Islam is not a "Religion of Peace"
for every tree is known by his own fruit
If your only source of information is television news, you hear all about Ramadan,
quotes from the Koran, and constant reminders that Islam is a wonderful "religion
of peace." Judging by the articles below, nothing could be further from
the truth.
is Not a Religion. What is Islam? To answer that question, it's more important
to know what Islam isn't. Islam is not a religion. It is an authoritarian, political
ideology that forcibly imposes itself on all aspects of any society unfortunate enough to be under
its yoke. Islam demands complete subjugation by its adherents. Under Islam, there is no
democracy, there is no free speech, no freedom of religion, no freedom of the press, no minority
rights, and there's no right to love whoever you desire. Islam allows no dissent. It is
a complete and total way of life that glorifies oppression, slavery, and death. Islam has
religious, legal, political, economic, cultural, and military components. The religious
component is the veil that hides the dangers of its all-encompassing ideology. Islam was
founded in the 7th century by the Prophet Mohammed. From its beginnings, Islam never
attempted or bothered to convert "non-believers" by friendly persuasion. Instead, Islam
converted non-believers by conquest and forcible conversion, or you were slaughtered.
Terrorism Remains the World's Greatest Threat to Peace. [T]he coordinated bomb blasts aimed at Christian
worshipers on Easter Sunday, which killed at least 290 people and injured hundreds more, demonstrates the kind of meticulous
planning, funding, resources and support that is still exclusively the domain of radical Islamic terrorism. It's not
merely that the act was planned to maximize the death toll, but that it is a continuation of long-standing efforts by
Islamists to destroy the Christian communities left in Asia. Those who kill in the name of Islam are part of a
worldwide, historic, ideological and political movement that includes, to various degrees and various reasons, radicalized
men and women from both great factions of the faith. Then again, terrorist groups — as well as their
recruitment and propaganda outfits — are often functioning in Islamic regimes, which either actively sustain
terror, tolerate these groups or pay them off to engage in terrorism elsewhere.
Who Commits Most of the World's
Extremist Violence? Even a superficial glance at the record indicates that of the nearly 20,000 people killed
in thousands of extremist killings in 2017, white supremacists were responsible for very few. The worst terrorist event
of 2017, according to the State Department, was the explosion of a truck bomb outside the Safari Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia,
which killed more than 580 people. This violent act is believed to have been the work of Al-Shabaab, which was
responsible for 97 percent of the 370 instances of extremist killings in Somalia in 2017, accounting for about 1,400
deaths — mostly civilian. The remaining violent acts were carried out by Jabha East Africa (ISIS-Somalia), a
dissident Al-Shabaab splinter group. The deadliest extremist attack in Egypt's history took place in 2017, when
ISIS-Sinai terrorists converged on a mosque in Sinai during Friday prayers and slaughtered 312 people, including 27 children,
when they came outside. Also in Egypt that year, on Palm Sunday, an extremist suicide bomber connected to IS-Egypt
killed 30 Coptic Christians at a church in Tanta. He coordinated his actions with another suicide bomber, who killed 16
people at a church in Alexandria.
Years of Jihad and Islamic Terror, Well Told by Robert Spencer. Spencer's The History of Jihad: From
Muhammad to ISIS is an amazing book, extraordinary in its detail and riveting in its narratives and analysis. This
book documents the history of horrors, violence, brutality, oppression, conquests by the sword, beheadings of hundreds of
thousands (probably millions), destruction of civilizations and cultures, corruption, deception, and lies that are part of
the Islamist culture, and every other evil that you can imagine that one group of humans could impose on others in the name
of an ideology or, in this case, a pseudo-religion. The book is a comprehensive history of the role of war and terror
in the spread of Islam, and the book details 1,400 years of sheer evil with no relief, imposed on the Middle East, Eastern
Europe, North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, India, and Asia. The only let-up in these killings that ever came was when
some of the cultures and civilizations successfully repulsed the monsters, or else were conquered and then violently and
rapidly subdued.
Islamic Threat Can Be Countered. In 2017, Pew Research did an extensive survey of world attitudes towards
Muslims, and Muslim attitudes towards non-Muslims. Of interest to this writer was the following statement: "More
generally, Muslims mostly say that suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians in the name of Islam are
rarely or never justified, including 92% in Indonesia and 91% in Iraq. In the United States, a 2011 survey found that
86% of Muslims say such tactics are rarely or never justified. An additional 7% say suicide bombings are sometimes
justified and 1% say they are often justified." Pew tells us that there are 2,150,000 adult Muslims in the U.S. If one
percent says suicide bombings are often justified, that means that there are 21,500 Muslims in our country who would justify
these types of actions that purportedly advance the cause of Islam. Another seven percent say suicide bombings are
sometimes justified. That amounts to another 150,500 who actively support these actions. [...] It is a complete
non sequitur to say that Muslims are a peaceful people. Even if the overwhelming majority is "peaceful,"
accepting the figures stated above would seem to delegitimize unfettered Muslim immigration.
Timely news and commentary:
The Most Dangerous Place To Be a Christian. For yet another year, Nigeria has been
named the most dangerous country in the world for Christians, according to the 2025 Global
Persecution Index. The numbers tell a truly horrifying story. Over the past two
decades, at least 50,000 Christians have been murdered in Nigeria. Hundreds of thousands more
have been displaced, forced to flee their homes as villages are set ablaze, churches are ransacked,
and entire communities are wiped off the map. The persecution is not sporadic, nor is it
random. It is targeted, systematic, and worsening. And yet, the world remains
silent. Nigeria's Christian population, particularly in the northern and central regions,
faces an unrelenting campaign of terror. The perpetrators operate under various
banners — Boko Haram, the Islamic State's West Africa Province (ISWAP), and, perhaps
most alarmingly, Fulani herdsmen extremists, whose role in the bloodshed has been grotesquely
downplayed by the international community.
Celebrates After Islamic State Leader Blown to Bits in Iraq. It's always good to see
bad terrorists being turned into good terrorists. The latest goblin to have his birth
certificate permanently revoked was one Abdallah Maki Mosleh al-Rifai, the leader of ISIS in Iraq
and Syria. On Friday, the Iraqi government announced al-Rifai was taken out in an
airstrike. The world is now a slightly better place.
does the beheading of Christians not make headlines? The Congolese chapter of Islamic
State has a ruthless way of stopping outsiders reporting their presence to the authorities.
Under the edicts of their founder, Jamil Mukulu, who once lived as a cleric in London, anyone who
strays across them in their forest hideouts should be killed on sight. 'Slaughter him or her,
behead them immediately,' Mukulu once commanded. 'Never give it a second thought, do not
hesitate.' His acolytes take him at his word, even when it's not just one hapless villager who
runs into them, but dozens. Last month, they beheaded 70 Christians in Mayba in the eastern
Congo, according to the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, which campaigns on behalf of
persecuted Christians worldwide. The charity said the corpses of the victims, including
women, children and elderly, were dumped in a nearby evangelical church.
must designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. The M.B. is a
terrorist organization and must be designated as such by the United States. The M.B. has been
spreading its radical agenda for over 80 years. Established in Egypt, it has grown into
the largest, most organized, and best financed radical Islamist movement on the planet. Its
main headquarters sits in Jordan, where it enjoys full protection and support from the monarchy.
This is not some underground network hiding in the shadows. The M.B. operates in plain sight,
pulling the strings behind the worst acts of terror in modern history. The evidence is
undeniable. The M.B. created the monsters of our time. Osama bin Laden was personally
trained by Jordanian M.B. leader Dr. Abdullah Azzam. Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden's
right-hand man and successor, was an M.B. recruit from the start. ISIS's caliph, Abu Bakr
al-Baghdadi, was an M.B. member before his reign of terror. Even Hamas —
responsible for thousands of attacks on Israeli civilians and killing Israeli babies —
was founded as the Palestinian branch of the M.B. The M.B. does not just encourage
terrorism — it manufactures terrorists.
region with more 'terror deaths' than rest of world combined. The Sahel region of
Africa is the "epicentre of global terrorism" and now, for the first time, accounts for "over half
of all terrorism-related deaths", according to the Global Terrorism Index (GTI). Its new
report says that in this semi-arid area to the south of the Sahara Desert 3,885 people out of
a worldwide total of 7,555 died. The GTI report adds that while the global figure has
declined from a peak of 11,000 in 2015 the figure for the Sahel has increased nearly tenfold since
2019, as extremist and insurgent groups "continue to shift their focus" towards the region.
The index is published by the Institute for Economics and Peace, a think-tank dedicated to
researching global peace and conflict. It defines terrorism as the "threatened or actual use
of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain a political, economic, religious, or
social goal through fear, coercion, or intimidation".
another mass shooting, appears to be Muslim-on-Muslim violence. Just 3 days
after the German people refused to vote in a government that would tackle Muslim violence and mass
Muslim immigration, Germany has been rocked by another incident of Muslim violence with several
people reportedly injured after a shooting at a court in Germany.
Christians beheaded in African country by ISIS-aligned militants, groups say; world mostly
silent. Seventy Christians have been beheaded with machetes or large knives,
according to multiple groups that monitor terrorism and persecution, by Islamist militants in the
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) — and yet the world remains mostly silent. The
70 Christians were first rounded up by Islamist rebels from the Allied Democratic Forces, a group
affiliated with the terror group Islamic State, or ISIS, according to Open Doors U.S., which
monitors Christian persecution around the world. The Christians, reportedly all from the
Lubero district, were forced out of their homes allegedly early in the morning of Feb. 13,
with the rebels shouting, "Get out, get out." They were taken hostage, and moved to a small
Christian church in the village of Kasanga. There, inside the building that had until then
been considered a sanctuary, they were first tied up, and then all 70 were beheaded, the
groups say.
terror: coming to a town near you? Islam remains among the very few religions that
kill apostates. While others, such as Christianity, can cite clear scripture to disapprove of
homosexuality, it has been a long time since Christians, as a matter of doctrine, killed anyone on
the LGBTQ spectrum. [...] Certainly, many Muslims have no desire to kill anyone, and prefer to live
in peace with their neighbors of all faiths. However, they're not observing the letter and
intent of Islam, and more militant Muslims consider them apostates, subject to death. That
every Muslim not on the path of jihad is not killed by jihadists like those who killed Hendricks is
likely mostly a matter of priority rather than tolerance. Islamists generally seem to have
bigger fish to fry. Islamic beliefs are clear and readily discoverable, so why should anyone
imagine a "gay Imam" wouldn't be killed? Why would that come as a surprise, and why would
anyone be shocked when Muslims committing savage violence are following the teachings of their faith?
'first openly gay imam' shot dead in South Africa. Muhsin Hendricks, a pioneering
figure dubbed the world's first openly gay imam, has been shot dead in South Africa. The
57-year-old cleric ran a mosque in Cape Town intended as a safe haven for gay and other
marginalised Muslims. He was killed on Saturday morning after the car in which he was
travelling near the southern city of Gqeberha was ambushed. "Two unknown suspects with covered
faces got out of the vehicle and started firing multiple shots at the vehicle," police said in a statement.
Islam' Is as Stupid as 'Moderate Nazism'. Renowned scholar Raymond Ibrahim has once
again shattered the establishment's narrative on Islam, directly challenging the myth that because
not all Muslims engage in violence, Islam itself must be innocent. Ibrahim, who has spent
over two decades researching Islamic history and doctrine, presents a clear and unflinching
truth: Islam contains supremacist and violent teachings, but not all Muslims actively follow
them — just as not all members of a dangerous ideology necessarily embody its worst
aspects. [Video clip]
is Hamas, and Hamas is Qatar'. Many other people also know Qatar very well.
They know, for example, that Qatar is Hamas's most important financial backer and foreign
ally. Then Qatari ruler Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani was the first state leader to visit
the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip in 2012. Qatar, in addition, has reportedly transferred
$1.8 billion to Hamas over the past two decades. For many years, Qatar hosted several
leaders of Hamas, including Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh. They lived in hotels and
villas in Doha and were treated as heads of state. After the October 7, 2023 Hamas-led
attack on Israel, resulting in the murder of 1,200 Israelis, the wounding of thousands others and
the kidnapping of more than 250, Qatar's foreign ministry released a statement holding "Israel
alone responsible" for the massacre. Qatar also uses its television empire, Al-Jazeera, to
promote Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and other terror groups.
Another CAIR Official Lets the Mask Slip. The establishment media and all too many
government and law enforcement officials continued to treat the Council on American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR) as if it really were the neutral civil rights organization it claims to be, but
it's getting ever more difficult to sustain that façade. Too many CAIR officials keep
letting the mask slip. The latest is Noora Shalash, who reportedly is or was the Director of
Government Affairs for CAIR-Kentucky. She was recently caught on video assaulting a Jewish
man and screaming: "I demand jihad, I want ISIS to kill all of you." Now, virtually all of the
politicians who have happily stood next to CAIR top dogs for photo ops and courted the Muslim vote
by praising CAIR to the skies don't know this, or don't care, but Shalash's Jew-hatred is not an
exception for CAIR leaders. It's the norm.
Shows The Director Of CAIR In Kentucky Assaulting Jews In Manhattan. A viral video
has emerged on social media allegedly showing Noora Shalash, the Director of Government Affairs at
CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) Kentucky, engaging in an aggressive altercation with a
group of Jewish visitors in Manhattan. In the video, the woman, identified as Shalash,
reportedly yells, "I demand Jihad, I want ISIS to kill all of you." The authenticity of the video
has not been independently confirmed, although it has garnered millions of views and widespread
attention online. [Video clip]
and Betrayal. As we are bound to acknowledge, violence works. An indispensable
tool of political gangsterism (i.e. autocratism, totalitarianism), it has always
worked — and always will. Likewise with the mere threat of violence. Because
the West is losing ground to the rest of the world (e.g. the so-called "BRICS" countries), the
norms of civilization have come under increasing pressure; its citizens are no longer protected
from religious intolerance and barbarism in Europe itself. The prospect of legal
repercussions in Western courts is insufficient to deter the barbarians from attacking those who
exercise their freedom of expression. That we are dealing with an implacable enemy whose
outlook on life is the opposite of our own is evident from the unsettling statement that "Islamists
love death as much as we love life".
Muslims are bent on world domination, either through politics or brute force. Canadian
Islamic Group Resumes Annual Conference Demanding Caliphate and Sharia Law. A
controversial Canadian Islamic group called Hizb ut Tahrir Canada has resumed its annual Khilafah
Conference, an event that calls for rule by a global "caliphate" under sharia law. Hizb
ut-Tahrir ("Party of Liberation") is a worldwide Islamist militant organization whose British
branch was banned as a terrorist entity in January 2024. The group has urged violence to
annihilate Israel and "liberate" the Palestinians and openly supports the October 7 atrocities
perpetrated by Hamas. Its manifesto calls for Islam to "encapsulate" the world, imposing
strict Muslim law in every nation.
Must Have No Place in the West. The jihadist attack on Bourbon Street in New Orleans
on January 1, 2025, in which 14 people were murdered by an American who converted to
Islam and became an Islamist, should come as no surprise. This was not the first time that a
jihadist in the United States or Europe had attacked in "vehicular jihad." The Islamic State
(ISIS) appears to have "encouraged" it in 2010. ISIS even recommended that to cause "maximum
carnage," it be used preferably in "pedestrian only" sites. In the US, jihadist attacks,
vehicular and other, include 9/11/2001, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Fort Hood slayings and the
New Orleans attack. In Europe there have been at least 15 vehicular jihad attacks, including
two on Christmas markets in Germany; one in Nice, France on July 14, 2016, and more in France,
Spain, the UK and Sweden. There have also been countless non-vehicular jihadist attacks there,
including the London Underground attacks of 2005, the slaughter at the French satirical magazine
Charlie Hebdo, the mass-murder at Bataclan Theater, among many others.
Rape Jihad Is Unmentionable Because It's Doctrinal. Among the most heinous elements
of the sudden interest in the rape jihad, catalyzed by Elon Musk's admirable hounding of Britain's
oh-so-progressive government, is that the "grooming gangs" are a very old story. The rape
jihad wasn't hiding in plain sight; it was willfully covered up by Parliament, by Britain and its
allies in Europe's transnational progressive project, and by the American cognoscenti.
Talking about it was a surer guarantee of pariah status than participating in it. And then
there's the why. Why is it a signature sexual abuse that we're not supposed to talk about?
Well, because it's deeply rooted in Islamic scripture. If you have the temerity to notice that,
there looms the risk of admonition that the problem is not the rape jihad but your "Islamophobia."
Orleans Terrorist Wanted To Kill His Entire Family. New Orleans terror attack suspect
Shamsud-Din Jabbar intended to kill his family but was concerned media attention wouldn't be
focused on the "war between believers & disbelievers." The FBI says Jabbar posted multiple
videos online. [Video clip]
Human Rights and the West. Islamic values, in contrast, originate from the
Quran and the Hadith — the sayings and actions of Mohammed, written
200 years after his death. Both books contain the bases of Sharia ["The Path"]
and Islamic law, which, in application, can have moral and ethical requirements antithetical to
Western concepts of justice. Sharia tenets, which have different views from those in
the West on human rights, justice, mercy and compassion, might appear alien to Judeo-Christian
precepts. Sharia, in usage, often contravenes the basic values of the West's liberal
democratic tradition. The moral laws of each tradition — that of the Torah
and Sharia — when applied — result in different outcomes. Most
of the punishments specified in the Torah are no longer practiced. According to
Sharia, however, punishments such as amputations or stoning to death for adultery,
"especially women" — which can include pre-marital sex or having been raped —
as well as death for blasphemy or for choosing to leave the religion, are in force to this day.
"If they [Muslims] had gotten rid of the punishment [often death] for apostasy, Islam would not
exist today," the late Sunni religious leader, Yusuf al Qaradawi, speculated on Egyptian television.
Syrian Jihadists Take Over Syria: Kurds, Half a Million Christians Under Intolerable
Threat. The Assad family's rule of Syria, which lasted more than 50 years,
collapsed on December 8. Jihadist forces took control of Damascus after President Bashar
al-Assad escaped to a luxurious life in Moscow. Today, roughly half a million Christians and
2.5 million Kurds in Syria face a future of persecution and abuse at the hands of jihadist
terrorists. The offensive launched by the jihadists of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), formerly
the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda, began on November 27. These terrorists, backed by Turkey, first
captured Aleppo and a string of other towns and cities in a matter of days, before converging on
Damascus. Since 2017, HTS has been the dominant Islamist militia in Syria. A former
branch of Al Qaeda, in 2018, HTS was officially designated a terrorist organization by the US
government. The group's name, Hayat Tahrir al Sham, means "Organization for the Liberation of
the Levant," meaning much of the Middle East, including Israel, Lebanon and Jordan. Since
2019, HTS, working with Turkey, has controlled northern Idlib through the so-called "Syrian
Salvation Government" (SSG).
to Orwell's World. In our time, as well, our speech is polluted by words that do not speak
the truth but cover it up. [For example,] "Islamophobia": Phobia is a Greek word Sigmund Freud
chose to label the mental disorder of a baseless, irrational fear. Islamophobia thus purports to dismiss
fear of Islam as irrational. However, look at some of what Muslims have done in the last 52 years:
• massacred Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics (1972)
• kidnapped 52 American diplomats in Iran (1979)
• blew Pan Am 103 out of the sky over Scotland (1988)
• generated Hell on Earth on 9/11 (2001)
• bombed London's Tavistock Square and tube station leaving 52 dead (2005)
• murdered 13 and wounded 30 at Ft. Hood, Texas while yelling "Allahu Akbar!" (2009)
• bombed the Boston Marathon, killing three and wounding 280 (2013)
• slaughtered 16 and wounded two at a Christmas office party bombing in San Bernardino (2015)
• slaughtered 12 people in Paris at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine, at a kosher supermarket, and (a police officer) on the street
• bombed the Bataclan theater in Paris, killing 130 and wounding 350 (2015)
• used a truck as a weapon at Berlin Christmas Market truck killing 12 and wounding 56 (2016)
• used a truck as a weapon in Nice, France, killing 86 and wounding 434 (2016)
• raped, tortured, and slaughtered 1,200 civilians in Israel (2023)
Those who do not fear Islam are the ones with a mental disorder.
Brief History of Muslim Kidnapping. [Scroll down] And let us not forget
the thousand-year history in the Middle East of the misnamed "Barbary Pirates," who were, in truth,
not pirates at all. Instead, they were the official fleets of North African ports, all of
whom flew not the black and white Skull & Bones but the green flag of Islam. That is, they
were Muslims whose principal occupation was hijacking infidels, mostly Christians, and enslaving
the passengers and crews until ransomed. The 76-year history of the modern State of Israel is
also stained with the blood that Arab terrorists drew from numerous atrocities, including capturing
Israeli citizens to trade them for their brethren in Israeli prisons. The "Palestinians"
didn't limit themselves to taking only Israelis. In the 1960s, '70s, and '80s, Arab sky
pirates were "frequent fliers" in order to skyjack commercial airliners containing all kinds of
people. The IDF's famous hostage rescue mission to Entebbe, Uganda, in 1976 began with the
skyjacking of an Air France plane.
Erdogan funds an ethnic cleansing in Syria, complete with women seized as sex slaves.
One of the things the media have been silent about since Turkish-backed forces attacked Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad is how these same forces have used the moment to ethnically cleanse Kurds
in northern Syria, including (as always with Muslim warriors) the sexual enslavement of
women. Most Westerners first became aware of the long-running regional war against the Kurds
in 1988, during the Iran-Iraq war. That was when news broke that after Iranian troops and
allied Kurdish fighters captured an Iraqi military base near the Kurdish town of Halabja, Saddam
Hussein ordered a poison gas attack on the town itself. The attack killed 3,000-5,000
civilians, injuring 10,000 more. Since then, the Kurds have frequently found themselves on
the receiving end of murderous attacks. So, who are the Kurds, and why does this happen?
Erdogan Makes Us Ask Once Again: Why is This Country in NATO? Recep Tayyip
Erdogan doth bestride Turkey like a colossus. President since 2014 and before that, prime
minister for eleven years, Erdogan has worked assiduously throughout this century to destroy
Kemalist secularism and restore Turkey's Islamic character. Erdogan has also made no secret
of wanting to restore not just Islamic law, but the territories that the Ottoman Empire once ruled,
including much of Eastern Europe and the Middle East. His present backing of jihadis in Syria
appears to be part of that revanchist agenda. And along with all this, not surprisingly, goes
a burning hatred of the U.S. and the West. So once again it must be asked: why is this
country in NATO?
Gentle Art of Negotiating with Terrorists. Islamic terrorists don't negotiate.
They make demands in hopes of securing concessions without actually giving up anything. Only
the most dedicated historian could find an example of a negotiation process during which the
Islamic terrorists made an actual concession, followed through on it, and did not later take it
back or turn right around and go back to terrorism. [...] Offering to negotiate with Islamic
terrorists is a statement of weakness. Jihadists only offer to negotiate out of fear,
weakness or to entrap us, and they assume we do the same thing. Nothing would ever convince
them that we genuinely want to live in peace with them, or that we prefer alternatives to
violence. So any time we offer to negotiate, they see it as weakness or a trick. If our
diplomats ever understood this cultural reality, they would stop being baffled when the negotiations
fall apart. And after generations of the same thing, they refuse to learn.
From The Religion Of Peace Call For The Skinning Of All Hindus In Bangladesh. The
religion of peace strikes again after days of violence and attacks on the minority Hindu population
in Bangladesh. Bangladesh's minority Hindus, which constitute only about 8 percent of
the 170 million population, have faced over 200 attacks in 50-odd districts since the fall of
Sheikh Hasina's Awami League government on August 5. [Video clip]
schoolgirl admits lying that her teacher was Islamophobic — which led to him being decapitated by a
jihadist. The Muslim schoolgirl who accused her teacher of Islamophobia and began
rumours that led to a jihadist decapitating him in the street in France has admitted lying and
apologised to the victim's family in a remarkable court hearing today. History and geography
Samuel Paty was murdered on October 16, 2020 by Abdoullakh Anzorov, an 18-year-old Islamist
radical of Chechen origin. Anzorov tracked down 47-year-old Paty and brutally hacked his head
off after seeing pictures and videos of him circulated on social media as part of a ruthless
campaign of harassment.
Francis' Genocide Cowardice. Pope Francis recently implied that Israel was committing
"genocide" in its campaign against Hamas. While the pope was eager to apply the term to
Muslims terrorists dying in the war, he has been reluctant to apply it to Christians being
massacred by Muslims in the Middle East. Over 50,000 Christians were massacred by Muslims in
Nigeria. Dozens of churches were attacked, some on Christmas, without the pope ever
condemning this as genocide. In 2016, after millions of Christians had fled Islamic violence
in Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan and much of the Muslim world, Pope Francis rejected
calling it a genocide.
America Paid Tribute to Muslims. Between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, the
Muslims of North Africa ("Barbary") thrived on enslaving Europeans. According to the
conservative estimate of American professor Robert Davis, "between 1530 and 1780 there were almost
certainly a million and quite possibly as many as a million and a quarter white, European
Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast." (With countless European women selling
for the price of an onion, little wonder by the late 1700s, European observers noted how "the
inhabitants of Algiers have a rather white complexion.") As Barbary slaving was a seafaring
venture, nearly no part of Europe was untouched. From 1627 to 1633, Lundy, an island off the
west coast of Britain, was actually occupied by the pirates, whence they pillaged England at
will. In 1627 they raided Denmark and even far-off Iceland, hauling a total of some 800
slaves. Such raids were accompanied by the trademark hate. One English captive writing
around 1614 noted that the Muslim pirates "abhor the ringing of the [church] bells being contrary
to their Prophet's command," and so destroyed them whenever they could. In 1631, nearly the
entire fishing village of Baltimore in Ireland was raided and "237 persons, men, women, and
children, even those in the cradle" seized.
wanted to teach extremist beliefs, court told. A teenager gained a place at an
Islamic Sunday school in order to teach her "extremist" beliefs to young children, a court has
heard. Dzhamilya Timaeva, 19, from Windsor, saw it as a "duty" of her Islamic faith to "wage
war against non-believers", it is alleged. She is on trial at the Old Bailey charged with
four counts of disseminating terrorist publications and one count of possessing a document for
terrorist purposes. Prosecutor Gareth Weetman said she arranged for copies of a booklet
called The Little Muwahideen to be printed. The book had a "colourful, cartoon" style, but
included sections dedicated to the waging of war for Islam and defined jihad as "obligatory
fighting" for Allah, the court heard. The book also had a section referring to "Hatred for
the sake of Allah". "It is not just about teaching the basics of Islam but indoctrinating young
minds," said Mr Weetman.
Islam Is Inherently Genocidal. Proofs that Islam should be outlawed — that
is, if the West was actually serious about its own laws — continue to pile up. In
a recent article, we saw that, according to the UN's own definitions of hate speech, the Koran
should be banned not just for routinely hating others by name — Christians, Jews,
polytheists, and "infidels" (kuffar) of every stripe — but openly calling for
overt violence against them. As it happens, Islam is also inherently genocidal —
again, according to the UN's own definition: [Omitted for brevity.] With the exception of
"d," all of these acts have been and continue to be part of Islam's modus operandi. In the
name of jihad, Muslims have killed and injured millions of non-Muslims over the centuries ("a" and
"b"). And they have most certainly "forcibly transferred" ("e") the children of non-Muslims for
their own use (entire institutions were dedicated to transforming enslaved non-Muslim boys into
Muslim crack troops — think janissaries, mamelukes, etc. — to say nothing of
all the captured children sold on the slave markets or sent to harems).
Teen Plotted Massacre at Phoenix Pride Parade. Here's Why You Haven't Heard About
It. A 17-year-old in Peoria, Ariz., has been arrested over his plans to load up a
drone with explosives and send it into the Phoenix Pride parade. He was hoping to "bomb 2024
Pride Parade and take over USA" and said that he had ordered bomb-making equipment. He was,
however, discovered and stopped before he could carry out his attack. Still, you should have
heard about a terror plot of this magnitude, yet the establishment media is maintaining near-radio
silence about it. [...] [T]he perpetrator was not a "white supremacist" gun nut who could be
easily shoehorned into the left's standard narrative about supposed "right-wing" violence.
[Tweet] Instead, Marvin Aneer Jalo was an Islamic jihadist, coming at a time when the left's
alliance with Islamic groups is fraught with tension over the Biden-Harris regime's failure to
betray Israel as thoroughly as Muslim leaders have been demanding they do, as well as over social
issues, with many Muslims furious over the left's unshakeable determination to embrace and
normalize every fantasy, delusion and perversion that comes down the pike. So this was just
the worst time for a Muslim to plot to blow up a Pride Parade, and that's why you're likely to hear
about this plot only here.
Militias in the Central African Republic. The Central African Republic is a tragic
case of what happens when Islamic radicals take over a nation. Much of the international
community, human rights groups and media have ignored it, but the Central African Republic (CAR)
has been struggling with an ongoing war launched by Seleka, an alliance of Islamic militias
fighting against the country's Christian and officially secular government. Most of the
country is today occupied by armed groups (both from within the country and foreign fighters), all
of whom appear responsible for human rights abuses. Russian mercenaries from The Wagner Group
also arrived in the CAR after President Faustin-Archange Touadéra asked for help to tackle
rebel groups in 2018. Wagner has since been fighting on the side of the CAR military against the
Islamic militias and, while "protecting" the gold mines, has, at least for the time being,
delivered "peace." However, [...]
Palestinian Tradition of Celebrating the Death of Jews. Palestinians have a custom of
celebrating in the streets every time Israel is attacked or a Jew is murdered by terrorists.
The latest Palestinian celebrations took place on October 1, 2024, when Iran launched hundreds
of ballistic missiles at Israel. The celebrations occurred even though some of the missiles
fell in Palestinian areas in the West Bank and the only person killed was, ironically, a
Palestinian man in the city of Jericho. In one West Bank village, Palestinians erected a
monument from the tail of an Iranian missile to celebrate Iran's attack on Israel. Similar
celebrations took place in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and in many countries when Iran launched
its first direct missile and drone attack against Israel in April.
of Bangladesh: Biden-Harris Administration, 'Human Rights' Groups Silent. Days
after Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was forced to flee the country amidst protests led by
Jamaat-e-Islami, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Hizb ut-Tahrir, Hefazat-e-Islam, and other
Islamist forces, all charges against Mufti Jashimuddin Rahmani, the chief of the
Al-Qaeda-affiliated Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) — later rebranded as Ansar Al
Islam — were dropped. Rahmani, along with dozens of imprisoned Islamists and
jihadists, was released. Shortly after his release, Rahmani appeared in a viral video,
calling on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to "free Bengal from Modi's rule and declare
its independence." In December 2021, the U.S. Department of State's Diplomatic Security
Service, through its Rewards for Justice (RFJ) office, announced a $5 million reward for
information on the terrorist attack in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which resulted in the death of a U.S.
citizen, Avijit Roy, and the serious injury of his wife, Rafida Bonya Ahmed. Ansarullah
Bangla Team (ABT), led by Jashimuddin Rahmani, claimed responsibility for the attack.
Strangely, after the release of this terrorist leader, U.S. authorities did not issue any statement.
Obama cash underwriting Iran's election interference? There are centuries of
legitimate European, Eastern, and African history regarding the Muslim hatred of Christians.
There is no statistical proportionality between the persecution and slaughter of Christians by
Muslims and the reverse. The Muslim culture/religion is permeated with the concept of
divinely led and humanly sustained/obeyed violence, an historical and current theme of proactive
murder, rape, torture, and pillaging absolutely antithetical to Christian ideals. The fact
that the contemporary western mind has been purposefully rerouted through education and media, away
from exposure to the actual historical facts of Muslim animus to a sort of vague, benign affect
does not change the brutal historical and present truth of Muslim activity against Christian
culture. We, after all, are seeing it here and now, courtesy of Obama and his enablers in the
Mideast and now — far more so and longer — in Europe, unfold before us here,
in less than a generation.
Primary Forces That Threaten America Today. The Menace of Radical Islam: The
threat from radical Islam is not just from "Death to America" Iran and its allies.
Infiltration into western societies threatens total disruption. The UK and France are
frightening examples. Mayors of almost every major city in England are Muslims. Are
they loyal to the UK's Christian state religion that is meant to be defended by the royal
family? Have you noticed the anti-Israeli, antisemitic rhetoric from Muslim representatives
now in Congress and their supporters? Remember 9/11 and the deaths of scores of Americans in
untold numbers of terrorist attacks? 1.7 billion Muslims on the planet potentially embrace
jihad and the beheading of non-believers. You can read all about it in the Koran. Has
any Muslim society denounced that?
Psychopathic Bullies. In recent days, various Israeli former captives of the Muslim
Brotherhood (Hamas) in the Gaza Strip have gone public in the Israeli media with their ordeal, and
their reportage is uniform. Every one of their different captors comes across as a
psychopathic bully. Being kidnapped and becoming a hostage to Muslims means more than just
loss of freedom; it means constant, 24-7 abuse, punishment physical and psychological, in
particular, endless humiliation.
White House Realized the Obvious? Who could have guessed that an organization that
has told us time and time again that they want nothing less than the murder of every Jew and the
total destruction of Israel actually wants to murder every Jew and destroy Israel utterly? [...] I
could have saved them some time, energy, effort, and a lot of lives by telling them on
October 7th. Anybody with even an ounce of common sense and the most passing interest
and knowledge in Middle Eastern history knew that Hamas is an Iranian proxy with maximalist goals,
utter hatred for Jews, and an ideology that promotes the idea of martyrdom for Muslims.
Instead of doing something so obvious as talking to people who aren't idiots, the Biden
administration has spent the past 11 months holding Israel back from doing the necessary thing
and destroying Hamas. And in doing so they have caused enormously increased suffering on both
sides of the war.
Vegas Teen Converts to Islam, and Guess What He Did Next. What's the deal with
converts to Islam? Last April, a teenager in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, named Alexander Scott
Mercurio was caught plotting jihad massacres in local churches, "using weapons, including knives,
firearms, and fire." On New Year's Eve in 2022, a 19-year-old named Trevor Bickford traveled from
his home in Wells, Maine, to Times Square, where he attacked three NYPD officers with a
machete. In April 2021, a Zion, Illinois, man named Edward Schimenti got thirteen and a
half years in prison for aiding the Islamic State (ISIS). These are just three men who are on a
long and ever-lengthening list of converts to Islam who turn to terrorism, even in the United
States, and are largely ignored by the establishment media. As everyone knows or should know
by now, the media is interested only in shoring up its narrative, not in reporting actual
facts. Now another young man has joined their ranks. Las Vegas' KLAS reported Thursday
that Joshua Robles, 16, has been "accused of plotting an ISIS-inspired terror attack."
Tells Followers to 'Take Out' Israeli Professor at Columbia. An imam in upstate New
York reportedly told supporters to "take out" Columbia University assistant professor Shai Davidai,
who has led counter-demonstrators against pro-Palestinian protests, riots, and encampments. [...]
As Breitbart News reported earlier this year, Davidai was barred from campus, ostensibly for his
own safety, after administrators allowed a pro-Palestinian encampment to become entrenched.
The encampment ultimately ended with activists violently occupying a university building before
being removed by police — though many charges were later dropped.
Which Birthed American Ideas About Liberty, Has Embraced Despotism.
[Scroll down] Possibly the single most despicable example is the 20-plus-year Rotherham
child rape scandal that saw hundreds of Pakistani Muslims rape over a thousand British girls right
under the noses of police who did nothing for fear of being called racists. As if that wasn't
bad enough, those who dared report on the various trials [...] found themselves jailed for doing
so. At the same time, London has become a killing ground for knife attacks, the overwhelming
number being committed by minorities. Indeed, the country has become beset with machete
attacks, a crime that was historically unheard of in Britain but which is common in the third
world. In July, the 17-year-old son of Rwandan immigrants knifed ten little girls, killing
three of them. With the government withholding information on the killer, online posts
asserted he was an immigrant. Tensions rose, and, across the UK, Brits protested the
unfettered invasion of immigrants, the violence being perpetrated by immigrants and Muslims, and
the system's seeming duplicitous, two-tiered approach to justice when it came to immigrants and
Muslims vs. white Brits, all of whom the government and the state-run media invariably characterize
as "far right."
of The Religion of Peace Are Now Brutally Assaulting and Forcing Hindu Teachers to Resign in
Bangladesh. On August 5th, Bangladesh descended into chaos after a successful
coup ousted Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, forcing her to flee the country as an enraged mob closed
in on her residence. In the aftermath, Islamists took advantage of the unrest to carry out
violent attacks on the Hindu community. Since then, the minority Hindus in Bangladesh have
faced daily persecution, resulting in numerous deaths, rapes, and the destruction of Hindu homes,
shops and temples. If this wasn't enough, Islamists in Bangladesh are now harassing Hindu
intellectuals and professionals and forcing them to resign from their jobs. Some are also
being pressured to leave Bangladesh solely because of their religious identity.
Set Hindu Villages on Fire in Bangladesh. Muslims set aflame the Hindu villages
Baruapara and Laxiparaon in the Panchagarh district of Bangladesh. Where is the worldwide
outrage? The condemnation? The UN security council? The resolutions against
Islamic jihad? [Tweets with video clips.]
and the Future of the West. Any reading of the Koran, as Robert Spencer, Raymond
Ibrahim, Ali Sina, Ibn Warrak, Rebecca Bynum, and a host of other excellent scholars make
abundantly clear, will reveal ayah after ayah commanding acts of grotesque violence against
unbelievers. The reward for the martyrs who have been slain in service to Allah will be
peace, loveliness, and virgins with pear-shaped breasts, as stipulated variously in Sura 44:45-55
and 78:31-36 of the Koran. The Taliban killers said they were justified in committing so feral
and heinous an act as payback for the harms they themselves had unjustifiably endured. What we
are witnessing, however, is an expression of what Mills calls the "ethics of evil," which is nothing
less than "the justification of self-righteousness while perpetrating evil under the guise of moral
superiority." As noted, such an attitude is legislated in the Koran. The acts of
barbarism associated with the faith are legend and legendary, today as in the past.
Fly in the Ointment. [Scroll down] The best demonstration of what I'm
writing about is the recent clashes in the UK. Finally, the Muslims went too far and enraged
the whole nation with their murderous tendencies. No, I don't think the 17 year old of
Rwandan descent woke up one day and decided to kill three little white girls, that's something that
has to be planted, nurtured and encouraged throughout one's life, that doing so is a mark of
bravery and faithfulness to a violent god. Just when the British people found their strength,
after years of abuse, they lashed out in perfectly understandable rage only to have their own
government attack and seek to imprison them for their actions. [...] The British now see that their
government has imported people with a high propensity toward murder to do the work they can no
longer achieve via the vaxx. That any resistance to being the victims of those they imported
will not be tolerated. Since they have been able to couch it in terms of racism or religious
bigotry, the British are expected to offer themselves up for sacrifice to their betters.
Mobs Chant for Terror in Canada as Father and Son Jihadists Go On Trial. Canada's
colonists celebrated the weekend in the traditional fashion by calling for the murder of
non-Muslims in Toronto and Montreal. [Two tweets with video clips] These are
entirely explicit calls for Islamic terrorism and violence, with no government response. Had
they been truckers protesting pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates, there would have been
outrage and action. Trudeau would have declared a State of Emergency and had their bank
accounts frozen. But much as in the UK, there are two sets of rules and as progressives in
good standing, Islamic Jihadists get a pass unless they actually start doing things. While
Muslim mobs were chanting for the murder of non-Muslims, a father and son in Toronto are accused of
taking it a step further. [...]
Burn Down Hindu Temples And Try To Break Into Homes To Abduct Women In Bangladesh.
What started as a protest against a quota system for government jobs in Bangladesh has turned into
widespread looting and rioting across the country, with the minority community, mainly Hindus,
coming under attack. With Sheikh Hasina fleeing to India and an interim government still to
be formed, videos of temples being set on fire and houses and businesses of Hindus being attacked
by Muslims have flooded social media. A report in Bangladesh's Daily Star said houses and
business establishments of Hindus were attacked by mobs and their valuables were also looted in at
least 27 districts on Monday. [Video clip]
Burn American Flags in NYC, Philly on Independence Day. Hundreds of Muslims and
anti-Jewish protesters stormed Washington Square in New York City and also outside Philadelphia
City Hall. The mob burned multiple American flags. There were dozens of Palestinian
flags on display. This is happening on Independence Day, America's freedom celebration.
At least one young American, who was wearing Old Glory as a cape, was physically assaulted. It's time
to round up every Muslim protester and their allies and ship them back to Gaza. We have graciously
allowed these savages into our nation. In return, they burn our flag. Deport now!
Acid Attack. Throwing acid in women's faces is a popular pastime in Islamic
countries; it encourages them to wear their hijabs. This quaint practice may have found its
way to Germany. Considering the violent hostility of many hijra colonists for the native
population, it could be expected to have a broader application: ["]According to the
police, a "man of unknown origin" stormed into the outdoor area of a café in Bochum [Sunday]
afternoon to spray "highly concentrated sulphuric acid" on the guests — as reported by
"NTV". A total of eleven people were injured, one of them seriously. Seven police and
firefighters were also slightly injured after being contaminated with the liquid.["]
Police arrested a suspect but did not release details, suggesting that the incident can most likely
be ascribed to multicultural enrichment.
Evangelist Lynched After Leading Muslims to Christ. An evangelist who led Muslims to
Christ in eastern Uganda was found dead in a pool of blood and tied with ropes soon after he texted
his pastor that he was surrounded by Islamists, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Described by
his Baptist church in eastern Uganda's Pallisa District as a "devoted evangelist," 36-year-old
Richard Malinga was found dead in the evening of June 17 at Kayete Swamp in Akisim A village,
Butebo District, MSN reports. He had reportedly been receiving threatening messages from
Muslim extremists in Budaka, Kadama, Butebo, and Pallisa.
of Muslims Die During Traditional Mass Pilgrimage to Mecca. More than 550 Muslims
died during the Hajj — a ritual pilgrimage to Mecca. At least 323 of the
casualties were Egyptians, with most of those deaths linked to the heat, two Egyptian diplomats
told Agence-France Presse, which reported those numbers Tuesday. "All of them [the Egyptians]
died because of heat" except for one fatally injured in a crowd crush, one diplomat said.
Haram, Hamas, and Caveman Sex. [Scroll down] Another indication that
modern Islamic terrorists represent mainstream Islam is that Islam's political and religious
authorities in their fifty-six officially Muslim states have never vigorously campaigned against
Boko Haram, Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Qaida, Jabhat a-Nusra, the PLO, or any other Muslim terrorist
organization. Islam's political and religious leaders may sometimes mumble sotto voce and
condemn the behavior of Muslim terrorists but do nothing to curb it. They do not angrily
disown it, and for this dereliction, they own it. The Quran calls for the "oppression" and
"humiliation" of non-Muslims. Muslim aggression against infidels has been a chronic feature
of this community since the 7th century. There is no other religion in the world whose
preachers weekly, even daily, somewhere on the planet, justify the rape, mutilation, and slaughter
of innocents.
Muslim Mob Lynches and Burns Tourist Alive Over Allegations of Desecrating Islam's Holy
Book. A 36-year-old tourist was brutally lynched and his body set on fire by an
enraged mob in Madyan, a town in Pakistan's northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The
incident, as reported by Al Jazeera, occurred following allegations that the man had desecrated the
Quran, Islam's holy book. According to Swat police officials, the man was accused of
"insulting the Quran." The specifics of his alleged actions remain unclear. "Our police
team reached the main market in Madyan to arrest the man and took him to the police station, but
the crowd demanded to have him handed over," a police official told Al Jazeera. The situation
escalated when hundreds gathered outside the Madyan police station where the man was held.
The mob attacked the premises, dragged out the man, and killed him.
Every Muslim Out of Office. Anyone who believes Islam is some sort of peaceful
religion is woefully and dangerously ignorant of history and proven facts — as was I
until the early 2000's. You see, most Americans really are a very compassionate people who
want to be fair and tolerant. To see other Americans — especially naturalized
Americans enjoy our God-given rights — like worshipping the religion of their
choice. One may not agree with someone's religion but Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians,
Jews and other denominations do not threaten to cut your head off if you don't worship some
invented 'god' named, Allah. Islam does and its violence and fear that keeps those poor souls
from knowing true freedom of expression, the right to leave Islam with their head still on their
shoulders. [...] "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant.
The Qur'an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on
Earth." — Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.
Devout Muslim is an Extremist. An imam in Bologna doesn't mince words: in Islam,
"extremism means following the fundamentals". Extremism means slitting infidel throats, raping
infidel women, and bombing infidel places of worship. And that's just basic Islam, following
the example of the prophet as recorded in the Koran, the Hadith, and the Sunna.
al-Adha, the barbaric Muslim Festival of Sacrifice, where fully-conscious animals have their throats cut.
Today begins Eid al-Adha, the Islamic Festival of Sacrifice and the happiest time of the year for
Muslims because of all the throat-cutting that is involved. It's called "Qurbani," where the
throats of tied-up, fully-conscious animals are slit — without cutting the spinal cord
(unlike Kosher slaughter which requires the spinal cord to be cut so the animal feels no pain).
Apparently, Muslims believe that the longer the animal writhes in pain while he is slowly dying,
the more of his panic hormones will be released, which allegedly makes the meat taste better.
Even amateurs get to try their hand at Qurbani during EID, where children are encouraged to watch
and participate, which is good training for future jihad activities.
The Editor says...
The animal rights people seem to be totally silent about all this. In the same way,
the feminist leaders are all completely silent about the way Muslims treat women and girls.
Immigrants to French Farmers: 'We're Here To Kill The Whites'. Young French farmers
from the villages of Saint-Marcellin and Pont-en-Royans organized a "farmers' ball" on Saturday
evening, May 24, held at the Murinais ballroom. It was to have been a night of innocent
fun. They had not counted on Muslim immigrants from Saint-Marcellin showing up with mayhem
on their minds. Six Muslims came to the hall, and waited outside. When two farmers left
the ball, the Muslims attacked them and began to beat them
up. At that point, other farmers streamed out to help defend their fellows, and the Muslims
then fled, only to return later with their own reinforcements, and proceeded to attack the
now-outnumbered farmers. One of the farmers was repeatedly kicked and punched, and suffered
serious injuries to his head, sufficient to incapacitate him [for] 13 days. A night of
harmless fun turned into a nightmare when Muslims, for no reason other than their hatred of
"whites" — that is, indigenous Frenchmen — led them to unleash their
unprovoked and savage attack.
in NYC subway car demand that "all Zionists get off the train" or else. On the packed
subway Monday, one man told a group of masked and keffiyeh-clad protesters, "Repeat after
me" — then said: "Raise your hand if you're a Zionist." The other protesters dutifully
echoed him. Then he said, "This is your chance to get out." "Okay, no Zionists, we're good,"
he said as others cheered. [Video clip] Later, the mob of masked protesters lit
flares and waved flags associated with Hezbollah and Hamas in front of the Nova Music Festival
Exhibition on Wall Street during an organized "citywide day of rage for Gaza."
The Editor says...
Isn't it odd that a "religion of peace" would organize a "citywide day of rage?"
convert in Somalia attacked by knife-wielding Muslim relatives, loses family. A
Muslim in Somalia was seriously wounded for putting his faith inChrist this month and lost his wife
and five children, sources said. Mohammad Abdul, 40, survived a knife attack by his Muslim
relatives on the outskirts of Kismayo, a port city in southern Somalia's Lower Juba region, on
May 5 after converting to Christianity on March 20. The relatives took his wife and
children while he was recovering at a medical clinic, said a source whose name is withheld for
security reasons.
High School Student Is Brutally Assaulted By A Muslim Student In Wonderful, Loving Canada.
An Israeli teenager was viciously assaulted outside her school for being Jewish. Shaked Tsurkan, an
Israeli girl attending a high school in New Brunswick, Canada was assaulted from behind by an older Muslim
student. The assault came after the teenager was subjected to months of bullying for being
Israeli. The teenager was left with cuts, bruises and black eyes. [Video clip]
Imam Calls for Annihilation of All Jews. Jews — who are "tyrannical" and
the "brothers of apes and pigs" — should be "annihilate[d]," according to a Florida
Islamic cleric, who also accused Israel's army of being "worse than the Nazis." During a
sermon at the North Miami Islamic Center in Florida in late April, Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi
called for Allah to support "our oppressed brothers" in Palestine, as well as for the total
annihilation of Jews, whom he referred to as "apes and pigs" — a phrase that radical
Islamists have historically used to describe Jews.
migrants caught 'red-handed' burning down forests as an act of jihad. According to a
RAIR report by Amy Mek out this past Saturday, Muslim migrants from the Indian state of Bihar were
caught "red-handed" burning down large swathes of forestland in the state of Uttarakhand, all as an
act of jihad. Mek also iterated that the damage done to the environment has been a "severe
blow" to the region, "consuming thousands of trees" and causing the "destruction of over a
thousands hectares of forest land" which is roughly equivalent to 2,800 acres. Now
Uttarakhand is very biodiverse, and is the home to many "rare or threatened" plant species and a
number of "highly endangered" animal species (e.g. Asian elephant, snow leopard, tiger, King
cobra, Himalayan monal, etc.), and one can only imagine how many different flora and fauna species
perished in the flames and smoke. [Tweet with video clip]
in Jihad. For 1,400 years, Islam has made two things abundantly clear: (1) it is
not a religion of peace, and (2) it has no interest in modernizing. I hope the hundred-pound,
non-binary, climate apocalypse major wearing Rainbow sandals while protesting against Western colonialism
doesn't have to find that out the hard way.
Jihad Unleashed: Acres of Forests Engulfed in India, Multiple Muslims Arrested.
Arson provides Islamic terror groups with a cost-effective, low-skill method to inflict casualties,
economic damage, and widespread fear within communities. A massive forest fire has swept
through Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. The
flames, consuming thousands of trees, have dealt a severe blow to the region's environment.
This dire situation reflects the broader crisis unfolding in the state, where forest fires have
spread to residential areas, exacerbating the already severe impact. The severity of these
fires is underscored by their visibility from space, indicative of the extensive environmental
damage caused by the destruction of over a thousand hectares of forest land. Tragically,
reports of fatalities add to the gravity of the situation. But amidst this catastrophe, the
fires have left many wondering if they are being set by lone jihadis or those carrying out orders
by Islamic terror groups' calls for Fire Jihad. [Tweet]
the blood-soaked prison wars between Muslim and white gangs. One of my most memorable
encounters as a former jailbird was with 'Ali', a notorious gangster whom I met days after he was
released from a high security prison. [...] He was happy to talk to me for my book about life as a
prisoner: Time After Time because I am also an ex-con — I got five years for tax
fraud in 2016. Prisoners are a cagey bunch but my past has given me unique access to the
criminal underworld. Ironically, he told me he decided to convert to Islam in order to lead a
better life. His family was religious and he felt it was time to turn away from crime.
But the decision changed everything. His security level by that stage had dropped down to
category C. After he converted, he said, 'everyone started getting worried. They thought
I was going to turn into a suicide bomber. They sent me right back up to A- Cat and into the
dispersal circuit — that's when it got really bad.' The dispersal system is a ring
of ten of the most secure jails in the UK, where terrorists and murderers are moved round
constantly to stop them forming connections with each other and fomenting trouble. The
problem is that system doesn't work.
Is at War With the World Again, Thanks to Biden and Putin. It wasn't just the U.S.
that warned Russia that a huge ISIS attack might be coming in the days before the Crocus City Hall
massacre that left at least 144 dead — even Moscow's allies in Tehran "tipped off Russia
about the possibility of a major terrorist operation," according to a new report in Monday's Daily
Mail. Why Russia seems to have ignored both warnings is anyone's guess. An unnamed
senior security official claimed, "As Iran has been a victim of terror attacks for years, Iranian
authorities fulfilled their obligation to alert Moscow based on information acquired from those
arrested terrorists." In January, ISIS killed at least 84 Iranians and injured 284 more
in a bombing near the burial site of Iran's top terrorist commander, Qasem Soleimani.
ISIS calls
for Ramadan massacre of Christians and Jews by 'lone wolves'. ISIS called for "lone
wolves" to murder Christians and Jews around the world as part of the holiday of Ramadan, British
news outlet Mirror reported on Friday. Islamic State spokesperson Abu Hudhayfah al-Ansari
praised the terror attack on Crocus Concert Hall near Moscow, where 140 were murdered, the British
news media outlet reported. Al-Ansari proceeded to reach out to "lone wolves" on Telegram,
urging them to "target Christians and Jewish people, especially in the US, Europe, and Israel
during the holy month of Ramadan."
Persecution of Christians, February 2024. On Jan. 22, Irene Ibrahim
Shehata, a 21-year-old medical student at Asyut National University, disappeared between midterm
exams. Her family immediately went to police, who told them not to go public, and that they
would help return Irene; the family complied. In early February, however, the family finally
did go public — and hinted that the authorities were complicit in the abduction and know
exactly where she is. Their fears appeared confirmed: in late February, her family learned
that the religion field on Irene's ID had been electronically changed from Christian to Muslim.
Deportation Of Muslims [from Russia] Begins After Terror Attack That Left 139 Dead.
Authorities in St. Petersburg have been deporting migrants en masse in the week since the
deadly attack on a Moscow region concert hall, the legal rights group Perviy Otdel said
Friday. More than 64 foreigners were deported from the city's Vyborgsky district on Thursday
alone, the NGO said, citing one of its unidentified lawyers. "Temporary detention centers for
foreign citizens are packed, surrounded by special vehicles and buses heading to the airport," the lawyer
was quoted as saying. A number of buses carrying migrants were also headed to St. Petersburg's
Pulkovo International Airport on Friday afternoon, they added. [Video clip]
pandering to a few terrorist sympathizers drives away millions of other voters. In
2020, about five and a half million people voted in Michigan. Biden won by about 155,000
votes. Of those five and a half million who voted in Michigan, about 145,000 were
Muslim. About 100,000 of them voted for Biden. Those 100,000 Michigan Muslims are now
making a stink. They're unhappy that Biden is permitting Israel to finish the war that
Palestinian terrorists started on October 7. They demand that Biden pressure Israel into
a cease fire that would leave the terrorists free to murder, rape, behead, burn alive, and
terrorize another day — and another year and another decade. These terrorist
sympathizers have instilled in Biden... well, terror. Without Michigan, the math is very
difficult for him to win reelection. And he's already on the defensive there.
Imam: We Muslims Will Yet 'Slaughter' the Jews 'Like Sheep'. Muslims will yet
"slaughter" the Jews "like sheep" when the opportunity arises, according to a Michigan Islamic
cleric who appealed to Allah, seeking to become "soldiers" for Islam in any form desired, including
death. In a sermon at the Islamic Center of Warren, Michigan, in January, Imam Abdou Zindani
warned of the fate of Jews everywhere, pointing to a Palestinian businessman who told a Jewish New
Yorker what Muslims have in store for the Jews.
70 Percent of Palestinians Support Hamas's October 7 Terror Attack.
Seventy-one percent of Palestinians in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank believe Hamas made the
right decision in attacking Israel on October 7, according to a new poll conducted by the
Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, an organization primarily funded by the European
Union and the United States-based Ford Foundation. The percentage of West Bank residents who
support the Hamas attack has decreased slightly since December, when 82 percent of West Bank
respondents said they agreed with the decision, though support for the terror attack has increased
in Gaza, rising from 57 percent in December to 71 percent in March. When asked
whether "the war on Gaza since October 7 has revived international attention to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict that it could lead to increased recognition of Palestinian statehood,"
three-quarters of respondents in the West Bank and Gaza said "yes."
Death Threats to Teachers in Paris. In Paris, 163 heads of schools have made a public
protest about the threats to their safety made by "aggressive" Muslim parents. The heads of
school, and their teachers, are terrified. They remember the decapitation of Samuel Paty, who
had dared to show his pupils — though telling Muslim students they need not remain in
the classroom while it was being shown — a single cartoon of Muhammad, as part of a
discussion on free speech. Paty's executioner was not even a parent, but just a Muslim who
had heard about his supposed "blasphemy" and arrived at the school from afar to see justice done,
by slitting the throat of the conscientious teacher as he walked home. [...] The principle of
laicité — the separation of church and state, or secularism, emphatically
applied — is a central principle of the French government, and of French
education. According to French law, all outward and visible signs of religious identity are
banned in state schools. Hijabs are banned, as are crucifixes, kippahs, and turbans, and
other signs of a particular religious identity. The headmaster at the Ravel Lyceum was merely
enforcing the law, as he was required to do by the government. But the girl he told to remove
her hijab went home and complained to her family, and someone — most likely her
father — then threatened the headmaster with death which, given the murder of Samuel
Paty, had to be taken seriously.
Islamic Jihad calls for Ramadan to be 'month of terror'. Palestinian Islamic Jihad is
calling for Ramadan to be a "month of terror" and seeks to escalate attacks in the West Bank and
Gaza. In a recent speech, Abu Hamza, the spokesman for PIJ's Al-Quds Brigades, said he wants
Arab countries in the region and pro-Iranian groups to continue to "unify" various arenas and
fronts against Israel. This is the latest indication that terrorist groups plan to seek an
escalation in hostilities over the next month. Hamza's remarks were published by Beirut-based
Al Mayadeen news channel, which is pro-Iranian and frequently highlights Hamas and Hezbollah
attacks. This comes amid some hope for a hostage, prisoner, and ceasefire deal between Israel
and Hamas. The US is pushing for such a deal. But Hamas has continued to make it
difficult by refusing to hand over a list of names of the living hostages. Palestinian
Islamic Jihad is a proxy of Iran.
Democrats Want The Same Fate For America As Hamas Does For Israel. After I attended a
recent screening of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack footage, it became clear to me that Americans
are overwhelmingly taking the wrong message away from the still-unfolding Israel-Hamas war. [...]
The Oct. 7 footage largely reiterates what we already know: Jihadis find delight in
murder. They quite literally have a religious obligation to slaughter innocent
people — in this case, Israelis — who belong to ethnoreligious groups outside
their own. If you followed along with the events of Oct. 7 as they occurred or viewed
social media footage of the attack in its immediate aftermath, this will sound familiar.
Islamist soldiers gleefully decapitated noncombatants, burned people alive, and slaughtered people
in their homes. They butchered parents in front of their children, giddily stomped on the
heads of those they massacred, and shot people in their backs as they attempted to escape.
When they returned home, they were greeted as heroes. Gazans flooded the streets to run
alongside pickup trucks filled with bodies — some lifeless, some alive for political
capital. All of this was done to victorious shouts of "Allahu akbar."
Member Reveals That Organization's Goal Is Not Just to Free 'Palestine'. Virtually
every political and media analyst in the Western world agrees that Hamas is a national liberation
movement, dedicated to freeing Palestine from an alleged Israeli occupation. Most also assume
that if the Palestinians are given a state, Hamas' mission will end, and the organization will fade
away. A video that surfaced Saturday, however, suggests that all of that analysis, despite
being nearly universally accepted, is false. The video is of a hijabed woman, identified as
"Elham, Member of Hamas, Planner of a Suicide Bombing," explaining matter-of-factly that "we don't
only fight against occupation. Our goal is to spread Islam to all, everywhere." This suggests
that Hamas would not be satisfied with a Palestinian state, but would continue its war against the
diminished Israel that would remain after the creation of a Palestinian state until the remainder
were Islamized as well. What's more, Elham's statement amounts to a declaration of war
against every state that is not governed under Islamic law. [Video clip]
continue to massacre Christians in Nigeria. European Parliament suggests climate change is
largely to blame.. Islamic terrorists butchered hundreds of Christians throughout
Nigeria on Christmas Eve. In their hours-long attack, Muslim Fulani militants gunned down
Christian farmers, hacked up defenseless women and children with machetes, and torched
churches. While willing to express "solidarity" with the victims, the European Parliament
appears more than willing to displace blame from the savage ideologues responsible and to instead
pin the atrocities on so-called climate change. According to Open Doors International,
Nigeria is the sixth most brutal place in the world for Christians — bad news for its
roughly 100.4 million Christian inhabitants. In and outside the country's northern
Sharia states, Christians are routinely subjected to enforced Islamization, forced marriage,
murder, torture, abduction, rape, and other ideologically motivated brutalities. Nearly 5,000
Christians were murdered in Nigeria just last year, accounting for 82% of all Christians killed for
their faith in 2023, reported the National Catholic Register.
Italy: 13-year-old Girl Raped by Pack of 7 Egyptians in Front of Her Helpless Boyfriend.
Another horror story, yet another young victim of sexual violence at the hands of Islamic migrants.
Catania is in shock over what happened to a 13-year-old girl who was raped by a pack of seven Egyptian
boys in a bathroom at the communal gardens of Villa Bellini, one of the Sicilian city's two oldest
gardens. District and juvenile prosecutors enlisted the Carabinieri to apprehend seven suspects,
three of whom are minors, as per reports. Initially evading arrest, the seventh individual wanted
by authorities was eventually located at 1:30 p.m. in Piazza Dante. He was in the midst of
retrieving his belongings and attempted to flee to escape capture within the community where he had been
staying. The violence against the 13-year-old girl occurred on the evening of January 30.
Abolition of Civilisation. What exactly is Islam? A man born in the Arabian
city of Mecca around 1400 years ago claimed that he had been contacted by the God who created
this world, had been given a book, and had been commanded to preach that man should worship only
that God, in formlessness. So far so good. [...] But that man said something else also.
He said that his fellow men had no choice in the matter. They Must either believe that he was
a messenger of God, and worship the way he said, or they 'will have no security in life and
property, will not be able to move safely through the streets and between the cities, and his
followers are bound by no rules in their mutual intercourse with non-believers.' (James Burnham
paraphrased) That is, he abolished Civilisation. He abolished the moral laws that make
Civilisation possible. (Qur'an 8.39, 9.5, 9.29 and hadith Bukhari 1.2.24). Kafirs have
made mistakes in their response to him from the very first day he proclaimed his mission.
They did not figure out his true intentions, and they did not even translate his words
properly. For example, jihad.
of California Imams in Support of October 7th Hamas Attack. Since
October 7, 2023, when Hamas invaded southern Israel, murdered over 1,200 people, and took
nearly 250 hostage, the MEMRI research team that monitors imams' sermons in mosques in the U.S. as
well as speeches and statements by U.S. Muslim leaders and organizations has been finding, and
exposing, some very disturbing content. This content has included antisemitic and pro-Hamas
statements, expressions of support for the October 7 attacks and calls for further violence,
denial of the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas, and anti-Israel and anti-U.S. statements. It
is notable that in our extensive monitoring, our researchers have not found a single sermon
denouncing Hamas or the October 7 attacks. [Video clip]
leaders call off meeting with Biden's campaign boss in Michigan: 'Not welcome here'.
Arab-American leaders in Michigan refused to meet with President Biden's campaign manager on Friday
over the commander in chief's backing of Israel in its war against Hamas. The planned
Dearborn, Mich., get-together was part of a Biden campaign "listening tour," according to the
Detroit News, and was expected to involve Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez and roughly
a dozen Muslim and Arab American elected officials, office holders and community leaders.
When word of the scheduled summit got out, Wayne County deputy executive and meeting coordinator
Assad Turfe canceled it, because of community "outrage." "Unless something drastic happens, you
have lost the Arab American and Muslim community," Turfe told the outlet of the community's
feelings toward the 81-year-old president. "At this point, from what I can see, there's no
winning them over. That was the idea of the meeting."
The Editor says...
Really? Then who are the Michigan Muslims going to vote for in November? Trump?
Truths about 10/7. First, recognize the cause of 10/7. Although it is comforting
to believe that Hamas, a specific group in a relatively small area, was the cause of 10/7, this is
incorrect. The snarky among you will quickly respond that Hezb'allah and Iran were also
responsible. This is also incorrect. The correct answer is that Islam was the cause of
10/7. Second, to understand why Islam was the cause of 10/7, study its history.
Briefly, Muhammad spent the first part of his career as a prophet in Mecca, where he attracted few
followers. Even revealing the verses in the Koran on the virgins in paradise failed as a
recruiting scheme. As a failed prophet, Muhammad moved to Medina, where the verses in the
Koran changed from patience and tolerance to legalization of the murder, rape, and robbery of
non-Muslims. With the new revised Islamic moral code, the number of Muhammad's followers
rapidly increased, and they started attacking caravans and raiding villages. One of
Muhammad's first "successes" was the capture of a caravan going to Mecca, after which he ordered
some of the captives beheaded.
genocide of Christians the world ignores. Beginning on the evening of December 23
and continuing till the morning of Christmas Day, Fulani Islamist militia groups systematically
slaughtered scores of Christians in co-ordinated attacks in two districts of Plateau State, in
Nigeria's predominantly Muslim Middle Belt. The dead were mostly women and children, and
included a number of physically challenged individuals who were unable to run and who were
therefore burnt alive. Statistics gathered by Barnabas Fund have set the total death figure
at nearly 300, the worst anti-Christian violence seen in Nigeria in years. The carnage was
unimaginable. Some 25 remote and widely scattered villages were targeted. In total more
than 1,500 homes were burnt, eight churches destroyed, many hundreds of people injured and 30,000
displaced. This was one of the darkest days in recent Nigerian history.
Slaughtered in the Nigerian Genocide. Muslims are now openly committing genocide
against Christians in Nigeria, as confirmed by international observers. According to one
report, between just 2009 and April 10, 2023, 52,250 Christians "have been butchered or hacked
to death" in Nigeria. Since then, that number has continued to grow — not only due
to the 200 slain on Christmas, but the many others who have been slaughtered since April 10,
2023, as documented in the monthly "Persecution of Christians" reports. Also since 2009,
18,000 churches and 2,200 Christian schools were attacked, many "destroyed in part or in whole
including being razed or burned down." In the meantime, the "mainstream media" and politicians
have done everything possible to conceal this genocide. They present it as only territorial
clashes between herdsmen and farmers. In its report on last Christmas's slaughter of nearly
200 Christians, for instance, the Associated Press (AP) failed to mention that the massacres
occurred during Christmas, just as it failed to mention the identities of the attackers (Muslims)
and their victims (Christians). Rather, it presented the conflict, as many commentators
increasingly do, as a supposedly regrettable byproduct of climate change — which is,
according to them, is forcing herdsmen (Muslims) to encroach on the lands of farmers (Christians).
Problem with Lies. "Genocide" is defined as the systematic extermination of a
race. Either Israel is really bad at it, or it is in a war against Hamas, not committing
genocide against Palestinians. 10-20,000 civilian deaths is terrible in human terms. But with
two million Gaza residents and about 20,000 killed, including Hamas? Poorly done
genocide. The real problem in the Middle East? Jews refused to convert to
Islam. The same is true of the nomads, Druze and Christians. Prominent Muslim leaders
demand non-Muslims to either convert, subdue, or die. It isn't only about Jews, you are just
as evil for not converting to Islam. Don't think you're excused because you have an open
heart, even people from the wrong form of Islam (Sunni/Shia/Ibadi/Ahmadiyya/Sufism) are just as
evil as Jews, to most Muslim leaders.
rally at JFK Airport causes New Year's Day nightmare on one of the busiest travel days of the
year. Hateful anti-Israel protesters yelling inflammatory chants snarled traffic and
caused chaos as they descended upon John F. Kennedy International Airport Monday —
creating a nightmare on one of the busiest travel days of the year. The Belt
Parkway — a major thoroughfare used by vehicles to travel to the airport —
was temporarily blocked off by police near Exit 20 as they tried to stem the flow of the "Flood JFK
For Gaza" protest, which was planned by Within Our Lifetime, a Palestinian-led activist group.
of World Trade Center By Anti-Israel Activists An Attempted Intimidation of U.S..
Anti-Israel protesters on December 28, 2023, took their blockade tactics to the World Trade
Center. The rebuilt World Trade Center. After the 9/11 attack by Islamic fundamentalist
terrorists destroyed the prior World Trade Center, killing 3000 people and changing the course
of our history. [Tweets] The October 7 attack on Israel has been called Israel's 9/11,
but statistically relative to the size of the population it was much worse. And as barbaric
as the 9/11 attack was, October 7 was a much more personal and face-to-face bloodletting, with
mass rape, torture, and mutilation. As with the blockades of major roadways and airports, one
reaction to the blockade is to point out that the anti-Israel protesters are not helping their
public relations or cause. So much is true.
Crew Storms, Blocks Entrance to World Trade Center, Shouting 'Revolution' and 'Allahu
Akbar!'. I have to think that whoever is behind the anti-Israel actions must be
trying to pick the worst possible places to target on purpose, because they keep doing things that
are guaranteed to tick off people and drive away people from their "cause." They've crashed the
Christmas tree lighting, saying they want to "cancel Christmas." They've terrorized little kids in
line to see Santa Claus. They've attacked the NYPD and desecrated a nativity scene.
They've blocked highways, keeping little kids on two school buses blocked for more than an hour.
They've blocked airports and attacked police, as people were trying to travel on one of the busiest
travel weeks of the year. They think their rights trump the rights of everything and everyone
else because they want it.
Protesters Riot Near LA Airport, 36 Arrested. For those who aren't from the area, the
largest airport in southern California is LAX. One of the major routes to get to LAX is to take the
405 Freeway and get off on Century Blvd. Today a group of pro-Palestinian protesters blocked
off part of Century Blvd. creating a traffic nightmare for shuttle buses and people trying to enter
the airport. [...] LAPD emphasized that this was not a peaceful protest. One police officer
was thrown to the ground and one protester is being charged with battery of an officer. The
rest are being charged with rioting.
They Are Blocking Airports And Storming Government Buildings. Tomorrow, What They Will Do
Will Be Far Worse. Radical Islamic activists are increasingly causing major problems
all over the United States. They are blocking airports, storming government buildings and
causing all sorts of chaos in the streets. Unfortunately, thanks to the Biden administration
more Muslim extremists continue to pour into this country with each passing day. They have
learned how to game the system just like hordes of other illegal immigrants have. We are
literally committing national suicide, but as long as Joe Biden is in the White House our borders
are going to continue to be wide open. [...] Over the past few months, there have been endless
examples of pro-Palestinian extremists causing trouble. But this is just the beginning.
Thanks to the very foolish policies of our leaders, there are now 49.5 million people living
in this country that were not born here. [...] If people come here legally and want to abide by our
laws and integrate into our society, I have no problem with that. Unfortunately, there are
millions upon millions of immigrants that have come here that have no intention of following our
laws or integrating into our society. Instead, they intend to change our society.
Mob Terrorizes Christmas Shoppers in Small, Peaceful Tennessee City. A Muslim mob of
pro-Palestinian militants terrorized shoppers on Christmas Eve in the small city of Collierville,
Tennessee. "You should be ashamed!" the Muslim militants shouted at shoppers as others
repeatedly honked their car horns. One KWAM listener said the Muslim militants "clogged the
streets to prevent shopper ingress/egress and unleashed individual terrorists out to run up and
down the sidewalks with Palestinian flags."
Of Muslims Is Rational; "Islamophobia" Is A Myth. If we look around the world,
Muslims are fighting in many places:
• Muslim insurgencies are found in the Philippines and Thailand.
• Numerous Indo (India)-Pakistani Wars have pitted Muslim Pakistan
against majority Hindu India, while India's Muslims regularly launch religious attacks.
• Muslim Chechens fight Russian Orthodox Christians and send death squads into Europe.
• Muslim Azeris fight those Armenians who remain from the genocide the
Muslim Turks perpetrated against them in 1916.
• Historical animosity between Turks and Greeks is well documented and continues
to this day in Cyprus, split between the Turkish North and Greek South.
• Orthodox Christian Serb and Muslim hostility dates back 600+ years to the Ottoman Wars.
• And we have the ongoing Arab/Israeli wars as the most glaring current-day example, during
which a fictitious Muslim ethnic group, the "Palestinians" (really, Arabs), perfect modern-day terrorism.
• Muslim Arab Janjaweed regularly slaughter black Africans in Sudan. [...]
Hamas displaced the PLO in Gaza in 2007, fighting door to door. Ironically, few were concerned
about civilian casualties then, as Muslims slaughtered each other with impunity. The Syrian
Civil War, pitting Alawite against Sunni, resulted in upward of a half million slaughtered,
displacing more than 6 million people and creating the largest refugee crisis since WWII,
perhaps forever changing the character of the European continent and society. It also led to
the rise of ISIS, whose members cruelly tortured and killed thousands of "impure" Muslims and other
ethnicities, most famously Yazidis, until eliminated by US forces under President Trump's leadership.
Can Either Go Medieval on Terrorists or Kiss Prosperity Goodbye. One or two American
guided missile destroyers — dispatched from a navy that is already stretched too
thin — is not enough to shoot down every Houthi missile. Shipping firms understand
this and are skedaddling accordingly. For my isolationist-minded readers who are certain this
is just "a quarrel in a faraway land between people of which we know nothing," nothing could be
further from the truth. The Red Sea — and the Suez Canal that connects it to the
Mediterranean — is one of the world's most vital sea lanes. Oil prices are
up — way up — on the news. That quarrel in a faraway land is about to
make itself felt at your neighborhood gas pump, and that has nothing to do with a lack of
production in this country. Oil is a global commodity, so a disruption anywhere leads to
higher prices everywhere. About one in six container ships travels through the Suez Canal,
carrying everything from crude oil to consumer goods. Supply chain expert Chris Rogers told
CNN today, "Consumer goods will face the largest impact, though current disruptions are occurring
during the off-peak shipping season."
Mob Takes Over NYC's Penn Station, Harrasses Travelers. Another day ending in "y,"
another pro-Hamas anti-Israel protest. This one broke out Monday evening in New York City's
Penn Station, where protesters marched into the Daniel Moynihan Train Hall in Manhattan to harass
travelers and intimidate anyone who disagreed with their viewpoint. [Numerous tweets with
video clips.]
Calls for Violence Against Americans, and So Does This Michigan Imam. Could the war
in Israel spread to the United States? Sure. Some people want it to. Hamas has
never made a secret of the fact that its goal of destroying Israel is just part of a larger jihad
to conquer the entire world for Islam. And so it was inevitable, both in light of that
aspiration and the Biden regime's shaky but still subsisting support for Israel's defensive effort,
that Hamas jihadis would call for violence against Americans. What is more surprising, at
least for those who have bought into the comforting establishment fictions that have been
circulating since 9/11, is that one such call came from right here at home.
Enslavement and Slaughter of Black Africans Must Stop. The Oct. 7 massacre which
killed at least 1,200 Jews in Israel is being compared to the mass murders of the Holocaust.
But, unlike the Nazis, who hid their crimes and perfected impersonal and mechanized slaughter,
Hamas jihadists affixed GoPro cameras to their helmets so they could broadcast themselves exulting
in their gory murder of Jewish families, some of whom they decapitated and burned alive. For
those in the Christian world who know about the decadeslong mass slaughter and enslavement of Black
Christians in Sudan, which they call the "hidden Holocaust," the scenes out of Israel were
shockingly familiar. As part of a self-declared jihad which lasted from 1983 to 2005,
northern Sudanese Arabs sought to subjugate and enslave the Black Sudanese of the mostly Christian
south. The onslaught cost the lives of perhaps 2.5 million Black Sudanese, and the freedom of
an estimated 200,000 more. The Arab Muslim government's jihad utilized kidnapping as its
terror weapon of choice, not to mention casual gang rape and mutilation.
Monstrous Conundrum in the Middle East. Rather than be filled with joy that some of
the hostages in Israel are released, I'm sick to my stomach at the monstrous nature and sheer
audacity of the "deal." Biden is squarely on the backs of the Israelis, who know better than to
become handmaidens of Hamas. Dozens more, perhaps hundreds more of Israel's soldiers and
thousands more civilians in Gaza will be killed as a result of this "kindness." Seven-plus
weeks into what history may eventually consider one of the most sadistic, cruel, and calculated
terrorist events in world history, the Free World's common sense will continue to be in question.
[...] Examine for a moment the crazy reversal of priorities and strength we are witnessing:
• Israel values life; Hamas does not.
• Israel is a pluralistic, democratic country, and Hamas is a Hitler-like
autocracy. Copies of Mein Kampf have been found in the tunnels under Gaza.
• Israel grants the same rights and responsibilities to its Arab citizens,
while Hamas kills Arab collaborators, whether Arab citizens in Israel, Gaza, or the West Bank.
• Israel provides free advanced medical care for Arabs, from the West Bank,
Gaza, and from within Israel. Hamas kills any Jews it gets its hands on and will often prevent
its people from accessing hospitals and medical care in Israel.
• Israel teaches its children (including Arabs) about the world at large
and without hate. Hamas teaches the destruction of Israel and the Jews from birth. [...]
• Israel is Western-facing and life-affirming. Hamas is a death cult.
of Wahhabi Jihad. [Scroll down] Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin led the
Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza in the 1960s. At that time, Gaza was part of Egypt.
Yassin formed a Palestinian branch of that Brotherhood only after Israel occupied Gaza in 1967.
Yassin also promoted a new weapon of modern jihad: babies. Yassin had eleven children.
There were about 400,000 Arabs in Gaza when Israel first occupied the territory in 1967. There are
more than two million today. Half of them are less than 18 years old. In 1987, Yassin
made Hamas a separate organization so that his bombings and murders would not cause "charities" of
the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood to lose international funding. However, the charter of Hamas
is far more Islamic than Palestinian. Its preamble praised Muslims as "the best nation" of
mankind. It also declared that Islam would "obliterate" Israel, just as Islam "obliterated"
previous Crusader kingdoms.
Turns Into Gaza As Pro-Hamas Thugs Attack Grand Central Station With Police Barricaded
Inside. A mob of masked pro-Hamas protesters attempted to storm Grand Central station
on Friday night, kicking in the door and cracking the glass but failing to make it into the closed
station. While a person with a bull horn chanted 'we are all Palestinians', a handful of men
tried to smash down the doors. Angry scenes ensued as the police tried to move them away from
the station. Grand Central — which sees 750,000 people pass through every day —
was closed on Friday night amid the chaos, and the New York Police Department warned people to avoid the
area. [Video clip]
Is the Bull in History's China Shop. As Muslims savage Israel, hoping to destroy it,
there should be concerns among Christians and Jews about their histories in the Holy Land if these
seventh-century throwbacks win. Muslims are the bulls in the china shop of history. The
same uncivilization that brought sacralized lying, taqiyya, also brings lying about the past
by destroying it, Jahiliyyah. [...] The destruction of historical artifacts is an attempt to
enforce the teachings of Islam. Jahiliyyah is used to rationalize the destruction of
artifacts as symbols of idolatry or cultural practices considered incompatible with Islam. It
is intended to erase the past and has metastasized outside Arabia. The most notable example
of such destruction and metastasizing is the demolition of the ancient Buddha statues in the Bamiyan
Valley, Afghanistan, by the Taliban in 2001. Their destruction was justified based on the
Taliban's interpretation of Islamic teachings. Damage by Muslims is never a one-off.
and the Quran. [Scroll down] The enormous amount of hate directed at Jews
in the Quran and their depiction as sub-humans who deserve death is a threat to not only the Jewish
state of Israel, but to Jews worldwide. Thousands are marching in the streets of New York,
London, and Paris as shields for Hamas. As Muslims now march in American and Australian
streets shouting "gas the Jews," American Jews no longer feel safe in a country they helped build.
Left-Islam Alliance. Unfortunately, the story does not stop here. It surprised
many, but Hamas has a lot of supporters in the West. Pundits and politicians in the West
often have (presumably) high I.Q.s. Many of these high-I.Q.ers are blindsided by beheadings
and other atrocities committed by Muslims and, as such, cannot comprehend Islam's "peaceful
nature." It is "peaceful" because, according to the Quran, the extermination of all Jews,
Christians, Buddhists, and all other kafirs (infidels), including atheists, will finally
establish peace on the planet. Followers of the Moon God have been working tirelessly on this
program since the 7th century. The recent barbarism of the Gazan population does not deviate
an iota from the dogmas enshrined by Mohammad, the successful caravan robber. Beheading
infidel babies has been Islam's modus operandi for centuries, so why the sudden harsh
reaction from the West? Islam sees nothing wrong with dismembering or baking babies alive in
an oven as long as they are infidels.
Khamenei: 'Death to America' Is Not Just a Slogan, but Iran's 'Policy'. The "supreme
leader" of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, declared in an address on Wednesday that the common chant
of "Death to America" in his country is "not just a slogan — it is a policy," one his
regime intended to bring to fruition. Khamenei was reportedly delivering remarks on Iranian
regime-controlled television regarding the ongoing conflict between the nation of Israel and the
Hamas genocidal terrorist organization, which Iran funds to the tune of tens of millions of dollars
a year. The Iranian regime has enthusiastically embraced Hamas following its harrowing
October 7 terrorist attack against civilians in Israel, which featured door-to-door slaughters
of entire families in their homes, the mass killing, torture, and rape of attendees at a peace
music festival, and evidence of gruesome killings of infants as young as newborns. The
"al-Aqsa flood," as Hamas branded its killings that day, took the lives of more than 1,400 people
in Israel; another 250 are believed to still be held hostage by Hamas in its stronghold of Gaza.
Reminder To All The Fools Standing With Palestine On Campuses, Here Is What Palestine Did On
9/11. Campuses all around America have shown massive support for Hamas and Palestine
but here's a quick reminder of the celebrations that occurred after 2 jets crashed into the World
Trade Center, another in the Pentagon and one into the fields. Over 3k innocent Americans
died on that day and Paelstinians were in the streets dancing and cheering as sweets shops gave
away free cake in celebration. These are the people they tell us are not the same as Hamas
even though 70% of them support the Oct 7th massacres. [Video clip]
They've been saying stuff like this for at least fifty years. Iran's
Top Diplomat: U.S. 'Will Not Be Spared from This Fire' if It Continues to Support
Israel. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian threatened further attacks
against the United States and its interests at the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York on
Thursday. Iran is already launching rocket and drone attacks against bases housing American
personnel in Iraq and Syria, using Shiite militia groups controlled by
the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). U.S. forces have been able to intercept
most of these attacks, but dozens of minor injuries have been reported.
and Jews: Just the Canary in the Coal Mine. Though the world now rightly
focuses on Israel, the world's sole Jewish state is largely irrelevant as regards the real threat
to world peace: militant Islam. If you really want to address root causes, then look no
further. Israel and the Jews are but a convenient distraction, a red herring, just the canary
in the coal mine. [...] Sadly, but tellingly, and putting Israel aside, the vast majority of armed
conflicts on our globe involve militant Islam on at least one side of the conflict. So, if
you're looking for "root causes" to explain world instability, that's it. Stop overthinking
things. Some of the places are old and familiar like Kashmir, where Muslims fight
Hindus. In some places — like the Philippines — it's militant Muslims
versus Catholics. In the Philippines, an Islamic group even beheaded two Jehovah's Witnesses
and left their heads in bags with the note, "Those who do not believe in Allah will suffer the same fate."
Master Double-Dealer. There is a very good reason why the tiny Gulf state of Qatar
finds itself so well-placed to play a central role in negotiating the release of Israeli hostages
taken captive by Hamas during its barbaric assault against Israel. The hundreds of millions
of dollars the Qataris have given Hamas during the past decade have been instrumental in helping
the terrorist group to develop the infrastructure that enabled it to carry out its murderous
assault on Israel in the first place. Qatar would like the world to believe that it is acting
as an honest broker with its efforts to secure the release of the Gaza captives. But the
reality is that it deserves to be condemned by the West as a state that sponsors global terrorism,
so long as it maintains its indefensible support for Hamas. Without the substantial financial
backing Hamas has received from both Qatar and Iran, whose support for the terror group is estimated
at $100 million a year, it is questionable whether Hamas would even be able to survive.
talk about why it's okay to say that Hamas's troops are Nazis. I'll acknowledge that
the Nazis were, and many of the Democrats are, proud socialists. And, as has become obvious
in the past week, the Nazis loathed Jews, as do many at the heart of the Democrat party. But
Democrats are not slaughtering Jews en masse and are not seeking world domination through
force of arms. However, Islamists (an umbrella term that includes Hamas) share every metric
with Nazis and, now that we have more details about how they slaughtered Jews, that similarity is
more apparent than ever before. Nazis were socialists, meaning that all power was centralized
in the state. Everyone, voluntarily or not, was part of the socialist collective.
Islamists are theocrats, meaning the religion and the state are one. Everyone, voluntarily or
not, is part of the theocratic collective. Nazi socialism had as a central tenet the belief
that Jews were the enemy of the fascist state and must be destroyed. This tenet came from
both Marx and Hitler. It is inseparable from the belief system. To this end, the Nazis
came up with the idea of the Holocaust. Islam has as a central tenet the belief that Jews are
the enemy of the Sharia state and must be destroyed. This tenet comes directly from
Muhammed. It is inseparable from the belief system.
It's not about
Israel, colonialism, globalism or capitalism; it's about Islam. Beslan.
Mumbai. Paris. Manchester. New York City. Nairobi. Luxor.
Sulu. Kibbutz Be'eri. 186 children murdered in a school in Beslan. Dozens of
children taken hostage from a Catholic school in the Philippines. Two teachers were beheaded,
but not the girls. "We do not kill women. We will just enslave them," the Jihadists promised.
8-year-olds gunned down in the Westgate Mall in Nairobi. The terrorists asked their victims
to name Mohammed's mother to tell apart the non-Muslims from the Muslims. In Luxor, Egypt,
the terrorists danced, sang and killed and mutilated the foreign tourists. They "took all the
young women, the girls, and disappeared with them. I don't know where they went with the
women, but they hurt them. We could hear screams of pain." Among the dead was Shaunnah
Turner, a 5-year-old British girl. Pregnant women and children murdered in Israel baffle the
world. They seem implausible because each time they happen, we forget. A few days of
horror pass and we move on. When a Muslim terrorist set off a bomb in Manchester at a concert
full of children and teens, there was shock and outrage. Nails were pulled out of children's
faces. "This attack stands out for its appalling, sickening cowardice, deliberately targeting
innocent, defenceless children and young people," then Prime Minister Theresa May fumed. That
was 6 years ago.
real problem is Iran. [Scroll down] Thus, the Gaza attack can be traced to
Tehran's panic over progress made between Israel and Saudi Arabia on a "normalization"
agreement. For sure, the conditions in Gaza Strip are bad, and the horror that has unfolded
was a predictable result, someone could argue. Hamas and other factors have made Gaza a kind
of prison, but again, being in a prison does not mean that Hamas, or anyone, has the right to
slaughter kids and women, to kidnap, rape and take hostages. The only thing visible from this
is that Hamas has a genocidal ideology and its ultimate goal is to commit genocide against the
Jewish people. And, sadly they do have it. Iran's president has said before that, it
wants Israel to be wiped off map.
are no civilian bomb shelters in Gaza. There is one reason why Gaza citizens are in
the line of fire, why they are being subject to bombings, why they will be in the streets during
vicious street-to-street fighting shortly, and why their hospitals and schools are getting
destroyed: Hamas wants it that way. Hamas builds bunkers and tunnels, stores ammunition
in schools and hospitals, and plans its evil among civilians. It tears up its water
infrastructure to build rockets. It demands citizens act as human shields and parades the
bodies of Palestinians who got killed for the sole purpose of providing propaganda benefits.
They do it so that their allies in the West can claim that Israel is the real aggressor.
[Tweet with video clip] Hamas is pure evil. Not only does Israel have to fight its
way through the human shields to get to the terrorists who slaughter innocents, but they have to do
so because Hamas demands that Gazans be part of the Jihad whether they want to or not.
Cannot Coexist With Evil. No sane person would behead babies (unless he's an
abortionist, but I repeat myself). Then, add in raping women in the presence of the bloody
bodies of their babies, then killing the women. I don't care who you are, this is not the act
of a civilized entity. It is the act of sub-humans devoted to the service of a false god who
demands obedience at the point of a sword. It is pure evil. No words can properly
convey how utterly depraved such a god and his followers are. And this is where our
compassion must be replaced by cold calculation.
You Want To Know How Palestinians Could Behead Israeli Kids, Watch This Video. "Right
now, I am prepared to be a suicide bomber." "With Allah's help, I will fight for ISIS, the
Islamic State." "I am ready to stab a Jew and drive a car over them." "We have to
constantly stab them, drive over them, and shoot them." "Stabbing and running over Jews brings
dignity to the Palestinians." Palestinian children are taught to hate. [Video clip]
and Iran: Slaughtering Jews for Decades. Hamas's October 7 war on Israel did not
surprise those who have been following the actions of Iran and its regime-backed Islamist terror
group since it was founded in late 1987. Since then, Hamas, with Iran's help —
Hamas does not have a productive economy in Gaza — has carried out countless terrorist
attacks, killing and wounding thousands of Jews by suicide bombings, shootings, stabbings and
car-rammings, as well by firing tens of thousands of rockets into Israel, a country the size of New
Jersey (roughly 22,000 km2). In 2002, Hamas committed one of its deadliest
massacres during the Jewish holiday of Passover in the Israeli city of Netanya. Thirty
civilians were murdered and 140 wounded when a Hamas terrorist, disguised as a woman, detonated a
suitcase filled with powerful explosives in the dining room of a hotel where Jews were celebrating
the Passover holiday. Most of the victims were senior citizens (70 and over). The oldest
victim was 90 and the youngest, 20. Over the past three decades, Hamas officials never
concealed their group's ambition to destroy Israel through Jihad (holy war).
Savagery of Hamas. Over the coming weeks, Israel will likely seek to depose the Hamas
government that attacked it — and rightly so — and civilians will die.
Israel must ensure that as few as possible do. Each death will be as gruesome as the deaths
of Israeli civilians at the hands of Hamas — for there is no pretty death and there is
no pretty war. Leftists will see in the equivalence of death the equivalence of cause.
This will be wrong. The last bomb America dropped on its way out of Afghanistan did nothing
but kill ten innocents, seven children among them. This made America incompetent, perhaps
even callous, and certainly reckless. But, it did not make it the Taliban.
Truth About Hamas. Hamas — the Gaza branch of the Muslim Brotherhood — murdered
approximately a thousand people on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur 1973 War. While
Israeli armed forces deal with the attack, the ideological brothers-in-arms of the perpetrators in
the West celebrate. Countless demonstrations have been organized worldwide — from
Berlin to Amsterdam to London — to anti-Israeli protests in New York, Washington, D.C.
(a pro-Hamas parade in front of the White House), Florida, and many Canadian provinces. When
the Sydney Opera House was illuminated in the Israeli flag colors at night in Australia, hundreds
of Hamas supporters gathered to attack the Opera House while chanting, "Gas the Jews!" Hamas
celebration rally in New York City arrogantly flashed the Nazi swastika. Why are there so
many Hamas supporters outside the Gaza Strip? Why did the anti-American group Code Pink
endorse Hamas' butchery of Israelis?
the Jews' doesn't qualify as hate speech? Muslims and anti-Semites around the world
have gathered in recent days to celebrate the mass slaughter of Jews in Israel by Hamas
terrorists. Several cities in Europe, including London and Berlin, have been the sight of
these unspeakably appalling — yet joyous — gatherings. Various cities
in North America, such as Montreal and New York, have also been witness to such madness and
depravity. BLM has thrown its support behind the Palestinian cause, as have, unsurprisingly,
many campus groups across America. In Australia, thousands of "Australians" gathered
outside the Sydney Opera House to lose themselves in such zesty chants as "f--- the Jews!" and "gas
the Jews!" One person was arrested... for "breaching the peace" of the wannabe
Jew-gassers by having the audacity to possess an Israeli flag. Good on the local constabulary
for dealing with him! But might not "f--- the Jews" be considered hate speech in this
day and age? I mean, nearly all locales across the former penal colony have laws regulating
hate speech as regards race and religion. If "gas the Jews" doesn't qualify, what would?
"Misgender the Jews"?
and the Cult of the Mahdi. The current conflict between the Jewish State and the
Muslims of Gaza is in no small part fueled by the tenets of Islam. Islam hates Jews. It
hates Christians. It hates Baha'i. It hates... come to think of it, all
non-Muslims. Non-Muslim Muslim apologists beware — you're next, even if you are
too stupid and naïve to see it coming. Islam is a cult.
SJP, American Muslim Groups Back Palestinians After Terror Attack in Israel. The
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and a variety of other Muslim and pro-Palestinian
groups in the United States failed to condemn the Hamas terror attack on Israel on Saturday, and
instead offered their support. The Palestinian terror attack happened on the Jewish holiday
of Shemini Atzeret, the final day of the annual High Holy Day cycle. In a statement, CAIR
expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people, and did not condemn violence against
Israel. Over 300 Israelis were murdered, and over 1,500 wounded, in an unprecedented terror
attack on civilian targets.
Israel off the map. [I]t appears that Islamic Jihad and Hamas (and no doubt others)
in Gaza have conspired to destroy Israel and wipe her off the map, something they have been
threatening to do for ages. They took the first step today in a massive, unprovoked attack on
civilian areas inside Israel. More than 2,000 rockets managed to overwhelm Israel's famous
Iron Dome defense. [Video clip] Foaming-at-the-mouth bloodthirsty Jihadis have
gone into Israeli neighborhoods and taken dozens of men, women, and children hostage.
[Video clip] Armageddon has begun and it's going to get worse fast. Israel will be
swift to retaliate and it will be devastating. One of the finest fighting forces on the
planet, Israeli soldiers, pilots, warriors will fight and destroy large swathes of Gaza and beyond.
Cannot Bring Peace Between the USA and Islam. It is incredible to see how many liars
and phonies occupy center stage in our world. We can see this clearly as we put the
microscope of analysis over the procedures and policies of the Middle Eastern power brokers.
Iran and Saudi Arabia ostensibly represent two "branches" of Islam — the former
representing the Shi'ite branch and the latter the leading country of the Sunni branch. These
two factions have been warring with each other for nearly 1400 years, but they both have in common
contempt for the non-Islamic world.
teen charged with murder as hate crime in fatal stabbing of black, gay dancer in NYC. Mayor Eric
Adams says it's 'not true' that Muslims 'hate' LBGTQ community. A Muslim teen has
been charged with murder as a hate crime in the fatal stabbing of a black, gay man in New York City
last week — and Mayor Eric Adams said at a news conference about the arrest that it's
"not true" that the Muslims "hate" the LGBTQ community. The 17-year-old suspect —
whose not being identified because of his age — was charged with murder and murder as a
hate crime over in connection with the fatal stabbing of O'Shae Sibley at a Mobil Station in Coney
Island on July 29, the New York Post reported. Police said the teen suspect, who is Muslim,
made homophobic and racist comments to Sibley, who was 28 and a professional dancer, WCBS-TV
reported. The Post said Sibley was "voguing" — a type of dance consisting of "a
series of stylized poses struck in imitation of fashion models." At a news conference Saturday
about the arrest, Adams said "the issue itself made an attempt to give the impression that it came
from hate from the Muslim community towards the LGBTQ+ community — that was in fact
not true."
Supremacist Charged in Murder of Gay Dancer in LA. O'Shae Sibley, 28, a professional
queer dancer, was stabbed to death in LA by a 17-year-old Muslim youth, who has surrendered to the
police. The media is downplaying or refusing to mention that the killer is a Muslim. On
the local radio in New York here, they suggest the killer is a white supremacist. The
murderer's name is floating around on the Internet and is a Muslim name. Witnesses said the
group with the killer identified themselves as Muslims, and the killer yelled, "I'm Muslim. I
don't want this here."
Police identify officers and suspect involved in Friday shooting. Fargo Police say
Officer Jake Wallin was killed in the line of duty on Friday, July 14. The 23-year-old was
sworn in to the Fargo Police Department less than 3 months ago. He is a military veteran who
served in Afghanistan and Iraq. [...] [Police Chief Dave] Zibolski says Fargo Police officers were
investigating routine traffic accident on 25th Street and 9th Avenue South when the suspect,
37-year-old Mohamed Barakat, started firing at officers.
President Blames 'Video Games' Instead of 'Islam' for Riots. There were massive riots
in France long before video games and while feedback cycles of simulated violence are probably not
doing anything helpful for the minds of France's youth, the bigger problem is that the youth
increasingly consists of North African Muslims who have no investment in the country, a great deal
of hostility to it and every reason to act out their version of the BLM riots. Social media
is playing a role here, but talking about the digital element ignores the real issue. Much
like the arguments that video games caused school shootings, the vast majority of kids playing
games don't shoot up schools, and those who do have specific motives. Entertainment is rarely
a motive, it may just occasionally suggest a means. Macron wants to talk about the adrenaline
high rather than the underlying hatred. Islam does not need video games to inspire violence
in its followers and the clash of civilizations in France is not just a misfiring reptile brain.
Council bedlam: Somali 'culture' takes Minneapolis by storm. Such a scene may be
"embarrassing" for the American landscape, but it is also part and parcel of Somali culture.
Violence and chaos are precisely how "politics" are done in Somalia, one of the most lawless,
war-torn, and tribal nations in the world. That Somalis felt comfortable enough to enact
their culture here in America is connected to the unwavering Rule of Numbers: the more
non-Westerners, especially Muslims, grow in the West, the more phenomena endemic to their
nations — in this case, a breakdown of law and rise in thuggery — grows with
them. As such and considering that Somalis make up nearly 20% of the population of
Minneapolis, the deplorable display at that recent city council, while embarrassing, should
certainly not be surprising. Somalia, incidentally, is also one of the world's most radical
Muslim nations. When it comes to the persecution of Christians — always a litmus
test concerning the "extremism" of any given country — Somalia is considered the
second-worst nation in the world (following North Korea), and the worst Muslim nation in the world
(which is saying much since 39 of the 50 worst persecuting nations are Islamic).
puts bounty on Afghan Christians. Famine fears loom in Afghanistan.
Multibillion-dollar aid packages have kept 20 million Afghans alive — roughly half of
the population — since the Taliban took over. Now, aid groups are cutting
funding. Plus, "there is limited affordability for people to buy good fuels to heat their
homes," Transform Iran's Lana Silk says. "[Afghans are] burning anything they can —
plastic, anything — to create some warmth. This is causing air pollution, and we
have the risk of disease." Hunger and disease aren't the only concerns. "The threat on their
(believers') lives is ongoing," Silk says.
Muslims from West Bengal arrested with enough explosives to blow up the state. After
conducting raids at various locations in West Bengal, India, the National Investigating Agency
(NIA) detained two Muslims, identified as Merazuddin Ali Khan, a resident of Bokaro, and Mir
Mohammed Nuruzzaman, a native of West Bengal's Birbhum district, on Friday, March 31. As
Jihad Watch stated in a preliminary report on Thursday, the arrested individuals were linked to the
seizure of a massive cache of electric detonators in Birbhum in June last year. During a
press conference following the arrests, the NIA representative said, "While Mir Mohammed Nuruzzaman
had supplied 27,000 kg of ammonium nitrate to Rintu Sk, Merazuddin Ali Khan had provided
electric detonators and gelatine sticks to Rintu Sk." The agency has also confirmed that in
July 2022, West Bengal's Special Task Unit raided Birbhum district's Mahammad Bazar neighbourhood —
a Muslim-dominated area — and detained a pick-up vehicle carrying 81,000 detonators.
we the Byzantines? The law reigned supreme for nearly a millennium after the emperor
Justinian codified a prior 1,000 years of Roman jurisprudence. Yet this millennium-old crown
jewel of the ancient world that once was home to 800,000 citizens had only 50,000 inhabitants left
when it fell. There were only 7,000 defenders on the walls to hold back a huge Turkish army
of over 150,000 attackers. The Islamic winners took over the once magical city of Constantine
and renamed it Istanbul. It had been the home of the renowned Santa Sophia, the largest
Christian church in the world for over 900 years. Almost immediately, this "Church of the
Holy Wisdom" was converted into the then largest mosque in the Islamic world, with minarets to
follow. So what happened to the once indomitable city fortress and its empire?
Christendom had cannibalized itself. Western Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy fought
endlessly. Westerners often hated each other more than they did their common enemy. In
the final days of Constantinople, almost no help was sent from Western Europe to the besieged city.
Mullahs Mission: Wipe Out America. A radical regime, whose mission is to "Export the
Revolution" and bring Islamist rule to the rest of the world, will not alter its aims through
policies of appeasement. The appeasement policies of the Obama Administration empowered and
emboldened Iran's ruling mullahs, and the Biden Administration seems determined to pursue the same
path. Recall when, upon reaching the JCPOA "nuclear deal" with Iran in 2105, then US
President Barack Obama pointed out that he was "confident" that the deal, with its lifting of
sanctions on Iran, would "meet the national security needs of the United States and our allies"? It
was even outlined in the JCPOA preamble that all parties "anticipate that full implementation of
this JCPOA will positively contribute to regional and international peace and security." What
was actually the result? The international community witnessed even more rockets launched by
Yemen's Houthis at civilian targets, the deployment of Lebanese Hezbollah soldiers in Syria, and
increasing attacks by the Iranian-funded Hamas on Israel.
shameful story of Britain's backdoor blasphemy laws. Asad Shah. The name
doesn't mean much to people in Britain today. But it really should. Shah was a Glasgow
shopkeeper, beloved by his Shawlands community. [...] At 9pm, on 24 March 2016, Tanveer Ahmed
entered Shah's newsagents carrying a knife. The 31-year-old cab driver had travelled to
Glasgow from his home in Bradford, incensed by Shah's claims to holiness. Ahmed had left a
friend a voicemail, saying: 'Listen to this guy, something needs to be done, it needs to be nipped
in the bud.' He attacked Shah, stabbing him repeatedly in the head and upper body. Shah tried
to escape outside. Ahmed followed. He repeatedly stamped on Shah's head, shattering
almost every bone in his face. As his victim lay bloodied and still, Ahmed walked into a bus
shelter and waited for police to arrive. He told the cops, as they moved to apprehend him: 'I
have nothing against you and so I am not going to hurt you. I have broken the law and
appreciate how you are treating me.' But Ahmed remains unrepentant about his crime. During
his trial, he put out a statement: 'This all happened for one reason... Asad Shah disrespected
the messenger of Islam, the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.' Ahmed is now six years into a
life sentence.
left and Islam: A match made in hell. First, consider the Islamic institution of
slave-soldiery. For many centuries in those southeastern European regions that were
subjugated by Islam, especially in the Balkans, the Turks compelled Christian families to make an
annual blood tribute of their own sons. The Muslims would select the strongest, healthiest,
and most talented young European boys and then march them off to the Ottoman heartland.
There, the youths would be forcibly converted to Islam, indoctrinated in the teachings of jihad,
and trained to be — and rewarded for being — warriors par
excellence. The Turks would then set loose these janissaries — meaning
"new soldiers" — on their former Christian kin, thereby perpetuating the cycle of
conquest, enslavement, and conversion, always to Islam's demographic gain and Christendom's
demographic loss.
Where Jihadist Hate Thrives. [Scroll down] Posts calling for violence and murder "in languages
including Swahili, Somali and Arabic — were allowed to be widely shared." Responding to these at the
time shocking findings, Leah Kimathi, a Kenyan consultant in governance, peace, and security, said, "The least they
[Facebook] can do is ensure that something they're selling to us is not going to kill us." Similarly, "Why are
they not acting on rampant content put up by [the Islamic terrorist group] al-Shabab?" asked Moustafa Ayad, who worked
on the report. "You'd think that after 20 years of dealing with al-Qaida, they'd have a good understanding of
the language they [jihadists] use, the symbolism."
Jihadi Caught in New Jersey. Does a Saudi national count as a "white supremacist"? On Monday, U.S.
Attorney Philip R. Sellinger announced that Bader Alzahrani, a Saudi national who is in the United States on a student
visa, has been charged with stealing a school bus and transporting it across state lines. But this is more than
just a vehicle theft: Alzahrani made a number of statements suggesting that he's a jihad terrorist. But since Saudis
are generally considered "white," will the feds call this "white supremacist terrorism"? Don't put it past them.
In Response to Quran Burnings in Denmark and Sweden, Allahu Akbar Shouting Muslims Seize Control of Streets, Burn Flags,
Declare Supremacy. Muslims across the world are furious after Danish-Swedish politician Rasmus Paludan
burned Qur'ans. Fresh off of his Qur'an-burning protests last weekend in Sweden, the Danish-Swedish politician
Rasmus Paludan went on a Qur'an-burning tour in Denmark on Friday. Paludan burned a Qur'an outside a mosque, the
Turkish Embassy, and the Russian Embassy on Friday afternoon. In response to the Qur'an burnings in Sweden and
Denmark, angry Muslims protested outside Sweden's London embassy in the United Kingdom. They turned the Embassy
into a Masjid for the day.
Driver Who Murdered Eight People in NYC Was in the U.S. on a Diversity Visa. After he was admitted to the
United States on a diversity visa, Sayfullo Saipov demonstrated his gratitude to the land that had welcomed him by
murdering eight people in New York City on Halloween night in 2017 by driving a truck along a bike path. Now, all
these years later, he is finally on trial. On Monday, he showed that he was not in the least repentant. As
far as he is concerned, he has no reason to be. He sees himself as a soldier in a war that only one side admits is
being waged. The lessons here are right on the surface for anyone who wants to learn them, but whether or not
anyone in this administration has any interest in doing so remains doubtful.
The Unspoken
Genocide of Christians in Nigeria: The black lives that don't matter. Did you know that, all throughout
sub-Saharan Africa — in Nigeria, Mozambique, the Central African Republic, Mali, the Democratic Republic of
Congo — Muslims have for many years been terrorizing and slaughtering Christians? Nor is there any hope
on the horizon: problems that cannot be honestly addressed are doomed to persist in perpetuity. Enter the
so-called "mainstream media." As far as they are concerned, the persecution of Christians in Africa is a byproduct
of economic and territorial grievances. One report, titled, "How poverty and corruption fuel terrorism across
Africa," is emblematic. After citing an incident where "jihadis" connected to the Islamic State slaughtered
dozens, it insists that such terrorist attacks, which "are on the rise across the African continent," are "a
consequence of poverty, domestic grievances new and old..." This has been the mainstream media's argument, and
they're sticking to it — no matter all the mountains of contradictory evidence.
