Hillary Clinton is running for president, almost completely unopposed in the Democratic Party primary.
It now appears increasingly unlikely that she will be elected, simply because she has so much explaining to do
in regard to massive contributions originating in foreign countries, mostly during the period when she was the
Secretary of State. It's not as if Mr. or Mrs. Clinton was in desperate need of money; by almost any
standard, the two of them are filthy rich. By and large, the easiest and most rational inference one
can draw from all this is that the leaders of foreign countries and businesses saw the Clinton Foundation
as a drop box in which to put payments for future favors, in the event Mrs. Clinton is elected U.S.
President. The news and opinion articles below will likely lead you to that very conclusion.
Related topics:
Old Clinton scandals
New Clinton scandals
The Clintons' wealth and greed
Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein
Norman Hsu
Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton's private email server
The FBI neglects to indict Hillary Clinton
Which party has a culture of corruption?
Overview articles:
(Scroll down for timely news, or click here.)
Donald Trump's sacrifices are like no other leader in the history of America. The
Clintons were worth $1.3 million before they came to the White House. Following
lucrative book deals and speaking gigs their combined net worths grow by more than 6,000%. Today,
their combined fortune is more than $240 million, and counting. The Clinton Foundation
was used like an expense account by the Clintons, and most of the "donations" were collected during
Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State.
of devils: Clintons, Clinton Foundation and loot of billions of dollars. For
decades, former US First Lady and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her
husband — former president Bill Clinton have been indulged in massive corruption thus
receiving bribes from locals and foreign entities as "donation" pouring into their inglorious
family venture — Clinton Foundation. Bill and Hillary Clinton were offering favor
and influence in exchange for donations (read bribe) made to their family enterprise. Like
hundreds of others, one man took full advantage of this opportunity. He was Muhammad
Yunus — the controversial Nobel laureate, who in December 2006 had pledged of
sending poverty to museum in twelve years in presence of dignitaries, though lately it was
proved — instead of sending poverty to museum, he has pushed millions of poor women in
Bangladesh into acute poverty by extracting heavy interest from them. But it was not a
problem for Yunus, as he has been a prime donor of the Clinton Foundation. Yunus also was
never questioned by the western or international media for his lies centering Grameen Bank's poster
woman Sufia Begum. But this is not the only prominent case of Clinton couple or Clinton
Foundation sandals. There are plenty of allegations against them — one of which is
their notoriety in Haiti.
Clinton tentacles out of politics. Republicans are going to lose in 2022 and 2024 because GOP leadership cannot
explain one lion-hearted truth to the American people: why the Clintons are in global and domestic control of President
Biden's entire government. Every daily "fake news" media cycle, all D.C. law enforcement (including every judge, jury
and courtroom) and even the scripts of every "Saturday Night Live" are controlled by Bill and Hillary. Make no
mistake: Neither Mr. Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris nor anyone else "Billary" pushes in front of their
"Clinton Broadcasting Service" teleprompters is truly in charge. In Washington and around the world, you either work
surreptitiously for the Clintons or you don't.
Supreme Court and the Electoral Coup. [Scroll down] Then there was the outrageous saga of Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton and her husband and ex-president Bill who played tag team in shaking down foreign governments for
nearly a billion dollars, which got shoveled into the Clinton Foundation. All the while Secretary Clinton flagrantly
violated U.S. Code § 1924 that prohibits the private storing of classified documents and confidential state matters,
which she circumvented by use of an unsecure private server and email system. That was obviously implemented to cover
up her conflicts of interest while serving as secretary.
Kamala Harris Follows
a Pattern. The father of Democrat-Chicom corruption could be Bill Clinton. The Chinese own the
Clintons! There were all kinds of Chinese cash donations to them in the 1990s. Remember Chinagate? "The
scandal was an apparent scheme by the Clinton administration to sell seats on taxpayer-funded trade missions in exchange for
campaign contributions to the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign." Those details are reported [elsew]here. Even Wikipedia
has the gory details on Chinese meddling ($$) in the 1996 election through campaign finance "irregularities" on behalf of
Bill Clinton. Here's the shortlist of illegal campaign contributions:
• Charlie Trie: $450K to
Clinton legal defense fund
• Johnny Chung: $300K to the DNC
• John Huang: $3.4 million
to the Democrat Party; 78 visits to the White House; worked in Commerce Dept with classified access
James Riady: $1 million to Clinton's first campaign (later convicted)
• Maria Hsia: long-time
fund-raiser for Al Gore of Buddhist temple fame ($100K)
• And others, including Lincoln Bedroom "sales"
Russia Collusion Nightmare: All Hillary's Fault? Aside from her questionable health and a lifetime of
scandal, Hillary had two sizable liabilities (of her own creation) that threatened her ability to win the general election:
(1) her use of the Clinton Foundation as a vehicle for laundering bribes from foreign governments and moneyed interests and
(2) her decision to conduct the business of the State Department (as well as to discuss our nation's most guarded secrets) on
an unsecured private email server that had been hacked by known and unknown foreign governments and adverse entities.
Peter Schweizer's Clinton Cash did a remarkable job exposing the Clinton Foundation as a spectacular pay-to-play
operation that had allowed Hillary to trade the powers of her office for personal aggrandizement (including the sale of 20%
of America's uranium to Russia for, among other things, $145 million transferred to her foundation). [...] For a normal
person with a modicum of ethical concern, sense of shame, or patriotic duty, these crimes would have been more than
sufficient to prompt withdrawal from an election for the country's highest office.
I Am the Anonymous Whistleblower.
[Scroll down] I am the anonymous whistleblower who blew the whistle on the Hillary Clinton corruption.
Travelgate. Cattle futures. Whitewater, and the missing records of the Rose Law Firm. The Uranium One
transfer of American uranium to Russian interests while Bill scandalously was getting paid huge speaking fees. How she
joked and giggled about successfully defending a monster who had raped a child. How she sent the deceitful Susan Rice
on four television talk shows in one day to lie to the American people about the real cause of the Benghazi massacre that saw
our ambassador murdered, with Rice attributing the catastrophe to a stupid and unwatchable short YouTube video that almost no
one ever viewed, even as Hillary secretly was emailing her daughter about the real and true cause of the disaster: an Arab
Islamist jihad attack timed to coincide with September 11. How Hillary was using her email account illegally, endangering
the foreign policy of the United States by emailing confidential and highly classified documents in channels that exposed them to
being hacked and intercepted by our enemies, even as she maintained a private server in her home bathroom. How, when she was
called upon to produce those emails, she destroyed 33,000 of them — an outright spoliation felony that would have landed
any other American in prison long-term. How she lied to us, as though we all are idiots, telling us that those spoliated emails
dealt with things like her yoga classes and buying Chelsea a wedding dress — 33,000 emails for yoga and a dress.
Deep State Will Face Justice Soon! Right? Today, treason and our two-tier justice system are casually
discussed as inescapable facts of today's political landscape. Heads up for those desperately trying to put the
blindfold back on Lady Justice. If a layered legal system is what we have, it has nothing to do with justice —
that's anarchy. And these smug criminals not only revel in their immunity, but rub our noses in it. Take for
example when Hillary Clinton literally laughed out loud at a question about her email investigation — had to wipe
her eyes, she laughed so hard. She laughed at us, at America, for being so clueless as to think she'd ever answer to our
laws. And she's still laughing, because she's right: she's untouchable. The consensus is that even though
we know that the first email investigation was rigged by the FBI to clear Hillary, no one will reopen the case.
How Democrats are Never Indicted? In contravention of campaign finance law, Hillary paid through her attorneys
millions of dollars to a foreign national to use his connections with a foreign government to compile a dossier whereby both
the foreign national and the foreign government could interfere with a presidential election. She knew her bathroom
server was illegal and a risk to national security. But she wanted to keep her crimes secret. Mishandling of
classified material and the wholesale flea-marketing of her office and influence are imprisonable offenses. Yet, "What
difference, at that point, does it make?" Hillary's exempt from prosecution because she's a Democrat and a bona fide
leftist; and that provides blanket immunity. She knew, as did others from the Obama Administration, that a Democrat
can't get arrested in this town.
Handed: All the Collusion was in the Deep State. Let's begin with the obvious — if President
Trump's foreign policy views warranted an FBI investigation, then why didn't the bureau probe the pro-Russia stances of
former American leaders such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? Many forget that President Obama once told his
Russian counterpart at the time, Vladimir Putin lackey Dmitry Medvedev, that he would have "more flexibility" after his
re-election in 2012 — an ominous indication that Obama was cutting secret deals with the Russian government behind
the scenes. Remarkably, he then stood by and did nothing as Putin invaded Ukraine. Likewise, Hillary Clinton was
never investigated for her disastrous "Russia reset" in the early years of the Obama administration and received no meaningful
scrutiny for the sale of Uranium One to Russia despite receiving $145 million in donations from some of the people
involved in that transaction through the Clinton Foundation. [...] Then there's Senator Dianne Feinstein, a member of the
"Gang of Eight" and a member of the powerful Senate Intelligence Committee, who employed a Chinese spy for 20 years.
Did the FBI treat her as a Chinese asset? No, they went directly to her and briefed her on the problem.
The Left Will
Make 2019 a Dark Year. There is nothing Trump or any member of his administration has done that is comparable
to Hillary Clinton's use of her own email server while U.S. secretary of state, or her destroying tens of thousands of emails
after they were subpoenaed by Congress, or foreign governments' and corporations' paying vast sums of money to Bill Clinton
and the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. [...] Yet any suggestion by Republicans that these
activities be investigated is effectively shouted down by the Democrats and the media.
a foreign adversary meddled in a presidential election. The country doing the meddling, of course, was China,
and the presidential candidate was Bill Clinton, who was already in the White House and seeking re-election in 1996.
Looking back on press accounts from the era, it's striking how brazen a number of the players were as they went about the
task of funneling illegal foreign donations to the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. The names
have been mostly forgotten now — Charlie Trie, John Huang, Johnny Chung — but the record remains.
Chung, for example, who was born in Taiwan and became a U.S. citizen, was a prolific Democratic fundraiser. Between
1994 and 1996, he gave $366,000 to the DNC and visited the Clinton White House more than 50 times.
Fitton: 'Will Hillary Clinton EVER go to Prison?'. It's 2018. Why isn't Hillary Clinton under arrest for
mishandling and misuse of classified government documents? In the video, Judicial Watch's founder Tom Fitton explains
why Hillary hasn't seen a jail cell, and what needs to happen so that she does. It all lies in the hands of the DOJ!
Yes, we know — this is old news about transgressions handled in the classic Clinton way: deny everything, wait
until one's acolytes in the press make enough smoke to obscure the events themselves, and then if anyone subsequently raises
the question, respond with "We've already been over that."
Reasons Hillary Clinton Was the Worst Presidential Nominee in History. [#4] The email scandal: One of the
great ironies of Hillary's campaign is that the email issue that bedeviled her whole campaign was known to everyone through
the Democratic primaries. Every voter who pulled the lever for her knew she might be facing serious legal troubles down
the road. The FBI investigation of Clinton started in JULY of 2015 and it was widely believed to be serious.
After all, there are people who have gone to jail for being less careless with classified information than Hillary
Clinton. In fact, the general assumption most Republicans (myself included) make is that if Hillary hadn't been treated
as "above the law" by James Comey, she'd be in jail today for what she did.
Pres' Hillary — the Font of all the Scandals. Review the Clinton email scandal, the Steele dossier, the
insertion of at least one FBI informant into the Trump campaign, the misleading of the FISA court by FBI and DOJ officials intent
on monitoring U.S. citizens, and, now, the inspector general's report. There emerges a common denominator: the surety
by all involved that Hillary Clinton would be president, and the need to prepare for that fact.
equal justice under the law exist in America today? According to the Washington Post ("How Clinton's email
scandal took root," March 27, 2016), Hillary Clinton used an unsecured server as her primary server for State Department
emails. Documents released on Dec. 29, 2017, by the U. S. Department of State in response to Judicial Watch's FOIA
request revealed classified material was found on Anthony Weiner's laptop. He was the husband of Huma Abedin, Hillary
Clinton's former deputy chief of staff. Have either of them come before a grand jury to determine if they ought to be
charged? No, but the Washington Times reports that Machinist Mate 1st Class Kristian Saucier, a Navy veteran, took
pictures of a submarine control panel, which is considered classified information, and went to jail. I believe Hillary
Clinton lied continually to the public about how many devices she used to email State Department information, about the
unsecured server, sending classified emails over an unsecured server and destroying 33,000 emails. She was never
interviewed under oath by the FBI. This action protected her from prosecution for lying under oath, but Michael Flynn was
charged for lying to the FBI. In December 2017, Judicial Watch released documents showing the Obama State Department made
a deal with Hillary Clinton to hide her call logs and schedules. An average American's life and reputation would be
destroyed if they acted similarly.
We Fight. [Quoting
candidate Donald Trump, October 13th 2016:] The Clintons are criminals. This is well-documented, and the establishment
that protects them has engaged in a massive cover-up of widespread criminal activity at the State Department and Clinton Foundation
in order to keep the Clintons in power. Never in history have we seen such a cover-up as this, one that includes the destruction
of 33,000 emails, 13 phones, laptops, missing boxes of evidence, and on and on. People who are capable of such crimes
against our nation are capable of anything.
Deep Dive into How the Clinton Foundation Operates Illegally and in Haiti. State, federal, and foreign laws bar
public charities from being run for private gain in interstate commerce — which means, by using the mail, telephones
or the internet. The Clinton Foundation's complex operations (it is not just one entity but a web of them) do not comply
with this requirement. Nor does the Clinton Foundation ever seem to have submitted its financial records to an independent,
properly certified audit by a qualified accounting firm. Overall I consider the Clinton Foundation to be a charity fraud
network. I base this conclusion on my review of extensive data about its operations including the activities of the
Clinton family and their friends in Haiti, a nation that has suffered many disasters, both natural and manmade. What
possesses powerful, wealthy, and educated persons to prey on the most desperately poor humans on earth as they posture as
"philanthropists"? And why has there been no government oversight?
and Hillary: Today's Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? The Clinton Conspiracy has everything one could ask for
in a Cold War spy thriller: high politics; disinformation; a torrid love affair between two central co-conspirators; a key
Russian-speaking Stalin apologist operative using a ham radio, apparently, for furtive communications; a patriotic senior
government official learning of the illegal operations and blowing the whistle; and even the attempted overthrow of a sitting
U.S. president. The problem, of course, is that this isn't fiction.
Questions Never Asked, Much Less Answered. Are any Russian related interests currently still donating millions of
dollars to the Clinton Foundation? Why is Bill Clinton not being asked to speak by various groups — including those with
Russian-ties — for $500,000 and above per talk? Is he now less persuasive than he was between 2009 and 2015?
A brand new stormfront coming
toward the Houses of Clinton & Obama. But don't forget that there are at least NINE other major storms swirling
around the heads of these criminals.
Everybody Knows.
Everybody knows that the king and queen of all unaccountables are Bill and Hillary Clinton. Their careers have been a crescendo
of criminality for which they have never been held to account. The Clintons offend locally and globally. They build from
local crimes like rape, intimidation, corruption, and perjury (some say worse) to global ones like diverting tens of millions of dollars
from the sickest and poorest people to their bank accounts. Hillary tossed around top national secrets like a Caesar salad.
The pinnacle of their careers as global unaccountables is the Uranium One scandal. It took four years of collusion with the
Russians. They were abetted by many, including Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller, who knew and looked the other way.
Uranium in Wyoming is like potatoes in Idaho: there's a lot of it. Hillary's Russian reset meant that the
Clintons sold all the uranium in Wyoming to the Russian government for at least $150 million to the Clintons' foundation.
the Clintons' Final Con. If the Clintons were expert crooks, they would not have been caught so many times over the years.
When caught, they always take refuge with their political friends and the press. Perhaps this time they did not think they would have to,
for they were so far ahead in the polls. It is bracing to think that if the Clinton campaign had won the presidency, we would know nothing
of their perfidy.
The Clintons — At the End
of All Things. The Hillary/Bill fortune — generated by pay-for-play influence peddling on the proposition that
Bill would return to the White House under Hillary's aegis and reward friends while punishing enemies — hit a reported
$150 million some time ago, a fortune built not on farming, mining, insurance, finance, high-tech, or manufacturing,
but on skimming off money. The Clintons are simply grifters whose insider access to government gave them the power
to make rich people richer. Long gone was the Scrooge-like need to write off used underwear as charitable tax
deductions or to play 4-trillion-to-one odds in rigging a $100,000 cattle-futures profit on a $1,000 "investment," or
Hillary's decade-and-a-half as a corporate lawyer masquerading as a children's advocate. How pathetic the minor
league Whitewater cons must seem now to the multimillionaire Clintons — such a tawdry ancient example of amateurish
shakedowns when compared with the sophistication of real profiteering through the humanitarian-sounding, high-brow,
corrupt Clinton Foundation.
The Clinton Foundation Scandal Deepens, The Media Yawn. [Scroll down] In October 2016, NPR's Joel Rose
acknowledged that some donors were awarded meetings with Clinton when she was secretary of state but that "there's no
evidence that big donors got any special favors from the State Department." Rose didn't even bother to look at NPR's own
reports. A few months earlier, NPR's Scott Detrow had laid out the 2009 case of the Swiss bank UBS and its problem with
the IRS. The tax collectors wanted the identities of Americans with secret bank accounts. Clinton brokered a tentative
deal with the bank, and it agreed to turn over a small fraction of the information the IRS sought. Then, presto!
The bank's Clinton Foundation donations grew from less than $60,000 to about $600,000 by the end of 2014. It also
showered Bill Clinton with $1.5 million for a series of speeches. But there's "no evidence" of favors.
Making the Clintons
Pay. America's decline in the last 25 years has coincided with the erosion of the U.S. Constitution and the
corruption of the nation's law enforcement and judicial system. What has most greased the skids of America's decline
toward the ways of a banana republic is the emergence and acceptance of two-tiered justice and attendant cronyism and
political corruption. And nowhere is this more obvious than in the pass given to the Clintons, and particularly former
First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. When the Clintons left the White House in 2001, taking with them
over $190,000 worth of heirloom china, flatware, rugs, and furniture as they cleared out — much of which they
later had to return — they claimed they were flat broke. Today their net worth exceeds $150 million,
accumulated not by traditional means of work and investment, but rather by pay-for-play influence peddling through speeches
and Clinton Foundation fundraising — with the tacit understanding that the Clintons would be in a position to
return favors to donors after Hillary won the 2016 presidential election.
kinds of truth: actual and political. The Clinton administration was corrupt, but the Obama administration took
its cue from them and built upon it to become the most corrupt administration in modern history. The combined list of
crimes committed by the two presidencies of Clinton and Obama is too long to list here. Both administrations were chock
full of criminals and we are living with the consequences of their misdeeds today. The Clintons learned their tricks of
the trade from the Kennedys. Obama learned his from the Clintons. Hillary got fabulously rich while Obama looked
the other way, national security [notwithstanding].
the Clintons should be investigated. Ever since Watergate, the mantra of all major corruption investigations
has been to "follow the money." Well, Americans of all political stripes should be outraged by the fact that both Democrats
and Republicans in Washington are up to their eyeballs in Kremlin cash. Russian money found its way into the pockets of
not only Trump advisers like Paul Manafort and Rick Gates — who were recently indicted by special counsel Robert S.
Mueller III — but also Democratic power lobbyist Tony Podesta, Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. This
should suggest to objective observers that Russia was using its money to influence both sides in order to advance the Kremlin's
interests. And it means that any full and impartial investigation of Russia's efforts to influence our political process
needs to follow the Russian money flowing into the coffers of the Clintons, their foundation and their top associates.
Are The Major Scandals That Took Place When Robert Mueller Was FBI Director. [#9] Clinton Foundation
Pay-for-Play (2009-2013): during the period in which Hillary Clinton held the office of Secretary of State, the Clinton
Foundation and Bill Clinton received millions of dollars in paid speaking fees and a million dollar "gift" from countries
involved in matters with the State Department, many of which had ties to terrorism and human rights abuses; some of these
funds were apparently diverted from charitable causes to personal expenses, such as Chelsea Clinton's 2010 wedding[.]
[#10] Russian Uranium Deal (2009-2013): Hillary Clinton's State Department approved a deal allowing a Russian company to
control 20% of the uranium mining production capacity inside the United States, which was followed by millions of dollars in
donations to the Clinton Foundation from people associated with the transaction[.] [#11] Clinton Private Email Server
(2009-2013): during her entire tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton dodged Freedom of Information Act requirements
by using a private email server to conduct official government business, as well as sent and received classified information
that was Top Secret over an unsecured system — an "extremely reckless" (and obviously illegal) act[.]
Expose Empty Barrel NeverTrumpers. On Saturday [10/21/2017], National Review Online published an Andrew
McCarthy column on detailing how the Clintons and the Obama administration helped the Russians secure the rights to one-fifth
of America's uranium supply, then covered up the jaw-dropping malfeasance behind the deal. The piece reads like a Tom
Clancy thriller, complete with national security threats, extortion, fraud, money-laundering, racketeering, presidential
politics, a buried plea deal, and a silenced FBI informant. The cast of characters includes Bill and Hillary Clinton,
Vladimir Putin, Eric Holder, James Comey, and Robert Mueller to name but a few. The most imaginative fiction writer
could not have come up with better material or crazier plot twists.
Scandals Make Mueller Investigation Ludicrous. [Scandal #6] Clinton Cash and Uranium One: Was this ever
fully examined by anybody, let alone the FBI? Yet it's all about Russia and Putin on a level none of the other allegations
approach. If true, Hillary Clinton helped facilitate 20% of U.S. uranium being transferred to Russian hands.
Uranium! Before you say this is debunked, think twice. Historically, collusion with Russia has been far greater
by Democrats than Republicans — and I'm not just talking about Obama's famous whisper to Medvedev or his pathetic
cop-out on Assad's use of poison gas. We can go straight back to the Cold War when the Democrats constantly attacked
Reagan for warmongering the Soviets — until the Soviets collapsed without a shot being fired.
Concentrating on Clinton
Foundation Facts. The attached Executive Summary continues an investigation into the Clinton Foundation public
record begun, by chance, in February 2015. Since then, questions have started to swirl around the various entities that
comprise what I call the Clinton Charity Network: a group of entities supported by a variety of donors from inside the United
States and around the world. Beginning today, and regularly thereafter, numerous detailed Exhibits will examine the
known public record of the Clinton Charity Network within the context of applicable state, federal, and foreign laws.
Deep Dive into How the Clinton Foundation Operates Illegally and in Haiti. State, federal, and foreign laws bar
public charities from being run for private gain in interstate commerce — which means, by using the mail,
telephones or the internet. The Clinton Foundation's complex operations (it is not just one entity but a web of them)
do not comply with this requirement. Nor does the Clinton Foundation ever seem to have submitted its financial records
to an independent, properly certified audit by a qualified accounting firm. Overall I consider the Clinton Foundation
to be a charity fraud network. I base this conclusion on my review of extensive data about its operations including the
activities of the Clinton family and their friends in Haiti, a nation that has suffered many disasters, both natural and
manmade. What possesses powerful, wealthy, and educated persons to prey on the most desperately poor humans on earth as
they posture as "philanthropists"? And why has there been no government oversight?
Republicans Go to Jail,
Democrats Run Free. Bill and Hillary Clinton launched a foundation that operated as a massive funds-for-favors
exchange. As author Peter Schweizer documents overwhelmingly in his book, Clinton Cash, on more than a dozen occasions,
foreign entities paid money to the Clinton Foundation contemporaneously with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's approval of
or non-interference with policies or regulations favorable to those overseas donors. Moreover, Hillary illegally
installed a private computer server in her home basement, to handle her State Department duties and, apparently, conduct her
crimes outside the reach of inquiring minds. When investigators finally came calling, Clinton erased some 30,000
e-mails and then lied about this over and over and over again.
Hillary Clinton's
Top 17 Scandals and Controversies. [#2] The Clinton Foundation: Out of the hundreds of millions of
dollars the Clinton Foundation makes every year, less than 6% of all donated income actually goes towards anything
humanitarian. She took 12 million dollars from the king of Morocco just for a face to face meeting. The
Foundation is allegedly her personal pay-to-play transaction business, and the money that goes to that foundation goes
to political favors from the Clintons.
Hillary and Bill are the Mafia mobsters of US politics. James Kallstrom, former head of the FBI's New York
office, is the man who brought to justice the notorious mob boss John Gotti, the Teflon Don. So when he calls Bill and
Hillary Clinton members of a 'crime family' it's fair to assume he knows what he's talking about. In a radio interview,
Kallstrom described Hillary as a 'pathological liar' and said of the couple's 'charitable' Clinton Foundation: 'It's
like organised crime, really. The foundation is a cesspool.'
Lavish State Department Spending. The elites in government like Hillary Clinton believe they are entitled to do whatever they want.
Hillary Clinton has never earned an honest dollar in her life — she lives the high life at your expense, making money off the rigged system.
This is an election between the small handful of people who benefit from the corrupt system, and the great majority of American citizens who are the victims
of that corruption. Those who benefit from the corruption will say and do anything to keep change from happening.
Colossal Clinton Con. The Clintons live and breathe and count on those who choose to ignore that which they
already know to be true. It has worked for over thirty years and it is working now. She is under federal
investigation and blames the investigators. It is reminiscent of her evisceration of Ken Starr, the Independent Counsel
appointed by Bill Clinton's Attorney General who ultimately became the scapegoat for virtually all their momentous
scandals. It worked then and it may work now. Hillary's incessant scandals over decades have morphed into an odd
sort of national vaccination, immunizing her from accountability while hypnotizing much of the nation. In the face of
pervasive corruption, it has been reduced to so much white noise.
only has herself to blame for the mess she's in. A restoration of the Clinton presidency would be a restoration
of the national and moral chaos they invariably create. They can't help themselves. They are corrupt and
corrupters, the Typhoid Mary of politics. Whether by nature or nurture, they are programmed to ruin. Friends,
allies, institutions — all are stained by their touch. And always, the Clintons blame somebody else.
Trials of Saint Hillary. It's too late in the election cycle to ward off E-mailgate with some tut-tutting or a
wave of the hand. This election is too close for Democrats to simply acknowledge Hillary's corruption, then vote for her
in order to stop Trump. No, they must blind themselves to Hillary's corruption utterly, and blind others to it as well.
assistant director calls the Clintons a 'crime family' and claims their 'foundation is a cesspool'. A former
FBI official described the Clintons as a 'crime family' days after the bureau reopened its investigation into Hillary's
personal email server. James Kallstrom, the former assistant director of the FBI, spoke out against the Clinton family
on Sunday in a radio interview with host and Greek-American billionaire businessman John Catsimatidis on 'The Cats
Roundtable'. 'The Clintons, that's a crime family. It's like organized crime, basically. The Clinton
Foundation is a cesspool,' Kallstrom said. 'It's just outrageous how Hillary Clinton sold her office for money.
How Hillary and Bill became
Bonnie and Clyde. In [J. Edgar] Hoover's day Hillary and Bill would have their pictures hanging in the Post
Office among the 10 Most Wanted. Bonnie and Clyde did it for the money. Hillary and Bill do it for the
money. Same people. Except that Bonnie and Clyde, the real ones, were small-time. They're credited with no
more than about a dozen hold-ups, mainly banks and grocery stores. Small potatoes compared to the Clinton Foundation
that one way and another fattened the pockets of Hillary and Bill with dirty millions.
Clintons Don't Draw Lines Between Their 'Charity' and Personal Riches. In an election season that has been full
of surprises, let's hope the electorate understands that there is at least one thing of which it can be certain: A
Hillary Clinton presidency will be built, from the ground up, on self-dealing, crony favors, and an utter disregard for the
law. This isn't a guess. It is spelled out, in black and white, in the latest bombshell revelation from
WikiLeaks. It comes in the form of a memo written in 2011 by longtime Clinton errand boy Doug Band, who for years
worked simultaneously at the Clinton Foundation and at the head of his lucrative consulting business, Teneo. It is
astonishingly detailed proof that the Clintons do not draw any lines between their "charitable" work, their political
activity, their government jobs or (and most important) their personal enrichment.
perpetual cloud of dirt and scandal that hovers over Hillary Clinton. The dirt cloud of scandal has followed
Clinton incessantly for years. Not just a single, isolated scandal... but several. Travelgate, Whitewater, cattle
futures, Benghazi, private email server, Clinton Foundation, Wall Street speeches, you name it. It's one ignominious
incident after another. And all of them are of her own making. Clinton tends to stretch the bounds of propriety,
dangling her foot over the legal lines. And her actions beckon political calamity. Thus, the interminable cloud.
Investigation: The Clinton
Foundation Was Set Up To Be Corrupt. Clinton Foundation officials have ignored virtually all of the "best
practices" urged by good governance organizations for public charities, according to an investigation by The Daily Caller
News Foundation. Most glaringly, for example, the foundation's insular board of directors is unusually small, ranging
from only two to no more than five members, all of whom are among President Bill and Hillary Clinton's closest and richest
friends. The "good governance" movement in the nonprofit field has been gathering strength for two decades, but it
clearly has yet to reach the Clinton Foundation.
Have Found The Crook, And It Is She! After 30 years of government service, pushing big government into every
aspect of our lives and shoving it down our throats, Hillary is still making valiant efforts to halt injustice, educate the
young, feed the hungry, elevate the poor and house the homeless, and she still just can't quite get the job done and put her
finger on the real problem, which is herself and her form of big government. And after 30 years of campaigning for
president, lying about her opponents, promising a big-government solution to every problem for every person, lying about her
official positions on critical issues, exposing secure emails to our enemies and fire-bombing Donald Trump's campaign offices, she
is still trying to get honesty into her political campaigns. But her campaigns are the only ones being dishonest and corrupt.
You Know How Bad the Clintons Are? "The White House is like a subway. You have to put in coins to open
the gates." Such were the immortal words of one Johnny Chung, who admitted to a Senate committee in 1997 that he funneled
$100,000 from the Chinese military to the Democratic National Committee. In the Clinton White House, it was pay to play
all the way. That either Bill or Hillary had a political life after their treasonous run on Asian piggy banks is a
testament to the ever escalating corruption of the American media. The White House honcho who made the subways run
on time — no shock here — was Hillary Clinton.
The Big Rake. Hillary Clinton has always been obsessed with
money. In Arkansas, she would complain constantly about not having enough money. Some will recall how she used to moan about how they
were not rich enough when they left the White House. Presumably, that's why they stole the furniture. All of her capers have been about
turning her position or her husband's position into cash for the family business. In the managerial class, credentials and connections are
to be monetized. That's their purpose. Hillary Clinton did not weasel her way into the State Department gig because she wanted to burnish
her foreign policy credentials. It was not about staying in the game. There was always a money angle. At State, she could travel
the world, shaking down the rich and powerful for cash to her money laundering operation. Her husband could charge outlandish fees to give
speeches on behalf of the foundation and maybe put in a good word, for the foreign potentate, with his old lady at the State Department.
Clinton's run for the White House has a similar angle.
5 Most Outrageous Hillary Clinton Lies From The Last Debate. [#4] Yes, There's Evidence of Clinton Foundation Corruption:
When Wallace asked Hillary about the Clinton Foundation's play-to-pay scheme, she pivoted to a rant about the various charitable accomplishments of
her organization — "making environments in schools healthier for kids," and so on. Hillary spoke about these altruistic acts as if
they precluded her foundation from engaging in corrupt acts. They do not. Listen, just because mafia families handed out turkeys to
the community on Christmas doesn't mean they weren't involved in protection rackets every other day of the year.
The Hillary Virus.
Hillary, not unlike a parasitic virus, has for decades, lived off the "host," in this case, the United States and those who
engage in apparent "Play for pay" schemes, pay outrageously exorbitant honoraria and speakers fees or contribute to the
Clinton Foundation. [...] This relationship between Hillary and the United States is not symbiotic but parasitic.
America and Americans have certainly not found any benefit in her actions but have suffered from it.
The Clinton Record.
In an effort to prevent foreign governments, organizations, and individuals from influencing the policy decisions of American national
leaders, campaign-finance laws prohibit U.S. political figures from accepting money from foreign sources. But as the Washington
Post noted in February 2015, the Bill, Hillary, & Chelsea Clinton Foundation "has given donors a way to potentially gain favor with the
Clintons outside the traditional political [donation] limits." As of February 2015, foreign sources accounted for about one-third
of all donors who had given the Clinton Foundation more than $1 million, and over half of those who had contributed more than
$5 million. Foreign donors that gave money to the Foundation included: Hezbollah supporter Issam Fares, who once
served as deputy prime minister of Lebanon; the Dubai Foundation, which also gave money to the families of Palestinian terrorists
killed in action; the royal family of the United Arab Emirates; a Dubai-based company that promotes Sharia Law; a privately-held
Chinese construction and trade conglomerate headed by a delegate of the Chinese parliament; and the governments of Saudi Arabia,
Brunei, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar. Even during Clinton's tenure (2009-13) as secretary of state, the Clinton
Foundation received millions of dollars in donations from seven foreign governments.
Clinton, those emails and the whiff of scandal that won't go away. The gaffes and missteps of Donald Trump have
dominated the US election campaign, while Hillary Clinton seemed to put scandal behind her when she escaped indictment by
the FBI over her use of a private email address while serving as as secretary of state. Since that reprieve, she has
been content to sit back and allow her rival to self-destruct. But another possible scandal is gathering over Mrs. Clinton
as the campaign enters its final stretch. It can be summed up in one phrase: donations for access. After
Bill Clinton left the presidency in 2001, he established the Clinton Foundation as a philanthropic organisation with numerous
affiliates and a global reach. The Clinton Foundation's various arms have since received $2 billion from an array of
donors, including big corporations, wealthy individuals and foreign governments.
and Hillary Clinton have made a mockery of America's foundation system. By now, it is clear that the Foundation
operated as a vast and corrupt market for influence. With winks and nods, Bill and Hillary Clinton sold access to the
Secretary of State's office. And because donors were giving to a "Foundation," all parties could quietly look the other
way. Let us call this what it is: graft masquerading as non-profit work. This story has many troubling elements,
perhaps none more than this: By giving their donors a private line to the Secretary of State's office, Bill and Hillary
Clinton have made a mockery of America's foundation system — and tarnished the reputations of the non-profits who
received grants from them.
Hillary Clinton's Reaction to
Her Foundation Scandal Is Disastrous. The numbers on the alleged pay-to-play are damning: as reported by the
Associated Press, of 154 non-official meetings or phone calls on her schedule as Secretary of State, at least 85 of those
individuals were private-sector donors who contributed up to $156 million to Clinton Foundation initiatives. The report
comes on top of other far more incriminating investigations revealing the appearance of quid pro quo with foreign donors to
the Clinton Foundation. Perhaps the worst example was when investors who profited from the Clinton State Department's
approval of a deal for Russia's atomic energy agency's acquisition of a fifth of America's uranium mining rights subsequently
pumped money into the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons subsequently did not fulfill the Obama administration's request
for public disclosure of foreign donations. The public deserves to hear from Clinton an honest explanation of why she
felt all of this was appropriate.
Lots of Smoke
Here, Hillary. The surest way for a person with private interests to get a meeting with Secretary of State
Clinton, or a phone call returned by her, it seems, was to dump a bundle of cash into the Clinton Foundation. Of
154 outsiders whom Clinton phoned or met with in her first two years at State, 85 had made contributions to the Clinton
Foundation, and their contributions, taken together, totaled $156 million. Conclusion: access to Secretary
of State Clinton could be bought, but it was not cheap. Forty of the 85 donors gave $100,000 or more.
Twenty of those whom Clinton met with or phoned dumped in $1 million or more. [...] The stench is familiar, and
all too Clintonian in character.
Pay to Play
With the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation is classified under IRS Code 501(c)(3) as a "non-profit"
foundation, comprising several separate "initiatives," or areas of focus, including health, economic opportunity, and climate
issues. In just over 13 years, the Foundation has raised nearly $2 billion from U.S. corporations, especially Wall
Street firms, political donors, and foreign governments. The nebulous financial arrangement and political nature of the
Foundation was of sufficient concern to the Obama administration that Mrs. Clinton was required to sign a disclosure
agreement with the White House before her nomination as Secretary of State in 2009. According to the Washington Post, Obama
required her "to disclose all contributions to the Clinton Foundation, and that there be a process to vet donations that were
coming in. They violated that agreement almost immediately. They took multi-million dollar donations from foreign
governments and businesses that had interests before the State Department. Those were never disclosed."
Hillary, Laws Are like Cobwebs. [Scroll down] They have become fabulously wealthy by selling access to
the power and influence she wielded as Secretary of State and the presumption that she will become President. Their
scheme was simple: pay the Clinton Foundation millions of dollars, as "donations," and she would do their bidding, from
arranging invitations to state dinners, providing diplomatic passports, to approving lucrative contracts around the world and
the sale of American-made arms to bad actors. Favored donors also became very, very rich. Sprinkled among the
Foundation's donor list is a host of treacherous players who operate by their own gangster rules, also known as Soros
rules. The Clintons are grifters on a grand scale. Only 10 percent of Clinton Foundation money goes to grants
to charity while an unknown portion (the Clinton Foundation has never been audited) goes to staff salaries, travel expenses, and
overhead, as well as lavish get-togethers where the high and mighty mix with the rich and greedy, for mutual benefit.
Generosity is not an aspect of Clinton character, for either spouse. Greed is their defining trait. And what is
so abhorrent is that they feel entitled — to the wealth, to be above the law, to have the power to manipulate and
regulate the rest of us.
Laundry List Of The Clinton Foundation's Most Questionable Foreign Donations. Democratic presidential nominee
Hillary Clinton vigorously defended the Clinton Foundation's work at Wednesday night's final presidential debate. [...]
[Chris] Wallace's question came after numerous allegations from Republican nominee Donald Trump that the Clinton Foundation
took donations from foreign governments, which influenced Clinton's decision making while serving as secretary of state.
These countries include states accused of human rights violations, economic interests in decisions by Clinton's Department of
State, and countries Clinton has pledged to confront if elected president.

The American College Dictionary, 1959, page 1347.
Overview / recap articles about the Russia / uranium scandal:
Democrats Made America Dependent on Russian Uranium. Uranium prices have shot up by as much as 40% since
Russia's invasion of Ukraine. With nuclear power providing about a fifth of our energy, this is another blow for
Americans. Unfortunately our nuclear power plants are dependent on uranium imports from Russia and countries in its
sphere of influence because our domestic mining industry was suppressed. In December 2016, on his way out the door,
Barack Obama announced that he was inventing the Bears Ears "National Monument" on over a million acres of land. While
California environmentalists celebrated, tens of thousands of locals bitterly protested the move. Billboards and
stickers reading #RescindBearsEars were plastered across Utah towns in the area that expected catastrophic consequences from
the destruction of their livelihoods. Among these was uranium mining. A uranium mine in the area has the
potential to yield 500,000 pounds of uranium. Miners warned that the Bears Ears monument would force us to rely more
heavily on foreign uranium. But the Democrats, still busy blaming their election defeat on some sort of phantom
Russian-Trump conspiracy, did not see any problem with making America dependent on Russia.
with moving uranium around — Part V. [Scroll down] In Part II, we looked at the weird history
of the freighter M/V Arctic Sea, which supposedly went missing in the Eastern Atlantic for 15 days in
2009 — yet actually didn't. Arctic Sea's saga was distinguished by some very unusual details ("the
deets'), including a stop in Kaliningrad for cargo-hold modifications before departing on the voyage from Finland; a prior
history of conducting voyages with "missing" periods; and the ship's insurer being from the same Renaissance group of
companies that paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for a speech in Russia, just prior to the U.S. decision to allow the sale of
Uranium One to a subsidiary of Russia's Rosatom. In Part III we pursued some additional "deets," starting with a change
of ownership structure just before the remarkable 2009 voyage. Even more eye-opening, the announcement in August 2009
that the ship had been "found" made reference to the Arctic Sea being west of the Cape Verde Islands on exactly the
day of Hillary Clinton's one and only visit to the Cape Verde Islands (at any time, but also as secretary of state), on
14 August 2009. Finally, we reviewed another unique feature of the case: that Russia blamed Estonia, and in
particular Estonia's former chief of national intelligence, for concocting Arctic Sea's "hijacking" and "disappearance" as a plot.
can change history by declassifying three Obama-era documents. The first includes the national security
assessments that the U.S. intelligence community conducted under President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
concerning the Russia nuclear giant Rosatom's effort to acquire uranium business in the United States. The Committee on
Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) — made up of Secretary Clinton and eight other senior federal
officials — approved Rosatom's purchase of mining company Uranium One's U.S. assets in fall 2010, even as the FBI
was gathering evidence that the Russian company's American arm was engaged in bribery, kickbacks and extortion.
Reasons Why the Uranium One Scandal Won't Go Away. The mainstream press has repeatedly declared the Russian
purchase of Uranium One a "debunked conspiracy theory." But it's no theory, nor has it been debunked. The Uranium One
deal was complicated and had many moving parts, which also explains why misinformation about it has spread widely.
Claims such as "the Russians gave Clinton $145 million" and "Clinton sold American uranium to the Russians" are great
soundbites, but are factually inaccurate. It's true that the Clinton Foundation received undisclosed millions from
Uranium One stakeholders — such as the $2.35 million from board Chairman Ian Telfer. The Obama
administration did allow the Russians to acquire domestic nuclear assets critical to U.S. national security. But minor
inaccuracies in the soundbites have allowed self-appointed fact-checkers such as PolitiFact and Snopes to selectively
"debunk" the larger story without critically examining the full set of facts.
Mueller Has Been Silencing Whistleblowers To Set Up Fake Special Counsels For Years. First, there is Uranium
One — the only genuine Russian Collusion case. Whistleblower William Douglas Campbell, an American
businessman, infiltrated Russia's State Nuclear Energy Corporation, Rosatom, where he posed as a consultant while working
undercover for the FBI to gather and document criminal activity in the Russian plot to control twenty percent of the known
U.S. uranium reserve. From 2005-2013, and at great personal risk, Campbell documented bribery and money laundering that
should have prevented the deal, now known as Uranium One, from being approved by senior officials in the Obama
Administration. But it didn't. With the help of Mueller, President Obama, and Secretary of State Clinton, the
deal was completed in 2013. Throughout the course of this transaction, the Clinton Foundation received a $31,000,000
donation and a pledge for another $100 million from Frank Giustra, a Clinton friend and a principal in the Uranium One
deal who personally benefited from the sale.
Times the Obama Administration Should Have Appointed Special Counsel. [#3] Uranium One: In 2010, the
Obama administration approved a deal allowing the sale of 20 percent of America's uranium to be sold to Russia over
Republicans' expressed national security concerns. The deal was tainted by donations to the Clinton Foundation and an
administration cover-up of bribery and racketeering before being approved. The Obama administration threatened an FBI
informant to keep him from talking about what he knew. There is currently a congressional investigation underway, but
why wasn't this investigated when it happened? Who was in charge of the FBI when the deal went down?
Mr. Robert Mueller. That name should ring a bell with you.
Drops Bomb at Helsinki Presser: Says US Intelligence Helped Move $400,000,000 to Hillary Campaign! [Scroll
down] [Bill] Browder is an American-born British financier. He is the CEO and co-founder of Hermitage Capital Management,
an investment fund that at one time was the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia. Bill Browder's grandfather was
head of the Communist Party USA. The Russian government put Browder on the Interpol most wanted list in 2017.
wanted Hillary Clinton to be President and Adam Schiff is their Number One Shill. Democrat Adam Schiff is a
shill of the Russian government and I'm going to tell you why. It is Schiff who is a propagandist for the Russian
government despite his spinning on all these left-wing TV shows. He put out a list of 30 more interviews he wants to do
even though the Republicans on the committee said there's no collusion. [...] He didn't say we should subpoena Hillary Clinton
even though it was the Hillary Clinton campaign that laundered money through a law firm in this Fusion GPS to do what?
To corroborate and collude with the Russians with their phony dossier. He didn't ask for a single Hillary Clinton campaign
official. Why is that, Mr. Schiff? We know they colluded! He didn't ask for the former head of the DNC.
I don't know if that was Wasserman Schultz or Donna Brazile, he doesn't want to subpoena them and question them. Where did
their money come from? That money that they laundered through that law firm to Fusion GPS to the Russians. That's
something he doesn't want to talk about.
Scandal: Did Hillary Clinton Run FBI's Trump Investigation? You might not know the name of Alexander
Downer, but you should. The former Australian Foreign Minister and current Australian ambassador to the United Kingdom,
Downer is the person who actually started the ball rolling in creating the anti-Trump dossier. And, it turns out, he's
a Clintonite.
too: Did the Clintons finagle a twofer, including a land-grab? Here is what we know, thanks to the
reporting of the estimable Andrew C. McCarthy, the essential Peter Schweizer, and the indefatigable Deroy Murdock.
In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In
June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin's government for a speech in
Moscow. In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton,
allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.
There is even more intrigue, all worthy of a Stephen Coonts' novel: a Russian agent in Maryland involved in extortion, fraud,
and international money laundering; a Washington, D.C. lobbyist who, hearing danger afoot, became an FBI informant; congressional
critics decrying "the take-over of essential U.S. nuclear resources by a government-owned Russian agency"; non-disclosure by the
FBI of its investigation into Russia's "racketeering and strong-arming" as the administration considered the Russian acquisition;
the transfer of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation by sources tied to the Uranium One deal; prolonging of the FBI investigation
for years; and indictment and slap-on-the-wrist sentencing of the agent and his conspirators just before Labor Day and Christmas,
all without fanfare.
Corruption, Lawbreaking — And So What? The FISA-gate, Clinton emails, and Uranium One scandals are
sort of reaching a consensus. Many things quite wrong and illegal were done by both Hillary Clinton and her entourage
and members of the Obama agencies and administration — both the acts themselves and the cover-ups and omissions
that ensued.
Clinton's Five Worst Moments of 2017. [#3] Uranium One Scandal Reappears: Another year, another
Clinton scandal. Only, in this case, it was the re-emergence of the Uranium One scandal that initially emerged in 2015.
Government Accountability Institute (GAI) president and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer broke the scandal
in his 2015 book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and
Hillary Rich. In the book, Schweizer reported that Clinton's State Department, along with other federal agencies,
approved the sale and that nine foreign investors in the deal gave $145 million to Bill and Hillary Clinton's personal
charity, the Clinton Foundation.
Gowdy Is Cleared To Go After Hillary Clinton And Loretta Lynch. Hillary Clinton clearly broke the law.
Regardless of whether it was a result of her failure to deal with her email system appropriately, it doesn't make a
difference — she should've been charged. In any case, James Comey, our previous FBI chief felt that it would
be better given her a chance to get away with it. Additionally, Comey had started composing his letter where he
exonerates Hillary Clinton before he even had a meeting with her. [...] Furthermore, AG Loretta Lynch trusted that it would be an
amazing decision to meet with Hillary Clinton's husband on an airport tarmac while the examination was still crisp and new.
Time To Prosecute The Clinton Political Crime Syndicate. What has most greased the skids of America's decline
toward the ways of a banana republic is the emergence and acceptance of two-tiered justice and attendant cronyism and
political corruption. And nowhere is this more obvious than in the pass given to the Clintons, and particularly former
First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. When the Clintons left the White House in 2001, taking with them
over $190,000 worth of heirloom china, flatware, rugs, and furniture as they cleared out — much of which they
later had to return — they claimed they were flat broke. Their net worth today is now in excess of
$150 million, accumulated not by traditional means of work and investment, but rather by pay-for-play influence peddling
through speeches and Clinton Foundation fundraising — with the tacit understanding that the Clintons would be in a
position to return favors to donors after Hillary won the 2016 presidential election.
none. Credible news accounts detail how a Kremlin-linked nuclear energy company called Rosatom sought ownership
of Uranium One, a Canadian mining company with rights to American uranium. The deal was completed in 2010 following
approval of the nine-member Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, of which Hillary Clinton, the secretary of
State, was a member. Later, her husband Bill was invited to make a speech in Moscow for $500,000, paid by a bank with a
financial interest in Rosatom. The Clinton Foundation eventually received millions of dollars from other Russians with
connections to the deal.
the Uranium One "Scandal". Despite assertions by Hillary Rodham Clinton that the Uranium One scandal has been
debunked as "fake news," there exists ample evidence to suggest otherwise — with additional corroborating evidence
being revealed almost daily. In today's environment where few people care to read a report that extends beyond a
sentence or two, the facts behind the Uranium One scandal are often readily dismissed due to its transactional complexity,
the complicity of those involved, and the media's collusion in keeping this story under wraps. That is beginning to
change, however, as more information is being forced into the open by a precious few members of the conservative media and
truth-seeking journalists.
incredible new chapter in the Hillary Clinton chronicles. When President Donald Trump fired FBI Director Jim
Comey last spring, the attorney general's stated purpose for recommending the firing was Comey's dropping the ball in the
investigation of Clinton's email when she was secretary of state. After a year of investigating her use of her own
computer servers to transmit and store classified materials instead of using a government server to do so — and
notwithstanding a mountain of evidence of her grossly negligent exposure of secret and top-secret materials, which
constitutes the crime of espionage — the FBI director decided that because no reasonable prosecutor would take the
case, it should be dropped. Weeks later, the DOJ ratified Comey's decision. At the same time that Clinton was failing
to safeguard state secrets, she was granting official State Department favors to donors to her family's charitable foundation.
There are dozens of examples of this so-called "pay to play," the most egregious of which is the Uranium One case.
One: Will Justice be Done? Not much distance was needed to gain confirmation. The Trump-Russian
collusion charges were all deception and diversion. It reeks of conspiracy. It was Plan B in the Clintons' and
Democrats' playbook. Plan A was the election of Hillary as president. From the Oval office, she'd bury Uranium
One deeper than any nuclear waste could be in Yucca Mountain. The collusion nonsense was an attempt to frame an innocent
man, Donald Trump. The principal aim: Save the necks of the Uranium One culprits. Let that sink in. We
can be sure the president has. House Republicans have just launched an investigation into the Uranium One deal. The
deal happened during Obama's tenure. That's no coincidence — not with Hillary Clinton around. The former
president may be neck-deep in yellowcake. Uranium One is a tangled web of criminality. It appears to involve
higher-ups — elected and appointed — on an unprecedented scale.
Mother of All Scandals. She was not just smart, she was the smartest woman ever. She was fully competent
and capable in everything. She fought bravely for all the right issues. She was more qualified to be President
than anyone who preceded her. She was, and is, the bright moral compass pointing the way forward to the left (who they
believe should be all of us). She was the Yin to her husband's Yang. They were the best power couple ever, a beacon of
truth shining in the darkness. Except they weren't. She has proved that over time, and her book tour is confirming
it. And the left is about to melt down as she and hubby finally are revealed for who they are. Who are they?
In a nutshell, they are the left's version of Elmer Gantry: frauds who love adulation, and even more, love money, power,
and fame. If you think the left melted down when Trump won, wait until they have the scales fall from their eyes as this
new scandal engulfs her and her party.
Definitive Timeline Showing When Clinton, DNC Started The Russian Dossier. There has been much confusion in the
media — and thereby, the public — about who funded the infamous Trump dossier. Some outlets have
incorrectly reported that Republicans began financing the dossier before the Clinton campaign and Democratic National
Committee took over last Spring. But that is incorrect. Democrats are solely responsible for the dossier, which
was passed around by their research firm, Fusion GPS, to Beltway reporters and select lawmakers during the heat of the
presidential campaign. Here is the definitive timeline of how it all transpired. [...]
The Hillary-Russia Collusion Scandal Does — And Doesn't — Mean. For nearly a year, we've
heard a consistent drumbeat of doom from the mainstream media: President Donald Trump, as a candidate, must have
colluded with Russia in order to skew the election against Hillary Clinton. To support this contention, the media have
proposed seven main pieces of evidence: first, the bizarrely warm rhetoric used by Trump himself with regard to the Russian
regime; second, former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort's close relationship with the Russian government; third, former
Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn's connections with the Russian government; fourth, former Trump foreign policy
advisor Carter Page's apparent connections with the Russian government; fifth, Donald Trump Jr.'s approval of a meeting with
Russian government-connected lawyers, supposedly to gather intelligence on Hillary; sixth, Trump's firing of FBI director
James Comey and his statement to the Russians that he felt less pressure on Russia now; and finally, news that Trump's data
firm owned by the Mercer family, Cambridge Analytica, reached out to Julian Assange in an attempt to gain access to Hillary's
missing emails.
Playbook Being Rolled Out to Protect Hillary. The Clinton team is ramping up its old war room tricks to deal with what is
emerging as its own real Russian collusion scandal. One example is its handling of an embarrassing report by the Washington Post
that Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), through a lawyer representing both parties, helped
bankroll the largely discredited Fusion GPS dossier compiled by a former British intelligence officer, Christopher Steele, on alleged
Trump-Russian connections. The dossier was reportedly based at least in part on information he collected from Russian officials.
After first denying any involvement of the Clinton campaign in funding the GPS dossier project until such denial was no longer tenable,
the campaign team tried to spin its involvement as somehow being a patriotic act.
Unpacking Uranium One:
Hype and Law. [Scroll down] Uranium One's licenses are for mining and extraction, not for export.
This makes the claim that we "gave away" 20% of America's uranium fairly hyperbolic. The expectation, in light of the
NRC's assessment, would have been that the uranium mined would be marketed in America (with the profits going to Russia).
It is, however, true, that the mining rights to 20% of American uranium are now held by a Russian state agency. That is
troubling (and had it been me, I would have tried to generate opposition to the sale). It isn't a "give away," but it
is the case that Rusatom has de jure and de facto legal rights that can be exercised to limit production
if it wishes to do so.
Obama Administration's Uranium One Scandal. The Uranium One scandal is not only, or even principally, a Clinton
scandal. It is an Obama-administration scandal. The Clintons were just doing what the Clintons do:
cashing in on their "public service." The Obama administration, with Secretary Clinton at the forefront but hardly
alone, was knowingly compromising American national-security interests. The administration green-lighted the transfer
of control over one-fifth of American uranium-mining capacity to Russia, a hostile regime — and specifically to
Russia's state-controlled nuclear-energy conglomerate, Rosatom. Worse, at the time the administration approved the
transfer, it knew that Rosatom's American subsidiary was engaged in a lucrative racketeering enterprise that had already
committed felony extortion, fraud, and money-laundering offenses.
Obama's felony: 'Sitting'
on the ROSATOM nuclear crimes. There is currently ample open-source evidence to conclude that all the key
National Security officials in the Obama Administration (especially Sec of State Clinton) knew as early as 2009 that Vadm
Mikerin, a Russian national, and his "higher officials" Moscow backers, were engaged in a vast criminal conspiracy relating
to "nuclear kickbacks" and felony violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices act. Mikerin was a big-wig in ROSATOM.
In 2015, Mikerin pled guilty to the "criminal money laundering conspiracy involving violations of the Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act," and was sent to Federal Prison for 4 years. According to its website, ROSATOM is the Russian
"State Atomic Energy Corporation." The ROSATOM webite continues to state, "ROSATOM is a proponent of the uniform
national policy and best management practices in nuclear power utilization, the nuclear weapons industry, and nuclear
safety." Did you get that? ROSATOM a "proponent of the uniform national policy" of the Russian "nuclear
weapons industry." In the United States, Mikerin set up and ran Tenam which was a subsidiary of Tenex ROSATOM's
foreign trade arm. So, in 2009 and 2010, Sec. of State Clinton and the entire Obama national security team
intentionally and knowingly withheld time-sensitive national security information about the Russian key nuclear-arms
corporation while the UraniumOne and New Start treaty were being evaluated by the United States Senate and CFIUS board.
Bigger than
Watergate. It is time to subpoena everyone on that Committee (and Obama as well) and have them testify under
oath about what they knew when they approved the sale of the uranium stock to Vladimir Putin. It's pretty obvious now
what happened. Bill Clinton gave up US guidance technology to China in return for cash donations and now Hillary and
Bill have sold 20% of US uranium stocks to Vladimir Putin in return for cash — not just to Russia, but to Vladimir Putin
himself. But like I said then, selling out the country for money is a long standing Clinton tradition. I am going
to bet that all on the CFIUS committee deny they knew about the bribery scandal.
7 FACTS About The #UraniumOneDeal
You Need To Know. [#1] Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President and Breitbart News Senior
Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer broke the Uranium One scandal in his book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why
Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich. In the book, he reported that Clinton's State
Department, along with other federal agencies, approved the transfer of 20 percent of all U.S. uranium to Russia and that
nine foreign investors in the deal gave $145 million to Hillary and Bill Clinton's personal charity, the Clinton Foundation.
[#2] The New York Times confirmed Schweizer's Uranium One revelations in a 4,000-word front-page story by a Pulitzer Prize-winning
investigative reporter. It detailed how the Russian energy giant Rosatom had taken over the Canadian firm with three separate
purchases between 2009 and 2013, largely coinciding with Hillary Clinton's time as secretary of state.
Clinton Foundation
Scandal. When Hillary Clinton agreed to be Secretary of State during President Obama's first term, she promised
her distance from the Clinton Foundation. The foundation also agreed to limit foreign donations. Both agreements
were for good reasons. Foreign officials and governments were big donors to the Clintons' family foundation, and there
were concerns in the Obama administration about conflicts of interest between the foundation and Hillary Clinton's work at
Secretary of State.
Timely news and commentary:
Clinton staffer faces years behind bars after pleading guilty to illegal money grab.
A longtime associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton is facing up to six years behind bars after he
pleaded guilty on Monday to one count of felony theft. Attorney Steve Bachar, touted as a
"socially responsible" investor, served as the co-chair of the Clinton Global Initiative prior to
his arrest in October 2021. As BizPac Review previously reported, the Denver district
attorney's office accused Bachar of stealing up to $1 million and then lying to an investor "in
connection with the offer, sale or purchase of a security." The crimes took place between
October 2017 and August 2018.
101: A Primer On The Russia Collusion Hoax's Years-long Plot To Take Down Trump. As Special Counsel John Durham
continues to expose more details of the "SpyGate" or "Russia collusion" scandal, it can be difficult for any apolitical,
non-news-junkie member of the public to grasp the ongoing developments. After all, for more than five years, the
corrupt legacy media has refused to report on scandal or done so with a slanted portrayal of the facts. So most
Americans remain unaware of the Democrats' years-long duplicity that sought to destroy first candidate and then President
Donald Trump. Add to that reality the overlapping conspiracies and sprawling cast of characters involved, and it can be
difficult to follow the story. That the scandal is dense, however, does not mean it should be ignored. To the
contrary, the duplicity must not be disregarded because what Trump's political enemies tried to accomplish over the course of
five years represents the biggest threat our constitutional republic has seen in the last century.
The Editor says...
SpyGate is a complicated story. So is the story of the Clinton Foundation's operations in
Haiti, the Clintons' Uranium One deal, the Rose Law Firm / Whitewater / Madison Guaranty scandal, the
highly suspicious death of VInce Foster, or the operation of Hillary Clinton's private email server.
The villains in a story like this want it to be complicated, so that it will be
difficult for a prosecutor to unravel and diagram it all.
Hard to detect, hard to understand, hard to believe, hard to prove.
And in Washington, DC, it would be hard to get a conviction from an all-Democrat jury.
All Eyes Are on the Russia-Ukraine War, Bill Clinton Announces the Resurrection of the Clinton Global
Initiative. Former President Bill Clinton announced in a letter on the Clinton Foundation website the
reinstatement of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) with a kick-off meeting in New York in September. The timing of
this reincarnation is pretty remarkable. The Clinton's terminated CGI at the end of 2016, but are resurrecting it now
"to meet the urgency of this moment." Clinton cited a myriad of reasons that he believes the "CGI community" can address
including COVID, war, and attack on democracy and a myriad of woke objectives. "The COVID-19 pandemic has ripped the
cover off of longstanding inequities and vulnerabilities across our global community," Clinton said.
a Big Sign That Hillary Is Running and What It Has to Do With Ukraine. The Clinton Global Initiative
essentially wound down in 2017 because of the drop-off in donations. Gee, why did the donations drop off then?
Did potential donors finally realize that they wouldn't be getting any access to the White House because Hillary Clinton
wasn't going to get in? But now, Bill Clinton is saying they are restarting the CGI again because the kind of
"cooperation and coordination" it created is urgently needed with the pandemic and the Russian war on Ukraine, according to
the Associated Press.
Clinton Foundation gets back into business. The reality is, the Clinton Foundation and its Clinton Global
Initiative, a Davos-style conference operation for the superrich, have never been much more than an unpunished pay-to-play
political operation, a flim-flam racket, and a disguised vehicle for bribery. Foundation donations went up when Hillary
had access or something else to sell as a presidential candidate and secretary of state. Foundation donations went down
when she fell out of power. The correlation was as obvious as the sun coming up and daylight following.
witness pleads guilty in illegal scheme to funnel UAE money to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign. George Nader, a
key witness in former special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation and a convicted child sex predator, quietly
pleaded guilty last year to involvement in an illegal campaign finance scheme funneling millions of dollars from the United
Arab Emirates into Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. Nader, a Lebanese American lobbyist, was sentenced to
10 years in prison in June 2020 after pleading guilty to bringing an underage teenage boy to the United States for sex and
possessing child pornography. What was not publicly known until recently was that he also pleaded guilty to an illegal
foreign donation scheme.
Court Won't Back Down After Sanctioning Russia Hoax Lawyer Marc Elias For Deceiving Judges. A federal court
refused to grant a request by Marc Elias, the Democrat operative who helped run the Russia collusion hoax, to rescind their
sanctions against him for deceiving judges in his attempts to fight Republicans in Texas who pushed back on bad election
practices by banning straight-ticket voting in the 2020 election. Elias, who worked as Hillary Clinton's top campaign
lawyer in 2016 and served as legal counsel to now-Vice President Kamala Harris when she ran for president in 2020, was first
sanctioned by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in March for deceptively refiling a motion to the court after it
was previously denied. Two of the three judges on the panel agreed to sanction Elias and his team for the shady attempt
to lie to the court. Elias was quickly scolded by the judges for lacking "candor" in a courtroom setting.
Clinton Foundation shrivels. All of a sudden, the Clinton Foundation's not drawing the revenue it used to
draw. And the difference is staggering. [...] As [Tom] Fitton notes, donations spiked when Hillary Clinton was riding
high on the hog as President Obama's secretary of state. After she left office and lost the 2016 presidency to Donald J.
Trump, she got "defunded," big. Trump cost the harridan a lot of baksheesh she had been counting on. Issues &
Insights has an excellent chart here demonstrating the trajectory along with a good editorial to go with it. The
Foundation, laughably enough, attributed the drop-off in donations to the pandemic.
Absolutely No One Is Surprised Hillary Clinton's Influence-Peddling Foundation Collapsed. When one of the most
recognizable nonprofits in the world loses 75% of its contributions over a four-year period, there are typically
investigatory reports written into what has gone wrong. That isn't the case with the Clinton Foundation. The
Foundation received $62.9 million in 2016 but only $16.3 million in 2020, and very few people seem to have noticed.
That is because most Beltway insiders know the Clinton Foundation's primary purpose: to serve as a platform for Hillary
Clinton's political operation while lining the Clintons' pockets by trading influence for money. That is why donations
spiked when Hillary was secretary of state and most of the world thought she was destined to become president —
and why they cratered after she lost. Kevin Thurm, the CEO of the Clinton Foundation, tried to play off the 2020
decline off as pandemic-related. In a letter, he wrote that 2020 "was a difficult year for philanthropy. Across
the sector, resources were stretched thinly and fundraising activities were impacted." This argument doesn't explain the tens
of millions the Foundation lost between 2016 and 2019 and ignores that charitable giving was up by 5.1% in America last year.
Happens When We Find Justice Isn't Blind? Premised upon the risible Steele dossier and other bogus documents
and government leaks crafted to abet Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, Democrats responded to her defeat by concocting
a conspiracy that Donald Trump had colluded with Russian authoritarian Vladimir Putin to steal the 2016 election.
Equally inane and insane, this leftist temper tantrum has been going on five years and counting — an unhinged
attempt to destroy the legitimacy of the 2016 election and, thus, the presidency of Donald Trump. In league with and
abetted by their co-conspiring leftist media supplicants and sycophants, the Democrats subversively weaponized the police and
surveillance powers of the state to promote the Russiagate collusion lie. Each day, the dinosaur and social media were
riven by new "bombshell" allegations, each more outlandish and, ultimately, erroneous than the last. A special counsel
and his Clinton supporting crew were appointed to get to the bottom of a crime that was devised as a campaign smear by ...
the Clinton campaign.
is Rodney Joffe, aka 'Tech Executive-1' in Durham indictment? The tech executive referenced in the criminal
case against leading cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann was identified Thursday [9/30/2021] as an industry pioneer who's
founded the world's first commercial internet hosting company, is an expert in detecting malware and holds 10 patents.
Rodney Joffe is the person referred to as "Tech Executive-1" in Sussman's indictment for allegedly lying to the FBI by
withholding his connections to Hillary Clinton's losing 2016 election campaign against former President Donald Trump,
according to CNN. Joffe, who's not accused of any wrongdoing, "retained Sussman as his lawyer" in February 2015 in
connection with an unspecified "matter involving an agency of the US government," according to the indictment.
Sussman's indictment is part of special counsel John Durham's probe of the FBI investigation into claims that Trump's
campaign colluded with Russian officials.
Celebrity Comes to Disturbing Realization: Trump was 'Right' About Clintons & Russia Hoax. Liberal
celebrity Russell Brand, a British comedian who was once even married to Katy Perry, has come to a disturbing
realization: Trump was "right" that Russia collusion was a hoax and the Clintons are extremely corrupt. The
comedian announced his epiphany in a video that he posted to his Rumble account. [Video clip]
False Narratives About The Spygate Indictment Of Michael Sussmann. On Sept. 22, Michael Sussmann appeared via
video at the first status conference held in Special Counsel John Durham's criminal case against the former Clinton attorney.
During the hearing, the government noted some disclosure material likely included classified information, spinning speculation of
what those documents might be. But while the prosecution remains in its infant stages, and it will be some time before the
country knows more details related to Sussmann's role in Spygate, the biggest backers of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax have already
exonerated Sussmann. That fits a long pattern of collusion spinners downplaying every investigative advance into their Russia
hoax. Here are their top talking points about the Sussmann news and why they are gibberish.
Jake Sullivan commit perjury? E-mails reveal 'lie' on Trump. Jake Sullivan, national security adviser in
the Biden administration, may be guilty of perjury related to the Hillary Clinton campaign's dirty tricks against Donald
Trump. Last week, Michael A. Sussmann, a partner at Perkins Coie, a law firm representing the Hillary campaign and the
Democratic National Committee, was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of making false statements to the FBI about
his clients and their motives behind planting the rumor, at the highest levels of the FBI, of a secret Trump-Russia server.
The indictment states that Sussmann, as well as the cyber experts recruited for the operation, "coordinated with representatives
and agents of the Clinton campaign with regard to the data and written materials that Sussmann gave to the FBI and the media."
Security Adviser Jake Sullivan Tied to Alleged 2016 Clinton Scheme to Co-Opt the CIA and FBI to Tar Trump.
White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan figures prominently in a grand jury investigation run by Special Counsel
John Durham into an alleged 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign scheme to use both the FBI and CIA to tar Donald Trump as a
colluder with Russia, according to people familiar with the criminal probe, which they say has broadened into a conspiracy
case. Sullivan is facing scrutiny, sources say, over potentially false statements he made about his involvement in the
effort, which continued after the election and into 2017. As a senior foreign policy adviser to Clinton, Sullivan
spearheaded what was known inside her campaign as a "confidential project" to link Trump to the Kremlin through dubious
email-server records provided to the agencies, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Last week,
Michael A. Sussmann, a partner in Perkins Coie, a law firm representing the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic
National Committee, was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of making false statements to the FBI about his clients
and their motives behind planting the rumor, at the highest levels of the FBI, of a secret Trump-Russia server.
Russiagate, More Like Watergate.
CNN Chief Media Reporter Brian Stelter hopped on the set of Reliable Sources last weekend, and offered his take on Special
Counsel John Durham's recent indictment of former Perkins Coie attorney Michael Sussmann, calling Durham's probe a "total
bust." This was in the context of accusing other networks like Fox and OAN of a pattern of "lie, rinse, repeat." [...] A
long list of press figures — from Stelter's own CNN colleague and shameless intelligence community spokesclown
Natasha Bertrand, to reporters from The New Yorker, Time, MSNBC, Fortune, the Financial
Times, and especially Slate and The Atlantic — were witting or unwitting pawns in a scheme to
sell the public on a transparently moronic hoax, i.e. that Donald Trump's campaign was communicating mysterious digital
treason to Russia's Alfa Bank via a secret computer server. The story sounded absurd from the start, and was instantly
challenged by experts.
Indictment: 'Powerful' Tech Executive 'Exploited His Access to Non-Public Data' to Dig Dirt on Trump. The
indictment last week of a former Clinton campaign lawyer indicates that Democrats supporting Hillary Clinton —
including a "powerful" technology company executive with access to non-public data — colluded in a corrupt effort
to spread lies about the Trump campaign ahead of the 2016 election. Michael Sussmann, a former Justice Department
employee who worked for the Clinton campaign through the Perkins Coie law firm, went to FBI General Counsel James Baker on
Sept. 19, 2016, providing data and documents (documents that he helped write) alleging a "secret channel of communications"
between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank. According to the indictment, the misleading information about a
"mysterious computer back channel" between the Trump Organization and the Russian bank was passed to multiple media outlets
by Sussmann, who "continued to bill his time for such work to the Clinton Campaign."
Where does John
Durham go from here? Michael Sussmann has been indicted for lying to the FBI general counsel James Baker during
a September 2016 meeting where he provided to Baker materials and information purported to link the Trump Organization with
Russian entity Alfa Bank. In order to bolster the credibility of his claims, Sussmann told Baker he was acting on his
own and not for any clients. This was a lie — Sussmann was acting on behalf of a tech executive and the
Hillary Clinton campaign. According to Special Counsel John Durham, Sussmann would repeat this lie on February 9, 2017
to two employees of another government agency ("Agency-2" in the indictment; possibly CIA). The more interesting parts
of the Sussmann indictment have to do with the orchestrated effort by Sussmann, the Clinton Campaign, a tech executive
(identified as Rodney Joffe), their team of partisan researchers, and Fusion GPS to smear the Trump Organization —
and thus candidate Trump — as having a "purported secret channel of communications" with Alfa Bank (a Russian bank).
The left wants to
shut down the Durham probe. It needs to continue. In Washington, there is no greater indication of
wrongdoing than the number of people denouncing efforts to investigate it. The "nothing to see here" crowd went into
hyperventilation last week when Special Counsel John Durham indicted a former Clinton campaign lawyer, Michael Sussmann.
Legal experts who spent years validating every possible criminal charge against Donald Trump and his associates are now
insisting that Durham needs to end his investigation. The Washington Post heaped ridicule on Durham despite an
indictment detailing an effort to hide the connection of the Clinton campaign and a concerted effort to push false Russian
collusion claims. Keep in mind that Durham was ordered to investigate the origins of the Russian investigation,
including claims that those origins were unlawfully concealed or knowingly false. The Sussmann indictment involves both
issues after he allegedly pushed a false allegation of collusion and then hid the fact that he was working for the Clinton
Durham Bombshell Made a 'Birther' Out of Me. Upon reading special counsel John Durham's 27-page indictment of
attorney Michael Sussman, I found myself asking, "Is there anything Perkins Coie lawyers would not do to keep their
Democratic clients in power?" Thanks to Durham, we know they launched a cyberwar against candidate Donald Trump that
makes their work on the Steele dossier seem half-hearted. What we need to know is whether their work in producing
Barack Obama's birth certificate was any more legit than these other misadventures. As to Sussman, he stands accused of
lying to the FBI, "to wit, on or about September 19, 2016, the defendant stated to the General Counsel of the FBI that he
was not acting on behalf of any client in conveying particular allegations concerning a Presidential candidate, when in truth,
and in fact, and as the defendant well knew, he was acting on behalf of specific clients, namely, Tech Executive-I and the
Clinton Campaign."
lawyer's indictment reveals 'bag of tricks'. The 26-page indictment of former cybersecurity attorney and
Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann by special counsel John Durham is as detailed as it is damning on the
alleged effort to push a false Russia collusion claim before the 2016 presidential campaign. One line, however, seems
to reverberate for those of us who have followed this scandal for years now: "You do realize that we will have to
expose every trick we have in our bag." That warning from an unnamed "university researcher" captures the most
fascinating aspect of the indictment in describing a type of Nixonian dirty tricks operation run by — or at least
billed to — the Clinton campaign. With Nixon, his personal attorney and the Committee to Re-Elect the
President (CREEP) paid for operatives to engage in disruptive and ultimately criminal conduct targeting his opponents.
With Clinton, the indictment and prior disclosures suggest that Clinton campaign lawyers at the law firm of Perkins Coie
helped organize an effort to spread Russia collusion stories and trigger an investigation.
Trump says Durham indictment revealed Clinton bankroll of Alfa Bank dirt. It took five years for the role
Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign had in concocting the Alfa Bank scandal to become apparent, Eric Trump said on Sunday
[9/19/2021]. In working to dismiss one facet of the Russia collusion narrative, Eric Trump said he worked with the FBI on
investigating allegations of a secret backchannel between Russia's Alfa Bank and the Trump Organization, where he serves as
executive vice president, but it was an indictment last week from special counsel John Durham's inquiry that finally showed
evidence of bankrolling by Clinton's team.
The Indictment
of Hillary Clinton's Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russiagate Wing of U.S. Media. A lawyer for Hillary
Clinton's 2016 campaign was indicted on Wednesday [9/15/2021] with one felony count of lying to the FBI about a fraudulent
Russiagate story he helped propagate. Michael Sussman was charged with the crime by Special Counsel John Durham, who
was appointed by Trump Attorney General William Barr to investigate possible crimes committed as part of the Russiagate
investigation and whose work is now overseen and approved by Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland. Sussman's
indictment, approved by Garland, is the second allegation of criminal impropriety regarding Russiagate's origins. [...] The
lie that Sussman allegedly told the FBI occurred in the context of his mid-2016 attempt to spread a completely fictitious
story: that there was a "secret server" discovered by unnamed internet experts that allowed the Trump organization to
communicate with Russia-based Alfa Bank. In the context of the 2016 election, in which the Clinton campaign had
elevated Trump's alleged ties to the Kremlin to center stage, this secret communication channel was peddled by
Sussman — both to the FBI and to Clinton-friendly journalists — as smoking-gun proof of nefarious
activities between Trump and the Russians.
indictment' blows Russia collusion conspiracy wide open, top GOP investigator says. The cybersecurity lawyer
indicted this week by a grand jury in special counsel John Durham's investigation could end up being the "fall guy" for
Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, warned a top House Republican. Rep. Devin Nunes , the ranking member on the House
Intelligence Committee, told Newsmax on Thursday there is evidence of a broad Russia collusion conspiracy —
allegations the congressman's team investigated and referred to the Justice Department. But Nunes cautioned that the
Clintons "have a long history of their lawyers and agents disappearing." Michael Sussmann, a former attorney at Perkins
Coie, is accused of falsely telling the top FBI lawyer he was not representing any clients when acting on behalf of a
technology executive and the Clinton campaign during a September 2016 meeting on possible links between former President
Donald Trump and Russia. Sussmann pleaded not guilty to a charge of lying to the FBI on Friday, with lawyers insisting
he never said he didn't have clients and was representing only the technology executive at the meeting five years ago.
Lock her up —
Hillary is going down. A Hillary Clinton lawyer has been indicted for lying to the FBI in the Clinton
campaign's 2016 smear of Donald Trump. The lawyer fed bogus information to the FBI to fuel the false allegation that
Trump was colluding with Russia. The lawyer lied to the FBI by stating that he was acting purely as a private citizen,
while his own firm's billing records prove he was actually working for Hillary's campaign. [...] Recall that the Trump-Russia
collusion allegation ultimately proved baseless. A two-year, $32 million investigation by Robert Mueller and his staff
of 19 Democrat partisan lawyers together with 40 FBI agents interviewed 500 witness and reviewed thousands of documents, but
came up empty. They found no evidence of Russian collusion. But they did succeed in casting a cloud over the
Trump administration and gifted a ratings bonanza to CNN whose viewers still remember CNN's breathless nightly reports of the
investigation, courtesy of leaks from Mueller's team, but have forgotten the outcome.
proof the Russiagate 'scandal' was created by the Hillary Clinton campaign. A federal grand jury on Thursday
[9/16/2021] handed up an indictment requested by special counsel John Durham — and it's fresh proof that the
entire Russiagate "scandal" was manufactured by Hillary Clinton's campaign. Durham, the federal prosecutor tasked with
investigating the origins of the investigation, is targeting lawyer Michael Sussmann for lying about his client when he met
with an agent to share dubious suspicions of a link between the Trump Organization and Kremlin-connected Alfa Bank. The
FBI later disproved the claim during the endless Russiagate investigation, as special counsel Robert Mueller's team found
itself unable to verify anything from the much-hyped allegations after two years of work. Sussmann's in trouble because
he told the agent he had no client in the matter, then later in a 2017 deposition told Congress he did it on behalf of an
unnamed client and cybersecurity expert. Sussmann wasn't on that account — but his firm, Perkins Coie,
reportedly billed his hours working on Alfa Bank to the Clinton campaign.
Clinton used the deep state to fabricate the Russia collusion narrative. We've known for decades that the
Clintons and their henchmen are almost certainly corrupt. But the latest indictment filed by special counsel John
Durham exposes a breadth and depravity of corruption that is disgraceful and dangerous even for them. [...] Now, we also know
the federal government needs to reform how tech companies help the federal government protect us from cyberattacks.
Durham's latest indictment centers on Democratic National Committee and Clinton Foundation lawyer Michael Sussmann. One
of Sussmann's other clients, only identified in the indictment as "Tech Executive-1," approached Sussmann in July 2016,
claiming he had information that could help create a "narrative" of Trump collusion with Russia. Tech Executive-1 would
later say in an email that he wanted Hillary Clinton to win the presidency because he believed she would give him the
nation's top cybersecurity job. Tech Executive-1 then used his connections with a cybersecurity firm helping the
federal government to gain access to nonpublic internet data about Trump and six of his associates.
The Editor says...
Tech Executive-1 did not kill himself!
Case Shows Far-Left Slate Journalist Was Tool for the Democrats and Hillary in Pushing Garbage Trump-Russia Hit
Piece. Franklin Foer is reportedly one of many far-left tools the Democrats and Hillary Clinton used to push
their garbage Trump — Russia lies. In the second 2016 debate, Hillary Clinton claimed President Trump was
connected to Russian leader Putin. This was laughable at the time. We could tell then that this argument was
rubbish based on lies. However, Hillary, the Democrats and the Deep State push this lie to this day despite it being a
lie. A couple of days ago one of Hillary's attorneys was indicted for pushing this lie to the FBI. Michael Sussmann
was indicted for pushing the Trump — Russia lie. But as we all know, there was a cabal of journalists,
Democrats and Deep State actors who pushed this lie with Sussmann. One such actor was a far-left writer from far-left Slate.
Deeds Done Not Cheap. In 2015 the law firm Perkins Coie, which also represented the Democratic National
Committee was hired by the Hillary Clinton Campaign. Early the following year it hired Fusion GPS to perform opposition
research for the campaign. Fusion GPS provided the now debunked Steele dossier which alleged Russian collusion with the
Trump campaign. For the services performed during the campaign, the DNC paid the firm $5.6 million and the Clinton
campaign paid them $3.6 million. Having the firm hire GPS Fusion meant that the connection would not be revealed
through campaign financial disclosures, but in time the connection was revealed, largely because of a defamation suit filed
in Great Britain by Alfa Bank against Steele. In recent weeks, a key member of the firm, Mark Elias, who had been the
Clinton campaign's lawyer, left the firm and this week another member, Michael Sussman, was indicted by a federal grand jury
called by Special Counsel John Durham of making a false statement to the FBI. Sussman pleaded not guilty.
Lawyer At The Center Of Major Trump-Russia Conspiracy Indicted For Allegedly Lying To FBI. A federal grand jury
indicted prominent lawyer Michael Sussmann, who represented the Democratic National Committee after Russia hacked its servers
in 2016, on Thursday for allegedly lying to the FBI, according to court documents. The indictment, first reported by
the Huffington Post, said Sussmann lied when he "stated to the General Counsel of the FBI that he was not acting on behalf of
any client in conveying particular allegations concerning a Presidential candidate, when in truth, and in fact, as the
defendant well knew, he was acting on behalf of specific clients, namely, Tech Executive-1 and the Clinton Campaign."
John Durham, the special counsel appointed by the Trump administration to review the Russia investigation, asked a grand jury
to indict the cybersecurity lawyer, people familiar with the matter told The New York Times. Sussmann is a partner at
Perkins Coie. The firm's political law group, which is separate from the division Sussmann works in, represented
Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign and the Democratic Party, the NYT reported.
Campaign Lawyer Indicted In Durham Investigation. An attorney who represented Hillary Clinton's failed 2016
presidential campaign was indicted on Thursday for allegedly lying to federal law enforcement officials during a 2016 meeting
about who he was representing when he presented information about Trump and Russia to the bureau. "Michael Sussmann, a
partner with Perkins Coie who also represented the Democratic National Committee in connection with Russia's hack of the
organization, is accused of making false statements during a Sept. 19, 2016 meeting with former FBI General Counsel James
Baker," Reuters reported. "This marks the second criminal case Durham has filed so far since former Attorney General
William Barr tapped him in 2019 to investigate U.S. officials who probed the Trump-Russia contacts."
Durham Grand Jury Indicts Lawyer Whose Firm Represented Democrats in 2016. Special prosecutor John Durham has
charged Washington-based lawyer Michael Sussmann, who represented former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the
Democratic National Committee, with lying to the FBI during Clinton's 2016 campaign. Sussmann works for the
high-powered law firm Perkins Coie — which has long done legal work for the Democratic Party and top Democrats,
including filing election-related lawsuits. The lawyer was indicted (pdf) on a single felony count of making a false
statement during a meeting with FBI General Counsel James Baker in September 2016. Prosecutors allege that Sussmann lied by
denying he represented any client when he told the federal law enforcement agency about evidence that allegedly linked
then-candidate Donald Trump's Trump Tower to a bank in Russia. Sussmann met with Baker to hand over papers and data
files containing evidence of the alleged link between the Trump Organization and the Russian bank, which wasn't
disclosed. Unconfirmed media reports have stated that it was Alfa Bank.
The Michael Sussmann
Indictment. Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussman, who represented and worked on behalf of the DNC, the Hillary
Clinton campaign, and Fusion GPS, has been indicted for giving false statements to FBI General Counsel James Baker. [...]
This relates to the Baker/Sussmann meeting on September 16, 2016, in which Sussmann conveyed the false information put
together by himself, Fusion GPS, and others — including one unnamed powerful tech executive — that
there were improper contacts between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank. [...] The indictment also describes Sussmann's
public relations operation. Prior to the meeting with the FBI, Sussmann was providing details of the Trump/Alfa Bank
allegations to reporters and updating the Clinton campaign of his work. After the meeting with the FBI, Sussmann was
practically begging reporters to push the Trump/Alfa Bank story. All this while he was billing the Clinton campaign.
