at least one service dog encircle him.  [Video clip]

Just 8% Of EU Illegal Migrants Are Women.  Women represent a tiny minority of illegal migrants smuggled into the European Union last year, with Frontex — the EU's border and coastal agency — finding that just eight percent of new arrivals were female.  Just 26,446 of the 331,553 illegal migrants were women, with the rest registered as men or "not available" by the agency, dispelling the myth often reported by the mainstream media that those arriving include a high number of desperate women and children.  In fact, the only occasion in which women and children were the outright majority was in the roughly 13 million who fled the war in Ukraine.  These, however, were not recorded as illegal crossings.

Germany: Eight Muslim invaders arrested for sexual assault of 13-year-old girl in Cologne swimming pool.  According to police, there are eight suspects between the ages of 16 and 26 who are said to have surrounded the girl in a bathroom at the pool.  They harassed her and fondled her, according to the police report released on Monday.  The main suspect, a 16-year-old Iraqi, is said to have reached inside the girl's bikini bottom.  She freed herself from her attackers and went to inform a lifeguard, who then called the police.  They arrived in seven patrol cars and discovered the suspects at the exit of the pool, according to German broadcaster ZDF.  Three of the other suspects have Turkish citizenship and four have Syrian citizenship.  The investigation remains in its early stages, and it is unclear how far the sexual assault went, but the 16-year-old Iraqi has already been charged with sexual assault.

In Italy, the migrants are getting worse.  Supposedly, the European Union has gotten everything all patched up with Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who vowed to dispatch the Italian navy to the Tunisian coast if nothing was being done about the huge crush of migrants flooding the Italian island of Lampedusa and now Sicily.  European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen came to Lampedusa (give her credit for not being Kamala Harris) to present the Italians with the EC's supposedly tough "10 Point Plan" for resolution.  The Italians were supposed to gratefully receive it ... which is what you get when you entrust your sovereignty to the EU.

Meloni tells EU to blockade migrants and save 'future of Europe'.  Giorgia Meloni said the future of Europe depends on how the bloc handles a growing migration crisis, as she demanded EU leaders create a naval blockade in the Mediterranean to stop the flow of small boats.  The Italian prime minister's remarks were directed at Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission president, who was visiting the tiny island of Lampedusa, off North Africa.  More than 10,000 migrants arrived there last week alone, more than the entire 6,000-strong population of the island.  "What is at stake is the future of Europe because the future of Europe depends on its capacity to deal with the huge challenges of our time," Ms Meloni said, speaking to reporters with Mrs von der Leyen.  She said that the only "serious" way to address the issue is to stop the migrants from departing from North African countries, especially Tunisia.  In return, Mrs von der Leyen pledged the swift return of "irregular" migrants and a crackdown on the "brutal business" of migrant smuggling.

Italian island now has about 70% more illegal immigrants than residents.  It's hard to keep the number straight, but in 3 days somewhere around 10,000 illegal aliens have arrived at the shores of Lampedusa, a small island off the coast of Italy. 7000 arrived in one day, and almost all of them were young men.  These are not families fleeing war and famine, needless to say.  Lampedusa has about 6000 residents.  Needless to say, this is not sustainable.  [Tweet with video clip]

The Invasion of Europe (via the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa) by hundreds of thousands of illegal alien Muslim fake refugees.  Where is NATO?  Where is the Italian military?  There are ways to stop this invasion of Europe, without firing a shot, by STOPPING THE BOATS, like Australia did several years ago.  Any smuggler boats that did manage to get to the Australian shoreline were turned around and accompanied by the Australian military back to where they came from or the nearest Muslim country (Indonesia).  The result?  In under a year, NO more boats.  NO more Muslim freeloaders pretending to be asylum seekers.  NO more demographic replacement of the native Australian population.

African Invaders Are Now Building Roadblocks To Stop Cops From Policing Them.  Tensions on Lampedusa rose as both residents and illegal invaders chafed at the long wait times to transfer people from the crowded reception center to the Italian mainland[.]  European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will travel on Sunday to the Italian island of Lampedusa, which was overwhelmed with thousands of migrant arrivals this week.  Von der Leyen's spokesman, Eric Mamer, confirmed on Saturday that she would make the trip at the invitation of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who is calling for a naval blockade of North Africa.  [Video clip]

The Beaches In Wales Sure Look A Lot Like ISIS Territory.  What was once one of the whitest places on earth, Wales now enjoys diversity and multiculturalism, even if it comes in the form of female enslavement and bondage.  [Video clip]

Lampedusa, Italy shows America the future of lawless immigration.  The tiny Italian island of Lampedusa should be a holiday paradise.  The most southerly territory of Italy lies exactly between that country and North Africa.  With a population of around 6,000, beautiful beaches, bars and restaurants, it should be the perfect island getaway.  But in recent years, it has become a nightmare.  And a petri dish for the problems that we are all going to go through in the 21st century.  Especially America.  The island's history was always tricky.  In the 1500s, North African pirates raided the island, stole the whole population and took them off into slavery.  But today it has become one of the easiest landing points for people from Africa to make it into Europe.  When I was last there, seven years ago, I saw the boats coming in and spoke to the arrivals as they landed.  The locals were tolerant of the new arrivals pouring in.  The pope, among others, told them to accept the newcomers.  But the authorities knew you couldn't just keep these arrivals on the island.  It was too easy to swamp the place.

Gang warfare has created a wave of violence in Sweden.  This is a problem that has been ongoing for some time but this summer it has gotten much worse.  Gangs in Sweden, which are mostly made up of foreigners, routinely use guns and grenades to attack one another. [...] This shift of violent crime to younger and younger people is something that we're seeing here in the US as well.  Young offenders are aware that they will not be punished even if they're caught so there is little incentive for them to stop.

The Editor says...
That also sounds like any large Democrat-contolled city in the U.S.

Sexual Crimes and Migrants.  According to police crime statistics, a total of 1,139 rapes were reported in Austria in 2022.  The proportion of foreign nationals in the total number of suspects was 42.5%.  The situation is also dramatic in Germany.  In this three-part research, Freilich examines the connection between sexual offenses and migrants.  An Afghan abused several women for years.  Nevertheless, the district court of Regensburg released the man on probation.  On the 19th of August, the chairman of the German Police Union therefore called for the youth criminal law to be tightened.  According to the Federal Statistical Office, 1,257 sex offenders were convicted of rape, sexual coercion or sexual assault in Germany in 2021.  More than half of these sex offenders (698) were released back onto the streets by the courts with suspended sentences.

Britain is turning into South Africa [which has turned into Zimbabwe].  I feel obliged to say that South Africa is a wonderful country, and a resilient one.  For every horror story you see in the media — most recently the tragic blaze in Johannesburg — there are many things worthy of love.  Nonetheless, three decades after the end of apartheid, it is obvious that the ruling African National Congress (ANC) has failed in its historic mission:  to spread the living standards formerly enjoyed by the white minority to the broad mass of the population.  It has, if anything, achieved the opposite, overseeing the dereliction of the infrastructure and human potential on which any such improvement would depend.  Metaphors for this failure are everywhere.  Railways that took my parents to their summer holidays as children now lie rusting and abandoned.  Supermarkets sell asphalt for drivers to fill in potholes for themselves.  Criminal gangs, their numbers buoyed by an unemployment rate above 30%, cut down traffic lights for scrap, steal transformers from power stations and collapse roads with illegal mining operations.

French schools bar Muslim girls in religious clothing from attending classes.  Students across France returned to school on Monday amid ongoing tensions between the federal government and Muslims over a recent decision to bar girls in public schools from wearing abayas, loose-fitting cloak-like garments that cover every part of the body except the face.  Of the nearly 12 million students across the country, nearly 300 girls wore the long Islamic garment and were asked to change into something else.  The vast majority complied and were allowed to return to class, however, 67 did not and were subsequently sent home.

Videos: Cultural Diversity On Display Again In Sweden.  Displays of cultural diversity have yet again broken out in the multiethnic utopia of Sweden.  Otherwise known as migrant riots, the latest violence has erupted in Malmo following a Quran burning by an 'Anti-Islam activist' according to the BBC.  "A group of angry protesters tried to stop the burning, which resulted in a showdown between them and police," the report states.  [Several tweets with video clips]

Famed Notting Hill carnival terrorized by men with giant knives, 8 stabbings, 275 arrests.  London's famous Notting Hill Carnival reached its highest level of stabbings in seven years as men with knives, 275 arrests, and several hospitalizations marred the two-day spectacle.  The event, which took place from Aug. 27 to 28, attracts hundreds of thousands of attendees on the streets of England's capital, and features live music, performances, and entertainment.  Over 2 million attended this year's annual festival, which has earned its stripes as Europe's largest street party and one of the world's biggest celebrations of Caribbean music and culture.  But despite its joyous nature, violent riots and vicious attacks plagued festivities, leaving eight people stabbed as a 29-year-old man remains in critical condition.

Muslim call to prayer can now be broadcast publicly in New York City without a permit.  The Muslim call to prayer will ring out more freely in New York City under guidelines announced Tuesday by Mayor Eric Adams, which he said should foster a spirit of inclusivity.  Under the new rules, Adams said, mosques will not need a special permit to publicly broadcast the Islamic call to prayer, or adhan, on Fridays and at sundown during the holy month of Ramadan.  Friday is the traditional Islamic holy day, and Muslims break their fast at sunset during Ramadan.  The police department's community affairs bureau will work with mosques to communicate the new guidelines and ensure that devices used to broadcast the adhan are set to appropriate decibel levels, Adams said.  Houses of worship can broadcast up to 10 decibels over the ambient sound level, the mayor's office said.

Catholic Church Is Vandalized By A Migrant In Turin Italy.  A disgraceful scene as a migrant from the Middle East attacked a church in Turin Italy.  Even more disgraceful was the group of people who stood around and let it happen.  [Video clip]

A Cautionary Tale From France about Muslim Migrants.  It is worth recalling that in France, there was several months ago yet another case of a French host being murdered by the Muslim — in this case a Muslima — to whom he had offered free lodging.  The enduringly relevant cautionary tale can be found here:  "Algerian woman stabs her French host to death, 3rd such murder in months," by John Cody, Remix News, March 20, 2023:  ["]France has been hit with another case of a foreigner killing their host, this time with an Algerian woman being accused of stabbing her French host to death on March 18 in a town outside Paris.  It marks what appears to be a worrying trend.  Just last month, Remix News reported that an Albanian was accused of killing his French host after they became involved in an argument about religion. [..."]  An argument about religion?  Could the Albanian Muslim have become enraged because his French host had rejected his attempts to convert him?  Perhaps that host did not agree that Islam was the most wonderful of all possible religions and made the mistake of expressing his opinion.

Brave European Woman Stands Up To The Invaders Destroying The Continent.  This brave woman, Katie Fanning, gives it to an invader and a wet wipe of a clergyman.  She tells them that white people have been tolerant in the past, but leaves them in no doubt what will happen if they continue to rape our children.  [Video clip]

Newly Arrived Black Irishman And His Machete Has A Message For His Fellow Countrymen.  One of Ireland's newest arrivals issued threats towards the citizens who gave him a new home whilst wielding a machete.  Is this the enrichment we're told to appreciate?  [Video clip]

Islamized France:  New Security System Deployed on Beaches to Protect Women from Sexual Harassment.  In response to the escalating threat of sexual harassment on its shores, the French city of Marseille has expanded its 'Safer Beach' program, a controversial measure initially launched last year to help protect women against sexual violence and harassment on its beaches.  Despite its popularity amongst local women, critics argue that this is a short-term fix to a more profound crisis fuelled by mass Islamic migration into the city.  Marseille, known for its dense population of Muslim migrants, has recently been spotlighted as a hotbed of migrant-related issues.  The 'Safer Beach' program, spearheaded by left-leaning council members, is one initiative designed to alleviate these issues.  The program uses a free app that allows women and witnesses to report sexist and sexual harassment incidents on the beach, which subsequently dispatches specially trained mediators to the scene.

Helsinki Becomes Another Fallen European City.  Mass brawls have been breaking out in Helsinki, Finland among the youth in migrant communities.  What is now a common sight in Sweden, England, Netherlands, Portugal, Belgium, and France is becoming more and more common in every part of Europe.  [Video clip]

Polish Police Try Their Best To Protect Migrants From Mob Of Men After Molesting Several Young Girls At Swimming Pool.  Tensions are rising in Poland after 2 cases of sexual assault by migrants against children at swimming pools.  On Sunday, a migrant assaulted a girl in Zdzieszowice.  On Saturday, riot police had to protect 4 migrants from 50 men after [the migrants] had molested several children.  [Video clip]

'Mohammed' is The Most Common Name Amongst Arrested 'French' Rioters..  'Mohammed' was overwhelmingly the most common name among those arrested during the recent French riots, reports the French newspaper L'Opinion, which analyzed a sample of the most common monikers amongst over 2,000 arrested throughout the uprisings in late June.  Mohammed appeared 81 times in a sample of 335 arrests, 50 times more than second place Yanis — another name with Arab origins — which appeared 31 times.  In fact, several Arab names were prevalent among the random sample of 335, with Yacin appearing 11 times, Ali appearing 13, and Ibrahim at 10.

Thousands of British families are being left homeless as government pays for rental homes for boat migrants.  Thousands of British families are being left homeless because the Home Office is paying over the odds for rental properties to accommodate boat migrants, it can be revealed.  The Mail on Sunday has learned that councils are being outbid as vast sums of taxpayers' money are paid to private landlords to put up new arrivals from Calais in flats and houses.  Meanwhile, homeless Britons are forced to languish in hotel rooms for months on end.

French riots show the future of Joe Biden's America.  Over the past few weeks, France has been engulfed in riots after a 17-year-old boy was shot and killed by a police officer during a traffic stop.  The rioting and looting have largely been centered in communities with many migrants from North African and Islamic nations.  The rioting has caused more than one billion dollars in property damage, and has led to thousands of arrests.  It has also led to a renewed debate in Europe about the costs of mass migration and whether or not those costs are worth it.  It's not just the U.S. that has experienced an influx of foreign nationals in recent years.  France took in a record number of migrants in 2022, both legal and illegal. [...] The crassness of these migrants certainly isn't representative of everybody seeking to come from the third world to prosperous western nations, but it is indicative of a larger problem with mass immigration.  Many of these foreign nationals come from countries where violence and chaos has been normalized, and the importation of migrants from these types of countries can also serve to normalize the same type of disorder in their new countries.

Illegal Immigration and Western Spiritual Sickness.  If the immigrant wishes to import his culture and seeks to retain it in Europe and if then that ensuing culture were to become the dominant one, would not the immigrant wish to move away from the very thing he had created — in the manner he had already done so in the past by leaving home?  In other words, if North Africans succeed in xeroxing Algeria or Somalia in France, why would they stay in France, since they already had fled to there precisely because it was not Algeria or Somalia?  Second, what about the ancient relationship between the guest, or rather the uninvited guest, and the host?  Has it ever been a custom in any culture, country, or civilization in any era, that the guest enters the home of his host and makes demands upon it?  Or more absurdly, do uninvited guests ever fault the furnishings, the food, or the ambience of what the host has offered to him?

France Is Facing An Immigration Crisis, Not A 'George Floyd Moment'.  France is on fire again.  For over a week, rioters in urban centers across the country have looted and torched stores, public buildings, and vehicles.  French law enforcement has cracked down on the destruction, arresting thousands of the rioters.  The death of Algerian 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk triggered the riots, after police shot him.  The corporate media have done their best to stress that Merzouk was a generally good kid who didn't have a criminal record, liked to play rugby, and was studying to become an electrician.  Yet he attended a school for troubled kids.  The police knew him, and he had a history of driving away from traffic stops.  Although neighbors attest that "he was never violent," he also seemed to have a bad habit of skipping school and joyriding in other people's cars.

26 Cops Injured, 100 Arrested During Migrant Street Battles in Germany..  At least 26 police officers were injured and around 100 people arrested at an Eritrean cultural event held in the German city of Giessen over the weekend.  Hundreds of Eritreans tried to force their way into the festival's venue as a means of showing opposition to the African country's autocratic leader.  The German authorities said in a public statement that there were "massive attacks" against officers during the protests, with hundreds of Eritrean men throwing smoke bombs, bottles, and stones, as well as damaging vehicles and ripping down fencing around the festival's venue.  As a result, the police were forced to use pepper spray and batons to defend themselves.

This Week It's Germany's Turn To Get Culturally Enriched.  Violence at a disputed Eritrean music festival in the German town of Giessen has left 22 police officers wounded.  Law enforcement officers fired tear gas and used water cannon to quell the unrest.  Videos showed throngs of men shouting and running on the streets.  [Video clip]

French President Blames 'Video Games' Instead of 'Islam' for Riots.  There were massive riots in France long before video games and while feedback cycles of simulated violence are probably not doing anything helpful for the minds of France's youth, the bigger problem is that the youth increasingly consists of North African Muslims who have no investment in the country, a great deal of hostility to it and every reason to act out their version of the BLM riots.  Social media is playing a role here, but talking about the digital element ignores the real issue.  Much like the arguments that video games caused school shootings, the vast majority of kids playing games don't shoot up schools, and those who do have specific motives.  Entertainment is rarely a motive, it may just occasionally suggest a means.  Macron wants to talk about the adrenaline high rather than the underlying hatred.  Islam does not need video games to inspire violence in its followers and the clash of civilizations in France is not just a misfiring reptile brain.

Famous 16th Century Church Is Burned To The Ground In France.  A 16th-century Catholic Church has been burnt to the ground[.] cThe steeple of Eglise Notre Dame Drosnay can be seen collapsing on video.  French churches are being destroyed every week.  [Video clip]

These French Riots Are Different — and Far More Disturbing.  It is extremely tempting to see the riots that spread across France recently as merely a sequel to the shocking events of 2005. Back then, 21 days of riots shook France's "banlieues" (code for largely impoverished multi-racial communities) and made international headlines.  And there are indeed long-term political, economic and social issues in France that explain why things have not improved since.  Why there is more, or even worse, police violence against rebellious — but usually defenseless — young men of Arab or non-Western descent.  But the stunning disorder that's plagued France in recent days is coming from a different place from what we've seen before.  There is now a sense of humiliation and dispossession that crisscrosses French society, that transcends the banlieues, and transforms today's riots into a display of shared and paroxysmic frustration.  That should be deeply worrying, not just for President Emmanuel Macron, but for democratic leaders across the West.

France is Finished: Rioters Burn Down Largest Library in France, 1,000 Buildings Burnt, 5,600 Vehicles Destroyed.  Rioters have burned down the largest library in France.  The Alcazar Library in Marseille included an archive of one million historically significant documents.

Muslims are Rioting in France, so Naturally the Government Vows to Crack Down On Free Speech.  89% of Frenchmen condemn the violence committed against security forces, leaving left-wing riot apologists in the tiny minority.  A man was killed by a flash-bang grenade in Marseille.  The GoFundMe for the police officer involved in the deadly shooting of Nahel M. reached €1.6 M.  The Macron government proposed cracking down on free speech instead of the rioters.  The situation in France calmed Tuesday night, on the 8th night of unrest since the officer-involved death of 17-year-old driver Nahel, with only 16 arrests, including 7 in the Paris region.  There were 116 fires on public roads, 78 vehicles burned and 8 buildings set on fire.

Are France's Muslim migrant rioters engaged in jihad?  Jihad seems so passé in the wake of Joe Biden's disastrous Afghanistan pullout, which not only took U.S. forces out of the region, but seems to have emboldened Russia and China.  But to paraphrase the famous saying, it also may be that we are not interested in jihad, but jihad is still interested in us.  The example of France with its mass rioting, which has since spread to Belgium and Switzerland, gives one pause.  What do we know about the rioters?  Well, they are deracinated youth from the French underclass, Muslim migrants and the children of Muslim migrants who live in the bleak, ugly banlieue suburbs of Paris, where a generous welfare system ensures they don't need and don't want jobs, which for many leaves them without purpose, too.  Hatred for France, resistance to assimilation, and their own criminal activity pretty well keep them in the underclass.

In France, Muslim Mayhem and (Attempted) Murder.  To hear his friends tell it, and of course his mother, Nahel Merzouk, the 17-year-old Algerian-French young man who was shot by the police, was a splendid fellow, never in any trouble, so why did the police have to go and do what they did?  But it turns out that, having nearly run over a bicyclist and a pedestrian, Nahel was finally forced to stop by two police officers.  As one of them leaned over to talk to him, his pistol aimed downward into the car, Nahel suddenly accelerated the car with that policeman still leaning into, but not in it.  As the car's sudden movement forward knocked the officer off-kilter, in a split-second attempt to halt the driver, the policeman shot at what he thought was Nahel's leg, which was where his gun had been pointed.  But it no longer was, and the bullet instead hit Nahel's chest.  The maghrébins all over France went on the rampage.

Lock up your dogs, but the pigs are safe.
African Migrants Invading Italy Squat Illegally On Properties, Eat Pet Dogs.  Are these the people whom the open borders politicians pledged would enrich Europe?  Italian Officials Ignore Local's Pleas to Remove Squatting, Dog-Eating Arab Migrants from their Property.  "There is excrement everywhere... I can't have any more animals — I only have pigs" "We asked the police for help.  They told us that migrants are untouchable[.]"  [Video clip]

African Migrant At His Kid's Soccer Match Tries To Stab Another Spectator.  An African migrant dad at an international youth football tournament caused horrific scenes as he started a fight with another dad and attempted to stab him.  The incident happened at the Iber Cup in Cadiz with fans and many youngsters, presumably players, standing on the side of a pitch.  A scuffle between two men broke out with others trying to get in between the pair and one of the men could then be seen taking out what appears to be a knife.  [Video clip]

France Burns While Media Demand We Pretend Not to See the Origin of the "Crisis".  For years, decades even, we have watched as European cultural elites, rich white people, literally chose to accept a path to their own inevitable destruction.  Yet now, even as stores are looted, buildings that withstood World War II are destroyed, and rampant violent mayhem erupts, we are supposed to pretend this had something to do with a 17-year-old named Nahel Marzouk who was shot dead by French police for trying to use his vehicle to kill them.  A Twitter account put together video from recent events in Europe, transposed with a speech given by Enoch Powell 55-years-ago, to highlight the insufferable cultural marxist pretending that is now rampant.  [Video clip]

After 6 Days of Rioting and 700 Injured Cops, Patriots Take to the Streets in France: "Blue, White, Red: France Belongs to the French!"  45000 police and security were deployed in France Sunday night as rioting seemed to abate in the sixth night.  Local patriot militias also roamed the streets in Lyon and elsewhere.  A 24-year-old fire fighter died.  A right-wing TV host raised over €1 M for the officer involved in the shooting of 17-year-old Nahel M.  [Tweet with video clip]  157 arrests were made Sunday night, down from 719 arrests Saturday night, 994 Friday night and 1311 Thursday night.  24-year-old firefighter Dorian Damelincourt died in Saint-Denis trying to fight a fire of several vehicles in an underground car park.  A total of 352 fires were recorded:  297 vehicles were burned and 34 buildings set on fire.

Losses From Riots in France Estimated at $1 Billion.  The losses from the ongoing riots in France are estimated at over one billion euros ($1.09 billion), excluding tourist industry losses, president of the Movement of the Enterprises of France (Medef) Geoffroy Roux de Bezieux said on Monday.  "It is too early to give you the exact figures yet, but we're talking here over one billion euros, not including tourist industry losses," Roux de Bezieux said in an interview with French newspaper Le Parisien.  He added that according to his data, over 200 retail outlets had been plundered, over 300 banking centers destroyed and 250 vendor kiosks damaged by the rioters.

'French' Rioters Are Now Attempting to Assassinate Politicians.  More than 700 people were arrested and 45,000 police officers deployed on Saturday evening as rioting continued in France for the fifth straight night following the death of migrant-background teen 'Nahel' at the hands of police.  Around 45 police officers and gendarmes were injured, while 74 buildings, 26 police and gendarmes stations, and 577 vehicles were set on fire in the worst civil unrest in the European nation in decades.  Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, however, hailed the evening as a "calmer night thanks to the resolute action of the security forces" compared to Friday evening, which witnessed around 1,300 arrests.  The violence has spread throughout the country, reaching central Paris, Marseille, Nice, and Strasbourg.

The world is watching in disbelief as France tears itself apart.  Macron is losing control of France.  Thousands of arrests.  Torched schools, community centres, city halls, sports complexes, post offices.  Looting ranging from Lidl supermarkets to Apple Stores.  Gendarmes and special forces brought in to patrol the streets at night, in addition to the beleaguered police force.  Rising anger among shopkeepers clamouring for a curfew "or we'll take matters into our hands".  And, after five days' rioting across France, a rising sentiment that the current situation is largely the result of almost a quarter century of craven governments neglecting essential law and order.

The Angelic Delivery Boy French Police Shot Was Really A Loser Gangster With A Long Rap Sheet.  The killing of Nahel M, 17, has sparked riots in cities across France as well as the town of Nanterre to the west of Paris where he grew up.  His education was described as chaotic.  He was enrolled at a college in Suresnes not far from where he lived, to train to be an electrician.  His record of attendance of college was poor.  Nahel had been in trouble before and was known to the police, but family lawyers stressed he had no criminal record.  But actually, Nahel has at least 15 criminal charges, including drug charges, insurance fraud, and forging license plates.  Nahel had been the subject of as many as five police checks since 2021 — what is known as a refus d'obtempérer — refusing to comply with an order to stop.  [Video clip]

Geert Wilders Warns of the Threat Posed by North African and Arab Migrants.  In a powerful speech to the Dutch legislature, Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV), unveiled a distressing account of the profound suffering endured by the Dutch people as a direct consequence of their open border immigration policies.  Wilders brought attention to a series of harrowing incidents, shedding light on the severe repercussions borne by his compatriots.  During his speech, Wilders recounted a shocking incident involving an Iranian individual who, despite facing deportation orders on two separate occasions, resorted to pouring scalding hot oil on two Dutch immigration workers, resulting in their permanent disfigurement.  This desperate act was aimed at evading repatriation to Iran.  Additionally, he highlighted other criminal activities committed by migrants, such as [numerous lurid examples omitted].  The PVV leader also mentioned incidents of Dutch citizens' cars being set on fire.  People are trapped in their houses because they no longer dare to go out at night, fearful of the escalating dangers caused by migrants.  Wilders urgently warns, "I have confronted the Dutch Minister of Justice with the nightmarish crimes committed by asylum seekers in the Netherlands — mostly North Africans and Arabs.  Our nation is being ravaged while our own government betrays us.  Stop this horror now!"

Migrant Mob Torch[es] Mayor's Home, Wife and Kids [were] Injured [while] Escaping.  Migrant riots continued in France for the 5th day as a violent mob attacked the home of the mayor of a Paris suburb, forcing his wife and children to flee in terror.  The wife and one child were injured in what mayor called an "assassination attempt[.]"  A violent mob attacked the home of Mayor Vincent Jeanbrun in Paris suburb L'Haÿ-les-Roses, a bedroom community of 31.000, as Jeanbrun posted at 6:46 am local time today, Valeurs Actuelles reports.  [Tweet]  Vincent Jeanbrun was at town hall, as he has been for the previous three nights of rioting, leaving his wife and two children home alone when rioters smashed down the gates with a burning vehicle at 1:30 am Sunday morning.  They set fire to the house, garbage cans and the family car, and shot fireworks at the house.

Riots Rock France As 45,000 Cops [are] Deployed.  France faced riots for the fifth night in a row on Saturday as more than 45,000 police officers were deployed throughout the country, including 7,000 in Paris, to stop the civil unrest.  Thousands of people have been arrested so far after hundreds of cars and buildings have been set on fire and countless stores have been looted following the death of a teenager of African descent.  The BBC reported that the teen, who had "been in trouble before and was known to police," was "fatally shot in the chest, point-blank, at the wheel of a Mercedes car for driving off during a police traffic check."  Video of the incident showed one officer leaning over the hood of the car and when the vehicle started moving, it flung the officer to the side of the car.

African Rioters Now Trying To Mass Murder The French, Light Giant Condo Complex On Fire.  France faced riots for the fifth night in a row on Saturday as more than 45,000 police officers were deployed throughout the country, including 7,000 in Paris, to stop the civil unrest.  Thousands of people have been arrested so far after hundreds of cars and buildings have been set on fire and countless stores have been looted following the death of a teenager of African descent.  [Video clip]

Arab Immigrants [are] Waging War Across France.  There are great fears that France is descending into a civil war as police clash with Arab gangs.  Violence and looting hit France in a fourth night of protests as police made more than 1,300 arrests and the country braced for more clashes as the funeral began Saturday of the teenager who was killed by an officer during a traffic stop.  The government said the violence had "lessened" compared to previous nights, but the interior ministry still reported 1,311 arrests nationwide overnight.

Third day of unrest in France: 500 public buildings and 1,900 vehicles set on fire.  Macron's France is on fire again.  The death last Tuesday of a 17-year-old Maghrebi who was driving without a license has led to heavy clashes between citizens of African origin and the French police.  French media and social media users are criticizing the inaction of President Macron who attended an Elton John concert in Paris, while the country is burning.

What's Happening in France?  The notion that mass rioting and looting across France, including the burning down of schools, is just about 'police brutality', is a crass attempt to hide the elephant in the room.  [Video clip]

Previously: "Diversity is Our Strength" — Currently: French Police Say They are "At War" with "Savage Hordes of Vermin".  Things are not looking good for France as a fourth night of riots, violence, looting and general chaos is worsening.  "President Macron was last night facing calls to impose a state of emergency after marauding gangs of rioters — some armed with stolen rifles — clashed with police in a fourth night of mayhem."  [Video clip]

Rioters In France Are Now Releasing Animals From The Zoo, Lions Are Seen In The Streets.  African rioters in France have released several animals from a zoo.  Videos uploaded to social media show masked thugs standing in front of an elephant.  In another video, a zebra is seen running down the street.  Three lions were also released and seen walking together on the sidewalk.  [Video clip]

40,000 extra cops didn't save a single car in France last night.  And I said "France," not "Paris" because why?  Carbeque fever is spreading like crazy.  With the start of the violent protests Tuesday, they'd mostly been confined to the "blue collar, immigrant majority" suburb where the young man lived whose death sparked it all.  By last night, even the city of Marseille was banning further public protests after the arson and violence they experienced overnight. [...] In Paris itself, Parisians are seriously concerned at the growing conflagration, the seeming lack of Macron's conciliatory gestures to tamp it down, and law enforcement's inability to get handle on it.

Civil War in France: 1000 Arrests, 45,000 Security Forces Deployed, 27 Officers Injured Last Night.  France is descending into civil war as Arab gangs took to the streets for a fourth day of rioting after a 17-year-old [criminal] was shot trying to run a traffic stop in Paris suburb Nanterre Tuesday.  45 000 security forces have been deployed and almost 1000 arrests made, according to Valeurs Actuelles.  27 police officers were injured Friday night, with seven being injured by shotgun fire in Lyon suburb Vaulx-en-Velin, Le Figaro reports.  70% of French people are in favor of sending the army to restore order in the neighborhoods, according to a CSA poll for CNews.  [Tweets with video clips]

The Editor says...
[#1] The time to bring in the Army was at the moment the invaders started coming ashore.  [#2] If the rioters are found to be illegal immigrants, and were caught in the act of rioting, they should be deported immediately and unceremoniously.

France Descends Into Madness As Migrant Riots Spread All Over The Country.  Rioting and looting spread across Europe last night after the 'execution' killing of a teenager in Paris, as pictures emerged of President Emmanuel Macron partying with Elton John while his country burnt, triggering a furious backlash.  Mr Macron was filmed at Paris's Accor Arena on Wednesday evening, watching the singer on his farewell tour, while rioters caused mayhem in the capital following the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old identified as Nahel on Tuesday.

Elderly Scottish Man Gets Some Cultural Enrichment On The Train.  [Video clip]

British Hotel Workers [are] Losing Their Jobs Because Illegal Alien Muslim Migrant-Wannabes Will Be Housed There.  Greedy hotel owners are very happy about this.  They get more money from the government for housing illegal aliens than they do from paying guests.  What's more, fewer staff members are needed, especially because there will no longer be weddings or any other events at the hotel.  Of course, they will need extra cleaning staff because of the mess Muslims cause anywhere they are housed for free.  But best of all, the government will pick up the cost of cleaning/refurbishing the hotels after the illegal asylum seekers are moved out... if and when that ever happens.  [Video clip]

Nanterre, France Turns Into a Warzone As African Migrants Attack Cops.  BFM TV broadcast images of sporadic clashes breaking out between youths and police on Tuesday evening, as anger over the death of the teenager known to be involved with crime gangs grew in the local community.  The officer fired at the boy, who subsequently died from his wounds, said the Nanterre prosecutor's office.  A video shared on social media, verified by Reuters, shows two police officers beside the car, a Mercedes AMG, with one shooting as the driver pulled away.  [Video clip]

Britain's mass immigration hangover.  Where is the path we have gone down leading?  The higher education sector relies on foreign students to pay the bills, with many simply seeing their degree course as a bureaucratic hurdle to jump on their path to eventual permanent settlement.  The "health of the property market" (meaning house price inflation) depends on immigration for the population growth, which juices demand whilst supply remains flat.  The NHS relies ever more on foreign doctors and nurses to make up the shortfall left by the inadequate numbers we train in the UK.  Since the Brexiteers who have led the Tories since 2019 did the opposite of what their voters wanted and relaxed immigration rules, "skilled worker visas" can now be had for jobs paying just £26,200 a year — or £20,960 for some roles.  Those of us on the right of this issue know that, leaving economics aside, the mass immigration of the past quarter century is corrosive to the Britain that we are attached to.

Another Polish woman comes forward and claims a friend of Kos murder suspect tried to rape her.  A 30-year-woman told Greek media that there is an organized group of migrant men on the isle of Kos who are praying on young women, revealing that she herself had a close escape.  The woman, known only as Maria, has come forward and claimed that just meters away from where the body of 27-year-old Anastazja Rubińska was found, a person of interest in that murder investigation tried to rape her.  She further warned of a widescale problem on the Greek island of migrant men "hunting women."  Maria told Greek broadcaster MEGA that a man who is a friend of the prime suspect in the murder of Anastazja Rubińska tried to rape her in early June, in a spot just meters away from where the body of the 27-year-old Pole was found.

Nearly half of French food aid recipients are migrants, 90% of these come from Africa.  New data shows that migrants account for nearly half of French food aid recipients, bolstering critics that assert that migrants, on the whole, are not actually a net benefit to Western economies but end up being an enormous financial burden.  Data from France's National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) shows that migrants are vastly overrepresented among applicants for food benefits, with 44 percent being immigrants, compared to 10 percent of any metropolitan population on average.  However, this share may be actually higher than INSEE indicates, as the agency is basing this figure only on the number of people who filled out the Food Aid survey; it also only included those who could answer their surveys in French.

New Video Shows Hordes of Illegal Immigrants Ransacking a Spanish Coastal Town.  In a shocking video that has emerged online, a Spanish coastal town becomes the backdrop for a chaotic scene as hordes of migrants, allegedly undocumented, are seen causing unrest and engaging in acts of vandalism.  The footage highlights the challenges faced by countries grappling with irregular migration and raises important questions about border security and immigration policies when these migrants are showing up and destroying cities, providing zero income, and straining the cities of resources.  [Video clip]

Frightening Footage Shows Migrant Viciously Attack Grandma And Child In France.  An elderly woman and little girl were attacked on Monday after a man pulled the two from inside a building in Bordeau, France.  The video shows the woman and child standing in the doorway before beginning to go inside as a man stands off in the distance.  As the door begins to close, the man walks toward the door, sticking his foot in to prevent it from fully closing.  He then reaches inside, pulling the two to the sidewalk.  [Video clip]

Michigan City Bans LGBTQ Pride Flag, Other Political Flags from City Property.  The all-Muslim city council of Hamtramck, Michigan, voted unanimously on Tuesday to approve a resolution that would ban the LGBTQ+ Pride flag from being flown on the city's public property.  The resolution, proposed by Mayor Pro-Tem Muhammad Hassan, also bars any religious, ethnic, racial, political, or sexual orientation group flags from being flown on city property and only allows the American flag to be flown, along with state and city flags, other national flags, and the Prisoner of War flag, according to Click on Detroit.

The Editor says...
There's no separation of church and state when the church is a mosque.

Austria Learns About Muslim Hate.  The good people of Austria are shocked — shocked, I say! — to learn that the Muslims they've invited to live among and benefit from them hold to various divisive, if not downright hostile, doctrines.  According to a May 10, 2023 article, "alarm bells are ringing" in Austria following the publication of a report on what Austrian mosques are teaching to Muslims.  One of these teachings, according to the report, is that "Muslim children should only have Muslim friends."  To underscore the magnitude of this finding, keep in mind that there are now more Muslims than Catholics in Vienna, Linz, and other Upper Austrian regions.

Syrian refugee injures 4 children, adult in knife attack in French Alps town: report.  A Syrian national was arrested Thursday after allegedly stabbing four children and an adult in the French Alps town of Annecy in a knife attack that President Emmanuel Macron is decrying as an act of "absolute cowardice."  A witness told BFMTV following the stabbing spree that he saw first responders working on "little bodies, 3 or 4 years old, perhaps."  The suspect has not been publicly identified, but a police official told Reuters that he is a Syrian national with legal refugee status in the country.

Syrian Migrant Stabs Several Random Children On A Playground In France.  Several small children were injured Thursday morning when a knife-wielding Syrian migrant attacked them in a playground in a park in the French Alpine town of Annecy.  Eyewitnesses told local media that a man wearing a head covering attacked the children while they were playing.  [Video clip]

Baby Muhammads Overrun the West.  Newborn baby Muhammads are taking Western Europe by storm — with Berlin being the latest target. [...] This trend is occurring all throughout Western Europe.  Muhammad is the most popular name in the United Kingdom; in major Belgian cities — including Brussels, the E.U. capital; in Oslo, the capital of Norway; and in the Netherlands' largest cities, including Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, and Utrecht.  This is to say nothing of other Arabic/Muslim names, which are also topping the charts of newborn baby names. [...] All this may seem innocuous enough.  After all, what's in a name?  On the other hand, because more numbers equate with more power and influence, many Muslims see their progeny as their contribution to the jihad — the ancient "struggle" to make Islam supreme.

London's Khan Says City Needs 'More Migrants', Demands Local Power to Import More Foreigners.  Far-left Mayor of London Sadiq Khan declared that London needs "more migrants" and that the government should give cities the power to set their own immigration policies.  "I have no hesitation at all saying that we need more migrants in London," Kahn told Channel 4, going on to claim that there were social and cultural benefits to the city through mass migration.  Khan went on to claim that there are shortages of labour and skill within the British capital, particularly in areas such as the healthcare system, social care, tech, and hospitality.

Stabbing, shots fired, and 50 people brawl as 'Somali Culture Night' held at high school in Minneapolis.  A Thursday evening event held at Washburn High School in Minneapolis, located in an upscale neighborhood, was planned as a "Minnesota nice" event, celebrating diversity and the arrival over the last 3 decades of a Somali immigrant community that now comprises almost one-fifth of the city's population.  A video on the school's website offered free admission and free food.  But as the event unfolded in the school's auditorium, it turned into a nightmare. [...] I grew up in the same area of the city more than half a century ago, and Washburn High was known for high academic and athletic standards.  I never heard of anything remotely resembling this incident.  But that was a different era, and ethnically a different city.

Melee, stabbing, and shots fired at Washburn HS Somali culture night.  Mayhem erupted at a south Minneapolis high school Thursday evening during a planned Somali cultural event and performance that resulted in fights, a stabbing, and shots fired.  According to dispatch audio at the time, one person was reportedly stabbed around 7:45 p.m. during a fight involving about 50 people at Washburn High School located at 201 West 49th Street.  As police arrived to respond to the fight, an officer called out over the air that shots had been fired, and a city-wide officer help call was toned by the dispatcher.  Several squads responded from across the city as well as state troopers, Hennepin County deputies, and officers from Edina and Richfield police departments.

The Editor says...
Legal or illegal immigrants are expected to assimilate quickly and behave lawfully while they are here.  If they cannot act like good citizens, they should be rounded up and deported.  Anyone who takes to the streets to protest their deportation should be put on the boat with them.

UK government has processed just 1% of asylum applications from small boat migrants last year.  The U.K. Home Office has processed just 1 percent of the 45,000 individuals who entered Britain illegally and claimed asylum in the year to March, government figures revealed.  The data published on Thursday regarding the status of irregular migrants in Britain showed that 44,797 people that the government is aware of arrived on England’s southern shore via small boats from mainland Europe in the year to March 2023. Of those, 40,444 claimed asylum.  As of May 25, the government had only processed 504 claims, just over 1 percent of cases in the past year, granting asylum in 61 percent of those cases.  In fact, the government has only processed 16 percent of the 11,902 asylum cases submitted by small boat migrants dating back to 2018, meaning some of the 88,221 individuals arriving in Britain using this method have potentially been waiting five years for a decision on their asylum application.

City Council bedlam: Somali 'culture' takes Minneapolis by storm.  Such a scene may be "embarrassing" for the American landscape, but it is also part and parcel of Somali culture.  Violence and chaos are precisely how "politics" are done in Somalia, one of the most lawless, war-torn, and tribal nations in the world.  That Somalis felt comfortable enough to enact their culture here in America is connected to the unwavering Rule of Numbers:  the more non-Westerners, especially Muslims, grow in the West, the more phenomena endemic to their nations — in this case, a breakdown of law and rise in thuggery — grows with them.  As such and considering that Somalis make up nearly 20% of the population of Minneapolis, the deplorable display at that recent city council, while embarrassing, should certainly not be surprising.  Somalia, incidentally, is also one of the world's most radical Muslim nations.  When it comes to the persecution of Christians — always a litmus test concerning the "extremism" of any given country — Somalia is considered the second-worst nation in the world (following North Korea), and the worst Muslim nation in the world (which is saying much since 39 of the 50 worst persecuting nations are Islamic).

Fifty migrants on boat in the middle of English Channel refuse to be rescued by French warship.  Fifty migrants packed into a floundering rubber dinghy in the Channel were picked up by a Border Force vessel today after refusing to be rescued by a French Navy warship.  In a two-hour operation, Border Force vessel Ranger raced from the Kent coast to the centre of the Channel to bring the 'agitated' migrants into Dover.  Videos and maritime radio messages between Ranger and the warship Formentin, obtained by the Mail, reveal a high level of collaboration between the French and British over organising the flimsy dinghy's journey safely to the UK.  The migrants are understood to have turned down the French navy's offer of rescue to avoid being returned to France and losing the chance of claiming asylum in Britain.

Dutch Girl Is Forced To Her Knees And Assaulted By A Group Of Migrants Teens.  A Dutch girl is humiliated and forced to apologize to immigrant girls on her knees.  Then she is beaten and called a "cancer whore".  Surely it cannot be anything other than that this is racism towards the Dutch?  [Video clip]

London Terrorist Prankster Sexually Assault Young Woman, Threaten Her Life For Laughs.  The live-streamer who filmed himself walking into random people's houses and stealing an old lady's dog also films videos of him threatening women at night while sexually assaulting one of them.  [Video clip]

A Mob of Feral Youths Attack Random Cars In London.  Only two males were arrested after a gang of youths attacked cars including a police vehicle in Wembley.  Shocking footage on social media shows a group of males blocking incoming traffic and kicking cars as motorists attempt to drive past in Engineers Way at around 7.10 pm on Saturday [5/20/2023].  One of the clips shows the hooded youngsters hurl objects at a police van as it leaves the scene.  [Video clip]

Khan's London: Foreigners [were] Arrested over 36,700 Times in 2021, 82 for Murder, 707 for Rape.  Foreigners were detained by London's Metropolitan Police an astonishing 36,735 times in 2021, including dozens suspected of murder and hundreds suspected of rape.  Data from the National Strategy for Police Information Systems (NSPIS) Custody system obtained by Breitbart London through the Freedom of Information Act broke down detainees in Met custody suites by nationality and their so-called First Arrest Offence — with the force noting that "Detainee[s] could later be dealt with for further Offences".

Brawl breaks out between supporters of two rival Muslim candidates at Dem political convention in Minneapolis.  Mass immigration from Third World countries has certainly changed the politics of Minneapolis.  [Video clip]  It may be worth noticing that the Chugtai supporters that took to the stage before the brawl erupted as Warasame supporters charged are almost all whites.  This does not appear to be the case among the Warasame supporters.  I realize that we are not supposed to notice and that commenting on this will be denounced as racist, while noting the religion of the candidates of both sides to the brawl will be called "Islamophobic."

Dutch Man Is Not Welcome In His Own Country As He's Assaulted By Nasty Migrants.  The Dutch have always been known for their docile demeanor but maybe it's time to grow some balls and fight back to save their nation.  Watch as these African migrants assault this Dutchman while laughing and taunting him for teh crime of walking his dog in his own neighborhood.  Check that, his once neighborhood, now owned by the invaders.  [Video clip]

Hate the New Irish 'Hate Speech' Law.  Among the rights enumerated in the American Bill of Rights is the First, which stipulates that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."  Nor are the enshrinement of rights in a nation's constitution any guarantee of perpetuity.  Countries come and go; regimes change.  The populace undergoes a philosophical and ethnic shift — a quiet revolution — and no longer feels any loyalty or allegiance to even bedrock cultural notions from hundreds of years ago.  Constitutions become "living," which is to say, dead.  Even nation-states like those of contemporary Europe burn their ways through multiple constitutions (bonjour, France, buon giorno, Italy!) or amend their constitutions so fundamentally that the document no longer bears any resemblance to its original self.  Now it's Ireland's turn: [...]

The game will soon be over in Western Europe — I want to leave, but to where?  "I suspect that our intellectuals who admire Islam would be horrified if Islamic norms were imposed on them", declares this week Rémi Brague, a medievalist at the Sorbonne and one of the leading experts on Islam.  Last Friday it was enough to go to Le Pontet, 17,000 inhabitants on the outskirts of Avignon.  The stadium fills up, in a phenomenal time lapse that says a lot, if not all, about how one religion falls and another takes its place.  It is the great Islamic prayer that marks the end of Ramadan.  Avignon, the "city of the Popes", in the Paris Match investigation today has become "the city of the Salafis".  "Most of the passers-by look alike, black veils for women, baggy afghan pants for men," says Paris Match.  "Most of them wear the believer's beard, long and sometimes dyed with henna, as in the time of the Prophet.  It seems to go back fourteen centuries.  Gender segregation is respected: hairdressers for women, inaccessible to men; bars full of men, inaccessible to women.  They serve coffee, tea, lemonade... Everything, except alcohol.  It is a mini-Islamic republic".

A Mob Of Migrants Beat [...] A Dutch Man At Zaventem Train Station.  A Dutch man was swarmed by a migrant gang at a Zaventem train station.  The man was brutally beaten and stomped and eventually tossed onto the tracks.  The formation of violent migrant gangs has become a huge issue in the Netherlands as well as in many other parts of Europe.

Islam's Symbolic Occupation Of Britain.  Without an army in the sense usually understood, today's Muslim hordes are occupying Europe with symbols every bit as potent as the Gates of Vienna.  Last month saw the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.  The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is a devout Muslim and he saw to it that Ramadan was celebrated in style.  London's Oxford Street used to be famously lit up at Christmas, although the ceremony was underplayed last year as Christianity is increasingly suppressed in Britain.  But that was not the case with the "Ramadan lights" which illuminated neighboring Piccadilly Circus and were all over the media.

Migrants will get the right to claim legal aid to fund their battle against being deported.  Channel migrants will have the right to claim legal aid to fund human rights challenges against deportation under measures introduced by Suella Braverman.  The Home Secretary has set out changes to the immigration Bill making clear that 'irregular' migrants will be entitled to legal aid if they claim their life will be at risk in their home nation, or they will face 'torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment'.  The change has been tabled in addition to a series of other moves demanded by up to 60 rebel Conservative backbenchers urging tougher action to deter Channel migrants.

Issues of Concern.  [Scroll down]  Of course, every country is different.  There are countries that simply cannot ignore the rise of Islam.  Look at what is going on in France.  They have their own problems.  Parts of Paris, parts of Marseille are now completely locked in with this confrontation between what they call Islamist separatism, which for decades they pretended did not exist.  Many French intellectuals were trying to sound the alarm for decades and were demonized — and continue to be demonized.  If you look at some of the entrenched, established Islamist groups in France, the ideology is just like that of Hamas.  They reject the French Republic as much as Hamas rejects the Israeli government.  It is like having an alien state within the state.  They call it a parallel society. [...] Instead of seeing an assimilation of the people who are coming into European societies, what you are seeing is an adaptation of women who are now feeling unsafe in the public space and adopt some of the survival mechanisms that Muslim women use — which are, I cannot leave the house when it is dark, or I need someone to accompany me, or I have to buy pepper spray, or I wanted to go out tonight for dinner or out with friends to the pub but I'll just forego that because it is not safe anymore.

Without Firing a Shot: How Islam Overcame the West.  Oxford had for years celebrated Saint George's Day.  Once the pandemic arrived in 2020, however, the day was ("temporarily") suspended, and now, following that "reset," Islam has taken its place.  This move, incidentally, is meant to appease Islam in more ways than one.  Although the patron saint of England for some seven centuries, Saint George has increasingly been a cause of concern because he "offends" Muslims. [...] Even the Church of England distances itself from Saint George, whom it characterizes as "too warlike and offensive to Muslims."  How did things come to such a pass?  Once loved and venerated by England, the dragon-slaying saint is now canceled.  And once feared and abhorred, the things of Islam — including now a "sacrificial" dinner — are being honored in his place.

The only 'net zero' Britain wants is net zero immigration.  The European Court is standing in the way.  Over the last 15 years, Labour and Conservative governments have watched as the UK population swelled by some six million people.  In this time, successive governments have promised to take back control of our borders, reduce immigration to the tens of thousands and bring the numbers down.  They have utterly failed to act on these promises.  Now it seems that any future government that does attempt to do so will be foiled by Strasbourg.  Tens of thousands of migrants have crossed the channel, often arriving without passports to put up in hotels at the expense of the taxpayer, and rarely deported.  When the Government attempts to stem the arrivals or move them to a safe third country, the European Court seems determined to stop it.  Are the elite judges who make these decisions entirely unaware that it was this sort of undemocratic meddling that led to Britain throwing off the shackles of Brussels and reassert control of its borders?  Are they determined to provoke a fresh revolt?  We are told over and over again that we need more immigration to address labour shortages and grow the economy.  But there is no point in growth if we don't see the benefits.

State of Emergency Declared as Migrants Flood Italy.  The Italian government has declared a six-month nationwide state of emergency as thousands of migrants flood the country's southern coast, resulting in overflowing shelters.  The situation puts Italian citizens at risk as these people coming onto their shores could include terrorists and other security threats.  Recently, Italy has seen a significant increase in refugees reaching the southern shores from the north of Africa, welcoming over 3,000 migrants in the last three days alone.  The Italian government has rented several empty commercial ferries to house the African refugees.  Civil Protection and Sea Policies Minister Nello Musumeci has stressed that immigration has increased by 300%.

A Bunch Of Horrid Somali Youths Terrorize A McDonald's Staff In The UK.  A video uploaded to social media reportedly shows a group of Somali youths swarming a McDonald's in the UK and casually walking behind the counter to harass the staff.  The youths got trapped in the back storage area where the manager called the police.  The main head of the gang accused the manager of strangling him.  Most likely, the police did nothing.  [Video clip]

Minneapolis [is the] first major U.S. city to allow all Muslim prayer calls.  Minneapolis on Thursday became the first major American city to permit unfettered broadcast of the Muslim call to prayer, allowing the adhan to be heard over speakers five times a day, year-round.  The Minneapolis City Council voted unanimously to amend the city's noise ordinance, which had prevented some morning and evening calls at certain times of the year because they occurred at times of the day when tighter noise restrictions are in place.

The Editor says...
Concessions of this sort are irreversible.  No matter who the mayor or the governor is in 2035, they won't be able to repeal this action.

African Migrants In London Scream At White People How They've Come To Claim The Land And Enslave Them.  Hateful African invaders known as the 12 Tribes Of Kabula in England chanted that all whites must bow down before blacks as they have come back to reclaim their lands and enslave all white people.  [Video clip]

Au revoir, France!  The French National Institute of Statistics has just provided us with numbers that tell of an unprecedented change of civilization in the history of a country that is the cradle of European culture.  It is truly historic:  there are more practicing Muslims than practicing Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 in France.  Reading the latest report from Insee, the French Statistical Institute, helps us understand the change of civilization we are experiencing in Europe.  One and a half million of Catholics pray and 800,000 go to church.  Two million Muslims pray and 726,000 go to the mosque.  There has already been an Islamic overtaking of Catholicism.  And without considering the under 18s, where Muslims outclass Christians with Bulgarian percentages.

White German Girl Is Tortured By Gang Of Migrant Girls.  A White German teenage girl was brutally tortured on video by teenagers, who beat the victim, set her hair on fire, and put out cigarettes on her face, just days after a 12-year-old was brutally stabbed to death.  A video of the incident is spreading across social media, with users reacting with shock to its content.  However, a longer version of the video has been made available to German television channel RTL, which states the longer version is far more harrowing and includes the teenagers setting the girl's hair on fire and putting lit cigarettes out on her.  The girl, who is White, is targeted by girls who appear to have a foreign background.  One Black girl is also seen in the background, but it is unclear if she participated in the assault.  [Video clip]

You know you are losing your country when your capital city is all lit up for the month-long Islamic holiday of Ramadan.  Not surprising this would happen in a Western city where the mayor is a Muslim.

Even a Muslim-majority nation like Tunisia finds it necessary to deport illegal alien African Muslim invaders.  West African illegal alien Muslim migrant-wannabes are leaving Tunisia in droves, after President Kais Saied's controversial remarks saying a criminal plot was underway to change Tunisia's racial makeup, to change Tunisia's demographics by making it more African and less Arab.

UK PM Sunak vows to deport all illegal immigrants: 'You will not be able to stay'.  U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak warned illegal immigrants entering the country that they would be deported and "will not be able to stay" on Sunday [3/5/2023].  Sunak made the vow in a Sunday interview as the U.K. faces a steady flow of migrants crossing its borders from Europe.  Sunak's government is expected to push legislation cracking down on illegal immigration later this week, with a special emphasis on illegal immigrants arriving in boats across the English Channel.  "Make no mistake, if you come here illegally, you will not be able to stay," Sunak told U.K. media.

Migrants Randomly Stabs 10 Year Little Girl In The Stomach In Sweden.  Police were called to the scene at Brunnsparken in the western Swedish city shortly after 12.30pm, reports local newspaper Göteborgs-Posten.  The girl, who was reportedly bleeding from her stomach, was taken to hospital by ambulance.  At 2pm her condition was described as "serious but stable".  Her age was not immediately known, but she was described by police as "a young girl" and witnesses described her as around ten.  A migrant in his mid-30s was seized by police immediately after the incident.  There were no other suspects.  [Video clip]

UK Mother Is Forced To Grovel And Apologize In Front Of Muslim Community Because Her 14-Year-Old Autistic Son Scuffed A Page In The Koran.  Four pupils have been suspended from a high school in England after a Qur'an they purchased was said to have sustained a small tear and a smudged page.  Four children around 14 years of age have been suspended from Wakefield's Kettlethorpe High School in England after a Qur'an purchased by one of the boys, described as "highly autistic", sustained minor damage, including a small tear to its cover.  The incident is said to have sparked multiple investigations, including one by the West Yorkshire Police, which is investigating the matter as a "hate incident".  [Video clip]

Muhammad Becomes Most Popular Baby Name in Irish City.  Muhammad was the most popular baby name in Galway, Ireland's fourth-largest city, last year, the country's government has confirmed.  A report released by Ireland's Central Statistics Office (CSO) on Friday has revealed that "Muhammad" has risen to become the most popular name for newborn babies in one of the country's major cities.

UK is building brand new homes for illegal alien Muslim invaders but NOT for British citizens and the homeless.  [Video clip only.]

UK: Senior Rotherham councillors 'knew and stayed silent' about town's Muslim rape gangs scandal.  "At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013," and British officials did nothing; they "described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so."  Britain is desperately ill, so deeply diseased in its political culture that it is extremely unlikely that it will recover.

The British public know something is very wrong and they are angry.  The European Convention on Human Rights is no longer fit for purpose.  The Government has allowed biased foreign judges to overrule our courts.  It is an utter disgrace.  [Video clip]

Sweden Gets A Bigger Dose Of Cultural Enrichment As Migrants Are Now Shooting Up Apartments With Machine Guns.  This is the terrifying moment a teenager armed with an AK-47 fired 15 bullets into the home of a terrified mother and her young child in a Stockholm suburb.  In exclusive footage obtained by MailOnline, bullets are sprayed into the front door with empty cartridge cases bouncing down the stairwell, before the camera focuses on the front door riddled with holes.  A frightened mother, who lives in the block, told MailOnline: 'It was crazy.  It wasn't a small gun.  It was a Kalashnikov.'  [Video clip]

Arabs Chase Around Each Other With A Machetes In England.  [A] man wearing a motorcycle helmet was filmed running through a Birmingham suburb with a machete during a clash involving at least nine individuals.  The violent clip showed the incident in the Kingstanding area of Birmingham on Wednesday afternoon as children made their way from school.  One man was seen carrying a machete but several others were also filmed carrying various blades during the incident which took place around 4pm in the northern Birmingham suburb.  [Video clip]

In Berlin, An Arab Army Marches In The Streets.  Dozens of fighting age men can be heard screaming "Allahu akbar", a rallying battle cry for militant jihadists.  These events are taking place in the heart of Europe.  [Video clip]

Sweden: A fifth of the population wants the right to bear arms amid ongoing Muslim violence.  Once-peaceful Sweden has become one of the most dangerous places in Europe.  That's because it was the most welcoming country, and the leading experimental laboratory for open-door immigration policies.  The experiment failed.  Logic should dictate that if any peaceful country flings open its doors to unvetted, open-door immigration, that country would come increasingly to resemble the countries from which so many of the migrants fled.  It didn't take long for Sweden to be thus transformed:  ["]Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, leaping from one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade,["]  Muslim migrant gangs continue to terrorize Sweden's streets with bombings and murders, while the spotlight is on Sweden over an "Islamophobic" Qur'an burning incident.

France: Muslim migrant known as 'most active thief in Paris' gets just three years in prison.  The French authorities don't want to appear too harsh.  They don't want anything to get in the way of their celebrations of diversity.

London: In Response to Quran Burnings in Denmark and Sweden, Allahu Akbar Shouting Muslims Seize Control of Streets, Burn Flags, Declare Supremacy.  Muslims across the world are furious after Danish-Swedish politician Rasmus Paludan burned Qur'ans.  Fresh off of his Qur'an-burning protests last weekend in Sweden, the Danish-Swedish politician Rasmus Paludan went on a Qur'an-burning tour in Denmark on Friday.  Paludan burned a Qur'an outside a mosque, the Turkish Embassy, and the Russian Embassy on Friday afternoon.  In response to the Qur'an burnings in Sweden and Denmark, angry Muslims protested outside Sweden's London embassy in the United Kingdom.  They turned the Embassy into a Masjid for the day.

Two knife killings signal the end of multiculturalism.  The killers share a similar criminal profile:  Both are Muslims and have criminal records.  Both were tolerated in Europe, but should have been deported.  The weapon of choice of both perpetrators was the same.  The public's reaction to the bloody crimes was sadly also the same:  the politicians responsible pretended to be horrified, and they were outdoing each other in assuring all and sundry that the security forces would prevent crimes of this kind in the future.  But those who promote the formation of ghettos in European cities have set the framework for many more bloody deeds.  Incantations of remorse are therefore useless.  Anyone who offers incentives for the growth of Turkish, Arabic and African-Muslim parallel societies is endangering the lives of an incalculable number of Europeans.  The German political class pretends to be shocked, but this pretence never lasts long before they start blaming the "far-right" and the "Nazis".  One thing they never do though is change the immigration policy.  As a result, more knife killings are inevitable.

Europe is Experiencing a MASSIVE New Migrant Crisis Which No One Seems to be Acknowledging.  In 2022 around 330,000 people crossed into Europe illegally, according to Frontex, the European Union's border agency — the largest number since the Migrant Crisis of 2015-16 and a 64 percent increase on 2021.  The figures do not include the 13 million refugees who fled Ukraine and entered the EU due to the conflict with Russia, ten million of whom have subsequently returned home.  This is the second year running with a steep increase in the number of migrants crossing into Europe, after a significant lull during the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, with most of them now entering the European Union (EU) through the western Balkans.  Almost 50 percent were from Syria, Afghanistan, and Tunisia, with the number of Syrians doubling to almost 95,000.

Biden proposes changes in 'whiteness' of federal workers.  The Biden administration is facing some scrutiny over a proposal to change the way it racially/ethnically classifies federal employees.  At the moment, anyone of Middle Eastern or North African descent only has the option of identifying/being classified as "white."  Were the administration's proposal to be approved, these individuals would instead have the option of identifying as Middle Eastern or North African.  The proposal would accomplish this by rewriting the Office of Management and Budget 1997 Statistical Policy Directive No. 15: Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity (SPD 15).

German Girl Tries To Slap A Migrant, Learns The Hard Way Arab Men Hit Back Hard.  This poor German girl learned the hard way that not all men are like [...] German soy boys.  [Video clip]

Germany: Moroccan Muslim Migrant Gangs Blow Up 500 ATMs.  Muslim migrants — economic migrants who pretend to be asylum seekers — come to Europe hoping to take advantage of every benefit the rich welfare states of the Continent offer:  free or greatly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, family allowances, unemployment benefits (even without having to have been employed previously).  These migrants are in no hurry to be employed; if they find they need more money than the state provides, they turn to street robberies, house burglaries, and the drug trade.  Why should Muslims, the "best of peoples," not help themselves to the wealth of the "most vile of created beings," the Infidels?  And naturally, the sums the state provides, or that are taken by Muslim criminals from their Infidel victims, should be seen as a kind of proleptic jizyah.

There were riots in Berlin on New Year's Eve and once again the discussion has turned to immigration.  Back in 2015 Germans were shocked when groups of young men in Cologne and other cities were accused of sexually harassing dozens of women in the streets on New Year's Eve.  Here's how the NY Times reported it at the time under the headline "Reports of Attacks on Women in Germany Heighten Tension Over Migrants."  ["]Taking advantage of the New Year's Eve street party, hundreds of young men broke into groups and formed rings around young women, refusing to let them escape, the authorities said.  Some groped victims while others stole wallets or cellphones.  Witnesses described the atmosphere around the city's central train station as aggressive and threatening, with firecrackers being thrown into the crowd.[..."]  Jump forward to this year and there were reports of riots and attacks on police and first responders on New Year's Eve.  Today [1/17/2023] Reuters reported on the incidents in a story headlined, "Berlin New Year's Eve riots rekindle immigration debate." [...] The Reuters story today is the first I'd heard about what happened on New Year's Eve more than two weeks ago but apparently this topic has been getting lots of attention within Germany.

A Group Of Migrant Youths Nearly Beat A Belgium Teen To Death.  Three migrants in the Belgian city of Lommel, Belgium, have beaten a boy almost to the brink of death, by kicking him on the head repeatedly, the migrants were detained but later released because they were "underage" a Belgian court ruled.  [Video clip]

Oh Look, Another 'Diversity Is Our Greatest Strength' Migrant Lands In The UK.  The UK migrant vetting system, working flawlessly as you can see.  [Video clip]

Muslim stabs and injures 6 people at the Gare du Nord in Paris.  The perpetrator, on whom no identity papers were found, stated that his name was Mohamed Amine M. and that he was an Algerian citizen.  He claimed to be 31 years old.  The investigators of the criminal brigade, which has been charged with the investigation, are trying to verify his statements.

Migrant Stabs Frenchman Inside Paris Metro Station 6 Times, Stabs 5 Others Including Cop Before Being Shot.  The Paris prosecutor said investigators haven't yet been able to identify the attacker who wounded six people with a sharp metallic hook in the French capital's Gare du Nord train station on Wednesday before being shot and wounded by police.  The suspect attacked several people, including a police officer, during the morning rush hour "with no apparent reason at this stage," Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau said in a statement. [...] The process of identifying the suspect was still ongoing because he was registered under several identities in a fingerprint database, based on his declarations in previous cases involving him, the statement said.  He is about 20 years old and might have been born in Libya or Algeria, the statement said.  [Video clip]

Ex-Uber Driver Who Murdered Eight People in NYC Was in the U.S. on a Diversity Visa.  After he was admitted to the United States on a diversity visa, Sayfullo Saipov demonstrated his gratitude to the land that had welcomed him by murdering eight people in New York City on Halloween night in 2017 by driving a truck along a bike path.  Now, all these years later, he is finally on trial.  On Monday, he showed that he was not in the least repentant.  As far as he is concerned, he has no reason to be.  He sees himself as a soldier in a war that only one side admits is being waged.  The lessons here are right on the surface for anyone who wants to learn them, but whether or not anyone in this administration has any interest in doing so remains doubtful.

You should have thought of this about ten years ago.
Paris Police Express Concern over Soaring Number of Crimes Committed by Minor Migrants.  Paris police are concerned over the growing problems with allegedly underage migrant criminals, who, despite being a small population, account for a significant source of many crimes in the French capital.  Around 2,000 supposed minor migrants, many of which are debated to be underage, live on the streets of Paris and have been behind a disproportionate number of crimes in the city in recent years, including 30 percent of burglaries, 44 percent of pickpocketing and 32 percent of robberies with violence in 2020.

Open Borders Germany: Violence, Arson, Premeditated Attacks on Police and Firefighters.  These targeted attacks are methods Islamic migrants use to create "no go zones" across Europe.  On New Year's Eve in Berlin, German migrants shot pyrotechnics, among other things, at vehicles, buildings, and passers-by.  Police officers and firefighters were also targets and reported being"under fire" for hours.  Shockingly, emergency services experienced the most attacks while trying to come to people's rescue.

'Enriched' Sweden: African Soccer Player Get Two Years in Prison for Raping 16-Year-Old Girl.  Twenty-year-old Ghanaian soccer, Joseph Amoako, who plays midfielder for Helsingborgs IF (HIF), a Swedish professional soccer team, is sentenced for the rape of a 16-year-old girl.  The famous African athlete is sentenced to prison for two years and deportation, but he can travel back to Sweden in ten years, reports Samnytt media.  In early October, two of HIF's players were arrested on suspicion of rape in May of the past year but were later released after questioning.  After a few days, prosecutors dropped the investigation against one of the players — who returned to training with the club.  However, Amoako, a citizen of Ghana, was charged with rape, although he denies the charges.

London Falls On New Year's Eve As Migrant Youths Cause Chaos And Riots.  There were scenes of chaos across the country last night as revellers out celebrating NYE stormed London's firework display, held an illegal rave in a woodland and mowed down police officers, with a mass brawl breaking out in Piccadilly Circus.  Videos from the scene in central London show swathes of people running through to the fireworks event on the banks of the Thames as they pushed through barriers, with police drawing batons in Westminster to manage the crowd.  Police officers could be seen trying to stop people from making their way past, as they ran cheering into the Mayor of London's firework display.  [Video clip]

Swiss national referendum will limit population to 10 million through strict immigration control to save [the] environment.  The most popular party in Switzerland, the Swiss People's Part [sic] (SVP), known for its agrarian roots and opposition to mass immigration, is set to pursue a referendum calling for the renegotiation of international treaties, or even their complete abandonment, if the Swiss population hits 10 million.  The proposed referendum comes at a time when Europe increasingly faces environmental catastrophe, a housing crisis, and huge strains on public resources due to soaring immigration levels.  Many European nations are among the most densely populated nations in the world and life in them is only expected to become more crowded in the near future unless dramatic action is taken.  Switzerland is no exception.  "Our country is cracking in every corner.  We are going through the debacles of recent years.  If we don't intervene, we will be overtaken by events," said Marcel Dettling, the SVP's campaign manager.  Dettling warns that economic migration remains high, especially from groups known for their difficulty integrating into Switzerland, a fact highlighted by Switzerland's alarming prison population data.

The Editor says...
Switzerland's uninvited guests, a/k/a illegal aliens, a/k/a economic migrants, have apparently been dead-weight pests since they first started their invasion about ten years ago.  The newcomers evidently don't care about assimilation or ecology or employment or anything other than Islam.  It wasn't politically correct to object to the invasion until now, and it's only okay if the objections are raised on behalf of "the environment."  At least that's the way it looks from where I'm sitting.

Paris shooting: Protests after deadly attack on Kurds.  Paris has witnessed a second day of violent unrest after Friday's deadly attack on the city's Kurdish community.  Protesters who gathered on Saturday overturned cars, setting some on fire, and hurled objects at police.  Officers responded by firing tear gas.  Three people were killed in Friday's attack, which took place at a Kurdish cultural centre and a restaurant.

Around 400 Hotels In UK Are Being Used to House Illegal Boat Migrants.  At least 400 hotels in the UK,are being used to house illegal boat migrants at a cost of £7 million pounds per day, it has been revealed.  This is happening while many Brits are struggling with the cost of living crisis.  According to Home Office statistics, 419 different hotels, some of which are luxury four and five star rated, are being used to accommodate the alleged asylum seekers, most of whom are economic migrants[.]

EU Commissioner Calls for Increased Immigration from Africa.  European Commission Vice-President Dubravka Šuica has called for the EU to receive more immigration from Africa and other places, citing declining birthrates and an aging population. [...] Later on in her comments, the Commission Vice-President also called for EU member states to focus on settling migrants in rural areas over the coming decades, stating that this remains a top priority for the commission.  Šuica's focus on settling migrants in rural areas follows similar comments made by French President Emmanuel Macron earlier this year.

The Editor says...
[#1] Africans are not uniquely able to reproduce.  Give your European constituents an incentive and they will have more children.  [#2] Does anyone believe that "settling migrants in rural areas" will keep them from moving to the big cities?  Is under-population really a problem in rural areas?  Would the world be better off without rural areas?  I suspect that the leftists proposing this idea are the same people who complain about overpopulation.  [#3] Does anyone believe that all African people have the skills and motivation to become productive citizens, or are the politicians just looking for reliable voters?  Not every migrant is potentially a good citizen.  Not every migrant will assimilate.  Migrants tend to bring their old culture with them.  [#4] What's wrong with an aging population?  Long life is a good thing.

Ticking Time Bomb: 500,000 Armed Foreign 'Soldiers' Are Hiding Inside Germany Awaiting Their Attack Orders.  Hundred of thousands of foreign fighters, many of who are armed, have invaded Germany and are waiting for the signal to attack.  The German government can no longer protect its citizens, that have been left armed and helpless by their policies.  Federal border police no longer speak of asylum seekers but soldiers storming their country.  It is estimated that are 500,000 soldiers waiting for an order to attack.  Meanwhile, Germany has 260,000 Bundeswehr soldiers (armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany).  Police are being pressured not to speak of the invasion taking place.

Germany has accepted approximately 1,100,000 migrants so far this year.  That includes hundreds of thousands from the Middle East, Asia and Africa, which means that there is a large influx of Muslims who believe that Sharia is superior to any other model of society and governance, and must ultimately be imposed in Germany.  What could possibly go wrong?  Celebrate diversity!

Channel migrants are disappearing into cars and minivans when they land on UK beaches.  Migrants landing in Kent have been seen disappearing into cars and minivans after alerting smugglers of their whereabouts by dropping digital 'pins' on their phones, it emerged today.  Only a minority of dinghies make it to the English coastline, with the rest intercepted by Border Force or the RNLI in the Channel.  While some asylum seekers who land on beaches wait for officers to pick them up, others run away to avoid being captured and taken to Manston, a nearby processing centre.

Rape Jihad: Young Italian Policewoman Attacked and Sexually Assaulted by Illegal Muslim.  On Friday, October 21, a young Italian policewoman was attacked and raped by an illegal Bangladeshi national after finishing her shift at a Naples police station overnight.  The female officer was hit in the head with a stone and sexually assaulted, apparently after being followed by her assailant as she walked to where her car was parked in the area of the city's port.  The Muslim rapist was identified as Rubel Matbar, from Kalkini Upazila of Madaripur.  After losing his validity, he tried to stay in Italy as an irregular work.  However, Naples police arrested him for sexual violence and attempted murder.  Rubel confessed to the crime; police told the local media.  [Video clip]

New Details Show 4 Migrants From Algeria Raped, Tortured, Slit The Throat And Stuffed The Body Of A 12 Year Old In A Suitcase In Paris.  French police has four Algerians in custody suspected of participating in the brutal murder and rape of a 12-year-old schoolgirl only identified as Lola.  The suspects (Dahbia B., Amine K., Friha B., and Rachid N.) all hail from the same Algerian village, and one of them may be in the country illegally.  The body was found in a suitcase curled up, shackled, with a deep wound in her throat, and marked with inscriptions.  According to the autopsy, carried out on Saturday, her death was due to asphyxiation.  One of the suspects in the case have been charged with "murder of a minor under the age of 15 in connection with a rape committed with acts of torture and barbarism," "rape of a minor under the age of 15 with acts of torture and barbarism," and "concealment of a corpse."  Although there was no mention of sexual violence when the story first broke, the latest details from BMFTV allege the girl was also raped.

400 Illegal Migrants [are] Arriving in Germany Every Day.  Hundreds of illegal aliens are arriving in Germany daily amid another major migration crisis unfolding in Europe, according to reports.  German authorities recorded more than 86,000 illegal entries through the end of August — triple the number of the same period last year.  On average, 400 illegal migrants are being caught in Germany every day, with many more likely entering the country unnoticed, according to Junge Freiheit.  Most of the migrants reportedly hail from Afghanistan and Syria.

This is almost certainly related to the topic at hand:
A Bunch Of Youths Jump On Displays At Electronics Store And Kick The Phones Off Before Stealing Them.  A video shows the moment a group of youths trashed a Currys store in Highgate, Birmingham, England before making off with mobile phones.  Members of the public shopping in the store filmed the shocking scenes in which the four young men run through the tech shop and help themselves to gadgets.  [Video clip]

100s Of Illegal Immigrants Storm Paris City Hall Demanding More Free Stuff.  A mob of illegal third-world migrants stormed and occupied the city hall building in Paris, France, demanding that they be given welfare and "free accommodations."  Illegal and mass migration issues have again reached a tipping point in France, where the government is now planning to resettle so-called refugees in working-class rural communities, out of the sight and minds of the E.U. governing elite.  More than 100 illegal third-world migrants violently stormed and occupied the Paris city hall building in France yesterday, demanding that they be given welfare and "free accommodations" by a country that never invited them in, in the first place.

Democrats: Importing racism, sexism, and terrorism.  The U.S. Muslim population has grown by 3000% since 1965. The Administration decides which refugees come to America.  Since 2010, including paroled Afghan refugees, upwards of 50% of refugees have come from Muslim-majority nations.  Some have arrived through America's Diversity Visa lottery.  In FY 2023, Muslims will make up more than half the winners.  Many refugees and "temporary" aliens come from countries like Iran, Afghanistan, and Venezuela that don't keep or share records of their citizens with the United States, and U.S. data on foreigners is limited.  After the 2022 Afghan refugee airlift, it was discovered that 31 had red flags.  Homeland Security located three.  Another 50 "indicated potentially significant security concerns" because their fingerprints had been found on improvised explosive devices.  In August 2022, Muslims and non-Muslim Americans were busy accusing White people of a murderous hate crime against four Muslim men.  It turns out the perpetrator was a wife-beating, serial-killer Afghan refugee.  Many Muslims are anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, and anti-LGBTQ+.  The Muslim population's increases have paralleled an increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes, and this rises when conflicts flare up between Israel and the Palestinians.  White Muslims have a long history of bias against Blacks that ties to the Arab slave trade that ended in 1962.

Report: Afghan Man, Brought to U.S. by Biden, Accused of Sexually Assaulting 12-Year-Old Boy.  An Afghan national, brought to the United States as part of President Joe Biden's massive resettlement operation over the last year, has been charged with violently attacking and sexually assaulting a 12-year-old boy in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  Shah Mahmood Selab, 35, was charged last week in federal court for alleged child sex crimes.  An exclusive report by Fox News's Adam Shaw reveals that Selab was brought to the U.S. by the Biden administration as part of a resettlement operation following the withdrawal of U.S. Armed Forces from Afghanistan in August 2021.

FBI money request signals ongoing problems in vetting Afghan evacuees.  Tucked inside Democrats' new spending bill is $15.3 million in emergency money for the FBI to investigate Afghan evacuees brought to the U.S. during last year's chaotic airlift.  Congress is pumping the money into the FBI just a month after Director Christopher A. Wray told lawmakers that the bureau was having to conduct "lots of interviews" to keep track of the Afghans and obliquely warned of "a number of disruptions" of activities.  Lawmakers said the money is the latest evidence of a hasty evacuation that jeopardizes American safety.

New UK PM to Import Even More Migrants Despite Inter-Ethnic Violence.  Prime Minister Liz Truss is set to further accelerate mass immigration in the name of GDP growth, despite visas already being issued at record levels and communal violence between Muslims and Hindus in English cities.  Truss has an unusual political background, having first been a leftist Liberal Democrat, then an anti-Brexit minister in the Conservative Party government of David Cameron, and finally the supposedly "right-wing" candidate favoured by Brexiteer MPs to replace Boris Johnson as Conservative leader.  Her decision to embrace even more immigration, opposed by most Conservative voters, is nothing new, however, with party grandee George Osborne having revealed after the Brexit referendum that senior Tories never intended to keep election promises — fully dropped by open-borders Boris in 2019 — to reduce immigration "from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands".

Running the World into the Ground.  [Scroll down] Europe's social fabric was destroyed when Angela Merkel decided to open Germany's borders to an onslaught of immigrants from the Middle East and Africa, most of whom are either unwilling or unable to assimilate into European culture.  Other countries followed Merkel's deranged example.  The appalling result is that France, the U.K., Holland, Belgium, Denmark, and Sweden are on the verge of civil war as they struggle to deal with hostile Muslim newcomers.  The takeover of Europe by Islam was predicted by Mark Steyn in his 2008 book, America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It.  "What happens," Steyn asked, "when a Western world so in thrall to platitudes about boundless 'tolerance' allows the forces of intolerance to carve it out from the inside?  Much of the Western world is engaged in an act of auto-genocide, and Islam will be the immediate beneficiary."  European politicians have opened the doors to people who are opposed to the Western way of life and whose mission is to stamp it out.

Swedish voters reacted to increased crime and violence connected to immigration.  As you've probably heard, Sweden voted in a very right wing party in the most recent election, making the Sweden Democrats the second largest party in Parliament.  Beege wrote about this a few days ago and pointed out the connection to rising crime, including frequent explosions, and immigration.  Last week I read a number of reports about the election in US newspapers and they were all heavy on connecting the Sweden Democrats to Nazis who helped found the party in the 1980s and light on explaining why typically progressive Swedes would suddenly want to vote for such a party in large numbers.

Two Bombings in One Night?  That's Normal Now in Sweden.  Yesterday morning, Swedes woke up to news of a kind that has become all-too familiar: During the night, powerful bombs exploded at apartment buildings in two different towns in southern Sweden.  One person was severely injured in Åstorp, where a witness told the press:  "People screamed and cried.  It felt so unreal."  A resident told Radio Sweden that his 7-year-old had come running into his bedroom screaming, as the blast made their apartment shake.  In Helsingborg, the explosion was so powerful that, according to the police, cars parked nearby were destroyed.  It is still unclear if the bombings are connected to each other, or who is behind them.  Since 2018, there have been almost 500 bombings — yes, bombings — in what is known as one of the most stable societies in the world.  There's not just a bombing problem.  There are shootings, too.

Leicester UK [is] About To Become A Warzone As Massive Mobs Of Muslims And Hindus Go At Each Other.  The Leicester Police on Saturday issued an appeal to the public to maintain calm amid tension between Hindus and Muslims in the city, the BBC reported.  The unrest in the British city began after an India and Pakistan cricket match on August 28.  So far, 27 persons have been arrested in what the police have described as a "series of disturbances".  Temporary Chief Constable Rob Nixon said that several incidents of "an outbreak of disorder" in parts of the East Leicester area were reported on Saturday [9/17/2022].  [Video clip]

9/13.  In 9/13, the people who once specialized in talking about the threat of Islam have increasingly moved on.  And it's hard to blame them.  No one really wants to hear it anymore.  It's yesterday's news.  In 9/13, Mehmet Oz is the GOP Senate candidate, and he's not the only one, Saudi Arabia is our ally again and the vast majority of Americans polled don't think that there's anything wrong with Islam.  America's Islamic population is growing.  The open border doesn't just bring in drug dealers and gang members, but massive numbers of people from the Muslim world.  The Afghan airlift and visas will probably end up importing at least a quarter of a million as family reunification kicks in.  Our national demographics are being transformed with the same eventual outcome as Europe.

Leicestershire: A Massive Muslim Mob Attacks Hindus After Football Match.  After India's victory against Pakistan in the 28 August T20 match of the ongoing Asia Cup, well-organized Muslim gangs have been vandalizing and terrorizing Hindus in the UK's Leicester City.  Videos of gangs escalating attacks on Hindus have been shared on Twitter. [Video clip]

Inspector general says DHS allowed unvetted, dangerous Afghans to reach the U.S..  The Homeland Security Department failed to fully vet some of the Afghan evacuees it brought into the U.S. during last year's airlift, the department's inspector general said in a devastating audit, which warned that some people who "posed a risk to national security" were indeed let into the country.  One evacuee, just liberated from prison by the Taliban, was cleared to reach the U.S. Another reached the U.S. and was released, only to have the FBI conclude three months later that the evacuee "posed national security concerns."  The evacuation was constructed so hastily that the department wrote procedures on the fly, with screening decisions made "on an ad hoc basis," said the audit, released Tuesday [9/6/2022].

Academics: Swedish Proposal to Break Up Migrant Ghettos Is 'State Racism'.  Swedish academics have denounced a proposal by a government minister to limit the number of non-Scandinavian residents in neighbourhoods as "state racism."  Ten academics largely comprised of professors from various Swedish universities slammed the proposal made by Minister for Integration Anders Ygeman, who said he would support a policy to limit the number of non-Scandinavian or "non-Nordic" residents in areas so they did not become a majority.

Hundreds of Afghan evacuees [are] in U.S. without vetting, GOP senators say.  Hundreds of Afghan evacuees reached the U.S. despite appearing on a Defense Department watchlist or a crucial counterterrorism database, Republican senators charged Thursday, citing the claims of a whistleblower.  Sens. Josh Hawley and Ron Johnson said they were told that 324 Afghans reached the U.S. despite appearing on the Defense Department's Biometrically Enabled Watchlist (BEWL).  In addition, 65 Afghans who made it to American soil showed up in the department's Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) — up from 50 who were reported to have been flagged by an inspector general in February.

Stop calling them 'Asian' grooming gangs.  Last week's landmark report into grooming gangs in Telford made for truly horrifying reading.  It revealed that 1,000 mainly white girls had been subjected to horrific sexual abuse by groups of men of mainly Pakistani heritage since at least the 1980s.  Tom Crowther QC, who chaired the Telford inquiry, said that 'the overwhelming theme of the evidence has been the appalling suffering of generations of children caused by the utter cruelty of those who committed child sexual exploitation'. He then went on to say that the failure of the authorities to intervene was in part driven by 'a nervousness that investigating concerns against Asian men, in particular, would inflame racial tensions'.  'Asian' men?  This is an odd description of the perpetrators.  Crowther pulled almost no punches in his summing up.  But this was definitely one he did pull.  The members of the grooming gangs were not simply 'Asian' — by and large, they were Muslim men of Pakistani heritage.

Syrian Migrant Kills German Teenager, Dumps Her Body at a Sewage Treatment Plant.  Some have expressed anger at former German Chancellor Angela Merkel's open border migrant policy after a Syrian national was arrested for the murder of a teenage girl whose body was found at a sewage treatment plant.  17-year-old Tabitha E. left an apartment in Asperg, southern Germany, on Tuesday afternoon last week, but the alarm was raised after she didn't return home that evening.  After an extensive police search, the girl's body was found on Sunday at the Leudelsbach sewage treatment plant.  After the home of a suspect was search and investigators determined the girl's death to be a homicide, a 35-year-old Syrian migrant was arrested.

Africans Stormed and Hijicked an Asylum Camp for Ukrainian Refugees in Paris.  On Sunday [7/17/2022], hundreds of asylum seekers and their supporters took over the reception center of the capital reserved for Ukrainian citizens.  Originally from Africa and Afghanistan, they demand the same treatment given to Ukrainians and condemn the logic of "racist".  Over five hours on Sunday, July 17, about 400 people hijacked Portede Versailles, a center reserved for Ukrainians refugees in southern Paris.  Coordinated by the immigration group La Chapelle Debout, the group consisted of students, extinction rebellion activists, and many asylum seekers.  Most come from East Africa and Afghanistan.  Among them were several women, some of whom were pregnant or accompanied by children.  [Video clip]

Afghan migrant tells court: 'In my country it is normal to have sex with young boys'.  An Afghan migrant who raped and sexually assaulted multiple young boys and girls defended his vile abuse as 'normal' cultural practice in his home country.  Mohammed Rahman Arsala, 32, moved to Saint-Brieuc in northern France in 2018 where he committed a string of offences.  He was jailed last year for 15 years for raping a 12-year-old boy and was hauled back before the courts last week to answer for further offences against children.

Germany's Leftist Govt Will Give Residency to 130,000 Failed Asylum Seekers.  Germany's leftist coalition government, led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, has announced it is looking to give residency to some 130,000 failed asylum seekers as part of an overhaul of the country's immigration system.  The government is set to give a one-year residency to migrants who failed in their attempts to claim asylum in Germany but were given so-called tolerance status as the government determined that they were not able to return to their countries of origin.

Copenhagen shooting:  Gunman kills three in Field's shopping mall.  A gunman has killed three people and injured another four at a shopping mall in Denmark's capital Copenhagen.  The victims are two Danish 17-year-olds and a 47-year old Russian.  Two Danes and two Swedes were wounded — one remains critical.  Police said the suspected shooter, 22, had mental health issues and there is no indication of a terror motive.  The suspect, who was described as "an ethnic Dane" by police, will face questioning by a judge on Monday.

The Editor says...
Immediately after every Islamic terrorist attack, especially on the east side of the Atlantic, the police and other public officials are always excessively vague in their description of the perpetrator.  They won't mention his Arabic name or show his face, and they'll try their best to keep you from making any reasonable inferences about his violent religious motives.  For example, what is "an ethnic Dane"?  Apparently it means a Muslim immigrant.

Human Trafficking and Migration threatens to destroy both Europe and Africa.  Mass migration is not, as it seems, an organic emanation of humanity from poor countries, but a calculated project to repopulate the territory of the declining West, with racism its chief instrument, wrote John Waters.  In a two-part series titled 'Europe's Death Rattle', John Waters explores mass migration with reference to Stephen Smith's book 'The Scramble for Europe:  Young Africa on its way to the Old Continent'.

So Many Muslims Are Crossing the Border That a Shelter for Muslim Migrants Has Opened in Tijuana.  What could possibly go wrong?  Border Report notes that "a shelter for Muslim migrants opened over the weekend in Tijuana, the first of its kind in all of Mexico."  This is no small-time effort:  "The Latino Muslim Foundation, based in San Diego and Tijuana, raised half a million dollars to make the facility a reality."  Meanwhile, fifty people on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the Southern border so far this year, and there is no telling how many got across without being caught.

Thousands of Africans Invade Spain's Border With Morocco, 18 Die During the Stampede.  Eighteen Africans seeking to cross into Spain were killed and scores of migrants and police were injured in what Moroccan authorities called a "stampede" of people surging across Morocco's border fence with the Spanish North African enclave of Melilla on Friday.  A total of 133 migrants breached the border between the Moroccan city of Nador and Melilla on Friday, the first such mass crossing since Spain and Morocco mended diplomatic relations last month.  A spokesperson for the Spanish government's office in Melilla said about 2,000 people attempted to cross, but many were stopped by Spanish Civil Guard police and Moroccan forces on either side of the border fence.

18 Dead, 76 Injured As 1000s Of African Migrants Storm Spanish Exclave of Melilla.  Eighteen African migrants are dead and 76 injured after a mass storming of the Spanish exclave of Melilla in North Africa.  A Spanish government spokesperson said about 2,000 migrants attempted to cross, and 133 managed to breach the border of the Spanish territory, according to Associated Press.  Those who made it through proceeded to a local migrant center where Spanish authorities are evaluating their cases.  Surrounded by Morocco, Melilla is a five-square-mile territory on the eastern side of a rocky peninsula on the Mediterranean Sea.  Both Melilla and Ceuta — a similarly-situated Spanish territory — have been subjected to periodic border-storming over the years.

[In England:]  Over 90 Per Cent of Failed Asylum Seekers Were Not Deported in 2020.  Over ninety per cent of failed asylum seekers in 2020 were not deported by the UK Home Office, analysis conducted by the Oxford Migration Observatory has found.  The dismal record of the Conservative government to take back control of the nation's borders has been demonstrated once again, with 91 percent of migrants refused asylum in the year in which the UK left the European Union were left free to remain in the country.  According to figures complied by the Oxford Migration Observatory, provided to The Guardian newspaper, showed that of the 3,632 migrants blocked from asylum, only 314 were actually removed from the country.

The Editor says...
Clickbait alert:  Breitbart doesn't tell you the article is about England, not the U.S., until you click the link and read the first paragraph. -->

An Army of 'Organized and Very Violent' African Migrants Storms Spain.  An army of over 2,000 migrants staged an attack on Friday at 6:40 am on Melilla's border fence in Spain.  They used shears to break through the gate to the border control and then jumped through the roof to enter the city.  Spanish officers deployed to the Chinatown border were injured fighting off the "perfectly organized and violent" group of sub-Saharans illegals.  This was the first massive assault by migrants trying to enter Melilla since last March, when Spain and Morocco ended the diplomatic crisis that had been going on for eight months.  According to the first reports, 500 of the 2,000 illegal were able to enter the city by breaking through the access gate that connects the Chinatown border post.  This point of entry has not been attacked before, causing security forces to be caught by surprise.

Two people were killed.  That's a mass shooting?
Norway raises terror alert to highest level after deadly mass shooting.  The Norwegian security service PST has raised its terror alert to the highest level after a mass shooting left 2 people dead and many wounded during Pride week in Oslo.  Acting PST chief Roger Berg called the shootings an "extreme Islamist terror act." He said the gunman, who was arrested shortly after the shootings, had a "long history of violence and threats."

Iranian refugee turned 'terrorist', 42, 'who killed two in Islamist attack' on Oslo gay bar.  The terror suspect charged with killing two people and injuring 21 more at an Oslo gay bar last night has been named as a 42-year-old ex-plumber born in Iran.  Zaniar Matapour was born in Iranian Kurdistan before coming to Bergen, Norway as a refugee at the age of 12.  He was charged early this morning with two murders, attempted murder and terrorism after the homophobic terror attack at city centre LGBT+ haunt London Pub.

Two dead, several seriously hurt in gun attack on gay bar in Oslo.  Two people have been killed and several seriously wounded in a shooting at a nightclub in Norway, police have confirmed.  Video on social media shows emergency services outside London Pub, a gay nightclub in Oslo at 1.15am on Saturday morning.  Police have arrested a suspect at the scene.  He was said to have been apprehended nearby.  There is no word on a motive at the moment.

Polio may be spreading in Britain for first time in 40 years.  Polio may be spreading in the UK for the first time in nearly 40 years, health chiefs warned today as they declared a 'national incident'.  Officials have found traces of a vaccine-derived version of the virus in sewage samples in parts of London and say it is 'likely' transmitting within the community.  Parents are being urged to ensure their children are up to date with their polio vaccinations, particularly after the pandemic when school immunisation schemes were disrupted.

Family Attacked by Gang of Knife-Wielding 'Youths' on Scooters.  A man was hospitalized in critical condition after a family in France was attacked "for no apparent reason" by a mob of 'young people' armed with knives and rocks, according to reports.  The shocking incident unfolded at around 9:30 p.m. on Sunday night in Altkirch, a commune in the region of Alsace.  A family walking along rue du 3e-Zouave was confronted by "a gang of about ten young people on scooters," a witness told L'Alsace.  The pack of 'youths' launched a vicious attack "for no apparent reason," the witness said.  The assailants reportedly stabbed at least one man and used helmets and rocks to strike their victims.

Survey: More Than Half of Young People Want to Leave Africa.  A new survey of 15 African countries has found that more than half of young people want to leave the continent in the coming years, with the majority of those who emigrate expected to head to Europe.  The African Youth Survey found that 52 percent expressed a desire to move abroad in the next three years.  That number is significantly higher than a poll taken in 2020, impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which found that two thirds of young Africans wanted to stay in their home countries.

'This is Africa': Two Thousand-Strong Mob Sexually Assault Girls and Cause Havoc in Italian Lakefront Towns.  A mob of an estimated two thousand or so young men, mostly from migrant backgrounds according to reports, terrorised towns along with Lake Garda in northern Italy, with reports of women being sexually assaulted, shop windows smashed and police attacked.  The incidents took place last Thursday between the towns of Peschiera and Castelnuovo along Lake Garda and saw the mob of youths, mostly aged between 16 and 20 with some as young as 12, harass and cause havoc.  Some were claimed to have shouted during the rampage, "We came to reconquer Peschiera.  This is our territory, Africa must come here."  Mayor of Castelnuovo Giovanni Del Cero was present during the rioting and said, "I tried to understand but they shouted absurd phrases, waving flags of various African countries," the newspaper Corriere Della Sera reports.

Observers Say Erdogan [is] Using Migrants As [a] Political Weapon Against Greece.  The Greek Coast Guard has intercepted around 40,000 migrants attempting to enter the country from Turkey via the Aegean Sea.  "In the first four months of 2022, about 40,000 migrants tried to enter the country illegally," Civil Protection Minister Takis Theodorikakos revealed.  Observers say that Erdogan is once again using migrants as a weapon, this time to punish Greece for trying to block the sale of American fighter jets to Turkey.  Turkish Foreign Minister Mehmet Cavusoglu has also threatened to challenge Greece's sovereign claim to various eastern islands in the Agean Sea.

Like the US, England is being buried under illegal aliens and economic migrants.  With Biden in office, America's southern border has vanished entirely.  Illegal aliens crossed the border over 1.6 million times in 2021 and, this year, they're going to break that record, given that they're marching across the border at the rate of around 200,000 per month (a number that may increase if Biden gets rid of the Title 42 health restriction).  Once here, if the illegal aliens are caught, the government feeds them, clothes them, gives them free baby formula (if they need it), and ships them across the country to wherever they want to go.  But believe it or not, we're the lucky ones.  What's happening in Europe and, especially, in England is infinitely worse.  Paul Joseph Watson has put together a video that uses the plight of one small village as its starting point to explain England's invasion — something done with the government's complicity.  Linton-on-Ouse, in North Yorkshire, has about 700 residents.  It's just received word from the British home office that it will be receiving 1,500 North African migrants.  That is, 1,500 foreign Muslims, most of them men.

Arrival of Over 33,000 Migrants Leaves Ireland 'Struggling' to Find Doctors.  A recent surge of migrants in Ireland has left authorities in the country struggling to find doctors to treat new arrivals.  Doctors are now the latest resource to be in short supply within the Irish state, with senior officials now admitting that they are "struggling" to find medical professionals to treat some of the tens of thousands of migrants who have arrived in the country this year.  Over 30,000 new arrivals have landed on the island since Russia launched its "special military operation" in Ukraine, with some towns in the country seeing their populations double within a matter of weeks thanks to authorities promising to take in a limitless number of migrants.

Report: Biden Still Not Using Defense Department Database to Vet Afghans with Potential Terrorism Ties.  President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing to not screen Afghan arrivals to the United States for potential terrorism ties through the Department of Defense's "tactical database," according to Republican senators.  Following the U.S. Armed Forces' withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, Biden opened a refugee and parole pipeline for tens of thousands of Afghans to quickly be flown into American communities without being screened or interviewed in person beforehand.

Nearly 800 arrested in London in just one week in massive crackdown on knife crime.  More than 790 people were arrested with 280 knives taken off the streets in just one week in a Met Police crackdown on violent crime.  Officers across the Met used a number of different tactics, including increased patrols in violence hotspots, warrants to target those known to carry knives, and weapons sweeps in areas known for discarded knives as part of the national operation, 'Op Sceptre'.  In one instance, officers in Barnet and a specialist search team were joined by a mum who lost her son to knife crime and a community safety group on a community weapon sweep where several hidden weapons were found.

Food Shortages May Cause 20 Million African Migrants To Enter Europe Italy's Salvini Warns.  If the war in Ukraine doesn't end soon, chronic food shortages will cause an immigration crisis that will result in 20 million African migrants trying to enter Europe, according to Italian politician Matteo Salvini.  The League party leader warned that "significant hunger is expected on the African continent, which will be a humanitarian, then a social, and finally an Italian problem" if Ukrainian grain supplies continues to be impacted.  The League party leader warned that "significant hunger is expected on the African continent, which will be a humanitarian, then a social, and finally an Italian problem" if Ukrainian grain supplies continues to be impacted.

'Savage Horde' of Knife-wielding Youths Storm French Restaurant After Dispute With Owner.  A restaurant in France was stormed by a 'savage horde' of young people after the owner asked them to stop disturbing his customers, according to reports.  The incident unfolded on Saturday evening near a park in Montbéliard, a town in the department of Doubs near the Swiss border.  Philippe Hugon, owner of the popular eatery Près-la-Rose, says youths on scooters were driving wildly around his business on paths where motorized vehicles are prohibited — which is apparently a frequent occurrence.  Hugon says he asked them multiple times to ride elsewhere, as he has on previous occasions.

Police Attacked by Migrants in Paris.  French police were attacked by illegal migrants while on patrol in Paris, according to reports.  The incident unfolded at around 4 p.m. on Tuesday in the 18th arrondissement of the capital city.  Officers observed fires had been lit at camp under a bridge occupied by migrants and approached to ask them to extinguish the blazes due to safety concerns, Le Figaro reports.  However, the migrants became hostile and began throwing projectiles at the officers.

The Editor says...
There will never be peace in France (or any other country) until the Muslims are all thrown out, and that will never happen.  The French were very eager to invite the Muslims in, and this is the result.

Dozens Of Amazon Workers Protest Outside Shakopee Warehouse, Demand Time Off For Muslim Holiday.  Roughly 100 workers at the Amazon warehouse in Shakopee walked off the job Friday night in protest of low wages and lack of time off for Eid, an upcoming Muslim holiday.  In a statement, the workers said that they rallied outside the warehouse and delivered a letter of demand to the company, requesting that the internet retail giant bring back the $3 an hour pay bump for all shifts and unlimited volunteer time off so that people can see their families on events such as Eid, which begins Sunday.  The workers were joined by members of The Awood Center, an organization that supports workers in the East African communities of Minnesota.

Belgium Reveals 7 Out of 10 'Child Migrants' [are] Actually Adults.  The majority of migrants arriving in Belgium who claim to be underage are actually adults, according to new reports about data collected by the government.  More than 3,300 'unaccompanied foreign minors' entered Belgium last year.  Belgian authorities conducted age determination testing on approximately three-quarters of those migrants and discovered nearly seven out of ten were, in fact, adults.  "In 2021, Belgium saw a total of 3,351 young people arrive who declared themselves to be minors," RTBF reported last week.

Channel crossings collapse: zero dinghies detected just days after Rwanda scheme unveiled.  Channel crossings have collapsed to zero just after Boris Johnson and Priti Patel unveiled a new asylum policy which would see those illegally arriving on British shores be flown out to Rwanda, Ministry of Defence (MoD) data has shown.  Experts feared 2022 could be yet another record-breaking year for those arriving in the UK after making the perilous 21-mile journey across the Dover Strait.  Some 5,000 people have already made the crossing in 2022 and a union chief representing Border Force workers has claimed the number could exceed 60,000.

Illegal Migration Into Europe Hits Highest Level Since 2016 Crisis.  Incredibly, refugees fleeing Ukraine through border checkpoints were excluded from migration data.  [Video clip]

Man connected to Feeding Our Future investigation charged with passport fraud.  A Minnesota man connected to a scheme to launder millions in federal child nutrition funds has been charged after he was caught attempting to leave the country with a fraudulently obtained passport.  Court documents show Mohamed Jama Ismail, 49, of Isanti, is charged with one count of passport fraud.  He has not been charged in connection with the investigation into Feeding Our Future.  According to the criminal complaint, Ismail allegedly ran multiple companies in a scheme that collectively misappropriated more than $30 million of Federal Child Nutrition Program funds distributed through the Minnesota Department of Education.

Muslim Riots Engulf Sweden For Nearly A Week, Corporate Media Silent.  Unbeknownst to most Americans is the very real and very disturbing news that the northern European nation of Sweden, Bernie Sanders' white, idyllic socialist paradise, is suffering under the immense reality of the inevitable failure of multiculturalism.  Trending Politics noted that it all started after a Danish politician who recognizes Europe can either be rooted in historical Western value or Islamic values — but not both — desecrated a copy of Islam's holiest book.

Sweden: Muslims Stone Police Because Someone Burned A Quran.  Swedish police said Monday that the riots that have shaken several cities and towns in the Nordic country are extremely serious crimes against society and suspect some protesters are linked to criminal gangs that intentionally target police.  Sweden, a nation of 10 million, has seen unrest, scuffles, arson and violence since Thursday that has left some police officers and protesters injured.  It was triggered by Danish far-right politician Rasmus Paludan's meetings and planned Quran burnings across the country.  [Video clip]

Why aren't we talking about the Islamist uprising in Sweden?  Right now, in Europe, mobs of people are rioting.  They're hurling rocks and stones at police officers and setting fire to cars.  Several cities have been shaken to their core by this riotous fury.  A police chief says they are the most violent street disturbances he has ever known.  Worse, this is an entirely regressive riot.  It is not an angry uprising for democracy or liberty, but its polar opposite — it's a screech of religious rage against the expression of certain 'blasphemous' ideas; it's a fiery effort to suppress 'offensive' speech.  Some of the worst riots in a country's living memory, all to the end of defending archaic religious beliefs from challenge or criticism... why aren't we talking about this?

Pope Francis Abandons Christ's Cross to Appease Muslims.  Pope Francis is at it again.  Although it is traditional for papal podiums to depict the crucifix, during his recent visit to the island of Malta, Pope Francis ditched the cross lest he offend Muslim migrants.  As the archdiocese of Malta openly admitted, "The podium will not be adorned with a crucifix, given that the majority of migrants are Muslim." [...] Perhaps it's not just shame; perhaps Francis, whose Maltese mission was to support the many Muslim migrants who have flooded the tiny island, removed the cross as a precaution, lest irate Muslims cause a scene and thus compromise his presentation of them as poor victims in need of more state aid and concessions.  After all, and as is well documented in this article, past and present, Muslims have engaged in an unwavering pattern of desecrating and destroying the cross, including in Christian cemeteries.

Minneapolis mosques to broadcast call to prayer all year round.  The Muslim call to prayer will soon be heard regularly in parts of Minneapolis.  Minneapolis mosques can now publicly broadcast the adhan, or call to prayer, over loudspeakers without acquiring a permit and so long as they abide by the city's amplified noise ordinance.  Arabic words like "Allahu akbar," which means "God is great," will be heard ringing out from mosques around the city.  Minneapolis City Council Member Jamal Osman announced this week that mosques will be allowed to play the adhan several times between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. daily and all year round.  The City Council unanimously supported the broadcasts and recognizing Ramadan, the month of daily fasting that begins April 2.

Career fair in Prince George's Co. helps Afghan refugees connect to jobs.  Many Afghan refugees who have arrived in the D.C. region not only need a place to stay, but also help finding work.  A job fair in Prince George's County on Saturday hoped to give them a head start.  Ikramullah Gujar came to the U.S. seven months ago, and was living in a refugee center until recently.  Now, he's looking for work.  "I'm trying to get a job, and help myself and my family.  This is a new world for me," Gujar told WTOP through a translator.

30 Percent of 'Ukrainian Refugees' are Actually from Other Countries.  Around a third of Ukrainian refugees arriving in France are actually economic migrants from other areas of the world, mostly North Africa and the Middle East, according to an investigation by newspaper Le Figaro.  Over 5,000 refugees have already arrived in France from Ukraine, with some being transported by bus from Berlin and others arriving by rail and air.  "However, many of those arriving through official channels and being identified by the authorities are non-Ukrainian, with Le Figaro reporting that as many as 30 percent are migrants of other nationalities," reports ReMix News.  "The newspaper reveals that 7.5 percent are of Algerian nationality, while 3.5 percent of arrivals are from the Ivory Coast and Morocco respectively."

DHS grants new legal protection to Afghans in U.S..  Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced Wednesday he will grant Temporary Protected Status to many Afghans already in the U.S., giving them a new level of status.  TPS confers key benefits like work permits to migrants, allowing them a chance to put down roots in society.  As a tentative legal status, it also blocks deportations, though the Biden administration had already halted removals to Afghanistan after the country's takeover by the Taliban last year.  Homeland Security said "ongoing armed conflict" involving the Taliban and attacks by Islamic State-Khorasan have left the country too unstable for people to be forced to return.

Four convicted in Islamic State murder of Catholic priest in France.  Four men have been convicted in Paris of terrorist conspiracy after the murder of a Catholic priest in a Normandy church in 2016, an attack claimed by the Islamic State group.  The four were handed sentences of between eight years and life in prison over the attack on Father Jacques Hamel, 85, who was stabbed in his church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray by two 19-year-olds as he finished mass.  Two nuns and an elderly couple were held hostage before the assailants slashed the priest's throat and seriously injured another elderly churchgoer.  The two attackers, Abdel Malik Petitjean and Adel Kermiche, were killed by police as they left the church.  The four men on trial were accused of having helped or encouraged the attack.

African Migrants were Asked to Fight for Ukraine, which Welcomed them In, Here is the Response.  Remember all of those 'diversity is our strength' commercials?  What happens when the people you welcome into your country, feed them, provide them healthcare, house them, etc are asked to help those who helped them?  This guy sums it up in just 45 seconds.  Now he's fleeing to Poland to benefit from more free handouts.  Any migrant welcomed into a country should be given the option to either work for the 'freebies' they want, or join the military.  No freebies to people who never paid into the system.  [Video clip]

African Migrants Were Asked To Fight For Ukraine, Which Welcomed Them In, Their Response Was Buried By The Mainstream Media.  At least a million refugees have fled Ukraine over the past week, seeking safety in neighboring European countries from Russia's advancing military forces.  Amid the chaos and deadly attacks on major cities that the U.N. estimates have so far killed approximately 3,300 civilians, some African students have reported encountering instances of racism from some civilians and members of the Ukrainian military as they try to escape the country according to most of the mainstream media reporters on the field.  All of them exclusively focus on the alleged racism that even decided to ignore the fact that the male migrants were offered a chance to fight for the country that has been their home for more than a few years.

London Police Officer gets Jumped by a Rowdy Group of Muslims at a Bus Stop, Cop left with Head Injuries.  Shocking video has emerged of the moment a police officer was attacked during a high street brawl in southeast London.  The Met PC was outnumbered after he confronted a group of men arguing at a bus stop in Bexleyheath Broadway on Valentine's Day.  [Video clip]

Afghans resettling in U.S. struggle to find affordable housing.  [Scroll down past the apocryphal sob story]  The family's struggles are emblematic of what tens of thousands of Afghans are finding since they moved off U.S. military bases and into American cities and towns following last summer's dramatic airlift operation.  Many hope to settle in Southern California and the Washington, D.C., area, where Afghans previously established vibrant communities with Halal grocery stores and mosques.

The Editor says...
If the cost of living is too high here, maybe you should have stayed in Afghanistan. Or maybe you'd be happier in Sudan or Egypt.

The State's Monopoly on Violence.  [Scroll down]  If we stick to so-called liberal democracies, the UK for decades now has allowed the flourishing of the so-called grooming gangs in cities such as Telford and Rotherham.  Grooming is a euphemism for the incessant gang-raping, pimping and torturing of thousands of vulnerable working-class girls predominantly by Muslim immigrants.  For decades, the state, from the level of municipal councils all the way up to cabinet members of the national government, turned a blind-eye on these activities until they were finally exposed by a few brave investigative journalists.  Police officers and social workers — yes, those social workers that are supposed to be replacing the police after they have been defunded — pretended that they knew nothing or, if they couldn't help knowing something because of evidence presented to them, did nothing to stop this atrocious activity.  When, in recent years, it was finally exposed, the authorities lamely explained that their lack of prosecution and other preventative activity was due to a desire to keep social peace.  In other words, they were afraid that the visible minorities might riot in protest if the criminal activity were stopped.

The Americans left behind in Afghanistan are not available for comment.
DHS has now released all 76,000 Afghan evacuees from military bases into U.S..  Homeland Security announced the departure of the last Afghan evacuees from military bases on U.S. soil Saturday [2/19/2022], saying 76,000 of them have been processed and released into American communities.  A base in New Jersey became the last to shut down its migrant camp, ending a critical period in the evacuation efforts just a week shy of the six-month mark of the end of the chaotic airlift that accompanied the end of U.S. operations in Afghanistan.  Officials are now looking to set up a new location to handle future Afghans who are able to make it out of their home country and who are deemed to be eligible for resettlement in the U.S., but for now, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey will take any newcomers that do emerge from the struggling country.

Biden Admin [Plans] To Dump Up To 1,000 Afghan Refugees Next To Loudoun High School.  The Department of Homeland Security will house up to 1,000 Afghan refugees in an compound next to a Loudoun County high school and middle school, and made plans to do so with no communication with local authorities, Loudoun County, Virginia, Sheriff Mike Chapman said.  The sheriff "raised concerns about DHS' lack of communication, lack of planning, language barriers, a failure to communicate with a myriad of potential stakeholders, and the NCC's [National Conference Center's] unfenced proximity to a residential neighborhood and two public schools."  The federal government claims that "many" of the Afghans served the U.S. as translators, but only 30% speak English, Chapman said in a statement.

Pentagon audit says dozens of potentially dangerous Afghans [were] let loose in U.S..  Afghan evacuees made it to U.S. soil without being checked through all the government's security databases, an inspector general reported Thursday in a devastating investigation that confirms critics' worst fears about the program.  After rerunning some of the names, officials spotted at least 50 Afghans with "potentially significant security concerns" who made it the U.S. despite the Biden administration's assurances to the contrary.  Making matters worse, the government appears to have lost track of most of them inside the U.S., the Defense Department's inspector general said.  It looked at a sampling of 31 security risk evacuees identified as of Sept. 17 and found only three could be located.

House Democrats Urge Joe Biden to Fast-Track More Afghans into U.S..  House Democrats, along with Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), are urging President Joe Biden to fast-track thousands more Afghans into the United States.  In a letter to Biden, first published by USA Today, 80 House Democrats and Mast ask that the administration "expedite [visa] processing" for Afghans overseas and to "ensure that those Afghans evacuated through private charter flights have a legal pathway to resettlement in the U.S."  In addition, the Democrats and Mast want Biden to allow Afghans who were already denied "humanitarian parole" — the process used to quickly bring thousands to the U.S. — to be eligible for refugee resettlement via the State Department.

GOP Pennsylvania Rep. Candidate Says Biden Administration [is] Housing 500-600 Unvetted Afghan Refugees In Pennsylvania.  A congressional candidate in Pennsylvania said the Biden administration is bringing hundreds of unvetted Afghan refugees into the U.S.  [Video clip]

'It's a rubbish bin': Parisians fight for the soul of their blighted city.  In the middle of Paris's third Covid lockdown last March, a hashtag appeared on Twitter with a photo of a lock on the Canal Saint-Martin that runs through the north of the city clogged with litter, plastic bags and bottles.  Images of Paris looking worse for wear are nothing new but, within days, dozens of pictures of overflowing bins, broken pavements and graffiti-covered walls appeared with the same hashtag — #SaccageParis — which roughly translates as Trashed Paris.  Today, less than a year on, the hashtag has been used more than 2.7 million times on Twitter alone and has become the battle cry for those who fear the once beautiful city is losing its soul.  To others, it is a political smear campaign aimed at the Socialist mayor Anne Hidalgo, also a candidate in this year's presidential election.

Home Office [says] the government is spending £4.7 million a day housing asylum seekers in hotels.  The Home Office has told refugees staying in hotels it will stop giving them free toiletries and medication, according to a new letter.  The letter states that the measures will come into effect on February 11 and comes after it was revealed that the Government is spending £4.7 million a day housing asylum seekers in hotels, an estimated £127 per person.  Faiz Mohammad Seddeqi, 30, a former guard at the British Embassy in Kabul, received the letter on Thursday [2/3/2022].

Virginia's Fort Pickett releases its final Afghan evacuees.  Fort Pickett in Virginia has released its last Afghan evacuees, the Biden administration announced Wednesday, leaving just two military bases still housing people airlifted in August.  All told, 68,000 evacuees have now been processed and set free into the U.S., and six bases that had been housing them have closed their camps.  With Fort Pickett's release, that now includes all three bases in Virginia.  Two bases — Fort McCoy in Wisconsin and Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey — still hold about 8,000 evacuees undergoing processing and release as part of the government's Operation Allies Welcome.

Afghan evacuee convicted of sexual contact with toddler at military base.  An Afghan evacuee was convicted of having sexual contact with a toddler while they resided on a U.S. military base that was providing temporary housing for those who departed Afghanistan at the end of the war.  Mohammad Tariq, 24, was convicted on charges of abusive sexual contact with a 3-year-old girl on Monday, and he faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.  He will be sentenced on April 26.

Afghan refugee convicted of assaulting girl, 3, at Quantico.  A federal jury has convicted an Afghan refugee housed at Quantico Marine Corps Base after he fled the country with a sexual assault.  The jury in U.S. District Court in Alexandria on Friday found Mohammed Tariq, 24, guilty of abusive sexual contact.  Tariq was arrested in September at Camp Upshur in Quantico after Marines observed him fondling the girl, who was not related to him, above her clothes on her private parts.

Canada looking forward to welcoming 1,000,000 Afghans who want in.  Canada is not vetting its refugees, illegals, or economic migrants.  In fact, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau supports open borders no matter what.  Who could forget the big welcome from globalist Trudeau, who also threw out a welcome mat even to returning Islamic State fighters.  In 2018, Canada announced plans to "lead the charge" for the UN Migration Pact.  And those whom Canada was welcoming weren't persecuted Christians.  Then a year later, Canada set out a country-wide plan to welcome more than 1,000,000 new immigrants over three years.  It looks like the Trudeau Liberals were right on track: 1,000,000 unvetted Afghans want to come to Canada.  What timing.

Europe's Multicultural Volcano.  "If Europe does not regain control, Islamized mini-states could soon appear".  The prediction comes from the Russian political scientist Sergei Markov. [...] Europe should pay attention to what Markov says.  It is not even a warning.  It is already here.  In 2021, 35,000 migrants landed on the Italian island of Lampedusa — five times the number of inhabitants on the island (6,500), according to InfoMigrants.  Imagine if the same demographic process took place in a city — and then more cities.  The most complete picture of Europe's so-called "no-go zones" was created by the Migration Research Institute of Budapest, linked to the prestigious Mattias Corvinus College, which reported that in Europe there are more than 900 areas of this type.  Many of the migrants already live on the generosity of European welfare, even as the police, social workers and ambulances do not enter these areas or must be protected when they do.  Gangs and organized crime dominate the street, high birth rates guarantee demographic expansion and Islamic sharia law is de facto respected by the inhabitants; butchers are only halal, "mixed" hairdressers disappear, Islamic bookshops proliferate, Jews leave, churches are often converted to mosques and women are pressured to comply with sharia law.

New German Economy Minister Calls For More Migrants To Fill Labour Gaps.  German Economy and Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck has called for even more migrants to come to Germany to fill gaps in the labour market, stating the country could have productivity issues going forward.  Habeck stated this week that Germany will need to increase immigration to tackle possible shortages of workers, saying, "We have 300,000 job openings today and expect that to climb to a million and more," and adding, "If we don't close that gap, we will have real productivity problems."

The Editor says...
Is your labor shortage so bad that you'd import thousands of uneducated dirt farmers who currently live in the sixth century?  Really?  If only one percent of the immigrants are Islamic terrorists, you've got real trouble on your hands.

Owatonna man pleads guilty to murder.  An Owatonna man will learn his fate later this year after pleading guilty to murdering another man in 2020.  Court documents show 29-year-old Hassan Hassan entered a guilty plea to a charge of second-degree murder without intent on Thursday.  In addition, he pleaded guilty to second-degree assault with a dangerous weapon.  Two other charges — an additional second-degree murder charge and theft of a motor vehicle — were dismissed.  Hassan is scheduled to be sentenced on March 8.

Two men detained in Italy over Milan new year sexual assaults.  Italian police have detained two men accused of involvement in a series of sexual assaults during New Year's Eve celebrations in Milan.  Abdallah Bouguedra, 21, and Abdelrahman Ahmed Mahmoud Ibrahim, 18, are accused of "serious sexual assault accompanied by the robbery of mobile phones and handbags", Milan's acting prosecutor, Riccardo Targetti said.  The pair have been held in custody as there is a "concrete danger" of them trying to escape, given the serious allegations against them, Targetti added.  They are alleged to have been among a gang who sexually assaulted at least nine women during during celebrations in front of Milan's cathedral on Piazza del Duomo.  Ibrahim's lawyer said his client had told police he was at the square but denied any involvement.

Lithuania pays illegal Muslim migrants $1,125 to go home.  Lithuania, like Poland, has been under severe pressure imposed by Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko's "hybrid war" against the European Union.  In August, Lithuania declared a "state-level extreme situation" over the migrant crisis as some 4,000 illegals, mostly from Iraq, crossed the border between Belarus and Lithuania.  Also in that month, Muslims threatened Lithuania with jihad bombings at shopping malls, entertainment centers and office buildings, which would of course have prompted even more concern about border security.  By the end of August, the small embattled country joined a list of other EU countries to build a wall to protect its "border of democracy" from the surge of Muslim migrants.  Now Lithuania is paying Muslim migrant deportees to go back to Iraq.

Cover-Up Continues?  Police in Rape Gangs Hotspot Not Recording Ethnicity of Abusers.  Police in Rotherham, where the authorities failed to tackle South Asian heritage "grooming" gangs due to political correctness for years, failed to record most abusers' ethnicity in the year to December 2019.  Despite national and regional inquiries all concluding that victims had been failed and claiming lessons had been learned after the grooming gangs scandal was finally exposed at scale, an investigation by The Times has found that every police district in South Yorkshire, a major centre of abuse, still "routinely failed to log the ethnicity of those suspected of sexually abusing minors".

Sweden Has Seen Over 80 Explosions and Bombings in 2021.  From the start of the year until the end of November, Sweden has seen over 80 explosions take place in various parts of the country: a slight decrease from 2020 but a number far greater than any of its neighbours.  Marie Borgh, section manager at Sweden's National Bomb Protection, a division of the Swedish police, stated that the 80 or so bombings and explosions are more often than not linked to gang crime and gun violence, a substantial problem in Sweden in its own right.

Keywords: enclave, Balkanized, faction, no-go zone.
New 'Afghans of Philadelphia' seeks to forge a vibrant community as hundreds of evacuees resettle here.  Philadelphia doesn't have much of an Afghan population.  But it's about to get one, fueled by the local resettlement of hundreds of evacuees from among the 50,000 now living on U.S. military bases.  The leaders of a new group, Afghans of Philadelphia (AOP), say they're prepared — to help and to lead and, most of all, to seize this moment of change to forge a cohesive, vibrant and involved Afghan community.  Already they've jumped in to assist, translating for Afghans arriving at Philadelphia International Airport — more than 28,000 people and counting — and collecting winter gear for the 11,000 evacuees housed at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in South Jersey.

Italy: 500 illegal Muslim migrants land in 48 hours.  The non-stop Muslim migrant landings in Lampedusa were described during the summer by concerned authorities as "out of control."  In one weekend alone in June, nearly 1,300 Muslim migrants arrived in Lampedusa.  Last year, Muslim migrants revolted aboard an Italian coronavirus quarantine ship.  The quarantine of those same migrants aboard the vessels was estimated to cost around 4,000 euros per migrant per month.  Less than two weeks ago, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi admitted that his country had seen a six-fold increase in migrant landings since 2019, and called for help from the European Union.  But the globalist Draghi does not aim to control immigration.  Instead, he still believes that other countries of the EU should swing open their doors to Muslim migration to help him cope.  Despite his country's woes from an unvetted, illegal invasion of Muslim migrants, he remains committed to open doors.

The Tide of Afghan Refugees to U.S. is Only Beginning.  Biden brought tens of thousands of unvetted Afghans to America, the vast majority of whom had no visas and were not eligible for anything.  Call that Phase 1.  Since then the State Department and the Biden administration have been negotiating with the Taliban to bring over everyone else.  Call that Phase 2.  What's Phase 2 going to look like?  Take that 50,000 and double it.  At the very least.

France: Muslim assaults several people, screams 'You infidel, we're going to kill you all, Allahu akbar'.  What do you think France will be like in five years?  Ten?  Better go now, if you want to go.

Channel migrant welcomed to Britain and put up in an Ibis hotel, stands accused of raping and murdering a 13-year-old girl in Vienna.  At a popular tourist haunt in Vienna, the handsome Afghan refugee in a blue denim shirt and shorts poses by the side of a bridge overlooking the riverboats on the Danube Canal.  The picture of him looking relaxed and confident was taken last summer, just weeks before he became the prime suspect in a crime that has shocked Austria: the drugging, rape and suffocation of 13-year-old schoolgirl Leonie Walner, whose slim body was found wrapped in a roll of carpet dumped under a tree in central Vienna.  Within hours of the terrible discovery, Rasuili Zubaidullah had run away, dodging Austrian police.

Abdirahin Ali
St. Cloud man sentenced to 30 years for kidnapping, criminal sexual conduct.  On Oct. 26, Abdirahin Omar Ali, 23, was convicted of four felonies:  Three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct and one count of kidnapping, court records show.  In a Stearns County court on Friday, he was sentenced to 360 months behind bars — the maximum sentence for the crimes, according to a press release.  The sentence includes a 10-year conditional release period after he serves his time in prison.  He must also register as a predatory offender, the release said.  During his trial, the jury found "several aggravating factors" including threatening to kill the victim and multiple people taking part in the sexual assault, according to the release. [...] The victim told police that she had gone to the Pickled Loon the night before the assault with friends, consumed alcohol and remembered walking out the front door of the restaurant to step outside, the complaint states.  The next thing she remembered was being in a car with five Somali males who tried to kiss her despite her attempts to fend them off.

If you're going to start from zero, why not move to Ethiopia or Sudan?
'Starting from zero': Afghan refugees begin new life in Minnesota.  In a Bloomington apartment, a small group of Afghan men gathered together on a chilly evening, sharing tea, dates and conversation.  "All the refugees, they're just starting from zero right now," says a 32-year old man, who doesn't want his name used.  "Right now we don't have a job.  As soon as we get a job, I'm going to try to work for a couple of years, and after that, go into business."  These periodic get-togethers are a world away from Taliban rule in Afghanistan.  "The situation there is not good for us," declares a 22-year-old Afghan man, who also wants to remain anonymous.

If Russia Conquered Europe, It Would an Improvement.  Ex-German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the floodgates of Muslim migration, illustrating why late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi once said that jihadist terrorists were unnecessary because 50 million-plus Muslims in Europe would turn it into an Islamic continent in two generations.  Many European leaders sing Merkel's song, too.  Swedish politician Mona Sahlin unabashedly stated in 2001 that "the Swedes must be integrated into the new Sweden; the old Sweden is never coming back."  French president Emmanuel Macron actually advocated the idea of creating "Eurafrica," a scheme requiring the flooding of his continent with 150 to 200 million Africans during the next few decades.  Not to be outdone in vindicating the Gallic surrender stereotype, French "intellectual" Christian de Moliner suggested in 2017 that France should essentially be divided — via the creation of a semi-autonomous, quasi-Sharia state within the country — to avoid civil war with its Muslims.

Anti-Christian hate crimes in Germany increased by nearly 150% in 2020.  Hate crimes targeting Christians in Germany have nearly trebled in a year amid a wave of religious discrimination across Europe.  From 2019 to 2020, the majority Christian nation saw a rise in attacks from 57 to 141.  This included seven physical assaults against Christians for their beliefs, three thefts or robberies, one desecration of a grave and 24 verbal threats.

Germany: Afghan Muslim asylum seeker rapes two girls, ages 11 and 13.  Why does this keep happening?  In France, a Muslim quoted Qur'an while raping his victim.  A survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the UK has said that her rapists would quote the Qur'an to her, and believed their actions justified by Islam.  Thus it came as no surprise when Muslim migrants in France raped a girl and videoed the rape while praising Allah and invoking the Qur'an.  In India, a Muslim gave a Qur'an and a prayer rug to the woman he was holding captive and repeatedly raping.  And the victim of an Islamic State jihadi rapist recalled:  "He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever.  He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God... He said that raping me is his prayer to God."  In India, a Muslim kidnapped and raped a 14-year-old Hindu girl, and forced her to read the Qur'an and Islamic prayers.  In Pakistan, another Christian woman recounted that her rapist was also religious:  "He threw me on the bed and started to rape me.  He demanded I marry him and convert to Islam.  I refused.  I am not willing to deny Jesus and he said that if I would not agree he would kill me."

UK Blowing Massive Sums on Pizza for Boat Migrants.  The U.K. government is spending large amounts of taxpayer money on pizza for illegal aliens arriving via the English Channel, according to reports.  Brexit architect Nigel Farage recently reacted to reports that over $13,000 was spent on Domino's pizzas for migrants during the month of September.  [Tweet]  Farage asserted that fellow taxpayers are "pretty mad" about being forced to fund mass-scale food deliveries to processing centers for illegal aliens.  [Tweet]

The West's Fear That Dare Not Speak Its Name.  [Scroll down]  Spain has taken to pushing the intruders back into Morocco.  Madrid has accused Rabat of using the migrants as a diplomatic weapon to extort changes in Spanish policy.  Italy, whose native-born ethnic population has been in a steady decline, patrols the Mediterranean Sea to prevent migrants from Libya from reaching its shores.  Drowning deaths are not uncommon.  The Channel and the Mediterranean Sea are more formidable and unforgiving waters to cross than the Rio Grande.  Greece is attempting to keep Turkey from moving refugees and migrants from Middle East wars onto the Greek islands off Turkey's coast.  Half a decade ago, Turkey was bought off with billions of euros to prevent the millions of Arab and Muslim refugees within its borders from crossing over into the EU.  In the recent clash between Poland and Belarus, the weapon of choice for Alexander Lukashenko was — migrants.  Brought into Belarus from the Mideast, they were moved to the Polish border, forcing Warsaw to deploy troops to keep thousands out of Poland.  Lukashenko was exploiting the migrants to punish Poland and the EU for supporting sanctions on his regime.

France is hosting 600,000 to 700,000 undocumented migrants.  Rather than deport the illegals back home, French warships have been caught red-handed escorting Muslim migrants to the shores of Britain.  They've been either actively aiding or allowing the migrants to be sent on to the UK, where Boris Johnson is taking them in by the droves as they cross the English Channel.  The illegal immigrant population of Britain is estimated to be even higher than that of France, between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000.  Between French President Emmanuel Macron and Johnson, national security is of no concern.  Nor is the astronomical strain on the economy from the migrants.  Anything to avoid looking "Islamophobic."

The Editor says...
"Hosting" is not the right word for what France is doing.  "Hosting" implies that the 600,000 newcomers were invited, that they are behaving themselves like civilized guests, and that they will soon leave.

Biden Admin Didn't Actually Bother Vetting Afghan Refugees.  The Obama administration liked to claim that it engaged in thorough vetting of the Muslim refugees it brought to America.  The Biden administration dispensed with the pretense of even bothering.  While vetting isn't especially effective, it still is manpower resource intensive and time consuming.  The Biden administration had set out to quickly move Afghan refugees through a pipeline from Muslim countries hosting them that didn't want them to the U.S. And with huge unprecedented numbers of migrants with little in the way of paperwork and a narrow time frame, there was no time for any of that.  How did the Biden admin manage it?  They didn't.

What lovely people.  Let's go get another 50,000 of them.  Because diversity is wonderful, and Islam is a Religion of Peace!
San Francisco:  Knife-Wielding Afghan Refugee Charges Police, Is Shot Dead.  In San Francisco on Wednesday, a man named Ajmal Amani, screaming "Allahu akbar," charged at police with a large kitchen knife and was shot multiple times with a handgun and beanbag projectiles.  Amani had previously threatened to kill a man in his residential hotel with the same large knife and later died of his wounds.  Amani was, according to the Associated Press, "a former Afghan interpreter for U.S. special forces who had been shot several times during more than five years of service and struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder."  That is a tragedy, but it's also a warning: how many of the tens of thousands of unvetted Afghans who have been brought to the U.S. by Old Joe Biden's handlers are a similar threat?

Migrant exodus from Belarus.  A major exodus of migrants is underway from Belarus to Iraq as Poland claims victory in the battle for control of Europe's borders.  Hundreds who aimed to seek refugee status in the EU by breaking through the Polish border are now seeking daily flights back to the Middle East.  Video and pictures from Minsk airport shows the returnees — including children — awaiting repatriation flights.

Italy: 349 Muslim migrants reach Lampedusa in six landings.  These migrants are coming from Libya and elsewhere in North Africa, and thus are overwhelmingly Muslim.  Lampedusa is a picturesque Island in the Mediterranean Sea; it is part of Italy.  It's now become an "out of control" danger zone due to illegal Muslim migration chaos. [...] Globalists continue their appeasement policies, which are destroying the West from within.  Most Western citizens are not against migration and helping honest refugees, but this has not been the case across the board.  Illegal, unvetted Muslim migration poses extreme security risks, not to mention health risks.  None of these migrants are vetted for jihad sentiments, or for illnesses and contagious diseases.

Tens of thousands entered US unvetted after Kabul airlift, officials say in memo.  Almost none of the 82,000 people airlifted from Kabul in August were vetted before being admitted to the United States, despite claims to the contrary from the Biden administration, according to a congressional memo summarizing interviews with federal officials who oversaw the effort at domestic and international military bases.  Senior officials across the departments of Homeland Security, Defense, State, and Justice described a disastrous screening and vetting process in the memo, drafted by Senate Republicans in late October.  The Biden administration failed to vet the information that tens of thousands of Afghans provided through in-person interviews and relied solely on criminal and terrorist databases to flag bad actors, according to the memo — that is, merely screening, rather than vetting, people brought to the U.S.  The administration also brought into the U.S. tens of thousands of Afghans who were not qualified.

Four Highlights of Mayorkas' Senate Testimony on Border Crisis.  [#3]  Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., asked the homeland security secretary about interviewing refugees from Afghanistan before they enter the country.  Mayorkas said the Department of Homeland Security is "not conducting in-person, full refugee interviews of 100% of the individuals."  Hawley asked:  "What percentage are you conducting?"  When Mayorkas said he didn't know the percentage of Afghan refugees, Hawley asked:  "Of the more than 60,000 brought to the country, what number have received an in-person interview before they came to the country?"  The Missouri Republican was referring to interviews conducted by a trained official before a refugee is allowed into the United States.  Mayorkas said he didn't know the answer to that question either.  "When you are speaking of a full refugee-like interview, I don't have that data," he said, adding, "We have data in the Department of Homeland Security.  You are asking me what data I have at my fingertips."

Poland warns of possible 'armed' escalation over migrant border crisis.  Warsaw has warned of a potential "armed" escalation at its border with Belarus, stating that up to 4,000 migrants have already massed there and blaming Minsk's "special services" for orchestrating a border breach.  The ongoing migrant crisis at the Belarusian border could devolve into an "armed" escalation, Polish government spokesman Piotr Muller told reporters on Monday.  "We expect that there may be an escalation of this type of action on the Polish border in the near future, which will be of an armed nature," he said, blaming "people linked to Belarusian special services" for organizing the border breach attempt.

Massive Crisis At The Polish Border As Thousands Of Muslims Try To Invade Country.  Poland has vowed to 'defend Europe' from a 'migrant invasion' unleashed by Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko whose forces have coerced more than 1,000 refugees to smash through the border.  Desperate migrants gathered at the Belarusian frontier with Poland on Monday, attempting to hack down a barbed-wire fence only to meet a phalanx of Polish guards who forced them back with pepper spray.  Middle Eastern and African migrants have been flown into Belarus by Lukashenko who is using them as human cannon fodder in his battle with the EU, the US and Britain, after they imposed sanctions following a violent political crackdown, which included forcing a Ryanair flight from the sky in May.  [Video clip]

Biden to Give Free Work Permits to Most of 70K Afghans Brought to U.S. Thus Far.  President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced plans to provide work permits to tens of thousands of Afghans brought to the United States, free of charge.  On Monday [11/8/2021], DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced that the agency will exempt Afghans brought to the U.S. via "humanitarian parole" from filing fees to "help facilitate their resettlement in the U.S. by streamlining the processing of requests for work authorization, green cards, and associated services." [...] The policy move means that most of the roughly 70,000 Afghans, whom Biden has flown to the U.S. for resettlement across 46= states, will be able to apply for and secure work permits without paying the $500 filing fees that other foreign nationals typically must pay.

More than 25,000 evacuees from Afghanistan have landed in Philly.  Resettlement across the U.S. is next.  Philadelphia International Airport has received its 25,000th evacuee from Afghanistan, highlighting its role as a main arrival and welcome point for the largest resettlement effort since the end of the Vietnam War.  "Welcome to Philadelphia," Mayor Jim Kenney said during a Friday news conference at the airport, speaking to those on their way and those already here.  "You belong here.  We're happy you're here."  Precisely 25,536 people have landed in Philadelphia as of Friday, most of whom have been bused from the airport to temporary living quarters at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in South Jersey.

Email Shows Biden Ordered Afghanistan Evacuation Flights Be Filled With Unvetted Refugees.  During America's chaotic exit from Afghanistan earlier this year, the Biden administration issued a directive that evacuation flights be filled to "excess" with refugees who had not been properly vetted before arriving in America, according to an internal administration communication disclosed on Tuesday [10/26/2021] by Sen. Josh Hawley (R., Mo.).  "Total inflow to the U.S. must exceed the number of seats available.  Err on the side of excess," reads an Aug. 16 email to U.S. officials involved in the exit from Afghanistan.  "This guidance provides clear discretion and direction to fill seats and to provide special consideration for women and children when we have seats."  Hawley, who says he obtained the email through a U.S. official who was outraged by the Biden administration's failure to vet Afghan refugees flown into America, published the email Tuesday afternoon on Twitter.

Afghan Evacuee Charged with Rape in Montana, Gov. Gianforte Calls on Biden to Halt Resettlements.  On Sunday, KGVO reported that a 19-year-old man "on a worldwide trip from Afghanistan" was arrested and charged with having "sexual intercourse without consent" with an 18-year-old woman at a Residence Inn by Marriott in downtown Missoula, Montana.  According to KGVO and recent statements from Montana Governor Greg Gianforte, the suspect, Zabihullah Muhmand, wasn't simply a world traveler.  He was "in Montana under Humanitarian Parole, which is separate from the Special Immigrant Visa program."  In other words, Muhmand, the accused rapist, was an unvetted Afghan evacuee placed in Montana by the Biden administration.  On Thursday, Montana Governor Greg Gianforte told KGVO he had "serious concerns" about the vetting process of the Afghan evacuees by the Biden administration: [...]

Montana: Afghan evacuee charged with rape, governor calls for halt in refugee resettlements.  There was no doubt whatsoever that this sort of thing would happen, and there will be more of it.  Zabihullah Mohmand likely didn't think he was doing anything wrong, and no one is prepared to discuss that, or its implications.  In France, a Muslim quoted Qur'an while raping his victim.  A survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the UK has said that her rapists would quote the Qur'an to her, and believed their actions justified by Islam.  Thus it came as no surprise when Muslim migrants in France raped a girl and videoed the rape while praising Allah and invoking the Qur'an.  In India, a Muslim gave a Qur'an and a prayer rug to the woman he was holding captive and repeatedly raping.  And the victim of an Islamic State jihadi rapist recalled:  "He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever.  He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God... He said that raping me is his prayer to God."  In India, a Muslim kidnapped and raped a 14-year-old Hindu girl, and forced her to read the Qur'an and Islamic prayers.  In Pakistan, another Christian woman recounted that her rapist was also religious:  "He threw me on the bed and started to rape me.  He demanded I marry him and convert to Islam.  I refused.  I am not willing to deny Jesus and he said that if I would not agree he would kill me."  Rapists demanded that another girl's family turn her over to them, claiming that she had recited the Islamic profession of faith during the rape and thus could not live among infidels.

Disaster in the Making: 12,000 Afghans in U.S. Now with No ID Whatsoever.  [Scroll down]  The briefing, said Issa, was "shocking to a lot of members."  How shocking?  For one thing, the lawmakers were told that fully 12,000 of the Afghans who had come to Camp As Sayliyah and then went on to the U.S. had no identification at all.  Visas?  Come on, man!  Issa stated:  "They came with nothing.  No Afghan I.D., no I.D. of any sorts.  Those people were all forwarded on to the U.S., and that's quite an admission.  So many people had no I.D. whatsoever and yet find themselves in the United States today based on what they said."  As terrible as this is, it is in line with what we already knew.

Islamic Terrorist Who Planned Kalashnikov Attack Arrived in Spain as Illegal Boat Migrant.  An Islamic terrorist with ISIS links who planned to carry out a deadly Kalashnikov attack arrived in Spain as an illegal boat migrant, authorities have revealed.  Spanish National Police announced that an Algerian man known as the "Sheikh" arrived in Europe via boat in March last year before heading to Barcelona where he attempted to set up a terrorist cell.  Newspaper El Mundo reports that the cell was exposed after a member started making inquiries about the purchase of Kalashnikov rifles.

U.S. Air Force: 5 People Onboard Flight Out Of Afghanistan 'Intended To Hijack The Aircraft'.  The U.S. Air Force revealed this week that they had received intelligence that five individuals who boarded a flight out of Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) in Kabul back in August intended to hijack the aircraft and that U.S. forces had to quickly move to stop the situation from happening.  The revelation was made in a statement released by the Air Force: [...] The statement also revealed that combat aircraft on the ground were about to be swarmed when they barely managed to take off on just "a sliver of remaining runway."

Financial Times Says Europeans Should "Prepare for Demographic Replenishment by Arabs and Asians".  Parag Khanna, the writer of the article also authored a book called 'Move:  How Mass Migration Will Reshape the World — and What It Means For You'.  Unsurprisingly, he also has close ties with the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations and was a 'Global Governance Fellow' at the Brookings Institution.  Khanna ludicrously claims that large swathes of the planet will become "uninhabitable" due to climate change, causing "millions, if not billions of people... to relocate to terrain in the latitudes best suited to survival."  He then asserts that "labour shortages" in North America and Europe will necessitate these regions "to open the immigration taps accordingly."

The Editor says...
The "climate refugees" cover story attempts to blame mass migration on global warming.  Nobody is leaving their home country due to bad weather.  Muslims are bent on world domination, and the quickest and easiest way to accomplish that in democratic countries is to move there, give birth repeatedly, and then have their kids outvote your kids and take over.  It takes a while, but that's what they're doing.