Woman Is Sentences to 20 Years For Leading All Female ISIS Group In Syria. The Kansas woman who admitted
she discussed an attack on an American college and trained over 100 fighters in an all-female ISIS battalion in Syria,
42-year-old Allison Fluke-Ekren, was sentenced Tuesday to 20 years in prison and 25 years of supervised
release. Addressing court in Alexandria, Va., she said she "regrets her choices." Fluke-Ekren, described in
court documents as a mother and teacher-turned-ISIS battalion leader, pleaded guilty earlier this year to providing
material support to the terrorist network. Prosecutors described her admitted actions as "monstrous," writing in a
pre-sentence filing that Fluke-Ekren "brainwashed young girls and trained them to kill" after leaving her own family to
"pursue a career in terrorism" in Libya.
Expert Cynthia Farahat Reveals Muslim Brotherhood Plan to 'Destroy' [the] West. The Muslim Brotherhood's
"endgame" is to murder every non-Muslim and "destroy Western civilization," according to counterterrorism expert Cynthia
Farahat, who revealed they are open about their intentions of infiltrating and corrupting every American institution
"like a cancer," and slammed the "far-left" for its "propaganda" supporting the global terrorist organization. In
an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, well-known Egyptian author and political analyst Farahat highlighted the
Muslim Brotherhood's association with virtually all Islamic terror groups.
A Massive Muslim Mob Attacks Hindus After Football Match. After India's victory against Pakistan in the 28 August
T20 match of the ongoing Asia Cup, well-organized Muslim gangs have been vandalizing and terrorizing Hindus in the UK's
Leicester City. Videos of gangs escalating attacks on Hindus have been shared on Twitter. [Video clip]
Were Outraged At The Murder Of 4 New Mexico Muslims, Now A Suspect Has Been Caught; Why Are They So Quiet? Less
than a week ago, the tragedy of four brutal murders in New Mexico appeared to be a windfall for Democrats. [...] Muslims, of
course, are included in the Democrats' intersectional hierarchy of victimhood. Muslims are not Christians or Jews,
which are the more traditional American creeds, which means they are automatically victims. While plenty of Muslims
undoubtedly reject this unsubstantiated designation by the American left, it's a clear designation, nonetheless. For
Democrats, minority religion inevitably equals victimhood. It's that simple. All four murder victims in this
situation in Albuquerque were Muslim, as it turns out, and police had indicated that the four separate murders may well be
linked. It was suspected that the four Muslim men were victims of a serial killer. Therefore, Democrats began to
anticipate that the culprit would ultimately turn out to fit their broader storyline. [...] There was only one problem,
however. On Tuesday, a suspect was arrested and you'll never guess which religion he belongs to.
Objective Information versus Indoctrination. [Scroll down] Is discussing the inherent bigotry of Islam
as stated in its foundational documents hate-promoting? Is publicizing the ulterior motives of groups that wish to
damage a country proof of bigotry? The toolkit asserts that "there is far-right messaging in other cultural
spaces. Islamophobic Hindu nationalism has been more of a topic with the Indian farmer protests in 2021." Thus,
the loaded word Islamophobic ignores the fact that Muslims are, indeed, regularly murdering Hindus. In fact, how
is it anti-Muslim or Islamophobic "to write about the effects of jihad or the ... Muslim treatment of unbelievers? The
facts are well established within international bodies, NGOs, national commissions, and verifiable journalistic
reports. Reformist Muslims themselves are highly critical of the discriminatory laws and behaviours in countries from
which they or their forebearers originated."
Black Lives That Don't Matter. Last Sunday, June 5, 2022, Islamic terrorists stormed the St. Francis
Catholic Church in Ondo, Nigeria, and massacred more than 50 Christians who were otherwise peacefully worshipping their
God. Videos, according to one report, "showed church worshippers lying in pools of blood while people around them
wailed." As terrible as this massacre might seem, it is just the proverbial "tip of the iceberg": over the years,
Muslims have assaulted, shot up, or torched countless churches in Nigeria. Below are just three other examples:
• Easter Sunday, Apr. 20, 2014: Islamic terrorists torched a packed church; 150 Christians
were killed and countless injured.
• Easter Sunday, Apr. 8, 2012: explosives planted by Muslims detonated near two packed churches;
more than 50 Christians were killed and unknown numbers injured.
• Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 2011: Muslim terrorists shot up and bombed three churches;
37 Christians were killed, 57 injured.
compelling book warns of the dangers of radical Islam. Even in America, where Islamists represent a small
segment of the population, the Islamist mindset is all about the conquest and destruction of Western civilization. Even
when operating from a position of disadvantage, Islamists are still the aggressors, using deception and manipulation to take
advantage of Western civilization's weaknesses: tolerance, inclusion, and respect for religious beliefs. To Islamists,
Western intellectuals and political leaders are suckers for being intimidated into allowing Islamists to invade and
dominate Western society. Don't you think such a book deserves your attention? Or are you willing to risk our
civilization in favor of an aggressive, unrelenting, cruel, and savage religious (I use the word liberally) ideology (a word
fitting the description much better) way of life and all-encompassing commitment? If allowed to prevail, Islam will
extinguish Western civilization in favor of a lifestyle system promoted by an illiterate highwayman/pedophile/barbarian named
Muhammad, whose legacy, as he stated himself, is one of "conquest and terror" — or would the better statement be
"to use terror to facilitate conquest"?
the Muslim Conquest of Spain Driven by Piety or Plunder? Recently, the Grand Imam of Al Azhar University,
Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, claimed that the seventh century Muslim conquests of the mostly Christian majority Middle East and
North Africa "were not conquests of colonization that rely on the methods of plunder, oppression, control, and the policies
of domination and dependency." Rather, they were about bringing "knowledge, justice, freedom, and equality" to the
conquered. A couple of weeks before al-Tayeb made these highly ahistorical claims, another prominent sheikh and
professional historian, Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Salabi, wrote a lengthy article dedicated to making the same
claims — also during Ramadan, when Muslims are wont to reminisce over the virtues of jihad — but in the
context of the Muslim conquest of Spain. Published by the International Union of Muslim Scholars, "From Ramadan's
Victories: The Islamic Conquest of al-Andalus," offers a more focused case study on this phenomenon of wildly
whitewashing Islamic history.
Muslims murder 29 Christians, including at least two children. If this had happened in Europe or North America,
we would be hearing about it. We would be hearing about how the perpetrators were mentally ill, and/or about how they
had misunderstood Islam, and about how the local mosque was asking for police protection against an "Islamophobic backlash,"
and about how Muslims are victims everywhere. But at least we would be hearing about it. This? We won't
hear about this.
the Koran Calls for the Murder of Christians. On April 7, 2022, in Egypt, a Muslim man lunged at and viciously
stabbed a Christian priest thrice in the neck with a knife; Fr. Arsenius Wadid died soon thereafter. Although the
murderer was instantly apprehended by passersby — the crime was committed on a crowded street —
Egyptian authorities initially tried to do what their Western counterparts often do: portray the murderer as "insane," an
aberration of society. Due to a combination of public outcry (primarily from the Copts themselves), the testimonials of
seventeen eyewitnesses, and even the murderer's own coherent responses — to say nothing of the fact that of all
the people he could have "randomly" murdered he targeted the one openly professing his Christian faith by wearing a large
crucifix around his neck — prosecution finally confirmed that he would be tried as sane and cognizant of his
actions. Why both Westerners and non-Westerners constantly seek to portray Muslim murderers of non-Muslims as "insane"
should be clear by now: the alternative — that Islam somehow promotes such behavior — would open a
massive can of worms that no one wants to deal with.
When Muslims Revel in Islam's Violent History. During the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast, pray,
engage in acts of piety and charity, and reminisce over warfare and bloodshed in the name of Islam. Virtually every
Ramadan features various Islamic authorities, personages, and/or institutes reminding Muslims to take pride in and celebrate
various historic battles between Muslims and non-Muslims, or "infidels" (as in this hour-long televised special). Among
other things, such victories are meant to demonstrate the power, and thus truth, of Islam. This alone should underscore
Islam's innate militancy in comparison to other religions.
Reason Islam's So Keen on Hating Us. A female German convert to Islam was recently sentenced to over seven
years in prison. The 44-year-old was found guilty of following her Palestinian husband in joining Islamic terror groups
abroad, including the Islamic State in Syria. [...] As abysmal as this woman's behavior was — she had also tried
to get her older son to come and be "martyred" in Syria — the most telling aspect of and lynchpin to her persona
is found in the following excerpt: "According to a witness, after the IS attacks in Paris in 2015, she had said that
the victims deserved to die. She had told her son that it was important to humiliate and hate the infidels"
(emphasis added). Why would this native German woman, on converting to Islam, feel that "infidels" — all
non-Muslims — are deserving of being hated and humiliated? Because Islam unequivocally commands it.
Hope That, Allah Willing, Their Missiles Will Soon Reach NY. The Houthis, the Iran-backed Shi'a jihad group in
Yemen, recently held a student rally in the Yemeni city of Hajjah, but they weren't exactly cheering on their favorite soccer
team. The rally, which was televised on the Houthi network Al-Masirah TV, featured a student proclaiming, "Placing
their trust in Allah, our missile forces are continuing to strike deep inside Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Allah willing,
our UAVs will reach Tel Aviv and New York in the very near future." A UAV is an unmanned aerial vehicle, that is, a
drone. No one in New York needs to worry about Houthi drones anytime soon, but the statement in itself once again
revealed that Biden's handlers' foreign policy is based on fantasy and wishful thinking, not any rational assessment of
reality. This is because in February 2021, just weeks after Old Joe Biden began his pretend-to-be-the-president act,
the administration removed the Houthis from the list of terrorist groups.
State's Monopoly on Violence. [Scroll down] If we stick to so-called liberal democracies, the UK for
decades now has allowed the flourishing of the so-called grooming gangs in cities such as Telford and Rotherham.
Grooming is a euphemism for the incessant gang-raping, pimping and torturing of thousands of vulnerable working-class girls
predominantly by Muslim immigrants. For decades, the state, from the level of municipal councils all the way up to
cabinet members of the national government, turned a blind-eye on these activities until they were finally exposed by a few
brave investigative journalists. Police officers and social workers — yes, those social workers that are
supposed to be replacing the police after they have been defunded — pretended that they knew nothing or, if they
couldn't help knowing something because of evidence presented to them, did nothing to stop this atrocious activity.
When, in recent years, it was finally exposed, the authorities lamely explained that their lack of prosecution and other
preventative activity was due to a desire to keep social peace. In other words, they were afraid that the visible
minorities might riot in protest if the criminal activity were stopped.
In-Depth Look at Islam's Achilles Heel. [Scroll down] So long as the people of the West accept as a first
premise that Islam was historically and for centuries an advanced, enlightened, and tolerant force — especially in
comparison to Europe — so long must all the violent and terrible things currently being committed in its name be
chalked up to other factors — territorial disputes, grievances, economics, education, politics, and/or "lack of
jobs" to quote the Obama White House — never Islam itself.
is Exactly why the Middle East Won't See Peace Anytime Soon. There will never be peace in the middle east when
kids are taught to hate people simply because their religion thinks it should dominate the world and control everyone in
it. Newsflash, it'll never happen. Not now, not ever. The so-called 'religion of peace' is everything but
peaceful. [Video clip]
who allegedly led ISIS battalion charged with aiding terrorist organization. A Kansas woman who allegedly
joined ISIS and led a battalion was arrested in Syria and is being accused of providing material aid to a terrorist
organization. Officials from the FBI took 42-year-old Allison Fluke-Ekren into custody, stating that she had been
involved with planning and recruiting for an attack, leading a women's battalion, and providing material support to ISIS
operatives. Fluke-Ekren is being charged with providing and conspiring to offer material resources or support to a
known terrorist organization.
Muslim Convert Wanted to Bomb College Campus for ISIS. Muslim converts tend to be far more fanatical, but the
strange element to this story is that we haven't heard her name before. ["]According to the DOJ, Allison
Elizabeth Fluke-Ekren, aka 'Allison Elizabeth Brooks,' aka 'Allison Ekren,' aka 'Umm Mohammed al-Amriki,' aka 'Umm Mohammed,'
and aka 'Umm Jabril,' 42, 'a former resident of Kansas, traveled to Syria several years ago for the purpose of committing or
supporting terrorism.'["] Fluke-Ekren appears to have converted to Islam at least as far back as 2004 since a news
story from that year appears to show her wearing a hijab. Photos from a blog apparently showcasing her unfortunate kids
show little girls being forced to wear hijabs. The kids have Turkish names inflicted on them so it seems likely that
she married a Turkish Muslim man and went all the way.
Teen Converts to Islam, Murders 13-Year-Old Boy. When Corey Johnson was 17, he murdered a 13-year-old boy,
Jovanni Sierra Brand, and stabbed two other people because they "idolized celebrities and disrespected his Muslim faith."
Johnson is now 21. On Thursday, he got a life sentence for the murder, but no one seems to be pondering the larger
implications of the case. The UK's Daily Mail reported Thursday that "Palm Beach County Judge Cheryl Caracuzzo
sentenced Johnson to life in prison and said on Thursday she did not believe rehabilitation was likely for Johnson after he
remained emotionless during the heartfelt testimony of Jovanni's mother."
Hitler photos found on imam's cell phone. [Scroll down] While analysing the mobile phone of an imam, the
investigators found four so-called WhatsApp stickers with the portrait of Adolf Hitler in two chat rooms for pupils. On
one photo, "the Führer" gives the Hitler salute, on another he depicts a heart using both hands, and on a third, the
word "seductive" is inscribed below Hitler's portrait. The corresponding chat histories themselves are missing from the file.
Back Against the Establishment Anti-Semites. There is indeed an intersectionality between Hamas, Al Qaida,
Hezb'allah, and ISIS. All consist of violent extremists who abuse Islam as an excuse to murder those unlike themselves,
including those they deem to be the wrong kinds of Muslims. None have any use for women, unless for sex or as punching
bags, or for LGBT people. Anybody who supports any of these entities even indirectly therefore supports, regardless of
intention, school shootings such as the Ma'a lot massacre and the Beslan massacre, church, synagogue, and mosque shootings,
the murder of U.S. Marines in Beirut by a suicide bomber, the murder of three thousand people (including roughly three dozen
Muslims including emergency responder Mohammad Salman Hamdani and yes, we will say his name) on 9/11, the Mumbai Massacre,
bombings of pizza shops and Seders, hanging LGBT people in Iran and throwing them off rooftops as practiced by ISIS, "honor
killings" of women including rape victims, and rocket attacks that would rightfully draw overwhelming retaliation from any
nation on earth except apparently Israel.
Muslims desecrate three Hindu temples by hanging raw beef on their doors. Imagine the outcry if pork had been
hung on the doors of three mosques. But the international establishment media will take no notice of this. It
doesn't fit their narrative, in which Muslims are always and in every case victims, no matter what the actual circumstances.
State calls on Muslims to murder non-Muslims during Christmas season. "With the advent of the so-called
polytheistic celebrations that the unbelievers are experiencing these days, we send a message to our monotheist brothers in
Europe, America, Australia, Canada, Russia, and other countries of unbelief and apostasy: We say to you, our brothers,
oh monotheists, avenge your brothers and sisters who have been killed and captured by these scumbags." Why
"polytheistic"? [...] [Quote from the Qur'an omitted for brevity, among other things.]
The Palestinian School
of Terrorism. A Palestinian teacher and three school children were directly involved in the recent spate of
terror attacks against Israelis in Jerusalem and the West Bank. This came as little surprise to those familiar with the
ongoing hate and incitement against Israel in Palestinian schools and textbooks, as well as in the media, mosques and
university campuses. On November 21, Fadi Abu Shkhaydam, a 42-year-old high school teacher from Shuafat refugee camp
in Jerusalem, shot and killed Eli Kay, a 26-year-old immigrant from South Africa. The shooting attack took place in the
Old City of Jerusalem. Four other people were injured before the terrorist was shot dead by police. Abu Shkhaydam
was an Islamic studies teacher at Al-Rashidiyeh Boys' School in east Jerusalem. That the school is run by (Israel's)
Municipality of Jerusalem did not bother the terrorist, who was later described as a member of Hamas.
School Kids are Taught how to Behead Someone in Pakistan. The so-called religion of peace is once again caught
on camera showing exactly how non-peaceful they are when it comes to anyone that disagrees with their religion. In Lal
Masjid Mosque located in Pakistan, a mosque known for training and sheltering Islamic Terrorists, you can watch a class of
schoolgirls learn how to behead someone who commits blasphemy against Islam. [Video clip]
attacks flow into littoral West Africa. Over the last few days, the West African state of Benin has suffered
from two attacks perpetrated by suspected jihadists that have left two Beninese soldiers dead. The strikes are just the
latest in a worrying series of jihadist, and/or suspected jihadist, activity across several littoral West African
states. In addition to Benin, its neighbor Togo has also recently witnessed its first-ever jihadist assault within its
territory earlier last month. Ivory Coast, on the other hand, has been subjected to the majority of the jihadist
violence seeping into littoral West Africa. These attacks, which are largely stemming from the proliferation of
violence in Burkina Faso, which borders all three countries, are primarily thought to be perpetrated by al Qaeda's Group for
Support of Islam and Muslims (JNIM). More specifically, it is believed that JNIM's largely ethnic Fulani brigade,
Katibat Macina, is behind this spread.
'Allahu Akbar' Migrant Knifeman Threatened to Slaughter Children. An Eritrean migrant has been convicted of
attacking two men with a knife while also threatening to kill children in the car park of a local shopping centre in the
German city of Dresden. Eritrean migrant Ismail M. approached a number of children said to be around 13-years-old at a
car park of the Gorbitz Center in June and made a throat-slitting gesture while stating "I'll slaughter you!" The
26-year-old Eritrean was then confronted by a pair of Iraqis who noticed that he had been yelling at the children.
reminder why ascendent Islam would be a problem in America. There are many good people in America and around
the world who are Muslims. However, Islam as a whole still has issues with "infidels" and apostasy that Judaism
resolved thousands of years ago and Christianity resolved several hundred years ago. The latest example is a grotesque
story out of Pakistan, where a mob of hundreds of Muslims lynched a Sri Lankan accused (accurately or not, because it never
matters) of desecrating pictures of Mohamed.
Muslim mob of hundreds lynch Sri Lankan factory manager in Pakistan, publicly burning his body after he was accused of
blasphemy. Hundreds of enraged Muslims in eastern Pakistan lynched and publicly burned the body of a Sri Lankan
sports equipment factory manager on Friday [12/3/2021] over alleged blasphemy. Priyantha Kumara was accused by factory
workers of desecrating posters bearing the name of Islam's Prophet Muhammad. The mob descended on the factory in the
district of Sialkot in Punjab province and police arrested 13 suspects, with dozens detained according to officials.
What lovely people. Let's go get another 50,000 of them. San
Francisco: Knife-Wielding Afghan Refugee Charges Police, Is Shot Dead. In San Francisco on Wednesday, a
man named Ajmal Amani, screaming "Allahu akbar," charged at police with a large kitchen knife and was shot multiple times
with a handgun and beanbag projectiles. Amani had previously threatened to kill a man in his residential hotel with the
same large knife and later died of his wounds. Amani was, according to the Associated Press, "a former Afghan
interpreter for U.S. special forces who had been shot several times during more than five years of service and struggled with
post-traumatic stress disorder." That is a tragedy, but it's also a warning: how many of the tens of thousands of unvetted
Afghans who have been brought to the U.S. by Old Joe Biden's handlers are a similar threat?
Death toll reaches 38 in jihad slaughter in village. The death toll from attacks in the eastern Democratic
Republic of the Congo by the jihad group known as the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) has risen to 38, while the number of
injured and displaced is unknown. [...] Ignoring the religious responsibility to "cast terror" in the unbelievers, a goal
which motivates jihadists and enables and empowers them to continue, the West searches for any explanation for their actions
except the truth. The Democratic Republic of Congo is 95.8% Christian, but Africa as a whole has become a breeding
ground for the Islamic State, as jihadists commit genocide against Christians and other disbelievers.
the Murder of a Five-Year-Old Yazidi Girl by Muslims Tells Us. A judge in Munich has just sentenced a German
woman, one Jennier Wenisch, a convert to Islam who was an ISIS bride, to ten years in prison for her part in the murder of a
five-year-old Yazidi girl, whom she and her husband had enslaved.
Leftists Who Hate Religion Melt At The Sound Of Allah's Prayers And Join In The Kneeling. The Left
(institutionally) hates Christianity, and that standard explanation, such as its alleged bigotry, we can't explain why the
Left gives Islam a pass. Christianity stands in the way of the Leftist agenda. Moreover, if the Devil exists, he
would favor not just the "false religion" of environmentalism and Marxism, but also postmodernism. [...] The question of the
day is why do liberals love Islam and defend Muslims adamantly while continuing to hate and mock Christians and
Christianity. Christians today are compared to the nuts at Westboro Baptist, or blamed for the Inquisition, slavery,
and Nazis. On the other hand, Muslims today (let me check the year. Oh, it's 2021) regularly beat, stone, pour
acid on, and behead women, gays, and non-Muslims. (What America hears on the news is when a white country gets attacked;
when it's Africans or Asians the Western media doesn't care at all.) So Islam and its followers do those atrocities
today and daily, and so did the founder, and liberals say "Those people aren't really Muslims."
Afghan evacuee charged with rape, governor calls for halt in refugee resettlements. There was no doubt
whatsoever that this sort of thing would happen, and there will be more of it. Zabihullah Mohmand likely didn't think
he was doing anything wrong, and no one is prepared to discuss that, or its implications. In France, a Muslim quoted
Qur'an while raping his victim. A survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the UK has said that her rapists would quote the
Qur'an to her, and believed their actions justified by Islam. Thus it came as no surprise when Muslim migrants in
France raped a girl and videoed the rape while praising Allah and invoking the Qur'an. In India, a Muslim gave a Qur'an
and a prayer rug to the woman he was holding captive and repeatedly raping. And the victim of an Islamic State jihadi
rapist recalled: "He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping
me, he is drawing closer to God... He said that raping me is his prayer to God." In India, a Muslim kidnapped and raped a
14-year-old Hindu girl, and forced her to read the Qur'an and Islamic prayers. In Pakistan, another Christian woman
recounted that her rapist was also religious: "He threw me on the bed and started to rape me. He demanded I marry
him and convert to Islam. I refused. I am not willing to deny Jesus and he said that if I would not agree he
would kill me." Rapists demanded that another girl's family turn her over to them, claiming that she had recited the
Islamic profession of faith during the rape and thus could not live among infidels.
Suicide Bomber Kills At Least 47 Worshippers at Mosque. A suicide bomber killed at least 47 worshippers at a
Mosque in Afghanistan during Friday prayers, leaving dozens more wounded as the country descends into violence and sectarian
strife. "Suicide bombers attacked a Shiite mosque packed with worshippers attending Friday prayers in southern
Afghanistan, killing at least 47 people and wounding 70, a Taliban official said. It was the deadliest day since
the U.S. military withdrawal," reports Bloomberg.
fatalities, injuries reported after blasts at Shiite mosque in Afghanistan. At least 37 people were killed and
over 70 wounded when explosions tore through a Shiite mosque in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar during Friday
[10/15/2021] prayers — the second attack in a week that left worshipers from the minority sect dead, according to
reports. A local reporter told Reuters that eyewitnesses had described three suicide attackers, one of whom blew
himself up at the entrance to the mosque while the two others set off their devices inside the building.
The Jihadist
Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Intensifies. Since the Islamic insurgency began in earnest in July
2009 — first at the hands of Boko Haram, an Islamic terrorist organization, and later by the Fulani, who are
Muslim herdsmen also radicalized and motivated by jihadist ideology — more than 60,000 Christians have either been
murdered or abducted during raids. The abducted Christians have never returned to their homes and their loved ones
believe them to be dead. In addition, in the same time frame, approximately 20,000 churches and Christian schools have
been torched and destroyed. Some of these findings are documented in an August 4, 2021 report by the International
Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law, also known as "Intersociety," a nonprofit human rights organization based in Nigeria.
Muslim murders his mother because she converted to Christianity. What would lead a man to become so monstrous
as to murder his own mother? Islam. The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law. It's based on
the Qur'an: "They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among
them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever
you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper." (Qur'an 4:89) A hadith depicts Muhammad saying:
"Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him" (Bukhari 9.84.57). The death penalty for apostasy is part of
Islamic law according to all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence.
allegedly lived up to their reputation as sex criminals. Joe Biden's disastrous retreat from Afghanistan
involved bringing to America thousands of random, entirely unvetted Afghan men, instead of vetted men who helped American
troops, although with their families. I knew then that we were in trouble. I saw what happened in Europe when
Angela Merkel took in unvetted Muslim refugees, mostly young, unattached men. These fears have been realized now that a
female soldier at Fort Bliss has allegedly been assaulted by several Afghan refugees. In 2017, Cheryl Benard, who spent
a career working with refugees, wrote a fact-filled article about the fact that of all the Muslim refugees flooding Europe,
the Afghan men were the most dangerous. They assaulted women and children without even attempting to cover their crimes.
Husband Beats The Snot Out Of Doctor After He Asked His Wife To Remove Her Hijab, Show Her Arms. In
Nizhnevartovsk, Russia, a man flew into a rage and beat a doctor who examined his wife: she was wearing a hijab, and the
dermatologist asked her to consistently bare her arms, legs, and stomach. On Thursday, September 23, the victim,
Vladimir Zh. Told about this. According to a local publication, the incident took place on September 21.
A Muslim woman wearing a hijab came to the reception. "I did not see anything strange in this, I have been working in the city
for several years, the patients came in hijab earlier, the procedure is the same for everyone. For examination, I asked her to
show her arms, legs, stomach — she had to bare literally 10 centimeters each, "said Vladimir Zh. According to him,
the patient was indignant, saying that she was not supposed to do this, but the doctor replied that the norms were the same for
everyone. [Video clip]
The Editor says...
Here is some free advice for all you sixth-century dirt farmers who are just now encountering civilization for the first time:
If you go to a dermatologist, you will have to show some skin.
Muslim mob lynches 17-year-old Hindu for accidentally brushing against a Muslim woman. A Twitter user from
India says, "A slapped Muslim creates more outrage than a dead Hindu." Cant agree more. After an ordeal of three days,
17-year-old Yogesh Jatav succumbed to his injuries. Jatav, a Hindu minor from the Dalit community, had accidentally brushed a
Muslim woman while riding on his bike on September 15 in Alwar, Rajasthan. As per reports, he was trying to evade a pothole
and inadvertently hit a Muslim woman on his way. There have been no reports of the woman being injured in the incident. But
within minutes, an enraged mob appeared at the spot and charged at the boy with sticks and iron rods. He was mercilessly beaten
by the mob and had blood gushing out of his ears by the time help arrived. Yogesh was rushed to a nearby hospital; he went into
a coma on the day of the attack itself. He was later shifted to a Jaipur-based SMS hospital, but passed away on the 18th.
Muslim clerics oppose bill prohibiting forced conversion, say it's 'anti-Islam'. The Qur'an says "There is no
compulsion in religion" (2:256). However, what constitutes "compulsion" is in the eye of the beholder. The
institutionalized subjugation of the dhimma, with its regular humiliation and harassment, from which one can be freed for the
simple price of converting to Islam, is not considered compulsion. Those who are forced to convert on pain of death are
likewise free: they could have chosen to be killed rather than embracing Islam. No compulsion about it.
Biden Says Islam is Peaceful, D.C. Imam Calls for Jihad. No sooner has Joe Biden reminded us that Islam is a
peaceful religion than a Washington, D.C.-area imam comes along to spoil the love fest. Dr. Sulayman Ali Hassan
preached a sermon recently at the Shahe Najaf Islamic Center in the D.C. suburb of Alexandria, Virginia, in which he makes it
clear that jihad is an obligation on all Muslims and that it has a violent component. Maybe Old Joe, being one of the
world's foremost Islamic clerics, can drop by the Shahe Najaf Islamic Center sometime soon and explain to the good
Dr. Hassan how he is misunderstanding Islam. Until then, we can only hope that none of Dr. Hassan's hearers
decide that Islam is being attacked in a way that calls for a violent response.
The Treason Party.
What do you call a party that takes the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the worst attack on the homeland since the
British burned the White House in 1812, to lecture Americans on their persecution of Muslims? Especially, when the
attack was inspired by Islamic doctrine in a declaration of (unprovoked) war against the "Jews and the Crusaders"
(Christians)? What do you call a president who, on the anniversary of this attack, describes this as a "religion of peace"?
The 2001 assault on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon was inspired by Islamic doctrines leading to similar attacks on Jews and
Christians for over a thousand years, including hundreds of thousands of slaughters and beheadings of Christians in the last
twenty, and attacks on Jewish civilians as recently as a year ago. Islam is, without any question, the most war-like,
intolerant religion on the planet, yet America's commander-in-chief defends it as a "religion of peace" and warns American
citizens commemorating an unprovoked Muslim attack, which took nearly 3,000 innocent American lives, to put on sackcloth and
ashes to atone for their imaginary "persecution" of Muslims. Look up the statistics, Joe. It's Jews who are the
most persecuted religious group in America, thanks in large part to the influx of radical Muslims from "Palestine" and other
Muslim nations at war with Israel because they hate Jews.
Favorite CIA Spook Admits The Taliban is al-Qaeda. CTH outlines the connections, motives and intents behind the
people in our government and the bastardized processes that are underway. It is a labor of love to explain these
inter-connected manipulations and provide clarity. We do it because The Truth Has No Agenda, and once you see the
strings on the marionettes, you can never unsee them. Before we get to this video interview [you only need to watch
the first 90 seconds], it is important to remember the accurate and historic context for what is taking place.
That is how you see the dots connect. [Video clip]
left loses it when Gabbard drops truth bomb on what inspired 9/11 terrorist attacks. There is no honest way to
recognize the 20th anniversary of the deadliest terror attacks ever carried out on American soil without acknowledging the
underlying ideology that drove fanatics to fly hijacked jetliners into buildings. With the ongoing shutdown of free
speech and the whitewashing of history by the left and the cultural cleansers in the media, it has become impermissible to
mention that the 9/11 terrorists were fueled by the hatred of western civilization espoused in the radical Islam embraced by
the murderous disciples of Osama bin Laden. Violators face accusations of racism and worse. One liberal however
defied the orthodoxy of a political left that shares the rejection of many western values with those who killed over 3,000
innocent people that day. Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii, rattled cages when she took
to Twitter with a reminder of exactly what ideology served as the inspiration for the attacks.
cleric convicted of inciting murders and arming a hit squad. Why didn't the Qur'an's peaceful teachings that
are so obvious to every Western non-Muslim politician elude the attention of Ahmad Al Assir, a man who has devoted his life
to understanding Islam properly?
American Children Are Being Taught Gender Reassignment Here's How Taliban Train Their Children. New Human
Rights Watch research shows that the Taliban have been training and deploying children for various military operations
including the production and planting of improvised explosive devices (IED). In Kunduz province, the Taliban have
increasingly used madrasas, or Islamic religious schools, to provide military training to children between the ages of 13 and
17, many of whom have been deployed in combat[.] The Taliban recruit and train children in age-specific stages.
Boys begin indoctrination as young as six years old, and continue to study religious subjects under Taliban teachers for up
to seven years. According to relatives of boys recruited by the Taliban, by the time they are 13, Taliban-educated
children have learned military skills including the use of firearms, and the production and deployment of IEDs. Taliban
teachers then introduce those trained child soldiers to specific Taliban groups in that district. The use of children
to carry out terrorist attacks is not new. It's not only the Taliban that trains their children! The Islamic
State has drawn attention with videos of children participating in firing squads and beheadings. The group's propaganda
videos and other publications make clear the role of children in the extremist organization is a norm and not just a shock factor.
Imam Calls for West to Submit to Taliban: Jews & Christians Are 'Our Enemies'. A top Canadian imam is
calling on his followers to support the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan, declaring that Christians and Jews are "our
enemies." Imam Younus Kathrada attacked Western allies in a recent sermon, accusing Christians and Jews of funding a
failed war against Islam. He is calling on fellow Canadians to support the Taliban and its efforts to impose Islamic
sharia law in Afghanistan. The Taliban has already confirmed the country will be governed under sharia law —
which includes death by stoning for adultery and homosexuality — and stated that there will be "no democracy
at all." [Video clip]
Shoot Dead Folk Singer After Announcing Public Music Ban in Afghanistan. The Taliban has executed a well-known
folk singer in a village in Afghanistan after officials announced a ban on playing music in public, according to local
reports. Fawad Andarabi, a well-known folk singer, was killed in the Afghanistan village of Andarab, north of Kabul, a
region where parts of the population are rejecting Taliban rule, The Associated Press reported. Andarabi played the
ghichak, a bowed lute, and sang traditional songs about his birthplace, his people, and the country. He was said to
have been dragged from his village home before being shot dead by the group. His son, Jawad, told AP that the singer
was "shot in the head for no reason" at the family's farm, just days after the Taliban had searched his home and drank tea
with him.
Known Afghani Folk Singer Is Executed By Taliban After Music Is Banned Nationwide. An Afghan folk singer has
been executed by the Taliban just days after the Islamic fundamentalist group declared that "music is forbidden in Islam,"
according to his family. Fawad Andarabi's family told the Associated Press that he was shot dead Friday [8/27/2021]
when enforcers returned to his home after earlier searching it and even drinking tea with him. [Video clip]
The Eternal
Jihad. Although August 15, 2021 will forever live in infamy as the date the Taliban reconquered Afghanistan,
for over 13 centuries that date was famous for another event — Constantinople's defeat of the caliphate,
August 15, 718. While these two events separated by exactly 1,303 years are vastly different in
nature — not least that in 718 Islam lost, while in 2021 it won — they both confirm one irresistible
point that the confident West should take to heart: the tenacity of Islamic jihad — this relentless snake of
war that always bides its time, even if by remaining coiled for many centuries, before striking.
'brutally' killed a popular Afghan folk singer just days after it said 'music is forbidden' in Islam, former minister
says. The Taliban killed a popular Afghan folk singer just days after the group said it hoped to ban music from
being played in public in Afghanistan, according to a former minister. Fawad Andarabi was "brutally killed" on
Saturday, said Masoud Andarabi, who was the Interior Minister under former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, in a Twitter
post. He was reportedly dragged from his village home in Andarab, near the Panjshir Valley, before being shot dead,
according to LBC News.
cuts gay man into pieces to 'show what they do with gay people'. The Taliban has already sent clear messages on
what it intends to do with uncovered women, and now it has sent another message on how it will treat gay men. The
penalty for homosexuality in Islam is death, so the Taliban is following Sharia, which is also implemented in several other
Islamic countries.
chilling new face of terror: 'ISIS-K' slaughter patients in their hospital beds, bomb girls schools. Dressed in
white coats and carrying stethoscopes, three young men walked unchallenged into Kabul's 400-bed Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan
hospital and made their way to the upper floors. Then, outside the building, situated opposite the heavily fortified US
Embassy, there was a loud bang. The noise, from the detonating suicide vest of a comrade, acted as a signal for the
trio to pull a selection of hand grenades and AK-47 assault rifles from beneath their medical clothing, before opening
fire. By the time the chaos had died down, several hours later, more than 30 doctors and patients had been killed
and roughly 50 more wounded.
refugee in India says Taliban going door to door searching for sex slaves. According to Islamic law, Muslim men
can take "captives of the right hand" (Qur'an 4:3, 4:24, 33:50). The Qur'an says: "O Prophet! Lo! We
have made lawful for you your wives to whom you have paid their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses of those
whom Allah has given you as spoils of war" (33:50). 4:3 and 4:24 extend this privilege to Muslim men in general.
The Qur'an says that a man may have sex with his wives and with these slave girls: "The believers must win through,
those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex,
except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or the captives whom their right hands possess, for in their case they
are free from blame." (Qur'an 23:1-6) The rape of captive women is also sanctioned in Islamic tradition: [...]
Refugee Claims Taliban Raping the Dead Bodies of Its Victims. A female Afghan refugee using the name "Muskan"
told India's News18 on Saturday that Taliban fighters are raping both live women and the dead bodies of their victims.
News18's account described Muskan as a "girl" who left her job in Afghanistan and fled to New Delhi after "her life was
threatened by a Jihadist group." The article did not say exactly when she left Afghanistan. "When we were there, we
received numerous warnings. If you go to work, you are under threat, your family is under threat. After one
warning, they would stop giving any warning," Muskan said.
So much for a kinder,
gentler Taliban. It's not the same Taliban as 20 years ago, we're told. They're smarter, more mature,
reformed. They're looking to gain "legitimacy" in the eyes of the world, President Joe Biden claimed Friday.
Their leaders are promising to respect women's rights. They'll provide safe passage to the airport to any American who
wants to leave. They won't punish those who fought against them, and they won't harbor terrorists, as they did al Qaeda
in 2001. It's all a lie. Just look at the images of women and children covered in blood this week and militants
patrolling the streets armed with "peaceful" rocket launchers. Or the God-knows-how-many people racing toward the
airports, risking death to flee the country. What do you think they know about the Taliban that Biden & Co. don't?
In fact, people have been beaten with sticks, rubber hoses, knotted ropes and rifle butts. Men with tarred faces and
nooses wrapped around their necks are paraded through streets, tied to the backs of trucks. Reports say Taliban
fighters are trolling villages looking for young girls to marry and knocking on doors to root out Afghans who helped America.
Going Door To Door Seeking Christians, Searching Through Phones For Bible Apps: Report. Afghan Christians are
reportedly fleeing to the mountains in a desperate attempt to escape the Taliban who is going door to door trying to kill them.
An underground church that partners with Frontier Alliance International (FAI) has reported that the Taliban are targeting Christians for death.
Frees Thousands of Prisoners, Including al Qaeda and ISIS Fighters. As the Taliban takes over Afghanistan, it
has freed thousands of prisoners, including top leaders affiliated with al Qaeda and ISIS, a move likely to complicate U.S.
efforts to evacuate personnel from Kabul. The release of more than 5,000 prisoners from Bagram Air Base, which the
Taliban captured during the weekend, is compounding worries that U.S. forces will come under attack in the coming days.
Gen. Frank McKenzie, commander of U.S. Central Command, which is coordinating the emergency evacuation, said on Tuesday [8/17/2021]
he has warned the Taliban and other terrorists storming Kabul "that any attack would be met with overwhelming force in the defense
of our forces. The protection of U.S. civilians and our partners is my highest priority and we will take all necessary action
to ensure a safe and efficient withdrawal." Attacks could force U.S. troops to reenter Afghanistan en masse just weeks
after the Biden administration pulled troops from the country, sparking the Taliban's resurgence.
kill woman for not wearing burqa on same day they vow to honor women's rights. Taliban fighters shot and killed
a woman for not wearing a burqa in Afghanistan on Tuesday [8/17/2021] — the same day the group pledged to usher in
a new inclusive era in the country that honors "women's rights." A photo emerged of a woman in Takhar province lying in a
pool of blood, with loved ones crouched around her, after she was killed by insurgents for being in public without a head
covering, according to Fox News. The killing came amid the group's version of a charm offensive, after its swift
takeover of the country in the absence of US troops, who had been propping up allied military groups since shortly after the
Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
The Muslims do not intend to stop until they take over the world. President
Biden's Genocide. Afghanistan has fallen. The Taliban are the newly inaugurated genocidaires to now rule
that nation. Women between the ages of 15 and 45 have already been ordered to make themselves available to slavish
marriages with the male martyrs of their new global vision and rule by their distinct, and yes anti-Muslim, interpretation of
Islam. Public stonings of women will return. Publicly spectacular executions will return. Systemic sexual
child abuse will exponentially increase. The new government of Afghanistan is led by Taliban leader Muhammed Arif
Mustafa who told CNN: ["]Islam will keep on fighting, It's our belief that one day mujahedeen will have victory,
and Islamic law will come not to just Afghanistan, but all over the world. We are not in a hurry. We believe it
will come one day. Jihad will not end until the last day.["]
show barbaric Afghanistan reality after Taliban seized control. Distressing images show the barbaric reality in
Afghanistan after the Taliban seized control of the country, with women and children covered in blood and militants
patrolling streets with rocket launchers — all despite the Taliban's promise of a more peaceful regime.
Shocking scenes captured across Afghanistan on Tuesday — the day the Taliban's longtime spokesman promised peace
and an "inclusive, Islamic government" — showed militant mobs instead firing high-powered weapons in the air and
randomly beating passersby. Video footage shared on social media also shows groups of people being corralled by armed
groups, some carrying what appear to be rocket launchers while others patrol on rooftops.
Mob Completely Destroys Hindu Temple In Pakistan, Troops Sent In To Protect Hindus. Pakistan deployed
paramilitary forces in a central town on Thursday [8/5/2021] to check communal unrest after a mob ransacked and set fire to a
Hindu temple. Ahmad Nawaz, a spokesperson for the Rahimyar Khan district police, told Reuters that the mob attacked the
temple in the town of Bhong after reports that a Hindu boy had urinated in the library of an Islamic seminary. Nawaz
added police were searching for the attackers, and trying to ascertain if a boy in custody suspected of desecrating the
seminary was from the local Hindu community. [Video clip]
11 Muslims convicted of threatening and tormenting teen who criticized Islam online. Such is the fate of anyone
who insults Islam: torment or death. This is not due to "extremism"; Islamic law mandates death for "blasphemers."
Unlike any other religion, insulting it leads to open calls for violent retribution. This story of Mila has been
ongoing for over a year, and shows how relentlessly brutal some Muslims can be in the face of any perceived insult to their
religion. French schoolteacher Samuel Paty was beheaded for supposedly insulting Muhammad by showing Muhammad cartoons
to his class. More than one person organized his murder, while thousands of Muslims across the Muslim world blasted his
Sharia "crime" of blasphemy instead of condemning his murder. Even in Canada, an imam said that Paty was a "filthy
excuse for a human being," and prayed: "O Allah, destroy enemies of Islam."
Learns about Islam's 1,400 Year Assault. [Scroll down] The bottom line is this: there is hardly anything
that these types of Muslims do that is not already part of their religion and heritage. For example, all the
depravities the Islamic State engaged in — enslaving, selling, and buying infidel "sex slaves"; beheading,
crucifying, and even burning infidels alive; destroying or turning churches into mosques — were committed
countless times over the centuries by Muslims, always in the name of jihad. Such depravities are, moreover, defined as
at least "permissible" in Islamic law. How then can we call such Muslims "militant" and "extreme"? Seems more
logical to call Islam itself "militant" and "extreme," no?
Tunisian Parliament Member Is Beaten By Muslim Brotherhood Member For Criticizing Him. Representative Abeer
Moussa, head of the Free Constitutional Party, was beaten by one of the representatives affiliated with the Ennahda movement,
the political arm of the Brotherhood in Tunisia, a few days ago, which sparked a state of anger and resentment within the
Tunisian street. In turn, members of the national administrative body of the Tunisian General Labor Union condemned, in
a statement on Friday evening, the verbal and physical violence against the head of the Free Constitutional Party by the
"terrorist bloc", as they described it. [Video clip]
Muslim identified as man who stabbed rabbi, cops search for motive. Here is a possible motive: the Jews in the
Qur'an are called the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe
them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah's power is limited (5:64); they love to listen to lies (5:41); they
disobey Allah and never observe his commands (5:13). They are disputing and quarreling (2:247); hiding the truth and
misleading people (3:78); staging rebellion against the prophets and rejecting their guidance (2:55); being hypocritical
(2:14, 2:44); giving preference to their own interests over the teachings of Muhammad (2:87); wishing evil for people and
trying to mislead them (2:109); feeling pain when others are happy or fortunate (3:120); being arrogant about their being
Allah's beloved people (5:18); devouring people's wealth by subterfuge (4:161); slandering the true religion and being cursed
by Allah (4:46); killing the prophets (2:61); being merciless and heartless (2:74); never keeping their promises or
fulfilling their words (2:100); being unrestrained in committing sins (5:79); being cowardly (59:13-14); being miserly
(4:53); being transformed into apes and pigs for breaking the Sabbath (2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166); and more. They are
under Allah's curse (9:30), and Muslims should wage war against them and subjugate them under Islamic hegemony (9:29).
Combine that with the vicious "Palestinian" victimhood propaganda against Israel, and you have a lethal mix.
Muslims hunt Christians door-to-door. This is reminiscent of other incidents, including when a Muslim in
Minnesota asked mall shoppers if they were Muslim and then stabbed non-Muslims. In the Philippines in February 2019,
Muslims murdered a man for failing to recite Qur'an verses, while releasing six others who could recite them. In Mali,
Muslims screaming "Allahu akbar" took hostages, freeing those who could recite the Qur'an. In September 2013 at
Nairobi's Westgate Mall, Muslims murdered people who couldn't answer questions about Islam. In June 2014, Muslims
murdered people who could not pass an Islam quiz. In November 2014, Muslims murdered 28 non-Muslims who couldn't recite
Qur'an verses. In April 2015, Muslims screaming "Allahu akbar" stormed Garissa University College, and only shot those
who couldn't recite Qur'an. In a Bangladesh restaurant in July 2016, the jihadis spared those who could recite from the
Qur'an. In July 2017 in Kenya, Muslims asked Christians to "recite Islamic dogmas" and murdered them when they couldn't
do so. In May 2018 in Belgium, a Muslim who murdered four people told a hostage that he wouldn't harm her since she was
Muslim and was observing the Ramadan fast. In September 2018 in Kenya, Muslims murdered two non-Muslims for failing to
recite the Qur'an.
A Clockwork Jihadi.
Usman Khan may well enter history as the jihadi who killed "de-radicalisation". His murder of two Cambridge
criminology graduates, Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones, near London Bridge in 2019 cast the loftiest aspiration of British
counter-terrorism, the wish to change terrorists' minds, as hubris. Whereas talk of "de-radicalising" terrorists had
begun in the wake of the 7/7 bomb attacks of 2005 — attacks led by a man who purported to punish Britain for
"atrocities" he said it was committing against Muslims abroad — Usman Khan punished his victims for an ostensible
virtue: their willingness to imagine his redemption. In so doing, he propagandised the dark heart of modern
jihad — a conviction that unbelievers, whatever they might do, are subhuman and deserving of
destruction. The origins of the case date back to 2010, when Khan was arrested for his involvement in plots to
establish a jihadi training camp in Pakistan and to bomb the London Stock Exchange.
Muslim employer sends hit man to murder Christian because he refused to convert to Islam. Imagine if a Muslim
employee's Christian supervisor in any Western country sent a hit man to kill him because he refused to convert to
Christianity. Yet such persecution of Christians and other religious minorities by Muslims is so commonplace that it is
now practically expected, and largely ignored. The genocide of Christians and the persecution of minorities in general
signifies that the lives of these victims are considered to be inferior in value to those of their persecutors.
So-called human rights organizations in the West have tacitly accepted Sharia abuses, instead of opposing them as they should
have done. Now, due to mass migration, Islamization is advancing into once peaceful and advanced societies. The
surrender has been due to political correctness and fear of being called "Islamophobic" for calling out Islam's human rights violations.
India: Muslim fruit vendor caught spitting
on cut watermelons, is arrested. Jihad contamination and poisoning attempts are not new. In India, there
have been four recent incidents of Muslims spitting on the food of non-Muslims; one said he'd been doing it for years[.]
Also in India in 2019, Muslims plotted to poison food offered in a Hindu temple that is consumed by at least 40,000
devotees. Al-Qaeda has long considered the contamination of food as a jihad mass murder tactic. And in 2017, the
Islamic State called on Muslims to poison food in Western supermarkets. And it has happened at least twice in Britain.
Biden Wants a War in Israel. Terrorists have only one thing to offer. It's right there in the name.
The business model of terrorism is killing people and then demanding a payoff. The game always works the same
way. The terrorists attack, their targets fight back, and a third party sends in the diplomats to negotiate on behalf
of the terrorists before they get hit too hard. The Islamic terrorist war against Israel has worked exactly this way
for generations. Like a radio pop song that plays every time you go into a supermarket, you know the next verse and can
feel the next beat before it even kicks in no matter how much you hate the music. It's the same way with the regular
mini wars that begin with a manufactured political provocation that can be blamed on Israel, (this time a court ruling
evicting illegal Muslim colonists occupying homes that were seized during the '48 ethnic cleansing of Jews from Jerusalem),
followed by terrorist violence with the usual pattern of attack and escalation. Hamas and a few of its allies shell
Israeli towns and cities using the latest Iranian technology and some of their own cruder models. Israel responds by
calculatedly taking out terrorist compounds which Hamas has, with equal calculation, filled with civilian human
shields. Especially children.
'Repentant Jihadi' Scam. The degree to which Muslim terrorists can feign remorse for their crimes and
convincingly pretend to have reformed — while secretly despising and plotting to murder non-Muslims —
was recently underscored. After his prison evaluators had determined that Usman Khan, who was serving time for
terrorist-related activities, had reformed and repented of his ways, they freed him early, in December 2018. Less than a
year later he murdered two people, a man and woman, and injured three others at Fishmongers Hall near London Bridge.
During a recent inquest, the Rev. Paul Foster, a prison chaplain, admitted that he was one of those to have been
"conned" by the falsely "remorseful" Khan.
Muslims publicly whip three people for eating during Ramadan. With its stonings, amputations, death penalties
for an array of offenses including apostasy, Islam has created not a framework in which people can become genuinely good, but
an empire of fear. People don't dare step out of line, not out of an authentic understanding that the path of moral and
ethical uprightness is preferable to the alternative, much less out of love for God or a real desire to please him, but
because they are afraid of what would happen to them if they did depart from Islam's vision of morality.
Muslim mother kills her four-year-old son to keep him from being raised as a Christian. In the Qur'an, a
mysterious figure, known as Khidr in Islamic tradition, kills a boy in an apparently random and gratuitous attack. He
then explains: "And as for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared that he would overburden them by
transgression and disbelief. So we intended that their Lord should substitute for them one better than him in purity
and nearer to mercy." (18:80-81) The mother in this case was likewise afraid that her son would grow up in
"transgression and disbelief," and she acted as Khidr did.
Mother explodes herself and her baby in jihad suicide attack. How could a mother be moved to do such a
thing? She may have been threatened or forced, or she may have been convinced that Allah would reward her: "Allah
has bought from the believers their selves and their possessions against the gift of Paradise; they fight in the way of
Allah; they kill, and are killed; that is a promise binding upon Allah in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Koran; and who
fulfils his covenant truer than Allah? So rejoice in the bargain you have made with Him; that is the mighty triumph."
(Qur'an 9:111)
Sikhs in Muslim countries:
Attacked, abducted, discriminated against and dying out. Attempting to build alliances in their war against
Hindutva, Islamists in India can now be seen wooing the Sikh community. However, the lesser-known chapters of history
and the horrifying condition of Sikhs in Islamic countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan establish that those who are
chasing the dream of bringing the world under the flag of their Islamic faith have no tolerance for people of any other
religion. Centuries ago, Islamic invaders in India martyred the revered Sikh gurus in unspeakable and disturbing
ways. Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the fifth of the ten Sikh gurus, was executed by Jahangir in 1606 CE for refusing to
embrace Islam. Two generations later, the brave Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was arrested by Aurangzeb's forces for confronting
the religious persecution of Kashmiri Hindus by the Mughal emperor. His three associates, Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Dayal
Das, and Bhai Sati Das, were jailed as well. They were tortured in prison and told to abandon their faith and accept
Islam. But true to their commitment, withstanding all torments, they refused to convert.
Jihadi Kills 10 in
Boulder — Jihadi Network Left Untouched. On Monday March 22nd, ten Americans were killed by a
Syrian-born jihadi named Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. Like almost all of the jihadis who have killed Americans on our soil,
this jihadi was known to the FBI. Like all of the other jihadis, Alissa has a massive support network that trains and
support jihadi operations which continues to be untouched by the FBI, DHS, and states like Colorado. Jihadi
organizations like Hamas/CAIR, ICNA, ISNA and its affiliates, MAS, MSA, and so many others operate with impunity in
Colorado. Mosques all over Colorado — and the United States — teach muslims the purpose of Islam
is to wage war against the non-muslim community until "allah's divine law"/sharia is imposed on every human on earth and all
un-Islamic governments are destroyed, being replaced by an Islamic State. Just read the textbooks used for 7th graders
in U.S. Islamic schools and you will see it teaches muslim children that sharia must be imposed on all human beings, and that
they are obliged to be exclusively loyal to "the Islamic State."
Muslims Attack Hindu Neighborhoods, Killing Men for Marrying 'Their' Women. A jewelry brand recently came under
fire for an ad featuring a Hindu girl married happily into a Muslim family. The Hindus were vocal in their dissent on
social media, and with no intention to offend their biggest customer base further, the jewelry brand chose to take the ad off
the air. The Hindus were slandered by secular media for their projected aversion to interfaith marriages. The
Hindus, on the other hand, refusing to kneel in front of the secular forces that are always propagating the idea of "love" between
a Hindu girl and a Muslim boy, stood adamant on that one tough question no secular institution finds the courage to answer.
Gunmen Kill
137 People In Niger Less Than One Week After Another Deadly Attack. Armed men on motorcycles killed at least
137 people in Niger on Sunday, the country's government announced Monday [3/22/2021], according to the Associated Press (AP).
The attack is among the most deadly in years, and occurred less than a week after armed men on motorcycles killed at least
66 people in southwestern Niger in mid-March, the AP reported. Government spokesman Abdourahmane Zakaria confirmed the
Sunday attack took place the same day Niger's Constitutional Court officially declared Mohamed Bazoum as the winner of February's
presidential election, according to the AP. The attack happened near Niger's border with Mali, where an Islamic insurgency
has contributed to the escalating conflict in Niger.
A Sanctuary for Deadly Islamic Terrorists. Consider the case of Asia Bibi — a Christian wife and
mother of five who spent a decade of her life being abused on death row in Pakistan for challenging the authority of
Muhammad — which perhaps best sheds light on the immigration situation in the U.K. After she was finally
acquitted in November, 2018, Muslims rioted throughout Pakistan; in one march, more than 11,000 Muslims demanded her instant
and public hanging.
Blast During Bomb-Making Class Kills 30 Taliban Fighters. At least 30 Taliban members died after an explosive
device detonated during a bomb-making tutorial in Afghanistan's northern Balkh province over the weekend, the Defense Post
reported on Tuesday. A group of Taliban jihadists gathered at a mosque in the village of Qultaq on February 13 to
receive training on how to assemble bombs and improvised explosive devices (IED). An explosive device accidentally
detonated, killing at least "30 Taliban fighters including six foreign nationals who were expert mine makers," according to
the Afghan Army's 209th Shaheen Corps, which confirmed the deadly blast in a statement released Saturday [2/13/2021]. The
bodies of the six Taliban-affiliated foreign nationals were rendered unidentifiable by the blast, according to the statement.
The Editor says...
Brietbart and the Defense Post reported this story on Tuesday. Jihad Watch reported it on
Monday. It was apparently in Khaama Press on the previous Saturday.
829 hate crimes against churches, media blames 'right-wing extremists' and 'mentally ill'. There is another
possible culprit, found in large numbers in Rinkeby, Tensta and Kista. These are people whose holy book teaches them
that Christianity is a perverted version of the true teachings of Jesus, that Christians are unbelievers for believing Jesus
to be divine (Qur'an 5:17, 5:72), that Jesus is not the Son of God and Allah curses those who say otherwise (Qur'an 9:30),
and that it is false to say Jesus was crucified (Qur'an 4:157). But such people are not even considered as having any
involvement in this, despite the fact that they have been involved in the desecration of numerous churches elsewhere in
Europe. To raise such a possibility, even to open it up to be disproven, wouldn't fit the narrative. It would
be "Islamophobia." It would be "hate."
'How to Reform Islam' Sales Pitch. The purveyors of "moderate Islam" increasingly come off as salesmen: after
describing their "customer's" problem with great accuracy, they present their "product" as the solution — without
much in the way of explanation. Take a recent article titled, "How to Make the Islamic World Less Radical," by Yahya
Cholil Staquf, published by the Wall Street Journal on January 14, 2021. [...] If the Koran and prophet clearly and
unequivocally call for the punishment and death of apostates and animosity for and discriminatory subjugation of non-Muslims —
and they do — how can calling for the opposite ever be deemed "credible" by sincere Muslims?
Muslim stabs man, nearly kills him for seeing his sister without her hijab. The hijab must be worn in the
presence of men other than one's husband, father, grandfather, father-in-law, son, stepson, nephew and son-in-law. This
fellow was not on that list. Hence Mikhail M. apparently believed that he had to be punished. What is the
likelihood that Mikail will become a loyal citizen of secular German society?
who fatally stabbed 3 gay men in England park did it as 'act of religious jihad': prosecutor. A man accused of
fatally stabbing three gay men in a park in south England in June believed he was carrying out an act of religious jihad,
prosecutors said in court on Tuesday [1/5/2021]. James Furlong, 36, David Wails, 49, and Joseph Ritchie-Bennett, 39, were
killed during a daytime attack in Forbury Gardens, a public park in the city of Reading, near London, over the summer.
According to local police, the three friends were relaxing in the park after attending a Black Lives Matter protest nearby
when they were attacked. Some people who were sitting nearby were also injured.
Imam openly calls Jews, Christians, atheists and free-speech advocates 'filthy' and 'evil'. This is nothing new
in Canada. It is tolerated under the rubric of "diversity." "Islamophobia" is the focus of the Trudeau government in
Canada as it aims to shut down any discussion deemed to be offensive to Islam. But however hateful the imam Younus
Kathrada is against Christians and Jews, it is shrugged off and forgotten, as is his justifying of the beheading of French
teacher Samuel Paty. Kathrada "recently referred to the French teacher who was beheaded near Paris for showing cartoons
of Muhammad as 'a cursed, evil-spirited filthy excuse for a human being.'" Hate laws exist in Canada, but the country
has become a two-tier system: one law of tolerance for Islamic supremacists, and the other for everyone else.
Message for a Broken Republic. We know from the study of savage, radical Islam that imposing painful
humiliation on the innocent who defy the Muslims is far more important than merely killing their victims. The doctors
who attended the corpses pulled from the Mumbai Massacre (2008) were shocked by the unimaginable torture the terrorists had
wrought. That same story of wreckage is repeated wherever Islamic terrorists have struck. Likewise, the intention
to humiliate, as much as to destroy, is both donation and digest of Democrat strategy. The inference is that for those
who crave power over others, the existence of goodness and innocence is utterly intolerable. Goodness is an insolent
affront to their self-esteem. It accuses them of being the degenerates they are.
Who Rioted After Qur'an Burning Get Soft Sentences. A 31-year-old man and six teens were given light sentences
for participating in a riot in the multicultural Swedish city of Malmö earlier this year after anti-Islam activists burned a
copy of the Qur'an. The 31-year-old was merely sentenced to probation by the court, while the six teenagers were given
youth service for taking part in the August 28th riot and throwing rocks at police officers.
Tennessee: Lawyer fired for
saying Islam isn't a peaceful religion. However, "in a statement Friday afternoon [12/11/2020], Horwitz said
Morgan's 'apparent termination' was driven by bad publicity rather than the content of his social media posts." That in a
nutshell is why the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and allied organizations make a fuss when
someone says something they don't like: they know that most groups don't have the stomach or the courage to stand up to the
outrage mob, and so they will throw the putative offender under the bus just for the sake of peace. Jerry Morgan's
statements are presented in the Tennessean in a highly pejorative light (of course), but all he essentially was support
Trump's travel ban on people entering the U.S. from jihadi hotspots and other places where officials cannot or will not
provide adequate information about those wishing to enter; said Islam was not a religion of peace; linked Islam with
violence, as Islamic jihadis do every day; and supposedly demonstrated prejudice against minorities and dislike of
Democrats. The prejudice against minorities appears only to consist of disapproving of the "slave mentality" of some,
which was likely a reference to their tendency to vote Democrat even against their own best interests.
Repeated jihad massacres of farmers are devastating the nation's food supply. This is one illustration of why
states that are jihadi hotspots are so infrequently prosperous, unless they have had the good fortune of striking oil.
Then some Islamic preachers will blame the resulting poverty and hunger on Allah's displeasure, and the jihad will gain new
energy in an effort to placate his wrath.
Calls on Jihadis to Kill Non-Muslims With Poisoned Coronavirus Masks. If you're tired of wearing a visible sign
of massive government overreach and ginned-up hysteria everywhere you go, do not despair. Help could be on its way,
courtesy of the most unlikely source: al-Qaeda. According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), the
jihad group is refusing to accept the State Department's complacent assertion that it is on the ropes, and has just published
a new magazine with the catchy title Wolves of Manhattan, in which it calls on the warriors of jihad who find
themselves in the U.S. to murder people by means of poisoned coronavirus masks. So now it's wear a mask or the
coronavirus will get you (unless you're at a Black Lives Matter protest, of course; the virus knows better than to infect the
righteous), or don't wear a mask so that al-Qaeda doesn't get you.
terrorists behead more than 50 people in Mozambique. Terrorists linked to ISIS turned a soccer pitch in
Mozambique into a three-day "execution ground" — beheading and chopping up more than 50 people, according to local
officials. The execution squad first attacked several villages in Miudumbe and Macomia, abducting women and children
and burning down homes, police told a press conference, according to Al Jazeera. They then herded others to a sports
field in Muatide where they started decapitating and chopping up more than 50 people, police officials said at a press
conference Monday, the station said.
Imam Proclaims The Teacher Beheaded In France Was "Filthy Excuse For a Human Being". Canadian imam Younus
Kathrada spoke about the re-publishing of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad and the killing of French
schoolteacher Samuel Paty, who was murdered by a Muslim youth for showing them to his class, in a Friday sermon delivered at
Muslim Youth Victoria on October 23, 2020. "In any event, not too long ago, a teacher in France chose to show those
insulting cartoons to his class, at school. And of course, some of the Muslim students who were there were very annoyed
and upset and they objected — as did their parents. They spoke up, but nobody bothered listening to
them. Nobody paid any attention to them." [Video clip]
"have the right to kill millions of French people", Malaysia's former PM says after church terror attack in
Nice. Malaysia's former prime minister said that Muslims have the right 'to kill millions of French people',
shortly after a knife-wielding Islamist killed three people in a deadly terror attack in Nice. Mahathir Mohamad, who
lost power in February this year, said freedom of expression does not include 'insulting other people' as fury over satirical
cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed sweeps the Islamic world. The 95-year-old politician said he did not approve of the
beheading of a French school teacher for sharing caricatures of the Prophet, but said: 'Irrespective of the religion
professed, angry people kill'.
On Bus Stabbed 99 Times By A Man And His Sons — Was It An 'Honor' Killing? Prosecutors say was no
random assault. It is no coincidence, they say, that the victim worked at the same place as the attacker's wife.
An Afghani man and his two sons have been charged with murder. Because of the circumstances, and the involvement of all
three men, the motivation is thought to be a so-called 'honor killing'. The term 'honor killing' describes a retributive
attack against someone who has brought shame to the family name. It is an extrajudicial act of 'taking justice into
their own hands' and is not compatible with Western notions of law, order, and justice. The murder took place this past
July, in Sweden.
Prominent critic of Islam found dead with 'visible damage to the body'. SIAN leader Lars Thorsen "stressed that
based on his knowledge of the deceased, he sees no visible motives other than political ones." The killer may have been a
Muslim enraged over Lid's "blasphemy," but the perp may also have been a Leftist who believes that Muslims are a victimized
group that needs special protection from criticism. We saw this in the Netherlands years ago, when Volkert van der
Graaf murdered Islamocritic Pim Fortuyn "to protect Muslims."
Tiny Muslim Terrorists-in-Training. Slashing themselves with chains and knives is the way Shia Muslims mark the
death of the Prophet's grandson. Even babies are bloodied. No longer confined to just Muslim countries, sadistic
rituals like this are now being practiced by Muslims in France and the UK, among others. [Video clip]
Battle of Lepanto: When Turks Skinned Christians Alive for Refusing Islam. Today in history, on October 7,
1571, one of the most cataclysmic clashes between Islam and the West — one where the latter for once crushed
and humiliated the former — took place. In 1570, Muslim Turks — in the guise of the Ottoman
Empire — invaded the island of Cyprus, prompting Pope Pius V to call for and form a "Holy League" of maritime
Catholic nation-states, spearheaded by the Spanish Empire, in 1571. Before they could reach and relieve Cyprus, its last
stronghold at Famagusta was taken through treachery. After promising the defenders safe passage if they surrendered,
Ottoman commander Ali Pasha — known as Müezzinzade ("son of a muezzin") due to his pious background —
had reneged and launched a wholesale slaughter.
Muslims behead Hindu woman after she refuses to convert to Islam. Imagine the international outcry if a Muslim
had been beheaded after refusing to convert to any other religion, which would never happen and should never happen.
But no one among the great defenders of human rights in the West will take any particular notice of this.
migrant to US 'found religion' and joined ISIS: 'I wanted to live in an Islamic country'. The conventional
wisdom, hawked by mainstream counterterror analysts such as the appalling Max Abrahms, is that the Islamic State has nothing
to do with genuine Islam, which Islamic jihadis generally know little to nothing about. Yet again and again we see
jihadis themselves explaining that they turned to jihad after becoming devout in their observance of Islam. Lirim
Sylejmani "said he found religion," and that this was the impetus for his joining the Islamic State (ISIS). "I wanted
to live in an Islamic country," he says. Doesn't he know that all our moral superiors assure us that ISIS has nothing
whatsoever to do with Islam?
Black Christian Lives
Apparently Do Not Matter. "Stop the killings", "Enough is enough", "Our lives matter", said Nigerian Christians
and church leaders gathered in London on August 20 to demonstrate against the massacre of Christians in their country.
They sent British Prime Minister Boris Johnson a letter accusing the international media of "a conspiracy of silence".
At the same time, a report by three organizations — the International Organization for Peace Building and Social
Justice, the International Committee on Nigeria and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion
or Belief — disclosed that in Nigeria, over the past 20 years, 100,000 Christians have been killed. Boko
Haram, Al Qaeda, Fulani herdsmen and other Islamist groups are responsible for the deaths of more than 96,000 Christians in
21,000 separate attacks. According to the report, 43,242 Christians were killed by Boko Haram, Islamic State and Al
Qaeda; 18,834 died in Fulani attacks and 34,233 from other armed groups. Nigeria is becoming the "biggest killing
ground of Christians in the world". [...] Mainline US churches have embraced "virtue signaling" about racism after the death
of George Floyd, but no Christian leaders have said "Black Christian Lives Matter" to raise awareness about the massacre of
Muslim Converts To Christianity — Is Beaten To Death By His Father & Other Relatives. Those who beat
Jalilu Kamutono to death aren't "extremists." Apostasy carries the death penalty in Islamic law. This is based on
the Qur'an: "They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among
them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever
you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper." (Qur'an 4:89) A Sunni hadith depicts Muhammad
saying: "Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him" (Bukhari 9.84.57). This is not just a Sunni idea; the
death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law according to all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence. This is still
the position of all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence, both Sunni and Shi'ite.
Black Oromo Muslims In Seattle Beat Up Random White Man During Protest Supporting A Terrorist Group In
Ethiopia. A video circulating on social media among Ethiopians purportedly shows Radical Oromo youth groups,
who were protesting in support of activists and politicians who are arrested in connection with the massacre of at least 181
people the Oromo region of Ethiopian, beating a Seattle [man] who does seem to have nothing to do with the issue they are
protesting about. The identity of the man who was beaten by at least five people is not known. Initially, he
seemed to have handled well the young man who started the fight but he was overpowered as multiples of as the crowds of the
former gave a helping hand. They took him down to the ground, kicked him, and punched him however, he sustained only
minor injuries. [Video clip]
New and Different Green Movement key to violent street protests. [Scroll down] Clare Lopez explained how
she gleans lots of her information from social media sites. She follows and sees accounts of Brotherhood-affiliated
Sharia adherent Muslims and the imaging and language they are using. There is open support in many for arson, street
demonstrations, burning police cars, and defunding the police. It's understood that "Red" refers to Marxist groups like
Antifa, and "Black" is linked to the Black Lives Matter movement, likewise a communist/Marxist/Maoist organization. The
Red and Black movements are now linked with the [Islamic] Green movement, not to be confused with the environmental green
movement. And all are of the same mind set to destroy this nation. Lopez went on to explain that the Green
movement is comprised of those who associate themselves with the Islamic movement and the Muslim Brotherhood, the vanguard of
the Islamic movement in the U.S., which is not in any way associated with the green environmental movement. The Green
Islamic movement used to be behind the scene, having taken a back seat by not physically being out on the streets
protesting. This may no longer be the situation.
Monuments: The Problem With Politically Correct History. Malcolm X, as a member of the Nation of Islam,
preached anti-Semitism and called the white man a "devil." After the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X
dismissed the murder as a case of "the chickens coming home to roost." [...] But Malcolm X changed. He visited
Mecca, where he saw people of all colors worshipping together. It changed the way he thought. He repudiated his
anger toward whites after discovering that people were more similar than they were different. He renounced the racist
ideology of the Nation of Islam, and in doing so knowingly signed his own death warrant. He was assassinated by members
of the Nation of Islam.
On the island of Lesbos, illegal alien Muslim invaders are desecrating and vandalizing churches. At the main
Muslim invader camp in Moria, two gangs of Afghani Muslims battle each other, African Muslims were ridiculing and coughing
on police in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, and thousands of olives trees have been destroyed by the Muslim
illegals. And these are just a few of the criminal incidents that have occurred on Moria in the past few months.
Muslim screaming 'Allahu akbar' robs 85-year-old man and defecates on him. He has already been convicted of 19
crimes, including murder, but was still running around loose and able to do this. Why? The answer is quite clear:
to have taken any strong action against him would have been "Islamophobic," and that's absolutely the worst thing you can be
in France today. Even now, "the court handed down a 24-month sentence but six months were suspended. The man will be
subject to two years of probation and is banned from Le Croisic." Two years of probation! 18 months (and likely
less) in prison! That will fix everything, won't it?
Six Muslims, including 68-year-old and 75-year-old, repeatedly rape eight-year-old girl. Here yet again, this
kind of thing keeps happening because this behavior is justified in the Qur'an. A survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the
UK has previously said that her rapists would quote Quran to her, and believed their actions justified by Islam. Thus
it came as no surprise when Muslim migrants in France raped a girl and videoed the rape while praising Allah and invoking the
Qur'an. And the victim of an Islamic State jihadi rapist recalled: "He told me that according to Islam he is
allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God... He said that raping me is his
prayer to God."
Muslim group says "Allah has instructed us to kill everyone that is unbelieving". This faction of Boko Haram is
likely now to run afoul of Pope Francis, who has made the risible claim that "authentic Islam and the proper reading of the
Koran are opposed to every form of violence." No doubt he is on his way to Nigeria now to explain to them how they are
misunderstanding their peaceful religion.
Bedfellows: American Blacks and Arab Slavers. For some time now, black American and Palestinian
sympathizers have tried to make common cause with each other. [...] The sad fact is that the traffic in blacks as slaves is
almost certainly traceable to Islam. [...] It can be argued that the transatlantic slave trade started with Islam.
Prior to 1492, it had often been the practice of Europeans to enslave other whites. [...] When the open fields of the
Americas required cheap labor, the Arabs introduced Europeans to black slavery. This slave trade continued long after
the Western World outlawed slavery.
Muslims gather villagers for Islamic sermon, then open fire, murdering at least 81 people. Now in Borno state
there comes an even worse jihad attack: ["]At least 81 people were killed in an attack on a village by suspected
Boko Haram militants in northeast Nigeria.["] The savages arrived in armored tanks and trucks. Then: "They
gathered us and said they wanted to deliver religious sermon to us. They asked us to submit whatever arm we had. Some
villagers gave up their ... guns, bow, and arrows. Suddenly, they started shooting at will." In these regular
incidents of jihadist attacks in Africa, black lives don't matter.
about Black Christian Lives? Where are the marches and the outrage regarding the deliberate and quite
systematic murder by jihadist Muslims of Black Christians in Nigeria and other African countries? At Genocide Watch,
one learns that Nigeria is "a killing field of defenseless Christians." Since June 2015, "over 11,500 Christians have been
murdered and 2,000 churches were destroyed." The "statistics are based on careful records kept by church groups that
include the names of victims and dates of their murders."
teen sentenced for deadly October shootout involving rival gang member. A Minneapolis teenager
has been sentenced for killing a rival gang member in a shootout in October. Court records show 18-year-old Mahad Jama
Ali was sentenced last week to over 16 years (198 months) at the St. Cloud Correctional Facility, and given credit
for 227 days served. [...] [The victim] was identified as 25-year-old Mustafa Ali, a "high-ranking member" of a local gang,
according to authorities.
kills five innocent civilians and injures 20 as crowds sing and dance during Somalia Eid festivities. At least
five people were killed and more than 20 injured in Somalia in a blast on Sunday during festivities to mark the Eid al-Fitr
festival. Speaking from Baidoa, 250 kilometres (150 miles) west of the capital Mogadishu, police officer Mohamed Muktar
said: 'The initial information we have received indicates the dead bodies of five people were collected from the scene of the blast
and more than twenty others have been wounded.' The cause of the explosion was unclear.
and Why Muslims Delude Themselves about Islam. Egypt's leading Muslim cleric and sheikh, Dr. Ahmed
al-Tayeb — also known as Pope Francis's "wolf in sheep's clothing" — recently asserted a demonstrable
falsehood. On April 30, 2020, during his televised program that appears every year around Ramadan and is watched by
millions in Egypt and the Arab world, the grand imam of the Islamic world's most prestigious university, Al Azhar, declared
that "Islam doesn't seek war or bloodshed, and Muslims only fight back to defend themselves."
The Editor says...
There has been a Muslim terrorist attack every few days for the last several years. They have nothing to do with self defense.
Muslim Students Threaten to Kill Prof for Suggesting Islam Is Violent. This will teach those Islamophobes that
Islam is a religion of peace: a professor is facing death threats for suggesting otherwise. Nicholas Damask,
Ph.D., has taught political science at Scottsdale Community College in Arizona for 24 years. But now he is facing a
barrage of threats, and his family, including his 9-year-old grandson and 85-year-old parents, is in hiding, while College
officials are demanding that he apologize — all for the crime of speaking the truth about the motivating ideology
behind the threat of Islamic jihad worldwide.
for Muhammad's Honor: The Highest Expression of the Islamic Faith. First, some review of past
events: Theo van Gogh was murdered by a Dutch Muslim (in 2004), after producing a play that criticized Islam. The
Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard who depicted Muhammad was attacked in his home by a Muslim, wielding an axe and a knife
(2006), while thousands of Muslims rioted in the streets, protesting the cartoons, burning churches and slaughtering innocent
people. Those horrific acts, as well as the Charlie Hebdo massacre (2012) of twelve journalists, at the hands of
al-Qaeda operatives, shocked and deeply saddened my left-leaning Western friends. I shared their sadness, but I was
certainly not shocked. Westerners who lived in an Arab country, as I did, have likely seen books and booklets that
promote this kind of violence. One is entitled As-Saif al-battar li man sab an nabi al mukhtar (The Sharp Sword
for whoever Insults the Chosen Prophet). Another is the widely respected As-Sarum al-maslul ala shatim ar-Rasool
(The unsheathed Sword for the insulter of the Apostle). This one in particular is an early work by the 14th century Muslim
jurist Ibn Taymiyya, who is considered the most valued religious scholar for Salafi (and Wahhabi) theological interpretation.
300 Muslims gather at mosque, throw stones at police appealing to them to disperse. [Scroll down]
Government had banned any gathering of people beyond 25 in number and raised a taskforce to monitor compliance across the
state. However, around 8pm on Tuesday 31st of March 2020, over 300 people gathered in Agege Central Mosque to observe
Salatul Ishah. Apparently having gotten wind of the gathering, the operatives headed for the Mosque to appeal to the
congregation to disperse.
Muslim migrant beats 37-year-old mother with beer bottle, killing her. This migrant is a product of a culture
of violence that mandates the beating of disobedient women (cf. Qur'an 4:34). Did German authorities really think that
he would leave at the door the attitudes and assumptions that he had imbibed for years?
Muslim Stabs Three Women to Death at Truck Stop, Motive Unclear. Every practicing Muslim is not a terrorist,
but every jihad terrorist is a practicing Muslim. Islamic jihad groups routinely explain and justify their activities
on the basis of Islamic texts and teachings, and appeal to peaceful Muslims by claiming to be the authentic exponents of
those texts and teachings. Numerous jihad terrorists have been nominal or non-practicing Muslims whose turn to jihad
violence coincided with their becoming more devout in their observance of Islam — notably Boston Marathon bomber
Tamerlan Tsarnaev. In fact, the correlation between a new, deepened Islamic religiosity and jihad activity was so
strong that the FBI and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies used to consider a sudden turn toward devoutness in
Islam to be an indication that someone bore watching for possible engagement in terrorism. The Obama administration
scrapped this in 2011 when it scrubbed all counterterror materials of all mention of Islam and jihad, for reasons of
political correctness. But the investigators were right the first time.
victim of Tennessee truck stop stabbing released from hospital. The fourth victim in a stabbing spree that
claimed the lives of three Knoxville truck stop workers has been released from the hospital, The Tennessee Bureau of
Investigation confirmed Wednesday [4/8/2020]. Idris Abdus-Salaam, 33, was shot and killed by a Knox County deputy after
fatally stabbing three women and hospitalizing a fourth at a Pilot Travel Center on Strawberry Plains Pike at Interstate 40
in East Knox County early Tuesday. TBI did not release a motive in the attack.
truck driver killed after stabbing 3 to death at Tennesee truck stop. A stabbing suspect who was shot and
killed after fatally stabbing three women and hospitalizing a fourth at a Knoxville truck stop early Tuesday has been
identified by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. The deceased suspect, Idris Abdus-Salaam, 33, was a truck driver
from Durham, North Carolina.
film "Hotel Mumbai" is a Must-See in order to understand what's happening in India. A few weeks ago, Hindu
friends and colleagues in India turned to me in desperation about the way in which the Western media has been covering the
latest chapter in the forever ongoing Hindu-Muslim wars. Every single article in the mass media has blamed Hindus only
and has presented the Muslims as the most innocent and non-violent of beings. Missing entirely is the history of eight
hundred years of Muslim persecution of Hindus in India; what happened in 1948 that led to partitioning India into a Hindu
state and into two Muslim states: Pakistan and thereafter, Bangladesh, both states where Hindus and Christians are persecuted.
mob in Delhi's Chand Bagh forcibly occupied a Shiv Mandir, hurled stones at Hindus from the roof. Hindu
residents of Delhi's Chand Bagh continue to share the horrific accounts of how their houses, shops and places of worship are
being attacked, torched, vandalised by the frenzied Islamist fundamentalists who have converted the anti-CAA protest to
anti-Hindu riots in the national capital. Apart from claiming the lives of several Hindus, these frenzied Islamist
goons have also vandalised and burned Hindu owned shops and many temples. One such Shiv Mandir in Delhi's Chand Bagh
area which OpIndia visited, was also a witness to these riots.
Wanting to kill us all is madness, not
religion. Sudesh Amman was singularly unsuccessful in his wish to kill kafirs, as he put it, and thereby find
himself surrounded by the hoor al ayn — beautiful handmaidens who'll do anything you want,
frankly — in the afterlife. He had perhaps not followed the instructions in the book he had about how to
stab people. Two were injured by the madman on Streatham High Road in south London; both, mercifully, should
live. However, Amman was shot dead by plain-clothes policemen before he could even scream out the old 'Allahu Akbar'
thing. The cops were already there because Amman was known to them — known very well to them. I
suppose, under British law, they were required to wait until he'd tried to stab somebody before they shot him. That is
perhaps the first law that I would revisit when it comes to jihadi terrorists. I'd find it preferable if we dealt with
them when they emerged from their homes. It would save a lot of time. I wonder how many policemen were tracking
Amman? Bear in mind that they have at least another 3,000 known jihadis to keep an eye on and you have an indication
of the enormous cost imposed on the taxpayer.
The 'Black Site' Federal Prison Where An Insurance Scammer Was Allegedly Killed By A Jihadi. Robert David Neal,
an insurance scammer, was killed and nearly beheaded in November 2018 by Rodney Hamrick, a jihadi and former resident of
Supermax in Colorado, according to a court filing. Both Neal and Hamrick were being housed in the Communications
Management Unit (CMU) in Terre Haute, Indiana. [...] While the manner of death was reported to be a homicide, the prison
officials did not release the name of the perpetrator. Two other inmates housed at the CMU have taken an interest in
the killing, Marty Gottesfeld and Schaeffer Cox. Gottesfeld received a ten year sentence after he diverted traffic to
the Boston Children's Hospital in 2014, to protest their treatment of Justina Pelletier, a teenager many said was medically
kidnapped by the hospital and Child Protective Services. Cox was a militia leader in Alaska, who was convicted of
conspiracy to commit murder in 2012. Gottesfeld and Cox wrote an article about the murder, and in an effort to publicize
it, in August 2019, Gottesfeld filed a motion in his case in which the article was an exhibit.
Hidden Role in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. From its inception, Islam's history with the West has been one of
unwavering antagonism and seismic clashes, often initiated by the former. By the standards of history, nothing between
the two civilizations is as well documented as this long war. Accordingly, for more than a millennium, both educated
and not so educated Europeans knew — the latter perhaps instinctively — that Islam was a militant creed
that for centuries attacked and committed atrocities in their homelands, all in the name of "holy war," or jihad.
These facts have been radically "updated" in recent times. According to the dominant narrative — as upheld
by mainstream media and Hollywood, pundits and politicians, academics and "experts" of all stripes — Islam was
historically progressive and peaceful, whereas premodern Europe was fanatical and predatory. Whatever else can be said
about such topsy-turvy claims — and there is much — they raise the question: if such a formerly well
known, well documented, and bloody history could be revised in a manner that presents its antithesis as the truth — with
little objection or challenge — what then of Islam's more subtle but also negative influences on history, the sort
that, unlike the aforementioned centuries of violence, are not copiously documented or readily obvious but require serious
historical investigation?
Cult of Western Shaming. The U.S. and Europe are often quite critical of violence against women, minorities and
gays. The European Union, for example, has often singled out Israel for its supposed mistreatment of Palestinians on
the West Bank. Yet if the purpose of Western human rights activism is to curb global bias and hate, then it would be
far more cost-effective to concentrate on the greatest offenders. China is currently detaining about a million Muslim
Uighurs in re-education camps. Yet activist groups aren't calling for divestment, boycotts and sanctions against
Beijing in the same way they target Israel. Homosexuality is a capital crime in Iran. Scores of Iranian gays
reportedly have been incarcerated and thousands executed under theocratic law since the fall of the Shah in 1979. Yet
rarely do Western activist groups call for global ostracism of Iran. Don't look to the United Nations Human Rights
Council for any meaningful condemnation of worldwide prejudice and hatred, although it is a frequent critic of both the U.S.
and Israel.
Sharia police tout historic female flogging squad: 'Her technique was nice'. Indonesia's Sharia police have a
unique take on diversity that might seem odd to Western ears: its historic all-female flogging squad. Banda Aceh Sharia
police chief investigator Zakwan, who uses one name, told Agence France-Presse this week that he was thrilled with a new
recruit's lashing performance. "I think she did a good job. Her technique was nice," he said for an interview
published Tuesday [1/28/2020].
State child soldier executes Nigerian Christian on video. A Nigerian Christian man who was executed on video by
a child soldier of the Islamic State has been identified as college student Ropvil Daciya Dalep, 22. Dalep was returning
to the University of Maiduguri in Borno state from Christmas break when he was kidnapped by the Islamic State West Africa
Province on January 9, according to the non-profit organization Christian Solidarity Worldwide.
Mosques: Pensacola, Florida Mosques Rated "Extremely Dangerous". In Jan 2020, retired U.S. Federal Agent
Dave Gaubatz was asked by citizens of Florida to conduct an unbiased firsthand research project at the two mosques listed
above. The citizens were concerned the Saudi national Muslim terrorist Saudi Air Force student Mohammed Saeed
Alshamrani may have been encouraged by members of both Pensacola mosques to conduct murders against innocent Americans.
On 10 Jan 2020, I (Dave Gaubatz) attended the mosques during the Friday Jummah prayer times. Fortunately, the prayer
times were scheduled at different times. I had to split my time between the two mosques. The concerns of the
Florida citizens were correct. Both mosques are controlled by Saudi Arabia (Sunni/Wahhabi) and there was an abundance
of materials advocating hate toward non Muslims (especially Jews and Christians), hatred and advocating death to homosexuals,
marrying female children as young as 6 years old, taking slaves in the current day, and destroying non Islamic governments.
Islamists Find an Excuse to Run
Rampant in India. At the centre of this storm in a teacup is a new law passed by both houses of the Indian
Parliament that provides for a fast track towards citizenship for refugees in India who fled religious persecution in three
of India's neighbours — Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh before 2015 and who now live in difficult conditions
as stateless persons. Since most of the people who fled India's three Islamic neighbours were non-Muslim, the new
Indian law known as the Citizenship Amendment Act is applicable to Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Zoroastrians.
Daughter of convicted Muslim terrorist is running for Congress. The daughter of Jeff Fort (aka Abdul Malik
Ka'bah), who is spending the rest of his life in prison for domestic terrorism charges, is running for Congress in Illinois.
Ameena Matthews is a Democratic candidate for U.S. House of Representatives in Illinois' 1st Congressional District.
Imam Used Koran Lessons to Sexually Abuse Kids in Texas. Unlike sexual abuse in the Catholic Church or any
other religious group, there won't be any movies or national media coverage. Meanwhile, Texas has been enriched by yet
more immigrants. And now our court system is being enriched by this alleged abuser.
General Soleimani Funeral Stampede, 56 Crushed, 200 Injured. At least 50 people died and more than 200 were
injured in a stampede at a funeral procession for Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani. "The death toll of this
incident is over 50," Abbas Amian, director general of Kerman's coroner bureau, told the official IRNA news agency.
"Most of them are men, ranging from young to adults."
funeral stampede shows savagery of U.S. enemies. Don't know about funerals in your neck of the woods. But
typically, in more civilized sections, stampedes and angry rallying and loud vows to take out Americans and attack U.S. spots
are not part and parcel of the whole funeral procession experience. [...] These guys, thousands of 'em, an estimated million
of 'em, rallied, protested, waved flags, vowed revenge, hurled epithets at America, at Trump, at the West — and
generally, promised to kill, kill, kill until Soleimani's death was avenged. And then they underscored their vows to
kill by killing a few of their own — accidentally, in the heat of the moment, of course.
chief urges attacks, including suicide bombings, on US bases in region. The leader of the Iran-backed Hezbollah
terrorist organization said on Sunday [1/5/2020] that the United States' killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in an
airstrike in Iraq marked the start of a "new war" on the US in the Middle East. He called on Shiite militias to attack
US military assets throughout the Middle East — including suicide bombings — and predicted that the
Americans will leave the region in "coffins," taking Israel with them.
"Highly credible law-enforcement source" says man who stabbed Jews celebrating Chanukah is convert to Islam. If
this turns out to be accurate, will investigators try to determine if his reading of the Islamic scriptures led him to carry
out this attack? The Qur'an depicts the Jews as inveterately evil and bent on destroying the well-being of the
Muslims. They are the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely
ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah's power is limited (5:64); they love to listen to lies
(5:41); they disobey Allah and never observe his commands (5:13). [...] Or will this possibility be ignored, as investigating
it would be "Islamophobic"?
student is subjected to sickening, foul-mouthed anti-Semitic tirade on New York subway. An Israeli Jewish
student has been subjected to harrowing anti-Semitic abuse on the New York subway, being called a 'f***ing stinkin' a** Jew'.
Lihi Aharon was riding the train from Manhattan to Brooklyn when a fellow passenger launched the sickening anti-Semitic tirade.
'Allahu akbar,' she shouted at Aharon, 'It's in the Quran, where they curse the serpent Jew, you wouldn't believe. [...]'
jihad and generic criminality are intimately connected. Characterizing modern-day jihadists as "criminals,"
"psychopathic thugs," and "murderers" — as if "true" jihadists were ever anything more noble — is at
best redundant, at worst dangerously misleading.
killed in Burkina Faso church attack: regional govt. Fourteen people were killed in an attack Sunday
[12/1/2019] on a church in eastern Burkina Faso where places of worship have suffered a string of Islamist assaults this
year, the regional government said. "Unidentified armed men" carried out the attack during a Sunday service at a
Protestant church in the town of Hantoukoura near the border with Niger, the government statement said. [...] The poor West
African country has suffered a series of attacks on Christian targets since February, leaving 21 dead before Sunday's
attack. Burkina Faso's population is around two-thirds Muslim and one-third Christian.
Iran on the
Brink. Uprisings in Iran have become routine occurrences, albeit without much success. Why? Because
Iran is ruled by a totalitarian Islamic ideology like Nazism and communism. In Iran, there is no sovereignty of the
people. Instead, there is a perception of the Ummah in Shia theology "rule of Mahdi", guardianship over the people.
[...] Since the Islamic invasion of 1979, the Mullahs have ruled over the unarmed Iranian people with an iron fist and
absolute power while draining the nation's treasury. As a result, millions of Iranians had no choice but to flee their
homes to the four corners of the globe. In these recent protests, Iran's rulers once again revealed their real identity
to the world that they don't value human life. They are simply vicious killers.
Successfully Hunted Trump Campaign Aides Instead of Terrorists. The weekend raid that resulted in the death of
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was named after Kayla Mueller, an American aid worker killed in Syria in 2015 while being held captive
by the sadistic ISIS leader. During his Sunday morning [10/27/2019] announcement from the White House, President Trump
twice invoked Mueller's name in addition to the names of other Americans murdered under the Islamic State's ongoing reign of
terror. According to reports from some of his escaped victims, Baghdadi took Mueller as his secret bride in 2013.
"We were told Kayla was tortured, that she was the property of al-Baghdadi," her parents said in an August 2015 interview.
Mueller was raped repeatedly by the ISIS caliph, then killed in February 2015 during a coalition strike on the compound where
she was confined.
Force operator hails valor of military dog wounded in Baghdadi raid. Though no U.S. forces were killed in the
Saturday evening raid that led to the death of an ISIS leader, one military working dog suffered severe injuries in the line
of duty. The dog, whose name and breed remain unknown, chased Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi into a tunnel and cornered
him. With no place to go, the terrorist leader blew himself up along with three of his children, who he was using as
human shields. The dog's injuries highlighted the importance of military working dogs in special operations.
it Trump's magic wand that turned the Washington Post into a laughingstock? Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was an ISIS
leader. He was a very, very bad man. In 2009, we had him captured and imprisoned in Iraq. For some utterly
inexplicable reason, President Obama released him from Camp Bucca. Thereafter, Baghdadi and his troops took over the
Iraqi cities of Fallujah, Ramadi, Tikrit and Mosul, and threatened Baghdad. Along the way they burned down everything
in their path and tortured and murdered civilians, soldiers and police officers. [...] Baghdadi photographed and publicized
how he and his fellow butchers roasted alive men hogtied over flames, burned whole families with their children in cages,
drowned prisoners in cages, raped and murdered thousands of Yazidi women and girls, and beheaded, shot, and blew up countless
thousands of people. [...] From his teens, he was fascinated with Islamic history and the intricacies of Islamic law.
Acquaintances would remember him as a shy, nearsighted youth who liked soccer but preferred to spend his free time at the
local mosque.
on ISIS Leader's Death: 'These Savage Monsters Will Not Escape Their Fate — And They Will Not Escape The Final
Judgment of God'. Announcing the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during a Special Forces raid in
northwestern Syria, President Trump used deliberately denigrating language to describe a man who claimed to have been on a
divine mission to usher in Allah's kingdom on earth. In his statement at the White House, Trump portrayed Baghdadi as a
coward to the end, a man who killed three young children as he took his own life by detonating a suicide vest as the U.S.
forces bore down on him. "He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the
way," he said of the man who in June 2014 declared himself "Caliph Ibrahim," the political successor to Islam's 7th century
founder, Mohammed, and demanded allegiance from the world's Muslims.
Dead, Leftists Crestfallen. [Scroll down] Barack Obama's former Ambassador to Qatar, Dana Shell Smith,
was furious — not at the man who had committed mass murder of innumerable innocent civilians, and had sanctioned
the seizure of non-Muslim women and their use at sex slaves, but at the man who oversaw his killing. She tweeted:
"This gruesome, vivid and probably exaggerated description of dogs chasing down Baghdadi will endanger our personnel in the
region. When bin Laden was killed, we were careful to be clear that he had been given a proper Muslim burial. Not
because we [cared] about him but because it was important for our relationships in the region and safety of our military and
diplomats." In reality, that was totally incoherent. On the one hand, Obama was insisting that jihad terrorists
had nothing whatsoever to do with the peaceful religion of Islam, and then he turned around and gave one of the world's
leading Islamic jihadists a respectful Muslim burial. This didn't gain the US any respect or save any lives; it just
made us look ridiculous.
Muslims who killed Hindu leader say the murder was justified by Sharia. We are constantly told in the West that
Sharia is entirely benign, and that only racist, bigoted "Islamophobes" think otherwise. In reality, Islam mandates
death for non-Muslim subjects of the Islamic state who mention "something impermissible about Allah, the Prophet (Allah bless
him and give him peace), or Islam" ('Umdat al-Salik, o11.10), and such laws are based upon passages in the Hadith and Sira in
which Muhammad orders the murders of people who have insulted him.
State brides stab 16-year-old girl and one-legged man to death for leaving Islam. In this case these women were
not behaving in an "extremist" manner. The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law. It's based on the
Qur'an: "They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them
allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you
find them and take not from among them any ally or helper." (Qur'an 4:89) A hadith depicts Muhammad saying:
"Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him" (Bukhari 9.84.57). The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic
law according to all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence. This is still the position of all the schools of Islamic
jurisprudence, both Sunni and Shi'ite.
US Takes Custody
of Notorious ISIS Beheaders. Before turning the guardianship of ISIS prisoners over to Turkey, the U.S. gained
custody of some of the most notorious ISIS beheaders suspected of torturing and murdering American and other Western
hostages. U.S. officials announced that two of the four members of the British cell responsible for the imprisonment
and beheading of American journalist James Foley as well as at least 27 other prisoners, including Americans Steven Scotloff
and Peter Kassig. Foley's murder was choreographed, videoed and broadcast to the world in 2014 in what would become the
first of many gruesome propaganda videos put out by the terror group.
bomber' convicted in attempted murder trial stemming from New Jersey shootout with police. A New Jersey man
already serving a life term for planting bombs in New York City has been convicted of attempted murder and assault stemming
from a shootout with police three years ago. Ahmad Khan Rahimi sat quietly during the reading of the verdicts Tuesday
[10/8/2019][.] Rahimi engaged police in a gun battle after they found him in Linden, New Jersey. He fired at
several officers and was wounded himself.
hurl firebombs, burn tires as Jews pray at Joseph's Tomb. Dozens of Palestinians rioted on Sunday night
[10/6/2019] following the pilgrimage of some 1,000 Jews, under Israeli security escort, to the Tomb of Joseph in Shechem to
pray. The rioters threw firebombs and burning tires at security personnel. Israeli security forces responded with
riot dispersal methods.
More Muslim animal
abuse. At least they're not slitting his throat and laughing as the poor animal slowly bleeds to death.
But that probably comes next. [Video clip]
Muslim Educational Cultural Center of America and Extremism. The Muslim Educational Cultural Center of America
(MECCA) claims that its goals are "to guide young Muslims" and "build bridges of understanding with other cultures and
faiths." [...] But a man is known by the company he keeps. On September 20, the MECCA Center hosted Imam Zaid Shakir,
who delivered the Friday sermon. Shakir's writings and speeches show a man prone to conspiracy theories and extremism.
In 2001, Shakir argued that the American Muslim community must consider political options including "guerrilla war." Shakir
claimed that the United States "inflicted" terrorism on the world and suggested that it would be acceptable for Muslims to attack
U.S. military forces. Shakir also has engaged 9/11 conspiracy theories and blamed "Zionist" forces and the FBI for the
February 1993 World Trade Center (WTC) bombing. Shakir argued that the conspirators were set up as a way of bolstering
anti-Islamic sentiment.
to Set the Record Straight on Slavery. [Scroll down] The much larger and infinitely more barbaric Muslim
slave trade began in about 711, capturing both whites and blacks in numbers much higher than those taken by the West, and
Muslim slave-traders provided over 80 percent of those black slaves sold to the West. Of the slaves captured by Muslims
for their own use, 80 to 90 percent died on the way to market. Of those shipped to North Africa for sale to Western
slavers, about 30 [to] 50 percent died en route. Males slated for Muslim markets were castrated. Only 25 percent
survived the operation. Their descendants in those nations are much smaller in number because most male African slaves were used as
eunuchs and worked to death. Estimates of total black enslavement in Muslim nations range from 11 million to
32 million. Given the high mortality rate of capture and transport, the impact on black African tribes must have been genocidal.
Muslims drug, rape girl, threaten her with blackmail unless she converts to Islam. Some will find the rape,
threats, and force inconsistent with the apparent Islamic piety of the attackers. But what is paramount for them, as
for many Muslims throughout history, is the growth of the Muslim community at the expense of the non-Muslim community.
That is their sole priority, and it can be achieved by any means possible, as the goodness of the end justifies the evil of
the means.
New Novel Reveals Who is America's #1 Enemy. The religion of peace has a mandate to reform the entire
world. Recent drone attacks on the Saudi oil fields allegedly sponsored by Iran indicate that perhaps Islamic jihad has
gone global. We should also be reminded that militant jihadists like the 9/11 murderers are not afraid of dying but
welcome death and are now preparing for war.
police arrest suspect in 1985 TWA Flight 847 hijacking. A man wanted in the 1985 hijacking of a Trans World
Airlines (TWA) plane in which a U.S. Navy diver was killed has been arrested by Greek police. Police said Saturday
[9/21/2019] the suspect, a 65-year-old Lebanese man, was arrested on the island of Mykonos two days ago. His name came
up as the subject of a German arrest warrant when he disembarked from a cruise ship, police said, according to Reuters.
Police did not release the suspect's name, but several Greek media outlets named him as Mohammed Ali Hammadi.
Celebrated in the Streets After 9/11 Terror Attacks. News footage from immediately after the horrific terror
attacks that claimed 3,000 innocent lives reveal Palestinians cheering with joy and passing out candies. While
Palestinian celebration following terror attacks on Israeli civilians is a well-documented phenomenon, some Palestinians also
reacted in this manner after terrorists murdered thousands of innocent people in the U.S. on September 11, 2001.
The footage below, which was shown on CNN, MSNBC and FOX News, remains shocking, even 18 years later. Who would
pass out candies to celebrate the loss of innocent life?
The Editor says...
Yes, that footage was shown for a day or two after the attacks, and I remember seeing it on television at that time; however,
the footage was quickly suppressed, to avoid offending the Muslims, and it was never seen on TV again, as far as I know.
Detained Christian Tortured to Death in Custody in Pakistan. Police in Lahore, Pakistan tortured to death the
Christian father of 14-day-old and 7-year-old sons, relatives said. Officers on Aug. 28 illegally detained 28-year-old
Amir Masih on a false charge of theft and tortured him for four days before he died in a hospital on Sept. 2, his brother
Sunny Masih told Morning Star News. Interrogating officers in the 96-percent Muslim country "urinated on Amir's face and
body and mocked his Christian faith" while trying to torture him into a false confession, Masih said.
Muslim Head-Cutting Ceremony Leaves Worshipers, Children Covered in Blood. Each September brings the Muslim
holiday of Ashura, commemorated for different reasons and observed in very different ways by Sunnis and Shiites. Some
Shiites follow a gruesome practice of self-mutilation that involves cutting their heads, and the heads of their children,
releasing a copious amount of blood. Ashura is observed on the tenth day of the first month in the Islamic calendar,
Muharram, which corresponds roughly with September.
festival sees children left covered in blood as devout Muslims use knives to slice their heads open. Every
year, thousands of Shia worshippers take part in the ceremonies, performed to mourn the death of Husayn ibn Ali, a grandson
of the Prophet Muhammad. The commemorations take place on Ashura, the tenth day of the first month of the Islamic
calendar. [...] Many who take part in the practice believe it cleanses them of their sins. SG9seSBTaGknaXRlIQ==
Covered in Blood as Muslims Use Knives to Slice Open Their Heads During Ashura Festival. Babies, children and
adults were covered in blood as Muslims used knives to slice open their heads during Ashura. Shia Muslims participate
in Ashura every year to mourn the death of their 'prophet' Muhammad's grandson, Hussein Ali. At least 31 people were
killed in a stampede at the Ashura festival in Iraq and more than 100 were injured.
The Editor says...
Oh yeah, there's nothing like sawing a notch out of you child's forehead to prove how sinless you are.
least 31 die during stampede at Ashura rituals in Iraq's Kerbala. At least 31 people died and another 102 were
wounded on Tuesday [9/10/2019] during the Shi'ite Muslim religious rituals of Ashura in Iraq's southern holy city of Kerbala,
in what officials at its Imam Hussein shrine described as a stampede.
Beware of Islam:
Army of the New World Order! Throughout the history of civilization, religion and government have often worked
hand-in-hand to ensure their mutual survival. That is not saying there hasn't been conflict and competition, but rarely
has one triumphed completely over the other. [...] We all saw what happened to the Dali Llama, and Buddhism in Tibet.
We could do a tour of other communist nations, but we would discover pretty much the same situation. The only variable
would be the degree of intolerance toward religion. So, if religion is so easily controlled by the government, what
role could it possibly have in establishing order in a world dominated by a global power structure? The role is simple,
cheap control of the population.
Will Never Let Me Be Free. I left the land of my ancestors for the land of the free to escape Islamic
tyranny. Yet Islamic tyranny has followed me on my heels here. Even here I am not free to speak my mind. I
must constantly look of over my shoulders to make sure that a knife of an Islamist zealot doesn't slash my throat, or his
bullet pulverizes my brain as he aims to secure a posh place for himself in Allah's paradise. [...] Merits and truth, not
swords and bullets, should decide who is right and who is wrong.
Victims of Islamic
Delusion. The young and the less-educated are most vulnerable to believe the claims of charlatans, con artists,
and cunning clerics, as truth and reality. A tragic example of the young's susceptibility to induced delusion is the
case of thousands of Iranian children who were used as human minesweepers in the last Iran-Iraq war. The mullahs issued
made-in-China plastic keys for paradise to children as enticement to go forward and clear the minefield with their bodies
ahead of the military's armored vehicles. The children believed the murderers and rushed to their death, thinking that
they were headed for Islam's glorious paradise.
on Holy Pilgrimage in Mecca Chant 'Death to America! Death to Israel!' Iranians who gathered in Islam's
holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia over the weekend for the annual hajj pilgrimage called for Israel's destruction and
chanted "Death to America." Every year, millions of Muslims make the annual religious pilgrimage to Mecca, which
began Friday [8/9/2019]. At a "disavowal of polytheists" ceremony in Mecca, the reading of a message from Iran's Supreme
Leader Ali Khamenei reportedly prompted a crowd of Iranian hajj pilgrims to chant, "Death to America! Death to Israel!
... America is the enemy of Allah! Israel is the enemy of Allah [and] should be erased from the face of the Earth!"
[...] The annual five-day pilgrimage to Mecca is a once-in-a-lifetime requirement for all Muslims who are physically and
financially capable of making the journey. It is considered one of the five pillars of Islam.
Ilhan Omar and the Door of No Return.
Since Muhammad, the "excellent example" whom Muslims are enjoined by the Qur'an to emulate, owned slaves for himself, and
bought and sold and gifted slaves in regular transactions, and mandated through Allah's commands that those captured in jihad
raids and battles became the property of the jihadis to keep for themselves or sell in slave markets, Islam has always
determined slavery to be a legal and proper institution, with the one caveat that Muslims are never to enslave fellow
Muslims. Unbelievers (the "kuffar") have no rights to freedom and self-determination but are free game for Muslims able
to take them captive. As Arab Muslims invaded North Africa and colonized it, they quickly took slaves and began to send
them back to the centers of their growing empire in the Middle East and Asia. With their growth in power and lust for
conquest, they pushed south into sub-Saharan Africa and down both eastern and western coasts, subjugating tribes and
assimilating some while enslaving others.
You, Representative Ilhan Omar. As a congressional representative, Ilhan Omar has masterfully manipulated
American freedom in order to make anti-Semitism a more accepted idea. She has admirably done the work of the Muslim
Brotherhood in normalizing anti-Semitism in the land of the free. By cloaking the evil as merely an expression of her
freedom of speech, she has removed the "racist portrayal of Jews from the neo-Nazi fringe into the mainstream." She has
mastered the art of psychological warfare as she couples "Muslim anti-Semitism with the American left's vague notion of
'social justice.'" She has shown her bona fides as a representative of the jihad on free speech while vigorously claiming
this vital freedom. As Ayaan Hirsi Ali notes, Omar hails from Somalia, where anti-Semitism is taught at an early
age. Thus, she was taught that to destroy the Jews, the Zionists, and the state of Israel is a worthy goal.
Does the Quran really contain
over a hundred verses that sanction violence? The Quran contains at least 109 verses that speak of war with
nonbelievers, usually on the basis of their status as non-Muslims. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off
heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites'
and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.
Democrats Miss About the Threats to the U.S. in Africa. Cameroon, like the Sudan, is a country in
duress — not just internal divisions, but a potent terrorist threat from the Islamic militant group Boko
Haram. In 2014, Boko Haram attracted worldwide attention for kidnapping several hundred innocent young girls, and their
terrorism has only increased in lethality and seriousness since. And even though they haven't made international
headlines lately, they are as deadly as ever and have kept up a campaign of killing and plundering throughout
Cameroon — including recent attacks specifically targeting Christians. Founded in 2002, Boko's stated goal
is the overthrow of the Cameroonian government and the establishment of an Islamic state in the heart of Africa. To
achieve its ends, Boko Haram has used everything in the modern-day terrorist toolbox: kidnappings, assassinations, suicide
bombings, and wholesale slaughter of civilians. It is also savvy enough to use public relations tools and the Internet
to spread its message, as well as fan the flames of disinformation about its intentions. Its "schools" breed militant
fundamentalists, and its ideology forbids anything Western — which befits a group whose name literally translates
to "Western education is sin."
Key Mueller Witness
Indicted On Child Sex-Trafficking Charges. George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who was a key witness
in the special counsel's probe, was charged earlier in July with transporting a 14-year-old European boy to the U.S. for sex,
according to an indictment unsealed Friday [7/19/2019]. Nader was charged on three counts, including a charge for
possessing child pornography and one for traveling with a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity. He is accused of
transporting the teenage boy from Europe to his home in the U.S. in 2000.