Shows that John Durham Is Going After More People than Michael Sussmann. Let me start by acknowledging the
legitimate skepticism of many Gateway Pundit commentators that any justice will come out of John Durham's work. You
have been promised the moon in the past and instead received a flaming bag of dog poop. But let's accept the fact that
yesterday's news that DNC lawyer Michael Sussmann was going to be indicted turned out to be true. Charlie Brown got to
kick the football this time. So what does this mean? Is it a meaningless gesture or the first domino to fall in a
line of dominoes? I think this is just the first domino to fall and that others will come. I base this on what
the indictment says.
indictment of Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman offers hope that bigger fish may be reeled in. I am
cautiously optimistic over the indictment handed down yesterday, accusing attorney Michael Sussaman, then of Perkins Coie,
representing the Hillary Clinton campaign, of lying to the FBI. It has been very easy to despair that anything would ever
come of Durham's Special Counsel probe, especially after the slap on the wrist delivered to Kevin Clinesmith, an FBI lawyer
who lied to a court by changing evidence 180 degrees in order to facilitate a FISA warrant extension. For an
officer of the court to lie to a court ought to be a career-ending event, for without integrity, the judicial system
falters. But Clinesmith never spent a night in jail and has been readmitted to the bar. Durham asked for six
months, but Judge James Boasberg thought otherwise.
Biden: A legend in the art community. First, let's take a look at what happened to the Clinton Foundation
since Madame Secretary Box Wine lost the presidential election of 2016. Surprise, surprise: Its donations have all
dried up. But the foundation is still chartered to provide worldwide charity. Have its donors suddenly become
less charitable — all of them? Don't the friends of the Clintons still revel in the joy of helping
others — and getting the tax deductions? Or were the donors actually after something other than the
fulfillment of helping others?
Clinton Sits on Board of Company Accused of Defrauding Investors. Chelsea Clinton is a board director at a
health insurance company that has been accused of defrauding investors. Clover Health has been slapped with numerous
investor lawsuits that claim the company and its leadership failed to disclose that it was under investigation by the
Department of Justice for allegedly offering illegal kickbacks to health care providers in exchange for patient
referrals. Several of the lawsuits were consolidated in April into a class action case, which accused Clover Health and
its CEO Vivek Garipalli of "employ[ing] devices, schemes, and artifices to defraud" investors. Clinton's involvement
with Clover Health, where she has served on the board since 2017 and in which she also holds a significant financial stake,
could complicate the former first daughter's effort to position herself as a global health expert and commentator.
Clinton Campaign Official Is Arrested on Child Rape Charges. Joel Davis was a Hillary Clinton Campaign
officials and founder of the organization "Youth to end Sexual Violence." Joel was arrested in 2018 after engaging in sex
with a child. Davis also had over 3,700 images and more than 330 videos of child pornography, including numerous images
of prepubescent minors who had not attained 12 years of age. Joel was nominated for a Nobel Prize for his work.
He was sentenced to 13 years this week.
Hit with Bad News as Judge Issues Order on Criminal Investigation of Their Foundation. A U.S. tax court judge
has ordered the Internal Revenue Service to disclose if it criminally investigated the Clinton Foundation. This ruling
was part of an ongoing case involving whistleblowers who have long alleged wrongdoing on the part of the charity that bears
the name of former President Bill Clinton and his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Judge David
Gustafson pointed to a "gap" in IRS records and said that the agency's claim to have never criminally investigated the
Clintons' charity "was not supported by the administrative record and thus constituted an abuse of discretion."
orders IRS to reveal if it criminally investigated Clinton Foundation, citing records 'gap'. A U.S. Tax Court
judge has ordered the Internal Revenue Service to reveal if it criminally investigated the Clinton Foundation, directing the
agency to cure a mysterious "gap" in its records in the case. Most of the proceedings in the case involving the Clinton
Foundation and the whistleblowers Lawrence W. Doyle and John F. Moynihan have been sealed, but U.S. Tax Court Judge David
Gustafson authorized the release of an April 22 ruling to Just the News this week. In it, Gustafson remanded the case
back to the IRS Whistleblower Office (WO), saying the agency's claim there was no criminal investigation against the Clinton
Foundation "was not supported by the administrative record and thus constituted an abuse of discretion."
Bill Clinton's Profitable Pardon
Business. "I don't know Roger Clinton. I've never met Roger Clinton. How did he know I applied for
clemency? That's not public information. And how did he get my private cell phone number? I don't give that
out, but it was in my clemency application." Those comments were shared with me by someone who had a clemency application
pending before Bill Clinton when he left the presidency. The applicant was convinced Bill gave the cell phone number to
his brother. Roger Clinton told the applicant it would cost $100,000 to get a pardon from his brother. Was the
applicant willing to pay? "I didn't have the money. I couldn't pay that even if I wanted to," the applicant later
recalled. The applicant, who wishes to remain anonymous due to ongoing business considerations, never received a
pardon. This was the crazy final 18 months of the Clinton presidency. Roger was cold-calling applicants offering
to get them clemency in return for cash. He was not the only brother in the Clinton clan who attempted to profit from
executive clemency decisions. Hillary's siblings, Hugh and Tony Rodham, each made hundreds of thousands of dollars
hustling clemency for felons who were willing to pay.
colorful founder has tales to tell about the Russia hoax. Patrick Byrne, Overstock's founder, has long
suspected that Obama set up a police intelligence state that's been calling the shots in American politics since 2015. [...]
Now, Byrne has gone on record to say that he was part of a 2015 sting operation that saw Hillary accept multi-million dollar
bribes from foreign governments. Byrne thought the sting was to reveal Hillary's criminality, only to discover that it
was to give Obama a hold over her when (as everyone assumed) she entered the White House. You can see the video clip
[elsew]here in which Byrne explains that Obama had used the Deep State to set up a blackmail operation. The big
question, of course, is whether Byrne is a fabulist, whose utterances we should ignore? Or is he, instead, a brilliant,
successful, connected, often prescient man who's currently a voice in the wilderness but should be taken very
seriously? I don't have an answer for that but his statements seem consistent with what we know about Hillary's
corruption and the Obama Deep State, including the FBI.
Clintons and communist China all linked to SolarWinds. News about the SolarWinds Orion hack is generating a lot
of questions about what this company is and who is behind it. What we know so far is that its corporate ties include
gems like communist China, the Clintons and the Obamas. In 2016, according to the company's 10K on the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) website, SolarWinds was acquired by investment firms Silver Lake Partners and Thoma Bravo.
Two years later, the company went public through an Initial Public Offering (IPO). Later that year, SolarWinds' IPO was
completed, and 25 million shares of the company's common stock were sold at an issue price of $15 per share. During
this process, the company raised $375 million in gross proceeds, and approximately $353 million in net proceeds.
Our Hearts We Know Trump Won. [Scroll down] Most of Trump supporters, myself included, did not have him
as our first choice when the primaries began. We all had our favorites. [...] Most of us, however, were definitely
against Hillary Clinton and the idea of Bill Clinton ever being in the Oval office again. Clinton was the first
president I've ever regarded as treasonous. It was very clever of the Democrats to frame his impeachment as due to an
improper sexual incident rather than one of high treason. According to David Horowitz of Front Page Magazine, as
president, Bill Clinton essentially wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by selling advanced U.S. missile
technology to our enemy, the People's Republic of China. His administration took in millions from the military and
intelligence services of at least one hostile foreign power. All of this was done in exchange for illegal campaign
contributions from a massive totalitarian country determined to eclipse the U.S. as a world superpower.
Wood Files Lawsuit Challenging Georgia's Secretary of State's Dark Unconstitutional Agreement with Hillary Attorney Marc
Elias. The country is just being introduced to Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger. We are
also beginning to uncover the corrupt actions he has taken to steal the 2020 election for the Democrats. Soon the whole
country will know him and his actions. On March 6, 2020 the Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, a
Republican, signed off on a secret legal agreement with the Democratic Party of Georgia, the Democrat Senatorial Campaign
Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to alter absentee ballot procedures in Georgia. The
Democrats' attorney for this secret deal was Marc Elias from Perkins Coie, the consigliere of Hillary Clinton who has been
busy managing other secretive Democratic election operations all across the country.
for Ukrainian prosecutor who settled Burisma case? A meeting with Clinton campaign. A few months after
Joe Biden forced the firing of Ukraine's chief prosecutor, his son's company Burisma Holdings courted the replacement with a
promise to bring him to Washington to meet with Hillary Clinton's campaign in the final weeks of the 2016 election, newly
released State Department memos reveal. Burisma's effort to woo — through its Democrat-tied U.S. lobbying
firm — newly installed Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko raised concerns at the highest levels of the U.S.
embassy in Kiev, where officials tried to talk the prosecutor out of the trip given the fact he was overseeing a probe of the
gas company.
tax judge allows whistleblower case against Clinton foundation to proceed. A federal judge is allowing a
whistleblower complaint to proceed against the Clinton Foundation, ruling the IRS "abused its discretion" in trying to
dismiss allegations of nonprofit wrongdoing by one of America's most famous political families. U.S. Tax Court Judge
David Gustafson denied the Internal Revenue Service's request for a summary motion, ruling the whistleblower complaint by
John Moynihan, a former Drug Enforcement Agency official, and Larry Doyle, a corporate tax compliance expert, "provided
'specific credible documentation' supporting their allegations" of possible tax-exempt legal violations by the Clinton
charity based in Arkansas. Gustafson said the agency's Whistleblower Office (WB) wrongly denied Moynihan's and Doyle's
claims simply because the IRS Criminal Investigation (CI) office sent an email saying the issues in the complaint were
closed. The judge said he had reason to believe from the evidence that the IRS and the FBI engaged in some
investigative activity.
the Trump Administration Finally Seize a Golden Opportunity to Punish Clinton Charity Fraudsters? [Scroll down]
At that time, we did not appreciate just how far outside strict laws a network of supposed charities had operated, starting
Oct. 23, 1997 as Bill and Hillary Clinton flirted with disaster, dead broke with even more looming expenses to come
fighting impeachment and a raft of scandals. Thereafter, we saw the miraculous improvement in Clinton family fortunes
as simply a money scandal — not for what it truly is: solid evidence that rich donors, lawyers, accountants and
others in both political parties have captured the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service and other regulatory
bodies to protect themselves and to persecute their enemies. How else do you explain obvious ongoing frauds in which
many deceived the public, claiming that the original Clinton charity, The William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation,
and its successors, actually existed lawfully in all jurisdictions where they operated, when they manifestly did not?
document thief Sandy Berger secretly worked for Hillary Clinton campaign. Former National Security Adviser
Sandy Berger, who was sentenced in 2005 — as the result of a plea bargain — to two-years probation and
fined $50,000 for stealing highly classified documents from the National Archives and intentionally destroying some of them,
had also been functioning as a Hillary Clinton campaign adviser before his death [in December 2015]. According to a
recently released Hillary Clinton email, Berger who served as national security adviser to President Bill Clinton, had been
advising Hillary Clinton since her days as Secretary of State for President Barack Obama. His email correspondence with
Clinton was stored on her private server and it's yet to be reported whether or not he — a convicted thief of
classified documents — had access to emails containing classified intelligence. The release of the
Clinton/Berger email was part of a batch of email messages released by the State Department. In one of those emails,
Berger advised Clinton to make Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's political life "uneasy."
Comey and Robert Mueller have Massive Clinton Foundation Problems. James Comey is not an effective liar.
He fooled only the gullible last week with his evasive testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Previously,
Robert Mueller was also not effective deterring the Trump Administration from uncovering significant, far-reaching crimes
that the former F.B.I. Director "missed" from September 2001 through September 2013. For almost 18 years, Comey and
Mueller have been covering for powerful Republicans and Democrats, letting serious crimes go unpunished. Many of these
involved fake charities that operate internationally, including the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. These
are perfect conduits to trade donations for influence, especially for foreign governments who, in theory, are barred from
investing in U.S. politicians.
Allegation: Hillary Orchestrated Collusion Hoax to Distract From Her Emails, According to Russian Intel.
Hillary Clinton personally signed off on the Russiagate farce to distract attention from her email scandal, according to a
Russian intelligence analysis that was obtained by U.S. intelligence agencies in July 2016. That is the bombshell
allegation that National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe has just dropped on the Senate Judiciary Committee, with the
first presidential debate just a few hours away and with former FBI director James Comey scheduled to testify before that
Committee tomorrow morning [9/30/2020].
How Hillary introduced Americans to the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. In light of the revelation that Hillary
approved a plan to tie Donald Trump to the Kremlin by July 2016, it's important to look at what her campaign was doing and
what she was saying at the time in case you've forgotten.
Clinton Charity Frauds to Attack Trump for Paying Taxes. A fair analysis of public documents by the IRS, if it
were politically neutral, would have denied federal tax exemption for the Clinton Foundation. Of course, that did not
happen when Bill Clinton was in the White House. Instead, the IRS "ignored" obvious defects in the application and
granted conditional exemption on Jan. 29, 1998 as the Clintons together fended off Bill's Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky
problems. Then, by mid 1998, the Clinton Foundation filed a materially false registration statement in New York,
failing to explain why the entity did not file an IRS return on Form 990 covering its partial year operation in 1997.
Importantly, this registration did explain, before Hillary announced her ambition to represent New York in the U.S. Senate,
that the Clinton Foundation would operate only in a Little Rock city park and not all over the world. Ever since 1998,
the Clintons have violated legions of laws that might protect New Yorkers from charity and tax frauds.
FBI Agents
Pushed For A FISA To Investigate Foreign Government Targeting Hillary Clinton. FBI agents in 2015 sought
authorization to surveil foreign government operatives who sought to influence Hillary Clinton, but ultimately settled for a
defensive briefing given to lawyers for the Democratic presidential candidate, according to documents released on Sunday
[8/23/2020]. One FBI agent involved in the investigation asked then-FBI Director James Comey in an April 2015 email for
a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant, according to the documents, published by Senate Judiciary Committee
Chairman Lindsey Graham. A FISA order was not granted in the investigation. Instead, an FBI special agent
provided a defensive briefing to Clinton's personal lawyers in October 2015. Graham, a Republican, said that the
documents are evidence of a double standard in how the FBI conducted investigations of foreign meddling regarding the
Clinton and Trump campaigns.
and Bill Clinton Linked to Disturbing Child Sex Crime Case. George Nader, who is 61 years old, was recently
sentenced to 10 years in prison on child sex crime charges, the Western Journal reports. Nader pled guilty to trafficking
a 14-year-old boy from the Czech Republic for sex in 2000. A federal judge sentence Nader on Friday [6/26/2020].
However, the indictment against Nader and an associate named Andy Khawaja has disturbing ties to the Clintons. The
indictment included charges that Nader and Khawaja made $3.5 million in illegal contributions to political committees linked
to Hillary Clinton.
Reveals Deep State Spy Joseph Mifsud Is Member Of The Clinton Foundation. Joseph Mifsud is connected to the
Obama Spygate Scandal after presumably setting up George Papadopoulos and General Flynn in London. We knew he was close
to Hillary Clinton and even dined with her in 2016. Now we know Mifsud was a member of the Clinton Foundation. In
March 23 we reported that the Mueller gang blamed George Papadopoulos for withholding information that ended up preventing
the government from investigating Mifsud leading to their letting him go. On page 193 of the Mueller report, the
Mueller gang claimed that Popadopoulus's false statements impeded the FBI's investigation into Joseph Mifsud who was interviewed
in a hotel lobby a month later on February 10, 2017. The Mueller gang next referred to the Papadopoulos case rather
than an FBI 302 in their report. This happens for Mifsud even though for everybody else, there is an FBI 302
created with a description of what was said to the FBI. In fact, the Mueller report never references any FBI 302 for Mifsud.
a Legal Case that Actually Matters. The case in question is Lawrence W. Doyle and John F. Moynihan
(Petitioners) v Internal Revenue Service (Respondents), a case where allegedly corrupt actions of the Internal Revenue
Service itself may fall under the microscope. It likely involves as yet unprosecuted crimes by "charities" that are
still corruptly directed by household names. [...] The names of Petitioners in the U.S. tax court case are familiar to
many — Doyle and Moynihan are self-described "financial bounty hunters" who are determined to police the waste,
fraud and abuse that has grown exponentially of late, especially because the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of
Justice and Internal Revenue Service seem loath to go after the biggest of fish — dynastic political families,
billionaire donors, and all who enrich themselves at taxpayer expense. In December 2018, Doyle and Moynihan threw down
ample evidence of malfeasance by the network of loosely-affiliated Clinton Foundation "charities" before a Congressional
oversight hearing chaired by Congressman Mark Meadows: [...]
are trying to impeach President Trump, wayward voters, and democracy. [Scroll down] The Clinton campaign
funded the Steele dossier as an illegal and sinister form of election insurance. The years-long assault on Trump and
his supporters has largely been carried out to deflect attention from that original sin — and the corruption of
passive-aggressive slime merchants such as John Brennan and James Comey. Democrats accused the Trump administration of
collusion with Russia, when it was, demonstrably, the Clinton-Obama Axis of Evil that colluded with Russia — and
anyone else who could further their interests, like the pathetically hypocritical and partisan mainstream media.
Clinton Corruption Update: What's $1 Million
Between Friends? Back in November, it was revealed that the Clinton Foundation received $1 million in
"donations" from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. [...] That's the same Qatar that's been a leading
financial backer of jihadist terrorism for some time, and was accused of funding the Islamic State. Speaking of the
Clinton Foundation, Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch notes that the recent DOJ "investigation" into the Clinton Foundation was
a "whitewash." [... Also,] Chelsea Clinton's "jobs" have included chemical industry analyst at a hedge fund and being on the
Board of Directors at Expedia at an estimated salary of $250,000 a year. I know it will absolutely shock you that both
Expedia and the hedge fund are run by Clinton supporters.
of a Clinton Scam. "The bigger the lie, the more likely the buy-in" — that must be the theory
underlying a plan relentlessly executed by Bill and Hillary Clinton to suck money from the public in support of a supposed
"charity" currently known as "Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation." Unlike the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
that was originally funded primarily by the Gates family, the Clinton Foundation was meant to take money from the general
public, and from governments. So, affairs of the Clinton Foundation were never supposed to be directed by the Clinton
family. But public records apparently prove that strict rules governing the conduct of public charities are not applied
when it comes to long-time "public servants" such as the Clintons.
Clinton Vindicated On Corruption Charges? Hardly. Last week, the Washington Post reported that the
Justice Department had wound down a Hillary Clinton-related inquiry after finding "nothing of consequence." That set off a
series of Hosannas from the allegedly non-partisan press, which seems to notice quid pro quos only when they involve a
Republican. A quick review of the flagrantly corrupt dealings of the Clinton Foundation is in order. When Hillary
took the job of secretary of state under President Barack Obama, she promised that the foundation wouldn't accept foreign
donations. It took in money from at least seven foreign governments. Documents showed that 85 of the 154 private
interests who met with Clinton at the State Department had donated money to the foundation. Emails unearthed by
Judicial Watch showed that Clinton's top aide, Huma Abedin — who worked for both the State Department and the
foundation — gave "special expedited access to the secretary of state" for those who gave $25,000 to $10 million.
terrorists is how you kill off terrorism. The world is clearly safer if known terrorist leaders are killed and
funds are cut off. It is never safer to leave terrorists, killers, gang members, cartels and rapists roaming the
streets over removing them from society. What makes the world much more dangerous is when leaders in America and Europe
shower the most dangerous terrorism-sponsoring country, Iran, which continues to pledge death to America and death to Israel,
with huge amounts of money and then pretends that that will be good. Most journalists cheered this pure
ignorance. It is also extremely dangerous when leaders in America have been so stupid they sold uranium assets in the
U.S to Russia which, of course, the Russians will use themselves and maybe sell to dangerous countries like North Korea and
Iran. It sure helps Russia when Iran has more money to purchase their weapons and uranium. But Democrats will act
surprised that these dangerous countries are working on nuclear weapons.
Sold Uranium To Iran After Buying Uranium From Hillary Clinton. As Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu
presses world leaders to act on Iran's growing secret nuclear program, a very obvious aspect of the case is being ignored by
the mainstream media. Hillary Clinton famously sold about 20 percent of U.S. uranium to the Russians, during her tenure
at the Obama State Department, in a move that set off massive alarms about pay-to-play with the Clinton Foundation. But
the "Uranium One" deal might have just been Part One of the scheme. The Obama administration — which shipped
Iran boatloads of cash toward the end of Obama's term — oversaw the transfer of Russian uranium to the Iranians.
Must Confront The Enemy From Within. We watch as horrific abuses of power such as Fast and Furious and Benghazi
play out and no one does a [...] thing about it. Obama funds the biggest terrorists on the planet while Hillary Clinton
plays tiddlywinks with the Russians and Ukrainians in treasonous ways that would put anyone else behind bars forever.
[A]nd yet, here we sit feigning outrage and doing absolutely nothing about it.
Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence, Meadows says. The Clinton
Foundation consistently has maintained that it is a charity, and never traded on Hillary Clinton's position as America's top
diplomat, which she held from 2009-2013. The organization has a four-star rating from the watchdog site Charity Navigator and
has touted its mission "to create economic opportunity, improve public health, and inspire civic engagement and service."
However, The Hill reported Thursday [12/5/2019] that prosecutors working for Huber recently requested documents from a private
investigative firm that also has been looking into the foundation. The firm, MDA Analytics LLC, reportedly has contacted
the IRS, the Justice Department and the FBI's Little Rock office with evidence from its own investigation. In addition,
The Hill reported that a whistleblower submission filed with the FBI and IRS in August 2017 included internal legal reviews
that the Clinton Foundation conducted between 2008 and 2011. Those reviews raised concerns about legal compliance and
improper mingling of personal and charity business.
Pedophile Used In Mueller Investigation Indicted For Funneling Millions In Illegal Contributions to Hillary, DOJ Says.
George Nader, a convicted pedophile that special counsel Robert Mueller used in his Russia investigation, was indicted on Tuesday [12/3/2019]
for allegedly concealing millions of dollars in illegal campaign contributions to then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
"The Justice Department refers only to an unidentified 2016 presidential candidate, but campaign finance records make clear that the candidate
was Clinton," Politico reported.
Donors Charged in Massive Campaign-Finance Scheme. Eight people, including major Hillary Clinton donors and a
witness in the Mueller investigation, have been charged in a massive campaign-finance scheme, the Justice Department announced
on Tuesday [12/3/2019]. The individuals conspired to "make and conceal conduit and excessive campaign contributions"
valued around $3.5 million in the 2016 election campaign and beyond, according to the announcement. Although the
indictment does not specifically name the recipient of the donations, it is clear that the contributions went to groups
allied with Clinton's presidential campaign.
foe says Fusion GPS was agent for Russia while helping Clinton in 2016. The company that conducted anti-Trump
research for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign also worked for the Russian government, producing material that was used by
Moscow to pressure the United States, according to a longtime foe of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Businessman Bill
Browder alleged Fusion GPS acted as an agent for Russian interests in 2016, when the country was trying to combat the
Magnitsky Act and its sanctions on Russian officials. Browder, 55, championed the Magnitsky Act, which was named for his
tax lawyer, corruption whistleblower Sergei Magnitsky. Magnitsky died in a Russian prison in 2009 after his investigation
for Browder's business uncovered hundreds of millions of dollars of Russian tax fraud implicating Russian officials.
to Subpoena Alexandra Chalupa. Thanks to disgraced FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who told us in a text
message that "POTUS wants to know everything we're doing," we know that President Obama was kept fully informed about the
deep-state coup against President Trump. [...] If you want real collusion with a real trail of evidence of people trying to
do real things interfering with the 2016 campaign, try Hillary Clinton's real collusion with the Ukraine to derail and
besmirch Team Trump. [...] Where are the congressional hearings on Hillary's collusion with the Ukraine? Where are the
hearings on her making it possible for Russian interests to control 20 percent of our uranium supply in exchange for
donations to the Clinton Foundation? Where is Alexandra Chalupa on the impeachment witness list? Time to drop the
Chalupa on Hillary and Obama.
enabled powerful sex abusers. Yes, it was a big week for MeToo denial. But it wouldn't be complete
without a mention of the late predator Jeffrey Epstein. Sure enough, a TV news producer was sacked last week over
suspicions (which she denies) that she leaked the hot-mic video of ABC News anchor Amy Robach complaining that the network
spiked her Epstein scoop, which implicated Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew. The thread that links all these libidinous
men is the power of the progressive-Hollywood establishment and the protection racket that fuels it. As long as they
paid homage to favored causes, abortion, LGBTIQ rights, open borders, the Clinton Foundation and the Democratic Party, these
men bought themselves protection from scrutiny and negative publicity. [...] Epstein, too, supported obligatory progressive
causes, including the Clinton Foundation and elite universities.
Foundation Bilked $130 Million From Australia. An Internet sleuth posted an incredible story regarding the
Clinton Foundation in Australia. The story is another shocking example of the corrupt sham that the Clintons used to
pillage individuals and countries around the world. The story begins with the author noting the connections between
Alexander Downer and Spygate [...]
Coverup for Hillary Clinton Was Worse Than Collusion. Records available through the FBI Vault prove beyond any
doubt that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her inner circle of trusted aides, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl
Mills, were subjects of a formal investigation into the mishandling of classified information, beginning July 10, 2015.
Yes, you read the above correctly: A formal FBI investigation commenced well before any 2016 Democratic presidential
debates and primaries. Yet how many times did Clinton and her political and media allies claim that, whatever may
have been happening, the review of her private servers and unsecured devices during her years as America's chief diplomat was
nothing more than a "normal security review," not an "investigation"? Or, as then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch
instructed then-FBI Director James Comey to describe it, just a "matter"?
heroes of the Week? Hillary, Schiff, and Mitt. Most Americans who pay attention to politics, especially
conservatives, have long realized that the members of the Beltway self-appointed elite care little about the 330 million-plus
people who inhabit and love this nation. They care, first and foremost, about the preservation of their own power and
the wealth that inevitably comes with it. The Clintons and the Obamas came to the office without great wealth but left
as multi-millionaires through graft and pay-to-play. They were bought and paid for by those to whom they sold themselves.
Will We
Ever Prosecute? Imagine that the local cops know that a gang member, named William, broke into the pawn shop
and stole guns, jewelry, and money. William's fingerprints, film image, and DNA add to the hard evidence log. The
owner knows it; the prosecutor knows it; William's gang associates know it. But he is not arrested. Nearby
shopkeepers and neighborhood mothers are asking why he is walking the street. No one explains it; mum's the word.
Could it be there is a grand plan to take out the gang's leaders? No one knows; mum's the word. Shopkeepers and
residents are about to give up and start moving away from the area, and no one asks them to stay the course.
Fast-forward to today's still vocal Obama gang. Why no indictments? Mum's the word. Can anyone hold to the
faith in American justice? Those who support the rule of law feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick a football.
Ukraine Hoax is About Protecting the Side Hustle. The Clinton email scandal and the Biden/Ukraine scandal have
a lot in common. Both originated with snooping into high-level triangle schemes but morphed into a counter-scandal
against Trump. In Clinton's case, she deleted 30,000 emails that likely contained more evidence of favors to donors and
friends. The process was so formalized that one Clinton Foundation official actually wrote a memo bragging about how
the foundation work led to lavish speaking fees for Bill Clinton. As an example, he obtained speaking fees for Clinton
from UBS in the amount of $900,000, $750,000 from Ericson "plus $400,000 for a private plane." The memo author bragged that
he negotiated a $1,000,000 fee for a one-hour Bill Clinton speech in China. When Clinton lost to Donald Trump in 2016,
she no longer had influence to sell and the donations to the "charitable" foundation dried up.
the Bidens, the Clintons, the IMF and Others Pillaged Ukraine. President Obama, his Vice President Biden and
his son, Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, Mueller, the Podestas, the IMF and others all pillaged the Ukraine and then
delayed loans to the country before forcing Ukrainians to pay grossly inflated natural gas prices. Now these vultures
claim they are innocent.
Liar Schiff Now Lies about Uranium One. When the Democratic anti-Trump mantra of "Russia, Russia, Russia" was
in its infancy, House Intelligence Committee off ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff from the People's Republic of
California was in high dudgeon over Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes daring to report to the public and the press that, yes,
members of Team Trump were in fact surveilled and the contents of their conversations and their names were recorded and
disseminated. Rep. Schiff had no problem with intel leaks to the New York Times, but an intelligence
committee chairman giving the President a heads-up that his transition team was in fact caught up in surveillance by his own
government is out of bounds? [...] Fast forward to Uranium One and Fusion GPS and evidence of actual collusion and
coordination between the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the Russians, and we find ranking member Schiff once again acting as
a surrogate for both President Barack Hussein Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Foundation, Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein. An interesting new angle has emerged in the Jeffrey Epstein case.
[...] Epstein claimed to have co-founded the organization that turned into the Clinton Foundation. Gates and the
Clinton Foundation have a lot of overlap.
Clinton Denies Knowing Anything About His Pedophile Friend Jeffery Epstein But Flight Logs Show Otherwise.
Former President Bill Clinton, who is longtime friends with pedophile Jeffery Epstein, has released a statement about the
billionaire's arrest over the weekend and charges related to child sex abuse and trafficking. "President Clinton knows
nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffery Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has
been recently charged in New York. In 2002 and 2003, President Clinton took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein's
airplane: one to Europe, one to Asia, and two to Africa, which included stops in connection with the work of the Clinton
Foundation," Clinton's spokesperson said. [...] According to extensive reporting and flight logs, Clinton took at least 26 trips
to Epstein's private island where much of the abuse occurred. He ditched his Secret Service detail to do so.
sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded [the] Clinton Foundation. Attorneys for convicted sex offender
Jeffrey Epstein touted his close friendship with Bill Clinton and even claimed the billionaire helped start Clinton's
controversial family foundation in a 2007 letter aimed at boosting his image during plea negotiations, has
learned. The 23-page letter, written by high-powered lawyers Alan Dershowitz and Gerald Lefcourt, was apparently part
of an ultimately successful bid to negotiate a plea deal before Epstein could be tried for using underage girls in a sex ring
based in Palm Beach, Fla., and his private island estate on the 72-acre Virgin Islands home dubbed "Orgy Island."
and Hillary Clinton Closely Linked to Child Sex Trafficker Billionaire Epstein. Well-connected
multi-billionaire Jeffery Epstein allegedly operated a sex trafficking ring in which he paid hundreds of dollars to girls as
young as 14 to have sex with him at his homes in New York and Florida, according to an indictment unsealed on Monday
[7/8/2019]. [...] During her run for president of the United States, Hillary Clinton's news media water-carriers ignored or
minimized the Jeffery Epstein story especially since Hillary's husband, former president Bill Clinton, was a regular visitor
to Epstein's private island dubbed "orgy island."
Epstein: the end of the road for a billionaire pedophile and friends. [Scroll down] The online media
site, the Daily Beast has long reported on Epstein's alleged abuse. Starting with the July 17 expose by Conchita
Sarnoff' detailing Epstein easy jail sentence and soft treatment by the U.S. Attorney's Office. An earlier version of
Epstein's plea deal included a 10-year federal sentence. However, Epstein's legal team were demanding to go to trial
in a case prosecutors feared was unwinnable. The lawyers had found damaging information, including social media posts
indicating drug use, posted by his victims.
Clinton Foundation Donor Epstein Busted for Underage Sex Trafficking. Jeffrey Epstein, rich white guy and
Clinton chum, was arrested on Saturday [7/6/2019] on suspicion of underage sex trafficking. [...] Who was the FBI Director
involved in Epstein's deal? One Robert Mueller.
Epstein arrested in U.S. sex trafficking case. Financier Jeffrey Epstein was arrested late on Saturday [7/6/2019] on
suspicion of sex trafficking of underage girls and will appear in federal court in Manhattan on Monday, a source familiar with the
matter said, meaning he will face charges similar to those he avoided in a 2007 plea deal.
Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple 'Lolita Express' flights: Report. An investigation into
official flight records of financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" are once again dragging
former President Bill Clinton into the national spotlight. Flight logs obtained by Gawker in January 2015 put
Mr. Clinton on the billionaire's infamous jet more than a dozen times — sometimes with a woman whom federal
prosecutors suspect of procuring underage sex victims for Mr. Epstein. Fox News reported Friday that records show
Mr. Clinton declined Secret Service protection on at least five flights.
henchmen investigated. The news out of Washington is 15 people are in trouble for aiding and abetting Hillary's
use of a private computer to conduct official business as secretary of State. The Washington Times reported, "While the
full review is not completed, the department said it's found 23 violations and seven infractions of security protocols
related to Mrs. Clinton's emails. "Some of the 15 people got write-ups placed in their security files at the
department, according to a letter sent to Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican. Those could affect future attempts
to gain security clearances, the department said." No one was named but this could get quite sticky.
'The American People Are Sick and Tired of a Double Standard [in Favor of] Hillary Clinton'. Friday [6/7/2019]
on Fox News Channel's "Hannity," Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), an outspoken critic of the so-called deep state, offered his
optimism that the Department of Justice under Attorney General William Barr would work to root out "corruption" within his
department and compared his leadership to that of his predecessor former Attorney General Jeff Sessions. "The American
people are sick and tired of a double standard that seems to pave a yellow brick road to the exoneration for Hillary Clinton
when they were clearly crimes committed there, while at the same time casting these aspersions on Donald Trump without a
basis as a result of bias," he said. "The only reason while we haven't had people thrown in jail yet is because Jeff
Sessions did a terrible job as attorney general."
Rats Are Fleeing the Sinking Collusion Ship. [Scroll down] It's also worth remembering that President
Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation had been recipients of Russian and Russian-related largesse — ostensibly
because Hillary Clinton had used her influence as Secretary of State under Obama to ease resistance to Russian acquisitions
of North American uranium holdings. As far as alleged Russian collusion goes, Hillary Clinton used three
firewalls — the Democratic National Committee, the Perkins Coie law firm and the Fusion GPS strategic intelligence
firm — to hide her campaign's payments to British national Christopher Steele to find dirt on Trump and his
campaign; in other words, to collude. Steele in turn collected his purchased Russian sources to aggregate unverified
allegations against Trump. He then spread the gossip within government agencies to ensure that the smears were leaked
to the media — and with a government seal of approval.
and Robin wade into the Swamp to out the Clinton Foundation. Here's an overview of what the hearing tells us
about the process of federal justice as applied to the Clintons. [#1] A private-enterprise investigative effort has, for at
least four years now, been examining the Clinton Foundation while the Department of Justice (DoJ) has been either vamping, or doing
nothing. [#2] The U.S. Attorney in Utah, appointed by President Obama and kept in that position by former Attorney General
Jeff Sessions, was tasked to investigate Uranium One. But all he seems to have done is lose two thumb drives of the IRS
submission sent to him by Batman and Robin. Then, two weeks before the hearing that Huber skipped, his office asked that
the thumb drive be sent a third time. John W. Huber, the United States Attorney for the District of Utah since June
2015, is a ghost. [#3] The House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations is a silly
puppet show. [...] [#4] The Clinton Foundation may be too big to fail [and] too powerful to indict. A federal
investigation could implicate some very important people in tax evasion and pay-to-play schemes. For the last two
years, when the GOP controlled the House, no government action was taken to investigate the foundation. Meanwhile,
Clinton Foundation corruption has been an open secret. So, who do we look to for justice from within the Swamp?
In this case, it's Batman and Robin.
case for Russia collusion — against the Democrats. Now that both the House and Senate investigative
committees have cleared Donald Trump of Democrat-inspired allegations of Russian collusion, it is worth revisiting one
anecdote that escaped significant attention during the hysteria but continues to have U.S. security implications. As
secretary of State, Hillary Clinton worked with Russian leaders, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and then-President
Dmitri Medvedev, to create U.S. technology partnerships with Moscow's version of Silicon Valley, a sprawling high-tech campus
known as Skolkovo.
Then what good are you?
Barr: 'I Don't Subscribe To This Lock Her Up Stuff'. President Trump's attorney general nominee William Barr
used the targeting of political enemies to say that he does not agree with the "Lock Her Up" chant directed at Hillary
Clinton. This, after he said that he does not believe in selective prosecutions. Lindsey Graham has assured
America that Barr is a good friend of Robert Mueller. Graham, focused on protecting Mueller with bills in Congress, is
using the special counsel to try to keep Trump on a leash, even though everybody knows that the Russia case is a hoax.
The Editor says...
President Trump was elected by those who believed he would build the border wall, drain the swamp, and put Hillary in prison.
If none of that is accomplished, it may not be entirely Mr. Trump's fault, but it won't get him elected to a second term.
Hides Reason For Raid On Clinton Whistleblower. The FBI conducted a six-hour raid on the home of a recognized
Justice Department whistleblower who had confidentially submitted documents related to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One
to a government watchdog, according to TDC, citing the whistleblower's attorney. The whistleblower came across the
devastating documents while he was working for an FBI contractor, according to the whistleblower's lawyer.
Sanders: Will Hillary Clinton Be Arrested If 'Lying to FBI' is a Crime? Amid the indictment of Trump ally
Roger Stone, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders voiced her thoughts on whether the FBI would also be raiding the homes
of Hillary Clinton, James Clapper and James Comey. [...] A special counsel Robert Mueller 'Russia collusion investigation.'
which has already cost the American taxpayer $25 Million, Sander's asked if the FBI would have the same protocol for the
likes of Hillary Clinton and others who have allegedly lied to the FBI.
didn't the FBI open Counter Intelligence investigations into these Russian assets? For example, Barack Obama
promised Vladimir Putin that he (Obama) would be more flexible for Putin after the 2012 election. [Video clip]
More flexible for Vlad? That sounds pretty serious to me. It sounds as though Obama was acting as a Russian asset!
One of the first things he did as President was pull the missile shield from Poland to please Putin. Did a single democrat
find that objectionable? Did the FBI think a CI investigation was called for? Nope. In 2010, while his wife was
Secretary of State, Bill Clinton went to Vladimir Putin's home in Russia. The next day Clinton gives a cup of coffee speech
and walks away with $500,000. Since they file taxes jointly, that means the money effectively went into her pocket as well.
The next thing you know, $140 million flows into the Clinton Foundation and 20% control of US uranium falls into the hands of
Vladimir Putin. [...] Despite the concrete evidence that Obama and the Clinton's were truly acting on behalf of Putin and Russia,
the FBI had no interest. So who was the Director of the FBI at that time? Robert Mueller.
Secret Service Agent Files Lawsuit Against Clintons, John Podesta and Deep State Trump Haters. A former Secret
Service Agent — who remains an outspoken critic of the Clintons since he left the White House protection detail
and voluntarily left the employ of the agency — has filed a civil lawsuit against former President Bill Clinton,
former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a list of others from the so-called Deep State. Especially telling is the
fact that former FBI counter-intelligence chief Also named as a defendant is the now infamous "dirty dossier" case,
Trump-despising Peter Strzok[.] The nature of Gary J. Byrne suit, according to the filed documents, is
"racketeer-influenced and corrupt organizations [RICO]." Byrne is regarded as a top federal protection officer who has
served with distinction a number of federal law enforcement assignments for almost thirty years beginning with his stint with
the U.S. Air Force Security Police, his White House post with the Uniformed Division of the Secret Service, and most recently
as a Federal Air Marshal under the Homeland Security Department
Defies Subpoena for Docs on its Raid on Unranium One Whistleblower. The Deep State now is publicly baring its
fangs at us, laughing at ineffective attempts to hold it accountable for abuse and worse. I hate to be alarmist, but we
have police agencies misbehaving and then destroying the evidence and refusing to cooperate with constitutional oversight
functions. Just in the last couple of days, we have learned that critical form 302 records were altered months after
they were first created regarding the FBI interview upon which General Michael Flynn was prosecuted. And we learned
that the Special Counsel's Office of Robert Mueller scrubbed access to the text messages of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the
texting blabbermouths who revealed the D.S. "insurance policy" in the event Trump won the presidency.
Epidemic of Erasures, Redactions, Omissions, and Perjuries. Imagine the following: The IRS sends you,
John Q. Citizen, a letter alleging you have not complied with U.S. tax law. In the next paragraph, the tax agency then
informs you that it needs a series of personal and business documents. Indeed, it will be sending agents out to discuss
your dilemma and collect the necessary records. But when the IRS agents arrive, you explain to them that you cannot
find about 50 percent of the documents requested, and have no idea whether they even exist. You sigh that both
hard copies of pertinent information have unfortunately disappeared and hard drives were mysteriously lost. You nonchalantly
add that you smashed your phone, tablet, and computer with a hammer. [...] What would happen to you, a typical American citizen,
should you follow this current Washington model of erasing, redacting, omitting, forgetting, and lying?
letter reveals FBI divisions over Clinton case decision, conflicting claims on Rosenstein controversy. House
Republicans are shuttering their long-running probes into the FBI and Justice Department's actions during the 2016 campaign
as they hand over the majority to Democrats on Thursday [1/3/2019], but disclosed new findings on their way out that undercut the
official narrative surrounding the bureau's decision not to prosecute former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her team
for mishandling classified information. The details were revealed in a letter Friday from outgoing Judiciary Committee
Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., summarizing their findings and
reiterating once more their call for a special counsel to be appointed to probe decisions made in the Clinton email and
Russia probes — and the "disparate way these two investigations were seemingly conducted."
foreign agent': Clinton Foundation oversight panel hears explosive testimony. Fraud investigators have exposed
the Clinton Foundation's alleged misdeeds in a Congressional hearing, describing it as a de facto "foreign agent" devoted not
to charity but to "advancing the personal interests of its principals." The Clinton Foundation acted as an agent of foreign
governments "early in its life and throughout its existence," according to testimony by former government forensic
investigator John Moynihan, which, if true, would not only render it in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act but
also would violate its nonprofit charter, putting it on the hook for a massive quantity of unpaid taxes.
FBI and DOJ Were Working to Protect Hillary Clinton a Lot Longer Than Generally Discussed. Arguably the biggest
story of 2018 is how much we have learned about institutional political corruption within the U.S. Department of Justice
(DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). With that level of new knowledge in mind, some earlier stories about the
DOJ and FBI take on an entirely different light. Here's one from late 2016 — You might not know the name
Marc Turi but if you are familiar with the Benghazi Brief, or more specifically with Operation Zero Footprint, you'll likely
know the issues.
State Caught: "So She Lied. BFD. No One At DOJ Is Going To Prosecute." So many have said so many
times how the rules don't apply to certain globalist politicians, right? Well, here are some FBI agents communicating
that very thing regarding Hillary Clinton's closet confidante, Huma Abedin, after thousands of classified/critical docs were
found on her unsecured laptop — and she lied about it. (A BIG no-no.) This was near the end of the
2016 campaign. Huma was photographed on the Clinton campaign in tears. (She knew she was in big-big trouble.)
Then, inexplicably, all that trouble went away. -Poof- Vanished. No doubt the Clintons called in
some big favors to some high-ranking Deep State officials and Huma and Hillary were off the hook — again.
Congressional Hearing With Clinton Foundation Investigators. Today there was a much hyped congressional
hearing, spearheaded by sub-committee chairman Mark Meadows, into issues surrounding the Clinton Foundation and the
possibility of IRS tax avoidance schemes. The backstory is of particular importance because the hearing is being framed
by the 'tick-tock-boom club' as something it was not. [...] Mr. Lawrence W. Doyle and Mr. John
Moynihan, are the proprietors of a firm called MDA Analytics. They are two 'tipsters', financial bounty hunters,
calling themselves 'whistle-blowers', who have researched the Clinton Foundation and informed the IRS that based on their
research the foundation owes back taxes. They duo are hopeful to receive an IRS award based on their estimation of
missing tax payments of between $400 million and $2.5 billion. In addition to their patriotic duty, this is
the financial motivation behind Mr. Doyle and Mr. Moynihan.
Bounty Hunters Testify: Clinton Foundation Operated As Foreign Agent. The Clinton Foundation operated as
a foreign agent 'early in its life' and 'throughout it's existence' and did not operate as a 501c3 charitable foundation as
required by its and is not entitled to its status as a nonprofit, alleged two highly qualified forensic investigators,
accompanied by three other investigators, said in explosive testimony Thursday to the House Oversight and Government Reform
Committee. John Moynihan and Lawerence W. Doyle, both graduates of the Catholic Jesuit College of the Holy Cross
and former expert forensic government investigators, gave their shocking testimony before congress based on a nearly two-year
investigation into the foundation's work both nationally and internationally. They were assisted by three other highly
trained experts in taxation law and financial forensic investigations. The forensic investigators stressed that they
obtained all the documentation on the foundation legally and through Freedom of Information Request Acts from the IRS and
other agencies.
is Fair in the War on Trump. [T]here are two kinds of justice operating in the Washington swamp. One kind — the
mean, devious, throw-the-book-at-'em kind — is used for prosecuting Donald Trump and his people. The other kind of
justice — the nice, easy-going, so-what kind — is used for not looking into the law-breaking email fiascos of Hillary and
the financial fishiness of the Clinton Crime Syndicate. Hillary continues to skate free, unbothered by the FBI or any
federal agency for the dirty things she and the Obama administration's injustice department did during the 2016 election to
try to defeat Donald Trump. But not General Flynn.
defies subpoena for docs on its raid on Uranium One whistleblower. The Deep State now is publicly baring its
fangs at us, laughing at ineffective attempts to hold it accountable for abuse and worse. I hate to be alarmist, but we
have police agencies misbehaving and then destroying the evidence and refusing to cooperate with constitutional oversight
functions. Just in the last couple of days, we have learned that critical form 302 records were altered months after
they were first created regarding the FBI interview upon which General Michael Flynn was prosecuted. And we learned
that the Special Counsel's Office of Robert Mueller scrubbed access to the text messages of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the
texting blabbermouths who revealed the D.S. "insurance policy" in the event Trump won the presidency.
Whistleblowers: Thursday's Public Hearing to Reveal "Explosive" Information. A trove of documents on the
Clinton Foundation alleging possible pay for play and tax evasion have been turned over to the FBI and IRS by several
investigative whistleblowers, who will be testifying in an open hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform
Committee Thursday, according to the committee and lawmakers. Roughly 6,000 documents that are expected to reveal the
nearly two-year investigation by the whistleblowers with a private firm called MDA Analytics LLC, which allegedly turned over
the documents more than a year and a half ago to the IRS, according to John Solomon, who first published the report last week
in The Hill.
way out for Clinton, Inc. corruption this time. The legal dodge used by James Comey to exonerate Hillary
Clinton from her prima facie crimes in using an unsecured server for official business won't be any help to the Clinton
Foundation as it faces charges coming from whistleblowers. Clinton Inc. criminal defense lawyers trying to hide behind
the word "intent" won't work because the Clintons were previously warned early and often about improper compliance.
way out for Clinton, Inc. corruption this time. The legal dodge used by James Comey to exonerate Hillary
Clinton from her prima facie crimes in using an unsecured server for official business won't be any help to the Clinton
Foundation as it faces charges coming from whistleblowers. Clinton Inc. criminal defense lawyers trying to hide behind
the word "intent" won't work because the Clintons were previously warned early and often about improper compliance.
Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence, Meadows says. Three people have
come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation
of funds and allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state,
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., told Fox News on Thursday [12/6/2018]. Meadows, the leader of the conservative House
Freedom Caucus, is also the chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations. The panel is set to
hold an investigative hearing next week on the status of the Foundation case. U.S. Attorney John Huber was tasked to
investigate the foundation last year by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Foundation on the Hot Seat for Potential Misappropriation of Funds. Three people have come forward with
hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation of funds and
allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, Rep. Mark
Meadows (R-N.C.) told Fox News on Thursday [12/6/2018]. Meadows, the leader of the conservative House Freedom Caucus,
is also the chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations. The panel is set to hold an
investigative hearing next week on the status of the foundation case.
Foundation CFO Spills Beans To Investigators. A fascinating bit of news flying well under the D.C. radar is the
comments of Clinton Foundation CFO Andrew Kessel to members of an independent investigation firm that has been looking into
Clinton Foundation business practices for some time. According to Kessel it's as bad as some have long thought —
the foundation is mired in conflicts of interests, misappropriation of funds, and a rogue Bill Clinton himself who has long
used it as a personal piggy bank.
Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence, Meadows says. Three people have
come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation
of funds and allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state,
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., told Fox News on Thursday. Meadows, the leader of the conservative House Freedom
Caucus, is also the chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations. The panel is set to hold an
investigative hearing next week on the status of the Foundation case. U.S. Attorney John Huber was tasked to
investigate the foundation last year by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
whistleblowers hand over hundreds of documents 'showing the Clinton Foundation misused funds and made quid-pro-quo promises
to donors about access to Hillary'. Three whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence
suggesting wrongdoing at the Clinton Foundation, a Republican congressman says. Mark Meadows, head of the House
Oversight Subcommittee, said the documents suggest misappropriation of funds and quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during
Hillary's time as secretary of state. Meadows spoke to Fox News about the documents ahead of an investigative hearing
on the Clinton Foundation which is due to take place next week.
Questions Horowitz About FBI Raid on Whistleblower. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has always worked
earnestly to protect whistleblowers; it is a subject near and dear to his heart. Against the backdrop of an unexpected
raid on the home of an approved and protected whistleblower named Dennis Nathan Cain, Senator Grassley writes to Inspector
General Horowitz: [...]
Questions Director Wray About FBI Raid on Clinton Foundation, Uranium One Whistleblower. Outgoing Senate
Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) questioned FBI Director Christopher Wray about the raid of the home of a Clinton
Foundation, Uranium One whistleblower in a letter this weekend. [...] When the agents showed up to Cain's home, he informed
them that he was a protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection and that Horowitz
officially recognized his status as a whistleblower. The FBI agents intimidated the whistleblower and rummaged through
his home — Grassley is right to question FBI Director Wray's potential involvement and knowledge of this raid that
appears to have violated the whistleblower's rights.
Foreboding —
FBI Raids Home of Clinton Foundation Whistleblower. The Daily Caller has an exclusive report tonight that is
very troubling, and, unfortunately in alignment with a previous suspicion CTH shared when it was first announced that John
Huber was scheduled to testify to congress on December 5th.
hints at the scandal about to blow. The Clinton Foundation scandal is, as President Trump would say, yuuuuge.
I am told by a knowledgeable source that the official that John Solomon cites "knows where the bodies are buried." Of
course, the news that another whistleblower who came forward with information and documents on the Uranium One scandal, Dennis
Nathan Cain, was raided by a team of FBI agents who spent six hours rummaging through his home raises some alarming possibilities.
Obama-era officials tangled in watchdog's lawsuit over Clinton Foundation investigation. A conservative
watchdog group announced Friday it had filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Justice Department seeking
communications records that relate the FBI's investigation into whether Hillary and Bill Clinton's charity organization
participated in pay-to-play schemes or other improper behavior with the U.S. government. The latest lawsuit by Judicial
Watch related to the Clintons, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the FBI denied their FOIA
request and appeal this fall, targets the offices of prominent Obama-era officials, including former Attorney General Loretta
Lynch, former FBI Director James Comey, and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.
Troubling Raid of a Uranium One Whistleblower's Home. In a shocking exclusive, The Daily Caller revealed that
FBI agents raided the home of a recognized whistleblower who allegedly has evidence then-FBI Director Robert Mueller did not
investigate potential criminal activity by Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and Rosatom, the Russian company that
purchased Uranium One. The FBI dodged the whistleblower's attorney Michael Socarras which is an act of serious
misconduct, Socarras said. They contacted his client Dennis Nathan Cain directly and, on November 19th, they raided his
home, advising him the documents he possessed were stolen. A federal magistrate Stephanie A. Gallagher of the U.S.
District Court for Baltimore approved the raid but who knows what she was told.
FBI Raids Home
of Whistleblower on Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says. FBI agents raided the home of a recognized Department of
Justice whistleblower who privately delivered documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One to a government
watchdog, according to the whistleblower's attorney. The Justice Department's inspector general was informed that the
documents show that federal officials failed to investigate potential criminal activity regarding former Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and Rosatom, the Russian company that purchased Uranium One, a document reviewed by
The Daily Caller News Foundation alleges.
Scam Exposed:
Donations To Clinton Foundation Plummeted After Clinton Lost The Election. Throughout the presidential campaign
there was plenty of talk about whether the Clinton Foundation was a legitimate charity or a pay-to-play scam. The
latest financial data from the charity provides the answer.
Foundation Donations Plummet 90% Over Three-Year Period Following Hillary's Departure From State Department.
Grifting isn't easy when you no longer have any influence and power to peddle. The Clinton Foundation recently posted
its consolidated statement of activities for 2017 and it shows contributions have all but dried up.
attorney general: "I would indict Hillary Clinton". President Trump's new attorney general will enforce
the law. Washington is shocked. In July 2016, he took Jimmy the Weasel to task in a column for USA Today,
headlined, "I would indict Hillary Clinton." The new general, Matthew Whitaker, wrote, "According to FBI Director James
Comey's statement on Tuesday, former secretary of State Hillary Clinton could have been charged with violating several
different code sections, and he detailed the evidence that supports bringing criminal charges. "Yet, Director Comey's
judgment was that 'no reasonable prosecutor' would bring the case. I disagree. I believe myself to have been a
reasonable prosecutor, and when the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved
should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted."
Clinton Foundation CEO Seeks Asylum with Russia? Rumor has it that the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation
Eric Braverman may have fled the country. To Russia. Though this report is unverified; however the scenario
remains a possibility. And here's why. According to the WikiLeaks emails, Eric Braverman is believed to be the
mole who exposed the the Clinton Foundation. [...] Is Braverman hiding in Russia? I don't know. But people who
betray the Mama and Papa Clinton do have a nasty habit of dying young and in unexplained circumstances.
Tax Schemes? Audit the Clinton Foundation! People should not be punished because they work hard, become
successful, and want to pass on the fruits of their labor, or even their ancestors' labor, to their children.
Certainly, Donald Trump's father believed that and to the extent he managed to pass on his success and some cash with it to
his son, God bless him. But here comes the New York Times accusing the Trumps of "tax schemes" to avoid paying, wait
for it, their "fair share" in taxes and not take advantage of what liberals call "loopholes" in the tax code, loopholes that
the likes of the NYT and Trump's 2016 opponent, Hillary [...] Clinton.
Withholding 37 Pages That Could Explain Hillary's Role in Uranium One Deal. The FBI is once again withholding
key information that could very well implicate the exact scope of Hillary's involvement in the Uranium One scandal. The
FBI has identified 37 pages on Russian bribery in order to facilitate the sale of US uranium to Russia. This is far
from the first time that the FBI has withheld information that could send Hillary to prison for a very long long time.
The US indicted a number of Russians over the bribery scheme, but they refuse to let us see which Americans were involved.
We already know that the Clinton Foundation received $145 million dollars from principals of the Uranium One deal and that Bill
Clinton received half a million dollars for a 20 minute speech, paid for by a bank with close ties to the Kremlin.
37 secret pages of memos about Russia, Clintons and Uranium One. Eight years after its informant uncovered
criminal wrongdoing inside Russia's nuclear industry, the FBI has identified 37 pages of documents that might reveal what
agents told the Obama administration, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others about the controversial Uranium One
deal. There's just one problem: The FBI claims it must keep the memos secret from the public. Their excuses
for the veil of nondisclosure range from protecting national security and law enforcement techniques to guarding the privacy
of individual Americans and the ability of agencies to communicate with each other. Sound familiar? It's a lot
like the initial reasons the bureau was reluctant to turn over documents in the Russia collusion investigation, such as former
FBI agent Peter Strzok's "stop Trump" texts or the revelation that Clinton and the Democrats funded the Steele dossier.
The FBI's declaration and list of withheld documents — entitled simply "Uranium One Transaction" —
were posted recently inside its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) online vault.
Clinton lost, so ignore her 84 million dollar shell game. Geller Report: It was "an unprecedented
nationwide scheme to violate federal campaign finance law in which $84 million was effectively laundered over more than a
year by the Hillary Victory Fund through dozens of state political party committees to the Democratic National Committee and,
ultimately, to Hillary for America" during Election, 2016, alleged the Committee to Defend the President (CDP) in a lawsuit
[04/16/18] "to compel the Federal Election Commission to take action."
Hillary Clinton lost, so ignore
her 84 million dollar shell game. It was "an unprecedented nationwide scheme to violate federal campaign
finance law in which $84 million was effectively laundered over more than a year by the Hillary Victory Fund through dozens
of state political party committees to the Democratic National Committee and, ultimately, to Hillary for America" during
Election, 2016, alleged the Committee to Defend the President (CDP) in a lawsuit [04/16/18] "to compel the Federal Election
Commission to take action." [...] [T]he Federal Election Commission apparently does not want to fulfill its mission: An
"independent regulatory agency charged with administering and enforcing the federal campaign finance law." A federal
judge could order the Commissioners to conduct a vote and /or conduct an investigation. The result could be a slap, if
any, on the wrist. After all, there is a two-tiered justice system in which some are not held to account, such as
Hillary Clinton, and, generally, members of the Deep State.
FEC Records Indicate Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered $84 Million. The press continues to feed the dying
Russia collusion conspiracy theory, spending Friday's news cycle regurgitating Democrat talking points from the just-filed
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act lawsuit against the Trump campaign, WikiLeaks, and Russia. Yet the
mainstream media took no notice of last week's federal court filing that exposes an $84 million money-laundering conspiracy
the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign executed during the 2016 presidential election in
violation of federal campaign-finance law.
Vault Release — FBI Requested Data Forensics on Huma Abedin/Clinton Laptop AFTER the 2016 Election, Not
Before. A new release from the FBI Vault on the Hillary Clinton email investigation reveals the Anthony
Weiner/Huma Abedin laptop containing Clinton emails (350,000) and Blackberry communications (344,000) was never reviewed for
intrusion prior to the 2016 election.
Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal And How The Media Covered It Up. Contrary to reports in the media, the crowd
sourced investigation labeled by some as "Pizzagate" did not begin with internet sleuths digging through the Wikileaks
Podesta Files releases looking for pizza parlors and encoded language discussing human trafficking. It began with the
shocking discovery that Hillary and Bill Clinton provided assistance to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby, resulting
in a reduced sentence for child trafficking. Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children
out of Haiti without documentation. Her sentence and charges were reduced after an intervention by Bill Clinton.
explosive claim US intelligence helped drop $400,000,000 Russian-linked money into Hillary campaign. While the
mainstream media, Democrats and the Never-Trump crowd clutched their pearls over President Trump and Vladimir Putin's summit
on Monday, a major bombshell was overlooked. During the highly publicized joint press conference the Russian President
not only called US. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's bluff on the indictment of 12 Russian officials, but blasted former Sec.
of State Hillary Clinton for nefarious activities.
Russians gave Hillary $400 million. At his press conference with President Trump, Putin mentioned Bill Browder,
an American-British businessman who deals with with Russian oligarchs. Theirs is a complicated relationship.
Putin may have killed Browder's lawyer, and Browder lobbied for U.S. economic sanctions against Russia — which
President Trump made tougher. [...] Then Putin got down to business. "We can bring up Mr. Browder in this
particular case. Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over one and a half billion dollars in
Russia. They never paid any taxes, neither in Russian army in the United States and yet the money escaped the country,
they were transferred to the United States," Putin said.
Drops Bomb at Helsinki Presser: Says US Intelligence Helped Move $400,000,000 to Hillary Campaign! [Scroll
down] [Bill] Browder is an American-born British financier. He is the CEO and co-founder of Hermitage Capital Management,
an investment fund that at one time was the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia. Bill Browder's grandfather was
head of the Communist Party USA. The Russian government put Browder on the Interpol most wanted list in 2017.
Former Secret Service Agent Slaps Lawsuit On Clintons, Podesta
and More. Former Secret Service Agent Gary J. Byrne, an outspoken critic of the Clintons since he left the White House and their
employ, has filed a RICO lawsuit against former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a list of others. The
nature of the suit, according to the filed documents, is "racketeer-influenced and corrupt organizations." In addition to the Clintons,
Byrne names a number of Clinton associates and supporters as defendants, including:
• Clinton Foundation
• Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership
• Media Matters For America
• Correct the Record
• American Bridge 21st Century
• Shareblue
• David Brock
• George Soros
• John Podesta
Byrne also names fellow veteran Secret Service Agent and CNN Law Enforcement
Analyst Jonathan Wackrow as a defendant in the suit.
IG Report: They're Guilty, but It's Okay. The IG report is really Comey 2.0. Comey spent a long time
describing how Hillary had broken the law but then concluded that it was okay. Similarly, the IG report lists example
after example of political bias but declares that it had no impact on the Hillary email whitewash. The IG report on the
Clinton email investigation is proof positive that the entire DC justice establishment is corrupt; that they view themselves
as rulers not public servants.
tick, tick... for the Clinton Foundation. Charles Ortel, the retired Wall Street analyst who has examined thoroughly the
many publicly available filings of the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, calls it "the biggest charity fraud ever."
He has got them dead to rights. It is the first of a series of articles clearly intended to lay the foundation for indictments,
which may well be the subject of a sitting grand jury. And if not, there are a lot of questions to be answered.
to Declare Clinton Foundation the Biggest Charity Fraud Ever. To the long list of excuses for explaining why a
presumed frontrunner lost the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton now adds "socialists" in the Democratic
Party, who rejected her devotion to regulated capitalism. [...] Hillary lost (again) because very few Americans embrace suspicious,
over-the-top living financed by crony capitalist payoffs ("speeches") and charity frauds. The former are easy to spot, but
the latter are tougher to grasp, unless you study the laws and regulations of charities.
Sold Uranium To Iran After Buying Uranium From Hillary Clinton. As Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu
presses world leaders to act on Iran's growing secret nuclear program, a very obvious aspect of the case is being ignored by
the mainstream media. Hillary Clinton famously sold about 20 percent of U.S. uranium to the Russians, during her tenure
at the Obama State Department, in a move that set off massive alarms about pay-to-play with the Clinton Foundation. But the
"Uranium One" deal might have just been Part One of the scheme. The Obama administration — which shipped
Iran boatloads of cash toward the end of Obama's term — oversaw the transfer of Russian uranium to the Iranians.
At least ten nuclear bombs' worth!
Hillary Clinton Broke Federal Election Laws or Our Election Laws Are Broken. Federal election law requires
campaigns to disclose to the Federal Election Commission the name and address of each "person to whom an expenditure in an
aggregate amount or value in excess of $200 within the calendar year is made by the reporting committee to meet a candidate
or committee operating expense, together with the date, amount, and purpose of such operating expenditure." Because
Fusion GPS was paid more than $200 (exactly how much isn't clear), those payments should have been disclosed on the Clinton
campaign's disclosure forms. It wasn't. Instead, the Clinton campaign and Democrats only reported they made
payments to Perkins Coie for "Legal Services."
Clintons and 'the Jews'. In its never-ending pursuit of revelatory records meant to expose corruption, fraud,
waste — and evil generally — in the Deep State, Judicial Watch published an interesting set of records
today received from the government in its glacial response to demands for Hillary Clinton's emails. [...] Judicial Watch
published an interesting analysis of this most recent batch of records, rightly focusing again on Hillary Clinton's dangerous
abuse of national security information by trafficking it on her unsecure "home-brew" server. We also discuss yet more
evidence of pay-for-play corruption revealed by the latest records, again illustrating the virtual melding of the State
Department with the Clinton Foundation "philanthropy." Its beneficiaries were the Clintons and their vast political
machine, with only six percent of their donations actually going to charitable causes in 2014, and the bulk going to
"overhead expenses," like travel for the Clintons.
Money Laundering Scheme. While it obsesses over an aging porn star, Russians, discredited ex-FBI officials, and
pimple-faced gun-grabbers, the mainstream media has been ignoring an explosive federal lawsuit unearthing a huge illegal
money-laundering conspiracy said to have been masterminded last election cycle by the Democratic National Committee and the
Hillary Clinton campaign. It is yet another facet of the plot by which Clinton, possibly in league with then-President
Obama, broke the law in an attempt to rig the election. Throughout his agonizingly long presidency, Obama serially
abused his powers as the nation's Chief Executive to undermine his political opponents.
aides called the Clinton Foundation 'Chelsea's nest egg'. Hillary Clinton's aides called money donated to her
charitable organization her daughter's 'nest egg', a new book claims. The former Democratic presidential candidate's
fundraiser took in $250 million for the Clinton Foundation before she announced her White House run. In her new book,
Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns and One Intact Glass Ceiling, New York Times journalist Amy Chozick
does not say if the nest egg comment from one aide was a joke, though it appears to be a snarky comment referring to the
foundation's history of controversy. The revelation is likely to deepen a feud between Chelsea Clinton and Chozick.
The former first daughter has been using her Twitter account to berate Chozick and accuse her of writing 'fiction'.
Clinton's Donors May Be Investigated In $84 Million Money Laundering Scheme. A pro-Trump political action
committee has filed a complaint with the FEC alleging the Hillary Clinton campaign laundered $84 million in contributions
from big-name donors, such as Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, filmmaker Steven Spielberg, and designer Calvin Klein. The
complaint outlines a money laundering scheme that violated multiple campaign finance laws, specifically laws related to
limits on contributions by independent donors.
got the order to shut down Hillary investigation from...Obama? Rush Limbaugh on his April 19 show said the important
news in the report of Inspector General Horowitz's report is the August 12, 2016 call to McCabe from the Obama DOJ regarding the
Clinton Foundation investigation. Limbaugh believes that it was Sally Yates, of the Obama DOJ, who called McCabe to tell him they were
"concerned" about the investigation. [...] While Mueller searches in vain for the nonexistent collusion and obstruction of justice by
President Trump, there is clear evidence in the Horowitz report of obstruction of justice to interfere with the 2016 election by the
Obama DOJ.
Leader Calls For Impeachment Of Rod Rosenstein Over Uranium One Scandal. The Uranium One scandal is rearing its
ugly and multi-sided head again. During that highly controversial agreement that sold 20% of U.S. uranium stock to
Putin-controlled interests in Russia then-U.S. attorney Rod Rosenstein was charged with investigating the deal as allegations
of bribes, extortion, and money laundering involving the Clintons and Obama-related figures, quickly mounted. And guess
who was the FBI Director at the time? None other than Robert Mueller, the man now charged with investigating Donald Trump.
How The Obama
Justice Department Tried To Shut Down The FBI's Investigation Into The Clinton Foundation. The Department of
Justice Inspector General report on the "lack of candor" by FBI deputy Director Andrew McCabe also documents for the first
time the Obama administration's effort to shut down the bureau's investigation of the Clinton Foundation, according to a
review of the report by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group. The inspector general (IG) confirmed in
its long-awaited report released Friday that in 2016 the FBI had ongoing field investigations of the Clinton Foundation in
New York, Los Angeles, Little Rock, Arkansas and Washington, D.C. The multi-city investigation was launched when agents
found "suspicious activity" between a foreign donor and Clinton Foundation activity in the Los Angeles area, as TheDCNF
reported in August 2016.
Watch Sues For Uranium One Documents. Government watchdog Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act
lawsuit against the Departments of Justice and State Tuesday for a number of documents related to Uranium One. The
filing comes four months after both Departments stonewalled legally requested information and failed to comply with a
standard FOIA request.
Comey, Uranium One: Who Is John W. Huber? Widespread head-scratching has followed Attorney General Jeff
Sessions' recent disclosure that U.S. Attorney John W. Huber is leading an investigation into 2016 election controversies.
In a March 29 letter to Republican committee chairmen, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. Huber, the U. S. Attorney for Utah,
had been appointed to "evaluate certain issues" raised by the GOP. He did not say which issues, but there are plenty. In
a July 27, 2017 letter, GOP leaders had called on Mr. Sessions to "appoint a second special counsel to investigate a plethora
of matters connected to the 2016 election and its aftermath." These included actions by Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch
and others, email controversies, mishandling of classified information, Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier, FISA warrants, wire taps,
leaks, grand juries, the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One deal. Mr. Sessions instead appointed Mr. Huber, "an
experienced federal prosecutor," and left the door open to a special counsel. Mr. Sessions noted that Mr. Huber "will
make recommendations as to whether any matters not currently under investigation should be opened, whether any matters currently under
investigation require further resources, or whether any matters merit the appointment of a Special Counsel." Translation:
Mr. Huber is investigating the investigations, not the underlying allegations.
Mueller Investigating Trump Over $150K
Donation From Ukrainian Who Gave Clintons $13 Million. The special counsel's office is investigating a $150,000
donation a Ukrainian businessman made to President Donald Trump's charity in 2015, according to a new report. The donation,
from steel magnate Victor Pinchuk, pales in comparison to contributions he gave to the charity Bill and Hillary Clinton set up.
The billionaire has contributed $13 million to the Clinton Foundation since 2006 and had access to Hillary Clinton while she served
as secretary of state. But Special Counsel Robert Mueller is not investigating The Clintons. Instead, he is conducting a
broad investigation of Donald Trump, including the flow of foreign money into various Trump-controlled entities.
$37 Million from the Clinton Foundation Disappeared in Baltimore. Why did the Clinton Foundation send a $37 million
grant for the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund in 2010 to a Baltimore post office box when the CBHF told federal tax authorities that its only
office that year was in Washington, D.C.? For the rest of us, the answers to that and many other questions posed by those who
wonder why investigations into obvious and rampant frauds involving Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton and their purported foundation
never go anywhere are complex. But they're worth following if you care about combating charitable fraud.
AG Sessions declined to appoint a special counsel. A lot of conservatives are upset that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has
declined for now to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate claims of FBI abuses in surveilling the Trump campaign, and in
declining to investigate the Uranium One deal, followed by well over a hundred million dollars of donations to Clinton family-controlled
charities by parties benefitting from approval of that sale. CNN first broke the story, obtaining a four-page letter that Sessions
sent to Senator Grassley, and Representatives Goodlatte and Gowdy, who had requested a special counsel.
"Accuse others of what you do."
Trump 'Undermined' Presidency To 'Enrich' Family. Hillary Clinton continues to attack President Trump while
abroad, this time during an interview with a Dutch news network. During the interview, which took place on March 13,
Clinton alleged that Trump is undermining the presidency in exchange for personal and familial gain.
uranium informant says FBI sought new information from him about the Clintons. An undercover informant who
helped the FBI prove Russia's uranium industry engaged in criminal activity says congressional Democrats' recent attacks on
his credibility were insulting to his medical disability and ignored the fact that agents recently asked him for fresh
testimony about former President Clinton and Hillary Clinton. In his first on-camera interview, William Douglas
Campbell told The Hill he was interviewed for about five hours in December by FBI agents from Little Rock, Ark., who were
investigating whether donations to the Clintons's charitable empire were used to influence U.S. nuclear policy during the
Obama years.
testimony' on Clintons in Uranium One scandal. This is a story that will not die easily, because there are
actual dots that connect and lead — or give the appearance to leading — to the Clinton Global
Initiative and Hillary Clinton's secretary of state office. The Uranium One scandal is a kickback, bribery, and
corruption affair that sent several Russian and American officials in the uranium industry to jail. But the connection
between the Russians and the Clinton Foundation has always interested investigators because you can draw a line from Russian
donations to the foundation and the decision to sell the Uranium One mining company to Russia. Now the undercover FBI
agent who broke the case wide open is saying he has given fresh testimony to the FBI on the Clintons and Uranium One.
Inspector General Examining Whether McCabe Was Promised Promotion to FBI Director by Hillary Clinton. Andrew McCabe may have
revealed to his inner circle an inside plan to replace his friend James Comey as FBI director if and when Hillary Clinton was elected president
of the United States, according to top officials in the Justice Department. [...] If those discussions about a promotion to FBI director with
co-workers and McCabe's inner circle were anything more than bravado, that certainly is troubling. And given the fact that McCabe's wife
Jill was given more than $1.25 million in Hillary-backed campaign donations to run for state senate in Virginia, it could spell additional
legal woes for her husband. McCabe was in charge of the Hillary Clinton email investigation at the FBI at the same time his wife ran for
office. At the same time he and his wife struck a deal to run for office with Hillary consigliere and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe,
who was allegedly under investigation at the time by the FBI for a public corruption case.
The Other Russian Collusion
Investigation. As Washington obsesses over alleged collusion involving the Russians and the current administration,
a separate investigation in Little Rock looks into alleged corruption involving the previous administration and the Russians.
"FBI agents are interviewing people," Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. attorney hired by the president on Monday [3/19/2018], told
The American Spectator over the weekend. "That is a big deal. I can assure they are interviewing people because our
firm represents one of the people they have interviewed." DiGenova says the investigation has been "underway for some time"
and involves the Clinton Foundation, "which includes Uranium One and its various transactions." DiGenova notes that he does not
know whether investigators have empaneled a grand jury or not. For many, the FBI expending resources on interviewing witnesses
and investigating the massive foundation for months indicates that if a grand jury does not already exist one will soon.
Agents In Little Rock Meet Informant After GOP Rep. Warns 'Justice May Be Coming Very Soon' In Clinton Foundation
Probe. FBI agents in Little Rock, Arkansas recently met with Uranium One informant William Campbell for the
bureau's investigation into the Clinton Foundation. [...] According to reports, the FBI is investigating millions of
"mishandled taxpayer" dollars funneled to the dubious non-profit from Australian taxpayers.
Interviewed Uranium One Informant in Clinton Foundation Investigation. A former FBI informant who spent more
than six years undercover gathering information on the Russian energy and uranium market was recently interviewed by FBI
agents from the Little Rock, Arkansas field office as part of an ongoing bureau investigation into the Clinton Foundation,
according to Victoria Toensing, the attorney representing the informant. Toensing disclosed the information in a letter
asking for a retraction to The Hill's article published Thursday [3/8/2018], which was based solely on a Democrat memorandum
attacking the credibility of William Douglas Campbell, the former informant. Democrats stated that Campbell provided no
evidence to the congressional committees of "quid pro quo" regarding the Clinton Foundation and the Russians.
Harmon Wilfred Matter: Clinton Foundation CIA Covert Corruption & New Zealand. Harmon Wilfred, an
honorably discharged US military veteran, was, in the 1980's and 90's, a professional contractor and consultant. From
1994 through 1998, while under contract with the CIA, Wilfred claims he discovered fraud and embezzlement against US
citizens. It involved billions of dollars at multiple levels of government, he said. [...] Wilfred believes the
agencies and individuals, among them, Bill and Hillary Clinton, who perpetrated the crimes, continue the same crimes of fraud
and embezzlement of US taxpayer's dollars virtually uninterrupted.
Harmon Wilfred Matter: Clinton Foundation CIA Covert Corruption & Canada. Harmon Wilfred believes the CIA
has a covert funding cartel, which he calls, "The US Shadow Government" and it is in collision [sic] with their money
launderer — the Clinton Foundation. Canada and New Zealand, he claims, are also in collusion with this US
Shadow Government. He blew the whistle in 2000 and claims he soon received threats to his life and has been a man
without a country since 2001. His wife, Carolyn Dare Wilfred, is an heir of the multinational Dare Foods. She owns
27% ownership in Dare Foods. In June 2001, Wilfred and Carolyn fled Canada and went to New Zealand, because he claims
he received death threats.
Admin Official Who Helped Anti-Trump Dossier Author Was Exec at Lobbying Firm for Russians Who Bought Uranium
One. Jonathan M. Winer, the Obama State Department official who acknowledged regularly interfacing with the
author of the controversial, largely discredited 35-page anti-Trump dossier, served as senior vice president of a firm that
did lobbying work for Tenex, the U.S. subsidiary of Rosatom, the Russian state corporation headquartered in Moscow. In
2010, Rosatom infamously purchased a controlling stake in Uranium One, the Canadian uranium mining company with operations in
the U.S. The purchase was approved by the Obama administration in a decision that is currently being probed by the House
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
About the Clinton Foundation Is Finally Being Exposed. While Bill Clinton was president, no one dared regulate
the William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation. Similarly, as long as Hillary Clinton had a chance of becoming the
first female president of the United States, no one marshaled the resources necessary to bring obvious and massive charity
frauds to justice here and around the world. The regulatory system manifestly failed from 1997 through 2016. Then,
President Donald J. Trump happened. And now Americans, disenchanted with two-party bungling and globalist cronyism,
stoke demands for real investigations into the long, sordid history of the Clinton Foundation, to explain why so much money
has gone missing that was intended for desperately poor victims around the world.
Focuses on Millions of "Mishandled" $$$ Funneled from Australian Gov to Clinton Foundation. Oh, those skeletons
in the Clinton's closet aka "Pay to Play" continue tumbling out. It turns out that between 2006 and 2014, Australia
under Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard and fellow feminist funneled $88 million of Australian taxpayers fund to the
Clinton Foundation and "associated entities." During Gillard's tenure as prime minister, she also donated $300 million
of Australia's taxpayer money to the Clinton-affiliated Global Partnership for Education as exposed in the Podesta emails
leaked by Wikileaks back in 2016.
For FBI Informant Presses DOJ For Leak Investigation. The lawyer representing a former FBI informant demanded
Wednesday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions open an investigation into unauthorized and falsified leaks to the media by
"anonymous federal officials." The informant's lawyer said the leakers disparaged her client in an effort to silence him
from providing testimony to Congress regarding his role in exposing Russia's long-term strategy to dominate the global uranium
market and how Moscow achieved its goal in 2010 of obtaining roughly 20 percent of the U.S. uranium mining industry,
according to a letter delivered to the DOJ.
One Informant Gives Explosive Testimony. William D. Campbell, the Uranium One informant, gave what is being
described as explosive testimony. We know that Russian President Putin wanted to corner the world's uranium
supply. Common sense should have told the officials in the Obama administration that giving Putin control of 20% of
U.S. uranium and buying and selling rights of atomic fuels is lunacy. That's without considering the corruption and
bribery the Russians were engaging in throughout our country. Yet our administration went ahead and sold our mine and
assets, knowing it would end up in Putin's control in the end.
One Informant Testifies Against Hillary and Obama. There's been a new development in the Russia scandal.
No, not the Trump collusion case. Which may turn in to the Trump obstruction of justice case. Which may wind up
not even being that. What we're talking about here is Uranium One. [...] Hopefully Campbell has himself some good
security. They say that snitches get stitches. Though people who cross the Clintons have a habit of getting
rather dead.
Uranium One Reaching Critical Mass. Team Hillary, which includes the corrupt and seditious hierarchy of the
Obama DOJ and FBI, actually thought they could get away with everything. Hillary would win, Trump would be in the dock,
and they would get away with everything from using the Clinton Foundation as a corrupt pay-for-play cash cow, to lying to the
FISA court to conduct surveillance on American citizens, to real collusion with the Russians to transfer to them 20 percent
of the raw material for nuclear weapons, our uranium supply. Certainly we would have never heard of one William Douglas
Campbell, the FBI informant with extensive and deep knowledge of how the Russian of Vladimir Putin used bribery, extortion
and other tools in their bag of tricks to penetrate America's nuclear industry, and how they used Hillary Clinton to gain
access to our uranium.
One informant says Moscow paid millions in bid to influence Clinton. An FBI informant involved in the
controversial Uranium One deal has told congressional committees that Moscow paid millions to a U.S. lobbying firm in a bid
to influence then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by helping former President Bill Clinton's charities during the Obama
administration. The Hill first reported late Wednesday [2/7/2018] that informant Douglas Campbell gave a 10-page statement to the
Senate Judiciary Committee, House Intelligence Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and was interviewed for
several hours behind closed doors by committee staff. In the statement, obtained by Fox News, Campbell said Russian executives
told him that Moscow was hiring APCO Worldwide in an effort to influence the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton.
Lobbied Clinton on Uranium One as Spies Infiltrated Her Inner Circle. On Wednesday [2/7/2018], a former FBI informant
testified to three different congressional committees that Russian officials paid a lobbying firm to convince then-Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton to approve the Uranium One deal. The effort came at a time when Russian nuclear executives were still
working with Iran, and as Russian spies infiltrated Clinton's inner circle. The informant, William Campbell, worked with Russian
nuclear executives and provided extensive information to the FBI and the CIA for decades. His testimony led to the arrest and
conviction of Vadim Mikerin — a top official of the Russian nuclear arms subsidiary Tenex and later president of Tenam,
the American subsidiary of the Russian government-owned firm Rosatom.
Investigation: How Did Hillary Clinton Get FBI, FISA To Do Her Political Dirty Work? Recent revelations
point to former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and a secretive group of supporters and hangers-on both inside and
outside of the FBI and Justice Department as having a far deeper personal involvement in the investigation than first
thought. Fears of a politicized and manipulative "deep state" are looking less paranoid by the day. The
involvement of Hillary Clinton campaign aides in both the FBI's and Robert Mueller's investigation of Russia's supposed
ties to the Trump campaign in 2016 now seems deeper, and more nefarious, than first thought.
After Obama Is The Red Line The FBI, CIA, NSA, Media, Etc., Will Not Cross. The Clintons' survival is rooted
these days on their ability to convince anyone and everyone thinking of linking them to a multitude of crimes from illegal
email servers to pay-for-play Clinton Foundation money laundering schemes, that should they go down, so too will Barack
Obama. He is the red line of which those in power at the highest levels of government, the courts, and the
Establishment Media, will not cross.
One informant makes Clinton allegations to Congress. An FBI informant connected to the Uranium One controversy
told three congressional committees in a written statement that Moscow routed millions of dollars to America with the
expectation it would be used to benefit Bill Clinton's charitable efforts while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
quarterbacked a "reset" in U.S.-Russian relations. The informant, Douglas Campbell, said in the statement obtained by
The Hill that he was told by Russian nuclear executives that Moscow had hired the American lobbying firm APCO Worldwide
specifically because it was in position to influence the Obama administration, and more specifically Hillary Clinton.
Democrats have cast doubt on Campbell's credibility, setting the stage for a battle with Republicans over his testimony.
One Informant Testifies Moscow Sent Millions In Cash to U.S. For Clintons Pay to Play. An FBI informant
connected to the Uranium One controversy told three congressional committees in written testimony that Moscow routed millions
of dollars to America with the expectation it would be used to benefit Bill Clinton's charitable efforts while Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton quarterbacked a "reset" in US-Russian relations. The informant, Douglas Campbell, said in the
testimony obtained by The Hill that he was told by Russian nuclear executives that Moscow had hired the American lobbying
firm APCO Worldwide specifically because it was in position to influence the Obama administration, and more specifically
Hillary Clinton.
FBI informant
on Uranium One Breaks Silence Today. An informant who spent years gathering information on the Russian energy
and uranium market industry for the FBI, met staff members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, House Oversight, and House
Intelligence Committees on Wednesday. He gave explosive testimony on his years as an undercover informant providing
information to the FBI on Russian criminal networks operating in the United States. He also contends in his testimony,
and written briefs, to the FBI that Russia attempted to hide its ongoing aid to help sustain Iran's nuclear industry, at the
time the Obama administration approved the sale of 20 percent of U.S. uranium mining rights to Russia. William D.
Campbell, an American businessman, provided extensive information on other counterintelligence issues to the FBI for decades
and he had also provided information to the CIA on various issues during his time overseas.
Really Created The Trump Dossier? The campaign against Trump is unprecedented because of the scale of the abuses. The collusion
between Obama government officials and Clinton campaign personnel transformed opposition research into a license for surveillance on the political
opposition. A conspiracy theory from the Clinton campaign became leverage for delegitimizing and trying to reverse the results of an election.
And the conspiracy theory that elements of the FBI loyal to the Democrats relied upon to attack Trump originated from the deepest sewer in Clintonworld
that had been covertly smearing political enemies for decades.
Foundation Uses Unseen Transactions for Influence Peddling. A friend of mine, Peter Wing, once actually hid an
elephant in plain sight at the castle he built with his bare hands from reclaimed materials near Millbrook, New York.
The evolution of the Clinton Foundation since Oct. 23, 1997, proves that gigantic frauds, spread across the globe under the
harsh glare of public attention and in the media, are tough to grasp — and tougher still to police. Who would
imagine, for example, that a former president, an aspiring president and a highly educated only child would work together,
purposefully gaming controls at supposed "charities," produce false and misleading public filings, and do so for more
than two decades using a bevy of outside professional advisers and world-renowned directors?
campaign deserves a full investigation just like Trumpworld. When the indictments came down against former
Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his aide, Rick Gates, the headline of a Washington Post article declared, "With
money laundering charges against Paul Manafort, Trump's 'fake news' charge is harder to defend." It did not matter that
Manafort's indictment was entirely removed from any campaign connection and involved financial dealings well before his
association with Trump. The desire for an independent and full investigation of Donald Trump is understandable, given
the serious allegations of Russian influence. Yet, the same logic does not appear to apply outside of Trumpworld.