Shiite militiaman reached U.S. posing as Iraqi refugee.  An Iraqi man admitted to immigration fraud last week, saying he cheated America's refugee system by lying about his past as a member of an Iranian-funded Shiite militia in order to win asylum in the U.S.  Chasib Hafedh Saadoon Al Fawadi entered the U.S. in 2016, when then-President Obama was pushing to resettle tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East amid accusations that the system wasn't able to properly vet them.  As the U.S. opens its arms to tens of thousands of Afghans, Al Fawadi's case raises questions anew about the ability of federal authorities to vet applications and weed out dangerous or otherwise undeserving migrants.

Joe Biden [is] Flying [1,000] Afghans to [the] U.S. Every Day Until German [a USAF] Base [is] Emptied.  President Joe Biden's administration is reportedly flying about 1,000 Afghans to the United States every day from the U.S. Air Force base in Ramstein, Germany, until the base is emptied.  Roughly 9,000 Afghans remain at the U.S. base in Ramstein, which was quickly turned into a small tent city following the Biden administration's withdrawal from Afghanistan.  CNN reports that the administration plans to fly about 1,000 Afghans to the U.S. from the base every day.  "One flight left the base Saturday with a few hundred evacuees headed for Philadelphia, a spokesman for the 86th Airlift Wing told CNN," the report states.

Elites Want to Break Wyoming Using Afghan Evacuees.  They have been trying for years to open Wyoming's borders to the world, but the state has resisted for forty years as the only state in the nation that never set up a refugee program and never invited a refugee contractor in to do their dirty work.  The most recent effort to shove diversity down the throats of Wyoming's mostly rural population came in 2014 — an effort that was thwarted by vocal hardworking citizen activists. [...] By the way, they did break Montana a few years ago and Idaho is being radically changed through refugee resettlement.

Afghan Refugees Were Placed in a Popular Vacation Hotel.  Here's What Happened.  Multiculturalism is meeting reality once again as Afghan refugees are making their presence known in the countries that welcomed them, and the fun is just beginning.  One place that has experienced the richness and vibrance of diversity is Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England, which is a popular vacation spot. [...] Inundated with bad reviews, Tripadvisor added a note to the Grand Hotel's page:  "Due to a recent event that has attracted media attention and has caused an influx of review submissions that do not describe a first-hand experience, we have temporarily suspended publishing new reviews for this listing." That's one way to solve the problem.  And it's a great deal easier than confronting the false assumptions and foolish, short-sighted policies that led to the mess at the Grand Hotel in the first place.

Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden Working Closely to Resettle Afghans Across U.S..  A non-governmental organization (NGO) backed by former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, as well as first ladies Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush, and Michelle Obama, is working closely with President Joe Biden to resettle tens of thousands of Afghans across the United States.  The NGO, called Welcome.US, was launched by former Clinton, Bush, and Obama staffers with the former presidents' serving as honorary chairs and receiving backing from Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors which has ties to billionaire George Soros.  Likewise, the NGO is working alongside multinational corporations like Airbnb, Walmart, Starbucks, Instacart, Facebook, Microsoft, and Chobani to provide newly arrived Afghans with financial assistance.  The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is also helping to funnel Afghans into American jobs.

Report: Biden Turns Fort McCoy into 'Small City' for Afghans with 'Culturally Appropriate Clothing, Food'.  President Joe Biden's administration has turned Fort McCoy in Monroe County, Wisconsin, into a "small city" for Afghans brought to the United States, including "culturally appropriate clothing and food," a new report details.  As part of Biden's massive resettlement operation, about 53,000 Afghans are currently temporarily living on eight U.S. military bases in Wisconsin, New Jersey, Texas, Indiana, New Mexico, and Virginia.  Fort McCoy is housing the most Afghans of all the bases, according to a report by Time magazine, and has become a small city of sorts for the new arrivals who have not completed immigration processing.

The Editor says...
Would it not be far better to immerse these foreigners in American culture, so they can adapt and assimilate?  Or are they coming here to create another Muslim enclave in the northern U.S.?  These new arrivals are not a bunch of brain surgeons.  They're 7th-century dirt farmers from the middle of nowhere.  They probably have no loyalty to the U.S., and in the long run, there is little or no reason to trust them.

Charlotte's notorious affordable housing problem hampers Afghan evacuees.  Charlotte's refugee resettlement agencies are warning of a potential roadblock for the influx of Afghans who fled the country during the Taliban takeover in August: finding an affordable place to live.  Resettlement agencies — those tasked with providing support for refugees, asylum seekers and others who flee international crises — rely on landlords for open apartments and houses where they can place displaced families.  In Charlotte, though, it will be complicated.  Housing markets are tight.  Apartments and houses are bought up or rented quickly, leaving few options for the agencies tasked with helping vulnerable international families who are starting new lives in the United States.

Biden's 'Evacuation' Was a Taliban Human Trafficking Scheme.  After Biden evacuated tens of thousands of Afghan "translators", refugee resettlement groups are desperately looking for translators to translate to the translators.  Why do Afghan translators, who were supposed to be able to translate from English to their native language, need help from translators?  It's because they're not translators.  In the last two years, Front Page Magazine ran multiple articles like How the 'Interpreter' Scam Brought 75,000 Iraqis and Afghans to America and 'Saving Afghan Interpreters' is a Scam That Would Bring 100,000 Afghans to U.S. exposing the "translator" scam.  Now tens of thousands of Afghans are arriving in this country and they need translators because they don't speak English.  As I previously pointed out, there were more Afghan "translators" applying for visas than there were American soldiers for them to translate for.  But the vast majority of SIV visa applicants were never translators.  The number of actual translators, Afghans embedded with U.S. forces who risked their lives by working in the field, was miniscule and was its own special category.

Military General:  Some Afghans on U.S. Bases Reported for Robbery, Theft.  A handful of Afghans living temporarily on United States military bases, as part of President Joe Biden's massive resettlement operation, have been reported for robbery and theft, U.S. Air Force General Glen VanHerck says.  During a press conference this week, VanHerck confirmed that there have been criminal instances at several of the U.S. military bases where the Biden administration is currently housing about 40,800 Afghans.

3 Afghan Refugees Assault A Female Soldier At Fort Bliss.  A female U.S. military service member was assaulted by male evacuees at the Doña Ana County Range Complex where Afghan refugees are being housed, Fort Bliss officials said.  The woman, whose name and age were not released, was assaulted Sept. 19 by a "small group of male evacuees" at the complex in New Mexico, Fort Bliss officials said.  The incident is being investigated by the FBI.  [Video clip]

George Soros Behind Group Flooding America with Afghan Refugees.  Far-left billionaire George Soros has been funding a group responsible for flooding America with refugees from Afghanistan, according to a bombshell new report.  The organization, Welcome.Us, is also co-chaired by Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, and George W. Bush, among others.  The group has been capitalizing on the fall of Afghanistan into the hands of the Taliban following Democrat Joe Biden's botched U.S. withdrawal.  Welcome.Us is heavily funded by Soros' Open Society Foundations and the group's "National Welcome Council" includes representatives from the New York Times and the Soros-funded Atlantic Council, establishment pundit David French, Obama's former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Maria Shriver, and Jeb Bush.

Afghans allegedly lived up to their reputation as sex criminals.  Joe Biden's disastrous retreat from Afghanistan involved bringing to America thousands of random, entirely unvetted Afghan men, instead of vetted men who helped American troops, although with their families.  I knew then that we were in trouble.  I saw what happened in Europe when Angela Merkel took in unvetted Muslim refugees, mostly young, unattached men.  These fears have been realized now that a female soldier at Fort Bliss has allegedly been assaulted by several Afghan refugees.  In 2017, Cheryl Benard, who spent a career working with refugees, wrote a fact-filled article about the fact that of all the Muslim refugees flooding Europe, the Afghan men were the most dangerous.  They assaulted women and children without even attempting to cover their crimes.

Female American soldier reports being assaulted by three male Afghan refugees being housed at Fort Bliss in New Mexico.  The FBI has opened an investigation into the assault of a female solider by several male Afghan refugees at the US Army's Fort Bliss base, in New Mexico.  The alleged assault took place on Sunday, at around midnight, when at least three men allegedly attacked the soldier near her car after she arrived for work at the Dona Ana Complex, which had been accepting refugees airlifted out of Afghanistan are housed, ABC 7 reports.  'We can confirm a female service member supporting Operation Allies Welcome reported being assaulted on September 19 by a small group of male evacuees,' said Lt. Col. Allie Payne, director of Public Affairs for Fort Bliss and the 1st Armored Division.

Leftists force mass Third World immigration by deceiving us into feeling guilty.  Instead of a "melting pot" culture based on careful assimilation, we are deliberately creating a "tribal pot" of diverse and warring identity groups.  And to get the majority to go along with such a scheme, those constructing their own reality just invent history out of whole cloth — and teach it to the non-thinking — that creates guilt trips in the majority.  This begins in preschool so that, by the end of the day, the self-loathing is so elevated that the white majority is thankful they have been replaced.

Flight with dozens of unaccompanied Afghan minors arrives in Chicago.  A flight carrying about 75 unaccompanied Afghan children who fled the country during the U.S. withdrawal arrived in Chicago on Wednesday, according to city officials and local media reports.  The Department of Homeland Security confirmed the flight's arrival from Qatar, where many Afghan refugees have been held prior to their resettlement, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.  A Chicago city official said about 75 unaccompanied minors were on board the flight.  A spokesman for Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said city officials would work to "ensure the well-being of these children."

Feds indict two Afghan refugees on child sex, spousal assault charges.  A federal grand jury in Wisconsin indicted two Afghan refugees Wednesday [9/22/2021], accusing them of committing crimes while they were staying at a local Army base after being taken out of Afghanistan.  Bahrullah Noori, 20, is charged with one count of attempting to engage in a sex act with a minor by force and three counts of engaging in a sex act with a minor.  One of the latter counts also alleges the use of force.  Investigators say both of Noori's alleged victims were under the age of 16.  The indictment specifically alleges that Noori [did bad things] on three separate occasions while at Fort McCoy, an Army installation located approximately 100 miles northwest of Madison.  One of the alleged assaults occurred in a barrack, while the other two took place in a bathroom.

Two Afghan Evacuees Indicted in Horrible Crimes, Including Against a Child.  We've been told a lot of lies and nonsense about the Afghanistan debacle by Joe Biden and his administration.  Now some of those lies are coming back to bite us.  One of the lies was about how all the evacuees were thoroughly vetted before they came to the United States.  "Before anyone who is evacuated from Afghanistan comes to this country, they undergo a rigorous vet," State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters.  We already found out how wrong that was with the first 30,000 evacuees brought to this country.  About 10,000 needed "additional screening."  If they were "thoroughly vetted," why would they need additional screening on such a massive scale?  Also, 100 of the people evacuated to the United States even have ties to terrorists, including the Taliban or other terrorist groups.

Democrats' House-passed gov't funding bill includes free welfare & entitlements for an unlimited number of random, unvetted Afghan nationals.  [Thread reader]  It applies not only to those already here, but ANYONE Biden will bring in the future — no standards, no rules, no limits. [...] Congress eviscerates all statutorily-required vetting/screening — scrapping SIV process, refugees process, visa process, everything.  Only 2 rules apply:  you lived in Afghanistan at some point, and Mayorkas gives you a thumbs up.  That's it.

For Whom the Bell Curve Tolls.  [Scroll down]  Consider a suddenly relevant example of poor genes:  birth defects stemming from inbreeding.  The American aversion against cousin marriage is due to early-20th-century American eugenicists, such as biologist Helen Dean King, proving that marrying your first cousin could harm your offspring.  Afghans have very high rates of birth defects because they are so inbred:  28 percent of married Afghans are wed to their first cousins and another 7 percent of couples are double first cousins, who are as closely related as half siblings.  Not surprisingly, 39% of Afghan infants suffer unfortunate disorders.  The average IQ of Afghans is probably depressed several points by their penchant for consanguineous marriages.  Questions for Dr. Harden in her chosen role as a proponent of genetic awareness:  Should the U.S. public be informed of the high rate of costly genetic problems in Afghans before letting in more of them?  Or should this kind of genetic knowledge be off-limits to American voters?

Joe Biden Plans Bringing 10 Times as Many Refugees to U.S. Next Year.  President Joe Biden is planning to bring to the United States in Fiscal Year 2022 about 10 times as many refugees as he will have brought this year, the State Department confirmed on Monday [9/20/2021].  In May, Biden announced he would raise the refugee resettlement cap to 62,500 refugees for Fiscal Year 2021 — more than four times the cap that former President Trump imposed for the year at about 15,000 refugees.

Here's Why The Bulk Of Afghan Refugees Are Heading To Purple States.  The U.S. ended its combat mission in Afghanistan in August, and the federal government is now preparing to relocate thousands of Afghan refugees in a number of swing states.  President Joe Biden is planning to ask Congress for funding to bring around 95,000 people from Afghanistan to the U.S. in total, The Hill reported.  A senior administration official said the funding would be used to help bring 65,000 people by the end of September, and an additional 30,000 people over the course of one year.  The Department of Defense (DOD) has been preparing for up to 30,000 Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants to be housed at U.S. Army bases such as Fort McCoy in Wisconsin and Fort Bliss in Texas.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for security and health screenings in order to vet the incoming refugees.

Denmark Wants Migrants to Work 37 Hours a Week.  Denmark has done something sensible — and remarkably, its left-wing politicians have been the ones promoting the measure — by proposing that migrants be required to work 37 hours a week in order to receive welfare benefits.  If they refuse, they will be stripped of their benefits and, presumably, will either capitulate and go to work, or leave Denmark, in order to move to another European country that might take them in, or to return to their countries — overwhelmingly Muslim — of origin.

Somali 'refugee' with criminal history charged with murder of young mother in North Dakota.  A 28-year-old mother was murdered this weekend in Grand Forks, North Dakota after allegedly being shot by a refugee from Somalia with a criminal history.  Ahmed Mohamed Abdullahi, a 26-year-old Somali refugee, has been charged with murder (amended from the initial charge of manslaughter, according to Valley News Live), one count of unlawful possession of a firearm, and theft of property in the fatal shooting of Megan Lea Gustafson.  Police officers were on the scene before the murder, responding to a call reporting a suspicious person.  They knocked on Gustafson's door, spoke with her, and walked away only to hear an argument escalating inside the apartment at the residence on the 1300 block of 8thAvenue North around 1:30 AM.

Second major felon found on Afghan evacuation flight.  Another Afghan who had been deported from the U.S. after an aggravated felony conviction was found on an evacuation flight back to the U.S. this month, The Washington Times has learned.  The man, who had a 2011 conviction for aggravated robbery and was deported in 2017, somehow cleared all the overseas checks the Biden administration says it is making.  He was flagged only when he arrived at Washington Dulles International Airport, making it tougher to oust him.  His case follows that of Ghader Heydari, an Afghan who was convicted of rape in Idaho in 2010 and was deported in 2017, but who also made it onto an evacuation flight and landed at Dulles.

Biden Offers Welfare, Quick U.S. Citizenship to Unvetted Afghans.  President Joe Biden's congressional budget request would offer tens of thousands of Afghans arriving in the United States a host of welfare and quick naturalized American citizenship, a new analysis states.  The analysis, conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and shared with Breitbart News, details Biden's request to Congress for $6.4 billion in American taxpayer money to resettle 95,000 Afghans across the U.S. over the next year.

UK: Muslim migrant rape gang member complains 'I have no rights in this country'.  A member of a Rochdale grooming gang facing deportation from the UK has claimed "We have not committed that big a crime".  One of the men who was involved in the infamous Rochdale grooming gang has complained about his treatment in the UK at a deportation hearing.  At an Immigration Tribunal on Monday, Adil Khan, 51, told the court that he had been deprived of his rights as an individual in the UK.

Outbreak of Measles in Virginia and Wisconsin Afghan Refugee Settlements Forces Pause in New Arrivals.  We have actually seen this issue before as a result of the Obama open border policy.  A measles outbreak in Virginia and Wisconsin amid refugees from Afghanistan has caused the U.S. State Department to pause the program for further arrivals.

Grateful Migrants in Pennsylvania Send Thousands of Dollars to ISIS.  Old Joe Biden's handlers are in the process of bringing 94,000 Afghan refugees into the United States, and really, only a racist, bigoted "Islamophobe" could possibly object to such a grand humanitarian gesture, right?  Yet a migrant couple in Pennsylvania illustrated Thursday [9/9/2021] that there is ample reason to temper our enthusiasm over Old Joe's welcome mat:  Shahidul Gaffar, a naturalized citizen, and his wife, Nabila Khan, a legal permanent resident, both from Bangladesh, were sentenced to federal prison for sending nearly $5,600 to Khan's brothers, who happen to be Islamic State (ISIS) jihadis.

Afghan men as old as 60 are bringing child brides as young as 12 to the US: Evacuated underage girls tell border officials they have been raped and forced into marriage.  US Customs and Border Protection officials are looking into reports of alleged forced marriages between much older men and young girls whose families were desperate to have them escape the Taliban, according to a new report revealed Thursday [9/9/2021].  Those young girls told officials at a transit site in Abu Dhabi that they 'have been raped by older men they were forced to marry in order to escape Afghanistan,' the [...] report obtained by Yahoo News and dated September 5 states.  'US officials are looking into reports that in the frantic evacuation of desperate Afghans from Kabul, older men were admitted together with young girls they claimed as "brides" or otherwise sexually abused,' the leaked paper states.

This Nation's Expanding Dependence State.  The US government destroys people's lives by giving then free money to make them dependent and unable to provide for themselves. [...] The same dependance state that is being granted to those who cross our borders legally will now be given to Afghan refugees who, even if lacking the requirements to be brought to this nation, will now be the recipient, in part, of funding from American taxpayers, even as Americans have been left behind in Afghanistan.

Report: Gov't Will Give Free Health Insurance, Aid to Afghan Evacuees.  President Joe Biden will reportedly provide American taxpayer-funded health insurance to otherwise inadmissible Afghan evacuees granted parole to enter the country on humanitarian grounds, including migrants who did little or nothing to help the U.S. campaign.  On Twitter, Camilo Montoya-Galvez, the immigration reporter at CBS News, highlighted excerpts of a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) document obtained by his employer that confirmed the Biden administration is planning to provide health insurance to Afghans granted parole.

Denmark proposes making migrants work 37 hours a week to earn benefits.  Denmark has proposed making migrants work 37 hours a week to earn welfare benefits because 'there are too many, especially with non-Western backgrounds, who do not have a job'.  The proposal by the minority Social Democratic government, a traditionally left wing administration that has adopted right wing anti-immigration policies, would require migrants who have been on benefits for at least three years to find work.  It said the programme was necessary because many women of foreign descent do not work, especially those with roots in the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey.

Tom Cotton:  Biden Plan Gives 'Unlimited Green Cards' to Unvetted Afghans.  Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) says President Joe Biden is seeking to execute a plan that would give "unlimited green cards" to unvetted Afghans evacuated from Afghanistan in recent weeks.  As Breitbart News reported on Wednesday [9/8/2021], Biden turned the fast-track citizenship for Afghans plan into a budget request to Congress.  The request asks Congress to allow Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to give green cards, and eventually naturalized American citizenship, to at least 50,000 Afghans by waiving standard vetting procedures.  Cotton slammed the request as "just another chapter in Biden's rolling fiasco of an Afghanistan policy" in a statement.

Who Afghan Refugees Are and Where They'll Go in America.  It's not clear how many Afghan refugees arrived recently in the United States, although they will stay mostly at military bases as they undergo immigration proceedings, a senior Biden administration official said during a press call.  Around 20,000 Afghan refugees were staying at eight military bases across the continental U.S., Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said last Wednesday.  The Biden administration warned nine nonprofit organizations contracted with the State Department that work with refugees to prepare for up to 50,000 Afghans to arrive in the U.S. without visas and in need of resettlement, The Wall Street Journal reported last week.

NPR: Afghans Arriving in U.S. with 'No Paperwork' or 'Just Scraps of Paper'.  Afghans are arriving in the United States for resettlement, many without any paperwork and some with only "scraps of paper," according to National Public Radio (NPR).  A report details the interworkings of the makeshift processing site for Afghans, set up by President Joe Biden's administration, at the Dulles, Virginia, Expo Center.  The site has processed nearly 30,000 of the 65,000 Afghans flown to the U.S. over the last month.  The site is expected to process another 30,000 Afghans in the coming months.

Biden Requests $6.4B in Taxpayer Money to Resettle 95,000 Afghans Across U.S..  President Joe Biden's administration is asking Congress to authorize about $6.4 billion in American taxpayer money to bring 95,000 Afghans to the United States for permanent resettlement.  In a call with reporters on Tuesday [9/7/2021], administration officials said the White House would request Congress to authorize about $6.4 billion in funding to resettle tens of thousands of Afghans across the U.S.

The Editor says...
That's $67,300 per capita, so a "family" of two — for example, a 50-year-old man and his 12-year-old "wife" that he just met a month ago — will cost us $134,600.

Afghan Refugee Stopped on US-Bound Flight with Explosive Materials in Luggage — Identified as US Contractor.  An Afghan refugee was stopped on a US-bound flight with explosive materials in his luggage.  The refugee traveled from Kabul to Ramstein Air Base with the explosives in his possession.  He was described as a contractor for the US government.

Afghan refugee stopped on U.S.-bound flight with explosive materials, but terrorism not suspected.  A male Afghan refugee who was departing the Ramstein Air Base in Germany for the United States was detained Monday after it was discovered during pre-flight screening that he had blasting caps and other explosives materials in his carry-on luggage, three U.S. officials told Just the News.  The man, who was born in the early 1990s and an Afghan citizen, was working as contractor for the U.S. government when he was evacuated, and officials believe the materials were related to his work and not terrorism, officials said.  Nonetheless, the man was placed on a restricted list and prevented from traveling to the U.S., according to a Transportation Security Administration summary of the incident obtained by Just the News.  "Subject has been moved to a 'red list' and will not travel to the U.S." and U.S. air marshals were advised, the TSA memo stated.

Cotton: Biden Left Behind Majority of Deserving Afghans and Is Bringing in Tens of Thousands Who Can't Be Vetted.  On Friday's [9/3/2021] broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "America's Newsroom," Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said President Joe Biden pulled a bait and switch by leaving behind the majority of the Afghan allies that deserved to be saved, but bringing tens of thousands of Afghans to the U.S. who don't have direct connections to the U.S. military and can't be vetted.  Cotton said, "[T]his is one of the biggest bait and switches in American politics.  Joe Biden appealed to the generosity and the sense of honor of the American people, who rightly wanted to save all those loyal Afghans who worked alongside our troops for the last 20 years.  But his own administration now admits that they left the vast majority... of those Afghans who had been reviewed and vetted in Afghanistan.  That means that tens of thousands of Afghans who had no direct connection to our military were evacuated out of the country and now are en route to our country in the days ahead."  [Video clip]

Evacuated Afghans Demand Chain Migration of Extended Families, Complain Accommodation Is Inadequate.  Two of the Afghan men evacuated from the Taliban-run country with their wives and children under the government's generous refugee programme have called for extended families to be brought over as well, with one complaining that it was taking too long to get permanent accommodation.  Shams, a former communications officer who worked at the British embassy in Kabul, was brought over with his wife and six children and had been staying for over a month in a hotel in Buckinghamshire.

Have Afghan Refugees in Europe Launched a 'Rape Jihad'?  ne of the hallmarks of jihadists is their grotesque savagery against women.  The classic Hollywood picture of a jihadist as a pure, pious young Muslim man is largely nonsense.  The reality is far more brutish.  The tales of sex slavery in ISIS-held Iraq and Syria should chill thinking people to the bone.  During my own time in Iraq, al-Qaeda terrorists were known for systematically raping women as part of an effort to shame them into becoming suicide bombers.  After brutal gang rapes, they were told that the only way they could "redeem" their allegedly lost honor was to strap a bomb on their broken bodies and blow themselves up at restaurants, checkpoints, and hospitals.  It was pure evil.  Also striking was the nonchalance and fearlessness of the most hardened jihadists after their capture by Americans.  By the end of my deployment, I could almost predict whether we'd snagged a committed jihadist by his attitude in detention.  Al-Qaeda leaders would often laugh, act like they were on vacation, and sometimes attempt to engage their captors in casual conversation.  I'll never forget the arrogant confidence of an Oxford English-speaking leader of an al-Qaeda rape ring.  They knew they were safe, and they gloried in their invulnerability.

Approval by the Tolly-bon is not the same as being vetted.
Psaki claims 'no one' is entering US without being vetted.  White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday that "no one" is coming into the U.S. without a thorough background check amid terrorism concerns following the evacuation of more than 120,000 people from Afghanistan in the final weeks of the U.S. military withdrawal.  "I can absolutely assure you that no one is coming into the United States of America who has not been through a thorough screening and background check process," Psaki said during her daily press briefing.  The press secretary said the individuals who have not yet passed the screening have been sent to third countries, like Qatar and Germany, while their paperwork is being processed.

Stand by for violence, maybe terrorism, coming from unvetted Afghan male 'refugees'.  Putting the Taliban in charge of who gets into Kabul Airport for flights out of country during Biden's abrupt surrender is right up there among the stupidest blunders of the catastrophe.  Maybe not quite as disastrous as handing over Bagram Air Base and leaving behind scores of billions of dollars of advanced equipment, but in the long run, who knows?  One or a handful of terrorists flown to the United States on airplanes paid for by you and me could pull off another 911.  At a minimum, we know that totally unvetted inhabitants of a country that lives by a seventh century code of Islamic conduct have been flown into the heartland by the thousands.

Apparently, there's no getting rid the Afghani 'refugees' who don't pass vetting.  Joe Biden's self-touted evacuation of more than a hundred thousand Afghanis, presumably allies, might just have been a migrant-lift instead of an evacuation of Americans and allies, an open border of a different sort, with NGOs and left-wing lawyers involved in who got in.  That's the news from Breitbart's Neil Munro, who's traced the involvement of a K Street-type law firm, that apparently had enough pull in the Washington swamp to get its group of unvetted Afghani 'refugees' in, while bona fide Americans and virtually all Afghani translator allies were left on the tarmac.  Most of us knew something funny was going on with the huge numbers of Afghanis on the planes and the miniscule numbers of Americans, all because, as Joe Biden claimed, the Americans wanted to stay.

'How is this not literally child trafficking?': Sen. Cruz livid over shocking report on Afghan refugees.  Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is demanding answers over a bombshell report that sex traffickers and their victims may have been among the 120,000 people evacuated from Afghanistan.  The problem is that the administration doesn't really seem to know who was evacuated.  All that's known for certain is that few of the Afghan allies who'd worked alongside America's veterans and thus earned the privilege of being evacuated actually got out.  "[A] small percentage of the Afghan citizens who got out are the ones the U.S. pledged to place at the top of its priority list: the thousands who had worked for the U.S. and its allies as well as employees of nongovernmental groups and media organizations," Bloomberg reported Friday.

Afghan Refugee Girls Enter U.S. With Older Men As Husbands.  Young girls from Afghanistan have arrived in the United States and United Arab Emirates with much older men claiming to be their husbands.  In recent days, a U.S. intake center in Wisconsin has reported incidents of men entering the country with young girls they claimed to authorities to be their wives.  Females were reportedly forced into marriages upon arrival at the airport in Kabul in order to flee the Taliban takeover.  Families were acting out in desperation, with some allegedly paying men to marry or pose as husbands of these women and girls.  In Abu Dhabi, workers have reported incidents of young girls being raped by older men they were forced to marry in order to leave Afghanistan.  The girls sought counsel from local officials at the Humanitarian City on how to take action against the sexual assault.

Afghan 'refugee' at Fort Bliss gripes about dinner selection.  An Afghan refugee who reportedly left "his family behind" in the now-Taliban-controlled nation of Afghanistan triggered a whirlwind of angry backlash on Twitter last Thursday after he posted a tweet that some perceived as ungrateful.  The still-up tweet contains a photo of the meal he'd been served free of charge at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas.  What provoked anger was its caption. [...] Though the refugee, Hamed Ahmadi, wrote that he was "not complaining," that was certainly not how the public perceived his tweet.  As of Sunday morning, the tweet boasted a 250 percent ratio and counting thanks to a flurry of enraged tweets blasting him for being so "spoiled" and "ungrateful."

Afghan refugee trolled after sharing photo of food rations at Fort Bliss.  An Afghan refugee faced online harassment after tweeting out a photo showing his meager food rations at Fort Bliss in El Paso.  Hamed Ahmadi, 28, a Fulbright semi-finalist, tweeted the photo showing some anemic chicken slices and fruit to highlight the unglamorous life he now faced as a refugee.  "The point of that tweet was not ... to be complaining, to be very critical," Mr. Ahmadi told The Independent.  "I was just describing a situation of Afghan refugees that are in the situation that they never really wanted to be in."  Unfortunately, Twitter isn't the place for nuance and he found himself quickly inundated by trolls telling him to "go back to Afghanistan."

Fort McCoy in Wisconsin currently housing over 8,700 Afghan refugees.  Fort McCoy in western Wisconsin is temporarily housing more than 8,700 refugees from Afghanistan preparing for resettlement in the United States after fleeing the Taliban.  Additional refugees could be coming to Fort McCoy in the coming days and weeks.  Military officials initially said the base, located near Tomah, could support 10,000 refugees, but they have since increased that number to 13,000.

Biden Administration Struggling to Figure Out Who They Evacuated From Afghanistan.  As previously noted, the Biden administration State Department claimed approximately 124,000 persons were evacuated from the Kabul airport.  Of that number approximately 6 to 7 thousand were Americans.  Now mainstream media is beginning to admit that no one knows who the approximately 118,000 other people really are.

Who We Brought Out.  We have been advised by the Biden administration that our surrender and evacuation of Afghanistan is a world-historic success.  We know that's not true, but we have yet to assess the the catastrophe in its multifarious dimensions.  For example, we have yet to get a handle on the 120,000 Afghans included with some 6,000 American citizens in the airlift out of Kabul. [...] Rep. Tom Tiffany represents Wisconsin's Seventh Congressional District, within which sits Fort McCoy.  Two weeks ago he paid a visit to check it out for himself.  Rep. Tiffany discussed his visit with Tucker Carlson in the August 31 segment below — not a Special Immigrant Visa holder in sight.  [Video clip]

Male Afghan evacuees [are] trafficking their child brides into the US.  U.S. officials are looking into reports that in the frantic evacuation of desperate Afghans from Kabul, older men were admitted together with young girls they claimed as 'brides' or otherwise sexually abused.  U.S. officials at intake centers in the United Arab Emirates and in Wisconsin have identified numerous incidents in which Afghan girls have been presented to authorities as the 'wives' of much older men.  While child marriage is not uncommon in Afghanistan, the U.S. has strict policies against human trafficking that include prosecutions for offenders and sanctions for countries that don't crack down on it.

Military officials expect 50,000 Afghan refugees to come to the U.S..  More than 25,000 Afghans who fled Afghanistan after the fall of Kabul to the Taliban are at military bases in the United States and senior U.S. officials expect to double that number before the mission is complete.  On Friday, Air Force Gen. Glenn VanHerck, head of U.S. Northern Command, said the Defense Department expects to house some 50,000 people at eight military installations around the country.  "We're ready to expand if needed [but] at this time I don't anticipate needing any additional bases," Gen. VanHerck told reporters at the Pentagon.

Report: Afghans Arriving At U.S. Military Bases To Get $1,250 Payments.  Afghans arriving in the United States and being temporarily resettled at U.S. military bases will receive one-time payments from the State Department, funded by American taxpayers.  As Breitbart News reported, President Joe Biden's administration is looking to turn various military bases in Texas, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Virginia, New Mexico, and Indiana into refugee camps that can accommodate about 50,000 Afghans.  Most of all Afghans headed to military bases for temporary resettlement are arriving on "humanitarian parole," which does not expire for at least two years.  These Afghans are not eligible for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs), P-2 visas, or refugee status.

Colorado Imam Thinks It's Great for Taliban to Force Women to Wear Hijab.  Hardly anyone seems particularly concerned about the possibility that many of the tens of thousands of Afghan refugees that Old Joe Biden's handlers have brought into the United States might not assimilate readily or well.  One reason for this lack of concern may be that many Muslim spokesmen in the United States already openly endorse Sharia principles that are at variance with Constitutional freedoms, and no immediate difficulties ensue.  So what could possibly go wrong with bringing in so many Afghans?

State Dept Admits The Majority of Afghans and SIVs Who Helped us Did Not Evacuate, So Who Are These 116,000 Afghans We Evacuated?  According to the data provided by the U.S. State Department in the last few days, the total number of people evacuated from the Kabul airport was 122,000.  Of those, 6,000 were American citizens (AmCits), and 116,000 were Afghan refugees.  Today [9/1/2021] the State Department admits the "majority" of the qualified Afghan people who assisted the U.S. during operations in Afghanistan, Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants, did not get evacuated.  That admission begs the question: then who [...] are those 116,000 refugees?

Joe Biden Opens U.S. Borders to Nearly 24K Afghans in Last Two Weeks.  President Joe Biden's administration has brought nearly 24,000 Afghans to the United States for permanent resettlement over the last two weeks, newly revealed data shows.  At a State Department press briefing on Wednesday, spokesman Ned Price said nearly 24,000 "Afghans at risk" had been evacuated from Afghanistan and brought to the U.S. from August 17 to August 31.  The data indicate that Biden has brought about 1,600 Afghans to the U.S. every day for the last 15 days.

Importing Enemies.  Importing as many immigrants as possible, from cultures as alien to traditional America as possible, is the ruling class's top priority, after protecting its own wealth and power. [...] But does anyone really believe that America has, or ever had — even over the duration of two decades — 200,000 "allies" in Afghanistan?  That we ever employed even a fraction of that number as translators?  The claim is risible on its face.  The regime has in any case already admitted that, of the roughly 111,600 Afghans (as compared to 5,400 American citizens) already evacuated, it has no idea who the vast majority of them are.  Our masters tell us that we must save "allies" and "translators" — and then in the next breath admit that they're indiscriminately taking anyone.  People who act and speak this brazenly do so out of a deep reservoir of contempt and hatred.  The message is "We can do and say whatever we want; we can lie and contradict ourselves within the same sentence, and there's nothing you can do about it.  In fact, if you object, or even notice, we will use our power to crush you."

Biden's horror show!  Mass migration of Afghans with no ID.  People from one of the most violent nations in the world are being poured into the United States by Joe Biden and his hard-left leadership.  Many do not have any documents at all.  We are heading for another 9/11 or worse.  Biden and his senior leadership are a horror show.

Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings are on the rise.  Sweden is the only country in Europe where the number of deadly shootings has increased substantially since the start of the century, a new report by the country's National Council on Crime Prevention (Brå) shows.  In Sweden, deadly shootings have risen since the year 2000, although other fatal violence has reduced in the same period, meaning that deadly violence as a whole has remained relatively steady.  Brå noted that the decline in other forms of deadly violence has served to "hide" the rise in fatal shootings.

Ted Cruz says Afghan refugees are 'getting Ubers' from Fort Bliss when they arrive in the US.  Ted Cruz claimed Afghan refugees can call an uber to leave their holding location in the U.S. as Republican criticism of the Biden administration's vetting process ramped up ahead of the U.S. withdraw from Afghanistan.  The criticism came amid a report that an Afghan man who had been convicted of rape and had been deported from the U.S. was allowed to board an Afghan evacuation flight to America.  Cruz is one several Republican lawmakers who have criticized President Joe Biden's handling of the situation in Afghanistan.

Stephen Miller: 'Vast Majority' of Incoming 100,000 Afghans 'Rendered No Meaningful Assistance' To U.S. Forces.  Stephen Miller, a former staffer and speechwriter for former President Donald Trump, told Fox News host Jesse Watters on Thursday that the "vast majority" of the incoming tens of thousands of Afghan refugees have "rendered no meaningful assistance" to U.S. forces.  As disaster after disaster continues to unfold regarding the Biden administration's horribly mismanaged withdrawal from Afghanistan, one aspect they've managed to run relatively seamlessly of late has been flight after flight out of Kabul's Hamid Karzai International Airport filled with Afghan refugees wanting to get the heck out of Dodge.  President Biden claimed on August 22 that incoming Afghan nationals all receive "security screenings" and a "background check," but this Politifact article acknowledges that many vetting process details aren't public.  Asked by Watters whether he trusts the Biden administration "to vet these people before they touch down on U.S. soil," Miller responded:  "Not in the least."  He then cited his own government sources to claim that most of the current Afghan nationals who have been removed so far have had little to nothing to do with helping U.S. forces on the ground.

Ilhan Omar calls US evacuation of Afghans 'inspiring,' urges support for refugees.  Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has praised the Biden administration's evacuation of US citizens and Afghan allies from Kabul, as the deadline for America's full withdrawal fast approaches.  On Saturday [8/28/2021], MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan asked Ms Omar if the president "surprised" her with his commitment to ending the 20-year war.  "He certainly has," the congresswoman responded.  "The level of evacuation that his administration has been able to undertake is really inspiring and there's important work that's getting done."  The White House said on Saturday that it had evacuated 111,900 people from Afghanistan since the Taliban retook control of Kabul in mid-August.  On Friday alone, 6,800 people were airlifted out — in spite of an ISIS-K attack on the city's airport that killed over 180 people.

Europe Braces for a Tsunami of Afghan Migrants.  German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, expressing an ominous sense of foreboding, has estimated that up to five million people will try to leave Afghanistan for Europe.  Such migration numbers, if they materialize, would make the previous migration crisis of 2015 — when more than a million people from Africa, Asia and the Middle East made their way to Europe — pale by comparison.  Since 2015, around 570,000 Afghans — almost exclusively young men — have requested asylum in the European Union, according to EU estimates.  In 2020, Afghanistan was the EU's second-biggest source of asylum applicants after those from Syria.  Afghan males, many of whom have been especially difficult to assimilate or integrate into European society, have been responsible for hundreds — possibly thousands — of sexual assaults against local European women and girls in recent years.  The arrival in Europe of millions more Afghans portends considerable future societal upheaval.  The 27 member states of the European Union are, as usual, divided on how to prepare for the coming migratory deluge.  The leaders of some countries say they have a humanitarian obligation to accept large numbers of Afghan migrants.  Others argue that it is time for Islamic countries to shoulder the burden.

Only 5 Percent Of People Evacuated From Afghanistan By The US Are Americans.  About only 5 percent of the people the United States has evacuated from Afghanistan are Americans seeking safe passage home.  More than 82,300 have been airlifted from Kabul since the government's collapse nearly two weeks ago, but the Pentagon says that, as of Wednesday, only 4,400 Americans were rescued in those evacuation operations.  President Joe Biden previously promised to get out the Americans who are left in Afghanistan and subject to the Taliban's rule, but so far, our own citizens do not appear to be the priority.

AOC demands Biden resettle a minimum of 200,000 Afghanis in U.S. as quickly as possible.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is demanding that the Biden administration take in hundreds of thousands of Aghan refugees even as the U.S. military struggling to get all Americans out of the war-torn country ahead of an Aug. 31 deadline.  The New York leftist told The Independent that Biden should set, as a minimum, the acceptance of 200,000 Afghans into the U.S. as the country exits its longest war.  She added those refugees should be permanently resettled and eventually granted naturalized American citizenship.  "I believe we need to move and the administration needs to move as quickly as possible and as expansively as possible ensuring that we are raising the amount of refugee visas to whatever amount is necessary," she told the outlet.

Report: Biden Plans to Bring 50K Afghans to U.S. Without Visas.  President Joe Biden's administration is planning to bring about 50,000 Afghans to the United States who do not have visas and who have not completed their immigration processing.  According to three officials who spoke to Bloomberg News, Biden will use the little-known "humanitarian parole" tool to bring roughly 50,000 Afghans to the U.S. The plan is a last-minute effort to bring as many Afghans to the U.S. as possible, as this group does not have Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs), P-2 visas, or refugee status.

Small Percentage Of Afghan Refugees Flagged Through Security Screenings For Possible Ties To Terrorism.  A small percentage of Afghan refugees are being flagged through biometric and background checks for possible ties to terrorism, one Pentagon official and a second person familiar with the process of security screenings told the Daily Caller.  The Pentagon official said the number of Afghan refugees flagged for questionable connections, such as connections to attacks against U.S. or coalition forces, is "0.5% or more."  President Joe Biden estimated during an interview published Aug. 19 that between 50,000 to 65,000 Afghans must be evacuated, meaning roughly 250-325 of these could be flagged, if the trend continues.  Multiple officials told the Caller that any individual flagged during security protocols is immediately prohibited from traveling to the U.S. and subjected to a more in depth round of screening.

Biden Ignores that Afghans are Being Processed in Texas, Wisconsin, Virginia.  President Joe Biden is ignoring that thousands of Afghans are being processed in the United States, without having finalized their applications for visas, instead touting that processing begins in third safe countries outside of Afghanistan.  During a press briefing on Sunday [8/22/2021], Biden noted that Afghans are being loaded up on planes and heading to nations like Qatar, Germany, Kuwait, and Spain for processing.  An estimated 22,000, the Pentagon has said, will be resettled across the U.S.

Orthodox Jewish man was left unconscious after being punched in the face in 'racist London attack'.  This is the shocking moment an Orthodox Jewish man is punched in the face by a passer-by in a 'racist attack' that left him unconscious, just hours after a child was attacked nearby.  Footage shows the 64-year-old victim being knocked to the floor while walking in broad daylight down a street in Stamford Hill, London, at 8.30 pm on Wednesday.  A separate video taken on the same evening is alleged to show a Jewish child being 'viciously punched' in the face less than an hour and a half beforehand.

From Biden to the Taliban with Love.  [Scroll down]  Biden has, in fact, bestowed "advanced weaponry," courtesy of US taxpayers, not only on the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and ISIS, but also on Russia, China and Iran, who will doubtless now reverse-engineer the abandoned materiel.  Afghans have good reasons to flee their country by the millions.  Iran is their typical first stop.  Once in Iran, they are given easy and safe passage to Turkey — that is Iran's gift to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.  Turkey is already home to nearly five million migrants.  The arrival, over years, of another five million would paralyze Turkey, its economy, politics and relative safety.  But Afghan migrants will not be only Turkey's problem.  At the peak of the Syrian crisis, 1.3 million Syrians requested asylum in Europe.  By nationality, in 2015, they were the biggest group among migrants of different nationalities arriving from Turkey into Greek territory.  Five years later, Afghans have taken the lead.  And this is before the biggest Afghan wave has even started.

Pentagon Confirms Evacuated Afghans Being Sent to Texas, Wisconsin, Virginia.  The Defense Department has confirmed that Afghans evacuated from Afghanistan, and applying for visas to the United States, will be sent to U.S. military bases in Texas, Wisconsin, and Virginia.  For days, reports had circulated that the roughly 22,000 Afghans that President Joe Biden's administration plans to bring to the U.S. would first be sent to military bases in a number of states.  On Tuesday [8/17/2021], Defense Department official Gary Reed confirmed to the Texas Tribune that the thousands of Afghans applying for visas will be sent to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, and Fort McCoy in Monroe County, Wisconsin, in addition to Fort Lee in Prince George County, Virginia.

The Editor says...
I suspect these "refugees" are unfiltered, unvetted, unknown Muslims who speak little or no English and will eventually be dependent on welfare benefits — if indeed they are not already Islamic terrorists.  How's it working out in Minnesota with all the Somali immigrants?  Are most of them assimilating into American society and becoming self-sufficient citizens?  Are any of them doing so?

With Populists Out of Govt, Illegal Boat Migrants Up 673 Per Cent in Italy.  Illegal migrant landings have increased by nearly sevenfold since leftist Italian Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese took over from Matteo Salvini in 2019. Earlier this week, Ms Lamorgese, a member of the leftist Democratic Party (PD), admitted that she could not stop the wave of new landings of illegal immigrants that continue to arrive on the shores of Sicily.  "Many of the landings on the Sicilian coasts are autonomous, and we cannot stop them.  The fight against immigration by sea is very different from that by land," Lamorgese claimed in comments reported by Italian newspaper Il Giornale.

Rwandan kills Catholic priest who was sheltering him as he awaited trial for Nantes Cathedral arson.  French politicians reacted with fury today after a Rwandan refugee allegedly murdered a Roman Catholic priest who was giving him shelter while on bail for alleged arson.  Emmanuel Abayisenga, 40, reportedly confessed to the killing of 60-year-old Father Olivier Maire in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre earlier this morning [8/9/2021].  The Rwandan was awaiting trial for setting fire to Nantes Cathedral last year, and had been taken in by Father Maire's community while on bail and under judicial control.

Nantes, Nice, and Father Jacques Hamel:  Priest Slaying Is Latest Attack on French Catholics.  France's Catholic community has suffered its latest fatal attack after a Rwandan migrant who confessed to setting last year's fire at Nantes Cathedral handed himself in to police admitting to killing Father Olivier Maire in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre.  Identified as Emmanuel A. in French media but named in full elsewhere as Emmanuel Abayisenga, the Rwandan had in July 2020 admitted to the arson of the Gothic cathedral.  The 40-year-old migrant, who had been a volunteer at the place of worship and was in charge of locking up the building in the evening, had allegedly lit three fires on July 18th of that year, destroying stained-glass windows, a historic painting, and the grand organ, among other damage.

UK: Muslim cop wrote about non-Muslims being unclean, had regular contact with jihadi in Syria.  Ruby Begum is a police officer because she is a Muslim, not because she is competent.  And when one exalts identity politics above standards of competence and loyalty, this kind of thing is bound to happen.

Bloody Brawl In Paris Metro Between Africans, Gypsies And Arabs Proves Diversity Is Our Greatest Strength.  Diversity is our greatest strength.  That is the mantra the globalist elite have repeated so many times, it's tattooed onto the average European's sub-conscience.  Of course, this is all a lie and countries like France have learned the hard way, flooding hundreds of thousands of people from Africa with little to no education without integrating them into French society leaves you with scenes like this.  A massive brawl between gypsies, Africans, and Arabs left this Parisian metro platform a bloody mess.  [Video clip]

Somali man stabs a homeless man in Germany, then cuts off his head.  One week ago, a 21-year-old stabbed a 52-year-old man in a homeless shelter in the German town of Regen.  Local police disclosed the incident on Monday, adding that the killer had cut off the victim's head with a knife.  The perpetrator refuses to testify, so the investigators have yet to find out the motive behind this particularly brutal crime.  The Die Welt daily, which reported on the case, stated that according to the police, the forensic doctor concluded at autopsy that the victim was no longer alive at the time of the beheading.  The suspect, who came to Germany from Somalia, was detained several hours after the crime and later taken to a district hospital.  A local police spokesman said it was not yet clear what the motive of the attacker was.

Migration 'drives 90% of population rise': Rise in numbers in recent years was driven by immigrants and UK-born offspring, analysis suggests.  Some 90 per cent of population growth in recent years has been driven by immigrants and their UK-born offspring, analysis suggests.  Over the past 20 years they have added around seven million to the British population, the report from the Migration Watch UK think-tank said.  The overall number who were born abroad — and who are therefore recognised by statisticians as immigrants — has risen to around nine million, it found.

Two Syrians and an Iraqi are accused of beating and gang-raping an 18-year-old in Germany, then they are allowed out on bail.  Two Syrians and an Iraqi accused of beating and then gang-raping an 18-year-old in Germany have been granted bail, sparking an outcry.  The men, aged 18-21, were granted their freedom after a judge ruled there was no risk they would escape.  The men must report to police frequently, continue to live with their parents, and not approach the alleged victim, Bild reported.

Record 430 migrants cross English Channel in single day.  At least 430 migrants crossed the English Channel to the UK on Monday [7/19/2021] — a new record for a single day — the Home Office has said.  The department said it was taking "substantial steps to tackle the unacceptable problem of illegal migration".  Around 50 people were seen landing on the beach at Dungeness in Kent after crossing in one dinghy.  The group included women and young children.  It comes after eight boats carrying 241 migrants reached the UK on Sunday.

Five and Six-Year-Old Children Injured During Swedish Gang Shooting.  Two children aged six and seven were struck by ricocheting bullets just south of Stockholm near what police believe was a gang-related shooting.  The shooting took place on Saturday in the southern Stockholm suburb of Flemingsberg at around 8 pm, and the two young children were injured as they were walking on the footbridge.  Both children suffered wounds to their legs and were taken to hospital, but were found to have non-life-threatening injuries, Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reports.

Wacky Iraqi Has A Few Screws Loose(Ifer).  If there's one story that exemplifies what London has become today, it's the sordid tale of Danyal Hussein and his pet demon, Lucifuge Rofocale.  Hussein is an Iraqi-Kurdish immigrant who personifies the term "not sending their best."  Weak-minded and impressionable, as a teen Hussein fell under the spell of London's murder-crazed imams.  At age 15, he found himself on the radar of Scotland Yard's "anti-extremism" task force. [...] But there was a fatal flaw in the Prevent Programme:  Low-IQ Muslims were "cured" of their Muhammad fetish by having their slavish predilections "redirected" to new saviors.  It's like replacing one OCD with another.  So yes, Danyal Hussein did drop that loser Muhammad, in favor of a better deity — a demon called Lucifuge Rofocale.  He began praying to this demon daily.  And apparently the demon "told" him that if he would "kill six women in six months" he would "win the £321 million Mega Millions Super Jackpot lottery and not be suspected of his crimes."  Hussein drew up an actual contract with Rofocale, which he signed in his own blood (Rofocale, for some odd reason, didn't countersign).  And then he murdered two sisters in cold blood as they were enjoying a night on the town.

The Pope Prefers Eurabia to Christian Europe.  One of the loudest cheerleaders for Islamic migration to Europe is Pope Francis.  His predecessors called for the revival of a historically Christian Europe, but he makes no such call.  Future historians will no doubt find it perplexing that the emergence of "Eurabia" happened not in spite of the Roman pontiff but in part because of him.

Disclosure: The Four "Swedes" in Custody For Gang Rape Are Somali Citizens.  Ostentatious headlines in Aftonbladet, Expressen and other media declared that "six Swedes", later "eight Swedes" had been arrested for a rough gang rape on a Finland ferry.  Nya Tider is now the first newspaper to reveal that not even the white lie that the arrested Somalis are "Swedish citizens" is right — all the detainees are Somali citizens, and of all the suspects only one has a Swedish citizenship.

Multicultural Gang Turf Wars Getting 'More Violent', Admits Paris Police Major.  Both fuming and bragging, the man told the police officers that he used his car as a weapon during the street battle in a northern suburb of Paris, ramming the vehicle into a fighter from a rival group.  "I destroyed him," the man said.  "For certain, he's at the hospital.  He's got a cut on his skull, he's got a cut on his mouth."  For the veteran police major called out to deal with the aftermath of another bloody brawl, the eye-opener this time was the sheer brutality, the clear intent on both sides to gravely wound and perhaps permanently maim.

UK Govt Tells Social Media to Censor Videos of Illegal Migrant Crossings.  Home Secretary Priti Patel under "conservative" PM Boris Johnson has been working to flood the UK with record migration and is now pressuring social media companies to censor videos of illegal migrant border crossings.  Patel tried to justify the censorship by claiming that allowing the public to see what's really happening on their borders only serves to "encourage" illegal migrants to make such crossings.

British towns that are no-go areas for white people.  An author who visited mosques across Britain to investigate integration has revealed how parts of Blackburn are 'no-go areas' for white men, while ultra-orthodox parents in Bradford make children live under Taliban-like rules.  Author and political advisor Ed Husain, Professor at the Walsh School of Foreign Service in Georgetown University, has penned Among The Mosques:  A Journey Across Muslim Britain in which he explores some of the UK's largest mosques and the Muslim communities worshiping there.  The Muslim writer, who was himself radicalised in his youth and trained for Jihad by the same people as Omar Khyam, leader of the Bluewater bombers, grew up in a Bangladeshi family in Tower Hamlets, East London.

Spain Relives Its Ancient History with Islam.  Ongoing reports indicate that Muslim migrants from North Africa are illegally entering and flooding Spanish territory.  In just 2020, 23,000 migrants invaded Spain's Canary Islands, representing a 234-percent increase.  Most recently, in just one day, some 6,000 North Africans invaded Ceuta "by sea, either swimming or with inflatables, all in a bid to eventually get to mainland Europe."  Once arriving on Spanish territory, such migrants invariably engage in unsavory and downright criminal behavior, such as gang rape, and create enclaves, or ribats, where police fear to tread.  In other words, North Africa's Muslim invaders are following the same strategy that led to the Islamic conquest of Christian Spain in the eighth century.

Merkel's Germany: 81% of Jews have been attacked by Muslims.  This is no surprise.  The Jews in the Qur'an are called the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah's power is limited (5:64); they love to listen to lies (5:41); they disobey Allah and never observe his commands (5:13). [...] Yet discussions of the resurgence of anti-Semitism worldwide tend to focus on "right-wing extremists" and "white supremacists," and completely ignore Islam.

Are Retired French and American Military Generals Standing Up against Tyranny?  Three weeks ago, over a thousand active and retired members of the French military (including twenty retired generals) signed their names to a letter warning President Macron that "multiculturalism," "racial war," and "fanatic partisans" are destroying French society and leading the country to "civil war."  The blunt message caused a tizzy — not just in France, but across Europe.  The French government and the French media immediately condemned the unsolicited warning (with Macron and the minister in charge of the armed forces, Florence Parly, promising punishment for those involved), but the French people did not.  Subsequent polling showed that 58% "support the words of the soldiers," 73% believe France that is disintegrating, 84% feel that violence is increasing, and 49% think the military should "restore order."

Macron [has been] sent another chilling warning from serving soldiers following earlier letter from retired French generals calling for military action against 'Islamists'.  A group of serving French soldiers have published a new open letter warning Emmanuel Macron that the 'survival' of France is at stake after the President made 'concessions' to Islamism.  The letter published in the right-wing magazine Valeurs Actuelles (Today's Values) late on Sunday echoes the tone of a similar letter printed in the same magazine last month which also warned a civil war was brewing and called for military action against 'Islamists'.  French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, a close ally of Macron, slammed the letter as a 'crude maneouvre' and accused its anonymous signatories of lacking 'courage'.

France Stands at Crossroads, as Members of Military Demand Action.  [Scroll down]  Cut to France today, where last week some 20 retired French generals and other officers and enlisted men (some of them still serving) penned a startling open letter, directly addressed to president Emmanuel Macron, his government, and the rest of the nation, warning of the possibility — no, the necessity — of a military coup if the country doesn't get a grip on its restive Muslim "hordes" in the ghettos called "banlieues," and on the manufactured leftist social unrest that calls itself "anti-racism."  The letter, published in the conservative magazine Valeurs Actuelles, came on the 60th anniversary of the abortive 1961 putsch.  "The hour is late, France is in peril, threatened by several mortal dangers," the letter begins.  "Though retired, we remain soldiers of France, and cannot, under the present circumstances, remain indifferent to the fate of our beautiful country ... The peril rises, violence increases every day.  Who could have predicted, ten years ago, that a teacher could one day have his head cut off as he left his middle school?

Majority Of French Agree With Military Generals That Nation Is Nearing "Civil War", New Poll Finds.  A new poll has found that a majority of French people support the sentiments expressed in a letter signed by active duty and retired members of the military warning that the country is heading towards a "civil war" caused by failed multiculturalism and attacks on French identity.  Around 1,000 servicemembers signed the letter, including 20 retired generals, warning President Emmanuel Macron of "several deadly dangers" threatening France, including "Islamism and the hordes of the banlieue," a reference to the fractured suburbs around major cities with high crime and immigrant populations.  The signatories also blame the "anti-racism" movement for seeking to create a "racial war" by attacking symbols of French cultural cohesion and identity, including statues.

Watch As A Belgian MP Is Assaulted In Broad Daylight By Immigrant Youths.  A Brussels MP made a video showing how he was mistreated in broad daylight in Brussels by a number of young people.  "I was assaulted, beaten, beaten, and almost robbed," says Mathias Vanden Borre of the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA).  The deputy was able to flee but was injured.  Police confirm the story and investigate.  The incident happened yesterday around 5 p.m. in the district of Essegem, on the border of Jette and Laken.  "I was visiting a photographer with my wife and seven-day-old son.  When my wife and my son were still inside, I went for a walk, "says Vanden Borre.  The member lives nearby and knows the area.  "Suddenly six to seven young guys came after me.  They started yelling at me, intimidating me.  I picked up my phone and started filming.  Then they got even closer.  First I was kicked to the side and then a hit to the jaw.  One of them tried to steal my phone.  Then I started to walk. [...]"  [Video clip]

Twilight in Paris.  In France this week, 20 retired military generals, 80 officers, and 1,000 lower-ranking soldiers signed an open letter expressing concern over "mortal dangers" they say face the Republic.  President Macron's government has instructed the army chief of staff to discipline the signatories for inciting insurrection.  The letter bears close attention on several grounds.  Although the signatories warn they wish to act only after the outbreak of civil conflict, Macron's response shows the government understands the situation has already deteriorated to a point where a true coup or uprising — an event quite unlike the shambolic ordeal in Washington on January 6th — might erupt at the slightest provocation.  This fearsome possibility is made all the more apparent by Harris Interactive polling that shows 58% of the French people support the letters' signatories.  Despite strenuous elite attempts to delegitimize even thinking such thoughts, 84% of those polled can see that violence in the country is increasing daily.  A full 73% agree France is in decline.

French Protests After Muslim Who Murdered A Jewish Woman While Screaming Alluha Akbar Is Set Free Because Judge Said He Was Under The Influence Of Weed.  Crowds gathered in Paris and other French cities on Sunday to denounce a ruling by France's highest court that the killer of a Jewish woman, Sarah Halimi, was not criminally responsible and will not stand trial.  Thousands filled the Trocadero Plaza in Paris, in front of the Eiffel Tower, in response to a call by Jewish associations and organizations fighting antisemitism.  The Court of Cassation's ruling earlier this month that the killer would not face trial had sparked outrage among the French and international Jewish community.  [Video clip]

Twenty retired French generals call for military rule in the country if President Macron cannot halt society's 'disintegration' caused by Islamists.  Twenty retired French generals have called for military rule if Emmanuel Macron fails to halt the 'disintegration' of the country 'at the hands of Islamists', in an open letter published ahead of next year's presidential election.  The open letter, published in Valeurs Actuelles, a right-wing news magazine, claims a military coup might be necessary to stop a 'civil war' in France.  The letter has been condemned by Macron's government, who compared it to the failed coup by generals against President de Gaulle 60 years ago.

Protests in France as man who killed Jewish woman avoids trial.  Thousands of protesters have rallied in Paris and across France after the killer of a Jewish woman was declared unfit to stand trial because he was judged to have suffered a psychotic episode caused by cannabis use.  Kobili Traoré is accused of beating 65-year-old Lucie Attal — better known as Sarah Halimi — and throwing her from the balcony her Paris apartment in 2017.  French courts have recognised the killing as an antisemitic crime but declared that 32-year-old Traoré, currently in a psychiatric hospital, could not be tried as he was in the grip of a drug-induced "delusional fit" and not in control of his actions. [...] Traoré entered Halimi's apartment at 4 am on 4 April 2017 while she was asleep.  He allegedly beat her while crying "Allahu Akbar" and reciting Quranic verses, before throwing her over the balcony of her third-floor council flat in the 11th arrondissement of Paris where she had lived for 30 years.

Muslim Acid Attacks Come to New York.  A few years ago I noted the sharp growth in acid attacks in the UK.  While acid attacks are commonplace in certain Muslim countries, they were not normative to western ones.  Until immigration reshaped the UK. [...] This may now be the highest-profile current acid attack in the US.  And it involves a Pakistani Muslim young woman.

44 Per Cent of French Population Growth Was Driven by Migration in 2017.  Mass migration accounted for 44 per cent of France's population growth in 2017, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE). The INSEE report published on Wednesday notes that the French population grew by 317,000 people between 2017 and 2018, and of those, 139,000 (44 per cent) were immigrants.  This brought the total migrant population as of January 2018 in France to approximately 6.6 million out of a population of 67 million people, according to the last population census.

India: 'Not Refugees; Rohingya Muslims are Absolute Illegal Immigrants, Should be Sent Home'.  The case of Rohingyas in India appears to be somewhat similar to the famous folk tale of the camel and the Arab.  The status of the Rohingya Muslims in India, as asserted by the Supreme Court, is that they are "absolutely illegal immigrants," and not hapless refugees, as the media portrays them.  The Rohingya people never sought "refuge" from the Indian government; nor were they granted any.  They just came in over India's porous borders.  Now having gained numbers and the patronage of leftist political parties, two illegal immigrants, Mohammad Salimullah and Mohammad Shaqir, filed a petition in India's highest court against the elected government's decision of systematic deportation of the immigrants.  They evoked the Constitution of India to seek equality before India's judiciary, overlooking the fact that the Indian constitution grants equality to Indian citizens, not to infiltrators.

This should have been done years ago:
Sweden proposes bill giving citizenship only to migrants who can speak the language.  Sweden's centre-left government has submitted a bill to parliament which will for the first time require those seeking permanent residency to prove they can speak the language.  "We think that a basic knowledge of Swedish and knowledge of society is a reasonable demand to make," said the country's Justice Minister Morgan Johansson, adding that incomers would have to prove they can support themselves.  He said that the new migration policy had been designed to be tougher than the loose regime which was in place before the migration crisis in 2015, when 160,000 people sought asylum in the country, more per head than any other country in Europe.

Sharia Britain:  Gov't Islamophobia Advisor Wants Muhammad Images Made as Unacceptable as N-Word.  Last October, French teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded on Paris streets by a Muslim who was angry that Paty had shown his students cartoons of Muhammad.  In January 2015, Muslim jihadists murdered 12 at the offices of French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo as a response to its having published Muhammad images.  The same year in Garland, Texas, two Muslims motivated likewise attacked a "Draw Muhammad" contest and shot a security guard.  Now, a U.K. "Islamophobia" advisor wants to end such violence:  By instituting a Sharia law norm and making such images' display as unacceptable as the n-word.

The Whistleblower.  Though not well known in the U.S., former cop Maggie Oliver is a household name in Britain, where she blew the whistle on official indifference to the so-called "grooming gangs" — that is, the Muslim rape crews that have victimized thousands of white girls in cities around England.  A recent YouTube interview with Peter Whittle led me, belatedly, to her 1999 memoir, Survivors, and let me begin by saying this: however much you may know about the grooming gangs — and, in particular, about the years of shameless stonewalling by police and other authorities who were terrified of Muslim unrest — reading about it all from the point of view of a frustrated insider is a supremely enraging experience.

Muslim Rape and Willful Blindness.  Four Muslim migrants from North Africa gang-raped a 36-year-old woman on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria, after she stopped to ask how she could help them. [...] This woman, who was described "as either an Irish expat or coming from a Nordic country," joins countless other European women — especially those "from a Nordic country" — to be raped by Muslim migrants.  Why is this ongoing phenomenon not being checked?  One of the reasons revolves around the specter of "racism."  The "woke" establishment tends to see European women accusing Muslim men of raping them through a skeptical light.

British School Fires Teacher For Showing Muhammad Cartoon, Send Police To Appologize To Muslims Outside Looking For Vengence.  The headteacher of a grammar school that suspended a teacher who allegedly showed a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad during a lesson on blasphemy issued a groveling apology today [3/26/2021].  Dozens of furious Muslim parents protested outside the historic Batley Grammar School in West Yorkshire for seven hours today and chanted 'shame on you' as they called for the teacher to be sacked.  A West Yorkshire Police officer read out an apology to mothers and fathers from headteacher Gary Kibble, but this provoked even more fury from those gathered as they called the teacher a 'danger'.  [Video clip]

Denmark plans to limit 'non-western' residents in disadvantaged areas.  Denmark has announced plans to crack down further on disadvantaged neighbourhoods by reducing the number of "non-western" residents, scrapping the controversial term "ghetto" in its proposed legislation.  In the bill — a review of existing legislation on combatting "parallel societies" — the interior ministry proposed that the share of residents of "non-western" origin in each neighbourhood be limited to a maximum of 30% within 10 years.  Denmark has for years had one of Europe's most restrictive immigration policies, which the Social Democratic prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, has continued since coming to power in June 2019.  The interior minister, Kaare Dybvad Bek, said in a statement that too many non-western foreigners in one area "increases the risk of an emergence of religious and cultural parallel societies".

Australia: 23% of Muslims want caliphate, 19% say jihad is offensive, not just defensive.  How high are these numbers once those who are telling pollsters what they know they want to hear are removed from the data?  And even if one takes these findings at face value, they lead to a serious question:  why is what we are constantly told is a misunderstanding of Islam so prevalent among Muslims in Australia?  Why do more than one-fifth of Muslims in Australia believe something that we are told is a twisted version of Islam held only by ISIS?

UK: No illegal Muslim migrants deported since Brexit, despite record arrivals via English Channel.  Jihad Watch has been closely following news about the steady influx of illegal Muslim migrants flooding into the UK across the English Channel.  Some of this news includes:  coronavirus infested boats, VIP treatment given to the illegals, complaints among the illegals about "racism" because they are dissatisfied with accommodations, government lip service (lies) about curbing the problem, and so on.  And there is no solution in sight.  Like it or not, as far as the Boris Johnson government is concerned, UK citizens must pay for the illegal economic migrants, and must subject themselves and their loved ones to the consequences of whatever these unvetted illegals bring to the UK, including coronavirus and jihad sentiments.  It just keeps getting worse.

German State Govt Says No Permit Needed for Islamic Call to Prayer Over Loudspeakers.  The German-language Junge Freiheit reported Monday [3/8/2021] that "according to the Hessian state government, muezzin calls can be made without a permit."  The Hessians have a bad record going back to serving as mercenaries in the British army during the American Revolution, and this isn't any better.  The state government explained in response to an inquiry from the Alliance for Germany (AfD), which opposes mass migration:  "Contrary to the assumption of the questioner, no (immission control) approval is required for the Muslim call to prayer, with or without loudspeaker.  Approvals were therefore not granted and can therefore not be withdrawn or revoked."  The AfD inquiry had noted that the Islamic call to prayer was broadcast over loudspeakers "in many cases with massive disapproval from the affected non-Muslim population, who saw the muezzin call as an expression of Islamic dominance and a violation of their own religious and cultural identity."

Lyon France Looks Like A War Zone After Migrants Attack Cops In No Go Zone.  Lyon France turned into what looked like a war zone after migrants attack police with mortar fire and set fire to several cars.  Buildings were set on fire as well.  The mayor of Lyon has been under pressure to step up policing and arrests in these areas but things have spiraled out of control since the flow of migrants in these areas have not ebbed.  [Video clip]

Switzerland to ban wearing of burqa and niqab in public places.  Switzerland will follow France, Belgium and Austria after narrowly voting in a referendum to ban women from wearing the burqa or niqab in public spaces.  Just over 51% of Swiss voters cast their ballots in favour of the initiative to ban people from covering their face completely on the street, in shops and restaurants.  Full facial veils will still be allowed to be worn inside places of prayer and for "native customs", such as carnival.  Face coverings worn for health and safety reasons are also exempt from the ban, meaning face masks worn because of the Covid-19 pandemic will not be affected by the new law.

Sweden: Man who injured eight people with an axe is Muslim migrant from Afghanistan.  Refugees welcome!  Celebrate diversity!  Diversity is our strength!  Anyone who suggests that it might be unwise and dangerous to bring large numbers of people in among whom some believe that the native people of the country are infidels who must be warred against and subjugated, let him be anathema!  Hate has no place in a multicultural society!

Poll: 69% of French people believe 'Islamo-leftism' [is] a serious problem.  A new poll released last week revealed that 69 percent of French people — or nearly 7 out of 10 — believe "Islamo-Leftism" is a serious problem in France.  The Odoxa-Backbone survey revealed on Feb. 24 that participants view left-wing political parties as being "complacent with radical Islamism," while refusing to take firm stances against the extremist beliefs out of fear of "stigmatizing" Muslims.  The poll also showed that over 80 percent of right-wing and center-right individuals believe "Islamo-leftism" is an issue, whereas those on the left were divided:  46 percent of far-left individuals believe it's an issue compared to 63 percent of Socialist Party supporters consider it a problem.

Sweden: Study finds that most rapists are Muslim migrants.  There is a reason why this is so.  A survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the UK has said that her rapists would quote the Qur'an to her, and believed their actions justified by Islam.  Thus it came as no surprise when Muslim migrants in France raped a girl and videoed the rape while praising Allah and invoking the Qur'an.  In India, a Muslim gave a Qur'an and a prayer rug to the woman he was holding captive and repeatedly raping.  And the victim of an Islamic State jihadi rapist recalled:  "He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever.  He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God... He said that raping me is his prayer to God."  In India, a Muslim kidnapped and raped a 14-year-old Hindu girl, and forced her to read the Qur'an and Islamic prayers.

Church Desecration in Europe Under Islam.  A few days after Muslim migrants firebombed an 800-year-old Swedish church twice over the course of four days — once on Jan. 20, 2021 and another on Jan. 24 — a Feb 4 report came out saying that 829 "hate crimes" against churches in Sweden have been reported between just 2012-2018, or about 138 attacks on average every year.  Thus, the churches of Sweden join those of other Western European nations that have taken in sizeable Muslim migrants.  In France, for example, two churches are vandalized every day.  According to a 2019 PI-News report, 1,063 attacks on Christian churches or symbols (crucifixes, icons, statues) were registered in France in 2018.  This represents a 17 percent increase compared to the previous year (2017), when 878 attacks were registered — meaning such attacks are only going from bad to worse.

Sudanese migrant stabs French immigration worker to death after being told his asylum application had been rejected.  A Sudanese refugee stabbed an immigration officer to death in southern France after learning his asylum request had been rejected.  Cyril Pierreval, a 46-year-old father of one, was killed on Friday by a 38-year-old Sudanese knifeman who faced deportation.  The migrant attacked the head of the refugee welcome centre in the city of Pau around 11am, local media reported.

Britain: A Sanctuary for Deadly Islamic Terrorists.  For example, despite having no papers on him — and despite telling the Home Office that "he had been trained as an ISIS soldier" — Ahmed Hassan was still granted asylum two years before he launched a terrorist attack on a London train station that left 30 injured in September 2017.  The Home Office also allowed a foreign Muslim cleric to enter and lecture in London, even though he advocates decapitating, burning, and/or throwing homosexuals from cliffs.  According to another report, "British teenagers are being forced to marry abroad and are raped and impregnated while the Home Office 'turns a blind eye' by handing visas to their [mostly Muslim] husbands."

Asylum Seekers Stage Hunger Strike over Quality of Free Hotel Food.  A group of asylum seekers being housed at the expense of the British taxpayer in a Reading hotel have staged a hunger strike, protesting against the quality of the free food they are given.  One of the migrants leading the strike, Salahe Lakhdar, claimed that the food was unhealthy and the portions too small, leading to some of the migrants losing weight.  Lakhdar, who said he has been staying in the hotel for three months, told Sky News:  "These people have been living in the hotel for nine months without going anywhere, without seeing any family, without seeing friends, without doing any activities.

The Editor says...
I suspect that the free food would start tasting great if the only other option was an immediate return trip to their country of origin — or someplace even worse.

Wishful Thinking Surrounds Bombing of Historic Swedish Church.  Twice over the course of four days, an 800-year-old church in Stockholm was firebombed.  On Sunday, Jan. 24, 2021, several Molotov cocktails were hurled at the 12-century Spånga church, which is located in a Muslim majority area.  According to the church's pastor, "the alarm was triggered when a window was smashed and flammable liquid thrown at the front gate and one of the windows.  However, the fire was quickly put out by the police, who used a powder extinguisher."  The same church had been firebombed just four days earlier, on Jan. 20, 2021: two explosives were hurled at and smashed through the church windows, and another was hurled at the church gate.

Sweden: 829 hate crimes against churches, media blames 'right-wing extremists' and 'mentally ill'.  There is another possible culprit, found in large numbers in Rinkeby, Tensta and Kista.  These are people whose holy book teaches them that Christianity is a perverted version of the true teachings of Jesus, that Christians are unbelievers for believing Jesus to be divine (Qur'an 5:17, 5:72), that Jesus is not the Son of God and Allah curses those who say otherwise (Qur'an 9:30), and that it is false to say Jesus was crucified (Qur'an 4:157).  But such people are not even considered as having any involvement in this, despite the fact that they have been involved in the desecration of numerous churches elsewhere in Europe.  To raise such a possibility, even to open it up to be disproven, wouldn't fit the narrative.  It would be "Islamophobia."  It would be "hate."

Denmark sets a target of zero asylum seeker applications to protect 'social cohesion'.  Denmark's prime minister today set a target to drive down the country's asylum seeker applications to zero to protect 'social cohesion'.  The country is already seeing the lowest number of asylum seekers since 1998, with 1,547 people applying in 2020.  By comparison, applications in the UK were 32,423 last year.  'We cannot promise zero asylum seekers, but we can set up that vision,' Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said in parliament.

FRANCE LIED! There were NOT just few dozen car torchings by Muslim thugs on New Year's Eve as French officials and media boasted.  To the dismay of its citizens, France was lamentably slow over the New Year to roll out its Covid vaccination programme.  But the country continues to be bizarrely efficient at torching cars, which has become an annual tradition, with vandals (historically nearly all Muslims) burning 861 vehicles across France on December 31.

Vienna Govt to Hold Security Meeting After 'Allahu Akbar' Rioters Torched Christmas Tree.  The Vienna government will be holding a security meeting next week following a riot in a migrant-populated district on New Year's Eve that saw a Christmas tree set on fire by Muslims.  The rioting took place at Reumannplatz in the heavily-migrant populated Favoriten district of the Austrian capital and saw a Christmas tree set on fire by members of a group of around 40 rioters along with various shops in the area having their windows smashed.

Minneapolis Protesters Raise Somali Flag.  On December 30, a 23-year-old man named Dolal Idd, who was wanted on felony charges, fired on Minneapolis police officers, who returned fire and killed him.  Despite the fact that what happened is clear and there is no actual question of excessive force by the police, hundreds of people protested Sunday, claiming that Idd had been treated unjustly.  In the course of the protests, some of the participants replaced an American flag that was flying over a South Minneapolis gas station with a Somali flag.  It was a telling indication of what mass immigration without assimilation has already done to this country, and what it is likely to do in the future.  Joe Biden is set to reopen the mass migration floodgates, and so it is virtually certain that before too long, numerous Somalis will enter the United States and further increase the Somali population in Minneapolis and elsewhere.  Will any attempt whatsoever be made to ensure that the people entering the United States will become loyal citizens, or at very least loyal residents, and that they will accept American values including?  Will any attempt whatsoever be made to ensure that none of those immigrants who are coming in are Islamic jihadis?

Islam and the French Soul.  France has been touched by a resurgence of nationalism.  The question in French presidential politics today is not which two candidates will make the second and final round, but who will compete against Marine Le Pen and thus be handed the keys to the Elysée.  But Islamic terrorism has touched France more acutely than any other Western nation, to the extent that Le Pen's inevitable loss can no longer be counted upon.  Since the beginning of the last decade, France has witnessed an unending train of terrorist attacks, each seeming to trump the last in depravity and devastation.  These include the murder of three paratroopers, a rabbi and three young schoolchildren in 2012, the Charlie Hebdo and kosher supermarket sieges in January 2015, the November attacks of the same year which resulted in the death of 131, the lorry attack on the Nice promenade which killed eighty-six and the Strasbourg Christmas market attack in 2018. [...] One wonders whether the failure of many Muslims to integrate in France is despite or because of the country's less compromising attitude to integration than other Western nations.  France does not subscribe to multiculturalism.

People smuggling gangs offer a 'Christmas discount' of £300 a head to migrants wanting to cross the English Channel to Britain illegally.  People smuggling gangs are offering a 'Christmas discount' to migrants wanting to cross the Channel to Britain illegally for as little as £300 a head.  Security sources said the organised criminals have slashed prices as the UK Border Force prepares for a surge in crossings over the festive period.  Intelligence reports suggest average costs for migrants are around £500 to £1,000, with some gangs offering deals for as little as £300, it is understood.

Swedish Politician:  Only 68 of 7,000 'High School Amnesty' Migrants Have Jobs.  Swedish Moderate Party MP Hanif Bali has claimed that of 7,000 Afghan "high school amnesty" migrants in Sweden, just 68 have full-time work.  Bali, a noted critic of mass migration, pushed back against those who support the so-called "high school amnesty" for around 7,000 Afghan migrants that was passed in 2018 despite indications that 78 percent of the supposedly underage migrants eligible were actually adults.  "Of the approximately 7,000 rejected migrants who received the high school amnesty, only 68 have managed to get a permanent job, and after 5 years in the country, 5,800 have still not completed their high school studies," Bali said on Friday [12/18/2020].  "Yet they are described by all amnesty advocates as having 'education and jobs'.  Pure lie," he alleged.

Frightening Video Of Muslim Man Attacking Woman's Car With A Machete With Baby Inside, Cops Don't Even Bother To Show Up.  The man is seen thrashing his weapon through the windscreen and onto the car bonnet in the apparent road rage attack outside school gates while parents were dropping off their children in Dudley this morning (December 9).  The victims claim that despite repeated 999 calls from other parents and the school, police failed to attend the scene.  Footage captured by the shocked Birmingham mum shows a man taking the weapon and banging it on the vehicle's bonnet before smashing the windscreen of a car.  [Video clip]

How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?  An almost completely bald Muslim immigrant from Gambia with crow's-feet and liver spots has been passing himself off as a 15-year-old boy in order to get some tasty "refugee" perks in the British city of Coventry.  Now, Coventry has a rich history involving the locals turning their backs to something nakedly obvious, and initially there were no Peeping Toms when the local school district placed the very clearly forty-something "child immigrant" in classes alongside actual children.  The ruse would have worked except for a few dead giveaways, like how the "kid" had to bow out of playing dodgeball because of his herniated disc, and the five o'clock shadow he'd develop by last period.  Oh, and the fact that one just has to look at him to know he's not a child.  So why the ruse?  Refugee "minors" seeking amnesty are never returned to their home country.  And U.K. officials are not allowed to ask for proof that a refugee is a minor.

Six charged with defrauding US in 'birth tourism' scheme that saw 117 pregnant Turkish women give birth on Long Island.  Six people have been charged and more are being sought in a 'birth tourism' and money laundering scheme which saw dozens of pregnant Turkish woman pay up to $10,000 to give birth on Long Island to secure US citizenship for their children.  Details of the indictment were unveiled by US Attorney Seth DuCharme in a Wednesday morning [12/2/2020] press conference.  According to DuCharme, the illicit plot saw 117 women travel from Turkey to Suffolk County to give birth to the children before returning home.  In total, 119 children were born on US soil.

Swedish City to Spend Over a Billion Dollars to Fix No-Go Zones.  The Swedish city of Gothenburg is looking to spend over a billion U.S. dollars in an effort to remove the city's six no-go zones from a police list of vulnerable neighbourhoods.  The local government has pledged to spend 11 billion Swedish kronor ($1.28 billion/£964 million) on investment in the six areas of the city that have been deemed "particularly vulnerable" areas, in order to have them removed from the official police listing in the next five years.

Germany: 11-year-old Muslim threatens teacher with beheading.  "I've never seen anything like this before."  Maybe not, but you're going to see a lot more of it in the coming years.  Danke, Merkel!

Germany: Mayor blames crime on 'right wingers' that was actually committed by Muslim migrants.  Here is the disconnect between the establishment narrative regarding the "right-wing" threat and "Islamophobia" on the one hand, and reality on the other.

Muslims "have the right to kill millions of French people", Malaysia's former PM says after church terror attack in Nice.  Malaysia's former prime minister said that Muslims have the right 'to kill millions of French people', shortly after a knife-wielding Islamist killed three people in a deadly terror attack in Nice.  Mahathir Mohamad, who lost power in February this year, said freedom of expression does not include 'insulting other people' as fury over satirical cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed sweeps the Islamic world.  The 95-year-old politician said he did not approve of the beheading of a French school teacher for sharing caricatures of the Prophet, but said: 'Irrespective of the religion professed, angry people kill'.

Smiling Tunisian terrorist poses for photo on the day he arrived in Italy on a migrant boat.  Pictured smiling just weeks before massacring three people at a Catholic church in Nice, this is the face of terrorist killer Brahim Aoussaoui as he entered mainland Europe.  The picture was taken by authorities in the Italian port city of Bari, where Aoussaoui was taken ashore on October 8 having spent 20 days in coronavirus quarantine — first on the island of Lampedusa, where he landed on September 20, and then on board the Italian quarantine ship Rhapsody.

The Editor says...
He came to France as an illegal alien, and committed murder six weeks later!

French terror attacks are a stark warning to US voters.  On Thursday, a knife-wielding assailant crying "Allahu Akbar" murdered three people at the Catholic basilica of Notre Dame de Nice, beheading one woman.  The savagery in France is a reminder of the choice facing American voters at the ballot box next week.  Will we stick with a president who intuited that our elites were sleepwalking toward a deadly precipice — and taking the rest of us along for the plunge?  Or do we choose to return to power those same pre-Trump elites, with their dreams of a borderless world?  Europe made its choices.  In 2015, right around the time then-candidate Donald Trump was shaking up the staid orthodoxies of the Republican Party, the Continent's de facto leader, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, threw open the gates to more than a million newcomers from the Middle East and Africa.

Marine Le Pen Rejects New EU Migrant Pact as 'Suicide of Europe'.  French populist National Rally (RN) leader Marine Le Pen has launched a campaign against the new European Union migration and asylum pact, stating it will lead to the "suicide" of Europe.  The new proposal by the European Commission to radically reform the bloc's asylum policies away from the previous Dublin agreement was put forward at the end of last month and, according to Le Pen, could see as many as 60 to 70 million migrants settling in the EU in the coming years.  "It is an organized plan for the submersion of Europe and the nations that make it up," Le Pen said Friday at the RN headquarters in the city of Nanterre, broadcaster TV5Monde reports.  Le Pen went on to state that the new pact "will cause the ruin of our social systems, an increase in unemployment, a housing crisis, an increase in delinquency and communitarian conflicts, the advance of Islamism and terrorist risks and the questioning of the values of our civilization."

UK: Johnson government now flying in Muslim migrants directly from Greece.  The thousands that have been flocking into the UK via the English Channel illegally are a "national humiliation" enough.  And now this.  The UK government under Boris Johnson has turned out to be a big disappointment.

Germany: Muslim migrant screaming 'Allahu akbar' attacks police officers.  Remember, if you don't think mass Muslim migration into Europe is a good idea, you're a racist, bigoted "Islamophobe."  There can be no other possible reason why you oppose such a noble endeavor.

Iraqi Migrants Accused of Dragging Women into a Car and Raping Them.  Two Iraqi migrant brothers are on trial in a Berlin court after being accused of dragging young women into an SUV and then raping them for hours.  The brothers, 33-year-old Wisam and 25-year-old Karrar, were born in Baghdad and have been in custody since March of this year.  They are accused of several rapes dating back to March 2018, some of which involved both of the brothers.

Germany: Muslim migrant stabs random German in order to escape deportation.  He should be deported because he stabbed Ralf P., but now he knows that there will be a long delay, then a mental health assessment in which he will likely to be found mentally ill, whereupon he will stay for awhile in a mental hospital and then be released back out onto the streets.  This is the madness of Merkel's Germany, and the contemporary West in general.

London knife crime: 12 stabbed in 24 hours of violence.  Twelve people were stabbed across London in less than 24 hours.  At least three of the victims assaulted on Saturday night [9/5/2020] were teenagers, and one was 79-years-old.  None have died.  The scenes of the bloodshed included a London bus, DLR station and Underground station.

Everyone knows that Muslim invaders posing as refugees means more crime.  But leave it to the Germans to try to shift the blame for soaring crime from Muslim so-called "refugees" to "far right politicians and activists who are Islamophobic."  They also claim that Muslim crime gets more reporting than German crime, resulting in a "false perception that Muslims are more violent."

Will France Finally Rain Justice Down on Islamic Terrorists?  France officially recognizes that hatred still thrives in the country.  In a French database, over 8,000 are listed as Islamist radicals.  The wave of violence has led to 258 killed since January 7, 2015.  In the midst of this reality, the court in Paris must consider the basic issue.  Is France the champion of free speech and expression in its publications, or did the cartoons go beyond the bounds of civility and respect for others?  French law states that incitement to terrorism is a punishable offense.  The controversy will continue.  The French Constitutional Court in June 2020 struck down provisions of a law to combat online hate speech.  Perhaps the present court case will decide on the general issue of freedom.  It will certainly confirm the nature of the terrorist attacks.  One was against freedom of expression.  The other was against Jews because they were Jews.

France foils 'at least 6' jihad attacks in recent months, threat remains high.  Back in January, the French internal security service also found "that as many as 150 neighbourhoods across France are 'held' by Islamist radicals."  Guns were taken away from seven Paris police officers last October over fears that Islamic radicalization had infiltrated the police force, after a Muslim officer stabbed four of his colleagues to death.  To stop the spread of jihad, France first needs to reassert control over its borders, and monitor what is being preached in mosques and at Islamic schools.  Meanwhile, the Islamic State has managed to infiltrate refugee streams into Europe.

Italy: Four Illegal alien African invaders beat up young boy and steal his phone.  In other words, representatives of Europe's 'multicultural enrichment' program show their appreciation for the country that took them in.  [Video clip]

British Man Arrested For Filming Migrants Being Loaded Onto Coaches in Dover.  A British YouTuber was arrested after he tried to live stream footage of boat migrants being loaded onto coaches in Dover before they are taken to be accommodated in hotels at taxpayer expense.  A citizen reporter who goes by the name Active Patriot was recording the scene from a public car park when he was aggressively approached by police.  "I'm showing the world what is going on mate," says the reporter, to which the officer responds, "I think the world knows."  "Do they really?  They don't know what extent, though do they?"  Active Patriot responds.  At first the officer claims he is arresting the man for trespassing but then suddenly changes the reason to "breaching the peace."  [Video clip]

Over 500 Channel migrants land in Britain in just three days.  More than 500 migrants have crossed the English Channel to the UK in just three days, including a toddler today [8/9/2020], as it was revealed France is expected to demand £30 million to help stem the flow of migrants across the Channel.  Another 151 migrants made the dangerous crossing on Saturday, bringing the total the number to arrive in the UK to 532 since Thursday and 4,000 since the start of this year.  Up to 12 migrants, including a small child, were seen being brought ashore in Dover earlier this morning aboard patrol boat Speedwell.

Over 100 migrants intercepted in English Channel.  Sky News understands more than 100 suspected migrants on 11 boats were intercepted in the English Channel on Friday morning.  [Video clip]

The luxury living I saw migrants getting on arrival shows the scale of the scandal.  Several concerned members of the public have contacted me in recent weeks to tell me about what they have described as "strange happenings" at hotels in their areas.  The reports I have received depict hotels which are full of young men.  This is known because they have been seen wandering the streets, often in large groups.  I decided to follow one of these leads and went to a village just outside Bromsgrove in Worcestershire.  The hotel describes itself as a four-star establishment.  It looks clean and smart.  In non-Covid times, it offers a range of facilities including a swimming pool, gym and sauna.  It can also be hired as a wedding venue.  When I arrived there, the car park was almost empty.  Yet when I asked at reception whether I could book a room, I was told that the hotel was closed.  Looking around, there were many young men relaxing in the courtyard.  The truth is that this hotel is just one of many in the Midlands and the north of England that have now become centres for illegal immigrants and asylum seekers.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, this has caused disquiet in local communities.  Some people have told me that they are highly reluctant to go out in the evenings.  Some young women in particular receive wolf whistles and catcalls from these groups, and feel intimidated as a result.  When you consider that they were not consulted before this sudden influx of newcomers arrived in their area, their concerns are hardly surprising.

Rwandan refugee working as diocese volunteer confesses to setting Nantes cathedral alight — lawyer.  A 39-year-old man, who had already been detained, questioned and released by French police, was brought into pre-trial custody again, having admitted to starting fires at the 15th-century cathedral in the western city of Nantes.  The impressive Nantes Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul fell victim to a blaze back on July 18, with several fire brigades scrambled to put out the flames.  As the story developed, investigators established that the man — who worked as an altar server — was the one who closed up the building for the night.

Nantes cathedral blaze:  Volunteer charged after admitting setting up fire.  A church volunteer admitted being behind a fire that severely damaged Nantes' St. Peter's and St. Paul's Cathedral on July 18 and was charged with arson.  The 39-year-old man was taken into custody and questioned shortly after the incident due to the fact that he had been closing the cathedral on Friday evening.  He got released on Sunday 19, but was taken into custody again on Saturday 25 and later charged with "destruction and damage by fire" before being put in pre-trial detention.

Sheer Lunacy Rules the Day.  In Great Britain, where grooming gang crimes exist, "British women who drew attention to 'Asian' [Pakistani and South Asian] sex grooming gangs, are also being attacked by the 'woke' establishment" because "if the victim is white and the rapist is not, she is no victim at all; worse, she is a 'racist' and 'hater' who, if anything, apparently deserves what she got and more."  In fact, far-left extremists and radical feminist academics "don't care about anti-white racism, because they appear to believe that is doesn't exist."  Thus, the idea that "Western women are to blame for being raped by Muslim men" gets a free pass for fear of Islamophobia.

France: Muslim screaming 'Allahu akbar' robs 85-year-old man and defecates on him.  He has already been convicted of 19 crimes, including murder, but was still running around loose and able to do this.  Why?  The answer is quite clear:  to have taken any strong action against him would have been "Islamophobic," and that's absolutely the worst thing you can be in France today.  Even now, "the court handed down a 24-month sentence but six months were suspended.  The man will be subject to two years of probation and is banned from Le Croisic."  Two years of probation!  18 months (and likely less) in prison!  That will fix everything, won't it?

Why Do We Have Police, Anyway?  [Scroll down]  Huizinga and Spierenburg write about the "pacification" and "privatization" of European society in the last 500 years.  What they mean is the gradual replacement of clan and gang feuds and public executions with police and courts and prisons.  Here's the prison story.  First they imprisoned madmen; then they imprisoned the poor in workhouses (see peasants, above); then they imprisoned the criminals.  Way to go, guys.  Why do we have our modern pacified middle-class cities?  Nobody knows, least of all lefties, but I have an idea.  It is because violence and blood feuds and gangs do not pay.  Hello Minneapolis?  Anyone there?  Notice that in the USA every immigrant wave involves a surge in gangs.  The Irish had their gangs in the 19th century; the Jews had their gangs at the turn of the 20th century; the Italians had their gangs till the day before yesterday.  But as each immigrant wave climbed into the middle class, their gangs disappeared.  Today we have Black gangs and Hispanic gangs, because those are the ethnic groups that have not yet climbed into the middle class.

Stabber in Glasgow Attack Identified As Disgruntled Asylum Seeker From Sudan.  A stabber in Scotland has been identified as a Sudanese asylum seeker in his 20s.  Badreddin Abadlla Adam, 28, stabbed six individuals, including two teens and a police officer, in an attack carried out in Glasgow on Friday.  Police say the attack is not being treated as a terrorist incident.  During an interview with ITV News, a witness said the stabber told friends on Thursday about his plans to carry out the attack the following day.  The witness said he relayed the man's threats to workers at the Park Inn Hotel where the men were staying.  Apparently, the warning went unheeded.  The witness says Adam complained to him about being treated "improperly" by hotel staff and being served food of "bad quality."

London to Erect Statues Celebrating Mass Migration.  Two large sculptures celebrating mass migration will be unveiled in London next year, the Guardian has revealed.  It was announced Monday [6/22/2020], on the UK's second ever 'Windrush Day', that works by artists Thomas J Price and Veronica Ryan will be erected in London's Hackney borough in 2021.  Windrush Day commemorates the beginning of the modern mass migration era in Britain in 1948, and was instituted in 2018 after some members of that original generation of post-war migrant arrivals were detained and deported because of government error, causing a significant scandal.

Is it time to establish France-style no-go zones in United States cities?  The no-go zones of Europe are areas in which the police do not set foot unless compelled by extraordinary circumstances, usually in the case of fire, when they escort firefighters.  Unlike the nascent areas like CHAZ in the U.S., these areas are defined by the central government.  They are settled predominantly by immigrants or children of immigrants.  For all practical purposes, order has been turned over, both officially by the government, to the local imams and neighborhood gangs.  Most of the people are unemployed, deriving their income from government support or the drug trade.  The rates of murder and other crimes are high.  They have almost no identification with the national culture, little interest in education or in finding qualifications for employment.  The mere presence of police is defined as a racist provocation and days of rioting, looting, and arson can follow an unwanted police incursion.The police respond in kind by acting, of necessity, as if they were an invading army. [...] There are 751 no-go zones in France alone.

98,000 mostly Muslim migrants given permanent Swedish residency.  "A total of 98,867 asylum seekers have been given permanent residency in Sweden since the height of the migrant crisis, out of 163,456 who applied for asylum that year."  The majority of refugees in Sweden are from Muslim countries, predominantly Syria, Iran and Iraq.  While Sweden continues to welcome uncontrolled masses of Muslim migrants, it is descending into chaos: no-go zones, gangs, bombings, and the threat of jihad, reflecting the same problems of the countries the refugees are coming from.  This is all thanks to the Leftist authorities who have implemented mass-migration policies.

African Migrants In Gothenberg Sweden DESTROY The City.  The Swedish city of Gothenburg has been shaken by street violence, after an initially peaceful 'Black Lives Matter' protest turned into a riot.  Police clashed with demonstrators, who threw stones and smashed storefronts.  Defying the Swedish government's coronavirus guidelines — which ban gatherings of more than 50 people — an estimated 2,000 people assembled in the city of Gothenburg on Sunday, to show solidarity with the worldwide protests that broke out after the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer nearly two weeks ago.  [Video clip]

Muslim Migrant in Denmark:  "You Danes Are Being Exterminated.  You're Like Animals".  "You Danes are being exterminated.  You're like animals," said the migrant to a Danish man.  If you're thinking, "I wish he'd stop mincing words and tell us how he really feels," fret not.  The migrant, identified only as "Muhammad," did elaborate, among other things saying that he and his co-religionists "will not integrate."  The recent incident was caught on video during a protest held by anti-Islamization politician Rasmus Paludan, of the Stram Kurs (Hard Line) party.  Paludan, reports Danish source Uriasposten, was at a demonstration at the Tilst School, in Århus, Denmark's second largest city.  He had police protection at the time, as he always does, Voice of Europe (VoE) tells us.

Germany hunts down 1,050 people in investigation of Hezbollah supporters linked to terrorism.  Hundreds of German counter-terrorism units and police fanned out across the country on Thursday, entering mosques, homes and religious associations in an investigation of 1,050 people suspected of links to the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.  The arrests and detentions were intended to question suspects as part of previously unannounced criminal cases.  The nationwide series of raids — the largest single anti-terrorism operation in years — came early Thursday after the Interior Ministry classified any activity linked to the powerful Shiite group as terror-related.  The move was a break with previous European Union policy that differentiated between the group's military and political wings.

Germany bans Hezbollah, raids mosques.  Germany on Thursday [4/30/2020] completely banned Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah movement from carrying out activities on its soil, as police raided mosques and venues linked to the group.  Like the European Union, Germany had until now only outlawed Hezbollah's military wing while tolerating its political wing.  But in a shift immediately welcomed by the United States and Israel, the German interior ministry said it now considered the entire movement a "Shiite terrorist organisation".

Muslim migrants cough on police, chop down 5,000 olive trees.  What are the chances that these migrants will become loyal, stable, productive citizens of European states?

E.U. Scolds Migrant-Resistant Countries.  The European Court of Justice — which exists to commit injustices against indigenous Europeans — recently condemned Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic for refusing to embrace hundreds of thousands of swarthy "refugees" who come to Europe merely for the rape and free cell phones. [...] The European mainstream understands perfectly that supporting immigration will harm Europe, which is precisely why they support it.

France: Third Muslim migrant held in knife attack by migrant screaming "Allahu akbar".  "During a subsequent search of his home, authorities found handwritten documents that included arguments about religion and a complaint about living in a 'country of unbelievers.'"  The obvious answer to that is that he didn't have to come to France in the first place, but it is more likely that he has opted instead to work for the Islamization of France, not least by striking terror in the enemies of Allah (cf. Qur'an 8:60).

Another Murder by a Somali Immigrant Leaves 7-Year-Old Girl Dead.  A Somali immigrant stabbed a seven-year-old British girl to death on March 22, 2020.  The girl, Emily Jones Bolton, was riding her scooter past a park bench when a 30-year-old woman stabbed her in the neck.  All of this brutal incident took place in front of the girl's father.  Emergency services were summoned to the park around 2.30 pm and the child was taken to the Salford Royal Hospital.  The child succumbed to her wounds despite the "best efforts" of doctors.

EU court rules three countries broke law over refugee quotas.  Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic broke European law when they failed to give refuge to asylum seekers arriving in southern Europe, often having fled war in Syria and Iraq, the EU's top court has ruled.  The three central European countries now face possible fines for refusing to take a share of refugees, after EU leaders forced through mandatory quotas to relocate up to 160,000 asylum seekers at the height of the 2015 migration crisis.

Muslim Migrant Murders Man — Gets 2 Years Probation & 120 Hours Of Community Service.  This sentence likely stems from the fact that the German government is so wholeheartedly and indefatigably committed to the migrant project that it is anxious to minimize any incident that reflects poorly on the migrants.  In this case, that meant covering up what happened to Marcus Hempel, and denying his family justice.  The future Germany has chosen for itself is clear, as it is all over Europe and in Britain as well.

These people are not refugees.
Seattle: Somali Muslims caught transporting suitcases full of cash out of the country.  In 2016, travelers pulling suitcases filled with cash started showing up at Sea-Tac Airport holding tickets destined for recipients in Somalia, raising concerns among anti-terrorism officials.  Transporting large amounts of cash overseas isn't illegal, but it was who was carrying the money and where it was going (to Somali terror groups like Al-Shabaab) that caught the attention of security officials.

This should have been done years ago:
European Union nations to immediately seal off external borders.  European Union nations agreed Tuesday [3/17/2020] to immediately seal the bloc's external borders to most foreign visitors for 30 days in a bid to slow the spread of coronavirus.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel said leaders from the 27 nations agreed in a conference call to the proposal for an entry ban that has "very, very limited exceptions."  Merkel said the group, however, will also make an exception to visitors from non-members Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and the UK.  Long-term residents, family members of EU nationals and diplomats will also be exempt.  The ban won't be enforced on transportation or healthcare workers, either.

Greece: Muslim migrant at border demanding entry screams "I want you dead".  It would be racist, bigoted and "Islamophobic" not to let him in, right?  [Video clip]

Barbarians are storming the gates, but Europeans still won't pull in the welcome mat.  In recent days, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, president of the Ottoman Empire's successor state, Turkey, has unleashed thousands of Muslims, mostly young males of military age, upon the European Union, today's not-so-holy but increasingly imperial reincarnation of the Holy Roman Empire.  More specifically, Erdogan, in violation of an agreement with the EU that netted him billions, has allowed — and encouraged — these people, who have been routinely described in the Western media as "refugees" and "migrants," to storm the border separating his country from the EU's southeasternmost satrapy, Greece.  Indeed, he's lent them active support, providing many of them with free transport to the border, which they've attacked with rocks, "makeshift battering rams," and tear-gas canisters (supplied by Ergodan) while setting fires and shouting "Allahu akbar!"  Photos taken at the border underscore just how perverse it is to call these thugs "refugees" or "migrants."

Coronavirus Patient Zero in Italy [is] Reportedly a Pakistani Immigrant.  According to recent reports from Italy the coronavirus patient zero in the Pavia area is a Pakistani immigrant who refused to self-isolate after testing positive for the virus.  The EU Times reported that the Pakistani man continued to cook and deliver Chinese food and infected an entire region of Italy.  Mainstream Italian news outlets, such as Il Giornale and ADNKronos are reporting the news.  According to Il Giornale the police intervened following an anonymous tip.

Saying No to the Invasion of Europe.  The inundation of Europe with Muslim migrants intent on permanent settlement is unprecedented in world history.  Europe, which has accepted vast numbers of the migrants, has become an epicenter of Islamic terrorism replete with alarming levels of migrant crime, including Muslim sex slave gangs and sharia-controlled "no-go" zones.  Faced with this reality, four Central European countries — Hungary, Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia — have adamantly refused to accept Muslim refugees, earning criticism from the European community and prosecution by the European Court of Justice.  But now, with Turkey threatening to open its border and inundate Greece with thousands more Muslim refugees, the European community appears to have paused in its ongoing acceptance of migrants and pledged to protect Greece's border.  It illustrates the threat that has existed from the beginning from the mass movement of Muslims from the Middle East and North Africa.

Barbarians at the gates, and the fences, and the walls:
Greek Border in Flames as Migrants Keep Trying to Break Through.  Dramatic pictures and video are emerging of fires raging along the border between Greece and Turkey, as migrants — aided and even armed by the Turks, according to the Greeks — continue their efforts to force their way in.  The European Union, including the United Kingdom, funnelled billions of euros to the Islamist government in Ankara in an effort to persuade it to bring the migrant crisis under a modicum of control after hundreds of thousands of illegal border crossings, often by sea, in 2015-16.

Migrants say Greek forces stripped them and sent them back to Turkey in their underwear.  Several migrants attempting to cross from Turkey to Greece told CNN over the past week that Greek security forces took their documents, money, phones and clothes before sending them back to Turkey in their underwear.  CNN has obtained a video showing men in their underpants arriving back on Turkish soil, allegedly sent back through Evros River, with no clothes by Greek security forces.

The Editor says...
They left out a step:  The Greeks should have soaked all the so-called "migrants" in purple dye before releasing them, so it would be obvious when they return (which they will) that they're unwelcome visitors.

Refugees Can Now Vote In Scotland.  With this one act the Scottish parliament has done two things.  It has virtually guaranteed that within two generations these so-called refugees, who mostly come from Islamic supremacist countries, will use the democratic process to abolish democracy in Scotland.  It has also made itself irrelevant since the purpose of the Scottish parliament, so we were told, was to establish, advance and hold aloft Scottish independence something which this act will subvert in the fullness of time but not too much time. [...] The barbarians are no longer at the gate.  They have been ushered right through it by some members of the Scottish Parliament who seek to grasp permanent power by enfranchising foreigners who they expect to vote for them in election after election.

Balkanization of America Accelerating Faster Than Expected.  [Scroll down]  The same thing happened to France and Europe in the 1970's.  A perceptive writer noted:  When France opened its borders to unlimited Muslim immigration in the 1970's, Frenchman Jean Raspail, penned a prophetic novel, Camp of the Saints, describing the consequences of that senseless choice, "You don't know my people — the squalor, superstitions, the fatalistic sloth that they've wallowed in for generations.  You don't know what you're in for if that fleet of brutes ever lands in your lap.  Everything will change in this country of yours.  They will swallow you up!"  Today, another writer chronicled the result of that mistake in his book:  The Strange Death of Europe — Immigration, Identity, Islam by Douglas Murray

The Muslim Migrant Attack in St. Louis You Heard Nothing About.  St. Louis resident Alicia Clarke says she feels as if she has been "failed by the system" and is now "not feeling safe," and she has good reason to feel this way.  After she was savagely beaten and stabbed by her neighbor, her attacker walked free.  The court considered it decisive that he has an IQ of 49. He is also a Muslim migrant, which may explain both the reluctance to prosecute him and the scant and incomplete coverage this incident has received.  St. Louis' KSDK reported Monday [3/2/2020] that Clarke went out for a run near her home; when she returned, her cell phone was missing.  Tracking it with Find My iPhone to her neighbor's backyard, she went to get it, and told her neighbor, "I know you did this and I'm calling the police!" At that point the neighbor, whom KSDK describes only as a "6-foot teen," attacked her. [...] "The most hurtful thing of all of this, is the dropped charges," said Clarke.  "That was much more hurtful than the physical assault."

Throwing a Block onto Erdogan's Refugee Stunt.  Turkey's president will no longer stop "Syrian" refugees from fleeing into Europe. [...] Turkey is in an unenviable position.  Most ot the "Syrian" refugees from their civil war have been dumped on Turkey, and Turkey is saddled with a major problem. [...] Likewise, Lebanon and Jordan are also hammered with Syrian refugees.  If the Palestinians are any indication or precedent, Turkey knows full well that those Syrians may never be welcomed back into Syria, nor assimilated into other Muslim nations, which seem to operate under the presumption that possession is nine-tenths of the law.  Any nation stuck with Muslim refugees gets to keep them.

More than 76,000 illegal Muslim invaders have already arrived at the Turkish-Greek border.  That's what happens when you think that by paying the leader of Turkey billions of Euros, he will stop the Muslim freeloaders squatting in Turkey from invading Europe.  Time to pay up again, Europe, or be flooded with millions more Muslim migrant wannabes.

Migrant Mobs Turn Violent at Greek Border, Army Deployed.  Violent clashes erupted on the European Union's common external border over the weekend as Greek border guards tried to stop migrants promised they could travel to Europe by the Turkish president from entering.  Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who leads the Islamist government in Ankara, told migrants the border was now open several days ago — a move widely regarded as punishment for the West's failure to back his effective annexation of northern Syria, which has embroiled him in an increasingly deadly confrontation with the Syrian government and its backers in Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah.

This is why Poland is so safe.  We will not take in even 1 illegal Muslim immigrant.  It's as simple as that!  [Video clip]

Greece pushes back migrants after Turkish border 'onslaught'.  Greek police fired teargas to push back hundreds of stone-throwing migrants trying to cross the border from Turkey on Saturday, as a crisis over Syria shifted onto the European Union's doorstep.  Greece, which has tense relations with Turkey, accused Ankara of sending the migrants to the border post in an organized "onslaught" and said it would keep them out.

Thousands of migrants mass at Greek border, more flee Syria.  Syria's official news agency said two of its warplane were shot down by Turkish forces inside northwest Syria, amid a military escalation there that's led to growing direct clashes between Turkish and Syrian forces.

France: 120 knife attacks reported per day, linked to mass Muslim migration.  The National Observatory of Delinquency and Criminal Responses reports that "as violent crime continues to surge across France, it is estimated that as many as 120 knife attacks occur on average per day across the country."  A Paris police official identifies a main source of the violence:  "There were many fights in the migrant camps, between Afghans, Eritreans and Somalis in particular, which ended with stabbings, in the north of Paris.  The dismantling of these fixing points has been beneficial."  Last September, Marine Le Pen criticized "'the laxity of migration policy' in France which she said was 'a serious threat to the safety of French people.'"  Her comments came after a Muslim asylum seeker murdered a man and stabbed several others in Lyon.

Grooming gang
Boris Govt:  Releasing Report on Ethnicity of Rape Gangs 'Not in Public Interest', Ministers Need 'Safe Space'.  Boris Johnson's government has refused to release a report on the ethnic background of grooming gangs, saying it is not in "the public interest" and would deprive ministers of a "safe space" to shape policy.  The groomings gangs investigation was announced by Sajid Javid, the former Home Secretary, in 2018, with a pledge that he would "not let cultural or political sensitivities get in the way of understanding the problem and doing something about it".

Free Speech and Religion in France.  [Scroll down]  In a visit to the city of Mulhouse on February 18, 2020, [French President Emmanuel] Macron spoke of a number of related issues:  combating foreign interference in how Islam is practiced in France, the problem when in the name of religion some people want to separate themselves from the Republic and therefore not respect its laws, and the danger of "communitarianism," communities self-governing themselves within the state.  The very place where he was speaking, Bourtzwiller, a district in Mulhouse, is one of 47 districts where traditional French values are being challenged.  The problem is heightened by the fact that half of the mosques and Islamic centers in Mulhouse were funded, at a cost of $30 million, by Qatar.  Yet he explains, the struggle against this development was not an attitude of being anti-Islam but was designed to aid integration of Muslims into French life and culture.

The Editor says...
The Muslims are not coming to France to become French.  They have no intention to assimilate.  They are there to make France a Muslim country.  Anyone who isn't an elected official can see that, but no one is permitted to say so.

65 Per Cent of French Believe French Civilization Will Collapse.  And they brought it on themselves.  Europe is a cautionary tale.

Senegalese migrant staged fake 'racist' attack by stabbing himself.  The incident occurred last July when Sadio Camara, a 27-year-old Senegalese national, arrived at the hospital reception center with a serious cut to his throat, claiming that he was on his way home from a migrant reception center when two men out of nowhere approached him, shouted racist insults at him, and attacked him with a knife, Il Giornale reports. [...] The 27-year-old Senegalese migrant then went on to say that the two men stuffed him into their vehicle and drove him to an area where they tossed him into a ditch, where he would spend the entire night.  Following several months of investigation, the migrant's story began to fall apart piece by piece as gave more and more conflicting information to police.

Obama judge orders Iraqi interpreters to be brought to US; interpreters have included rapist and ISIS member.  The federal judicial coup against America continues.  And, as usual, it's Obama and Clinton judges at the center of it.  And there are some of the usual judicial suspects pulling this same coup over and over again.  Some are more obnoxious about it than others.  At the head of the class is Judge Chutkan, an Obama appointee whom some conservatives remember for her role in the Awan case, but really she's been a standout on immigration issues.  Especially with her contention that taxpayers must pay for the abortion of an illegal alien.  That one had to go to the Supreme Court.

Hungarian Minister Declares Mass Migration a Threat to Humanity.  Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó has labelled mass migration a threat to humanity during a counter-terrorism conference in Vienna.  The Hungarian minister called on the United Nations (UN) to put funding towards fighting global terrorism, calling on the international organisation to spend less on facilitating mass migration.  "[W]e are calling on the UN to include the fight against terrorism in its budget, to spend more on the global fight against terrorism and less on migration, for the benefit of all the world's citizens," Szijjártó said.

Expert on Islam:  America not learning from Europe's mistakes.  OneNewsNow spoke with the director of Islamist Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum.  The London-born expert, Sam Westrop, expressed his concern about the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), which he describes as "a leading community organization in the United States for American Muslims."  On the one hand, Westrop explains that ICNA provides a number of services, including "running mosques, welfare services, international aid charities, women's shelters, and youth groups all around the country."  He adds:  "ICNA seeks to be a complete service for the Muslim community."  On the other hand, Westrop is quick to point out that ICNA is "a proxy for a South Asian Islamist movement called Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI)," adding that "its provision of all these cultural, welfare, and religious services for American Muslims is part of the large-scale effort to impose JeI's ideology on America's Islam."  JeI is a Deobandi-linked organization.

Bernie Sanders Dominates Muslim Majority Precinct Who Used 'Translators' During Caucus.  On Monday, January 3, 2020, over 140 people were packed into the Bosnian Islamic Center Zen Zen in northern Des Moines, Iowa.  They were gathered for the Iowa caucuses in overwhelming support of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.  This caucus was catered to immigrants and non-English speakers.  The Des Moines Register reported that the caucus room "was almost exclusively non-white."  Sanders received 129 of 142 supporters after the first alignment.  One more person supported him in the second and final alignment.

Renewable Energy Fairy Tales.  Scandinavian reformers always believe that they are a model for the rest of the world.  By 1987 Norway was already well on the way to becoming an extremely wealthy country due to its offshore oil fields.  It's not that surprising that Norwegians may perceive accidental geological wealth as proof of their moral superiority.  Nor is it surprising that the Norwegians opted not to preserve the oil for future generations.  The failure of Scandinavian ideology is most evident in Sweden where massive third-world Moslem immigration has devastated the country.

Tennessee Lawmakers Move to End Gov. Bill Lee's Resettling More Refugees.  A group of Tennessee lawmakers is moving forward with legislation to end Republican Governor Bill Lee's authority over refugee resettlement across the state.  For Fiscal Year 2020, President Donald Trump will continue cutting refugee admissions by reducing former President Barack Obama's refugee inflow by at least 80 percent.  This reduction would mean a maximum of 18,000 refugees can be resettled in the U.S. between October 1, 2019, and September 30, 2020.  This is merely a numerical limit and not a goal federal officials are supposed to reach.

London stabbing attacker identified as Sudesh Amman, ex-con with terrorist record.  The man shot dead by police in London after a stabbing attack that injured three people Sunday has been identified as an ex-con who served prison time for terrorist offenses — and was released just days earlier.  Sudesh Amman, 20 — who was shot and killed after the 2 p.m. attack in Streatham in south London — had been let out of lockup a week ago, where he was serving time for charges of disseminating and possession documents containing terrorist information, the BBC reported.  He was released after serving only part of his three-year-and-four-month sentence, according to The Guardian.

Scotland: Cops take down Muslim migrant rape gang, keep it secret.  "Asked why Operation Cerrar was not made public, a police source said:  'We need to be very clear that we always carefully consider when and what information to release in relation to ongoing investigations to protect vulnerable victims and the integrity of the inquiry.'"  Sure.  If that were true, no arrests would ever be announced.  It is much more likely that this was kept secret to avoid offending that most easily offended of communities, the one that, in order to appease, UK police ignored this activity for decades.

Car-jacker, 18, [...] is jailed for nine years.  An 18-year-old car-jacker who left a young woman partially blind in one eye following a hammer attack as he tried to steal her Audi has been jailed for nine years.  Majid Ali repeatedly struck Blythe Mason-Boyle across the head before taking her Audi A1 from Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham, in March last year.  The 24-year-old victim suffered cuts to her face and a fractured eye socket shortly after leaving a gym.

Minnesota pastor apologizes after calling Muslims a 'threat' in sermon.  A civil rights group is calling on Roman Catholic church leaders to reject a sermon in which a Minnesota priest described Islam as a threat to the U.S. and Christianity.  The Rev. Nick VanDenBroeke is pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Conception in the small town of Lonsdale.  He said during a Jan. 5 sermon that large numbers of Muslims should not be allowed to seek asylum or immigration to the U.S. The homily that was posted for the public on the church's website has since been deleted.

German Parliament laughs as Merkel vows to combat Muslim migrant crime by fighting 'right-wing extremists'.  This denial and willful ignorance is not limited to Merkel.  It is pandemic all over the West.  [Video clip]

Large Explosions Rock Apartments in Swedish No-Go Suburbs.  A large-scale blast rocked an apartment in the no-go Stockholm suburb of Husby early Tuesday morning [1/21/2020] along with another explosion taking place just 500 metres away.  One person was taken to the hospital after suffering injuries from one of the blasts, but the injuries were only determined to be minor.  A total of 50 residents were evacuated from their homes following the blasts as police and bomb technicians examined the area, SVT reports.

Syrian refugee, 21, hacks pregnant woman to death with machete and injures two others.  A Syrian refugee wielding a machete has killed a pregnant woman and injured a man and another woman in Germany before being arrested by police after he was run over by a man driving a BMW.  The attack happened in the south western city of Reutlingen near a doner kebab stand in a bus station at Listplatz Square in what has been described as a 'crime of passion'.  German media have been reporting that the motive for the attack in the city south of Stuttgart was unclear but the attacker and the 45-year-old Polish victim both worked at the same snack bar.

Radical Muslims Who Raise Funds for Ilhan Omar Demand the Overturning of Texas Refugee Ban.  Ten pro-refugee groups, led by the infamous Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), are calling for the year-long ban on refugee resettlement in Texas to be overturned.  "Today, we have a large multifaith, multicultural group of people coming together ... to stand united to let the world know that Texas welcomes refugees of all backgrounds," said Faizan Syed, executive director of the Texas DFW chapter of CAIR, during last week's joint press conference.  "And that we unequivocally condemn and stand against the governor's decision to not allow refugees to come to our great state," he added.

Sweden: Huge explosion rocks Stockholm, PM denies any link between mass Muslim migration and rising crime rates.  [Scroll down]  Swedish authorities have been working along with "gang crime specialists in the US, Germany and the Netherlands, and they are liaising with Swedish military experts who dealt with explosives in Africa and Afghanistan."  Most of these bombing attacks happen in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo — the three largest cities of Sweden and the areas of the highest migrant populations.  Once-peaceful Sweden has now become "increasingly associated with a rising number of Islamic State recruits, bombings and hand grenade attacks," and still far too many reports do not want to address the root problem: the surge in migration from the Middle East and Africa.

Judge blocks Trump's attempt to let governors refuse refugees.  A federal judge ordered a halt Wednesday [1/15/2020] to the Trump administration's plan to give states and localities a veto over refugees being sent into their territory, saying the law doesn't allow them a say.  The ruling is a major victory for immigrant rights groups, who had feared some communities would shut their doors thanks to President Trump's executive order last year establishing the veto policy.  Judge Peter J. Messitte, an appointee of President Clinton to the U.S. District Court in Maryland, issued an injunction stopping the policy just days before it was to kick in.

Cutlery Company Creates Knives With Square Tips 'in Response to Rising Knife Crime'.  A cutlery company has created a range of knives with blunt tips in response to knife crime statistics in the UK.  In October 2019, it was reported that knife crime had reached a record high in England and Wales, with more than 44,000 offences involving a knife or a sharp instrument recorded by police in the 12 months leading up to June.  This marked a seven percent increase on the previous year, with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) stating that the number of crimes involving knives was at its highest point since the 2010 to 2011 period.

Texas Becomes First State to Close Doors to New Refugees.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott has closed the doors to new refugees in the state of Texas, making him the first governor to refuse new refugees under an executive order signed by President Trump empowering state and local governments with control over refugee resettlement within their jurisdictions.  While other Republican governors have come under fire for allowing refugee resettlement to continue within their states — at least 18 Republican governors have given their consent — in a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Abbott writes that Texas has already taken in more than its fair share of refugees while also contending with the "disproportionate migration issues resulting from a broken federal immigration system."

France, The "Budding Islamic Republic".  France has been marking the fifth anniversary of the deadly jihadist attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which took place on January 7, 2015.  Last month, French Senator Nathalie Goulet warned that more attacks were likely.  "In France we have a serious problem and we need to do more to prevent extremists from acting.  As it stands, there will be more attacks," said Goulet said.  There are believed to be 12,000 radical Islamists on France's terror watch-list, "however only a dozen are thought to be under 24-hour surveillance."  This week was marked by yet a new string of Islamist terror attacks: police injured a knife-wielding man on a street in the northeastern city of Metz, two days after a suspected Islamist radical in the Paris suburb of Villejuif stabbed a man to death, an act that prosecutors are treating as a terror attack.  In both incidents, the assailants shouted "Allahu Akbar."  This type of attack was dubbed "ordinary jihad" in a Le Figaro editorial this week.

Republican Governors' 'Tolerance' Will Kill Us All.  It's as though our "leaders" have been fed stupid pills and chased them down with healthy quantities of idiocy.  Take, for example, anchor babies.  I'm shorthanding it here a little, so bear with me, but it works a bit like this: let's allow illegal noncitizens into our country — people who shouldn't be here, have no right to be here — and let them have their babies on American soil.  Voila!  We now have new American citizens!  A few here, a few there, and suddenly you have an entire new generation of "American citizens" who were born on the taxpayers' dime after their parents arrived illegally and.  We're not talking about thousands per year:  last year alone, as far as we know, at least 376,000 anchor babies were born in the United States.  Throw into this mix "chain migration," also known by the Orwellian term "family reunification."  Chain migration, which, like anchor babies, is also legal, allows a naturalized citizen to bring in an unlimited number of relatives into our country.

Somewhat related:
The Right is Surging in Sweden.  In 2014, Stefan Lovgen of the Social Democratic Party was swept into office as Prime Minister receiving 31% of the vote.  Left in the dust was Jimmie Akesson of the Sweden Democrats party, once considered a fringe and racist element in Swedish politics.  Times have changed and Akesson and his party are now running neck-and-neck with the Social Democrats.  A recent poll puts Akesson within 0.2 points of Lovgen.  On major policy issues, Swedish pollsters have found that a majority of the electorate agree to a greater degree with Akesson on nine out of nine issues.  The two major issues -- immigration and crime -- are the main reasons, and for good reason.  Like here, the liberal Swedish press have tried to discredit Akesson by digging up dirt on him.  They attacked him for having an online gambling addiction years ago.  His past comments on homosexual parents were used against him.  Even U2's Bono waded into the fray by comparing Akesson to Hitler.

The Editor says...
How is a Social[ist] Democrat's popularity evidence of a surge on "The Right?"

Europe's Nigerian Mafia.  One of the fastest growing criminal networks in Europe is now the Nigerian mafia, which is spreading its criminal activities across the continent.  It consists of rival groups such as Black Axe, Vikings and Maphite.  Most recently, authorities in Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Malta conducted an international operation directed at two of the major Nigerian mafia groups.  Police accused the gangs of human-trafficking, drug trafficking, robbery, extortion, sexual violence and prostitution. [...] What distinguishes the Nigerian crime networks is their severe brutality — Italian police have described them as using "urban guerilla warfare" to hold on to territory in Italy — and their use of voodoo rituals.

Europe Under Siege from People-Smuggling Gangs.  Hungarian police recently discovered two tunnels used to smuggle migrants into Hungary from Serbia.  The tunnels were found at the same time that Hungarian police reported a five-fold increase in the number of migrants attempting to enter Hungary.  Hungary is not alone:  Border authorities in countries across the European Union are struggling to stanch renewed flows of illegal migration.  More than 126,500 migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East illegally entered the EU during 2019, according to the International Organization for Migration.

Muslim religious leader in Texas charged with sex crimes against four children.  A well-known Islamic religious leader in Texas has been busted for sexually assaulting four children — though authorities believe he's victimized others.  Mohamed Omar Ali, a 59-year-old Somali national, was arrested Friday on charges of sexual assault of a child and sexual indecency of a child after an investigation was launched in September, Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls told reporters at a press conference Monday [1/6/2020].  Nehls described Ali as a popular "religious leader" who spent time at several mosques in Fort Bend County, as well as in greater Houston.  Investigators believe Ali also victimized other children dating back to 2013 after he arrived in the US.

9 Somali men in Minnesota sentenced this week on terrorism charges.  Six men in Minnesota's large Somali community have been sentenced this week for conspiring to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, including three on Tuesday.  Adnan Farah, 20, and Hanad Musse, 21, were each sentenced to 10 years in prison, while Hamza Ahmed, 21, will serve 15 years for that count in addition financial aid fraud, according to a Justice Department press release issued Monday evening.  All three young men will also be under supervised released for 20 years following their release.  Minnesota prosecutors went after nine men they say were part of a larger group of friends who had recruited one another to joining the Islamic State.

The Editor says...
These people are being brought into this country because they are allegedly "refugees," fleeing from war and violence in their home countries.  And yet, they appear to be willing and able to return to their home countries any time they please.  Moreover, they appear to be contributing to the war and violence in Africa.  Why are they being welcomed here?

41 governors buck Trump on local veto, open doors to refugees.  America's governors have overwhelmingly refused President Trump's offer to exercise a veto over new refugees being sent to their states, in what activists say is a stunning and heartening affirmation of the Statue of Liberty.  New York and Alaska added their names to the list late last week, activist groups said, making at least 41 governors who have now said they will continue to accept refugees.  The chief holdouts are a pocket of conservative states ranging from Texas to Florida.

Now 18 of 27 GOP governors are requesting refugee resettlement — without any dissent.  Shutting down the refugee resettlement scam and transformation of our communities was one of Trump's campaign promises.  Unfortunately, when it comes to the key issues that propelled Trump into office, elected Republicans side with Democrats.  Nowhere is this more evident than on the issue of refugee resettlement.  Last week, I reported that, despite record illegal immigration draining resources in the states, 15 GOP governors requested refugee resettlement, after the State Department required their consent in order for contractors to begin resettling in a given jurisdiction.  Now, as conservatives remain complacent in this fight, 18 GOP governors have requested resettlement.

Muslim population of England passes the three million mark for the first time.  The Muslim population of England has passed the three million mark for the first time, according to estimates prepared by Whitehall.  They said that Muslims are the fastest-growing faith group in the country — while allegiance to Christianity continues to decline.  The figures were produced by the Office for National Statistics as part of a research project to try for the first time to make regular assessments of the size of different ethnic and religious groups.  Until now religious and ethnic minority populations could be gauged only once a decade using the results of the full-scale ten-yearly national census.

Illegals Invading England by Boat Across Channel.  Illegal aliens from France are piling into boats and attempting to cross the English Channel.  And those illegals are not, of course, French.  They are Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians, and others.  Even worse, they know that even if they can't make it across the choppy water, if rescued the next stop might well be England, which will never deport them.  Thus is the sea-going invasion of nearly 2,000 illegals frighteningly reminiscent of the story that novelist Jean Raspail told in Camp of the Saints, his prophetic, apocalyptic novel about an invasion of the West by penniless hordes of the Third World.  The West didn't have the courage to repel the rapacious invaders of Raspail's grim imaginings.  But now, the country that once ruled the world doesn't have the courage to stop it for real.

Who is Doing the Raping?  America's apparently unstoppable gusher of mass Third World immigration is on track to deliver a sick, dystopian future, where some people will do very well — cheap maids and all — but women and children will fare quite poorly. [...] With the major media actively covering up the crimes of immigrants, and big tech companies censoring people who point out the peculiarities of other cultures, there seems to be a major campaign on to prevent Americans from noticing.

Newly-Elected Democrats Let Their Masks Slip, Revealing The Fascists Beneath.  In Kentucky, despite a GOP sweep of every other office, enough blue grass voters thought they could take a chance on that nice, normal-seeming Democrat Andy Beshear.  And the first thing he's done is invite in a bunch of refugees.  Was that what he was elected for?  Did the people of Kentucky think "Hey, we don't have enough foreigners coming into the state and living off our social services and taking jobs that could go to Americans?"  No, but that's what the Democrat Party wants.

France is Lost:  Muslims Rape Girl, Praise Allah, and Broadcast it on Twitter.  A change in direction may bring the nation back, but it would take decades to recover part of its lost luster.

Do you need a study to find the obvious?

Migrants in Europe Linked To Soaring Violence and Crime in Germany, Study Finds.  More than 90 percent of the 10.4 percent increase in reported violent crimes was attributed to young male migrants in Germany's southern state of Lower Saxony, according to a new study from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences.  A huge wave of migrants flooded into the European Union in 2015 from countries through Greece and Turkey that led to more than one million migrants applying for asylum in Germany.  The study funded by Germany's Ministry of Family Affairs found that many violent crimes reported by police in that time linked to male migrants between 14 and 30 years old, according to Deutsche Welle.

Ten People from Dearborn Indicted in Massive Pharma Fraud Scheme.  Seven individuals from Dearborn, MI and another three other individuals from Dearborn Heights, MI have been charged with many counts of pharmaceutical fraud because they allegedly participated in an insurance scam that scammed the system out of a stunning $46 million.  State Attorney Matthew Schneider has charged Dearborn residents Mohamad Abou-Khodr, 30; Nabil Chehadeh, 39; Ali El-Moussawi, 29; Bassem Farhat, 46; Hussein Wazne, 50; Bahia Zeidan, 28; and Suzan Berro, 20, as well as Dearborn Heights residents Hussein Abdallah, 36; Daniel Haidar, 30; and Linda Fawaz, 25, with the heinous crime.

In England, Muslims are Turning Christmas Into Festivus.  The latest manifestation of Islamic supremacism, leaching the meaning out of Christian observances, comes from Whitehall Primary School. [...] ["]Children at a primary school have been told not to sing the word 'Lord' in the Christmas carol Away In A Manger, so that pupils of all beliefs can join in....["]  But which is more important:  to allow Christian children to recognize Jesus as their "Lord," as they have for two thousand years, or to change utterly what Jesus signifies, in order to make sure that "pupils of all beliefs can join in"? [...] We all know the answer:  it is the swelling population of Muslims, who now feel numerous and powerful enough to demand that Christians change the essence of their religious observances to accommodate them.

These 15 GOP governors are asking for more refugee resettlement in their red states.  Is there a single red state left in America?  While Republicans in Washington spent the month betraying conservatives on the budget and border fight, GOP governors who are even more liberal have been quietly undermining Trump's promise to shut down the refugee resettlement racket.  If conservative media is going to continue to put 100 percent of its focus on impeachment, the Left will succeed in getting every single governor and most county officials in the reddest states and counties to promote the broken refugee resettlement scam.

African Migrant Harassing Women In German Cafe [Faces Retribution].  An obnoxious African migrant harassing women at a cafe in Augsburg Germany pushed these men into action and got a taste of street justice.  [Video clip]

Italy: Migrant Landings Halved in 2019 Due to Salvini Policies.  The Italian Interior Ministry has released figures showing that illegal migrant landings have reduced by half in 2019, largely thanks to policies enacted by former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.

New Kentucky Governor Rolls Out the Red Carpet for State to Accept Third-World Refugees.  Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has announced that he will allow third-world refugees to be resettled into his state.  "Kentucky has welcomed refugees for well over three decades," Beshear wrote to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a letter last week.  "Refugees in Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green, Owensboro and other locales have contributed to the workforce and economic development of our state."  President Donald Trump issued Executive Order 13888 in September to allow state and local municipalities to opt out of the refugee resettlement program that President Trump has frozen completely in recent months.

France: Muslim killer of Jewish woman will not stand trial, court rules.  The man who killed Sarah Halimi, a Jewish sexagenarian, in 2017 was declared criminally inculpable Thursday by the Court of Appeal of Paris, a decision ruling out the possibility of trying him for the act as demanded by the victim's relatives.  After weighing contradictory psychiatric assessments of Kobili Traore, who was 27 at the time of the killing, the jury ruled that the one-time drug dealer was not criminally responsible for his action, as his judgment was impaired by heavy consumption of cannabis that appeared to aggravate an existing mental condition.

Swedish judges refuse to deport two Eritrean refugees who gang-raped a woman for hours.  A Swedish judge has refused to deport two Eritrean migrants convicted of aggravated rape because they are military deserters and will face punishment if they are sent back.  The men, aged 30 and 32, were convicted in a Stockholm court this week of raping the woman for hours in an apartment in the city while threatening her with a knife.  The pair were sentenced to five years in jail and ordered to pay the victim £11,000 each, and prosecutors also requested they be deported for a minimum of 15 years.

Sweden: The Wages of Self-Loathing Is Civil War.  The Danes have put extra resources into controlling the country's links to Sweden because of bombs going off in Denmark due to people coming from Sweden.  The people from Sweden are Islamist criminals.  The Swedish government reacted to the Danish move by calling the Danes Nazis.  Swedish society has changed for the worse, and the Swedish people are aware of what they have lost.  All this is known, but what is interesting is that a former head of the Swedish truck-maker Scania, a Mr. Leif Ostling, has said Sweden is headed for civil war because of the problem of its violent migrants who have no inclination to integrate into Swedish society. [...] The population of Sweden is now 10.1 million, of which 8% are of the Islamist persuasion.  The first question is, who owns the guns, and how many are there?

Sweden: Confronting Reality.  Back in February and March 2017 BBC News ran a number of articles about Trump's much vilified remarks about Sweden, including one with the headline, "Trump's wrong, it's 'quiet and safe' in Malmo." [...] Swedish reality, unfortunately, continues to deteriorate.  Last month, a 15-year-old was shot to death and another teenager seriously wounded in a pizzeria in Malmö.  That incident appears to have been a turning point.  "We have seen a weekend in Malmö that is unacceptable, with an execution-like murder," said Mats Löfving, head of the Swedish police's National Operations Department.  He announced that police would be launching a six-month nation-wide operation against the wave of gang-related violence and explosions.

Denmark police say terror attack plans foiled, 20 arrested.  Danish police have arrested "some 20 people" suspected of involvement in Islamist terrorism in a series of raids across the country, authorities said Wednesday.  Flemming Drejer, the operative head of the Denmark's Security and Intelligence Service, said the suspects were "driven by a militant, Islamist motive."

The 'Baby Muhammad' Jihad Comes to America.  If Muhammad cannot beat the infidels on the battlefield, he'll outbreed them — literally:  Last year it was reported that "Mohammed most popular name for newborn boys in the Netherlands for second year in a row."  Muhammad is apparently also the most popular name in England.  In fact, Muhammad is one of the most popular names throughout Northwest Europe.  And now, for the first time ever, Muhammad has made the list of top ten baby names in America.  While this may seem innocuous enough — what's in a name? — the fact is many Muslims see their offspring as contributions to the "struggle" to make Islam supreme, since more numbers equate more influence and power.  Nor is the naming of "Muhammad" a coincidence but rather a cryptic reminder from the parents concerning whom they most revere and hope their sons emulate — namely, the founder of Islam/jihad.

County may become first in U.S. to bar new refugees.  If they vote to bar refugees, as expected, Burleigh County — home to about 95,000 people and the capital city of Bismarck — could become the first local government to do so since President Donald Trump issued an executive order making it possible.  The county postponed a vote last week when more than 100 people showed up and overflowed the commission's normal meeting space.  Monday night's meeting will be held in a middle school cafeteria to accommodate public interest that Chairman Brian Bitner said is the most intense he's seen in more than a decade on the commission.

Can Europe Be Saved From Demographic Doom?  Today's youth is taught by its parents, of the anti-traditionalist '68er generation, that there is little intrinsic value in building a family.  The consequence has been a generation that's planning its lives without any aspirations to have children.  Additionally, European youth are moving from rural areas to large cities in search of study and job opportunities.  This has contributed to them leading atomized lives detached from community.  Today's youth feels that it doesn't belong anywhere, and so why should they leave anything behind for a future generation?

New York Green-Light Law Creates Serious and Unprecedented Hurdles for Immigration Enforcement.  New York State has followed the lead of several other states to diminish the amount of documentary evidence needed to secure a driver's license in that state.  On June 17, 2019, Governor Cuomo signed the Driver's License Access and Privacy Act, commonly known as the "Green-Light law".  Ostensibly, the N.Y. Green-Light law provides a way for certain residents of New York, primarily illegal aliens, to obtain valid N.Y. driver's licenses.  This report will detail how this access to valid identification will shield illegal aliens from detection.  In addition, this report will focus on the public safety danger this law presents, as it will be used by criminals to obtain valid documents for fictitious identities and for other forms of identity theft.  The vast majority of these new driver's licenses will be based on a document issued by any number of foreign governments.  The information in this document, the consular identification document (CID or consular ID), cannot be verified by any U.S. entity.

Abandoning Malmö to Its Criminals.  Acts of violence occur so frequently in Malmö that news of one blurs into the next.  This year, there already have been 29 explosions in a city of just 320,000.  Sweden as a whole is on pace for about 150 — or about three per week (as Quillette has reported previously).  These are attacks by criminal gangs that usually target other criminals.  But the victims are sometimes innocent bystanders.  In one recent case, for instance, a female student was severely injured in the face when she happened to pass by a shop that exploded in Lund, a ten-minute car ride from Malmö.  The more spectacular attacks have left whole cities such as Malmö fearful and traumatized, [...] Though many of the bombings and homicides go unsolved, they are known to be the work of warring criminal gangs that are predominantly based in the country's immigrant neighborhoods.

One-Third of Young Prostitutes in Paris No-Go Suburbs Under 15-Years-Old.  The Observatory of violence against women in Seine-Saint-Denis published a study on underage prostitutes Tuesday, looking into 19 court cases in the juvenile court of Bobigny and around forty reports from French child protection services, France 3 reports.  The children in sex work in the controversial neighbourhood ranged from 17 to just six-years-old, with 89 percent being prior victims of physical abuse and 40 per cent victims of prior sexual abuse, most of the abuse occurring within their own homes.  61 percent of the mothers of the child sex abuse victims also reported domestic abuse as well.

Italy:  Mass Legalization of Migrants is Suicidal.  According to projections from the UN Population Division, the population of sub-Saharan Africa will double in 30 years, adding an additional 1 billion people and accounting for more than half the global population growth between now and 2050.  Italy, which already has the third-largest population of migrants in Europe, is undergoing an "unbearable" crisis, and now faces the real risk of an "Africanisation", as Stephen Smith called it in his book, The Scramble for Europe.  There are many voices of concern.  Cardinal Robert Sarah, author of a new book, The Day Is Now Far Spent, about the crisis of the West, compares the current influx of migrants to the invasions of barbarians that brought down the Roman Empire.  If Europe's policies toward migrants do not change, Sarah warns, Europe will be "invaded by foreigners, just as Rome was invaded by barbarians."

Somali Clan Gangs Claim Minneapolis Territory And Kill To Defend It.  Immediately following the rapid intake and resettling of Somalian refugees, crime in Minneapolis spiked.  Abuse of government funding, murders, theft, and a variety of public menacing strongly correlate to predominantly Somali neighborhoods.  Those arriving from Somalia are accustomed to gang related behavior since culturally tribal behavior is prevalent between clans.  Fights and even murder in public areas are common in Somalia.  Such incidents that may result in death are oddly "socially acceptable" when there is rivalry or "beef" between them.

British police have foiled 24 terror plots since ISIS-inspired Westminster attack in March 2017.  Britain's top police chief says investigators have foiled 24 terrorist plots since April 2017.  Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick today gave the updated figure, which includes 16 Islamist plots and eight inspired by extreme right-wing views.  At the beginning of last month the UK's most senior counter-terrorism officer said the number of foiled terrorist plots since the March 2017 attack by Khalid Masood on Westminster Bridge, in which five people died, including a police officer, had risen from 19 to 22.  Assistant commissioner Neil Basu said that 15 Islamist potential attacks and seven extreme right-wing plots had been stopped.

The Editor says...
The article goes on to mention "right-wing" attacks over and over without giving any examples or any explanation of what they mean by "extreme right-wing plots."

UK: 20-strong Gang Target 'White Bastards', Cut Off Teenager's Hand with Axe.  A 20-strong gang set upon four tree surgeons in Rochdale, England, calling them "white bastards" and cutting off a teenage worker's hand with an axe. 27-year-old Habibur Rahman, of Milnrow Road, Rochdale, gathered the mob after the workers had stopped him from abusing an elderly woman, the Manchester Evening News reports.

The stories and faces of the 70 people stabbed to death in London so far this year.  Knife crime is frequently described as an "epidemic" in London and one where the ideal "cure" is still hotly contested.  This year, the crimes that particularly caught the public's attention included the deaths of 17-year-old Jodie Chesney, who was killed in a park, pregnant mum Kelly Mary Fauvrelle, whose baby also died in hospital, and aspiring photographer Tashan Daniels, who was stabbed to death on a Tube train on his way to a football match.  But clearly any loss of life to knife crime is a tragedy and every single one of the victims on this list deserves justice in whatever form it eventually comes.  For many the cases against their suspected killers are still ongoing and for some there have yet to be any arrests at all.

Muslims cheer as pathetic cops with billy clubs are unable to take down a big, strong African perp.  I know most London police don't carry firearms, but not even a taser gun for situations like this?  And the female cop is totally useless.  [Video clip]

German Police Arrest Syrian Migrant After Hijacked Truck Rammed into Traffic, Seven Injured.  A Syrian migrant male is under arrest and police are investigating a potential terrorist motive, reports claim, after a hijacked heavy goods vehicle (HGV) was driven at speed into a line of waiting cars in Germany Monday night [10/7/2019].  Seven people were injured but none killed in a series of traffic collisions in the German town of Limburg, near Frankfurt, Monday night in an attack which several German newspapers now report police are considering may have had a terror motive.  A 32-year-old Syrian male suspect named as 'Mohammed O.' who is reported to have been previously known to police for drugs and other offences is under arrest.

From the Netherlands, Second Thoughts on "Muslim Immigration".  [Scroll down]  What this former Shell executive — Dominic Boot — meant is that despite all the efforts of the Dutch government, and of volunteers like himself, Muslims themselves resist, and resent, all attempts to integrate them into Dutch society.  But he does not ask what it is about Islam that explains this.  And the reason that Muslim "integration is moving in the wrong direction" is simple:  there are now enough Muslims to make it happen.