Muslims Execute
4 Christians Executed for Wearing Cross Necklaces in Burkina Faso. Anti-Christian violence has continued to
spread across the West African nation of Burkina Faso, with a further four believers shot dead in cold blood at the end of
June. According to Christian Persecution charity Open Doors USA, on June 27, heavily armed militants were spotted
entering the village of Bani with the aim of hunting down followers of Jesus. The small community was gripped with a
paralyzing fear as the militants proceeded to order everyone to lie down. Then, a search ensued. The terrorists
had one clear mission: find those who claim Jesus as their Lord and savior. They searched tirelessly for anything that
might identify the individuals as Christ-followers. Then, tragically, they succeeded — four men were found
to be wearing crosses around their necks. As soon as it became clear that these men were Christians, they were dragged
away from the group and brutally executed.
Subversion in America. Never in my wildest dreams did I envision that our modern and beautiful country, Iran,
would fall into the hands of Muslim extremists who did not possess one iota of humanity. [...] Many of us were living in a
real Iranian dream — until the resurrection of the evil ideology of Islam by vile men of Allah. In 1979, the
Iranian dream turned to four decades of Islamic nightmares. From that young age, I deeply despised Islam and everything
that came with it. I never saw it as a divine religion or a spiritual path. I had enough sense in me to do my own
research. I found more than I was looking for. The first thing I learned was that Islam is an invader and the
enemy of humanity. Violence and blood are at the core of this ideology of hate. I made myself a promise that once
I grew up, I would do everything within my power to expose this fraud of a religion.
630 Year-Old Reason Eastern Europeans Dislike Islam. By 1354, the Ottoman Turks, under Orhan's son, Suleiman,
managed to cross over the Dardanelles and into the abandoned fortress town of Gallipoli, thereby establishing their first
foothold in Europe: "Where there were churches he destroyed them or converted them to mosques," writes an Ottoman
chronicler. "Where there were bells, Suleiman broke them up and cast them into fires. Thus, in place of bells
there were now muezzins." Cleansed of all Christian "filth," Gallipoli became, as a later Ottoman bey boasted, "the
Muslim throat that gulps down every Christian nation — that chokes and destroys the Christians." From this
dilapidated but strategically situated fortress town, the Ottomans launched a campaign of terror throughout the countryside,
always convinced they were doing God's work. "They live by the bow, the sword, and debauchery, finding pleasure in
taking slaves, devoting themselves to murder, pillage, spoil," explained Gregory Palamas, an Orthodox metropolitan who was
taken captive in Gallipoli, adding, "and not only do they commit these crimes, but even — what an aberration —
they believe that God approves them!"
Le Pen goes to trial over tweets on ISIS atrocities. A French judge has ordered Marine Le Pen, leader of
France's right-wing Rassemblement National party, to stand trial over gruesome images of atrocities committed by ISIS she
shared on Twitter, according to The Local France. In December 2015, the French politician sent three tweets showing the
decapitated body of American reporter James Foley, a man on fire in a cage and a victim being driven over by a tank.
The images were captioned "This is Daesh," another name for ISIS.
The Editor says...
The Muslims cut people's heads off and burn people alive; but if you publicize this fact, YOU go to trial, not the Muslims.
Reported by the Media Anymore": Persecution of Christians, March 2019. When it comes to violence between
Muslims and non-Muslims, March news was dominated by the Christchurch massacres in New Zealand, where, on March 15, an
Australian man killed 51 Muslims in two mosques. A statistical report that did some number-crunching, however, found that
"a Christian living in a majority Muslim country is 143 times more likely to be killed by a Muslim for being a Christian
than a Muslim is likely to be killed by a non-Muslim in a Western country for being what he is." The report —
citing that "at least 4,305 Christians ... were murdered by Muslims because of their faith in 2018" and that "300 million
Christians, overwhelmingly in the majority-Muslim countries, were subjected to violence" — refers to the
persecution of Christians by Muslims as "the most egregious example of human right violations in today's world.["]
Muslims 'Have a Duty' to Obtain Nuclear Weapons. A leading Muslim cleric said that adherents to the faith
across the globe have a religious duty to build nuclear weapons to combat Israelis and Jews, according to a translation of
his recent remarks broadcast on a television station controlled by the terrorist group Hamas. Muhammad Al-Hassan Ould
Al-Dadou Al-Shanqit, a Mauritanian cleric, was interviewed on the Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV about efforts by Islamic countries to
obtain nuclear weapons. While extremist regimes such as the Islamic Republic in Iran have claimed there are religious
bans on the building of nuclear weapons, Al-Shanqit maintained it is "a duty" of Arabs to build these weapons of mass
rioters ATTACK Tommy Robinson voters with bottles, bricks in Oldham. Approximately 100 men, dressed mostly in
black, and many wearing face masks and keffiyehs, disrupted Tommy's rally. First they threw eggs, then tossed bottles
and bricks at Tommy's supporters, including women and children. Eventually riot police were dispatched.
are we going to stop getting lectures on morality from Pete Buttigieg? If you're sick and tired of hearing
Democrats repeat the lie that "Christianity is just as bad as Islam," join the club. I can't think of a single
act of terrorism since 9/11 involving Christian fundamentalists. Meanwhile, there have literally been thousands
of them committed by Islamic extremists. Millions of people — millions — have been killed
over the past two decades alone because of radical Islamic fundamentalism.
Pro-Wife Beating Kentucky Imam's Murder Fatwa. "Observe how peaceful we are," Imam Mahmoud Shalash urged.
"We do not cause any harm to anybody." Shalash's mosque, the Islamic Center of Lexington, had contacted Lexington cops
and Homeland Security, while claiming to be suffering from Islamophobic threats. [...] Four years later, Imam Mahmoud Shalash
is in jail. The imam of the Islamic Center, along with John Sadiqullah, and Abdul Hadi, were charged in a harmful and
not especially peaceful murder plot.
terrorists killed in Gaza escalation were from Islamic Jihad. At least 11 of the Palestinians killed in Israeli
strikes on the Gaza Strip since Friday [5/3/2019] were members of terror groups, according to Islamic Jihad and Hamas.
Eight of the eleven members of terror groups belonged to the Al-Quds Brigades, Islamic Jihad's military wing.
American Society's History Belies Its Concern Over Kids' Jihad Video. The Muslim American Society (MAS) claims
it is disturbed by a video, exposed last week by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, showing school children lip-syncing
a pro-jihad song calling for Israel's elimination and the torture of its people. The videos showed school children
singing along and gesturing in a light choreography with a "Birds of Paradise" song that says, "The blood of the martyrs is
calling us," and urges revolution "until we liberate our lands ... and we crush the traitor." The Middle East Media
Research Institute (MEMRI) subsequently found a separate part of the program that featured young girls reading a
script: "We will chop off their heads, and we will liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque. We will
lead the army of Allah fulfilling His promise, and we will subject them to eternal torture." The videos from the event
have been removed from Facebook. [...] The thread running through all of these examples — from Omeish's 2000
speeches to the Philadelphia "Ummah Day" program with schoolchildren — is a call for jihad to eliminate
Israel. It keeps happening no matter how many times MAS claims the rhetoric does not reflect the beliefs of a movement
created by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.
Will Chop Off Their Heads' for Allah, Children in Philadelphia Muslim Society Say: Reports. Disturbing
footage has emerged from an Islamic Center in Philadelphia, showing children lip-syncing to songs and reading poems saying
they would sacrifice themselves and kill for Allah. The Muslim American Society Islamic Center in Philadelphia (MAS
Philly) uploaded videos on April 22 to its Facebook page. The videos show children singing lyrics that appear to call
on the next generation of Palestinian youth to embrace terrorism and glorify suicide bombers, according to the Investigative
Project on Terrorism (IPT). The boys were shown to be lip-syncing a song, during which several of them held up a
copy of the Quran.
Snackbar: Getting Serious About the Ideological War on Terror. Islamic terrorists aren't the downtrodden
poor who turn to terrorism as a rebellion against economic or political oppression. They come from many walks of life,
many among them the best educated and most privileged members of their societies. We know Mohammed Atta was not unusual
among the 9/11 hijackers. He was college educated and very much a member of the middle class. Inshaf and Ilham
Ibrahim, two of the Sri Lankan suicide bombers on Easter Sunday, were the wealthy sons of a spice trader. Ilham,
according to the Financial Times, ran a thriving copper factory. Eight of the so-far identified Sri Lankan
suicide bombers were members of the middle or upper-middle classes of their nation. They aren't driven to terrorism by
America's actions — though they claim to be — so why do so many believe so fervently in the destruction
of the West, of our culture and history? They are driven by the ideology of Islam. Make no mistake: Islam
is as much an ideology as it is a religion, and its most prominent believers wage an ideological war against us every day.
A Muslim doctor and a pharmacist from Britain's Socialist NHS aspired to be Islam's Josef Mengele. NHS doctor and
UK pharmacist were Nazi-style torturers for Islamic State. Two British health workers who sneaked into Islamic
State territory carried out 'Nazi-style' medical experiments on prisoners, Syrian witnesses claim. Issam Abuanza, 40, a
former NHS doctor who left behind his wife and two children in Sheffield when he travelled to Syria in 2014, was appointed
the terror group's 'health minister', the British Government believes. Abuanza, now thought to be hiding in caves near
the village of Baghouz, carried out such brutal torture on his victims that even IS fighters opposed it.
Are Democrats So Petrified of Islam? In the wake of the Sri Lankan Easter Sunday Islamic supremacist terrorist
attacks that killed over 300 "Easter worshipers," Democrats were quick to condemn but refused to acknowledge the ideology of
the terrorists or the religious beliefs of the victims. When a shooting occurs, in the U.S., New Zealand, or wherever,
Democrats never show restraint in politicizing the event. Islamic supremacist terrorism, though? Well, thoughts
and prayers, of course. The intent in Sri Lanka was to kill and injure Christians. Islamic supremacists are
particularly frightening because they murder indiscriminately; Muslims are the most victimized group, worldwide, of Islamic
supremacy. If Democrats cared about Muslims, wouldn't it make sense that they'd condemn Islamic supremacy? Yes,
but only if the Democrats didn't fear Islam. We need Democrats to clarify when the religion or race invoked to justify
terrorism is warranted. Had the Sri Lankan Islamic supremacists used AR-15s, Democrats would have called it a "mass
shooting," rather than "hatred and violence."
State Women Terrorizing Refugees in Syria Camps While Waiting to Come Home. Some women who joined the Islamic
State (ISIS/ISIL) as fighters, recruiters, and brides are trying to recreate the fallen caliphate from inside prison camps in
northern Syria, the Associated Press (AP) reported this week. The females, who appear to miss the now fallen Islamic
emirate that once controlled large swathes of Iraq and Syria, continue to express their loyalty as they beg to be allowed
back into their home countries.
Man used stolen machete in string of Target robberies in St. Paul. A Minneapolis man is accused of robbing several
Twin Cities stores with a machete. Criminal complaints say Abdikadir Ayanle Ali, 32, robbed several stores in the Twin Cities,
including several Target stores in St. Paul multiple times, while carrying a machete. He is charged with four counts of
first-degree aggravated robbery, according to criminal complaints. Each count carries a maximum sentence of 20 years
and/or a $35,000 fine.
Catholic Churches Attacked in France in One Week. At least 10 incidents of vandalism and desecration of
Catholic churches have been reported across the Channel since the beginning of February. French Roman-Catholic newspaper
La Croix International reported how the attacks on churches took place across France. Senseless acts included the
desecration of altars, the defacing of Christ on the cross and in an extreme case, human excrement being spread across the
walls of a holy place of worship.
Mumbai and Unplanned: Movies They Don't Want You to See. Hotel Mumbai depicts the pain of Indians, largely
Hindu and Sikh but also Muslim, caused by Muslim terrorists. It's funny. The left builds its edifice on pain. We
must be shamed for American slavery, though Americans fought and died to end it 154 years ago. And yet the left works
as hard to silence some cries as to amplify others, to airbrush some histories while splashing others across billboards.
is Facebook censoring a conference on Christianity and religious freedom? Every day millions of Christians
around the world are persecuted for their faith. They are often intimidated, abused and in fear for their lives all
because of their commitment to Christ. The Pew Research Centre Report, which analyses religious freedom in 198
countries and territories, reveals that Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world today. Research
shows a staggering 11 Christians every hour are being slaughtered for their faith — 100,000 Christian martyrs a
year. In the last couple of weeks alone, there were attacks on Christians at a church in Nigeria with 32 deaths; in the
Philippines an attack killed more than 20 Christians, not to mention the eight dead in a Somalia market attack and the nine
dead in Egypt.
Islamic Enclaves and 'No-Go' Zones: Ticking Time Bombs Proliferating in the West. "The operation to take
Islamic State's last enclave in eastern Syria looked close to an end," Reuters recently reported, "as U.S.-backed fighters
said they were combing the area for hidden jihadists ... Its enclave at Baghouz was the last part of the massive territory it
suddenly seized in 2014, straddling swathes of Iraq and Syria, where its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a new
caliphate." While this is welcome news, it also prompts one to wonder: what of all those other Islamic enclaves, those
unassimilated ticking time bombs that proliferate throughout the West, which are packed with ISIS-sympathizers, not to mention
ISIS members, and which the West largely fails to recognize as such? I am referring to those many so-called "no-go"
zones: Western cities and regions that have effectively become Islamic ghettoes. There, Sharia is the de facto
law; Muslims are openly radicalized to hate infidels; non-Muslims, even police, are afraid to enter lest they get mugged,
raped, or killed.
233-Year-Old Shock at Jihad. Exactly 233 years ago this week, two of America's founding fathers documented their
first exposure to Islamic jihad in a letter to Congress; like many Americans today, they too were shocked at what they learned.
Islam is
a political theory of conquest. Hirsi Ali is a senior fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and a research
fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. She published a comprehensive, thoroughly researched paper, The
Challenge of Dawa: Political Islam and How to Counter It. In this paper, as a former muslim, she is providing
advice to President Trump and to all Americans. "...confronting dawa, a term unfamiliar to Americans. Dawa as practiced
by radical Islamists employs a wide range of mechanisms to advance their goal of imposing Islamic law (sharia) on
society. This includes proselytizing but extends beyond that. In Western countries, dawa aims both to convert
non-Muslims to political Islam and to instill Islamist views in existing Muslims. The ultimate goal of dawa is to
destroy the political institutions of a free society and replace them with the rule of sharia law."
Report: Muslim Men 200X More Prone To Rape Children Than Non-Muslims. A miniscule number of Muslims speak
out against child pimping in the UK. And out of an (unofficial) population of around 5 million Muslims not a single Muslim
have formed organizations to combat the issue full on. But don't you dare talking about the facts or you'll be branded
an Islamophobe.
Protect Muslims Against Terrorism, Stop Muslim Terrorists. As a matter of record, the vast majority of Muslim
victims of terror have been killed by other Muslims. According to Voice of America: "By far the vast majority of
victims of terrorist attacks over the past 15 years has been Muslims killed by Muslims... Of 167,221 terrorism-related
fatalities reported from 2001 to 2015, almost all — 163,532 or 98 percent — occurred outside the United
States and Western Europe, according to the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database. The U.S. government-funded
GTD is the world's largest public database on terrorist attacks." This report was published in 2016, but the same applies.
Nigeria: Muslims Murder
32 Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack, Muslims Have Killed 120 Since February. Why do attacks on New Zealand
mosques warrant international media coverage and condemnation from world leaders, but murderous jihad attacks on churches get no
attention at all? The mosque attack is the rarity, the exception, while Muslims attacking churches and synagogues are
commonplace; yet there is no outcry about attacks such as this one. The double standard is glaring and obvious.
In this as in all other cases, Judaism and Christianity can be freely denigrated and their adherents killed; all that matters
to the enemedia is protecting Islam's image and portraying Muslims as victims.
A Neurotic Reaction Against Truth. Pamela Geller recently reported on the murders of 120 Christians in Nigeria
since February of this year. This is the tip of the iceberg of attacks on churches and Christians throughout the world
by Islamists who are crying for the blood of Christian martyrs. Many leftwing atheists then call those who vigorously
protest this bloodshed "Islamophobes." In effect, they are allowing and even encouraging the militant Islamists to
continue their violent acting out.
Who Spawned the
Christchurch Killer? According to Forbes, of the 18,814 deaths caused by terrorists around the world in 2017,
well over half were due to the actions of four groups: Islamic State, the Taliban, Al-Shabab and Boko Haram. All
are Sunni Muslim; none are alt-right. Undeniably, atrocities that exceed in blood shed the St. Valentine's Day
Massacre by Al Capone's gang, where seven men were stood against a wall in a Chicago garage and executed, have become all too
common. But the atrocities seized upon by the left as most representative are those that conform to vision, a narrative,
a pre-existing script. This preconceived idea is that America is a hotbed of white nationalism where the worst crimes
are committed by white racists. And this is a myth.
of Top 10 Racist Countries in the World are Muslim. A lot of online news is driven by people digging up things
that had been making the rounds years ago. The survey here comes from 2016. But it's been cited by Elder of Ziyon
at The Algemeiner just now. And that's where I saw it. So it's news to me.
Just Say No. Two related
news stories this week offer a glimmer of hope that, at long last, the Western democracies are finally putting their foot
down regarding Muslim terrorists who want to return to their "home" countries after fighting for the Islamic State. In
both cases, they are women. And in both cases, they've been told to enjoy the Middle East, because that's where they'll
be staying for a while.
Newest Muslim Martyr is a Child Rapist and Killer. Defensive wounds showed that the 15-year-old girl had fought
long and hard for her life. There wasn't enough soft tissue left to show the marks on her flesh, but marks remained on
her wrists and her bones. Hakim had hacked her to death while she had fought desperately to survive. It took two
years to bring him to justice, but not before Hakim tried every trick in the book. Including accusing another man of
the crime. In 1997, Hakim signed a statement, blaming another man and three other women for the attack. When his
partner confessed, then eventually he did too. A year before murdering Tiffany, Hakim had shot and killed Reinhard
Mabins, a 13-year-old boy, and Ernest, his older brother. He was convicted of all three murders. The killing of
the Mabins boys earned Hakim life in prison, while Tiffany's rape and murder put the monster on Death Row. As was
typical, Hakim's lawyers tried every trick to get him off the hook. His father hadn't loved him, his mother was too
busy to spend time with him and he hadn't understood how serious the case was. Finally, there was one last card to
play. And Hakim's lawyers took that card to the Supreme Court. At the last minute, Hakim wanted his Imam with him
in the death chamber. Yusef Maisonet, the imam of Masjid As Salaam, was not familiar with the safety protocols of the
death penalty process, and was not allowed to be in the actual chamber. The case went up to the courts, up to the
Supreme Court, which turned Hakim down. Instead Imam Maisonet met with Hakim before the monster was put down and taught
him how to die like a good Muslim.
Calls on Muslims to Disavow Violent Qur'an Verses. Australian Justice Desmond Fagan, while jailing two jihad
terrorists last week, exhorted Muslims to work for genuine reform: ["]The incitements to violence which
terrorists quote from the Koran cannot just be ignored by the many believers who desire harmonious coexistence. Those
verses are not ignored by terrorists.["] Indeed. But apparently Muslim leaders in Australia want you
to ignore them. Responding to Fagan's call, Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohamed — the Grand Mufti of Australia —
claimed that "only two Koran verses talk about preemptive fighting." Unfortunately, the reporter or reporters present
apparently didn't have the wit, interest, or journalistic standards to ask him which ones those were. There are many,
many more than two verses that call upon Muslims to fight unbelievers, whether preemptively or not. [...] Note that
Qur'an 8:39 calls on Muslims to wage perpetual war against non-Muslims until they become Muslim or, as
per Qur'an 9:29, submit to Islamic hegemony.
Muslim convert charged with a hate crime for synagogue mass shooting plot. A man accused of plotting a mass
shooting at a synagogue in Ohio has been indicted on a federal hate crime charge. Damon Joseph, 21, was indicted
Tuesday on charges that include attempting to provide material support to ISIS and attempting to commit a hate crime.
The Justice Department says that his plan was never carried out.
Ambitious Mission. While our fellow Americans are snoozing, or at least not as active or proactive as their
counterparts, Muslims never deviate and never stop pursuing their goal of world domination. They place their primary
focus on non-Islamic lands — in this case, Europe and the United States. Knowing Islam intimately, please
allow me to assure you that to Muslims, the goal is everything. Let's call it "religious fascism." Islam condones
any and all means to achieve its goal. The ultimate objective of Islam is the rule of the entire world under the
Islamic Ummah — never mind that these life-in-hand soldiers of Allah disagree with one another regarding
the Ummah itself and who is to reign over it. That's a "family dispute" that they will resolve by their usual
favorite method: brute force.
Racist Nerve of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. President Trump is brash, exaggerates, and speaks without precision,
but the Left's distortion of his words and actions takes dishonesty to a new level. [...] Trump's travel moratorium targets
specific countries identified during the Obama Administration as hotbeds of Islamic terrorism and hatred for American
values. But initially the president was unclear about which of the numerous Muslim countries and regions are places
where the teachings of Islam encourage hate and violence. For his concern about the threat of terrorism and referring
to his initiative as a "Muslim ban," he was denounced as "Islamophobic."
Female Palestinian Lawmaker Rashida Tlaib, a Democrat, Has Israel Eliminated on Office Map. Rashida Tlaib is
the first Palestinian-American female Congresswoman. Tlaib is a good Democrat. Rashida Tlaib is a liberal
mainstream media darling. Rashida Tlaib supports the a "one-state solution" or the elimination of Israel as a nation
state. Rashida Tlaib supports the BDS movement — the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against
Israel. Rashida Tlaib announced she will refuse annual trip to Israel and will organize a congressional trip to the
West Bank instead. On her first day in office on Thursday [1/3/2019] Rashida swore in on a Koran and then cursed out
"[...]" Trump.
for man killed by Somali Muslims is attacked by Somali Muslims. A vigil for a man who died during a brawl in
Kennedy Park over the summer turned violent in Lewiston Thursday night [1/3/2019]. A vigil for Donald Giusti turned
into a brawl on Knox Street, right across from Kennedy Park and the Lewiston Police Department, according to Lewiston
police. Giusti's family said they were just trying to celebrate what would have been his 39th birthday, when things
took a violent turn.
priest: "Islam is not a religion of peace. Dialogue is useless unless the Quran changes.". Here is
an English version of an article from the Italian newspaper La Verità: an interview with a Roman Catholic priest,
Fr. Mario Alexis Portella, who is apparently the only Roman Catholic priest in Italy who has the clearsightedness
and/or courage to speak honestly about the jihad threat.
was a Muslim doctor who vowed to poison Jewish patients working at the famed Cleveland Clinic? Is there any
profession that merits the esteem that doctors have? I don't think so. What doctors do not only requires significant
brains, but requires professionalism, because patient trust is so critical. Without that trust, how would a doctor be able
to get a patient to take his or her clothes off, bend over for an exam, or accept a medical treatment with bad side effects?
Trust is what makes the whole profession work. This is why this story out of Cleveland is so chilling.
Muslim Doctor Lara Kollab: "I'll purposely give Jews the wrong meds". While Muslim doctor Lara Kollab has
been on an anti-Semite rant for years, it seems that she has basically pulled all her social media down after being called
out for what she posted. Most of this is several years old, but a person practicing medicine anywhere, especially in
the US who claims that they want to give the wrong medicine to patients should be eliminated from any medical practice
forever and can never be trusted. Fortunately, on Monday [12/31/2018], she was fired.
Islamist Terrorist as Psychopath. Jihadist Psychopath is an invaluable resource for understanding and
coming to grips with the human drama behind the headlines and the radical emotions behind the radical march of political
events. It gets at the unacknowledged truth behind the political psychodramas of the Left, the narcissistic notion that
even the most destructive behaviors can feel good because they make us feel good about who we are. "Who we are" was the
theme of a number of Obama speeches. It is no coincidence that the politician who most definitively straddled the
cultural divide between Islam and the Left, while uniting them politically in their mutual hatred of the United States of
America, could never get enough of telling us who we are.
8 Muslim thugs against 1 Aussie father. A gang of Middle Eastern (likely Lebanese) savages go wilding through a
Roxburgh Park neighborhood and one Aussie man with a baseball bat tries to fight them off by himself. The father of
three is left bleeding after getting struck in the head by one of the thugs wielding a piece of furniture with nails sticking
out of it.
Sex Predator Released From Jail, Changes Name. Former CAIR-Florida operative Ahmad Saleem's two-year prison
term stemming from his 2015 Orlando-area arrest, during a child sex sting operation, has expired. In an attempt to put
the shame and scandal behind him or a way to further his illicit exploits from a different locale, Saleem looks to be
starting anew elsewhere. He has even traveled outside the country, and he has changed his name on social media.
Unsuspecting parents, both here and abroad, need to be made aware of his presence.
student accused in fatal hit-and-run of 15-year-old girl helped out of U.S. by Saudis, officials say. A Saudi
national accused in the fatal hit-and-run of a 15-year-old girl in Oregon was helped out of the country two weeks before his
trial was scheduled to start — by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, officials believe. Abdulrahman Semeer Noorah,
who was a student at Portland Community College at the time, was driven to a yard last year where he removed a tracking
monitor that he had been wearing for months, according to the Oregonian newspaper. Noorah was supposed to go on trial
in June of 2017 for manslaughter and other charges connected to the death of Fallon Smart, who was killed one year earlier.
busted in subway attack that left woman with fractured spine. Police on Thursday busted the hate-filled rider
who fractured a woman's spine during an attack on a Queens subway, authorities said. Allasheed Allah, 54, was arrested
Thursday morning [12/13/2018] and charged with assault as a hate crime and aggravated assault as a hate crime for the Nov. 30
attack, police and sources said. He was nabbed after someone recognized his photo and alerted authorities of his name and
his whereabouts, police said.
Lecturer Slaughtered In France For 'Insulting Muhammad'. A Pakistani national stabbed an Irish lecturer to
death Wednesday in Paris, telling responding police he attacked because the lecturer "insulted the Prophet Muhammad."
The attacker, identified by authorities only as 37-year-old Ali R., was seen talking with lecturer John Dowling, 66, outside
Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci where Dowling taught English before he brandished a steak knife and stabbed
the lecturer in the throat and chest, the Daily Mail reported. Police arrested Ali, a former student of the university,
on the scene, where he confessed to stabbing Dowling 13 times because he believed that the lecturer spoke ill of Muhammad.
Political Infiltration. We are at war and we don't seem to realize it. The Axis Powers in this war,
however, are troops without uniforms, and ideologues without insignia. Globalists, Progressives and Islam are hammering
us from all sides, fueling illegal alien invasions, and tapping away at our political infrastructure bit by bit. In
wars past we accepted the responsibilities of moral and political leadership which demanded plainly that we fight against
those who mean to destroy us, and against those who seek global domination. [...] Now, we face similar enemies, and in fact,
deadlier enemies, and seem to not recognize that the enemy is there. The enemy tells us "death to America," and the
enemy has attacked us countless times, and yet we find it hard to believe that they are serious in their desire to defeat
us. In World War II the Nazis infiltrated us. They were swarming through Hollywood and our political ranks.
In The Cold War the communists were even more successful in their infiltration, and despite the end of the war, the
infiltration remains. They have simply changed their names to Progressives, and Globalists.
Lawfare and the Dallas Morning News. Ten years ago, the founders of the Richardson Texas-based Holy Land
Foundation — the largest Islamic charity organization in the United States at the time — were found
guilty of a variety of charges including conspiracy, money laundering, terrorist finance, and tax evasion. In 2009 the
five defendants, now commonly known as the HLF five, were given sentences of between fifteen and sixty-five years in prison
for funneling money to Hamas through a charity front organization and for other terror-related activities. The case is
often looked to as an unequivocal victory over shadowy Islamist figures intent on civilizational jihad. However, few
are aware of the profoundly negative effect the trial had on the local and national coverage of terrorist finance cases like
HLF. Todd Bensman was a reporter for the Dallas Morning News from 1993 to 2003. He remembers the strategic
campaign launched against the Dallas Morning News by such organizations as Muslims Against Defamation at the time of the
Countering Enemy Propaganda to Promoting It. The West, particularly the left, not only believes the enemy's big
lie that "Islam means peace", but we propagate the lie ourselves. And we do this while blaming ourselves for the
Islamic enemy's jihad on us. This corrupt state of ours began with our pretending that inferior cultures aren't
inferior and superior cultures aren't superior. It began when we told nice lies about rotten cultures and rotten lies
about great cultures. It began with the double poison of political correctness and multiculturalism, which spawned
Islamic correctness. This self-destructive rot in the West allows the enemy to remain undefeated 17 years after 9/11,
and it allows many of us to utter "Islam means peace" no matter what Islam preaches, no matter what Muslims do, no matter
what horrors we witness with our own eyes. [...] In comic books, Muslim superheroes are being shoved down reader's throats,
without demand, and without much interest even from Muslims. In TV, there's always that kind, wise Muslim teaching
Westerners the errors of their ways. And this goes for movies as well, where Muslims are only portrayed as victims or
Warning —
The Jihad Assault in America — It's Hiding, Waiting: Part 2. We know that the war with radical
Islam is ever waging against us. Our overseas commitments are varied, seemingly long term, strong — and
costly. But the enemy is also ever present right here in the homeland. Their operatives having already struck in
Boston, Ft. Hood Texas, San Bernardino, CA and elsewhere. Dr. Carl Goldberg is an expert on radical Islam,
having made it his patriotic duty to educate Americans of the negative impact of the jihad against the Western world, and all
non-Muslims. In 2014 Dr. Goldberg was honored as one of America's leading "Islamophobes by the Council on
American Islamic Relations (CAIR). He wears this title as a badge of honor when he's ask to give the countless
speeches on Muslims in America.
Questions About the Compatibility of Islam with America. Sharia law is in direct conflict with the Bill or
Rights. The First Amendment, for instance, states Congress shall make no law prohibiting the "free exercise" of
religion. Yet Mohammad said, "Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. Those who reject Islam must be
killed." Islamic law enforces dhimmi status on non-Muslims, prohibiting them from observing their religious practices
publicly, raising their voices during prayer, ringing church bells or saying anything considered "insulting to Islam."
Islamic law relegates non-Muslims to "dhimmi" status, where they are forbidden to propagate their customs among Muslims and
cannot display a cross, Christmas decorations or the Star of David. There's a lot more, but you get the idea. [...] In
its current form, with the explicit goal of a global caliphate under Sharia, Islam must be regarded as an existential
threat. Specific ways are needed to deal with an ideology that openly seeks to destroy Western Civilization.
Twitter has suspended
more than 1 million accounts for terrorism. We are constantly admonished that jihad terrorism is the work of
just a tiny minority of Muslims, and that there are "extremists" in every religion, but this story gives the lie to all that
propaganda. There were a million jihad terrorists operating on Twitter, and there are no doubt many more there
still. Where are the million Christian "extremists" or Jewish "extremists"? Where is the violence they are doing
in the name of their religions? The world has a massive problem with Islamic jihad terrorism that is only made worse by
relentless denial and obfuscation.
[are] Using Every Evil Play in the Book to Silence Americans. Leftists attempt to exploit every incident to
further their agenda and demonize everyday traditional-minded Americans. Outrageously, Democrats and fake news said
Christians who spoke out against redefining marriage caused a gunman to massacre homosexuals in an Orlando night club.
Omar Mateen, the shooter, was a Muslim. Christians lovingly try to lead homosexuals to Jesus. Muslims routinely
execute them.
the Washington Post Fears the Freedom Center. The Washington Post had provided Jamal Khashoggi, a Hamas
supporter and an old friend of Osama bin Laden, with column space in which to promote the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood.
It had seized on the pretext of his disappearance and death to fracture the coalition against Iran and advocate regime change in
Saudi Arabia. These had also been Khashoggi's two fundamental Islamist goals. Advocating Muslim Brotherhood regime
change under the guise of human rights had worked in Egypt, Libya, and other countries in the Arab Spring. But it faltered
in Syria when people started asking difficult questions about the "secular" and "democratic" Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda
militias. Now the Washington Post was concerned that members of Congress were asking tough questions about Khashoggi,
a "secular" and "democratic" Islamist advocating regime change in Saudi Arabia.
A Month of
Islam in America: September 2018. A sampling of terror arrests, indictments and convictions as well as
other threats posed by followers of Islam in the U.S. during the month of September. Again, the House Homeland Security
Committee has released their monthly report for the same time period, however their list includes one sentencing, one
terrorist who waived his rights to a trial by jury and a few designations. [...] Unfortunately, much more happened during the
month of September.
NYPD says Brooklyn attack was
a hate crime. New York police have determined that the assault of an Orthodox Jewish man in Brooklyn on Sunday
morning was a hate crime. According to a report on NBC New York, the attacker has been charged with assault as a hate
crime. The attacker, identified by the NYPD as Farrukh Afzal, 37, was also charged with criminal mischief and
harassment, according to the report. Police said they found Afzal beating a 62-year-old man at 46th Street and 13th
Avenue in Boro Park.
indicted on charges they enslaved African girl for 16 years. A Texas couple accused of forcing an African girl
to work as a domestic slave for 16 years — allegedly while calling her a whore and "a little nothing" —
were indicted Wednesday on a litany of federal charges, including forced labor. Mohamed Toure and Denise Cros-Toure,
both 57, of Southlake, were also indicted by a jury on charges of alien harboring for financial gain and conspiracies to
commit forced labor and alien harboring, Justice Department officials announced. The couple was charged in August after
arranging for the girl — who didn't speak English — to travel alone from her village in the Republic of
Guinea to their home in January 2000. Toure, the son of Guinea's first president, along with his wife, then forced the girl
to work as the family's domestic slave, including cooking, cleaning and performing yard work, federal prosecutors allege.
Versus the Muslim Pirates. [Scroll down] Let us not call this view reductionist. Jefferson would
perhaps have been just as eager to send a squadron to put down any Christian piracy that was restraining commerce. But
one cannot get around what Jefferson heard when he went with John Adams to wait upon Tripoli's ambassador to London in March
1785. When they inquired by what right the Barbary states preyed upon American shipping, enslaving both crews and
passengers, America's two foremost envoys were informed that "it was written in the Koran, that all Nations who should not
have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon whoever they could find and
to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to
Myth of the Moderate Muslim. Good-hearted Americans, rightfully weary of wars, are voicing their opposition for
the use of force in combating Islamic ideology. "I am already against the next war," read the bumper sticker on a car
ahead of me. I wish I could tell the driver that the next war is already here; Islamists are waging it in every corner
of the globe and "moderate Muslims" are either knowingly or not, support them. In our conflict with jihadists, moderate
Muslims either fault the West, or simply look the other way. Islam strives to wipe out everything free people cherish,
including the right to freedom of expression.
court permits pregnant woman to give birth before she is hanged. An Islamic court in the Sudanese capital has
said that a pregnant woman sentenced to hang for apostasy after she married a Christian man will be allowed to give birth
before she is executed. Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, 27, who was born to a Muslim father but brought up a Christian by her
mother, was convicted on Sunday [5/12/2014] in Khartoum and given three days to recant her faith or face a possible death
sentence. "We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam. I sentence you to be
hanged," Judge Abbas Mohammed Al-Khalifa told Mrs Ibrahim, addressing her by her father's name, Adraf Al-Hadi Mohammed
9/11 Is Far From Over. The
anniversary of the September 11, 2001 Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and
United Airlines Flight 93, and the September 11, 2012 attacks by Islamic militant group Ansar al-Sharia on U.S. government
facilities in Benghazi, Libya that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service Information
Management Officer Sean Smith and CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty are generally treated by the establishment
media and establishment politicians — be they Republican or Democrat — as discrete incidents isolated from
one another. Nothing could be further from the truth, but what is worse is the notion promoted by former President Obama
and former Obama administration officials that somehow the death of Usama bin Laden ended threat of these kind of attacks in the
future. The reality is that Muslims, both outside and inside the United States, continue to plan and execute attacks as part
of the war Islam has declared on the West. And what's more, some of the key players in the 2001 and 2012 attacks remain
at large and active in prosecuting that war.
'pay the cost' during Islamic holiday. The Islamic holiday Eid al-Adha ("Festival of Sacrifice") began on Tuesday,
August 21, and ended on Friday, August 24. According to International Christian Concern, Coptic Christians in Upper
Egypt were targeted in four attacks from August 22-25. The attacks on churches included mob protests, verbal insults by a
policeman, and an attempted suicide attack that was thwarted. ICC's Claire Evans believes these attacks are not coincidental
as it's commonplace — not only in Egypt, but throughout the Middle East — for Christians to be targeted during
religious holidays. "This year there was an overlap between a Christian and Islamic holiday," she explains. "So
unfortunately it was the circumstances which normally do encourage those attacks. It was even doubled more than what it
normally is — and Christians paid the cost for that."
Caught Setting Fire to New York Gas Station. Why did Islam set fire to a gas station? Who knows.
His lawyer is already trying to play the mental illness card. That is the typical excuse of the terrorists of
Islam. But we can be certain that Islam had nothing to do with Islam's arson.
It's the Religion of Peace and wholesale slaughter. French
Police Seize Dozens of Sheep Hidden in Garage Ahead of Islamic Ritual Slaughter Festival. French police in the
heavily migrant populated suburbs of Paris have seized 32 sheep that were found in the garage of a pizzeria ahead of the
Islamic Eid al-Adha festival in which Muslims sacrifice animals. The animals were found in the commune of Drancy, which
is located in the heavily migrant populated Seine-Saint-Denis suburbs to the north of Paris which have become well-known for
having a large Muslim population. The seized sheep were taken to an animal shelter in Chailly-en-Brie, Le Parisien
Man Who Rammed Cars, Threatened to Kill People at Mosque is Muslim. A man is facing numerous charges after a
curse-filled tirade in which he threatened to kill people and rammed parked cars at a Fairfax County, Virginia mosque Sunday
[8/19/2018]. On Sunday night, 22-year-old Zulqarnain Khan allegedly threatened to kill everyone he encountered at Masjid
Noor Mosque, located at 8608 Pohick Road in Springfield. He also refused to let people inside the mosque and forced
others to leave, Fairfax County police said. Khan used his car to ram three parked cars, police said, including one
that was occupied, prompting calls to 911.
Hajj Begins, Ayatollah Urges Pilgrims to 'Ask Allah to Cut The Hands of the US'. As the annual hajj rituals got
underway in Mecca on Sunday, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a rallying call to Muslim pilgrims:
"Ask Allah to cut the hands of the U.S. and other arrogant powers." Khamenei said in a hajj message that the pilgrimage
to Islam's most revered site was a time of Muslim solidarity.
teen kidnapped by Muslim gang, left for dead over the most ridiculous stupid reason. Sore losers come in
varying degrees of their sore loseriness, however this is the absolutely worst I've ever heard. But we know this isn't
really about arm wrestling. This is about a Christian infidel embarrassing a Muslim in front of his friends and
family. This is about Islam and how it teaches its followers to hate Jews and Christians — and how that's
taken to heart in predominantly Muslim countries like Pakistan. This is Christian persecution.
Suffers 15 Acid Attacks a Week, With Three Quarters Taking Place in London. The United Kingdom's surge of the
previously unheard of phenomenon of acid attacks has seen an average of 15 a week over the past three years, with the vast
majority taking place in the crime-struck capital, London. There were 2,602 acid attacks in Britain between January
2015 and May 2018, the equivalent of 15 a week, according to government figures accessed by The Mirror newspaper.
Did So Many Wanted Nazis Convert to Islam? There are Nazi grafts in Arab-Islamic terrorism. At the top of
the most wanted list of the Simon Wiesenthal Center there is a man who today would be one hundred years old. His name
is Alois Brunner and he is responsible for the deaths of over 130,000 Jews. The Nazi hunters still place him in Syria,
where he was last seen in 2001, protected by the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Brunner was one of the most zealous
ideologues and officials of the "Final Solution," the plan for the extermination of the Jews. The idea haunted him to
the point that in 1985 he said to the German magazine Bunte: "I regret that I didn't finish the job." [...] Brunner is,
in fact, only the best known of a number of Nazi officials who participated in the construction of of the Islamic regimes and
who died in those lands after converting to Islam. This alliance between the Nazi swastika and the Islamic Koran is
well explained in a 1942 article written by Johann von Leers, the best known of Nazi converts to Islam.
politician commits suicide after revealing she was 'gang raped by Muslims'. Willie Dille, city councillor in The Hague
and member of the anti-immigrant Freedom Party, has taken her own life on Wednesday [8/8/2018]. She had just posted a video on
Facebook describing her gang-rape as being part of an intimidation campaign over a year ago. Mrs. Dillie was an MP for
the anti-immigrant Freedom Party from 2010-2012 before returning to her seat on The Hague city council.
Extremist Arrested at New Mexico Compound Is the Son of Terror-Linked NYC Imam. One of the men arrested in the
raid on a squalid New Mexico compound Friday is the son of a notorious New York City imam linked to the 1993 World Trade
Center bombing, Fox News reported. Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, was allegedly planning to perform an "exorcism" on his
4-year-old son and was training children to commit school shootings, prosecutors said in court documents obtained by the
media on Wednesday [8/8/2018].
Man at compound trained kids for school shooting. The documents say Siraj Ibn Wahhaj was conducting weapons
training with assault rifles at the compound near the Colorado border where 11 hungry children were found in filthy conditions.
ties emerge between Linda Sarsour and Islamic radical running 'jihadist' camp in New Mexico. On Wednesday
[8/8/2018] reports broke that an Islamic radical had been arrested last week for allegedly abusing children at a compound in
New Mexico and allegedly training them to be school shooters. The media identified the perpetrator as Siraj Ibn Wahhaj
and reported that he had been caught "conducting weapons training with assault rifles at the compound near the Colorado
border where authorities say they found 11 hungry children living in filthy conditions in a raid Friday." Authorities
found Ibn after they went searching for his missing 3-year-old son. Instead they discovered the Islamic radical at the
compound with the maltreated children. Though Ibn's son wasn't seen at the compound, authorities did locate the remains
of a child that could be him.
Son of Prominent Imam was Training Children to Commit School Shootings. The son of a prominent Brooklyn-based
imam was training children at a New Mexico compound to commit schools shootings, prosecutors said in court documents released
Wednesday [8/8/2018]. Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, was training 11 children at a compound north of Taos, New Mexico, according to
The Associated Press. Authorities raided the compound Friday and arrested Wahhaj, two of his siblings and two other men
during a search for Wahhaj's son, who had been abducted from Georgia late in 2017.
Texas: Muslim
'honor killer' praised 9/11 attacks; killed another son-in-law in 1999. A Jordanian immigrant facing the death
penalty in Houston praised Osama bin Laden for the terror attacks on New York City on September 11, 2001, and said the
violence was deserved, his daughter testified Tuesday [7/31/2018]. Nesreen Irsan, 30, told jurors that her fervently
Muslim father, 60-year-old Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan, was living in Conroe when the infamous attacks occurred and was happy that
Americans had died. He also told his 12 children they should become suicide bombers if asked. "He said it's what
America deserves," the daughter said as she testified against the father who has been convicted of killing her husband and
best friend in two "honor killings" in 2012.
Muslim Cleric Protesting Child Separation Justifies Honor Killings. Over the past few weeks, amid the anger
over the question of illegal immigration, asylum seekers and, in particular, the separation of children from their parents, a
number of American Muslim organizations with links to extremism have joined the conversation. Islamists, it appears,
have been keen to exploit an important national conversation. None has been more active than Omar Suleiman, a prominent
American Salafi Muslim cleric, founder of the Yaqeen Institute and an instructor at the Al Maghrib Institute.
Slaves, Muslim Masters: An appeal to American blacks. Arabs and Muslims have black slaves today and hardly
anyone, especially the leftist class which preens about its devotion to human rights, is screaming about this. In five
African nations — Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Nigeria, and Sudan — blacks serve Arab/Muslim
masters. They are bought and sold like furniture. They are worked until they drop, tortured, raped, forcibly
converted to Islam, and murdered. This has been going on for many years, but it only occasionally makes today's
headlines. This is an open secret. Anyone can Google "blacks sold as slaves in Libya" and see video of slave
markets. I know Africans from Sudan and Nigeria and Mauritania who want to tell this story but they cannot get
platforms. Below is a short clip of the testimony of an escaped slave from Sudan, Francis Bok. Here is his
incredible story told in long form. I have decided to help these people tell their story. The people who need
to hear it most are American blacks.
Cop Threatens to Arrest Reporter Exposing Islamic Event feat Extremist Imam. On Saturday [4/13/2018], the Greenwood Lakes
Middle School in coordination with Muslim community groups in Orlando hosted a Syrian sheik who has called for the killing of gays and
all Jews. Conservative journalist Laura Loomer drove to Orlando to report on the event, which was described on the flyer as being
open to the public. Besides being a public event, the event was hosted at a taxpayer-funded Florida middle school, which gives any
member of the public and the press the right to come on the property.
Muslims in the West Ever Really Be De-Radicalized? Or, to put it another way, is there such as thing as an
unbelieving Believer? One of the great fallacies of Western Europe's multicultural fantasy is that the children of
imported Musselmen will become less Muslim and that, eventually, their offspring will become more like their nominally
Christian but in fact entirely secular hosts. Accordingly, the British and others now dealing with the consequences of
their willfully ahistorical blindness regarding the true nature of Islam, have assumed that "radical" Muslims are the
exception rather than the rule, and so have treated them as aberrational. This, however, flies in the face of no less
an expert on Islam than Turkey's would-be caliph, Recep Erdogan, who famously denied that any such thing as "radical" Islam
exists — because, to be a Believer, is to believe in the faith in its entirety.
Muslim immigrant attacked woman on bridge, held on $100,000 bond. A woman managed to fight off an attacker on
the TJ Meenach bridge shortly after 2 a.m. on Sunday morning [6/24/2018]. The man accused of attacking her, 28-year-old
Atif Ado, appeared in court Monday morning [6/25/2018]. A judge set his bond at $100,000. Ado also had a translator to
translate the proceedings into Arabic.
of hate back on Britain's streets. Police and security chiefs fear the high command of an extremist group that
inspired a generation of jihadis will soon be free again to preach hate on Britain's streets. Five senior figures in
Al-Muhajiroun, whose former members include London Bridge attacker Khuram Butt and Michael Adebolajo, one of Fusilier Lee
Rigby's killers, are expected to be released from prison by the end of the year. Among them is Anjem Choudary, who is
due for release in October having served less than half of a five-and-half-year sentence for inviting support for IS.
a "Refugees Welcome" Activist Was Murdered by a Muslim Migrant. Beneath the leftist believer's veneration of
the despotic enemy lies one of his most powerful yearnings: to submit his whole being to a totalist entity. This
psychological dynamic involves negative identification, whereby a person who has failed to identify positively with
his own environment subjugates his individuality to a powerful, authoritarian entity, through which he vicariously
experiences a feeling of power and purpose.
Mental Illness Becomes an Excuse for Terrorists. It was a warm afternoon in the Netherlands on May 5 as the
country celebrated the 73rd anniversary of its liberation from the Nazi occupation. Some had gone to the beach.
Others picnicked in local parks. But in the streets beside the Hollands Spoor train station in The Hague, one man chose
a different way to mark the occasion: brandishing a knife, he slashed at random bystanders, wounding three people, one
seriously. Police rushed to the scene, where they shot the attacker in the leg to force him to the ground. Yet
even as he lay across the sidewalk, he held tightly to his weapon. "Allahu Akbar," he cried out, the Arabic that means
"Allah is greatest." Police arrested the Syrian-born attacker, later identified as "Malek F." But only hours
later, authorities were forced to acknowledge that he had been in their sights for some time — not for radical
Islamism, but for what they called "disturbed behavior." Media reports described the man as "troubled," and officials
claimed they were searching for a motive.
Robinson and Our Free Speech Rights. On Friday, May 25, human rights activist Tommy Robinson was
arrested. Robinson has been bringing attention to the cover-up of one of the worst scandals in British history: the
organized seduction, addicting, rape, and trafficking of young English girls by so-called "grooming" gangs, primarily
Muslim. The abuse was not confined to prostituting these children (under age 16); they included instances of horrific
physical abuse as well. In some cases these girls were doused with gasoline while their tormentors danced around them
with cigarette-lighters, threatening to immolate them; in others, a girl's tongue would be nailed to a table. These
girls have been devastated. When fathers or brothers attempted to rescue them, the police arrested the family member
instead, calling the abuse "consensual." This is what Robinson has been revealing: institutionalized child abuse in
his own country on a massive scale, with the cooperation of government. A working-class man, Robinson's accent belies the
seriousness and propriety of his position. He opposes sharia, he stands up for returning British soldiers and for free
speech, and he abhors abuse of women and children. He doesn't quote philosophers, but he speaks from the heart and from
a considerable intellect.
Robinson will be the UK's tipping point. I remember cycling through the streets of South London on that
blood-soaked day five years ago when Lee Rigby was killed. Riot vans screamed and hurtled past me. I'd no idea
what was going on. It wasn't until I got home that I saw there was an attempt at a beheading on the streets of South
London, which explained the riot vans. I was traumatized, along with any other normal and sane human being who watched
the murder unfold. The raised and bloodied hands of the devout Muslim who tried to behead Lee. The knife.
The interview he gave. I watched the news very closely in the ensuing days and shook my head with disbelief at the
falsehoods that were being spread by the media and other Muslims. They were saying things like, "The killers were not
true Muslims," and that the killers' motivations were a "misinterpretation of a beautiful religion." All of this
nonsense spouted by media and politicians alike. It was as though they were reading off a script.
close down 3 mosques — 334 war grade weapons found — 223 arrests. Police investigating the Paris terror
attacks have shut down three mosques in a series of raids to close the net on Islamic extremists, the Express reports.
Police in France also arrested the owner of a revolver found during Wednesday's raid, France's Interior Minister Bernard
Cazeneuve said. Security officials found jihadist documents at the mosque where yesterday's raids took place. They
have placed nine people under house arrest. Another 22 have been banned from leaving the country Mr Cazeneuve said.
Lawmakers Burn American Flag in Parliament. Members of the Iranian parliament set fire to a paper American flag
Wednesday [5/9/2018], shouting the familiar refrain of "death to America." The lawmakers also torched a copy of the
nuclear deal signed by former President Barack Obama, in what the Times of Israel and Haaretz report was an
"impromptu" demonstration on the Parliament floor. Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani blamed "egotistical and amateurish"
President Donald Trump and "Zionists" for pulling out of Obama's deal that lifted sanctions on Iran in the hopes of
controlling its nuclear program. "With a national consensus, we will give the U.S. and Zionists a response that they
will regret," Larijani said, according to the Mehr news agency. "Aren't such idiotic measures shameful for a country
with a claim on global management that even its allies are trying to stop him from taking them and control him?" he asked,
referring to European leaders' support for the deal. He also accused Trump of being mentally unfit to lead the U.S.
Saved by our bold disrupter.
Years ago, Henry Kissinger wisely observed that Iran had to decide "whether it wants to be a nation or a cause." Kissinger made
that comment in 2006, and in the years since, Iran's leaders have made their choice bloody obvious: Iran is a cause, and that
cause is spreading a violent Shia revolution throughout the Mideast and across the world. In making the decision to commit murder
and mayhem abroad while oppressing their own people, the ruling mullahs sealed their fate with President Trump. Instead of using
the sanctions relief they gained under the deal President Barack Obama negotiated to expand their economy and human rights at home,
they used their cash windfall to develop a ballistic-missile program and spread terrorism throughout the region.
blast in a mosque leaves 11 militants dead in Ghazni province. At least eleven militants were killed in a
premature explosion triggered by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in southeastern Ghazni province of Afghanistan.
The 203rd Thunder Corps of the Afghan Military in the Southeast said the incident has taken place inside a mosque in the
restive Andar district. The source further added that an IED went off among the militants in Ismail Kabuli mosque in
Andar district, leaving at least 11 militants dead.
Disrupts Pennsylvania Church Service, Tells Congregation They're Going to Hell. Recently a Muslim drove up to
BlueStone Church in West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, while a service was going on. He wasn't there, however, to engage
in interfaith dialogue. What he did there was a menacing glimpse of what is likely to become a common occurrence at
churches across the country.
Muslim savages open fire on Catholic mass, killing 19, including 2 priests. At least 19 people were killed in
an attack allegedly carried out by Muslim cattle herders on a Catholic church in Nigeria. Muslim gunmen opened fire and
killed at least 17 parishioners and two priests in the Mbalom area of Benue state — part of the so-called Middle
Belt region, which played a pivotal part in Nigeria's elections.
UK: Funding Textbooks
That Teach Children to Blow Themselves Up. This past weekend it emerged that last year the British government
funnelled £20 million to Palestinian schools. A review by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural
Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) found that these revenues go towards funding a curriculum which omits teaching
peace, promotes the use of violence — specifically jihad — and encourages martyrdom. An analysis
of the textbooks used in Palestinian schools funded by the UK government — using UK taxpayers' money —
found that these textbooks, which come from the Palestinian Authority (PA), "exerts pressure over young Palestinians to acts
of violence."
Muslims erupt in "extremely violent" riots after woman is ordered to remove her niqab. [Scroll down]
Meanwhile, Muslim advocacy groups that are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood serve as battering rams, beating into the
minds of non-Muslims that they are "Islamophobic" for expressing valid concerns about the violence of Islamic supremacists
and jihadis in Europe and North America. If these groups are genuinely interested in diversity, dialogue, tolerance,
peace and secular government, as they claim to be, then they should be stating the truth that violence against unbelievers is
sanctioned in Islamic law. They should then encourage the rejection of these calls for violence and demand that their
coreligionists desist from persecuting Christians and other religious minorities, as well as from antisemitism, the rape of
infidel women, and jihad attacks against infidels.
Why Was
This Man Allowed Into the United States? A Syrian sheikh who defends suicide bombing against "all the Jewish
people," supports Hamas and advocates the death of homosexuals was the guest speaker at an Islamic conference on "Positive
Parenting Skills" in Orlando, Florida on April 14. Sheikh Muhammad Rateb Al-Nabulsi was previously allowed into the
country by a special visa issued by the State Department under the Obama administration in 2014 for an 11-city fundraising
tour for the Syrian people. In January of 2017, he was also in the country, speaking at the Islamic Center of Davis,
California and hosted by its imam Ammar Shahin, who also has a history of extremism and anti-Semitism. Nabulsi has
called Jews the "worst enemies of God" and "a hotbed of vices and evils."
Greatest Murder Machine in History. When one thinks of mass murder, Hitler comes to mind. If not Hitler,
then Tojo, Stalin, or Mao. Credit is given to the 20th-century totalitarians as the worst species of tyranny to have
ever arisen. However, the alarming truth is that Islam has killed more than any of these, and may surpass all of them
combined in numbers and cruelty. The enormity of the slaughters of the "religion of peace" are so far beyond
comprehension that even honest historians overlook the scale. When one looks beyond our myopic focus, Islam is the
greatest killing machine in the history of mankind, bar none.
it was so devastating when George W. Bush said "Islam is peace" right after 9/11. I wrote my forthcoming book The History of Jihad
From Muhammad to ISIS mostly chronologically, starting with Muhammad's conquests in Arabia and moving forward. It's a bloody history, and
one indelible impression one gets from proceeding through the centuries of jihad warfare is of the persistence of the jihadis. They never
give up, they never give in, and they never take any setback, no matter how devastating, as decisive. [...] This book establishes definitively
why the West's entire approach to the global jihad threat since 9/11 has been so wrongheaded and is leading us to political, cultural, and societal
disaster. I've been trying to sound the alarm on this for many years now, while the moneyed forces of the "Islamophobia" hysteria industry have
won the day and marginalized those of us who have been telling the truth about what is happening.
Who's buying this latest
Hamas con job? This time Hamas did not use rockets and terror tunnels in its quest to destroy Israel; it used
people as weapons... among them women and children. [...] CNN we know. That network fell right in. But even Fox
News gave half-bright, semi-informed Geraldo Rivera a chance to pontificate about a subject on which he staggers between
ignorance and biased.
racist hate crime rattles southern Ohio. A Turkish Muslim man, Izmir Koch, is facing federal hate crime charges
after beating he gave to a victim who had claimed to be Jewish. The 32-year-old Koch yelled outside a restaurant in
Greater Cincinnati asking whether anyone within hearing was Jewish. When the victim responded affirmatively, Koch
punched the man in the head and continued to hit and kick him on the ground. According to the indictment, the victim
suffered a fractured eye socket and bruised ribs. The attack occurred on March 4, 2017. According to U.S. Attorney
Benjamin Glassman, the victim was not a Jew in reality. But because Koch believed he was, a federal jury passed down an
indictment on one count of committing a hate crime.
Muslim immigrant beat victim outside restaurant because he said he was Jewish. A Huber Heights man faces a
federal charge for attacking a man he believed to be Jewish last year, the U.S. Attorney's Office announced Wednesday
[3/28/2018]. Izmir Koch, 32, beat the victim outside a Greater Cincinnati restaurant Feb. 4, 2017, according to the
indictment. The victim stepped outside to smoke a cigarette and meet a friend. Koch yelled out asking if anyone
was Jewish, the indictment says, and the victim responded he was. Koch punched him in the head and continued to hit and
kick him while he was on the ground, the indictment says. The victim suffered bruised ribs and a fractured eye socket.
Jersey imam starts workshop to train imams not get caught on camera praying for genocide of Jews. "According to
the law, the call for annihilation constitutes incitement to violence. Naturally, I know that the preacher merely
recites supplications he knows by heart, and does not realize that this might be seen as incitement to violence, or
anything." This is not reform or "moderate Islam." He is not calling for the prayers for the annihilation of the
Jews to be discarded. He is just calling upon imams to be more careful about cameras and microphones when reciting
them. There have been numerous incidents recently of imams in the U.S. and Canada calling for Allah to kill the Jews;
this imam is trying to stop the PR damage, which has been minimal in any case, since to report fully on such matters would
be "Islamophobic."
Boko Haram Won't Release Girl Because She Refuses to Denounce Christ. Boko Haram refused to release a
15-year-old Christian girl kidnapped this month along with 110 other schoolgirls because she rebuffed the terrorist
organization's efforts to convert her to Islam, her parents revealed. Leah Sharibu is the only one of the abducted
girls still held by the Boko Haram jihadists "because she refused to convert to Islam," stressed USA Today.
teen was beaten, had hot cooking oil poured on her after refusing arranged marriage: police. Parents of a Texas
high school student who was reported missing in late January had abused their daughter after she refused an arranged
marriage, leading her to run away from home until she was found in mid-March, police said. Maarib Al Hishmawi, 16, was
reported missing on Jan. 30 after she was last seen leaving Taft High School in Bexar County. She was located in
mid-March when she was taken in by an organization that cared for her after she ran away, KSAT reported.
Doctors Kill, Torture Christian for Demanding Care for Pregnant Sister. Doctors and security personnel at a
hospital in Pakistan reportedly killed and tortured a Christian man with medical scissors and scalpels and seriously injured
two other Christians who survived the ordeal, triggered when they demanded care for their pregnant family member. The
British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA), which tracks cases of Christian persecution, identified the wounded victims
as Anil Saleem, a brother of the pregnant woman, and the woman's husband Kashif Shafeeq.
Fatal FBI Fumble in Florida. The accused killer told police he "stabbed the victims because of his Muslim
faith," watched videos of "Muslim jihadists" on his cellphone, and "was reading the Quran from his phone just prior to the
attack to give him courage to carry out his intentions." Perhaps he read the Sword Verses for inspiration? Fort Hood
jihadist Nidal Hasan quoted from them in his presentation to classmates and superiors at Walter Reed Medical Center: "I have
been commanded to fight the people until they testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah." Or maybe it was
Surah 9:5: "Fight and slay the idolaters wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in wait for them
in every place of ambush."
The High Price of Denial.
For years, German officials, like their political counterparts across the continent, have furiously denied that there are any
areas of their countries to which the rule of law does not extend. Denials have also issued forth from officials in,
among other countries, Sweden and France. In January 2015, Paris's Mayor Anne Hidalgo threatened to sue Fox News after
the station said there were no-go zones in her city. Hidalgo claimed at the time in an interview on CNN that "the
honour of Paris" and the "image of Paris" had been harmed. It was a typically extraordinary claim, which ignored that
if the "image of Paris" had taken any battering around that time, it might have been due to the massacre of 12 journalists,
cartoonists and policemen at the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, and the slaughter of four people in
a kosher supermarket two days later.
France: Toward Total
Submission to Islam, Destruction of Free Speech. The French government and the French justice system claim to
treat all religions equally, but they treat Islam as if it were "more equal than others" — able to enjoy special
privileges. Those who criticize Islam — or who just show the results of Islamic terrorism — are
victims of fierce prosecution, while hate-filled, racist organizations are never touched. [...] President Macron recently
said he wants a law against "fake news". If the law is adopted, all online magazines in France that do not broadcast what
the government defines as "true news" could be subject to immediate government suspension. If they are located outside
France, access to them would be blocked. Islamic online magazines and websites are not on the list of "fake news"
providers. What online magazines and websites top the list? Those that question Islam.
The Editor says...
Special farewell message to our readers, if any, in France: Perhaps you should have resisted the Muslims while you
had the chance. Now you are no longer free even to criticize Islam. Soon, you will will be forced to
submit to Islamic law. After that, you will be forced to either convert to Islam or die. If I were in your
position, I'd flee the country, while that's still possible.
York: Muslim firefighter who threatened to kill colleagues will have charges dropped. Criminal charges
against a firefighter who allegedly threatened to "kill" colleagues he claimed had mistreated him over his religious faith
will be dropped in six months if he stays out of trouble and continues mental-health treatment. Raheem Hassan's case
was adjourned in contemplation of dismissal during his appearance Wednesday [3/7/2018] in Criminal Court.
US: Muslim Calls
for Murder Increasing. Far from being "isolated" events, calls for jihad against all non-Muslims began in the
US several decades ago. It would be a mistake to view the hate preached against Jews differently from the hate preached
against other non-Muslims. Both are sanctioned by the Quran and the hadiths. It is this hate against anyone
"other" — and that is still taken to heart by many Muslims — that drives Islamic terrorism against the
West. Muslim supremacists are apparently acceptable; white supremacists are not. Yes, other religious books are
also filled with hate verses, but as the author Bruce Bawer points out, many "Muslims still live by them."
imams are spewing anti-Semitism in the US with impunity. Muslim clerics are threatening the lives of Jews from
the pulpits of American mosques, and they are doing it with virtual impunity, say former US law-enforcement officials who
worry that the rhetoric could lead to violent attacks. Over the past six months, at least five prominent US imams have
been caught on tape preaching violence against Jews in sermons at mosques across America. Yet these radical preachers
inciting anti-Semitic violence aren't prosecuted or even permanently banished by the leadership of their mosques.
A month in the
lives of Christians under Islam. [In Egypt] An ex-kidnapper explained the process of how Christian girls are targeted for
abduction, forced conversions and "marriages" to Muslims. According to the report, the man, known only as "G," "admits he was in a
network actively targeting Coptic girls for years before he left Islam." Although such networks have been around since the 1970s,
they reached their "highest levels now, in the era of President Sisi," he said. [...] Because these accounts of persecution span different
ethnicities, languages, and locales — from Morocco in the West, to Indonesia in the East — it should be clear that one thing
alone binds them: Islam — whether the strict application of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture born of it.
Dept Adds 7 Islamic State-Affiliated Groups to Global Terror List. The Department of State has designated three
ISIS-affiliated groups — ISIS-West Africa, ISIS-Philippines, and ISIS-Bangladesh — as Specially
Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs) under Section 1(b) of Executive Order (E.O.) 13224 and as Foreign Terrorist
Organizations (FTOs) pursuant to Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. As a result of these designations,
U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with ISIS-West Africa, ISIS-Philippines, or
ISIS-Bangladesh. The groups' property and interests in property subject to U.S. jurisdiction are blocked. In
addition, it is a crime to knowingly provide, or attempt or conspire to provide, material support or resources to the
are less than 1% of the United States population, but 33% of major mass shootings. In the last decade, there
were only 10 major mass shootings where the death toll went into the double digits. Three of those were carried out by
Muslim terrorists. That's all the more remarkable since Muslims make up less than 1% of the United States population,
but account for 33% of major mass shootings. Proportional to their representation in the population, Muslims are responsible
for far more mass shootings than Americans. The trend is worrisome. Since 2015, not a single year has passed without
a Muslim mass shooting. While 2017's Muslim mass shooter Kori Ali Muhammad only managed to kill three people in Fresno,
his expressions of racial and religious hatred make it clear that we are dealing with a hateful pattern.
Gun control? How about
Imam control? What happens in the mosque does not stay in the mosque. So don't be amazed if you learn
that the Parkland, Florida, high school murderer was influenced by messages coming from any number of imams throughout the
United States. [...] Paul Sperry at the New York Post tells how radical USA imams are given license to incite. Listen
to Sperry's opening paragraph — "Muslim clerics are threatening the lives of Jews from the pulpits of American
mosques, and they are doing it with virtual impunity, say former US law-enforcement officials who worry that the rhetoric
could lead to violent attacks."
Islam, apparently, it is OK to beat your children, too. Everyone knows that the quran allows men to beat their
wives if she disobeys. But an ex-Muslim describes how he grew up getting regular beatings by his father, because he was
told "it was for his own good."
Threat from Iran. Maj. General Mohsen Rezai founded Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in the early
days of the revolution, upon the personal orders of Ayatollah Khomeini. While he relinquished control of the IRGC in
1997, he remains one of the regime's most influential leaders. A "principalist," who is considered a revolutionary
purist, Rezai has occasionally shown a more pragmatic bent. He regularly boasts of the Iranian regime's military power,
and issues threats to all who would challenge the regime that seem to get dismissed in the Western media. Last week,
when he vowed to "level Tel Aviv to the ground," was no exception.
Islam Must Be Stopped.
Islam has spawned many sects that are master practitioners of the art of double standards. As far as Muslims are concerned, what is good for
Muslims is not good for non-Muslims, and what is bad for Muslims is good for non-Muslims. What complicates matters is that there is no way
of knowing which of the dozens of at-each-other's-throat sects is the legitimate Islam. As soon as Muhammad died, his religion of peace became
a house of internal war: jockeying for power and leadership started, sects formed and splintered into sub-sects, and bloodletting began in
earnest. The internal infighting in Islam is presently playing in full color — in red — most dramatically, in the Iraq and
Afghanistan and other Islamic theaters. Shiites raid Sunni civilians, slaughter them like sheep, and toss their bodies like trash in
the streets or the rivers. The Sunnis return the favor with just as much viciousness and savagery. [...] There is no need to belabor
the point that Islam is not, and has never been, a religion of peace
Muslims wipe out 15 villages in mass slaughter of Christians, government does nothing. "Despite several calls to the
governor and his deputy, and other security apparatus, the government remained silent as the atrocities continued. The Fulani
were able to carry out their deadly attack. They stayed for hours in the vicinity, moving at will, unchallenged." Why?
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari clearly has no sympathy for the victims. He shares the world view of the jihadi attackers.
shouting Muslim stabs man because he didn't follow Islam. Police suspect a religious discussion may have
escalated into an argument that led to a stabbing at an apartment complex Wednesday morning [2/7/2018]. After being
dispatched to a report of a fight in progress at Wolf Run Apartments the morning of Feb. 7, officers of the Tahlequah
Police Department arrested Ibrahim Alyami, 24, was arrested on complaints stemming from the stabbing incident.
Islamic Scholar Hillary Let Back into U.S. Jailed for Rape. The radical Islamic scholar that Hillary Clinton
let back into the U.S. after a lengthy ban over terrorist ties is in jail on rape charges. This week a judge in France
denied bail for Clinton's pal, Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder and Hamas funder Hassan al
Banna. Ramadan, a professor at Oxford University, was arrested in Paris last week and charged with raping two Muslim
women. Both women were raped in France, according to a European news report. The first one, a 40-year-old
disabled Muslim convert claims Ramadan raped and beat her in the southeastern city of Lyon in 2009 and the other, a
41-year-old feminist activist, says Ramadan raped her in Paris in 2012.
Muslim Student Association Leaders Wanted for Terrorist Activities. The RCMP, working in conjunction with
Interpol, are looking for these two men, both of whom are wanted on warrants for participation in terrorist activities.
The two men wanted by RCMP were both students at the University of Manitoba. They are wanted on Canada wide warrants for
terrorist activities.
tenants behead Hindu landlord over "humiliation". "Altaf was unable to pay rent in time and Manjunath allegedly
used abusive language against them. The tenant's family decided to avenge the humiliation." Beheading —
for "abusive language." Just think how wonderfully enriched our nation will be by Muslim migrants such as Syed Altaf and
his sons!
who beat his 9-year-old daughter to death would "recite the Quran during the night". In his reciting of the
Qur'an during the night, this man no doubt came across this passage: "Men have authority over women because Allah has
made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are
obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear
disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them." — Qur'an 4:34 And so he knew that in
beating his little girl, from whom he feared disobedience, he was simply doing what Allah directed. How enriched our
country is going to be by the mass entrance of men who believe the same things this man believes!
From Farrakhan With Love.
Two years before Barack Obama announced his candidacy for President of the United States, he met with the leader of a hate
group who had praised Hitler and declared that the Jews, "can't say 'Never Again' to God, because when he puts you in the
ovens, you're there forever." The previous year, Obama had launched his national profile with a DNC speech proclaiming,
"There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America."
And there he was, smiling alongside Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, the largest black separatist organization
in the country, whose theology claimed that white people were genetically engineered devils who were due to be destroyed by flying
saucers. Also posing with Farrakhan and Obama were Mustapha Farrakhan, Joshua Farrakhan and Leonard Farrakhan Muhammad, his
security chief and son, his other son, and his chief of staff and son-in-law. Also there was Willie F. Wilson, a
Farrakhan ally, who had led a protest against an Asian business by a mob shouting, "F___ the Chinks". "We forgave
Mr. Chan," he told reporters after that incident. "If we didn't forgive him, we would have cut his head off
and rolled it down the street." Hope and change.
imams are spewing anti-Semitism in the US with impunity. Muslim clerics are threatening the lives of Jews from
the pulpits of American mosques, and they are doing it with virtual impunity, say former US law-enforcement officials who
worry that the rhetoric could lead to violent attacks. Over the past six months, at least five prominent US imams have
been caught on tape preaching violence against Jews in sermons at mosques across America. Yet these radical preachers
inciting anti-Semitic violence aren't prosecuted or even permanently banished by the leadership of their mosques.
'Immigrant' Drove Ice Cream Truck To Lure Children, Molest Them. A man who allegedly used an ice cream truck to
lure children in is now in custody, according to Durham police. Isam Fathee Mohamed Rahmah turned himself in Friday
night and is in the Durham County Jail under a $1 million dollar bond. A Durham mother said she believes Rahmah
used an ice cream truck to target low-income neighborhoods to sexually assault children.
Al-Qaeda: Muslims Should Kill 'Americans Everywhere'.
A senior Al-Qaeda leader has called on all Muslims to "rise and attack the Jews and the Americans everywhere." In a
video released this week, Khalid Batarfi, a top commander with the group's Yemen-based operation (Al-Qaeda in the Arabian
Peninsula), said "killing them is one of the most important things." The response was ostensibly aimed at the decision by
U.S. President Donald Trump's to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
The Editor says...
Apparently there are those who belive that before Jerusalem was recognized as the capital of Israel, Al-Qaeda never
had any intention of killing Americans.
Kills Pakistan College Principal After Accusing Him of Blasphemy. Police in northwestern Pakistan say a student
shot and killed his college principal on campus on Monday after accusing him of blasphemy. The incident occurred at the
private Islamia College in the northwestern town of Charsadda. The shooter was arrested, according to area police chief
Zahoor Afridi.
student sets fire at Catholic university over U.S. military intervention in 'Muslim land'. Tnuza J. Hassan, 19,
of Minneapolis, allegedly said she "wanted the school to burn to the ground and that her intent was to hurt people," according to
the report. According to a complaint filed in Ramsey County District Court, Hassan was charged with one count of felony
first-degree arson. Hassan allegedly told police that similar attacks occurred on "Muslim land," and no one was upset
that Muslims were hurt. She also allegedly told police and fire investigators: "You guys are lucky that I don't
know how to build a bomb because I would have done that."
Beauty Industry Cannot Hide the Ugliness of Their Latest Muslim Role Models. Amani Al-Khatahtbeh, 26, known by
her blogging name MuslimGirl, was recently announced as the winner of Revlon's Changemaker Award in honor of her advocacy for
Muslim women. However, she quickly announced herself as an Israel hater, rejecting the award because of Gal Gadot's
involvement with the company.
Hijab Model Amena Khan Steps Down over Tweets Calling Israel 'Child Murderers'. L'Oréal Paris UK's
Muslim model has stepped down from the company's campaign after her anti-Israel Twitter posts surfaced last week. Amena
Khan announced her decision to step down from the campaign in a Twitter post on Monday, where she also claimed to have
deleted the controversial posts about Israel.
oppression' strikes again, as 3,066 Christians killed, 1,020 raped. The Bible tells Christians to beware, that
to follow Jesus paves the way for a life of challenge, mocking and persecution — that specifically, as Matthew 10:22
states, "you will be hated by all for [His] name's sake." Well, according to a new report from Open Doors, a nonprofit that
supports the spread of the faith in even the most hostile of areas, that ain't no joke. Fully 215 million Christians are
right now facing "high levels of persecution" in 60 different countries, with "Islamic oppression" the driving factor in eight of
the top ten, the nonprofit found, in its latest World Watch List 2018. North Korea, for the 16th year in a row, ranked
worst for Christian persecution. That's followed, in order, by Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan, Eritrea, Libya, Iraq,
Yemen and Iran.
Woman Gave Christmas Gifts Filled with Poison to Christian Neighbor Who Left Islam. [Scroll down] Accused
of intending to kill Madina and her family members, Hajira asked for forgiveness, saying that since Madina's family left
Islam two years ago, the loudness of their weekly worship at their house with some other church members had been disturbing
her and other Muslim neighbors. Hajira's house is about 100 yards from Madina's. Chairman Guloba, a Christian,
expressed his shock at what could have befallen Hajira's family, but village leaders made no legal decisions. Police
have not been called, apparently in order to keep tensions with the Muslim community from escalating, but the in-law said
Muslim neighbors have started taunting Madina's children by calling them infidels.
Of Crudeness and Truth.
In England, in the city of Rotherham, at least 1,400 non-Muslim girls, some as young as 11, were brutally raped by Muslim immigrants over
a period of years in the 2000s. Police and other officials worked to keep the facts hidden because, according to multiple reports,
they were afraid of being called racist. Think about that: police officers did not want to seem racist, so they stood by
and let their city's children be raped. The same thing goes on in other cities in England and throughout Europe. And in fact,
some who have spoken out have had their careers curtailed by manufactured scandal. The message is clear: it's just not nice
to tell the truth. It's just not done. Don't do it.
The Best Quotes of 2017.
[#2] "It's tough to have a multicultural society with people who want you dead."
Why There's
Muslim Violence, but not Christian Violence, in the Middle East. Because Israel is stronger than its Muslim
neighbors, the latter have always been presented as frustrated "underdogs" doing whatever they can to achieve "justice."
No matter how many rockets were shot into Tel Aviv by Hamas and Hezbollah, and no matter how anti-Israeli bloodlust was
articulated in distinctly jihadi terms, that was always presented as ironclad proof that Palestinians under Israel are so
oppressed that Muslims have no choice but to resort to terrorism. Yet, as with all false narratives, the survival of
this one relied on concealing the bigger, more complete picture, as captured by the following question: If Muslims get
a free pass when their violence is directed against those stronger than them, how does one rationalize away their violence
when it is directed against those weaker than them — for example, millions of indigenous Christians living in the
Muslim world? According to reliable statistics published annually, some 40 of the 50 worst nations in which to be
Christian are Muslim majority. Of the absolute worst 21 nations — 18 of which are
Muslim — "100 percent of Christians experience persecution."
You Have No Right to Tell Us We Can't Kill Jews. Considering that the indigenous Jewish population of Israel
freed itself from the rule of the Islamic colonial racist and supremacist regime, no one has the right to tell the IDF how
to defend against the "Palestinian" settlers who are the proxy armies of the Islamic Supremacist occupation. Islamic
terrorists would like immunity from any accountability. [...] But the Democrats continue to stand by Linda Sarsour, despite a
blatant defense of anti-Semitic Islamic terrorism and accusations of complicity in sexual harassment against a fellow Muslim woman.
"I am not
American," said the Islamist; "I am Muslim". For Islamists, non-Muslim land is different from Muslim
land. Many can never identify themselves with a Western land — or with a flag or nationality —
even though they may have been born in that land and their families may have lived there for generations. When people
are brainwashed not to identify themselves with a flag and a nationality, it disrupts the human connections and
communications that need to take place within communities. It pits the indoctrinated person against the entire society
and his own countrymen, and develops an "us versus them" mentality. This view brings with it a wish for waging jihad
against one's birth country. It creates the priority — if the country attacking it is ruled by
shari'ah — of joining the enemy to fight against one's birth country.
Mosques In America. It was another Friday night in the Islamic Center of Jersey City. And its imam,
Sheikh Aymen Elkasaby, had some thoughts about the Jews. "So long as the Al-Aqsa Mosque remains a humiliated prisoner
under the oppression of the Jews, this nation will never prevail," he screamed belligerently in the World Trade Center
bomber's old mosque. "Count them one by one, and kill them down to the very last one. Do not leave a single one
on the face of the Earth." [...] The Islamic Center of Jersey City's president had been a member of the New Jersey Homeland
Security Interfaith Advisory Council. Senator Cory Booker had invited him as a guest to the State of the Union and
praised him as an example "of how the diversity of America makes us all better." Was his imam calling the Jews "apes
and pigs" really making us all better?
Muslim Cleric: "Slavery should be celebrated as one of the virtues of Islam'. "Slavery has always been a
part of Islam and Muslims should not try to deny this because when women and children of the enemy are taken as slaves, they
are treated well. ("Well" as in getting repeatedly raped by gangs of Muslim men?) Best of all, these infidel
slaves are forced to convert to Islam which will save them from the hellfire."
Are Going To Burn You Alive!" Jesuit Father Henri Boulad, an Islamic scholar of the Egyptian Greek Melkite
rite, held no punches in an interview concerning the motives of Islamic terror and Western responses to it. "Islam is
an open-ended declaration of war against non-Muslims," declared the priest, and those who carry out acts of violence and
intolerance are only doing what their creed requires.
journalist and Muslim "revert" gets 5 years for bomb threats against Jewish centers. A former journalist who
made bomb threats against Jewish Community Centers as part of a vicious revenge plot against his ex-girlfriend was sentenced
to five years in prison Wednesday — after his ex told a judge "I'm not convinced that he still won't try to kill
me." The moving statement by Francesca Rossi detailed Juan Thompson's extraordinary, relentless abuse that culminated in
his threats to a dozen Jewish centers via email that he attributed to her.
Jersey Mosque Imam Calls for Genocide. On Friday, December 8th, the Islamic Center of Jersey City featured a
Friday khutbah (sermon) given by Imam Aymen Elkasaby. In it, he rages at Israel for its control over Jerusalem
and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, calling the Jews "apes and pigs" and "the most cowardly of nations [and the] weakest of all peoples,"
and says that fighting to regain control of the Al-Aqsa Mosque is a religious obligation for all Muslims. Elkasaby
closes his sermon with the following charming prayer: "Allah, make us among your armies.... Allah, we ask you to grant
us martyrdom on the threshold of Al-Aqsa Mosque.... Count them one by one, and kill them down to the very last one. Do
not leave a single one on the face of the Earth."
Three Worst Doctrines. [#2] Jihad — war on non-Muslims for no less a reason than that they are
non-Muslims — is the physical manifestation or realization of enmity for "infidels." Not only is it natural to
attack and seek to subjugate those whom one is bred on hating, but the doctrine of jihad, including to spread and enforce
Sharia around the world, is part and parcel of Islam; it is no less codified than Islam's Five Pillars. As the
Encyclopaedia of Islam's entry for "jihad" puts it, the "spread of Islam by arms is a religious duty upon Muslims in general
... Jihad must continue to be done until the whole world is under the rule of Islam ... Islam must completely be made over
before the doctrine of jihad can be eliminated."
Imam Calls For Israel's Destruction — In Arabic. Following President Trump's recognition of
Jerusalem as Israel's capital, a Texas-based Islamic cleric has posted a recorded prayer on his Facebook page calling for
Israel's destruction, along with "their allies, and those who assist them and those who allowed them into the abodes of the
Muslims." While Sheikh Ramadan Elsabagh does not mention Trump's Wednesday [12/6/2017] proclamation, the Investigative
Project on Terrorism, which translated the message from Arabic, interprets it as a "clear reaction."
Welcome to the Hell Hole that is
Brussels. Last month alone in Brussels, there were three separate outbreaks of rioting and looting on a major
scale. If you penetrate the thick cloud of professional indignation to scrutinize the reality of the "capital of Europe",
what you see in many respects is actually a hell hole, one where socialism, Islamism, riots and looting are the new normal.
Practice Chopping Off Heads at Mosque. Check out parishioners of the "religion of peace" at its place of
"worship". These men chant Arabic phrases, essentially chastising non-believers. Then, they make the motion of
peace by decapitation. [Video clip]
Trump's Jerusalem Move Deals a Blow to Terror. The last time the OIC was this mad, someone drew Mohammed.
And wasn't stoned to death for it. According to the Saudi ambassador, it will "heighten tensions". The Deputy Prime
Minister of Islamist Turkey called it a "major catastrophe". And the leader of the largest Muslim country in Europe,
France's Emmanuel Macron "expressed concern" that America will "unilaterally recognize Jerusalem." PLO leaders and
minions meanwhile made it quite clear that now the dead peace process is truly dead. [... But] The peace process has been
deader than Dracula for ages. And even a PLO terrorist should know that you can't threaten to kill a dead
hostage. The only kiss of death here came from Arafat. Peace wasn't killed though. It was never
alive. Because a permanent peace is Islamically impossible.
400 arrests for terror-related offences were made in the UK in the year to September. The number of suspects
arrested in terrorism investigations has reached a record high, official figures reveal. A total of 400 people were
held for terror-related offences in Britain in the year to the end of September, the highest tally since data collection
started in 2001 and a jump of 54% compared to last year. The 400 total includes 12 arrests made in connection with
the Westminster attack, 23 after Manchester, 21 after London Bridge and one after the Finsbury Park attack[.] It was also
revealed that 58 of those held were female — the highest number on record.
Postal Deliveries Suspended To Crime-Ridden Muslim District. The company announced their new safety measures
just last week, alerting residents that in future packages will only be delivered to designated safe pick-up locations.
Chronopost, a subsidiary of the French postal service La Poste, is 73.7 percent owned by the French government. The
danger to their delivery drivers has become too high to maintain a service in the area, they say. Last year, 51
Chronopost delivery drivers were attacked while on the job.
Was Right: Report Shows Terror Levels At All-Time High In U.K.. President Donald Trump responded to a
rebuke from British Prime Minister Theresa May for his controversial "anti-Muslim" tweet by saying the United Kingdom needs
to focus its energy on "the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom." A new
report validates Trump's concerns. On Wednesday [11/29/2017], Trump re-tweeted three videos — one of which was
reportedly not accurate — from a right-wing group in the U.K. that prompted left-leaning British politicians to strongly
condemn Trump's actions. Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesperson said they "reject" the videos that Trump shared from the
right-wing group Britain First because they are "the antithesis of the values this country represents, decency, tolerance and
respect." Trump responded to May's remarks by telling her that she needed to focus on her Islamic terrorism problem.
Drive the Islamists Out Now.
There is a supremacist strain of popular, mainstream, Muslim thought that threatens the entire globe. Islamists believe
that Islam is as much a political program as it is a faith; that the Koran is a constitution as well as scripture.
Islamists of all stripes — the Islamic State, al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Islamic
Republic of Iran, and their lesser-known compatriots — see themselves as the sole possessor of Truth. In
itself, that doesn't distinguish them from many other people of faith — or even a certain strand of atheists.
But in today's world, only Islamists believe that God instructed them to enslave, convert, or kill all who question —
or whose existence challenges — their Truth.
Kill 305 at Sufi Mosque in Egypt's Deadliest Terrorist Attack. Militants detonated a bomb inside a crowded
mosque in the Sinai Peninsula on Friday and then sprayed gunfire on panicked worshipers as they fled, killing at least 305 people
and wounding at least 128 others. Officials called it the deadliest terrorist attack in Egypt's modern history. The scale
and ruthlessness of the assault, in an area racked by an Islamist insurgency, sent shock waves across the nation — not just
for the number of deaths but also for the choice of target. Attacks on mosques are rare in Egypt, where the Islamic State has
targeted Coptic Christian churches and pilgrims but avoided Muslim places of worship.
Police Recruit Instructor: "I am afraid of my Muslim police recruits and so are my colleagues. The Berlin
Police Academy seems to have lost control of its recruits, now that at least half of them are Arab or Turkish Muslims.
From a secret recording, we learn: "Not only are these Muslim recruits rude, ignorant, and inarticulate, they are
violent and constantly threatening to beat up the instructors. They will never be our colleagues, they are the enemy."
extremist arrested in American blogger's grisly death. Bangladesh police said on Saturday they had arrested an
Islamist militant wanted in connection with the 2015 killing of a U.S. blogger critical of religious extremism. Deputy
police commissioner Masudur Rahman said the man, identified as Arafat Rahman, 24, a member of al Qaeda-inspired militant
group Ansar Ullah Bangla Team, was suspected of taking part in the killing of writer Avijit Roy.
who criticized Muslim extremists is hacked to death. A blogger was hacked to death in Bangladesh on Friday
[8/4/2017], the fourth killing of an online critic of religious extremism in the Muslim-majority country in less than six
months. Niloy Chatterjee, 40, a blogger who advocated secularism, was killed in his flat in the capital, Dhaka, said
police official Mustafizur Rahman.
Akbar is Why Muslims Kill. Special agent Scott Wickland said that he heard cries of "Allahu Akbar" before the
Benghazi attack. And then the guards ran for their guns. In Nice, France, the Islamic terrorist who killed 86
people and wounded over 400 by running them over with a truck, shouted, "Allahu Akbar". In New York, the Islamic terrorist
who was trying to imitate him, also shouted, "Allahu Akbar." The 9/11 hijackers had the same message, "Allahu Akbar".
"Allahu Akbar" has been present at virtually every major recent Islamic terror attack in the West. But according to the
New York Times, "Allahu Akbar" is an "innocent" and "innocuous" expression. According to one of the Times' sources,
"You see a really beautiful woman" and "you go, 'Allahu Akbar.'" If all those shouts of "Allahu Akbar" in Paris, London
and New York are caused by Muslim terrorists encountering attractive women, their reaction of choice to an attractive woman
is a killing spree. "Allahu Akbar" is not "innocent" or "innocuous." It's at the core of what makes Islam violent.
had these children for one reason only - to serve God as terrorists': Former jihadi bride. The British-born
jihadi bride who was married to the most senior American member of ISIS has spoken out, revealing her new life as a suburban
mom in Dallas. Tania Georgelas, 33, detailed her radicalization, her dream for her children to become terrorists and
the ultimate split with her jihadi husband in a new interview with The Atlantic, released Friday [11/3/2017]. 'Our
dreams were to have land of our own, raise a family and train them be assassins or whatever, soldiers, and then eventually go
join the jihad,' she said of her ex-husband John Georgelas, an American-born convert to Islam who has risen to the upper
ranks of ISIS.
terror is not a law enforcement puzzle, it's a war. Another sickening Islamist terror attack, this time on the
streets of New York. On each occasion we seem to go through the same ritual — sympathy, condemnation, a
parade of well-meaning statements from government officials insisting that the terrorists "will not win." Fine. But
forgive me for feeling a certain sense of frustration. The truth is, we are not taking this threat seriously
enough. Our response needs to be much more aggressive. [...] First, we should remove all known Islamists from our
country. If they are not U.S. citizens, they should be immediately deported. If they are naturalized U.S.
citizens, they should first have their citizenship revoked.
Akbar-itis: America's Deadly and Debilitating Disease. "Shout 'Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear
in the hearts of the non-believers." Who knew hijacker Mohammed Atta's parting words, discovered in his journal after the
9/11 attacks, would become a national punchline? The louder and more frequently jihadists around the globe shriek their
signature battle cry, the more fervently multicultural apologists deny its meaning. They've transformed the Islamic
supremacists' obvious and explicit call for violence into a bland utterance of peace as indiscernible and nonsensical as
"Aloha Snackbar." With blood still fresh on the pavement in Manhattan after Tuesday's outbreak of Allahu Akbar-itis that
took at least eight innocent lives, Palestinian-American propagandist and Hamas cheerleader Linda Sarsour tweeted:
"Every believing Muslim says Allahu Akbar every day during prayers. We cannot criminalize 'God is great.'"
Left Has Blood on its Hands in Manhattan. Earlier this year, a final settlement was reached in the war on the
NYPD's counterterrorist Islamic surveillance. The Manhattan courtroom where the lawfare effort to dismantle the NYPD's
ability to stop terrorist attacks was heard is blocks away from the site of the latest Islamic terrorist attack in New
York. Walk two blocks down to City Hall. And then head down Chambers to the West Side Highway. That's where
the terrorist attack that killed eight people ended when an NYPD officer shot the terrorist. If he had kept going down
the West Side Highway, instead of crashing into a school bus, he would have eventually been within attack range of the 9/11
Memorial. And maybe that was his original plan. But his message was very clear. He shouted it as he left
the truck with which he murdered 8 people. "Allahu Akbar". These were the last words on the Flight 93 flight
recorder. Mohamed Atta had advised his fellow 9/11 hijackers to, "Shout, 'Allahu Akbar,' because it strikes fear in
the hearts of the infidels."
Surprise! Study Shows Islamic
Terrorism is Islamic. Although the internet evidently did play a role in the radicalization process, the study
showed that face-to-face encounters were more important, and that dawa, the proselytizing of Islam, played a central role in
this process, as the men themselves became missionaries for Islam. The third factor was the establishment of a "them
and us" distinction between the radicalized men and the rest of the world, especially the belief that the West is an enemy of
the Muslim world. The distinction also involved a rejection of democracy and a commitment to the establishment of a
caliphate governed by sharia law, which the men want to bring about either through dawa (proselytizing) or violence (jihad).
"The Islamic State is a byproduct of Al Azhar's programs. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic? Al Azhar
says there must be a caliphate and that it is an obligation for the Muslim world. Al Azhar teaches the law of apostasy
and killing the apostate.
The Isis-Is-Not-Islamic Canard.
[Scroll down] Islam's historical reality reflects perfectly this kind of venom. It is a religion spread by the
sword — and spread rapidly and effectively throughout the Middle East, much of Africa, much of Europe and much of
Asia. Indeed, it grew to be the largest empire in the history of the world and the longest lasting. It has always
prescribed for non-Muslims a dhimmi system of life, which permits them to live in conquered lands alive and without conversion
only one way — by paying a burdensome ransom for the rest of their lives. Yet, despite the wide swath of
genocide historical Islam wrought in India, Africa, where it organized the international slave trade through systemic
brutality and millions of kidnappings, the Middle East and Europe, today's Islamic propagandists tell a vastly different
story — and many believe them.
Prominent Muslim
Surgeon Arrested in Jihad Bomb Plot 'Create the Next 9/11' — Attacks on Concerts, Subways & Times Square.
It's the same pattern over and over again. Doctors in Michigan, US naval officers, popular happy teens in Mississippi,
rappers in Germany, doctors in Glasgow and Australia, chemical engineering students in Canada, the UK's top students at their
most elite schools, herdsmen in Nigeria, British surgeons, heart surgeons in Saudi Arabia, university students in Britain,
imams in America, doctors in Australia, Canadian Idol contestants, and so forth — what brings these wildly different
people together? Jihad. From the Sahara to the Kalahari, London to Lisbon, Manhattan to Madrid, Bali to Boston,
Tiananmen Square to Thailand, Myanmar to Malaysia, Nairobi to Nigeria... no matter what the background, upbringing, schooling,
wealth or poverty, color, what have you, it doesn't matter. The understanding of Islam and jihad is the same, and it is
the motive, the incitement to this monstrous war on the West and and the East and all points in between. This is not
rocket science. This is reality.
From A Muslim Photographer (PART 1). Prophet Muhammad is an example of what it "means to be tolerant, charitable, compassionate"?
May we beg to differ? Are we allowed to mention Abu 'Afak, a 120-year-old Jewish poet, who mocked Muhammad in verse and was, as a consequence,
assassinated by one of Muhammad's loyal followers? Or to mention Asma bint Marwan, who protested Muhammad's killing of Abu 'Afak and was
herself then killed? Or Ka'b bin al-Ashraf, another poet insufficiently respectful of Muhammad, who was also killed? For those were
just three of the people who criticized, or mocked in verse, Muhammad; he then expressed aloud his wish that they be killed, and his loyal followers
obliged. That doesn't strike one as "tolerance." What about Saafiya, the Jewish girl from Khaybar whom Muhammad took for his own
pleasure, and first used her as a sex slave on the evening of the same day that he had her father, husband, and brother killed? What
kind of charity, what kind of compassion is that?
9/11" Terrorist Plot Foiled. As the Toronto Star reported, [Tala] Haroon said the subway trains made a "perfect
target" and they should shoot as many passengers as possible, including women and children. "NY Needs to fall. It's a
must," Haroon wrote to the undercover agent. The Star also noted that Salic told the others, "it would be a
great pleasure if we can slaughter" people in New York City.
"Progressive, Mainstream" Muslim Groups in America Are Homophobic and Racist. According to Muslim feminist
bloggers, who write regularly for the site, MAS, ICNA, and ISNA are blatantly racist. If Sarsour and her
fellow Islamists in the United States are to be believed, they work to "make America better..." "...out of love" for fellow
Americans. Yet, their behavior tells another story — one of closeted bigotry and deceit — all for
the purpose of legitimizing their own false claims to the leadership of mainstream Muslims. In an interview published
on ISNA's website, Muzzammil Siddiqi called homosexuality a "moral corruption," and explicitly stated that he supports laws
in countries that execute homosexuals. ISNA's annual convention included Yasir Qadhi, dean of academic affairs at
AlMaghrib Institute, who has been recorded teaching students that killing homosexuals is part of Islam.
defendant says of 2014 attack: "I knew for sure that ... if I was to die right then ... I was going to heaven.". In
confessions played for a jury Wednesday, murder defendant Alton Alexander Nolen said in 2014 that he beheaded a co-worker and tried to
behead another at a Moore food plant because he felt oppressed. Nolen, a Muslim convert, insisted in the interviews with Moore
police and the FBI that he was following Islamic teachings. "I just feel like ... I did what I needed to do. What
Allah ... says in the Quran to do," he said. "Oppressors don't need to be here."
Wilders: "In My Opinion, Islam Is Not a Religion". [Scroll down] "Decades ago, a few thousand
people from Islamic countries would stay temporarily. But temporarily turned out to be permanently. Those
thousands of guest workers became hundreds of thousands. And in Europe millions of people by now. Back then those
people were called upon to integrate and assimilate. But Islam, the word says it already, seeks to dominate. Not
long ago Professor Koopmans found that as much as seventy percent of Muslims find Islamic rules more important than secular
laws. In Europe almost weekly innocent people are slaughtered in name of Allah and Islam. Proudly. We have
been declared war and we refuse to defend ourselves."
Is The Purpose of Islamic Centers/Mosques in America? Many Americans believe a mosque or Islamic Center is
simply a "Muslim church." This could not be further from the truth. In Islam, Mohammad is considered the al Insan al
Kamil — the perfect example of a man. Anything he did is considered the example for all Muslims to follow
for all time. Muslim men can marry girls as young as six years old because Mohammad did. Mohammad beheaded Jews
at the Battle of the Trench, so this is an "excellent example" for Muslims to follow. And Mohammad built mosques.
Islam defines itself as a "complete way of life (social, cultural, political, military, religious)" governed by sharia
(Islamic Law). There is no separation of politics, religion, or military operations. Mohammad was a political,
religious, and military leader. The mosque was and is a place where politics, religion, community, and military affairs
are all combined. Mohammad used mosques as a place for the community to gather and learn about Islam. It was a
place to store food, water, weapons, and ammunition. It was a place where jihadis lived and trained. It was also
the place where battles were planned and the place from which battles were launched. So, thats what a mosque is.
Bandit bags a bunch of iPhones in serial robberies. The suspect in a face-covering Islamic headbag walked into the Verizon Store on
the 4300 block of Main Street and presented the sales clerk with a demand note, after which she got away with numerous Apple iPhones, then fled the
location on foot.
Qaeda Publishes Blueprint for Attacks on Key U.S. Transportation Systems. The al Qaeda terror group's chief
bomb maker has published a blueprint for new attacks on U.S. transportation systems, including planes, trains, and boats,
which the terror group views as "prime targets," according to a copy of a lengthy manifesto that provides a guide for
would-be terrorists to launch attacks. Ibrahim al-Asiri, a top al Qaeda leader known as the terror group's chief bomb
maker, detailed the extremist organization's plans to target U.S. passenger and shipping transportation services, which the
terror organization views as weak links ripe for attack. While al Qaeda's operations have been weakened by years of
U.S. attacks on its key locations and apparatus, it has increasingly relied on promulgating its radical ideology to so-called
"lone wolfs" who are not officially affiliated with the group but who are capable of carrying out terror attacks without
detection by American authorities.
Al Qaeda has drawn a bullseye on a new American target:
Subway trains. Al Qaeda is about to take on a new target — America's trains — in an upcoming edition of its terror
magazine, Inspire. Issue No. 17 is headlined, "Train Derail Operations," and will spell out ways to create rail disasters in a transportation
system that lacks the stiff security procedures of airline travel. It's competing Sunni extremists group, the Islamic State, for more than a year
has advocated using vehicles to mow down innocents. Its murderous followers have weaponized vehicles in Nice, Berlin and London, creating hundred
of deaths and injuries. Adding trains to the terrorist's priority list would put at risk virtually every mode of transportation and placed added
pressure on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Interrogator Blasts 'Hug a Jihadi' Idea. Dr. James Mitchell, the man who personally interrogated 9/11
mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, thinks Denmark's "hug a jihadi" program is extremely naive. In Aarhus, Denmark's
second largest city, authorities are trying to change the minds of potential Islamic extremists by supporting them and
offering them kindness rather than treating them as outcasts and criminals. The method is referred to by some as the
"hug a terrorist" or "hug a jihadi" model of de-radicalization.
threatens federal judge during sentencing with Allah's wrath. Terrence McNeil, 24, was sentenced in federal
court to 20 years in prison on terrorism charges. McNeil, a Muslim, had been found guilty of threatening members of
the US military and their families in the name of the Islamic State, which is also known as ISIS. When US District Court
Judge Dan A. Polster handed down the sentence, McNeil unleashed a chilling threat.
is the Mystical "Peaceful" Version of Islam Taught? It is not taught in Islamic elementary, junior high,
or high schools anywhere on the planet. It is not taught in the most prestigious and oldest Islamic schools of
jurisprudence, such as Al Azhar in Egypt. It is not taught in Islamic Centers/Mosques anywhere in the Middle
East, Asia, Europe, Africa, or North America. It is taught by Muslims to non-Muslims at the Department of
Defense. It is taught by Muslims to non-Muslims inside American churches and synagogues. It is
taught by Muslims to non-Muslims at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), FBI, CIA, and elsewhere in our intelligence
and law enforcement services. It is taught by Muslims to non-Muslims to Members of Congress, National Security
staffs, state legislators, and many other elected and appointed officials in the United States.
The Islamization of History.
The debate over whether Islam has been hijacked by fundamentalists — or whether the religion itself preaches the
kind of hatred that leads to terrorism — has been raging since the 9/11/2001 attacks on the United States.
Although this issue has not been resolved, one thing is clear: in the Muslim world, the demonization of Jews and
Christians is commonplace.
Happens When an Imam Calls for Killing Jews. On Friday July 21st, Imam Ammar Shahin delivered a sermon at the
Islamic Center of Davis calling for the extermination of the Jews. He quoted an infamous Islamic Hadith which claims
that Judgement Day won't come around until the Muslims hunt down and exterminate the Jews. "Oh Allah, liberate the
Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews," he prayed. "Annihilate them down to the very last one," he added. [...] The
Islamic Center of Davis had tried to claim that the Imam's rant had been taken out of context. "If the sermon was
misconstrued, we sincerely apologize to anyone offended," it offered.
The Imam apologized, but
I'm not buying. We bring them into our country on trust that they will become good citizens and many of them
may be just that — but then we also get an imam at Davis, in northern California who doesn't whisper sweet
nothings — but openly sermonizes death to all Jews. How many others are like that — we don't
know. But we can guess. That happened a few days ago at the Islamic Center of Davis, where this character
preached that we should be "annihilated down to the very last one."
Friday Sermon: Imam Ammar Shahin Cites Antisemitic Hadith, Prays For Annihilation Of Jews. On July 21,
the Egyptian-born American preacher Ammar Shahin delivered a Friday sermon at the Islamic Center of Davis, northern
California, where he serves as Imam. In it he cited an antisemitic hadith, according to which the Muslims would fight
the Jews on Judgment Day, and prayed to Allah to "liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews" and to "annihilate
them down to the very last one," not sparing any of them.
Muslim refugee who worked at O'Hare Airport wanted to "bury unbelievers alive". Invoking an unusual defense,
the I-Team has learned that a west suburban woman and five associates accused of aiding ISIS say they were engaged in
"legitimate warfare." Mediha Medy Salkicevic, a mother of four from Schiller Park, was arrested in February 2015 on
charges of conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists and providing material support to terrorists,
including the Islamic State and al-Qaida in Iraq. Investigators say Salkicevic, a Bosnian Muslim refugee, wanted to
"bury unbelievers alive" and bring death to infidels.
ISIS Revives Islam's Original Terror Tactic. In light of recent revelations that the Islamic State is teaching
its followers to eat non-Muslims, surely we can now all agree that, at least in this, ISIS is truly not Islamic?
Alas, no. Even the eating of "infidels" has precedents throughout Islamic history, especially as a terror tactic.
releases shocking security footage showing one of their soldiers killing three U.S. Army Green Berets. Jordan's
military released security camera footage Monday of a shooting in which a Jordanian soldier killed three U.S. military
trainers at an air base in the kingdom. The video had previously been shown to the families of the U.S. Army Green
Berets by U.S. law enforcement but had not been made public until Monday [7/24/2017]. The soldiers were killed on
November 4, when their convoy came under fire at the entrance to the al-Jafr base in southern Jordan.
Acid Attacks of London's Muslim No-Go Zones. Things are going smashingly well in Londonistan. The City of
London has the highest murder rate in the land. While the authorities launch investigations into pork being left at a
mosque or a hijab supposedly being torn off, crime continues to rise. Gun control has worked so wonderfully well that
gun crime in London rose 42%. When gun control advocates insist that we should be more like the UK, London's 2,544 gun crime
offenses probably aren't what they have in mind. But gun control does work in London after a fashion. Those gang
members who can't lay their hand on a firearm must make do with a sharp blade. Knife crimes in London rose 24% to
12,074 recorded offences. 60 people were stabbed to death last year. Why? Here's a hint from the Metropolitan
Police's assistant commissioner. "There are complex social reasons why more young people are carrying knives and this
cannot be solved by the police alone." Those complex social reasons would seem to involve stabbing other people. But
like Islamic terrorism, stabbings in London are one of those things that can't be solved by the police. Unlike people
saying mean things about Muslims on Facebook and Twitter which the Met cops are well equipped to solve.
Have Afghan Refugees in Europe
Launched a 'Rape Jihad'? One of the hallmarks of jihadists is their grotesque savagery against women. The classic Hollywood
picture of a jihadist as a pure, pious young Muslim man is largely nonsense. The reality is far more brutish. The tales of sex slavery
in ISIS-held Iraq and Syria should chill thinking people to the bone. During my own time in Iraq, al-Qaeda terrorists were known for
systematically raping women as part of an effort to shame them into becoming suicide bombers. After brutal gang rapes, they were told that
the only way they could "redeem" their allegedly lost honor was to strap a bomb on their broken bodies and blow themselves up at restaurants,
checkpoints, and hospitals. It was pure evil. [...] I'll never forget the arrogant confidence of an Oxford English-speaking leader of
an al-Qaeda rape ring. They knew they were safe, and they gloried in their invulnerability.
'Bloodiest Ramadan in
Recent History'. Ramadan, the month of fasting that forms one of the five "pillars" of Islam, in recent years
frequently drew mention from President Obama. Attacks and threats against Muslims have been reported during the most
recent holiday, including a threat of violence at a Manhattan mosque, an assault of a woman on a Boston train, pellet gun
vandalism at a New York mosque, hateful phone calls at Denver mosques and harassment of girls wearing hijabs in Chicago.
The Christian ministry Barnabas Fund, however, highlighted another statistic. It noted 1,629 people were killed
by Muslims during their holy month this year.
Sarsour calls for Muslims to wage 'jihad' against Trump. Linda Sarsour, a Hamas-tied and prominent Women's
March leader, Islamic supremacist, and anti-Semite, has called for a "jihad" (Islamic holy war) against President
Trump. Addressing the 54th Annual ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) Convention this past weekend, Sarsour
delivered a 22-minute screed attacking the Trump administration and called on the Muslim community to unite against the White
House. Sarsour began the speech thanking her "favorite person in this room ... Imam Siraj Wahhaj, who has been a
mentor, motivator, and encourager of mine." She does not mention that Wahhaj was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in
the 1993 World Trade Center bombings. Linda Sarsour, a Hamas-tied and prominent Women's March leader, Islamic
supremacist, and anti-Semite, has called for a "jihad" (Islamic holy war) against President Trump. Addressing the 54th
Annual ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) Convention this past weekend, Sarsour delivered a 22-minute screed attacking
the Trump administration and called on the Muslim community to unite against the White House. Sarsour began the speech
thanking her "favorite person in this room ... Imam Siraj Wahhaj, who has been a mentor, motivator, and encourager of mine."
She does not mention that Wahhaj was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings.