The same politicians and experts have dismissed efforts to investigate allegations of influence peddling, Russian
conspiracies and special deals involving Hillary or Bill Clinton.
Indictment in Maryland Not 'Coincidental,' Tom Fitton Says. A Maryland transportation firm executive's
indictment last week in the FBI investigation of a corrupt uranium deal was not "coincidental," Judicial Watch president Tom
Fitton suggested on Fox and Friends Monday morning [1/15/2018]. The charges come after reports released in late December
revealed that the Justice Department was taking a fresh look at the Uranium One deal that gave a Russian company control of
20 percent of the U.S. uranium industry while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.
Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown. In early May, we
introduced readers to Charles Ortel, a Wall Street analyst who uncovered financial discrepancies at General Electric before
its stock crashed in 2008, and whom the Sunday Times of London described as "one of the finest analysts of financial
statements on the planet" in a 2009 story detailing the troubles at AIG. Having moved on beyond simple corporate fraud, Ortel
spent the past year and a half digging into something more relevant to the current US situation: "charities", and specifically
the Clinton Foundation's public records, federal and state-level tax filings, and donor disclosures. Four months ago,
Ortel began releasing his preliminary findings in the first of a series of up to 40 planned reports on his website. His
allegation was simple: "this is a charity fraud."
Hillary Go Free? Shortly after winning the election, President Trump told the New York Times that he
probably would not make good on his promise to pursue a new criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton's many shady deals,
from her email server to her campaign apparatus to her and Bill's massive and well-connected foundation. Trump declared
that further investigation would be "very, very divisive for the country." Unfortunately for Hillary — and
possibly for Bill as well — some things are beyond the control of even the most powerful man in the world.
Some conservative members of Congress may force the Justice Department to take action against Hillary et al, whether Trump
likes it or not. The response from the Leftists to the new allegations against Hillary Clinton and her campaign has
been utterly predictable. "She did nothing wrong," they proclaim, and to investigate her now reeks of banana republic-style
abuse of the justice system. But these Clinton defenders are mistaken on both counts. Hillary Clinton did much
wrong, and to investigate those wrongdoings is not necessarily political payback. The questions raised by the ongoing
various scandals are manifold, but perhaps the least asked and the rarely answered is the following: would such an
investigation be good or bad for the country?
Rosenstein, Weissmann and FBI's McCabe Tied to Apparent Uranium One Coverup. [Scroll down] Notice
something about these cases? None ever saw the light of day, where testimony would be made public. They were all
'disappeared'. Now with that in mind, consider the following bombshell facts: ALL of these cases were prosecuted by the
same duo, or combination thereof — Rod Rosenstein & Andrew Weissmann. Yes, you read that correctly. The FBI
officer assigned to each case? Why, one Andrew McCabe. [...] Oh — here's another interesting coincidence: they were
ALL assigned to the same judge — one Judge Theodore Chuang, an Obama appointee. I hope you have not fallen off your
chair yet, it gets worse: The SAME Judge Chuang attended Harvard at the same time as one Barack Obama — Chuang
graduated law 1994, Obama 1991 & both were editors of the Harvard Law Review. They would have known each other extreme
[sic] well. That's the SAME Judge Theodore Chuang who refused Trump's EO travel ban in October 2017 [...] The SAME Judge
Theodore Chuang has just been assigned to the Mark Lambert case. [...] Maybe I'm wrong, but this looks a lot like an ongoing
conspiracy to protect the Clinton crime family — and the Obama administration, via it's [sic] partisans at DOJ and
also in the judiciary, remains fully implicated.
Uranium One Indictment Unsealed — Maryland Man Indicted on 11 Counts of Bribery and Fraud. On Friday [1/12/2018]
DOJ officials in the District of Maryland announced Mark Lambert from Mount Airy, Maryland was indicted with 11 counts related to
foreign bribery. The charges stem from an alleged scheme by Lambert to bribe Vadim Mikerin, a Russian official at JSC Techsnabexport
(TENEX). FBI informant William D. Campbell told reporters in November that he has video of briefcases full of money in the
Uranium One bribery case.
Uranium One Indictment
Unsealed By DOJ. On Friday, the Justice Department unsealed an 11-count indictment concerning the Uranium One
scandal. Sadly, it did not include former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but rather former DoD intelligence
analyst-turned uranium transportation executive Mark Lambert of Mount Airy, Maryland. Lambert, 54, was charged with one
count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and to commit wire fraud, seven counts of violating
the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering. The charges stem from an
alleged scheme to bribe Vadim Mikerin, a Russian official at JSC Techsnabexport (TENEX), a subsidiary of Russia's State
Atomic Energy Corporation and the sole supplier and exporter of Russian Federation uranium and uranium enrichment services to
nuclear power companies worldwide, in order to secure contracts with TENEX.
Gowdy Suggests Hillary Laundered
$10 Million to Avoid Transparency Laws During Campaign. Over the past week, bombshell reports have come out
alleging that the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the infamous Russian dossier that contained a boatload of fake news
about President Donald Trump. Appearing on "Fox News Sunday," [10/29/2017] House Oversight Committee chairman
Rep. Trey Gowdy said he believes the Clinton campaign may have laundered money to pay for the dossier, Breitbart
reported. "I'm not an election law expert, but the good news is you don't have to be to understated the absurdity of
believing that you can launder all of your campaign money by just hiring a law firm," Gowdy told host Chris Wallace.
Investigations Of Misconduct Mount, Can Hillary Clinton Avoid Jail? No doubt, Democrats, who with the leftist
media allies have ginned up bogus charges of Russian collusion against Donald Trump, would like the Clinton investigations to
go away. But they won't. In recent weeks, new developments have made it shockingly clear that questions about
Clinton's possibly criminal conduct are growing.
Investigating Clinton Foundation "Pay-for-Play" Scheme. As The New American has reported on numerous
previous occasions, the Clinton Foundation was at the center of a "pay-for-play" scheme in which both American citizens and
foreign nationals were granted access to the higher tiers of government after making substantial "donations" to the
foundation. When she was secretary of state, Clinton sent and received at least 2,079 classified e-mails over her
unsecured, unauthorized, private e-mail server and account. Many of those and other e-mails showed that she was
involved in an illegal scheme to blur the lines between the Department of State and the Clinton Foundation by soliciting
"donations" to the foundation in exchange for access to the U.S. government — essentially auctioning off access to
the Department of State.
Foundation Went for 'Biggest Fraud Ever Investigated' — Analyst. This week, law enforcement officials told
Washington political newspaper The Hill that at least one witness had been questioned, and additional efforts were planned in
a probe into possible illegal activities during Clinton's tenure as America's top diplomat. Clinton, who served as
secretary of state between 2009 and 2013, is suspected of having traded political favors in exchange for lavish contributions
to the foundation, established by her husband Bill Clinton in 2001 after the end of his tenure as president. According
to The Hill, the FBI is taking the lead in the probe, and their investigation will include looking into whether tax-exempt
assets were converted for personal or political use.
Why There May Be No More Free Passes for the Clinton Foundation. The first time the Clinton Foundation was
investigated, between 2001 and 2005, then-FBI Director Robert Mueller, then-Deputy Attorney General James Comey, and others
could not seem to find obvious and escalating frauds as a supposed presidential library complex in Little Rock, Arkansas,
also "fought HIV/AIDS internationally" from unregistered offices in New York and Massachusetts without ever obtaining
required audits of worldwide activities. Strangely, as the first investigation wound down, evidence in the public
domain suggests that the Clinton Foundation also defrauded the National Archivist by making demonstrably false
representations in a binding legal agreement. For example, there is no evidence the IRS provided final approval to the
Clinton Foundation to "fight HIV/AIDS internationally" as a tax-exempt purpose by Nov. 18, 2004, the date the presidential
archive was officially donated. That Nov. 18, 2004, agreement is nowhere to be found today on the Clinton Foundation
website and in public filings despite the charity's more than 13 years of widespread solicitation across state and national
boundaries using telephones, mail, and the internet.
Demands Prison for Clinton Aide Huma Abedin. President Trump is demanding former top Hillary Clinton aide Huma
Abedin be imprisoned for violating national security protocols and that an investigation be opened into former FBI Director
James Comey. With the connivance of the Obama administration, Abedin and Clinton also purloined call logs, scheduling
documents, and files described as "Muslim Engagement" from the Department of State when they left their jobs there.
They labeled the government-owned documents "private." Clinton also took with her a physical file of what has been described
as "the log of the Secretary's gifts with pictures of gifts," which may contain proof of bribes provided to Clinton. Although
it is unusual for a president to seek prosecution of his defeated enemies, the Clinton crime family is so corrupt and so sinister
that failing to act against these reprobates is to commit a grave injustice. The brazen criminality of Hillary Clinton and
those around her in the previous election cycle is utterly unprecedented in modern American politics, far surpassing the relatively
minor-league shenanigans of President Richard Nixon in seriousness.
Clock Ticks for the Clinton Foundation. Whether it is merely the FBI trying to restore its shattered
credibility or justice finally being done, the news that the pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation are going to
get renewed and serious attention is welcome. The Clintons have made a career of ignoring, skirting, and breaking the
law. Up to this point, crime has paid off handsomely for the Clintons, but now they may find themselves caught between
Little Rock and a hard place.
launches new Clinton Foundation investigation. The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether
the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as
secretary of State, law enforcement officials and a witness tells The Hill. FBI agents from Little Rock, Ark., where
the foundation was started, have taken the lead in the investigation and have interviewed at least one witness in the last
month, and law enforcement officials said additional activities are expected in the coming weeks. The officials, who
spoke only on condition of anonymity, said the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy
favors in return for largesse to their charitable efforts or whether donors made commitments of donations in hopes of
securing government outcomes.
GPS' 'Fake Investigation' — And Hillary Clinton's Real Russian Collusion. In a New York Times op-ed
on Wednesday titled "The Republicans' Fake Investigations," the two founders of Fusion GPS desperately try to clear their
names, restore their business' tarnished reputation and revive their sordid Russia collusion tale about Trump to "correct the
record." They fail on all counts. In their piece, journalists-turned-political investigators Glenn R. Simpson
and Peter Fritsch made some interesting assertions about Trump and his supposed collusion with the Russians. But once
again, they give no proof for what they call their "intelligence reports."
Two Clinton Issues That Could Shake America in 2018. When former congresswoman Corrine Brown reports to a
federal prison this month to begin serving a five-year sentence for her role in an $800,000 charity fraud, the question will
be raised about why she is in jail — but Hillary Clinton remains free. That question and the fact Clinton
has never been charged with mishandling classified national security documents during her four years as secretary of State
raise serious doubts about whether justice is applied equally to powerful and influential citizens, as well as everyday
Americans. Brown, the African-American Democrat who represented Jacksonville, Florida, for many years, was convicted
last year in a case that in dollar terms pales by comparison with the Clinton Foundation. The latter began in 1997 as
the former president's library but became the $2 billion entity described by one nonprofit expert as "the biggest charity
fraud ever."
Anatomy Of Hillary Clinton's $84 Million Money-Laundering Scheme. [Scroll down] Here's what you can do,
legally. Per election, an individual donor can contribute $2,700 to any candidate, $10,000 to any state party
committee, and (during the 2016 cycle) $33,400 to a national party's main account. These groups can all get together
and take a single check from a donor for the sum of those contribution limits — it's legal because the donor
cannot exceed the base limit for any one recipient. And state parties can make unlimited transfers to their national
party. Here's what you can't do, which the Clinton machine appeared to do anyway. As the Supreme Court made clear
in McCutcheon v. FEC, the JFC may not solicit or accept contributions to circumvent base limits, through "earmarks" and
"straw men" that are ultimately excessive — there are five separate prohibitions here.
is why Hillary needed a pardon before Obama left office. Late last week, a top FBI lawyer named James Baker was
reassigned. The Washington Post said it was part of FBI Director Christopher Wray's effort to assemble his own team of
senior advisers. But there's probably more to it. The FBI has been accused — correctly, I believe —
of partisanship, especially when it came to handling the investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails. As I explained in an
October 2016 column, Baker was one of three people who "unanimously" decided not to prosecute Clinton. Then-FBI head James
Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe were the other two at the meeting when the decision was made.
Ongoing Federal Investigation Into Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama That The Media Continues To Ignore. Robert
Mueller continues to undergo a fake investigation into fake allegations of collusion between the then-Trump campaign and the
Russian government. After 18 months no such evidence has come forward to substantiate the claims by the far left.
In fact, the only real evidence of collusion appears to be that of the Obama FBI attempting to interfere in the 2016 election.
Ah, but quietly marching alongside the Mueller investigation is an equally far-reaching (and much more legitimate) investigation
into how the Obama government handled the Clinton email investigation. It has been this investigation which is now countering
the falsehoods of the Trump-Russia narrative and is acting as a truthful counterbalance to the Mueller-led anti-Trump Deep State
operation — which is why the Establishment Media has been largely ignoring it.
Inside Hillary Clinton's $84 Million Money-Laundering Operation. The Democrat National Committee and Hillary
Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign were served with a FEC complaint last Monday [12/25/2017(?)]. The complaint alleges
Clinton and the DNC used state chapters as straw men to go around campaign donation limits, ultimately 'laundering,' the
funds to her presidential campaign. Dan Backer, the general counsel behind the complaint, believes the scheme mimicked
a money laundering operation.
Latest Available Clinton Foundation Filings Appear Deceptive. My interest in the Clinton Foundation financial
disclosures was originally sparked by an article written in the New York Times entitled "Unease at Clinton Foundation over
Finances and Ambitions." Considering this article with the benefit of hindsight after having poured through reams of
public filings and comments made by the Clinton Foundation as well as related parties, one wonders how seriously management,
directors, and other employees take their manifold legal duties, particularly when it comes to making truthful and complete
disclosures. Since August 2013, few investigative reporters have dug deeply enough below the surface of Clinton
Foundation filings, seeking and finding answers to questions concerning the stated financial performance of significant
constituent entities as well as the consolidated whole.
Trey Gowdy Officially
Cleared to Go After Lynch, Clinton. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy has
announced, along with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, that the two will be jointly investigating the
Department of Justice's handling of the investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email
server, saying that the department's actions have left "a host of outstanding questions that must be answered." "Our
justice system is represented by a blind-folded woman holding a set of scales... No entity or individual is exempt from
oversight," the two chairmen said in a statement Tuesday [10/24/2017].
Ordering A Code Red On Uranium One? NBC News reports this morning [12/21/2017] that Attorney General Jeff
Sessions has personally ordered prosecutors to review FBI files relating to the sale of Uranium One to Rosatom, a
controversial sale which raised allegations of corruption involving Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and the
State Department. The aim, NBC reports, is to determine whether the evidence warrants a second special counsel
investigation: [...]
ask FBI agents for info on Uranium One deal. On the orders of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Justice
Department prosecutors have begun asking FBI agents to explain the evidence they found in a now dormant criminal
investigation into a controversial uranium deal that critics have linked to Bill and Hillary Clinton, multiple law
enforcement officials told NBC News. The interviews with FBI agents are part of the Justice Department's effort to
fulfill a promise an assistant attorney general made to Congress last month to examine whether a special counsel was
warranted to look into what has become known as the Uranium One deal, a senior Justice Department official said.
prosecutors asking FBI agents to explain Uranium One evidence: report. Department of Justice officials are
asking FBI investigators at Attorney General Jeff Session's request to describe evidence uncovered in an investigation into
the sale of a uranium mining company, NBC News reported early Thursday [12/21/2017]. A senior Justice Department official
told the news outlet that the questions stem from an assistant attorney general's pledge to analyze whether a special counsel
is warranted. The inquiry relates to the 2010 sale of Uranium One, a Canada-based firm with holdings in the U.S., to
Rosatom, a Russian state-owned nuclear energy agency.
Clinton campaign, DNC accused of 'corrupt' money scheme in new FEC complaint. A new legal complaint filed with
the Federal Election Commission alleges that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee used state
chapters as strawmen to circumvent campaign donation limits and laundered the money back to her campaign. The Committee
to Defend the President, a political action committee, filed its complaint with the FEC on Monday with the allegations that
the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) solicited cash from big-name donors, including Calvin Klein and "Family Guy" creator Seth
MacFarlane — money that was allegedly sent through state chapters and back to the DNC before ending up with the
Clinton campaign.
chairman presses nuclear regulators on Uranium One exports. The chairman of the Senate Environment and Public
Works Committee on Monday demanded U.S nuclear regulators explain how a Russian-owned mining company was able to ship
American uranium outside the country using a third-party export license. Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said new
information brought to light in a series of stories published by The Hill about Uranium One's exports to Canada, Europe and
Asia conflicts with assurances he was given years ago by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) that the mining firm's
uranium would stay inside the United States.
Jim Jordan: Sessions Should Either Appoint Special Counsel For Clinton Probe Or Step Down. Ohio
Rep. Jim Jordan is on a quest to ferret out the truth of evidence suggesting the Clinton campaign colluded with the
Russians, resulting in the Trump campaign being spied on. In fact, he demanded that Attorney General Jeff Sessions
appoint a special counsel to investigate the matter, or else step down. Jordan appeared on Fox and Friends Thursday,
where he pointed out that all the investigating done into Russian matters had been to find out whether or not the Trump
campaign had benefited from their help. "To date, we have zero evidence of that taking place," he said. Jordan
laid out what evidence of collusion actually exists, however, and it all points to Clinton.
Want Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton Uranium Deal. Americans overwhelmingly support the appointment of a
special counsel to investigate the 2010 deal that gave Russia direct control over one-fifth of the U.S.' uranium, a new
IBD/TIPP Poll shows. Of the 50% who said they were following the uranium story closely, 68% said they would like the
"Justice Department to appoint a special counsel to investigate the uranium deal with Russia," the poll's data indicated.
Bill And Hillary Were Weinstein's 'Celebrity Shields'. Former President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary
Clinton were key players in a Democratic cover-up of former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein's sexual assault, The New
York Times detailed in an exclusive report Tuesday [12/5/2017]. [...] Weinstein coughed up tens of thousands of dollars
towards Hillary Clinton's various campaigns for Senate and for the presidency. He offered her access to A-list
celebrities for her fundraising events. Weinstein even threw $10,000 towards former President Clinton's legal defense
when he faced impeachment articles during the Monica Lewinksy scandal.
Got Rich Working with Hillary Clinton. First off, Comey is not a hard-charging "Republican lawman" as many
Members of Congress have referred to him. Comey became an Assistant US Attorney for the Clinton administration in 1996.
And get this: At the time, Comey became good friends with Robert Mueller, the current Special Counsel conducting the
Russiagate witch hunt against President Trump. Comey and Mueller were described as "rising stars" in the Clinton
Justice Department when they were both mentored by Eric Holder. Yes, that Eric Holder. Here's where things
start to look really fishy.
to Clinton Foundation plunged along with Hillary's election defeat. Donations to the Clinton Foundation took a
precipitous dive for a second year in a row as Justice Department officials mulled whether they would appoint a special
prosecutor to probe the non-profit's "alleged unlawful dealings." Contributions to the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton
Foundation fell by 42 percent, from $108 million to $63 million in 2016 — the year that Hillary Clinton
lost her bid for president — according to the group's latest federal tax filings which were released last week.
Donations had already plummeted 37 percent in 2015, when the non-profit was in disarray amid pay-to-play allegations and
following the resignation of one of its key executives.
witness in Senate Clinton probe is ex-lobbyist for Russian firm. Senate Republicans say their investigation of
Hillary Clinton's role in approving a deal to sell U.S. uranium mines to a Russian company hinges in part on the testimony of
a secret informant in a bribery and extortion scheme inside the same company. The Senate committee searching for
Clinton's alleged wrongdoing is keeping their witness's name cloaked.
Explains Why We Can't Investigate Her Seeming Russia Collusion. Hillary Clinton believes appointing a special
counsel to investigate her ties to a uranium deal with Russia would make the United States into an "authoritarian regime". It
would send the wrong message to the country and would be "demoralizing" to the DoJ. If a Special Counsel is appointed, she
says it's an "abuse of power" and it "goes right at the rule of law". The woman is very concerned about the politicization
of the Justice Department (that's rich!).
One deal informant sued to recoup more than $700K lost in bribes. A FBI informant who gave the government
information about a Russian bribery plot implicated in the sale of U.S. uranium rights tried unsuccessfully last year to
recover upwards of $700,000 in bribes he said he was authorized to pay as part of the FBI investigation. William D.
Campbell has emerged now as the key figure in a congressional probe into Russia's 2010 purchase of U.S. uranium rights and
then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's role in approving the deal. His identity had been shielded for weeks, but
court records obtained by The Washington Times, as well as a report by Reuters, identified the man.
referrals sparked DOJ investigations like Uranium One and Clinton Foundation. The Department of Justice (DOJ)
has confirmed it has received multiple congressional referrals for investigations over the past year regarding the sale of
twenty percent of the American uranium supply to Russia's nuclear arm, as well as calls for investigations into allegations
of pay-for-play regarding the Clinton Foundation, Circa has learned. Multiple sources, including congressional
officials, tell Circa that the requests sent to the Department of Justice over the past year have led to ongoing
investigations, which they say also include investigations into the alleged leaking of classified information to the media
and the improper unmasking of Americans.
Corruption, Globalized.
[Scroll down] The rebound accusations which have emerged over the past week that Mrs. Clinton's campaign hired a
British intelligence officer and Fusion GPS (a Washington-based intelligence firm with ties to Russian interests) to create a
foreign-sourced dossier on Trump are far more blatant, and thus far more serious than Trump Tower chit-chat. The
Clintons have been associated with foreign pay-for-play activities since the 1990s, and the Fusion GPS affair is, in many
ways, simply an extension of that association.
Lawyer Met With Clinton-Funded Fusion GPS Before and After Trump Jr. Meeting. Two weeks ago, new
bombshells surrounding the infamous Trump-Russia dossier pointed the finger at the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton
campaign, who paid Fusion GPS to compile it. This suggested a pivotal connection between the Clinton campaign and the
Russian lawyer who gained notoriety for meeting Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manafort in June, 2016 — Natalia
Veselnitskaya. At the time, PJ Media wondered whether or not the Clinton campaign urged Veselnitskaya to act as a
"honeypot" — drawing the Trump campaign into a meeting with a Russian lawyer as a trap. In orchestrating
this meeting, the Clinton campaign could suggest Trump was just as in bed with the Russians as Hillary Clinton was, Uranium
One scandal or not. Recent news substantially confirms the "honeypot" theory, suggesting that the Clinton campaign may
indeed have orchestrated the Trump-Russia meeting through Fusion GPS, since the firm was indeed a client for the
Clinton campaign.
GPS Has Deep Ties To Russia. So just to recap: the DNC and Clinton campaign paid for a Kremlin-linked firm to
put together an "opposition research" dossier based on Russian sources, which was then fed to intel agencies and taken
seriously by the FBI and Obama admin intelligence officials. It's becoming more clear that a U.S. political party and
presidential campaign did indeed collude with Russia, but it wasn't the Republicans.
Clinton Pollster Calls For Special Prosecutor to Investigate Hillary Clinton. Democratic pollster and former
Clinton ally Doug Schoen believes the scandals surrounding Hillary Clinton warrant a special prosecutor. In reaction to
the Donna Brazile bombshell in which she alleged the DNC rigged the 2016 primary, Schoen, who worked for President Bill
Clinton's '96 campaign and Hillary Clinton's '08 campaign, claimed that the entire Democratic Party "stinks from the head
down" and that everyone "has a stain on their hands."
Podesta Lobbied For Russia's 'Uranium One' And Did Not File As A Foreign Agent. Tony Podesta's lobbying firm,
the Podesta Group, represented the Russian-owned company Uranium One during former President Barack Obama's administration
and did not register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, The Daily Caller News Foundation has determined.
Podesta collected lobbying fees of $180,000 from Uranium One, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics,
that discloses lobbying documents filed with Congress. The uranium company states on its web site it is a "wholly owned
subsidiary" of RUSANO, the Russian State Corporation for Nuclear Energy.
Russian money make Hillary's takeover of the DNC possible? As one reads the wretched news of how Hillary
Clinton came to take over the Democratic Party and snatch the nomination from rival Bernie Sanders, in the memoirs of former
DNC acting chair Donna Brazile, it's striking how the central persuading dynamic of it is money. [...] Basically, Clinton
bought her way to access to power because she had more money than Bernie Sanders did. Bernie's smalltime donor-based
money pile proved to be no match for Hillary's kookabucks. The millions and millions she had from her pay to play
operations that moved through her foundation and were so irregular of bookkeeping control that no philanthropy rating agency
would rate them. Most of the foundation's work went to personal expenses, which could mean anything. Including,
quite possibly, campaign finance and bailing out the DNC. Which is why, as [Fox News' Greg] Jarrett points out, a Special
Counsel ought to be named, targeting her activities.
this the conflict of interest tripwire requiring a special counsel for Uranium One? I am no lawyer, but I think
I recognize a conflict of interest in a prosecutor. Richard Pollock of the Daily Caller News Foundation reports that
Tony Podesta's lobbying firm, already under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for failing to register under the
Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) for work on behalf of Ukraine, also performed work for Russia, seeking approval of
Uranium One.
One — Previously Undiscovered FOIA Documents Could Be Game-Changer in Investigation. Internet
researcher Katica may have found the hidden thread that unravels a much bigger story within the Uranium One-Clinton-FBI
scandal. In an otherwise innocuous FBI FOIA FILE Katica located a notice for preservation of documents sent by an FBI
special agent to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on August 28th, 2015. What is interesting about the preservation
request(s) are the recipients, their attachment to CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States), and the
timeline of events surrounding the agent's notification.
Sources: Sessions Has Not Recused Himself from Potential Uranium One Probe. Department of Justice (DOJ)
sources disputed reports late Friday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from decisions involving
potential investigations into alleged corruption surrounding a deal that gave Russia control of a large portion of U.S.
uranium-mining capacity. DOJ officials told the Free Beacon that Sessions has not recused himself from deciding how the
Justice Department should respond to recent reports raising questions about the Obama administration's approval of a 2010
purchase of Uranium One, which controlled 20 percent of U.S. uranium, by Russian energy company Rosatam. Sessions,
in his role as attorney general, could recommend an internal DOJ investigation into the matter or appoint an outside special
counsel to handle it.
'I'm Very Frustrated' I Can't Order DOJ To Investigate Hillary. President Donald Trump said Thursday that he is
"frustrated" he can't order around the Justice Department. "But you know the saddest thing, because I'm the President
of the United States I am not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department. I am not supposed to be involved
with the FBI," Trump told WMAL host Larry O'Connor. "I'm not supposed to be doing the kinds of things I would love to
be doing and I'm very frustrated by it." "Why aren't they going after Hillary Clinton with her emails and with the
dossier, and the kind of money?" Trump added. "Now, maybe they are, but as president, and I think you understand this,
as a president you are not supposed to be involved in that process."
the Podesta brothers tipped off? As President Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, goes down in the
first indictment from the Mueller special prosecution, on charges of failing to file as a registered foreign agent, there's
been speculation about why Tony Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager's brother, didn't get indicted, too. He was
involved with the same pro-Russia Ukrainian think tank as Manafort.
Unleashes: Clinton Potentially Laundered Money Through Law Firm To Avoid Transparency Laws. On "Fox News
Sunday," House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) discussed the opposition research conducted on
President Donald Trump in the fabricated Russian dossier. He also specifically brought Hillary Clinton and money
laundering into the mix. Gowdy wants to know if Clinton's campaign attempted to "launder all of this through a law
firm" to avoid transparency laws. That's a very good question counselor. Because that sure looks like what
Clinton did and she should be nailed for it.
Investigate This
(3). Now we know that the Trump Dossier was not just a product funded by Democrats, but was commissioned by the
general counsel of the Clinton presidential campaign.
few honest Dems speaking out on Hillary's Fusion-GPS denials. [Scroll down] Now that President Trump has
invoked the Watergate comparison, it is appropriate to note that President Nixon's departure from office was in response to
criticism from Republicans, who came to believe he had engaged in a cover-up of a third-rate burglary. When Republican
Minority Leader Senator Hugh Scott told him that he should resign, he did so promptly. Hillary is covering up a far
larger, far more disturbing program of spying on its electoral opponent. One that corrupts the most fearsome spying
apparatus in the world, the NSA's ability to monitor all electronic communications.
Gorka suggests Hillary Clinton should be tried for treason, executed over Uranium One deal. Hillary Clinton
deserves being tried for treason and potentially executed, according to Sebastian Gorka, President Trump's former deputy
assistant. Mr. Gorka made the comment during an interview Thursday evening [10/26/2017] with Fox News anchor Sean
Hannity as the two discussed Mrs. Clinton's role authorizing the sale of Canadian mining firm Uranium One to Russian
state-owned nuclear company Rosatom while serving as the Obama administration's secretary of state. "The Russians
infiltrated our national security to corner the uranium market and they succeeded, and they knew all the crimes that were
committed," Mr. Hannity said during the broadcast.
and the Rosenbergs: Let's Dare Call It Treason. To some, any comparison between the Clintons and the Rosenbergs is a bridge
too far, yet both gave aid and comfort to a strategic enemy, Russia, aid that enhanced the capability of America's enemies to wage nuclear war
on the United States. The Rosenbergs trafficked in the design of nuclear weapons while the Clintons trafficked in the raw material for
nuclear weapons — uranium. It is a distinction without a difference not lost on former deputy assistant to President Trump,
Sebastian Gorka.
A misleading headline, since Hillary can barely walk...
You Can Run, But You Can't Hide. Late Wednesday night [10/25/2017], the Justice Department finally lifted a gag
order that prevented a FBI informant from testifying to Congress about Russian attempts to offer bribes, kickbacks, and other
incentives to secure approval for the highly controversial Uranium One deal. [...] This undercover eyewitness reportedly has
evidence on how the Russians schemed to bribe the Clintons and others in the Obama administration. Seemingly, the
efforts were quite successful as former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Moscow bank and
Russian insiders promoting the deal contributed approximately $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Partially Reimbursed the DNC, Clinton Campaign Opposition Research. CNN's Evan Perez reported in March that the
FBI under James Comey reimbursed some of the money for the Russia dossier. The FBI had contracted out to Christopher
Steele for years according to recent testimony from Mark Stewart, general counsel for a House committee. Why we don't
use our own spooks is unclear. CNN, for what they are worth, reported that their sources said the FBI reimbursed some
of the expenses of the dossier we now know was funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign.
Old Alibi: Everybody does it. A week ago, "colluding" with Russians to impact American elections was one
of the great political crimes of our time. U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton's choice for VP, called Donald
Trump Jr.'s mere meeting with a Russian attorney — exchanging no information of any kind — "potentially
treason." But now we know that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee spent what likely amounted to
millions of dollars so a former British spy could buy dirt on Donald Trump from the Russians and ... What's the big
deal? Everybody does it!
Intel Committee Announces Uranium One Probe — Three Distinct Components. House intelligence
Committee Chairman Devin Nunes announces the congressional probe into the Russian Uranium One deal. As described, the
initial part of the probe will be to discover if there was actually an ongoing FBI investigation into the company at the time
the Obama administration gave the green light for the controversial purchase. In order to answer that originating
question the DOJ has released an FBI informant from their non disclosure agreement (NDA). If it is confirmed the FBI was
actually conducting an investigation — the additional lines of probative value will encompass how the Committee on
Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approved the purchase during an ongoing FBI investigation. [Video clip]
very own Russian collusion connection. Two tales of chicanery are hotly pursuing Hillary and prominent figures
in her campaign. The first is the uranium scam, the purchase of certain assets, arranged and managed by Canadian
"facilitators" who greased the path of these assets to the Russians with enormous donations (the grease) to the Clinton
Foundation, and even a speech for Bubba in Moscow. He pocketed a cool half-million dollars for reworking an oldie and
not even necessarily a goodie. This was a transaction that had to be approved by the State Department, and who better
to approve it than a secretary of State. The FBI discovered this grease moving back and forth in a vast bribery
scheme — bigger even than the vast right-wing media that could make up sleazy stuff about a president and a White
House intern. The existence of this vast bribery scheme was not disclosed to the agencies of the government examining
the details of a transfer in 2010 of American commercial nuclear assets to Russia.
Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama's Treason Against The United States. Treason, once a word that was the darling
of the anti-Trump crowd is now being leveled far more accurately at Hillary Clinton. She sold us out to the
Russians — 20% of American uranium holdings in exchange for a $500,000 per hour speech for Bill Clinton and
hundreds of millions poured into the Clinton Machine's globalist foundation — much of which in this particular
case was funneled through the Canadian branch so as to avoid U.S. financial disclosures when Hillary ran for POTUS for the
second time. And everyone knew it. Many others, including the Obama White House, were likely in on it.
a media reckoning looming for Hillary? Right now, the MSM is ignoring the story as much as possible, but the
cofferdam has too many leaks. The presence of aggrieved, name-brand reporters at the NYT and WaPo is important, because
their work cannot be dismissed as Fox News or Breitbart. The two papers operate as pilot fish for the rest of the
media. But even more importantly, there will be subpoenas, hearings, and eventually testimony. Real events will
happen. And we have a President of the United States who will keep talking and tweeting about it. Senator
Grassley is calling for a special counsel on Uranium One. Best of all, the storyline is clear. The Clintons
took in $140 million and national security was jeopardized. And she's been lying to us to our faces.
Clinton could be charged with 13 crimes — at least 6 felonies. [Video clip]
State Run Amok? Democrats And Hillary Paid For FBI's Dossier On Trump. The question swirled for months
around Washington, D.C., like a dirty whirlwind: Who paid for the now infamous, largely spurious campaign "dossier" of
background innuendo, half-truths and rumors about Donald Trump that made its way into the hands of the media and served as a
basis for U.S. intelligence agencies' surveillance of the Trump campaign? We now know, and the answer should surprise
no one: The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, according to a report in the Washington
Post. [...] Were the FBI and the DNC knowingly operating in cahoots with Russian officials? The answers matter.
It's flat-out illegal for a U.S. intelligence agency to act on behalf of one candidate against another in a U.S.
election. That's real meddling, the criminal kind.
Clintons, DNC, FBI, & Media All Found Colluding With Russia Against Trump. The Deep State war against POTUS
Trump is real. The above makes that all too clear. The false narrative was being actively promoted by U.S.
Intelligence, the Establishment Media, and the Establishment political class in this country — all in an effort to
try and destroy the first true political outsider to win the White House in generations. When you include the
Clinton-Russia uranium deal what we have here is the single greatest political scandal in American history. The
Establishment will try and minimize these shocking revelations.
Claims She Didn't Know About the Dossier — But Posted 8 Tweets Related to Dossier Before Election.
Hillary Clinton sent out 8 tweets about Trump's relationship with Russia leading up to election day in anticipation of the
release of the Russia dossier. She was preparing the public for the Russian narrative plot she had been working on with
Fusion GPS and dossier author Christopher Steele.
doesn't Hillary's 'dossier' trick count as treason? What's the difference between the infamous Russian dossier
on Donald Trump and that random fake-news story you saw on Facebook last year? The latter was never used by America's
intelligence community to bolster its case for spying on American citizens nor was it the foundation for a year's worth of
media coverage.
order lifted: DOJ says informant can speak to Congress on Uranium One, Russia bribery case with Clinton
links. The Justice Department said Wednesday night that it had lifted a gag order on a former FBI informant
involved in a high-profile Russia bribery case, clearing the individual to speak to Congress about Moscow's Obama-era uranium
deals in the U.S. market and other schemes. In a statement, the department said it had authorized the informant to
speak to the leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee, House Oversight Committee, and the House Permanent Select Committee
on Intelligence, in addition to select staffers.
informant in Obama-era Russian nuclear bribery cleared to testify before Congress. The Justice Department on
Wednesday night released a former FBI informant from a confidentiality agreement, allowing him to testify before Congress
about what he witnessed undercover about the Russian nuclear industry's efforts to win favorable decisions during the Obama
administration. Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores confirmed to The Hill a deal had been reached clearing
the informant to talk to Congress for the first time, nearly eight years after he first went undercover for the FBI.
Informant Was Told Obama Received FBI's Report On Russian Crimes. The lawyer for the confidential informant who
helped the FBI gather evidence that Russian nuclear officials engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering,
says that her client was told that the FBI's report documenting the crimes was included in former President Barack Obama's
daily briefing. Victoria Toensing confirmed to Fox News' Sean Hannity on Tuesday night [10/24/2017] that it appears
as though Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, James Comey, Barack Obama, and Eric Holder all knew about the FBI evidence that
Russian officials were engaged in criminal activities to corner the market on uranium.
One: Will Justice be Done? House Republicans have just launched an investigation into the Uranium One
deal. The deal happened during Obama's tenure. That's no coincidence — not with Hillary Clinton
around. The former president may be neck-deep in yellowcake. Uranium One is a tangled web of criminality.
It appears to involve higher-ups — elected and appointed — on an unprecedented scale. The bigger
allegations: Massive payoffs to the Clintons, via their foundation. Bill also pocketed a cool half million
dollars for a speech in Russia — suspiciously at the time the Uranium One deal was developing. National
security breaches by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in which Obama may be complicit. That's along with his
then-attorney general, Eric Holder. A coverup, involving the Clintons (of course), Obama, Holder, Lynch, maybe McCabe,
maybe Mueller, maybe Rosenstein, more likely maybe Comey.
Rotten Fruit Falls First? I submit that Watergate will not be the template for the multiple investigations
being pursued in the present. It seems highly likely to me that who and what gets taken down by the investigations is
much less predictable than in the Watergate template, which distilled down to an escalating campaign of cover-ups and
stonewalling which simply compounded the crimes previously committed. I submit that the investigations launched with an
implicit intent of bringing down selected targets may well end up destroying people and institutions that weren't in the
crosshairs. The reason why this seems so likely is that the entire status quo is corrupt: the fraud, pay-to-play,
lies and collusion are institutionalized and system-wide, and once some investigation drills a hole in the dam of secrecy and
collusion, the hole may quickly widen as the fetid gush of hidden truths pours out.
complaint accuses Clinton campaign, DNC of violating campaign finance law with dossier payments. Hillary Clinton's
campaign and the Democratic National Committee violated campaign finance law by failing to disclose payments for a dossier on Donald
Trump, according to a complaint filed Wednesday [10/25/2017] with the Federal Election Commission. The complaint from the nonprofit
Campaign Legal Center said the Democrats effectively hid the payments from public scrutiny, contrary to the requirements of federal
law. By law, campaign and party committees must disclose the reason money is spent and its recipient.
Did Hillary Know About the Trump Dossier — and When Did She Know It? Leftist political scandals
usually have two phases. [#1] Complete and total denials [#2] What's the big deal everyone does it
(and you should have known we were lying to you.) Obama successfully pulled off Step 2. Hillary has been much
worse at it. And we're now officially in Step 2. The Trump-Russia dossier at the heart of so much of the Russia
narrative, whose provenance Fusion GPS, the smear artists behind it, worked so hard to conceal, turned out to have been
paid for by Hillary Inc. And more specifically by a Hillary lawyer who had once denied everything. And now
it's Step 2. Of course we were behind the dossier all along.
Russia Dossier Story: A Perfect Storm of Clinton Deception, Media Irresponsibility, and Democratic Moral
Blindness. Remember that infamous Russian "dossier," the unverified document that BuzzFeed
unceremoniously dumped into the public square earlier this year? You might recall it as making a series of incredibly
salacious and completely unproven accusations against the sitting president of the United States. Well, it turns out
that it was a piece of partisan opposition research, bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic
National Committee, both of which then denied having anything to do with it after the fact.
Dirty Hillary, Hoist by
Her Own Petard. The moment that a story starts hurting the Democrats the media loses interest in it. This
explains the media's ho-hum coverage of the confirmation that Hillary Clinton paid for the notorious [...] dossier a former
British spy compiled in an attempt to blow up Donald Trump's candidacy. Even the Washington Post seemed
embarrassed by its own scoop, nonchalantly reporting the FBI's role in this sick farce in a few bland paragraphs deep in the
story. The Post's commentators and editorialists quickly moved into action, dismissing the story as
insignificant. The same pundits who pretended to tremble at dark forces outside the country trying to "tip the
election" now say it is perfectly normal and even commendable that Hillary paid a foreign source to smear her opponent.
the hunters become the hunted. Republicans in Congress announced two new investigations Wednesday [10/25/2017],
one to revisit Hillary's email scheme and the other, a cozy uranium deal by the Obama administration with Hillary, as
secretary of State, pushing it along, to give the Russians effective control of 20 percent of the American supply
of uranium, which is used in the manufacture of, among other things, nuclear weapons.
Emails, Trump Dossier, Russian Nukes: All Point To Corruption In Obama's Justice Department. [Scroll down]
We've also only recently learned, thanks to intrepid reporters at The Hill, that the FBI had a substantial amount of evidence showing
that Russian nuclear officials had been involved in a number of illegal schemes designed to expand its nuclear business in the
U.S. — which included bribery, extortion and racketeering. Worse, they had all this before top Obama administration
officials — including Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder — signed off on a deal that gave
Russia effective control of 20% of uranium in the U.S. by approving Russia's purchase of Uranium One. Why didn't the FBI clang
the warning bells before the administration signed off on that deal? Well, it just happens that doing so would have been
hugely embarrassing for Obama and Clinton, who were busy at the time making nice with the Russians with their "reset." Did the
FBI put politics ahead of law enforcement?
The "Russian Dossier" Did Not Begin With GOP it Began With Clinton, The DNC and the FBI. There is a tremendous
amount of obfuscation coming from democrats after the revelation that Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid Fusion GPS to contract
Christoper Steele to create the now infamous "Dossier". One of the most significant falsehoods is that the dossier origins
began with an unknown GOP entity within the primary. This narrative is entirely false. The "Russian Dossier" did
not begin assembly until after it was commissioned by Hillary Clinton and the DNC (June 2016). Prior to that Fusion GPS
was simply doing opposition research on behalf of a Trump opponent (stopped April 2016).
Year of Clinton lies about the dossier exposed. A Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer who launched what would
become known as the anti-Trump 'dirty dossier' denied involvement in the project for a year as reporters pressed him for
information. Marc Elias brokered a deal between the Clinton camp, the Democratic National Committee and opposition
research firm Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on the president while he was running for office. But a pair of New York Times
reporters said Tuesday night [10/24/2017] on Twitter that Elias and others involved had lied about their ties to the arrangement.
Private Uranium Investors Have a $3B Claim against Obama Administration Officials? It appears that members of
the Obama Administration may have used the extensive regulation and secrecy integral to US uranium operations to bankrupt a
$3 billion private firm, and civil litigation, with very different and often more permissive rules of discovery and
deposition, may be feasible as a mechanism of getting at the rot.
Clinton Russian Scandal Keeps Getting Worse. On Tuesday [10/24/2017], two House investigative committees
announced they would start looking into the questionable Uranium One deal that Clinton approved while serving as the nation's
top diplomat — a deal that delivered effective control of 20% of the U.S.' uranium mining assets to Russia's
state-owned Rosatom, and led to millions of dollars in "donations" to the family Clinton Foundation. With the Senate
already investigating this shady if not outright illegal deal, a spate of Russian-related investigations involving Hillary
crony and former campaign Chairman John Podesta and his brother Tony, we may soon find out what's baloney and what's
not. But the growing body of evidence suggests possible crimes committed by Clinton and former President Bill Clinton
through their power base and family enterprise, the Clinton Foundation. [...] This is just one of a number of scandals that
Hillary Clinton has embroiled herself in over the last few years.
Trump dossier revelation, FBI is next. Investigators looking into the so-called "Trump dossier" were not surprised when
news broke Tuesday night [10/24/2017] that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, working through the Democrats' law firm, Perkins
Coie, financed the "salacious and unverified" compilation of allegations of Trump collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential
campaign. (The "salacious and unverified" description comes from former FBI Director James Comey.) There had been
plenty of talk about the Democrats and Perkins Coie, so much that investigators almost assumed that was the case. But it
wasn't until the Washington Post broke the story that it was confirmed.
Trump dossier was Clinton's dirtiest political trick. [Scroll down] The finding also raises the possibility that
the dossier is what led the Obama White House to snoop on members of Trump's team, and leak the "unmasked" names to the anti-Trump
media in a bid to help Clinton. In short, we now have compelling evidence that the dossier was the largest and dirtiest dirty
trick of the 2016 campaign. And Clinton, who has played the victim card ever since her loss, was behind it the whole time.
The Hunt
for Red November. The Uranium One deal has been a powder keg since Peter Schweizer wrote about the scandal in
the book Clinton Cash. It's everything a scandal should be. Corruption, illicit bribes, Russians influencing
a deal to control stockpiles of Uranium for their own use. Tucker Carlson reports there is an extremely credible witness
that will testify how the Russians did collude with an American President. Unfortunately for the left, it's the Obama
Presidency they colluded with, Hillary Clinton being the chief conspirator. This witness is said to have absolute proof
of this collusion. And the leftist mainstream American media is virtually silent.
investigates Russian granted US entry by Obama administration while under FBI investigation for bribery. The
Obama administration awarded a visa allowing a top Russian nuclear executive to enter the United States after the FBI had
already gathered substantial evidence he was involved in a racketeering scheme involving bribery, kickbacks, extortion and
money laundering, court records show. The records show TENEX executive Vadim Mikerin was engaged in illegal conduct as
early as the fall of 2009, yet he was allowed to enter the country by the Obama administration with a L1 temporary work visa
when he arrived in December 2011.
campaign, Dems helped fund research for Trump dossier: report. A lawyer representing Hillary Clinton's 2016
presidential campaign, as well as the Democratic National Committee (DNC), helped fund research for the controversial dossier
about President Trump's alleged connections to Russia, according to a new report. The Washington Post reported Tuesday
that Marc Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS in April 2016 to continue
investigating Trump's background. Before that, a still unknown Republican donor funded the firm.
faces new investigation for money laundering: report. President Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort
is facing a new probe into possible money laundering, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday [10/24/2017]. Sources told
the newspaper that the Manhattan U.S. attorney's office is now pursuing an investigation into Manafort, adding to state and
federal probes relating to the former Trump aide. The investigation by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of
New York is being done in collaboration with special counsel Robert Mueller's own probe into possible laundering by Manafort,
according to the Journal.
campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier. The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic
National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump's
connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter
said. Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to
conduct the research. After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer
with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Hillary Clinton tries to laugh off questions about Uranium One. Putting on her "congenital liar" hat, to use the late
William Safire's memorable phrase, Hillary Clinton sought to dismiss the new revelations from The Hill last Tuesday which
showed evidence of bribery, collusion and profiteering in her approval of a deal that enabled Russia to claim 20% of America's
uranium supply. [...] Her denial has no details, no substance, just the colorful word 'baloney,' and nothing to disprove that
she never engaged in quid pro quo to hand 20% of the U.S.'s uranium-producing capacity over to the Russians, in exchange for
huge donations to her foundation.
Investigating the
Investigators. [Scroll down] At this point, it would be silly to ask why there will be no more $145 million
gifts from Russian interests to the Clinton Foundation (or from anyone, for that matter), or no more $500,000 fees for a single Bill
Clinton speech. Whereas the Clintons are always willing to sell something that properly belongs to the government, they are
no longer in any position to negotiate anything and thus by their own financial standards have zero monetary value to the
sorts who in the past were eager to buy them.
One Russia Scandal The Press Doesn't Want You To Know About. By any objective measure, the story that The Hill
broke on Tuesday was shocking. According to documents unearthed by the news outlet, in 2009 the FBI had uncovered
evidence of a sweeping, illegal Russian scheme to boost Vladimir Putin's atomic energy business, which included bribery,
kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. The FBI had also obtained an eyewitness account that Russian nuclear
officials "had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit (the Clinton Foundation)." That's eye-opening
in and of itself. But the findings are even more alarming when you understand the context. While the FBI was
learning about these illegal Russian activities, Russia's state-owned nuclear company Rosatom was trying to acquire mining
rights to 20% of the uranium in the United States through its purchase of Canadian-based Uranium One.
FBI surprised as Bill Clinton took $500k from Russian bank while Hillary decided on uranium deal. Democrats
love to talk about Russia so you know what? Let's talk about Russia. I think it's time that we settle this once
and for all. Liberals try to accuse Trump of accepting help from Russia and Putin during the election, and according to
them Russia represents everything that is evil, rude, crude, ugly, mean, and hateful. Therefore, they are our mortal
enemy and need to be destroyed at all costs. But apparently this is a recent thing because Hillary and Bill Clinton
were big fans of the Russians back in the day and I don't recall hearing a peep from them about that.
Now Investigating Democratic Lobbyist Tony Podesta. Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of
a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, three sources with knowledge of the matter told NBC
News. The probe of Podesta and his Democratic-leaning lobbying firm grew out of Mueller's inquiry into the finances of
former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, according to the sources.
Uranium One deal: FBI informant blocked by Obama-era AG can unlock key info, attorney says. An informant
for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is under a gag order that prevents him from testifying before the United States
Congress that Russian nuclear officials were involved in fraudulent dealings in 2009 before the Uranium One deal was
approved. Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch blocked the informant from testifying last year and threatened criminal
action against him if he were to do so.
what was John Podesta's now-collapsed Russian green energy scheme really all about? A Russian government-backed
green energy company called Joule lost a lot of money as it collapsed in the wake of President Trump's "unexpected" election
to president. It had been literally banking on a Hillary Clinton electoral victory, according to a new investigative
report from the Daily Caller, expecting that a Clinton presidency's renewable energy focus would be just the thing for the
company's fortunes. The plan flamed out when Trump was elected. That made its ties with Clinton campaign manager
John Podesta utterly worthless. Joule had brought Podesta onboard as a board member from 2010 to 2013 to influence its
Deny, Deny: Hillary Clinton Claims New Uranium Scoops Are the 'Same Bologna'. In an interview Monday with
C-SPAN, Hillary Clinton denied that any of the new stories on Russian manipulation of the Clintons and the world uranium
market are true. In other words, any bad news about the Clintons is somehow... "fake news." C-SPAN host Steve Scully
noted Sean Hannity said this uranium story is the real Russian-collusion story. "I would say it's the same bologna they've
been peddling for years," Mrs. Clinton claimed, "and there's been no credible evidence by anyone. In fact, it's been
debunked repeatedly and will continue to be debunked."
news should rattle Dems on Russia. The implicit argument from Democrats has been that their party lost a
stunning upset in 2016 for the basic reason that the Republicans were more rotten. The sometimes explicit accusation
that Republicans colluded with Russian operatives is as much a self-consolation for Democrats as it is an attack on their
rivals. [...] What Democrats have forgotten, however, is that political rightness and rottenness are relative. With the
news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team is on the scent of Tony Podesta, bag man and influence peddler extraordinaire,
they are being reminded.
Calls Uranium One Stories 'Debunked'. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the stories about her and
former President Clinton helping Russia obtain drilling rights in the U.S. through Uranium One have been "debunked" and are
just people peddling "bologna." "I would say it's the same bologna they've been peddling for years, and there's been no
credible evidence by anyone. In fact, it's been debunked repeatedly and will continue to be debunked," Clinton said in
an October interview with C-SPAN.
Investigates Podesta. Once again, as in the case of Hillary and Uranium One, the search into alleged collusion
between Team Trump and Russia has backfired with the announcement that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Tony
Podesta, the brother of former Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta, and the Podesta Group and its connections with
Ukraine. Even Robert Mueller and his team of Democratic donors and operatives sometimes go where the evidence really
leads: [...]
Jeanine on the Clintons: 'These people belong in jail'. Much of the public already is skeptical of both the
Clintons and media. The media and Dems who throw themselves all in on the Clintons only accelerate the decline of their
fortunes once the truth comes out.
Clinton sought State's permission to meet with Russian nuclear official during Obama uranium decision. As he
prepared to collect a $500,000 payday in Moscow in 2010, Bill Clinton sought clearance from the State Department to meet with
a key board director of the Russian nuclear energy firm Rosatom — which at the time needed the Obama
administration's approval for a controversial uranium deal, government records show. Arkady Dvorkovich, a top aide to
then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and one of the highest-ranking government officials to serve on Rosatom's board of
supervisors, was listed on a May 14, 2010, email as one of 15 Russians the former president wanted to meet during a
late June 2010 trip, the documents show.
Hillary Clinton's
Russian Ghost Stories. For a decade, the FBI ran an operation called Ghost Stories to monitor and rip apart a
deep-cover Russian agent network. Ghost Stories tracked a ring Russian spies who lived between Boston and Washington,
D.C., under false identities. It was one of the FBI's most elaborate and successful counterintelligence operations in
history. After the FBI arrested 10 of the spies in June, 2010, Secretary of State Clinton worked feverishly to return
the Russian agents to Moscow in a hastily arranged, lopsided deal with Putin. It all happened as the uranium deal was
in play: An arrangement to provide Moscow's state Rosatom nuclear agency with 20 percent of American uranium capacity,
with $145,000,000 to pour into the Clinton Family Foundation and its projects. For the Clintons, the FBI's biggest
counterintelligence bust in history couldn't have come at a worse time.
Arrested Russian Spies Getting Close to Hillary Clinton in Lead-Up to Uranium One Deal. In 2010, the FBI
arrested ten Russian spies as part of "Operation Ghost Stories." According to a top FBI official, the agency had to act
quickly because the "deep cover" agents had come very close to "a sitting US cabinet member." They had already infiltrated
then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's inner circle, befriending a Democratic fundraiser close to Clinton. Clinton's
Russian connections have attracted more scrutiny following recent revelations of an FBI investigation into Russian company
Rosatom, which gained control of 20 percent of U.S. uranium in the 2010 Uranium One deal.
is Jeff Sessions hiding the Uranium One informant? Perhaps as startling as the revelation that the FBI was
investigating the Hillary Clinton/Russia/Uranium One collusion and that key figures like Deputy Attorney General Rod
Rosenstein, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe knew about it and said nothing, is the
refusal by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to remove the non-disclosure agreement gag order on the FBI informant who arguably
could put Bill and Hillary Clinton and a few others in federal prison. It was said the Jeff Sessions recused himself
from all things Russian because of election campaign conflicts but is it really because he thought it would insulate him from
having to divulge what he knew about Uranium One and the people who at the very least knew about the deal, some who approved
the deal, including past and present members of the FBI, the DOJ, and Special Counsel Robert Miller's team? Is Jeff
Sessions part of the Uranium One cover-up?
Clinton sought State's permission to meet with Russian nuclear official during Obama uranium decision. As he
prepared to collect a $500,000 payday in Moscow in 2010, Bill Clinton sought clearance from the State Department to meet with
a key board director of the Russian nuclear energy firm Rosatom — which at the time needed the Obama
administration's approval for a controversial uranium deal, government records show. Arkady Dvorkovich, a top aide to
then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and one of the highest-ranking government officials to serve on Rosatom's board of
supervisors, was listed on a May 14, 2010, email as one of 15 Russians the former president wanted to meet during a
late June 2010 trip, the documents show.
Administration, Hillary Clinton Covered Up Their Deep, Corrupt Ties To Russia. This week, IBD discussed new
reports from the Daily Caller, The Hill and, of how the Russians, through their state nuclear company Rosatom,
engaged in a campaign of bribery, extortion, money laundering and racketeering to gain control over U.S. nuclear assets in
the private sector. Aided by an American informant, the FBI gathered a mountain of evidence that showed, for instance,
that Russia had corrupted an American uranium trucking company through bribes. But that was the least of it. As
The Hill reported, eyewitness accounts and documents indicate that the Russian nuclear pirates spent millions of dollars to
"benefit former President Bill Clinton's charitable foundation."
Informant In Russia Bribery Case Threatened With Jail Time If He Talks. In recent days, news of a massive
bribery scandal, involving the Clintons, the Obama White House, and Russia has emerged. The latest involves a U.S.
businessman, working undercover for the FBI, who was prevented from disclosing what he knew to U.S. lawmakers.
According to a new report at The Hill, he wasn't just prevented from telling what he knew about the Russian nuclear
industry's efforts to influence the Obama administration, as well as the Clintons. He was threatened with jail
time if he talked, by Obama's Department of Justice.
Hillary Claim of Lack of Awareness on Uranium One Deal 'Stretches Credulity,' Investigation Warranted.
Wednesday [10/18/2017] on Fox News Channel's "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Breitbart News senior editor-at-large Peter Schweizer,
author of "Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and
Hillary Rich," discussed the Clintons' involvement with the Uranium One deal. That deal allocated Russia 20 percent
of the United States' strategic uranium reserves. Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state at the time of the U.S.
government's approval of the deal, has denied involvement in that approval process. That claim according to Schweizer
"stretches credulity" and warrants an investigation.
Sessions Could Lift Gag Order on Informant in Clinton-Russia-Uranium Probe. Attorney General Jeff Sessions
could lift the gag order on an informant who helped investigate Russian bribery and money laundering in
2009-2014 — a case involving uranium and national security — according to the informant's attorney,
Victoria Toensing, founding partner of the law firm diGenova & Toensing in Washington, D.C. As the case wound down, the
FBI directed the informant to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), which prohibited him from speaking about the case to
members of Congress. Special Counsel Robert Mueller was the FBI director during the bulk of the investigation; James
Comey became director in September 2013. According to Toensing, the Department of Justice, under the Obama administration,
told the informant that if he violated the NDA, "he would lose his liberty." Toensing told that she had
never heard of an NDA "that had a criminal penalty for violation," and that the penalty is "usually monetary."
Former Trump Campaign Adviser Is A 'Person Of Interest' In Senate Intel's Russia Probe. A little-known adviser
on the Trump campaign is a "person of interest" in the Senate Intelligence Committee's investigation into Russian
interference in the presidential campaign. North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr, the chairman of the Senate panel,
told BuzzFeed that George Papadopoulos, a short-lived member of the campaign's foreign policy team, is "definitely a person
of interest" in the committee's probe. Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the Democratic vice chairman of the committee,
echoed Burr's statement, saying that the committee hopes to interview Papadopoulos, who was an adviser to Ben Carson's
campaign before joining the Trump team last March.
Hillary Clinton's
Russian Ghost Stories. For a decade, the FBI ran an operation called Ghost Stories to monitor and rip apart a
deep-cover Russian agent network. Ghost Stories tracked a ring Russian spies who lived between Boston and Washington,
D.C., under false identities. It was one of the FBI's most elaborate and successful counterintelligence operations in
history. After the FBI arrested 10 of the spies in June, 2010, Secretary of State Clinton worked feverishly to return
the Russian agents to Moscow in a hastily arranged, lopsided deal with Putin. It all happened as the uranium deal was
in play: An arrangement to provide Moscow's state Rosatom nuclear agency with 20 percent of American uranium
capacity, with $145,000,000 to pour into the Clinton Family Foundation and its projects.
Corrupt Are American Institutions? In 2009, the Obama Justice Department began investigating a Russian plan to
expand Russia's atomic energy business by acquiring uranium in the United States. Through bribery, kickbacks, money
laundering and extortion, the Russians were able to acquire 20% of the uranium mining rights in the United States.
Shareholders in the Russian firm Rosatom funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation in the months leading up to the
Obama administration's approval of the transaction. The sale was officially approved in 2010 by the Committee on
Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), whose members included both Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney
General Eric Holder. Apparently neither Holder nor Clinton informed the other members of the committee just what an
historic act of corruption they were participants to. [...] The government informant at the heart of the case was (and
remains) forbidden to speak to Congress by an Obama Justice Department gag order (that gag order has yet to be lifted by the
Trump Justice Department). If this story is true, then all our worst fears have been confirmed, and we are indeed living
in a banana republic, with one set of rules for the rich and powerful, and another set of rules for everybody else.
did Robert Mueller Know and When Did He Know It? If evidence of bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money
laundering in the Uranium One affair are not grounds for a special prosecutor assigned to investigate Hillary Clinton, what
is? Rosenstein and Mueller, by their silence on this investigation hidden from Congress and the American people, are
unindicted coconspirators in Hillary's crimes and should be terminated immediately. One can understand the Obama
Justice Department covering up and slow-waking this investigation, but what about the Trump DOJ and our missing-in-action
Attorney General Jeff Sessions? Was this the reason Democrats were hot-to-trot on him recusing himself from all things
Russian? How could Rosenstein sit before Congress and not say anything, only to appoint Mueller to investigate Team
Trump? Rosenstein and Mueller are poster children for duplicity and corruption.
Connections Made Between Uranium Deal, Obama Administration. New connections are being made between the Obama
administration and a Russian uranium deal. According to an article in "The Hill," the FBI had evidence the deal
involved bribing truckers who were transporting uranium in the U.S. The Justice Department — run by then
Attorney General Eric Holder at the time — claimed it was investigating the allegations.
Now We Know. One of the mysteries of the election
campaign has been the ongoing Russian hacking conspiracy nonsense that was forced on us by the Democrats after the election.
[...] Even if it was just a distraction to shift the focus from the problems of the Democrats, it is a one week story at
best. Yet, it went on and on, forcing Trump to appoint a special prosecutor to chase ghosts and phantoms that could not
possibly exist. [...] Well, we may now have an answer. It may simply have been the old Progressive tactic of
preemptively accusing others of something they are doing. The Hill is reporting that the FBI had stumbled onto a plot
that looks a lot like bribery by the Russians to, wait for it, get the Clinton's support in their efforts to grow their
nuclear business inside the US.
Seeks Documents Related to Russia Uranium Investigation. Sen. John Barrasso (R., Wyo.) is asking the
Department of Justice for documents related to the FBI's investigation into the Russia-Uranium One deal, which found evidence
of Russian officials engaging in bribery, kickbacks, and millions of dollars flowing to the Clinton Foundation before the
deal was approved by the U.S. government. Barrasso has been raising concerns about the deal, which ultimately gave
Russia control of 20 percent of the U.S. uranium supply, since 2010. The Obama administration ignored the senator's
requests for documents after the New York Times reported on Bill Clinton's six-figure speaking fees in Moscow to a Kremlin-linked
investment bank, and Uranium One donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation while the deal was awaiting approval from
the State Department, then run by his wife, Hillary Clinton.
Uranium One Scandal Is Exploding. The Russia/Obama/Clinton scandal that goes generally under the name of
Uranium One is getting harder for the liberal press to cover up. [...] The original story goes back to Peter Schweizer's
Clinton Cash. The scandal is a blockbuster, perhaps the worst involving Barack Obama, Eric Holder's corrupt
Department of Justice, and Bill and Hillary Clinton.
sat on evidence of Russian bribery plot as US uranium reserves signed over to Russia. A blockbuster story in
The Hill yesterday is being given the silent treatment by the mainstream media. That won't last for long. [...] The FBI
under Robert Mueller and the Department of Justice under Eric Holder and his U.S. attorney Rosenstein allowed a strategic
natural resource to slip into the control of a rival hostile power and declined to act on corruption investigations into the
Clintons — all while keeping Congress and the public in the dark about the unfolding crime involving the highest
levels of politics.
Team Obama's
stunning cover-up of Russian crimes. It turns out the Obama administration knew the Russians were engaged in
bribery, kickbacks and extortion in order to gain control of US atomic resources — yet still OK'd that 2010 deal
to give Moscow control of one-fifth of America's uranium. This reeks. Peter Schweizer got onto part of the
scandal in his 2015 book, "Clinton Cash": the gifts of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation, and the $500,000 fee to Bill
for a single speech, by individuals involved in a deal that required Hillary Clinton's approval. The New York Times
confirmed and followed up on Schweizer's reporting — all of it denounced by Hillary as a partisan hit job.
implicated in Russia probe. The Hill and Circa media have broken a story the FBI spent years investigating —
and actually sent someone to jail over — involving bribery, blackmail and corruption by Russians who wanted to buy up
a big chunk of the world's uranium, located here in North America. We've known for a while that then-Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton both approved the deal and her family foundation received millions of dollars from Russians backing the deal. That's
one reason the nickname "Crooked Hillary" stuck. What we didn't know until now is that "the FBI had evidence as early as 2009
that Russian operatives used bribes, kickbacks and other dirty tactics to expand Moscow's atomic energy footprint in the U.S.,"
according to Fox News. Not only did Hillary's State Department approve Russia's purchase of Uranium One — handing
20 percent of the U.S. uranium supply over to allies of Vladimir Putin — but the Obama FBI and Department of Justice
let it happen unchallenged. All while the Clinton Foundation collected millions in "donations" from these Russians, and Bill
Clinton was paid $500,000 by a Russian investment bank to give a speech in Moscow.
Joe Attacks Trump For Drawing Attention to Blackout of Clinton-Uranium Scandal. On Thursday's [10/19/2017]
Morning Joe, after days of ignoring The Hill's latest reporting confirming an extensive racketeering scheme organized
by Russian government officials that appeared to directly benefit Bill and Hillary Clinton, the show finally decided to cover
the story. However, instead of getting worked up about unethical or possibly illegal Clinton-Russian collusion, hosts
Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, along with Democratic Senators Tim Kaine and Michael Bennet, attacked Trump for tweeting
about the new revelations and accused him of undermining American democratic institutions.
Let the Russian-crimes
whistleblower testify. A key informant in the Russian bribery and extortion scheme to gain control of US atomic
resources wants to tell Congress what he knows — but is legally barred from doing so. That's the latest
bombshell to emerge from The Hill's exposés this week that the Obama administration knew all about the scheme yet
still OK'd a deal to give Moscow control of one-fifth of US uranium. Moreover, the unidentified informant tried to tell
his story by filing a lawsuit during last year's campaign — but was squelched by the Obama Justice
Department. According to his lawyer, Reagan-era Justice official Victoria Toensing, the informant was pressured into
signing a nondisclosure agreement that forbids him from revealing anything about the case and was threatened last year with
criminal charges if he violated it.
Napolitano: New evidence will lead DOJ to Hillary Clinton indictment. Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News
senior judicial analyst, weighed in on the report, telling FOX Business' Stuart Varney on "Varney & Co.," "The significance
is an FBI acknowledgement that Huma Abedin, Mrs. Anthony Weiner, when she had a top security clearance as the number two
assistant to Hillary Clinton when Hillary was Secretary of State, regularly sent copies of sensitive material to her own
laptop so she could look at it at night, either knowing or forgetting that her husband had access to it as well."
Napolitano said this gives insight into the State Department's casual approach to top secret documents under Hillary Clinton.
Hillary and Mueller Implicated in Monstrous Russian Bribery Scandal. Yes, I said it: the Russian government
and its proxies were involved in all types of collusion with actors in the U.S. It turns out, though, that said
actors included Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and then FBI-director Robert Mueller. They knew the Russians were
leveraging bribes, kickbacks and extortion to gain control of America's uranium. Which they did.
Investigates Russia, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Uranium And Bribes — And It's About Time. We now know,
thanks to an investigation by The Hill, that the Russian scandal's roots go far deeper than first thought, extending all the
way to the start of the Obama administration. Many people seemed to know about it: Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder and, even, President Obama himself. Now, a Senate committee wants to know how
much they knew, and why no one stopped the criminal behavior. The scandal over Russia has suddenly, weirdly morphed
from being about "Russian meddling" in the 2016 election to actual criminal behavior by Russian nuclear industry officials
who were involved in bribes, extortion, kickbacks and money laundering here in the U.S. — all part of Russian
leader Vladimir Putin's efforts to elbow his way into the U.S. uranium market.
criminal conspiracy unravels: Hillary Clinton took $145M from Russians to sell out the U.S. uranium supply to America's
enemies. We have truly reached the point in American history where criminal indictments need to be immediately
leveled against James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Robert Mueller and a dozen other
high-ranking officials who are now known to have been complicit in one of the most treasonous criminal cover-ups in American
history. Although the entire left-wing media is running a campaign of complete silence on this story, the rest of the
media is now widely reporting that, under President Obama, the FBI had documented an exhaustive trail of corruption, bribery
and treason that involved Hillary Clinton, State Department corruption and Russia-linked mining companies that acquired
rights to U.S. uranium supplies.
Hides Massive Russian Bribery Scandal Involving Hillary, Mueller and Obama. A day after The Hill
reporters revealed a stunning bribery plot involving the Russian government and members of the Obama administration, our
modern day Pravda — you may know it as "CNN" — decided its audience didn't actually need
to know that inconsequential bit of breaking news. Sure, they cover the usual litany of anti-Trump stories. But
searching its front page for the word "Russia" revealed only one reference.
Revelations About Russia and Obama's Department of Justice. These extraordinary revelations, apparently from
frustrated FBI agents, were published in The Hill today [10/17/2017]. The corruption they suggest is extensive: [...] All
of this was known before the Obama/Clinton State Department approved the controversial transfer of US uranium assets to
Russia. But the Obama/Holder Justice Department did nothing.
Foundation's Own Internal Audit Admits They Lied To The IRS. An internal audit commissioned by the Clinton
Foundation in 2011 revealed that the Clinton's family charity may have misled the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when it
claimed, under penalty of perjury, that it was enforcing a policy against conflicts of interest. The audit —
apparently requested by Chelsea Clinton, revealed by Wikileaks, and postedby the Daily Caller — was conducted by
the law firm Simpson Thatcher & Bartlett. It addressed deficiencies in the Clinton Foundation's structure and
oversight, including the potential for conflicts of interest due to the Hillary Clinton's role as Secretary of State.
One Means Mueller Must Recuse Himself from Russia Probe. Virtually whatever [Robert] Mueller has to say
about his involvement or non-involvement in this metastasizing scandal, he must recuse himself immediately for the most
obvious reasons of propriety and appearance. Frankly, it's outrageous that he, Ron Rosenstein, or anyone who even
touched the Uranium One investigation now be involved with the current probe — unless the real name of the FBI is
actually the NKVD. This is not how a democracy is supposed to work, even remotely. Forget transparency —
this was deliberate occlusion. The collusion Trump & Co have been accused of is chickenfeed compared to twenty percent
of U.S. uranium ending up in Putin's hands under the aegis of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder, the latter two
members of CFIUS (the inter-agency committee that reviews the transfer of U.S. companies to foreign entities and was then
chaired by Timothy Geithner).
Much Did Mueller and Rosenstein Know about Uranium One? Back in July, I called for a criminal investigation into Hillary
Clinton's collusion with Russia to turn over control of 20 percent of our uranium supplies to Russian interests in return
for some $145 million in donation to the Clinton Foundation. Now it turns out that there was one, an FBI investigation
dating back to 2009, with current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller up to their
eyeballs in covering up evidence of Hillary's collusion, bordering on treason, with Vladimir Putin's Russia.
FBI Uncovers Confirmation of Hillary Clinton's Corrupt Uranium Deal with Russia. New evidence has emerged to
confirm Peter Schweizer's account in his bestselling book Clinton Cash about the corrupt tactics behind former
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's approval of Russia's purchase of 20 percent of U.S. uranium.
uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow.
Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial
records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium
trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents
show. They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear
officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton's charitable
foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision
to Moscow, sources told The Hill.
Russia To Hillary: Bribes, Extortion, Uranium and Lies. Hillary is demanding to know the truth about
Trump and Russia. The truth is that every accusation about Russian ties that Hillary and her associates have hurled at
President Trump is really true of the Clintons.
Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump. [N]ew evidence appears to show
that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars
in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband. But there's more. It seems it was all covered up for
years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian "collusion."
probes Clinton 'conflicts of interest' amid new questions in Russia uranium deal. A top Senate Republican is
probing potential "conflicts of interest" for Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration regarding the 2010 approval of a
controversial uranium deal with a Russian company, amid new details about donations from "interested parties" and an FBI
corruption probe involving employees of the same Russian firm. "This committee has an obligation to get to the bottom
of this issue," Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said Wednesday, at the start of a hearing with
Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The Hill reported a day earlier that the FBI had evidence as early as 2009 that Russian
operatives used bribes, kickbacks and other dirty tactics to expand Moscow's atomic energy footprint in the U.S. —
but the Obama administration approved the uranium deal benefiting Moscow anyway.
tables turn, roping Clinton, Obama, Holder, not Trump. The tables have turned and what was once the media's
favorite message — President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election — has now grown
silent. Apparently, it's Bill and Hillary Clinton who've been doing the behind-scenes and suspicious dealings with
Russia all along. Oh, and perhaps others in the Barack Obama administration, too.
Judiciary opens probe into Obama-era Russian nuclear bribery case. The Senate Judiciary Committee has launched
a probe into a Russian nuclear bribery case, demanding several federal agencies disclose whether they knew the FBI had
uncovered the corruption before the Obama administration in 2010 approved a controversial uranium deal with Moscow.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the committee chairman, on Wednesday [10/18/2017] raised the issue in public during questioning
of Attorney General Jeff Sessions during an oversight hearing. The senator cited a series of The Hill stories that showed
the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear officials were involved in a racketeering scheme as early as 2009, well before the
uranium deal was approved.
Paid Clintons MILLIONS While Obama DOJ Kept Deal Secret. This comes from the left-leaning The Hill so as
bad as it already sounds here, it is likely much-much worse.
Did Mueller Know? New Documents Show Clinton-Russia Scandal Dwarfs Anything on Trump's Side. Contrary to
the Left's favorite narrative, any Russia scandal has always been worse for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump.
Recent revelations confirmed this Tuesday, and even implicated the special prosecutor at the center of the Trump-Russia
investigation, former FBI director Robert Mueller. In 2010, the Obama administration approved a controversial deal
giving Russian company Rosatom partial control of Canadian mining company Uranium One (and with it 20 percent of U.S.
uranium), just as Russians paid former president Bill Clinton for speeches and Hillary Clinton was secretary of State.
To make matters worse, the FBI had already gathered evidence of Russian corruption in the U.S. but kept it secret just when
it would have mattered most, The Hill reported Tuesday [10/17/2017].
The REAL Russia scandal
is a Democrat problem. As the Obama administration rubber-stamped deals giving the Russians massive control
over U.S. uranium supplies, the Justice Department had a mountain of evidence suggesting collusion between Secretary
of State Clinton and Russian business interests. And no one said a word.
Real Russian Influence: Massive Bribery Scheme Before Obama Admin Approved Uranium Sale. Some will claim
"this is old news!" Au contraire, it highlights that anyone screeching about Russia Russia Russia in relation to Trump
should take a hard look at Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and his administration[.] [...] This is all icing on the cake regarding
what Team Obama was doing with Uranium One, and how Hillary, Bill, and their foundation profited heavily from the sale.
It shows how Team Obama ignored what the Russians were doing, which had national security implications.
Investigation Links Hillary And Mueller And Others To Russia. [Scroll down] Usually, [The Department of]
Justice and the FBI publicize crimes where Russian financiers are convicted of bribery, buying a controlling interest in the
US production of uranium, and gifting politicians large sums of money. In this case: crickets. Not just
crickets but mute crickets. Then the FBI and Justice tried to hide the investigation from Congress and keep it tightly
compartmented inside the FBI and Justice:
Obama's Russian
collusion. The Hill's release of information on the collusion between American corporate interests, U.S.
government agencies and Russia seems to be all-new material. The text outlines the failure of the U.S. government under
Obama to take account of information generated by the FBI on attempts by Russia to gain a financial advantage in the U.S.
nuclear industry. "The Swamp" is reflected in the matter of Rosatom at every angle from which it can be viewed.
While Rosatom has been in the news before, nothing has brought it to the level of significance seen in these primary
documents and the specificity of the charges found in the text of the article. Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein
should be summarily fired, along with anyone else who touched these papers above the level of the FBI. The responsible
individuals must be dragged into the court system where their actions can at the very least become part of the public record.
DOJ slow-walked probe despite national security concerns. Despite extensive information as early as 2009 that
Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm and that Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to
benefit former President Bill Clinton's charitable foundation, Hillary Clinton's State Department and other government
agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investment (including Attorney General Eric Holder) unanimously approved the partial
sale of the Canadian mining company, Uranium One, to the Russian nuclear giant Rosatom in October 2010. Multiple current
and former government officials told The Hill they did not know whether the FBI or DOJ ever alerted committee members to the
apparent Russian criminal activity. Likewise, major congressional figures were also kept in the dark.
Clinton Foundation scandal. The FBI was investigating a plot involving Russian kickbacks and bribes before the
Obama administration gave a green light to a Moscow-controlled company gaining control of U.S. uranium production, it was
reported Tuesday [10/17/2017]. The deal, which won agency approval in 2010, allowed Rosatom, the Russian atomic energy
agency, gain control of U.S. uranium stockpiles. The State Department, then run by Hillary Clinton, and a special
committee were required to sign off on the deal, since it led to Russia gaining control of one-fifth of U.S. uranium supplies
and production.
Mueller Team Can Be Disbarred For Clinton Conflicts In Trump Case. A top national attorney in consultation with
U.S. attorneys confirmed to Big League Politics that special counsel Robert Mueller and members of his team can be formally
disbarred for waging the "Russia" case against President Donald Trump. Mueller and his associates have glaring
conflicts of interest in the case concerning Trump. Mueller's team is tainted not only by partisan political donations
and activities, but by direct relationships with former clients like Hillary Clinton, who is integrally involved in most of
the possible evidence in this case. These conflicts clearly violate American Bar Association guidelines. Hillary
Clinton colluded with the Russians in selling them our uranium. Clinton handpicked Mueller to give a sample of uranium
to the Russians, and Mueller subsequently flew to Moscow, according to publicly available documents.
Evidence in Russia/Uranium/Clinton Foundation Scandal, Will Nets Report? On October 17 The Hill's John
Solomon and Alison Spann reported that "Before the Obama administration had approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow
control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials
were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin's atomic energy business inside
the United States, according to government documents and interviews."
Other Russia Scandal. On Tuesday, The Hill revealed that FBI and court documents allege that the
Clintons, the Clinton Foundation, and the Clinton-led State Department under Barack Obama do not have clean hands when it
comes to dealings with Moscow. The Hill reporters John Solomon and Alison Spann's inquiry found that the FBI
began investigating an effort by the Russian government to infiltrate the American nuclear materials industry as early as 2009.
"Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir
Putin's atomic energy business inside the United States," they reported. These reporters were privy to documents revealing
the scope of the FBI's operation, which was extensive and supported the allegation that Moscow had "compromised" a Uranium
trucking firm. All of this took place before the Russian energy firm Rosatom secured its first 17 percent stake
in the American nuclear materials extraction company Uranium One in 2009.
The Russia Scandal Is Real — And It Involves Hillary Clinton. For well over a year now, the
progressive left in the Democratic Party have tried hard to sell the idea that, a) Russia meddled in our election, and,
b) that it was to the detriment of Hillary Clinton. After nearly a year and a half of investigating, neither appears
true. What is true, and now documented, is that Hillary Clinton and her family foundation both benefited handsomely
from Russian corruption.
Uncovered Russian Bribery Plot Before Obama Approved Uranium One Deal, Netting Clintons Millions. As the
mainstream media continues to obsess over $100,000 worth Facebook ads allegedly purchased by Russian spies in 2016 seeking to
throw the presidential election, we're almost certain they'll ignore the much larger Russian bombshell dropped today in the
form of newly released FBI documents that reveal for the very first time that the Obama administration was well aware of
illegal bribery, extortion and money laundering schemes being conducted by the Russians to get a foothold in the atomic
energy business in the U.S. before approving a deal that handed them 20% of America's uranium reserves... and resulted in a
windfall of donations to the Clinton Foundation.
Censor Latest Bombshell on Russia/Uranium/Clinton Scandal. New revelations that the FBI uncovered a Russian
bribery plot before the Obama administration approved a nuclear deal with Moscow, that involved millions of kickback money to
the Clinton Foundation, have been utterly ignored by the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network evening or morning shows, since
the story broke early Tuesday [10/17/2016]. In fact, the network evening shows have only spent only 3 minutes and
1 second on the Clinton Foundation scandal in more than two years. The latest developments in the Russia/Uranium/Clinton
scandal were first reported, on Tuesday, by The Hill's John Solomon and Alison Spann.
won't give back a cent of Harvey Weinstein's tainted $250,000 says the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation told it will not return as much as $250,000 in donations from Harvey Weinstein, saying on Sunday [10/15/2017] the money had
already been spent on the organization's programs and used for charitable purposes.
& Harvey: Birds of a feather. Harvey Weinstein has been exposed in the media as the sexual predator he
is, and Hillary Clinton has been exposed as the craven money-grubber she is; money over morality is the mantra she lives
by. These people, the D.C. and Hollywood elite, live by different rules, rules under which faith, hope, and love have
no place, no place at all. They are about two things and two things only: power and money. And the two
species feed off each other. The entertainment industry wants and craves the deference of Democrat elites. The D.C.
Democrat establishment relies on the financial magnanimity of the film and television crowd, from the studio heads to the
actors. That is a lot of people with a lot of money, all of whom have an inflated view of their own importance on the
world stage. None of these folks ever gives a thought to the hopes, dreams, or concerns of citizens who live between
the coasts or exist outside their own privileged bubbles.
Puh-Lease! Noble Hillary 'Disgusted', Donating Weinstein Funds To Charity. Who would have thunk it?
I mean, it's not like she is married to Slick Willy himself, and scared his victims into silence or anything, right?
Right? Hillary Clinton said in an interview on Wednesday, "Well, there's no one to give it back to. What other
people are saying, what my former colleagues are saying, is that they're going to donate it to charity, and of course I will
do that."
Campaign Will Return Weinstein Money, But Her Family Foundation Remains Silent. Hillary Clinton told CNN's
Fareed Zakaria that she would donate the money Harvey Weinstein contributed to her political campaigns following accusations
that Weinstein sexually harassed and assualted women for years, but Clinton did not say whether the Clinton Foundation would
be following a similar course of action. It took five days before Clinton responded to The New York Times'
reports about Weinstein's exploits. Clinton's silence was notable because Weinstein had raised around $1.5 million
for Clinton's various political campaigns over the years.
According to the FEC, Clinton received exactly $1,492,673.45 from Weinstein since 1999.
Clinton Says She Can't Know Exactly How Much She Got From Harvey Weinstein. We Can Help. [Scroll down] The Federal
Election Commission keeps a handy database that tracks every check written to a political campaign. According to the FEC, Weinstein
hit the FEC's maximum in donating to Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential campaign directly ($5,400 in two separate $2,700 donations) and
gave an additional $33,000 to Hillary's PAC, the Hillary Victory Fund. So, we can give her the amount, right down to the penny.
If Clinton wanted to return or "re-donate" the exact amount Weinstein personally gave to her 2016 campaign, she'd simply need to write a
$38,990.45 check. She should make sure to include that 45 cents. We can even go further back — all the way to
1999 — to track every last donation Weinstein made to Hillary Clinton at any level for any campaign.
Phony "Shock" At Weinstein Scandal. It's often useful to follow the money, especially when it comes to the Clintons.
Since 1995, Harvey Weinstein gave in the range of $50,000 to Hillary Clinton's presidential and Senate campaigns, including to a joint
fund with the Democratic National Committee in 2016. Weinstein bundled contributions from other donors to Hillary's campaign and
hosted at least two fundraisers for her 2016 presidential campaign. On one such occasion, about $1.8 million was raised from
the 50 guests who attended a shindig in Weinstein's New York City residence. Weinstein is also reported to have donated
somewhere between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to its website.
The Left's Collusion
with Harvey Weinstein. [Scroll down] The friendship between the Clintons and Weinstein isn't a mystery
either. Naturally, Hillary, usually quick off the draw on Twitter about current events, fell silent over the
weekend. Weinstein had hosted countless birthday parties and fundraisers for her. Bill Clinton and Harvey
Weinstein were of course boon companions, with Bill showing his esteem in among other ways by letting the mogul interview him
on CNN and confer upon him awards at LGBT events.