Sweden's Anti-Immigrant Party Draws Even With Social Democrats in Poll for First Time.  Support for the nationalist Sweden Democrats and the Social Democrats is almost equal for the first time in an Expressen/Demoskop poll, adding to Prime Minister Stefan Lofven's burden as he steers his minority government.  His Social Democrats, the largest political party in Sweden for most of the past century, have lost voters to anti-immigration party Sweden Democrats, the survey showed

Swedes are Fleeing.  Swedes are on the move.  Problems in many municipalities are prompting Swedes to leave for other areas with fewer socioeconomic problems.  The issue has recently gained the attention of the Swedish mainstream media.  Take the small, picturesque town of Filipstad (population 10,000), for example.  Swedish television recently made a documentary about the town, which finds itself in both a financial and an existential crisis.  "We are experiencing a population exchange.  You can think of that what you want... But it is simply a statement of fact that this is actually what we are going through and we have to deal with it", Jim Frölander, integration manager in the Filipstad municipality, says in the documentary.  Between 2012 and 2018, 640 native Swedes left the town, and 963 foreign-born people moved into the town.  Those leaving are people of working age (20-64), which means that the municipality's tax revenues are shrinking, exacerbating town's financial crisis.  The largest influx of immigrants came during the migration crisis in 2015. Filipstad, according to the documentary, was one of the municipalities that received the highest number of immigrants as a percentage of its population.

Study: 70 Per Cent of Austrians Say Islam Not Compatible with the West.  A new study from the University of Salzburg has shown 70 percent of Austrians feel Islam is simply not compatible with the Western world.  The study, which involved 1,200 participants, found that Austrians were very concerned about the effect of Islam in their country, with 72 percent going as far as to say Muslims were not a cultural asset for Austria, Kronen Zeitung reports.

Sweden is Spinning out of Control.  From the beginning of 2019 to the end of July, there were 120 bombings in Sweden, according to police statistics.  The figure represents an increase of 45% over the same period last year, when 83 bombings took place.  The south of Sweden has been particularly badly hit, with 44 bombings.  "At present, one can only really speculate on the reasons why.  We have an increased problem with crime and exclusion," said Petra Stenkula, chief investigator at Police Region south.  "It is possible that the supply of dynamite is good, whereas the supply is somewhat more limited when it comes to weapons today compared to before."  In the southern Swedish city of Landskrona alone — a place of roughly 35,000 inhabitants — since December 2018, there have been seven explosions or bombings.  In August, the entrance to Landskrona's city hall was blown up.

The Editor says...
The chief investigator says the rash of bombings must be due to an abundance of dynamite.  Brilliant.  How does he explain the rapes and the stabbings?  Nobody is that stupid.  Surely he knows exactly what's going on around him, but is prohibited from implicating the Muslims.

London knife crime:  Three dead and 11 injured in appalling week of violence.  It's been an awful week of violence on London's streets.  The knife crime epidemic has shown no signs of slowing down after 14 people were stabbed in the capital between last Wednesday (September 18) and Tuesday (September 24).  Three of those attacks were fatal, while in nearby Slough, just outside West London, a 15-year-old boy was stabbed to death in a skate park.

Germany: 40 percent of welfare recipients are Muslim migrants.  Non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur'anic dictate.

Germany: 40 percent of welfare recipients are foreigners.  At least 40 percent of all welfare recipients in German are foreigners, costing German taxpayers more than 4 billion euros every month to pay for the food, education, medicine, and shelter of 2.7 non-contributing foreigners living in the country, new official reports have revealed.  According to new figures released by Germany's Federal Employment Agency, three out of four working-age Syrians living in Germany are supported entirely or partially by the country's welfare system, Hartz IV, Die Welt reports.

France: At least 46% of Muslims want Sharia to be applied in the country.  Sharia denies the freedom of speech and the equality of rights of women and non-Muslims, and is deeply antisemitic.  Will these Muslims get their wish?  Unless things change in some major way, they most certainly will.

German study: 40% of migrant 'children' are actually adults.  In October 2015 1,200 migrants with beards entered Stockholm, Sweden in a single day claiming to be "refugee children."  The migrants were carrying signs begging locals for assistance for child refugees.  In Austria officials in 2016 officials found that HALF of refugees claiming to be children were adults.

Somali parents in London send their children to Africa because of knife crime epidemic.  Hundreds of British parents are sending their teenage children back to East Africa to avoid the knife crime epidemic that has struck London and seen 51 murders this year.  And the teenagers say they feel safer there, despite the Foreign and Commonwealth office advising against all travel to Somalia and warning against the threat of terrorism across Kenya.

The Editor asks...
If you're sending your kids back to Africa so they can have a better life, why aren't you going with them?

Police say insecurity sparked by migrant sex attacks is to blame for surge in firearm licences in Germany.  German police have said that 'insecurity' sparked by migrant sex attacks is behind a rise in the number of people with firearms licences.  A survey of Germany's 16 states revealed that 640,000 citizens are now able to carry a weapon.  This number was only 260,000 in 2014.  In total there are 5.4 million privately owned guns with the proportion of licence holders being highest in Schleswig-Holstein, reports thelocal.  The Union of Police said 'more and more people feel insecure' since the sexual assaults on women outside Cologne Cathedral on New Year's Eve 2015.

U.S. Has Agreement With Canada to Accept 100,000 Palestinians:  Arab Report.  The Lebanon-based newspaper Al Akhbar reported that an official source in one of the Palestinian factions revealed that there is an understanding between the United States and Canada for Canada to receive 100,000 Palestinians (40,000 from Lebanon and another 60,000 from Syria).  In addition, there is a further understanding with Spain to receive 16,000 Palestinians from Lebanon, alongside similar agreements with Belgium and France.  The understandings would lead to the reduction of the cost of migration from $12,000 to $7,000 per person.

Watford stabbing — First pic of man, 27, stabbed to death after car crash.  [Scroll down]  Britain has been battling a knife crime epidemic with fatal stabbings as deaths are at their highest level since the Second World War.  Violent crimes have surged in the capital since Sadiq Khan took office as mayor, with 2018 the bloodiest year in a decade.  The staggering statistics come a day after a report revealed that super-criminals who are caught carrying knives and committing crimes several times are STILL escaping jail.  Knife crime is up by more than half in the three years since Khan took power in the capital.  The Mayor is accused of "complacency, incompetence and shirking responsibility" in the face of the city's crime wave.  Knife crime has increased by 52 percent, burglary by 17 percent and robbery by 59 percent.

Ilhan Omar: 'We Have to Bring in the UN' to Deal with Border Crisis.  The wise and statesmanlike Democrat congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, demonstrating yet again her determination to protect and defend the citizens of the United States, has come up with a new idea to safeguard the security of American citizens:  place the border and migration crisis in the hands of the resolutely fair and impartial United Nations.  Yeah, that'll work. [...] Look at how Grandi and Guterres have looked out for the interests of Europeans: on their watch, the Islamic State (ISIS) boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees.  These were not empty words.  Just a few months after the Islamic State issued this threat, thousands of refugees did begin to storm into Europe.  Nor were all of these migrants peaceful people simply seeking a better life.  All of the jihadis who murdered 130 people in Paris in November 2015 had just entered Europe as refugees.

Sweden: Municipality Inundated with Migrants Faces Tax Crisis as Native Swedes Flee.  A Swedish municipality that took in one of the highest numbers of asylum seekers per population faces a crisis as natives move out and decimate the local tax base.  The municipality of Filipstad took in many asylum seekers during the migrant crisis of 2015 and now are facing increasing costs as unemployment among migrants has surged and financial assistance rates have tripled, broadcaster SVT reports.

One killed, nine hurt in French knife attack.  An Afghan man seeking asylum was arrested after a 19-year-old was killed and nine others wounded in a knife attack at a subway stop near Lyon, France, Saturday.  Three of the victims are in critical condition.  A suspect carrying a knife was arrested.  Citing a national police official, The Associated Press reported that the man was a 33-year-old Afghan citizen who had applied for asylum in France and was awaiting a response.  Officials said the attack, which took place in Villeurbanne, a suburb of Lyon in the southeastern part of France, was not terrorism related.

Why do elected officials embrace the same Islam that wants to destroy them?  The solemn duty of all majorities, all people in power, is to serve as protectors of all minorities and the powerless.  The list of people who need fair treatment and are entitled to it is indeed long and is not limited to religious minorities.  Women, even to this day, are among the most disenfranchised groups in the world — sadly, most shamefully, in Islamic lands.  While Western European countries (E.U.) and the United States are going above and beyond to cater to new arrivals, the Muslim migrants, and illegal aliens, they can do a lot for U.S. citizens, the veterans, the poor, and the needy, who are completely neglected.

Chaos erupts at meeting about proposed Minneapolis development.  Tension boiled over at an open house for a Minneapolis development project Friday night [8/30/2019].  The city wants to create an Africa Village Market in the Cedar Riverside Neighborhood.  The building, which could be 10 stories high, would replace a parking lot on Fourth Street S., according to city officials.  Construction is anticipated to start in 2021 and the marketplace would open in 2022.  "So much of the vision is still to be created," said Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey.  "This could be everything from affordable housing, to small entrepreneur space to allow small and local businesses to scale a great idea faster."

Another Swedish Municipality That Took In Migrants Faces Economic Crisis.  The Swedish municipality of Hässleholm, which took in nearly 3,000 asylum seekers in three years, faces an economic crisis as up to 80 percent remain on welfare.  Hässleholm City Council chairman Lars Johnsson, a member of the centre-right Moderate Party, said that the Swedish municipality has at least 100 migrants who are illiterate and another 200 with very poor educational backgrounds, saying, "It will in principle be impossible to get them to work," Kristianstadsbladet reports.

Italy Bans German Migrant Ship from Entering Italian Waters.  Italy has blocked a German ship, carrying 101 migrants from northeast Africa, from entering Italian waters, according to reports.  The vessel, operated by the German NGO (non-governmental organization) Mission Lifeline, picked up the migrants around 30 miles off the coast of Libya.  As the ship is heading toward Italy, three Italian ministries have banned the migrant transport vessel "Eleonore" from approaching Italy's coast.

The Editor says...
Here's my proposed solution:  Have the ship return to its point of origination in "northeast Africa," whatever that really means, and see how many of these "refugees" get off the boat and forget the whole migration thing.  My guess is that after a few weeks at sea with very little to eat, everybody would gladly go back where they came from.

Germany: Nurse refuses sex in subway station, Muslim migrant kicks her in the face.  Sexual assault occurs in all cultures, but only in Islam does it have divine sanction.  One survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the UK said that her rapists would quote Quran to her, and believed their actions justified by Islam.  The Qur'an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take "captives of the right hand," 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). [...] In this case, the targeted woman refused, and so was kicked in the face.

Syrian man jailed for killing that sparked far-right riots in Germany.  A Syrian asylum seeker accused of a killing that sparked a week of far-right street violence in the eastern German city of Chemnitz in 2018 has been found guilty of manslaughter.  Alaa Sheikhi, 24, was sentenced to nine and a half years in prison by the Chemnitz higher regional court on Thursday [8/22/2019].  The trial was held in the state capital of Dresden for security reasons and because of what the court called the "extraordinarily high public interest".

Sweden: Bombings and Explosions Up 45 Percent in 2019.  Swedish police say that the number of explosive incidents and bombings in Sweden from January to July has increased 45 percent compared to the same period in 2018.  Statistics released by the police show that Sweden saw a total of 83 explosive incidents during the period from January to July, a number that has increased to 120 this year, Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reports.

Germany To Strip Asylum Status of 'Refugees' Who Go Home on Holiday.  German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has announced the government will be cracking down on Syrians with asylum status who go on holiday back to Syria.  Bavarian centre-right leader Horst Seehofer said that the government would be looking to strip Syrians who visit their home country on holiday of their asylum status, saying that those who regularly travel to the country cannot make a serious claim that they are being persecuted there, Kronen Zeitung reports.

Murder Rate Soaring in Gun-Free U.K..  In spite of a complete ban on guns, murders in London now outpace murders in New York City.  But I'm sure there's a rational explanation, right?  There have been hundreds of knife-related homicides this year.  If only there were methods to determine if a pattern exists or any discernible attributes might relate to these crimes... [...] But, by all means, let's ban guns here in the U.S. while opening our borders to anyone, in spite of criminal predilection, mental health, or record of gun violence.

Not Satire:  Britain Prints Knife Crime Warnings On Fried Chicken Boxes.  Britain has now resorted to printing warnings about the dangers of knife crimes on takeout fried chicken boxes.  "Special chicken boxes warning about the dangers of carrying a knife are to be distributed to takeaways across England and Wales by the government," reports Sky News.  "More than 320,000 of them — featuring the Home Office #knifefree campaign — will replace the standard packaging in 210 outlets."

Refugee Trouble in Sweden?  Just Russia, Neo-Nazi Disinformation, Says NYT.  Reporter Jo Becker got huge front-page play on the front of Sunday's [8/11/2019] New York Times for the investigation, "How Nationalism Found a Home in Sweden — A Global Machine Fuels the Far Right's Rise."  It's part of the paper's "The New Nativists" series on "the evolution of hard-line immigration politics."  But while battling two of the paper's favorite villains, Russia and "Islamophobia," along with the Swedish political party Sweden Democrats (using lots of guilt-by-association to make links to neo-Nazism) Becker left out the context of quite a lot of recent Swedish history.  It turns out that the concern over assimilating Muslim immigrants in Sweden is neither a recently hatched Vladimir Putin plot or a figment of racist imagination.

Knife crime hits all-time high after more than 43,000 offences across England and Wales last year.  The number of offences involving knives in England and Wales has risen to an all-time high after 43,516 were reported to police last year, official statistics have revealed.  The rate of knife crime for the year to March 2019 was the highest since comparable records began in 2011 and a surge of eight percent on the previous year.  The figures released on Thursday [7/18/2019] by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) do not include Greater Manchester Police, one of the biggest police forces in the UK, which records data differently.  There was a rise of 3,301 knife crime offences from 2017/18, with the volume of offences up 42 percent since the year ending March 2011.

Noel Gallagher reveals plans to leave London after a man was stabbed on his street.  Noel Gallagher has revealed he's leaving London after a man was recently stabbed on his street.  The former Oasis rocker, opened up on his relocation plans after declaring the city is too dangerous to raise his family in.

Europe Poised to Put Warning Labels on Jewish-Made Products.  The European Union is poised to mandate that Israeli products made in contested territories carry consumer warning labels, a decision that could trigger American anti-boycott laws and open up what legal experts describe as a "Pandora's box" of litigation, according to multiple sources involved in the legal dispute who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.  The Advocate General of the European Court of Justice recently issued non-binding opinion arguing that EU law requires Israeli-made products to be labeled as coming from "settlements" and "Israeli colonies."

Trump Vindicated — Immigrant Violence Getting REALLY Bad In Sweden.  From 2011 through December 5, 2018, data from Swedish Public Service TV show, police recorded 116 hand-grenade attacks.  That's an average of more than one a month every month.  Explosions are the new normal.  An example is the bombing of an apartment complex in the normally sleepy university city of Linköping on June 19, that was, reportedly the fallout from a beef between immigrant gangs:  Twenty-five people were hurt and 250 apartments were damaged.  Even worse, the cops didn't arrest anyone.

None Dare Call it Replacement.  On Friday [8/2/2019] I appeared live on Red Ice TV's YouTube channel and was informed that due to YouTube's increasingly censorious policies, I must refrain from using the "R" word — "replacement" — when referring to the fact that only European-majority nations are being forced to dilute their ethnic majorities with nonwhite immigration.  It's been said a billion times, but no one in authority is calling for Africa to become less black or for China to become less Chinese.  I assumed that the ban on the "R" word was due to the Christchurch mosque shootings that killed 51 in New Zealand in March of this year.  Posting, downloading, sharing, or owning the alleged shooter's manifesto, called "The Great Replacement," has been criminalized in New Zealand.  Apparently, the powers that be would rather tell you what's in it than have you read it yourself.

German City Rocked After Kazakh Man Hacked to Death by Syrian Migrant in Broad Daylight.  A local news bureau reported "shock" in the German city of Stuttgart after a 36-year-old man was hacked to death with what appeared to be a katana-type sword in the middle of the street on Wednesday afternoon [7/31/2019].  The attack took place in front of dozens of witnesses and was filmed by passers-by on mobile phones from multiple angles, and saw a man, a 36-year old German resident of Kazakhstan origin, lying on the floor and being repeatedly hacked at and stabbed with a sword, reports German newspaper Bild. [...] The suspect was reported by regional newspaper Neue Ruhr Zeitung to be a 28-year-old man of Syrian migrant origin who arrived in Germany in 2015.

FGM Cases on the Rise Across France.  The number of cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) has risen substantially in the last 20 years, according to a report released by the French National Public Health Agency.  The rise in risk cases was highlighted in the agency's 21st Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin (BEH), a peer-reviewed journal, which states that the estimated number of victims of FGM has risen from around 60,000 in the early 2000s to 124,355 within the span of just 10 years.

The Cost of Islamic Incest.  There is a dire phenomenon rising in Europe that is crippling entire societies and yet the continent sleeps, refusing not only to confront the destructive elephant in the room, but also to admit its very existence.  The troubling reality being referred to is the widespread practice of Muslim inbreeding and the birth defects and social ills that it spawns.

Boy dies after he and mother are pushed on train tracks in Germany.  An eight-year-old boy has died after he and his mother were deliberately pushed on to train tracks at Frankfurt's main railway station, German police have said.  The boy was hit by a high-speed ICE train and killed instantly.  His mother was able to roll into a safe gap between two platforms and escaped injury.  The suspect was chased through the station by passengers who tackled him to the ground.  Police later confirmed a 40-year-old man had been arrested. [...] The 28-year-old suspect, who was of Kosovo Serb origin and identified only as Jackson B, according to German police protocol, was known to police.  He is being held in custody and is not thought to have known the victim.

The Editor says...
If the suspect is 28, why was a 40-year-old man arrested?

Germany:  Nest of Middle Eastern Spies.  Foreign intelligence services, especially those from Turkey, Syria and Iran, have increased their activities in Germany during the past 12 months, according to Germany's BfV domestic intelligence agency.  The foreign intelligence services are not only pursuing dissidents among the large diasporas in Germany, they are also targeting Jewish and Israeli interests in the country.  At the same time, Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood appear to be operating with impunity in Germany, while, according to the BfV, the number of Salafists in the country has tripled in recent years and now exceeds 11,000.  Overall, the BfV estimates that Germany is home to more than 26,000 Islamists, an unknown number of whom pose an immediate threat of attack.

UK Police Begin Forced Marriage Crackdown as Numbers Spike.  Police across the UK began the first ever national crackdown on forced marriage at a number of airports on Monday as latest figures show a spike in children being trafficked abroad to marry family members or acquaintances.  The most common destinations are seen as India, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, Somalia and Bangladesh.

African Migrants Turned [a] Church Into [a] Base to Deal Heroin.  Five African migrants have been arrested in Rome this week after turning a local church into a headquarters for trafficking and stockpiling large amounts of heroin.  The five young migrant men, four of whom were from Gambia and the other from Mali, used the church in Rome's Torre Angela area on the Via delle Amazzoni as a place to store and sell drugs after seeing a large number of mostly Nigerian worshippers visited the church on weekends, Il Giornale reports.

Migrants Storm Paris Pantheon Demanding Papers and Free Housing.  Hundreds of migrants and others associated with the so-called "Black Vests" group stormed the Pantheon in Paris demanding the French state grant them residency papers and free housing.  The incident took place on Friday afternoon [7/12/2019] and saw the protesters chant various slogans demanding that the government of French president Emmanuel Macron acquiesce to their demands, BFMTV reports.

Anti-Christian Attacks in France Quietly Quadrupled.  Why?  The French police recorded 129 thefts and 877 acts of vandalism at Catholic sites — mostly churches and cemeteries — in 2018, and there has been no respite this year.  The Conference of French Bishops reported 228 "violent anti-Christian acts" in France in the first three months of 2019 alone, taking place in every region of the country — 45 here in the southwest.  In all, according to the French Ministry of the Interior (which counted 875 anti-Christian incidents in 2018, slightly less than the tally by the police), the attacks on Christian sites quadrupled between 2008 and 2019. [...] Most major media outlets in France have also downplayed the uptick in attacks.

Former Romanian President and MEP: "EU Tell Us We Must Live with Muslim Invasion".  The EU means to assume the role of the Soviet Union in their totalitarian grab at control of the 'Eastern bloc".  But the bloc ain't having it, they've had enough of it.

Author: Sweden is Experiencing a "Small Scale War".  Swedish author Björn Ranelid warns that the level of crime and violence the previously sedate country is experiencing amounts to a "small scale war".  Ranelid cites car fires which were previously unknown but have now become commonplace across the country along with an explosion in shootings.

WordPress Would Not Tell Me Why They Removed Refugee Resettlement Watch.  As many of you know I began blogging 12 years ago when I became interested in educating Americans about just how the process of Refugee Resettlement works in our country.  My work began when refugees were being quietly placed in nearby Hagerstown, Maryland and I simply wanted to know how the program works and who is paying for it.

Decriminalizing Crime; Criminalizing Speech.  Strange to say, but German Chancellor Merkel, a center-right politician, has led the march to fulfill the terms of the Obama promise of making us all citizens of the world.  She opened her country to hordes of Muslim migrants and led her nation to forbid anyone from ever saying that it was a bad idea.  Or that it wasn't working.  It doesn't matter what these migrants do.  It doesn't matter which crimes they commit.  The local constabulary has gotten into the habit of not noting the ethnicity of criminals.  The real problem is speech, speaking ill of migrants, speaking ill of Islam.  Thus is the great Western tradition of free expression sacrificed on the bonfire of political correctness.  Muslims do not commit more crimes.  If it appears to be the case, we can solve it by not arresting those who do.  But, [you're in trouble] if you say the least disparaging word about the religion of peace.

Germany:  A Shocking Degree of Self-Censorship.  [Scroll down]  There is a very large discrepancy between what Germans consider taboo in the public sphere, as opposed to in private conversations with friends and acquaintances.  For example, 62% of Germans are convinced that a politician stating that Islam has too much influence in Germany will expose himself to harsh criticism, but only 22% believe that expressing such a sentiment in private conversations would cause offense.  Similarly, the sentiment that 'too much is being done for refugees in Germany' is viewed as a risky statement to air in public, but only 31% would consider it a problem to say that in private.  There appears, in other words, to be a significant gap between what Germans say in public and what they think.

London Calling:  An American SJW Lays Down the Law.  Last month in London, Uruguayan-born Melania Geymonat and her American girlfriend Chris (last name unknown) were riding home on a bus after a date when they were physically attacked by four teenagers yelling homophobic and misogynist slurs.  A photo of the two beaten and bloodied women quickly went global, though details about the actual attackers have been strangely devoid in subsequent media coverage. [...] One would think a socialist rag like the Guardian would have an acute interest in exposing both the perpetrators and the motives behind such hate crimes, especially if they fit Chris's theory with regards to their supposed systemic foundations.  One of the attackers is a legal adult, so there is no legal reason his identity cannot be publicized.  One wonders if there aren't other reasons.  Political reasons.  Maybe the attackers' identities don't fit a certain narrative.

Islamic Subversion in America.  Islamists, by sheer numbers, eventually will be able to vote out democracy in many countries.  They will elect Muslims to all positions of local influence, who will create and enforce policy according to the Quran.  Once they have control over a town, they will begin to establish informal sharia, and there's nothing the government can (or will want to) do about it.  Oddly enough, our elected officials have completely ignored the Islamization of European cities.  Many European elected officials, acting out of tremendous fear, have granted Muslims the right to establish their own shadow governments within the borders of countries like Sweden, England, the Netherlands, France, and Belgium, where they control their own population via sharia law without any accountability.

Khan's London:  Attackers 'Dressed in Burkas' Throw Acid in Man's Face.  Three people had acid thrown on them in two separate incidents over just a few hours in London, including a market stall vendor targeted by people "wearing burqas".  Djamil Mogdad was preparing his clothes stall around at 6.40 am on Friday morning [6/21/2019] at Walthamstow Market when he was "assaulted with a corrosive substance", according to a Metropolitan Police spokesman.

The Suicide of France.  "Regarding France in 2019, it can no longer be denied that a momentous and hazardous transformation, a 'Great Switch', is in the making", observed the founder and president of the Jean-Jacques Rousseau Institute, Michel Gurfinkiel.  He was mourning "the passing of France as a distinct country, or at least as the Western, Judeo-Christian nation it had hitherto been presumed to be".  A recent cover story in the weekly Le Point called it "the great upheaval".  Switch or upheaval, the days of France as we knew it are numbered: the society has lost its cultural center of gravity: the old way of life is fading and close to "extinction".  "Frenchness" is disappearing and being replaced by a kind balkanization of enclaves not communicating with one another.  For the country most affected by Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism, this is not a good recipe.

Pittsburgh Mayor Who Begged for Syrian Migrants Calls for More of Them After Aborted Terror Attack.  Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto is undaunted after a Syrian migrant allegedly plotted to bomb a Christian church earlier this week, and continues to call for more so-called refugees to be dumped into his city.  "Pittsburgh has historically been a home for refugees and immigrants and will continue to be one," he said.  Peduto makes clear that diversity is a religious belief of sorts to him, and he will never waver on bringing third-world foreigners to his city no matter what the cost.

UK: A Clash of Educations.  According to the UK's 2011 Census, Muslims, numbering 234,014, make up 21.6% of Birmingham's population, well above the average for England and Wales as a whole (4.8%).  Birmingham is the largest city by population after London.  Its Muslim population is almost as large, and the city itself is even more ethnically diverse than the capital.  Muslims have arrived from Africa, Asia (mainly Bangladesh and Pakistan), and parts of eastern Europe.  "Islam is a growing social force in Britain's second city", according to The Economist, and its Central Mosque "has influence everywhere from the classroom to the bedroom".  Clearly, what is happening in Birmingham may have a disproportionate bearing on Muslims and others throughout the UK.  The context within which social pressures are growing seems, first, that Muslims now make up one in every twenty people in the UK.

'These People Aren't Coming From Norway': Refugees in a Minnesota City Face a Backlash.  Minnesota's biggest city, Minneapolis, has long struggled to incorporate a growing immigrant population into the city's fabric, but the recent ascension of some former refugees into political power was taken as a sign of progress by many liberals.  In central Minnesota, which is more conservative than the state's urban centers, advocates for refugees fear that the resettlements could be met with more resistance. [...] Their increased presence — and an attack at a mall in 2016, when Dahir Adan, a Somali-American refugee living in St. Cloud, stabbed 10 people — has emboldened a loosely connected network of white, anti-immigration activists who are trying to pressure local and state Republicans to embrace an increasingly explicit anti-Muslim agenda.

'Climate Emergency': Ireland Set to Ban Private Cars While Planning Mass Third World Migration.  Drivers will be forced off the roads in Ireland and the population packed into "higher density" cities under a long-awaited climate plan which will 'revolutionise' people's lifestyle and behaviours, according to local media.  "Nudge" policies such as huge tax hikes, as well as bans and red tape outlined in the plan, will pave the way to a "vibrant" Ireland of zero carbon emissions by 2050 according to the government, which last year committed to boost the country's 4.7 million-strong population by a further million with mass migration.

The Editor says...
The Irish people were already living in constant anger before they started importing Muslims.  Have you ever listened to Irish music?  It's got an undercurrent of anger in every abrasive, strident, militaristic note.  Thirty seconds of Irish music is enough to last a lifetime.  Now the Irish government (the fools!) have invited knife-wielding, wife-beating Muslim deadbeats into their country.  What could possibly go wrong?  Maybe they should have checked with Greece and France and England first, to see how well the Muslims are assimilating there.  How's that working out?  Well, it's too late now, and the Irish government is worried about "'higher density' cities," so they're going to ban privately owned automobiles.  The bureaucrats will still have their own cars, but everybody else will be on the bus, shoulder to shoulder with the teeming multicultural masses.  And the ostensible goal of the automobile ban is the elimination of carbon dioxide emissions, even though China is burning coal like there's no tomorrow.  And the automobile ban must be implemented right now, because of extraordinary global warming, of which there has been none.  Wake up, Ireland.  Turn off the teeth-grinding music and think for a moment.  The immigration and the environmental alarmism are both about amassing political power.

Hey, Canada, this is the thanks you get for taking in Muslim refugees.  Says Iranian-born Muslim woman in Canada:  "I will never consider myself Canadian.  Canada is a white supremacist, racist, colonialist project just like Israel."  "Israel will be destroyed within 25 years."

Germany: Three teenage students planned to murder their teacher with a hammer.  But luckily for the students, the PC German media refuse to tell us what ethnicity the students are.  The students had planned to lure the teacher behind a garage by telling him a student was unconscious.  Then they planned to hit him in the head with a hammer, killing him.  Luckily for the teacher, he was rightly suspicious, and kept his distance.  Even though two of the students confessed to the plot, they won't be charged with anything.

Trump calls London mayor a 'disaster' after a spate of killings.  U.S. President Donald Trump once again criticized London Mayor Sadiq Khan on Saturday [6/15/2019], saying he is a "disaster" and will "only get worse" after three people were slain in the city in less than 20 hours.

UK: Knife Crime at Nine-Year High, Fatal Stabbings Highest Level on Record.  Knife crime has risen to a nine-year high with the number of fatal stabbings in England and Wales at its highest level since records began in 1946.  According to the Ministry of Justice, more than 22,000 cases of people possessing or making threats with a knife came before the courts in the 12 months to March this year, which represents an increase of one-third in just five years.

Muslim Migrants in Sweden.  If the American states are the laboratories for democracy, Sweden has become the laboratory for open borders immigration.  As you know, the warm-hearted Swedes opened their nation to a proportionally large number of Muslim migrants.  They offer generous welfare benefits and imagined that they would have no problem assimilating the new arrivals.  They count among the most "woke" governments in the world, and thus assume that their superior virtue will inspire similar virtue in new migrants.  As you know, the truth lies elsewhere.  Gang violence and bombings are booming... excuse the expression.  Sweden is blowing up.

British Police Handing Out 'Blunt' Knives To Reduce Stabbings.  Once upon a time, the British Empire was the bada** of the world.  It could go where it wanted and do pretty much whatever it wanted.  While the British Empire is often vilified by historians for what it did, at the time, it was somewhat restrained compared to many nations with its colonial holdings.  Over the last few decades, though, something happened.  Now, the country is a caricature.  There's remarkably little I can take seriously about the nation anymore.  The latest example of how far the UK has fallen?  It's handing out blunted knives to the victims of domestic abuse to reduce stabbings.

Ilhan Omar Refuses to Comment on Terrorist Recruitment in Her District.  Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) declined to address a report that found the highest level of terrorist group recruitment has taken place in her congressional district.  According to a Fox News report from February, "More men and boys from a Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined — or attempted to join — a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country."  The city of Minneapolis is located in Omar's district.  "FBI stats show 45 Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined.  And as of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS," stated the report.

German boat captain faces 20 years in jail for rescuing 1,000 migrants.  A German boat captain faces 20 years in jail in Italy for rescuing 1,000 migrants in the Mediterranean after being accused of colluding with smugglers.  Pia Klemp, 35, could be tried and imprisoned for helping people enter Europe illegally from the North African coast.  Italian authorities allege that she colluded with smugglers to collect migrants at Mediterranean rendezvous points and stage rescues at sea.  Undercover officers took pictures that allegedly showed human traffickers "escorting" vessels full of migrants before they were transferred to aid boats.

Rep. Omar's (Somali) Constituency Terrorizes White Community.  Last Friday [5/17/2019], a dispatch audio from the Minneapolis Police Department reveals that an incident involving "a group of 8-10 males chasing people with hammers" occurred near the University of Minnesota in the "Little Mogadishu" neighborhood.  Turns out this was a group of juveniles ages 12 [to] 15.  In the police reports their names are redacted due to the fact that they are minors.  It is clear that the group of males were Somali minors and were targeting white people and people who they perceived to "have money," according to one eyewitness account.

Mob with Hammers Descends on Minneapolis East Bank LRT Patrons.  [Scroll down]  A mob of eight to 10 males wielding hammers descended upon bystanders at the East Bank Light Rail station on Friday night [5/17/2019] injuring several, according to recorded police dispatch audio.  The incident was apparently reported to 911 just before 10 p.m. on Friday according to the audio and other social media police scanner reports.  A 9:48 p.m.  Facebook post on 2nd Precinct Minneapolis Crime Watch page said that University of Minnesota (U of M) police were requesting assistance from Minneapolis police (MPD) and Metro Transit police for "a group of 8-10 males chasing people with hammers" and that some people were injured.  A Facebook post a minute later on Minneapolis Scanner page said that the three police departments were responding to "multiple [911] calls" about "10-12 Somali teen males armed with hammers chasing people," also with "several injuries reported."  Both Facebook pages regularly post summaries of police scanner audio.  A person who claimed on social media to have been at the station when the incident occurred said that the group of males had "hammers and bars," and that they seemed to be "attacking anyone who looked like they had money or were white."

Muslims having fun in East London-istan.  But likely replacement for Theresa May as Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, keeps insisting that there are no 'NO-GO Zones' in the UK.  [Video clip]

Texas is a changing!  Hundreds of Congolese Bussed Into San Antonio.  Hundreds of Congolese were bussed into San Antonio and are now free.  We don't know who they are or what their backgrounds are.  There were about 400 migrants at the Migrant Resource Center yesterday [6/6/2019] and roughly 300 of them stayed at Travis Park Church overnight.  As we reported earlier this week, over 182 large groups of Africans — from Angola, Cameroon, and Congo — have been released into the interior this year.

Swedish Bishop Claims to Have 'More in Common with Muslims' Than 'Right-Wing Christians'.  Controversial Bishop of Stockholm Eva Brunne revealed that she not only has a distaste for right-wing Christians, but claims to have more in common with Muslims.  The Church of Sweden bishop made her comments this week on the People and Faith programme broadcast on Sveriges Radio, stating that she believes that the subject of Christian values has been largely taken over by right-wing populists.

Somalis have Changed Minneapolis.  [H]ere's a week Minneapolitans had with their Somali neighbors last month:  On Wednesday, May 15th a couple of University students were attacked on campus at the East Bank Train station by two Somali thugs.  It was an attempted robbery that the guys rebuffed sustaining injuries that required a hospital visit.  On Thursday, May 16th two Somalis burned down the pavilion at Lake Calhoun [or Lake Bde Maka Ska if you're a virtue signaler) an eating and hanging out meeting place in the heart of the city enjoyed by generations of Americans around the prettiest city lake you've ever seen.  This is in the most expensive neighborhood in Minneapolis.  On Friday, May 17th a gang of 10-12 Somali youths attacked all the white people at that same East Bank Train station with hammers and pipes.

Sweden's Self-Inflicted Mess.  According to an Amnesty International report, in Sweden, rape investigations are under-prioritized, there are "excessively long waiting times for the results of DNA analyses", there is not enough support for rape victims and not enough work is done for preventative purposes.  In 2017, a Swedish police report, "Utsatta områden 2017", ("Vulnerable Areas 2017", commonly known as "no-go zones" or lawless areas) showed that there are 61 such areas in Sweden.  They encompass 200 criminal networks, consisting of an estimated 5,000 criminals.

John Cleese Is Right that London Isn't English; His Lefty Critics Are Lying HypocritesMonty Python star John Cleese is under fire from the left for daringly, controversially pointing out that multicultural London no longer feels very English.  This tells us more about the hypocrisy and dishonesty of the left than it does about John Cleese — or London.  To say that Londonistan is a foreign city these days is about as contentious as saying that sheep make baaing noises and are a useful source of wool.

Islamist party receives 35.71 percent of the votes in the European elections in the German metropolis Duisburg and becomes by far the strongest party!.  The test was successful, even if this is only a small part of the town.  In the voting district 1001 of Duisburg-Marxloh, where many Muslims are at home, the Islamic party BIG receives the most votes in this European election with 35.71 percent — and this by a large distance to the other parties.

The cruel salvation of thousands.  Are reports that migrant sea deaths are down due to Italy's closure of ports to African refugees good or bad news?  "Migrant sea deaths in the Mediterranean have dropped to the lowest levels in years, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported Saturday."  This mirrors the experience of Australia.  "The Rudd government's dismantling of the Howard government's successful border protection policies directly resulted in .... at least 1200 people (including hundreds of children) perished at sea."  The numbers dropped sharply after border controls were re-established.  Then prime minister Tony Abbott "told European leaders to simply 'stop the boats' flooding to Italy from Libya after up to 1,300 migrants drowned in the Mediterranean in a week. ... 'The only way you can stop the deaths is, in fact, to stop the boats.'"

"France Does Not Belong to the French!"  Algeria, Tunisia and Pakistan belong to Muslims.  But France doesn't belong to the French.  Or so the invaders say.  [Video clip]

Footage shows hundreds of migrants occupying French airport terminal.  Video showed hundreds of illegal immigrants storming a French airport and occupying an entire terminal Sunday, demanding to meet with the country's prime minister.  Footage posted on Twitter shows roughly 500 migrants chanting in Terminal 2 of the Charles de Gaulle airport as about a dozen police officers in tactical gear look on.  "France does not belong to the French!  Everyone has a right to be here!" one person can be heard yelling into a loudspeaker.

Information slowly emerging about pipe-wielding mob of Somali 'youths' who attacked people waiting for light rail train in Minneapolis last Friday.  My hometown of Minneapolis has been totally transformed by the arrival of tens of thousands of refugees from Somalis, one of whom now represents the city and a few suburbs in Congress.  Nobody there was asked if such a makeover was desired by the residents; State Department officials decided that the generous welfare benefits available in Minnesota were reason enough to send people whose native land is tropical to the coldest major city in the United States.  But now that the old 97%-plus Caucasian city has been made into a multicultural exemplar, the local establishment, including the newspapers and broadcasters, is ultra-protective of its prized diversity-endowing Somali community.  That might explain why the news of a horrific attack on people waiting for a light rail train at the University of Minnesota has been so slow to emerge.

Mob with Hammers Descends on Minneapolis East Bank LRT Patrons.  A mob of eight to 10 males wielding hammers descended upon bystanders at the East Bank Light Rail station on Friday night [5/17/2019]injuring several, according to recorded police dispatch audio.

German states to ban knives in public places due to drastic surge in attacks.  Two regions in Germany are seriously considering banning the carrying of knives in public places due to a recent outbreak of violent knife attacks.  The states Lower Saxony and Bremen have both said that they will be looking into the implementation of a ban on carrying knives.  Both states have drafted legislation for the Federal Council that would make it illegal to carry knives in areas like train stations, shopping centers, and at public events, according to a report by the German newspaper Die Welt.

Sweden: Wife of senior Jewish leader stabbed 9 times in street by Muslim man; police not treating it as hate crime.  A Jewish woman in her 60's who is the wife of a senior leader of the local Helsingborg's Jewish community — and its secretary — was randomly stabbed 9 times by a Muslim man who is "known to police". Yet investigators are not treating the incident as a hate crime.  That is absurd.  "Israel's Foreign Ministry said the stabbing appeared to have been anti-Semitic in nature.  A leading rabbi echoed this sentiment."  The rise of violent anti-semitism is so bad in Sweden that many Jews in that country have moved to Israel for sanctuary, ever since the flood of Muslim migrants have entered Sweden.  Swedish authorities shield them from public scrutiny and criticism, so the problem escalates.

Migrant Collects Welfare For Four Wives, 22 Children.  Some Christians, Muslims, and others allow men to have more than one current wife.  While each person is free to view their relationships as they wish in the privacy of their own lives, the law in the West recognizes one spouse.  Don't tell that fact to Ghazia A., a 49-year-old former "self-employed car salesman" who is making a fortune off of the welfare system, as the Daily Native News has observed.  In Denmark, "Mr. A" has no less than three wives and is living off of the welfare system since he holds refugee status!

Italy and Hungary Forge Alliance to Defend Europe's Borders From Migrant Invasion.  At their talks in Budapest on Thursday [5/2/2019], Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Italy's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini agreed on the importance of strong nation states, on the need to give priority in Europe to European culture based on Christian values, and on border defence.

The Notre Dame of Cyprus, St. Nicholas Cathedral, Is a Mosque Under Turkish Occupation Now.  A devastating fire ravaged France's Notre Dame Cathedral earlier this month, prompting worldwide heartbreak, commitments of rebuilding funds, and a vow to restore the structure from the French president.  Meanwhile, the Notre Dame of Cyprus, St. Nicholas Cathedral, is used as a mosque in the northern part of the country, which has been illegally occupied by Turkey for nearly 50 years.

Salvini Demands Security Services Increase Observation of Islamic Cultural Centres.  Populist Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has outlined proposals for the security services to do more to observe and root out extremism in the country's Islamic cultural centres.  Salvini made his case for increased security measures during a press conference this week at the Interior Ministry, highlighting the recent Sri Lanka terror attack that killed some 250 people over the Easter weekend, saying that Italians needed more clarification on the extremist elements within the Islamic community, Il Giornale reports.

Notre Dame: An Omen.  Europeans brought a non-European ideology into Europe, an ideology that, for more than a thousand years, sought to replace Christianity as the world's dominant religion.  The Europeans, believing in nothing distinctly Christian or Western and believing in the moral and intellectual nonsense known as "multiculturalism" — a doctrine that asserts that all cultures are morally equivalent — saw nothing problematic in bringing millions of Muslims into Europe.  They had no idea that most of these people actually wanted to replace Christianity with their religion.  They had no idea because, in their ignorance and arrogance, they assumed that because they were secular multiculturalists, everybody else was, too — or would be, once they lived in Europe.  They were wrong, of course.  And as a result, the two dominant forces in Europe — secular leftism and Islamism — sought the end of Christianity and the West.  (The left believes that protecting Western civilization is equivalent to protecting white supremacy.)

Study finds Germans increasingly hostile to asylum-seekers.  A study has found that Germans are increasingly hostile toward asylum-seekers, whereas prejudices toward other minorities such as homeless or gay people have declined.

Senegalese immigrant attempts to burn 51 kids alive in Italy.  An immigrant from Senegal used gasoline to set a school bus on fire in Italy.  Fifty-one kids and two adults were on board.  Fortunately, the Italian Carabinieri had already intervened at this point and everyone was rescued alive.  Over a dozen people were hospitalized with smoke inhalation.  The perpetrator was hospitalized with burns.  Ousseynou Sy became an Italian citizen in 2004.  However, he has been arrested in Italy in the past for drunk driving and sexual abuse of a minor.  Sy was transporting two middle school classes to a gym when he went rogue and deviated from his route.  Apparently, he brought a gas can on board the bus with him and threatened to set the bus on fire to get everyone on board to cooperate.  He confiscated all cellphones, but one student had a hidden phone that he used to call 112.

Delightful people!  We are so fortunate to have them here.
Charges: Man used stolen machete in string of Target robberies in St. Paul.  A Minneapolis man is accused of robbing several Twin Cities stores with a machete.  Criminal complaints say Abdikadir Ayanle Ali, 32, robbed several stores in the Twin Cities, including several Target stores in St. Paul multiple times, while carrying a machete.  He is charged with four counts of first-degree aggravated robbery, according to criminal complaints.  Each count carries a maximum sentence of 20 years and/or a $35,000 fine.

10 Catholic Churches Attacked in France in One Week.  At least 10 incidents of vandalism and desecration of Catholic churches have been reported across the Channel since the beginning of February.  French Roman-Catholic newspaper La Croix International reported how the attacks on churches took place across France.  Senseless acts included the desecration of altars, the defacing of Christ on the cross and in an extreme case, human excrement being spread across the walls of a holy place of worship.

875 Catholic Churches in France Were Vandalized in 2018 by Radical Secularists and Muslims.  It is not yet clear how the fire at Notre Dame started.  French officials have not said it was due to arson.  But what is clear is that hundreds of French churches have come under attack in the just the last year.

Man in 'Muslim garb' moves swiftly at Notre Dame cathedral where no workers present.  Who was the man caught by a TV camera walking on the exterior of Notre Dame cathedral today?  [4/15/2019]  [Video clip]

The Internet Erupts With Speculation About Who Started The Notre Dame Cathedral Fire.  In the end, there are only two options.  Either this was an accident, or someone intentionally started the fire.  And if the fire was intentionally started, obviously someone had a motive for doing so. [...] Needless to say, radical Islamists are responsible for most of the attacks against Christians and Jews, and the number of Muslims living in the Paris area has greatly increased in recent years [...] But in this politically-correct era, we aren't supposed to talk about attacks against Christians, and this is especially true if those attacks are conducted by radical Islamists.

Man in France stabs neighbor 15 times.  The attacker, 18, was indicted for attempted murder due to race or ethnicity.  He told witnesses that he "wanted to kill a Jew."  According to the report, the victim is not Jewish.  The man reportedly also attacked two policemen, while attempting to escape from a hospital where he was scheduled to undergo hand surgery.  He also was scheduled to undergo psychiatric evaluation to determine whether he is criminally responsible, the report said, a procedure that could take several months, according to the National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism.

Is The Mall of America Now a Sharia Space?  You might wonder why there are Somali "refugees" in Minnesota.  Why the U.S. flew them over a half dozen or so safe, Sunni Muslim countries.  Then brought them to our shores.  Why at the same time we spurned Iraqi Christians with nowhere to go, whose country we'd actually messed up and rendered unsafe for them.  But that would be silly.  We can spot it as part of a plan, one newly elected President Barack Obama announced right at the start.  His goal?  The "fundamental transformation" of America.  His core supporters counted on that, and its interruption by Trump's narrow win brought on their two year tantrum.

Muslims Stab Homeless Berlin Man in Anti-Christian Attack.  Merkel's migrant munificence — the gift that keeps on giving.  This incident is still more of the poison fruit of Merkel's reckless, feckless policies regarding mass Muslim migration, which have set Germany on the path to national suicide.  She will go down in history as the worst German Chancellor since Adolf Hitler.  But what, exactly, did the Germans expect?  Did they really think that they could inundate their nation with Muslim migrants and that there would not be any among them who were devout and violent?  Germany has chosen the path to national suicide, and it is well on the way there.

Minnesota: Muslim immigrant who raped 10-year old girl gets just 12 years prison.  Ahmed H. Abdi, 35, of Minneapolis, was given a 12-year term Tuesday by Hennepin County District Judge Juan Hoyos on a charge of first-degree criminal sexual conduct in connection with the assault in October 2015.  With credit for time in jail since his arrest, Abdi will serve a little more than seven years in prison and then be placed on supervised release for another 10 years.

Swedish Family Flees to Poland after State Hands His Daughters Over to Muslim Family.  A father in Sweden fled to Poland with his children after they were placed with a Muslim foster family 300 miles away.  Peter Lisov fled Sweden with his children and is seeking refuge in Poland.

Knife crime is now a disease, says May.  Knife crime must be treated like an infectious disease killing our children, Theresa May and Sajid Javid say today [3/31/2019].  Unveiling a radical shift in policy, the Prime Minister and Home Secretary will hand hospitals, schools and social services a legal duty to protect youngsters.  Casualty staff and GPs will be obliged to flag up knife wounds or other suspicious injuries so children can be referred to 'violence reduction units'.  Mentoring and education will be used to stop them being dragged into crime and the gang culture.

The Editor says...
I don't think this was an April Fool article, but it's hard to be sure.  There's no use of Muslim or Islam in the entire article, but obviously that's what they're talking about.  The article does mention "youngsters at risk of being sucked into extremism," but that's as close as they got.  Notice also that Islamic terrorism is now medicalized.  That's what happens when a problem can't be honestly discussed due to political correctness, e.g., obesity, homosexuality, Islamic terrorism.

Police: White Teen Was 'Likely Dismembered While Alive' By Nigerian Immigrant Drug Dealer.  Police in Italy are now saying that a white teenaged girl found murdered and dismembered was likely chopped apart while still alive by a Nigerian immigrant drug dealer.  Pamela Mastropietro, 18, was found dead and dismembered last year and investigators say that her murderer brutally murdered the girl and continued chopping her to bits while she was still alive, according to Voice of America.

Train bosses try to stop antisocial behaviour by playing classical music at hotspot stations.  Train bosses are trying to stop anti-social behaviour by playing soothing classical music at a crime-ridden railway station.  Extra security guards have already been called in to tackle youths annoying commuters on the platforms in Hull, East Yorkshire.  But train operator TransPennine Express had said the music would be played as part of a three-month trial in an attempt to curb the bad behaviour.  One theory is that the music will be deemed so unfashionable and potentially damaging for teenagers' street credibility that they will shun the area.

The Editor says...
Apparently the writer is trying to say, "Recently-arrived Muslim men are engaging in harassment and intimidation of women at the train stations," but I guess it's now illegal in England to make sweeping generalizations about Muslims, so instead they have to use dog-whistle terms like anti-social behaviour and youths annoying commuters, and so on.  Newspapers are useless if they're written in code.

UK Report:  Muslim Men 200X More Prone To Rape Children Than Non-Muslims.  A miniscule number of Muslims speak out against child pimping in the UK. And out of an (unofficial) population of around 5 million Muslims not a single Muslim have formed organizations to combat the issue full on.  But don't you dare talking about the facts or you'll be branded an Islamophobe.

Denmark in a State of Unreported Collapse.  The official statistical definition of "descendants" includes only the first generation after the person who migrated to Denmark.  So the official figures do not show the real picture.  If the population statistics continue to follow that pattern, ethnic Danes — whose birthrate is far lower than that of non-Western immigrants — will become a minority sometime around the year 2065.  According to a 2017 report by Statistics Denmark, only about half of non-Western immigrants between the ages of 16 and 64 are employed (53% of men and 45% of women).  In 2017, a third of all the people provided for by Denmark's basic social-welfare system were immigrants, which constitutes a rise of 82% in a mere seven years.  These figures show that the public expenses connected to immigration will, in the long run, bring the welfare state to an end.

Yet Another Muslim Rape Gang Is Charged.  The BBC reported Monday [3/11/2019] that "eleven men have been charged with child sex offences in Sheffield."  The names of those charged make it clear that this was yet another Muslim rape gang — one of a seemingly endless stream.  No one in Britain will dare to acknowledge it as such, but this dispiritingly recurring featuring of modern life in the United Kingdom is yet another product of the cultural hegemony of the Left.  Of course, the immediate culprit is Islamic teaching.  One survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the UK said that her rapists would quote Quran to her, and believed their actions justified by Islam.

Amid Surge in Knife Violence, British Supermarket Chain Pulls Kitchen Knives off Shelves.  In the face of rising knife violence rates in the UK, supermarket chain Asda will no longer be selling individual kitchen knives.  This comes on the heels of the company's decision in 2016 to securely package all knives after a customer was stabbed inside a Poundland, another British grocery chain.  For their part, Poundland stopped selling knives altogether last year.  The grocery chains aren't entirely incorrect — England does have a growing knife violence problem.  However, regulating knives won't stop the violence.  And, boy, does England have a growing knife violence problem.

Report: Merkel Govt May Have Let In Thousands of War Criminal Migrants.  A damning new report has claimed that since 2014, the government of German Chancellor Angela Merkel has allowed thousands of war criminal migrants to enter the country.  The new report claims that from 2014 to 2019, the German government not only let in around 5,000 migrants who were subject to investigation for violating international law, but only investigated a handful of them itself, German tabloid Bild reports.  The paper states that the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) tipped the government off to around 5,000 migrants they believed had been involved in war crimes or other crimes against humanity.

800-Year-Old French Basilica of St. Denis Heavily Vandalized in No-Go Suburbs.  The 800-year-old Basilica of St. Denis was heavily vandalized this week.  Vandals smashed the 19th century stained glass windows and the nearly 200-year-old organ.  The basilica is the first Gothic church in Europe built in 1135.

Orban: No Place for Multiculturalism in Hungary.  Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán has hit back at Western European critics, stating clearly that multiculturalism has no place in his country.  The new statements come from an interview of Orbán by French politician Philippe de Villiers as part of the newly released book, I Pulled the Thread of Lies, and Everything Unravelled, according to a press release from the Hungarian prime minister's office.  "What outrages our opponents the most is the fact that in our Constitution we have written that Hungary has Christian roots; that here there is no place for multiculturalism; that a child has the right to a mother and a father; and that our nation has the right to defend its borders — which are also the borders of the European Union," the Hungarian Prime Minister observed.

Radical Islamic Terrorism Accounts for 91 Percent of European Terror Victims.  The newly released Black and White Book of Terrorism in Europe has revealed radical Islamic terrorists have accounted for 91 percent of the total terror victims since the year 2000.  The book is an initiative of Spanish MEP Maité Pagazaurtundua, president of the Foundation for Victims of Terrorism, listing the 753 people killed in terror attacks in the European Union between 2000 and 2018, Le Figaro reports.  The report also examines European victims of terror globally, revealing that a further 1,115 people including tourists and military personnel had also been victims of terrorism during the same period.

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Ilhan Omar?  Conservatives are accustomed to leftists hiding their true motives and feelings as they attempt to claw their way to political control over all of us, but Omar is different in that she makes no attempt to disguise her true feelings, either about America or the Jews.  Anti-Western to her core, she rewards the generosity of the Americans toward the Somali Muslim community by spitting in our faces.  As I wrote recently at PJ Media, there's something about the Somalis that makes them different from other cultural aliens who have arrived in — or, in the Somalis' case, been deliberately imported to — the United States.  An ethnic group low on its share of geniuses but long on violence, the Minnesota Somalis have the disgraceful distinction of sending more men and boys to join foreign terrorist organizations such as al-Shabab and ISIS over the past dozen years than any other place in the country.  And this, of course, is Omar's district — why would we have any doubt that she will represent it faithfully?

London mayor appears exasperated on knife crime questions, rolls eyes at reporter.  The mayor of London, facing tough questions in recent days regarding the rising knife crime plaguing his city — and the rest of the United Kingdom — showed his exasperation Thursday [3/7/2019] when he appeared to roll his eyes during an interview.  Sadiq Khan, who has faced recent that his team has not done enough to battle the rising epidemic in his city, continued to place blame on "massive cuts" from the central government on youth social services and law enforcement during an interview with Sky News.  "The investment we are putting in doesn't fill the massive hole left by the Government," Khan said.

UK Children Given Lessons on How to Treat Stab Wounds.  Children in high knife-crime areas are being taught how to deliver first aid to stab victims, details of the programme emerging less than a week after two teenagers were stabbed to death in separate attacks and a knife gang entered school grounds and threatened pupils.  Run by charity Street Doctors, school children are taught how to deliver first aid to stabbing victims through role play, and learn how to stem blood loss, reports The Times.

Swedish PM: ISIS Fighters Can Return, Refuses to Strip Citizenship.  Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has ruled out stripping Swedish Islamic State fighters of their citizenships, saying they have the right to return.  The Socialist Party leader said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had previously warned individuals travelling to the area in which Islamic State had been fighting and that many of those captured should not expect any help on a consular level, Nyheter Idag reports.

UK: Child Stabbings Double in Five Years.  The number of children being treated at hospitals in the UK with stab wounds has nearly doubled in five years.  According to National Health Service (NHS) data analysed by Channel 4's Dispatches, there has been a 93 percent increase in hospital admittances of under-16s who had been stabbed.

Khan's London:  Police Issue Description of Male Suspect in Fatal Girl Scout Stabbing.  The Metropolitan Police have issued a description of the killer who stabbed a 17-year-old girl to death in Romford, London.  Victim Jodie Chesney, reported to have been a Ranger Guide in the Explorer Scouts, was listening to music at a park near St Neot's Road in Harold Hill with other teenagers on Friday evening [3/1/2019].

East African community reeling from weekend violence, demands solutions.  After the latest spasm of gang violence, Minneapolis' Somali residents and business owners on Monday [3/4/2019] stepped up their calls for help from City Hall and police headquarters to help curb the senseless shootings that they say too often go overlooked.  On Friday alone, five men of Somali descent were shot in separate attacks, one fatally.  Police and community members pinned the blame for the bloodshed on an ongoing feud between Cedar-Riverside neighborhood gangs like 1627 and Madhiban With Attitude (MWA) and their rivals, the Somali Outlaws, whose territory includes the area around Karmel Mall.

The Editor says...
Allow me to propose two partial solutions:  [#1] Absolutely no one else from Somalia should be admitted to the U.S., and [#2] Wholesale, fast-track, overnight deportations of every gang-related non-citizen troublemaker of any race.

France arrests 44 migrants who climbed onto a ferry in Calais.  The migrants entered the highly protected port area on Saturday night [3/2/2019] and used ladders to climb aboard a ferry that had arrived from Dover in Britain.  The migrants are being held at the Calais police headquarters while police officials continued searching the ship on Sunday morning.

Calais: Dozens of Migrants Storm Ferry in 'Co-ordinated Attack' on UK Border.  Dozens of migrants stormed a ferry in Calais, France, in a bid to break into Britain on Saturday night [3/2/2019], in what police called a "co-ordinated attack" on the French docks.  Between 9:15 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., more than 50 migrants managed to board a Calais Seaways ferry which had just sailed in from Dover, England, with 211 passengers and 75 crew members on board, local media reports.

Islamic State Fighter Got Medical Treatment in Sweden, Then Returned to Fight.  Islamic State fighter Khaled Shahadeh is said to have not only returned to Sweden from the Middle East for medical treatment, but was able to return to the battlefield afterwards.  The 28-year-old is one regarded as a particular threat to Sweden should he return to the Scandinavian country yet again, Expressen reports.

Populist Austria to Transform All Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres.  Austrian populist Interior Minister Herbert Kickl has announced that the country will be converting all asylum seeker reception centres to departure centres.  The Freedom Party interior minister made the announcement Monday [2/25/2019] saying, "With effect from March 1st 2019 there will be no more reception centres in Austria, but only departure centres," Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung reports.  The new policy will see asylum seekers with low probabilities of getting an approved claim staying at the departure centres and would have several limitations imposed upon them.

Gated City Upon a Hill.  In New York City you will find about a quarter-million African-born immigrants, most of whom trace their origins to Ghana.  Though they are far from birth home, many still consider themselves part of Ghana's Ashanti ethnic group and are card-carrying members of the Asanteman Association of the USA.  The motto of which, Kum Apem a, Apem Beba, or "Kill a thousand, and a thousand more will come," might suggest we pause for reflection.  The group swears allegiance to their traditional king in Ghana and elect a local chief, who carries the title of "Asantefuohene."  New York's newest Ashanti chief, formally addressed as Nana Okokyeredom Owoahene Acheampong Tieku, otherwise known as Michael, works in the Bronx as an accountant.  One wonders what happens when these Ghanaians become citizens and, theoretically anyway, are compelled by oath to "renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty."

Denmark Refuses to Rule Out Deporting Somalis by Force.  The Danish government has refused to rule out forced deportations of Somalians without the right to stay in the country, although Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen has said he would rather they left voluntarily.  The Danish leader commented on the situation following a recent meeting with Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed in Egypt saying he thought it would be beneficial if the Somalians returned to their country to help rebuild it, BT reports.

More Anti-Semitism In France: 80 Graves Vandalized In Jewish Cemetery.  On Tuesday morning, local officials in eastern France discovered that 80 graves in a Jewish cemetery had been defaced with swastikas and other vile symbols and phrases.  As noted by France 24, France's top security official for the region, Jean-Luc Marx, condemned "in the strongest possible terms this awful anti-Semitic act and sen[t] his complete support to the Jewish community which has been targeted again."

There's Something about the Somalis.  An Islamic radical is an Islamic radical, fighting not for a "country" but for the caliphate and the ummah.  The fact that even today we have government officials who can't understand the difference is surely a cause for concern.  These are people whose "faith" compels them to wage war on the West and those sufficiently radicalized will do it when and wherever they can — as the number of "lone wolf" attacks in the U.S. and Europe can attest.

How Minneapolis' Somali community became the terrorist recruitment capital of the US.  More men and boys from a Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined — or attempted to join — a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country.  FBI stats show 45 Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined.  And as of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS.  Both numbers are far higher than those of alleged terrorist wannabes who left or attempted to leave the country from other areas in the country where Muslim refugees have been resettled.

What Trump Is Trying To Save Americans From.  In Europe truthful information about the Islamic immigrants forced on Europe by the EU, Merkel and George Soros is considered a hate crime and is forbidden.  Marine Le Pen, leader of a large political party in France, has been indicted for merely publishing photos of brutal murder victims of Islamicists.  Frustrated by the imposed silence, a Czech woman self-described as a nurse in Germany provides this description:  ["]Yesterday, at the hospital, we had a meeting about how the situation here and the other Munich hospitals are unsustainable.  Clinics cannot handle the number of migrant medical emergencies, so they are starting to send everything to the main hospitals.  Many Muslims are refusing treatment by female staff, and we women are now refusing to go among those migrants.["]

Foreigners Make Up 80 Percent of Swiss Prison Inmates.  The number of prisoners in Switzerland has soared in the last 30 years with foreigners now accounting for 80 percent of the prison population, according to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.  The study shows the rate of incarceration has gone from 72 per 100,000 residents in 1988 to 82 in 2017, Radio Télévision Suisse reports.  During the 30-year period, Switzerland saw its prison population increase from 4,621 to 6,907, a 50 percent increase overall.

Afghan migrant is jailed for life for murdering 17-year-old ex-girlfriend who had refused to convert to Islam.  An Afghan migrant has been jailed for life in Germany after murdering his girlfriend because she refused to convert to Islam.  The asylum seeker, identified as Ahmad S. due to German privacy laws, was found guilty of stabbing 17-year-old girlfriend Mireille 14 times at her flat in Schleswig-Holstein in March last year because she ended their relationship.

Sweden: Population replacement in full swing — one in four students has migrant background.  Every fourth student in Sweden now has a foreign background, according to a new survey from SVT news.  Tax-funded state television SVT seems upset that there is an uneven distribution of migrant students.  Schools are insufficiently mixed, they claim.  In the city of Linköping, for example, there are several schools with over 90 percent migrant students, while others only have around five percent.

Immigrants have a 270 percent higher risk of traffic accidents than Swedes.  Immigrants from North-Africa and the Middle East with driver license are a shocking 270 percent more likely to be involved i traffic accidents, compared to drivers who are born in Sweden.  The Institute of roads and traffic in Sweden, VTI, have revealed that, Scientists from VTI will now start a comprehensive project to find what causes these dramatic differences in traffic behavior between Swedes and immigrants.

Swedish Liberalism Is Struggling Under the Weight of Immigration.  An influx of migrants has stretched the country's social services to near the breaking point — a situation the governing agreement fails to address.  Sweden Democrats received almost 18 percent of the September vote, and their sidelining in the government could further alienate that substantial and growing voting bloc.

Finland's Grooming Gangs.  Finland is a curious place. [...] With a national population of just over 5.5 million, trees easily outnumber people; two-thirds of this country is blanketed in thick woodland, making it the most densely forested country in Europe.  Yet, this strange, seemingly forgotten land has a hideously metropolitan problem:  Finland's daughters are the target of grooming gangs.  In December 2018, Oulu police reported the arrest of seven men accused of repeatedly raping a ten-year-old girl.  The police say the girl has allegedly been subjected to multiple sexual assaults over several months in the suspects' homes.

Maine's Largest City Strains Under Asylum-Seeker Influx.  This community has long offered a generous hand to immigrants.  But Maine's largest city of about 67,000 is now struggling with an influx of asylum seekers, to the point where a local official is alerting shelters in other parts of the country to discourage people from heading here.  "The word is out there that our community is open to that population and has some assistance programs," said David MacLean, administrator of Portland's Social Services Division.  "Our local resources are not able to keep up."

Sweden Bombing Crisis:  Four Explosions in 24 Hours!  The last day has seen an unprecedented number of bombings across the country of Sweden, with local businesses and family homes being targets. [...] The year 2017 saw the Swedish police receive 211 reports of explosive incidents.  Although the statistics for 2018 is not in yet, Sweden saw a serious number of bombings and explosive attacks last year, with around 40 detonations in the city of Malmö alone.  It appears that the number of attacks is only continuing this year, with no signs of things getting better.

Three Muslim Immigrants Arrested in Michigan in ISIS Plot.  More immigration of terror populations, means more terrorism.

Sweden: Elderly man is prosecuted for calling Somali Muslim immigrant freeloaders what they are:  "LAZY".  A Swedish man in his 70s faced a court in the town of Uddevalla this week after far left social justice warriors reported him to the police for labeling Somali migrants "lazy" on social media.

Germans deport Muslim migrant with long criminal record, Afghans send him back to Germany.  This incident is still more of the poison fruit of Merkel's reckless, feckless policies regarding mass Muslim migration, which have set Germany on the path to national suicide.  If Germany were remotely sane today, this man never would have come to Germany in the first place.  But now the Afghans are using Germany as a dumping ground for all their undesirables.  This is Merkel's doing.  She will go down in history as the worst German Chancellor since Adolf Hitler.  But what, exactly, did the Germans expect?  Did they really think that they could inundate their nation with Muslim migrants and that there would not be any among them who were devout and violent?  Germany has chosen the path to national suicide, and it is well on the way there.

Remigration: Czech Republic to Pay Non-EU Migrants to Go Home.  The Czech Republic is launching a programme to pay non-EU migrants to go home, noting that funding the scheme would cost taxpayers "far less" than if migrant groups remained in the country.  With an information campaign set to be put out on social media and with leaflets and posters from April, the Czech Interior Ministry said it hopes the first migrants participating in its new programme, titled 'Návraty' (Returns), will be processed in the third quarter of 2019.

Khan's London:  Violent Crime on Underground Up 43 Percent.  Sadiq Khan, London's Muslim mayor, has overseen a surge in violent crime on London's underground:  it has risen by 43 percent in just three years, while the highest increase were weapons offenses at 125 percent.  "Sexual offences have also risen from 935 crimes reported to 1,047, while there has been an overall increase in crime of 25 percent, with 10,450 crimes reported in 2015-16, rising to 13,101 in 2017-18."

Holes in the Map.  Though not exactly a tourist magnet, the northeastern part of Columbus, Ohio used to be an unpretentious, unremarkable part of America.  You could go there if you wanted to.  It is now an unofficial colony of Somalia.  The business signs, grimy and grey for decades, are now in Arabic.  Somali women, grown fat on an American diet doled out by the public's confiscated largesse, waddle along the street in their abysmal burkas.  Somali men are something other than Americans with funny accents.  Something has gone badly wrong.  While I can still drive through this part of Columbus, I notice the Americans who used to live there, white and black, are fewer and farther between.  I notice when I hear on the local news that a "refugee" has run his car into a group of students at Ohio State, then chased others down the street with a knife while shouting "Allahu Akbar!" I notice when another "migrant," a Muslim from Ghana, enters a restaurant owned by an Israeli and proceeds to hack at the customers with a machete.  America's earlier minorities didn't do these things.

U.S. woman stabbed 14 times by Somali migrant, media go dark.  Morgan Evenson was walking home in downtown Minneapolis on the evening of Dec. 13 when a black man got out of his car, chased her down, tackled her and repeatedly thrust a 3 [to] 4-inch blade into her flailing body.  The 26-year-old computer-store clerk frantically fought back, kicking, scratching and screaming for help.  At some point, neighbors heard her screams and came to her aid.  Her attacker — described as a Somali man in his early 20s, about 5-foot-7 with a slight build and wearing grey stone-washed jeans — fled.  Evenson was left bleeding on the curb with 14 stab wounds on her arms, neck and back.  Her kidney was lacerated.  She was lucky to survive.  It happened while she was walking home from the Apple Store, where she worked, about eight blocks away from her apartment.  That's when the man attacked her for no apparent reason.  Police, who have not made any arrests in the case, are calling it a botched robbery.

The Editor says...
Right.  Maybe it was a "botched robbery," or maybe it was an Islamic terrorist going nuts over an unaccompanied female going out in public with her head uncovered.

Asylum seeker attacks pregnant woman — Unborn baby dies.  A 25-year old asylum seeker from Afghanistan stabbed a pregnant woman in the German city Bad Kreuznach so badly, her unborn baby died.  The incident took place in a hospital in Bad Kreuznach Friday night.  The man and the woman, a 25-year old Polish, had a dispute.  He stabbed her several times with a knife.  The victim was life-threateningly injured, but could be saved during operation.  Her unborn child didn't survive.

Germany introduces extremism counseling service.  A new prototype project was launched in Germany on Wednesday, aimed at counseling parents who are concerned their children may be flirting with extremism.  The Turkish Community in Germany (TGD) non-profit established the service primarily for Turkish and Arabic-speaking parents, but said that German native speakers would be able to receive help as well.  The service is called "emel," a play on the word email and a Turkish given name.  Parents will be able to receive help either via email or by making an appointment for a live chat.

Austrian Police Charge Woman For Hitting Migrant Who Molested Her.  Austrian police have changed a young woman with inflicting bodily harm for defending herself against a sexual molester, local newspapers report.  The incident took place during the New Year's Eve celebrations in Vienna's landmark City Hall square, where a 21-year-old Swiss woman pushed back an Afghan migrant who tried to assault her.  The woman also filed charges of sexual harassment against the man.  Several eye witnesses corroborated the women's testimony.  The Afghan apparently harassed other women at the venue as well, media reports say.  Three years ago, the western German city of Cologne witnessed mass sexual assaults on the New Year's Eve as thousands of migrant men raped, assaulted, and robbed more than 1200 women.  So far, only a handful of these perpetrators have been brought to justice.

German far-right party threatens to start street patrols after ethnic violence.  Germany's far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) has threatened to create its own street patrols to protect residents after the past week saw an outbreak of ethnic violence.  Last Saturday [12/29/2018], four Muslim asylum-seekers from Syria, Afghanistan and Iran allegedly assaulted Germans in Amberg, a town the southern state of Bavaria.  According to police, the four teenagers, under the influence of alcohol, harassed and beat 12 passers-by.  The NPD claims police are not doing enough to stop crime.

Mitt Romney backtracks after Trump-hating op-ed attack bombs.  [C]ontrary to Romney's op-ed claims about U.S. allies no longer loving us, a lot of our allies love us — just ask Italy, Hungary, Poland, Israel, or Brazil.  As for the ones who don't (and as France shows, it's just the leaders who don't like Trump, not the yellow-vest protesters), why do we want the love of such detested political leaders?  These are people who hate us, and who hate their own people, too, allowing Muslim hordes from stone-age cultures to descend upon them, feed at their welfare troughs and sex-harass their women, turning vast swathes of Europe into no-go zones.

Migrant gang 'leave 12 people aged 13-42 injured after carrying out random attacks and hurling racist abuse' in German city.  A migrant gang left 12 people aged 13 to 42 injured after carrying out random attacks and hurling racist abuse in a German city, it has been reported.  Four teenagers — from Iran, Syria and Afghanistan — are said to have targeted passers-by in the Bavarian city of Amberg.  Eyewitnesses claim a man was pushed down a flight of stairs while a 17-year-old was left needing hospital treatment for a head injury.

The result of mass Muslim infiltration is turning the city of Blackburn into an all-Islamic enclave.  There are cities all over England that are on their way to becoming mini Islamic states because Muslims never assimilate, they come to dominate.

What Is Knife Damage?  Some interesting news from Sweden, that bastion of liberal democracy and political correctness.  How do the ever-so-woke Swedes deal with Islamist terrorism?  Why, they follow the Obama playbook and refuse to call it Islamist terrorism.  In that way there is less Islamist terrorism.  Do you find this surprising?  If you do, you haven't been paying attention.  And the Swedes have put another wrinkle in the social fabric.  They have declared that anyone who shares images of Islamist terrorism will be jailed.  Keep in mind, images of these heinous acts of terrorism were posted on Facebook.  It's a culture shift of major proportions.  You can say anything you want about Christians.  You can be as anti-Semitic as you wish.  But if you dare speak ill of Islam you will be charged with blasphemy against the prophet of Islam.  So much for free expression.

Pope likens migrant holding centers to 'concentration camps'.  Pope Francis urged governments on Saturday [12/29/2018] to get migrants and refugees out of holding centers, saying many had become "concentration camps".

You can put lipstick on a pig...  In yet another thinly veiled attempt by Angela Merkel to justify the UN Global Migration Pact, which makes migration a "human right," she addresses the importance of "compromise."  In other words, even though a country voted NO against the Pact, it should "compromise" by going along with the majority.  Adding insult to injury Merkel says, "Your interests are better served when you attend to the needs and concerns of others, rather than putting the needs and concerns of your own people first."  Insisting that the EU should be a refuge for the world's Muslim freeloaders, she exhibits no sign of any "compromise" at all.

The Suicide of Europe by Mass Muslim Migration.  "Europe is committing suicide.  Or at least it[s] leaders have decided to commit suicide."  Those are the opening words of Douglas Murray's controversial best-seller, "The Strange Death of Europe:  Immigration, Identity, Islam." [...] "Even the mass movement of millions of people into Europe would not sound such a final note for the continent were it not for the fact that (coincidentally or otherwise) at the same time Europe lost faith in its beliefs, traditions and legitimacy."  In other words, it is mass Islamic immigration plus Europe's spiritual exhaustion that threaten to put an end to European civilization.  And at the heart of the loss of faith Murray cites is Europe's turning its back on Christianity.

German Supreme Court Rejects Anti- Child Marriage Law as Unconstitutional.  The German Federal Supreme Court has made a new ruling on a child marriage case which could have implications on the way child marriages conducted legally overseas are treated in the country.  The ruling comes from a case involving a Syrian man who was separated from his underage "wife" when the pair arrived in Germany as asylum seekers in August 2015, Die Welt reports.

Syrian women want their men back from the countries to which they fled.  The purported "compassion" Angela Merkel insisted on for Syrian refugees is not being appreciated back home in Syria.  When civil war came to Syria, most of those who fled the violence were military-age males, and they left their women behind to fend for themselves.  "Women and children first" apparently does not translate smoothly into Arabic.  When Angela Merkel led the E.U. into offering refuge for these young males who abandoned their females, she not only opened the door to a new wave of rapes, thefts, and other crime by men taught to despise the decadence of the infidels, but also abetted a demographic catastrophe for Syria.

Patriotic Countries That Rejected the UN's Global Governance of Migration in 2018.  2018 was the year that the United Nations made it first attempt at the global governance of migration — a move rejected by patriotic countries like the United States, Hungary, Israel, and Australia.  On December 19th, 152 countries at the UN General Assembly in New York City voted in favour of adopting the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration.  A dozen countries abstained, including Australia and Italy, and five countries voted against it, three in the European Union — the United States, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Israel.

Rape gangs are still ravaging Britain and "it's worse now than ever before".  The 1985 charity-hit for the starving people of Africa 'Do They Know It's Christmas' called for us to spare a thought of starving Africans, but this Christmas[,] it's time to start our charity at home and shine a light on our own horrors here in the UK, and think of the victims of the vile Rape Gangs that steal the childhood of thousands of young girls — and quite possibly boys, the #1400 campaign is trying to do that — despite a 'Media Blackout.'  Last week, Politicalite along with Unity News Network and Alt News Media attended an event at the House of Lords to report on the launch of the #1400 campaign, founded by Shazia Hobbs and Rotherham Grooming Survivor Elizabeth Harper.  The campaign plans to launch a telephone helpline, to support young British girls trapped in this world of horror.  Despite a few reports in Britain's newspapers, who claim to have 'broken the story' on Grooming Gangs, the press is still ignoring Britain's shameful and preventable epidemic.

Austria flips the 'narrative' on migrant asylum, turning fire to human smugglers.  Asylum-seeking is well known for its distorted incentives and abuses.  Now Austria of all places is calling it out, seeking to ban any asylum seekers who bankroll their journeys in through the paying and enriching of human smuggling cartels. [...] In other words, instead of the migrants being targeted, it's the nasty human traffickers being targeted.  That makes sense, because extranational smuggling cartels are the ugly off-camera player in these mass migrations that have flooded Europe (and the U.S.) making immense money off human misery as the news cameras have focused on hard-luck stories of individual migrants seeking to enter the West illegally and turned the cameras against anyone in the Western world who has opposed the practice.

Germany:  New Law Banning Child Marriage Declared Unconstitutional.  The ruling, which effectively opens the door to legalizing Sharia-based child marriages in Germany, is one of a growing number of instances in which German courts are — wittingly or unwittingly — promoting the establishment of a parallel Islamic legal system in the country.  "Germany cannot, on the one hand, be against child marriages internationally, and on the other hand, be for such marriages in our own country.  The best interests of the child cannot be compromised in this case. (...) This is about the constitutionally established protection of children and minors!" — Winfried Bausback, Bavarian lawmaker who helped draft the law against child marriage.

Austria to Automatically Reject Smuggled Migrants Under Tough New Plans.  Austria has announced plans to automatically block asylum for migrants who arrive with the help of smugglers, with Chancellor Sebastian Kurz stressing the importance of "smashing the business model of human traffickers".  Asylum policy in Austria "must head in this direction" in order to make the system fairer, stated interior minister Herbert Kickl this week, telling Kronen Zeitung that the "existing system" in which migrants who pay criminal smuggling gangs have a significant advantage in reaching Europe "is the most unjust and inhumane one possible".

Denmark, With an Eye on Muslims, Requires New Citizens to Shake Hands.  Denmark will require anyone who takes Danish citizenship to shake hands at the naturalization ceremony, under a law passed on Thursday, which lawmakers say is aimed at Muslims who refuse on religious grounds to touch members of the opposite sex.  The law has prompted strong reactions from some of the mayors who must conduct such ceremonies, and who are upset that they will become the faces and fists of a policy they call awkward, "purely symbolic" and irrelevant to an applicant's qualifications.  They say the Danish Parliament, which approved the measure, has artificially elevated a social custom to a national value.

Swedish Anti-Rape 'Man-Free' Music Festival Ruled Discriminatory.  A feminist music event has fallen foul of Sweden's equality laws for banning "cis men" at a women-only concert, organised after a spate of sex attacks by migrant men plagued other festivals.  Sweden's Discrimination Ombudsman ruled on Monday that because the website of summer 2018's Statement Festival advertised it as "male-free" and that all "cis" (biologically male) men would be excluded, it represented an "infringement of the prohibition of discrimination in a manner related to gender".

Germany's Arabic crime 'clans' are recruiting some of the million asylum seekers let into the country, police warn.  German police warn that crime gangs of Arabic origin have targeted a new generation of refugees for recruitment.  Known in the media as Berlin's 'clans', whose founders themselves fled war in Lebanon in the 1980s, they have long controlled much of the city's illegal drugs trade, street prostitution and protection rackets.  Now police warn that the clans have sought out new members from among the more than one million asylum seekers who have arrived in Germany since mid-2015, half of them from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Finland finally admits it has a Muslim sex grooming gang problem just like Britain.  Eight Muslim migrants accused of repeatedly raping a ten-year-old girl in a grooming case that has shocked the Scandinavian country.  The girl has allegedly been subjected to multiple sexual assaults over several months in the suspects' homes in Oulu in northern Finland, as police warn parents to watch out for 'foreign men' contacting underage kids.

Italy Cuts Illegal Migration Sea Landings by 80 Percent.  Illegal sea landings to Italy have dropped by 80 percent in just one year after the country's populist government enacted tough new immigration measures.  Between January 1st and December 2nd 2018, 23,011 migrants arrived by sea to the shores of Italy compared to 117,120 over the same period last year, according to data published by the United Nations' International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The Danes Have Had It With Illegal Immigrant Criminals.  Here in America, we can't seem to deport even the most vicious of criminals — not so they will stay deported, anyway.  In Denmark, the Telegraph reports, people are fed up.

Muslim Migrants Terrorize a Sleepy German College Town.  29.  That's how many crimes one single Syrian migrant had allegedly committed since entering Germany four years ago.  He had already been wanted for drug trafficking and had been investigated for a rape last year.  And then he struck again, this time in a case that has once again torn apart a sleepy college town.  Freiburg is a German city of 226,000 people.  Foreigners make up 36,800 or 16% of the population.  Of the foreigners in Freiburg, whose name means fortified city of free people, 18,750 or 8.5% are men.  Even though foreigners are only a small percentage of the population, they commit 42% of the crimes.  These days, Freiburg is mainly known as a college town.  One site describes it as the "sunniest and warmest city in Germany" with a "progressive mindset" and "a remarkable commitment to the environment".  The University of Freiburg's 30,000 college students make the area a magnet for parties, clubs and eateries catering to the booming student population.  And for those who prey on the students.

Denmark Plans to Isolate Unwanted Migrants on a Small Island.  Denmark plans to house the country's most unwelcome foreigners in a most unwelcoming place: a tiny, hard-to-reach island that now holds the laboratories, stables and crematory of a center for researching contagious animal diseases.  As if to make the message clearer, one of the two ferries that serve the island is called the Virus.

Germany: Muslim migrant screaming "Allahu akbar" and waving hatchet threatens people at Christmas market.  "According to police the man is a 38-year-old foreign citizen from Bornhagen, who was heavily intoxicated."  Merkel's regime is so globalist and internationalist, or else so suicidal, that it is more likely, in reaction to this event, to ban alcoholic beverages or outlaw hatchets than to reexamine its policies regarding mass Muslim migration.

It looks as if the toddler was savaged by wild dogs, but she was bitten by Somali Muslim migrant children.  17-month old toddler, Willow-Ivy Doherty, could be scarred for life after two very young Somali Muslim brothers bit the girl 15 times on her face and body at a play center.  But you'd never know it from the media coverage that fails to identify her attackers, even though the victim's mother had clearly stated their ethnicity in her Facebook post.

The Most Dangerous Countries in Europe for Women Have Large Muslim Immigration.  Sweden has one of Europe's highest rates of sexual assaults.  At 120.79 violent sexual assaults per 100,000 people, and 56 rapes per 100,000, the otherwise bleak socialist country ranks as having the second highest rate of sexual violence in Europe.  What makes Sweden so exceptionally dangerous for women?  Its militant feminism is embedded in its political culture and its educational system.  Sweden has boasted of a "feminist foreign policy", 61% of Swedes in one survey identified as feminists and hold the strongest views on "gender equality" of any Europeans.  Swedes are the most likely to believe that it's okay for men to cry.  Only 11% believe that women should take care of the home and only 10% believe that it's a man's job to support his family.

Sweden [is] Deporting 80000 Refugees.  At his Florida rally on Saturday [11/24/2018], President Trump referred to rising crime due to Muslim refugees in Sweden.  Somehow, the Left tried to conflate this as Trump spreading fake news about a non-existent terror attack.  Despite the alleged gaffe, the damage done by Sweden's open border refugee policy is real.

U.K. Politician on Migration:  No One Asked Us if We Wanted Our Culture Destroyed.  "No one asked the people of the UK if we wanted our culture and way of life destroyed."  So said Janice Atkinson, an independent Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for South East England, in a recent interview.  The stateswoman, author of the book Migrant Crime Wave:  The EU Cover-Up Revealed, also lamented that Britons "have imported the third world, and are now suffering from third world practices."  In the interview, published on Thanksgiving Day by Jihad Watch, Atkinson takes an uncompromising stance toward Islam, whose adherents have changed Britain's face over the last two decades.  The MEP also complained about a culturally cowed U.K. that has enabled this transformation, telling interviewer Joshua Winston, "We have allowed this [Muslim] minority to exist in their own multicultural bubble which has festered hate, mistrust, misogyny and abhorrent practices such as FGM, child marriage, arranged marriage and Sharia law.  And, of course, child sexual grooming, which is conducted by 80% Pakistani/Pakistani heritage men."

When Muslims Rape European White Women, Whose Fault Is It?  On October 14, seven Muslim migrants raped a teenage German girl in a park, after drugging her at a disco in Freiburg.  (At least she survived; in a similar case that occurred a week earlier in Italy, the drugged rape victim was left murdered.)  Bernhard Rotzinger, the police chief of Freiburg, responded by saying, "We cannot offer citizens an all-risk insurance [against crime], but I can advise this:  Don't make yourself vulnerable by using alcohol or drugs."  Similarly, after mobs of Muslim migrants sexually assaulted as many as one thousand women on New Year's Eve 2016 in Cologne, Germany, the city's mayor, Henriette Reker, called on the women, the victims — not their male rapists — to make changes:  "The women and young girls have to be more protected in the future so these things don't happen again.  This means they should go out and have fun, but they need to be better prepared, especially with the Cologne carnival coming up.  For this, we will publish online guidelines that these young women can read through to prepare themselves."

Parents Called Racist After Pointing Out 30-Year-Old Man Is Not High School Age.  When a "teenager" from Iran joined students at Stoke High School in Ipswich (a county town of Suffolk, England), students and parents immediately noticed something was off.  The alleged 15-year-old boy, Siavash, was 6'1", had stubble, a large Adam's apple, and a hairline that some viewed as receding.  Students and parents believed the "teen" was closer to 30 than 15.  When parents began complaining that an adult man was in school with their underage children, they say their concerns were "dismissed as racist," according to the Daily Mail.

Hillary Clinton:  Europe must curb immigration to stop rightwing populists.  Europe must get a handle on immigration to combat a growing threat from rightwing populists, Hillary Clinton has said, calling on the continent's leaders to send out a stronger signal showing they are "not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and support".  In an interview with the Guardian, the former Democratic presidential candidate praised the generosity shown by the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, but suggested immigration was inflaming voters and contributed to the election of Donald Trump and Britain's vote to leave the EU.  "I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame," Clinton said, speaking as part of a series of interviews with senior centrist political figures about the rise of populists, particularly on the right, in Europe and the Americas.

Shock: Hillary Admits Europe 'Needs To Get A Handle On Migration'.  On Thursday, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told The Guardian (UK) that Europe has badly mishandled the migration crisis from the Middle East.  In verbiage reminiscent of one Donald J. Trump, Clinton acknowledged that Europe's influx of unvetted immigration from Muslim countries has led to social fracturing on the continent, [...]

Guess what happens when a leading Western country puts a Somali Muslim in charge of immigration.  With the blessing and backing of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Somali Muslim Immigration Minister, Ahmed Hussen, plans to increase annual immigration admissions to Canada to 350,000 by 2021, with as many as possible of those immigrants being uneducated, unskilled Somali Muslims who will live off the generosity of Canadian taxpayers for the rest of their lives.

1,830 refugees arrived in the US in first month of FY19, welcomed by 43 states.  In the first month of Fiscal Year 2019, Trump's State Department admitted its initial group of refugees, mostly UN-selected, toward its proposed cap of 30,000 for resettlement this year.  They are being quietly distributed to approximately 170 towns and cities.

Minnesota Governor Welcomes Refugees In Droves And Then Terror Breaks Out.  There are growing concerns about the arrest of two brothers with ties to the Middle East who authorities say had an arsenal of bomb-making materials, guns, and ammunition in their car.  Twenty-seven-year-old Abdullah Alrifahe and 26-year-old Majid Alrifahe were arrested on May 11 in North Minneapolis.  Abdullah is being held in the Hennepin County Jail.  His brother, Majid, has been released and is facing minor charges.

Report: UK Police Becoming 'Irrelevant' as Crime Surges While Charges and Investigations Plummet.  UK police risk becoming "irrelevant" to many people as they fail to investigate huge numbers of reports and bring a "shockingly-low number of charges" for some crimes, despite the number of reported crimes rising steeply, MPs have said.  The report, by Parliament's Home Affairs Select Committee, argues there could be dire consequences for public safety if problems in the police are not addressed.  New data gathered by the committee reveals that recorded crime has surged by 32 percent in three years — including steep rises in robbery, theft, and vehicle crime — but charges and summons are down 26 percent.

Look at Europe - The Road to Hell Is Littered with Migrant Caravans.  Estimates vary that there are between ten and twenty million illegal aliens already in the United States so one would think that a few thousand third world peasants aren't going to make a difference.  Should they succeed and be allowed entry the repercussions will be far reaching and devastating.  Without immigration reform the precedent would make America's borders redundant and therefore encourage further caravans, not only from neighboring countries, but from around the world.  The trickle will become a deluge.  Once regularized with documentation, their path to citizenship would have to be extended to the millions of other illegal aliens already in residence altering the demographic balance and thereby guaranteeing power to the globalist elite in perpetuity.

UK: Mostly Muslim rape gang jailed for raping more than a dozen teen girls in Huddersfield.  The abuse, which centred in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, took place 'in cars, car parks, houses, a snooker centre, a takeaway, a park and other places'.  As with similar cases in a string of British towns and cities, the gang plied their victims — some of whom were as young as 11 — with alcohol or drugged them before carrying out horrific sex attacks.  The court heard evidence from 15 victims during the trials and the judge said he fears none of them will ever recover from their ordeals.

French city won't honor hero police officer slain by ISIS over concerns of offending Muslims.  A French police officer who heroically saved a hostage from an ISIS terrorist will not be honored in public over fears of offending Muslims.  Arnaud Beltrame, a police officer from Marseille, France, negotiated with an ISIS terrorist during a March 2018 hostage situation in which he traded himself for a female hostage and was later stabbed to death.  Attempts to name the city's 15th district after Beltrame were recently rejected over concerns of offending the Muslim community, Voice of Europe reported Saturday [10/13/2018].

Mogadishu, Minnesota.  When it was noted that the carry-on bags of multiple airline passengers traveling from Minneapolis to Somalia contained millions of dollars in cash, on a regular basis, law enforcement was naturally curious to know where the money came from and where it was going.  It soon emerged that millions of taxpayer dollars, and possibly much more, had been stolen through a massive scam of Minnesota's social-services sector, specifically through fraudulent daycare claims.  To make matters worse, the money appears to have wound up in areas of Somalia controlled by al-Shabab, the Islamic jihadist group responsible for numerous terrorist outrages.  Starting in the 1990s, the State Department directed thousands of refugees from Somalia's civil war to Minnesota, which is now home to the largest population of Somalis outside Somalia itself.

With 100 Sharia courts and 423 new mosques, London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries.  Mosques are popping up all over Britain, especially in it's capital city of London.  Sharia courts are in full function in London; handing out actual decisions to London's ever growing Muslim population.  "London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together," Islamic preacher Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi told local media[.]  Churches still outnumber mosques in Britain, but there are many mosques that are becoming overcrowded.

Muslim asylum seeker savagely rapes a 13-year-old German girl who was teaching him German.  A 27-year-old Muslim asylum seeker in Bückeburg in Germany, admits to forcing a 13-year-old girl to have sex with him, news outlet Unser Tirol reports.

Last Private Rescue Ship On Deadly Mediterranean Migrant Route Loses Its Registration.  International charities are reeling after Panama revoked the registration for a search-and-rescue ship they say is the only one of its kind in the central Mediterranean used to save migrants in danger.  They say it amounts to a death sentence for hundreds of people trying to reach safety.  The organizations, SOS Mediterranee and Médecins Sans Frontières, said in a statement that the Panama Maritime Authority "has been forced to revoke the registration of the search and rescue ship Aquarius, under blatant economic and political pressure from the Italian government."  The ship has been rescuing migrants as they made their way along a deadly and treacherous route between Libya and Europe.

'Civil War Is Coming to Europe' Warns German Politician.  "Civil war is coming to Europe," a German city politician told me this week.  I shan't mention his name — it was an off-the-record briefing and, anyway, in Germany there are penalties for this kind of frankness.  But he was only repeating what plenty of other people say in private in Germany where I've spent the last couple of weeks, soaking up the atmosphere, people-watching, gauging the public mood in the wake of Angela Merkel's open invitation to perhaps three million immigrants — most of them fighting-age males from Muslim countries.

Muslim Migration and Rape Statistics in Europe.  Sweden has one of Europe's highest rates of sexual assaults.  At 120.79 violent sexual assaults per 100,000 people, and 56 rapes per 100,000, the otherwise bleak socialist country ranks as having the second highest rate of sexual violence in Europe.  What makes Sweden so exceptionally dangerous for women?  Its militant feminism is embedded in its political culture and its educational system.  Sweden has boasted of a "feminist foreign policy", 61% of Swedes in one survey identified as feminists and hold the strongest views on "gender equality" of any Europeans. [...] Finland has a third of Sweden's rape rates and a quarter of its sexual assault rates.  Its numbers are still far higher than most of Europe, but nowhere near those of Sweden.  What could possibly explain the difference?  Finland is also fairly feminist, but the Muslim proportion of its population is only a third of Sweden.  Finland has a third of Sweden's Muslim population proportion and a third of its rape rate.  Sweden has the second highest non-indigenous Muslim immigration population rate in Europe and the second highest sexual assault rate in Europe.  It would be foolish to pretend that this is a coincidence.

The Rotherham 'Grooming' Trial And Total Inability Of British Authorities To Protect Their Youth.  Grooming gangs, where youths are plied with gifts and friendship to make sexual abuse more acceptable to them, are sadly nothing new across London and Europe.  However, the newly released, sordid details of an alleged victim of a sexual grooming gang in Rotherham, England displays just how bad the incidents are and can quickly become.  A victim of the Rotherham grooming gang alleges that she was raped by 100 "Asian" men by the age of 16 after being "passed around" by abusers from the age of 13.

Never date a Muslim.  Muslim migrant teens attempt to murder a 17-year-old German girl who was 5 months pregnant with the child of one of her attackers, the newspaper Bild reports.  The pregnant teen named Marcella was nearly stabbed to death in her hometown of Duisburg.  Although bleeding profusely, she managed to crawl to a neighbor's house and was saved.

Germany's Merkel Condemns Anti-Immigration Protests.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel sharply condemned recent anti-immigration protests in Eastern Germany, stepping into a swelling debate about whether all opposition to migration should be labeled as extremist.  Ms. Merkel told parliament Wednesday [9/12/2018] that as much as she understood and shared people's horror at crimes committed by migrants, she did "not accept this as an excuse for inhumane displays."

Fed-Up Citizens Run Into Pro-Migrant Politician, Force-Feed Her Dose Of Own Medicine.  As the migrant population increases throughout Europe, Westerners are realizing that the multicultural dream liberal elitists promised is nothing more than a cultural war of historical proportions.  Despite making up a minority, migrants account for a disproportionately high percentage of crime.  Even more disturbing is that these migrant criminals often go unpunished by authorities for fear of appearing racist or Islamophobic, as most of the asylum seekers are Muslim.

PC Marches On.  Thanks to Hollywood, the television studios, and the media, the cops are now the bad guys and the criminals the good ones.  And it gets worse.  British police officers are promoted because they obey sociological jargon so-called experts throw at them, things like "hate crimes" — whether a wolf whistle in the street or an offensive tweet.  Political correctness is now far more protected by cops than innocent people going on about their business.  (Shoplifting, incidentally, is now hardly prosecuted, and has become an open invitation to break the law.)  The government claims it does not have the funds to safeguard the people, but ignores the fact that billions of pounds are spent on a wasteful overseas-aid budget.  PC lives.  In the meantime, London is now referred to as the Wild West, with knife crimes committed daily and the death toll up to this summer surpassing that of New York City.  The perpetrators are mostly African and Somali gangs, but cops in London are billeted in safe areas in order to protect the LGBT community, which is not threatened by anyone.  PC strikes again.  Rural towns are no better.  They are targeted by drug dealers who are mostly Eastern European — meaning Albanians, Serbians, and Romanians — and extremely violent.  Incredibly, rural police stations are closing at an alarming rate and there are no visible bobbies anywhere.

Immigration Moves Europeans Right.  Angela Merkel's dastardly decision to throw open Germany's borders to more than 1 million mainly Syrian migrants in 2015 didn't quite go as planned.  The German Chancellor's grandiloquent gesture meant to exorcise German history once and for all instead cleaved through the middle of a once-reliably measured and "open" nation.  Even in Germany, where most people one meets will insist with conviction that any stance outside of the squishy center is "extreme," the migration question has exposed the chasm between rulers and the ruled.  Last week saw violent protests engulf the eastern city of Chemnitz, where a 35-year-old carpenter was stabbed to death.  Two suspects are in custody.  One suspect is Syrian, and the other Iraqi.

Italy: 50 of the latest batch of migrants allowed in have vanished, Catholic Church let them go!  It was less than two weeks ago that we told you about the stand-off between Interior Minister Salvini and the forces arrayed against him demanding he allow the latest migrant transport ship to unload its cargo.  He relented once a commitment was made for most of the 144 to be placed in the care of other countries.  Additionally dozens were to be taken in by the Catholic Church (we cheered that agreement where the migrants would not be a cost to the taxpayers of Italy).  Guess what?  It is those the church took in who have disappeared in to Europe!

Afghan asylum seeker is jailed for eight years for stabbing girl, 15, to death in Germany.  A failed asylum seeker has been jailed by a German court for eight-and-a-half years for stabbing his 15-year-old ex-girlfriend to death after she broke up with him.  The defendant, identified only as Abdul Mobin D due to German privacy laws, received a jail term by a juvenile court in the western town of Landau today [9/3/2018].  The verdict came a week after violent anti-immigrant protests erupted in the eastern city of Chemnitz over the fatal stabbing of a German national, allegedly by a Syrian and an Iraqi.

Czech Prime Minister: 'Illegal Immigration Is a Threat to European Civilisation'.  Czech prime minister Andrej Babiš has condemned the past approach of Merkel's Germany and the European Union to illegal immigration, branding it a "threat to European civilisation".  Andrej Babiš, a Slovak-origin populist and billionaire tycoon sometimes described as the 'Czech Trump', told national television:  "We do not want to live here in Africa or the Middle East.  We have to stop [immigration from these places]."

Thousands of right-wing protesters march in Germany against Merkel's refugee policy.  Right-wing protesters and opponents of Angela Merkel's liberal immigration policy have staged a fresh rally in Germany today [9/1/2018] six days after a German man was allegedly stabbed to death by two migrants. [...] Tensions over Merkel's 2015 decision to open Germany's doors to a million asylum seekers have flared up this week since 35-year-old Daniel Hillig was killed last Sunday.

A Visit to Islamic England.  This summer, I found myself heading back to the U.K. as it was plunging into a debate over Islamic dress.  Boris Johnson, the country's former foreign secretary and London's ex-mayor, wrote a column opposing attempts to ban face-covering veils.  Nonetheless, he added, "it is absolutely ridiculous that people should choose to go around looking like letter boxes."  The responses could hardly have been more heated.  I wanted to cut past the polemics and experience London's Muslim communities for myself.  My first visit was to Tower Hamlets, an East London borough that is about 38% Muslim, among the highest in the U.K.  As I walked down Whitechapel Road, the adhan, or call to prayer, echoed through the neighborhood.  Muslims walked in one direction for jumu'ah, Friday prayer, while non-Muslims went the opposite way.  Each group kept its distance and avoided eye contact with the other.  A sign was posted on a pole:  "Alcohol restricted zone."

Women cheer as Swedish man-free music festival opens.  Matilda Hagerman laughs with her friends as she queues at a man-free music festival, which kicked off in Sweden on Friday in protest against a wave of sexual assaults at festivals in recent years.  "This festival was necessary because of everything that happened during festivals last year," says the 27-year-old student with long pink hair and purple lipstick as her friends nod in agreement.  Held in Sweden's second-largest city of Gothenburg, the two-day Statement Festival, forbids men but not transgender people.  It was announced last year after police received four rape and 23 sexual assault reports at Sweden's largest Bravalla Festival, which was cancelled this year as a result.

Protesters damage 'sexist' open-air urinals in Paris.  Feminist protesters have begun vandalising the new open-air street urinals in Paris, labelling them sexist and discriminatory.  Several of the eco-friendly urinals have been placed in public spots in recent months as an experiment to counter Paris's problem of urine-soaked pavements.  But protesters in recent days targeted two on the Île Saint-Louis and near Gare de Lyon station — plastering them with stained sanitary towels and tampons, then blocking them with concrete.

22 cars burned in Sweden as country rocked by rising crime.  Up to 22 cars were burned or damaged in several fires across southern Sweden on Thursday [8/30/2018].  It will likely stoke claims that the current socialist government has abjectly failed at tackling the surge in crime. [...] The incidents occurred despite Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven's stinging remarks, two weeks ago, in the aftermath of a mass arson attack which saw some 80 cars damaged.  It is understood that groups of masked youths are responsible for the fires, which broke out mainly in Sweden's second-largest city of Gothenburg.  Cars were also set ablaze in Stockholm, Trollhattan and Falkenberg, as well as Malmo.

Man, those knives are mean!
London: Teen Stabbed to Death Next to Anti-Knife Poster.  A man has been stabbed to death in front of an anti-knife crime poster in South London as the capital's violent crime wave rolls on.  The murder victim, thought to be 22, was found with stab wounds in a street in Deptford in south-east London at about 11:45 p.m. on Saturday [8/25/2018].  He was rushed to hospital but died a short time later, according to a police statement.  A taped off police cordon at the crime scene spread around a bus stop displaying a poster of a young man on a bicycle from the government's #knifefree campaign, which is aimed at curbing the rise of violence.

Muslim refugee accused of Somali terror ties lied at every turn.  Whether Mohamed Abdirahman Osman is a refugee who lied about terrorist links to get immigration benefits or if he's been wrongly targeted by a flawed government investigation that matches the Trump administration's rejection of certain refugees is being played out in a Tucson courtroom.  Hearings here last week illustrated the difficulty in finding facts in the case, including whether Mohamed Abdirahman Osman is even his real name.

California Muslim Arrested For Killing Cop, Liberal Media Scrambles To Hide 1 Detail.  On August 15, California resident Omar Abdulsattar Ameen, 45, was arrested and placed in Sacramento County Jail for the brutal execution of an Iraqi police officer and suspected Islamic State membership.  Although this story is yet another crucial example of the threat of Islamic terrorism in the U.S., the mainstream media are widely ignoring the report for one disturbing reason — Ameen came to the U.S. as a war-torn refugee under the Barack Obama administration.

Four children stabbed in south London with one boy being 'disembowelled'.  A boy is fighting for his life after he was allegedly disembowelled when he was stabbed on a south London housing estate.  He was one of four children who were taken to hospitals in south London following the incident at Landor House, Camberwell yesterday.  All the boys are aged between 15 and 16 years old and six attackers of the same age have been taken into custody.

'White Whores': Islam's Unwavering View on Western Women.  What explains the ongoing victimization of European women by Muslim men — which exists well beyond the UK, and has become epidemic in Germany, Sweden, and elsewhere?  While these sordid accounts are routinely dismissed as the activities of "criminals," they are in fact reflective of nearly fourteen centuries of Muslim views on and treatment of European women.  Nothing in Kate's account — not even the otherwise extreme aspect of taking her to Morocco to be a sex slave — has not happened countless times over the centuries.  For starters, Muslim men have long had an obsessive attraction for fair women of the European variety.  This, as all things Islamic, traces back to their prophet, Muhammad.

Curbside psychoanalysis deflects attention from the obvious:
Four injured as crazed Afghan asylum-seeker launches knife rampage in sleepy French town.  An Afghan asylum-seeker has been arrested after injuring four people in a drunken and frenzied knife attack in a sleepy French town.  The incident began last night with the 19-year-old man, who is said to have psychological problems, lashing out at cars outside his home in Perigueux, in the country's south west.  He was seen 'kicking and banging a first vehicle with his feet and fists, then a second' and also 'rounding on female motorists', according to the head of the ambulance service for the area, Jean-Jacques Girard.

Teenager is arrested in Turkey over firebombing of cars in Sweden.  A teenager has been arrested in Turkey in connection with the systematic firebombing of cars across Sweden earlier this week.  The man, born in 1999, had fled Sweden yesterday and could be apprehended upon arrival in Turkey, taking the total number of arrests over the arson attacks to three.  More than 100 cars burned in several Swedish cities, including the capital Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo, as gangs of masked youths went rampaging in a series of arson attacks believed to have been coordinated on social media.

More Than Half of Foreign Refugees Are on Taxpayer-Funded Food Stamps.  More than half of the annual inflow of foreign refugees arriving in the United States are on food stamps, a government report reveals.  Since 2008, as Breitbart News reported, the U.S. has permanently resettled more than 1.7 million foreign nationals and refugees through a variety of humanitarian programs like the Special Immigrant Juveniles and the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act.  This is a foreign population larger than Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — a city with more than 1.5 million residents.

Britain Suffers 15 Acid Attacks a Week, With Three Quarters Taking Place in London.  The United Kingdom's surge of the previously unheard of phenomenon of acid attacks has seen an average of 15 a week over the past three years, with the vast majority taking place in the crime-struck capital, London.  There were 2,602 acid attacks in Britain between January 2015 and May 2018, the equivalent of 15 a week, according to government figures accessed by The Mirror newspaper.

Dutch politician commits suicide after revealing she was 'gang raped by Muslims'.  Willie Dille, city councillor in The Hague and member of the anti-immigrant Freedom Party, has taken her own life on Wednesday [8/8/2018].  She had just posted a video on Facebook describing her gang-rape as being part of an intimidation campaign over a year ago.  Mrs. Dillie was an MP for the anti-immigrant Freedom Party from 2010-2012 before returning to her seat on The Hague city council.

Denmark bans the Islamic veil.  There's something rotten in Denmark.  But don't take it from us (or from the Bard), but from the Danes themselves.  Evidently not pleased with the pace at which the country's large Muslim population — more than 5 percent of the Danish nation — is being absorbed by the body politic, Denmark has banned the wearing of face veils in public, effective this month.  The bill does not specifically target face veils, but declares that "anyone who wears a garment that hides the face in public will be punished with a fine."  The first citation has been issued.  A 28-year-old woman was fined 1,000 kroner (about $150) for wearing a niqab in the city of Horsholm.  Repeated violators face fines of up to 10,000 kroner.

Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting Colorado cop has criminal history, yet avoided deportation, report says.  An Iraqi immigrant who allegedly shot a Colorado cop Thursday [8/2/2018] during a shootout has been involved in a string of crimes for the past five years — yet avoided being deported, a report said.  Karrar Al Khammasi, 31, missed his Friday court appearance after he was hospitalized following a shootout with officers in Colorado Springs.  Al Khammasi is accused of shooting Colorado Springs Officer Cem Duzel in the head early Thursday morning, leaving the cop in critical but stable condition as of Saturday.

Asylum seeker who raped 17-year-old student in a cemetery replies 'Yes, I did that.  Why not?'.  A Sudanese asylum seeker who raped a student and then tried to rape a mother in the same cemetery has been jailed for 16 years after admitting the crimes saying: 'Guilty.  Yes - why not?'.  Sexual predator Ishaq Al-Noor, 21, who came to the UK as a refugee three years ago, carried out 'almost identical' attacks on the women in June and November last year.  Al-Noor lay in wait late at night for both victims to cross his path before dragging them into the same graveyard on Spring Bank in Hull, East Yorkshire.

Caught in the act:  Film crew staging fake Muslim migrant drownings at sea on the Greek island of Crete.  The video below is yet another reason to question what the media report about the poor Muslim 'refugees' drowning at sea.  The footage being shot by these hoaxters will likely be presented as fact when shown on CNN or the BBC.  [Video clip]

A Month of Multiculturalism in Spain:  July 2018.  The United Nations reported that June 2018 was a record month for illegal migration to Spain.  In all, 17,781 illegal migrants arrived in Spain during the first six months of 2018, almost double the 9,581 migrants who arrived in Spain during the same period in 2017.  The Islamic Commission of Spain, a Muslim umbrella group, threatened to file a lawsuit against the regional government in Valencia if it fails to offer Islam courses in public schools.

France Passes Law Making the 'Wolf Whistle' Illegal.  The French government will now prosecute and fine men who sexually harass women on the street.  USA Today reports that "the law will allow for fines of 90-750 euros, roughly $104 to $868, for sexual or sexist comments.  That definition also includes behavior that is degrading, humiliating, intimidating, hostile or offensive." [...] The impetus for the law was a viral video of a young French woman being slapped after calling out a man who was said to have made obscene sounds while she walked by.

The Editor says...
I suspect this law has nothing to do with the behavior of French citizens.  It is all about the behavior of Muslim immigrants, many of whom have never seen an unaccompanied woman walk down the street without wearing a black bag.

Denmark veil ban:  First woman charged for wearing niqab.  A woman has become the first person in Denmark to be charged with wearing a full-face veil in public, after a ban came into effect on Wednesday [8/1/2018].  The 28-year-old came to the police's attention when a scuffle broke out between her and another woman at the top of an escalator at a shopping centre north of Copenhagen.  She was fined when she refused to remove the veil.

The Islamic Threat Can Be Countered.  Those of us who lived through the attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) can never see the Islamic threat as anything but real.  Would it have made sense to have invited the immigration of Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor?  Would it have made sense to invite more Germans to our shores after the German unlimited submarine warfare was begun in earnest in 1916?  Should we have engaged in a love feast regarding Mexicans after raids by Pancho Villa during the Woodrow Wilson years?

London Moped Muggers Get 32 Years After Targeting Elderly, Stabbing Man for His Bible.  A pair of violent thieves who used mopeds to "target elderly victims", including a man in his 50s who was stabbed over a [B]ible, has been jailed for 32 years amid London's ongoing crime wave.  The duo "hunted people down and made a sport of it" across south London, police said Saturday, detailing horrific injuries sustained by elderly women walking alone.

Video: American wounded by African immigrants in Spain.  On Wednesday evening [8/1/2018] in Barcelona, a male American tourist was brutally attacked and severely wounded by a group of African street vendors after he tried to assist a woman who had disputed with one of the many street vendors in the Spanish metropolis.  A video shows that the tourist was chased by a mob of men who struck him repeatedly as he tried to escape.  One of the men can be seen apparently wielding a weapon.  Identified so far only as Jose, 45, the American received a serious cut to his head, reportedly caused by a sharpened belt buckle during the attack.

Shocking attack on Paris woman "is a mark of where our society is at".  Marie Laguerre strolls home in the early evening in Paris in a bright red dress, minding her own business.  She is walking past a cafe in Paris when a bearded man harasses her in the street.  She said he made grunting noises and sexual remarks about her body.  So she told him to shut up.  She refused to look down.  Refused to submit.  Determined she should fall at his feet, sexually or physically, he stalked her down and punched her in the face.

German Police: 126,000 Immigrants Set for Deportation Have 'Disappeared'.  An estimated 126,000 illegal immigrants set for deportation from Germany have slipped through the fingers of immigration authorities, German Federal Police office (BKA) disclosed.  German police hope that some of these illegal immigrants may have voluntarily left the country, German newspaper Die Welt reported.  The scenario of illegal immigrants "self-deporting" themselves out of Germany is most unlikely.  It is more probable that many of these fugitives have acquired new identities and are drawing welfare from the state.  As past Legal Insurrection reports indicate, it is very easy for asylum seekers to get multiple identities in Germany thanks to the bureaucratic chaos resulting from Chancellor Angela Merkel's open door migrant policy.

Boat Migrants Down 80% in Populist Italy, up 350% in Socialist Spain.  The number of migrant sea arrivals in populist Italy, so far in 2018, is down 80 percent compared to last year, whilst surging by over 350 percent in the same period in socialist Spain.  Over 57,500 illegal migrants and asylum seekers have arrived in Europe by sea so far this year, compared to 112,375 over the same period last year, the UN Migration Agency said in a paper Tuesday [7/31/2018].

What lovely people!  How could you turn them away?
Hundreds Of African Migrants Armed With Flamethrowers And Feces Storm Spanish Border, Injure Law Enforcement.  Early Thursday morning [7/26/2018], some 800 sub-Saharan migrants armed with flamethrowers, Molotov cocktails, mallets, shears, and plastic containers filled with feces stormed a Spanish border fence, violently clashing with law enforcement.  At least 15 Civil Guard officers suffered injuries, five of whom were transferred to a local hospital, according to a report from Spain's Civil Guard.  "Molotov cocktails have also been recovered, as have bags of hashish," the report added.  More than 600 of the migrants successfully crossed the Spanish-Moroccan border fence into Ceuta, a Spanish autonomous city along the coast of North Africa.

Paris has 300,000 illegal immigrants crammed into just one tiny suburb.  A suburb of Paris has 300,000 illegal immigrants crammed into it, according to a parliamentary report.  Politicians have warned Seine-Saint-Denis, north east of Paris, could be turned into a "huge ethnic ghetto" within two decades due to the surging numbers.  The report said the suburb — just six miles from the Eiffel Tower — is putting a huge strain on public services and creating social tensions.  There are an estimated 135 different nationalities in Saint-Denis, most extremely poor, including an estimated 600,000 Muslims from North African or sub-Saharan African backgrounds, the Daily Mail reported.

300,000 illegal migrants are living in one French suburb.  [Scroll down]  At the World Express cafe, groups of men argue in Arabic.  On side streets, men smoke shisha pipes and talk — again, in Arabic — on every corner.  Women shop in veils and scarves, always accompanied by a male relative.  As a white European, I attract odd looks.  When I take out my mobile phone for a photograph, a young man jumps in front of me, waving his index finger in my face, shouting:  'La! La! La!' (No! No! No!)  Yet this is not an exotic, far-flung destination.  This is France.  Moreover, this is Paris and only six miles from the Eiffel Tower.  The reason for all this activity — in an area which even the most optimistic estate agent would struggle to sell as 'cosmopolitan and bohemian' — is quite simple:  immigration on a mammoth scale.

Amsterdam 'lawless jungle' at night, ombudsman warns.  Tourist hotspot Amsterdam turns into a "lawless jungle" after dark with the police powerless to intervene against crime and violence, the city's ombudsman warned in an interview Saturday [7/28/2018].  "The city centre becomes an urban jungle at night," Amsterdam's official ombudsman Arre Zuurmond told Dutch daily Trouw, warning of illegal car and bike races zooming through the streets, open drugs sales and general mayhem.  "Criminal money flourishes, there is no authority and the police can no longer handle the situation," he warned.  Some 18 million tourists flock to Amsterdam every year — more than the entire population of the Netherlands.

Trump Administration may end temporary protected status for Somalis.  Frankly, I don't know why they still have TPS for Somalis when we have admitted over 100,000 Somalis as permanent refugees.  Tens of thousands of permanent Somali refugees are in Minnesota alone.  And, you should know that in order for those here on TPS, the temporary refugees were supposed to have been in the country (usually they were here illegally) before TPS was designated for their country.

Poll: Most Brits say police have lost control of streets.  The poll shows that a majority also think the problem has something to do with political correctness.  It's amazing how the politicians doubt the little people so often.

Critics slam 'embarrassing' Mayor Sadiq Khan for feuding with Trump while London faces rising crime, knife deaths.  London Mayor Sadiq Khan slammed President Trump's criticism of him as "preposterous" after allowing a giant Trump balloon at anti-Trump protests in London, but critics question whether the mayor should be devoting his energy to tackling crime rather than "embarrassing" the city in front of the whole world.  Trump reignited the feud with Khan in an interview with The Sun newspaper, saying the Mayor of London "has done a terrible job" when it comes to terrorism and crime.  "I think he has done a bad job on crime, if you look, all of the horrible things going on there, with all of the crime that is being brought in," he said.  Khan called the comments "preposterous" on the BBC's Today program on Friday [7/13/2018], claiming that violent crime has risen across the country and London has been forced to tackle the issue with a smaller police budget.

Muslims Say They Will Make It Legal To Rape White Christian Women When They Take Over Europe.  According to an editorial comment in the German newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.  As a result, one recent rape was hushed up the the police for nearly three months, leaving other potential victims ignorant of the danger.

Migrants threaten to KILL the crew of an Italian coast guard ship that saved them.  The migrants stopped from entering Italy after allegedly threatening to kill the boat crew that rescued them in the Mediterranean have been allowed to disembark.  Interior Minister Matteo Salvini had refused to let the 67 migrants onto Italian soil until there was clarity over whether any of them had made threats of violence against sailors on a tugboat that picked them up over the weekend.  However, after an intervention by President Sergio Mattarella, the migrants, including women and children, were allowed to disembark in Sicily late last night [7/11/2018].

3 Men Gang-Rape Young Woman in Sweden, Broadcast It Live on Facebook.  It must come as a shock to all those who worship at the altar of political correctness and multiculturalism, but the rapists are, wait for it, all immigrants. [...] It goes without saying that this horrendous gang rape has caused a major controversy in Sweden and in the rest of Europe.  What angers people even more, aside from the nature of the crime itself, is the response of the Swedish mainstream media, which refuses to admit that the rapists are immigrants.

Video from Germany:  Muslim migrant beheads 1-year-old girl, Merkel bans media reporting.  We reported on this incident back in April, translating a German report, since the English-language media didn't find this incident newsworthy.  But at that time, the fact of the beheading was not being reported, and now the German authorities have apparently banned all reporting on the incident.  Anything to keep as many Germans as possible ignorant and complacent regarding just how devastating the Muslim migrant influx into Germany really is.

Angela Merkel's fascist government has banned German media from reporting on a Muslim migrant who beheaded his one-year-old baby daughter.  This story, from April, has already been all over the Western media:  Daily Star.  But Germany's largest newspaper, Bild, reported on the death of the (non-Muslim) mother of four, without mentioning the fact that the barbaric murders of the mother and baby were carried out by a Muslim migrant from Niger.

Swedish Dental Expert Fined $50,000 for Exposing Adult Migrants Masquerading as Children.  See something, say nothing?  This appears the message in Sweden, where politically-correct authorities may punish those who dare complain about the government's culture-rending and crime-spiking importation of vast numbers of Muslim migrants.  The latest example is a dental hygienist fined approximately $50,000 for revealing that some refugees claiming to be "children" are actually adults. [...] Masquerading as a minor is a common tactic among migrants as it makes it relatively easy to be granted refugee status.  So, unsurprisingly, Herlitz found "that several asylum seekers who were registered as unaccompanied children showed a dental development that is more typical for people over 25 years old," Samhällsnytt reports.

A Muslim Professor Rewrites History.  Akbar Ahmed is 75 years old and laden with honors.  An internationally respected academic, he holds the Ibn Khaldun chair of Islamic studies and is professor of international relations at the American University, and is the former Pakistani high commissioner to Britain and Ireland.  He has entrée to the highest corridors of power and influence.  All that makes his current campaign of revisionism, designed to whitewash the historical record of Muslim Spain, all the more dangerous.  Historical revisionism is designed to influence current policy.  Akbar Ahmed's ongoing whitewashes of Islamic al-Andalus are clearly meant to break down resistance to the mass Muslim migrant influx into Europe today.

How does Europe unload the risk?  [Scroll down]  Merkel probably felt she could deal with the risk/return challenge of the migrant crisis from a position of strength, safe behind the ramparts of a mighty bureaucracy.  But the apparent safety proved a mirage.  The massive surge in refugees effectively added another EU member population pool to the existing members: the republic of migrants.  Not only did this new republic, had it been a nation, fail to meet the national risk level requirements but the lack of a common European asylum system means that its individual member under EU law could not be prevented from asylum shopping once they had been admitted.

Migrant Riots Break Out in France.  Riots erupted in the French city of Nantes following the death of a 22-year-old man, who was shot after running over a police officer at a vehicle stop.  Cars and buildings — including a local court — were set on fire in the city's Breil district, an area with "largely immigrant populations," media report say.  The man, 22-year old Aboubakar Fall, shot at the scene was wanted for "organized robbery, concealment and criminal association," city's public prosecutor disclosed.  Police claim the fugitive "reversed at very high speed" to flee the scene and "almost ran over two children playing behind the car."  French authorities are gearing up for the rioting to escalate as the violence spills over to the neighboring districts with high concentration of immigrants.  [Apparently 7/3 or 7/4/2018]

Riots erupt in Nantes after driver is shot dead by French police.  Dozens of youths clashed with police and burnt property in the western city of Nantes overnight after officers shot dead a 22 year-old driver who had been stopped for traffic offences.  Cars were torched and a shopping centre was set alight in Breil, a district of housing estates with largely immigrant populations.  Some 200 riot police moved in to calm the violence, in which several vehicles and bus shelters were destroyed.  The rampage spread to estates in the neighbouring Malakoff and Dervallières districts.

UK: Home Office told to put refugees in every town and village.  Every time I go back to my home town, I notice how it's changed just a little bit more.  It's a part of the world that never really suffered multiculturalism and mass immigration, but it's slowly creeping in.  And now, it's coming to your home town, too.  The Home Office has been told by Citizens UK, an NGO funded by George Soros' Open Society Foundation, to start spreading their refuge resettlement scheme to every part of the UK.  It's not just the big cities any more, these far-left crazies want 'refugees' in every town and village.  Even the small towns and villages that have maintained their character and history could soon be transformed, if the government once again bows down to them.

Europe:  "The Vision is an Islamic State".  The more than two million predominantly Muslim migrants that have arrived in Europe in recent years are only reinforcing the trend of growing Muslim religiosity on the continent.  A 2017 study of predominantly Afghan asylum seekers in the Austrian city of Graz showed that the asylum seekers, mostly men under the age of 30, were all in favor of preserving their traditional Islamic values with 70% going to the mosque every Friday for prayers.  The women were even more religious, with 62.6% praying five times a day, notably more than the men (39.7%). In addition, 66.3% of the women wore a headscarf in public.  Half of the migrants said that religion now plays a larger role in their daily lives in Europe than it did in their native country, and 51.6% of the interviewees said that the supremacy of Islam over other religions was undisputed.

Share of refugees
Mapping Where The Most Refugees Live.  [This] chart shows that even though Germany tops the ranking when it comes to the total number of people seeking refuge in the respective country, it does not come first when looking at the share of refugees in comparison to a country's total inhabitants.  In Italy — ranked fourth when it comes to GDP in the EU — only 0.5 percent of all inhabitants are seeking refuge.  Even though Data suggests that in Latvia, almost 12 percent of the population may count as refugees, almost all of them are stateless persons who did not flee from conflict.

Poland's Muslim Ban.  On being designated prime minister of Poland last December, Mateusz Morawiecki made the extraordinary statement that he and his government want to "transform [the European Union], to re-Christianize it."  Struck by this grand vision of Poland's destiny, and particularly interested in the near-total ban on Muslim migrants (Morawiecki again:  "we will not accept migrants from the Middle East and North Africa in Poland"), I just spent a week in Warsaw to understand why that country differs so sharply from Western Europe and what this implies.

African 'Refugee' Charged With Brutally Raping Woman in Ohio.  Newburgh Heights police have arrested a suspect in a strong arm rape that happened on June 17.  The suspect, Chinyere "Ray" Okoronkwo, 20, was arrested on Tuesday [6/26/2018] around 5 p.m.  On the date of the rape, Okoronkwo allegedly followed the female victim while she was walking home from Fleet Avenue in Cleveland.  The victim said she was attacked and raped near her home.  She sustained non-life threatening but incapacitating injuries and was treated at MetroHealth Hospital, according to police.

Merkel Abandons 'C'mon In' Migrant Policy.  After three years of Migrant Madness — welcoming all migrants seeking to enter Germany, which brought a record 1.3 million migrants to Europe in 2015 (per Pew Research), and some 300,000 more in 2016 — Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel has finally backed off on her cheery slogan, "We can do it."  Perhaps she meant "We can destroy Germany and much of Europe."

Washington: Muslim immigrant attacked woman on bridge, held on $100,000 bond.  A woman managed to fight off an attacker on the TJ Meenach bridge shortly after 2 a.m. on Sunday morning [6/24/2018].  The man accused of attacking her, 28-year-old Atif Ado, appeared in court Monday morning [6/25/2018].  A judge set his bond at $100,000.  Ado also had a translator to translate the proceedings into Arabic.

An Unauthorized Tour of Paristan.  The following cell-phone video was recorded by a French mother driving her kids to school.  With undisguised disgust she narrates the cultural enrichment of her neighborhood, with its mosque, hijabs, and an imam.  This footage was originally posted on YouTube, then later removed, presumably for violating YouTube's "community standards" — which, like "community cohesion" in Britain, is codespeak for "slavish submission to sharia."  [Video clip]

30,000 gang members under 15 in UK.  New research show that as many as 30,000 young people under the age of 15 now consider themselves to be members of a gang.  The news comes as a Home Office Minister announces her support for a trail project that evicts gang members from their council houses.  While I'm glad that some action appears to be being taken by someone, I fear it's just not good enough.  While in principle I'm fine with gang members losing social housing, I wonder if it doesn't really solve the problem.  Instead, it just moves the gangs onto the streets.

Migration strikes at core of EU's existential crisis.  The purpose of the summit was to keep Angela Merkel in power in Germany, despite a democratic manoeuvre there to pitch her out.  The declared purpose was of course not that, but to discuss the immigration crisis.  Merkel's coalition partners, the Bavarian CSU, are so concerned about the porousness of Germany's borders (well, Bavaria's borders) that they are threatening to withdraw support from her, which would cause the coalition to collapse.  At Giuseppe Conte's office, prior to his departure for this spurious rescue mission, there arrived a document which must have made him feel he had woken up with Alice at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.  It was a summary of the conclusions of the summit which had not yet taken place.

Almost 1,000 People Injured, Killed in Terrorist Attacks By Refugees.  Nearly 1,000 people were injured or killed in terrorist attacks involving refugees over a four-year span, with Germany facing the highest number of terror plots, according to a new Heritage Foundation report published Monday [6/18/2018].  Data collected from the 194 terrorist plots detected across Europe between January 2014 and December 2017 point to a more than one-in-three chance that Germany will be the country targeted in future terror schemes, with civilians being the primary bullseye.  Though only 32, or 16 percent, of those terrorist plots involved refugees or asylum seekers, 41 percent of all plots occurred in Germany.  France was the second most targeted country, with Belgium and the United Kingdom trailing closely behind.

Muslim Migrant Violence Comes to Maine.  The migrant violence that is becoming a feature of daily life in Sweden, Germany, France and elsewhere in Europe is now coming to the United States.  Did we think we would be immune?  Maine's Sun Journal reported last week that a "melee" broke out near Kennedy Park in Lewiston, Maine, initiated by "at least two dozen teenagers, preteens and adults."  This mob was made up of Somali Muslim migrants:  News Center Maine reports:  "[A]ccording to family members, the fight was between white and Somali members of the Lewiston community."  Our immigration chickens are, as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright would say, home to roost.

Police officers reveal the TRUTH about crime & "justice" in the UK.  Right now, Britain is like the Wild West of Europe, and it's been said our police have lost control of our streets.  I asked serving members of the British Police what it is like to be a police officer in the U.K. today.  Their truths will make you weep.

London House Prices Continue Their Descent.  London house prices fell the most since the beginning of the year in June as the capital's property market continued to lag behind the rest of the country.  The price of property coming to market in London dropped by 0.9 percent, bringing the average price to 631,737 pounds ($838,000), property-website operator Rightmove said in a report Monday [6/11/2018].  Values fell 1 percent from a year earlier, marking the 10th negative month in a row.  Nationally, prices grew 0.4 percent on the month and 1.7 percent on an annual basis.

The Revolt Comes to Germany.  It has been said a nation can have either welfare or open borders — but not both — in the same way one can have a cool air-conditioned room in a blazing desert or an open door — but not both.  It is the inequality between the outside and inside temperatures that the door is intended to preserve.  The problem of keeping the room cool while leaving the door open is now consuming Angela Merekel's European Union as the refugee problem grows in political size.  Can the EU have no internal borders if it lacks an external one?  If there's no way of keeping benefits in, what is the meaning of out?

Italy Rejects Two More NGO Migrant Ships; Merkel Scrambles To Keep Job As German Lawmakers Revolt.  Italy demanded on Saturday that the Netherlands recall two NGO-operated migrant transport ships flying the Dutch flag, after Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini warned that they would not be allowed to dock in Italian ports. [...] The blocked NGO ships come on the heels of Italy's refusal to take in a boat full of 629 shipwrecked migrants picked up off the coast of Libya — a move ushered in by the Italian government's new populist coalition headed by Salvini.  "We are finished being doormats," tweeted Salvini on Sunday [6/17/2018].

Merkel's government frays as migrant row festers.  Angela Merkel's conservative alliance may splinter in a row over immigration, an ally of the German chancellor said on Friday, as the third party in her fragile government suggested its patience was wearing thin.

Asian sex gang of eight 'predatory' men who abused girls as young as 13 [...] are jailed for a total of almost 90 years.  A group of men who abused teenage girls in a vehicle they called the 's**gwagon' have been jailed for a total of nearly 90 years.  The men — aged 36 to 48 — befriended vulnerable girls as young as 13 before plying them drink and drugs at 'parties' in Oxford.  The eight men — branded 'predatory and cynical' by a judge — have now been jailed for between seven and a half and fifteen years each.  Judge Peter Ross said the investigation into the gang had uncovered 'systematic and widespread grooming'.

Sweden:  The Chaos Spreads.  After decades of quietly growing like undiagnosed and untreated cancer tumors, Sweden's immigrant ghettos have reached the bursting point, and crime is beginning to spill out into the ethnic Swedish areas of the country.  Life is becoming dangerous in those once peaceful and culturally homogeneous areas.  Ever-increasing numbers of ordinary Swedes are experiencing a grim awakening to the frightening reality of what has happened to their country.  The Stockholm subway was once a safe and efficient means of getting around Sweden's capital, but it has now become a dangerous place and a conduit for the spread of crime and antisocial behavior around the city.  Criminal gangs are taking over the subway and using it to commute between the ghettos and the inner city, where they fuel the ever-rising tide of muggings, assaults and rapes.

Another Teenage Girl in Germany Stabbed to Death by a Culture-Enricher.  [Scroll down]  The homicide commission was searching for a perpetrator, who, according to police, was of "northern African appearance" and had "black, oily hair".  A helicopter and a large police force were deployed, searching for the perpetrator.  Specialized "mantracker" dogs were to pick up his trace.  When the officers wanted to check a suspicious Turk (25), he fled.  Later, the man, who has a previous police record, turned himself in at a precinct.  A police spokesman:  "His possible involvement in the deed is currently being investigated."

14-year-old girl murdered by rejected asylum seeker has Germans re-thinking immigration policy.  Susanna Maria Feldman was a 14-year-old German girl who disappeared in late May.  Her mother received a text from her daughter's phone in broken German which read, "Don't look for me.  I come in 2 or 3 weeks."  Responding to a tip, police discovered her body in a wooded area not far from a refugee center in Wiesbaden.  Susanna had been raped and strangled.  The suspect in the case, 20-year-old Ali Bashar, is an asylum seeker whose claim had been rejected in 2016 but who was still living in Germany while he appealed the decision.  After Susanna disappeared, Bashar, his parents, and his five siblings all fled Germany for Iraq under fake names.  Last week he was arrested in northern Iraq where he was arrested and apparently confessed to the crime.  He was extradited back to Germany for trial.  The NY Times reports the story is a media sensation in Germany and once again has people wondering about the wisdom of Angela Merkel's refugee policy.

London carnage continues:  Three more stabbings in capital.  Two men and one teenage boy were rushed to hospital after being stabbed last night as violence continues to plague London.  The boy, 17, was flown to hospital in a helicopter after being knifed in Harrow, northwest London, just after 8pm [6/10/2018].

Austria Is Shutting Down Mosques And Ejecting Imams.  There are more changes coming to Austria as they struggle to deal with the European migration crisis and the constant threat of Islamic terrorism on the continent.  The nation is currently led by the government of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, coincidentally the same guy our own German ambassador recently called a rockstar.  In a move which seemed to come as a surprise even among some of his own supporters, Kurz will be closing more than half a dozen mosques and ejecting dozens of Imams suspected of supporting radical theology, along with the disbanding of other Islamic organizations.

"Berlin is ours now and you won't listen to Jewish music here.".  The new Nazis are here.  Except they're posing as a persecuted group.  Meanwhile they persecute others.

Arab assailants in Berlin attack German Jewish teen listening to Israeli music.  Arab assailants attacked a German Jewish teenager who was listening to Israeli music on his mobile phone on Saturday at the Zoologischer Garten train station in western Berlin.  The attackers cursed the teen, identified only as a 17-year-old Berlin native called Jonathan, and threatened to kill him.  When his non-Jewish friends came to his defense, they were hit by the attackers, and one sustained cuts to his face and hand from a broken bottle that required hospitalization.

Wild West London:  Sixty moped attacks a day, a woman fights for life after mugging and drug crime on the rise.  Britain is in the grip of a violent crime wave as thugs run riot on mopeds and motorbikes.  Shocking figures released yesterday show the armed thieves are striking more than 60 times every day.  In a chilling illustration of the crisis, a young woman was fighting for her life last night after her mobile was snatched by moped-riding thieves.  And a motorcycle gang targeted yet another luxury store in London yesterday.  Campaigners and politicians warned the attacks were matched by disturbing rises in stabbings, drug crime and gang violence.

UK: White rugby player hit by car, beaten in racist attack.  A young teenage rugby player from Rochdale has been beaten up and badly injured following a racist attack.  Matthew Hayden, 17, suffered an unprovoked attack from a gang of up to five Asian males, and has undergone surgery for a fractured skull and bleeding on the brain.  I'm glad to see the media reporting this as a racist attack, but I'll hold my breath about the politicians taking this stuff seriously.  It's no coincidence that this kind of attack would happen in Rochdale, where hundreds of young girls, if not more, were gang raped and abused for decades as a result of their race.

Another Immigration "Loophole" — Importing Radical Imams.  President Trump is denouncing "loopholes" in U.S. law, such as the asylum provision.  Here's another:  the "R" class visa for so-called religious workers.  Incredibly, the number of mosques in the U.S. has soared by some 150 percent since Sept. 11, 2001, to an estimated 3,200 in all 50 states.  Almost without fail, the imams in mainline Sunni mosques are not Americans.  They come from the Middle East and, to one degree or another, would like to see America transformed into the Middle East.  They are on "hijra," the Arabic term for migration, just as Muhammad made hijra from Mecca to Medina in the seventh century to spread his new religion and legal system.

Berlin: Muslims Attack Jewish Teen for Playing Israeli Music.  A Jewish Israeli teen and two of his friends were attacked by several Arab Muslims on the Berlin subway on Saturday for listening to Hebrew-language musician Omer Adam, it is claimed.  The incident occurred at the Zoologischer Garten U-Bahn station, near the site of the deadly Christmas Market terror attack that occurred in December of 2016 in which 12 people were killed by radical Islamic extremist and failed asylum seeker Anis Amri.

Woman Groped by Refugees on Cover of Polish Mag Blasts 'Islamic Rape of Europe'.  A popular weekly magazine in Poland has made a bold stance against the influx of rape and crime by Muslim migrants across Europe, personified through a provocative cover of a white European woman draped in the Union's flag while being groped by dark-skinned hands.  The translated headline reads, "Islamic Rape of Europe," and comes from conservative publication wSieci, or The Network.  Breitbart reports that the cover is causing quite a stir around the region and says, "The image may be one of the most politically incorrect illustrations of the migrant crisis to date."

Germany: Court rules that Muslim migrant may become German citizen despite having two wives.  The principle is always and everywhere the same:  whenever Islamic law and mores and Western law and mores are in conflict, Western principles must give way.  The Western political and media elites have already internalized this principle, and are acting upon it, as in this case.  And as far as they're concerned, the sooner the rest of us get with the program, the better.

The Muslim Refugee Rape Epidemic:  Coming to America?  Michelle Malkin Investigates.  [Video clip]

"We are coming and we will take your country."
Muslim Biker Gangs And Boxing Clubs Training To Take Over Germany.  German Muslims have established a self-styled biker gang, Germany's Muslims, which is said to be modeled on the Hells Angels and aimed at protecting fellow Muslims from the "ever-growing hatred of Islam," according to Die Welt.  The emergence of the group, which aspires to open chapters in cities and towns across Germany, has alarmed German authorities, who have warned against the growing threat of vigilantism in the country.  Muslim vigilantes enforcing Islamic justice have become increasingly common in Germany.  The government's inability or unwillingness to stop them has led to the rise of anti-Muslim counter-vigilantes.  Germany's BfV intelligence agency, in its latest annual report, warned that an escalating action-reaction cycle could result in open warfare on German streets.

Knife Control in the U.K..  Firearms aren't common in the U.K., so they are experiencing an epidemic of "knife crime."  Also acid attacks.  Now proposals for knife control are being floated: [...] It all makes sense, I guess, if you think the cause of "knife crime" is knives.

Average IQ = 68
Maine: Gang of young Somali Muslim thugs are now attacking citizens in the streets of Lewiston.  Somali Muslim thugs posing as refugees have turned liberal Lewiston into a virtual Mogadishu — 'No Go Zone' for non-Muslims — as two dozen Somali Muslim youth swarmed and attacked two local residents in Kennedy Park.

Anarcho-Tyranny in the UK.  Disturbing news has come to light from the United Kingdom this morning, courtesy of author and journalist Lauren Southern, and of Cassandra Fairbanks at Gateway Pundit.  Apparently, after being arrested while live on film, for nothing more than covering a trial of suspected participants in a rape grooming gang, the controversial anti-Islam activist Tommy Robinson has been sentenced to 13 months in prison.  A prison, coincidentally, that is likely to be filled with Muslim criminals who will make it a point to kill Robinson.

Canada's Beach Jihad.  Brad Hammond lives on the waterfront at Kirby's Beach in Ontario, and he had never seen anything like it:  glass shards and sewing needles had been deliberately planted at intervals along the beach, leading to the beach being closed for the first time in his memory.  Another beach area, Bracebridge Bay Park, was closed as well.  For the first time, but not likely the last, jihad had come to the beaches of Ontario.  There is no doubt that the glass and needles had been placed on the beach deliberately.  "It was pretty much the width of the beach but it was in clumps, so you could tell it had been seeded in different areas," Hammond said.  Global News added that "Bracebridge Mayor Graydon Smith said the discovery of the needles and glass goes beyond what municipal staff would typically encounter after a spring melt."

Criminals In Anti-Gun France Do The Impossible.  Anti-gun jihadists will tell us over and over that gun control works.  They claim the violent crime rates throughout the developed world are more than sufficient evidence to prove it works.  I, however, usually counter that by pointing out that those countries tend to have a lower rate of violence in general.  However, terrorists and other people with similar, criminal inclinations, have an annoying tendency to still get firearms into the country to conduct their nefarious deeds.

Germany Has Come Up With The Perfect Job For All Those Migrants.  One of many problems plaguing Germany since their decision to essentially open their borders to hundreds of thousands of migrants from Syria and Iraq is how to get them employed and contributing to the local economy as part of their "assimilation."  As of a few months ago, officials estimate that more than 75% of the new arrivals are unemployed, collecting benefits and are "unlikely to find work" in the next ten years.  Big problems such as this call for big solutions and the Germans think they've come up with a winner.  What better job to give to these unemployed migrants than that of... being a truck driver.

Mogadishu, Minnesota.  Starting in the 1990s, the State Department directed thousands of refugees from Somalia's civil war to Minnesota, which is now home to the largest population of Somalis outside Somalia itself.  As the Washington Times noted in 2015, in Minnesota, these refugees "can take advantage of some of America's most generous welfare and charity programs."  Professor Ahmed Samatar of Macalester College in St.  Paul observed, "Minnesota is exceptional in so many ways but it's the closest thing in the United States to a true social democratic state."  A high-trust, traditionally homogenous community with a deep civil society marked by thrift, industriousness, and openness, Minnesota seemed like the ideal place to locate an indigent Somali population now estimated at 100,000.  Public discussion of the resulting contradictions has been limited, to say the least.

Netherlands: 1,400 Underage Dutch Girls Forced into Sex Slavery Each Year by 'Migrant Background' Males.  Every year more than one thousand underage Dutch girls are groomed and then blackmailed into sex slavery by young pimps with migrant backgrounds, an investigation has revealed.  With gifts, drink, and drugs, so-called 'loverboys' will seduce a girl into agreeing to become his sex partner before taking pictures or video footage of the encounter which will then be used as leverage to force her into prostitution, Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad reports.  "These men are mostly Moroccans, Turks, Caribbeans, and Roma.  The lion's share of them have a migrant background," said Gideon van Aartsen from Watch Nederland, an initiative which coordinates with the nation's police on efforts to fight child sexual exploitation (CSE).

Germany will now train potential Muslim jihadists to be truck drivers.  Due to an acute shortage of professional truck drivers, the German Trucking Association has launched a new project to train swarms of Muslim invaders posing as refugees and asylum seekers for the job.  Hmmm... what could possibly go wrong?