Tolerating the Intolerant:
The Tipping Point of Multiculturalism. Islam is an issue for America now in the time of President Donald Trump because former presidents Barack
Obama and George W. Bush rebranded Islam as a religion of peace. Islam is not a religion of peace like Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, or Judaism.
Islam is a unified socio-political system with a militarized wing, an educational wing, a religious wing, and enormous oil wealth. Islam is governed
exclusively by religious sharia law. There is no separation of Church and State in Islam. The goal of Islam since the 7th century is the
transformation of the world into an Islamic caliphate ruled by religious sharia law. Islam is tyrannical in its demand for conformity to its barbaric
sharia laws. Islam is intolerant and recognizes sharia law exclusively. Islam is a socio-political movement seeking world dominion not a religion
of peace. Islam is a threat to American democracy.
Have Been 1,500 Acid Attacks Since 2011 In London. Jaw-dropping numbers released earlier this week show that
there were 1,500 acid attacks in London from 2011 to 2016. In what's even more disturbing news, the frequency of the attacks
seems to be increasing — 2016 alone accounted for 431 attacks, compared to 261 in 2015. Overall in the whole of the
United Kingdom, these attacks have risen 50 percent in the past decade.
Scholar: Islamic Extremists Are the True Muslims. Islamic extremists who carry out acts of terror are
simply applying what their faith requires of them, according to Jesuit Father Henri Boulad, an Islamic scholar of the
Egyptian Greek Melkite rite. In an interview with the National Catholic Register, Father Boulad said that "Islam
is an open-ended declaration of war against non-Muslims" and those who carry out violent jihad are true Muslims who are
applying exactly what their creed demands. Those who fail to recognize the real threat posed by Islam are naïve
and ignorant of history, he said, and unfortunately many in the Church fall into this category.
Honor Murders a Young Pregnant Woman by Setting Her and Baby on Fire. Between 15 and 20 women die in so-called "honor" murders
each year in the Arab kingdom, despite government efforts to curb such crimes. Murder is punishable by death in Jordan, but in "honor
killings" courts can commute or reduce sentences, particularly if the victim's family asks for leniency.
is for Allah, stop living this life': What London terror knifemen screamed as they slit Australian victim's
throat. An Australian woman and her partner who survived the London terror attack have described the moment
three jihadi terrorists stormed the restaurant where they worked. Candice Hedge, 31, from Brisbane, had her throat
slashed during the rampage by three men who crashed a car through crowds on London Bridge last Saturday night before
attacking innocent bystanders with knives. Eight people died as the knifemen screaming Islamist slogans entered
restaurants and pubs randomly attacking anyone in their path, before they were shot dead by police.
Convert, Pay, or Die.
Islamic men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years old commit more than 90% of terrorist attacks. Yet singling out people
who fit those criteria for extra scrutiny is profiling and therefore implicit racism deserving of nothing less than outright excommunication
from polite society -- along with, of course, the total dissolution of one's life, career, and safety. This is why, with increasing
regularity, those who commit terrorist acts are "known wolves." They tell us what they believe in and then tell us what they plan
to do. Yet, because they haven't actually killed anyone yet, our law enforcement agencies are frozen, like a deer caught in a
tractor-trailer's headlights. London mayor Sadiq Khan, when asked about the roughly 400 jihadists who trained and fought with ISIS
and have returned to England, replied, "I can't follow 400 people." As if sending them back to ISIS to die for their beliefs is
something not even worthy of consideration. [...] I think most would agree that a little "anti-immigrant sentiment" is better than seeing
your daughter blown up.
Rage 2017: The Complete List of Jihadist Attacks Around the World. Welcome to Breitbart News' running tally of worldwide jihadist
terrorist attacks during Ramadan 2017. Check back for updates through the end of the Islamic holy month on June 24. The estimated
832 deaths and 912 injuries from the estimated 60 attacks that have taken place across about 19 countries during the first
12 days of this year's holy Muslim month of Ramadan have already marked the bloodiest Ramadan in recent years for adherents of Islam.
blasphemy: Pakistani man sentenced to death for insulting Prophet Muhammad. A 30-year-old Pakistani man
has been sentenced to death by a counterterrorism court, following the conviction on charges he insulted the Prophet Muhammed
and his wives on Facebook, officials said Sunday [6/11/2017]. Taimoor Raza, who belongs to the minority Shia sect in the
Sunni-dominant country, was arrested last year following an online argument about Islam with someone who turned out to be a
counterterrorism agent.
Ramadan Isn't Just
for Prayer and Fasting. writes that, "Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, introspection and prayer
for Muslims, the followers of Islam. Fasting is one of the five fundamental principles of Islam. Each day during
Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. They are also supposed to avoid eating, drinking, smoking
and sexual activity, as well as unkind or impure thoughts and words, and immoral behavior." I assume that "unkind and
impure thoughts," as well as "immoral behavior," do not include the murder of close to 200 people, and injury to
thousands — so far. "Muslims break their daily fasts by sharing meals with family and friends."
Then a few jumped into a van with 12 inch knives, drove into London, running over and wiping out dozens, before exiting
the van to begin stabbing as many as they could before armed police finally killed them. [...] Terrorism isn't just about
blowing ones-self up and killing infidels. It's also about the purposeful and entirely intended consequence of putting
the fear of Allah into people. And it's working. People, especially those in Europe, are so terrified and so paranoid,
that the sound of a car backfiring or a single firecracker can set a human stampede in motion.
The Endless Terror War.
By all accounts, the killers bore no special grudge against those they murdered. They appear not even to have known
their victims. Why, then, did they kill these strangers, and themselves? A BBC eyewitness suggests a
motive: "They shouted, 'This is for Allah,' as they stabbed indiscriminately." The murderers were Muslims.
The rationale for their crimes lies in the belief that their bloody deeds would inscribe them in a book of martyrs, and Allah
would reward them with instant ascension into the paradise that awaits all good Muslims. Ideas have consequences.
And where might these crazed killers have gotten an idea like that?
What is Sharia?
[Scroll down] Furthermore, every verse in the Koran has been legally defined in the Tafsir. The most
authoritative Tafsir scholar in Islam is a man named Ibn Kathir. For instance, the Tafsir defines a portion of verse
9:5 above as follows: "This is the Ayah (verse) of the sword... 'and capture them' (means) executing some and keeping
some as prisoners... 'and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush' (means) do not wait until you find
them. Rather, seek and besiege them in their areas and forts, gather intelligence about them in the various roads and
fairways so that what is made wide looks ever smaller to them. This way, they will have no choice, but to die or
embrace Islam."
Breaking Up With
Mr. Islam. Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had
a present for her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her fingers. Then the rest of the Islam
family mopped up the blood, while Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took her to the
hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she had an accident. The proximate cause of this event was that
Mrs. Islam wanted to continue her education and Mr. Islam being a good Emirati Muslim was not so fond of the
idea. This is the sort of thing that Mr. Islam does from time to time.
for a Terrorism Accord, Not a Climate Accord. Yes, there's a threat to civilization and it's not global
warming, manmade or otherwise. And anyone who isn't comatose should know what it is. Islam, like cancer, needs a
cure. And we all have to participate in the search for one before it's too late. Yes, this is about Islam, not
"radical" Islam or some other off-shoot, real or imagined, because the tenets that have inspired the non-stop spate of
terrorism across the world in recent years are spelled out clearly in sections of the Koran and the Hadith and other holy
works of Islam. They provide justification for ISIS and a hundred other groups that may or may not replace them, now
and in the future. This cannot continue — unless we really do want to destroy ourselves.
Left's Betrayal Of Terrorism's Victims. The recent massacre of Ariana Grande concertgoers in Manchester at the
hands of a Muslim suicide bomber prompted the usual celebrity blather about conquering terrorism through love. Pop
superstar Katy Perry, for example, pleaded "No barriers, no borders, we all just need to co-exist. We're just all
loving on each other and we should just stay loving on each other." Sorry, but as much singalong fun as The Beatles' "All You
Need is Love" was half a century ago, it's not a counterterrorism strategy. Pretending that it is is a
betrayal of the memory of the men, women, and children slaughtered in the name of Allah, as well as a betrayal of the victims
to come — and there will be many, many more unless we stop passively mourning and act upon the righteous anger in
our hearts.
Celebrate Deadly London Terror Attacks Online. Islamic State sympathizers are reportedly celebrating the latest
attacks to shake the United Kingdom online. Attackers slammed a van into pedestrians on London Bridge late Saturday
evening. The incident was immediately followed by a string of stabbings at Borough Market nearby. Pro-ISIS
channels are heralding the attacks as "the black days we've promised" and are anticipating an ISIS claim, reports the SITE
Intel Group, which monitors jihadi activity worldwide.
how liberals reacted to the Islamic attack in London? We can see the creeping moral equivalence here. Are
there also Christians and Buddhists going around running people down in cars and stabbing them? [...] Is it hate that really
"breads" violence? Or is it more specifically Islamic terrorism?
Is Not Random. It may very well be the case that 99 out of 100 members of Muslim immigrant communities reject
jihadism and Islamic supremacism, but the 100th man is Salman Abedi. If you happened to live in a city that does not
have a significant, poorly assimilated Muslim minority population on the Malmö model, would you want one? Why?
Maybe there is invidious prejudice in that, but that is not all there is to it.
The Left's Road Leads To
Manchester. I hadn't heard of Salman Abedi before he murdered all those little girls and their friends and family members at the
Ariana Grande concert, but when I recently spoke at Truman State University in Missouri, the University at Buffalo, and Gettysburg College, and
then at an event in Iceland, I discussed the belief system that incites people such as Salman Abedi to violence. I explored the ways in
which jihad terrorists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and make recruits among peaceful Muslims, and the texts of the
Qur'an and Islamic law that call upon Muslims to wage war against those who do not believe in Islam. For this, the three universities and
the Icelandic press treated my presence in the country as if Josef Goebbels had stopped by for a visit.
chief: If you knew what I knew about terror, you'd 'never leave the house'. Homeland Security Secretary
John Kelly on Friday [5/26/2017] said the terror threat is worse than most realize, saying some people would "never leave the
house" if they knew the truth. "I was telling [Fox host] Steve [Doocy] on the way in here, if he knew what I knew about
terrorism, he'd never leave the house in the morning," Kelly said on "Fox & Friends." He noted there were four major
terror attacks in the last week — in England, Egypt, the Philippines and Indonesia — "by generally the
same groups."
A 1,389 Year-Old 'Phobia'?
A direct correlation exists between Western ignorance of history and Western ignorance of Islam's "troublesome" doctrines. It is
this connection that allows Islam's apologists to get away with so many distortions and outright lies meant to shield Islam. [...]
The fact is, Western peoples, including some of their luminaries, have portrayed Islam as a hostile and violent force from the very
start — often in terms that would make today's "Islamophobe" blush. And that wasn't because Europeans were "recasting
the other" to "validate their imperial aspirations" (to use the tired terminology of Edward Said that has long dominated academia's
treatment of Western-Muslim interactions). Rather, it was because, from the very start, Islam treated the "infidel" the same way
ISIS treats the infidel: atrociously.
The Chilling Sound of Terror. There is no reasoning with this hate. There is no "legitimate grievance"
with the West that triggers such violence. It is the product of fanatical devotion to the most evil of all causes, a
cause that perversely promises paradise for the slaughter of innocents. There is no way for the West to be "good"
enough to appease terrorists. There is no policy short of religious conversion that will cause them to relent.
The best deterrent to jihad is the obliteration of jihadists.
Leftist Poisons Robert Spencer. Last Thursday [5/11/2017], I gave a lecture on the jihad threat at the Grand
Hotel in Reykjavik, Iceland. Shortly thereafter, a young Icelandic Leftist registered his disapproval of what I said by
poisoning me. [...] It's clear: jihad and Islamization are not subjects that Icelandic politicians and media opinion-makers
want Icelanders to discuss. That's all the more reason why it must be discussed. But meanwhile, I learned my
lesson. The lesson I learned was that media demonization of those who dissent from the Leftist line is direct incitement
to violence.
Lawyer: Trump Exec Order Violates 1st Amendment Because Honor Killings Are Islamic. In his arguments,
Neal Katyal stated today that the collection of such data as outlined by the Executive Order 13780 contravenes the
Establishment Clause, in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States: "Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion...". In doing so, Katyal appears to be making the case that honor
killings — murder committed in the name of restoring a family's dignity following discouraged behaviour within
fundamentalist homes — is in itself Islamic. It is an argument often made by anti-Islam campaigners, but to
hear such arguments made by the political left might surprise some, especially when honor killings are also
found — though to a lesser extent — in other religious groups like the Sikh community.
to do with Islam? Muslim Cleric Urges Muslims to Stab Jews. The mantra from the Obama administration has
always been that there is no connection between Islam and violence. In a move eerily reminiscent of re-education
programs of monstrous communist regimes from Stalin to Mao to Pol Pot, Obama even had US federal law enforcement training
programs purged of any and all materials that point out the aspects of Islamic doctrine which are violent. Even the
Pope has adopted the same mantra, with the astonishingly ignorant claim that "authentic Islam and the proper reading of
the Quran are opposed to every form of violence. {Emphasis added} The problem is, no one who promotes such
nonsense has actually bothered to study Islamic doctrine.
Can Islam ever be
reformed? The reform Islam movement is nothing new and Muslims have attempted to reform Islam for fourteen hundred years and
always failed. Leaders of such movements were often beheaded for apostasy. Jihad and sharia are foundational principles of Islam
and no mincing of words will change that. That in addition to lying, deception and terror as approved Islamic tools to stay in control,
could never help any reform movement to build on. How can anyone build on a foundation of lies and violence?
Political Islam, a Totalitarian
Doctrine. [Scroll down] Totalitarianism is a political system of absolute power where the state has no limit to its authority and
regulates most aspects of public and private life. There are no competing political parties since they would balance and limit
authority. The critical element of totalitarianism is absolute power striving to rule in as many areas of life as possible.
Totalitarianism is found in the very name, Islam. Islam means submission, submission to the Koran and the Sunna of Mohammed.
We see the basis for absolute power in Mohammed's life. After he went to Medina, he became a jihadist and attacked his neighbors.
When he arrived in Medina, it was half Jewish. In two years, there were no more Jews left in Medina. They were exiled,
assassinated, enslaved and executed. Mohammed attacked the pagans of Arabia and the Jews. After Arabia submitted to Islam,
Mohammed turned to Syria and attacked the Christians. In the end, Political Islam will not tolerate opposition.
Islam (Kafir Edition). A game in which an audience of non-Muslims wish with all their hearts that Islam was a
"Religion of Peace," and a Kafir (non-Muslim) strives to fulfill that wish by presenting a version of Islam that has little
foundation in Islamic Doctrine.
Allah Curse the Jews': Watchdog Exposes Anti-Semitism Festering in Cleveland. In the past few months, we've
witnessed an assortment of leftist groups trying their best to advance a discredited and pernicious narrative that attempts
to link the current administration with a spike in white nationalist anti-Semitism. There is little if any empirical
data to support this contention. [...] Most of the anti-Semitism that Jewish students and students who support Israel must
endure on a daily basis originates from campus groups like the Muslim Students Association (MSA), Students for Justice in
Palestine (SJP), and the Arab Students Union (ASU). These groups, are to varying degrees, affiliated with the Muslim
Brotherhood and routinely espouse rabid Jew hatred and vile anti-Semitic canards. According to the campus watchdog
group Amcha, the probability of anti-Semitic activity is eight times more likely to occur on campuses where these pernicious
groups maintain an active presence.
why did Isis pick St. George's Church to strike in Egypt? Terrorists are known for an obsession with
signs and symbols — they like to strike on anniversaries, and they hit places of significance, whether for
capitalism (World Trade Center) or power (the Pentagon, Westminster) or consumerism (airports, malls, cafés). They
rely on mullahs and kiais and other "wise men" to justify their barbarism theologically as holy acts — otherwise,
they'd just be engaging in garden-variety thuggery, and they know it. The imprimatur of the teachers is very
important — which is why hate preachers are such fomenters of terror.
Study Finds the More Aware People Are, the Less They
Like Islam. The Islamophiles running San Diego public schools had better be careful that they don't teach the
kids too much about Islam. The more people learn about it, the less they like it: [...] If just watching the news can
make you not like Islam, imagine the effect of actually learning about Mohammad and how his example has inspired so many
other barbarous sociopaths over the centuries.
Man In Indiana Walks Into Goodwill Store And Orders Woman To Convert To Islam. A Muslim man in Indiana walked
into a Goodwill there and tried to get a woman, an employee, to convert to Islam. When the woman expressed that she had
no wishes to convert to Islam, the Muslim went into a rage. Another woman stepped in, but the Muslim grabbed her by the
throat and began beating her. He also charged at an officer in a rage, but was soon tasered.
Anatomy of Lone Wolf.
It is a mistake to dismiss the Lone Wolves as "cowardly and depraved". On the contrary their tactics require a willingness to die and
the intelligent use of abundant dual-use materials that is rarely if ever equaled by the political leadership of the West. The
September 11 attacks are a superb example of how creative and determined a foe the Jihadis can be. Using box cutters and
wide-bodied aircraft the Muslim world could not invent for itself[,] a handful of highly motivated men killed thousands of people in
the heart of Manhattan. [...] And attack they do, surprisingly yet unsurprisingly. It is Western leadership that is more deserving
of criticism for turning in such a poor defensive performance despite their vast resource superiority. Obsessed with looking good,
timid to the point of inactivity, determined at all costs to proclaim their own virtue, the Western elites have proved singularly incapable
of combating their vastly weaker foes. The ritualualistic candle-lighting, trite speeches, frightened processions and self-congratulation
of the political class are completely ineective against [the] laser-like menace of their foes.
Still on the Agenda of the Militant Lutherans. Muslims are keenly aware that they once controlled most of the
Iberian Peninsula, and that it took the Christians 700 years of war, the Reconquista, to recover, kingdom by kingdom, all of
that territory. The final victory over the Muslims took place in 1492, when the Kingdom of Granada was won by the
Christians. There are now many millions of Muslims all over Europe, in France, Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, the
Netherlands, and Scandinavia, always much in the news because of the disruptions that they cause, as they challenge the laws
and customs of the Infidels, vacuum up every conceivable welfare-state benefit, repay their benefactors with skyrocketing
rates of criminality, and commit acts of terrorism as a useful adjunct to the relentless demographic conquest and stealth
jihad inflicted on their unhappy hosts. And Spain, though it does not as yet have as large a Muslim presence as that
found elsewhere in Europe, remains quite special in Muslim hearts.
Using Islam to Vet Muslims. To vet Muslims,
don't talk about Islam; instead talk about the fruit of the Islam. Here is an example: wife beating. No apologist can support wife
beating, but wife beating is found in the Koran and the Hadith: Koran 4:34 ["]Men have authority over women because Allah has made
the one superior to the other, and ... send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against
them.["] Dawood #2142 ["]Umar reported the prophet as saying: 'A man will not be asked as to why he beats his
wife'["]. I object to any wife beating doctrine. I don't want immigrants/Muslims who believe in wife beating to be my
neighbor. The Islamic doctrine supports: slavery, torture, Kafirs must submit to Sharia, wife beating, inferiority of women,
political assassin. I reject Sharia, wife beating, torture, killing of Kafirs. Notice that I do not say I reject Muslims.
So ask an apologist: Do you support wife beating? Assassination? Killing apostates?
Someone Please Inform the Judiciary That Jihadists Are Muslim? [E]ven a cursory look at the six countries included in Trump's temporary
travel ban exposes the court's legal, intellectual, and moral bankruptcy: Syria not only contains the capital of ISIS's caliphate, it's also home
to thousands of al-Qaeda-affiliated and other jihadist terrorists, and its government is a Hezbollah-, Iran-, and Russia-supported genocidal regime
that is largely responsible for the worst humanitarian catastrophe of the 21st century. Iran is a sworn enemy of the United States, is responsible
for the deaths of hundreds of Americans, and is likely the world's foremost terror-exporting nation-state. Yemen is the home of one of al-Qaeda's
most potent remaining branches, is torn apart by civil war, and does not have a functioning government by any reasonable standard. Libya is split
between warring jihadist militias and nominal American allies. ISIS attempted to establish a fallback stronghold in the city of Sirte, and it has
been torn apart by civil war. Somalia is a failed state. Its own jihadist army, al-Shabaab, has exported terror beyond its borders, and
Somalian immigrants have not only conducted terror attacks in the United States, they've sought to join with ISIS to carry out terror attacks at home
and abroad. Sudan long ago harbored Osama bin Laden, but in more recent years has launched its own jihadist genocide, killing tens of thousands
(or, more likely, hundreds of thousands) of innocent men, women, and children. But to a federal judge in Hawaii, all this is largely irrelevant.
Iraq's grisly liberation.
What you see along the streets of Qaraqosh — and dozens of other towns — is evidence of those war
crimes and more. Besides forcing those people groups from their homes en masse, looting or destroying all their
possessions, killing and enslaving thousands of them, ISIS made its daily vocation over a two-year period to desecrate or
reduce to rubble their residences, shops, and churches. They brought in earthmovers and bulldozers to do what chisels
and explosives could not. Their goal, in short, was to eliminate for these non-Muslims their past, present, and perhaps
their future.
the Muslim Brotherhood a Foreign Terrorist Organization. In the doctrine of political Islam, or Islamism, the faith must be expressed through
statehood, a concept conspicuously absent from both the Koran and most of Islam's 1,400-year history. Hostile to secularism, and steeped in anti-Semitism,
Islamists exploit democratic institutions to further their sectarian aims. They have no intention to share power and every intention to subject nation-states
to an invented sharia. Political militancy and violent martyrdom are central to the Islamist ethos. The Muslim Brotherhood has become adept at disguising
its totalitarian ambitions, but no one should be fooled either by the group's heterogeneity or by its participation in democratic politics.
Without Women" Protest Organized by Murderous Islamic Terrorist. Today's "Day Without Women" protests are run
by: a Palestinian Terrorist who killed two students; groups who call for the destruction of the State of Israel; and other
groups who participate in the anti-Semitic BDS movement[.] Rasmea Yousef Odeh is one of eight women who organized this
particular protest. She's a woman who spent a decade in an Israeli jail for her involvement in two terrorist bombings
made while she was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). One of those attacks, a 1969
bombing of a Jerusalem Super Sol Market killed two Hebrew University Students Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner while they were
shopping for groceries.
The Sickening
Deification of Rasmea Odeh. In early September 1972, Palestinian "Black September" terrorists seized the
Israeli Olympic team at the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany. By the time it was over, 11 Israeli athletes and
one German policeman would be dead. Before the deadly conclusion, Black September demanded the release of the notorious
German "Red Army Faction" terrorists Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhoff as well as 234 prisoners held in Israeli prisons.
Included on that list was a name that probably meant little to people outside Israel — Rasmieh Odeh. The name
Rasmieh (Rasmea) Odeh meant a lot to Israelis because Rasmea and her co-conspirators were convicted in 1970 of the 1969 bombing
of the SuperSol Supermarket in Jerusalem, which killed university students Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner.
Hire A Muslim Reason #166. Especially not in a hospital where scantily-clad young girls in hospital gowns are
considered 'provocative' to Muslim men[.] Muslim lab tech, Mohammad Ali, hired at a Texas hospital was arrested and
sentenced to 19 years in prison for molesting six teenage patients at his hospital. The shocking story quickly
went viral, with many people pointing out Ali's Islamic religion as a reason behind his horrific behavior.
SJP: Jew-Hatred Dressed Up
As 'Justice'. Founded at UC Berkeley in October of 2000, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is a highly influential campus
organization with chapters based at approximately 200 American colleges and universities, where it organizes and sponsors anti-Israel events
and campaigns — more actively than any other student group in the nation. [...] The most significant and influential supporter of SJP is American
Muslims for Palestine (AMP), which was established in 2005 by none other than SJP co-founder Hatem Bazian. Writes Jonathan Schanzer of the
Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD): "AMP provides speakers, training, printed materials, a so-called 'Apartheid Wall,' and [financial]
grants to SJP activists. AMP even has a campus coordinator on staff whose job is to work directly with SJP and other pro-BDS campus groups
across the country. According to an email it sent to subscribers, AMP spent $100,000 on campus activities in 2014 alone." Further, AMP
has co-sponsored events with various SJP chapters. At least eight of AMP's current board members, key officials, and close allies were previously
members of now-defunct Islamic extremist groups that funded terrorist activities.>
Islam a Religion of Peace? Let's ask the OIC. President Trump's order to pause immigration from seven
Middle Eastern countries provoked two opposite and almost equally strong reactions, the one decrying what it saw as an
illegitimate move against a religion, the other welcoming a sensible breathing space while better vetting procedures are
developed. But scarcely beneath the surface of this dispute was a more basic one of two diametrically opposed opinions
on Islam. One sees it as a religion of peace and tolerance, primarily because most Muslims live at peace with their
non-Muslim neighbors, while the other focuses on the Quran's repeatedly commanding the faithful to attack and destroy
unbelievers, and to wage jihad until the final extinction of other religions. Can so fundamental a disagreement be
resolved? There is a way to do so, and we need to use it quickly.
Explains Why Islamists Hate Us, and It Has Everything to Do with Religion. Many politically correct
journalists, politicians, analysts, and people from all walks of life and from all sides of the political
spectrum — although mostly on the left — have been incessantly stating that Islamist groups like ISIS
are not primarily motivated by religious ideology, but are merely using the veneer of Islam in order to perpetuate ulterior
political motives. These people who have swallowed the politically correct narrative hook, line and sinker frequently
try to explain the violence perpetrated by Islamists by appealing to the foreign policy, and so-called colonialist and
imperialist mentality, of the West. This Dabiq issue explicitly tears apart this narrative, demonstrating once
and for all that ISIS and Islamist hatred of the West is rooted in religious ideology.
Correct: Sharia Adherent Muslims Have Mental Issues. Isn't it interesting how jihadis who have been
investigated by the FBI with no action taken, wind up killing and/or wounding Americans in places like Little Rock, Boston,
New York, San Bernadino, Orlando, and elsewhere, and are then dubbed "mentally ill?" They are never dubbed "Islamic
jihadis" or "Islamic terrorists."
than 50 million Muslims are willing to support those who carry out terror attacks to defend their religion, migration expert
warns the EU. A migration expert warns that there are more than 50 million Muslims willing to accept violence
and support those who carry out terror attacks to defend their religion. Professor Ruud Koopmans of the Netherlands
warned the EU on Monday to block the entry of any refugees whose identity cannot be categorically confirmed. Koopmans
said that of the 1 billion adult Muslims in the world, 'half of them are attached to an arch-conservative Islam which
places little worth on the rights of women, homosexuals, and people of other faiths'.
Fourth Muslim group rejects
federal grant to fight extremism. A California Islamic school wanted to keep an open mind before Donald Trump
took office. But less than a month into Trump's presidency, the school rejected $800,000 in federal funds aimed at
combatting violent extremism.
You Need
To Take A Closer Look At The Real "Refugees" Before You Denounce "Vetting". Grown men are training children,
some as young as six, to move through a house in a tactical fashion with live ammunition, having them kill actual living
human beings. To put the cherry on the cupcake, they are recording it with some serious production value, and then
uploading it to the internet to show the world that their children are ready to die for their cause. I don't see you
marching for women and children's rights in Syria. While you whine and complain about social issues that are a moot
point in our society, women and children are being raped and murdered around the world by maniacs. Take a look outside
of your own safe space, and realize that the world can't be the Utopian place you want. It isn't possible, it is never
going to happen.
Now Getting a Taste of How the Obama Years Felt for Conservatives. Mob agitation is an extremely ancient human sin, one often seen in the Muslim
world, where mobs tend to riot, burn, and kill on Fridays after mosque sermons that enrage whole congregations against any convenient scapegoat. In the
"House of Peace" (the Muslim world), mob violence is often whipped up by imams, mullahs, and their hired thugs. In Iran, the regime's thugs, the Basiji,
went into student demonstrations at the beginning of the Obama years to stab and maim college students demonstrating peacefully for the Green Revolution against
the theocracy. Obama did nothing whatsoever at that time, leaving the young demonstrators to the tender mercies of the mullahs.
jogger viciously attacked by Muslims escaped by speaking Arabic. ["]As he struggled to get out of the
cold, slippery canal the thug who punched him was waiting — until the former language teacher started speaking
Arabic. The shame-faced gang, all aged around 17, then fled the scene.["] In speaking Arabic, Lee Skinner was
not deemed the inferior, as the Muslim supremacist thugs had thought. Had it been any other Westerner who did not know
the language, his fate would have been quite different.
rights" groups silent on German court case justifying synagogue attacks. Human Rights Watch, along with Amnesty
International, claim that they are very much against antisemitism. [...] I have noted previously that the groups have nothing
to say about antisemitism in Arab countries. On the other hand, right-wing antisemitism in Europe has always been the
one and only example of Jew-hatred that they would mention in their reports.
Mastermind explains why they call it the 'Religion of Peace'. This is the 5th in my series on James Mitchell's
'Enhanced Interrogation' where the CIA contractor tells us how Enhanced Interrogation Techniques did work to reveal not only
upcoming planned terror attacks, but also revealed the mindset behind the Islamic supremacists' view of how things should be
in the world. Our initial interest was in Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's assertion that the Islamists' plan is to conquer America
through immigration and by out-breeding us, but that violent attacks would ultimately wear us down and prepare us for submission.
Nigeria bomber detonates early, second bomber lynched. One person was seriously hurt when a pre-teen suicide
bomber detonated her explosives early during an attack in Nigeria on Saturday [12/31/2016], and an angry crowd captured another female
bomber and lynched her, AFP reported. No one had claimed responsibility for the attack, which occurred near a food
vendor selling noodles around 9:30 p.m.; however, the incident resembled the type of assault typically used by the Boko Haram
terror group. Two girls under the age of 10 had blown themselves up in December in attacks that injured 19.
seeker storms nativity play to read from the Koran. A nativity play was turned into chaos after an asylum
seeker stormed the stage and started preaching from the Koran. The Somali asylum seeker suddenly leapt on stage during
the traditional depiction of the Christian story in the Austrian town of Oberndorf near Schwanenstadt in the state of Upper
Austria, causing horror and upset amongst the children and parents. At first, no one had reacted when the asylum
seeker came to the venue and stood next to the stage where children of nursery school age were performing. The asylum seeker
suddenly leapt on stage, took out a copy of the Koran from his rucksack and started preaching.
do Arab soldiers only fight well when they are religious fanatics? [Scroll down] Ten days to move a few hundred
yards? With overwhelming numerical superiority? Against a handful of bandits? With complete air support? This
is the army we spent hundreds of billions of dollars training and arming. Like the Afghan army, it seems incapable of fighting on
its own. But ISIS doesn't have this problem. Neither does the Taliban. It seems that when Arab soldiers are religious
fanatics, they suddenly became brave warriors who will hike two hundred miles through impassible mountains just to lie in wait to get
a shot at the enemy. But when Arab soldiers are ordinary conscripts, they have to fight hard just to advance a few feet a day.
John II: British Extremist Beheads Terrified Prisoner in Shocking New ISIS Video. [Mohamed] Emwazi was known as
"Jihadi John," ISIS' most infamous executioner. Before he was finally taken out by an American drone, Emwazi
slaughtered at least five prisoners: David Haines and Alan Henning from Britain, and Americans James Foley, Peter
Kassig and Steven Sotloff. Although it was a great day for humankind when Emwazi was finally killed, he's now been
succeeded by another radical Muslim from Britain: Mohammed Reza Haque.
Slowly Emerges from Denial and Starts Shutting Down Mosques. The French are slowly waking up from their denial. At some
point America will come to a crossroads on this same issue. If a mosque is found to be involved in material support for terrorism in the US,
it should NOT be protected by the 1st amendment of our constitution. And make no mistake, it is in fact in the mosques that recruitment and
organization for Jihad is occurring. Despite what the so-called mainstream media's narrative claims — namely that "radicalization"
occurs simply over the internet and social media — an honest review of history indicates that it is mosques that serve as the outposts
for Jihad around the world. There is evidence to support this.
Are Attacking Christian Churches So Viciously They Are Forced To Have Guards Now- Muslims Have Been Caught Urinating And
Defecating In The Pews. If a Muslim so much as alleges that somebody may have done something to a mosque and
with no proof, Muslims will exploded into rioting and violence, nations may pull their ambassadors, and they will attack
non-Muslims near them in "revenge" for Islam. Yet here we have case after case of Muslims committing the foulest acts
in European churches such as defecating and urinating in the pews, openly masturbating during services, stealing, and dumping
garbage in them and nobody cares.
The Slaughter at Cairo.
The world, it has all too often seemed, has become accustomed to mayhem in the Middle East. But the slaughter Sunday is
extraordinary in its nihilism, even in a country where the Christian minority has been targeted for years. It deserves
to be addressed by the highest levels of our leadership. The killings took place at the compound of Egypt's main
Christian cathedral. According to the Wall Street Journal, quoting the state press, the explosion struck the "women's
side of the worshiping hall in the small church of St. Peter and St. Paul." It is attached to the Coptic
cathedral itself. It isn't the only major attack on Christians. Some 23 were killed in the New Year's Day bombing
of 2011 at the Two Saints Church at Alexandria. Those murders have yet to be solved by authorities. Imagine the
reaction were an attack like what just happened at Cairo perpetrated against a church here in America. It is hard not
to imagine our country going onto a proper war footing, and understandably so.
France: Decomposing in Front
of Our Eyes. What is reality in France today? Violence. It is spreading. Not just terrorist
attacks; pure gang violence. It instills a growing feeling of insecurity in hospitals, at schools, in the streets —
even in the police. The media does not dare to say that this violence is coming mainly from Muslim gangs —
"youths," as they call the in the French media, to avoid naming who they are. A climate of civil war, however, is
spreading visibly in the police, schools, hospitals and politics.
of 7 Nations With Worst Record of Christian Persecution Are Muslim. Persecution watchdog group Aid to the
Church in Need released its 2016 "Religious Freedom in the World" report on Thursday, highlighting the growing cases of
intolerance around the world, particularly between the time period of June 2014 and June 2016 — coinciding with
the rise of the Islamic State terror group. The report included case by case studies of a number of different countries
around the world, and the religious discrimination people of faith face. Some of the most extreme forms of oppression
were experienced by people in Iraq and Syria, including Christians and Yazidis, who have been targeted in an ongoing genocide
campaign by IS. One Yazidi boy trained for jihad in Syria shared the chilling words his radical instructors told to
him: "You have to kill kuffars [unbelievers] even if they are your fathers and brothers, because they belong to the
wrong religion and they don't worship God."
Peter King: 'Up to 40 Somali Americans' Have Become 'ISIS Terrorists'. Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), a member
of the Homeland Security Committee, said Monday's attack at the Ohio State University "has all the indicators of terrorism,"
including a Somali refugee as the suspect and the use of a knife and a vehicle to harm people, as ISIS has encouraged its
followers to do. "There's been a real problem with the (American) Somali community as far as having a large number of
Al-Shabaab supporters," King told Fox News's Megyn Kelly Monday night. As reported on Tuesday [11/29/2016],
nearly 100,000 Somali refugees have been admitted into the United States since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, including 9,020
during fiscal year 2016 and 1,352 last month alone.
prisoner reveals that Saudi 'terrorist rehab' center is a scam. Counterterrorism experts have long suspected
Saudi Arabia's "rehabilitation" center for terrorists does a poor job of de-radicalizing jihadists. But a Saudi
detainee at Guantanamo Bay now reveals it's actually a recruiting and training factory for jihad. According to recently
declassified documents, senior al Qaeda operative Ghassan Abdullah al-Sharbi told a Gitmo parole board that the Saudi
government has been encouraging previously released prisoners to rejoin the jihad at its terrorist reform school, officially
known as the Prince Mohammed bin Naif Counseling and Care Center. The Obama administration has praised the
effectiveness of the Saudi rehab program — which uses "art therapy," swimming, ping-pong, PlayStation and soccer
to de-radicalize terrorists — and conditioned the release of dozens of Gitmo prisoners, including former Osama bin
Laden bodyguards, on their enrollment in the controversial program.
Israel burns, are we looking at a new form of eco-terrorism? With wildfires currently raging across Israel for
a third consecutive day, many are concerned that this may be a new form of terrorism. Fires from an estimated 220 points
of origin have broken out throughout central and northern Israel since Wednesday [11/23/2016] and assessments by police have
strengthened suspicions that many were deliberately set and were nationalistically motivated. Boaz Ganor, founder and
executive director of the International Institute for Counter- Terrorism, told The Jerusalem Post that, "even if a portion
are intentional, it is not organized. It's not that you have a terrorist organization giving orders to their members
to carry out fire attacks, though maybe in a few hours you can have groups like Hamas claiming the fires."
charged for preaching Jews 'offspring of apes and pigs'. A Muslim imam in Denmark has been charged under the
nation's racism ban after he posted online a sermon calling Jews the "offspring of apes and pigs," an interpretation of the
Quran held by many Muslim scholars. Sheikh Muhammad Al-Khaled Samha was speaking at a mosque run by the Islamic Society
of Denmark in Vollsmose, a suburb of Odense, the Middle East Media Research Institute reported Tuesday [11/22/2016]. Reports
in Danish-language media said Nov. 14 that Samha had been indicted for violating Article 266b of Denmark's penal code.
West Is Finally Fighting Back against Militant Islam. General Michael Flynn has been offered the post of
national security adviser in Donald Trump's administration. Flynn is a senior intelligence officer and during the
election campaign he was vociferous in his denunciation of Hillary Clinton, even leading the chants for her to be locked
up. He is also a long-standing critic of Obama's military policies — or what he regards as the lack of
them. In particular he has called for a fiercer response to Islamic State. He is on record as having said, "It's
rational to fear Muslims." On the BBC's Today Programme, the presenter Nick Robinson described Flynn's statement as
"controversial." So that's the BBC's assessment of what counts as controversial! How so when for decades Muslims
have been shooting, bombing, dispossessing and otherwise terrorising people in large numbers on three continents?
Leader in US: "Islam is Not Here to Integrate. Islam is Here to Dominate". At least there is one Muslim
in America who is open and honest about what Islam is and what it is here for. No taqiyya, no mincing of words.
Islam is here to dominate. Haitham Ibn Thbait, of the American chapter of Hizb Ut-Tahrir, told American Muslims earlier
this year that Islam was not here to integrate, but rather to dominate.
of Child Rape and Molestation Convictions in the UK Were Committed by Muslims. These are the results of an
investigation into "Child Grooming" (Child Rape and Molestation) in the UK. The Times identified 17 cases in which men
groomed girls they met on the street. Most of the offenders were of Pakistani origin and most of the victims were white[.]
at German refugee camp says Muslim migrants display 'pure hatred' of Christians. A translator at German refugee
camps has revealed Muslim migrants are showing 'pure hatred' toward Christians and want the country to be Islamised.
The Arabic speaker worked in a number of asylum centres across the country and went undercover to discover migrants were
preaching 'pure hatred' about non-Muslims and women were planning to have more children to 'destroy Christians'. She
said the hostility is also visible at asylum homes, where Muslim children refuse to play with Christians.
thugs force a father-of-six who converted from Islam to Christianity to flee his home for a SECOND time. A man
has been forced to flee his home for the second time amid fears for his safety after suffering 'seven years of persecution'
for converting from Islam to Christianity. Dad-of-six Nissar Hussain, who appeared in a 2008 Channel 4 TV documentary
about mistreatment of Muslim converts, was hospitalised last year after a brutal attack caught on CCTV in November. Two
hooded men, one armed with a pick-axe handle, assaulted him — leaving him with a smashed kneecap and a broken hand.
in Italy: 'Give Us Back Our Mosques or We Will Pray to Allah in the Vatican'. Despite a major Muslim protest at
the Colosseum against the closure of illegal mosques, Rome police have continued shutting down so-called "garage mosques,"
and now Muslims are threatening to invade Saint Peter's Basilica to pray there. This week, authorities closed down
another makeshift mosque in Rome for failure to meet building norms and for non-compliance with safety standards, the sixth
such mosque-closing in the last months.
arrested for 'ordering Muslims to be killed for not praying'. An imam has been arrested at a mosque in Zurich
after he allegedly issued threats to kill Muslims who didn't pray. The Zurich's prosecutor's office has confirmed the
imam at the An'Nur de Winterhour mosque has been detained for incitement to violence after it was alleged that he preached to
the congregation that they should kill fellow muslims who don't attend prayers. It is claimed that during an October 21
sermon the imam "called for the assassination of Muslims who refuse to participate in communal prayers in the mosque".
Christians in Iraq 1, 400,000 — 2016, Christians in Iraq 275,000. Since the invasion of Iraq and
toppling of Saddam Hussein in 2003, attacks on Christians living in Iraq have increased to the point where the 1.4 million
Christians there in 2003 has fallen to 275,000 in 2016, according to ADF International. In a supplement to the report,
Genocide Against Christians in the Middle East, which was submitted to Secretary of State John Kerry in March, ADF
International details the persecution of Christians in Iraq, a persecution that the U.S. and British governments,
the European Parliament, and the United Nations have officially declared is genocide.
vandalize Hindu temples in Bangladesh over Facebook post. Muslim fanatics have vandalized at least five Hindu
temples in Bangladesh over a Facebook post that allegedly mocked Islam. Activists say that Islamists are increasingly
monitoring the Internet to attack minorities.
Hebdo jihad massacre survivor: "We need to stop saying Islam is a religion of peace". As a secular
Muslim, Zineb El Rhazoui is allowed to say in the mainstream what others are excoraited as "anti-Muslim extremists" for
saying. The truth is true no matter who says it, but in today's culture of identity politics, it's truer when coming
from racially and culturally approved voices. [Video clip]
Warning: graphic photos. Hindu
Women in India Found Raped and Chopped Into Pieces by Muslims. The jihad against the Hindu is centuries old,
with over 80 million Hindu slaughtered — and that's a low estimate. The jihadi war continues to this
day. Several bodies of women have been located that were dismembered entirely. Preliminary test results confirm
that the women had been raped, although it is not clear yet whether this was pre- or postmortem. This will only be
determined once further testing has been concluded by a pathologist. Authorities are currently attempting to identify
the names of the women so their families can be notified.
743 Christian refugees and converts attacked by Muslims. The documented cases confirm that the situation of
Christian refugees in German refugee shelters is still unbearable. As a minority they are discriminated against, beaten
up by and receive death threats from Muslim refugees and partly by the Muslim staff (securities, interpreters, volunteers) on
grounds of their religion.
of Muslims storm ancient streets of Rome as Italy shut down mosques. Furious Muslims prayed outside Rome's
Colosseum to protest the closure of mosques in the capital city. Authorities in Rome recently closed down five
makeshift mosques in the city in what Muslims see as a crackdown on their religion. Thousands attended Friday prayers
this week outside the iconic Colosseum in Rome to demonstrate against the closures.
Minneapolis: Muslims riot, throw rocks at police
in rage over HBO series on jihad recruitment. "On Saturday, Ibrahim donned a purple scarf and grabbed a bullhorn
to describe to the crowd what she anticipated from the cable TV show. 'It's going to be talking about how the Somali kids in
Cedar are terrorists!' she cried." And so to prove that Somali kids in Cedar are not terrorists, they threw a glass bottle,
rocks and a chair at police officers. "A Metro Transit police officer was hit in the head with an unknown object."
Reading the Koran.
The Abridged Koran is an easy read but a disturbing read. You have heard of Christian and Hindu monks take a bath
before reading their scriptures? I had to take a shower *after* reading the Koran because I felt spiritually
unclean. It was like sitting through a non-stop horror movie with no breaks. I kept waiting for the good parts,
the positive sections to begin. They never did. I found a minority of moral teachings scattered here and there,
and just a few poetic descriptions in a very hateful book. About 3/4 of the way through it became as if a blur of
hurtfulness and arrogance. The task felt like counting the flies on a corpse, it was so grotesque. I kept
wondering 'how could any rational and kind person, any normal human being actually accept this book as scripture?' and 'If
they do and can, do we want such people in our country?'
Gunmen abduct US
missionary in Niger. Officials believe that the abductors were al Qaeda-backed militants from neighboring
Mali. The American had been in Niger since 1992 and spoke the local languages and Arabic, but locals had warned that he
was a target.
Man Gets Angry, Rapes His Own Daughter After Accusing Her Of Being 'Too Western'. In this latest incident from
Norway, a "non-European" Muslim man attacked and raped his own daughter after getting mad at her that she was "too western,"
and then when he was arrested and DNA evidence clearly showed that he raped her, in true Islamic fashion, he denied everything.
Int'l Student CUTS THROAT of Coed — HERO Steps In. Masculine strength — when paired with
an instinct to protect — is a beautiful thing. Ladies, take note. And tell your women's studies profs
that THIS is why we don't want to demonize masculinity. There will ALWAYS be a certain number evil people in this world
who want to dominate others. But when the good guys don't have their masculinity trained out of them, they can put
these evil people in their place.
Muslim Begins To Cut Girl's Throat, Sees Something Out Of
Corner Of His Eye. A terrifying attack occurred on Tuesday [10/4/2016] that the mainstream media outside of Canada are widely
ignoring. Of course, since the attacker was quickly revealed to be a Muslim student from the most Islamic country on earth, we can see
why Barack Obama's lapdog media aren't chomping at the bit to report it.
Calls for Random Knife Attacks in Alleys, Forests, Beaches, 'Quiet Neighborhoods'. A new magazine issued by the
Islamic State advises lone jihadists to get over any squeamishness about using knives and embrace sharp objects as "widely
available" weapons of jihad in nighttime stabbing campaigns. ISIS' Al-Hayat Media Center issued the second issue of its
magazine Rumiyah, meaning Rome, in English, Turkish, German, French, Indonesian, Russian, Arabic and Uyghur. The
design of the magazine is more simple than ISIS' English-language Dabiq. It's also much shorter: 38 pages
compared to the 82 pages in the last issue of Dabiq. In the first issue of Rumiyah, which debuted a month
ago, jihadists were advised to target teens playing sports after school or even flower sellers hawking blooms on the street.
No Muslims, no terrorists. There is a simple reason we never read about jihadi attacks in Japan. There
are no Muslims there. No Muslims, no terrorists. This is a significant data point in the public debate over
Muslim immigration. Donald Trump, of course, has famously proposed a suspension of Islamic immigration until we can
figure out a way to screen out jihadis, and Franklin Graham is backing that suggestion to the hilt.
Dismembered by Imam for Wearing a Bathing Suit. An imam named Muhammad Zulkifal is on trial in Italy for
murdering two of his fellow Pakistanis for the crime of wearing bathing suits at the beach. At least one of the
victims, a woman, was dismembered. The case has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.
Partners in Peace: We will turn Israel 'to dust'. A banner at an Iranian military parade Wednesday
threatened to "turn Tel Aviv and Haifa to Dust," The Jerusalem Post reported Wednesday [9/21/2016]. Iran held military
parades across the country to commemorate the start of the 1980 war with Iraq. At the Tehran parade, which was shown on
state television, a banner on a military truck read, "If the leaders of the Zionist regime make a mistake then the Islamic
Republic will turn Tel Aviv and Haifa to dust."
Time We Faced the Facts about the Muslim World. Here is a plain, inarguable truth: A series of Muslim immigrants and "visitors" are
responsible for killing more Americans on American soil than the combined militaries of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany. Two more attacks over the
weekend left 38 Americans wounded, and it appears that both were carried out by Muslim immigrants. [...] Despite making up a tiny fraction of the
American population, Muslims are responsible for exponentially more terror deaths than any other meaningful American community. Even if you
use the Left's utterly ridiculous standard of "terror deaths since 9/11" (why exclude America's worst terror attack when calculating the terror
threat?), Muslim terrorists have killed almost twice as many people as every other American faction or demographic combined. Yet when any
politician or pundit suggests restrictions or even special scrutiny applied to Muslim immigrants — especially Muslim immigrants or visitors from
jihadist conflict zones — entire sectors of the Left (and some on the right) recoil in shock and horror.
Seven Deadly Reasons
Why the Left Loves Islam. Imagine that some splinter Christian sect existed that preached a sneering contempt
for women, sex slavery, hatred for Jews, death to non-believers (and homosexuals), child-marriage, religious conquest,
segregation and gross religious discrimination, and the legitimacy of lying whenever it suited the church's purposes.
Imagine that it had been practicing all these evils since shortly after its founding, and had left mountains of corpses on
three continents — complete with burned libraries, looted cities and ruined civilizations. Do you think that
secular leftists would spend their time and energy making excuses for such a church? [...] Why would leftists who are outraged,
say, that the Catholic church won't ordain women or that Southern Baptists won't celebrate same-sex weddings, give a pass to
a faith that endorses child polygamy and executes homosexuals?
Time We Faced the Facts about the Muslim World. Despite making up a tiny fraction of the American population,
Muslims are responsible for exponentially more terror deaths than any other meaningful American community. Even if you
use the Left's utterly ridiculous standard of "terror deaths since 9/11" (why exclude America's worst terror attack when
calculating the terror threat?), Muslim terrorists have killed almost twice as many people as every other American faction or
demographic combined. Yet when any politician or pundit suggests restrictions or even special scrutiny applied to
Muslim immigrants — especially Muslim immigrants or visitors from jihadist conflict zones — entire
sectors of the Left (and some on the right) recoil in shock and horror. Whenever there's a terror attack, there's an
almost palpable desperation to determine that the attacker was not Muslim and the attack had "no connection" to international
terror, in spite of the fact that it is now ISIS and al-Qaeda strategy to inspire lone wolves.
the Establishment Can't Grasp the Nature of Islam. A comprehensive German study of 45,000 immigrant youths,
reported in 2010, found that while increasing religiosity among the Christian youths made them less violent, increasing
religiosity among the Muslim youths actually made them more violent. Not more violent "if they join Islamic
State" — but more violent, period. [...] Becoming serious about a faith and digging into it generally means
getting closer to its actual teachings. A lukewarm cradle Catholic may have little knowledge of even the Bible, but a
devout one will likely have read that and the Church's catechism. Likewise, an indifferent nominal Muslim (you know,
the kind they call "moderate") may not know much of the Koran, nine percent of which is devoted to political violence.
Yet a pious Muslim may scour that book — and more. He may also imbibe the remaining 84 percent of
the Islamic canon, the two books known as the Hadith and Sira. And, respectively, 21 percent and 67 percent
of their texts are devoted to political violence.
Totalitarian Islam.
Totalitarianism is a political doctrine that seeks to control all aspects of a society, its economy, its laws and government,
its culture. Islam is a complete way of life, a total civilization, not just a religion. It is also a culture and
a political system of Sharia laws which establish its supremacy. There is no aspect of personal and public life that is
not included in the Sharia. Not just Muslims but all people must submit to the Sharia. The very name, Islam,
means to submit, submit to Mohammed and the Koran in all things: religious, political and cultural. Mohammed
practiced totalitarianism. All people around him had to submit to his demands. After Arabia submitted, Mohammed
left Arabia and began his mission to have Sharia rule the world. Both the Koran and Mohammed command the terror of
jihad on non-Muslims or Kafirs until Islam dominates.
The Truth about Qur'an.
The Qur'an is unique among the sacred writings of the world in counseling its adherents to make war against
unbelievers. There are over a hundred verses in the Qur'an that exhort believers to wage jihad against unbelievers.
[...] Many will say that Deuteronomy and other Biblical books have violent passages as well. However, nowhere do the
Jewish or Christian Scriptures tell all believers in general to wage war against unbelievers as such. Only the Qur'an
contains such passages. Also, Islam, unlike Judaism and Christianity, has never gone through a period of reformation and
enlightenment either involving or resulting in any thoroughgoing reevaluation of the literal sense of its sacred texts.
This is why you do not see Jews or Christians slaughtering unbelievers and justifying their actions by quoting their
Scriptures, while Muslims around the world do this with depressing frequency.
Animal Sacrifices Fill City with Rivers of Blood. There's no violence here against anyone except animals.
It's a surreal sight. Shocking in some ways. And another reminder of just how different Islamic culture is from
our civilization.
5 Little Known Facts about Islam Politicians and the Media Are Deliberately Concealing from You. Despite the fact that the perpetrator,
named as Sami Ayad, a "Frenchman" apparently, shouted what the media incorrectly call "an Arabic phrase meaning God is greatest," police insist
there's no evidence showing he'd been radicalized or motivated by politics. They didn't go as far to say he's suffering from a mental illness
this time. True to form, the media is downplaying any connection to Islam. Instead of accurately describing Ayad as a "French Muslim",
he's portrayed as a "Frenchman." Furthermore, the exclamation "Allahu Akbar" is not an Arabic phrase nor does it mean "God is greatest" as
the duplicitous media reports state. It's an Arabic phrase specific to Islam [...] and it means "Allah is greater." Meaning Allah is
greater than your Gods and greater than your man-made governments and laws. These kinds of desperate attempts to disconnect from Islam
atrocities committed by Muslims in the name of their deity are deployed by both politicians and the media in the aftermath of each attack.
They're deliberately concealing the truth about Islam in order to maintain the "it's a religion of peace" narrative.
Are a Nation of Terrorist Supporters. ISIS took over parts of Syria because its government willingly allied
with it to help its terrorists kill Americans in Iraq. That support for Al Qaeda helped lead to the civil war tearing
the country apart. The Syrians were not helpless, apathetic pawns in this fight. They supported Islamic
terrorism. A 2007 poll showed that 77% of Syrians supported financing Islamic terrorists including Hamas and the Iraqi
fighters who evolved into ISIS. Less than 10% of Syrians opposed their terrorism. Why did Syrians support Islamic
terrorism? Because they hated America. [...] Apologists will claim that these numbers don't apply to the Syrian
refugees. It's hard to say how true that is. Only 13% of Syrian refugees will admit to supporting ISIS, though
that number still means that of Obama's first 10,000 refugees, 1,300 will support ISIS.
silent on surge in Islam-inspired knife attacks. The spate of grisly stabbings and beheadings being carried out
by Muslims around the world is not really a sudden or unique occurrence but part of a decades-long pattern of violence
inspired by the Quran, say Islam critics. The latest attack on American soil came over the weekend in Roanoke,
Virginia, by a 20-year-old man who used a 10-inch butcher knife to attack residents of the Pines apartment complex while
shouting, "Allahu Akbar!" It happened again Monday in Australia, where a 21-year-old British woman, Mia Ayliffe-chung,
was hacked to death and two others injured by a Muslim man chanting "Allahu Akbar!" as 30 other tourists looked on in horror.
the Number of Terrorists We'll Accept from a U.S. Mosque Before We Start Asking Questions? In the aftermath of
one of Islamism's bloodiest summers, Western countries are stepping up efforts to filter for potential threats. Germany
has held raids targeting Islamist preachers suspected of recruiting ISIS supporters. Belgium launched a police hunt for
an imam's son who walked down the street loudly praying to Allah for the annihilation of all Christians. And France
recently banned the "burkini" — the Muslim adaptation of a swimsuit. At this point, it's a bandage on a
gaping wound. More aggressive and strategic measures need to be taken to target the environment where Islamic
supremacism flourishes, rather than just the behavior it produces. One place is in U.S. mosques.
blames ISIS for wedding bombing that killed 50, injured 94. Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan blamed the
Islamic State Sunday [8/21/2016] for the bombing of an outdoor wedding party that killed 50 people and wounded
94 others. Saturday's attack in Gaziantep, near Syria's border, appeared to be a suicide bombing, officials said.
bomb a Wedding: 30 killed and 94 wounded as suicide bombers attack a Turkish ceremony. At least 51 people have
been been killed and nearly 100 injured after a child suicide bomber ripped through a wedding party in Turkey. Turkish
president Tayyip Erdogan said it was likely that ISIS was behind the attack which saw the bomber, a boy, thought to be aged
between 12 and 14, blow up among people dancing in the street at a party in the city of Gaziantep last night [8/19/2016].
executes six people by boiling them in tar after Iraqi Sharia court accuses the men of being spies. Six people
have been put to death by Isis — by being immersed in boiling vats of tar, it's been reported. The gruesome
act was carried out in public at an Isis command centre in al-Shora in Iraq, 'with the aim of inciting fear among the
citizens'. The six, from Mosul, were accused by Isis of being spies for the Iraqi government.
Takes Six Men And Heinously Tortures Them To Death By Slowly Boiling Them In Tar. The evil ISIS government has
set the bar again for barbarity, this time taking six men accused of being spied and slowly boiling them to death in tar.
[...] Interestingly, this is not the first time this punishment has been used by Muslims. St. Laura, a nun who
was one of the Martyrs of Cordoba, Spain, was martyred the same way in 864 when she refused to convert to Islam. In
this sense, this is not a new punishment from ISIS, but the same old barbarity they have always done, just like their evil
ancestors of the past.
Forced to Hide Bibles Amid Migrant Muslim Death Threats. Bundestag member Erika Steinbach and Iranian-born
pastor Mahin Mousapour called for much stronger sanctions for Muslims who abuse Christians in Germany at a press conference
on Monday [8/8/2016]. Highlighting the fact Christians suffer violence, harassment, and death threats in migrant lodgings,
Ms. Mousapour criticised Germany for granting Islam "too much respect". Declaring anti-Christian hate attacks an
affront to German values, politician Erika Steinbach advocated the government deport migrants who insult or attack Christians.
At the press conference Ms. Mousapour, who converted to Christianity more than 25 years ago, reported that Christians face
various forms of persecution in migrant housing.
'Summer Camp' Trains Children In Stabbing, Firearms. A summer camp operated by the al-Quds militant group has
trained more than 30,000 children this summer to carry out terrorist attacks using various knives and firearms, according to
a new report by an organization that monitors activity in the Middle East. The "Pioneers of Liberation" summer camps
located in the Gaza Strip have been "attended by some 30,000 children and youths," who received "firearms training and other
military training, civil defense exercises, and lessons in religion and in battle heritage," according to the Middle East
Media Research Institute. The terrorist group has said that "the goal of the camps is to stoke the embers of jihad
among the generation of liberation, to inculcate Islamic values and to prepare the army of victory for liberating Palestine."
The camps are meant to indoctrinate children and encourage them to carry out terrorist attacks in Israel.
It Comes to Islam, Western Leaders Are Liars or Idiots. When it comes to the connection between Islam and
violence against non-Muslims, one fact must be understood: the majority of those in positions of leadership and authority in
the West are either liars or fools, or both. No other alternative exists. The reason for this uncharitable
assertion is simple: If Islam was once a faraway, exotic religion, today we hear calls for, and see acts of, violence
committed in its name every day. And many of us still have "ears that hear and eyes that see," so it's no secret:
Muslims from all around the world and from all walks of life — not just "terrorists" or "ISIS" —
unequivocally and unapologetically proclaim that Islam commands them to hate, subjugate, and kill all who resist it,
including all non-Muslims. This is the official position of several Muslim governments, including America's closest
"friends and allies" like Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Muslims Justify Killing Other Muslims. [Scroll down] As for the deliberate slaughter of fellow Muslims, it must be remembered
that mainstream Sunni Islam — the world's dominant strand of Islam which ISIS adheres to — views all non-Sunnis as
false Muslims; at best, they are heretics who need to submit to the "true Islam" no less than the infidels. This is largely
how Sunnis view Shias and vice versa — hence their perennial war. While Western talking heads tend to lump them together
as "Muslims," each group — especially the "radicals" among them, that is, the jihadis — views the other as enemies.
(It's only in recent times, as both groups plot against the West and Israel, that they occasionally cooperate.) This is the
logic behind the terror strikes in Karada, a Shia neighborhood in Iraq, and the bombing in Saudi Arabia's Shia majority Qatif
province; they were both undertaken under the same exact logic as when Christian minorities, or European, American, and Israeli
citizens are attacked and killed: all are infidels who must either embrace the true faith, be subjugated, or die.
Broadcasts to the World Why It Kills. ISIS is taking umbrage at critics who challenge its claim to represent
true Islam. In the latest issue of its magazine Dabiq, published on July 31, the author of an editorial entitled "Why
We Hate You and Why We Fight You" repudiated "the Islam-is-a-peaceful-religion crowd." That crowd would include President
Obama, Hillary Clinton, Pope Francis and other world leaders, politicians and opinion makers who have pushed the narrative
that ISIS is a deviant cult made up of violent extremists whose acts of terrorism have nothing to do with Islam. To the
contrary, claimed the author of the Dabiq piece, "jihad and the laws of the Shari'ah — as well as everything else
deemed taboo by the Islam-is-a-peaceful-religion crowd — are in fact completely Islamic."
An open
letter to Mr. Khizr Khan. [Scroll down] As you well know, Mr. Khan, we live in violent times,
dangerous times. Muslim madmen from ISIS and other radical Jihadi groups are on a murder and terror spree across the
globe. Your religion of peace, Islam, is anything but that in 2016. That is a fact that is confirmed every time a
Muslim shoots, bombs, beheads and tortures innocent men, women and children. This does not mean that every Muslim is a
terrorist, but most terrorists, sir, are indeed Muslims. A Muslim terrorist attack has become the sign of the times.
Regardless of what the feckless, naïve, leftist ideologue Barack Obama and his dimwitted colleagues John Kerry, Francois
Hollande and Angela Merkel state, the United States and the West are at war with Radical Islam.
All Extremists Now. The timing of Omar Mateen's shooting at Orlando's Pulse nightclub was rotten for the Obama
administration, because Secretary of State John Kerry had just published his carefully worded Joint Strategy on Countering
Violent Extremism (CVE), in which the word religion or religious appears nine times, but Islam,
Islamist, and Muslim appear nary a-once. The administration's refusal to say the words radical Islamic
terror became a talking point for the Trump campaign in the wake of Little Omar's act of mass murder. [...] President
Obama resolutely refuses to refer to the threat America faces as something related to Islam, or Islamists, or Muslims, or
Muslimists, or any other term that casts even a hint of blame upon the teachings of Muhammad or the practitioners of his
phony, Manichaean, inherently violent, deliberately dissembling, Christ-hating religion. Yes, that's exactly what Islam is.
State Answers Pope Francis: Ours Is a Religious War and We Hate You. The Islamic State terror group has
come out publicly to reject Pope Francis' claims that the war being waged by Islamic terrorists is not religious in nature,
assuring the pontiff that their sole motivation is religious and sanctioned by Allah in the Qur'an. In the most recent
issue of Dabiq, the propaganda magazine of the Islamic State, ISIS criticizes Pope Francis for his naïvité
in clinging to the conviction that Muslims want peace and that acts of Islamic terror are economically motivated.
training children of foreign fighters to become 'next generation' of terrorists. The children of foreign
fighters living in Isis territory in Syria and Iraq are being trained to become the "next generation" of terrorists, Europe's
law enforcement agency has warned. The terror group advertises its use of children as fighters and suicide bombers, as
well as featuring children, including a four-year-old British boy, as executioners in its gory propaganda videos. There
are concerns the number of young boys forced into Isis ranks will increase as young children taken to live in its territories
or born to "jihadi brides" grow up.
details 'Why We Hate You' in new magazine. In the new edition of its full-color, glossy magazine, ISIS mocks
those who claim Islam is a peaceful religion, and even wades into the controversy surrounding Donald Trump and the parents of
a dead Muslim U.S. soldier. The 15th issue of Dabiq, published on July 31, is titled "Break The Cross" and appears to
be primarily directed at those that ISIS considers its enemies, particularly Christians. [...] An editorial titled "Why We
Hate You and Why We Fight You" takes aim at Westerners and "apostate 'Imams' in the West" who refuse to define ISIS'
motivation as being Islamic.
Why France is so vulnerable to Islamist terrorism. France's acute vulnerability to Islamist terrorism stems
from several factors. The delicate truth is that France has the biggest Muslim minority in Europe, approaching 10 percent
of the population. That creates a larger pool within which a small minority can be radicalised. Moreover, the social
fracture between some Muslim communities and the national mainstream appears to be wider in France than elsewhere in Europe.
In this polarised situation, Islamist radicalism finds its echo on the far Right — and the two strands of extremism
feed off one another.
only way to defeat this Caliphate of Cowardice is to slam our open immigration doors shut. Has there ever been
a more snivelling bunch of cowards than ISIS and its pathetic horde of crazed disciples? These gutless goons delight
in mowing down kids in trucks, throwing gay people off roofs, stoning women to death and setting fire to men in cages.
They love easy, soft targets: nightclubs, bars, cafes, sports arenas, concert halls, trains. Places where large
numbers of innocent people congregate and can thus be slaughtered at will.
Perhaps radical
Islam... isn't. Perhaps the problem isn't radical Islam. Perhaps the problem is Islam in its entirety. [...]
Polls may show that a clear majority of Muslims abhor ISIS violence, but until they actively do something to reform the clear
plurality of Muslims who support it, innocent men, women, and children will continue to be murdered by this theocratic terrorist
element that is by no means looked at as "extreme" by a goodly part of the Muslim world. Whatever happens, our Republic, with
its protections for individual liberty, especially religious liberty, will have to come to grips with this, sooner rather than later.
man in Pakistan says Muslims cut off his hands for not converting to Islam. A Christian petrol pump attendant
has filed a lawsuit in the Pakistan city of Lahore, claiming he was abducted by unidentified Muslims who tried to convert him
to Islam and chopped off his hands when he refused. Aqeel Masih, from the city's LDA quarter, appeared at Ghalib Market
police station to file a lawsuit with the aid of the Legal Evangelical Association Development. "The extremists exerted
pressure on him to abandon Christianity and convert to Islam," the group said on its website. "Aqeel however, did not
give up on his Christian faith and refused to comply with their demand. Notwithstanding his rebuttal, they chopped off
his both arms and absconded."
dead after Muslim mob attacks Christian priests in Egypt, officials say. Christians in central Egypt gathered
for protests and prayers Monday [7/18/2016] after officials said a Muslim mob attacked priests with knives and batons over a personal
feud, leaving one person dead in the chaos. The fighting may have stemmed from an argument over whether Christian or Muslim
children had priority to pass through a street, the English-language site Ahram Online reported. The attack came months after
an armed Muslim mob stripped an elderly Christian woman and paraded her naked on the streets while looting and torching seven
Christian homes in the same area, security officials said.
must end payments that reward and encourage terrorism. Last year, this Intifada was characterized with a new
name — the "Knife Intifada." Earlier, Palestinian terrorists slaughtered Israelis and others —
including American citizens — by blowing up restaurants or school buses, or using automatic weapons. Lately,
the weapon of choice seem to be increasingly the knife. In some ways, the direct, face-to-face bloody slaughter of a
teenager or a grandmother by a knife-wielding thug makes it even more personal and horrifying. Earlier this month, a
13-year old American girl was murdered in her bed by a Palestinian terrorist wielding a knife. The attacker was killed
but if past practice holds, he will receive a celebration funeral, honoring him as a hero and martyr. His family will
claim a reward and monthly stipend from the Palestinian Authorities.
Iran Might WANT To Get Nuked After Nuking Israel. Sounds crazy? Of course. But once you enter into
the wild and weird world of Shi'ite Muslim eschatology, it all begins to make sense. As I show in my new book The
Complete Infidel's Guide to Iran, there are specific conditions in Shi'ite tradition for the return to earth of their
messiah-like figure — the Twelfth Imam. Jafar al-Sadiq, the sixth Imam and central figure of Shia
jurisprudence, prophesied that the Twelfth Imam would not return "till you are severely tested."
Muslims Demand Christian Woman Give Up Her Property To Become A Mosque. According to the story, this incident started
back in March. That means this entire murder was carefully planned by these Muslims for several months before they carried it
[out], demonstrating how ruthless and cunning they would be to rob this woman of her land just to turn it into a mosque.
Ramadan 2016 Ends With Over 1,700 Killed in the Name of Islam. The final death total from Ramadan Islamic
terrorist attack for the 30 days of Ramadan ends with 1,723 in 229 attacks all over the world. This includes terrorists
attacks in Orlando, Turkey and Bangladesh.
militants kill 20 hostages in Bangladesh restaurant attack, 13 more rescued by commando raid. [Scroll down] Rezaul Karim, the father of a Bangladeshi
businessman who was rescued along with his family, said the attackers did not harm any hostage who could recite verses from the Islamic holy book, Koran.
Karim said his son, Hasnat, had gone to the restaurant along with his wife and two children to celebrate the birthday of his elder daughter when the attack
happened. "He told me, 'Please save us, please!' And he hung up," he said. Karim said his son told him that the attackers "did not hit
people who could recite verses from the Koran. The others were tortured," he said. "The gunmen asked everyone inside to recite from the Koran.
Those who recited were spared. The gunmen even gave them meals last night," Karim said.
saying Islam is a religion of peace: Taslima Nasreen. After reports suggested that all terrorists
involved in the recent attack at Dhaka restaurant, in which 20 people were killed, were highly educated and belonged to rich
families, Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen rubbished the arguments that poverty makes somebody a terrorist. In a
series of tweets, Taslima quoted Saleem Samad that Bangladesh has been a major contributor to global terror and said it's
time people should stop saying Islam is a religion of peace.
American students among 20 people hacked to death in Bangladesh by ISIS terrorists — who only spared those who could recite
the Koran. At least three American students have been identified among 20 people killed during an ISIS attack
on a cafe in Bangladesh yesterday [7/1/2016]. Abinta Kabir, a student at Emory University who was from Miami, Florida, died when
terrorists attacked the largely foreign crowd inside the Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka last night. Fellow Emory student Faraaz
Hossain, who attended the college's business school, was also identified as being among the dead by a spokesman today. Tarushi
Jain, 19, who studied at University of California Berkeley campus, was also killed.
Muslim Boys Slaughter Their Own Mother For The Sake Of Allah. Twin brothers wanted to join ISIS and their
parents objected. But Muslims mean business when they say "fidaka abi wa-ummi ya rasul Allah" (I sacrifice my father
and my mother for you O messenger of Allah). "Sacrifice" means sacrifice and "mother" means mother, especially in the Muslim
holy month of Ramadan. This is why the two (identical twin) brothers in Riyadh Saudi Arabia began to slaughter their
entire family, killing their mother and seriously injuring their father and elder brother by using a cleaver.
When Hate is Promoted by
Religious Leaders, Why Blame the Followers? Imam Abdullah Hakim Quick then goes on to connect being gay with
Zionism — his anti-Semitic sentiments at their best. All this while standing at a pulpit. If this is
not a crime of hate, then what is? Does this imam have nothing positive to speak about in his sermon, besides spreading
the Islamist agenda of hate and bigotry? For years we have warned of the messages of hate emanating from the pulpit.
We have spoken of the two different messages being given — one to the public and one in private. Why then do we
act surprised when the Omar Mateens of the world take up arms and ruthlessly gun down an entire group of gays? This is what they
are being taught by the likes of Imam Quick. They are acting out the hate that has been instilled in their minds and hearts.
ISIS Hackers
Release Kill List of 4,000. The Islamic State's hacking division released a list of names of people around the
world including the US and India and called for their immediate deaths. [...] Those marked for death come from countries
including the USA, UK, France, Canada and India. Almost half are reportedly from the USA.
Lebanon: Christian village hit by
multiple suicide attacks. At least five people have been killed and 15 others wounded in a multiple suicide
bomb attack in north-eastern Lebanon, officials and medics say. Four bombers blew themselves up outside a house in the mostly
Christian village of Qaa, near the border with Syria. Security sources later reported at least three new suicide attacks.
A Mantra
from Fauxcahontas. [Scroll down] One wonders how the president can honestly say Islam is a religion of
peace and "no religion condones the killing of innocents" (including Islam), when the Koran clearly states if you see a Jew
behind a tree, you must kill him! Ah, perhaps, because the Jew is no innocent. Neither is the Christian, the
infidel, the apostate, or the homosexual. No one in the land of the Great Satan is an innocent — unless he
is a practicing Muslim. Republicans understand this mindset. Democrats willfully choose to ignore it to further
their agenda — in this case, a cleverly manufactured, ten-word jab that nurtures their fanatical commitment to
eliminate guns and obliterate the 2nd Amendment.
Fourth Generation War Comes To America:
What Are You Going To Do About It? Orlando is not the first mass shooting by a so called 'Lone Wolf' Islamic
Jihadist in America; it's the seventh in recent years but this one is different. The knee jerk reaction from the
political left and their media enablers has (unbelievably) gained traction in the establishment media. The Orlando
massacre has nothing to do with guns; decreasing the civil liberties of law abiding Americans is not the answer. A
majority of the American public knows this and are dismissing the governing elites attempts to spin this attack for political
advantage out of hand. The problem is Islamic Jihadists and the fact that they are embedded inside our society and are
going to, with ever increasing frequency, attack the citizens around them in the name of Allah. It's what they do.
Mob Goes on Rampage Against Egyptian Christians. A mob of extremist Muslims in a village in Egypt attacked
Christians last week, looting and torching their property and leaving many injured. "On Friday afternoon [6/17/2016],
following Friday noon prayer, a great deal of fanatic Muslims gathered in front of the new house of my cousin, Naim Aziz,
during its construction because of a rumor spread in the village that this building would be turned into a church," explained
Al-Beida village resident Mousa Zarif, as reported by International Christian Concern. The site in question was, in
actuality, Aziz' personal house which was under construction.
Muhammad and
Terror. The saying, "Know your enemy," is attributed to Sun Tzu, the 6th century BC Chinese military strategist
and author of The Art of War. If you don't understand your enemy, but your enemy understands you, you
lose. Islam understands the West, but the West does not understand Islam. The proof is that the West allows not
just immigration from Muslim countries, but massive immigration of people who are committed to bringing about a world
dominated by Islam. That is what Islam aspires to do because that is what Muhammad commanded it to do and showed how to
do it by his example, his sunna. Sun Tzu also said that all warfare is based on deception. Muhammad knew
this and said the same to his followers. This is the practice as Islam spreads in the West: Show a friendly
smile, insist that Islam is a religion of peace, but lay the groundwork to take over.
Violence: Islamic State Urges Lone Wolf Attacks in U.S., Europe. The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), in a new
propaganda message, is urging supporters to carry out violent attacks against civilian and military targets within the United
States and Europe during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins in early June. [...] ISIS encouraged its supporters
to launch lone wolf attacks "to win the great award of martyrdom."
officials confirm Canadian hostage was beheaded. Enraged by the beheading of a second Canadian hostage by
ransom-seeking Abu Sayyaf extremists, Philippine troops pressed a major offensive in the south Tuesday [6/14/2016] but there
was no sign of an end to the small but brutal insurgency that a new president will inherit in about two weeks.
First They Came for the Gays.
Not very long ago, Oslo was an icy Shangri-la of Scandinavian self-discipline, governability, and respect for the law.
But in recent years, there have been grim changes, including a rise in gay-bashings. The summer of 2006 saw an
unprecedented wave of them. The culprits, very disproportionately, are young Muslim men. It's not just Oslo, of
course. The problem afflicts most of Western Europe. And anecdotal evidence suggests that such crimes are
dramatically underreported.
Hack Christian Man After He Refuses to Fast for Ramadan. It's Ramadan again, a time of Islamic fasting and
prayer, and attacking non-Muslims who do not do the same. This man, Francis Emmanuel, was coming out of a restaurant
where he just picked up some food when a group of six Muslims approached him. They asked him why he had food and when
he said he said he was not fasting because he is a Christian, they viciously beat him and then proceeded to stab him with
daggers and hack his limbs with machetes. Miraculously he survived, but his body was covered with stab and cut wounds,
and his right arm almost had to be amputated due to the attack.
Migrants Burn Down Asylum Centre After Not Receiving Ramadan Wake Up Call. A massive fire at Düsseldorf's
major international trade fair grounds yesterday has been followed by reports that the blaze was set deliberately by migrants
who were angry because of Ramadan. Officially, some 160 migrants were resident at hall 18 of the Messe Düsseldorf
conference centre, but it was a facility plagued by racial conflict which had seen violence spark before. Düsseldorf's
Express newspaper reports these conflicts were not between European German staff and their guests, but between the
predominantly Arab residents, and a minority of Afghans who sided with the security staff running the facility — who
were mainly Iranian.
Ohio Mosque Has Been at the Center of SIX Terror Cases. The website for Masjid Omar Ibn El Khattab, just a mile
from the Ohio State University campus, proclaims itself "the Muslim Heart of Columbus." And yet the mosque, described as one
of the most ideologically hardline in the city, has grabbed the media spotlight once again: former attendees were recently
reported as having joined the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria. As mosque officials struggle to distance themselves from
yet another resident terror cell, the recent news raises questions about the extensive history of this Ohio mosque as a
turnstile for terrorism.
woman burns daughter alive for marrying for love. Pakistani police say a woman has been arrested after dousing her daughter
with kerosene and burning her alive, allegedly because the girl had defied her family to marry a man she was in love with.
teen burnt alive by her mother for choosing own husband. Zeenat Bibi was set on fire Wednesday in Pakistan's
cultural capital of Lahore, a little over a week after she wed 20-year-old motorcycle mechanic Hasan Khan against the wishes
of her family. Her mother Perveen Bibi has admitted to the killing, though details of the brutal murder remain
unclear. Early reports suggested she had been burnt alive though police now say she may have been asphyxiated first,
with a post-mortem report not expected until later this month.
Woman Stabbed To Death For Insulting Muhammad. A Christian woman in Nigeria was stabbed to death Thursday
[6/2/2016] for allegedly insulting the Islamic prophet Muhammad, prompting an outcry from Christians in the country.
Bridget Abihime, a trader and wife to a Christian pastor, was killed for allegedly saying Muhammad was not important.
Nigerian police have taken two suspects into custody, but the Christian Association of Nigeria says the killing is part of a
larger problem that the government has not properly addressed.
Beat, Strip Naked, and Parade 70-Year-Old Christian Woman. A 70-year-old Christian woman was stripped naked,
savagely beaten, and paraded in the streets of Egypt to jeers, whistles, and yells of "Allahu Akbar" after a mob of some 300
Muslim men descended on her house. Her crime? Her son is falsely accused of having a romantic relationship with a
Muslim woman, which is banned by Islamic law, or sharia — the same body of teachings that prescribes the collective
punishment of non-Muslim "infidels." Seven other Christian homes were also torched by the mob. The attacks occurred
in Minya, Upper Egypt, on May 20, a Friday — the one day of the week when Muslims congregate in mosques and
listen to sermons, and the one day of the week when most Muslim mob attacks on Christians occur.
Christians Beheaded
and Slaughtered on Easter. On Easter Sunday in Pakistan, March 27, a suicide bombing took place near the
children's rides of a public park, where Christians were known to be celebrating the resurrection of their Lord. At
least 74 people — mostly women and children — were killed and nearly 400 injured. "There was
human flesh on the walls of our house," a witness recalled. "We claim responsibility for the attack on Christians as
they were celebrating Easter," said a group affiliated with the Taliban. In a media statement, the group's spokesman
said it had "deliberately targeted the Christian community." "We had been waiting for this occasion," he said.
The "Palestine" Hoax.
Like its museum, all of Palestine is one long endless fraud. The opening of the Palestinian Museum will be attended by
President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority. Abbas was elected to a four-year term in 2005. It's been a while
since his term expired. The Palestinian Authority is just the PLO in drag. It claims authority over some territories
that it doesn't administer and has no control over. But the empty Palestinian Museum isn't about to let setbacks like a
complete lack of things to put inside its bare walls get it down. Instead it's doing what the PLO has always done in
troubled times. It's invading Beirut.
Narrative v. Fact.
No matter what "religion of peace" blather was coming out of Main Justice in Washington or the White House press apparatus,
in our New York City federal courtroom a short distance from the Twin Towers, we were not only permitted but obliged as
government attorneys to prove the truth: (a)
There are mainstream interpretations of Islam that endorse war against
non-Muslims to establish Allah's law (sharia); (b)
these are literalist interpretations that draw directly on Islamic scripture; (c)
the interpretations (Salafism, Wahhabism, Islamic supremacism — collectively, what we hopefully
refer to as "radical" Islam) are urged on young Muslims (mostly men) by influential sharia scholars like the Blind Sheikh,
whose powerful influence owes solely and only to their mastery of the doctrine; (d)
based on those incitements, these young men are radicalized into jihadism, plotting and committing acts of terrorism.
Those were the facts. Our evidence proved them incontestably.
Another Day, Another Jihad
Attack. Wherever Islam goes, so goes its ethos. The barbarity and variety of actions of Islamic extremists are
seen daily around the globe, committed under the banner of Islam, and have become so commonplace that the world has come to view
them as part and parcel of a troubled humanity. And from time to time, the world is shocked into a passing and momentary
realization of the evil deeds these Islamist robots commit... and quickly gets over it and does nothing to seriously address this
affliction of humanity. [...] In short, Islam is busy with what it did from the time of its birth, fighting non-Muslims and
infighting. Violence is the animating force of Islam. Islam is a religion born through violence, raised by violence;
it thrives on violence and dies without violence.
Flight MS804: No Random Target. Our short-attention-span security policy is a weak and brittle bulwark against
people willing to wait decades before making their move. It is vital that we understand the enemy we face and focus our
efforts correctly to identify those whose ideology renders him a source of danger. Islam doesn't have a "violence"
problem. That is merely an inevitable downstream consequence of the fundamental principle that animates Islam, that
being a devotion to achieving theological and political supremacy over all the earth and its people, as commanded by
Islam's prophet, Mohammed. This teaching is a core element of Islam and renders it poisonous to humanity. The
violent targeting of innocent non-combatants is simply the tool through which this corrosive teaching finds its expression in
reality. Consequently, any meaningful opposition to terrorist aggression must first recognize and target this teaching
as both illegitimate and illegal to propound. Central to surviving in this new era is the recognition that these
incidents are not isolated events.
Ways To Tell If Your Religion Has a Terrorism Problem. [#1] The "Surprise" Test. So, you just found out that
there was a major coordinated terrorist attack in a Western capital. There were multiple attackers, at least one suicide
bomber, and people screaming in a foreign language unique to a particular region of the world. How surprised would you be if
these people ended up being Buddhists? Jews? Christians? Now, how surprised would you be to learn that they're young
Muslim men, that they shouted in Arabic, and that they had connections with an Islamic terrorist group? Not that surprised?
'Religion of peace' is not a harmless
platitude. In France, Britain, Germany, America and nearly every other country in the world it remains government policy to
say that any and all attacks carried out in the name of Mohammed have 'nothing to do with Islam'. It was said by George W. Bush
after 9/11, Tony Blair after 7/7 and Tony Abbott after the Sydney attack last month. [...] All these leaders are wrong. In private,
they and their senior advisers often concede that they are telling a lie. The most sympathetic explanation is that they are telling
a 'noble lie', provoked by a fear that we — the general public — are a lynch mob in waiting. 'Noble' or not,
this lie is a mistake.
Coming European Islamic Super-State. This German kid will probably convert to Islam just to stop the pain and
"gain the respect" of his new masters. Note how the bully threatens to beat him every day just to harden him up and
make him a man. A similar psychological process occurs in military boot camp with new recruits. He doesn't know
it yet, but his mother and sisters are now Moslem chattel property. He won't lift a finger to defend German women; he
is a dhimmi at best. Most likely he will just convert as a matter of bare survival, but he will always be a
"second-class Muslim", even if he submits.
British Muslims Really Think. In the recent documentary "What British Muslims Really Think," which was
broadcasted on the British Channel4, on April 13, Phillips analyses the results of what he said in an article in the Times,
before the documentary was aired, was "the most detailed and comprehensive survey of British Muslims' opinions so far".
The documentary deals with how Muslims in Britain relate to, including non-Muslims, women, homosexuality, polygamy and
sharia. The survey shows that 23 percent of Britain's more than 3 million Muslims would favor the introduction of
sharia law, and that over half of them want to ban homosexuality. Also it shows that at least 100,000 Muslims in
Britain show sympathy with violent jihad and terrorism.
of Shia protesters invade Baghdad's Green Zone, tearing down the blast walls and breaking into Iraq's parliament. Hundreds of
supporters of Shi'ite Muslim cleric Moqtada al-Sadr stormed into Baghdad's Green Zone and broke into the Iraqi parliament building. The
protesters, who had gathered outside the heavily fortified district, known as the Green Zone, crossed a bridge over the Tigris River chanting:
'The cowards ran away!' in apparent reference to departing lawmakers before breaking into the parliament building. The staggering scenes came
after Sadr denounced Iraq's politicians' for their failure to reform a political quota system blamed for rampant corruption.
NYC to TSA: Drop Dead.
Remember that a handful of mostly Saudi Muslims brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 — and the Bush administration,
therefore, decided to punish all 300 million Americans in response, while continuing to hold hands with the desert savages who call
themselves a "royal family."
Christians under attack by
Muslim migrants. The biggest cover-up in Europe today could be a peek at the United States of tomorrow —
especially if the leftists trying to force our borders open to millions of Muslim refugees have their way. It's not being
widely reported in the media, and even the police have been practically ordered to look away. But a new report shows how
the attempt to assimilate hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees is failing — because many of them are already
committing the same types of atrocities they claim to have fled.
ISIS kill 16
Real Madrid fans in massacre at supporters club headquarters. A group of Islamic State terrorists armed with
AK-47s attacked the headquarters of a Real Madrid supporters club — because 'they don't like football'. Three gunmen
opened fire around midnight at the Al Furat cafe in Balad, 50 miles north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. It is believed
at least 16 people — mainly Real Madrid fans but also cafe staff and other customers — were killed more
than 20 people injured.
All Faiths are Equal. Few religions chattelize all women, sanction the taking of all and any female child or
adult as fit booty after unprovoked aggressions aimed at wresting land and money and valuables from innocent civilians
doing no one any harm. No Protestant sect advises the mutilation of female genitalia, the forced donning of
impenetrable, crippling body bags to ensure that men cannot gaze on a workaday female going about her daily rounds.
Judaism has no brief with forced conversions under pain of death or the payment of vast sums of Jizzya to 'apologize' for
not converting.
envoy says more than 50 mass graves found in parts of Iraq re-taken from ISIS. A top U.N. envoy in Iraq said
Friday more than 50 mass graves have been found in Iraq territory that was once held by the Islamic State. Jan Kubis
told the U.N. Security Council that three of the 50 graves were found on April 19 in the soccer grounds area of
Ramadi. Kubis said that ISIS "remains a formidable and determined enemy that constantly adjusts its tactics and attack
patterns," and used the discovery as an example. The most recently discovered graves found in Ramadi in April might
contain the remains of up to 40 people.
minister says many Muslims 'danced' after attacks. Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon said Saturday that a
"significant" part of the Muslim population celebrated attacks, blaming the country's policies for failing to integrate
migrants into society. He did not explicitly refer to last month's jihadist attacks on Brussels' airport and metro
system that killed 32 people[.] "A significant section of the Muslim community danced when attacks took place,"
Jambon said in an interview with the Flemish-language De Standaard newspaper.
"Refugee" Said He Wanted Better Accomodations So He Burned Down the Hotel [in which] He Was Staying. The German
media reported this story as a "racist" attack against the "poor refugees," but they were forced into shame when they
discovered that the arson fire which severely damaged the hotel and nearly killed several people was actually a selfish,
26-year-old Muslim who wanted better lodging. Of course no apology was given to the people the German media slandered,
let alone to the hotel owner.
Belgian Jihadi Carried
Material Used to Infect People with Typhoid and Cholera. One of the Brussels Muslim terrorists was carrying
material that could be used to infect people with fatal illnesses like typhoid and cholera. Authorities, of course, are
playing down the threat posed by material. Dirty bombs, biological warfare — this is the future our enemy
has planned for us. Our leadership's response — protect and defend Islam at all costs, no matter what the
human toll. What is primary in the minds and actions of our political leaders is never to associate Islamic terror with Islam.
Muslim gangs videotape attacks on infidels in Minnesota. More attacks by Somali Muslims, including on very
young children and older people. As can be expected — you haven't heard a peep from cowards like Holder or
Ellison, or thugs like Obama, CAIR, and the ACLU. We just posted on this same Somali Muslim street jihad happening in
Maine — Muslims beat, rob, and steal from infidels — for the thrill of it. [Video clip]
Either you let us build our house of worship, or we will kill all of you! Greek
government fear they will be at risk of terrorist attack if a proposed mosque is not built in Athens. The Greek
government fears it could be subjected to terror attacks if a taxpayer-funded mosque is not constructed in Athens.
Officials claim it would allow Muslims to practise their religion under the auspices of a centrally-appointed imam that would
ensure it does not stray into extremism. This would be preferable to the dozens of basements in the capital which have
been converted into makeshift mosques by Muslim migrants, they added.
driver admits killing fellow Muslim who wished Christians happy Easter. A taxi driver accused of murdering Asad
Shah today admitted he killed the Glasgow shopkeeper because he was 'disrespecting the Prophet Muhammad'. Tanveer Ahmed,
32, had his lawyer John Rafferty read a prepared statement outside court following his client's appearance at the city's High Court
this afternoon [4/6/2016]. In it, Ahmed stated that he killed family man Mr Shah, 40, because he claimed to be a prophet.
Project" — The Islamic plan of conquest nobody payed attention to. We were warned about the current
situation way back in 2005, when FrontPage Magazine wrote about "The project," an Islamic plot to take over the world.
Of course, in 2005, FrontPage Magazine was not widely known and had no Facebook page, and mainstream media was not interested
at all. So here it is, what the West should have been aware of, but wasn't: [...]
Busting Dumb Clichés About
Terrorism. The public organs often say that 'radical clerics' cause 'radicalization' or that otherwise ordinary Muslims
become 'radicalized' after watching too many cool beheadings on Youtube and reading too many Al Qaeda PDFs. The responsible
press people want to do this to draw a distinction between peaceful, law-abiding Muslims and the types of people who detonate nail
bombs next to baby carriages in airports. This is a foolish distinction to draw. Terrorism is a disquieting demonstration
of power that synergizes well with instantaneous global communications technology. It can make people in Chicago nervous from a
small explosion thousands of miles and an ocean away. The bomb isn't just a bomb: it's a media event. [...] The terrorists
are just dramatizing what's going on over a longer period of time in an instant.
We are facing an
unprecedented age of terror. A story is beginning to emerge that becomes clearer over time. Asad Shah, the
40-year-old shopkeeper in Glasgow, was a deeply-loved man who represented all that is good in religious faith. His crime
was to wish his Christian friends and customers a happy Easter. He wanted to express gratitude to a Christian nation
that had given him and his family a home where he could practise his faith without fear. He was an Amaddiya, member of an
Islamic sect regarded by some Muslims as heretical. He was murdered, it seems, not just to silence him but to intimidate
others who might have followed him on the path to religious tolerance. One must not forget that of the hundreds of Muslims
dying daily, the majority are at the hands of fellow Muslims.
Missionaries of Charity: The Nuns Killed by Islamic State Jihadists. The four nuns running a nursing home in
Aden, Yemen, killed by the Islamic State earlier this month, belonged to the Missionaries of Charity, established by Blessed
Mother Teresa. The Islamic State attacked the center, described as "the only Christian presence in the region," killing
four nuns and abducting Father Tom Uzhunnalil, who also worked at the facility, in mid-March. The jihadists tied the nuns
up, shot them, and "smashed their heads," according to reports. Father Uzhunnalil's whereabouts are unknown, though reports
have surfaced that he may have been crucified on Good Friday.
shopkeeper murdered in suspected 'religiously prejudiced' attack after posting on Facebook of love for Christians. A popular
shopkeeper was stabbed to death by another Muslim in a "religiously prejudiced" attack hours after posting an Easter message on Facebook to
"my beloved Christian nation". Asad Shah, 40, a devout Muslim originally from the Pakistani city of Rabwah, had his head stamped on
during a savage attack, according to one eyewitness. Around four hours earlier the victim wrote online: "Good Friday and a
very Happy Easter, especially to my beloved Christian nation.["]
Shah: Fundraising page for Muslim shopkeeper killed in 'racially prejudiced' murder receives £22,000 in donations. A
fundraising page set up by the devastated customers of a much-loved Muslim shopkeeper who was killed in a "religiously prejudiced" attack
has so far received more than £22,000 in donations to support his family. Asad Shah, 40, was found seriously injured in the
street outside his shop in Shawlands, Glasgow, just after 9pm on Thursday [3/24/2016], and later died in hospital. He is believed to
have been stabbed and stamped to death.
of Islamic Supremacism. With no hope of winning an argument on the facts, demagogues resort to the argument ad
hominem. Too often, it works. And in the modern "progressive" West, no demagogic tactic works better than branding
one's political adversaries as racists. That is why the Muslim Brotherhood, the world's most influential Islamic-supremacist
organization, dreamed up the term "Islamophobia." It is why Western progressives, stalwart allies of the Brotherhood,
have lustily embraced the Islamophobia smear tactic — even sought to engrave it in our law, in brazen violation of the
First Amendment.
The true reason
there are no "moderate" Muslim armies killing ISIS terrorists. If Muslim governments go to war against ISIS,
there is a good possibility that their armies will not kill ISIS but might actually join them against Arab
governments. This is why: The ultimate holy goal of Islam, both "moderate" and "radical," is to reestablish the
Islamic Khalifate and control the world. That is the goal of jihad. Historically all Islamic States were
established by the sword, terror and violence. Even Mohammed himself established his first Islamic political entity
in Arabia through the sword, violence and terror. Mohammed himself said in a hadith "I have been victorious through
terror." His followers took the sword, terror and beheading throughout Arabia to bring Arabs back to Islam after the
death of Mohammed. Historically, Islam never created and maintained a Khalifate without the sword and the cruel
punishments of Sharia. So the fact that ISIS is violent does not disqualify it in the eyes of Sharia from doing
holy jihad in the name of Allah.
Muslims on social media scream "Allahu akbar," celebrate Brussels jihad mass murders, "tears of joy". They love
bloodshed and death, and Europe has invited them in large numbers to come to their continent and spread more of both. The
political elites brought millions of these invaders into Europe. Obama wants to do the same in America, while excoriating
liberty-loving Americans and saying that it is anti-Muslim to oppose his treacherous plans. After these monstrous acts,
world leaders proclaim "we are at war" and do nothing. And my colleagues and I continue to be blacklisted and
marginalized, despite being right about it all.
Muslims in the West Are a Ticking Time Bomb, Increasingly Sympathising with Radicals, Terror. [There are]
roughly three quarters of a million terror-sympathising people in the UK. The number rises for younger British
Muslims — a sure sign that radicalisation through schools, mosques, and prisons (often via Saudi-funded groups) is
creating a long-term problem in Europe. Thirty-one percent of younger British Muslims endorsed or excused the 7/7
bombings of 2005, with just 14 percent of those over 45 doing so. Twenty-seven per cent of those polled in the United
Kingdom say they had sympathy with the attacks on Charlie Hebdo — the French satirical magazine that published cartoons
of the Muslim prophet Muhammed last year, with 78 percent supporting punishment for the publication of cartoons featuring
Muhammed and 68 percent supporting the arrest and prosecution of British people who "insult Islam."
Europe's Breeding
Ground for Terror. Belgians and all Europeans are looking around themselves today with renewed apprehension,
having been reminded once more by the attacks in Brussels about their vulnerability to terrorism that arises from within
their midst. They've allowed parallel societies to emerge, and now they fear that the problem can only grow. It was only
fitting, for example, that when police arrested the suspected terrorist Salah Abdeslam in the gritty Molenbeek neighborhood of
Brussels late last week, across town, European Union leaders were meeting at the plush EU Commission headquarters to discuss
the immigration crisis that bedevils Europe.
We Ready for Reality after the Brussels Terror Attacks? Are progressives going to murder our children with
their political correctness? Brutal as that sounds, that's a serious question we must all be asking ourselves after the
terror attacks in Brussels. Everyone knows such events could easily happen here (where our population dwarfs Belgium's and
therefore opens us to a far greater catastrophe numerically) and yet our progressive and liberal friends — even
and especially the moral narcissists running for the Democratic presidential nomination — refuse to name radical
Islam as the perpetrator of the attacks. Let alone Islam itself, the true culprit.
Islam — Facts or Dreams?
[Scroll down] One of the first things I learned concerned the leader of the terror cell, Omar Abdel Rahman, infamously known as the Blind Sheikh.
Our government was portraying him as a wanton killer who was lying about Islam by preaching that it summoned Muslims to jihad or holy war.
Far from a lunatic, however, he turned out to be a globally renowned scholar — a doctor of Islamic jurisprudence who graduated from al-Azhar
University in Cairo, the seat of Sunni Islamic learning for over a millennium. His area of academic expertise was sharia -- Islamic law.
I immediately began to wonder why American officials from President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno on down, officials who had no
background in Muslim doctrine and culture, believed they knew more about Islam than the Blind Sheikh.
and Riots Break Out in Molenbeek After Paris Terror Suspect's Arrest. The most wanted terrorist in Europe, considered
the mastermind in November's multi-targeted attack in Paris that left 130 people dead, was arrested Friday [3/18/2016] by Belgian
authorities. But residents in the Molenbeek district of Brussels, where Saleh Abdeslam was captured, didn't breathe a sigh of
relief. Within hours, the district, which has a majority Muslim population, erupted into riots. Dozens of Abdeslam's
fans attacked police with bottles, stones, and other objects, local press reported, angered by the arrest of their "hero."
scream 'Allah Akbar' and kill 12 people at Ivory Coast beach resort. Suspected al Qaeda gunmen who stormed a
popular tourist resort in the Ivory Coast killing at least 16 people reportedly were targeting a U.S. delegation led by the
assistant commerce secretary. According to Fox News, Assistant Secretary of Commerce Marcus Jadotte is visiting the country to
lead a group of Americans in Grand-Bassam that included college recruiters from the University of Florida. Also included in that
group were U.S. embassy officials from the capital city of Abidjan, Fox News reported.
Islam's Hatred of Dogs and Cruelty to
Animals. This special episode of The Glazov Gang was joined by Dr. Peter Hammond, the founder of Frontline Fellowship.
Dr. Hammond came on the show to discuss Islam's Hatred of Dogs and Cruelty to Animals, examining the Islamic theological foundations that inspire
a hatred of and sadism toward animals. [Video clip]
Keywords: sodomy, perversion, transvestites, pederasty. 'They prefer boys in Afghanistan':
RT unveils documentary about 'dancing bachas' recruited for sex. In Afghanistan women are forbidden to dance in
public. Local men suffer — they want entertainment and sex at any cost. RT talked to "bachas", boys dressed
as women who dance for older men at male-only parties, and "playboys", the bosses who recruit them. A private party usually
ends up with guests bidding for a night with the 'bacha' (a 'boy' in Farsi).
4 nuns,
12 others killed in 'diabolical' attack on elderly home in Yemen. There are few places in Yemen —
homes, schools, hospitals — that haven't been scarred by the ongoing war ravaging that Arab nation. And now, a
home for the elderly run by Catholic missionaries is among them. The Vatican on Saturday reported the murder of four
Missionaries of Charity members plus 12 others at an elderly facility in the port city of Aden. According to an official
Vatican News report, gunmen burst into the building Friday, went room-to-room handcuffing victims, then shot all 16 in the head.
of Christians (By Muslims) In Nigeria Has Increased By 62%. The killing of Christians in northern Nigeria has
increased by 62% in just one year. The 2016 World Watch List shows a staggering 62% increase in violent killings of
Christians in northern Nigeria as churches in Nigeria unite to highlight this problem for the first time. A report to be
released in Abuja by Open Doors and the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), 'Crushed but not defeated, the impact of
persistent violence on the church in northern Nigeria', makes a detailed study of the violence that has occurred.
Nanny From Hell Parades Through The Streets Of Moscow With Child's Severed Head. She took a knife and went into
the child's room. While she lay quietly in her bed, this monster beheaded her. She then proceeded to set fire to the flat
before she took the child's head in a bag and left to roam the streets of Moscow. Some say she walked for an hour with the
head of the child held by the hair, periodically holding it at her side or holding it up. She shouted Allahu Akbar
and claimed to be a terrorist. Yet, no one took her down during that time. Finally, the police tackled the woman
outside a subway station and others rushed to restrain her.
The Mullahs Execute Every Man in an
Entire Village. Where is the professional journalism the mainstream media keeps talking about? While they have been focusing on
Iran's artificial democratic elections, the mainstream liberal outlets seem to have intentionally ignored one of the most heinous and egregious acts
that the ruling mullahs of Iran committed during the elections. The Islamist henchmen of the Islamic Republic executed every man in a village
in the province Sistan-Baluchestan, according to the latest report coming from Iran. Shahindokht Molaverdi, the vice president for women and
family affairs, called for increased protection for the families of the executed as she claimed to a Persian news outlet that "We have a village in
Sistan-Baluchestan (province) where every single man has been executed."
Beheads 4-Year-Old, Shouts, "Allahu Akbar. I Am A Terrorist". Russia's dirty little secret is that there are huge numbers of
illegal Muslim migrants in Moscow. And I do mean huge numbers. But anyway it can't have a thing to do with Islam.
["]The motive for the killing is unknown and the woman is undergoing psychiatric testing to see if she is mentally sound or
aware of the crime she had committed, authorities said.["] Right. Even though she stated exactly what she is
and why she did it. Not a thing to do with Islam.
Just Beheaded 2 Toddlers, What They Were 'Guilty' Of Is Unfathomable. Sources told the National Iraqi News
Agency that Islamists within the group inflicted their most heinous punishment on two innocent children last week. The
witnesses, who remain unnamed out for their own protection, were horrified when ISIS militants brutally executed two toddlers
in the public square. [...] The witnesses explained that the execution was unlike any other they'd seen, still reeling from
the bloody spectacle. However, the only reason these two babies were brutally beheaded is because their terrified parents
attempted to flee the city with them. [...] As these atrocities go unchallenged, the liberal left and its Muslim apologists
have nothing but excuses, seeking only to defend Islam's historically sordid reputation. However, its own religious
texts prove just how inherent this particular violence is.
in refugee camp sees 100 migrants attack each other with chairs and bins after Syrian girl refused to wear a headscarf. Some 100 migrants rioted in a
refugee camp in Belgium after Syrian and Iraqi migrants clashed with Afghans because a young girl was not wearing a headscarf. The young Syrian girl at the
centre of the dispute had been targeted by the Afghans for days over her refusal to wear the headscarf, an item of modesty clothing often enforced in Islamic
countries. But when she was defended by her fellow Syrians, a riot erupted which saw the groups of migrants attacking each other with rubbish bins, chairs
and broomsticks.
Islamic State's latest shock tactic: Showing children on suicide missions. The boy appears to be no older than 12. He
hugs his father, climbs into an armored vehicle packed with explosives, then kisses his father's hand before departing on a mission that
ends in a fireball on the horizon. That attack in Aleppo last month was one of at least 89 cases over the past year in which the
Islamic State employed children or teenagers in suicide missions, according to new research that indicates the terrorist group is sending
youths to their deaths in greater and greater numbers.
This Is How Boko
Haram Is Trying To Turn Captives Into Suicide Bombers. It began with efforts to erase all sense of identity. Minutes after Boko
Haram fighters stormed into Michika, a speck of a town in northeastern Nigeria, they singled out all the teenaged girls and herded them onto trucks.
The terrified prisoners were told their names would be changed. Those who protested had their throats slit.
'beheads teenage boys for listening to pop music and missing Friday prayers'. According to ARA News, a 15-year-old boy named Ayham Hussein was
caught during a patrol by Isis fighters, listening to music in his father's grocery store. A spokesman for the Kurdish Nineveh media center was quoted
by ARA News as saying the boy was listening to "Western music". "He was referred to the Sharia Court, which issued a decision to execute him."
The Jinn is out of the bottle. Americans and Europeans need to stop acting surprised when Muslims behave like Muslims.
They are acting according to what the Qur'an says to do. It's there in plain sight for anyone to read. And its ultimate
aim is conquest and complete domination of any other culture but Islam. Winston Churchill referred to it as a "militant and
proselytizing faith."
American Muslims, Can We Have An Honest Talk? [Scroll down] That being said, switching gears, the second dumbest thing I've ever
heard is robotically repeating, "Islam is a religion of peace," every time radical Muslims murder someone because of their religion. We know
these radicals are murdering people because of their religion since they go out of their way to tell us this. You can certainly argue that
groups like ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas and Boko Haram are misinterpreting Islam or perverting the Koran, but that doesn't change the fact that
they are Muslims who believe they're being faithful to their religion as they rape, murder, and enslave the innocent in the name of Allah.
Worse yet, a significant minority of Muslims across the world agree with what they're doing.
U.N. to Obama BFF Iran: Hey, if you could
stop raping and executing 9-year olds, that would be greaaaaaaaaat. The U.N. body charged with protecting the rights of children has told the
government of Iran that its laws allowing sex with girls as young as 9-years-old and capital punishment of minors must be changed. The U.N. Committee
on the Rights of the Child announced it's condemnation of Iran's practices Thursday [2/4/2016] after 18 experts completed a review of 14 countries,
including Iran. Iran's current law allows the state to execute minors for capital crimes, a violation of international agreements as well as the
forced marriage of young girls.
Reality TV: Obama at the Mosque. [Scroll down]
Ever since the late 1960s, Muslim terrorism has been a growing part of the international mosaic. Remember all the airplane hijacks four decades ago that
spawned the intrusive international airport security and screening? What about Munich? The bombing of Pan Am flight 103? The Achille
Lauro? The first World Trade Center attack? 9-11? Indonesian bombings in Bali and Jakarta?? Boston? San Bernardino? These
are the more prominent of thousands of terrorist attacks mounted not, as liberal Bill Maher has reminded us, by blond Swedish women, but by Muslims.
The Peace of Submission.
During the Cold War, the Soviet Union funded "peace movements" throughout the west — because for the Soviets "peace" meant
"the absence of opposition". In our time the new peace movement is Islam. And so we are told today, from the podium of a
mosque with "extremist" "links", that the very word Islam means "peace". Actually, it means "submission" — ie, the
absence of opposition. The only difference between then and now is that instead of being chanted by scrofulous hippies
protesting outside a Nato air base the old line's being peddled to us by the President of the United States.
Bishops of Ghana: Ex-Gitmo Prisoners Are 'Time-Bombs' — 'Send These Men Back'. In reference to two
former Guantanamo Bay prisoners who were transferred to Ghana in West Africa, the Catholic Bishops' Conference there said it
was a "wrong and dangerous" decision, that the two men were "not refugees but time-bombs" who clearly "pose a threat," and
that the government should send them "back to wherever they came from." In a statement with the headline, "Accepting
Former Guantanamo Bay Prisoners in Ghana: Wrong and Dangerous," the Bishops' Conference noted that the ex-Gitmo prisoner
Mahmoud Omar Mohammed Bin Atef used to fight for Osama bin Laden, and the other ex-prisoner, Khalid Shayk Mohammed, had trained
with Al Qaeda.