Weinstein should force media to admit Hillary Clinton is not a feminist icon. It's out in the open now that
Hollywood giant Harvey Weinstein has a rancid history of behaving inappropriately with women, confirming what many people
suspected but the national media never admitted: Hillary Clinton isn't a feminist icon. For someone so heralded
by the media as an example of female empowerment, Clinton is close with a lot of abusers. An extensive report published
Thursday by the New York Times cited several women by name, including actress Ashley Judd, who claim to have been sexually
harassed by Weinstein.
Reporter: Weinstein sure puts the Obamas, Clintons in a pickle, eh? Why yes, yes he does, and the source
for this seems remarkable, too. The Hollywood Reporter has a track record of remarkable balance, so it's not a case of
arguing against interests. However, its status as a significant part of the entertainment media industry will force the
question of culpability to the forefront, especially given Harvey Weinstein's prominence in campaigns for the two dominant
forces in Democratic politics over the last quarter-century: [...]
Never Returned Donations From Owner of Site Linked to Underage Prostitution. Hillary Clinton's campaign appears
not to have returned or donated to charity the more than $5,000 in contributions from the former co-owner of a website linked
to underage prostitution and whose donations have backed a number of current and former Democratic politicians into a
corner. Controversy surrounding donations from the owners of, an online classified website that has come
under fire from politicians including Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.), has forced a number of politicians —
particularly in the state of Arizona — to return or donate the tainted contributions. Jim Larkin, a former
co-owner of Backpage, gave a $5,400 contribution on July 26, 2016, to the Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fundraising effort
between the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and more than 30 state Democratic parties. The
money was then transferred to Hillary for America, Clinton's campaign committee.
Chaffetz drops bombshell, says Sessions refuses to prosecute Obama, Clinton crimes. While appearing as a guest
on Fox News Saturday night [9/30/2017], former Rep. Jason Chaffetz dropped a bombshell, telling Judge Jeanine Pirro that
Attorney General Jeff Sessions refuses to pursue "major" cases involving former President Barack Obama or 2016 Democrat
presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. "Barack Obama and his administration did things that if we did we'd all be in
jail right now," Pirro said, highlighting her long legal career.
Clinton's Lawyer Helped Facebook Avoid Political Ad Disclosures. The top lawyer for Hillary Clinton's failed
presidential campaign helped Facebook avoid political advertisement disclosures years prior to acting as her general counsel,
according to a new report. Facebook's ad disclosure has become a major focus of the media in recent weeks after it was
revealed that Russians had bought $100,000 worth of advertisements leading up to the 2016 presidential elections. Marc
Elias, a partner at the D.C.-based Perkins Coie law firm who acted as Clinton's top campaign lawyer, was part of a legal team
that represented Facebook in 2011 as they fought against adding disclosures on political ads on their platform in front of
the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
Clinton's 'Best Friend's' Defense Company Got $11 Mil In Contracts But Doesn't Have Federal Security Clearance.
A company whose president is "best friends" with Chelsea Clinton received more than $11 million in contracts over the last
decade from a highly secretive Defense Department think tank, but to date, the group lacks official federal approval to handle
classified materials, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. Jacqueline Newmyer, the president of a company
called the Long Term Strategy Group (LTSG), has over the last 10 years received numerous Department of Defense (DOD)
contracts from a secretive think tank called Office of Net Assessment (ONA).
Hillary Emails Warrant Special Prosecutor. New emails unearthed by Judicial Watch confirm that the Clinton
Foundation was in fact a pay-to-play influence peddling operation far more worthy of a special prosecutor than imaginary
Russians colluding under Trump Administration beds. It is time for President Trump to keep the promise he made in the
presidential debate to indict Hillary Clinton for her crimes. [...] Clinton played a pivotal role in the Uranium One deal
which ended up giving Russian interests control of 20 percent of our uranium supply in exchange for donations of
$145 million to the Clinton Foundation. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a federal crime.
Hillary holds
a fire sale. Pay-to-play is alive and well with Hillary Clinton, now that she's charging $2,375.95 a pop to
hear her pitch her new book for sale called What Happened. Two thousand bucks? To hear her shill a book you
could order just as easily on Amazon if you really wanted it? Seems she hasn't changed a bit from her glory days shaking
down donations for the Clinton Foundation in exchange for favors. Back then, she was charging between $1 million
and $5 million a head for access to Herself and her State Department from any gamy player with the bucks to shell
out — sultans, emirs, oligarchs, goons. They all had money that was welcome, and the Clinton Foundation
rolled in the dough as she sold the State Department.
Russia! Collusion! Woo-woo-woo-ding-ding!
Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work. The Podesta Group belatedly filed several
new disclosures with the Justice Department on Aug. 17 related to work the firm completed between 2012 and 2014 on behalf of
a pro-Russia Ukrainian think tank. Back in April, the powerful Washington lobbying firm run by Clinton ally Tony Podesta
filed a document admitting its work for the pro-Russia European Centre for a Modern Ukraine may have principally benefited a
foreign government. New disclosures revealed dozens of previously unreported interactions the firm made with influential
government offices, including Hillary Clinton's State Department and the office of former Vice President Joe Biden, while
lobbying on behalf of the center. Embattled ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort failed to disclose his extensive
lobbying efforts on behalf of the center at the time as well.
As John Podesta Does NOT Deny Hillary Clinton Sold 20% Of America's Uranium To The Russians. The media spin
machine is on the defensive thanks to a more aggressive tone coming from Trump White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee
Sanders. Sanders lays out the real collusion that exists between the Clinton Machine and Russia — collusion
which the media (and Congress) continues to ignore. Longtime Clinton operative and former Hillary Clinton campaign
manager John Podesta explains it away as "old news." The CNN host simply nods her head. They are hoping that
will be enough for the multiple Clinton collusion facts to go away. It won't.
An Actual Scandal: Hillary Bullied Tiny Bangladesh To Help a Clinton Foundation Donor. Former Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton attempted to bully tiny Bangladesh to force it to end a corruption investigation of Mohammad Yunus,
a long-time Clinton family friend and Clinton Foundation donor, according to documents The Daily Caller News Foundation
Investigative Group obtained. The information comes from two Bangladeshi government documents generated as part of a
request from the U.S. Congress. They shed new, disturbing light on Clinton's use of hard-ball tactics against the
poorest country in South Asia in order to help her millionaire friend and foundation donor. The documents show Clinton
deployed an array of high-powered Department of State, U.S. Embassy and World Bank officials to rescue Yunus, who faced
financial mismanagement charges at a state-owned bank called Grameen Bank. He was eventually removed from the bank.
Abedin's Emails Provide Further Evidence Of Clinton Pay For Play Scandal. Judicial Watch obtained the documents
as part of a lawsuit filed after the State Department failed to respond to a March 2015 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request. The newly-obtained documents include 91 Clinton email exchanges that were not turned over to the State
Department, contradicting Clinton's claim that, "as far as she knew," she had turned over all of her government emails.
The emails reveal multiple instances in which Abedin used her personal account to send and receive classified documents as
well as arrange personal favors for Clinton donors and political allies on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's
behalf. "Pay to play, classified information mishandling, influence peddling, cover ups — these new emails
show why the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton's conduct must be resumed," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said
in a statement.
cache of Huma emails show Clinton family and friends trying to score jobs and face time. A new batch of emails
from longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin show efforts to use old connections to get jobs or score face time with former
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The emails are the latest batch that conservative group Judicial Watch got from a
freedom of information lawsuit. In one email, Clinton library Puerto Rican executive Miguel Lasell seeks a meeting with
Clinton, and makes a separate online pitch for a favored candidate to be ambassador to the Domican Republic.
emails show Clinton allies seeking jobs, meetings. Newly obtained emails from Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin
reveal friends of the Clinton Foundation and political allies seeking personal favors from the Clinton State Department,
Judicial Watch said Wednesday [8/2/2017]. The batch of documents shows well-connected players, including a Clinton library
donor, inquiring about meetings and job openings — and Clinton aides carefully tending to those requests.
The emails were among 1,606 pages the conservative watchdog group got from the State Department as part of a Freedom of
Information Act lawsuit. "Pay to play, classified information mishandling, influence peddling, cover ups —
these new emails show why the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton's conduct must be resumed," Judicial Watch
President Tom Fitton said in a statement.
Abedin Emails Reveal Transmission of Classified Information and Clinton Foundation Donors Receiving Special Treatment from Clinton State Department.
Judicial Watch today [8/2/2017] released 1,606 pages of documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing repeated use of unsecured communications for
classified information and numerous examples of Clinton Foundation donors receiving special favors from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's staff.
The documents, containing emails from the unsecure, non-government account of Huma Abedin, Clinton's then-deputy chief of staff, also show Clinton or her staff
expressing interest in visiting Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez and North Korean dictator Kim Jung II. The documents included 91 Clinton email exchanges
not previously turned over to the State Department, bringing the known total to date to at least 530 emails that were not part of the 55,000 pages of emails
that Clinton turned over to the State Department, and further contradicting a statement by Clinton that, "as far as she knew," all of her government emails had
been turned over to the State Department.
Scandal Only Deepens — So Why Is Trump, Not Hillary, Targeted For Investigation? Amid the trivial
fault-finding by the media of President Trump's every move, it's important to note that the very same pundits who now rip
Trump have completely ignored the growing scandal of Hillary Clinton's pay-for-play tenure as secretary of state. It's
reasonable to wonder why no charges have yet been filed, yet the media, blinded by their Trump hatred, seem strangely incurious.
Clinton Foreign Financier Returns To U.S.. When James Riady and his family's company, called the Lippo Group,
pled guilty to campaign fraud in the 1990s for donations to Bill Clinton, it looked as if the Indonesian-based businessman's
days were over — and just another ugly chapter of American political history. Yet, starting in 2011 when Hillary
Clinton was secretary of state, the Riadys started their return to the United States through a new Chinese subsidiary called
Lippo China Resources, which sought to become a minority owner in a Utah company called CS Mining. Riady's Lippo China
Resources hopes to obtain majority ownership of the Utah company at a bankruptcy court hearing Friday in Salt Lake City.
They are trying to acquire the land — the size of Manhattan — at fire-sale prices, The Daily Caller News
Foundation's Investigative Group has found.
Scandal Only Deepens — So Why Is Trump, Not Hillary, Targeted For Investigation? Amid the trivial
fault-finding by the media of President Trump's every move, it's important to note that the very same pundits who now rip
Trump have completely ignored the growing scandal of Hillary Clinton's pay-for-play tenure as secretary of state. It's
reasonable to wonder why no charges have yet been filed, yet the media, blinded by their Trump hatred, seem strangely incurious.
Service broke federal law and showed 'institutional bias' by letting workers help Clinton campaign:
Watchdog. The United States Postal Service broke federal law by allowing its employees to participate in
union-funded work to help elect Hillary Clinton and other Democratic candidates while on "union official" leave without pay
and demonstrated an "institutional bias" toward union-backed candidates, according to an investigation. The Office of
Special Counsel determined USPS engaged in a "systemic violation" of the Hatch Act, which places limitations on the political
activities of federal employees dating back to the 1990s.
Blackout Report Showing Postal Service Broke Law to Support Hillary/Dems. In a Senate hearing on Capitol Hill
Wednesday [7/19/2017], the United States Postal Service felt the heat bipartisan scorn for decades of violations of federal
election laws. "A new report tonight states that Postal Service employees were allowed to take leave from their jobs
and still get paid as they campaigned for Hillary Clinton last year," announced Fox News Channel Anchor Bret Baier during
Special Report. Evening in light of the report by Postal Service's oversight office, ABC, CBS, and NBC failed to
inform their viewers. The systemic disregard for federal election law wasn't just the concern of Fox News. Even
the liberal Washington Post found the need to report it to their readers.
broke law in allowing workers to boost Clinton campaign, watchdog says. The United States Postal Service
violated federal law by letting employees do union-funded work for Hillary Clinton's campaign and other Democratic candidates
while on leave from the agency, according to an Office of Special Counsel report obtained by Fox News. The OSC
determined the USPS "engaged in systemic violations" of the Hatch Act, a federal law that limits certain political activities
of federal employees. While employees are allowed to do some political work on leave, the report said the Postal
Service showed a "bias" favoring the union's 2016 campaign operation.
Is Russiagate
Really Hillarygate? According to an insider account, the Clinton team, put together the Russia Gate narrative
within 24 hours of her defeat. The Clinton account explained that Russian hacking and election meddling caused her
unexpected loss. Her opponent, Donald Trump, was a puppet of Putin. Trump, they said, "encourages espionage
against our people." The scurrilous Trump dossier, prepared by a London opposition research firm, Orbis, and paid for by
unidentified Democrat donors, formed a key part of the Clinton narrative: Trump's sexual and business escapades in
Russia had made him a hostage of the Kremlin, ready to do its bidding. That was Hillary's way to say that Trump is
really not President of the United States — a siren call adopted by the Democratic party and media.
Charity Aided Clinton Friends. The Clinton Global Initiative, which arranges donations to help solve the
world's problems, set up a financial commitment that benefited a for-profit company part-owned by people with ties to the
Clintons, including a current and a former Democratic official and a close friend of former President Bill Clinton.
charity arranged $2M pledge to firm owned by Bill's 'friend'. Bill Clinton's foundation arranged a $2 million
pledge to a power company partly owned by a wealthy blond divorcée — who some say is the frequent visitor
to his home nicknamed "Energizer." The "commitment" to Julie Tauber McMahon's firm from the Clinton Global Initiative was
placed on its 2010 conference agenda at Clinton's urging, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday [7/13/2017]. The
initiative "commits $2 million to support the work of Energy Pioneer Solutions, a company founded to deliver energy savings
to communities in rural America," said a 2010 statement from the charity.
All Foreign-Influence Scandals Are Created Equal. The Chinese fundraising scandal involving DNC finance vice
chairman John Huang first came to light in the final weeks of the 1996 presidential campaign. A former Commerce
Department official, Huang was a top fundraiser who scooped up suspect foreign cash for Team Clinton. A 1998 Senate
Government Affairs Committee report on the scandal found "strong circumstantial evidence" that a great deal of foreign money
had illegally entered the country in an attempt to influence the 1996 election. The DNC was forced to give back more
than $2.8 million in illegal or improper donations from foreign nationals. The most suspect funds were brought in
by Johnny Chung, a bagman for the Asian billionaire Riady family.
New Evidence Hillary Used State Dept.
To Enrich Clinton Foundation. None of this takes away from the absolutely stupid way Team Trump has handled the
legal meeting between Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner and anywhere up to five Russians. But it would be
an unexpected pleasant case of the MSM actually doing their jobs if they covered the latest examples (or any of the earlier
ones) of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton using the State Department (thus taxpayer money) to help the Clinton
Family Foundation, make tons of cash. On Friday [7/14/2017], Judicial Watch, one of the few organizations digging for
the truth, released 448 pages of documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing new examples of Huma Abedin, deputy
chief of staff to the former state dept. chief providing special State Department treatment to major donors to the Clinton
Foundation and political campaigns.
Abedin Emails Reveal Additional Instances of Clinton Donors Receiving Special Treatment from Clinton Department of State. The
heavily redacted documents from Abedin's non-government account include an email from Hillary Clinton's brother, Tony Rodham, to Abedin
revealing that he acted as a go-between for a Clinton Foundation donor, Richard Park. And they reveal Clinton Foundation executive
Doug Band instructing Abedin to "show love" to Clinton donor Andrew Liveris. The documents included six Clinton email exchanges not
previously turned over to the State Department, bringing the known total to date to at least 439 emails that were not part of
the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department, and further contradicting a statement by Clinton that,
"as far as she knew," all of her government emails had been turned over to the State Department.
Dems Ignore Hillary Ukraine Collusion. Where are the Congressional hearings on Hillary's collusion with the Ukraine?
Where are the hearings on her making it possible for Russian interests to control 20 percent of our uranium supply in exchange for
donations to the Clinton Foundation?
Russia collusion story worth pursuing. The mainstream media may be looking for evidence of Russian collusion in
all the wrong places. So far, despite its epic search, the media has uncovered no evidence that the Trump campaign
colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election. There is evidence, though, that Russia has colluded with U.S.
environmental groups. Lamar Smith, chairman of the House Science Committee, tells James Freeman of the Wall Street
Journal: ["]If you connect the dots, it is clear that Russia is funding U.S. environmental groups in an effort to
suppress our domestic oil and gas industry, specifically hydraulic fracking. They have established an elaborate scheme
that funnels money through shell companies in Bermuda. This scheme may violate federal law and certainly distorts the
U.S. energy market. [..."]
Hillary Clinton Won the Election.... Hillary and her campaign aides have long been involved with Russia for
reasons of personal gain. Clinton herself got $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation for allowing Russia
to take over twenty percent of all uranium production in the U.S. [...] Had Hillary been elected, the Clinton Foundation would be
raking in even more millions than it did before. She would be happily selling access, favors and our remaining freedoms out
from under us.
'Category A': Gives Clinton's Lifetime Rule over $109M. Let's face it, the Clintons run a foundation scam. Moreover, the
family certainly has benefited immensely. Recall last year when then FBI Director James Comey had enough dirt to indict the crime
family. But someone swept the dirt away. Undoubtedly, the Clintons have friends in high places who helped stall that
investigation. Nor would it be the first time Comey ran interference in a Clinton probe. Nevertheless, the house of cards may
tumble after all.
the Russia ties of Hillary's campaign chief. Lawmakers failed to seize on an alarming development in the Russia
collusion story last week, one that should spark serious and immediate congressional inquiry. But it didn't involve
President Trump or his administration. During a heated Fox Business interview with Maria Bartiromo, Hillary Clinton's
former campaign chief John Podesta made a series of misleading statements when questioned about his involvement in a company
that received $35 million from the Russian government while Clinton served as secretary of state. On Jan. 18,
2011, a small green-energy company named Joule Unlimited announced Podesta's appointment to its board. Months later,
Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin, pumped $35 million into Joule. Serving alongside
Podesta on Joule's board were senior Russian official Anatoly Chubais and oligarch Ruben Vardanyan, who has been appointed
by Putin to a Russian economic modernization council.
Iran front group loaded Clinton Foundation with cash. An Iranian foundation recently convicted as a front organization for the
theocratic regime in Tehran donated five-figure sums to the infamous Clinton Foundation. Last week, a New York grand jury ruled that the
government can seize a building majority-owned by the Alavi Foundation, agreeing with prosecutors that it is a front group for the mullahs in
Tehran. The foundation used the Manhattan skyscraper to garner hundreds of millions in revenue so it could supply cash for its "charitable"
endeavors inside the United States. The Alavi Foundation rarely donated to non-Islamic or non-academic institutions. Alavi spent most
of its funds on building Shiite institutions — such as mosques and cultural centers — and installing Iran-friendly
professors at prominent American universities.
Links Clintons To Human Trafficking In Haiti — Found Dead of "Suicide" Soon After. Her names was
Monica Peterson, a Research Fellow and Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center in Colorado who traveled to Haiti
to investigate ongoing allegations of rampant human trafficking — primarily of children. [...] Her death was brief
blip upon the screen of the 2016 presidential campaign but ignored almost entirely by the Mainstream Media.
What Really Happened In Haiti To Monica Peterson?
Petersen's work was in relation to uncovering child sex rings and sex trafficking networks in Haiti. [...] The facts are
Petersen's body has not been recovered. The cause of death has not been stated. An autopsy has not been
performed. Her family has also not been notified as to the cause of her death or what exactly happened or why her body
has not been returned. This to me is very suspicious, and it should have already been resolved.
Criminal Enterprise Collapsing. Hillary Clinton herself was not above colluding with the Russians, as she did
in the Uranium One Deal in which Clinton Foundation donors benefited from her enabling the transfer of 20 percent of our
uranium supplies to Russia. That deal was one reason Putin was probably rooting for Hillary, not Trump. Instead
of investigating Team Trump for collusion and its business dealings with Russia, how about a special counsel to investigate
the Uranium one deal? How about a special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton's illegal email server and destruction
of emails under subpoena?
Board Gave Clintons Lifetime Rule Over $109M Non-Profit. Clinton Foundation officials created lifetime
"Category A" positions for the former first family on the controversial non-profit's board of directors in November 2013 that
appear to violate IRS regulations barring individuals from using tax-exempt groups for their private benefit, according to
documents reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation's Investigative Group. The amended bylaws for the foundation's
Articles of Incorporation in the state of Arkansas created the unpaid permanent board positions for former President Bill
Clinton, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton, their daughter. Mrs. Clinton resigned from
the board in April 2015 in her unsuccessful pursuit of the presidency.
The GOP should
do something! In 2011, John Podesta, while an adviser to Hillary Clinton in the State Department, came onboard
a small energy company, Joule, based in Massachusetts. Two months later, a Russian entity by the name of Rusnano put a
billion rubles ($35 million) into Podesta's company. It's important to note that Rusnano is not a private company.
It is totally funded by the Kremlin. Podesta owned 75,000 shares in Joule, but nowhere did he disclose that during his time
spent in the Obama administration. In light of this information, why is the GOP silent? Why are they not calling for
an investigation into possible Russian collusion with the Clinton campaign?
Clinton Told FBI's Mueller To Deliver Uranium To Russians In 2009 "Secret Plane-Side Tarmac Meeting". Former
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton facilitated the transfer a highly enriched uranium (HEU) previously confiscated by the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) during a 2006 "nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several
Georgian accomplices," a newly leaked classified cable shows.
and Hillary received $2.85M selling U.S. uranium to the Russians. At least $2.85 million dollars flowed to the
Clinton Family through a series of five Russian-backed donations after a massive uranium deal was signed off by the State
Department and other agencies during Hillary's tenure. Shockingly, between the years of 2009-2013 Russian-backed
interests assumed control of one-fifth (20%) of the U.S. uranium supply along with several highly-lucrative mines in
Kazakhstan through a secret backdoor deal with the Clintons, as reported by Joe Becker and Mike McIntire in April of 2015.
The report was groundbreaking. And if you think about it, the report should have triggered the real Russian
narrative. You know, the one where the Clinton's sold America's most strategic asset (i.e. uranium: used to produce
nuclear fuel and weapons of mass destruction). Of course, such a narrative never came to pass because to the contrary the
fake Trump-Russia narrative was born, sidetracking the general public from what's really going on.
Did Hillary Intimidate Bangladesh Gov't Over Clinton Foundation Donor? The Senate Judiciary Committee is
launching a probe into an allegation that Hillary Clinton's State Department threatened a foreign government. "Clinton
Cash" author Peter Schweizer said Clinton pressured Bangladeshi Prime Minister Hasina Wazed to drop an investigation of a
Clinton Foundation donor. He said the State Department pressured Wazed to dismiss a corruption investigation of
businessman Mohammad Yunnus.
Won't Release Clinton/Lynch Tarmac Tape — Claims "National Security". A citizen researcher from Florida is attempting
to have the recording of the infamous Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch tarmac tape released to the public, but apparently, the National
Security Agency claims they won't release it due to "national security." The man researching and seeking to have the tape
released is Florida orthodontist Larry Kawa. You may remember him because of Judicial Watch's filing of a lawsuit on his
behalf to obtain a week's worth of Hillary Clinton's emails regarding Benghazi. It's being reported now that the NSA has declared
the recording of the conversation that took place between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch in Phoenix, Arizona on June 27, 2016.
Committee Launches First New Clinton Corruption Investigation. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Chuck
Grassley has launched a new investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's effort to thwart a Bangladesh
government corruption probe of Muhammad Yunus, a Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the Clintons. The Iowa
Republican's effort is the first new official inquiry of Clinton since her unexpected loss in the 2016 presidential election
to President Donald Trump. Trump's supporters often chanted "lock her up" during his many boisterous campaign
rallies. But upon assuming the presidency, Trump and leaders of the Republican-majority Congress displayed little
appetite for reopening investigations of Clinton's tenure as the chief U.S. diplomat and multiple persistent allegations of
"pay-to-play" corruption involving the Clinton Foundation. Until now.
Huma Abedin Did 'Russia' Favors for Clinton Foundation. Among 2,078 pages of newly obtained State Department
documents are emails showing Huma Abedin doing favors for a Russia-connected group on behalf of the Clinton Foundation while
her boss, Hillary Clinton, was secretary of state. Abedin, Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff at the time, also
provided a government plane and hotel reservations to Chelsea Clinton for a trip to Germany while Chelsea was employed at the
Clinton Foundation, the emails show. In one email exchange, Abedin tells Clinton Foundation director Doug Band that she
has "hooked up" people from the Russian American Foundation with "the right people" at the State Department
Has Dirt on Comey: Strategic Firing of Swamp Rat James Comey. In late 2015 and early 2016, information began to come
out about the Clinton Foundation and its use by the Clintons as a multi-billion dollar slush fund for corruption and political favors
(even Chelsea's wedding had been paid for by the "charity"). This was right as Hillary was beginning her campaign for president.
It was revealed that the Foundation had never completed required reports or had an audit. Supposedly the FBI, under Comey, began an
"investigation" of the Clinton Funds. A "professional" accounting firm was brought in by the Clintons to do a review, file some
reports, make recommendations to the Clinton Foundation Board, and provide a veneer of legitimacy to the Clinton Fund operations.
Predictably, one of the partners in the firm that was chosen (and paid lots of money) is the brother of James Comey (FBI Director).
This brother owes James Comey $700,000 for a loan James gave him to buy a house, and presumably some of the money from the Clinton Fund
was used to make payments to James on the loan. Over 2 years later and nothing has happened as a result of the FBI "investigating"
the Clinton Funds under Comey.
Where is the special
prosecutor for Hillary and Barack? It has been widely reported that the Clinton Foundation received $145 million after Hillary
Clinton allowed Russia's nuclear energy agency to purchase a controlling interest in Uranium One, a Canada-based company that mines uranium in
states containing 20 percent of U.S. capacity. Snopes and company claim Hillary was not involved in the deal, that it was delegated to
then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, and that the State Department is only one of nine agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investment
in the United States (CFIUS) that decides such matters. Regardless of who actually sat at the CFIUS table, Clinton is ultimately responsible for
such decisions, and do you really think Fernandez would have made such a momentous decision without her blessing? Moreover, would the other
agencies dare to vote against Hillary's agency? Highly doubtful. Hillary apologists also try to disassociate the Clinton Foundation's
string of receipts from Russia as though the two were entirely unrelated.
Clinton on why she gave Goldman Sachs speeches: 'They paid me'. Hillary Clinton was heavily criticized during
the presidential campaign for giving speeches to banks, including Goldman Sachs, sometimes for upwards of $225,000 a pop.
On Wednesday [5/31/2017] at Recode's CodeCon, Clinton was asked directly by journalist Walt Mossberg why she made the
decision to take such engagements after resigning as secretary of state.
Brennan Collude with Foreign Spies to Help Hillary? [John] Brennan didn't explain why the Russians didn't prefer Hillary, Secretary of
State for an administration that did nothing when Russia annexed Crimea and invaded Ukraine. Why wouldn't the Russians want the Secretary of
State who called murderous Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad a reformer and was there when President Obama drew the first of his "red lines," then
did nothing to prevent the slaughter of 500,000 Syrians while giving Russia free rein in that country? Why would Russia prefer Trump over
Hillary after she and husband Bill brokered deals giving Russia and Putin 20 percent of our uranium supply to benefit Clinton Foundation
donors, including Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra? As the New York Times reported, this mutual back-scratching gave Clinton donor
Giustra control of a significant portion of the world's uranium supply.
Trump Presidency
Takedown Effort Is Underway. Did Russia meddle in our election? Perhaps. But what exactly does that
mean? They've been doing it for decades. Did President Obama meddle in Britain's election on Brexit? Did he
intervene in Israel's election against the sitting prime minister? Yes, absolutely. So where was the special
counsel for that? [...] Why not look into Hillary Clinton's substantial business and financial ties to the Russians?
We've done that, with the heavy lifting performed by Peter Schweizer, the author of Clinton Cash. The Clintons
profited through high-price speeches and donations, as even The New York Times acknowledged, that came from the principals of
the Canadian company Uranium One to the tune of more than $100 million dollars to their foundations, while Hillary's
State Department office was signing off on effectively giving Russia 20 percent of American uranium reserves. Clinton
campaign manager John Podesta sat on the board of Joule Unlimited, which received $35 million in investments from Russia.
Clinton creates group without the words 'she' or 'her'. It's nominally a political front group to funnel other
peoples' money into leftist campaigns. As if Hillary really cared about that. What Hillary is really up to is
cashing in. She knows that now she will never be president, suddenly people are less interested in giving to her
"foundation." So she has started this political group, thinking she can siphon off some of the money to keep herself,
Bill, and Chelsea living in the style they are accustomed to.
Sounds like a slush fund:
Clinton Starts Onward Together, a New Political Group. Hillary Clinton on Monday announced the launch of Onward
Together, a new political group aimed at advancing progressive causes by harnessing grass-roots opposition to President
Trump's policies. [...] Onward Together is registered as a 501(c)(4) group, the Internal Revenue Service designation for
so-called social welfare nonprofits, which are often cited for a rise in dark money in politics because of their ability to
protect donor anonymity.
Lois Lerner Targeted The Tea Party, She Helped The Clinton Foundation. Six years before she became the central
figure in the IRS's illegal targeting of Tea Party tax-exemption applicants, Lois Lerner cleared the way for the Clinton
Foundation's transformation from building a presidential library to being a $2 billion global political influence peddling
machine, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation's Investigative Group. She helped
accomplish this feat through a 2007 letter on two legal issues of such magnitude that it's unlikely the Clinton nonprofit
could have become what it is in 2017, 20 years after its creation. The first issue concerned an otherwise innocuous
sounding merger of two nonprofits, while the second issue centered around an unprecedented expansion of the foundation's
activities far beyond its tax-exempt mission.
Comey's Brother Works for Law Firm that Audited Clinton Foundation's Taxes. In September 2016, I reported on
the fact that former FBI Director James Comey pocketed $6 million from Lockheed Martin, which is a Clinton Foundation donor,
and became a donor in the same year Comey received those funds. Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial
System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings in 2013. HSBC has also partnered with The
Clinton Foundation, where records indicate that the bank projected $1 billion in financing through the Clinton Foundation for
"retrofitting" 1,500 to 2,000 housing units to conserve energy. In that same report, I mentioned that his brother, Peter
Comey, served as "Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas" for DLA Piper. DLA Piper was not only
one of Hillary Clinton's largest campaign donors, but also audited the taxes for the Clinton Foundation.
Administration Pressured Foreign Leaders To Support Clinton Foundation Donors. Once again the real news is
being purposely ignored in favor of the fake and manufactured far left version. Breaking now are details put forth by
the Prime Minister of Bangladesh that she received a personal call from then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton demanding the
Prime Minister reinstate a Clinton Foundation donor as Chairman of that nation's Grameen Bank. That phone call by
Mrs. Clinton was highly illegal.
Foundation Headed Down the Same Nefarious Path as the Clinton "Charity". Barack Obama's presidential foundation
is barely two years old, but he is taking it down the same controversial — and by some accounts illegal —
post-presidency path of his predecessor Bill Clinton, according to documents reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation's
Investigative Group. Federal law requires tax-exempt entities like the Barack Obama Foundation and the Bill, Hillary and
Chelsea Clinton Foundation to stick closely to their IRS-approved missions. For former chief executives, that mission has
been building and operating libraries to house their official papers for posterity. In a relatively unnoticed series of
steps during the first six-years of its existence, the Clintons converted their foundation from focusing solely on the presidential
library in Little Rock, Ark., to a $2 billion globe-trotting political influence-peddling machine.
'Onward Together' resistance group smells like scandal. Hillary Clinton, after a six-month break from public
life, is emerging to head up a resistance group, "Onward Together," aimed entirely at taking out President Donald Trump's
policies and bringing down the Republican agenda. It smells like a watchdogger's dream. Can you say "Clinton
Foundation, deja vu?" Clinton's calling it a political fundraising outlet. Need more be said? The Clinton
Foundation was a fundraising operation as well — supposedly, to fund programs that "improve people's lives around
the world," as the site states.
The Real
Clinton Foundation Record is Getting Exposed. Readers who visit Clinton Foundation websites are forgiven for
believing information found there presents the complete record. In fact, key documents and disclosures are missing or
contradict other filings that a persistent investigator only finds by scanning a raft of state, federal, and foreign databases.
the Clintons Sold Out U.S. National Interests to the Putin Regime. [T]he same folks who spy a KGB agent behind
every filing cabinet in Trump's White House are aggressively apathetic about Hillary and Bill Clinton's policies, decisions,
and actions that gave aid and comfort to Russia. [...] The shadiest deal that the Clintons hatched with Russia is called
Uranium One. This outrage should mushroom into Hillary and Bill's radioactive Whitewater scandal. Frank Giustra,
a Canadian mining mogul and major Clinton Foundation donor, led a group of investors in an enterprise called Uranium One.
On June 8, 2010, Rosatom, the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation, announced plans to purchase a 51.4 percent
stake in the Canadian company, whose international assets included some 20 percent of America's uranium capacity.
Collusion: the Clinton and Podesta Record. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, along with husband Bill, in
exchange for donations, gave nuclear power Russia and Putin control of 20 percent of the world's uranium supply. [...] Yet
neither congressional Democrats, who accuse Trump and Flynn of being too cozy with Moscow, nor their wholly owned subsidiary,
the mainstream media, are eager to talk about the Clinton uranium deals with Russia. They are more curious about an
illegally released transcript of an illegally monitored conversation.
Calls for Investigation into the Clintons' Russian Ties. President Donald Trump took to Twitter Monday evening
and asked why aren't congressional lawmakers probing the various deals, transactions, and connections former President Bill
Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have to Russia.
Clinton and John Podesta's Troubling Ties to Russia. Peter Schweizer, president of the Government
Accountability Institute and the author of "Clinton Cash," explained on Fox News Tuesday how a Russia connection to the
Clinton campaign and Obama presidency is much bigger and more troubling than anything Democrats have accused Team Trump
of. During his appearance on "Fox & Friends," Schweizer alleged that Clinton campaign chair John Podesta probably
violated federal law when he failed to disclose his stock holdings in a Kremlin-funded company.
vs. Clintons' Russia ties (guess who always got a free pass). Many of those sounding the loudest alarm
bells over Russian influence in U.S. politics were curiously silent when far greater concerns were raised about the Clintons.
[...] Unlike the revelations so far concerning Russian ties in the Trump camp, the Clinton deals involved hundreds of
millions of dollars and enormous favors that benefitted Russian interests. Bill and Hillary Clinton received large sums
of money directly and indirectly from Russian officials while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Bill Clinton was
paid a cool $500,000 (well above his normal fee) for a speech in Moscow in 2010. Who footed the bill? An investment
firm in Moscow called Renaissance Capital, which boasts deep ties to Russian intelligence.
Time to Press For an Investigation of the Clinton Foundation. From beginnings in the state of Arkansas in 1997,
the Clinton Foundation quickly grew to become a sprawling international organization after 2001, despite the fact that this
tax-exempt entity was only authorized to serve as a facility devoted to the study of Bill Clinton's tenure as president of
the United States. Especially from 2001 onwards, state, federal, and foreign governments have never regulated material
defects in many Clinton Foundation public disclosures. Material deficiencies exist in documents ranging from filings
from applications before the I.R.S., to registrations before U.S. state and foreign governments, to annual reports required
in numerous legal jurisdictions. Why?
Philanthropy. Trustees and other persons have been engaged in an unprosecuted criminal conspiracy to operate the Clinton Foundation in the
guise of a public charity, when it is, instead, an illegal money-laundering and influence peddling scheme. Close, ongoing review of public disclosures
issued by the Clinton Foundation (that must be true, complete, and accurate) demonstrates that trustees have failed, since 1997, to operate this public charity
in compliance with applicable laws. Yet, to date, no state, federal, or foreign government authority has prosecuted trustees, officers, and others
responsible for escalating illegal activities. In fact, the Clinton Foundation has engaged in widespread unauthorized activities, including illegal
operations internationally and in the U.S., and illegal fundraising across state and national boundaries, using telephones, mail, and the internet.
the Bombshell Hillary/Russia Uranium Story that the Media Refused to Cover. During his marathon press conference on Thursday
afternoon [2/16/2017], President Donald Trump lashed out at the media for it's failure to adequately cover a 2015 bombshell report about
then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The report in question suggested that Secretary Clinton allowed 20% of the United States's
Uranium production capacity to be acquired by Russian interests while at the same time millions of dollars in cash flowed not only to the
Clinton foundation, but also directly into the pockets of Bill and Hillary. [...] The story to which Trump was referring was originally reported
on by The New York Times. However, as with most stories that were unflattering to Mrs. Clinton, the media quickly lost interest.
son-in-law closed his hedge fund after the election. Hillary Clinton's son-in-law, Marc Mezvinsky, shuttered
his hedge fund shortly after the election, according to a report. Eaglevale Partners, which Mezvinsky co-founded, was
quietly closed and money returned to investors the month after Clinton lost to Donald Trump, Bloomberg reported. The
hedge fund reportedly lost big by betting on Greece, with one element of the fund dropping by as much as 48 percent
one year, the Wall Street Journal previously reported.
Foundation implosion continues as two more programs ditched. It's official: the Clinton Foundation is in a
world of hurt. [...] So with the Trump recovery underway, and freed from the scrutiny an election year brings, they should be
expecting an inflow of resources from civic-minded donors, right? Hmm, that doesn't seem to be happening. Why,
it's almost as if a front for influence-peddling has run out of influence to peddle.
Hillary is Helping Pave the Way to Trump's Second Term. The Clintons are not just two greedy politicians.
They're a brand and an industry. The huge sums of money they raised went to subsidize a whole network of
loyalists. And then there were the many friends who had gotten jobs based on the strength of their connections to
Clintonworld. It wasn't just about the S.S. Hillary sinking into the cold waters of Chesapeake Bay. Hillary's
defeat endangered the positions of all her friends who had schemed, plotted and broken the rules to get her this far; the
leaders of Democrat outfits in states across the country, bundlers who threw a lot of other people's money into a giant hole
and lobbyists who got by on the strength of their Clinton connections.
Education Firm Hid IRS Probe Prior To IPO Launch. Laureate Education, Inc. — which on Wednesday will
launch its IPO on NASDAQ — failed to tell investors in federal filings that IRS officials are reviewing
congressional charges it had a "pay to play" relationship with Bill and Hillary Clinton, The Daily Caller News Foundation's
Investigative Group has learned. Laureate's relationship with the Clintons began in 2010, when it paid the former
president $16.5 million as its "honorary chancellor" for five years. Baltimore-based Laureate — led by
chairman and CEO Douglas Becker — also donated up to an additional $5 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Tied to Clintons Lands First Day On Open Market, Tanks Immediately. Laureate Education, Inc., which has close
ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, tanked on its first day in the stock market. The for-profit firm's Initial Public
Offering (IPO) of stock to potential investors was put on the market Wednesday [2/1/2017] by KKR and other leveraged buyout
owners in the hope of reducing a crushing $4 billion debt.
Clinton Superdelegate Chaka Fattah Begins 10-Year Prison Sentence. Former Rep. Chaka Fattah (D., Pa.), who was a superdelegate
for failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, has reported to prison to begin his 10-year sentence stemming from numerous corruption
charges. Fattah reported Wednesday [1/25/2017] to the Federal Correctional Institution-McKean in western Pennsylvania near the New York border,
CBS Philly reported.
Clinton Foundation Is Dead — But The Case Against Hillary Isn't. It proves what we've said all
along: The Clinton Foundation was little more than an influence-peddling scheme to enrich the Clintons, and had little
if anything to do with "charity," either overseas or in the U.S. That sound you heard starting in November was checkbooks
being snapped shut in offices around the world by people who had hoped their donations would buy access to the next president
of the United States. And why not? There was a strong precedent for it in Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary
of state. While serving as the nation's top diplomat, the Clinton Foundation took money from at least seven foreign
governments — a clear breach of Clinton's pledge on taking office that there would be total separation between her
duties and the foundation.
Inc exposed for what it was. The Clinton Foundation has confirmed that it always was what we and many others
said it was. Its latest tax filing declared that the Clinton Global Initiative is closing its offices and sacking 22
staff. This comes amid reports that donations dried up after Hillary Clinton lost the election November 8. It
was always obvious that the Clinton Foundation was not simply a charity. As Hillary's opponents but also neutral observers
discerned, Hillary was a coin-operated policymaker and the Clinton Foundation and CGI were toll collectors for access to her
State Department and a future Clinton administration.
Schweizer: Clinton Global Initiative Folded Because They Can No Longer 'Sell Access to Political Power'.
Clinton Cash author and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on
Tuesday's [1/17/2017] Breitbart News Daily for what Marlow described as a "victory lap" over the demise of the Clinton
Global Initiative, whose questionable activities featured so prominently in Schweizer's book. Marlow saluted the work
done by Schweizer and his Government Accountability Institute as "some of the most essential reporting of the 2016 election,"
and said they collected a "major scalp" this week with the end of the CGI.
empire begins to crumble. It looks like the Clintons are running for cover. After Donald J. Trump
devastated the once formidable Clinton political machine in November — the Clinton Global Initiative, the
centerpiece initiative of the Clinton Foundation, the former first couple's political and financial power structure —
is being shut down. According to a notice filed with the New York Department of Labor, the Clinton Foundation will lay off
22 members of the Clinton Global Initiative.
Inc exposed for what it was. The Clinton Foundation has confirmed that it always was what we and many others
said it was. Its latest tax filing declared that the Clinton Global Initiative is closing its offices and sacking 22
staff. This comes amid reports that donations dried up after Hillary Clinton lost the election November 8.
It was always obvious that the Clinton Foundation was not simply a charity. As Hillary's opponents but also neutral observers
discerned, Hillary was a coin-operated policymaker and the Clinton Foundation and CGI were toll collectors for access to her
State Department and a future Clinton administration.
the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton is back to front and center. [Scroll down] Then, last Sunday evening, during the NFL
playoff game between the New York Giants and the Green Bay Packers, the FBI posted on its website more than 300 emails that Clinton
had sent to an unnamed colleague not in the government — no doubt her adviser Sid Blumenthal — that had fallen into the hands
of foreign powers. It turns out — and the Sunday night release proves this — that Blumenthal was hacked by intelligence
agents from at least three foreign governments and that they obtained the emails Clinton had sent to him that contained state secrets.
Sources believe that the hostile hackers were the Russians and the Chinese and the friendly hackers were the Israelis. Last
Sunday's revelations make the case against Clinton far more serious than Comey presented it to be last summer.
Why is Hillary investigated only if she's running for office?
New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani says if Clinton runs for his old job, 'I guess all of the investigations get revived
again'. Hillary Clinton has another reason not to run for mayor of New York — longtime nemesis Rudy
Giuliani is hinting that her reentry into the political arena would cause the resumption of investigations against her.
Giuliani got asked about Clinton's future prospects after Newsmax reported on aides and donors floating the failed
presidential candidate as a potential candidate for his old job.
Are Finally Beginning To Roll At The Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation announced it's laying off 22
staffers on the Clinton Global Initiative, keeping with a plan to deal with the negative spotlight put on the organization
during former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. The layoffs will take effect April 15, the
Clinton Foundation said in a filing with the New York Department of Labor Thursday [1/12/2016], citing the discontinuation of the
Clinton Global Initiative.
shut down their fake charity. 22 laid off. Unable to peddle influence, Hillary and Bill Clinton are shuttering
their Clinton Global Initiative effective April 15. This means 22 people will lose their jobs. [...] The shutting
down of the foundation is prima facie proof that this was a sham charity used to launder foreign bribes. Given how easily a
preponderance of evidence can be found, the U.S. attorney in New York City — where this foundation operated —
should be able to win a large judgment against the Clintons under the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization act. Civil
action would hit them in the wallet without raising questions about victor's justice — especially if an Obama appointee
litigates the case.
Clinton Foundation Is Shutting Down The Clinton Global Initiative. In a "mass layoff" event reported late last
week by the Department of Labor, the Clinton Foundation announced it would lay off some 22 employees at the Clinton Global
Initiative, which attained notoriety during the John Podesta leaks, when the various details of the fallout between between
CGI head Doug Band and Chelsea Clinton were revealed; it also emerged that long-time Bill Clinton friend Band was soliciting
donations for Clinton through his PR firm, Teneo in an sordid example of "pay for play" which most of the mainstream media
refused to cover, especially after Band emailed Podesta "If this story gets out, we are screwed."
Judge: FBI must indict
Clinton. Fox News Channel's senior judicial analyst, Judge Andrew Napolitano, said on Monday the FBI has
collected enough to prosecute Clinton on one of the most serious charges of all: espionage. Napolitano said the
evidence the FBI has could be used to make a case for "failure to safeguard state secrets," and that's only the charges she
would face for her private email server, which experts believe could have been penetrated by foreign hackers.
Napolitano admits he was concerned when Trump said he was willing to let Clinton slide. "I don't think the decision to
prosecute or not to prosecute should be a political one," he said. "It should be a legal one." That legal case is
still growing as Clinton reportedly faces at least two other investigations: a public corruption case involving pay-for-play
allegations from her time as secretary of state... and a probe into the shady activities of the family's charity.
to the Clinton Foundation plummeted amid Hillary's failed run for the presidency. Donations to the Clinton
Foundation plummeted amid Hillary Clinton's failed presidential run, it has been revealed. The non-profit organization's
latest tax filings show contributions fell 37 percent to $108 million — down from $172 million in 2014, according
to the New York Post. Donations fell as the former Secretary of State left the group in April last year shortly after
announcing her run for the White House. Her departure also meant that revenue brought in from paid speeches plunged
from $3.6 million in 2014 to just $357,500.
to the Clinton Foundation Have Tanked since the election. Fox News is reporting a really funny stat —
donations to the Clinton Foundation are tanking now that it's clear that the donors will not have access to the corridors of power.
The Clinton Foundation Doomed? It's unlikely anyone was as disappointed as Bill Clinton at the defeat of
Hillary Clinton for the presidency. Her election would have ensured that the scandals now swirling around the Clinton
Family Foundation would have disappeared with nary a peep. Now, Congress is likely to look into accusations that the
Clinton Foundation, far from being a charity, was in fact a giant scam to make the Clintons rich and to help finance Chelsea
Clinton's lifestyle and political ambitions.
Watch: New Documents Show Clinton Conflicts of Interest. Judicial Watch announced that it has received 508 pages of documents in
response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking information about possible conflicts of interest between the actions taken by Hillary Clinton
as Secretary of State and Bill Clinton's activities. More than 440 pages of the documents were redacted either in full, or with only minor
notations remaining.
Will Obama Pardon
Hillary? Should He? White House press secretary Josh Earnest raised some eyebrows on Wednesday [11/9/2016]
when he engaged on the question whether President Obama would pardon Hillary Clinton before leaving office. Earnest
did not indicate that the president had made any commitment one way or the other, but the fact that he is clearly thinking
about it is intriguing. The question primarily arises because there is significant evidence of felony law violations.
These do not only involve the mishandling of classified information and the conversion/destruction of government files (i.e., the
former secretary of state's government-related e-mails). It has also been credibly reported that the FBI is investigating
pay-to-play corruption during Clinton's State Department tenure, through the mechanism of the Clinton Foundation —
the family "charity" by means of which the Clintons have become fabulously wealthy by leveraging their "public service."
Over': 4 Legal Probes Hillary Clinton Still Faces. [Scroll down] One poll taken just before the election
found that just more than one-third of Americans saw Clinton as honest, while another poll found an overwhelming majority
believed she did something illegal or unethical with her private email server. Such findings could make it difficult to
rationalize dropping the investigations. Judicial Watch, a leading conservative watchdog group, plans to continue its
own investigations into Clinton through the use of Freedom of Information Act lawsuits. That's because it isn't relying
on the Trump administration's Justice Department or Congress to hold anyone accountable.
Losing The Election Doesn't Mean Her Scandals Will Go Away. Continuing Freedom of Information Act lawsuits and
related litigation will keep former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the spotlight, despite her upset loss to
President-Elect Donald Trump. Conservative nonprofit government watchdogs aren't withdrawing their lawsuits just
because Clinton lost the election. Many of these litigations seek the release of more of Clinton's emails from her
tenure as America's chief diplomat. The lawsuits remain important for evidence they may yet yield regarding allegations
that the Clinton Foundation engaged in pay-to-play schemes facilitated in part or whole by the private email addresses and
the home-brew server located in her New York home.
Court Asked To Order IRS To Disclose Clinton Foundation Tax-Exemption Docs. Attorneys for The Daily Caller News
Foundation and Cause of Action Institute jointly asked a federal judge Thursday [11/10/2016] to order the IRS to comply with
the Freedom of Information Act by providing copies of documents related to the tax agency's decision to grant exempt status
to the Clinton Foundation. In a suit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, TheDCNF and CofA
asked that federal tax agency officials be ordered to produce "records relating to the Clinton Foundation's application for
tax-exempt status, materials relating to and submitted in support of that application, and any updates to the application and
supporting materials."
Question If Clinton Foundation Will Survive. Clinton Foundation officials now face a potentially devastating
barrage of investigations by Congress, federal regulatory agencies, state attorneys general and perhaps a probe by a special
prosecutor, according to federal law enforcement and philanthropy regulation experts. The months ahead could determine
what kind of future, if any, the Clinton Foundation can have as Congress and the new administration of President-elect Donald
Trump take what is certain to be a tough look the ethical and legal issues that have swirled for years around the troubled charity.
to Trump, America Dodged the Bullet. A complete recitation from Rose Law Firm to Whitewater to Benghazi would
require the wordage of many articles of this length. We need but mention the two that happen to bookend her career:
that she helped free the rapist of a child and then laughed about it, and that she stole relief funds from the very wretched
of the earth — the poor of Haiti. It is not going too far to state that there is scarcely a single genuine
act of magnanimity, of kindness, or of simple decency in Hillary Clinton's record. It is exclusively a parade of crimes
and cover-ups, any one of which would have totaled the career of another politician. [...] Clinton's career might well repay
close study. We need methods of identifying these types and curtailing them. We also need to closely examine
ourselves, our society, and our way of life to identify the weaknesses that allowed this creature to shamble across the
political landscape unchallenged for so long.
Waits to see if President Trump Can Finally Put Hillary Clinton Behind Bars. America should begin to find out
within a matter of months if Donald Trump is all talk or intends to follow through on a promise he has made multiple
times — to prosecute Hillary Clinton.
funniest parts of Hillary's tragic concession speech. [For example,] ["]Last night I congratulated
Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country.["] Hillary wants to work with Trump?
Donald Trump wants to prosecute her! Do you think she will "work with" investigators who want to find out how she
obstructed justice and destroyed government evidence? Will she "work with" Bill to find out what was offered to Loretta
Lynch at that private meeting on her plane?
of a dynasty that was rotten to its core. There will be no first female U.S. President — this
time. History will not be made by a wife following her two-term husband into the Oval Office. There will be no
dynasty, no President Hillary Clinton. Why did they think they deserved otherwise? A zombie marriage killed long
ago by Bill's philandering was cynically reactivated to boost her White House ambitions.
crumbling Clinton criminal enterprise. Think about it for a moment: with no more promise of future access to
the presidential inner circle, what third-world government or major global enterprise truly wants to pay a cool half-mil to a now
not so cool Bill for his special insights? Do you suppose that all those Wall Street swells are breathlessly waiting to hear
the unique perspectives of a now not the first female president at a tidy 250 grand a pop? Sure they are. But
of course, the influence-peddling speeches were just chump change, mere walking around money for high rollers like Hill and Bill.
The real cash, the huge multi-million-dollar payoffs that even bought pre-presidential secretary of state access, has until now come
in the form of donations to the various non-profit entities the Clintons created to funnel their filthy lucre into — huge
amounts of cash that could be washed, rinsed, dried, possibly even nationally dyed before being made available to maintain their
one-percent lifestyle.
Giuliani: Pardoning Clinton would seal Obama's legacy as one of worst presidents. Former New York City
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said if President Obama pardons Hillary Clinton on his way out of office, it would seal his legacy as
"one of the worst presidents." "The FBI is still investigating the Clinton Foundation, so whoever the attorney general
is, [is] going to have to evaluate that," Mr. Giuliani said on Wednesday's "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News. Host
Bill O'Reilly suggested Mr. Obama could pardon Mrs. Clinton before he leaves office.
people revolt, Trump wins. In perhaps the most stunning political story in American history, the folks rejected
corruption and unfair federal policies and delivered vast power to a maverick political novice who is promising to treat
working Americans with respect. There is no question that the Democratic machine waged an arrogant campaign that
justified Hillary Clinton's incredible record of ethical deficiencies. While many politicians distort and mislead,
Mrs. Clinton seems incapable of speaking the truth. Her exploitation of a massive charitable foundation for her
own benefit is simply stunning. Even more troubling she sincerely believes that she did nothing wrong or has ever done
anything wrong. Americans[,] even some who voted for her[,] noticed the narcissism.
House: Obama 'Hopeful' Trump Will Not Prosecute Hillary Clinton for Political Revenge. The White House
signals it is hopeful that President-elect Donald Trump will not prosecute Hillary Clinton, citing a tradition in America of
not using the justice system to enact revenge on a political opponent. "[W]e've got a long tradition in this country of
people in power not using the criminal justice system to exact political revenge," spokesman Josh Earnest says. "In
fact, we go to great lengths to insulate our criminal justice system from partisan politics."
The Editor says...
Really? Where was that insulation when Bill Clinton dropped in on Loretta Lynch at the Phoenix airport?
Or when the Director of the FBI made two politically-loaded announcements within two weeks of the presidential election?
Street traders chant 'lock her up' and BOO during Hillary Clinton's losing speech. Loud booing swept across
Wall Street as traders chanted for Hillary Clinton to be locked up following her catastrophic defeat in the US
elections. The Democrat candidate previously held a good relationship with New York, having become the first
ever First Lady to seek elective office after being elected as the state's first female senator in 2000.
The Editor says...
Hillary Clinton is a carpetbagger. She grew up in Illinois, attended college in Massachusetts and Connecticut,
lived in Arkansas until 1993, then lived in the White House. Only after she decided to run for the Senate did she (and her
husband) buy a house in New York. (To reiterate the obvious, as forcefully as possible, she had never lived in New York
until then.) She only got a U.S. Senate seat because of the free publicity derived from being the sitting president's wife
and because a number of other people made all the arrangements for her, much like the way she made a $100,000 profit overnight
in the cattle futures market.
White House open
to a Clinton pardon. The White House isn't ruling out the possibility of Hillary Clinton receiving a
last-minute pardon from President Obama — even though she hasn't been charged with a crime. Asked at
Wednesday's press briefing whether Obama had considered utilizing his unique executive power, press secretary Josh Earnest
was cryptic. "The president has offered clemency to a substantial number of Americans who were previously serving time
in federal prisons," Earnest said.
Election Fables of 2016. Had Clinton in spring 2015, from the outset, confessed that she had violated federal
law in her transmissions of classified material, or admitted that she had deleted some e-mails under subpoena that contained
government business, or had she apologized for allotting, as secretary of state, time to Clinton Foundation patrons of her
husband, on the basis of their donations and honoraria, she would have lost the primaries to Bernie Sanders and landed in
jail. Had the president and the Democratic National Committee not intervened to massage the political climate and help
to warp the primaries, or had Donna Brazile not continued to sabotage the sanctity of the debates, Hillary might well
not have found herself on the eve of the election tied or ahead in the polls for the presidency. Had Bill
Clinton not met Loretta Lynch on the tarmac, James Comey might well have acted earlier and with greater effect —
and avoided his flip-flopping. In other words, in all these cases of malfeasance, Clinton calculated quite correctly
that Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the entire Obama administration, as well as the media and the liberal establishment, would
rally to her side, even when it was evident that her denials were empty and her conduct ethically bankrupt and clearly illegal.
House Doesn't Rule Out Pardoning Hillary Clinton. White House press secretary Josh Earnest did not rule out the
possibility of President Barack Obama pardoning Hillary Clinton before he leaves office in January on Wednesday.
"Donald Trump during the campaign pledged to jail Hillary Clinton if he was elected over the federal investigations that are
underway. Some legal experts have said President Obama could close off that opportunity if he pardons Hillary Clinton.
uranium scandal w/Russia exposed? While then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided whether to allow the sale of a company holding
20 percent of America's uranium capacity to the Russian government, tens of millions of uranium investor dollars were received by the Clinton
Foundation — not to mention a $500,000 speaking fee received by Bill Clinton from a Kremlin-affiliated bank.
Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin. Liberal snowflakes in congress and the MSM
have been obsessing about President Trump and Russia ever since he made a joke about Russian President Putin hacking his way
into finding those 30K emails she supposedly erased. They never however look at Hillary's Russian connections and those
of her campaign's CEO, which indicates they are ignoring the fact that both Hillary Clinton and John Podesta made millions
from Russia & Putin as the seek verification of their nonsensical story that President Trump and his team collaborated with
the Russians to steal the election away from Ms. Clinton.
Hillary fund-raiser
busted for cheating workers. Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, hosted a fund-raiser for Hillary during the Democratic National
Convention last summer. His company just got busted for cheating 16,339 minimum- and low-wage employees.
Clintons Assisted Goldman Sachs, Angela Merkel In The Greek Financial Crisis. It's a story that has been told many times in part, but
not in total. While Goldman Sachs' role in helping to create the environment for Greece's government-debt crisis is well-known, less discussion
is given to the role the Clinton family played in helping Angela Merkel to consolidate political control of Greece while also assisting Goldman as it
continued to benefit from the meltdown once austerity measures had begun. The Clintons appear to have received funds from both Germany and
Goldman Sachs during this period.
Clintons ditch two of most controversial parts of their charity foundation. The Clinton Foundation is shedding
two of its most politically problematic programs, while Bill Clinton is asking for supporters' advice on where to take his
family's charity arm next. Being spun into separate entities are the foundation's initiatives in the country of Haiti,
along with the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, named after a billionaire backer of the couple.
FBI Release is "Smoking Gun" Against Hillary Clinton. Could Hillary Clinton still be facing some extreme legal
problems, even though the campaign season is over and her opponent was victorious? If the latest information released
by the FBI can be trusted, she has reason to worry.
Credibility Diminished By Clinton Global Initiative's Shuttering. After Election Day, Congressional Democrats
love nothing more than to talk about conflicts of interest. Yet the re-emergence into the news of the Clinton Global
Initiative, is the perfect reminder of the historic hypocrisy they showed by supporting failed candidate Hillary
Clinton. Last week, the Clinton Foundation filed paper work that officially closed CGI. Yet as National Review
points out, the rationale for closing CGI before the election is no longer there with Clinton's loss.
Clinton Global Initiative's Ignominious End. Before the election, when Hillary Clinton's victory in the
presidential race appeared likely, the Clinton Foundation declared that it would wind down the initiative no matter how the
election turned out. At the time, those plans made sense: It would be unseemly to say the least if a corporate-
and foreign-government-funded networking event was directly connected to the sitting president. But there was never
much official explanation of why CGI would need to shut down in the case of a Clinton defeat. After all, the world
didn't run out of poor people or sick people on November 8. But after the election, some of the foundation's
donors acted as if the causes CGI supported were no longer worthy.
Global Initiative To Be Discontinued. The Clinton Global Initiative has informed the New York Department of
Labor that it intends to lay off its 22 employees on April 15, 2017. The reason given is "Discontinuation of the
Clinton Global Initiative."
Bill Clinton
vows major donation to foundation. The Clintons are redoubling their commitment to their family foundation —
pledging to donate $200,000 to their family charity after Donald Trump pulled off a stunning victory over Hillary Clinton in the
November presidential election. Clinton Foundation chairman Bruce Lindsey, a longtime Clinton crony, announced the family's
latest move in an email Wednesday to supporters.
Hillary Clinton In Trump's First Hundred Days. While Hillary Clinton's "basket of deplorable" was marching to
the polls pitchforks and torches in hand to deny her access to the presidency and a new revenue source for the Clinton
Foundation, Scooter Libby got his law license back and was reinstated to the bar by the D.C. Court of Appeals. Libby
was Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff when he was charged with obstruction of an investigation into the "outing" of
Valerie Plame as a CIA operative. Plame was in fact a desk jockey at CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia, not a secret
agent in harm's way.
What's Happening In North Africa In The Context Of The Clinton Foundation. George Webb is doing some very
interesting work at YouTube connecting the dots concerning current events in North Africa, all within the context of Clinton
Foundation machinations. The links and contacts go very deep inside the U.S. government, extend outside the U.S.
government to private armies, and can all be rolled up into one theme. Follow the money, weapons and oil. Everything
that has happened has happened for a purpose. Everything has been planned for a lot longer than you might imagine.
Donald Trump Should Pardon Hillary Clinton. Who are the only people who need a pardon? Answer: Guilty
people. [...] The second benefit of a Clinton pardon is that it gives the grassroots GOP base what it truly wants: A final,
incontrovertible verdict of "guilty" for Hillary. Today's pardon will be history's acknowledgement that she's the O.J. Simpson
of politics: She's guilty and got away with it.
Obama pardon Clinton and cement his legacy? Would Obama give his former secretary of state a preemptory get-out-of-jail card before
he leaves office and turns the White House over to Donald Trump? [...] Of course, this is speculation. Mrs. Clinton hasn't been charged with
any crime. But lack of charges didn't stop Republican President Gerald Ford from giving immunity to former Republican President Richard Nixon.
New York Field Office Told To Continue Clinton Foundation Probe. Officials at FBI headquarters instructed its
New York field office to continue its corruption investigation into the Clinton Foundation following the election of
Republican candidate Donald Trump, according to a former senior law enforcement official. The instructions ordered
agents to "go forward" with their ongoing inquiry into the Clinton Foundation which is focusing on issues of corruption and
money laundering, according to the source. "There were no instructions to shut it down, to discontinue or to stand down
on the investigation, but to continue its work," the former official told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview.
Isn't Out of the Legal Woods Yet. [Donald] Trump is listening to a chorus of vengeful Republicans who don't
want to let Hillary skate on her use of a private email server and her pay-to-play conflict of interest with the Clinton
Foundation. A sure sign that Trump is reconsidering his position came when he announced he was asking the renowned
prosecutor Preet Bharara to stay on as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.
Jeanine: Clinton Foundation is 'Bubbling Beneath the Surface'. President-elect Donald Trump has said he
likely won't appoint a special prosecutor to go after Clinton despite promising to do so during the campaign. However
Judge Jeanine Pirro, host of Fox News' Justice with Judge Jeanine, says there are plenty of reasons to move forward with a case.
charity received millions in German taxpayers' cash after Hillary praised Merkel. Hillary Clinton is facing a
backlash in Germany after it was revealed the country's taxpayers handed over £4million to her foundation via the
government at the height of the US elections. According to reports, the failed Democratic nominee's US-based charity
received the cash to help plant trees in Africa at exactly the time she declared Angela Merkel her "favourite" politician.
But the revelation of the financing arangment [sic] has been met with scorn. In October, around the same time the
transaction was made, it was revealed that Mrs Clinton said the German Chancellor was one of her "favourites" when asked
about who she admired in global politics.
Lobbying Firm Admits Failure To Disclose Work For Indian Government. A Beltway lobbying firm with close connections to Hillary
Clinton has acknowledged that it failed to disclose work it did for the Indian government in 2014 and 2015. The Podesta Group disclosed
the lobbying activities in an amended filing submitted to the Justice Department earlier this month, the Washington Free Beacon reported on
Monday [11/28/2016]. The documents lists five separate contacts that Podesta Group chairman Tony Podesta, a prolific Hillary Clinton
campaign donor, made with his brother and former business partner, John Podesta, to discuss U.S.-India relations in 2014 and 2015.
During that period, John Podesta, who co-founded the Podesta Group with Tony in 1988, served as White House counselor and then as Hillary
Clinton's campaign chairman.
administration will pressure foreign states to probe Clinton Foundation. Foreign governments will be encouraged
to investigate the Clinton Foundation's finances, as many are already turning off money spigots to the scandal-scarred group,
The [New York] Post has learned. A source close to President-elect Donald Trump's transition team told The Post that
the new administration plans to pressure the US ambassadors it will name to bring up the foundation with foreign
governments — and suggest they probe its financial dealings.
Foundation donors running away from the slush fund. By the end of the general election campaign season even the
anti-Donald Trump media stopped defending the Clinton Foundation. The so-called "charity" was always a slush fund and
an influence peddling operation.
Donors Begin Pulling Out From Clinton Foundation. Clinton Foundation scandals emerged as a major blow to
Hillary Clinton's campaign this past election, as emails released by WikiLeaks and from FOIA requests revealed pay-to-play
schemes and overt conflicts of interest between the Foundation and Clinton's State Department. Though the Clintons and
their supporters staunchly defended the Foundation, pointing to the charitable work it produced to defend any criticisms,
such claims of corruption were proven correct. It now appears that Norway, one of the most prolific foreign Clinton
Foundation donors, is decreasing its annual donation from $20 million in 2015 to $4.2 million this year —
a significant drop suggesting the foreign government had expected to receive benefits in return for its generous donation.
insider: Hillary still could face prosecution. While Donald Trump and spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway have
indicated the president-elect has no intention of appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton's handling
of classified information and her family foundation, a Trump insider tells WND the statements should be interpreted narrowly,
describing them as a shrewd effort to buy time and foster a spirit of "magnanimity" during the transition period. Once
Trump has taken the oath of office, the insider noted, the decision to launch an investigation rests with the attorney
general, who has the power to convene a criminal grand jury or appoint a special prosecutor. Further, Congress has the
power to investigate and recommend the Department of Justice pursue a criminal prosecution.
backs away from some of his strident campaign promises. President-elect Donald Trump abruptly abandoned some of
his most tendentious campaign promises Tuesday [11/22/2016], saying he does not plan to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her use
of a private email system or the dealings of her family foundation, has an "open mind" about a climate-change accord from
which he vowed to withdraw the United States and is no longer certain that torturing terrorism suspects is a good idea.
The billionaire real estate developer also dismissed any need to disentangle himself from his financial holdings, despite
rising questions about how his global business dealings might affect his decision-making as the nation's chief executive.
Trump Will Not Pursue Clinton Investigations; She's 'Been Through Enough'. Morning Joe is reporting
today [11/22/2016] that president-elect Donald Trump will not be pursuing any criminal investigations into his former
political rival Hillary Clinton. The report, first announced by Mika Brzezinski, comes just a week after a 60
Minutes interview where Trump indicated that he may not launch a full investigation into the Democratic nominee.
"I'm gonna think about it," he said at the time to Leslie Stahl. "I don't wanna hurt them. They're good people,"
he continued of the Clintons.
Won't Pursue Charges Against Hillary: "She's Been Through Enough". After Trump stunned the nation during
the second presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, in which he quipped that under a Trump presidency "she would be in
jail", and suggested that he would demand a special prosecutor probe into Clinton's email server and the Clinton foundation,
moments ago MSNBC's Morning Joe reported, citing a source, that president-elect Donald Trump will not pursue any investigations
into his former political rival Hillary Clinton "for her use of a private email server and the Clinton foundation."
Signals He Won't Pursue Legal Charges Against Hillary Clinton. In order for the Trump agenda to gain quick
passage, a Trump White House will need the help of at least some Democrats to do so. That does not mean the matter of
the still-ongoing FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation is concluded, though. In fact, that investigation is
rumored to be far-reaching and will continue regardless of the Trump administration's statements regarding Hillary Clinton's
private email server, though Conway wants to make certain the investigation maintains a the appearance of being entirely
independent of any influence from a Trump White House.
letting Hillary off the hook his biggest mistake yet. At first blush, Donald Trump's decision to swear off
criminal investigations of Hillary Clinton didn't look like a good idea. At second blush, it looks like a terrible
idea. The decision, dribbled out in a TV report and then confirmed by aide Kellyanne Conway, is too momentous to come
in bits and pieces and from anyone other than Trump directly. He made the pledge at a debate to appoint a special
prosecutor, and it smacks of Washington-as-usual for the reversal to slither out the back door.
aide Kellyanne Conway: No plan to pursue charges against Clinton. During the presidential campaign,
President-elect Donald Trump pledged to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton, would join crowds of his
supporters in chants of "lock her up!" and said to her face during a debate that if he were president, "you'd be in jail."
But now that he actually will be president, Trump says he won't recommend prosecution of Clinton, who he told New York Times
reporters has "suffered greatly." What's more, he said the idea of prosecuting Clinton is "just not something I feel very
strongly about."
Jackson calls for Obama to pardon Hillary Clinton before leaving office — even though he insists she hasn't done anything
wrong. Civil rights activist Jesse Jackson has urged Barack Obama to pardon Hillary Clinton to help heal the
country. Mr Jackson made the plea as he joined thousands of students in an anti-racism rally at the University of
Michigan on Wednesday. He told a crowd: 'In this election, voters voted for fear. I think hope will defeat
hate, but it's a battle.'
Jackson: Obama should pardon Hillary Clinton. Speaking at President Gerald Ford's alma mater, The
Rev. Jesse Jackson called for President Obama to issue a blanket pardon to Hillary Clinton before he leaves office, just
like Ford did for Richard Nixon. Stopping short of saying Clinton did anything wrong, Jackson told a large crowd of
University of Michigan students, faculty and administrators gathered at daylong celebration of his career that Obama should
short-circuit President-elect Donald Trump's promised attempt to prosecute Hillary Clinton for use of a private e-mail
server. "It would be a monumental moral mistake to pursue the indictment of Hillary Clinton," Jackson said.
He said issuing the pardon could help heal the nation, like Ford's pardon of Nixon did.
Trey Gowdy Announces
All-Systems Go On Hillary Investigation. Trey Gowdy has been a pit bull when it comes to going after Obama and
Hillary and their respective scandals. Now that it looks like the Obama Injustice department is heading our the door,
Gowdy is ready to finally do what seemed impossible before.
to Handle Hillary's Crimes. There are several related problems with Hillary's use of a private email service,
her pathological lying about it, her conspiracy to thwart justice and oversight with the minions who would do anything to
protect her, and the patent corruption of the criminal justice system. First, the men and women who risk their lives to
acquire classified information and for whose protection tough laws have been enacted must see that these laws are enforced
and that there are consequences for violating them. [...] Second, if the Department of Justice and the leadership of the FBI
have proven willing to twist justice for political ends, then these folks are much worse than just "bad cops." If they walk
away from this with their reputations intact and no sanctions for the very serious collection of crimes that would go with
conspiring to exonerate the guilty, then our criminal justice system at the highest level can no longer be trusted.
Will Obama Pardon
Hillary? Should He? White House press secretary Josh Earnest raised some eyebrows on Wednesday [11/9/2016]
when he engaged on the question whether President Obama would pardon Hillary Clinton before leaving office. Earnest
did not indicate that the president had made any commitment one way or the other, but the fact that he is clearly thinking
about it is intriguing. The question primarily arises because there is significant evidence of felony law violations.
These do not only involve the mishandling of classified information and the conversion/destruction of government files (i.e., the
former secretary of state's government-related e-mails). It has also been credibly reported that the FBI is investigating
pay-to-play corruption during Clinton's State Department tenure, through the mechanism of the Clinton Foundation —
the family "charity" by means of which the Clintons have become fabulously wealthy by leveraging their "public service."
Clinton probes will go forward post-election, GOP lawmakers say. At least four congressional investigations
into Hillary Clinton's personal email use and mishandling of classified information are expected to go forward even after the
former secretary of state's election loss last week, Republican lawmakers tell Fox News. The probes, which cover
allegations that Clinton lied to Congress about her email practices in October 2015 and that government records were
destroyed, are ongoing and not dependent on the election's outcome, two senior Republican senators said.
Question If Clinton Foundation Will Survive. Clinton Foundation officials now face a potentially devastating
barrage of investigations by Congress, federal regulatory agencies, state attorneys general and perhaps a probe by a special
prosecutor, according to federal law enforcement and philanthropy regulation experts. The months ahead could determine
what kind of future, if any, the Clinton Foundation can have as Congress and the new administration of President-elect Donald
Trump take what is certain to be a tough look the ethical and legal issues that have swirled for years around the troubled
Five FBI Field Offices Are Probing Clinton Charity, Adding Fuel To The Fire. FBI field offices in New York, Los
Angeles, Washington, D.C. and Little Rock, Ark., are investigating the Clinton Foundation concerning allegations of
pay-to-play financial and political corruption, according to a Wall Street Journal report Sunday [10/30/2016]. Mirroring
information provided by a former senior law enforcement official that "multiple FBI investigations are underway involving
potential corruption charges against the Clinton Foundation," the Journal confirms what The Daily Caller News Foundation
Investigative Group reported in August.
It's Full-Bore Ahead For FBI's Clinton Foundation Probe. FBI agents across the country are continuing to
actively pursue a broad political corruption investigation of the Clinton Foundation, a probe that is consuming the resources
in the FBI's Little Rock, Ark., field office where every agent assigned to public corruption matters now is working on the
case, The Daily Caller News Foundation's Investigative Group has learned. "Everybody's working the foundation in Little
Rock," a former senior FBI official told TheDCNF. There at least 10 agents involved, but it's possible the
Little Rock field office is "pulling bodies from other programs."
not Trump, is the one more influenced by foreign governments. The Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party
have used one statement by Donald Trump to make wild assertions about foreign influence in the 2016 presidential
election. "Russia, if you are listening I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," Trump said on
July 27. That one remark is the basis for massive attacks launched by the Clinton campaign. Clinton accused Trump
of encouraging "espionage against our people," ignoring the fact that it was too late to obtain those emails through "espionage"
because Clinton already destroyed them. If Russia obtained the emails prior to their destruction by Clinton, it would be
much better for the United States if Russia released them rather than retain them for a possible blackmail file to have
over Clinton.
Band Exposes Foundation's "For-Profit Activity Of President Clinton (i.e., Bill Clinton, Inc.)". Of all the
discoveries revealed as part of the Wikileaks Podesta email dump over the past month, perhaps none has been as damaging to
the reputation of the Clinton family as those made by the disgruntled employee of consulting firm Teneo (which was closely
linked to the Clinton Global Initiative and Clinton Foundation), Doug Band. As we previously reported, in the last
email dump released overnight, as part of Band's ongoing feud with Chelsea Clinton and her allegations that he was misusing
the Clinton name to enrich himself, Doug Band accused Chelsea Clinton of using Foundation money to pay for her wedding[.]
Chelsea Clinton's Multi-Million Dollar Wedding Paid For By... "Charitable" Clinton Foundation. A couple of days
ago we shared a Podesta email from Doug Band about Chelsea talking openly in public about her "internal investigation" into
the Clinton Foundation. As with many of the Doug Band email chains, the rabbit hole just got a little deeper today with
Band accusing of Chelsea of "using foundation resources for her wedding and life for a decade" among other accusations.
He also concludes with another veiled threat on the consequences "once we go down this road...."
Foundation Is The 'Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud Ever'. Wall Street investment analyst Charles Ortel
called the Clinton Foundation "the largest unprosecuted charity fraud ever attempted" before all the newly-exposed emails
from campaign chairman John Podesta's account were released from WikiLeaks. The leaks have fortified his
findings. The Wall Street investment analyst, who retired at 46 and prides himself on researching complex problems like
General Electric and the credit crisis, has been fly-specking the Clinton Foundation since the spring of 2015.
Clinton Foundation's $20 million off-the-books mystery. The inner workings of a mysterious off-the-books arm of
the Clinton Foundation were partially revealed in the hacked emails of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.
The little-known Haiti Development Fund, an LLC incorporated in Delaware in August 2010, was created by the Clinton Foundation
with an initial endowment of $20 million from shady Canadian mining mogul Frank Giustra and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim.
Impending for the Clintons. When the Clintons left the White House in 2001, pilfering over $190,000 worth of
china, flatware, rugs, and furniture as they cleared out, they claimed they were flat broke. Their net worth today is
now in excess of $150 million, accumulated not by traditional means of work and investment, but rather by pay-for-play
influence peddling through speeches and Clinton Foundation fundraising — with the tacit understanding that the
Clintons would be in a position to return favors to donors after Hillary won the 2016 presidential election. The Clintons
symbolize the institutionalization of corruption in Washington, which now permeates almost all the government agencies.
Clinton scandals will never stop. If Clinton takes office, the scandals won't come to a screeching halt.
Nothing about the latest chapter of Clinton scandal lends itself to a tidy conclusion. There will always be a seepage
of fresh emails; new revelations about some impropriety regarding the Clinton Foundation, Clinton donors, Clinton staff and
the like; and reports of Bill Clinton saying or doing something compromising or otherwise inappropriate. There will
never be a last email, a last allegation of pay to play or a last word written by a former Clinton insider.
officials negotiated for jobs with Clinton-connected Teneo while agency subsidized Teneo client Dow. Three top
President Obama appointees to the Export-Import Bank were negotiating to join Teneo, the Clinton-connected consulting firm,
at the same time a Teneo client was lining up for itself the largest subsidy Ex-Im has ever given out, emails reveal.
Ex-Im emails, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, also show Ex-Im officials asking (and occasionally obtaining)
favors from Teneo co-founder Doug Band in his roles at the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.
Clinton Scandal Figure Barred from U.S., Still Giving Money to Clintons. Students of the big Clinton scandals
of the 1990s will remember the name of James Riady, an Indonesian businessman who ultimately pled guilty to making illegal
donations to Bill Clinton's political campaigns. He was barred from entering the United States, in addition to paying
the largest penalty in the history of campaign finance violations. An email disclosed by WikiLeaks demonstrates that
Riady is still feeding money into the Clinton machine.
Clinton Foundation: Hurricane-ravaged Haiti needs the $2B in donations you stole from its earthquake relief
funds. Once again, Haiti is devastated by a natural disaster, this time by Hurricane Matthew. Before the
hurricane plowed into the southeast U.S. coast, where it caused major flooding and widespread power outages, "Matthew" had
struck Haiti, the poorest country in the Americas, killing 877 people and displacing tens of thousands. No doubt,
there'll be a drumbeat asking you to donate to Haiti's hurricane relief, if it hasn't already begun. Don't!
Clinton's Husband Used Clinton Foundation To Raise Cash For His Hedge Fund. That Teneo's Doug Band was not a
fan of Chelsea Clinton, with whom he had a long-running feud as a result of her ongoing accusations that he was taking
advantage of Bill Clinton's presence to enrich himself (even though thanks to a leaked memo we now know for a fact just how
Teneo was working as a pass through, pay-for-play vehicle to enrich both Clinton and Band), we have known for a while (and
reported on again just moments ago, when in one of the latest Podesta emails, he accused her of using Foundation cash to pay
for her wedding). We now learn that Band was also not a fan of Chelsea's husband, Marc Mezvinsky, co-founder of the hedge
fund Eaglevale Partners, which had received substantial seed funding from Goldman Sachs, and which suffered massive losses
with its wrong-way bet on Greek bonds.
Foundation 'resources' used for Chelsea Clinton's wedding. An email released by WikiLeaks on Sunday appears to
show a former top aide to Bill Clinton arguing that an investigation into Clinton Foundation spending would show that Chelsea
Clinton used foundation resources for her own wedding.
Dallas IRS Office That's Quietly Determining the Fate of the Clinton Foundation. The Earle Cabell Federal
Building in downtown Dallas is an all purpose office complex, a bastion of federal bureaucracy located at 1100 Commerce
St. Most people come for a passport or to get business done in front of a federal judge. But inside, a quiet
review is underway that has direct ties to the raging presidential election: The local branch of the IRS' Tax Exempt
and Government Entities Division is reviewing the tax status of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
Clinton's charity
confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept. Clinton signed an ethics agreement governing her
family's globe-straddling foundation in order to become secretary of state in 2009. The agreement was designed to increase
transparency to avoid appearances that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by wealthy donors. If a new foreign
government wished to donate or if an existing foreign-government donor, such as Qatar, wanted to "increase materially" its
support of ongoing programs, Clinton promised that the State Department's ethics official would be notified and given a
chance to raise any concerns. Clinton Foundation officials last month declined to confirm the Qatar donation.
Sessions, Keating, et al: Time for Loretta Lynch to appoint a Special Counsel. We are concerned about the
egregious damage that has been inflicted on two revered government agencies: the Department of Justice and Department of
State. The primary missions of both have been derailed for political purposes. The Department of Justice has been
thwarted by its top officials' refusal to conduct a proper investigation of former Secretary Clinton's unsecured email server
and the Pay for Play accusations based on millions of dollars paid to President Clinton personally and the Clinton Foundation
by entities having issues before the State Department, all while she was Secretary. Attorney General Lynch and former
President Clinton met on the Phoenix, Arizona tarmac days before Secretary Clinton was to be interviewed by the FBI for
possible criminal activity. It has been reported that her staff ordered witnesses not to take pictures and no one was
present during their 39-minute conversation. General Lynch never recused herself from decisions on the Clinton investigation
after her self-admitted "mistake," as it has also been reported that she continues to deny the FBI the authority to convene a
Grand Jury, which is necessary for any meaningful investigation.
Clinton Charity's Lawyer Said It Ran 'Like A Political Operation'. A blistering internal review of the Clinton
Foundation said in 2008 that the former president's controversial nonprofit was managed "like a political operation" with
proliferating bureaucratic hurdles as opposed to a "sustainable corporation." The foundation "operates more like a
political operation ... as opposed to a professional, strategic, and sustainable corporation committed to advancing its
overall mission," Clinton Foundation attorney Kumiki Gibson said in a report on her review in November 2008.
the Clintons' Moroccan money 'mess'. Hillary Clinton's top advisers downplayed her involvement in arranging a
lavish Clinton Foundation conference in Marrakech last year, but behind the scenes they acknowledged her pivotal role and
worked to minimize fallout from it. After media inquiries about the role of Clinton and the king of Morocco in setting
the stage for the conference, Clinton confidants, including her husband, Bill, scrambled to craft a new foreign contribution
policy that looked tougher but still let them accept the Moroccan cash, according to hacked emails released by WikiLeaks.
The picture that emerges from the emails — as well as from interviews with a half dozen people familiar with the
foundation's inner workings and other contemporary reporting — shows Clintons' confidants becoming acutely sensitive
to criticism of the foundation's foreign fundraising around the time Clinton was preparing to launch her presidential
campaign. The Moroccan saga also provides a window into the Clinton teams' internal decision-making process on thorny
ethics issues, as well as the occasionally less-than-forthcoming manner in which they deal with scrutiny.
University Cashed In On Access To Clinton Insiders While Paying Bill Millions. A for-profit university that
paid former president Bill Clinton more than $17.6 million for his role as its "honorary chancellor" utilized access to
Clinton insiders at the Clinton Global Initiative to advance its financial interests, leaked documents reveal. Laureate
International Universities — also referred to as Laureate Education — has faced scrutiny over its
financial relationship with the Clintons, who have faced a string of pay-to-play allegations related to the Clinton
Foundation and Hillary's time as secretary of state. The organization has the financial backing of major Clinton donor
George Soros and has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation. It's chief executive,
Douglas Becker, is a donor to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Additionally, the organization's top staffers have
included several former Clinton staffers.
Trump closer: How
did Hillary get so rich? For a populist election cycle that has been fought almost exclusively on personal
qualities rather than issues, this attack has not gotten much use — until now. The Clintons made several
millions off of book deals, but made a lot more off of their connections to power and monied interests, including $57.5 million
during the four years Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State. Donald Trump has occasionally made reference to this,
but he's making it an explicit argument in the final week with his new ad, "Corruption."
Clinton Foundation investigation now 'a very high priority,' sources say. The FBI's investigation into the
Clinton Foundation that has been going on for more than a year has now taken a "very high priority," separate sources with
intimate knowledge of the probe tell Fox News. FBI agents have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple people on the
foundation case, which is looking into possible pay for play interaction between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and
the Clinton Foundation. The FBI's White Collar Crime Division is handling the investigation. Even before the
WikiLeaks dumps of alleged emails linked to the Clinton campaign, FBI agents had collected a great deal of evidence, law
enforcement sources tell Fox News. "There is an avalanche of new information coming in every day," one source told Fox
News, who added some of the new information is coming from the WikiLeaks documents and new emails.