Man stabbed to death in Islington as wave of violence grips capital.  Police have launched a murder investigation after a man was stabbed to death on a busy street in a "horrifying" broad daylight attack in Islington this afternoon [5/21/2018].  Emergency services responded to reports of a man suffering stab wounds in Upper Street at 6.30pm.  The victim, who has not been named, was pronounced dead at the scene.  He is the 66th person to have been murdered in London this year.

Chancellor Merkel's Reign of Lawlessness.  The AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) has initiated a lawsuit against the chancelloress because of her three-year (so far) mass importation of illegal migrants, which lacks any legitimacy under German law or the federal constitution.  One of the things I like about Germans is that they're sticklers for the rules.  If anything brings the Kanzlerin down, it will be her abject failure to obey the rules.

The Inconvenient truth about Islamic immigration.  The political and media debate on the alleged Islamist Trojan Horse infiltration of Birmingham schools reveals — like no other issue regarding Islam in Britain — a deep and long-held political fear in confronting the truth about the nature of Islam and large-scale Muslim immigration.  That truth — and it has been a concern of governments for some time — is that with Britain's rapidly increasing Muslim population, the teaching of any culturally conservative interpretation of Islam (the bare minimum that any serious Muslim would insist on) is entirely incompatible with the secular, liberal and pluralistic values that define British society, and even perhaps incompatible with the long-term political stability of the country.  In pursuit of the multicultural dream that has dominated Western political culture since the end of the Second World War, the British political class turned a blind eye to this problem.

78 Per Cent of 9,000 Afghan 'Children' Allowed To Remain in Sweden Are Really Adults.  Last month, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and his government announced a plan to allow some 9,000 "underage" Afghan migrants to stay in the country after a wave of protest against deportations to Afghanistan.  The issue has remained a highly controversial topic ahead of this year's national election, but now it has been revealed that the vast majority of the migrants were not underage Expressen reports.  The newspaper conducted a study with a portion of the 9,000 migrants and found that none of the men had valid identification documents when they entered Sweden and that a significant number, almost half, had lived in Iran for at least a year before heading to the Scandinavian country.

UK: 1,200 cases of forced marriage annually — one involving a two-year-old child.  Welcome to Theresa May's brave, new multicultural Britain.  Celebrate diversity!  Diversity is our strength!  This practice results from the dehumanization and commodification of women in Islam.  With polygamy (Qur'an 4:3) and wife-beating allowed (Qur'an 4:34) and women's testimony (Qur'an 2:282) and inheritance rights (Qur'an 4:11) devalued, and Islamic law making women essentially the possessions of first their fathers and then their husbands, this sort of thing is bound to happen.  And in Britain continues its race to chaos and Sharia, there is going to be much, much more of it.

UK proposes six-year prison sentence for criticizing Islam.  The draft law speaks only about criticizing "religion," but everyone knows which religion is meant.  No one is going to go to prison for criticizing Christianity or Judaism.  This is more of Britain's gallop toward Sharia and ruin.

London mayor mocked for focus on junk food ad ban while city mired in stabbing crime.  London Mayor Sadiq Khan is under fire once again for prioritizing a ban on junk food advertising for the city's transportation network while citizens grapple with a spate of stabbings.  A flood of negative social-media feedback greeted Mr. Khan on Friday as he unveiled a "package of measures" aimed at curbing childhood obesity.  The policy was touted as a "great example" by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, but panned in Mr. Khan's Twitter feed.

It's time to get real about gang violence in London.  Hey, Londoners — been stabbed or shot yet this week?  Just thought I'd check as the place seems to resemble, in its violence, downtown Mogadishu right now — and indeed is graced with many of the same kinds of people.  That's probably why you haven't been stabbed or shot yet: the murdering has been committed exclusively, so far as I can tell, within the minority ethnic communities by young men who are either immigrants or the children of immigrants. [...] Our city's murder rate so far has overtaken that of New York's and is approaching Detroit's.  Some 62 people have been bumped off since the start of 2018 and in the year to September 2017 there were 37,443 recorded knife crimes and 6,694 recorded gun crimes.  I suspect that if the murder victims had been nice little old white ladies called Betty, this carnage would have captured a bit more of our attention.

Ban Cutlery Now!  London, which has no guns but somehow still has achieved a higher murder rate than New York City, is trying to ban knives because of an epidemic of knife violence.  The London Times reported Sunday [5/6/2018] that the problem of knife violence is actually worse outside of London.

UK: 550 grooming gang deportations — Is that enough?  I read in the Chronicle Live this morning that "Operation Sanctuary" — an investigation by Northumbria Police opened in 2014 — is looking at the possibility of deporting 550 people in the wake of gang and child abuse crackdowns.  The investigation was launched in January 2014 when a number of arrests took place, following allegations of abuse that were made in December 2013.  The original probe was called Operation Shelter, but now we know it was part of a wider umbrella investigations known as Operation Sanctuary.

Sweden: Syrian Migrant Claims He Didn't Know Sex With 12-Year-Old Was Illegal.  A 17-year-old Syrian migrant was convicted of two counts of rape against a 12-year-old girl in a Swedish court this week, although he claimed he did not know that sex with a 12-year-old was illegal in the country.  The 17-year-old, who has been identified as a Syrian asylum seeker by Swedish journalist Joakim Lamotte, is said to have raped the 12-year-old twice on the same day last June.

Muslims migrants are failing to integrate - Statistics prove.  The leftist narrative that all immigrants are able to integrate into Western nations is flat out wrong, and I've got some statistics that prove a disturbing amount of Muslims migrants are failing to adopt our values.

Racism, 'White Violence,' and the Left.  [Scroll down]  White people can be hassled by the police for noting blacks being racist toward whites or for noting the racism of Muslim gangs.  The latter example often occurred during the mass abuse of specifically white girls by Muslim grooming gangs in the U.K.  In this case, because many whites noted the ethnic identity and religion of the mass abusers, the police often simply assumed that they must have been racist.  That is, the police (just like well trained anti-racist activists) displayed racist thinking and actions (against whites) in order to combat the largely fictitious racism of whites against Muslims.

Flooding the Voter Rolls in US and Greece.  Greece's ruling Syriza coalition appears to be adopting a strategy of garnering votes from immigrants by expediting their naturalization process.  It will be easier to obtain Greek citizenship than a fishing license.  A total of 800,000 immigrants — almost one-tenth of the native Greek population — will soon become citizens.  Transposed to the United States, that would be the equivalent of 32,000,000 new voters.

Bin Laden's 'bodyguard' is collecting welfare in Germany.  A Tunisian man believed to have been Osama bin Laden's bodyguard is hiding out in Germany and collecting over $1,400 a month in welfare, according to a report.  The man, who has only been identified by German media as Sami A for privacy reasons, lives in the city of Bochum with his German wife and four children and earns roughly $1,426 a month in welfare payments, BBC News reported.  Sami A was investigated for his alleged ties to al Qaeda in 2006 but never criminally charged.  He must report daily to a police station.

Number of Swedes Opposing Mass Migration of Asylum Seekers Doubles.  The number of Swedes who want to see far fewer asylum seekers enter the country has doubled since 2015 to nearly half of the voting population.  A poll conducted by Ipsos found that the general Swedish attitude toward taking in large numbers of asylum seekers had radically changed since the height of the 2015 migrant crisis when only two out of ten people were for reducing the number, Dagens Nyheter reports.

Knife crime rises in England and Wales as London murders surge.  According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), police recorded 39,598 offences involving a knife or sharp instrument in 2017 — up from 32,468 in the previous 12 months.  There was an 11% increases in firearms offences, with 6,604 crimes recorded last year.

Virtue Signaling Yourself to Death.  Pippa Bacca was a performance artist, and if you feel that all performance artists deserve to be murdered simply for being performance artists, I would struggle mightily to disagree with you.  In 2008 she and a friend set out on a tour of Europe and the Middle East wearing brides' dresses in order to send a message of international warmth and "marriage between different peoples and nations."  According to her sister, "She thought that in the world there were more positive than negative people, and that it was right to be trusting."  A statement on the artists' website read, "Hitchhiking is choosing to have faith in other human beings, and man, like a small god, rewards those who have faith in him."  Three weeks into her "performance," Bacca's raped and murdered body was found near a small Turkish village.  She'd been killed by a driver who'd offered her a ride. [...] In Sweden — possibly the most aggressively suicidal nation on the planet at the moment — a 22-year-old asylum worker named Alexandra Mehzer offered her help to "migrant youths" at a local refugee center.  Her compassion was rewarded with a flurry of fatal knife wounds from one of the males she sought to help.

A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Germany:  March 2018.  March 1:  The Spreewald Elementary School in Berlin's Schöneberg district hired security guards to protect teachers and students from unruly students.  Around 99% of the pupils at the school have a migration background.  "Within the past year, the violence has increased so much that we now had to take this measure," said headmaster Doris Unzeit.  "The violence is widespread and we want to take countermeasures with the security service.  This should improve the reputation of the school and ensure that the children can learn here again in peace."

The filthy culture being forced on the civilized world and how Islam is like the Borg.  It's the tip of the iceberg.  Liberals here and abroad are in utter and complete denial about the filthy culture with which they are so bent on infecting the US. [...] Between 1997 and 2013[,] 1400 children were "exploited" by "Asian gangs" in Rotherham England as police and officials, so paralyzed by the fear of being labeled "racist" that they looked the other way as more than a thousand young children were raped and abused.  Asian gangs?  The Telegraph couldn't even bring itself to post the truth — these crimes were committed by Pakistani Muslims.

Sweden: Islamic horror story of the day.  Someone should do a blog that focuses only on the cultural and economic deterioration that the import of more than a million Muslim freeloaders and jihadists from North Africa and the Middle East has inflicted on Sweden.  There is certainly no lack of material.

Report: Jewish Teen Belt-Whipped, Abused on Berlin Street by Muslim Attacker.  A Jewish teenager wearing a traditional kippah claims he was attacked on a Berlin street by a Muslim assailant who whipped him with a belt in an anti-Semitic attack.  Video of the incident shows the attacker — who was part of a gang of three — repeatedly whipping the teen with his belt while calling out, "Yahudi," or "Jew" in Arabic, before he is stopped by a passerby.

France's futile hope to 'reform' Islam.  So France, feeling the pinch and reeling from its umpteenth terror attack in recent times — a police officer was just killed by a gunman who claimed ties to ISIS — has now announced a new pitch to pacify the radicals of Islam and help integrate them into courteous society.  Good luck with that.  Islam is a faith that thrives solely on dominating.  It's not exactly compatible with modern, more democratically run societies — never mind with other religions and beliefs.  The goal of Islam is not so much to peacefully convert but rather to spread at all costs, by whatever means, and then to establish sharia and bring all into subjugation with its strict principles.  Think of it like conquering, not converting.  And sharia law says things like women are properties, there for the controlling; thieves should have their hands cuts off; those of other religions are the enemy.  Compatible with free societies?  Methinks not.

Germany:  Crackdown on Middle Eastern Crime Families.  German authorities have launched a crackdown on Middle Eastern crime families in Essen, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia where some 70 Turkish, Kurdish and Arab-born clan members regularly engage in racketeering, extortion, money laundering, pimping and trafficking in humans, weapons and drugs.  Middle Eastern crime clans now control large swathes of German cities and towns — areas that are effectively lawless and which German police increasingly fear to approach.  The crime families, which have thousands of members, have for decades been allowed operate with virtual impunity:  German judges and prosecutors were unable or unwilling to stop them, apparently out of fear of retribution.

German Mass Migration: A No-Win Situation?  As the the philosopher and theologian Richard Schröder pointed out in a commentary in the daily Die Welt, food banks are "no soup kitchens... their goal is not to fight hunger".  The food banks were created to avoid the moral calamity of throwing perfectly edible food, which for any reason cannot be sold, to the garbage.  At the same time, they enable poorer — but certainly, in the case of Germany, not "hungry" — people to spend money they would otherwise spend on food on other goods.  Or, in the case of asylum seekers, to send more money to their home countries.  Recently, Die Welt reported about a Syrian refugee who sends as much as 300 euros ($400) a month of his welfare benefits to his family in Syria.

SWEDEN issued a brochure with information (for Muslims) about being married to a child.  It offers information on how to respond if you are married to a child which is illegal in Sweden, but allowed if the marriage was performed in another country.  The Swedish government tried to pass legislation which would prohibit recognition of child marriage from other countries, but could not get approval from the Social Democrats.

London Stabbing Rampage:  Two dead and one critical in 40 minute knife frenzy.  An 18-year-old man is also in critcial [sic] condition after being stabbed just hours later on Sunday [4/15/2018] in Haringey, north London.  A 26-year-old father who has been identfied [sic] as Raul Nicolaie died in hospital after being stabbed at his flat in Colindale, northwest London and a woman in her 30s died at the scene of a stabbing in Brixton, south London.

Machete Attack Every 90 Minutes in 'Gun-Free' Britain.  Recorded machete attacks in the UK have shot up by nearly five times in just three years, with the majority in the capital, London.  The huge number of crimes committed with the deadly, sword-like weapons means there is an average of 15 a day in the UK, or one every 90 minutes.  Figures uncovered using freedom of information requests by the Daily Mail show that police dealt with 928 crimes involving machetes in the last two months of 2017.

Two-fifths of Brits think multiculturalism has FAILED, survey says.  Two-fifths of people in Britain think multiculturalism has failed, according to a survey marking the 50th anniversary of Enoch Powell's infamous "Rivers of Blood" speech.  A YouGov poll commissioned by anti-fascist campaigners Hope Not Hate showed 40 percent of those polled believed Powell's warning about immigration had been well-founded.  Marginally more, 41 percent, thought the hate-monger had been proved wrong.  However, 43 percent of those polled thought relationships between communities in the UK would deteriorate in the coming years.

Confirmed: Two-Thirds of 'Child Refugees' Questioned in UK Are Adult.  Around two-thirds of "child refugees" who were questioned about their age in the UK were revealed to be adults, a government report has found.  In one year, 65 percent of asylum seekers assessed were judged to be over the age of 18.  The report, by immigration watchdog boss David Bolt, revealed the Home Office received 2,952 asylum applications from unaccompanied children, of which 705 had their age disputed.  Of that, 618 cases were resolved, and 402 of them were found to be adults.

The Editor says...
The Muslim  migrants  invaders who just stepped out of the 7th century probably have no idea what dentistry is, nor any clue about judging one's age by his teeth.

France flags 78,000 people as security threats.  France has flagged more than 78,000 people as security threats in a database intended to let European police share information on the continent's most dangerous residents.  The total is more than all other European countries put together, according to an analysis by the Associated Press.

Let Merkel have them.  They're not happy in Gaza — they're not happy anywhere, these people — so give Germany a chance.  Send them to Merkel.  She wants them.  She can have them.  She's already brought in millions of their kind into her own country, so what's a few million more?  This should be a voluntary operation.  Some billionaire needs to come up with the cash that pays them to leave and never come back.  If they keep acting like savages, as when they keep rioting to breach Israel's borders (then go crying about being mistreated), all bets are off so far as voluntary.

Bangladesh Nationals Continue to Flood Texas Border.  Border Patrol agents in the Laredo Sector of Texas continue to find more Bangladesh nationals being smuggled across the border from Mexico.  Agents arrested 12 over the Easter weekend alone.  The Laredo Sector continues to lead the nation in the apprehension of Bangladeshis smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico.  Over the Easter weekend, agents arrested 12 in three separate incidents, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).  The crossings all took place in southern Laredo where border barriers are virtually non-existent.  "It goes to show that our agents are arresting people from all over the world on a daily basis.  Their intentions for entering the country illegally can only be determined after they have been arrested," Laredo Sector Assistant Chief Patrol Agent Gabriel Acosta said in a written statement.

Khan's London:  Lead Surgeon Says Hospital Like Afghan War Zone, Two More Killed Overnight.  Hospitals in Mayor Sadiq Khan's London resemble those in a war zone, a senior surgeon working to save victims of the capital's surging violent crime wave has said.  The shock comments made Thursday morning [4/5/2018] come after two more men were killed overnight, a couple of days after another night of violence saw a boy, 16, stabbed to death and a 17-year-old girl shot in a "drive by".  Wednesday night's killings, both in Hackney, East London, brought the death toll from suspected murder in the capital to 50 so far this year, pulling away from New York City, which London overtook at the weekend.

Sweden: 20 reported rapes per day.  In 2017 more than 7,200 rapes were reported to the police in Sweden, which correspond to about 20 rapes per day.  It is the Crime Prevention Council, BRÅ, that presents the shocking new figures.  The dark figures (non-reported rapes) are likely many times as high.  It is said that they do not know why the number of reported rapes is rising: [...]

French Overwhelmingly Back Deporting Terror Suspects, Banning Radical Islam.  A significant majority of French now support banning the radical Salafist sect of Islam, and the government reinstating the national state of emergency, as the nation reels from another deadly radical Islamic terror attack in March.  The new poll taken days after four were killed by a self-proclaimed member of the Islamic State killed four in southern France found the French public overwhelmingly backing a significant crackdown on radical Islam and deportations that could impact tens of thousands of people.

Migrants Riot in the Streets in Germany.  Here's some more good news from Angela Merkel's Germany.  Ever since Frau Merkel opened Germany's arms to a flood of Muslim refugee, the nation has changed.  Unfortunately, not for the better.  The advantages of increased diversity have been overshadowed by the spike in violent crimes.  Since Germans do not have a right to bear arms, they are prey to refugees stabbing them with knives.  Now, in the city of Druisberg, three groups of refugees get involved in a public riot, during which they attacked each other with machetes.  The groups were Turks, Kurds and Lebanese.  Time to ban all sharp blades instruments.

Why can't we speak plainly about migrant crime?  On Wednesday, two striking events happened in France.  The first was that the President of the Republic led the nation's mourning for Lieutenant-Colonel Beltrame, the policeman who swopped himself for a hostage at the siege at a supermarket in Trèbes last week.  Elsewhere in Paris on the same day there was a silent march past the flat of Mireille Knoll.  As a girl, in 1942, Mme Knoll narrowly escaped being rounded up by the French police and put on a train to Auschwitz.  Last weekend, at the age of 85, the remains of her wheelchair-bound body were found in her Paris flat.  Her body had been stabbed and burned.  Mme Knoll, who suffered from Parkinson's disease had apparently previously told police about a neighbour who had threatened to 'burn her'.  And so the fires that failed to catch the nine-year old Mireille in Auschwitz caught up with her seven decades later in multicultural, diverse, 21st century France.

Sweden's Deadly Crime Hits High Amid Rise In Rape, Murder.  Swedish authorities are sounding alarm over the rise in deadly crime amid the ongoing Islamic mass migration.  According to a recent report from the Swedish Crime Prevention Council, fatal crime hit its record highest last year with a rise in rape and murder.  The agency found overall amount of crime remained flat, while total rape increased by 10-percent and rape against children rose 17-percent.

Survey: 78 Percent of Europeans Want Tighter Control of Borders.  A massive poll covering all 28 European Union (EU) states has revealed an overwhelming concern over illegal immigration with more than three-quarters of EU citizens saying that Europe's external borders should be better protected.  The sweeping February survey conducted by the Századvég Foundation's Project 28 sampled one thousand adult citizens from each of the 28 EU countries, and found a remarkable consistency of thought regarding the dangers of unchecked immigration.

I don't think we'll always have "Paris" — If we even still do.  There's something about Paris.  The City of Light.  And Art.  And Cafes.  And Love.  In many ways, the epitome of western civilization in the form of a city.  Which is why it's so hard to see it fall in the past decades into something very different.

Bloody Weekend — Knife Attacks All Over Germany.  Knife attacks on the rise in Germany.  Bild document the incidents of just this weekend alone.

African 'Migrant' Drugged, Raped 74-Year-Old Wheelchair-Bound Woman.  Fode Doukoure spent most of his time staring at the floor of a Cumberland County courtroom Monday before he pleaded guilty to drugging and molesting a 74-year-old West Shore woman.  And though his plea agreement will trigger the 23-year-old West African native's prompt release from county prison, it seems unlikely he'll be staying in the U.S for long.  This was a bizarre case which was resolved moments before a jury was to be selected for Doukoure's trial on a lengthy list of charges.

Parsons Green 'bucket bomber' is jailed for 34 years.  The asylum seeker who tried to blow up a packed tube train in west London has been jailed for life with a minimum of 34 years.  Iraqi Ahmed Hassan, who claims to be aged 18, pretended to engage with the anti-terrorism Prevent scheme as he plotted mass murder in the capital.  He made a bomb with 400g of 'Mother of Satan' explosives and 2.2kg of shrapnel while his unsuspecting foster parents were on holiday in Blackpool.  The Old Bailey heard he wanted to avenge the death of his father in Iraq and was 'disappointed' when the bomb only partly detonated in a huge fireball.

The High Price of Denial.  For years, German officials, like their political counterparts across the continent, have furiously denied that there are any areas of their countries to which the rule of law does not extend.  Denials have also issued forth from officials in, among other countries, Sweden and France.  In January 2015, Paris's Mayor Anne Hidalgo threatened to sue Fox News after the station said there were no-go zones in her city.  Hidalgo claimed at the time in an interview on CNN that "the honour of Paris" and the "image of Paris" had been harmed.  It was a typically extraordinary claim, which ignored that if the "image of Paris" had taken any battering around that time, it might have been due to the massacre of 12 journalists, cartoonists and policemen at the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, and the slaughter of four people in a kosher supermarket two days later.

England's Assisted Suicide.  A hundred years ago, the sun never set on the British Empire.  These days, England's rulers are blowing out the candles and telling the citizens to enjoy the darkness.  Last week brought news of yet another sexual grooming scandal of underage girls perpetrated mostly by Muslims with roots in the Middle East upon poor and lower-class indigenous British girls. [...] The Mirror reported that as in the Rotherham case, authorities often either dragged their feet or didn't investigate cases at all.  They were extremely careful to hide the abusers' Middle Eastern background "for fear of racism."

12 more victims of Muslim rape gangs in Telford come forward.  Why so many?  Because the perpetrators thought correctly that their behavior was justified by Islam, and those who were sworn to protect the British public were desperately afraid of appearing "Islamophobic."

Iraqi asylum seeker, 18, is found guilty of trying to murder up to 93 commuters by blowing up packed Parsons Green Tube train.  A teenage asylum-seeker who built a 'Mother of Satan' nail bomb in the bedroom of his foster home before trying to blow up a tube train is facing a lengthy jail term after he was convicted of attempted murder today [3/16/2018].  Ahmed Hassan, 18, tried to kill 93 people by setting off a 'bucket bomb' at Parsons Green station in west London last September.  Luckily the device failed to properly detonate, but still left 51 passengers with serious burns.  Hassan had left his native Iraq and travelled through Turkey, Italy and France before getting into the UK on the back of the lorry coming through the Channel Tunnel.

German interior minister undercuts Merkel, says 'Islam does not belong to Germany'.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel was undercut by her interior minister on Friday, when he said in an interview that "Islam does not belong to Germany."  Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, whose Bavarian Christian Social Union is a right-wing coalition ally of Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU), made the remarks in an interview with Bild, although he did add that Muslims who live in the country are part of Germany.  "Germany is shaped by Christianity.  That means not working on Sundays and celebrating religious holidays such as Easter, Pentecost and Christmas," he said.  "My message is:  Muslims need to live with us, not next to us or against us," he added.

Police Chaplain Was Suspended For Exposing Muslim UK Child Abuse.  The first rule of Muslim grooming gangs is that no one is allowed to mention them.  Not even when they abuse 1,000 girls.

A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain:  February 2018.  Zana Abbas Sulieman, a 27-year-old asylum seeker living in north-west London, was sentenced [2/22/2018] to nine years in prison for various terrorism offenses, including possessing and sharing a bomb-making video.  Police said they found 32 Facebook accounts linked to Sulieman that contained terrorist-related material.

Germany: Muslim migrants terrorize small town fair, sexually harassing women and fighting locals.  Is Germany diverse enough yet?  Sexual assault occurs in all cultures, but only in Islam does it have divine sanction.  The Qur'an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take "captives of the right hand," 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30).  The Qur'an says:  "O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments.  That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused.  And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful." (33:59)  The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.

Canadian far-right activist becomes third person to be barred from Britain in 72 hours for anti-Muslim views.  A Canadian journalist has become the third so-called anti-Muslim activist accused of racism to be barred from Britain in just 72 hours.  Border guards quizzed Lauren Southern for six hours in Calais where she was preparing to come to the UK to interview English Defence League co-founder Tommy Robinson.  It is understood the 22-year-old was hauled in for questioning over concerns surrounding an incident last month in Luton where she is accused of distributing racist material in the form of Islamic posters.

Paris police officer says most sex attackers on Metro are Muslim migrants.  The Muslim rape gang abuse of thousands of innocent girls in the UK, and the widespread sex attacks in Germany, Sweden and now France are not enough to wake up blinded Western authorities to the fact that infidel women are regarded by Islamic supremacists as inferior, to be taken as sex slaves at will.

Berlin: African Muslim (Ahmad) fake asylum seeker lays in front of tram and refuses to get up.  When asked to show his identity papers, "he resisted, ran onto the road and finally laid down in front of a tram that had just moved into the station," said the federal police spokesman.  Despite repeated calls and threats of physical force, the man refused to get up.  Police finally pulled him out from under the bus and applied handcuffs.

Berlin Teachers Complain of 'Religious Bullying' from Muslim Students.  Teachers in some of Berlin's most heavily migrant-populated schools have complained that they are seeing a large increase in bullying along religious lines, primarily from Muslim students.  Hildegard Greif-Gross, director of the Peter Petersen Elementary School in Neukölln, claimed that there are many examples of religious bullying even with younger students.  Greif-Gross said that Muslim students would bully others on as little as bringing a ham sandwich for their lunch because they were taught pork is forbidden in Islam, Berliner Zeitung reports.

Even when Trump is right, mainstream media downplays it rather than be honest.  President Trump's foreign policy is defying the media so much, even they are finally sounding positive over his "stunning" peace moves with North Korea.  But journalists haven't liked the president's criticisms of Europe.  President Trump has been repeatedly critical of how Europe has handled its refugee crisis — pointing out the reality of no-go zones and specifically discussing a spike in immigrant-related crime in Sweden.  This week he was proven at least somewhat correct on both fronts.  German Prime Minister Angela Merkel admitted that her nation has "no-go areas," though she wouldn't admit where.  The Associated Press reported:  "In an interview Monday with German broadcaster n-tv, Merkel said she favors a zero tolerance policy on crime and that includes preventing no-go areas, 'that's areas where nobody dares to go.'"

Sri Lankan Migrants Scalp Man and Cut Off His Arm in Paris Restaurant.  In what has been described as a dispute between rival Sri Lankan migrants, two men attacked another with a machete, scalping him and cutting off his arm in a Paris restaurant.  The attack occurred on Monday evening [3/5/2018] at a restaurant in the 10th Arrondissement of the city not far from the heavily migrant populated area of La Chapelle in northern Paris, broadcaster RTL reports.  Two attackers, both wearing hoodies and covering their faces, were said to have stormed into the establishment at around 9:30 pm armed with a machete and a sabre.  The pair immediately attacked the victim, cutting at his scalp as well as cutting off one of his hands and his arm.

Tiny Irish Town Taking Hundreds of Migrants Had No Say, Locals Fear Being Called Racist.  A resident of a tiny Irish town having its population increased by a third by a new migrant centre has said Ireland has become a "slave state" of the European Union (EU) and its immigration policies, leaving locals helpless.  "We don't know where these people are going to be from.  They won't tell us what countries they're from.  What religion they're from," said Michael Walsh.

Sweden finds Trump was right on immigration, gang violence.  Sweden's prime minister, who criticized President Trump last year for blaming Swedish violence on Muslim refugees, said Tuesday that he's cracking down on immigration and gang violence to make Sweden great again.  At a White House news conference with Mr. Trump at his side, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven spoke of his own Trump-like agenda of implementing tougher laws on immigration and crime, and of spending more money on law enforcement.  "We have our share of domestic challenges, no doubt about that," Mr. Lofven said.  "We are dealing with it every day, allocating more resources to the police, more resources to the security police, tougher laws on crime, tougher laws on terrorism."

Geert Wilders:  Refugees prefer to come to big fat welfare states in Europe.  Leader of the Dutch Freedom Party, Geert Wilders, visited Russia and was exclusively interviewed by Russia Today (RT) yesterday [3/3/2018].  Wilders says all real refugees deserve shelter, but he is surprised about how rich Middle Eastern countries don't give it to them.  Instead the refugees, but also lots of non-refugees, come to Europe and 'travel through five or six safe countries' to reach the continent's 'big fat welfare states', he says.

Four Eritrean asylum seekers 'who gang-raped 56-year-old woman' in Germany claim they were all juveniles, despite experts saying they are all in their twenties.  Four Eritrean asylum seekers have claimed they were juveniles when they allegedly gang raped a 56-year-old woman in Germany and filmed the attack.  A woman was collecting bottles in Dessau in the northern German state of Saxony-Anhalt in August when four individuals, who experts say were at least in their 20s, approached her.  They told her that they had seen some bottles she had missed in a remote part of a disused school and attacked her when she went there, it is alleged.

Four people including a 17-year-old girl are critically injured as 'deranged knifeman shouting Allah' goes on rampage in Vienna before 'man of Afghan descent' is arrested.  An Afghan man has been arrested after four people were injured in two knife attacks in Vienna, Austria.  Three pedestrians were attacked at random by a man wielding a knife near the capital's famous Prater Park at around 7.45 pm local time.  Police say that the three victims hurt in the stabbing frenzy were a family, including a father, mother and their daughter, 17.  Then 30 minutes later, another person was seriously injured in a separate attack at Praterstern.  A police spokesman confirmed all the victims were Austrian.

200 refugees rejected by Australia have now settled in US.  Australia's prime minister said Friday [3/2/2018] that his country will not consider options for resettling refugees languishing on Pacific islands until the United States fulfills its promise to take up to 1,250 of them.

NYT agrees with Trump:  Sweden immigrant-perpetrated violence out of control.  Powerline blog reminds us here of what happened a year ago February when the New York Times and all of its media lackeys landed like a big bird on President Trump when he said Sweden has a problem with out-of-control immigration (from certain ethnic/religious groups) and the violence it inevitably brings!

Angela Merkel Acknowledges No-Go Zones In Germany The Liberal Media Says Don't Exist.  Some of the countries which have taken in large numbers of refugees from Muslim countries now have no-go zones.  They are areas that police and fire departments won't visit because they are afraid of being attacked.  The liberal media has repeatedly tried to "debunk" this as a myth.  But German Chancellor Angela Merkel just talked about them.  Do they exist now?

Liberal, Kansas — A Growing Somali Muslim Enclave Known as "Little Somalia".  First a stream of newcomers started renting ramshackle homes by the train tracks, and then a two-room mosque opened on a nearby street corner, and then an African grocery store took the space of what had once been a used car lot.  And then, one day early last year, a bus pulled up to the Greyhound station and out came the latest arrival to the growing neighborhood known as "Little Somalia."  Mohamed Ahmed, 23, held one suitcase and clutched a plastic bag with migration documents — the evidence of a trek in which he'd fled warring Somalia as a young child, lost his father and spent years living with the remainder of his family under a United Nations tent in the Kenyan desert.  His journey to America had been nearly two decades in the making, and now he was coming to its heartland — as were thousands of other Somali refugees — to take a grisly job that few others in his new country wanted to take.

NYT Gets Around To Reporting On Sweden's Immigrant Crime Problem, Leaves Out A Few Key Details.  The New York Times published a report Sunday on Sweden's growing problem with immigrant gangs — more than a year after the paper chided President Donald Trump for calling attention to the same worrisome development.  Entitled "Hand Grenades and Gang Violence Rattle Sweden's Middle Class," the report examines how weapons of war and clan-like violence have accompanied an influx of immigrants from certain parts of Europe and the greater Middle East.  The story centers on the death of a man in the town of Varby Gard, a once tranquil Stockholm suburb that is now the home base of an increasingly destructive immigrant gang.  He was killed in early January when he picked up a mysterious object lying in the street that turned out to be a live hand grenade.  The device exploded when he touched it, killing him instantly.

An Italian Town Bakes A Cake To Celebrate Booting Out Migrants.  As we discussed last week, the impending national elections in Italy are really heating up and most of the focus of debate (and the occasional outright brawl in the streets) is centered on questions of forced immigration.  The clock is almost up now and national elections are scheduled for tomorrow.  There's been a rise in nationalist sentiments and a souring of the public mood toward the waves of migrants and refugees, particularly from Libya and Syria, who have been building up in the country.  Those feelings have been on particularly dramatic display in Sesto San Giovanni, just outside of Milan.  The town undertook an unusual "celebration" ahead of the elections.  They've been actively moving to relocate new immigrants out of the area, and after evicting their 200th migrant from the town, they baked a huge cake with the number 200 emblazoned in the frosting and invited everyone to stop by for a slice.

Immigration Disaster Looms in Germany.  Official figures of the German statistical office show that beginning in 2015, Germany accepted 1.4 million asylum applications.  According to detailed figures from 2016, 71.4% were granted asylum or "subsidiary" protected status, while 28.6% were rejected.  Being rejected, however, did not at all mean that you had to leave Germany or were in danger of being deported.  Most of those rejected filed an appeal (64,251 in 2016), and 31.7% of those received a negative decision.  Even then, few of those rejected left voluntarily, and even fewer were deported.  According to the daily Die Welt, citing government figures, most of the migrants remain in Germany, regardless of the asylum decision.

Muslim migrant "child" who murdered German teen girl is probably an adult.  The credulousness of European officials regarding the claims of these "refugees" is so extreme as to lead one reasonably to wonder whether the imperative to bring Muslim migrants into Europe was so strong as to override all other considerations.

It's all about the money.
Federally Funded Non-Profits Whine About Decline in Refugee Admissions and Revenues.  The federally funded non-profits known as voluntary agencies (VOLAGs), who collectively have received more than $1 billion annually to resettle refugees, are whining now that refugee admissions, and their own associated revenues, are down dramatically during the first five months of FY 2018 under the Trump administration.  Despite a slight uptick in refugee admissions in February to 1,927, the total number of refugee admissions during the first five months of FY 2018, which began on October 1, is only 8,635, according to the State Department's interactive website — the lowest number of refugee admissions for the first five months of a fiscal year in more than 15 years.

A Tidal Wave of Refugees Is Coming.  According to theOffice of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, 68 million people around the world are or at risk of becoming refugees.  The migration of a few million people has already turned the European Union inside out and motivated the election of an America-first presidency.  What we have seen so far, though, is nothing compared to what is to come.

Denmark to double penalty for crimes in trouble hotspots.  The Danish government said Monday [2/26/2018] it was looking to reduce crime in trouble hotspots by doubling the punishment for offences committed there compared with other areas of the country.  Plans to introduce a scale of punishment for crime in so-called "ghetto areas", deprived areas with a high immigrant population, will be unveiled on Thursday by Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen as part of a wider plan of action for such places.  The specific crimes which will command a double punishment have yet to be agreed on but in an interview with the Berlingske Tidende newspaper, Justice Minister Soren Pape Poulsen suggested it could involve "vandalism, theft and threats."

Police 'Don't Know' Why Rape Is Up 20 Per Cent in Sadiq Khan's London.  Rapes are soaring in Britain's multicultural capital under Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan — but police claim they have no idea what could be behind the increase.  7,613 rapes were recorded in Sadiq Khan's London in the 12 months to the end of January 2018, compared with 6,392 over the previous year — a rise of almost 20 percent, the Evening Standard reports.

Newcastle grooming gangs were allowed to abuse 700 girls because police blamed the victims, review finds.  Grooming gangs that preyed on 700 vulnerable girls and women in and around Newcastle developed an "arrogant persistence" because the authorities locked up the victims rather than the offenders, a Serious Case Review has found.  Operation Sanctuary, which was launched in 2014, resulted in 112 offenders being jailed for a total of almost 500 years for abuse carried out against more than 270 victims.

'Nazi' Sprayed on Food Charity Which Refused to Take New Migrant Clients.  The police said on Monday [2/26/2018] they were searching for vandals who sprayed the word "Nazis" on the building and vans of a charitable food bank that has stopped accepting new migrant clients.  Essener Tafel charity leader Jörg Sartor said the slogans [...] that defaced a building door and six vans would not immediately be removed because "everyone should see this".

Another Muslim migrant welfare queen gets caught living in luxury.  She owes the Centrelink Welfare Office $150,000 and she is laughing about it, with no intention of paying it back.  She was collecting welfare while earning an income from self-employment and renting out an apartment.

He was headed to Malaysia, now he is happily settled in Arizona (on your dime!)  Australia's SBS News appears to be doing a series on those lucky, mostly Muslim, 'refugees' who attempted to get to Australia illegally and were then detained for nearly 5 years in offshore detention facilities with the Australian government refusing to consider their asylum claims.  Many are hitting the jackpot and although Australia isn't letting them in they are now free in America.  And, every few weeks a new batch arrives.  Here is a story about one of those that Australia didn't want, but Obama did and arranged for many to come just as he was walking out of the White House.

Muslim Flaunts Outrageous Scam, Living Off Welfare With 2 Wives And 6 Kids.  A refugee from Syria is living with his two wives and six children, in Germany where polygamy is against the law.  A documentary featuring Ahmad, 32, shows him living well in his state-provided two-story home, with income provided by welfare.  Angela Merkel is being blamed for the flouting of German laws and culture, and these are not considered minor infractions.

'Thank you, Mama Merkel': Syrian refugee lives with 2 wives, 6 kids on benefits in Germany.  A documentary about a Syrian refugee in Germany, who happily lives on state handouts with his two wives and six kids, has angered many in the country where polygamy is against the law.  The Spiegel TV film was aired over the weekend, telling the story of 32-year-old Ahmad A. who fled the fighting in Syria's Aleppo back in 2015 with his large family, and found a safe haven in Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany.  The man lives in a two-story house provided by the community with two wives and six children.  Despite polygamy being illegal in Germany, Ahmad was allowed to bring his second wife into the country as she is the mother of four of his kids.

Three African Men Arrested for Cannibalism in Paris Suburb.  Three men have been arrested in the heavily migrant-populated Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois for attacking a man by biting at his face and then eating the pieces of flesh they had bitten off.  The men, who all originally came from the African island nation of Cape Verde, were arrested on Sunday [2/18/2018] after they attacked a man who was walking in the Hector-Berlioz alley at around 6 pm and bit off pieces his ear and lower lip, Le Parisien reports.  The victim was able to fight off the attackers, wounding one of them in the ankle, before police arrived a short time later and arrested the three Africans.

Muslim dominated 'No Go Zones' now have been turned into full-fledged mini Islamic states within a state.  Once branded a 'No-Go Zone,' the Paris suburb of Trappes has become a recruiting ground for the Islamic State (ISIS) — and ground zero in France's failure to integrate Muslims into its staunchly secular state.  According to French intelligence, 67 Muslims from Trappes have joined ISIS, while other radicalized Muslims have carried out terror attacks in France.  It's safe to say that Trappes, 30km southwest of Paris no longer is a typical French suburb.

State Islam in France.  Islam is perhaps about to be made an exception to French laïcité, or the complete separation of church and state.  In 2003, then-president Nicolas Sarkozy set up the Conseil français du culte musulman — the French Council of the Muslim Religion.  The CFCM was supposed to represent French Muslims, though two-thirds of them have never heard of it.  Delegates are elected in proportion to the surface areas of their mosques; the elections are said to be influenced by the various countries that make financial contributions to the respective mosques.  Macron seeks something different.  He wants to "structure" French Islam, with a view to undermining extremism and foreign influence.

U.S. court says Trump travel ban unlawfully discriminates against Muslims.  President Donald Trump's travel ban targeting people from six Muslim-majority countries violates the U.S. Constitution by discriminating on the basis of religion, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday [2/15/2018] in another legal setback for the policy.

25 Disturbing Facts About Refugee Resettlements From Somalia.  Of the 11 countries included in President Trump's refugee ban, one stands out — Somalia.  That ban expired two weeks ago and the U.S. has begun accepting refugees again from Somalia and 10 other high-risk nations.  Although Trump promises "extreme vetting," many Muslim refugees come as children and become radicalized years later.  Somali crime rivals Somali terrorism as a major problem, and the two clearly blur into one another.  The problem is leaking from Minnesota into South Dakota — as Lutheran Social Services has resettled more than 4,500 Somalis in Sioux Falls.  Many of the Somalis have migrated from Sioux Falls to the city of Aberdeen in search of work at Demkota Ranch Co.'s beef-packing plant.  South Dakota State Senator and GOP congressional candidate Neal Tapio is leading perhaps the nation's most aggressive effort to expose the danger and fraud of refugee resettlements.  Tapio has introduced several bills that seek to rein in high-risk resettlements in his state.

Japan had 20,000 applications for asylum in 2017. It accepted 20.  Japan accepted just 20 asylum seekers last year — despite a record 19,628 applications — drawing accusations that the country is unfairly closing its door on people in genuine need.  Since 2010, Japan has granted work permits to asylum seekers with valid visas to work while their refugee claims were reviewed, a change the government says has fuelled a dramatic rise in "bogus" applications from people who are simply seeking work.  According to figures released this week, the number of applicants in 2017 rose 80% from a year earlier, when 28 out of almost 11,000 requests were recognised.

Violent crime in Sweden is soaring.  When will politicians act?  January was a particularly violent month in Sweden.  A 63-year-old man was killed in Stockholm by a hand grenade lying in the street.  A Dutch exchange student was hit by a stray bullet during an execution-style killing at a pizza restaurant in Uppsala.  In Gothenburg, a hand grenade was thrown into a flat and exploded in the kitchen — the same predominantly immigrant-populated suburb where an eight-year-old British boy was killed in a grenade attack less than two years ago.  In Malmö, a grenade was tossed at a police station and exploded outside.  So it has not, so far, been a very happy new year.  For Swedes, this has become a familiar theme.  Gun violence is on the rise, with daylight shootings and without regard for bystanders.  In the past nine years, reported and attempted murders involving guns have almost doubled.  According to Swedish police, hand-grenade attacks (which were virtually unknown until a few years ago) are without parallel in countries not at war.

Denmark poised to ban Islamic full-face veils.  The Danish government is poised to become the next European country to introduce a ban on Islamic full-face coverings in public places.  The government said it planned to fine people who wore items including the burqa and the niqab which are worn by some Muslim women.  Under the proposals anyone found covering their face would be fined 1,000 kroner (£120), or up to 10,000 kroner (£1,200) if they are repeatedly caught.

Muslims are one of the main reasons Donald Trump wants to end chain migration.  In Germany, in just a few years time, 34 Muslim migrants had imported 134 family members including multiple wives and large litters of children.

German Politicians 'Alarmed' at Scale of Anti-Christian Hate Attacks.  Hate crime figures leaked by police in Germany have caused alarm, as they revealed murder, assault, and arson numbering among almost 100 attacks which targeted Christians in 2017.  Published by the Funke media group several months before annual crime statistics are due to be officially released, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) data showed attacks on churches and Christian symbols accounted for a quarter of the 97 cases.

Muslim head of National Heritage Board downplays Swedish history, plays up historical role of Muslims.  Qaisar Mahmood, a Muslim born in Pakistan, is the head of the Swedish National Heritage Board.  He readily admits that he has not read anything about Sweden's cultural heritage.  He is using his position to downplay Sweden's cultural heritage and history, and to create a false narrative that will help compel Swedes to accept mass Muslim migration. [...] There is no Muslim history in Sweden, but Qaisar Mahmood is working to change the very idea of cultural heritage and fabricate fictions about a historical Muslim presence in Sweden in order to advance his political and sociological agenda.

Muslim Rapist to German Cops:  "I am Syrian.  You have to treat me kindly.  Mrs Merkel invited me.".  Oh those poor, poor Syrian refugees.  The oppressed of the earth and smartphones.  Downtrodden in hiking boots.  All they want is to come to the West and leave peaceable lives of mass groping of the native women.  We would be uncharitable to refuse them.  And the Halal chicken refugees have come to Europe to roost.

German women in fear:  New anti-rape pants sell out very quickly.  No surprise here.  German women know they can't count on the police in Merkel's Germany:  the cops' foremost priority is to keep the German public from realizing just how disastrous Merkel's mass importation of Muslim migrants has been.

Calais Riot:  Six shot as hundreds of migrants brawl in food handout row.  At least four Calais migrants are fighting for life after being shot when two rival groups clashed in a two-hour running battle after food was handed out at the French port last night, police said.

Teen hit with bottle after rejecting groper's advances.  A Swedish teenager was attacked at a nightclub after turning away a man who groped her, leaving her face badly bloodied as shown in horrifying snapshots that soon went viral.  Sophie Johansson, 19, was partying at Babel in Malmö, Sweden on Saturday night [1/27/2018] when an unknown man on the dance floor pulled on her bag.  She told Swedish outlet Aftonbladet that when she turned around, the man grabbed her butt and between her legs.  She then says she hit him to get him to stop, but he punched her in the face.  Hoping to avoid a further escalation, Johansson and her friend decided to leave — but as she was on her way out, she says the man struck her over the head with a bottle.

How to Decide Which Immigrants to Allow In.  How many Norwegians have illegally entered our nation, committed crimes, and burdened our prison and welfare systems?  I might ask the same question about Finnish, Swedish, Welsh, Icelanders, Greenlanders, and New Zealanders.  The bulk of our immigration problem is with people who enter our country criminally from Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East.  It's illegal immigrants from those countries who have committed crimes and burdened our criminal justice and welfare systems.

Teens roam streets with rifles as crime swamps Sweden.  On Wednesday night [1/17/2018] an explosive device was hurled at the police station in Rosengard, a troubled area of Malmo, Sweden's third largest city.  Attacks on the police are increasingly frequent.  Rosengard's force works from a black fortress of reinforced concrete with narrow windows and a 10ft-high electric fence.

Muslim migrants "behave like movie stars, want expensive clothes, don't integrate".  In Switzerland, a country that does not know 90% of the identities of asylum seekers, its "refugees" "behave like movie stars," expect "expensive clothes," and refuse to integrate.  It is because nothing is expected of them, so they continue their sharia norms, which includes the concept of the jizya, in which inferior infidels pay up: [...] Unfortunately, the problem reported in Switzerland is not exclusive to Switzerland.

Pro-Trump Czech president who warned of 'organized invasion' of migrants wins re-election.  Europe's populist movement was given a shot in the arm on Saturday when Czech Republic President Milos Zeman, running primarily on an anti-migration platform, fended off a challenge from political neophyte Jiri Drahos. [...] Zeman, a former left-wing prime minister who ascended to the presidency in 2013, had been widely criticized for what critics described as Islamophobic rhetoric, and had also raised concerns in Western Europe by taking a distinctly pro-Russian approach on questions such as the annexation of Crimea.

"Refugees" arriving in Europe ask for wifi first, food and shelter second.  Asylum seekers often use their mobile phones to navigate their way into Europe and once they arrive they need a strong wi-fi connection to stay in touch with loved ones at home.  "The first thing a refugee asks for upon arrival at a camp is not water or food but the wi-fi password," said Kann Terzioglou, chief executive of Turkcell, the mobile phone provider, at the World Economic Forum in Davos. "

The MSM Faces the Truth About Sweden.  Every day since he began running for president, the international media have scoured Donald Trump's statements and actions in search of something to mock.  One day last February, they fastened on an unscripted remark he made at a rally in Florida.  "We've got to keep our country safe," he told the crowd.  "You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden.  Sweden, who would believe this?  Sweden.  They took in large numbers.  They're having problems like they never thought possible."  Trump went on to mention Brussels, Nice, and Paris, the sites of recent terrorist attacks.  But the media zeroed in on Sweden, because Trump had made it sound as if something specific and terrible, some act of terrorism or Muslim gang crime or some such thing, had happened in that country the night before. [...] As it turned out, Trump had been referring to an appearance on Tucker Carlson's Fox News program by filmmaker Ari Horowitz, who had discussed his documentary about the devastating impact of mass Muslim immigration on Sweden.  But nobody in the mainstream media wanted to talk about that.

Some Mentally Ill, Some Radical Refugee Men Rejected by Australia Arrive in the States.  One is heading to New Jersey, another to Tennessee to study human rights which is the trade of the hard-left.  Others are going to North Carolina, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, states the left wants to turn blue for the most part.  This is one group of at least forty.  No American, Australian or U.N. official will tell us who they are and where they are going in the States.  They were rejected by Australia and many have been radical left protesters while stranded on an island.  Others will require a lot of therapy we are told.  Hundreds of them are mentally ill.  We have nothing against these people and sure hope they succeed but the people behind it really are only being generous with your money and your welfare.  You have no idea how bad some of these refugees are.  They take a fortune to educate and some can't be educated well because of their intelligence and mental issues.

Germany: Pants sold with alarm to ward off Muslim migrant rapes.  Germany has introduced pants with safety alarms to ward off Muslim migrant sex attacks, as Europe continues to descend into lawlessness and dhimmitude.  UK police once advised potential victims not to harm their attackers, issuing a statement:  "You must not get a product which is made or adapted to cause a person injury.  Possession of such a product in public (and in private in specific circumstances) is against the law."  In Germany, reports emerged that "safe shorts," made to prevent pervasive sex attacks by migrants, were sold out; and as Sweden struggles to cope with its migrant crisis, incidents of rape have escalated by 70%.

Australian rejected 'refugees' on the way to US this week!  We can get excited about the slowdown in the normal refugee flow to America (see post yesterday), but here comes the very abnormal flow — 58 of the Australia-rejected mostly single men who have been detained by the Aussies for as long as four years will now be free in America.  The deal, originally agreed to by Obama as he was walking out the door, represents an application of international refugee law that is simply unheard of and possibly illegal.

German federal court overturns 'Sharia police' acquittals.  A German federal court has overturned the acquittal of seven men who posed as a self-styled "Sharia police."  The group took to the streets of Wuppertal in September 2014 in orange vests bearing the words "Sharia police," handing out leaflets declaring the area a "Sharia-controlled zone" where alcohol, music and pornography were banned.

French Media Pushing Pro-Migrant Narrative:  Claims It is 'Beautiful' To Be 'Invaded By Migrants'.  Sicily has borne much of the brunt of the large wave of migrants coming into Italy.  But despite this, the mayor of Palermo has declared his love for migrants saying that the future of Italy is "Google and Ali the immigrant".  Mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando declared his love for newly arrived migrants from Africa, most of them coming into the country illegally claiming to be asylum seekers, in a largely pro-migrant article published by French centre-left newspaper Libération.  "If you ask me how many immigrants there are in Palermo, I do not answer 60, 70, or 80,000.  Anyone who arrives in Palermo is a Palermo," Orlando said.

Orbán: Europe's Migrants Aren't Muslim Refugees, They're 'Muslim Invaders'.  Calling multiculturalism an "illusion", Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán slammed the Merkel government's "chaotic and anarchic" migrant policy, which led to a flow of "Muslim invaders" entering the European Union.  Responding to the suggestion that Hungary was not showing sufficient "solidarity" with the European Union because Germany accepted 2 million migrants but Hungary will not accept 2,000, Prime Minister Orbán told German tabloid BILD on Sunday:  "The difference is:  They wanted the migrants.  And we do not."

Let Them Eat Rape.  Modern England is 85.4% white and only 7.8% Asian.  When it comes to organized gang rape, Asians (i.e., Muslims) are overrepresented by 1076%.  But [British pop singer Lily] Allen would have us believe that the grooming gangs in Rotherham, Rochdale, Derby, Oxford, Bristol, Telford, Banbury, Aylesbury, and Keighley are comprised entirely of Type 1 rapists, who butcher and rape and threaten to immolate their victims because they view it all as part of a "mutually satisfying romantic relationship" rather than as part of a grander scheme of cultural conquest.

Melbourne family forced to flee after becoming targets of African Muslim migrant crime gangs.  "We're sick of feeling unsafe in our own home," says young Melbourne family that has decided to flee their increasingly dangerous neighborhood and jump ship to the next state over, after repeatedly being targeted by African Muslim (mainly Sudanese) migrant crime gangs implicated in a wave of home break-ins, car thefts, store burglaries, and assaults.

Hungary:  No Muslims.  Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary, re-iterated his nation's opposition to Europe accepting millions of Muslim migrants.  Germany "wanted migrants, and we didn't," Orbán told Bild, a German newspaper. [...] Other nations that lived behind the Iron Curtain oppose Muslim migration.  They include Poland and the Czech Republic.

U.N. Agency Won't Say How Many Palestinian 'Refugees' It Helps After Census Finds Nearly Two Thirds Less.  The U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which ministers to so-called Palestinian refugees, would not comment when asked by Breitbart Jerusalem to provide the total number of Palestinian "refugees" that UNRWA services in Lebanon.  This after Lebanon's census data recently placed the number of Palestinian "refugees" living in the country at about one third of the nearly 500,000 reported by UNRWA.

Danes Consider Mandatory Curfew for Youths in Migrant Populated Ghettos.  The populist Danish People's Party (DF) has suggested the government consider a mandatory curfew for under 18s in migrant ghetto areas in order to prevent disorder and delinquency.  The DF has proposed that all children below the age of 18 living in the ghetto areas should be required to be off the streets no later than 8 pm every night.  DF MP Martin Henriksen argued that children should not be allowed outside on their own in areas that were prone to criminality, both for their own safety and to make sure they do not get caught up in criminality themselves, Jylland Posten reports.

Policeman: Many have no idea how serious the situation in Sweden is.  Recently, Swedish journalist Katerina Janouch interviewed the Swedish policeman Peter Springare, who in 2017 made headlines in Sweden, when he posted on the current state of the kingdom on Facebook.  In a longer interview he now admits that he is even more worried, that mayhem in fact is coming, and that people in general have no idea what will hit them.

Migrants in Europe Linked To Soaring Violence and Crime in Germany, Study Finds.  A Germany university found that a 10.4 percent increase in violent crime was linked to an influx of migrants into the country's southern region.  The increase in crime took place in 2015 and 2016 at the height of the European migration crisis, when German Chancellor Angela Merkel ignored E.U. rules and allowed an open-door policy for migrants entering the state from war-torn Syria.  More than 90 percent of the 10.4 percent increase in reported violent crimes was attributed to young male migrants in Germany's southern state of Lower Saxony, according to a new study from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences.  A huge wave of migrants flooded into the European Union in 2015 from countries through Greece and Turkey that led to more than one million migrants applying for asylum in Germany.

'Egyptian teen armed with a number of weapons' launches street rampage in Ireland.  One person has been stabbed to death and two others have been injured in what is being described as a series of 'random attacks' in Ireland.  Gardai arrested a heavily-armed teenager born in North Africa and officers are investigating if three separate incidents are terror related.  The knife attack happened shortly before 9am in Dundalk and the victim was pronounced dead at the scene.  The attacker has been identified as an 18-year-old Egyptian who had been in contact with the police on New Year's Day with regards his immigration status.

Study: Young male migrants fuel rise in violence in Germany.  The recent influx of mostly young, male migrants into Germany has led to an increase in violent crime in the country, according to a government-funded study published Wednesday [1/3/2018].

Vast areas of East, North and South London [are now] "no-go zones" because of [an] acid attack epidemic.  Vast areas of East, North and South London have been declared "no-go zones" by terrified delivery drivers because of the acid attack epidemic, The Sun can reveal.  Moped riders say they won't go to the violent hotspots after 8pm because they fear being attacked with acid or knives.

Refugee lobbying group, RCUSA, is a mystery, promotes secrecy.  Yesterday I told you more about the Refugee Council USA and how they are pumping out information to an uninformed media/public all of it aimed at making the President look as mean-spirited as possible.  This may get into the weeds for some readers, but it's important to understand how the refugee industry works and so I encourage you all to dig deeper (wherever you live) if you ever want to see the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program either abolished or reformed.

U.S. woman stabbed 14 times by Somali migrant, media go dark.  [Scroll down]  Police have called the case unusual for the level of brutality just to get a woman's purse, leading some to wonder if the assailant didn't want more than just a purse.  The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the city's largest newspaper, has been AWOL on the story.  The newspaper's on-duty news editor, Maria Reeve, did not return WND's calls Tuesday to inquire about why it went dark on such a brutal, unprovoked attack on a defenseless, unarmed woman walking home from work.  Other media, such as the Southwest Journal, have reported on the crime but left out the assailant's full description as a Somali migrant.  Only one media outlet, local ABC News affiliate KSTP, included in its on-air coverage the fact that the victim described her assailant as Somali, but the station's website article failed to mention that fact.

Somali stabs Minneapolis woman 14 times as she walked home from work.  Morgan Evenson was walking home in downtown Minneapolis about 8:30 p.m. on Dec. 13 when a black man got out of his car, chased her down, tackled her and repeatedly thrust a four-inch blade into her flailing body.  The 26-year-old computer-store clerk frantically fought back, kicking, scratching and screaming for help.  At some point, neighbors heard her screams and came to her aid.  Her attacker — described as a Somali man in his early 20s, about 5-foot-7 with a slight build and wearing grey stone-washed jeans — ran away.  Evenson was left bleeding on the curb with 14 stab wounds on her arms, neck and back.  Her kidney was lacerated.  She was lucky to survive the attack. [...] "You had to get all the way through that KSTP [broadcast only] report to find out he's Somali, and it was never mentioned in the other media outlets at all."

France allows Muslim street prayers but bans Christmas movie as "too Christian".  French authorities know what they've done to their country.  They know what's coming.  So it is not too early for them to start bowing to their new masters.

Britain's Christmas markets 2017: Armed guards, concrete barriers and metal detectors.  Islam does not mean peace.  It means wherever Muslims go, there will never be peace and non-Muslims will have to go to extensive lengths to protect themselves from Muslims.

Europe:  The Islamization of Christmas.  This year's Christmas season has been marked by Islam-related controversies in nearly every European country.  Most of the conflicts have been generated by Europe's multicultural political and religious elites, who are bending over backwards to secularize Christmas, ostensibly to ensure that Muslims will not be offended by the Christian festival.  Many traditional Christmas markets have been renamed — Amsterdam Winter Parade, Brussels Winter Pleasures, Kreuzberger Wintermarkt, London Winterville, Munich Winter Festival — to project a multicultural veneer of secular tolerance.  More troubling are the growing efforts to Islamize Christmas.

France Deploys 100,000 Soldiers and Police Officers for the Holidays.  France's government is deploying nearly 100,000 police and soldiers for the holiday season as fears of extremist attacks remain high.

Europe's "Arab Street" Rises Up.  In Sweden, the nation's new local traditions immediately followed President Trump's speech.  Spontaneous protests erupted in the city of Malmö on the Thursday and Friday evenings after the Jerusalem announcement.  In a city whose name has become a byword for the new, imported form of European anti-Semitism, the crowd shouted chants such as "We're going to shoot the Jews". Further north, in the city of Gothenburg, things got even uglier.  On Saturday night [12/23/2017], a group of around 20 masked men attacked the local synagogue, hurling objects and Molotov cocktails.

Europe's Tolerance for Terrorists.  Saleh Ali was one of 64,000 Syrian refugees living in the Netherlands.  The vast majority, like Ali, are young men.  And the largest number of these migrants spend their days idling in Amsterdam.  On Thursday morning, Saleh Ali took a walk to trendy Amstelveenseweg while wearing a keffiyah and waving a terrorist PLO flag.  He stopped in front of a Jewish restaurant, shouted "Allahu Akbar" and began smashing the windows.  The Amsterdam police stood by and watched quizzically until he was done.  Then when he entered the restaurant, they finally called him out and arrested him.  And in two days he was back on the street.  Amsterdam is a very tolerant place.  Not just of drugs or prostitution, but of Islamic violence.

One victim gave Rotherham police 250 names of Muslim child rapists, they did nothing.  Police commissioner Shaun Wright refused to go after hundreds of known child rapists.  The Prime Minister of Britain is calling for him to resign.  One victim gave Rotherham police a list of 250 Muslim child rapists.  Police refused to do anything.  One Rotherham officer is now being charged with being a child rapist himself.  The media is censoring his race/religion.

Jews Have to Hide — First in France and Sweden, Now Germany.  Not long ago there was a report in a local Bochum radio station that went widely unnoted, but it was an alarming signal.  According to the report, the Bochum Jewish Community advises their members from now on not to wear the kippah or other Jewish symbols in public.  The reason: there have been repeated attacks in the past, when community members were identifiable as Jews on the street.  In particular, Turkish and Arab migrants are responsible for the attacks, the community announces.  Reality in other German cities is not different from Bochum.  In Berlin it has long been daily life for Jews, from Neukölln through Kreuzberg to Wedding, not to wear Jewish symbols in public.  The same can be heard from many Jewish communities, from Kiel to Konstanz.  For non-Jewish Germans the anti-Semitic excesses of Muslim migrants might come as a surprise.  For the Jewish community they are part of life.

Council of Europe: 'Diversity and Mass Migration Have Always Been Integral Part of Continent's History'.  "Europe has always been a continent of diversity.  Migration has always been an integral part of its history," the Council of Europe has claimed in a statement marking International Migrants Day.  The international body stated on Monday [12/18/2017] that mass migration from the third world is "Europe's present and future opportunity", but warned that EU nations are "facing several challenges".  Challenges identified by the Council, which is considered Europe's top human rights watchdog, include any public opposition to mass migration, along with countries "struggl[ing] to guarantee ... human rights and fundamental freedoms".

French cities are being overrun by an endless influx of migrants.  Mayors of seven large French cities have rung the alarm bell about the number of migrants and the lack of adequate housing in their cities.  In an article in the French newspaper Le Monde, they wrote that most of their shelters are overcrowded and unable to accommodate new refugees.  The mayors of Bordeaux, Nantes, Lille, Grenoble, Strasbourg, Toulouse and Rennes want the government to take action.

Sweden to raise retirement age to pay for Muslim migration.  Although the deceitful Organization of Islamic Cooperation says that Europe needs mass Muslim migration to pay its pensions, in reality it's the other way around.  For example:  out of the 1.2 million migrants who flooded into Germany in 2016, only "34,000 or 2.8% have found a job," while only one-third of 1% found jobs in Sweden.  In Britain, migrants were found to be "a net drain... on the order of between £115 and £160 billion."  Still, Akeel makes a broad sweep and accuses "right wing parties" of lying about immigration "from the third world."  By mid-century, according to Pew Research stats, it's all over for Sweden:  30.6 percent of the population is projected to be Islamic.  With the calls now for Sweden to raise retirement age to pay for Muslim migrants on welfare, imagine what the economic situation of the country, and its overall condition, will be like then.

House GOP Agrees on $81 Billion in Disaster Spending.  The Refugee Act of 1980 created the official United States Refugee Admissions Program, and like any other government-funded industry, their original mission has long been forgotten.  Resettlement policies have devolved into another bureaucracy, where government and non-profit agencies work to protect their jobs and expand "services."  Currently, legitimate refugees must prove that they are persecuted for one of several reasons: political persuasion, religion, race, etc., but efforts are underway by the refugee industry to expand the definition to anyone moving anywhere for any reason.  The latest designation is the "climate refugee:"  people escaping changing weather patterns where they live are now "refugees" too.

Britain imported balding child migrants with beards, says former Border Force chief.  Dozens of 'child migrants' who were brought into Britain were balding and had beards, said a former UK Border Chief.  The migrants were granted access to the UK after the forced closure of the Calais migrant camp in France.  At least 750 'child migrants' were given refuge as part of a deal with France.  But according to Tony Smith, former director-general of the UK Border Force, some of them looked clearly like adults.

Commission: EU Too White, Mass Third World Migration Must Be 'New Norm'.  Brussels has said that Europeans must accept mass migration from the third world as the "new norm", warning that neither walls nor policies will allow any part of the EU to remain "homogenous and migration-free".  "It's time to face the truth.  We cannot and will never be able to stop migration," writes EU Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos, in a piece for POLITICO, published Monday entitled, "Europe's Migrants Are Here to Stay".

More on the "dumb deal" to relieve Australia of unwanted migrants.  Is your town ready for your New Americans:  Muslim men who have mental health problems from years in detention with only other men who will be free to roam your neighborhoods!

Austria's new far-right/conservative government to impose 'sanctions' on immigrants who keep their own culture.  Austria's new government has unveiled plans for financial "sanctions" on immigrants who keep their own culture and do not "integrate" with mainstream society.  The government, a coalition between the conservative People's Party (OVP) and the far-right Freedom Party (FPO), agreed a deal at the weekend with provisions set to make life more difficult for foreigners in the country.  The two parties' agreed policy programme says that immigrants who are judged to be "refusing to integrate" should expect "sanctions".

At Australian Refugee Camp, a Mix of Hope and Doubts Over U.S. Plans.  More than 60 asylum seekers in Australia's offshore detention program on Manus Island have been called for additional meetings with the American authorities to discuss potential resettlement in the United States, according to several refugees involved in the process.  "I am hopeful that it means my stay on Manus is coming to an end," said Imran Mohamed, a Rohingya refugee from Myanmar, after receiving a notice about the visit by American officials.  "I am really on top of the world right now."  The latest round of refugee processing comes as asylum seekers on Manus continue to complain of subpar conditions in detention centers where they were moved after the Australian authorities closed a camp where hundreds had been housed for years.

Public Overwhelmingly Reject 'Soros Plan' for Mass Migration to Europe.  The Hungarian government has received millions of notarised responses to its National Consultation on the 'Soros Plan' for mass migration, with the public rejecting it overwhelmingly.  The consultation, which has received over 2.1 million notarised responses by post alone, was issued in order to gauge public support for the government's determined opposition to the migrant crisis plan written by billionaire financier and open borders activist George Soros, who recently pumped $18 billion into what the Hungarian premier calls "bogus civil society organisations" to advance his goals.

Mormon church donates $5 million to nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.  And, it sure must be a welcome donation as the federal funds that most of the nine live off of are drying up. [...] One resettlement contractor featured in this story, Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), is 99.5% funded by the federal government.  Does this mean that the other .5% comes from the Mormon church and not Episcopalian worshipers?

Paris Residents Threaten Hunger Strike If Migrants Aren't Cleared From The Streets.  Residents in a Paris neighborhood have threatened to launch a hunger strike if authorities don't remove migrants sleeping on the streets.  Locals accuse the migrants of trashing the sidewalks and harassing women.  A neighborhood association has given authorities until Jan. 1 to tackle the problem before members go on a hunger strike.  "The pavement is sometimes soaked in urine and the streets aren't cleaned every day," Pierre Vuarin, a spokesman for the neighborhood association, told The Telegraph Sunday.  "Some people have sold their flats at knockdown prices and others have suffered mental breakdowns."

Mass Sexual Attacks and Molestations Against German Children by Muslim Immigrants Followed by Mass Stabbing in Apartment Complex.  The following article is a first hand account, written by a German woman that lives in the apartment building referenced in this story: [...]

Welcome to the Hell Hole that is Brussels.  Last month alone in Brussels, there were three separate outbreaks of rioting and looting on a major scale.  If you penetrate the thick cloud of professional indignation to scrutinize the reality of the "capital of Europe", what you see in many respects is actually a hell hole, one where socialism, Islamism, riots and looting are the new normal.

Geneva Bans Burkini in All Public Swimming Pools.  The government of the Swiss city of Geneva have effectively banned the Islamic swimwear known as the Burkini.  The city has set the new rules which state women can wear a one-piece or two-piece swimsuit which must have bare arms and no covering below the knee.  No skirts or bathrobes will be allowed in public swimming pools either, regional daily newspaper Tribune de Genève reports.

Plane with deportees lands in Africa and then returns to US without dropping off Somalis.  This is a very strange story this morning at the Minneapolis Star Tribune.  Thanks to reader Margaret for sending.  When the ICE plane touched down in Dakar, seems there was a problem getting a crew that had enough rest in order for the nearly 6,000 mile upcoming leg of the trip to continue from Dakar (Senegal) to Mogadishu in Somalia.

You won't hear much about this in the media, but Donald Trump is deporting Somali Muslim illegal/criminal aliens.  There are tens of thousands, maybe more, Somali Muslim freeloaders/jihadists mostly living off welfare in Minnesotastan and the Trump Administration has already begin deporting many of them, with 5,000 more scheduled.

Refugees lured to Aberdeen, South Dakota are now going to be jobless!  There is no longer any question that refugees are a US State Department-supplied transient migrant labor force moving around the country following short-lived needs for factory workers.  So everyone needs to stop the propaganda about this being a strictly humanitarian program and stop denigrating local citizens who have questions about supporting it with their tax dollar!

Study Reveals 84 Percent of 'Underage' Migrants Tested in Sweden Are Adults.  The Swedish government has released new figures showing that 84 percent of migrants tested who claimed to be children were adults.  Between mid-March and late October, the Swedish government had The National Board of Forensic Medicine (Rättsmedicinalverket) carry out a total of 7,858 age assessments to find out if migrants were being truthful about their age.

Record 400 arrests for terror-related offences were made in the UK in the year to September.  The number of suspects arrested in terrorism investigations has reached a record high, official figures reveal.  A total of 400 people were held for terror-related offences in Britain in the year to the end of September, the highest tally since data collection started in 2001 and a jump of 54% compared to last year.  The 400 total includes 12 arrests made in connection with the Westminster attack, 23 after Manchester, 21 after London Bridge and one after the Finsbury Park attack[.]  It was also revealed that 58 of those held were female — the highest number on record.

Illegal U: An Immigration Scam in Plain Sight.  The notion of establishing a college intended for an otherwise illegal alien market flabbergasted me some 20 years ago when I evaluated some categories of colleges for the State of Virginia.  In my brief time (1999-2000) at Virginia's State Council of Higher Education (SCHEV), I examined the credentials of marginal, for-profit colleges, which sometimes had high portions of foreign students.  Their administrations were dominated by foreign men.  At least one emphasized its ties with a foreign nation.  In one egregious instance, I found clear signs of dishonesty:  the school claimed faculty who denied to me they had anything to do with the institution.  Other faculty listed inflated their credentials.  SCHEV did nothing, claiming the agency lacked the resources to do a thorough examination of each applicant for institutional approval.  Other schools had ties to foreign countries that compromised their integrity as academic institutions.

Muslim immigrant becomes synthetic drug kingpin, third of 15 to plead guilty.  A Sugar Land man identified as a major Kush manufacturer has pleaded guilty to federal drug charges that he supplied millions of dollars worth of synthetic cannabinoids to dealers in the Houston area.  Muhammad Shariq Siddiqi, 48, employed a team of workers who produced the products in cement mixers at a farm near Huntsville, according to court testimony.

The Red Cross yields to pressure from the Muslims:
Red Cross Demands Branches Remove Crucifixes to Be More Secular.  Volunteers have criticised the Red Cross charity after receiving a communication telling them to remove crucifixes from the walls of their branches as the organisation looks to become more secular.  The Belgian branches of the international aid organisation received an email from the Provincial Committee of the Red Cross in Liège to remove all crucifixes. [...] Several volunteers spoke to Belgian broadcaster RTL and expressed hostility to the move, with one saying:  "Let things remain as they are.  We used to say 'Christmas holidays', now it's 'winter holidays'.  The Christmas market in Brussels has become the 'Winter Pleasures'."  "For a certain part of the population — because of the Muslims — the crosses were removed in the Red Cross houses and, more particularly, in that of Verviers," the volunteer added.

Sally Yates's Rebellion Ends with a Whimper.  Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates has had a whirlwind year as the left's newest darling.  She became an instant political celebrity when she refused to defend President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration and travel from terror-prone countries — the so-called "travel ban."  Trump promptly fired her, which earned her a Senate hearing, a graduation speech at Harvard Law School, and talk about a bright future as a Democratic Party politician.  But Yates's rebellion ended with a whimper on Monday [12/4/2017], as the U.S. Supreme Court knocked down several lower court injunctions and let the third version of Trump's travel ban stand, for now.

Supreme Court Allows Latest Travel Ban To Take Full And Immediate Effect.  The U.S. Supreme Court Monday [12/4/2017] allowed the latest iteration of President Donald Trump's travel ban to take full effect for the time being, as lower courts continue to wrestle with lawsuits fighting the ban.  The order permits the administration to enforce the president's September proclamation, which suspends entry of foreign nationals from seven nations, including Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen.  Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor noted their dissent from the Court's decision.

In a Win for Trump, Supreme Court Upholds 'Extreme Vetting' Travel Ban.  President Donald Trump won a big victory Monday in the Supreme Court, which upheld his "extreme vetting" on immigration into the United States.  The dispute over the policy stemmed from its application to six majority-Muslim countries.  Lower federal courts in California, Hawaii, and Maryland ruled the ban was unconstitutional.  In September, the administration revised the policy to add North Korea, Venezuela, and Chad to the list.  It dropped Sudan and kept Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.

Donald Trump's 'Muslim ban' allowed by US Supreme Court.  The United States Supreme Court has allowed the Trump administration to enforce his controversial "Muslim ban".  The ban is now set to go into "full effect", although it is not clear on what timescale this will happen.  Legal challenges against the controversial measure are still making their way through the US courts, and have not yet reached the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Rules Full Enforcement of Trump Travel Ban Can Go Into Effect.  The supreme court has granted a stay against all lower court rulings allowing the full President Trump travel and VISA ban to go into effect.  This is a BIG win for President Trump.

Did Brits Plant the Hillary Bomb?  [Scroll down]  Pakistani child-"grooming gangs" are still reported today routinely in cities like Rotherham, and they are likely to exist in many other places.  In rapefugee centers like Germany and Sweden, an increase in child and female abuse can be expected, because in shari'a law, women are second- or third-class citizens, and infidel children are celebrated targets.  The Prophet himself "married" a six-year-old, but he was kind enough to wait until she was nine to consummate the marriage.

You Know Who Doesn't Have A Refugee Problem?  Japan.  The United Nations recently sent a pointed message to Japan, telling them that the U.N. expected them to pitch in and do more to take in refugees as many EU nations have done.  Why would they be concerned about that?  Because Japan's total contribution to the effort thus far in 2017 has been to take in three.  Yes, that's not a typo.  They took three refugees.  Last year the figure was vastly higher at 28.

US withdraws from UN commitment to protect refugees and migrants.  The United States has withdrawn from a United Nations pact to commit to protect and preserve rights of migrants and refugees.  Donald Trump's administration said the agreement, known as the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, was "inconsistent" with its policies.

Report: Trump to Pull U.S. From U.N. Migration Compact.  The Trump Administration announced plans to pull the U.S. out of a United Nations pact on the handling of migrant and refugee situations.  The announcement came from the U.S. mission to the United Nations.  U.S. officials said the program is "inconsistent" with American policies.  "Today, the US Mission to the United Nations informed the UN Secretary-General that the United States is ending its participation in the Global Compact on Migration," U.S. officials said in a report from AFP.

Asylum Seeker Sentenced After Trying to Pay Prostitute with Photocopied Cash.  A 22-year-old asylum seeker has been given a suspended sentence after he attempted to pay a local prostitute with fake cash he had made on a photocopier.  The 22-year-old, who is said not to have a very firm grasp of German, attempted to buy the services of a prostitute at a brothel in the town of Sindelfingen.  When he gave her cash, the prostitute noticed the bills were obvious fakes and alerted security who called the police, Stuttgarter Zeitung reports.

Trouble in the EU Paradise:  German Officials Hide Refugee Crimes, Fearing Backlash.  Authorities in Germany are deliberately keeping quiet about crimes occurring in refugee shelters, especially those involving brutality against women, as the country's policy of taking in asylum-seekers and providing them with sustenance and a monthly stipend has enraged many, who see the massive influx of young, mostly male Muslims as a threat.  There are no comprehensive statistics available reflecting the situation on criminal violations in refugee camps in the country, which is connected to federal structure of Germany, where each federal state's police force reports to its own interior ministry, Reuters explains.  To confound matters further, the federal states are responsible for managing accommodation for asylum seekers.

Pew:  Even if Migration Ended, Europe's Muslim Population Will Continue to Surge — Sweden 1/3 Muslim by 2050.  The Muslim population of Sweden could hit 30 percent by 2050 if current migration patterns continue, with the figure hitting 14 percent continent-wide unless there are radical changes to Europe's attitudes and policies towards mass migration.  Even in the unlikely case that all migration from outside the European Union suddenly and permanently ended, the new research on Europe's rapidly shifting demographics found that by 2050 the Muslim population of the continent would hit 7.4 percent, up from 4.9 percent in 2016.

Trump Was Right:  Report Shows Terror Levels At All-Time High In U.K..  President Donald Trump responded to a rebuke from British Prime Minister Theresa May for his controversial "anti-Muslim" tweet by saying the United Kingdom needs to focus its energy on "the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom."  A new report validates Trump's concerns.  On Wednesday [11/29/2017], Trump re-tweeted three videos — one of which was reportedly not accurate — from a right-wing group in the U.K. that prompted left-leaning British politicians to strongly condemn Trump's actions.  Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesperson said they "reject" the videos that Trump shared from the right-wing group Britain First because they are "the antithesis of the values this country represents, decency, tolerance and respect."  Trump responded to May's remarks by telling her that she needed to focus on her Islamic terrorism problem.

French Postal Deliveries Suspended To Crime-Ridden Muslim District.  The company announced their new safety measures just last week, alerting residents that in future packages will only be delivered to designated safe pick-up locations.  Chronopost, a subsidiary of the French postal service La Poste, is 73.7 percent owned by the French government.  The danger to their delivery drivers has become too high to maintain a service in the area, they say.  Last year, 51 Chronopost delivery drivers were attacked while on the job.

Somali refugee, 20, who raped two Utah women in 2011 when he was 14 is spared adult prison.  A Somali refugee who raped two Utah women when he was 14, has been spared adult prison — despite pleas from one of his victims.  Mohammed Ali Mohammed, 20, has spent almost six years at a Salt Lake Valley juvenile detention center after pleading guilty rape, sexual assault and kidnapping charges in 2012, the Salt Lake Tribune reports.  He was due to age out of the juvenile system when he turns 21 next month, leaving Judge Vernice Trease with a choice; sentence him to serve time in an adult prison for his crimes, or release him on five year's probation.  She chose the latter.  The sentence comes as a bitter blow to his victims and prosecutors who sought to keep him behind bars.

Hillary Clinton Personally Overturned Visa Ban for Islamist Figure Now Accused of Rape.  European Islamist scion Tariq Ramadan was banned from the U.S. by the Bush administration in February 2004 for his financial support of a charity that funded terrorist groups.  In January 2010, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton overturned that ban.  Clinton personally approved a visa for the controversial grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Now, Tariq Ramadan is facing multiple accusations of rape and sexual assault of minors.  Hillary Clinton's visa for Tariq Ramadan was seen as part of the new Obama administration policy of embracing more hardcore Islamists.

Charges: Man Stabbed Mall Of America Victims With 8-Inch Blade.  A 20-year-old Minneapolis man is facing assault charges after allegedly stabbing two men in a fitting room at Macy's at the Mall of America Sunday night.  Mahad Abdiraham was charged with two counts of first-degree assault causing great bodily harm in connection with the incident.

Mall of America stabbing suspect is a Somali Muslim invader.  Yesterday evening [11/12/2017], Bloomington police raced to the Mall of America after a man stabbed two people inside Macy's.  Police have identified the suspect as 20-year-old Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahaman.

Mall Of America Stabbing Suspected ID'ed As Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahaman.  Two men were stabbed Sunday night [11/12/2017] at the Mall of America in Minnesota in what police are claiming was an attempted theft.  Police identified the stabbing suspect as 20-year-old Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahaman.  "The initial investigation has revealed that one of the victims returned to the dressing room after trying on clothing and found the suspect attempting to steal his personal property," Bloomington Police said in a press release.

German teacher says Islamist ideology making teaching Muslim refugees impossible.  When the number of devout Muslims increase to a certain level in any city or country in the western world, a tipping point is reached.  It is not about economic costs to communities, and not about the degree of vetting the migrants receive, it is all about demography, Islamic supremacism and the unraveling of western civil society (the primary goal of the hijra!) ... while decent people, fearing being called racist haters and Islamophobes, stay silent.  Here we have news from Germany where the whole (honest) western world can see that they have admitted too many migrants for the country to absorb and assimilate.

More fraud in Diversity Visa Lottery as feds move to strip citizenship from four Somalis.  The Justice Department moved Monday [11/6/2017] to strip citizenship from four Somali immigrants who prosecutors say lied about being a family, defrauding the Diversity Visa Lottery program that Republicans are aiming to nix.  The government says one woman, Fosia Abdi Adan, won the visa lottery in 2000 and then illegally brought in three cousins, claiming two were her children and one was her husband — even though the man was married to another woman at the time.  The fake couple quickly filed for divorce and the bogus husband later tried to bring his real wife and children to the U.S., investigators said in court documents.

DOJ Announces Denaturalization Complaints Against Somali Diversity Visa Immigrants.  Four individuals who pretended to be a family and arrived in the United States from Somalia through the controversial diversity visa program are now the subject of civil complaints seeking their denaturalization, the Department of Justice announced Monday [11/6/2017].  The complaints were filed by the Department of Justice, Department of State, and Department of Homeland Security, challenging Fosia Abdi Adan, Ahmed Mohamed Warsame, Mustaf Abdi Adan, and Faysal Jama Mire.  According to the Justice Department, the four came to the United States claiming to be part of a family, ultimately naturalizing on the basis of this apparently false contention.

Astonishing map shows the movement of millions of migrants across Europe in [the] past 15 years.  This astonishing map shows the movement of millions of migrants across Europe in the past 15 years — during what researchers have branded an 'unprecedented' period.  Experts at the Igarape Institute think-tank in Brazil produced the time-lapse video which reveals the extent of the refugee crisis which has gripped the continent for years.  The 'heat map' shows that migrants often move from poor countries to other impoverished nations as they flee armed conflict.

What North America can learn from the UK's Islamification.  The British establishment is advising citizens to get used to the terrorist attacks occurring across western Europe, while the police silence and harass anybody who dares to speak out against Islamism.  The presence of sharia gangs and courts is already growing in unassimilable Islamic parallel societies, and I fear that this will begin to happen in Canada.  It's why we at The Rebel believe it's so important to bring the truth about what's happening in Britain to North American audiences.  [Video clip]

Calling the Cops in Europe? Don't Bother.  Are there no-go zones in Europe, or aren't there?  Have political control and the power of law enforcement in some urban neighborhoods been tacitly turned over to local Muslim leaders, with even the police taking a hands-off attitude?  Across Europe, some politicians, journalists, and police spokespeople continue to deny that such zones exist, although the evidence for their existence becomes increasingly difficult to disavow.  Even as these establishment functionaries continue to insist that no-go zones are a myth, however, news reports are indicating that in several European countries, the policing problem has advanced beyond the mere fact of no-go zones.  Earlier this month, for instance, the Dutch newspaper Het Parool reported that throughout the Netherlands, police departments are now so overburdened by "radicalization, terrorism, and the influx of asylum seekers" that they simply don't have the time to investigate a large percentage of crimes.

Coffee Shop to Hire Only Refugees — What About Out-Of-Work Americans?  What is it with coffee shops and their desire to selectively hire a certain class of people? [...] These are refugees who are mostly Muslim.  These are not illegals.  Think about the illegals that came to San Diego in 2016!  So there are two NEEDY groups coming to America in droves that need jobs.  This is unsustainable!  First a Starbucks' hiring event in San Diego, now a little start-up coffee shop plans to open in Louisiana and hire refugees and political asylees.  What?  No needy americans looking for jobs in Baton Rouge?

City Uses 'Dirty Play' to Squelch Citizen Revolt Over Refugees.  What happened at the St. Cloud, Minnesota, City Council on Monday night [10/23/2017] is being described as a well-organized "ambush" designed to shut down a citizen uprising or "pocket of resistance" against runaway refugee resettlement in the small city.  College-age students filled the council chambers.  Only five people were allowed to approach the podium and speak, all of them in favor of unlimited refugee resettlement with no accountability to the taxpayer.  A resolution was hastily introduced, read and voted on.  Mission accomplished.

Soros Plan': Hungary Slams EU 'Institutionalisation of Mass Migration' with New Asylum Rules.  Prime minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán blasted the European Parliament for adopting changes to the bloc's asylum system which the Hungarian government sees as the implementation of the 'Soros Plan' to flood the continent with an unlimited number of third-world migrants.  On Friday [10/20/2017], the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs (LIBE) adopted a report on the amendment of the Dublin Agreement, which regulates the EU's Common Asylum System, which would see all member states forced to accept asylum seekers against the will of their people and for funds to be withheld from nations that refuse to comply.

Muslim Refugee in Obama 'Welcoming City' Busted for Pedophilia.  A Muslim refugee from Burma, also called Myanmar, is facing multiple sexual assault charges after he allegedly tried to kiss and fondled four girls between the ages of 7 and 12 in a New Hampshire town that just over a year ago became one of President Obama's "Welcoming Cities."  Police said the incidents allegedly occurred at some kind of gathering but were not more specific.  Mohammod Rafique, 27, a member of the Rohingya Muslim minority that is fleeing Burma, has been living in Nashua, New Hampshire, for almost two years but speaks no English.

Pay attention!  Your town could become St. Cloud too!.  Most Americans would be stunned if they had any idea of what is happening in Minnesota!  Topping the list of those changing America by changing the people are the global corporations seeking cheap compliant labor, and cheered on by the Chamber of Commerce, Democratic political activists looking for voters, 'non-profit' groups paid by taxpayers to place the third world in unsuspecting towns, Islamic supremacist groups like CAIR advancing the hijra and enabled by bleeding hearts in the media and the clearly frightened local elected officials.  The St. Cloud, Minnesota story will tell your community's story next year, or ten years from now!

U.S. City 'Ground Zero' In Refugee Battle.  A small city in the Midwest is becoming "ground-zero" for a long-simmering battle over refugee resettlement that could have a ripple effect across the United States.  "The long-term future of literally every city and town in America will be affected by who wins in St. Cloud and Stearns County, Minnesota," says Ann Corcoran, one of America's foremost experts on the resettlement industry through her website Refugee Resettlement Watch.  St. Cloud and the surrounding small cities of Central Minnesota have been the drop-off points for thousands of refugees coming from United Nations camps over the past 15 years.

Little kids don't have wisdom teeth.  But don't say that out loud, or you're a racist.
Blow the Whistle on Migrants Posing as Kids, Lose Your Job.  When Bernt Herlitz's factory job was transferred from Gotland, Sweden, to Hungary in 2003, he and his wife thought a career change was in order, and both spent the next three years becoming certified as dental hygienists.  Over the ten years Herlitz, now 56, practiced his new profession for the Public Health Service in Visby, he saw his stream of patients change from native Swedes to an increasing number of Muslim migrants — "unaccompanied" Muslim minor migrants, to be precise.  "I would probably estimate that up to 80 percent of them were obviously adults," Herlitz told the Swedish paper Samhallsnytt.  "This can be seen, for example, on wisdom teeth that were fully grown — something that is only seen in adults."

German official's proposal for Muslim holidays gets rejected.  A senior member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's party has been rebuked by his own political allies for suggesting that Germany might introduce public holidays to celebrate the Islamic religion.

Female Genital Mutilation Triples in United States.  The General Accounting Office (GAO) is one of the few allegedly nonpartisan outlets that is generally thought really to be reasonably fair and nonpartisan.  Their new report on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) should be taken seriously as an honest investigation of the scope of the problem.  What they find is that cases have tripled since the last time they looked into it.  This is due not to an increase of the practice among Americans, they say, but to increased immigration from Muslim nations in Africa.

Fury as one million illegal imigrants 'set to remain in UK'.  More than a million illegal immigrants are unlikely to be ever removed from Britain, a former border control chief admitted last night [10/10/2017].  David Wood, an ex-director general of immigration enforcement at the Home Office, told MPs there were "enormous difficulties" in tracking down the cheats and returning them overseas.  He also claimed the Home Office urgently needed extra resources to ensure the country's borders are strengthened after Brexit.  But his admission triggered fury among Tory MPs last night amid concern that officials are failing to get a grip on illegal immigration.

Islamic Sunset on Germany.  Because Germany had committed genocide, it was impregnated with self-hatred and a rejection of its own identity.  Germany turned to European construction and tried to define itself as European, in order not to call itself German.  A gradual replacement of the non-Muslim population with a Muslim population is taking place.  Forty percent of children under five and born in Germany today have foreign roots.  The demographer Michael Paulwitz wrote a year ago that unless the current trends are reversed, Germans will become a minority in their own country, possibly in fifteen to twenty years.

Somali Muslim jihadi who mowed down, stabbed cop was ordered deported from U.S..  The Somali immigrant charged with attempted murder in connection with a weekend vehicle and knife attack in Edmonton, Alberta, was detained in the United States pending deportation before claiming refugee status in Canada, U.S. officials said on Tuesday [10/3/2017].

Canada police charge Somali refugee in Edmonton stabbing, car attacks.  A Somali refugee who had been on a watch list over extremist views faced five counts of attempted murder and terror charges on Sunday [10/1/2017] after Canadian police said he stabbed a police officer and ran down four pedestrians with a car in Edmonton, Alberta.

Almost Half of Crimes in Berlin Committed by Migrants.  Almost half of the individuals suspected of a recorded crime in Berlin last year were individuals who don't have a German passport, the latest police statistics show.  The proportion of crimes carried out by immigrants rose to 45 percent last year, a five per cent increase from 2015, when they comprised 40 percent of crimes committed in the German capital.  According to Berliner Morgenpost, which reported on the data before a longer version of the city's crime statistics is published, the figure includes tourists, and "traveling gangs" who specialise in burglaries and pickpocketing.

Denmark: Muslims have taken control of parts of the country; 'Worst situation since 2nd World War'.  Rule of law is imploding in Denmark as "low-tech jihad" and migrant gangs take over the streets.  The Danish government should not be surprised.  But it appears to be.  Thousands of incidents involving loosened wheel bolts on cars, large rocks or cinder blocks thrown from highway overpasses, and thin steel wires strung across bicycle paths meant to decapitate unsuspecting cyclists, is spreading a growing sense of horror among the Danes.  In almost all cases, the perpetrators have turned out to be from MENAP countries (Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan).

Swedish Journalist Shot in No-Go Zone.  A former journalist who worked for the Swedish publicly funded broadcaster SVT has been shot in the Stockholm suburb of Tensta, known as one of the country's most notorious no-go zones.  The 29-year-old was shot just before 9 pm on Sunday evening in the heavily migrant populated suburb in the Swedish capital.  He was found on the ground outside and quickly rushed to a hospital where it was discovered he had been shot in the leg but did not suffer from life-threatening injuries, Sveriges Radio reports.

Swedish police must put rapes aside — they have too many murders to investigate.  In recent years there has been a sharp increase in the number of murders committed in settlements between criminal immigrant gangs in Sweden, and only every fifth murder is solved.  At the same time as the number of murders and attempted murders has increased, the number of charges for rape has decreased.  In 2014, 20 percent of reported rapes led to charges.  By 2015, the figure dropped to 14 percent, and by 2016 it had fallen to 11 percent.  Reported rapes have been put aside for weeks, even when there is a suspect in the case, police say.

Trump Administration Debates Lowering Refugee Admissions to 50,000.  The Trump administration is considering reducing the number of refugees admitted to the United States over the next year to 50,000, current and former government officials told the New York Times Tuesday [9/12/2017].  As a deadline for Trump to set numbers for refugee admissions for next year approaches on October 1, the issue has set off intense debate inside the White House.

Germany:  The Rise Of Islam.  The old-fashioned Christian society will never come back, but it is critical for even a secular West to stay based on — and profoundly inspired by — its Judeo-Christian values.  The next stage seems to be a German cultural and religious landscape dominated by atheists and two minority religions:  Islam and Christianity.  If the secularists do not take Western Christian heritage — or at least the Judeo-Christian values from which it sprang — more seriously and start defending it, both atheists and Christians will soon be dominated by the rising political and supremacist religion, Islam.  A prominent Muslim fundamentalist organization in Germany, banned by the federal government, calls itself "The True Religion" ("Die Wahre Religion").  They apparently think they are overtaking Judeo-Christian values.

Supreme Court Grants Pres.  Trump's Request To Lift Travel Order Restrictions.  The Supreme Court grants President Trump's request to temporarily lift restrictions on his travel order.  On Monday [9/11/2017], the Trump administration asked the court to overrule a recent decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to not block refugees who have been guaranteed resettlement in the U.S.

'Ghost boats' drop Tunisian migrants onto sunny Italian tourist beaches.  The figures jumping from a small boat into the clear shallow waters and running ashore on an Italian beach look like troops practicing a D-Day-style landing, but this is no drill, and these are not soldiers.  The images, caught on camera, show what has become a increasingly common sight on the beaches of Italy's southern islands — migrants from Africa landing in broad daylight.

The Editor says...
How does anyone know these fighting-age Muslim men are not soldiers?

IS buses
ISIS Urges Supporters To Poison Food At US Grocery Stores.  After urging its supporters in the west to turn cars into weapons, guidance that inspired terror attacks in the UK, Spain and France, ISIS is now calling for sympathizers to poison the food in US supermarkets with cyanide, according to SITE. [...] In other Islamic State news, a convoy of 17 buses carrying Islamic State terrorists and their families has been stranded in the Syrian desert since Thursday [8/31/2017] as the US, Russia, and Syria debate its fate:  attack the convoy or allow it to pass? [...] The images of the convey of terrorists helplessly stranded in the desert is perhaps the biggest blow to their propaganda.

The Editor says...
The longer these people stay alive, the more likely they are to get a "refugee" invitation to immigrate to Germany or Greece or England — or Michigan.

German police warn women not to jog alone.  Leipzig was last Thursday shaken by an unusual brutal rape in the middle of the East German city.  It was in the popular park Rosental that a man in full daylight attacked a woman in her fifties, then raped her and in other ways abused her so brutally that she afterwards had to be admitted for emergency surgery in the hospital, German Stern reports.  The police report clarifies that the victim, who was jogging, was thrown to the ground and repeatedly kicked in the face, then dragged away to a nearby field where the rape was carried out.  The offender then fled the scene, and is still at large.  Police say they are without a trace and has asked the public for help.  With what, after the New Year's Eve in Cologne, has become an euphemism for people from North Africa or the Middle East, a description that reads "southern" looking, with dark hair and a dark beard.

Border police stopped more than 150 attempts by migrants to break into Kent from France every day last year.  UK border police foiled more than 150 attempts by migrants to break into Britain from France on every day of 2016, new figures revealed today [8/24/2017].  Officials blocked 56,000 attempts to illegally travel to Kent from ports on the French side of the Channel.  The figures cover attempts to break into Britain via the ports of Calais and Dunkirk as well as the Eurotunnel and Eurostar terminals.

Mass Migration Risks Major Public Health Crisis.  As the Islamic terrorist attack in Barcelona demonstrated yet again, jihadists who have migrated from Muslim majority countries are continuing to wreak havoc in their adopted Western host countries.  However, the silent killers that unchecked migration may spread across borders are infectious diseases that were thought to be largely eradicated in the West.  According to a report prepared by the Federation of Immigration Reform, "Communicable diseases do not stop at international borders.  They could be one of the most dangerous — yet rarely considered — consequence of inadequate immigration controls."  The report added that "researchers have concluded that the international movement of people is a significant factor in disease outbreaks."  Germany is a case in point.

The Invasion of Canada.  Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle. 1,477 people live in this little corner of Quebec with its apple orchards, elderberry fields and small wineries.  But now 400 migrants can cross the border in a single day.  On the other side of the border is New York.  There the language is English.  In Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, the language of choice is French.  But these days you're a more likely to hear Arabic, Urdu or Haitian French being spoken here as Roxham Road fills with clots of migrants scampering out of America.  They're not the leftist American celebs who threaten to leave for Canada if their side doesn't win the election.  Instead they're the illegal and dubiously legal who got the message from President Trump.

Doctors Without Borders Suspends Their North African Migration Ferry Service.  Under the auspices of generous NGO funding, the globalist organization transported thousands of economic migrants from North Africa to the EU so far this year by transferring small groups onto their bigger ships for the journey across the sea.  However, the EU is overflowing with the migrant arrivals, and without the billions of dollars from U.S. pledges via the Paris Climate Treaty even liberal EU supporters of Drs w/out Borders are now saying enough is enough.

Saudi Embassy Issues London Travel Warning to Citizens over Acid Attacks.  The rising tide of savage acid attacks that have been described as a "life sentence" for victims has taken on a global aspect after the Saudi Arabian embassy in London issued a stark warning to would-be travellers over the danger of being targeted in the British capital.  Published via twitter underneath an Arabic-language hashtag reading "Important Warning", the tweet warns Saudi citizens that there is an increasing number of "assaults" with acid and corrosive liquids in London, and that attacks have been reported close to popular tourist attractions.

Charges refiled in case of refugee accused of domestic abuse and sexual assault.  We told you the outrageous news here where we learned that a Congolese refugee had his charges dismissed because the judge found him culturally incompetent (he abused women, beat his wife, in his native DR Congo so how could we expect him to know better!).  The case has been refiled, but delayed when an interpreter didn't show up in court.  Just a reminder that refugees are entitled to expensive interpreters (often supplied by a refugee contractor) that you pay for with your tax dollars (costs NEVER reported in glowing studies of how refugees are good for the economy!).

Knife-wielding Somali Muslim threatens to kill Faribault shoppers.  It took a brave witness to stand up to a Minneapolis man allegedly pointing a knife a people and threatening others in downtown Faribault.  A complaint filed in Rice County Court alleges that Abdinzak Ahmed Farah, 29, was in the Third Street NW area July 12, pointing a knife and threatening to kill anyone who called police.  The call followed alleged odd behavior by Farah earlier that day.  A witness told officers that Farah was eating raw beef with the same knife and holding the knife to patrons, asking them to play games.  Farah was asked to leave the area, but returned, again holding the knife to people as he spoke with them.

Corbyn Admits Mass Migration Has Been Used to 'Destroy' Conditions for British Workers.  A Labour government would leave the Single Market, Jeremy Corbyn has claimed, admitting that European Union (EU) freedom of movement rules have damaged workers' conditions.  Speaking on the Andrew Marr programme, the Labour leader ruled out staying in the Single Market because it was "inextricably linked" to EU membership, saying the country should seek a tariff-free trade deal instead.  Asked about his party's attitude to EU immigration after Brexit, Corbyn claimed Labour would put a stop to the "wholesale importation of low-paid workers from central Europe," admitting that this "destroys conditions" for British workers in industries like construction.

Migrant mob smashed Calais trucker over head with brick.  British drivers were last night warned not to stop their vehicles near the port of Calais after a gang of migrants hijacked a lorry.  In a new escalation of violence among migrants in the area desperate to get to Britain, a violent mob pounced on a trucker.  They hit him around the head with a brick and left him for dead before stealing his vehicle.

Canada Won't Ask Immigrants to Get a Job or Not Abuse Women.  Good news for new immigrants to Canada.  You won't be burdened with knowing Canadian history or getting a job.  You won't even be asked to stop abusing women and girls.  It's Trudeau Time.

Federal Judge Blocks Mass Deportation of Iraqis.  More than 1,400 Iraqi nationals who the federal government targeted for immediate deportation will get their day in court, a federal judge in Detroit ruled on Monday [7/24/2017].  In a 35-page order, United States District Court Judge Mark Goldsmith granted a request for a preliminary injunction, saying the group of Iraqis — many of whom are in their home country's Christian minority — could face "grave harm and possible death" if returned to Iraq.

Why Do We Let These Vipers Into America?  In a hate-filled rant against the country that offered her the privileges of refugee status, food stamps, welfare and a free education for her children, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, the mother of the radical Muslim Boston Bombers, said through a Russian social media network, "The terrorists are the Americans and everyone knows it.  My son is the best of the best."  The son she described as "the best of the best" was of course Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who had just been found guilty of killing three people in the Islamist bomb attack on the 2013 Boston Marathon.  Mrs. Tsarnaeva, a Russian native who left the US for Dagestan in 2012 after being charged with shoplifting, brought her sons Dzhokhar and Tamerlan to the United States legally as "refugees."

Muslim Activists Running for Office in Key States:  Is THIS The "Fundamental Transformation"?  We've noticed a trend across America that's disturbing because the communities of Muslims do not assimilate but want Americans to bend to their every whim. [...] Some of the top states receiving refugees are Florida, Georgia, Texas, California and Arizona.  Please note that California is off the charts with over 4 thousand refugees!  Remember that those refugees can relocate anywhere they want to and do.  Pockets of mostly Muslim refugees like to live separated from their community so they will seek out other Muslim pods of refugees.  Places like Minneapolis have become swamped with Somali Muslims.  They even have an area called "Little Mogadishu" that is flooded with Smoalis [sic].

New German study finds its media up to its old tricks, colluding with the Merkel government.  A new study from a couple of media/academic sources in Germany finds that the German media colluded with its government to hide the truth about the migrant crisis that flooded the country as part and parcel of Chancellor Angela Merkel's 'let 'em all in' refugee policy. [...] Essentially, the press covered up the extent of rapes, ripoffs, welfare-mining, terrorism and pillage the German people were subject to, all to advance the political fortunes of Chancellor Merkel, who seems to have little regard for the fate of her countrymen.

No groping, please!
No Groping, [Please]!  American liberals want to take in lots of Islamic refugees from the Middle East and Africa, presumably because that policy has been so successful in Europe.  This is, of course, a dubious premise, as we have noted many times. [...] Apparently the signs have been posted because some Islamic refugees don't understand — or, more likely, pretend not to understand — that men shouldn't enter the ladies' shower, and you're not supposed to fondle women to whom you haven't been introduced.

Germany: Man Wearing Cross Beaten by Migrant Gang.  First they came for the Jews wearing the Star of David or Kippah on the streets of Berlin, as was the case with the 67 year-old Jewish man brutally assaulted in the broad day light in 2014, or the 53 year-old Berlin Rabbi and his young daughter, who were attacked and threatened with death, two years earlier.  In both of these cases and many others to follow, the attackers were migrant Muslim men.

Merkel rules out limiting number of refugees in Germany.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel has ruled out setting an upper limit on refugees coming to Germany, defying her long-term coalition partner on an issue that threatens to open up a rift between the country's ruling political parties just two months before federal elections.  "On the issue of an upper limit, my position is clear," Merkel said in an interview broadcast live on Germany's ARD on Sunday.  "I won't accept one."

Dogwalker Hospitalised After Attack By Somalian Migrant Who Said 'Dogs are Unclean'.  A middle aged woman had to be hospitalised in Vienna following a brutal beating in broad daylight by a veiled Somali asylum seeker offended by her pet dogs.  The victim, named only as Ingrid T., described how she was talking with neighbours at the gate of her garden, accompanied by dogs — her deaf, almost-blind, three-legged Collie mix "sitting peacefully" alongside while 10-month-old 'Poco' meandered along an alleyway towards her parents' house — when she "saw a pretty, veiled woman approaching slowly."

U.S. Officials Withdraw From Australian Refugee Resettlement / Relocation Scheme.  Refugee activists are apoplectic because U.S. officials have withdrawn from interviewing economic migrants on the Australian island of Nauru.  The entire relocation and immigration scheme was set into place by President Obama during his lame-duck period after the 2016 Presidential election.  Incoming President Donald Trump was not happy when Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull informed him of the secret deal.  President Trump reluctantly agreed to consider the 1,250 asylum seekers and established conditions the refugees would have to pass rigorous checks.

Why is London the acid attack capital of Britain? 'Moped spree' latest in alarming spike of horrific crime.  The shocking rampage is just the latest in a series of acid attacks that have blighted the capital.  Figures released earlier this year showed 431 acid attacks were reported in London in 2016, up from 261 the previous year.  There have been almost 1,500 since 2011.  And the true figure is probably higher as some victims choose not to report the crime.

Germany:  Infectious Diseases Spreading as Migrants Settle In.  A failed asylum seeker from Yemen who was given sanctuary at a church in northern Germany to prevent him from being deported has potentially infected more than 50 German children with a highly contagious strain of tuberculosis.  The man, who was sheltered at a church in Bünsdorf between January and May 2017, was in frequent contact with the children, some as young as three, who were attending a day care center at the facility.  He was admitted to a hospital in Rendsburg in June and subsequently diagnosed with tuberculosis — a disease which only recently has reentered the German consciousness.  Local health authorities say that in addition to the children, parents and teachers as well as parishioners are also being tested for the disease, which can develop months or even years after exposure.

British teens linked to spate acid attacks in London arrested.  Two teenagers were arrested Friday [7/14/2017] in connection to five acid attacks conducted over a span of 90 minutes by men on mopeds in London.  Several people were injured in the incidents.  London's Metropolitan police did not immediately release the 15-year-old's and 16-year-old's names but said they were arrested on suspicion of robbery and grievous bodily harm.  Police have appealed to the public for more information on the suspect.  Police said the spree began late Thursday when two men on a moped tossed noxious substance into the face of a 32-year-old moped driver, then jumped on his vehicle and drove away.

The Editor says...
See if you can guess why the police didn't release the names of the perpetrators.

Ignorance of the Law is no Excuse — Unless You're a Refugee.  A man in Manchester, NH was arrested on six counts of domestic violence.  "According to court paperwork, he was accused of striking, pushing, grabbing, kicking and pulling out the hair of a woman who was 27 weeks pregnant at the time."  It was evidently an open and shut case.  The man, 33 year old Augustin Bahati, is a refugee from the Congo who was "resettled" in 2015.  He, like many refugees, has been placed in Manchester, and many cities like it, without the permission, and quite often without even the knowledge of the city.  The feds, under Obama, just brought in refugees and quietly bussed them to cities around the country. [...] You may be thinking — oh great — another immigrant clogging up the judicial system, and another for which we taxpayers must pay to incarcerate.  You'd be wrong.  He got off scot-free.

"Absolutely disgraceful": Refugees get 7 bedroom home while over 1000 Brits wait for social housing.  As Syrian refugees are treated to a home worth an estimated £400,000, 1,132 Brits are waiting for social housing.  According to Express, the property is in Home Secretary Amber Rudd's constituency of historic Rye, East Sussex.  Despite being empty for two years, it is now reserved for "imminent arrivals" by Rother Council.  One neighbour, who did not want to be named, told Express, "I think it's absolutely disgraceful when people are homeless.  Maybe a family with three or four children could have that house or veterans.  I don't think this should be allowed."  UKIP home affairs spokeswoman Jane Collins reacted to the news saying, "What more proof do we need of the Government not putting British people first?"

Furious German town meeting begs rape relief from uncaring mayor.  Video of a German town meeting in which the new German reality dawns on desperate citizens has been revealed by conservative commentator Amy Mek via social media.  In it, one may discern the watershed moment when the bureaucratic leadership breaks news to the incensed constituency that the familiar concepts of German sovereignty, borders, and culture no longer form the stabilizing center of government priority that had kept them safe in the past.  From the video it is apparent that until this town meeting, the citizens in it still believed, perhaps logically, that their government exists to protect them, their loved ones, and their interests.

Guess where George Clooney is moving his family to protect them?  Back in February 2016 George Clooney and his wife Amal met with Angela Merkel "to discuss the ongoing crisis in the Middle East and the political reaction to it in Europe and elsewhere."  After the meeting, George Clooney declared to the world that he and Amal fully support Merkel's open-door policy towards "refugees," telling reporters:  "I absolutely agree with her".  In July that same year, a massive migrant camp formed near Clooney's Italian mansion.  It's odd that a couple who wholly supported the migrant invasion are now fleeing Europe for the safety of the good ol' USA.

Viktor Orban:  European Union Is Following 'Soros Migrant Plans'.  Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has claimed the European Union are implementing migration plans designed by left-wing billionaire Geroge Soros to bring in a million migrants per year to Europe with the help of his army of NGOs.  Orbán claimed the EU and Soros wish to bring in the one million migrants annually to create an EU immigration force to undermine the national sovereignty of member states, Die Presse reports.

Cambridge, Mass:  No refugees for you!  Neighborhood is too wealthy!  Waahhhh!  The Harvard kids want refugees, but there isn't any low income housing in Cambridge so the US State Department and its contractors send refugees to working class communities elsewhere in Massachusetts!  Moral of the story:  Wealthy communities don't get refugees, but working class communities do.  And, if you build low income housing, your town becomes a refugee magnet!

Fire breaks out in a Lesbos refugee camp that houses more than 1,000 migrants 'who had just been told they were to be deported'.  A fire broke out at a migrant camp on the Greek Island of Lesbos on Monday following a protest among refugees who claimed their cases weren't being processed.  Images show huge flames coming out of buildings at the Moria Refugee Camp, which houses more than 1,000 refugees.  It is believed that some of the migrants were told they were being deported before the fire broke out.

Brilliant analysis, Bill.
Bill Gates:  Europe Will Be Overwhelmed Unless It Stems Flow of Migrants.  Microsoft founder Bill Gates has warned that Africa's population explosion will overwhelm Europe unless the continent makes it more difficult for migrants to reach its shores.  The American billionaire's comments come as European leaders discuss what to do about the surging number of Africans arriving in Italy each week, with Rome calling for other European Union (EU) nations to open their ports to docking migrants so as to ease pressure on the Mediterranean nation.

France:  Before and after Islam in Two Minutes.  Versions of the video below have been showing up on Twitter, and the comparisons of French society before and after Islam are quite affecting.  From a peaceful, civilized life to civil war, all because of unwise immigration.  [Video clip]

Sweden's largest music festival cancelled next year.  After a rape has been reported during the ongoing festival, next year's Bråvalla Festival will be cancelled, the festival announced in a press release.  "After Friday's festival, a rape was reported in the festival area and police are investigating what has happened.  Several sexual assaults have been reported.  There are no words for how incredibly sad we are over this and we want to apologise and condemn it in the most serious way.  It's not okay and we do not accept it at our festival," writes the organizer FKP Scorpio Sweden in a press release.

Are acid attacks the result of mass immigration?  Recently, an innocent man and woman were attacked were victims of an acid attack in London.  Acid attacks are a global issue but are most common in the Middle East and South-East Asia.  Why are they happening more frequently in the United Kingdom?

Italy Overwhelmed as 13,500 African Migrants Arrive in Past Two Days.  Italy's migrant welcome centers are in a state of "collapse" as huge waves of African migrants take advantage of the temperate climate to make the crossing from Libya to the Italian peninsula.  On Tuesday [6/27/2017], 8,500 African migrants are reaching Italian shores aboard 14 different ships, adding to the 5,000 who arrived on Monday.  The massive arrivals have led local media as well as politicians to speak of an authentic immigrant "invasion" exceeding the country's capacity of assimilation.

Donald Trump Celebrates Supreme Court Decision to Clear Parts of Travel Ban.  President Donald Trump celebrated the unanimous per curiam opinion by the Supreme Court, effectively clearing lower court attempts to stay his travel ban, calling it a "clear victory" for national security.  "Today's unanimous Supreme Court decision is a clear victory for our national security," the president said in a statement to reporters.  Trump's ban sought to limit people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entering the United States, citing a national security risk.

There Have Been 1,500 Acid Attacks Since 2011 In London.  Jaw-dropping numbers released earlier this week show that there were 1,500 acid attacks in London from 2011 to 2016.  In what's even more disturbing news, the frequency of the attacks seems to be increasing — 2016 alone accounted for 431 attacks, compared to 261 in 2015.  Overall in the whole of the United Kingdom, these attacks have risen 50 percent in the past decade.

France to Use a Wall to Deter Terror.  The French government is constructing a bulletproof, glass wall around the Eiffel Tower to prevent terror attacks that is projected to cost $20 million.  The 8.2-foot-high wall was approved in January, and while many French are outraged by the construction of what they see as an eyesore, local politicians defended the plan.  "The terror threat remains high in Paris and the most vulnerable sites, led by the Eiffel Tower, must be the object of special security measures," Deputy Mayor Jean-Francois Martins said.  Currently the Eiffel Tower is surrounded by metal barriers as a security measure, but Martins believes the glass wall will be more visually appealing.

Oregon:  Saudi who ran over, killed 15-year old girl skips bail week before trial.  A Saudi Arabian student wanted for killing a 15-year-old girl in Oregon last year is now a fugitive after skipping bail to go on the run.  Abdulrahman Sameer Noorah, 21, was due to stand trial in Portland last week but vanished nine days before the start date.  He was on bail on a single count of manslaughter for allegedly killing 15-year-old Fallon Smart by running her over as she crossed the road in August 2016.

Bernard Lewis: 'Muslims 'about to take over Europe'.  According to Prof. Bernard Lewis, one of the most widely read scholars of the Middle East, whose advice is frequently sought by policymakers, Islam could soon be the dominant force in a Europe which, in the name of political correctness, has abdicated the battle for cultural and religious control.

Muslims in Scotland university defecate in showers instead of toilets.  Not only do observing Muslims wipe their butts with their hands instead of toilet paper, Muslims also dump their poop in all the inappropriate places.  Graeme Donohoe reports for the Daily Record, June 11, 2017, that the administration of the University of Strathcylde in Glasgow, Scotland issued a memo asking its "multicultural" students and staff to stop defecating in showers and trash bins.

France: Van driver killed in fireball crash after illegal alien African Muslim invaders block Calais road with tree trunks.  A spokesman for the Prefecture du Pas-de-Calais said:  "This van hit one of the three trucks stopped by the block and set alight.  The identity of the driver is not known at this stage, considering the state of the body."  "Nine Eritrean illegal migrants found in one of the heavy goods trucks held up by the roadblock were arrested.  They were taken into custody."

13 Percent of Syrian Refugees Support ISIS: Poll.  A poll published in November 2014 by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies found that 13% of Syrian refugees have positive feelings towards the Islamic State terrorist group.  The data should raise questions about the risks posed by the acceptance of Syrian refugees into the United States.  The poll surveyed 900 Syrian refugees equally split between Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.  The think-tank found that 4% expressed a positive opinion of the Islamic State (ISIS) and another 9% expressed a "somewhat positive" opinion of the terrorist group.  Another 10% only view the group negatively "to some extent."

German Police Accused of Covering up Child Rape in Asylum Home.  Police and the local government in Herford, Germany, have been accused of covering up the rape of a child at an asylum home for almost two weeks.  The alleged rape occurred two weeks ago at the former British Harewood Barracks which was recently converted into an asylum shelter.  The man accused of the rape, a Ghanian of unknown age, is said to have sexually abused a 10-year-old girl originally from a former Soviet republic, local newspaper Westfalen-Blatt reports.

Islamist militants rapidly increasing in Sweden.  The number of Islamist militants in Sweden has soared to thousands in recent years but only a few pose a security threat to society, the head of the country's security services said on Friday [6/16/2017].  Sweden is still in shock after five people were killed and 15 injured when a hijacked truck plowed into a crowd on a busy shopping street and crashed into a Stockholm department store on April 7.  Police are holding an Uzbek man who has admitted to driving the vehicle.

Media Blackout:  No Jail Time for Muslim 'Refugees' Who Raped 5-Year-Old Girl.  The travesty of justice in Idaho is now complete.  In the summer of 2016, a 5-year-old girl was orally and anally raped and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho.  Since then, instead of getting justice, the victim's family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals — because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants.  On Tuesday [6/6/2017], the perpetrators were sentenced, and the final injustice was done to this poor girl.

Some 3,000 African Migrants Arrive in Italy, Amid Growing Tensions Between Libya and NGOs.  Between Saturday [6/10/2017] and Sunday, some 2,850 African migrants were shuttled to Italy in 23 different rescue operations carried out by the Italian Coast Guard and various NGOs.  Eleven different rescue operations were carried out Saturday, resulting in a total of some 1,200 migrants being brought to Italian shores, while on Sunday another 1.650 more were added to their number in the course of 12 different interventions.

Boys sentenced in sexual abuse of Twin Falls girl; family upset with punishment.  The family of a girl who was sexually abused last June are still not satisfied with the sentences recently given to the boys who abused her, the family's attorney said.  Mark Guerry said he's unable to comment more specifically on the sentences after 5th District Magistrate Thomas Borresen again sealed the case and ordered the attorneys involved "to not discuss anything that was said or done."  [...] Three boys, ages 14, 10, and 7, were charged in the case.  The older boys, brothers, are from Eritrea, an African country, while the younger boy is from Iraq.  The boys are from refugee families, but it is unclear how long they had been in the community.

The Editor says...
From where I'm sitting, there's only one likely explanation for all the secrecy:  Here we have three sex-crazed juvenile immigrants who are either "anchor babies" or Muslim invaders masquerading as "refugees."  Either way, one of the left's favorite emotional hooks is damaged.  One might easily surmise that the notion of "welcoming the refugees who only seek to escape the war in the Middle East" would take a severe beating if this case were seen as a microcosm, leaving the impression that the "refugees" are actually Muslim invaders with a propensity for violence who are here to stay, not to visit.

Germany:  Surge in Stabbings and Knife Crimes.  A Syrian migrant was stabbed to death in northern Germany by another Syrian because he was eating ice cream during Ramadan.  The murder — which occurred in broad daylight in a busy pedestrian shopping area in Oldenburg and caused great consternation among local citizens — is not just the latest example of Sharia law being enforced on German streets.  The crime also highlighted the growing epidemic of knife violence in Germany.  Knives, axes and machetes have become weapons of choice for criminals in Germany, which has some of the strictest gun laws in Europe.  Knives are not only being used to carry out jihadist attacks, but increasingly to commit homicides, robberies, home invasions, sexual assaults, honor killings and many other kinds of violent crime.

London Bridge terrorists:  All refugees or immigrants.  The ringleader of the London Bridge terror attack who was photographed on the ground with canisters strapped to his body was today named by police as Khuram Butt[.]  Butt, 27, of Barking, East London, is believed to have led the trio of terrorists who ploughed into pedestrians using a hired van, before stabbing revellers in pubs and bars on Saturday night [6/3/2017].  Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said Butt was known to police and MI5 but said there had been no evidence of "attack planning" and he had been deemed as a 'low priority.'

Mass immigration without assimilation is national suicide.  The UK got another lesson in this rule last night.  A nation simply cannot allow a massive flood of immigrants that do not share the values and ideals of that nation.  And if that nation makes no effort at demanding assimilation, the situation will get worse very quickly because that nation has surrendered its sovereignty.  And, if that nation has also effectively disarmed its citizens, well, then that nation is reduced to running, hiding and telling.  Will the UK, or the rest of Europe learn?  Will they reject the foolishness of allowing mass immigration of people who largely reject Western culture?  Will they at the very least roll back their inane gun control laws?  Will they stand up and say what must be said, that it is Islamists that are the cause of every last terror attack to hit Europe in recent years?  Will they let go their irrational addiction to "equality" and face reality?  If they do not then attacks will increase both in frequency and scope.  Western culture is not the problem, Jihadism is, and Europe has allowed the seeds of these attacks to be sown by not having common sense immigration laws.  Now, they are reaping the fruit of those seeds.

Tests Show 76% of Suspicious 'Child Refugees' in Sweden Are Actually Over 18.  Age verification tests carried out on migrants who claim to be children have found that 76% of them are actually aged 18 or over.  Swedish migration authorities released the findings of a wave of tests carried out on new arrivals to the Scandinavian country who claimed to be underage, but raised the suspicions of authorities.  Medical examinations, which included analysis of migrants' teeth and knee joints, found that the majority of those claiming to be children actually were not.

Germany:  Wave of Muslim Honor Killings.  The trial of a Kurdish man who tied one of his three wives to the back of a car and dragged her through the streets of a town in Lower Saxony has drawn attention to an outbreak of Muslim honor violence in Germany.  Honor violence — ranging from emotional abuse to physical and sexual violence to murder — is usually carried out by male family members against female family members who are perceived to have brought shame upon a family or clan.  Offenses include refusing to agree to an arranged marriage, entering into a relationship with a non-Muslim or someone not approved by the family, refusing to stay in an abusive marriage or living an excessively Western lifestyle.  In practice, however, the lines between crimes of honor and crimes of passion are often blurred and any challenge to male authority can elicit retribution, which is sometimes staggeringly brutal.

Immigrants Attack British Truckers in Calais in 'Extremely Violent' Incidents.  British truckers are facing new physical threats from immigrants and asylum seekers gathering at the French port of Calais, site of the notorious 'Jungle' refugee camp.  Long distance drivers have asked police for extra protection after being targeted by in a series of "extremely violent" incidents, according to the Daily Mail.  A police source told the newspaper:  "They set up roadblocks using dustbins, and then tried to stop lorries heading for England so they could get aboard.  Two windscreens were smashed, while another lorry had its tyres punctured.  One driver was taken to hospital with face injuries."  Although the Jungle camp was torn down six months ago, and its 8,000 inhabitants dispersed, immigrants have returned to the port town of Calais again in a bid to hide on a truck and make it to Britain undetected.

23,000 Jihadis.  About 23,000 jihadis — potential terrorists — are living in Great Britain today, British intelligence recently revealed.  Approximately 3,000 of these are considered active threats and are being monitored or investigated, the Times of London is reporting.  The remaining 20,000 either have been monitored and dropped from the list or cannot be monitored for lack of law enforcement resources.

African 'Refugee' Killed 98-Year-Old Woman in Nursing Home.  A nursing assistant is facing multiple charges in connection with the death of a 98-year-old patient that triggered a probe by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.  The GBI claims Certified Nursing Assistant Hakim Ogunkunle was responsible for causing injuries that led to the death of Edna Warren, a patient at Newnan Health and Rehab.  It has charged him with aggravated battery and exploitation and intimidation of an elderly person.

Muslim refugee serving terror sentence tries to kill prison warden.  A Boise man who was convicted in 2015 of terrorism-related crimes has been indicted after prosecutors say he attacked the warden at the federal prison where he was held.  Fazliddin Kurbanov, 34, was just months into a 25-year sentence when the attack happened May 31, 2016 at the Federal Correctional Institute in Victorville, California.  He was indicted Wednesday [5/24/2017] on charges of attempted murder of a federal officer, assault on a federal officer with a deadly or dangerous weapon, and possession by an inmate of a prohibited object intended to be used as a weapon.

[There are at least] 23,000 Jihadists in Britain, Not 3,000 As Previously Claimed.  Government sources have confessed that there are at least 23,000 jihadists in Britain — more than seven times higher than previously revealed.  Until recently, the public had been led to believe there were around 3,000 known jihadists in Britain, with 500 being subject to active investigations led by MI5.  Whitehall officials have now disclosed that a further 20,000 individuals have been identified as posing a "residual risk", according to The Times.

The Muslim Taxi-Cab Rapists:  Average 22 Rapes Per/Week in London.  Many of the sex crimes are being perpetrated by Muslim child grooming gangs responsible for drugging, raping and torturing hundreds and possibly thousands of British girls.  But another wave of sex crimes involves predatory Muslim minicab drivers who are raping female passengers.  The number of so-called minicab rapes is snowballing to such an extent that a British judge has issued a warning that no woman can expect to be safe while traveling in a cab.  Reliable statistics on minicab rapes nationwide are difficult to obtain, and Freedom of Information requests seeking accurate data on minicab-related sexual assaults are routinely denied.

How Obama's 'smart power' helped seed the Manchester attack.  South Manchester is home to one of the world's largest Libyan expatriate communities, which in recent years has become a prime recruiting ground for young jihadists.  And Libya itself is the base for an ISIS external-operations wing tasked with plotting terrorist attacks in Europe.  Indeed, since the fall of Moammar Khadafy, Libya has become a haven for Islamist terrorist groups.  Such is the result of Barack Obama's failed policy — which he so confidently announced would prove smarter than his predecessor's mistakes in Iraq, only to be proved horribly wrong.

As SWAT teams circle, Obama in Berlin complains about walls.  [Speaking in Germany,] Obama was surrounded by de facto SWAT teams.  Looking for terrorists, rioters and assassins.  All of these elements are linked to Germany's open door on immigration and its failure to assimilate immigrants so that even their offspring have become human bombs, desperate to go from zero to hero as they listen to radical imams, get drunk on Internet chat boards, and join Islamist terrorist groups.  The rabid left, of course, helps out with the riots.  Instead of a world of safety for everyone which is the democratic effect of walls keeping out Islamic terrorists, what's seen here, with the balaclava crowd and the highly trained rooftop snipers keeping guard, is the logical result of Obama's and Merkel' open door policy.  Walls for elites, zero walls for people.

Obama lectures 'we can't hide behind a wall' — from behind a wall!  It's easy to lecture the world about walls when you're protected by one.  That's exactly what former President Barack Obama did today [5/25/2017].

Trump to Take Travel Ban to Supreme Court.  The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday [5/25/2017] ruled 10-3 against the travel ban.  The decision bars the administration from suspending new visas for visitors from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Europe's Leaders: Shielding Themselves from Reality.  When the G7 heads of state arrive in Taormina, Sicily, for the G7 meeting on May 26, they will find themselves in an embellished, picture-postcard version of European reality.  Italy, the host of the G7 meeting, has announced that it will close all harbors on the island to ships that arrive with migrants (mainly from Libya) for the duration of the two-day meeting.  The reason for the closure of the Italian island to migrants is to protect the G7 meeting from potential terrorist attacks.  According to Italian reports, "the Department of Public Safety believes that the boats with illegal immigrants could be hiding an Islamist threat".  G7 meetings are, of course, always subject to a host of high-level security measures.  However, shielding heads of state from seeing the consequences of the policies that they themselves have forced on the entire European continent represents a staggering new level of hypocrisy.  Literally altering reality in order to present a whitewashed picture of the influx of migrants into Europe, which happens largely through Italy, is a Potemkin measure, regardless of terror risks.  Heads of state, such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whom Italy seeks to protect from a terrorist risk, seem not to care particularly about the very real terrorist risks that European citizens are forced to live with daily thanks to the migrant policies of these heads of state.

Women in Paris Protest Against 'No Go Zones' Where Immigrant Men Terrorize Them.  It's claimed the district of Chapelle-Pajol, in the north east of the French capital, has become more dangerous for women as the rate of immigration there grows.  Large groups of men are said to hang around in the streets, sometimes drinking, and often intimidate women.  One 80-year-old woman from the district has even said she was sexually assaulted walking home one night.  Others have complained about catcalls and verbal abuse, which makes them feel unsafe.

Hijrah Movie (Trailer).  Is it all a harmless movement of people fleeing their homeland for hope of a better future in the west?  Are the millions of Muslims migrating into the nations of the West willing to integrate into our culture and way of life? [...] Hijrah immerses viewers deep into the dark underworld of the Muslim refugee crisis.  The story provides an extensive background into the origins of Hijrah, the true purpose of the refugee invasion happening across the globe and the shocking reality of how our very own government is fueling its rise.

Robbed and assaulted - told by police to dye her hair black.  A young woman in Vienna, Austria, recently experienced to be mugged and beaten by four asylum seekers.  After being treated in hospital for wounds to the head, shoulder and elbow, as well as her back and hips, the woman went to the police to report the crime.  There she was told that she should not go out alone after eight o'clock in the evening, not to wear provoking clothes, and dye her hair black.

Hungary Unveils New Electrified Border Wall, Watch Towers, And Guards With Machine Guns.  The country of Hungary, 95% of whose citizens opposed European Union migrant quotas in a recent referendum, has reportedly electrified key portions of their border fence.  According to, when approaching the border outside of authorized border crossings, those attempting to enter the country will be met with warning signs in Hungarian, Serbian and Arabic advising them that the fence has been electrified.

88% of Munich Natives Don't Care for Islam — And That Makes Them "Racists".  Citizens of Munich were polled recently about their feelings concerning Islam, and almost 90% of them didn't care for it all that much.

Twilight Zone:  Mexicans Are Upset About Immigrants Bringing Crime To Their City.  Residents of a Mexican city are upset about immigrants causing crime, according to a Tuesday report from El Universal.  The report said that there was a press conference held in Tapachula by a leader of a local group called:  "For a different Mexico."  The group's president, Victorino Alvarez Fuentes, said that immigrants were urinating in public and sexually assaulting women and minors.  Tapachula is near the Guatemalan border and besides immigrants from Central American countries, there has been a recent influx of African immigrants entering Mexico seeking to eventually get to the U.S.

Hungary's border wall
Hungary's new border wall is working spectacularly well.  Hungary is getting major blowback from the E.U. elites.  But as far as I know, they haven't doubled down on "it can't work" the way their American internationalist brethren have.&Nbsp; We have here a classic case of common sense versus "experts" whose predictions can't be trusted.

How Hungary Managed To Erase Illegal Immigration In Just A Few Months.  When other countries welcomed refugees with open arms, Hungary decided it was time to eradicate illegal immigration at any cost. The country succeeded, but that success damaged relations with the European Union in the process. Hungary's second border fence has just been completed in the southern town of Asotthalom. The 96-mile long, 14 ft. tall double-line of defense doesn't look too intimidating from a distance. Go a little closer and you'll notice several layers of razor-wire capable of delivering electric shocks, cameras, heat sensors and loudspeakers ready to tell migrants they're about to break Hungarian law if they as much as touch the fence.

60% Jump in Refugees Admitted to U.S. from March to April.  With President Trump's immigration executive orders still being held up by federal courts, the number of refugees admitted into the United States from around the world increased by 60.2 percent in April, with 3,316 arrivals compared to 2,070 in March.  The monthly tally is still the second smallest this fiscal year.  The last time fewer than 4,000 admissions was recorded in one month — apart from March — was in November 2015, before the Obama administration launched a "surge" in early 2016 aimed at bringing in larger numbers of refugees fleeing Syria's civil war.  The April intake of 3,316 refugees marked a 43 percent drop from the figure for April 2016, when 5,857 were admitted.

Migrant crime in Germany rises by 50 percent, new figures show.  The crime rate among migrants in Germany rose by more than 50 percent last year, according to new figures that have raised concerns the populist far-Right may seize on the issue in the run-up to September's elections.  The number of suspected crimes by refugees, asylum-seekers and illegal immigrants rose to 174,438 in 2016 — an increase of 52.7 percent, according to the interior ministry.

Cover-Up of Florida Refugee Attack on 75-Year-Old Woman.  I received this harrowing email from the daughter of an elderly Florida woman who was choked with a dog leash by a "refugee." [...] Law enforcement officials could be doing to this poor woman what they did to the five-year-old who was raped by Muslim migrants in Idaho:  they seem to be more concerned with making sure that no one thinks ill of migrants and refugees, non-Muslim in this case as well as Muslim, than with securing justice for the victim.  And who posted this monster's bond?  We need answers.  This woman deserves justice, and the American people deserve not to be victimized by any more of these feral "refugees."

Migrants pours skin irritating liquid down the front of a shirt of a 15 year old girl.  In pockets all throughout Europe, non-Muslim women are being forced to follow shariah and stay in their homes unless they're accompanied by a male guardian.  This is how it begins...  Don't think this can't happen in America!

Romanian Immigrant Beats and Rapes Woman Just 11 Days After Arriving in the UK.  This is the latest example of a foreign criminal being able to move to the UK unchecked to carry out a brutal attack.  Under EU laws, EU countries have no obligation to alert each other to anyone with a murder or rape conviction.  Earlier this month a convicted Polish killer, Michal Cezary Podlaszczyk, 33, received a life sentence for raping a woman aged 55 in the city of Leicester.  He had served 12 and a half years of a 15-year term for manslaughter, 15 months before moving to the UK.

Let's fight terrorism in Sweden by... banning cars.  As we continue to deal with terror attacks both at home and abroad, the conversation about how to best protect our citizens continues.  Perhaps one approach to this is to take some hints from how other countries are handling the situation.  The nation of Sweden recently experienced their own version of such an assault when an ISIS supporter plowed into a Stockholm crowd with a truck.  Ever quick with serious solutions to pressing problems, one social commentator over there named Eva Franchell saw an opportunity to set several problems to rights in one fell swoop.

African Migrants Brutally Rape Swedish Teen, Leave Male Friend with Brain Damage.  Two migrants have been given sentences of three and two-and-a-half years for beating a young man almost to death before violently raping his female friend.  The government will try to deport only one of them, temporarily.  The Freie Zeiten reports that three teenage girls and one male friend met for a party at an apartment in Kista, near Stockholm, citing Solna District Court documents.  One of the girls invited a 21-year-old migrant from Liberia, Richelieu Jarara, with whom she was acquainted.  This man brought another African migrant, a Kenyan named Fayed Mwangi, with him.  Before long, the migrants began sexually harassing the girls.  Matters quickly escalated from there, with the pair conferring briefly before spraying their friend in the face with pepper spray.

Immigration Follies.  On the false grounds that it is better to measure something than to measure nothing, the work of a bureaucracy (and therefore bureaucrats) is judged by some target or other plucked from the ether of political vacuity by their bosses.  Now, in the case of immigrants and refugees, it is easier to find the industrious, well motivated, and highly qualified among them to expel summarily than those of the opposite type, who easily melt into a ghetto, whose identities are changeable and fluid, and who are most likely to resort to violence (like the Uzbek who drove the truck into pedestrians in Stockholm) if crossed.  And since it is a law of bureaucracy, if not of most of humanity, that it pursues the line of least resistance, it follows that if immigration officials are given a target of immigrants or refugees to expel, they will tend to expel the best rather than the worst of them.

Shocked Stockholm On Lockdown After Truck 'Terror Attack'.  Stockholm's usually vibrant city centre was eerily silent on Friday evening [4/7/2017] with restaurants, bars and cinemas shuttered and streets emptied hours after a truck ploughed into a crowd outside a department store, killing four people and injuring 15.  Stockholmers appeared to be following police advice to stay indoors and avoid crowded areas, with a number of normally-bustling city streets deserted.

Liberal Sweden was a melting pot of tolerance for half a century but only ended up creating a feeding ground for terrorists.  When anti-terror police searched Stockholm for clues about terror suspect Rakhmat Akilov, they were pelted with stones by hostile gangs of youths.  Officers had entered the suburb of Tensta, home to thousands of migrants from Islamic countries and increasingly under the stranglehold of strict fundamentalism.  It is where Swedish women say they feel unsafe and, as in other migrant-filled suburbs, street posters showing female images are often torn down by patrolling groups of male Muslims who scrawl the word 'whore' over them.

Swedish anti-terror police are pelted with STONES while arresting Stockholm attack suspects.  Police officers responding to the Stockholm terror atrocity were attacked by a gang of youths who pelted them with stones last night, Swedish policemen have said.  The attack happened last night near Rinkeby, part of the 'immigrant no-go zone' that gained notoriety when President Trump referred to it in a controversial speech in February.

Six dead after shootout between police and suspected jihadis at tourist hotspot.  Six suspected jihadis have been shot dead by police in Indonesia.  The group were killed after a failed drive-by targeting police officers.

Gatestone Institute: 423 New Mosques, 500 Closed Churches in London.  The Gatestone Institute reports Sunday on the striking rate of closures of churches in the United Kingdom's capital city, a trend mirrored elsewhere in Europe, and the blooming number of mosques that have been established in their stead.

German Government Rejects Calls for Islam Law.  Members of Chancellor Angela Merkel's center-right Christian Democratic Union party have called for a ban on foreign funding of Islamic organizations, and for Muslims to get statutory rights to pastoral care from an imam in prisons and hospitals.

Sweden: Imam says unveiled women go to hell.  Imam Muadh Zamzam is a frequent lecturer, and former spokesman for Sweden's United Muslims.  [Video clip]

Somali Asylum Seeker Accused of Killing Woman and Raping Disabled Elderly Men.  A Somali asylum seeker has been charged with raping two disabled men and murdering the wife of one of the victims in Germany last year.  The unnamed 18-year-old is accused of breaking into a care home in the town of Neuenhaus in October and raping a paralysed 59-year-old man.  He is then alleged to have entered an adjoining room and raped a second man before killing his 87-year-old wife when she confronted him.

More than one million migrants hoping to cross to Europe are 'in the pipeline' in Libya.  More than 1 million migrants are 'in the pipeline' in Libya hoping to cross to Europe, a senior diplomat has warned.  Joseph Walker-Cousins, former head of the British Embassy Office in Benghazi, said refugees were massing in the war-torn country having fled conflict and poverty.  Criminal human trafficking gangs are raking in billions of pounds charging migrants large sums to be smuggled across the Mediterranean in flimsy dinghies and boats.

Swedish Feminists Flee Suburbs Due to Islamic Fundamentalists.  Nalin Pekgul is a self-described feminist and former member of parliament for the left wing Swedish Social Democrats.  For over 30 years, she lived in the Stockholm suburb of Tensta but says that she no longer feels safe there.  She claims Muslim fundamentalists have taken over and she doesn't feel she can visit the centre of Tensta without being harassed, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.  According to Ms. Pekgul, the situation for women in public life in the area has deteriorated over the past several years.  She noted that there has been a rise in religious fundamentalism amongst the men in the area, many of whom come from migrant backgrounds.  Pekgul attempted to combat the trend by organising coffee shop meetings but soon abandoned the idea.

How the EU Made Greece a Muslim Ghetto.  Thanks to the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, the EU, and traitors of the Greek national government who have become the callgirls of the foreign usurers, Greece has lost her national economic sovereignty.  The country is not independent — it's been converted into a protectorate of foreign powers.  Even more troubling:  Greece has become Europe's illegal Muslim migrant storehouse.

Refugee charged in brutal rape, murder of 19-year-old girl.  She was a promising medical student with her whole life ahead of her.  But thanks to German Chancelor Angela Merkel's insane open-door immigration policy, her family says she was raped, murdered and her body discarded in a river... all at the hands of an Afghan migrant.

13 states join brief in support of Trump's temporary travel ban.  Representatives from 13 states including 12 state attorneys general and one governor filed a motion in support of President Trump's temporary travel ban. [...] Those joining the brief included [Texas Attorney General Ken] Paxton plus AG's in the states of Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia.  Governor Phil Bryant of Mississippi also joined.  The brief makes several arguments starting with President Trump's authority to make decisions about immigration, especially with regard to national security.  The brief also argues previous courts have erred in suggesting that non-resident aliens have rights under the U.S. Constitution.

Troubled Continent.  James Kirchick's The End of Europe:  Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age is an engaging meld of journalism and history. [...] Just five years after winning the Nobel Prize and being championed as a model for the world, the European Union, says Kirchick, is "crumbling."  It's unable to police its borders, stimulate economic growth, afford its generous welfare state, and halt its demographic decline — and unable, or unwilling, to acknowledge the failures of multiculturalism.

The King of Hatefacts.  [Scroll down]  Even the sane elements of the backlash were wrong.  The Federalist claimed he should have focused on culture and not race because it's not more white people we need, it's more Westerners.  This is a beautiful notion and I fully agree with it, but here on earth, we're not taking in immigrants who want to assimilate.  In fact, we are openly encouraging immigrants not to assimilate.  Public school teachers have dedicated their careers to eradicating patriotism and teaching our children how cruel and unusual we have been throughout history.  Politicians are knowingly avoiding immigrants who assimilate and focusing on ones who will antagonize the native population.  This is especially true in Britain, where Tony Blair's speechwriter conceded as much.  Look at the London bombings.  They were all radicalized in Britain.  One of them was a Jamaican who grew up in Bradford, where the Muslim population is booming.  Since the bombings, London has elected a Muslim mayor who proudly exclaims, "Immigrants shouldn't have to assimilate."  Here in America we have the Tsarnaev brothers, who grew up reading comic books and watching sports; but after years of being told America [is bad], they began to believe their relatives back in Chechnya.  Then they blew us up.

Swedish Police In Trollhattan Attacked by 'Youths'.  Several Swedish police were attacked by a large gang of "youths" who went on a rampage armed with rocks and fireworks in the city of Trollhattan over the weekend.  On Sunday evening [3/19/2017] a group of around 20 to 30 young men rioted and caused havoc in the Kronogården district of Trollhattan.  Police say the youths were armed with rocks and fireworks, which they used to smash up a bus shelter.  When police arrived on the scene, the gang attacked them with rocks that were so large they disabled their police car, Nyheter Idag reports.