Burned Alive But Obama Will Ignore It. Muslim jihadists under the banner of Boko Haram slaughtered Christian
children and elderly in an attack in a Nigerian village. You will not hear Barack Obama speak about this or, if by some
remote chance that he does, he will not mention the motive which is Christian genocide. Instead he will attend a Mosque
known for its radical connections and fret over the imaginary Islamophobia problem. The gunmen, according to survivors,
invaded the village using dozens of motorbikes, a truck and light armoured tank. They also set the whole village of about
1000 houses ablaze during the attack.
Haram burns kids alive in Nigeria, 86 dead. Members of the radical Islamist group Boko Haram burned children
alive as part of an assault in Nigeria that killed 86 people, a survivor of the attack alleged. The incident happened
Saturday night in the village of Dalori in northeastern Nigeria. Two nearby camps housing 25,000 people who have fled Boko
Haram were also attacked. The Associated Press said it spoke to a survivor who said he watched Boko Haram extremists firebomb
huts and heard the screams of children burning to death.
GITMO Is Now a Muslim
Resort. Obama paints an unrealistically rosy picture of our enemies and views Republicans and US allies as the
enemy which is why his decisions are dangerous. GITMO will be closed unlawfully by Obama and it's one more bad decision
according to an Army Major who served at GITMO who says it's been turned into a country club for the terrorists. Four
Republican senators want to prevent Obama from emptying out GITMO by the end of this year and want to cut off foreign aid to
the receiving countries if the prisoners we send them escape. They are proposing legislation to do exactly that.
Major Granger called the senators heroes. The prisoners are the worst of the worst. They have DOD dockets thirty
pages long and 30% of these terrorists are returning to the battlefield, some as leaders, he said, and we don't know what
happened to the other 70%.
The Terrorist Groups' Interpretation of the Koranic
Verses Regarding Jihad. This paper examines how jihadi organizations are using verses from the Koran to advance the cause of
jihad and influence Muslim youth. In doing so, it sheds light on how liberal arguments regarding Islam, jihad, and Prophet Muhammad's
historical role are being countered by the jihadi organizations, which cite verses from the Koran and early Islamic traditions in their support.
Sharia Is Incompatible with American Values. You and I don't like sharia, while hundreds of millions love it. [...] It's time
to go deeper and figure out what's happening in us that makes us recoil at it. ISIS and many Islamic nations believe, because original
Islam teaches, the following: • Mosque and state are not separate. • Apostasy, or leaving Islam,
is outlawed up to the penalty of death. • Speaking against Islam is outlawed up to the penalty of death.
• Jihad or qital (military war only) to force conversions or submit to a tax is allowed. • Having sex with
female prisoners of war is allowed. • Drinkers and gamblers may be flogged. • Adulterers and
fornicators may be flogged (and adulterers may be stoned to death). • Bearing false witness about sexual sin (a "crime"
in Islam) can incur flogging. • Homosexuals may be flogged or executed. • A woman inherits half
of what a man does. • Domestic violence is allowed. • A woman's testimony counts as half of a
man's testimony. • A man may divorce his wife by pronouncing three times "you are divorced" outside a court of law,
and the divorce is legal and final.
From Within: Terrorist Recruiting Video Uses Black Lives Matter Talking Points. [Scroll down] After the video repeats the Black
Lives Matter messaging and tells black Americans that they are oppressed victims, the video makes an explicit pitch to black Americans: become
a Muslin and follow sharia law. [...] Now that you're a Muslim, what's next? Later in the video, Al Shabaab supplies the answer —
either start jihad in America or leave America.
Weekend round of the religion of war. The marriage between
Islamic supremacism and Western dhimmitude does not appear headed for divorce any time soon. The rise of Islam and the collapse of the West continue apace. With
the exception of one or two stories from earlier in the week, noted [in this article] is a sampling from the past 72 hours that exposes the madness that is washing over
the West without relent.
The Left's Problem with Nature and Logic.
[Scroll down] In short, it is our ability to recognize patterns and amend our behavior and expectations that fosters progress today, just as it was a hundred,
a thousand, and many thousands of years ago. Is it not, therefore, the most damning of facts that the "progressive" left appears to find no usefulness in
logically appraising and acting upon the patterns we routinely observe? Rather, they buck every natural compulsion by not only ignoring patterns, but by
acting in direct defiance of logic and survival instincts that we humans have inherited. How else can one describe a group who could read a report that
shows that 450 out of 452 (or 99.6% of) suicide terror attacks in 2015 were perpetrated by Muslims and carried out in the name of Allah, only to insist that
Muslims are not uniquely linked to global terrorism?
Somehow this writer managed to avoid using the word Islamic when describing Islamic violence. Campaign
to eradicate polio requires courage in the face of extremist ideology and violence. The polio assaults in
Pakistan have been driven by multiple claims, including complaints about U.S. drones, suspicions and anger about the fake
house-to-house vaccination campaign used by the CIA in Pakistan to confirm the location of Usama Bin Laden, and overall
suspicion and rejection of a global health effort perceived to be inspired and directed by the West. Should we believe
them? In vaccine safety science, when there is an "adverse event" which is suspected to be related to the vaccination,
one of the factors investigated is the "background rates." In other words, how do the rates of these symptoms compare
among similar populations without vaccination?
issue of ISIS magazine Dabiq calls for war on Muslims. The latest issue of Islamic State's online magazine targets the terror
group's fellow Muslims even more than the West. Dabiq, as the English-language publication is called, devotes a majority of the
56 pages in the latest issue to justifying the killing of Shia Muslims. In numerous articles, the magazine goes to great lengths
to give a theological basis for killing members of the minority Muslim sect that controls Iran and Iraq and has been at odds with Sunni
Muslims for over a millennia.
Wilders: Delusional Britain Would Rather Ban Donald Trump Than Confront Unpleasant Facts. Welcome, Donald Trump, in the company of Pamela
Geller, Robert Spencer and myself. Both Pamela, Robert and myself have been banned from entering the United Kingdom. In my case, it happened
on February 12, 2009. Two highly respected members of the British House of Lords, Lady Caroline Cox and Lord Malcolm Pearson, had invited me
to show my 2008 documentary Fitna to members of the House in a conference room of the parliament building in Westminster. Fitna is a
movie, juxtaposing Koranic versed calling for violence with footage of terrorist attacks and other violent deeds these verses inspired. Fitna,
as well as my view that Islam, rather than a religion, is primarily a totalitarian political ideology aiming for world domination, has resulted in
several death threats against my person.
A public service announcement: Curtailing Jihad.
[Scroll down] Learn basic tactics for handling workplace shootings. [...] Stay informed about Jihadi tactics and targeting.
As with anything else, these evolve and change over time. [...] Learn the warning signs of Islamist conversion: Muslim clothing,
unkempt beards (or niqabs for women), sudden devotion to daily prayers, hostility and belligerence to kaffirs of all types, but Jews
in particular. Do not ignore these signs.
cleric arrested in Pakistan for inciting teenager to saw off hand. A Muslim cleric has been arrested in
Pakistan on terror charges after a teenage boy he accused of blasphemy responded by sawing off his own hand. Anwar Ali,
15, performed the act of self-amputation with a scythe after attending a religious gathering in his local mosque last Monday
[1/11/2016]. Shabir Ahmed challenged anyone who did not love the prophet Muhammad, the most revered figure in Islam, to
raise their hand. The boy misunderstood the question and put his hand up, prompting a chorus of shouts from those attending
the Milad, a traditional event where songs and poems praising Muhammad are performed.
who cut off 'blasphemous hand' says he has no regrets. [15-year-old] Qaiser took his drastic action after mistakenly raising his hand when an imam asked if
anyone present did not believe in the teachings of Islam's holy prophet Mohammed. Although the story has horrified an international audience, it has made fewer waves
in Pakistan where blasphemy remains an offence punishable by death — whether delivered by courts or mobs. Amputating his own hand may have saved his life.
Muslim teen cuts off
[his] own hand as 'blasphemy' penance. The Pakistani teen accused of blasphemy in front of his mosque said he used a
grass-cutting machine to chop off his right hand as penance — and felt no pain as he delivered the severed mitt to his imam
because he needed to atone. "Why should I feel any pain or trouble in cutting off the hand that was raised against the Holy
Prophet?" the 15-year-old told the BBC from his village in Punjab province.
The Editor says...
You see, Islam is all about punishment and bloodshed, whereas Christianity is about forgiveness and reconciliation. In Christianity, the
blood of Jesus has paid for your sin, so it is no longer necessary to sacrifice animals to pay your debt to God. Under Islam, your life is
a series of self-flagellations, uncomfortable rituals, pilgrimages and guilt trips. If you screw up, you have to chop off your own hand.
If your own daughter is a disgrace to your family, you have to kill her. Islam is a religion that leads its followers to violence, perpetual
war, and untimely death.
Blame Terror on Everyone but
Terrorists! There is hardly anything surprising in the way Turkey's Islamist leaders and their officials in the
clergy diagnose jihadist terror: Blame it on everyone except the terrorists. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the
inventor of the theory that "there is no Islamic terror," recently warned that "rising racism and enmity against Islam in
Europe[an] and other countries" will cause great tragedies — like the Paris attacks. Put in another way,
Erdogan is telling the free world that Muslims will kill even more people "à la Paris" if they face Islamophobia in
the non-Muslim countries they have chosen to attack. This reasoning, in simple order of logic, means that Muslims will
not kill innocent civilians in terror attacks if they do NOT face Islamophobia. That is not a convincing argument.
2015 terror attacks a 'dress rehearsal' for 2016, experts say. The January 2015 attacks on satirical magazine
Charlie Hebdo — which had angered many by publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in 2006 — was the
first in three days of attacks that claimed a total of 17 lives. On November 13, gunmen in Paris killed
130 people in a series of coordinated attacks, the deadliest assault on French soil since World War II. As bad
as the carnage was, many experts agree that with the number of attacks on a definite upward swing, the threat will get much
worse in the coming year.
Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam's Problems Here. The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian
cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year's Eve, German women faced
attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German
officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with
up to 1,000 attackers involved. As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend"
in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita
in the world." Britain's horrifying Rotherham rape scandal — where 1,400 children were systematically raped and
abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye — still shocks the conscience.
tells Western supporters to wear aftershave and Christian crosses while plotting new Paris-style attacks.
Militants fighting for Isis in Syria and Iraq have issued a chilling guide advising would-be jihadis living in the West on
how to avoid security services while plotting Paris-style attacks. The 58-page English-language manual, which has been
published online, tells fanatics to wear trim their beards, wear Western-style aftershave and even pretend to be Christians
by wearing cross necklaces in order to avoid arousing suspicion. The document is titled 'Safety and Security Guidelines
for Lone Wolf Mujahideen' and explains not only how militants can avoid having a plot thwarted by Western security officials,
but also suggests potential targets to attack.
Worlds Collide: Unassimilable Muslim Migrants Crash Europe's Fantasy Islam. What happens when the West's fantasy Islam collides
with the reality of an imported critical mass of unassimilated — and defiantly unassimilable — Muslims? Cologne
happens. Nor is it only Cologne. That was just Ground Zero of the New Year's Eve rape jihad in Germany. As National Review's
Ian Tuttle notes in an alarming column about the predictable — and, if I may say, predicted — surge of sexual assault in
a Europe overrun by "migrants," the jihad included similar episodes, albeit on a smaller scale, in Stuttgart, Hamburg, and even astride the
Brandenburg gate in Berlin.
Crimes Across Germany: The Coverup Unravels. Britain's Daily Mail must be one of the world's oddest news sources, but
occasionally it does some good original reporting. That is the case with respect to its coverage of the epidemic of sexual assault
that has erupted across Germany: [...] The common denominator, of course, is that the attackers were recent Islamic immigrants, most of
them apparently "refugees."
member executes his mother for urging him to leave group. An Islamic State militant executed his mother in public in the Syrian city of
Raqqa because she had encouraged him to leave the group, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Friday [1/8/2016]. The woman in her
40s had warned her son that a US-backed alliance would wipe out Islamic State and had encouraged him to leave the city with her. She was detained
after he informed the group of her comments, according to the British-based Observatory, which monitors the war through a network of sources on the ground.
New Year gang assaults: Mayor says women should have code of conduct to prevent future assault. The Mayor of
Cologne said today that women should adopt a "code of conduct" to prevent future assault at a crisis meeting following the
sexual attack of women by 1000 men on New Year's eve. Mayor Henriette Reker attended an emergency meeting with Chief of
Police Wolfgang Albers and Wolfgang Wurm to discuss how to deal with the attack, where dozens of women were repeatedly touched
and groped, with one case of alleged rape in the center of town.
of Cologne: Women should follow a "code of conduct" to stop themselves from being attacked by mobs of Middle Eastern
men. A sadly inevitable next chapter in the now infamous New Year's attacks. The eternal question: Who's
assimilating whom? [...] Not only is she [the mayor of Cologne] blaming the victims, she's not remotely engaged with the reality of
what happened. How are you supposed to keep an "arm's length" when you're surrounded by a group of degenerates who, police
suspect, showed up at the train station specifically intending to assault people?
victim of Cologne 'African and Arab' sex mob reveals how she and her friends were surrounded by 30 men and groped. Police fear
the violence in Cologne may be linked to a known criminal gang who use sexual assault as a means of distraction, as more than 100 women
have so far reported being assaulted. Two more victims have spoken out today on German TV, after they were sexually assaulted and
attacked with fireworks during the city's New Year's Eve celebrations. One woman, known only as Jenny, suffered serious burns when a
firework was shoved into the hood she was wearing.
Year's Migrant Sex Assault In Every Major German City. German capital city Berlin has joined the sad parade of
cities touched by migrant sex violence on New Year's Eve, with hundreds of assaults now reported to police in Cologne and
other cities. Although on a smaller scale to the unrestrained and un-policed sex attacks in Cologne, the Berliner
Morgenpost has now reported on assaults taking place on the street "in front of the Brandenburg gate".
The Doorman's Story. Ivan Jurcevic is a
Croatian immigrant who works as a doorman (or perhaps a bouncer) at a hotel on the Hauptbahnhof Platz in Cologne. On New Year's Eve
(Silvester) he had a front row seat for the culturally enriched events that have now become notorious throughout Germany and the rest of the
Western world. In the following interview, Mr. Jurcevic gives an account of what he witnessed that night, and how he did his best to
help women who were menaced, harassed, and molested by the "youths" who took over the main train station: [...]
Immigrants Conduct Military Scale Sexual Assault Against German Women. As reported by the Dutch media source
Elsevier, on New Year's Eve a large number of German women were physically and sexually assaulted in Cologne by a horde of
Muslims, possibly numbering over 1,000. [...] Police Chief Wolfgang Albers's characterization of the event as a new dimension
of violence is an understatement. Far beyond criminal in nature, it was a military scale assault in a major German city with
a population of over 1 million conducted almost certainly by male North African Muslim "immigrants" [some actually in possession
of assylum [sic] documents] against non-Muslim women — a class often referred to within immigrant Islamic culture as
"fresh meat." Of note, such brutality is thoroughly consistent with the Shari'a.
sex harassment in Helsinki at New Year, Finnish police report. Asylum seekers who met in central Helsinki to
celebrate New Years's Eve "had similar plans" to commit sexual assault and other crimes as those who targeted women in the
Germany city of Cologne, Finnish Police have reported. Three Iraqi asylum seekers have been arrested for committing
sexual assaults during the celebrations in the city's Senate Square, where some 20,000 had gathered.
in Germany fear backlash after sex assaults. When asylum seeker Asim Vllaznim heard about the New Year's Eve
spate of sexual attacks in Germany, blamed on a crowd of migrants, he says his spirits fell. "Our first reaction was:
now the Germans will hate us," said the 32-year-old Kosovar, sitting with his family in their room at a migrant shelter in the
western city of Cologne. The city's ugly mob violence — including groping, other assaults, thefts and two
reported rapes — has inflamed public opinion already strained by the influx of a record 1.1 million refugees
and irregular migrants last year.
Women made to 'run gauntlet' in
mass sexual attack in Germany. The report, details of which were widely published by German media Thursday [1/7/2016], added to witness accounts
describing a string of sexual assaults that have sparked a heated debate about migration and the police's failure to prevent the mayhem.
Censors And Deletes News Stories About Muslim Rapists in Germany. Liberals want more Muslim immigrants to flood the West so
news stories which are damaging to that goal are being hidden from public view on Reddit. Reddit is a fun site for pictures and viral
links but politically, it's a left wing cesspool so this is hardly surprising.
teenage girls gang-raped by four 'Syrian nationals' in southern Germany. Three Syrians have been arrested in
southern Germany for the alleged gang rape of two teenage girls on New Year's Eve, as reports flood in of sexual assaults
against women across the country. A 21-year-old man and two 14-year-old boys are being held in Weil am Rhein, a small
town near the Swiss and German borders, for the alleged rape of two girls aged 14 and 15. Prosecutors allege that the two
girls were held for several hours and gang-raped after attending a New Year celebration at the home of the 21-year-old man in
the nearby village of Friedlingen.
Europeans Studiously Ignore
Muslim Mobs. I don't think German officials have quite thought this one through. Either the misogynistic rioters
included a significant number of recently arrived migrants or they did not. If they did, then the migration fed directly into
the riots; if they did not, then the rioters were people of "North African and Arab appearance" who had previously been law-abiding
but who now felt able and entitled to assault local women in public without much fear of the consequences. What changed them?
What gave them that confidence?
Assaults: Police Report Outlines 'Chaotic and Shameful' New Year's Eve. Law enforcement officials lost control of the situation in
Cologne on New Year's Eve, according to an internal report by Germany's national police, the Bundespolizei, obtained by DER SPIEGEL. The
author of the report, dated Jan. 4, is a senior official. He writes: "Women, accompanied or not, literally ran a 'gauntlet'
through masses of heavily intoxicated men that words cannot describe." The horde in front of and inside the train station was unmoved by
the presence of police.
Merkel invited us': How baying asylum seeker sex mob taunted Cologne police after robbing and raping women. Grinning asylum seekers taunted
police trying to break up the ugly rabble who turned central Cologne into a lawless 'open toilet' — by telling them to be 'nice' -- because
they'd been invited by Angela Merkel. The sex mob of migrant Arab and North African men tore up their temporary residence permits and threw them
at officers who battled through New Year's Eve to regain control of the streets, which were covered in faeces and vomit. Outside the city's historic
cathedral, where the 1,000 'drunk and stoned' migrants sexually assaulted and robbed 100 women declared: 'You can't do anything to me —
I will get myself a new one in the morning.'
details emerge of Cologne attacks. Information continues to emerge on the war zone that erupted in Cologne, Germany on New Year's
Eve, when thousands of imports from Islamic lands threw bottles and fireworks into crowds and at the police, as well as molested, raped, attacked,
robbed, knifed, spat, defecated, urinated, vomited, ranted, and raved as they turned an area of a beautiful city into a site of utter barbarism.
(Other cities in Germany experienced similar violence on New Year's Eve, which is only now beginning to be reported.) One victim had a firecracker
shoved into the hood of her jacket. When she tried to get it out, it fell into her jacket, causing serious burns across her shoulder.
in Several Other European Cities Also Victims of Sex Assaults by Muslim Men on NYE. This story keeps getting
more bizarre and even the most hardened humanitarian/politically correct politician has to be wondering what the hell Europe
has let itself in for. Women in some other European cities are also complaining that they were sexually assaulted and
robbed on New Years Eve by large groups of Muslim men. And like Cologne, the police refused to publicize the mass attacks.
[...] So what's changed from previous years' celebrations? [...] If you think about it a second, only one explanation comes to
mind: refugees from the Middle East have arrived in massive numbers.
18 Asylum Seekers are
Tied to Attacks on Women in Germany. The German authorities on Friday [1/8/2016] tied asylum seekers for the first time to
the wave of violent assaults on women in Cologne on New Year's Eve as debate intensified over whether the country had made a mistake in
opening its doors last year to more than a million migrants. The Interior Ministry said 18 of the 31 people identified so far
as suspects in the violence in Cologne had applied for asylum in Germany. The disclosure further stoked fears about security and
culture clashes between the newcomers, mostly from Muslim countries, and Germans who are confronting the costs of assimilating them.
Year's Eve sex assaults also reported in Finland, Sweden and Austria. Police in the western German city of Cologne said they
had received 120 criminal complaints by Thursday [1/7/2016] and quoted witnesses as saying that groups of 20-30 young men "who appeared to be of Arab
origin" had surrounded victims, assaulted them and in several cases robbed them on New Year's Eve. Similarly Finnish police have
revealed an unusually high level of sexual harassment in Helsinki on New Year's Eve and said they had been tipped off about plans by
groups of asylum seekers to sexually harass women.
vows to refuse entry to Muslim migrants. Robert Fico said on Thursday that Slovakia would fight against immigration
from Muslim countries to prevent attacks like last year's shootings in Paris and large-scale assaults of women in Germany, which
took place on New Year's Eve. "We don't want something like what happened in Germany taking place in Slovakia," Fico said,
adding that the country must "prevent [its] women from being molested in public places." According to reports by local German
newspaper "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" and an online preview of investigations by Sunday paper "Welt am Sonntag," Cologne authorities
have identified some of the perpetrators in the attacks as been Syrian asylum seekers.
Sex Abuse in Cologne: Part of a Disturbing Trend. Those wary about massive immigration from the Middle East and
North Africa tend to look to Scandinavia because of its largesse toward migrants and refugees. Sweden took in swathes of
refugees from the war-torn Middle East and the Horn of Africa in the 1980s and then, in the 1990s, from the former Yugoslavia,
and the trend persists. In 2007, the Swedish town of Södertälje — population: 60,000 —
took in nearly 1,300 Iraqi refugees, or 5 percent of all Iraqis who arrived in Europe that year. And the number of
refugees coming to Sweden tripled from 2010 to 2014. Today, 16 percent of Swedish citizens were born in another
country, and of Sweden's 1.7 million foreign-born citizens in 2010, almost a quarter were from the Middle East or the
Horn of Africa, according to that year's Statistical Yearbook of Sweden.
Muslim Activist in Michigan: It's Okay to Stab Jews. Coexist is a wonderfully
flowery concept for a bumper stick to slap on a Subaru, but how exactly is anyone supposed to coexist with people who think like
Palestinian-Jordanian activist Lina Allan from Michiganistan?
and the Insanity of the Liberal Mind. Anyone questioning the liberal mantra that Islam is a religion of peace,
despite data to the contrary, is labeled an Islamophobe with the aim of shutting down honest debate. Islamists declared war
on the U.S. well before 9/11 and yet liberals still refuse to name the enemy. To liberals, political correctness trumps
common sense. Irrationally, they are importing hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees despite knowing that terrorists are
entering the country. FBI training materials were insanely scrubbed of any mention of jihad, Islamic extremism or other terms
potentially offensive to Muslims, likely resulting in Tamerlan Tsarneav slipping through the cracks. And while logic would
dictate expanding the number of terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay, Obama is releasing known terrorists back to the killing fields,
common sense — and his oath of office — [notwithstanding].
Rules for Radical Raping. Ever notice how al-Reuters will run with some
terrorist group's freaking tweet like it was the Pronouncement of the Oracle at Delphi, and happily follow a satirical Kim Jong
Un social-media account down the rabbit hole, but anything from, say, the United States or the United Kingdom, and they're rolling out the
skepticism and qualifications? So, what was the fatwa about? In a phrase, it was How to Rape your Sex Slaves.
of the 'Moderate Muslim'. When it comes to the global scourge of orthodox Islam, the Western world, which Islamists
expressly seek to "destroy from within," is an upside-down realm wherein objective facts, logic and reason must yield to
multiculturalist make-believe, "progressive" propaganda and political correctness run amok. Faithful Muslims want to
kill you, and faithless progressives seem all too happy to help them along. Look at the ongoing Muslim invasion of Europe.
This progressive paradise, a burgeoning multicultural dystopia, is beginning to look an awful lot like hell on earth. Fact:
Islam is about control. The word itself means "submission." It is a socio-political pseudo-religion based upon the incoherent
scribblings of one man — the "prophet" Muhammad, a warring tyrant who, as even the Quran concedes, was a murderous misogynist
and pedophile.
of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt Has Not Led to Decrease in Islamic Militancy. [O]verthrow of the Muslim
Brotherhood regime in Egypt two years ago by the army has not led to a decrease in Islamic militancy in that country, the
most populous in the Arab world, but to increased terror and instability, according to an Israeli scholar. The
imprisonment or exile of most of the Brotherhood's leadership, says Erez Striem, "has left a huge reservoir of angry and
frustrated young people". It has also left a vacuum, he says in a paper written for Israel's Institute of National
Security Studies, that global jihadi groups, including ISIS, are doing their best to fill.
sets rules for raping captive women. Most of what the terrorist army of ISIS has done in its murderous march
across a wide swath of the Mideast these last two years appears incomprehensible to outside eyes: video beheadings, mass
street killings, children enlisted to execute neighbors, victims tossed from tall buildings. Now one document from a
stash seized during a bold Special Ops raid into Syria seven months ago has provided a shocking window into the medieval
minds of these radical Islamic extremists who would impose harsh Sharia law wherever their caliphate spreads. Hard to
believe we're reading such material in what to most of the world is the 21st century.
Not ISIS We Need to Beat — It's the Caliphate. The official ISIS story, the one that we read in the
newspapers, watch on television and hear on the radio, is that it's a unique group whose brand of extremism is so extreme
that there is no comparing it to anything else. ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. Or with anything else. It's a
complete aberration. Except for the 15 other Jihadist groups ready to step into its shoes in just one country. Islamic
Supremacist organizations like ISIS can be graded on the "Caliphate curve". The Caliphate curve is based on how quickly an
Islamic organization wants to achieve the Caliphate. What we describe as "extreme" or "moderate" is really the speed at which
an Islamic group seeks to recreate the Caliphate. ISIS is at the extreme end of the scale, not because it tortures, kills
and rapes, but because it implemented the Caliphate immediately. The atrocities for which ISIS has become known are typical
of a functioning Caliphate. The execution of Muslims who do not submit to the Caliph, the ethnic cleansing and sexual slavery
of non-Muslims are not aberrations. They are normal behavior for a Caliphate.
Do The Strangest Things. I read an interesting article by Daniel Pipes in which he pointed out that in the
United States we have had many ["]potential instances of jihadi violence in which the Establishment has colluded to
sweep the Islamic dimension under the rug, treating the perpetrators as common criminals whose biographies, motives, and
connections are of no interest and therefore remain unknown.["] Pipes mentioned the pending criminal case of a
Jersey City Muslim named Yusuf Ibrahim. Pipes noted that Ibrahim had allegedly shot and killed two Coptic Christians, cut
off their heads and hands, knocked out their teeth, and then buried them in Buena Vista Township, New Jersey. Yusuf Ibrahim
is a Muslim, but can Islamic Doctrine actually support such actions? Islamic Doctrine is based on the commands of Allah found
in the Koran and the teachings and example of Muhammad. So let's see what Islamic Doctrine has to say about this.
Why Islam is a Religion of
War. Islam derives meaning from physical supremacy, so war becomes an act of faith. To believe in Islam, is to have
faith that it will conquer the entire world. And to be a true Muslim, is to feel called to aid in that global conquest, whether by
providing money to the Jihadists or to become a Jihadist. The fulfillment of Islam depends on the subjugation of non-Muslims so
that violence against non-Muslims become the essence of religion. When Hamas states that, "Killing Jews is worship that draws us
close to Allah" or the ISIS rapists tell Yazidi girls that rape "draws them closer to Allah", they really do mean it. They are not
perverting a great religion, as our politicians claim, they are living it. Everything they do is based on the Koran, the body of
Islamic law and the greater history of Islam.
Immigration is What ISIS Wants. Islam is a transnational movement. Islamic terrorism is a race between terror
groups around the world to carve out their own Islamic states and then use them as a springboard to a Caliphate. ISIS is
the end stage of Islamic terrorism. Its leader is a Caliph with all Muslims obliged to submit to him. The Islamic State
is not just in Syria and Iraq. It is everywhere that a Muslim outpost swears allegiance to the Caliph. On its own maps the
Islamic State encompasses parts of Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Russia. The more local Islamic terror groups
pledge allegiance to ISIS, the bigger it becomes. ISIS doesn't plan to defeat America through acts of terrorism. The plan
for defeating America, like every other country, Muslim or non-Muslim, is to build a domestic Muslim terror movement that will be able
to hold territory and swear allegiance to the Islamic State.
ACLU Director: 'I Emphatically Refuse' to Condemn Terrorism. The Muslim deputy director of the ACLU of Michigan
says she has "no reason to say sorry" for Islamic terrorism. And even if she did, she says, "Islamophobes won't believe me
anyway." Rana Elmir elaborated in a piece for Monday's Washington Post: ["]As an American Muslim, I am consistently
and aggressively asked — by media figures, religious leaders, politicians and Internet trolls — to condemn
terrorism to prove my patriotism. I emphatically refuse.["]
Thomas Aquinas Distrusted Islam. The 13th-century scholar Thomas Aquinas, regarded as one of the most eminent
medieval philosophers and theologians, offered a biting critique of Islam based in large part on the questionable character
and methods of its founder, Mohammed. According to Aquinas, Islam appealed to ignorant, brutish, carnal men and spread
not by the power of its arguments or divine grace but by the power of the sword.
Palestinians Descend Deeper into Depravity. While American eyes are rightly fixed on ISIS, Palestine's so-called "Stabbing
Intifada" continues. For those unfamiliar with the latest twist in Palestinian terror tactics, Israel is beset by a spate of apparently
spontaneous stabbing attacks, where (mostly) young Palestinians grab kitchen knives or other sharp objects and do their best to stab or
hack to death as many Jews as possible.
Of Islam: Israel Will Be A "Graveyard" For Jews. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, threatened to invade
Israel and massacre Jews, The Times of Israel reported on Saturday [12/26/2015]. ISIS forces are "coming closer" and will
"soon meet [the Jews] in Palestine," al-Baghdadi declared in an audio recording released online. "Israel will pay a heavy
price at the hands of our fighters."
Post's 'Muslim Christmas Message' Is More Lies. Christmas for Christians in Muslim countries is an especially dangerous time.
In the days leading up to Christmas 2015, Christmas was officially banned in no less than three Muslim countries: Somalia, Tajikistan, and
Brunei. Muslims in Israel torched Christmas trees in Christian towns. In Germany, Muslims beat Christians after Christmas celebrations.
Muslims burned and destroyed churches in Sudan. A pastor in eastern Uganda was hacked to death last Wednesday [12/23/2015] as he and other Christians
tried to prevent Muslims from taking over their land.
and the West: An irreconcilable conflict? Did the worst attack on the United States since Pearl Harbor, 9/11,
have nothing to do with the Islamic faith? Did Fort Hood and the San Bernardino massacres, the London subway bombings and
the killings at Charlie Hebdo, as well as the slaughter at the Bataclan in Paris, have nothing to do with Islam? Does the
lengthening list of atrocities by terrorist cells of IS, Boko Haram, al-Qaida, al-Shabaab and the Nusra Front have nothing to do
with Islam? Is it really illiberal to inquire "into the religious opinions" of those who perpetrate these atrocities?
Or is it suicidal not to? There has arisen a legitimate question as to whether Islamism can coexist peacefully with, or
within, a post-Christian secular West.
Gang-Rape Marathons Continue Across Europe: Where's The Press? Political-correctness now extends to the identification of
rapists in Europe where the press continually under-reports the high incidence of the most heinous sexual assaults and gang-rapes you can
hardly imagine. The true War on Women is being waged as we speak in the form of child-rape, sexual assault, paedophilia and gangs of
Muslim men brutally raping women, in marathon fashion while crowds cheer them on and the press all but ignores.
Denial of Jihad's Ideological Roots Gravely Endangers the Nation. The Obama administration calls its national
security strategy "Countering Violent Extremism." In the benighted times before January 20, 2009, we used to call it
counter-terrorism. Why does Obama insist on the more fuzzy "extremism"? Because "terror" has its roots in Islamic
scripture. This fact ought to be undeniable, but Obama denies it — and in Washington, he's far from alone in that.
It is not just that the word terror appears several times in the Koran; it is that the word appears in a particular context:
The duty of Muslims to act as Allah's instrument to terrorize non-Muslims is a recurring scriptural theme.
is the reporting on Iran's Islamic terrorist groups that are as monstrous as ISIS? It is intriguing that
mainstream media has focused on violent terrorist acts of the Islamic State (IS or ISIS), a radical Sunni Islamist group,
while they are deliberately avoiding raising awareness about other Islamist terrorist groups that are as brutal as ISIS, if
not worse. The other groups that I am referring to are primarily the Iranian-backed radical Islamist militias. Brutal
terrorist groups such as Kataib al-Imam Ali (KIA) are not any less violent than ISIS when it comes to the aggressive and horrific
tactics they use against civilians. In fact, they are known for showing videos of cut-off heads and bodies burned over open
fires. This particular group, which is backed by Iran, originated from the Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army. Shebl al-Zaidi is
the secretary-general of Kataib al-Imam Ali and he is known for his sectarian and vicious tactics. Another militia group
that is known locally for its violent attacks is Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq. It reportedly receives approximately $2 million
a month from the Islamic Republic. There exist more than 100 of these Islamist terrorist groups and they are increasing
on a daily basis as they branch out.
Muslim population in US increases so do terrorist threats: Study. As the Muslim population increases in the United States,
so too will the number of Islamic terror attacks, according to police and military terrorism analysts who spoke to Conservative Base's Jim
Kouri. This is because the pool from which the radicals recruit grows bigger. Polls have shown that between 5 [and] 25% of
Muslims in America believe that violence in defense of Islam is justified.
8% of U.S. Muslims Say Suicide Bombing, Violence Against Civilian Targets 'Often' or 'Sometimes Justified'.
Survey data released by the Pew Research Center in 2013 show that 8% of U.S. Muslims believe that the use of "suicide bombing
and other forms of violence against civilian targets" is either "often" or "sometimes" justified in defense of Islam.
In surveys conducted in 2011 and 2007, Pew found that 1% of U.S. Muslims said such violence against civilian targets was "often
justified," and another 7% said it was "sometimes justified," for a total of 8% who said it was either "often justified" or
"sometimes justified." Pew re-reported these numbers in its 2013 report, The World's Muslims: Religion, Politics
and Society.
Not Just a Religion. It's odd that liberals who tar all Christians for the crimes of one nutcase who attacked
Planned Parenthood are unwilling to admit that some terrorists are inspired by the writings of a fanatical conqueror who
advocated slaughter of those who opposed him and who married a six-year-old girl. Saying we are at war with those who
have an extremist view of Islam and not with all those Muslims, and there are a lot, who don't believe in the use of violence
to spread Mohammad's heresy seems to make excellent sense, yet liberals reject associating Islam with people who say they are
killing in the name of Islam and who can cite chapter and verse where the Quran supports them.
there was an ideology. Suppose the adherents of that ideology believed: • Homosexuals
and transsexuals should be executed. • Women should be punished for the crime of being raped.
• The word of a woman is worth half that of a man in a court of law. • Western
culture, including pluralism, tolerance, freedom of expression, the rule of law, etc. is an abomination. •
Men can beat their wives for such transgressions as refusing sex or leaving the house without permission.
• Men can divorce their wives by saying three times "I divorce you." • Women should not
be permitted to drive. • Girls' genitals should be mutilated to ensure that as adults they do not
experience sexual pleasure. • Anyone who strays from the ideology should be put to death.
• Anyone who disagrees with the ideology is inferior and should be subjugated, and subject to harassment, extra
taxes, and other punishments. • The teachings of the ideology take precedence over the United States
Constitution and federal code. Suppose that adherents of that ideology were responsible for 99% of terrorist attacks
worldwide, including some 27,000 documented terror attacks since 9/11, 169 just last month. [...] How many adherents of
that ideology should we take?
Is Not Senseless — It Is Calculated Barbarism. Terrorism always has been about killing innocents at
random, seeking to instill fear because anyone can be a random target. If you are a terrorist, killing a couple in front of
their children is what you do because the people you seek to terrorize can identify with the victims and see their own children
in the faces of the surviving orphans.
5 Awkward Questions About Islam Politicians Don't Want You to Ask and
Dare Not Answer. Muhammad, the revered prophet of Islam stated: "I have been sent with a sword to fight people until they say there is
no God but Allah." Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 8, Number 387. In Islam Muhammad is regarded as "the ideal man, the perfect model of
conduct." This prophet and his army of devout Muslims waged jihad against infidels and he PERSONALLY spread Islam by the sword. He and his band of
brigands did not distort, twist or misunderstand Islam as they waged war against Jewish tribes in the Middle East, beheading their enemies and raping their
women. So let's ask our first uncomfortable question: To those Muslims who say violence is against Islam: If ISIS truly is "nothing to do
with Islam" then is Muhammad also unIslamic and do you condemn and reject his violent "perfect example"? Liberals and leftists can make as many excuses
for jihad as they like but the fact will remain: ISIS are emulating the "perfect example" set by Muhammad described in the holy texts of Islam, the Sunnah
and hadith, and are also obeying the numerous commands in the Quran to wage war on infidels until the world belongs solely to Allah.
Aren't Causing Anti-Muslim Hostility — Jihadists Are. As I've said before, since 9/11 Americans have
suffered more than 60,000 casualties in our war against jihadists, with thousands more suffering from lingering psychological
wounds from grief, loss, and difficult deployments. We've watched as radical Muslims burn people alive, throw them off
buildings, and chop off heads. In some parts of the Muslim world, mobs of Muslims will sometimes hunt down and kill
Christians in the most vicious and gruesome of ways. We've seen ISIS attempt genocide, Boko Haram enslave girls, and al Qaeda
kill journalists at their desks in Paris. Yet Americans have responded with remarkable grace, and anti-Muslim hate crimes are
rare indeed. Yes, it's true that many Americans dislike Islam. It's true that many Americans want to either ban Muslim
immigration or dramatically restrict entry into the United States. But don't blame political rhetoric for this hostility.
Blame actions — actions taken in the name of Islam.
Are Totally Walking In Fear Or Something. It's been said that just 1% of Muslims are the hardcore violent
jihadis. That would mean there are 16 million worldwide. Some estimates of Muslims who are radicalized, meaning they believe
in a hardcore version of Islam (meaning they are following what the Quran says, things like stoning women for adultery, executing gays,
implementing Sharia law, a Caliphate, etc), put the number at 10-25% of the 1.6 billion Muslim population. Even Democrat Loretta
Sanchez admitted a similar number.
What kind of people dance and celebrate in the streets after thousands are killed? New
Jersey police officers say Muslims DID celebrate 9/11 and eyewitness remembers cheers of 'Allahu Akbar!'.
Donald Trump's credibility has been called into question over comments he has made about Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on
9/11 and now a report from suggests that an aspect of that story is true. While the New Jersey news organization
called Trump's claim of thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 to be 'baseless,' reporters found evidence of 'at least two
modest celebrations' that occurred. 'Some men were dancing, some held kids on their shoulders,' said retired police
officer Peter Gallagher, who said he cleared a rooftop celebration of some 20 to 30 people that day.
Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say. Media outlets, after scouring archived news
stories and video footage, could not find verified accounts of Jersey City Muslims rejoicing. But in a new examination by
NJ Advance Media, a police officer who worked on 9/11 and residents on the outskirts of Journal Square say they witnessed small
pockets of people celebrating before the groups dispersed or were broken up by authorities. The NJ Advance Media inquiry,
encompassing more than two dozen interviews conducted since Nov. 25, found Trump's broad assertion that thousands of people
cheered to be baseless. At the same time, the inquiry provides the first credible indication of at least two modest
celebrations, as described by on-the-record sources who say they witnessed the behavior.
of migrants arriving in Norway had mobile phones containing images of executions, severed heads and dead children, police
reveal. Hundreds of asylum-seekers entering Norway were discovered to have images of 'executions' and 'severed
heads' on their mobile phones. The revelation comes amid heightened fears that ISIS is exploiting the migrant crisis to
smuggle fighters into Europe, following last month's attacks in Paris. Police admitted that the 'explosion' of refugees
crossing into the country over the summer and in recent months meant that security checks were less thorough than required,
and weren't checking the background of those entering the country.
of Muslims and Others Already U.S. Law: 8 U.S. Code 1182. How many Muslim "refugees" coming here to kill us
(and we know some are) will convince U.S. authorities they are being persecuted under Muslim law? The answer is
every single one of them.
moonbats, guess what... prez can ban Muslims from U.S.. [Scroll down] It's federal law, from the
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 — a year in which the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the
presidency. I'm going to guess that among those voting to make the following words the law of the land was U.S. Rep. John F.
Kennedy (D-Mass). "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States
would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary,
suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions
he may deem to be appropriate." Got that? So a president could do it. But again, let's do it the right
way. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) pointed out yesterday that Muslims, who are 1 percent of the U.S. population,
are responsible for 50 percent of all terrorist attacks since 9/11.
'so nice,' until they get religion and want to kill us. Unlike other mass murderers, who exhibit antisocial,
paranoid, narcissistic or schizoid traits, Farook and Malik do not appear to be natural born killers. Neither had a history
of violence nor criminal record, and both generally were described as pleasant people. [...] Then suddenly a switch went off, and the
couple went medieval. By all accounts, that switch was piety. They simply got closer to their religion, immersing themselves
in Islamic scripture. Farook and Malik devoted themselves to Islamic study, which culminated in both of them memorizing the Koran,
a high honor in Islam.
San Bernardino Terrorists Weren't Radicals — They Were Mainstream. The assumption that the intersection of terrorism
and Islam can only be an aberration lead to the conviction that there was some moment in time at which Malik and Farook became "radical
extremists". Initial reports pegged that moment of "radicalization" as having happened at some point during the twenty minutes after
Farook left the party. When the amount of firepower and preparation made the idea of a twenty minute radicalization massacre seem silly,
the media tried to stretch it back for weeks. Now they've had to give in and pull back that dreadful moment of radicalization for
years. But what if Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik were never "radicalized"? What if neither of them "influenced" the other?
What if both were exactly what they appear to be, devout Muslims who hated America and believed that it was their religious duty to kill
Americans? What if this attitude did not show up last week or last year? What if it was the way that their culture and
religion taught them to live?
Muslims pretty "irritated" at being asked to help root out extremism. [Scroll down] All we're asking is
that if you hear one of your fellow community members chatting about jihad or purchasing weapons or leafing through the latest
copy of Dabiq Magazine, that you quietly slip off to a private place later on and place a call to the FBI. They're in the
phone book. Heck, let me save you a search. The number is 1-855-TELL-FBI and they won't even charge you for the call.
Kerry should recognize Christian genocide. In October, Islamic State militants in Syria demanded that two
Christian women and six men convert to Islam. When they refused, the women were publicly raped and then beheaded along with
the men. On the same day, militants cut off the fingertips of a 12-year-old boy in an attempt to force his Christian father to
convert. When his father refused, they were brutalized and then crucified. This has become the plight of Christians in
the Middle East at the hands of the Islamic State terrorist group, also known as ISIL or ISIS. Beheadings, crucifixions and
enslavement are visited on those who won't renounce their religious beliefs. The lucky ones are murdered in more mundane ways
or driven from their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
Islam: 'The Strongest Retrograde
Force in the World'. In January 2014, [Barack H. Obama] made the now-infamous remark that he regarded ISIS as merely a "jay-vee" threat.
The months that followed saw that group slaughter hundreds, maybe thousands, in the most public and grotesque manner. Allied groups in Africa raided schools
and villages, shooting, hacking, and raping their way through the populace. On the morning of November 13 (the anniversary, incidentally, of end of the
Ottoman Caliphate), President Obama told George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America that his administration had "contained" ISIS. That very evening,
less than a year after the massacre by ISIS affiliates at the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, a series of carefully coordinated,
cold-blooded attacks by ISIS erupted across Paris, leaving some 130 dead and more than 250 wounded. One of the attacks, at the Stade de France,
came within yards of François Hollande, the French president, who was there for a football match. Some containment.
the 'Few Extremists' Myth — the Muslim World Is Overcome with Hate. It is simply false to declare
that jihadists represent the "tiny few extremists" who sully the reputation of an otherwise peace-loving and tolerant Muslim
faith. In reality, the truth is far more troubling — that jihadists represent the natural and inevitable outgrowth
of a faith that is given over to hate on a massive scale, with hundreds of millions of believers holding views that Americans
would rightly find revolting. Not all Muslims are hateful, of course, but so many are that it's not remotely surprising that
the world is wracked by wave after wave of jihadist violence.
community leader weary of 'sticking up for my religion' in wake of San Bernardino massacre. As Noor Ul-Hasan
prepared recently to celebrate her 52nd birthday, she reflected on the events of the previous year. She thought about mass
shootings and the number of times she, as a Muslim woman who wears a headscarf, has felt compelled to denounce the actions of
extremists who also claim to be followers of Islam. "I'm tired of having to stick up for my religion. I'm tired of having
to say, 'I'm denouncing people that claim to be doing this (in the name of religion).' I'm tired of that," Ul-Hasan said.
The Editor says...
If you're tired of apologizing for the violent acts perpetrated by members of your religion, perhaps you should renounce Islam and convert to
some other religion. Good luck evading your Muslim friends afterward, because as you know, they're obligated to kill you if you turn your back
on Islam. If you stick with Islam, you'll be doing a lot of apologizing. And if you stop apologizing for violent Islamic terrorists,
you're one of them!
members say Tashfeen Malik became more devout in years before attack. Though not much is known about Tashfeen Malik's life,
the people around the woman saw her start to dress more conservatively and urge people to live a more devout life in the final few years
before Wednesday's [12/2/2015] massacre in a Southern California office building. One of Malik's aunts told the Associated Press
Saturday that Malik's growing religious focus was one of the last things she heard about before the relative learned that Malik and her
husband Syed Rizwan Farook donned black masks, carried assault rifles and killed 14 people in a rampage in San Bernardino.
"I recently heard it from relatives that she has become a religious person, and she often tells people to live according to the teachings
of Islam," recalled aunt Hifza Batool.
The Editor says...
This pretty well proves that the focus of Islam is violence and homicide, to be inflicted upon non-Muslims.
Ms. Malik became more immersed in Islam in the last few years of her life, and the culmination of her devotion to Islam
was an act of violence against dozens of innocent people.
Farook's Workplace Wasn't the Target of Violence — the Christmas Party Was. Al-Qaeda and ISIS have encouraged
attacks on Christmas Day and at Christmas-themed events to take advantage of vulnerable crowds and to strike at the heart of a Christian
holiday. [...] ISIS, whose recruitment propaganda stresses the evil of "crusader" influences including holidays and declares it forbidden
for Muslims to so much as receive a Christmas card, has stressed Christmas is a welcome target because of the fact that it's Christian.
Details Reveal Cruelty of 1972 Munich Attackers. In September 1992, two Israeli widows went to the home of
their lawyer. When the women arrived, the lawyer told them that he had received some photographs during his recent trip to
Munich but that he did not think they should view them. When they insisted, he urged them to let him call a doctor who could
be present when they did. Ilana Romano and Ankie Spitzer, whose husbands were among the Israeli athletes held hostage and
killed by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, rejected that request, too. They looked at the pictures
that for decades they had been told did not exist, and then agreed never to discuss them publicly.
The Editor says...
For 20 years they were told the photos did not exist, and then one day that was proven to be a lie. Which means that for
20 years, there was a conspiracy of silence within their government. So you see, sometimes conspiracy theories have merit.
in a Bottle: The Jihadist's Drug. Dubbed the "jihadist's drug," Captagon is rapidly flooding the Middle
East and is said to be fueling the bloody conflict in Syria. French media recently reported that the Paris attackers may have
taken the drug. Last weekend, Turkish anti-narcotics police seized 11 million Captagon pills in a haul that weighed almost
two tonnes. It was set to ship to Gulf countries. Widely banned since the mid-eighties, the pills provide a cheap and
long-lasting high and are highly addictive. They also have the potential to cause psychosis and brain damage.
The tragedy of the 'jihadi brides'.
Austrian teen Samra Kesinovic has paid the ultimate price after fleeing home last year to become a "poster girl" for ISIS. The
Bosnian-born Kesinovic left Austria with her friend, Sabina Selimovic. Sabina reportedly was killed in Syrian fighting last
year — and now Samra has been beaten to death for trying to escape a horrible life of forced marriage and rape.
Her death was confirmed this week by a Tunisian woman who had been living with her. It was already a tragedy last April, when
the two girls left a note for their parents: "Don't look for us. We will serve Allah, and we will die for him."
It's only grimmer now.
Data and terror: An Excerpt. The
year 2014 turned out to be the deadliest on record since the US government began collecting this type of data. The trend
lines are sobering and don't require sophisticated analysis[.]
You May Live In The Radical Mosque Zone. French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve called for the "dissolution"
of radical mosques following last week's terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. Belgium's Prime Minister,
Charles Michel threatened similar action in his country where the attacks were staged. Neither President Obama nor other
officials in his administration, however, have spoken of shutting down radical mosques in the U.S. But U.S. reticence
about taking actions now being implemented by France and Belgium isn't for a lack of mosques in this country in which hatred
for American values and support for jihad terrorism are regularly heard. There are more than 80 radical mosques in the
U.S., according to the Clarion Project, a non-profit group that describes itself as "dedicated to exposing the dangers of
Islamist extremism."
List of Foreign-Born Muslims Linked to Terrorism in U.S.. Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, Chairman of the Subcommittee on
Immigration and the National Interest, has identified at least 26 instances in which foreign-born individuals inside the U.S. were
charged with or convicted of terrorism in the last year or so. Here's a sampling of incidents from that list: [...]
Concerning Islam. Up
until 9-11, I considered Islam one of the three great monotheistic religions. It was not the actions of the terrorists that
roused my suspicions, but the silence or obfuscation of the rest of Islam on the matter. [...] It was that disturbing episode that
led me to study the Koran. It is not very large ... only about the length of the Psalms. I was stunned. I had heard
all the quotations "proving" that Islam was a religion of peace. It was a shell game. To simplify, the Koran has two very
different sets of rules, one for fellow Muslims and another for infidels. All the quotations supporting the "religion of peace"
fantasy come from sections on how to treat fellow Muslims with whom you are in conflict.
Democrats prefer fantasy to reality. In Paris, the day
before the fantasy land debate, eight Islamic terrorists affiliated with ISIS targeted innocent people, killing 129 and wounding 352. It
was a horrific attack on not just the country of France, but on all of Western civilization. It was only the latest in a long string of
attacks that have been going on for decades, but started to intensify in the aftermath of the Iranian revolution of 1979.
a Map of Nearly 100 Radicalized Mosques in the U.S.. French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve called for the
"dissolution" of radical mosques following last week's terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. Belgium's Prime
Minister, Charles Michel threatened similar action in his country where the attacks were staged. Neither President Obama nor
other officials in his administration, however, have spoken of shutting down radical mosques in the U.S. But U.S.
reticence about taking actions now being implemented by France and Belgium isn't for a lack of mosques in this country in
which hatred for American values and support for jihad terrorism are regularly heard.
Obama Presides Over the Death of
Globalism. What happened in Paris, said President Obama, "was an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we
share." And just what might those "universal values" be? At a soccer game between Turkey and Greece in Istanbul, Turks booed
during the moment of silence for the Paris dead and chanted "Allahu Akbar." Among 1.6 billion Muslims, hundreds of millions
do not share our values regarding women's rights, abortion, homosexuality, free speech, or the equality of all religious faiths.
Set aside the fanatics of ISIS. Does Saudi Arabia share Obama's views and values regarding sexual freedom and the equality of
Christianity, Judaism and Islam? Is anything like the First Amendment operative across the Sunni or Shiite world, or in China?
The Evil of Whitewashing
Islam. One religion today regularly motivates large numbers of its followers to murder, behead, rape, and enslave
people across the globe. That religion is Islam. Not Christianity. Not Judaism. Not Buddhism.
Islam. Only Islam. You know this. I know this. Everyone paying attention knows this. The Koran
explicitly and repeatedly commands Muslims to engage in jihad or "holy war" whether they like it or not. [...] Of course, not all
Muslims engage in the above-mentioned behavior. But this does not change the fact that Islamic scripture commands or condones
such behavior. It simply means that some Muslims don't take Islam seriously. For that we can be thankful.
Unfortunately, as anyone can see by glancing at the news, many Muslims do take Islam seriously. Jihadists across
the globe — from the Middle East to Africa to the United States to Canada — are murdering, beheading,
enslaving, and raping "infidels" wherever and whenever they can.
ISIS Is Islamic and Bruce Jenner is a
Man. ISIS wants a war. Fools in the West say we should not fight. We should not give them what they want.
ISIS will fight whether we fight or not. That President Obama has no strategy and wants to continue his lack of strategy because
he just sees ISIS as a group of bitter clingers should give us no comfort. They want to kill us. We will either be killed or
kill them. Understanding why they want to kill us leads to solutions on how to defeat them. Believing that "why" is global
warming or colonialism will lead us to insane solutions that are no solutions at all. Understanding that this is a violent
jihad by a group of religious zealots who must be beaten into submission and shown God's will is actually against them is the only way
to defeat them.
Rise of Islam in Europe: Infantile Government. Although the writing has literally been on the wall in blood for
the past decade and a half, the West, especially Europe, continues to be taken aback every time a new terror attack occurs,
as if each one were the first. After 9/11 in the United States; the 2004 Madrid train bombings, which killed nearly 200
and wounded 2000, and the 2005 attacks on London's transit system where 56 people were killed and 700 wounded, world leaders
have no conceivable excuse left to be shocked and surprised at mass terrorism occurring in the midst of Western capitals.
As recently as a month ago, Andrew Parker, director-general of Britain's MI5, said that the terror threat to the UK was at
its highest level in more than three decades and "growing." British police and intelligence agencies have intervened
to foil six terrorist plots in the past year alone.
'shocked' by Paris attacks. [I]sn't it odd that Angela Merkel, leader of Germany's Christian Democratic Party,
has taken her humanitarian stand specifically in favor of the only refugee population one could find that is associated by
religious affiliation and political history with profound Jew-hatred and Holocaust trivialization? It would be amusing, were
it not so sad, to remember how pleased North American conservatives used to be with the "pro-business" Merkel. An object
lesson in why conservatives must stop confusing pro-business with pro-freedom — two very different positions, in fact.
If there is still a significant pro-freedom faction in Europe at all, one hopes its members are well beyond being "shocked" that
Muslims could commit violence.
'Religion of peace' is not a
harmless platitude. In France, Britain, Germany, America and nearly every other country in the world it remains government policy
to say that any and all attacks carried out in the name of Mohammed have 'nothing to do with Islam'. It was said by George W. Bush
after 9/11, Tony Blair after 7/7 and Tony Abbott after the Sydney attack last month. It is what David Cameron said after two British
extremists cut off the head of Drummer Lee Rigby in London, when 'Jihadi John' cut off the head of aid worker Alan Henning in the 'Islamic
State' and when Islamic extremists attacked a Kenyan mall, separated the Muslims from the Christians and shot the latter in the head.
And, of course, it is what President François Hollande said after the massacre of journalists and Jews in Paris last week. All
these leaders are wrong. In private, they and their senior advisers often concede that they are telling a lie.
ISIS Muslim plotted to kill US soldiers, bomb churches, schools. How did this misunderstanding of Islam become
so widespread? And why do so many converts understand it in exactly the same way? And while Muslims in the US
condemn the Islamic State, where are they teaching against the ideology that gave rise to it?
Kills 200 Captive Syrian Children In Horrific Mass Execution. This is a new low in barbarism even for the
butchers of ISIS. The blood-thirsty Jihadists made 200 Syrian children march out, line up and lie on their stomachs. They
then massacred all of them. It is one of the most sickening mass executions I have ever seen and that is saying something.
A Knife Intifada Coming to a
Location Near You. Responding to the urging of their political and religious leaders, Palestinians have over the last few
weeks taken to stabbing random Jews in Israel. This new manifestation of their mass homicidal psychosis has come to be called the
"knife intifada." It's a suicide attack, this time on a more intimate level. The killer stabs as many passers by as he
can before he is shot. He is then celebrated as a martyr by his people, and his family is provided with a large money reward.
Many Palestinian mothers openly praise their dead progeny, and it is no wonder. Mom acquires some capital, and she can always produce
more children.
Man Tries to 'Slaughter' Israeli Passenger on Flight to Ethiopia. The Israeli victim, identified as Arik, works
in Africa and was traveling on to Israel. He said that the alleged attacker choked and threatened to "slaughter" him. [...]
"He hit me over the head with a metal tray and shouted 'Allah akbar' and 'I will slaughter the Jew.' Only after a few
seconds, just before I was about to lose consciousness, did I manage to call out and a flight attendant who saw what was
happening summoned her colleagues," Arik said.
Muslim Terrorist Stabs 80-Year-Old Israeli Woman. Another one of Kerry's frustrated oppressed "Palestinians" went on a
stabbing spree in Israel. The 19-year-old terrorist stabbed an 80-year-old Israeli woman. She is in serious condition.
The terrorist stabbed two others as well.
Parliament Says 'Death to America' Chant Is the 'Symbol of the Islamic Republic'. As he was concluding the calamitous
nuclear agreement with Iran last summer, John Kerry asked the Iranians to cut out the "Death to America" chants. (This was not
long before he told an astonished world that the chants did not really mean that the Iranian mullahs wanted to kill us.)
In yet another indication of just how disastrous the nuclear deal really is, the Iranians have not only rejected Kerry's request,
but are ramping up the genocidal rhetoric.
Do you still think Islam is a 'religion of
peace?'. From Christian apologist and blogger David Wood, comes more evidence, ripped directly from the pages of the Koran,
that Islam is not a religion of peace. Wood located ten verses which will help readers understand the Islamic State's religious motivation
for their actions. #vc
Is Islam a religion of peace? To Muslims the world
can be divided between those who are faithful to Allah and those who do not know him. Sayyid Qutb (1906-66), author, poet and intellectual
father of modern Muslim militancy, identifies two kinds of societies: Islamic and jahil (ignorant). Stated another way, the world
is divided between Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb — the House of Islam and the House of War. [...] The House of War is engaged
in a battle with only one acceptable end. The war will be fought until every person and nation joins the House of Islam and the ignorant proclaim
the Shahadah: [...].
The Religion of Peace. What other religion's most devoted members
videotape themselves cutting people's throats while screaming praises to their god? What other faith has tens of thousands of terrorists across
the globe united by an explicit commitment to advance the cause of their religion by pursuing horrific mass murder and mutilation? What other
religion kills innocent people over cartoons and teddy bears, burns poets and intellectuals alive and murders humanitarian workers of other faiths who
are merely trying to help them? What other religion actually celebrated the 9/11 attacks, described the carnage as "one of the miracles of the
Quran" and proclaimed it to be "God's work against oppressors"? What other religion childishly brags about its growth while at the same time
openly denies other religions equal opportunity to evangelize — and even endorses killing those who leave? What other religion has
verses in its holy book that remind men of their divine permission to beat their wives and rape their slaves?
Reasons Why Islam Is Not the Religion of Peace. Islam is not the religion of peace. The following sixteen
reasons, all sourced from the original sacred documents (the Quran and Traditions), classical law, and history, tell us why.
Each item in the list has one or more back-up articles. Readers should click on them to find out that the points come right
out of original Islam and are not invented out of thin air.
Islam is not a Religion of Peace. Ever since
the tragedy of 9/11 we have been fed the lie that Islam is a religion of peace. Islam is not a religion of peace. In addition to being
a "prophet", Muhammad also led military campaigns to expand the power of the religion he created. Not a single soul died by the hand or
spoken word of Jesus Christ. The same cannot be said of Muhammad.
Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace.
Not only should we have nuked those savages, we should have instituted school courses/classes in the jihadic doctrine and
islamic history. Instead, President Bush embarked on an "Islam is a religion of peace" disinformation campaign,
rendering Americans woefully unprepared for the age of jihad war.
What does the Religion of Peace Teach
About Violence? The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of
Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be
hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they
do not join the slaughter.
About Sharia. Although many Muslims around the world say sharia should be the law of the land in their country,
the survey reveals divergent opinions about the precise application of Islamic law. Generally, supporters of sharia are
most comfortable with its application in cases of family or property disputes. In most regions, fewer favor other specific
aspects of sharia, such as cutting off the hands of thieves and executing people who convert from Islam to another faith.
military researcher: Islam's plan for caliphate includes world domination. Lars Bangert Struwe, a researcher at
the University of Copenhagen's Centre for Military Studies ... says that "the conflict has gone from being political to be
religious" ... the current conflict will last several years. Lars Bangert Struwe believes that the international
community has hesitated too long.
What Islam Isn't. Islam
is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military
components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components. Islamization occurs when there are sufficient
Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called 'religious rights.' When politically correct and culturally diverse societies
agree to 'the reasonable' Muslim demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the other components under the table.
on the front lines in the war against America. Since 9/11, the number of mosques in America has grown by 75%. The timing of this
is no coincidence. Mosques are a symbol of Islamic supremacism. [...] The proliferation of mosques is also a sign of our incomprehensible
response (or lack thereof) to the threat of Islam. War has been waged against the United States and what have we done? We have welcomed
the enemy with open arms. Dhimmitude has paved the way for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of new mosques since the day nearly 3,000
Americans were murdered in the name of Islam. If we don't put an end to this madness, we will ensure the continued assault against
us — an assault that, ultimately, will spare no one.
The Use of Mosques for Military and Political
Purposes by Hamas and Other Terrorist Organizations and Islamic Groups. The extensive use made of mosques by terrorist
organizations and radical Islamic groups for military, terrorist and political purposes is not limited to the Gaza Strip. This
study also examines similar uses made by Hamas in Judea and Samaria, Hezbollah in south Lebanon, and global jihad and other radical
Islamic groups in various countries around the Arab-Muslim world (in conflict focal points such as Iraq and Pakistan) and even in the
Muslim communities in Europe. In many locations both in the Middle East and beyond, radical Islamic terrorist organizations
exploit the mosques to hide weapons, organize in preparation for attacks, enlist supporters and terrorist operatives, preach terrorism
and indoctrinate Muslims who come to worship with hatred for Israel, the Jewish people, the West in general and the United States in
particular, as well as for pro-Western Arab and Islamic regimes.
European 'No-Go' Zones for Non-Muslims
Proliferating. In the Tower Hamlets area of East London (also known as the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets), for example,
extremist Muslim preachers, called the Tower Hamlets Taliban, regularly issue death threats to women who refuse to wear Islamic veils.
Neighborhood streets have been plastered with posters declaring "You are entering a Sharia controlled zone: Islamic rules enforced."
And street advertising deemed offensive to Muslims is regularly vandalized or blacked out with spray paint. In the Bury Park area of
Luton, Muslims have been accused of "ethnic cleansing" by harassing non-Muslims to the point that many of them move out of Muslim neighborhoods.
In the West Midlands, two Christian preachers have been accused of "hate crimes" for handing out gospel leaflets in a predominantly Muslim area
of Birmingham. In Leytonstone in east London, the Muslim extremist Abu Izzadeen heckled the former Home Secretary John Reid by saying:
"How dare you come to a Muslim area."
Yes, there ARE 'no-go' zones in
Europe. In the wake of the Fox News apology for a guest expert's on-air claims regarding Muslim "no-go zones" in
Europe, an international clamor has ensued with condemnation of Fox, claims that Muslim immigrants really do want to assimilate
and a threat by the mayor of Paris to sue the cable network for "insulting" the great city. There's only one problem:
Europe is full of Muslim "no-go" zones, which have been documented, lamented, reported on and openly discussed for years.
Shows Majority of U.S. Mosques Repositories of Sharia, Jihad, & Muslim Brotherhood Literature and Preachers. A
random survey of 100 representative mosques in the U.S. was conducted to measure the correlation between Sharia adherence and
dogma calling for violence against non-believers. Of the 100 mosques surveyed, 51% had texts on site rated as severely
advocating violence; 30% had texts rated as moderately advocating violence; and 19% had no violent texts at all. Mosques
that presented as Sharia adherent were more likely to feature violence-positive texts on site than were their non-Sharia-adherent
counterparts. In 84.5% of the mosques, the imam recommended studying violence-positive texts.
Islamic Schools Teaching Homegrown Hate. The Washington Post on Monday [2/25/2002] revealed that one such school
outside Washington, D.C., uses textbooks teaching 11th graders that "the Day of Judgment can't come until Jesus Christ returns
to Earth, breaks the cross and converts everyone to Islam, and until Muslims start attacking Jews." Other accredited
Islamic schools in America have world maps on classroom walls that exclude Israel. Some such schools promote class
discussions that portray Usama bin Laden as "simply the victim of ... prejudice" against all Muslims in America.
Concession That Should Not Be Granted. Muslims are required to emulate Mohammad in all ways, and Mohammad used
the mosque as a home-base where jihad was declared, where fatwas were made, where indoctrination took place, where raids and
attacks were planned, where the planning and building of the Islamic State took place, where military orders were given, and
it was in the mosque where Mohammad gave his death sentences to the enemies of Islam. It says over seventy times in the
Qur'an that a Muslim should follow Mohammad's example. Given all that, a new policy should be established in democracies
around the world: No more mosques can be built. And the ones that already exist should be closely monitored. When
a mosque is found to promote sedition, it should be closed.
a Christian Cross': Al-Qaeda Jihad Rules Adapted Into Handbook for Lone Wolves. [Scroll down] In addition, an ideal lone wolf
candidate, they stress, "should make sure to not look particularly attached to religion." "Also, you shouldn't be going too often to places
like mosques, Islamic institutes or Islamic libraries. You should also wear western-style clothes as to appear neutral and not draw attention
to yourself." [...] "Keep your political and religious point of views to yourself, and don't get yourself involved in any kind of debates with
anyone. When asked, tell what people want to hear... Do not create any kind of problem with your neighbors or colleagues."
Indeed, the Arizona neighbors of the Garland, Texas, shooters — Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi — would say afterward that
the men were friendly and neighborly.
The Editor says...
This confirms what I've been saying for years: There are no moderate/peaceful Muslims. There are only
Muslims who know how to lay low and keep quiet until the time comes for action against the rest of us.
Nazism Explains 'Moderate' and 'Radical' Islam. [Scroll down] [F]irst, unlike most Germans who chose to
join or support the Nazi party, the overwhelming majority of Muslims around the world were simply born into Islam; they had
no choice. Many of these Muslims know the bare minimum about Islam — the Five Pillars — and are
ignorant of Islam's supremacist theories. Add Islam's apostasy law to the mix — leaving Islam can earn the
death penalty — and it becomes clear that there are many nominal "Muslims" who seek not to rock the boat.
That said, there are also a great many Muslims who know exactly what Islam teaches — including violence,
plunder, and enslavement of the kafir, or infidel — and who happily follow it precisely because of its
supremacism. In both Nazism and Islam, we have a supremacist ideology on the one hand, and people who find themselves
associated with this ideology for a number of reasons on the other hand: from those born into it, to those who join it
for its temporal boons, to those who are sincere and ardent believers.
grotesque love of propaganda. Unspeakable barbarity. The loathing of Jews — and a hunger for world
domination. Imagine a world in which a young man is locked in a cage, has petrol
showered over him and is set alight to be burnt alive. Imagine the triumphant jeering of an
audience that has gathered to witness this. Imagine, also, a 12-year-old child with elated
determination on his features shooting at close range a kneeling man with his arms tied behind his
back. Then picture the spectacle of a hundred beheadings of victim after victim in humiliating
uniforms, their hands and feet bound, kneeling with their backs to their black-robed executioners who
wield knives to cut their throats as though they were sacrificial lambs.
Dangerous Degrees of Devotion. The obsession to convince us that most Muslims are moderate and that
Islam is a religion of peace brings to mind Shakespeare's "The lady doth protest too much, methinks[.]" Is
there any other religion that draws such an incessant chorus of voices proclaiming the religion to be peaceful?
No. It is only the case with Islam that we hear the ceaseless lie because it is the only religion that warrants
explanation on a daily basis. If the explanation reflected the truth, we might actually win this war that has
been waged against us — a war that has been raging to a greater or lesser degree for 1400 years.
The fact is, Islam is a political doctrine of war. In the West, it is also a religion of caveats.
State secretly planning to provoke 'end of the world' by attacking India to try and entice USA into
all-out war, document reveals. A recruitment document understood to be written by ISIS
militants has revealed the terrorist group's plans for all-out war to bring about 'the end of the
world'. The Urdu document, passed to the American Media Institute by a Pakistani citizen
connected to the Taliban, reveals the scale of the ambition of ISIS, including targeting India to
provoke the U.S. to intervene. It details how they are urging the units of the Pakistani and
Afghan Taliban into one army with ISIS, and asking al-Qaeda to join ISIS to forge a caliphate.
When the Hitler Comparison
Fits. Obama's unconstitutional "arrangement" with the nuke-happy mullahs is being criticized for all kinds of
reasons — but not because it is literally evil. Obama's greatest foreign policy achievement isn't just a blunder.
It is the greatest retreat from clear and present danger in American history. The "deal" empowers the most anti-humane, the most
misogynist, oppressive, Jew-hating, Sunni-hating, America-hating, aggressive, imperialistic, and dangerous power-cult in the world.
Even the Saudis, who also enforce strict sharia law, are scared to death of these characters. Morally, the mullah cult equals the
Hitler cult. Only the stage props are different. Look at the basics, and see if you don't agree. [...]
Hitler and Islam. It is well known that
Mein Kampf is still very popular in the Muslim world: for example, in Egypt and some Arab countries. But also in
Turkey. In Iran. Or Pakistan. Germans in the Islamic world are being addressed enthusiastically, because they hail
from "The Land of Hitler". Not so long ago I heard this again from a German friend who travels to the Middle East regularly.
In the Islamic world a direct link is being drawn between Hitler's warfare and the Jihad. At the same time it's very fashionable
among Muslims to deny the Holocaust, which in the eyes of an anti-Semitic would rather damage Hitler's status as a hero; why then still
read his book? But then the denial of the Holocaust is again necessary to refuse the justification for the State of Israel.
Teacher Recruits 4-Year-Olds to be Terrorists. [Scroll down] But to Islamic culture, children are entirely expendable. They
exist only to serve the cause. This is a twisted mindset that we've seen before among the Nazis and Communists, but it's normative within Islam
where children are a collective clan property (It takes a village) instead of a personal relationship with their parents. If the girls "dishonor"
their clan, their parents kill them. If their deaths will aid the larger collective agenda, then it's done, [...]
Islam Has Been Making the Need
for the Second Amendment Obvious. The latest wave of violence from the Religion of Peace would have taken more lives if not for law-abiding Israeli
citizens carrying guns: [...] No wonder Europeans, who have been placed in the same boat as Israelis by the quislings allowing the ongoing invasion by Muslim
"refugees," wish they had guns too.
The Houston Texans' Uday Aboushi Publicly
Supports Terror Attacks on Israel. NFL football player Oday Aboushi arrived in South Florida this weekend to play against the
Miami Dolphins, this time in the uniform of the Houston Texans, as the team he previously played for, the New York Jets, waived him in the
offseason. And while the team he plays for may have changed, his actions as an anti-Israel Muslim extremist remain fully intact.
to Fight Back in the Holy War of Islamism. Europe is inexplicably importing even more Muslims who proclaim
openly that their ideology gives them the Allah-given right to kill, rob, rape, and/or enslave those not like themselves,
including the wrong kinds of Muslims. Germany is even evicting its own citizens from their apartments to make room for them.
You can take the Muslim out of the Islamic State but you cannot take the Islamic State out of the IS Muslim, as shown by the honor
killing of a rape victim in Germany. The Obama Administration meanwhile wants to import hundreds if not thousands of school shootings,
Fort Hood massacres, Boston Marathon bombings, and 9/11s waiting for times and places to happen.
Textbooks Teach Children 'How To Stab A Jew'. How monstrous do you have to be to teach children how to kill in
the name of any God? It's what the Palestinians do and have always done. They are teaching their children how to
stab and kill a Jew. Danny Dannon, Israel's new ambassador to the US and someone I admire, gave a speech at the UN that
bluntly showed the mindset of these demons. In a picture that shows just where to stab a Jew to kill them, he indicated
the latest teaching aides for Palestinian children.
outdoes his 'bunch of folks in a deli' comment. How is it that the media rushes to write headlines about black teenagers shot
by white police officers (ever-assuming the incident is racially motivated), yet when it comes to jihadists murdering Jews (when incidents are
motivated by religious hatred toward them), headlines are ambiguous. At best. I'm waiting for someone to write "Unarmed Jew
Stabbed by Muslim with Knife Dipped in Poison." (Yes, Muslims are being urged to dip their knives in poison so if the knifing doesn't
kill the Jew, the poison will.)
Reasoning: Yield to Our Crazy Religious Intolerance or We'll Kill You. In the last several days, Palestinians
have shot, stabbed, and rammed Israeli civilians to death, prompting fears that suicide bombings are next. But even without
explosives, the attacks have been gruesome enough. In the the last 24 hours, two terrorists boarded a bus, locked the doors,
and started shooting and stabbing passengers until one terrorist was shot to death and the other wounded. That same day, a
Palestinian man rammed his car into a crowded bus stop, emerged from his vehicle "swinging an axe," and killed a rabbi before
he was stopped. In two other incidents, Palestinians seriously wounded Israelis in stabbing attacks.
unleashed. Instead of firing rockets indiscriminately, Palestinians are now murdering Israelis with knives,
guns and cars in a spasm of terror that is verging on a third intifada. True to form, Palestinian leaders have nodded at
the killings, or have even called for more murders. No surprise: the bloodshed has rapidly quickened.
of Female Attackers in Terror Wave Is 'Tactic, Not Coincidence,' Says Israeli Terror Expert. A member of Israel's Knesset
and author of two books on suicide bombers told The Algemeiner on Monday [10/12/2015] that "girls are useful as terrorists, because
they appear less suspicious than their male counterparts, and because it is easier for them to hide weapons under their garments."
MK Anat Berko, a member Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party, was responding to a question about the increasing rate of young
females carrying out the terrorist attacks against Israelis that have become a near-daily occurrence over the last several weeks.
Indeed, on Monday alone, two of the four stabbings in Jerusalem — the fourth took place in the evening, on a bus entering the
capital — were committed by teenage girls.
How Obama Ushered in
the New Age of Christian Martyrdom. Everywhere that U.S. leadership helped Islamic jihadis topple secular
autocrats in the name of "democracy and freedom," indigenous Christian minorities are forced either to convert to Islam or
die. Many are accepting death. Most recently, on August 28 near Aleppo, the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) tortured,
mutilated, publicly raped, beheaded and crucified 12 Christians for saying they "would never renounce Christ" for Muhammad.
The jihadis took one group in front of a large crowd. They cut off the fingertips of a 12-year-old boy, who steadfastly
refused to submit to Islam. They "severely beat him, telling his father they would stop the torture only if he, the father,
returned to Islam." He refused, so they "also tortured and beat him and the two other ministry workers. The three
men and the boy then met their deaths in crucifixion."
When a phobia is rational.
[Scroll down] It is irrational, however, to ignore the threats posed by Islamic jihadists and illegal immigration
because left wing punditry and multicultural advocates dub our fears as phobias. All one has to do to raise one's blood
pressure is to Google the list of Islamist terrorist attacks since 1980 and also the criminal charges against illegal, oops,
undocumented immigrants. In the 1980's there were 15 global attacks by Islamic Jihadists. There were 33 in the
1990's and 150 from 2000 to 2009. From 2010-2014 there were 102 and 62 so far in 2015 alone. The most deadly,
of course was on September 11, 2001 in my hometown that took the lives of 2,977 innocent human beings. Before 9/11,
the total of attacks was 58 and after 9/11 that number has grow[n] to 304.
gang rape victim who fled to Germany after her ordeal is stabbed to death in honour killing. A woman whose
family branded her 'unclean' after she was gang-raped in her Syrian homeland has been found murdered in Germany —
allegedly on the orders of her own mother. Police believe the victim, named only as Rokstan M, 20, was stabbed
to death by her father and brothers in the twisted logic that she had brought disgrace on her family through the sex attack.
The Editor says...
Yep, it's a good thing you committed a cold-blooded murder, so your family can remain honorable!
More importantly, you can retain your good standing with the Religion Of Peace.
in the hospital, Muslims on the train, as Europe hands over the keys to the kingdom. A female doctor in Germany
describes a horrifying scene of Muslim invaders overwhelming the health care system — making demands, threats, and
attacking staff. The masses that are descending upon Europe are also arriving with an array of communicable diseases,
including diseases the West has never seen before. [...] And if that isn't shocking enough, the local press is forbidden to
report on any of this, forcing citizens to communicate by email as a somewhat clandestine system of information-sharing is
necessitated in the face of layer upon layer of madness.
Muslim father kills his 4-year-old daughter for forgetting to cover her head while eating. The hijab, the niqab and the burqa are the
symbols of Islamic misogyny and manifestations of a culture that considers violence against women acceptable — the quran even says to beat
women from whom a man may "fear disobedience" (4:34). I am sure, therefore, that this kind of thing happens far more often than is reported.
Even when little girls as young as this are the victims. And why do 4-year olds have to be covered? To stop Muslim men from desiring them?
UK: 14-year-old
Muslim told teacher, "You are on my beheading list". "It is clear that he had been radicalised by Isis propaganda
accessed by him over the internet." How clear is it, really? How long are Western authorities going to persist in this
delusion without ever asking themselves why the moderate, peaceful Muslim that they assume prevails in their countries is
completely unable to withstand the appeal of what they firmly believe is a twisted, hijacked version of the religion?
If this boy and so many others like him learned the true, peaceful Islam in their homes and their mosques, why did they
so easily fall for this counterfeit Islam they found on the Internet? Why have 30,000 Muslims from 100 countries
traveled to join the Islamic State? Why are imams worldwide so spectacularly failing to communicate the true peaceful
nature of their religion to their own young people? The cognitive dissonance is enormous, and growing by the day, but
no one seems to notice or care.
The Mushroom Cloud ISIS Has In Store For Us.
The totalitarian mass murderers of Islamic State are hellbent on acquiring nuclear weapons and using them against their
enemies in the West, a reporter who was embedded with the Salafi jihadist fighters in occupied Syria is warning. German
journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer, who spent 10 anxious days living in Islamic State-held Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor in Syria
with the jihadists, wants the world to know that the terrorist group is deadly serious about unleashing a "nuclear tsunami"
on those who oppose its efforts to create an Islamic caliphate. "This is the largest religious cleansing strategy
that has ever been planned in human history," he said.
is right: 'Islam has always been part of America'. Yes, Mr. President, Islam was part of American history. The
brutal, barbarous Islamic states of Tripoli (Tunisia), and Morocco terrorized the Mediterranean with their 'Barbary Pirates.'
They kidnapped, enslaved and tortured Western seaman [sic]. At one time 20,000 seamen were in captivity in Algiers.
Those with money bought their freedom. Seaman without money were sold as slaves who were worked to death in mines and galleys.
[...] Standing up to the threat of violent Islam was a defining moment for America under President Thomas Jefferson.
Capitulating to Iran will be the defining moment of this generation.
Pederasty. Americans have an almost universal revulsion towards child molesters. Even among prisoners, some of
whom are guilty of the heinous crime of murder, pedophiles are viewed with such disgust that their very lives are forfeit.
They are considered the lowest of the low. That innate revulsion also arises among our military when mere children are
raped. Sexually abusing and torturing kids is something that sickens and enrages even the most battle-hardened American
soldiers. It is something our military has always found absolutely intolerable. That is why the revelation that U.S.
soldiers have been ordered to stand down and do nothing when they hear little boys screaming as they are sodomized by Afghani
military personnel is virtually incomprehensible. [...] If the rape of boys cannot be reproached but must be tolerated as a
cultural practice, just what might evoke justifiable moral outrage?
Rejects Appeal From Green Beret Fired After Confronting Rapist. Even as the U.S. military denies reports that
American troops were told to ignore Afghan child abusers, an 11-year Green Beret who was ordered discharged after he
confronted an alleged rapist was informed Tuesday that the Army has denied his appeal. Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland
earlier this year was ordered discharged by Nov. 1. He has been fighting to stay in, but in an initial decision,
the U.S. Army Human Resources Command told Martland that his appeal "does not meet the criteria" for an appeal.
"Consequently, your request for an appeal and continued service is disapproved," the office wrote in a memo to Martland.
Obama's Silence on Afghan
Military's Child Rape. American soldiers are being punished for blowing the whistle on the systematic rape and enslavement
of young boys at the hands of brutal Afghan Muslim military officials. Honorable men in uniform risked their careers and lives to
stop the abuse. Yet, the White House — which was busy tweeting about its new feminism-pandering "It's On Us" campaign
against an alleged college rape crisis based on debunked statistics — is AWOL on the actual pedophilia epidemic known as
"bacha bazi." On Thursday [9/24/2015], Obama administration flacks went out of their way to downplay Afghan child rape as
"abhorrent," but "fundamentally" a local "law enforcement matter." This is the price the innocents pay for blind multiculturalism.
German Journalist: Islamic State Plans on Killing Millions. A German journalist named Jurgen Todenhofer managed
to get himself embedded with the Islamic State for ten days without getting taken hostage and beheaded. How he managed that
we have no idea, but he has written a book about what he learned during those ten days. His book is called "Inside
IS — Ten Days in the Islamic State," and it reportedly reveals much about the Islamic State's intentions, which
come as no surprise to many of us, though the Obama administration has been oblivious and disinterested in the threat IS
poses. Todenhofer maintains that the West has underestimated the power of the Islamic State and is unprepared for what it
seeks to do.
Terrified Jewish Children Hounded by Muslim
Mob. A hassidic child cries, clinging to his father's hand as an angry mob hounds them, hurling anti-Semitic
abuse. Scenes not from Europe in the early twentieth century, but from the streets of Jerusalem's Old City on Sukkot,
2015. Muslims in the holy city have been rioting for more than two weeks now, clashing with police and attacking
Jewish residents. Several people have been injured and one man — 64-year-old grandfather Alexander
Levlovich — was murdered by Muslim terrorists who hurled rocks at his car, causing a fatal crash.
Extremists in Bangladesh publish global hit
list of bloggers and writers. Islamic extremists in Bangladesh appear to be taking their war on secular writers and bloggers
beyond the South Asian country's borders. [...] The list contains nine people in the United Kingdom, eight in Germany, two in the United
States, one in Canada and one in Sweden. CNN isn't reporting any of the names on the list.
To Rolling Stone: Climate Change Is So Terrible I Dare Not Tell You The Full Truth. [Scroll down] But the
thing that ought to scare us all far more than any of the above is the insight it offers into the terrifyingly desperate
lengths to which President Obama and his fellow travellers are now prepared to go in order to advance the green agenda.
One of these fellow travellers is Rolling Stone editor Jeff Goodell, who was granted an exclusive audience with the
President in order to promote what the video calls "Obama's Climate Crusade". Crusade? I thought that word was on the
presidential banned list on account of its being offensive to followers of the Religion of Peace (TM). Apparently, though,
climate change is so incredibly important that it trumps any of that minor-league rape, crucifixion and enslavement stuff
going on in Syria and Iraq right now.
Armed Muslim enters church, says Allah told him to "slay infidels". "He said people are going to die today,
that's what he said to me," said the pastor. "Aziz first approached a deacon outside the church and asked to see the
pastor for prayer," according to KITV. Had the deacon drawn cartoons of Muhammad? Had the pastor committed some
act of "Islamophobia"? Or did Rasheed Abdul Aziz choose the Corinth Missionary Baptist Church for his jihad simply
because the Qur'an commands Muslims to fight against and subjugate the "People of the Book" (9:29), a command that doesn't
single out the "People of the Book" who have "poked Muslims in the eye," but applies to all of them whether they have
offended delicate Muslim sensibilities or not?
of America terrorist training compounds. While the Middle East remains a hotbed for terrorists, we've got our
own jihad training compounds set up in rural areas across the United States. They are run by an organization called Muslims
of America (MOA). Law enforcement describes these compounds as "classically structured terrorist cells." If you
visit the MOA website, you'll get a hefty dose of taqiyya.
Do Refugees Matter Only After The Christians Are Dead? [P]erhaps the news didn't catch public attention because
early on it was mostly Christians being told convert, leave, or die, and it is acceptable to persecute Christians.
Christians are the most persecuted religion (scroll down to the section on group harassment), although one would hardly learn
that truth reading legacy media. When stories of Christian persecution get told, they are questionably dismissed or billed as
stories about something else. For instance, the Boko Haram girls story played in the Western public as a story of sexism,
when really the story was about persecution of Christians. Christian families were educating their children, boys and girls.
Muslim terrorists killed the boys. They trapped them in their schools and set the buildings on fire and later kidnapped the
girls and forced them into sex slavery to breed the Christians out. Desperate Nigerian Christians simply figured out that if
they sold the story to the United States as a story about female oppression it would get more attention, and possibly help.
there IS more to fear than fear itself. [Scroll down] The two megalithic statues were built on the side
of a cliff more than 1,300 years ago and survived intact until the year 2001 when the Islamic Taliban regime in Afghanistan
bombarded them with artillery and dynamite for more than a month to dismember them. Why did they do it? Perhaps just to prove
their passionate intensity, or just to prove their disdain for all things that are not Islamic. All we know for sure is that a
panel of fundamentalist clerics ruled that all statues are idols, so they had to be destroyed regardless of their artistic and historic
and cultural importance. What do you think will happen to Florence when it falls under sharia law? What will happen to the
David of Michelangelo? What will happen to Botticelli's "Adoration of the Magi"? What will happen to "Il Duomo" —
the domed cathedral at the heart of the great city of the Renaissance? Will they be destroyed piecemeal? Or will the
entire city have to be pulverized with an atomic blast? One idol after another, one Christian sculpture, one painting, one
church after another? How else could it be cleaned up so that no Muslims are offended? Blow it all up.
Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies. In his last phone call home, Lance Cpl. Gregory
Buckley Jr. told his father what was troubling him: From his bunk in southern Afghanistan, he could hear Afghan police officers
sexually abusing boys they had brought to the base. "At night we can hear them screaming, but we're not allowed to do
anything about it," the Marine's father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the
base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. "My son said that his officers told him to look the other way
because it's their culture."
Second-hand terrorism: Teenage
girl jailed for murdering mother after watching Isis beheading videos online. A 15-year-old girl has been
jailed for murdering her mother after becoming obsessed with Isis beheading videos. Teenager Lisa Borch had been watching
brutal online videos of British hostages David Haines and Alan Henning being killed just minutes before her mother was fatally
stabbed at least 20 times with a kitchen knife last year, according to reports.
Muslim "Bomb-Clock" Kid's Victim Narrative Just Imploded. [Scroll
down] According to the left, his teacher, principal, and the police should have known that the convincing, ticking timer was nothing more
than a Muslim boy's attempt at ironic creativity. However, I can't help but wonder what's next — a pressure cooker clock?
How about a stopwatch that contains a retractable switchblade with the inscription "there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger?"
Perhaps even an alarm clock that shouts "Allahu Akbar" every time it strikes 9:11? If Muslims don't want this horrific stereotype associated
with their religion, maybe they should've stopped before they racked up a body count of 270 million non-Muslims. [...] Now that Mohamed
has been invited to show off his clever invention to Obama, I'm positive that the American president's security will allow him to slip right on
through, not even giving a second glance at his clock. Since there's no possible way that this device could be anything other than an alarm
clock, the Secret Service should allow him entrance, no questions asked. After all, he is a Muslim, and Barack wouldn't want to seem
islamophobic, would he?
Security: U.S. Faces Highest Terror Threat Since 9/11.
• Most of the IS terrorist plots and attacks have involved targets in the New York and Boston areas.
• The majority of recent Islamic terrorist plots have targeted law enforcement or troops based inside the U.S., such as July's Chattanooga, Tenn., attack, killing five soldiers.
• The FBI has "hundreds of open investigations" of potential IS-inspired terrorists that cover all 56 of the bureau's field offices in 50 states.
• Potentially "thousands of Americans" are taking in IS recruitment propaganda over social media sites, and may act on jihadist commands to "kill, kill, kill."
• IS has produced more than 1,700 "jihadeos" and other propaganda material in just the first five months of this year.
• IS and its agents are posting an estimated 200,000 jihadist messages on Twitter every day, and despite the FBI's crackdown, American recruitment is exploding.
Muslims assault elderly Jews, authorities searching for motive. "The Blugs say two men, who looked to be of
Moroccan descent, knocked on the door to their apartment, claiming to be the police and demanding entrance.... The assailants
threw the couple on the floor, kicked them repeatedly and shouted: 'Dirty Jews — from now on your property is ours.'"
What motive could they possibly have? It's utterly baffling!
Horror Confirmed at Austria Italy Border — Mid-East Muslims "Refugees" Go On Rampage. Reports coming
in from various European News Outlets are confirming mass migration rampage events by hoards [sic] of Islamists cloaked as
"refugees". [...] These are not necessarily "refugees"; indeed, most are not refugees at all — they are
opportunists from various regions, mostly North Africa, using the chaos in Libya/Syria to gain entry into Europe.
Men Detained In Texas After Disrupting Flight From San Diego To Chicago. A Southwest Airlines flight from San
Diego to Chicago was diverted to Amarillo, Texas, late Monday night, after six passengers became unruly during the flight.
[...] The men who were detained were being processed at the Randall County Jail and charged with interference with a flight
crew, police said. They have been identified as Saiman Hermez, 19; Jonathan Khalid Petras, 20; Ghazwan Asaad Shaba, 21;
Essa Solaqa, 20; Khalid Yohana, 19; and Wisam Imad Shaker, 23. They are all from the San Diego area.
Muslim Immigrants Spend Hours Beating a Christian Man to Death in Portland, Maine. Portland, Maine has been
shocked by a monstrous crime perpetrated by three Muslim immigrants who spent hours beating a Christian man to death after
being invited to his home for a party. The three Muslims were at the home of Freddy Akoa when at some point they decided
to slowly murder him by spending hours kicking him, punching him, and hitting him with a piece of furniture until he finally
died from his grievous injuries.
Chad executes 10 Boko
Haram members by firing squad: sources. Chad has executed 10 members of Nigerian Islamist militant group Boko
Haram by firing squad, a day after they were sentenced on terrorism charges, security sources said on Saturday [8/29/2015].
"They were shot this morning at the Massaguet firing range," said one of the sources, referring to a city about 60 km
(40 miles) northeast of the capital N'Djamena.
The Editor says...
President Obama wants to close the Guantanamo Bay prison, but he can't figure out what to do with the most fanatical
terrorists in U.S. custody. In the article above, we see the answer: Send them all to Chad, where real threats
are recognized, and practical solutions are implemented swiftly.
Western Establishment's Concealment of Muslim Persecution of Christians. On June 11, Shillman Fellow Raymond
Ibrahim delivered a lecture on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. It was part of Coptic Solidarity's sixth annual conference.
His topic was the failures and cover ups of the Western establishment — academia, government, and mainstream
media — concerning the rampant persecution of Christians in the Middle East. [Video clip]
Partners in Peace: We Will Cleanse the Earth of Jews. Hussein Sheikholeslam, a senior adviser to Iran's Speaker
of Parliament, told the Hamas-affiliated newspaper al-Resalah that Tehran "reject[s] the existence of any Israeli on this
earth," a position he says Iran relayed to the P5+1 powers during the nuclear negotiations, The Times of Israel reported
Wednesday [8/19/2015]. According to Sheikholeslam, Iran "will do everything to renew" its support for Hamas, which
Tehran lessened in retaliation to the Sunni group's opposition to the regime of Bashar al-Assad after the outbreak of the
Syrian civil war. Sheikholeslam's comments are the latest in a series of threats issued against Israel by Iran since
the Islamic Republic signed a nuclear agreement with the P5+1 powers last month.
Getting Death Threats Daily — and the FBI Is Warning About... Me. The website Public Intelligence
reported that "an intelligence bulletin issued by the FBI's Counterterrorism Division in late May warns that so-called
'militia extremists' are likely to begin targeting Muslim institutions, including mosques and other religious facilities."
It named me, among others, among those who incite these violent "militia extremists." Meanwhile, as the FBI libels me as
someone who inspires violence, I am getting death threats every day. Every day now.
animated propaganda video released by Iranian activists imagines the 'inevitable' destruction of Israel. A
chilling new propaganda video has been released by hardline Iranian activists imagining the 'inevitable' destruction of the
Israeli state at the hands of Islamic armies. The short animated clip shows heavily armed militants wearing the emblems of
various militant and terror cells standing side by side as they prepare to march on the Israeli capital Jerusalem.
of Muslim Men Harass U.S. Congressmen in Israel. A delegation of U.S. congressmen in Israel was harassed by a
large group of Muslim men during a visit to the historically significant Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Tuesday, according to a
Jerusalem Post report. Reps. Trent Franks (R., Ariz.), Keith Rothfus (R., Penn.), and Evan Jenkins (R., W.Va.), who was
also joined by his wife, were approached by several Muslim men when they ascended the Temple Mount. The men were
"surprisingly intolerant and belligerent," according to Rothfus.
Sniper Kills IS Executioner Before He Can Behead 8-Year-Old Boy. A British sniper from
the elite SAS saved an 8-year-old boy and his father from an Islamic State executioner by shooting
the executioner in the head last month. The SAS sniper team was reportedly tipped off to the
execution in the Syrian desert by an Iraqi spy. When they arrived, they found that several Shia
Muslims had already been beheaded by their captors. The IS (commonly referred to as ISIS)
executioner, flanked on both sides by armed companions, was preparing to kill a young boy and his
father next when the SAS team deployed its .50-caliber silenced sniper rifle.
Door-to-door terrorism: FBI
Issues Alert About 'Scared' Military Families Being 'Confronted by Middle Eastern Males'. The Federal
Bureau of Investigation has issued an alert to all law enforcement agencies in Colorado and Wyoming about Middle
Eastern men approaching the family members of individuals serving in the U.S. military at their homes. CBS
Denver reported that the alert specifically noted Greeley, Colorado, and Cheyenne, Wyoming, as areas of concern.
Middle Eastern Men Intimidating U.S. Military Families In Colorado & Wyoming. An alert has been issued by the
FBI to all law enforcement agencies in Colorado and Wyoming involving U.S. military families and concerns about who may be
watching them. The alert says Middle Eastern men are approaching families of U.S. military members at their homes in
Colorado and Wyoming. It mentions Greeley, Colorado, and Cheyenne, Wyoming, as the specific areas.
alert: Middle Eastern men intimidating military families in Colorado, Wyoming. The FBI has issued an alert
to all law enforcement agencies in Colorado and Wyoming, warning them to be on the lookout for suspicious Middle Eastern
men who have been approaching U.S. military families. According to the alert, the men have been approaching military
families at their homes and have tried to use intimidation to get their personal information, CBS reported.
Nuclear Iran: Is the U.S.
Really Suicidal? If Obama and the others who signed the catastrophic nuclear agreement
with Iran on the eve of Laylat al-Qadr, the Eve of Destiny, a few days before the end of the Ramadan
fast, had studied a little history, they would know that the Battle of Qadisiyyah in 636, in which
the Persians suffered a disastrous defeat at the hands of the Arabs, has not yet ended. They would
know that Islam had, in fact, been imposed on the Sassanid Empire by force, and that, in protest,
the Persians adopted Shi'a Islam, a form of the religion that deviated from and changed the Islam of the
Arabs, as a way of rebelling and continuing the fight. If the West had studied that important event
in Islamic history, they would understand they were enabling Iran to achieve a nuclear bomb and accelerate
the national religious war between us, the Arabs, and the Shi'ite Iranians. For Iran's mullahs, the
showdown is meant to be apocalyptic.
Desperately Rush the Channel Tunnel to England, Night After Night. For many of the migrants who have been coming to the
Continent from Africa, the Middle East and beyond, Calais, a mere 21 miles from the white cliffs of Dover, is their last stop.
If they make it across to Britain, many believe they will have reached safety and a better life. Some are attracted to Britain
because they speak some English, others because they see better job prospects there than on the Continent. A few even cite a
strong pound.
The Editor says...
The New York Times is going to great lengths to tell this story while deflecting attention from the obvious: The Muslims are flooding into
England, by force, in order to blend into the background, breed like rats, and then take over England by way of the ballot box, ultimately
turning it into a caliphate. I wish I could see next weeks lottery numbers as clearly as I can see this.
goes up in flames: Migrants fight to get into UK as ferry workers block harbour. The protest has taken place
after negotiations with the French government over job cuts broke down. Fires, which are currently blocking access to
the harbour, have plunged the crisis zone into further chaos. It comes after Britain's borders faced more disruption
last night [7/30/2015] as hundreds of migrants including children stormed the Eurotunnel.
migrants undaunted by extra French riot police. Migrants massed around the entrance to
the Channel Tunnel said on Thursday [7/30/2015] they would keep trying to sneak across to Britain,
undaunted by the arrival of 120 extra riot police on the French side.
The Editor says...
Notice that in the British press, "migrants" means "Muslim migrants." (Similarly, in the American press, "a group
of teens" means "a mob of black teens.") The use of the word "Muslims" in the British press is apparently prohibited.
2,000 migrants
try to storm Channel Tunnel in France to reach UK. About 2,000 migrants tried to enter
the Channel Tunnel through the French terminal near Calais Monday night in an attempt to reach the
United Kingdom, operator Eurotunnel said. Some of the migrants were injured, Eurotunnel France
spokesperson Cecile Carreras told CNN. French authorities and Eurotunnel personnel were able to
enter the tunnel and intervene[.] The tunnel, also known as the Chunnel, runs 50 kilometers
(31 miles) from a point near Calais, in northern France to Folkestone, in southeastern England.
CCTV of gang attacking man on Tower Bridge released by police. Police have released
CCTV footage of a gang of men carrying out a "vicious, cowardly and unprovoked attack" on a man at
Tower Bridge, London. Shocking footage shows the 29-year-old man walking along the bridge from the
south side after a friend's wedding when he is suddenly punched and kicked to the ground by several men.
Know Your Enemy: A Primer on Islamic
Jihad. In the first 100 years after the death of Mohammed (a.d. 632), Islamic jihad conquered most of the known
world except Western Europe. Christian forces blocked the first century of Islamic conquest at the very bloody Battle of Tours
on October 10, 732. Islamic jihad continued to threaten the very existence of Christianity throughout the next millennium.
suicide bombers kill dozens in Cameroon, Nigeria. A 12-year-old girl suicide bomber
killed 20 people in an attack on a bar in Maroua in Cameroon [7/25/2015], while in a crowded market
in neighbouring Nigeria a "mentally handicapped" female attacker killed 14.
Jihadis, 'Assassins'
and Barack Obama. A thousand years ago in the age of the Assassins, there were no long-range
rifles with sniper scopes, no remote-control bombs. Assassins depended on physical contact with their
targets who commonly were stabbed with a poisoned dagger in the knowledge that the victim's entourage would
then pounce upon the Assassin and kill him. In effect, they were bent not only on murder but suicide,
forerunners of today's jihadi massacre freaks.
New Syndrome: Anything But Islam. Examples of liberals defending jihadist behavior are
far too numerous to detail. From elected officials to entertainers to grandmas and college students
on social media, they can be found by the millions singing a similar tune, defending people who are
beheading, dropping off buildings, burning, drowning, burying alive, and worse (if they can think of
worse) in the name of service to their god. The White House, via State Dept. Deputy Spokesperson
Marie Huff, has gone so far as to suggest a driving force behind such bombings and beheadings being
a lack of quality jobs. Yeah, jobs! That's it. A lousy job leads you to cut
people's heads off! Anything but Islam.
Next Move is to Gang up on Israel. Last week, when four unarmed U.S. Marines and a
Navy petty officer were murdered by a 23-year-old fanatic named Mohammed in Chattanooga, Tennessee,
the President of the United States was in the process of hyping our national surrender to Iran's
drive for nukes. The White House also gave its annual Eid el Fitr dinner for Muslims, at a time
when they celebrate the end of Ramadan by butchering sheep and goats in the backyard, using the same
throat-slitting method the 9/11 hijackers used to murder American and United Airlines personnel, fourteen
years ago. ISIS videos show the same throat-slitting style, to promote the religion of peace.
terror group Boko Haram releases first beheading video since pledging allegiance to
ISIS. Boko Haram has set a terrifying new precedent by releasing its first gruesome
video of a beheading since it pledged allegiance to ISIS. The video adopts many of the same
style-points as the hundreds of barbaric videos released by ISIS over the last year. The 'west
Africa' insignia in the top-left corner suggests the terror group has set up a new so-called media
wing in the country.
Racing Through History.
When Obama condemned Christianity for the Crusades, only a thousand years too late, in attendance
was the Foreign Minister of Sudan; a country that practices slavery and genocide. Obama could have
taken time out from his rigorous denunciation of the Middle Ages to speak truth to the emissary of a
Muslim Brotherhood regime whose leader is wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes
against humanity. But our moral liberals spend too much time romanticizing actual slaver cultures.
It's a lot easier for Obama to get in his million dollar Cadillac with its 5-inch thick bulletproof
windows, a ride Boss Hogg could only envy, and chase down a couple of good ole boys than it is to
condemn a culture that committed genocide in our own time, not in 1099, and that keeps slaves today,
not in 1815. Even while the Duke boys were being chased through Georgia, Obama appeared at an
Iftar dinner; an event at which Muslims emulate Mohammed, who had more slaves than Robert E. Lee.
There are no slaves in Arlington House today, but in the heartlands of Islam, from Saudi mansions to ISIS
dungeons, there are still slaves, laboring, beaten, bought, sold, raped and disposed of in Mohammed's name.
Israel and Egypt:
The next ISIS conquests? The Fourth of July — America's Independence Day —
is not an official Israeli holiday, but in recent years it has become an occasion for fireworks. Last
year Hamas lit up the Israeli sky with a barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip, aimed at civilian targets.
This year the bombs bursting in air were fired from northern Sinai by a new enemy: the Islamic Caliphate,
aka ISIL, ISIS and various other aliases and euphemisms. These are the guys with the black and white flag
who have been chopping off heads in the name of Allah in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Nigeria, France and other
locales. Now they are right next door.
Caches Found in 40 Tunisian Mosques. As Turkish prime minister (now president) Recep
Tayyip Erdogan famously said, "The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our
bayonets and the faithful our soldiers." And he wasn't kidding — but he left out
"armories", because mosques serve that function, too.
children executed by ISIS for 'crimes' that include refusal to fast, report says. The
blood-soaked executioners of ISIS have spared neither women nor children since the jihadist army
established its caliphate a year ago, putting an estimated 74 kids and even more women to death for
such offenses as practicing "magic" and refusing to fast during Ramadan. A total of 3,027 people
have been executed by ISIS since it declared itself a state under strict Islamic law in Syria and Iraq
last June, according to a new report by the UK-based group, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
'Celebrates' SCOTUS Decision by Tossing 4 Accused Gay Men Off Roof. The jihadist
terror group Islamic State responded to the Supreme Court's recent decision on gay marriage by
killing accused gay men by pushing them off a roof. Released on the same day as the U.S. Supreme
Court's decision legalizing homosexual marriage across all 50 states, the video shows ISIS militants
pushing several men off a high roof to their deaths.
ISIS Attacks
in America Are Coming. By its own depraved standards, last Thursday [6/25/2015] and Friday were
gruesomely successful days for ISIS. On Thursday, a suicide squad of ISIS fighters infiltrated
Kobani, the Syrian town it had previously lost to Kurdish militia, and killed 145 residents. Then,
on Friday, ISIS was linked to two massacres at different ends of the Middle East: in Tunisia a
gunman armed with an Ak-47 killed at least 47 vacationers at a beach resort, while in Kuwait a
suicide bomber killed at least 24 Shiites at a mosque. ISIS may also be connected to the French
Muslim attacker who beheaded the manager of an American-owned chemical plant in France and tried to
blow up the entire facility.
attacks across the globe — and no plan to counter it. The world got a savage reminder
Friday [6/26/2015] that jihadi terror is alive and well — with attacks on three different continents.
The mad butchers beheaded one man at a chemical plant in France and killed 37 on a beach in Tunisia. In
Kuwait, a suicide bombing left 25 dead, and 30 more were slaughtered at a military base in Somalia.
Officials were trying to figure out if the hits were coordinated or perhaps inspired by a recent ISIS call for
jihadis to make Ramadan a time of "calamity for the infidels" and to "conquer." Such bloody outbursts serve
as a vivid reminder of the ongoing threat to the civilized world.
kills 39 at Tunisian beachside hotel, Islamic State claims attack. A gunman disguised as a
tourist opened fire at a Tunisian hotel on Friday [6/26/2015] with a rifle he had hidden in an umbrella,
killing 39 people including Britons, Germans and Belgians as they lounged at the beach in an attack
claimed by Islamic State.
Update: How to Destroy a City in
Five Minutes. Look at Tunisia's resort city of Sousse on the Mediterranean. [...] Hotels are laying off workers.
Shops are empty and many will have to be closed. The city is reeling with feelings of guilt and anxiety. Guilt because
one of their own murdered guests, the gravest possible offense against the ancient Arab code of hospitality, and anxiety
because — what now? How will the city survive? How will all the laid-off workers earn a living with their
industry on its back? Sousse without tourists is like Hollywood without movies and Detroit without automobile manufacturing.
Islamic State Brutally Crucifies Two Boys For Not Fasting During Ramadan In Syria. The Islamic
State is the most evil entity I have seen in my lifetime and that's saying something. Yesterday, I
watched them take a cage with four or five Christian men in it and slowly lower it until it was underwater,
where they had cameras to watch the men drown. The men were brave until the end, praying and huddling
together. Then I saw IS line up men on their knees, wrap Primacord around their necks and then blow
their heads off. Now this... it seems every few days the Islamic State has some new, freshly hellish
way of promoting themselves and stirring fear across the globe, enabling the Caliphate to march on.