Real Hillary Disaster. Let's suppose that Comey said nothing. Hillary wins the White House on Tuesday.
The nation then faces a president-elect under federal criminal investigation that will — not just could — metastasize
into multiple criminal investigations. The primary investigation revolves around Hillary transmitting highly classified
information on her private servers. Leaks from the FBI indicate that there's near certainty that Hillary's private servers
were hacked by no less than five foreign governments or entities. No one knows the extent of the damage done to the
nation's security yet. National security officials are prohibited from saying, anyway. Hillary's violated the
Espionage Act and more. That's serious jail time, if convicted. FBI and Congressional investigations of President
Hillary would consume most of the nation's time and energies — indefinitely.
Uygur: WikiLeaks Reveal Hillary Clinton As "Living Embodiment Of Corruption". 'The Young Turks' host Cenk
Uygur takes a deep dive into the WikiLeaks revelations about the Clinton Foundation and gives a critical description of why
Hillary Clinton's poll numbers are sinking and why the people in Washington need to stop dismissing the possibility of Donald
Trump winning on November 8th. "She's the second most disliked candidate in American history. She's lucky to be
running against the most unpopular candidate in American history," Uygur says, pointing out that people in Washington operate
in the same bubble as Clinton and refuse to acknowledge that there's, "Super soft support," for the Democratic nominee.
Clinton Foundation one of world's largest money-laundering schemes. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) tore into the
Clinton Foundation on Tuesday [11/1/2016], comparing it to an illegal money-laundering operation. Asked on Hugh
Hewitt's radio show about a Wall Street Journal report that four FBI offices were gathering information on the foundation
earlier this year, the Arkansas senator speculated that a high-ranking Justice Department official is shutting down probes
into the Clintons. "I suspect that was a very high-ranking Department of Justice political appointee who was carrying
water for the Clinton machine and wanted to shut down an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, which increasingly looks
like one of the largest money laundering and influence peddling operations in the world," Cotton said.
Clinton Foundation Fails to Disclose Latest Donor Report, Tax Return. The Clinton Foundation pledges on its
website that "for maximum transparency ... we update our donor web-page each quarter that we receive the contributions."
But officials there have yet to post the latest quarterly donor report and they've offered no explanation.
Report: Hillary Tried to Shutdown U.S.
Phosphate Producer After Getting $28M From Morocco. According to a new report, Hillary Clinton may have worked
with the EPA to try and shutdown an American phosphate producer after the King of Morocco, who runs a competing business,
donated $28 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Obama to Hillary —
Under the Bus You Go. It's common knowledge of the disdain the Obamas have for the Clintons, and vice
versa. As far out radical as Obama is, I don't think he's a crook — or if he is, he is better at hiding
it. Obama doesn't appear to have sold the White House to highest bidder the way Hillary did at State — or
selling naked options on her potential to become president. At this point it seems Barack is probably tiring of
constantly having to defend a woman he really can't stand, which is why, in my estimation, he is once again hanging her out
to dry.
7 Charges Hillary Clinton Could Face While President. [#3] Bribery: After the FBI set off a headline
earthquake by re-opening the Clinton email investigation, we learned that several other FBI investigations of Clintonworld
have been quietly in progress for some time. One of those investigations is digging into bribery allegations against
the Clinton Foundation. The FBI agents working on these cases were reportedly very angry that top Bureau and Justice
Department officials were pressuring them to drop their investigations. The most attention-grabbing of these suspicions
concerns an FBI official, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose wife received an inexplicably huge political donation from
Clinton bagman Terry McAuliffe, currently the governor of Virginia.
Bundler's Undisclosed Foreign Government Lobbying Draws Scrutiny. A veteran Democratic lobbyist failed to
notify the Department of Justice of high-level influence work on behalf of a foreign government that involved the future
chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, public records show. On August 4, 2014, John Podesta, then a
counselor to President Obama, met with his brother Tony in the West Wing. As chairman of the Podesta Group, Tony
lobbies on behalf of the government of India. Joining them at the meeting were Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, then the Indian
ambassador to the United States, and Taranjit Sandhu, the Indian embassy's deputy chief of mission, according to White House
visitor logs.
Clinton E-mails Are Critical to the Clinton Foundation Investigation. The Wall Street Journal's report
that, for over a year, the FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for potential financial crimes and influence
peddling is, as Rich Lowry said Monday [10/31/2016], a blockbuster. As I argued over the weekend, the manner in which
the State Department was put in the service of the Foundation during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary is shocking.
It is suggestive of a pattern of pay-to-play bribery, the monetizing of political influence, fraud, and obstruction of justice
that the Justice Department should be investigating as a possible RICO conspiracy under the federal anti-racketeering laws.
Hillary's Final Days.
If you have followed her career with the enthusiasm and care that I have, you have seen the FBI popping up repeatedly in
Hillary's scandals. Back in the 1980s it began in Arkansas, with FBI Special Agent I.C. Smith questioning her role in
fundraising for her husband Governor Bill Clinton. It continued into the 1990s, coming to a boil in 1997 when then-FBI
Director Louis Freeh responded to a Congressional query, asking him if he had ever experienced anything like the FBI's trials
with the Clintons. Freeh responded, "Actually, I have," and he likened his experiences with the Clintons to his "16 years
doing organized crime cases in New York City."
Four FBI Probes
Related to the Clintons. [#1] Clinton Foundation: Four FBI field offices — New York, Los
Angeles, Little Rock and Washington DC — have been involved in a lengthy probe of the Clinton Foundation
charity. "Pay to play" allegations include the charity soliciting donations from corporations and foreign countries in
exchange for access and policy considerations from then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which she denies. Emails
published this month by Wikileaks reflect consternation among various Clinton allies about the possible appearance of
conflicts of interests. Chelsea, the Clintons' daughter, worried about blurred lines between the charity and the for
profit business of one of her father's aides. In emails, the aide, Douglas Band, discussed how he'd arranged millions
of dollars in income for Bill Clinton from foundation donors. He referred to the arrangement as "Bill Clinton, Inc."
Clinton Foundation
Should Be Investigated Under RICO. The former head of the FBI's New York office tells The American Spectator
that the Department of Justice quashed an investigation of the Clinton Foundation, an outfit that he says rates an investigation
under the same statutes used to prosecute the mafia. "They are a crime family," James Kallstrom tells The American
Spectator of Bill and Hillary Clinton. "The Clinton Foundation is an absolute scam. It should be investigated
under the RICO statutes."
separate FBI cases are probing virtually every one of Clinton's inner circle and their families. The extent to
which Hillary Clinton's key advisers are now the focus of major FBI investigations is becoming clear. The Clintons'
long-term inner-circle — some of whom stretch back in service to the very first days of Bill's White House — are being
examined in at least five separate investigations. The scale of the FBI's interest in some of America's most powerful
political fixers — one of them a sitting governor — underlines just how difficult it will be for Clinton to shake off the
taint of scandal if she enters the White House. There are, in fact, not one but five separate FBI investigations which
involve members of Clinton's inner circle or their closest relatives — the people at the center of what has come to be known
as Clintonworld.
Claim: Clintons are a 'crime family' as bad as the Gambino Mob, ex-FBI chief says. James Kallstrom hit
out at the Democratic candidate and her husband during an interview for US radio, in which he compared the Clinton family to
notorious criminal mob the Gambinos. The ex-FBI official, best known for leading the investigation into the explosion
of TWA flight 800 in the late 1990s, said: "The Clintons, that's a crime family, basically. It's like organised
crime. I mean the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool."
Memo: Hillary Wants Clinton Foundation To Keep Accepting Foreign Donations. Democratic nominee Hillary
Clinton has given her word that the Clinton Foundation will cease accepting foreign donations if she is elected
president. But a leaked memo reveals that Hillary's personal preference is for the foundation to continue accepting
money from foreign governments.
presidential race has changed because The Awful Truth about the Clintons is sinking in. Shock Number One:
The Clintons actively enriched themselves through the Clinton Foundation empire. Doug Band admitting that the same
marks were targeted for donations, for speaking fees for Bill, and for consulting work for Teneo (which funneled money back
to others in the machine, like Huma). AT readers may have few illusions about the way the Clintons made their fortune, but
loyal Democrats always assumed that it was incidental reward for their good work championing the oppressed. Clinton's
body man-turned-bag man Band shattered those illusions. It was deliberate, and it was shady. Shock Number
Two: James Comey's letter to Congress re-opening the email inquiry suddenly negated what Dems took as an "all clear"
signal from him last July. They went ahead and nominated Hillary in the knowledge that there was no criminal probe (of
the emails — they did not know of the Clinton Foundation probe already underway) — thanks to Comey's
July 5 presentation on the evidence and the decision not to recommend prosecution. The rug has been pulled out
from under them.
report on internal FBI conflict over investigating Clinton machine. [Scroll down] It turns out that the
investigation of the Clintons' web of corruption has been bubbling up across the country, involving multiple FBI arms.
This scoop alone is enormously important. It is very difficult to keep a lid on when so many locations and criminal specialties
are involved. There is a downside to having such a large web of criminal enterprises: lots of law enforcement agencies
take notice in their respective domains.
Just in time for the election:
Undiscovered emails in Clinton's festering scandal. Despite months of parsing and prevarications, we now know
that Clinton and staff used an unsecured, private email server for government business, including for handling scores of
classified materials. Comey called it less secure than a standard Gmail account. So why not use the secure
government email system? Well, those messages are all archived beyond Clinton's control. They'd be subject to
Freedom of Information Act requests and could show, oh, say, conflicts of interest among the secretary of state, the family's
money-laundering family foundation and her hubby, the globe-trotting, lucrative-speech-giving ex-president whose personal
appearance fees doubled when she took office. As it happens, government archives are also not subject to the kinds of
mass email deletions that occurred on Clinton's private system, even after Congress had ordered that everything be preserved.
Two Official Favors To Morocco Resulted In $28 Million For Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton did two huge
favors for Morocco during her tenure as secretary of state while the Clinton Foundation accepted up to $28 million in
donations from the country's ruler, King Mohammed VI, according to new information obtained by The Daily Caller News
Foundation Investigative Group. Clinton and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Lisa Jackson tried to shut down
the Florida-based Mosaic Company in 2011, operator of America's largest phosphate mining facility. Jackson's close ties
and loyalty to the Clintons were revealed when she joined the Clinton Foundation's board of directors in 2013, just months
after she left the EPA.
In an election season that has been full of surprises, let's hope the electorate understands that there is at least one thing
of which it can be certain: A Hillary Clinton presidency will be built, from the ground up, on self-dealing, crony
favors, and an utter disregard for the law. This isn't a guess. It is spelled out, in black and white, in the
latest bombshell revelation from WikiLeaks. It comes in the form of a memo written in 2011 by longtime Clinton errand
boy Doug Band, who for years worked simultaneously at the Clinton Foundation and at the head of his lucrative consulting
business, Teneo.
The Clinton
Degradation. The prospect of a second Clinton presidency lies before us. I find it almost unbelievable.
FBI Director Comey's announcement of the investigation of newly discovered emails is a timely reminder of what a Clinton presidency
holds in store for us simply in terms of lawlessness and scandal, not to mention the horribly destructive public policies she advocates.
Quickie Email Press Conference: Vote Early Before This Gets Worse! Please hurry. Vote as soon as
you can! Before ... before the next shoe drops.
Email Reveals What Hillary Was Willing To Do To Silence Trey Gowdy. Trey Gowdy is very good at his job.
He's a clear and present danger to Hillary Clinton. He has given it his all to go after Hillary Clinton on Benghazi...
he hasn't succeeded — the Clinton Machine has been too well oiled on this one. One of WikiLeaks' emails also
shows how it was a priority for Team Hildabeast to take Trey Gowdy down. Especially as he turned up the heat on
Benghazi. Hillary's aides were ordered to find some way to discredit Gowdy. They brainstormed it — all
the big names in Clinton's email scandal were part of the plotting. But in the end, they failed to nail him.
hang around Doug Band this weekend. I wouldn't want to be standing too close to this Doug Band guy anytime
soon, especially not before the election Nov. 8. Another thing I wouldn't want to do is have to write a life insurance
policy for Doug Band. [...] Everybody trying to understand this Clinton Foundation grift is asking themselves, "How come
nobody ever thought of this kind of mega-scam before?" My answer would be, earlier racketeers dreamed of such a grift,
but they quickly realized they could never get away with it. They would have been locked up faster than Al Capone or
Whitey Bulger. But these are the Clintons. They make the Kennedys seem law-abiding. And we are no longer in
"America," we live in a banana republic, where everything is for sale, from the top down.
Inc. — Still More Clinton Foundation Sleaze Exposed. Hillary Clinton must be glad the election is
only 11 days away, because every day we learn more about the depth of sleaze and corruption of the Clinton Foundation.
The Foundation has been under suspicion for more than a year for being a "pay to play" operation while Hillary was Secretary
of State, in which governments and big wigs gave money to the Clinton's charity in exchange for access or favors from the
State Department. One of the defenses mounted against such criticisms is that the Clinton's never personally benefitted
from the Clinton Foundation. "They get no money from it, they take no personal benefit from it," is how Clinton
defender Hilary Rosen put it. But now we know that this, too, is false.
relative earned six-figure fees lobbying Clinton's State Dept. during his tenure there. [Scroll down] At
that time, when Clinton was traveling to a record number of foreign countries, Podesta, a former White House chief of staff
under President Clinton, held dual titles at the State Department: as a senior advisor — entitled to an annual
salary of $130,000 never paid him, the department maintains — and as a member of a prestigious foreign policy
advisory board Secretary Clinton created. Records obtained from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management show Podesta's
tenure at State extended from Sept. 25, 2011 to Jan. 4, 2014. For several months in 2012, Clinton's final
year as secretary of state, Raytheon, the leading defense contractor, hired Podesta's sister-in-law, Heather Podesta, as a
lobbyist, federal records show.
Bill and Hillary's
sleazy road to riches. If there were still any doubt, the latest WikiLeaks disclosure makes it undeniable:
Everything we've heard about Bill and Hillary Clinton's sleazy drive to enrich themselves is true. [...] And in a 2011 memo
to the review team, former presidential aide Doug Band openly boasted about how he'd raised millions for the foundation from
his business clients — and even more for Bill Clinton personally. In fact, Band's 13-page memo actually
described the arrangement he'd set up as "Bill Clinton Inc." — "dedicating myself" to helping the Clintons
use their government service to feather their own nest. And what a gravy train: Band's clients at his Teneo
consulting firm were pressed to give millions to the foundation — and millions more to Bill.
Days from Election, Clinton World Still Has No Good Answers on Russian Uranium Deal. The transfer of 20 percent
of America's uranium to a Russian-controlled company, first exposed in Clinton Cash and confirmed by the New York Times, has
become a central subject of the presidential campaign. Donald Trump has referenced it in his speeches and news media
"fact checkers" have been furiously writing about it. Set aside for a minute how candidates might inartfully describe a
complex transaction or the semantic games that might be played by "fact checkers." The usually curious news media is
going to absurd lengths to pretend that there is nothing here so the issue will go away.
how State Department aides tried to get billionaires and donors access to Clinton on official secretary of state trips
abroad. Hillary Clinton's State Department aides batted around a series of proposals to let wealthy and
influential entrepreneurs and investors tag along for Clinton's overseas trips as she engaged in shuttle diplomacy that
took her all over the world. The emails, released by Citizens United, come from official State Department
archives — as opposed to hacked emails that have roiled the Clinton campaign for weeks.
donor who ran for-profit university was invited to State Department dinner by Hillary months before giving Bill a $17 million
'honorary' job. The doors to a State Department dinner attended by influential academics were swung open by
Hillary Clinton for a for-profit university after it donated millions of dollars to her charity, it's been revealed.
She got the university a seat at the table when she was Secretary of State and just months later it gave Bill Clinton an
'honorary chancellor' role worth $17.5 million over five years. The CEO of the university in question —
Laureate International University — Doug Becker, was lauded by Hillary before the 2009 dinner in an email to her
deputy chief of staff that appeared on WikiLeaks.
reveals grifters sparring with each other over spoils at the Clinton Foundation. Yesterday [10/26/2016] saw
what could be the most meaningful release in the ongoing WikiLeaks saga. It so big that the New York Times, Washington
Post, and other MSM pilot fish are devoting lots of space to it. In it was a 13-page memo written by Doug Band,
defending his overlapping roles as fundraiser, agent for Bill Clinton speaking fees, honorary chancellorships, and other
cash-generating activities and honors, and hustling founder of a big bucks consulting firm coincidentally signing up clients
who are also donating to the Clinton Foundation and hiring the former president, via Band's solicitations.
'Bill Clinton Inc.': Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income. When top Bill Clinton
aide Douglas Band wrote the memo, he was a central player at the Clinton Foundation and president of his own corporate
consulting firm. Over the course of 13 pages, he made a case that his multiple roles had served the interests of the
Clinton family and its charity. In doing so, Band also detailed a circle of enrichment in which he raised money for the
Clinton Foundation from top-tier corporations such as Dow Chemical and Coca-Cola that were clients of his firm, Teneo, while
pressing many of those same donors to provide personal income to the former president.
Bill Clinton, Inc: Latest hacked email details how top aides helped rake in millions for former president. The latest
hacked email released by WikiLeaks details how one of Bill Clinton's closest aides helped rake in tens of millions for the former president
while his wife was serving as Secretary of State. The 12-page memo was sent by Clinton's former aide Doug Band in 2011 to him, his
daughter Chelsea, several board members of the Clinton Foundation and its lawyers as well as its then special advisor John Podesta.
Published on Wednesday [10/27/2016] by Wikileaks, after a hack of thousands of emails from Podesta's account, it details how Band helped
run what he called 'Bill Clinton Inc.'
More Politicized
Justice to Protect Hillary. A recently revealed connection between Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, a local
Virginia politician and the FBI exposes, at the very least, another deceptive conflict of interest that was likely intended
to help protect the viability of Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitions. These politicians believe they can get away
with such actions because they trust that they can count on a complicit mainstream media to cover for their corruption.
Republicans are already preparing for 'years' of investigations of Clinton. Jason Chaffetz, the Utah congressman wrapping up his first term atop the
powerful House Oversight Committee, unendorsed Donald Trump weeks ago. That freed him up to prepare for something else: spending years, come January,
probing the record of a President Hillary Clinton. "It's a target-rich environment," the Republican said in an interview in Salt Lake City's suburbs.
"Even before we get to Day One, we've got two years' worth of material already lined up. She has four years of history at the State Department,
and it ain't good."
The Editor says...
Tough talk is worthless unless it is accompanied by meaningful action. If all Congressmen were like Mr. Chaffetz, a corrupt president (or federal judge) could be
successfully impeached in a few weeks, but with the current crop of invertebrates, centrists and partisan obstructionist Democrats, no such action will occur.
Especially if the defendant is another sacred cow, like the one we've endured for the past eight years.
Aide's Memo Details Ties Between Consulting Firm and Clinton Foundation. The overlap between Hillary Clinton's
State Department, her family's foundation, and a consulting firm run by members of her inner circle has reaped a windfall for
all involved, steering tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton family and generating lucrative contracts for a consulting
practice run by a close confidante, an internal memo reveals. The 2011 memo, authored by Clinton confidante Doug Band,
reveals for the first time the precise financial flows between the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, Band's firm
Teneo Consulting, and the Clinton family's private business endeavors.
13 Times
Hillary Clinton Was A Truly 'Nasty Woman'. [#1] That Time She And Her Husband Funneled Haitian Relief Funds To
Clinton Foundation Donors: After an earthquake devastated the island nation in 2010, the Clintons pretended to help the
victims, but what happened instead is shady as hell. Let's rewind to six years ago: Hillary is serving as
secretary of State, Bill is the named the United Nations' designated special representative in charge of its relief
fund. In other words, Hillary and her husband were in complete control over how the relief funds from the United States
and U.N. were spent in Haiti. Many of the contractors who were supposed to rebuild Haiti just happened to be mega
Clinton Foundation donors who ended up making sub-par dwellings many Haitians abandoned, or funneling the money to build
luxury vacation homes.
5 Most Disturbing Donations to the Clinton Foundation. [#5] Saudi Arabian Influence: When Clinton first
took office in 2008, the foundation disclosed that Saudi Arabia donated between $10 to $25 million, with some donations
coming as recently as 2014 when Clinton prepared her run for the presidency. The foundation received an additional $1
to $5 million donation from the "Friends of Saudi Arabia," which was cofounded by a Saudi prince. Critics question the
ethics of taking such vast sums of money from individuals and a government with one of the worst human rights records in the world.
Rotten to the Core. [Scroll down] Of
course, there is the Clinton Foundation — which WikiLeaks' release of the Podesta emails shows is an absolute
septic tank of corruption and ethical malaise. The Foundation's own staffers said in an internal review that it was an
ineffective and largely useless organization; that was covered up in a memo to Clinton machine bigwigs Podesta, Cheryl Mills,
Chelsea Clinton, and Bruce Lindsey in 2012. Later, in 2015, Clinton Global Initiative honcho Doug Band took to howling to
Podesta about the plethora of conflicts of interests Bill Clinton was engaged in while others in the Clinton machine were
supposedly barred from having them.
Bundler's Contact With Campaign Chair Skirted Foreign Government Lobbying Laws. [Scroll down] When Tony
[Podesta] sent the email, John [Podesta] was a top adviser to President Barack Obama, helping to steer White House energy
and environmental policy. He left the post the following month, then formally joined the Clinton campaign when it
formed in April. "This communication should have been filed on the FARA Supplemental as a communication from a
registered agent to a covered government official seeking action on behalf of a foreign principal," according to Craig Engle,
a partner at DC law firm Arent Fox and the founder of the firm's political law practice. Engle said in an email that
the familial relationship between the Podestas did not excuse the Podesta Group from its disclosure requirements.
Levin: A "President Hillary Clinton" Must Be Impeached. After reading a comprehensive roundup of Hillary
Clinton's email scandal by National Review's Andrew C. McCarthy, Conservative Review Editor-in-Chief Mark Levin declared
on Facebook that, "A President Hillary Clinton must be impeached."
Department aide pleads the Fifth more than 90 times. A former State Department IT aide invoked his Fifth Amendment rights and refused
to answer more than 90 questions Monday [10/24/2016] during the final deposition in a lawsuit over Hillary Clinton's private emails. John Bentel,
former Director of Information Resource Management of the executive secretariat, would not answer questions about whether the Clintons had paid his
legal fees or offered him financial incentives, according to Judicial Watch, the conservative-leaning group that brought the suit.
Woodward on the Clinton Foundation: 'It's Corrupt'. On this weekend's broadcast of "Fox New Sunday," veteran journalist
Bob Woodward said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's family organization the Clinton Foundation was "corrupt."
Dept. insider: Patrick Kennedy's long history with scandal. From the Benghazi cover up to a clumsy attempt to trade
favors with the FBI, a long string of State Department scandals dating all the way back to 1998 has one central figure in common:
Patrick Kennedy. The undersecretary of state for management, Kennedy, has been directly involved, if not at the very center, of the
many biggest scandals of Hillary Clinton's State Department. He wields considerable power because in the State Department because
he oversees every activity, including diplomatic security, information technology, contracting, acquisitions, construction, budget, finance,
personnel, assignments, consular affairs and State's FOIA office, that is necessary for the department's operation and our embassies abroad.
emails include list of Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest. Clinton Foundation employees engaged in
numerous outside activities that put them at risk for potential conflicts of interest, emails made public by WikiLeaks
show. For example, Chelsea Clinton used her foundation office "to run a business" and another employee used "office
space of a donor in [C]hicago." The list of potential conflicts was included in an email from Doug Band, a former aide
to Bill Clinton who helped build the Clinton Foundation before co-founding a consulting firm called Teneo Strategies.
Clintons' financially fueled favors
revealed in latest Podesta emails. WikiLeaks' latest release of the Clinton campaign manager's emails adds
merit to growing allegations that the Democratic presidential nominee considered and indulged in the so called "pay for play"
practice. The leaked emails highlight a number of occasions where large sums of money were demanded in return for
either Bill or Hillary Clinton meeting with influential figures. In a mail from February 2016, Neera Tanden, the
President and CEO of the Center for American Progress, suggests to John Podesta that Hillary Clinton should consider
returning money to banks who paid to hear her speak, if she does not secure the presidency.
The Editor says...
In my opinion Mrs. Clinton should return the money (and should never have accepted it in the first place) to avoid the appearance of impropriety, win or lose.
But I disagree with Ms. Tanden's position:
If Mrs. Clinton returns the money upon losing the race for the presidency, then one could reasonably infer that the money was collected
using her future position as an inducement. Returning the payments upon losing the race would be an acknowledgement
that she no longer has influence to sell.
Hillary Clinton Ditched CGI Meeting Despite $12 Million from Morrocan King. A new batch of emails hacked from
Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's account, and published by the organization Wikileaks, reveals the star-studded guest
list for the Clinton Global Initiative's 2015 meeting in Morocco. It also reveals that those attending, including heads
of state and CEOs of major global corporations, were expecting Hillary Clinton to be there. Clinton did not attend,
instead spending the days of the conference campaigning in Nevada and California. Aide Huma Abedin repeatedly insists
in emails published today that Clinton will be at the event, warning it would "break a lot of china" for Hillary Clinton to
back out, before suggesting to Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook that Clinton would cancel her appearance at the last minute.
Clinton Foundation Colombia Scam. That the Clinton Foundation's operations are nothing but a cash cow scam
is seen in a brilliant analysis and exposé of its operations in Colombia, a country beset by internal strife and an ongoing
battle with drug cartels. The truth, as reported by Ken Silverman and the American Media Institute in Fusion, a joint venture
of ABC and Univision, hardly Trump surrogates, explains in part how the Clintons amassed a small fortune without holding any job or
running any business. [...] Corruption has been a Clinton hallmark. The Clintons have made a career of making a fortune on the
dime of a public they intentionally deceive and defraud, using their positions of power to enrich themselves at the public's expense.
New Wikileaks
Email Reveals Hillary Charged Morrocan Government $12 Million for a Private Meeting. This seems rather, er, problematic: [...]
implicated Clinton in foundation trade-off with Morocco amid $12 million commitment. Just hours after Hillary
Clinton dodged a question at the final presidential debate about charges of "pay to play" at the Clinton Foundation, a new
batch of WikiLeaks emails surfaced with stunning charges that the candidate herself was at the center of negotiating a $12 million
commitment from King Mohammed VI of Morocco. One of the more remarkable parts of the charge is that the allegation came
from Clinton's loyal aide, Huma Abedin, who described the connection in a January 2015 email exchange with two top advisers to the
candidate, John Podesta and Robby Mook. Abedin wrote that "this was HRC's idea" for her to speak at a meeting of the Clinton
Global Initiative in Morocco in May 2015 as an explicit condition for the $12 million commitment from the king.
on Hillary's $12M Morocco fiasco: 'She created this mess and she knows it'. Hillary Clinton solicited a $12 million donation
from a government that her State Department considered corrupt, then realized the "mess" it would cause in her presidential run, a newly leaked
email reveals. King Mohammed VI of Morocco agreed to give the money to the Clinton Foundation, provided that it held a convention in his
country in May 2015 with Clinton as the keynote speaker. But Clinton realized that the conference, slated for a month after she announced
her run for president, would hurt her candidacy.
5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charitable Grants. Just 5.7 percent of the Clinton
Foundation's massive 2014 budget actually went to charitable grants, according to the tax-exempt organization's IRS
filings. The rest went to salaries and employee benefits, fundraising and "other expenses." The Clinton Foundation
spent a hair under $91.3 million in 2014, the organization's IRS filings show. But less than $5.2 million of that went
to charitable grants. That number pales in comparison to the $34.8 million the foundation spent on salaries, compensation
and employee benefits.
Makes Donation To Clinton Foundation, Hillary Takes Them Off Terror Watch List. According to one of the emails
that Wikieaks released, the Clinton staff discussed Joe Scarborough alleging that Algeria donating to the Clinton Foundation
to get off the terror watchlist. They mocked it claiming it was proven false by "PunditFact," but that still makes you
wonder why The Clinton Foundation is taking money from Algeria.
family home is loaded with 'expensive gifts' from Global Initiative sponsors reveals man who ran it -. The
Clintons' home in Chappaqua, New York is loaded with 'expensive gifts' from Clinton Global Initiative sponsors, according to
President Clinton's former top aide Doug Band. Band, mouthing off to John Podesta in one of the emails made public by
Wikileaks, was complaining how he had to be transparent, as he was warring with Chelsea Clinton over using her parents' name
to attract business to his firm Teneo. Bill Clinton, Band suggested, did not play by the same rules.
Foundation Employed a Now-Imprisoned Senior Muslim Brotherhood Official. Gehad El-Haddad, the now-imprisoned
former spokesman for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's so-called "Freedom and Justice Party," was effectively the "Baghdad
Bob" of the Arab Spring. Educated in the UK and the son of a top Muslim Brotherhood leader, Gehad served as the special
advisor on foreign policy to deposed Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi. Gehad incited violence, justified the
torture of protesters, recycled fake news stories, and staged fake scenes of confrontation during the 2013 Rabaa protests.
Surrogate, Fox Host Get Into Heated Argument Over Russian Uranium Contracts. Hillary Clinton surrogate David
Goodfriend clashed with Fox News host Bill Hemmer on Thursday while discussing Clinton's negotiations with Russia over
uranium contracts during her tenure at the State Department. Hemmer asked Goodfriend about the hacked emails from
Clinton campaign chair John Podesta's account released by WikiLeaks. The conversation quickly turned to the Clinton
Foundation receiving large sums of money as Russia secured key uranium deals while Clinton was secretary of state. The
discussion became heated when Hemmer asked Goodfriend, "How do you allow Russian companies to get the contract for the
uranium deposits all over the world?" "I don't like the fact we allow these Russian companies with direct ties to Vladimir
Putin to get access to the uranium deposits overseas and some in this country as well," Hemmer said.
Stein On Wikileaks: How Much More Evidence Does Govt Need To Press Charges Against Hillary? Dr. Jill
Stein, the Green Party candidate, is railing against the Hillary Clinton machine and the mainstream media. That's why
you'll rarely see her on the news, because the media doesn't want her telling the truth about the Clintons. And
with brand new Wikileaks emails out, Stein is left wondering, how much more will it take to charge Hillary?!
Members For The Commission On Presidential Debates Are In Bed With Hillary Clinton. Chief members of the
Commission on Presidential Debates have historically donated to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and to the Democratic
party overall. The Commission on Presidential Debates was founded in 1987 to ensure that debates are nonpartisan and
provide the general public the best possible information. It is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation that has sponsored
all debates since 1988. Co-Chairman Michael D. McCurry donated to Hillary Clinton campaigns from 2000 to 2008,
giving her a total of $5,650 over eight years.
surround Clinton's gatekeeper at State. Republicans aren't surprised at all that Undersecretary of State
Patrick Kennedy is in the middle of the latest Hillary Clinton email scandal, since Kennedy has been in the GOP crosshairs
for the last four years for other Clinton controversies. FBI notes released Monday [10/17/2016] indicated that Kennedy
offered a trade with the FBI in order to downgrade a classified email from Clinton's private server. But Republicans
pointed out Tuesday that Kennedy was involved in two earlier scandals.
Hillary's agents of influence. [Scroll down] So, the system is: give money to a tax-exempt entity belonging
to the Clinton Machine. In doing so, they are paired with an agent who simultaneously operates on behalf of another entity of
the Clinton Machine, the campaign. In yet a third capacity, the same agent acts as lobbyist (for substantial amounts
of compensation), accessing and influencing the State Department, which was run by Hillary Clinton but, formally speaking, was
an entity that was the property of the American people.
used Clinton fundraiser to lobby State Department. The nexus among private companies, Hillary Clinton's State
Department and the Clinton family foundations is closer and more complex than even Donald Trump has claimed so far.
While it is widely known that some companies and foreign governments gave money to the foundations, perhaps in an effort to
gain favor, one of the key parts of the puzzle hasn't been reported: At least a dozen of those same companies lobbied
the State Department, using lobbyists who doubled as major Clinton campaign fundraisers. Those companies gave as much
as $16 million to the Clinton charities.
Wikileaks — Clinton
Foundation Donors Expected 'Benefits In Return'. An independent "governance review" conducted by a prominent law firm that
specializes in philanthropic issues concluded in December 2010 that the Clinton Foundation had a weak, rubber stamp board of directors and
that many of its donors had "an expectation of a quid pro quo benefits in return for gifts." The blistering review —
made public Thursday [10/13/2016] by WikiLeaks — described a tax-exempt public foundation with none of the independent oversight
required under federal charity law. The Clinton Foundation reported $187 million in net assets in 2011. The decision to
conduct the review was bitterly opposed by Bill Clinton's long-time friends and political advisers.
Criminality in Washington. Recent revealed emails within that broad criminal conspiracy known as leftism show
just how utterly dependent those sock puppets like Obama and Hillary are upon the nefarious intertwined collusion of the
leftist media, the agencies of the Executive Branch, the Clinton campaign, and the DNC. The depth of this criminal
conspiracy, as these latest emails show, is stunning. Consider the network news programs that gave Hillary the
questions days before she was asked in a presumably spontaneous interview. Giant corporations are not supposed to give
free campaign resources to candidates. That violates federal election laws unless the economic value of these actions
are reported as corporate contributions to the Clinton campaign, which, of course, these are not.
Campaign to John Podesta: Resign or Come Clean on Owning Shares in Putin-Connected Company. The Donald
Trump presidential campaign is demanding that Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta come clean about the details
surrounding his membership on the executive board of an energy company, Joule Unlimited, which received millions from a
Putin-connected Russian government fund and the "75,000 common shares" Podesta owned and had transferred to a holding company
called Leonidio LLC. "The disclosure that Clinton Chair John Podesta transferred his shares in Putin-backed Joule
Unlimited to an anonymous holding company when he joined the Obama Administration is extremely concerning," Donald Trump
Senior Communications Advisor Jason Miller said in a statement.
reveals the moment a daughter starts to realize her parents are corrupt. The biggest human interest story so far of the
Wikileaks hack is the story of Chelsea Clinton's discovery in 2011 that her parents' nonprofit was full of conflicts of interest.
They had set up a charity that allowed donors to get their way. At first, she tried reform, only to lose out to the entenched
cronies. What emerges, in the context of Chelsea's actions in the next few years, shows us how she reconciled herself to the
realities of the Clinton Organization.
Prince: Leaked 'Pay-to-Play' Clinton Emails Show 'Everything Is for Sale for the Democrats'. On
Wednesday's [10/12/2016] Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow, former Navy SEAL and Blackwater CEO Erik
Prince talked about how Hillary Clinton's leaked emails "truly indicates that everything is for sale for the Democrats, that
it really is pay-to-play — and if you don't pay them, they crush you." "For the weak-kneed Republicans that cry
crocodile tears about some stupid private conversation that occurred eleven years ago, and, instead, want to be embraced, or
to embrace a Hillary presidency, is flat-out disgusting," he declared. "If nothing else, it will make America, it will
make patriots realize who is pro-America and who is pro-political establishment." "The choice could not be more real and
more important for the survival of the Republic than what goes on on November 8," he declared.
on WikiLeaks Revelations: Hillary Clinton Thinks the World Must 'Get Ready for Open Borders'. Former U.N.
Ambassador John Bolton discussed the latest WikiLeaks revelations of favors done for "FOBs" (Friends of Bill Clinton) in
Haiti on Thursday's [10/13/2016] edition of Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM. "Just to start with, Haiti, it is a
series of violations of AIDs, typical procurement practices," Bolton pointed out. "Not that I would hold them up as the
best in the world, but there are rules about competitive bidding, and rules against the directed award of contracts."
(AID is the United States Agency for International Development, also commonly referred to as USAID.)
emails reveal Bill Clinton's $1M 'birthday' present from Qatar. The WikiLeaks document dump of Hillary Clinton
campaign chairman John Podesta has revealed Qatar's previous desire to give her husband a $1 million "birthday" present.
Thousands of emails leaked by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's nonprofit organization continue to embarrass Democrat presidential
hopeful Mrs. Clinton. The latest email thread shows an aide discussing conversations with ambassadors from Qatar, Brazil,
Peru, Malawi, and Rwanda while in the nation's capital.
Clinton Received $1 Million Birthday Gift from the Islamic Government of Qatar in 2011. According to the newly
released WikiLeaks emails, Bill Clinton, the husband of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, received a birthday present
from the Islamic country of Qatar in 2011 of $1 million. "[Qatar] Would like to see WJC 'for five minutes' in NYC, to
present $1 million check that Qatar promised for WJC's birthday in 2011," Ami Desai, director of foreign policy for the
Clinton Foundation, wrote in 2012.
Clinton Foundation Donors Expected 'Benefits In Return For Gifts'. An independent "governance review" conducted
by a prominent law firm that specializes in philanthropic issues concluded in December 2010 that the Clinton Foundation had a
weak, rubber stamp board of directors and that many of its donors had "an expectation of a quid pro quo benefits in return
for gifts." The blistering review — made public Thursday by WikiLeaks — described a tax-exempt
public foundation with none of the independent oversight required under federal charity law. The Clinton Foundation
reported $187 million in net assets in 2011.
Backer Gave Bill $1 Mil Check for Birthday. It's good to be a Clinton. Things just fall into your
lap. Like mansions, six figure speaking fees and million dollar checks from enemies of this country. [...] Now this is
supposed to be "charity", except that the Clinton Foundation didn't specialize in charity. And Qatar demanding a
meeting and then presenting a check for Bill's birthday looks nothing like charity. It's pretty blatantly personal and
about an enemy state buying influence with the husband of the woman they expected to be president.
Backed Puerto Rico Debt Relief Bill After Lobbyist Donor's Email. Hillary Clinton formally backed legislation
to relieve Puerto Rico of billions of dollars in debt after a top Clinton fundraiser who lobbies for the Puerto Rican
treasury raised the issue with her campaign chair, hacked emails show. Podesta Group president Tony Podesta emailed his
brother, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, in March 2015. The subject line was "Puerto Rico," while the body of the
email asked, "Can you call me today re PR. Need advice not action." The Podesta Group has represented the Puerto Rico
Department of the Treasury since 2013. At the time, Tony Podesta and seven of the firm's other lobbyists were pushing for
passage of congressional legislation to allow the U.S. commonwealth to restructure its debt through Chapter 9 bankruptcy proceedings.
Clinton Foundation Chatter with State Dept on Uranium Deal with Russia. Top staffers for Hillary Clinton's
presidential campaign got heads-up from a Clinton Foundation senior vice-president that the chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee was asking the Department of Justice to investigate the State Department approval of the sale of American uranium
assets to a Russian company.
November 8,
2016: America's First-Ever National Refenderum on Government Corruption. If you would like to know how a
Hillary Clinton administration would operate, remind yourself of how her email scandal was handled, not just by Hillary and
her aides, but by the Obama Department of Justice, the FBI and the Republicans in Congress — one might say they
are all unindicted co-conspirators in a cover-up. It is a scandal punctuated by government lying and stonewalling and a
conspicuous absence of moral courage by those in a position to do the right thing. [...] The efforts taken by the Clintons to
avoid transparency by setting up a private server and the quantity of money flowing to them dwarfs any previous government
scandal. During Hillary's public service, about $250 million went to the Clintons directly and about $2 billion
to the Clinton Foundation, an entity seemingly designed to intentionally evade the laws preventing foreign interests from
influencing American politics and policy decisions.
group accuses Clinton campaign of election law violations. A nonpartisan watchdog group Thursday [10/6/2016] called for a
federal investigation of Hillary Clinton's campaign committee, accusing it of illegally accepting millions of dollars worth
of "opposition research" and other assistance from Correct the Record, an outside super-PAC, in violation of U.S. election
laws. The Campaign Legal Center also filed complaints with the Federal Election Commission to initiate probes of Donald
Trump's campaign, and two super-PACs backing it, for similar violations of laws barring "coordination" between political
campaigns and outside groups.
Doesn't The Media Ask Hillary About State Dept./ Clinton Foundation Ties To Russia? [Scroll down] On the
other hand, the media is ignoring the financial connections between Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and Russia that
suggest Hillary Clinton has already shown favoritism toward Russia. When she was secretary of state, Clinton made
deals with Clinton Foundation donors, one resulted in Russian control of 20% of American uranium reserves, another gave Putin
access to our military technology. In April 2015 the NY Times disclosed a deal which enabled Russia to own about 20% of
the uranium production capacity of the United States for a $2.35 million donation to the Clinton Family Foundation.
According to the report a Canadian based company Uranium One, owned the uranium assets was being purchased by Russian state
atomic energy agency Rosatom — a deal which had to be approved by various U.S. agencies including the State
Department. Canadian records show that while the State Department was mulling of the deal, the family foundation of
Chairman of Uranium One made four donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Family Foundation.
A Banana Republic, If We Choose to Keep It. ##
In court documents made public in 2002, an IRS official admitted that legal opponents of former President Bill Clinton were singled out for tax audits,
including 10 more than 20 conservative organizations such as the Heritage Foundation and American Spectator magazine, as well as a number of individual
Clinton accusers, like Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers. If Hillary wins, she brings Bill with her to the White House.
Sought Pentagon, State Department Contracts for Chelsea's Friend. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
sought to arrange Pentagon and State Department consulting contracts for her daughter's friend, prompting concerns of federal
ethics rules violations. Clinton in 2009 arranged meetings between Jacqueline Newmyer Deal, a friend of Chelsea Clinton
and head of the defense consulting group Long Term Strategy Group, with Pentagon officials that involved contracting discussions,
according to emails from Clinton's private server made public recently by the State Department. Clinton also tried to help
Deal win a contract for consulting work with the State Department's director of policy planning, according to the emails.
Deal is a close friend of Chelsea Clinton, who is vice chair of the Clinton Foundation.
Foundation refiles three years of tax forms. Clinton Foundation officials quietly refiled three years of tax-related forms
this week after the New York attorney general acknowledged the charity had failed to disclose all of its donors in accordance with state
law. Two entities operating within the Clintons' sprawling philanthropic network — the Clinton Health Access Initiative
and the Clinton Global Initiative — submitted supplementary financial disclosures for different years between 2012 and 2014
while denying Tuesday [10/4/2016] that the attorney general's office had asked them to do so.
The Corrupt Clinton Foundation You've Never Heard Of. Three months after leaving the White House in 2001, former President
Bill Clinton arrived in India to cheering throngs to help those who had just lost a million homes in the aftermath of a massive earthquake
that killed 20,000 and injured 166,000. In classic Clinton style, he solemnly promised that his new nonprofit — called the
American India Foundation (AIF) — would rebuild 100 villages. Rajat Gupta, his millionaire co-chairman, pledged
$1 billion for the victims. It never happened. Years later, AIF's annual reports were reviewed by the Daily Caller News
Foundation and show only seven villages were partially rebuilt by Clinton's group, and a mere $2.7 million of $53 million raised
over a decade went to the earthquake victims.
branch of foundation donor GM now caught in major scandal. Hillary Clinton had glowing words for the General
Motors plant in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, when she traveled there in 2011 as secretary of state to announce the joint
venture — of GM and an Uzbekistan state-owned firm — as a finalist for a State Department award.
"It is a collaboration between Uzbek and American companies, and it will serve as a symbol of our friendship and
cooperation," Clinton said, touting the plant's "newest, most advanced technology." The visit came a year after the
General Motors Foundation had contributed $684,455 in vehicles to the Clinton Foundation.
interview with Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash. From the interview: "So, what the Clintons
have done is basically create an apparatus that now allows foreign oligarchs to influence the highest levels of our
government in a way that they never have before because they now have a vehicle to put money in the pockets of America's
political leaders." [Podcast]
senators probe Clinton Foundation ties to State, Boko Haram. Sens. David Vitter and Chuck Grassley
pressed the Justice Department Tuesday [9/27/2016] on why the State Department, under the leadership of Hillary Clinton,
refused to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist organization. "For two years, Boko Haram grew as Secretary Clinton and
her Department of State refused official requests to designate Boko Haram" as a terror group, the Republican lawmakers wrote
in a letter to the Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Tuesday. Vitter and Grassley were referring to a period between
2011 and 2012, during which the Justice Department joined other federal agencies in recommending the designation for the
Nigerian terror outfit.
Clintons Got $100
Million From Persian Gulf Sheikhs. In an exclusive report, the Daily Caller explains the vast amount of money
that Middle Eastern autocrats have poured into the pockets of Bill and Hillary Clinton. In addition to $85 million in
cash donations to the couple's "foundation," Bill Clinton received $15 million in "guaranteed payments" from the crown prince
of Dubai. He is alleged to have received as much as another $20 million in "walking away money" from their scheme to
establish an offshore sovereign wealth fund. This is in addition to more than a million dollars in speaking fees Clinton
charged the United Arab Emirates (UAE), fees approved by the State Department while Hillary was in charge of it.
News? Clinton Foundation Honors Wife of Palestinian Terrorist. was checking out a story the
liberal media doesn't want to touch: "Hanan al-Hroub, whose husband was jailed for providing chemicals used in making
bombs that killed Israelis, was invited to speak at a Clinton Global Initiative dinner." Ruling: True. So the
liberal media thrills at any chance to associate Donald Trump with David Duke, but it can't possibly find the newsworthiness
in the Clinton Foundation honoring the wife of a terrorist bomb-maker. A Nexis search finds nothing in network or cable
news, and nothing in the nation's most prestigious newspapers — save one. Only The Wall Street Journal
has touched the story.
Foundation Took Cash from Wells Fargo. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is joining the attack
against Wells Fargo, which was fined $185 million by the federal government for opening new accounts for customers without
their consent, and then charging them fees. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is leading the charge, but Clinton is
trying to use the issue to her advantage, writing an open letter to Wells Fargo customers promising to take action.
However, the Clinton Foundation has taken large sums from Wells Fargo.
Brock's money machine looks a lot like a money laundering operation. Thanks to a thorough review of publicly
available financial reports of the IRS-certified nonprofit empire of David Brock, Andrew Kerr of
(reprinted in Zerohedge) has exposed some potentially criminal activity that, at the least, requires an investigation the
Department of Justice, the IRS, and probably various state authorities.
Clinton says foundation 'worked out better than I ever dreamed'. Bill Clinton praised the work of his signature
charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative, at the conclusion of its final meeting in New York City Wednesday
[9/21/2016]. "CGI worked out better than I ever dreamed thanks to you," Clinton told the audience of donors at the
group's glitzy annual gathering. The former president called his work with the Clinton Foundation "one of the great
honors of my life" in an emotional speech that had been hailed as a response to criticism of his charity's ties to corporate
and foreign interests that could conflict with the political ambitions of his wife.
Foundation's Latest Scandal Involves Payments For "Exclusive Access To New Lime Production" In Haiti. In the
media's latest blatant attempt to "criminalize behavior that is normal", the Wall Street Journal recently highlighted yet
another questionable pay-for-play allegation between Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and a powerful European perfume
industry trade group called the Fragrance Foundation. The alleged scandal begins with a $260,000 payment to Bill
Clinton for a January 2014 speech to the Fragrance Foundation and ends with Firmenich International, one of the world's
largest fragrance and flavoring suppliers, getting access to an exclusive supply of limeoil from Haiti with a little help
from their new friends at the Clinton Foundation...but only after another $200,000 of "donations" to a Clinton Foundation
company, based in Haiti, called the Acceso Peanut Enterprise Corporation.
Clinton Foundation has become a clear liability, as Bill Clinton mounts his big defense. Although Clinton and
supporters of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign are clearly apoplectic that a charitable foundation that has done so
much good work has become a potential liability for them in 2016, the fact remains that it has. Bill Clinton emphasizes
that no direct financial benefit was involved — "Nobody in my family ever took a penny out of this foundation, and
[we] put millions of dollars in," he told NPR this week — but a clear majority of Americans believe the foundation,
at best, raises concerns about conflicts of interest. And they say, by a huge margin, that Hillary Clinton did favors
for its donors during her time as secretary of state.
The Clinton Foundation Save Lives, Or Cost Them? When the Clinton Foundation scandal made headlines last month,
Clinton loyalists claimed that the attacks were misguided because the foundation was saving so many lives. But a
congressional investigation suggests that the opposite may be true when it comes to fighting AIDS. The foundation has
been a focus of interest for more than a year because of its apparent role as a "pay to play" operation while Hillary Clinton
was secretary of state, with the Clintons' trading donations to the foundation for access to and favors from Hillary.
the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians: It filtered money through Haiti and back to itself. In
January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans,
accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of "billions of dollars." Two months later, the Haitians were at it
again, accusing the Clintons of duplicity, malfeasance, and theft. And in May 2015, they were back, this time outside New
York's Cipriani, where Bill Clinton received an award and collected a $500,000 check for his foundation. "Clinton, where's
the money?" the Haitian signs read. "In whose pockets?" Said Dhoud Andre of the Commission Against Dictatorship,
"We are telling the world of the crimes that Bill and Hillary Clinton are responsible for in Haiti."
Laundering Scheme Exposed: 14 Pro-Clinton Super PACs & Non-Profits Implicated. Uncovered records expose a
constant flow of money between these organizations.
Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, McDonald's and Western Union give cash to the Clintons. A number of big-name
corporations have donated to the Clinton Global Initiative, which kicked off today [9/19/2016] in New York City and is the
last of its kind, as Bill Clinton slowly steps away from his foundation in case wife Hillary Clinton wins the White
House. Corporate sponsors include Hewlett-Packard, McDonald's and Western Union, with the CGI also partnering with
Microsoft, Cisco and Procter & Gamble. And while the confab isn't nearly as CEO-studded as in years past, bosses from
Sony, GlaxoSmithKline, Cisco and Unilever are slated to speak.
Clinton Foundation AIDS Program Distributed 'Watered-Down' Drugs To Third World Countries. Former President
Bill Clinton and his Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) distributed "watered-down" HIV/AIDs drugs to patients in
sub-Saharan Africa, and "likely increased" the risks of morbidity and mortality, according to a draft congressional report
obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation. The congressional report, titled, "The Clinton Foundation and The India
Success Story," was initiated by Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican and vice-chair of the House Energy and
Commerce Committee.
Clinton admits: 'Maybe' some donated money to influence State Dept.. Bill Clinton on Sunday acknowledged that
some of the donors to the Clinton Foundation likely made those donations in order to influence foreign policy, when Hillary
Clinton led the State Department. But in a Sunday interview with NPR, Clinton insisted that the donations never
influenced policy. "Well, since we had more 300,000 donors, it would be unusual if nobody did," Clinton said when
asked if some of the donors might have been trying to ingratiate themselves with the Clintons.
Foundation Spent Millions More On Travel Than Charitable Grants, IRS Filings Show. The Clinton Foundation spent
significantly more money on travel costs than it did on charitable grants in 2014, the organization's tax filings show.
The foundation spent $7.8 million on travel in 2014, while spending less than $5.2 million on charitable grants over the same
time span, according to the foundation's 2014 IRS filings. More than $6 million of the $7.8 million spent on travel was
marked as "Program service expenses."
Foundation Spent Less Than 6 Percent On Charitable Grants In 2014. The Clinton Foundation spent less than 6 percent
of its budget on charitable grants in 2014, according to documents the organization filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in
2015. During the 2014 tax year, the tax-exempt foundation spent a total of $91.2 million, but less than $5.2 million of
that money, or 5.7 percent, was granted to charitable organizations, the group's tax filings show. The Clinton Foundation
raised nearly $178 million in 2014. The organization's charitable grants also declined significantly when compared to its
donations in 2013. Compared to its 2013 charitable grants of $8.8 million, the Clinton Foundation's grants in 2014 declined
by more than 40 percent, even as its revenue over the same period increased by 20 percent. According to the tax filings,
the Clinton Foundation is currently sitting on $354 million in assets, including $125 million in cash or cash equivalents and
$108 million in property or equipment.
Clinton's swanky birthday bash proves the Clintons just can't stop influence-peddling. For a giant, flashing
sign that the Clintons' influence-peddling will never end, look no further than Bill's 70th birthday party Friday night at
the Rainbow Room — which of course is a Clinton Foundation fund-raising bash. Yup, that's right; show 'em
the money, money, money: Donors must give $250,000 to be a "chair" of the party, six figures to be a co-chair, 50 grand
to be a vice-chair. True, buying a ticket will get you some glam — Barbara Streisand, Jon Bon Jovi and
Wynton Marsalis are all to perform. But how many others hope their gift will at least get them onto some future White
House guest list, and possibly buy even larger favors?
Foundation Spent More On Travel Expenses Than Charity. The Clinton Machine takes other people's money,
including millions from oppressive Islamic regimes that sentence homosexuals to death and don't allow women to vote, drive a
car, or be out in public alone. In 2014, the Clinton Foundation took in an astonishing $178 million dollars,
according to IRS tax records.
5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation |Budget Actually Went To Charitable Grants. Just 5.7 percent of the Clinton
Foundation's massive 2014 budget actually went to charitable grants, according to the tax-exempt organization's IRS
filings. The rest went to salaries and employee benefits, fundraising and "other expenses." The Clinton Foundation
spent a hair under $91.3 million in 2014, the organization's IRS filings show. But less than $5.2 million of
that went to charitable grants. That number pales in comparison to the $34.8 million the foundation spent on salaries,
compensation and employee benefits.
Doodad Pro is unavailable for comment.
Hillary campaign accused of fraudulent
charges to low-income donors' credit cards. You know those horrible people who take your credit card
information, supposedly for a one-time purchase or a single donation, then turn around and charge it again multiple times
beyond what you authorized? Scam artists! Criminals! Who are these people and where do they get the nerve
to prey on people like that? For one thing, it is usually people who know how to fly under the radar screen. For
instance, if they know that no one investigates thefts under $100, they'll steal $99, or something less than that.
People who know how to break the law without ever having to pay a price for it.
$216 Million From Clinton Foundation Donors Bought 205 Invitations to White House State Dinners. A total of 205
Clinton Foundation donors whose corporations and foundations collectively contributed $216 million since 2009, were awarded
the most coveted invitations in the nation's capital: prestigious seats at one or more White House State Dinners, according
to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation. At least 15 of the Clinton Foundation's corporate donors —
representing $47 million in contributions — were able to win invitations to two or more official state dinners.
The FBI Nearly Investigate The Clinton Foundation Because Of This Mysterious Chinese Billionaire? A Clinton
Foundation donor's financial activity was suspicious enough for FBI and Justice Department officials to meet earlier this
year to consider opening an investigation into the Clinton family charity. And while the donor has not been identified,
details from a CNN report about the meeting raise the strong possibility that the individual is a Chinese billionaire who
gave the Clinton Foundation $2 million in 2013 and also contributed $120,000 to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe's
gubernatorial campaign that same year. That donor is Wang Wenliang, a former delegate to the Chinese parliament.
He controls several Chinese firms, including Rilin Enterprises and Dandong Port Co.
Investigates McAuliffe Over Donation From Chinese Clinton Foundation Donor. The company of a Chinese
businessman involved in a federal investigation into Virginia's Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe pledged $2 million to
the Clinton Foundation the same year that it wrote a six-figure check to McAuliffe's campaign. CNN reported on Monday [5/23/2016]
that an ongoing Department of Justice corruption probe targeting McAuliffe is examining his tenure on the board of the Clinton Global
Initiative, a foundation offshoot. The FBI is reportedly examining whether donations to McAuliffe's 2013 campaign were illegal.
company pledged $2 million to Clinton Foundation in 2013. A CBS News investigation has found that at least one
foreign company with close ties to its government has been giving generously to the foundation run by Bill, Hillary and
Chelsea Clinton. Since its founding, the Clinton Foundation has invested millions each year for work in fighting AIDS
and empowering women, but its recent uptick in donations from foreign governments has been raising questions about the
potential influence on Hillary Clinton, as she gets ready to run for president. The foundation has raised at least
$42 million from foreign governments — and according to an analysis by CBS News — at least
$170 million from foreign entities and individuals.
Clinton Foundation Donor Ensnared In Chinese Vote-Buying Scandal. A Chinese billionaire who has contributed $2 million to
the Clinton Foundation and attended a fundraiser at Hillary Clinton's home in 2013 has been kicked out of China's National People's Congress
on accusations of bribing his way into office. The New York Times reports that Wang Wenliang is one of 45 lawmakers from China's
Liaoning province who attained positions in the National People's Congress by paying for votes. Xinhua, China's official news agency,
first reported the news.
Foundation Donor Sues U.S. Over Reports of Terrorism Ties. A billionaire Clinton Foundation donor who was
denied entry into the United States last year for suspected terrorism ties sued the government over allegations that he
helped fund militant groups. Gilbert Chagoury, who contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation and pledged $1 billion
to the Clinton Global Initiative in 2009, filed a lawsuit in a D.C. federal court Thursday [9/15/2016] charging that the State
Department refused to grant him a visa because of "false information," Law Newz reported Friday. The suit also implicates the FBI,
CIA, Department of Justice, National Counter Terrorism Center, Department of Homeland Security, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Foundation won't disclose donors for Bill Clinton's party. The Clinton Foundation has no plans to reveal who is
paying for a lavish birthday party Friday [9/16/2016] for former President Bill Clinton, a spokesman said just hours after Donna Shalala,
president of the foundation, indicated that it would. Shalala told CNN's Alisyn Camerota Thursday that she had reviewed the list
of donors to Bill Clinton's Manhattan bash, which was first reported by Politico on Wednesday, and planned to disclose them.
Clinton, Treason, and the Chinese Communist Lippo Group. "Corruption controversies have marked Riady's business
career. In the 1996 presidential campaign, James Riady was a major campaign contributor to the Democratic Party.
In 1998, the United States Senate conducted an investigation of the finance scandal of the 1996 U.S. presidential campaign.
James Riady was indicted and pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations by himself and his corporation. He was ordered
to pay an 8.6 million U.S. dollar fine for contributing foreign funds to the Democratic Party, the largest fine ever levied
in a campaign finance case. In 2008, Riady's close business associate Billy Sindoro, an executive of Riady's Jakarta-based
First Media, was filmed handing bribes to officials of Indonesia's anti-monopoly agency, the KPPU. Riady and First Media
were then in a business dispute with a Malaysian company and the KPPU was deliberating that dispute. Sindoro was later
found guilty of corruption.
Foundation Deceived IRS On Tax Exemption From The Start. Clinton Foundation officials repeatedly skirted or
ignored federal laws and regulations while converting the non-profit from its tax-exempt purpose of building a presidential
library in Little Rock, Arkansas, into a $2 billion global machine selling political influence and access on an unprecedented
scale, according to documents reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation. Non-profit foundations are required by the
IRS to conduct activities that support the officially approved tax-exempt purpose for which the federal agency allows them to
offer donors the ability to deduct contributions. Officials must report annually via the IRS Tax Form 990 to show
their non-profit's compliance with its exempt purpose.
Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown. To learn more about the Clinton Foundation,
[Charles] Ortel decided to "take it apart and see how it worked" and he has been doing that ever since February 2015. [...] When Ortel tried to
match up the Clinton Foundation's tax filings with the disclosure reports from its major donors, he said he started to find problems.
That includes records from the foundation's many offshoots — including the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Clinton Global
Initiative — as well as its foreign subsidiaries. "I decided it would be fun to cross-check what their donors thought they did when they
donated to the Clinton Foundation, and that's when I got really irritated," he said. "There are massive discrepancies between what some
of the major donors say they gave to the Clinton Foundation to do, and what the Clinton Foundation said what they got from the donors and
what they did with it."
Clinton Says She'll Stay on Foundation Board, Doesn't Address if It's Conflict of Interest. Chelsea Clinton
said Friday [9/9/2016] that she will stay on the board of the Clinton Foundation and would not answer whether that would be a
conflict of interest if her mother is elected president. Clinton appeared on ABC's The View and was asked about her
plan to remain involved with the foundation and if it would be a conflict of interest as critics have charged.
Bill Clinton's lucrative job as 'honorary chancellor' of a for-profit college. All told, with his consulting,
writing and speaking fees, Bill Clinton was paid $65.4 million during Hillary Clinton's four years as secretary of
state. Details of Bill Clinton's compensation are found in the couple's tax returns, which were made public by his
wife's presidential campaign and provide an unusual glimpse into the way a former president can make millions in the private
sector. Bill Clinton has proved particularly marketable because of his global celebrity, enhanced by his foundation,
his continued visibility on the political scene and his wife's stature as a senator, Cabinet official and potential president.
Clinton Compares Himself and the Clinton Foundation to Robin Hood. Bill Clinton said he and the Clinton
Foundation are a lot like Robin Hood — minus the whole robbery part.
Concentrating on Clinton
Foundation Facts. The attached Executive Summary continues an investigation into the Clinton Foundation public
record begun, by chance, in February 2015. Since then, questions have started to swirl around the various entities that
comprise what I call the Clinton Charity Network: a group of entities supported by a variety of donors from inside the
United States and around the world. Beginning today, and regularly thereafter, numerous detailed
Exhibits will examine the known public record of the Clinton Charity Network within the context of applicable state, federal,
and foreign laws.
Scandal: Bill, Hillary And The $18 Mil They Made From A State Dept. Dinner Guest. [Scroll
down] Laureate was "the fastest growing college network in the world" and [Doug] Becker was someone that "Bill likes a
lot," Hillary wrote. Nothing criminal or suspicious there. Except that nine months later, former President
Clinton signed a big-money deal to be a "consultant" and "honorary chancellor" for Laureate. His take over the five
years: $17.6 million. He stepped down from his honorary post in April 2015, just as Hillary was beginning her
candidacy. No, these two events are not coincidental. As Sam Pitroda, an expert on higher education who also
attended the 2009 dinner told the Post, such an invitation "gets you very high-level contacts, and it gets you to the right
people." In short, it was potentially extraordinarily lucrative for Laureate.
Clinton Conspiracy Against America. It's become a tradition for presidents to have their own libraries.
Bill Clinton wanted to raise a modest $200 million for his glass shoebox on President Clinton Avenue. But he had to
settle for $165 million. A lot of the money came from abroad. The Saudis ponied up millions. Clinton's
former FBI director described him begging for a donation to his library from Prince Abdullah during a meeting asking the Saudis
to give the FBI access to suspects in a terror attack which had killed 19 Americans. "Bill Clinton raised the subject
only to tell the crown prince that he understood the Saudi's reluctance to cooperate, and then he hit Abdullah up for a
contribution to the Clinton Presidential Library," he wrote. The Clintons always have their priorities. Cash
also came from Marc Rich's wife who bought a presidential pardon for the international fugitive for $450,000.
Hillary Is Corrupt, Congress Should Impeach Her. [Scroll down] Republicans keep telling us they are
"constitutional conservatives." Well, how about it? The remedy provided by the Framers to deal with corrupt
executive-branch officials (including former officials who might seek to wield power again) is impeachment, not criminal
prosecution. That is because, for the well-being of the nation, the critical thing is that power be stripped from those
who abuse it, to prevent them from doing further damage. Whether, beyond that, they are prosecuted for any criminal
offenses arising out of the wrongdoing is beside the point.
What Clinton Corruption? Any first-year student of Mobology 101 knows this is exactly how rackets operate.
And yet, the media continues to charmingly insist that unless one of the Clintons is literally caught holding a smoking gun,
the "allegations" are unprovable and therefore untrue.
says it's 'appropriate' that Bill will cut ties with the Clinton Foundation if she's elected — but won't comment on Chelsea's
involvement. Hillary Clinton says it's 'appropriate' that her husband will forsake their family foundation if
she's elected. The White House hopeful refused to say whether their daughter Chelsea should follow suit. 'We'll
reach that if I'm elected,' she told reporters traveling with her Monday [9/5/2016].
Looks Like Clinton Foundation Officials Illegally Obtained Diplomatic Passports. The ongoing release of emails
from Huma Abedin demonstrate the cozy relationship the US State Department had with the Clinton Foundation/Clinton Global
Initiative during the maladministration of Hillary Clinton. Another shoe dropped yesterday when Judicial Watch release
an email that indicated officials of the Clinton Foundation/Clinton Global Initiative requested diplomatic passports.
questions arise about Clinton Foundation ties to State Department. A top aide to Hillary Clinton at the State
Department agreed to try to obtain a special diplomatic passport for an adviser to former President Bill Clinton in 2009,
according to emails released Thursday [9/1/2016], raising new questions about whether people tied to the Clinton Foundation received
special access at the department.
To Foreign Donors: Last Chance To Send Me Anonymous Bribes. This major ethical concession has been brought to you by the
letter J. J stands for jail, which is where anyone else who tried to pull this would end up. The Clinton Foundation
will now stop taking bribes from anonymous foreign donors if Hillary wins. Hint to foreign donors, bribe her anonymously now so you can
cash in if she wins.
Grasping, Greedy, Grifting Clintons Shellacked
American Taxpayers With Millions of Dollars in Costs to Support Clinton Foundation Staff. The Former Presidents
Act provides for paying the staffers of former presidents. Bill Clinton was bilking the system out of more money than
any other president before, and for more people. A cute trick they did was to spread the subsidies around among many of
their staffers — this resulted in many of them also getting government benefits. I guess if you get some minimum
threshold of subsidization under the act, you then in turn are eligible for government benefits. They were using
this money to pay their Permanent Traveling Political War-Room, that is to say, the staff of the Clinton Foundation.
By making the US government pay the costs for their benefits, the Clinton Foundation got to not pay those costs.
of voters say Clinton will 'do anything to win'. Sixty-six percent of all voters said they believe Clinton sold
influence while she was secretary of state, including 43 percent of Democrats. Fourty-four percent of all voters
agreed she set up a private server in her home "to hide things" from the public and the government.
Abedin Emails Reveal Top Clinton Foundation Executive Doug Band Sought Diplomatic Passport from Clinton State
Department. Judicial Watch today [9/1/2016] released 510 pages of new State Department documents, including a
2009 request by Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band for diplomatic passports for himself and an associate. Former
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's aide Abedin responded to Band's request positively, saying, "Ok will figure it out."
The emails show Hillary Clinton forwarding classified information to Abedin's unsecured, account. The
emails also show Bill Clinton sought a meeting with Mrs. Clinton for a major Clinton donor with State Department
officials and Hillary Clinton herself pushed for a joint event with the Clinton Global Initiative. Band also pushed
for and obtained special help from Abedin for seven-figure Clinton Foundation donor Chris Ruddy, of
Foundation Doles Out Favors, Charity Rater Gives It Four Stars In Return. A non-profit group that has received
favors from the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), including a free membership that entitled its officials to rub elbows with
world leaders, issued its top rating Thursday for the Clinton Foundation. Charity Navigator awarded the Clinton
Foundation four-stars based on an rating algorithm that scored the controversial non-profit with a 97.5 on financial issues
and 93 on accountability and transparency. The new rating represented a boost for the foundation, as Charity Navigator
had previously put it on its watch list due to concerns about its finances and transparency.
is the Clinton Foundation doing in Colombia? What exactly is the point of having President Clinton in business
in Colombia with a Mexican telecommunications billionaire and a Canadian mining magnate? Why all the secrecy? Why
was the website taken down?
Journalists Protect Hillary Clinton From Bad News. It took six years and a court order for the Associated Press
to dislodge Hillary Clinton's schedule from the State Department. What it showed is that Clinton entertained a parade
of visitors who were major donors to the Clinton Foundation. As thanks for this important investigative work, the AP is
being viciously attacked by other journalists.
The Clinton
Foundation Was Designed For Two-Way Bribery. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has begun to attack
the Clinton Foundation, the global nonprofit corporation Bill and Hillary Clinton started after Bill left the White House in
2001. Trump characterized the foundation, to which he has donated, as a "business to profit from public office," and called
it a threat to American democracy. Trump and members of his campaign staff have called for the foundation to be shut
down. Trump's comments strike at Hillary Clinton's most obvious vulnerability. One of her deepest flaws as a
candidate is that the voters do not trust her. The reason for that distrust, by and large, is her long record of lying
in public. Most of those lies, since she and Bill left the White House, have been about the Clinton Foundation and how
its activities and fundraising overlapped with her duties as secretary of State.
the Clinton Foundation Mark the Fall of Our Republic? No matter how extreme the future revelations of Julian
Assange and others turn out to be, the truth about the Clinton Foundation is already clear. Whatever its original
intentions, this supposed charity became a medium to leverage Hillary Clinton's position as secretary of State for personal
enrichment and global control by the Clintons and their allies. We also now know — as the Wall Street
Journal's Kimberley Strassel made clear in her recent oped — why Hillary decided to hide all her emails on her
"infamous server." To my knowledge, nothing like this has ever been done in the history of the United States
government. It calls to mind, if anything, the United Nations' scandalous Oil-for-Food program in which millions
were siphoned off from a plan to feed Iraq's children during the war. It could even be worse, because of the national
security implications.
Bribe Broker. Embattled Hillary Clinton enforcer Huma Abedin gave foreign leaders and activists special access
to Clinton when she was secretary of state after they donated to the congenitally corrupt Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton
Foundation, according to newly released emails. [...] The trove of newly released emails obtained by watchdog group Judicial
Watch through the courts appear to show that Abedin served as a gatekeeper auctioning access to the would-be president in
exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation. When individuals wanted to meet with Hillary, Abedin would say no,
and introduce them to the foundation. After the so-called donation was received access to Clinton would be approved.
Clinton Would Be Jailed
Were She a Doctor. If your doctor is caught accepting money in exchange for providing a health care facility
exclusive access to her patients, she will be prosecuted by the Justice Department under the Anti-Kickback Statute. She
will be subject to fines, imprisonment, and exclusion from treating Medicare or Medicaid patients. The schemes that
result in such consequences are the medical corollary to Hillary Clinton's sale of access while Secretary of State. But
Clinton won't be prosecuted. Instead, she may well be elected President in November, which will give her control over
the DOJ as well as the agencies that administer Medicare and Medicaid.
Aiding and Abedin.
Clinton was the guest of honor at a $1,000-per-plate fundraiser hosted by a group of prominent Pakistani doctors in New York,
who acknowledged holding the dinner as part of that lobbying effort. The immediate beneficiary? Hillary Clinton,
candidate for U.S. Senate. Organizers were told they'd need to raise at least $50,000 for her to show up. They
did. The secondary beneficiary? Pakistan. Two weeks after Clinton told her hosts that she hoped her husband
would do what they wanted him to do, the White House announced that Bill Clinton would, indeed, include Pakistan on his trip
to South Asia. Win, win, and win. The White House naturally insisted that Hillary Clinton's views had no bearing
on her husband's decision to change his itinerary.
ways the Clinton Foundation failed to meet its transparency promises. During her confirmation hearing, the
Clinton Foundation was mentioned 62 times as senators worried that foreign governments could use donations to the foundation
to curry favor with the Clinton State Department. Clinton said at the hearing that "all contributors will be disclosed,"
and pointed to a memorandum of understanding co-signed in December 2008 between the foundation and the transition team of then
president-elect Barack Obama that pledged unprecedented transparency into her family's sprawling organization. Some of
Clinton's transparency promises ended up not being kept.
emails reportedly show Clinton Foundation exec, State Dept. aide discussed access to China president. Recently
released emails appear to further show a direct connection between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department when
Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, including efforts to get foundation donors seats to an official lunch with Chinese
President Hu Jintao. In emails dated December 2010, Clinton State Department aide Huma Abedin and then-top Clinton
Foundation official Doug Band discussed potential guests for the lunch with the Chinese president — including three
executives from groups that had donated millions to the foundation, according to an ABC News report late Saturday [8/27/2016].
Foundation Official Requests State Lunch Invitation, Special Seating for Foundation Allies, Emails Show. A
series of newly released State Department emails obtained by ABC News offers fresh insight on direct contact between the
Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton's inner circle while she was Secretary of State. The emails —
released as part of a public records lawsuit by conservative group Citizens United and shared exclusively with
ABC — reveal what the group claims is new evidence Foundation allies received special treatment.
Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation? That the Clinton
Foundation has done some good work is beyond dispute. But that fact has exactly nothing to do with the profound ethical
problems and corruption threats raised by the way its funds have been raised. Hillary Clinton was America's chief
diplomat, and tyrannical regimes such as the Saudis and Qataris jointly donated tens of millions of dollars to an
organization run by her family and operated in its name, one whose works has been a prominent feature of her public
persona. That extremely valuable opportunity to curry favor with the Clintons, and to secure access to them, continues
as she runs for president. The claim that this is all just about trying to help people in need should not even pass a
laugh test, let alone rational scrutiny. To see how true that is, just look at who some of the biggest donors are.
sheds new light on Clinton-Russia uranium scandal. Of all the Clinton Foundation/Clinton cash scandals, the one I've always
considered most disturbing involves the Russians gaining control over a large share of America's uranium. [...] The deal with Kazakhstan
made Giustra's company, Uranium One, a major player. It proceeded to buy large amounts of holdings in the United States, and became
an attractive target for Russia. A Russian company made a hugely attractive offer to purchase the company. Uranium One agreed
to the purchase. The deal required approval by the U.S. government, including by the Secretary of State — Hillary Clinton.
What Bill and Hillary
Clinton's Controversial Foundation Actually Does. The Clinton Foundation has come under increasing scrutiny,
threatening to become a political albatross weighing down Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. With the
Associated Press reporting that many private donors to the sprawling philanthropic organization had meetings with
Clinton while she was Secretary of State, critics have pounced, accusing Hillary Clinton of influence peddling and major
conflicts of interest. "It is impossible to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department
begins," Republican nominee Donald Trump said at a rally in Austin, Texas on Tuesday night [8/23/2016]. "It is now
abundantly clear that the Clintons set up a business to profit from public office. They sold access and specific
actions by, and really for, I guess, the making of large amounts of money."
Clinton ran a 'vast criminal enterprise' at State Department. Donald Trump launched a searing attack against
Hillary Clinton on Thursday, describing the State Department under her leadership as a "vast criminal enterprise." "This
has been a very historic week in American politics," the Republican presidential nominee told a crowd in Manchester, N.H.,
where his meteoric rise to the top of the GOP ticket first began. "This week the curtain was lifted," he continued.
"The corruption was revealed for all to see. The veil was pulled back on a vast criminal enterprise run out of the State
Department by Hillary Clinton."
Happened This Week in the Clinton Corruption Chronicles. This should be an election-killer for Clinton. Did she break the law
by selling State Department access and favors in return for cash flushed into her family foundation? It looks exactly like that. This isn't
the behavior of an honest person who deals openly in the sunlight. There's good reason critics are calling this a "pay to play" arrangement.
on Clinton Foundation mess finally getting media traction. Hillary Clinton's greatest self-inflicted wound is
bleeding again. And this time the stain is spreading, even across media outlets that have played down the controversy
for months. I believe the press got bored with the email mess as it dragged on for more than a year. The story
also got bogged down at times by increasingly legalistic debates over what qualified as classified info and whether the
former secretary of State had sent or received it. The buzz grew louder as the FBI was wrapping up its probe,
speculation intensified about whether she'd be indicted, and James Comey contradicted much of what Clinton had said and
accused her of being extremely careless with classified messages. But then it seemed to be over, except that a
separate probe involving the Clinton Foundation was still kicking around.
Calls to Shut Down Clinton Foundation from Left-Wing Media. New reporting on allegations that Hillary Clinton
used her position as Secretary of State to sell access to major Clinton Foundation donors — charges first detailed
in Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer's New York Times bestselling book Clinton Cash —
have led to a flood of calls from left-wing and center-left media for the Clintons to shut down their multibillion-dollar
charity. Below is a list of eleven of these establishment outlets and journalists urging the Clintons either to shutter
the Foundation or pass off its assets to some other unaffiliated nonprofit. [...]
Secret Kremlin Connection Is Quickly Unraveling. Recent headlines have brought attention to the seedier side of
Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state during President Obama's first term. This scheme, which gives every
appearance of being about pay-for-play, solicited donations from foreign big-shots in exchange for access to the boss of
American foreign policy. I'll leave to others to assess the legality of this shady business — for now it's
the national security implications we need to discuss.
Already Planning Next Stage Of Corruption. Hillary Clinton hasn't even won the election yet, and the Clintons
are already planning to cheat on their promise to "scale back" the Clinton Foundation. [...] And what's one big thing Madam
President Hillary will have to do if she wins? Clean up the mess that is Obamacare. And one way for health care
companies to court favor with the House of Clinton will be to contribute to the "Clinton Health Access Initiative," which is
coincidentally the foundation's largest program. "Access" indeed.
Clinton Email, State Dept. — Foundation Probes 'Joined At the Hip'. In 2015, political consultant Peter
Schweizer published 'Clinton Cash', a book investigating foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation after 2000.
Schweizer joined Martha MacCallum on America's Newsroom on Friday [8/26/2016] to discuss recent revelations in a report
linking Clinton Foundation donations to political favors while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, as well as the
investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server.
Yorker Writer Slams 'Creepy Vibe' at Clinton Foundation Events. During this week's episode of Political
Gabfest — a "political-commentary podcast" produced by the far-left culture magazine Salon —
a pro-Hillary guest surprisingly unleashed a several-minute-long criticism of the Clinton Foundation and its "performance"
regarding public charities. Adam Davidson, a contributing writer at The New Yorker magazine, stated that "there
is a real creepy vibe to me" at the Foundation and asserted that the organization is "all about buying access" to Bill and
Hillary Clinton by powerful people.
Email Scandal Widens — "The Access" Is the Quid Pro Quo. The "pay-to-play" scandal between the
Clinton Foundation and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been defended by claiming Secretary Clinton took no actionable
steps to change State Dept. policy as a result of payment to the Foundation. However, as the relationships between the
Foundation and the State Department gain increased scrutiny the "access" to Clinton appears to be the purpose for the
payments. Sooner or later someone is going to mention the mysterious 2012 "Thanksgiving Holiday Fire" directly above
Hillary's office in the State Dept.
Clinton KNEW her aides were working with family foundation despite her pledge not to. Hillary Clinton's closest
State Department aides were closely involved in coordinating events, talking points, and projects with the Clinton Foundation,
according to emails, despite ethics agreements that were intended to create a firewall between Clinton's office and her family's
foundation. Emails released by the watchdog group Citizens United on Tuesday show Clinton aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills
were in regular contact with foundation officials on topics ranging from the programming at Clinton Global Initiative events to
Bill Clinton's public remarks.
Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with Hillary Clinton at State Department. More than half the people
outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either
personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. It's an extraordinary proportion
indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president. At least 85 of 154 people from private interests
who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or
pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The
Associated Press. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more
than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million.
cash for access diplomacy. Back in July, Democratic presidential nominee and former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton said, "there is absolutely no connection between anything that I did as secretary of state and the Clinton
Foundation." On Monday [8/22/2016] of this week, ABC's Liz Kreutzer reminded people of that statement, as a new batch of
emails reveal that there was a connection, and it was cash. As the emails, recovered by the public-interest law firm
Judicial Watch, demonstrate, people who made donations to the Clinton Foundation got preferential treatment, and access, at
the State Department when Hillary was Secretary of State: [...] Call logs show that Hillary's chief of staff at the State
Department was in constant contact with the Clinton Foundation, talking about "sensitive" meetings and State Department business.
Clinton finance director was 'middle' man between foundation, State. Hillary Clinton's national finance
director has emerged in newly released emails as what one watchdog called the "middle" man between her State Department and
family foundation, sharing donor information with a top Clinton confidante when he was working at the foundation.
Dennis Cheng, before joining the campaign, worked for over three years as the foundation's director of development and before
that as deputy chief of protocol in Clinton's State Department. He has managed to stay below the radar for years, but
emails obtained by Citizens United in a Freedom of Information Act request show him working closely with Clinton aide Huma
Abedin — particularly after leaving the department for the foundation.
inescapable cloud of corruption. While many in the media have declared the presidential election all but over,
damning accusations of pay to play at the Clinton Foundation and reports that the FBI found 15,000 work-related documents
that Hillary Clinton failed to turn over represent the political land mines that still lie between her and the presidency.
Multiple ongoing Freedom of Information Act civil suits, perjury allegations, an IRS probe and alleged joint U.S. Attorney-FBI
investigation into the Clinton Foundation represent the inescapable cloud of corruption that could be the Democratic nominee's undoing.
Hillary has a big Clinton Foundation problem, too. Let's stipulate two things here before I go any further:
1. Correlation is not causation. 2. Quid pro quos are very, very, very hard to prove. But, COME ON, MAN. It is
literally impossible to look at those two paragraphs and not raise your eyebrows. Half of all of the nongovernmental people
Clinton either met with or spoke to on the phone during her four years at the State Department were donors to the Clinton
Foundation! HALF. And those 85 people donated $156 million, which, according to my calculator, breaks
down to an average contribution just north of $1.8 million.
emails reveal "influence peddling on an industrial scale at the Clinton State Department". The real House
Oversight Committee isn't the bunch of feckless Republican boobs in Congress, it's the independent watchdog group Judicial
Watch. Chris White, writing at Mediaite's sister site LawNewz, can't stand the stink of any corruption
any longer. JW released more than 700 previously undisclosed emails that Hillary Clinton had attempted to hide from
public scrutiny.
Abedin granted State Dept meetings for major donors. Private emails show that top Clinton aide Huma Abedin
approved meetings with the State Department for major Clinton Foundation donors. Judicial Watch first discovered the
emails after filing multiple Freedom of Information Act lawsuits. The emails paints Abedin as a "middleman" between
Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. According to, when individuals request meetings with Clinton, Abedin
would deny the meeting, introduce them to the Clinton Foundation, the Foundation would accept a donation and then access to
Clinton was granted. Abedin approve expedited access to Clinton for those who contributed $25,000 to $10 million
to the Clinton Foundation.
how cozy State Department was with Clinton Foundation. A senior executive at the Clinton Foundation left nearly
150 messages for one of Hillary Clinton's top aides at the State Department over a two-year period, according to newly
released call logs. The Clinton Foundation's chief operating officer, Laura Graham, kept in close touch with Cheryl
Mills, one of Clinton's closest aides when she was secretary of state, according to the logs analyzed by Fox News. An
August 2011 message the Clinton Foundation official left for the government worker references "our boss," suggesting both
women worked for the same person.
The FBI Is Sidestepping Obama to Investigate The Clinton Foundation. It looks like someone at the FBI has
discovered a way to side step Obama's Department of Justice. This could spell bad news for Hillary Clinton and The
Clinton Foundation.
Clinton Approved Arms Sales After Big Clinton Foundation Donations from this Arab Nation. Yesterday [8/22/2016]
Judicial Watch released emails showing that a Crown Prince of Bahrain was able to secure a meeting with then-Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton through the Clinton Foundation — after being rejected by official State Department
channels. Today, the International Business Times follows up on that report by revealing that the timing of this
meeting lined up with a sudden, and large, increase in arms sales to Bahrain. Furthermore, this increase came in spite
of Bahrain being engaged in massive human rights abuses and suppression of peaceful civilian protests. Finally, Hillary
Clinton's lawyers destroyed the emails documenting this meeting without turning them over to the State Department.
These were among the emails destroyed as allegedly "personal."
revelations show a nation for sale under Hillary Clinton. It's against federal law for charities to act in the
interests of private business or individuals. Yet the Clinton Foundation secured high-paying gigs for its namesakes and
helped for-profit corporations with family ties set up lucrative deals. As it turns out, that's probably the least
corrupt part of the story. It is becoming clear the foundation was a center of influence peddling. Rock stars.
Soccer players. Conglomerates. Crown princes. All of them paid in. All of them expected access to the
US government. Want a seat on a government intelligence-advisory board even though you have no relevant experience?
The Clinton Foundation may be able to help.