Send the Refugees to Hawaii.  There is more judicial tyranny to warn you about.  Judge Derrick Watson of Hawaii [...] blocked President Trump's temporary immigration ban. [...] Judge Watson's decision puts all of us in grave danger.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions says around three hundred of the FBI's active domestic terror investigations involve people who came here as refugees.  That's a lot of potential jihadists.  How many more Americans must die in the name of political correctness?  So I say send all the refugees to Honolulu.  Every last one of them.

Teenage migrant 'raped and strangled 90-year-old German woman as she left church after he demanded money from her and she said she didn't have any'.  A 90-year-old woman was dragged into a courtyard and violently raped by a teenager after he asked for money in a church, a court has heard.  The attacker then stole the key to her home and wrote down her address.  A Spanish-Moroccan migrant, aged 19, is accused of rape, bodily harm and theft following the attack on October 2 in Dusseldorf.  Prosecutors claim he confronted her in St Lambertus Church and shouted 'money, money!' at her.

How Paris has become one of the most dangerous capitals in the world.  A recent report said that terror attacks, strikes and floods cost the Paris region tourism industry £644 million in the first six months or so of last year.  As the region gets 13 percent of its gross domestic product from tourism the huge losses are having an effect on people's lives and lifestyles.

Six out of 10 People in France 'Don't Feel Safe Anywhere'.  Fearing terror attacks, the majority of people in France are pessimistic about the nation's security situation, with six in 10 saying they no longer feel safe anywhere according to an IFOP-FIDUCIAL poll.  The survey found that 93 percent of French believe the threat of more terror attacks is high, and 71 per cent feel the security situation in France has got worse over the last five years.  More broadly, 59 per cent of those polled said they did not feel safe anywhere, with almost one in four (24 percent) opting to "strongly agree" with the statement.  Reflecting the insecurity respondents said they felt, 69 percent think the police and gendarmerie are understaffed, and the survey found the French overwhelmingly have a positive view of law enforcement.

Geert Wilders Has a Message for Turkey.  A proud and unashamed nationalist, Geert Wilders was executing the Donald Trump sovereignty playbook long before the U.S. president started his insurgent campaign for the White House.  And in Dutch elections coming Wednesday, Wilders has a strong chance to come out on top, cementing the influence of a politician who wants to ban the Koran, shut down mosques and upend his nation's sleepy political scene.  Nervous leaders across Europe are looking to the Netherlands this week for clues about elections this year in France and Germany.

The Dutch Elections:  Last Chance for the Netherlands?  Where would we be without the Netherlands?  In its 17th-century golden age, it helped pioneer capitalism, individual liberty, and peaceful religious diversity.  Even today, it punches far above its weight both economically and culturally.  Yet this country of just under 17 million people has also been at the forefront of the single most disastrous multinational policy of our time:  the post-war decision to take in hordes of unvetted immigrants from the Muslim world.

Iraqi insurgent fighter allegedly lied about identity, got through 'extreme' vetting.  Federal lawmakers are investigating how a former Iraqi insurgent fighter was able to lie about his identity and still get through America's 'extreme' vetting process.  The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to find out why the terror suspect's pending arrest was allegedly spiked just over a week before the election.  Trump had run on a tough-on-terror platform and had been critical of President Obama's refugee policy.

What Has DHS Done To Examine, Improve Vetting, House HS Committee Member Wants To Know.  Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary John Kelly was asked Tuesday [3/7/2017] for information about directives in Trump's original January 27 Executive Order, Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, which weren't affected by the court's temporary restraining order (TRO).  On February 3, a federal court issued a TRO preventing the enforcement of five specific sections of the original Executive Order, but several provisions of the original order were not subject to the TRO.  In a letter to Kelly, Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-NY), a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security and ranking member of the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, pointed out in a statement that "while a federal court issued a temporary restraining order preventing the enforcement of some of the Executive Order's most controversial provisions, several significant sections of the original Executive Order were not affected by the TRO and remain in effect until the revised Executive Order is implemented on March 16, 2017.

Exclusive: Hungary's Border Walls Pay for Themselves Through Savings on Illegal Migrants.  The Hungarian government's decision to rapidly construct strong border fences along their frontiers has had a positive financial effect, achieving substantial savings on the cost of illegal immigration.  Zoltán Kovács, official spokesman for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, told Hungarian media last week that "the monies spent on border protection are very obviously being recouped".

FBI probes involve 300 people admitted to US as refugees.  The FBI is investigating 300 people who were admitted into the United States as refugees as part of 1,000 counter-terrorism investigations involving Islamic State or individuals inspired by the militant group, congressional sources told Reuters on Monday, citing senior administration officials.  Department of Homeland Security officials did not provide details of the investigations or the current immigration status of those 300 individuals during a briefing with congressional staffers, according to the sources, who requested anonymity.

FBI Examining 300 People Admitted As Refugees In Terror Investigation Involving ISIS.  After reading this, I can't help but think that President Trump picked the perfect day to sign the revised travel/immigration order.  According to that sourcelink, 300 people admitted to the U.S. as refugees are currently subject to FBI counterterrorism investigations involving ISIS.  And yes.  Some of those individuals are from the six countries — Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen — affected by Trump's revised order.

Europe's trend:  Austria, once open, now shows migrants door.  Austria was among the first countries in Europe to put out the welcome mat when waves of people fleeing war and poverty reached the continent.  Now, its focus is showing them the door.

11 rioters arrested after hurling rocks at police and TV crew during Swedish school brawl.  Police have arrested 11 people on suspicion of rioting after a mass brawl broke out at a school in Hallsberg, Sweden.  Local media reported the rioters were migrants.

Pepper Spray Illegal in Sweden.  In a report on the state of crime problems plaguing Sweden, Katie Hopkins reported that pepper spray was illegal, because your rapist might be hurt. [...] Reality always wins, one way or another.  Either the Swedish Democrats will win at the ballot box, or the problems will continue to get worse.  All over the Western world, false political constructs about reality are being toppled.  Some of those constructs:
    People are the same all over the world.
    People are basically good.
    People's motivations are all, at base, economic.
    The use of force is always wrong.
    War is never legitimate.

Hundreds of refugees allowed into US investigated by FBI as part of ISIS probe.  THE FBI has launched a probe into hundreds of possible terrorists who were allowed into the US as part of drive to accept refugees.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating 300 people who were allowed into the US claiming to be refugees.  The group are part of a larger investigation into 1,000 counter-terrorism cases possibly linked to the barbaric Islamic State (ISIS).

Ten Incidents in Ten Days That Proved Trump Right on Sweden's Migration Problem.  The media and Swedish politicians were in an uproar after President Donald J. Trump chose to highlight the negative effects of mass migration in Sweden.  But ten days later, here are ten incidents that proved him right.  When former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt asked the U.S. president "what is he smoking?" on Twitter and other celebrities berated President Trump over his comments on 19 February, many wondered what is actually going on in Sweden.

The Swedish town where migrant gangs have killed multiculturalism stone dead and laugh at laws they despise and defy.  There's been a complaint about my first report from Sweden.  A reader is very angry because I suggested the child raped by a 45-year-old migrant (posing as an unaccompanied minor) was 14.  In fact, he was 12.  This is the state of liberalism today.  So determined to prove I am wrong, my observations erroneous, the stories I have on tape inaccurate, that it has lost all sight of the raped migrant child crumpled in the corner.  Similarly, the 'we know better brigade' are so puffed up with smug self-importance as they point out Trump got his dates confused over the troubles in Sweden, they can't see past their own chest to the riots in Rinkeby.

'Don't Feed the Migrants'-- Outcry After Calais Mayor Bans Charities From Donating Food.  The conservative mayor of Calais — the French coastal city famously close to England — has sparked outrage from local aid groups after issuing an order on Thursday [3/2/2017] forbidding charities to distribute food to refugees and migrants on the former site of the notorious 'Jungle' camp, which was dismantled last October.  Mayor Natacha Bouchart said in a statement on Thursday that "regular, persistent and large presence of individuals distributing meals to migrants" around the late Jungle, which used to house 10,000 migrants at its peak, posed a serious threat to peace and security.

Are We Refugeed Out Yet?  There are more Iraqis living in the United States than there are in some major cities in Iraq.  156,000 Iraqi refugees have entered this country in just the last decade.  30,000 of those have ended up in California.  In Obama's first year in office, the United States resettled three-quarters of Iraqi refugees.  71% of Iraqi refugees are receiving cash assistance.  82% are on Medicaid and 87% are on food stamps.  Compare those atrocious numbers to only 17% of Cubans on cash assistance and 16% on Medicaid.  It should be obvious why Obama shut the door on Cuban refugees while holding it wide open for Syrian Muslims (but closing it tightly on Syrian Christians), Iraqis and Somalis (77.4% food stamp use).

Mother-of-two reveals she opened her home to Afghan '12-year-old refugee' and was shocked when he turned out to be a grown man.  A mother-of-two opened up her home to a grown man posing as an Afghan '12-year-old refugee' who later attacked her family.  The woman said she lives in fear after the man, who said his name was Abdul, threatened to kill her family after he was arrested for assaulting her relatives.  During an emotional interview on ITV's Loose Women, the mother, who was renamed Julie for anonymity reasons, has now called on the Government to carry out proper age checks on refugees coming to the UK.

Was Trump right about Sweden?  The trouble began when police tried to arrest a teenage member of a notorious drug-dealing gang.  Within hours, the snowy streets of Rinkeby, a northern suburb of the Swedish capital Stockholm, had erupted into violence with his fellow gang members hurling Molotov cocktails at passing vehicles, torching parked cars, throwing rocks and looting shops.  The mob fought with police to free 17-year-old Maikal Hassan, the son of Ethiopian immigrants, and as they advanced, one officer drew his pistol and fired a shot at the gang and missed, while others shot high into the air to try to scare the masked youths.

President Trump Was Right about Sweden.  As Swedish-Iranian economist Tino Sanandaji observed at NRO last week, we see a remarkable lack of statistics showing a correlation between immigration and crime in Sweden — not because there is no such correlation, but because there are no statistics.  There are no statistics because the government has consistently chosen not to release them or bring the issue to light.  This secrecy has sparked the rise of a populist right in Sweden, and it has also failed the most vulnerable — the immigrants subjected to extremism and crime in urban neighborhoods where the pundits and politicians never go — sacrificing them on the altar of political correctness.

The Refugee Rape Gangs of Sweden.  Sweden is the rape capital of the Western world.  The general public is unaware of the epidemic of Swedish rapes because there has been an orchestrated effort by mainstream media and the Swedish government to deliberately mischaracterize offenders and downplay the number of incidents.  The significant increase in rapes are the direct result of Sweden's open door refugee policy and denial of Muslim culture.  Muslim immigrant rapists believe that all non-Muslim and uncovered women can be lawfully taken for sexual use; hence rape and sexual assaults are justified.

What Is the Truth about Crime and Immigration in Sweden?  In a speech, Trump riffed on a Fox News segment he'd seen on immigration and crime in Sweden, causing much confusion.  The situation hardly improved as journalists and pundits mostly unfamiliar with the topic rushed to explain the finer points of Swedish crime statistics.  So, what is the situation actually like?

Robert Reich Implies Trump Incited Sweden's Migrant Riots.  Robert Reich, a professor at UC Berkeley and former U.S. Secretary of Labor, has insinuated that President Donald Trump incited Monday's riots in Sweden — echoing his unproven conspiracy theory just weeks ago that Breitbart News organized violent demonstrations at his university.

Teacher, 28, 'Gang Raped By 9 Iraqi Immigrants In Vienna Attack'.  A court in Austria has heard that nine Iraqi immigrants gang raped a teacher during New Year's Eve celebrations in Vienna.  The woman, 28, said she was drinking in a bar with a female friend but was apparently "taken away" by four men and led to an apartment where five more men were waiting to begin the "humiliating and agonizing" attack, which lasted for two hours.  The defendants in the case are aged 22 to 45 and are all related to each other.  At the time of the alleged attack, which is said to have taken place on January 1, 2016, five of the men had refugee status while the asylum applications of the other four were pending.

Starbucks Brand Crashes After Announcement of Plan to Hire 10,000 Muslim 'Refugees'.  The Starbucks Coffee brand has taken a major hit since the company's announcement that it would hire 10,000 Muslim "refugees" in response to President Donald Trump's temporary travel moratorium in January.  Starbucks was one of those early to criticize President Trump for putting a temporary hold on immigration from a list of seven terror-torn countries flagged by the Obama administration.  In response, the coffee house giant pledged to hire 10,000 Muslim refugees over five years in protest against Trump's order.

Inside the Stockholm suburbs where cars are torched, drugs sold openly and fire engines must be bulletproof.  The Stockholm suburb that was hit by violent riots on Monday [2/20/2017] is a police no-go zone where cars are torched almost every day, gangs rule the streets and fire engines have to be fitted with bulletproof glass.  Residents of rundown Rinkeby, where nine out of ten residents are immigrants, have spoken out about how they live in fear, as Swedish politicians and police officers admitted that 'Trump was right'.  'The situation is here is terrible,' one resident said.  'I am scared most of the time when I leave my apartment.  I have been assaulted twice and robbed once since I moved to Rinkeby.  The criminal gangs can do what they want.

Actually, Sweden is having big trouble with Mideast refugees.  As if on cue, riots broke out in a heavily immigrant suburb of Stockholm as soon as the media mocked President Trump for a vague warning about immigration-related problems in Sweden.  At a campaign-style rally over the weekend, Trump issued forth with a mystifyingly ominous statement.  "You look," he declared, "at what's happening last night in Sweden."  What?  Had the president invented a nonexistent terror attack?  As it turned out, the reference was to a segment on Sweden he had watched on the Fox News show "Tucker Carlson Tonight" the previous night rather than to any specific event in the Nordic country.  The ensuing discussion quickly took on the character of much of the debate in the early Trump years — a blunderbuss president matched against a snotty and hyperventilating press, with a legitimate issue lurking underneath.

Left Wing Swedish Newspaper Journalist Attacked in 'No Go Zone'.  A photographer for Dagens Nyheter, one of Sweden's largest newspapers, was the victim of an attack by rioters at the notorious Stockholm migrant-populated suburb of Rinkeby.  The continued riots in the densely migrant-populated Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby has seen multiple cars set on fire and a photographer from Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter was attacked.  The photographer said the attack occurred just after 10:00 pm at night and said, "I was met with a lot of punches and kicks on both the body and the head.  I have spent the night in the hospital," Dagens Nyheter reports.

Actually, Sweden is having big trouble with Mideast refugees.  As if on cue, riots broke out in a heavily immigrant suburb of Stockholm as soon as the media mocked President Trump for a vague warning about immigration-related problems in Sweden.  At a campaign-style rally over the weekend, Trump issued forth with a mystifyingly ominous statement.  "You look," he declared, "at what's happening last night in Sweden."  What?  Had the president invented a nonexistent terror attack?  As it turned out, the reference was to a segment on Sweden he had watched on the Fox News show "Tucker Carlson Tonight" the previous night rather than to any specific event in the Nordic country.  The ensuing discussion quickly took on the character of much of the debate in the early Trump years — a blunderbuss president matched against a snotty and hyperventilating press, with a legitimate issue lurking underneath.

Swedish Police:  Government Covering Up Huge Migrant Crime Spree.  A Swedish police officer put his career and even his liberty on the line — in Sweden, even the truth can get you jailed for "hate speech" — to give his countrymen what he viewed as an urgent warning.  Writing on social media, the senior detective, Peter Springare, explained that Swedish authorities were covering up a massive crime wave among primarily African and Middle Eastern migrants that has law-enforcement and the rest of society's institutions on the brink.  The revelations, subsequently echoed by another officer who stepped forward to confirm Springare's report, blew a giant hole in the Swedish government's imploding narrative.  Making matters worse for the narrative, a violent riot broke out on February 20 after an arrest in the immigrant-dominated Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby — an area that has seen frequent migrant riots, car burnings, shootings, and other chaos in recent years.

Sweden: Looting, Cars Torched, Police Attacked as Riots Break out in Migrant Suburb.  Riots broke out on Monday night [2/20/2017] in the suburb of Rinkeby, where a majority of residents were born overseas, just hours after the country's Prime Minister attacked U.S President Donald J. Trump for linking mass migration with rising violence in Sweden.  The riots, in which cars were set ablaze and shops were looted, resulted in the Stockholm suburb looking "like a warzone" according to a journalist who was at the scene.

Dramatic footage shows cars ablaze in Swedish riot.  Cars were set on fire, police were pelted with stones and civilians were beaten up as violent clashes broke out between rioters and law enforcement in the Stockholm district of Rinkeby on Monday night [2/20/2017].  Police say seven or eight vehicles were torched in the suburb of Sweden's capital following unrest in the area, which has a high immigrant population.  It's unclear if any immigrants were involved in the incident.

The Editor says...
Ri-i-i-ight.  There may not have been any Muslim immigrants involved in the riot.  But if not, it would be the first such riot in Sweden in this century.

Riot in Stockholm suburb after Drug Suspect is Arrested.  Swedish police on Tuesday [2/21/2017] were investigating a riot that broke out overnight in a predominantly immigrant suburb in Stockholm after officers arrested a suspect on drug charges.

Was Trump right about Sweden after all?  Riots have broken out in the Swedish suburb that Donald Trump referred to in his speech about immigration problems.  Police were forced to fire warning shots after a group of rioters began setting fire to cars, throwing stones at police and looting shops in the Rinkeby district of Stockholm on Monday night [2/20/2017].  A police officer was injured during the clashes, Swedish public service broadcaster SVT reported.

Sweden Is Not Only the Rape Capital of Europe, It's the Grenade Attack Capital.  In a significant increase of bombings, Swedish police forensics investigated around 150 explosions in 2015. According to Swedish police, the use of hand grenades in crime is unprecedented in all comparable European and non-European countries, and the only countries with similar characteristics are those with warlike conditions.  These grenade attacks have occurred alongside a record influx of asylum seekers, which the main anti-immigrant party, Sweden Democrats, have been quick to capitalize on.

Trump's Right!  Thanks To Refugees, Sweden Facing Violent Rape Epidemic.  The media is going crazy because during his Saturday [2/18/2017] Rally in [Florida], President Trump said "You look at what's happening last night in Sweden ... Sweden ... who would believe this?  Sweden, they took in large numbers, they are having problems like they never thought possible.  You look at what's happening Brussels, you look at what's happening all over the world."  By "last night" Trump was talking about an interview segment that appeared on Friday's Tucker Carlson Show which covered the increase in sexual assaults in Sweden because of the large wave of Muslim refugees into the country.

Sweden's Migrant Crime Wave Becomes Top National Story As Media's Lies Backfire.  In their quest to attack President Trump for any possible reason, the lying media made up a fake news story claiming Trump spoke of a non-existent "terror attack" which occurred Friday night [2/17/2017] in Sweden.  In fact, Trump never said there was a "terror attack" in Sweden, he said people should look at what's happening in Sweden to see how their country is being destroyed by "refugees."

Yo, CNN: Sweden Sends Back a Staggering Amount of Refugees — Is THAT 'News?  It's 2017, and after years of refugees flooding European borders, Sweden is taking a step back from their 'open borders' stance.  Last year, Sweden said that it was going to carefully examine refugee applications and forcibly return some of the migrants that have claimed refugee status.  How many?  A staggering 80,000.

Ami Horowitz Documentary:  Sweden is Now Europe's Official "Rape Capital".  President Trump made a comment during his rally on Saturday [2/18/2017] about Sweden, and something he noted on Friday, the evening prior.  President Trump was talking about the "refugee crisis" and his strict immigration proposals called "extreme vetting". [...] President Trump's reference was to an interview between Fox News Tucker Carlson and documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz that took place on Friday night, the night before the rally.  The documentary is about the rape crisis in Sweden resulting from massive economic migration, aka "refugees".  There is even a horrible term for the current reality for women in Sweden called "rapeugees".

Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden [is] experiencing a migrant crime wave.  Police investigator Peter Springare isn't likely to be among those mocking President Trump for his remarks about refugees in Sweden.  Trump's comments during a Florida campaign rally on Saturday — which some took as a misstatement about a supposed terror attack — dovetail with what Springare has been seeing during a typical week in Orebro, Sweden.  Five rapes, three assaults, a pair of extortions, blackmail, an attempted murder, violence against police and a robbery made up Springare's caseload for a five-day period earlier this month, according to a Feb. 3 Facebook post he wrote.  The suspects were all from Muslim-majority countries — Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and Turkey — save for one Swedish man nabbed in a drug-related case.

Tucker Reacts:  Trump Causes Firestorm with Remark About 'Problems' in Sweden.  Tucker Carlson reacted this morning [2/20/2017] after President Donald Trump mentioned the "problems" in Sweden caused by large numbers of refugees from the Middle East.  The president's mention of Sweden, during his campaign rally Saturday in Florida, was immediately ridiculed, since there have been no terror attacks in Sweden.

Trump is right:  Sweden's refugee policy has led to problems it never imagined.  During a rally in Florida yesterday [2/18/2017], Donald Trump spoke about immigration.  "You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden.  Sweden!  Who would believe this.  Sweden!  They took in large numbers.  They're having problems like they never thought possible."  He then mentioned Brussels and Nice, both scenes of terrorist attack last year.  But nothing had happened the previous night in Sweden:  Trump later said he was referring to a Fox News feature on Swedish migration that he was watching the previous evening.  So he misspoke, as he does.  A lot.  But the tragic fact is that, overall, he has a point.

Fake News:  Trump Never Said There Was A 'Terror Attack' Last Night In Sweden.  President Trump never said there was a "terror attack" last night [2/18/2017] in Sweden, but that didn't stop hundreds of fake news outlets from claiming he did.  During his rally Saturday, Trump said:  "Here's the bottom line, we've got to keep our country safe.  You look at what's happening.  We've got to keep our country safe.  You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden.  Sweden, who would believe this.  Sweden.  They took in large numbers.  They're having problems like they never thought possible.  You look at what's happening in Brussels, you look at what's happening all over the world.  Take a look at Nice, take a look at Paris."  Nowhere did he say there was a "terror attack."  He said "look at what's happening."

Government demographic studies all wrong on Somali numbers in US.  We probably have at least twice as many Somalis of ethnic descent living in the US as the federal government is telling us! [...] Virtually all Somalis are Muslims.  And, of all the ethnic groups entering the US right now, Somalis (I believe) lead the pack in the number of terrorist attacks or attempted terrorist attacks, or who have been arrested and convicted of helping to support jihadists in some form or another.  Frankly, there is absolutely no reason for the US to take in more Somalis!  The UN is pushing them on us!

Somali Refugee Rapes Mother on Minnesota Bus Near Her Child Won't Be Deported.  The Somali refugee who raped a mother on a bus in Minnesota at knifepoint near her 7-year old daughter is not only remaining in the U.S., he is out on $5,000 bail.  People are asking why he can't be deported according to a local news report.  ICE has no control according to a spokesman.

German chancellor Angela Merkel urges Europe to take MORE refugees as she says Islam 'isn't the source of terror'.  Angela Merkel has urged Europe to take in more refugees and said Islam is 'not the source of terror'.  Speaking at the Munich security conference, the German chancellor said Europe has an obligation to take displaced refugees from Syria and Iraq.  Mrs Merkel, who has been critical of a U.S. ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, also underlined that Islam itself was not the source of terrorism.

Terrified Swedes don bulletproof vests to protect themselves against Muslim violence.  Swedish Parliament considers ban on sale of bulletproof vests in an effort to crack down on Swedish citizens trying to protect themselves.

Sweden 'covering up' migrant rape and violent crime for the sake of 'humanitarianism'.  Officials in the Swedish government have been accused of "covering up" migrant rape and refugee violence for the sake of appearing politically correct.  Journalist Ami Horowitz told Fox News people high up in the Swedish government are deliberately covering up and protecting perpetrators of rapes to protect "vulnerable" migrants.  During an explosive interview on Friday [2/17/2017], Mr Horowitz claimed the refugee violence crisis was out of control but that "European virtues" had put a stop to any discussion on the statistics.

Muslim worker in refugee camp hailed by Merkel raped at least 30 boys.  It must something in the water that German leaders drink.  Angela Merkel is responsible not just for the downfall of Germany, but of the whole of Europe.

Almost 500 migrants smash through border fence into Spanish enclave in Africa.  Almost 500 migrants forced their way into Spanish territory in North Africa early Friday by breaking through gates in the 20-foot (6-meter) high fence that separates Morocco from Spain's Ceuta enclave.

Majority of Refugees Coming from Terror-Exporting Countries After Judge Strikes Down Trump's Executive Order.  Most of the refugees imported into the U.S. since a district judge halted President Donald Trump's executive order freezing refugee resettlement and restricting travel from seven terror-exporting countries come from five of those countries, new data shows.  After a federal district judge issued an unusual, nationwide, emergency order halting President Donald Trump's refugee resettlement freeze on Feb. 3, 2,576 refugees arrived.  Of those, 1,549 — or 60.1 percent — are from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, and Sudan, according to CNS News.  Trump's order banned all refugee resettlement from Syria, froze all refugee resettlement for 120 days, and restricted all migrant travel from seven countries for 90 days.  Over half, or 55 percent, of the 2,576 refugee arrivals are Muslim, including 99.6 percent of Syrian refugees.  The regional judge's order did not affect Trump's halving of total refugee resettlement numbers, which he reduced to 50,000 for F2017.

Paris riots mapped: 20 no-go zones located as violence spreads across Paris.  The ongoing trouble in Paris which has led to riots in some parts of the capital is spreading across France as vigilantes stage running battles with police in protest of the rape of a young black man.  And law enforcement say two weeks of civil unrest has now led to frenzied clashes in 20 districts.  Worryingly about 60 percent of those involved in the street fights are children, police say.  As well as serious crime in at least 16 northern Paris suburbs, the confrontations have spread to Nantes in Brittany, Lille — the capital of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, and Rouen in Normandy where catholic priest Father Jacques Hamel was murdered while he was saying mass the altar last summer.

60% of Refugee Arrivals Since Judge Halted Trump's Order Come From 5 Terror-Prone Countries.  Sixty percent of the refugees admitted into the United States since a federal judge halted President Trump's executive order designed to prevent "foreign terrorist entry into the United States" originate from five of the seven countries identified by the administration and its predecessor as most risky.  Of the total 2,576 refugees resettled in the U.S. from around the world since U.S. District Judge James Robart's February 3 restraining order, 1,549 (60.1 percent) are from Syria (532), Iraq (472), Somalia (363), Iran (117), and Sudan (65).  No refugees have arrived from the other two applicable countries, Yemen and Libya.  Of the 2,576 refugees to have arrived since Feb. 3, 1,424 (55.3 percent) are Muslims — 817 Sunnis, 132 Shi'ites, and 475 refugees self-identified simply as Muslims, according to State Department Refugee Processing Center data.

Migrant Scandal: 200 illegals a Day caught sneaking into UK — and that's in just one month.  Migrants were caught trying to smuggle themselves into Britain at a rate of 200 every day in the run-up to the Brexit referendum, the Daily Express can today reveal.  New figures show 24,800 were seized attempting to enter the UK illegally during the first six months of last year.  But as the historic vote on June 23 approached, the rate of detection increased and 5,900 were caught at the border in June — one every eight minutes.

To protect it from the Religion of Peace...
France Announces Plan To Put Eiffel Tower Behind 8 Foot Wall of Ballistic Glass.  Walls must work because Paris deputy mayor Jean-Francois Martins just announced their intention to build an 8 foot ballistic glass barricade around the base of the Eiffel Tower.  Apparently the previous jobs for jihadi's program didn't go over too well.

Merkel's government 'hoping to bring in 12 million migrants'.  Angela Merkel may just have pushed through rapid deportation rules as well as a ban on refugees but she is not planning on closing Germany's doors to migrants forever.  Just last week the under-fire German Chancellor placed a ban on the families of as many as three million people who arrived in Germany during the migrant crisis joining their relatives.  The ban, which also applies to women and children and elderly relatives from war torn countries, has been put in place for two years after the country revealed the crisis will cost £37bn this year.

Paris erupts in violence:  Many streets are no-go zones as five suburbs in flames.  Police in Paris are struggling to cope with the fall out from a plague of riots which have kicked off in the city's northern suburbs.  Five large areas have been reduced to no go areas for the past five nights as masked men cause mayhem on the streets.  Now there are fears the fall out from allegations of police brutality could spread all over the country as unrest in the city grows.

It's come to this:  Merkel now offering cash for migrants to leave the country.  On Friday we talked about new proposals coming from German Chancellor Angela Merkel which made it sound as if she was taking a new and even harder line on deporting troublesome immigrants from her country.  There were a few other details in her proposals which were left out of the main headlines however.  As it turns out, there are some incentive options on the table for those who took advantage of Germany's open-door policies but are now not feeling quite so welcome in the shifting political climate of an election year.  And when you're talking about incentives there is really nothing that beats good old-fashioned hard cash.

Canadian Media Cover Up Syrian Refugee Sex Assault on 6 Young Girls at Waterpark.  Six young girls sexually assaulted by a Syrian refugee at a waterpark.  This story doesn't take place in Germany, in Sweden, or in Belgium.  The alleged attack took place right here in Canada.  Soleiman Hajj Soleiman has been charged with six counts of sexual assault and six counts of sexual interference after six girls — all under the age of sixteen — reported to police that a Syrian migrant inappropriately touched them while they were swimming at the West Edmonton Mall World Waterpark this week.  The Syrian refugee, a 39-year-old father of six, was arrested at the scene after the girls reported the incidents to a lifeguard.  Well-meaning Canadians will minimize the claims of these six young girls.  They'll say you can't speak of a trend based on just one incident.  But it hasn't been just one incident.

German police report claims migrants twice as likely to commit crimes as average citizen.  A report by German police alleges that immigrants are twice as likely to commit crimes as the average citizen.  The report from the German Federal Criminal Police Office titled "Crime in the context of immigration" specifies the number of cases police dealt with in the first three quarters of 2015.  In the first nine months of 2015, the police registered a total of 214,600 offences or attempted offences committed by immigrants.  Yet the number of cases in the third quarter was already 23 percent less than in the first quarter, showing fewer crimes were being committed.

Police fearful as riots in French cities continue.  The riots in French cities continue after a 22-year-old man was grossly abused by the police last week.  Police now fear that the next will be that someone shoots at the police to kill, reports NRK.  On Tuesday night [2/7/2017], immigrant youths set 14 cars ablaze.  The cars belonged to a Citroen dealership in the Paris suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois.  A surveillance video shows a group of masked young men who use cans of gasoline to set the cars on fire.

Paris spending $22,000,000 to build wall around Eiffel Tower to stop jihad terror attacks.  "Sadly, the risk of terrorism hasn't gone away," deputy mayor Jean-François Martins said.  Of course it hasn't, because you and your colleagues keep importing more people among whom are certain to be jihad terrorists.  You have brought this problem upon yourselves, and continue to do so.  "It's not a wall, it's an aesthetic perimeter."  Uh huh.  It's a wall.

Alleged gang rape shown on Facebook shocks Sweden.  Outrage and shock are spreading across Sweden over a case against three men of foreign origin arrested on suspicion of raping a woman and broadcasting it live on Facebook.  Swedish authorities said Wednesday that the case against the unidentified men was "growing stronger" amid an increasing backlash against immigrants in a country that took in more asylum seekers per capita than any other nation in Europe last year.  "There have been cases in Sweden before where crimes have been filmed and publicized on social media but not like this," said Pontus Melander, chief prosecutor in the case in Uppsala, the city where the alleged incident took place in an apartment Jan. 22.  "I have seen different cases around the world — but not sexual cases," he added.

Asylum seeker is arrested after 'abusing eighteen women' during a two-hour train journey in Germany.  An asylum seeker has been detained after he allegedly launched a string of sex attacks on 18 women during a single two-hour train journey.  The 23-year-old migrant is suspected of groping the women on a suburban S-Bahn German train line between Munich and Herrsching on January 29.  The Eritrean-born attacker is said to have gone from one carriage to the next touching female passengers.  The sickening spree was exposed after two victims reported their ordeal to the police.

In case you hadn't noticed, Europe is allowing Islam to destroy Europe.  Then blaming it on people who are trying to stop it.  [Video clip]

Britain needs one new home every five minutes to house booming migrant population.  Almost half of new homes built in the next five years will go to migrants, government figures have revealed.  Soaring immigration means that Britain will need to accommodate as many as 243,000 new households each year for the next 22 years, the Department for Communities and Local Government has said.

Trump thwarted: 100 Syrians 'rushed in' over just 2 days.  Since President Trump's immigration restrictions on seven nations were sidelined by a federal judge last weekend, the State Department has rushed in 100 Syrians, according to a report.  From February 5 to February 7, 15 Syrian refugees were sent to New York, 10 to Virginia, 9 to Texas, and the rest to 11 other states, according to State Department numbers posted by Refugee Resettlement Watch.

German police spark outrage for telling authorities to keep refugees away from carnival celebrations.  German police have provoked outrage by advising local authorities not to organise refugee trips to carnival celebrations because of the risk of "undesirable interactions" with locals.  Officers from the headquarters of North Rheine-Westphalia state police (LZPD) said that officers took a "critical view" of the prospect of "mass appearances of refugees and asylum seekers" at the traditional festival.

German residents build fence around flats to keep away from new refugee centre.  Residents at an apartment complex in Germany have erected a 1.63 metre-high fence around their building in anticipation of a new refugee shelter opening in the area.  More than 300 asylum seekers will move into the new shelter in the Grunau district of Leipzig next month, following a renovation project that cost £5.2 million (€6 million).  But locals in an adjacent block of flats are fuming with the development and have built the fence in an effort to keep the migrants out.

Migrants are to blame for most serious crimes in Sweden, police officer blasts in rant.  A Swedish police officer has launched a seething attack on the country's politically correct approach to immigration as he claimed migrants were to blame for the most serious crimes.  In a Facebook rant, Peter Springare said his post was not politically correct, but he did not care as he was soon retiring after 47 years of service.

Muslim Men Raped 11-Year-Old Girl, Shout "Allahu Akbar" at Sentencing, Girl Had Baby at 12.  It's shocking that the mainstream media does not cover this story as it should.  It's a case of political correctness and a fear of "racism" destroyed the lives of over 1,400 young girls.  Since our press does not bring us much news from the UK, you probably haven't heard about the case of over 1,400 young white working class girls who were used for sex by a group of older Pakistani Muslim men.

Turkey's president tells Angela Merkel to stop using the expression 'Islamist terrorism' because it 'saddens Muslims'.  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today [2/2/2017] rebuked German Chancellor Angela Merkel for using the expression 'Islamist terrorism', saying the phrase saddened Muslims.

Why we don't want to be Angela Merkel's Germany.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been admired by the globalists (and Islamists!) for her welcome to hundreds of thousands of African and Middle Eastern migrants, so this is a reminder of why we must continue to press the Trump Administration and Congress to not emulate her!

I have come to stay forever - not to work.  An asylum seeker from Somalia, says in an interview with Lithuanian journalists that he has come to Germany to live well on taxpayer-funded grants for the rest of his life, without having to work.  As soon as he has received a German citizenship he also plans to bring his whole "little family" of ten people, he says.  Journalists from Lithuania's largest news portal Lietuvos Rytas (Lithuanian Morning) visited an asylum center in Munich.  The 1,200 asylum seekers were from Libya, Somalia and Sudan.

19-Year-old German Woman Raped by Pakistani Muslim Immigrant with Hepatitis C.  A 38-year-old Pakistani man deliberately bit a 19-year-old German woman while raping her in order to infect her with Hepatitis C.  Despite his heinous crime, he will not be deported and was only sentenced to 3 years and 10 months in prison.

Islamists Plotting to Establish Caliphate in Austria, Raids Reveal.  Austrian Islamists were in the process of drawing up plans to set up a caliphate in Austria, a massive raid conducted by over 800 Austrian police officers has revealed.  On Thursday morning [1/26/2017] around 800 Austrian police officers conducted a series of raids in the capital of Vienna and in Graz which saw 16 separate domestic premises searched, and led to the arrest of fourteen radical Islamists who are thought to be connected to the Islamic State terror group.

Afghans accused of raping, broadcasting assault of Swedish woman.  Two Afghan men allegedly stripped and sexually assaulted a Swedish woman at gunpoint on Sunday — and broadcast the horrific three-hour attack on Facebook Live.  The shocking report from The Local newspaper is the second appalling allegation of Afghan immigrants raping someone in Sweden in just the past three months.  Five Afghans were convicted of gang-raping a teenager in October — but were not deported and given just over a year in prison.  The two unidentified men — ages 18 and 20 — implicated in the most recent attack have denied the accusations.

The Muslim Taxi-Cab Rapists:  Average 22 Rapes Per/Week in London.  Many of the sex crimes are being perpetrated by Muslim child grooming gangs responsible for drugging, raping and torturing hundreds and possibly thousands of British girls.  But another wave of sex crimes involves predatory Muslim minicab drivers who are raping female passengers.  The number of so-called minicab rapes is snowballing to such an extent that a British judge has issued a warning that no woman can expect to be safe while traveling in a cab.  Reliable statistics on minicab rapes nationwide are difficult to obtain, and Freedom of Information requests seeking accurate data on minicab-related sexual assaults are routinely denied.

Queen's Chaplain Who Questioned Quran Prayers in Cathedral Steps Down After Attempts to 'Silence, Defenstrate' Him.  Less than a week after one of the Queen's Chaplains spoke out against an Islamic Prayer denying the divinity of Jesus Christ being read out in a Scottish Cathedral, the senior churchman has tendered his resignation from that office.

Sweden Crumbling:  Demands for military intervention as thugs turn Malmo into 'no-go zone'.  The Sweden Democrats have demanded soldiers should be sent to Malmo to reestablish law and order as violent thugs have turned the city into a 'no-go zone'.  Launching a seething attack on the red-green parties in Malmo, Magnus Olsson said it was time to call in the military to end the surge in violent crimes that have been sweeping the city.  Painting a blake picture of Sweden's third largest city, the opposition politician blasted Malmo has lost enough of its citizens to shootouts, grenade attacks and murders.  Speaking to Expressen, Mr Olsson also said there was a great lack of police officers in Sweden, which means officers could benefit from the armed forces' resources.

Top Bishop:  Europe Will Soon Be Muslim Because of Our Stupidity.  Everyone in Italy and the rest of Europe will "soon be Muslim" because of the country's "stupidity", a prominent Italian archbishop has said.  Monsignor Carlo Liberati, Archbishop Emeritus of Pompeii, said that Islam will soon become Europe's main religion thanks to the huge number of Muslim migrants alongside the increasing secularism of native Europeans.

Europe, Now You See It, Now You Don't!  In Germany, and also in Sweden, Germans and Swedes are not allowed to get a glimmer of the peril their governments have put them in, in the name of multiculturalism, even though Muslims especially laugh at and dismiss the vaunted value of multiculturalism, and proclaim that Islam will dominate and that Sharia-defined "culture" will set the terms of a country's existence.  Muslim committed crime rates are not to be reported or publicized for fear of "offending" Muslims, or for creating a prejudice against Muslims and all "migrants" (a.k.a. invaders).

Germany — where mocking headbag-wearing Muslim women could get you thrown in jail.  Nice to know there are still some Germans with a sense of humor in the midst of the never-ending Muslim invasion.

Getting new housing in your town?  Then you will get refugees!  Here we have news from Kansas where a federal refugee contractor crows about all the new housing that could be available for refugees in Liberal, Dodge and Garden City, Kansas.  Governor Brownback recently withdrew the state from the Refugee Admissions Program, but that means nothing unless he is willing to sue the federal government on states' rights grounds.  His withdrawal means that contractors, like the International Rescue Committee, will move in to run the program with Washington.

U.N. Is Sending 62 Percent of All Refugee Referrals to the U.S..  Not only has the United States shelled out the most funding for the United Nations, but the international group has also been referring the highest number of refugees to our country, as well.

Official Data:  Sexual Assault Jumps by 70 Per Cent in Sweden.  The number of Swedes claiming to have been sexually assaulted has risen by 70 percent in two years, with more than 13 percent of women reporting to be too fearful to go out in the evening.  In 2014, just 1 percent of Swedes said they had been sexually attacked, jumping to 1.7 percent of the population in 2015 — equivalent to about 129,000 people.  In 2013, 1.3 percent of Swedes said they were victims, and before that, between 2005 and 2012, the level of reported sexual crimes had remained relatively stable, hovering around the 1 percent risk mark for seven years.

Austria: Muslim migrants pretended to be children, swindled $105,000 in benefits.  "Two of the accused denied the accusation of having unlawfully obtained the social benefits, claiming their parents were to blame as they wrote down the dates of birth according to the Afghan calendar (the Solar Hijri calendar)."  If their parents wrote down their dates of birth by whatever calendar, that would not change their ages.  All that officials would have needed to do was convert the Hijri date to the Gregorian date, which is not a difficult thing to do, in order to determine their ages.  And if the parents wrote down their ages according to the Hijri, rather than the Gregorian, calendar, they would be listed as older, not younger, than they actually are, because Hijri years are shorter.

Lawless Sweden:  Lone migrant youths turn shopping centre into 'NO-GO ZONE', officials say.  Migrant youth gangs have turned Sweden's largest shopping centre into a "no-go zone" as they intimidate police, harass girls and deal drugs openly.  Gothenburg police have been forced implement extraordinary measures to cope with the increased number of incidents, which have left shoppers and business owners terrified of their workplace.  Nordstan is Sweden's largest shopping centre in terms of sales and number of visitors, however once the shops close at 8pm, criminal youth gangs take over despite officers turning out in force.

Media Blackout as yet another Somali Muslim so-called 'refugee' is convicted of attempting to sexually assault a special-needs disabled woman.  Liban Mohamed, 39, was in the the United States for only about a week when he tried to force himself on a 31-year-old woman with severe disabilities in Aberdeen, South Dakota.  He is not a U.S. citizen, but whether he will be deported in the wake of his conviction remains unclear.

Italy: 31-year-old African Migrant Rapes & Impregnates 12-year-old girl.  Sometimes cultural enrichment comes at a steep price.

Did Angela Merkel roll out the red prayer rug for an Islamic State (ISIS) general?  According to an Italian intelligence report, former NATO soldier-turned Islamic State (ISIS) commander Lavdrim Muhaxheri (below) has fled the Syrian battlefield and returned to Europe with up to 400 of his seasoned jihadi fighters in tow, posing as refugees.

German State Wants to Block Deportation of Migrants If They Are Victims of 'Right Wing' Crime.  A German federal state is considering forbidding the deportation of all migrants who happen to witness, or are victims of, "right wing" crimes when in Germany.  Brandenburg's state parliament became the first in Germany to offer migrant victims of crime extra rights last year, after a rise in recorded "right wing" attacks.  The new anti-deportation measure is being pushed by the Ministry of the Interior.

Lawyer: Afghan Murderer Attacked Cops With Claw Hammer Because Left-Hand Drive Britain Is Too Stressful.  An Afghan migrant, who was convicted of beheading a woman in the Netherlands, walked unchecked into the UK where he went on to brutally attack two police officers with a claw hammer.  Jamshid Piruz's lawyer defended his actions by insisting the "offence was committed at a time of stress for my client" as he "was in a foreign country" and was "very confused by the vehicles driving on a different side of the road," reports to the Daily Mail.  He had been sentenced to 12 years in jail for slaughtering a female tenant in the Netherlands in 2006.  The judge rejected his insanity plea, and court documents said he was "inspired by Taliban movies" and had acted "intentionally and with premeditation".

German Development Minister: 'Eight to Ten Million Refugees Are Still on the Way'.  It's time for Germany to put an end to it.  Some migrants — eg., those who clearly are refugees, those who have no other place to go, those with German family members (husband, wife), those who actually add something of value to Germany — are and still should be welcome, but 90% (or more) of these folks have to be told they aren't welcome now and they'll never be welcome.  Ever.  If they arrive, they need to be shipped back to whatever country they came from.  That may be rather disappointing to them, but it'll be even more disappointing to everybody if Germany changes into some sort of European Syria.

Revealed: 1,000-Man Mob Attack Police, Set Germany's Oldest Church Alight on New Year's Eve.  At New Year's Eve celebrations in Dortmund a mob of more than 1,000 men chanted 'Allahu Akhbar', launched fireworks at police, and set fire to a historic church.  Already by 7 pm a man was hospitalised with first-degree burns to his face and hands after fireworks were hurled at a group of homeless people outside the city's main train station.  More than two dozen people were injured at festivities in Dortmund, some seriously.

1,000 Muslims screaming "Allahu akbar" set fire to Germany's oldest church on New Year's Eve.  This is war, but only one side is fighting.  Those who are dismayed at what Muslims in Germany are doing, and what to stop it, are denounced as neo-Nazis.

Obama Throws Importation of Muslim Refugees Into High Gear.  The numbers of colonists from the terror hot zones of Syria and Somalia are shooting through the roof.  As for the economic benefits that would be the only sane reason to accept more immigrants, an infinitesimal percentage of them have college educations.  Those who work at all will be competing for jobs that are already scarce.  The Gatestone Institute recently reported that of 1.2 million immigrants arriving in Germany in 2014 and 2015, only 34,000 have found work.  That is less than 3%.

France Burning:  Officials 'hide' arson stats as 1,000 cars set alight in sinister torching.  The French government has been accused of hiding their inability to control the country's sinister New Year's Eve torching tradition as the interior ministry claimed the night passed "without any major incident" — but almost 1,000 cars were set on fire and destroyed.  On Sunday [1/1/2017], the French officials chose to release a low figure of 650 destroyed cars which only indicated the vehicles that were "set on fire" — a figure which did not include those car that were completely destroyed and engulfed in ensuing flames.  But the official figures revealed a 17 percent rise since last year's arson attacks, as a total of 945 parked cars were torched during the terrifying tradition.

Germany: 70-year-old woman brutally beaten by five young Muslim savages.  The reason?  Her refusal to sell them cigarettes where German law stipulates cigarettes may only be sold to people at least 18 years old, which none of them were.  When she refused to sell them cigarettes, they began screaming in her face and tried to grab the cigarettes by force.  Then they attacked her with sticks and gave her a savage beating.  [Video clip]

Asylum seekers scam German aid program for millions by applying with 'up to 12' fake IDs.  A special commission in the northern German city of Braunschweig will investigate over 300 cases of fraud committed by asylum applicants, who gamed the welfare system by using multiple IDs to claim benefits — and that may just be the tip of the iceberg.  The estimated total loss of taxpayer money in the state of Lower Saxony alone has been put at three to five million euros ($3.2-5.3 million), Regional German broadcaster NDR reported.

'Off her rocker' Merkel mocked for urging Germans to beat terror with love and compassion.  Angela Merkel was branded "mad" and "off her rocker" today after giving a bizarre New Year's Eve speech telling Germans to fight the bombs and guns of Islamic State with love and compassion.  The embattled Chancellor, who is surrounded by armed guards around the clock and travels everywhere in a bullet-proof car, said terrified citizens should meet the ISIS terror threat with "openness".  Her remarks come less than two weeks after a failed asylum seeker drove an articulated truck into families at a Christmas market in Berlin, killing 12 and seriously injuring dozens more.

Knife-wielding Afghan migrant 'stabs Christian woman, 50, because she was reading the Bible at the Austrian refugee centre where he lives'.  An Afghan migrant attacked a Christian woman at an asylum centre because he could hear her reading the Bible.  The 50-year-old was attacked in accommodation in Timelkam, Voecklamarkt in North Western Austria.  Her alleged attacker was a 22-year-old man from Afghanistan who had taken offence to the fact that the woman had been invited by Christian residents of the property to discuss the Bible.

15,479 Syrian Refugees Have Been Admitted This Year — 606% More Than 2015; 98.8% Are Muslims.  Of the 15,479 Syrian refugees admitted by the end of Thursday [12/29/2016]:
  •   15,302 (98.8 percent) are Muslims — 15,134 Sunnis, 29 Shi'a, and 139 other Muslims
  •   125 (0.8 percent) are Christians — 32 Catholics, 32 Orthodox, five Protestants, four Jehovah's Witnesses, and 52 refugees described only as "Christian" in State Department Refugee Processing Center data
  •   43(0.27 percent) are Yazidis
  •   Eight are "other" religion and one is described as having "no religion"
  •   3,904 (25.2 percent) are males between the ages of 14 and 50
  •   3,521 (22.7 percent) are females aged 14-50
  •   7,428 (47.9 percent) are children under 14, of whom 3,824 are boys and 3,604 are girls.
Last year's intake of Syrian refugees was considerably smaller — 2,192 in total — although the religious ratio was similarly skewed:  2,149 Muslims (98 percent) and 31 Christians (1.4 percent).

Cologne police chief rejects claims of 'racial profiling' after hundreds of 'African' men detained.  Cologne's chief of police dismissed claims of racial profiling Sunday [1/1/2017] after officers detained hundreds of North African men in an effort to prevent a repeat of sexual assaults during New Year's festivities in the German city a year ago.

Obama Drops 502 Refugees on Nebraska in Final Weeks Before President Trump.  President Barack Obama's deputies have dropped 502 additional refugees into Nebraska during the first three months of FY 2017, according to the Department of State.  The refugee resettlement rate for FY 2017 to date is significantly higher in Nebraska than it has been during any other year in the more three decades the state has participated in the federal refugee resettlement program.

Some people learn more slowly than others.
Terrorism is 'greatest threat' to Germany says Angela Merkel, months after letting more than a million Middle Eastern migrants into her country.  Angela Merkel has told German citizens that the biggest challenge the country is facing is from Islamist terrorism.  In her New Year message she tells Germans that their country is stronger than terrorism and the government will do everything to ensure 'security in freedom'.  In her annual televised message, which is being broadcast today [12/31/2016], chancellor Mrs Merkel says 2016 has been 'a year of severe tests', the toughest of them Islamic extremist terror.

Gang of Muslim Immigrants Seriously Injure 2 German Children After Spraying Them With Flammable Liquid and Setting Them on Fire on the Playground.  Two children aged nine and ten were injured on Friday in a playground on the street at the island by three strangers.  At around 1:20 pm the perpetrators attacked their victims with a spray can and a lighter.  The children suffered burns and were taken to a hospital for ambulatory treatment with a rescue vehicle.  The transient suspects are young people who looked Eastern European.

Obama is dumping as many unvetted Muslim freeloaders, rapists, and jihadists as he can into poor Christian communities.  Barack Hussein Obama has approved resettlement (including airfare, free housing and welfare) for some 100,000 mainly Muslim invaders into the U.S. for fiscal year 2017 (which began in Oct[ober]).  Hopefully, Donald Trump will reverse this executive order immediately, and stop the Islamic tidal wave.

Afghan Teens Convicted of Gang Rape in Sweden Won't Be Deported, Because It's 'Too Dangerous'.  Five Afghan teens who filmed themselves gang-raping a boy under the age of 15 will not be deported from Sweden — because they would be "hit very hard" by such a punishment.  On October 24-25, five Afghan teens in the Gottsunda area of Sweden held a boy at knife-point, beat him and dragged him into the woods, then attacked and gang-raped him for about an hour.

Five Afghan teenagers are convicted of gang-raping a boy at knife-point in Sweden — but none will be deported because their homeland is 'too dangerous'.  Five Afghan teenagers have been convicted of gang-raping a boy in Sweden — but none of them will be deported because their homeland is 'too dangerous', it has emerged.  The victim, who is under 15, was filmed during the attack, which happened in woodland in Uppsala, south east Sweden.  He was beaten and dragged out to the forest at knife-point before being subjected to an ordeal lasting more than an hour, prosecutors say.  After a trial, the teenagers were found guilty of aggravated rape — but despite requests by prosecutors, they will not be expelled from Sweden because of their age and the dangers they would face in their homeland.

Germany At Boiling Point:  Terror-hit nation sees over 1,000 attacks on migrant camps.  Division is spreading through German communities as fresh figures reveal attacks on asylum seekers remain a big problem — despite arrivals slowing down.  Fewer refugees arrived in Germany in 2016 yet assaults on asylum seekers and vandalism of their homes remained at a high level.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel sparked mass protests in her home nation after more than one million migrants arrived to benefit from her open door policy.

Obama administration now bringing in 290 Muslim migrants every day.  Yes, they are overwhelmingly Muslim, so we can be sure that many will bring with them a model of society and governance that they are convinced is superior to the one they will encounter here.  And many will be determined to replace the one with the other.  Obama is sowing the seeds of civil strife for decades to come.

Italy Says Another 900 Migrants [have been] Picked up in [the] Mediterranean.  Another 900 migrants have been rescued from stricken boats off Libya, Italy's coastguard said Wednesday, three days before the end of what is already a record year for arrivals at the country's southern ports.  Most of the latest batch of migrants were picked up overnight from two wooden boats travelling together and around 40 people were rescued from another boat at dawn.  Around 400 were rescued by the Aquarius, a rescue boat operated by charity SOS Mediterranee, which said the migrants it had taken on board included Eritreans, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Somalians and Syrians.

Obama Admin Rushes To Resettle Refugees During Last Days In Office.  The Obama administration is resettling significantly more refugees in the final weeks of 2016 compared to the same time period last year, state department figures reveal.  From the start of Fiscal Year 2017, Oct. 1 2016 through Dec. 27, a total of 25,671 refugees have been resettled in the United States — little over 290 refugees per day.  During that same time period in 2015, 13,791 refugees were resettled, almost 157 per day.  The Obama administration resettled nearly 85,000 refugees in FY 2016 and the White House is on pace to resettle nearly double that amount.

Seven Refugees Who Attempted to Set Fire to Homeless Man May Face Jail in Berlin.  Berlin prosecution called on Tuesday for prison sentences for seven refugees, aged between 15 and 21, on charges of attempting to set fire to a homeless man sleeping in a subway station in Germany.  Six of the seven defendants turned themselves over to police, while the seventh was arrested after images of the incident were captured on Monday by video cameras at the subway station.  The prosecution confirmed that the refugees are six Syrians and a Lebanese, all of who arrived in Germany between 2014 and 2016, and are registered as asylum seekers.

Syrian Refugees Celebrate Christmas By Torching Homeless Man.  German authorities arrested seven refugees Tuesday morning [12/27/2016] in connection to an assault committed against a homeless man in a Berlin subway station.

The Real Russian Agent.  Liberal Democrats have been so busy accusing Donald J. Trump of being a Russian agent that they have missed the real Russian agent on the international scene — Germany's Angela Merkel.  Her pro-Muslim immigration policies have not only destabilized Europe and increased terrorism but have also facilitated the rise of the right-wing political parties our media have expressed alarm about. [...] The Muslim invasion of Europe, which has been accelerated by Russian aggression in the Middle East, is being facilitated by such figures as Germany's Chancellor Merkel, often described as the most powerful leader in Europe.  President Barack Obama and liberals in America love Merkel because she shares their belief in multiculturalism.  Like Obama, she wants to invite in as many Muslims as possible.  The result, as predictable as night follows day, is more Islamic terrorism.

Obama dumps registry for some immigrant men, mostly Muslims.  The Obama administration said Thursday [12/22/2016] it is officially scrapping a post-9/11 requirement for immigrant men from predominantly Muslim countries to register with the federal government.

German political analyst:  After Berlin jihad attack, Merkel is ruined, open door will close.  The Berlin truck attack follows a series of other "lone wolf" attacks that some experts try to diminish in importance; however, the "Berlin bloodbath" appears to be a tipping point.

Geert Wilders Warns "Political Revolution Is Brewing In Europe".  Yesterday, the Islamic State claimed the Berlin terror attack of Monday evening, in which twelve people were killed with a truck at a Christmas market.  The killer managed to escape.  However, in the truck the police found identity papers belonging to Anis A., a Tunisian who came to Germany as an asylum seeker in 2015.  When last year German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened Germany's borders to almost one million refugees and asylum seekers, she invited the Trojan horse of Islam into her country.  Among the so-called refugees were many young men of Islamic background, filled with hatred for the West and its civilization.  One of them was Anis A.  It took almost a year for the German authorities to reject his asylum request, but meanwhile the man had disappeared.

Austin Mayor, Feds Colluded as Texas Gov. Sued to Keep Syrian Refugees Out.  After the governor of Texas announced that the state would stop accepting Syrian refugees, the Obama administration went behind his back secretly conferencing with a mayor that offers illegal immigrants sanctuary and Syrians a welcome mat.  The plan, evidently, was to continue sending Syrian refugees to the Lone Star State, even as the governor initiated litigation to halt the flow.  This week Judicial Watch obtained records of the administration's behind-the-scenes efforts to keep sending Syrians to Texas despite fierce opposition from state officials over the security threats created by refugees from an Arab nation that's a hotbed of terrorism.

Obama Admin Keeping Syrian Refugee Vetting Details Classified, Hiding Potential Flaws.  The Obama administration is keeping details about how it is vetting Syrian refugees for terrorism ties classified, drawing concerns from Congress that the administration is using a flawed screening process that expedites the timeframe needed to fully vet foreign individuals, according to new congressional communications obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.  Rep. Sean Duffy (R., Wis.) is petitioning the Obama administration to publicly disclose the vetting process and explain how officials can ensure in an expedited timeframe that Syrians admitted into the United States do not have ties to terrorism, according to a letter sent by Duffy to the White House.  The Obama administration has repeatedly shortened the timeframe allocated to vet these refugees for terrorism, with checks now taking less than three months despite warnings from security officials who have asked for up to two years to perform the necessary background checks.

Germany has 7,000 terror suspects at large and is finding it 'almost impossible' to monitor them, former UK intelligence chief says.  Germany is finding it 'almost impossible' to keep track of around 7,000 potential terror suspects in the country, a former British intelligence chief has warned.  Richard Barrett, who was head of counter-terrorism at MI6, said the authorities were finding the number of 'live' cases unmanageable.  The grim assessment came as German security services face difficult questions following the Berlin Christmas market massacre.

Just 34,000 migrants out of 1.2million to arrive in Germany in the last two years have found work, government reveals.  Just 34,000 migrants out of the 1.2 million who have arrived in Germany in the past two years have managed to find a job, new figures have revealed.  The statistics from the German government's Institute for Labour Research (IAB) reveal how only three percent of those who travelled to the country are now working.  And in addition out of those who are employed, nearly a quarter are just on temporary contracts, with the numbers applying to migrants mostly from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea.

Somali American goes home for visit to Somalia!  There is no reason that we are admitting thousands of Somalis to the US every month when their country is safe enough for newly elected Minnesota legislator, Ilhan Omar, to go home for a visit!  Maybe it is time for Omar to stay at home and help Somalia!  Legitimate refugees claim that they fear to go home because they they will be persecuted!  What a joke!  I've just been telling readers in my two previous posts that we have admitted over 100,000 Somalis to the US since Black Hawk Down (over the last two plus decades) and they are coming in now at the highest rate ever!

Police Hand Out 6000 Rape Alarms for New Year's After Migrant Attacks.  The interior ministry said Tuesday [12/20/2016] that officers will be distributing the devices in the run up to the festive celebrations in the capital Vienna, Welt reports.  "It's a national campaign aimed primarily at women on New Year's Eve," ministry spokesman Karl-Heinz Grundboeck told AFP.  When activated, the gadgets will emit a shrill sound aimed at deterring potential attackers and attracting help, Mr. Grundboeck explained.

On Trucks As Tools Of Terror.  Angela Merkel imported the terrorist who killed people with a large truck and trailer laden with steel.  She has imported terror into Germany.  She is an idiot, and should be deposed, immediately. [...] Now, the intellectuals among you will read this, and you will pass over the fact that a heavy truck was used in this most recent terror attack in Berlin, just as you failed to note something of importance in the Nice, France attack in which a heavy truck was used.  You smart people think that just anyone can get into a truck and drive it.  Nothing could be less true than to suppose this. [...] This is Angela M.'s fault.  She has been played like a fiddle by Islamic terror.  She is the ultimate useful idiot to the mullahs and terrorist leaders who plan this sort of stuff.  And, she is an architect of the Euro Union stupidity on immigration policies for Middle Eastern "refugees."

Muslim Terror For Christmas.  The killer repaid the generosity of Europe's open borders by smearing the blood of its people across a Christmas market as the mass migration of Muslims to Europe has made Muslim terror into a new Christmas tradition.  In the UK, six were arrested in an alleged Christmas shopping bomb plot as SAS men are being deployed to watch over British cities.  Earlier this week, there were reports that ten Muslim teenagers had been busted in a plot to bomb Christmas fairs in Belgium.  Last year, two Muslims had been arrested there in yet another Christmas-New Year terror plot.  There had been warnings that ISIS was plotting a Christmas market attack this year, but attacks on Christmas markets were a fine Muslim tradition in Europe even long before the Islamic State was a twinkle in the eye of the Islamist butcher who would later be known as the "Sheikh of the Slaughterers."

Hey, Remember All That "Fearmongering" About Muslim Refugee Terror?  When Merkel threw open the doors to the calamitous horde of migrants, she ushered in utter disaster.  The myth about Muslim refugee immunity from terror had already been collapsing.  These days it's on its last legs but in the United States, the usual suspects will still strive to offer the usual arguments.  Reality is hard to beat in a debate though.  And reality is as grim as the horror that took place in Berlin.  Muslim refugees are a cold wind that blows terror through the cracks in the open borders of the world.  Walls don't make good neighbors.  They prevent horrors like the one that was inflicted on Christmas shoppers in Berlin.

London: Muslim child rapist jailed for series of horrific attacks on 10-year-old girl.  A vile child rapist has been jailed for repeatedly attacking a 10-year-old girl who he groomed online.  Mohamed Igal, 23, manipulated his "vulnerable" victim under the social media nickname "Wavey CJ" after meeting her on an estate in Southwark.  She had recently moved to the capital from overseas to live with her family.

At present rate, almost 14,000 Syrians would enter US this fiscal year, 98% Muslim.  Two days ago, I reported on the total number of refugees being rushed in to the US right now presumably to beat an expected cut-off of resettlement from at least some countries (terror-producing) of the world after Donald Trump becomes President on January 20th.  And, although we reported new proposed sites have been placed on hold (see Bloomington, IN), there are still plenty of existing sites where refugees are being placed at the highest rate in recent memory.

'Multiculturalism is dead' LBC host savages liberals as real racists who failed Britain.  A radio host declared multiculturalism a failed policy that has transformed Britain into an unfair, segregated country[.]  Maajid Nawaz, the founder of a counter-extremism think tank, said liberals and left-wing activists were the major force behind the failure of Britain's communities.  He said multiculturalism had created a hostile country where anyone who spoke out against segregated communities was immediately labelled an "Islamophobic bigot".

Berlin police arrest suspect who kicked woman down subway stairs.  Police in Berlin have arrested the man suspected of kicking a woman down a flight of stairs at a subway station.  Video of the senseless act of violence went viral and led to a massive outcry for the suspect's arrest.

12-year-old tried to blow up German Christmas market.  A 12-year old German-Iraqi boy tried to detonate a bomb at a Christmas market in the western town of Ludwigshafen last month and planted another explosive device near the town hall a couple of days later, German prosecutors said on Friday [12/16/2016].  Focus magazine cited security and judicial sources as saying the boy was "strongly radicalized" and apparently instructed by an unknown member of the militant group Islamic State.  A spokesman at the Federal Public Prosecutor Office in Karlsruhe confirmed that officials were investigating the case but declined to comment on any possible Islamic State link.

Map reveals shocking extent of migrant sex attacks on women and children.  THE terrifying scale of migrant sex attacks in Germany has been laid bare in a new map detailing the thousands of locations where women and children have been raped and abused in 2016 alone.  Shocking figures show 2,125 people were sexually assaulted, 199 were raped and and 380 were molested in swimming baths by a combination of refugees or non-German nationals this year.  There were also 319 murders and attempted murders committed by foreign nationals and migrants in 2016, 14 of which were committed against children.

1000 Muslims block London streets chanting Allahu Akbar to demand Islamic caliphate.  More than 1000 Muslims took to the streets of London last night chanting Allahu Akbar and demanding an Islamic caliphate.  The street outside the empty embassy in Belgrave Square, London, was closed off as it filled with protestors and Islamic leaders chanting loudly and calling for America to be punished over Aleppo.  The demonstration became an alternative to an official rally calling for an end to the bloodshed in Syria outside Downing Street.

'My Town Went [Bad] Thanks to Refugees'.  Bamberg is a cozy little town in the Franconian part of Bavaria.  It is known for its vast cultural heritage like the largest medieval town center in Europe, the cathedral or the many churches.  Also the food and especially the beer are treasured all over the world.  Thousands of tourists visit every year and love the flair.  It once earned the name "Germany's dream city". [...] All this changed a few years ago when the Bavarian state government decided to build a new huge refugee center in the eastern part of town.  Around 2,000 refugees are living there right now, but the capacity is to reach over 4,500 in a few months.  Over 5% of the whole population!

Germany: Police to deploy 10x more police for NYE celebrations - to deter Muslim rapists.  Cologne will deploy TEN times the number of police officers it had on the streets last December at its 2016 New Year's Eve celebrations.  Officials are determined to avoid at all costs a repetition of the disgraceful scenes of the last day of the year in 2015 when mobs of immigrant men sexually assaulted and robbed hundreds of women in and around the main railway station.  Cologne released details of its security plan for the festivities on Monday with the highlight being a deployment of 1,500 police officers.

Germany: 50 Christian Statues Smashed, Decapitated in Countryside.  One fifth of the so-called "refugees" imported to Germany live in North Rhine-Westphalia.  Earlier this year, interior minister Ralf Jäger requested that the high "concentration" of North African migrants in the state be "redistributed equally" throughout the rest of Germany as they were disproportionately committing crimes.

Muslim "Youths" Caught On Live Camera Grabbing Young European Girl, Stomping Her Head And Then Trying To Gang Rape Her.  This appears to have happened in France.  It was a very close call.  Were it not for the security guards who chased the Muslims off, this woman would have become another casualty in the what is nothing less than yet another Muslim invasion of Europe.

Muslims Are Attacking Christian Churches So Viciously They Are Forced To Have Guards Now- Muslims Have Been Caught Urinating And Defecating In The Pews.  If a Muslim so much as alleges that somebody may have done something to a mosque and with no proof, Muslims will exploded into rioting and violence, nations may pull their ambassadors, and they will attack non-Muslims near them in "revenge" for Islam.  Yet here we have case after case of Muslims committing the foulest acts in European churches such as defecating and urinating in the pews, openly masturbating during services, stealing, and dumping garbage in them and nobody cares.

UNRWA Says Half of the Residents at the Shuafat Camp Aren't Even Refugees.  As people continue to react to the New York Times magazine piece on Shuafat — written by Rachel Kushner, who was sponsored by Breaking the Silence to write anti-Israel articles for a book marking the 50th anniversary of Israel's "occupation" — there are many angles to consider.  I've already written about the violent beginnings of the camp, but part of the reason that Shuafat is so crowded is because thousands of Arabs who aren't even considered refugees by UNRWA are squatting there.

This Week in Refugees:  Rape, Murder, Terror and Lies.  Migrants are still flooding over the border, and the ones that have settled in are expanding their Islamic cultural enclaves.  Yet the media seems to have forgotten about the consequences of opening the flood gates.  Every day, migrant crime and attempted terror attacks occur — but unless it's a politician's daughter dying or more than a few people, are killed the incidents hardly ever grace our timelines anymore.  In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes as many European countries, we must remind ourselves every single day of the consequences they faced as a result of their mass migrant important.

Obama, Naturally, Is Going to Take a "Classified" Number of [Potential Terrorists] Into the US.  Um, why?  And what power does he have to do this?

Was Nebraska student diagnosed with TB in November a refugee?  I'm wondering if the problems with the US Refugee Admissions Program will hit home once families in resettlement towns and cities find that their kids have to be tested for TB!  And, I've wondered for a long time if volunteers who work with refugees are given instructions on how to stay safe and keep their families safe when interfacing with newly arrived refugees.  Does anyone know?

Germany:  After Video Shows Migrant Kick Woman Down Stairs, Police Search for Leaker.  German police responded to the release of shocking video showing a migrant kick a blond woman down a flight of stairs by launching an investigation into who "illegally" leaked the footage. [...] The attack happened on October 27th.  The video was only leaked last week.  Time is of the essence in such investigations, yet it's already been over a month since the attack.  Who knows when, or if, the police would have ever released the video?

Suspect arrested for subway kick in Berlin.  Last week, German police released surveillance footage of a man kicking a woman down the stairs in a subway in Berlin.  Now police have arrested one of the men who is shown in the video and was in the company of the offender.  The attack occurred on 27 September at the metro station Hermannstraße in Berlin.  When the 26-year-old woman walked down the stairs, a man kicked her in the back so that she fell head first down the stairs.  The perpetrator was in the company of three other men, who did not intervene but left with the perpetrator after the assault.  The woman was taken to hospital with a broken arm.  According to police, the attack seems to have been totally unprovoked.  A case of aggravated assault has been established.

Republicans Demand Transparency on Secret Negotiations to Bring 2,400 Refugees Rejected by Australia into U.S..  Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), who chair their respective Senate and House Judiciary Committees, sent a letter on Tuesday to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Secretary of State John Kerry asking them to declassify documents from their behind-closed-doors deal with Australia to admit 2,400 refugees into the United States that were rejected by that country.  This latest letter follows another on this issue sent last month.

Chancellor Merkel:  Germans Need to Learn to Integrate With the Immigrants.  Below is an excerpt from a speech given by German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the CDU (Christian Democrats) party congress on December 6th, when she announced her intention to run for re-election as chancellor next year.  It's hard to believe the amount of applause she receives.  And look at the ecstatic faces of her supporters in the CDU!  Amazingly enough, instead of dragging her out of her limo and administering summary justice on the street, the German people — or rather, "people who have lived in Germany for a long time" — actually VOTE for her.  Over and over again.

Angela Merkel dismisses rape and murder of EU official's daughter as 'an isolated incident'.  Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel has insisted a record influx of refugees has not led to a surge in violent crime, despite a spate of high profiles cases.  She said the rape and murder of a German student allegedly committed by a teenage Afghan asylum seeker and the arrest of a 31-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker over sexual assaults on two Chinese students were 'terrible isolated incidents'.  Merkel, whose CDU party is holding its annual conference in the city of Essen, called for 'tough sentencing' where people were convicted of serious crimes.

Homeland Security: 900 percent surge in asylum demands, only half of illegals caught.  A [derogatory] new report on the Obama administration's immigration policies and actions shows that about half of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border are actually caught, and demands for asylum have exploded 900 percent.  The report done for the Department of Homeland Security said that asylum demands since President Obama came into office and loosened immigration requirements surged from 17,000 to 170,000.

In France, Le Pen Opposes Public Education for Illegal Immigrant Kids.  With the wind in her sails, "far right" French presidential candidate Marine le Pen called for ending free education to illegal alien children whose parents have violated French law by arriving and staying in France.

America, the Dumping Ground.  Our refugee system contains a million kinds of stupid.  Admitting Somalis who'd been settled for years in Pakistan — like the Ohio State jihadi and his family — is only one of them.  Another "refugee" absurdity was revealed recently — the Obama administration has agreed to admit illegal aliens intercepted at sea by Australia and held in camps outside that country, on two Pacific islands. [...] These are people Australia has decided do not warrant refugee status (or what our law would consider asylum).  Therefore they have no right to move to Australia.  But for a variety of reasons, Australia cannot, or does not want to, send them back, and the "refugees" won't accept offers of resettlement in New Guinea or Cambodia because they're holding out for a First World country.  What's more, their presence in those Australian-run camps on the islands of Nauru and Manus (the latter owned by Papua New Guinea) has become a political headache.  Most are from Iran, with smaller numbers from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and elsewhere.  I can see why Australia would want this deal; it costs Oz taxpayers $2 billion to run the two island detention facilities and closing them down would rid the government of the headache.  But if Australia doesn't consider them refugees, why should we take them?

The West's Politically Correct Dictatorship.  No one can deny that France is under Islamist siege.  Last week, France's intelligence service discovered another terror plot.  But what is the priority of the Socialist government?  Restricting freedom of expression for pro-life "militants."  Under this politically correct dictatorship, Western culture has established two principles.  First, freedom of speech can be restricted any time someone claims that an opinion is an "insult."  Second, there is a vicious double standard:  minorities, especially Muslims, can freely say whatever they want against Jews and Christians.

Geert Wilders Shares Shocking Vid Of Migrants Rioting In The Netherlands.  Shocking video out of the Netherlands shows migrants rioting at an asylum center and engaging in tribal warfare using metal chairs at weapons.  Right-wing Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who is currently favored to be the Netherlands next Prime Minister, said the video was sent to him by an employee.  He says the riot happened at asylum center in Apeldoorn last Friday [12/2/2016].

800 asylum seekers age tested - 600 children were adults.  This year, doctors at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Copenhagen, have been exceptionally busy investigating the age of asylum seekers who have arrived without parents and say they are under 18, writes Jyllands-Posten.  The Immigration Service is asking forensic experts for help if they suspect that a so-called unaccompanied minor in fact is an adult.  From X-rays of the finger bone and teeth, the person's age is determined.

No wonder our politicians banned age tests:  Majority of child refugees checked are ADULTS.  BRITISH ministers are facing serious questions about their decision to ban scientific age tests for 'child' refugees after officials in Denmark revealed THREE QUARTERS of those posing as minors are actually adults.  Officials in Copenhagen used dental X-ray checks — which have been blocked in Britain because they are 'inhumane' — to rumble hundreds of adult migrants trying to clinch asylum by claiming they were children.  Immigration officers referred 800 refugees who they suspected of lying about their ages to specialist scientists, who discovered that at least 600 were far older than they had told authorities.

85,000 refugees under Obama, but less than 10 to D.C..  The Obama administration admitted nearly 85,000 refugees last year, the most since 1999, but less than 10 were settled in President Obama's backyard of Washington, D.C., or .01 percent, according to the State Department.  Overall, 84,995 refugees were accepted under Obama's program of greatly expanding the program to include Syrians.  About a quarter were settled in just three states, Texas, California and New York, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of the State Department data.

Somali Refugees Arriving in U.S. at Highest Rate Ever in First Two Months of FY 2017.  Somali refugees are arriving in the United States at the highest rate ever in the first two months of Fiscal Year 2017, according to the State Department's interactive website.  Between October 1, 2016, the beginning of the fiscal year, and December 7, 2016, a total of 2,775 Somali refugees have arrived in the United States.  That rate is more than thirty percent higher than the previous record during the same period of time during any of the fourteen most recent previous fiscal years, beginning in FY 2002.  The State Department interactive website does not provide refugee arrival data prior to that time.

Ending Multicultural Madness.  Judging from the actions of Democrat politicians, immigrants who come here from Third World cultures and with Third World mindsets are not expected to blend in.  Heaven forbid, as that would be an affront to their "dignity" and go against the grain of multiculturalism.  As a result, separate enclaves are popping up across the country, even in the heartland.  The Democratic Party celebrates Balkanization as this enlarges their constituency base, never caring how it weakens overall American culture and strength.  In a commencement address, Secretary of State John Kerry echoed this theme.  He lectured Americans that we must be prepared to live in a borderless world, a world that he and his fellow globalists are busily trying to construct.  And here, Kerry did not mean borderless in terms of only goods and services and capital.  He meant people, too.  And John Kerry's position is in full accord with the agenda of the globalist elite.

France:  Decomposing in Front of Our Eyes.  What is reality in France today?  Violence.  It is spreading.  Not just terrorist attacks; pure gang violence.  It instills a growing feeling of insecurity in hospitals, at schools, in the streets — even in the police.  The media does not dare to say that this violence is coming mainly from Muslim gangs — "youths," as they call the in the French media, to avoid naming who they are.  A climate of civil war, however, is spreading visibly in the police, schools, hospitals and politics.

Five Afghan teenagers are arrested after a boy is gang-raped at knifepoint.  Five Afghan teenagers have been arrested after a boy was gang-raped at knifepoint in a forest in Sweden, it has emerged.  The victim, who is under 15, was filmed during the attack, which happened in woodland in Uppsala, south east Sweden.  He was beaten and dragged out to the forest at knifepoint before being subjected to an ordeal lasting more than an hour, prosecutors say.

Chairmen tell Obama to release secret refugee agreement with Australia.  The Obama administration has written a secret deal that could let Australia ship more than 2,400 refugees waiting to enter its borders over to the U.S. instead, including refugees from terrorism-connected countries such as Somalia and Syria, two top Republican congressmen said Tuesday [12/6/2016].  But the details of the agreement have been deemed classified by the administration, shielding Americans from knowledge of what President Obama has agreed to, said House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte of Virginia and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa.  They have seen the agreement and said there's no reason it should be hidden from the public.

Arrest of refugee in rape and slaying in Germany threatens Merkel's immigration policy.  The arrest of a 17-year-old Afghan refugee suspected of raping and killing a young German medical student turned into a political maelstrom Monday, with opponents pointing to Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision last year to welcome more than a million migrants into the country.  Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel tried to calm the brewing storm by insisting it was unfair to blame all refugees from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq for a single criminal act, but the fallout from the slaying of 19-year-old Maria Ladenburger nonetheless left the government on the defensive.

German State Media Defends Not Reporting Girl Raped and Murdered by 'Refugee'.  The Tagesschau show, produced by ARD, the world's largest public broadcaster, claimed that the story was "too regional". Others, however, blame political correctness and an establishment desire to silence criticism of mass migration.  Last week's revelation that 19-year-old Maria Ladenburger — a medical student, migrant home volunteer, and daughter of a prominent European Union (EU) official — was attacked and killed by a recently-arrived 17-year-old migrant shocked the nation.  Despite having a budget of €6.5 billion and 20,617 employees, the public broadcaster decided not to allocate resources to bringing the story to national attention.

Welcome to Munich, the Groping Capital of Europe.  The city of Munich has accumulated more new migrants per square meter than any other city in Germany.  Recently the municipal government invited all the city's 18-year-olds to come to city hall for a little party, and guess what happened?  The authorities were shocked — shocked! — to discover that young male culture-enrichers can't keep their hands to themselves.

Police union chief says open door policy to blame for death of teenager raped and murdered by Afghan migrant in Germany.  The savage rape and murder of a beautiful 19-year-old medical student in Germany at the hands of a teenage Afghan refugee has sparked a frenzied backlash against the 'open door' asylum policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel.  The chairman of the DPoIG police union, Rainer Wendt, said Maria Ladenburger's killing could have been prevented.  He told Bild newspaper:  'We wouldn't have this victim, and so many others, if our country had been better prepared for the dangers that always go along with massive immigration.'

Daughter of top EU official raped and murdered in Germany — Afghan migrant admits killing.  An Afghan migrant has admitted the rape and murder of a medical student, who also worked voluntarily at a refugee centre.  Maria Ladenburger, the daughter of a high-ranking EU official, was returning from a party in the university city of Freiburg in Germany when she was assaulted on a cycle path.  She was raped and then drowned before her body was found in the River Dreisam.  The shocking incident happened on October 16 but details have only been released after an arrest on Friday [12/2/2016].

War on Denmark's Streets:  Migrant chaos sparks clashes between police and protestors.  Violent clashes over immigration have erupted between police and opposing protest groups in Copenhagen, leading to the arrests of 11 people.  Police scrambled to contain confrontations between the "Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West" group, PEGIDA, and pro-immigration counter-protestors.  A video of the dramatic encounter caputures the moment where riot police form ranks to stop pro-immigration protestors reaching the nationalist group, founded in 2014.

Thousands of African Muslim invaders in Tijuana refugee camp have been crossing into the U.S. illegally.  The invaders, nearly all of whom are young males from Africa, are flooding into the U.S. on a daily basis from this camp.  While Americans have been distracted with the presidential election, thousands Muslim illegals have been allowed entry from Mexico, at the same time Obama has ordered Border Patrols to stand down.

Greek authorities say 70 migrants found in northern forest.  Authorities in Greece say they have picked up about 70 migrants, including children, found in a forested area on the outskirts of the northern city of Thessaloniki.

Obama administration stiff-arms lawmakers questioning secret refugee deal.  Nearly 2,500 refugees from terrorism hotspots around the world are bound for the U.S. after being rejected by Australia, but not even top lawmakers can get answers about who they are.  In an unprecedented move, the U.S. State Department has classified details on refugees to be resettled in America via a secret deal made with Australia.  The bi-lateral agreement, which Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called a "one-off," involves 2,465 people currently being held in Papua New Guinea and Nauru who will now be transferred onto U.S. soil.

Stockholm in flames as car fire epidemic rages in no-go'zone.  Shocking footage of cars burning out in Stockholm has emerged as the fire epidemic continues to spread uncontrolled throughout crisis-hit Sweden.  The Scandinavian country has been plagued with arsonist thugs setting vehicles alight, with hundreds of cars burning out since 2015.  In 2016 alone, more than 70 cars have been destroyed as police struggle to combat the increasing violence and criminal activity in the famously liberal country.

Female refugees seeking asylum... from asylum centres.  Increasing numbers of female refugees are abandoning their accommodation centres in Germany to seek sanctuary in homes for domestic violence victims.  The distressing news about the plight of female refugees in Germany comes as the world marks the UN's 'International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women'.  In and around Stuttgart alone there were 105 rapes, assaults and robberies of women and 77 against children in the refugee centres last year, but the local government admits that the number of unreported cases is 'significantly larger.'

43,000 Somali refugees settled in US under Obama, 99 percent Muslim.  The Obama administration resettled 8,858 Somali refugees in the United States last year, and nearly 43,000 during Obama's eight years, a huge number that is now raising concerns after a Somali refugee led a one-man attack spree on the campus of Ohio State.

Merkel Says She Will Deport 100,000 Migrants.  In one of the most shocking flip-flops in recent political history, German Chancellor Angela Merkel now says she will deport about 10% of recently arrived migrants — 100,000 of them.  But more than that, her tone on granting asylum to migrants has radically changed.

9/11 mastermind:  Al Qaeda favors 'immigration' to defeat USA.  The jailed architect of 9/11 revealed that al Qaeda's plan to kill the United States was not through military attacks but immigration and "outbreeding nonmuslims" who would use the legal system to install Sharia law, according to a blockbuster new book.  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed also predicted that intelligence officials using so-called "enhanced interrogation" techniques such as the waterboarding he experienced would eventually come under attack from weak-kneed U.S. politicians and media.

Obama fast-tracks plan to take Muslim migrants rejected by Australia.  Secretary of State John Kerry has secretly negotiated a deal to take illegal aliens from terrorist countries off the hands of Australia, which doesn't want them.  The chairmen of the House and Senate judiciary committees are demanding the Obama administration provide details of a secret resettlement deal in which the U.S. has agreed to take up to 1,800 mostly Muslim asylum seekers who have been rejected by Australia as illegal aliens.  Congress only learned of the deal through media reports two weeks ago and, according to a letter sent to administration officials by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., the deal is not only a matter of grave national security concern, but it could be illegal.  That's because it amounts to an international treaty that Secretary of State John Kerry negotiated without consulting or notifying Congress according to Article II, Section II of the U.S. Constitution, according to the letter, sent by the two lawmakers Nov. 22 to Kerry and DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson.

Migrants burned down refugee centre causing €10 million in damage because there wasn't enough Nutella, Gummibears or chocolate.  A hall which was being used as a refugee centre was burned down because angry migrants were furious about the lack of Nutella and gummibears, it has been claimed.  The building was completely destroyed in the fire, which caused an estimated €10 million in damage.  Two men have been charged with setting fire to the centre in Düsseldorf on June 7, prompting an emergency which left 26 people injured.

Muslim migrants burn [their] own housing over lack of Chocolate.  Muslim migrants — angry that they weren't being given "enough Nutella, Gummibears and chocolate" — burned a conference center to the ground in Dusseldorf, Germany, during Ramadan, according to German Red Cross employees.  The migrants caused nearly $10.6 million in damage to the building used as a major hub to house refugees on June 7, the Express reported Monday [11/21/2016].  It was during Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting in which Muslims avoid eating meals during the day.  The community center canceled its regular daily lunches, even for non-Muslims.  But it provided meals during the early mornings and late evenings.

Don't Muslims in the UK ever work?  In Oldham:  Here's another example of what seems to have become regular parades of Muslim males using amplifiers in the streets, guaranteed to disturb any non-Muslim neighbors unfortunate enough to still be living there, while the UK government subsidizes their very existence.  [Video clip]

Not good:  Nikki Haley to be Trump Ambassador to United Nations.  At the UN, Haley will replace the truly awful Samantha Power (our lengthy Power archive is here), but will she have the gumption to stare down the new UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, an avowed Socialist, who, as UN High Commissioner for Refugees, presided over (and encouraged!) the refugee invasion of Europe and has been pushing the US and other western countries to permanently resettle hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants for the last decade. [...] Indeed the UN is picking the refugees the US has been taking and that is the reason almost all Syrians entering the US are Muslim and not persecuted Christians.

Liberals Are Freaking Out Over The Possibility Of Questioning "High Risk" Immigrants.  The potential pick of Chris Kobach for head of DHS has sent Liberals into apoplexy, starting with Christopher Hayes, on his very low rated show.  The entire 8 minute video is worth a listen as to how Liberals have hissy fits over the notion that non-citizens from countries known to have Islamic extremism should be, get this, vetted.  [Video clip]

95% of Child Rape and Molestation Convictions in the UK Were Committed by Muslims.  These are the results of an investigation into "Child Grooming" (Child Rape and Molestation) in the UK.  The Times identified 17 cases in which men groomed girls they met on the street.  Most of the offenders were of Pakistani origin and most of the victims were white[.]

A Third of Germans Report Feeling 'Like A Stranger In My Own Country'.  A new study reveals some shocking statistics about German attitudes towards Muslim migration to the country.  Around 34 percent of Germans reportedly "completely or slightly agree" with the statement "because of the many Muslims, I sometimes feel like a stranger in my own country."  The report, from German nonprofit Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, surveyed the feelings of German citizens in reaction to increased Muslim migration to the country according to a Tuesday [11/22/2016] Express article.

London's Muslim Mayor Urges Anti-Trump Migrants to Flock to UK.  Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has invited Americans who are annoyed at the election of Donald Trump to migrate to London.  Speaking alongside Google CEO Sundar Pichal, the invitation of Labour politician Khan comes amid rumours sad liberals are threatening to emigrate from the U.S.  Khan brought up reports that, after Donald Trump's shock win in last week's presidential election, left-wing Americans have been looking into migrating.

Translator at German refugee camp says Muslim migrants display 'pure hatred' of Christians.  A translator at German refugee camps has revealed Muslim migrants are showing 'pure hatred' toward Christians and want the country to be Islamised.  The Arabic speaker worked in a number of asylum centres across the country and went undercover to discover migrants were preaching 'pure hatred' about non-Muslims and women were planning to have more children to 'destroy Christians'.  She said the hostility is also visible at asylum homes, where Muslim children refuse to play with Christians.

Migrants steal fireworks and shoot them into offices and homes after rioting in Greek refugee camp.  A group of migrants stole fireworks before shooting them into offices and homes during rioting in a Greek refugee camp.  The protest in the Souda camp near Chios resulted in four people being taken to hospital while police made 50 arrests.  Huge parts of the camp itself were destroyed by fire and officers in riot gear had to step in when windows were smashed and fireworks were being aimed at locals.

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.  Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.  Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs.  Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive. obtained the health data on Wednesday [6/2/2016] following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Ignoring the governor, New Jersey refugee contractors vow to place them as fast as Obama admits them!  In my previous post I said I had two stories today [11/15/2016] (so far) about reactions from within the refugee resettlement industry about the future of the program in a Trump administration.  The second story comes from which begins with the usual heart string-tugging story that has to be the first lesson of Journalism 101 classes at our colleges and universities.  However this story has a little smell to it!

14,074 Syrian Refugees Admitted to US Since Paris Attack; 99.1 Percent Muslim.  The Obama administration has resettled 14,074 Syrian refugees in the United States since the Paris terror attacks a year ago prompted concerns that terrorist groups could exploit refugee admission programs to infiltrate Western countries.  Of those 14,074 refugees, 13,954 (99.1 percent) are Muslims, including 13,808 Sunnis, 27 Shi'ites, and 119 others self-described in State Department Refugee Processing Center data as simply "Moslem."

Before Donald Trump takes office, Obama agrees to take in 1,800 Muslim welfare seekers who were rejected by Australia.  The United States and Australia are close to announcing a deal in which the U.S. would resettle hundreds of asylum seekers banished by Australia to Pacific island camps.  Obama will accept up to 1,800 refugees held for up to three years at Australia's expense in camps on the impoverished island nations of Nauru and Papua New Guinea, where the Muslim invaders have been rioting and burning down buildings.

Hundreds of ISIS fighters have made it into Europe disguised as refugees, say officials.  GERMAN intelligence officials now believe hundreds of Islamic State (ISIS) fighters have made it to Europe disguised as refugees and taught how to apply for asylum before they are called on to strike.  The Federal Intelligence Service (BND) warns of jihadist fighters being specifically trained to hide among migrants and "not to attract attention."  German media reported how the terrorists are schooled in how to perform during police checks and while applying for asylum in Germany.

Jihad Continues to Escalate in the Philippines.  We've been covering the Islamic insurgency in the Philippines for years now.  Along with Thailand, it is one of the two major Islamic insurgencies of which people in the West are mostly unaware.  Since the Jihadist group Abu Sayyaf pledged allegiance to the Islamic State back in 2014, their operations have escalated, at the very least suggesting that funding sources have ramped up their support for the Jihad in the Philippines.

Poughkeepsie: Church World Service official spins about refugee Islamic terrorists.  We told you on October 28th that Church World Service is planning to bring refugees, mostly from Syria and the Middle East, to Poughkeepsie, NY, and the plans were kept secret from the city elected officials and the public in general until very recently.  The arrival of the first Syrians is apparently only a month or so away.  Because most citizens don't fully understand how costly resettlement is and they don't know (because all mainstream media is silent) how disruptive to the social make-up of communities large numbers of refugees have been, they don't know enough to ask enough good questions so they naturally focus first and foremost on the security issue.  They want to know if Islamic terrorists could be hiding among them[.]

Germany: 'We're Somalis, we don't pay': Muslim migrants smash bistro with iron bars.  Why would not paying be a function of being Somali?  Not because of anything that is inherent in being Somali, but because of Islam's idea that non-Muslims have the duty to provide for the upkeep of Muslims. [...] This is, of course, based on the Qur'an:  [Koran quotation omitted] (Qur'an 9:29).

Germany:  Arab Migrants Playing 'Taharrush' Sexual Assault 'Game' At Public Pools.  Taharrush is a "game" in Middle Eastern countries where groups of Arabs surround women and girls and sexually molest them by grabbing their privates and tearing off their clothes.  As over one million Middle Eastern migrants have been allowed to flood into Germany with the promise of endless welfare and German women for the  taking raping, the culturally enriching custom of taharrush has come with them.  The first mass molestation incident went down on New Years Eve in Cologne and elsewhere when hundreds of women were molested and attacked throughout the nation.

United States close to resettling hundreds of refugees from Australia.  The United States and Australia are close to announcing a deal in which the US would resettle hundreds of asylum seekers banished by Australia to Pacific island camps, a newspaper reported on Friday [11/11/2016].

Look at Who is in Charge of Sending Refugees to the United States.  Obama, democrats, and progressives have been hell bent on bringing mass amounts of refugees from Syria.  Little has been known about who is coming nor how they choose which refugees win the 'Going to America' lottery ticket.  Americans have questioned the safety of this in light of terrorist attacks happening abroad and at home, along with the inability to do proper background checks and the fact that ISIS members are already embedded into the refugees.  Americans have overwhelmingly said they do not want refugees brought here.  However, Obama and his defenders, denounce all concern.

20 Islamists found to have infiltrated German army.  Twenty soldiers in the German Army have been discovered to be Islamists — and more may yet be uncovered.  The investigations were and are being carried out by MAD, Germany's military counter-espionage service.  So reports the Clarion Project.

Inside Germany's No-Go Zones:  Part I.  Mass, unvetted immigration from Africa, Asia and the Middle East is turning parts of Germany into no-go zones — lawless areas where the state has effectively lost control and where native Germans, including the police, increasingly fear to come.  German authorities steadfastly deny the existence of such areas, but confidential police reports, testimonies from police on the ground and anecdotal evidence from local citizens all confirm that parts of major German cities have descended into pockets of lawlessness where criminal migrants have usurped control of the streets from German police.  Observers say the problems are being exacerbated by the German government, which has relocated hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers and refugees into these areas.

Germany No-Go Zones:  Police afraid to go into lawless areas after open-door immigration.  No-go zones are emerging throughout Germany as they have become "lawless" places where even police are attacked as a result of mass migration, according to a report.  Gangs of men are preventing people from straying into once vibrant areas of the country for fear of violence, and abuse that even law enforcement has been unable to control.  There are as many as 40 places named in confidential police reports — despite repeated denials from officers — according to a report by US think-thank Gatestone Institute.

Muslims Beat Christian Woman To Death, The Muslims Are Arrested And Then Released.  Five Muslims in Nigeria beat an elderly Christian to death.  They were arrested but now they were just recently freed.

Germany Proposes To Intercept Refugees In The Mediterranean, Send Them Back To Africa.  Any last traces of support Angela Merkel's "open door" refugee policy may have once had in Germany, were crushed, burned and scattered after Germany's Interior Ministry hardened its refugee policy, with media quoting it as saying that the EU should intercept migrant boats trying to reach Europe from across the Mediterranean and send them back to North Africa.  "The elimination of the prospect of reaching the European coast could convince migrants to avoid embarking on the life-threatening and costly journey in the first place," a spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry told German newspaper Welt am Sonntag.

German ministry wants migrants returned to Africa - report.  The German Interior Ministry wants to stop migrants ever reaching Europe's Mediterranean coast by picking them up at sea and returning them to Africa, the Welt am Sonntag newspaper reported on Sunday [11/6/2016].  In what would be a huge shift for a country with one of the most generous asylum policies, the ministry says the European Union should adopt an Australian-style system under which migrants intercepted at sea are sent for processing at camps in third countries.  "The elimination of the prospect of reaching the European coast could convince migrants to avoid embarking on the life-threatening and costly journey in the first place," the paper quoted a ministry spokeswoman as saying.

Merkel migrant U-turn as Germany orders EU to send back boats to Africa.  Angela Merkel today [11/7/2016] performed an extraordinary U-turn on mass migration as Germany ordered the EU to begin turning back boats full of asylum seekers crossing the Mediterranean.  Her interior ministry said Brussels should send out patrols to intercept smugglers' vessels and escort them back to north Africa, marking a massive shift in Germany's official migration policy.  At the moment the EU and member states operate search and rescue operations to save refugees crossing the Mediterranean in often unseaworthy ships, who are then brought to the European mainland to claim asylum.

Video: What mass Muslim immigration with zero integration looks like. Molenbeek, Belgium.  [Video clip]

Migrants committed 142,500 crimes in Germany during the first six months of 2016.  Migrants in Germany have committed 142,500 crimes in just six months, police figures have revealed[.]  This was the equivalent of 780 crimes a day — an increase of nearly 40 percent over 2015, according to data from Germany's Federal Criminal Police Office[.]  It comes as German chancellor Angela Merkel remains under pressure over her open-door policy on immigration amid concerns over how to integrate 900,000 newcomers who arrived last year.

Germany at boiling point:  Furious mob takes to streets hunting and attacking migrants.  A mob of up to 50 stone-throwing neo-Nazis went "hunting" for migrants in the eastern German city of Bautzen yesterday [11/1/2016] in a repeat of scenes which played out there two months ago.

War on the streets of Paris:  Armed migrants fight running battles in the French capital.  A migrant turf war erupted into violence on the streets of one of Paris' trendiest neighbourhoods early this morning as asylum seekers beat each other to a pulp with wooden clubs.  The area around Stalingrad Metro station was turned into a refugee battleground as rival gangs of migrants set upon each other in shocking scenes of violence.  Asylum seekers wearing hooded tops wielded makeshift clubs fashioned from lengths of wood which they used to bludgeon each other as horrified pedestrians looked on.

Merkel's Germany descends into lawlessness.  During the first six months of 2016, migrants committed 142,500 crimes, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office.  And Germany has been hit by a spate of horrendous violent crime including rapes, sexual and physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies, burglaries and drug trafficking.  Adding to the country's woes is the fact that thousands of people have gone missing after travelling there on invitation from Anegla Merkel.

Sweden is turning into a lawless dystopia.  The crisis continues within the Swedish police.  Thousands of reported crimes are on hold, cases that contain hundreds of serious crimes such as rape, murder and attempted murder.  And it just for the police in the South region, writes SVT.  It is the Police Union who have had access to figures leaked from an internal investigation of the work situation for the police.

Federal Judge Asks Why Obama Administration Isn't Admitting Christian Syrian Refugees.  In an otherwise unremarkable opinion over the federal Freedom of Information Act, a federal appellate court judge has issued a sharp rejoinder to the Obama administration over an issue that has been discussed in the news — the almost complete lack of Syrian Christian refugees being brought over to the U.S. [...] President Barack Obama set a goal of resettling 10,000 Syrian refugees in the U.S., and by August that goal had already been exceeded.  But of the "nearly 11,000 refugees admitted by mid-September, only 56 were Christian."

Terror-linked CAIR & DOJ Shakedown Township for $1.7M to Build Islamic School.  The citizens don't want a massive Islamic school that will teach hatred of non-Muslims and other dictates of the Koran and sharia in their neighborhood, nor all the negatives that come with it (traffic, parking and eventually a mega mosque).  But the DOJ is forcing Islam on America.  The results will not be pretty for future generations.  And it all stems from mass immigration (legal and illegal) and refugee resettlement of Muslims.

Desperate ex-Calais Jungle refugees set up home on the streets of Paris after camp demolished.  Rows of tatty tents line the pavements of Paris as refugees exiled from Calais find a new place to set up camp.  The number of UK-bound migrants sleeping in illegal camps in Paris has increased by a third since the destruction of the Calais Jungle, it has emerged.  It raises the prospect of the French capital turning into the new hub for thousands of asylum seekers seeking a new life in Britain.

Christian priest in Germany pelted with stones by children shouting 'Allahu Akhbar'.  The Ethiopian vicar was visiting the town of Raunheim on the outskirts of Frankfurt when the pre-teens started throwing stones at him.  Dressed in traditional priest's gear and wearing a cross around his neck, the 47-year-old was walking to the Russian Orthodox chapel in Frankfurter Straße with a local priest, who wished to remain anonymous, when he was attacked.  The three children, aged between 10 and 12-years-old, shouted "Allahu Akhbar" as they threw the stones, the other priest who was visiting from a nearby church said.

Anger in migrant-hit town as council ploughs £750k into two 'city-shaping' mosques.  Anger has erupted in a migrant-hit German town after it emerged more than £750,000 is being ploughed into building two Islamic mosques.  Mayor of Monheim, Daniel Zimmermann, hailed the religious buildings as "city shaping" after the council agreed to hand €845,000 to centres in the Islamic community.  German political parties including the SPD, CDU, Greens and FDP voted against the controversial plans, but objections were outvoted by the Peto Party, who has a 65 percent majority of the votes.

Sexdömd taxi driver had to continue driving — now prosecuted for rape.  The 39-year-old Arab taxi driver was sentenced in March [after having] sexually molested female customers in Stockholm.  Despite this, he was able to continue driving taxis — and now he is prosecuted for raping another woman during a run.

Major push for UK mosques to make loud call to prayer three times a day.  A petition to allow loud call for prayer, known as Adhan, in UK mosques has been signed by more than 25 thousand people.

How Russia Is 'Weaponizing' Migration to Destabilize Europe.  Speaking to an audience at the German Marshall Fund Brussels Forum last weekend, Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves alleged that these migrants often hide their status as permanent residents of Russia.  "You've seen several thousand coming from Finland across the Russian-Finnish border," he said.  "There is something very fishy going on."  Russia encourages these migrants, according to Ilves and other European officials at the forum, because they strain European governments and stoke anti-Muslim sentiment that benefits the far-right parties Russia has supported.

Germany: Gang of Syrian Muslim boys banned from swimming pool after sexually molesting girls as young as nine.  The father of the schoolgirls said he had dropped them off at the swimming pool as a treat for the older girl's 14th birthday.  He said as soon as they started swimming they were harassed by the Muslim boys who surrounded them in the pool.

German press deliberately covering up Muslim identity of attackers in rape crisis.  "When reporting on criminal offenses, details about the religious, ethnic or other background information of the suspects or perpetrators is to be mentioned only if it is absolutely necessary (begründeter Sachbezug) to understand the reported event.  Remember that such references could foment prejudices against minorities."  Translation:  We want to sell the German public on this Muslim migrant inundation.  So don't tell the people that Muslim migrants are involved in sexual assaults and rapes on a near-daily basis.  This is treason, as it is leading Germany to national disaster, and the German Press Council should be prosecuted.

Michigan Township Defies Feds: 'Will Not Actively Participate in the Refugee Resettlement Program'.  Waterford Township trustees in Oakland County, Michigan, passed a resolution on Monday [10/24/2016] telling the federal government not to resettle any refugees, including those from Syria, within the township's boundaries, until the program "has been significantly reformed."  The vote was unanimous, seven to zero.

In This War Minnesota's Twin Cities Are Lost.  Minnesota is home to the largest Somali population in America.  It is estimated that over 125,000 Somalis live there, most of whom are in the Minneapolis area.  This community sent at least 22 Islamic jihadi fighters overseas to fight for the terrorist group Al Shabaab, although some estimate the number is closer to four dozen.  The Cedar Riverside neighborhood is also called "Little Mogadishu" in reference to Somalia's capital.  Some Minneapolis residents feel parts of their city have become like a third world nation.  Inside a 10 mile radius of Minneapolis city-center, there are at least 29 Islamic Centers/mosques, and an unknown number of home-mosques.  The Twin Cities area is home to Hamas organizations including CAIR and Islamic Associations.  The Muslim Brotherhood's Muslim Students Associations (MSAs) are on at least 21 Minnesota college and university campuses.

Hamburg teenagers walk free after gang-rape conviction.  In the wake of the news that a group of teenagers were unlikely to see any real punishment for gang-raping a 14-year-old girl and leaving her for dead, citizens of the German city of Hamburg called for new rules regarding violent crime committed by minors.  On Monday [10/24/2016], an online petition calling for the teens to see jail time had garnered some 21,000 signatures.  "The sexual self-determination and integrity of a woman must have more weight than any concern for the perpetrators," [of sexual crimes,] says the petition.

Major fire engulfs troubled Calais 'Jungle' camp.  Chaos in the Calais camp resumed overnight, after demolition works restarted on Tuesday afternoon [10/25/2016].  Migrants opposing the demolition of the notorious camp reportedly set the remaining structures on fire.

German weapon sales shoot through the roof.  Germany exported a total of €4.029 billion in weapons and armaments in the first half of 2016:  an increase of half a billion compared to the same period last year.  According to the German government's military equipment report, exports of ammunition for small weapons have multiplied by about ten times.  This year, it has exported €283.3 million, compared with just €27 million in 2015.  Exports of the weapons themselves fell though.  In the first six months, Berlin exported €11.6 million's worth, about €0.8 million less than in 2015.

He didn't know the boy didn't want to be raped' court throws out migrant child sex charge.  An Iraqi asylum seeker who confessed to raping a 10-year-old boy in a swimming pool, claiming it was a "sexual emergency", has had his conviction overturned.  In a truly shocking twist the Suptreme Court decided the grown Iraqi man may not have realised the 10-year-old did not want to be sexually abused by him.  Amir A, 20, was visiting the Theresienbad pool in the Austrian capital of Vienna last December as part of a trip to encourage integration.

Over 1,000 Syrians seeded throughout America in last 3 weeks; 99% Muslim.  Apparently there is no effort being made to resettle more persecuted Christians from Syria than Obama did last year.  1,069 Syrians have been spread around America in the first three weeks of FY2017.  That is 352 a week.  99% or 1,054 practice some form of Islam.  The vast majority are Sunni Muslims.  There were 4 Catholics, 3 Christians and 8 Orthodox identified in the flow.

Violence erupts at Calais migrant camp ahead of planned evacuation.  Closely watched by 1,200 police officers, long lines of migrants waited calmly in chilly temperatures to board buses in the French port city of Calais.  They were headed for resettlement centers in other parts of France.

Obama State Department is pouring refugees in at rate to admit 135,000 by September 2017.  Just as we predicted, Obama's State Department is admitting refugees at a rate not seen in decades.  Are they trying to flood the zone before a possible Trump Administration takes the reins of government in January?  We think so! [...] Obama has proposed a refugee admission plan for 110,000 refugees to be placed in your towns by September 30, 2017.  However, at the rate they are coming in, 135,000 could be here by that date.

Migrant foster mum reveals her horror at discovering '12-year-old refugee' in her care is actually a 21-year-old Jihadi.  Kind-hearted Rosie welcomed Jamal into her family after social workers said he was a 12-year-old orphan who had fled Afghanistan.  But she became suspicious when she noticed how hairy he was, and how adept he was at firing a rifle.  Jamal was rumbled when a dentist estimated he was a decade older than claimed.

Jihadi rehab:  Swedish city plans free driver's license, housing & tax perks for returning fighters.  A Swedish city is considering giving jihadists returning from Syria and Iraq free housing, a driver's license, and tax benefits to ease their reintegration, but social media users have slammed the proposal, saying it ignores the terrorists' victims.  The support for extremists was proposed by Anna Sjöstrand, a municipal coordinator against violent extremism in the city of Lund in southern Sweden.

Francois Hollande admitted there are 'too many immigrants' in France.  French President Francois Hollande has suggested the rise of ISIS can be attributed to Barack Obama not backing his calls for Syrian air strikes back in 2013.  Since then, France has been victim to a string of savage Islamic State terror attacks and the President insisted too many migrants were being let into the country.  'I don't know what would have happened if we had carried out strikes.  What I can say is that we did not carry out strikes, and there's Daesh,' he said, referring to ISIS by its Arabic acronym.

Two-thirds of child refugees screened by officials found to be adults, Home Office figures show.  Nearly two-thirds of "child" refugees who officials questioned about their real age were found to be adults, Home Office documents show.  Figures show that in the year to September 2015, 65 percent of the child refugees who had their age disputed were found to be over 18.  It comes after Conservative MPs raised questions about the ages of 14 refugees who were brought to the UK this week from the "Jungle" migrant camp in Calais.  The Home Office has no way of independently verifying the age of child refugees being brought to the UK.

Germans Are Leaving Germany 'In Droves'.  A growing number of Germans are abandoning neighborhoods in which they have lived all their lives, and others are leaving Germany for good, as mass immigration transforms parts of the country beyond recognition.  Data from the German statistics agency, Destatis, shows that 138,000 Germans left Germany in 2015.  More are expected to emigrate in 2016.  In a story on brain drain titled, "German talent is leaving the country in droves," Die Welt reported that more than 1.5 million Germans, many of them highly educated, left Germany during the past decade.  The statistics do not give a reason why Germans are emigrating, but anecdotal evidence indicates that many are waking up to the true cost — financial, social and cultural — of Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to allow more than one million mostly Muslim migrants to enter the country in 2015.

'Child' Migrants Arrive in UK Covered by Blankets.  Immigration officials accompanied towel-shrouded 'child refugees' arriving in the UK today, after photos of new arrivals sparked a row over the true age of migrants earlier this week.  Photographers were unable to shoot the migrants as they arrived at Croydon immigration centre this afternoon [10/20/2016], raising suspicions the Home Office was attempting to shield themselves from press scrutiny.

The Editor says...
Obviously they're all covered with blankets because a substantial percentage of the "refugee children" are actually adult men who are arriving in England for the purpose of eventually overthrowing the country, either by insurgent warfare or by rapid reproduction.

Here we eat pork, drink alcohol and show our face.  Today starts the Norwegian Government's Integration conference, with several invited experts.  It is, according to the invitation, because of up to three times as many asylum seekers came to the country last year, compared with a "normal" year.  Even before Prime Minister Erna Solberg opened the conference, Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug set the tone with an update on Facebook.

Mature beyond their years:  More fears over real age of 'child migrants' arriving from Calais.  Concerns over the age of child refugees from Calais intensified yesterday [10/17/2016], as a second group arrived in London.  One migrant in particular, wearing a blue hoodie with stubble on his chin, was rated by a facial recognition program as having the features of a 38-year-old.  He was one of 14 to be bussed to Croydon from the notorious Jungle camp shanty town before it is demolished by the French authorities.

Now even aid workers admit 'Calais kids' are lying about their age.  Aid workers in Calais have warned the most vulnerable children face being stranded in the Jungle camp because adults are lying about their age to gain entry to Britain.  Volunteers working in the migrant camp said the process for registering those with family members was 'chaotic' and warned vulnerable children are being left behind.  Critics have claimed that migrants arriving into Britain over the last two days appear to look older than the 14 to 17 years the Government claims they are.

Merkel calls for 'national push' to deport rejected migrants from Germany.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germany needs to make a national effort to deport migrants who were refused asylum.  Merkel said that when migrants came in small numbers, those who were rejected the right to stay in Germany were not deported rigorously enough.  Last year's record influx of asylum seekers showed that such soft practices must be put to an end.

Squalor on the streets of Paris as migrants turn capital into 'Apocalypse'.  Shocking images from once clean-swept Parisian streets have emerged after a filmmaker captured the trail of devastation left by migrants.  African migrants were forced to live on the streets in the world renowned city of romance — turning one area from a perfectly Parisian road, into Calais-like mess.  An anonymous Frenchman wearing a hidden camera recorded the aftermath of a raid on a migrant camp on Avenue de Flandre, near the Stalingrad Metro Station, in the north of the French capital.  According to those who filmed it there were "tens of thousands" in the area.  They also accused the migrants of urinating and defecating in the street.

'These don't look like children to me': Concerns raised over ages of child refugees arriving in Britain.  The Home Office has no way of verifying the age of child refugees being brought to the UK, it has emerged amid concerns that adults are posing as minors to gain access to Britain.  Fourteen "teenagers" on Monday arrived in the UK from Calais as a fast-track system was launched to transfer youngsters from the "Jungle" camp before it is demolished.  The Home Office insisted it had "verified" the ages of all the refugees and that all of those who were brought to the UK were aged between 14 and 17.

Eight members of 'openly racist' violent Asian sex gang raped and 'sexually degraded' three teenage girls in Rotherham.  Eight members of an Asian sex gang in Rotherham were today convicted of sexually exploiting teenage girls after making them suffer 'degrading and violent' acts.  Sageer Hussain, 30, openly boasted that he was racist and told his distraught 13-year-old white victim:  'All white girls are good for is sex and they are just sl*gs.'  Sageer was convicted of four rapes and one indecent assault and his elder brother Basharat, 40, of indecent assault against the same girl at Sheffield Crown Court.

More Scenes Of Paris Destroyed By Muslim Invaders: They Are The Terminators Of Civilizations.  Something which I have discussed before but I cannot emphasize enough is the visual destruction of the Western world through the eyes of those lived on the ground.  This video contains more scenes of the destruction of Paris at the hands of the Muslim invaders:  These scenes of destruction are not limited to just Paris.  This is every major western European city and if not yet, what is coming to every city as these Muslims continue to invade.

Filmmaker's shocking footage shows once-romantic Paris covered in filth and rubbish.  A filmmaker has captured footage revealing trail of devastation left behind by migrants forced to leave on the street in the middle of Paris.  An anonymous Frenchman wearing a hidden camera recorded the aftermath of a raid on a migrant camp on Avenue de Flandre in the north of the French capital.  After the migrants had been forced on to buses by police officers in full riot gear, all that was left was sidewalks blocked with trash, junk and mattresses.  The video also captures the scene before the hundreds of young Africans, mainly Sudanese and Eritreans, were confronted by riot shields and tear gas.

Statistics Show Over 90% of Child Rapists in UK are Muslim.  Jihad isn't the only problem wrought by mass Muslim immigration.

How 900 health tourists gave birth at just ONE hospital.  Women will be asked to show passports before giving birth at one of the country's largest hospitals to cut 'maternity tourism'.  Expectant mothers will have to provide papers showing they are eligible for free NHS care when they arrive for scans.  Those unable to do so will be referred to the Home Office.  They could face deportation.

Austria migrants
Massive Flood of New Immigrants from Muslim Nations.  Hillary Clinton, despite her determination to increase the number of Syrian refugees entering the United States by 550%, knows very well the risks involved in this massive influx of Muslim immigrants, and in her scheme to increase their number even more.  The Daily Caller reported Monday that "in a private 2013 speech, Hillary Clinton worried about the risk of 'jihadists' entering Jordan with 'legitimate refugees' because 'they can't possibly vet all those refugees.'"

UK has 'moral duty' to take in more Calais migrant children, says French minister.  Paris demanded on Monday [10/10/2016] that Britain honour promises to take in migrant children from the notorious Jungle camp in the French port city of Calais, adding to pressure following accusations by the Red Cross that London is dragging its heels.

Missoula, MT: More secrecy now exposed with revelation about resettlement planning document.  So many of you have reported, for months, that you have called your state refugee coordinator or the local resettlement agency only to be stonewalled, denied the document and in some cases made to feel like an idiot when the contractor pretended that you didn't know what you were talking about (what R & P Abstract?).  Some of you ultimately obtained the document using your state freedom of information law.  Bait and switch!  Yes, the R & P Abstract (Reception and Placement Abstract) exists and now the Missoulian writes about it [elsew]here, like it was no big deal.  How many of you in Montana knew until recently that they weren't planning for 50 or 100 refugees but more than that, year after year?  And, as they told you, with a straight face, that they would be benign Christians from the DR Congo you were expected to believe that too.  Now we learn you are getting Somalis, Afghanis and Syrians, three of the most difficult to security-screen groups of Muslim refugees.

Attendance plummets at Oktoberfest amid fears of refugee sex assaults.  The amount of people who attended this year's Oktoberfest — the world's largest beer festival in Munich — dropped to its lowest level in 15 years amid growing fears about rampant rapes and other sex crimes often linked to Germany's burgeoning migrant population.  Oktoberfest 2016 had around 5.6 million visitors, which is some 300,000 fewer than last year.  However even with heightened security, the number of reported sex crimes increased to 31 cases, according to police reports.

Protests on Swedish island, attack on refugee center after rape of wheelchair-bound woman.  Several protests have been held on the Swedish island of Gotland and a refugee center there has been attacked with stones since police released several men, reportedly asylum seekers, accused of gang-raping a wheelchair-bound woman.  The incident took place in the small town of Visby on Gotland on October 2.  A woman in her 30s contacted police about the rape, Swedish Aftonbladet newspaper reported, citing her lawyer Staffan Fredriksson. [...] Swedish police did not release the nationality of the alleged perpetrators, or any other details about them.

French police officers set on fire - 'Planned and organized'.  What happens the day immigrant gangs get tired of burning cars and throwing rocks at the police?  French suburbs are still leading the way, so Malmö police should pay particular attention, as it will soon follow there.  On Saturday afternoon it was not enough for the mob in one of Paris' suburbs to burn cars in the neighborhood.  They instead simply attacked the police with Molotov cocktails — while the police officers were inside the cars.

French policeman attacked by mob in critical condition.  A young French police officer attacked by a group of youngsters is in life-threatening condition, officials have said.  Prime Minister Valls vowed to bring the culprits to justice, condemning the assault as "unspeakable."  The 28-year-old male officer suffered "very serious burns on the hands and the entire body," prosecutor Eric Lallement said on Sunday [10/9/2016].

Federal Contractor Tells Local Official to Keep Syria Refugee Plans Secret.  Judicial Watch today [10/7/2016] released 128 pages of documents it obtained from the mayor of Rutland, Vermont, showing a concerted effort by the mayor and a number of private organizations to conceal from the public their plans to resettle 100 Syrian refugees into the small southern Vermont town.  The documents include an April 14, 2016, email from Amila Merdzanovic, executive director of the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program, to Mayor Christopher Louras, in which she wrote:  ["]I want to share with you the concern my HQ has about holding a public forum.  If we open it up to anybody and everybody, all sorts of people will come out of woodwork.  Anti-immigrant, anti-anything.  They suggest that the forum be invite only but make it as wide as possible.  Work with faith leaders, United Way, etc...["]  The mayor and resettlement organizations shrouded the plan in such secrecy that not even the town's aldermen were informed of what was taking place behind closed doors.

Migrant Kids Sexually Assault Little Girl, School Excuses It With 5 Words.  A fourth grader at a Swedish public school in Eskilstuna got her first introduction to multiculturalism, the leftist pipe dream that all cultures are created equal and can happily coexist.  Unfortunately, this helpless little girl serves as the perfect example of not only why this is blatant propaganda perpetuated to further the liberal agenda but also that the more aggressive, inhumane culture always overtakes the tolerant, progressive culture if given the chance.

Three men charged with sexual assault of 14-year-old Calgary girl.  Police have charged three men with the sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl last year.  Investigators say the assaults occurred while the victim was spending time with the suspects at a southwest home on May 14th, 2014.  It's alleged the 14-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by each of the men at separate times.  The allegations were brought forward to police in August of 2014, at which point officers launched an investigation to determine who the offenders were.

Refugee Resettlement Programs Scam The Public.  Today's Refugee Resettlement program is a study in government-sponsored fraud.  The nine primary resettlement contractors, called "Voluntary Agencies" or VOLAGs, work with 350 subcontractors called "affiliates," and are paid per head to resettle refugees.  This includes $2,025 for each refugee from the State Department's Reception and Placement program, and a Voluntary Agencies Matching Grant of up to $2,200 for employment-eligible refugees from the Health and Human Services Department's Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).  To receive the matching grant the VOLAG must provide $1 for every $2 of grant money, i.e. $1,100 to receive the maximum $2,200.  A minimum twenty percent of the VOLAG contribution ($440) must be cash.  The rest can be donated furniture, clothes, food and other goods, or volunteer time at a specified hourly rate.  By obtaining cash and in-kind donations from the public, the VOLAG pays little or nothing.

Obama State Department bringing refugees in at the astronomical rate of over 400 a day!  It wasn't hard to guess that as he leaves office (and fears build of a Trump presidency), Obama will make an outrageous last ditch effort to open the flood gates to refugees from across the globe and most especially from Muslim-dominated countries.  Expect to see unheard of numbers before Inauguration day in January.  Michael Leahy writing at Breitbart this morning has done the math and it is simply stunning!  The flood has begun in the first week of the fiscal year!  It is no wonder, as I told Leahy, that the US State Department is scrambling to get dozens of NEW resettlement offices up and running!

DHS: 29% jump in green cards to Muslims under Obama.  Legal permanent resident "green cards" to Muslims have rocketed 29 percent under President Obama, a trend likely to increase due to the population explosions in the Muslim world, according to figures from the Department of Homeland Security.  An analysis of DHS data by the Immigration Reform Law Institute during the Obama administration found that 18 percent of all green cards, granting legal immigration residence, went to those from majority Muslim nations in fiscal year 2014, up from 14 percent the year Obama was elected.  According to the analysis, immigrants from Muslim nations accounted for 178,403 of the 1 million green cards distributed in fiscal 2014, the last year data is available for.

Clinton and Merkel, The Scourges of the West.  Mike Cernovich created a commercial.  It puts Hillary and Merkel together and makes the point that their willingness to accept huge quantities of unvetted refugees from the most violent countries in the Middle East, which is destroying Germany and if Hillary becomes president the same will happen right here.

More Federal Money for Somali Refugees in Maine.  The federal government is sending more taxpayer money to Somali refugees in Maine.  "The United States Department of Agriculture is committing nearly $400,000 to increase food access for the Somali community in Lewiston," the Associated Press reports.

Shocking video shows gang setting eight cars ablaze.  To try to solve the case, clueless Copenhagen police have now chosen to publish a surveillance video showing four men who gained access to a closed area at a car dealership in Brøndby and set several cars ablaze, reports Lokalavisen.  The incident happened on Sunday, September 11, 2016 around 23.45 in Brøndby.

'Denmark is burning'.  A new site has emerged, called "Denmark is burning".  It shows an updated overview of the increasing number of cars put on fire in Denmark.  It reveals that in the last 24 hours, 4 cars have been set on fire in the small country.  In the last 7 days, 41 cars have been set ablaze, and in the last 30 days, 161 cars were burned to the ground.

Adopt-a-refugee plan under consideration by Obama administration.  The State Department is considering a pilot program that would let citizens sponsor a refugee from their country of choice by paying for airfare, housing, clothing, food and other resettlement costs.  Conversations began in July and are expected to continue in the coming year, said Naomi Steinberg, director of the Refugee Council USA.  The program, modeled after a similar one in Canada, is designed to crack open new sources of funding as growing anti-refugee sentiment in Congress threatens to cut resettlement programs.

Court rules states have to accept Syrian refugees.  Judge Richard Posner, writing for the three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, said there's no evidence that Syrians are more dangerous, and he said even if they are, allowing Indiana to refuse to resettle them would only foist the problem onto neighboring states.  "Federal law does not allow a governor to deport to other states immigrants he deems dangerous," Judge Posner wrote, saying the governor should instead report his fears to federal bureaucrats for redress.

Germany in flames as furious locals torch cars and attack mosque.  Hundreds of furious protesters heckled Angela Merkel in Dresden just days after police cars were set on fire in the city and bombs exploded outside a mosque.  Campaigners jeered the German Chancellor as she attended celebrations in the eastern city to mark 26 years since Germany's reunification.  Holding placards reading "Merkel must go", right-wing protesters also shouted the slogan as Merkel, who has faced criticism for her open-door refugee policy, and President Joachim Gauck arrived for the celebrations and greeted spectators.

12,587 Syrian Refugees Admitted in FY 2016: 12,486 Muslims, 68 Christians, 24 Yazidis.  The administration admitted a total of 12,587 Syrian refugees during the just-ended fiscal year, exceeding the target President Obama declared last fall by 2,587 (20.5 percent).  Of the 12,587, the vast majority are Sunni Muslims — 12,363 (98.2 percent) — while another 103 are identified in State Department Refugee Processing Center data simply as Muslims and a further 20 as Shi'a Muslims.  Sixty-eight of the 12,587 Syrian refugees (0.5 percent) are Christians.  They comprise 16 Catholics, eight Orthodox, five Protestants, four Jehovah's Witnesses, one Greek Orthodox, and 34 refugees self-identified simply as Christians.

Immigrant Populations From These Five Countries Are Booming In The US.  Immigration to the United States from the countries of Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Iraq, Egypt and Pakistan is accelerating as the foreign-born population of the country continues its record climb.  The numbers from a new Center for Immigration Studies analysis of fresh census data show the number of U.S. residents who were born in those countries grew the most in recent years.  Those growing populations of legal and illegal immigrants are not insubstantial pieces of a foreign-born population that now consists of 42.4 million people — the largest number ever recorded.

Poll shows growing number of French back anti-migration hardliner.  The French presidential race has been rocked after a opinion poll showed leader of the National Front party, Marine Le Pen, is by far the most popular political figure among right-wing supporters, and also gaining ground among left-wing circles.

Taxpayers pay rent for Somalis who feel the need to visit Somalia (for months!)  You cannot make this up!  Virtually all Somalis who live in the US came here (we are told) as poor refugees (there are going on 200,000 of them).  So how persecuted and fearful of returning home are they if many travel back and forth to Africa and the taxpayers of Minneapolis cover most of their rent while they are gone!  By the way, Somalis are not the only (fake) persecuted and impoverished 'refugees' who go 'home' for visits from time to time.

Hillary Clinton plans to resettle at least 1 million migrants if elected.  The vetting process is a scam.  Did vetting stop San Bernardino, Orlando, the New York bomber the Minnesota radical Islamist knifer?  What is extreme vetting?  Why is abandoning your country as a refugee the answer in the first place?  Would Americans do the same?  No.  We would stand and fight.

Sessions: DHS' Silence On Refugee Terrorists Shows 'Total Disrespect' To American People.  The Obama administration's failure to respond to congressional inquiries seeking information about refugees convicted of terrorism demonstrates its disrespect for Congress and the American people, according to Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions.  During a Senate Judiciary immigration subcommittee hearing held this week, the Alabama lawmaker pressed U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Leon Rodriguez on the agency's failure to respond to four letters asking about the refugee, terrorism nexus.

Community furious over plans to move Syrian refugees into the empty rooms at an aged care facility.  Residents of a small community are furious over decision to allow over 100 Syrian refugees to move into empty rooms of an aged-care facility.  It's not known when refugees will arrive to the Melbourne suburb of Eltham, but the proposal to move them into the St Vincent's Health Australia (SVHA) facility has already caused a massive rift in the town.  Groups against the idea argue the facilities should be prioritised for local residents, while those in support have put together a book of welcome messages from the community.

Europe Burns:  Fatalities In Sweden As Gunfire Rocks Malmo.  With Obama planning to massively increase the amount of refugees allowed into the country, we need to watch carefully and take note of the impact huge numbers of migrants are having in Europe.  Malmo was once the darling of those traveling to the Sweden, but is now a violent and dangerous no go zone where rampaging youths torch cars, gang violence is a nightly occurrence, and organized crime is gaining a foothold.  Malmo isn't alone:  a total of 55 areas of this beautiful country are being laid waste and are taking up so much police time and resources that police have little time to deal with anything else.

Texas refuses to participate in Obama's plan to accept Syrian refugees.  In a move that wasn't exactly a surprise, the state of Texas said Friday [9/30/2016] that it won't participate in President Barack Obama's plan to help thousands of Middle Eastern refugees resettle in the United States.  Gov. Greg Abbott's office announced the decision Friday [9/30/2016] and the governor has cited security concerns are reasons for his opposition.

Clinton Names Mother of the Migrant Crisis Merkel As Favourite World Leader.  U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has named German Chancellor Angela Merkel as her favourite world leader, choosing specifically to praise her record on the migrant crisis — despite her policies on opening Europe's borders now providing a source of immense regret for her party and Germany.  The comments were made during a question and answer session on board Mrs. Clinton's campaign aeroplane in Chicago yesterday [9/29/2016], when a member of the press asked what the presidential candidate's favourite world leader is.

US State Department shoving refugees down their throats in Rutland, VT.  After months and months of meetings and angry protests, the US State Department has decided to ignore the controversy and begin sending refugees to Rutland before the end of the year.  Just a reminder that the DOS told Senator Sessions subcommittee yesterday that they haven't decided how many of the 110,000 refugees Obama wants admitted beginning Saturday will be in that number.  We recently reported that a contractor spilled the beans in California and said it would be 20,000-30,000.

FBI Director warns of a massive 'terrorist diaspora like we've never seen before' as ISIS flee Syria to attack the West.  FBI Director James Comey warned on Tuesday [9/27/2016] that in the next two to five years a massive 'terrorist diaspora' will happen.  Comey made the statement while testifying before Congress on Tuesday alongside Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Nicholas Rasmussen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center.  The three men were at a hearing to examine threats to national security in the country 15 years after the horrific September 11 attacks.

Britain's immigration crisis laid bare as 12,000 asylum seekers vanished.  An investigation has shown that of 77,440 asylum cases in progress, one in six skipped their first meeting with border chiefs and vanished.  The 11,988 include migrants seized and held while trying to sneak into the UK but who have subsequently given authorities the slip.

The Editor says...
Get a clue, people.  It's not a migration, it's an invasion.  They aren't refugees seeking a better life, they're seeking to end your life.  If you don't meet this invasion with massive military force quickly, there will never be any peace in your country again.

Swedes 'terrified of talking to police' after Malmo shooting amid crime surge.  A Malmo gun attack which left one dead and three injured on Sunday [9/25/2016] has sparked such fear in local residents they are scared of talk to the police.  Carnage broke out in Sweden's third largest city over the weekend, as four people were seriously harmed in a shooting following a car chase.  Witnesses said the victims had been in the vehicle, while the gunmen had pursued them on scooters before fleeing the scene.  Despite some people being willing to testify to what they saw, the majority of the witnesses have been left too scared to come forward to aid the investigation.

SIAD: Danish border control is a joke.  Cars that disappeared at high speed and a marked path were among the night's observations as SIAD patrolled along the border Saturday night [9/24/2016].  The Danish Islam critical group SIAD is expressing strong criticism of the border control after members started patrolling the border themselves Sunday night.  Stop Islamisation of Denmark was formed in 2005 and calls itself Denmark's most active resistance.  The group's goal is to become a political party in Denmark.

6 Muslim Immigrants Abduct, Drug, Beat and Gang-Rape a Young British Mother of 3 Children.  The 26-year-old said she woke up in a strange house with cuts and bruises, and believes her drink had been spiked on a night out before she was abducted and sexually assaulted.  Police arrested and bailed six men — aged between 20-30 — from Iraq, Syria and Bahrain over the September 4 attack in Sunderland.

Danish highway terror spreads to Germany.  Once again a family has been hit by a large rock thrown from a highway overpass.  This time in Germany.  The tendency of throwing rocks at cars from highway overpasses seems to spread in Europe.  Sunday night [9/25/2016] a married couple with two children aged four and six years old were hit by a concrete block thrown from an overpass in the southern part of Germany, reports Bild.

ISIS Invasion:  Thousands of jihadis headed for Europe as spooks predict wave of terror.  Islamic State (ISIS) is set to unleash a wave of terror on Europe as thousands of jihadis head back to the continent from Syria and Iraq, security chiefs have warned today [9/26/2017].  Emergency services are bracing for a spate of deadly car bomb attacks on European cities as the group's so-called Caliphate in the Middle East continues to disintegrate.  Spooks are particularly alarmed by the prospect of homegrown jihadis packing cars full of explosives and detonating them at public places to cause civilian casualties on a massive scale.

Thousands protest three migrant camps minutes from Versailles Palace.  Anti-migrant anger continues to boil over as the French Government pushes ahead with plans to force thousands of migrants onto cities all across the country without consulting them at all[.]  More than 1,000 protesters marched through the city close to Paris to protest the decision to build migrant camps in three neighbouring towns.  The new centre means hundreds of migrants will be housed just minutes from the luxurious Palace of Versailles, the former home of French royalty which attracts millions of tourists every year.

Dangerous Plans Hatched By Obama And UN For Refugee Resettlement.  The Obama administration cannot even properly handle immigrants due for deportation who are already in the country.  How can we possibly believe that it can reliably vet individuals from Syria and other terrorist infested countries where comprehensive accurate data regarding such individuals are sorely lacking?  For example, according to a report released on September 19th by the Homeland Security Department's inspector general, hundreds of immigrants were improperly granted citizenship despite missing fingerprint records.  They were from "special interest countries" — countries of particular concern for national security reasons.  Nevertheless, President Obama is making the admission of more refugees and migrants his going away gift to the American people.  He has announced that the United States will welcome even more refugees from around the world, increasing the number of people the U.S. receives by 40 percent over the next two years, to 100,000 in 2017.  He also wants to admit more Syrian refugees in particular, which Hillary Clinton has already announced she would do if elected president.

Muslim Refugee Terror is Changing America.  The wave of Muslim refugee terror began with a bomb targeting a U.S. Marine charity run in New Jersey.  By evening a pressure cooker full of shrapnel has exploded outside a Manhattan building for the blind.  An hour later, a rampaging Muslim terrorist began stabbing people inside a Macy's, asking them if they were Muslim and shouting the name of "Allah," the genocidal Islamic deity of mass murder.  And that was one Saturday, two Muslim refugees and a wave of national terror 1,200 miles apart.  What did Elizabeth, New Jersey and St. Cloud, Minnesota have in common?  New Jersey has the second largest Muslim population in the country.  This isn't the first time it was used as a staging ground for Muslim terror.

State admits:  Islamic State terrorists trying to pose as refugees.  State Department spokesman John Kirby acknowledged Wednesday that Islamic State terrorists are trying to mingle with refugee populations overseas in the hopes of making it to the U.S. posing as a refugee.  "I wouldn't debate the fact that there's the potential for ISIS terrorists to try to insert themselves, and we see that in some of the refugee camps in Jordan and in Turkey, where they try to insert themselves into the population," Kirby said on "Fox and Friends."

This Tiny Georgia Town Received More Syrian Refugees Than LA And NYC Combined.  Stone Mountain, Georgia — a city with just over 6,000 residents and a poverty rate well above the national average — has resettled more Syrian refugees than Los Angeles and New York City combined.  Since October 1 (the start of the fiscal year), 72 Syrian refugees have been placed in Stone Mountain, State Department data shows.  Los Angeles has resettled just 45 Syrian refugees, while NYC has only resettled nine.

Violent migrants storm UK lorries to get to Britain before Wall of Calais goes up.  This is the terrifying moment more than 300 Jungle migrants turned violent on French roads a day after construction began on the Wall of Calais.  Shocking footage caught the moment French police were forced to fight back hundreds who tried to storm a Calais road.  Migrants, desperate to reach the UK, wreaked havoc along the town's roads yesterday afternoon [9/21/2016] as they attempted to sneak onto British-bound lorries.  The chaos on the busy French roads unfolded just a day after work began on the £2 million wall outside Calais began.

Scandinavian fire epidemic:  Arsonist attacks 'out of control' as vile thugs stone police.  Arsonist attacks are spreading uncontrolled throughout Scandinavia as Sweden and Denmark have suffered yet another night of violence and car fires amid a growing epidemic.  Out-of-control blazes and police attacks have plagued Sweden since July with more than 70 cars being set alight. reported on Wednesday that the number of "no-go" zones has increased to 55 as the country has seen a huge surge in crime since the start of the migrants crisis in Europe with a rise in sex assaults, drug dealing and children carrying weapons.

Somali Americans want Sharia Law.  Filmmaker Ami Horowitz was alarmed by the growing number of Somali Americans living in Minneapolis who have joined up with the Islamist-terror groups ISIS and al-Shabaab.  So he recently traveled to that city to speak with members of the community about how much American values resonated with them, their feelings about sharia law and terrorism, and whether they'd prefer to live in Somalia or America.  Their answers were revealing.  [Video clip]

Texas to Withdraw From Obama Admin Refugee Program Over Terror Threat.  The state of Texas on Wednesday [9/21/2016] announced that it is withdrawing from the Obama administration's refugee resettlement program due to the administration's inability to ensure that refugees resettled in the state do not pose terror threats, according to an announcement by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.  Texas informed the Office of Refugee Resettlement in a letter that it will be withdrawing from the program on Jan. 31, 2017.  The letter comes on the heels of several weekend terror attacks across the United States[.]  The administration has refused to approve a security plan by the state of Texas aimed at ensuring that refugees are only resettled following in-depth security checks.

Sweden in chaos:  Number of 'no-go zones' increased as police lose control over violence.  Swedish police are losing the battle against increasing levels crime and violence in the country as now 55 areas have been labelled as "no-go" zones.  In February reported the Scandinavian country has seen a huge surge in crime since the start of the migrants crisis in Europe with a rise in sex assaults, drug dealing and children carrying weapons.  The force's increased lack of control in the country was revealed in a report by Sweden's National Criminal Investigation Service, where attacks on officers were detailed, including police cars being stoned by masked groups.

Texas's Refusal of Refugees.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott has threatened to withdraw his state from the federal refugee-resettlement program, escalating the clash between Republican-led states and the Obama administration over the relocation of refugees fleeing the Syrian civil war.  State officials on Wednesday formally notified the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement of its intent to withdraw unless the agency agrees to "unconditionally approve" its annual state plan before the September 30 deadline.  The state's updated plan would "require national-security officials to ensure that refugees do not pose a security threat to Texas," Abbott's office said in a statement.  Abbott repeatedly cited security fears about possible refugees and said the resettlement program was "riddled with serious problems that pose a threat to our nation."

Anne Marie Waters:  Left Has 'Completely Turned Its Back on Women, Gays, and Jews' to Defend Islam.  Anne Marie Waters joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Wednesday's [9/21/2016] Breitbart News Daily to discuss an October 2015 article she wrote for Breitbart News, which the UK Guardian attacked as a "racist Breitbart rape-scare piece" after Donald Trump, Jr., referred to it on Twitter Tuesday morning.  Marlow said the article, which ran under the title "Europe's Rape Epidemic:  Western Women Will Be Sacrificed at the Altar of Mass Migration," was "incredible" work, filled with "details, facts, figures, and a personal account of what it's like to live in Europe right now, where there is a culture of extremely aggressive sexual behavior, typically coming from this influx of Muslim migrants."

Muslim Immigrant Stabs to Death the 7-Year-old Daughter of His Host Family in Sweden.  "A seven year old girl was stabbed to death in an apartment in Upplands-Bro in northern Stockholm on 25 July this year by a 36 year old man, Daniel Gebru.  Ten months earlier Gebru arrived as a welfare of migrant from Eritrea to Sweden. ... Gebru has not been able to give any concrete reasons for why he cut the throat of the seven-year girl in the bathroom of her home. [...]"

UN agreement grants thousands of migrants free access to scores of countries.  Hundreds of thousands of refugees will be granted free access to 50 countries as the global political community agrees to share the burden of the migrant crisis.  The groundbreaking decision, made at the ongoing UN summit in New York, saw scores of nations agree to take a percentage of 360,000 refugees earmarked for resettlement.  This is double the number allowed to enter nations worldwide last year.

Obama won't acknowledge terrorism — and it's great news for Trump.  Poor President Obama.  He had a perfect plan — to use his final UN speech Tuesday [9/20/2016] to secure his reputation for putting Globalism First.  He would preen to the assembled autocrats and bureaucrats about forcing America to take in a record number of refugees, and blast Donald Trump for putting America First. [...] But terrorist bombings and stabbings are great disrupters, especially when they involve both New York and the heartland in a single weekend.  The disruption becomes unbearable when the attacks allegedly are carried out by foreign-born Muslims who were welcomed here with open arms, then turned on their generous American hosts.

Under Secretary Clinton, U.S. Permanently Resettled 31,000 Somali Migrants.  Reports have identified the suspect responsible for stabbing nine people at the Crossroads Center mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota as Dahir Adan, a recent immigrant from Somalia.  According to Ahmed Adan, the suspect's father, his son immigrated to the United States 15 years ago.

Four arrested for car fires in Malmö.  Four young men have been in arrested in Malmö suspected of causing car fires in the southern Swedish city on Monday evening [9/19/2016].  The men were stopped in a vehicle shortly after the night's first car burning began, according to local newspaper Sydsvenskan.  The arrest follows the apprehension of another man on Saturday suspected to be behind a separate vehicle fire in the city.  Car-burning activity in Malmö seemed to calm down on Monday after some of the worst nights yet in the spate of blazes took place last weekend.

Days after attacks, Obama pitches more refugees.  President Obama on Tuesday will lead a special summit on the need to take in Syrian refugees, just days after weekend terrorist attacks that are raising more questions about whether the U.S. should be cracking down on immigration instead of opening the doors further.  Plans for Obama to lead the summit were months in the making, long before Ahmad Khan Rahami allegedly planted a pressure cooker bomb in New York that detonated, injuring 29 people.  Rahami, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Afghanistan, is also thought to be responsible for bombs discovered in New Jersey.

Former Intelligence Officer: 15% of Refugees are ISIS.  Last week we saw CIA head John Brennan testify that ISIS has "a large cadre" of foreign fighters to serve in attacking the West, and also that ISIS was probably using refugee flows as a means of vectoring its agents into the West.  Now a former high-level intelligence officer claims that he has a source that gives a more specific figure.  At least fifteen percent of refugees are ISIS, according to LTC(R) Anthony Shaffer of the London Center for Policy Research.  The claim came in an interview Shaffer gave to a radio show hosted by Larry O'Connor and Brian Wilson on WMAL.

Soros Pledges Up to $500 Million to Help Refugees, Migrants.  Billionaire George Soros, owner of the $25 billion family office Soros Fund Management, has pledged to invest as much as $500 million to help refugees and migrants globally.  "We will invest in startups, established companies, social impact initiatives, and businesses started by migrants and refugees themselves," Soros said in a statement Tuesday [9/20/2016].  "These investments are intended to be successful."