State kills at least 145 civilians in Syria's Kobani. Islamic State fighters killed at least 145 civilians
in an attack on the Syrian town of Kobani and a nearby village, in what a monitoring group described on Friday [6/26/2015]
as one of the worst massacres carried out by the hardline group in Syria. Islamic State pressed a separate assault
to capture government-held parts of the northeastern city of Hasaka, blowing up a security building and triggering a
government appeal for all residents to take up arms. The United Nations said 60,000 people were reported to
have fled the attack.
attacks rose by 35 percent in 2014. Terrorist attacks world-wide soared by more than a
third last year, according to the State Department. Attacks in 2014 increased 35 percent —
with 81 percent more deaths, according to the department's annual terrorism report.
of Terror: Inside the Islamic State. The Islamic State's caliphate turns one year old on June 29,
and few inside its domains, aside from the true believers who have traveled all over the world to live in the Islamic
promised land, are likely to be celebrating. Like all totalitarian states, it has swiftly established for its
citizens an environment of oppression and fear, supported (in a new twist) not by a personality cult centered upon the
specter of a ubiquitous, all-seeing, all-knowing leader, but by the guilt-manipulation of religious duty. Obey
the Islamic State's dictates, no matter how egregious, or else you'll not just be tortured and brutally murdered, but
you'll burn in hell besides.
Everything You Need to Know about Islamic Hate for the Christian Cross. Last May in Italy, a Muslim boy of African
origin beat a 12-year-old girl during school because she was wearing a crucifix around her neck. The African schoolboy, who
had only started to attend the school approximately three weeks earlier, began to bully the Christian girl — "insulting
her and picking on her in other ways all because she was wearing the crucifix" — before he finally "punched the girl
violently in the back." What is it about the Christian cross that makes some Muslims react this way? The fact is,
Islamic hostility to the cross is an unwavering fact of life — one that crosses continents and centuries; one that is
very much indicative of Islam's innate hostility to Christianity.
Death by Lashing:
Saudi Arabia. Tomorrow, Friday [6/12/2015], the virtual death sentence by 1000 lashes, delivered
"very harshly" according to the flogging order, fifty at a time, might continue for Raif Badawi, a 31-year-old
Saudi blogger and father of three, for allegedly "insulting Islam." The flogging sentence, plus ten years
in prison, was upheld last week by Saudi Arabia's supreme court, and can now only be overturned by a pardon from
King Salman.
Former Muslim's Grave Warning To America. Islam "has begotten a bloodthirsty ideology
that is determined to destroy the principles of liberty and humanity and basic decency," ex-Muslim
and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali said June 3 at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.
Hirsi Ali knows what she's talking about. Born in Mogadishu, Somalia, she was raised Muslim.
She spent her childhood and young adulthood in Africa and Saudi Arabia. She fled as a refugee to the
Netherlands in 1992, where she earned a political science degree and was elected to the Dutch House of
Representatives. After the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Hirsi Ali renounced Islam.
important message sent by the depraved crimes depicted in Game of Thrones and Outlander. [Scroll
down] Where is the anger for the very real, very depraved actions that are occurring not in some mythical
setting but on our planet, now? In today's Middle East, crimes against humanity are occurring on a daily
basis with nary a murmur from Hollywood, the Democrat establishment, the feminists, the progressive movement,
or their millions of sycophants. In the ongoing Muslim civil war, children are crucified on a regular
basis. Girls as young as eight years old are routinely raped and sold as sex slaves in open markets.
Other children are buried alive. An estimated 30 million human beings around the world are currently
living in slavery.
Geller Reacts to Reported Targeting: 'ISIS Is Here,' 'This Is a War'. Wednesday
[6/3/2015] on CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront," American Freedom Defense Initiative president Pamela
Geller reacted to reports that the Boston terror suspect plotted to behead her and said, "This is a
war." [...] Geller said, "Well, they targeted me for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. They mean to
kill everyone who doesn't do their bidding and abide by their law voluntarily. This is a showdown
for American freedom. Will we stand against this savagery or bow down to them and silence ourselves?
It won't end with me, no matter what happens to me or the cops. This is just the beginning. The one
thing that's being ignored that came out of Garland, Texas, is that ISIS is here. Islamic terrorism is
here. [N]ow. Will the media realize what's at stake and that their heads are next? Or will
they continue to target me because they hate my message of freedom? That's the question."
Promise 'Kuffar Blood' Will Spill at Phoenix 'Draw Muhammad' Contest. Breitbart News
previously reported that former Marine Jon Ritzheimer and fellow bikers will be holding a "Draw
Muhammad" contest Friday night [5/29/2015] at 6 p.m. Islamists now warn participants not
to bring their children with them if they love them, promising blood spill if Muhammad is drawn.
IS Executes 20 Men
in Palmyra's Roman Amphitheater. Islamic State on Wednesday executed 20 accused
supporters of the Bashar Assad government in the Roman amphitheater of Syria's ancient city of
Palmyra, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The men were shot in front of a
crowd of residents, the observatory said, citing sources in the area.
'White Widow' rises in Al-Shabaab, reportedly had role in 400 murders. The British woman known as "the
white widow" has risen through the ranks of the Somalia-based Islamic terrorist organization Al-Shabaab, and has had
a hand in more than 400 murders, according to counter-terrorism officials in the African nation. Samantha
Lewthwaite, a 31-year-old Muslim convert and mother of four whose husband was one of the London 7/7 suicide bombers,
has the confidence of Al-Shabaab leader Ahmad Umar and played a key role in last month's slaughter of 148 people
at a university in Kenya, according to Somali security chiefs.
leader declares 'Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting'. The leader of
Islamic State has declared 'Islam is the religion of fighting' in a rare audio message which called on all Muslims to
'fight for the caliphate'. Islamic State released the message yesterday claiming it was from its leader, Abu Bakr
al-Baghdadi, as the extremist group executed 26 civilians before reaching the gates of an ancient Syrian city amid
fears they could destroy it. The audio message posted on militant websites features a voice that sounds like
al-Baghdadi's exhorting all Muslims to take up arms and fight on behalf of the group's self-styled caliphate.
Kingpig Al-Baghdadi: "Islam is the religion of war". My bad. Looks like I had a typo
in the headline. ISIS media released a video by its top general, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, that
explains the "religious" duty of every Muslim is to wage war on the un-believers: [...]
Business as Usual.
Perhaps Samuel Huntington's most famous assertion comes his 1996 book The Clash of Civilizations in
which he argues that "Islam's borders are bloody and so are its innards." The Western world is
likely to remember the "borders" yet apt to forget the "innards". Yet it is the innards which is
generating the greatest misery. The quarrels of Islam are spewing out broken people at a near
historic rate. There are more refugees in the world today than at any time since the Second World
War: fifty million, according to the UNHCR. Most of them are Muslims.
Event Featuring Anti-Muslim Speaker Canceled for Safety Reasons. Not wanting to court
danger, the Boca West Country Club has refused to host the Palm Beach Republican Party's
"Lobsterfest" dinner that advertised controversial Islamic critic Geert Wilders as the keynote
speaker. Geert was part of the Garland, Texas, cartoon contest that invited participants to draw the
Prophet Muhammad. Islamic law prohibits any image of the prophet to ward off idol worship.
Je Suis Pamela
Geller. I was standing next to Pamela Geller just after our American Freedom Defense
Initiative/Jihad Watch Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest ended last Sunday in Garland, Texas
when one of our security team ran in and told us that there had been a shooting outside. As the
audience was led to another area inside the building and the outside was swept for bombs and additional
jihadis, Geller and I were hurried to a safe room. It was the last time since then that Pamela
Geller has been safe. The Islamic State quickly issued a communiqué that included this: [...]
the War Theology, Stupid! Today, most Americans are sunk in shameful ignorance about
their own culture, so they can't figure out what all the fuss is about with those nice Muslims next
door. Aren't they always telling us how peaceful they are? [...] But it's still the war theology,
stupid. Violent jihad is commanded in the Koran. What confuses liberals is that the Koran
also has peaceful verses, so they invariably fall for the sucker bait. As Obama said, the trouble
has to be with those white folks in the Midwest, with their God and their guns. Obama also
blames the Crusades — which raged from 1095 to 1291.
Modern History of the Fatwa. [Scroll down] Communism, like radical Islam, is undone
by the fact that it issues too many fatwas. Because Stalin had so many enemies, a condition he shares
with Islamist groups, unless a death warrant is executed immediately it tends to be overtaken by the more
recently issued orders for the "highest means of punishment". The biggest defense of a given
individual against Islamic fatwas is there are so many of them.
The Religion of Peace.
One of the biggest stories put out there is that Islamic terrorists kill mainly other Muslims. To
date there have been 9,341 deaths at the hands of Islamic terrorists. However, the "by and large"
theory is not so correct as 2,648 deaths have been those of non-Muslims. That is almost 30%
non-Muslims killed this year by the religion of peace. Yet our "president" would rather relive
the Crusades and the Inquisition.
Time to Put an End to Muslim Immigration. Make no mistake — Islam is poison.
It is a poison that appears innocuous in small doses. But as a nation ingests more of it, the
malignant effects soon become apparent. It attacks liberty on multiple fronts: freedom of
religion, women's rights, freedom of expression. In large enough doses it is lethal to a free
society. We've already allowed a dangerous amount of this poison into America. Do not
speak to me of peaceful Muslims as ISIS kills and captures Christians by the thousands and two would-be
jihadist raid a cartoon contest in Texas. As I and many others have said before — Islam
is not a religion of peace. A peaceful Muslim is either a confused apostate or an actor biding his
or her time to strike in the name of jihad.
State on Pamela Geller: "We will send all our Lions to achieve her slaughter". The
reality is that if the gunmen were "provoked" by the Muhammad cartoons, they would have been
"provoked" by something else. What had the Jews in the Hyper Cacher supermarket in January done to
"provoke" the Muslims? They dared to be Jews. What had the people in the Lindt Chocolat Cafe in
Australia done to "provoke" the Muslims? Dared to be non-Muslims. People who say our cartoon contest
deliberately tried to provoke a violent reaction are under the apparent delusion that if we abide by Muhammad
Atta's advice to the passengers on his doomed plane on September 11, 2001, all will be well.
Atta told the passengers, "Stay quiet and you'll be OK." They weren't.
Pam Geller And
Those Before Her. Did the Yazidis draw cartoons? Did James Foley draw cartoons?
Did Daniel Pearl draw cartoons? How is it that Islam has assumed exclusive power with the declaration
they are the judge, jury and executioner of what is blasphemy? The Southern Poverty Law Center has
this on Pam Geller. Ah but, they do have a right to do so as noted by the Supreme Court decision in
2011 in the case of picketing a funeral. All media, even global media has become Sharia compliant
for not standing long ago on free speech and now for blaming the Garland, Texas attack on those who are
taking a stand.
Muslim family murdered a woman for converting their daughter to Christianity. A young
Muslim girl in Texas, befriended an Iranian Christian. The father blamed the Christian for his
daughter converting to Christianity. He murdered her. 10 months later, he murdered his
daughter's Christian boyfriend. At first, he made it look like self defense, but it was staged.
The mother and son are also being charged with murder of the Iranian girl and the other daughter is being
charged with stalking.
Minneapolis Man Charged with Making
Threats in Islamic State Group Case. A Minneapolis man is accused of threatening
federal agents, the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota, and a criminal informant who assisted in the arrest
of six men accused of trying to join the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria. Mahamed Abukar
Said was charged in federal court Friday after posting a series threats on his Twitter page, according
to an FBI affidavit. The tweets have since been deleted but investigators used screen grabs to
capture the threatening messages.
Haram adopts ISIS' bloody religious cleansing strategy. The Islamic militant group
Boko Haram is adopting ISIS' bloody strategy of stamping out Christianity with a frightening fervor,
putting Nigeria's 70 million followers of Jesus in danger for their lives, fearful human rights
advocates say. Boko Haram leaders vowed their formal allegiance to IS in an audio message in
Arabic posted to Twitter last month, according to intelligence analysts. The militant group has
launched murderous rampages across northeastern Nigeria, and into neighboring Chad, Cameroon and
Niger. In an attack April 7, Islamist extremists disguised themselves as preachers and
killed at least 24 people in Nigeria's Borno state.
behead and shoot Ethiopian Christians in sickening new propaganda video. The 29-minute
video [...] shows dozens of militants holding two separate groups captive, thought to be in the
south and the west of the country. At least 16 men, described by Islamic State as the 'followers
of the cross from the enemy Ethiopian Church', are lined up and shot in a desert area while 12 others
are filmed being forced to walk down a beach before being beheaded.
police: Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard. Muslims who were among migrants
trying to get from Libya to Italy in a boat this week threw 12 fellow passengers overboard —
killing them — because the 12 were Christians, Italian police said Thursday [4/16/2015].
Italian authorities have arrested 15 people on suspicion of murdering the Christians at sea, police in
Palermo, Sicily, said.
migrants arrested for allegedly throwing Christians into sea after brawl. Italian
police said Thursday that 15 African Muslim migrants have been arrested after witnesses said the
refugees threw 12 Christians into the Mediterranean following a brawl. Palermo police told the
Associated Press that they had learned of the assault while interviewing tearful survivors from Nigeria
and Ghana who had arrived in the city Wednesday morning [4/15/2015] after being rescued at sea by the
ship Ellensborg. The 15 were accused of multiple homicide aggravated by religious hatred, police
said in a statement.
What Hostages? There were many horrendous moments for the American hostages held by
Iranians for 444 days at the U.S. embassy in Tehran. One of the worst occurred when Iranian captors
showed a hostage a photo of the school bus that took his son to and from school. If the hostage
didn't cooperate, his son's fingers would be chopped off and sent, one a day, to his wife.
doctors 'shot dead' after refusing to treat ISIS militants. Ten doctors who refused to
treat wounded Islamic State militants faced a familiar punishment meted out by the terror group —
bullets to their heads, according to a report. A photograph shows the doomed docs being shot 15 miles
south of Mosul, the group's stronghold in the northern Iraqi desert, the Daily Mail reported.
over evil: Just who killed who in Kenya? We live in the era of the anti-Christian
pogrom. The slaughter at Garissa University College in Kenya that killed nearly 150 people last week
was the latest example of the bloodlust. Usually, such mass-casualty attacks are indiscriminate, but the
killers of the Somali-based al-Shabab terror group sought to be exacting during their all-day assault on the
largely Christian university. A student told The Associated Press, "If you were a Christian, you were
shot on the spot."
Where Terrorists
Thrive and Why. Amid the big news of the last week regarding the "framework" agreement
with Iran and the ouster of ISIS forces from Tikrit, it's easy to lose sight of another piece of big
news — the terrible slaughter carried out by Shabab militants at a university in Kenya. A
small team of just four gunmen armed with nothing more than assault rifles systematically slaughtered
146 students after trying to separate out the Christians from the Muslims. As the New York Times
notes, this is but the latest slaughter carried out by the Somali-based Islamist terror group in next-door
Kenya: Since 2012, Shabab's terrorists have killed more than 600 people on Kenyan soil,
including a mass murder in 2013 in Nairobi's posh Westgate mall.
It's war out there, Obama.
As two of mankind's great religions prepared to celebrate Easter and Passover, terrifying events
on a single day involving a third religion revealed the perilous state of the world, circa 2015.
It was early last Thursday [4/2/2015] in Kenya when Islamists belonging to an al Qaeda franchise
stormed a college, slaughtering nearly 150 Christian students. Survivors said hostages who could
recite the Shahada, the Islamic creed, were freed unharmed while all others were murdered. That
same day, two Muslim women in Queens were arrested on charges of plotting to detonate a bomb in New York.
WH's Response to Kenya Massacre Is Logically Consistent — and Utterly Absurd. What caused nearly
150 deaths at Kenya's Garissa University College last week? The Associated Press summarizes: "The attackers
separated Christian students from Muslim ones and massacred the Christians." Yet here is what the White House had
to say in response: [...]
[is] Giving Hamas Tens Of Millions For Terror Tunnels. According to the UK Telegraph,
Iran is transferring tens of millions of dollars to Hamas' "military wing" Izzadin Kassam to help it
recover from last summer's Operation Protective Edge. The Telegraph says the funds will be
used to "rebuild the network of tunnels in Gaza destroyed by Israel's invasion last summer" and to
replace the missiles fired at or destroyed by Israel during the operation.
militants storm Yemeni prison, freeing 300 inmates. Al-Qaeda militants in Yemen stormed the center
of the coastal city of al-Mukalla early Thursday [4/2/2015], freeing about 300 inmates, including scores of militants,
as Iranian-backed Shiite rebels fought their way into the heart of the country's second city Aden to the west, Yemeni
security officials said.
knew who they were after in Kenya. We know what happened at Garissa University College
in Kenya today [4/2/2015]. The predawn slaughter was a calculated attack carried out by al-Shabab,
the Islamist terrorist group based in Somalia. [...] President Obama recently told a White House
crowd, "No religion is responsible for terrorism; people are responsible for terrorism." An
al-Shabab spokesman said that the attack was "an operation against the infidels." He went to say
that the school was targeted because Christian students were being educated in "a Muslim land under
colony" and that the school was part of Kenya's "plan to spread their Christianity and infidelity."
Hardly sounds like a motley non-sectarian group to me.
in Islam who puts question marks on theology gets ostracized, gets silenced, gets killed'. Hirsi
Ali knows something about being ostracized. Critics called her an Islamophobe after she described her
former faith as a "destructive, nihilistic cult of death." Last year Brandeis University reversed course
and decided not to award Hersi Ali an honorary degree, saying her past statements were "inconsistent" with the
university's core values. Her latest book details her early dialogue with Islam during her youth in Somalia,
Saudi Arabia and Kenya. She explains why she turned her back on the religion since moving to the Netherlands
as a refugee, and becoming a politician there.
Why Islam Needs a Reformation.
"Islam's borders are bloody," wrote the late political scientist Samuel Huntington in 1996, "and so
are its innards." Nearly 20 years later, Huntington looks more right than ever before.
According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, at least 70% of all the fatalities in armed
conflicts around the world last year were in wars involving Muslims. In 2013, there were nearly
12,000 terrorist attacks world-wide. The lion's share were in Muslim-majority countries, and many of
the others were carried out by Muslims. By far the most numerous victims of Muslim violence —
including executions and lynchings not captured in these statistics — are Muslims themselves.
State posts online hit list of 100 US servicemen. A group calling itself Islamic State
Hackers Division has posted the names[,] addresses, and photos of 100 US servicemen on a website and
called on their followers in America to kill them. [...] Even if this group isn't a formal part of
IS, they certainly think like they do. The incendiary posting is probably only the first of many.
war will result in 'banner of Islam' over White House, top Iranian official vows. A
top special operations aide to Iran's leader says his troops are in a global war that will one day
bring "the banner of Islam over the White House." Ali Shirazi is the Supreme Leader Ali
Khamenei's representative on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force, the overseas
operations branch that trained Iraqi Shiites to kill American troops and is active throughout the
Middle East. The Middle East Media Research Institute said Mr. Shirazi on Feb. 26 spoke
at a ceremony attended by the families of Iranian "martyrs" who died fighting overseas.
everyday reality of living in the Islamic 'Caliphate' with its 7th Century laws, very modern methods
and merciless violence. It is one of the strangest states ever created. The Islamic
State wants to force all humanity to believe in its vision of a religious and social utopia existing
in the first days of Islam. Women are to be treated as chattels, forbidden to leave the house unless
they are accompanied by a male relative. People deemed to be pagans, like the Yazidis, can be bought
and sold as slaves. Punishments such as beheadings, amputations and flogging become the norm.
All those not pledging allegiance to the caliphate declared by its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, on
29 June last year are considered enemies.
States Reproach UN Human Rights Expert Over Islam-Violence Link. A U.N. human rights
expert unsettled some delegates when he delivered a report to the Human Rights Council this week on
"violence in the name of religion," prompting several Islamic countries' representatives to reproach
him for not being more emphatic in separating terrorism from Islam. In his report, Heiner
Bielefeldt examined what he called "root causes, factors and political circumstances" of the
problem, beginning with "narrow-minded interpretations of religion." (Others included
"loss of trust in public institutions" and "policies of exclusion.")
Meth Heads: Tweeking in the Name of Islam. The Islamic State does not just have an
army. It has an army of meth heads. For ISIS fighters burning 45 people alive is a tweekers barbecue
and beheading 21 Christians is a speed freak beach party. The difference between ISIS militants and your
run of the mill junkie is that ISIS fighters are tweeking in the name of Islam. They are high on two drugs,
amphetamines and jihad. ISIS true believers are using homemade meth produced in captured pharmaceutical plants
to earn their warrior stripes and Islamic State status. Islamic ideology rationalizes the violence and the drugs
transform them into Mujahideen maniacs with enhanced stamina, superhuman strength, no empathy, no fear and who
literally feel no pain.
of Islam kill five in Mali restaurant terror attack. Five people have been killed by
jihadists at a nightclub in Mali's capital of Bamako. The assault was carried out with machine guns
and hand grenades, according to the BBC. One Belgian, one French, and three Malian nationals were
killed, with three Swiss nationals wounded in the attack, the first of its kind in Bamako. The
number of attackers is unknown and the assailants were able to leave the scene.
Nigeria's Boko Haram pledges allegiance
to Islamic State. Nigerian militant group Boko Haram has pledged allegiance to Islamic
State (IS), according to an audio statement. The message, which has not been verified, was posted
on Boko Haram's Twitter account and is believed to be by the group's leader, Abubakar Shekau. Boko
Haram began a military campaign to impose Islamic rule in northern Nigeria in 2009. The conflict
has since spread to neighbouring states. It would be the latest in a series of groups to swear
allegiance to IS. In the past Boko Haram is thought to have had links with al-Qaeda.
Iran's Founding Document Pledges Death, Tyranny and Jihad. Speaking before a joint
meeting of Congress on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the audience that the
difference between the United States and Iran is "stark," because "Iran's founding document pledges
death, tyranny and the pursuit of jihad." "I'm standing here in Washington, D.C., and the
difference is so stark," he said. "America's founding document promises life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness. Iran's founding document pledges death, tyranny and the pursuit of jihad, and
as states are collapsing across the Middle East, Iran is charging into the void to do just that."
Warns of Possible Iranian 'Activities Related to Development of a Nuclear Payload'.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has "further corroborated" information indicating that
Iran "has carried out activities that are relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive
device," the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog says in its most recent report on Iran. Yet not only does
Iran continue to deny inspectors access to a key suspect site, it has carried out work there that
the agency says will make it more difficult to determine what has been going on there, should they
ever be admitted in the future.
John:' Islamic State killer is identified as Londoner Mohammed Emwazi. The world knows
him as "Jihadi John," the masked man with a British accent who has beheaded several hostages held by
the Islamic State and who taunts audiences in videos circulated widely online. But his real
name, according to friends and others familiar with his case, is Mohammed Emwazi, a Briton from a
well-to-do family who grew up in West London and graduated from college with a degree in computer
programming. He is believed to have traveled to Syria around 2012 and to have later joined
the Islamic State, the group whose barbarity he has come to symbolize.
This Man Is Dangerous.
[Scroll down] [President Obama] is doing something about ISIS, but very little. He does
nothing about the atrocities against Christians, women, girls, anyone whom the ISIS feel like
beheading, raping, and murdering. As far as I can tell, he's doing nothing about Boko Haram.
If you look at a map of Africa, it is terrifying. From the Red Sea to the Atlantic, terrorists are
killing everywhere. The march of violent Islam across Africa is blood-curdling and Obama does nothing
to stop it.
blogger criticized violent radicals before being hacked to death in Bangladeshi street by Muslim
militants. The Bangladeshi-American blogger who was hacked to death by machete-wielding
Muslim extremists on his way back from a book fair had taken another stand against violent religious
extremism days before his death. Dr Avijit Roy, a scientist from Atlanta, Georgia, and a prominent
atheist thinker in Bangladesh, was killed on a university campus in Dhaka on Thursday night — apparently
in retaliation for criticizing religion.
Blogger's brutal death
for speaking his mind. Our minds still try to resist the idea that someone is willing
to kill another human being because of the words that he or she writes. Yet that is exactly what
happened to Avijit Roy, an American citizen hacked to death by men brandishing knives and machetes
during a trip to his native Bangladesh.
death by ISIS you have to go out; Illegal aliens deliver! By now, the public knows
more about ISIS than they know about the Kardashians. But it has no idea that the very same Senate
Democrats who claimed to oppose Obama's amnesty when they were campaigning are currently filibustering a
bill to defund it, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is ready to cave. ISIS has killed four
Americans — in Syria. We're not exactly talking about another 9/11. Here's a tip:
If you don't want to be killed by ISIS, don't go to Syria.
3,000-year-old artworks smashed to pieces in minutes as militants destroy Mosul museum. Islamic State thugs have
destroyed a collection of priceless statues and sculptures in Iraq dating back thousands of years. Extremists used sledgehammers
and power drills to smash ancient artwork as they rampaged through a museum in the northern city of Mosul. Video footage shows a
group of bearded men in the Nineveh Museum using tools to wreck 3,000-year-old statues after pushing them over.
burns thousands of books and rare manuscripts from Mosul's libraries. Isis militants
have reportedly ransacked Mosul library, burning over a hundred thousand rare manuscripts and
documents spanning centuries of human learning. Initial reports said approximately 8,000 books
were destroyed by the extremist group. However, AL RAI's chief international
correspondent Elijah J. Magnier told The Independent that a Mosul library official believes
as many as 112,709 manuscripts and books, some of which were registered on a UNESCO rarities list,
are among those lost.
How ISIS Plans to Sack Rome.
An ISIS e-book on how to accomplish their caliphate goal of sacking Rome stresses enlisting "the
Islamic State's secret weapon = secret white converts" to take on Italy. Much of the book, "Black
Flags from Rome," is dedicated to laying out a case for why Muslims in Europe should rise up and
assist ISIS from within, citing justifications for discontent from modern-day anti-immigration protests
back to post-Ottoman creation of Muslim "ghettos."
& ignorance: Naive and blind hope is true threat to world. What we are dealing with
now, is a post-political, post-religious phenomenon, rooted in deep, irreversible and very early
psychological damage. People who shoot schoolchildren, by the hundreds, in the head; rape little
girls in front of their parents; and behead people who disagree with them, have no feelings about
what they do. They are beyond changing and, most sobering, they are beyond containment.
Continues to Directly Threaten Military Families. As the Obama administration
continues its sluggish bombing campaign against the Islamic State, ISIS fighters are waging a war
directly on the families of U.S. military soldiers. Last week Angela Ricketts, the wife of an
active duty military officer, received a message through her author page on Facebook. At first she
assumed it was an average online troll, but after further investigation discovered the message came
from an ISIS account. On the same day she received the threat, four other military wives received
something similar.
Imam Obama pulling Brotherhoods'
leg with jihadist job offers. Imam Obama has embarked upon a mission impossible as
Islam's loudest western cheerleader, trying to convince the world that Islamist terrorists would
come in off their killing fields if only they had a job. Having jihadists flipping burgers down
at the local McDonalds is a stretch too far for any one's imagination. Obama portrays Islamist
terrorists as sadly disadvantaged. How's this for the disadvantage for jihadist job seeking:
all the experiences jihadists could put on their resumes is raping, beheading, crucifying, burning and
burying infidels alive, and selling captives, including little children, into slavery.
Terror Enclave Discovered in Texas. The enclave belongs to the network of Muslims of
the Americas, a radical group linked to a Pakistani militant group called Jamaat ul-Fuqra. Its
members are devoted followers of Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, an extremist cleric in Pakistan. The
organization says it has a network of 22 "villages" around the U.S., with Islamberg as its main headquarters
in New York. Clarion Project obtained secret MOA footage showing female members receiving paramilitary
training at Islamberg. [...] A second MOA tape released by Clarion shows its spokesman declaring the U.S. to
be a Muslim-majority country. A 2007 FBI record states that MOA members have been involved in at least
10 murders, one disappearance, three firebombings, one attempted firebombing, two explosive bombings
and one attempted bombing.
Muslim Terrorist Enclave Grows in Mahmoudberg, Texas. [Scroll down past excerpt]
That's only a small part of the larger article and it's also a reminder that No Go Zones already
exist in America and that they can form even more easily in rural areas than in cities. These are
base communities meant to serve as an expansion point for future Emirates as Islamic settlements in
the United States grow and Jihadist activity rises. The violence begins with terrorism, moves on
to guerrilla warfare and then to a conventional war when they have the population numbers.
Actually Causes American Fear of Islam and Muslims? The news is filled almost daily
and even several times daily with bulletins from one Islamist front or another. I hardly need
rehearse the repertoire; just turn to the day's headlines. ISIS and the Charlie Hebdo-like
massacre most dominate the news, but Islamists are all the time winning unfavorable attention for themselves
by making aggressive cultural demands (say, wearing a face-covering burqa in the courtroom), pushing the
superiority of Islam (don't dare say a negative word about Muhammad), or apologizing for some repulsive
practice (such as honor killings or female genital mutilation). Another way of putting it: the
United States hosts about as many Buddhists and Hindus combined as it does Muslims. Yet, when did
Buddhists or Hindus try to change the existing order or engage in violence on behalf of their faiths?
Who ever hears about them? Who fears them?
might be harvesting organs, Iraqi diplomat says. Iraq's ambassador to the United
Nations asked the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday to look at allegations that the Islamic State of
Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is using organ harvesting as a way to finance its operations. Ambassador
Mohamed Alhakim told reporters that in the past few weeks, bodies with surgical incisions and
missing kidneys or other body parts have been found in shallow mass graves.
Middle East is red with the blood of Christians. The beheading of 21 Coptic Christians
in Libya by forces sympathetic to Islamic State over recent days is sadly not an isolated case. On
the contrary, it is the latest of countless outrages perpetrated against Christians in or near the
Church's Biblical heartlands over many years. The latest victims were migrant workers from Upper
Egypt. The announcement by the authorities in Cairo of retaliatory bombing raids on terrorist training
camps in Libya should not blind us to an inconvenient truth — that more than 600,000 Christians
have left Egypt over the past 30 years under both Islamist and supposedly secular regimes. Many
got out because their homes or churches or businesses had been firebombed.
It's the Virgins, Stupid.
We know who Holder has been reaching out to here — his Islamist buddies, including the Moslem Brotherhood.
And we know their diagnosis: a lack of respect for Islam — Islamophobia — especially the kind
that is said to occur immediately after some guy opens fire on innocent men, women and children while yelling "Allahu
Akbar." That the anti-Moslem violence never eventuates is irrelevant. By asserting their "anxiety" loudly and
often, the Islamist sympathizers distract attention from the violence that actually occurred. [...] The root cause is
always us. Never them.
'Crusader' beheadings.
If nothing else, the Islamic State's gruesome beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians should put
the lie to the claim that the Israeli-Palestinian dispute lies at the heart of the Middle East's
problems. The terrorist who presided over these beheadings didn't complain about Israel.
Instead, he called the victims — migrant workers who'd gone to Libya seeking jobs —
"followers of the Cross" and "Coptic crusaders." Perhaps he imagined himself avenging the medieval
Crusader wrongs President Obama recently invoked. Nor was this the first time ISIS has targeted
Middle Eastern Christians.
Hate Drives Islamists to Absurdity. One is a jihadist movement that seeks global
dominance, beheading journalists, throwing gay people off of rooftops and massacring any perceived
foe which crosses its path on the way to restoring a grand Islamic state. The other is a
sovereign state, a refuge for a people repeatedly targeted for annihilation throughout history.
It also provides medical treatment for Syrians who have been victims of attacks from Islamic State
terrorists and the Assad regime. Fighting for each apparently poses an equal threat. So says
Hussam Ayloush, the Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) Los Angeles director.
Terror in
Copenhagen. The single murder at the café was of a documentary filmmaker named
Finn Noergaard, but the presumed target of the attack was artist Lars Vilk. Vilk is a cartoonist who
has shown much courage and integrity in continuously sketching Mohammed in many forms, some of the more
outrageous pictures showing the prophet transformed into a roundabout dog. Al-Qaeda has offered a
$150,000 reward for Vilk's assassination, and he has experienced physical attacks at university lectures,
arson attempts at his own home, as well as an unending stream of credible death threats. Using his
pen to poke fun at Islam's hypersensitivity to criticism, Lars Vilk is that rare, dying breed of European
intellectual that is willing to risk life and limb for free expression. He also has a Doctorate in
Philosophy. This means that Vilk has committed a dual offense in the eyes of radical Islam, since
he is both the recipient of a high quality Western education, as well as an unrepentant opponent of
religious censorship.
Rotten in Denmark.
"Surrender or die" has such a 20th century ring to it. The left-wing Guardian notes, with apparent genuine sadness,
that Europe has been divided again. One gets the sense of a sense of guilt finally registering on the consciences
of a self-appointed elite who thought they could remake the world according to the principles of fantasy. The wolf
has arrived at Europe's door, with many more wolves to follow.
Haram: 200,000 Christians at Risk of Massacre in Nigeria. Boko Haram forces appear
poised to attack Maiduguri, a city of 2 million in northeast Nigeria — meaning that
200,000 Christians could be at risk of slaughter by the Islamist terror group, say U.S. intelligence
officials and experts on Nigeria.
most important article about ISIS you will read this year. Kudos to Graeme Wood of The
Atlantic, whose tour de force backgrounder on the burgeoning Caliphate in the Middle East ("What
ISIS Really Wants") is the kind of journalism that vintage media should engage in, but never does.
ISIS Really Wants. The Islamic State, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and
al-Sham (ISIS), follows a distinctive variety of Islam whose beliefs about the path to the Day of
Judgment matter to its strategy, and can help the West know its enemy and predict its behavior. Its
rise to power is less like the triumph of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (a group whose leaders the
Islamic State considers apostates) than like the realization of a dystopian alternate reality in which
David Koresh or Jim Jones survived to wield absolute power over not just a few hundred people, but some
8 million. We have misunderstood the nature of the Islamic State in at least two ways. [...]
of the West Find a Friend in Obama. At the risk of being melodramatic, it must
nonetheless be said: We are in a war for civilization itself, and Barack Obama is not on the right
side. We are in a battle for civilization because the Islamic State, which is darkness and evil
personified, has declared war against us — and we in the West and the modernized Orient
(Japan, India, Taiwan, and the like) are, despite our flaws, the very repository of civilization.
They are backwards; we are enlightened. They are warped; we are well-intentioned. They are inhuman;
we are humane. They are soul-less; we are desirous, however imperfectly, of a grace beyond our ken.
Keyword: dog whistle ISIS picks up on Obama's Prayer Breakfast
Crusades Meme. Just one week and a half after President Barack Obama linked the
Crusades and Inquisition with "many terrible deeds done in the name of Christ" at the National
Prayer Breakfast, ISIS has picked up and run with his meme. A horrific ISIS video showing the
mass beheading of 21 Christians condemns the faith's believers as "crusaders". Words, even when
uttered from White House National Prayer Breakfasts, have meaning, as do the drift of encouraging
messages that can be picked up even a world away.
Too many 'most wanted
men'. We may have a repeat of the Paris pattern: terrorists whom the security services
monitored and perhaps used as informants suddenly turned active and perpetrated atrocities. It
appears that the methods employed by European security agencies to control jihadists have broken down.
Some 9,000 French citizens are fighting for ISIS or other jihadist organizations, according to a French
government estimate. After several hundred thousand deaths in Syria and Iraq and the disintegration
of Libya and Yemen, a very large number of young Muslims are prepared to sacrifice their lives.
terrorists win: German parade cancelled due to chance of Islamist violence. Now,
following this low-tech attack in Copenhagen, Europe is paralyzed with fear. On Sunday [2/15/2015],
the threat of a possible attack on the annual Carnival street parade in the German city of Braunschweig
forced police to cancel that event at the last minute.
graffiti artist badly beaten by Muslim 'youths'. Jihandists have no interest at all in
coexistence. They want domination. That's pretty simple, but beyond the understanding of
people who pride themselves in their sophistication.
Burning the Jordanian Pilot Avenges the Crusades. At least the Nazis tried to keep
their atrocities under cover. Secret photographs and films of mass shootings, roundups of Jews,
and scorched earth policies were sneaked out to a disbelieving West. The Holocaust itself was
top-secret while it took place. [...] But for the contemporary SS known as ISIS, there are no secret
executions. There are no deeds done in darkness, be they rapes of women and children, crucifixions
of captives, the attempted elimination of ethnic groups, or the grisly execution of downed pilot
Moa'ath al-Kassasbeh by burning him alive in a cage. On the contrary, the film recording the
immolation of the Jordanian pilot was watched on big screens by a cheering crowd in the Syrian town
of Raqqa, a stronghold of the Islamic State. Many chanted "Allahu Akhbar" as they watched.
and Saudi Arabia Have the Exact Same Goal: World Domination. When ISIS released a
video which showed Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burned alive, it shocked the entire
planet. The evil that it takes to do such a thing is on a level that is almost unspeakable.
In the western world, we have a very hard time understanding what would motivate anyone to take a life in
such a manner. But in the Middle East, this brand of tyranny has been percolating for a very, very
long time. The brand of Islam that ISIS seeks to impose on the areas of Iraq and Syria that it has
conquered has been practiced in Saudi Arabia for centuries.
The ISIS Death Cult.
The video of ISIS barbarians burning to death a Jordanian pilot sure makes one empathize with Israel.
Thirty years ago, Israel was an oasis of sanity surrounded by nation-states essentially hostile but essentially
tamed. Now, Israel is surrounded by an exploding movement of bloodthirsty ISIS murderers. Contrary to
what President Obama would have you believe, the I in ISIS doesn't stand for International. What is
exploding around Israel in the Middle East is now a modern death cult. Only in a culture as warped and
backwards as the Middle East could a video of a human being burned alive in a cage attract supporters.
ISIS has miscalculated.
The barbaric, elaborately stage-managed video that showed Jordanian pilot Moath al-Kasasbeh being
burned alive was a calculated move by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to weaken the resolve of
Jordan and other Sunni Arab powers that have joined the U.S.-led coalition against the terror group.
But the early signs indicate the video, which may have been shot a month ago, has had the opposite result,
creating a significant backlash from Sunnis in the region.
Executes Imams for Condemning Burning of Jordanian Pilot. The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) executed six people after
they condemned the terrorist group for burning Jordanian pilot Mu'ath Kasasbeh alive. Muslims from around the world condemned
the burning because "such a form of killing was considered despicable by Islam, no matter the context."
Screens Burning Video to Cheering Crowds: 'God Is Great'. The terrorist group known as
Islamic State (or ISIS, ISIL, and Daesh) has publicly screened its film of a captured Jordanian
pilot being burnt alive inside a steel cage. The gruesome movie, which originally appeared on the
Internet, was shown on giant video screens in the Syrian city of Raqqa to crowds shouting "God is
Great" at the moment of the pilot's painful death.
of Peace or Religion of War? In the Koran, nine percent of the text is devoted to
jihad. Yet the Koran is only 16 percent of the Islamic canon, which also comprises the Sira and
Hadith. Known together as the Sunna, these two books record what Mohammed did and said and, as
Warner writes, form "the perfect pattern of all Islamic behavior." And what is that pattern?
In the Hadith, 21 percent of the text is devoted to jihad. And Sira? A whopping 67 percent.
In all three books (known as the "Trilogy") taken together, 31 percent of the words are devoted to jihad.
Nonsensical Claim That 99.9% of Muslims Reject Radical Islam. In an interview with
CNN's Fareed Zakaria, President Obama claimed that 99.9% of Muslims reject radical Islam. [...] This
is nonsense on stilts. Daniel Pipes has long argued that between 10 to 15% of Muslims subscribe to
radical Islam. Pipes uses the term Islamist to describe this 10 to 15%. By this, Pipes means
Muslims who want the establishment of an Islamic caliphate which would impose Shariah law. Not all
of these Muslims necessarily support terrorism to bring this about, but a large number certainly do.
Hamas On Campus. Anti-Israel
activists at the University of California, Davis heckled Jewish students and shouted "Allahhu Akbar"
at them during a vote last week on a resolution endorsing a boycott of the Jewish state, according
to video of the event obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The commotion erupted late Thursday
evening [1/29/2015] as pro-Israel students attempted to counter a student government resolution to
divest from Israel as part of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Why Charlie? [Scroll down] Freedom, the
right to dissent, the satirical genre — all have been dying for some time. The Danish
cartoons marked an identical watershed. The assassination of Dutch provocateur and filmmaker Theo
Van Gogh marked an identical watershed, as did the death threats against his collaborator and Danish
parliamentarian Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks, who had his satirical drawings
removed at a Tallerud art exhibition and who has an ISIS bounty on his head and is living under police
protection, marks an identical watershed. The fatwa against Salman Rushdie and the killing of
his Japanese translator marked the same watershed.
Jihad Declared in Egypt Following State Dept. Meeting with Muslim Brotherhood-Aligned Leaders. The
Muslim Brotherhood called for "a long, uncompromising jihad" in Egypt just days after a delegation of the
Islamist group's key leaders and allies met with the State Department, according to an official statement
released this week. Just days after a delegation that included two top Brotherhood leaders was hosted
at the State Department, the organization released an official statement calling on its supporters to "prepare"
for jihad, according to an independent translation of the statement first posted on Tuesday [1/27/2015].
Beltway Cabbie Added to Most Wanted Terrorists List. The FBI added a former D.C.-area
cab driver to its list of Most Wanted Terrorists today, offering up to $50,000 for information that
leads them to naturalized U.S. citizen Liban Haji Mohamed. The Somali-born Mohamed is accused of
not just providing support to al-Qaeda and al-Shabaab, but recruiting while he lived and worked in the
Beltway. Authorities are also concerned about what reconnaissance he may have done in the nation's
capital before leaving with his U.S. passport on or about July 5, 2012.
Terrorist [is the] Brother of No-Fly-List Man. The FBI on Thursday [1/29/2015] added a
former taxi driver from northern Virginia to its list of most-wanted terrorists, saying he was a
recruiter for the al-Shabab terror group in Somalia.
Was Muhammad A Terrorist?
In his own words, he called himself the Prophet of Doom. He advocated raping and murdering those who
opposed him. He taught his followers how to terrorize lands he invaded.
savagery: Al-Jazeera English bans use of 'terrorist' for mass killers. Al-Jazeera
America launched with plenty of lofty rhetoric about covering the world in a deeper way without the
ideological baggage of the main channel in Qatar. The new outfit hired a number of big-name
journalists from such outlets as CNN, MSNBC and PBS, and hoped to establish a foothold in America
with a global focus. But the Al-Jazeera enterprise here just lost a chunk of its credibility, in
my view, for the way its sister network, al-Jazeera English, has chosen to describe terrorism.
Warns: Give Us Money Or We'll Become Terrorists. Buried in an Agence France Presse
article about the failure of international donors to pay the $5.4 billion they've pledged to
help rebuild Gaza is an absolute gem of a quote: [...]
10 killed, churches torched
in protests over Charlie Hebdo. Violent protests have erupted in parts of the world
over the latest issue of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. While there have also been
largely peaceful protests, authorities from Africa to the Middle East are seeing clashes in the streets —
and seeking ways to tamp down the uproar among Muslims furious over depictions of the Prophet Mohammed.
Attacker Stabs Passengers on Tel Aviv Bus. A knife-wielding Palestinian stabbed 11
morning commuters on and near a bus Wednesday, striking in the heart of Tel Aviv and reigniting
fears of continued violence ahead of Israeli elections in March.
Burned Alive: Where's the Outrage? From Pakistan, another in a long series of horrifying news
stories: because of a (presumably false) rumor that they had burned pages of a Koran, a Christian
couple was burned alive by a mob of Muslims.
anti-Islam rally canceled after threat to organizer. A weekly rally by a
German group protesting what it calls "the Islamization of the West" was called off on Sunday
[1/18/2015] because of a terrorist threat against one of its organizers, the group and authorities said.
Executes Pigeon and Bird Breeders in Diyala, Iraq. Raising doves and pigeons is a
deadly pursuit in ISIS-controlled Iraq. The popular hobby is in the sights of extremist Islamist
fighters, who this week rounded up 15 boys and young men in the eastern province of Diyala for
pursuing a pastime now deemed un-Islamic. Three have already been executed, according to a security
official in the area who spoke to NBC News on condition of anonymity.
Embed Reporter: ISIS Plans On Killing 'Hundreds of Millions' in 'Religious Cleansing'.
[Jurgen] Todenhofer lived side by side with the jihadist fighters for ten days in the Islamic
State-stronghold city of Mosul, Iraq. He was accompanied only by his son, who served as his
cameraman. "I always asked them about the value of mercy in Islam," but "I didn't see
any mercy in their behavior," explained Todenhofer.
protesters burn churches in second day of Charlie riots. Stone-throwing demonstrators
set fire to two churches in Niger's capital Niamey on Saturday [1/17/2015], in the latest protest in
France's former African colonies at French newspaper Charlie Hebdo's cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad.
Haram emerges as brutal Islamic State of Africa. Boko Haram, with its chilling brutality, radical
Islamic ideology and unstoppable seizure of Nigerian territory is quickly emerging as the Islamic State of Africa.
While much of the world has focused on the terror attacks in Paris and the Islamic militants' capture of swaths of
Syria and Iraq, Boko Haram has gone on a bloody rampage through northeastern Nigeria. Human rights groups
have sounded alarms about the al-Qaeda-linked organization's recent brutality: the slaughter of up to
2,000 people in the Nigerian towns of Baga and Doron Baga on Jan. 3 and the subsequent strapping
of explosives on girls as young as 10 to detonate in public places.
says satellite images show destruction of Nigeria villages by Boko Haram. Amnesty
International has released satellite images that it says show widespread destruction in two Nigerian
towns attacked by Boko Haram last weekend. The international human rights organization says that
the photos show the towns of Baga and Doron Baga in northeast Nigeria, before and after the attacks.
The images were taken on Jan. 2 and Jan. 7 of this year. Boko Haram fighters seized a
military base in Baga on Jan. 3 and, according to witnesses, killed hundreds of civilians in cold
blood in the ensuing days.
images reveal devastation of Boko Haram massacre in Nigeria. New satellite photographs
have laid bare the catastrophic scale of the latest Boko Haram atrocities, which are thought to have
left hundreds of people dead and thousands of houses burnt or razed in two Nigerian towns. The
militant group attacked the neighbouring towns of Baga and Doron Baga on 3 January, murdering scores
of people and laying waste to their homes. Although initial local estimates put the death toll at
2,000, the Nigerian military has since dismissed the figure.
'Hug a Terrorist' mentality following
Paris attacks? [Scroll down] There are other stories in the Paris terrorist attacks
that also go a long way to stretch credibility. Like the one about the Kouachi brothers allowing the
man whose car was confiscated to get his dog before they raced off in his car. Then there's the
latest one reported today by Britain's Daily Mail how 40-year-old Charlie Hebdo journalist Sigolène
Vinson revealed how she stared into the killer's 'big, soft, troubled eyes' as he told her 'have no fear
we don't kill women'. Perhaps the biggest question of all about the terrorist attacks in Paris could
be: Is it the mainstream media or some other source attempting to leave the impression that terrorists
let the owners of confiscated cars to first retrieve their pets and don't kill women. Before we
know it, we will be hearing that Islamist terrorists don't kidnap, enslave, decapitate, crucify and
bury their victims alive.
ISIS Video Calls for Attacks on France and U.S.. The ISIS "Raqaa Media Office" has
just published a new video in which one fighter promises to bring attacks to France, Belgium,
Germany, Switzerland, and the United States.
Haram's campaign of terror in Nigeria is only getting worse. While the world fixated
on the murder of 12 people by Islamic terrorists in Paris last week, another slow and grisly
massacre was taking place in Nigeria, at the hands of the Islamist militants of Boko Haram. The
group launched an offensive Jan. 3 in the northeastern state of Borno, overpowering a military base
in the town of Baga that was hosting multinational forces. Days later, it carried out what Amnesty
International has called the "deadliest act" in the group's history. Baga, a fishing town that
borders Lake Chad, was virtually razed to the ground; estimates of the dead are in the hundreds, with
some claiming a toll as high as 2,000. Subsequent attacks have killed more, including at least
19 who died in Borno's capital town of Maiduguri when a 10-year-old girl was used to detonate a bomb.
on High Alert for Possible Beheading Attempt. Britain has been put on a high state of
alert for another beheading attack on its streets, after intelligence services picked up a high
level of "chatter" on the internet. Military and police personnel are likely to be primary
targets, and have been warned not to wear their uniforms in public.
rally hails Charlie Hebdo attackers as 'heroes'. Hundreds in southern Afghanistan
rallied to praise the killing of 12 people at the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo, calling the two
gunmen "heroes" who meted out punishment for cartoons disrespectful to Islam's prophet, officials
said Saturday [1/10/2015].
Radical Islam: You Have Exactly Three Choices. Look folks, in a civilized nation you
have no right to be free from insults that constitute mere words and images. [...] The very premise
of civilization demands that the expression of free speech does not give justification to violence.
Kosher vs Halal.
Here are some of the difference between kosher and halal slaughter: [For example,] Kosher —
requires the animal be slaughtered quickly and humanely, strictly forbidding cruel slow methods like
strangulation. Halal — requires the animal be bled out in agony while sick people
who get off watching that kind of thing have a "festival."
'Our President Should
Have Been There'. Aid workers, members of the media, government, cafés, law
enforcement, Christians, Jews, and even other Muslims — these are the targets of radical
Islamists. They want to destroy civil society. Their grievances are not against any particular
government or policy; they are offended by the very notion of a free society where individuals have
the right to worship, vote, and express themselves as they please — rights that are
defended by security forces whose job is not to persecute or coerce citizens, but to protect them.
Our freedoms are anathema to the radical Islamists, and they are willing to sacrifice their very lives to
attack us with anything from meat cleavers to Kalashnikovs — anything to terrorize us into
submitting to their brutal, totalitarian, warped version of Islam.
Horror in Paris's Shadow. As many as a million people, joined by 40 world leaders,
filled the streets of Paris on Sunday in solidarity after two separate terrorist attacks claimed 17
innocent lives last week. The day before, more than 3,000 miles to the south, a girl believed to be
around 10 approached the entrance to a crowded market in Maiduguri, a city of some 1 million in
Nigeria's Borno State. As a security guard inspected her, the girl detonated explosives strapped
to her body, killing herself and at least 19 others. Dozens more were injured.
Wing Values Are Hindering Our Response to Islamic Extremism. [Scroll down] Let's
not beat around the bush here, either. The maniacs de jour [sic] are not rebels without a cause, they're
Islamists. Whether it's Hamas, Al-Qaeda, Islamic State, Boko Haram, or any of those so-called lone wolves,
they're all killing in the name of Allah. It doesn't matter if bien-pensants reckon these savages are not real
Muslims. The bad guys think they are and can find enough inflammatory text in the Koran to pass themselves off
as a holy crusaders. The Islamic faith is not taken as a call to arms by all its followers, of course, but
when anyone claims that it's a religion of peace, they sound like those old communists who insisted the atrocities
of the Soviet Union had nothing to do with Marx's teachings.
is the Most Violent Religion in the World, But Let's Keep Calling it 'Peaceful' Anyway. And here
we are again. You might recognize this place. We've been here frequently over the past, say,
1,500 years or so. It's the place where the whole world stands in dumbfounded shock after
witnessing unspeakable brutality at the hands of Islamists. Maybe we should stop being so surprised.
[...] Muslims just gunned down 12 people over a cartoon this morning, and what do we immediately hear?
Islam is a religion of peace. A White House spokesman came out within hours of the attack and
spent about 40 seconds condemning the violence before immediately repeating this same slogan. While
another dozen bodies lay dead in the street, we're told that it all happened at the hands of a "peaceful" religion.
The Blame For
the Charlie Hebdo Murders. The murders today in Paris are not a result of France's
failure to assimilate two generations of Muslim immigrants from its former colonies. [...] They are
only the latest blows delivered by an ideology that has sought to achieve power through terror for
decades. It's the same ideology that sent Salman Rushdie into hiding for a decade under a death
sentence for writing a novel, then killed his Japanese translator and tried to kill his Italian
translator and Norwegian publisher. The ideology that murdered three thousand people in the U.S. on
September 11, 2001. The one that butchered Theo van Gogh in the streets of Amsterdam, in 2004, for
making a film. The one that has brought mass rape and slaughter to the cities and deserts of Syria
and Iraq. That massacred a hundred and thirty-two children and thirteen adults in a school in
Peshawar last month. That regularly kills so many Nigerians, especially young ones, that hardly
anyone pays attention.
world must adapt to new face of terror, get serious about security. The Paris massacre is just another example of the
new normal in the West. It's radical Muslim extremists attacking civilians — either randomly or in revenge for
alleged insults to Islam — all in the name of religion. A lone gunman opened fire in the Canadian Parliament.
A fanatic self-styled radical imam gunned downed people in an Australian coffee shop. A recent Muslim convert gunned down and
beheaded co-workers in Oklahoma. Now initial reports indicate that two or three black-hooded terrorists stormed a Paris satirical
publication in an organized attack and massacred over a dozen journalists. The magazine had published a cartoon making fun of
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The terrorists shouted, "The Prophet has been avenged."
Qaeda magazine gives bomb-making recipe for airline attacks. Al Qaeda issued the
latest edition of its online magazine on Christmas Eve with a step-by-step manual on how to breach
airport security and bomb passenger planes. The militant magazine, Inspire, names American,
United, Continental and Delta airlines, as well as British Airways, EasyJet and Air France, as
desired targets.
is America's survival plan? We're facing the greatest national security threat we have
ever known and there is no coherent plan to battle the enemy. This nation is so far behind the eight
ball, the president and his minions won't even name the enemy, no less fight it. Even worse,
those in positions of power and influence misrepresent what the enemy stands for. Like a
pre-recorded announcement that just won't stop, we are endlessly subjected to the false refrain:
Islam is a religion of peace. By Muslim lights, we live in the Dar al Harb, the territory of war,
simply because we refuse to accept Islam. We didn't declare war, Mohammed did. And when it
comes to the threat of Islamic supremacism, it's not only the left that's putting us at risk.
Ibrahim Is Role Model of the Year. In a year when some of the most exalted public
figures in the United States distinguished themselves by advancing unjust causes or cowardly
refusing to seriously resist them, a pregnant mother imprisoned in Sudan with her 18-month old
American son set a standard for saintly courage. Meriam Ibrahim is the role model of the year.
When a Sudanese court told Meriam she must renounce her Catholic faith and convert to Islam or be hung by
the neck until dead, she gave a non-negotiable answer: No.
in the name of Allah is inexplicable to decent men everywhere. Human decency died in
Pakistan. Islamic extremists wielding weapons of mass hatred had forfeited any shred of respect from
decent men and women everywhere, but the massacre of children in Peshawar sets them apart from the merely
evil. They are monsters, pure and simple, and any hand of peace should be withdrawn.
fighters massacred more than 100 children in Pakistani school slaughter. A teacher is
believed to have been burned alive while her pupils were forced to watch as Taliban gunmen stormed a
school in Pakistan in an apparent revenge attack for Malala Yousafzai winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
Seven Taliban terrorists attacked the Army Public School in the north-western Pakistani city of
Peshawar yesterday [12/15/2014], slaughtering 132 children in the deadliest terrorist attack in the nation's
history. Harrowing eyewitness accounts revealed how students were forced to watch as bodies were
burned beyond recognition.
Least 84 Children Killed In Taliban School Attack. At least 126 people, including 84 children
have been killed in a Taliban attack on a school in Pakistan and around 122 injured, according to reports.
Officials say at least six armed men stormed the military run school in the city of Peshawar, holding around
500 students and teachers hostage.
the Pakistan school attack, we need to talk about Islam. The mantra that Islamism "has
nothing to do with Islam" is well-intentioned. It aims to delegitimise the terrorists and strengthen
the vast majority of Muslims who oppose terror. It is no doubt what the "comms" experts are telling
the Prime Minister to say. But they are wrong. The unthinking, kneejerk, pro-forma and near-Orwellian
denial of the deep and manifold connections between Islam and Islamism has to stop.
Upstairs, Downstairs.
Just a few hours ago the Taliban attacked a school for the children of military personnel in
Peshawar, killing more than 130; shooting or beheading the kids wholesale when they weren't burning
the teachers alive in front of their pupils. The assailants shouted "Allah Akbar". Allah Akbar
Avenue is a two way street. A Taliban spokesman said the Peshawar massacre was "just the trailer",
implying that the 'next attraction' was in the works; and that it was 'coming soon'. It will
presently be 'now showing' at a location near you.
using bombs containing live scorpions in effort to spread panic, in tactic used 2,000 years ago
against Romans. Militants fighting for the Islamic State in Iraq have unveiled their
latest terror tactic — bombs containing hundreds of live scorpions designed to spread fear among
their enemies. [...] Although scorpion bombs sound like something out of a modern horror movie, the
tactic is actually thousands of years old and was first used by Iraqis fighting against the Roman Empire.
Feinstein Report Is Going to Cost Us. Jihadists are still waging their war against the civilized
world. Check that: Jihadists are currently winning their war against the civilized world. Thank
Barack Obama, who fails to grasp the difference between being "the president who ends wars" and the president who
retreats from wars, and thus surrenders while the enemy is on the rise. What is the response of Senate sages
to this predicament? Dianne Feinstein and her fellow Democrats saw it as the perfect time to savage the CIA,
further burn America's bridges with anti-terrorism allies, and hand jihadists a huge propaganda victory. The
Islamic State had a response, too: They beheaded four Christian children for refusing to renounce Jesus Christ.
Of Torture. Islamic State terrorists are trying to sell the headless body of James Foley to
his parents for $1 million. As the left wrings its hands over the U.S.' supposed torture
record, it's a reminder of the enemy we are up against.
War Preachers of Islam. Many Muslims act peacefully for practical reasons. Yet they
also follow preachers who constantly talk about Jihad in their Friday sermons. Muslim apologists
will tell you that "jihad" means "inner struggle," but it also means ruthless murder of innocent
civilians — including children — just like the atrocities we see today.
There is no getting away from the fact that "striking at the neck" (decapitation) is a Koranic
commandment. After initially denouncing ISIS as barbarians, the Saudis have admitted that yes,
ISIS is just following Allah's commandments.
Peace With
Islam in Our Time. When negotiating peace with other cultures it's a good idea to make
sure that the words you are using mean the same thing. Most Muslims and Westerners want peace.
But to Westerners peace means co-existence. To Muslims, peace means the end of your existence.
State pocketed as much as $45 million in ransoms in past year. The Islamic State has
raked in $35 million to $45 million in ransom payments over the past year, according to a U.N.
counterterrorism official who says the terrorists' kidnapping operation "continues to grow." The
figures suggests the Islamic State is far more effective in ransom collection than other al Qaeda-inspired
outfits in the Middle East and North Africa, including al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), which is
estimated to have received some $75 million in ransoms over the past four years.
female suicide bombers kill 30 at Nigeria market. The two teenage girls dressed in
full hijab entered the busy market and detonated their explosives, said Abba Aji Kalli, the Borno
state coordinator of the Civilian Joint Task Force.
Islamofascism, and Islam. How many Russians were Communists and how many Germans were
Nazis in the beginning? The numbers never have to be large. Militancy and terror are usually a
minority and minorities still prevail. A kinetic vanguard can always depend on the silence and
apathy of majorities. The Islamist menace is no different today. Indeed, the propagandists and the
swords are the lesser of two evils. We know what they believe, what they fight for, and we see what
they do on a daily basis. Militants make no secret of their Islamic motivation.
Kenya bus attack near Somali border leaves
28 dead. Gunmen from the Somali militant group al-Shabab say they have attacked a bus
in northern Kenya, killing 28 people. The bus was travelling to the capital, Nairobi, when it was
stopped in Mandera county, not far from the Somali border. Gunmen separated out non-Muslims by
asking passengers to read from the Koran, officials and witnesses said. Those who failed were then
shot in the head.
War Against the Free West. I am not a President, nor a Governor, nor even a member of
Cabinet, just a member of Congress. For over ten years now, I have been living under 24/7 police
protection. I lived with my wife in army barracks, prison cells and safe houses until this very day,
just to be safe. Wherever I go, armed policemen accompany me to protect me against Islamic jihadis.
Al Qaida, the Taliban, ISIS and many others threatened to kill me because I tell the truth about Islam and
speak out against the Islamization of our free Western societies.
Sunni Muslim Groups Responsible for 66% of All 17,958 Terror Killings in 2013. The
number of people killed by terrorists worldwide in 2013 rose by 60 percent compared to the previous
year — from 11,133 to 17,958 — with four Sunni Muslim extremist groups
responsible for two-thirds of all fatalities, according to a comprehensive annual study.
Eighty-two percent of fatalities occurred in just five countries — Iraq, Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria, although the number of countries that experienced more than 50
terror-related deaths also rose — to 24, compared with 15 the previous year.
British Royal Family and the Islamist Terrorists. England, of course, under Prime
Minister Cameron is a leader in tolerance and respect for Islam and even allows Sharia Law-governed
"no-go" areas. After the ISIS beheading of British citizen David Haines, Cameron was quoted as
feeling the need once again, just as after every terrorist murder, to emphasize that such terrorism
was not done by the "religion of peace": "They are killing and slaughtering thousands of people...
they boast of their brutality... they claim to do this in the name of Islam, that is nonsense,
Islam is a religion of peace. They are not Muslims, they are monsters."
Publishes Plan to 'Eliminate' Israel. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
published early Sunday a 9-step plan to "eliminate" Israel, prompting Israel's prime minister to
file a formal complaint with Western negotiators involved in nuclear talks with Tehran.
Khamenei's official Twitter account on Sunday tweeted out the 9-step plan explaining "the proper
way of eliminating Israel."
Couple Burned Alive for Blasphemy in Pakistan. A Christian couple, 35-year-old Shahzad
Masih and his 31-year-old wife Shama Bibi, were burned to death Tuesday morning [11/4/2014] by a Muslim mob in
the south of Lahore (Punjab province), accused of committing blasphemy for allegedly burning pages of the Qur'an.
The two, who worked in a clay-baking factory, were kidnapped on November 2 and held hostage for two days inside the
factory. On Tuesday morning at 7:00 a.m. the two were beaten and then pushed into the brick kiln. Shama was pregnant.
Update: Pakistan
Arrests 43 for Killing Christian Couple Accused of Insulting Islam. Pakistani police
have detained forty-three people believed to have taken part in a mob killing of a Christian couple
who allegedly damaged a Koran. According to several reports, the couple was beaten to death by a
hundreds-strong mob, who were enraged after hearing that their religion had apparently been insulted.
blast in Nigerian school assembly kills 48 children. At least 48 school students have
been killed in Nigeria after a suicide bomber apparently dressed in school uniform detonated
explosives in a packed assembly meeting. Around 2,000 students — some as young as 11 — were
waiting to hear the principal's Monday morning address when the blast ripped through the crowd.
Eyewitnesses spoke of horrific scenes as body parts were scattered all over the school compound.
'Treated like cattle':
Yazidi women sold, raped, enslaved by ISIS. Jana was a 19-year-old in her final year
of high school, with dreams of becoming a doctor. Then, ISIS came to her village last August, and
her world collapsed. She described to me in chilling detail, how the jihadis first demanded that
members of her Yazidi religious minority convert to Islam. Then they stripped villagers of their
jewelry, money and cellphones. They separated the men from the women. A United Nations report
explained what happened next. ISIS "gathered all the males older than 10 years of age at
the local school, took them outside the village by pick-up trucks, and shot them."
crowd kills man, eats him after militant massacres: witnesses. A crowd stoned to death
a young man in northeast Congo on Friday [10/30/2014] before burning and eating his corpse,
witnesses said, in apparent revenge for a series of attacks by Ugandan rebels. The incident in the
town of Beni followed a number of overnight raids in the area blamed on the Islamist group ADF-NAUL,
who are thought to have massacred more than 100 people this month, using hatchets and machetes to
kill their victims.
The Management
of Savagery. If there is a positive side to the rise of ISIS, it is that the West has
had its head jerked from the sand and has been made to witness a bottomless, bloodthirsty evil:
crucifixions, beheadings, enslavement of women, live burial of children, mass executions. Even John
Kerry, a man not known for grasping (or admitting) the truth about jihad, acknowledges that this
brutality "underscores the degree to which [ISIS] is so far beyond the pale with respect to any
standard by which we judge even terrorist groups." But as one analyst writes, this violence is
not "whimsical, crazed fanaticism, but a very deliberate, considered strategy" — one that
seems to derive in part from a book called The Management of Savagery.
Jihadists: ISIS uses 'lone wolves' to mount cheap, effective attacks on US soil. Al
Qaeda spent less than $1 million on its signature 9/11 attack, but Islamic State has found an even
more cost-effective way to strike on American soil — inspiring psychotic sympathizers to commit
"lone wolf" attacks that blur the line between random crime and terrorism, say experts. Grisly
photos and video of severed heads and mutilated bodies tweeted out and posted on the Internet,
combined with explicit calls to kill, have allowed Islamic State to turn American citizens into
weapons, say experts. The new technique requires no infiltration by sleeper cells and no planning,
coordination or logistics. Yet, it is proving extremely effective at spreading fear, they say.
Begins Realizing Its "See You In New York" Threat. The Islamic State is perhaps the
world's largest collection of nut jobs. How sane can someone be, taking joy in sawing off the heads
of infidels like Steven Sotloff and James Foley, or delighting in kidnapping and gang-raping the
Yazidi women of Iraq because they worship a different god? How sane can young women be who leave the
West to journey to Syria in the hopes of being incubators for future jihadis? In the Soviet era,
we might have called the likes of Zale Thompson sleepers — individuals hidden in our free
society waiting for the call to fulfill their destiny. The current bevy of homegrown jihadis
beheading office workers in Oklahoma and killing policemen and soldiers in Canada may not have been
planted here by the Islamic State. But in the age of social media, they have heard their master's
voice and responded accordingly.
This Man Organized Event That Has
Muslims Calling for His Death. An activist in Malaysia is in hiding after
organizing an event on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur to teach more than 1,000 Muslims about dogs.
Hard-line Muslims have threatened to stone the event's organizer, Syed Azmi Alhabshi, because Islam
considers dogs haram, or unclean. The point of the "I Want to Touch a Dog" event was to educate
Muslims about how they can touch canines without violating the tenants of their faith. Malaysia's
Selangor Islamic Religious Department, an influential Muslim group, says that Muslims are permitted
to own dogs as working animals or for security or hunting, even though they are haram.
Must Defeat the Poisonous Ideology of Islamism. Political Islam has many branches.
Most striking is the variety now being demonstrated by the so-called Islamic State as it machine
guns and beheads captives, and crucifies Christians and other "infidels." While in the Islamic State
of Iran, with its unstoppable march to a nuclear weapon, religious minorities are persecuted and the
ranting of messianic theocrats directs domestic, foreign and military policy. Even among "more
moderate" states we have the rejection of women's rights, the public execution of homosexuals and
alleged adulterers, and a religious police to guard against the slightest expressions of individual
Black Flag of ISIS Signifies the Military Tactics of Muhammad. The Black Flag of ISIS
is not new. It has been seen in the West before. The strategy of those who fight under that flag is
not new, either. The strategy is world domination under the rule of Islam. The general Muslim
strategy followed by ISIS is explained clearly by Raymond Ibrahim. He writes, "...The spread of
Islam by arms is a religious duty upon Muslims in general. Jihad must continue to be done until the
whole world is under the rule of Islam..." What about the military tactics used by ISIS? Are they
new to Islam? Will coalition bombing be enough to force ISIS to surrender? At this time, the answer
to this question looks to be no.
Nameless. Spengler
(David Goldman) observes that the Muslim world is experiencing a "social unraveling on a scale not
seen in the region since the Mongol invasion". It's at 18 million refugees and counting.
"There are millions of young men in the Muslim world sitting in refugee camps with nothing to do, nowhere to go
back to, and nothing to look forward to. And there are tens of millions more watching their misery
with outrage. Never has an extremist movement had so many frustrated and footloose young men in its
prospective recruitment pool." Actually it's worse than that. Spengler's table omits Mali,
Nigeria and Africa in general.
employees receiving death threats from Islamic State, CEO says. Twitter employees have
started receiving death threats from Islamic State members after they began cracking down on terrorist
accounts, the social media site's CEO said. After shutting down some of the militant group's Twitter
accounts, company management dealt with calls for their assassination, Vanity Fair reported.
Islam: The Awful Truth.
Islam is violent and repressive, and its sacred texts are the heart of darkness at the center of the Islamic State's
inspiration and motivation, despite Barack Obama's assertions in September 10th's address to the nation that the Islamic
State "is not Islamic" and that "no religion condones the killing of innocents." Violence is an integral part of
Islamic doctrine, following the example set by its Prophet Mohammed, and in the name of Islam and Allah, Muslims have
been murdering innocents, since 656 AD.
in Obama's Garden of Good and Evil. [Scroll down] In two videos I saw, dozens of
Middle Eastern men were decapitated, their severed heads placed on poles while others were shot
through the back of the neck and dumped unceremoniously into pits they had dug for themselves. It
was unclear whether they were alive or dead, probably a little of each. Those videos, one of them
almost an hour long, were like recruiting films for an Islamic version of the Khmer Rouge or the
Wehrmacht. Straight from Hell.
Jihadists' Eternal Plan. Never forget: Eternal Muslim hatred of infidels didn't start
with George W. Bush. Or George Herbert Walker Bush. Or Ronald Reagan. Or the creation of Gitmo.
Or the birth of Israel. Or the Twin Towers. Or the Khobar Towers. Or Lockerbie. Or the U.S.S. Cole.
Or Fort Hood. Or the Beirut Marine barracks bombings. Or the bombings of the U.S. embassy in Africa, the bombing of
U.S. military headquarters in Riyadh and the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi.
Boko Haram Torch 185 Churches in Captured Towns of Borno and Adamawa. A prominent
Nigerian reverend has revealed Islamist terror group Boko Haram destroyed over 180 churches in the
West African country following its capture of towns and villages in the north-eastern states of
Borno and Adamawa. Reverend Gideon Obasogie, the director of Catholic Social Communication of
Maiduguri Diocese in Borno State, said the group's seizure of territory in both states has seen 185 churches
torched and over 190,000 people displaced by their insurgency.
girls recall horrors while held in ISIS captivity. Teenage girls who escaped the brutal clutches of ISIS
terrorists have recounted a harrowing nightmare of beatings, torture, rape and degradation that included being forced
to watch videos of men being beheaded. The girls, members of the persecuted Yazidi minority from northern Iraq,
say they were captured and sold or given as gifts.
Ideology — Will Ferguson Provide The Next Islamic Beheading? Many people who have followed the Ferguson protests have
noted a very involved element of radical Islam appearing just below the surface. One of the more visible primary agitators is "Umar Lee",
aka Bret Lee. Recently Bret Lee has begun severely ramping up the cries for carnage and blood, as the weeks have progressed he appears
to have become increasingly unstable.
Religion of Peace Update. Oklahoma
got a dose of peace yesterday, when Alton Nolen, apparently a Muslim convert, beheaded a co-worker at the food company where he worked.
He attacked a second woman and would have killed her too, except that the company's COO has a gun and knows how to use it.
beheading: FBI probing suspect's recent conversion to Islam. Saad Mohammad, a spokesman for the Islamic Society of
Greater Oklahoma City, told that leaders of the society's mosque are taking security precautions to protect Muslims who
gather there from any potential retaliatory violence. Mohammad said any anti-Muslim sentiments local residents might have
could be heightened due to the beheadings and violence overseas by Islamic State militants. "They have this ISIS thing on
their minds and now this guy has brought it to America," Mohammad told the website.
The Editor says...
This sounds a lot like an attempt to portray Islamic violence as one man's idea, when the obvious reality is that Islam is
inherently violent. Where did Alton Nolen get the idea to slice off someone else's head just because she wouldn't convert
to Islam? From his fellow Muslims, of course.
Police Ambushed by Muslim Rioters on Temple
Mount. Dozens of Arab rioters began shooting fireworks at police on the Temple Mount on Wednesday morning
[9/24/2014], just hours before the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashana) began, and as soon as the holiest site in Judaism was
opened to Jewish visitors. The rioters fired at police at the Mughrabi Gate, which is the only point of access for
Jewish visitors to the site currently under the de facto rule of the Jordanian Waqf (Islamic trust).
It's the 'Islamic' State, Not 'Methodist State or the Episcopalian State or the Baptist State'. Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio)
said he's among the Americans who were "shocked" to hear President Barack Obama tell the nation that the Islamic State is not Islamic.
"You know, they don't call themselves the Methodist State or the Episcopalian State or the Baptist State. They're the Islamic State,
and I think for good reason," Chabot told Secretary of State John Kerry at a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
beheading? Terrorists crave attention, more now in the digital age, perhaps, than ever before. Islamic State and
other jihadist groups have many ways to commit mass murder. But for generating a spectacle that will be noticed — and
shuddered at — the world over, sawing off the head of an American journalist or a European relief worker, then uploading the
video to the Internet, is hard to beat.
The Mysterious
Moderate Muslim. Islamic values are codified in the Koran. The idea that some Muslims
might interpret those values in a moderate way is like saying there's such a thing as jihad lite.
There's no getting around the fact that a central tenet of the Koran is mass murder —
whether through the directive to kill infidels (non-believers), apostates (those who leave Islam),
or hypocrites (Muslims who don't practice their religion appropriately). In other words, most of
civilization is fair game for slaughter. What, pray tell, would be a moderate version of that?
And if people try to suggest there are many peaceful verses in the Koran, they are either uninformed
or practicing taqiyya, because older, more peaceful teachings are abrogated by more recent violent
teachings, as written in Sura 2, Verse 106.
Caliphate of 1915-19 Exponentially Worse Than ISIS. Notwithstanding the recent
horrific spate of atrocities committed against the Christian communities of northern Iraq by the
Islamic State (IS/IL) jihadists, the Ottoman jihad ravages were equally barbaric, depraved, and far
more extensive. Occurring primarily between 1915-16 (although continuing through at least 1919),
some one million Armenian and 250,000 Assyro-Chaldean and Syrian Orthodox Christians were brutally
slaughtered or starved to death during forced deportations through desert wastelands. The
identical gruesome means used by IS/IL to humiliate and massacre its Christian victims were employed
on a scale that was an order of magnitude greater by the Ottoman Muslim Turks, often abetted by
local Muslim collaborators (the latter being another phenomenon which also happened during the IS/IL
jihad campaign against Iraq's Christians).
Promises. Thirteen years ago today, Islamists based in Afghanistan planned and launched
an attack that murdered 3,000 innocent civilians in New York City. Last night, the president again
promised to abandon Afghanistan by 2016, while returning to the war in Iraq. Inconsistent?
Not in the president's view, because the two theaters are not related. "ISIL [the Islamic State of
Iraq and the Levant]," he said, "is not Islamic." By denying the obvious, Mr. Obama dissociated the
Islamists in Afghanistan — al-Qaeda and Taliban — from the extremists in Iraq and
Syria. Just as the Islamic State is not Islamic, so too purple is not purple. Islamic
extremism is a virulent cultural disease. It will run its course until snuffed out by moderate Muslims.
in denial on nature of terror threat. President Obama calls the Islamic State "cancer." Yet, as he told reporters
Thursday [8/28/2014], "we don't have a strategy yet" to combat the malignancy. And it isn't just IS. We hardly ever talk
anymore about core al Qaeda, AQ in the Arab Peninsula, AQ in the Maghreb, al Shabab, Boko Haram, Jabhat al-Nusra and on and on.
And those are just Sunnis who dream of a caliphate. Then there's Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies vying for a Shiite-dominated
empire. But they're all part of the same cancer.
on CNN: 'Sharia Will Come to America' and There's no 'Moderate Form of Islam'. London
imam Anjam Choudary left CNN host Brian Stelter aghast when he defended the Islamic State's killing
of American journalist James Foley, told him that Sharia is coming to America, and made a joke about
9/11. Choudary appeared on "Hannity" last week, where he managed to say that an Islamic caliphate
would implement Sharia in the United States: "You don't have a choice, it's coming to you in
America." He is a Muslim imam at a mosque that is credited with having radicalized Abdel Bary, the
British rapper accused of beheading Foley.
Hamas's Academic
Apologists. Reaction by Middle East studies professors to Israel's recent effort to
destroy Hamas's terrorist infrastructure epitomizes their perennial pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, and
anti-American biases. In lieu of reasoned, informed, and balanced assessments, they proffer
extremist rhetoric that demonizes Israel and America while ignoring Hamas's misdeeds: rockets aimed
at Israeli civilians, kidnappings and murder, disregard for ceasefires, and the cynical use of
Palestinian civilians — including children — as human shields.
Stop Saying That Islamists Are Fighting The 'West'. We've all heard this refrain ad nauseam since
9/11: "Islamists are at war with the West. They hate us for who we are." The fact is, though, that
they don't hate us for who we are. They hate us for who we're not: we're not Muslim, and that's a
characteristic we share with billions of people outside the West.
Postmodernism, and Poltiical Correctness. Jihad is established not only in Islamic texts.
It is exemplified by action. Mohammed ordered at least forty-three assassinations and participated in at
least one hundred militarized expeditions. Mohammed is the "perfect example worthy of emulation."
Islam spread by war, warfare that began in Mohammed's lifetime, and that has continued in the Muslim world,
without significant relief, for 1,400 years. [...] When Muslims have critiqued other Muslims, it has often
been to chastise them for not killing enough infidels. When the 8th-century Arab general Muhammad bin-Qasim
defeated his opponents on the Indian subcontinent with craftiness, his superior, Al-Hajjaj bin Yousef, demanded
that Qasim commit more massacres. In his next action, Qasim was sure to massacre thousands.
Jihadi Serial Killer no One's Talking About. For two bloody months, an armed jihadist
serial killer ran loose across the country. At least four innocent men died this spring and summer
as acts of "vengeance" on behalf of aggrieved Muslims, the self-confessed murderer has now proclaimed.
Have you heard about this horror? Probably not. The usual suspects who decry hate crimes and gun
violence haven't uttered a peep. Why? Like O.J.'s glove: If the narrative don't fit, you must
acquit. The admitted killer will be cast as just another "lone wolf" whose familiar grievances and
bloodthirsty Islamic invocations mean nothing.
Beheading Ends All Illusions About Islam. In August 2012, James Foley retweeted a link
to a CNN story asking "Right-wing extremist terrorism as deadly a threat as al Qaeda?" The article
concluded that indeed it was. [...] In April, Peter Bergen, the original author of the CNN article,
had another piece contending that "right wing extremists" were now even "more deadly than Jihadists."
On August 18, he produced a CNN piece claiming that ISIS was no threat to Americans. On
the next day, ISIS chopped off James Foley's head.
Uses Jihad Beheading of American Journalist to Proselytize for Islam. Islamic jihad
commands the non-believer be slaughtered. It is a religious imperative. The war against the Jews is
Islamic. The murder of one million Christians murdered and expelled from Iraq is Islamic. The mass
slaughter of Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, is commanded in the Quran. The Muslims that Obama refers to in this
tweet are Shia Muslims. Sunni Muslim kill Shia Muslims because they do not consider them true Muslims,
real Muslims.
Details Hamas' Responsibility for Destruction of Gaza Strip. New evidence is presented
that Hamas used several United Nations schools run by the Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) as a base from
which to fire rockets and mortars. The revelation is likely to prompt further scrutiny of UNRWA's
activities during the most recent conflict, including the discovery of multiple rocket stashes that
were later returned by UNRWA to Hamas. At least 1,600 of the 3,600 rockets fired since July 8 at
Israel by Hamas originated from civilian strongholds, according to the declassified report. This
included: Three rockets fired from churches, four from Red Cross stations, 10 from amusement parks,
20 from first aid stations, 30 from U.N. facilities, 41 from hospitals, 50 from children's playgrounds, 85 from
medial clinics, 248 from schools, 331 from mosques, and 818 from areas such as graveyards and power plants.
Nothing to
Do With Islam. Under administrations of both parties, the mantra of our leaders has
been "nothing to do with Islam." We created various euphemisms like "Islamism," "Radical Islam,"
"Islamic extremists," or "Islamofascism," to explain an ideology that is firmly rooted in traditional
Islamic theology and historical practice. We were anxiously assured that Islam was a "religion of
peace," its adherents tolerant and ecumenical. Popular figures like Osama bin Laden were "heretics"
who had "highjacked" this wonderful faith, distorting its doctrines to serve their evil lust for power.
We looked upon them as "beards from the fringe," malignant cranks like Jim Jones, Charles Manson, or David
Koresh. This fundamental error continues today, as Muslim violence and anti-Semitism are explained by
every factor instead of the essential one — the theology, jurisprudence, and history of Islam.
Graham on ISIS: Christians Crucified, Beheaded, Buried Alive. Reverend Franklin
Graham, head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the international Christian aid group
Samaritan's Purse, said ISIS jihadists are crucifying and beheading Christians in Iraq and
Syria — "people are dying for their faith" — and added that he has heard of "incidences where entire
families have been buried alive because they refused to convert to Islam." Franklin Graham, son of
world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham, said he was also aware of some Muslims who who were fleeing
from the bloodthirsty ISIS, stressing that they do not want to see or live under the brutal sharia
policies the jihadists were implementin
Foley's murder should only stiffen our resolve to destroy Islamic State. There is
something disturbing about the fact that the murder of a single Westerner should elicit greater
shock and garner more attention than the torture and killing of hundreds upon hundreds of Syrians
and Iraqis stretching back years, but if this is what it takes to bring home the sadism and cruelty
of the so-called caliphate, so be it.
Will Stand Up for the Christians? Why is the world silent while Christians are being
slaughtered in the Middle East and Africa? [...] Half a million Christian Arabs have been driven out
of Syria during the three-plus years of civil war there. Christians have been persecuted and killed
in countries from Lebanon to Sudan. Historians may look back at this period and wonder if people
had lost their bearings. Few reporters have traveled to Iraq to bear witness to the Nazi-like wave
of terror that is rolling across that country. The United Nations has been mostly mum.
of Fear: The Curse of the Islamic State. In Raqqa, Syria, the Islamic State's
"caliphate" has already become a reality. All women in the city are required to wear the niqab veil
and pants are banned. Thieves have their hands hacked off and opponents are publicly crucified or
beheaded, with the images of these horrific acts then posted on social networks. The few hair
salons that are still open are required to black out the pictures of women on the packaging for hair
dye solutions. Weddings are only permitted to take place without music. And at livestock markets,
the hindquarters of goats and sheep must be covered in order to prevent men from viewing their
genitalia and having uncomely thoughts. Any person caught out on the street during the five daily
prayer times is risking his or her life.
the Media's ISIS Myths. Forget the media portrayals of ISIS as a new extreme group
that even the newly moderate Al Qaeda thinks is over the top; its armies are doing the same things
that Wahhabi armies have been doing for centuries. ISIS has Twitter accounts, pickup trucks and
other borrowed Western technology, but its ideology and brutality have always been part of Islam.
They are not a new phenomenon. Sunnis and Shiites have been killing each other for over a thousand
years. Declaring other Muslims to be infidels and killing them is also a lot older than the suicide
bomb vest.
State 'Preaching Vans' Recruit Children to 'Kill All Infidels'. Agents of the Islamic
State are using "teaching vans" to recruit children to their cause and instruct them in the ways of
violent jihad. A new documentary released from Vice News features video footage of a teaching van
traveling to the Euphrates river in Syria. "God willing, this generation will fight infidels and
apostates, the Americans and their allies, God willing," one member of IS explains. "The right
doctrine has been implanted into these children."
Hamas Executed Tunnel Diggers. Digging tunnels for Hamas and living to tell about it
is no sure thing. At least 160 Palestinian children reportedly died while performing the hazardous
duty that the tunnel digging for Hamas entails. This number was reported in a pro-Palestinian
journalist based on statements by Hamas officials in Gaza. But surviving the digging was only half
the battle. Hamas reportedly executed dozens more diggers in the past few weeks out of fear that
they would provide information to Israel about where the tunnels are located.
Buries 500 Yazidis Alive, Orders Others to Convert to Islam or Die. Not every Yazidi
resident in northern Iraq escaped before the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, captured towns
in the region. The terrorist group told the people to convert to Islam or die, killed 500 of them,
buried some alive, and took hundreds of girls as slaves. "We have striking evidence obtained from
Yazidis fleeing Sinjar and some who escaped death, and also crime scene images that show indisputably that
the gangs of the Islamic State have executed at least 500 Yazidis after seizing Sinjar," said
human rights minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani.
ISIS is 'Systematically Beheading Children' in 'Christian Genocide'. "Christianity in
Mosul is dead, and a Christian holocaust is in our midst," said Mark Arabo, a Californian
businessman and Chaldean-American leader. In an interview with CNN's Jonathan Mann,
he called what's happening in Iraq a "Christian genocide" and said "children are being
beheaded, mothers are being raped and killed, and fathers are being hung." "Right
now, three thousand Christians are in Iraq fleeing to neighboring cities," he told Mann.
Arabo is calling on the international community to follow France's lead and offer the Christians
of Iraq asylum.
Islamic State's bloody campaign to exterminate minorities: 'Even Genghis Khan didn't do this'. In the back of a
cavernous hall, standing behind rows of solemn-looking men, an Iraqi politician known for her passion began to shriek.
Her name was Vian Dakhil: the lone representative of the Yazidi people in Iraq's parliament. And she was asking
for someone, anyone, to listen. The Islamic State had just expelled thousands of her people from the northern town of
Sinjar. Stranded on a barren mountain without food or water, they faced extermination. Women, she said, were being
sold as sexual slaves. Children, she said, were dying. Someone, she said, must take notice.
'Nobody Wants to Tell the Truth' About Radical Islam. This morning on New Day, Newt Gingrich came on
to discuss Barack Obama's proposal to combat ISIS in Iraq — and, judging by his response, thinks that
Obama isn't recognizing that this is a problem of "radical Islam." "Nobody wants to tell the truth," he
complained. "The truth is this is a radical Islamist group. They say openly if you don't convert,
we'll kill you. It turns out they actually mean it.
Restricted By Hamas Rules and It's Reflected in Their Coverage. On August 6, Cliff May of the Foundation
for Defense of Democracies charged that while the media have filled their stories on the current conflict in Gaza with
"pictures of neighborhoods reduced to rubble, with Palestinian men, women and children in desperate circumstances," they
have been negligent in telling their audiences that Hamas has been "deploying civilians as human shields, storing missiles
in mosques and UN schools, setting up command posts in hospitals, using ambulances to ferry terrorists to battle, and children
to dig tunnels." One reason for this bias, according to May, is Hamas' intimidation of journalists. May
relayed that when one Spanish journalist was asked why TV viewers weren't seeing more footage of Hamas fighters the
reporter responded: "It's very simple, we did see Hamas people there launching rockets, they were close to our
hotel, but if ever we dared pointing our camera on them they would simply shoot at us and kill us."
Three IDF soldiers killed when
explosives detonated within a booby-trapped UN building in Gaza. The three IDF soldiers
who were killed on Wednesday [7/30/2014] in Gaza, were killed when explosives detonated within a
booby-trapped UN building in Khan Younis, Breitbart reports. An elite IDF tunnel unit was
in the process of uncovering an opening to a Hamas tunnel located at an UNRWA (United Nations Relief
and Works Agency) health clinic when all of a sudden the explosives detonated, causing the entirety
of the building to fall on top of the soldiers. Neither the UN nor UNRWA have commented on the
incident that resulted in the deaths of three Israeli soldiers, according to Breitbart.
Islamic militias declare control of Benghazi. Islamic hard-line militias, including the group
accused by the United States in a 2012 attack that killed the ambassador and three other Americans, claimed
control of Libya's second largest city, Benghazi, after overrunning army barracks and seizing heavy weapons.
Booby-Traped Explosives Built
into Walls of UNRWA Clinic. New details have emerged about the booby-trapped clinic
explosion that killed three IDF Maglan unit soldiers in Gaza earlier this week — Sergeant First
Class Matan Gottlieb, 21, from Rishon LeZion; Sergeant First Class Omar Chai, 21, from Savion; and
Sergeant First Class Guy Algranati, 20, of Tel Aviv, hy"d. Over eighty kilograms of explosives
were built into the UN-funded hospital's walls themselves, it was cleared for publication
Thursday [7/31/2014] — revealing that the clinic itself was built to mask, and perform, potential
acts of terror on the IDF. Moreover, the clinic was built over tens of terror tunnels,
according to the report.
Occupied or Destroyed All Christian Institutions in Mosul. For over 2,000 years,
Christians and Muslims lived in peace in Mosul, Iraq, the country's second largest city. That all
changed on June 10, 2014 when the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, invaded the city and evicted
its Christian population. With the Christians gone, ISIS has begun to destroy or occupy every
Christian landmark in the city.
Hamas Intensifies Barrage as
Israel Agrees to 4-Hour Ceasefire. At roughly the same time as the temporary truce was
announced terrorists fired a salvo of rockets at communities in southern Israel. The Iron Dome
intercepted two rockets over Israeli population centers, while several others struck in open areas.
At Least 160 Children Died Digging Hamas' Tunnels. Because of their size and agility,
children make good tunnel-diggers. The English knew this when they were digging coal mines during
the Victorian era; Hamas knows it now. Thus, the Journal of Palestine Studies (edited by President
Obama's pro-Palestinian friend Rashid Khalidi) reported in 2012 that Hamas uses children to help dig
tunnels into Israel.
How Muslims Think.
[Scroll down] This is only one example of the war between Jews and Muslims in the Land of Israel. It is
not a territorial conflict. This is a civilization conflict, or rather a war between civilization and barbarism.
Bibi (Netanyahu) gets it, Obama does not. As many people as possible must come to an understanding of what radical
Islam is — and what awaits the world if it is not stopped.
Hamas Used Child Labor to Build Terror Tunnels; Hundreds Killed. Hamas killed hundreds
of children in the construction of its extensive tunnel network, built partly to carry out attacks
on children across the Gaza border in Israel. That report — confirmed by Hamas
itself — emerged in 2012, not from the Israeli government, but the sympathetic Journal
of Palestine Studies, in an article that otherwise celebrated the secret tunnel system as a
symbol of Palestinian resistance to the Israeli "siege" of the Gaza Strip.
Rumblings: Are Terrorists Targeting Shopping Malls? Islamists currently in the country, aided by
those who have recently arrived via the southern sieve we call a border and those who boldly came on aircraft
in a variety of disguises have a purpose in their criminality. Be warned, this is not for the faint of
heart. The target will be shopping malls. The method will be with explosive devices meant to inflict
suffering and death and to wound as many as possible. This is terrorism in its lowest form. The
purpose is to inflict fear in the hearts of Americans through this targeting of where we go to shop and relax.
Obama Aiding World Tranquility? Here is a selection of this morning's news. John
Kerry brokers Afghan election deal but leaves behind confusion. Afghan elections: Audit of disputed
run-off halted. U.S. Evacuates Embassy in Libya Amid Clashes. Only "temporary," says State.
Egyptians Search Kerry Before Allowing Him to Meet Sisi. Kerry "completely capitulated" to Hamas
in ceasefire proposal, say Israeli sources. Hamas fires rockets toward Israel after terror group
rejects truce proposal. A bad deal with Iran. Missed deadline on Iran nuclear talks sparks
a blame game. Jihadists in Iraq Erase Cultural Heritage. "Raw footage shows the Shrine of
Yunus (Tomb of Jonah) mosque in Mosul being blown up by Islamic State militants." ISIS warns women
to wear full veil or face punishment. ISIS Kills 50 Syrian Soldiers, Beheads Many In Raqqa.
Official: Iraqi request for U.S. airstrikes "under active consideration."
Times Decries ISIS's 'Brutal Crackdown' on Iraqi Christians; Big Three Networks Yawn. ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning
and evening newscasts have yet to cover the dire situation of Christians in Iraq, particularly after ISIS's takeover of the key
city of Mosul. The Islamic extremist group drove most of the Christians out of the city, and issued an ultimatum to those
who remained: covert to Islam, pay a hefty tax, or face death. Refreshingly, the New York Times spotlighted the crisis
in a Thursday [7/24/2014] op-ed, and noted that the Christian community in Mosul has lived there for nearly 2,000 years.
running out for Christians in Iraq. In fact, it might already have run out. The
Christians in Mosul have already fled, and those remaining in Nineveh and other areas of Iraq have
until Saturday to make their choice to pay jizya, convert, or be put to death. While ISIS
conducts an ethno-religious cleansing of Iraq, the ancient Christian communities there wonder when the
West will at least speak out.
Extremists destroy Jonah's tomb,
officials say. If you blink during the video, you might miss the moment an explosion
destroys what is said to have been the tomb of Jonah, a key figure in Christianity, Judaism and
Islam. The first few frames show the revered shrine towering over its landscape. Then comes a
sudden burst of dust, fire and smoke. Then, nothing. Militants with the Islamic State in Iraq
and Syria, or ISIS, planted explosives around the tomb and detonated them remotely Thursday [7/24/2014],
civil defense officials there told CNN.
terrorists blow up burial site of Jonah, vow more of same. Terrorists with the Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant have blown up the burial place of Jonah, the reluctant prophet from
Galilee whose story of being swallowed by a massive sea creature is told in the Bible. Islam
recognizes the existence of Jonah, also. ISIL radicals ringed the tomb with explosives and
detonated it at a remote location, civil defense officials who witnessed the incident told CNN. A
video of the explosion was posted to YouTube, but CNN said it couldn't yet verify its authenticity.
Jonah's tomb had been inside the Mosque of the Prophet Younis, a Sunni-held facility.
Parents of Nigeria's Abducted Girls Die. Seven fathers of kidnapped girls were among
51 bodies brought to the Chibok hospital after an attack on the nearby village of Kautakari this
month, said a health worker who insisted on anonymity for fear of reprisals by the extremists.
U.S. Must Remain a Leader for Worldwide Religious Freedom. Countless innocents
worldwide are persecuted for the peaceful practice of their faith. Some are subjected to torture,
beatings, forced marriage, rape, imprisonment, enslavement, and forced resettlement. Others, such as
MeriamYahia Ibrahim Ishag, a Sudanese woman who converted to Christianity, are sentenced to death
for their beliefs. Faced with this grim reality, Congress was compelled to act and the International
Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) became law in 1998.
pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians. Islamist insurgents have issued an ultimatum to
northern Iraq's dwindling Christian population to either convert to Islam, pay a religious levy or face death,
according to a statement distributed in the militant-controlled city of Mosul.
mosque leaders try to cut off man's hand -police. Two men described as leaders of a
Philadelphia mosque were accused of trying to cut off the hand of a suspected thief, whose wrist was
sliced so deeply it required hospital treatment, police said on Friday.
The Seven Gambit.
Dr. Anna Geifman tried to explain that the reason why innocents are selected as terror targets is
because "children are the last consecrated absolute". That is just why they must be killed in the
cruelest way possible. For "militant nihilism strives to ruin first and foremost what their
contemporaries hold sacred". Nihilism isn't the absence of a belief. It is something subtly
different: it is the belief in nothing. [...] It's an extremely powerful weapon. The
Absolute No is a devastating attack on the self-image and esteem of civilization. Hamas
will demonstrate the No, the Nothing. It will show that deep down inside Israelis — and
Americans — are animals like them. This can be called the Seven Gambit, from a 1995 film
which explores this exact theme. It depicts two detectives versus the devil in the shape of nameles
unites Isis and al-Qaeda? Blowing up American planes. It is not known how many of the Islamist militants currently fighting
with Isis have previously fought in Yemen with al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), another radical Islamist group which, among many
other exploits, gave us the underpants bomber and the ink cartridge bomb discovered at East Midlands airport in 2010. But during
their time fighting with AQAP, there is a every possibility that they will have met up with Ibrahim al-Asiri, the AQAP terrorist mastermind
responsible for developing these ingenious devices. Indeed, Asiri is said to be working on a new explosive device that would avoid
detection by the current generation of airport scanning devices. He tried one such device out on his younger brother Abdullah in
2009, when he sent him to blow up a senior Saudi security official with an explosive device concealed in his rectum. The device
exploded, killing Abdullah instantly, although the Saudi managed to escape unharmed.
set fire to 200 fuel trucks in Afghanistan. A Taliban bomb attack on the outskirts of
Kabul set ablaze 200 fuel trucks that the militants claimed were supplying foreign troops in
Afghanistan, officials said. The tankers were set on fire as they sat in a parking lot waiting
to enter the Afghan capital, which is currently gripped by a fraud dispute over presidential
elections in June.
finally realizes that Islam is really, really scary. After years of terrorism that
resulted in, among other things, the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centers,
Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, murder of Americans in Benghazi, and the brutal hacking
death of off-duty soldier, Lee Rigby in London, the main stream media is finally sounding the alarm
on the religion President Obama claims America "shares common principles of justice and progress,
tolerance and the dignity of all human beings."
Sword and Sorcery.
The Boko Haram's AK-47s; al-Qaeda's hijacked airliners, the humvees of ISIS, and perhaps the dirty
nuclear bomb of some Jihadi militant — are objects put to creative use by people none of
whom can build them from first principles. But they've concluded as did the Romans and Caliphs
before them, that they don't need to understand these objects in principle. They can regard these
marvels as placed in their path by some magical agency. Why they work isn't as important as
knowing how they can be used to kill.
attack hotels along Kenya coast. Gunmen flying the flag of Somalia's al-Qaeda affiliate roared into a Kenyan coastal town
and opened fire indiscriminately on pedestrians, shop-owners and people watching the World Cup, leaving at least 48 people dead. [...] It
was the boldest raid inside Kenya blamed on al-Shabaab since the terror strike against the Westgate Shopping Centre in the capital, Nairobi, last
September, when more than 70 people died.
gunmen kill at least 48 in Kenya attack. District deputy commissioner Benson Maisori
said several buildings in the town — which is around 100 kilometres (60 miles) from the
border with Somalia — were burned down including hotels, restaurants, banks and
government offices. "There were around 50 attackers, heavily armed in three vehicles, and they
were flying the Shebab flag. They were shouting in Somali and shouting 'Allahu Akbar' ('God is
Greatest')," he said.
Let Them Kill Each
Other. Let me advocate a course of action that will make sense to all sides in
America; the left and right; from militarists to pacifists: Let the Muslims kill each other.
After the administration blundered on Benghazi, on the Arab Spring, and Syria, Heaven itself has
afforded it one last chance to set itself right. It is almost impossible for the administration
to screw it up. All it has to do is nothing.
The Editor says...
The most obvious problem with that idea is that the Muslims aren't just killing each other.
bodies keep piling up. Somali militants who murdered 48 people in a Kenyan village as
they watched the World Cup went door to door asking residents if they were Muslim or spoke Somali —
and shot them dead if either answer was 'no', witnesses revealed today [6/16/2014]. [...] Witnesses told how
about 30 gunmen — believed to be members of Somali terror group al-Shabaab — arrived
in the town in minibuses at 8pm yesterday before bursting into residents homes, shooting dead any man they
thought was not Muslim.
beheadings and the success of horrifying violence. The first thing you hear is the
music. It lilts and sways. Then you see the Islamist militants. They're knocking
at a policeman's door. It's the middle of the night, but the cop soon answers. He's
blindfolded and cuffed. They take him to the bedroom. And then, reports say, they
decapitate him with a knife.
Mass beheadings
as jihadis race to Baghdad. Bloodthirsty al Qaeda-inspired insurgents moved
dangerously close to Baghdad on Thursday, after capturing major cities in northern Iraq and
threatening to destabilize the entire oil-rich region. The desperate Iraqi government of Prime
Minister Nouri al-Maliki called for citizens in the predominantly Shiite capital to take up arms
against the approaching Sunni insurgents.
Disguised as Nigerian soldiers, Boko
Haram militants kill hundreds of villagers in new attack. Altogether, Boko Haram
militants slaughtered hundreds of people in three villages in the far northeast corner of Nigeria,
witnesses said Thursday [6/5/2014], describing the latest attack by the Islamic extremist group
that drew international attention for the kidnapping of more than 300 schoolgirls.
Greatest Murder Machine in History. When one thinks of mass murder, Hitler comes to
mind. If not Hitler, then Tojo, Stalin, or Mao. Credit is given to the 20th-century totalitarians
as the worst species of tyranny to have ever arisen. However, the alarming truth is that Islam has
killed more than any of these, and may surpass all of them combined in numbers and cruelty. The
enormity of the slaughters of the "religion of peace" are so far beyond comprehension that even
honest historians overlook the scale. When one looks beyond our myopic focus, Islam is the
greatest killing machine in the history of mankind, bar none.
Nigerian security services infiltrated by Boco Haram. Breitbart News had the
exclusive opportunity to sit down with Lt. Col. Rudy Atallah, former head of African
counterterrorism for the Pentagon to discuss Boko Haram and Islamist movements in Africa.
Supreme Leader: Jihad Will End when US is Destroyed. No reason why this nice man who,
unlike the latest moderate puppet president, actually runs Iran shouldn't be allowed to get nukes.
He just wants them for peaceful Jihadist purposes. And we all know Jihad can mean many things.
Like killing non-Muslims. [...] This is the radioactive endgame that Obama, Hillary and Kerry have
been enabling. And it will end in mass death. The Iranian regime is obsessed with destroying
its enemies. It is violent, paranoid and desperate.
the Islamic fury does not exist. Americans nationwide were shocked at Boko Haram's
kidnapping of 276 young girls in Nigeria, and the threat they will be sold into slavery or forced
marriage. Their crime was being educated, but sadly was no different from Boko Haram's many prior
indiscriminate attacks against nonbelievers. Under criticism for not designating the group as a
terrorist organization until late 2013, despite its well-known, bloody history, President Obama
dispatched U.S. personnel to aid Nigeria's ineffectual response to the kidnappings. Most recently,
President Omar Bashir's repressive regime in Syria has condemned a pregnant woman to death for
apostasy by marrying a Christian and refusing to reconvert to Islam. The facts are disputed, but
the government's death sentence and its wider implications are not.
Bomber Tsarnaev's Boat Note: 'We Muslims Are One Body'. Accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
wrote a note declaring "we Muslims are one body" as he emerged from the boat where he had hidden from investigators,
according to a report based on court documents. The accused bomber wrote about his dead brother, Tamerlan, NBC
News affiliate in Boston WHDH reported. "I do not mourn because his soul is very much alive. God has a
plan for each person. Mine was to hide in this boat and shed some light on our actions," Tsarnaev wrote in
the note, according to WHDH.
Killed Wife For Making Vegetarian Dinner: Prosecutors. A Pakistani immigrant beat his wife to death in
their Brooklyn home after she made the mistake of cooking him lentils for dinner instead of the hearty meal of goat
meat that he craved, according to court papers. Noor Hussain, 75, was so outraged over the vegetarian fare that
he pummeled his wife, Nazar Hussain, 66, with a stick until she was a "bloody mess," according to prosecutors and court
papers. "Defendant asked [his wife] to cook goat and [his wife] said she made something else," the court papers
indicated as Hussain's murder trial opened on Wednesday.
his lawyer claims that's just his culture. A Pakistani immigrant allegedly beat his wife to death with a stick for
making him the wrong dinner, a court heard. Noor Hussein, 75, believed he had the right to discipline 66-year-old Nazar at
their apartment in Brooklyn, New York, his defense said. But prosecutors claim he murdered her because she had made the
mistake of cooking him a vegetarian meal made of lentils instead of goat meat.
Islam: Enemy of Civilization. Militant Islam is the enemy, plain and simple. An
Islamist may claim to be a Muslim, wear Islamic clothing, and engage in Islamic rituals, but he is
as inferior to a Muslim as an ape is to a human. Islamists are to Islam what Nazis were to Germany;
practitioners of a despicable and subhuman behavioral choice that is as much a menace to decent
Muslims as Nazism was to decent Germans. Most victims of senseless Islamist violence are, despite
spectacular examples like 9/11 to the contrary, Muslims. Before anybody invokes Godwin's Law,
consider this video from Hamas. It talks openly about annihilation of Jews, and Islamic domination
of the entire world.
'Sex Slaves Throw Wrench in Official Narrative. Islamic law permits the possession of
concubines, or sex slaves. This has been demonstrated countless times, including through Islamic
clerics quoting Islamic scriptures, and through ordinary Muslims, past and present, acting on those
scriptures. That said, Islam-sanctioned sex-slavery does not perturb the Western world simply
because the powers-that-be — specifically, academia, media, and government —
ignore it, and any number of other unsavory phenomena associated with Islam, out of existence.
Interesting, therefore, are the responses — comical, one might even say —
when one of these everyday anecdotes actually does surface for the general public.
Why can't we
see? A video showing abducted Nigerian schoolgirls converting to Islam may cast doubt
on narratives that Boko Haram problem is really about patriarchal fears of women's education ("why
are men scared of smart girls") or simple "ethnic tensions" in Nigeria. Boko is wired. Heather
Murdoch of the Christian Science Monitor writes: "three weeks after hundreds of teenage girls were
abducted while taking exams, it remains unclear how many girls were taken, who they are, who did it,
at what time, and exactly how." [...] Nobody becomes that invisible without influence. The terror
group Hillary never wanted to name seems to have an influence all out of proportion to its rag-tag
appearance. Maybe there's another root cause for Boko Haram. How about oil?
Won't Stop Modern Barbarians. Nigeria's homegrown, al-Qaeda linked militant group,
Boko Haram, brags openly that it recently kidnapped about 300 young Nigerian girls. It boasts that
it will sell them into sexual slavery. Those terrorists have a long and unapologetic history of
murdering kids who dare to enroll in school, and Christians in general. For years, Western aid
groups have pleaded with the State Department to at least put Boko Haram on the official list of
terrorist groups.
Boko Haram kidnapping: What does the US stand for? It took three weeks for President Obama to publicly
address the crisis of more than 250 Nigerian school girls kidnapped on April 14, and to pledge to send modest
support. That is 22 days of unfathomable cruelty to vulnerable girls, and 22 days of panicked parents
wondering about the fate of their daughters — and whether an education could possibly be worth such a price,
and why the international community has not vocally condemned the treacherous act.
Above All Do No
Haram. The Boko Haram remained, in spite of its almost comic book brutality, one of America's viable "partners
for peace". So it remained until its actions became so reprehensible that there was no other viable political course
than to call them what they were: a low-down dirty bunch of terrorist murderers. Think Progress' apologia for
Hillary Clinton only succeeds in documenting who pushed the Boko in the face of clear objections from law enforcement and
counter-terror organizations.