The Clinton Foundation Behind Shady Middle Eastern Arms Deals? Shortly after then-Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton met with the crown prince of Bahrain, a Clinton Foundation donor, the United States sold his country a ton of
arms. A newly released batch of emails reveals that Clinton met with the crown prince in 2009, who has personally
donated over $32 million to the Clinton Global Initiative, only after a Clinton Foundation bigwig pressured her into doing
so. Just after this meeting took place, Clinton's State Department "significantly increased arms export authorizations
to the country's autocratic government, even as that nation moved to crush pro-democracy protests," the International
Business Times reports.
slams Clinton for 'Third World'- style corruption. Donald Trump stepped up his attacks on Hillary Clinton by
accusing her of 'Third World' corruption after revelations about donor access to the Democratic candidate. The
Republican nominee called the revelations about Clinton and her family's charitable foundation a 'disgrace' and a 'threat to
the foundation of democracy' at a rally in Austin, Texas. A report revealed that more than half the people outside
government who met Clinton while she was secretary of state donated money to the Clinton Foundation.
e-mail dump, more proof of Clinton Inc. sleaze. So much for Hillary Clinton's claim to have handed in all of
her work emails: Turns out the FBI found another 14,900 — meaning she "missed" at least a third of what the
law required her to fork over. It'll be weeks before the public learns anything about what's in that dump —
but Monday brought plenty of dirt from yet another stash of emails, ones that top Hillary aide Huma Abedin sent or received
on her clintonemail and other non-State accounts. Brought to light by the good folks at Judicial Watch, these show new
cases of special attention for big Clinton Foundation donors.
of Hillary's private meetings as secretary of state were with Clinton Foundation donors. At least 85 of 154
people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department
donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department
calendars released so far to The Associated Press.
show State Department coordinated diplomacy with Clinton Foundation. A set of emails made public Tuesday
[8/23/2016] from Hillary Clinton's top aides at the State Department show Clinton Foundation executives and donors frequently
consulted with the secretary of state's office, including by asking former President Bill Clinton to conduct "private"
diplomatic discussions on a foundation-sponsored trip to Rwanda. In the email, Johnnie Carson, assistant secretary for
African affairs, said he and "the ambassador believe that it would be useful for President Clinton in his private
conversations with [Rwandan President Paul] Kagame to quietly encourage him to defuse tensions with the [Democratic Republic
of the Congo]." Much of the rest of the July 2012 email was classified by the State Department before it was released
to Citizens United through the Freedom of Information Act.
State Dept. Helped Jailed Clinton Foundation Donor Get $10 Mil from U.S. for Failed Haiti Project. The
new batch of emails showing that the State Department gave special access to top Clinton Foundation donors while Hillary
Clinton was secretary of state brings to mind the case of a shady Miami businessman serving a 12-year prison sentence after
scamming the government out of millions. His name is Claudio Osorio, a Clinton Foundation donor who got $10 million
from the government after the Clinton State Department reportedly pulled some strings. Osorio got the money from the
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), a federal agency that operates under the guidance of the State Department, to
build houses in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. The OPIC supposedly promotes U.S. government investments abroad to
foster the development and growth of free markets.
Trump Calls for 'Expedited Investigation by a Special Prosecutor' into Clinton Foundation. Donald Trump called
for a special prosecutor to investigate The Clinton Foundation's conduct while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state,
suggesting there was a pay to play scheme, during his campaign rally in Akron, Ohio on Monday night [8/22/2016]. "Her
Foundation took in large payments from major corporations and wealthy individuals, foreign and domestic, all while she was
Secretary of State," Trump charged. "The Clinton Foundation accepted as much as $60 million dollars from Middle Eastern
countries that oppress women, gays and people of different faiths."
Trump: We
need a special prosecutor. Trump called for a special prosecutor to pursue charges of corruption against
Hillary Clinton in the wake of her pay-to-play plan for foreign governments when she was secretary of state. "The DOJ
has acted very unethically, particularly the Attorney General's private lengthy meeting with Bill Clinton shortly before the
Department's decision not to prosecute her for crimes that would have been prosecuted against almost any other citizen,"
Trump said in a speech in Ohio today [8/22/2016].
reveal how foundation donors got access to Clinton and her close aides at State Dept.. A sports executive who
was a major donor to the Clinton Foundation and whose firm paid Bill Clinton millions of dollars in consulting fees wanted
help getting a visa for a British soccer player with a criminal past. The crown prince of Bahrain, whose government
gave more than $50,000 to the Clintons' charity and who participated in its glitzy annual conference, wanted a last-minute
meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. U2 rocker and philanthropist Bono, also a regular at foundation
events, wanted high-level help broadcasting a live link to the International Space Station during concerts.
Foundation asked Huma Abedin for favors at State Dept.. New emails Monday [8/22/2016] show the Clinton Foundation using
Huma Abedin to try to arrange meetings between the foundation's supporters and then-State Department Secretary Hillary Clinton.
In one exchange Doug Band, who headed the Clinton Global Initiative, asked Ms. Abedin to try to help with a visa for a soccer
player from a British team, Wolverhampton FC. Ms. Abedin at first thought she might be able to speed up the interview,
but then said she was worried about crossing lines.
calls for special prosecutor to investigate Clinton 'pay-for-play'. Republican presidential candidate Donald
Trump demanded a special prosecutor investigate Hillary Clinton's actions at the State Department after emails made public
Monday [8/22/2016] showed the former secretary's top aides being begged to do special favors for the Clinton Foundation.
Mrs. Clinton had agreed to avoid entanglements with her family's foundation when she took the job as the country's chief
diplomat. But the State Department says those restrictions didn't apply to Huma Abedin, her close personal assistant
and deputy chief of staff, who was asked on one occasion to speed up a visa for a member of a U.K. soccer team.
sale, the most brazen president money can buy. It's coming clear now why Hillary Clinton wanted her own email
server, free from oversight by anyone, and why she resisted so ferociously enabling anyone from getting even a hint to what
she was hiding. Her presidency, if there is one, has been sold, and a new batch of emails pried out of the government
by Judicial Watch reveals the going rate for Hillary. The Kingdom of Bahrain got a secretary of State for something
less than $100,000, though the Bahrain Petroleum Co., which is not separate because in these nationettes where nothing ever
is, kicked in an additional "$25,000 to $50,000." What they got was a returned telephone call.
Bill Clinton and the Selling of America's
National Security. This may be the greatest scandal in 50 years of American history. It makes Watergate
look like a jay walking charge. It makes the Iran Contra affair look like a small time operation. This is what
House Republicans should have Impeached Bill Clinton for instead of lying about a White House Intern [...] in the Oval
Office. It's called treason.
pay-to-play Clinton Foundation. The 2010 Citizens United decision — in which a bitterly divided
Supreme Court ruled that corporations have political speech rights and shouldn't have limits on their independent political
expenditures — has been depicted as a disaster for American democracy by most Democrats and nearly all
progressives since the moment it was announced. Former President Jimmy Carter says donations without limits could lead
to the "complete subversion" of democracy as politicians traded favors for campaign support. Vermont Sen. Bernie
Sanders and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren repeatedly characterize corporate donations as barely disguised bribes.
Released Emails Provide Strongest Evidence Yet of Preferential Treatment for Clinton Foundation Donors. The
legal watchdog group Judicial Watch published more than 725 new State Department documents on Monday [8/22/2016]. The new
materials include previously unreleased work-related emails Hillary Clinton failed to turn over to the State Department.
Additionally, the materials also include never before released emails that appear to show top Clinton aide Huma Abedin giving
special treatment and access to top Clinton Foundation donors at the behest of Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band.
How Clinton Foundation donors got a hotline to Huma. The emails, obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch,
show that Clinton Foundation official Doug Band often passed along requests to Clinton's top aide Huma Abedin on behalf of
the foundation's donors and their friends or clients. In other cases, donors emails Abedin or Clinton directly.
The exchanges will likely add to scrutiny over whether Clinton gave special treatment to Clinton Foundation contributors
while she was at the State Department.
Ties Bedevil Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia donated more than $10
million. Through a foundation, so did the son-in-law of a former Ukrainian president whose government was widely
criticized for corruption and the murder of journalists. A Lebanese-Nigerian developer with vast business interests
contributed as much as $5 million. For years the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation thrived largely on the
generosity of foreign donors and individuals who gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the global charity. But now,
as Mrs. Clinton seeks the White House, the funding of the sprawling philanthropy has become an Achilles' heel for her
campaign and, if she is victorious, potentially her administration as well.
DOJ launch Probe into Firm of Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta. The FBI and Justice Department have
launched an investigation into whether the Podesta Group, the lobbying and public relations firm co-founded by Hillary
Clinton presidential campaign chairman John Podesta, has any connections to alleged corruption that occurred in the
administration of former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych. The federal probe is, CNN reports, "examining the
work of other firms linked to the former Ukrainian government, including that of the Podesta Group."
Prince Got Audience With Clinton After Donating $32 Million To Her Foundation. Newly released Department of
State documents reveal that the Crown Prince of Bahrain was given an audience with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
after he donated $32 million to her foundation. The documents, released Monday [8/22/2016] by Judicial Watch, included
emails between Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band and former Clinton State Department aide Huma Abedin, which appear to show
that Abedin acted as a middleman between Clinton and her foundation's donors.
Foundation Already Set to Break Promise to Ban Foreign Donations. The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI),
the Clinton foundation's flagship project, may chose to ignore the organization's recent decision to stop accepting money
from foreign governments and cooperations. "CHAI is a separate legal entity from the Clinton Foundation with its own
Board," CHAI spokeswoman Regan Lachapelle told Reuters on Friday. "The CHAI Board will be meeting soon to determine its
next steps."
Clinton Foundation Witnesses Coming Forward In Pay-For-Play Investigation. Reports of legal troubles for the
[Clinton] foundation began last week when The Daily Caller reported that a joint FBI-US Attorney probe of The Clinton
Foundation is currently underway. The charge is supported by a number of emails recently released by Judicial Watch,
which suggest The Clinton Foundation engaged in pay-for-play while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.
fret over timing of Clintons' charity fete. The 12th and final annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative
will showcase its philanthropic work and also the Democratic nominee's greatest potential vulnerability — her ties
to a sprawling global charity that has accepted donations from Middle Eastern governments, foreign businessmen with checkered
histories and major corporations with business before the government.
Cash' Author: Clinton Foundation Foreign Cash Ban 'Too Little, Too Late'. In the wake of reports that the
Clinton Foundation may have been hacked, Hillary Clinton's embattled foundation announced on Thursday that, if Clinton is
elected, her foundation will no longer accept the kinds of foreign and corporate donations at the heart of the Clinton
Cash scandal. The new pledge is a stunning tacit admission of wrongdoing, but it comes too little too late and
raises the obvious question: If it would be wrong for Hillary's foundation to accept foreign cash as president, why
wasn't it wrong for Hillary's foundation to accept foreign cash from oligarchs and countries who had business pending on her
desk as Sec. of State?
promise if Hillary's elected they'll stop making it look like they're being bribed. Also, if you vote in the
Clintons' favor this November, Bill will no longer cheat, Hillary will no longer lie and spinach will taste like bacon!
made same 'no foreign cash pledge' when Hillary was chosen as Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton campaign
manager Robby Mook was on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday and spoke about the Clinton Foundation's pledge to stop accepting
foreign donations if Clinton wins in November. During the interview, Mook repeatedly called the foundation's decision
"unprecedented." The problem with that particular talking point is that the decision isn't unprecedented. Ed
Morrissey found evidence that the same promise was made in 2008 when Hillary was nominated for secretary of State and
published that proof at Hot Air on Friday [8/19/2016].
Clinton To Stop Taking Bribes From Foreigners If She Wins. Good news. If the American people elect Hillary Clinton president, she
will stop taking bribes from foreigners. Also if they don't elect her, foreigners won't want to give her bribes anymore.
Clintons Run A Fashionable Racket. So what do you do when you have more money than you could possibly spend
without rolling with an MC Hammer-level entourage or Olympic-sized coke habit? For the Clinton family, the problem is
compounded by the fact Hillary, as secretary of state, has something the world's richest wanted: influence. The money
was simply astronomical. But what to do with it? How do you keep as much of it as possible? More importantly,
how do you get it all without it being seen as the fruits of influence peddling when that's exactly what it is? The answer
is simple: Call it charity.
6 Hillary Emails We've Yet to See: Strangely, the Obama Administration is Stonewalling Them. [#2] Huma
Abedin's emails: "Hillary Clinton faced fresh scrutiny of her interactions with contributors to the Clinton Foundation
last week when Judicial Watch released emails provided to the State Department by Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's former deputy
chief of staff... For example, the emails made public last week revealed a series of instances in which Clinton Foundation
donors sought favors from or an audience with Hillary Clinton's team in the early months of her time in office."
Cash: A Graphic Novel' to Debut #1 on the New York Times Graphic Novel Bestsellers List. Clinton
Cash: A Graphic Novel will debut at #1 on the New York Times graphic novel bestsellers list, according to data
released by the Times' book review. Like the New York Times bestselling book and documentary film that inspired it,
Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel, adapted by Chuck Dixon and Brett R. Smith, follows the shady connections and
dealings between the Clinton Foundation donors, paid speeches given by Bill Clinton, and actions approved by the U.S. State
Department while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.
Clinton Foundation
hired cyber firm after suspected hacking: sources. Bill and Hillary Clinton's charitable foundation hired the
security firm FireEye to examine its data systems after seeing indications they might have been hacked, according to two
sources familiar with the matter. So far, no message or document hacked from the New York-based Clinton Foundation has
surfaced in public, the sources said. One of the sources and two U.S. security officials said that like hackers who
targeted the Democratic National Committee, Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democrats' congressional
fundraising committee, the hackers appear to have used "spear phishing" techniques to gain access to the foundation's network.
A preview of Hillary Clinton's
presidency: Government For Sale. [B]riefly, the head of the Clinton Foundation arranged a meeting between
top US officials and a shady Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire who gave them between $1 million and $5 million and also pledged
$1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative, all on the say-so of Hillary confidant Cheryl Mills. The phrase "[it is]
important to take care of" this person was used by Mills. Hmm, "important" indeed. Gotta keep those dollars flowing.
Hillary also used her stint at State to enrich Bill. She went to bat for an embattled Bangladeshi banker who then arranged for
payments to Bill from an Abu Dhabi oil company.
Foundation Investigation Could Spell Hillary's Doom. The Daily Caller reports that the FBI now has multiple
investigations underway into the nefarious dealings of the Bill and Hillary's favor bank, also known as the Clinton
Foundation. If true, this investigation could succeed where others have been stonewalled or blocked by the Clinton
machine. Is Hillary Clinton going to be held to account for her corrupt dealings between the State Department and the
Clinton Foundation? That question just became highly relevant again.
Major Federal Investigation into Clinton Foundation Underway. [Scroll down] Preet Bharara put away two
powerful New York politicians in this past May, one from each major party; he's also looking into the dealings of New York
City Mayor Bill de Blasio. As a former top aide to Chuck Schumer, Bharara has been a partisan Democrat in the past, but
he's built a reputation leading a fiercely independent and relentlessly tenacious US attorney's office in New York's southern
district. That particular office boasts "a tradition of independence...that has often led to tension with the Justice
Department," according to a former prosecutor and judge quoted in the New Yorker's May profile piece on Bharara. In
other words, if it's true that he's the tip of a prosecutorial spear aimed at the Clinton Foundation, that's a very big deal.
Department sought land deal with Nigerian firm tied to Clinton Foundation. Shortly after Hillary Clinton left
the Obama administration, the State Department quietly took steps to purchase real estate in Nigeria from a firm whose parent
company is owned by a major donor to the Clinton Foundation, records obtained by Fox News show.
porous ethical wall between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department. In another election year with an
opponent who is not so obviously unqualified, last week's revelations about connections between Hillary Clinton's State
Department and the Clinton Foundation would have been bigger news. Though it is an exaggeration to claim that Ms.
Clinton ran her agency as a pay-to-play operation, the latest unearthed emails from the Clinton State Department nevertheless
reveal that the ethical wall she was supposed to have built between herself and her family's organization was not impermeable
enough. Two email conversations revealed by the conservative activist organization Judicial Watch show that staff on
both sides of that wall were in contact.
Has the Clinton
Foundation Permeated the Federal Government? AWD is not a big conspiracy kook. Maybe a moderate
conspiracy kook these days. So I usually don't post from other websites where anonymous sources are used.
However, with the Clintons being the largest contributor to the mortuary industry in terms of deceased friends and
associates, I understand why anyone with negative information on the Clintons would want to remain anonymous. AWD saw
this article on which discussed a thread on 4chan where a supposed high level FBI insider discussed our
entire government has basically been corrupted. The guy seems to talk the talk with accurate information.
WikiLeaks Have Hillary Clinton's October Surprise? The New York Times reports that in the latest release
of Clinton documents, billionaire donors to the Clinton Foundation tried to curry favors from a responsive State Department
when Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of State. That gambit is known as the "pay-to-play" scandal. Give the
foundation a big fat donation, and Hillary will open whatever door you need opened. In fact, as secretary, she approved
a now-famous deal that granted the Russians control over 20 percent of uranium production here in the United States.
Clinton MOU and the Clinton MO. The Washington Post has published an editorial gently reviewing the revelations
in the emails released last week via the litigation of Judicial Watch with the State Department. The editorial
concludes: "Should Ms. Clinton win in November, she will bring to the Oval Office a web of connections and
potential conflicts of interest, developed over decades in private, public and, in the case of her family's philanthropic
work, quasi-public activities. As secretary, she pledged to keep her official world and her family's foundation
separate, and she failed to keep them separate enough. Such sloppiness would not be acceptable in the White House."
Good to know. What are you going to do about it? And was it acceptable in the State Department during her tenure
in office?
Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer. [Scroll down] Before becoming Clinton's chief of staff, Cheryl Mills worked for Clinton on
an unpaid basis for four month while also working for New York University, in which capacity she negotiated on the school's behalf with the government of
Abu Dhabi, where it was building a campus. In June 2012, Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin's status at State changed to "special government
employee," allowing her to also work for Teneo, a consulting firm run by Bill Clinton's former right-hand man. She also earned money from the
Clinton Foundation and was paid directly by Hillary Clinton. In a separate case, ABC News reports that a top Clinton Foundation donor named Rajiv
Fernando was placed on State's International Security Advisory Board. Fernando appeared significantly less qualified than many of his colleagues,
and was appointed at the behest of the secretary's office. Internal emails show that State staff first sought to cover for Clinton, and then
Fernando resigned two days after ABC's inquiries.
Savant of Washington Insider Corruption. Hillary was a senator, the secretary of state, and could become president. Therefore,
banks, corporations, foreign governments and businesses want to be on her good side. They want Hillary in their pocket. Paying her a
bag of money would be illegal. So they paid her payola via speaker fees of $250,000 and higher for 20-minute speeches. Hillary is
well-schooled in DC insider corruption, becoming a multimillionaire while crushing little people along the way. Though she portrays
herself as a champion of women, Hillary's history confirms that she is the complete opposite.
Hood in Reverse: The Clinton Foundation under Fed Scrutiny. Heading up the investigation is U.S. Attorney
Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for New York's Southern District, who is known for his aggressive and successful
prosecutions. We've long been aware that foundation is a "slush fund" that pays out far more in salaries and expenses
to its officers and employees than it does for charitable ends. But the present focus is on the coordination of the
foundation and Hillary as Secretary of State to benefit her friends and contributors. The story is of interest,
however, not just because Hillary is the Democratic presidential nominee. The story of the foundation, so well
documented by Charles Ortel over the past year, illustrates the corruption of the political process and the out-of-control
operations of massive funds by this tax-exempt foundation. The Clinton foundation has collected over $2 billion in the
15 years it has been in existence. More than 1,000 of these contributions are reported to come from foreigners and
their names and contribution figures are not being disclosed.
Hillary's Generous Donation to Herself.
In a typical Friday afternoon news dump, Hillary Clinton released her 2015 tax return. As for income, Hillary herself
hauled in $1,475,000 in speaking fees, while Bill netted $5,250,000. There was much fanfare in the Leftmedia over the fact
that she gave over $1 million of her income to charity. But what about the details of that charitable giving? As
usual with the Leftmedia, those details simply don't matter when it comes to Clinton — it's that fact that she gave
so much to "charity" that counts. What charity? Well, virtually all of it went to the Clinton Foundation.
Yes, Clinton donated to her own foundation, a foundation that exists solely for the purpose of propping up the Clinton
political brand. In other words, Clinton has been paying Bill's salary and buying political capital through her foundation.
we really believe that a federal prosecution of the Clinton Foundation is underway? I wonder if James Comey is
playing a long game? He knew that Loretta Lynch would never go after Hillary Clinton over her breaches of law regarding
the treatment of classified information. There is just too much wiggle room. And besides, the public would not be
able to see the evidence since it is classified. [...] Instead of gong to Lynch, the referral to Bharara, who is known for
going after influential pols of both parties, may have been very shrewd. Not a man to shut up if strings are pulled.
Foundation Probes May Be Moving Forward In Three Cities. Joint investigations by the FBI and various U.S.
Attorneys of Clinton Foundation activities are most likely underway in Little Rock, Arkansas, Washington, D.C. and New York,
according to a former assistant director of the FBI. "To me, those would be the three most logical cities," Ron Hosko
told The Daily Caller News Foundation. "Discrete information has made its way to local field offices and is being
shared with their counterparts at the U.S. Attorney offices." Hosko is a 30-year veteran of the FBI and was the second
highest ranking official behind director James Comey when he left the bureau in 2014.
top State Dept. aide interviewed job applicants for Clinton Foundation. Like drums pounding a rhythm to the
brain, charges of corruption and misconduct swirl around Hillary Clinton, with the latest revelation being that one of her
top aides while at the State Department took on the role of interviewing job applicants for the Clinton Foundation[,] despite
rules established to avoid such blurring of the lines. While serving as secretary of state, Clinton's former chief of
staff, Cheryl Mills, traveled to New York to interview two high-level business executives being considered to run the
nonprofit foundation, CNN reported. This taking place despite Clinton and the Clinton Foundation setting up rules ahead
of time to avoid scenarios that would "create conflicts or the appearance of conflicts for Senator Clinton as Secretary of State."
chief 'volunteered' for Clinton Foundation while on the federal payroll. Hillary Clinton's top aide at the
State Department spent at least some of her time on the federal payroll helping the nonprofit Clinton Foundation, according to a
Thursday [8/11/2016] report. Cheryl Mills, a longtime Clinton aide whose relationship with the family reaches back decades,
hopped on an Amtrak train from Washington, D.C., to New York on June 19, 2012, an unnamed source told CNN, in order to
interview two high-level business executives under consideration to lead the foundation. The purpose of the trip has
been shrouded in mystery to date, despite questions from Congress.
Is Worse — an October Surprise or a December Surprise? [Preet] Bharara is the attorney who recently brought
down the supposedly untouchable Democratic NY Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver — a veritable Boss Tweed of modern New York politics.
Evenhanded, the prosecutor also put away NY Republican Majority Leader Dean Skelos for five years on corruption charges. Importantly,
I have been told that Mr. Bharara works independently of the censorious hand of Loretta Lynch at the DOJ in DC. He is reputed to be
his own man and likes to keep New York's Southern District free of Beltway interference. As for that anonymous "former senior
law enforcement official," he — I also have been told — is definitely in a position to know. (This contradicts earlier reporting,
by CNN and others, that the Clinton Foundation was not under investigation.) [...] Be careful what you wish for at the ballot box this
November. What you vote for on Election Day may not be what you are getting a month later.
Mutiny? Feds Said To Launch Clinton Foundation Corruption Probe Despite DOJ Objections. Having detailed
Clinton-appointee Loretta Lynch's DoJ push-back against the FBI's Clinton Foundation probe, it seems Director Comey has
decided to flex his own muscles and save face as DailyCaller reports, multiple FBI investigations are underway involving
potential corruption charges against the Clinton Foundation, according to a former senior law enforcement official.
The Clintons
are Grifters, and America is Their Mark. They've used their positions at the highest levels of the government to make themselves
multi-millionaires, as the latest batch of emails show. Republicans take a lot of heat for Trump, but the Democrats have chosen nominate
and defend a self-evidently corrupt individual, Hillary Clinton, to be their standard bearer. And right beside her in the White House
will be her equal in the wages of sin, Bill Clinton. Once they have control of the government, the opportunities for financial enrichment
of themselves and their friends will literally be unlimited. It's like electing Richard Nixon president when you know he is going to do
Watergate. Was the hush money and the coverup worse than what we already know about the Clintons?
Did the Clinton Foundation End and the State Department Begin? [Scroll down] People had been speculating
that the Clinton Foundation had become a private version of the State Department, offering easy access to the State Department
policy decision-making process for the wealthy and well-connected throughout Obama's first term. At no time did the U.S.
State Department ever say to Bill Clinton that any of his unbelievably lucrative speaking gigs represented a conflict of
interest — even if there was reason to believe a foreign government or entities closely allied with a foreign
government were paying.
FBI-US Attorney Probe Of Clinton Foundation Is Underway. Multiple FBI investigations are underway involving
potential corruption charges against the Clinton Foundation, according to a former senior law enforcement official. The
investigation centers on New York City where the Clinton Foundation has its main offices, according to the former official
who has direct knowledge of the activities. Prosecutorial support will come from various U.S. Attorneys
Offices — a major departure from other centralized FBI investigations. The New York-based probe is being led
by Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. Bharara's prosecutorial aggressiveness has
resulted in a large number of convictions of banks, hedge funds and Wall Street insiders.
the Prosecutor [Who] Could Take Down the Clinton Foundation. A joint FBI-U.S. Attorney probe of the Clinton
Foundation has begun, and the federal prosecutor leading the charge has a history of taking down politicians. Preet
Bharara, dubbed "The Showman" in The New Yorker for his penchant for theatrics and wisecracks, runs the U.S. Attorney's
office in the Southern District of New York and has racked up an impressive number of corruption convictions —
from Wall Street bankers, hedge funds, and New York organized crime to prominent politicians.
Stoddard: Democrats Have Their "Heads In The Sand" About Clinton Foundation. On Thursday's 'Special
Report' panel on Fox News Channel, RCP associate editor A.B. Stoddard commented on the " possibility of a big document
dump of emails" proving pay-to-play activity at the Clinton Foundation during Hillary's time as Secretary of State.
admin blocked FBI probe of Clinton Foundation corruption: Report. The Trump campaign seized on reports
Thursday that the Obama administration rejected requests from three FBI field offices that wanted to open public corruption
cases involving the Clinton Foundation and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. After banks alerted the
field offices to suspicious activity involving the Clinton family charity, the FBI wanted to investigate conflicts of
interest stemming from foreign donations during Mrs. Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, CNN reported.
Cornyn asks Loretta Lynch about DOJ declining to investigate Clinton Foundation. Sen. John Cornyn, Texas
Republican, on Friday sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking questions about a report saying the Justice
Department turned down requests to investigate the Clinton Foundation for possible wrongdoing while Hillary Clinton was
secretary of state. "As the press have reported widely and emails released over the past few days confirmed, representatives
of the Foundation repeatedly sought special treatment for its donors and associates from senior officials at the State
Department," Mr. Cornyn, the U.S. Senate's No.2-ranking Republican, wrote to Ms. Lynch.
The FBI Nearly Investigate the Clinton Foundation Because of This Mysterious Chinese Billionaire? A Clinton
Foundation donor's financial activity was suspicious enough for FBI and Justice Department officials to meet earlier this
year to consider opening an investigation into the Clinton family charity. And while the donor has not been identified,
details from a CNN report about the meeting raise the strong possibility that the individual is a Chinese billionaire who
gave the Clinton Foundation $2 million in 2013 and also contributed $120,000 to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe's
gubernatorial campaign that same year. That donor is Wang Wenliang, a former delegate to the Chinese parliament.
He controls several Chinese firms, including Rilin Enterprises and Dandong Port Co. According to CNN's report, the FBI
considered investigating the Clinton Foundation after a bank flagged one of the charity's donor for "suspicious activity."
FBI offices wanted full-scale criminal probe into Clinton Foundation — but still Loretta' Lynch's Department of Justice
refused to give it go-ahead. More details are coming out today about the FBI wanting to investigate the Clinton
Foundation, but the Department of Justice turning the agency down. CNN reports that three FBI field offices were in
agreement and wanted an investigation launched earlier this year, but the Loretta Lynch-led DOJ pushed back pointing to a
preliminary investigation done on the Clinton Foundation a year before, after the book 'Clinton Cash' was released. At
that point, not enough evidence was there to launch a case, and some at the Justice Department feared the request for a fresh
investigation would look politically-motivated, especially in light of the FBI's investigation into Clinton's private email
server. The FBI wanted to pursue a lead from a bank that tipped them off to suspicious activity from a foreigner who
had donated to the Clinton Foundation.
Percent Of Hillary's Charitable Donations In 2015 Went To Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton and her husband
Bill deducted $1,042,000 in charitable contributions last year — $1 million of which went to their own family
non-profit, the Clinton Family Foundation. Clinton released her tax forms on Friday [8/12/106] in a move that is seen as a way to
pressure Donald Trump to release his taxes. The GOP nominee has refused to release the records, saying that he is under
a routine audit. The documents show that the power couple earned $10,745,378 last year, mostly on income earned from
giving public speeches.
Joint FBI-US Attorney Probe Of Clinton Foundation Is Underway. Multiple FBI investigations are underway
involving potential corruption charges against the Clinton Foundation, according to a former senior law enforcement
official. The investigation centers on New York City where the Clinton Foundation has its main offices, according to
the former official who has direct knowledge of the activities. Prosecutorial support will come from various U.S.
Attorneys Offices — a major departure from other centralized FBI investigations.
Day, Another Hillary/Clinton Foundation Scandal. In today's installment we learn that (1) Hillary Clinton,
during an official visit to Bangladesh as Secretary of State, publicly defended the bank of a crooked long-time friend of her
husband and major Clinton Foundation donor, (2) in response, the Clinton Foundation emailed top Hillary aide Cheryl Mills
about accepting a donation from the bank and a giant Abu Dhabi oil company, (3) the Clinton Foundation accepted the donation,
and (4) Bill Clinton ended up with a big speaking fee.
State Dept., Sparring Over Clinton Foundation Emails: 'Am I Not Speaking English?' The exchange occurred as
reporters questioned State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau about a newly-released batch of Clinton era emails, some
of which revealed that department aides were asked to do favors for individuals important to the Clinton Foundation.
Complaint Filed Over Alleged Illegal Foreign Contributions to Jeb Bush Super PAC. The Campaign Legal Center
(CLC) on Wednesday filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) amid reports that Chinese citizens allegedly
donated $1.3 million to super PAC supporting Jeb Bush. The complaint filed by the CLC cites a report last week from
The Intercept that alleges a U.S. corporation, American Pacific International Capital, Inc., owned by Chinese citizens
who are permanent residents of Singapore, gave $1.3 million to Right to Rise, a super PAC that supported Jeb Bush.
Clinton friends who got special State Department access. Hillary Clinton's campaign has struggled to explain a
batch of previously undisclosed emails that contain fresh evidence of cooperation between the State Department and donors to
the Clinton Foundation. The records, which emerged through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by
conservative-leaning Judicial Watch, offered a narrow window into the extent to which friends and donors were afforded
consideration and access above what was provided to other outsiders. The emails revived questions about whether the
former secretary of state maintained an appropriate distance from her family's philanthropy.
reveal Hillary's shocking pay-for-play scheme. Hillary Clinton put the State Department up for sale, with top
aides pulling strings and doing favors for fat-cat donors to the Clinton Foundation — including a shady
billionaire, according to smoking-gun emails released Tuesday. The stunning revelations include how wealthy
contributors seeking influence or prestigious government gigs could fork over piles of cash to get access to Clinton's inner
circle, including top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills. In an April 2009 message to Abedin and Mills, Doug Band, who
was overseeing the Clinton Foundation at the time, urgently asked for a meeting between a top US official and Gilbert
Chagoury — a major donor to the Clinton family charity.
Report: Justice Department declined
FBI request to investigate Clinton Foundation. Justice Department officials decided against an investigation
into the Clinton Foundation after the FBI requested the agency open a case into allegations of corruption stemming from
Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state. But the Justice Department's public integrity unit declined to pursue
the probe given what it characterized as insufficient evidence, according to a CNN report Wednesday [8/10/2016]. The
State Department's seemingly preferrential treatment of foundation donors under Clinton's leadership has raised questions
about whether she and her aides ignored conflicts of interest in order to help the charity's most generous donors.
batch provides additional evidence that Clinton Foundation donors got access at State Department. Newly
released State Department emails shed additional light on the relationships Hillary Clinton and her top aides maintained with
her family's foundation during the years she served as secretary of state. The emails, obtained by the conservative
group Judicial Watch as part of a public-records lawsuit, included one in which a longtime aide to Bill Clinton sought a State
Department meeting on behalf of a major foundation donor. The aide, Doug Band, who played a role in expanding the foundation's
reach, wrote to Hillary Clinton's State Department staff requesting a meeting for a wealthy Nigerian businessman of Lebanese
descent who has given the Clinton Foundation $1 million to $5 million in donations, according to disclosure reports.
Pay-to-Play': Giuliani Blasts 'Corrupt' Clinton Foundation. Rudy Giuliani says that if he were still a federal
attorney, he would open an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. He explained that money being given to the foundation
in exchange for favors from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's State Department could constitute racketeering.
Hillary Aide Cheryl Mills OK'd Oil Deal That Put $500K In Bill's Pocket. Then-Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton publicly defended an embattled banker during an official visit to Bangladesh while Clinton Foundation officials tried
to steer money from an Abu Dhabi oil company into the banker's coffers. A Daily Caller News Foundation investigation
traced the convoluted payment by TAQA — formally known as the the Abu Dhabi National Energy Company —
to Muhammad Yunus' Grameen Bank. Yunus is a long-time friend and Clinton Foundation donor. The oil company deal
eventually put as much as $500,000 into President Bill Clinton's pockets via a speaking fee he got in Scotland.
Clinton Foundation Official Revealed to Have Asked Clinton Aides for "Favors" for Donors. Newly released State
Department emails appear to show that a top Clinton Foundation official asked Hillary Clinton's State Department aides for
favors for two individuals — controversial multi-million dollar Clinton Foundation donor and for an unnamed
associate. The April 2009 exchanges, which the State Department provided to the watchdog group Judicial Watch, will
likely raise more questions about conflicts of interest between the former secretary of state and her family charity.
emails reveal how Hillary's closest aide Huma was ordered by Clinton Foundation to open State Department doors to
donors. A Clinton Foundation official pressed Hillary Clinton's top aide Huma Abedin to give special State
Department access to a major donor who was accused of laundering money from Nigeria, according to emails released on Tuesday
[8/9/2016]. Doug Band, a top official at the Clinton Foundation, emailed Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin in April 2009
and asked her to connect Gilbert Chagoury, a billionaire Lebanese businessman who pledged $1 billion to the Clinton Global
Initiative, with the U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Jeffrey Feltman.
Clinton Foundation Official Asked Hillary's State Department For Favors For Associates, Donors. Newly released
State Department emails appear to show that a top Clinton Foundation official asked Hillary Clinton's State Department aides
for favors for two individuals — controversial multi-million dollar Clinton Foundation donor and for an unnamed
associate. The April 2009 exchanges, which the State Department provided to the watchdog group Judicial Watch, will
likely raise more questions about conflicts of interest between the former secretary of state and her family charity.
New emails show
Huma scheming for Hillary. Another 296 pages of Hillary Clinton's emails were released Tuesday
[8/9/2016] — exposing key Clinton aides doing favors for billionaires and, on one occasion, leaving the
then-secretary of state's daily schedule in an unlocked hotel room. The documents were released by Judicial Watch,
which is suing to recover Clinton's emails under Freedom of Information Act laws. In an April 2009 email to Clinton's
State Department aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, President Clinton's former body man, Doug Band, the founder of corporate
consultant Teneo, urgently asked them to set up a meeting with an ambassador for a major donor to the Clinton Foundation.
12 reasons Hillary's a crook.
[#1] Hillary's long (and shady) ties to overseas cash: Hillary Clinton has been accused of influence peddling and "pay for play" for
the millions in foreign donations the Clinton Foundation accepted while she was secretary of state. Some of that money came from
oppressive regimes like Saudi Arabia. Perhaps most controversial is the money the foundation accepted while a uranium deal involving
a Russian-owned company was under review.
It Down: The Clinton Foundation Is Too Corrupt to Exist. In December 2008, Bruce Lindsey, the Chief
Executive Officer of the Clinton Foundation, and Valerie Jarrett, co-chairman of the Obama-Biden Transition Team, signed a
memorandum of understanding that the activities of the Clinton Foundation would not "create conflicts or the appearance of
conflicts for Senator Clinton as Secretary of State." During Secretary Clinton's tenure, at least 181 individuals,
companies, and foreign governments gave money to the Clinton Foundation while officially lobbying the State Department.
From 2001 to 2015, the Clinton Foundation raised over $2 billion in donations.
Bill Clinton Got Millions From World's Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm. Former President Bill Clinton
collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more
than 100 schools in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation. The
company's finances strictly adhere to "Sharia Finance," which includes giving "zakat," a religious tax of which one-eighth of the
proceeds is dedicated to funding Islamic jihad. The company also contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
campaign denies FBI, IRS investigations into Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton's campaign spokesman said he
did not know whether the Clinton Foundation is presently under investigation for allegations of corruption amid reports that
the FBI is looking into the charity. "There's no basis to believe that. I have no knowledge of that," Brian
Fallon said Wednesday evening during an appearance on Fox News. "There's no evidence to that effect," he added,
calling reports about the investigation "baseless."
Foundation drug contracts intersected with State Department work. Clinton denied on Sunday [7/31/2016] that she
participated in any foundation activities while she served as secretary of state, employing a new defense of its operations
by highlighting the negotiated healthcare deals. But under her leadership, at least a handful of the State Department's
global health efforts relied on drug companies that were also major Clinton Foundation donors in arrangements that raise
questions about the distance Clinton kept from her family's philanthropy.
Cash Author Says He 'Knows' FBI is Investigating Clinton Foundation. Peter Schweizer, author of the
best-selling book turned documentary film Clinton Cash, says he "knows" the FBI is currently investigating the Clinton
Foundation. Schweitzer made the claim on Monday night during an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News. Hannity
brought Schweizer on to discuss his recent article published in the Wall Street Journal that looks at the potential negative
consequences of technology transfer program between the United States and Russia. The plan essentially called for the
cooperation of major U.S. and European technology companies to help Russia create its own Silicon Valley. The person in
charge of getting U.S. companies involved in this program was then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who reportedly made it
a cornerstone of the "Russian Reset."
Revelations About Hillary And Her 'Russian Reset' Pal Putin. At the recent Democratic National Convention, the
party of the donkey worked overtime at remaking Hillary Clinton's image from one of an ethically challenged political
operator to one of a caring champion of children and families. But as new revelations about her shady dealings with
Russia emerge, it may all be for nought. New revelations from Peter Schweizer, the author of the meticulously
documented book "Clinton Cash," and Stephen K. Bannon, executive chairman of Breitbart, show that Hillary's campaign
Chairman John Podesta "sat on the board of a small energy company alongside Russian officials that received $35 million
from a Putin-connected Russian government fund."
"Clinton Foundation is literally a RICO case waiting"
Caddell: Pro-Clinton Media Bias Is a 'Terrifying Crisis in Democracy'. Veteran political analyst Pat
Caddell is confident the media will go into overdrive to protect Hillary Clinton from the bombshell revelation that her
campaign chairman John Podesta raked in millions from a Russian government technology initiative — and failed to
disclose the money on federal forms, as required by law.
Dinesh D'Souza's America.
Dinesh D'Souza is a funny little man who is actually of normal height but looks so unthreatening, you can't help but think
what a cute kid he must have been. You'd be forgiven for assuming he was asexual until you meet his wife, who is a
pulchritudinous Latina from Venezuela with a sassy attitude that includes seething vitriol when it comes to the subject of
Chávez. I met both of them in New York on Friday, and it was fun because I had just seen Hillary's America:
The Secret History of the Democratic Party, which is quite possibly the greatest documentary of all time. The film
unequivocally lays out the case against Hillary, and it is [doing well] at the box office.
Cash: Khizr Khan's Deep Legal, Financial Connections to Saudi Arabia, Hillary's Clinton Foundation Tie Terror,
Immigration, Email Scandals Together. Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father that the mainstream media and
former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been using to criticize Donald J. Trump, has deep ties to the government of
Saudi Arabia — and to international Islamist investors through his own law firm. In addition to those ties
to the wealthy Islamist nation, Khan also has ties to controversial immigration programs that wealthy foreigners can use to
essentially buy their way into the United States — and has deep ties to the "Clinton Cash" narrative through the
Clinton Foundation. Khan and his wife Ghazala Khan both appeared on stage at the Democratic National Convention to attack,
on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's behalf, Donald Trump — the Republican nominee for president.
specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship. The father of a Muslim-American soldier
killed in Iraq who is caught up in a war of words with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is an immigration
lawyer who specializes in a highly controversial program accused of letting immigrants buy their way into the U.S. Khizr M.
Khan's website notes that he works to help clients with the E-2 and EB-5 programs that let overseas investors buy into U.S. companies
and also provides green cards for family members. It also said that he helps in the purchase of U.S. real estate and businesses.
Father Of Muslim Soldier Wants Out Of The Spotlight. Khizr Khan, the father of fallen Muslim-American soldier
Captain Humayun Khan said on Monday after criticizing Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention and in multiple
television interviews since then that he wants to be "out of this controversy."
Disingenuous Outrage Over Khan-Gate. Our incredibly objective media has moved on from declaring Donald Trump an
agent of the Kremlin and gushing over every moment of the Democratic National Convention to fixating itself on another
unbiased story. Namely, Trump hates the families of dead veterans. [...] While obviously heartfelt and genuine, the
reason the Democrats put [Khizir] Khan on stage and the media celebrated him was, in part, to bait Trump into responding.
Trump did just that in an interview with ABC host and former Bill Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos.
Foundation IRS inquiry involves charity's legal status. An Internal Revenue Service inquiry into the Clinton
Foundation is looking at questions over the well-connected charity's status as a registered nonprofit. Rep.
Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., noted that while the Clinton Foundation may be riddled with other problems, the issue of its tax
exempt registration is what prompted the IRS to refer a congressional inquiry to an investigative division earlier this
week. "One of the things I think is so important on this is ... so many areas work on the not-for-profit sector, I want
to make certain that there is clarity in this area of the code," Blackburn told the Washington Examiner.
Hillary Clinton's Campaign Mgr John Podesta Sat on Board of Company that Bagged $35 Million from Putin-Connected Russian Govt
Fund. Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the board of a small energy company alongside
Russian officials that received $35 million from a Putin-connected Russian government fund, a relationship Podesta failed to
fully disclose on his federal financial disclosures as required by law. That's one of the many revelations from a 56-page
report released late Sunday [7/31/2016] titled "From Russia with Money: Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism"
by the non-partisan government watchdog group, the Government Accountability Institute (GAI).
The Clinton-Kremlin
Connection. A program overseen by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as part of the "reset" with Russia wound
up enhancing Russia's military technology and funneling millions of dollar to the Clinton Foundation, according to a new
report by investigative journalist Peter Schweizer and the Government Accountability Institute he heads. The report
says both the U.S. Army and the Federal Bureau of Investigation found that the program, intended to support Russia's version
of Silicon Valley, was exploited to improve Russia's military capability. The "innovation city" of Skolkovo on the
outskirts of Moscow was center of the program.
The Coming
Election Fraud. The only things that drive the Clintons are greed and the lust for power. There are no
religious, ethical or moral constraints on their actions. If there is enough money dangled in front of her she will be
more than willing to sell out the Country, blackmail be damned. An elected Democrat, be he Congressman or Senator,
would never in a million years vote for impeachment of President Clinton and absent such an action there is no other way to
remove her from office. She would pack the Supreme Court with ultra-liberal judges acting as a rubber stamp for
whatever unlawful or unconstitutional efforts she might embark upon.
Clinton Foundation Has Large Donors With 'Histories of Corruption,' No Reason To Donate Other Than Buying
Influence. Saturday [7/30/2016], on the Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends," Breitbart editor at large Peter
Schweizer, executive producer of the documentary based on his bestselling book "Clinton Cash," stated that the Clinton
Foundation's large overseas donors "have histories of corruption, or being involved in bribery scandals." Schweizer said
that there's no reason for an authoritarian government to give to the Clinton Foundation other than buying influence, and
that the large overseas donors to the foundation "have histories of corruption, or being involved in bribery scandals." He
added, "Just because it's a charity doesn't mean that it's not important or not interesting. It constitutes bribery
every bit as much as if somebody's putting money in somebody's pocket for a benefit."
didn't the Democrats even mention the Clinton Foundation? In all the Democratic convention speeches seeking to
"humanize" Hillary Clinton, something went curiously missing: her work with the family charity. You'd think Hillary,
Bill and Chelsea would want to use the national stage to tout how their family's $2 billion foundation is "helping improve
the lives of millions of people across the world," as it boasts. You'd think we would've heard from some of the beneficiaries
of the "partnerships between businesses, NGOs, governments and individuals" finding "solutions that last." But not a word
that we can recall. No speeches, no videos, no personal testimonials — nothing. The silence is hardly
mystifying — for the Clinton Foundation carries heavy baggage.
Foundation IRS inquiry involves charity's legal status. An Internal Revenue Service inquiry into the Clinton
Foundation is looking at questions over the well-connected charity's status as a registered nonprofit. Rep.
Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., noted that while the Clinton Foundation may be riddled with other problems, the issue of its tax
exempt registration is what prompted the IRS to refer a congressional inquiry to an investigative division earlier this week.
Show DNC Asked White House to Reward Donors With Slots on Boards and Commissions. Email exchanges involving top
officials at the Democratic National Committee released along with private documents by WikiLeaks show that DNC officials
hoped to reward top donors and insiders with appointments to federal boards and commissions in coordination with the White
House. The revelations give an inside look into how the Democratic Party attempted to leverage its access and influence
with the White House to bring in cash. In an April 20, 2016 email, DNC National Finance Director Jordan Kaplan
canvassed what appears to be the committee's finance department — its fundraising office — for names
of people (mainly donors) to reward with federal appointments on boards and commissions.
The Two Giant
Reasons the IRS is Investigating the Clinton Foundation. [Scroll down] Frank Giustra, a major mining
investor in Canada and owner of UrAsia, won a landmark uranium deal in Kazakhstan just days after visiting with
Mr. Clinton, reports the New York Times. The two men boarded Mr. Giustra's private jet to Kazakhstan where
they met with the country's autocratic president, Nursultan A. Nazarbayev. Mr. Clinton, in addition to helping
Giustra, undermined American foreign policy by expressing his personal support for Nazarbayev's desire to head an international
elections monitory group, reports the New York Times. Shortly after the former president and Mr. Giustra visited the
nation, the then embryonic UrAsia signed a preliminary contract "giving it stakes in three uranium mines controlled by the
state-run uranium agency Kazatomprom." Following this very private visit, Mr. Giustra donated some $31.3 million
to the Clinton Foundation and five months later Mr. Giusta held a fundraiser for the joint Clinton Giustra Sustainable
Growth Initiative where he alone pledged $100 million dollars. UrAsia merged with Uranium One and almost
immediately the new company began picking up uranium holdings in the United States.
How the Clintons
Got Rich Selling Influence While Decrying Greed. [Scroll down] More important, unlike other presidents, Bill Clinton never quite
entered emeritus status. Hillary Clinton was no Betty Ford, Nancy Reagan, or Barbara or Laura Bush but, while her husband was still in office,
sought a U.S. Senate seat from New York in an undisguised trajectory designed for the 2008 presidential campaign and predicated on the idea that a
mature Bill would de facto be back in the Oval Office as well. Indeed, well before Hillary Clinton's failure in the Democratic primaries in
2008 and her subsequent appointment as secretary of state, the Clintons had found a way to exploit the idea that both of them would return to the White
House. That reality gave them access to quid pro quo opportunities, often funneled through a philanthropic foundation, of a sort
unknown to any past American president.
Are The Two Companies That Might Land Clinton's Foundation In Big Legal Trouble. News recently broke that
Hillary Clinton's foundation is under IRS investigation, and at least part of that investigation centers on two
companies. House Republicans reported that Laureate Education and Uranium One have payed out (in the tens of millions)
to the Clinton Foundation and in return have received legitimate government benefits. The Russian Atomic Energy Agency,
Rosatom, purchased in January 2005 a Canadian company — UrAsia — with uranium stakes stretching from
Central Asia to Western America, reports the New York Times. This purchase made the Russian agency one of the largest
uranium producers in the world.
IRS Launches Investigation Of Clinton Foundation. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen referred congressional charges
of corrupt Clinton Foundation "pay-to-play" activities to his tax agency's exempt operations office for investigation, The
Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The request to investigate the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation
on charges of "public corruption" was made in a July 15 letter by 64 House Republicans to the IRS, FBI and Federal Trade
Commission (FTC). They charged the foundation is "lawless." The initiative is being led by Rep. Marsha Blackburn,
a Tennessee Republican who serves as the vice chairwoman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which oversees FTC.
The FTC regulates public charities alongside the IRS.
Clinton Earned $2.7 Million In Speaking Fees After Hillary Announced Candidacy. Two Palestinians with axes
massacred four rabbis Tuesday as they prayed at a Jerusalem synagogue, and fellow Palestinians threw candy and danced with
glee. Don't tell us that it has nothing to do with Islam. Violating the sacred space of one of the world's
founding religions, the two cousins used guns, meat cleavers and axes in a barbaric rampage that left a floor full of bloody
torahs, religious clothing, and dead bodies. The victims included a prominent and beloved rabbi along with three
others, all dual U.S. or British Israeli citizens. A policeman was also murdered, and eight others were wounded.
10 Reasons
Why I Will Never Vote for Hillary Clinton. [#3] The Clinton Foundation: Is Donald Trump correct to say
that Hillary Clinton turned the State Department into her family's personal hedge fund by using the Clinton Foundation to
sell access to foreign governments, many of which have dubious human rights records? Well, Trump ought to know.
He helped fund the Clinton Foundation. At the very minimum, there is the appearance of impropriety. At worst,
there's enough corruption to put the UN to shame.
Clintons Got $100
Million From Persian Gulf Sheikhs. In an exclusive report, the Daily Caller explains the vast amount of money
that Middle Eastern autocrats have poured into the pockets of Bill and Hillary Clinton. In addition to $85 million in
cash donations to the couple's "foundation," Bill Clinton received $15 million in "guaranteed payments" from the crown prince
of Dubai. He is alleged to have received as much as another $20 million in "walking away money" from their scheme to
establish an offshore sovereign wealth fund. This is in addition to more than a million dollars in speaking fees Clinton
charged the United Arab Emirates (UAE), fees approved by the State Department while Hillary was in charge of it. What was
for sale for all that money? The article proposes three answers: support for the UAE's brutal government, a
willingness to sell out on American fracking that was hurting Gulf States' income, and support for radical extremists.
Cash' Movie Surpasses 500,000 Views in 48 Hours. Breitbart News showed the motion picture adaptation of
Clinton Cash three times in three-hour windows. In those total nine hours of Saturday and Sunday viewing, there
were 290,000 video views. Pirated versions of the film have already begun sprouting up online, with one YouTube upload
alone currently showing more than 215,800 views. In total, more than 500,000 people have pressed play on this
film. But, of course, that half million views number does not take into account the massive amount of people who held
watch parties or watched Clinton Cash with their family and friends during the weekend.
Foundation questions hang over Dem convention start, pols seek probe. A group of 64 House Republicans, in a
letter, has asked the FBI, the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Trade Commission to examine the dealings of the
foundation, alleging "criminal conduct" and describing it as a "pay to play" enterprise. "I don't know if it would be a
super PAC or a for-profit entity," Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., who circulated the letter, told
"There sure is a lot of money going through there and it seems the contributions would touch on Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton
and the Clinton Foundation. It is a hub of some kind of activity and let's leave it to the IRS, the FBI and the FTC to
discern exactly what that is."
Post and DNC Hold Joint Fundraiser for Hillary Clinton — Lawyers said "illegal", Did it Anyway.
Apparently, The Washington Post was hosting a party. The DNC saw the opportunity to make a fundraiser out of it and
sell tickets to the party to donors. However, the email chain shows the lawyers for the DNC said they can't publish the
price for the tickets because the joint event would be illegal.
Foundation Ignored All 'Best Practices' For Good Governance. Clinton Foundation officials have ignored virtually all of the "best
practices" urged by good governance organizations for public charities, according to an investigation by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Most glaringly, for example, the foundation's insular board of directors is unusually small, ranging from only two to no more than five members,
all of whom are among President Bill and Hillary Clinton's closest and richest friends. The "good governance" movement in the nonprofit
field has been gathering strength for two decades, but it clearly has yet to reach the Clinton Foundation. Most foundation boards have on
average 15 members, according to a 2015 survey by Boardsource, a national organization working to strengthen nonprofit board leadership.
Surrounds Sources of Many Bill Clinton Speaking Fees. By all accounts, it was the most popular gala the Lady
Taverners had ever held. Over 1,000 people packed the Park Lane Hilton in London on Oct. 30, 2009, with the crowd
overflowing into the hallways, to listen to President Bill Clinton speak on the power of giving. While Clinton's speech
helped raise a substantial sum for the prominent cricket charity, his staggering $290,000 speaking fee was not covered by the
group, according to organizers. The fee also was not covered by "World Management Limited," the marketing company Hillary
Clinton listed as the payment source in her federal financial filings. It was bankrolled by a wealthy British businessman
named Robert Whitton — a name you won't find included in the Clintons' public disclosure forms.
Hillary's Imam.
The Daily Caller on Wednesday [7/13/2016] revealed numerous ties between Hillary Clinton and members of the shadowy network
surrounding Fethullah Gulen, the controversial Muslim cleric who has been called "the Turkish Khomeini," and whom the Erdogan
regime is accusing of instigating the coup that nearly toppled it on Friday [7/15/2016]. According to the Caller, the Gulen
camp has been one of Hillary's numerous sources of cash, in exchange for which she gave access to the President: "a Gulen follower
named Gokhan Ozkok asked Clinton deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin for help in connecting one of his allies to President Obama....
Ozkok served as national finance co-chair of the pro-Clinton Ready PAC. He gave $10,000 to the committee in 2014 and $2,700 to
Clinton's campaign last year. He is also listed on the Turkish Cultural Center's website as a member of the Clinton Global
Initiative, one of the non-profit arms of the Clinton Foundation. He's given between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Clinton charity."
Yup, She's Crooked.
Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt person ever to get this close to becoming president of the United States. Aaron
Burr was corrupt, but his treason didn't occur until after his presidential possibilities had dried up. Ulysses Grant
was a great man whose administration was riddled with corruption, but he wasn't personally involved. Warren Harding
wasn't a great man, but he wasn't party to the corruption in his administration either. Hillary Clinton stands
alone. Her corruption has many dimensions. It encompasses her personal, professional, and political life.
There are lots of overlaps. Her use of a private email server engulfs all three aspects.
Foundation Corruption Should Be Next for the FBI. [Scroll down] Hillary's deputy chief of staff, Huma
Abedin, received money from the Clinton Foundation (while employed by the State Department) and from Teneo Consulting —
a firm owned by a close Clinton associate, Declan Kelly. Kelly built his network while working at the State Department under
Hillary Clinton. In April, Politico reported that Kelly's relationship with Clinton's State Department, "represents a fresh
illustration of the blurring of the lines between Hillary Clinton's political network and her State Department that critics have
long noted." [...] An investigation by Vox revealed at least 181 Clinton Foundation donors lobbied the State Department while
Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state. UBS, for example, paid Bill Clinton $1.5 million in speaking fees shortly
after Hillary Clinton helped the Swiss bank settle a lawsuit with the IRS — for a fraction of what the IRS initially sought.
Clinton Foundation donations have also been linked to State Department favors for weapons manufacturers and foreign governments.
Marsha Blackburn seeks probe of Clinton Foundation. A Tennessee congresswoman is asking the FBI and other federal agencies to open a
"public corruption" investigation into the activities of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn
is circulating a letter among House members saying media reports raise significant questions about the foundation's practices and their intersection
with American foreign policy. "These reports, along with recently discovered information about the foundation's initial tax exempt filings,
portray a lawless 'Pay to Play' enterprise that has been operating under a cloak of philanthropy for years and should be investigated," the letter
says. The letter will be sent Friday to FBI Director James Comey, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen and Edith Ramirez, chairwoman of the Federal
Trade Commission. Blackburn asks all three agencies to investigate the foundation's practices.
Without End: Is The Clinton Foundation A Fraud? The Clinton Foundation's questionable money dealings have
raised eyebrows for years. Now, a letter circulating in Congress alleges that the Clinton family's supposed do-gooder
foundation is in fact a "lawless, 'pay-to-play' enterprise that has been operating under a cloak of philanthropy for years."
Those are pretty tough words for a former president and his wife, who happens to be the leading candidate to be our next president.
But the congressional letter, which the Daily Caller News Foundation got its hands on, was written by Republican Rep. Marsha
Blackburn, R-Tenn., who plans on asking the FBI, IRS and Federal Trade Commission to launch a "public corruption" investigation.
Foundation Research: List of Hillary Clinton's Paid Speeches. The invaluable Charles Ortel, who helped
expose General Electric's financial shenanigans in 2008, is investigating the Clinton Foundation. He points us to a
recent AMA ("Ask Me Anything") thread on 4Chan regarding the Foundation with answers provided by a purported FBI whistleblower.
New Clinton scandal set to
Explode. FBI agents are reportedly looking into whether or not Clinton gave favorable treatment to those who
donated to the Clinton Foundation while she served as secretary of state — a frequent accusation from critics of
hers. Asked about an investigation into the foundation and a possible corruption case during his testimony last week,
FBI Director James Comey played coy. "I'm not going to comment on the existence or nonexistence of any other ongoing
investigations," Comey told the House Oversight Committee.
Foundation Research: List of Donors. Following up on the prior post, here's fairly complete listing of
Clinton Foundation donors.
House Letter Calls Clinton Foundation 'Lawless'. The letter, obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation, is
authored by Tennessee Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn who plans to send it to FBI Director James Comey, Internal
Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen and Federal Trade Commission chairwoman Edith Ramirez. The letter calls upon
the three agencies to launch a "public corruption" investigation into the ties between Clinton Foundation donors and Hillary
Clinton's policies as secretary of state. The letter says there is a "pattern of dealing that personally enriched the
Clintons at the expense of American foreign policy."
Have You No Shame? Clinton and her husband set-up a foundation. While she was Secretary of State the foundation took in
millions of dollars from questionable foreign governments who wanted to curry favor with the Secretary of State. Clinton's husband went
out and made speeches for which he was paid fees in amounts that some Americans will not earn in their lifetime. In fact, his fees were
raised during the period of time she became Secretary of State. Many of the speeches for which he was ridiculously compensated were for
operations that wanted to curry favor with the Secretary of State. Once Clinton's term was up, she went out and gave about 60 speeches
at insanely high fees — not to mention the laundry list of expensive conditions like designated private planes and special hotel
rooms. Has no one told these people that the appearance of impropriety is the same as impropriety?
Hillary Still Possibly Under FBI Investigation into Clinton Foundation. FBI director James Comey would not
comment Thursday [7/7/2016] when asked directly by Congress, under oath, whether his department is still investigating Hillary Clinton
in connection with possible corruption related to the Clinton Foundation. Comey had announced Tuesday that he would not
recommend prosecuting Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information, despite the fact that her behavior was
"extremely careless." However, Comey did not say anything about investigation into the Clinton Foundation, which now
still appears to be ongoing. That investigation involves suspicions that the former Secretary of State abused her role
to solicit donations for her family's private charity — including donations from some foreign governments.
Where The Real Stench Is With Hillary.
Remember that this pattern of conduct — selling off American secrets for money by the Clintons — is neither new
or particularly surprising given Hillary and Bill Clinton's history. In 1996 Chinagate involved the transfer of satellite
technology usable for the development of military purposes, including nuclear missiles, to China and millions of dollars of
donations to the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign by persons barred from donation because they were not Americans. Judicial Watch
went after this and ultimately prevailed; they not only prevailed they were awarded nearly a million dollars in attorneys fees and
costs. Clinton administration officials destroyed records during this investigation as well in an attempt to prevent
discovery and lied under oath. In addition Yah Lin Trie pled guilty to violating campaign finance rules (which prohibit non-US
sources or persons of funds for said donations or structuring to evade said rules) and over 100 other people either took
the 5th or fled the country to avoid prosecution.
Lynch falls under the Clintons' corrupting influence. She can't help herself. Even yesterday [7/1/2016], with the political
world fixated on her meeting with FBI agents, Hillary Clinton had her flack mislead the public. A spokesman said she gave a "voluntary"
interview, which is true only because she agreed to talk instead of waiting to be subpoenaed. The flack also said she was "pleased" to
assist the gumshoes. Who believes she was "pleased" to be interviewed by the FBI in a criminal investigation that could upend her
life? But that's the way the Clintons roll. Wherever they go, whatever they do, ethics are trashed and suspicions of criminal
conduct follow them like night follows day.
The Truth
Does Not Matter to Hillary Supporters. Hillary Clinton is a criminal who is protected by President Obama.
It is known that Hillary and Obama exchanged at least 18 emails to each other on Hillary's private server. Those emails
may provide further information about other criminal activity, including information relating to the death of four Americans
in Benghazi, Libya. This would explain why Obama has come out and protected Hillary against criminal prosecution.
Hillary set up a private server in her home, which threatened national security, to prevent oversight by congress, deflect
the American people from the Freedom of Information Act, and her ability to use her position as Secretary of State to buy
influence, selling American interests, including American uranium to the Russians through a Canadian investor for millions in
donations to the Clinton Foundation.
Expands Investigation into Hillary Clinton's Dealings with Foundation. A federal judge on Wednesday [6/29/2016]
ordered the State Department to produce the e-mail records of Hillary Clinton's scheduler during her tenure as secretary of
state, expanding an investigation being pursued by conservative nonprofit Citizens United into the overlap between Clinton's
official travel and her meetings with foreign Clinton Foundation donors. Citizens United is slated to receive all
e-mails sent to and from Lona Valmoro, Clinton's State Department scheduler, in the two-week periods before each of 14
international trips Clinton took during her four years in office. David Bossie, president of Citizens United, hopes to
confirm suspicions that Clinton maintained an off-the-books schedule, meeting with Clinton Foundation donors on the
taxpayer's dime. "Citizens United wants to know how many overseas dinners Secretary Clinton attended with Clinton
Foundation donors that didn't make it on her schedule," he says.
Administration Wants to Keep Clinton Foundation Emails Hidden Until Late 2018. The Obama Administration is
already infamous for slow-walking information requests, causing investigations to drag out for years, and then complaining
loudly about how long the investigations are taking! But they've really outdone themselves this time. The Justice
Department has filed a motion in court, on behalf of the State Department, seeking to keep a vast trove of correspondence between
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's aides, and the notorious Clinton Foundation, hidden from voters' eyes for 27 months...
in other words, until October 2018, about halfway through President Hillary Clinton's prospective first term.
Expands Investigation into Hillary Clinton's Dealings with Foundation Donors. A federal judge on Wednesday
[6/29/2016] ordered the State Department to produce the e-mail records of Hillary Clinton's scheduler during her tenure as
secretary of state, expanding an investigation being pursued by conservative nonprofit Citizens United into the overlap
between Clinton's official travel and her meetings with foreign Clinton Foundation donors. Citizens United is slated to
receive all e-mails sent to and from Lona Valmoro, Clinton's State Department scheduler, in the two-week periods before each
of 14 international trips Clinton took during her four years in office. David Bossie, president of Citizens United,
hopes to confirm suspicions that Clinton maintained an off-the-books schedule, meeting with Clinton Foundation donors on the
taxpayer's dime. "Citizens United wants to know how many overseas dinners Secretary Clinton attended with Clinton
Foundation donors that didn't make it on her schedule," he says.
promised to make Clinton 'look good' if appointed to board. A major Democratic donor personally lobbied
then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's office for a seat on a sensitive government intelligence board, telling one of her
closest aides that if appointed he would make Clinton "look good." Rajiv Fernando acknowledged that he may not have the
experience to sit on a board that would allow him the highest levels of top-secret access, but he assured deputy chief of
staff Huma Abedin in newly released 2009 emails that he was talking to two professors who were "getting me up to speed on
the academics behind the field."
Dirty money scandal
rocks Clinton campaign. Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's win against upstart Vermont Sen.
Bernie Sanders was full of controversy — and new reports show it was dirtier than first believed. Sanders
supporters claim the Clinton campaign used a mountain of dirty tricks to win — everything from backroom
establishment deals to widespread accusations of election fraud. A shocking new report says they can add dirty campaign
money to that pile. "A super-PAC backing Hillary Clinton has accepted $200,000 in donations from a company holding
multiple contracts with the federal government — despite a ban on such contributions," The Hill reported
Wednesday [6/29/2016].
Mysterious death in Clinton
bribery case. A major bribery scandal was threatening to engulf both Hillary and Bill Clinton — but
now the untimely and highly unusual death of a key witness may keep that from happening. John Ashe, former president of
the United Nations General Assembly and former ambassador from Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean, was found dead in his
home in Dobbs Ferry, New York, last week shortly before he was expected to give testimony in a massive corruption case
surrounding a longtime pal of the Clintons. The case is currently in the pre-trial phase. Ashe was initially
reported dead of a heart attack. Later reports confirmed that his throat was crushed by a barbell in what's being
called an exercise accident.
U.N. Official Accidentally Crushed His Own Throat Right Before He Was Set To Testify Against Hillary Clinton.
Call it conspiracy theory, coincidence or just bad luck, but any time someone is in a position to bring down Hillary Clinton
by testifying they wind up dead. In fact, there's a long history of Clinton-related body counts, with scores of people
dying under mysterious circumstances. Perhaps the most notable is Vince Foster. Foster was a partner at Clinton's
law firm and knew the inner workings of the Clinton Machine. Police ruled that death a suicide, though it is often
noted that Foster may have been suicided. Now, another official has found himself on the wrong end of the Clintons.
That John Ashe was a former President of the United Nations General Assembly highlights the fact that no one is safe once
in their sights. And as you might have guessed, there are major inconsistencies with Ashe's death. It was not only
conveniently timed because Ashe died just a few days before being set to testify against Clinton in a corruption case, but
official reports indicated he died of a heart attack. The problem, however, is that police on the scene reported Ashe
died when his throat was crushed during a work-out accident.
Foundation Auditor Has Troubled Regulatory History. Federal regulatory agencies have repeatedly issued
sanctions and fines against BKD, the small Midwestern accounting firm that for 13 years was chief auditor for the Clinton
Foundation's operations, according to an investigation by The Daily Caller News Foundation. The Springfield,
Missouri-based firm served as the external auditor that certified the financial soundness of the Clinton Foundation.
The foundation began as Bill Clinton's Presidential Library, but it soon ballooned into an entity fighting global
problems. The Clinton Foundation reported assets of around $200 million since 2007, with multiple operating
programs in far flung corners of the world.
Mistakenly Reveal Absurd Amount of Money Clinton Friend Got For 'Consulting'. Oops. Democrats, who
preemptively released their Benghazi committee response report, accidentally released portions of a redacted transcript that
revealed the absurd amount of money that Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal received as part of his consulting work with
pro-Clinton organizations. The Los Angeles Times was able to easily erase some of the redaction marks, and found "the
transcript portion reveals some unflattering things for any partisans on the committee, Republican or Democrat." The
newspaper claims it shows that Republicans used their subpoena power to question Blumenthal about his financial arrangements
with David Brock, who is the founder of the left-leaning Media Matters. In the transcript, Blumenthal admits to receiving
about $200,000 dollars [sic] from Media Matters, and David Brock's other organizations to basically just give advice.
DNC caught in $100 million voter scheme. A foreign billionaire and seven-figure donor to the Clinton Foundation
has been caught funding a reportedly illegal voting scheme that links straight to the Democratic National Committee and
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. A computer hacker who goes by the moniker Guccifer 2.0 recently leaked emails
allegedly from the DNC outlining their 2016 general election strategies — and one of them details a coordinated
effort with a foreign entity, funded entirely with $100 million from big-time Clinton donor and Swiss billionaire Hansjorg
Wyss, to influence the results of the 2016 election. The group was allegedly targeting pro-Clinton demographics for voter
registration as well as "outreach, organizing, and legal and policy advocacy on voting laws", and according to Washington
Beacon reporter Lachlan Markay, that's illegal.
Gaps in Hillary Clinton's State Department Calendar. Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server during her
tenure as secretary of state has been an ongoing controversy in the United States. Add to that an Associated Press
report published on Friday calling into question omissions in her official State Department calendar. According to the
AP, a number of events and meetings with private individuals, including chief executives of various companies, are missing.
Clinton Hid Meetings With
Billionaire Foundation Donors From American People. The American people have overwhelmingly shown this year they do not find
Hillary Clinton to be trustworthy. Two key reasons why Clinton is dogged by distrust are her private email scandal and the shadiness
surrounding the Clinton Foundation and its donors. [...] Since Clinton's email scandal broke it has been overwhelmingly obvious that the reason
Clinton used a private server as Secretary of State was to shield less-than-flattering correspondence from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
process and, by extension, the American people. These two stories show that even after she was caught, Clinton never provided a full
accounting of her work emails to the State Department, and that she spent a significant time as Secretary of State hobnobbing with her cronies
and wanted to prevent the country from knowing it. This was a cover-up, plain and simple.
Clinton's State Dept. calendar
missing scores of entries. An Associated Press review of the official calendar Hillary Clinton kept as secretary of state identified
at least 75 meetings with longtime political donors, loyalists, Clinton Foundation contributors and corporate and other outside interests that
were not recorded or were listed without the names of those she met.
staff removed donor meetings from State Dept. schedules. Hillary Clinton scrubbed at least 75 meetings with campaign and Clinton
Foundation donors from the official calendars she kept as secretary of state, raising further questions about the extent to which she disclosed her
political interactions. The Associated Press, which obtained Clinton's State Department schedules through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit
dating back to last year, discovered dozens of instances in which Clinton's staff listed dinners with donors and gatherings with corporate executives
only as "private meetings" in the calendars.
Reveals Clinton Foundation Donor's $100 Million Registration, Turnout Push. A Swiss billionaire and
seven-figure Clinton Foundation donor is pouring millions of dollars into a nonprofit voter registration and turnout
operation and appears to have shared information about the project with the Democratic Party, a leaked document
reveals. Hansjörg Wyss is accelerating a $100 million registration and get-out-the-vote plan in order to more
quickly impact elections and the U.S. policy landscape, according to a document detailing the proposed work by his charitable
group, the Wyss Foundation. The document details the scope of Democratic efforts to boost grassroots organizing, and
sheds light on how some of the left's deepest pockets are facilitating those efforts through nonprofit vehicles generally
restricted to charitable activity.
Foundation Said to Be Breached by Russian Hackers. A hacker or group of hackers calling themselves Guccifer 2.0
posted another trove of documents purportedly from the DNC on Tuesday [6/21/2016], including what they said was a list of
donors who had made large contributions to the Clinton Foundation.
Memo Teaches Clinton Staffers How To Break Campaign Finance Laws And Get Away With It. A leaked 2015 memo appears to
give Hillary Clinton staffers advice on how to solicit large-sum donations for super PACs without breaking campaign finance laws
restricting that behavior. According to the Intercept, the memo in question was uncovered in Guccifer 2.0's
recent hack of the DNC and was written by Marc Elias, who now serves as general counsel to Clinton's campaign.
Nations Clinton Bashes For Terrorism Funding Gave Up To $40 Million To Clinton Foundation. Earlier this week,
Hillary Clinton harshly criticized three countries for directly funding terrorists who are actively seeking to attack the
United States and Western Europe. The governments of this trio of nations have contributed between $16 million and
$40 million to the Clinton Foundation. Clinton sharply denounced the three countries — Saudi Arabia, Kuwait
and Qatar — in a speech in Cleveland on Monday. It was her first public speech after Saturday night's terrorist
massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla.
This Week in Hillary Clinton Corruption.
Looks like I'm going to have enough news to make this a regular weekly posting. [...] Never mind weekly. There's
probably enough dirt coming out on Hillary that I could make this a daily roundup, if I only had the time.
secret clearance for sale, call and ask for Hillary. In 2011, when she was serving as secretary of state,
Clinton and her top staff chose a major donor with no qualifications for an important national security panel. Not only
that, but they also hurried through a top-secret clearance for him. According to emails released under a Freedom of
Information request by the group Citizens United, State Department staff were pressured to fast-track the high security
clearance for Rajiv Fernando, a 29-year-old securities trader who had given $5 million for the Clinton Foundation
and has raised money for Clinton's current campaign.
Emails Show 'Top Secret' Security Clearance Rushed For Big Clinton Donor. Last week, ABC News reported on newly
released State Department emails that shed light on how Clinton Foundation mega-donor Rajiv Fernando was appointed to a
sensitive government arms control advisory panel in 2011. The report included an email that showed that a top Hillary
Clinton aide Cheryl Mills was responsible for adding Fernando to the list of nominees to the State Department's International
Security Advisory Board (ISAB) despite his lack of experience. On Thursday afternoon [6/16/2016], Fox News reported
that it has obtained additional e-mails that raise questions about how Fernando was able to obtain the necessary "Top Secret"
clearance needed to attend ISAB meetings.
Show State Department 'Rushed' Security Clearance for Clinton Donor. The State Department expedited a security
clearance for a major Clinton donor who was appointed to the department's national security advisory board in 2011, according
to emails obtained by Fox News and the watchdog group Citizens United. Raj Fernando, a Chicago financial trader, was a
bundler for Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign and a Clinton Foundation donor before he was mysteriously tapped for the State
Department's International Security Advisory Board in 2011. He resigned after just one board meeting, when his appointment
drew media attention and criticism due to his lack of national security experience and financial ties to Secretary Clinton.
Clinton and her qualifications. Bill Clinton was paid an obscene $16.5 million between 2010 and 2014 to serve
as an honorary chancellor for Laureate International Universities. With the Clintons, the money tree never ceases
bearing fruit. Are people seeking to buy influence with this amount of cash, or do they just like Bill and
Hillary? The major media mainly ignore such things because they function largely as an auxiliary to the Hillary Clinton
presidential campaign. This and many other things from what conservative critics call "the Clinton crime foundation"
ought to be red meat for Donald Trump. He should ask why the media are engaging in a near total blackout of Laureate
Education and the enormous flow of money to the Clintons and their foundation from governments, institutions and individuals.
For-Profit Educator Paid Bill Clinton $5.6 Million After CGI Partnership. Bill Clinton was paid $5.6 million
from an international for-profit educator after it entered into a partnership with the Clinton Global Initiative around the
same time the former president hauled in $16.4 million from Laureate Education, tax returns show. GEMS Education, a
Dubai-based education management firm, was founded by billionaire educator Sunny Varkey in 2000 and consists of over 90 schools
in 12 countries. GEMS bills itself as a "broad-based education option." It is the largest global education
management firm in the world offering K-12 instruction with offices in the United Kingdom, United States, India, Singapore,
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Kenya, the United Arab Emirates, and Switzerland.
Cryptic NY Filing Revealed Clinton Foundation Foreign Donations. Clinton Foundation officials used an obscure
New York state charity board filing to disclose that the non-profit received nearly $17.7 million in donations from
foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The
specific foreign governments were not identified in the document, entitled "Exhibit A." The latest filing was
submitted last January before the public charity division operated by New York Attorney General Eric Schneidermann, a
Democrat. The money was given between 2010 and 2013, the exact years when Clinton was America's chief diplomat.
Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims. It is illegal in the
United States for foreign countries to try to influence the outcome of elections by funding candidates. In what may be
the pinnacle of hypocrisy, moments ago Hillary Clinton, while speaking live on national security and addressing the Orlando
shooting took some time from her constant bashing of the Second Amendment and calling for a ban on assault rifles, to say
some less than kind words about Saudi Arabia whom it accused of supporting radical organizations. [...] According to the US
Federal Election commission, over the past two years Clinton has raised a little more than $211.8 million. 20% of
this sum is $42.4 million. The report was published (and then mysteriously deleted) on the eve of Prince Mohammed
making an official visit to the United States.
Clinton, Saudi Arabia's president of choice. While she's riding full speed, the mare called 'America's 1st
female president' to election 2016, in reality Hillary Clinton is Saudi Arabia's preferred, bought-and-paid-for presidential
candidate. Chills should run down the collective spine of the sisterhood that the presidential campaign of
self-proclaimed Defender of Women is financed some 20 percent by one of the most repressive to women countries
anywhere in the world — Saudi Arabia.
Clinton Took Millions from Anti-LGBT Countries That Jail and Execute Gays. In her response to the Islamic
terror attack in Orlando, Hillary Clinton called on the governments of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait to stop allowing their
citizens to fund terrorists and to "stop supporting radical schools and mosques." However, she failed to mention that
the Clinton Foundation has spent years accepting millions in donations from countries that throw homosexuals in prison, fine
them, sentence them to hard labor, and even execute them for the "crime" of being gay. For years, Hillary Clinton's own
global foundation welcomed big-dollar donations from countries with some of the worst LGBT-rights records in the world. And
it's worth noting that the Clintons have routinely failed to disclose all the information concerning donations to their foundation.
Foundation Received Millions from Saudis, Qatar, Iran. A senior Muslim Brotherhood operative recently arrested
in Egypt worked for years at the William J. Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation has also received millions of
dollars from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and a foundation that is an Iranian regime front. The current Egyptian government,
which was put in power after the military overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood, has launched a sweeping crackdown on the
Brotherhood and calls it a terrorist organization. One of the senior officials arrested is Gehad (Jihad)
el-Haddad. From 2007 to 2012, el-Haddad was the Egyptian director for the Clinton Foundation. El-Haddad's
father is Essam el-Haddad, a member of the Brotherhood's Guidance Bureau.
Clinton's Corruptions. The strongest argument for voting for Donald Trump in November has very little to do
with Trump and almost everything to do with Hillary Clinton. She is an ethical disaster, and several stories in the
last week have fortified that judgment. There was the release of the State Department's Inspector General report, which
demonstrated that virtually everything Clinton has said about her private email server was a lie. There was the damning
post by the liberal, intellectually honest law professor Jonathan Turley on Bill Clinton's role as honorary chancellor of
Laureate International Universities, in which he was paid $16.5 million between 2010 and 2014 — a time when the
State Department reportedly funneled $55 million in grants during Hillary Clinton's tenure to groups associated with
Laureate's founder.
Release: Secretary Clinton Sold State Dept Position To Clinton Foundation Donor. ABC is reporting on this
[...] but notice they would not be reporting on it if Citizens United Group wasn't providing the documents and forcing them
to cover it.
The Clinton university
scandal. Kudos to George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley for asking why the media aren't
asking about the $16.5 million paid to Bill Clinton by Laureate International Universities. For all the hundreds of
stories on Trump University, nothing's been written about the huge payments over 2010-2014 to the potential future first
gentleman to serve as "honorary chancellor" of the vast for-profit education firm. Nor about the $55 million that
Hillary Clinton's State Department sent the way of groups run by Laureate founder Douglas Becker — who happens to
be a major donor to Clinton campaigns and the Clinton Foundation.
spokesman defends hiring of Foundation donor. A spokesman for Hillary Clinton defended the presumptive
Democratic presidential candidate from allegations she awarded a spot on an intelligence committee to a top Clinton
Foundation donor. "This was an unpaid, volunteer advisory board, and one of several foreign policy-focused
organizations that he was involved with," Nick Merrill, press secretary for Clinton, said in a statement about Rajiv
Fernando, late Friday [6/10/2016]. "As the State Department itself has said, the ISAB [International Security Advisory
Board] charter calls for a diverse set of experiences for its members. That's all there is to it," Merrill added.
$5 million security guard. Hillary Clinton's success was the big story this week, but one element of her work
is underappreciated. She has successfully monetized her government "service" in a way few others can imagine, let alone
claim. Millions of dollars have poured into her personal and foundation bank accounts for paid speeches by herself and
her husband that took just minutes to deliver. The money can be thought of as a down payment on future influence, a
form of open corruption. But a substantial amount also came from parties that already had specific interests before her
State Department.
Clinton aide reportedly
got top donor named to nuclear advisory board. Hillary Clinton's former chief of staff at the State Department had a Democratic donor with
virtually no relevant experience appointed to a nuclear intelligence advisory board, according to a new report that also claims the aide tried to stall
journalists examining his background. ABC News reported that copies of internal emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act indicate
Rajiv K. Fernando had thin qualifications for a seat on the board, other than his close connection to Bill and Hillary Clinton. Fernando, a
Chicago securities trader, had been a fundraiser for Democratic candidates and a financial contributor to the Clinton Foundation and even traveled with
Bill Clinton on a trip to Africa. The board he was appointed to — the International Security Advisory Board — included nuclear
scientists, members of Congress and former cabinet secretaries.
Emails Reveal How Clinton Foundation Donor Bought Seat As Hillary's Nuclear Weapons Advisor. Forget Hillary's
personal email server: this is what true cronyism and criminal corruption looks like, and this is the biggest threat from a
Hillary presidency. It has been widely speculated, if not proven, that donors to the Clinton Foundation who over the
years have transferred hundreds of millions of dollars to the "charitable organization", bought political favors with the
Clintons in exchange for their generosity. That has now been confirmed thanks to a stunning ABC report which reveals
how a major foundation donor — one who previously had practically no experience on intellgience matters — mysteriously ended
up as a nuclear weapons advisor to Hillary during her tenure as Secretary of State. Worse, the person in question Rajiv K.
Fernando, had been the head of a high frequency trading company, Chopper Trading (recently acquired by HFT powerhouse DRW), which may
explain the unprecedented pull of the HFT lobby throughout all ranks of the US political apparatus. In other words, Fernando
bought a seat to not only have advance knowledge of all US foreign policy, but to directly shape it, something he could then parlay
in the forms of massive policy frontrunning profits thanks to his trading company.
Email Scandal: Stock
Trader Bought Role as Hillary's Nuclear Weapons Advisor. Several revelations from the newest release of a batch
of Hillary Clinton's emails show both astonishing cronyism and lackadaisical indiscretion with national security.
Confirming longstanding allegations the ubiquitous Clinton Foundation serves as a front for political and domestic and
foreign policy favors, ABC News reported that a wealthy Foundation donor — with zero prior experience in matters
of intelligence — inexplicably received an appointment to serve as a nuclear weapons advisor to Hillary during her
tenure as secretary of state. Rajiv K. Fernando's experience to land this crucial position included fundraising for a
plethora of Democratic politicians and for the Clinton Foundation, as well as heading a powerful trading company —
but nothing concerning intelligence, much less nuclear weapons and strategy. However, according to ABC News:
"Fernando's history of campaign giving dated back to at least 2003 and was prolific — and almost exclusively to
Democrats. He was an earlier supporter of Hillary Clinton's 2008 bid for president, giving maximum contributions to her
campaign, and to HillPAC, in 2007 and 2008. He also served as a fundraising bundler for Clinton, gathering more than
$100,000 from others for her White House bid."
Show Major Clinton Donor Put On Intelligence Board Despite Lack of Experience. When presumptive Democratic
Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, a committee dealing with nuclear arms issues was staffed by many
experts in the field, and one securities trader from Chicago with no known intelligence background. State Department
emails, released as a result of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by Citizens United, revealed some details behind
how this may have happened, ABC News reported. Rajiv K. Fernando had given substantial contributions and raised money
for Clinton's 2008 Presidential campaign. He also gave up to $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation before his appointment
to the State Department board. In 2011, ABC News asked the Department how Fernando was selected for the board, and some
of the released emails showed how Department officials reacted to the question.
Did Hillary sell access to key national-security board for foundation donor? Meet Rajiv K. Fernando, a one-time
member of the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB), a group which oversees US nuclear and security policies. The
members of ISAB have top-secret clearances commensurate with their expertise in these fields, but Fernando appeared to have no such
background. "We had no idea who he was," one board member told ABC News when they first began looking into Fernando's credentials
in 2011 — and when they did, he suddenly resigned from ISAB.