Syrian man 'threw children out of window because his wife demanded same rights as Germans'.  A Syrian asylum seeker who is accused of hurling his three children from window after fighting with his wife when she demanded the "same freedom" as German women will go on on trial on attempted murder charges.  The refugee, 36, is alleged to have snapped in February this year at the centre where he was living with his family.  Police received an emergency call in Lohmar from a man who said he saw the children falling one by one from the first floor window of the asylum seekers' centre.

Oops!  Instant citizenship — just in time for Election Day.
More Than 800 Immigrants Mistakenly Granted Citizenship.  The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud who had pending deportation orders, according to an internal Homeland Security audit released Monday [9/19/2016].

Potentially Ineligible Individuals Have Been Granted U.S. Citizenship Because of Incomplete Fingerprint Records.  USCIS granted U.S. citizenship to at least 858 individuals ordered deported or removed under another identity when, during the naturalization process, their digital fingerprint records were not available.  The digital records were not available because although USCIS procedures require checking applicants' fingerprints against both the Department of Homeland Security's and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) digital fingerprint repositories, neither contains all old fingerprint records.  Not all old records were included in the DHS repository when it was being developed.  Further, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has identified, about 148,000 older fingerprint records that have not been digitized of aliens with final deportation orders or who are criminals or fugitives.  The FBI repository is also missing records because, in the past, not all records taken during immigration encounters were forwarded to the FBI.  As long as the older fingerprint records have not been digitized and included in the repositories, USCIS risks making naturalization decisions without complete information and, as a result, naturalizing additional individuals who may be ineligible for citizenship or who may be trying to obtain U.S. citizenship fraudulently.  As naturalized citizens, these individuals retain many of the rights and privileges of U.S. citizenship, including serving in law enforcement, obtaining a security clearance, and sponsoring other aliens' entry into the United States.

Nets Dismiss Over 800 Illegals Wrongly Granted Citizenship.  Following the two weekend terrorist attacks carried out by naturalized US citizens, the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general announced Monday [9/19/2016] that 800 individuals slipped through the cracks and were wrongly granted citizenship.  "In 858 of the cases, fingerprints for the individual, either at DHS or the FBI were not available because the agencies haven't fully digitized their inventories of older finger prints taken on paper," reported Fox News' Chief Washington Correspondent James Rosen.  And yet ABC and NBC failed to report it that evening, while CBS buried it in a Donald Trump report with no context.  The illegal immigrants in question managed to fool the federal government by using fake names and date of birth, and exploiting an out dated fingerprint system.

Report: 858 People Got US Citizenship When They Should Have Been Deported.  The digital records were not available because although USCIS procedures require checking applicants' fingerprints against both the Department of Homeland Security's and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) digital fingerprint repositories, neither contains all old fingerprint records.  Not all old records were included in the DHS repository when it was being developed.  Further, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has identified, about 148,000 older fingerprint records that have not been digitized of aliens with final deportation orders or who are criminals or fugitives.  The FBI repository is also missing records because, in the past, not all records taken during immigration encounters were forwarded to the FBI.

Actually, the number of immigrants wrongly granted citizenship is double what was reported yesterday.  Yesterday [9/19/2016], Ed [Morrissey] noted a mistake by the Department of Homeland Security that led to 858 immigrants who should have been deported being granted citizenship instead.  The DHS Inspector General uncovered the mistake which involved people from "countries of concern to national security" who did not have digital fingerprints on file.  Today, Jake Tapper at CNN reports the 858 number reported yesterday was actually less than half the actual number of immigrants granted citizenship.  CNN reports the additional accidental citizens were mentioned in a footnote to the IG report.

Almost 100,000 Somali Refugees Admitted to US Since 9/11; 99.6% Muslim.  Almost 100,000 Somali refugees have been resettled in the United States since 9/11, including 8,619 so far during the current fiscal year.  The largest number — some 16 percent of the total over the past 15 years — have been resettled in Minnesota, home to the nation's biggest Somali-American community.  Of the 97,046 Somali refugees admitted to the U.S. since the fall of 2001, 99.6 percent were Muslim, and 28,836 (29.7 percent) were males between the ages of 14 and 50.

Good Walls Make Good Neighbors.  The UK is building a wall to keep the denizens of the Calais "Jungle" migrant camp from invading cars and trucks after some 22,000 breaches of the port road.  The "Jungle" is a nightmare for the local population which has been terrorized by the mob of migrants aspiring to invade the UK.  The French have blamed the British and the British have blamed the French.  But the migrant invasion is not the fault of either alone.  In a sense it is the fault of everyone in the European Union.  Merkel's open invitation to a migrant invasion occasioned the same round of finger-pointing, often, as with the Calais crisis, not at those countries that let the migrants in, but those who did not wish to take them in.  Eastern European countries were most frequently blamed for not doing their "share" to maintain the wonderful open borders which required accepting anyone wandering through them.  Instead of bringing countries together, open borders create conflicts.

White House kicking off Welcoming Refugee Week today.  As I have been saying, the refugee industry has a masterful media propaganda campaign backing Obama's last big push to change America by changing its people.  [On September 15] the White House launches its part of the highly orchestrated Refugee Extravaganza leading up to Obama's United Nations shindig this coming Tuesday.

Refugee Worker: "I Have Abandoned All Hope".  On Friday [August 20] a former refugee relief worker published a post on Facebook about his work with migrants.  He was in the field for three years.  Now, for the first time, he reports about his daily experiences with "refugees".  These reports are very valuable.  On the one hand, we learn from an involved person who has, for months, experienced situations, and the person's stories are trustworthy and credible accounts of horrible circumstances.  On the other hand, no one can accuse the person of being a "right wing agitator" attempting to exploit and/or instrumentalize the reality of it.

'Jungles all over France!' Mayors revolt against 'secret' plan to turn country into Calais.  French mayors are banding together to take on the socialist government's radical plan to force regions to take in five times as many migrants as they currently house amid fears it could "spark a civil war".  The group of leaders have rallied against the plan to dismantle the Calais migrant camp amid growing concerns the French government want to "secretly" replace the squalid makeshift camp with 'mini-Jungles' all over France.  Dozens of refugee camps will be set up across the country after the French Interior Minister insisted that he will shut down the notorious Jungle camp, holding at least 9,000 migrants.

Furious locals in huge street brawl at island overwhelmed by migrants.  Violent clashes broke out between locals, migrants and police as frustrated residents took out their anger at a nearby overcrowded migrant camp[.]  The police smashed protesters with tear gas as the European migrant crisis continues to escalate into violence.  Tense scenes unfolded on the 'migrant hotspot' island of Chios, on the same night a violent brawl broke out in a German city between migrants and locals.

Paris is a post-apocalyptic hellhole of public urination and litter.  It was 1 am and we were just leaving dinner at a friend's house behind Montmartre.  We were tired, but the taxi we'd called for never appeared.  So we headed down to the main road to try to hail a cab, along with a number of other stragglers now wishing, like us, they'd kept Metro hours.  Within minutes, several men had urinated in plain sight very near to us; one had clambered up on a little raised platform with some shrubbery on it just to do so.  Nearby, a woman yelled in French "You're no better than beasts!" but the beasts took no heed.

Germany's Effort to Integrate Refugees Into Workforce an Epic Failure.  At the height of the refugee crisis that saw a million people flood into Germany, the government asked companies large and small to make an effort to hire the newcomers.  The thinking was that integrating the refugees into the workforce would be the best way to begin the assimilation process.  Dutifully, the German business community tried to accommodate the government.  They scouted refugee shelters and utilized job centers.  The results of this effort should be a lesson — and a warning — to other nations that employ an open-door policy on refugees.

Woman allegedly lured on Facebook and gang-raped near Eiffel Tower.  A police official said Friday [9/16/2016] that three Algerian men were arrested earlier this week in a Paris hotel under suspicion of taking part in the rape of the French woman in the Champ-de-Mars garden, close to the famous tower.

German restaurant in Islamic veil row after woman expelled.  A restaurant manager in Bielefeld, northern Germany, triggered a social media storm after expelling a woman wearing the Islamic full-face veil (niqab) from his premises.  On Facebook, Christian Schulz said he had to defend his Seekrug restaurant against "negative judgments".  So, he said, he had "deleted two of my posts with nearly 800 comments".  Currently the comments on his page are overwhelmingly supportive.

White House Goal: 40,000 Additional Refugees from Near East, South Asia.  The U.S. State Department has set a goal of admitting 110,000 refugees to the United States in Fiscal 2017, a 29.4 percent increase from the FY 2016 target of 85,000, "but at this point, no country-specific targets have been set," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Wednesday [9/14/2016].  "I do have the regional breakdown here," Earnest continued.  "[T]he regional target for FY 2017 is 40,000 for the Near East and South Asia region."  The Near East includes Middle Eastern countries and northern Africa.

The Utopian Nightmare.  Hillary/Obama/Democrats want another half million refugees to go along with the 10,000 already here, not to mention the hundreds of thousands crossing the border illegally from Mexico to Somalia, what could possibly go wrong?  [Video clip]

Republicans Ask for Pause in Refugees Coming From 'Terrorist Hotbeds'.  Rep. Brian Babin (R., Texas) and 36 other lawmakers are asking House leadership to use appropriations legislation to put a pause on refugees coming from "terrorist hotbeds" until appropriate screening measures are put in place.  The lawmakers wrote a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.), Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.), and Rep. Hal Rogers (R., Ky.), who chairs the Appropriations Committee, asking for the inclusion of provisions in the fiscal year 2017 continuing resolution that would put a moratorium on refugees coming from Syria, the Middle East, and North Africa until the U.S. government can properly screen them and congressional oversight of the refugee program is boosted.

Feds to Spend $4.6 Million to Give 'Emotional Wellness' to Refugees.  The Obama administration plans to spend $4.6 million next year on health promotion and "emotional wellness" for refugees as President Obama plans a 30 percent increase in the number of refugees admitted into the country.  The Department of Health and Human Services issued a grant forecast last month detailing its plans to issue health care grants for refugees on top of government programs that are already available, such as Medicaid.  "The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) invites States to submit applications for Refugee Health Promotion (RHP) discretionary grant funds," the grant forecast says.  "The purpose of the RHP grant is to support health and emotional wellness among refugees.  The program is designed to coordinate and promote local health and mental health services and education."

Seeding America with Muslim Violence.  If Hillary Clinton gains the White House, you, your family, and your community will see Muslims entering every aspect of American life.  They will disrupt your schools, your city councils and your churches.  Muslims will live off your welfare dollars in order to devour your community as their numbers grow.  You can expect riots, rapes and mayhem weekly.

Hundreds of Somalis and other Africans coming across US southern border, requesting asylum.  This is nothing new, it's been going on for all the years I've been writing this blog.  However, I expect the pace has been picking up lately as they fear that Trump might be serious about the wall.  You know that anyone, supposedly impoverished, but with the resources to travel across the world to get to our border, has to be up to no good.  In fact, since we take thousands (over 8,000 Somalis this year alone) of supposedly legitimate refugees from Africa, my first question is, so why didn't they apply through regular channels?

Obama Admin To Admit 110,000 Refugees In FY 2017 — Nearly 30 Percent More Than FY 2016.  The Obama administration plans to admit 110,000 refugees to the United States next fiscal year, Secretary of State John Kerry told Congress on Tuesday [9/13/2016].  The proposed level of admissions represents a 57 percent increase over the 70,000 refugees admitted in FY 2015 and a nearly 30 percent increase over the administration's FY 2016 refugee admissions target of 85,000, including more than 10,000 Syrian refugees.

German women are encouraged to wear sneakers — to run away from rapists.  The past year, more than one million immigrants from the third world, almost exclusively younger men, came to Germany, and the country is currently experiencing a historic rape wave without its equal, which many expected would happen.  This has led the Germany's Federal Criminal Police, BKA, to advise German women on how to best protect themselves against rape.

Obama wants U.S. to take 30 percent more refugees in 2017.  President Obama wants the U.S. to take 30 percent more refugees in 2017, the administration told Congress on Tuesday [9/13/2016], calling for Americans to do more on the world stage at a time when many voters are already balking at the current pace.  The announcement seems designed to boost Mr. Obama's hand ahead next week, when he's scheduled to host a summit on the sideline of the U.N., pressing international leaders for action on a global refugee crisis.  At home, though, his new refugee target likely to renew controversy over the ability of the U.S. to absorb newcomers, particularly from countries where vetting is not easy, and where terrorist networks have expressed an interest in inserting operatives into the refugee stream.

15% Over Target: 11,491 Syrian Refugees Admitted Already; 0.46% Are Christians.  With three weeks of the fiscal year to go, the Obama administration has exceeded its Syrian refugee admission target by 15 percent, with 11,491 resettled in the United States as of the beginning of this week.  Since President Obama's goal of 10,000 Syrian refugee admissions in FY 2016 was achieved on August 29, the number continues to pick up steadily.  August ended with a new monthly record of 3,189 Syrian refugee arrivals, and a further 751 have been ushered in so far in September:  749 Sunni Muslims; two Catholic Christians.

Muslim Refugees Attack Women at Austrian Wine Festival.  In Muslim countries, women can't leave the house.  If we take in enough Muslims, women won't be able to leave the house either.  It's that simple.  As European countries are finding out.  There have [sic] been yet another series of Muslim attacks on women.  This latest one comes out of Austria.  Despite being a small country, there are 11,000 "refugees" listed as crime suspects.

Horde of Muslim Immigrants Arrested for Sexually Assaulting At Least 8 Women at Austrian Festival.  Six migrants from Afghanistan and Iraq have been arrested over a series of sexual assaults on eight young women during a music festival in Austria.  The men are alleged to have groped the women in a hall containing the bars at the Welser Volksfest wine and beer festival in Wels, a town in the state of Upper Austria.

Look at WHO is in Charge of Sending Refugees to the United States.  Americans have overwhelmingly said they do not want refugees brought here.  However, Obama and his defenders, denounce all concern. [...] Refugees are selected, not from the State Department, but from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) program.  This is a highly frightening reality for many reasons.  The United States is relying fully on the UNHCR for selection and pre-screening and deciding who gets to be 'resettled' here.  There is also concern for fraud in the way of payoffs or lying by refugees with those foreign workers just believing what the refugees say, without question.  Americans are being asked to fully put their faith in UNHCR.

Jobless migrant couple with eight children turn down a new five-bed council house because it 'didn't even have a dining room'.  A family of ten who demanded a six-bedroom home and turned down three properties have now been warned they face becoming 'intentionally homeless'.  Arnold Mballe Sube, his wife Jeanne, both 33, and their children live in a three-bedroom, end-of-terrace home in Luton, Bedfordshire — which they describe as 'the worst place they've ever lived'.  The couple turned down three properties including a four and five-bed home thought to be worth between £250,000-£270,000 — and are demanding a property with at least six double bedrooms.

Germany:  Security guards posted at pools to stop Muslim migrant assaults.  Germany just announced that its military will be teaming up with police in preparation for a possible Islamic State attack.  Now comes the announcement that the country is hiring pool guards to stop Muslim refugees from sexually assaulting young boys, girls and women.  It's certainly a more effective strategy than Sweden's police "unveiling of the force's latest weapon in the fight against sexual assault:  wristbands reading 'Don't touch me,'" albeit a sad state of affairs for Germany.  Let's hope Germany didn't forget to put security or police around nudist camps too, given the gang of Muslims who stormed a nudist pool, shouting "Allahu akbar" and threatening to exterminate the women, calling them "sluts."

Britain must not give in to EU: Migration Watch urges UK to not budge over border control.  The UK must not give in to Brussels over border controls in an effort to win trade benefits, think tank Migration Watch has warned.  It published a discussion paper saying any concessions on curbing the free movement of EU citizens in return for keeping the UK in the single market would be a "betrayal" of voters.  The group expects Brussels to press for minimal changes to free movement rules in the forthcoming Brexit negotiations.  But any compromise on immigration rules would be "mistaken" and would "in practice, amount to an invalidation of the referendum result", it argues.

The Invasion of Buffalo.  Buffalo has four resettlement agencies working to bring as many Muslims as they can.  Among them is the International Institute of Buffalo which was set up after WWI to bring "war brides" to America, but which now specializes in bringing Muslims here instead. [...] When politicians promise us that Muslim migration will create small businesses and produce jobs, they forget to mention who will be paying for them.  There are some 5,000 Yemeni Muslim settlers in Buffalo.  Population numbers have increased as much as 242%.  While the traditional population in the area declines, with Christian and Jewish populations falling, the Islamic population continues to grow, fed by refugee resettlement.  Cheerful news stories celebrate how "refugees" are "bringing Buffalo back."  The question raised by the Alshamis and so many of their compatriots is what is Muslim migration doing to Buffalo?  Large numbers of Muslims have been dumped in the area from Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.  Buffalo's heritage and its working class roots are being traded for the Koran and the hijab.

Food Stamp Fraud Continues to Subsidize the Hijrah.  It isn't just in Baltimore that colonists subsidize the hijrah with food stamp fraud. [...] Thanks to the government's generosity with our money, members of the "refugee" community have plenty of EBT benefits to sell.

Germany says over 500 potential attackers currently in country.  Germany's interior minister has warned his country is host to hundreds of potential Islamist terrorists who could carry out attacks against the European nation.  Thomas de Maiziere told the Bild newspaper there were at least 520 potential attackers currently in the country, according to Reuters.  Another 360 people, he said, were also relevant targets for police due to their ties to potential terrorists.  "The terror threat now stems from foreign hit teams as well as fanatical lone wolves in Germany," de Maiziere said.

Up to 40% of asylum seekers in Switzerland 'disappear' — report.  Up to 40 percent of refugees who asked for asylum in Switzerland over the past three months reportedly disappeared from Swiss reception centers shortly afterwards, with their whereabouts unknown to the authorities.  The country's State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) confirmed that within the last quarter some 20 to 40 percent of refugees who have been assigned to reception centers have vanished from the monitoring system completely, Swiss newspaper SonntagsZeitung reports.

Horrific crash as jungle migrant gangs target tourists in cars in terrifying new AMBUSH technique.  Migrants from the Calais Jungle camp are using a deadly new tactic in their attempts to get to Britain.  Ruthless gangs are deliberately causing crashes on the roads to the French port by hurling large objects at cars — then sneaking on to lorries caught up in the resulting tailbacks.  Home Secretary Amber Rudd has spoken out after a team of Mail on Sunday journalists narrowly escaped death last week when three migrants threw a log at their car, forcing it into the path of a 38-ton juggernaut.

Mexico issuing transit visas to African migrants flocking to U.S.-Mexico border.  The National Immigration Institute said Tuesday [8/30/2016] that it has issued them 20-day transit visas that will allow the migrants to reach the U.S.-Mexico border, where they plan to request asylum.

EU migrants:  Calais Jungle protest causes huge disruption.  A blockade of lorries in conjunction with a human chain on the roads around the French port of Calais has caused severe disruption.  The protesters, among them Calais mayor Natacha Bouchart, are demanding the closure of the "Jungle" migrant camp, saying it undermines the town.  More than 7,000 people now live there, in squalid conditions.  Many of them try to jump on lorries to reach Britain.

Gangs of Migrants Sexually Attack Girls at German Festival.  A gang of migrants in the German town of Essen have engaged in Cologne-style sex attacks at a festival where police have received reports of at least ten separate incidents.  Yet another festival in Germany has been the scene of migrant crime as roving gangs of migrants sexually attacked multiple female victims on Friday and Saturday [9/3/2016].

Angela Merkel is smashed in her home state polls a year after she let hundreds of thousands of migrants into Germany.  Chancellor Angela Merkel was hammered in an election in her home state on Sunday by the hard-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.  Exit polls in the Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania election show Mrs Merkel's CDU conservatives slumped to a tied second place with the AfD which has eroded her power base because of her open door immigration policy.  Both parties scored 22 percent of the votes cast exactly a year after Mrs Merkel took the decision to open the country up to unregulated refugee immigration.

ISIS warns 100s of jihadis have snuck into Schengen to attack Europe & UK.  ISIS supporters have gloated about sleeper cells nestled in Europe which are poised to carry out horror attacks on innocent civilians.  And most frighteningly of all — terror experts have backed up the chilling claims.  During the migrant crisis it was feared jihadists could sneak through the European Union's porous borders as thousands arrived into the continent daily from war-torn nations.

Police hunt man after 'horrific' rape of woman who stopped to give him change.  Police are hunting a man who raped a woman at knife-point after she stopped to give him some change.  The victim, who is in her late 50s, was walking in Islington, north London, when a man approached her asking for change.  Police said the woman handed over all the coins she had before the man grabbed her shoulder and pushed her into a nearby road, where he pulled out a knife and sexually assaulted her.  He then stole valuables from her bag before fleeing the scene.

Are you ready for Rohingya Muslims and their 'cultural' differences?  In Australia a Rohingya refugee was sentenced to five years in prison for raping a ten year old boy.  The convicted Muslim man said it was culturally acceptable to rape children where he came from in Burma (aka Myanmar). [...] O.K. and now you are saying, well that is in Australia.  But, what about America?  They are here by the thousands already!  When Esar Met a Muslim from Burma raped and murdered a Christian Burmese child in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2008 there was defining silence from any media outside of Utah!

Muhammad Tops Official List of Most Popular Baby Names in London.  Muhammad was the most popular name given to newborn boys in London in 2015, marking the fourth year in a row that the name has topped the chart in the city.  It also reclaimed the top spot in the West Midlands, second place in Yorkshire and the Humber, and joint third in the North West.  The name did not feature in the top ten at all in the North East, the East Midlands, the East of England, the South East, the South West or Wales, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS).

German Police Chief Warns Of Growing Threat Of Jihadi Kids.  The Chief of Frankfurt's police is warning lawmakers to take the threat of underage radical Salafist children seriously in order to prevent potential future acts of terror.  The threat of radical Islamic terrorism in Germany has greatly increased over the past year, in a large part due to the migrant crisis as well as the radicalisation of very young Muslim boys and men.  The chief of Frankfurt's police force is warning that the trend could continue as more young Muslim boys are educated in Salafist schools that put them on the path to terrorism reports Die Welt.

Wealthy Paris residents outraged as huge wooden migrant camp is built directly opposite £3m apartments.  Paris residents have reacted with fury to the building of new camps in the city that are set to be full of thousands of UK-bound migrants by next month.  It came as a £4m one designed primarily for vulnerable women and children reached completion in one of the city's most upmarket districts.  Two wooden buildings out of five containing 24 housing units each have already gone up next to the Bois du Boulogne, the historic wood in the 16th arrondissement.  They are situated next to palatial apartments worth up to £3 million each — prompting intense anger from neighbours who say they will turn into a 'new Sangatte'.

Mutti Merkel Finally Admits:  Germany Mishandled the Refugee Crisis.  A blind man could see that she mishandled the crisis by opening her welcoming arms to an unlimited number of immigrants from the Middle East — people who do not share German culture and values — but Merkel constantly bragged:  "Wir schaffen das," meaning "We can do this."  Obviously, Germany couldn't, but it's mighty kind of her to finally admit her mistakes.

Droves of African Migrants in Mexico Awaiting U.S. Asylum Under Secret Pact.  Herds of African immigrants are being housed in shelters in the Mexican border town of Tijuana while they await entry into the United States under what appears to be a secret accord between the Obama administration, Mexico and the Central American countries the Africans transited on their journey north.  A backlog of African migrants is overwhelming limited shelter space in Tijuana and Mexican officials blame the slow pace of U.S. immigration authorities in the San Isidro port of entry for granting only 50 asylum solicitations daily.

Danish motorists drive in fear:  Highway stoning spreads.  Denmark is shaken by a number of episodes of stones being thrown at cars from highway bridges.  Last weekend a German woman (33) was killed, after the family car was struck by a 30 kg heavy stone that was thrown from a bridge at Fyn at 04 o'clock early Sunday morning [8/28/2016].  The woman died instantly, while her husband was critically injured.  Their son (5), who sat in the back seat, escaped with minor injuries.

German police: 9,000 migrant children are missing.  Almost 9,000 unaccompanied migrant children are missing in Germany, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) said in a report on Monday [8/29/2016].  Authorities lost trace of 8,991 children who entered the country as unaccompanied asylum seekers.

Immigration Expert:  U.S. to Resettle Nearly One Million Muslim Migrants Under One Term of Clinton Presidency.  The U.S. could resettle nearly one million immigrants from the Muslim world under one term of a Hillary Clinton presidency, according to projections from Center for Immigration Studies' Steve Camarota.  Camarota explained that this large expansion in Muslim migration would be part of a massive increase in overall immigration, which the U.S. could experience under a President Hillary Clinton.  Camarota noted that Clinton could potentially add as many as 10 million new immigrants to the U.S. during her first term alone, on top of the millions of illegal immigrants to whom she would grant immediate amnesty.

WH: Obama Wants to 'Ramp Up' Commitment to Admitting Syrian Refugees.  President Obama is "gratified" that his administration has succeeded in meeting its goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States this fiscal year, and he "certainly would like to see the United States continue to ramp up our commitment," spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Monday [8/29/2016].  As reported on Monday, 10,126 Syrian refugees have been admitted to the United States for Fiscal 2016, of whom 52 — or 0.51 percent — are Christians; and 9,945 — or 98.2 — percent, are Sunni Muslims.

Democratic Lawmaker Wants 10 Times As Many Syrian Refugees Admitted Into The U.S..  On Wednesday [8/24/2016], the United States admitted its 10,000th refugee from Syria.  Reacting to that figure, one Democratic member of Congress called it a "good start" but would like to see the United States take in more than 100,000 refugees.  "Today, we accepted our 10,000th Syrian refugee," wrote California Rep. Judy Chu on Twitter.  "Good start, but I know our country can take in at least 10x more."

Syrians Are a Nation of Terrorist Supporters.  ISIS took over parts of Syria because its government willingly allied with it to help its terrorists kill Americans in Iraq.  That support for Al Qaeda helped lead to the civil war tearing the country apart.  The Syrians were not helpless, apathetic pawns in this fight.  They supported Islamic terrorism.  A 2007 poll showed that 77% of Syrians supported financing Islamic terrorists including Hamas and the Iraqi fighters who evolved into ISIS. Less than 10% of Syrians opposed their terrorism.  Why did Syrians support Islamic terrorism?  Because they hated America. [...] Apologists will claim that these numbers don't apply to the Syrian refugees.  It's hard to say how true that is.  Only 13% of Syrian refugees will admit to supporting ISIS, though that number still means that of Obama's first 10,000 refugees, 1,300 will support ISIS.

US Refugee Admissions From Around the World: 45.9% Muslims, 43.5% Christians.  As the Obama administration races towards its goal of resettling 10,000 Syrian refugees in the United States this fiscal year, its overall refugee admission program has opened the door to more Muslims than Christians from around the world.  As of Monday [8/22/2016], the U.S. had admitted a total of 66,480 refugees from 74 countries since the beginning of FY 2016 last October.  Of those, 30,543 (45.94 percent) are Muslims and 28,973 (43.58 percent) are Christians.  According to the Pew Research Center, this is the first time in a decade that the U.S. has admitted more Muslim refugees than Christians.

Obama Solves America's Terrorist Shortage.  America's terrorist shortage may be reaching an end.  If Orlando didn't satisfy you and San Bernardino left you wanting more.  If you thought, why can't we have more Boston Marathon bombings, Obama has your back, and your front and any other directions that a pressure cooker full of nails can hit you from.  This week the land of Washington, Jefferson and Mohammed Atta will reach a new milestone by taking in Syrian refugee number 10,000.  It's unknown if the TSA will shower him with balloons and confetti once he passes the gate while clutching a Koran and a copy of the Caliphate Cookbook.  Either way we hit the big explosive ten thousand.  And the clock is ticking.

Who's scarier?  Republicans or refugees?  Our nation has always welcomed newcomers, including refugees from war-torn countries, to join us in pursuit of the American dream.  We will continue to do so, but that does not mean we should ever violate our own best interests.  Our welcome mat should never be an excuse to treat average Americans like a doormat.  Unfortunately, too many voices, including two Montana newspapers, have tried to vilify everyday Americans who insist that our own safety and well-being must come first — yes, even before the interests of refugees.

More than 10,000 migrants are 'smuggled into Britain each year'.  About 200 migrants from the Calais area are being smuggled into Britain in lorries each week, French officials and security sources said on Saturday [8/27/2016].  The estimate — equivalent to more than 10,000 illegal migrants arriving each year — represents a surge in the number of so-called "lorry drops", when migrants hiding in the back of goods vehicles jump out after safely reaching the UK.

White House Celebrates Bringing In 10,000th Syrian Refugee Ahead Of Schedule.  The White House announced Monday that the 10,000th Syrian refugee will arrive in the United States Monday afternoon [8/29/2016], a month ahead of schedule.  The Obama administration announced in November 2015 that it planned to accept 10,000 refugees from Syria before Oct. 1, 2016.  "Today, I am pleased to announce that we will meet this goal more than a month ahead of schedule.  Our 10,000th Syrian refugee will arrive this afternoon," National Security Adviser Susan Rice said in a statement.

10,000th Syrian Reaches US This Week in Resettlement Program.  The U.S. will reach its target this week of taking in 10,000 Syrian war refugees in a year-old resettlement program, the U.S. ambassador to Jordan said Sunday, after meeting families headed to California and Virginia.  The resettlement program has emerged as an issue in the U.S. presidential campaign, with Republican nominee Donald Trump alleging displaced Syrians pose a potential security threat.

'Borders are the worst invention ever!' EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker widens rift with European leaders as he calls for open borders.  Under-fire EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker risked widening divisions with European leaders today by saying borders were the 'worst invention ever'.  He called for all borders across Europe to be opened, despite the chaos caused over the last year from the flood in refugees fleeing Syria and the wave of terror attacks hitting various continent's cities.  The remarkable comments will further undermine Mr Juncker's precarious position as European Commission President.

German asylum seekers refuse to work insisting 'We are Merkel's Guests'.  Asylum seekers in Germany are refusing to undertake work to counteract boredom — using Chancellor Angela Merkel's generous hospitality as an excuse.  According to mayor Bernd Pohlers of the eastern town of Saxony Waldenburg, the asylum seekers refused to accept the work that was offered to them after they arrived in the country.  The local council spent £600 arranging for the men to have uniforms but were stunned when they were told they would not complete it because they were "guests of Angela Merkel".

The Women-Hunt In Germany.  Many Germans welcomed with open arms the million, mostly male and Muslim, migrants Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel invited into Germany last September.  At train stations, they handed out water bottles to the newcomers, while holding signs stating:  "Willkommen!"  At first, everything was, as the Germans say, "Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen" ("peace, joy and happiness").  But the good feeling these greeters created, especially among themselves, has somewhat dissipated, primarily due to the increasing number of reported sexual assaults by migrants against women and children.  The best known incident was the sexual molestation of hundreds of women in Cologne on New Year's Eve by about 1,000, mostly North African men that included migrants.

German girls given Temporary Tattoos to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks.  The small press-on designs also sport angel-like wings and are part of a new prevention campaign launched in the Bodensee district in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg.  Veronika Wascher-Goggerle, the Women's and Family representative of the district, is behind the launch and said the press-on tattoos would also help raise awareness over the growing issue of sex attacks in swimming pools.

Swedish policeman: — The rule of law has completely broken down.  Yet another police officer quits his job in protest against the national police chief Dan Eliasson's mismanagement of the police force.  The policeman writes about his decision in a letter to Eliasson, which was also posted in a closed group for Swedish policemen on Facebook.  "This is not a temporary slump.  It is a disaster.  The rule of law has completely broken down.  Whoever has the greatest assets of violence is the one that controls the local community.  Loss of life occur, and the assailants remain largely unpunished," he writes.

France reports 53% rise in population at Calais 'Jungle' migrant camp.  Local authorities in the French port city of Calais on Friday said the number of migrants living in the infamous "Jungle" camp has seen a "spectacular" rise over the summer, increasing by 53 percent in just two months.  At the middle of August, authorities counted more than 6,900 people in the camp — the highest number since it was created sixteen months ago.  In June 2016, an official census reported 4,480 people.  Earlier this month, however, local humanitarian aid groups, L'Auberge des Migrants and Help Refugees, took their own census, which counted more than 9,100 people.

Administration Nears Syrian Refugee Goal: 9,077 Muslims; 47 Christians.  With less than six weeks of the fiscal year to go, the Obama administration is speeding towards meeting its target of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States, and is currently fewer than 900 refugees away from the goal.  A total of 9,144 Syrian refugees have now been resettled in FY 2016.  Of these, 9,077 are Muslims.  Among the 9,144 refugees, 47 (0.5 percent) are Christians and 14 (0.15 percent) are Yazidis — like Christians, a non-Muslim minority targeted specifically by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) for persecution.

Hungarian politician slammed for proposing pig heads along border to stop refugees entering country.  Human Rights Watch director Andrew Stroehlein slammed Hungary's use of eerie masks fashioned from vegetables to ward off migrants at the border in a tweet on Friday [8/19/2016].  Hungarian officials have placed the masks across the nation's vast border fence in an attempt to impede the movement of refugees seeking passage to countries in Western Europe.

British drivers in Calais call for heightened security following violent migrant attacks.  British drivers are seeking military protection after a series of violent attacks by migrants in Calais.  Atrucker or tourist could be killed unless the army is brought in to restore order and end the chaos, they warn.  More than 8,000 migrants desperate to get to Britain have now gathered at the French port.

Hacked Memo:  George Soros Lobbied Obama To Accept 100,000 Refugees Per Year — and Succeeded.  Hacked documents from George Soros's Open Society Institute state that the billionaire and his foundation helped to successfully press the Obama administration into increasing to 100,000 the total number of refugees taken in by the U.S. annually, Breitbart Jerusalem has found.  The documents reveal that the billionaire personally sent President Obama a letter on the issue of accepting refugees.

Report: Illegal Migrants from Terror-Linked Countries Surging at Southern Border.  U.S. officials are trying to establish closer cooperation with various Latin American nations to combat an increase in the number of illegal migrants from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East attempting to sneak into the United States.  Between October 2015 and May 2016, the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency, a component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), detained 5,350 African and Asian migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to Reuters.  The apprehensions of illegals from Africa and Asia during that period marks an increase from those that took place in all of 2015 (4,261) and 2014 (1,831).

Chainsaw And Machete Wielding Muslims Attack Random Englishman In His Car Minding His Own Business.  Gangs of hordes wielding chainsaws, machetes, and petrol bombs sounds like a scifi or zombie apocalypse horror film, but it is not a film — it is Western Europe 2016 under Muslim siege.  This is the "new normal" that we are being told is the future, but if this is actually the future, it is just the beginning of a living hell on Earth.

Refugees sue Pa. district, charge school not good enough.  A group of refugees is suing a Central Pennsylvania school district, saying the academy they were put in after their arduous journey to America is not up to snuff.  Represented by the Pennsylvania branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, the six refugees sued Lancaster schools in federal court, saying they were dumped in a disciplinary school and are being denied access to a quality education.  The students range in age from 17 to 21, and hail from Somalia, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Burma.

Angela Merkel refuses to blame her open door policy for rise in terror attacks.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she sees no connection between the unregulated flow of refugees into Germany and a spike in Islamic terrorism in her country.  Despite warnings from intelligence chiefs about terrorists smuggling themselves into Germany disguised as migrants — and two terror attacks last month including an Isis suicide bomber — Mrs Merkel seems determined to ignore public opinion about her 'open door' policy towards asylum seekers.  At a political meeting on Wednesday in her home state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ahead of a regional poll next month she was asked if 'terrorism had come to Germany with the refugees'.

Islamist terrorism has arrived in Germany.  Figures released in July by Destatis, the government's statistics agency, showed that more than 2.1 million people migrated to Germany in 2015.  More than 33,000 migrants who are supposed to be deported are still in Germany and are being cared for by German taxpayers.  Many of the migrants destroyed their passports and are believed to have lied about their countries of origin to make it impossible for them to be deported.  Others have gone into hiding so that immigration police cannot find them.  An investigative report by Bavarian Radio BR24 found that deradicalization programs in Germany are failing, because many Salafists do not want to become deradicalized.

When rulers despise the ruled.  Global elites, Peggy Noonan notes, no longer seem to care about their countrymen.  They've cashed out into a separate world, where consequences don't apply to them, and where loyalty to other members of the global elite outweighs such petty concerns as patriotism or loyalty to one's fellow-citizens.  Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Noonan notes the case of Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel.  Without consulting the populace, Merkel opened up Germany to 800,000 refugees from the Middle East.  More than a million wound up coming, and the tide hasn't ebbed yet.  Ordinary Germans, who weren't consulted in advance, are now dealing with the consequences:  Increased crime, political divisions, a wave of rapes and sexual assaults by migrants (which the authorities covered up for political reasons) and numerous other downsides that Merkel and her associates won't have to deal with.

Obama looking to 'welcome' 213,000 humanitarian arrivals in FY17 with $2.2 billion budget.  ...and that $2.2 billion is only for the Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS) portion of the costs!  It does not include the US State Department funding or the cost of security screening.  Nor does it cover the cost of most welfare, subsidized housing, medical care and most of the cost of educating the children.  They aren't saying yet how many Syrians Obama will be requesting.

US refugee map
Refugees USA, Inc..  Massive numbers of "refugees" are currently being imported into the United States.  If I recall correctly, the Obama administration's stated goal is to bring in 100,000 this year.  Refugee resettlement is a big business now in the USA, driven by lavish funding from the federal government with additional assistance from Soros-type NGOs.  In particular, mainstream Protestant denominations are cashing in on the windfall by offering their services as charitable experts to help resettle the new arrivals.

Leaked Soros Memo:  Refugee Crisis 'New Normal,' Gives 'New Opportunities' For Global Influence.  A leaked memo from left-wing financier George Soros's Open Society Foundations argues that Europe's refugee crisis should be accepted as a "new normal," and that the refugee crisis means "new opportunities" for Soros' organization to influence immigration policies on a global scale.  OSF program officer Anna Crowley and program specialist Katin Rosin co-authored the May 12 memo, titled "Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review."  The memo focuses on an OSF program called the International Migration Initiative, which aims to influence immigration policy.

Soros Foundation Spends Millions Promoting Somalian Migrants.  Documents show that George Soros' Open Society Foundations has spent 1.8 million dollars to improve the image of Somalians in Europe and to combat Islamophobia.  Newly leaked documents form the Open Society foundation by site DC Leaks show the organized web of funding that George Soros and Open Society have become infamous for.  One particular report shows funding for an initiative to promote the image of Somalians in Europe who, according to the report are in the top ten most discriminated people on the continent.  According to the foundations the real problem is the image of Somalians in the media and not the problems that have led to the creation of that image.

Nearly half of refugees entering the U.S. this year are Muslim.  The U.S. has received 28,957 Muslim refugees so far in fiscal year 2016, or nearly half (46%) of the more than 63,000 refugees who have entered the country since the fiscal year began Oct. 1, 2015, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the State Department's Refugee Processing Center.  That means that already this year the U.S. has admitted the highest number of Muslim refugees of any year since 2002.

Hundreds of migrants are left stranded on Italy's border with Switzerland.  Hundreds of migrants have been left stranded on the Swiss-Italian border after Switzerland has been accused of shutting their borders to asylum seekers — and breaking the law.  While Swiss authorities reject accusations they are violating would-be refugees' rights to seek asylum, migrants on the border say it is closed to them.  Several hundred migrants have slept on towels and blankets in the park near Como's train station since the Swiss clampdown began in mid-July, separating people from relatives or friends who had crossed some months before.

Canada: Muslim migrants unable to pass driver test but are allowed to drive anyway.  What happens when they start killing people with their cars while driving illegally?  Will the Canadian welfare office pay their legal expenses and compensation to the grieving family?

Migrants armed with bats and knives are smashing motorists' cars 'just for fun' while they're stuck in traffic in Calais, warn locals.  The sister-in-law of a motorist whose car was seriously damaged has claimed the attackers were migrants using bats and knives in Calais.  Ma'va Mayla uploaded four photographs to her Facebook page showing the damage to the Audi vehicle and the post has been shared more than 6,000 times.  Meanwhile, locals living near the French port city have also warned drivers to avoid the area and have reportedly said migrants are not checking whether children are inside the vehicles before they attack them.

U.S. accepts more Syrian refugees than all of EU: 8,000 vs. 6,000.  Despite promises of European Union member states to take in 160,000 refugees, a new report shows that they've accepted a fraction, 6,000, while the United States has embraced 8,000 of a planned 10,000 this year.  As President Obama, backed by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, has ramped up accepting refugees fleeing Syria and other war-torn nations, the EU has put the brakes on hard, apparently bowing to public outrage.  In the U.S., some governors and other politicians have warned against moving fast to bring in the refugees, concerned that poor vetting could let in terrorists.

Fears of 'Sharia Police' and Islamic State support in German city after wave of refugees.  Officials in the German port of Hamburg are monitoring reports that Muslims posing as 'Sharia Police' are carrying out patrols in the city.  Eyewitnesses reported seeing three people wearing burkas and black gloves driving around Hamburg's Wandsbek district in a black VW.  They said a sticker with an Islamic logo and the words Sharia Police was fastened to the car's bonnet.

Newton County, GA, Possibly Getting Islamic Compound.  [Scroll down]  While some change can be good, too much change can be disastrous.  Generations of families who have lived a certain way for decades have faced watching their town become more of a commodity to be traded to the highest bidder at the expense of rural/urban living.  Once again, change is coming to this little county that will forever change its face and lifestyle.  The little county is Newton County, Georgia.  And, soon, the residents of this county will be faced with an Islamic compound sitting in its southwest corner.

Let's see what he says in January.
Swedish Prof:  Hot Weather, Not Rapey Migrants Driving Sweden's Place As The Rape Capital Of The World.  Although more well-known for ABBA, Ikea and Avicii, today Sweden's international image is being tarnished by a much darker reputation:  as the rape capital of the Western world.  The irresponsible policies of Sweden's leaders have caused years of suffering for Swedish women.  By opening the gates to massive immigration from Africa and the Middle East, Swedish politicians have brought cultures and values in strict opposition to ours.  Immigrants raised in societies without respect for women, who see women as possessions whose main purpose in life is to please their husband, have no place in our liberal society.  Many male immigrants, when faced with our liberal lifestyle and beautiful women, are unable to control themselves.

German Intelligence Warns That More ISIS Hit Squads are Entering Europe Masquerading as "Refugees".  For months experts and the media insisted that it was inconceivable and impossible for Muslim terrorists to enter Europe or America by pretending to be Syrian refugees.  Now it's just a fact of life.  That's the way it usually is with the left.  The disastrous outcomes of their policies are denied and then they're just a reality that we're expected to cope with.

Sen. Sessions:  Obama 'in denial' about inadequate vetting of refugees.  It's not that no one has been sounding the alarm.  FBI director Comey and many in the intelligence community have been straightforward about the threat from the connection between refugee resettlement and terrorism.  The problem is no one in the administration is listening to them.

Sadder but Wiser, Merkel's Germany Is Turning into a Police State.  The correct course is for Europe to admit its soft-headed error, expel most of the "refugees" and try to restore some order to individual national borders.  Merkel's Folly was not simply confined to Germany, because once inside the tent, the North African Arabs and others can roam freely throughout the EU — and they do.  But Germany would rather die than admit error, and so it will.  Along the way however, look for a larger police presence, more intrusive snooping, changing cultural mores, xenophobia and all the other attendant ills that Deutschland thought it had thrown off in April of 1945.

EU bureaucrats are ignoring migrant crisis and it is actually worse than last year.  European governments are IGNORING the migrant crisis because they can't "see it or smell it" but it is actually WORSE than last year, campaigners have warned.  A year after hundreds of thousands of migrants snaked their way across the promised land of Europe, the roads through the Balkans are now clear.  However campaigners warn Europe's migrant crisis is actually worse than last year — with more migrants arriving on the shores and more people dying.

'Let refugees into your homes' France pleads with citizens to help ease migrant crisis.  The French government has urged citizens to welcome refugees into their homes because the country's migrant centres are so crowded.  There are currently 147 reception centres across France, but these are in massive demand as desperate refugees continue to flee the Middle East.  Housing minister Emmanuelle Cosse has pledged to built a further 50 centres before the end of next month in a desperate bid to ease the crisis.

Germany Proposes Tougher Measures to Combat Terrorism.  The German government proposed a broad range of measures on Thursday to bolster security and combat terrorism, its strongest official response so far to two recent attacks by terrorists pledging loyalty to the Islamic State and a deadly shooting rampage in Munich.  Many of the measures, which include closer monitoring of refugees and enhanced surveillance, seem likely to win legislative approval but prompted concerns in a country that is deeply protective of privacy and civil liberties.  The package of proposals is the most comprehensive from the German government since Europe became a consistent target of terrorist attacks by the Islamic State, other radical groups and their followers.

Europe's Wave of Migration Brought Too Many Men.  There's a lot of interesting data on Europe's wave of refugees in Pew's latest report.  But here's a piece of information that is not so much interesting as disturbing:  Only 27 percent of those refugees are female.  In every age group, from nearly every country of origin, women are greatly outnumbered.  And the difference is even more pronounced for immigrants from Africa, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.  Gambia, Bangladesh and Pakistan, for example, sent virtually no women at all.  Over all, refugee men outnumber refugee women nearly two to one.

Temporary Protected Status Renewed and Reopened for Syrians.  Temporary Protected Status (TPS), the provision that temporarily shields non-resident aliens from deportation and furnishes them work permits, was designed to help foreigners who might face danger if they returned home because of unsettled conditions in their homeland.  Unfortunately, it has morphed into a form of rolling amnesty because it is regularly renewed each time it is set to expire.  The rationale for the extensions becomes increasingly nebulous and unjustified as time goes by.  But, one characteristic of TPS has been constant; it has applied only to foreign nationals that were physically in the U.S. before a given event such as a natural disaster or coup.  That meant that it could not be used by continuing arrivals from that same country.  It could not, in theory, act as a magnet for new illegal immigration.

Hungary blasts EU open borders as minister says 'link between immigration and terrorism'.  Hungary risked sparking fresh controversy as they argued for a major terror clampdown by saying there is a "demonstrable" link between immigration and terrorism.  The country is set to hold a referendum to ask its citizens whether they support the EU's current migration policy on October 2.  But Karoly Kontrat, the Minister of State of the Ministry of Interior, did not hold back on his criticism as he insisted there are hundreds of terrorists in Europe.  He said:  "It is clearly demonstrable and can be stated as a fact that there is a connection between immigration and terrorism.

US will reach goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees; Obama wants more.  The government says it has admitted 8,000 Syrian refugees so far this fiscal year, putting them on track to reach their stated goal of accepting 10,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the fiscal year in September.  But the administration says that number is a "floor, not a ceiling."  If the pace of refugee resettlement continues, more than 12,000 refugees will enter the US.

With Europe On Fire, US Syrian Refugee Numbers Set to Exceed 10,000 This Year.  For the most part, this past weekend was the first slow news cycle in a long time — more typical of a hot August with Congress and most politicos on vacation.  However, there are two important stories from this past weekend that portend trouble for our national security.  The first is the continued daily terror attacks in Europe.  The second is the news that the flow of Syrian refugees into our country may exceed Obama's goal of resettling 10,000 individuals by the end of next month.

Twin Falls Refugee Rape Victim Activists Call For Attorney To Step Down.  In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, a local activist in Twin Falls demands U.S. Attorney Wendy Olson step down.  The activists want to bring justice to a five-year-old American girl who was raped on June 2 by a group of refugee children as a 14-year-old refugee videotaped the horrible incident.  Idaho activist Julie Ruf tells Breitbart News that statements made by Olson to protect the refugee community in the wake of rapes indicate she is unfit for the job of protecting the Constitution.

Homeland boss: 'We will make' Obama call for 10,000 Syrian refugees.  Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Wednesday that the U.S. has already let in "over 7,000" refugees from Syria this year, and that President Obama's demand for 10,000 by October will be made.  "We are now up to over 7,000 refugees, Syrian refugees, that have been physically resettled in this country.  This fiscal year.  There are several thousand who have been approved, they're just awaiting the physical resettlement into the country.  So I believe we will make the commitment to resettle 10,000 refugees this fiscal year," he said at a media breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

Report: Military-Age Men Way Over-Represented in EU Refugee Asylum Applications.  Recall when Donald Trump cast doubt on the intentions of many of the Syrian refugees by claiming a disproportionate number were "young, strong men"?  Most media quickly attempted to debunk his claim.  Well, Trump's claim now seems borne out by data from the Pew Research Center.  A shocking new report released yesterday on European asylum applications in 2015 shows that, indeed, the refugees are disproportionately represented by "military-age" adult males — to an alarming degree.  A majority of the applicants came from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq in what has become the biggest demographic shift in Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Women barred from UK swimming pool to make way for Islamic men's event.  Women have been banned from a British swimming pool so that Muslim men can have it to themselves for a weekly men-only session.  No females can attend sessions at the publicly-funded Inspire Sports village in Luton, Bedfordshire, while the so-called Alhamdulliah swimming event takes place.  The subsidised event has a strictly-enforced Islamic dress code which forced men to cover up more than usual — and makes sure that women are nowhere near the pool.

Syrian refugees surge into US; Obama on track to hit target amid security concerns.  The pace of Syrian refugees entering the U.S. has surged in recent weeks, government figures show, putting the Obama administration on track to meet its target of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees before the end of September — and reviving Republican concerns about the security implications.  State Department reports show that 2,340 Syrian refugees arrived last month in the United States.  That's more than what occurred during the entire seven months after President Obama directed his team to prepare for 10,000 admissions from the war-torn country.  Total admissions for the current budget year, which ends Sept. 30, now come to about 7,900, and the vast majority of them are Sunni Muslims, records show.

The Backward Pull of Islamic Health Practices.  [Scroll down]  How far back have we been pulled?  To the 7 century yet?  Not quite, but we're headed in that direction.  We've got invaders sweeping across Europe, and to a lesser degree (though not less enough) the United States, importing a host of highly communicable diseases, many of which had been eradicated in the West long ago, such as syphilis and tuberculosis, along with diseases unfamiliar to the West.  And barbarians, being who they are, throw plastic bags filled with their infected urine at health care providers when they don't receive care when they want it, how they want it.  And if that doesn't quite yank us into the dark ages, there's always Ashura, a Muslim holiday when shirtless Muslim men (and boys) flog themselves in public with sharp chains and/or cut their scalps with knives and swords, as blood pours into the street.

Research Shows Refugees Entering Europe Are Not 'Scared Widows And Orphans'.  A survey conducted by Pew Research Center shows that the 1.3 million asylum seekers that entered Europe in 2015 are overwhelmingly male — not widows and orphans as President Barack Obama claimed last year.  Pew's research shows that four out of 10 refugees in Europe are young men, aged 18 to 34.  Approximately three-fourths (73 percent) of refugees entering Europe in total were male, while 53 percent of all refugees were young adults between the ages of 18 and 34.  Individuals hailing from war-torn countries making up a large portion of all refugees were also overwhelmingly male.  Syrian refugees were 71 percent male, Iraqi refugees were slightly higher at 75 percent, while Afghan refugees were a remarkable 80 percent male.  Refugees from these three countries made up over half of Europe's refugees in 2015.

Virginia's Syrian Refugees Resettled In Poor Communities Hours Away From Wealthy DC Suburbs.  According to data from the U.S. State Department's Refugee Processing Center, almost all of the Syrian refugees resettled in Virginia since October have been placed in towns with lower incomes and higher poverty rates, hours away from the wealthy suburbs outside of Washington, D.C.  Of the 121 Syrian refugees placed in Virginia so far, 112 have been placed in communities at least 100 miles away from the nation's capital; 105 were placed in cities where median incomes fall below the state average.

Twin Falls Crisis Imposed by Clinton-Era Pro-Refugee Advocates.  Thousands of Muslim refugees are flowing into the small Idaho town of Twin Falls because of closed-door decisions made by a group of self-serving advocates in and around Washington D.C.  One key player is Lavinia Limón, CEO of the U.S. Committee on Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI).  That's a government-backed group that is paid to place migrants in Americans' towns.  Her group is also called a "voluntary agency," or 'VOLAG.'  The group's local affiliate, the College of Southern Idaho, has already placed 1,000 Iraqi refugees in Twin Falls.

Germany: Swimming pools, playgrounds, cemeteries forced to hire security after spike in Muslim migrant sex attacks.  Muslim "migrants" are beginning their rape jihad in the U.S. too, but the media and local officials are not reporting it.

Obama Admin Extends Asylum for Syrian Refugees Through 2018.  The Obama administration has extended and renewed temporary asylum status for scores of Syrian refugees residing in the United States, meaning that these individuals are shielded from being booted from America through 2018, according to a new federal notice. [...] The extension comes as the Obama administration moves forward with a plan to relocate thousands of Syria refugees into the United States.  The plan has received criticism due to what experts say is the U.S. government's inability to screen these individuals for ties to terrorism.

The Most Powerful Woman in the World.  In some sense, [German Chancellor] Merkel is just following the lead of our own president.  The Obama administration and many within the Democratic Party embrace an open-borders policy in America.  Each time there is a terrorist attack in Europe the chances of a Trump presidency increase.  Thus, I have taken special care to report on recent events in Europe, especially on the wave of terrorist assaults. [...] Like France, Germany has increasingly been the object of attacks by Muslim extremists.  Some Islamists have murdered people.  Others have threatened, harassed, molested and abused women.  The situation has become so bad that Merkel had to return from her vacation.  Sadly, she has not changed her tune and has not been willing to change her policy. [...] One might say that, on the left and on the right, there are two kinds of political leaders.  Some change policy when they see that their policy is not working.  Others double down on failed policies.

Priest in Belgium stabbed 'by asylum seeker in his own home after letting him in to use shower'.  A priest has been stabbed in his own home by an asylum seeker he allowed in to use his shower — according to local prosecutors. [...] Prosecutors say the suspect had knocked on the priest's home to ask for a shower and help.  After the shower the man allegedly asked for money and stabbed the priest when he said no.

Germans turn against Chancellor as thousands protest at open-door policy.  Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Berlin to protest against Angela Merkel's open door refugee policy.  Police are patrolling the protest as crowds gather in Washington Square for an anti-immigration rally following a spate of terror attacks in the country.

Germany's Merkel stands by refugee policy despite 'terrifying' attacks.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday described recent attacks in the country and across Europe as "shocking, depressing and terrifying," but she refused to back down from an open-door refugee policy that has attracted fierce criticism following recent assaults in the country.  Germany has been rattled by four attacks in the past two weeks, three of which authorities say have been carried out by asylum seekers or refugees inspired by Islamist extremism.

Muslim Man Attacks 79-Year-Old Woman Visiting Her Sister's Grave and Rapes Her Right There in the Cemetery.  Another Muslim predator attacked an old lady visiting her sister's grave and raped her right there in the cemetery.  This man, a 40-year-old "refugee" from Eritrea, was caught fleeing after people heard the old woman screaming for help: [...]

Merkel has welcomed 'the enemy' to UK doorstep as we battle WW3, blasts Katie Hopkins.  Angela Merkel has been blasted for welcoming "the enemy" to Britain's doorstep by outspoken columnist Katie Hopkins.  The fiery TV star fumed at the German chancellor's open-door refugee policy after terror attacks in France and Germany which have taken place in recent days.  Ms Hopkins tweeted:  "We fought Germany in two world wars.  It is a curious thing that their leader has welcomed the enemy into our trenches as we battle a third."

UK on course to fail pledge to resettle 20,000 Syrians amid 'unacceptable' asylum decisions.  The Government is not doing enough to meet its commitment to find places in Britain for 20,000 Syrian refugees by 2020, an influential group of MPs has warned.  The Home Affairs Select Committee said progress on accepting Syrian familes had been slow, with fewer than 2,000 resettled at the start of the second quarter of 2016.  The cross-party committee also warned that a separate, more recent commitment to resettle unaccompanied children was at risk.

German armed police smash their way into mosque and raid homes of group accused of radicalising Muslims and grooming them for jihad.  Armed police officers have launched a raid on a mosque and several homes belonging to a group believed to be radicalising Muslims in Germany.  Apartments belonging to eight board members of the radical German-speaking Islamic group DIK were searched by officers in Hildesheim, Lower Saxony.  It comes as part of a crackdown on the group, which is thought to have been encouraging people to travel to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS.  The group ran sermons, seminars and lectures entitled 'the hatred of infidels', according to German media.

Free Societies Cannot Survive Through Progressive Accommodations To Barbarians.  The flood of refugees, or migrants, were at first welcomed with open arms and compassion, but it soon appeared that they were not only not that grateful, but resentful and there was a notable clash of civilizations.  The people for the most part, were quicker to realize what was happening than their governments.  A clash of civilizations was a topic that was considered off limits.  But there are deep divisions between the secular democracies and a significant number of its Muslim community.  There has been significant recruiting by strains of Islam that are linked to terrorism.

Germany:  Christian Names for Muslim Migrants?  Muslim migrants in Germany who feel discriminated against should be given the right to change their legal names to Christian-sounding ones, according to a senior German politician.  The latest innovation in German multiculturalism is being championed by Ruprecht Polenz, a former secretary general of the ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU).  He believes the German law which regulates name changes (Namensrecht) should be amended to make it easier for men named Mohammed to become Martin and women named Aisha to become Andrea.  German law generally does not allow foreigners to change their names to German ones, and German courts rarely approve such petitions.  By custom and practice, German names are only for Germans.

The Editor says...
If you're encountering discrimination, perhaps there's a valid reason.  Prepare to observe the news media's reaction to the first Islamic terrorist attack carried out by some immigrant who changed his name to Wilhelm or Sigmund in an effort to stay below the radar.

Obama stands by refugee pledge after attacks in Germany.  President Obama is standing by his decision to ramp up the admission of Syrian refugees to the United States even after three refugees from Islamic countries attacked people in Germany over the last week.  The 10,000 Syrian refugees the president wants to admit by October are subjected to more thorough screening and vetting than anyone trying to enter the United States, White House spokesman Josh Earnest stressed Monday [7/25/2016].  "That's why the president has confidence ramping up the number of refugees admitted to the United States," Earnest told reporters during his daily briefing.

Meet your new neighbors
6,726 Syrian Refugees Admitted to U.S. So Far in FY16 — But Only 23 Are Christians.  As of Monday [7/25/2016], 1,515 Syrian refugees fleeing the civil war in their homeland had been admitted since the beginning of July, and a total of 6,726 since FY 2016 began on October 1, according to State Department Refugee Processing Center data.  Of the July arrivals, 1,501 (99.0 percent) were Sunnis, and three (0.19 percent) were Christians.  The other 11 (0.72 percent) were other Muslims.  Of the 6,726 total Syrian refugee arrivals since the beginning of FY 2016, 6,625 (98.4 percent) were Sunnis and 23 (0.3 percent) were Christians — including 15 described simply as "Christian," five Catholics, two Orthodox and one Greek Orthodox adherent.  The remaining 78 (1.1 percent) comprised 49 refugees described in the data simply as "Moslem," 17 Shi'a Muslims, 10 Yazidis, one of "no religion" and one "other religion."

Tougher Europe borders push more migrants towards US.  Europe's toughened borders are prompting migrants to switch focus to the United States, but their trek is being thwarted in Central America, where a bottleneck has formed, according to the International Organization for Migration.

Now even Merkel's own deputy says Germany cannot control all the migrants crossing their borders.  One of Angela Merkel's deputies has admitted Germany cannot control the number of migrants crossing their borders insisting the country needs its sovereignty back.  Stephan Mayer, a deputy from Merkel's conservative bloc, said the 1.1 million migrants and refugees Germany let in last year represent a 'big challenge' for law enforcement, and that the government were not able to register and control.  'We have to regain sovereignty and we have to regain the rule of rights.  There's a lot of space for improvement,' he said.

German refugee policy under fire after a week of bloodshed.  Anxiety over Germany's ability to cope with last year's flood of more than 1 million registered asylum seekers first surged following a series of sexual assaults and robberies in Cologne during New Year celebrations.  But in the last seven days, the violence has become even more deadly.

Under Clinton Presidency, U.S. Muslim Population Would Exceed Germany's by 2024.  Under two terms of a President Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Muslim population would exceed Germany's current Muslim population, according to data from Pew Research Center and the Department of Homeland Security.  According to a Pew report published earlier this week, "as of 2010, there were 4.8 million Muslims in Germany."

Angela Merkel backlash:  Fury erupts at German leader amid Munich shooting rampage.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel faced a furious backlash yesterday as the city of Munich mourned its dead in the wake of the horrific shootings.  As the horrifying scenes from Germany's third largest city sparked outrage across the world many in German pinned the blame directly on the country's leading politician and her open door policy on migrants.  Mrs Merkel cut short a holiday in the Alps to return to the country but she has still not addressed the nation about this latest terrifying attack.

Syrian refugee kills woman with machete in Germany, is arrested, police say.  A 21-year-old Syrian refugee is accused of using a machete to kill a woman and injure two other people in Germany on Sunday [7/24/2016], Reuters reported, citing police.  The man was arrested after the attack, which occurred in the southwestern city of Reutlingen, according to German media. [...] Authorities had yet to disclose a motive for the incident, BILD and the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspapers reported.

Syrian asylum-seeker in Germany kills woman with machete.  Police say a Syrian asylum-seeker killed a woman with a machete and wounded two others outside a bus station in the southwestern German city of Reutlingen before being arrested.  Police spokesman Bjoern Reusch said in a statement Sunday [7/24/2016] that witnesses said the 21-year-old man, who was known to police, was having an argument with the woman before attacking her about 4:30 p.m.  Police say the motive behind the attack is still not clear.

Machete-wielding attacker kills woman and injures two other people in new German outrage.  A Syrian refugee wielding a machete has killed a pregnant woman and injured a man and another woman in Germany before being arrested by police after he was run over by a man driving a BMW.  The attack happened in the south western city of Reutlingen near a doner kebab stand in a bus station at Listplatz Square in what has been described as a 'crime of passion'.  German media have been reporting that the motive for the attack in the city south of Stuttgart was unclear but the attacker and the 45-year-old Polish victim both worked at the same snack bar.

Sounds like they're putting the mice in charge of the cheese:
Migrants to be trained as German pool lifeguards to reduce escalating sex attacks by refugees at public baths.  A professional swimming association in Germany wants to reduce escalating sex attacks by refugees at public baths by training migrants to become pool lifeguards.  The Federal Association of German Swimming Professionals (BDS) says this would be 'an inclusive measure that would benefit everyone.'  Last month a secret police document was leaked in Duesseldorf voicing the 'grave concern' of police chiefs about escalating sex crimes carried out by refugees at public swimming baths.

5-Year-Old Idaho Victim Raped By Muslim Migrants Still Being Terrorized.  A five-year-old girl was raped and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho; one of them, a 14-year-old, videotaped the attack.  After the attack, instead of getting justice, the victim's family has been abused and targeted by law enforcement and medical authorities as if they were the criminals.  The mother cannot get copies of the medical records of her own child, or transcripts of 9-1-1 calls made on the day of the attack.  In examining notes taken of their conversations with the victim's mother, I was taken aback by how contemptuous they are of her.  They talk down to her, as if she were the perpetrator, not the mother of the victim of this monstrous attack.  It is outrageous.  And it gets worse.

Germany: Muslim Migrant Screaming 'Allahu Akbar' Injures 21 with [an] Axe.  The latest jihad attack in Germany reveals how difficult it is becoming for the political and media elites to maintain their fantasy-based narrative in the face of reality.  An axe-wielding Muslim refugee from Afghanistan stormed a train, screamed "Allahu akbar" and began attacking passengers.  This happened, of course, as a result of policies that Angela Merkel aggressively pursued.  And as she did so, she must have known that this kind of thing would start happening.  What else could she possibly have expected?  Those who called for Europe to take in as many Muslim migrants as possible may have foreseen this: after all, they insisted that the refugees were not a danger, but were in danger.  Only racist bigoted Islamophobes would dare express any skepticism about the wisdom of admitting these refugees, we were told.  To oppose the Muslim migrant influx into Europe was evidence of a moral defect, we were told.

Oxfam cooks the books, credits Palestinians for hosting 2,000,000 refugees.  Oxfam has a new report on how Western nations aren't doing enough to address the worldwide refugee crisis. [...] These numbers are completely distorted by the addition of Palestinian "refugees."  The "refugees" in the West Bank and Gaza are not refugees by any sane definition, since they are living in the same land from which they are supposedly refugees from.  The vast majority of the "refugees" in Jordan — over two million — are Palestinian citizens of Jordan!  200,000 of the Palestinian refugees supposedly in Lebanon do not exist, and the rest are descendants of refugees — although Lebanon treats them exceptionally poorly.

Few in the West Are Serious About Islamic Terror.  Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president of the United States, has called for the U.S. to accept 65,000 Muslims from the Middle East.  That's six times more than President Obama has called for.  She says they would be vetted — a laughable notion.  How do you "vet" 65,000 Syrians and Iraqis?  Do we ask them, "Do you want to kill Americans?"  "Do you favor killing Muslims who leave Islam?"  "Will you kill your daughter if she dates a man you don't approve of?"  "Do you want Israel to be destroyed?"

'Massive failure' as thousands of migrants due for deportation remain in Germany.  German officials are reporting a "massive failure in the rule of law" as thousands of refugees due for deportation remain in the country.  A secret report by interior ministers of all of Germany's 16 states says tens of thousands of migrants scheduled to be flown to their homelands in the past few months are still in the country being cared for by taxpayers.

Clinton to Resettle One Million Muslim Migrants During First Term Alone.  If elected president, Hillary Clinton could permanently resettle close to one million Muslim migrants during the first term of her presidency alone, according to the latest available data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  Between 2001 and 2013, the U.S. permanently resettled 1.5 million Muslim migrants on green cards.  However, under Hillary Clinton's stated proposals, Muslim immigration would grow substantially faster, adding nearly one million Muslim migrants to the U.S. during her first term alone.

Small Island, Population 137, To Get 2,000-Migrant Asylum Centre.  A small, sparsely populated island near migrant-crisis city Malmo in southern Sweden is to play host to a significant migrant centre that could net the owners millions of Swedish Kronor.  The Kristianstad municipality in the Swedish county of Skåne is opposing the move, which would see a significant 2,000-man facility of "modular housing" established on the small island of Ivö to house newly arrived migrants.

Britain to build huge barrier amid predicted Brexit migrant surge.  A vast concrete barrier will be put up as signs migrants are mobilising for a mass bid to reach the UK before we leave the EU for good. [...] The Brexit vote has caused uncertainty among migrants looking to sneak into Britain, with many fearing the UK's withdrawal from the EU and subsequent beefing up of border security could make it more difficult.  Britain will foot the 2.7 million euro (£1.9m) bill for the towering wall, which will stand at four metres high and will stretch for more than a kilometre along the main dual carriageway to the port.

City rips secret planting of Syrian 'refugees'.  The secrecy of the federal refugee-resettlement program has once again been highlighted by a local official who has seen the dark side of the program play out in living color.  In Lowell, Massachusetts, a 13-year-old girl was twice groped at a public pool last week by a 22-year-old man freshly imported into the community from Syria as a "refugee."  The city manager of Lowell told his local newspaper Tuesday [7/12/2016] that he was not even notified by the U.S. State Department or its resettlement contractor that Syrians were being delivered to his community.  Emad Hasso, 22, of Syria pleaded not guilty Friday to inappropriately touching the girl at the state-run Raymond Lord Memorial Pool in Lowell, according to the Lowell Sun.  This marks the second high-profile sexual assault on an American girl in the past month by a refugee.

Mom of Idaho rape victim: 'We're being treated as criminals'.  More than a month after her 5-year-old daughter was allegedly raped by a child refugee from Iraq, Laney Shelly of Twin Falls, Idaho, says her little girl is still traumatized by the incident while local authorities have denied her access to basic documents such as the 911 transcripts, police and medical reports.  The Twin Falls mother also stands by initial reports, denied by police, that it took officers more than two hours to arrive on the scene after they were called to the Fawnbrook Apartments on June 2.  Meanwhile the family of one of the alleged perpetrators, a 7-year-old Iraqi refugee, continues to live next door to his victim despite having been served with an eviction notice.

Hammadi & Alwan:  The Poster Boys of Refugee Terrorism (Kerry Says Doesn't Exist).  The Obama administration is trying to allay growing public fears that the thousands of Middle Eastern refugees it's resettling in America — virtually all of whom are Muslim — pose a terrorist threat to the homeland.  Top US officials insist there's no evidence refugee applicants who go through the U.S. screening process pose a greater security threat than members of any other immigrant group.  They claim they are rigorously vetted for terrorist and criminal ties, and that resettlement communities throughout the US are safe.  "There is absolutely no evidence, my friends, zero evidence, that refugees who make it through this arduous process, pose any greater threat to our society than the members of any other group," Secretary of State John Kerry said while visiting a Washington-area mosque recently.  "And it is important for people to know that," he added, so they refrain from leveling "bigoted and hateful rhetoric" against the Muslim refugees.

Half of Muslim Sex Attackers in Germany Came Because of Merkel.  You can see why this report was so explosive because even in its understated tone, the conclusions are obvious. [...] In short, half of the perps had arrived because of Merkel's open door policy.  The quibbling over whether they are Syrians or not is irrelevant because a whole lot of people showed up claiming to be Syrians and no one really knows where most of these Muslim migrants are from, just where they claim to be from.

Anti-Muslim views rise across Europe.  A wave of migrants and refugees from Muslim-majority nations have inflamed the debate about immigration on the continent, fueling the rise of far-right parties and probably contributing to Britain's decision to leave the European Union.  At the same time, groups claiming to be inspired by an extremist version of Islam have carried out devastating attacks in France and Belgium.  Now a poll released Monday [7/11/2016] by the Pew Research Center shows that in several European nations, unfavorable views of Muslims seem to have surged in 2016.

Syrian refugee held in indecent assault on girl, 13 at Lowell pool.  A 22-year-old Syrian refugee is behind bars after only two months in the United States after he was accused Thursday night of inappropriately touching a 13-year-old girl at a state-run swimming pool in Lowell.  In Lowell District Court on Friday, Emad Hasso, of Lowell, was ordered held on $25,000 cash bail after pleading not guilty via an interpreter to one count of indecent assault and battery on someone under 16.  Judge Stacy Fortes set the bail over the defense attorney's objections, because Hasso's only ties to this country are his family members with whom he lives.

After Importing Thousands Of Refugees, Canadians Now Say Muslim Immigrants Have 'Fundamentally Different Values'.  After welcoming almost 12,000 refugees to their region, three-quarters of Canadians living in the province of Ontario now say that Muslim immigrants hold fundamentally different values and a majority believe mainstream Islam promotes violence, according to a new survey to be released this week.  The survey was funded by the province and the city of Toronto as part of a joint educational campaign "to address xenophobia, Islamophobia, and anti-immigrant sentiments."  While 60 percent of Ontarians say they initially supported the decision to import Syrian refugees, 75 percent now say Muslim immigrants hold fundamentally different values and a majority now say Islam's mainstream doctrines promote violence.  Only one-third of those in the region have a positive impression of the religion.

Why it took half a year for the full extent of the New Year's Eve assaults in Germany to be known.  When Europeans discuss whether the continent should accept more refugees, conversations often quickly turn toward one particular night:  New Year's Eve.  Six months ago, groups of perpetrators assaulted women in Cologne, Hamburg and other cities.  A new, leaked police document which was published by Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper and broadcasters NDR and WDR indicates that previous estimates of both the involved perpetrators and victims were far too low.  Authorities now say that more than 1,200 women were sexually assaulted across Germany that night, including about 400 in Hamburg and more than 600 in Cologne, by more than 2,000 men.  Previous estimates had ranged in the dozens, both for the victims as well as suspects.

Leaked document says 2,000 men allegedly assaulted 1,200 German women on New Year's Eve.  At first, there was complete silence from officials.  As rumors spread on social media, police had nothing to say about allegations of mass sexual assaults and other crimes carried out on New Year's Eve in the German city of Cologne.  It was only days later that officials reported that hundreds of women were victims of assault in Cologne, Hamburg and other German cities.  But numbers that are now emerging are likely to shock a country still coming to terms with what happened in Cologne more than half a year ago.  According to a leaked police document, published by Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper and broadcasters NDR and WDR, the previous estimates have to be dramatically revised — upward.

Minnesota victim speaks in case of roving Somali gangs in upscale neighborhood.  We first mentioned this incredible scary story a couple of days ago pointing out that the mainstream media never reports news like this nationally, but here we learn from World Net Daily reporter, Leo Hohmann, who spoke with the primary target of the confrontation as at least 20 Somali men (self proclaimed jihadists) swarmed a neighborhood outside of Minneapolis, what happened on THREE separate occasions in the escalating "jihad" on a lakeside community.

German Activist Lied About Rapists to Avoid Fueling Racism.  German activist Selin Gören said she lied to the police about her attackers because she did not want racists to use her story as an excuse to keep out refugees.  The men attacked the spokeswoman for Linksjugend Solid, a left-wing German youth organization, at a playground late at night in Mannheim.  She immediately called the police, but told them German speaking men robbed her.  Her boyfriend, though, became mad at Gören for lying and encouraged her to tell the truth.

Burka ban comes into force in Switzerland as Muslims ordered to obey or pay huge £8k fine.  A burka ban has been come into force Switzerland with Muslims who break the new law forced to pay a fine of almost £8,000.  It is now illegal to wear a face veil in public in the Tessin region following the result of a referendum on the issue in 2013, in which 65 percent voted in favour of a complete ban.  The anti-burka-law, which bans face veils, burkas and the niqab, came into force on July 1 and will be enforced by police in the area.

In the first six months of 2016, some 211,000 Muslim invaders posing as asylum seekers arrived in Germany.  Yet despite Angela Merkel promoting the invaders as a desperately needed new labor force, just 54 of the invaders have found employment because the vast majority have no work skills whatsoever.  Of the 54, some 50 have been employed by just one company — Deutsche Post — in what appear to be manual labor positions.

Germany:  Invader Employment Flop.  While it is certain that some other companies have also provided employment for invaders, the reality remains that the vast majority seem set to remain on the state's welfare roll with no prospect of ever getting off.  The employment disaster also shoots down in flames the optimistic predictions last year that the invaders would provide an "economic boom" and "replace the declining population" with hordes of busy "workers."

Left-wing German politician who was raped by migrants admits she LIED to police about her attackers' nationality because she did not want to encourage racism.  A young left-wing German politician has admitted she lied to police about the racial background of three men who raped her in case it triggered reprisals against refugees in her country.  Selin Gören, the national spokeswoman of the left-wing youth movement Solid, was attacked by three men in January in the city of Mannheim where she works as a refugee activist.

Some Refugees Are Being Sold For Organs.  Nuredein Wehabrebi Atta, a people smuggler who has been sentenced to five years in prison for his involvement in moving migrants, told Italian police that migrants who couldn't pay for journeys across the Mediterranean "were sold for €15,000 to groups, particularly Egyptians, who are equipped for harvesting organs."

While politicians dither thousands more flood Europe.  The number of migrants and refugees entering the EU by sea has soared by 60 percent to 227,000 in the last six months, according to new figures published yesterday [7/5/2016].  As UK politicians struggle to get to grips with the electorate's momentous decision to leave the EU, one of the major issues behind the vote is getting worse by the day, official figures show.  The statistics, which critics said proved the EU's immigration policy was a "complete failure", show alarming rises in seabound attempts to enter Europe.

Police investigate possible refugee link to dozens of reported assaults at Swedish festivals.  Several dozen women reported being raped or sexually assaulted at two music festivals in Sweden last weekend, according to police who said Tuesday they were investigating claims this was yet another string of attacks by refugees or foreign visitors.  Police faced a backlash earlier this year for failing to inform the public of widespread sexual assaults against teenage girls at a Swedish music festival a year ago, which came to light in January after a series of New Year's Eve sexual assaults and robberies linked to refugees in Cologne, Germany.  Police Inspector Leif Nystrom said there had been 32 reports of attacks by boys or young men at a three-day festival in the city of Karlstad, 190 miles west of the capital, Stockholm.  The youngest alleged victim was 12.  Police identified seven young men they wanted to question.

Convicted Somalian rapist had deportation order overturned before attacking two more women as he 'did not understand what is acceptable in UK'.  convicted Somalian rapist who overturned a deportation order went on to rape two more women in Birmingham, with his lawyer arguing "he had a lack of understanding of what is acceptable in the UK".  Dahir Ibrahim, 31, was sentenced to ten years in prison in 2005 after the first sex attack on a prostitute in Edgbaston.  A judge ordered his deportation after he served his sentence, but he appealed — and was given leave to remain in the UK.

Angela Merkel's open-door policy caused the migrant crisis, furious George Soros blasts.  Angela Merkel's disastrous open-door policy provoked the migrant crisis in Europe, according to a billionaire financier George Soros.  The Hungarian, who broke the Bank of England, accused the German Chancellor of causing "chaos" to the continent with her open-border policy.  He said:  "German Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to open her country's doors wide to refugees was not properly thought out, because it ignored the pull factor.

Child Sexual Assault Cover-Up in Idaho.  The recent sexual assault of a five-year-old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho, and the reaction by public officials and the media amounting to a cover-up dramatically illustrate, yet again, how the West battles against the harsh reality of unlimited Islamic immigration.  The incident occurred June 2 at the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls where prosecutors allege a 5-year-old girl was sexually assaulted.  Two juvenile suspects, boys, ages 14 and 10, were detained, charged and released.  A third, a 7-year-old boy involved in the incident, was not charged.  The boys are from Iraqi and Sudanese families, but it's unclear if they are refugees or how long they've been in the community.

Switzerland denies Muslim girls citizenship after they refuse to swim with boys at school.  Switzerland has rejected citizenship requests from two Muslim girls for refusing to take part in swimming lessons with boys at school.  The 12- and 14-year-old will no longer be considered for naturalised citizenship because they have not complied with the school curriculum, authorities in Basel said.  The girls are understood to have refused to take part in school swimming lessons because boys were present and their religion forbade that form of interaction, according to USA Today.  Their applications for Swiss passports have now been overturned.  Meanwhile, the father of two other girls who refused to let his daughters swim with boys was fined $4,000 swiss francs (around £2,900) by a district court in another part of the country.

Report: Adult Refugees Enrolled In Canadian High School, Harassing Young Girls.  Emails between school officials at one Canadian high school reveal the school has been struggling to integrate into the school adult Syrian refugees, who reportedly are bullying and threatening students and teachers, as well as making advances on young teenage girls.  One email from the head of the school's international students department expressed concern that the Brussels attack would have a "trickle down" effect on the refugee students.  After receiving a tip about Fredericton High School in New Brunswick, Canada — a region that has been aggressively resettling thousands of Syrian refugees — Canadian news organization TheRebel submitted a freedom of information request to the school, asking for any information regarding problems the school might be having with the integration of Syrian immigrants.

Canada: Muslim "refugee" men now "students" in school, "hitting on 14-15 year old girls".  Faith Goldy of reports:  After my investigation into reports that migrant children in Nova Scotia were bullying other students, set up a tip line [...] for parents whose children were also being bullied.  Using that tip line, a New Brunswick parents says there are migrant "children" at her child's school as old as 22.  These adult males "with full beards" are "hitting on the 14-15 year old girls." filed a freedom of information request to get to the bottom of this — and over 2000 documents came in, and more are on the way.

UN Working With Islamist Group To Resettle Over 15,000 Syrian Refugees In America.  Who picks the Syrian refugees that resettle in the U.S.?  Homeland Security?  No, the United Nations, in concert with a global Islamist group.  And they're sending "more than 15,000," not the widely reported 10,000.  In fact, Washington has no role in selecting the thousands of Syrian refugees coming to your hometown.  The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees is really behind the effort, and he's referred an additional 5,000-plus Syrian nationals here.  A new State Department report reveals that the U.S. already has accepted at least 15,000 Syrian refugee referrals from the UNHCR.

Pope Francis Conflates Jihad with Jesus' Great Commission.  In a recent interview that the French Catholic newspaper La Croix conducted with Pope Francis, the Pope had some pretty shocking things to say about Islamic extremism and Europe.  The British Guardian reports that the Pope "appeared to reject any link between Islamic extremism within Europe and Islam itself," and to believe that due to the very low European birthrate, Muslim integration into European society is "more necessary" than ever.  However, Pope Francis, well-known for making overly liberal and controversial statements, went even further by stating the following to La Croix:  ["]It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam.  However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew's Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.["]*

Seven Refugees With Active TB Sent to Idaho.  Seven refugees with active tuberculosis (TB) were diagnosed shortly after their resettlement in Idaho between 2011 and 2015, according to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.  This makes Idaho the seventh state to confirm to Breitbart News that recently arrived refugees have been diagnosed with active TB.

Hate fact?  Alabama senator reveals huge majority of terror convicts foreign born.  Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions revealed just how much danger the Obama administration is putting Americans in by simultaneously advocating open-borders and refusing to acknowledge the Islamic terror threat.  Since 9/11, according to a release of government data from Sessions' office, more than 65 percent of people convicted of terrorism in the nation's courts (380 of 580) were born somewhere other than the U.S.  "Of the 380 foreign-born, at least 24 were initially admitted to the United States as refugees, and at least 33 had overstayed their visas.  Additionally, of those born abroad, at least 62 were from Pakistan, 28 were from Lebanon, 22 were Palestinian, 21 were from Somalia, 20 were from Yemen, 19 were from Iraq, 16 were from Jordan, 17 were from Egypt, and 10 were from Afghanistan," said a Sessions statement.

Obama Invites 18.7 Million Immigrants to Avoid Oath of Allegiance, Pledge to Defend America.  It's not only illegal aliens who are escaping enforcement of the nation's immigration laws.  Under the Obama administration's expansive interpretation of executive authority, legal immigrants seeking citizenship through the nation's Naturalization process are now exempt from a key part of the Oath of Allegiance.  Immigrants seeking to become citizens no longer have to pledge to "bear arms on behalf of the United States."  They can opt out of that part of the Oath.  Nor do they have to cite any specific religious belief that forbids them to perform military service.

Mob violence in lawless Paris:  Terrifying video shows 'woman tourist' viciously attacked by marauding youths.  A young woman screamed helplessly as she was set upon by a violent gang in the centre of tourist Paris today [6/22/2016].  She was repeatedly punched and kicked in the head and upper body as around 15 mainly men surrounded her, knocking her to the ground.  The terrifying attack, which was captured on video, took place within sight of Notre Dame Cathedral, and less than half-a-mile from the Louvre museum.

The Editor says...
Here is some free advice:  Don't go to France!

Anatomy of the terror threat:  Files show hundreds of US plots, refugee connection.  Newly obtained congressional data shows hundreds of terror plots have been stopped in the U.S. since 9/11 — mostly involving foreign-born suspects, including dozens of refugees.  The files are sure to inflame the debate over the Obama administration's push to admit thousands more refugees from Syria and elsewhere, a proposal Donald Trump has vehemently opposed on the 2016 campaign trail.

Lauren Southern Visits Calias Refugee Camp — Can't Find Any Syrians.  For many this boots-on-the-ground report might just change their perspective.  For others it may help to provide evidence of how full of lies the Western media has become.  Lauren Southern from The Rebel Media traveled to the Calais France refugee camp, famously called the Calais Jungle, to see for herself if Syrian refugees were actually there.  What she discovers/uncovers is the big refugee lie: [...]

Report: Three Syrian "Refugees" Rape Little Girl at Knifepoint in Idaho.  Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault.  The sexual assault allegedly took place on June 2, but has received virtually no media attention aside from one vague KMVT report.

Feds Strong-arm the State of Texas into Taking Syrian Refugees.  The debate about Syrian refugees causes heated passions on both sides of the political aisle.  However, when addressing the issue, it's important to note that the big question is U.S. national security.  Refugees brought here cost ten times as much as refugees settled closer to their homes.  We can only help one tenth as many refugees if we do it by bringing them here.  The only argument to bring them here, then, is if there is no national security risk and they offer some significant benefit to the United States.

Paul Ryan's Hijra.  Hijra, or jihad by emigration, is a fundamental tenet of Islam hearkening back to the earliest days of Mohammed's war to establish hegemony over the cities of southwest Arabia.  The most notable Hijra was the flight of Mohammed from Mecca to the largely Jewish city of Yathrib, now the completely Muslim city of Medina.  While the story of how Yathrib came to be Medina is too long to recount here, suffice it to say that by fleeing the city of Mecca, where they appeared to be in danger of being eliminated, and appearing at Yathrib as refugees, Mohammed and his small band of adherents were able to reform the Arab Muslim clans, gain new Muslim terrorism adherents and replace the population and leadership of Yathrib with the Muslims who became the army necessary to reclaim Mecca and eventually spread Islam throughout the world.  Sound familiar?  It should, because on Monday [5/23/2016] the State Department admitted 225 Syrian Muslim "refugees", setting a single-day record, and on Tuesday a further 80 were admitted.  As our friend Stephen Dinan of The Washington Times put it, "the spike is stunning, with more people accepted Monday alone than in the entire months of January or February."

Revealed: Jihadis cut off beards, pose as migrants #WorldRefugeeDay.  Reality: jihadis are posing as migrants to invade the West.  ISIS vowed to send an army to Europe and the US, and they are.

UN says 65 million people displaced in 2015, a new record.  Imagine the entire population of France uprooted from their homes, forced to flee danger, persecution or starvation.  The U.N. refugee agency says more people than that — 65 million — were displaced worldwide at the end of last year, easily setting a new postwar record.

Hundreds of migrants closed Calais in a violent rampage trying to board ferries to the UK as police used tear gas to force them back.  Hundreds of enraged migrants caused chaos in Calais as they tried to board ferries to the UK in a violent rampage.  Police had to use tear gas on the 300-strong mob yesterday as they threw stones and attempted to board lorries.

Obama Increases Importation of Syrian Refugees After Orlando Terror Attack.  In the days following the Orlando terror attack, the Obama administration actually sped up the process of importing Syrian refugees in the U.S. despite the fact that experts have now admitted that terrorists could hide among migrants. [...] If liberals are still wondering why many Americans believe Obama doesn't have our best interests in mind, this would be a good place to begin the conversation.

They have overloaded San Diego with refugees and now they are boo-hooing!  Of course this whine-fest is for one of two reasons (or both at once!).  The Refugee Resettlement Industry wants more of your money for programs (welfare, housing, medical care etc.) and because San Diego and other big cities have foolishly been so "welcoming" and consequently overloaded, that the industry now has a big excuse to resettle refugees to small (newly targeted) cities throughout America including Reno, NV, Rutland, VT, Charleston, WV, Ithaca, NY, Fayetteville, AR and Missoula, MT.

Shaffer: 15% of refugees are ISIS.  "It's gotten so bad they can't cover it up anymore," [Lt. Col. Tony] Shaffer said of [CIA Director John] Brennan's testimony which reinforces the opinions of many critics of Obama's failed policies in the Middle East.  "I think some of these guys recognize that tying their future to the White House and the complete — I'll just say it — lies that come out of the White House is going to be detrimental to their political future," Shaffer added.

Chart: Obama Admin.  On Pace to Issue One Million Green Cards to Migrants from Majority-Muslim Countries.  The Obama Administration is on pace to issue more than a million green cards to migrants from majority-Muslim countries, according to an analysis of Department of Homeland Security data.  A chart released by the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest Friday [6/17/2016] details the surge in immigration to the U.S. from majority-Muslim countries since President Barack Obama took office in 2009.

U.S. admits 4,000 Syrian refugees.  The U.S. has admitted about 4,000 Syrian refugees, the State Department said Wednesday [6/15/2016].  That's a higher number than was believed, but still well short of the goal of 10,000 refugees by the end of September.  State Department spokesman John Kirby said the number of refugees admitted is "up around 4,000 now."  The most recent number had been 2,500 refugees.  The plan to admit 10,000 refugees, which President Obama proposed in September, has been met with contempt from Republican lawmakers who claim accepting these refugees is a threat to national security.

'We shall not take anyone in' Hungary tells EU it's full and it doesn't 'need' immigration.  Hungarian politicians have said the country will not accept any migrants because the country "does not need immigration". [...] So far this year Hungary says it has registered 19,140 asylum applications and more than 14,000 migrants have crossed its southern borders illegally.

One in 10 Germans would support the rule of a dictator.  A new study published Wednesday [6/15/2016] found a marked rise in Islamophobic attitudes in Germany, which comes in the wake of an unprecedented influx of about a million migrants, most of them Muslims, and a heated political conversation about the role of Islam in the West.  The survey found that about 40 percent of Germans polled believed that Muslims should be prohibited from coming to the country, a surge from one-fifth of respondents in 2009, according to Reuters.  The poll, carried out by researchers at the University of Leipzig in conjunction with a few German foundations, has been conducted every two years since 2002.

Federal judge dismisses Texas suit on resettlement of Syrian refugees.  A federal judge tossed a suit Thursday [6/16/2016] brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton seeking to suspend the resettlement of Syrian refugees in Texas.  Texas had argued that the federal government failed to properly consult with the state in accordance with a federal Refugee Act before moving forward with resettlement plans.  But on Thursday, the court rejected the challenge holding that the law does not create a right for Texas to bring the suit.

Texas Loses Fight to Keep Syrian Refugees Out.  Dealing the final blow to Gov. Greg Abbott's effort to keep Syrian refugees out of the state, a federal judge dismissed Texas' lawsuit against the federal government and a refugee resettlement agency over the resettlement of the refugees.  In an order dated Wednesday [6/15/2016] and released Thursday, Dallas-based U.S. District Judge David Godbey said the state did not have grounds to sue the federal government over in the case and failed to provide a "plausible claim" that a refugee resettlement nonprofit breached its contract.

Feds Spend $564,231 on Farmers' Markets for Refugees.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture is spending over $500,000 to start farmers markets for refugees on food stamps.  The International Rescue Committee (IRC) enrolls 10,000 refugees in the United States every year onto the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps.  The group received the funding to provide "culturally-appropriate" corner stores and food markets.  "The IRC will expand and deepen the impact of its successful Fresh Fund incentive program over the next four years in seven refugee-rich neighborhoods across Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Baltimore, and Charlottesville," according to the grant, part of a $16.8 million effort announced by the agency last week to get food stamp enrollees to eat more vegetables.  The agency said refugees and immigrants in the United States are simultaneously at risk for "under-nutrition and obesity, and are highly dependent on SNAP to meet nutritional needs."

The Editor says...
I don't think I have ever seen a single article packed with so much Newspeak.  The "refugees" are Muslims.  They are "highly dependent on SNAP," which means they don't have jobs and will be a perpetual burden to the public, even if they aren't coming here to kill us.  The government is going to "provide 'culturally-appropriate' corner stores and food markets," meaning halal food will be provided at government expense exclusively and specifically for Muslims.

Definitely Stupid.  It has been hopeless for some time.  Yet the tragedy was entirely self-inflicted.  A national security team of ex-novelists and campaign drivers sort of fell into it.  The same crew that gave you the Arab Spring, the Reset and Benghazi now give you ... politicians in blind pursuit of virtue signalling who simply ran over the cliff.  One might ask how the Western elites could be so stupid as to get into a situation, where like Titanic, the threat is coming in faster than it can be pumped out.  They may have even paid for some this influx from public funds.

Here's Everything I wanted To Say About Islam Yesterday, But Couldn't.  Now, as you all know, I come from Britain.  As a country, I believe it should serve as a warning sign for the United States, which must face its Muslim problem before it is too late.  I myself am leaving the UK behind, as I no longer recognize much of my beloved London.  A Gallup poll of Muslims in the UK found that not a single one of the 1,001 people polled thought that homosexuality was morally acceptable.  That is compared to 58% of the overall British population who think homos are OK.  The same poll found that just 35% of French Muslims and 19% of German Muslims thought homosexuals were morally acceptable.  In my opinion those percentages have probably cratered following Europe's importation of hordes of young Muslim radicals affectionately known as "rapefugees" on the continent.

Poll: Half Of Germans Now Feel Like Strangers In Their Own Country.  Half of Germans sometimes feel like foreigners in their own country after more than one million refugees relocated there in 2015, according to a study released Wednesday [6/15/2016].  The survey of 2,420 people shows a clear rise in negative attitudes towards immigration.  The number of people who said they occasionally feel like strangers in Germany is up from 30.2 percent in 2009.  About 40 percent of respondents want a ban on Muslim immigration.

Preventing another Orlando.  The present government has no idea of who is coming into the country and what their goal in coming might be.  With so little control of our borders, we hardly have a country.  We need a stricter immigration policy, a wall across our southern border, and a review of just who is living here — lest we regress into a condition not unlike France. [...] For now, America has enough Muslims streaming into the country.  If the stream continues, the situation will only worsen.

As we debate a "ban" on muslim immigrants, we can start with not making it the fastest growing subset of immigration.  As I noted last week, we are starting to follow in the footsteps of Europe in which the second generation of Muslim immigrants are more volatile than the initial immigrants who are preoccupied with settling in the country.  We need to examine the long-term implications of mass-migration from the Middle East.  Studying the mistakes of Europe is a good place to begin.  We can start by not exacerbating the problem and taking our existing record immigration numbers and augmenting them with over 100 Syrian immigrants per day.  Ironically, it was just last week that a number of Senate Democrats and Republicans were pushing for more visas to be allotted to Afghanis.  As I noted at the time, there is no way to properly vet which ones have family members with allegiance to the Taliban.

Obama Administration Surge Agenda Threatening U.S. With 100 Syrian Refugees Per Day.  The Obama administration has created a "resettlement surge center" which has produced a pouring of 100 Syrian refugees in the U.S. per day.  The very real risk to Americans — the lack of proper vetting of these individuals by the quick processing that is being done, almost all of them reported to be Muslims.  Over 100 Syrian refugees have been admitted every day in June according to the federal government's own database from the Refugee Processing Center.  More than 1,000 were admitted in May.  The rate of those admitted has sky-rocketed when compared to the 3,755 accepted in fiscal year 2016.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law.  Law enforcement sources have identified the gunman in the Orlando terror attack as Omar Mateen, the child of Afghan migrants, according to CBS News.  Between 2001 and 2013, the U.S. permanently resettled nearly 30,000 Afghan migrants on green cards.  According to Pew, nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) support sharia law as official law.  As legal immigrants, these migrants will be granted lifetime resettlement privileges will be given automatic work permits, welfare access, and the ability to become voting citizens.

Four Syrian immigrants are charged after two girls, 14, 'were sexually assaulted yards from Newcastle's St James' Park just weeks after one of the men entered the UK'.  Four Syria immigrants have been charged after two 14-year-old girls were allegedly sexually assaulted — just yards from Newcastle United's stadium.  Omar Badreddin, 18, Mohammed Alfrouh, 20, and Mohammad Allakkoud, 18, all pleaded not guilty at Newcastle Crown Court on Friday [6/10/2016].  Alfrouh was also charged with sexually assaulting a second 14-year-old girl in the park, to which he has pleaded not guilty.

Child Bride Legally Married Under Sharia Law, German Judge Rules.  A regional German court has recognised as valid the marriage of a 14-year-old Syrian girl to her 20-year-old cousin, despite the legal age for marriage in Germany being 16.  The case represents a landmark ruling, with the Federal Court set to adjudicate on the implications for the country as a whole.  Among the hundreds of thousands of migrants arriving in European countries over the eighteen months have been a number of underage wives, some as young as eleven, others already mothers.  But although most European countries stipulate that a girl must be 16 to marry, the authorities seem unsure what to do with young bride migrants.

U.S. Doesn't Track if Millions in Biz "Loans" to Refugees on Public Assistance Are Repaid.  The U.S. government gives refugees on public assistance special "loans" of up to $15,000 to start a business but fails to keep track of defaults that could translate into huge losses for American taxpayers, records obtained by Judicial Watch reveal.  The cash is distributed through a program called Microenterprise Development run by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement.  Since 2010 the program has granted thousands of loans to refugees that lack the financial resources, credit history or personal assets to qualify for business loans from commercial banks.  Most if not all the recipients already get assistance or subsidies from the government, according to the qualification guidelines set by the Microenterprise Development Program.  It's a risky operation that blindly gives public funds to poor foreign nationals with no roots in the U.S. and there's no follow up to assure the cash is paid back.  The idea behind it is to "equip refugees with the skills they need to become successful entrepreneurs" by helping them expand or maintain their own business and become financially independent.

REPORT: Migrants Burn Down Asylum Centre After Not Receiving Ramadan Wake Up Call.  A massive fire at Düsseldorf's major international trade fair grounds yesterday has been followed by reports that the blaze was set deliberately by migrants who were angry because of Ramadan.  Officially, some 160 migrants were resident at hall 18 of the Messe Düsseldorf conference centre, but it was a facility plagued by racial conflict which had seen violence spark before.  Düsseldorf's Express newspaper reports these conflicts were not between European German staff and their guests, but between the predominantly Arab residents, and a minority of Afghans who sided with the security staff running the facility — who were mainly Iranian.

Christians Told To 'Pray In Silence... Don't Disturb The Migrants'.  Parishioners visiting a church in Italy were told they must "pray in silence" so as not to disturb African migrants being housed there.  Some of the faithful hoping to practice their Christianity at the church of St.  Anthony in Ventimiglia were surprised when they were told by Caritas volunteers they couldn't recite the rosary and would instead have to pray in silence out of respect to migrants who are living there.  Caritas is ostensibly a Catholic charity, although much of its resources are spent on facilitating mass migration to Europe; the organisation even boasts that it contributes to and seeks to influence European Union (EU) "asylum" policies.

African nation enslaves up to 400,000 people, UN investigators say.  Eritrea's "systematic, widespread" human rights abuses should be referred to the International Criminal Court as crimes against humanity that include enslavement of up to 400,000 people, a United Nations commission of inquiry said Wednesday [6/8/2016].  The commission said the government of the small Horn of Africa country has made no progress on most critical rights violations the group first documented a year ago.  Eritrean refugees are one of the largest groups trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.

State Dept.  Expects Syrian Refugees to U.S. to 'Increase Exponentially' This Summer.  The State Department is committed to meeting President Obama's goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States this fiscal year, and expects the numbers to "increase exponentially" over the summer, a spokesman said Tuesday [6/7/2016].  With four months left in FY2016, the administration has admitted 3,566 Syrian refugees as of Tuesday — or 35.6 percent of the 10,000 target number.  Although a ways off, achieving the 10,000 goal looks a lot more likely now than it did four months ago, when only 841 had arrived.

Migrants linked to 69,000 would-be or actual crimes in Germany in first three months of 2016: police.  Migrants in Germany committed or tried to commit some 69,000 crimes in the first quarter of 2016, according to a police report that could raise unease, especially among anti-immigrant groups, about Chancellor Angela Merkel's liberal migrant policy.  There was a record influx of more than a million migrants into Germany last year and concerns are now widespread about how Europe's largest economy will manage to integrate them and ensure security.

Keyword:  Cloward-Piven strategy.
Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee.  Federal taxpayers are on the hook for nearly $20,000 just to settle each refugee and asylum seeker, who are then immediately eligible for cash welfare, food stamps, housing and medical aid, according to a new report on the "refugee industry."  The report provided federal budget figures showing that the government spends $19,884 on each refugee the U.S. takes in.  And that number is set to jump if President Obama gets his way and brings in an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees in this year.

Obama's Refugee Policy:  Yes to Potential Terrorists, No to Genocide Victims.  The Obama administration has been escalating a policy that both abandons Mideast Christians and exposes Americans to the jihad.  Late last year it was revealed that 97% of Syrian refugees accepted into the U.S. were Sunni Muslims — the same Islamic sect to which the Islamic State belongs — while fewer than half-a-percent were Christians.  This disparity has since gotten worse.  From May 1 to May 23, 499 Syrian refugees — a number that exceeds the total number of refugees admitted during the last three years — were received into the U.S.  Zero Christians were among them; 99 percent were Sunni (the remaining one percent was simply listed as "Muslim").

More than 700 migrants feared drowned in 3 Mediterranean Sea shipwrecks.  The UN refugee agency says over 700 migrants are feared dead in three Mediterranean Sea shipwrecks south of Italy in the last few days as they tried desperately to reach Europe in unseaworthy smuggling boats.

Obama Seeks Global Commitments: 1M More Refugees in School, 1M More Legally Working.  On September 20, when world leaders gather in New York for the United Nations General Assembly, President Obama will host a summit on refugees where he will urge the international community to do more to help some of the world's estimated 20 million displaced people.  In addition to money, Obama and the summit's other co-hosts will seek global commitments to enroll another million refugees in school; and grant another million refugees the legal right to work.

Is Islam Turning Paris Into a War Zone?  Europe has been torn apart... we can almost call it a civil war.  Many Muslim refugees are wreaking havoc on their Western European towns.  [Video clip]

State Dept.  Official on Syrian Refugees: 'We're Going to Bring in 10,000 This Year'.  A U.S. State Department official said on Thursday that 10,000 Syrian refugees would be resettled in the United States in fiscal year 2016.  "We're going to bring in 10,000 this year," Anne Richard, assistant secretary for the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration at the State Department, said at the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington, D.C.  Richard made the remark during a panel discussion on the U.S. response to the refugee crisis in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Obama to host summit on refugees.  President Obama will host an international summit in September to persuade foreign leaders to double the number of refugees settled around the world, the White House said Friday [6/3/2016].  National security adviser Susan E. Rice said Mr. Obama will host the summit on refugees on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York City.  Among the goals, she said, are a 30 percent increase in funding for humanitarian support.  The move, which will likely include a pledge from Mr. Obama to boost the number of refugees accepted in the U.S., comes as the administration struggles to meet its commitment to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees this year.  Many lawmakers of both parties and governors are balking at the proposal, and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has called for a temporary ban on Muslim immigrants, including Syrian refugees.

This is the fastest growing language in American homes.  Arabic is the fastest-growing language in American households — and that's leading the US Census Bureau to explore the tricky task of adjusting its questionnaires to accommodate the language's right-to-left script.  The bureau is using focus groups to explore possible changes to the 2020 census questionnaires for Arabic speakers who are not English-proficient, the Pew Research Center reported Friday.  Arabic is now the seventh-most commonly spoken non-English language in US households.  An estimated 1.1 million people ages 5 and older speak Arabic at home, an increase of 29 percent between 2010 and 2014.  The number who speak Spanish at home has grown only 6 percent during the same period.

Bentley, Others Oppose Migrant Resettlement to SW Alabama.  Alabama could soon host illegal, unaccompanied minors from Central and South America.  The federal government is evaluating Naval Air Station Whiting Field for semi-permanent housing.  If approved, the minors would come to Silverhill and Orange Beach Air Fields.  Governor Bentley is fighting the move.

More than 1,000 migrants flock to Paris after new camp announced.  Migrants have poured into Paris since the mayor announced a plan to open the capital's first internationally recognised refugee camp earlier this week, provoking a row with the housing minister.  The minister, Emanuelle Cosse, who opposes the plan for a quasi-permanent camp in the city, claimed the announcement by the mayor, Anne Hidalgo, triggered an influx of up to 1,000 migrants in only a few days.  "Camps are not the solution," Ms Cosse told Europe 1 radio.  "The solution is to receive people in different locations in existing structures so they can be integrated in our country."

Senator: Obama Admin Must Suspend Syrian Refugee Program Amid ISIS Threat.  A leading senator has called on the Obama administration to immediately suspend an effort to bring some 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States amid new reports that ISIS terrorists have successfully infiltrated groups of migrants in the West, according to comments provided to the Washington Free Beacon.  Sen. Mark Kirk (R., Ill.) told the Free Beacon on Thursday [6/2/2016] that the Obama administration does not have the capacity to properly vet Syrian refugees for terror ties before they enter America.  In light of recent reports that three Syrians tied to ISIS has been arrested in Germany on terror charges, Kirk called on the White House to end its effort to facilitate the mass resettlement of Syrians in the United States.

1,037 Syrian Refugees Admitted in May:  Two Christians, 1,035 Muslims.  The number of Syrian refugees admitted into the United States jumped to 1,037 during May — an increase of 130 percent over the previous month — but the proportion of Christians among them remains miniscule:  two Christians (0.19 percent) compared to 1,035 Muslims.  May's figure of 1,037 Syrian refugees brings the total number since the beginning of 2016 to 2,099 — compared to 2,192 for the whole of 2015, according to State Department Refugee Processing Center data.

Sweden: Less than 500 of more than 163,000 illegal alien Muslim invaders found a job in 2015.  Only 494 asylum seekers out of 163,000 who arrived in Sweden in 2015 managed to secure a job, local media reported, citing migration officials.  The rest of them prefer to collect welfare benefits.

Muslims Jew-Hunting.  Here's what the Muslims are up to in Europe.  Sharia Police DocP hunt down products made in the Jewish State.  Will these stores be targeted for jihad terror?

Mass sexual assault reported at music festival in Germany.  Eighteen women have said they were sexual assaulted at a music festival in Germany.  Three men from Pakistan aged between 28 and 31 have been arrested and police are still searching for three men who may also have been involved.  The attacks are similar to those reported in Cologne and other cities on New Year's Eve, when as many as 1,000 women were groped and robbed.

The Editor says...
When the Muslims become the majority, there will be no more music festivals, or beer, or unescorted ladies in public.

German member of 'Refugees Welcome' raped by Afghan tenant.  A 26-year-old Afghan man was last Thursday [5/26/2016] sentenced to two and a half years in prison for rape.  The sentence was given by the court in Cologne, writes the local news outlet Kölner Rundschau.  The news outlet describes how the victim, a 20-year-old woman, had let the Afghan refugee stay with her in her apartment.  The Afghan man came to Germany two years ago, and the contact with the woman came through internet, in the group 'Flüchtlinge Wilkommen' (Refugees Welcome).

Trump adviser Sessions calls for refugee safe zone.  Donald Trump's national security adviser said Tuesday [5/31/20-16] he would recommend using U.S. troops to implement a safe zone for refugees in Syria and Turkey to protect Europeans from accepting terrorists embedded as asylum seekers.  Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions said the move would prevent Europe from having to continue to accept the millions arriving at its borders.  It would also help the U.S. remain within its annual immigration caps.  "It just cannot be the policy of the United States that when there's a war-torn area everybody's entitled to come here," Sessions told Fox News host Greta Van Susteren.

'We will multiply our descendants' Erdogan says NO Muslim should use birth control.  In a stunning speech broadcast live on television, Mr Erdogan also said women cannot be treated as equal to men.  The devout Muslim said women should have at least three children.  He said:  "We will multiply our descendants.  They talk about population planning, birth control.  No Muslim family can have such an approach.  "Nobody can interfere in God's work.  The first duty here belongs to mothers."  In the speech in Istanbul yesterday [5/30/3016] the Turkish president told women, particularly "well-educated future mothers", to not use birth control and to ensure the continued growth of Turkey's population.

How Safe, Low-Crime Sweden Was Sacrificed to the God of Diversity.  The Gatestone Institute essayist notes that the government dumped large numbers of unfriendly Muslims on Swedish communities that were overwhelmed and had no idea what they were getting.  Most shocking is the metamorphosis of safe Sweden into the worst rape country on earth as of 2012.  Mass immigration of young Muslim men will do that.  Back in 2005, Norwegian blogger Fjordman warned about the worsening violence against women:  Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway — Authorities Look the Other Way.  But as often happens, diversity-enthralled elites don't want to hear any discouraging words about their liberal religion, and the Swedish media went along with the censorship of Muslim violence.

This Is Not The America My Parents Immigrated To In 1957.  A town in Vermont, and across America, is forced to accept Muslim refugees (and then forced to pay for all their freebies) without the citizens even being allowed to question the town leaders because that would me "messy" and people would come "out of the woodwork" with all kinds of differing opinions.  Does this sound like a representative democracy, or dictatorship?

Sweden: Female Victims Blamed for Sexual Attacks by Muslim Immigrants.  The damning police report, which is looking at why Sweden has the worst rates of physical and sexual violence committed against women and girls in Europe, has also excused refugees who it says "cannot handle the alcohol".  Shockingly, the report revealed the majority of sex attack victims were under the age 15.  Police also admitted the majority of attacks have taken place in public places had been committed by migrants.

Migrants Fleeing Islamic State Risk Bringing Deadly Flesh Eating Disease To Europe.  A flesh-eating tropical disease is ravaging the war-torn Middle East, after Islamic State destruction created the ideal breeding conditions.  The parasitic disease called Cutaneous leishmaniasis is caused by bites from tiny infected sand flies which thriving in the squalid conditions left in the wake of Islamic State terror and conflict.  Thousands of cases have now been reported.  Previous, it was contained in Syria but has spread to Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan after more than four million Syrians fled there.

Muslim Congressman Bullies Muslims Who Don't Want Terrorists in the US.  Remember, there is no freedom in Islam, only submission.  Keith Hakim X. Ellison (D - Caliphate) is doing his best to remind Muslims who prefer to keep Muslim terrorists out of the U.S. that should not think on their own.  Ellison presides over the top Muslim terror recruiting hotspot in the U.S. and has done nothing but aid and abet the recruiters and those who have gone overseas to wage jihad.  Yet he verbally bullies and attempts to intimidate Muslims who support Donald Trump.

Feds pouring Muslim migrants into Rand Paul's hometown.  The same resettlement agency that is funneling Syrian Muslims into Sen. Bernie Sanders' state of Vermont and also into Nevada is now delivering them to Sen. Rand Paul's hometown of Bowling Green, Kentucky.  WND reported last week on the plans to seed the small town of Rutland, Vermont, with 100 Syrian Muslims while another 75 are being sent to Reno, Nevada, and dozens more in Missoula, Montana.  WND has previously reported on plans to bring up to 5,000 Syrians to Michigan and hundreds more to Idaho.  The feds have been scouting for new places to bring the Syrians including in northwest Arkansas and in Ithaca, New York.

Trump: Hillary Can't Say She Cares About Women While Importing Radical Refugees to America.  Indeed, last year, President Obama directed his administration to accept at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the course of this fiscal year.  However, Clinton said that Obama's plan did not go nearly far enough — Clinton called for a 500% increase to Obama's refugee resettlement operation.  "I think the United States has to do more," Clinton told CBS last September.  "I would like to see us move from what is a good start with 10,000 to 65,000."

The Muslim World Is a Permanent Refugee Crisis.  Forget the Syrian Civil War for a moment.  Even without the Sunnis and Shiites competing to give each other machete haircuts every sunny morning, there would still be a permanent Muslim refugee crisis.  The vast majority of civil wars over the last ten years have taken place in Muslim countries.  Muslim countries are also some of the poorest in the world.  And Muslim countries also have high birth rates.  Combine violence and poverty with a population boom and you get a permanent migration crisis.  No matter what happens in Syria or Libya next year, that permanent migration crisis isn't going away.

Push To Hire Foreign Citizen Police Officers To Fight Migrant Crime.  The German state of Bavaria is currently running a campaign to employ migrant police officers in order to help solve crimes involving migrants.  The Bavarian Interior Minister, Joachim Herrmann, made the announcement this week, stating "Our experience has shown that employees with foreign roots are more successful at finding a better approach to migrants" as they speak the same language, know how they think and can develop a "direct line" to them.  Announcing that it "would be no bad thing" to have "more foreign colleagues," Augsburger-Allgemeine reported that the move had been considered for some time.

Obama Admitted Zero Syrian Christian Refugees in May.  The Syrian Civil War is a religious conflict among Sunni and Shiite Muslims.  The only genuine refugees are non-Muslims such as Christians and Yazidis.  There is no such thing as a Muslim refugee.  Despite that, Obama continues his policy of prioritizing fake Muslim refugees over real Christian refugees.

State Dept. sets single-day record for Syrian refugee approvals, renewing security fears.  The State Department admitted 80 Syrian refugees on Tuesday [5/24/2016] and 225 on Monday, setting a new single-day record, as President Obama surges to try to meet his target of 10,000 approvals this year — sparking renewed fears among security experts who say corners are being cut to meet a political goal.  Officials insisted they're moving faster because they're getting better at screening, and say they're still running all the traps on applicants.  But the new spike in numbers is stunning, with more people accepted on Monday alone than were approved in the entire months of January or February.

Record 499 Syrian Refugees Admitted to US So Far in May Includes No Christians.  The Obama administration has admitted 499 Syrian refugees so far this month, with no Christians among them.  Of the 499 admitted in May, 495 are Sunni Muslims and the remaining four are described simply as "Moslem" in State Department Refugee Processing Center data.  Since FY2016 began on October 1, a total of 2,235 Syrian refugees have been resettled in the United States.  Of them, 10 (0.44 percent) are Christians:  three Catholics, two Orthodox, one Greek Orthodox and four refugees identified simply as "Christian."  Christians make up the biggest non-Muslim minority in Syria — about 10 percent before the civil war erupted.

Migrants flee as Greek riot police arrive at Idomeni at dawn to begin removing thousands.  Hundreds of Greek riot police launched a dawn raid today [5/24/2016] to evacuate the country's largest refugee camp.  A ten-day operation is underway to move more than 8,400 people from the squalid Idomeni encampment on the Greek-Macedonian border.  This morning, 400 officers descended on the site before six buses carried 340 people to a new official refugee camp near Greece's main northern city of Thessaloniki.

Christians under attack by Muslim migrants.  The biggest cover-up in Europe today could be a peek at the United States of tomorrow — especially if the leftists trying to force our borders open to millions of Muslim refugees have their way.  It's not being widely reported in the media, and even the police have been practically ordered to look away.  But a new report shows how the attempt to assimilate hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees is failing — because many of them are already committing the same types of atrocities they claim to have fled.

Obama Spending Millions of Tax Dollars on Summer Jobs for Refugees.  A new report reveals that President Obama is throwing the weight of the federal government behind a program to secure summer jobs for hundreds of "refugees" brought into the U.S. by the President's refugee program guided by the United Nations.  The President has unveiled a program he is calling the Summer Opportunity Project, insisting, "Access to a job in the summer and beyond can make all the difference to a young person — especially those who don't have access to many resources and opportunities."

Top language of refugees entering the US since 2008 is still Arabic.  This is the latest from the US State Department's Refugee Processing Center, here.  This is data for the period from 2008 up until April 30, 2016.  Remember, these are only the languages spoken by refugees, this does not include those spoken by other categories of legal immigrants or of illegal immigrants.

Majority of Germans think Islam does not 'belong' in their country.  Chancellor Angela Merkel's public calls for tolerance and inclusivity are increasingly falling on deaf ears, a new survey into Germany's attitudes towards Islam shows.  A new poll shows almost two-thirds of Germans think Islam does not "belong" in their country.  In a marked increase from a similar survey conducted six years ago in which a minority of Germans (47 percent) thought Islam had no place in their nation, the latest poll shows the figure is now at 60 percent.  That survey was provoked by then-President Christian Wulff's assertion that Islam was a part of the German nation, which sparked a furious backlash from social commentators.

Islamic Refugees:  It's not assimilation, it's infiltration.  Let us first, dispense with the pretense.  Every notion we in the West have adopted in terms of dealing with Muslims, both individually and collectively, is wrong.  It is a policy based more on political correctness than on rational analysis, more on a misunderstanding of culture than religion.

The gap between ONS migrant figures and the truth is as wide as the Grand Canyon.  We are owed an apology.  So, it turns out the British people are owed an apology.  An apology for every parent whose child can't get a place at a secondary school of their choosing.  An apology for every plasterer who claims that his wages have been driven down remorselessly by Eastern Europeans, yet been told to shut up because migrants are really good for the economy.  An apology for those damned as "racist" when they dare to wonder why families who have lived here and paid their dues for several generations can't get priority on the housing ladder.  A huge sorry is also owing, it seems, to every heavily pregnant woman turned away by her local maternity unit because it's "full".

Public Health Officials Silent On Possible Connection Between Measles Outbreak and Resettled Refugees.  Public health officials in the Shelby County Health Department, the Tennessee Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, and the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) seem reluctant to pursue a possible connection between a recent outbreak of measles in Memphis and the refugee resettlement program.  As Breitbart News reported previously, the first known instance of a person infected with measles present at a public location while infectious occurred at the Masjid Al-Noor Mosque in Memphis on the morning of April 15.

"They're everywhere".  Migrants desperate to reach the UK have targeted freight vehicles at the French port of Dieppe, following the partial closure of the Calais "jungle" camp, hauliers said last night [5/10/2016].  Lorry drivers have been placed on red alert after colleagues on cross-Channel services reported the trafficking situation at French ports was "far from under control".  The Road Haulage Association (RHA) said its members' safety could come under threat if the situation at smaller ports — where they say security is more lax — gets any worse.

Vienna police tell young blonde woman attacked by Muslim immigrants to dye hair, wear modest clothing, and don't go out alone on transit after 8.  Welcome to creeping Sharia, Austria.  When Muslims reach a critical threshold in the share of population, especially among young adult males, they begin enforcing new social rules.  That is what is happening across Western Europe with the arrival of "refugees" from Syria and many other places.

New footage of Cologne New Year sex attacks shows overwhelmed police struggle to control crowds of migrant men.  New footage of the infamous Cologne New Year sex attacks shows how police officers struggled to contain the large crowds as hundreds of assaults were committed in the melee.  More than 1,100 criminal complaints were filed relating to the chaos outside the main train station in Cologne on New Year's Eve, with several hundred alleging sexual offences.  The previously unseen video sees police scuffle with a number of young men, while fireworks are being set off into the crowd, and a woman can be heard shouting 'you mustn't touch me, you mustn't touch me' in the background.

Britain faces migrant chaos:  New 'summer of discontent' as thousands plot to storm border.  Lorry drivers have also been placed on red alert for a repeat of the powder keg atmosphere that engulfed Calais last year.  Fears of a fresh wave of lawlessness came as pro-migrant No Borders activists prepared to demonstrate in the town tomorrow [5/7/2016].  The Freight Transport Association thinks this could be the catalyst for a "summer of discontent" that causes widespread disruption to tourists and truckers.

'They're hard workers' Ex-PM Tony Blair defends opening up Britain to mass immigration.  Tony Blair last night [5/3/2016] defended his decision to open Britain's doors to hundreds of thousands of eastern Europeans migrants.  As Prime Minister he let people from the eight former Communist states work in Britain without restrictions.  The controversial move led to around 170,000 migrants from eastern Europe moving to the UK every year.  But the former Labour leader insisted the move has benefited Britain because of the contribution they have made to the country.

The Editor says...
I have seen no evidence that the sex-crazed louts in the current wave of Muslim invaders are inclined to work, beyond what it takes to keep eating regular meals.  Even if they are the hardest-working men you ever saw, they would then be displacing British workers, about five percent of whom are currently unemployed.

Obama Plan to Cut Refugee Screening Time Raises Concerns About Terrorism.  An Obama administration plan to resettle a greater number of foreign refugees in the United States by expediting the screening process is drawing concern from Capitol Hill, where lawmakers are warning that the administration is not capable of properly screening these individuals for ties to terrorism.  The Obama administration has committed to bring at least 10,000 Syrian refugees onto American soil in fiscal year 2016 by accelerating security screening procedures from 18-24 months to around three months, according to sources who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.  Obama administration officials told the Free Beacon that they remain committed to the plan, despite warnings from the FBI and other law enforcement officials who say the federal government is not equipped to properly vet these individuals within that timeframe.

A Terrifying Glimpse Into Germany's Future:  The Refugee Hostel.  They fled religious hatred, rape and violence in their homelands for the "safe" haven of Germany — only to encounter the same, brutal conditions in their new accommodations:  the refugee hostel.  Violence in refugee centers became a national topic in Germany last October, only weeks after Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel invited into Europe one million, mainly Muslim, refugees.  But exposure of this disgraceful situation appears to have had little effect, as German newspapers are reporting this month that conditions remain unchanged.  In fact, life in German refugee hostels has now become so unbearable thatreligious minorities, women traveling alone or with children, and homosexuals are fleeing their accommodations.  For them, according to one paper, the word "hostel" has become synonymous with "defenselessness".

Here Comes the Obama/UN Refugee "Surge" — Rebranded as "Safe Alternative Pathways".  Across the United States, designated "Welcoming Communities" have begun receiving — or soon will be recipients of — Syrian "refugees" chosen by the United Nations and supposedly vetted by U.S. agencies.  But only months ago top officials of these same agencies stated it would be impossible to vet the enormous pool of refugee applicants for terrorist and criminal backgrounds, or even to prove that they are from Syria, considering the chaos in the Middle East and lack of documentation among the migrant. [...] Because the governors of 27 states and a large portion of the American public have voiced opposition to Obama refugee resettlement "surge" plan, the UNHCR and various globalist think tanks have been teaming up with the State Department to hatch new ways of sliding more migrants in as students, temporary workers, and through expanding the always-effective "family reunification" program.

Asylum seeker confesses in Vienna court to pool rape.  Twenty-year-old Amir A., who is from Iraq and married with a child of his own, claimed that was a "sexual emergency" when he attacked the schoolboy last December at the Theresienbad in Vienna's Meidling area.  The young boy was swimming at the pool by himself and had befriended a 15-year-old boy, who was with the Iraqi man.  When the youngster went off to the showers after his swim the 20-year-old followed him and pushed the boy into a toilet cubicle, where he assaulted him.  After the attack the seemingly unconcerned man stayed in the swimming pool and was even using the diving board when police came to arrest him.

Muslim 'girls only' swimming sessions ripple Danish waters.  While the swimming club has hailed the move as a "recipe for integration", politicians and commentators have criticised the concept as being against Danish values.  The girl-only sessions, which also take place with windows and doors to the swimming hall blacked out, were set up in response to religious and cultural requirements put forward by parents, reports Berlingske.  The newspaper reports that 246 girls of non-Danish ethnic origin between the ages of five and 12 have begun attending swimming lessons at the hall since the sessions were introduced.

Sweden: Muslim Immigrant Rapes Then Pours Lighter Fluid Over a Swedish Girl:  Judge Allows Rapist to Remain in Sweden.  A Somali refugee kidnapped a woman, forced her to crawl on all fours, and raped her before pouring lighter fluid all over her body to "dispose of evidence."  However, when the prosecutor requested the maximum sentence for the violent rapist, a leftist judge had something else in mind.  In August 2015, a young woman was enjoying a fishing trip with a male friend in Gothenburg, Sweden, when she decided to head to a nearby store and stock up on food and beverages that evening.  It was on the way back that she ran into a 34-year-old Somali migrant who changed her view of open borders forever.

German Right-Wing Party to Adopt Anti-Islam Manifesto.  Germany's growing far-right party is likely to adopt a platform that calls for the banning of Islamic practices from public life. [...] There are obvious parallels in the 2009 Swiss decision to ban minarets and the 2010 French ban on the veil.  However, taken together, this is one of the more full-throated rejections of Islam to emerge from European politics.  And unlike, for example, the French decision, it does not appear to be part of a broader, equally enforced tradition of laïcité in public life; this appears to be a forthrightly anti-Islamic manifesto.

US weighing under-the-radar routes for Syrian refugees?  The Obama administration appears to be bowing to international pressure and pursuing under-the-radar "alternative" ways to bring in more Syrian and other refugees — as soon as this year.  The latest indication that the administration is preparing to take in more than the 10,000 Syrians this year it already has committed to follows a March 30 "high-level meeting" on Syrian refugee admission in Geneva, Switzerland — convened by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.  At the meeting, attended by State Department officials, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi called for countries to pursue "alternative avenues" for refugees — such as student and work visas, and expanded family reunification programs.

Somehow this article was written without using the word Muslim or Islamic.
Germany begins reforming sex crime law after Cologne.  The Bundestag has debated a long-awaited reform of Germany's sex crime law, accelerated in the wake of the Cologne attacks.  But while women's groups say it's inadequate and overdue, some lawyers think it's unnecessary.

Austria passes tough new law allowing it to shut border to ALL refugees.  Austria has passed a raft of tough new laws allowing authorities to seal off the border to ALL migrants.  MPs approved the no-nonsense measure which means border guards can now choose to turn back migrants if and when the flow gets too great to cope with.  The new law, which is among the toughest yet passed in Europe, signal Austria's continued determination to bring the spiralling migrant crisis under control.

Muslim Refugees Get $6k/Month In Welfare, Want You To Pay For Something Else.  A Muslim family with 9 children entered the West as refugees, refused to enter the workforce, and immediately signed up for welfare, receiving over $6,400 every month.  However, the lavish taxpayer benefits just aren't enough, so now they're demanding hardworking citizens pay for just one more thing in their attempt to milk the system.  When a devout Muslim couple left Afghanistan to pursue Western life in Austria, the immigration board approved asylum status for them and their 9 children, aging from 5 to 20 years old.  The pair soon claimed disability and began receiving $6,406.45 each month in welfare, according to Kronen Zeitung.  Now, they're planning on increasing their monthly benefits the best way they know how.

U.S. plots with United Nations to expand Syrian refugees from 10,000 to 200,000.  U.S.  officials, meeting with United Nations human rights officials in Geneva, joined in a project that looks to "alternative safe pathways" to setting Syrian refugees in America and Europe that include pushing colleges and universities to offer tuition programs and encouraging Syrians already in the country to open their homes to those who've fled the war-torn Middle East nation.  The plan already has one victory.  Last week, the University of Southern California revealed that it is offering five free tuition programs for Syrian refugees, including one in the school's journalism program.

The Editor says...
Whether the Syrian refugees come from a "war-torn country" is immaterial.  If we import 200,000 Muslims, the United States will be a "war-torn country" before we know it.

The European Union, Migrants, and Refugees.  So far in 2016, only 325 have been returned from Greece to Turkey while more than 140,000 migrants arrived by boat into Greece and the Greek islands from Turkey.  Turkey has done little to halt the main migrant route into Europe via the Aegean.  Greece is home to 54,000 stranded migrants, and there are as many as 10,000 refugees at the Greek-Macedonian border, near the village of Idomeni.  The sight of Macedonian police using tear gas against those trying to break through the fence that was built to prevent people coming from Greece is distressing.

Three New Muslim "Refugees" Stalk Random 17-Year-Old Woman In Subway, Attack And Rape Her.  Something that you will notice about Muslim sexual assaults against non-Muslim (and particularly western women) is that they involve some kind of (a) group sex or (b) feces.  This is no accident, but deliberate.  It is a fact seldom discussed in the modeling world that non-Muslim women who prostitute themselves to Arab men, especially in Dubai, have reported being coerced to perform (albeit for large sums of money) some of the most vile sex acts imaginable (if they could even be called sex acts), many times with the tamest involving feces or urine and getting worse from there — things that even many prostitutes will not do.

Gang of migrants demanding 'respect' smash way into Paris school and refuse to leave.  The 150 migrants have taken over the building of Jean-Jaures school since Friday as they seek shelter, electricity, gas and water.  Authorities have labelled the takeover of the school in Paris's 19th quarter a "savage occupation".  The chief constable of the area, Jean-François Carenco, has said:  "In this country, it is the law that speaks and not force."

Muslim Immigrants Sexually Harassing German Schoolgirls and the Mayor Blames the Girls.  A concerned grandfather voiced his concerns about the increasing incidents of sexual harassment of young girls on their way to school by migrants in a meeting in the German town of Bad Schlema.  His own granddaughter has been victim of sexual harassment and he fears it will be much worse when girls will wear less clothing in the summer or dress for physical education.  The mayor's reply angered the over 100 citizens who were present:  "It's simple, don't provoke them and don't walk in these areas."  The crowd went furious, some mocked the absurdity of not being able to walk to school in your own town, some demanded he step down immediately.

Amid rising tensions Austria reveals it has received more asylum applications than Births.  The figures, which expose a worrying new angle on the migrant crisis, have been slammed as unsustainable by the country's president.  After announcing the figures at a press conference on Wednesday, Heinz Fischer said:  "This cannot become a permanent state of affairs."  Mr Fischer said Austria received 88,000 applications last year, with the number of live births estimated to be similar to 2014's total of just 82,000.

Woman assaulted by 5 males while walking south Minneapolis at night.  The victim was walking in the Lyndale neighborhood around 9 p.m. when a car full of men called her over to their vehicle.  They spoke briefly and she continued walking, police said.  A short time later, the five men returned and approached her on foot.  They forced the woman to go to an area near 32nd Street and Blaisdell Avenue S., where they sexually assaulted her, police said. [...] Police released the following descriptions for the five, all identified as Somalis, with dark complexions.

The Editor says...
Shocking.  Who would have thought that importing Somali men would have any down side?  After all, everybody in Somalia is so well behaved, and they practice that Religion of Peace and everything.

American Mogadishu: 1.2% of Somalia's population has been resettled in America.  For all the talk about the security risks of Muslim "refugees" coming from Syria, little is said about another refugee program that has been delivering thousands of Muslims annually to U.S. cities for 33 years.  That country is Somalia, which, just like Syria, is a hotbed of Sunni jihad terrorism and warring factions of Shariah-compliant tribal clans.  Every president since Ronald Reagan has his fingerprints on the Somali refugee program, but it really found its footing under President Clinton and hasn't slowed down since.

Report: Children of refugees get more federal benefits than poor U.S. kids.  America loves kids, but Uncle Sam has a favorite:  children of refugees.  Among recipients of food stamps, welfare cash and Social Security payments, refugee children receive more in taxpayer-funded aid than children of citizens, according to a new report on federal spending from the pro-immigration Migration Policy Institute.

Eurabia's Multiculturalists Warn:  Muslim Migrants Create 'Nations Within Nations'.  Muslims have carved out no-go zones across Britain, as they have in France, which has also opened the floodgates to more Muslim immigrants.  And now that those same immigrants have established some 85 Islamic courts dispensing shariah "justice" across the U.K., the former head of Britain's Equalities and Human Rights Commission says perhaps he and other multiculturalists erred in assuming they would blend into western society and adopt our values.  Trevor Phillips says it may have been a mistake to loosen immigration restrictions and roll out the prayer mat for large numbers of Islamists.  And he says that he was naive to think the real risk of the arrival of these foreign communities was discrimination against Muslims.

Study: Border Controls Cheaper Than Mass Immigration.  Restoring full passport and security checks between European Union (EU) nations would be more cost effective than allowing the migrant crisis to continue indefinitely, a German economic institute has said.  The Munich-based Ifo institute said the reinstating border controls could reduce the EU's economic output by 0.19 to 0.47 percent each year, equivalent to €26.65 to €65.8 billion.  However, Gabriel Felbermayr, head of Ifo, said that these costs would be "just a small part of the amount that would be caused by uncontrolled mass immigration."

Nothing to Worry about from Middle-Eastern Refugees?  Think Again.  More warning about the disaster to come if we allow Obama's scheme to succeed.

Nothing to Worry about from Middle-Eastern Refugees?  Think Again.  As President Obama rolls out the red carpet for Middle Eastern refugees, he totally ignores the fact that militant-Islamic killers lurk among this bedraggled population.  Obama replied to ISIS's March 22 mayhem in Brussels, Belgium, by reasserting "our openness to refugees fleeing [ISIS]'s violence."  How excruciatingly ironic that one of the men who brutalized Brussels — killing 32 innocent people (including four Americans) and wounding 300 more — was one of the same "refugees" to whom Obama promises "openness."

California: Father of Jihad Suspect to Muslims: 'Don't Even Think About Telling Govt'.  [Scroll down]  All the more reason to ban immigration of Muslims.  It's going to get much, much worse in America as the Muslim population explodes — no pun intended.

'Epidemic Alert' As Doctors Diagnose Outbreak of Highly Contagious, Deadly Disease Among Migrants.  A former luxury hotel-turned migrant centre in Austria is the site of an outbreak of a deadly bacterial disease which has seen at least one migrant put into intensive care.  The outbreak of louse-born relapsing fever is just the latest re-emergence of diseases long thought exterminated in Europe, carried back to the continent by a great migratory movement of millions of people from Africa and Asia.  Particularly associated with Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, and Somalia, the extremely contagious bacteria causes severe illness and can be fatal in 30 to 70 percent of cases, according to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

Aid worker warns Britain many migrants have 'no intention of living under Christian law'.  Refugees in Europe's biggest migrant camps are routinely dishing out anti-Christian slurs to the kind-hearted volunteers who are supporting them, aid workers have told  Migrants take food and support from charity workers before insulting them in the next breath, he said.  Charity employees have seen first hand the desperation and devastation of the migrant crisis caused by record numbers of people displaced from the Middle East and Africa.  Since June 2015 the millions of asylum seekers fleeing Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa have had a huge impact on European member states who have opened their doors to them.

Muslim Migrant Mobs Riot under Paris Metro.  On April 14, there was a violent altercation between Muslim migrants under the subway at the Paris Metro train station before the intervention of security forces.

It's a 'spike', not an invasion.  Italy insisted Friday [4/15/2016] it was not facing an "invasion" after a spike in migrant boat crossings from Libya exacerbated fears the country is on the verge of becoming the main entry point for people trying to reach Europe.  Nearly 6,000 mostly African migrants have landed at southern Italian sports since Tuesday but Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said the overall trend this year was broadly in line with the 2015 pattern.

Stunned driver finds 23 migrants in his lorry — 200 miles from cross-channel ports.  Police including armed officers swarmed to the scene after getting a call from startled driver of the refrigerated vehicle.  He had pulled into a service area off the M4 outside Chippenham, Wiltshire, and discovered the group of 23 shivering in the back.  The immigrants were given thermal blankets to keep warm as they waited to be taken to hospitals in Swindon and Southmead, Bristol.

The Syrian Refugees and Obama's Plot Against America.  Maybe it was the predictable mainstream media omertá, but somehow I missed the disquieting news, announced April 7, that Obama had cut the screening time for Syrian refugees all the way down to three months from the original 18-24. [...] What is Obama up to here?  It's hard to avoid the conclusion that he is busy, in his last moments, doing his best to subvert our society as we know it.  And he has allies.  Some of them are disheartening and might be surprising to you.

How immigration will change Sweden profoundly.  In relation to its size, Sweden has long accepted more refugees than any other European country.  So when over a million migrants came to Europe last year, with even more on their way this year, a large share sought asylum in Sweden.  Attracted by Stockholm's generous immigration policies, more than 160,000 migrants applied for refugee status in Sweden in 2015, a per-capita rate more than six times the EU average.  The sheer scale of this influx is set to change Sweden in profound ways.

Obama Grants 700,000 Green Cards to Islamic "Migrants".  This disturbing information was circulated by the Senate Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on Immigration, which assesses that if there's no change in the current policy, the U.S. will likely grant another 680,000 migrants — possibly more — from Muslim-majority countries green cards in the next five years.  According to the DHS figures cited by the panel, Uncle Sam issued approximately 680,000 green cards to immigrants from 49 Muslim nations from fiscal year 2009 through fiscal year 2013. Over the same period, the U.S. issued only 270,000 green cards to migrants from the European Union, according to a committee announcement that reminds us "a green card entitles recipients to access federal benefits, lifetime residency, work authorization, and a direct route to becoming a U.S. citizen."  Some of the recipients are admitted to the U.S. as refugees so they immediately qualify for federal welfare benefits like food stamps and Medicaid.

Muslim "Refugee" Said He Wanted Better Accomodations So He Burned Down the Hotel [in which] He Was Staying.  The German media reported this story as a "racist" attack against the "poor refugees," but they were forced into shame when they discovered that the arson fire which severely damaged the hotel and nearly killed several people was actually a selfish, 26-year-old Muslim who wanted better lodging.  Of course no apology was given to the people the German media slandered, let alone to the hotel owner.

Preparing for 'Migrant Onslaught,' Switzerland Ready to Post Tanks at Border with Italy.  Switzerland has announced it is considering stationing a tank battalion at its southern border with Italy, after news that Austria is ready to completely shut down the Brenner Pass between Italy and Austria.  In a matter of just hours, Europe's migrant crisis has escalated following the unexpected announcement Wednesday night by Austria's Defense Minister Hans Peter Doskozil that his country is prepared to close its border if Italy does not get its migrant problem under control.

Syrian surge! 'Refugees' flood into U.S. at rate of 358 per week.  A flood of Muslim refugees from Syria, an average of 358 per week to be exact, is expected to arrive in the United States between now and the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30.  The Obama administration has decided to implement a "surge" in Syrian refugees, fast-tracking the arrival of those fleeing civil war in that country to make good on its commitment of bringing 10,000 by the end of fiscal 2016.  The "surge" is needed because the administration has delivered only 1,411 in the first six-and-a-half months of the year.

'Migrant crisis will be repeated' EU boss warns 'alarming' numbers are set to enter Europe.  Alarming numbers of migrants are to enter Europe from Libya and there will be no way to send them back, the European Council president has admitted.  Donald Tusk said the "never-ending story" of the migrant crisis will be repeated unless urgent action is taken.  The continent has hurtled into chaos since the crisis began, with around one million migrants having landed on Greek islands.

Army of Exotic Diseases Invades Europe Along With Refugees.  Needy welfare colonists from throughout the Middle East and Africa often show up with nothing but the clothes on their backs — and the culture in their heads, and the Third World diseases in their bodies, which often include "superbugs."  Many of these superbugs — such as MRSA, salmonella and certain strains of ecoli — are rapidly becoming untreatable with antibiotics.  Chagas disease is another favorite with the refugees.

Migrants use train carriage as battering ram to break through police barricade on border.  Hundreds of migrants used a train carriage as a battering ram as they tried to smash through a police barricade on the Greece-Macedonia border.  The refugees pushed the wagon with their bare hands after filling it with rocks they had stashed inside to use as weapons against officers.  The group of migrants used the locomotive as a battering ram after hijacking it from Idomeni station.  Tensions are running high after the closure of the border between Greece and Macedonia, with thousands of refugees camped along the former crossing.

Tear gas riots as 500-strong mob of migrants attempt to storm their way into Europe.  Masked migrant thugs hurled rocks at Macedonian police today [4/11/2016] as they rushed the border in a violent bid to smash their way into Europe.  A rampaging pack of more than 500 refugees attacked guards defending the country's southern border with Greece on one of the worst days of migrant violence this year.  Migrants with their faces covered by masks and war paint were seen picking up and hurling rocks at officers, who responded by firing tear gas canisters to drive them back.

Nearly 6,000 refugee children [are] missing in Germany.  A new report shows that nearly 6,000 children were reported as missing last year.  An answer from the Interior Ministry to the German Parliament (Bundestag) revealed that last year 5,835 refugee children were reported as missing, newspapers from the Funke Mediengruppe reported on Monday [4/11/2016]. [...] "The missing, unaccompanied, underage refugee children came mainly from Afghanistan, Syria, Eritrea, Morocco and Algeria," stated the answer from the Interior Ministry.  But the ministry did not state a reason for why they were missing.

Gang Of Muslims Savagely Attack Swiss Teenager At Train Station For No Apparent Reason.  This story is becoming very common throughout Europe, where gangs of Muslims savagely attack Europeans with no motivation other than their pure, unbridled hatred for all that is good and ordered in this world, and attempting to turn their environment into the cesspools which they crawled out of.  That said, and as the article notes, why did nobody help this person while he was being attacked, but just looked on and did nothing?  The answer is that they are scared of the Muslims.

Germany: Two 9-Year-old Girls Sexually Molested by Muslim Immigrants in Swimming Pool.  A 27-year-old migrant has been arrested for a sexual attack on two nine-year-old girls at a swimming pool in the German town of Rendsburg.  Two nine-year-old girls told Rendsburg police that they were inappropriately touched by two foreigners at the local swimming pool on Saturday [4/2/2016], according to local media reports.