The Boko Haram Bidding
War. Almost lost in the international furor over the schoolgirls abducted in Nigeria (and the political
furor in Washington over the Obama administration's hesitance in years past to call the terrorists who abducted them,
well, "terrorists") one fundamental question is asked far too infrequently. What will it take, in fact, to set
those girls free? There really is only one answer, deeply unsatisfactory and grossly unsavory as that may be:
negotiation with Boko Haram and, almost certainly, the payment of a significant ransom.
Things the Media and Government Won't Tell You About Boko Haram. [#3] Muslim clerics
recruit for them in mosques. The British tabloid The Sun reported in late April that "Nigerian
Muslim clerics living in the border towns of Cameroon and Nigeria are recruiting Boko Haram members
in their mosques, the government of Cameroon has alleged." [...] This recruitment gives the lie yet
again to the mainstream media and government dogma that Islamic jihad groups actually pervert the
teachings of Islam. If they did, Muslim clerics, above all, would know that and oppose them.
Yet Muslim clerics, all too often, are enthusiastic in their support of such groups, and sometimes even
participate in them. But that fact is not one that our law enforcement or military establishment
is willing, at this point, to ponder.
of women and girls flee Boko Haram zealots in Nigeria. Refugee crises have blighted
Africa's history but the recent abduction of 276 schoolgirls is unparalleled. An estimated 60,000
women and their children have fled across the border into Niger in the past year alone to escape brutal
Boko Haram. The fundamentalists with links to Al Qaeda are funded by the illegal ivory trade,
slaughtering wild elephants. They show no mercy in their crusade to stop female education
either, murdering and torturing those who stand in their way and burning villages.
forget that Boko Haram targets boys as well as girls. [H]ad these schoolgirls simply
been killed outright, the world might not be coming to Nigeria's aid in the way it is now. And had
these schoolgirls been schoolboys, we probably wouldn't be talking about it in the first place.
Stop making excuses for
Islamist extremist monsters. When it comes to fanatical Islam, we're entranced by the symptoms but refuse to
name the disease. The extremes to which Western elites will go to avoid blaming radical Islam for terrorism cripples
our efforts to protect innocent Muslims. Terrified of offending butchers, we insist that we're the bigots, not them.
We make excuses for monsters. Boko Haram, whose name means "Western learning is forbidden," kidnaps 200 schoolgirls,
and the world rightly takes notice. But what about the thousands of peaceful civilians, both Christian and Muslim,
Boko Haram has killed, purportedly to install an Islamist state? What about the medical workers, pious volunteers,
who are murdered in a faith's name?
Hillary and the Face of
Terror. Hillary Clinton, under attack for refusing to label brutal and murderous Nigerian Al Qaeda affiliate,
Boko Haram as a terrorist organization during her tenure as Secretary of State, resurrected the old poverty-causes-Jihadism
myth, rebranding it as "social justice." Though later, during her now iconic Congressional testimony about Benghazi,
Hillary slipped up and admitted that we are facing a "spreading Jihadist threat." Of course, Hillary is not the only
Obama Administration Official to trot out this demonstrably false canard. President Obama himself infamously voiced
the same nonsense right after 9/11, while still a state Senator in Illinois; current Secretary of State John Kerry
reiterated it last fall, and Code Pink has also attempted to recently perpetrated the myth.
Clinton Protested Designation of Boko Haram as Terrorist Group. While Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton
fought hard against officially designating the Islamists of Boko Haram as a terror group — placing her in the
camp of far-left activist group [...] The African terror outfit is again in the news last month by
kidnapping and selling into sexual slavery upwards of 250 Nigerian girls. The group did this because these
girls dared to go to school and gain an education, something Islamic fundamentalists oppose. The name
"Boko Haram" means "Western education is sinful."
Boko Haram
Recruitment: Kerry Blames Poverty. Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday underlined the issue of poverty
as a recruitment tool for extremist groups like Boko Haram, although analysts and Nigerian officials have for months been
reporting that the organization is forcibly conscripting civilians, including children, into its ranks. During his
recent Africa trip leaders had told him that much of the challenge in confronting violent extremist groups like Boko Haram
lies in fighting poverty, Kerry said at a Council of the Americas conference in Washington.
hundred little maids from school are we. One of the little known facts about the kidnapping of
schoolgirls by the Boko Haram in Nigeria is that most of the victims are Christians. "A Nigerian
evangelist said that most of the 200 plus schoolgirls kidnapped by terrorist group Boko Haram are
Christians ... Chibok local government is 90% Christian. Majority of the girls abducted are Christians."
State Department resisted labeling Boko Haram as terror group. The kidnapping of nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls by
radical Islamic terror group Boko Haram has drawn international condemnation, including that of former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton. "Abominable," is how she described the kidnapping, calling it an "act of terrorism" that merits "the fullest response
possible." But the State Department, under Clinton's leadership, repeatedly resisted and blocked efforts to designate Boko
Haram as a terrorist group. Those who pushed for the designation as early as 2011 are now saying the department missed a
major opportunity to track and target the deadly organization as it grew.
Nigeria's nightmare
a 'teaching moment' on Islamist threat. The ongoing nightmare in Nigeria grotesquely demonstrates that,
though Osama bin Laden is dead, the battle against militant Islam is far from over. The Nigerian police reported Tuesday
[5/6/2014] that Boko Haram extremists had kidnapped at least eight more girls, ages 12 to 15, from their village.
abduct eight more girls in northeast Nigeria: police. Suspected Boko Haram gunmen
kidnapped eight girls from a village near one of the Islamists' strongholds in northeastern Nigeria
overnight, police and residents said on Tuesday [5/6/2014].
Haram: Kidnappers, Slave-Owners, Terrorists, Killers. The leader of an African Islamist group
recently declared he planned to sell "in the marketplace" nearly 300 young girls his group kidnapped last month
in Nigeria, describing the young students now as "slaves." The shocking statement was made in an undated
video that appeared to show Abubakar Shekau, the leader of the group commonly known as Boko Haram, holding
an AK-47, draped in ammunition and speaking as he's surrounded by his followers.
Why won't the Nigerian government accept our help to
find the 234 stolen schoolgirls? It's now more than three weeks since 234 schoolgirls
were kidnapped in northern Nigeria. Yet until the last few days, the reaction around the world has
been that this is, to coin a phrase, a quarrel in a faraway country between people of whom we know
nothing. That's now changed. America is offering help to find the schoolgirls snatched by the
Islamist militant group Boko Haram (whose name translates as "Western education is forbidden"), and
the Foreign Office is shouting from the rooftops about its outrage — and its own
willingness to help the Nigerian government.
Haram claims responsibility for kidnapping Nigeria schoolgirls. The leader of Nigerian
Islamist extremist group Boko Haram has said that more than 270 schoolgirls snatched from their
dormitories were "slaves" whom he planned to sell in the market. "I abducted your girls," a man
claiming to be Abubakar Shekau, the group's leader, said in a video seen by the Guardian. "I will
sell them in the market, by Allah. I will sell them off and marry them off. There is a market
for selling humans. "Women are slaves. I want to reassure my Muslim brothers that Allah says
slaves are permitted in Islam," he added, in an apparent reference to an ancient tradition of enslaving
women captured during jihad, or holy war.
'I will sell them,' Boko Haram
leader says of kidnapped Nigerian girls. Fears for the fate of more than 200 Nigerian girls turned
even more nightmarish Monday when the leader of the Islamist militant group that kidnapped them announced plans
to sell them. "I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah," a man claiming to
be Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau said in a video first obtained by Agence France-Presse.
Haram: backward but brutal. Boko Haram, the name of the Islamist group that has terrorised Nigeria,
roughly translates as "Western education is forbidden". The title nicely sums up its philosophy:
aggressively anti-Western, backward-looking and fuelled by ignorance. Among its more quirky views are that
the Earth is not spherical and that Darwinian evolution is a nonsense. But Boko Haram is far from a joke.
Since 2002, it has claimed an estimated 10,000 lives through attacks on Christians and government targets
And last month, its members abducted an estimated 276 schoolgirls under cover of darkness. It is thought that
they were kidnapped for the purpose of selling them into sexual slavery to men in Chad and Cameroon.
Some of the girls have since escaped — and now, finally, the Nigerian government seems poised
to act militarily to help those still being held captive.
You Need to Know About the Nigerian Kidnapped Girls. About 300 teenaged girls were
abducted from their school in Nigeria on April 15. Police have said that some were able to escape
but 276 remain kidnapped. Gunmen abducted the girls from their dormitories at the Government Girls
Secondary school in Chibok. One girl told the New Yorker that militants dressed in Nigerian military
uniforms came into their dorms and told the girls they were being taken to a safe space. They were
placed in trucks and on motorcycles and driven away as the militants shouted "Allahu akbar," which
means God is great.
Westernized Muslims Become 'Radicalized'. In short, a set of noble principles articulated
through a foreign paradigm can lead to abominations. In this case, the better principles of Western
civilization are being devoured, absorbed, and regurgitated into something equally potent, though from the
other end of the spectrum. Put differently, just as a stress on human freedom, human dignity, and
universal justice produces good humans, rearticulating these same concepts through an Islamic framework
that qualifies them with the word "Muslim" — Muslim freedom, Muslim dignity, and
Muslim justice — leads to what is being called "radicalization."
Islam and American Justice.
Islam considers itself to be supremacist and must be victorious over all other religions and cultures. Islam
spreads first by invitation, "Aslim Taslam," which means "Submit and Be at Peace." If that isn't effective then
conquest by the sword is followed by dhimmitude, second-class citizenry, including no right for the Dhimmi to defend
themselves. [...] Muslims quote the Qur'an saying, "There is no compulsion in religion." But that statement is
superseded and abrogated by later statements in the Qur'an that endorse violent compulsion in the spread of Islam.
Moderation from the Monstrous Taliban. The Taliban remain monsters who kill small children —
not as the accidental collateral damage from a larger attack but deliberately and at pointblank range.
This is the true face of the enemy in Afghanistan, and it is why the civilized world cannot abandon Afghanistan
to its fate.
week in Muslims. An Oberlin College professor has filed a lawsuit because, she claims, another professor on the Oberlin
faculty has harassed her and created a hostile work environment for female employees for years. The plaintiff is Eunjung An,
professor of French and cinema studies at the smallish liberal arts school about 35 miles southeast of Cleveland, Ohio,
reports The Morning Journal News. An alleges that comparative literature professor Ali Yedes informed an unnamed Oberlin
employee last year that he had helped his nephew obtain a student visa to the United States expressly to "stab and kill someone
from his department."
Iranian Military General Swears on His Religion
That They Will Annihilate Israel. When it comes to Barack Obama, there are — best I can tell — three
possible reasons for his catastrophic track record. Imagine a Venn diagram with three interlocking circles. One is labeled
Marxism, the other is marked Hatred, and the last one is captioned Ignorance. All three circles overlap with different ratios
depending upon the actual policy.
Don't Be Naive; Muslims Want World Domination.
What does it say about Islam that both the Super Bowl in America and the winter Olympics in Russia require massive security against an attack by
jihadists? [...] While Islam looks and sounds like a religion, it is more a political and economic entity concerned with controlling those populations
where it is dominant, largely keeping them unable to resist the despots, monarchs, and clerics in charge. Iran's Supreme Leader, for example, is
worth billions. What the West has yet to grasp is its intent on world domination. That is why jihad — the so-called holy war — is
a central pillar of faith.
Report: Persecution
of Christians reveals most abuse in Muslim countries. The majority of anti-Christian persecution in the world in 2013 took place at the hands of Muslims,
according to a list by Open Doors USA. [...] It reported increasing violence against Christians in Africa, and said radical Muslims were the main source of persecution
in 36 countries on its list — both in Islamic countries and in non-Muslim countries such as Kenya (ranked 40th), Ethiopia (17th) and Tanzania (49th).
The top country where Christians suffer, for the 12th consecutive year, remained communist North Korea, though the nine following countries in the top ten were Islamic:
Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran and Yemen.
The Real Meaning of Al Qaeda. The term al Qaeda means "The Base" in
Arabic, but the sense of the term suggests it is — or is to be — the font and guide of all Islamist actions and groups dedicatedly anti-Western.
The ultimate aim of these jihadi elements is to establish a global caliphate.
killed for faith nearly doubled in 2013, group finds. Rev. Faye Pama Musa knew immediately why suspected Boko Haram
militants burst into his home last year as his wife prepared dinner in the family's northeastern Nigeria home. His stance
against Christian persecution in the divided African nation had long made him a target. [...] Musa, according to the group, was
one of 2,123 Christians killed last year due to their faith, compared to 1,201 in 2012.
Muslims v. Christians in Islamists' new
war. The killing field in question is the Central African Republic, where a year-long civil war has taken a monstrous
toll. This month alone, it's exacted hundreds of deaths. Tens of thousands are being made homeless. Maiming by
machete, rape and beatings are routine. There's no end in sight.
Lee Rigby murder trial: 'I'm a soldier just like Drummer Rigby. An Islamist
fanatic has told the family of Drummer Lee Rigby he had no regrets about killing him because he was "a soldier" himself. Michael
Adebolajo, 28, told a court he would "never regret obeying the command of Allah" and that his only disappointment was that the police
did not shoot him dead.
Islamic Jihad on Christian Nuns: A
History. Yet another phenomenon with a long paper trail in Islamic history has just taken place, even as the Western "mainstream" —
little acquainted with true history or reality — dismisses it as an aberration.
Insane Asylum Seekers. We hear relatively often
these days about the large and growing Muslim communities in major European cities. Less frequently a subject of media attention in the U.S.,
however, is an equally significant phenomenon: the asylum centers that dot the landscape in many countries. [...] In these centers reside
individuals of foreign origin, mostly from the Muslim world, who are awaiting decisions about their applications for asylum. The places aren't
locked. (Those who humbly propose locking them are routinely depicted by the political and cultural elite as inhuman bigots.) Consequently,
they serve for many of their residents as handy bases from which they can venture out and plunder the locals. They are, in other words, Ground
Zeroes for criminality. It should also be pointed out that many, if not most, of the people living in them have no legitimate right to asylum
at all.
Prosecutor outlines chilling murder of UK
soldier. Prosecutors showed jurors graphic videotape of the events surrounding the near decapitation of a British soldier
on a London street, as the trial of two men opened Friday in the suspected Islamic extremist attack.
Rigby 'attacked like a joint of meat'. Muslim converts set upon a British soldier like butchers "attacking a joint of meat" as they
tried to hack off his head, the Old Bailey heard. Footage of the moment two men allegedly ran down drummer Lee Rigby before attacking him
with a cleaver and knives was shown to the jury in his murder trial. The CCTV clip showed the car, allegedly driven by Michael Adebolajo
swerve across a road and hit the 25-year-old from behind as he crossed the road.
Flee Marauding Muslims in Africa's 'Forgotten Crisis'. The Central African Republic (CAR) is "descending into complete chaos,"
becoming a breeding ground for extremists and threatening to sink into religious and ethnic conflict that could spread through an already
troubled region, the U.N. Security Council was told on Monday [11/25/2013]. Tens of thousands of Christians who have fled violent
attack by Muslim rebels are sheltering at a Catholic mission in a town called Bossangoa, about 250 miles north of the capital, Bangui.
Last week, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius warned that the country was "on the verge of genocide."
Islam: The Foundation of the Middle East
Conflict. If this were a secular affray over matters such as those mentioned earlier or any other non-religious contention it could have
been settled years ago. But except to the willfully blind, the overwhelming evidence validates theocratic Jewish hatred as its underpinning.
If not for its religious nature why would the entire Islamic world be so vehement in not recognizing Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people?
Is this the proper American Muslim response to
jihad in America? We see these reports daily. Muslims and converts to Islam wage jihad in the cause of Islam. They cite the Quran, chapter and
verse. Muslims worldwide continue the 1,400-year-old war to impose Islam across the world — all citing the same Islamic texts and teachings. There is
a problem in Islam. So what is the response of the Muslim community?
Russia bus bomb: Volgograd blast kills five. A suspected female suicide bomber has set off
explosives on a bus in the southern Russian city of Volgograd, killing at least six people. Officials believe the woman was from Dagestan in the North Caucasus and
was the partner of an Islamist militant.
out celebrating Eid used his car as a "lethal weapon". According to MyFoxDetroit in 2011, Saddam Mohsin, who was charged with attempted murder
in a hit and run, "rammed the officer intentionally." Then there was New York City cabdriver Mohammed Azam, who ran over two of his passengers for no
apparent reason. Another cabbie, Hassan Daly, who was described as a "devout Muslim," plowed his cab into a crowd on a sidewalk in San Diego, injuring
over 24 people. Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar explicitly grounded his hit-and-run in the teachings of the Koran. Munir Muthana told the police
who arrested him that "the Muslims will fix this country."
sorry, but we have to talk about the barbarism of modern Islamist terrorism. In Western news-making and opinion-forming circles, there's a
palpable reluctance to talk about the most noteworthy thing about modern Islamist violence: its barbarism, its graphic lack of moral restraint.
This goes beyond the BBC's yellow reluctance to deploy the T-word — terrorism — in relation to the bloody assault on the Westgate
shopping mall in Kenya at the weekend. Across the commentating board, people are sheepish about pointing out the historically unique lunacy of Islamist
violence and its utter detachment from any recognisable moral universe or human values.
Global Slaughter of Christians, but America's Churches Stay Silent. Christians in the Middle East and Africa are being slaughtered,
tortured, raped, kidnapped, beheaded, and forced to flee the birthplace of Christianity. One would think this horror might be consuming the
pulpits and pews of American churches. Not so. The silence has been nearly deafening. As Egypt's Copts have battled the
worst attacks on the Christian minority since the 14th century, the bad news for Christians in the region keeps coming.
Nobody can Deny Violent Islam. Jihad starts
with the absolute goal of converting all the infidels in the world or killing them. Islamic war doctrine sets out strategies for world conquest,
like suicide terrorism, war propaganda and intimidation, deception and betrayal, infiltration and sabotage. Finally, each strategy is carried
out in a set of deliberate tactics, adapted to the age of the web. This is a war theology from top to bottom. The resulting threat of
imperialist Islam is as great as the threat of imperialist Communism during the 70-year reign of the Soviet Union.
Can We Finally Start Talking
About The Global Persecution Of Christians? The Washington Post reported that one British mother and her young children survived when
captors who shot her allowed her to leave on the condition she immediately convert to Islam. The siege of the mall, which included the taking of
hostages, lasted four days. Three floors of the mall collapsed and bodies were buried in the rubble. And that wasn't even the worst terrorist
attack of the weekend.
Kenya, Pakistan,
Egypt — it is now open season on Christians. Attacks on Christians and other minorities in the Muslim-majority
world are increasing and an already terrible situation is worsening. The most recent attack was Sunday in Peshawar in Pakistan,
where the historic All Saints Church was attacked by two suicide bombers, an attack for which the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility.
silence of our friends — the extinction of Christianity in the Middle East. The last month and a half has seen perhaps
the worst anti-Christian violence in Egypt in seven centuries, with dozens of churches torched. Yet the western media has mainly focussed
on army assaults on the Muslim Brotherhood, and no major political figure has said anything about the sectarian attacks.
First the Mall, Now the Church.
ABC News reports that 43 people have died in a suicide bombing attack on a church in Pakistan. [...] Since only a little over 1% of the
population in that region is still Christian there isn't a whole lot of design margin left among the holdouts. They are going to be
wiped out. Not that the administration has proved very sensitive on the issue of ethnic cleansing without a lobby to plead on their
behalf. The administration's effort to reach out to the Muslim community has proved so successful one wonders Who's On First.
Or who employs whom.
In the Name of Islam. "I don't understand why you
would shoot a five-year-old child," one of the survivors said. But the five-year-old was not a Muslim. Moments like these put the
Clash of Civilizations into bloody context. This isn't abstract politics. It's not about economics, the environment or foreign
policy. It's about a worldview in which a five-year-old who can't recite the Islamic confession of faith deserves to be killed.
The crime is not being a Muslim.
The Evil of Global Jihad. Nairobi's Westgate
mall is more than a retail center. It's a social hub — a space for shared enjoyment and community celebration. It's also a
place for kids. In fact, a children's event was taking place on Saturday. Then the jihadists turned up and turned it into a death trap.
Suicide attack on Pakistani church kills 75 people.
A pair of suicide bombers detonated their explosives outside a historic church in northwestern Pakistan on Sunday, killing 75 people in the
deadliest-ever attack on the country's Christian minority, officials said.
Death toll in northeast Nigeria attack 'at least
142'. The death toll from an attack in northeastern Nigeria that saw insurgents dressed as soldiers set up checkpoints and gun down
travellers on a highway has risen to at least 142, an official said Sunday [9/22/2013].
How Al-Shabaab picks its targets. Al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda's brutal Somali
affiliate, has claimed credit for the attack by multiple gunmen at an upscale shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya that has already killed at least 59 people.
This should not be a surprise. For Al-Shabaab, the mall was an attractive target because Westerners, including Americans, frequented it.
Gunfire erupts at Kenyan mall, 59 dead in Islamist attack.
Islamist militants were holed up with hostages on Sunday at a shopping mall in Nairobi, where at least 59 people have been killed in an attack by the
al Shabaab group that opposes Kenya's participation in a peacekeeping mission in neighboring Somalia.
'All Muslims
leave... we only want to kill non-Muslims'. Gunmen who opened fire at a shopping centre killing at least 25 and injuring dozens more today [9/21/2013]
let muslims go free if they could prove they were Islamic. Witnesses caught up in the attack at Westlands Shopping Centre, in the Kenyan capital Nairobi,
said anyone who could recite a muslim prayer to their captors was allowed to leave unscathed. But the attackers turned their guns on anyone who could not
prove their Islamic credentials.
Does the Qur'an Teach Hate? On September 11, 2013,
a public information officer for Palm Beach County, Florida named John Jamason posted a message on his personal Facebook page: "Never forget.
There is no such thing as radical Islam. All Islam is radical. There may be Muslims who don't practice their religion, much like others.
The Quran is a book that preaches hate." The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) immediately complained, and demanded that the
county turn over to them everything that Jamason had written from a county computer over the previous month. [...] Left unexamined in the controversy was
whether or not what Jamason said was true.
Poll: Majority of
Palestinian Authority Muslims Support Suicide Bombings. A poll recently released by the Pew Research Center flies in the face of Barack Obama's
attitude toward the Palestinian people world and their desire for peace. [...] Interestingly, the group most opposed to suicide bombings was from Pakistan,
where Al Qaeda and the Taliban have almost exclusively focused the bombings on other Muslims.
The Muslim protection racket: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to Coptic Christians:
Convert to Islam, or pay 'jizya' tax. The Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters have began forcing the roughly 15,000 Christian Copts of Dalga village in
Egypt to pay a jizya tax as indicated in Koran 9:29, author and translator Raymond Ibrahim reported on Sunday. Jizya is the money, or tribute, "that conquered
non-Muslims historically had to pay to their Islamic overlords 'with willing submission and while feeling themselves subdued' to safeguard their existence," Mr.
Ibrahim explained.
Syrian village is 'liberated' by
rebels... who then forced Christians to convert to Islam. Terrified Christians claim Syrian rebels ordered them to convert to Islam on pain of death when they
'liberated' their ancient village. Opposition forces, including fighters linked to Al Qaeda, gained temporary control of the Christian village of Maaloula after fighting
with regime forces. The reports have reignited fears about western support for the rebel groups, which are increasingly being infiltrated by Islamic extremists.
'Either You Convert to Islam, Or You Will Be Beheaded'.
The village of Maaloula has been taken over by Syrian rebels associated with al Qaeda, who have stormed the Christian center and offered local Christians a
choice: conversion or death. A resident of the town said the rebels shouted "Allahu Akhbar" as they moved through the village, and proceeded to
assault Christian homes and churches.
German jihadis kill Syrian Christians. Radical German Islamists
participated in the murders of Syrian Christians in an early August attack on the Turkish-Syrian border, according to a report in the German magazine FOCUS. The magazine
reported last week the involvement of nearly 100 "fanatical" German Muslims, including Germans who converted to Islam, in the Syrian civil war. Two Western intelligence
agencies provided the information to FOCUS about the role of German Islamists in the August massacre.
Muslim Brotherhood's World Domination Blueprint.
From its inception in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood has been the subject of persecution due to its commitment to a single goal — transitioning the
world into an Islamic empire.
Al Jazeera and the soft underbelly of
America. Can you imagine Adolf Hitler owning a TV news network that spewed his hateful rhetoric across the United States either before or during
World War II? [...] This principle doesn't have anything to do with the First Amendment or tolerance of other people's ideas. It has to do with
self-preservation. If you are engaged in a war for cultural survival, you don't just turn a blind eye to a foreign effort to subvert your nation from
within. Unfortunately, that instinct for survival no longer exists in modern America — which, like it or not, is engaged in a long-term
battle of wills with Islamism, the movement to impose the political and cultural version of Islam known across the globe in a worldwide caliphate dedicated
to the implementation of sharia (Islamic law).
Islam's Choice. The victims of chronic social malpractice are mostly
other Muslims. Fratricide and suicide have literally become cultural norms. Surely, attacks against the West garner disproportionate media
coverage. Alas, the real victims, the significant genocidal carnage is intra-mural. The ongoing atrocities in Egypt and Syria are cases in point.
We need a redline on beheadings.
John Kerry calls the Syrian goverment's chemical weapons attack on its own people a "moral obscenity." What does he call the rebels' actions
when they force a child to behead a Syrian civilian? If we're going to threaten a redline over chemical weapons, why not have one for beheadings?
The Muslim Brotherhood's War on Coptic
Christians. The Muslim Brotherhood is showing the world its true colors. The group that "renounced violence" in an effort to gain political
power is engaged in a full-scale campaign of terror against Egypt's Christian minority. Brotherhood leaders have incited their followers to attack Christian
homes, shops, schools and churches throughout the country. Samuel Tadros, an Egyptian scholar with the Hudson Institute, told me these attacks are the worst
violence against the Coptic Church since the 14th century.
White House spokesman jokes
about Islamic attacks on Christian churches in Egypt. The White House's deputy press secretary today downplayed Muslim attacks on Christians in
Egypt, joking about the savagery that has left at least six Christians dead. Press secretary Josh Earnest was asked by Fox News' correspondent, Ed Henry,
if President Barack Obama has a "red line" beyond which he would act against Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians. "Well, I didn't bring my red pen out
with me today," Earnest joked.
Christians: On the Front Lines of Muslim
Violence. Unfortunately, the persecution of Christians is nothing new in Egypt or other Muslim-majority countries. But thanks to
the mainstream media, few Westerners understand the true scale or nature of the horrors involved. As you read this, Christians around the world
are being murdered, raped, plundered, abducted, forcibly converted to Islam, or otherwise oppressed by Muslims. Christians in Muslim-majority
areas are some of the most vulnerable and horribly oppressed people on Earth; they live at the mercy of the mob and receive little or no protection
from the police or other government institutions.
Islam: Religion of Bigots. The true religious bigotry
is the one that exists in the heart of Islamic orthodoxy. In Saudi Arabia, the existence of Christian churches is prohibited, along with the Bible
itself; no Christian or Jew can enter Mecca or Medina lest their mere footsteps desecrate Islam's holiest sites. In Pakistan and Afghanistan and
elsewhere in the Muslim world, conversion from Islam to Christianity is punishable by death.
What Is the Difference Between
'Extremist' and 'Moderate' Muslim Brothers? It is iron dogma for the politically correct establishment in the U.S. that "moderate Muslims," which
for that establishment includes every last Muslim in the U.S., abhor and despise "extremists," whom they don't even consider Muslims, and whose violence and
supremacism they reject. That's the story, anyway.
Begin on Saturday, Finish on Sunday. Islam's openly-stated
desire to control the world is now light-years away from its current wretched plight. The Muslims' low self-image not only makes us self-destructive,
but leads to the desire to destroy anyone who succeeds, even if it means destroying ourselves as well.
Not a Legitimate Party.
I find it absolutely bizarre how little attention is paid to the fundamental nature of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is not a legitimate political
party. Its objects are not consistent with democracy or democratic goals. It is, as Steve Hayward concisely commented, "a fascist political
faction with murderous intent. Full stop." Its goal is the (re)establishment of an Islamic caliphate.
mob parades nuns in Cairo as prisoners of war. A mob marched nuns through the battle-torn streets of Cairo 'like prisoners of war' in the
latest outrage against Egypt's Christian minority. Sister Manal, principal of a Franciscan school in suburban Cairo, watched for six hours as a mob
looted the building, knocked the cross off the gate and replaced it with a black banner resembling the flag of Al Qaeda. The classrooms were then
burned to the ground and the women taken away, attracting a crowd of abusive onlookers.
Bending for Islam. To a Muslim like myself, Islam has passed me by the day a Mutawya'ah
(Saudi religious police) caned me for refusal to pray in the Grand Mosque of Riyadh, but it has become a target of my criticism just last week when the Islamists in
Zanzibar doused two innocent British girls with acid. The straw of that incident broke my back. My criticism of my religion is long overdue. Out of
respect for my family, peers and friends, I delayed the inevitable because of my overflowing optimism. I cannot and will not glue this broken glass.
September 11, 2012: A day that will live in infamy.
September 11 of 2012, just eleven months ago, was the eleventh anniversary of the Declaration of Holy War signaled by three simultaneous attacks on America by
nineteen Saudi Arabian suiciders, killing 3,000 innocent people in Manhattan, at the Pentagon, and in the air over Pennsylvania. That Declaration of War came
from the brutal desert theocracy of Saudi Arabia, run by its Wahhabi priesthood.
As Egyptian Churches Are Put To the Torch, Obama's Reputation
Goes Up in Flames. As church after church is put to the torch in Egypt by members of the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies, one of the things that is
going up in flames is the reputation of President Obama. In the past 48 hours alone, some 57 Egyptian churches have been burned to the ground in the
Nile valley. It will not be lost on the Egyptians that Mr. Obama has spent the crisis playing golf at Martha's Vineyard.
World Silent As Brotherhood Targets
Coptic Christians. Christians in Egypt are again the target of Islamist Muslim Brotherhood supporters using the new violence as a cover for
ongoing persecution. If Christians were burning mosques, the world would be outraged.
Egyptian Islamists Target Christian Churches in
Wave of Apparently Coordinated Attacks. Some supporters of Egypt's ousted Islamist president directed their wrath at the country's Christian minority Wednesday [8/14/2013],
in what activists described as "the worst coordinated attacks on Egypt's Coptic community in modern history." Largely eclipsed by the military's crackdown on Muslim
Brotherhood protest camps in Cairo and resulting loss of life, more than 20 churches in a number of provinces were reported to have been targeted for arson and other attacks.
Reaping What Obama's Sown in Egypt. President
Obama continues to offer his blessings to the theocratic totalitarians of the Muslim Brotherhood as they spill blood on Egyptian streets in an effort to
restore Mohamed Morsi to power. Our terrorist-supporting president has the gall to scold the military, the most stable, trusted institution in Egypt,
while his Islamofascist allies burn scores of Coptic churches in the region where Christianity began more than six centuries before the birth of Mohammed.
Crush the Muslim Brotherhood. Like all terrorist
organizations, the Muslim Brotherhood has only one commodity to trade in. Blood. In the war of ideas for the future of Egypt, the Brotherhood
had nothing to offer but the blood of its followers and victims. It has no new ideas. It has no record of accomplishments. It has no
vision for the future except the same old corruption and authoritarianism cloaked in a deceptive Islamist garb.
Muslim Brotherhood Burns
Churches, Scapegoats Christians Following Crackdown. No sooner did security forces, backed by armored cars and bulldozers, clear encampments in the
city's Nadha and Raba'a al Adiwiya squares did the Islamists turn to targeting Christian churches. Approximately 1,000 Muslim Brotherhood supporters set
fire to the Churches of Abraham and the Virgin Mary in Menya.
Egypt's Unraveling and the Coming Chaos.
As the [Muslim] Brotherhood and its allies continue to battle the Egyptian military in the streets, burn Christian churches to the ground at an alarming rate, and
refuse to settle for anything less than Morsi's return to power, it seems that the MB may very well be poised to drop its "moderate" mask once and for all and adopt
the full-on jihad route (at least, in Egypt).
"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is
our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."
— The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Moines imam arrested Monday in Johnston following alleged sexual assault. Johnston police arrested a Muslim imam who serves at the Des Moines Islamic
and Cultural Center Bosniak after he reportedly sexually abused two women during a ritual late Monday night. Nermin Spahic, 40, was charged with third-degree
sexual abuse and two counts of sexual exploitation by a clergy and transported to Polk County Jail, according to a press release from the Johnston Police Department.
Obama's Gay-Rights Hypocrisy. "What,"
Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani was asked, "is [Islam's] judgment on sodomy and lesbianism?" "Forbidden," he curtly pronounced. "Those involved in the
act should be punished. In fact, sodomites should be killed in the worst manner possible." So what does Barack Obama have to say about that?
Islam is bent on world domination. Al Qaeda vows: 'Islam is coming' to the U.S. A
representative of al Qaeda in the Gaza Strip sent a stark warning to Americans during a Sunday interview on WABC Radio in New York: Get ready for Islam.
"Islam is coming, and there is no other choice," said Abu Sager, a leader of Jihadiya Salafiya in the Gaza Strip, on "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on Sunday
[8/11/2013]. "Because we think Islam will come, and this is something that no one can prevent."
Lies, Democracy & Obama. For nearly 2 decades now we have heard over and over that
Islam is the "religion of peace," that neo-jihadist violence is a "distortion" of Islamic theology, and that the violence, failures, and disorder rife throughout the Muslim world
reflect stagnant economies, oppressive dictators, or the lingering effects of colonialism, imperialism, or even the Crusades. What is astonishing about this depiction of
Islam is its complete contradiction of how the West consistently evaluated the religion of Allah for over 13 centuries, an evaluation based not just on the explicit doctrines
of Islam and the records of its own historians, both of which celebrate and justify violence against the infidel, but on painful, first-hand experience of raids, invasions,
plundering, and enslavement.
of UK attacks involving acid and other corrosive substances soars. Experts say they believe many of the cases involving acid are linked to
Asian communities, with women attacked by their husbands and punished for refusing forced marriages, while men were attacked during disputes over dowries.
Latest NHS hospital figures record 144 assaults in 2011/12 involving corrosive substances, which can also include petrol, bleach and kerosene.
Six years earlier, 56 such episodes were noted.
The Editor says...
I suspect the increase is in direct proportion to the Muslim population. Who else throws acid on women?
The Continuing Brutal Legacy of the Religion of Peace.
As Barack Hussein Obama enjoys his vacation, he should ponder the brutality of Muslims against so many groups in the world, including other Muslims. Instead
of his fawning at the recent White House iftar dinner, he should remind these co-religionists that their religion defies the imagination for the sheer ferocity
against those who dare to resist.
The Crusades Reconsidered. One may condemn the atrocities of the
Crusaders, but what infuriates the objective student of history is that the far greater crimes of Islam are ignored. The Crusades was Christendom finally
fighting back, not always honorably, but against a foe which had plunged Europe into darkness for centuries. Instead we allowed our students to be brainwashed,
and force fed an Islamic line that we have to feel guilty. The Muslims invaded Southern Europe, yet somehow we Westerners are labeled the imperialists.
British teens in hospital after
Zanzibar acid attack. [Scroll down] Tanzania is predominantly Muslim, and the attack happened at the end of the Islamic holy month of
Ramadan as people were beginning to celebrate the Eid al-Fitr holiday. [...] One of the girls had posted on her Twitter page that she had been hit by a
Muslim woman in the street earlier in the trip, apparently for singing during Ramadan.
A Particularly Cruel Islamic Attack?
What does is say about a religion when, if two innocent teenage girls walking down the street are doused with acid by men on motorbikes, everyone
assumes the attackers must be Muslims? We let a great many outrages go unremarked, but this one really should be noted. The victims are
two British girls, Kirstie Trup and Katie Gee, both 18, who were spending their "gap year" between high school and university volunteering at an
orphanage in Zanzibar. Zanzibar is a mostly Muslim place, so they had been warned about the need to fit in.
Zanzibar Acid Attack: Suspect Preacher On Run. Police are hunting
a radical Muslim preacher wanted in connection with an acid attack on two British teenagers in Zanzibar. Sheikh Issa Ponda Issa was cornered by officers near Dar es Salaam
in Tanzania, but managed to escape and is now on the run.
from self-proclaimed 'Islamist jihadist'. Fort Collins police have asked local religious organizations to keep an eye out for suspicious
behavior after a self-proclaimed "Islamist jihadist" threatened Mormons and Catholics "would be destroyed" in the next two weeks, a memo sent by
authorities said.
Muslim "Youth"
looting the dead at French Rail Crash. This is the second unexplained train crash in as many weeks. More bodies are
still being recovered in a mysterious Quebec train disaster in Canada. In this latest disaster in France, French Atlas readers
tell me that Muslim "youths" were looting corpses at the train crash site. Most media neglected this monstrous bit of news; The
Daily Telegraph makes a brief mention of the ghouls, referring to the Muslims as, ahem, "local people."
Muslim Group Stripped Children Before Machine-Gunning and Setting Them Ablaze. This is so awful and depraved. It eerily calls to
mind the sick sexual torture of children by Muslims in the Beslan terror attack. Obama refuses to designate Boko Haram a terrorist organization
(tea partiers, vets, grandmas and George Zimmerman, well that's a whole other thing).
Chaos in
Egypt: Christians "Hacked With Axes," Priest Beheaded. Roughly ten percent of Egyptians self-identity as Christians. Sadly,
however, many are now probably fearing for their lives as Muslim extremists prowl the streets with axes and the country looks increasingly unstable,
according to the Associated Press.
This is a recurring theme: Islam's solution to everything is death. Iraqi
gunmen kill 14 breaking Ramadan fast. Gunmen overran an Iraqi army checkpoint and opened fire on a trailer packed with policemen
breaking their Ramadan fast, killing 14 in the country's restive western Anbar province.
Reported Beheading of Syrian
Priest Boosts Fear for Christians' Safety. Claims that a Catholic priest has been beheaded by jihadist rebels in Syria are
drawing new attention to the plight of Syrian Christians, caught in the middle of a brutal struggle and said by campaigners to face an
existential threat.
Priest Beheaded By Our Syrian Rebel 'Allies'. The Vatican has confirmed the murder by beheading of Syrian Catholic
priest Francois Murad in the town of Gassanieh in northern Syria by jihadists belonging to the al-Qaida-linked group Jabhat
al-Nusra, or Al-Nusra front. This raises questions about our involvement in aiding Syrian groups opposed to the regime of
Bashar Assad and whether our efforts will result in the same unfortunate results as our support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Militants Kill 10 Climbers In Himalayas Of
Pakistan. A spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the killings, which he said were in retaliation for American
drone strikes in the tribal belt.
The Editor says...
If there had never been a drone attack anywhere, the Muslims would still kill innocent bystanders, because that's what they do best.
Taking a Stab at It. Daniel Pipes, a
regular contributor round these parts, appeared on a somewhat fractious panel in Toronto recently, and toward the end was asked where
the "moderate Muslims" were. He responded that many of them were in the room. Indeed, it seems entirely possible that all
of them were in the room. Daniel eventually took a crack at the numbers and concluded that "Islamists" made up 10 to
15 percent of the Muslim population, "moderates" about 1 to 2 percent, and the remaining 85 percent in
between are presumably either cowed or indifferent.
Syrian Islamists
kill boy, 15, in front of parents for disrespecting prophet. Members of an al Qaeda-linked group in Syria executed
a 15-year-old boy in front of his parents after kidnapping and torturing him for making disrespectful statements about Islam's Prophet
Muhammad, a human rights group in the region claimed. Mohammad Qataa was seized Saturday in Aleppo by gunmen with the Islamic
State of Iraq and Syria — formerly known as the Nusra Front — after he was overheard saying during an argument
with another, "Even if the Prophet Muhammad comes down [from heaven], I will not become a believer," according to Reuters.
Barack Obama: Don't say 'Islamic
terrorism'! 'Words that Work,' produced by the State Department's Counterterrorism Communications Center, found that Islam
and terrorism are not linked. So that's official! Islamism or militant Islam and terrorism are not linked either. There is
absolutely no connection whatsoever between Islam, in any of its forms, and terrorism. The only thing that is linked to terrorism
are various 'death cults' or 'sects'. This is now the truth according to Barack Obama too. Obama ordered a revision of
America's National Security Strategy, around three years ago, so as to erase all possible connections between Islam and terrorism.
That is, between Islam and anything violent. This is thought control. It's all really about words; not about realities or
Must the
U.S. learn truth of Islam's cruelty the hard way? Western nations can either learn this the easy way, or they can learn it the
hard way. Here in the United States, it appears we've chosen the hard way. Our fearless legislators in Congress, in their zeal
for "immigration reform," have proposed every reform but the one that will keep America safest. Close the door. No more
immigration. That will stop the flow of people coming to America, who, deep in their hearts, detest America. Had Tamerlan
and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev been anywhere but America on April 15, the Boston Marathon bombings never would have happened. Two more
Western countries that seem determined to learn the hard way are the United Kingdom and Sweden.
Latest issue of al
Qaeda magazine Inspire celebrates Boston bombings. Excerpts of the 11th issue of Inspire magazine, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's
propaganda rag, has leaked to the web, and focus extensively on the April 15 bombing of the Boston Marathon. According to the Middle East
Media Research Institute, which monitors jihadi web forums, the latest issue leaked when Yemeni journalist Abd al-Razzaq Al-Jamal posted excerpts of
the issue to his Facebook page.
Send Us Your Violent Bigots,
Yearning to Butcher Our Children. It's been a bad few weeks for cultural assimilation. Last month, two welfare-receiving
immigrants in the United States, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, set off bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring
hundreds. By the end of the week, they had murdered a cop and engaged in a wild shoot-out and bomb-throwing melee with the police.
Last week, a couple of ethnic Nigerians butchered a British soldier with meat cleavers in broad daylight on a bustling street in a London
suburb, then boasted about the murder in video interviews with bystanders.
anti-terror soldier has his throat slashed in Paris. A uniformed French soldier on anti-terrorist duties in Paris had his throat cut by a
knife-wielding man tonight. The savage attack follows the murder of a British soldier by two men using weapons including knives and a meat cleaver.
One of the suspects said they were acting in the name of Islam.
'You will never be safe'.
Even more shocking than the barbarity of the terrorist attacks in London and Boston is the denial by authorities on both sides of the Atlantic about their
common religious motive. British Muslims offered the same explanation as American Muslims for slaughtering their fellow citizens —
Islamic holy war — yet the political classes on both sides of the pond rejected it out of hand.
of jihad terror videos urging Muslims to maim and kill can be found within seconds online. Thousands of vile terror videos urging British
Muslims to maim and kill can still be found on the internet within seconds. An investigation by the Mail has found an alarming number of Al Qaeda
training videos and hate-filled sermons still being screened on the hugely popular film sharing website YouTube. This is despite YouTube's claims
that it has 'community guidelines' that prohibit 'dangerous or illegal activities such as bomb making, hate speech and incitement to commit violent
acts' and only accepts 'religious' films.
Mission Statement. For the last week, Stockholm has been lit up
by what the great Australian wag Tim Blair calls the nightly car-b-q, started by "youths" after the police shooting of (you'll never guess!) a Muslim
man waving a machete.
Hacking A Soldier To
Death In Name Of Peaceful Islam. On Wednesday, drummer Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, a man who had served Queen and
country honorably in the hell of Helmand province in Afghanistan, emerged from his barracks on Wellington Street, named after the Duke thereof, in
southeast London. Minutes later, he was hacked to death in broad daylight and in full view of onlookers by two men with machetes who crowed
"Allahu Akbar!" as they dumped his carcass in the middle of the street like so much roadkill.
Muslim hate-preacher:
Beheaded British soldier will 'burn in hellfire'. A British hate-preacher has been caught on camera saying the soldier
beheaded in a London street last month will "burn in hellfire." Anjem Choudary — an extremist accused of inspiring
other outbreaks of terror — shockingly claimed Lee Rigby, 25, would be tortured in hell for not being Muslim.
Muslim Acts of Beheading in the West.
The gruesome murder yesterday of a soldier outside London by a Muslim convert, Michael Adebolajo, brings to mind that throat slitting and beheading
are Islamically sanctioned forms of execution. Although these occur particularly often in the course of family-related crimes —
think, for example, of the case of Aasiya Hassan in suburban Buffalo, N.Y., killed by her husband in 2009, stabbed with two hunting knives more
than forty times in the face, back and chest, then beheaded — this monstrous form of violence is also used in non-family instances.
swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you'. Clutching a bloodied meat cleaver, the man suspected of
executing a soldier on a crowded street declared: 'you and your kids will be next'. In a chilling rant captured on
camera, the knife-wielding man declared: 'The only reason we have killed this man today is because Muslims are dying daily by
British soldiers.'
Will the West Wake Up? Both murderers were wounded by
police. One was photographed and recorded. His message: "There are many, many (verses) throughout the Quran that says we must
fight them as they fight us. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I apologize that women had to witness this today, but in our land
women have to see the same. Your people will never be safe." According to ITV, one murderer, hands dripping blood, ranted, "We swear by
almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you." Both killers are Muslim converts of African descent, and both are British born.
How Mothers from Hell Raise Their Boys to
Do Evil. Ayman al-Zawahiri's wife advised Muslim women: "I advise you to raise your children in the cult of jihad and martyrdom
and to instil in them a love for religion and death." And as one jihadist put it, "We love death. You love your life!" And
another: "The Americans love Pepsi-Cola, we love death." That was from Afghan jihadist Maulana Inyadullah. Ultimately, this
idea comes from the Qur'an itself.
Survey Says: Islam is a Global Menace.
The polling of 14,000 people in 13 countries during November and December 2012 indicates broad-based concerns about the compatibility
of Islamic beliefs and behaviors with free societies. Those who continually invoke Islam as a "religion of peace" will apparently
have to do more in future years than just complain of "Islamophobia" in order to improve Islam's international image. Yet rather
than engage in open debate, Muslims and their allies often seek merely the imposition of silence upon Islamic controversies.
The Dark Side of Diversity. Islam is
growing in militancy and intolerance, evolving again into a fighting faith, and spreading not only through proselytizing, but violence.
The Taliban blew up the Bamiyan Buddhas. The Sufi shrines of Timbuktu were blown up by Ansar Dine. In Saudi Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan,
Christian converts face the death sentence. In Nigeria, the Boko Haram attacks churches and kills Christians, as in Ethiopia and the Sudan,
where the south seceded over the persecution. Egyptian Copts are under siege. Assyrian and Chaldean Christians in Iraq have seen churches
pillaged, priests murdered. In Indonesia, churches are being shut on the demand of Islamists. Sharia law is being demanded by militants
across the Middle East, as Christianity is exterminated in its cradle.
Report: Muslim cleric
invited to pray over fallen SEALs damns them during service. The families of Navy SEALs killed in an August 2011 shoot-down
of a helicopter in Afghanistan spoke at a press conference Thursday morning [5/9/2013], citing a number of grievances, including an
allegation that the Pentagon invited a Muslim cleric who "disparaged in Arabic the memory of these servicemen."
Time to
Suspend Muslim Immigration, Muslims in the Military, and Building Mosques in the U.S. Why? Because Muslims bring with them a
totalitarian ideology that calls for the submission of the United States to Islam and Sharia law. Pew released its findings yesterday [5/1/2013]
on its worldwide survey of Muslims, and revealed that two-thirds of Middle Eastern Muslims believe in the death penalty for any Muslim who converts to
Christianity, and one-third believe in suicide bombings. This is not a religion of peace or liberty. Every tenet of Islam is fundamentally,
irreversibly, subversively and implacably hostile to every value we cherish in America.
Tanzania church attack: Saudis held for 'act of terror'. Eight people —
four Saudi nationals and four Tanzanians — have been arrested in connection with the bombing of a new Roman Catholic church in the northern Tanzanian
city of Arusha on Sunday [5/5/2013].
Bangladesh police, Islamic activists clash; 20 die.
Police banned all rallies in Bangladesh's capital for the rest of the day Monday [5/6/2013] after at least 20 people died in clashes between police and large
numbers of Islamic hardliners demanding that the government enact an anti-blasphemy law, officials said.
politically incorrect truth about violence and fundamental Islam. The truth is that the Koran directly compels
Muslims to commit violent acts against disbelievers. While the ultimate goal of Judaism and Christianity, the most
prominent Western religions, is individual salvation, the ultimate goal of Islam is collective domination and for the entire
world to be under Islamic control and Sharia law. Muslims are instructed to do all that they can to facilitate this goal,
including to kill and subjugate disbelievers and America MUST understand this or watch as our culture crumbles and our citizens
continue to die.
Ellison To FBI:
Nothing To See In Muslim Community. By arguing that there's no need to investigate the Muslim community, Democratic Rep.
Keith Ellison is going out on a very shaky limb. Almost nobody believes that anymore.
Cleaning Islam of its Murderers.
The time is now for all Muslim clerics of good will, especially within the United States, to band together for a massive public
campaign aimed not at convincing non-Muslims of the clerics' own good intentions, but at telling all their fellow Muslims that
violent jihad, terrorism, and forced "conversion" (or punishment) of non-Muslims is always and everywhere unacceptable and evil.
If they will not do this, then they are morally complicit in the continuing crimes against humanity represented by the Boston bombing,
by 9/11, and by so many other acts of cowardly, sub-human viciousness done in recent years supposedly in the name of Allah.
Muslim Mommy Dearest. You have probably already had the privilege of
watching the heart-warming video clip of Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, the mother of the Boston jihadi bombers, in which she is screaming hysterically at a CNN reporter
about her indifference to her sons' fates. She ends her tirade with a well-know jihadist expression — that informs its non-Muslim victims why
they must die.
Mom, Apple Pie, Allahu Akbar. "Allahu Akbar," in
case you were wondering, is the Official Greeting of fanatics and savages everywhere who take it upon themselves to evangelize on behalf of the Religion of
Peace. It's sort of a middle-eastern "How-d'ya-do!" that you might hear just before, say, an Islamist Army major evangelizes by shooting and killing
13 people, or right before another aficionado spreads the good news by sawing a person's head off, or yet another disciple flies a civilian airplane
into a building. And to think we used to worry about guys on bicycles handing out leaflets.
An Unbearable Aroma of Self-Righteousness in SWAT Nation.
As I write, some Muslim groups are conducting an ad campaign to sanitize the word "jihad." Forget about the chaps who blow up night clubs,
who steer jet liners in skyscrapers, who see an infidel or a Jew and want to kill him. That's not jihad. Really (they want us to believe)
jihad is all about "self-realization," striving to do one's best, etc. Except when it isn't. Except when it means dropping a few IEDs on
the streets of Boston and blowing 8-year-old boys to bits.
Mosque In Boston A Factory For Terrorists. The New York Times thinks the Boston bombers "self-radicalized" on the Web.
But it didn't look at their mosque, which has churned out other terrorists, too. USA Today, on the other hand, did look at their
mosque — the Islamic Society of Boston — and found "a curriculum that radicalizes people," according to a local
source quoted in the paper's investigation. "Other people have been radicalized there."
PC pols can't state the
obvious. Who's going to break the news to Gov. Deval Patrick? Patrick, who once famously (infamously?) called the 9/11
terror attacks "a failure of human understanding," must now face what most of us had figured out last Friday — that Boston has
joined New York, Washington, London, Madrid, Mumbai, etc. on the list of cities hit by Islamist-inspired violence.
Anger Management. Former brother-in-law Elmirza
Khozhugov explains Tamerlan Tsarnaev's grievances to the New York Times: He was angry that the world pictures Islam as a violent
religion. So he blew up an eight-year old boy and a couple of hundred other Americans.
I Saw Something, So I'm Saying Something.
Are you fed up with the antiseptic slogan, "If you see something, say something?" The authorities expect us to report suspicious backpacks,
but stay silent as the tomb about the nature of the men who put them there. We're instructed to speak up about a bloodied man's
movement under a boat tarp, but to shut up about the ideological movement that drove him to commit his carnage.
There is no
puzzle about what drove Boston bombers. The Tsarnaev brothers were Islamic jihadists and their actions were all too predictable.
They were behaving as jihadists usually do, striking terror into the hearts of the infidels and blowing people up. Intolerance, butchery,
assassination and intimidation are at the very core of Islamist ideology. Since 9/11 in New York there have been 20,000 terrorist
incidents perpetrated across the globe in the name of militant Islam.
The Muslim terror
attack in Boston gives me Islamonausea. Muslims regularly accuse the West of Islamophobia. The constant violence and terror
attacks by Muslims, as seen recently in Boston, show that many Muslims actually want us to fear Islam. But we are not afraid. We
have islamonausea. We feel disgusted by their unconstitutional religion whose holy book literally orders its followers to harm and kill
non-Muslims. It is shocking to see how media and politicians, first of all Barack Hussein Obama, avoid mentioning the terrorists' religion
and thereby keep the population ignorant concerning unconfortable truths about the world's fastest growing religion.
militants cut off leg and hand of two men because they worked with allied forces. A man lies on a stretcher at a hospital in Herat,
west Afghanistan recovering from having his leg and hand cut off by Taliban militants. The attack yesterday [4/20/2013] saw two men captured
and dragged in front of a Taliban court who ruled the men should have a leg and a hand each chopped off for working with the allied forces.
Boston-like bomb plans [were] published by al Qaeda.
A bomb-making manual, written in Arabic and published less than two months ago, made its rounds on sites used by Muslim terrorists
worldwide. The manual provides specific instructions on the best methods of packaging a bomb using a pressure cooker. Previously,
the English language Muslim terrorist magazine published under the name Inspire carried similar instructions, although the instructions
contained within this newest manual appear to be far more advanced by comparison.
Jordan extremist praises Boston bombing.
The head of an extremist Jordanian Muslim Salafi group said early Tuesday [4/16/2013] that he was "happy to see the horror in America"
after the explosions in Boston.
Islamist agitation fuels unrest in Bangladesh. One night in February, Rajib
Haider was set upon near his Dhaka home by five knife-wielding youths. His face was so lacerated that a relative who found the
body wasn't sure it was him until he called Haider's cellphone and heard it ring inside a pocket. Haider was a blogger, one of
hundreds in Bangladesh demanding the death penalty for Islamist leaders accused of wartime atrocities, whose grisly murder swelled the
crowds at student-led rallies many hailed as a "Bangladesh Spring".
Christians under siege as mob attacks Cairo cathedral. Hundreds of Christians were under siege inside Cairo's Coptic cathedral last
night as security forces and local residents, some armed with handguns, launched a prolonged and unprecedented attack on the seat of Egypt's ancient
Seven. The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia has recently
decreed that all churches in the Arabian Peninsula must be destroyed. [...] The Grand Mufti seems to have missed President Obama's "New
Beginning" Cairo speech. On that occasion the newly elected President showcased his personal knowledge of that faith. He said,
"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. [...]"
America will Survive Obama.
[Scroll down] Now we have a president who confuses slavery and liberty, most obviously in the case of the Islamist Spring, which is
certainly not an Arab Spring, since in Syria alone nearly 100,000 Arabs have killed each other by now. Some Spring! To make the
results clear beyond question, the Morsi regime in Egypt has just imposed a Sharia constitution that drops the provision against slavery.
The reason for that is Islamic law: the Quran describes Mohammed raiding caravans and small towns to steal slaves, including his child
bride. The Islamist world still applies slavery to wives and daughters.
Jews is worship that brings us closer to Allah'. Several anti-Islamic ads featuring the photographs and quotes of Osama bin
Laden, the Times Square Bomber, and the alleged Fort Hood shooter have caused outrage in San Francisco after their release today
[3/12/2013]. [...] The ads were paid for by the American Freedom Defense Initiative. One of the spots contains a quote attributed to
Hamas, the militant Islamic group, and reads: 'Killing Jews is worship that brings us closer to Allah.'
spook who couldn't see the perils of jihad. On Feb. 13, 2010, [John] Brennan gave a speech at the New
York University School of Law that was organized by ISNA, using it as a platform to again argue that we should not
identify our enemy using the religious term "jihad." The tragic irony is that Mr. Brennan decided to make his
case for not conflating jihad and violence at an event organized by the very same ISNA that has explicitly used the
religious term "jihad" to support violence. In December 1986, ISNA's official magazine "Islamic Horizons" ran
an article proclaiming that "jihad of the sword is the actual taking up of arms against the evil situation with the
intention of changing it," that "anyone killed in jihad is rewarded with Paradise," and that "a believer who
participates in jihad is superior to a believer who does not."
Al Gore's $500 Million Trojan
Horse. Al Jazeera has two faces. There is the Doha-based broadcast center that has ceaselessly celebrated
Islamic extremists (and is also home to Al Jazeera English); and there is newly established Al Jazeera America. Now we are
supposed to believe that the face which has always been contorted in the most violent rage is false (or at least receding), while
other represents the transition to a peaceful and democratic future.
Which Country has the Highest Rape Rate in the
World? Who has the highest number of rapes in the world? The title sadly goes to Sweden, which now sees one out of every four Swedish women being
the victim of rape. Is this the result of the rapid influx of Muslim immigrants who continue to form a larger percentage of the Swedish population?
If Christians acted like this, it would be front-page news. 'Muslim Patrols': Sharia Enforcers Hit
Britain's Streets. No longer content with preaching Sharia in the mosque, some British Muslims are now attempting to
impose Islamic law on the streets. In videos posted on YouTube, self-described "Muslim patrols" have filmed themselves berating
young women for being inappropriately dressed, seizing cans of beer from men, and burning posters advertising women's underwear.
In another video, a mob pursues a man they suspect of being gay down a street, calling him a "fag" and telling him to get out of
their "Muslim area."
Celebrity Saudi
preacher 'raped' and tortured his five-year-old daughter to death. A Saudi preacher who tortured his five-year-old daughter to death has been
released after agreeing to pay 'blood money', activists said. Lama al-Ghamdi died in October having suffered multiple injuries including a crushed
skull, broken ribs and left arm, extensive bruising and burns.
NBC News Covers
For Muslims' Vicious Destruction of Non-Islamic Artifacts. Ian Johnston, a Staff Writer for NBC News, writes this about the recent
destruction of archaeologically important sites in Mali: "To many in the West, such actions are simply wanton vandalism. However,
experts say the thinking behind it is actually part of a wider tradition of rooting out idol-worship and superstition found in Christianity
and Judaism as well as Islam." (Emphasis added.) How dare they? Jews are not destroying religious symbols, idols, churches, or
mosques, ever. And Christians do no such thing, either. But Muslims have been on a jihad to destroy the religious artifacts that
non-Muslim believers hold precious. Only Muslims are doing this, and they are committing the greatest archaeological crimes in human history.
The mix of plentiful oil and the Islamic religion provides a lethal cocktail. Message from Mali: Keep Fracking, America!
Recent events in Mali and Libya, not to mention Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Bengla Desh [sic], Somalia, and several other
pleasure spots remind us — if such a reminder were necessary — that the Islamic world is, to put it mildly, not a
fun place to be. According to, Islamic terrorists have accounted for 20,261 deadly terror attacks since 9/11.
Geert Wilders' Courageous Journey.
Marked for Death: Islam's War against the West and Me recounts how an individual Dutchman became aware of an aggressive and
authoritarian agenda in Islam as a faith-based political ideology. Through personal travels to the Middle East and the example
of Muslim migrants who sought not to assimilate to Holland's world-renowned tolerant culture, but rather despised and sought to
dominate it, Wilders recognized the incompatibility of Islam's canonical core with a free Western civilization.
Muslim leader says, "Remove police for 15 minutes, we will finish off one billion Hindus". A crore equals ten million, so
100 crore Hindus would be a billion. He is boasting that the Muslims could essentially wipe the Hindus from the face of the
earth in fifteen minutes, if the police look the other way. This joins the Iranian leadership's many genocidal statements against
Israel in being ignored by a world "human rights" community that is consumed with working out a remedy to "Islamophobia."
accused of plotting act of jihad terror against U.S. pleads not guilty. [He] says he only bought ticket to Morocco to study Islam.
But he was apparently planning not to stay in Morocco, but to go on to Mauritania, where the Islam is served straight and undiluted, slavery is legal,
and it's just a short trip to the hot jihad waging in Mali.
Merry Christmas: Insulting
Islam by Professing Christianity. If you are a free human being, whether or not you are Christian, those Christians who are being
persecuted in Iraq, and the Philippines, and Nigeria, and Egypt, and Pakistan, and elsewhere in the Islamic world, are standing in your place.
The jihadis would just as soon attack you as well, and will eventually if they get the chance.
Sudanese Islamists
Financing Genocide by Wiping Out Africa's Elephants. This story is so depressing in so many ways and on so many levels because it
shows you what will be left Africa or of any part of the world if the Islamists succeed. All that will be left are corpses, slaves and
deserts. No civilization and not even much in the way of wildlife.
The Most Persecuted Religion.
In October, armed attackers, presumed to be members of Boko Haram, an Islamist terrorist group with links to al Qaeda, invaded the Tudun Wada Wuro
Patuje area, entering the off-campus housing of the Federal Polytechnic State University. The attackers called students out of their rooms
and asked for their names. Those with Christian names were shot dead or killed with knives. Students with traditionally Muslim names
were told to quote Islamic scripture. The selektion completed, at least 26 bodies were left in lines outside the buildings.
Slouching Toward Dhimmitude. France's latest bout of jihad jitters
came in September when two small homemade bombs were thrown into a crowded Jewish grocery store in suburban Paris. The attack was largely symbolic —
windows were broken, a few patrons injured — but it was yet another wake-up call to a country still in denial about the extent of the Islamist threat.
Police tracked the bomb-thrower to Strasbourg, where he welcomed them to his apartment with fire from a .357 Magnum before being shot.
Karachi polio killings: Vaccination workers shot. Five female Pakistani polio vaccination
workers have been shot dead in a string of coordinated attacks — four within 20 minutes across Karachi. The fifth woman was killed in
Peshawar. [...] A UN-backed programme to eradicate polio — which is endemic in Pakistan — has been suspended in Karachi. No group
has said it carried out the shootings, but the Taliban have issued threats against the polio drive.
jihackers — coming soon to a bank near you. While our fumbling politicians and toothless regulators aren't having much success
at dealing with out-of-control, too-big-to fail-banks, it seems that online cyber-jihadis are having some success in damaging them.
the War on Terror failed? The number of terrorist attacks each year has more than quadrupled in the decade since 9/11, according
to a study launched today [12/4/2012]. The Global Terrorist Index showed that in 2002 there were 982 separate attacks. By 2011 that had risen
to 4,564. Researchers suggest the U.S. military interventions pursued as part of the West's anti-al Qaeda 'war on terror' may have
made terrorism worse.
Egypt's Muslim
Brotherhood accused of paying gangs to rape women. Egypt's embattled Muslim Brotherhood regime is paying gangs of thugs
to rape women and beat men who gather in Tahrir Square to protest the power grab of President Mohamed Morsi, say activists.
allegedly stabbed over prophet insult. A young man tried to stab his brother to death for insulting a Muslim prophet, a court
has heard. Safaa Allami, 22, is accused of attempting to murder his older brother Ali Allami during a row at their Cloverdale home in
Perth's eastern suburbs.
Brotherhood Paying Men to Attack, Molest Morsi Opposition. As protesters continue to gather in Cairo's Tahrir square to oppose Mohamed
Morsi's power grab, reports allege the Muslim Brotherhood is paying thugs to break up the protests by "beating up" male protesters and "sexually
assault women." Protesters claim there have been 20 attacks in the last 10 days, and women who've been assaulted are starting to
talk about the tactics that were used to isolate them and make the attacks possible.
No God, not even Allah.
A mob attacked Alexander Aan even before an Indonesian court in June jailed him for two and a half years for "inciting religious hatred". His crime was to
write "God does not exist" on a Facebook group he had founded for atheists in Minang, a province of the world's most populous Muslim nation. Like most
non-believers in Islamic regions, he was brought up as a Muslim. And like many who profess godlessness openly, he has been punished.
Gift of toy guns at elementary school upsets
parents. Rutherford County school leaders took steps to tighten loopholes in the district's suspension policy Thursday. The move came two
weeks after a student at Barfield Elementary School handed out several toy guns to his classmates. The toys were inside some gift bags the fourth grader
gave out to celebrate Eid al-Adha, an Islamic holiday.
Worst Anti-Muslim Hate Crime in
America was Committed by Muslim. When Shaima Alawadi was found beaten to death in her own dining room with a tire iron, CAIR and countless
Muslim organizations rejoiced, and not just for the usual reason that Muslims rejoice when a woman is murdered, but because they had their own living dead
proof that Islamophobia was the biggest problem in America since German Measles. A note lying on the floor read, "Go back to your country, you
terrorist;" which clearly meant that Shaima Alawadi's murder was a hate crime[...]
40 Percent
of US Muslim Voters Want Islamic Law, 12 Percent Want Death for Blasphemers. ... and 72 percent are voting for Obama.
Sharia law is [...] a complete non-issue for everyone but the 50 percent of Muslims who want blasphemy laws, the 40 percent who want to
live under Islamic law and the 12 percent who want to murder blasphemers. Oh and another 9 percent are undecided on the question of
whether we should be hanging blasphemers or not.
Girl 'fated' to die in acid attack: Mother.
A Pakistani mother who killed her teenage daughter by dousing her with acid for looking at a boy has told the BBC it was the girl's destiny to die in
this way.
Parents Attack Daughter
With Acid For Talking to Boy. Pakistani parents in a remote village allegedly killed their 15-year-old daughter by pouring acid
all over her face and body after they caught her talking to an unknown boy, according to local police and hospital officials.
murdered son for 'failing to learn the Koran'. A mother murdered her young son and set his body on fire when he struggled
to learn the Koran off by heart, a court has heard. Sara Ege used a stick to beat seven-year-old Yaseen "like a dog" if he couldn't
recite passages from the Islamic text.
The Rape of America's Ambassador to Libya.
Sexual abuse and degradation is a common tactic used against non-Muslims, especially women, as the repeatedly raped Lara Logan found. A
report in Arabic media that just appeared discusses how Christian women — identified by wearing crosses around their necks or simply
not wearing a hijab — are subject to sexual harassment, verbal abuse, and even threats of rape on the streets of Egypt.
Dozens of students killed in attacks at colleges in Nigeria. Assailants shot and stabbed to death
27 students in the second attack near colleges in Nigeria's troubled northeast in the past few days, authorities said Tuesday [10/2/2012].
Muslims Destroyed 10,000 Books in American
School. As a certain Caliph said of the Library of Alexandria, if the books contradict the Koran then they are blasphemous and should be
destroyed. If they agree with it, then they are redundant and should be destroyed. But if they are Kindles then we should take them and sell
them on eBay to fund the martyrs fighting in Chechnya, Gaza and Timbuktu.
Muslim protesters torch Buddhist
temples, homes in Bangladesh. Hundreds of Muslims in Bangladesh burned at least four Buddhist temples and 15 homes
of Buddhists on Sunday [9/30/2012] after complaining that a Buddhist man had insulted Islam, police and residents said.
Muslim protesters torch Buddhist temples over Facebook photo. Hundreds of Muslims in Bangladesh burned at least four
Buddhist temples and 15 homes of Buddhists on Sunday [9/30/2012] after complaining that a Buddhist man had insulted Islam,
police and residents said. Members of the Buddhist minority in the Cox's Bazar area in the southeast of the country said
unidentified people were bent on upsetting peaceful relations between Muslims and Buddhists. Muslims took to the streets in the
area late on Saturday to protest against what they said was a photograph posted on Facebook that insulted Islam. The protesters
said the picture had been posted by a Buddhist and they marched to Buddhist villages and set fire to temples and houses.
Islamists Murder Nigerian
Christians. More than nine months after Boko Haram, an Islamist terror organization in Nigeria, demanded that Christians
immediately vacate the northern states of that African nation, Christians are continuing to be murdered while the government struggles
to wage a campaign against the destabilizing guerrilla forces. The most recent attack perpetrated by members of Boko Haram took
place in the northern city of Bauchi, when a car bomb was detonated by its driver at the gates of St. John's Church.
Dhimmitude, Obama-Style. The only
religion for which liberals make excuses is the most illiberal one — Islam. While they interpret Christianity
in the worst possible light — the Obama administration places Catholic and Evangelical opponents of gay marriage in
the same moral category as racists — they cast Islam in the rosiest one. It is a "great religion," pronounced
Hillary Clinton last week, even as its adherents set fire to embassies and cheered the killing of U.S. diplomats and Navy Seals.
The more violence Islam produces, the more liberals insist it is "peaceful."
Islamists are taking full advantage
of our failure to grasp their intent. [Scroll down] More disturbing even than the absence of adequate military security
was the likelihood that Stevens was attacked viciously by the mob, perhaps sexually brutalized by it, and then taunted by his killers,
before being dumped in the street. In the long history of attacks on our embassies, I cannot think of a comparable instance where an
ambassador was caught alone, mobbed, tortured, and photographed in extremis — or where an administration was so averse to
disclosing any details of his demise.
Obama and the Muslim day of love.
The results are in: Friday's [9/21/2012] "Day of Love" in Pakistan ended with 20 dead and hundreds wounded from anti-American rioting.
Obama and Religious War. A liberal friend writes that,
okay, so all religions are crazy, and the Muslims are, too. He is wrong, of course. All the great religions — the ones that
have grown over thousands of years — have had periods of violence and war. All the great religions except Islam have given up war
and now practice peace. That's the big difference.
Muslim Rioters Want Dominance, Not Equality.
As rioting and violence once again erupt across the Muslim world in response to a perceived insult against their Prophet, the
usual apologists are taking to the airwaves assuring the public that despite appearances to the contrary, Islam is a religion
of peace.
Round Up: Islamists Worldwide Setting Countries on Fire.
In Tunis, Islamist protesters jumped over the wall of the U.S. Embasy compound, broke windows and set fire to trees; police fired tear gas at the
protestors in order to stop them. Two protestors have been killed, and 29 have been wounded. An American school has been set on
fire. The black flag of Al Qaeda now flies over the US embassy.
Sixteen Reasons
Why Islam Is Not the Religion of Peace. Islam is not the religion of peace. The following sixteen reasons, all
sourced from the original sacred documents (the Quran and Traditions), classical law, and history, tell us why. Each item in the
list has one or more back-up articles. Readers should click on them to find out that the points come right out of original Islam
and are not invented out of thin air.
Suicide bomber kills 25 at Afghan
funeral. A suicide bomber killed at least 25 civilians and wounded another 30 at a funeral for a village elder in
a remote part of eastern Afghanistan, Afghan officials said.
Two Afghan children beheaded in separate events.
An adolescent boy and a young girl have been beheaded in two separate incidents in Afghanistan, local officials and police said on
Friday [8/31/2012], in the latest brazen attacks that have raised fresh questions about a splintering Taliban. A 12-year-old
boy was kidnapped and killed in southern Kandahar province on Wednesday, his severed head placed near his body to send a warning to
police, said provincial governor spokesman Jawid Faisal.
Taliban beheads 17 for attending mixed-sex party.
The Taliban beheaded seventeen party-goers, including two women dancers, in Afghanistan's volatile Helmand province as punishment, recalling
the darkest days of rule by the ultra-conservative Islamist insurgents before their ouster in 2001. The bodies were found on
Monday [8/27/2012] in a house near the Musa Qala district where a party was held on Sunday night with music and mixed-sex dancing, said district
governor Nimatullah.
Afghans Beheaded for Singing and Dancing. Locals gathered for a party in Helmund Province, played music and danced for a late night
party on Sunday [8/26/2012]. The party occurred in the Taliban controlled Helmund Province in the Musa Qala district. Some reports say
it was a wedding party. Two women dancers and 15 men were beheaded for dancing together and playing music. The Taliban does not
approved of men and women mixing socially.
Good Riddance, Ron Paul. [Scroll down] As a
side note, did you ever notice that Paul fans only seem to use blowback to explain acts of Islamic terrorism? The U.S. has bases in
38 countries, yet you never hear about terror attacks from the Bulgarians, the Singaporeans or the Portuguese. If our bases are
supposed to be so threatening, why aren't others rising up against them? Maybe it has to do with the fact that our enemies are radical
Islamists who don't really need much of an excuse to kill capitalist infidels.
Islam a Religion of Peace? Actions Say
Otherwise. [In a] video entitled "Obama Promoting Islam," President Barack Hussein "kill list" Obama says, "Islam is not part of the
problem in combating violent extremism; it is an important part of promoting peace." Saying "that Islam embodied a religion of peace,
fairness and tolerance," Obama then commented "that the religion was being 'distorted' by a few extremists." He made that statement in
Mumbai, India, on November 7, 2010, at St. Xavier's College. In the irony department, St. Xavier's College is a short distance from
Chhatrapati Shivaji railroad terminal, where, in November 2008, Islamic terrorists killed 173 people and injured 308 people.
Christian boy
tortured and killed in Pakistan. The tortured body of an 11 year old Christian boy has been found in a town in Punjab, Pakistan,
days after a young Christian girl was arrested on blasphemy charges. Detectives in Faisalabad, around 60 miles from Lahore, said
they were investigating whether accusations of blasphemy had also been made against the boy.
Obama and the Other Side of Imperialism.
Obama and the Democrats are anti-American defeatists, because they hate America when it is victorious, no matter how good that may be for world peace.
"Peace" is not the goal of the left; peace comes only after surrender. Islam does not mean "peace." It means surrender.
Bomber kills 7 Russian policemen at funeral.
The funeral was held at the home of an officer who had been shot dead the night before by militants in Ingushetia, one of the predominantly Muslim republics in
Russia's restive North Caucasus region.
Islamists amputate hand of suspected thief. Islamist rebels have cut off the hand of a suspected cattle thief in Mali,
an insurgent leader said on Thursday — the first case of amputation under sharia (Islamic law) imposed by insurgents
controlling the country's desert north.
19 killed in attack on Nigerian church.
No one has claimed responsibility, but immediate suspicion fell on the militant Islamic group Boko Haram, which has carried
out similar church attacks in the past.
A Muslim Agent of Influence? [Scroll down] My
Muslim pied piper lives in a university town where useful idiots abound. He mostly goes around the world with a big smile, making friends.
His wealthy contacts seem to show that money is talking somewhere. But he just smiles. I got to talking with the gent last year, and the
conversation drifted to his Muslim background, which, needless to say, is completely pacifist, though he belongs to one of the more radical sects.
But all that is past. Today he is a modern Muslim and feels comfortable associating with infi...with non-Muslims all over. My acquaintance
goes around spreading the word, as George Bush used to say, that "Islam means peace." (It doesn't. Islam means "surrender." There is
a major difference.)
Fed to the Sharks by
Political Correctness. There is no shortage of evidence of their desire to do us harm, in the most violent
way possible. No one is safe from their evil goal — not women, or children, or the elderly, or the
infirm. Those who are deemed "infidels" are targeted for torture and grisly death. They even murder their own
family members in the name of "honor." And yet, those on the political left seem to believe that these vile marauders
just need our empathy and compassion.
Sunni Muslim Terrorists
Committed 70% of Terrorist Murders in 2011. Sunni Muslim terrorists committed "about 70 percent" of the 12,533
terrorist murders in the world last year, according to a report by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). The
information comes from the 2011 NCTC Report on Terrorism, which is based on information available as of March 12, 2012.
"Sunni extremists accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attacks and fatalities for the third consecutive year," the report
says. "More than 5,700 incidents were attributed to Sunni extremists, accounting for nearly 56 percent of all attacks
and about 70 percent of all fatalities."
Somali comedian who poked fun at
Islamists shot dead. Gunmen shot dead a well-known comedian known for poking fun at Al-Qaeda linked Shebab insurgents in
the Somali capital Mogadishu, officials and colleagues said Wednesday [8/1/2012]. Abdi Jeylani Malaq Marshale, in his late
thirties or early forties, was killed late Tuesday [7/31/2012], minutes after leaving Kulmiye radio station, where he worked as
drama producer and performer.
Mali couple stoned to death for adultery.
Sanda Abou Mohamed, a spokesman for the group Ansar Dine, told The Associated Press on Sunday [7/29/2012] that the couple was executed
according to Sharia law.
Normalization of Islam. Far from being a religion of peace
Islam is, and has always been, a cult of war. And today Islam controls most of the world including the United States and Europe. [...] Muslims
believe the Koran teaches them to take over the world by force if nations and individuals do not comply.
It Time for Defenders of Liberty to Abandon the GOP? The Obama administration and the Republican establishment would have us live a
lie — a lie that endangers our liberties and our security. The lie is this: There is a difference between mainstream Islamic
ideology and what they call "violent extremism." The vogue term "violent extremism" is chosen very deliberately. To be sure, we've always
bent over backwards to be politically correct. Until Obama came to power, we used to use terms like "violent jihadism" or "Islamic
extremism" in order to make sure everyone knew that we were not condemning all of Islam, that we were distinguishing Muslim terrorists from
other Muslims. But now, the Obama administration and the Republican establishment prefer to say "violent extremism" because this term has
no hint of Islam.
Gaza Christians protest 'forcible
conversions'. Dozens of Gaza Christians staged a rare public protest Monday, claiming two congregants were forcibly converted
to Islam and were being held against their will.
The Olympic Spirit and the Islamic Spirit. Muslim terrorists
showed the world what they thought of the Olympic Spirit in the Summer Olympics of 1972 with the Munich Massacre and ever since then the shadow of
Muslim terror has darkened the flames of the torches. Since then terrorist threats have become an annual event. Russia is already
claiming to have foiled Muslim terrorist attacks aimed at the 2014 Olympics. Even China got into the new Olympic spirit, foiling several
attacks against the 2008 games. There is a sort of unity in every non-Muslim nation that hosts the games scrambling to deal with Muslim
terrorist threats. A shameful silent unity that no one will dare mention out loud.
Group Pledges to 'Wipe Christianity From The Face of The Earth'. A group with ties to the United Muslim Nations International
has released a 23 page booklet titled, "The Global Islamic Civilization: The Power of a Nation Revived." And in it, they put forth
plans to "wipe Christianity from the face of the earth."
Pakistan mob burns man to death for 'blasphemy'. A Pakistani mob has taken a
man accused of blasphemy from a police station and burnt him to death, police say. The man was being held for allegedly burning a copy of the
Koran in public. The incident took place on the outskirts of Bahawalpur, in Punjab province. Witnesses said hundreds of people looked on
as he screamed for help. Pakistan's controversial blasphemy law imposes the death penalty for insulting Islam, but it is rarely carried out.
At Least 15 Die in Kenya Church
Attacks. Masked gunmen hurled grenades into two churches in eastern Kenya on Sunday and then sprayed gunfire at fleeing worshipers,
killing at least 15 people in one of the worst terrorist attacks Kenya has suffered in years.
Philadelphia and the Burqa Bandits. The worst episode occurred on
May 3, 2008, when three Muslim men — two dressed in female Islamic apparel and face veils — held up a Bank of America branch
inside a supermarket in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia. Police Sergeant Stephen Liczbinski gave chase, only to be shot to death by
robber Howard Cain, whom officers killed shortly thereafter. Cain's accomplices were caught, convicted of murder, and sentenced to life.
The Editor says...
The bank robber may or may not have been a Muslim, but the head-to-toe body bag worn by Muslim women is a tool waiting to be used by felons
all over the country. Thus, Islam is fostering violent crime, even when the perpetrators are impersonating Muslims.
I've Read the Koran: Have
You? The Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible are based on love. God loves everything, people, animals, birds,
plants, insects and He leads you to love Him. The overall effect is that God loves you and teaches you to love your neighbors
as yourself. Other than many verses from the early, peaceful Meccan period where Mohammed lived, I have found very little
spiritual inspiration, pathos, piety, spiritual enlightenment, compassion, beauty or devotion in the Koran. In the later
revelations from Medina, when Muhammed became a politician and a warlord, most verses seem like orders from Allah and are cold,
rigid, intolerant and combative. There is no 'love' in the Koran the way we understand and interpret love today.
Is Hamas Building a 53,000 Square Foot
Facility in America? Hamas, also known as the "Islamic Resistance Movement," is an organization that has engaged in countless suicide
bombings, against unarmed civilians. 50% of their funding comes from the Saudis through "Islamic charity organizations." The acts of
Islamic terrorism by Hamas have been aimed primarily at killing Jews. The US State Department, Canada, Japan, Israel and the entire European
Union have named Hamas as an Islamic terrorist organization. The Hamas Charter, identified Hamas as the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine and
declares its members to be Muslims who "raise the banner of Jihad." The Hamas charter states that "our struggle against the Jews is very great
and very serious" and calls for the obliteration of the Jewish State.
confesses to beheading wife while their 6 kids were home, 'regrets nothing'. A 32-year-old man confessed to beheading
his wife and flinging her head off the roof of their Berlin building while their six children were home — and he doesn't
seem to regret it. [...] Neighbors called the police after hearing a violent argument coming from the terrace around 1 a.m.,
and watched in horror as the man stabbed his wife in the chest, cried "Allahu Akbar Sheytan" ("God is great, you Devil"), and
severed her head from her body, according to the Frankfurter Rundschau.
Sentenced to
death for singing and dancing at wedding. Pakistani authorities in the area said local clerics had ordered the
punishment over allegations that the men and women danced and sang together in Gada village, in defiance of strict tribal
customs that separate men and women at weddings. "The local clerics issued a decree to kill all four women and two men
shown in the video," district police officer Abdul Majeed Afridi said.
Enemy Within. Leftists refuse to accept the true
nature of Islamism, which is more like Nazism or Communism, than a religion of peace. The enemy will not be content to beat
us down on our own soil, and take over a certain amount of turf. The Islamists will come after us with vengeance as they have
pledged time and time again. They will not be satisfied with a bombing here and there. They will not be satisfied with
military deaths. They want to rain death and mayhem on America. They want you to die because you are not Muslim.
They will not stop until we are converted, or dead.
The Spirit of Geert Wilders.
It is not easy to be Geert Wilders. He has spent almost a decade in a strange, claustrophobic, transient, and tenuous existence little
different from kidnap victims or, in his words, a political prisoner. He is under round-the-clock guard because of explicit threats to
murder him by Muslim extremists. Yet he's the one who gets put on trial for incitement.
Al Qaeda Magazine Calls for
Firebomb Campaign in US. The men who launched al Qaeda's English-language magazine may have died in a U.S. missile strike
last fall, but "Inspire" magazine lives on without them — and continues to promote jihadi attacks on Western targets, offering
detailed advice on how to start huge forest fires in America with timed explosives and how to build remote-controlled bombs.
Wilders: Resisting threat of fanatical
Islam. As I write these lines, there are police bodyguards at the door. No visitor can enter my office without
passing through several security checks and metal detectors. I have been marked for death. I am forced to live in a heavily
protected safe house. Every morning, I am driven to my office in the Dutch Parliament building in an armored car with sirens and
flashing blue lights. When I go out, I am surrounded, as I have been for the past seven years, by plainclothes police officers.
When I speak in public, I wear a bulletproof jacket. Who am I? I am neither a king nor a president, nor even a government
minister; I am just a simple politician in the Netherlands. But because I speak out against expanding Islamic influence in
Europe, I have been marked for death. If you criticize Islam, this is the risk you run.
Muslim mob
burns Catholic church in Sudan capital. A Muslim mob set ablaze a Catholic church frequented by Southern
Sudanese in the capital Khartoum, witnesses and media reports said on Sunday [4/22/2012].
Terrorists Kill 41 in Easter Attack. With the death toll of the latest jihadist attack in Nigeria now at 41, Christians
in that country can draw little consolation from the government's assurances that the attack could have been far worse. Boko
Haram — Nigeria's most violent jihadist organization — has already murdered over 1,000 people since the
beginning of 2011, and there is little evidence that its terror campaign will end any time soon.
Massacres: A Result of U.S. Foreign Policy. Asia Bibi is a mother of five children and a devout Christian.
She is also on death row — for "blasphemy." And incredibly, she lives under a government that receives billions of
U.S. taxpayer dollars every year: Pakistan, one of the top recipients of American foreign aid. Over the last 10 years,
the Pakistani regime has raked in well over $20 billion from U.S. taxpayers.
Arabia's Grand Mufti Calls for Destruction of Churches in Region. The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, the
country's top Islamic cleric, has declared that it is "necessary to destroy all the churches of the region," placing
Christian places of worship throughout the Arabian Peninsula in potential jeopardy. Since Christianity is already
forbidden in Saudi Arabia and no churches exist there, the implications of the cleric's words were that the church ban
should extend to other countries in the region, including Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.
U.S. Silent on Top Saudi Cleric's
Call to 'Destroy Churches'. Ten days after Saudi Arabia's foremost religious leader called for a demolition of all
churches in the Arabian Peninsula — in line with a purported injunction by Mohammed — the U.S. government and
other allies of the kingdom have yet to react. Major media outlets also have largely ignored the incident; a Nexis search finds
reporting on the issue has been restricted to blogs and opinion columns, including a Washington Times editorial on March 16.
Destroy all churches. If the
pope called for the destruction of all the mosques in Europe, the uproar would be cataclysmic. Pundits would lambaste the
church, the White House would rush out a statement of deep concern, and rioters in the Middle East would kill each other in their
grief. But when the most influential leader in the Muslim world issues a fatwa to destroy Christian churches, the silence
is deafening.
'Black Widow' bomber
kills 5 in Russia. A female suicide bomber who was the widow of a slain Islamist militant has killed
five police officers when she blew herself up at a checkpoint in Russia's volatile Caucasus region of Dagestan,
officials said on Wednesday [6/7/2012].
US missionaries
injured by Muslim mob in Bangladesh. Three American missionaries were injured in northern Bangladesh on Wednesday
[2/29/2012] after their car was attacked by a mob who suspected they were converting Muslims into Christians, police said.
Police arrested two teachers and a student from an Islamic seminary in Madarganj, 120 miles (200 kilometers) north of
Bangladesh's capital Dhaka, following the attack.
One is Safe under Islamist Regimes — not even Muslims. President Obama, leaders in his
administration, and most Democrats in Congress ... fail to recognize these simple facts:
• A sizeable minority of Arabs in the Middle East and North Africa are Islamists.
• Islamists are terrorists in their home countries and elsewhere.
• Islamists intimidate and brutalize until they get what they want. At home they don't win elections so much as they take them by force.
• Islamists as a group believe that their mission on earth is to subjugate the world and bring it under Sharia law.
Silence Regarding the Persecution of Christians. In case you haven't noticed, thousands —
perhaps millions — of Christians living in Muslim nations are being prosecuted, even brutally murdered.
For example, in Nigeria in 2011, the Muslim extremist group Boko Haram killed 510 Christians and destroyed more
than 350 churches using guns, gasoline bombs, and even machetes, all the while shouting "Allahu akbar" ("God
is great"). On Christmas Day alone they slaughtered 42 Catholics. Similar attacks have occurred
in Iraq (our "ally"), where since 2003 more than 900 Iraqi Christians have died from terrorist attacks in
Baghdad alone while half of all Iraqi Christians have fled the country. Details aside, this violent persecution
is much the same in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia (home to one million Christian guest workers), Sudan, Egypt, Yemen,
Iran, and Indonesia.
Global War on Christians in the Muslim World. We hear so often about Muslims as victims of abuse
in the West and combatants in the Arab Spring's fight against tyranny. But, in fact, a wholly different
kind of war is underway — an unrecognized battle costing thousands of lives. Christians are
being killed in the Islamic world because of their religion. It is a rising genocide that ought to provoke
global alarm.
Response to Obama's Apology: 'Kill Them, Beat Them, Take Them as Prisoners'. In the wake of President Barack Obama
sending a three-page letter to Afghan President Hamid Kharzai, apologizing for U.S. forces having mistakenly burned some Qur'ans
at a U.S. air base in Afghanistan, the Taliban is calling on Muslims to kill Americans or beat them and take them as prisoners.
The call for violence against U.S. troops in Afghanistan came as Muslims in South Asia and elsewhere prepared for Friday
prayers — a potentially volatile time.
The Civilized Man vs.
the MTA Savages. The targeting of civilians is savage. The relentless 60-year campaign of
terror against the Jewish people is savage. The torture of hostage Gilad Shalit was savage. The bloody
hacking to death of the Fogel family was savage. The Munich Olympic massacre was savage. The
unspeakable torture of Ehud Goldwasser was savage. The tens of thousands of rockets fired from Gaza into
southern Israel (into schools, homes, etc.) are savage. The vicious Jew-hatred behind this genocide is
savage. The endless demonization of the Jewish people in the Palestinian and Arab media is savage.
The refusal to recognize the state of Israel as a Jewish state is savage. The list is endless.
student shot to death near Galleria. A 30-year-old student in the Texas Medical Center was shot
to death driving in her car Monday [1/16/2012], yards away from her family's townhome near the Galleria area.
Gelareh Bagherzadeh was studying molecular genetic technology at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. She was of
Iranian descent and was active in promoting Iranian women's rights, Houston Police Department spokesman Victor
Senties said.
The Editor says...
Before it was sanitized by the Houston Chronicle, the headline was, "Iranian women's rights activist slain in
car near Galleria". The URL shows some evidence of that, and if you need additional proof, I grabbed
a screenshot
from Lucianne.
she 'executed'? Gelareh Bagherzadeh, 30, who lobbied on behalf of Iranian women's civil rights,
was struck by a single bullet that entered the passenger door window as she talked on her cell phone with her
ex-boyfriend. Her car then rolled into and a garage door yards from her parents' home in a townhouse community
just southwest of Houston, Texas. The car's engine was still running when police found her body behind
the wheel about 12:30 am on Monday.
Who killed Iranian activist Gelareh
Bagherzadeh? [Scroll down] The facts that nothing was stolen from her car and that Bagherzadeh was an outspoken
activist against Iran's Islamic theocracy, championed women's rights in the Middle East and had recently converted from Islam to Christianity
have spawned a host of theories about her murder (everything from an Iranian intelligence agency hit to claims of other foreign government
involvement). Police say they have found no evidence linking the killing to foreign assassins but are still investigating. In
fact, they have no leads or suspects.
A New Sect of Honor
Killing Enthusiasts. It is by now a familiar scenario for German police. The lifeless body
of a teenaged Middle Eastern girl, missing since November. Discovered in a hidden spot with signs of a
violent death. A suspected honor murder at the hand's of the family, some of whose members were already
in custody. But this time the script is slightly different. While most honor murders in Germany
originate within the country's four million strong Muslim community, the latest victim, Arzu O. from
Remminghausen (German law does not allow for the release of the last name), 18, whose corpse was found last
week, belonged to a little known Middle Eastern religious sect called Yazidism. And it is this sect's
adherents who are becoming better known recently for their part in the nightmarish phenomenon of honor
killings in Germany.
When Muslim Moms Kill. A
mother accused of murdering three of her daughters and her husband's first wife in an honor killing recently
testified in an Ontario court in Canada. Tooba Mohammad Yahya, 41, is accused of conspiring with her husband,
Mohammad Shafia, 58, and their eldest son, Hamed, 21, of running one of their family cars into a canal with their
four relatives inside.
Nigerian state under curfew as Islamist
violence escalates. The Nigerian state of Adamawa has been placed under curfew as hundreds
have fled their homes because of rising anti-Christian violence. The Islamist Boko Haram group is
said to have killed up to 30 in the past two days.
jailed for holding ex-wife prisoner on the toilet. A devout Muslim held his ex-wife prisoner on
the toilet for an hour and physically assaulted her as punishment for wearing Western clothes. Khalique
Miah has been jailed for 18 months for the attack on Zahanara Begum. She was on the loo when her
former husband burst in dressed in black, wielding a hammer and referring to her underwear as 'Satan'.
Ten Obvious Reasons Why Islam is NOT a
Religion of Peace: [#1] 18,000 deadly terror attacks committed explicitly in the name of
Islam in just the last ten years. (Other religions combined for perhaps a dozen or so). [#2]
Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, had people killed for insulting him or for criticizing his religion. ... [#7]
Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by threatening to kill anyone who leaves.
Where are the animal rights activists now? They are all completely silent.
Cowards! Palestinians Celebrate Eid Al-Adha By Slaughtering Animals. Palestinian men celebrate
over slaughtered cow on the first day of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha on December 30, 2006, in the Rafah Refugee Camp,
Gaza Strip.
Santa killed by Muslim fanatics for being 'infidel' in
Tajikistan. An outrageous incident occurred in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, where a group of religious
fanatics killed Santa Claus. Parvis Davlatbekov wore as Santa Claus to congratulate his friends for the
New Year. However, a group of fanatics attacked and stabbed him by crying 'infidel' in the street.
The young man died on Monday [1/2/2012] without coming into consciousness.
Islamists' fires. As if further proof were needed of the fecklessness of Western civilization
when confronting savagery, consider the destruction of the Institut d'Egypte in Cairo this month. Once
again, the world watched helplessly while a horde of Muslim rioters wantonly annihilated a piece of history,
and thus served warning that its cultural jihad against the West will advance until we stop it. The
Institut was founded by Napoleon in 1798 during his campaign in Egypt and Syria.
Show Millions of Muslims Do Not Reject Suicide Bombings. Condemning the deadly attacks on Nigerian
Christians on Christmas Day, Islamic organizations around the world called the atrocities un-Islamic, yet
opinion polls tracking views on terrorism suggest that significant numbers of Muslims disagree. While
scientific polling has found a decline in support for suicide bombings over the decade since 9/11 in most major
Muslim countries, minorities of respondents — in some cases, large minorities — continue
to regard them as justified "in defense of Islam."
Pastor Yousef: Convert
or die. Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani, the Iranian Christian cleric facing death for the crime of apostasy
against an Islamic faith he never held, has been given a temporary stay of execution. Iran's top judge,
Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, instructed presiding Judge Ghazi Kashani to delay carrying out capital punishment
for a year in order to give time for Mr. Nadarkhani to recant Christianity and become a Muslim.
Belgian Grenade Attack Could
Be Linked to Honor Killing Sentence. [Scroll down] Belgian authorities also deny it was a
terrorist attack. However, yesterday [12/12/2011] a Belgian court in Mons sentenced four members of a
family to prison sentences ranging from five to twenty-five years for the 2007 honor killing of Sadia
Sheikh. ... It was the first time anyone in Belgium had been put on trial for committing an honor killing.
Islam Was Not for Me.
Islam was forced down the throats of Iranians with the sword of Allah. In my heart, I never considered
myself a Muslim. However, I didn't reveal this until later in life for fear of retribution by radical
Muslims. Sharia law stipulates that any Muslim who turns his back on Islam should be given a chance to
revert to the faith. For an unrepentant male apostate, death is the proscribed punishment and life
imprisonment for the female apostate. "Kill whoever changes his religion." [Sahih al-Bukhari 9:84:57]
Islam considers an apostate as a person who unilaterally breaks the covenant he has made with the faith.
An apostate is condemned as guilty of turning his back on Allah's immutable eternal religion.
Children found in basement as police raid Islamic school. Forty-five
students, among them young children, were discovered held in chains in a basement when police raided an Islamic
seminary in Pakistan last night. The male students, some said to be as young as 12 but appearing even younger,
were found in what amounted to a dungeon at the Madrassa Zakarya in the Sohrab Goth district of Karachi.
How Obama Is Mishandling the Violence
Wracking the Muslim World. This is a subject about which we're not supposed to speak.
Or write. Well, I suppose we can allude. But not in detail. So, even though bloodletting
is a daily occurrence in the orbit of Islam, discussing it is forbidden.
Islamic Fear by the numbers.
Western Europeans, who have grown up believing in free speech, living in their own free and open societies, are
afraid to talk critically about Islam when Muslims make up less than 10% of the Western European population.
So now think of what it must be like inside a Muslim society where essentially 100% of the population is Muslim.
The fear factor must be at least ten times greater.
Islam is Fear.
Would you wear a T-shirt with a Mohammad cartoon printed on it? You might in Montana. Don't try it
in Mecca. Why? Because, Islam trains a small number of its most devout believers it's OK to kill.
And Islamic killers have been trained to kill anyone who insults Allah and/or Mohammad. In Montana you'd
have a good chance none of these Islamic killers would see you. In Mecca you wouldn't last five minutes.
One of Islam's killers would come from out of nowhere and kill you. It is that simple.
Islam Pleads Guilty.
Most of us still stubbornly refuse to admit what we already know about Islam: that it's a violent, malevolent
religion whose adherents can't stop themselves from announcing to us their intentions to make war against us until
they've either killed us or made us slaves. Most of us still stubbornly profess our belief in a "true" Islam,
peace-loving, egalitarian, more or less an Arabian version of Christianity. Most of us reflexively channel all
blame for the daily bombings, beheadings, murders, mutilations, honor killings, and sundry other savagery committed
in the name of Allah away from "true" Islam onto what we're told is a distorted, hijacked Islam embraced by only a
tiny fringe.
Imam's on-air death threat 'not hate speech'.
It was not hate speech when Swedish public service broadcaster Sveriges Radio featured a programme in which a
Somali imam called for all converts from Islam to be killed, the Swedish Chancellor of Justice has ruled.
girl, 12, kidnapped, beaten until she converted to Islam. A 12-year-old Christian girl was kidnapped
and repeatedly raped for eight months in Pakistan by a man who then falsified marriage documents with her, it
was claimed today [10/13/2011]. The girl was lured on a shopping trip in Lahore by a friend, before she
was driven 120 miles to Tandianwalla and raped by the friend's uncle in January this year.
Targetting Darwish. Nonie Darwish, an ex-Muslim and an informed critic of
Islam, has had her talks assailed by Brotherhood campus affiliates numerous times. In 2009, at Seattle University members of the Muslim Students Association
did their best to disrupt a speech by Darwish. That same year at Boston University, a fire was set in a bathroom right before her speech to scuttle her
actress to be lashed 90 times. An Iranian actress has been sentenced to a year in jail and
90 lashes for her role in a film about the limits imposed on artists in the Islamic republic.
Iranian lashed 74 times
for 'insult' to Ahmadinejad. An Iranian student activist has been lashed 74 times for
insulting President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Peyman Aref, a student of political science at Tehran
University, was sentenced in March 2010 to a year in jail after being found guilty of propaganda against
the regime for speaking to foreign media.
Pastor Faces Execution for Refusing to Recant Christian Faith. An Iranian pastor who has
refused to renounce his Christian faith faces execution as early as Wednesday after his sentence was
upheld by an Iranian court. Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who maintains he has never been a Muslim
as an adult, has Islamic ancestry and therefore must recant his faith in Jesus Christ, the 11th branch
of Iran's Gilan Provincial Court ruled.
The Killing of Pastor
Yousef Nadarkhani. The 11th branch of Iran's Gilan Provincial Court upheld the apostasy conviction
and execution sentencing of Christian Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani this week. Social media accounts like
Twitter have swarmed support for Pastor Nadarkhani. But where is the critically needed support from nation
states — let alone, from where the Vatican?
Media Reports Iranian Pastor Facing Execution for Rape, Not Religion. Iran state media put out a
stunning report Saturday claiming that imprisoned Christian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani is facing the death
sentence for rape and extortion, not for apostasy and refusing to renounce his religion, as his lawyer, human
rights groups and Western news media have reported. ... obtained a copy of the ruling and there is
not a single mention of rape or extortion allegations.
Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani.
It is my moral obligation as a Jew to speak out on behalf of an Iranian Christian whom I have never met.
Imprisoned since October 2009, Yousef Nadarkhani was first accused of apostasy against Islam by the Islamic
Republic of Iran. In 2010 he was found guilty "and sentenced to death ... for abandoning the Islamic
faith." Yet, according to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 18
includes a "provision for the right to 'have or to adopt' a religion, which has been interpreted
authoritatively by the UN Human Rights committee as including the right to change one's religion."
Christian Pastor Facing False Charges. After months of threatening the execution of Youcef
Nadarkhani, the Iranian government is backing away from putting the Christian pastor to death, and is
claiming that news stories of the plan to execute him were "unsubstantiated."
Yemen teen dies
after hand cut off. A 15-year-old boy died in Yemen overnight after al-Qaeda militants severed
his right hand as punishment for allegedly stealing electric cables, a medic said.
in five US Muslims knows of extremist support in community. As the 10th anniversary of the
September 11 attacks approaches, 21 percent of respondents told a study they had detected "a
great deal" or "a fair deal" of support for extremism in their areas. While the vast majority said
that suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians to protect Islam were never justified,
19 percent of respondents did not agree with this statement.
at amusement park over 'no hijab' rule. Playland, a historic amusement park in
Westchester County, N.Y, just outside New York City, is known for its good clean fun. It's
perfect for a family outing. Or a date. You won't find any carnival-style freak shows
at the county-owned park — well, at least not until Tuesday afternoon. That's
when a large group of Muslims from New York City and neighboring Westchester County showed up
to celebrate the end of Ramadan.
Accept Jihad, Or Children Will Die.
Just as Leftists for years have positioned every statist and socialist measure they've come up with as "for the
children," now they're using a massacre of youths in Norway to try to end all resistance to the global jihad.
Their pawn in this case is the mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik who went on a spree of carnage at a Norwegian
youth camp Friday [7/22/2011], and couldn't be better positioned to advance the Leftist agenda if he had come from central
mob burns churches in Indonesia. A Muslim mob burned churches and clashed with police in
Indonesia on Tuesday [7/26/2011] as they demanded the death penalty for a Christian man convicted of
blaspheming against Islam, police said.
sentence for Christian convert in Iran. Two Iranian Supreme Court justices have denied an
appeal of Youcef Nadarkhani's December 5, 2010 death sentence for the uniquely Islamic "crime" of
apostasy. Islam stands alone amongst all modern faiths, adamantly denying its votaries freedom of
conscience, as guaranteed, for example, by Article 18 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
and insisting upon lethal punishment for "public" apostates, in full accord with the Sharia.
U.S. Mosques: Terror Mills?
A survey of 100 randomly selected mosques in America finds 81% of them feature Islamic literature -- not
including the Quran and Sunnah — that advocates violence. And 85% of the imams running the
mosques actively recommend these tracts. Only 19% of the mosques do not disseminate Islamic materials
sanctioning jihadi violence, according to the peer-reviewed data collected by two scholars sponsored by the
Washington-based Center for Security Policy. If accurate, this turns everything we've been told by
Washington on its head.
Sunlight On The American
Mosque. I've lived through 9/11 and the 17,298 Islamic terror attacks since (as tabulated by
the website I've seen pictures of Muslims rampaging around the world over a
cartoon. I also understand Islam's animating role in the terror and subversion designed to extend
Islamic law (Shariah) to a point where an Islamic government, or caliphate, rules the world. But there
is something transfixing about the new study, "Shari'a and Violence in American Mosques." The authors
have amassed a solid bank of peer-reviewed data attesting to the presence and promotion of literature advocating
violence in the majority of 100 randomly selected American mosques.
Coordinates of Radicalism. What is it that radicalizes Muslims, including American Muslims?
Is it American foreign policy? Israeli "occupation" of the ancient Jewish territories of Judea and
Samaria? Cartoons depicting the warrior-prophet as a warrior? Korans torched by obscure Florida
pastors? The life of Osama bin Laden, or, perhaps, his death? Any of a thousand claimed slights,
real or imagined, that purportedly provoke young Muslims to "conflagrate" — if we may borrow from
the forgiving rationalizations of Faisal Rauf, would-be imam of the would-be Ground Zero mosque? Here is
the unsettling but sedulously avoided truth: What radicalizes Muslims is Islam.
Bin Laden's deputy says Muslims worldwide will destroy
America. Osama bin Laden's deputy warned Wednesday [6/8/2011] that America faces not individual
terrorists or groups but an international community of Muslims that seek to destroy it and its allies.
Al Qaeda Video: American Muslims Should Buy Guns, Start Shooting People. In a new video message
released on the internet Friday, American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn calls on Muslims living in America
to carry out deadly one-man terrorist acts using fully automatic weapons purchased at gun shows, and to target
major institutions and public figures. "What are you waiting for?" asks Gadahn in English, and then adds
that jihadis shouldn't worry about getting caught, since so many have been released.
Mob Besieges Egyptian Church. In the latest display of the intolerance of Islam, Muslims in Egypt
are trying to block the reopening of a Coptic church until the church's dome and cross have been removed.
St. Mary and St. Abraham Church in Ain Shams was closed by Egyptian State Security on November 22, 2008,
when mob violence perpetrated by Muslims against the church reached the point where thousands of Muslims
surrounded the building and pelted it with stones.
Islam Is Peaceful? "Anyone who looks at
Islam's history, both current, recent, and ancient history of Islam, who looks at Islam's prophet, Mohammed —
who was a warrior — and who looks at Islam's core texts, anyone with a shred of intellectual honesty
cannot say with a straight face that Islam is peace."
Egyptian Muslims Torch 8 Christian Homes.
A mob of nearly 200 Muslims torched eight Christian homes on Saturday morning in the Upper Egyptian village
of Awlad Khalaf. The attack was initiated by a rumor that a house which is being built by Wahib Halim
Attia will be turned into a church.
Qaeda Leader Vows Revenge. A leader of the al Qaeda offshoot that U.S. officials have called
the greatest threat to the U.S. vowed in a message posted on Islamist websites Wednesday to take revenge
against the U.S. for the death of Osama bin Laden, saying that jihad would only intensify and that
Americans would come to "wish for the days of Osama."
Imam says Obama is an
apostate who must be executed. How's that Cairo speech aftermath workin' for you, President
Obama? All those pretty words, all those flowery phrases, all those good intentions gone. Poof.
Vanished. Turns out the Muslim world hates Barack Obama every bit as much as they hated George Bush.
Michigan: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave? Yesterday, (4/29/11) a Muslim mob
of 50, disturbingly reminiscent of their co-religionists across a vast swath of official Islamdom,
breached the security cordon at the City Hall in Dearborn, Michigan separating them from their speechifying
nemesis, Pastor Terry Jones, ["]...breaking a barricade, throwing water bottles and shoes.["]
Fortunately, ["]Riot police restored order within minutes and took at least two people into custody.["]
Muslims don't
need excuses for killing. Muslims don't need excuses for routinely bombing churches or
synagogues or temples, often with people in them, killing those who are not Muslims or forcibly converting
them, practicing apartheid by expelling those they haven't murdered or confining them to certain jobs,
certain neighborhoods, extra taxes, persecuted as lowly dhimmis (low lifes, non Muslims). And all
without retaliation by their fellow Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus in other parts of the world...