News drops new Hillary Bombshell. It's easy to become numb to all of the scandals surrounding presumptive
Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton — even for those who are wide awake to the dishonest, self-serving fraud that she
is. So when a new revelation is enough to jolt even the mainstream media awake, you know it's big. A newly-released
batch of Hillary's State Department emails reveal the new bombshell that the former secretary of state rewarded one of her large
donors with a position on a sensitive government intelligence board — yeah, one involving tactical nuclear weapons and
on other crucial arms control issues — despite having no relevant experience. Nepotism — not to mention
compromising our nation's intelligence and security — at its finest. And, here's a shocker, when asked about the
situation, Clinton's staff sought to "protect the name" of the Secretary, while "stalling" the reporter.
How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive
Intelligence Board. Newly released State Department emails help reveal how a major Clinton Foundation donor was placed on a
sensitive government intelligence advisory board even though he had no obvious experience in the field, a decision that appeared to baffle the
department's professional staff. The emails further reveal how, after inquiries from ABC News, the Clinton staff sought to "protect the
name" of the Secretary, "stall" the ABC News reporter and ultimately accept the resignation of the donor just two days later.
Admits To Faulty Bookkeeping At Foundation. Hillary Clinton admitted that there were a few instances of improper disclosures
of donations to the Clinton Foundation while she was secretary of state. In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper on Wednesday
[6/8/2016], Clinton said, "We had absolutely overwhelming disclosure. Were there one or two instances that slipped through the
cracks? Yes. But was the overwhelming amount of anything that anybody gave the foundation disclosed? Absolutely."
Law Prof: Bill Clinton's Relationship With Shady For-Profit College Should Receive More Attention. Trump's college, which
operated from 2005 to 2010, is the subject of a class-action lawsuit and enormous media attention. The real estate training school, which
was not accredited and did not confer college credit, has been accused of defrauding students. But Laureate has had similar claims filed
against it but without anywhere near the same level of attention given to Trump's school.
Clinton University Scandal? Everyone knows about the problems with Trump University. Trump should just be
glad that Trump U didn't have a Division I NCAA football team, or else he might well have Title IX complaints to go with the
class action civil suit. Chancellor ClintonBut did you know that Bill Clinton was a university chancellor? I didn't either.
There he is, over to the left. Moreover, he was paid $16 million by Laureate International Universities to be their "honorary"
chancellor. Just think how much Slick Willie could have pulled down if he'd been a real chancellor. Just what is Laureate
International University? It's the parent company of Walden University, a mostly online, for-profit diploma mill that is facing the
same kind of civil suits and fraud allegations as Trump University. Funny how the media seems to be uninterested in this story.
What Is Hillary
Hiding? Like millions of avid news readers, I've been trying to sort out the Hillary Clinton scandals.
You know, all that stuff about classified material on her "private" server, sensitive national security secrets that have
most likely been lifted by hostiles. I think we've lost track of the central question: Why was she so eager to
conceal her communications from Congress and the American public? Most of the commentary goes something like "because
she wanted to evade discovery." She dreaded all the FOIAs. But that only leads to the question another time:
What did she want to hide, and why? [...] The most frightening explanation is that she sold foreign policy favors to the
highest bidders to the Clinton Foundation and/or her husband.
Deep Dive into How the Clinton Foundation Operates Illegally and in Haiti. Understanding illegal activities of
the Clinton Foundation requires grasping state, federal, and foreign laws that bar public charities from being run for
private gain, and that govern solicitations using the mail, telephones, and digital media. Remember, as you evaluate
the available public record that Clinton Foundation trustees have never submitted the financial records of this web of public
charities to an independent, properly certified audit, performed by fully informed and empowered accounting firms.
the Clintons Earned Millions Via Fraudulent, Government-Funded University Program. Team Hillary, with a significant assist via
the Mainstream Media, has been pushing the Trump University class action lawsuit story with increasing aggression as Mrs. Clinton faces
yet further declining poll numbers and tepid support among even lifelong Democrat voters. Amidst that would-be scandal, though, is
something of far greater, albeit related, significance involving both Bill and Hillary Clinton and their multi-million dollar for-profit,
Latin America university scam.
University: Bill Clinton Bagged $16.46 Million from For-Profit College as State Dept. Funneled $55 Million
Back. With her campaign sinking in the polls, Hillary Clinton has launched a desperate attack against Trump
University to deflect attention away from her deep involvement with a controversial for-profit college that made the Clintons
millions, even as the school faced serious legal scrutiny and criminal investigations. In April 2015, Bill Clinton was
forced to abruptly resign from his lucrative perch as honorary chancellor of Laureate Education, a for-profit college
company. The reason for Clinton's immediate departure: Clinton Cash revealed, and Bloomberg confirmed, that
Laureate funneled Bill Clinton $16.46 million over five years while Hillary Clinton's State Dept. pumped at least $55 million
to a group run by Laureate's founder and chairman, Douglas Becker, a man with strong ties to the Clinton Global Initiative.
Laureate has donated between $1 million and $5 million (donations are reported in ranges, not exact amounts) to the
Clinton Foundation. Progressive billionaire George Soros is also a Laureate financial backer.
for-profit education scandal dwarfs Trump U. Bill and Hillary Clinton's attack on Donald Trump over Trump
University could invite increased scrutiny of the Clintons' involvement in a for-profit education scandal in which a company
that runs shell colleges paid Bill Clinton $16.5 million to be its pitchman. While the Clintons were collecting
millions, Hillary Clinton's State Department funneled at least $55 million to a group run by the college company, Laureate
Education Inc., according to Peter Schweizer's book "Clinton Cash" as Breitbart reported. Clinton abruptly resigned
from his post as "honorary chancellor" in April 2015 when the disclosure was publicized. Documents uncovered by
Washington-based watchdog Judicial Watch show Laureate Education paid the former president through a "shell corporation"
pass-through account that evidently passed State Department scrutiny while Hillary was secretary of state.
Clinton Profits from World's Largest For-Profit University. As accusations swirl around Donald Trump for the
complaints filed against Trump University, few people know about how Bill Clinton was hired in 2010 to be Chancellor for the
Laureate Network, the world's largest for-profit university network. [...] Bill Clinton has personally been paid to make
appearances promoting Laureate University in countries such as Malaysia, Peru and Spain. By January 2014 Laureate University
had 800,000 students worldwide and its annual revenue was $4 billion, far larger than the revenues of Trump University.
Who Else Paid Out Big Bucks For Clinton Speeches? You've heard Wall Street investment banks like Goldman Sachs
have paid millions for speeches delivered by Bill and Hillary Clinton. But have you heard about all the law firms that
also paid big bucks to hear the Clintons talk? Well, it's true. Some of the biggest law firms doled out hundreds
of thousands for just one speech, and all the proceeds appear to have gone right into the Clintons' coffers. According
to Bill and Hillary Clinton's 2015 financial disclosure, most of their income came from book royalties and paid speeches.
Clinton has been under intense pressure to release her transcripts from Wall Street bank speeches, but little has been said
about her speeches to high profile law firms.
Cash Is the Movie Every Voter Should See before Election Day. In watching a review copy of the film, I was
struck by the phrase, "follow the money," which is woven like a thread throughout. Anyone who follows politics is
familiar with that iconic phrase, but many may have forgotten that it was the creation of a Hollywood scriptwriter: It
was popularized by the 1976 movie, All the President's Men, itself a fictional adaptation of the famous book about how
Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncovered the Watergate scandal. To those who would uncover the truth about the Clinton
Foundation, "follow the money" seems quaint advice, considering that billions of dollars were involved — making
for a scandal ten-times the size of Watergate.
Expose of Latest Clinton Cover-Up Stuns This Major Media Host. Fox Business host Lou Dobbs could barely contain
his outrage over the latest examples of the media spinning for Hillary Clinton. Regarding a new MRC analysis finding
that the networks in 2016 have spent less than five minutes on the scandals engulfing the Clinton Foundation, Dobbs
sputtered, "You're talking about, basically, ten percent of that money going to good causes. That's a hefty
administrative charge and it makes you think, immediately, this is worthy of great inspection [by journalists]."
In 2013, the Clinton Foundation gave only ten percent of its budget to charitable grants.
Clinton — Career Criminal. Like a lot of accomplished career criminals Mrs. Clinton has
committed so many high crimes and misdemeanors, and gotten away with them to boot, that we tend to forget (or ignore) past
acts of lawlessness because the new ones keep on coming. And like skillful felons the world over, Mrs. Clinton
takes full advantage of this very human inclination, by sloughing off past accusations as "old news" or the result of biases
that have emerged through "misunderstandings." Anyone who has worked in criminal justice has seen this phenomenon, where
repeat offenders get to know police, prosecutors and judges so well that law enforcement tires of them — maybe
even comes to like them a bit — and so cut the career criminal a break. And the clever crook knows this
tendency and plays upon it.
The State Department's Hidden Hillary Donors. Hillary Clinton may have suspended her political career
temporarily when she became secretary of state. But the Clinton fundraising machine was in full swing and raising
millions of dollars for the State Department under her watch, an analysis by The Daily Beast has found. More than a
dozen donors to Clinton's non-profit foundation and her various political campaigns poured money into an endowment she
launched into 2010 to pay for the upkeep of the Diplomatic Reception Rooms. The 42 sumptuous salons at State Department
headquarters in Washington, decorated with 18th and 19th century American furnishings, are used to welcome foreign
dignitaries, conduct diplomatic meetings and swearing-in ceremonies, and host official dinners. By the following year,
the campaign had raised more than $20 million to permanently fund restoration and maintenance for the rooms and their
collections of rare American artwork, thanks largely to reliable Clinton donors.
footage showing Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe and Chinese billionaire Wang Wenliang at Hillary's house revealed. Virginia
Governor Terry McAuliffe may not recall ever having met Chinese billionaire businessman Wang Wenliang, but he certainly spent some time inside
the same well-appointed home — as exclusive footage obtained by Daily Mail Online reveals. Both men can be seen walking up to
the front door of Hillary Clinton's home off D.C.'s Embassy Row on September 30, 2013, according to video footage obtained by a 'tracker'
who was filming guests who attended the event. Both men also appeared in a CNN report Monday [5/23/2016] that the FBI and the Department
of Justice were investigating McAuliffe's campaign finances, including $120,000 in campaign contributions linked to Wang.
Deep Dive into How the Clinton Foundation Operates Illegally and in Haiti. Understanding illegal activities of
the Clinton Foundation requires grasping state, federal, and foreign laws that bar public charities from being run for
private gain, and that govern solicitations using the mail, telephones, and digital media. Remember, as you evaluate
the available public record that Clinton Foundation trustees have never submitted the financial records of this web of public
charities to an independent, properly certified audit, performed by fully informed and empowered accounting firms. In
addition to providing new overview perspectives on the Clinton Foundation charity fraud network, this update offers extensive
background information concerning ways in which the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton family, and affiliates have operated in
Haiti — a nation that lies on the epicenter of natural and manmade disasters.
that Paid Hillary Clinton $335K for Speech Slapped With SEC Bribery Suit. A tech company that paid Hillary
Clinton $335,000 to give a speech in 2014 settled a dispute last week with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which
claims the corporation repeatedly bribed foreign political officials to promote its products and gain a business
advantage. Qualcomm, a wireless telecommunications company based in San Diego, paid $7.5 million to settle the SEC
probe. In a statement announcing the settlement last week, the commission accused the company of violating the Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act between 2002 and 2012 by hiring unqualified relatives of Chinese officials and providing them with
luxury gifts that had "no valid business purpose." These allegations were echoed in a civil lawsuit filed by Qualcomm's
shareholders last month, which also accused the company's executives of defrauding investors.
Sputtering Campaign. The Clintons left the White House broke, by their own admission, in 2001 and are now worth
well over $100 million — lucre apparently predicated on the degree to which corporations and foreign governments
believed that the phoenix-like couple would once again return to power, and would remain true to character as punishers of
non-contributors and abettors of donors. The couple founded the Clinton Foundation as a quid-pro-quo money-laundering
enterprise designed to sell influence for cash and to keep Clinton, Inc., hangers-on and employees viable in between Clinton
presidential runs. [...] It would require a suspension of disbelief to assume that companies or foreign governments gave
millions of dollars to the Clinton initiative because they wished to help the poor and the sick. All benefactors knew
that they were investing in influence, and the Clintons were selling it to the highest bidder in a way never true of any
other presidential foundation.
massive scale of the Clintons' speech-making industry. Last week, Hillary Clinton's campaign released her most
recent personal financial disclosure, detailing ways in which she and her husband earned money in 2015. Most of their income
came from book royalties and giving paid speeches. Bill Clinton, for example, gave a speech to the National Association
of Manufacturers in March 2015, being paid $325,000 for his time. You probably don't need to be reminded that $325,000
is more than most people make in a year. The median income for a family of four in 2014 was $53,657 — what
Clinton made about a sixth of the way into that one speech. And that was one of 22 speeches Bill Clinton gave
last year.
Putting 'Huge Amounts of Money' In Clintons' Pockets Had 'Strong, Rich Ties With Oppressive Forces'. [Scroll
down] [Stephen K.] Bannon added a hat tip to [Peter] Schweizer by pointing out that Clinton Cash was also released
about four weeks before the FBI investigation began, putting years of research on the Clinton's financial dealings into the
public domain. "We like to think that the two are connected, and the areas of investigation hit on the exact point that
we reported on in Clinton Cash, which is that money flows to the Clintons in exchange for official favors," Schweizer
agreed. "I think that the leak Terry McAuliffe is under investigation is only the beginning, and I have always believed
that the email investigation is important, but really that is just an ancillary to the larger question of the Clintons
getting paid off," he said.
Foundation Got $100M From 'Blood Minerals' Firm. A little known Swedish-Canadian oil and mining conglomerate
human rights groups have repeatedly charged produces "blood minerals" is among the Clinton Foundation's biggest donors,
thanks to a $100 million pledge in 2007, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation has found. "Blood minerals" are
related to "blood diamonds," which are allegedly mined in war zones or sold as commodities to help finance political
insurgencies or despotic warlords.
5 Reasons
Hillary Clinton Isn't Fit To Be President. [#5] She is utterly corrupt. Back when Bill Clinton was in the
White House, Hillary received $100,000 in bribes in return for putting $1,000 into the cattle futures market. The odds
that Hillary did that honestly have been computed at 1 in 31 trillion. That was small potatoes compared to the deals
Bill and Hillary appear to have cut with foreign governments. Enormous sums went directly into Bill's pockets for doing speeches
or to the scammy Clinton Foundation and next thing you know, the State Department was doing favors for those shady deep pocketed donors.
corporate America bought Hillary Clinton for $21M. "Follow the money." That telling phrase, which has
come to summarize the Watergate scandal, has been a part of the lexicon since 1976. It's shorthand for political
corruption: At what point do "contributions" become bribes, "constituent services" turn into quid pro quos and
"charities" become slush funds?
$300,000 Transferred From Hillary Victory Fund to State Parties Is Unaccounted For. Over $300,000 that was transferred from
Hillary Clinton's joint fundraising venture to state Democratic parties is unaccounted for, a review of campaign finance records by the
Washington Free Beacon has found. The Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fundraising effort between the Hillary Clinton campaign,
the Democratic National Committee, and 32 state parties, allows Clinton mega-donors to cut much larger checks than what can be contributed
directly to candidates or committees by law. A single donor can give upwards of $700,000 to the fund. According to Hillary
Clinton's website, the first $2,700 from an individual is allocated to Clinton's campaign, while the next $33,400 is given to the Democratic
National Committee. Any additional amount is then supposed to be split equally among the Democratic state parties.
of Wealthy Saudi Family Emerge as Clinton Foundation, Dem Donors. A wealthy family closely aligned with Saudi
Arabia's ruling family has emerged as a key donor to both the Clinton Foundation and prominent Democrats, despite the clan's
involvement in a domestic violence case that it has sought to sweep under the rug, according to police reports and funding
documents viewed by the Washington Free Beacon. Nasser al-Rashid, one of Saudi Arabia's wealthiest figures and
an adviser to the country's royal family, has donated somewhere between $1 million to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation,
putting him in an elite category of prominent donors. Al-Rashid's children — including one who pled guilty
to assaulting his estranged wife — have poured almost $600,000 into Democratic coffers during the past several
years, raising questions about influence peddling by prominent foreign families.
Banks Clinton Flags as Risky Put Millions Into Her Run. Hillary Clinton has vowed to be tougher on Wall Street
than any other presidential candidate, but that hasn't stopped the financial industry from sending a flood of cash to help
elect her. That includes segments of finance she has singled out for greater oversight in her plan to rein in "shadow
banking," where financial companies act like banks without being regulated like them. Hedge funds, private equity and
insurance executives, who could face greater oversight under the plan, have given a combined $24.9 million to Clinton
and the super-PACs supporting her, a Bloomberg review of campaign finance records shows.
FTC Accused of Engaging
in 'Partisan' Defense of Clintons. The Federal Trade Commission is being accused of engaging in a partisan
defense of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their business interests after the agency refused a congressional request to
investigate the family's foundation. The agency, which is charged with ensuring consumer protection, rejected a request
to investigate the nonprofit Clinton Foundation despite "serious and well-documented" concerns from lawmakers, said Matthew
Whitaker, a former U.S. attorney who serves as executive director for the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust
(FACT), an ethics watchdog group. The FTC penned a letter to Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.) this week
rejecting a request from she and 21 members of Congress that the FTC review the nonprofit status of the Clinton
Foundation after reports raised questions about the charity's transparency and possible deception.
Hillary's Electoral 'Luck'.
During much of evening of May 17, Sanders was ahead of Hillary in the Kentucky primary. Then, with a Cattlegate sort of "luck," Hillary pulled
ahead by the infinitesimal rate of 46.8% to 46.3% and won the primary. Hillary won Kentucky by the same microscopic margin that she won the first
state, Iowa, by 49.9% to 49.6%, in a symbolic victory of great political value. [...] Could Hillary's supporters have stolen enough votes to deliver by
the smallest of margins just enough votes to give her "wins" in states like Kentucky? One of the tightest allies of the Clintons is Allison Lundergan
Grimes, the Kentucky secretary of state and chair of the Kentucky State Board of Elections. She actively campaigned for Hillary in the Kentucky
primary despite being the state elected officer to oversee the vote-counting. The election results were posted by her office almost instantly and
reflected her publicly stated opinion almost as soon as the polls closed that "there is no revolution for Sanders."
Incompetent Failures in the Obama Administration. [Hillary] Clinton's scandals go far back before the Obama administration.
She learned how to hide the truth from the public from Richard Nixon. She and her husband profited from his political position, over and
over again. First, there was the Whitewater scandal (now being rewritten by the media). More recently, the Clintons made bank from
a uranium deal with Russia, which made a Russian company one of the world's largest uranium producers. Then there's the Clinton speeches
to wealthy corporations, the transcripts of which Hillary refuses to release to the public.
the Clinton paid speech machine. Bill Clinton has raked in close to $3 million in paid speeches since his wife launched
her second bid for the White House last April, according to Hillary Clinton's most recent financial disclosure. The enormous fee
for the Texas speech — which took place when Hillary Clinton was already scouting campaign office space but had yet to officially
announced her bid — signals just how much well-heeled clients are willing to pay to hear from a former, and potentially future,
occupant of the White House.
Clinton Foundation Bribes for Weapon Deals.
"Crooked Hillary" is not just a nickname; it is a way of life. For the latest generation of indoctrinated millennials,
who were educated in the black hole of Clinton's actual political conduct for decades, the notion of selling out real
national security for funding her family slush fund may be hard to swallow. For hard core Clintonistas, the practice of
trading favors for money is politics 101, taught in the book from "Chinagate". Lest you forget, "the transfer of America's
most sensitive technology, including but not limited to nuclear missile and satellite technology, apparently in exchange for
millions of dollars in contributions to the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election effort and the Democratic National Committee", is a
family tradition. You can always depend upon the Clinton apologists to ignore, divert or circumvent the linkage that
demonstrates the corrupt nature of the Clinton cabal, pay to play culture. But how much is enough before some of the
most left wing ideologues begin to admit that the stench can no longer be avoided?
Scandals: Is The Family's Charitable Foundation A Fraud? We wrote last week about how the Clinton
Foundation gathered some $100 million from a variety of Gulf sheikhs and billionaires, not to mention taking in millions
of "donations" from private businesses that later benefited from their supposed "charitable" largesse. Some of those
who gave big bucks to the Clintons had interests that were, to put it mildly, not in keeping with U.S. interests. That
prompted a key question: Just what do these assorted nations, foreign officials, satraps, global fixers and top
corporate execs expect in return for their money? And now comes a more serious, far-reaching question: Is the
entire Clinton Foundation so full of conflicts of interest and questionable dealings that it amounts to little more than a
massive fraud intended solely to enrich its presidential namesake and his family?
How the Clintons Cashed
In. When Bill and Hillary Clinton moved out of the White House 15 years ago, they were "dead broke," said
Hillary Clinton. Today, they're worth up to $150 million. A new documentary, "Clinton Cash," reveals how
they went from broke to filthy rich, with an emphasis on filthy. [...] For example, a Nigerian newspaper publisher tied to
the ruling People's Democratic Party (anything but democratic) paid Bill a whopping $1.4 million to deliver two speeches
in 2011 and 2012. The Clintons closed their eyes to the human rights abuses by Nigeria's brutal president Goodluck
Jonathan. Instead, Secretary Clinton made an official visit to Nigeria in 2012, congratulating Jonathan on his
nonexistent "reform efforts." American legitimacy bestowed at a bargain price. Just the opposite of what Human
Rights Watch had implored Secretary Clinton to do.
PAC Seeks IRS Audit of Clinton Foundation. The conservative super PAC American Crossroads said Monday [5/16/2016]
it filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service requesting an audit of the Clinton Foundation, following articles last
week about how the foundation aided a for-profit company part-owned by people with ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton. [...] The
[Wall Street] Journal article documented the Clintons' ties to the owners of Energy Pioneer Solutions Inc. that benefited from
a $2 million commitment coordinated by the Clinton Global Initiative, a wing of the foundation. [...] Under federal law,
tax-exempt charitable organizations aren't supposed to act in anyone's private interest but instead in the public interest, on
broad issues such as education or poverty.
analyst alleges major holes in Clinton Foundation records. After more than a year of research, a Wall Street
analyst is arguing the Clinton Foundation's books are riddled with financial inconsistencies that rise to the level of
"fraud." Charles Ortel, who gained recognition for correctly identifying problems with General Electric's financial
statements in 2008, has prepared 40 reports highlighting discrepancies that he said proves the Clinton Foundation has
covered up cash flow since 1997.
Sex, $2 Million, and
the Clinton Foundation. At the heart of the issue is the foundation sent funding to a company that had
significant ties to the Clinton family according to the WSJ. The IRS website states that any 501(c)(3) should
not be operated for the benefit of private interests.
5 Huge Stories the Media Ignored
While Arguing Over Which Bathroom to Use. [#1] Hillary's Conflicts of Interest Continue to Mount: As we
reported, it was revealed this week that employees at the Department of Justice — one of the agencies tasked with
investigating Clinton's allegedly improper use of private email servers — gave $75,000 in donations to the
presidential front-runner.
Pro-Turkey Lobbyist Sought Secret Favors From Hillary And Huma. Newly released emails show that a former
Democratic National Committee official and lobbyist for the Turkish government directly contacted two of Hillary Clinton's
top aides to ask for a favor ahead of the then-secretary of state's March 2009 visit to Turkey. The correspondence
raises numerous questions because the lobbyist, David Mercer, was paid $25,000 a month by the Turkish government to convince
lawmakers and government officials to oppose a bill designating the Ottoman Empire's murder of an estimated 1.5 million
Armenian Orthodox Christians from 1915 to 1917 a genocide. Clinton once touted her support for the resolution but
flip-flopped dramatically after she joined the Obama administration.
analyst alleges major holes in Clinton Foundation records. After more than a year of research, a Wall Street
analyst is arguing the Clinton Foundation's books are riddled with financial inconsistencies that rise to the level of
"fraud." Charles Ortel, who gained recognition for correctly identifying problems with General Electric's financial
statements in 2008, has prepared 40 reports highlighting discrepancies that he said proves the Clinton Foundation has covered
up cash flow since 1997. The financial whistleblower said his 15 months of research revealed gaps in the amount of
money donors claim to have given and the amount of money the foundation claims to have received.
The Clinton sleaze never
ends. In most cases, news that a major presidential candidate's family charity doled out millions to a
for-profit company controlled by the candidate's longtime friends would be raising lots of eyebrows. But this is Bill
and Hillary we're talking about. So it's just the latest in a long list of disclosures about the slush fund that
operates publicly as the Clinton Foundation. The foundation is deeply intertwined with the massive wealth they've
accumulated in the past 15 years — even as its donors have themselves reaped enormous benefits. The Wall
Street Journal reported Friday that the foundation in 2010 committed $2 billion to Energy Pioneer Solutions, despite IRS
rules that say a charity is not "supposed to act in anyone's private interests." The ex-president even personally arranged a
US Energy Department grant to the company.
Clinton Charity Gave $2 Million to Company Owned by One of Bill's Girlfriends. It's not like Bill's wife ever
takes any questions, but it would be curious to see if any so-called "reporter" out there has the [courage] to ask her about this.
Always Worse Than You Think. I read through Clinton Cash quickly when it came out last May. This
was no right-wing hit job (as the Clinton campaign asserted) but rather a methodical and exhaustively sourced chronicle of
how the Clintons parlayed Bill's celebrity, Hillary's position as secretary of State, and her possible future tenure as
president of the United States into a veritable Niagara of cash. Eye-popping speaking fees for Bill —
$250,000, $500,000, even $750,000 a pop — and millions upon millions directed to the Clinton Foundation and its
offshoots. Where was the money coming from? Did they actually find his "wisdom" that valuable?
sounds off on Clinton charity scandal. Donald Trump ripped Bill Clinton's foundation on Friday [5/13/2016],
saying that a pledge of $2 million from the nonprofit to a power company partly owned by the ex-president's rumored mistress
is "a bombshell." "There's no doubt about it," the billionaire businessman said on "Fox & Friends." The Clinton Global
Initiative made the $2 million commitment to for-profit company Energy Pioneer Solutions, which Julie Tauber McMahon, 54,
co-owns, during a September 2010 conference, The Wall Street Journal reported. Trump said people have been whispering
about Clinton's romantic involvement with the wealthy blond divorcée "for years."
Clinton's Charity Arranged $2M Commitment That Benefited Their Friends. The Clinton Global Initiative arranged
a $2 million commitment in 2010 that benefited a company partially owned by individuals with ties to Hillary and Bill
Clinton, according to a report Thursday [5/12/2016].
Clinton charity oversaw cash commitment to company partly owned by Bill's blonde friend. Bill Clinton's family
charity foundation oversaw an unusual $2 million financial commitment to a private company whose ownership is stocked with
close Clinton pals including 'family friend' Julie Tauber McMahon, a new bombshell report has revealed. The financial
commitment came at the 2010 conference of the Clinton Global Initiative, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing a document
from the time and people familiar with the matter. The pledged cash commitment went to Energy Pioneer Solutions, a
private company that insulates private homes and allows people to pay for costs on their energy bills.
Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million. A Daily Caller News Foundation investigation reveals
that Bill and Hillary Clinton received at least $100 million from autocratic Persian Gulf states and their leaders,
potentially undermining Democratic presidential candidate Hillary's claim she can carry out independent Middle East
policies. As a presidential candidate, the amount of foreign cash the Clintons have amassed from the Persian Gulf
states is "simply unprecedented," says national security analyst Patrick Poole.
'Clinton Cash' Documentary 'Devastating,' 'Powerfully Connects the Dots'. MSNBC previews the documentary
version of Clinton Cash before its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, saying the movie adaptation of Peter
Schweizer's book packs a "mainstream punch" and "powerfully connects the dots" in its case against the Clinton Foundation.
Most Uninteresting Woman in the World. As the old saying goes, "where there's smoke there's always fire", and
in the case of Hillary Clinton it is more true now than it ever has been, seemingly with new revelations about her e-mails
and corruption in the Clinton Foundation coming out almost every day. But also like the Everyready Bunny that just
keeps "going and going", Hillary Clinton is determined to continue her life-long quest for the White House amidst what seems
to be more and more scandal. And while any 'normal' person might devote their efforts towards clearing their name and
restoring their reputation, apparently there's no shame in Hillary. Just the ultra-ambition of winning the White House
at all costs. It's a personal obsession that she just can't control.
Schweizer: Uranium Deal Was 'Win-Win-Win' for Clintons, Canadian Financiers, Vladimir Putin; 'Losers Are the American
People'. Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments
and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, tells Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM with host Stephen K. Bannon
about the uranium deal that helped make the Clintons rich — and left Russia controlling a large portion of
America's strategic uranium supply. Schweizer explained how the wheels for this deal were greased by $145 million in
donations to the Clinton Foundation by interested parties, followed "coincidentally" by Hillary Clinton's State Department
approving the uranium sale.
operatives on the prowl for secret Clinton transcripts. Republican operatives are scouring the country for
transcripts, notes or secret recordings of Hillary Clinton's paid speeches to Goldman Sachs in hopes of finding damaging
material for the general election. Clinton has rebuffed calls from Bernie Sanders to release the transcripts of her
three speeches to the Wall Street giant, which she delivered in 2013 to the tune of $225,000 per appearance. She has
repeatedly said she will release the transcripts of her paid speeches when all the presidential candidates agree to do
so. Republican opposition researchers have taken matters into their own hands, aggressively seeking any information
about the speeches, including from Goldman employees who were in the room.
Trump vs. Clinton
is a verdict on America. Clinton is a maximally corrupt figure. Her great fortune in this election is
that hers is a conventional sort of corruption that does not seem to directly threaten law and order in the United States, or
destabilize the world order. She is loose about the security of her private email server on which she conducts the
business of state, but just try to get the transcript of the speech she delivered to Goldman Sachs for a hefty fee.
Although she's happy to take six-figure paychecks from American public colleges for her speeches, Clinton's main business has
been the globalist do-gooding grifter circuit. The outlines of it are simple enough. Give to the Clinton global
outfits and get favorable treatment in return. The Clintons get to travel around the world for more networking and
buck-raking opportunities, and keep their staff of flunkeys and friends well-paid. It's a family business. Try to
imagine Clinton being tough on financial services, when its firms have paid her husband nearly $20 million to speak to
them since his presidency ended.
With Bill Clinton, Donation To Foundation Preceded Businessman's Release From Iran Jail. Just before an
Iranian-American businessman was freed from jail in Iran in Oct. 2010, his son met with Bill Clinton and also made the first
of what would become more than $1 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Sources tell The Daily Caller that
Nima Taghavi, who owns businesses in California, grew impatient in 2010 with negotiations to secure his father Reza's release
from an Iranian prison, and so he turned to the former president for help. To arrange the meeting with Clinton, Taghavi
first contacted Doug Band, who worked as Clinton's "body man," has counseled the Clinton Foundation, and co-founded Teneo
Holdings, a consulting group that Clinton advised.
Year of Silence on Hillary Clinton Uranium Deal. [Scroll down] In short, here was what you might call a
radioactive scandal. It included secret donations, the Russian government, foreign financiers, more than $145 million,
and Bill and Hillary Clinton. And this was just two chapters of the book. And yet, one year later, Hillary Clinton
has never once been asked about this controversial uranium deal by the national media. It never came up during the
many Democratic Party presidential debates; never during any of her media appearances on cable news or network television;
never by print journalists who are covering her campaign.
up: Major analysis of Clinton Foundation scandals coming. Charles Ortel is a respected Wall Street
analyst who has been poring over the publicly available records of the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation,
and he promises a blockbuster set of revelations: [...]
Bill's aide
may be the nexus between the Clintons' political and financial interests. [Scroll down] Justin Cooper may hold the answer.
Mr. Cooper is a central player in the shadowy worlds of Bill and Hillary Clinton — serving as Mr. Clinton's top aide since 2015, when his
predecessor, former right-hand man and "surrogate son" Doug Band, resigned from the Clinton Foundation — yet he has largely escaped
notice. The obscure Mr. Cooper may, in fact, be the linchpin of the case swirling around the Clintons. Perhaps more than
anyone apart from the principals themselves, he is at the nexus of the Clinton Foundation, Hillary's work at the State Department, and
her possession of highly sensitive government documents.
Trailer for 'Clinton Cash' Movie Premiering During Cannes Film Festival. [Scroll down] Clinton Cash
investigates how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being "dead broke" after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over
$150 million, with $2 billion in donations to their foundation, wealth accumulated during Mrs. Clinton's tenure as
Sec. of State through lucrative speaking fees and contracts paid for by foreign companies and Clinton Foundation donors.
Hillary Clinton and the DNC Skirting Election Law? The joint fundraising committee set up by the Clinton
campaign is called the Hillary Victory Fund. Its Treasurer, Elizabeth Jones, doubles as the Chief Operating Officer for
Hillary Clinton's main campaign fund, Hillary for America. The joint committee was supposed to financially benefit the
Hillary campaign, the DNC, and 32 state committees that agreed to come on board. The concept, in theory, is to raise
joint funds to benefit the broader Democratic party and congressional candidates running for office. But by ramping up
the joint fundraising committee before the primary races have concluded, before Hillary is even the party's nominee, and with
her own people in charge of the joint committee, it has created the growing perception that this so-called joint effort is
really just a ham-fisted appendage of a political machine that wants to skip the quaintness of primary voting and let big
donors install the Democratic party's candidate.
Election Official Scored Big Profit From Real Estate Deal with Hillary Clinton Supporters. Diane Haslett
Rudiano, who is at the center of an investigation by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (D) over the mysterious
purging of voter rolls in Brooklyn, was involved in a recent lucrative real estate transaction with Hillary Clinton's
political allies that bagged her a whopping 1,000 percent return on her investment.
that paid for Clinton speeches have US gov't interests. It's not just Wall Street banks. Most companies
and groups that paid Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to speak between 2013 and 2015 have lobbied federal
agencies in recent years, and more than one-third are government contractors, an Associated Press review has found.
Clinton Campaign Bundler Is Directly Lobbying For Saudi Arabia. A major Hillary Clinton campaign funder is
personally lobbying on behalf of an arm of the Saudi government, federal records show. It's been known for months that
the Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court, an arm of the Saudi regime, has been paying the Podesta
Group to lobby lawmakers and federal agencies on its behalf. The Intercept reported the relationship last year. And
The Hill reported on Tuesday [4/19/2016] that the Saudi government was paying the Beltway lobbyist $140,000 a month
for its services. But documents recently published by the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act show
that Clinton campaign financier Anthony Podesta is one of the several lobbyists at his firm personally handling the Saudi account.
Panama Papers: Multiple Clinton connections. Hillary Clinton recently blasted the hidden financial
dealings exposed in the Panama Papers, but she and her husband have multiple connections with people who have used the
besieged law firm Mossack Fonseca to establish offshore entities. Among them are Gabrielle Fialkoff, finance director
for Hillary Clinton's first campaign for the U.S. Senate; Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining magnate who has traveled the globe
with Bill Clinton; the Chagoury family, which pledged $1 billion in projects to the Clinton Global Initiative; and Chinese
billionaire Ng Lap Seng, who was at the center of a Democratic fund-raising scandal when Bill Clinton was president.
Also using the Panamanian law firm was the company founded by the late billionaire investor Marc Rich, an international
fugitive when Bill Clinton pardoned him in the final hours of his presidency.
Did Congo Offer Clinton $650,000 For Two Pics And A Speech? Congo, one of the poorest nations on Earth, offered
former President Bill Clinton a speaking fee of $650,000 — a sum equal to annual per-capita income of 2,813
Congolese. Indeed, the International Monetary Fund ranks the Democratic Republic of the Congo dead last in its global
income rankings. What did it expect in return for its investment?
Foundation Donation Scandal Looking More Like Influence Peddling. Forbes is reporting that the Clinton
Foundation's first front of perceived impropriety is with speaking engagement fees. During Hillary Clinton's time as
Secretary of State, Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton earned a combined $26.4 million in speaking fees. Bill was the
major earner, giving three speeches with a speaking price ranging from $500,000 to $1 million for each. Many of their
speeches were given to foreign countries, and foreign and United States corporations. The issue with the speaking fees
is what was done with them. All $26.4 million was handed to the Clinton Foundation. The legality of this
concerns tax laws. Is there a legal way to hand over earned fees to a foundation without reporting it for either
personal or business tax purposes?
Clinton Donor Got $13M In State Dept Grants Under Hillary. Hillary Clinton's Department of State awarded at
least $13 million in grants, contracts and loans to her longtime friend and Clinton Foundation donor Muhammad Yunus, despite
his being ousted in 2011 as managing director of the Bangladesh-based Grameen Bank amid charges of corruption, according to
an investigation by The Daily Caller News Foundation. The tax funds were given to Yunus through 18 separate U.S. Agency
for International Development (USAID) award transactions listed by the federal contracting site They
highlight how Clinton mixed official government business with Clinton Foundation donors. Yunus gave between $100,000 to
$300,000 to the foundation, according to the Clinton Foundation website.
Five Clinton shell companies established in Delaware. Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with their nonprofit
Clinton Foundation, have established at least five shell companies in Delaware, according to tax filings highlighted on
Monday [4/11/2016]. Those companies include two for the couple's personal finances and three for the foundation, according
to the documents, which were first reported by the Washington Free Beacon. All five are filed at 1209 North Orange
Street in Wilmington. The address is shared with companies like Google, Apple, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, Ford,
General Electric and more than 280,000 others that use the facility to take advantage of the state's tax laws.
Delaware Address Is Home to 200,000 Shell Companies — Including Hillary Clinton's. The address "1209
North Orange Street" in Wilmington, Del., has become known in recent years as the epicenter of U.S. corporate secrecy.
The squat, split-level building is the official address of over 285,000 companies, many of which are looking to take
advantage of Delaware's Panama-like secrecy rules, tax incentives, and business-friendly case law. In the wake of the
recent "Panama Papers" scandal, this unassuming brick office has received renewed scrutiny from the Washington Post, the New
York Times, the Telegraph, and advocates for corporate tax reform. But one of its tenants may come as a
surprise — a company owned by Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton.
Real Clinton Email Scandal? It Might Be What She Did Legally. I have a saying: The scandal isn't what's
illegal, the scandal is what's legal," liberal editor and commentator Michael Kinsley once said. He was referring to
the legal forms of corruption that go on day after day in Washington. By that standard, the real scandal involving
Hillary Clinton's e-mails might not be that she compromised national security out of convenience by using a private e-mail
server while secretary of state. The real scandal could lie elsewhere — namely, in what some of her e-mails
reveal about her willingness use her position of power to help her corporate friends and campaign contributors.
Papers Reveal Clinton's Kremlin Connection. The revelations of the so-called Panama Papers that are roiling the
world's political and financial elites this week include important facts about Team Clinton. This unprecedented trove
of documents purloined from a shady Panama law firm that arranged tax havens, and perhaps money laundering, for the globe's
super-rich includes juicy insights into how Russia's elite hides its ill-gotten wealth. Almost lost among the many
revelations is the fact that Russia's biggest bank uses The Podesta Group as its lobbyist in Washington, D.C. Though
hardly a household name, this firm is well known inside the Beltway, not least because its CEO is Tony Podesta, one of the
best-connected Democratic machers in the country. He founded the firm in 1998 with his brother John, formerly chief of
staff to President Bill Clinton, then counselor to President Barack Obama, Mr. Podesta is the very definition of a
Democratic insider. Outsiders engage the Podestas and their well-connected lobbying firm to improve their image and
get access to Democratic bigwigs.
campaign behemoth built on a mountain of secret cash. The big-money campaign finance system that Hillary
Clinton has pledged to dismantle as president is what's fueling her White House bid, according to a new investigation.
The Democratic front-runner's campaign behemoth is built on super PACs, secret cash and unlimited contributions —
the very things she's railed against on the campaign trail, according to the Center for Public Integrity. The center
said its investigation found Clinton's own election efforts "are largely immune from her reformist platform."
Hillary Clinton Bought the Loyalty of 33 State Democratic Parties. Collusion between the Clinton campaign and
the DNC allowed Hillary Clinton to buy the loyalty of 33 state Democratic parties last summer. Montana was one of those
states. It sold itself for $64,100. The Super Delegates now defying democracy with their insistent refusal to change
their votes to Sanders in spite of a handful of overwhelming Clinton primary losses in their own states, were arguably part
of that deal. In August 2015, at the Democratic Party convention in Minneapolis, 33 democratic state parties made deals
with the Hillary Clinton campaign and a joint fundraising entity called The Hillary Victory Fund. The deal allowed many
of her core billionaire and inner circle individual donors to run the maximum amounts of money allowed through those state
parties to the Hillary Victory Fund in New York and the DNC in Washington.
Clinton Ties Emerge In Panama Papers. A billionaire and a Russia-controlled bank named in the Panama Papers
have links to Hillary Clinton through two separate lobbying efforts — one through a Clinton-connected lobbying
firm and another through Sidney Blumenthal. Clinton is linked to Sberbank, Russia's largest bank, through Podesta
Group, a lobbying firm co-founded by Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta and his brother, Tony Podesta, a major Clinton
bundler. According to the Washington Free Beacon, which first reported the connection, Sberbank registered with the
Podesta Group last month to lobby on issues related to economic sanctions against Russia and on stock and bond trading for
its U.S. clients.
Won't Shut Down Clinton Foundation Despite Major Ethical Concerns. Hillary Clinton says that instead of shutting down
the Clinton Foundation while she runs for president, she will be "transparent" to avoid any ethical concerns that may arise from
donations from Americans as well as foreign nationals who give to the foundation. During MSNBC's town hall event moderated by
Rachel Maddow on Wednesday [3/30/2016], Clinton said, "I would hate to lose that creativity, that imagination, that... extraordinary
flexibility that the Clinton Foundation provides."
firms that gave to Clinton Foundation also lobbied State Department. Major U.S. companies that lobbied
the State Department during Hillary Clinton's tenure were much more likely to donate to the Clinton Foundation than
corporations that were not attempting to influence the agency. A number of major Clinton Foundation donors have
defended their involvement by saying they gave to the controversial charity out of a sincere desire to do good. Most
have dismissed suggestions that they did so to build political clout with the secretary of state and potential future president.
the Clinton Foundation Hasn't Operated With 'Complete Transparency'. [T]he heart of the Clinton Foundation controversy sits
at the intersection of big money and power politics. It represents exactly the sort of unholy, influence-peddling and -purchasing
system that Hillary's primary opponent has railed against, to great electoral effect. Watch as Mrs. Clinton assures viewers
that any concerns about her family foundation serving as a giant dodgy political "slush fund" (as one good government watchdog called it)
should be allayed by her... commitment to transparency.
Hillary's Hibachi Racket. Hillary Clinton's
"trustworthiness" problem is fed by a long history of "varying credibility," as a recent Politico story delineated, including cattle-futures
trading, law firm billing records, muddled sniper fire recollections, and e-mail use. While providing pertinent points, the Politico
list is just a sampling. One missing item on the "mistrust" litany is a project she reportedly cooked up as Secretary of State, but that was
shaped by her family foundation. [...] No one would begrudge corporations giving to a philanthropic effort, but we would probably feel differently
about our own tax dollars going to the project Clinton is hawking — especially when the project is, by most accounts, an epic failure.
[...] If Clinton becomes president, her energy policies will likely enact a cap-and-trade system or a carbon tax — which would suddenly
make her cookstove project profitable.
Finding it Harder and Harder to Ignore Hillary's Metastasizing Scandals. Hillary Clinton's email scandal keeps
on growing, with new revelations that offer more justification for an indictment. Yet the mainstream media have long
maintained that Mrs. Clinton is not the target of the two ongoing FBI investigations, and they seem very uninterested
in the latest evidence to be revealed. However, a grand jury may be forthcoming. "My sources tell me that the Justice
Department is close to empaneling a grand jury and deciding whether to grant statutory immunity to Huma Abedin, Hillary's closest
adviser," writes Ed Klein for NewsMax. Klein is a former foreign editor of Newsweek, and was editor-in-chief of The New York
Times Magazine from 1977 to 1987. "That things have gotten this far in the investigation indicates that FBI director James
Comey is moving inexorably toward recommending to Attorney General Loretta Lynch that Hillary be indicted," added Klein.
While President Obama may be content to pre-judge the FBI investigations as unlikely to find anything criminal in Democrat
presidential candidate Clinton's behavior, more and more evidence has appeared showing that Mrs. Clinton is a deceitful
liar replete with conflicts of interests and even pay-for-play as secretary of state.
Loretta Lynch Stonewall: Will It Elect Hillary? When it comes to Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal, the most
important thing to bear in mind — even more than classified information — is this: It was all about
avoiding accountability. It still is. Mrs. Clinton did not set out to damage national security and compromise defense
secrets, although she obviously had no compunction about doing so as necessary to serve her higher personal interests. For a
generation, she has been a public person whose most intimate companion has been scandal. She knew her State Department
stewardship would be no different. Her motive in designing a communication system that circumvented government recordkeeping
and disclosure laws was to avoid a day of reckoning as she campaigned in 2016 for the power of the presidency she craves. And
that is where Loretta Lynch comes in.
Clinton's Anti-Corruption Partner Mired in Corruption Scandals. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, whom Hillary Clinton
praised for "setting a global standard" on how to fight corruption, now has protestors calling for her impeachment thanks to her own
alleged corruption. The New York Times reported that this month's protests calling for Dilma Rousseff's ouster, including
a 500,000-person gathering in Säo Paulo, were the largest since the protests that toppled Brazil's military dictatorship in the
1980s. Recent polling shows that 68 percent of Brazilians want the legislature to impeach Rousseff, who has made clear she
will not step down and plans to fight the charges against her. Clinton praised Rousseff in Brazil in 2012 at the first meeting of
the Open Government Partnership, an international initiative co-chaired by Brazil and the United States aimed at fighting corruption.
Show Close Ties Between Clinton and Boeing. [Scroll down] Under Clinton, the state department took a much more
aggressive approach to advancing the interests of U.S. corporations abroad, often directly lobbying on their behalf, as Clinton did
before Boeing received a contract with a Russian airline to purchase 50 jets at $3.7 billion in 2010. The FBI's most
recent email dump shows that Clinton took a keen interest in many matters related to the corporation while Secretary of State.
While Clinton was lobbying for Boeing on foreign trade issues, the company donated more than $1 million to the Clinton family's
global foundation, while also paying her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars each for lucrative speeches the company sponsored.
Clinton's State Department found no conflict of interest at the time.
Clinton Foundation Donor's Flight From Justice Aided by Hillary Allies. It's hard to believe that the Obama
administration and its hideously politicized Justice Department would ever indict Ms. Clinton, given that President Barack
Obama picked her for secretary of state and its clear favoritism toward her in the presidential race. But there is massive
evidence that shows financial abuses — including money laundering — at the Clinton Foundation and
overwhelming evidence that donors were helped by Ms. Clinton. To take one of so many examples, there's the case of
Clinton Foundation donor Claudio Osorio — who is now housed at a federal prison serving 12 years for
fraud — who in 2010, with Ms. Clinton's (and Bill Clinton's) help, won a $10 million loan from the
Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
Comey and Loretta Lynch Hold the Whole Country in Their Hands. The leading contender for the Democratic Party
nomination is under investigation by the FBI on two basic tracks. The first is for national security violations regarding
her grossly negligent use of a private email server and unsecured BlackBerry (when traveling abroad!) for all her official
business as secretary of state, including housing 22 emails on the server deemed so "top secret" that the State Department
has refused to make them public. (There is much more, easily found on the Internet. Beyond even that, there is the matter
of the erased hard drive with thirty thousand or so more emails of a self-described personal nature like "yoga lessons,"
which many assume the FBI has recovered and whose contents are yet to be revealed.) The second, perhaps even more serious,
malfeasance is various crimes related to what is popularly known as influence-peddling performed by then-Secretary of State
Clinton with foreign nationals and officials in connection with her multi-million, possibly billion, dollar family
foundation. If true, for a normal citizen, conviction would likely result in multiple years in prison.
and power work in Hillary Clinton's favor. The smoking guns keep piling up at Hillary Clinton's feet, but
nothing seems to trip her. Yesterday, Judicial Watch released a batch of documents, obtained through a Freedom of Information
Act request, that it says reveals blatant coordination between then-Secretary of State Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.
Stunningly, the internal State Department emails expose Clinton's eagerness to "thank [Clinton Foundation] supporters for their
commitments." Of course, these "commitments" must mean money. It's incredible. And, Clinton's State Department was
apparently coordinating meetings for Bill Clinton with foreign heads of state. If any other employee at the State Department
had arranged such meetings for their spouse and actively thanked contributors to their spouse's foundation, they would likely go to
jail. No lawyer would even let it go to trial, because the sentencing guidelines would guarantee years behind bars.
reveal coordination between State, Clinton nonprofit. Documents released on Tuesday reveal that former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton's staff at the State Department coordinated with staff at the Clinton Global Initiative to help her thank the nonprofit's donors for their
"commitments." The information, obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act request, includes emails from 2009 that were
exchanged between prominent staff members at both organizations.
Email Scandal: Here's One Thing Hillary Was Trying To Hide. Judicial Watch released 276 documents Tuesday [3/22/2016] that had
been obtained through one of its Freedom of Information Act lawsuits. Among the material are emails that show the State Department under
Clinton was coordinating with the Clinton Foundation staff and how foreign governments sought favor through the intertwined State Department-Clinton
Foundation link. As we've said before, it looks as if Clinton used her job at the State Department to funnel cash into her family's
nonprofit organization.
Clinton Documents Raise Questions on Benghazi, Clinton Foundation. Judicial Watch today [3/22/2016] released
276 pages of internal State Department documents revealing that within two days of the deadly terrorist attack on Benghazi,
Mohamed Yusuf al-Magariaf, the president of Libya's National Congress, asked to participate in a Clinton Global Initiative
function and "meet President Clinton." The meeting between the Libyan president and Bill Clinton had not previously been
disclosed. The documents also show Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's staff coordinated with the Clinton Foundation's
staff to have her thank Clinton Global Initiative project sponsors for their "commitments" during a Foundation speech on
September 25, 2009.
Clintons and the sordid UBS affair. The story, as originally recounted by James V. Grimaldi and Rebecca
Ballhaus of The Wall Street Journal, was, of itself, deeply troubling. In March 2009, after meeting with Swiss
Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton intervened with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) on behalf of Switzerland's most powerful banking institution, UBS. The IRS, which at that time was seeking the
identity of wealthy Americans who had stashed some $20 billion in 52,000 tax evading UBS accounts, then agreed that the Swiss
bank need only turn over information on 4,450 accounts. Afterwards, UBS increased its previous $60,000 in donations to the
Clinton Foundation ten-fold. By the end of 2014, UBS donations to the Clinton Foundation totaled $600,000.
and the Espionage Act of 1917. Attorneys fresh out of law school are familiar with the legal issue known as
"spoliation of evidence." When parties fail to produce relevant evidence within their span of control, evidence which they
are otherwise naturally expected to possess, the U.S. legal system allows and even mandates that unfavorable presumptions be
drawn against them. So when some item of relevant evidence — whether documents, physical objects or data relevant
to an ongoing legal matter — is destroyed, discarded or modified in some way, the U.S. legal system allows us to
presume that the missing evidence was unfavorable to that party and allows us to draw conclusions accordingly.
Foreign Clinton Donor Made Donations To US Campaigns. Hansjorg Wyss, a billionaire Swiss citizen and multi-million dollar
Clinton Foundation donor, gave 30 contributions to American political campaigns over a nine-year period, according to an investigation
by The Daily Caller News Foundation. Federal law has imposed a strict, across-the-board ban since 1966 on foreign nationals giving to
U.S. political campaigns. The ban was later included in the 1974 Federal Election Campaign Act. The only exception is for
foreign nationals who possess a green card. The ban applies to all levels of political campaigns.
Hillary Clinton Backed Off Crackdown on Chemical Dangerous
to Pregnant Women After Dow Chemical Joined Clinton Global Initiative. Hillary Clinton said that a dangerous chemical could harm pregnant women
and infants and needed to be regulated, but she appears to have backed away from the issue after the nation's largest corporate producer of the chemical started
partnering with and eventually giving money to the Clinton Global Initiative and an advisory firm linked to former President Bill Clinton.
The Editor says...
Partner is not a verb.
Carson Says Hillary Clinton's Dow Chemical Scandal Is 'Washington Run Amok'. Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson is blasting Hillary Clinton
after Breitbart News reported that she backed off from an effort to save pregnant women and children from a dangerous chemical once the Dow Chemical company joined the
Clinton Global Initiative.
Memo Said Clinton Would Steer State Department Resources to Donor's Haiti Project. An official at the Overseas Private Investment Corporation,
a federal agency under the guidance of the State Department, wrote a memo on Jan. 26, 2010 to her superiors recommending funding for a construction project
in Haiti. According to the proposal, Miami businessman Claudio Osorio and his company InnoVida would build homes on the island using low-cost proprietary
panels. Lynn Tabernacki, OPIC's renewable energy director, noted in the report that InnoVida had "U.S. persons of political influence that are able to
assist in advancing the company's plans." "For instance, former President Bill Clinton is personally in contact with the Company to organize its
logistical and support needs," wrote Tabernacki. "Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made available State Department resources to assist with
logistical arrangements." Additionally, the Clinton Global Initiative had "indicated that it would be willing to contract to purchase 6,500 homes
in Haiti from InnoVida within the next year."
The H-Factor in voter
turnout. Bill and Hillary Clinton have flouted the law since their earliest political days in Arkansas, after which their
contempt for morality and the law continued to grow throughout their years of ascension to and through the White House. To make it
worse, their "no corner left uncut" policy toward the intersection of presidential politics and profit has made these two moral jaywalkers
immensely wealthy. Millions of Americans would quickly cite the Clintons as living proof that if not crime, then most certainly unethical
behavior does indeed pay and pay handsomely. Rubbing salt into our wounds, the Clintons deflect all charges of their corruption with
countercharges of national conspiracies by their enemies to discredit them.
Clinton family values. The State Department inspector general issued a subpoena to the Clinton Foundation for all
documents involving charity projects supported by the foundation that would have required approval by federal officials during
Hillary Clinton's term as secretary of state, the Washington Post reported last week. The whole notion of donors writing
fat checks to the foundation while their own pet projects were pending — projects that would benefit from a wink and
nod from, say, the secretary of state — raises the same kind of question about Clinton family ethics that surely cast
a pall on Hillary Clinton's candidacy during the New Hampshire primary. In addition, this time around the IG is also looking
for records related to Clinton's most trusted aide, Huma Abedin, who for six months in 2012 worked for State, the Clinton
Foundation, Clinton's personal office and a private consulting firm with Clinton family ties. Right, what could possibly
be wrong with that!
Foundation Board Member Is Ex-EPA Chief Who Used Fake Email Name. Lisa Jackson, the former Environmental Protection Agency administrator who was
caught using an email account under the pseudonym "Richard Windsor," sits on the board of the Clinton Foundation [...]. Jackson's — or
"Windsor's" — position on the board has not been a secret, but it has received little media attention during the Clinton email scandal, which threatens
to derail the Democrat's White House hopes. Jackson's biography on the Clinton Foundation's website shows that she took her position there in 2013.
Three Strikes and
You're Out, Hillary. Under the three strikes law, your third felony puts you in prison for the rest of your life. Hillary
Clinton has yet to be officially charged with a felony. However, with investigations by that charter member of the vast member of the
vast right wing conspiracy, the FBI, already underway, the announcement by the State Department of an investigation into the activities of
the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation during her tenure as secretary may be her third strike politically.
Foundation received subpoena from State Department investigators. Investigators with the State Department
issued a subpoena to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation last fall seeking documents about the charity's
projects that may have required approval from the federal government during Hillary Clinton's term as secretary of state,
according to people familiar with the subpoena and written correspondence about it. The subpoena also asked for records
related to Huma Abedin, a longtime Clinton aide who for six months in 2012 was employed simultaneously by the State Department,
the foundation, Clinton's personal office, and a private consulting firm with ties to the Clintons.

Not Just Goldman Sachs: Here's The Full List of Paychecks Hillary Collected From Wall Street. This illustration is only a small
sample of the list.
$153 million in Bill and Hillary Clinton
speaking fees, documented. Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid
speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring, a CNN analysis shows. In total, the two gave 729 speeches
from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least
39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least $1.8 million
for at least eight speeches to big banks.
Clinton, Not Goldman Sachs, Set Six Figure Speaking Fees. Oddly enough, while there are many members of DC's Establishment,
few have the honor of having cashed checks from Wall Street bigwigs directly. Hillary Clinton, who gave several six figure speeches
to various investment banks — including one to Goldman Sachs for $675,000 — is one of them. Hillary inists that Goldman
Sachs wasn't so much paying for the pleasure of her company at her request, as they were offering her a sizable chunk of change as a
"thank you" gift.
Parse carefully. Influence peddling is not the same as buying votes.
Hillary Clinton Says She Has 'Never, Ever' Let a Donor Influence Her
Vote. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton defended her voting record Sunday [2/7/2016] in an interview on ABC's "This Week with George
Stephanopoulos," saying she has never been influenced to vote one way or another by a donor. "I have never, ever been influenced in a view or a vote by anyone
who has given me any kind of funding," she said. The defense came in the wake of criticism over Clinton's alleged ties to Wall Street from her rival for the
nomination, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Protestation About Cash For Positions Rings Hollow. At Thursday's [2/4/2016] Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders had at it
over big-money campaign donations and how money buys influence in politics. Of course, most of the pressure was directed at Clinton. "But you
will not find that I ever changed a view or a vote because of any donation that I ever received," she protested to Sanders. That was a whopper.
And if you need proof, take a look at her record on the passage of the U.S.-Colombian free trade agreement of 2006.
Grows Annoyed Over Questions About Wall Street Speech Transcripts. Hillary Clinton grew perturbed on Friday when asked in an interview if she
will release transcripts from speeches she gave in private settings to Wall Street patrons. Her campaign communications director Brian Fallon also dodged
a question about the speeches, saying that the campaign will have to "see what transcripts exist." "I said that I would look into that," a visibly annoyed
Clinton told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Friday [2/5/2016] when asked about releasing the transcripts, which was brought up in Thursday night's debate by MSNBC
co-moderator Chuck Todd. Clinton said during the prime time debate that she would "look into" releasing the transcripts.
Why Hillary Clinton's Huge Goldman Sachs Speaker Fees Matter. In a party that thinks "Wall Street" is a dirty word, Hillary Clinton
is trying to square her anti-capitalist rhetoric with the millions that she made giving speeches to Wall Street firms. Hypocrisy, thy name
is Hillary. At a CNN-sponsored "town hall" after Clinton brayed about the evils of Wall Street, income inequality and a rigged economy, host
Anderson Cooper asked her about her speaking fees, specifically the $675,000 that she made giving three speeches to Goldman Sachs. For context,
those three speeches alone earned Clinton nearly four times what the average chief executive in the private sector makes in a year, according to the
Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Bill Clinton in the FBI crosshairs too? Rather than simply focusing on Mrs. Clinton's actions as secretary of state, the
FBI investigation may be proceeding along two tracks: his and hers. So far, two areas of focus have been mentioned.
One is the possible abuse of highly sensitive information by Mrs. Clinton through her use of a private, unsecured server. The
other involves possible violations of public corruption law: whether she and Mr. Clinton used her position as secretary of state
to further the interests of the Clinton Foundation.
blasts Wall Street, but still draws millions in contributions. Even as Hillary Clinton has stepped up her
rhetorical assault on Wall Street, her campaign and allied super PACs have continued to rake in millions from the financial
sector, a sign of her deep and lasting relationships with banking and investment titans. Through the end of December,
donors at hedge funds, banks, insurance companies and other financial services firms had given at least $21.4 million to
support Clinton's 2016 presidential run — more than 10 percent of the $157.8 million contributed to back her
bid, according to an analysis of Federal Election Commission filings by The Washington Post.
on $675G Goldman Sachs speech fee: 'That's what they offered'. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton proved Wednesday [2/3/2016]
to be unabashed about accepting millions of dollars in speaking fees from Wall Street firms amid an increasingly competitive race with self-proclaimed
"democratic socialist" Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. At a CNN town hall in Derry, N.H., moderator Anderson Cooper asked the former secretary of state,
"Did you have to be paid $675,000?", a reference to her fees for three speeches to Goldman Sachs. Clinton responded, "I don't know. That's
what they offered."
Clinton Curse returns. The FBI's investigation is finding so much additional evidence of wrongdoing by the Clintons
and their Clintonistas that the copious evidence is actually impeding the bureau from recommending indictments. No sooner
does the bureau think it has wrapped up one set of indictments than it trips across another category of malfeasance.
For instance, it seems that the FBI has now found the Clintons to have co-mingled their foundation's interests with Hillary's
State Department work, and then there is her campaign fundraising, Bill's exorbitant lecture fees, and — who
knows — the needs of the Clinton Library. If Hillary and Bill are lucky, the FBI investigations will be
mired in new evidence for months to come.
CBS anchors chuckle when Hillary says she can't be bought. Hillary Clinton is well on her way to being a joke — she
just doesn't realize it yet. The groundswell for Bernie Sanders shows that many on the left now recognize her corruption, something
that her dubious victory in Iowa will only enhance. Things are so bad for her that the anchors on CBS — CBS! —
chuckled when she claimed during an interview that she couldn't be bought.
The case against Hillary Clinton.
[#2] The whole Clinton operation is extremely shady. Henwood's book documents many instances of suspect conduct by the Clinton Foundation,
but perhaps the most spectacular example is the tangled story of how Bill Clinton reportedly helped a Canadian mining magnate named Frank Giustra buy
uranium mining operations from the dictator of Kazakhstan, who then donated tens of millions to the Clinton Foundation. Giustra sold out in
2007, but the same firm was later bought piecemeal by some Russians with government ties. The sale needed approval from a U.S. government body
on which Hillary Clinton sat as secretary of state, because it involved uranium assets in the U.S. They got the approval, while the company
chairman routed $2.35 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian investment bank with ties to the uranium company paid Bill
$500,000 for a speech. Even that summary isn't doing the story justice.
Hillary made millions off secret
Wall Street speeches (from which the press was banned). Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton laughed when asked if she would release
any of her speech transcripts that she delivered to Goldman Sachs in the past during a town hall Friday in Manchester, New Hampshire, The Intercept
reported. Clinton gleaned over $2 million in less than seven months from speeches to Wall Street banking houses immediately following her
departure from the Obama administration, The New York Times reported. For example, GoldenTree Asset Management paid her $275,00 for remarks
she made before their clients.
made millions off secret Wall Street speeches (from which the press was routinely banned). Reporters were
routinely prohibited from covering former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's speeches before some of the nation's most
exclusive Wall Street financial investment firms, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation. The names of
the Wall Street firms that barred reporters from covering her speeches reads like Who's Who of the country's largest and most
prestigious wealth management companies.
Greed Is Clinton's Achilles'
Heel. When Bernie Sanders hits rival Hillary Clinton for taking humongous speaking fees from big banks — notably the
$675,000 Goldman Sachs paid her for three speeches while she eyed the Oval Office — he struck Clinton's Achilles' heel.
Both the former secretary of state and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, have cashed in since they left the White House in 2000.
The New York Times reported last year that the Clintons earned $139 million from 2007 to 2014. The Clintons' focus on
accumulating wealth clouds their judgment.
paid speech problem goes beyond Goldman Sachs. Critics contend the dozens of special interest groups and
corporations that paid [Hillary] Clinton hefty fees to appear at their events did so in an effort to buy access with the
candidate before her White House bid, a suggestion Clinton denies. But a Washington Examiner review of Clinton's
financial disclosure forms reveals most of the groups that paid Clinton for speeches in 2013 and 2014 were also lobbying the
government at the same time, raising questions about their motives for paying such generous sums directly to a former
secretary of state and future presidential candidate.
Hillary's Last Hurrah. [Scroll down] The public corruption
part of this case — which is harder to investigate and to prove — may be the part that actually kills Clinton's shot at the presidency.
The federal conflicts of interest law — Title 18 US Code Section 208 — has not been discussed much in Clinton's case because the FBI
hasn't said anything about it, other than it has some of the 150 agents working the case assigned to that part of the case. Under Section 208, any
federal official who takes action — by decision, refusal, or whatever — on any matter coming before her in which she had a personal financial
interest is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for up to five years. If Clinton did anything for any foreign government, company, or individual
that was in return for a donation to the Clinton Family Foundation or another big-dollar speech by Bill, that was a violation of Section 208. Those
actions may also have been a violation of the federal bribery statute, Title 18 US Code Section 201, another felony.
Questions for Hillary Clinton. [#3] Why did your State Department approve the transfer of 20 percent of American uranium
to the Russian government? Did it have something to do with the fact that the Clinton Foundation hauled in $145 million from
investors in the deal, and the fact that Bill received $500,000 from a Kremlin-baked bank for a speech in Moscow?
U.S. Attorneys Predict Criminal Charges in FBI's Probe of Clinton Server. Two former U.S. attorneys said the
FBI will likely reach a determination in the next few months in its investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server,
and based on publicly available evidence said the bureau could have a strong criminal case. "I expect the FBI to conclude
the investigation within 60 to 90 days and make a recommendation to the Justice Department, and I believe they will
recommend a series of charges involving the classified information," said Joseph DiGenova, who was U.S. Attorney for the District
of Columbia during the Reagan administration. The FBI has been investigating whether classified information was mishandled
over Clinton's private email server since at least August. The probe reportedly has expanded to include contracts awarded
by the State Department in relation to Clinton Foundation donors.
emails reveal just how deeply Clinton and her advisers despise Israel. There are many reasons to dislike
Hillary Clinton. For one, she's an unrepentant liar, fabricating everything from her Brian Williamesque brush with death in
Bosnia to her parent's pedigree to her claim that she believed a video caused the deaths of four heroes in Benghazi. She
is also unethical, having accepted large sums of money to the Clinton Foundation from countries and entities working on behalf
of foreign governments impacted by her decisions as secretary of state. There is some circumstantial evidence suggesting
that she may have been influenced by these rather large contributions. In one well publicized case, Russia was able to
acquire 20% of the United States' uranium reserves in an energy deal that required State Department approval. A paper
trail from that transaction reveals that the Clintons' and their foundation benefited from substantial donations issued by
entities with vested interests in ensuring the Russian acquisition of America's strategic assets. Clinton was required
to publicly disclose these contributions but never did.
Clinton's Coming Legal Crisis. The latest release of Hillary Clinton emails entails real risks for her, churning just beneath the
surface of her successful primary campaign. True, Democratic voters have shown little interest, and the mainstream media only a bit more.
Their focus, when they do look, is on the number of documents now considered classified, their foreign-policy revelations, and the political damage
they might cause. These are vital issues, but Clinton faces a far bigger problem. She and her closest aides could be indicted criminally.
times Clinton Foundation donors got special access at State. Hillary Clinton has forcefully denied reports that the FBI is expanding its
investigation of her private email network to include allegations of "public corruption" involving the Clinton Foundation. But thousands of emails
made public by the State Department between May of last year and Friday [1/8/2016] indicate donors to the Clinton Foundation were often given personal
meetings, generous contracts or special consideration that was seemingly not afforded to the same number of private groups that had not written checks
to the charity.
Hillary Capone. The real soul of the Clintons, if you will, is good old
fashioned greed. It is a love of money and what money brings that drives them. Politics has always been a means, not an end.
In this regard they are not much different from most gangsters. Al Capone enjoyed crime, but crime was not his motivation. He
liked living large and crime was the means to that end. [I]f Capone happened to be good at making widgets, he would have done that.
If the news reports are accurate, it appears the FBI is figuring out that they have an old fashioned heist on their hands. The smart money
says they run into a stone wall, but even Al Capone was eventually brought low on the sort of technical violations of the law we are seeing
here. This is not the 1920's where you can hide the books from the Feds.
Promises To 'Go After' Cayman Island Tax 'Schemes,' Though She And Bill Have Made A Ton From Them. Hillary Clinton criticized
the use of offshore tax havens on Monday [1/11/2016], even though she and husband Bill have been paid millions of dollars in investment income,
consulting fees and speech honoraria from companies doing business in the Cayman Islands.
expands Hillary e-mail probe to investigate corruption. The FBI's probe into Hillary Clinton's secret e-mail server has expanded,
Fox News' Catherine Herridge and Pamela Browne exclusively report, into a new and more personal direction. While continuing to press on
the question of whether Hillary violated the Espionage Act on more than 1300 occasions, they also now have reason to look into whether the former
Secretary of State used her office to enrich the family through the Clinton Foundation.
Clinton probe expands to public corruption track. The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of private
email as secretary of state has expanded to look at whether the possible "intersection" of Clinton Foundation work and State
Department business may have violated public corruption laws, three intelligence sources not authorized to speak on the
record told Fox News. This new investigative track is in addition to the focus on classified material found on Clinton's
personal server.
FBI Email Probe Now Investigating Potential Clinton Foundation Corruption. According to reporting from Fox News, the FBI probe
of Hillary Clinton's email use has expanded and is now investigating whether the "intersection" of Clinton Foundation donations and State Department
decisions during Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State violated corruption laws. Three sources from the intelligence community confirmed the
probe's expansion to Fox's Catherine Herridge. "The agents are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the
dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed," one source told Fox.
agents' working Clinton Foundation probe: Ex-U.S. atty. A former U.S. attorney said the FBI's reported investigation of "public
corruption" at the Clinton Foundation has actually been going on for months, although it made headlines for the first time Monday [1/11/2016].
Joseph DiGenova, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan, said the FBI's foundation probe "has reached such a proportion of inquiry that it's
starting to sneak out," but that it was sparked months ago by information pulled from Hillary Clinton's private server and from the tax filings of
corporations that have donated to the charity. "There are now, I am told, 150 agents working on this case," DiGenova told the Washington
Examiner Monday, noting that was "a very unusually high number" of investigators to be working on one case.
Clinton Standard: Third World Corruption. It is most likely liberal philosophy that is causing our political leaders —
excepting Donald Trump — to refuse to defend the country against literal Islam. The refusal of our government to see the plain
truth of the matter — that we are under attack — beggars understanding. But this flight from reality and from past
American practice raises another possibility: are our leaders, or an important number of them, being bought off by our enemies? In
the past, this would have been an absurd question, a calumny. But not today given practice in office that is — apparently —
accepted as the new normal by the political elite. Look at one example: Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State.
donors use Maine Democrats to skirt campaign cash limits. A Cuban-born sugar tycoon. A California-based
registered foreign agent for the government of Sri Lanka. A Chicago billionaire. All of them are recent large donors to
the Maine Democratic Party via a complex fundraising scheme called the Hillary Victory Fund. The fund exploits recent court
decisions and weakened campaign finance laws to maximize political contributions and funnel them to the Democratic National Committee.
Clinton Payments to DNC Create Conflict of Interest. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee have
an unusual and apparently unprecedented agreement in which an entity she controls has paid nearly $20 million to the
political panel, even as its leadership plays a supposedly impartial role in fostering competition between the former secretary
of state and her rivals for the party's 2016 presidential nomination. Clinton created a "joint fundraising committee" Sept. 10
that funneled big-money donations in excess of the per-campaign limit to the DNC. In the next 20 days, she raised and gave
$600,000 to the DNC, and the figure ballooned to $18 million in the fourth quarter, according to newly released figures —
a third of her total haul. Normally the party would only team up with a candidate that way if the candidate was the nominee.
to investigate the Clintons for violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Now that Hillary Clinton has openly declared
that Bill Clinton will be part of her campaign, it is time for the FBI to investigate the Clinton Foundation, of which Bill is the founder, for
possible violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (22 USC 611 et seq). Since 2008, according to numerous reliable
reports, the Clinton Foundation has received hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions from as many as 19 foreign countries and many
significant foreign corporations. These include Algeria, Australia, Brunei, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Kuwait, Morocco, Nigeria,
Norway, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Taiwan, and the UAE. During the same period, former President Bill Clinton
has personally received millions in speaking fees from a number of these same nations and corporations. Common sense and an examination
of the record indicate that there was no altruistic explanation for these contributions and fees.
Clinton's $13M fail as Secretary of State. It turns out that Bill Clinton raked in millions from entities with
matters before Hillary Clinton's State Department. Oh, and the Clinton Foundation collected millions more from the same
bunch. In total, The Wall Street Journal reports, two dozen companies and groups, plus the Abu Dhabi government, gave Bill
more than $8 million for speeches, even as they were hoping for favorable treatment from Hillary's bureaucracy. And
15 of them also gave at least $5 million total to the foundation. At her confirmation hearing, questioners raised
the issue of her hubby's global business. Hillary vowed to take "extraordinary steps ... to avoid even the appearance of a
conflict of interest."
Hillary Clinton in 'League of Her Own' with Ethics Violations. A watchdog group that has asked the federal government to investigate
a number of possible ethics violations involving Hillary Clinton has named the presidential candidate the worst ethics violator of 2015. The
Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) released its list of worst ethics violators Tuesday [12/29/2015], placing Clinton in a "league
of her own" due to ongoing ethics scandals involving the former secretary of state. The watchdog cited a number of examples as evidence
Clinton abused her government position and violated ethics rules, including a recent report that then-secretary of state Clinton gave preferential
treatment to a business associate of her son-in-law in 2012.
office under fire for Clinton speeches. Government ethics officials have yet to respond to a congressional request for
documents about Hillary Clinton's paid speeches. Rep. Jason Chaffetz pressed the Office of Government Ethics last week for an
explanation of its decision to exempt Clinton from laws compelling public officials to disclose all forms of income.
Clinton Named 'Worst Ethics Violator of 2015'. The Foundation for Accountability and Government Trust (FACT), a Washington-based
think tank, released a year-end list of Worst Ethics Violators for this ill-begotten calendar year. Clinton ran away with the contest.
Breitbart News extensively reported on the issues that led to Clinton's victory in the contest, from her special favor for her son-in-law's buddy
at Goldman Sachs, to her potentially illegal coordination with the Ready For Hillary Super PAC. FACT even filed a complaint with the U.S.
Office of Government Ethics regarding Clinton's State Department favor for her son-in-law and his pal.
Hillary Return The Property She Got At The White House? Hillary Clinton bristled during Saturday's Democratic debate when
she was asked about her role as First Lady, which put her in charge of the Clinton administration's White House floral and dining
arrangements. But perhaps this Christmas season Clinton could actually return some of the items that she and her husband walked off
with during their departure in 2001. As the White House's keyboards were losing their "W" buttons, so too was the First Lady
making off with an historic haul in the form of gifts and presents from friends.
Cleric May Be Laundering Taxpayer Money Into Clinton Campaign — Hillary Under Pressure To Return Donations.
A mysterious Turkish Islamic cleric — whose followers have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Hillary Clinton's
family foundation and to her presidential campaign — is being accused of ordering the false imprisonment of three followers
of a competing religious sect, according to documents filed in federal court earlier this week.
Was Scheduled To Meet Privately With Crony Lobbying Her For Africa Business. Hillary Clinton's State Department
schedule includes an entry for a meeting with former Ambassador Joseph Wilson in December 2009, just a month after the career
diplomat emailed his longtime friend on behalf of a company he was working for which was seeking federal contracts.
Wilson's lobbying Clinton for the company, Symbion Power, has previously been reported. But it was unclear until now
whether the two ever met face-to-face to discuss the international engineering contractor, which was founded in 2005.
Muslim cleric giving Clinton millions. The U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen is a longstanding ally of
Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and their cozy relationship has included dinners and speaking
arrangements throughout the years. He is suspected of controlling $25 billion in global assets and his followers have
reportedly poured millions into the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. But now Gulen has been
accused in a U.S. court of being the ringleader of an international terrorist network, and Turkey is calling on America to
extradite Gulen.
Three Hillary Clinton Stories You Probably Missed
Thanks to the Media's Obsession With Donald Trump. [#2] [Marc] Mezvinsky passed along the request on behalf of his former
employer, Goldman Sachs, which was representing the mining firm Neptune in its effort to lobby for Senate approval of the Law of the Seas
Treaty. Clinton forwarded the email to her aide Tom Nides, a former (and current) Morgan Stanley executive. The Clinton
campaign refused to respond to multiple requests for comment from the Associated Press. A watchdog group has asked the U.S. Office
of Government Ethics to investigate.
about the Law of the Seas treaty.
investor who made out like a bandit to host Hillary fundraiser. On Friday [12/11/2015], Hillary Clinton
attended a fundraiser hosted by George Kaiser, a noted businessman and philanthropist who was a major bundler for President
Obama in 2008. He is also the founder of Argonaut Private Equity, a hedge fund that poured $270 million into the now
bankrupt solar company Solyndra. In 2009, Solyndra received more than half a billion dollars in taxpayer guaranteed loans.
When the company went belly up in 2011, Kaiser and other investors were given a soft landing when they were guaranteed certain tax
breaks that would kick in if Solyndra went bankrupt. Kaiser is a curious choice to hold a fundraiser for Clinton, given
her recent proposals to reign in the kind of crony capitalism exposed in the Solyndra mess, and other renewable energy company deals.
group calls for probe of Clinton relationship with firm tied to son-in-law. A conservative watchdog group
called Monday for a federal investigation into Hillary Clinton's actions toward a deep-sea mining company tied to her
son-in-law. As first reported by Time magazine, the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) filed a
complaint with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics alleging that Clinton gave Neptune Minerals "special access to the State
Department based upon the company's relationships with Secretary Clinton's family members and donors to the Clinton Foundation."
Clinton intervened for mining firm while secretary of state after son-in-law's request. As secretary of state,
Hillary Clinton intervened in a request forwarded by her son-in-law on behalf of a deep-sea mining firm to meet with her or
other State Department officials after one of the firm's investors asked Chelsea Clinton's husband for help setting up such
contacts, according to the most recently released Clinton emails.
Clinton's billionaire fundraiser host got sweet deal in Solyndra collapse. Hillary Clinton's claim that she is
not beholden to her wealthy donors will come under renewed scrutiny Friday [12/11/2015] when the Democratic front-runner raises
fresh cash for her presidential bid at the home of George Kaiser, a billionaire whose firm was the biggest investor in the troubled
Solyndra stimulus project — and who managed to walk away with a lucrative profit at the expense of taxpayers. Mrs.
Clinton will make a stop at the Tulsa, Oklahoma, home of Mr. Kaiser on Friday afternoon, just days after the former secretary of
state rolled out policy proposals aimed at stopping powerful corporations from taking advantage of American taxpayers.
Gangster: Clinton Met with Son of Mob Boss Seeking Favors for Votes. Good thing she's got Trump busy running
interference for her or this might get some coverage.
former Secretary of State met with Mafia heir at his pizzeria where he asked for father's release from prison .
Hillary Clinton met with a Mafia heir who asked for his drug kingpin father to be released early from prison in exchange for
votes, it has been revealed. The former First Lady met Giovanni Gambino, the son of Francesco 'Ciccio' Gambino and the
cousin of Carlo Gambino — the boss of the notorious crime family and one-time head of the American Mafia —
while she was campaigning in the the presidential primary in 2007.
Are The Most Glaring Examples Of Favoritism Revealed In Hillary's Emails So Far. Perhaps the clearest examples of favoritism revealed in
Hillary Clinton's State Department emails are those she received from her longtime friend, Sidney Blumenthal. The records show that the
journalist-turned-political hatchetman frequently emailed Clinton political gossip, intelligence reports, and news clippings he believed she'd find
interesting. He also often emailed her advice on how to handle geopolitical issues. And in many cases, Clinton appeared to go along
with his suggestions — decisions from which Blumenthal stood to gain due to his undisclosed consulting gigs with interested parties.
Cleric with Clinton Ties Taken to Court for False Imprisonment. An Islamic Turkish religious leader whose followers have donated up to
$1 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation is being taken to court on charges that he is using U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund a reclusive cult that
is indoctrinating U.S. children and silencing critics by force, according to a copy of the legal complaint filed Wednesday [10/9/2015] in a U.S. District
Court. Fethullah Gülen, a Muslim cleric whose movement has been described by critics as cult-like, stands accused of using hundreds of millions
in taxpayer funds to establish more than 120 charter schools in the United States that are used to proselytize and indoctrinate American youths.
Gülen and his followers have long been accused of using these schools to brainwash children and hold hostage scores of Turkish immigrants who
come to the United States on visas to teach at these institutions.
Hillary Sought To Help Millionaire Son-In-Law's Friend With State Department Business Meeting. As secretary of
state, Hillary Clinton sought to help a friend of her wealthy hedge fund son-in-law who was seeking a meeting with the State
Department and Clinton herself to discuss a deep sea mining company he had invested in, State Department records show.
In a May 25, 2012 email, an investor named Harry Siklas emailed Clinton's rich son-in-law, Marc Mezvinsky, to see about
setting up a meeting with someone at the State Department to discuss Neptune Minerals, a sea floor massive sulfide mining
company founded in 2011.
Watch Sues Treasury for Records on Hillary Clinton-Russian Uranium Scandal. Judicial Watch announced today that
it filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia seeking communications between the U.S. Department
of the Treasury and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of the Treasury (No. 1:15-cv-01776)).
The goal of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit is to gain access to documents involving a uranium deal approved by then-Secretary
of State Clinton that is tied to major Clinton Foundation donor Frank Giustra and Russian-state issues. The lawsuit was filed after the
Treasury Department ignored a FOIA request sent on May 29, 2015.
What a small world!
Guru Working For Clinton Server IT Firm Donated To Hillary's Campaign. The relationship between Hillary Clinton
and the IT company that managed her personal email server is a lot cozier than previously reported, The Daily Caller has
found. Andy Boian, the CEO of dovetail solutions, which is handling PR for the Denver-based IT company, Platte River
Networks (PRN), contributed $2,700 to Clinton's campaign on July 8, 2015, Federal Election Commission records show.
Favors For Sale: Ask For Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton has no achievements to speak of from her tenure as
secretary of state. But while there, she did set things up nicely for eight years of selling favors from the White House.
The Clintons' Colombian
connection: a secret investment fund. Even as Hillary Clinton is upping her anti-Wall Street rhetoric, here comes word
that the Clinton Foundation is running a private-equity company down in Colombia. The private-equity field is where Mitt Romney
earned his fortune — and hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of negative ads from the Obama campaign back in 2008.
Swirl Around Clinton Foundation 'Fund' In Colombia. The obvious question is why didn't the foundation register
Fondo Acceso, the Colombia-based fund? It's hard to tell. Was something shifty going on? Or was it legitimate
but just set up incompetently? Whatever, according to the Washington Free Beacon's reporting, the $20 million
investment firm is "registered in Colombia as a 'simplified stock corporation,' which (Colombian) legal experts said precludes
it from doing business as a private-equity fund." The private-equity fund was formed in 2010 by former President Clinton,
Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim (who owns 17% of the New York Times) and Canadian mining titan Frank Giustra. The precise
impetus behind it all is hard to tell.
Foundation's Colombian 'Private Equity Fund' Was Unregistered. The Clinton Foundation's Colombia-based investment company was
not registered as a private equity fund in the country, which may have allowed it to avoid certain industry regulations and oversight from
the Colombian government. Although Fondo Acceso described itself as a "Private Equity Fund" in company promotional materials and
business presentations, it is not listed in a database maintained by the Colombian government of current or previously registered private
equity funds. Colombian legal experts consulted by the [Washington] Free Beacon said that Fondo Acceso did not appear to have
violated any laws by calling itself a private equity fund, as long as it was not doing so while trying to raise capital.
Clinton's top political donor is Univision chairman, investigation shows. The chairman of Univision, the
largest Spanish language TV network in the United States, is reportedly the single biggest donor to presidential Democratic
front-runner Hillary Clinton and her husband former President Bill Clinton. According to an investigation on Clinton
donations by the Washington Post, Haim Saban and his wife Cheryl, a women's advocate and author, donated $2.4 million to
Clinton political campaigns since 1992 — 39 contributions over the past two decades. Separately, the couple
also donated at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, the investigation shows.