Finnish is finished!
Arabic overtakes Finnish as second language of Sweden, linguist says.  Officially, Sweden doesn't keep a record of the languages its inhabitants speak.  That fact was infuriating to Mikael Parkvall, a linguist at Stockholm University, so he decided to find out for himself.  What is the most popular non-Swedish language in Sweden?  After poring over various statistics and studies, Parkvall came to a conclusion: Arabic was very likely to now be the second most popular language in the Scandinavian country.  Parkvall's study focused on native languages rather than second languages, which he says are a better judge of what languages are actually spoken in a country (while English is widely spoken in Sweden, relatively few are native speakers).  According to Sveriges Radio, in 2012 there were 200,000 people in Sweden who spoke Finnish as their native language, while 155,000 spoke Arabic.

New EU Report: Hey, on second thought, there's really no way to track or vet migrants.  In the aftermath of the Paris and Brussels terrorist attacks the European Union's own border agency, Frontex, has admitted that there is no way to effectively screen or track refugees coming across the border.  The report also admitted that the large number of refugees pose a security threat for the EU countries.  "There is no EU system capable of tracing people's movements following an illegal border-crossing.  Therefore, it is not possible to establish the precise number of persons who have illegally crossed two sections of the external borders of the EU," the report said.  The reported number of illegal crossing hit a new record of 1.82 million last year, six times higher than what was recorded in 2014.

Obama's Muslim refugee "surge" begins, at least 10,000 before September.  [Scroll down]  Michigan leads the nation in numbers of Syrian refugee arrivals for fiscal year 2016 through March 31st at 166 arrivals.  Following Michigan are California at 127, Pennsylvania at 117, and Illinois at 87 arrivals.  The other states and small city destinations are listed in the tabulation below, totaling nearly 1,300 for the first half of fiscal year 2016.  Ninety-seven percent of the arrivals are classified religiously as Suni Moslems by the WRAPS system of the US Department of State.

Norway won't take any more refugees from EU.  The Norwegian government will not take any additional refugees from the EU despite the bloc's new agreement with Turkey, Immigration Minister Sylvi Listhaug said on Friday [4/8/2016].  Norway has offered to take 1,500 asylum seekers over two years as part of the EU's refugee relocation scheme.  The first of those EU asylum seekers are expected to arrive within a month, but Listhaug said on Friday that the Norway would not expand its offer.  "We have set a quota for refugees from the EU.  Increasing it is not of current interest," Listhaug told NTB.

Don't send any more: Germany issues ultimatum to Italy as millions of migrants enter EU.  Germany has warned Italy not to send migrants its way or else face border restrictions.  It comes as people smugglers start using alternative routes into Europe following the closure of eastern European routes.  Germany's interior minister Thomas de Maiziere threatened to close Italy's border with Austria if Rome starts sending migrants north.  With the migrant route through the Balkans from Greece closed, migrants are instead crossing the Mediterranean from North African countries such as Libya and arriving in Italy.

Two-thirds of Germans want end to open borders.  The survey by French pollsters Ifop found that while 60 percent of Italians were against Schengen — an agreement which allows people to travel within the EU without showing a passport — across the Rhine the number of French people wanting borders closed was as high as 72 percent.

Migration anger spirals out of control.  This disturbing video shows how far-right protesters and ultra left-wing militia went to war in the historic port town, which has become symbolic of Britain's increasingly fractious and extreme debate over immigration.  Amid shocking and intimidating scenes locals cowered in their homes as black-masked thugs from both sides brawled with police and each other at a number of flash points.  One anti-migrant protester burned an EU flag in the street as he bellowed:  "This isn't happening in Asia, this isn't happening in India, it's only happening in white European countries."

The Editor says...
Notice that the "migrants" have come to town for the purpose of taking over the country and imposing sharia law on everyone, but the news centers on the behavior of those who object to the invasion.

Hungary says [there are] 900 'no-go areas' in Europe.  Europe has more than 900 "no-go areas" with large immigrant populations, Hungary's government claims on a hard-hitting new website aimed at drumming up opposition to an EU scheme to share out migrants around the bloc.  In these areas "with a high number of immigrants", for example in Paris, London, Stockholm or Berlin, the authorities have "little or no control" and "norms of the host society barely prevail," the site says.

Cruise For 1,700 School Kids Ends In Tragedy As Migrant Passengers Gang-Rape Girl.  Five men, including two believed to be accessories to murder, have been arrested on suspicion of gang raping a girl on-board a special, high school kids-only pleasure cruise in Sweden.

Having learned nothing from Europe's mistakes...
Canada to take in 10,000 more Syrian refugees.  Canada will take in an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees, adding to the more than 25,000 already received in the last few months, Immigration Minister John McCallum said on Thursday in Germany, where an influx of refugees has sparked a backlash.  McCallum told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp he was responding to complaints from Canadian groups who want to sponsor Syrian refugees but did not have their applications processed quickly enough to be among the government's initial target of 25,000.

Berlin invests €200m to fight sex abuse in refugee camps.  The scheme is slated to start on April 1st and will provide funds to remodel refugee camps with protected spaces for women and children, the Ministry for Families, Seniors, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) said in a statement on Thursday [3/31/2016].  Municipal authorities will be able to access the cash in zero-interest loans from the government-owned KfW development bank.  "Unfortunately we know that children and women in the camps are not safe from abuse and sexual assault.  That's why we have to make sure that they're protected," junior minister Ralf Kleindiek said.

Officials Say Brussels Terror Cell Is Too Large To Wipe Out.  So that's it, then?  Continue importing millions more of these invaders?  Shut the door and start deporting en masse.

Libya Could 'Open the Floodgates' For Thousands Of Migrants Into Europe.  Libyan asylum centres will "open the floodgates" and let thousands of migrants pour across the Mediterranean into Europe if the West does not offer them support, officials have said.  While Europe prepares for a sharp rise in the number of migrant crossings as spring approaches, detention centres in the war-torn North African state warn they are severely underfunded and on the verge of collapse.

"It's The Way They Stare At Women" Austrian Bar Bans "Refugees" Because They Are Harassing Clients.  Trust is an essential component of any society.  Once the trust is gone, a society falls apart because people can no longer relate to others safely.  By default, such a nation will descend, like much of the Middle East, into protracted stagnation and chaos.  The Muslim "refugees" in Europe have been essential in undermining social cohesion because nobody can predict their behaviors.  They already commit most of the crimes in the continent, and when they do they are very violent, such as with murder and rape.  Fortunately, one European bar owner has had the sense to ban refugees from his establishment because he can see the violence in their eyes.  Indeed, if the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the eyes of these refugees are a look into the bowels of hell.

The Fruits of Multiculturalism, Abroad and at Home.  Europe is being forced to account for its misguided multiculturalism on a grand scale, as it is being invaded and conquered voluntarily by the proponents and carriers of multiculturalism.  Belgium, which prides itself on its diversity and multiculturalism, has been duly thanked this week by those it welcomed and upon whom it gifted its liberties and freedoms.  France has also recently been thanked.  So too has been the UK, Germany, Sweden, and all the rest, as their own cultures are being swept aside to accommodate those who intend to assassinate the culture, rather than assimilate.  Increasingly, among the practitioners of aggressive multiculturalism, their gratitude is often measured in lives destroyed and the quantity of blood spilled to overwhelm the host.  It is measured in rapes, and violent crimes, and pedophilia, and human trafficking, and all of the niceties of the guest cultures that have been blindly welcomed or ignored by the host, whose tolerance was only exceeded by its stupidity.

Explosion of migrant violence predicted as countries crack down on routes into Europe.  Tens of thousands of refugees are currently stranded in squalid makeshift refugee camps along the Greek-Macedonian border after the closure of the popular Balkan route into the continent.  Bursts of violence have aready broken out between migrants and Macedonian police along the border — but police now warn this could soon rupture into all-out migrant-led riots across Europe.

ISIS trains hundreds of terrorists to infiltrate Europe.  ISIS has trained at least 400 of its fighters to attack Europe in a series of waves, Associated Press has found.  The attacks would be similar to those in Paris and Belgium, and timed to cause the most possible destruction and chaos across the continent.  The ranks are made up of terrorists from a range of origins who underwent training in Syria, Iraq, Libya and the former Soviet Union.  After completing their training, they will work semi-autonomously as they infiltrate Europe and prepare their attacks.

Migrants who attacked pensioners that stood up for harassed woman walk free from court.  The three Afghan men were arrested after attacking an elderly man who tried to stop them groping a woman on a subway train in Munich, Germany.  They also attacked an elderly woman, retired doctor Gloria R, 76, who said:  "He spat on the ground between my legs, and when I wanted to stand up and go, he tried to steal my walking stick.  I told him not to grab me, but he did and he kicked me in the backside."  They were caught after police officers issued their images around the country, and an alert police officer had then spotted one of the men, Haroon H, aged 20, and arrested him.  A short while later the 19-year-old, Fardin A, who was also wanted, was spotted by police and arrested.

Despite a "Terror Recruitment Problem", Obama Continues Importing Nearly 1,000 Somalis Each Month.  Despite fears that dozens of Somali immigrants have disappeared from Minnesota communities and believed to have joined ISIS, Barack Obama's efforts to import more Somalis into the U.S. continues unabated.  Over 700 Somali colonists arrive each year and are distributed into select communities around the country.

Somali refugees map
Somali 'Refugee' Influx Continues Unabated.  It's not as though Congress hasn't been warned about the festering radicalism of Somali youth.  Back in March 2009 the Senate Homeland Security Committee heard testimony that Somali youth were being radicalized in Minnesota.  The 2009 hearing highlighted the case of Shirwa Ahmed, a 27-year-old Somali who came to Minnesota as a refugee and was radicalized in his adopted country by al-Shabab — which convinced him to travel to Somalia and blow himself up along with 29 others. [...] The problem has only gotten worse since 2009.  Andrew Luger, the U.S. Attorney for Minnesota, admitted last spring, after six more Somalis were arrested for trying to board planes bound for Turkey with plans to join ISIS, that his state has "a terror-recruitment problem."  Yet, the Obama administration has kept the pipeline of new Somali "refugees" well-oiled.  They continue to come at a rate of 700 per month, most of them coming from United Nations' camps in Kenya — camps that the Kenyan president has threatened to shut down because of their suspected ties to terrorist attacks inside his country.

'60 Minutes' releases video of migrants attacking crew.  The first video footage of a "60 Minutes" Australia crew that was attacked in Sweden on Feb. 29 was finally released Monday [3/21/2016].  Journalist Liz Hayes and her crew with Channel 9 Australia headed to Rinkeby last month to report on African migrants and soon found out that "Little Mogadishu" is as hostile as advertised.  It took mere seconds for a cameraman to have his foot run over on purpose.  A gang of men also attacked once local cops left the scene.

Europe's terror enclaves [are] hidden in plain sight.  [Scroll down] Small cells, operating autonomously, seem to be the rule.  Any number of such cells may well be lurking out there — each operating independently with its own lethal mission.  And per capita, there are more Belgian extremists — more than 400 — who've made their way to the battlefields of Syria and the ranks of Islamic State than from any other country, while France, Britain and Germany lead in terms of absolute number of ISIL recruits from European countries.

Police report: 90 potential jihad suicide bombers "roaming" EU, arrived via Muslim migrant influx.  The solution: more Muslim migrants!  [Video clip]

Swedish City Cancels Earth Hour Without Lights, Electricity Because Of Rape Risk.  The city of Östersund in central Sweden has decided to cancel its participation in Saturday's [3/19/2016] Earth Hour because of the increased rape risk when streets are dark.  Earth Hour is an annual event where people turn off electricity for one hour to conserve energy. Östersund usually turns off its street lighting, but has decided to keep it lit due to a spree of sexual assaults.  The city recently told women to not walk the streets alone because their safety couldn't be guaranteed.

Swedish Town Cancels Earth Hour Due To Threat Of Refugee Violence.  Why yes, it is almost that time, when members of the Cult of Climastrology are supposed to turn off all their lights for a massively long hour to show their support for Other People Doing Something about anthropogenic climate change.  This is a bit of a problem in one town in Sweden.

Muslim "Refugees" In Germany Loot Clothing Container Intended For The Homeless And Needy.  According to an article (which has been since removed) about this video, each Muslim "refugee" costs nearly a half-million Euros to care for in state benefits.  What do they do to repay the German government?  They rob donations intended for those who most need them.  Look at these men.  They are well-dressed, healthy, and have no problems.  They are NOT "refugees."  They are parasites living off of the system and will continue to feed on their host until it dies, after which they will try to find a new host to destroy.

Migrants Will Cost Bankrupt Greece More Than 600 Million Euros, Says Central Bank.  The cost of managing the migrant crisis in Greece will exceed a previous estimate of 600 million euros (465.74 million pound) as more and more refugees are forced to remain in the country, Bank of Greece Governor Yannis Stournaras said on Sunday [3/13/2016].  More than 41,000 refugees and migrants are stranded in Greece, their plans to travel north blocked by border shutdowns throughout the Balkans.

Swedish town rocked by EIGHT sex attacks in three weeks by migrant men.  The streets are deserted after dark in a sleepy Swedish town which is a now no-go zone for women after eight sex attacks in three weeks.  Women have been warned by police not to walk alone at night after the once peaceful town of Östersund was shaken to its core by a string of vicious attacks on females and even children by groups of young men of 'foreign origin'.  First, two 10-year-old girls were groped at a bus stop by a gang of men who threatened to rape them.  The following day, a woman told police she was punched in the face, splitting her eyebrow, by a man who threatened to kill her after he made a rude comment to her.  Just five days later a woman walking on her own was attacked by three men, beaten and pushed to the ground.

Government Funded Website Teaches Migrants How To Have Sex — In 13 Different Languages.  An explicitly illustrated new website from the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) targeting migrants gives life lessons in sex, including different positions, prostitution, and how to engage in causal sex.  Launched in late February as a means to aid integration, the website is gathering significant attention abroad for its graphic cartoon depictions of sexual acts.  The pictures, which often show dark-skinned men having sex with white women have been referred to as an illustration of Germany's "welcoming culture" towards migrants by Swiss newspaper Blick, while Canada's Ezra Levant called them conveniently "colour coded".

The Editor says...
From what I've gathered, the sex-starved Muslims that are streaming in to Sweden and Germany are fully capable of figuring out how to have sex, if given the slightest opportunity, legal or otherwise.  They don't need instructions, they don't need encouragement, and they surely don't need a supply of government-sponsored cartoon pornography.

'We'll take Merkel to court over migrant chaos' Furious Sweden hits out at Germany.  The Nordic country has lashed out against its fellow EU member claiming it is breaching a convention which says countries can send migrants back to where they were originally registered.  Stockholm says Germany is refusing to cooperate and has threatened to take Merkel's government to the European Court of Justice over the issue.  It is also claiming it is suffering as a result Merkel's open door migration policy, which has seen over a million arrive in Germany, and many then heading north to Scandinavia.

Migrant abducts mother's four-year-old son at Austrian swimming pool.  A migrant abducted a four-year-old boy at an Austrian swimming pool just so he could molest his mother when she came to look for him in the latest terrifying sex attack.  The man, who barely spoke German had attempted to chat to the 37-year-old woman who was at the pool in the town of Klagenfurt with her young son.  When she rejected his advances, the asylum seeker went into the children's play pool, where her son was and grabbed the boy.

Greece's 'warehouse of souls:' Refugees stuck in old stadiums, derelict airport.  For many refugees, Athens is no longer the doorway to Europe.  But they still keep coming — at an average rate of 1,800 people each day during February.

Muslim Immigrants Turn Germany Into an Active War-Zone (Video).  Firearms are not permitted in Germany, although, as you will see for yourself... these laws do not apply to the criminal element. [Video clip]

Father is hospitalised by 'Sharia patrol' in Austria after he told them to stop threatening his wife and daughter.  Austrians fear parts of Vienna are becoming no-go areas after a father was attacked by a 'Sharia patrol' when he told them to stop threatening his wife and daughter for not being correctly dressed.  As various factions of migrants stake claims to territory in the city, it has been reported that the self-styled Sharia patrols have been visiting clubs and bars in the Millennium City area to make sure Chechen women were properly dressed and acting appropriately.  However, when one Austrian man tried to step in to stop the patrol from hassling his Chechen wife and daughter, he ended up being hospitalised.

German Cafes Stop Selling Pork Sausages to Spare the Feelings of Muslim "Refugees".  It's always the same thing: non-Muslims must change their behavior and adapt their culture to suit Muslims. Muslims are never expected to adapt to the mores of their host culture.  And so where will this end?  Will Germany surrender completely and become a sharia state?  Or at a certain point will Germans say they have had enough?  Because of their horrific history of genocide and hatred, many Germans will never say "Enough" even to the point of taking peaceful steps to stop this invasion — they would rather commit national suicide.  And that is exactly what they are doing.

Muslims have turned Malmo, Sweden into Somalia in only 20 years.  During our week in Europe, we spoke to politicians, journalists and activists.  But I knew the most interesting people to talk to would be Muslim migrants themselves. [...] Today, I'll share my interviews with men in the Muslim majority Malmo neighbourhood of Rosengard.  These young men loiter at the mall all day.  They pretended to be shy, but they were riveted by what we were doing.

Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants.  Surprised?  Don't be.  The Qur'an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take "captives of the right hand," 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). [...] How these Muslim migrants have enriched Sweden!

7 Yr Old White Girl Raped By Syrian Refugee, Islamic Invasion Rape Crisis In Full Effect!  America needs to understand that when we allow people to enter America, we are also inviting their culture.  In Islamic culture, women are treated like dogs, and young girls are raped without a second thought.  In Muslim Egypt, 99.3% of women and girls have been sexually harassed or raped.  Rape of Muslim women is technically against Islamic law, but rape can only be proven if the rapist confesses, or if there are four male witnesses.  Women who allege rape without the benefit of the act having been witnessed by four men, will be punished for making the accusation.  Rape of non-Muslim women is said to be okay under Islam.  If they or the accused happens to be married, then it is considered to be adultery.

The Women-Hunt In Germany.  Many Germans welcomed with open arms the million, mostly male and Muslim, migrants Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel invited into Germany last September.  At train stations, they handed out water bottles to the newcomers, while holding signs stating:  "Willkommen!"  At first, everything was, as the Germans say, "Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen" ("peace, joy and happiness").  But the good feeling these greeters created, especially among themselves, has somewhat dissipated, primarily due to the increasing number of reported sexual assaults by migrants against women and children.  The best known incident was the sexual molestation of hundreds of women in Cologne on New Year's Eve by about 1,000, mostly North African men that included migrants.

Angela Merkel: A Suicidal Bully.  Not for the first time the government of Germany is acting as if it owned Europe.  On two occasions in the 20th century it sought to occupy most of Europe; this time, with almost equal arrogance, it is trying to bully the rest of Europe into not resisting the ongoing Muslim occupation.  The consequences of its actions today, if not checked, are likely to be as tragic as those of its predecessors had been in 1914 and 1939.

France demands Britain stumps up €20Million for Calais Jungle migrant camp.  The Prime Minister revealed the investment at a joint press conference with French president Francois Hollande, following a Anglo-French summit in the city of Amiens.  He said:  "The UK has not faced anywhere near the scale of migrants coming to Europe as other countries, because we are outside Schengen and we retain control of our borders, and in Calais we have worked together with the French to strengthen security to deter migrants from trying to enter Britain.

Greece Tries to House Migrants as Other Gates Close.  Terminal E2 in Piraeus, the port city near Athens, is typically a cheerful holding spot for tourists waiting to board ferries for sunny Greek island vacations.  But on a recent day, nearly 1,000 exhausted migrants who had just crossed the Aegean Sea from Turkey sprawled across the sweat-soaked floor and on the asphalt outside, waiting to hear if they could continue toward Germany.  The answer came soon enough:  Syrians and Iraqis could board buses for Greece's northern frontier with Macedonia, which was already choked with nearly 10,000 migrants after Macedonia sealed its border over the weekend.

Pressure mounts on David Cameron to reveal TRUE EU migrant numbers in UK.  The prime minister faces growing calls to seize back control of Britain's porous borders after figures showed 257,000 EU migrants arrived in the UK last year, but over the same period 630,000 EU citizens registered for a national insurance number.  He has been accused of failing to explain away the staggering 335,000 discrepancy in the numbers, as first revealed by  John Whittingdale, the Culture Secretary, expressed his grave concern over the shocking figures considering the nation's public services are "creaking at the seams".

Mob of 30 migrants chase girls through shopping centre before clashing with police.  The gang, believed to be from Afghanistan, were filming the three youngsters aged 15, 16 and 17 on their mobile phones at the Sophienhof shopping centre in Kiel, northern Germany.  Anxious passers-by, who were concerned that the mob might attack someone, called police who scrambled to the scene.

Nato commander: Isis 'spreading like cancer' among refugees.  Refugees from the Middle East and north Africa are "masking the movement" of terrorists and criminals, Nato's top commander told Congress on Tuesday [3/1/2016], despite the protests of human rights groups who say that refugees overwhelmingly have no ulterior motive but escape.  In testimony to the Senate armed services committee, US general Philip Breedlove said that the Islamic State terror group is "spreading like a cancer" among refugees.  The group's members are "taking advantage of paths of least resistance, threatening European nations and our own", he added.

The new Iron Curtain holding back the hordes: The 19-mile barbed wire fence built on Macedonia's border.  These razor-wire fences last night became the new frontier in Europe's bid to tackle the migrant crisis as Greece was told it faced being 'sacrificed' to save the EU.  Austria and the Balkan countries yesterday [2/29/2016] refused to ease border restrictions that have led to the Greeks being sealed off from the rest of the Continent.  For 19 miles along the boundary with Macedonia, the parallel lines of 8ft fencing keep thousands of migrants trapped in Greece.

Meet the 'Groping Guard' vigilantes who patrol swimming pools in Sweden against migrants molesting female bathers.  'We are here to teach these boys they must learn to behave,' says Siri Bernhardsson as she patrols the swimming pool wearing a bikini.  'We are tired of men thinking they can come to Sweden and molest women when all we want is to be left in peace to swim without being felt up.'  Siri, 24, an assistant nurse, is one quarter of the 'Groping Guards' — an all-girl, bikini-clad vigilante group who monitor the swimming baths of Kalmar, Sweden to stop women from being molested by young migrant men.

Germany has a water park open in the winter?
2 teenage girls sexually assaulted by Afghan migrants at German waterpark.  Asylum seekers from Afghanistan have been charged with the attempted rape of two schoolgirls in a public swimming pool in the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein.  The court ruled in favor of holding the suspects in custody without bail over the risk of repeated offence.  The adult man and 14-year old boy reportedly molested two girls, aged 14 and 18, at the Arriba aquatics center in the city of Norderstedt on Saturday [2/27/2016].  After being groped by the men, the girls approached the center's security staff, who detained the perpetrators and called the police.

The Great Wall of Europe: Hungary splits continent in two with huge fence to stop migrants.  No-nonsense prime minister Viktor Orban today announced plans to construct an enormous 280-mile long razor wire barrier which will completely seal his country off from southern Europe.  The fence will join up with those currently deployed along Hungary's borders with Serbia and Croatia to create an impregnable barrier to migrants headed north towards Germany and Scandinavia.  Mr Orban has styled himself as a defender of Christian Europe, repeatedly ignoring pleas from European Union (EU) bureaucrats to open up his country's borders to millions of migrants.

Horrifying scenes at the Calais 'Jungle'.  A woman protesting the demolition of the 'Jungle' migrant camp in Calais today [3/1/2016] cut her own wrists during a standoff with French riot police.  Standing with a man on the roof of a camp dwelling, she warned police not to approach — but sliced herself when they moved forward to arrest her male companion.  The dramatic confrontation occurred as around 100 makeshift homes in the so-called 'Jungle' were torn to the ground yesterday, with bulldozers likely to continue their work all this week.

Refugees buying one-way tickets home after finding Germany intolerable.  [Scroll down]  The reasons are myriad, but include overcrowded refugee centers, exasperating bureaucracy, unfamiliar German food, a lack of jobs and a spreading sense of resentment from Germans who fear their country is being overrun by Muslims.  Many refugees say they are now happy to trade a cold, heartless and lonely life in one of Europe's richest countries for the violence, insecurity and poverty back home.  And they say they have realized, rather belatedly, that smugglers had sold them a pack of lies about big houses, well-paying jobs and the life of luxury they would find in Germany.

Migrants protest at Greece-Macedonia border as bottleneck builds.  Stranded migrants lay with their children on rail tracks at Greece's northern border Sunday, demanding to be allowed to continue their journey, as Athens warned the number of people "trapped" on its soil could more than triple next month.

Greece [is] becoming [a] 'migrant warehouse' as refugees slowly trickle into Macedonia.  Greece is fast becoming the "warehouse of human beings" that its government has vowed not to allow.

EU Commissioner says: "10 days until EU migration system totally breaks down".  Further chaos loomed as a French court approved the partial evacuation of the "Jungle" migrant camp near the port of Calais on the coast, a move that Belgium fears will send Britain-bound migrants coming its way.  Attempts by EU interior ministers meeting in Brussels to agree a unified response to the biggest migration crisis in the bloc's history frayed over the fact that many states are increasingly taking matters into their own hands.  The talks descended into acrimony over Austria's decision to freeze Greece out of a meeting earlier this week with Balkan states, at which they agreed steps that would effectively trap many asylum seekers on Greek territory.

Muslims Outnumber Christians In Capital Of European Union.  Considering what European Union policies have done to Europe, it seems all too apt for its capital to be a hive of Islamic terror and on the road to becoming a majority Muslim city. [...] There isn't going to be a Brussels in 50 years.  There's going to be an Islamic State.  It's much too late to start pleading with the Jihadi invaders to play nice.  It's time to decide if there is going to be an Islamic State in Belgium or not.

Riot in refugee camp sees 100 migrants attack each other with chairs and bins after Syrian girl refused to wear a headscarf.  Some 100 migrants rioted in a refugee camp in Belgium after Syrian and Iraqi migrants clashed with Afghans because a young girl was not wearing a headscarf.  The young Syrian girl at the centre of the dispute had been targeted by the Afghans for days over her refusal to wear the headscarf, an item of modesty clothing often enforced in Islamic countries.  But when she was defended by her fellow Syrians, a riot erupted which saw the groups of migrants attacking each other with rubbish bins, chairs and broomsticks.

Migrants find doors slamming shut across Europe.  Since Sunday [2/21/2016], Macedonia and Serbia, for instance, have blocked passage to virtually all Afghans — a group accounting for roughly a third of all migrants.  Even many Syrians and Iraqis without proper documentation are being turned away, aid groups and U.N. officials say, leaving a quickly increasing number of desperate asylum seekers stranded in nearly bankrupt Greece.

Teenage Afghan migrant, 16, 'rapes worker at Belgian asylum centre two weeks after attending a course on how to treat Western women'.  A teenage Afghan immigrant has been charged with raping a female worker at an asylum seekers' centre in Belgium, authorities said, prompting outrage from anti-immigrant politicians.  The 16-year-old Afghan asylum seeker followed a worker from a catering firm into the basement and raped her at the centre in Menen, near the French border, prosecutors said.  The judge ordered him detained in youth custody until his next hearing.

Britain: Muslim Rape Gangs Run Wild.  1,400 British non-Muslim children were gang-raped and brutalized by Muslims in the British city of Rotherham, in accord with the Qur'anic allowance for the sexual enslavement of infidel women that the Islamic State has pointed to in order to justify its exploitation of captive Yazidi and Christian women.  But no airstrikes were called in Rotherham; rather, British officials there "described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so."  And now four years of key and highly incriminating files have gone missing.

'Islamic Rape Of Europe': Polish Magazine Splashes 'White Europa' Girl Groped By Migrant Hands.  One of Poland's most popular weekly magazines has splashed a graphic depiction of the rape of Europe's women by migrants on its front cover.  The image may be one of the most politically incorrect illustrations of the migrant crisis to date.  While Poland is generally much more relaxed about expressing itself than the self censoring tendencies of western and northern Europe, the cover of the latest wSieci (The Network) conservative magazine has already prompted reaction just 24 hours after release, being beamed around the continent by social media.

Desperate Sweden is forced to hire luxury cruise liner with theatre, gym and swimming pool to house 2,000 refugees at a cost of £65,000 a day.  Thousands of migrants are being given rooms aboard a luxury ocean liner which comes complete with a theatre and swimming pool because Sweden can no longer cope with the numbers arriving at its borders every week, it has been revealed.  Sweden's Migration Board is renting the Ocean Gala — once the world's largest cruise liner where holidaymakers pay £2,500 for a two-week break — for at least the next year at the eye-watering cost of of £65,000 a day.  When the giant cruise ship is full it will provide bed and board for 1,790 migrants — about the number arriving in the country every single day at the height of the crisis.

Huge influx of migrants is blamed for an expected ONE BILLION EURO shortfall in the German health service by 2017.  The German health service is facing a billion-euro deficit as it struggles to cope with the influx of more than a million asylum seekers who arrived last year.  Although the German government pays a lump sum to the country's health insurance companies every time they treat an asylum seeker, this apparently does not even cover half the cost.  Currently the amount is £70 per person, but research over costs of treating asylum seekers in Hamburg has revealed it needs to be at least between £140 and £155.

How 'totally unprecedented' migrant crisis is pushing Sweden to breaking point.  Sweden is absorbing the vast majority of the migrants coming to Europe to seek asylum and the country is now in turmoil.  Violence and crime has swept the nation with police declaring they now have entire areas which are 'no-go' zones.  In 2015 alone Sweden, with a population of 9.5 million, received over 160,000 asylum applications and the country is expected to take as many as 190,000 refugees, or two per cent of the population, in 2016.

Muslim Migrant Surge: GOP Worried about Thousands Obama is "Interviewing" in Jordan to Bring Here.  The Obama administration is sending officials to Jordan to interview thousands of Muslim refugees for the U.S. refugee resettlement program.  Does the Obama administration believe that jihadists hellbent on attacking America will be forthright and truthful during these interviews?  The Lebanese education minister said there are 20,000 active jihadists among the refugees in his country.  The Islamic state said in February 2015 that they would be sending half a million refugees to the West.  And the Islamic state has vowed to attack the US and Europe.  Why is Obama bringing a jihad army to America?

Sweden police reportedly investigating murder at refugee center.  [Swedish] police are investigating a murder at an asylum center after a fight broke out among refugees on Saturday [2/13/2016].  Police said the fight occurred in the town of Ljusne, about 149 miles north of Stockholm.  It is the second death that has occurred at a refugee center in the last two months.  A 22-year-old asylum center employee was stabbed to death by refugees in January.

Islam: The Jinn is out of the bottle.  Europe is on fire, in a social and financial crisis of its leaders' own making.  Its public places are now spectacles of the obscene, and its women are sexual objects for a predatory race of invaders.  Its social systems are stretched to the breaking point by belligerent "refugees" who are devouring their host countries at will, while Europe's leaders defend the invaders and blame their own citizens.  Western civilization is under attack, and rational citizens are at a loss to understand why their leaders are allowing the destruction of their societies.  Much has been written about the outrageous acts that have been committed by Muslim migrants, so we need not repeat them here.  We can simply agree that the situation in Europe is disastrous, and it's getting worse.  And America is not far behind.  Western leaders are aiding and abetting this insanity with a consistency and single-mindedness of purpose that can only be explained in one way:  they must think they have something to gain from the chaos created by this crisis.

Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing Asylum Centres Due To Persecution By Muslim Men.  Christians, homosexuals and women are fleeing asylum centres in Germany in ever growing numbers due to acts of violence, intolerance and crime perpetrated by Muslim men.  According to German newspaper Die Welt, the violence toward ethnic minorities, religious minorities and women continues to skyrocket across German asylum centres.  Muslim men tear up Bibles and assault Christians, sexually abuse women and children, and beat up homosexuals.  The news has led to calls from human rights campaigners to say enough is enough.

UK: Somali Muslims living by their own laws.  Why shouldn't they behave with absolute impunity? They know that the British government is cowed, weak, terrified of them, and in thrall to the multiculturalist ethos which makes it "racist" to oppose them in any way.  The country is theirs; it's only a matter of time.

Erdogan threatened to 'open doors to Greece and Bulgaria' and flood EU with migrants — report.  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened to "put refugees on buses" and flood Europe with migrants if EU leaders did not offer him enough cash to help curb the influx of asylum seekers, a leaked record of a high-level meeting claims.  "We can open the doors to Greece and Bulgaria anytime and we can put the refugees on buses," Erdogan was quoted as telling European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk after being told that the EU was offering Turkey €3 billion over two years.

The man who became a millionaire out of migrants: The fat cat who gave himself a £760,000 pay rise to put refugees up in hotels.  The fat cat boss of a company given vast amounts of taxpayers' money to house asylum seekers is on a salary of almost £1 million a year, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.  MPs have condemned James Vyvyan-Robinson, director of Clearspring Ready Homes Ltd, for profiteering from the plight of refugees after he awarded himself an astonishing near-fourfold pay rise.  The company, which is paid by the Government to provide transportation and accommodation for asylum seekers, is currently under investigation by HMRC over its tax affairs.

12 Asian men are jailed for 143 years for gang-raping a 13-year-old white girl.  A Muslim councillor has admitted that some feel as though 'it takes two to tango' as 12 men were jailed for gang-raping a 13-year-old white girl in West Yorkshire.  The gang of men from Pakistani origin were jailed for a total of 143 years at Bradford Crown Court today, for 13 months of horrendous abuse of the British white girl in 2011 and 2012.

573 Muslims, 2 Christians: Syrian Refugees Admitted to US Since Paris Terror Attacks.  The number of Syrian refugees being resettled in the United States continues to climb slowly, but of the 576 admitted since last November's Paris terrorist attack, only two (0.3 percent) are Christians.  The two Christians are an Orthodox man and a Greek Orthodox man, according to State Department Refugee Processing Center data.  Meanwhile, 560 Sunni Muslims (97.2 percent), three Shi'ite Muslims, and 10 others identified simply as "Moslem" have been admitted over the same period.  One last Syrian male refugee is identified as "other religion."

Iraqi refugee raped 10yo boy in Austria, says it was 'sexual emergency'.  Austrian police have confirmed that an Iraqi refugee was arrested over the rape of a 10 year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna in December.  He told police he did it due to a "sexual emergency," local media reported citing the interrogation record.

Sweden map
How sex attacks are spreading across Sweden as police struggle with migrant crime.  Shocking sex attacks have swept across Sweden with the number of young girls and boys being raped rocketing as police struggle with migrant crime.  This map shows the vile attacks happening across the country with many gang rapes, sex attacks in schools and assaults on children and adults blamed on refugees and migrants. can reveal details of nearly 20 horrifying incidents which took place in January alone.  The incidents involve young boys and girls, as well as adults being held down, groped, flashed, raped and claimed as a migrant's property.

Former Amarillo Resident Sounds the Alarm on Islamic Resettlement.  Karen Sherman saw what the federal government's practice of establishing Islamic colonies throughout the country did to Amarillo.  Having moved north, she is sounding the alarm in Montana.  With luck, her warning will spread far beyond.  [Video clip]

Hijrah: Why Is Small Town America Being Flooded With Islamic "Refugees"?  Small towns in the sparsely populated parts of America are the perfect place to relocate these refugees.  Especially if your agenda includes politically terraforming the country.  The West is historically conservative in their politics.  Many are Republicans and Libertarians.  Even the Democrats hearken back to an earlier time when they were more conservative in nature.  Obama and the Democrats can't have that.  They need to have an entire country willing to submit to Marxist diktats.  They need areas seeded with those who will vote Democrat and ensure that they stay in power no matter what.  And it's not just voting demographics that are pushing this move either.  I personally believe that there is a warped logic to all of this.  That if Islam can be made the predominant religion in America, people will be more easily controlled.  That's insane of course and won't work, but there you have it.  Instead, Shariah law will be implemented and you will see the same atrocities occurring in Europe happen here.  The big difference being, that at least for now, Americans are armed and will use those weapons to protect their neighbors, loved ones and country.

Refugees Go Clubbing In Russia, Harass Girls, Wake Up In Hospital The Next Morning.  A group of 51 refugees were brutally assaulted outside a night club in Murmansk, Russia, after they groped and molested women at a night club Saturday [1/30/2016].  The refugees had previously been ordered to leave Norway for "bad behavior" and tried their luck in Russia.  What they didn't realize when they went out clubbing in Murmansk is that Russians have less tolerance when it comes to sexual assault on local women than other European countries.

Reality TV: Obama at the Mosque.  Nearly a decade ago, a high-ranking German military officer predicted to me there would be more Muslims coming into Germany because, he said, Germans felt guilt and remorse about the Holocaust, so the government would go overboard with Muslims to show religious tolerance.  Now Angela Merkel is trying to save face, so she won't repudiate her misguided policy of mass importation of Muslims, but she must privately regret the disruption of Germany.

Germany Sets Up High Security Migrant Camp For North African Delinquents.  Scores of migrants with a history of delinquency and trouble making are being moved to a single camp with high fences and extra security.  The camp in Stuttgart, Germany has been designated exclusively for men of North African origin.  The first group of 40 migrants was bussed in from the nearby town of Ellwangen this week, all of whom had been involved in a "large scale incident", Stuttgarter Nachrichten reports.  Half of them were "classified striking or delinquent" by the regional government office.

The multiculturalism myth: World leaders ignore Islam's refusal to assimilate.  Just as radar warns of approaching storms, so does the flood of migrants entering Europe warn us of a deluge yet to come, not only for Europeans, if they continue to allow unrestricted immigration, but for the United States.  Reports that women in Cologne, Germany, have been groped and robbed by men described by authorities as having "a North African or Arabic" appearance should be warning enough, but there are other and more ominous warnings that suggest worse lies ahead, unless the problem receives immediate attention and action.  And it's not just Cologne.

10,000 Migrants to be Housed in Berlin's Luxury Hotels While Local Homeless Go Without Shelter.  The Berlin Senate has announced an audacious, and some would say totally inappropriate plan to house 10,000 migrants in mid level to luxury hotels in the city with a total price tag of at least 600 million euros.  The senate has requested a contract with Grand City Hotels to lease out 22 hotels to house migrants in the city.

Astonishing video shows 80,000 Syrian refugees living in giant camp in Jordan as its King warns: 'The dam is about to burst'.  Jordan is hosting more than 600,000 of the 4.6 million Syrians who have registered with the UN as refugees since the civil war broke out in the country five years ago.  But the Jordanian government says there are another one million unregistered Syrians living in the country, which has a population of 9.5 million, and fear more will arrive due to the estimated 13.5 million vulnerable and displaced people who remain in Syria.

The End for Merkel? Chancellor's Popularity Plummets as Germany Faces £36bn Migrant Bill.  Angela Merkel is seeing her popularity plummet as it emerged caring for asylum seekers will cost Germany more than £36 billion by the end of 2017.  Housing, food, clothing and integration policies will cost around £16.5 b[illio]n this year and another £20 b[illio]n next year, the Cologne Institute for Economic Research said.  The economists made their calculations but warned it could be higher depending on how many more migrants arrive in the coming months.

Cities with largest influx of migrants say they've suffered a huge drop in living standards, European Commission study finds.  European cities in countries hardest hit by the migrant crisis say the arrival of foreigners has had a negative impact on their communities, according to a new survey.  A wide-ranging study by the European Commission in 83 cities analysed people's quality of life by asking them to rate factors from education, housing, happiness and the impact of migration.  When asked whether foreigners have been well integrated, less than half of respondents agreed in 33 cities — around 40 percent of the places surveyed.

Fury in German town after mayor tells families to keep their children away from migrants to avoid 'provoking them' when they wear fewer clothes in the summer.  Residents of a small German town have reacted with fury at their mayor's response to a resident's concerns migrants have been sexually harassing his granddaughter.  About 100 people from Bad Schlema, in eastern Germany, were gathered at a town hall when the mayor told them to tell their children not to 'provoke' the asylum seekers, it was reported.  This prompted outrage among those in attendance as they claimed they should be allowed to walk wherever they liked.

The Editor says...
Yes, you WERE allowed to walk wherever you liked, before the foreigners arrived.  Now you have to comply with their sharia standards, because if you don't, you're an islamophobic racist!  This condition will persist until all the Muslims are driven out of your country.  Good luck with that.

German pensioners 'attacked by migrants after defending young woman'.  Two pensioners who stood up for a young woman reportedly harassed by a migrant were apparently attacked in Germany by a group of refugees, according to a video.  The mobile phone footage posted online appears to show a group of young migrants of eastern European or Arabic origin attacking two German pensioners on a busy train in Munich in the middle of the day.  In the video the migrants are seen holding one man by the arms as he is verbally abused, while the second pensioner tussles with one of the young men before being held up by the neck and threatened.

Austria won't deport Afghan asylum seeker who raped 72-year-old woman.  An 18-year-old asylum seeker who raped a 72-year-old pensioner will not be deported from Austria to Afghanistan after serving his 20-month prison sentence.  The Afghan asylum seeker, identified as Wahab M., was found guilty of raping an elderly woman by the Regional Court on Wednesday [1/27/2016], Austrian press reported. He was sent to jail and issued a €5,000 fine.

Landfill Lesbos-style: Astonishing drone pictures show ten acres of dumped life jackets.  Covering ten acres and piled five metres high, thousands of life jackets make the island of Lesbos look more like a landfill site than a holiday hotspot.  They have been dumped near the village of Molyvos by thousands of migrants making the boat journey to Greece before heading further into Europe.  The dramatic drone images emerged as figures revealed the number of migrants arriving in Greece is nearly 35 times higher than at this point last year.

Mother of girl, 16, who was raped in hotel by three Somali men tells how the attackers' relatives terrified her throughout the trial.  The mother of a 16-year-old raped by three Somali men today claimed 50 of their friends and family carried out a two-month campaign of intimidation throughout the trial.  The woman, who cannot be named to protect her daughter's anonymity, says she was smuggled into court via a back door 'as if she was the criminal' to see the men jailed for a total of 29 years.

Germany hands out cartoon etiquette guides at swimming baths after dozens of women were groped by migrants.  German authorities have resorted to issuing cartoon leaflets in public swimming pools in an attempt to stop gangs of migrants groping women.  In the wake of the sex assaults in Cologne on New Year's Eve and a wave of reported cases of sexual harassment in swimming baths, officials have now created a special cartoon guide on appropriate etiquette.

Plan to infuse small towns with Muslim migrants meets resistance.  Rural folks in Montana are pushing back against plans by urban elites to plant hundreds of Muslims from the Third World into Helena and Missoula.  They plan a protest rally at 10 a.m. Monday [2/1/2016] in front of the county courthouse in Missoula.  And if the pattern holds of similar rallies in Twin Falls, Idaho, and Fargo, North Dakota, a contingent of pro-refugee people will show up to counter protest.  Of all the 50 states, there are only two that have not received their "share" of the nearly 1 million Muslim refugees that have been infused into more than 180 U.S. cities and towns over the past 35 years, compliments of the U.S. State Department and the United Nations.  Those states are Wyoming and Montana.

Germany's "Rapefugee" Crisis.  "Why should we children have to grow up in such fear?"  That is the very reasonable question 16-year-old German teenager Bibi Wilhailm asks, in her 20-minute YouTube video, garnering her some much-needed recognition in cyberspace.  Her video had first appeared on Facebook, but was taken down for reasons that still remain unclear.  But Wilhailm doesn't seem to care too much for fame.  In her first ever YouTube appearance, she says she only wants her old life back.  It is a life that she describes as "toll" (fantastic), before Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed one million, mostly male and Muslim, refugees into Germany last fall.  Since then, Wilhailm says, "life has become very unsafe on the streets for young women like me and my friends."

Sweden to deport nearly 80,000 asylum seekers amid migrant-linked violence.  Sweden is planning to expel nearly 80,000 refugees and migrants who arrived in the country in 2015, Interior Minister Anders Ygeman said, adding that their applications for asylum had been rejected.  "We are talking about 60,000 people, but the number could climb to 80,000," Swedish media quoted Ygeman as saying.

If You Complain About Refugees, Dutch Cops Will Come to Your House.  This is what criminalizing speech in the name of tolerance eventually leads to.  An intolerant state where if you say anything the authorities don't like, the cops come over to your house with a warning.  It's ironic that the supposed advocates for migrants who claim to be fleeing a dictatorship turn free countries into police states on their behalf.

Now Finland plans to DEPORT 20,000 asylum seekers as migrant crises deepens.  More than 20,000 of the asylum seekers to arrive in Finland last year came from Iraq.  The country made it more difficult for migrants from Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia to claim asylum after concluding the security situation had eased in certain areas of the Middle Eastern countries.  Ms Nerg said:  "In previous years around 60 percent [of applicants] received a negative decision but now we have somewhat tightened our criteria for Iraqis, Afghans and Somalis."

EU leaders insist there is 'NO LINK' between the migrant crisis and New Year sex attacks in Cologne.  There is 'no link' between the migrant crisis and the wave of sex attacks in Cologne during New Year celebrations, EU officials believe.  The European Commission wants to remove 'false associations' between the increasing number of some criminal acts and the arrival of migrants, documents show.  Internal minutes taken at a cabinet meeting on January 13 suggest officials are also growing concerned about the possibility of a public backlash in relation to the attacks.

Police flee for their lives at Swedish migrant camp after they are surrounded by screaming mob.  Swedish police were forced to run for their lives after being attacked by a mob of asylum seekers as they tried to relocate amid allegations a 10-year-old boy had been 'raped repeatedly' at a refugee centre.  Officers entered the centre in Västerås to save the young boy who had been reportedly attacked repeatedly by asylum seekers at the centre.  Initially, staff in the centre tried to remove the boy but were stopped by the mob.  Instead the staff called police for backup.

Riot police break up huge brawl between 'hundreds' of Muslims at German migrant camp.  Riot police were called in to break-up a mass brawl involving 'hundreds' of asylum-seekers in Germany, in a dispute over alcohol.  More than 200 Muslim refugees came to blows in the early hours of Sunday morning, after one group reportedly spotted another group drinking alcohol and branded them 'bad Muslims'.  Some 32 police cars were sent to the Leiman centre in the southwestern state of Baden-Wurttemberg to quash the outbreak of violence.

German city bans migrants from its nightclubs after women report they were sexually assaulted in toilets.  A German university city with a Green party migrant-supporting administration has banned refugees from several nightclubs following complaints from females of sexual harassment and theft.  Women have allegedly complained to managers of clubs in Freiburg, southwest Germany, about being fed date-rape drugs and being accosted in toilets.  Another woman claimed she had been raped while a bouncer was allegedly stabbed by a migrant.

Is Somali 'killer' of Swedish social worker really only 15?  The refugee boy accused of murdering a Swedish social worker at the centre where he lived is being held at a psychiatric hospital amid fears he will flee the country if he is set free, prosecutors said today [1/27/2016].  The 15-year-old Somali is being detained at a high security hospital that treats patients with 'psychotic illnesses' after police warned he will tamper with evidence if he is not locked up.  Court documents obtained by MailOnline show that the teenager — who claims he is 15 and from the east African nation — has been charged with murder and attempted murder.

Danish 17-year-old girl who used a pepper spray to fight off a rapist is told SHE will be prosecuted for carrying the weapon.  A Danish teenager who was sexually assaulted near a migrant asylum centre has been told she will be prosecuted after using pepper spray to fend off her attacker.  The 17-year-old told police she was targeted in the coastal town of Sonderborg by an English-speaking man, who knocked her to the ground and tried to undress her.  But she managed to prevent the man from attacking her further by spraying the substance at him.

GOPe Fully Funds Obama Plan to Import 300,000 Islamist Migrants Into U.S..  Last Wednesday [1/20/2016], Senate Democrats successfully and predictably blocked what many conservatives described as Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)'s "Show Vote'"on refugee admissions.  It has been called a show vote because the Ryan plan, even if the President signed it, would still allow the President to bring in an unlimited number of refugees from an unlimited number of countries.  Democrats' filibuster on the motion to proceed to Ryan's show vote comes one month after Speaker Ryan sent President Obama a blank check to fund visa issuances to nearly 300,000 (temporary and permanent) Muslim migrants in the next 12 months alone.

ISIS Has a Secret Passport-Making Industry.  French officials delivered scary news today: ISIS has become so proficient at creating fake passports that it is practically an "industry" at this point.  Because they now have widespread support, ISIS has been able to acquire blank passports from affiliates in Syria, Iraq, and Libya.  As a result, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve proposed a new task force that would focus on apprehending anyone attempting to enter the European Union with fake identification.

Cologne sex attacks: 'Safe zone' for women planned ahead of city's carnival.  Authorities in the German city of Cologne are to set up a "safe zone" for women during the annual carnival which begins next week, to avoid a repeat of the New Year sex attacks on women.  The move comes after it emerged two asylum-seekers from Algeria are being held as suspects in the sex assaults.  The Cologne carnival is one of the largest street festivals in Europe, and attracts more than 1m people to its main parade each year.

Swedish asylum worker, 22, is stabbed to death 'in frenzied attack'.  The mother of the young Swedish social worker who was allegedly stabbed to death by a 15-year-old asylum seeker at a shelter for refugee children wept today [1/25/2016] and said, 'She was not just my daughter, she was my angel.'  Alexandra Mezher, 22, was working alone with ten youths aged between 14 and 17 when she was attacked at the home for unaccompanied young migrants in Mölndal, near Gothenburg.  She later died of her injuries in hospital.

'Exile to Chile': MEP says Merkel should flee Germany over refugee policy.  A member of Alternative for Germany (AfD), an anti-immigration party, has suggested that German Chancellor Angela Merkel should go into exile in South America to escape retribution for allowing over a million immigrants to enter Germany.

Swedish police warn Stockholm's main train station is now overrun by migrant teen gangs 'stealing and groping girls'.  Swedish police warns that Stockholm's main train station has become unsafe after being 'taken over' by dozens of Moroccan street children.  The all-male migrant teen gangs are spreading terror in the centre of the Swedish capital, stealing, groping girls and assaulting security guards, according to Stockholm police.  Members of the gangs, some as young as nine, roam central Stockholm day and night, refusing help provided by the Swedish authorities.

35 arrested as migrants storm French port, disrupt ferry traffic.  Several hundred migrants, in the presence of supporting demonstrators, broke into the northern French port of Calais, tearing down barriers and allowing about 50 of them to board a ship, the mayor said Saturday [1/23/2016].  Thirty-five people were arrested, the Pas-de-Calais prefecture said, according to CNN affiliate BFMTV.  The prefecture said that 24 of those arrested are migrants and 11 are members of the pro-migrant activist group No Borders, according to BFMTV.

German[y] has Lost 600,000 Absconding Migrants Who Could Be in Other EU Countries by Now.  The German government has admitted it cannot account for 600,000 of the 1.1 million migrants who arrived into the country last year — raising concerns that the migrants have absconded into Germany and other European Union (EU) nations.  Delays in processing applications may account for some of those missing, it is reported, buts other may have moved on to different EU countries, the Interior Ministry has confessed.

Court Rules Migrants Can Drive Without License If They 'Lost Documents' En Route.  Newly arrived migrants in Sweden can now enjoy two and a half years or more driving without any sort of licence, putting themselves and others at risk, thanks to the judgement of a Swedish court.

The Madness of Frau Merkel.  If we've learned anything in the last eight years it's that supposedly smart people can be suicidally stupid, and that idiot savants can easily rationalize sabotaging their own nations.  Obama isn't the only elite messiah who favors national suicide for past sins, though he is certainly the blindest, most self-righteous and willfully destructive one in American history.  Then there is Frau Angela Merkel — the Chancellor and Chief Guilt-Tripper of Germany.  Frau Merkel shares Obama's fantasy world, where only the Good People rule and the rest follow orders.

'It's too cold' Refugees would rather return home than face European winter.  Almost 70 percent of Iraqi asylum seekers have given up applications in Finland to go back to their war-torn country.  One Iraqi who decided to return said Finland did not live up to the expectations.  He said:  "I don't know what happens to me in Iraq, but here I will die mentally."

Where are the men of Germany?  A 16-year-old German girl is more articulate and honest than most adults on the matter of the Muslim invasion and the transformation of Europe.  Bibi Wilhailm is a 16-year-old German girl who has just made an extraordinary 20-minute video that I urge every reader to watch.  In it she expresses her terror as she faces tectonic shifts in Germany's cultural landscape.  She is incredibly articulate as she makes stark and accurate observations while also sharing personal stories that highlight the nightmare that is now life in Germany.  She speaks with unabashed clarity and honesty, best summed up by her own statement:  "It's really a sad truth."

German government admits it cannot account for 600,000 of its 1.1 million asylum seekers.  The German government is unable to say where more than half of the one million asylum seekers allowed into the country have ended up, MailOnline can exclusively reveal.  Government statistics show that Germany registered 1.1 million applications by the end of last year under its EASY system, which does not record much more than an applicant's country of origin.  German Interior Ministry spokesman Dr Harald Neymanns admitted that delays in the processing of asylum seeker applications would account for some of those missing.  But he also said that in some cases refugees may not have stayed in Germany but instead gone on to a different country elsewhere in the EU.

Gang of migrants arrested after 'sexually assaulting women and masturbating at historic German swimming baths'.  Migrants have been banned from a historic swimming bath in Germany after a gang of men were caught on camera masturbating in a hot tub and sexually assaulting women.  Several other men were seen 'emptying their bowels' in the children's end of the main swimming pool at the Johannisbad baths in Zwickau, Saxony.  Management at the historic baths are reportedly no longer allowing migrants into the facilities following the allegations while some local swimmers have stayed away after the incidents.

The Editor says...
The hijrah paints a picture of what Hell is like:  It's like an endless Mardi Gras, minus the alcohol, the music, and any kind of meaningful police protection.  Godless uninhibited savages from 2016 B.C. roam everywhere, acting like escaped baboons, with no controlling legal authority [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] in sight — and no concept of self-control.  These so-called refugees see the world (or at least Germany, Denmark and Sweden) as their harem and their toilet.  And yet, if you criticize their behavior, you're a racist!

German police release 'without charge' a gang of Muslim savages who gang-raped a 13-year-old girl for 30 hours.  On January 11, the 13-year-old girl whose family had immigrated to Germany from Russia, disappeared on her way to school.  Police issued an APB but the following day she was returned, after having been abducted by three Arab Muslim men (referred to as "Southern men" by police) who blindfolded her and took her to an apartment where they repeatedly raped her for 30 hours. [...] The police concluded that no rape had taken place and the girl was forced to say she had made a false statement against her attackers — even though the medical report confirmed that she had been gang-raped.

Denmark's nightclubs bar migrants unless they speak English, Danish or German.  Nightclubs in Denmark are refusing entry to migrants who cannot speak Danish, English or German amid fears that they will sexually harass female guests.  A spate of sexual assaults against women across Europe, reportedly carried out by asylum seekers, has prompted nightclubs in at least three Danish cities to tighten their entry rules.  The policy denies entry to guests who are unable to communicate with staff, the Local Denmark reported.

Return to Dachau.  After seventy years, a camp has been opened again at Dachau.  But it's not the kind of camp that was there in 1943.  No, not at all.   Now the German staff wait on the Untermenschen who have been welcomed into Germany.  They cater to their every need and never punish them, no matter the seriousness of the crime.  Now the residents of the camp can spend their time watching TV, and may eat as many meals as they want.  Now the guards at the camp are required to act as the servants of the "refugees".

Senate to consider stricter screening for Syrian refugees.  The Senate will consider rigorous new screening procedures for Syrian and Iraqi refugees seeking to enter the United States as national security looms large for voters in an election year.

Pro-Immigration Filmmakers Go To Refugee Camp, Get Robbed.  Two Dutch, pro-immigration filmmakers published a video Saturday of themselves getting brutally robbed at a refugee camp in Calais, France, known as "The Jungle."  Journalist Maaike Engels and photographer Teun Voeten were attacked at knife point while obtaining footage for their documentary "Calais: Welcome to 'The Jungle.'"  The video shows Voeten getting tackled down by three masked men, before one man threatens Engels with a knife.

Sweden funds sniper training for Muslim 'refugees'.  If anyone had any doubt that Sweden has lost its collective mind, doubt no more. [...] Sweden is offering sniper training for their new little friends from Islamic lands.  And no, I'm not kidding.  And this isn't political satire.  The Swedish government is paying for Muslim invaders to learn how to shoot rifles.

The backlash: Neo-Nazis on the rampage, Gun sales soaring.  Sitting in his white-walled room on the second floor of an anonymous office block, the German politician talks from the heart.  He states emotionally that his country has changed for ever; that the European Union is finished and Chancellor Angela Merkel's days are numbered.  'Frau Merkel, she's not right in the head,' adds 46-year-old Siegbert Droese, pointing his finger at his temple.

The brothers of apes and pigs:
There Are 653 Cologne Victims of the Muslim Rape Mob.  The breakdown for robbery and sexual assault complaints is around half and half, so there would appear to be some 300 female victims of the Muslim rape mob.  And the numbers may still go higher as more complaints continue to come in.  Beyond Cologne, there are hundreds of other complaints.  And all from New Year's Eve.  These are truly horrifying numbers.  And some things are being discussed, which could not be discussed before.

Migrants arriving in Greece find Europe's welcome has worn thin.  Europe is re-thinking its refugee policy after more than a million settled there last year, fleeing wars and poverty in the Middle East and North Africa.  New arrivals in Greece are finding things have changed.  Despite the freezing cold, the rough seas, and the risk of drowning, the migrants keep coming.  More than a thousand people arrive each day in Greece, but now Europe's welcome mat is wearing thin.

The Editor says...
If the Muslim invaders don't get red-carpet treatment after previous arrivals proved conclusively that they are a bunch of sex-crazed invaders bent on taking over Europe by force, who is to blame for the cold shoulder?  I'm a little surprised that the respective navies of the invaded countries aren't sinking the invading army's boats halfway across the Mediterranean.

German town bars refugees from pool after harassment complaints.  A western German town has barred adult male asylum seekers from its public indoor swimming pool after receiving complaints that some women were sexually harassed there.  It was the latest sign of social tensions related to the arrival last year of 1.1 million migrants in Germany, followed by sex assaults on women by young male asylum seekers and migrants during New Year's Eve celebrations in the city of Cologne.

German swimming pool bans all migrants after girls 'sexually assaulted by Syrian boys'.  The shocking incident at a leisure centre in Munich was said to have involved three Syrian boys who allegedly touched a 17-year-old girl underneath her swimming costume.  They were then alleged to have groped the girl's 14-year-old sister after she came to her sibling's defence.  The girls managed [to] flee the pool and call for the lifeguard, who then contacted police.

German Police Ordered to Hide Muslim Crimes.  In a brief interview with German mainstream-tabloid Bild, an unnamed member of the state-wide Federal police identified only as 22 year old 'Bernd' exposes a massive cover up.  Deployed to Passau, a small city in south-east Germany on the Austrian border where thousands of migrants come by train and road every month Bernd revealed "95 percent of refugees are single men".  Events are mis-reported by police to prevent outrage, the officer said and "should an asylum seeker cut another's throat.  In the report we would state it was grievous bodily harm rather than attempted murder.  It looks better in the statistics".

No end to migrant crisis.  Only a fortnight into 2016, almost 25,000 refugees have reached the EU at a rate of over 1,700 every day.  The rate is three times the 570 who reached Italy or Greece by boat every day last January.  The first sailings of 2016 also brought the first deaths.

Sweden's walking diplomatic disaster.  It seems that pretty much everything is going wrong for Sweden's Foreign Minister these days.  Margot Wallström, of the Social Democratic Party, ascended with much fanfare to the post of Foreign Minister in the fall of 2014.  She had introduced a completely new concept:  a feminist foreign policy. [...] One year later, we now know the outcome:  "Feminist foreign policy" is not so much about protecting women's interests, as it is about fawning over the Arab states and the Palestinians — and constantly attacking Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East.

Fury as Danish government to seize migrants' valuables after passing controversial bill.  The Danish government's controversial measure will pay for refugees to stay in asylum centres, according to officials.  Items of personal value such as wedding rings are exempt — but police now have the power to seize any other objects deemed as "valuable assets".  A government spokesman said: "The government, the Social Democrats, the Danish People's Party, the Liberal Alliance and the Conservative People's Party have agreed to amend the bill concerning valuables."  The motion is part of a bigger immigration bill the Danish parliament is due to begin debating today [1/13/2016].

The Editor says...
Confiscation of assets won't slow down the immigration jihad.  Forcible sterilization would be much more effective, especially in the long run.  Serious problems call for serious countermeasures, and an invasion of violent marauders is a serious problem.  When Denmark starts taking away the "family jewels," the word would get out pretty quickly:  Don't go to Denmark!

This Is What Really Happened the Night Women Were Sexually Assaulted In Front Of Police.  Apart from the presence of several police officers, there were few signs in Cologne central station on a cold January afternoon that just a few days earlier this area had been declared a "no-go area".  Nearly a week after scores of women were assaulted, and at least two raped, by groups of men in a series of attacks on New Year's Eve, life for most appeared to be returning to normal.  But talk to local women and a very different picture emerges.  Some said they were now nervous "walking past big groups of men" or have been told by their brothers or boyfriends that they're "crazy" to go home late alone.  Several said they had started carrying pocket knives and pepper spray, anything to keep themselves safe.

The Specter Of Islam.  George W. Bush used to say that we had to fight the terrorists over there, in the Middle East, so we wouldn't have to fight them here at home.  A long period of relative security made that claim seem overblown, like a lame justification for interventionism.  But it just might turn out that he was right, and that it is even more true for Europe than it is for us.

Stand by for Collision.  One of the more interesting aspects of the European cover-up of mass sex assaults by so-called refugees is that it abets abuse inflicted on Muslim women as well.  Before the story of the Cologne attacks broke, Katin Bennhold of the New York Times wrote a piece on the abuse of refugee women on the migrant trail.  The story should have set alarm bells ringing in the West about what was coming up the trail towards them but it didn't. [...] Even before the NYT article was published, academic researchers were already writing about a malignant practice called taharrush, which has become the term for mass sexual harassment.

Migrant Terror: Coach full of British schoolchildren 'Attacked by Calais refugees'.  The youngsters were left terrified after a gang of thugs targeted their bus as it travelled through the notorious port town in the early hours of this morning [1/11/2016].  One child was said to have suffered an epileptic fit following the horrifying attack which marred the end of a dream school trip for the children, some of whom are as young as 12.  The harrowing incident also underlines the growing violence of migrants in Calais, who are now arming themselves and resorting to increasingly desperate methods in their attempts to reach Britain.

Austrian police chief warns women not to leave home alone in wake of Cologne sex attacks.  Vienna's chief of police has warned women against venturing into the streets alone, in the wake of highly-publicised sexual assaults in Austria and Germany.  However, police boss Gerhard Pürstl is now being accused of putting the onus on women to protect themselves from assault, rather than targeting men who commit sexual crimes.  Mr Pürstl said:  "Women should in general not go out on the streets at night alone, they should avoid suspicious looking areas and also when in pubs and clubs should only accept drinks from people they know."

Cologne sex assaults: Number of cases in New Year's Eve violence probe rises above 500.  Police in Cologne say the number of criminal cases relating to violent attacks in the city on New Year's Eve has risen above 500.  The German justice minister, Heiko Maas, said the authorities needed to work quickly to establish whether Cologne's violence was linked to incidents reported in other cities.  The chief of police in Cologne has been sacked in the wake of the scandal, after up to 1,000 men were allowed to mug, accost and sexually abuse women in "coordinated" attacks in a city square.

When Worlds Collide: Unassimilable Muslim Migrants Crash Europe's Fantasy Islam.  First there was no news; then, a few disturbing hints of gropings and robberies by gangs of "Middle Eastern or North African" men.  Now, we know it was a mass atrocity — the only remaining question being:  How massive?  Upward of a thousand men, overwhelmingly Muslim, executed a coordinated series of attacks on an obvious target of opportunity:  street celebrations in the major cities of a reviled Western state, where they were certain to find throngs of young women and a police presence grossly inadequate to provide security — certainly not against a critical mass of Islamic supremacists.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam's Problems Here.  The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking.  On New Year's Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers.  According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale."  More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.  As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations.  Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world."  Britain's horrifying Rotherham rape scandal — where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye — still shocks the conscience.

Germany's 21st century descent into hell.  More and more news is pouring out of Germany on the coordinated violence that Muslims perpetrated on New Year's Eve, as the scale of what unfolded slowly comes to light.  The number of cases that have been reported in Cologne has passed 500 and is climbing by the hour.  Nearly half of the reports are for sexual assault.  The police have confirmed the focus of their investigation is on people from North African countries and that the majority are "asylum seekers" and people who are in Germany illegally.  Information continues to emerge regarding the coordination of these attacks that brought colonizers from outside Germany to partake in the violence.

Swedish police accused of covering up sex crimes at festival.  Swedish police faced allegations of a cover-up Monday [1/11/2016] for failing to inform the public of widespread sexual assaults against teenage girls at a music festival last summer.

Muslim mass sexual assaults in Germany on New Year's Eve.  The American mainstream media are ignoring a horrifying example of sexual violence on the part of Muslims in Germany.  The little darlings Europe is importing couldn't contain themselves on New Year's Eve.  As Breitbart and RT report, Europe's newest group of residents rang in 2016 by launching fireworks into crowds, molesting, raping, assaulting, and robbing as fights also broke out among groups of invaders, who numbered in the thousands.  And that was just in and around one railway station in one city (Cologne, Germany).  Extrapolate to the rest of Germany, the rest of Europe, and here is the not too distant future.

Germans facing the failure of their political leadership on Muslim colonizers.  There is a truth that so many in positions of authority in Germany are unwilling to face:  that many of the perpetrators of the Cologne violence were recently arrived migrants from Islamic countries.  The dangerous culture of political correctness is so embedded that one report stated that "police chiefs hid evidence from their own officers that the perpetrators were Syrian in order to avoid criticism of Germany's decision of allowing one million migrants during last year's crisis."  There seems to be little doubt that those in leadership positions tried to mask the truth, including not only the police chief, but also the mayor of Cologne, who stated (in contrast with the evidence) that refugees had nothing to do with the New Year's Eve attacks.

Cologne police chief is out.  But what about the mayor and Merkel?  The newly elected pro-immigrant mayor of Cologne should resign.  It was she who blamed women for being raped, and it she later suggested that women follow a "code of conduct" to avoid being raped.  This code includes such brilliant ideas as requiring (requiring!) women to remain "an arm's length distance from strangers," to stay with their own group, and to ask for help from bystanders or witnesses if they feel threatened, among other absolute pearls of wisdom. [...] Here's a thought, Frau Mayor: many people from Islamic lands have a code of conduct quite different from ours, and if we'd stop importing them, we wouldn't need to start having behavioral rules for the civilized people, and we could all get on with life.  It is the conduct of barbarians that is problematic, not our own.

Cologne Violence was Likely Planned: German Justice Minister.  Germany's Justice Minister Heiko Maas said Sunday [1/10/2016] that the shocking spate of sexual assaults during New Year festivities in Cologne was organised.  "For such a horde of people to meet and commit such crimes, it has to have been planned somehow," he told Bild am Sonntag newspaper.  "No one can tell me that this was not coordinated or planned.  The suspicion is that a specific date and an expected crowd was picked," he said, adding that if confirmed, that would "take on a new dimension".  Quoting confidential police reports, Bild am Sonntag said some North Africans had sent out calls using social networks for people to gather in Cologne on New Year's Eve.

Report: Migrant Men Practiced 'Taharrush' On German Women in Cologne Sex Attacks.  An official report into the Cologne sex assaults has concluded the attacks were by men "almost exclusively" from a migrant background, and links them to the 'Taharrush' phenomenon where large gangs of men attack women in the Arab world.  Yesterday [1/10/2016], Breitbart London reported how German authorities now fear a repeat of the New Year's Eve attacks.  Although they sexual assaults were most severe in Cologne, almost every other major German city reported some incidents that evening.

German Feminists Claim "Muslim Rape Gang Story" Just A Cover For Racism.  In a truly bizarre story a group of German feminists have decided that the stories circulating around the interwebs about Muslim rape gangs attacking large numbers of German women in cities like Cologne, Germany on New Years eve are simply a cover for racism. [...] As if the feminists in this country weren't insane enough — especially on this topic-the Germans seem to have upped the ante considerably on this one on the other side of the pond.  You see, you cannot blame the poor refugees.  No, not at all.  After all, they are peaceable types seeking shelter for their wives (who seem to have stayed home) and their children, who may be abandoned by their families depending on their own health challenges.  Yeah, I wasn't buying that either.  So these insane women blame their German male counterparts — oh and the "rape culture" they perpetuate — for the roving bands of rapists that molested German women on New Years eve.

Germany on the Brink.  On New Year's Eve, in the shadow of Cologne's cathedral, crowds of North African and Middle Eastern men accosted women out for the night's festivities.  They surrounded them, groped them, robbed them.  Two women were reportedly raped.  Though there were similar incidents from Hamburg to Helsinki, the authorities at first played down the assaults, lest they prove inconvenient for Angela Merkel's policy of mass asylum for refugees.  That delay has now cost Cologne's police chief his job.

The Police Response to the Groping Jihad.  Below is a translated article with a follow-up on the events of New Year's Eve in Cologne.  Nash Montana, who translated the article, includes this note with additional information: [...]

The Larger Motive Behind the Groping Jihad.  Before I get into the substance of tonight's essay, I'd like to offer my deep gratitude to Nash Montana, who became a translation dynamo during the aftermath of events in Cologne and other cities.  She translated three or four videos per day, and often an equal or greater number of articles.

When Worlds Collide: Unassimilable Muslim Migrants Crash Europe's Fantasy Islam.  What happens when the West's fantasy Islam collides with the reality of an imported critical mass of unassimilated — and defiantly unassimilable — Muslims?  Cologne happens.  Nor is it only Cologne.  That was just Ground Zero of the New Year's Eve rape jihad in Germany.  As National Review's Ian Tuttle notes in an alarming column about the predictable — and, if I may say, predicted — surge of sexual assault in a Europe overrun by "migrants," the jihad included similar episodes, albeit on a smaller scale, in Stuttgart, Hamburg, and even astride the Brandenburg gate in Berlin.

Amarillo balks at more Mideast refugees.  As Texas officials spar with Obama administration lawyers over refugee resettlement, Amarillo is building Muslim "ghettos."  Under federal refugee programs, the North Texas town has become home to more than 1,000 Mideast migrants — giving Amarillo the highest refugee ratio in the country.  "Our education system is overloaded with kids who can't speak English.  We have something like 22 languages spoken in our schools," said William Sumerford, a local taxpayer activist.

Europe's Dishonest Elites, and Ours.  The German situation is even worse than you presented.  Sure, the Cologne police chief got fired, but the despicable mayor hasn't resigned.  And, sure, there has been some scrambling and slithering by left politicians, including, mirabile dictu, Angela Merkel, Mutti herself, to tap dance away from the catastrophe they've created and countenanced.  But the massive coverup and deafening silence from the left and the MSM is the real story and it's disgusting. [...] There is a complete blackout — utter silence — from the likes of the execrable Salon, from Slate, The Nation, Mother Jones, The New Republic.  Zip, nada, nothing!

Cologne attacks: Pegida and police clash at migrant protest.  Right-wing groups, headed by the anti-Islam Pegida movement, gathered after reports emerged of a wave of sexual assaults on women on New Year's Eve.  Violence flared after a rally which heard condemnation of Chancellor Angela Merkel's migrant policy.  Mrs Merkel has proposed changes to make it easier to deport asylum-seekers who commit crimes.  Hundreds of police were deployed in Cologne to tackle demonstrators, who threw firecrackers and bottles.

White House: Arrest of Iraqi refugees won't affect Obama's plan to accept more from Middle East.  The White House said Friday the arrest of two Iraqi refugees on terrorism charges won't deter President Obama's plans to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees this year. [...] Prosecutors said Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, a Palestinian born in Iraq who came to the U.S. as a refugee from Syria in October 2012, later traveled back to Syria to train with extremists, then lied to immigration officials about it later.  Officials also indicted Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan, a Palestinian born in Iraq, on three counts of attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State.

Women in Several Other European Cities Also Victims of Sex Assaults by Muslim Men on NYE.  This story keeps getting more bizarre and even the most hardened humanitarian/politically correct politician has to be wondering what the hell Europe has let itself in for.  Women in some other European cities are also complaining that they were sexually assaulted and robbed on New Years Eve by large groups of Muslim men.  And like Cologne, the police refused to publicize the mass attacks. [...] So what's changed from previous years' celebrations? [...] If you think about it a second, only one explanation comes to mind:  refugees from the Middle East have arrived in massive numbers.

18 Asylum Seekers are Tied to Attacks on Women in Germany.  The German authorities on Friday [1/8/2016] tied asylum seekers for the first time to the wave of violent assaults on women in Cologne on New Year's Eve as debate intensified over whether the country had made a mistake in opening its doors last year to more than a million migrants.  The Interior Ministry said 18 of the 31 people identified so far as suspects in the violence in Cologne had applied for asylum in Germany.  The disclosure further stoked fears about security and culture clashes between the newcomers, mostly from Muslim countries, and Germans who are confronting the costs of assimilating them.

New Year's Eve sex assaults also reported in Finland, Sweden and Austria.  Police in the western German city of Cologne said they had received 120 criminal complaints by Thursday [1/7/2016] and quoted witnesses as saying that groups of 20-30 young men "who appeared to be of Arab origin" had surrounded victims, assaulted them and in several cases robbed them on New Year's Eve.  Similarly Finnish police have revealed an unusually high level of sexual harassment in Helsinki on New Year's Eve and said they had been tipped off about plans by groups of asylum seekers to sexually harass women.

Slovakia vows to refuse entry to Muslim migrants.  Robert Fico said on Thursday that Slovakia would fight against immigration from Muslim countries to prevent attacks like last year's shootings in Paris and large-scale assaults of women in Germany, which took place on New Year's Eve.  "We don't want something like what happened in Germany taking place in Slovakia," Fico said, adding that the country must "prevent [its] women from being molested in public places."  According to reports by local German newspaper "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" and an online preview of investigations by Sunday paper "Welt am Sonntag," Cologne authorities have identified some of the perpetrators in the attacks as been Syrian asylum seekers.

Mass Sex Abuse in Cologne: Part of a Disturbing Trend.  Those wary about massive immigration from the Middle East and North Africa tend to look to Scandinavia because of its largesse toward migrants and refugees.  Sweden took in swathes of refugees from the war-torn Middle East and the Horn of Africa in the 1980s and then, in the 1990s, from the former Yugoslavia, and the trend persists.  In 2007, the Swedish town of Södertälje — population:  60,000 — took in nearly 1,300 Iraqi refugees, or 5 percent of all Iraqis who arrived in Europe that year.  And the number of refugees coming to Sweden tripled from 2010 to 2014.  Today, 16 percent of Swedish citizens were born in another country, and of Sweden's 1.7 million foreign-born citizens in 2010, almost a quarter were from the Middle East or the Horn of Africa, according to that year's Statistical Yearbook of Sweden.

Cologne New Year gang assaults: Mayor says women should have code of conduct to prevent future assault.  The Mayor of Cologne said today that women should adopt a "code of conduct" to prevent future assault at a crisis meeting following the sexual attack of women by 1000 men on New Year's eve.  Mayor Henriette Reker attended an emergency meeting with Chief of Police Wolfgang Albers and Wolfgang Wurm to discuss how to deal with the attack, where dozens of women were repeatedly touched and groped, with one case of alleged rape in the center of town.

Mayor of Cologne: Women should follow a "code of conduct" to stop themselves from being attacked by mobs of Middle Eastern men.  A sadly inevitable next chapter in the now infamous New Year's attacks.  The eternal question:  Who's assimilating whom? [...] Not only is she [the mayor of Cologne] blaming the victims, she's not remotely engaged with the reality of what happened.  How are you supposed to keep an "arm's length" when you're surrounded by a group of degenerates who, police suspect, showed up at the train station specifically intending to assault people?

Teenage victim of Cologne 'African and Arab' sex mob reveals how she and her friends were surrounded by 30 men and groped.  Police fear the violence in Cologne may be linked to a known criminal gang who use sexual assault as a means of distraction, as more than 100 women have so far reported being assaulted.  Two more victims have spoken out today on German TV, after they were sexually assaulted and attacked with fireworks during the city's New Year's Eve celebrations.  One woman, known only as Jenny, suffered serious burns when a firework was shoved into the hood she was wearing.

New Year's Migrant Sex Assault In Every Major German City.  German capital city Berlin has joined the sad parade of cities touched by migrant sex violence on New Year's Eve, with hundreds of assaults now reported to police in Cologne and other cities.  Although on a smaller scale to the unrestrained and un-policed sex attacks in Cologne, the Berliner Morgenpost has now reported on assaults taking place on the street "in front of the Brandenburg gate".

The Doorman's Story.  Ivan Jurcevic is a Croatian immigrant who works as a doorman (or perhaps a bouncer) at a hotel on the Hauptbahnhof Platz in Cologne.  On New Year's Eve (Silvester) he had a front row seat for the culturally enriched events that have now become notorious throughout Germany and the rest of the Western world.  In the following interview, Mr. Jurcevic gives an account of what he witnessed that night, and how he did his best to help women who were menaced, harassed, and molested by the "youths" who took over the main train station: [...]

Muslim Immigrants Conduct Military Scale Sexual Assault Against German Women.  As reported by the Dutch media source Elsevier, on New Year's Eve a large number of German women were physically and sexually assaulted in Cologne by a horde of Muslims, possibly numbering over 1,000. [...] Police Chief Wolfgang Albers's characterization of the event as a new dimension of violence is an understatement.  Far beyond criminal in nature, it was a military scale assault in a major German city with a population of over 1 million conducted almost certainly by male North African Muslim "immigrants" [some actually in possession of assylum [sic] documents] against non-Muslim women — a class often referred to within immigrant Islamic culture as "fresh meat."  Of note, such brutality is thoroughly consistent with the Shari'a.

Unprecedented sex harassment in Helsinki at New Year, Finnish police report.  Asylum seekers who met in central Helsinki to celebrate New Years's Eve "had similar plans" to commit sexual assault and other crimes as those who targeted women in the Germany city of Cologne, Finnish Police have reported.  Three Iraqi asylum seekers have been arrested for committing sexual assaults during the celebrations in the city's Senate Square, where some 20,000 had gathered.

Migrants in Germany fear backlash after sex assaults.  When asylum seeker Asim Vllaznim heard about the New Year's Eve spate of sexual attacks in Germany, blamed on a crowd of migrants, he says his spirits fell.  "Our first reaction was:  now the Germans will hate us," said the 32-year-old Kosovar, sitting with his family in their room at a migrant shelter in the western city of Cologne.  The city's ugly mob violence — including groping, other assaults, thefts and two reported rapes — has inflamed public opinion already strained by the influx of a record 1.1 million refugees and irregular migrants last year.

Women made to 'run gauntlet' in mass sexual attack in Germany.  The report, details of which were widely published by German media Thursday [1/7/2016], added to witness accounts describing a string of sexual assaults that have sparked a heated debate about migration and the police's failure to prevent the mayhem.

REDDIT Censors And Deletes News Stories About Muslim Rapists in Germany.  Liberals want more Muslim immigrants to flood the West so news stories which are damaging to that goal are being hidden from public view on Reddit.  Reddit is a fun site for pictures and viral links but politically, it's a left wing cesspool so this is hardly surprising.

Two teenage girls gang-raped by four 'Syrian nationals' in southern Germany.  Three Syrians have been arrested in southern Germany for the alleged gang rape of two teenage girls on New Year's Eve, as reports flood in of sexual assaults against women across the country.  A 21-year-old man and two 14-year-old boys are being held in Weil am Rhein, a small town near the Swiss and German borders, for the alleged rape of two girls aged 14 and 15.  Prosecutors allege that the two girls were held for several hours and gang-raped after attending a New Year celebration at the home of the 21-year-old man in the nearby village of Friedlingen.

Europeans Studiously Ignore Muslim Mobs.  I don't think German officials have quite thought this one through.  Either the misogynistic rioters included a significant number of recently arrived migrants or they did not.  If they did, then the migration fed directly into the riots; if they did not, then the rioters were people of "North African and Arab appearance" who had previously been law-abiding but who now felt able and entitled to assault local women in public without much fear of the consequences.  What changed them?  What gave them that confidence?

Cologne Assaults: Police Report Outlines 'Chaotic and Shameful' New Year's Eve.  Law enforcement officials lost control of the situation in Cologne on New Year's Eve, according to an internal report by Germany's national police, the Bundespolizei, obtained by DER SPIEGEL.  The author of the report, dated Jan. 4, is a senior official.  He writes:  "Women, accompanied or not, literally ran a 'gauntlet' through masses of heavily intoxicated men that words cannot describe."  The horde in front of and inside the train station was unmoved by the presence of police.

'Angela Merkel invited us': How baying asylum seeker sex mob taunted Cologne police after robbing and raping women.  Grinning asylum seekers taunted police trying to break up the ugly rabble who turned central Cologne into a lawless 'open toilet' — by telling them to be 'nice' — because they'd been invited by Angela Merkel.  The sex mob of migrant Arab and North African men tore up their temporary residence permits and threw them at officers who battled through New Year's Eve to regain control of the streets, which were covered in faeces and vomit.  Outside the city's historic cathedral, where the 1,000 'drunk and stoned' migrants sexually assaulted and robbed 100 women declared:  'You can't do anything to me — I will get myself a new one in the morning.'

Horrifying details emerge of Cologne attacks.  Information continues to emerge on the war zone that erupted in Cologne, Germany on New Year's Eve, when thousands of imports from Islamic lands threw bottles and fireworks into crowds and at the police, as well as molested, raped, attacked, robbed, knifed, spat, defecated, urinated, vomited, ranted, and raved as they turned an area of a beautiful city into a site of utter barbarism.  (Other cities in Germany experienced similar violence on New Year's Eve, which is only now beginning to be reported.)  One victim had a firecracker shoved into the hood of her jacket.  When she tried to get it out, it fell into her jacket, causing serious burns across her shoulder.

Germany in Shock as 1,000 Suspected "Refugees" Rob, Attack, or Rape 100 Women.  Yesterday [1/4/2016], we were shocked to learn that as German anger boils over at the country's unprecedented refugee wave, one or more so far unknown assailants fired shots through the window at a home for asylum seekers in western Germany injuring one resident as he was sleeping. [...] Today, we are just as shocked to read that, even as we expected, the animosities between the two groups have dramatically escalated, and that the mayor of Cologne has summoned police for crisis talks after nearly 100 women reported they were robbed, threatened or sexually molested at the New Year's celebrations outside the city's cathedral by young, mostly drunk, men, police said on Tuesday [1/5/2016].  One woman said she was raped.

Obama and the Insanity of the Liberal Mind.  Anyone questioning the liberal mantra that Islam is a religion of peace, despite data to the contrary, is labeled an Islamophobe with the aim of shutting down honest debate.  Islamists declared war on the U.S. well before 9/11 and yet liberals still refuse to name the enemy.  To liberals, political correctness trumps common sense.  Irrationally, they are importing hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees despite knowing that terrorists are entering the country.

Coverup of Mass Molestations on New Year's Eve in Cologne Draws Ire.  Oh, how the German authorities wanted to bury this story.  But when nearly a hundred women reported sexual molestation by a crowd of Arabs numbering nearly 1,000 during the Silvester celebrations in the heart of Cologne, the news got out: [...]

Germans Outraged After Gang of 1000+ Men Sexually Assault NYE Revelers.  A major outrage is brewing in Germany after a massive gang of over a thousand men went on a crime spree on New Year's Eve, sexually assaulting, robbing, and even reportedly raping a woman in the city of Cologne.  German police denounced what they call "a completely new dimension of crime," and say that around 60 complaints have been filed, including one rape accusation.  The BBC reports that one of the women who was sexually assaulted was a volunteer police officer, and that the gang seemed organized beforehand, "seemingly with the specific intention of carrying out attacks on women."

New dimension of crime': Crowd of 'Arab origin' blamed for mass sexual assaults in Cologne on NYE.  New Year celebrations in the German city of Cologne descended into chaos with a series of sexual assaults, including a rape.  The attackers were described by witnesses to police as an crowd of intoxicated men of "Arab or North African" origin.  The mass attack on women "in the middle of the city" around Cologne Central Station on New Year's Eve was "an intolerable situation," Chief of Police Wolfgang Albers told reporters.  So far the authorities have received 60 complaints.  The crowd, which consisted of around 1,000 men, attacked people in the city center in what Albers described as a "crime of a whole new dimension."

Mob of 1,000 Muslim 'Refugees' Rape and Steal at Train Station.  It was a horrific scene in Cologne on New Year's Eve.  The chaos and destruction committed by Muslim refugees that night is just now starting to calculate, and the damage done both physically and mentally to the people of Cologne is massive!

Non-German in Germany Brags About Gang Raping Young Virgin.  The German government imported over 1 million immigrants, almost all of them Muslims, in 2015 alone.  The colonists reproduce at a much higher rate than the native population; even if immigration were completely shut off now, the problem would continue to worsen dramatically.  Their contempt for women and non-Muslim women in particular is legendary, so rape statistics will be going through the stratosphere, leveling off only when the population has been totally displaced and Germany is a Muslim country.

The Dog Ate My Constitution.  [Scroll down]  Clearly, the first two clauses of the [First A]mendment are the only ones relevant to religion, and neither applies in the immediate instance of Trump's ban on immigration.  He did not say he was establishing an official state religion, and he did not say he was banning the practice of the Islamic religion.  What he said was that because of the danger to the citizens of the United States from Islamic terrorism, he would not allow immigration by non-citizen Muslims.  By long-established precedent, non-citizens who reside outside the country have no right to enter the country, and they have no constitutional rights, period.

Overwhelmed by 'Migrants,' Sweden Throws in the Towel as Europe Faces 'General, Permanent Terror Threat'.  It's a Happy New Year in Europe, where the blowback from last summer's "refugee" crisis is already hitting the old continent hard.  People have been killed and liberal ideals shattered, all because naifs like Angela Merkel preferred her fantasy version of Islam to the real, murderous, expansionist thing.

Sweden rouses itself from a coma.  Sweden just woke up.  (Sort of.)  Per a report at the Washington Post, Sweden has closed her doors to migrants.  (Sort of.)  Unfortunately, better-late-than-never may not apply in this case.

German states to spend around €17b on refugees in 2016.  Germany's federal states are planning to spend around €17 billion (US$18.66) on dealing with the refugee crisis in 2016, newspaper Die Welt said on Tuesday [12/29/2015], citing a survey it conducted among their finance ministries.

Muslim Immigration is Exactly What ISIS Wants.  To understand ISIS, you have to understand the difference between terrorists and Islamic terrorists.  Ordinary terrorists have two goals; to compel the enemy to meet their political demands and to rally their supporters to consolidate their class, race or national identity group behind them.  Islamic terrorists are not interested in the "political demands" part.  They will occasionally accept concessions and even offer Hudnas, temporary truces, but no permanent separate peace can be achieved with them.  It's why Israel's peace process with terrorists has gone on failing for decades.  It's why the attempt by Gaddafi to achieve peace with the LIFG ended in a civil war and his death.  It's why Obama's attempts to negotiate with the "moderate Taliban" failed miserably.

Shocking footage shows hundreds of migrants stealing from lorries and threatening motorists.  Astonishing footage from Calais has captured the moment hundreds of migrants stormed the streets in an attempt to break into the Eurotunnel on Christmas Day.  Car drivers were forced to squeeze through the crowds of people — many of whom were pushing prams — as they strolled down the middle of the road.  Local authorities admitted that 'since the traffic was low', it was decided to close the A16 highway in both directions until the crowds could be dispersed.

Goodbye, Sweden.  I must confess:  my heart breaks for Sweden.  Like anyone born and raised in Minnesota, I feel a certain closeness to that country and feel a familiarity that transcends my visit to it long ago.  Despite their embrace of political correctness, the Swedes are at heart very decent, humane people, their main faults being a desire to please others in their community (which leads to silencing dissent and conformity) and self-righteous hypocrisy.  But these are minor blemishes considering the personal decency most people center their lives on.  Taking advantage of Sweden's generosity, Muslim immigrants have been arriving in large numbers and, in recent months, catastrophically overwhelming the country's budget and facilities to house and feed them.

We are victims of the enemy we have welcomed in our home.  Amel Shimoun Nona is the Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Mosul.  When the Islamic State captured northern Iraq, it drove 30,000 Christians from the Nineveh plain where they had lived since not long after the time of Christ.  In August 2014, Nona predicted that the same thing would happen to Christians in the West:  "Our sufferings today," he said, "are the prelude of those you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future."  And now, as the few remaining Christians in the Middle East prepare to celebrate Christmas and hope that Muslims won't murder them for doing so, that future is now.

Denmark To Take Valuables From Migrants To Cover Costs.  Denmark is being forced to defend a proposed law allowing officials to confiscate migrants' valuables which has drawn comparisons with Nazi practices.  The proposed law introduced to Parliament earlier this month would allow authorities to search migrants entering Denmark for valuables which could then be confiscated.  The proposal is almost certain to pass into law in January as part of an asylum policy reform, reports The Washington Post.

IS jihadists stole 'tens of thousands' of blank passports: report.  The Islamic State group may have stolen "tens of thousands" of blank passports that it could use to smuggle its fighters into Europe as refugees, a German newspaper reported Sunday [12/20/2015].  The Welt am Sonntag cited Western intelligence sources as saying that IS could have acquired the stolen travel documents in areas of Syria, Iraq and Libya it now controls.

Denmark wants to seize jewelry and cash from refugees.  In recent months, Denmark has taken a fairly harsh stance toward refugees.  In September, for example, authorities published an ad in Lebanese newspapers carrying an unmistakable message to foreigners who might think about seeking asylum:  Don't come to Denmark.  Now, the country is debating another and even more extreme step:  The government is considering a law that would allow authorities to confiscate jewelry from refugees entering the country.  The proposal is almost certain to pass Parliament.

Hundreds of migrants arriving in Norway had mobile phones containing images of executions, severed heads and dead children, police reveal.  Hundreds of asylum-seekers entering Norway were discovered to have images of 'executions' and 'severed heads' on their mobile phones.  The revelation comes amid heightened fears that ISIS is exploiting the migrant crisis to smuggle fighters into Europe, following last month's attacks in Paris.  Police admitted that the 'explosion' of refugees crossing into the country over the summer and in recent months meant that security checks were less thorough than required, and weren't checking the background of those entering the country.

Muslim Refugees Are Pawns of An Extortion Racket.  Evidently Turkey has been taking in Sunni Muslim refugees for close to four years and just recently, over the past year, begun releasing them into Europe.  "The vast majority of the 886,662 migrants who illegally entered Europe this year embarked from Turkey, a little over half of them Syrians who took shelter in the country over the past four years."  European Union officials have stated that, "Ankara was very effective in previous years in preventing the outflow of refugees from the country."  But Turkish president Erdogan has allowed the flood gates to open.  Even with that, refugees still have to pay for passage into Europe.  In years gone by the going price could be as much as $12,000.  Now the price has dropped dramatically due to the amount of passengers.  In one year the price has dropped from $12,000 to $1250.  There are actually shops in Turkey which sell everything from life vests to inner tubes and rafts, not to mention the make-shift factories that have sprung up to produce the shoddy merchandise.  Others are becoming wealthy, hired by smugglers as refugee recruiters.  One such recruiter, Ahmed Abdul-Hamid, a Palestinian, claims he can pocket up to $4000 per day.

Johnson: Yes, terrorists could try to 'exploit' refugee system.  Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged this week that terrorists could in fact try to infiltrate the country's refugee system, giving a nod to congressional concerns that have mounted for weeks about potential gaps in the programs.  "We do have to be concerned about the possibility that a terrorist organization may seek to exploit our refugee resettlement process," he said Wednesday [12/16/2015].  "This is true of this country, that's true of every other country that accepts refugees."  In saying so, Johnson stressed that the Obama administration is continuing to reevaluate the program, and has done so with refugees from Iraq and Syria.

Obama's Crazy Policies — It's All Heredity.  The Iranians, as already stated, are locked in battle with Sunnis for dominance in the region.  They too want a Caliphate — but a Shiite controlled empire.  So they can either defeat the Sunni in a straight up fight or get rid of most of the would-be Sunni fighters, which would make the fight easier.  What better way than through mass migration.  Interestingly, and I'm sure coincidentally, most of the Syrian "refugees" entering Europe are Sunni.  "Since the Paris terror attacks on November 13, the State Department has admitted 132 Syrian refugees into the United States, and all 132 are Sunni Muslims."  And, as has been well publicized, the majority have been men of fighting age.  In our president is a hereditary hatred of the colonial west, a seeming affinity for Shiite Muslims and an arrogance to think he can control this upheaval through the sheer force of his will.  It's a recipe for disaster — or Armageddon.

Migrant crisis: inside Sweden's first tent city.  Dheyaa Al-Ogaili is wearily amused to discover that he and the 11 others sharing his tent are the first asylum seekers to be housed in a refugee camp in Sweden since the Bosnian War in 1992.  "We are very unlucky," says the 38-year-old former Baghdadi teacher as he sips tea and listens to the rain splattering down outside.  "We dreamed of coming to Sweden because it is a humanitarian country, where people help everybody.  We did not think that if we got to Sweden, we would live in a camp like this."

Resolution Barring Consideration of Religion in Immigration Passes Senate Committee.  A Senate committee on Thursday [12/10/2015] approved a resolution that critics described as an "unprecedented" move granting immigrants easier access to the United States.  The amendment, offered by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.) and first reported on by the Washington Free Beacon, affirms the Senate's belief "that the United States must not bar individuals from entering into the United States based on their religion, as such action would be contrary to the fundamental principles on which this Nation was founded."  The language was offered in response to recent comments from a presidential candidate who called on Muslims to be barred from immigrating to the United States.

US Intel: ISIS May Have Passport Printing Machine, Blank Passports.  With the U.S. and other countries on high alert for ISIS attacks, American authorities are warning the terror group's followers may have infiltrated American borders with authentic-looking passports ISIS has printed itself with its own machines, according to an intelligence report obtained by ABC News.  The 17-page Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Intelligence Report, issued to law enforcement last week, says ISIS likely has been able to print legitimate-looking Syrian passports since taking over the city of Deir ez-Zour last summer, home to a passport office with "boxes of blank passports" and a passport printing machine.

Federal judge rejects Texas effort to block resettlement of Syrian refugees.  A federal judge knocked Texas for offering "largely speculative hearsay" about extremists possibly infiltrating Syrian refugees seeking to resettle in the state, rejecting another attempt by Republican leaders to keep out families fleeing the war-torn country.

Syrian refugees: In desperation, Obama offers statistics and lies.  To counter demands by Republican lawmakers and presidential candidates that President Obama drop his plan to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees next year, the Obama administration issued statistics and other information to the press this week to reassure the American people that ISIS cannot use this route to infiltrate the U.S. because these refugees will be carefully screened.  Just under 2,200 Syrian refugees have been admitted to the U.S. since the Syrian civil war broke out in 2011.  Most were admitted over the last year.  The Obama administration told reporters this week that roughly half of all Syrian refugees admitted to date have been children.  It claims around 25% are adults over 60 and only 2% have been single males of "combat age."  Not surprisingly, the mainstream media published these statistics without questioning them.

Carter Banned Iranians from Coming to US During Hostage Crisis.  Trump is a monster, a madman and a vile racist.  He's just like Hitler.  Or Jimmy Carter.  During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran.  Among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency.

Jeff Sessions Exposes Ryan's, McConnell's Plans to Fund Syrian Refugees: 'It's Going To Be Jammed Through'.  Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, tells Breitbart News Daily about House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)'s and Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)'s plans to force Americans to pay for President Obama's Syrian refugee resettlement program.  "It's going to be jammed through," Sessions told host and Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon on Thursday morning [12/10/2015] on the show, [...]

Texas Imam Agrees with Trump: Halt Syrian Refugees into America.  A Texas Imam agrees with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's controversial suggestion that America set-up a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" until further investigation can be done.  The Imam also said there should be a ban of Syrian refugees of any religion.  The Imam, Nidal Alsayyed, who leads a Beaumont, Texas, mosque agrees with both Donald Trump and Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Texas Imam Forced to Resign for Agreeing with Trump.  The Texas Imam who publicly agreed with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's suggestion that America set-up a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" until further investigation can be done, has been forced to resign.  The Imam also said that more than 100 Houston, Texas, area Imams have been asked to leave because of a "political agenda."

Hey moonbats, guess what... prez can ban Muslims from U.S..  [Scroll down]  It's federal law, from the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 — a year in which the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the presidency.  I'm going to guess that among those voting to make the following words the law of the land was U.S. Rep. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass).  "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."  Got that?  So a president could do it.  But again, let's do it the right way.  The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) pointed out yesterday that Muslims, who are 1 percent of the U.S. population, are responsible for 50 percent of all terrorist attacks since 9/11.

Here's How Trump Could Legally Justify A Temporary Muslim Ban.  Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's proposal to temporarily bar alien Muslims from entering the country is legal under the Immigration and Nationality Act, which gives the president authority to suspend the entry of any and all aliens deemed "detrimental" to U.S. interests.  "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate," the 1952 law states.

Frank Gaffney: 'Common Sense' to Put Moratorium on Muslim Immigration.  On Tuesday's [12/8/2015] Breitbart News Daily, the Center for Security Policy's Frank Gaffney said it makes complete sense to put a moratorium on Muslims entering the United States — especially from countries with a tradition of Islamic supremacism — after a nationwide poll found that a quarter of Muslims in the United States think it is legitimate to use violence in furtherance of jihad.  The poll, which was conducted by The Polling Company and the Center for Security Policy, found that 25% of Muslims in America believed that "it is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed" and a majority believed that "Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah."

Trump calls for 'complete shutdown' on Muslims entering US.  Donald Trump called Monday for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States," an idea swiftly condemned by his rival GOP candidates for president and other Republicans.

Massive worldwide support for sharia law among global Muslim community.  In the aftermath of the uproar caused by Donald Trump's press release "calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," the Pew Research Center released some truly astonishing polling data on the support among Muslims worldwide for sharia law.

President Obama Tells Syrian Refugee 'You're Part of What Makes America Great'.  President Obama still isn't directly engaging Donald Trump's recent proposal to bar Muslims from entering the U.S., but a Facebook comment posted from his official account overnight could be the closest he has come so far.

Dems Are At War With Americans On Cars, Guns And Refugees.  Democrats insist that the U.S. play host to tens of thousands of Syrian refugees, even after the terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino.  In fact, Democrats running for president are in a bidding war to see who will admit more refugees.  Hillary Clinton's current offer is 65,000.  That's despite widespread opposition from the public.  The latest IBD/TIPP Poll — taken in late early December — found that 56% oppose letting even 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country.  They have good reason to feel that way.  Syria is now a hotbed of ISIS radicals who have publicly stated that they intend to use the refugee crisis (which they've created) to smuggle terrorists into other countries to carry out attacks — as they did in Paris.

One Christian: 236 of 237 Syrian Refugees Admitted Since Paris Attacks Are Muslims.  Since the Paris terror attacks on November 13, the State Department has admitted 237 Syrian refugees into the United States — 236 Sunni Muslims and one Christian (0.4 percent), according to data from the State Department Refugee Processing Center.  The Christian, a Greek Orthodox individual, is the sole non-Sunni Muslim admitted to the U.S. since the attack, which fueled concerns that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) may move terrorists into Western nations under the cover of refugee resettlement programs.

Norway offers refugees free flights, thousands of dollars to leave the country.  Norway is offering asylum seekers thousands of dollars to leave the country as the global refugee crisis intensifies, and hundreds of people have taken the government up on its offer, The Local reports.  A family with two children is eligible for up to $9,300 dollars — and free flights home, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration told the media outlet.  More than 900 people reportedly have accepted.  "[Refugees] thought that when they came to Norway they would get protection rather quickly," the head of The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration's return unit told local broadcaster NRK, The Local adds.

Extremists have targeted refugee program to enter US, Homeland Security chairman says.  Intelligence officials have determined that Islamic extremists have explored using the refugee program to enter the United States, they told the head of the Homeland Security Committee.  Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) revealed portions of a classified letter from the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) on Monday, which offered new claims not previously disclosed by the Obama administration.  The disclosure could give ammunition to critics of the White House's refugee plans who have warned that the program is vulnerable to infiltration by adherents of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

After Legal Fight, 21 Syrian Refugees to Arrive in Texas.  Twelve Syrian refugees were scheduled to arrive in Texas on Monday [12/7/2015] after the state eased up in its legal fight against resettlement agencies and the federal government.  The refugees, including six children, were expected to join relatives already settled in Dallas and Houston.  Another nine refugees are scheduled to arrive in Houston Thursday.

FDR halted German, Japanese naturalization after Pearl Harbor.  After Pearl Harbor, the naturalization of enemy aliens was suspended for a time.  The myth popularized by the left is that after Pearl Harbor the United States began randomly going after Japanese-Americans because of racism.  The actual reality is that the United States began relocating "enemy aliens" in the West Coast, which meant Germans, Japanese and Italians who were not United States citizens.  Race wasn't the issue.  Fear of an invasion was.  Executive Order 9066 is what the left loves talking about.  And it's bringing up 9066 in reference to Trump's comments.  But far more relevant are Presidential Proclamations 2525 through 2527.  Let's start with FDR's Presidential Proclamation 2525 after Pearl Harbor.  It applied to the Japanese, 2526 to the Germans, 2527 to the Italians.  But otherwise they were basically the same.

Terror Prevention Means Keeping Likely Jihadists Out of the Country.  It's unreasonable to expect local and federal agencies to keep track of an ever-growing population of Muslims that includes many hostiles.  Real terror prevention consists of blocking immigration for the political tribe that worships jihad (the murder of non-Muslims):  don't invite the enemy inside the gates.  How hard is that?

Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S..  Donald J. Trump called on Monday for the United States to bar all Muslims from entering the country until the nation's leaders can "figure out what is going on" after the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, Calif., an extraordinary escalation of rhetoric aimed at voters' fears about members of the Islamic faith.  A prohibition of Muslims — an unprecedented proposal by a leading American presidential candidate, and an idea more typically associated with hate groups — reflects a progression of mistrust that is rooted in ideology as much as politics.

Trump Calls For Moratorium On Muslims Entering United States.  Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday [12/7/2015] called for a moratorium on allowing Muslims to enter the United States.  [Text of Trump's press release.]

Donald Trump's Proposal To Halt Muslim Immigration Is Prudent, Wise, Brilliant and Long Overdue.  After decades of culturally-dominating politically correct drum-beating that numbs the average psyche (from accepting common sense), it might take a few minutes for the prudent position of Donald Trump to sink-in.  However, once you get beyond the trained instinct of hysteria, and focus on the substantive request, to:  "shutdown Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on" — it actually makes a great deal of sense.

Trump changes the political conversation.  Nearly all Republicans, from Dick Cheney to John Kasich, are pulling their hair (if any) out over Donald Trump's proposal to prevent Muslims from entering the United States.  Just when President Obama's Oval Office address was being scorned even on MSNBC, suddenly commentary is focused on the constitutionality and morality of Trump's proposal.  Hillary Clinton must be smiling and planning voter registration drives and counting campaign (and Clinton Foundation) donations to come from Muslims.  Whether or not the public will join the media and professional political class in condemning his proposal is less certain.

Trump Defends Ban on Muslims: No Different From How FDR Treated Japanese.  In an interview [12/8/2015] with ABC's Good Morning America, Donald Trump defended his proposed ban on any Muslims entering the country by saying it was no different from how Franklin Delano Roosevelt treated Japanese-Americans during WWII.  Trump pushed back against criticism from Muslim advocacy groups like CAIR:  "What I'm doing is no different than FDR's solution for German, Italian, Japanese, you know--"

Donald Trump the Conversation Starter.  Donald Trump has again succeeded in setting the terms of political debate, this time by calling for a temporary halt to the admission of all Muslims from abroad, whether as immigrants or as visitors ("nonimmigrants" being the technical term).  Everyone's outraged, of course, but this is a topic that needs to be addressed head-on.  First of all, it's important to underline that Congress can exclude or admit any foreigner it wants, for any reason or no reason.  Non-Americans have no constitutional right to travel to the United States and no constitutional due-process rights to challenge exclusion; as the Supreme Court has written multiple times, "Whatever the procedure authorized by Congress is, it is due process as far as an alien denied entry is concerned."

Homeland Security Chair: Obama [is] Covering Up Evidence [that] ISIS Is Targeting [his] Refugee Plan.  Rep. Michael McCaul said Monday [12/7/2015] that the United States intelligence community has obtained specific evidence indicating that ISIS is targeting President Barack Obama's Syrian refugee plan.  Speaking at the National Defense University on Monday, McCaul — the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee — said that intelligence officials approached him "earlier this week" with the information.  "I don't want to get into specifics to protect my sources," McCaul explained, but "ISIS members in Syria have attempted to exploit it to get into the United States."

Christie: San Bernardino shows female Syrian refugees should be barred.  One of the alleged assailants in the attack that left 14 dead and 21 injured Wednesday is Tashfeen Malik, 27, a Pakistani woman who immigrated to the U.S. in 2013 on a K-1 fiancée visa.  Authorities said Malik pledged her support to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as the attack was happening.  "The widow who comes over here from Syria, if aligned with ISIS or another organization, could create just as much death as any man given the weapons that are available now," Christie said.

The Editor says...
In addition to Syria, we should also ban immigration from Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

Treason, Cowardice, and Islamic Invasion: States Must Retool the Militia.  To All State Governors and State Legislators:  War is coming to America.  Obama is importing young able-bodied males to make civilizational jihad on us; and Congress can't summon up the moral courage to stop him.  To see what is ahead for us, watch this 20 minute video.  It depicts the Islamic takeover which is right now going on throughout Europe as European countries are being repopulated by millions of young able-bodied Muslim males (euphemistically called "refugees") who are explicit about their intention to breed the native Europeans out of existence, and replace the European cultures with Islamic culture.  And Obama is bringing it here.

Governors not falling for Obama's ploy on Muslim refugees.  The controversy over Syrian refugees and where they will be placed is blowing the lid off the federal government's refugee resettlement program as governors are learning just how secretive this program really is.  In a Nov. 17 conference call with the White House, governors from more than a dozen states were told they were not permitted to find out who is being resettled in their states, according to sources who listened in on the call.  That conference call was initiated by the White House after 27 governors said they would at least temporarily bar refugees from being resettled in their states if they could not find out what countries they were coming from and be given some assurances that they were properly screened.  This uproar came in the wake of the Paris attacks after it was reported at least two of the attackers entered Europe as Syrian "refugees."

Marco Rubio Votes to Import More ISIS Jihadists From Countries Known to Harbor Terrorists.  According to Rasmussen, 65 percent of conservative voters think the correct number of refugees to admit from the entire Middle East is zero.  According to a Kellyanne Conway survey, a majority of Americans want a pause on all immigration from everywhere in the world.  Under current immigration policy, the U.S. issues about 280,000 visas annually to temporary and permanent Muslim migrants — including more than a 100,000 green cards each year.  Green card holders are given lifetime work permits and residency, welfare, and ultimately become full voting citizens of the United States.  As the Senate Immigration Subcommittee has documented, over the next five years the U.S. will permanently resettle nearly 700,000 Muslim migrants on green cards — or a population larger than the size of Washington D.C.  According to Pew Research, only 11 percent of Muslim Americans identify as Republican or leaning-Republican, making them one of the most reliable Democrat voting blocs in the country.

Why So Few Christians Among Syrian Refugees? State Dept 'Helping the Most Vulnerable'.  The emphasis of the United States' refugee admission program is on helping "the most vulnerable," and "many" of those currently being helped are members of religious minorities in Syria and Iraq, a State Department spokesperson said Tuesday [12/1/2015].  The official was responding on background to questions about the relatively small proportion of Christians among the refugees from war-torn Syria admitted into the U.S. — 1.1 percent so far in fiscal year 2016, and 2.3 percent over the period since the conflict began in March 2011.  (The CIA World Factbook says that 10 percent of the Syrian population is Christian.)

NYC welcomes refugees blocked by Texas.  New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says he's opening his city's doors to Syrian refugee families after Texas sued the federal government to block their settlement.  "Three families seeking refuge from their warn-torn home in Syria have arrived in NYC," de Blasio said in a statement on Friday [12/4/2015].  The mayor said he believed it would only be temporary and scolded Texas for not letting the refugees into the state.

Homeland Security 'limited' in ability to detect asylum fraud, watchdog finds.  Homeland Security officials have "limited capabilities" to detect fraudulent asylum applications, the government's chief watchdog said in a devastating report released Wednesday [12/2/2015] that could deal a major blow to President Obama's approach to illegal immigration across the southwestern border.  Republicans have accused the administration of "rubberstamping" asylum applications of illegal immigrants who make a claim after getting caught at the border, and they said the new report by the Government Accountability Office shows just how easy it is to game the system.

The Threat from 'Minnesota Men'.  Starting in the 1990s, the State Department directed thousands of refugees from Somalia's civil war to Minnesota.  As Kelly Riddell pointed out in the Washington Times this past February, in Minnesota these refugees "can take advantage of some of America's most generous welfare and charity programs." [...] Unfortunately, according to a September report of the House Homeland Security Committee task force on combating terrorist and foreign fighter travel, Minnesota also leads the country in contributing foreign fighters to ISIS.  Reviewing the public cases of 58 Americans who had joined or attempted to join ISIS, the task force found that 26 percent of them came from Minnesota.  When it comes to exports to ISIS, we're number one.

Texas to refugee groups: If you let in a Syrian, we might sue you.  Texas officials are escalating their opposition to Syrian refugees with a new message aimed specifically at resettlement groups that have indicated they will accept people fleeing the war-torn country: change your mind or risk getting sued by the state.  Texas health commissioner Chris Traylor issued the first lawsuit threat over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in a letter to the Dallas branch of the International Rescue Committee, which said earlier this month that it supports accepting Syrian refugees.

The Welfare Caliphate built by Welfare Jihad in Germany.  Turks came to Germany as 'guest workers'.  They were supposed to provide some "necessary cheap labor" and then leave.  But it didn't work out that way.  And the topic has obvious implications for our own Gang of 8's guest worker plan, which is going to lead to non-workers bankrupting the social welfare system even further.

Yeah, Let's Bring Some of That Here.  For decades now Europe has opened its arms and its borders to Muslim refugees.  It did so to assert its overweening idealism, its love for humanity and its belief that all human cultures are essentially the same.  Those who wish to do the same should, reasonably, take a look at the evidence.  How has the policy worked out in practice?

Invading Germany.  In an ironic twist, Germany, which in the last century twice invaded other countries, contributing to two world wars, is now being invaded by hordes of Muslims.  According to Pew Research Center, there are 4,760,000 Muslims in Germany, about 5.8 percent of its population, and that number is steadily growing.  The Wall Street Journal writes, "The government estimates that about 800,000 foreigners will seek asylum in Germany this year, almost four times as many as last year."

Jeff Sessions Rings Alarm About Spending Bill: Obama Will 'Be Allowed' To Bring 10,000 Syrians Into America.  Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is warning Americans that under newly minted House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)'s and Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)'s planned government funding bill, President Barack Obama will be "allowed" to bring in 10,000 Syrian refugees and place them in American communities.

German police tackle mass brawl at Berlin refugee shelter.  Hundreds of refugees fought each other on Sunday [11/29/2015] in a mass brawl at a Berlin shelter and more than 100 police were called in to restore order, in an episode underlining the challenges Germany faces in handling hundreds of thousands of migrants.

Guess how many Syrian refugees Persian Gulf Muslim states have accepted.  While the United States and Europe argue over how many Syrian refugees to allow in, the Muslim countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council that include Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and United Arab Emirates steadfastly refuse to accept any Syrian refugees.  Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) tells The Daily Caller News Foundation they have not accepted a single refugee since the armed Syrian conflict erupted years ago.

Unwelcoming? Because No One Wants More of This?!  The next time the open border/illegal immigration advocates over at TIRRC (TN Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition) call you unwelcoming, remind them that illegal immigrants are lawbreakers.  Tell them there is no such thing as a "law-biding" illegal immigrant.  Tell them that using the term "illegal alien" is the correct term that is used in our statutes to identify people who are nationals of other countries and who enter the U.S. illegally.  Illegal alien is the definition of someone who breaks our immigration laws.  Tell them that our immigration laws do not refer to "undocumented immigrants."

World Health Organisation: HIV In Europe At All Time High... Migrant 'High Risk'.  Europe has seen 142,000 new infections of HIV this year, the virus which causes AIDS — the highest number in one year ever. [...] In a remarkable admission, the director [for WHO Europe] named migrants travelling across Europe as being a particular risk for spreading HIV in the continent, reports The Independent.

Euro-Leftists Destroy Paris Remembrance Memorial — Clash With Police Ahead of Climate Summit.  Various radical leftist groups and professional anarchists swarmed the Place de la République in Paris where flowers and candles were placed in memory of those killed by terrorists.  The "green" activists, communists and various agenda driven left wing groups destroyed the memorial and used the candles to attack French riot police.  Much of their expressed anger is directed toward the new rules within a declared three month state of emergency following the terrorist attacks.

U.S. Refugees and Terrorism — Minneapolis Edition.  The current discussion about potential refugees and associations with terrorism provides a backdrop for an article via CBS showing that 25% of all American ISIS recruitment comes from refugees who were placed in Minneapolis Minnesota.

The United States of Injustice.  [Scroll down]  Yeah, after one of these alleged modern day pilgrims puts a bullet in you, you can discuss treatment options with the doctor who replaced the one you liked but didn't get to keep while paying your newly-tripled deductible.  And when the next radical Muslim freak murders a bunch of Americans, if President Fail even bothers to mention it, he will label it another incident of "workplace violence."  No, those shouts of "Allahu akbar" have nothing to do with Islam, you un-American monster.  They have to do with you law-abiding, freedom-loving Americans owning guns.  Time to turn them all in, leaving the only guns in the hands of the same people who spit on our country's legacy.

Tensions flare at Macedonian border as soldiers start to build three-metre high fence to keep migrants out.  Tensions have flared at the Macedonian border after migrants became enraged by the sight of soldiers starting to construct a fence along the border with Greece. [...] The country follows Hungary and Slovenia in erecting a fence.

Is it racist to oppose rapid entry of 25,000 migrants from Syria?  In the U.S., there is considerable opposition, especially on the State level, to high numbers of Syrian and other Middle Eastern migrants entering the country.  But in Canada, with Justin Trudeau and his Liberals having recently defeated Stephen Harper and his Conservatives, it is a different story.  Day after day, most of our Canadian media broadcast a message that anyone opposing the hurried entry into Canada of 25,000 migrants by the end of February from Syria and other dysfunctional Muslim Islamo-totalitarian states is clearly "racist."

States Accepting Syrian Refugees
Obama's Fundamental Transformation of America: The Syrian Scheme.  Obama's occasional profession of fondness for the rule of law is hardly consistent, particularly since the Syrian refugees became a thing.  He insists federal law must be followed regarding refugee resettlement, but hypocritically refuses to crack down on states with unlawful sanctuary cities.  For Thanksgiving, Obama compared the mostly male Syrian invaders of Europe to America's pilgrim settlers — nice insulting touch for the holiday!  In response, more than half of the states' governors have rejected Syrian refugees for their jurisdictions.

Office of Refugee Resettlement threatens governors, says they can't stop Syrians.  Looks like the ACLU and the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) are on the same page.  The way to solve the latest argument by the Obama Administration and the NO borders gang is to defund all refugee resettlement in the upcoming 'omnibus' and not single-out the Syrians for special treatment.  First Reema (from Jeh Johnson) and now this as the administration pulls out all the stops to get those 10,000 mostly Muslim Syrians resettled in your towns.

Meet Reema!  White House puts out childish propaganda video on Syrian refugee screening.  Remember Julia?  Reema is the Syrian Muslim Julia!  This will make you want to scream!  There is nothing to "crosscheck" her "biographic and biometric" data with — there is no data available from Syria!  Interesting that it confirms that it is the UN High Commissioner for Refugees sending the Syrians to your towns!  And, that they have 23,000 in a pipeline to America at this very minute.

Swedish Imam to Muslims: "Do Not Befriend the Unbelievers".  [Scroll down]  On July 9, the Administrative Court of Härnösand decided that a 39-year-old Somali man will be reimbursed for the plane tickets he bought for his ten children to travel from Ethiopia to Sweden.  The man came to Sweden in 2009 and remains "dependent long-term on economic aid," according to the court ruling.  When the Immigration Service turned down the request for the airfare for his ten children, the Somali took out a loan and demanded that Social Services reimburse him.  When they too said no, he appealed to the Administrative Court, which has now ruled that the Swedish taxpayers should pay for the plane tickets.  In all, the bill amounts to 45,000 kronor (about $5,300).

One Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Sweden: October 2015.  Police documents show that 70% asylum seekers whose applications are rejected ignore the decision and stay illegally in Sweden.

Islam, Rape and the Fate of Western Women.  Perhaps there is no European country where rape has reached epidemic proportions as it has in Sweden, a country now known as the "rape capital" of Europe.  Sweden ranks Number 2 on the global list of rape countries.  From 1975 to present, rape in Sweden has increased 1472%.  Based on this model, it is now projected that one in four Swedish women (and sometimes little girls) will be raped.  Rape of men and boys is also on the rise.  Making this nightmarish situation worse, the authorities hide what's going on, make outlandish excuses for it, and/or side with the rapists.  Dhimmitude has taken hold.  Few, if any, will state the truth:  that the majority of rapes in Sweden are committed by Muslim males.

Raping the Swedish Corpse.  Gatestone ran a comprehensive report on the state of Sweden under the press of tens of thousands of immigrants, most of whom who have neither an affinity for Sweden nor a fondness for Swedes, except as prey for rape, robbery, and mayhem.  The article, "Sweden descending into anarchy," of November 13th, by Ingrid Carlqvist, recounts the alarm Swedes are now feeling as the consequence of their government inviting countless barbarians into the country are becoming manifest.  The reality of multiculturalism is hitting home, and hard.

Coming to a City Near You: Islamic Terrorism.  I often hear arguments in support of bringing in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees with no mention of the words "terrorist," "Muslim," "Islam," "jihad," or "Paris" by the proponent.  It is a bizarre notion that one can dishonestly make the humanitarian case for helping Syrians forced from their homes during a civil war while ignoring the security risks for the potential host nation.  Accompanying this debate is always the disgraceful accusation that those who raise national security concerns are actually aiding and abetting the terrorists in their recruitment of future jihadists.  Those of us who question the PC/Obama meme are used to being called Islamophobes.  But now we are labeled inciters.

Try To Get Your Head Around This — Sweden Is Gone, Sweden Is Finished.  Sweden is now the rape culture of the world.  [Video clip]

Sweden: Rape Capital of the West.  Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa.  Significantly, the report does not touch on the background of the rapists.  One should, however, keep in mind that in statistics, second-generation immigrants are counted as Swedes.  In an astounding number of cases, the Swedish courts have demonstrated sympathy for the rapists, and have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted to have sex with six, seven or eight men.

1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%.  Sweden now has the second highest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000 is six times higher than the United States.  Statistics now suggest that 1 out of every 4 Swedish women will be raped.

Muslims Say Swedish Women are Asking to be Raped.  Swedish girls Malin and Amanda were on their way to a party on New Year's Eve when they were assaulted, raped and beaten half to death by four Somali immigrants.  Sweden's largest newspaper has presented the perpetrators as "two men from Sweden, one from Finland and one from Somalia", a testimony as to how bad the informal censorship is in stories related to immigration in Sweden.  Similar incidents are reported with shocking frequency, to the point where some observers fear that law and order is completely breaking down in the country.  The number of rape charges in Sweden has tripled in just above twenty years.  Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six — 6 — times as common today as they were a generation ago.  Most other kinds of violent crime have rapidly increased, too.  Instability is spreading to most urban and suburban areas.

Muslim (pedophile) rape wave: 1,000 rapes reported in Stockholm in just 7 months.  The number of police reports concerning rape in Stockholm has increased by 16 percent so far this year.  A large part of the increase involves the rape of young girls.  The National Crime Prevention Council published the statistics today.  More than 1,000 rapes have been reported in the county during the first seven months.  A large part of the increase of rapes concerns the rape of girls under 15.  According to BRA police in the county received 300 such reports so far this year."

Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic.  A growing number of women and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, sexually assaulted and even forced into prostitution by male asylum seekers, according to German social work organizations with first-hand knowledge of the situation. [...] Conditions for women and girls at some shelters are so perilous that females are being described as "wild game" fighting off Muslim male predators.  But many victims, fearing reprisals, are keeping silent, social workers say.

Rape jihad in Denmark: More than half of all convicted rapists have immigrant backgrounds.  As JihadWatch has reported, 100 percent of convicted rapists in Oslo have non-Western background.  According to the Oslo police, non-Western immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists.  It would be more precise to say that they just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women.  In 2010, 51.5 percent of all convicted rapists had immigrant backgrounds.

The Counter Jihad Report: The Rape of Sweden.  [A list of links to stories about the epidemic of Muslim rape in Sweden and the coverup thereof.]

The Refugee Children of Sweden.  Recently, the Swedish newspaper Gothenburg-Post wrote a sob story about a 16-year old unaccompanied refugee child who appears to be a full-grown man.

A refugee raped a three-year-old child — the Migration Board tried to conceal the incident.  A male refugee in an asylum center in Tingsryd municipality in Sweden, on Tuesday raped a three-year-old child.  Responsible of the asylum center learned about the rape during the day, and in collaboration with the Swedish Migration Board had decided to move the man from the accommodation to protect him.

Agriculture Dept. orders food stamps for refugees.  The Agriculture Department sent a stern warning to Georgia's social services' officials — and by proxy, to all states — about the plight of Syrian refugees and their food stamp applications, telling them bluntly:  you cannot deny their benefit. [...] "As long as an applicant submits a SNAP application that includes the applicant's name, address and signature, the state agency must accept and process the application to be in compliance with federal law," wrote Jessica Shahin with the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

Dutch Court to Rejected 'Refugees': Go Home or Starve.  Holland, which has been suffering from the "refugee" influx even before Muslim immigrants were called "refugees," can now expel them without worrying about European notions of "human rights." [...] This is a good first step.  The Europeans have been buffaloed by the trammels of the European super-state, looking over their shoulders at the bureaucrats in Brussels and the corruptocrats of the UN before daring to defend themselves against the invasion of their territory by "migrants" from the ummah of Islam.

Feds: Georgia must process food stamps for Syrian refugees.  Federal officials are ordering Georgia to process food stamp applications for Syrian refugees.

Economic Migrants Sew Lips Shut, Demand To Be 'Shot' In Protest At European Border.  Iranian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, and Congolese migrants who are being stopped from furthering their journeys into Europe have taken to sewing their mouths shut with thread and embarking upon hunger strikes to draw attention to their campaign for Europe to completely remove all border control processes.

Obama says Syrian refugees are America's modern-day pilgrims.  President Obama on Thursday [11/26/2015] compared Syrian refugees to the first Pilgrims who journeyed to America seeking a better life, as he delivered his annual Thanksgiving Day radio message. [...] "One woman from Pennsylvania wrote to me to say, 'Money is tight for us . . . but I have a guest room. I have a pantry full of food. We can do this,'" Obama said.

Astroturf alert!
You would have to be a public school student to believe that some previously unknown middle class woman spontaneously wrote to the President with her upbeat encouragement.  The letter was almost certainly contrived by the Democratic Party.

Obama Thanksgiving Address: Syrian Refugees Are Just Like Pilgrims.  President Obama delivered his Thanksgiving address this morning, including a political lecture on Syrian refugees.  He told Americans that Syrian refugees were just like the pilgrims who came to America on the Mayflower.

Obama's 'Titanic' Deception About Islam.  Islamic State boasts about having used the influx of Syrian refugees flooding Europe as concealment to position terrorists for those attacks.  Despite this and despite warnings as to the dangers of doing so, [President Barack H.] Obama has announced he will press forward with resettling thousands of Syrian refugees in the U.S.  Over a century ago, another ship navigated into harms way when a captain refused to heed warnings he was given — opting instead to sail full speed ahead.

The Latest: German official says some migrants [are] IS radicals.  The Austria Press Agency cited German federal police chief Hans-Georg Maasen as saying that some who blend in with the migrants fought with IS and are planning a "combat mission" once they arrive in Europe.

Obama's Recipe for Disaster.  As far as Obama is concerned, it's full steam ahead for Syrian (and all other Islamic) "refugee" resettlement.  His recent statements that those opposed to his policy are "scared of widows and orphans" and that we who prefer Christian refugees to Muslims coming to America are "un-American" are as Pat Buchanan said in a recent column, "petulant and unpresidential."  On target as usual, Buchanan said later in his column, "Who is this man of the left to dictate to us what is 'un-American'?"  Indeed.  Stopping our borders from being overrun by people who at the least do not wish to assimilate into our culture, and at the worst, pose a threat to our very existence isn't being "xenophobic, hateful, bigoted, racist, ad nauseum" — it's common sense — something in short supply in Washington these days.

Yes, we should consider refugees' religion.  Americans have heard a lot of nonsense in the past week about the role of religion in our refugee policy — from both sides.  Senator Ted Cruz has been derided, mostly justly, for saying that no Muslim refugees — but only Christians — should be admitted to this country from the killing fields of Syria and Iraq.  But President Obama's angry reaction that use of a "religious test" for evaluating asylum seekers would be "shameful" and "not American" is even more wrongheaded.  "That's not who we are," he said to an audience in Turkey, apparently in response to Cruz.  "We don't have religious tests to our compassion."  Except we do.  It's in the law.

Considering Religion When it Comes to Refugees is a MUST.  [The first] Americans came here fleeing religious persecution.  However, when it comes to national security, can we afford to be anything less that on a vigilant watch? [...] We cannot allow a cancer into our country and wonder why it crumbles from the inside out.

Pepper spray almost sold out: demand for pepper sprays in Germany is increasing rapidly.  In Germany, one can get pepper spray only after many weeks of waiting time.  The orders have risen by 600 percent in just two months.  According to manufacturers, frightened German buyers have emptied the shelves.  The alleged reason:  the refugee crisis.  The Germans stock up massively in private.  According to FOCUS Information there are now, nationwide, considerable difficulties regarding the delivery of irritant gas spray cans, the so-called pepper spray.

At least 15 refugees to US have been charged with terrorism this year.  By now, I'm sure you have seen all the media spin about how safe we are admitting tens of thousands of Syrian refugees into the United States.  One infographic from The Economist that made the rounds on social media even proclaimed that not a single US refugee since 9/11 had been charged with terrorism.  That assertion is obviously false — the Tsarnaev brothers who bombed the Boston Marathon were as coddled as any pair of refugees in this country could ever dream of and still they turned to Islamic jihadist violence.  Senator Jeff Sessions revealed today that at least 15 refugees in the US have been charged with terrorism this year alone.

Violent mob of Muslim hijackers
British Truck Drivers Run Gauntlet Of Violent Refugees Near Calais and Tunnel Crossing.  Around 6,000 migrants are currently gathered at Calais, looking for an opportunity to make it across the English Channel into Britain.  As their numbers swell, so they are becoming more brazen in their attempts to climb on board lorries headed to the UK.  Drivers have described being threatened at knife and gun point, being beaten with baseball bats and having their trailers slashed as migrants force their way on board, describing the situation as "a war".

Calais Truck Drivers: 'It's War Out There' Because Of Migrants.  The level of intimidation faced lorry drivers passing through Calais at the hands of migrants is "out of control" and "totally unacceptable", a spokesman for Britain's road haulage industry has said. His association has now set up a hotline for drivers to report threatening behaviour by migrants, but drivers using the route have dismissed it as "useless," saying "it's a war out there!"

Obama administration tells states they can't block resettlement of refugees.  The Obama administration warned states over the Syrian refugee crisis Wednesday [11/25/2015], telling them in a letter they do not have legal authority to refuse the refugees, and states that do not comply may be subject to enforcement action.  The letter, from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), told state resettlement officials that they may not deny benefits and services to refugees based on their country of origin or religion.

Dutch welcome: Pig heads left at migrants' camp entrance in Netherlands.  Pig heads have been left on the entrance to a migrant camp in the Netherlands, in an effort by some to give the Muslim refugees a hellish nightmare welcome to one of Europe's most tolerant nations.  Unidentified perpetrators left some 14 pig heads at the entrance of a refugee center in Eschmarkerveld, near the city of Enschede, on early Wednesday morning [11/25/2015].  Nine pigs' heads were found on the fence, the rest laid out on the ground.

The Editor says...
If you don't like the sight of freshly slaughtered pigs everywhere, perhaps you should turn around and go back where you came from!

Sen. Sessions Reveals 15 Refugee Jihadis, Hopes To Shrink Obama's 2016 Refugee Budget.  This year, Obama is promising to bring in an extra 10,000 low-skill, potentially difficult-to-integrate Syrian migrants into the United States.  Sessions and other critics fear he'll use his many powers — and Congress' autopilot funding for refugee programs — to bring in far more than 10,000 migrants.  In fact, from 2010 to 2015, Obama has allowed more than 200,000 low-skill migrants from Central American to enter the United States, and then disappear into the nation's growing population of at least 11 million illegal immigrants.

The Refugee Vetting Process Will Fail.  In a recent interview I did on the Sean Hannity radio show, I challenged liberal talk-radio show host Leslie Marshall on her position supporting the intake of more refugees from Syria, despite the recognized flaws in the U.S. government's screening process.  While I respect Ms. Marshall's willingness to take a position on the issue, what I find perplexing is the tendency for Ms. Marshall, and others on her side, to confidently defend that position while having little to no inside knowledge of how the Syrian "vetting" process works.  Their overconfidence in the government databases used to screen the Syrian refugees for potential terrorism ties may stem from an ideological blindness to government shortcomings, or it may stem from a misguided belief that opposition to the plan is being guided by xenophobia, rather than common sense.

Women to be fined up to £6,500 for wearing burkas in Swiss region.  Wearing a burka or niqab in public has been banned in the Swiss region of Ticino, with offenders facing a fine of up to £6,500.  The region's parliament approved the law on Monday [11/23/2015], thereby banning full-face veils worn by women in many Muslim countries, in the wake of heightened terrorist alerts across Europe.  It is now a criminal offence for women in the Italian-speaking canton in southern Switzerland to cover their faces with the garments in all public places, including shops, restaurants, public buildings and behind the wheel of a car, the Local reports.

Haslam says refugee vetting process 'pretty good'.  Gov. Bill Haslam said Monday [11/23/2015] that he feels better about the vetting process for Syrian refugees than he did last week when he wrote what he called a carefully worded letter to the president asking for a "pause" on refugee resettlement in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks.

Fact check: Claims 'no refugees' since 9/11 took part in terror plots ring false.  The noted publication The Economist proclaimed: "750,000 refugees have been resettled in America since 9/11; Not one has been arrested on domestic terrorism charges."  In fact, several refugees have been convicted in high-profile terrorism plots, and several more were "asylees" — people allowed to stay in the U.S. for the same reasons as refugees, but who do not go through the same screening process.  In one case, two Iraqi refugees in Kentucky were convicted after it turned out they had used IEDs to attack U.S. soldiers in Iraq and were plotting other attacks.  An FBI agent recalled that they bragged about that and said they had soldiers "for lunch and dinner... meaning that he had killed them," ABC News reported an FBI official as saying in 2013.

ACLU files lawsuit against Governor Pence, seeks relief for Syrian refugees.  The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana and ACLU national filed a lawsuit against Governor Mike Pence and the secretary of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration on behalf of Exodus Refugee Immigration.  The lawsuit was filed to stop attempts by the governor to suspend resettlement of Syrian refugees, and ACLU claims the governor's actions violate the United States Constitution and federal law.

Muslim Immigration Now vs. Jewish Immigration Then.  The contrast between then and now could not be more stark.  The United States then, for base reasons which are truly un-American as we understand that term today, refused to admit a handful of German Jews who were returned to Europe to face their fate under the Nazis.  Conservative American leaders today, such as Senator Cruz, supported by their conservative and Republican base, by many Democrats, and by a majority of the American people, propose keeping Americans safe from people we know will cause us harm if they are among those admitted here.  They are trying to do this by mandating the careful vetting of the thousands of Middle East potential immigrants to prevent the miscreants among them from entering this country.  This is, in fact, the response the media has not been able to articulate, and the answer of all responsible Americans.

Terrorists as 'tourists'.  President Obama has put a new twist on the Islamic invasion now taking place across Europe and the United States.  Speaking to reporters last week during his visit to the Philippines, the president compared Syrian refugees to "tourists," saying they are no bigger a threat than people who come to sightsee and visit attractions.  Seriously?

Third Paris stadium jihad suicide bomber identified as "refugee" who came via Greece.  The solution offered by the media and political elites:  bring in more Muslim refugees.  What could possibly go wrong?

Obama vows U.S. borders open to refugees 'as long as I'm president'.  President Obama vowed Saturday [11/21/2015] to keep United States borders open to refugees "as long as I'm president" as he visited a Malaysian humanitarian center and met migrant children, many of whom escaped violence in homelands that include Myanmar, Pakistan and Syria.

Refugees are Now Sewing Their Mouths Shut.  Middle Eastern migrants along the Greek-Macedonian border drew extra attention to their hunger strike by literally sewing their mouths shut.  Thousands of migrants are upset with Balkan nations now refusing certain nationalities entry.  Seven men decided to use a needle and string to highlight their grievances.

Gov. Mike Pence sued for halting Syrian refugee resettlement in Indiana.  Gov. Mike Pence is facing a federal lawsuit that challenges his power to block Syrian refugees from resettling in Indiana.  The lawsuit, filed Monday night [11/23/2015], accuses Pence of violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution by accepting refugees from other countries but not those from Syria.  It comes a week after the Indiana governor — and many of his counterparts around the country — suspended the resettlement of Syrian refugees in their states following terrorist attacks in Paris.

The 'refugee' crisis is jihad by another name.  Immediately following the Islamic State terror attacks in Paris that killed and wounded hundreds of people, French President Francois Hollande rightly declared them "acts of war" deserving a "merciless" response.  This latest act of violent jihad, however, stems directly from another form of jihad, one that has been underway in Europe for decades but has ramped up dramatically over the past year.

Obama's Agenda and the Treason of the Establishment.  What's an appropriate course of action for the French government?  Well, they could send their army into Syria and Iraq and defeat ISIS in battle.  But even supposing they succeeded, this infestation, the Muslim terrorists, is all over:  In Yemen, in Egypt, in North Africa, in Sudan, Somalia, Mali and Nigeria ...and, of course, in France and Britain and Germany, in Sweden and Denmark and Russia and America.  So perhaps the appropriate course of action is mass expulsion of Muslims from our countries and really firm control of borders and visas.  None of that is going to happen, though.  You see how far away from it we are.  Angela Merkel, Barack Obama, and Justin Trudeau want us to bring in more Muslims.

Video Exposes Truthful Evidence that Our Leaders Won't.  The waves of Syrian and other Muslim refugees inundating Europe have often been met by clapping and cheering Germans or Swedes singing their version of "this land is your land."  But the refugees already knew that sappy tune, which is why they came so far in the first place.  They knew they would be given other people's money.  They knew their hosts were bent on demographic suicide due to paltry birthrates.  And they knew the women and young girls at the end of their journey were ripe for sexual conquest because the men would do little about it.

Poll: 13% of Syrian Refugees Are ISIS Sympathizers.  A November 2014 study from the Arab Opinion Index team of the Doha-based Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies finds that the vast majority of Syrian refugees have a negative view of ISIS, with 83% saying their view the group is "negative" or "negative to some extent."  However, a disturbing subset of 13% of Syrian refugees say their view of ISIS is "positive" or "positive to some extent."

Obama Regime Rolls Out Red Carpet for Islamic Colonists.  Have you fallen on hard times as a result of the Obama economy?  Why not try traveling to Syria, then returning to the USA as a "refugee"?  The taxpayer will set you right up.

Democrats Unveil New Strategy: Take Unpopular Positions.  The DNC put out an ad attacking Republicans for talking about "radical Islamic terrorism," which the Democrats said was "inciting fear."  Just one problem: 60% of voters say we are at war with radical Islamic terrorism.  Then there are the Syrian refugees.  President Obama says it is un-American to oppose importing thousands of Syrian refugees, above and beyond current limits, and Harry Reid says he will block any effort to "pause" the importation of Syrian refugees.  But 63% of voters oppose Obama's refugee plan.  Apparently a large majority of Americans are un-American.

U.S. terror policy: 'Catch and release'?  It turns out that Salah Abdelsam, believed to be one of the jihadis behind the terror attack in Paris on Nov. 13, was stopped by French police while making his escape from Paris to Belgium.  He showed his Belgian ID card and was allowed to go on his way.  By the time detectives realized that Abdelsam was implicated in the murder of dozens of innocents, he was gone. [... This demonstrates] the absurdity of "vetting" the Muslim refugees currently flooding Europe, and whom President Obama is intent on delivering to the heartland of America.  "Got ID?" is not sufficient proof of anything.

US May Have Let 'Dozens' of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees.  Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to FBI agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan.  The discovery in 2009 of two al Qaeda-Iraq terrorists living as refugees in Bowling Green, Kentucky — who later admitted in court that they'd attacked U.S. soldiers in Iraq — prompted the bureau to assign hundreds of specialists to an around-the-clock effort aimed at checking its archive of 100,000 improvised explosive devices collected in the war zones, known as IEDs, for other suspected terrorists' fingerprints.

Even Syrian Americans Don't Want Syrian Refugees Coming To America.  Just as President Obama moves forward with his plan to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country, despite a majority of some 64 percent of Americans opposing the plan, we find out that Syrian Americans don't even want more Syrians in the country.

Refugee Resettlement (or) Treason?  Refugee resettlement in the USA has been systematically altered from that of its original humanitarian intent, to a full-blown "social engineering" program designed to forever "fundamentally change" the United States by simply importing foreign anti-American interests, planting anti-American cells across America and altering the political demographics of the United States. [...] The unbridled UN run refugee resettlement program is now being used to import what could easily be described as "Islamic sleeper cells" from all over the Middle East to cities all across the United States.  In short, our "generosity" in the world is being used to destroy the United States, again!

Disapproval of Obama's handling of terrorism reaches 54%, highest of his presidency.  The next time Obama tells you that it's un-American to not want to take refugees, ask him which America he has in mind.

Terrorists Once Used Refugee Program to Settle in US.  Of the 31 states that have declared their opposition to taking in Syrian refugees, one state, Kentucky, has a specific reason to be wary of the background check process:  previously two Iraqi refugees who settled in Bowling Green turned out to be al Qaeda-linked terrorists with the blood of American soldiers on their hands, an ABC News investigation found.  Both pleaded guilty to terror-connected charges after trying to acquire heavy weapons while in America's heartland.

WaPo/ABC ISIS Poll: Americans Want Action, Not More Syrian Refugees.  Yet another poll, this one from no less than the Washington Post and ABC News, shows that the DC Media's propaganda campaign to make the Paris terror attacks about racism, refugees, and Republicans, has failed miserably.  By wide margins the American people want action, not more refugees.

The answer to the 'Syrian refugee' question requires very few words.  Leftists (and some on the right) stand on the soapbox of morality, duty, responsibility, and compassion.  They prattle on about all the ways we can make sure we vet each "refugee," including the use of written questionnaires, interviews, fingerprints, and iris scans. With so many tools at our disposal, how can we go wrong?  And of course, running in the background is the 24/7 noise about how there's nothing to worry about with Islam or Muslims, and how dare anyone be concerned about national security?  Because Islamophobia!  But all the yammering about how well we can vet these folks is a farce.  Because we've already been told the plain, simple truth by the people who know best. The FBI has said we can't vet them because there is no intelligence to use as a reference point. [...] Does the word of the director of the FBI mean nothing?  His word on this matter should count for everything!  We can't vet these people.