No Exit. The nut of the
dilemma is captured in a word, Islam: literal and figurative submission. All notions of
"peace" or co-existence are derivatives of submission. And the coin of compromise is Western values and
law, not Islamic dogma or doctrine. The conflict between the West and Islam is a strategic zero-sum
game. If we continue to delude ourselves about the nature of this struggle, we do so at our peril.
Evidence links bakery, Bailey killing. A wealth of ballistic evidence links the slayings of
an Oakland newspaper editor and two other men to Your Black Muslim Bakery, whose former leader ordered all
three killings but never pulled the trigger himself, a prosecutor told jurors Monday. Oakland Post
Editor Chauncey Bailey, 57, was shot dead as he walked to work in downtown Oakland because he was planning
to write a story about the now-defunct black empowerment group's financial problems...
Convicted of Blasphemy Found Dead in Karachi Jail. Qamar David, a Pakistani Christian serving
a life sentence for blasphemy against Islam, was found dead in his Karachi jail cell yesterday [3/15/2011].
David, in prison since 2002, was sentenced for allegedly sending derogatory text messages about the Prophet Mohammad,
though his lawyer maintains that the charges were motivated by a business rivalry. He was 55 years
old and the father of four sons. Authorities report that he died of a heart attack, but it is widely
suspected that he was murdered by radical Muslims...
They Celebrate Murdering Children. Do you think the State Department noticed that no one in Arizona,
Mexico, or even Mars took to the streets to celebrate the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords? No one seemed to
think it was a "natural" act — the Islamic term du jour to rationalize the throat-slitting
massacre of a sleeping Jewish family: 36-year-old Udi Fogel, his 35-year-old wife, Ruth, and, yes, their
three children: 11-year-old Yoav, 4-year-old Elad, and Hadas, their 3-month-old baby. There had
been about a week between this most hideous Muslim barbarity and ... well, the last hideous Muslim barbarity.
On that one, the Obama administration could not bring itself to label as "terrorism" a Kosovar jihadist's gory
attack on American airmen in Germany.
What if They
Are Already Here? A very long time ago — back in the last century, when I worked
for men like Alexander Haig and Ronald Reagan — the United States government knew of at least
three terrorist sleeper cells on our soil. The most famous of these was in St. Louis, Missouri,
where Zeit Isa, a member of the Abu Nidal organization — one of the most lethal of that
time — was quietly running a convenience store. He was a Palestinian who had gone
to Puerto Rico and married a local woman (even though he already had a wife in the old country).
They produced two girls, and one night the older one came home late and her father stabbed her to death
as her mother held her down. The FBI got the whole thing on audio tape. This led to the trial
of 4 members of the group in the mid-nineties, which exposed the Abu Nidal sleeper network to public
Keith Ellison's
Taqiyya. [Scroll down] The Koran's "verses of peace," as cited by Ellison, and many
other Muslim and non-Muslim apologists, most notably verse 2:256, "There is no compulsion in religion,"
were all abrogated by the so-called verses of the sword. These abrogating verses of the sword
recommend beheading or otherwise murdering and mutilating non-Muslims, and Muslim apostates.
According to classical Muslim Koranic commentators verse 9:5 (perhaps the most infamous verse of the
sword), "Slay the idolators wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie
in wait for them in every ambush...", for example, cancels 124 verses that promote patience and
Thousands of
Muslims torch Christian homes, churches in Egypt. According to the Assyrian International
News Agency, several thousand Muslims have attacked Christian houses and places of worship in a town
30 miles from Cairo. The fate of the clerics who worked at the church is unknown —
they may have been detained as hostages or burned to death in the fire. The violence was the
result of a Christian dating a Muslim woman.
only Christian minister assassinated over blasphemy row. Pakistan's only Christian minister
Shahbaz Bhatti was shot dead today [3/2/2011] after pushing for the reform of harsh blasphemy laws that impose the
death penalty for insulting Islam. The assassination comes just a fortnight after Mr Bhatti, Minister
for Minorities, said he was prepared to die for his beliefs following a series of death threats.
alleged blasphemer reportedly killed in Pakistan. Another alleged blasphemer has become a victim
of Pakistan's controversial religious laws, media reported on Saturday. The killing occurred on
Friday [3/4/2011], two days after the assassination of the minority affairs minister who had criticised
the nation's blasphemy laws.
How's That Religion of
Peace Doing These Days? [Scroll down] Stoning continues to be prevalent in Islamic lands.
In August of 2010, the Afghan Taliban publicly stoned to death two people because they wanted to marry each other
but the woman had already been promised to a relative. The 19-year old woman was forced to wear her burqa
to her execution. This is only one of the many honor killings emblematic of Muslim-on-Muslim crimes.
Thus, "in the last thirty years, the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban, the Turks, the Saudis, the Iranians, and
the Egyptians have all engaged in ... stonings, beheadings, hangings, burying young girls alive, amputations,
nose and ear chopping, floggings, [and] acid thrown in the faces of young girls for improper veiling."
Islam's ultimate goal is world domination. Muslim
Cleric Plans White House Protest in Attempt to Spread Sharia Law. A Muslim cleric who called
Americans "the biggest criminals" during a recent interview has announced he will hold a protest outside
the White House, according to the Daily Mail. Anjem Choudary, who once said "the flag of Islam will
fly over the White House," says he will lead a demonstration rallying Muslims to establish Sharia law
across the United States.
Sharia: Coming Soon, To A Venue Near You.
This is the kind of appalling news story that we associate with places where Islam holds sway: ["]Four
men launched a horrific attack on a teacher in which they slashed his face and left him with a fractured
skull because they did not approve of him teaching religion to Muslim girls.["] Sounds like the kind of
thing that happens in Pakistan, doesn't it? Or Iran, possibly. Only the teacher's name is Gary
Smith, and he taught at the Central Foundation Girls' School in Bow, east London.
Muslim mob
burns, ransacks churches in Indonesia. A Muslim mob burned churches and clashed with police
in Indonesia on Tuesday [2/8/2011] as they demanded the death penalty for a Christian man convicted of
blaspheming against Islam, police said. Two days after a Muslim lynch mob killed three members of a
minority Islamic sect, crowds of furious Muslims set two churches alight as they rampaged in anger over the
prison sentence imposed on defendant Antonius Bawengan, 58.
Radical Islam or
Mainstream Islam? [Scroll down] Islam is not a religion. Islam (according to
Islamic scholars) is a military, economic, and political ideology that uses 'religion' to carry out their
ultimate goal of world domination (again according to their own leading scholars both in the U.S. and
Middle East).
'Religion of peace' launching 'ferocious' attacks.
It was only six days after the 9/11 attacks that President Bush described Islam as a religion of peace,
specifically saying, "Islam is peace," but the Religion of Peace website reports that for 2010, there were 1987
jihad attacks in 46 nations resulting in 9,175 deaths and 17,436 injured, according to a report from Joseph
Farah's G2 Bulletin.
Should We Ban The Koran? Hundreds of Islamic terrorists say they were motivated to become
murderers by The Koran and incitement from a few radical Muslim clerics. That's a fact, where you
like it or not. Clearly, then, the liberals should — if they have any sense of logic —
begin their campaign by demanding the bookstores stop selling The Koran, universities stop teaching courses
on Islam, and imams tone down their exhortations. That isn't going to happen, because the liberals
aren't really interested in curbing hate speech.
The Greatest Story Never Told. In
all the reviews and lists of the most important events of 2010, one story of devastating importance was
scarcely mentioned: that of the persecution of Christians throughout the world, particularly in majority
Muslim countries. Christian persecution has been on the rise for years, but it seemed to reach a new
level of intensity in 2010. In fact, it's not an exaggeration to suggest that Christians in countries
such as Iraq, Lebanon and Egypt now confront the prospect of extinction at the hands of radical Islam.
Muslim scholars praise
killer of Pakistan governor. More than 500 Muslim scholars are praising the man suspected of killing
a Pakistani governor because the politician opposed blasphemy laws that mandate death for those convicted of insulting
Islam's blasphemy
murders. The Obama administration has declared a "struggle against violent extremism," but
it has little to say when it comes to extremism practiced by governments. Blasphemy laws in Pakistan
and Afghanistan are being used to sanction judicial murder in the name of Islam. The United States
refuses to condemn these practices, apparently believing this would amount to an unwarranted imposition of
American values on foreign customs. Even in these backward countries, however, there are brave political
leaders who are standing up to legal persecution.
Radical Islam vs.
Christianity: Over the past several years, Christians have endured bombings, murders, assassinations,
torture, imprisonment and expulsions. These anti-Christian pogroms culminated recently with the brutal
attack on Our Lady of Salvation, an Assyrian Catholic church in Baghdad. Al Qaeda gunmen stormed the
church during Mass, slaughtering 51 worshippers and two priests. Father Wassim Sabih begged the
jihadists to spare the lives of his parishioners. They executed him and then launched their campaign of
mass murder.
The Persecution of Christians in
the Middle East. At Saints Church in Alexandria, Egypt, 21 Coptic Christians were killed and
nearly 100 wounded at a New Year's Mass bombing. "The last thing I heard was a powerful explosion and
then my ears went deaf," Marco Boutros, 17, said from his hospital bed where he was being treated for
wounds. "All I could see were body parts scattered all over, legs and bits of flesh."
Targeting Of Christians. If further evidence is needed of the nature of the enemy the United
States and what's left of Western civilization faces, it can be found in the ruins of the Talbiya church in
the Egyptian port city of Alexandria. In a terrorist attack one minute after midnight, 21 Christians
attending a New Year's Mass were killed and 97 people, mostly Christians, were injured after a car bomb
detonated outside the Coptic church. The pastor of the church told the Malta Times, "I was inside the
church and heard a huge explosion. People's bodies were in flames."
Sudan islamic whipping video
stirs outcry. Many people have responded with anger and disgust to the video about corporal punishment in Sudan
published by Radio Netherlands Worldwide. The YouTube film clip shows a young woman being whipped in public by two
police officers in Khartoum.
sentenced to be blinded with acid by Iranian court. Iran's supreme court has upheld a sentence
of blinding with acid for a man who blinded his lover's husband, under the Islamic "eye-for-an-eye" justice
code, a government daily said today.
warn of anarchy if Christian mother pardoned. Pakistani Muslims have threatened anarchy if the Government
pardons a Christian mother sentenced to death for blasphemy, calling hundreds of protesters onto the streets.
It Just Isn't Christmas without a Muslim
Bombing. [Scroll down] While we may go on denying it, for Muslims this is a religious war.
And what better target for terror, than an infidel's religious event? The clergy at interfaith conferences
may yammer on about how we're all the children of God, but Muslims know better. They are the slaves of Allah
and we are heretics and idol worshipers. It's their duty to fight us, until we submit and accept Muslim
rule. The more we resist, the more they're obligated to kill us until we give in and there's a mosque on
every corner and the Koran replaces the Constitution.
Time To Profile Terrorists At US Airports.
Today's threat comes almost exclusively from militant-Islamic males between about 18 and 35 who hail from
the Middle East and predominantly Muslim African and south-Asian nations. This profile was not drawn by
anti-Muslim bigots, nervous Jews, or paranoid Southern Baptists. The terrorists themselves created this
profile. Aviation has obsessed them for years. "Bring down their airplanes," demanded Sheik Omar Abdel
Rahman, who inspired the 1993 World Trade Center attack. "Slaughter them on land, sea and air."
The Murderers of Christianity.
Sunday, on the eve of All Saints' Day, Nov. 1, 2010, the faithful gathered at the Assyrian Catholic Church
of Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad. As Father Wassim Sabih finished the mass, eight al-Qaida stormed in,
began shooting and forced him to the floor. As the priest pleaded that his parishioners be spared, they
executed him and began their mission of mass murder. When security forces broke in, the killers threw
grenades to finish off the surviving Christians and detonated explosive-laden vests to kill the police.
The toll was 46 parishioners and two priests killed, 78 others wounded, many in critical condition
after losing limbs.
The Myth of the Moderate
Muslim. So where are the Moderate Muslims? ... In Saudi Arabia a person caught in public
wearing a crucifix on a chain can expect to end up in extensive care. Where are Saudi Arabia's Moderate
Muslims? In Indonesia, Christian churches are being stoned and torched because a Muslim girl has been
taking catechism lessons in preparation to being baptized as a Catholic. A mob beat 20 members of a
Batak Christian Protestant Church because "they did not have the proper permits to worship." Where were
the Moderate Muslims?
Freedom vs. Sharia Law. Sharia law
is the Islam doctrine of Allah ruling over everything including legal, political and military doctrine.
Sharia law is incompatible to free or thinking people. What the Obama Administration and Muslims will not
tell Americans is that the ultimate goal of Islam is to take over the world and replace representative, constitutional
governments with Sharia law. Under Sharia law, freedom as we know it would be put to the Islamic sword.
What the free world faces is an insidious, violent movement that respects nothing but their own revolutionary
ideology: world domination.
Who's Afraid of Muslims?
NPR has shown itself to be afraid of Muslims — far more afraid than Juan Williams, and hypocritical in a way
that Williams never was. What's worse, NPR has acted on that fear. In 2006, a Danish cartoonist
made drawings of the prophet Mohammed with a bomb tucked into the prophet's turban. Adherents of the
religion of peace then launched a campaign of terrorism worldwide, burning embassies, and violently
protesting. The artist himself was nearly killed by an axe-wielding Muslim. NPR deliberately
refused to publish those cartoons. ... PBS can't base newsroom decisions on fear, and then fire Williams
for sharing in an identical fear which he does not act on.
Militant Islamist Ideology. Al-Qaida's rage predates any offense at Danish cartoons of Muhammad,
protests over the ground zero mosque or goofy sectarian grandstanders in Florida threatening to burn the Quran.
Al-Qaida's dedication to the destruction of its ideological enemies — including its Muslim enemies —
lies at the organization's malign spiritual and savage philosophical core.
Islamophobia, Cartoon-O-Phobia and Equalityphobia.
[Scroll down] And then there's the case of Revathi Massosai, a true example of what Muslim tolerance holds
for the kind of "multi-religious" society that those "experts in Islamic studies" would love to inflict on us.
Revathi Massosai, a Hindu whose parents had converted to Islam, was considered a Muslim under Malaysian law,
despite the fact that she had been raised and was a Hindu. When she tried to get the government to recognize
that fact, the Islamic authorities put her into an "Islamic Re-education Camp". There she was forced to
wear a burqa, read Muslim prayers and eat beef. Since then she has been prevented from living with her
husband and her daughter has no birth certificate. Nor is her case unique. Families have been
broken up, children have been seized, even bodies have been dragged out of funeral homes because of Malaysia's
Islamic law.
toll rises to 58 in Iraqi jihad attack on church. The mass-murderers say that this was a
counterattack in the Church's alleged war against Islam. Yet notice how CNN's headline calls it
an "Iraq church standoff," giving no hint that this was a gratuitous Islamic jihad attack.
Islamic flag
over the White House. Islamists say the Koran is destined to rule America. In fact, the
Muslim takeover of the White House is not just an unfolding action plan but a directive from Muhammad himself.
In an interview Sunday on ABC's "This Week," British radical Muslim activist Anjem Choudary made clear what he
and his Islamist brothers have planned for the West.
history, fear and the facts about Islam. [Scroll down] You can find evidence of the
impulse to conquer and subjugate infidels in the very beginnings of the [Muslim] religion, as Muhammad fought
neighboring Arab tribes; in the era of the great caliphate that spread across northern Africa and into Spain;
and in the continuing push of Islam into Europe and into Southeast Asia. Indeed, to obscure the threat,
you literally have to blot out hundreds of years of history that provide clear evidence of the imperialist
ambitions of Islam, and more importantly the blood-thirsty willingness to sacrifice both fellow Muslims and
us infidels in the pursuit of worldwide submission to sharia, the so-called law of God.
Muslim Hate Crimes. Facts are facts.
Muslims in the Middle East have zero respect for other religions. In the Saudi Arabia city of Mecca, all
other religions beside Islam are banned. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are squelched and
outlawed in the name of Islam. It appears many in the Muslim world are stuck in year 4.
Christian churches are routinely burned, bombed and destroyed in the Middle East. Christians and people
of other faiths are beaten and killed by Muslims with no fear of prosecution from Muslim-controlled courts.
Ah yes, Islam — that religion of peace.
Crawling Out from under
the Rauf. [Scroll down] The objective of the stealth jihadists and the Muslim Brotherhood
proxies in the U.S. (CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, MAS, MSA, et al.) is to impose Islam and Sharia on the U.S., and so it
is with Ground Zero Mosque Imam [Feisal Abdul] Rauf. Rauf is mainstreaming the Sharia and the jihad
ideology. And in suggesting that those of us defending American freedom and opposing his Ground Zero
mosque are "extremists," he is trying to place 70% of Americans squarely on the same moral playing field as
the Muslim terrorists who flew planes into buildings and have since committed close to 20,000 Islamic attacks
of violent jihad across the world.
The Endless
Wars of Islam. Islam emerged from what is modern day Saudi Arabia in the 7th century, and never
looked back. Muslim armies swept across North Africa and invaded Catholic Spain, destroying or converting
the Christian communities along the way. They turned churches into mosques, and made Islam the official
religion. Muslim armies also took over the Holy Land, destroyed the last non-Islamic Persian empire, and
moved into Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). By the 16th century, Islam had destroyed the Christian Byzantine
Empire, had taken over Constantinople, and had turned the Hagia Sophia — the most beautiful church
in Christendom — into a mosque. A century later, Muslim armies were outside the gates of
Vienna. While the years have passed and the names of the armies and countries have changed, Islam's war
against the rest of us continues at full speed.
dead in Kashmir, Christian school torched. Indian police shot dead 13 people in Kashmir on
Monday [9/13/2010] as stone-throwing rioters defied curfews and torched a Christian school in a surge of anger
stoked by the desecration of the Koran.
Gaza father torches son.
A father from Jabaliya refugee camp in north Gaza killed his son by setting fire to him because the boy
refused to help the family pick olives, police said.
The 9th
Anniversary of 9/11 Begs An In-Depth Examination Of The Koran. According to a Koranic scholar,
Moorthy Muthuswamy, about 61 percent of the contents of the Koran speak ill of unbelievers or call for
their violent conquest while at best only 2.6 percent of the verses show goodwill toward humanity.
About 75 percent of the Prophet Muhammad's biography, or Sira, consists of jihad waged on unbelievers.
New Wilders Death Threat.
Right-wing Dutch politician Geert Wilders is in trouble again. A well-known radical Australian cleric is
calling for his death by "beheading" following comments Wilders made to Australian television in which he
described Islam as "retarded" and "violent."
Don't Make Me Behead You! The
flim flam imam ought to run for congress. It's just a matter of time before the Democrats recruit him.
He's a natural master of doublespeak. Rauf issued his warning about inflaming the normally peaceful and
tolerant Muslim world right after assuring us that had he the slightest inkling that building a Victory Mosque
at Ground Zero would cause upset, he never would have proposed such a thing. Of course, if the Victory
Mosque doesn't go forward, we will be severely punished. Be nice to the jihads and maybe they'll behead
you last.
says enemy is not Islam. President Barack Obama is appealing for religious tolerance, reminding
Americans that the "overwhelming majority" of Muslims around the world are peace-loving people.
Christian worshippers
attacked in Indonesia. Assailants stabbed a Christian worshipper in the stomach and pounded a
minister in the head with a wooden plank as they headed to morning prayers Sunday outside Indonesia's capital.
Muslim Goes After Rifqa's Attorney. There is more fall-out from the Rifqa Bary case.
Rifqa is the young girl who converted to Christianity and fled her home in Ohio on the grounds that she
feared for her safety due to her parents' Islamic views. Just weeks ago Rifqa turned 18, and we saw a
great victory when her freedom and status were secured as a "Permanent Legal Resident" in the U.S.
Now comes word from one of her lawyers...
What the Burning Quran
Issue Says about Us. Is it just me, or does Islam's repeated threats of violence and mayhem at
every provocation — real or imagined — strike anybody else as the actions of a spoiled
child's tantrums? And if they're such a religion of peace, what is it we have to fear from their
tantrums in the first place?
Terror Imams and Their Mosques & Schools. Whatever we may think about Imam Rauf and his
Manhattan project, sooner or later we are going to have to face a serious problem: what to do about
the hundreds of radical mosques in this country. It's a serious problem because, as Bernard Henri Levi
wrote some years ago, every terrorist has a mosque. Indeed, some became terrorists because of what
they were told in mosques. Many young, alienated Muslims found the meaning of life by joining jihad,
and they were encouraged to become terrorists by radical imams and ayatollahs.
Mosque Supporter Can't Bring Himself to Call Hamas a Terrorist Organization. Like his friend
Imam Feisal Rauf, Imam [Dawoud] Kringle won't answer the question. I pressed him, pointing out that it
is a very simple question. And it is: Quite apart from the fact that Hamas is formally
designated as a terrorist organization under U.S. law, Hamas's own charter makes abundantly clear —
indeed, wears like a badge of honor — that Hamas exists solely for the purpose of driving Israel
out of Palestine by violent jihad. Yet the imam cannot bring himself to say Hamas is a terrorist organization.
Women and Children
Die First. Terrorist-based Islamic cultures that use women and children as human shields
give new meaning to the concept of "women and children first." In Afghanistan, individuals "accused
of collaboration" with the NATO forces or with the Karzai government are immediately, and without question,
executed. "Schools have been closed or burned for being un-Islamic; schoolgirls have had acid thrown
in their faces, and women have been confined to home unless accompanied by a male relative."
America to Be
Reviewed by Thugs of U.N. Human Rights Council. [Scroll down] The [United Nations Human
Rights] Council also comprises Malaysia, Mauritania, Uganda, Angola, and Qatar. In Uganda, "wife-beating
[is] a husband's prerogative." Monitoring of internet chat rooms and widespread rape of inmates occurs
in Angola, while "in Malaysia, religious authorities arrest 'deviants' in order to return them to the 'true
path of Islam.'" In Qatar, "the law calls for 10 year sentences for individuals proselytizing
anything but Islam, [and] conversion away from Islam is a capital offense."
Please Read
'The Grand Jihad'. Andy McCarthy is no conspiracy theorist, but that doesn't keep him from
recognizing and warning us about the common goals of the Islamists and the hard left, both of whom pose a
serious, active threat to America's freedom. ... Islamists are not some fringe group of Muslims who have
hijacked the religion. They are "very mainstream," and their theocratic goals are clearly based on
Islamic scripture.
Obama Is Colluding
with a New Fascist Imperialism. Islamic practice has always required mosques to have the
highest towers in any subjugated city. No Jews or Christians were ever allowed to build higher places
of worship, to ride higher (on horses or mules), or even to raise their heads higher while walking the
streets than any Muslim. If you were a Jew or a Christian, you would duck your head deep down as
you passed a Muslim, who was allowed to spit on you at will. As recently as the Ottoman Empire
(crumbled in 1917), all dhimmis were unceremoniously beaten to the ground if they dared to raise their
heads higher than a passing Muslim.
Islam Means the End of Religious Freedom.
[Scroll down] Where is the religious freedom in the Muslim world? ... Why are churches firebombed in Malaysia
because Christians presumed to use the word Allah? Why are non-Muslims forbidden to enter the city of Mecca,
from which Jews and Christians were ethnically cleansed by Mohammed? Why are Coptic Christians being
oppressed and humiliated by the Egyptian government? Why are Muslims murdering Buddhist teachers
in Thailand?
Barack Obama,
Apologist-in-Chief. Non-Muslims are not allowed any place of worship in Saudi Arabia, they cannot
even approach within miles of the cities of Medina and Mecca. Imagine the outcry if Muslims were prevented
entering, say, St. Peter's or Westminster Abbey.
Obama Apologizes for Stupid Americans' Opposition
to the Ground Zero Mosque. Over the past 100 years, America has brought peace and prosperity
to billions around the world, while at the same time Muslims have been slaughtering and enslaving their neighbors,
especially women, wholesale. Talk about the war that never ends. Shia vs. Sunni violence has been
going on for centuries and, by the looks of Iraq, will continue for centuries more.
Losing Their Religion.
Given that the penalty for leaving Islam — or even criticizing it — can be death, we may be mistaking deeply rooted
fear for deeply rooted faith. Moreover, the fact that Islam prescribes such harsh penalties for doubters
suggests that the faith itself is not intrinsically convincing. As the Ayatollah Khomeini once said, "People
cannot be made obedient except with the sword." Any religion that needs so many external
incentives — swords behind you, and virgins in your future — cries out to be questioned.
Tyson goes on Mecca pilgrimage. Former boxing champion Mike Tyson, who converted to Islam while in
jail in the 1990s, is visiting the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina on pilgrimage.
The Editor says...
Religion of peace? What does Mike Tyson do for a living?
Issued Against 'Draw Mohammed Day' Cartoonist. The Islamists mean to censor us one way or
another: if not from fear of retaliation, then by retaliation. Shut your mouth, still your pens,
stop thinking, or we will do it for you. Permanently. Molly Norris, mild-mannered cartoonist,
started a fire she cannot put out.
Saudi couple "hammer 24 nails" into Sri
Lankan maid. A Saudi couple tortured their Sri Lankan maid after she complained of a too heavy
workload by hammering 24 nails into her hands, legs and forehead, officials said on Thursday [8/26/2010].
Tortured Maid to Have Surgery to Remove 24
Nails. A Saudi couple tortured their Sri Lankan maid after she complained of a too heavy
workload by hammering 24 nails into her hands, legs and forehead, officials said on Thursday [8/26/2010].
woman stoned to death in Afghanistan for adultery: Taliban. A man and woman who were accused of
carrying on an adulterous affair in Afghanistan have been stoned to death. The barbaric act is the latest
in a string of archaic sentences handed down by the Taliban, which practices a strict adherence to Islamic law.
Executes 7-Year-Old on Suspicion of Spying, Reports Say. Taliban militants in Afghanistan
executed a seven-year-old boy on suspicion of spying for the U.S.-allied government, according to local
reports Wednesday [6/9/2010]. The execution, which has not been confirmed by the extremist organization,
was carried out in the southern Helmand province, government spokesman Daoud Ahmadi told The Times of India.
The boy's relatives brought the incident to the government's attention, the newspaper said.
Hangs 7-Year-Old Boy in Grisly Warning. As thousands of American troops pour into southern Afghanistan,
insurgents have launched a vicious offensive against the Afghans supporting the surge. In the last day a
suicide bomber blew himself up inside a wedding hosted by an anti-Taliban tribal leader, and insurgents
publicly hanged someone who they labeled a spy for local troops. The Afghan accused of spying
was a 7-year-old boy.
exceptional woman's rejection of Islam. Ayaan Hirsi Ali ... boldly and absolutely rejected the
Muslim faith in which she grew up. She sought asylum in Holland and became, for a time, a politician
there. She collaborated with Theo Van Gogh, who was later murdered by an Islamist fanatic, on a film
called Submission, about Islam's oppression of women. For her apostasy, a capital offence in the eyes
of all the schools of Islamic law, she is threatened with death. She has to have personal protection
at all times.
Hand cut off for exam
question. Two Indian men were arrested on Monday over an attack on a college teacher who had
his hand cut off for setting an exam question that allegedly insulted Muslims, police said. TJ Joseph,
52, had his right arm severed at the wrist as he was returning home from church with his mother and sister on
Sunday [7/4/2010], and has since undergone an operation to have the limb sown [sic] back on.
Wrong Rights. It's been a rough seventeen
months for Americans whose calling is to fight for the rights of people who've been stripped of them by
force — young men and women beaten to death in full view of the world by the agents of their oppressors
for daring to demand that their votes be counted; others hacked to death with the complicity of the autocrats
in power over them for having been born the wrong color or to the wrong tribe; girls subjected to the lash,
or, worse, murdered by their own mothers, fathers, or brothers for appearing in public in the wrong company;
believers imprisoned for professing faith in the wrong god or the wrong political system; non-believers
sentenced to death for "wronging" a wrathful, vengeful religion.
Peaceful, Humanitarian, Civilian
Flotilla Had an Arsenal. New footage shows the weapons captured from the "aid" boat Mavi Marmara,
which was the scene of an attempted lynching of IDF commandos. Lots of knives, gas masks, body armor,
night-vision equipment, homemade slingshots with "Hezbollah" and "Hamas" written on them (arts and crafts
are a good cure for boredom on the high seas), and my personal favorite, electric chop saws, which were
used to cut off sections of the ship's railings so they could be used as clubs.
Goal Was Not Humanitarian. On CNN earlier this week, American Edward Peck, an activist who sailed
with the Free Gaza Movement flotilla, asserted, "The purpose of the movement was humanitarian." Sorry, but
the video of so-called peace activists clubbing Israeli soldiers and tossing one onto a lower deck didn't exactly
exude the Kumbaya spirit to me.
The Muslim Brotherhood's
Flotilla. Western press accounts have enumerated the many left-wing human rights activists
who were among the Gaza-bound flotilla's passengers earlier this week. But there were other, more
conspicuous passengers aboard the ships. The Muslim Brotherhood, in particular, was well-represented.
In fact, the more one looks into the details of the flotilla the more it becomes clear that the Brotherhood
used the humanitarian mission for its own purpose, namely, to assist its Palestinian branch — Hamas.
Are Honor
Killings Domestic Terrorism? Fox News had convened a panel to discuss the relationship between
"faith and terrorism." We began by discussing the interview with Hussein Ibish, formerly the director
of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, now the executive director of the Foundation for Arab
American Leadership, a non-member organization. Ibish made a series of false claims, all of which
sounded reasonable, "fair," and logical, and he did so in excellent American English. For example, he
said that Muslims were persecuted by pagans when Mohammed was alive and that's why there are some Qu'ranic
verses that encourage or permit violence. Poppycock! Muslims under Mohammed were busy raping,
pillaging, plundering, and enslaving the so-called pagans, trying to convert them; Mohammed and his soldiers
genocidally slaughtered the Jewish tribes of Arabia. So what Ibish is really saying is that when Muslims
cannot convert another faith group to Islam, Muslims feel "persecuted" and therefore resort to violence.
The Great Pandemic. According to the Quran — the holiest book of Islam —
Allah commanded Muhammad to instill fear into unbelievers. ... From what we know of Muhammad, is it
unreasonable to conclude that he himself would be a member of al-Qaeda if he were alive today?
Obama Ignores Islamic Violations of Religious
Freedom. Has the latest annual report from the United States Commission on International
Religious Freedom (USCIRF) caused any cognitive dissonance in Washington? ... Islam is supposed to be a
religion of peace and tolerance. Isn't that what Barack Obama has been telling us (and George Bush
before him)? The report was a bracing dose of reality to dispel this rosy view — and yet
another reminder of how Obama's view of Islam and Muslim countries is unrealistic and damaging, and of what it
might take to end the jihad against America and the West.
The Day Somali Music Died.
Islamist insurgents have ordered Somali radio stations to stop playing music, a ban that went into effect
last Tuesday [4/13/2010]. This order follows the Islamists' ban on musical ringtones, movies, men without beards,
football, women's beauty salons, and bras. Those not adhering to the new ban risk a grave threat to their
physical well-being, which includes getting assassinated or undergoing Sharia-based punishments. Such
punishments include having your limbs amputated, your eyes gauged out, your tongue cut out, and your ears
cut off.
Eternal Islamic Enmity toward the
Jews: Islam is the only major religion in the world that does not adhere to the Golden Rule to "love they
neighbor as thyself" or "do unto others what you would have others do unto you." Instead, the Koran exhorts Muslim
to "slay the unbelievers wherever they find them," "not take non-Muslims for friends" and "when ye meet unbelievers,
smite at their necks." Mohammed, whose very actions define morality for Muslims, encouraged his followers to deceive
kuffars, or non-believers. Islamic doctrine explicitly supports the killing, insulting, torturing, robbing,
beheading, enslaving, pillorying, and raping of non-Muslims.
But We're
Still Gonna Kill You. Not long after the Ayatollah Khomeini announced his fatwa against Salman
Rushdie, the British novelist suddenly turned up on a Muslim radio station in West London late one night and
told his interviewer he'd converted to Islam. Marvelous religion, couldn't be happier, Allahu Akbar and
all that. And the Ayatollah said hey, that's terrific news, glad to hear it. But we're still
gonna kill you.
Surgical Implants Filled with Explosives Are
Undetectable in Suicide Bombers. Britain's MI5 intelligence service reports that al-Qaida is
recruiting female suicide bombers who have had explosives surgically implanted in their breasts. Male
suicide bombers are undergoing similar surgeries; but instead of the breast area, the explosives are implanted
in the buttocks or appendix areas.
Merry Christmas
from the World of Islam. With attention focused on the flagrant security breaches around
Flight 253 on Christmas Day, too little has been made of the timing of the attack. Most readers
will be surprised to learn that this was not the only Christmas attack on Christians. Here is a list
of other holiday attacks which I found without extensive research... Isn't it noteworthy that you did
not hear about any of this from the general media?
Hey, let's talk about Islam!
If one goes by the Pentagon's recent report on the Ft. Hood terrorist attack, the Pentagon's PC putzes
wouldn't recognize a Muslim terrorist if one jumped up and bit them... So in the interest of national
security, I have collected some statements made by folks over the years, which might point the Pentagon
in the right direction.
Malaysia and the
Myth of Islamic Tolerance: Malaysia is often held up as the model of what a modern Muslim-majority
nation can be. The ruling class, the bumiputra (literally "princes of the earth") are largely, though
not entirely, Muslim. But when Malaysia's High Court ruled in late December to lift a government ban
on non-Muslims using the word "Allah," Christian churches became the targets of fire-bombing attacks.
This eruption of violence suggests that there is trouble brewing just beneath the surface even in this
supposed paradise of Islamic moderation.
Muslims. Al Qaeda does one thing extremely well: killing Muslims. Between 2006 and
2008, only 2 percent of the terror multinational's victims were Westerners. The rest were citizens
of Muslim countries. Even as al Qaeda claims to be their defender.
mom' and two jurors tossed from trial. Another day in the trial of Aafia Siddiqui, another
outburst. The MIT-educated Pakistani "terror mom" turned into a holy terror today [1/25/2010] when a federal judge
booted her from a federal courtroom in Manhattan following yet another rant. This time, Siddiqui was
joined by two jurors, who were excused in a separate issue after they were threatened by a spectator, the
judge said.
Taliban Rape
Tapes: A 'Muslim Abu Ghraib'. With breaking news out of Palestine today that a top aide
to President Mahmoud Abbas has been literally caught with his pants down, rape tapes seem to be popping up all
over the pious Muslim world. And some are horrifically worse than others.
Flying High. [Scroll down] What nobody in
authority thinks us grown-up enough to be told is this: We had better get used to being the civilians
who are under a relentless and planned assault from the pledged supporters of a wicked theocratic ideology.
These people will kill themselves to attack hotels, weddings, buses, subways, cinemas, and trains. They
consider Jews, Christians, Hindus, women, homosexuals, and dissident Muslims (to give only the main instances) to be
divinely mandated slaughter victims.
Terror probes — what you're not being
told. Intelligence analysis confirmed that Islamic terrorists always use such practice runs,
often dubbed "dry runs" or probes to assess operational logistics and various aspects of airline security.
Knowing that and having better hindsight after 9/11, why haven't we seen media reports, DHS, FBI or TSA
acknowledgement of such probes prior to the Christmas Day bombing attempt? Was there a practice run
for flight 253? What about the second person reportedly arrested ... ?
Flying Lessons.
We can't make ourselves inoffensive to militant Islamists. ... Our enemies have many grievances — from
our support of Israel to our interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen to our laissez-faire attitudes toward
women and homosexuals. Nothing we do to appease them will be enough because what they really want is to
humiliate, defeat, and dominate us; to force us to live under sharia law, embrace their religion as they interpret
it, or suffer the consequences due arrogant infidels. We know this because they tell us.
Editor's note:
One of the latest high-profile attacks by the Religion of Peace occurred at Fort Hood, Texas. That
incident is dicusssed on this page.
Major Hasan and
the Quran. Maj. Nidal Hasan's lawyer is considering an insanity plea as a strategy for his
client. That might be the only legal option available to the man accused of the shooting rampage at
Fort Hood. But Nidal Hasan should also consider a religious option: repentance.
"Don't Say We're Violent, Or We'll Kill
You". That has been the message of Islamic extremists on a number of occasions, e.g. the Mohammed
cartoons. An extreme case occurred recently when the proprietor of the web site Religion of Peace
received a death threat from members of the religion of peace.
and the Concept of Reciprocity. The Islamic world does not allow new synagogues or churches
to be built. Either at all — or without great difficulty. Further: Muslim
fundamentalists currently persecute, torture, and murder those Christians who dare remain in the Middle
East, and they kidnap, forcibly convert, and "marry" their very young daughters.
Islam's Defiling of Christmas. Today, while Christians around the world are celebrating Christmas,
radical Muslims will be gathering in Atlanta, Georgia for the beginning of their annual hatefest. The
irony of this cannot be understated, as the group sponsoring the event, ICNA, and its followers openly
denounce Christians and propagate material cursing and calling for violence against Christians.
Islam Bashers Repent.
Claiming "Islam" means "peace" is fraudulent to begin with. Islam is an Arabic word. And the word
for peace in Arabic is "solh," and not Islam. Islam is derived from the root word "taslim," which means
submission or surrender. Hence, Islam's true name, surrender, is in fact most descriptive of what it is:
total, unconditional submission and surrender of the individual and the community to the will and dictates of
Allah as revealed by his "rasool," messenger, Muhammad.
CAIR's Strategy of
Deception: Sharia law covers every minute of every day of a person's life in Islam. Of course there are
many peaceful aspects of Sharia, but as the 17 year old Rifqa Bary and many others have tried to inform people, Sharia
law also has many violent aspects which can no longer be ignored. Sharia law is an all or nothing. A Muslim can't
decide (and be in conformance with Islamic law) that they want to abide by some aspects and ignore other aspects such as
death for apostasy or calling for hatred and violence against Christians and Jews.
Should General George Casey
Resign? [Scroll down] Currently, one of the greatest threats to America is Islamic terrorism. We
must accept that Islam at its core is not a religion of peace; while at the same time, acknowledging that many Muslims
practice their faith in a peaceful way. Many good people in the country and Army call themselves Muslims. So
far as the United States military is concerned it's a matter of allegiance.
Does Islam Breed Violence?
Here is the truth, as bitter as it may be: Islam is the culprit. Islam is anything but a religion
of peace. Violence is at the very core of Islam. Violence is institutionalized in the Muslims'
holy book, the Quran, in many suras...
Qaeda Magazine Encourages "Lone" Wolf Attacks on Western Infrastructure and Public Figures. As
exposed by Reuters, al Qaeda recently called on followers to carry out attacks in (and on) the West. In
its online magazine Sada al-Malahem the terrorist group specifically encouraged Islamists to create homemade
bombs with materials that already exist in their "mother's kitchen."
promises repeat of Fort Hood massacre: report. The Taliban claimed there would be more attacks
like the Fort Hood shootings unless Washington ends it policies in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a report.
It also described the US army psychiatrist who carried out the massacre in Texas as a "hero". the SITE
Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadist websites, said it had picked up a Taliban message praising the
Detroit imam killed in shootout with FBI.
The slain Detroit imam called his followers to violence and wanted to establish a separate Islamic state
within the US, according to a federal complaint.
After Dallas Jihad Terror Plot? Late in September, a Muslim named Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, was
arrested after placing an inert car bomb at a 60-story office tower in downtown Dallas. In March 2009,
according to his indictment in U.S. District Court, Smadi declared his intention to wage war in the name of
Islam. Yet characteristically, if dispiritingly, Muslims in the Dallas area are now expressing fears
of a "backlash," rather than taking the hard steps necessary to make sure there are no more jihad plotters
who are inspired by Islamic teachings, as was Hosam Smadi.
Obama Sets Punt Formation. Under Taliban
rule, strict Sharia law was enforced by thuggish "morality police". The Taliban cut off hands and heads, flogged
people for dancing, kite flying or listening to music. They oppress and beat their women and kill Jews for sport
and Christians just for the [heck] of it. They have vowed to kill other NATO forces in retaliation, the moment we
turn our backs and they would surely lop the heads off of any Afghans who had connections to US or NATO forces.
Is Islam inherently violent? It's
the secret question in official Washington, D.C., in the Pentagon, and in the White House. It's the
question that is so radioactive that most in government and the press dare not even pose it, let alone answer
it: Is Islam inherently violent and expansionist?
The Naiveté of Barack Hussein Obama.
[Scroll down] It wasn't just the applause that was significant -- but the deadly silence
at other statements that the president made. Obama was cheered loudly when he said, "The
United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. This construction
violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. It's time for these
settlements to stop." But the silence was deafening when the president called on the Palestinians
to renounce violence. The references to rockets being fired into Israel and old women being
blown up on buses was met with absolutely no reaction from the audience.
Celebrating Hate in the
Name of Multiculturalism. There is no question that Great Britain has been struggling with an internal
Islamist problem for quite some time. The former imam of London's Finsbury Park Mosque was the one-eyed,
hook-handed Abu Hamza al-Masri, by turns a host to figures as friendly to civilization as Richard Reid, the "Shoe
Bomber," and Zacarias Moussaoui, the "20th hijacker" on 9/11. London's own grim day of domestic terrorism,
July 7, 2005, was orchestrated by the sons of Asian immigrants — one of whom, it was later
disclosed, was under the messianic spell of Hamza.
years after 9/11, where's the Islamophobia? The dust hadn't settled from the trade towers before it was
pronounced from sea to shining sea that Islam was a religion of peace, and that Islamophobia was sure to run rampant
in the streets, a sin we were all warned to guard against. But like global warming, which has as yet failed to
materialize in spite of so much fervent belief in its coming, Islamophobia never actually took root.
The Straight Poop
On Radical Islam. I suspect that because George Bush and Condoleezza Rice were so respectful of Muslims,
constantly telling us that theirs is a religion of peace, some otherwise sensible Americans actually began to believe
it. ... The Islamists have been actively at war with us for 30 years and generally at war with western civilization
for well over a thousand years, and still we pay lip service to these people in a way we never did with Nazi Germany,
Imperial Japan or the Soviet Union.
Muslims Persecute Christians. On
Saturday [8/1/2009], a frenzied mob of three thousand Muslims stormed the tiny Pakistani Christian village of Gojra.
Enflamed by (unconfirmed) charges that a Christian had burned pages of the Qur'an, the mob burned down fifty homes, burned
eight Christians alive, and wounded twenty others. Thousands of Christians fled the area. Last Thursday,
enraged by the same report of blasphemy, another Muslim mob torched seventy-five Christian homes, along with two
churches, in Koriyan, a village near Gojra.
Eight Christians burnt to death in
Pakistan after Koran is 'defiled'. The mob opened fire indiscriminately, threw petrol bombs and looted
houses as thousands of frightened Christians ran for safety. "They were shouting anti-Christian slogans and
attacked our houses," Rafiq Masih, a resident of the predominantly Christian colony, said. Residents said that
police stood aside while the mob went on the rampage. "We kept begging for protection, but police did not take
action," Mr Masih said.
Iran: Not a
Theocracy but a Thugocracy. The mullahs are not insisting that Ahmadinejad stay in power
whether or not he got most of the votes. They are saying — and they are saying not only to
the world, but to the Shiite Moslem citizens of Iran — that Ahmadinejad actually got most of the
votes. In other words, these representatives of pure Islam are lying to other Moslems —
Moslems who are their fellow countrymen — about who won the election. Islam does not only
prohibit lying to other Moslems, it also condemns it. Stealing is savagely punished. The mullahs
are stealing votes. They are lying to those they pretend to protect.
buying children for suicide bombers. Pakistan's top Taliban leader, Baitullah Mehsud, is buying
children as young as 7 to serve as suicide bombers in the growing spate of attacks against Pakistani, Afghan
and U.S. targets, U.S. Defense Department and Pakistani officials say. A Pakistani official, who spoke
on the condition that he not be named because of the sensitive nature of the topic, said the going price for
child bombers was $7,000 to $14,000 — huge sums in Pakistan, where per-capita income is
about $2,600 a year.
new jihadi menu — eat your kill. If anyone ever doubted the West faces sheer insanity
in the fight against the most extreme of the Muslim extremists, consider a discussion that recently erupted on
a jihadist Web site based on the writings of one of al Qaeda's leading theorists. The thrust of the
debate was that Muslim fighters may be justified in cannibalizing U.S. soldiers if they find themselves
with nothing else to eat.
The Price Tag of Modern
Liberalism: For militant Islam, the West is ripe for the plucking. Whether we are dealing with the sly,
insinuating eloquence of Tariq Ramadan, whose project is the gradual permeation of Islamic culture into the center of the
Western public space, or the agonistic declamations of Dyab Abu Jahjah, who defines assimilation as "cultural rape," the
difference is the same: the message is that of Islamic supremacy.
quotes verse 5:32, omits 5:33. The supposedly noble sentiments of the first verse, taken from a Jewish
source, are entirely undercut by the second verse, which becomes a bloodthirsty menacing by Muhammad of the Jews.
(And as an aside the Muslim sources estimate Muhammad killed 24,000 Jews in his jihad campaigns against them). Far
from abjuring violence, these verses aggressively insist that any who oppose the Muslim prophet will be killed, or
crucified, mutilated, and banished.
If Islam is the Religion of Peace, Why
Do They Have to Keep Reminding Us? When we read the headline in a May 21st New York
Times story — "4 Accused of Bombing Plot at Bronx Synagogues" — it was ho-hum
stuff. It wasn't exactly a revelation when The Times informed us, in the 9th paragraph, "They are
all Muslims, a law enforcement official said" — just in case you thought the conspiracy involved
Episcopalians, Rotarians or the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. If you hear about a hijacking,
suicide bombing, sniper attack or the beheading of a hostage anywhere in the world, your first reaction is:
a Muslim did it. Why? Because 9 times out of 10 a Muslim did do it.
Somalis watch double amputations.
Hardline Islamists in Somalia have carried out double amputations on four men for stealing phones and guns.
They have each had a hand and foot cut off after being convicted by a Sharia court in the capital earlier this
Let's All Accept Islam.
When Muslims start protesting the murders and indecencies performed in the name of Islam then I will accept them. We
are told that the people who do these acts are a small minority of Muslims. So where are the protests, where are the
books, where are the articles, where is the Islamic Pete Seeger? If Islam is really a religion of peace, then start
showing it. We have been waiting for it and the memories I have are of Muslims out partying after the Twin Towers
went down. Mr. Obama, it is nice that you want us to accept Islam, but would you have asked us to accept Nazism
or Communism with their mass murders and mistreatment of people?
Throws Muslim Women Under the Bus. Let's face it: The Islamic face-veil and headscarf have become
symbols of "jihad" and Islamic religious apartheid or intolerance in the West. And, it is spooky, even frightening
to see women, (or are they men?), face-veiled or wearing full-body shrouds. Masked people, hooded people, have cut
themselves off from human contact; they can see you, but you can't see them. You cannot see their expressions in
response to what you are saying. I would not want to appear before a masked judge, study with a masked teacher,
hire a masked lawyer, etc. Would you?
Media Takes Whitewashing
of Islam to a Whole New Level. [Scroll down] The butchering of Theo van Gogh, and the current lifestyles
of people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders, Robert Redeker, and Fianna Nirenstein — who must be accompanied
everywhere they go by armed bodyguards — show that some of Islam's critics have to go to a good deal of trouble
to stay alive.
Misunderstanding Islam? It is an
unquestioned dogma of American policymakers and the mainstream media that Islamic jihadists have twisted and hijacked
the authentic, peaceful teachings of Islam, and are motivated not by Islamic imperatives but by poverty exacerbated by
ignorance and other factors. Yet from the words of the Islamic jihadists themselves, one gets just the opposite
impression: recent statements by a variety of Islamic jihadists reinforce the fact that jihadists gain recruits
and justify their actions within the larger Islamic community by claiming for themselves the mantle of Islamic
History of Muslim Terrorism against Jews in the United States . The arrest yesterday [5/20/2009] of four
would-be jihadis before they could attack two synagogues in New York City brings to mind a long list of
terrorist assaults in the United States by Muslims on Jews. These began in 1977 and have continued
regularly since...
Security vs. liberty. Putting furry caterpillars
in terrorists' cells doesn't rank very high on the list of history's greatest war crimes. The idea that use of
waterboarding increases the vulnerability of our troops who might be captured is even sillier. The kind of
people who ram airliners into skyscrapers to kill thousands of innocent civilians and who behead hostages on video
don't need additional excuses to torture infidels. They do it for fun.
The Myth of the Moderate
Taliban. Primitive, with no history of accommodation except with other dangerous radicals, consumed
with hatred of moderate and pluralistic Muslims as well as the West, and reaching for Pakistan's nuke -- the
Taliban may bring about the worst chapter of atrocities in recent Islamic history.
Islamist Hate
Exposed By Traditional Values Coalition. The Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA) in Fairfax, Va. went before
the local planning commission Wednesday night to seek an expansion of their controversial
and secretive school funded and controlled by the Saudi government. A large group of residents near the school
asked the Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) for help in organizing and strategizing against the expansion, which
has seen raids by local police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and used anti-Christian, anti-Semitic
and anti-American textbooks.
Schoolgirls Poison-Gassed in Afghanistan and Honor-Murdered in
Sweden. Yesterday [5/12/2009] in Charikar, Afghanistan, for the second time in two weeks,
50 innocent schoolgirls were poison-gassed at school and had to be hospitalized. ... Such attacks on Afghan
girls schools have escalated within the past year. However, this barbaric, Taliban mentality is alive
and well among some Afghan immigrants in the West.
beaten after clashing with Muslims on his TV show. A Christian minister who has had heated
arguments with Muslims on his TV Gospel show has been brutally attacked by three men who ripped off his cross
and warned: 'If you go back to the studio, we'll break your legs.'
Gang walk free
after racist rampage. A gang who screamed racist abuse as they went on a violent rampage through
Southampton city centre have escaped immediate jail terms. Seven men were part of the group who left
bystanders unconscious and bleeding. They assaulted seven people during their drink and drug fuelled
attacks, yet only one was jailed for drug offences. One even waved a knife in the face of two terrified women
shouting: "I'm from Afghanistan, I'm a Muslim. I'm going to stab every white person."
Jihadists celebrating Victoria fires; taking joy in
the scenes. Jihadists are celebrating the worst tragedy in Victoria's history. Terror watchdogs said
fundamentalists had blogged on websites across the globe, applauding the lives lost and destruction in the Victoria fires.
Senior analyst at SITE Intelligence Group Adam Raisman said they were posting pictures of burnt homes and devastated victims
and "taking joy in the scenes", the Sunday Herald Sun reports.
Camera-Ready Victims.
Hamas has perfected a kind of camera-ready human sacrifice — placing its launchers in playgrounds, hospitals,
and neighborhoods crowded with mothers and children. Every innocent human life lost is a tragedy and a
horror. But to watch the news in Brussels or Boston and certainly in Islamabad or Caracas, you will get the
distorted impression that the Palestinian plight is the worst on earth — an impression that is reinforced almost
daily by the United Nations.
Is Islam a Violent Faith? There are more than
one billion Muslims around the world, and I'm one of them. We are told that the Koran is the "word of God". When
you read the Koran, however, — which over 90% of all Muslims have never read, according to a survey by Bielefeld
University in Germany, and if they ever do, either they do not understand its archaic language, or they do not ponder on
what it says — you find out that it is full of passages that incite to hatred, killing, and discriminate against
Land Of The Free
Speakers. Salman Rushdie was our canary in the coal mine: He first felt the effects of suffocating
gasses that would start to envelope (sic) us all. Rushdie's fourth novel, The Satanic Verses, published in
late 1988 when he was living in Britain, was seen as blasphemous by some Muslims. Feb. 14 will mark
20 years since Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini sent the author a bloody Valentine, issuing a religious decree calling
for his death. ... Two decades later I'm struck by how encroaching this story has become.
Preserving 'Harmony' for
Islamic Radicals. [Geert] Wilders is a lightning rod. In the great tradition of the Enlightenment, and
to the consternation of post-sovereign Europe, he faithfully reports what his senses perceive. When he studies the
Koran, he finds exhortations to violence. When he reads Allah's command in Sura 9:5 that "when the sacred months
have passed," Muslims must "slay the idolaters wherever ye find them," he entertains the outlandish idea that this means
what it plainly says, and is understood by many Muslims as doing so.
Muslim Fanatics
Hijack British Prison. Muslim prisoners have launched a reign of terror inside a top security
British jail. The fanatics are forcing fellow inmates to convert to Islam or face punishment beatings.
One man who stood up to the thugs was branded with a lump of hot metal, according to a prison source. The
crisis at Whitemoor jail in Cambridgeshire has led to calls by staff for the 100 Muslim inmates there to
be dispersed to other prisons round the country.
Five Big Lies Muslims Tell: (#4) They
proclaim that Islam is a religion of peace, when Islam was established by the edge of the sword; when Muslims
are involved in almost every war on the planet; and when Muslims introduced terrorism as we know it today to
the world, and are responsible for almost all terrorist attacks in the world.
You Must Remember This.
"We are in the process of an historical war between the World of Arrogance and the Islamic world," Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad has declared, "and this war has been going on for hundreds of years." "We are not fighting so that you
will offer us something," said Hussein Massawi, a former leader of Hezbollah. "We are fighting to eliminate you."
"Rome will become an advanced post for the Islamic conquests, which will spread though Europe in its entirety, and then will
turn to the two Americas, even Eastern Europe," Yunis al-Astal, a Muslim cleric and Hamas parliamentarian has pledged.
Barack Obama and Slavery:
Islam's connection with slavery starts with Mohammed. The exact details of how slaves are taken are described
in detail in the Sira, Mohammed's biography. ... Everything he did is the perfect pattern of behavior for all
Muslims. Mohammed was involved in every single aspect and detail of slavery. He bought and sold
slaves both retail and wholesale. He gave them as gifts, used them for sex, received them as gifts,
stood by as slaves were beaten, attacked. He enslaved tribes, and owned black slaves. Indeed, his
rise to political success was financed, in part, by the profit of his slave trade.
Are Muslims really turning
against the cult of the suicide bomber? [Scroll down] So will Osama be feeling the
squeeze of moderate Muslim opinion? Will he and other Islamist leaders be holding policy review and
consider abandoning suicide-bombing campaigns? Or, given the evidence of 1400-year long aggression
against non-Muslims, does the media's sense of hope tell us more about the on-going denial of the Western
mindset when it comes to the Jihadist concept of 'perpetual war'?
The Decline and Fall of Islam: Islam
has literally been at war with all other religions since its inception. It looks at the world as being
divided between Islam and the world of the infidel, the unbeliever, the world of war. … Mohammed said, "The
sword is the key to Heaven and Hell." By contrast, six hundred years earlier, Jesus said, "He who lives
by the sword shall perish by the sword."
aid worker shot dead in Afghanistan for 'preaching Christianity'. Gayle Williams, who had been
in the troubled country for three years, was killed by two gunmen on a motorcycle as she walked to work in
the capital of Kabul. She recently moved from Kandahar back to Kabul because it was seen as safer.
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the shooting, which took place at 8am local time.
Saudi OKs Killing "Immoral" TV
Execs. Saudi Arabia's top judiciary official has issued a religious decree saying it is permissible to
kill the owners of satellite TV networks that broadcast immoral content. The 79-year-old Sheik Saleh al-Lihedan
said Thursday that satellite channels cause the "deviance of thousands of people."
One third of Muslim students back
killings. Almost a third of British Muslim students believe killing in the name of Islam can
be justified, according to a poll. The study also found that two in five Muslims at university support
the incorporation of Islamic sharia codes into British law.
group urges forest fire jihad. Australia has been singled out as a target for "forest jihad" by
a group of Islamic extremists urging Muslims to deliberately light bushfires as a weapon of terror. US
intelligence channels earlier this year identified a website calling on Muslims in Australia, the US, Europe
and Russia to "start forest fires", claiming "scholars have justified chopping down and burning the infidels'
forests when they do the same to our lands".
'Bugs Bunny' programme 'spreads extremism'. An Islamic television station is using a Bugs
Bunny lookalike in a programme for children, who vote whether to chop off his hands when he breaches Sharia
law. Assud the rabbit vows to "kill and eat Jews" and glorifies the maiming of "infidels" on the
Palestinian children's show Tomorrow's Pioneers.
Dalai Lama defends Islam as
peaceful religion. The Dalai Lama said Sunday that "it's totally wrong, unfair" to call Islam a violent
religion. The Tibetan spiritual leader, appearing at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, offered a defense of Islam in
response to a question about the rise of violent religious fundamentalism. He added that he has made a point of
reaching out to Muslims since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
The Editor says...
As far as I know, there's only one religion that is known for "violent religious fundamentalism," and
that is Islam. Baptists and Catholics don't hijack planes and fly them into office buildings. Lutherans
and Presbyterians don't make people nervous at the airport.
Suicide bombers follow Quran,
concludes Pentagon briefing. With suicide bombings spreading from Iraq to Afghanistan, the
Pentagon has tasked intelligence analysts to pinpoint what's driving Muslim after Muslim to do the
unthinkable. Their preliminary finding is politically explosive: it's their "holy book"
the Quran after all.
Love, blackmail and
rape — how al-Qaeda grooms women as 'perfect weapons'. A woman pretending to be
pregnant walks up to a hospital in one of Iraq's most dangerous regions and blows herself up. Minutes
later a man, also laden with explosives, attacks the rescue workers who rushed to the scene in Diyala
province, north of Baghdad. Thirty-two people are killed and 52 wounded.
Islam's Barbarism is no 'Religion of Peace'.
The savages who practice radical Islam continue their march down the road of seventh century barbarism.
No other religion in the modern world is so vile, so hate-filled, so violently aggressive in the pursuit of its
goals. In Indonesia, the world's largest Islamic state, three Christian teenage girls walking home from
school were abducted and beheaded as "Ramadan trophies" by militants who conceived the idea after a visit with
fellow jihadists in the Philippines.
Liberalism and Perversion: Only Islamic clerics sanction the murder of women who
have been raped. Only Islamic clerics issue murderous fatwas, celebrate murder of artists,
and mobilize sword-wielding men to demand death for a female teacher who allowed children to name
a teddy bear 'Mohammed'. Only Islam proudly exhibits videos of throat-cutters torturing helpless
Islam is intrinsically violent,
says convert. Italian editor and critic of Islamic extremism Magdi Allam, who converted to Catholicism from
Islam and was baptised by Pope Benedict XVI, today branded his former faith as intrinsically violent. "I had to
do this (abandon Islam)", Allam wrote in a long letter to the Italian daily Corriere della Sera. "Beyond the
phenomenon of extremists and Islamist terrorism at the global level, the root of evil is inherent to a physiologically
violent and historically conflictual Islam," wrote the Egyptian-born journalist, who says he has received death threats
and is under police protection.
books justify violence. Textbooks at a private Islamic school in Northern Virginia teach students
that it is permissible for Muslims to kill adulterers and converts from Islam, according to a federal investigation
released Wednesday [6/11/2008]. Other passages in the school's textbooks state that "the Jews conspired
against Islam and its people" and that Muslims are permitted to take the lives and property of those deemed
Bomber who struck Canadian troops was 11 years
old, military sources say. Military sources say a bomb that wounded two Canadian soldiers near Kandahar on
Friday [5/16/2008] was carried by an 11-year-old boy and was detonated by remote control, killing the boy. The two
Canadian soldiers were not badly hurt, but the blast also struck two Afghan soldiers patrolling with them, one of whom
later died.
Terrorists attack Mumbai, November 26, 2008.
Clues point to domestic
terrorists in India attack. The attack on India's financial capital bears all the trademarks of
al-Qaida — simultaneous assaults meant to kill scores of Westerners in iconic buildings — but
clues so far point to homegrown Indian terrorists, global intelligence officials said Thursday.
They came to kill and
maim. At 9:30 pm on Wednesday Parizaad Khan had just picked up her first
drink — a fruit juice — at a wedding reception in the Crystal Room on the third floor of the
century-old Taj Mahal Palace hotel. For several minutes the partygoers, a mixture of Indians and foreigners,
thought that the bangs outside were fireworks.
Mumbai attacks.
Uncertainty is a key weapon in the armoury of Islamic fundamentalist terror. As investigators, experts and analysts
grope for the truth, someone somewhere is taking satisfaction from the horrified confusion the Mumbai attacks have caused.
The Mayhem in Mumbai. The attacks targeted the heart of
India's financial district, but the shock waves were felt around the globe.
Cruel barbarity against us
all. The slaughter in Mumbai was a barbaric attack not just on India, but on us. On the West.
For the first time in India, Muslim terrorists have singled out Westerners and Jews, and the places they are most
likely to visit.
Wake-up Call in
India. I think the terrible news from India, coupled with intelligence reports of the al-Qaeda desire to
do something similar here, may well prompt Obama et al. to think very carefully about repealing the FISA accords,
elements of the Patriot Act, immediately closing Guantanamo, and other homeland-security measures.
Indian official:
Terrorists wanted to kill 5,000. An Indian official said the coordinated terrorist attacks that killed at
least 183 people in nine sites across Mumbai this week could have been much worse. "We found bullets with them,
hand grenades, bombs," R.R. Patil, deputy chief minister of Maharashtra state, said at a news conference.
"Based on our investigation, we believe they had planned to kill 5,000 people."
Mumbai sea attack alert
came November 19. The most brazen and longest terror attack on India has left several red faces in the
government with facts emerging that not only was there advance intelligence about this attack but even the time to
have possibly thwarted it. But what happened, instead, was a case of competitive mistrust in the entire
security establishment leading to a catastrophic misjudgement.
Mumbai terrorists planned to kill 5,000, minister says.
Terrorists who attacked Mumbai this week planned to kill 5,000 people, a senior minister said Saturday,
according to a news agency report. 'So much of ammunition was found in their possession that it is
evident that they had plans to kill 5,000 people,' said Maharashtra state Home Minister RR Patil, quoted
by the PTI news agency.
entered dark hotel filled with bodies, gunfire. Inside the blacked-out Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, hallways
were littered with bloodied bodies. Terrorists were still holding 200 people 33 hours after the assault
began. Knowing next to nothing about what they might encounter in the dark recesses of the hotel, Indian Army
commandos decided to go back in -- and were met by terrorists firing mercilessly, throwing grenades and
continuously switching positions.
The Religion of Peace Strikes Again. The
attacks in Mumbai, India are the latest in the 1,400 year history of Islam and yet people continue to express surprise
that the alleged religion of peace could harbor so many cold-blooded killers of innocent people. Since 9/11,
Muslims have carried out more than 11,000 attacks all in the name of Islam and Muhammad. Americans got a taste
of it when 3,000 of their own were mercilessly killed without warning and, I might add, without any better reason
than Muhammad's call to "wage war against such of the infidels as are your neighbors."
Armed police would not fire back. [Scroll down] But
what angered Mr D'Souza almost as much were the masses of armed police hiding in the area who simply refused
to shoot back. "There were armed policemen hiding all around the station but none of them did anything,"
he said. "At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons. I said, 'Shoot them,
they're sitting ducks!' but they just didn't shoot back."
Spread Of Nihilism's Bloody Stain. The terrorist assault on Mumbai is the latest clash between civilization
and nihilism. From the Somali pirates to the Taliban, this is what the world would be like without America.
was told to kill to my last breath': Captured terrorist's account. The only terrorist captured alive after
the Mumbai massacre has given police the first full account of the extraordinary events that led to it -- revealing
he was ordered to 'kill until the last breath'. Azam Amir Kasab, 21, from Pakistan, said the attacks were
meticulously planned six months ago and were intended to kill 5,000 people.
New India in the
Crosshairs. Mumbai had been bit in 1993, in car bombs placed at public landmarks (the toll:
257 dead), and in 2006, in bombs targeting the city's commuter trains (183 dead). In the main,
these acts of terror victimized ordinary Indians. ... They shot up the Leopold Cafe, a restaurant where foreigners
enjoy the cheap beer and food, and held hostages at two luxury hotels, the Taj Mahal and the Oberoi. They
searched out Americans and Brits in particular. Together with their attack on a Jewish community center,
this meant that they had taken aim at each element of the jihadist's unholy trinity of Americans, Brits, and
Jews -- symbols to them of unapologetic Western power and its Zionist spawn.
The War Against
Civilisation. The atrocities in Mumbai have left reporters and commentators floundering for
explanations. ... They are floundering because they still just don't get it. The atrocities
demonstrated with crystal clarity what the Islamist war is all about -- and the western commentariat
didn't understand because it simply refuses to acknowledge, even now, what that war actually is. It
does not arise from particular grievances. It is not rooted in 'despair' over Palestine. It
is not a reaction to the war in Iraq. It is a war waged in the name of Islam against America, Britain,
Hindus, Jews and all who refuse to submit to Islamic conquest.
attacks: Jihadists see "invasion" as a triumph. In India, some already call it the "Invasion of Bombay" and
their country's 9/11 moment. This is no exaggeration. For, although the deadly raids on India's economic
capital did not claim as many lives as 9/11 did in New York, the psychological impact is likely to be as potent.
Religious head incited
killers. The al-Qa'ida-linked Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists suspected over the Mumbai massacre were
trained in Muzaffarabad, capital of Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, and were incited by speeches from their leader
in Lahore. As the sole surviving terrorist was interrogated in Mumbai, security sources told The Australian
that 10 terrorists were picked by LET for the suicide mission.
Islamic fundamentalists,
again. Azam Amir Kasab, 21, from Pakistan, the only terrorist to survive, told India police, these
attacks were planned six months ago and were intended to kill 5,000 people. This poor excuse for a human being
told authorities "I did right" in referring to the rampage of death he and his terror colleagues committed.
It Took
Sixty Hours To Kill 10 Terrorists In Mumbai. Ten terrorists, who, according to the findings of the
investigation, arrived by rubber raft at the shore of Mumbai carrying machine guns, grenades and dry rations in
their luggage, succeeded — almost inconceivably — in keeping almost 1,000 commando troops
and counterterror units occupied for three days, in several areas.
How Gadgets Helped Mumbai Attackers:
The Mumbai terrorists used an array of commercial technologies — from Blackberries to GPS navigators to
anonymous e-mail accounts — to pull off their heinous attacks. For years, terrorists and insurgents
around the world have used off-the-shelf hardware and software to stay ahead of bigger, better-funded authorities.
Worst Terror Attacks
Since 9/11. Last week's tragic and deadly terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, serve, sadly, as just
the most recent reminder of the impact global terrorism has had on every continent and nation around the world.
While the face of terror often carries a different banner and agenda, the symbolic, emotional and fatal impact
it can have on a civilian population is undeniable.
From Mumbai to Minneapolis, Why it Will Happen
Here. I hope everyone takes a really deep, hard look at what happened last week in Mumbai, India, and at the
terrorists who perpetrated the attack. And I hope this is done quickly, with a high degree of intellectual honesty
and without the encumbrance of political correctness. The safety of every American, Canadian, Australian, and all
Westerners, in fact depends on it, as does the security of our respective nations.
Devils in
Mumbai. As few as 10 terrorists armed with simple weapons tormented one of the world's most vibrant cities
for three days, inflicting 500 casualties — nearly 200 of them dead. No commandeered airliners were
involved; no massive bombs, no radioactive material. All it took was one squad of committed-unto-death terrorists
with assault rifles, grenades and a few rucksacks filled with explosives.
Probing of Doomsday. The
Islamic imperialist project is a totalitarian ideology: It is at war with Hindus, Jews, Americans,
Britons — everything that is other. In the 10 months before this week's atrocity, Muslim terrorists
killed more than 200 people in India and no one paid much attention. Just business as usual, alas. In
Bombay, the perpetrators were cannier. They launched a multiple indiscriminate assault on soft targets, and then in
the confusion began singling out A-list prey: Not just wealthy Western tourists, but local orthodox Jews and
municipal law enforcement.
terrorists were 'funded by cash raised in UK mosques'. A banned Islamic terrorist group
funded with cash raised in British mosques is believed to be behind the Mumbai attacks. Kashmiri
separatists Lashkar-e-Taiba, 'The Army of the Righteous', which has strong links to Al Qaeda, is
accused of previous terrorist outrages in India. And intercepted telephone and radio communications
before and during the latest attacks apparently suggest a link.
Off the Table.
Islam was born as a religion spread through violence. There is a direct line from the prophet Muhammad to today's
Islamic terrorists, whose latest deadly attacks wreaked havoc in Mumbai, India. ... Islamic terrorists always have some
kind of excuse for their wanton killings. Usually it starts with the Jews, whom the religious fanatics believe are
responsible for every ill befalling Muslims everywhere and thus deserve to die. It was no surprise that a Jewish
center in Mumbai was among the prime terrorist targets, with deadly consequences to a rabbi, his wife and other Jews.
Whose side are they on? We thought we were safe... then CNN stepped in! A South
Wales couple caught in the Mumbai terror attacks claimed last night that CNN put their lives at risk by
broadcasting where they were. Lynne and Kenneth Shaw, of Penarth, warned that terrorists were listening
in to the media to pinpoint Western victims. Mrs Shaw claimed the American cable TV channel had
broadcast details of where they were at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel.
Mumbai Massacre:
Everyone's Fault? The Islamic terrorists keep telling us that their barbaric massacres and homicide bombings
are being done in the name of Islam. Muslim organizations keep insisting that Islam is a religion of peace. Even
as civilian blood cries out for justice, or for security, the intelligentsia warn us that Muslims and Islam are not the
problem, that American foreign policy and Zionism are the real problem. The Western mainstream media refuse to take
the barbarians at their word lest they be accused of "racism" or "Islamophobia."
Asia's Islamism engine.
Following the terror massacres in Mumbai, Pakistan may now be the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism, beyond even
Iran. Yet it has never been listed by the US State Department as a state sponsor ofterrorism. In 1998, according
to the 9/11 Commission Report, the State Department's counter-terrorism co-ordinator recommended listing Pakistan as a
state sponsor of terrorism. Then [Clinton's] secretary of state Madeleine Albright decided against it, saying it would destroy
US influence in Islamabad. And that has been the dilemma of Western policy towards Pakistan ever since.
Pakistan 'charity' under suspicion in Mumbai terrorist
attacks. Pakistan's pledge to crack down on militants behind the Mumbai attacks may meet an early test
with the Islamist "charity" accused by the United States of being the front group for the prime suspects. Washington
and India view Jamaat-ud-Dawa as the successor to Lashkar-e-Taiba, the militant organization that India says trained the
10 gunmen who killed 171 people in India's commercial capital last week.
'charity' that plotted the Mumbai attacks. Wriggling under the illumination of media scrutiny
after accusations of its involvement in the slaughter in Mumbai, Jamaat-ud-Dawa's response last week was a
workmanlike PR counter-move. Journalists were taken on a guided tour of the organisation's headquarters,
30 miles from Lahore, where a civilised lunch of spiced chicken and rice accompanied declarations of
innocence, condemnation of the terrorist attack and claims to be nothing more than a charity group involved
in relief work. Terrorists? Not us, guv.
Strict Indian Gun Law Aided
Mumbai Terrorists in Attack. India's strict gun laws are partly to blame for the success of
the terrorist attack in Mumbai, according to the head of an Indian gun rights group and a U.S. expert who
has examined the impact of gun laws on crime and terrorism.
Investigators find Mumbai
link. Pakistani investigators have unearthed substantive links between the gunmen who attacked
Mumbai in November and a banned Pakistani Islamist militant group, the Wall Street Journal reported. Ten
gunmen killed 179 people in the attack on India's financial hub that India has blamed on the
Pakistan-based Islamist group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) group.
The Twenty
Biggest Stories Of 2008: (#15) The Mumbai terrorist attacks: Terrorists launched coordinated
attacks all across Mumbai, including at the Taj Mahal. During the attacks, which lasted for more than three
days, 170 people were killed. It actually sounds like something you'd see at the movies, except
there was no Indian Chuck Norris to swoop in and save the day.
Handlers on phone ordered Mumbai
gunmen to kill. "Keep your phone switched on," a handler instructs a gunman by phone in the midst
of the Mumbai siege, "so that we can hear the gunfire." The ruthless commands come from a transcript of
phone calls Indian authorities say they intercepted during the attacks in November. India says the men
issuing orders, reprimands and encouragement to the young gunmen were Pakistani-based militants directing the
attacks by mobile phone.
Muslim-only "No-go" zones
warns of no-go zones for non-Muslims. Islamic extremists have created "no-go" areas across Britain
where it is too dangerous for non-Muslims to enter, one of the Church of England's most senior bishops warns
today. The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester and the Church's only Asian bishop, says that
people of a different race or faith face physical attack if they live or work in communities dominated by a
strict Muslim ideology.
Threats to 'no-go areas'
bishop. A bishop who claimed Islamic extremism has turned some communities into
no-go areas for non-Muslims has received threats against himself and his family. The
Bishop of Rochester, the Right Reverend Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, said last month non-Muslims may
find it hard to live or work in some areas. Now he says he has received threats which
have been reported to police.
can't preach the Bible here, this is a Muslim area. Two Christian preachers were stopped from handing out Bible
extracts by police because they were in a Muslim area, it was claimed yesterday. They say they were told by a Muslim
police community support officer that they could not preach there and that attempting to convert Muslims to Christianity
was a hate crime.
A Muslim
Hate Crime is in Your Future. Two Christian preachers were stopped from handing out Bible
tracts by police officers because they were in a Muslim neighborhood in England. According to British
news reports, the preachers were told by a Muslim community support police officer in Birmingham that
attempting to convert Muslims to Christianity is a hate crime. They were warned that if they came
back and were beaten up, it would be their fault, not that of the thugs who beat them.
Report: Non-Muslims Deserve to Be Punished.
A report posted on Islam Watch, a site run by Muslims who oppose intolerant teachings and hatred for
unbelievers, exposes a prominent Islamic cleric and lawyer who support extreme punishment for
non-Muslims — including killing and rape.
Either Allah isn't on their
side, or jihadis are just plain useless. So it may well be that the fundamentalists have resorted to that
brave and noble tactic of sending the mentally impaired or deeply troubled off to do their dirty work, lacking the resolve
and commitment to do so themselves. Al-Qaeda, you may remember, strapped explosives to two women suffering from Down's
syndrome and sent them to a market in downtown Baghdad where these walking bombs were detonated remotely, wiping them out
together with 91 other people.
were trained as suicide bombers, Iraqi army says. The Iraqi military on Monday displayed a group
of weeping teenagers who said they had been forced into training for suicide bombings by a Saudi militant in
the last urban stronghold of "al-Qaida in Iraq." Four of the six boys were lined up for the media at
police headquarters in the northern city of Mosul, where they said they had been training for a month to
start suicide operations in early June.
84% of PA Arabs Support Massacre of Jews.
The vast majority of PA Arabs support the terror attack on Jerusalem's Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva in which eight
students were executed earlier this month, according to a new poll cited in the New York Times on Wednesday.
According to the poll, 84 percent of those surveyed "stood behind" the shooting attack. In addition,
64% supported the firing of Kassam rockets at Negev towns.
Morbid Celebrations:
Palestinians revel in violence. The streets of Gaza were packed with thousands of joyous revelers on Thursday
following the terrorist attack at a Jerusalem rabbinical seminary that killed eight people. In mosques throughout
Gaza, according to news reports, many residents went to perform the prayers of thanksgiving. Armed men fired machine
gun bursts into the air in celebration. Others passed out candies to random passersby on the streets. This is
not the first time that large numbers of Palestinians have celebrated bloodshed.
A World of Peace — A World Without Militant
Islam. Imagine, dear friends, for a moment, the following scenario. Picture a Christian man walking into
a Hindu school and opening fire on students as they were learning their holy books. Then imagine that, not only had he
murdered eight young students and wounded more than 30, but just try to visualize groups of Christians breaking out in song
and dance to celebrate this "brave victory." Let's call a spade a spade here, folks, before this thing comes to haunt
all of us across Mother Earth. Yes, it is utterly impossible to do so in the civilized world.
The War and the Home Front: Were there any doubt that the
global war between the West and the Islamist extremist terrorist enemy rages on, the events of yesterday [3/7/2008] should
put it to rest. A Palestinian Arab gunman from eastern Jerusalem shot and killed eight Jewish students —
young men studying the Torah — in an exceptionally barbaric attack on an Israeli religious school. The
massacre that was greeted with cheers and prayers of thanksgiving in Gaza.
Islamists leave Israel no
choice. The attack yesterday in Jerusalem on a Jewish religious school in which eight civilians died
disclosed important political trends. It showed once more the depths of the divisions within the Palestinian
leadership. The Palestinian Authority, under its President Mahmoud Abbas, condemned the attack. On the
other hand, Hamas, the Palestinian leadership in the Gaza Strip, praised the attack and Gazan civilians danced in
the streets with joy.
Palestinian Militants Hail Massacre at Jerusalem
Seminary. Hamas Islamists have claimed responsibility for a Jerusalem shooting attack at a Jewish religious
school that killed eight people, Reuters reports. Hamas militants cheered over the deadly shooting as thousands of
Palestinians took to the streets of Gaza to celebrate Thursday [3/6/2008] amid recent armed conflicts in the
Hamas-controlled strip.
Islam: Not Just
Another Religion. This campaign season, presidential candidates seem intent on battling each other
with a war of words over universal healthcare, tax reform, immigration, the war in Iraq, the economy and Biblical
literalism. Yet, they have spent few words on and have literally ignored the greatest threat to America
and Western civilization since the Cold War: the global jihad.
Afghan Radio Station Attacked for Being
Un-Islamic; 2 Poppy Police Killed. Arsonists set fire Friday to a radio station near Kabul
accused of being un-Islamic, and two poppy eradication policemen were killed in Afghanistan's southwest,
officials said. Four gunmen broke into the offices of Radio Zafar before dawn, tied up two security
guards and then set the station's equipment ablaze, said Paghman district police chief Abdul Razaq.
man set on fire in East London 'for dating Muslim girl'. Police were appealing for witnesses
today following the attempted murder of a man who was doused in petrol and set on fire in east London.
The 20-year-old, who is fighting for his life in hospital, was torched as he sat in his car in Forest Gate.
It is believed the Hindi victim, who suffered 65 percent burns in the attack, was targeted because he was
dating a Muslim girlfriend.
Workers kill Hindu
colleague for 'blasphemy'. Dozens of Muslim workers at a factory in Karachi beat to death a
Hindu colleague on Tuesday [4/8/2008] for alleged blasphemy, officials said. Jagdish Kumar, 25, was
tortured and killed at the garments factory after a debate on religion became heated, police and hospital
officials said.
Al Qaeda's Dentist: London
dentist Sohail Qureshi told the police he was just off to celebrate the Muslim festival of Eid with his family
in Pakistan. But instead of dental floss and fluoride, Qureshi, 30, tried to board a plane at Heathrow
Airport with $18,000 in cash, a night vision scope, two metal batons, terror handbooks, extremist material,
military information on CDs and medical supplies.
of Death: Zahra Maladan is an educated woman who edits a women's magazine in Lebanon. She
is also a mother, who undoubtedly loves her son. She has ambitions for him, but they are different from
those of most mothers in the West. She wants her son to become a suicide bomber.
Man Butchers 15-Month-Old
Nephew in Jeddah Supermarket. Early morning shoppers at a supermarket in Jeddah were left reeling
yesterday [3/2/2008], with some falling unconscious, after a well-built Syrian man clinched a knife and
decapitated his 15-month-old nephew in front of his mother in the store's fruit and vegetable section.
daughter in hiding after her conversion to Christianity sparked death threats. The daughter of a
British imam is living under police protection after receiving death threats from her father for converting to
Christianity. The 31-year-old, whose father is the leader of a mosque in Lancashire, has moved house an
astonishing 45 times after relatives pledged to hunt her down and kill her.
Kids used as decoys
in car bomb, U.S. says. Insurgents detonated a car bomb with two children in it after using the
children as decoys to get through a military checkpoint in Baghdad, a U.S. general said Tuesday. Speaking
at a Pentagon briefing, Maj. Gen. Michael Barbaro, an official with the Pentagon's Joint Staff, said U.S.
soldiers had stopped the car at the checkpoint but had allowed it to pass after seeing the two children
in the back seat.
News crew confronted at school.
In an attempt to report about the new findings from the Department of Education Monday, 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS went
to Tarik ibn Zayad Academy in Inver Grove Heights. While on school grounds, our crew was confronted by school
officials. Our photographer was injured while wrestling with the two men over the camera. Tarik
ibn Zayad Academy, which focuses on Middle Eastern culture and shares a mosque with the Muslim American
Society of Minnesota, came under fire after a teacher alleged that the school was offering religious
instruction in Islam to its students.
Boy killed for teaching English.
Taliban militants have shot dead a teenage boy for teaching English in eastern Afghanistan, while several
Taliban were killed and seven detained in a clash with coalition forces, officials said on Thursday [11/15/2007].
Man held for 'honour
killing'. A 33-year-old Jordanian has been charged with premeditated murder after his
divorcee sister was strangled in an apparent new "honour killing", a security source said on Friday
Muslims jailed for killing
Christians. Six Islamic militants were sentenced to up to 19 years in prison Monday
[12/3/2007] for terrorist acts in eastern Indonesia that include beheading three Christian schoolgirls
and shooting to death a priest.
Children who died in strike on
madrassa were shields, say coalition. Seven children were killed in an airstrike on a religious
school in eastern Afghanistan, the US-led coalition said yesterday. It said that the building was
believed to house al-Qaeda fighters and accused the terrorists of using children as human shields.
this! I no longer accept that we are only at war with Islamic fascists or Islamic
fundamentalists or whatever the heck we're calling them this week. I believe that we in the West are at
war with Islam, period. I have heard any number of politicians, up to and including President Bush, claim,
contrary to all reason and evidence, that Islam is a religion of peace. If you buy that load of
malarkey, I've got a Brooklyn mosque I'd like to sell you.
There is
no defence against these children of death. We are deep inside intelligence headquarters in
Kabul. On the faded sofa opposite is an extraordinary new weapon — a 17-year-old Pakistani
peasant boy called Farman Ullah. He is the world's first remotely detonated human bomb.
Authority Cartoon Prays That Allah Will Kill Americans. A cartoon published Tuesday [10/9/2007]
in an official Palestinian Authority newspaper shows a Muslim man calling on Allah to kill Americans, said a
group that monitors Palestinian media. Palestinian Media Watch, an independent research group, said the
cartoon shows the Muslim man kneeling before a U.S. fighter jet. His prayers are enclosed in four
missiles aimed at the American plane.
The dangers of
tolerance. In the same week Farzana Hassan was threatened with death, Quebec's chief electoral
officer said Muslim women who wear the niqab would not have to show their faces to confirm their identities at
the ballot box. So, what do those two disparate events have in common? Hassan sees such "concessions"
to fundamentalist factions of Islam as fuel that emboldens those who endanger her life, her freedom and that of
other women.
religion of peace — at gunpoint. You need a scorecard to keep up with all the region's
disaffected. Apparently, when three or more angry Muslims gather in a garage, a new jihadist group is
born. What's perfectly clear is that video is the new weapon of mass destruction. A billion people
manipulated into religious frenzy is a formidable force. It is also clear that the West's continued
existence — at least from the perspective of Islamist militants — depends upon
our willingness to bow to Islam.
Prejudice: Christians. Traditional Islamic law mandates the death penalty for Muslims who
leave Islam, in accordance with Muhammad's command: "Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill
him." This is still the position of all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence, although there is some
disagreement over whether the law applies only to men, or to women also.
Squander: Where does all the money go? Of the more than 1,200 mosques in America, more than
80-percent were built with Saudi money, according to author RezaF. Safa (Inside Islam). In fact,
Safa writes that the Saudis have spent "$87 billion since 1973 to spread Islam throughout the United States
and the Western hemisphere." Elsewhere in the world, it is believed that Saudi Arabia finances some
85 percent of the world's mosques, where the vitriolic and violent Wahabbist interpretation of Islam is
taught. It is indisputable that the current hatred of the United States and the ideology of Islamist
violence are reinforced via these mosques.
Search Of The "Peace-Loving Muslims" — Again. What is it with the combination of being a
medical doctor and a "Muslim? That's a very legitimate question to ask, in light of a certain event
that unfolded at the end of last week in Virginia. Dr. Esam Omeish, who in addition to being
an "M.D." was, up until last Thursday, a member of the Virginia State Commission on Immigration. He
also happens to be president of the Muslim American Society.
Three Bible publishers killed.
Attackers on Wednesday [4/18/2007] slit the throats of three people in a Turkish publishing house that printed Bibles,
the latest attack on minorities in mainly Muslim Turkey, said officials.
Three dead in attack on Turk Christian publisher.
Attackers on Wednesday slit the throats of three people in a Turkish publishing house which printed bibles, security
officials said, the latest attack on minorities in mainly Muslim Turkey. NTV said a fourth person had died
in hospital, but the report could not be confirmed.
Turkey Detains 5 In Bible Shootings.
Police detained five more people Thursday in connection with an attack on a Christian publishing house that
killed three employees, doubling the number of suspects in custody, a Turkish official said. One group
of suspects detained in the slayings Wednesday at a publishing house that distributes Bibles told
investigators they carried out the killings to protect Islam, a Turkish newspaper reported.
Tied up, blindfolded, waiting
to die: the truth about the hostages' ordeal. Blindfolded and lined up against a concrete
wall with their hands tied behind their backs, the British marines and sailors heard the sound of weapons
being cocked. One of them dropped to the floor screaming, "They are going to execute us." Another
could be heard throwing up.
Fighting back was simply not an
option'. The British captives held by Iranian Revolutionary Guardsmen described yesterday how
they were bound, blindfolded and lined up against a wall while weapons were cocked behind them. Defending
themselves against suggestions that they surrendered too readily and were too eager to cooperate with their
captors, they said that they had feared the worst and that fighting back was simply not an option.
Mixed signals:
Although his critics accused the president of misrepresentation, it was they who engaged in such a
practice. For example, CAIR falsely charged he had "equated the religion of peace [Islam] with the
ugliness of fascism." In fact, Mr. Bush did something altogether different — and
laudable: He made clear that those who use Islam to justify and provide political cover for their
totalitarian aggression are at odds not only with America but with Islam, itself. Such dangerous
ideologues cannot be appeased. They must be destroyed.
The word has … caught on, not least because it provides a convenient way of announcing that you are not
against Islam but only against its perversion by the terrorists. But this prompts the question whether
terrorism is really as alien to Islam as we should all like to believe.
gap between Islam and peace. The experts tell us militant Islamic fundamentalists,
or "Islamists," represent a narrow, if murderous, fringe. They number no more than 10, maybe 15,
percent of all Muslims. That estimate works out to somewhere between 100 million and 150 million
people. Which is a lot of murderous fringe.
The Editor says...
The other 85 percent are keeping a low profile for now, but they'll gladly join the winning team
if Islamism gains momentum.
Muslim pupils kill
teacher. Muslim pupils at a secondary school in northeastern Nigeria beat a teacher
to death today after accusing her of desecrating the Koran. Oluwatoyin Olusase, a Christian,
was adjudicating an Islamic Religious Knowledge exam at the school in Gombe state when the incident
Man gets 30 years for ripping out
wife's eyes. A man who ripped out his wife's eyes in a fit of rage was sentenced by a French
court to 30 years behind bars on Tuesday. Mohamed Hadfi, 31, tore out his 23-year-old wife Samira
Bari's eyes following a heated argument in their apartment in the southern French city of Nimes in July 2003
after she refused to have sex with him.
World War III. The
American people and free people everywhere must come to grips with the fact that radical Islamists and the
countries that back them are already engaged in a global war to defeat us. The attacks against the U.S.
and other nations are all connected to one source … radical Islamists intent on initiating a new Golden
Age of Islam. Which leads to my second point, that it is imperative that the American people and especially
our leaders, understand that Islam is not a religion of peace.
should not tolerate the preachers of jihad. It is a war fought with planes crashed into buildings
or blown up in mid-air, roadside bombs, kidnappings, beheadings and other unspeakable instruments of
terror. It is decentralised but global in scope, from madrassas in Pakistan, to mosques in London, to
"charities" in America, to banks and boardrooms in the Middle East. It is a war with a cultural and
ideological component that is lavishly financed by easy oil money from states like Saudi Arabia that we have
long (and foolishly) regarded as "moderates" and "friends".
The rise of
the caliphate. Thanks to a steady flow of petro-dollars, today's leaders of "the religion of
peace" — both Sunni and Shia — have been able to launch and sustain well-financed,
extremely aggressive campaigns to advance their beliefs. Sheiks, imams, mullahs and ayatollahs
routinely expound the virtues of "martyrdom" and vicious treatment for Christians and Jews. The "common
ground" for all Islamic radicals is hatred of the United States and Israel.
threat is here to stay. A broad and deep coalition of Islamic extremists is determined to murder
very large numbers of Americans, Westerners, Christians, Jews and — let us not
forget — insufficiently committed Muslims. … Those whom Bush now calls Islamic fascists have
been killing Americans for decades. Al-Qaeda declared war on America when Bush was still in Texas.
Why Islam is the new
Marx. The 20th century saw the demise of communism, despite its attraction to millions of people
who felt poor or downtrodden. It was exposed as a totalitarian system that stifled the aspirations of
man. But its stain is spreading within the casing of Islamic fundamentalism.
wishful thinking about Islam. Now that three years and three months have
passed since nearly 3,000 died on a day that will live in infamy, the hills are alive
with the sound of positive musings about Islam. Publisher's Weekly has reported
that many new books on the religion are hitting the stores, with most assuring readers
that Islam is a religion of peace.
Islamofascism — an enemy
like no other. "If other people in al Qaeda are really as sadistic as
this guy seems to be, then we're really in for a long and awful war." National Public
Radio's Daniel Schorr made this comment about the anti-American courtroom tirade of Zacarias
Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker. Yes, Mr. Schorr, the Islamofascists — the
ones who want us dead — are, indeed, that "sadistic." This shows that a lot of
people, who should know better, still don't get it.
When Muslims kill
Muslims: When it comes to maiming and killing, the Arab-Muslim world holds a place of
prominence. In particular, the ancient land between two rivers, now Iraq, has proven to be greatly
fertile as killing fields.
Beauty pageants can be
murder: Inasmuch as liberals are demanding that Americans ritualistically proclaim, "Islam is a
religion of peace," Muslims might do their part by not killing people all the time. Recently, the
Religion of Peace suffered a PR setback when Muslims in Nigeria welcomed the Miss World beauty pageant by
slaughtering Christians in the street and burning churches to the ground. At last count, more than
200 people were dead, hundreds more were injured and thousands were left without homes.
The battle over Islam: Islam
now stands at a crossroads. And the burden rests on the majority who call Islam a "religion of peace"
to show us what they mean.
By the Word or by the Sword: President
has gone out of his way to assure Americans that they have nothing to fear from the religion of
Islam. "These acts of violence against innocents," declared President Bush, "violate the
fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith." Is the President right? Is Islam fundamentally
a peaceful religion?
Why not say it bluntly? Islam is
an aggressive, violent political ideology. It may be that Islam in its true form is as gentle as
a lamb. But in the real world, it is an aggressive, violent political ideology. It may also be that
a majority of U.S. Muslims object to the jihad being waged against infidel Christians, Jews, Hindus, atheists,
agnostics and democrats of all denominations. But if so, they are keeping it to themselves.
Islam is a religion
of WHAT?. Standing on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, on the afternoon of September 11,
2001, … the residents of the neighborhood danced in the streets, laughing, shouting to each other,
shaking hands. These people were not what one would suppose to be fanatical or militant
Muslims. … They were American citizens however, who were expressing their judgment — joy at
the events of that horrible day that forever changed our world and America's place in that world. They
were also the followers of Islam: religion of oppression, discrimination, violence, terror, war,
superstition, intolerance and prejudice.
What you need to know about
the 'religion of peace'. There are millions of peaceful Muslims … but the fact is that
radical Muslims are using core texts of Islam that are deeply rooted in Islamic theology, tradition, history
and law to justify their actions, and those radical Muslims are able to recruit and motivate terrorists around
the world by appealing to these core Islamic texts.
What you need to know about
the 'religion of peace', Part II. A recent poll in the Palestinian Authority indicated
that 71 percent [of Muslims] approved of suicide attacks against civilians in Israel. Noncombatants
are not to be targeted … but if they are considered to be aiding in the war effort, then they can
legitimately be fought. This is the justification that Osama bin Laden used for 9/11, and the
Palestinians use for suicide bombing attacks in Israel.
Of Peace? In the wake of the cartoon jihad and mosque-on-mosque violence in Iraq, most Americans
now think Islam has more violent believers than any other faith. Yet many still view it as a "peaceful
religion." Psychologists might call this cognitive dissonance — a state of mind where rational
people essentially lie to themselves. But in this case, it's understandable. In our politically
correct culture, criticizing any religion, even one that plots our destruction, is still taboo. And
no one wants to suggest the terrorists are driven by their holy text.
Dear Muslims: What is It that
You Don't Understand? We, the non-Muslims — the infidels, heathens, unbelievers,
apostates, enemies of Allah, najis (soiled), as you prefer to call us — would like to know
what is it that you don't understand and what is it that makes you behave so badly toward us? You
blame us for your problems and believe if we embrace Islam and help establish the Islamic ummah, the
earth would be cleansed of us, transformed to paradise, and all your problems disappear?
What A Muslim Really Wants: The
most comprehensive survey of attitudes toward terrorism in the Islamic world (over 9,000 respondents in nine
Muslim countries were polled by Gallup in 2002) showed entrenched anti-Americanism, seething rage and a total
disconnect from reality. Only 19% of those surveyed believed the 9/11 hijackers were Arabs.
Evil across our planet: More
than 4,000 people have died as Islamic terrorism has spread across the world over the last decade.
Islam, a Religion of
Peace — or of Violence? Instantly after the atrocities of 9/11 our president
George Bush sought out the head imam in Washington. He took the podium with him to proclaim,
and to ensure one and all, that "Islam is a religion of peace." … Our president is grievously
mistaken. Islam is not a religion of peace, but a religion of violence.
questions non-Muslims would like answered. [Question #4] Why are so many atrocities committed
and threatened by Muslims in the name of Islam? Young girls in Indonesia were recently beheaded by
Muslim murderers. Last year, Muslims — in the name of Islam — murdered hundreds
of schoolchildren in Russia. While reciting Muslim prayers, Islamic terrorists take foreigners working
to make Iraq free and slaughter them. Muslim daughters are murdered by their own families in the
thousands in "honor killings." And the Muslim government in Iran has publicly called for the
extermination of Israel.
What right have Muslims to claim
moral superiority? The West is not free from sin. But what sets this type of murder apart
is that the perpetrators believe that what they are doing is morally justified. In another (dis)honour
killing in 2001, Faqir Mohammed stabbed his daughter 20 times in the head and stomach. He told
police: "According to the law it was not right, but according to religion it was right."
hell. As T. S. Eliot once observed, "No culture can appear or develop except in
relation to a religion." And fundamentalist Islam remains the creed of Afghanistan. The
Taliban was not a foreign pathogen, but a malignancy naturally arising from within that state.
Hamas defends suicide
blast. Monday's suicide bombing in Tel Aviv [4/17/2006], which killed seven people, was a
part of the Palestinian right to self-defence, a spokesperson for the ruling Hamas party said in Gaza.
terrorists shot aid couple as they watched TV. A husband and wife who dedicated their
lives to helping African children were murdered in cold blood by Islamic terrorists, an inquest heard
yesterday. Dick and Enid Eyeington were watching television at their home in Somaliland when a
terrorist linked to al-Qaeda shot them. The couple were considered "infidels" by their
attackers, who wrongly believed that they were trying to convert Africans to Christianity.
A religion of peace? Really? Western Muslims' Racist
Rape Spree. In Australia, Norway, Sweden and other Western nations, there is a
distinct race-based crime in motion being ignored by the diversity police: Islamic men are
raping Western women for ethnic reasons. We know this because the rapists have openly
declared their sectarian motivations.
Raped for reading the
Bible. An Iraqi man allegedly raped a Muslim woman as "punishment" for reading the Bible, saying,
"let your Jesus help you", a court [in Australia] heard yesterday.
Saudi Marriage 'Expert' Advices Men In the
'Right Way' to Beat Their Wives. Move over, Dr. Phil, there's a new relationship expert in town.
He's Saudi author and cleric, "Dr." Muhammad Al-'Arifi, who in a remarkable segment broadcast on Saudi and Kuwaiti
television in September, counseled young Muslim men on how to treat their wives.
'predicted bombings'. Television footage was screened on Friday
of radical Muslim cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed apparently predicting terrorists would strike on the
British mainland several months before the July 7 London bombings. … Bakri famously
praised the September 11 hijackers as "magnificent". He then triggered further outrage
after the July 7 bombings when he said he would never tip off police if he knew a Muslim was
about to carry out an attack.
Islam: A
religion of peace? Canada faces a unique dilemma because the doctrine of multiculturalism is
seen as intrinsic to our national identity. The recent disruption of an alleged homegrown Islamist
terror plot has caused many Canadians to ask: How can multiculturalism — which preaches
tolerance above all else — be squared with a militant, intolerant creed that demonizes non-believers?
Is not a Religion of Peace. The U. S. has many predominantly Muslim
allies. We are largely dependent on Arab oil. Much of the press and
public have bought into the multiculturalist nonsense that the Clinton and Bush
Administrations have helped to instill. Probably the less said the better,
but we should not determine our foreign policy and strategy in the Mideast on the
utterly false and laughable proposition that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.
Defy the Koran. It's time to stop calling the global terrorists Islamic
fundamentalists. The slaughter of the Russian children in Beslan has absolutely
nothing to do with Islam. If the Islamic community does not rise up
en masse against the fanatics who dare to use the name of Allah while
committing these atrocities, they need to stop insisting Islam is a religion
of peace.
Iran's new president
promotes suicide squads. In the second TV appearance since his election victory,
Iranian President-elect Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad spoke in praise of "the art of martyrdom" as
volunteers continued to mobilize for suicide squads aimed at U.S., British and Israeli forces.
hatred, Saudi-style. Before Sept. 11, 2001, the notion that literature in
mosques could be dangerous might have struck some as alarmist. But of the 19
terrorist-hijackers that day, 15 were Saudi, and all of them were steeped in the
relentless hostility to "infidels" that the Saudi publications inculcate. For
some, the mosques were a crucial resource.
A religion of peace? Al-Qaida-related
group attacks pastor. A Muslim extremist group tied to al-Qaida set fire to the
house of a well-known pastor in Pakistan who had been warned to "repent" and return
to Islam.
Radical Islam: Where is the worldwide condemnation of these latest killings
by the political and religious leaders of Muslim countries? Where are the
U.N. resolutions sponsored by France and Germany condemning what occurred?
Terrorism: "Everything
To Do With Islam," Says Author: Robert Spencer,
author of Islam Unveiled and an adjunct fellow at the
conservative think tank Free Congress Foundation, believes Islam's theological
foundation is creating many of today's terrorists and would-be terrorists. Spencer's
book takes a critical look at the religion of Islam, its holy book,
The Koran, its prophet Muhammad and concludes that the religion is producing
violent behavior in a significant numbers of its adherents.
Khilafah: The
Move Toward A One-World Islamic Government. Exactly what it is that
Islamists want? They're murdering innocent people around the world, disrupting
commerce with their attacks on ships and businesses, attacking churches and temples,
and broadcasting threats to the world almost daily.
Islam: a
religion of peace? A "religion of peace," says President Bush
about Islam. But investigative journalist Robert Spencer, in his new
book "Onward
Muslim Soldiers: How Jihad Still Threatens America and the West," argues
that what we call "Islamic extremism" stems from a straightforward reading of the
Koran and interpretative Islamic texts.
Slouching Toward "2084".
The Dutch novelist Margriet de Moor, writing in a German newspaper, wants to know whether anyone is at work on a
novel titled "2084." … Ms. de Moor describes a visit to a Dutch shelter for battered women, where
typically 80 percent of the women are Muslims.
says "It's OK to kill non-Muslims": "If a kafir person (non-believer)
goes in a Muslim country, he is like a cow," explains Sheik Abu Hamza. "Anybody can
take him. That is the Islamic law."
Update: It's
in the Book: Sheik Abu Hamza claims that he cannot be accused of inciting
violence because he is a cleric who only preaches Muslim law. "I say the reality
that's in the Muslim books anyway. Whether I say it or not, it's in the books."
Day of the
Locusts: Today, leaders and diplomats are claiming, "Islam is a religion of
peace." But everything in Islam's history cries out against
this. Most wars taking place right now are between Moslems and some
other group or nation. The truth is, Islam was born in violence, and it has been a
religion of the sword ever since. Mullahs and ayatollahs enforce Islam's laws by flogging people
and by chopping off their fingers, limbs or heads.
Boys forced into Muslim flogging
ritual. A devout Muslim encouraged two teenage boys to flog themselves until their backs were
covered in bloody cuts, a jury was told yesterday. Syed Mustafa Zaidi, 44, a Shia Muslim, was celebrating
the traditional Ashura festival, a ritual act of lamentation commemorating the slaughter of the Prophet
Muhammad's grandson, Husayn, and his followers in the 14th century.
Islamists – not who they say
they are: Those Moslems variously known as fundamentalists or Islamists often appear
to outsiders to be the most authentic adherents of their faith. They refer constantly to God
and conspicuously pray in public. Men sport full beards and women wear veils. They urge
Moslem solidarity and demonstrate a suspicion of non-Moslems. A closer look, however, finds
that Islamists are hardly model Moslems.
of peace kills 200 in Nigeria: Hundreds of Muslim youths
have gone on the rampage in Nigeria's capital, Abuja, following Friday
prayers. The BBC's Haruna Bahago in Abuja says people armed with
sticks, daggers and knives set fire to vehicles and attacked anyone they
suspected of being Christian.
Declare War on
Wahhabism: It was not by accident that 15 of the 19 Sept. 11 murders were Wahhabi
from Saudi Arabia. Or that the Taliban was the ideal form of Wahhabite government. Or that
bin Laden himself is a Wahhabite Saudi. Wahhabism, masquerading as a religion, has a network
of Mosques and schools worldwide which are poisoning the young and sowing hatred. Our own PC military
is seeking additional Wahhabite clergy. Wahhabite clergy teach in our prisons.
Altar of Death Worship: "We believe our sons go to heaven when
they are martyred. When Jewish sons die, they go to hell."
All Muslims Terrorists? Recently I decided to look further into the
Muslim religion. So I went straight to the Koran: the core of Islam. What I have
found is absolutely shocking!
Looking Evil in the
Face: Danny Pearl was murdered not for any crime or other misdeed he might have committed.
He was murdered just because he was an American, a Jew and a reporter.
The Toleration of
Evil: It is time the world recognizes Palestinian terrorism as a form, indeed the heir, of
Nazism. It is time Israel demanded that the toleration of such evil no longer be accepted by civilized
societies. It is time for human garbage such as Robert Mugabe, Saddam Hussein and
Yasser Arafat be disposed of along with Osama bin Laden. Peace, prosperity and civilization itself
can be achieved only by the refusal to tolerate the evil such men embody.
in Arafat's Obituary: The death of Yasser Arafat has spurred the United Nations
to fly its flag at half-staff, noting his supposed contribution to peace in the Middle
East. … What the U.N. failed to note in its memorial service is the place in history
Arafat holds as the father of modern terrorism. He presided over the operation resulting
in the massacre of the Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich by Black September in 1972. The
following year Arafat became the first Arab terrorist to target Americans.
killed more Jews than anyone since Hitler. "He had more Jewish blood on
his hands than anybody since Hitler. He was a strategist of the murder of women,
children and the aged. No normal nation would have dedicated this amount of endless
broadcasts to a person responsible for the deaths of so many of their kin," aides close
to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said in what appeared to be a rebuke to the media for its
exhaustive coverage of the burial of the Palestinian leader.
No Tears for
Arafat. Yassir Arafat was a career killer. A mass murderer. A
creature that aspired to political power on a growing pyramid of bodies, the method of
any other ambitious tyrant. There is no justification whatsoever for calling him
as a "hero," "statesman," "freedom fighter," "president," or even a "militant." All
the evasive euphemisms in the world will not conceal the fact that he was a killer.
Legacy: A Palestinian "Culture of Suicide". Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is
Exhibit A for the proposition that the Nobel Peace Prize Committee in Norway needs to adopt
a provision allowing the prize to be revoked in case of bad behavior. Not only did Arafat
debase the premise for his award; he made it horrifically difficult for any other Palestinian
to be a peacemaker. He fostered a culture of suicide among his people that may be
impossible to undo.
Arafat. Americans never understood that Arafat saw himself completely differently,
as an anti-imperialist revolutionary in the mold of Ho Chi Minh, Mao and Castro. Like
them, his motto was "revolution unto victory." Total victory. No half loaf. And
given Israel's stubborn refusal to die, Arafat's cause became sustaining the
struggle — the revolution — indefinitely, almost as an
end in itself.
Arafat the
monster. Yasser Arafat died at the age of 75, lying in bed and surrounded
by familiar faces. He left this world peacefully, unlike the thousands of victims
he sent to early graves.
Update: Arafat
Died of AIDS, Fellow Terrorist Says. Former Palestine Liberation Organization and
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat died of AIDS, Secretary-General of the Palestinian
Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command Ahmed Jibril said.
"Relentlessly and Thoroughly": The
only way to respond. Islam is an imperialist religion, more so than Christianity has ever been,
and in contrast to Judaism. The Koran insists that nations, however mighty, must be fought "until they
embrace Islam."
JIHAD: Unmasking America's
new enemy Islamism is a brutal, coercive utopian movement — a politicized and virulent
interpretation and implementation of Islam — bent on nothing less than total world domination.
The Battle Over Islam: Oh,
certainly, Arab leaders and others issued statements condemning the September 11 attacks, but
take a look at the fine print.
Other interesting web sites:
Jihad Watch. Because the West is
facing a concerted effort by radical Muslims, most of whom are ignored by the Western media,
to destroy the West and bring it forcibly into the Islamic world. That effort goes
under the general rubric of jihad. Jihad Watch is dedicated to bringing public attention
to the role that jihad theology and ideology plays in the modern world, and to correcting
popular misconceptions about the role of jihad and religion in modern-day conflicts. We
hope to alert people of good will to the true nature of the present global conflict that
radical Islam is waging against the rest of us.