Firm That Caused Serious Security Breach at Gitmo Holds Hillary Fundraiser. A law firm that caused a "serious
breach of security" at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp by sending anti-American literature to detainees is scheduled on
Tuesday to hold a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, according to information obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The firm, Paul, Weiss, has long been tied to the Clinton family, with its employees donating hundreds of thousands to its political
campaigns and later cashing in on political appointments in the government. The Nov. 19 fundraiser, which is
being billed as a "conversation with Hillary," is currently being promoted on the Democratic presidential candidate's website
and costs attendees $2,700 per ticket.
Clinton Foundation Running Private Equity Fund
in Colombia. The Clinton Foundation is operating a $20 million private equity firm in Colombia, raising concerns from government and
consumer watchdog groups who say the practice is unusual and could pose a significant conflict of interest. The Bogota-based company, Fondo Acceso,
could also lead to uncomfortable questions for Hillary Clinton as she criticizes the private equity industry on the campaign trail. Fondo Acceso was
founded by Bill Clinton, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, and mining magnate Frank Giustra in 2010, financed with a $20 million joint contribution
from the Clinton Foundation's Clinton-Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative and the SLIM Foundation.
Hillary Donor Conducted Review Of Erroneous Clinton Foundation Tax Returns. The international law firm that
conducted the review of the Clinton Foundation's inaccurate tax returns is a major donor to Hillary Clinton's presidential
campaign, records show. DLA Piper has donated $171,200 to Clinton so far in the 2016 election cycle, making it the fifth
largest corporate donor to the Democrat's campaign. DLA Piper employees also gave $700,530 to Clinton's two Senate campaigns,
records from the Center for Responsive Politics show. That's in addition to $496,700 the firm's employees gave Clinton during
her 2008 White House bid.
Amend Tax Returns: Millions In Foreign Contributions. The Clinton Foundation will "amend" its tax returns for
the last four years, to correct "errors in the report of donations from foreign governments," as reported by Fox News. [...]
The same IRS that investigated the living daylights out of grassroots political organizations and kitchen-table pro-life groups
is happy to let the Clinton Foundation "amend" its tax returns whenever they get around to it. Tax-exempt applications
were not denied, but delayed until after the 2012 election, while the IRS demanded little neighborhood political groups
submit their prayer books for review, while the Clinton cash machine gets unlimited do-overs on its tax returns and we're expected
to believe power was not abused for political purposes in any way.
Foundation Amends 4 Years Taxes, Admits Speech Fees Weren't Donations. The Clinton Foundation filed its 2014
tax return, and amended its filings for 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. In a highly structured statement, Foundation President
Donna Shalala explained that this was all voluntary. Besides, she noted, it all came about because of an error in 2010 to
2013 filings. The updated returns can be found at Clinton Foundation amendments. Earlier this year, the Clinton
Foundation said it needed to amend its taxes. There just may have been millions of donations omitted, so Foundation
operatives wanted to make it right.
Cash and the 9/11 Excuse. When Peter Schweizer's book Clinton Cash came out earlier this year, most Democrats
spent months dismissing its charges of cronyism and conflict of interest as partisan hackery. But on Saturday night during
their party's second presidential debate, they got a taste of exactly what the former First Family's critics have been talking
about. When asked about the millions she has raised from Wall Street firms over the years and what she has been giving in
return for those donations, Clinton invoked the 9/11 attacks as the justification for her actions. That was a bit much
even for a complacent Democratic base that understands that nothing will stop Clinton from being their nominee.
Just a minor oversight, I'm sure.
Foundation tax forms reveal millions in unreported donations. An examination of the charity's tax forms by
reporters earlier this year prompted Clinton Foundation officials to undertake an "exhaustive review" of past returns, which
uncovered "several additional errors," according to foundation president Donna Shalala. In 2010, 2011 and 2012, for
example, the Clinton Foundation did not list any government grants. The amended tax form from 2010 included
$8.8 million in government grants that was not previously listed.
Hillary Clinton Figure Out Her 5 Greatest Accomplishments. Of course, the real problem Hillary has isn't that
she doesn't have achievements; it's just that they're not exploits that anyone would want to base a run at the Presidency on.
[... For example,] She managed to turn a career in government service into immense wealth: Hillary and her husband managed to
become filthy rich one percenters because of their government service. Granted, they did cut a few corners in the process.
For example, while Bill was governor, Hillary got away with taking a nearly $100,000 bribe from Robert L. "Red" Bone via sleazy
cattle futures deals. While she was Secretary of State, money poured into the pockets of her husband and the Clinton Foundation
from defense contractors and foreign governments that got fat contracts from the State Department. Among the governments that
funneled money into the Clinton bank account via speeches are Iran, North Korea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, UAE, Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, Russia and China.
Foundation amends four years worth of tax returns. The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation announced
late Monday that it had amended its tax returns for the last four years to more accurately account for revenue received from
government sources. In a statement, Clinton Foundation President Donna E. Shalala said the revised returns came as the
result of a voluntary review of the global charity's past tax returns. She said the changes were not required by law and did
not indicate that the charity owed any money to the Internal Revenue Service.
Clinton Foundation raised $178 million in
2014. The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation last year raised $178 million — its biggest annual
fundraising haul in five years — as it prepared for a possible future without its two biggest names. The fundraising
tally was revealed in tax filings publicly released Monday night. They showed that the foundation finished 2014 with by far the
largest cash reserves in its 17-year history — $354 million (against only $22 million in liabilities).
Street Donations to Clinton Totaled Seven Figures Before 9/11. Hillary Clinton claimed over the weekend that Wall Street
firms have supported her financially because she was a U.S. senator on Sept. 11, 2001, but campaign finance records show seven-figure
support from the industry before the attacks. According to, securities and financial industry companies and their
employees donated nearly $1.15 million to Clinton's 2000 Senate campaign. The Wall Street giant Citigroup topped the list of
her corporate donors that cycle.
of Felons Worked With Nonprofit Cofounded by Bill Clinton. Numerous former board members and trustees of a
charity group cofounded by Bill Clinton have been accused of or convicted of insider trading, campaign finance violations,
and other illegal schemes. The American India Foundation is one of several nonprofit groups in Bill Clinton's charitable
orbit, although it has received less attention than the Clinton Foundation and its spin-offs.
Clinton Foundation accounting fraud implicate a major accounting firm? Longtime Wall Street analyst and investor Charles Ortel
is excited about Nov. 16. That is the day when the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation must file its IRS Form 990
for tax year 2014. In anticipation Ortel's website, packed with numerous lengthy reports detailing what he believes is extensive Clinton
Foundation fraud, includes a countdown clock heralding November 16 as the Final Charity Fraud Confession Deadline.
Teneo, firm with Clinton ties,
declines to answer Senate questions. Teneo, a global consulting firm with ties to White House contender Hillary
Clinton, has dismissed a U.S. Senate panel's suggestion that it had undue influence at the State Department when Clinton was
the top U.S. diplomat, calling its work in Washington "insignificant" in a letter.
charity, under pressure, will amend tax return errors. The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation's flagship
health project changed its mind again on Wednesday [11/4/2015] on the matter of its erroneous tax returns, saying it would
refile them with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service after all. The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) said the
decision to refile its 2012 and 2013 returns was in response to "recent media interest." Its brief statement made no
mention of Republican criticism earlier in the week, when CHAI said it had decided against refiling the returns, known as
form 990s. That, in turn, was a switch from the spring, when it said it would refile them after Reuters discovered
it had misreported funding sources by millions of dollars.
the Clinton Foundation trying to distance itself from its health initiative? It looks like the Clinton
Foundation is trying to quietly distance itself from its global health project, which has faced days of scrutiny over its
federal tax returns. On the same day the Clinton Health Access Initiative announced it had reversed course and would
refile its tax forms, the Clinton Foundation changed its website to describe the organization as "independent."
The same IRS whose leader is facing impeachment for systemic political favoritism. Yeah, that'll work.
ask IRS to audit Clinton charity's finances. The U.S. Republican Party filed a formal complaint against one of
Hillary Clinton's family charities with the Internal Revenue Service on Tuesday [11/3/2015] and is calling for an audit after
the charity said this week it would not refile erroneous tax returns. The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation's
flagship health program conceded earlier this year it had misreported by millions of the dollars the money it was given by
governments compared with non-government donors in its tax returns for 2012 and 2013.
Foundation Organization Will Not Refile Tax Returns Despite Mistakes. The Clinton Health Access Initiative
(CHAI), which was spun off from the foundation in 2010, did not solicit a State Department ethics review of multiple
contributions from foreign governments as mandated by a conflict-of-interest pledge established before Hillary Clinton
assumed the role of secretary of state in 2009. A CHAI representative told Reuters in April that the organization was
planning to refile its 2012 and 2013 tax returns. However, Politico reported Monday [11/2/2015] that the same
representative insists that the organization never promised to refile the forms and will not do so.
Top Clinton
Lawyer Filed Voter Suppression Suit for Group Now Under Investigation for Voter Fraud. A group that had been represented by the
top lawyer for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign earlier this year is now being investigated by Ohio authorities for fraudulent voter
registrations, including the registration of deceased individuals. Marc Elias, an attorney at Perkins Coie who has become the go-to fixer
for Democrats and is now general counsel for Clinton's presidential campaign, became involved with the Ohio Organizing Collaborative this May
when he filed a lawsuit on its behalf to challenge the state's voter identification laws.
Foundation Must Restate All Tax Filings by 11/16; Were AIDS Drugs Used to Launder Money? It's not only the FBI —
which is investigating her mishandling of classified files — that has Hillary Clinton worried. The Clinton Foundation's
financial skulduggery is also set to return to the spotlight.
Foundation time bomb may explode on November 16th. The read of the day today is a long article by Ken Silverstein at explaining the hole the Clinton Foundation is in over amending its IRS filings. You see, the slush fund has
a lot of 'splainin to do, [...]
Congress needs to keep probing the Clinton cash register. Now that Hillary Clinton's much anticipated
congressional testimony is in the rearview mirror, the House Select Committee on Benghazi can move toward completing its
investigation and issuing a final report. It's also an appropriate time to urge standing congressional committees
on both sides of the Capitol to press new investigations into a crony capitalism network the Clintons built inside the State
Department. They ran a political cash register that blurred the lines between official government business and private
enrichment and left behind many unanswered ethical questions.
How Do You Spell Apparent Fraud? The Clinton Foundation, Shady
Accounting And AIDS. The Clinton Foundation has until November 16 to amend more than ten years' worth of state,
federal and foreign filings, but it's going to be virtually impossible to do so without acknowledging that it has engaged in massive
accounting fraud since its inception.
Library Funded By Offshore Tax Haven. Just ten years ago, when she and Bill were building the Clinton
Presidential Library, they received a critical short-term loan from a supporter's "offshore tax haven." Like most everything
else with the Clinton family, the rules and policies they promote are for other people. Or, it's possible that the Clintons
focus their policies on particular abuses and unethical actions because, having benefited from them, they have a unique perspective
on how these actions work.
Clinton scored paid speeches while Hillary made official State Dept. visits. Back when they occupied the White
House, Bill and Hillary Clinton boasted that Americans "got two for the price of one." The folks in Ireland have a good sense
now what that actually costs. As Irish businesses were arranging for Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to make one
of her last official visits to Ireland in December 2012, her husband, Bill, suddenly landed a half-million speaking gig for his
foundation on the Emerald Island, according to newly released emails from the conservative group Citizens United that show the
business of State and the business of Bill were often intertwined.
Foundation Donor Successfully Lobbied Hillary State Dept. for Massive Hotel Project in Haiti. Writing at the
consistently excellent Washington Free Beacon, Alana Goodman reveals Chapter 918 of the Clinton Global Graft Almanac.
In this case, a conspicuous contributor to the Clinton Foundation successfully bribed lobbied the Secretary of State —
Hillary Clinton — and the Clinton Global Graft Initiative itself for a hotel project in Haiti that successfully opened
last March.
Clinton Foundation donor lobbied State Department for Haiti hotels. A donor to the Clinton Foundation reached out to Hillary
Clinton's office to promote a Haiti hotel project that later received support from the U.S. government and Bill Clinton, according to emails
released by the Department of State. Richard L. Friedman, a Boston hotel developer emailed Cheryl Mills, Clinton's chief of staff,
to tout the project on May 17, 2011.
the Hillary Clinton Scandal Just Got Even Worse. While everyone has been focusing on House Republicans and their
inability to elect a speaker, the Hillary Clinton email scandal has been growing more troubling by the day. A letter released
by the House Benghazi Committee last week revealed that Clinton acted to promote the business interests of her "old friend" Sidney
Blumenthal, the longtime Clinton loyalist who sent her numerous "unsolicited" memos while running a rogue intelligence operation
and earning a hefty paycheck from the Clinton Foundation.
Committee: New Emails Show Clinton Promoted Blumenthal Interests in Libya. The House Select Committee on
Benghazi will be making public next week new documents that demonstrate Sidney Blumenthal was seeking business in Libya as he
was advising then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on U.S. policy in the country. According to a letter from Chairman Trey
Gowdy to Elijah Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the committee, at least once Clinton sought to aid Blumenthal's business
interests in Libya.
Hillary Clinton kept her wealthy friends close while at State Department. The note to Secretary of State
Hillary Rodham Clinton from liberal financier George Soros demanded "urgent attention from the highest levels of the U.S.
government." Clinton swiftly alerted a top aide to what she described as a "very forceful message which is good —
and needed." The e-mail exchange, in which Soros warned of growing unrest in Albania, illustrates how Clinton interacted
with major donors to her family's causes during her tenure at the State Department, staying in touch with her political network
before her 2016 run for the Democratic presidential nomination. And they show how these donors, some of them with interests
before the U.S. government, gained high-level access to press their policy concerns inside the Clinton-led State Department.
Clinton fundraiser was hosted by convicted
drug dealer. Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president, attended a fundraiser in
New York hosted by John Zaccaro, convicted on felony drug charges after he sold cocaine to an undercover cop. The 1988 conviction
of the son of unsuccessful Democratic vice presidential candidate Gerraldine Ferraro was reported in numerous publications at the time.
But the arrest was unearthed Friday [9/25/2015] by the Republican National Committee.
The Clintons' Chinese Bagmen Are
Baa-aack. The defendant is a major Clinton fundraiser named Ng Lap Seng, aka "Mr. Wu." He and Clinton pal Charlie Trie
visited the White House several times in the 1990s, snapping photos with both Bill and Hillary. Federal investigators are charging him
with lying to agents about why he brought more than $4.5 million into the U.S. over the last two years, including a suitcase full of
$400,000 in cash to New York. Hillary's campaign office is claiming ignorance. But isn't it funny how suddenly the Clintons'
old Chinese bagmen are popping up again, lugging around bags full of cash, just as the Clintons make another run at the White House?
Lawyer Ejected From Court For Practicing Law Without a License. The law-evading Hillary Clinton campaign-staffer
who was recently snared by undercover video-journalist James O'Keefe was also kicked out a courtroom when she tried to practice
law without a law license in 2014. Christine Gupana, a law graduate and a Hillary For Nevada fellow, was caught urging
apparent Clinton staffers and volunteers to register voters without first getting a needed license from a county clerk.
"Do whatever you can. Whatever you can get away with, just do it, until you get kicked out, like, totally," Gupana said
in O'Keefe's video.
Foundation on Charity Navigator's 'watch list'. Objections from the Clinton Foundation have failed to assuage
concerns of a charity watchdog group that says potential donors should think twice before giving money to the foundation,
which has come under scrutiny for donations from foreign governments and tax reporting issues. A spokeswoman for Charity
Navigator confirmed Tuesday [9/22/2015] that the Clinton Foundation remains on the group's "watch list" after being placed on
it earlier in the year. In the section designating the foundation as a member of its "watch list," CN's website cited
news reports of donations from foreign governments and the refiling of annual tax returns after reporting errors.
Clinton's office checked with State Dept. on paid speech to group with Tehran ties. An aide to Bill Clinton
asked the State Department in 2012 about the former president potentially delivering a paid speech to an Iranian
government-tied group that has pushed for an end to all U.S. sanctions against Tehran, according to an email exclusively
obtained by Fox News. The email request, in June 2012, came during a sensitive time for then-Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton. The Wall Street Journal reported last week that in July 2012, one of her top aides, Jake Sullivan, started meeting
in secret with Iranian diplomats in talks that helped paved the way for the nuclear deal with Tehran.
Election Officials Investigating Hillary Campaign. Top election officials in the state of Nevada are
investigating the Hillary Clinton campaign official who was snared in the latest James O'Keefe video, Breitbart News has
exclusively learned. Nevada attorney Christina Gupana, who is managing voter-registration efforts for the Clinton
campaign in the key state of Nevada, was the unwitting star of O'Keefe's undercover sting video this week. Gupana was caught
on film apparently conspiring to violate election laws. Now top state officials are investigating the matter.
Aide Huma Abedin Defrauded State Dept. — DOJ Refuses To Prosecute. Federal investigators targeted
top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin last year after they learned that she was paid for time she didn't work during the
former secretary of state's time in office — but Abedin blamed her husband, the disgraced former Democratic
congressman Anthony Weiner. Abedin, who was Clinton's deputy chief of staff for four years, explained a series of
inappropriate overtime payments, excessive hours, and repeated leaves of absence as the products of Weiner's poor
record-keeping. She was even paid for eight hours work on the day she was in labor.
Strikes Again: Undercover Video Purports to Show Hillary Campaign Violating Election Law. An undercover video
published Thursday [9/10/2015] by James O'Keefe's Project Veritas purports to show Nevada-based Hillary Clinton campaign staffers and
volunteers ignoring and knowingly violating Nevada's voter registration laws. Moreover, the video appears to show that this
conduct is being condoned and encouraged by a local attorney who works for the Clinton campaign.
goes full satire with call for more transparency in political donations. [Scroll down] There are plenty
more targets for Hillary to go after as part of this new crusade. There's a large consortium of defense contractors who
arranged a deal to sell $29B in weapons and defense technology to Saudi Arabia. That transaction looked pretty dodgy, but
after all of them donated huge sums to a certain foundation, the head of that foundation (who also just happened to be the
Secretary of State) got the deal approved. Oh, and Saudi Arabia kicked in more than $10M to the foundation just for some
icing on the cake. The new and improved candidate Hillary Clinton should definitely look into that one!
Energy Execs Praised by Clinton Foundation Indicted for $54M Ponzi Scheme. Executives of a Pennsylvania green
energy company singled out for praise by Bill Clinton were arrested on fraud charges on Thursday [9/3/2015] in connection
with an alleged Ponzi scheme. The individuals are facing charges of wire fraud, securities fraud, and conspiracy over
their roles in running a green energy company that authorities say was an elaborate $54 million Ponzi scheme, the
Associated Press reported.
emails show Hillary assisting for-profit college that paid Bill $16M. New emails released from Hillary Clinton's email server
reveal that while she was secretary of state, Clinton did a favor for a for-profit education company that later paid her husband more than
$16 million. In 2009, just a few months after Hillary took over at the Department of State, she was involved in planning a private
dinner on education policy that featured herself, several State Department staff, and about a dozen individuals involved with higher education.
In one email, sent Aug. 2, 2009 and first noted by Inside Higher Ed, Clinton discusses the upcoming dinner and what guests should be invited.
She urges the department to invite a representative of the for-profit chain Laureate International Universities to the dinner.
Haiti Fraudster Had Line to Clinton at
State Department. A Clinton donor was granted a $10 million federal loan for a Haiti house-building scam around the day his
lobbyist was in contact with Hillary Clinton about the project, emails released by the State Department show. Lobbyist Jonathan Mantz,
who served as Clinton's 2008 finance director, reached out to Clinton with details about his client Claudio Osorio's Haiti house-building
efforts in January 2010. The Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a federal agency that works closely with the State Department,
was in the process of approving a $10 million loan for Osorio's company InnoVida around the same time. InnoVida later defaulted
on the loan and the houses were never built. Osorio, who has contributed to both the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton's 2008
campaign, is currently serving 12 years in federal prison on fraud charges related to the loan.
The Clintons Continue to Clinton. What a
mess. Every week, seemingly every other day, there is a new shady revelation about Bill and Hillary Clinton that manages to top the
last one. For them there seems to be no bottom; for their supporters, there seems to be no self-respect. [...] The documents released
this week exposing Bill's failed despotic money grab were discovered not by dogged journalists conducting extensive investigations of a top
presidential contender but thanks to public records requests from Citizens United. If we had an honest media, we'd see reporters trying
to advance this story with some pointed questions. Of course, if we had an honest media, it wouldn't have required a conservative
non-profit to discover the Congo and North Korean outreach or the former president's willingness to cash those checks.
show top Clinton aide discussed work for foundation, consulting firm while at State Dept.. The chairman of the
Senate Judiciary Committee raised questions Thursday [8/27/2015] about how a top Hillary Clinton aide's fundraising for the Clinton
Foundation and job at a corporate advisory firm intersected with her work at the State Department. Sen. Chuck Grassley,
R-Iowa, questioned whether Huma Abedin's status as a Special Government Employee (SGE), which enabled her to hold four positions
simultaneously, created conflicts of interest. "How can the taxpayer know who exactly SGEs are working for at any given
moment?" Grassley asked in a letter to Abedin and Secretary of State John Kerry. "How can the ethics officer at the State
Department know?"
Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Drop Out Of The Race. [#5] Both Hillary and Bill have long thought they are
above the law. Consequently, they've been dogged by scandals throughout their public life — they simply do what
they want to do without thought of ethics, morals or legal limits. The Clintons even have a lawyer — David
Kendall — who seems to have had a full-time job for decades keeping investigators and investigations away from them.
This is a family that has set up a foundation that looks as if it were established to arrange favors for foreign interests and
to use their money to fund Hillary's presidential run.
Official Charged With Illegal Clinton Donations Indicted for Mail Fraud. Federal authorities indicted the former
president of a Florida teachers' union on fraud charges on Thursday [8/20/2015], even as he faces additional charges in his home
state over allegedly illegal campaign contributions to Hillary Clinton. The Justice Department charged former Broward
Teachers Union (BTU) president Patrick Santeramo with two counts of mail fraud for his alleged role in embezzling more than
$35,000 in payments from a local school district.
If I Were Trey Gowdy....
[Scroll down] Ever wonder why Hillary Clinton's long history of felonious malfeasance (an easy prosecution, I can
assure you) hasn't led to criminal charges? Easy answer: Democrats and Republicans alike are protecting her,
because public sector unions, corporate cronies, and other rentseekers carry far more influence than do the people.
The Annals of Corruption.
Hillary Clinton is a scandalous candidate for president of the United States. Most people acknowledge this, at least
judging by her plummeting poll numbers. A raft of stories gives the distinct impression that she and her husband have
been running an elaborate pay-to-play operation. Donations to the Clinton Foundation may have produced favorable State
Department policies dealing with Russia-owned U.S. uranium deposits, Haitian relief efforts, and foreign banking interests.
Her use of a personal email server while at the State Department, moreover, strongly suggests she has something to hide.
Clinton Foundation Donors Sold 'Green' Fuel to Military for $149 per Gallon. The CEO and Board of Directors of
Solazyme, a company the military paid $149 per gallon for "alternative" fuel, have donated more than $300,000 to Democratic
candidates and committees, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis. Recipients of significant donations
included the Obama Victory Fund and the Democratic National Committee. Additionally, Solazyme donated between $100,000 and
$250,000 to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
Clinton Foundation Quietly
Revises Mexican Billionaire's Donation. Hillary Clinton's family foundation quietly updated its list of donors last week,
significantly reducing the amount that it says has been given by a Mexican telecom tycoon whose company was recently accused of deceptive
U.S. advertising. The little-noticed update to the website of the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation added contributions
made in the first half of this year. But it also dramatically reduced listed contributions from billionaire Carlos Slim.
Prior to the update, Slim was listed as a $1 million to $5 million contributor. The updated version of the site says
he has donated between $250,000 and $500,000.
Blames the Clinton Global Graft Initiative and Email Scandal on... Judicial Watch. In an interview with the
Mexican government's official broadcasting system, which is aligned with the Beltway One-Percenters' policies of open borders
and the breakdown of the civil society, Hillary asserted that she has done absolutely nothing wrong.
backing Clinton gets $1M from untraceable donors. Hillary Rodham Clinton told a
cheering crowd at her largest rally so far that "the endless flow of secret, unaccountable money"
must be stopped. Two weeks later, the main super PAC backing her bid for the Democratic presidential
nomination accepted a $1 million contribution that cannot be traced.
Trump Explains What Everyone Already Knows: The Clintons Can Be Bought. Donald Trump
had a semi-rough night during Thursday's [8/6/2015] GOP debate, but he did a decent job explaining something
that should be self-evident by now: The Clintons will do anything for money. Trump, who has
donated to Hillary's political campaign and given at least $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, explained
why he gives money to politicians: "When I need something from them — two years later,
three years later — I call them, [and] they are there for me," he said. "With Hillary
Clinton, I said be at my wedding, and she came to my wedding. You know why? She had no choice,
because I gave."
of Clintons' Charitable Giving in 2014 Went to Their Own Foundation. Half of Bill and
Hillary Clinton's charitable giving last year went to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton
Foundation, according to a review of the latest financial disclosures from their private foundation.
The Clintons earned more than $28 million in 2014 and claimed around $3 million in income as charitable
tax deductions, according to tax returns released by Hillary Clinton's campaign last Friday [7/31/2015].
The campaign emphasized Clinton's charitable giving in a press statement, saying that it "represented
10.8 percent" of her income in 2014. But roughly half of that money —
$1.8 million — appears to have been channeled to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea
Clinton Foundation.
Hillary Clinton's Privilege. The appearance of malfeasance that burdens Clinton's political
ambition as did Jacob Marley's chains has lost much of its shock value if only because new revelations about
her alleged misconduct are a near daily occurrence. In just the last week alone, a variety of disclosures
regarding Clinton's past and present behavior have exploded onto the headlines. Their impact has, however,
been muted.
Parenthood Got Millions After Lobbying Hillary State Dept.. Planned Parenthood lobbied
the Department of State many times during Hillary Clinton's tenure there and received tens of
millions of dollars from foreign policy agencies over the past few years, according to a new report.
As secretary of state, Clinton attacked the Mexico City Policy, which bans federal funding of abortion
overseas. Her husband revoked the policy during his administration and President Obama lifted the
ban upon taking office in 2009. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which
is tied to the State Department, steered more than $100 million in funding to Planned Parenthood, its
international affiliates, and the pro-abortion Population Council between 2010 and 2012, according to the
Government Accountability Office — about 20 percent of the nearly $500 million
pro-abortion organizations received from taxpayers during that time frame.
Clinton Scandal: Will This Stop Her? [Scroll down] A few months later, Hillary
announced what was in essence a compromise between UBS and the IRS. After this intervention,
according to the reports, UBS donations to the Clinton Foundation reached roughly $600,000 by the
end of 2014, up from less than $60,000 just six years earlier. The bank also paid Bill
$1.5 million. All he had to do was join Bob McCann, a UBS executive, in a series of
economic forums. Suspicion of a quid pro quo is further validated by media reports that UBS
loaned $32 million to entrepreneurship and inner-city programs that the Clinton Foundation was
involved in. The reports are careful to say none of this is evidence of misconduct. But
it's all so consistent with the way the Clintons do business.
bank's donations to Clinton Foundation increased after Hillary intervention in IRS dispute. Donations
to the Clinton Foundation by Swiss bank UBS increased tenfold after Hillary Clinton intervened to settle a dispute
with the IRS early in her tenure as secretary of state, according to a published report. According to the Wall
Street Journal, total donations by UBS to the foundation grew from less than $60,000 at the end of 2008 to approximately
$600,000 by the end of 2014. The Journal reports that the bank also lent $32 million through entrepreneurship
and inner-city loan programs it launched in association with the foundation, while paying former President Bill Clinton
$1.5 million to participate in a series of corporate question-and-answer sessions with UBS Chief Executive Bob McCann.
Parenthood Received Millions of Dollars After Lobbying Clinton's State Department.
Planned Parenthood lobbied the Department of State many times during Hillary Clinton's tenure there
and received tens of millions of dollars from foreign policy agencies over the past few years,
according to a new report. As secretary of state, Clinton attacked the Mexico City Policy, which
bans federal funding of abortion overseas. Her husband revoked the policy during his administration
and President Obama lifted the ban upon taking office in 2009. The United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), which is tied to the State Department, steered more than $100 million in
funding to Planned Parenthood, its international affiliates, and the pro-abortion Population Council
between 2010 and 2012, according to the Government Accountability Office — about 20 percent
of the nearly $500 million pro-abortion organizations received from taxpayers during that time frame.
about Planned Parenthood.
Did Hillary Clinton Talk About During Those Speeches? Cookies, Cars, Camp. Hillary and
Bill Clinton disclosed recently that they earned more than $25 million making speeches to business,
trade and special interest groups over the past year or so; millions more went to the family's foundation.
What they actually told those groups is little known. In most cases, only sponsors, registered guests or
paid ticket holders were admitted. Venues were monitored by the Secret Service and attendees warned to
keep the content private. "Our contract didn't allow us to record or transcribe... and no posting to our
website," said Amanda Forster, spokeswoman for Premier Inc., a health-care consultancy that paid Mrs. Clinton
$225,500 for a speech in Miami last year.
depositions blocked by judge. A federal judge Tuesday [7/21/2015] blocked a scheduled
deposition of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband, former
President Bill Clinton, in a civil lawsuit that claims the Clinton Foundation operated as a criminal
organization. The conservative watchdog group Freedom Watch, which brought the lawsuit against
the Clintons, had scheduled separate video-taped depositions for them next week.
New Poll: 'Clinton Cash' Has Destroyed Hillary Clinton's Credibility. A new Quinnipiac
University poll released on Wednesday [7/22/2015] confirms that the bombshell revelations from the
New York Times bestselling book Clinton Cash have blown a gaping hole in Hillary
Clinton's credibility and trustworthiness — even before a single dollar in negative
campaign ads has been spent. Quinnipiac University Poll assistant director Tim Malloy said
Hillary Clinton's numbers on honesty and trustworthiness "border on abysmal."
Clinton pocketed maximum campaign donation from CEO in $30M fraud case. While promising to put more
Wall Street wrongdoers in jail, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton pocketed the maximum
campaign donation of $2,700 form former Waste Management CEO Phillip B. Rooney, who was part of a $30.8 million
settlement to a financial fraud case by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Mr. Rooney was cited with an
$8.7 million share of the monitory relief and barred for life from serving as an officer or director of a public
company as part of the 2005 settlement that ended SEC court action on allegations of cooking the books at the world's
largest trash hauler.
of Clinton Bundlers Also High-Dollar Foundation Donors. The majority of the members of
Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton's National Finance Committee are also massive
donors to the Clinton Foundation, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis. Of the
123 members of the National Finance Committee that were announced by the campaign on Wednesday,
72 are also listed donors to the Clinton Foundation. Together, they have contributed between
$56.7 million and $100.4 million to the foundation. Most of the contributions to the Clinton
Foundation came just as Clinton's official campaign was ramping up. Fifty-four of the 72 National
Finance Committee members that have given money to the foundation made their contributions as recently as 2014.
Clinton's Man in Morocco.
Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign failed to list a registered lobbyist for Morocco in its legally required
disclosure of all bundled fundraising done by lobbyists, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis.
Edward Gabriel, who was named U.S. Ambassador to Morocco by former President Bill Clinton in 1997, now runs the
Gabriel Company, a Washington, D.C., lobbying firm that has had the government of Morocco as a client since 2002
and has been paid more than $3.7 million by the nation since that point.
Facilitated Donor's Haiti Project that Defrauded U.S. Out of Millions. A federal
agency rushed to approve funding for a Clinton donor's sham Haiti recovery project that ended up
defrauding the U.S. government out of millions, according to court transcripts and internal government
documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. Miami businessman Claudio Osorio, who is
currently serving 12 years in federal prison on fraud charges, leveraged his relationship with Bill
and Hillary Clinton to help his company InnoVida obtain a $10 million loan from the Overseas Private
Investment Corporation (OPIC) for a Haiti housing project in 2010. OPIC is an independent government
agency that submits its annual budget requests through the State Department and works closely with the agency.
Clintons, the Saudis, Dow Chemical, and a $4.9 Billion Ex-Im Loan. Few in the odd
coalition of Left and Right pushing for reauthorization of the 81-year-old Export-Import Bank have
been louder than Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. [...] Clinton's defense of Ex-Im
may be motivated by more than mere concern for American businesses. Critics have argued that her
family's byzantine network of political and business interests benefits tremendously from the bank's
low-interest loans, and previous investigations have raised questions about the bank's independence
from the Clintons' political pressure. One Ex-Im deal in particular stands out in this regard,
both for its sheer size and for its remarkable number of connections to Clinton friends, donors,
organizations, and acolytes.
Questionable Benevolence. My favorite Clinton escapade has to do with Haiti. The
disastrous earthquake that left 230,000 dead and nearly leveled the entire country was ripe for
Clinton mischief. The statement that most captured my attention was the quote of what The Economist
said, which is "The strange multi-dimensional role that Mr. Clinton as co-chair of the IHRC (Interim
Haiti Recovery Commission), special UN envoy, former US president, spouse of the US secretary of
state, and head of his own foundation which supports projects in the country, will continue to lead
to confusion about for who he advocates and to whom he ultimately answers." What could possibly go
wrong there? Every account asserts that Haiti is still in a disastrous state. No one can
purport that anything could possibly make Haiti a functional place. It started as a poorly-run country
so why would anyone expect that it would be a pristine place even after the huge international humanitarian
effort? Yet the details of Clinton cronyism and the disappointing results stagger even the most
skeptical reader.
Bill: Mystery donor picked up $150G tab for 2010 Clinton speech. It was a big coup
when a nonprofit medical trade group landed Bill Clinton as a speaker at its 2010 annual conference
in Chicago — so big that some members wondered how the former president was being paid.
Not to worry, members of the Radiological Society of North America were told: An anonymous donor
footed his bill. The $150,000 fee was a mere fraction of the $48 million Clinton took in from
215 speeches between 2009 and 2013, while his wife was secretary of state.
Demands Lynch Look Into Clinton Ties to Shady Uranium Deal. Senator Chuck Grassley has
written a series of letters to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Secretary of State John Kerry, and
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew demanding answers about a shady uranium deal with a company tied to the Clintons.
Hillary Clinton, Get This, Edited the Emails She
Turned Over to State. Another story the media won't discuss. I saw someone note
that altering official federal records — which Hillary's emails are — is a
felony. [...] The White House is putting out the word that they're "disgusted" by the email scandal,
but this is par for the course for this White House, which tacitly approves of actions but puts out
claims about how "angry" they are. There's a way a president can show his anger about remorseless
law-breaking: Appointing a Special Prosecutor with the power to investigate and bring criminal
charges, if warranted.
Hillary Gump. The modern
locus classicus of government overreach was the Watergate scandal. Over forty years ago Hillary was
there as a young legal intern purportedly advising the House Judiciary Committee during the congressional
investigations. She was also reportedly let go by her superiors for unethical conduct —
quis custodiet ipsos custodes? From Watergate to Travelgate to Filegate to Whitewater to the
current quid pro quos of the Clinton Foundation to her recent destruction of private emails and her private
server while serving as secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has been at or near lots of government scandals
of the last half-century. Twenty years ago Hillary Clinton was brazenly evading federal law by hiding
her legal records from a court-ordered subpoena for documents — in the same fashion that in 2015
she destroyed all traces of her email correspondence on her private server, in violation of State Department
protocol and most likely federal law.
If Hillary Was Republican Media Would Have 'Special Prosecutor Watch'. Sunday on Fox
News Channel's "MediaBuzz," Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said if a
Republican had done the ethically questionable things Hillary Clinton did with private email
servers, Clinton Foundation foreign donations and former president Clinton's soaring speech fees
the media would set up "every day on every Sunday show," a "special prosecutor watch." Cruz
said, "Mainstream media is not fair and impartial. They are protecting Barack Obama and this
presidency. I think no one is more ready for Hillary than the mainstream media."
He continued, "If any Republican did what she's [Hillary Clinton] doing right now, she doesn't take
any press interviews and the press is docile ... How many criminal investigations are ongoing into
Hillary Clinton right now?"
Tries to Rebut Clinton Cash, Fails Miserably. [Scroll down] In fact, there are
two stages to the Uranium One scandal, as Schweizer spells out in detail. Stage one was when Bill
Clinton helped to facilitate and legitimize the acquisition of vast uranium deposits in Kazakhstan
by a previously-unknown company called UrAsia Energy, and the subsequent merger of UrAsia with
Uranium One. The individuals who benefited from those transactions poured more than $100 million
into the Clinton Foundation prior to 2009. These are the donations that Hillary refers to when she
says that "the timing doesn't work" because she was not yet Secretary of State. The second stage
of the Uranium One scandal occurred later, when a Russian company controlled by the Russian State
Nuclear Agency bought Uranium One, which by that time controlled around one-half
20% of the uranium in the United States.
Schools Target Vulnerable Vets, Give to Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton took aim
at the for-profit education industry last week saying it lies to military veterans to boost profits,
but the industry's most predatory schools are Clinton Foundation donors. Clinton during an event
in Nevada last Thursday accused for-profit schools of exploiting the so-called 90-10 rule in order
to "target service members, veterans, and their families with false promises and deceptive
marketing"; the rule, established by the amended Higher Education Act of 1965, caps the percentage
of total revenue for-profit schools can receive from Title IV federal financial aid. The rule
forbids for-profit schools from receiving 90 percent of their revenue from federal financial
aid — but the amount of federal money they receive in the form of veterans' benefits is
not restricted — making service members and veterans attractive prey for the revenue
hungry industry. The school relying on veterans' benefits most has been the for-profit University
of Phoenix, which took in nearly $1 billion in G.I. Bill funds from 2009 to 2014 according to PBS.
Clinton's shameful charge to a children's charity. Hillary Clinton says, "Success
isn't measured by how much the wealthiest Americans have, but by how many children climb out of
poverty." So why did she charge an exorbitant speaking fee to a charity that helps poor kids?
exec who helped expose $500G Clinton Foundation donation faces legal threats. A former
charity executive who helped expose a questionable $500,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation is
now being threatened by her old bosses with a lawsuit seeking tens of thousands of dollars, has learned. Sue Veres Royal, former executive director at the Happy Hearts Fund,
was initially quoted in a May 29 New York Times article that said the charity lured Bill
Clinton to a 2014 gala only after offering a $500,000 donation to The Clinton Foundation. His
office previously had turned down the charity's invitations, but this time he accepted; the
accompanying donation amounted to almost a quarter of the gala's net proceeds.
The Hillary Paradox.
The Hillary Paradox consists of two perceptions that are irreconcilable. The first is that Hillary Clinton is a
person of uncommon decency, compassionate and deeply committed to justice. The second is that many of her actions
over many years are the work of a person who couldn't possibly be uncommonly decent. How could someone with a
wonderful reputation so often behave disreputably?
Lord Acton, and Willie Sutton. It was Lord Acton, 19th century English Catholic
historian and statesman whose quarrel with Anglican Archbishop Mandell Creighton prompted Acton's
famous axiom: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Willie Sutton,
20th century legendary American bank robber whose appetite for vacuuming bank vaults, cashiers'
drawers, and jewelry cases, provoked lifelong unrepentant recidivism, when asked why he robbed
banks, quipped: "Because that's where the money is." With gymnastics perhaps unmatched by any
political duo in U.S. history, Hillary Clinton, along with nominal husband former president Bill, consort
of convenience, have straddled Lord Acton's wrath and Willie Sutton's passion.
The 'Clinton Cash' Questions Hillary Refuses to Answer. For example, Hillary hasn't
explained why her State Department approved the transfer of 20% of US uranium to the Russian
government — even as her family foundation hauled in $145 million from investors in the
deal, and Bill received $500,000 from a Kremlin-backed bank for a speech in Moscow. Hillary has
yet to explain why there was no conflict of interest in allowing top investors in the Keystone XL
pipeline to pay her husband $1.8 million to deliver 10 speeches, even as she quietly shepherded an
environmental impact study through her State Department that proved largely supportive of the pipeline.
Times' and the Clintons' Converging Conflicts of Interest. The latest revelations to
turn up in this mutual backscratching world of the Democrat-Media Complex was reported by The
Washington Free Beacon's Alana Goodman, who happens to be a former AIM intern. "A little-known
private foundation controlled by Bill and Hillary Clinton donated $100,000 to the New York Times'
charitable fund in 2008, the same year the newspaper's editorial page endorsed Clinton in the
Democratic presidential primary, according to tax documents reviewed" by the Free Beacon, Goodman
reports. Mrs. Clinton received the Times' endorsement in January 2008, over then-candidate Barack
Obama. The Times has refused to tell Goodman when in 2008 the donation was made. Was this
donation it made before, or after, the endorsement? Did one of them affect the other?
favor machine. New revelations have surfaced that Hillary was doling out favors far
earlier than previously known. It simply confirms what the public already knows about America's
quintessential political family: If there is a seam in legal lexicon as narrow as the word "is,"
the Clintons will find it and turn it into a broad boulevard of personal gain.
Study Marxism to
Understand Hillary. It's no secret that Bill and Hillary Clinton's family structure
exists in name only. Bill, the disgraced former president impeached by the House, betrayed Hillary
and had sex with a White House intern. He is a serial adulterer. But the Clintons have stayed
together for political reasons, so that Hillary can pursue her political career. Together, along
with daughter Chelsea, this arrangement has generated nearly $2 billion in donations to a family
foundation that now finds itself embroiled in financial scandals over where the money went, and what
it paid for.
10 Questions Hillary Clinton Won't Answer. [#1] Why did Hillary Clinton approve the
transfer of 20% of U.S. uranium to the Russian government, even as her family foundation hauled in
$145 million from investors in the deal, and Bill received $500,000 from a Kremlin-backed bank
for a speech in Moscow?
Clinton Foundation Reeks of Crooks, Thieves, and Hoods. Hillary Clinton "re-launched"
her floundering campaign Saturday [6/13/2015] on Roosevelt Island, formerly and fittingly known as
Welfare Island. Clinton's desperate effort to associate herself with "everyday Americans" contrasts
starkly with the crooked elites with whom she and Bill normally cavort. In fact, the Clinton
Foundation, Bill and Hillary's elaborate slush fund, includes numerous donors and even one-time
board members with dodgy backgrounds, shady dealings, and even criminal convictions that should
repel rather than lure a once and perhaps future president of the United States.
Crime Fund Taps "Mistress of Disaster" Jamie Gorelick as Defense Counsel. Gorelick is known
worldwide as "The Mistress of Disaster" for her involvement in not one, but two, trillion-dollar disasters.
Oh, and Politiho's Josh Gerstein notes that Gorelick's last federal litigation experience was also a
catastrophe: she represented Duke University in its infamous persecution of the school's lacrosse team for
rapes that never occurred. Duke was forced to settle with members of the team after Gorelick's stellar work.
Clinton Isn't Corrupt Until Someone Proves He's Corrupt, Says Bill Clinton. [Scroll down] Today
[6/11/2015], Bill gave an interview to Bloomberg, in which he responded to allegations that the Clinton Foundation
was nothing more than a slush fund, useful for padding the pockets of State Department bigwigs, employing friends,
and giving Chelsea Clinton employees to berate and harass (allegedly) so that she had something to do to pass the
time. Instead of giving the outright denial, Bill Clinton did what Clintons usually do in these situations:
ask if there's any concrete evidence.
to foundation donors stretch back to Hillary Clinton's Senate days. Hillary Rodham
Clinton's efforts to provide favors to major donors to her husband's global charity or her own
political career stretch back far earlier than her tenure as America's top diplomat, dating to the
time she served as a U.S. senator and had the power to earmark federal funds and influence
legislation, records show. For instance, Mrs. Clinton introduced a bill when she was New York's
junior senator that allowed a donor to the Clinton Foundation to use tax-exempt bonds to build a
shopping center in Syracuse, New York, public records show.
Clinton defends family foundation. Former President Bill Clinton said Wednesday that
if his wife is elected president he will stop giving paid speeches and, if she asks, step down from
the foundation that bears his name and has fueled attacks against her during her nascent campaign.
The Editor says...
Since the words came from Bill Clinton, it is necessary to parse carefully. He says he will
stop giving paid speeches if his wife is elected president. This allows him to keep giving paid
speeches until the polls close on election day, or forever if he dumps Hillary and remarries by then.
And if Hillary asks, he will step down from the Clinton foundation. But why would she ask?
Foundation donors have a bribery problem. A pair of Clinton Foundation donors with
financial ties to the former first family have both been at the center of major corruption cases,
raising questions about why they chose to give millions to the Clintons' charity. Nigerian
businessman Gilbert Chagoury's connections to the Clintons have come under scrutiny following
revelations that State Department policy may have benefited him personally while Hillary Clinton
served as secretary of state. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., has repeatedly pressed the State
Department for documentation of Hillary Clinton's decision not to place Boko Haram on the terrorist
watch list while serving as secretary of state.
'No Ceilings' Project Accepted $5 Million From Sexual Abuser. Democratic presidential candidate
Hillary Clinton's "No Ceilings" women's empowerment project at the Clinton Foundation accepted a $5 million
commitment last December from a Swiss billionaire even as his lawyers were fighting in federal court to hide his
darkest secret — a long record of sexually abusing women.
with Hillary. The only thing more fun to watch than Hillary Clinton's falling poll
numbers is to see her fans in the news media turning against her as 2015-16 election cycle gets
underway. [...] The sprawling Clinton Global Initiative "has sucked in so much cash from so many
sources that, with some creativity, it can be tied to virtually any skullduggery," writes The
Washington Post's political pugilist Dana Milbank. "Alleged wrongdoing at FIFA? There's a Clinton
tie. International arms dealers? The Kremlin? Uranium production? Human rights
violators? Known felons? All can be connected to the Clintons," Mr. Milbank says.
Your BS Detector Isn't Shrieking, It's Broken. The corrupts-everything-it-touches bribe
vacuum known as Hillary Clinton is still disgracing the national stage, 24 years after she first
displayed her con-artist colors. Hillary's most enduring accomplishment is the Clinton
Foundation — a glorification of bribery, chicanery, flim-flam and cons so outrageously
perfected that it serves up examples of every con known to humanity in one form or another.
And as she learned from hubby Bill — if the smarmy charm-con fails, quickly revert to veiled
threats. "You'll never work in this town again!" Hillary would fit right into Melville's
river boat teeming with con-artists. The accent she uses on the marks — oops, I mean
audience — changes as readily as the camouflage on a chameleon. Upper Midwest, Noo Yawk,
Fake-Southern — what you hear depends on the credulity of her marks.
Brings Charges Against Soccer Federation FIFA But Not the Clintons. It was not much of
a surprise to some to see the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) bring corruption charges against the
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) this week. After all, the
granting of World Cup hosting rights to Russia (2018) and Qatar (2022), appeared highly suspect, along
with several other apparent "pay to play" coincidences. Considering the nature of the charges
against FIFA, it seems only logical to wonder if, or when, such charges will be levied against Bill
and Hillary Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation.
the inauthentic. [Scroll down] The vast array of contributors to the foundation
(and those who paid the Clintons to give speeches) gives endless material to critics, and to the
media: the uranium mining company that funneled money to the foundation while it had business before
the State Department; the State arms-sale approvals for foundation contributors; the scores of foundation
donors who lobbied State; the Canadian affiliate of the foundation that didn't disclose its donors; the
Keystone XL pipeline bankers who paid the Clintons to speak; the fees charged to a charity for tsunami
victims; the use of an unreported pass-through company; Hillary Clinton's brother's ties to a Haitian gold
mine; the money from countries with poor human-rights records; and contributions to the foundation from Qatar
while Bill Clinton gave a boost to its controversial World Cup bid. The Clintons' defenders will say
none of this is illegal, and that may be so. The problem is appearance. Clinton can talk all she
wants about income inequality and reducing the influence of money in politics, but her recent experience
makes her seem insincere.
Donated $100K to New York Times Group the Same Year Paper Endorsed Her. A little-known
private foundation controlled by Bill and Hillary Clinton donated $100,000 to the New York
Times' charitable fund in 2008, the same year the newspaper's editorial page endorsed Clinton in
the Democratic presidential primary, according to tax documents reviewed by the Washington Free
Beacon. The Clinton Family Foundation, a separate entity from the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea
Clinton Foundation, has been the family's vehicle for personal charitable giving since 2001. It
is funded directly by the Clintons and distributes more than $1 million a year to civic and
educational causes.
Drip, Drip, Drip. With
the drip, drip, drip of the many conflicts of interest which enrich the Clinton family and bedevil
Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, one refrain remains constant among the liberal punditry:
"These stories are not hurting Hillary's support among Democrats." Even if the claim were true —
which appears increasingly dubious — what does persistently strong support for Mrs. Clinton in the face
of endless stories of the Clinton Foundation accepting money from foreign countries that had important business
before Hillary's State Department say about Democratic voters?
Slush Fund Took $10 Million From African Church Which Likens Gays to Devils. [C]onsidering Grandma
just recently embraced gay marriage this ought to get messy. Nah, who are we kidding?
female mob boss tries race- and gender-baiting while studiously avoiding questions from press.
Hypothetically speaking, if I'd amassed $150 million through a massive racketeering and money-laundering
operation, I'd be avoiding the press as well. But I wouldn't be running for president.
'Too many ethical questions' surround Hillary. Former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee's (D) presidential
candidacy is less than 24 hours old, and he's already doing something no other Democratic challenger has:
directly bashing front-runner Hillary Clinton's ethics. During a Thursday morning [6/4/2015] interview on CNN's
"New Day," Chafee laid out a litany of ethics allegations that have followed Clinton throughout her career.
"It's a long record going back over decades of questionable ethical practices. People groan when I bring up
Whitewater and all these things, the Rose Law Firm records; it seems like it never stops," Chafee said, mentioning
issues from Clinton's time as first lady.
sends Congress unsigned form letter to brush off demands for Clinton Foundation investigation. The IRS responded
to a Republican request for an investigation into the Clinton Foundation's tax-exempt status with a one-page form letter that
starts with "Dear Sir or Madam." In May, more than 50 House Republicans asked the IRS to review the Clinton Foundation's
tax-exempt status, after it became clear that the foundation had failed to report millions of dollars in grants from foreign
governments. That letter, led by Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, said a review was "appropriate" given that this
money was accepted and not reported while Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state.
Clinton Cash Scandal Carries National Security Implications. Ever since his days in
Arkansas, Bill Clinton has had an unerring ability to sniff out corruption and get in bed with it.
[...] Examples are easy to list: Colombia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, and Algeria are among them. The
Clinton interests also made out very well in Haiti. Cash has also rolled in from FIFA, the
world's most corrupt sports organization. But the latest episode in the Clinton Cash scandals stems
not from the third world or from a third world-dominated soccer federation. Rather, it involves Sweden.
Tells Oversight Committee of Crimes Committed By Hillary and Huma Abedin. Two
whistleblowers met behind closed doors with the Oversight Committee staffers and the lead general
counsel for the committee. The revelations are nothing short of explosive. One of the
whistleblowers is already well known, Richard Higbie, but the second one, who is still unnamed has
evidence of possible crimes by Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton and a cover up of those crimes by former
Acting Inspector General of the State Department, Harold Geisel, who had previously been accused of
playing politics in his position as watchdog for the State Department.
Committee Knows Of Hillary Email Server Whistleblower. The Daily Caller learned of a
three-hour May 1 meeting two State Department whistleblowers held with the general counsel and
staffers for the Oversight Committee, which is led by Utah Republican Jason Chaffetz. According
to a copy of notes from that meeting, State Department whistleblower Richard Higbie and another
whistleblower told of an inspector-turned-whistleblower with State's office of the inspector general
who claims his investigation into Abedin's work with Teneo Holdings, a consulting firm, led to the
discovery of Clinton's private email server.
orders Clinton Foundation racketeering case to trial. A Florida judge has set a trial
date in the racketeering case against the Clinton Foundation and Bill and Hillary Clinton. Judge
Donald Middlebrooks of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida ordered the
racketeering, influenced and corrupt organizations, or RICO, case to head to trial January 20,
2016. The order, entered Friday [5/29/2015] and obtained by the Washington Examiner,
came days after Larry Klayman of Freedom of Watch filed a lengthy civil complaint against the Clintons
and their foundation in the same court.
Clinton's foundation cashed in as Sweden lobbied Hillary on sanctions. Bill Clinton's
foundation set up a fundraising arm in Sweden that collected $26 million in donations at the same
time that country was lobbying Hillary Rodham Clinton's State Department to forgo sanctions that
threatened its thriving business with Iran, according to interviews and documents obtained by The
Washington Times. The Swedish entity, called the William J. Clinton Foundation
Insamlingsstiftelse, was never disclosed to or cleared by State Department ethics officials, even
though one of its largest sources of donations was a Swedish government-sanctioned lottery.
Junk Journalism.
[Scroll down] Hillary and Bill raked in $30 million in speaking fees in just the last 16 months
(about $62,500 per day). Their left-wing politics supposedly gave them immunity from the obvious
conclusion that they were con artists who had created a huge family racket (Chelsea gets $600,000 a year
to help run it; Sidney Blumenthal got $10,000 a month in consulting fees) to shake down corporate grandees
and foreign governments. The motive seems unapologetic greed: the savvy dealmakers could
donate to a former president's and likely future president's shell organization that hired their former,
out-of-work flacks, provided the Clintons with free jet travel, and still funneled 10% of the cash to
charities as progressive cover — as they looked for insider concessions like cell phone
contracts or uranium acquisitions.
is inevitable no more. Two new polls released Tuesday [6/2/2015] show that former
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is not on any sort of glide-path to the U.S. presidency. The
full effect of Peter Scheitzer's new book, Clinton Cash, is starting to make itself felt.
Schweitzer's simple and sound investigative work has been picked up and expanded upon by the
mainstream media, showing how the Clintons have enriched themselves and filled their foundation's
coffers with help from corporate and foreign interests with business before the State Department
under her tenure.
Top 5 Reasons
America is Toast. [#3] We have a former Secretary of State who now wants to be President but
while Secretary of State her private family foundation took tens of millions of dollars in donations
from foreign governments that were, at the same time, lobbying the very State Department she was in
charge of for permission to buy over a hundred billion dollars worth of weapons. How this
fails to qualify as a federal crime is beyond me given that a foreign agent is unable to buy a Senator lunch.
The Time Hillary Clinton Implied Barack Obama May Have Ties to Hamas. Bill and Hillary
Clinton have a long list of shady associates: Frank Giustra, Denis O'Brien, Sidney Blumenthal,
Norman Hsu, Hassan Nemazee, Jon Corzine, Jeffrey Epstein, Ron Burkle, Marc Rich, Webb Hubbell, Sant
Chatwal, Sheldon Silver, Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, David Brock, and the Qatari government, to
name a few. These days, the Clintons don't think shady associations should have any bearing on a
candidates qualifications for office. [...] It wasn't long ago that Hillary Clinton was attacking
Barack Obama for associating with certain unsavory individuals, such as the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who,
as Hillary alleged during a 2008 debate, had ties to Louis Farrakhan and the terrorist group Hamas.
Cody Shearer, the Strangest Character in Hillary's Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy. Few
people have heard of Cody Shearer, the unsanctioned diplomat, private eye, and Clinton flunky whose
name surfaced in connection with the so-called intelligence reports Sidney Blumenthal was channeling
to Hillary Clinton during her time at the State Department. But this shadowy fixture of the Clinton
machine was everywhere in the 1990s — including war-torn Bosnia, where he became the subject
of a State Department investigation after he represented himself as an agent of the U.S. government
and took cash from a genocidal warlord.
Corruption. The Clinton Foundation "received as much as $26.4 million in previously
undisclosed payments" from corporations, foreign sources and other groups in 2014, The Washington
Post reported 10 days ago. That's in addition to "millions" in foreign donations for the years
2010 to 2013 that were not reported until Reuters asked about them in April. Which were in addition
to millions in foreign donations the Clinton Foundation acknowledged after The Washington Post asked
about them in February. [...] In more than two decades in national politics, Hillary Clinton has
succeeded only at peddling influence and orchestrating smear campaigns against women her husband
molested. Ms. Clinton is greedy and corrupt. She has a reckless disregard for the truth and national
security. She has a record barren of achievement. Ms. Clinton is popular with her party despite all this.
cash donations Hillary simply has no answer for. Among all the rivers of money that
have flowed to the Clinton family, one seems to raise the biggest national security questions of
all: the stream of cash that came from 20 foreign governments who relied on weapons export approvals
from Hillary Clinton's State Department. Federal law designates the secretary of state as
"responsible for the continuous supervision and general direction of sales" of arms, military
hardware and services to foreign countries. In practice, that meant that Clinton was charged
with rejecting or approving weapons deals — and when it came to Clinton Foundation donors,
Hillary Clinton's State Department did a whole lot of approving.
Clinton Foundation Took Money from Saudi Propagandists. In December 2008, as Hillary
Clinton prepared for the hearings that would confirm her as the next U.S. secretary of state, the
Clinton Foundation disclosed a list of its donors — separated into tiers by amount
given — to reassure the public and Congress that the former first lady would avoid any
potential conflicts of interest in her new perch atop Foggy Bottom. "I agree that these are matters
that have to be handled with the greatest of care and transparency," Clinton said during her confirmation
hearing. A look at one organization that made a donation in the range of $1 million to
$5 million shows how the Clintons' gestures toward transparency often revealed little.
corruption: She peddles influence, accomplishes nothing. The Clinton Foundation "received as much as
$26.4 million in previously undisclosed payments" from corporations, foreign sources and other groups in 2014,
The Washington Post reported 10 days ago. That's in addition to "millions" in foreign donations for the
years 2010 to 2013 that were not reported until Reuters asked about them in April. Which were in addition to
millions in foreign donations the Clinton Foundation acknowledged after The Washington Post asked about them in February.
Foundation raked in over $1M from colleges in three years. The Clinton Foundation has raked in more
than $1 million in just three years from colleges and universities willing to pay big bucks to host its annual
networking event. The University of Miami — which is headed by former Bill Clinton Secretary of Health and
Human Services Donna Shalala — shelled out at least $250,000 in March for the multi-day program called
the Clinton Global Initiative University, foundation records show. The Florida school refused to specify the
total amount it spent to host the program, which featured headliners Bill and Chelsea Clinton.
Foundation hit with racketeering lawsuit. The lawsuit, filed by Larry Klayman of
Freedom Watch, includes a legal request to have the Florida judge seize the private server on which
Hillary Clinton and her aides hosted their emails while she served as secretary of state.
Klayman has filed dozens of lawsuits against the Clintons and other prominent politicians.
The racketeering, influenced and corrupt organizations, or RICO, case alleges the former first couple
and their family philanthropy traded political favors for donations or generous speaking fees for
Bill Clinton while his wife was the nation's chief diplomat.
How low
can the Clintons go? Just when you thought Family Clinton, consisting of ex president
Bill Clinton, first woman president wannabe Hillary Rodham Clinton and maybe future president
wannabe Chelsea Clinton, couldn't sink any lower, lie any more, be more morally deviant along comes
a blockbuster report in the New York Times proving the Clintons will do anything, and we mean
anything, for money including ripping off children's education. And more. The NYTimes' report is
long, detailed and well worthwhile reading in its entirety but in essence Clinton took his large
standard speaking fee from a charity dedicated to building schools in tsunami ripped Thailand and
earthquake wracked Haiti to prevent them from never being "dead broke" again. And more.
Clintons 'In Utter Pursuit of Money All The Time'. Liberal economist Jeffrey Sachs remarked
Bill and Hillary Clinton are in "utter pursuit of money" practically "all the time" Thursday night [5/28/2015]
on MSNBC's The Last Word during a discussion of dark money politics. "They are the ultimate
schmoozers," he said. "Bill Clinton's the one that opened the Democratic Party to Wall Street, really
wrecked the party in ideological terms, I would say, and created a lot of the mischief that led here.
Now we see how just frankly in utter pursuit of money they are all the time, so they're vulnerable." The
Clintons have racked up more than $130 million in speaking engagements alone since leaving the White
House in 2001, and they face charges of doing favors for people that donated to the Clinton Foundation.
Of A Smoking Gun Doesn't Equate To Innocence. I bring this up because every time there's a new
revelation about the unseemly practices of the Clintons, every time a new trough of documents or fresh disclosures
come to light, scads of news outlets and Clinton spinners insist that "there's no smoking gun" proving beyond all
doubt that Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation did anything wrong. The guy who set the bar so low that
it's basically stuck in the mud was ABC News' George Stephanopoulos. In a now-infamous interview with Peter
Schweizer, author of the investigatory exposé "Clinton Cash," Stephanopoulos grilled Schweizer about his
partisan conflicts of interest.
Foundation accused of trading ex-president's presence for donation. The New York Times
reported Friday on a questionable arrangement last year involving Bill Clinton's attendance at a
fundraising gala thrown by a school-building charity. According to the report, Clinton agreed
to accept a lifetime achievement award at the June 2014 gala, hosted by the Happy Hearts Fund, only
after founder Petra Nemcova offered to give $500,000 to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton
Foundation. Sue Veres Royal, the group's executive director at the time who was later
"dismissed," alleged that this amounted to a "quid pro quo."
Award for Bill Clinton Came With $500,000 for His Foundation. [Scroll down]
Never publicly disclosed, the episode provides a window into the way the Clinton Foundation relies
on the Clintons' prestige to amass donors large and small, offering the prospect, as described in
the foundation's annual report, of lucrative global connections and participation in a worldwide
mission to "unlock human potential" through "the power of creative collaboration."
The latest
Clinton shoe: Bill's shell corporation. Just two days after President Obama confirmed that
Hillary Clinton would be his secretary of state, Bill Clinton set up a shell corporation to
"channel" his payments for unspecified consulting work. [...] With WJC LLC set up as a limited-liability
company with no assets and no employees, there was no need to report any of the cash that passed through
it — not on Hillary's personal disclosure statements then, not on her campaign forms now.
This perfectly legal mechanism provides certain tax advantages — notwithstanding the Clintons'
repeated claims that the rich "aren't paying their fair share of taxes."
How many different ways can this be phrased?
Department spending followed foreign Clinton Foundation donors. Countries and companies that
donated to the Clinton Foundation or paid Bill Clinton heavy fees for speeches saw an increase in State
Department activity while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state. The presidential candidate's
supporters have dismissed as conspiracy theories allegations that she and her husband traded political favors
for contributions to their foundation or for lucrative speaking engagements. A Washington Examiner
analysis of Clinton Foundation donors suggests the State Department ramped up its diplomatic activity,
foreign assistance and/or investment in countries that gave to the Clinton Foundation and hosted Bill Clinton
for high-profile speeches.
adviser's double-duty counseling Hillary on Benghazi. Hillary Rodham Clinton associate
Sidney Blumenthal was drawing a $10,000 monthly salary from the Clinton Foundation while he was
penning emails to her at the State Department about Benghazi, it was revealed Thursday [5/28/2015].
Blumenthal is a longtime Clinton adviser, but her efforts to bring him to the State Department in 2009
were thwarted by the Obama administration. After Clinton lost the 2008 Democratic presidential
nomination, Blumenthal was placed on the foundation's payroll at the request of Bill Clinton, Politico
Tony Rodham, the Clintons' Shady Id. Sitting in a courtroom three years ago, after
skipping out on a sizable legal bill, Hillary Rodham Clinton's youngest brother struck a reassuring
tone: Don't worry, the money is coming. "I deal through the Clinton Foundation," Tony Rodham said,
according to court transcripts uncovered by the New York Times. He gave his word that Hillary and Bill
were setting him up with Haitian-government permits to build a $22 million housing development in the
earthquake-stricken country.
Foundation paid ally $10,000 per month while he advised on Libya. Sidney Blumenthal, a
longtime confidant of Bill and Hillary Clinton, earned about $10,000 a month as a full-time employee
of the Clinton Foundation while he was providing unsolicited intelligence on Libya to then Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton, according to multiple sources familiar with the arrangement.
Blumenthal was added to the payroll of the Clintons' global philanthropy in 2009 — not
long after advising Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign — at the behest of former
president Bill Clinton, for whom he had worked in the White House, say the sources.
Foundation paid Blumenthal $10,000 monthly salary. The Clinton Foundation paid Sidney
Blumenthal, an unofficial adviser to Hillary Clinton who emailed her reports on the situation in
Libya, a monthly salary of about $10,000, according to Politico. Blumenthal, a longtime
Clinton confidant, joined the foundation's payroll in 2009 and was switched to a similar contract
without benefits in 2013. That contracted ended in March of that year.
FIFA Has Clinton Foundation Ties; World Cup Host Qatar Gave Millions. And just like
that, another Clinton Foundation donor is in the news. The Clinton global charity has received
between $50,000 and $100,000 from soccer's governing body and has partnered with the Fédération
Internationale de Football Association on several occasions, according to donor listings on the foundation's
website. Several top FIFA executives were arrested Wednesday [5/27/2015] in Zurich and face corruption
charges stretching back two decades, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
and Hillary Clinton omit 'shell company' when filing financial records: report.
Hillary and Bill Clinton's newly filed financial statement omits a company the former President used
to provide consulting services, the Associated Press reports. The omission of WJC, LLC is
completely legal since it has no financial assets, but is the latest sign of how complex the Clintons'
finances have grown as they've made millions in speeches in recent years. Federal ethics rules
require candidates to report assets of more than $1,000, so the corporation was exempt.
Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department. Even by
the standards of arms deals between the United States and Saudi Arabia, this one was enormous. A
consortium of American defense contractors led by Boeing would deliver $29 billion worth of advanced
fighter jets to the United States' oil-rich ally in the Middle East. Israeli officials were
agitated, reportedly complaining to the Obama administration that this substantial enhancement to
Saudi air power risked disrupting the region's fragile balance of power. The deal appeared to
collide with the State Department's documented concerns about the repressive policies of the Saudi
royal family.
Advisor's Foreign Influence-Hustling Fits Long Pattern Of Corruption. So Hillary
confidante Sid Blumenthal tried to cash in on post-war Libyan spoils while advising the
then-secretary of state on Libyan policy. Such foreign influence-peddling is nothing
new for the Clintons. It dates back to the '90s.
Compulsive Speechifying. I wasn't planning to write, again, about Hillary Clinton's compulsive speechifying.
I already weighed in nearly a year ago urging her to stop talking. For money, that is. That unheeded advice came,
by my accounting, some $6 million ago. Not including Bill Clinton's speeches. Not including any speeches that
Hillary Clinton made on behalf of the family foundation, which just disclosed that, um, it neglected to disclose somewhere between
$12 million and $26 million of money it made by booking the Clintons. Because, the foundation explained,
this money counted as "revenue," not "donations," and therefore was not reported.
5 Cover-ups Orchestrated by Clinton Consigliere Cheryl Mills. Hillary Clinton had named Mills
responsible for "identifying and preserving all emails that could potentially be federal records." [...]
There's something to be said for having a professional investigator tirelessly interrogate Mills outside
of the circus-like atmosphere of a public hearing.
Clinton's scandals piling up faster than flakes in a snowstorm. This week brought a new batch of bombshells.
The Washington Post reported that, in addition to $5 million she earned from her latest book, Clinton earned $11.7 million
by delivering 51 speeches since January 2014. The paper reported that she was paid an astonishing $625,000 for two
speeches — in one day! Stack those facts up against her recent remark that the only answer to income inequality is to
"topple" the 1 percent of wealthy Americans, and it's obvious that she's long past the point of simple hypocrisy.
Hillary said in her lucrative speeches remains a mystery. The Clintons earned more
than $25 million in 2014 from speech income, and a second list released by the Clinton Foundation
this week showed that an additional $12 million or more was directed to the family charity after
2001 from 97 speeches made by Bill, Hillary or Chelsea Clinton to various universities, businesses
and foreign entities. The Clintons have offered no explanation for how they decided which speech
earnings to donate to their charity and which to take as income. The lists offer a glimpse into
complex relationships the Clintons have with numerous special interests that hired them as speakers,
all of which could pose ethical questions as Hillary Clinton makes a run for the White House.
Clinton has guarded herself from some criticism by keeping the speech texts private and signing
contracts in which her remarks must be closely held.
just five weeks, Hillary has had a lifetime quota of scandals. Everybody knows that there are no secrets in the age of
Snowden and that transparency is now a requirement for the political class. But Clinton conducts public business on a private server,
destroys 30,000 e-mails of her choosing and provides the rest in boxes of unsearchable paper records. Everyone knows that social
media and the 24-hour news cycle create an insatiable demand for content, which presidential campaigns must strive to fill. Clinton
grants media access in frothy little dollops even as large controversies unfold. This is creating a crisis of relevance for members
of the traveling press, who are either compromised by complicity or moved to rebellion.
Foundation reveals up to $26 million in additional payments. The Clinton Foundation reported Thursday [5/21/2015] that it has
received as much as $26.4 million in previously undisclosed payments from major corporations, universities, foreign sources and other
groups. The disclosure came as the foundation faced questions over whether it fully complied with a 2008 ethics agreement to reveal its
donors and whether any of its funding sources present conflicts of interest for Hillary Rodham Clinton as she begins her presidential campaign.
Hillary's Candidacy Just Another Business Deal? It is said that a lot of second- and
third-tier Republican candidates (Carson, Huckabee, Fiorina, etc) are only running to enable them to
get nice post-campaign media contracts from Fox News, and in a similar vein I've been wondering
whether Hillary's entire candidacy isn't basically the same thing, just on the Clinton scale.
And apparently I'm not the only one thinking this.
show Hillary Clinton OK'd tax breaks for nonprofits. In the Clinton administration's final months,
then-First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton took an active role in White House efforts to give tax breaks to private
foundations and wealthy charity donors at the same time that the William J. Clinton Foundation was
soliciting donations for her husband's presidential library, Clinton-era documents show.
Two Kinds of Bribes.
[Scroll down] Hillary and Bill have received tens of millions of dollars of general bribes disguised
as "speaking fees." In the history of disguises, a long history (it goes back at least to the time Satan
disguised himself as a snake in the Garden of Eden), rarely has a disguise been less likely to deceive anyone.
You might almost say that these speaking fees were so transparent that they were bribes disguised as bribes.
If Hillary and Bill got paid for their speeches on the basis of merit, those speeches must have been far and away
the greatest ever given in the history of speeches.
'Old and Relentless': The Clinton soap opera continues. It is about 20 years on from
being "The Young and the Restless." It has become "The Old and Relentless." Washed Up.
Won't stop talking. Won't stop spinning. Won't stop lying. Won't stop taking money.
The characters, well, William Shakespeare could not have thunk them up. Machiavelli would have blushed
before he created such shameless creatures.
Foundation Silent on Blumenthal's Exit Date. Controversial Clinton pal Sidney Blumenthal is no
longer on the Clinton Foundation payroll, but it is still unclear when he left and under what circumstances.
A spokesperson for the foundation told the Washington Free Beacon that Blumenthal "hasn't worked here in a
while," but did not confirm when he left or why. Blumenthal did not respond to request for comment.
The New York Times reported on Monday [5/18/2015] that Blumenthal was simultaneously working for the
foundation, entities with business interests in Libya, and providing foreign policy advice to Hillary Clinton
while she was at the State Department.
Return of Sid Vicious. Charity Navigator should make this an informal rule: If your
charity is employing Sidney Blumenthal, it automatically goes on the watch list. The ethical
controversies around Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation have often seemed 1990s redux, and
never more so than this week, when a New York Times story resurfaced longtime Clinton loyalist
Blumenthal. According to the Times, from his perch at the Clinton Foundation, Blumenthal was
sending Secretary of State Hillary Clinton memos on Libya that she forwarded around the State
Department, even though they were occasion for eye-rolling by the professionals.
private spy and their shady foreign policy. Veteran Democratic strategist Bob Shrum
wrote in his memoir that he witnessed [Sid] Blumenthal working the phones in the Clinton White
House, saying "that Monica Lewinsky was unreliable; she had a bad reputation around the White House;
she'd been obsessed with the president; she was a stalker." But Blumenthal's e-mails on Libya,
written like intelligence cables and given the sort of attention most secretaries of state would
reserve for the professional analyses produced by Foggy Bottom's own Bureau of Intelligence and
Research, suggest that he serves as a policy adviser, officially or not.
super PAC hit with FEC complaint, allegations of illegal in-kind contributions.
Correct the Record, a super PAC providing a rapid-response team and opposition research for Hillary
Rodham Clinton's presidential run, was hit Wednesday [5/20/2015] with a complaint to the Federal
Election Commission that alleges the group's activity violates campaign finance law. The
complaint, filed by Washington-based watchdog group Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust
(FACT), accused the group of providing illegal in-kind contributions to Mrs. Clinton's campaign.
The complaint used Correct the Record's own words and mission statement to make the case, including
telling Bloomberg Politics that it would function as the Clinton campaign's "political research and
communications war room."
Hillary Clinton
and the Saga of Sidney Blumenthal. The latest story in the Clinton Foundation saga is
a messy personnel drama involving Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime Clinton family loyalist and fixer
who worked in Bill Clinton's administration. As with previous stories, it's a bit labyrinthine,
but it suggests the ways that old ties from the Clinton administration have in recent years been
rolled over into the Clinton Foundation, and how interests related to those old ties influenced
Hillary Clinton's work as Secretary of State.
report making $25M for speeches since Jan. '14. Hillary Clinton and former President
Bill Clinton earned more than $25 million combined in speaking fees since January 2014, Fox News
confirmed Friday [5/15/2015]. [...] Clinton has started her campaign for president by painting
herself as a champion for the middle class. However, Republicans have scrutinized her about the
wealth she and Bill Clinton have amassed since she left the White House. That includes their ability
to command six-figure fees for delivering speeches and the finances behind the Clinton Foundation
because of its acceptance of donations from foreign governments.
Hillary Clinton
news [is] more like a rap sheet. Wading through the daily deluge of Hillary Clinton news, I
feel like I'm reading the police blotter. The litany of her shameful shenanigans resembles the
litany of neighborhood crimes recorded by cops. There are simply too many to stomach. There is
another similarity, too: In both cases, fear and revulsion are the proper responses from honest
Americans. More than 17 months before Election Day, Clinton scandals are piling up
faster than robberies during a police strike.
House Republicans to IRS: Investigate Hillary Clinton Foundation Tax Status. A whopping 52 House Republicans
are publicly pressuring IRS Commissioner John Koskinen to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham
Clinton's Clinton Foundation tax status, with 51 members signing a letter organized by Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
that pushes for such an investigation.
GOPers demand IRS investigate Clinton Foundation. House Republicans on Tuesday [5/19/2015] demanded
the IRS open an investigation into the Clinton Foundation's tax-exempt status, questioning whether the organization
has broken faith with its charitable mission by hiding some donations. The foundation, associated with former
President Bill Clinton, his wife, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, and their daughter, has
been in the news as Mrs. Clinton's campaign ramps up. Foundation officials have admitted they made an
"error" in inaccurately reporting certain types of grants, and have had to correct their filings.
boosting trade pacts, Hillary Clinton gets millions from speeches to traders.
Traveling the world as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton was a vocal booster of legislation to
fast-track congressional action on global trade agreements. She also spoke in favor of the
Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would lift barriers to trade with 11 Asian and Pacific Rim countries.
Now, with the release last week of her latest financial disclosure statement, Clinton has revealed the
flow of a different kind of trade dollars.
quit Clinton Foundation over Chelsea. Chelsea Clinton is so unpleasant to colleagues,
she's causing high turnover at the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, sources say.
Several top staffers have left the foundation since Chelsea came on board as vice chairman in 2011.
[...] Instead of being something Hillary can point to with pride, the foundation has become a bloated
slush fund that some critics say deserves an official investigation. And Chelsea's fingerprints
are all over it.
Rubio takes digs at Hillary Clinton on 'constant scandal,' age. American voters are
tired of the intrigue and backbiting that has followed Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former
President Bill Clinton, for the past 25 years, [Senator Marco] Rubio said [5/17/2015].
"Unfortunately, both under her husband's presidency, her time in the Department of State, her
campaign for the president last time and even now there seems to be this cloud of constant scandal
and things that distract us from the core issues of the moment," the Florida Republian said on "Fox
News Sunday." Indeed, the Clintons continue to be a magnet for scandal and controversy.
revolving door. While serving as secretary of state, Clinton was an enthusiastic
supporter of free trade, and especially of the deal Obama is still negotiating with 11 other
countries around the Pacific Rim. Lately, she has avoided taking a clear position on this issue,
but the latest smoke signals out of her camp, from last month, came in the form of a statement from
an aide that suggested a "wait-and-see" attitude. Meanwhile, journalists have made a curious
discovery in Secretary Clinton's financial disclosure forms. Since January 2014, Clinton has been
paid $2.7 million in speaking fees by at least 10 organizations that are specifically lobbying the
Obama administration right now on the issue of trade.
seeking presidency, Hillary ran a pay for play scheme. Much has been made in recent
weeks of cash contributed by countries and large corporations to the Clinton Foundation in what
appears to be favors granted by then Secretary of State Clinton to contributors. But what of
Clinton's actions a decade ago, while she was running for the Senate?
Pour Millions Into Clinton Foundation. The National Institute for Labor Relations
Research (NILRR), a union watchdog group, traced at least $2 million in donations from multiple
union organizations and affiliates. "U.S. Department of Labor's union financial disclosure
reports reveal that Big Labor gave at least $2,034,500 in union general treasury funds to Clinton
Foundations. Union treasuries are funded mostly by compulsory union dues or fees collected from
workers who would be fired for refusing to pay," the NILRR report says. "As Mrs. Clinton became
closer to her current run for president, donations amounts appear to have increased."
Greenfield:What Was Stephenapoulos Buying For $75,000? Access. When it comes to the
Clintons and money, the question is always the same: what's the quid pro quo? The idea that George
Stephanopoulos, the face of ABC News, donated $75,000 and much of his time to the Clinton Foundation for
altruistic reasons is of course preposterous. While Stephanopoulos probably does care about the
causes he laid out in his dual apologies on Friday's "Good Morning America" and Sunday's "This Week,"
only a fool would believe the Clinton Foundation was the best way to serve those causes.
the Clinton Foundation Scandal Should Terrify Every American. We now know that the
Clinton Foundation served as a conduit for the flow of hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign
individuals, entities, and governments. Moreover, during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Sec. of State,
former President Bill Clinton received numerous lucrative speaking fees funded by foreign entities,
including a $500,000 Moscow speech paid for by a Kremlin-linked bank with interests pending before
Mrs. Clinton's State Dept. But does any of this matter? Moreover, is it, as some have
intimated, akin to "bribery"?
House of
the Stacked Deck of Cards. "The deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top,"
Hillary Clinton has warned us, and she ought to know. Having been "at the top," or close enough to
it, since 1976, when her husband was elected attorney general of Arkansas at age 30 — not the
biggest job ever, but one with a whole lot of power to play with — she has leveraged every
ounce that it held to bring to them ever and ever more money and power, until at this moment, 14 years
after leaving the White House, she and Bill sit on a mile-high mountain of both.
Hillary Clinton personally
took money from companies that sought to influence her. During Clinton's tenure as
Secretary of State, Corning lobbied the department on a variety of trade issues, including the
Trans-Pacific Partnership. The company has donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to her family's
foundation. And, last July, when it was clear that Clinton would again seek the presidency in 2016,
Corning coughed up a $225,500 honorarium for Clinton to speak.
the Clintons worked Haiti. Mary Anastasia O'Grady extends one prong of Peter
Schweizer's case against the Clintons in Clinton Cash. O'Grady has previously explored
the unsavory Clinton angle in the reconstruction of Haiti following the 2010 earthquake.
Hillary Clinton Campaign Called a 'Dud' Debuts at #2 on NYT Bestseller List. The book the Hillary Clinton campaign
labeled a "dud" and erected an entire war room to combat will debut at number two on the New York Times bestseller list
behind two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David McCullough, reports Politico's Mike Allen.
gave at least $100K to Clinton Foundation. New York real estate mogul Donald Trump and
his daughter Ivanka have donated a combined total of at least $105,000 to the Clinton Foundation,
records show. "Donald J. Trump" is listed on the foundation's website as giving between $100,000
and $250,000 to the charitable organization. "Ivanka Trump," meanwhile, is listed as a donor who
gifted between $5,001 and $10,000 to the nonprofit.
Clinton Sold Her Soul When They Accepted That Money'. A day after Bill Clinton feted
donors and dignitaries at an extravagant Moroccan feast under a warm Marrakech night sky, a group of
local Sahrawi Arabs gathered for tea in a far more humble setting here to share their outrage that
Clinton's family foundation had accepted millions of dollars from a company owned by a government
accused of repressing their people. The four men used to work as miners for a subsidiary of
OCP, the state-owned phosphate company that paid more than $1 million to sponsor the lavish
outdoor gala and the concurrent two-day meeting of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation
headlined by the former U.S. president.
When elites lie without much consequence,
the public follows their examples. Both Hillary and Bill Clinton lied about almost every
aspect of the Clinton Foundation. She knew that the foundation was created to spend 90% on travel
and insider salaries and benefits, and 10% on direct grants to charities, that it offered thin moral cover
to skullduggery, and that it drew donations from zillionaires, who in turn offered Bill Clinton lopsided
lecture fees that he otherwise would not have commanded, and expected favorable U.S. government treatment
for their cash. Hillary assumed that beneath the skin of a "charitable organization" the three Clintons
ran a veritable shake down operation that resulted in mother, father, and daughter becoming multimillionaires.
Foundation accepts new foreign donations despite campaign promise. A number of foreign
donors pledged new support for Clinton Foundation efforts during a conference in Marrakech last
week, raising questions about the strength of Hillary Clinton's campaign promise to cut off foreign
donations to her family philanthropy while she runs for president. The Kingdom of Morocco was
among the foreign entities that committed to new projects at the Clinton Global Initiative event,
which drew dozens of big-ticket donors to the country for a three-day meeting headlined by Bill
Clinton. Hillary was slated to attend the Marrakech conference before her name was quietly removed
from the schedule earlier this year amid criticism of the foundation's foreign activities.
facing new ethics questions on role in Boeing deal. When Hillary Clinton was America's
top diplomat, she also appeared at times like a top salesperson for America's biggest airplane
maker, Boeing. Traveling abroad on official business as secretary of state, Clinton often
visited Boeing facilities and made a pitch for the host country to buy Boeing jets. During one visit
to Shanghai in May 2010, she boasted that "more than half the commercial jetliners operating in China are
made by Boeing." A sales plug in Russia in 2009, though, may have proved especially fruitful.
Foundation Donors Fill Hillary's Campaign Coffers. Twelve of the 21 Hillary for America fundraising
events reported by the Sunlight Foundation have been or will be hosted by donors to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea
Clinton Foundation, according to Sunlight's Political Party Time website, which tracks fundraising events.
The foundation donors hosting fundraisers include some of the largest supporters of Clinton's past political
efforts. Together, they have given as much as $90 million to the foundation, according to donor
disclosures on its website.
cash controversy: Why it matters to every American. We now know that the Clinton
Foundation served as a conduit for the flow of hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign
individuals, entities, and governments. Moreover, during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Sec. of State,
former President Bill Clinton received numerous lucrative speaking fees funded by foreign entities,
including a $500,000 Moscow speech paid for by a Kremlin-linked bank with interests pending before
Mrs. Clinton's State Dept. But does any of this matter? Moreover, is it, as some have
intimated, akin to "bribery"? As Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton made combatting corruption
by foreign actors "a major focus of U.S foreign policy," as her spokesperson at the time put it.
More specifically, she pledged her support for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development's (OECD) "anti-corruption agenda." So, how does the OECD define bribery?