Islamic influx: Why a Religious Test for Immigrants is Moral and Wise.  With the Paris terror attack and flooding of Western nations with Muslim migrants, Senator Ted Cruz and others have proposed limiting Muslim immigration into the U.S.  In response, Barack Obama and John McCain have said that having a "religious test" for newcomers would be un-American.  It's a belief betraying dangerous philosophical juvenility.  Before getting to the deeper issues, it doesn't take an Aristotelian mind to grasp the following:  If one million Chinese Christians immigrated to our nation, the probability is decent that not even one of them would turn to terrorism.  The same cannot be said of Muslim newcomers.

Sweden hits refugee crisis zero hour.  Sweden has now reached the limit.  With refugees pouring into the country at a rate of 10,000 a week, the Migration Agency announced on Thursday [11/19/2015] that it would no longer offer accommodation for all asylum-seekers.  "We have entered a new phase where the Migration Agency cannot provide everyone a roof over their heads.  There aren't enough places," said chief operating officer Michael Ribbenvik.

Phony compassion of Western leaders putting civilian lives at risk.  How can it be that the president of any country would open the door to 30,000 — impossible to vet — "refugees" in the very aftermath of Friday's horrific terrorist attacks?  It's almost as if Hollande, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, David Cameron and others are on the ISIS pay roll. [...] Though he's said to be trying to push the number up to 100,000, Obama's set to bring in 10,000 more Syrians, FBI warnings notwithstanding.

Disturbing Video Exposes Muslim Refugees.  Many in America are still fast asleep in their mental beds, completely unaware of the judgment that is upon them and what is coming.  I would normally comment on video that I post, but I think seeing this video is something that you have to personally assess with your own eyes and your own mind.  The purpose in sharing this is not to frighten people, but to awaken those still asleep as to what is going on.  As Christians, we should be those opposed to our money being funneled through government as a welfare state for anyone, including those from other countries.

Obama is importing Muslims, deporting Christians.  The nation was forced to endure yet more pious prattling from President Obama this week who spent time berating Americans who are worried about Islamic jihadists hell-bent on blowing us all to kingdom come.  "When individuals say that we should have a religious test and that only Christians — proven Christians should be admitted — that's offensive and contrary to American values,["] the president said — just one day after he called such behavior un-American.  What's offensive and contrary to American values is refusing to properly investigate those wanting to come to our nation — especially those coming from regions that are hotbeds of Islamic extremism.

There's a booming black market for fake Syrian passports.  Fraudulent Syrian passports are nothing new on the migratory route from Turkey through Europe.  Indeed, German officials this year estimated that nearly a third of asylum seekers falsely claimed they were Syrian.  That's because a Syrian passport has become a valuable item, as European nations have pledged to grant asylum to refugees from the Middle Eastern nation.

Not Just Syrians: 1000s of Somali Refugees Enter U.S. Despite Having Same Terror-Vetting Problem.  Many people believe that it's time to start refusing refugees from Syria and Iraq, as we are incapable of determining if terrorists are hiding among them.  But another group of immigrants poses a serious security threat that is going ignored:  Somalis.  Somalia has been partially overrun by Al-Shabaab, an organization that shares ISIS's radical views, goals, and strategies.  It frequently publishes videos and photos of executions of "unbelievers" or people suspected of working for the Somali authorities.  According to Refugee Resettlement Watch, a total of 100,000 Somali refugees have come to the United States in recent years — 8,858 of them in 2015 alone.

Operation Inherent Insanity — Obama's Syrian Refugee Plan.  ISIS has been busy in the last 24 hours.  They diverted two Air France planes over North America because of bomb threats.  They've threatened Hannover, Germany, Washington, D.C., Manhattan and some ISIS supporters attacked a Jewish teacher in Marseille, France.  In Honduras, five Syrians possibly loyal to ISIS tried to board a flight to the US with fake Greek passports.  And, there is last night's little police raid that apparently interrupted a meeting of an ISIS cell that was on the verge of launching attacks in Paris' financial district and at the airport. [...] Meanwhile, it was another day in the padded insane asylum, known as the Obama Administration.  President Obama has set off a firestorm on TV, radio and the Internet by his plan to relocate up to 100,000 Syrian refugees in the US.  This is where Obama has chosen to take a stand, not against ISIS, not against evil, but against Republicans and even some Democrats who are against Operation Inherent Insanity.

House Passes Bill to Strengthen Screening Against Syrian and Iraqi Refugees With Veto-Proof Majority.  The U.S. House approved a GOP bill to strengthen the vetting process of Syrian and Iraqi refugees on Thursday [11/19/2015], ignoring a veto threat from President Barack Obama.  The bill was reportedly passed 289-137, giving the legislation the two-thirds majority required to override a veto.  A total of 47 Democrats voted with Republicans to pass the "veto-proof" bill.

Obama's strategic bumbling is theater of the absurd.  Obama's dithering sparked the refugee crisis.  He's now using a smattering of refugees as a cynical prop to prove he's the hero of his own morality tale.

Obama Says Syrian Refugees No More Dangerous Than Tourists; 14 of the 19 9/11 Hijackers Had Tourist Visas.  In his latest salvo on Syrian refugees, President Obama declared they pose no more threat to the United States than tourists.  While at the APEC Conference in Manila, Obama stated, "The idea that somehow they pose a more significant threat than all the tourists who pour into the United States every single day just doesn't jive with reality." [...] Then again some tourists can be dangerous.  After all, 14 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were in this country on tourist visas.

President Obama may not have the luxury of running out the clock.  We read stories of Syrian refugees crossing into Texas or bouncing around Honduras.  Wonder how many other "refugees" eluded the authorities?  You have to believe that some got away.  ISIS is a threat to the West, the kind of threat that even a reluctant warrior will not be able to overlook.

Obama's Insane Push for Suspicious 'Refugees' Splits Democrats.  Having done irreparable damage to his party the past seven years, why not just go Full Obama and finish them off. [...] We urge Democrats to race down the path of no return.  They'll suffer massivc [sic] damage next November, all the while the guy who's decimated their party prepares to leave office as an imaginary conquering hero.

Paul Ryan Rejects Cuts to Muslim Immigration — "That's Not Who We Are".  House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is ruling out making any cuts to Muslim immigration.  In an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Ryan declared that considering an applicant's religion would not be "appropriate" and would be fundamentally un-American — insisting "that's not who we are."

Margaret Carlson: Maybe Potential Terrorists Will Americanize and Not Carry Out Plots.  There's been a lot of arrant nonsense spoken since the Paris attacks, but Margaret Carlson's might just take the cake.  On today's [11/18/2015] Morning Joe, Bloomberg columnist Carlson suggested that because the US is better than Europe at assimilation, potential terrorists sneaking into our country might not carry out their plots.  Said Carlson:  "maybe they become Americanized, maybe the anger goes away.  Maybe what they snuck in to do they're not going to do because we do have an acceptance of these people."  Great point, Margaret.  If only we'd had a little longer to hug it out with the 9/11 terrorists.

The Editor says...
Perhaps 10,000 Syrians and Somalis will Americanize and blend in harmlessly with the population, becoming productive and peace-loving English-speaking tax-paying citizens.  Or maybe they'll be hooked on food stamps within a few weeks, becoming not only a national security threat but an economic burden.  Deportation will prove impossible.  As their families expand (with the assistance of our welfare system), they will be in a position to take over American elections in 20 or 25 years.

Some attackers used refugee crisis to 'slip into' France: PM.  Some of the suspects in the Paris attacks took advantage of Europe's migrant crisis to "slip in" unnoticed, the French premier said Thursday [11/19/2015], warning the EU needed to "take responsibility" over border controls.  Manuel Valls said the EU's cherished passport-free Schengen zone would be in danger if the bloc did not improve border controls, after it emerged the ringleader of the Paris attacks had managed to enter Europe unnoticed.

Media cheer Obama's Syrian refugee plan.  Many in the mainstream press are calling for the U.S. to admit as many Syrian and Iraqi refugees as possible, despite warnings from top intelligence officials and evidence that refugees have been arrested for terror-related activity, and evidence that one of the Paris attackers last week entered France as a refugee.

Left, Media [Bewail] Breitbart Scoop on Syrians at Border.  The story, citing federal officials speaking on condition of anonymity, reports that "eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector" and were "apprehended at the Juarez Lincoln Bridge in Laredo, Texas, also known officially as Port of Entry 1."  No one can dispute those facts.  So they are trying to spin them.

Deluded Obama Thinks The Enemy Is GOP, Not ISIS.  A Syrian passport was found near the body of one of the terrorists.  Why was it there?  Undoubtedly, to back up the Islamic State boast that it is infiltrating operatives amid the refugees flooding Europe.  The passport may have been fake, but the terrorist's fingerprints were not.  They match those of a man who just a month earlier had come through Greece on his way to kill Frenchmen in Paris.

Meet The UN Socialist Gambling With Your Safety Over Syrian Refugees.  A hard-core socialist is resettling Syrian refugees, including potential terrorists, in American cities and towns.  No, it's not President Obama, though it's someone who shares his "transformative" agenda.  The man "empowered" to further Balkanize U.S. society and weaken homeland security through the shifting of tens of thousands of Muslim immigrants here from Syria is United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres.  Who is this bureaucrat gambling with your family's safety?  He happens to be the former president of Socialist International, a worldwide confederacy of more than 160 socialist parties from 100 countries that pushes open borders to create "one world government."

We Have Enough Refugees Already.  President Barack Obama has seen the enemy, and it is the refusal to accept more Syrian refugees. [...] One wonders when Obama begin caring so much about Syrians?  If you put those 10,000 Syrian refugees back in their native country, and let them get gassed, barrel-bombed, shelled or shot, would he bat an eye, or would they just be part of the ever-growing casualty count?  The Syrian refugees are most useful to the president as a symbol of his alleged cosmopolitanism and of the supposed backwardness of his opposition.

Resettling Middle Eastern Refugees Costs Taxpayers $64,370 Per Refugee.  For their first five years in the United States, each Middle Eastern refugee costs taxpayers $64,370 to resettle them here, according to a report from the Center for Immigration Studies.  "The report is really about how much more, how expensive it is, given our refugee resettlement system, to bring folks in," explains the author of the report, Steven Camarota.  The cost to resettle them in the United States is 12 times the cost of resettling them in a neighboring Middle Eastern country.  Instead of resettling them here, the report explains that 12 refugees can be helped in the Middle East for five years or 61 refugees could be helped for a year.

Obama Inc: Refuses to Give Law Enforcement Info on Syrian Refugees.  Two points here.  [#1] Obama Inc. is predictably refusing to slow down or stop Syrian migrant dumping in US states.  Including those states which have said no to it.  [#2] Obama Inc. is refusing to even work with Democratic governors who are pro-resettlement, like Jerry Brown in California, to provide local law enforcement with information about risks.

Left-Wing Arguments for Taking Syrian "Refugees" Are Stupid.  The most sophisticated argument they have been employing is to rely upon the powers granted to the President to grant entry to refugees under the Refugee Act of 1980.  The Act, which revised provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1968 and the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, delegates to the President the power to grant entry to 10,000 refugees a year, plus additional though unspecified numbers of refugees on an emergency basis.  It is unlikely that this act would survive a challenge on its substance in the courts, considering that the courts have typically a dim view of laws which grant the executive broad and ill-defined power to decide what a law means (as opposed to broad powers to merely execute the law as specifically directed by Congress when it crafted the law).  Likewise, the act is unconstitutional due to its blurriness on separation of powers (and hence, rightly nullified by the states in toto).  Nevertheless, this is the closest thing to a "slam dunk" that the Left can get on this issue.

America's Ridiculous Refugee Debate.  Those "pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning," he declared, were mere sloganeers.  Those who doubted his strategy on the issue of Syrian refugees, meanwhile, were either bigoted or naïve.  It was not, to put it mildly, confidence inspiring:  Over the course of the next day, a whopping 31 governors alerted the White House that under current conditions, they opposed the placement of Syrian refugees in their states.  It was, more than anything, a stunning vote of no confidence — one that might have caused a more introspective person to take pause.  Instead, our president doubled down.

Obama to America: We Don't Need No Stinking Vetting.  Well, my man Ted Cruz, who has now vaulted past Marco Rubio into third place in the latest Fox News poll, has echoed the thoughts of many of us right thinking Americans.  He said in response to Obama's continued want to bring jihadists, I mean refugees, to the U.S.:  "I have to say particularly in light of what happened in Paris, that's nothing short of lunacy."

The American Left Hates Americans More Than They Hate ISIS.  There are a number of compelling arguments to continue to allow Syrian refugees into the United States.  A number of prominent evangelical leaders are making those arguments.  But the American left is not.  Though they favor bringing Syrian refugees into the country, they have decided that Americans are just a bunch of racists who cannot bear debate.  The President of the United States has taken the tacit of claiming it is all political.  To the left, everything is political so they cannot fathom that some Americans might have looked at the events of Paris and decided we might want to be more cautious.  Nope.  To the political left, it is polling, politics, and racism.

State Dept. Says Syrian Refugees Can Live 'Wherever They Want'.  Obama recently berated those who oppose allowing Syrian refugees entry to the US.  "That's shameful.  That's not American.  That's not who we are," said our Incompetent-in-Chief.  No, Barry, the real "shameful, not American, not who we are" thing is:  having you in the WH.

Missing Syrians and An All-Too Present President.  Refugees, after all, are not prisoners.  Once they're given asylum in America they're not watched as though they're criminals or suspects, and thus it's not the job of Catholic Charities to track them.  One would hope the State Department or some other arm of the federal government would be around to keep tabs on those people coming to America under color of asylum rather than regular immigration, but as it has usually been assumed that people wishing to come to the United States are doing so out of a desire to partake of our freedom and prosperity and moreover to contribute to it, we have traditionally operated out of a sense of confidence that, outside of cases that involved espionage and therefore a law enforcement presence, there would be no reason to treat refugees with suspicion or control. [...] Things have changed now, though, and the American people no longer have much trust in the benevolence of new acquaintances from the world's most terrible places.

The House Refugee Bill Is a Fraud.  Polls indicate that most Americans oppose importing thousands of Syrian refugees in particular, and more immigrants in general.  So naturally, in his first important act as House Speaker, Paul Ryan is reported to be rushing to the floor, as early as tomorrow, a bill that will insure that President Obama gets his way on the issue.  The legislation the House will vote on is called the American SAFE Act.  It is a misnomer and the bill is, frankly, a fraud.  It is premised on the idea that the Obama administration will be able to identify potential terrorists among Syrians who claim to be refugees, a claim that everyone knows is false.

Smarter lefties realize they have a losing hand on Syrian 'refugees'.  Yeah, trust the federal government, because we can see how well the TSA does catching bombs and weapons every time a test is run.  The voting public will react to "Trust us: we're the feds" in an entirely appropriate fashion, I believe.  I say, let the circular firing squad form up on the left.  Keep emphasizing, like Obama, that we need to feel good about ourselves as enlightened people, and let in potential jihadis.  The Tsarnaev brothers were once youngsters who passed screening.  How did that work out?

President Obama's Cynical Refugee Ploy.  To see the full cynicism of the Obama approach to the refugee issue, one has only to ask President Obama's least favorite question:  Why is there a Syrian refugee crisis in the first place?  Obama's own policy decisions — allowing Assad to convert peaceful demonstrations into an increasingly ugly civil war, refusing to declare safe havens and no fly zones — were instrumental in creating the Syrian refugee crisis.  This crisis is in large part the direct consequence of President Obama's decision to stand aside and watch Syria burn.  For him to try and use a derisory and symbolic program to allow 10,000 refugees into the United States in order to posture as more caring than those evil Jacksonian rednecks out in the benighted sticks is one of the most cynical, cold-blooded, and nastily divisive moves an American President has made in a long time.

GOP Lawmakers Call For Curbs, Freeze On Muslim Migration To U.S..  As Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) prepares a show vote on the nation's importation of Muslim refugees, a growing group of Congressional conservatives are calling for a reduction or suspension of visa issuances to Muslim nations with jihadist movements.  Conservative Review's Daniel Horowitz has explained the details of Ryan's anticipated "bait and switch": [...]

White House issues veto threat over refugee bill.  President Barack Obama on Wednesday [11/18/2015] vowed to veto a GOP-drafted bill that would suspend the program allowing Syrian and Iraqi refugees into the U.S. until key national security agencies certify they don't pose a security risk.

Obama admin vows to veto Syrian refugee bill.  The White House vowed Wednesday [11/18/2015] to veto the bill to pause Syrian refugees, saying that stiff requirements that the FBI and Homeland Security certify each refugee are "untenable."  That is likely to only heighten suspicion on Capitol Hill, where Republicans and some Democrats say they don't trust the current checks, which President Obama says are good enough.

Trump's 'Trojan Horse' Prediction Comes True.  The question now is simple: Will new Speaker Paul Ryan defund the Obama obsession with flooding America with Syrian refugees — after ISIS fighters hiding in the midst of these refugees turned up in Paris to help lead the slaughter of innocents?  As Donald Trump predicted a month ago?

Five Syrians arrested in Honduras trying to reach U.S. with stolen Greek passports.  Honduran authorities said on Wednesday [11/18/2015] they had intercepted six Syrian nationals traveling on doctored Greek passports in the past week, including five who had been trying to reach the United States.  Five of the men were detained late on Tuesday [11/17/2015] in the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa, on arrival from Costa Rica, and had been planning to head to the border with neighboring Guatemala.

Obama's Syrian refugee push at odds with security-first stance on Bush Dubai Ports deal.  President Obama's rising indignation at opponents of his open-door Syrian refugee policy is all the more striking because a decade ago he was one of those opponents, chastising then-President George W. Bush for trying to speed through a deal to transfer operations of major U.S. ports to a company from a predominantly Muslim country.  Then-Sen. Obama accused Mr. Bush of ignoring security concerns in pushing the Dubai Ports deal, and Mr. Bush complained that his critics were really being anti-Muslim — just as Mr. Obama, responding to security worries over his Syrian program, now accuses critics of thinly veiled Islamophobia.

Refugee 'Religious Test' Is 'Shameful' and 'Not American' ... Except that Federal Law Requires It.  Under federal law, the executive branch is expressly required to take religion into account in determining who is granted asylum.  Under the provision governing asylum (section 1158 of Title 8, U.S. Code), an alien applying for admission ["]must establish that ... religion [among other things] ... was or will be at least one central reason for persecuting the applicant.["]  Moreover, to qualify for asylum in the United States, the applicant must be a "refugee" as defined by federal law.  That definition (set forth in Section 1101(a)(42)(A) of Title [8], U.S. Code) also requires the executive branch to take account of the alien's religion[.] [...] Asylum is a discretionary national act of compassion that is directed, by law not whim, to address persecution.  There is no right to emigrate to the United States.

Refugee Screening Is a Sham.  At least one of the bombers in the Paris massacre last weekend allegedly sneaked into France posing as a Syrian refugee.  ISIS is infiltrating refugee camps to penetrate Europe and the United States.  But on Monday [11/16/2015], Obama dismissed the danger, doubling down on his plans to settle at least 10,000 Syrian refugees here.  The White House insists Syrian refugees go through "extensive screening."  That's a deadly lie.

Obama Really Doesn't Like People.  Obama's Syrian asylum policy continues apace, despite the role of at least one Syrian "refugee" in the massacres in Paris.  Obama wants to welcome at least 10,000 more Syrians into America (Hillary wants 65,000).  What could go wrong?  Ben Rhodes, Obama's chief liar now that Susan Rice has outlived her usefulness in that role, appeared on numerous broadcasts to assure us these "asylum seekers" will be thoroughly vetted to eliminate security risks — contradicting the widely respected FBI chief, James Comey, who testified before Congress that vetting Syrian "refugees" will be challenging.  Can't we trust the competency of an administration who can handle the IRS, the VA, the stimulus program, green energy projects, and security of government employee records so well?

Washington wasn't nearly so confident in this refugee vetting process a few months ago.  As is my usual wont, I was watching Morning Joe today [11/18/2015] and quickly grew tired of the new White House talking point about how secure our vetting process for refugees is. [...] Most of the panelists were polite enough to acknowledge that state governors opposed to allowing Syrian immigrants into their states had valid concerns and deserved to be fully informed about the vetting that was going on.  But that was followed up with a conversation which at least strongly implied that the vetting was pretty much fine and dandy and the real problem was that the governors were simply ignorant of how wonderful it is.

Chuck Schumer: 'Pause' on Syrian Refugee Settlement May be Needed.  President Barack Obama has repeatedly called for tens of thousands of Syrian refugees to be resettled in the U.S.  But roughly 30 state governors have been vocal about not wanting to allow Syrian refugees in their states, following the terrorist attack in Paris.

Ben Rhodes, The White House's Designated Liar.  Despite terrorism risks, the White House has doubled down to admit Syrian refugees to the U.S., with Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes assuring us of "robust vetting procedures."  It's not his first fiction.  The hard facts are as follows:  FBI director James Comey has soberly warned there are no means for vetting potential terrorists among the 10,000 Syrian refugees being admitted to the U.S.  This is urgent because Islamic State warns it has seeded Syria's refugees with terrorists, and in Paris last week the terrorists showed they meant it.

Undisputed Top 'Recruiter' for ISIS? Barack Hussein Obama.  I'm old enough to remember liberals howling that "politics must stop at the water's edge," every time anyone from either Bush Administration spoke on foreign soil.  I remember when they said "divisive rhetoric" was one of the worst political sins.  But there was Barack Obama at the ASEAN conference in the Philippines, lobbing insult after insult at Americans concerned about his reckless Syrian refugee policy.

Bloomberg Poll: Most Americans Oppose Syrian Refugee Resettlement.  Fifty-three percent of U.S. adults in the survey, conducted in the days immediately following the attacks, say the nation should not continue a program to resettle up to 10,000 Syrian refugees.  Just 28 percent would keep the program with the screening process as it now exists, while 11 percent said they would favor a limited program to accept only Syrian Christians while excluding Muslims, a proposal Obama has dismissed as "shameful" and un-American.

Can governors actually block refugee resettlement?  So far, almost half of America's governors have demanded a halt to Barack Obama's plans to admit tens of thousands of refugees from the collapse of Syria.  That includes one Democratic governor, New Hampshire's Maggie Hassan, while seven other Democrats are giving the green light to resettlement.  However, neither of these positions will end up mattering, at least not legally, as governors have no authority to restrict the federal government's actions on asylum decisions.

Threat poll
Texas poll: Illegal immigration is the greatest threat to the United States.  A new poll released by the University of Texas and the Texas Tribune — conducted before the Paris terrorist attacks — reveals that Texas voters overwhelmingly view illegal immigration and foreign terrorist groups as the greatest threats facing the United States.

Nullification and the Kentucky Resolution of 1798.  Because the United States was founded as a constitutional republic — one based on certain specific principles, not power or privilege — Americans of all eras frequently raise concerns about federal authority that bear resemblance to debates from earlier times in our history.  A good illustration of this "echo effect" in American politics is the renewed discussion about nullification, prompted by recent headline news:  Kim Davis and her refusal to issue marriage licenses to gay couples; "sanctuary cities" where local officials decline to cooperate with the feds in turning over illegal aliens; and Oregon's legalization of recreational marijuana last month in spite of the prohibitions of the federal Controlled Substances Act.

No, It Is Not Un-American to Prefer Christian Refugees to Muslim Refugees.  Vetting refugees from Syria is nearly impossible given its status as a failed state.  Vetting Muslim refugees is totally impossible given the fact that radical Muslims can easily masquerade as less-radical Muslims.  So why does President Obama, along with the global left, seek more Muslim immigration?  Because President Obama does not believe that Islam, as a religious philosophy, presents any threat to the West.  He believes that radical Islam doesn't exist.

We're not Islamophobic, Mr. Obama, we just don't want to get blown up.  Republican and Democratic governors are thwarting President Obama's plan to move thousands of Syrian refugees into your neighborhood.  It is a prudent measure to take — especially in the aftermath of the Islamic terrorist attack in Paris.  And it is especially prudent now that ISIS has warned that America will be next.  "We need to take ISIS at their word," Franklin Graham wrote on Facebook.  "Their goal is world domination.  They want to control us — they want to destroy us."

Obama Won't Fight ISIS: But He'll Go Toe-to-Toe With the States Who Don't Want to Import Terror.  Opposing the Obama administration decision to accept 100,000 Syrian refugees, states may be fighting a losing battle in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks.  Citing security concerns, 30 governors — from Texas to Massachusetts and including at least one Democrat — informed President Obama their states will not accept refugees from the Muslim country.  "Neither you nor any federal official can guarantee that Syrian refugees will not be part of any terroristic activity," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott wrote to Obama on Monday [11/16/2015].  "As such, opening our door to them irresponsibly exposes our fellow Americans to unacceptable peril."

Eight ISIS suspects posing as refugees arrested at Istanbul airport.  Police sources said one of the suspects had a hand-drawn picture of a planned route from Turkey to Germany, via Greece, Serbia and Hungary.  It is believed the group are Islamic State militants planning to make their way to Germany posing as refugees.

Do We Even Know Who We Are?  Just hours before the terrorist attacks in Paris last week, for which ISIS has claimed responsibility, "Good Morning America" broadcast an interview with President Obama.  In it, the president told host George Stephanopoulos, "I don't think they're gaining strength.  What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them.  They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they'll come in, they'll leave, but you don't see this systemic march by ISIL across the terrain."  Maybe, but they've gained ground in Europe and most likely in America.  Incredibly, the president wants 10,000 Syrian "refugees" to be admitted to the U.S. on top of the 1,854 who are already here.

Sessions, Cruz Blast Admin. for Not Revealing Immigration Histories of Terrorists in U.S..  Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) are slamming the Obama administration for failing to provide detailed immigration histories for 72 terrorists identified last year.  "More than three months [after we sent our letter] the Administration has not provided immigration details on a single one of the 72 [terrorists identified in our letter]," the pair said in a joint statement.

UN Working With Islamist Group To Resettle Over 15,000 Syrian Refugees In America.  Who picks the Syrian refugees that resettle in the U.S.? Homeland Security?  No, the United Nations, in concert with a global Islamist group.  And they're sending "more than 15,000," not the widely reported 10,000.

Since 9/11 U.S. Has Accepted Over 2 Million Migrants from Majority Muslim Nations.  According Department of Homeland Security data compiled and released Monday by Republicans on the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, from 2001 to 2013 the U.S. admitted more than 1.5 million lawful permanent residents from majority Muslims nations to the U.S.  During that same timeframe the U.S. resettled 387,938 refugees from majority Muslim countries as well as 76,728 asylees from those same nations.

LePage on Syrian refugees: "will take every lawful measure in my power to prevent it".  At least nine governors say they will not accept Syrian refugees in their states in response to Friday's attacks in Paris.  Maine Governor Paul LePage joined the governors of Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan and Texas in saying that their top concern must be the safety of state residents.

Missing Syrian "Refugee" Found In Washington DC.  The case of a missing Syrian Refugee who arrived in Louisiana reflects the weakness within the White House/State Dept. claim that security threats are not likely.  A recent Syrian refugee who was settled by Catholic Charities in Baton Rouge just disappeared.  WBRZ has reported that Catholic charities helped the refugee who settled in Baton Rouge, but also said the refugee left for another state after a couple of days, and they currently do not know where the refugee went since they do not track them.

Paul Ryan Calls for Halt to Syrian Refugee Program.  More than two dozen Republican governors are pledging to try to block the entry of Syrian refugees, and all the Republican presidential candidates have called for barring the refugees entirely or limiting the group to Christians.

"What's the point in the West sending troops to the Middle East if we bring the Middle East to the West?"
Why Muslim Migrants Always = Terrorism.  In an attempt to salvage a failing multicultural model and strategy for importing left-leaning voters, we hear that the Muslim migrants must be "vetted" better.  A simple practical problem with this notion is that Syria's and other Middle Eastern countries' databases are woefully inadequate, making accurate information on many migrants impossible to obtain.  This confronts us with a simple matter of probability:  if 1 million migrants enter a nation over time and just 1/10th of 1 percent are terrorists, that's 1000 dangerous jihadists.  Is this acceptable?

Refugees headed to 180 towns, but avoid D.C. and other expensive cities.  As President Obama presses communities to accept Syrian refugees, his current hometown of Washington, D.C., is likely to be spared much of the trouble.  About 180 communities across the U.S. welcome refugees, but some of the more obvious cities, including San Francisco, New York and Washington, aren't high on the list because the cost of living is just too darned high for the refugees.

The New Colonizers.  Every immigrant group in this country has variously adapted to the heritage culture, integrating more or less seamlessly by the second generation.  However, second-generation Muslims are increasingly being radicalized, some going off to fight with jihadist militias in the Middle East and Africa, others plotting terror attacks on the very country that has offered them freedom, health care, education and the opportunity to prosper.  The common denominator along this spectrum of cultural invasiveness is the sentiment of vested ascendancy and pre-eminence minus the obligation of having to earn them.  It bespeaks the spirit of natural entitlement that goes hand in hand with Islam, and which is instinct throughout the Muslim holy book, in which the true believer is exalted as superior to all other people [...]

Pockets of Resistance to the Refugee Industry.  The cascade of governors (over two dozen now) demanding that the State Department not send them any more Syrian refugees didn't just happen in a vacuum. Local and state dissatisfaction with Washington's dumping of refugees has been building for years.  These communities were dubbed "pockets of resistance" by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement a couple of years ago, a moniker they have embraced.  The Paris atrocities merely turned the dial up to 11.

Brzezinski and King Spar Over Refugee Vetting Process: 'Mika, You Are 1000% Wrong!'.  On Tuesday's [11/17/2015] Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski got combative with Republican New York Congressman Peter King over the ongoing debate surrounding Syrian refugees looking to enter the United States.  The conversation came one day after a growing number of state Governors declared that they would not want to accept any refugees following Friday's deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.  King, an acting member of the Homeland Security Committee, told the Morning Joe panel, "We can not vet the refugees from Syria.  There are no databases to work against, no government records People talk about 'thorough vetting'.  There is no vetting as a practical matter."

Paris Jihad: It's Immigration, Stupid.  Republicans in Congress know what they have to do.  If they fail to convene this week and immediately work towards ending the Islamic refugee program, it's safe to say they should all resign from office.  At its core, the predominant job of the federal government is to protect the citizenry from invasion.  That is the essence of the social compact and why we agreed to form a constitutional federal union in the first place.

Bobby Jindal Demands Information About Obama's Syrian Refugees Entering New Orleans.  In a letter to President Barack Obama, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal demanded information about the Syrian refugees entering his state via New Orleans. [...] Jindal demanded information about whether "additional protections and screenings will be put in place," particularly following the Paris attacks and the discovery "that some of those responsibleheld Syrian passports."  Additionally, Jindal demands to know the level of background screening conducted on the Syrian refugees, and whether "all Syrian refugees seeking relocation in the United States will now be cleared by the Terrorist Screening Center?"

After Paris Attacks, This Senator Wants to Block Obama's Syrian Refugee Plan.  Congress should cancel President Obama's "blank check" for resettling Syrian refugees here in the wake of the bloody Islamic State attacks in Paris that left hundreds dead or wounded, a prominent senator on immigration issues urged today.  Obama's plan to include at least 1,000 Syrian refugees among a total of 85,000 over the next year doesn't include proper scrutiny of who the refugees are and which ones are likely ISIS recruits, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., wrote in a letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee.  In addition, the plan would cost far more than the $1.2 billion price tag floated by the administration in a government funding bill, wrote Sessions, chairman of Judiciary's subcommittee on immigration and the national interest.

White House hosts emergency call with governors.  The White House held a 90-minute call Tuesday [11/17/2015] with the 34 governors who have voiced opposition to having Syrian refugees resettled in their states.  Administration officials, led by Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, attempted to ease confusion among the bipartisan group of governors by sharing details on federal refugee admissions policies and security screening measures.

Despite Obama's Claims, We Are Not Able to Properly Screen Syrian Refugees.  There is truly a war taking place throughout the world.  Radical Islam is at war with Western civilization that is not currently part of its caliphate.  Though the Obama administration is out to convince you that there's no war, or that climate change is our country's biggest threat, the bloodbath in Paris proves the contrary without doubt.  Though we are not engaged in defending ourselves fully, the one-sided war goes on, allowing our enemy to get stronger and more radical.

7 Shocking Facts About Islamic Immigration.  [#6] The U.S. Hosts the Largest Share of Refugees from High Risk Countries:  America has admitted 135,545 refugees from Iraq alone since FY 2007.  After admitting over 100,000 Somali refugees from 1993-2013, we are still bringing in up to 10,000 more each year.  Of the 15,470 Somali refugees brought in since fiscal year 2014, 99.7% have been Muslim.  Obama plans to bring in 15,000 more refugees from East Africa, despite the security problems we've been having with a segment of the Somali refugee population.  [#7] Sentiments of American Muslims:  According to a poll commissioned by the Center for Security Policy, 51% of Muslims living in America believe "Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to sharia."  Twenty-nine percent agree that violence against those who insult Mohammad is acceptable and 25% agree that violence against America can be justified as part of Global Jihad.

So Far: Syrian Refugees in U.S. Include 2,098 Muslims, 53 Christians.  President Obama said Monday [11/16/2015] that calls from some quarters for the U.S. to admit only Christian refugees from Syria were "shameful," yet the reality is that today's refugee system discriminates, not against Syrian Muslims, but against Christians and other non-Muslim minorities.  Critics say this is because the federal government relies on the United Nations in the refugee application process — and since Syrian Christians are often afraid to register with the U.N., they and other non-Muslims in invariably left out.  Fleeing persecution at the hands of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other jihadist groups, Syrian Christians generally avoid U.N. refugee camps because they are targeted there too.

Obama sticks to his plan for at least 10,000 Syrian refugees — unvetted.  [President Obama's] plan to admit at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in the next year, a plan he and aides touted during the weekend's G-20 summit in Turkey, has already prompted numerous members of Congress to urge defunding such efforts or at least suspending them.  House Speaker Paul Ryan has asked all relevant committee chairs to study ways to provide some refugee verifications to weed out possible terrorists.

You will never guess how the U.S. is 'vetting' Syrian refugees.  Normally, if someone wants to come into the United States, say, from France or Germany, our government can check with the French or German government to see if this person has a criminal record, or even is who he says he is.  But when it comes to refugees from Syria, what is called "vetting" relies mostly on one source of information:  the refugee.

Barack Obama: Islamic Sympathizer in Chief.  In his presser [11/16/2015] Obama absolutely confounded the world when Jim Acosta asked "Why can't we take out these bastards?"  He had no answer other than to babble.  Obama was never more emotional than when he spoke of Muslim refugees.  He asserted that the refugees are parents and children.  These "refugees" are mostly young men.  In his presser Obama entirely glossed over the atrocities committed by these "refugees."  Rapes are epidemic in refugee camps.  Muslim "refugees" throw Christian refugees overboard to their deaths[.]

Syrians entering US in first six weeks of 2016 fiscal year; 98% Sunni Muslim.  Here is where the 291 Syrians who have entered the US in FY2016 have been placed.  California, Texas, Kentucky, Arizona and Ohio make the top five. [...] As we have reported many times, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees picks most of our refugees and in the case of the Syrians they come from UN camps populated by mostly Muslims.  He has 20,000 chosen for us already.

It Begins: A Syrian Refugee is Already Missing in Louisiana.  Liberals continue to tell us the "vetting process" for refugees is under control and the federal government is monitoring everyone once they're in the country, but that's a total fallacy.  Take a look at what just happened in Louisiana.

Thanks, Obama! Syrian 'Refugee' Goes Missing in Louisiana, Has Reportedly Fled the State.  Good thing we have zero identity or photo of this so-called refugee.

Obama's Fallacious "Religious Test" Argument.  In response to the idea that the U.S. should limit the flow of Syrian refugees into this country to Christians, President Obama had this to say:  ["]That's not American.  That's not who we are.  We don't have a religious test for our compassion.["]  This sounds good in the abstract.  For at least two reasons, however, it is not a persuasive objection to limiting entry to Christians.  First, Syrian Christians face persecution from ISIS based on their religion.  Syrian Sunnis do not.  If ISIS conquers their town, they will not be slaughtered because of who they are.  Christians are likely to be.

Importing ISIS: Paris Terror Attacks Prove the Mass "Refugee" Migration is a Trojan Horse.  President Obama, who, on the morning of the Paris attacks wrongly claimed ISIS was "contained", has pledged to accept upwards of 10,000 Syrian refugees, not properly vetted and without validating paperwork regarding their history and identity.  This is a recipe for disaster, as an Islamic State that has not been degraded or destroyed will undoubtedly exploit thi[s] flood of "immigrants".  The Washington Post recently listed some 66 individuals who have been charged by authorities with alleged Islamic State activities.  Some are domestic converts but most of those on the list originated in Muslim countries.

Now 24 Republican governors — and one Democrat too — say they don't want to accept Syrian refugees.  Now, 25 Republican governors — and one Democrat too — have said they don't want Syrian refugees in their states, as President Obama recommitted the U.S. to take a portion of this population fleeing from ISIS.  In a press conference this morning in Turkey, Obama said that 'the United States has to step up and do its part,' while chiding those in the opposition party for suggesting there be a 'religious test' for entry into the United States.  There's concern, after Friday's brutal attack in Paris, that ISIS fighters are infiltrating those fleeing Syria and will carry out future violence against the West.

Experts say states lack legal authority to block refugees.  Governors across the U.S. have threatened to stop accepting Syrian refugees following last week's attacks in Paris, even as experts counter they lack legal authority to block the relocations.

The Editor says...
Yes, let us have a conversation about legal authority.  Where does Obama get the legal authority to import Muslim terrorists from Syria?

Heilemann: Governors Refusing Syrian Refugees 'Shameless, Un-American'.  Would John Heilemann have called Francois Hollande "shameless" and "un-French" if a few months back he had halted the immigration of Syrian immigrants into France, thus stopping two of the Paris terrorists — who reportedly posed as refugees — from entering the country?  The question arises because on today's [11/16/2015] With All Due Respect, Heilemann condemned as "shameless" and "un-American" the dozen or so governors, mainly Republicans, who have declared that their states won't accept Syrian refugees.

Obama plan for Syrian refugees scrambled by state opposition.  The Paris terror attacks may have put a clamp on President Obama's plans to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, as the number of governors saying they won't take them swells.  At the same time, top congressional lawmakers are urging the administration to halt the plan.  House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul called on Obama to "temporarily suspend the admission of all additional Syrian refugees" pending a "full review," according to a letter obtained by Fox News.

Resettlement Contractors Lie to Protect Their Franchise.  In the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris, and the revelation that at least two of the terrorists were Syrian refugees, the governors of Texas, Alabama, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Arkansas, Louisiana, Indiana, and even Massachusetts, have announced they will seek to bar Syrian refugee resettlement in their states.  More are likely to join them.  Good for them!  But the resettlement contractors have fired back.

Growing Number of States Refuse to Accept Syrian Refugees in Wake of Paris Attacks.  A growing number of states are refusing to take in Syrian refugees amid heightened security concerns following Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris, but they may have no choice but to accept them, according to a State Department spokesman.  Michigan and Alabama were the first states in the country to refuse relocating Syrian refugees on Sunday [11/15/2015], and they have now been joined by Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Indiana, Illinois, Massachusetts, Ohio, Arizona, North Carolina, Florida, Wisconsin, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Georgia, Maine, Kansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina and Iowa, some of which say more information is needed before accepting more refugees.

After Paris Massacre, Obama Blasts Republicans, Says US Should Accept Muslim Refugees.  President Obama loses wars.  It's his chief qualification for office, apparently.  He lost the war in Iraq by precipitously withdrawing troops, clearing the way for Iran and ISIS. He lost the war in Afghanistan by announcing a withdrawal date and then half-surging the troop base.  Now he's losing the war against ISIS, and patting himself on the back as he does so.

A reminder of the RefuJihadis who have already waged war on American soil.  In the wake of the evil, horrific Paris attacks by jihadists who posed as refugees to infiltrate France, we are hearing a lot about what might happen if refugee jhadists — refujihadists, as Brett Smith puts it so well — wage war against American citizens.  It's not a hypothetical.  It's already happened.  Multiple times over the last decades.

Merkel Warns Against Drawing Innocent Refugees Into Terror Fight.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel pushed back against critics of her open-door policy on refugees, saying those fleeing war zones shouldn't have to bear the blame for the terrorist attacks in Paris.  Merkel's comments at a Group of 20 summit in Antalya, Turkey, were a rebuff to domestic opponents who cited the slaughter in the French capital as evidence that the chancellor must reverse her stance and turn people away.  A statement by the Greek authorities raising the possibility that one assailant entered Europe posing as a refugee raised the pressure on Merkel still further.

Obama Lackey Ben Rhodes Spreads Lies About Vetting Syrian Refugees on Sunday News Talk Shows.  In the wake of Friday's horrific terror attacks in Paris, Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes was dispatched to the Sunday morning [11/15/2015] talk shows to spin his boss' claim the previous day that the ISIS threat had been "contained."  But he was also asked about the ability of the Obama administration to properly vet a wave of 10,000 Syrian refugees announced in September in light of reports that one or more of the Paris terrorists had entered and transited the EU as a Syrian refugee.  And yet Rhodes' response that measures to properly vet the Syrian refugees are in place flatly contradicts the recent sworn congressional testimony of FBI officials.

Obama Doubles Down On Suicidal Syrian Refugee Policy.  Despite knowing the Islamic State smuggled terrorists into Paris with Syrian refugees, a White House aide affirms it is moving ahead with, even stepping up, its reckless plan to bring 10,000 more Syrians here.  Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes Sunday assured the public that the refugees will undergo "very extensive screening" to catch any ISIS terrorist infiltrators.  But FBI Director James Comey put the lie to such vetting claims, recently testifying that no foreign databases exist to screen the Syrian refugees.

House Republicans Call for Halt to Syrian Refugee Program.  As the aftershocks of Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris continue to reverberate, members of the House Armed Services Committee are paving a legislative path forward, grappling with provisions in the soon-to-be-signed National Defense Authorization Act, and with funding for the Department of Homeland Security in the upcoming budget.  On Monday [11/16/2015], in a letter to President Obama, Armed Services member Bradley Byrne (R., Ala.) underscored a chief aim of that developing agenda: halting the Syrian-refugee-resettlement program.

Fox's Shep Smith Tears Into 'Political Extremists' Refusing Refugees: This Isn't Who We Are.  Fox News anchor Shepard Smith delivered a commentary Monday afternoon [11/16/2015] in which he scolded the various state governors who decided to bar refugees from their states in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris.  Without specifically mentioning the governors, Smith said the U.S. has a responsibility to protect the values on which the nation was founded, warning that "political extremists" could lead the country to "self-destruction."

Growing Chorus Of States Say No To Syrian Relocation Efforts.  In light of the atrocious terrorist attacks committed by ISIS in Paris, there are a growing number of states that are rejecting relocation of refugees. Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan suspended relocation efforts over the weekend.  Gov. Bobby Jindal followed suit, even though a few batches of refugees have already arrived in the Bayou State.  So far, sixteen states have refused to relocate Syrian refugees over security concerns, especially after it was reported that one of the Paris attackers was embedded with the growing tide of refugees flooding into Europe[.]

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Halts Acceptance of Syrian Refugees After Muslims' Massacre in Paris.  Michigan's Republican governor, who has bucked many party leaders by welcoming Syrian refugees, is putting the efforts on hold following the deadly attacks in Paris.

Paris attacks terrorist suspect Ahmed Almuhamed 'was rescued near Greece after his refugee boat sunk'.  The 25-year-old is said to have been rescued by Greek authorities from a wrecked migrant boat while posing as a refugee to smuggle himself to Paris.

Alabama governor, citing Paris attacks, says state will not accept Syrian refugees.  Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley, citing the Paris terror attacks, said he will not accept Syrian refugees in his state.  In a statement released Sunday night [11/15/2015] by his office, Mr. Bentley said he "will not place Alabamians at even the slightest, possible risk of an attack on our people."

Alabama, Michigan, Texas, Arkansas, Indiana and Louisiana governors start refusing Syrian refugees in wake of French terror attacks.  Governors across the United States have announced that they are refusing Syrian refugees relocating to his state until federal officials fully review security clearances and procedure.  The state governors of North Carolina, Arizona, Florida, Ohio, Mississippi, Louisiana, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Texas, and Arkansas announced the decision on Monday, while Alabama and Michigan governors made similar announcements on Sunday [11/15/2015].

House Freedom Caucus Chairman: No Commitment From Paul Ryan To Block Import of Muslim Refugees.  In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) reveals that conservative House members have received no commitment from Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) that he would in any way try to curb the nation's importation of Muslims on visas.  By the end of the year, Congress will have to pass a government funding measure to appropriate funds for all federal operations.  The Boehner-Obama debt deal, backed by Ryan, established the spending levels — but Congress still has to pass the actual spending bills which contain the money.

Texas Governor Refuses Syrian Refugees.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott says Texas will not allow Syrian refugees to be relocated into Texas in the wake of the Paris terrorist attack.  He also called upon President Barack Obama to halt the importation of any additional Syrian refugees into the U.S.  "Given the tragic attacks in Paris and the threats we have already seen, Texas cannot participate in any program that will result in Syrian refugees — any one of whom could be connected to terrorism — being resettled in Texas," Governor Abbott said a letter to President Obama.

Obama Takes Harsher Tone With Republicans Than ISIS At G20.  President Obama took a public shot at Jeb Bush and other Republican presidential candidates during his Monday [11/16/2015] speech at the G20 Summit in Turkey, saying that it is "shameful" to suggest that the United States only admit Christian Syrian refugees.  Bush had told CNN's Jake Tapper Sunday that the United States should focus its refugee support on "the Christians that are being slaughtered" by ISIS.  President Obama called any suggestion to admit refugees based on their religion "shameful" and "not American."

Democrats going to the mat over taking in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees.  It is inconceivable to me that anything close to a majority of American voters wants to put ourselves at risk from ISIS infiltrators in the name of compassion for draft age males streaming into Europe from ISISland.

UN Plan Estimates Up to 600,000 New Middle East Migrants Will Enter Europe in Next 4 Months.  A plan by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for dealing with the European refugee crisis anticipates that as many as 5,000 Middle Eastern refugees and migrants could pass from Turkey into Europe each day over the next four months — with a total of 600,000 moving into Europe from November through February.

First 10,000 Syrian refugees destined for 180 unsuspecting US communities.  After the Hayride broke the exclusive story on 10,000 Syrian refugees possibly resettling in Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Metairie, it has now come to light that refugees are already coming into the New Orleans area.  Catholic Charities, which receive federal grants from U.S. Department of State/Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, have apparently taken in two Syrian refugee families already and are expecting many more.

Obama to "increase and accelerate" Islamist invasion of U.S..  What the media reports is a mere sliver of what is actually in progress and being planned. [...] Obama needs to be impeached immediately.  Those who swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution are derelict of duty and have been for some time.  Not only will Obama force American towns and cities to absorb millions of illegal aliens and Muslim invaders, but he is making American taxpayers bear 100% of the cost.  The plunder of American taxpayers is compounded by the theft of billions of dollars from Americans sent to Muslim nations, often directly to terrorist organizers and organizations.

Immigration: A Nation-Destroying Weapon of War!  Immigration degrades and ultimately destroys our native culture and replaces it with immigrant culture.  If immigration is left unchecked, the United States will become a third world country before the decade is out!  Last night's horrific attack in Paris is the inevitable result of Globalist policies[,] and they bear full responsibility for the deaths and violence that their criminally-insane open borders policies have produced.  Unless we immediately obtain control of our borders and expel all illegal immigrants, the violence we will shortly face will be far worse than anything that has happened in France[.]

Huckabee to Paul Ryan: Stop the 'Importation' of Refugees, or Resign.  Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on Monday [11/16/2015] called on House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to "reject the importation" of refugees into the U.S., or resign the speakership.  "If Speaker Ryan will not lead & reject the importation of those fleeing the Middle East he needs to step down today & let someone else lead," Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, tweeted.  Huckabee's response to the terrorist attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 people is the most forceful thus far of those who seek to prevent refugees from entering the U.S.

Obama Quietly Doubles Processing Centers for Syrian Refugees into the U.S..  As Parisians were being slaughtered by radical Islamists, of whom at least one and perhaps two were migrants, Barack Obama was opening new processing centers which will double the number available to refugees in the Middle East in an effort to speed up and increase the numbers to be admitted.  Most Syrians are screened at U.S. resettlement at centers in Istanbul and Amman, Jordan.  The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon, administration officials told Reuters on Friday [11/13/2015].

Obama Admin. Still Wants To Admit Syrian Refugees Into U.S..  National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes says the Obama administration is still planning on allowing Syrian refugees to enter the U.S. despite Friday's terrorist attack in Paris where at least one of the attackers had a Syrian passport.

Hijrah map
Where Is Obama Administration Settling The Syrians?  Earlier this year the U.S. State Department and White House announced they would take 10,000 Syrian "refugees" in the current fiscal year.  In the following two years they would settle an additional 200,000.

Obama, Kerry lost in the clouds.  Hey, all Nero did was fiddle while Rome burned.  Our new emperors are actively conniving to import more arsonists — "migrants" — into our modern-day Rome.  Obama doesn't care that his own FBI director has said publicly we have no way of vetting this next generation of Tsarnaevs.  He just wants to get them over here and onto to the welfare rolls (91 percent of Arab-speaking refugees are on the dole).

Syrian who passed through Greece as refugee was 'one of Paris killers'.  Three coordinated teams of jihadi gunmen struck at six different sites across Paris in a bloody wave of suicide bombings and shootings that left nearly 130 people dead, the Paris public prosecutor has said.  François Molins told a news conference on Saturday that at least 129 people were killed and 352 more injured — including 90 critically — in the attacks on Friday night on the Stade de France, a city-centre concert hall and a series of packed cafes and bars.

Hillary Still Wants to Bring in 65,000 Syrian Refugees.  This is particularly relevant, as early reports on yesterday's attacks in Paris suggest that they may have been committed by Syrian refugees.  Clinton did not explain the specifics of her proposed screening and vetting process.

Some people learn more slowly than others.
German minister cautions against terror-refugee link.  Germany's defence minister Sunday sought to quash speculation in the wake of the Paris attacks that radicals bent on violence could slip into Europe among a flood of asylum seekers arriving on the continent.  "Terrorism is so well organised that it does not need to take the difficult route taken by the refugees, who risk their lives by crossing the high seas," Ursula von der Leyen told reporters.  "So I would advise that we be cautious about mixing the idea of terror with refugees," she said.

SWEDEN: On the verge of collapse from the Muslim invasion.  It has gotten so dangerous in Sweden, between the rapes, murders, and burglaries by Muslims, police can't even respond to all the calls they get, telling people, instead, to get help from their neighbors.  [Video clip]

Sweden's Self-Inflicted Nightmare.  Sweden's message to migrants in Europe is clear:  Don't come here.  "Even we have our limits, and now they have been reached," a defeated-sounding migration minister, Morgan Johansson, explained during a press conference on Nov. 5.  "Those who come to our borders may be told that we cannot guarantee them housing."  That message, nailed down this week when the government announced that Sweden was reintroducing border controls, was a sudden shift from an administration that had claimed there were "no limits" to the number of refugees it could accept.

IMPORTING ISIS: See Where Obama Is Resettling Syrian "Refugees" in the United States.  Mr. Obama's impeccable timing was in full feather this week.  No sooner had he uttered the words ISIS is "contained" and "not gaining strength" than the world watched in horror as Paris bled.  Closer to home, the news is also ominous.  Obama's "first load of 10,000 Syrian refugees arrived in the U.S., where they will be resettled into 180 unsuspecting U.S. communities.

Levin: What is Happening in France Is Going to Happen Here.  Immigration is an issue of national security.  Our government "has an obligation" to protect us from Islamic terrorism.  That means securing the border.  That means the United States should not be letting anyone who calls themselves a "refugee" to have sanctuary in our country without being properly vetted.  People are dead.  People are being murdered and it is the responsibility of our government to protect our right to life, to keep us in safe from the Islamists who want to kill us.  Radical Jihadists have declared war on Western Civilization.  It is time to end the politically correct policy of blindly accepting refugees from the Middle East without vetting them.  It is time to close the border.

Syria refugee crisis: U.S. opens centres to speed vetting.  The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon, administration officials told Reuters on Friday [11/6/2015].  The move comes after President Barack Obama pledged in September to admit an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees in 2016, torn by four years of civil war and disorder.

Call With 'Refugee Services of Texas' Confirms "Free" Stuff for Incoming Muslims.  Barack Obama recently announced he's raising the refugee cap from 70,000 to 85,000 to make room for 15,000 Syrian refugees.  His plan for next year involves the cap shooting to 100,000.  This means some 45,000 Syrians, most of whom are likely Muslim, will enter the U.S. between now and the end of next year.  [T]he State Department spent about $3 billion on refugee services for the fiscal year that ended September 30th of 2015.  That amount is expected to increase this year.  Again, Obama spent $3 BILLION of our dollars moving foreigners into the U.S. as refugees last year.

Jihadis sneaked into France as fake Syrian refugees.  Two of the suicide bombers who caused carnage in the Paris massacre are thought to have sneaked into France by posing as refugees from Syria.  The disclosure, which came amid claims of French intelligence failures, inevitably raised new security concerns about Europe's borders.  Police said the two men, who arrived in Greece last month, were among seven attackers, one as young as 15.

Jindal demands answers about Syrian refugees arriving to Louisiana after Paris attacks.  In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks by an IS (Islamic State) in Paris, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal released a letter addressed to President Obama in regards to Syrian refugees seeking asylum in Louisiana.  The letter was also copied to Sylvia Burwell, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security and James Comey, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigations.

How Sweden, the most open country in the world, was overwhelmed by migrants.  When it opened 15 years ago, the Öresund Bridge was seen as a glistening symbol of the new Europe.  Sweden and Denmark had been joined together by a motorway with no border controls, fusing together economies and even blurring national identities.  Many Swedes in Malmö have come to relish the city's growing reputation as a suburb of Copenhagen, just half an hour away by train.  It seemed to embody many dreams about the future:  a continent where national borders would come to mean nothing.  That dream was shattered at noon today [11/12/2015].

Report: First load of 10,000 Syrian "Refugees" Has Arrived in New Orleans.  This is very concerning.  It would appear most of the "refugees" are economic jihadist males between the age of 18-45 years old.  They have recently arrived courtesy of President Obama, Secretary Kerry and the State Department.

The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates.  When the Allahu Akbar boys opened fire, Paris was talking about the climate-change conference due to start later this month, when the world's leaders will fly in to "solve" a "problem" that doesn't exist rather than to address the one that does.

The Anti-Migrant Video Going Viral Across Europe.  'With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations', a slick, hard-hitting film about the European migrant crisis is going viral in Europe, already watched at least half a million times.  Although the 19-minute film may feel like a dispatch from the future, it is cut entirely from recent news reports, police camera footage, and interviews.

Carson: Don't let Middle Eastern refugees into US.  In the wake of apparent terror attacks in Paris on Friday, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said the United States should deny refugees from the Middle East admittance into the country. [...] Carson called the "global Islamic movement" an "existential threat" and said lawmakers should block the Obama administration from allowing more refugees from the Middle East into the United States.

The names of the people responsible for the massacres in France.  The names of the people responsible for the massacres in France are as follows:  [#1] François Hollande, president of France.  [#2] Angela Merkel, prime minister of Germany.  [#3] David Cameron, prime minister of the U.K.  [#5] Stefan Lofven, prime minister of Sweden. well as most of the other prime ministers and European heads of state.  Oh, and we must include the pope, too, who insistently called on Europe to take in more Muslim refugees.  All these people — and their predecessors in office — have the blood of the dead French citizens, and the other victims of radical Islam, on their hands.  They willingly and knowingly have imported millions of Muslims from barbaric Middle Eastern cultures.  They knew that many were military-age young men.  They knew that a substantial minority of them were supporters of radical Islam.  And then, when the unthinkable occurs, they act surprised and outraged and vow to secure their borders.

Idiot 'shocked' by Paris attacks.  [I]sn't it odd that Angela Merkel, leader of Germany's Christian Democratic Party, has taken her humanitarian stand specifically in favor of the only refugee population one could find that is associated by religious affiliation and political history with profound Jew-hatred and Holocaust trivialization?  It would be amusing, were it not so sad, to remember how pleased North American conservatives used to be with the "pro-business" Merkel.  An object lesson in why conservatives must stop confusing pro-business with pro-freedom — two very different positions, in fact.  If there is still a significant pro-freedom faction in Europe at all, one hopes its members are well beyond being "shocked" that Muslims could commit violence.

Migrants Dislike Food, Demand TVs, Threaten To Go Back To Syria.  In a performance of ingratitude so staggering it should almost be satire, a group of newly arrived migrants in the Netherlands have declared their accommodation so poor they want to go back to Syria.  Clearly used to appearing in front of a television camera, a glamorous, well-coiffured and made up Syrian migrant launches into a tirade against the generosity of Western European states.

Ted Cruz calls for end to Syrian refugee resettlement.  While the Obama administration is "moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States," Senator Ted Cruz is calling for an immediate halt to Syrian refugee resettlement.  Half of them aren't from Syria and most of them are colonizers, but no matter.  Let's get about the business of doing as much as we can as fast as we can to save ourselves.  And this is a start.

Two men linked to Paris attacks registered as migrants in Greece: police.  Greek police on Saturday [11/14/2015] said at least one man with a possible connection to the Paris attacks had registered as a refugee with Greek authorities earlier this year.  French authorities had asked their Greek counterparts to check the fingerprints of one man who died in the attacks, with a Syrian passport found next to him, in addition to the fingerprints of another man.

The Migrant Jihad Has Begun in Paris.  French and European authorities can't say they weren't warned.  Last February, the Islamic State boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees.  And the Lebanese Education Minister recently said that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country.  Meanwhile, 80% of migrants who have recently come to Europe claiming to be fleeing the war in Syria aren't really from Syria at all.  So why are they claiming to be Syrian and streaming into Europe?  An Islamic State operative gave the answer when he boasted in September, shortly after the migrant influx began, that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 Islamic State jihadis had already entered Europe.

No, There's No Terrorists Among the 'Migrants'.  Definitely not Abdurraouf Eshati, 29, who claims to be from Wales but was busted with a bunch of other dodgy Arabs exploiting Europe's open borders. [...] One of the details CNN leaves out:  according to the BBC, he didn't just live in Wrexham, Wales, UK, but he lived in the jihadi/terrorist mosque there, the Wrexham Islamic and Cultural Centre.  (Islamic Culture?  That's what they do with orange jumpsuits and knives).  Why did he live in the mosque?  He was one of the imams.  CNN spares you that knowledge, you delicate flower, you.  After all, he wasn't the main imam.

Obama promises to vet Syrian migrants, can't even run immigration database.  The disastrous ObamaCare website wasn't an extraordinary exception to the way this administration does things. [...] Did anyone really expect another outcome?  The VA records system is a disaster.  The ObamaCare database was a disaster.  The only database that works is the one used to track Democratic voters.

Revealed: Texas to be Overwhelmed with Syrian Refugee Invasion.  The U.S. Government's meddling in the Middle East has created a massive problem that is now eating its way across the globe like an unstoppable cancer.  Thanks to State Department and CIA efforts to topple governments in the Middle East, the entire region is now being ripped apart by war.  As a result of war hundreds of thousands (If not millions) are fleeing for the West.

Teenager claims she was gang raped by five young Syrian migrants.  An 18-year-old woman says she was raped by a group of migrant teenagers while staying in a supervised facility in Kent.  The victim claims her attackers were all Syrians who had only recently arrived in the UK.  She says last weekend's horror ordeal lasted a terrifying five hours at the home she was staying in in Gillingham.

AfD Protest In Berlin Demands Stronger Borders, Calls For Merkel To Resign.  The anti-mass migration Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD) party held a rally in the German capital Berlin this afternoon [11/7/2015], demanding the resignation of Chancellor Angela Merkel and calling for the country to adopt a strong policy on immigration.  The AfD has seen its popularity surge as Germany struggles to deal with the huge influx of migrants, and is currently campaigning in local elections in the Saxony-Anhalt region that will be seen as an indicator of public sentiment on the issue.

Congressman Acknowledges Unfolding Destruction of Western Civilization.  Muslims were able to conquer Alexandria, and thereafter Christian Egypt, because traitors opened the gates to the city from inside.  Likewise with Europe.

Sicily police arrest convicted terrorist Ben Nasr Mehdi who entered Italy on migrant boat.  Fears that Islamic terror groups might be entering Europe on migrant boats appear to have been confirmed after police in Sicily identified a convicted terrorist among asylum seekers arriving from Libya.  The Tunisian, Ben Nasr Mehdi, was first arrested in Italy in November 2007 and sentenced to seven years for planning terror attacks for a group that has since been linked to Isis.  After his release from the high-security Benevento prison in southern Italy, he was expelled from the country.

Stick a Fork in Europe: It's Done.  Let me explain what you're not seeing reported about the European situation right here, right now.  There are millions of immigrants coming into the EU.  Germany alone has apparently taken in close to 800,000.  The story being sold to the population is that these are just people from a war-ravaged part of the world seeking a better life.  The first part may be true, the rest is bunk.  There are, on some weekends, over ten thousand migrants coming over one border (Hungary) alone and virtually none have an interest in remaining there.  They are all concentrating in the places where they believe the handouts (not opportunity) will be greatest.  But that is not the bad part.  No, the bad part is that these are not, for the most part, refugees from a war.

Obama Intends To Bring European Chaos To America.  Hungary is putting up border fences of razor wire.  Slovakian police are escorting the long columns of refugee men, [...] young men, who have left their families behind till they get settled, through the country.  Denmark is advertising in the Middle East to tell everyone not to try to come to Denmark.  Swedish homes may be confiscated to accommodate Asylum Seekers.  Sweden is also now the rape capital of the world.  Bits of information from all over.  Many Europeans are unconcerned.  ISIS fighters posing as migrants?  Who knows?  Refugees in these numbers cannot help but transform the continent.

I'm Listing the 18 Mayors That Told Obama They Want To Take In Syrian Refugees So People Will Know Who To Tar and Feather.  Here are 18 mayors that signed a letter letting Obama know that that they have the welcome mat out for Syrian refugees.  (Most are not from Syria.)

Mayors Of Eighteen U.S. Cities Tell Obama They Are Ready To Take More Syrian Refugees.  Mayors from eighteen U.S. cities signed a letter to President Obama saying they are willing to take even more refugees than what has been proposed by the administration.  "We will welcome the Syrian families to make homes and new lives in our cities," wrote the mayors, all of whom are part of the Cities United for Immigration Action coalition.

Pick one thing and fight.  Do you live in one of the 18 cities or towns with a mayor who wants "Syrian refugees" (i.e. invaders)? [...] If you're furious about religious charities jumping on board to bring invaders to the United States en masse, speak out and educate people at these charities.  Start by choosing a couple of charities to focus on.  Contact them and explain how Islam will undermine and destroy the very religion that is enabling this madness through their non-profit organization.  Find out who supports these charities.

Sumte: German village with 100 residents and 'zero infrastructure' told to take in 750 refugees.  A tiny German village with 102 inhabitants and "no infrastructure" has been told to accommodate 750 refugees, as the country struggles to provide shelter for large numbers of people crossing its borders.  Sumte, a one-street settlement of farm houses in Lower Saxony with no shops, no school and no police station, will see its first group of refugees arrive on Monday — raising the population by more than 700 percent overnight.

How Long Can Europe's Welfare States Welcome Refugees and Migrants?  he growing refugee crisis in Europe is clearly a humanitarian issue.  But if leaders don't bring some common sense into the equation, the humanitarian problems could become a geopolitical crisis.  The U.S. needs to heed the lessons of Europe because a similar situation could erupt on our borders.

George Soros and the Muslim invasion of Europe.  [Scroll down]  Soros ties up his package with an urgent plea:  Europe must do what he suggests in order to "put an end to the panic and the unnecessary human suffering."  Of course Soros is talking about Muslims, not Europeans.  Europeans we know will suffer.  But in George Soros's world, that, of course, is just fine.  Better than fine.  Intended.

Soros Admits Involvement In Migrant Crisis: 'National Borders Are The Obstacle'.  Billionaire investor George Soros has confirmed he wants to bring down Europe's borders, following the accusation made last week by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.  Last week, Mr Orban accused Mr Soros — who was born in Hungary — of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis.

Genocide in the 20th Century, Suicide in the 21st.  We have all heard of the "refugee crisis" in Europe, as it is described by state-run media and communication organs with a vested interest in increased immigration.  Germany is an industrialized society, yet due to decades of social engineering and "family planning" slavishly dedicated to protecting the environment by having fewer children, the number of able-bodied Germans of working age has been dramatically reduced.  Their economy has grown since WWII, but their native-born population has decreased steadily until they now find themselves with a shortage of workers that endangers their competitive economic standing.  Simply stated, they need people.

Muslim Migrants Vanish From Refugee Camps.  In what began in one German refugee camp and has now apparently become an epidemic, the German media reports, as many as half of the Muslim migrants flowing into the country and sent to refugee shelters have vanished and are presumed on the run inside Germany.  The first mass disappearing act was by 580 refugees reported to have disappeared from Camp Shelterschlefe.  Now, German authorities are on the lookout for thousands of missing refugees.

MAP: Did your state silently absorb more Syrian Muslim Refugees (with likely ISIS infiltrators) this month?  If Obama wants to get 10,000 in here in one year, they will surely have to step this up.  I expect the slow start involves the problem they are having doing the security screening.  He will have to get almost 900 a month in here to make his quota.

This Is What The "Invasion Of Europe" Looks Like.  [Scroll down past the aerial photos]  As a reminder, Jean-Claude Juncker and Angela Merkel are attempting to convince recalcitrant states to support efforts to place hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers, but a mandatory quota system only served to enrage the likes of Hungary which quickly moved to close off its borders with Serbia and Croatia and that, in turn, set off a Balkan border battle.  Now, Brussels is looking to provide shelter for the migrants as they make their way to Germany but as we noted earlier this week, these way stations will swiftly become overcrowded, unsafe refugee internment camps and they'll likely be easy targets for vociferous anti-migrant protests or worse.

Denmark may make refugees take sex education courses.  Refugees seeking asylum in Denmark may soon be required to take mandatory courses in sex education.  The initiative gained steam last weekend, after three Eritrean men were arrested for allegedly raping a 25-year-old Eritrean woman in Hjørring, Metroexpress reported.  Five other asylum seekers were charged with rape there last year, the site noted.

Gun Free Europe is Arming Up.  There has been armed conflict and war in that region of the world for quite a long time.  Why now is there this overwhelming flood of these "refugees?"  And why travel all the way to Western Europe?  Why not go to Russia, or any of the "Stan" countries that aren't currently at war or under some sort of siege?  [Indeed], they are a least closer.  For the answers, one only need recall the very words said to us all by the leader of the new Islamic State, the self-appointed Caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  He said from the beginning that ISIS could never hope to defeat the west, Europe in particular, militarily, in a straight up fight.  His plan all along has been to overrun the European Union and conquer it from within.  His plan, it seems, is working like a charm.  In their effort to show the world how truly enlightened and tolerant a society Western Europe is, their countries' marshmallowy, myopic, passivist leaders are falling right into Baghdadi's trap.

The Troubling Math of Muslim Migration.  A major Islamist terror attack in France was only a matter of time.  For several decades, the country has invited immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa en masse — first to bolster the labor force in the rebuilding years that followed World War II, then out of multicultural impulses that prevailed over prudential considerations.  That radical Islam was transplanted to France, grew in strength and extent, and bore this week's hideous fruit was not difficult to predict.  The same is not unlikely in Sweden, Belgium, Germany, and elsewhere.

Jihadists Disguised as Refugees.  Muslim extremists and jihadists pretend to be asylum seekers and apply for asylum in Europe, according to reports from intelligence and security services since the mid-1990s.  The then Dutch Domestic Security Service BVD (now the AIVD) reported in May 1998 that radical Muslims from Tunisian, Egyptian and Algerian terrorist organizations had applied for asylum in the Netherlands.  "These asylum seekers can count on the support of local sympathizers."  And in April 2001 the BVD/AIVD warned of "Islamic war veterans" posing as people who "are looking for asylum or illegal migrants who seek refuge in Western countries who will continue the fight or support it."

Comey: Feds have roughly 900 domestic probes about Islamic State operatives, other extremists.  FBI Director James Comey said Friday [10/23/2015] that federal authorities have an estimated 900 active investigations pending against suspected Islamic State-inspired operatives and other home-grown violent extremists across the country.  In a speech to intelligence officials, Comey initially indicated that all 900 of the inquiries were ISIL related.  Later, officials said the vast majority involved ISIL but the number also included other U.S.-based extremists.

How 200,000 invaders turns into 2,000,000 in the blink of an eye.  If you think 200,000 invaders imported into the United States is appalling, consider this:  Once they settle here, they bring their family. [...] So when Obama says we should accept 200,000 "refugees," what that really means (as if 200,000 isn't awful enough) is that we are accepting as many as 1,600,000 invaders.  If you factor in the high likelihood that many of these families will continue to have children once they're here, the number easily reaches 2 million.  Two million (more) Muslims, few of whom speak English, many of whom are uneducated, a large number of whom are unemployable or who won't want to work, many if not most of whom will never integrate into our culture, the majority of whom will come "clinging to their religion" (to use a misdirected phrase in the proper context), and Lord knows how many of whom will inflict harm.

13 reasons why we should not admit Muslim 'refugees'.  [#7] The number we admit will increase exponentially in a year or two:  Once approved for refugee status invaders can petition to bring immediate family members.  And they do.  And not just one or two (though that would be bad enough), but often as many as eight family members.  This increases the base number initially admitted dramatically from, for example, 200,000 (which is 200,000 too many) to nearly 2,000,000.

Muslim immigrants have neither the intention nor any incentive to assimilate.
Small Town America Transformed By Somali Migrants.  Newly arrived Somali immigrants have transformed small towns and cities throughout the United States into tuulas (Somali villages).  The process is underway in such places as Lewiston, Maine; Shelbyville, Tennessee, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Clarkston, Georgia, and Jamestown, North Dakota.  The Jamestown Sun reports that 400 Somalis have applied for public housing in the past four months.  The Somali immigrants in Garden City, Kansas and nearby small towns have created the Somali Community Center of Southwest Kansas in order to tap into public welfare programs.  Within this section of the heartland, white Christians have become the minority.

13 reasons why we should not admit Muslim 'refugees'.  [#1] They are not "refugees."  They are invaders; soldiers of Allah:  What is unfolding is hijra, otherwise known as immigration jihad.  It is written in the Quran and is a powerful strategy the Islamic world has used for many centuries to overwhelm nations and assert dominance.  We must not allow our culture to be undermined and destroyed by increasing the population of Muslims in the United States.  [#2] The vast majority of Muslims flooding into the West are young men:  We are being invaded by an army of young fighting-age men from across the Islamic world. Muslim males often wreak havoc wherever they go, including disproportionately high levels of involvement with criminal activity, rape, threats against others, terrorism, and everything in between.  We should not be importing a demographic of people who have a propensity toward violence.

Muslims' Refusal to Assimilate into Western Cultures.  In early 2008, one of the Church of England's most senior bishops, Pakistani-born Michael Nazir-Ali, warned that Islamic extremists had created "no-go"areas across Britain too dangerous for non-Muslims to enter.  His politically incorrect concern sparked a firestorm of denial and criticism.  The Muslim Council of Britain, for example, dismissed it as the Bishop's "frantic scaremongering" and "intolerance."  But in August 2011, Soeren Kern at the Hudson Institute documented the proliferation of such no-go zones throughout Europe — autonomous Islamic "microstates" under Sharia rule (having rejected their host countries' legal systems), where non-Muslims must either conform to the cultural, legal, and religious norms of fundamentalist Islam or expect to be greeted with violence.

European 'No-Go' Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating.  In the Tower Hamlets area of East London (also known as the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets), for example, extremist Muslim preachers, called the Tower Hamlets Taliban, regularly issue death threats to women who refuse to wear Islamic veils.  Neighborhood streets have been plastered with posters declaring "You are entering a Sharia controlled zone:  Islamic rules enforced."  And street advertising deemed offensive to Muslims is regularly vandalized or blacked out with spray paint.  In the Bury Park area of Luton, Muslims have been accused of "ethnic cleansing" by harassing non-Muslims to the point that many of them move out of Muslim neighborhoods.  In the West Midlands, two Christian preachers have been accused of "hate crimes" for handing out gospel leaflets in a predominantly Muslim area of Birmingham.  In Leytonstone in east London, the Muslim extremist Abu Izzadeen heckled the former Home Secretary John Reid by saying:  "How dare you come to a Muslim area."

Yes, there ARE 'no-go' zones in Europe.  In the wake of the Fox News apology for a guest expert's on-air claims regarding Muslim "no-go zones" in Europe, an international clamor has ensued with condemnation of Fox, claims that Muslim immigrants really do want to assimilate and a threat by the mayor of Paris to sue the cable network for "insulting" the great city.  There's only one problem:  Europe is full of Muslim "no-go" zones, which have been documented, lamented, reported on and openly discussed for years.

Study Shows Majority of U.S. Mosques Repositories of Sharia, Jihad, & Muslim Brotherhood Literature and Preachers.  A random survey of 100 representative mosques in the U.S. was conducted to measure the correlation between Sharia adherence and dogma calling for violence against non-believers.  Of the 100 mosques surveyed, 51% had texts on site rated as severely advocating violence; 30% had texts rated as moderately advocating violence; and 19% had no violent texts at all.  Mosques that presented as Sharia adherent were more likely to feature violence-positive texts on site than were their non-Sharia-adherent counterparts.  In 84.5% of the mosques, the imam recommended studying violence-positive texts.

The Immigration Jihad.  Several hundred years ago when the forces of Islam wanted to capture Vienna, they came with the sword and the cannon and laid siege to the city walls.  Today they simply take a plane.  While Vienna was able to resist repeated sieges, it was not able to resist Islamic immigration, and as a result the city looks a good deal more the way it would have had it fallen to an actual siege.  Today as much as a third of Vienna is of foreign origin.  And as many as 50 percent of Viennese schoolchildren have a non-German language as their mother tongue. [...] The Muslim birth rate is nearly double that of the Protestant and Catholic birth rates.

The Barbarians at the Gates.  The United States and our leaders should heed the historical record and listen to the reluctance of Eastern European leaders to admit the recent spate of hundreds of thousands of Muslim "refugees" into their countries, because most of Eastern Europe views these "refugees" as invaders, rightly so.  Muslim "refugees" have illegally breached the borders of several European Union nations, including Greece, Italy, Serbia and Hungary, and they have violently crashed the gates at Horgos-Rozke in Hungary, with arrogance and temerity, on their way to the Gates of Vienna and Germany and America; and as such, they are invaders in every sense of the word, who bring with them undeniable risks to every Western nation's national security, and America must refuse to accept any Muslim "refugees" into our nation — these barbarians at the gates.

Next Wave of Muslim Migrants: It's All Men.  Watch the video.  It's all men — looks like an army going off to war.  And actually, that's exactly what it is.  [Video clip]

Muslim Invasion of Europe
  •   Any criticism of Islam in Europe is treated as a form of racism, and "Islamophobia" is considered a crime or a sign of mental illness.
  •   European people still have the right to vote, but are deprived of most of their power:  all important political decisions in Europe are made behind closed doors by technocrats and professional politicians in Brussels or Strasbourg.
  •   Europe has renounced force, so to many, it appears weak, vulnerable and easily able to be overpowered.
  •   The sudden arrival of hundreds of thousands more Muslims most likely prompts Europeans to think that the nightmare will get worse; they see, powerlessly, that their leaders speak and act as if they have no awareness of what is happening.

Germany: Migrant Crime Wave, Police Capitulate.  A confidential police report leaked to a German newspaper reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014.  Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 a day — is only the tip of the iceberg, as many crimes are either not resolved or not reported.  The current spike in crime — including rapes, sexual and physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies, burglaries and drug trafficking — comes amid a record-breaking influx of refugees from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Western Balkans.  According to a classified document obtained by the German newspaper, Bild, the government now estimates that Germany will receive as many as 1.5 million asylum seekers in 2015, including 920,000 in the last quarter of 2015 alone.

FBI — No Way To Vet Incoming Syrian Refugees.  Officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) told committee members that an intelligence gap exists about terrorists who joined the fight in the civil war happening in Syria and that more than 20,000 foreign fighters have joined the conflict.  "We don't have it under control," Mr. Michael Steinback, Assistant Director for the FBI told the [House Homeland Security] committee [in February 2015].

FBI top dog Comey: It will be "challenging" to identify jihad terrorists among the refugees.  But that won't stop the Obama Administration from bringing them in by the hundreds of thousands.  There is no accountability with these people:  no matter what goes wrong as a result of their disastrous policies, they know the mainstream media will not blame them.  So they can happily keep swinging the wrecking ball without fear of jeopardizing their political careers.

FBI stretched thin keeping pace with ISIS investigations.  Whether they enter this country legally or illegally, or are born here, the reality is that there are Muslims in America who are jihadists or who morph into jihadists.  This is one of so many reasons why we cannot afford to import any more Muslims into this country.  We've got more than enough to contend with.

Syrian refugee program called 'back door for jihadists'.  A senior FBI official has admitted the United States is finding it virtually impossible to screen out terrorists that could be hiding among the thousands of Syrian "refugees" heading soon to American cities.  The U.S. simply does not have the resources to stop Islamic radicals in Syria from slipping into the country through the State Department's refugee-resettlement program, said Michael Steinbach, deputy assistant director of the FBI's counter terrorism unit.

Islamic State reveals it has smuggled thousands of extremists into Europe.  The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations — hidden amongst innocent refugees.  The ISIS smuggler, who is in his thirties and is described as having a trimmed jet-black beard, revealed the ongoing clandestine operation is a complete success.  "Just wait," he smiled.

THIS is How Many Terrorists ISIS Claims Are Hidden Among Syrian Refugees.  The massive surge of Syrian refugees into Europe over the sparsely secured Turkish border has become a major world concern.  Germany's resources have been exhausted, as they struggle to take in approximately 800,000 refugees from war torn Syria.  10,000 of those refugees are headed to the United States, most of whom are military-age males.  According to this operative, the Islamic State is taking full advantage of the West's generosity.

Leak: 81 Per Cent of Migrants To Germany Are Unskilled, Government Predicts 400,000 New Welfare Claimants.  Germany will import 1.2 million completely unskilled migrants this year, many of whom will go straight onto unemployment benefits, according to a leaked government document.  The Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, BA) October migration estimates document outlined a number of key statistics previously not in the public domain.  Among the revelations is that fact over 80 percent of migrants have no qualifications, the majority are under the age of 45, and the agency expects 400,000 new benefit claimants next year to be migrants.

London Sees Tuberculosis Rates Higher Than Iraq, Rwanda And Eritrea.  An "astounding" London Assembly report shows a third of London boroughs exceed the World Health Organisation's (WHO) "high incidence" threshold of tuberculosis, and some wards within Hounslow, Brent, Harrow, Newham and Ealing have rates of more than 150 incidents per 100,000 people.  Mayor Boris Johnson is being told to "get a grip" of the situation before it is too late.

Global crackdown on 'right wing' extremists gaining momentum.  As millions of Islamic migrants flood into Europe, the government of Belgium is worried about attacks on the migrants from elements of the "far right," according to a Belgium newspaper.  The Belgium government has raised the terror alert level from 1 to 2 (on a scale of 1-4) citing fear of reprisals against the migrants.  Police protection will be stepped up around the nation's asylum reception centers.  "The decision to raise the threat level from low to average comes after recent incidents of attacks on asylum reception centers in Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands," Flanders News reports.

Shotguns have 'virtually sold out' in Austria amid fears of a massive influx of migrants, dealers claim.  Weapon sales are soaring in Austria as citizens of the small Alpine nation become paranoid over the numbers of refugees crowding into their country.  In a country of 8.5 million people, there are now an estimated 900,000 firearms in homes.  And gun dealers report that it is women driving the sales rush.  This year alone, police say 70,000 guns have been sold.

Islam Has Been Making the Need for the Second Amendment Obvious.  The latest wave of violence from the Religion of Peace would have taken more lives if not for law-abiding Israeli citizens carrying guns: [...] No wonder Europeans, who have been placed in the same boat as Israelis by the quislings allowing the ongoing invasion by Muslim "refugees," wish they had guns too.

John Bolton: Germany's Syrian Refugee Pledge Puts U.S. at Risk.  Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton warned that the large number of refugees going to Germany from Syria poses a terrorist threat to the United States.  Bolton cited the Lebanese education minister estimating that about 2 percent of the refugees could be Islamic terrorists.  "If you think of Germany, which said it would accept 800,000 refugees, 2 percent of that is 16,000 terrorists in Germany.  Once they get into Western Europe, the path to this country is obviously substantially easier," Bolton said at a Federalist Society event in Washington.

Kurdish Refugees Living in Moscow Airport in Asylum Battle.  A refugee dad and his four children have been living in an airport terminal for almost 50 days, trapped in an red-tape battle with Russian authorities.  Hasan Abdo Ahmad and his family arrived at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport intending to apply for asylum but border guards confiscated their passports on suspicion they were fake, according to The Moscow Times.  The documents were later confirmed to be genuine, but Russian officials continue to deny the Kurdish family refugee status and they remain in the same transit zone where NSA leaker Edward Snowden spent 40 days in 2013.

Time to Fight Back in the Holy War of Islamism.  Europe is inexplicably importing even more Muslims who proclaim openly that their ideology gives them the Allah-given right to kill, rob, rape, and/or enslave those not like themselves, including the wrong kinds of Muslims.  Germany is even evicting its own citizens from their apartments to make room for them.  You can take the Muslim out of the Islamic State but you cannot take the Islamic State out of the IS Muslim, as shown by the honor killing of a rape victim in Germany. The Obama Administration meanwhile wants to import hundreds if not thousands of school shootings, Fort Hood massacres, Boston Marathon bombings, and 9/11s waiting for times and places to happen.

Leftist loses [his] mind when accused of supporting Muslim immigrants for emotional reasons.  Simon Schama's breakdown on Question Time is a thing of horrid beauty.  He shakes with outrage, waves his finger as if it were a baton of self-righteousness and quivers all over.  The entire video is a showcase of leftist madness in which Schama's breakdown is the key moment.  Accused of putting emotion ahead of reason, the leftist Schama can only answer the charge with more emotion.  He can't rationally defend his position.  Neither can anyone else.  The madness concludes with a woman explaining that you can't oppose migrants because we all migrated from Africa in the slow mindless tone of voice that suggests she's either a schoolteacher or a career bureaucrat.

Islam comes to Kansas.  The Muslim conquest of America continues apace.  And some unexpected places are being heavily colonized.  Case in point:  Wichita, Kansas.  Wichita is a "preferred community" for "refugee resettlement," which makes it an epicenter for invaders.

Hundreds of Muslim refugees headed to Idaho.  The multicultural transformation of Idaho will continue with a planned infusion of hundreds of refugees from Muslim countries over the next one to three years.  A local newspaper in Twin Falls reported that city will receive 300 mostly Syrian refugees over the next fiscal year starting Oct. 1.  But WND has learned the numbers will be much larger statewide and include refugees from Syria, Iraq, the Democratic Republic of Congo and possibly Somalia.

Muslim Refugees Berate Female Aid Workers as "Christian Whores".  These Muslim migrants already seem to be fitting into Europe.  Just imagine a million more of them. [...] It's not that they're poor.  It's that they're medieval savages with no notion of hygiene or respect for the property of others.

Bordertown Nickelsdorf Drowns in Garbage and Feces.  [Scroll down]  For the longest time, all train traffic had been completely stopped to and from Nickelsdorf; the trains stopped at the station before the town.  And here [in] the same picture you can see with the Railjets of the ÖBB, the Austrian Federal Railway, in all trains that were used to transport immigrants:  All railway wagons were extremely filthy beyond the acceptable.  The trains had to be cleaned and disinfected.  Many wagons were rendered useless due to the contamination of feces.  Many of the immigrants of the near and the middle east have no use for western toilets — just like they have no use for our idea of garbage disposal.  The local garbage collection locations at the most were used as convenient [urinals].

Muslims condemn Britain's plans to combat extremism.  British Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled a new strategy on Monday to combat extremism, saying the battle was "perhaps the "defining one of this century", but his proposals were condemned by Muslims as demonizing their communities and set to fail.

Freezing migrants cry foul as German cold bites.  "They say they are going to do something, but they are not telling us what.  Maybe we are all going to turn to ice," said a 25-year-old Afghan who went by the name Hussein, and who has been living in one of several tent cities set up by authorities in the northern city of Hamburg.  "We cannot be under the tent for more than an hour at night," he said.  At the major northern port, as in other parts of the country, sleeping without heating is quickly becoming a nightmare as the temperatures tumble close to freezing.  And the German winter, infamously harsh and biting, has not even begun.

Eurotunnel Services Delayed After Hundreds of Migrants Flood French Terminal.  A mass intrusion by hundreds of migrants forced Eurotunnel cross-Channel rail services to be suspended in both directions last night after they stormed the terminal and platforms in France.  The human tide led the Channel Tunnel operator to halt services from Folkestone, Kent and Coquelles in northern France.

Islam and the Fall of Europe.  A duality, Islam is first and foremost a political movement ensconced in a religion from which it expresses its imperialist nature through a multi faceted concept known as jihad.  Christian Europe today, among other factors to be discussed later, lacking cognizance of Islam's millennial ploy of hegemonic control via emigration, is saddled with a demographic birthrate inverse to that of their new emigres.  Europe is in the throes of Islamization.

The Latest: More Than 5,000 Migrants in Croatia Refugee Camp.  More than 5,000 migrants are stuck in a refugee camp in Croatia waiting to move on to tiny Slovenia, which is taking in limited numbers of people per day slowing down the flow of people toward Western Europe.

Hungary says migrant influx 'stops'.  Hungary said Monday [10/19/2015] its shutdown of the border with Croatia had put a stop to the influx of migrants and refugees.  Only 41 people crossed into the EU member state on Sunday, the government said.

The brothers of apes and pigs:
Austria is Drowning in Massive Amounts of Feces and Garbage Left by Migrants.  In Austria, where hundreds of thousands of migrants are trekking their way into Germany, they are leaving a massive amount of garbage and feces in their wake.  The port-a-potties are filthy and unusable.  These people are going to the bathroom everywhere and the filth they leave behind is epic.  If a female volunteer tries to assist, she is called a Christian whore.  How are the locals supposed to clean this up?

Europe's first national election since mass Muslim invasion drives power to conservatives.  Switzerland just elected a new parliament, and a conservative, anti-immigration party, the Swiss People's Party (SVP) won a record vote, enabling it to form a government with a conservative majority.  The political fallout in Europe is just beginning, and Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats in Germany had better take notice.

Terrified jihadists leave their Beards on the battlefield as they shave their faces and dress as women to flee Syria.  ISIS fighters are reportedly shaving their beards and dressing up as women in order to flee Syria, in the wake of Russia stepping up its military campaign in support of President Bashar al-Assad.  Pictures said to have been taken near Aleppo last week shows mounds of what looks like cut off facial hair, alongside discarded packets of razors.

Germany must build border fence, says police union chief.  In an interview [10/18/2015] with the Sunday newspaper "Welt am Sonntag," Wendt insisted that tough measures — like the construction of a fence along the border with Austria — were vital for the country "to carry out serious border controls."  He said the move would trigger a chain reaction in other European countries, which have seen hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria and elsewhere flood over their borders.

ISIS to Christians in Sweden: 'The Caliphate Is Here', Now 'Convert or Die'.  Assyrian Christians in Sweden are on edge after receiving several threatening messages linked to the Islamic State recently.  Graffiti that read "the caliphate is here" and "convert or die" was painted on two stores owned by Assyrians earlier this week, as was the Arabic letter 'N,' short for Nazarene, Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reports.

Letter From Europe To USA: Do Not Take Refugees!  Integrating people from especially Islamic cultures into our European societies has proven impossible.  Of course there are always individuals who manage, but integration of immigrants and refugees from these countries has been a huge failure. [...] The wave of refugees has thus also resulted in a wave of crime.  We have all seen the videos of violent attacks on the police and border facilities at Europe's outer borders.  It does not stop here.  On their way through Europe, hoping to reach the countries with the largest social benefits, there are scenes of pure havoc.  Here is an excerpt from one eye-witness report:  "This great mass of people — sorry that I write this, but it's an absolute horde.  Vulgar words, thrown bottles, loud cries of 'We want Germany' — is Germany at present some kind of paradise?  I saw how they surrounded the car of an older Italian lady, pulled her out by her hair and wanted to drive off in that car.  The coach I was on they attempted to overturn.  Excrement was thrown at us.  They banged on the doors, so that the driver would open them.  They spat at the window... I ask, for what purpose?  How can this wild horde assimilate into Germany?

'It Makes Me Very Sad' Says Open Borders Activist Brutally Stabbed By Migrant Gang.  A pro-migrant, open borders activist is reported to be "very sad" after being stabbed twice in the back by a gang of "Arabs" as he stood outside a pizzeria in Dresden, east Germany.  Twenty-nine year old 'Julius G.' involved himself in political activism while reading his degree in industrial engineering Technical University of Dresden.  Now he may have fallen victim to his own politics, as the refugee advocate was attacked while waiting for friends in Dresden's Neustadt, known as the city's 'left wing', or 'alternative' quarter.

Find out what's going on in your community with 'refugee resettlement'.  Muslim invaders are arriving in cities and towns across America, with many more to come.  Perhaps you've seen your town transformed.  If not, you soon may.  It's call[ed] "refugee resettlement" which is code for transplanting entire communities from hellholes in the Middle East to once beautiful towns and neighborhoods across America.  There are many things we all need to know to ward off this systematic destruction of our communities, and indeed our country. [...]

Germany changing in the wake of Muslim invaders.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel has propelled Germany into a descent into madness and ruin.  Here is a short tour of the new Germany, courtesy of Bare Naked Islam.  Garbage and feces are visible in public spaces.  But that's okay.  German schoolchildren can clean it up.  What better way to introduce them to the dhimmi status that awaits than to have them start young and perform duties as if indentured servants for the invaders?  Meanwhile, many trains are out of service, unusable until they are completely disinfected.  Muslim invaders do not use toilets or garbage disposals.  Schoolgirls are told to cover up because male invaders might "misunderstand" or be "offended" and unable to control themselves.

Dayton to Those Questioning Refugee Resettlement: "Find Another State".  Governor Mark Dayton attended a community conversation about race hosted by the St. Cloud NAACP and told people who have been questioning refugee resettlement in the central Minnesota region to "find another state."  WJON reports the Governor's statements, "This is a time for everybody who is a Minnesotan, a real Minnesotan to take a stand and say, 'not in our state.'  If you are that intolerant, that much of a racist and a bigot, then find another state, they really should go somewhere else." said Dayton.

The Editor says...
Rather than shop for another state, it would be much easier for the citizens of Ohio to find another governor.

Dem Gov: Citizens Worried About Refugee Settlement Should Leave.  The resettlement of Somali refugees to central Minnesota has been the subject of heated debate.  Some argue that refusing refugees would not be neighborly.

Anchor Daddies: Why so many of Europe's middle eastern migrants are men.  Many of the men I interviewed traveling solo told me they had left their families behind and intended to reunite with them once they'd been accepted by a safe European country.  This helps to clarify why so many of Europe's newcomers are young men.  Of 102,753 registered arrivals through Italy and Greece, the International Organization of Migration found that 68,085 were men, with only 13,888 women and 20,780 children.  "They tell us, 'We do this dangerous trip on our own, we get asylum, and there is a law in the European Union that the family can come,'" says Christof Zellenberg, the chairman of the Europa Institute, who has been heavily involved in volunteer efforts in Vienna.

Thousands of Muslim invaders slated for Idaho.  As Muslims are imported, they're thrust upon cities and towns across America.  No location is immune.  Case in point:  Idaho.  As reported by World Net Daily (WND), Idaho is slated to receive 2,000 "refugees" who will be settled in Boise and Twin Falls.  This would be on top of the refugees Idaho has already absorbed.  It turns out Idaho's quite a hot spot for refugee resettlement.  And of late, that means a lot of Muslims, as the current round of invaders will be from Syria, Iraq, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and possibly Somalia.

ACT for America launches citizen action campaign urging 18 mayors to re-think their demand for more Syrian refugees.  We reported on the letter that 18 US mayors sent to President Obama here in which they told the President that 10,000 mostly Muslim Syrians for fiscal year 2016 (that began October 1) is too few.  They want 100,000!

Germany: Migrant Crime Wave, Police Capitulate.  According to a classified document, the German government now estimates that Germany will receive as many as 1.5 million asylum seekers in 2015, including 920,000 in the last quarter of 2015 alone.  With family reunifications, the actual number of asylum seekers could swell to more than 7 million.  Separately, German authorities now estimate that at least 290,000 migrants and refugees have entered the country without being registered. [...] In Berlin, a classified police report revealed that a dozen Arab clans hold reign over the city's criminal underworld.  The report says the clans, which are dedicated to dealing drugs, robbing banks and burglarizing department stores, run a "parallel justice system" in which they resolve disputes among themselves with mediators from other crime families.  If the state gets involved, the clans use cash payments or threats of violence to influence witnesses.

Miraculous! U.S. Media Made the Refugee Crisis Go Away!  The refugee crisis in Europe has disappeared from U.S. media reports but nothing has changed except for the coverage. [...] On September 4th Angela Merkel suspended European asylum rules and allowed tens of thousands of refugees stranded in Hungary to enter Germany via Austria.  It won her accolades.  There was no limit, Merkel said, to the right to asylum.  The mood has begun to change since.  More than 200,000 migrants entered Germany in the month of September.  As many as 1.5 million could enter within a year.  Housing is a problem and the government in Hamburg is seizing office buildings to house migrants.  Schools are struggling.

Suspected 'honor killing' stokes German fears about customs, crimes of Middle Eastern refugees.  The alleged "honor killing" last month of a young pregnant woman who fled Syria after being gang raped is the latest case to leave Germans horrified by the crimes and customs of some of the refugees pouring in from the war-torn Middle East.  The woman, identified only as Rokstan M., fled Syria in 2011 after being gang-raped by Syrian soldiers and found work as an interpreter.  After authorities in the small, eastern city of Dessau discovered her body, stabbed and buried behind a housing complex for Syrian refugees Friday [10/9/2015], suspicion has focused on her father and brothers, who prosecutors believe may have killed her because the gang rape left her "unclean."

Also posted under Islam vs. women.

Muslims in the hospital, Muslims on the train, as Europe hands over the keys to the kingdom.  A female doctor in Germany describes a horrifying scene of Muslim invaders overwhelming the health care system — making demands, threats, and attacking staff.  The masses that are descending upon Europe are also arriving with an array of communicable diseases, including diseases the West has never seen before. [...] And if that isn't shocking enough, the local press is forbidden to report on any of this, forcing citizens to communicate by email as a somewhat clandestine system of information-sharing is necessitated in the face of layer upon layer of madness.

Europe Riots: Mass Outrage Over Mass Immigration.  Hundreds of thousands of self-proclaimed refugees from the Middle East (many of them are actually gold diggers who are coming to Europa in order to live off the government's dime) have arrived in Europe in recent months.  This mass exodus out of especially Syria has been partially fueled by German Chancellor Angela Merkel's promise that her country would take in all the refugees it had to take in.  The only problem?  She got more than she bargained for.  Much more.  And the same goes for the rest of Europe.  In fact, so many "refugees" have made their way to the Old Continent that West European governments are having a hard time dealing with them.

DHS Secretary: 'Refugees Are Subject to the Highest Level of Security Checks'.  "The U.S. is committed to providing refuge to some of the world's most vulnerable people, while carefully screening refugees for security concerns before admitting them to the United States," Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told Congress on Thursday [10/8/2015].  Johnson said the screening process has improved over time, and "refugees are subject to the highest level of security checks."

Muslim refugee riots ignored in U.S. media blackout.  Sweden, seen by many American progressives as the model of multiculturalism and tolerance, has been experiencing increasingly violent unrest involving immigrants in its three largest cities, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo.  Sweden, along with Germany, make up Europe's two most generous welfare states.  They are also the most welcoming of Islamic immigrants, more than a million of which have flooded into the continent this year from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and North Africa.  The unrest and destabilization in Sweden, which has received zero coverage in the U.S. media even as President Obama plans to ramp up his own refugee welcoming program, is exactly the type of upheaval that the global elite have planned for all of Western Europe and America, analyst Paul McGuire told WND in a[n] Oct. 6 article.

What Percentage Are Infiltrators?  A horde of "migrants" or "refugees" — it is interesting to see that European press style is increasingly favoring the former over the latter — has been swarming across Europe, trying to leave various Islamic paradises and dwell amongst the infidels, or at least, leech off the infidel's overly generous welfare state.  A relatively small percentage of them are from Syria or Iraq[.] [...] They are almost all men.  For "refugees," they have made no effort to save their women and children.  And they are mostly young, military-age males.  So the question arises:  what percentage of them are infiltrators?

DHS admits we have no screening process for 'Syrian refugees'.  Should we screen "Syrian refugees"?  Yes.  And no.  Yes, because this administration will continue to import Muslim invaders.  As such, having a way to vet them would be better than having no way to vet them.  But it turns out we have no way to vet them.

Thousands of migrants to be deported under secret EU plans amid radical Brussels crackdown.  Under the proposals, Brussels will threaten to withdraw aid, trade deals and visa arrangements if countries refuse to take back their economic migrants.  The asylum claims of more than 400,00 seekers who entered the EU in the first half of the year are likely to be rejected, posing a problem for EU leaders.  Ministers from member states, including Theresa May, will discuss a text warning countries they must send more migrants home.

German anti-Islam group vents fury at Merkel over refugee welcome.  Thousands of German anti-Islam protesters on Monday [10/5/2015] vented their fury at Chancellor Angela Merkel over her welcoming of refugees, accusing her of "high treason" and "crimes against the German people".  With Europe's top economy expecting to take in up to a million people fleeing war and poverty this year, anger has flared among anti-foreigner groups and members of the anti-Islam PEGIDA movement ("Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident").

DHS Confesses: No Databases Exist To Vet Syrian Refugees.  Under grilling from GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions, head of the Senate subcommittee on immigration, the Homeland Security official in charge of vetting Syrian and other foreign Muslim refugees confessed that no police or intelligence databases exist to check the backgrounds of incoming refugees against criminal and terrorist records.  "Does Syria have any?" Sessions asked.  "The government does not, no sir," answered Matthew Emrich, associate director for fraud detection and national security at DHS' U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Theresa May: Mass immigration making 'cohesive society' impossible.  Mass immigration is forcing thousands of British people out of jobs and is making it "impossible" to build a "cohesive society", Theresa May will say.  Speaking at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester, the Home Secretary will say that there is "is no case in the national interest for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade".  Mrs May, considered a potential successor to David Cameron as Tory leader, will warn that current levels of migration into the UK are unsustainable as she calls for a system "that allows us to control who comes to our country".

Denmark tightens citizenship requirements.  Denmark, which earlier this year slashed benefits for asylum seekers, said Monday [10/5/2015] it is making it more difficult to acquire citizenship in the Scandinavian country.

More Massive Protests Against the Migrant Invasion of Europe.  More massive protests against the EU and their respective governments surrender to the invasion of Europe continue to grow.  These protests occur with increasingly regularity.  And the media won't cover them.  But it doesn't matter.  They are not going away.  On the contrary, things are just heating up.  It's no wonder Chancellor Merkel is strong-arming Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, to block these posts.  Chancellor Merkel wants to deny reality but she cannot deny the consequences of denying reality.

Migrants get on to tracks, disrupt train traffic between France and England.  Rail travelers between Britain and France have been warned of delays up to three hours after a large group of migrants get on to tracks overnight [10/2/2015] in the French port city of Calais.

Tempers flare in Germany's crowded refugee centres.  A food queue fight in an overcrowded German refugee centre this week escalated into a mass brawl pitting 70 Pakistanis against 300 Albanians, fighting with fists, sticks and pepper spray.  By the time it ended, 14 people were injured, including three of the 50 police called in to contain the riot in a former airport building housing 1,500 asylum-seekers from 20 nations near the central city of Kassel.

German police union: It's time to start separating refugees by nation of origin — and religion.  The easy spin here for fans of open borders is that this isn't so much a problem of assimilation as institutionalization.  Just as criminals organize themselves into gangs by race in prison to protect themselves from dangerous strangers in close quarters, so too do refugees.  Everything will be fine once they're settled somewhere and have time to acclimate to their new country.  We'll see in due time.  But increasingly I've got a crazy hunch that no matter how bad Obama's legacy ends up being, Angela Merkel's will be worse.

Rep. Babin: Obama's 'Open-Door Policy' Will Allow Islamic State to Enter U.S..  Rep. Brian Babin (R., Texas) blamed the Syrian refugee crisis on President Obama's decision not to act with force after Bashar al-Assad crossed a red line by using chemical weapons against his citizens.  The congressman, who recently introduced a bill to analyze the costs and national security implications of the refugee resettlement program, said that Obama's weak foreign policy has exacerbated the chaos in the Middle East.  "I think that it is the cause of our refugee crisis," Babin said when asked how the president's lack of firm action against Assad has contributed to the approximately 4.1 million refugees fleeing Syria amid civil war.

U.S. Gives 1,519 Engaged in Terrorism "While Under Duress" Residency, Asylum.  As if the President Obama's sweeping amnesty measures haven't compromised national security enough, the administration let 1,519 "inadmissible" foreigners embroiled in terrorism into the U.S. last year because the crimes were committed "while under duress."  Before the Obama administration tweaked a federal law last year, these foreign nationals would have been banned from the country for supporting terrorist causes.  But under the changes the Secretary of Homeland Security has "discretionary authority" to waive certain grounds of inadmissibility relating to terrorism.

Compassion for Refugees Should Not Mean Cultural Suicide.  Remember, the refugees bring with them the same culture that caused the Middle East to spiral into chaos.  Yes, many are victims, and they deserve compassion, aid, food, and shelter.  But resettling large numbers of people who come into Western society with the desire to remake it in their image is neither in our interest nor appropriate to our cultural responsibility to succeeding generations.  Large numbers of Muslims have not acculturated into Western society.  Our secular values, our historical concerns for individual liberty, and individual freedom stand at variance with a culture based on submission, misogyny, and triumphalism.

No Refugees, No Terrorism.  Jordan's Queen Rania told Europeans that they could either take in the Syrian refugees that her country doesn't want or the refugees would turn to terrorism.  And what if these "refugees," like so many of the other Muslims who had settled in Europe over the years, decide that they like terrorism anyway?  A tenth of London approves of ISIS now.  Support for the Islamic State among the younger population in the UK, where Muslim demographics predominate, reaches as high as 14 percent.  What will it look like when tens of thousands of Muslims from the homeland of the Islamic State are added to the population?  How much support will there be for Islamic terrorism a decade from now when the mass Muslim migration has fundamentally reshaped the UK's religious demographics?

Notice Anything ODD In This Video Of 'Syrian Refugees'?  A BBC reporter took that video and said that 10,046 migrants entered from Croatia into Hungary in just ONE day yesterday [9/23/2015], which is a record high number.  But did you notice the one weird thing?  They're ALL MALES.  Young, healthy, males without wives or children or parents.  A lot of people are asking why they aren't fighting for the peace of their nation.  [Video clip]

The surest way to keep Muslim terrorists out is not to let any Muslim immigrants in.  [Scroll down]  How much support do the Sunni rebel groups have among the refugees?  1 out of 5 would be bad enough, but the numbers for the entire Sunni Jihadist opposition are likely to be a lot higher.  And these Jihadist groups are terror risks almost as much as ISIS.  A Syrian migrant at the Gates of Hungary was caught musing, "If the Free Syrian Army was here, they'd shoot that helicopter down."  But plenty of FSA fighters are already in Europe or on the way there.  How many of them will turn to terrorism in Europe?  Even one is too many.  But Europe is expected to take them in and find out later.  That's not an argument for taking in more Syrians.  That's an argument for taking in zero refugees.

Cruz worried Obama could 'import terrorism'.  Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wants the Obama administration to hand over details of how it vets and allows Syrian refugees into the country, saying he's concerned they could "import terrorism."  "With an Administration that seems more intent on responding to the interests of the world than the needs of the American people — Congress has an obligation to be vocal and, if necessary, resist this effort," Cruz wrote in a letter Wednesday to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Secretary of State John Kerry, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey.

The Plot: Obama to Import 200,000 MORE Muslim Refugees.  In addition to the 3,000,000 Muslims imported since 9/11, Barack Obama intends to open the floodgates to mass immigration for Muslims, including unvetted individuals affiliated with terror groups.  Virtually every one of these aliens will immediately get thousands of U.S. taxpayer dollars in welfare and medical benefits each year for up to nine years — and likely much longer.

The Editor says...
There is one reason Obama is so eager to import Muslims.

Migrants are disguising themselves as Syrians to enter Europe.  Moving among the tens of thousands of Syrian war refugees passing through the train stations of Europe are many who are neither Syrian nor refugees, but hoping to blend into the mass migration and find a back door to the West.  There are well-dressed Iranians speaking Farsi who insist they are members of the persecuted Yazidis of Iraq.  There are Indians who don't speak Arabic but say they are from Damascus.  There are Pakistanis, Albanians, Egyptians, Kosovars, Somalis and Tunisians from countries with plenty of poverty and violence, but no war.  It should come as no surprise that many migrants seem to be pretending they are someone else.  The prize, after all, is the possibility of benefits, residency and work in Europe.

Conservatism Can No Longer Cohabit With Nihilistic Neoliberalism.  [Scroll down]  The immediate battleground is the immigration crisis swamping — yes, that is the word, the only one that adequately describes the character of the threat — Europe and Britain.  There are now 6,000 incomers per day landing in Europe and the rate is accelerating.  Neo-liberals gaze approvingly on this influx, seeing only a cheap labour source, disregarding the fact that the overwhelming majority is unskilled, unfit or unwilling to work.  Not a problem:  the welfare state (i.e. taxpayers) will take care of them while business cherry-picks a labour force from their ranks.  Quarterly results will improve and shareholders' dividends increase.

This is no time to focus on global warming.  The Middle East is imploding.  Islamic State butchers are annihilating Christian and other communities.  Putin is sending arms to Assad.  Under the Obama-Iran nuclear deal, the mullahs will get $100+ billion to expand their proxy terror war on Israel and the West.  Saudi Arabia has 100,000 empty air-conditioned tents but won't take any of the millions who've been driven from their homes.  Neither will most of the other 22 Arab League nations or 57 Organization of Islamic Cooperation member countries.  Instead, millions of mostly Muslim migrants, militants and refugees are heading to Europe — with limited money, education, job skills, or desire to assimilate.  They demand entry into EU countries whose energy, economic, employment and welfare systems are already foundering or nearing collapse.

EU, U.S. Create World's Longest Welfare Line For New Migrants.  The EU has approved a plan to distribute 120,000 migrants among its member nations.  Coming on the heels of the U.S.' decision to bring in 200,000 migrants, you can be sure of one thing:  More are on the way.  To pretend that there's a "refugee crisis" when in fact many of these migrants aren't really refugees, but opportunists, is plain foolishness.  That may sound harsh, but looking at the actual demographics of this wave shows it to be true.

Hungarian army given sweeping powers against migrants.  Hungary's parliament gave Monday the army and police sweeping new powers to keep migrants out as populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned that Europe was being "overrun".  "They are overrunning us.  They're not just banging on the door, they're breaking the door down on top of us," the right-wing Orban told lawmakers.  "Our borders are in danger, our way of life built on respect for the law, Hungary and the whole of Europe is in danger," the 52-year-old said in Budapest.

Listen to Nations Experienced with the Islamic Influx.  Some central and eastern European countries are being criticized by more "progressive" Western nations for not wanting to take in Muslim refugees.  Chief among them is Hungary, specifically in the person of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.  Western media are characterizing him as "xenophobic," "full of hate speech," and Europe's "creeping dictator."  Sounding like the mafia boss of the Left, the Guardian simply refers to him as a "problem" that needs to be "solved."  Orbán's crime is that he wants to secure his nation against Muslims and preserve its Christian identity.

Bankrupt Feds To Give Each New Refugee Thousands In Welfare.  Refugees receive a plethora of services and assistance when they reach the shores of the America, according to a recently released study.  The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops posted a PDF on their website breaking down available assistance for refugees resettled in the United States.  The information is based on a report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office.  President Barack Obama initially said he wanted to bring in 10,000 Syrian refugees.  The White House is now discussing raising that from 70,000 this year to 85,000 in 2016 and 100,000 in fiscal 2017, administration officials told Bloomberg News.

Obama Doesn't Want All Illegal Immigrants.  Backed by the Obama administration, an immigration judge has ordered the deportation of at least 15 of the 27 Chaldean Christians who tried to cross the U.S.-Mexico border this year.  They were held at the ICE detention center in Otay Mesa, California for six months, WND reported.  Another five have been charged with immigration fraud and seven have been returned to Europe.  Europe could deport them back to Iraq.  Of the 1.5 million Christians who were living in Iraq before the war, only 200,000 to 300,000 are left because of the Christian genocide.  They live in Baghdad or Kurdish-controlled territories.  Barack Obama plans to take 85,000 refugees into the country this year — mainly or all Muslims — and another 100,000 next year but not these 27 Christians.

U.S. to Increase Admission of Refugees to 100,000 in 2017, Kerry Says.  The Obama administration will increase the number of refugees the United States is willing to accept in 2017 to 100,000, a significant increase over the current annual worldwide cap of 70,000, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday [9/20/2015].  The announcement came as Mr. Kerry conferred here with German officials on the wave of migrants that has swamped Europe and met with Syrian refugees who are seeking asylum in Europe.

U.S. Sets Target for More than 100,000 Refugee Admissions per Year.  Secretary of State John Kerry says the United States will increase the number of accepted refugees to 100,000 annually by 2017 and will seek ways to increase that number in subsequent years.

A Child's Body on a Turkish Beach.  [W]ith every photo of a dead child on the beach, we will open our doors wider.  And the people coming in not only won't share our values, they'll despise them.  Western democracies will face crisis after crisis.  And as Rahm Emanuel remarked, Dems should never allow a good crises to go to waste.  Especially if it can be used to destroy democracy.

Secretary Jeh Johnson Says Administration Will Carefully Vet Syrian Refugees.  Johnson's assurances come amid concerns that extremists from the Islamic State could blend in with the asylum seekers and circumvent the security checks.  The United States is making plans to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees in the coming budget year, a significant increase from the 1,500 people who have been cleared to resettle.

No Assimilation Needed in U.S., Obama Tells Millions of Migrants.  Foreigners who want to become U.S. citizens don't have to change their attitudes or beliefs, President Barack Obama said in a video aimed at convincing migrants to pursue American citizenship.  "It's not about changing who you are, it's about adding a new chapter to your journey... and to our journey as a nation of immigrants," Obama narrates in his two-minute video urging almost 9 million resident migrants to sign up for citizenship so they can vote in 2016.  Obama's deputies will award citizenship to 36,000 over the next few days.

Second German woman evicted from her home to make way for refugees.  A woman in Germany is being evicted from her home of 23 years to make way for asylum-seekers, in the second such case to emerge.  Gabrielle Keller has been given until the end of the year to leave her flat in the small southern town of Eschbach, near the border with France.  The flat belongs to the local municipality, which says it is needed to house refugees.

Liberal Groups Apply More Pressure to Increase Syrian Refugees to U.S..  A coalition of left-leaning, civil rights groups are calling on President Obama to take on significantly more Syrian refugees than his administration has already committed to accept in the coming two years.  The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the NAACP, the National Council of La Raza, the Anti-Defamation League, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, and others argue the U.S. is currently losing the "moral high ground" to European and Middle Eastern countries ,which have taken in millions of refugees from the war-torn nation.

Muslim Rape 'Misunderstandings' Come to Europe.  After Muslim terrorist attacks, we're told that the killers just "misunderstood" their religion.  They misunderstood the peaceful nature of Koranic verses such as "Kill them wherever you find them", "They should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides" and "Strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them".  But the misunderstandings of Islam are just getting started.  Not only are Americans and Europeans being murdered by Muslim terrorists due to these unfortunate misunderstandings, but European girls are being raped because of more misunderstandings.

How about Nantucket? Plenty of prime real estate for huddled Syrian masses.  If history is any guide, approximately 91 percent of this latest huddled refuse of your teeming shores will go onto welfare the moment they set foot here in the Great Satan.  That's the good news.  The bad news is, at least a few of this 91 percent of foreigners on welfare will also become terrorists.  The even worse news is, some of them already are terrorists.  They're taking their cues from the Obama administration, and never letting a crisis go to waste, so they'll sneak in to kill us.  John Kerry will welcome them with open arms — in your neighborhood, of course, not his.

South Carolina Resists Syrian Refugee Resettlement.  Middle Tennessee has long been a favorite dumping ground for Muslim refugees.  The threat posed by budding jihadists was dismissed there until Muhammad Abdualzeez went on his rampage shooting in Chattanooga.

Obama Should Kill ISIS, So the Refugees Can Go Home.  If Obama were Dr. Jonas Salk, he would have spent the early 1950s crafting wheelchairs rather than curing polio.  Similarly missing the point, Obama wants to accept 100,000 Syrian and Iraqi refugees who have washed up on Europe's shores and thrown themselves on the mercy of Western civilization.  European leaders this week developed quotas to distribute these distressed souls, likely including some terrorist infiltrators, across the Continent.

Calais Migrants Now Have A Nightclub, Complete With Cheap Beer.  The residents of the Calais camp known as The Jungle have set up shops, churches, and even a functioning nightclub replete with disco lights and cheap beer, turning the area into a functioning shanty town.  In sharp contrast to the images of desperate women and children fleeing from the fighting in the Middle East which has prompted so many to carry out relief convoys to the French port, the majority of the 5,000 migrants sheltering in the area are fit young men looking to come to the UK for work.

Mayors Of Eighteen U.S. Cities Tell Obama They Are Ready To Take More Syrian Refugees.  Mayors from eighteen U.S. cities signed a letter to President Obama saying they are willing to take even more refugees than what has been proposed by the administration.

Germany in a state of seige: Merkel was cheered when she opened the floodgates to migrants. Now, the mood's changing.  This week, David Cameron said Europe must send failed asylum claimants back to their own countries, while European Council president Donald Tusk has warned that millions more migrants are on their way and 'the policy of open doors and windows' must be scrapped.  They are tough words, but it's action that is needed.

The Migrants Obama Will Never Give The Time Of Day.  Earlier this week, the Obama administration announced that the U.S. would be taking in 175,000 fleeing Syrians as legal immigrants in an effort to "do its part" for a Europe that has been flooded with human waves of refugees.  The move caused consternation in America, because Islamic State terrorists are known to burrow among them and could easily infiltrate our country as a result.  "This is very simple; the bottom line is we should take in zero," said Donald Trump's campaign manager, echoing the popular sentiment.  If Obama has no problem with letting in a few terrorists among the genuine refugees, it's not quite a matter of simple generosity.  Like everything else he does, it's politics.  How could we know that?  By the fact that there are other refugees, with significantly worthier cases and far less risk, who've pretty well gotten the shaft from the Obama administration.

Germany seeks stricter limits on migrants, rolling back welcome mat.  European nations once friendly to refugees abruptly yanked their welcome mats Thursday [9/17/2015], as Germany considered slashing its benefits and Croatia announced it was closing most of its road links with Serbia "until further notice."  The German measures would overhaul asylum codes to stem the massive flow of migrants into Europe, scaling back the generous policies that have made Germany a beacon for desperate war refugees and economic migrants pouring out of the Middle East, Africa and beyond.

Top 20 Photos of Helpless Muslim Refugees in Europe You'll Never See in Legacy Media.  Why won't U.S. media show you how Muslim "refugees" are making themselves at home in Europe?  After all, the Democrat party is demanding that Obama bring 200,000 more of these "refugees" into American cities and towns — at taxpayer expense.  The least they could do is show you what you'll be getting for your money.  [See video clip here.]

Faced with thousands of migrants, European nations shut borders, block bridges, halt trains.  Thousands of migrants were trapped Friday [9/18/2015] in a vicious tug-of-war as bickering European governments shut border crossings, blocked bridges and erected new barbed-wire fences in a bid to stem the wave of humanity fleeing conflict and poverty in the Middle East and Africa.

Who's To Blame For Europe's Asylum Seekers?  As thousands of Syrians continue streaming into Europe, some Western powers are scrambling to accommodate them.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel is boasting about her plan to bring in 800,000 immediately and up to 500,000 annually for several years, although the warm welcome brought such a crush over the weekend that her government has had to actually close its borders temporarily.  The government acknowledges the influx will "change our country."  Sweden's prime minister is welcoming immigrants, too.  Canada and the United Kingdom will help, although they plan to bring in considerably fewer.  Now the Obama administration has announced it wants the United States to accept the "ambitious goal" of 10,000.

U.S. Didn't Ask Europe To Take Central American Refugees.  The United States is the most generous nation in the world, and we have taken many refugees from foreign lands.  Europe has not offered to take refugees from Central America, so why are some politicians here insisting that we take many thousands of refugees from the Middle East?  While refugee crises are tragic, crimes committed by transplanted peoples against unwarned, unprotected victims in our own country are even more tragic.  Politicians demanding that American neighborhoods accept thousands of refugees, without proper screening or any indication by the migrants that they genuinely want to assimilate into our culture, should be rejected.

The telltale truth of Syrian refugees left in garbage they leave behind.  As I look at photos posted by witnesses at the Italian/Austrian border, Serbian/Hungarian border, and various train stations around Europe, I am wondering who is going to clean the mountains of trash left behind for miles and miles, as far as the eye can see, by the "refugees" from the Middle East.  "Why has everyone, from everywhere and all at once, decided to start heading towards Europe, five years into the Syrian civil war?  This must be a manufactured mass migration."  It is not what the refugees used on their journey, but what they left behind unused — discarded Red Cross packaged water, crates of peaches, untouched packaged food, unopened baby diapers, brand new strollers, car seats, toys, and other necessities for someone traveling with a baby.  Since these items were left behind, it is obvious that there were no babies among them.

Police Fire Tear Gas At Rioting Migrants Chanting "Allah Hu Akbar" Trying to Break Through Hungarian Border.  Hungarian police have opened fire with tear gas against 1500 rioting migrants who are attempting to break through the country's border fence. Migrants have been chanting "Allah hu Akbar" while pelting police officers with missiles including "really big rocks", bottles, and even food, leading to the crack down.  The news follows Hungary's state of emergency declared yesterday [9/15/2015].  The Hungarian crack down followed the suspension of the Schengen free movement area by Germany and Austria this weekend.  It became clear to German authorities that a significant number of the migrants they were processing were not in fact refugees from Syria.

Hungary deploys Water Cannon and sprays migrants with tear gas in tough border crackdown.  Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic warned migrants against arriving to seek protection as Croatia has no capacity to recieve them.  He said:  "Croatia will close its border with Serbia if we witness again 8,000 migrants entering the country in one day.  "Croatia is not interested to be a country where the migrants will seek what they can get in other countries where they are now."  Some 9,000 migrants have entered Croatia since early Wednesday [9/16/2015] following the closure of Hungary's border with Serbia.

The American Refugee Resettlement Scam.  President Obama and his rancid leftist allies have subjected America to a blizzard of lies.  Nothing that leaves his mouth even remotely parrots the truth, but typically stands truth on its head.  The propaganda infrastructure spanning media, Hollywood, non-profit institutions and the halls of academia then erects a virtually impenetrable wall of disinformation to advance the lie.

Importing "Migrants" From Syria: What Could Go Wrong?  Europe is now discovering all of the benefits of unchecked immigration.  [Photo]  Which makes you wonder:  why are dozens of Democrats lobbying to import 150,000 Syrians (and untold number of ISIS terrorists) into the United States?

Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air-conditioned tents sitting empty, still won't take Syrian refugees.  As Saudi Arabia faces mounting criticism for refusing to take in any of the millions of Syrians fleeing conflict in their homeland, it was revealed this weekend that the country has over 100,000 empty, air-conditioned tents that could house up to 3 million refugees.  The tents, located roughly 2,150 miles from Syria in the city of Mina, are only used a few days a year to house pilgrims on their way to Mecca for the hajj, the news station TeleSUR reported.

Federal Data: U.S. Annually Admits Quarter Of A Million Muslim Migrants.  A Breitbart News review of State Department and Homeland Security data reveals that the United States already admits more than a quarter of a million Muslim migrants each year.  President Obama intends to add another 10,000 Syrian migrants on top of that.  In 2013 alone, 117,423 migrants from Muslim-majority countries were permanently resettled within the United States — having been given lawful permanent resident status.  Additionally in 2013, the United States voluntarily admitted an extra 122,921 temporary migrants from Muslim countries as foreign students and foreign workers as well as 39,932 refugees and asylees from Muslim countries.

'The Twin Cities have an ISIS problem'.  Minneapolis-St. Paul has what the media refers to as "an ISIS problem."  It's no coincidence ISIS is recruiting in the Twin Cities area.  There is a huge population of 30,000 Somali Muslims who live there.  I would say the area has a Muslim problem, but that's just me.

Why There Are So Few Women and Children Amid the Hordes of Islamic "Refugees".  The majority of the refugees pouring out of the Islamic world are young men of fighting age.  This is alarming when you consider the likelihood of many of them engaging in terrorist activities in the countries they are invading, but at least the absence of women should mean fewer next-generation welfare-dependent terrorists.  By the way, what happened to all the women?  Don't they want to escape the mess Muslims have made of their own countries?

Obama handing Caliphate on a plate to Islamic terrorists.  During his seven year long hold over America, Obama was the first western leader to fundamentally transform a once thriving nation into a helpless borderless state.  Like most of his policies, the borderless country concept was not his original idea, but one he adopted from the global citizen-advocating United Nations.  In the upheaval caused by millions of refugees flooding European borders, too many remain unaware that the imprimatur of a defenseless west was both laid bare and originated by none other than Barack Obama.  In their centuries-old dream of imposing a Caliphate on the civilized world, the bloodthirsty terrorists of radical Islam didn't have to read teacups this time.  They only had to follow Obama's Hansel and Gretel-like bread crumbs to find a surefire way into the West.

Migrant crisis: Munich 'at limit' as thousands more arrive.  The huge influx of migrants into southern Germany has continued unabated, with the Munich authorities now saying 13,000 arrived on Saturday [9/12/2015].  But the city authorities have again warned they are at "the limit" when it comes to coping with the numbers.  "We have reached the upper limit of our capacity," a police spokesman said, as frantic efforts were under way to accommodate the new arrivals.  Record numbers have also been crossing from Serbia into Hungary.

Germany 'to reinstate border controls' as country struggles with influx of refugees.  The Czech prime minister says [9/13/2015] that his country has deployed more police to the Austrian-Czech border in response to Germany's decision to renew border controls along its border with Austria in a bid to limit an influx of refugees.  Bohuslav Sobotka says the measure was taken "to ensure that laws and rules inside the Schengen zone are not violated."  Sobotka said that the government will assess the situation on a regular basis and will take further security measures if needed.

Bringing Even 10,000 Syrian Migrants To America Is A Mistake.  As millions of Syrian migrants stream into Europe, the Obama Administration has announced that the United States will be taking in 10,000 refugees.  That is a mistake.  Of course, that mistake could get a lot worse before it's over.  Democrats are already calling for a massive increase in those numbers.  Dick Durbin, among others, has called for us to take in another 65,000 refugees.  There were initial reports that John Kerry called for us to take in 100,000 migrants behind closed doors, but when that went public, he denied it and indicated the number would probably be closer to another 30,000.  Given that Germany is promising to take in 800,000 migrants this year and 500,000 a year afterwards, the pressure will be on for America to dramatically increase the number of Syrians we take in.

Germany Announces Emergency Border Controls Amid Migrant Crisis.  Germany announced on Sunday [9/13/2015] that it was invoking emergency powers to start protecting its borders, seemingly reaching a point of overload after greeting with open arms tens of thousands of migrants pouring into Europe, and urging other European nations to do the same.  Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière announced the decision to impose temporary controls on Germany's southern border with Austria, after thousands of migrants have crossed over in recent weeks.

John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and the Muslim invasion.  Now we have John McCain and Lindsey Graham jumping into the fray regarding "Syrian refugees," recommending we take them in.  It's not a surprise they would be on the wrong side of this issue, as they are on so many issues, but it's no less sickening every time they, or any member of the Republican Party, reveal how spineless they are.  Last week, responding to a report that international groups are pressuring the United States to take not 10,000, but 65,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016, Tucker Carlson asked McCain and Graham if allowing any refugees into this country is in the best interest of America.

Cultural Suicide: A Do-It-Yourself GuideThe Camp of the Saints tells the story of the destruction of European civilization (including its outpost in the United States), partly by a flood of unassimilable wretches from India, partly by a failure of nerve on the part of the custodians of European civilization.  The choice, Respail noted in an afterword, was stark:  ["]To let them in would destroy us.  To reject them would destroy them.["]  Is this a false dichotomy?  Maybe.  But think about this:  As I write, Munich is gearing up for Oktoberfest, the annual festival the city has been celebrating since 1810.  There will be beer, lots of it, and pork sausages and women in dirndls.  A good time will be had by all.  Well, almost all — the Muslims are not amused.

Also posted under The religion of the easily offended.

Germany and the Hijrah: New Laws May Force Homeowners to Rent Properties to Migrants.  According to the German newspaper MMnews, federal and local governments may be planning compulsory rentals of vacant properties to migrants.

72 Democrats In Congress: We Must Allow 130,000 Syrians and ISIS Terrorists Into the U.S..  A letter to the House of Representatives signed by 72 Democrats insists the United States take in 130,000 Syrian refugees.  Representatives Conyers and Lofgren, in a separate statement, want 200,000 refugees.  Representatives John Conyers and Zoe Lofgren want the United States to take in 200,000 refugees and they want 100,000 of that number to be from Syria.  The fact that they can't be vetted is of no consequence to them.

Before Welcoming Thousands of Syrian Refugees, We Should Consider What Somali Immigrants Have Brought the U.S..  Thanks to American refugee-resettlement and family-reunification policies, Minneapolis has the dubious distinction of hosting the largest concentration of Somalis in the United States — some 30,000, according to census records, though Somali leaders say that underestimates the population by tens of thousands.  The influx began in the 1980s, as Somalia succumbed to internal violence, and continued through the '90s, as it was consumed by civil war.  A quarter-century later, Somalia remains among the least stable countries on Earth, and Somalis continue to come to the United States in droves.  Before the Obama administration welcomes 10,000 (or more) Syrian refugees, it should consider the Somalis.

America's Reckless Refuge for Jihad.  Have you forgotten?  Ramzi Yousef landed at New York City's JFK airport from Pakistan and flashed an Iraqi passport without a visa to inspectors.  He was briefly detained for illegal entry and fingerprinted, but was allowed to remain in the country after invoking the magic words "political asylum."  Yousef was released for lack of detention space and headed to Jersey City to plot the deadly 1993 World Trade Center bombing.  Have you forgotten?  Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer, a Palestinian bomb-builder, entered the U.S. illegally through Canada in 1996-97.  He claimed political asylum based on phony persecution by Israelis, was released on a reduced $5,000 bond posted by a man who was himself an illegal alien and then skipped his asylum hearing.

Obama OKs admitting 10,000 more Syrian refugees, igniting new debate.  The United States, destination for scores of millions immigrants and refugees throughout its history, is now on the verge of an emotional, profoundly political debate about a new wave of refugees from the Syrian war.  A debate certain to be complicated by the complexities of divisive presidential campaigns, a stubbornly sluggish economic recovery stingy with new jobs for native Americans and an emotional pre-existing debate about millions of illegal immigrants already resident.  While Americans' traditional tug is to sympathize and welcome what the Statue of Liberty calls "the wretched refuse of your teeming shore," that attitude was drastically tempered by terrorist attacks exactly 14 years ago today.  That deadly 9/11 with subsequent attacks and beheadings instilled a profound suspicion of foreign visitors, especially if they, like the attackers, are Arab Muslims.

Report: Obama wants to 'open floodgates' to Syrian and ISIS refugees.  Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is warning that President Obama plans to use emergency authority to go around Congress to "open the floodgates" to Syrian refugees, even if he has to parole thousands into the United States.  In a statement after the administration suggested it was ready to increase the number of refugees accepted by 5,000 next year to 75,000, including an unspecified number from Syria, Grassley said that the U.S. already does enough to help refugees and he said Obama instead should urge Middle Eastern nations to help first.

10,000 Refugees: The Net Result of Barack Obama's Inaction.  Barack Obama drew several lines in the sand that Syria kept crossing.  He laughed off helping the rebels against Syria until he had to do something.  Then he armed a bunch of rebels who sided with ISIS.  The situation in Syria has continued to destablize.  Barack Obama's answer was to help the people help themselves.  We were not going to fight for them.  They were going to have to do it themselves.  And now we will be taking 10,000 Syrian refugees into our country because Barack Obama's inaction led to a refugee crisis. [...] A refugee crisis has happened because Barack Obama did not want to deal with the immediate issue.  Now we are having to deal with a humanitarian crisis caused by Obama's refusal to deal with a different humanitarian crisis.  Meanwhile, Russia is building military installations in Syria to help the Syrians.

A Third Of Migrants To Italy Refusing Identification Measures.  More than 40,000 migrants who arrived in Italy this year have refused to be identified.  Italian police say many choose to remain unknown hoping to move on to other EU member states.  Of the 122,000 migrants who have arrived in Italy so far this year, figures released by the Servizio di Polizia Scientifica (SPS) show only about 81,000 have agreed to be identified.  Italy's ANSA news agency reports that those refusing to undergo identification processes are mainly Eritreans, Somalis and Syrians according to SPS director Daniela Stradiotto.  She explained:  "It's technically impossible to force them to undergo photo and fingerprint identification."

Finland To Raise Tax On High Earners To Cover Refugee Costs.  Finland's government on Thursday [9/10/2015] proposed increasing capital gains tax and income tax on high earners to help pay for a 10-fold increase in refugees expected to arrive this year, its finance minister said.

Migrant Turks And Kurds Battle On Frankfurt Streets, German Army Called In.  At least five arrests were made in Frankfurt on Thursday night after a march by supporters of Turkish nationalism descended into bloody violence when they clashed with rival Kurd separatists.  Video of the riot has emerged on the same day Germany announced it will place 4,000 soldiers on standby over the weekend to help with a new wave of up to 40,000 refugees arriving in the country.

Can Europe Stay Europe After Muslim Migrant Surge? Doubtful.  The European Union is bracing for as many as 800,000 mostly Muslim refugees arriving from the chaos in the Middle East this year, mainly Syria, Iraq and Eritrea.  And it may be just the beginning.  Can the EU withstand such a religio-demographic earthquake?  Its failure to enforce any concept of borders isn't a good sign.  True enough, Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan have taken in 3 million refugees.  But the Gulf States, in particular Saudi Arabia, have said no.  They emphatically reject Western-style open borders.

Democrats urge U.S. to take 100,000 Syrian refugees.  Two top Democrats have called for the U.S. to accept 100,000 Syrian refugees next year, or 10 times the number President Obama proposed this week, saying America should "do our part."  Reps. John Conyers Jr. and Zoe Lofgren, who are the two top House Democrats on the committee dealing with immigration, also said the U.S. should take a total of 200,000 refugees, or nearly three times the number accepted in 2014.

America's Reckless Refuge for Jihad.  On the anniversary week of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, President Obama is rolling out the welcome mat to tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees.  What could go wrong?  There's no need to hypothesize.  Our nation remains utterly incapable of screening out legitimate dreamers from destroyers, liberty-seekers from liberty-stiflers.  Indiscriminate asylum and refugee policies rob the truly deserving of an opportunity for freedom — and threaten our national security.  It's shameful that our leaders in Washington, sworn to uphold and defend our Constitution and our people, suffer chronic amnesia about the fatal consequences of open borders.

Behold, the Hijrah: Refugee Riot In Germany Injures 17... Over A Torn Qu'ran.  If you don't know what a hijrah is, you're seeing one in Europe right now.

The Roots of the Migration Crisis.  What we are witnessing today is a crisis of two civilizations:  The Middle East and Europe are both facing deep cultural and political problems that they cannot solve.  The intersection of their failures and shortcomings has made this crisis much more destructive and dangerous than it needed to be — and carries with it the risk of more instability and more war in a widening spiral.  The crisis in the Middle East has to do with much more than the breakdown of order in Syria and Libya.  It runs deeper than the poisonous sectarian and ethnic hatreds behind the series of wars stretching from Pakistan to North Africa.  At bottom, we are witnessing the consequences of a civilization's failure either to overcome or to accommodate the forces of modernity.

The False Idol of Compassion for Migrants and Refugees.  In the 20th century, many Western countries were nearly destroyed by wars of aggression and imperialist ambition.  How the seasons have turned.  In the 21st century, we may see Western nations destroyed by compassion — or less noble impulses masquerading as compassion.  There are certainly still a few countries with a sense of self-preservation.  Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu provides an example.

Wilders tells Dutch parliament refugee crisis is 'Islamic invasion'.  Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders called the wave of refugees pushing into Europe an "Islamic invasion", during a parliamentary debate on Thursday [9/12/2015] that exposed deep divisions over how the Netherlands should respond to the crisis.  In a debate a day after European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker appealed to EU members to share out refugees arriving on the bloc's fringes, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said the EU should help them in camps closer to their country of origin, rather than in Europe.  Angela Merkel, leader of Germany which is taking in far more refugees than any other EU country, wants the rest of the EU to accept quotas of asylum seekers.  The conservative Dutch government says it is only willing to take in more if all EU states agree.

Obama Increases Number of Syrian Refugees for U.S. Resettlement to 10,000.  President Obama, under increasing pressure to demonstrate that the United States is joining European nations in the effort to resettle Syrian refugees, has told his administration to take in at least 10,000 displaced Syrians over the next year.  Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said in a briefing Thursday [9/10/2015] that while the administration was continuing to examine responses to a refugee crisis that has overwhelmed Europe in recent days, the president has decided to raise the number of Syrian refugees admitted to at least 10,000 in the fiscal year beginning in October from fewer than 2,000 this year.

Obama wants U.S. to prepare for 10,000 Syrian refugees next year: White House.  President Barack Obama has directed his administration to prepare to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, the White House said on Thursday [9/10/015].  It is the first specific commitment the United States has made toward increasing its acceptance of refugees from the war-torn country.  Since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, the United States has taken in 1,500 refugees, with 300 more expected to be cleared by October.

Religious groups want U.S. to accept 100,000 Syrian refugees.  Religious groups in the United States have urged the White House to step up its response to the Syrian refugee crisis, with one on Tuesday calling Washington's efforts so far "disappointing."  Church World Service, a global humanitarian organization that represents 37 Christian denominations, has called on the government to take in 100,000 Syrians over the next year, said Jen Smyers, who works on the group's immigration and refugee program.

Saudi Arabia Offers to Build 200 Mosques for Syrians in Germany.  Saudi Arabia, which doesn't permit the construction of churches but finances a mosque construction spree in the land of the infidel, will not be taking in Syrian refugees.  Even though they are fellow Muslims.  It will however offer to build 200 mosques in Germany for their use.  It's a kind offer.  The only proper way for Europe to reciprocate would be to send a million soccer hooligans to Saudi Arabia and then offer to build facilities to teach them of the importance of trashing the country and abusing any native they come across.  Of course the Saudis aren't stupid enough to fall for that one.  Not even if the soccer hooligans bring along the occasional woman and child to use as emotional human shields while battering their way into a country they hate in every possible way aside from its social services.  Only Westerners are stupid enough to fall for that one.

Melanie Phillips: Accepting Migrant Influx Is A Huge Mistake, Will Change Europe Forever.  Accepting thousands of migrants will change Britain and Europe forever, columnist Melanie Phillips has warned.  In an article for The Times, Phillips says that few seem have thought through the implications of allowing in many thousands of migrants into Europe.  She also accuses the left of indulging in "virtue signalling" by holding up placards proclaiming migrants welcome.

Where is the 'Ummah' now?  Whenever Britain or America or Israel do have any involvement in any Islamic country we hear a very great deal about the 'Ummah'.  The OIC and the Arab League, for instance, never miss an opportunity to talk about the brotherhood and unity of the Islamic nation and how much any 'hurt' or offence to any part of this entity hurts and offends the whole.  Well Iran and Qatar, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Turkey and almost every other Muslim country in the Middle East have been involving themselves in the Syrian civil war for four years now.  Many have sent fully-equipped armies of their own to fight intra-Islamic rivalries in the homeland of the Syrian peoples.  And yet it is Europeans who are falling for the idea that because of this, it is our responsibility — not theirs — to pay for the mess they have created.  Well it seems to me that at the very least we should ask these countries 'Where is your "Ummah" now?'  Sure, Jordan and Lebanon are grudgingly having to cope with plenty of refugees from Syria.  But not one of the Gulf States — not one — has a resettlement programme for a single Syrian refugee.

"Just wait": Islamic State says it has smuggled 1000s of jihadis into Europe.  Authorities should not dismiss this claim lightly.  After all, European officials are doing absolutely nothing to determine if there are jihadis among the refugees.

Expediting National Suicide with 'Refugees'.  [Scroll down]  Numbers aside, the issue of Syrian refugees must be put into a larger context.  (And, just for the record, the word refugees really should be put in quotes, as will be explained later.)  First, everyone must ask why so many Islamic nations are refusing these refugees. [...] No doubt this fear of importing terrorists is sincere, if not also ironic coming from countries that enforce Sharia law.  But there is likely another factor at play, which is hijrah, the Islamic doctrine of immigration whereby societies are overwhelmed with Muslims such that Muslims become the dominant force.  Immigration jihad.

Europe's death knell.  Approximately 104,460 asylum seekers arrived in Germany during the month of August, setting a new record.  That makes 413,535 registered refugees and migrants coming to Germany in 2015 so far.  The country expects a total of around 800,000 people to seek asylum in Germany this year.  And that's just Germany.  The entire continent of Europe is being inundated with refugees at a rate unprecedented in world history.  This is no longer just a "refugee crisis."  This is a hijrah. [...] To emigrate in the cause of Allah — that is, to move to a new land in order to bring Islam there, is considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act.  "And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance," says the Qur'an.

Reports: Last Year's ISIS Terrorists are This Year's Mid-East Refugees.  It shouldn't come as much of a surprise that reports are surfacing that ISIS terrorists are embedded within the "Mid-East Refugees".  It should not surprise us, because the Islamic State specifically said they were going to do it.  After all, President Obama and Hillary Clinton positioned the U.S. Air force as a military wing on behalf of (al-Qaeda) ISIS in 2010 and 2011.  The U.S. carried out numerous airstrikes specifically to benefit ISIS (al-Qaeda) in Libya and Syria.

We won't save refugees by destroying our own country.  Actually we can't do what we like with this country.  We inherited it from our parents and grandparents and we have a duty to hand it on to our children and grandchildren, preferably improved and certainly undamaged.  It is one of the heaviest responsibilities we will ever have.  We cannot just give it away to complete strangers on an impulse because it makes us feel good about ourselves.  Every one of the posturing notables simpering 'refugees welcome' should be asked if he or she will take a refugee family into his or her home for an indefinite period, and pay for their food, medical treatment and education.  If so, they mean it.  If not, they are merely demanding that others pay and make room so that they can experience a self-righteous glow.

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Updated March 25, 2025.

©2025 by Andrew K. Dart